LANCASTER. 4 Ly > = as be Ly Zz a O Usp) lhe Mah OCCURRENCE OF APTOSOCHROMATISM IN PASSERINA CYANEA, BY F. J. BIRTWELL. [Reprinted from ScrEncE, N. S., Vol. XI., No. 269, Pages 292-299, February 23, 1900.] 656 Pate 66/9 Birds [Reprinted from Science, N. S., Vol. XI., No. 269, Pages 292-299, February 28, 1900.) Fyanus 3, Birtwe THE OCCURRENCE OF APTOSOCHROMATISM IN PASSERINA CYANEA.* TuE following remarks upon the Aptoso- chromatism of Passerina cyanea, although of insufficient importance to establish the phenomenon of color change without moult as a constant occurrence in the species, are conclusive enough, I am convinced, to prove the possibility of such a change, and are merely offered as such for what they may be worth. Individual error and dogmatism have greatly retarded honest effort in this most important branch of ornithological science. It is a singular fact that certain individuals have conceived the idea that a feather once having passed its premature condition is utterly disconnected with the vital system of the bird, and such individuals cling to this belief with a tenacity wonderful to be- hold. They do not tell us, by the way, how it is that certain species of birds lack- ing external sebaceous glands manage to present as bright plumage as their allies so provided. Doubtless they may attribute the presence of oily matters upon the sur- face of the feathers of those species in which thése glands are wanting to osmotic action ; but-admitting this, why not admit Aptosochromatism x In his article on alleged changes of color in feathers (Bull. Am. Museum Nat. Hist. 1896), Dr. Allen compares a feather to a green leaf, which when once formed, can- not extend its growth to repair any injuries which may arise from insects, etc. This * Read before the Nuttall Ornithological Club of Cambridge, Mass., June 5, 1899, with exhibition of the bird worked upon. 2 simile might well be carried yet farther and to better advantage. When the later sum- mer or early fall approaches, certain leaves undergo a complete change in color, result- ing in the beautiful colors of our Septem- ber and October woods. The history of the underlying phenomena of autumnal col- oration in leaves is very obscure, yet no one doubts the occurrence of the change for an instant. Soit is with Aptosochromatism— the individual feathers undergo in many cases complete color changes, and although the underlying processes of these changes may be obscure, the fact of their presence is to my mind undeniable. At the present time Aptosochromatism has not progressed far enough to encourage one to take up in detail the systematic oc- currence of the color change in our species of native birds. It seems evident that for the present, attention should rather be de- voted to endeavoring to demonstrate its fundamental principles, without which no science is firm, plainly evident as may be its happening. Passerina cyanea, apart from its seasonal fall moult by which the plumage acquired in the spring is changed for the duller garb of the fall, doubtless exhibts two forms of Dichromatism, a term whose proper place, I hope, is now recognized as the funda- mental term for the complex phenomena of double coloration. As I shall direct my at- tention toward proving that Aptosochroma- tism is concurrent in the species, and Ptoso- chromatism in the present paper will play an inconspicuous part. Both are compre- hensive terms, by the way, coined by Dr. Coues. The latter term may be defined for convenience, as the occurrence of Dichroma- tism depending entirely upon the loss of old 3 feathers which are replaced by others of a different color. Both processes subserve the same general purpose and result in a seasonal change of color, in the present example, from that of the fall to the nuptial of the spring. The Ptosochromatic change of the spring will not farther be considered here—let it suffice to say that beyond doubt some indigo birds change color in the spring by completely, or nearly so, shedding their feathers. The change not due to such feather loss is what interests us at the pres- ent, and will necessarily be presented far from exhaustively. My remarks are based chiefly upon observations conducted during the fall, winter, and early spring of 1898- 99, upon a captive male bird. In view of the color of the plumage of my bird, at the time I took possession of it, it must have been in the adult condition, and as such birds are commonly captured while in the adult state, the difficulty in adapting my bird to his captive condition and the heavy feather loss undoubtedly resulting from this may consequently, be explained. I secured it October 13th, while it was nearing the completion of its fall moult, which by Octo- ber 28th was finished. From that date every cast-off feather was carefully collected and labelled. In order to be sure of obtaining all, a fender was placed about the cage and the room carefully swept at frequent inter- vals. In addition to this I made many ex- aminations of the bird and secured such specimen feathers in a fresh state as I wished for microscopic examination. Briefly, the bird was fed mostly upon millet and canary seed, appeared healthy, bathed regularly, and during bright days sang frequently. On March 26th, how- ever, he died after an illness of three 4 days, before which he was as lively as ever. Examination showed constipation to be the probable cause of his untimely death. The color change had progressed