HARVARD UNIVERSITY Library of the Museum of Comparative Zoology OCCASIONAL PAPERS of the MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY l^yj^ CQlJSfi^yniversity of Kansas LIBfCawrence, Kansas ^NUMBER 19, PAGES 1-47. NOVEMBER 9, 1973 Jj[|5^ffS^ATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA T^n^OPTERA: VESPERTILIONIDAE ) By Richard K. LaVal' The several species of iXeotropical bats of the vespertihonid genera Rhogeessa and Baeodon inchide some of the smallest of living mammals, although one species approaches in size the com- mon big brown bat, Eptesinis fusciis, of North America. Most of the species occur at low ele\ati()ns, in habitats ranging from desert scrub to rain forest, and appear to be insecti\'orous. They range from the lowlands of northern Mexico to southern Brasil, but are poorly represented in collections from South America south of Venezuela and Colombia. Allen (1S66) described the genus Rhollow LaVal (1973, Fig. 1). A set of nine specimens ( Table 1 ) was chosen as color standards and matched to named colors from Ridgway (1912). Unfortunately certain specimens, notably those from northwestern Venezuela, fell outside the limits of variation delimited by the color standards; these were compared directly with Ridgway (1912). Table 1. Colors from Ridgway (1912) applied to specimens used as color standards (tip color only). Color Specimen no. no. Dorsum Venter TCWC 19756 1 Fuscous-Black Buffy Brown KU 102619 2 Hair Brown Cartridge Buff KU 29886 3 Taw n\ -Olive Light Ochraceous -Buff KU 107494 4 Buffv Brown Cartridge Buff KU 105565 5 Buckthorn Brown Light Ochraceous -Buff KU 90754 6 Pinkish Cinnamon Cinnamon Buff UNM 27545 7 Warm Buff Light Ochraceous -Buff KU 97050 8 ca. Light Ochraceous-Buff Pinkish Buff KU 61171 9 Dresden Brown Light Ochraceous -Buff Karyotypes were not examined by me, but I have seen partial results of a study of karyotypic variation in the genus now being conducted by R. J. Baker (pers. com.) and his students. Baker and Patton ( 1967 ) documented the differences in karyotypes between R. tumicia from Chiapas and R. powula from Sonora and Nayarit. Specimens identified by Baker and Patton as R. (iraciUs are not of that species (Baker, pers. com.) and are almost certainly R. parvulo, collected at the opposite end of the long cline beginning in Sonora. Scanning electron micrographs were made of hairs from the mid-dorsal region of specimens of each species. Because the appear- ance of Rhogeessa hairs varies substantially depending on the angle of view and the portion of the hair photographed, all photographs were made of the mid-section of each hair; the hair was oriented 4 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY so that the side of the scales bearing the V-shaped depression in the rim would faee the film. Polaroid negatives (4 X 5 in) were exposed for 70 seconds on a ETEC Autoscan scanning electron microscope, made available to me by the Department of Ento- mology, Kansas State University, Manhattan. Penes were removed from 89 of the males examined, and cleared and stained to reveal the bacula, using Anderson's ( 1960 ) method. Bacula were measured with an ocular micrometer. All data recorded were punched on IBM cards, and statistical analyses performed on the GE 635 computer at the University of Kansas Computation Center. Although f-tests performed between the sexes indicated a significant level of sexual dimorphism for some measurements at some localities, the small sample sizes prevalent in this genus made separation of the sexes impractical. Samples usually contained a fairly well-balanced proportion of tlie two sexes, which would tend to offset any possible bias due to sexual dimorphism. Gabriel's Sum of Squares Simultaneous Testing Procedure (SS- STP) was performed, first with all species in the same analysis, and then each species was analyzed separately. An SS-STP program available at the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History (as modified by Gary Powers) gives 13 standard statistics, calcu- lates and lists non-significant subsets, and prints these in graphic form, with means in descending sequence (Figs. 10, 11, 13). The SS-STP procedure, as related to systematics, is discussed by Smith (1972), who lists some of the more important literature references. The University of Kansas Numerical Taxonomy Program (NT- SYS) developed by E. J. Rohlf, J. Kishpaugh, and R. Bartcher was utilized to give the following statistical information: 1) standard- ized data correlations between localities and a two-dimensional phenogram based on these; 2) cophenetic correlation, in which cophenetic values are plotted on scatter diagrams against the cor- relation coefficients used in the phenogram; 3) standardized data distances between localities, and a two-dimensional phenogram based on these; 4) a second cophenetic correlation, plotting co- phenetic values against distance coefficients; 5) a principal com- ponent analysis in which the first five principal components are calculated; 6) a Varimax Factor Rotation by tlie Kaiser Method; and 7) the variance-covariance matrices projected onto tlie principal components (both rotated and non-rotated), and two-dimensional scattergrams plotting each of the principal components against each of the others. A stepwise discriminant analysis was also carried out, using the University of California BMD07M program; this program identi- fies each individual specimen based on tlie criteria deri\'ed from the analysis. It computes canonical correlations and coefficients SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 5 for canonical variables, and plots the first two canonical variables on a two-dimensional scattergrani. All of the multivariate analyses were computed using the same nine characters, all of which are skin and skull measurements made by myself. These were chosen for several reasons, one of which dealt with problems resulting from missing data. Discriminant function analysis indicated that all contributed significantly to variation observed among the samples analyzed. Other characters examined either did not contribute to variation among samples, or contributed so strongly to singling out one or more species or samples that I felt they would tend to obscure the close relation- ships which are typical of species within this genus. Further, I wanted to see if a multivariate analysis based on a few measure- ments made of morphological characters, which I would expect to be highly correlated, would support suspected relationships based on other kinds of characters (such as distribution of hair on uro- patagium, size of i3, presence of cingual cusps, bacula, hair, etc.). Blackith and Reyment ( 1971 ) stated that "Where the organisms are fairly closely related, and all the measurements arc quantita- tive, .... Satisfactory analyses have been made with as few as three to six characters, although ten might be regarded as more optimal. ..." In the analyses performcxl by the NT-SYS program, only sample means were utilized. To lu>lp assure that means used would be representative of the geographic area wliich they represented, several small samples often were pooled (for example, several samples of one or two specimens each from various localities on the Caribbean slope of Honduras were combined). In other cases, large samples from a single locality were utilized. The areas from which each of the samples was taken, along with the abbre\'iations used in this paper, are as follow: Tamaulipas, coast (Tamp 1); Tamaulipas, interior (Tamp 2); San Louis Potosi (SLP); Veraciaiz, northern (VC-N); Veracruz, central (VC-C); Veracruz, southern (VC-S); Campeche (Camp); Yucatan and northern Quintana Roo (Yuc); Chiapas, Pacific Coast (Chiapas); Oaxaca, Pacific slope (Oax); Cuerrero (Guer); Michoacan (Mich); Colima (Colima); Jalisco (Jal); Nayarit (Nay); Sinaloa, southern (Sin-S); Sinaloa, central (Sin-C); Sonora (Son); Guatemala, Pacific Coast (Gnat); El Salvador (El Salv); Honduras, Caribbean slope (Hond); Nica- ragua, Caribbean slope (Nic); Costa Rica, Interior (CR); Panama, Pacific slope (Pan); Colombia, north (Colomb); Venezuela, north- west (Venez-NW, 1-5); Venezuela, coast (Venez-C, 1-2); Vene- zuela, interior (Venez-int); Venezuela, northeast (Venez-NE); Trinidad (Trin); Guyana (Guyana). All specimens of R. (gracilis, R. allcui. and the unnanuxl species are pooled into single samples. Fewer samples, each representing more indi\'idual samples com- bined into larger pooled samples, were used in the stepwise dis- 6 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY criminant analysis, because the kind of output generated by that program would be unintelligible if a very large number of indi- vidual samples were chosen. These samples, along with their ab- breviations, are as follows: Southwestern Mexico — Oaxaca and Guerrero (SWMEX); Michoacan (MICH); West-central Mexico- Jalisco, Colima, Nayarit, southern Sinaloa (WCMEX); Northwest- ern Mexico — northern Sinaloa and Sonora (NWMEX); Eastern Mexico — Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosi, and Veracruz (EMEX); Northern Yucatan Peninsula (YUC); Central America — Tabasco through Panama, excluding Caribbean slope from Nicaragua to Panama (CENTAM); Caribbean slope from Nicaragua to Panama (NICPAN); Northern Colombia (COLOMB); Northern Venezuela (VENEZ); Arid northwestern Venezuela and extreme northeastern Colombia (DRYVEN); Guyana (GUYANA); Trinidad (TRIN); all R. gracilis (GRACIL); all R. alleni (ALLENI); all specimens of the unnamed species ( MIRA) . Although sexual dimorphism in size was detected within some samples, f-tests did not show it to be consistently significant. On the average, females are as much as 4% larger than males. However, in R. minufiUa from Venezuela, males are slightly larger on the average. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank the following persons and institutions for per- mission to examine specimens in their care. Abbreviations as used in lists of specimens examined are given in parentheses. Listed alphabetically. Ticul Alvarez, Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Bio- logicas, Mexico City (ENCB); Robert J. Baker, Texas Tech Uni- versity (TTU); Alberto Cadena, Universidad de los Andes, Bogata (LTAB); E. Lendell Cockrum, University of Arizona (UA); James S. Findley, Museum of Southwestern Biology, University of New Mexico (UNM); Charles O. Handley, Jr., National Museum of Natural History (NMNH); Robert S. Ploffmann, Museum of Natural History, Lhiiversity of Kansas (KU); Emmet T. Hooper, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan (UM); Karl F. Koopman, Ameri- can Museum of Natural History (AMNH); Barbara Lawrence, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Hai-vard University (MCZ); George H. Lowery, Jr., Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State Univer- sity (LSU); Helen Matuskowitz, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (ANSP); Donald R. Patten, Los Angeles County Mu- seum of Natural History (LACM); James L. Patton, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley (MVZ); Randolph L. Peterson, Royal Ontario Museum (ROM); Jose Ramirez-P., Instituto de Biologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM); David J. Schmidly, Texas Cooperati\e WM- life Collection, Texas A&M University (TCWC); Luis de la Torre, Field Museum of Natural History (FMNH). SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 7 J. E. Hill of the British Museum of Natural History (BMNH) and C. O. Handley of the National Museum of Natural History are due a debt of gratitude for making available to me notes and meas- urements of those holotypes on deposit in the British Museum. I thank Robert J. Baker, Brent L. Davis, and V. Rick McDaniel for showing me unpublished results of their study of karyotypic varia- tion in Rhogeessa. Robert S. Hoffmann kindly provided editorial assistance. My study was financed, in part, by Penrose Fund Grant 6320 from the American Philosophical Society, by Biomedical Sci- ences Support Grant RR-07037, and by computing fimds allocated through the Division of Biological Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Universitv of Kansas. ANALYSIS OF GHARAGTERS Goodwin (1958), in his revision of the genus Rhofi,eessa, stated that the genus (exclusive of Baeodon) could be separated into three species: "a big eared species with thin flying membranes [iiraciJis], a large species with short ears and thick membranes [tiimida], and a small species [pawtila]." He further stated that "The propor- tionate length of the forearm and color of thc> pelage cannot be relied on as determining factors except in a \'er\' general way. Granial measurements can also be confusing unless accompanied by comparative material." As might be anticipated from these intro- ductory remarks, Goodwin did not state clearly how to distinguish among parvula, tumida, and the \'ari()us subspecies into which he divided them. As suggested by Goodwin, skin and skull measurements are in- adequate for distinguishing among species, except in the case of R. aUeni, which is larger in most cranial variates than any other species examined, and the new species, R. mira, which is smaller than any specimens of R. parviihi from Michoacan or adjoining states. However, in the multi\ariate analyses, notably the principal component analysis, the canonical \'ariate analysis, and the dis- criminant function analysis, the measurements taken were adequate to discriminate many of the samples from each other (see table 4, and Figs. 4, 7, 8, 12). The discriminant function analysis indi- cated that greatest length of skull and forearm were the best and second best discriminators, respecti\'ely. Thus, I chose these two variables to demonstrate geographic variation by means of uni- variate analyses. Color of fur. — \^ariation in relative positions of light and dark bands seems to separate alleni and (gracilis from all other species. Individual variation in contrast between bases and tips renders pelage coloration of limited usefulness in identification of individual specimens of the other four species, but dKFerences are evident when series are compared. Molting individuals take on a grayish 8 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY cast because dark gray hairs grow up throughout the old pelage before it is shed. Thus, newly molted individuals are much darker in color than individuals in old pelage. In the species which have pale bases and darker tips, individual color variation is accounted for primarily by differences in tip color, whereas color differences among samples and species typically result from variation in basal color. Length of fur. — Although some individual variation in fur length occurs, this character is sufficiently constant within a population to separate certain species, and to illustrate geographic variation among populations in a single species. Distribution of fur on uropatagium. — This character evidences so little individual variation that it is a fairly reliable means of separating one of the species from the other five species. Degree of toothwear. — Tooth wear was negligible in about 90 percent of specimens examined, except in the case of R. minutilla, in which more than 35 percent of the specimens had moderate to heavy toothwear. Lingual cingulum of CI. — In all species except gracilis and mira two (rarely one) cusps are present on the lingual cingulum of the CI. These cusps are variable in development, from higher and sharper than the example shown in figure lA, to lower and more rounded. They tend to be obscured in individuals with heavy toothwear. In the species lacking cusps, the cingulum is perfectly smooth and straight, lacking even the slightest swelling (Fig. IB). Bacula. — With the exception of R. alleni, bacula of the various species are not sharply differentiated from each other. Although B Fic. 1. Upper liulit canine of two species of Rlio^crssa, lingual \ie\v. A. R. jxtiviila, UA 10319, Jalisco; B. R. mira, UNAM 8594, Michoacdn. x25. SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 9 bacular shape shows substantial geographic and indixidnal varia- tion within species, it also seems to differ among species in areas of sympatry and near sympatry (Fig. 2). Single bacula of parvida, tumida, gracilis, and aUeni were illustrated and described by Brown, et ah (1971), but these authors did not examine bacular variation. Microstructure of hair. — Benedict (1957) examined hairs from d A a//en/ B gracilis C -parvuia D E mira tumida L J L M N —minutilia — ' K tumida Fig. 2. Top and lateral outline views of bacula of 14 specimens of Rhogeessa. A. R. aUeni, KU 97307, Michoacan; B. R. gracilis, KU 92951, Jalisco; C. R. parvuia, KU 97080, Sinaloa; D. R. parvuia, UNAM 8865, Guer- rero; E. R. mira, UNAM 8953. Michoacan; F-L, all R. tumida: F. KU 55172, Tamaulipas; G. KU 82923, Veracruz; H. LACM 18683, Chiapas; I. TCWC 24127, Nicaragua; ]. MVZ 113936, Colombia; K. KU 119073, Venezuela; L. AMNH 66824, Ecuador; M. R. minutilia, NMNH 441783, Venezuela; N. R. minutilia, NMNH 441805, Venezuela. X25. 