NMFS-DR-82 R UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION r V U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Robert W. Scheming, Director Oceanic Conditions During the Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic (JISETA) — February, April, and September-December 1968 STEVEN K. COOK, JAMES F. HEBARD, MERTON C INGHAM, ELLSWORTH C. SMITH, and CARLOS AF0NS0 DIAS I I Data Report 82 SEATTLE, WA. March 1974 M. D.s: i >Vb% M.C z: ~i NMFS-DR-82 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Frederick B. Dent, Secretary NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION Robert M. White, Administrator NATIONAL MARINE FISHERIES SERVICE Robert W. Scheming, Director Oceanic Conditions During the Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic (JISETA) — February, April, and September-December 1968 STEVEN K. COOK, JAMES F. HEBARD, MERTON C. INGHAM, ELLSWORTH C. SMITH, and CARLOS AF0NS0 DIAS 5 *4 Data Report 82 SEATTLE, WA. March 1974 1 CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Station patterns and cruise schedules 1 Data acquisition 2 Data processing 3 Literature cited 5 Appendix 1 5 Figures 1. General location of the Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic (JISETA) 6 2. Temperature-salinity relationships obtained by RV Undaunted, RV Goa, and USCGC Rockaway at intercalibration station located at 12°20'S and 13°00'E 7 3. Temperature-oxygen relationships obtained by RV Undaunted and USCGC Rockaway at intercalibration station located at 12°20'S and 13°00'E 8 4. Locations of stations 2-45; Undaunted 6801, phase I; 18-25 February 1968 ... 9 5- 29. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate for Undaunted 6801 , phase I 1 0-34 30. Locations of stations 46-105; Undaunted 6801, phase II; 8-16 March 1968 35 31- 69. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate for Undaunted 6802, phase II 36-74 70. Locations of stations 114-144; Undaunted 6801, phase III; 15-21 April 1968 ... 75 71- 95. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate for Undaunted 6801, phase III 76-100 96. Locations of stations 18-35; Undaunted 6802, phase I; 19-23 September 1968 101 97-105. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate for Undaunted 6802, phase I 102-1 10 106. Locations of stations 1-61; Goa, phase II; 12-25 October 1968 111 107-136. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, and density for Goa, phase II ...112-141 137. Locations of stations 50-99; Undaunted 6802, phase II; 15-29 October 1968 .. 142 138-191. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate for Undaunted 6802, phase II 143-196 192. Locations of stations 6-166; Rockaway, phase II; 15-20 October 1968 197 193-255. Distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phosphate for Rockaway, phase II 198-260 256. Locations of stations 170-274; Rockaway, phase III; 11-21 November 1968 261 257-276. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate for Rockaway, phase III 262-281 277. Locations of stations 1-29; Goa, phase III; 12-17 November 1968 282 278-316. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, and density for Goa, phase III . . .283-321 31 7. Locations of stations 276-338; Rockaway, phase IV; 25 November-2 Decem- ber 1 968 322 318-353. Vertical distributions of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate for Rockaway. phase IV 323-358 MBL/WHOI 0 0301 00MD732 b iii 2. Tables A summary of sampling activities conducted on the vessels participating in the various cruises of JISETA Methods used by participating agencies for quality control of data collected on JISETA cruises 3 4 The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) does not approve, rec- ommend or endorse any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned in this publication. No reference shall be made to NMFS, or to this publication furnished by NMFS, in any advertising or sales pro- motion which would indicate or imply that NMFS approves, recommends or endorses any proprietary product or proprietary material mentioned herein, or which has as its purpose an intent to cause directly or indirectly the advertised product to be used or purchased because of this NMFS publication. IV Oceanic Conditions During the Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic (JISETA)— February, April, and September-December 1968 STEVEN K. COOK,1 JAMES F. HEBARD,' MERTON C. INGHAM,' ELLSWORTH C. SMITH,2 and CARLOS AFONSO DIAS3 ABSTRACT Oceanic conditions in the upper 1,000 meters in the water column off tropical western Africa are portrayed. The portrayal is comprised of vertical sections of temperature, salinity, sigma-f, oxygen, and phosphate A description of methods of sampling, analysis, data processing and quality control is presented. INTRODUCTION The Joint Investigation ot the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic (JISETA) was conceived in 1967 at the Tropi- cal Atlantic Biological Laboratory (now Southeast Fisheries Center) of the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (BCF), U.S. Department of Interior (now the National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Department of Commerce) in Miami, Fla. The investigation was plan- ned as an extension of a broad study of the tropical Atlantic tunas and their ecology. Of particular interest to JISETA was the relationship between the distribu- tion of surface-schooling tunas and seasonal changes in their environment. Specific oceanic features along the coast of western Africa between the equator and 17°S(Fig. 1) thought to influence tuna distribution were fronts, upwelling areas, and the effluent plume of the Congo River. It soon became apparent that the investigation of this area was too much for one vessel, BCF's RV Un- daunted, and assistance was requested from various U.S. and foreign laboratories. Two organizations agreed to participate, the Missao de Estudos Bioceanologicos e de Pescas de Angola, with the RV Goa, located in Lobito, Angola, and the U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit, located in Washington, DC, which agreed to send the USCGC Rockaway. 'National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Washington, DC 20235. 2National Oceanographic Data Center, NOAA, Washington, DC 20235 3Missao de Estudos Bioceanologicos e de Pescas de Angola, caixa Postal 677, Lobito, Angola, PWA This report is a compilation of the physical and chemical data collected by the three ships in the vari- ous phases of JISETA, portrayed in a series of vertical sections corresponding with transects of stations oc- cupied during the investigation. The report is not in- tended to be the sole publication resulting from JISETA, but instead is intended to serve as a source of physical and chemical data which should be utilized in further research in fisheries ecology or oceanog- raphy. Although biological data were collected during JISETA also, there are no similar portrayals of these data planned; they will be utilized in research papers instead. STATION PATTERNS AND CRUISE SCHEDULES The station patterns occupied during the various phases of JISETA are shown in Figures 4, 30, 70, 96, 1 06, 1 37, 1 92, 256, 277, and 31 7. The cruises compris- ing the investigation were conducted according to the following schedules: Undaunted 6801: 14-25 February — phase I (2-11 °S) 8-16 March —phase II (15-1 9°S) 15-21 April —phase III (2°S-5°N, Northeastern Gulf of Guinea) Undaunted 6802: 19-23 September- 15-29 October - 11-22 November - -phase I (1°N-6°S) -phase II (6-1 2°S) -phase III (12-1 7°S, results not included) Goa 19-24 September— phase I (5-1 2°S, results not included) 12-25 October —phase II (12-17°S) 12-17 November —phase III (12-17°S) Rockaway: 29 September-3 October -phase I (Angola Dome survey, results not included here) -phase II (0-6°S) -phase III (11-17°S) 15-30 October 1 1-21 November 25 November-2 December— phase IV (0-4°S) During phase II of the cruises in October-December 1968 the three ships were at sea simultaneously, oc- cupying stations along onshore-offshore transects 1 00-1 20 nm (1 85-200 km) in length in the area from the equator to 17°S." Goa covered the southern portion (12-1 7°S), Undaunted the central portion (6-1 2°S), and Rockaway the northern portion (0-6°S). During phase III, the ships worked together in an area from 1 1°to 17°S in an effort to describe the antici- pated southward movement of an oceanic front along the Angola coast. The Rockaway occupied stations along four long north-south transects, while the Goa and Undaunted worked along a sawtooth track in the same area. During phase IV, only the Rockaway gathered data, while reoccupying stations between 4°S and the equator. DATA ACQUISITION Water Temperature Water temperature was measured by reversing thermometers, expendable or mechanical bathyther- mographs (XBT or BT), in situ salinity-temperature- depth recording systems (STD), recording thermo- graphs, and bucket thermometers. Salinity Salinity was measured in situ by means of an STD or by shipboard or laboratory analysis of water samples collected from casts of Niskm or Nansen bottles. Dissolved Oxygen Content A modified Winklertitration (Strickland and Parsons, 1965) was used on board the Undaunted and Rocka- way to determine the concentration of dissolved ox- ygen in water samples collected with Nansen orNiskin bottles. Inorganic Phosphate Content Samples of seawater were analyzed for their content of dissolved inorganic phosphate either on board the research vessel (Rockaway) or in the laboratory after preservation by freezing (Undaunted). The shipboard analysis generally followed methods prescribed by Strickland and Parsons (1965). The laboratory method used on preserved water samples from Undaunted 6801 was a modification of a dual reductant analysis (Van Landingham, 1958) involving colorformation and stabilization by a stannous chlonde-hydrazine sulfate reducing agent. Preserved water samples from Un- daunted 6802 were analyzed according to the proce- dure specified by Strickland and Parsons (1 968) using a Beckman DU spectrophotometer. Primary Productivity Estimates of primary productivity were made each day on board the Rockaway and Undaunted by measuring the amount of carbon fixed during 24 hr in incubation of seawater samples inoculated with C-14 carbonate. The water samples were collected at local apparent noon at selected light-extinction levels. They were placed in deck mounted incubators, fitted with filters to simulate the extinction levels, in a bath of running seawater at ambient sea surface temperature. After incubation the samples were filtered and re- sidues desiccated and frozen until subsequent anal- ysis in a laboratory ashore. Zooplankton Double oblique tows of 1-m plankton nets fitted with flow meters and bathykymographs were made in the upper 200 m (water depth permitting) to capture rep- resentative samples of zooplankton. Biomass esti- mates, per unit volume of water filtered, were obtained by the displacement method described by Tashiro and Hebard (1969). Nekton Near-surface tows of a 6-ft Isaacs-Kidd midwater trawl were made on selected stations from the Un- daunted in an attempt to sample the forage organisms available to surface-schooling tunas. Tunas Samples (up to 100 individuals) were collected by hook and line from surface schools of tuna whenever possible from the Undaunted. Samples of muscle tis- sue, gonads, blood, and eyes were taken from the fish after they were measured, weighed, and sexed. Navigation Quality Control and Processing of Data Undaunted 1 Jndaunted Sampling activity 6801 6802 Bottle casts for temperature and salinity X X STD' X XBT2 X Mechanical bathythermograph X Thermograph X X O2 concentration X X PO4 concentration X X Productivity X X Zooplankton X X Nekton X Tuna spotting X X Tuna sampling X X Ships' positions were determined by celestial fixes and dead reckoning. When near enough to shore, radar was used to identify landmarks as a supplemen- tary means. A summary of sampling activities conducted on the vessels participating in the various cruises of JISETA is presented in Table 1. Table 1.