excellently however, and but little additional informa- tion could have been gained had he lived, excepting the period of time occupied by the entire change. Data is present in suf- ficient quantity, nevertheless, to enable me to state the time occupied by the change in certain portions of the plumage. The appearance of my bird as regards color, October 28th, was as follows: Feathers of the head and breast slightly tinged with cobalt, the chief color of the feathers being dull rusty. The breast thus was somewhat mottled in appearance. Back rusty, the concealed centers bluish. Primaries and rectrices blackish with blue edges. Second- aries and coverts broadly edged with rust color. Lower abdomen buffy, ventral area whitish. From October 28th till January 28th I observed no marked color change, but from February until the bird’s death, it was very noticeable. A curious and undoubtedly un- normal process intervened however, and in order to understand this comprehensively I will tabulate the feather loss beginning with the first feather shed after October 28th, when it will be recollected that the bird had completed its moult. Nov. 1, 1 contour tc 7, 1 (a3 (73 12, 1 be Nov. 21, 2 contours oh 20. 1 contour are 2 contours ES NOO: 1 contour ‘¢ 30-Dec. 5, 4 contours Dec. 5-11, 4 « “11-24, 20 « 5 Dec, 24-31, 12 contours Dec. 31-Jan. 7, 11 a Jan. 7-23, 5 es daily ‘6 94 12 “c i 95, Hey 166 66 26, 13 as ‘¢ 27 and 28, 61 be Jan. 28-Feb. 11, 34 ss From February 11th to February 28th an average of 50 contours was lost daily. By March 5th the loss had abruptly ceased, and until his death on March 29th the bird lost but one or two feathers daily. The loss of down feathers was very small, not exceeding twenty specimens—a fact of pos- sible importance to be dwelt upon later on. The total summary of the contour feathers lost, carefully estimated at 1350 feathers, appeared to comprise about three-fifths of my bird’s entire plumage. They were shed from all parts of the plumage, and in view of the heavy loss I was quite prepared to ultimately conclude that any color change resulting in my bird would ensue from extensive feather loss. I was thus quite unprepared for what eventually fol- lowed. Microscopically, the cast-off feath- ers were broken, abraded and apparently in the worst condition. The barbules were broken or wanting, the barbs in many places worn down, and the rhachis of the larger feathers was split. This is also of importance as will directly be seen. To many observers my bird by March 5th would have been pronounced to be com- pletely moulting. Immature feathers were in prominence especially upon the head and were scattered all about the remaining feathers of the plumage, which, as has been before remarked, amounted to about two- fifths of the entire plumage. The color of a discarded feather, compared with a freshly 6 plucked one from the body, showed in most cases a decided contrast. Not only were the blue portions dull but their superstruc- tures were gone in many cases, the feathers then being dull brownish. A probable, and, as I am convinced, the truthful source of my bird’s extensive loss is found indirectly in the temperament of the bird. From the very first it was fretful and timid, flutter- ing wildly when uncovered in the morning or when the cage was cleaned out. Evenan approach in his direction while hanging in the room caused a wild fluttering. Upon such occasions many feathers would be shed, and those remaining were more or less injured. Thus when such a vital process as Aptosochromatism begins to work, these decrepit feathers necessarily would have to be renewed in order to take part in the general plan. The head upon which many pin feathers appeared, naturally received a considerable share of the injury as regards its feathers, and the tail was in a very bad state. Tt will be noticed in the table how gradu- ally the loss began, due doubtless to the gradual approach of activity towards color change in the feathers. It must be ad- mitted that this explanation is purely hy- pothetical, but such a hypothesis, although not of fundamental importance, ofttimes prepares the way for a clearer understand- ing of the problem under consideration. The small loss of down feathers points in two ways to the truth of this assumption. Firstly, being more or less under the con- tour feathers they received less of the wear caused to the others, and secondly, having no color change in themselves, their part in the color-changing process was inconspicu- ous. It is not probable that the bird could 7 have swallowed many down feathers with- out it being observed in the excrement. As I frequently examined the bird closely I noticed at once that the developing feath- ers which were supplying the places of the cast-off ones, far from appearing to change the color of the bird to blue, were actually coming true to the colors in which they were shed, %. ¢., in the colors of the fall plumage. To be positive I collected and examined extensively and in every case verified this most interesting principle. It will be recollected that in my observations upon the Aptosochromatism of Chrysotis Levaillanti (see Osprey, III., No. 8, April, 99), similar results were noticed. In later dates a few parti-changed feathers were found in the embryonic condition, but these may be readily accounted for in two ways, for in no cases were fully changed feathers so detected. (1) Where a partially changed feather had been pulled out or shed and was being renewed, and (2) where a feather had begun to change before it was matured (this being noticed in my parrot investiga- tion). Many of the contradictory and con- fusing remarks of dealers in birds may per- haps be explained by these most important observations, and it may readily be true that more than a few instances of so-called color changes depending upon spring moults in cage birds, may be due to extensive feather losses precedent to an Aptosochro- matic change. It seems unnecessary to dwell upon the fact that no vital process can readily take place in a greatly injured organic structure, and the renewal of my bird’s feathers con- current with the approach of the macro- scopic activity of the color change is, I think, an incident of no little value. 