10 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of hairs of six species of Rho^ccssa. A. R. mira, UNAM 8593, Michoacan; B. R. paivula, KU 107494, Jalisco; C. R. minuiiUa, AMNH 130673, Venezuela; D. R. allcni, KU 61171, Oaxaca; E. R. ftimida, KU 119073, Venezuela; F. R. gracilis, KU 97050, Jalisco. xl400. SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 11 most of the known genera of bats, including hairs from a specimen of R. parvida. Unfortunately, she neither illustrated a hair from Rhogeessa nor stated where the specimen was captured, and she had only a light microscope at her disposal. Benedict (1957) and Quay ( 1970 ) implied that hair structure was most useful as a taxo- nomic tool at the generic and suprageneric levels. Although the relationship (if any) of geographic, sexual, age, and individual variation to hair structure cannot be evaluated here because of small sample sizes, it is evident (Fig. 3) that there are differences in hair structure among species of Rhogeessa. The two similar lowland species of western Mexico, R. mira and R. parvula, differ from all other species in that each scale is rotated 90° along its linear axis, in relation to adjoining scales; in the other species scales are in alignment with each other. Based on hair structure, two other groupings seem to be evident. In R. alleni and R. gracilis the scales appear to be cone-shaped rings which are bilaterally symmetrical, subtending a full 360° (the coronal scales of Benedict). In R. tumida and K. minuiiUa the scales are alternate and overlapping (imbricate scales of Benedict) with the visible portion subtending an angle of 180° or perliaps slight!)' greater. SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNTS Rhogeessa H. Allen, 1866 Rhogeessa H. Allen, 1866:285 [Type species. — Rhogeessa parvula H. Allen, 1866, designated hy G. S. Miller, 1897 in accordance with page priority]. Baeodon G. S. Miller, 1906:85 [Type species. — Rhogeessa alleni Thomas, 1892, by original designation]. \'alid as a subgenus. Description.— As given by H. Allen (1866) and G. S. Miller (1897) except as noted below. Skull drawings appear in Hall and Kelson (1959; R. parvula) and G. S. Miller (1897; R. tumida); skull photographs are included by Goodwin and Creenhall (1961; R. tumida and R. minutilla). The i3 varies in size from minute (visable only under magnification) to only slightly smaller than i2; il and i2 tricuspid, with outer cusp much lower than other two cusps; i3 bi- cuspid or unicuspid; lingual cingulum of CI well developed, usually with accessory cusps; parastyle, paracone, protocone, and first and second commissures are only structures present on M3; width of posterior half of m3 substantially less than width of anterior half; maxillary cheek teeth converging anteriorly; basisphenoid pits ab- sent; rostrum narrower than braincase; membranes relati\'ely thin; baculum saddle-shaped at proximal end, with well-developed proxi- mal lateral knobs, poorly-developed proximal median knob, and long, usually narrow shaft, circular or elliptical in cross section near distal end; length 0.50 to 0.80 mm; penis short, 3-4; baculum extends to within 0.5 of distal end of penis. 12 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY o o o. a bo o qj W) (i> CS ^H •M C/3 S o s 0) T3 O 4-1 n:2 m bC C cS ;-i ca t^" c OJ 03 •J3 OJ r-i ni ' ' CJ OJ o ^ +-• <-M T5 o d; M o JO 2 T-i t- (Tf !_> 'T3 •-M r^ « 4-» aj a CSI R +1 a c t« OS Ol Tl •^ 0; -< O o a ■n c c3 _ CS 3 TTJ <* ■=3 c W <1 U u O C/2 O U CO 00 o o +1 +1 in ^ CO T— I +i CO ^ IC +1 CO in +1 +1 o 05 CD ^ oq CD in CO o T— 1 +1 +1 t- '^_ -t Ol CO Ol CM T^ T^ T^ T}^ ^1^ "^ T^ Tf ^^ t^o^i^incDft^int^ ^00000^^00 +i II li II li li li li li t^ CO 03 CD CD -r; '^ "^ CO CO CO CO CO CO CO co' CO CO t-Ot^t^roCDCDCD^ Ol— lOOOO^O^ li li li li li li li li li ~r CO co_ (N o as 05 05 CO ininininin^Tprti'-t^ "^ Ol o 1— I Ol 00 1—1 1—1 o CO 00 o o tP II II II II II II II II II ^^05^HCO!»co_cDincq t^ CD t--^ CO CD CD CD CD CD t^t— incDt~t^'*■ > ^ <" w Ol II o CO Ol n c ot; C/3U ctf c; S o 5 p E o O 9^ 03 o as S " i3 o c o C/3 -3 ^ 5 i^ in o CD CO CD CD t^ in CD o o o o o o o II Gi II II II II II II II CO t- CD CO t- t — r CO '^ -f ^ ^ ^ "* -p CD O in -t CD CO CO CO Ol OOOOOOi II Ol II II II II II II II CO 00 00 CJ5 ro O CD CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO o CD in i> Ol -^ t^ Ol O O O 1— ' 1 — ( O 1 — 1 II CD II II II II II II II in ^ '^ CD in in --I in in in in in in in CD CD t- O O O CO O en 00 ^H O 1— t li Ol li li li li li li li O O 05 O 00 O t^ CD t> t^ CD t- CD t- CD § t- -^ m CD 00 CO ^ o o o o O O -H II 00 II II II II II II II CO CO CO CO -r CO ^ Ol CO CO CO CO CO CO CO g 1 s o 1— 1 «- CD in t- rf 1-1 00 ^ O O O 1— t 1— 1 O 1— 1 i: II CC 11 II II II 11 II II O CT! C:>5 O CO CO t- 'I' in T "f in '^ ^ tp 1 — ( 1— ( ^ 00 1— 1 00 m CO o> 1— 1 O 1— ' 1— ' 1— 1 ' — ^ 1— ^ II II II II II II II -r -f 1-; in Ol 1-; 00 CO CO CO CO CO CO oi CD 00 t:^ CO CO O CO Ol CO CO CD ^ CO in II 11 II II II II II II o5 ^ in m o 1— 1 Ol in oq O ^ (35 O CJ> C;5 00 CO CO OI CO Ol Ol OI t^ ol CD CO c> ^^ in Tfi oj CO t^ in m CO li li li li li li li in CD Ol Ol 1-^ 05 o 1— I 1 — ^ O '-H O CT5 05 CO CO CO CO CO Ol Ol 1—1 Ol d, d, ZUc/3 ^^ I I I g N N N CJ 03 03 J 0) OJ HHSo>> 1) o U SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 13 < oq-rc^ccincciccccxo-r^ooot- ^hOOOO^— iOO^h^hO'-^O^hO t- c:> in 00 in o o o o o li li li li li TjH CO 'i^^ CO CO +i II +i +1 +i +1 +i +1 +1 +i +i +1 +i +i +i CO 00 in -r in cq in co n o] co_ Tr cr>_ -t_ -r ^' -^' rr -f t' -V TT "* "* '^ ^' ^ '^' '^' '^' T^ "^ T}l Tf Tji 1— 1 tOCOCOOCr-OCDOCDCCCOlOO'^t^ .— lO^OO^O—iOO-H^O'— lO in CO m t^ CO o o o o o U 1— 1 u +1 +i +1 +i +i +i li +i +1 +i +1 +i +i +i +i li li li li li CO 00 CO CO 1> cococococococococococococococo CO CO CO CO CO ■*ot^C5CDOini^ojoco^ot-in i-h^h^hOOOIOO'— ii— ii— I"— I"— II— 'O CO o t^ c:5 in O --H o o o li li li li li O --I O ^ — 1 in in in in in +i +i +1 +i +i +i +1 +i +i +i +i +i +i +i +i O t^ ^ ] -H oi ^ <>1 — ; --; CO iriinininiriinininininininininin ^ S occoir-oicocoxfMoO'-ioo^oino Oi— ii— lOi— i CD CO d t-^ t-^ CD CD d CC CO CD d CC CO CD CO CO CO o P-I ococ:5cca^— icDincDt^oom-Ht^ OOOOO-hOOOO'— --lO^O Tf CO in in '* o o o o o li li li li li p p p p p li li li li li li li li li li li li li li li O '^ CO Csl CO CO CO (M Ol Ol CM C<1 ^ (M CO COCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCOCO CO CO (N ci CO c 1 o 1— lO'-HOOO-lCO^I^^O^Hi-HOq^H 2 OC ^ CD t- 00 ■= o ^ o o o Q li li II li li li li li li li li li li li li inoi>cDt^c:5c:^cDinininincDCDcq - li li li li li PjJ rf CO in '^ CO n < rr in '*' TP -f tT rf tJh' TT -r -l" '^' Tr rji rp TP rt rP tP rf H en o ■*^coa^lnlnfM^Of^^t^co^cocqco CO t- O icocococioic ir-t:^ocMinin li li li li li 00 00 o p CO Cr\i\<,]\ Museum of Natural History, adult female, presei-ved in alcohol, faded, skull removed. Measurements in table 3. SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 15 ft o J3 c n w ►J to < cq Q Z < X < u 1—1 u O O Q C/3 o D fa I— I H U CO <3 fa CO Cl lO ' .-i ' ci CO oi CO CO -^ o CO CO lo in cc in ic CD in CD CO CO oi c; oi -r o oc » in in i> ■* -r -r in -r '^' 'tp "*' co' rr in ■^' CD CO CO M TT X CO 0> -H CD in CO co" CO co' ■*' co' co' co' co' co' co' ■^' CO 1-HC5 — 3otcDinin-^coo in -^' in CD in in "*' in TjH in CD in ic CO in TP CD M ^ o CD t^ CD J> tr-^ CD' O 00 M — - Ol CD p CO OC O CD O CO ^_ CO CO CO co' CO CO -^_ — ; ci ^H ^H ^H ^- ^H 1— ( CO — ; c4 iri CO TT Tf TP ! 1 1 'f ^ CO CO CO m : CD ^ in 1 CD a « O 05 CO -* .-H o d f>i P 10^^050 d oi d d -f CO inrMc0"*t~O3;in— Hocoo oJ t^ i^ d d 00 CD ct; CD in CO d (MCMCNCOcqCMCNeMOqtMCOCO inppinp-rpt-;cJ ~ «~ r! ■c-S»^Q-gasSgt3tc U c WW V a) •^ ^ a a ■*^ •i-t V) VI a a OJ (L> s s c o CL E o o "5 Q. 'o 3 o Ll_ Guerrero •)Sonora Camqeche Mich /i^ ' / •«)Yuc Ml Nayarit Jalisco Colima /• NVenez-int Oaxaca(^_^ / ^ Vnez-CI El Salv.Pan/ • "'^ •yTrin.Colomb Sin-S;Sin-N Venez-NE^ / / Venez-C2 Tamp-2/' • • /Hond alleni VC-N . . , (Cosfa Rica / • * ' • • T<^^P'' -^' * yGuat, Guyana VC-S Chiapas vc-c Second Principal Component Fig. 4. Scatter diagram of second and fourth principal components of six- species of Rhogecssa. Each symbol represents a sample mean. The symbols for gracilis (triangle), allciii (square), and mira (star) represent single pooled samples of all available specimens of those species. SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 17 from those of any other North American species of Rhogeessa, a few South American specimens of R. tumida possess bacula with similar development of the lateral knobs; however, the bacula have a longer shaft and greater length than those of alleni. Comparison. — Rhogeessa (Baeodon) alleni is larger in cranial measurements (except postorbital width) than any specimens of the three species with which it occurs sympatrically in southwestern Mexico (Table 2). Among the samples of specimens from south- western Mexico compared in table 2, ^tests showed that mean ratios of third metacarpal to first phalanx were significant between parvula and alleni, and between gracilis and alleni, at P=:<.001, with no overlap. Rhogeessa alleni is separated from both by the characters given in the subgeneric description of Baeodon. It is easily separated from gracilis by the shorter ears and relatively narrow basal band of the dorsal fur; it can be easily distinguished from parvula by the three-banded dorsal fur (two-banded in par- vula). In the multivariate analyses presented graphical!)' here, Figs. 4, 6, 7, U O Ci V, 5 <0 Q(^ on *- ."^ •■ — -.