— Sampling activities on the Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic. Goa Rockaway X X X X X X X X X X X X X 'Sahnity-temperature-depth recording systems. Expendable bathythermograph Intercalibration During October, each vessel participating in JISETA occupied a station near 12°20'S, 13°00'E, off Lobito, Angola, for the purpose of intercalibration of physical and chemical measurements. The results of these oc- cupations are presented as comparative plots of temperature vs. salinity and temperature vs. oxygen (Fig. 2 and 3). The surface and near-surface values were not plotted because of scatter in these data due to real changes in the upper waters during the interval of 10 days between the first and last occupation of the station. Determinations of temperature and salinity on the three vessels were closely comparable; the T-S en- velope width (Fig. 2) was 0.07°/oo and 0.3°C at its widest point. Oxygen determinations on the floc/caway and Undaunted were not as comparable. In warmer water (>9°C) above 150 m the determinations were widely different, possibly because of real changes in concentration; the depth of the oxycline varied widely in space in the vicinity of the intercalibration station. However, the oxygen determinations were closely comparable in cooler water (<9°C) in and below the oxygen minimum. Each agency participating in JISETA was indepen- dently responsible for shipboard and laboratory qual- ity control of the data it collected, using the methods listed in Table 2. DATA PROCESSING The vertical sections presented in this report were produced from data derived from bottle casts and STD instrument lowerings. All data obtained were reduced and quality controlled by the participants. Final pro- cessing and quality control were completed by the U.S. National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). The data were archived by NODC and are available to interested persons from NODC under the following identification: NODC Vessel Dates Cruise Number Goa 10-12-68/10-25-68 AN 001 Goa 11-12-68/11-17-68 AN 002 Rockaway 10-13-68/12- 2-68 318058 Undaunted 2-14-68/ 4-25-68 318100 Undaunted 9-15-68/11-20-68 318161 Standard depth interpolation for temperature, salin- ity, and oxygen was based upon a 3-point Lagrange interpolation equation (Scarborough, 1958). Details of this interpolation method are available from NODC. Following interpolation, the data were edited and anomalous data were examined for validity by com- parison with data acquired at nearby stations as well as with historical data from the same region. When validity was doubtful, data were flagged. In the prep- aration of this report, data of doubtful validity were not used for development of the vertical sections. Several stages in the process by which the JISETA data were impressed into the standard NODC format may be of interest to anyone concerned with applica- tion of the final product. These stages are described below. All data were subjected to the standard NODC sta- tion data compute program. In this program, values of temperature, salinity, and oxygen were interpolated at standard depths between the observed values, using the routine shown in Appendix 1. All data were subjected to edit programs which flag anomalies such as impossible ship-location/time se- quencesand improbableorunprocessable parameter values, to be corrected in the next stage by an oceanographer/monitor. More significantly, when the value of sigma-f (both observed and standard-depth values) was less than the value at the depth im- mediately above by an amount exceeding 0.02 sigma-f units, it was flagged. Table 2. — Methods used by participating agencies for quality control of data collected on the Joint Investigation of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic cruises. BCF' USCG2 BIOPESCA3 Temperature Salinity STDJdata compared with reversing thermometers at top and bottom of cast Performance of reversing ther- mometers monitored on each cast Values averaged if difference for pair s0.03°C STD data compared with labora- tory analysis of water samples col- lected at top and bottom of cast. Samples analyzed in duplicate by inductive salinometer STD data compared with reversing thermometers on full bottle casts on stations Performance of reversing ther- mometers monitored on each cast Values averaged if differences for pair «0 04°C STD data compared with on-board analysis of water samples from Nansen casts on station Performance of reversing ther- mometers monitored on each cast. Values averaged if difference for pair s0 04 C Duplicate determinations of salinity by inductive salinometer on shore. Sampling depth STD compared with thermometric depth. Monitored performance of protected and unprotected thermometers and reviewed L-Z curves. STD compared with thermometric depth Monitored performance of protected and unprotected thermometers and reviewed L-Z curves. Monitored performance of protected and unprotected reversing ther- mometers and reviewed L-Z curves. Dissolved oxygen Inorganic phosphate Replicate titrations on first and last sample from each station If first replicates differed by more than ±0.02 ml of titer, duplicates were run on all samples Special precau- tions were taken to reduce errors caused by volatilization of iodine Standardized against known con- centration of potassium di hydrogen phosphate at beginning and end of cruise. Single determination with O2 PO4 relationship for quality con- trol (Van Landingham. pers comm ) Replicate titrations of first and last sample from each station If first replicates differed by more than 0 02 ml of titer duplicates were run on all samples Special precautions were taken to reduce errors caused by volatilization of iodine Standardized against known con- centration of potassium dihydrogen phosphate at beginning and end of cruise Duplicate determination. Variable not measured Variable not measured 'Bureau of Commercial Fisheries 2U S. Coast Guard 3Missao de Estudos Bioceanologicos e de Pescas de Angola 4Sahnity-temperature-depth recording systems The data 1 1 stout was reviewed by an ocean- ographer/monitor, who examined the flagged sigma-r anomalies to determine the source of error. When in the monitor's judgment the depth, tempera- ture, or salinity was of doubtful validity, the value was flagged with the suffix "P". This flag was carried through the process to the permanent file and final listing. As a guide to judging, if the value retains a flag, a decrease (with depth) of 0.05 sigma-f units was toler- ated at depths between 100 and 300 m, and 0.2 from the surface to 1 00 m. Values identified as being doubt- ful by the originator were flagged with the suffix "O". When either temperature or salinity had been flagged, sigma-f also was flagged. After the data were quality controlled and processed to the stage of archival by NODC, the observed values of temperature, salinity, density, oxygen, and phos- phate were plotted versus depth and contoured to yield the vertical sections in this report. Data from the Goa, Rockaway, and Undaunted 6802 were plotted and contoured by a computer-controlled drafting machine utilizing the Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit's HYDROGRAPH computer program. The data from Undaunted 6801 were plotted and contoured by hand. All contoured sections were reviewed and smoothed by hand before final drafting. The Rockaway data involved an STD lowering and a Nansen bottle cast on each station. Separate numbers were assigned the lowerings and casts on the same stations, so the oxygen and phosphate sections bear different station numbers, but the positions are the same. LITERATURE CITED SCARBOROUGH, J B 1958 Numerical mathematical analysis 4th ed Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 576 p STRICKLAND, J D H . and T R PARSONS 1965. A manual of sea water analysis (with special reference to the more common micronutnents and to particulate organic material). 2nd rev. Fish. Res. Board Can., Bull 125, 203 p. 1968 A practical handbook of seawater analysis. Fish, Res Board Can , Bull 167, 311 p TASHIRO, J E., and J F HEBARD 1969 A modification of the plankton volume gauge for use aboard ship Limnol Oceanogr 14 794-796. VAN LANDINGHAM. J W 1958. Stabilizing heteropoly color in the estimation of phosphate-phosphorus in sea water Abstract reprinted from Proceedings of the Hawaiian Academy of Science thirty- third annual meeting, 1957-1958, p 22 APPENDIX 1 Station Data Compute Program Equations Standard Depth Interpolation Routine The following 3-point Lagrange interpolation equa- tion (Scarborough, 1958:74-75) is used to interpolate temperature, salinity, and oxygen at standard depths: (d-dz) (d-d 3) (dy-dz) (d,-d3) (d-d,) (d-d 3) (dz-d,) (dz-ds) + where (d-d,) (d-d 2) (d3-d,) (ds-dz) X3 d =standard depth in question Cm =observed depth #1 dz = observed depth #2 d3 =observed depth #3 X =parameter at standard depth Xi =observed parameter at depth di Xz =observed parameter at depth dz X3 =observed parameter at depth d3. However, there is one case where linear interpolation X =Xi + d-d, dz-d. (xz-x\) is used. That is where the 3-point interpolated value does not lie within the interval between the valid ob- served values immediately above and below: if there are additional interpolated values with in this interval, a new value is also computed (by linear interpolation) for these standard depths. The observed values used to interpolate at a given standard depth are normally chosen as one above the required standard depth and two below. However, if there are standard depths between the last two ob- served depths for a station then the values are chosen as two above and one below for the required standard depths. No doubtful data are used for interpolation. Doubtful data are bypassed until valid data are en- countered. If there is no valid observation at the surface, the surface interpolated value is made equal to the ob- served value at di, if di=£9 m. If di>9 m. then no standard depth interpolations are computed until dsdi. In addition, no interpolation for temperature, salin- ity, and/or oxygen is performed where the following conditions are encountered: 1) The first depth (di) with a valid observed value (card type 3, 4) is 400 m or less and the next depth (dz) with a valid observed value is greater than d, + 200 m. 2) di exceeds 400 m but not greater than 1,200 m and dz is greater than di + 400 m. When di exceeds 1,200 m, interpolation proceeds according to normal procedure. Figure 1— General location of the Joint Investigations of the Southeastern Tropical Atlantic (JISETA). 16 t r i 1 1 r "i 1 1 r "i r 15 14 - 13 12 - o o a> — a> Q. E 11 10 8 4 - •:^ J L 34.5 J I I L 35.0 J I I L Salinity (0/00) 35.5 J I L Figure 2.— Temperature-salinity relationships obtained by RV Undaunted, RV Goa, and USCGC Rockaway at intercalibration station located at 12'20'S and 13°00'E. 16 15 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 o o ^-" 10 3 03 ^— (D Q. E 9 8 - 7 - 5- 4 - 1 ' If ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 - 1 ^^^ — 1 m Rockaway 13 Oct 1968 — -" / x Undaunted 15 Oct 19 - / • Undaunted 2 Nov 1968 - — • 1 • 1 i • J / - — \\ J • — — 1 1 1 , 1,1,1.1.1 — 0 2 3 4 5 DISSOLVED OXYGEN (ml./l) Figure 3 —Temperature-oxygen relationships obtained by RV Undaunted and USCGC Rockaway at intercatibration station located at 1220'S and 13°00'E. 5°S 10S - V . "fCAPE LOPEZ • • • . 9 \ * \ 15 • • • • - 24 20 \ POINTE NOIRE - 29 30 • • 25 ( • 33 \ 31 \ 35 \ 39 • . • * \ 1 1 i i i i ^LUANDA •• 42 * •• 45 i i i 5°E 10 E 15 E Figure 4.— Locations of stations 2-45; Undaunted 6801, phase I; 18-25 February 1968. n-i 'i 'i "i; y-TT r 'i ■'" 5°N -\ oJirt Harcourt o \ 0 ' 0° . 05 N 'CAPE LOPEZ \„ Poirvle Noire . 5S v-" -H VCOIiGO RIVER H \ 1 P Luanda 10 \ /-^Lobito 15° - PMocamedes ~ (cAPE FRIO I I , \ , 1 in 1 i i i i 5°E 10° 600 Figure 5— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801 , phase I; stations 2-5; 18-19 February 1968. 10 Pointe Noire ~s - CONGO "RIVER R Mocamedes CAPE FRIO ;j°l I i i i i I l i i I 5°E 10° 600 Figure 6.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 2-5; 18-19 February 1968. 11 x i— Q- UJ a 2 3 4 5 1 J * Ti.OT 25 8 • 100 •— ' 26.2" 200 • __^-^ . t/> 300 _____ ; LU • 26.6- • '. LU . . . X 1— _. 400 - • 27.0 n • • • 500 • • • 0 30 i i NAUTICAL MILES 5°N _ ¥ ojjort Harcourt Z _ o \ - 9 f 0° 02 0 / 05 N 'CAPE LOPEZ \_ Poinle Noire Z 5°S - \C0IIG0 RIVER - 10° P Luanda j; y^lobitO 15° — M Mocamedes ~ 1 CAPE FRIO I ?nc 1 i i i 1 ! 1 1 1 5E 10° Figure 7 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 2-5: 18-19 February 1968. 12 to LU i »— a. UJ Q 5°N 0 5 6 7 8 9 I ! « ! 19- m iiuiuj 100 . — i— 17 1 . — __i_ -15 * : •__ ■ 200 • • -13- ac UJ • • • fcj " : ■ X ^•7 — • 9' Q. UJ Q 400 • • • 500 _— T""' 0 30 I Ann NAUTICAL MILES 5°S 10° - 15° - 20c ?f .