8 The first appearances of a color change were noticed in some of the old feathers of the crown during the first week of February. Here a brightening of the blue area of the feather was noticed but no per- ceptible change of color at the tips where the russet was. From this date till the death of the bird a slow but constant change occurred, chiefly noticeable on the rump, throat, and breast. The first indication of the approach of the change externally was the brightening of the blue portion of the feather, beginning evenly on each vane from the bottom. When the band of tawny was reached, it appeared slowly to be ab- sorbed until but faint tips of this color could be seen upon the ends of the larger barbs. In no cases were the barbs or bar- bules broken off sufficiently to account for the change. A loss of one-third of the length of the feathers in many cases would have been the result, and close observation did not sustain this in the least. I was en- abled to notice the change in certain breast feathers, which was much more rapid than that of the parrot before referred to. Yet in the latter case the change which gradu- ally causes the yellow plumage is a slow one of life duration, and but few feathers are involved atatime. That of Passerina cyanea is one of comparatively short dura- tion and involves the greater part of the entire plumage. Upon his death the bird presented the following appearance as regards color. An irregular area of brilliant cobalt blue ex- tended from the throat to the belly down the center of the breast, the feathers upon each side graduating gradually to the sides, where but little change had occurred. Head partially changed in parts, inter-scapulars 9 not perceptibly changed at all (a place where many pin feathers formed). Back altered slightly, rump and scapulars 4 changed to bright greenish blue, the long russet tips almost entirely changed in some feathers, wings and tail unaltered with the exception of the secondaries and coverts, which had slightly changed on the edges. Throat slightly blackish, lower ventral re- gion as with the rump. Assuming, as we safely may, that the first of February marked the beginning of the macroscopic change, we may attribute the total length of time occupied in the change of some of the breast feathers, from the fall to the spring colors, to a period of about fifty days, which for some of the feathers is an over-estimate. It is not a little curious that the feathers should act so independently and especially 80 when it is considered that each feather comes true in color. While skins of birds may serve highly important purposes, it appears essential that for good results in investigations upon color change, one should operate rather upon live birds in confinement. It is quite ab- surd to suppose that a single generation in confinement would so alter the natural laws of the organism as to obscure Aptosochrom- atism or Ptosochromatism, if one process or the other be a natural tendency. It is objectively certain that the phenomenon of Aptosochromatism occurs widely, but whether of individual or specific occurrence is not yet clearly shown. While my bird threw out no hint whatever as to the con- stant occurrence of the color change, it did prove that the ‘impossibility’ is possible.* * Dr. Chadbourne has informed me, since the above was written, that of three confined male indigo birds 10 It is certain that the heavy feather loss of my bird but indirectly helped the change; Ist, we have seen that many feathers. changed which were not renewed by moult ; 2d, we saw that those feathers which were renewed by direct gain and loss were col- ored similarly to those which preceded them, but that later on they changed Apto- sochromatically, and 3d, no purely blue, 7. e., changed feathers, were found in an embry- onic condition at any time, although fre- quent careful examinations of the bird were made. Although it is of no positive certainty whether, in the new feathers, the vascular connection with the body was severed, it was found that their complete form was at- tained in most cases a week or more before a change set in; and in those unshed feathers carried over from the fall, it is quite reasonable to suppose that all con- nections with the body of the bird were as normal as in other feathers of a similar age. Before the change of color had begun, in December or January, in specimens ex- amined carefully under the microscope, I could detect no presence of carrier pigment cells and found the calamus of each feather observed by him, two changed color ptosochromatic- ally and the third ‘ without any feather loss to speak of,’ i. e., aptosochromatically ; and still later on, I was delighted to learn during a conversation with Mr. C. J. Maynard that he too had followed a male Passerina through its entire spring change of color. The bird involved, belonged to a friend of Mr. May- nard, who informed him that the bird had changed its colors during the season just passed without moult- ing itsfeathers. Determined to follow out the change exactly, Mr. Maynard examined the bird frequently the next season, throughout the entire time occupied by the change, and perfectly satisfied himself that it was totally unassisted by a moult or any considerable loss of feathers. 