^ c; o c; c -) pa < avaiNIHX -H^ooo^oooo-Hooooco VNVAnO vnixnNiiv ZaNSA aiVOTOD sniDvao NvxvonA OOlOOO-HlOOOOCM^'-iOO 1— i-^OOOOO-HOOO^ (MOO Ot>OOOOt^'— •OOO^^'^'— lO O^OOOOl^OOOCvl'^O^O OOOOO-^OOOt-OOOOO ocooooo^o-roo— lo—io jsjyjQj^ (N-HCOOTj-HOOi— lOOi— lO OOOOt-OOOOOOOOOO OCOOCOOOOOOOi— lOOOO O^OOOOOlOCOOcMi— lO-— I I— lOOlOOOClO^OOOlCDOO CM Ol-^OOCOlCOOOOi— lOr-HOO z iz) --i H Q 55^z:^^ou>;^oH Dinajvd -j; vpimn} -y vpiuint y Dpnuni -y SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 23 shaft, roughly elHptical in cross-section, and by short proximal knobs, extending at a 45° angle to the sagittal plane of the baculum, separated proximally by an indentation, and curving ventrally around urethra (Figs. 2C and 2D); width approximately one half length of baculum. They differ from most tumida bacula in being more slender, from both the dorsal and lateral aspects. Juveniles and some adults (sexually immature individuals?) with shorter shaft and knobs. Comparisom. — Rhogeessa (Rhogeessa) parvula are easily dis- tinguished from alleni and gracilis, as outlined under the accounts of those species. This species differs from R. mira in its greater size and the presence of cusps on cingulum of CI. In the Isthmus of Tehuantepec parvula and tumida are known from localities only 50 miles distant, and are probably sympatric. Here the two species cannot be distinguished on the basis of size. (Table 2). Chiapan specimens of tumida, as compared to Oaxacan specimens of parvula, are differentiated by darker tips of dorsal fur, which contrast more sharply with bases. The uropatagium is virtually bare, and the i3 is nearly as large as the i2. The two most consistent characters for separating parvula and tumida, fur coverage on uropatagium and relative size of i3 and i2, seem to be exaggerated in tlie Isthmus of Tehuantepec, where sympatry may occur. No specimens from that area exhibit inter- mcdiacy in these characters. For these reasons it seems advisable to regard parvula and tumida as species. The discriminant function analysis (Table 4) correctly identi- fied 76 of 115 specimens; of tlie 39 incorrectly identified, all but 8 were identified as being R. tumida. The plot of the second and fourth principal components (Fig. 4) reveals a close relationship between parvula and the two samples of tumida from the Yucatan Peninsula, but shows good separation between parvula and the other species, including most samples of tumida. The canonical scattergrams (Figs. 7 and 8) indicate a wide overlap with tumida. Distribution and geographic variation. — Western Mexico, from central Sonora south and east to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec ( Fig. 9). Altitudinal range from sea level to 1600 m; however, the highest elevation recorded from Nayarit and states to the nortli is 600 m. Vegetational associations from which R. parvula is known include scrub desert, thorn forest, tropical deciduous forest, and pine-oak forest. Broad-leafed and evergreen forests (mostly cloud forest) of various compositions occur locally in portions of the range of parvula, but I am unable to establish definitely that any specimens were taken in those kinds of vegetation. Variation in R. parvula is essentially clinal. Size measurements indicate increasing size from nortli to soutli (Table 2), with topo- types from the Tres Marias Islands close to specimens from Sonora. 24 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY The north-south cline and widely overlapping non-significant sub- sets are well illustrated by the measurements of forearm (Fig. 10) and greatest length of skull (Fig. 11). Distance coefficients suggest that the cline is steeper south of Jalisco (Fig. 15), but there is no logical point at which a line separating two subspecies might be drawn. There is a tendency for specimens from more southerly localities to have fur extending farther out the uropatagium, to be brighter in color, to have Icmger fur, to have relatively smaller i3, and to have a more well developed sagittal crest; all of these trends appear to be clinal, with perhaps the most rapid changes occurring in Michoacan (one known locality) and the western half of Guer- rero (no known localities). Were it not for the intermediacy of the series from Michoacan, it could easily be maintained that the northern and southern populations represented two subspecies (or two species, fide Goodwin, 195 0.6 S-0.4 I -,.4 o -0-24 o ^-3,4 CO -44 -5.4 n 1 1 i 1 r — /? mi'ra — WC. MEXICO — SW MEXICO — NW MEXICO-" — /?. o//eni R.parvula -I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r -7.4 -5.4 -3.4 -1.4 0.6 2.6 4.6 First Canonical Variable Fig. 7. Scatter diagram from first two canonical varial^les for three species of Rhof^ecssa from western Mexico. The lines were formed l)y connecting the outlying dots within each of the 5 pooled samples. The spaces enclosed by the lines originally contained the follo\\ing number of dots, each representing an iiidi\idual specimen: R. iniia, 13; WCMEX, 75; SWMEX, 28; NWMEX, 12; R. allctii, 7. Specimens of unknown identity may be plotted on canonical scattergrams for purposes of identification. See Appendix 1. SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 25 Lactating females were taken during April (27th), May, June, and July (3rd). Because few embryo measurements are available, there is no indication of any definite growth trends or patterns. The only juveniles (flying young) recorded were taken on 14 June, 18 July, 9 September, and 18 September. The presence of flying young and embryos in GuerrcTO in June and February-March, respectively, suggests that parturition occurs earlier in the southern portion of the range of R. parvula. At least eight females from Sinaloa and Sonora contained two embryos, but two bats from Guerrero and one from Sonora contained only one embryo each. One female was molting on 4 July, which would be anticipated, if she had just weaned her young. The new pelage was dark gray, contrasting sharply with the pale, old pelage. Two males from July and several females from August and September exhibited very dark-colored tips, suggestive of recent molt. Negative data showed that some females collected on various dates during March, April, May, June, July, and September were not pregnant. Weights for 30 non- pregnant individuals varied from 3 to 8. No seasonal trends in weight could be detected. o I o o "c o c o o o o CD 4.6 3.6 2.6 1.6 0.6 -0.4 -14 -24 — E MEXICO — CENTAM t NICPAN + GRACILIS — YUCATAN _ -5.4 T 1 -3.4 -| 1 r -1.4 0.6 First Canonical Variable 2.6 Fig. 8. Scatter diagram from first two canonical \arial)les for tlircc i^ooled samples of RJiogccssa luinida. The following numbers of dots are enclosed by die lines: EMEX, 85; CENTAM -{- NICPAN + GRACIL, 90; Yucatan, 5. 26 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY 20 10 cs-^-: A minulilla • tumida ^^ parvula 0 200 30 600 0 200 600 20 100 Fig. 9. Map showing localities from which were examined specimens of one of three species of Rlwgecssa. The shaded area represents the distril^ution of R. parviila, the unshaded area, R. tumida. The triangles representing iiiintt- tilla are all in northwestern Venezuela and adjacent Colombia, plus the island of Margarita. Remarks. — Goodwin (1958) used size as the major criterion for separating parvula and tumida. He lacked specimens from Jalisco, Nayarit, and Sinaloa where a clinal change occurs; therefore, it is not suiprising that lie identified the larger specimens from south- western Mexico as tumida. Specimens of tumida from adjoining Chiapas and Veracruz are much like Oaxacan parvula in size. Good- win also assigned populations of small individuals from the Yucatan Peninsula and parts of South America to parvula. In addition to the nominate subspecies, he assigned four other subspecies to par- vtda. One of these, minutilla, is here regarded as a species; the other three are relegated to the synonymy of tumida. Rhogeessa (Rhogeessa) mira, new species Holottjpe. — Universidad Nacional Autonorna de Mexico 8594, adult male, skin, skull, and baculum, from 20 km N El Infiernillo, Michoacan, Mexico, elevation 125 m; collected by Ticul Alvarez, 29 November 1964. Gollcctor's measurements, overall length, 70; tail, 33; foot, 6; ear, 12; length of testis, 9; external and cranial meas- urements in Table 3. Etymology. — The specific epitlict mira is feiuinine for the Latin mirus, meaning wonderful, astonishing, or extraordinary. These SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 27 parvula- Loca ity Mean Su bsets ~0axaca(9) 30.9 Guerrero(6) 30.5 MichoacanO) 29.9 CoimadS) 28.9 Jalisco (16) 28.9 Sonora(l9) 282 Sinaloa-S(8) 28. Sinaoa-N(29) 279 _Nayarit(24) 27.7 Michoacan(l4) 26.0 mira Fig. 10. SS-STP analysis showing geograpliic \anation in forearm length in Wiogeessa parvula. The vertical bars con- nect samples within each non-significant subset (at the 0.05 level). For example, the mean of Sinaloa-S is not significantly different from the mean of Sonora, but is significantly difl:erent from the mean of mira. Locality parvula- Mean Subsets ~0axaca(9) 3.5 Guerrero( 4) 3.2 Michoacan(8) 3.0 Ja isco( 4) 2.7 Colima ( 5) 2.6 Sina oa-S(7) 2.3 Sinaoa-N(25) 2.2 Nayarit(24) 2.1 _Sonora( 3) 2.0 Michoacan( 3) 4 mira Fig. 11. SS-STP analysis showing geographic variation in greatest length of skull of Rhogeessa parvula. were my initial reactions upon examining a specimen of R. mira and comparing it with the mucli larger species taken at the same locality, R. oUeni