■l:V"]-n ;t"T"-"'- '-"_; .Port Harcourt 'S _ &\ _ 0 I _ 0 I 05 ^CAPE LOPEZ "~09 : - \_ Pointe Noire _ — \^ _ VCONGO RIVER - - P Luanda - V — - /& Lobito ~ - >H Mocamedes ~_ _ TCAPi ERIO I "I i i 1 i i I i. , .." ■-■■ 5°E 10° Figure 8. — Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 5-9; 19 February 1968. 13 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 no 120 X I— Q. LU Q 500 600 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 5N p I I I I l"l I I v _ Port Harcourt CAPE LOPIJZ 09 5°S 10° 15r 20c 5°E Pointe Noire _ COMO RIVER - ^ Luanda Lobito ^Mocamedes CAPr. FRIO i i i i i i i t 10" Figure 9.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 5-9; 19 February 1968. 14 51 ^j i I ii | in 5°S 10c 05 _j Port Harcour! cape iopi:z Pointe Noire 15° - 20c \r) ?m VCONGO RIVERH : Luanda 'lobito Mocamedes ~Z tJCAPi FRIO 1 ' ' ' ' I ' ' i 5°E 10° 600 Figure 10.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 5-9; 19 February 1968. 15 CO 100 200- 300 400- 500 600 5"N 5°S 10 15c 20c , i. i i i | i ' i i i Port Harcourt CAPE 10PEZ 09 '''' 5°E Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - 'Luanda lobito ? Mocamedes CAPt FRIO Figure 11— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/jg-at. 'liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 5-9; 19 February 1968, 16 5°N - 5°S 10° - 15° - 20° T T TT 1 | 1' 1 1 |,.' :*■• ■ "'■.' '.v'-.^Port Harcourt _ _ e\ _ 0 J ~ - ' 9C CAPE LOPEZ - ] 3 \_ Pointe Noire I - VcONGO RIVER - — P Luanda v - yfHobito .2 - P, ftiocamedes ~ - ICAPE FRIO I "l ■ i ■ ■ l ■ ■ • '.' 5°E 10° 600 Figure 12 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 9-13; 19-20 February 1968, 17 5°N _V ._ Port Harcourt _ - ^~\ - • / ~ ■ _ 0° 91 CAPE LOPEZ 5°S : p 13 N^? Pointe Noire _ ypfJGO RIVER - 10° - P Luanda J : /^Lobito 15° - PMocamedes ~ •>n° "Ml (CAPE FRIO _ 5°E 10° 600 Figure 13— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 9-13; 19-20 February 1968. 18 5°N - 0° - 5°S 10° - 15° - 20° J ■rri i | 'i""i ii r -ojort Harcourt _ : &\ 'I ■ • / _ - 0 h 13 CAPE LOPEZ - \^ Pointe tloire _ - YwiGO RIVER - — w Luanda > ^ _ yfHobito -I: / ■- /'■■ .■-.'.. -" V P Mocamedes :~2 ~ MAPE FRIO •■■■': "i i i i-i— i i '&%¥.{& U 5°E 10° 600 Figure 14 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 9-13; 19-20 February 1968. 19 5°H i i i i | "i" i I 'i Port Harcourt 5°S 10° 15° 20° CAPE LOPEZ \ V Pointe Noire r- CONGO RIVER P Luanda 1 Lobito ^Mocamedes CAPiI FRIO i i 1 i i i -i • 5°E 10° Figure 15.— Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 15-20; 20-21 February 1968 20 60- 35.8 * 300- X 30 NAUTICAL MILES 30 _l NAUTICAL MILES 5°N 5°S - 10° - 15c 20° =4 \ -|- ri | i'i l l — => ojort Harcourt % ~ o\ - 0 I — t CAPE LOPEZ - 15 v : \ ' -MPointB .Noire _ 20 v CONGO RIVER - — 9 Luanda 2. - /PTobito t 2 - M Mocamedes V"j - 1 CAPi! FRIO " "1 i i i i 1 i i i r 5°E 10° Figure 16 —Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801. phase I; stations 15-20; 20-21 February 1968. 21 ■1, I II I'l I I- )■ Port Harcoiirt CAPE LOPEZ V \_ Pointe Noire I CONGO RIVER~ t Luanda Lobito ? Mocamedes CAP.: FRIO 600 Figure 17.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 15-20; 20-21 February 1968 22 26 25 100 26 25 5°N 5°S 10c 15 20° 'I I I I. | I I M Port Harcourt - CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire 29"""2 Luanda 'Lobito 3 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i t 5°E 10° 600 Figure 18.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 25-29; 22 February 1968. 23 26 25 26 25 100 200 a. — 300 X I— a. LU Q 400 500 600 30 _J NAUTICAL MILES 5°N J i I ii | i i ,i i1 Port Harcourt 5°S 10c 15° t CAPE LOPEZ i Pointe Noire 29""2A'ofJGO RIVER - P Luanda ; Lobito ^Mocamedes CAPE FRIO | 2Q° i i ' i ' ' i ' ' »- -i - -- 5°E 10° Figure 19.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 25-29; 22 February 1968 24 26 25 100 - X h- a. a 100 200 300 400 500 600 5°N -\M|ort Harcourt _ oX o J 0° — o 4 ^_ J CAPE LOPEZ l \: Pointe Noire I 5°S 29 2^COMGO RIVER - 10° 1 fc Luanda j; | /^Lobito 15° 7 J~5[ Mocamedes ~Z I mPE FRIO 1 ?n° ! i i i i 1 i : l .J 5°E 10 Figure 20— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 25-29; 22 February 1968. 25 0 10 20 30 40 5? £ 50 I— UJ * I I o 80 90 100 110 120 36 35 100 - 200 - £ 300- 400 500 - 600 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 36 35 _T_ 10° 15° 20° 5CE ;ape LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - P Luanda ' Lobito RMocamedes "I CAPE FRIO l 10° Figure 21.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 35-39; 24 February 1968. IV. Port Harcourt CAfE LOPEZ Point'e Noire CONGO RIVER -t iMocamedes CAPE FRIO '^•■V.-V-'V:'/" 600 Figure 22 — Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 35-39; 24 February 1968. 27 5 I I— a. UJ Q 100 200 Of UJ t ?- 300 X 1— Q. UJ Q 400 500 600 •26.4- ■26.6- •26.8- ■27.0- 30 NAUTICAL MILES 10c 15c 20c i i i i I .' i i i i . Port Harcourt E LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER -135 39 ^Luanda Lobito ^Mocamedes ICAPE FRIO i i i i I i i i r ; — _ 5°E 10° Figure 23.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 35-39; 24 February 1968. 28 0 10 39 37 35 20 30 - • • 40 4.5- ~s to Sj 50 & * 60 3.5 2.5— X I- Q- 70 Q ~^\\ 80 \ 90 \ 100 0 30 ■ | 110 NAUTICAL MILES 120 Figure 24— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 35-39; 24 February 1968. 29 0 39 37 35 • • • - • 1 .u "^-^ 100 ~ 1.5 ^\ Jo 200 en. UJ i- UJ 2 - • ^^,2.0^"" * X 300 a. UJ a > " 2.0 1 400 - •" — 2.5 _____ • I 500 0 30 60n 1 1 NAUTICAL MILES • 5CN ^' I ■■'..!. I ,.'"'., I- 5°S 10c 15° 20c Port Karcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - P Luanda Lobito ^ Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 25.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/jg-at. liter) for Undaunted 6801. phase I; stations 35-39; 24 February 1968. 30 500 600 30 J NAUTICAL MILES I I I I | I1 I , I Port Harcaurt i CAPE LOPEZ i'.Pointe Noire ^ CONGO RIVER 41 9Juan^a 45 r^Lobito [Mocamedes " CAPE FRIO I I I I 1 I I i- T - "'' --"-■"-" '" Figure 26 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 41-45; 25 February 1968 31 43 44 45 (•35.0 5°S 10° 15c 20° I. I I l | r i i i Port llarcaurt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 41 9Juan['a 45 Lobito ^Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i i i 5°E 10 600 Figure 27 — Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 41-45; 24 February 1968. 32 r 41 43 44 45 100- 200- §. 300 X a. m o 400 500 600 T— 20.0-T I -26.2- -26.6- 27.0- 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 5°H 5°S - 10c 15° - 20c \ 'l!,'"!:"rT"';;rT"""''; ": _ ■■>^ Mocamedes ~ "1 LCAPE FRIO i i i i 1 ,i,.i \ [ ' •;; — 5°E 10° Figure 28— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase I; stations 41-45; 25 February 1968. 33 I h- a. a o 41 43 45 - " ~~ ■ — — 1_4.5' : .] 5_i__2.0— • IUO ! ^^~~~--! : 200 ; ■_ ■ 300 400 * 500 • 0 30 *nn NAUTICAL MILES J ' ' 1. 1 I I 1 .1 Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 4l_9Jua|,da 45 lobito 'Mocamedes CAPE PRIO _J Figure 29. — Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801. phase I; stations 41-45; 25 February 1968. 34 10°S LOBITO 15°S - 55 56 70 71 87 88 100 101 • • MOCAMEDES CAPE FRIO 8E 10c 15c Figure 30— Locations of stations 46-105; Undaunted 6801. phase II; 8-16 March 1968 35 5N 0 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 : : VT25-- \ ,7 t NW~" 1 ^ ■ — — ^-— ^: 100 200 1 3 ^~\ ac 1 1 LLI 2 300 X i __— — *— 9" £ IU 400 - • 0 500 30 NAUTICAL MILES 5S 10 15c 20 -r— r n Port Harcourt •1 /'CAPE LOPEZ Pointe r3oire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito *c 49 JJ IP Mocamedes (cAPE FRIO r ' ' ' 5 E 10c Figure 31.— Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 49-55; 9-10 March 1968 36 i i i j yr i:L:i! — ' Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire i CONGO RIVER - ^ Luanda 'Lobito ^Jjocamedes fMpT FRIO Figure 32.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 49-55; 9-10 March 1968. 37 5°N 5CS 10 15° 20c i i i i |Ti i i Port Harcourt 55 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 1 Luanda Lobito 32J*ocameites (CAPE FRIO 5°E 10° 600 Figure 33.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-t) tor Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 49-55: 9-10 March 1968. 38 I 5. 300- I NAUTICAL MILES 20° i i 'i r '|.T"i I 'j1-1 Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito ocamedes ''.' IjCAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i \ l 5E 10° Figure 34— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 49-55; 9-10 March 1968. 39 0 10 20 30 40 i/i £ so t * 60 I 2; 70 Q 80 90 100 110 120 • — . ^~^_ Ui : ^v^15^" ^y' ^ — 15 — - ^^ ' 15 ■"■— ■ ~~ ~~ 25~ 0 30 NAUTICAL MILES 10 15c 20 I "i ' i i i Part Harcourt E 10PEZ Pointe t.'oire VcOHGfl RIVES Luanda J^ J_L /^Lobito °*5 ^HoeamedBS ICAPE FRIO i i i J 5'E 10c Figure 35.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (fig-at. /liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 49-55; 9-10 March 1968. tit t 5 x h- a. uj s 100 200 2 300 NAUTICAL MILES Figure 36— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 56-62; 10-11 March 1968 41 60 61 62 J"l I'M ] 'I ' I I i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Points 'loirs —i i CONGO BIVEH -\ - Luanda -J Lobito — -P 2,ocamerJes CAPE FRIO i i i I i ii Figure 37— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801. phase II; stations 56-62, 10-11 March 1968 5°M 5°S - 10° - 15 20" r ^Jort Harcourf _ : #1 i - - • i - \ «.„ "_.,. M Q i CAPE LOPEZ - \^ Pointe Noire Z - XJcONGO RIVER - P Luanda £ - y at c • 5 300 X t- a. UJ Q 0.5 400 • • ■ - — -i o 500 Ann * • 0 ^^ 30 1 J NAUTICAL MILES * 5°H Mil '1^: ',";,'rT' ""-;■.'-. -;.V;;'-_ r' .^Port Harcourt _ 0° - o m 0 CAPE LOPEZ 5°S - \_ Pointe Noire I VCONGO RIVER - 10° - b Luanda £ - /^Lobito ~ 15° 9(1° "I 70 i i i i . pMocamedes ~ ICAPEJFRIO 1 , ^i-;f':;. 1 5°E 10° Figure 44.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) tor Undaunted 6801. phase II; stations 63-70; 11-12 March 1968. 49 I I I I I I I I I Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 'Luanda Lobito Mocamedes 70 — 63' ICAPE FRIO Figure 45— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate ( /Li g-at./liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 63-70; 11-12 March 1968 50 Of UJ fc i t- Q. UJ Q 100. 200- S 300- X t— a. UJ a 400- : 500- 77 78 "26I-- | *r 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 600 L m " rmr^-^W:TTT'Z-:''- ~"" 5°N f .wPort Harcourt _ c\ . ' / 0° _ o f C-.i :,'.'. .»-',,. ,:^ CjCAPE LOPEZ ^ V ■ :.• ■ ■ -■ ' '' .'-' . ; ' ts \"3Poinie Noire i2 5°S \>^<.:"., :,"-.,;"..;-.;-»* V CONGO RIVER - \ ,'*."':. ' r _ ^ V * Q Luanda 10 \ liL" (^Lobilo .VJ 15° - >3 Mocamedes V"; 71 78 rv |CAPE FRIO " -L \ -...-' >':'/■ '-'ii ?n° 1 i i I i 1 i i l f .-. •:• 5°E 10° Figure 46— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 71-78; 12 March 1968 51 5CN T-TT-r | T iii ;;_ Port Harcourt _ : o% - 0° 0 J /CAPE LOPEZ 5°S - \J Pointe Noire _ VC0NG0 RIVER- 10° - P Luanda ^ y^Lobito I 15° ■ h Mocamedes ~ 71 78 •■■-••.■_ m?i frio :% in° "i i i i i i i i i i "' 5CE 10° 600 Figure 47.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801. phase II; stations 71-78; 12 March 1968 52 100- 200- 300- 400- 500- 75 76 77 78 -^2 « * :23.4{ _-26.8' 27.2 30 I NAUTICAL MILES 600L 5CN TTrTlTTTT— y ojort Harcouft o — 0° m . 0 t 'CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10° \J Pointe Noire I VCONGO RIVER - P Luanda v y^Lobito ~ 15° 7V PHocamedes .'"" —78 (CAPE FRIO 7(1° i .jiii \ lull ■■■■'■• 5 E 10° Figure 48— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 71-78; 12 March 1968 53 600 5°E 10° Figure 49 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801. phase II; sfa.ons 71-75; 12 March 1968. 54 to I t— Q. LU Q 100- 200 300- 400- 500- 600 5N 5 S 10c 15c 20° =>l 1 ! '! T"] -T-T' 1. 1 . -■ ■ ojort Harcourt 1 - o\ _ m J - /CAPE, LOPEZ ■ \_> Pointe Noire 1 - VcONGO RIVER~ — w Luanda 2 - ?£> lobito I - P. MocamerJes 71 78 : mn frio "1 i i i i 1 i i t r :. 51 10° Figure 50. — Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate ( jLtg-at./liter)forL/ndaunfed6801. phase II; stations 71-75; 12 March 1968. 55 87 86 85 S. 300 I UJ Q 5°N % i i : | i i i i ■ 0 Port llarcourt Z _ o \ : - o f 0C 0 i CAPE LOPEZ \. Pointe Noire I 5°S VCONGO RIVER - \ 10c P Luanda _^ /^Lobito Z 15D p, Mocamedes w "1 i 87- i i i ?iAPE FRIO ! i i i i 5 E 10 Figure 51.— Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 81-87. 13-14 March 1968 56 5°N T-n-r"| -v. ., ., ,,., ... r njort Harcourt _ _ *r \ - • _, 0° — o / 'CAPE LOPEZ \^: Pointe Noire I 5°S : VcONGO RIVER - 10° - P Luanda J - /-^Lobito 15° ^Mocamedes ~ in° "i 87- 81 ?iAPE FRIO 1 I ill ■ 5E 10° Figure 52— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 81-87; 13-14 March 1968. 57 87 86 5 r 5°N N^ ■T"1-H-| -T-1 T-l ■ ' t ojort Harcourt 1 _ o l ~ - 9 / ~ 0° 0 j 'CAPE LOPEZ \_. Pointe Noire Z 5CS XTcONGO "RIVER - 10° v Luanda 2 y - /-^Lobito 15° - ^Mocamedes ?nc "1 87- i i i i ~?JaPE FRIO 1 i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 53. — Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 81-87; 13-14 March 1968. 58 5°N - 5°S - 10c 15° - 20° H ir , ojort Harcourt _ o > — .. m . _ - 0 J : CAPE LOPEZ - \_-Pointe Noire Z - VcONGO RIVER - Y PLuanda 2. - /^Lobito I "'i 87- 1 i 1 1 ^Mocamedes ~ ?iAPE FRIO I . \ 1 i i i I ,. ■•'■• 5°E 10° 600 Figure 54.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 81-87; 13-14 March 1968. 59 5°N 1 1 -i -i | i ■ 1 1 1 Port Harcourt _ : o \ _ - 0 f — 0° — 0 ' 'CAPE LOPEZ - \_: Pointe Noire I 5°S : VcONGO RIVER - 10c - P Luanda _£ ~ /^Lobito I 15° fl, MocamerJes nn° "i 87- 1 J_L-L PuAPE FRIO hiii i 5CE 10° Figure 55— Vertical distribution ot inorganic phosphate (pg-at. /liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II: stations 81-87; 13-14 March 1968. 60 I I 'I /)' I'T'I Port Harcourt o CAPE LOPEZ I Pointe Noire ~ COI.'GO RIVER 'Luanda Lobito 3 Monamedes . "2 CAPE FRIO Figure 56.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 88-94; 14-15 March 1968. 61 92 93 94 Port Harcourt NAUTICAL MILES CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire ToiiGO RIVER 'Luanda Lobito ^Moramedes CAPE FRIO Figure 57 —Vertical distribution ot salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 88-94 14-15 March 1968. (52 12f> 88 100- 200- 5 300- X I- o. UJ 5 400- 500- 89 93 94 -26.6, —26.8- -27.0 30 NAUTICAL MILES 5CN - 5°S 10c 6001- 15° - 20c ^ T-l-rT'l'-V' i i |. ; r oPort Harcourt _ ~ o t';'1 — ■ • i — : o f "CAPE LOPEZ _ \kj Pointe Noire _ - VCOHfiO DIVER - _ P Luanda £ /^Lobito I - £j Monamedes ~ "i 88- i i i i. — ^CAPE FRIO I I , ,\ i 5°E 10° Figure 58.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 88-94; 14-15 March 1968. 63 5CN NAUTICAL MILES 5S 10 15c 2BC j i i 'i i | 'i "i i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ \_ Pointe Noire VcOIiGO RIVER V 1 Luanda Lobito 88' i i i i 94 ) Mocamedes CAPE ERIO \ 5°E 10 Figure 59 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 88-94. 14-15 March 1968 64 96 95 100 100- 200 5.300 I 1- Q. UJ □ 400 500 600 99 98 97 96 95 ?=s^~ 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 5N S°S - 10c 15c 20° ^ ill l | -I""l I '1 ! —r- oPort Harcourt J _ e\ _ • / - /CAPE LOPEZ - \_ Pointe Noire Z _ 'TCONGO RIVER - — P Luanda '£ - y^Lobito I - >2 Mocamedes ~ - 100 LCAPE FRIO I "l 9$ i i i i 1 i i i r 5E 10° Figure 60 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 95-100; 15 March 1968. 65 100 99 98 96 95 30 J NAUTICAL MILES i i i i I | i i i i 3 .\ ■' Port Harcnurt _ : 600L 5S 10 15r 20 i PEZ Pointo [ioire V CiKJSQ RIVER Luanda 1 ^Houito >^ r.1ocant?fles 1 00 I cape k::iu J 95 J ' ' ' l ' ' >! ' _~J 5°E 10 Figure 61 —Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 95-100: 15 March 1968 (ill 100 9695 100- 200- ■26.6. ~ 300 X I- Q. LU Q -26.8- 400- 500- •27.0- 30 NAUTICAL MILES 600 5°N ^| 1 1 i I | . I . 1 _ ^ojort Harcnurt __ ' / 0° < CAPE LOPEZ 4 \^ Point: Noire :i 5°S \.^ -\ \ CONGO RIVES i \ ~1 Y T P Luanda 10 \ /^ Louito 3 15° jR Mocacnedes I !00 — 1 CAPE F.1I0 y 0 r 9$ H ! i i i i 1 i i i i 5CE 10 Figure 62 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 95-100; 15 March 1968. 67 100 100 100 200 J 5,0- 2.300 X (— Q. IU a 400- 500 600 98 95 NAUTICAL MILES ,J I II I j 'I1 I I M Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - -? Mocamedes TOO — ! CAPE i i i i I i i t i 5E 10c Figure 63 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 95-100; 15 March 1968. liS 100 60# 5°N '■■r.i,;i i |t i ii ? ':.^Port Harcourt _ *M _ • J „ 0° 1 — 0 X CAPE LOPEZ \_ Pointe Noire I 5°S - VcONGO RIVER - 10° - P Luanda j \ /& Lobito Z 15° - ^Mocamedes "I 100 KCAPE FRIO _ 9(1° "1 1 1 1 J - I , ,%. 5°E 10° Figure 64. —Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate ( g-at./liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 95-100; 15 March 1968. 69 o 101 102 103 104 105 ! * * _ 1 * i ^sJ,, *2Z ■ T7! I - i .7'. • • is— 100 - • , 14— r— i • • ' ■* J 1 2 200 - " - • 1 1 * DEPTH (METEI o o -10- ■^7^. — 9— ""-8-— ___ 40 . 500 • 0 30 i 1 600 NAUTICAL MILES 5CN ^ I ;i 1 "]TTn oPort Harcourt 'Z. <£M - _ * j - 0° o r - CAPE LOPEZ \- : Pointe Noire I 5°S \^y — - VCONGO RIVER -3 W P* Luanda \ /^lobito 15° >S Mocamedes . ~ 101 (cAPE FRIO ?nc "1 i i i .105;: :; i i i i - - -— 5CE 10° Figure 65 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 101-105; 16 March 1968. 70 103 104 105 104 105 5°N 5°S 10° - 15° 20° ^ i -i i ] T"i :rym " , nPort Harcburt _ _ &\ : - » i — 0 & CAPE LOPEZ - \J Pointe Noire I - \CONGO RIVER - — P Luanda y - /^lobitq - h Mocamedes . ~ "I 101 i i i (iCAPE FRIO : I .105}" 1 1 L_J_ L .,:■,-■■ f- 5°E 10° 600 Figure 66.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase II; stations 101-105; 16 March 1968. 71 102 n? 0 5S 10c 15c 20 f i i i i I i; i i i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda 1 Lobito f.locamedes 111! 101 l^'CAPE FRIO ~105 I 5CE 10 Figure 67. — Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801. phase II; stations 101-105; 16 March 1968. 72 101 103 105 20 40 1 60 X t- Qu UJ Q 80- 100 - • -5.0-^^^ 4.5 • "~" -^_^ _____ 4.0- , —- - — _^; ■^ —-2.5 _ 3.0" 3.5- ^2.0-^S//i - ^*^ 1.0 - 1 5"" / • - 0 1 30 I NAUTICAL MILES 101 100- 200- |f 300 X I- Q- LLI Q400 500 600 103 105 . - * ■ • - • " 2.0 J. 5 - • •j>r MDr\* 0.8 /""■"" 0.6 - -^ ^-^ • ~1.0~ " ' • - 0 30 i | NAUTICAL MILES 5°N m % ~\ ,i i | "i"i i -v — ? -\__oJ°r* Harcourt 1 c\ * 0° _ 0 * CAPE LOPEZ 5°S XJ Pointe Noire I \CONGO RIVER - Y 10° - P Luanda _v r^Lobito Z 15° ^Mocamedes ~ 70° 101 _1_j i i i (cAPE FRIO ,!Q5r ~ 5CE 10° Figure 68— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801 , phase II; stations 101-105; 16 March 1968. 73 101 103 100 200 5.300 X I- a. uj Q 400 500 600 105 DATA MISSING 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 5N 5°S - 10r 15° 20c -J r i :i j. 1 "V! !"-T-— - oPort Harcourt _ #1 ~ - 0 j . - 0 X - \ CAPE LOPEZ - \_:Pointe Noire I - VCONGO RIVER - _ P Luanda _"_ - /-^Lobito I - >3Mocamedes T "1 101 1 1 I 1 (CAPE FRIO , 105r i i i i 5E 10 Figure 69.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate {fi g-at. liter) for Undaunted 6801 . phase II: stations 101-105; 16 March 1968. 74 5°N 5°S PORT HARCOURT FERNANDO POO 133. SAO TOME (7 135 * -130 118 116 • 5°E 10°E Figure 70.— Locations of stations 114-144; Undaunted 6801, phase III: 15-21 April 1968. 75 117 116 115 117 115 1 14 100- 200 2.300 I I- Q. LLI a 400 500 600 1 " •- -2 8 • 1 ; -. 1„ 22 " 20 18 — -w- - • ■- 16 — «- • __ 14- ; ■ ; 10 - • • • 30 I • • 8 0 i NAUTICAL MILES 5-H J I I I I |TI I I _% „ Port Harcourt 5'S 10 15c 20c 117 s^ CAPE LOPEZ 114 j Poinle floire "COL'GO RIVES V -1 Luanda -° Lofjito iMocamedes CAPE FRIO i i I i i i 5 E 10° Figure 71 —Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 114-117; 15 April 1968. 76 117 115 5'[j p\ □ Port llarnaurt 5°S- 10c 15 20: 1 u f ^K CAPE LOPEZ Poinin tloire J i i i \ COiiSU RIVER ! \ 1 Luanda Lo'iitn ^Jocaitieijes CAPE FRIO 1 I t-L-.. — __ 5°E W 600 Figure 72 —Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 114-117; 15 April 1968. I i 117 1 16 115 1 14 20 CO 5 X £ 60 LU Q 80 100 - - — 19.0" ■ 1 8.8-^r-l 8. 19.0- -20.0- o 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 26.0' 117 115 100- 200- co a: LU ?300 X i— 0_ LU Q 400 - 500 - 114 TT~1 1 | I1 ! I I l3 d Port Harnourt rr,7sfcfi?E LOPEZ 114 H Points Hoire _] 600 _ — f • 18.6 1 - —26.0—; — ■-«■ • Zo.z • ?A A • ~ 26. dH5- „ — — " • -26.8 - — 27.0" • • _ • • - ? NAUTICAL MILES 5cSp ioc 15° 20c 5CE 'V COUGH RIVER 4 ~ i ±J^-A IMocamedes CAPE FRIO 10° Figure 73. — Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801. phase III; stations 114-117; 15 April 1968. 7* 0 118 119 120 121 122 123 20 : . 28 ~ _^ • /22~ ~JH_i^-*— 1 — 26- § :_- — , / . ^^: 40 * • tn a. LJJ 1— LU 2.60 • • / • I (— o. LU - t^ "^20^. "19\ • / o 80 too • 0 1 ^19^~~ 30 I NAUTICAL MILES 120 121 122 123 5°N 5°S - 10c 15c 20c i r ■ l "i | :"i iii — ! — ~^r Harcourt 1 18_J23 CAPE LOPEZ 5°E Pointe Noire _ CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito )Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i t -f 600 Figure 74 —Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 118-123; 16 April 1968. 79 118 119 120 121 22 123 119 120 121 t— r 5S - 10 15c - 20° i i ii | .'i" i i i Port Harcourt 118.123 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire INGO RiVER - P Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i 5°E 10° 600 Figure 75.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801. phase III; stations 118-123. 16 April 1968 80 118 119 120 121 122 123 118 119 100 200 UJ I 5.300 I I— a. UJ Q 400 500 600 120 121 -r~r 122 123 "18.4— I r^ -25.44- i25~5- -26.0- -26.4- -26.6 -26.8 -27.0- 30 J NAUTICAL MILES ^ I I'll | 'I'-l I |'i Port Harcourt o H8_123 CAPE LOPEZ 5CS 10c 15c 20c . Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - ! Luanda Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i t ,;r 5°E 10° Figure 76— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801. phase III; stations 118-123; 16 April 1968. 81 121 123 100- 200- ,300- X I— a. UJ a 400 500 600 4.5 4 0 *"~ 3.5 - 3.5 - . 4.0>___— ^^ r -3.0 2.5 "■ n - 7 (") • - • 2.5 — - 0 30 i 1 • NAUTICAL MILES 5S 10c 15c 20c I I 1 I | "I1 I I ! Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ - Pointe Hoire CONGO RIVEM 'Luanda ' Lobito 1 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 77— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations- 118-123: 16 April 1968. 600 5°N - p!8_123 . CAPE LOPEZ 5°S - 10° 15c 20c I I I I | ..L" I I 1 Port Harcourt . Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - ! Luanda ; Lobifo ^ Mocamedes i CAPE FRIO i i i i l i i > -i- . 5°E 10° Figure 78. —Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/jg-at./liter) for Undaunted 6801. phase III; stations 1 18-123; 16 April 1968. 83 134 129 128 127 126 125 124 128 127 126 125 124 5N 5 S - 10 15c 1 I j 1 ■ I TT ~ Port Harcourt - ~h 1134' _ 0" ■ ; — 124 - - ^ CAPE LOPEZ - - \^ Pointe Noire - _ \££>* „ - VCOIIGO RIVEE H P Luanda 1 - r-°Lobito - - >> Mocamedes — : (cAPE FRIO . ~ "i i i 1 1 1 ! M 1 - 5E 10° Figure 79 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 124-134; 17-19 April 1968 84 134 129 128 127 126 125 124 100- 200 5.300 X 400 500 129 ~34.7 128 127 126 125 124 130.0* 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 10° 15c 20c I I'ftVI l-'i: Harcourt .124 CAPE LOPEZ J_I_L 5°E Pointe .Noire CONGO RIVER >Mocamedes * CAPE FRIO Figure 80.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 124-134; 17-19 April 1968. 85 134 129 128 127 126 20 40 X £ 60 UJ Q BO 100 125 124 18.0 30 NAUTICAL MILES 5°N 5S 10 15: 20c mi r |:t i r i Port Harcourt 13£-f24 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito 3 Mocamedes CAPE ERIO I i i i i I i i i t 5E 10' Figure 81 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801. phase III; stations 124-134; 17-19 April 1968. 86 134 129 127 125 600 5CN 5S 10c 15 20c i i i i | ,i i i i. Harcourt 13fl.l24 CAPE LOPEZ i i 5°E Poinle Noire CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito \ Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i N i • • ',, Figure 82.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6801 . phase III; stations 124-134; 17-19 April 1968. 87 134 129 5CN b13^124 ' CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10c 15° 20c 1 l-.l I |:T.'l I !■; Port Harcourt Pointe Noire _ COIIGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito ^Mocamedes ~ CAPE FRIO ' 1 ' ' i < : — _ 5°E 10° Figure 83. — Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate ( /Li g-at .liter) for Undaunted 6801. phase III; stations 124-134; 17-19 April 1968. 133 132 131 1 30 LI I I 5N - (oJ"rt Harcourt : /) -1 33J I HcfcAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10c 15° 20° ii i 5°E Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito QMocamedes CAPr! ERIO i i i i i i i > -i Figure 84.— Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 130-133; 18-19 April 1968. 89 133 132 5'M m^TTT * ~~ Port Harcourt 133* 130"CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10 15° 20 Pointe Noire \ToMO RIVEi! o Luanda Lobito * Mocamedss CAPi: FRIO ''''I 5 E 10 Figure 85— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 130-133, 18-19 April 1968. 90 20 to on 40 3 I 60 80 100- 133 132 "—1 8.0— - »-20.0_ =22.0—21 .0 131 130 23.0 -25.8 — 26.0- 30 NAUTICAL MILES to I 5°N 0 133 132 131 130 **~i9.o; ♦ * : :25.8— - ^26.0- • 26 - . 2 * * * 100 m * .2 6.4 • 200 • • • 26.6: ■ _ • 26.8 • 300 • • _ • ___27.0 • • • 400 • • • • • NAUTICAL 0 l_. MILES 30 I * 5S 10c 15c 20c 'i i i _ | i i ii | i -1 33^' I 130 CAPE LOPEZ i i i 5CE Pointe Noire COHGO RIVER Luanda Lobito ) Mocamedes _'." CAP.! FRIO Figure 86.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 130-133; 18-19 April 1968. 91 133 134 135 136 133 134 135 136 5CN - 0° - 5°S 10c 15° - 20c ZV^^JJort Harcourt _I IJf: CAPE LOPEZ \. ' Pointe Noire I - VCONGO RIVER - w Luanda i. £ - /& Lobito - M Mocamedes ~ - RAPE FRIO 1 1 i i i i 1 i i i -i ■ 5°E 10° Figure 87. -Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 133-136; 19 April 1968. 92 133 134 135 136 133 134 135 136 5°N 0° - 5°S 10° 15° 20c -\ T-1"TT,T,TTH .,;.r;TV-"\ " — ■■ .-J t Port Harcourt Z. - 1 Jf j CAPE LOPEZ - ^ Pointe Noire - : VCONGO RIVER - - 9 Luanda. J - /^lobito - M Mocamedes ~ ■ ICAPE FRIO _ i i i i ili i \ :t ■ '••■■•:;'' 'v~ 5°E 10° Figure 88— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 133-136; 19 April 1968. 93 133 134 135 136 ^| i i i i | i i i i *m T _ Port Slarcoiiri 5'N J 36 *33>J 5S 10c 15 20° CAPE LOPEZ Poiiiin noire VC0S6Q BIVE Luanda A 'Louilo ^MocaKiedes CAPE FRIO 1.L I i i i i 3 J 5°E 10 Figure 89— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 133-136; 19 April 1968. 94 136 137 139 140 u • 20 ^26^ — . 28 -v; *^i • 22 ■ ^^zl4 — " 2r — — — _ -- 40 , • • nn 80 • 19 — ' 100 ■ 0 30 1 . • NAUTICAL MILES 5°N _ | i i 'i i | "i" i i i v _ Port Harcourt 0 136 137 139 140 • 28 . • * • • . * • — , 100 • 18 r~^^\» • ■ 200 I 16 . • to OS IU . — 14 — ■ LU 5 300 X 1— Q. LU • —12— — > —10— ~-~% — ' ^y 400 * ' 500 ' 0 1 • 30 1 NAUTICAL MILES 5S 10c 15° 20° o ._140 136 I x^ CAPE LOPEZ N. Pointe Noire VCOHGO RIVER i Luanda Lobito Mocamedes I ■ ■ ■ ■ l CAPE FRIO - 5°E 10c Figure 90— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6801, phase III. stations 136-140; 19-20 April 1968. 95 136 137 1 39 l 40 5'N •I I I ! J I ! H Pert KarcBUfi „_140 136 5S 10° - 15c|- 20 ; Ci?[ LOPEZ Points [iotre i do .i QIVEE \ PJnantla ^-°LoEii{o h Llocame'des (CAPE h ; i i I i i i i 1 - ■ 5°E 10c 600 Figure 91 —Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6801, phase III; stations 136-140. 19-20 April 1968 96 136 20 £ 40 i— LU I 80 100 - -25.6- -25.8- 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 136 137 139 140 5°N - 5°S 10c 15 20° LJ 1 "VT 1 |.:T"I- 1 T ' -\^ ' ■~~^ • • _ 0 30 > i • NAUTICAL >16 • MILES - • i • • 5N _ 0^ 5°S 10 15 20c j i i i i | i 'T~rT Port Harcourt 2 f CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire (CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito 5°E T. Mocamedes -i '''' CAPE FRIO \ l 10° Figure 97— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6802, phase I; stations 18-21 ; 19-20 September 1968. 102 100 5N '! I'l I |'l I I! ■> _ Port Harcourt 2 f CAPE LOPEZ 5S 10 15 20c Pointe Noire V"C0NG0 RIVER ' Luanda j Lobito '''' >2 Mocamedes i CAPE FRIO hiu 5°E 10° Figure 98— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6802, phase I; stations 18-21, 19-20 September 1968. 10:5 5N - 18 5°S 10c N- n Port Harcourt 15r - 20° _5 E LOPEZ Pointe Noire £cONG0 RIVER Luanda Lobito > Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i i i „_ «J 5°E 10 Figure 99. —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase I; stations 18-21; 19-20 September 1968 104 X I— Q. UJ a 31 100 to OS UJ £ 200 X t- o. UJ Q 300 400 ~—\7- 30 29 28 27 -ii-t-^i r 26 25 24 o -16- -15- -14- -13- 12- -11- 10- N • 30 —I NAUTICAL MILES - W 15° - 20° i I I l I T I 1 I Port Harcourt o 31 ^CAPE LOPEZ 24v^pojnte Moire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lob ito ' ' ' 5°E ^ Mocamedes CAPE FRIO Figure 100.— Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Undaunted 6802, phase I; stations 24-31; 22 September 1968. 105 s x i— Q- LU o on 100- 2 200- X I— Q- UJ Q 300 400 -35.5 -35.3- -35.4- -35.2- -T35.1- -35.0-r- "34.9- -34.8 X 30 _l NAUTICAL MILES 5'S 10- 15° 20: i i i i | "i" ill Port Harcourt 31 VC 24. : Pointe Noire .CONGO RIVER - p Luanda Lobito Mocameries CAPE FRIO ! ' ' ' ' i ' ' i 5CE 10° Figure 101— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6802, phase I: stations 24-31 ; 22 September 1968. 106 10- 20- 30- K £ 40 UJ X Q- UJ O 60- 70- 80- 90- 100- 30 NAUTICAL MILES 25 24 T ' TT 7- '] -oJort '.T"l 1 T' ~ 5°N Harcourt _ &\ _ 9 / — 0° 2 CAPE LOPEZ 4v ■ Pointe Noire _ 5°S \TC0NG0 RIVER - 10° P Luanda 2 M Lobito I 15° >2 Mocamedes ~~_ tcAPE FRIO I in° "I i i i i t • t r ' 5°E 10° Figure 102— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802. phase I; stations 24-31 ; 22 September 1968. 107 0 10 35 34 33 32 - • • • 20 - 1 -24^ -18 /• 30 4 (J . 50 •- -17- .^^^ _ ^~~^ -< 60 • 70 -16_ ■ "N 80 : 0 30 i 90 NAUTICAL MILES 00 - • : i • 35 34 33 32 *T ?4 ;__ Z^ : Ifi . — l_ 17- ', 100 -15- _;_ — ; 200 1 4. -13- 1 2 300 ; 1 1 Ann ; . — 9 —~- — -8 — ' 500 i • 600 ~ -6— • 700 - 5— • • 800 - • • 900 - 0 1 30 i NAUTICAL MILES 000 - • 1 1 I Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER H 1 RMocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i i A Figure 103. — Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Undaunted 6802, phase I; stations 32-35; 22-23 September 1968 108 0 10 20 _30 5 MocamerJes ' 13 : l CAPE FRIO 1 i i i t ■ 5°E 10° Figure 115 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase II; stations 13-18; 14-15 October 1968. 120 22 23 24 E 41 - £: 60 - E 500 - Port Harcourt: CAPE LOPEZ; ' Iqinte Noire . CONGO RIVER r? Mocamedes 'Luanda ■ L o bito CAPE FRIO ; i i i i 1 i i i f ' Figure 116— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase II; stations 19-24; 15-16 October 1968. 121 20 25 40 60 30 NAUTICAL MILES 19 200 300 400 500 600 "_ - - 34.6 700 - 34.5 34.5--- • • 30 _ i .NAUTICAL MILES 51 ^l jPort Harcourt _ o\ _ 0C _ 0 m J CAPE LOPEZ 5°S - \r Pointe Noire - VcONGO "RIVER - 10 - P Luanda _2 /-^lobito 15° "1 l 19 i i i — rv Mocamedes _ fcAPE FRIO I 5E 10 Figure 117 — Vertical distribution of salinity (0,oo) for Goa, phase II; stations 19-24; 15-16 October 1968. 122 19 20 21 22 23 24 25. 6\^^ S: 60 t_t_l vv 400 500 27.0 27.2 — 700 30 NAUTICAL MILES •27.4. 5 N - l-M-i. 1 + i.i- '■ Port Harcourt _ 0 5°S 10c 15° 20c CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 5°E i i i i I i i t r 1000 Figure 118— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase II; stations 19-24; 15-16 October 1968. 123 !« 2o "jt» _\ m Port Harcourt 20° CAPE LOPEZ.: Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda; Lobito 30 £Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i i 'r 5°E 10° Figure 119 —Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) tor Goa. phase II: stations 25-30: 18-19 October 1968. 124 27 26 25 S 40 - £ 60 - -34.7 — : 700 900 1000 ____-- — J 34.6 -~ 34.5_ _ _ ^•34.5 ^ 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 5°N - 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20° =4, V H[«n Harcourt - m J o 4 . _ - ^ CAPE LOPEZ - " Ppinte Noire Z - VCMGO RIVER : P Luanda, J - /^9 Lobito .~ - 30- 25... - /3 MocamerJes : i CAPE FRIO I "i i i i i 1 i Yr - " 5°E 10° Figure 120— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase II; stations 25-30; 18-19 October 1968. 125 0 100 200 300 400 CO OS kkJ ^ 500 a- Lj-J 600 700 30 800 900 h 1000 -26.8- ■27.0 — -27.2 — 30 l NAUTICAL MILES 5°N - 5 S - 15 20 ( :?9 Port Harcourt _ : oX _ - o 1 0 & CAPE LOPEZ - \_ Pointe Noire _ YcONGO RIVER - P Luanda 2 - y^Lobito -- 30 25 .,. " £> Mocamedes i iiii.. ( CAPE FRIO I 5°E 10c Figure 121 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa. phase II: stations 25-30: 18-19 October 1968. 126 36 37 20 - 40 60 - 100 14. NAUTICAL MILES 32 33 34 200 - 300 - 400 -500 600 700 35 5N — ' 5°S 36 37 r 30 900 NAUTICAL MILES 10 15° - 20c -\ o2S!* "arcourt — oX o J /"CAPE LOPEZ \_ Pointe Noire _ VcONGO RIVER - P Luanda _£ /^Lobito 32 b Mocamedes : t CAPE FRIO : -i i \ ■ 5E 10° Figure 122.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase II; stations 32-37; 20-21 October 1968. 127 36 37 5N 200 300 400 - L 500 • ^ "34.7 — .^-< 600 _• ~34.6-.- - 700 — — 34.5 800 • • ~ — — -34.5- 900 0 30 1 1 NAOTICAL MILES 1000 • . 5°S 10c - 15° - 20c I:(sU.|:li 1- i — \ qJ!£,-' -"arcour', — : &\ - e J AaPE LOPEZ X^Pqinte Noire I - VICONGO RIVER - - Y Luanda 2 - /-^Lobito -37 - PMocamedes _ i CAPE FRIO _ i i i i 1 i I i f , 5°E 10° Figure 123.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase II: stations 32-37; 20-21 October 1 968. L28 36 37 H. 500 - L.i,r,L.j_.;.'j..u i. ->_i :■."::■ * Port Har court CAPE LOPEZ! ; . Point e Noire CONGO RIVER 1 Luanda^ £ Jlonitol : 37 ,t ;-;;-,::- ! Mocamedes \?* CAPE FRIO Figure 124— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase II; stations 32-37; 20-21 October 1968. 129 0 20 | 40 E 60 100 5CN 5S 10c 15° Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER [ 43 — .38 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO 2Q° I I i i i i I i i i r 5°E 10° Figure 125— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase II; stations 38-43; 21-22 October 1968. iyn 43 42 41 40 39 38 £ 60 ~ Or 100 200 300 _ 400 CO — 500 H— O. 63 600 700 h 800 900 1000 34.5 34.5 0 30 NAUTICAL MILES L.^l-l.-j-.T III- Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ! Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Figure 126 —Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase II; stations 38-43; 21-22 October 1968 131 39 38 = 500 - 700 - 800 ti t rvfc.- i | .-v i FT — I 5°N ZV^nPort Harcourt _I &\ ° J ~~ 0° - ° r < CAPE LOPEZ \_ Pointe Noire Z 5°S - \j^ ~ VCpNGO RIVER - 10° ~_ P Luanda, 2 43__38>lobi,0,: : 15° M Mocamedes ~ I (cAPE FRIO I ?n° I i i i i I i i i t • 5°E 10° 1000 • • • • -27.2 — • ~~~ - — — . _ ~~ — ■ • • * 0 30 1 1 NAUTICAL MILES • 27.4 — - — — — — — — ____ — — • Figure 127 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase II: stations 38-43; 21-22 October 1968 132 47 48 49 E; 60 ■ 500 600 700 •7--- 900 1000 30 J NAUTICAL MILES =iX,£:Ly,|.:T I.I; i. " Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda^ __49>^> Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I ' ' ' i I ' ' ' i- 10° Figure 128— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase II; stations 44-49; 22-23 October 1968. 133 £ 60 - 700 900 1000 34.5 30 I NAUTICAL MILES Port Har court CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire _ CONGO RiyER ! Luanda ■ , _4?5 ' lobito 1 1 I Mocamedes CAPE FRIO Figure 129— Vertical distribution of salinity (°iobito Mocamedes "." CAPE FRIO; Figure 130— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase II; stations 44-49; 22-23 October 1968. 135 CAPE LOPEZ! I Pointe Noire 3 CONGO RIVER Figure 131 —Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Goa. phase II; stations 50-55; 23-24 October 1 968. 136 55 54 53 52 51 50 .-=■400 — 500 600 700 800 900 1000 34.8 — — 34.6 30 NAUTICAL MILES 5°H 5°S - 10° 15c 20c ^ " t .■1-XT-JTTTTT ! r -iPort Harcourt _ o l — _ o i — - 0 ■ CAPE LOPEZ X^Pointe Noire I "" yCONGO RIVER- P Luanda; 2. - 5Salobl,° : — PMocamedes ~ : (CAPE FRIO I i I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( F ■■ -' 5°E 10° Figure 132.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase II; stations 50-55; 23-24 October 1968. 137 5 40 - £ 60 - L 30 900 r 1000 NAUTICAL MILES 27.4 "Port Harcourt 15° - CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire.. CONGO RIVER 20c 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t }50 ':■: P Mocamedes (CAPE FRIO 5°E 10° Figure 133.-Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa. phase II; stations 50-55; 22-24 October 1968. 138 S 40 - 200 300 400 to * 500 o_ 600 700 800 900 1000 5*N - 0° - 59 60 61 mmm 16- 17-J 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 5°S 10° - 15° -4 *•'" Xi_ J.'l i i r fort Harcourt _ _ o \ : i 9 / ■■ ~" _ 0 c - CAPE LOPEZ - \_ Pointe Noire I _ VcONGO RIVER ■- - P Luanda, j^ - SA 61 I D°— 7°Lobito & - I >3 Mocamedes 1 CAPE FRIO fk 2Q° r i i i i i i i i j i 5°E 10° Figure 134— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa. phase II; stations 56-61; 24-25 October 1968. 