1¥ to be in the expected dried up condition. The change would thus seem to be confined to activity in the feathers alone. In a brief summary of the principal points already discussed in connection with my bird we may conclude (1) that Aptosochrom- atism in my Passerina cyanea occurred beyond doubt, (2) that although present with severe feather loss it does not follow that the gain of color was directly responsi- ble to it, as proved by careful examination of the newly acquired feathers, and (3) that although the feather loss was objectively independent of the Aptosochromatic change, it might subjectively be so, inasmuch as old and imperfect feathers were renewed for active and healthy ones, in which such a color change subsequently occurred. The results quoted of Dr. Chadbourne and Mr. Maynard appear to me to be con- elusive in themselves and require no further comment. Microscopically, the color change was not of as much prominence as might have been expected at first thought, but it will be recollected that blue and violet colored feathers depend, in a large measure, for their effects, upon involved objective superstructures, which act in combination with some underlying pigment or pigments. These pigments produce chemical objective effects, due to the absorption of all light rays not depending upon the characteristic color of the pigments. ; Chemically and microscopically, the feathers of my Passerina cyanea appeared to contain two pigments, one, a diffused non-granular tawny colored stain, the other, a granular blackish substance. The yel- lowish stain was confined to the transparent sheath of the barbs and to the barbules, while the granular matter varied in place- ment with the color of the feathers. 12 An unchanged, 7. e., fall-colored feather, examined in a fresh state, exhibited the fol- lowing appearance under the microscope. The rhachis appeared, centrally, to be cellu- lar in construction with an enveloping sheath thickly supplied with the black pig- ment matter, the granules arranged in an order suggestive of a streaming movement toward the tip of the feather. At the junc- tion with each barb a small portion of the main system curved upward into the central portion of that member. Proximally this column ended in the modification of the rachis into barbs. The center of each barb of the colored parts of the feathers con- tained a prismatic column, resembling to my eye, a number of bodies set together so as to resemble the nodes and internodes of a bamboo cane. At the distal end of each barb these bodies tapered, and in many eases the extreme joints were separated from the main column. About the blue portions of the feathers, these columns were massed thickly with black matter, the por- tions giving the rusty effects being much less plentifully supplied, and surrounding this central column a transparent envelope of the yellowish stain was present. The barbules of the non-blue area were the color of this sheath but became well supplied with the dark pigment when the blue-pro- ducing area was met with, completely ob- scuring the presence of the stain. The tips of the prismatic columns showed a pale brownish orange color, but gradually as the microscope slide was passed across the stage the color became deeper until when one- half of the length of the barbs had passed before the objective, it appeared deep black. The blue area of such a feather gave a good reaction for Zoomelanin (black), for 13 by boiling the feather in KOH, 0.5% and then heating with chlorine, the dark matter was completely broken up, and the feather appeared colored as with the rusty-colored tip which was apparently unaltered by the test. When compared to a feather wholly changed to blue by the Aptosochromatic process, a valuable suggestion is at once thrown out, as to the nature of the change of color. Ina microscopic examination of such a feather it is noticed that the lower parts of the central barb colums were as in the bicolored-fall feathers excepting that the massing of the black appeared to be denser. The upper parts however which were deep orange brown before, varying to lighter tints as the tips of the barbs were approached, now appear thickly massed with the black also, and the yellowish barbules are likewise colored. The stream- ing movement of the color granules is now esvecially prominent in an actively chang- ing feather, and it readily appears that the rhachis gives up a part of its matter to the barbs, which in turn supply it to the bar- bules. A positive change of pigment is man- ifested macroscopically, for a fall feather held to the light or crushed, remains yel- lowish in its yellow-colored parts, while a spring feather, appearing entirely blue, so treated, shows darkly, due to the addition of black pigment. Undoubtedly the blue effects are pro- duced by the prismatic column in coopera- tion