and R. parvula. Description. — An extremely small Rhogeessa with smooth-edged lingual cingulum of CI and external characteristics much as in R. parvula. Distal one third of dorsal liairs Buckthorn Brown to Bully Brown; basal two thirds more buflV than tips, not contrasting strongly with tips; ventrally, overall color like that of bases of dorsal 28 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY hairs, tips not contrasting; fur 4; sparse fur on dorsum of uropa- tagium extends to or past knees; sagittal crest absent; i3 only slightly smaller than i2; lingual cingulum of CI smooth, lacking the slightest suggestion of cusps; skull very small; forehead slope moderate. Baculum. — Measurements of the single baculum examined (Fig. 2E) are: length 0.66, depth 0.12, and width 0.34. It could not be distinguished from bacula of some R. parvula. Comparisons. — R. mira is easily distinguished from the other three species in western Mexico on the basis of size. It resembles gracilis in its smooth lingual cingulum of CI. Otherwise it could not possibly be confused with gracilis or alleni. The lack of cingual cusps, small overall size, and relatively large size of i3 separate it from sympatric parviila. Nine specimens of parvula from the type locality of mira are all redder and yellower than any specimens of mira caught at the same time, or at any other time. Furthermore, there is no size overlap among specimens of the two species caught at the type locality. Certain specimens of parvula from Sonora and the Tres Marias Islands are almost as small as mira, but tend to have a less steeply sloping forehead, wider and longer rostrum, cingual cusps on CI, smaller, more crowded i3, and less fur on uropatagium. Small individuals of tiimicla and minutilla from Yucatan, Venezuela, and Ecuador differ in color, skull outline, cingual cusps, nearly bare uropatagium, and shape of baculum. Generally, the multivariate analyses placed mira well away from most samples of all other species. Based on these analyses alone, mira would seem almost as distinct from other Rhogeessa as in R. alleni. However, in external and cranial characters not included in the multivariate analyses, mira is more similar to the others, especially to parvula. In the univariate analysis mira, which had the lowest means among all samples for most of the variates measured, usually formed a nonsignificant subset with Sinaloa and Sonora, with Sonora, or alone (as in Figs. 10 and 11). Remarks. — All the specimens from 7 km N El Infiernillo were caught in nets over a small cement water trough, in an area of cactus-mesquite vegetation (Alvarez and Aviiia, 1965). Collected at the same time were R. alleni, R. parvula, Balantiopten/x plicata, Macrotus tvaterhouseii, and Micronycteris megalotis. The Rhogeessa were taken on five nights, 25 and 27 March, and 26, 28, and 29 November, all in 1964. The capture of three species of Rhogeessa during one night, in one net, is of interest, because each of the three is in a non-overlapping size range. This suggests successful partition of the feeding niche, possibly based on prey size. The failure to achieve this kind of diversity within the genus Rhogeessa outside of western Mexico could be accounted for by the presence of additional Neotropical spc^cies of the genus Mi/otis in those areas, although this suggestion is highly speculative at this time. It is also SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 29 noteworthy that R. niim is among the smallest of all speeies of bats, although it exceeds in size specimens of the species Tylomjcteris pachypus of Southeast Asia, and possibly specimens of certain species of Pipistrellus, notably P. mimiis. Rhogeessa (Rhogeessa) tumida H. Allen Rhogeessa tumida H. Allen, 1866:286 [Holotype.— ANSP 1831 (skin), NMNH 37329 (cranium), and NMNH 84021 (lower jaw) from Mirador, Veracruz, Mexico, ca. sea level; Dr. Sartorius, collector]. Rhogeessa io Thomas, 1903:382 [Holotype.— BMNH from Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela; A. Mocquerys, collector]. Rhogeessa veUlla Thomas, 1903:383 [Holotype.— BMNH from Puna, Isla Puna, Gulf of Guyaquil, Ecuador, elev. 10 m; P. O. Simons, collector]. Rhogeessa homhijx Thomas, 1913:569 [Holotype.— BMNH from Condoto, Choco, Colombia, elev. 300 ft; Dr. H. G. F. Spurrell, collector]. Rhogeessa tumida riparia Goodwin, 1958:5 [Holotype. — AMNH 69968 from Cumanacoa, Sucre, Venezuela, elev. 700 ft; G. H. H. Tate, collector]. Rhogeessa paixtda aeneus Goodwin, 1958:6 [Holotype. — AMNH 91234 from Chichen-Itza, Yucatan, Me.xico, elev. ca. 10 m; R. T. Hatt, collector]. Holotype. — "Museum of Smithsonian Institution" 8195, male, is the number listed by H. Allen (1866) as the holotype of tumida. Part of the confusion regarding the location, status, and numbers of the various parts of the holotype was discussed by Hall (1952). The skin, in alcohol and appearing to be a female, is in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, no. 1831. Two labels are with the specimen; one reads "1831 Harr. Allen Rhogeessa tumida Mira- dor, Mex. TYPE H. Allen." The other bears only the number 8195. The cranium, NMNH 37329, is now in a vial bearing that number. The accompanying lower jaw, numbered NMNH 84021, seems to match the cranium perfectly. In another \ial, labelled NMNH 84021, is a cranium bearing that number and a lower jaw numbered NMNH 37329. These also seem to match perfectly, which is sig- nificant, because the two skulls in question differ in size. The vial holding NMNH 84021 is also labelled "formerlv 7842" which would make it the paratype of R. parvula. It appears that the lower jaws were switched before the skulls were numbered. In any case NMNH 37329 (cranium) is obviously of the species now occurring in eastern Mexico, and should be regarded as the holotype. The holot\pes of R. tumida and R. t. riparia were compared with KU 29886 from \^eracruz, TCW'C 19756 from Nicaragua, UNM 27545 from Oaxaca, and AMNH 91234 from Y\icatan (holotype of R. p. aeneus), among others. Handley (in litt.) compared the holotype of R. io with NMNH 374017, R. tumida from Urama, Venezuela, and J. E. Hill (in litt.) compared the holotypes of R. io and R. velilla with each other. Handley also compared the holotype of R. velilla with NMNH 312113, R. tumida from Ft. Kobbe, Panama. Measure- ments are in table 3. 30 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Description. — A small to iiiodcrate-sized Rlw^eessa with short ears and nearly bare uropatagium; otherwise highly variable. Distal one third of dorsal hairs Fuscous-Black to Pinkish Cinnamon, ex- cept in Venezuela and Guyana, where darkest specimens Brussels Brown, and palest specimens somewhat darker than those from other parts of the species' range; bases usually buffy gray to buffy yellow, and may or may not contrast sharply with tips; ventrally, tips Buffy Brown to Light Ochraceous-Buff, concolor to somewhat paler at bases; fur 3-4 (rarely 5); sparse hairs on dorsum of uropatagium rarely extend as far as knees; sagittal crest present in approximately half of all specimens examined, but present in only one fourth of specimens from Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, and Guyana; i3 usually smaller than i2, but may equal i2; even when i3 equals i2, i3 has less well-developed cusps; lingual cingulum of CI with two small cusps, sometimes only a suggestion of cusps present; skull small to moderate in size; forehead slope slight; "helmet" often present in North American specimens, rarely in South America. Bacida. — Twenty-nine bacula of North American specimens have dimensions as follows: length, 0.65 (0.50-0.80); depth, 0.19 (0.12- 0.28); and width, 0.52 (0.36-0.84). In fourteen specimens from South America, means are: length, 0.66 (0.48-0.80); depth, 0.19 (0.14-0.24); width, 0.60 (0.44-0.74). The only apparent difference between the two groups is in width, and this is not statistically significant. In shape, both individual and geographic variation are apparent (Fig. 2F-L). Generally, as compared to bacula of pawula, the bacula of tumida possess wider shafts, wider spreading (laterally), and wider (distal-proximal) proximal knobs; their width exceeds one half their length. In Central America the bacula of tumida tend to be Y-shaped, due to deeper indentation between ends of proximal knobs. The distal free portion of shaft is shorter than that portion from which knobs extend. In some, additional widening of shaft results in a roughly triangular shape. In Colombia, Y- shaped, triangular, and intermediate specimens appear; whereas in Venezuela, Guyana, and Trinidad, the Y-shape is rare, and in some the proximal knobs extend laterally at an angle of 90° to the shaft. Comparisons. — In the Isthmus of Tehuantcpec R. tumida differs from R. pawula as outlined under the account of that species. In general, the bare uropatagium and relatively large i3 of tumida distinguish all tumida from all parvida. Other characters tend to be geographically variable and thus will not separate consistently the two