139 0 20 £f 40 = 60 \ 35.5 30 NAUTICAL MILES 20 i. i-.i. i_ | ..i. I ii Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i 1 i i i i 5CE 10c Figure 135.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa. phase II; stations 56-61; 24-25 October 1968. 140 100 200 300 400 5.500 600 L^26.0! :— 26.2"- 61 — — . ^— • -~ ~~ 700 — BOO • • 0 30 900 27.4— — 1 1 NAUTICAL MILES 1000 • t i-K^.l . |Al 1 _ _ I- _ 1 - Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda ;. _ Lobitoi kMocamedes .' CAPE FRIO Figure 136.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase II: stations 56-61; 24-25 October 1968 141 5°S 10°S - 15°S 10 E 99 71 63 55 54 CABINDA 95 , • 941 • • • 85% >0 • 84\ • • 89 . • • 80 • /LUANDA 76\ 79 • 75 \ . 6>\ • • 71 • . 66 \ 59 15c Figure 137.— Locations of stations 50-99; Undaunted 6802, phase II; 15-29 October 1968 142 53 52 51 50 Q£ UJ c x Q- UJ a 100 200- 300 400 Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER ' Mocamedes CAPE ERIO Figure 139.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 50-54; 15-17 October 1968. 144 53 52 51 50 60 70- 80- 90- 100- 30 J -26.4 NAUTICAL MILES 53 52 51 50 100 200 300 400 CO — 500 600 700 800 90C 1000 -26.6- -27.0- "27.4- : 26.4- 26.8- -27.2- 30 J NAUTICAL MILES I I I I | I1 I I Port Harcourt - CAPE LOPEZ . Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda -J Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO -i Figure 140.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 50-54; 15-17 October 1968. 145 100 200 300 54 1.5 53 51 400 LLI — 500 I t— a. LU a 600 700 800 900 1000- 0 l_ 30 NAUTICAL MILES .1 i i i i | I i i 'i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ J Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito 1 1 Mocameries CAPE ERIO I. Figure 141.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/ig-at./liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 50-54; 15-17 October 1968. 146 700- 800" 900- 1000 NAUTICAL MILES I Figure 142— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 55-58; 17-18 October 1968. 147 5CN r: i i i i i I i I i- Port Harcourt 5CS - 10c 15c 20c CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire YcONGO RIVER 'Luanda 55_58 1 Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO MM I 111 : 5CE 10° 1000 - Figure 143— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6802. phase II; stations 55-58; 17-18 October 1968 148 70- 80- 90 100 ^26.4 0 \ 30 NAUTICAL MILES 100- 200- 300 400 -500 X I- o. UJ a 600 700 800 900- 1000 5CN EJ1 '■■'.. i. I ' V Pnrt Hi 5CS 10c 15c 20° Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 1 'Luanda -II Lobito 1 Mocamedes L CAPE FRIO i i i I i i r-r 5CE 10° Figure 144— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 55-58; 17-18 October 1968 149 100 200 300 400 — 500 X >- Q. Ill Q 600 700 800 900 1000 57 -^ S>— 5.0- 58 NAUTICAL MILES 5N 5CS 10c 15: 20° 55 58 CONGO RIVER Luanda _^ J_J_L Lobi to Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i I i i i i • 5CE W Figure 145 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml liter) for Undaunted 6802. phase II; stations 55-58 17-18 October 1968. 150 100 200 300 400 to ^-500 X a. iu Q 600 700 800- 900 1000- 0 L NAUTICAL MILES 5°N 5°S 1IT 15c 20c i ,i-.i i | i i i i ■ % Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - Luanda >5__58 y^Lobito jfiMocamedes (-CAPE FRIO i i I i i i- r 5°E 10° Figure 146. — Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/Ltg-at. /liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 55-58; 17-18 October 1968. 151 5°N 5'S 10c 15c 20c i i i i Harcour! CAPE LOPEZ I Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER ) Luanda -59 Lobito MocamerJes LCAPE FRIO i i ,i ; 5°E 10° 1 ooo - Figure 147— Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) for Undaunted 6802. phase II; stations 59-62 20-21 October 1968. 152 NAUTICAL MILES 100 200 - 300 400 — 500 I I— a. LiJ Q 600 700 800 900 I 000 - -34.8- -34.6- 30 NAUTICAL MILES 15° - 20c | n i'i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ ;'Pointe Noire I CONGO RIVER- Luanda 62— '59 /~Lobito ^ Mocamedes frcAPE FRIO i i i i l ' i i i - ■- 5°E 10° Figure 148— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6802. phase II; stations 59-62; 20-21 October 1968. 153 10 20 30 at £ 40 UJ X >— Si 60 o 70 80 90 100 -26.2 30 NAUTICAL MILES 15c 20c Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVcR Luanda -59 lobjto ^Mocarnedes "~; ( CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i 'i i -■;* 5°E 10° Figure 149— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 59-62: 20-21 October 1968 154 1000 - 100 200- 300 400- 500 600- 700 800- — 900 15c 20c i i n p i i i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire • CONGO RIVER - 'Luanda Lobito ^ Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 150 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 59-62; 20-21 October 1968. 155 5N -^H P°.r' Harcourt 5°S 10c 15° - 20: CAPE LOPEZ Points Noire ^ CONGO RIVER i } Luanda -'59 'Lobito 3 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i i i 5°E 10 Figure 151 —Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (jug-at./liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 59-62; 20-21 October 1968, 156 100- NAUTICAL MILES Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 1 Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER' Luanda lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO - 1000- Figure 152.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 63-66; 21-22 October 1968. 157 a: UJ 5 a 100 200- 300 400- X £ UJ O 500 600- 700 800- 900 1000- 5°N 0° - 5°S 10c 15c - 20c t-t-t-t TT'TTT — 1 „Port Harcourt _ o ■? - m / 0 I i. - ; CAPE LOPEZ - \: Pointe Noire I - VCONGO RIVER - - i^wLuanda j; 63 /5'Lobito : - m Mocamedes ~ — ICAPE FRIO I "l 1 1 1 , i.i i i ■•(' ■ ■■■:'" 5°E 10° Figure 153— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 63-66; 21-22 October 1968 158 100 5°H _V oPort Harcourt 5S 10c 15c 20c 1 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Hoire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito Hlocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i l .i i t i n w Figure 1 54— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 63-66; 21-22 October 1968 159 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 A3 64 65 66 / —5.0 — ^2.5 ^2.0 5.5— ^^^Z T ' - 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 164— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-r) tor Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 72-75; 24 October 1968. 169 5 x i— a- o I K.I I IV I I T 5°E CAPE LOPEZ Pomie Noire CONGO RIVER 7§P Luanda lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO '• r 10° 1000- Figure 165.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 72-75; 24 October 1968. 170 p "I I I I ..I. III- ~"S _ Port Elarcourt CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10c 15 20 L _L_L Pointe Noire "COIJGO RIVER 75p: Luanda Lobito MocsnorJes CAPE FRIO "lull ___ ~1 5°E 10° Figure 166.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/i g-at./liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 72-75; 24 October 1968. 171 0 79 78 ~>4 77 76 - =^^-^L^5l£^^ . 23 : \ ri6 '7 ^^_^ 100 "15 — ■ • • r~l 4 200 1 T - 1 2— ________ 300 ~ • 10 400 CO at LU i— - j — 500 X LU Q • / 600 • / • 6 700 . J / 800 "~~~ 5-"""^ / • . 900 0 30 i i * / NAUTICAL MILES 1000 - • • / 5 S 10' 15 - 20u I I 'I ! | "I1 1 I I > " Port Harcourt .1 H 111 CAPE LOPliZ Pointc [loire V COUGH RIVEfl ■ -, \ "I 76 9 Luanda Lobito Mo;amedes CAPE FRSO i ,l I— - 1 5E 10° Figure 167— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 76-79; 25 October 1968. 172 0 10 20 30 5? £ 40 Lu *50 X I— S; 60 S 70- 80- 90- 100- NAUTICAL MILES 100 200 300 400- Q. s 33^: 500 600 700 800 900 1000- 5°K 0° - 5°S - 10° - 15 20c m ojjort Harcourt -J _ /7l S|3 ~ • / ' '-"'.'. ' ^ - ^ CAPE LOPEZ - \_j Ppinte Noire I - 1C0HG0 RIVER k tMM - 7o/vHuanda. £ - /^'Lohitq ' || - il Mocamedes ?:£» - (CAPE FRIO I "1 i i i 1 i i \-L...: ,,. •., . 5°E 10° Figure 168— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 76-79; 25 October 1968. 173 X I— Q- s 100 200 300 400 500 26^ ^6^1 M24 41 S 26.4_ 26.6^. * "26.8. ■27.0- '27.2- 700 800 900 1000 • : • - \ 27.4 " 'J 27.4 - 0 30 ^\ L. „ J NAUTICAL MILES - "276x 5°N 0 5°S 10l 15^ 3' I l I 1. 1 I it: r-j \ Pnrt Uorpnnrt Port Harcourt 20° I I I I I I I I I' T CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER /^lobito M Mocamedes (CAPE FRIO j°E 10° Figure 1 69.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f ) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 76-79; 25 October 1 968 174 "J" I. II l I I I l 'i: Port Harcourt = CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire Z CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO 1000- Figure 170.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 76-79; 25 October 1968. 175 79 78 77 7b 20 £ 40 t i a- 60 UJ a 80 100 • » ry Vv 7^ • ~~~ ^i.o • 1.5 • /• 0 30 NAUTICAL MILES ET"7" i i j i i i i Port Harcourt 10c 15 20° CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER~ 7* Luanda 79 Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO ' 5CE 10° 3 1000 Figure 171.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/zg-at./liter) for Undaunted, 6802 phase II; stations 76-79; 25 October 1968. 176 100 200- l 300 400 — 500 £ 600- 700 800- 900 loco- s' - 0° - 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20c r M ^ report Harcourt _s ~ 0\ - t^CAPE 10PEZ " \_i Pointe Noire ~ - \TcoiiGO RIVER- 84 „J, : oo"\? Luanda £ y, ■' •' *^ ^PLobjto -i - Jhj Mocamedes ~ - I CAPE FRIO | "1 i i i i I i i i •r.,-:':o-;: •;ak;£v. 5°E 10° Figure 172.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 80-84; 26 October 1968. 177 80 100 200 300 400 — 500 X 600 IS^-e^ 700 800 900 1000 - CAPE LOPEZ 1 Pointe Noire coijgo'river 84 ^Luanda Lob i to Mocamedes CAPE FRIO 5°E 10° Figure 173-Vertical distribution of salinity (°/00) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 80-84; 26 October 1968. 178 Op 10- 20- 30- at UJ 40 G z X £: a 70- 80- 90 100 100 200 300 400- i 500 600 700 800 900 NAUTICAL MILES NAUTICAL MILES 5 N - KiJ^l ii.ii | . i i i i. Port Harcaurt 1 ooo - 5°S 10c 15c 20° CAPE LOPEZ Poinle Noire S COIJGO RIVER i 80 ^ Luanda 'Lobito Motamedcs CAPE ERIO 1 -J ''''I''' 5°E 10° Figure 174— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 80-84; 26 October 1968. 179 X UJ O 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 - NAUTICAL MILES 5°N 5S 10c 15° - 20° _j _! -r i |.i. ii 'i- " -.'■ — ! — : V/ -j- -Port Harcourt _~ : c\ Z - m I ' ■ ' ~ - J .... . — _ 0 /CAPE LOPEZ - \^Pointe Noire I - ICONGli RIVER % - 84 qq^V Luanda 2. - /-^Lobito ~ - /■•' ''"""■ 7 h Mocamedes J:^ _ PcAPE FRIO I "I i i 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 ::;•:" 5°E 10° Figure 175 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 80-84; 26 October 1968. 180 J I I I I I .'I."1! I I. Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Poinle Noire CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito IMocamedes ~ CAPE FRIO Figure 176— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/ng-at./liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 80-84; 26 October 1968. 181 5 x i— Q. LU Q 5°N "TT-ri mv | "ii it111 ■ -\ aJirt Narcourt — &\ z Oc /"CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10° I x^Pointe Noire I VC0NG0 RIVER - 85 - 89 R Luanda J Z /-^Lobito 15° >^ Mocamedes ~Z (CAPE PRIO Z 91)° ! 1 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 1/ : .,..' '■■ 5°E 10° Figure 177 —Vertical distribution of temperature ("C) for Undaunted 6802. phase II; stations 85-89; 27 October 1968 182 t s x Q- UJ a o 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 89 88 87 86 85 - . 35.8" • ^^ =35J0^==__^ x^: -35.6 . - 35.7— • 35.7 • - • ^55.6 J^ - 0 L 30 i NAUTICAL MILES - \ 35.5 \ 35.6 / 100 200- 300 400- I 500 600- 700 800- 900 1000- 1 m r i i l|:riiii;i-;i! .":'■ ■ — — „ Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire - CONGO RIVER - Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO Figure 178.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 85-89; 27 October 1968. 183 ac. UJ s x »— a. UJ a 100 100 200 300 400 5 — 500 X 600 700 800 900 1000- -26.8- -s — 27.0- -27.2- -27.4- 30 J NAUTICAL MILES Har court W 15c 20° CAPE LOPEZ \ Pointe Noire „ CONGO RIVER 85. 89X £ Luanda 'Lobiio ! Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i t. -p 5°E 10° Figure 179 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 85-89; 27 October 1968. 184 £ i £ UJ a 1000 - Figure 180— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 85-89; 27 October 1968. 185 100 200 300 400- ^ 500 X (- a. UJ a 600- 700 800- 900 1000- 2/ NAUTICAL MILES i^i'i.!f.:i ,1;' .'['£' i. i-'r Port Harcourt: 10c 15c 20c CAPE LOPEZ Point e Noire „ CONGO RIVER 85.; 89 f Luanda ! Lobito iMocamedes -CAPE FRIO I i i ■ ■ I i i i ■> 5°E 10° Figure 181.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/J g-at./liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 85-89; 27 October 1968. 186 100 200 - 300 400- X t— a. LU Q 500 600- 700 800 - 900 1000 - 3 ' ' I I I 'I' ' I Port Karcourt o CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire cohgo RIVER 4 I Luanda Lobito ? Mocametles CAPE FRIO Figure 182— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 90-94; 28 October 1968. 187 0 10 20 30 to fie uj 40 uj I 2; 60 a 70 80 90 100 90 91 92 93 94 G^ 100 200- 300 400 - X t UJ Q 500 600- 700 800- 900 1000- Figure 183-Vertical distribution of salinity (o/oo) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 90-94; 28 October 1968 188 100 200 300 to 400 500 <500 700 800 900 1000- rrvi.j,', '|"V"i i i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ I Poirte Noire CONGO RIVER 4 Luanda Lobito camedes APE FRIO Figure 184— Vertical distribution ot density (sigma-f) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 90-94; 28 October 1968. 189 Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire I CONGO" RIVER -94 p Luanda 1 lohito Dcamedes " SCAPE FRIO 1000- Figure 185— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 90-94; 28 October 1968. 190 100 200 300 400 (A -500 X I— LL1 Q 600 700 800- 900 1000- ^- **~ , 1 5N 5°S 10c 15° - 20c Pointe Moire lOTJGO "RIVER ■-; >94 Luanda Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i i 5CE 10° Figure 186— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/ig-at./liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 90-94; 28 October 1968. 191 51 10c 15c 20° I. I -'I I I'V I I I Port Harcsurt E LOPEZ Poinle Noire 99 V 95 C > Luanda Lobito -, Mocamefles CAPE FRIO ' ' i ' I 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 187— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 95-99; 29 October 1968 192 x x i— Q- LiJ Q 100 200- 300 400 - 500 600- 700 800- 900 1000- 5°N 5°S 10c 15° 20 fj l " ' I | i i I. i 1 - Port Harcourt 1 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire 99 95 CONGO RIVER _L_I_L Luanda Lobito > Mocamcrles CAPE FRIO J « 1 5°E 10° Figure 188.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 95-99; 29 October 1968. 193 1000- I 'I I I "1 I I 'I Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Poinle Noire 95 CONGO "RIVER ! Luanda \ Lobito : Mocamedes CAPE ERIO Figure 189— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-r) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 95-99; 29 October 1968. 194 100 200- 300 400- 500 X t LU Q 600- 700 800- 900 1000- LJ l. I l I | 'J' ill on f\ ■_ Port Harcourt 5CN 5°S 10c 15c 20c CAP E LOPEZ rt Poinle Noire J 95 COI.'GO RIVES Luanda Lobito i i i i l Mockeries CAPE FEIIO 5°E 10° Figure 190.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 95-99; 29 October 1968. 195 10c 15° 20° l II I I1:"!""! Y T Port Har court CAPE LOPEZ l Pointe Noire 99 95 COIiGO RIVER > Luanda '''' Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I n 10° Figure 191— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/ug-at./liter) for Undaunted 6802, phase II; stations 95-99; 29 October 1968. 196 5 N PORT HARCOURT O FERNANDO POO 5°S SAO TOME V • • 6 • 12( • * r ** / / • V:API 24- • • • 34 \ • • • • 36 \ . 54 44. '• 58\ 46- • • • 76\ 48 • • • • 77X • • • • 97\ 66- . • * 99^ 68- 1 • -117 85' 1 • • • • H9\POINTE NOIRE *• 89 • • • •135 107- • • • • 137 1 109- • • 127 • 145 • 14*7 • 165 • 155 1 • 157 \ LUANDA 10°S 5°E 10E 15°E Figure 192. — Locations of stations 6-166; Rockaway, phase II; 15-30 October 1968. 197 5°N 5°S 10' 15c 20° i, I ..I i | i' i i 'i Port llarcourt 6 12 CAPE LOPEZ ' Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Figure 193— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 6-12; 15-16 October 1 968. 198 5°N 5°S - 10° 15° 20° i i i i | i i i Port Harcourt 6 12 CAPE LOPEZ 5°E Pointe Noire - CONGO RIVER- Luanda Lobito Mocamedes ''". CAPE FRIO ''''I'' frw^- Figure 194— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 6-12; 15-16 October 1968. 199 5°N - 5°S - 10' 15° - 20° I'l 1 i i | i r i J- Port Harcourt ::'Z _ &\ 1 : 6 !_12 £, CAPE LOPEZ ~ \^ Pointe Noire JI - TCONGO RIVER- PLuanda v j~ - it? Lobito - P Mocamedes . ."^ f CAPE FRIO Z "i , i 1 [ 1 1 1 l fe,Vi .::■;■ ,:.:tv 5°E 10° Figure 195.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 6-12; 15-16 October 1968. 200 100 200 300 400 to a: 5 500 600 700 800 900 1000 -2.5- -3.0- -2.0- -3.5 30 -J NAUTICAL MILES _i i i i i_ 5°S 10c 15c 20° J I I I ! | I I I I Port llarcourt 12 CAPE LOPEZ 5°E Pointe Noire _ CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i t -r J Figure 196.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 7-13; 15-16 October 1968. 201 Figure 197.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 14-24; 16-17 October 1 968 202 900- 1001 5UH _ i i i i I i i i 'i \ $ Port Harcourt .1 e A 4 24-^? CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10C 15c 20c Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito Hlocamedes " CAPE FRIO I I ' I I I ' I I T 5°E 10° Figure 198 -Vertical distribution of salinity (°/00) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 14-24; 16-17 October 1968. 203 800 900- 1000- 5CH 5S 10c 15c 20c j i i i , | i i i i Port Ilarccmrt V_2 1 0~'\ o J4 J V CAPE LOPEZ i Pointc llnire CO'IGO RiVEII Luanda J] ' Lobito J ! Llocamctles 1 I CAPE FRIO i ' i 1 CAPE F i i i i i i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 199— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 14-24; 16-17 October 1968. 204 25 23 21 19 17 15 10- 20- 30- £40|- |50h ^60- O- UJ Q70- 80- 90- 100" NAUTICAL MILES : _i i i 1 1 1— j i_ J I I L 1 000 - 5°N LJ i i i i 1 V Dnr« 10c 15c 20° n— i Port Harcourt 15 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire J COHGO RIVER 1 'Luanda ' Lobito ^Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i i i i i i 5°E 10c Figure 200.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 15-25; 16-17 October 1968. 205 5CN - 5°S 10c 15 20c i . I :i I | TTTT -V_o_?°rt Harcourt o\ : CAPE LOPEZ _ \^ Pointe Noire I _ YTongo river- — P Luanda - rP LobitO :Z - >j Mocamedcs ~ = (cape FRIO I 1 i i i [ 5°E 10° i ooo - Figure 201.— Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 26-34; 17-18 October 1968. 206 t 5 x i— Q- UJ Q CO DC. X t— Q- LU O 5°N 5°S 10C 15° 20° q-TTTT-y 1" ! 1 1 ' _Y G Port flarcourt o\ : * 7 - - ° J" :ape LOPEZ - \_ Pointe Noire I : \~C0NG0 RIVER - _ P Luanda 2. - r-^Lobito 1 - >A Mocamedes ~ _ tCAPE FRIO % "i i i i i i 1 ! t ■ 1 ' ■ 5°E 10c 1000- Figure 202.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 26-34; 17-18 October 1968. ■3)7 5CN 5Sh 10° - 15° - 20° _Sp^Jort Harcourt Z - ^ -, * 1 — - • I 1 26-- £j CAPE LOPEZ - N. Pointe Noire I - VCONGO RIVER - ~ \ _ — P Luanda j; - /-^Lobito I - P, Mocamedes ~ - (CAPE FRIO I I i i i i I i i i i 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 203— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 26-34; 17-18 October 1968. 208 x i— Q- UJ Q 0 10 20- 30- 40- 50 60 70 80 90 100 NAUTICAL MILES J I I I ; | "i" i l 'i > „ i-'nrt KarcfDurt .* 0 J A4' i 15c 20c 5°S 10c 5CE CAPE LOPEZ , PointR EJoire %lim RiUEtl i uandn ^Losiito HHocaiaedes CAPi FRIO Figure 204 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 36-44; 18-19 October 1968. 209 5 I t- Q- UJ Q 5°N 0 3 i i i i j i i i r 3; 0 Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 44 / J1 36 5CS - 10c 15c 20c Pointe Noire i \^C0:JG0 RIVER • V 1 P Luanda ^loliito Mo:amedes CAPr FRIO ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' 5°E 10c Figure 205.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 36-44; 18-19 October 1968. 210 100 200 300 - UJ g X t S 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 5°N P 5°S 10c 15c 20° i i i r | "i1 1 i t i n Port Harcaurt .* 44 /36 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe [Joire sfiiim river ■ ^ i i i i Luanda Lodito T.1 o ; a m e d e s CfiFi FfilO 5°E 10° Figure 206— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 36-44; 18-19 October 1968. 211 0 10 20 30 £40 I 550 X t60 UJ a 70 80 90 100 NAUTICAL MILES _i i i i i_ 100 200 300 400 ?. 500 X I— Q. UJ o 600 700 800 900 1000 - 5fJ - j i i_ 5S 10c 15c 20c H 1 "VI ■;■ j "l1 1 I 'l — 1 _>• _. Port Harcourt J J • ° ^36Cfl?E L0PEZ I 44^ \ ~ \ Pointe [Joire _ \"co:jrei mii \ -i P Luanda 1 y-^Lodito J C H AMo;arnedes 1 capV: frio j 1 ] 1 1 1 1 1 II i 5°E 10° Figure 207. — Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 37-45; 18-19 October 1968. 212 46 48 100 200 300 400 ?. 500 I t- Q. UJ a 600 700 800 900- 1000 - 30 NAUTICAL MILES 5°H 5°S 10° - 15° 20c TT7T!'rT ' " """J Port Harcourt Z ^ : t • I -- — 0 < CAPE LOPEZ - 46> ^54 \j Poinle Noire - VCOIiGO RIVER - P Luanda 2 - y^Lobito I - M Mocamedes - icAPE ERIO "1 i i i i I i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 208— Vertical distribution ot temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 46-54; 19-20 October 1968 213 x S 46 48 100 200 300 400 ?- 500 X t s 600 700 800 900- 1000- -34.8- 30 NAUTICAL MILES 34.6 5°S 10c 15c 20° i I II |.i i i i. Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 54 \_ Pointe Noire VCOIiGO' RIVER • ! Luanda 'Lobito -} Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i V i J 5°E 10° Figure 209— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/00) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 46-54; 19-20 October 1968 214 100 200 300 400 1. 500 X (- Q. UJ a 600 700 800 900 1000 -26.6. -27.0- 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 27.4- 5°N 5°S 10° - 15° - 20c ^§ "1 1 |:T"I ! 'I' yPort Harcourt Z _ c\ — 0 J ■ ~ _ 0 Lobito I - >! Mocamedes — f CAPE FRIO _ "I i i i i 1 i i i r • •■• 5°E 10° Figure 210— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 46-54; 19-20 October 1968. 215 47 49 0 10 20 30 05" £ 40 x * 50 60 70 80 90 100 3.0 / J I L I I I NAUTICAL MILES I I i 47 49 5°N jj! i -i i | i" i : -i- \oJ°rt Harcourt a fw, PE LOPEZ - 46- -54 5°S 10° I5C \ Q Poinie Hnire %C0I!GQ IMtl \ 1 Luanda 20 L 'LoliiJa ^ Upcamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i t i -! 5°E 10 1000 - Figure 211— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 47-55; 19-20 October 1968. 216 11.11 |:'l .'I J 'I-" ' :.' ■ ■-(j'.^l Port Harcourt jfe CAPE LOPEZ ' \ii Pointe Noire :.i 66 CONGO RIVE Luanda Lobito Mocamedes % CAPE FRIO 1000 Figure 212.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 58-66; 20-21 October 1968. 217 Figure 213 —Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 58-66; 20-21 October 1968. 218 800- 900- 1000- 0 30 NAUTICAL MILES I I ..I I |:T'M T Port Harcouft ,x . CAPE LOPEZ S \^; Pointe Noire 66 CONGO RIVER Luanda iobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO Figure 214.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 58-66; 20-21 October 1968. 219 0 10 20 30 55" 35 40 fc 150 X £ 60 UJ Q 70 80 90 100 67 DATA MISSING 100 200 300- 400 DATA MISSINGL4 Q I 1— Q- UJ Q 500 600 700 800 900 1000 -J 1 1 1 I I I I I I l_ Figure 215— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 59-67; 20-21 October 1968. 220 0 68 70 72 74 - 1 T ; 100 :^^-15 ; 200 ■ 1 3- 300 • 9 ' — "" ~~" 400 DEPTH (METE o o 600 700 800 900 9 3d 1000 NAUTICAL MILES 5°S 10c 15c 20° - 68 n^rpvT-T^r™r^rT Port Harcourt ' .11 , . ,';!",l.l,ltl I CAPE LOPEZ ' / vw Pointe Noire ^ Icojieoji^ERl I Luanda ■ /A?Lobito .i ! Mocamedes "^ CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i i- t »31 5°E 10° Figure 216.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 68-74; 21 October 1968. 221 5°S 10c W 20° " Harcaurt: "C'v^r' CAPE LOPEZ -74'-: V .^-..: -.-.£*. ■< ■■'■ , / vv3 Pointe Noire i 68' ^mmmm CONGO RIVER - f Luanda . Lj-± 5°E i^Lobito i Mocamedes 1111 ■ '■ • ■ .« 10° 1000- Figure 217.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%0) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 68-74; 21 October 1968. 222 100 - 200- 300- 400 500- 600- 700- 800- 900- 1000 5°S 10" 15c 20c Port Harcoirt CAPE LOPEZ 68 IcMiTiifEi - i Luanda. 