with the dark involved pigment, the sheath enveloping these parts playing its part with the barbules in producing the fall- colored feather. A cross section of the blue- producing barb sustains this view. When placed under the microscope with all light 14 obstructed, but that descending to the stage from above, the sheath became invisible but the central column showed up like phosphorus as a pale glimmering blue which became opalescent with the varying quan- tities of light admitted. Unsectioned feath- ers so treated acted quite similarly, but the parts of the column appearing in the tips of the fall feathers, instead of betraying blue, showed gleaming white effects. Under trans- mitted light, as in ordinary examinations, the effects of the pigments alone were seen. The massing of the granules of pigment begins evenly upon each vane, from the bottom of each barb and works towards the tips, the barbules being filled, from the tips first, as they are passed. The tips of the distal barbs usually were the last to com- pletely undergo this change. In both fall and spring feathers, the ob- jective superstructure occupied the same relative position, being confined to the cen- ter of the barbs alone for almost their en- tire lengths. Dr. Gadow, who has published results of his investigations upon the nature of the blue-producing structures in feathers, con- cludes that the production of blue is, in a measure, caused by the fine ridges of the prismatic columns, and thinks that the bodies of the columns and the transparent sheaths of the barbs may exert an appreci- able influence. He adds in consequence ‘the production of blue therefore in a feather would be the result of a very com- plicated process.”’ As shown in my feathers, however, the blue appeared to be largely independent of the envelope of the barbs, yet this might concentrate light rays or so modify them that the consequent would be helpful. One 15 thing appears certain, that to the presence of quantities of granular black-like matter is due no small share of the ultimate pro- duction of blue. The causes of the differences in the shade of tbe blue feathers from violet to greenish, according to their position on the bird, ap- peared to be very slight microscopically, and I could detect no constant characters with the facilities at my disposal. As tothe causes of the activity necessary to produce a color change, we may only infer. As proved by dissection my bird was not undergoing any prominent sexual change, and the theory that the temperature of the atmosphere might be responsible would not be applicable to most cage birds which are kept in warmrooms. There can be no doubt, however, but that the fall change of plumage is one of protective ten- dency, and it is highly possible that until changed in the spring, the feathers, in a certain sense, are immature. In the case of the double yellow-headed parrot before mentioned, the color change was of a retro- grade nature, but in the present example the process is synthetic rather than other- wise. Numerous theories have been published which endeavor to account for the dichro- matic fall change of many birds, but it would be irrelevant to discuss them here. One thing appears certain, that the process is deeply involved in the vital system of the organism. Professor Beddard cites an example noticed by Professor Weber of a chaffinch which was so colored that one-half of the bird was in the male plumage and the other portion in the female. Dissection proved the bird to be a Hermaphrodite, i. e., the side sustaining the male plumage was 16 found to contain a testicle,while the opposite portion of the body possessed an ovary, and Professor Beddard writes that this curious abnormality had been noticed before. As no vascular connection appeared to be present in the perfect feathers of my bird, the change appears to be one of internal activity in the feathers themselves, and the simile before mentioned, of the autumn leaf, appears to be still more strongly consistent. The change is none the less vital, however, and ceases with the death of the organism. No tests delicate enough were applied to determine if new matter was formed di- rectly in the feather. It appeared prob- able that none was, but that the striking change depended upon the massing of the dark granular matter from the rhachis to the barbs and their appendages. The ab- sence of definite data upon the chemistry of animal pigments makes remarks in a qualitative direction wholly undesirable. To conclude our microscopic study, how- ever, we may affirm: (1) that microscop- ically as well as macroscopically an appre- ciable Aptosochromatic change took place in the individual feathers of my Passerina cyanea; (2) that this change far from being analytical or retrograde was inclined to the nature of constructive synthesis, probably passive in nature ; (3) that the change was definite as shown by comparison with the blue areas of unchanged feathers ; (4) that it depended chiefly upon the gain of dark pigment in the vicinity of the prismatic column, and (5) that there was an appre- ciable difference in the amounts of blackish pigment supplied to the barbs and barbules, before and after the change. F. J. BIRTWELL. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARI re | il 7048 | MI 002533b nhbird QL696.P246B619 ? 3 iil) The occurrence of aptosochromatism in Pa i | 7 } ere - Rte he om 1 oe ll ll. kth aerate OEE REE Mati a a & ‘ ek. Ee