species. In northwestern Venezuela and adjacent Colombia, where tumida apparently occurs sympatrically with minutilla, tu- mida is larger on the average, and has proportionately greater post- orbital width (Table 2). Rhomble closely those of some tumida. Comparisons. — Despite their great similaritx', there arc some consistent differences between tumida and )ninutilla. The two spe- cies are compared in tables 2 and 5. Univariate analyses give poor separation of tumida and minutilla in South America, but the multi\ariate analyses allow a somewhat different perspective. The plot of the second and fourth principal components ( Fig. 4 ) and of the first and second canonical variables (Fig. 12) show remarkably good separation betvveen these two species. The discriminant function table (Table 4) indicates that 42 of 62 specimens of minutilla were correctly identified. Ten speci- mens of the 12 misidentified as tumida were identified as tumida Table 5. A comparison of major characters which distinguish Rhogeessa tumida and R. rninutiUa in northwestern Venezuela. R. tumida R. minutilla Fur and membranes darker "helmet" rarely present POW greater tibia shorter heavy toothwear rare tragus shorter third metacarpal at least 1 mm shorter than forearm fur and membranes paler "helmet" usually present POW less tibia longer heavy toothwear common tragus longer third metacarpal about 0.5 mm shorter than forearm 38 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY from Yucatan, and eight as parvula. Only two were misidentified as tiimida from South America. Distribution. — Arid lowhmds of Margarita Ishind, northwestern Venezuehi, and adjoining portion of the Guajira Peninsuhi of Co- lombia (Fig. 9) Rhogeessa minutilla occurs from sea level to 500 m. Virtually all of this region is vegetated by desert scrub and thorn forest. Although there appear to be minor differences in size and color among the samples examined, there are no obvious trends that might suggest geographic variation. Reproduction and molt. — No pregnant females have been re- corded; however, numerous specimens collected in June and July were recorded as being not pregnant. Juveniles were taken from late June through mid-July. Five males from June and July had small testes, measuring 2-3. Molting females were taken on 30 June, 17 July, and 18 July; a single molting male was recorded from 16 July. Remarks. — The type locality (Margarita Island) is approxi- mately 500 km east of the main range of minutilla; its separation by an area where only tumida seems to occur is a strangely anomo- lous situation. Yet the three specimens from Margarita can be easily matched by bats from northwestern Venezuela. It seems probable that during a more arid (interglacial?) period the range of minu- tilla was continuous along the northern coast of South America, and reached at least one of the offshore islands. On the other hand, the lowered sea levels characteristic of periods of glaciation may have facilitated a crossing from the mainland to Margarita, or vice versa. Arid habitat in the areas occupied by minutilla today is separated by areas of more mesic vegetation. No specimens of minutilla seem to have been taken in areas where tumida is common, but a few specimens of tum,ida have come from within or very near the main range of minutilla. DISCUSSION The multivariate statistical analyses ( utilizing only mensural characters) were undertaken with the intent of illustrating the degree to which dots representing sample means or individual speci- mens would cluster in multidimensional space. I hoped these analyses would give some clue to evolutionary (and thus systematic) relationships, as well as demonstrate geographic variation. The results of the multivariate analyses ( Figs. 4, 6, 7, 8, 12 and 14) were helpful, but hardly conclusive; in some cases results were confusing or even contradictory. In general, they seem to indicate that R. alleni is phenetically distant from the other species of Rhogeessa, thus supporting my subgeneric separation of that species. Although Rhogeessa gracilis and R. mira are closer plienetically to the other species than is alleni, the degree of phenetic separation SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 39 varies among the difFcrent analyses. Rhogeessa s^racilis seems to be closer to the others than R. mira. However, when one examines characters not included in the statistical analyses, the reverse seems to be true; i.e., mira is closely related to parvula, and gracilis seems very distinct from all other species. Rhogeessa parvula, R. tumida, and R. minutiUa, on the other hand, are shown to be closely related by both the multivariate sta- tistics and the other characters discussed in the species accounts. Thus it appears that there are four closely related species, which probably evolved by isolation from a common ancestor, plus two peripheral species (alleni and gracilis) which were separated from the common ancestor of the other four at a much earlier point in time. It is also possible that the genus is polyphyletic and that alleni, and even more likely, gracilis are similar to Rhogeessa only by convergence. When gracilis is karyotyped, some light may be shed on this question. Because four species occur sympatrically in western Mexico, it seems safe to assume that Rhogeessa evolved there from a primitive vespertilionine bat, which perhaps also gave rise to Eptesiciis and Pipistrellus. Th(\se latter two genera, however, are almost cosmo- politan, and encompass many species. If we therefore* postulate a much longer evolutionary history for them, then Rhogeessa is either much younger as a genus, or has been blockc^d in its efforts to ex- pand its distributional range and diversify into additional species by such factors as competitive exclusion by other insectivorous spe- cies, or by other evolutionary and zoogeographic problems. Periodic climatic changes before and during the Pleistocene probably led to periods of isolation between lowland populations on the western and eastern coasts of Mexico, making possible the occurrence of separate but similar species (tumida and parvula) on the coasts. The eastern population spread southward throughout Central America and northern South America, finding climates much like those in eastern Mexico. In order for speciation to have oc- curred in northwestern Venezuela, producing R. mimitilla, ances- tral R. tumida must have reached South America before or during the Pleistocene, so that the climatic changes necessary to isolate a population there could have taken place. Presently, R. tumida may be in the process of invading central and southern South America, where it seems to be rare and local in distribution. In western Mexico the lowland population must have been broken into two segments at one point in time, to allow speciation of R. mira from R. parvula. How and when this might have oc- curred is not clear. Because alleni and gracilis normally are found at higher elevations than parvula or mira, it can be speculated that geographic isolation of different mountain masses and associated contrasts in climate and vegetation led to their speciation at an 40 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY early date, and tliat these same factors have maintained the present restricted distributional ranges of these two species. Figures 4, 5, and 14 tell us something about multidimensional geographic variation. Because the dots are not in a straight line, figure 4 demonstrates that the rate of clinal change differs among variables, and figure 14 shows that the rate of clinal change differs among samples in different portions of the species' geographic ranges. Figure 4 shows increasing size from upper right to lower left, and figure 5 groups samples of similar size. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF RHOGEESSA 1. Greatest length of skull more than 14.5; i3 unicuspid, 1/6 to 1/8 cross-sectional area of i2; ratio of third metacarpal to first phalanx of third digit averaging 2.20 to 1 Subgenus Baeoclon; R. olleni Greatest length of skull less than 14.5; i3 often bicuspid, having cross-sectional area greater than 1/6 that of i2; aver- age ratio of third metacarpal to first phalanx of third digit more than 2.20 to 1 Subgenus Rhogeessa, 2 2. Ears averaging 18; dorsal fur obviously 3-banded, darker at bases R. gracilis Ears averaging 15 or less; dorsal fur 2-banded, paler at bases 3 3. Greatest length of skull averaging 11.4; lingual cingulum of CI smooth, lacking cusps R. mira Greatest length of skull averaging 11.9 to 13.5; lingual cin- gulum of CI not smooth, usually with cusps 4 4. Uropatagium sparsely to heavily furred from base to point halfway from knees to foot; i3 usually much smaller than i2 R. pawiila Uropatagium furred only at base; i3 usually only slightly smaller than i2 5 5. Color pale; helmet usuall)- present; POW averaging 2.9 or 3.0; third metacarpal averaging 0.5 mm shorter than fore- arm R. minutiUa Color dark; helmet usually absent; POW averaging 3.1 or 3.2; third metacarpal at least 1 mm shorter than forearm ., R. ftim id a SUMMARY More than 650 specimens of bats of the Neotropical genera Rhogeessa and Baeodon were examined to determine the number of genera and species that should be recognized, as well as to evalu- SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 41 ate geographic xariation within each species. In addition to the usual morphological characters, large numbers of bacula were meas- ured and compared, and hairs were examined by scanning electron microscopy. The preliminary results of a study of karyotypic varia- tion in RJwgeessa by R. J. Baker and associates were taken into account. Both multivariate and unixariate statistical methods were utilized. One species, Rho<^eessa alleni, is assigned to the subgenus Baeo- dun, and is a large-skulled form restricted to western Mexico. The remaining five species are assigned to the subgenus Rho\tiende desde Tamaulipas hasta Brasil y Bolivia. Rhogeessa minutilla, una especie de color palido, encon- 42 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY trada en areas deserticas, es restringida a la Lsla Margarita, el Noroeste de Venezuela, y la peninsula de la Guajira de Colombia y Venezuela. SPECIMENS EXAMINED For each species, countries are listed from north to south, and from west to east. States, departments and provinces are given in the same sequence following each country, and individual localities are listed in the same manner following each state, department or province. Localities which have not been precisely located on a map are placed in (quotation marks. Abljreviations for museums given with specimen numbers are those listed in the Acknowledg- ments section of this paper. Localities from which specimens were examined are represented on the distribution maps only insofar as space permits. Many map spots cover several (as many as five) localities. Rhogeessa allcni MEXICO: Jalisco: Piedra Gorda, ca. 8 km NW Soyatlan del Oro, 1600 m, UA 10292. Michoacdn: 20 km N El Infiernillo, UNAM 8597; 7 km N El Infiernillo, ca. 125 m, KU 97307. Puehla: 10 mi W Acatlan, 6000 ft, TCWC 8480. Oaxaca: 2 mi NNW Tamazulapan [=Tamazulapam], 1990 m, KU 61170-1; Cuicatlan, 590 m, KU 29439; 2 mi N, 6 mi W Nejapa, KU 68773. Rhogeessa gracilis MEXICO: Jalisco: 5 mi NE Hiieiuquilla, 6200 ft, KU 108976; 10 mi SE Talpa de Allende, 5350 ft, KU 97050; 17 km SE Talpa de Allende, 5200 ft, KU 92951. Piiebla: Piaxda, about 1100 m, NMNH 70691, 70694. Oaxaca: Valero Taujano, 2 mi W Tomallim [=Tomellin?], MVZ 78315-6; Ceiro San Felipe, San Felipe del Agiia, about 1700 m, AMNH 186901; "Istbmus of Tehauntepec," NMNH 38294. Rhogeessa parvula MEXICO: Sonora: Estero Tastiota, sea level, MVZ 85290; 28 mi E Mazatan, 500 m, UNM 18587; W Side Alamos, KU 24853-4; near Alamos, UA 2717; Casa Las Delicias, Alamos, UA 2969; La Aduana, LACM 1.3247; 8 mi (by road) S Rio Alamos, Alamos, about 200 m, UA 16956, 16981-3; 11.3 mi SSE Alamos, Rio Cuchijaga, UA 14270; "Rancho Guirocoba," LACM 9700. Sinaloa: 1 mi S El Cajon, 1800 ft, KU 100401; 16 km NNE Choix. 1700 ft, KU 90752, 90754; 1 mi S, 6 mi E El Carrizo, KU 105563; 7 mi ESE Sanalona, 600 ft, KU 100402; La Cruz, 30 ft, KU 90755, 90757; Elota, sea level, UA 6358, LACM 19011; Vz mi E Piaxtla, sea level, KU 61163-8; km marker 1289 on Mex. hwy. 15, 9 km W Rio Piaxtla, sea level, UA 15991-3, 17189-90; 14 mi N Mazatlan, sea level, UA 13477, 13978, LSU 10431-3; Punta de Cauca, 11 mi N, 2.5 mi E Mazatlan, LACM 12498-500; Mazatlan, LACM 16531; Chupaderos, on Rio Panuco, about 26 mi NE Villa Union, 800 ft, UA 9725, LACM 19080-1; 2 mi E Palmito, KU 97078-81; 5 mi NE Concordia on Mex. hwy. 40, 100 m, UA 11059; 12 km N Villa Union, 400 ft, KU 95878; Escuinapa, 100 ft, TCWC 14471; 5 mi WSW Plomosas, 800 ft, KU 97082, 97084. Durango: Santa Ana, 12 km E Cosala, Sinaloa, 1300 ft, KU 90759. Nayarit: Huajicori, Rio del Bajar, 120 m, UA 9724, LACM 19079; 4 km S Playa Novilleros, sea level, UA 11037; a])out 40 mi E Acaponeta, SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 43 La Cuchara, LACM 13821; Ties Marias Islands, San Juanito Island, AMNH 180543-4; Tres Marias Islands, Maria Madre Island, AMNH 180522, NMNH 92413; "Tres Marias Islands," NMNH 84021, ANSP 1832; 5 mi NE San Bias, }i mi N Singaita, sea level, UA 18552-3; 8 mi E San Bias, about 200 m, UA 8278-9; LACM 12503-5, 12507, 13244-6, 13436-41; % mi E San Bias, 10 ft, KU 39723-5; 4 mi S, 5 mi E San Bias, UNM 16858. Jalisco: 9 mi N Guadalajara, 4000 ft, KU 107493-4; 2 mi S La Cuesta, 1500 ft, KU 111613-5; Piedia Gorda, about 8 km NW Soyatlan del Oro, about 1600 m, UA 10294; El Salitre, about 4 km N Soyatlan del Oro, about 1600 m, UA 10590, 10602; Rio de Aguacate, about 4 km E Soyatlan del Oro, about 1300 m, UA 10307; about 4 km S Soyatlan del Oro, about 1500 m, UA 10319-20; Cuitzamala, 25 ft, KU 105564; 2 mi N Tenacatita, 25 ft, KU 105565-6; 10 mi NNE Pihuamo, 3500 ft, KU 108974-5. Colima: Rancho Tavernillas, about 35 km NW Pueblo Juarez, 350 m, UA 8838, LACM 19082; Tabamillas, 6 km N Agua Zarca, UNAM 6321-3; Puelilo Juarez, 330 m, UNAM 5643; 2 km N Tlapeixtes, near Manzanillo, sea le\el, UA 10676; 1 km N Tlapeixtes, near Manzanillo, sea level, UA 10686; Colima, about 500 m, NMNH 52065-6, 52102; "4 mi S Cerro de Ortega," UA 3299; 2 mi E Cuyutlan, LACM 11271-7; 5 mi SE Armeria, LACM 11729-30. Michoacan: 20 km N El Infiemillo, UNAM 8592; 7 km N El InBernillo, ENCB 990-7. Guerrero: "Guerrero," NMNH 187713; 4.3 km N Teloloapan, 1480 m, UNAM 8864-7; Ojo de Agua, 3.4 km N Mexicapan, 1480 m, UNAM 9984-5, 10684-5; El Ojo de Agua de Chapa [7 km SSE Teloloapan], UNAM 1990-2; 8 km SW Teloloapan, 1300 m, UNAM 11869; Agua del Obispo, 3300 ft, TCWC 6351; Xaltianguis, about 500 m, NMNH 269315-6. Morclos: Rio Oaxtepec, 1 km S Oaxtepec, 890 m, UNAM 9706. Oaxaca: Santo Domingo, NMNH 73269; San Carlos Yau- tepec, San Bartolo Yautepec, 800 m, AMNH 167467, 175263; 9 mi NW Tehauntepec, near sea level, UNM 27545; Tehauntepec, sea level, AMNH 178744; 8 km NW Salina Cruz, ENCB 3487-8; 20 mi W Tapanatepec, sea level, UA 13440-2; Rio Ostuta, 4 mi W Zanatepec, sea level, AMNH 186406. Rhogeessa mira MEXICO: Michoacan: 20 km N El Infiernillo, UNAM 8593-6; 7 km N El Ineernillo, ENCB 998-1007. Rlwgeessa tumida MfiXICO: Tamaulipas: Santa Maria, 870 m, AMNH 148196; 4 mi N La Pesca, sea level, KU 55192; 3 mi N La Pesca, .sea level, KU 55191, 55193, 55208; 2 mi N La Pesca, sea level, KU 55198-208; 1 mi N La Pesca, KU 55194-7; 2 mi S. 10 mi W Piedra, Sierra de Tamaulipas, 1200 ft, KU 55152-63; 55165-89; 3 mi S, 16 mi W Piedra, Sierra de Tamaulipas, 1400 ft, KU 55190; 30 mi N El Mante, Rio Cielito, TCWC 25679. San Luis Potosi: 10 mi WSW Ebano, LSU 4047; 19 km SW Ebano, LSU 4942-53; 3 km N Taninul, 650 ft, LSU 4936-41. Veracruz: 25 mi W Tampico, KU 82922; El Hi go, 6 km NNW Ejido El Chote, about 75 m, UNAM 11063; 12.5 mi N Tihuatlan, 300 ft, KU 88427-34; Boca del Rio, 10 ft, KU 29886; Rio Blanco, 20 km W Piedras Negras, 400 ft, KU 19231; 24 mi S Veracniz, near sea level, AMNH 203917; San Andres Tuxtla, 360 m, UNAM 9485; 9 mi ENE Catemaco, ca. 200 m, UNAM 7751-2; 24 mi S Santiago Tuxtla, Los Tuxtlas, TCWC 9488; Mirador, sea level, NMNH 37329 (skull) + ANSP 1831 (skin of NMNH 37329); Achotal, FMNH 14149; 2.3 km W, 3 km SSW, 2.5 km SW, and 4.1 km S Tenochtitlan, 50 m, UM 116286-91, 116293-98. Oaxaca: 3 km W Estacion Vicente, Municipio de Acatlan, 60 m, UNAM 11492-3. Tabasco: Rancho El Tumbo, 4 km E F.F.C.C. El Zapote, Macuspana, UNAM 1717, 1959-60. Chiapas: Rancho San Fernando, 42 km W Cintalapa, 500 m, UA 15711; 32 mi SW Cintalapa, Rancho San Miguel, TTU 11274-5; 2 mi SW 44 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Las Cruces, about 600 m, KU 61169; Finca San Salvador, 15 km SE San Clemente, 1000 ni, KU 102619; 11.9 mi SE Ties Picos, Puente El Mosquito, TTU 11354-5; Pijijiapan, 10 m, UM 96523-4; 5 km SE Pijijiapan, 100 ft, TCWC 14466-9; Prusia, 1000 m, UM 88196-8; Huehuetan, 35 m, NMNH 78600; 7 mi ENE Tapachula, about 300 m, KU 68772; 3.8 mi SW Tapacbula, TTU 11133; 14 km SW Tapachula, 50 m, KU 120535. Yucatan: 10 mi W Progresso, LACM 18167; Piste, 10 m, KU 92000; Chichen-Itza, AMNH 91234, UNAM 1808, MCZ 10807, 32868, UM 79938. Campeche: 5 km S Champoton, 10 m, KU 92007-9; La Tuxpena, NMNH 170858; Isla del Carmen, 1 km S Puerto Real, 3 m, KU 92010; Balchacaj [=Balchacah?], Lagima de Terminos, FMNH 47394; 65 km S, 128 km E Escarcega, KU 93536. Quiniaua Roo: 4 km WSW Puerto Juarez, 5 m, KU 92001; Pueblo Nuevo X-Can, 10 m, KU 92002-3; Isla Cozumel, 4 km N San Miguel, KU 92004-5; 4 km NNE Felipe Carrillo Puerto, 30 m, KU 92006. GUATEMALA: "Moca Guatalon," MCZ 28144. El Peten: La Libertad, 170 m, AMNH 144697. San Marcos: Finca [El] Porvenir, FMNH 50063. Quetzaltenango: Finca Los Pirineos, near Santa Maria de Jesus, ca. 1500 m, FMNH 50062. Suchitepeqiiez: Moca, about 1000 m, FMNH 41649, 41828-30, 41856-7. Santa Rosa: Finca Santa Isabel, about 200 m, FMNH 74012; Asti- llero, 25 ft, KU 64992-3. BELICE: Belize: Turneffe Island, Calabash Cay, LSU 7148. HONDURAS: "Patuca River," NMNH 36062. Cortez: 23 mi bv road N San Pedro Sula, ca. sea level, TTU 13297. Yoro: Portillo Grande, 4100 ft, MCZ 33869. Copdn: Copan, 660 m, TCWC 19752. Santa Barbara: 12 km N Santa Barbara, TTU 13295-6; 7 mi N Santa Barbara, 120 m, TCWC 19753-5. Olancho: 10.3 mi by road SSW Dulci Nombre de Culmi, TTU 13298, 13300-1. Comayapna: 3 km W Comayagua, 580 m, TCWC 21106-7. Distrito Central: La Flor Archaga, ca. 800 m, MCZ 28976; Comayaguela, 1000 m, MCZ 28975. La Paz: El Pedrero, 3000 ft, AMNH 126901-4. Fran- cisco Morazdn: 2 mi S El Zamorana, ca. 1200 m, TCWC 11017; Escue'a Agricola Panamericana, MCZ 45401. El Paraiso: Chichicaste, 480 m, TCWC 22108. EL SALVADOR: Chalatenango: San lose del Sacare, 3600 ft, M\^ 13099S; 20 km W Chalatenango, 250 m, TCWC 19751. Cuscatldn: Colima, MVZ 1.30990-1. Usulatan: Puerto del Triunfo, sea level, MW 130994-5. San Miguel: Rio San Miguel, 13° 25' N, 225 ft, MVZ 130991-3. NICARAGUA: Matagalpa: 6 km N Tuma, 550 m, TCWC 24126-7; Uluce [=Uluse?], AMNH 29863; 1 km NE Esquipulas, 420 m, KU 115148. Chinandega: 6.5 km N, 1 km E Cosiguina, 10 m, KU 115145-7; Hda. Bella- \ista, 720 m, Volcan Casita, KU 106284; Chinandega, about 20 m, AMNH 28996. Boaco: Santa Rosa, 17 km N, 15 km E Boaco, 300 m, KU 111233-4. Carazo: 3 km N, 4 km W Diriamba, 600 m, KU 11123.5-6. Zelai/a: 10 km W Rama, 40 m, TCWC 19756; 4.5 km NW Rama, TTU 13313; 3 km NW Rama, TTU 13317-8. Rivas: 6.9 mi E San Juan del Sur, TTU 13320. COSTA RICA: "Pacific Coast," AMNH 4966. "Finca San Miguel," FMNH 67305-6. Alajuela: San Torte, between San Carlos and Altamira, ROM 60464. Giianacaste: Samara [=Samari?], LACM 26669. Puntarenas: Boca del Barranca, LACM 23767, 25258. San Jo.se: Rio Corrogres, about 2 km NW Santa Ana, 820 m, LSU 12989-93; Finca Lornessa, aliout 2 km NW Santa Ana, 850 m, LSU 14750-7. PANAMA: "Panama," MCZ 33525. Bocas del Toro: 7 km SSW Chan- guinola, sea level, NMNH 315776; Almirante, sea level, NMNH 315774-5; Isla Bastimentos, sea level, NMNH 335419. Chiriqui: Bugaba, alxiut 200 m, MCZ 10446; 8 m\ SE Progresso, sea le\el, NMNH 363107. Code: 3 mi W Churubr, 300 ft, NMNH 331910; Santa Clara, sea level, NMNH 296265. Los Santos: Guanico Arriba, about 200 m, NMNH 323605. Canal 7Ame: Ft. Sherman, sea level, NMNH 396406; Summit Gardens, about 100 m. SYSTEMATICS OF THE GENUS RHOGEESSA 45 NMNH 304930; San Pablo, NMNH 171212-3, 223330; Ciimndu, NMNH 309219; Ft. Kobbe, sea level, NMNH 309220; Ft. Kobbe Beach, sea level, NMNH 312108-13, 313777-82; Ancon, MCZ 28100; Tapia, AMNH 140472. Darien: La Palma de Darien, sea level, MVZ 113936. COLOMBIA: Magdalene: "San Alberto," LACM 16781; Rio Guaimaral, Valledupar, 168 m, NMNH 281310; Colonia Agricola Caracolicito, Santa Malta, about 200 m, NMNH 281921. Bolivar: Catiral Upper Rio San Jorge, FMNH 69526. Norte de Santander: 10 mi N Cueta [=Cucuta], FMNH 18725-6. Tolima: Honda, Las NLirgaritas, ROM 49045, 49048; Guamo, about 300 m, UAB 426. Cundinamarca: Mesitas de Colegio, 1200 ni, AMNH 207922, LACM 19064-5. Valle: Rio Raposo, about 100 m, NMNH 334744. Htiila: 16 km NE Mllavieja, 1600 ft, M\'Z 113936. VENEZUELA: Zulia: 30 mi E Maracaibo, sea level, NMNH 260191; Perija, Rio Cogollo, sea level, FMNH 21984; 48 km WNW Encontrados, 54 m, NMNH 441790; 38 km WNW Encontrados, 37 m, NMNH 441791. Trujillo: 23 km NW Valera (nr. Agua Santa), 90 m, NMNH 372488. Merida: Sta. Elena, Rio Guachi, FMNH 21985. Yaracmj: 8 km N, 18 km W San Felipe, near Minas de Aroa, 400 m, NMNH 441773-5; 19 km NW Urama, km 40, 100 m, N\L\H 372487, 372489, 374016-8. Aragua: nr. Rancho Grande, sea level, NNLNH COH7876-7. Miranda: 5 km S, 5 km E Caracas, Encan- tados, 570 m, NMNH 441776; 1 km E Rio Chico, sea level, NMNH 387738; 5 km E Rio Chico, nr. Puerto Tuy, sea level, NMNH 387736-7. Sucre: Takal, 11 km SSW Cumana, al^out 200 m, KU 119074; 2.5 km SW Cumana, 5 m, KU 119072; Cuchivano, 700 ft, ANLXH 69968; 4 km S, 25 km E Caru- pano (nr. Manacal), 170 m, NMNH 409487. Giidrico: Calabozo, Est. Biol., NMNH UCV4871. Monaga.s: Jusepin, about 100 m, KU 119073; 54 km SE Maturin, Mata de Bejuco, 18 m, NMNH 441792-4; 60 km SE Maturin, LACM 14355. Apitre: 60 km NE Pto. Paez, Hato Cariben, La \'illa, 76 m, NMNH 374019-20; 8 km NW Pto. Paez, Cerro de los Murcielagos, 76 m, NMNH 374021. Amazonas: 65 km SSW Puerto Ayacucho, Morocoy, 161 m, NMNH 409488. TRINIDAD: "Trinidad," NMNH 141885. St. George: Maracas Valley, TTU 5409, 5457; Maracas, 500 ft, AMNH 183163; Maracas Valley, W^aterfalls Rd., about 1100 ft, AMXH 176379, ROM 314.38-9, 31453; Port of Spain, sea level, FMNH 51157-8. S^ Patrick: San Rafael Rancho Estate, Santa Maria [=St. Mary's?], TTU 5257; Siparia, aliout .sea le\el, AMNH 179965-6, 182924, 183861. GUYANA: Rupununi: Dadanawa House, ROM 32348; Cotanrili. Isl., 5 mi above Dadanawa, left Inink Rupunimi Ri\er, ROM 59709-10; nr. Shea v. Kuitaro, ROM 43093; Tacatu R. area, 40 mi SW Dadanawa, ROM 58843; (remaining localities not precisely located, but near four prc\iously listed localities)' Ikoui Tau, ROM 40764, 40766-7; Kuitaro River, ROM ' .32783, 46211; Raa Wau, ROM 40798; Tamtoon, ROM 36842; Weri More, ROM 44527. ECUADOR: Puna: Puna Island, San Ramon, sea level, AMNH 66824. BRASIL (not mapped): Maranhao: Alto Parnahyha? [Alto Parnaiba, 9° 06' S, 45° 57' W?], FMNH 26465. Mato Grosso: 264 km (bv road) N Xavatina, Serra do Roncador, 12° 51' S, 51° 46' W, 1750 ft, NMNH 393759. Rhogeessa minutilla COLOMBIA: Guajira: 119 km N, 32 km W Maracaibo, Venezuela, 15 m, NMNH 441781-2. \T:NEZUELA: Zulia: 114 km N, 32 km W Maracaibo, 12 m, NMNH 441777; 114 km N, 28 km W Maracailx), 15 m, NMNH 441778-80, 441783-9; Rio Aurare, sea level, FMNH 18711; Empeladi Savanna, FMNH 18742-5. Falcon: Capatarida, 55 m, NMNH 441795-9, 441801, 441819-36; 6 km SSW Capatarida, Santa Rosa, NMNH 441771-2, 441800, 441802-13, 441815-18. 46 OCCASIONAL PAPERS MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Lara: Rio Tocuyo, 500 m, AMNH 130671-2, 130674-6, 130711-4, 131192; 10 km N El Tocuyo, Casen'o Boro, 528 m, NMNH 443183, 443186, 455992, 455994, 455997-9, 456000-1, 456009-15, 456020-24, 456028-9, 456031-2, 456035-7, 456039. Margarita Island: "Margarita Island," NMNH 63216, 113497; Nueva Esparta, 2 km N, 30 km W Porlamar (nr. Teatas de Maria Guevara), 10 m, NMNH 405828. APPENDIX 1 To plot unknown specimens on any of the three canonical scatter- grams (Figs. 7, 8, and 12), first make the nine standard measure- ments outlined in the section on materials and methods, and substi- tute into the following formulae: Xaxis ( First canonical variable ) = (-0.46) ( FA-29.04) - 0.16 (3MC-28.28) + 0.47(GLS-12.90) - 0.94(DB-4.66) - 2.09(POW-3.14) + 0.05(MW-6.78) - 1.44(M2M2-5.20) - 0.21 (ClCl-3.66) - 1.64(MAX-4.48). Yaxis (Second canonical variable) = 0.08 ( FA-29.04) + 0.42 (3MC-28.28) + 0.58(GLS-12.90) - 0.11(DB-4.66) + 5.59(POW-3.14) - 1.47(MW-6.78) + 0.95(M2M2-5.20) -0.42 (ClCl-3.66) - 5.12(MAX-4.48). The two coordinates thereby obtained can then be plotted on the appropriate scattergram in the usual manner. LITERATURE CITED Allen, H. 1866. Notes on the Vespertilionidae of tropical America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 18:279-288. Alvarez, T. and C. E. Avixa 1965. 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Kansas, 56:1-132. Tate, G. H. H. 1942. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 47. Review of the vespertilionine bats, with special attention to genera and species of the Archbold Collections. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., 80: 221-297. Thomas, O. 1892. Description of a new Mexican bat. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (6) 10: 477-478. 1903. Two South American forms of Rhogeessa. Ihicl, (7) 11:382-383. 1913. New mammals from South America. Ihid., (8) 12:567-574. University of Kansas Publications MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY The University of Kansas Publications, Museum of Natural History, beginning with volume 1 in 1946, was discontinued with volume 20 in 1971. Shorter research papers formerly pub- lished in the above series are now published as Occasional Papers, Museum of Natural History. The Miscellaneous Publica- tions, Museum of Natural History, began with number 1 in 1946. Longer research papers are published in that series. Monographs of the Museum of Natural History were initiated in 1970. All manuscripts are subject to critical review by intra- and extra- mural specialists, final acceptance is at the discretion of the publications committee. Institutional libraries interested in exchanging publications may obtain the Occasional Papers and Miscellaneous Publica- tions by addressing the Exchange Librarian, University of Kan- sas Library, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. Individuals may pur- chase separate numbers of all series. Prices may be obtained upon request addressed to Publications Secretary, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. Editor: Linda Truer Managing Editor: William E. Duellman PRINTED HY UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS PRINTING SERVICE LAWRENCE, KANSAS 3 2044 093 361 657