'Lobito ! Mocamedes .1 1 CAPE FRIO | I i ' i ' I ' ' l-'t ■■':-■ -«*1 5°E 10° Figure 218.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 68-74; 21 October 1968. 223 10 20 _30 en £ 40 UJ 3. — 50 X fc- uj 60 5 70 80 90 100 69 71 73 100 - 200 300 DATA MISSING " U.0" 75 -7— 400 5 500 X I— Q- UJ s 600 700 800 900 1000 76 I J.I I |.l I 1 T Port Harcourt J I I L. 5°S 10' 15° - I 69 CAPE LOPEZ 76 / X^j Pointe Noire "CONGO RIVER Luanda 20° Lobito 1 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i I i i if--. 5°E 10° Figure 219.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 69-76; 21 October 1968. 224 5°H - 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20c m oJort Harcourt '$ - o\ . '■* - » J __ — x^CAPE LOPEZ - X 85 3 Pointe Noire Z VTcONGO RIVER - — w Luanda ^ - jM, Lobito -Z — QMocamedes ~ - CAPc FRIO - _i i i i i I i \ 1 , § 5°E 10° Figure 220— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II: stations 77-85; 22 October 1968. 225 5°H 3 ~ri j i -v i.ii — ' -rr ojjort Harcourt 1$ ~ o\ 0" m J JjjgfE LOPEZ 5°S 10° • \i: Pointe Noire Z 85 VcONGO RIVER - WLuanda ^ — /^Lobito . I 15° — $Mocamedes ~ "" KCAPc FRiO : 9n° "1 i i i 1 i i i .[...•..-. ...•:•'; 5°E 10° Figure 221— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 77-85; 22 October 1968. 226 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20c Port Harcourt o CAPE LOPEZ 85 p Luanda [ Lobito [Mocamedes ~ CAPt FRIO l I I l I I I i T ' . 5°E 10° Figure 222— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 77-85; 22 October 1968. 227 £H 5CN I ] 'l" i I ': \ „ Port Harcourt ■ i 1 - i 5°S 10c 15c 20c vfcAPE LOPEZ /7\0 Polnte Noire 85 CnKJGO RIVER '''' Luanda Lobito n Mocamedes CAPt FRIO 5°E 10° Figure 223.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 78-86; 22 October 1968. 228 5°S 10c 15° 20° Vf-i.'J.ii'rr'i^riJ Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 97, y \^, Pointe Noire 89 VcONGO "RIVER 'Luanda 'lobiio Mocamedes ~ HCAPE FRIO v 5°E 10° Figure 224.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 89-97; 23-24 October 1968. 229 0 10 20 30 05" Sj 40- § 1 5 X & i a 70 80- 90- 100- 89 91 93 95 -350- 35.7 J i i i i i i i i i 1000- 5°N 5°S 10c 15c - J I. I I I | ..I1 l;l- !|i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 97 [ Pointe Noire _ CONGO RIVER - Luanda 'Lobiio Mocamedes CAPE FRIO 2Q° * ! ' ' ' ■ l ' ' ' 5°E 10° Figure 225 — Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 89-97; 23-24 October 1968. 230 100 200 300 400 ?. 500 X t— a. 5 600 700 800 900 1000 — 26.6- -27.0- .27.4' 30 NAUTICAL MILES 15c 20c i i .1 I | "i1 1 i. |. Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ ^97 y s^ Pointe Noire 89 \ CONGO "RIVER - Luanda jLobitg Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i i i 5CE 10° Figure 226— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 89-97; 23-24 October 1968. 231 5 X I- Q- UJ O J I L 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 —2.0- -2.5- ,3.0" 30 NAUTICAL MILES 1 000 - J I I L J L J L 5°N 0 5S 10c 15c 20° • i i i i I i i i i V „ Part Harcourt o 89 CAPE LOPEZ -97 y\J. Pointe Iloire \ COilGO RIVER \ 'Luanda 'Lofiito R Mocaraedes CAPE FElia \ I i i i i l i i i i 5E 1flc Figure 227. — Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 90-98; 23-24 October 1968. 232 105 103 101 100 x >— a. UJ a 5°N 0° - 5°S W 15' 20c 105 Port Harcaurt CAPE LOPEZ 109\^ Pointe N CONGO RIVER P Luanda 'lobito ^> Mor.amecles CAPE FRIO i i i i i t i ■ ■ >. _L_L 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 228— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 100-105; 24 October 1968. 233 100 0 30 ,00|~~ NAUTICAL MILES' 900- 5N tJ i i i I | l'"l I ! \ jjort Elarcourt 100 5°S 10c w 20c {"cape lopez 100 105 / \ ^ Pointe Noire 3 -Hloeamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i i t 5°E 10 Figure 229.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase II ; stations 100-1 05; 24 October 1968. 234 105 X t- Q- u- o 100- 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000- -27.2' NAUTICAL MILES too 5°S 10c 15c 20c Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 105 109vJ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER > Luanda 5CE Lobito ^Monamedes CAPE FRIO i i i I i i 1 ,1 Figure 230.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 100-105; 24 October 1968 235 - 5CN K 300 106 104 2.5 100 200 - 400 t/5 an 2- 500 I t- 0L 111 Q 600 700 800 900 1000 "1.5 — 3.0 NAUTICAL MILES 1 i i 3.0 J L I I | l"l I Port Harcourt 102 99 5S 10 15c 20° /*CAPE LOPEZ J 100 105 Pointe Noire COIIGO RIl'ER Luanda Lobito Llocamedes CAPE FRIO -] 1 5°E 10° Figure 231.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 100-105; 24 October 1968. 236 109 111 113 115 117 UJ 109 111 113 115 117 PI Kl ojjort Harcourt 1 o\ I m J 0° /CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 1 1 7 ' Pointe Noire I 109 VCOflGO RIVER - 10° P Luanda 2 V — /^"loliito I 15° >}Mo:amedes ~ ICAPE FRIO _ 9(1° "i i i i 1 i i i i - 5°E 10° Figure 232 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 109-117; 25 October 1968 237 1000 — 5°N 5°S 10° 15c 20° 4,' ojort Harcourt — *7S _ • I — - o L < CAPE LOPEZ - - 1 1 7 Pointe Noire 109 VCOtlGO RIVEF I~ : - P Luanda — - /•^Lobito - - PMoramedes — _ .CAPE FRIO — "I . . . 1 i iii - 5CE 10° Figure 233.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 109-117; 25 October 1968 238 109 111 113 115 117 5°N 5°S 10 15° f i i i i I 'i" i i i - \ „ Port Karcourt 17} ^ CAPE LOPEZ 1 17 Pointe [Joire 109 VCOflGO RIVER - 20° Luanda Loliiio 3 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO J : '''''' 5°E 10° 1000 Figure 234— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-0 for Rockaway, phase II; stations 109-117; 25 October 1968. 239 116 1 18 5CN -I i I I |TI I I ': ^ Port llarcaurt 0 —I 5CS h 1000 10c 15c 20c { CAPE LOPEZ \ 1 1 7s Pnintn Ucire 109 \CP o WM RIVE!! uanda I J LoEjito J J Mo:aFiiGdcs CAPE FiSIO i i I i i t 5°E 10° Figure 235— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rocka way, phase II; stations 110-118; 25 October 1968. 240 127 125 123 121 119 127 100 200 300 400 a: 5 500- X I- UJ O 600 700 800 900- 1000 NAUTICAL MILES 119 5CS 10c 15 20c i I 'I I | i1 i i i Port Harcourt o 127 CAPE LOPEZ 1 1 9£j Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER l y ruiiiu f VCON 'Luanda Lobiio RMocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 236— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) tor Rockaway, phase II; stations 119-127; 25-26 October 1968. 241 119 NAUTICAL MILES I I II | I" I I '! Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 1 1 9W Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito i Mocamedcs CAPE FRIO Figure 237.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 119-127; 25-26 October 1968. 242 127 125 123 121 119 5°N 5°S 10c W 20° R i i 1 1 i 'i "i i '] _ V^Q. Port Ilarcourt 127 /"CAPE LOPEZ 1 1 9 ' : Pointe Noire r VC0IJG0 RiVEil~ 'Luanda Lobito iMocamedcs CAPE FRIO i i i i i i i i 5E 10° Figure 238. — Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 119-127; 25-26 October 1968. 243 128 126 124 122 120 5N [ I I I i | 'I' I l~l J\ G Port (larrnurt 100 200 300 400- — 500 X I— a. a 600 700 800 900 1000 120 5S 10c 15 20c 1 < CAPE LOPEZ 1 19w Pointe [Joire 11 ' \ COIIGO RIVEB Figure 239— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 120-128; 25-26 October 1968. 244 127 129 131 133 135 NAUTICAL MILES 5N 5°S 10° - 15c 20c I I I I | T1 I I I1; Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Poinle Noire V C0KG0 RIVER Luanda Lobito Hlncamedes CAPE FRIO 1 5°E 10° Figure 240— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 127-135; 26-27 October 1968 245 X S Or— 10- 20- 30- 40- 50- 60- 70- 80- 90- 100- 127 129 131 133 135 30 5 i_ 0 30 I J NAUTICAL MILES DC 1XJ t X I— a. l±J Q -35,6 n 5°N J I I I I |.T III 5S 10° - 15c 20° Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Points Iloire y\ 35- 12^ V CONGO RIVER 'Luanda 1 Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i ll 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 241— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 127-135; 26-27 October 1968. 246 UJ t X 127 100 200 300- 400 1 35" ]2f \ CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito ': Mocamedes CAPE ERIO j_i_± 5°E Figure 242. —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) forfiocfcaway, phase II; stations 127-135; 26-27 October 1968 247 1000 J 1 I 1 I 1 I I I I I I ! I '!' Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Poinie Noire J\ 35' ]2^ V CONGO RIVER p Luanda 'Lobito ^Mocamedes CAPE FRIO 1 Figure 243. —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 128-136; 26-27 October 1968. 248 _ I 'I I 'I I I T'"l I 'I W - 15° - 20° i Port Harcourt IAPE LOPEZ ;Pointe Noire 137' / V CONGO RIVER ^ 145 P Luanda Lohito ^Mocamedes • CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i i't ' ■ 5°E 10° Figure 244. — Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 137-145; 27-28 October 1968. 249 137 100 — 200- 300 400- 500- I 1- Q- UJ Q 600- 700- 800 900 5N - 5S — ; 10 1000 15° 20 137X--' S \ CONGO RIVER 145 1 Luanda LobitQ : Mpsamsdes CAPE FRIO 1 I i i i i I i i i i 5°E 10c Figure 245— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 137-145; 27-28 October 1968 250 145 143 141 139 137 1000- Figure 246— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 137-145; 27-28 October 1968 251 144 142 140 138 ; CAPE LOPEZ % Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito ^Mocamedes CAPE FRIO 1 Figure 247— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 138-146; 27-28 October 1968. 252 149 153 10< 15c 20c 'i i i i | i i i i Port Harcourt 1 CAPE LOPEZ 147 Pointe Noire - 1 51?UNG0 RIVEM Luanda _L_L ' Lobito ■ Mocamedes 7."^ CAPE FRIO ':['/':. 5°E 10° 1000 Figure 248— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 147-155; 28-29 October 1968. 253 147 149 151 0 153 155 10 35.6_^2 5.4= 31 20 - 35 u ^ — ~^:^^^35~4*^~-. 30 . ^V- V _^> CO on UJ t X i- Q- LU a 40 50 60 . 35.7^"^ 70 80 90 100 - 0 1 30 I 35.6 NAUTICAL MILES Figure 249.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 147-155; 28-29 October 1968. 254 147 151 153 155 1000- NAUTICAL MILES 10° 15° 20° ■M,. 1 1 i 1 1 i i n Port Harcourt _! CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire 1 5|?uNGO RIVER 147 'Luanda 'lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I i i i i I i i i^v-r- 5°E 10° Figure 250.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 147-155; 28-29 October 1968 255 0 10 20 30 £i 40 i— LiJ * 50 I Q 70 80 90 100 148 150 152 154 156 NAUTICAL MILES ill I I I I I L 148 150 152 154 156 100 200 300 400 S 500 X I- o. UJ a 600 700 800 900 1000 "7_ J I I I 1 1 J L 51 5°S 10c 15c 20c ~ i j n i r Port Harcourt 1 CAPE LOPEZ 147 Pointe Noire 1 ffiNGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 251.— Vertical distribution ot oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway. phase II; stations 148-156; 28-29 October 1968. 256 163 X I- Q. UJ O 165 163 159 157 5°N 5°S - 10' 15° - 20° ^ ill |-r I 1 '1' — -' . "■'■ ^Port Harcourt _I . *i _ • /.:■•'-- - ^J^-----. tu 40 50 S-35.8-^ :- X Q. UJ Q 60 70 80 90 \ 35.6 \ 0 30 1 1 NAUTICAL MILES 100 \ • in ex. X I— a. UJ a 100- 200- 300- 400- 500 600 700- 800- 900- 1000- 5°N 5°S 10c - 15° - 20c =4 i i i i [ "i'"i i r ■ ^^Port Harcourt Z _ o\ _ 9 1' " - T CAPE LOPEZ - \J Pointe Noire I - Y^GO RIVER- 165X V- P Luanda _ - /^Lobito I - ^Mocamedes " _ (cAPE FRIO _ "l i i i i 1 i i i i 5°E 10° Figure 253— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase II; stations 157-165; 29-30 October 1968. 258 Or— 10- 20- 30- 55" 52 uj 40- I 50- X Sj 60- S 70- 80- 90- 100- 165 163 161 159 157 20.2" NAUTICAL MILES 165 163 100- 200- 300 400 | I'M I Port Harcourt I CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire rCONGO RIVER P Luanda 170 1 174/^Lobito 1850 -> Mocamedes 19l'( CAPE FRIO I I I I I I I t 'ft. •-■ 10° 1000- Figure 257. — Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 170-191 ; 11-13 November 1968. 262 191 190 187 185 184 181 179 178 176174 172 170 _ J-35.5 191 190 187 185 184 181 179 178 176174 172 170 100 200- 300 400- — 500 X t- a. UJ Q 600- 700 800- 900 1000- 5°N 0° - 5°S - 10° - 15° 20° i I -| -| | "rr i 'i ■'.' ■' ' — 1 ^Port Harcourt _ _ *7*l _ • / '~ - /CAPE LOPEZ - \^ Pointe Noire Z _ TcflNGO RIVER- - 6 Luanda ^ - 170 V : - ]74//°Mo - — 185/PMocamedes ~ _ 19 IT CAPE FRIO I "l ii 1 1 1 1 1 Ll— -■ 5°E 10° Figure 258. — Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway. phase III; stations 170-191 ; 11-13 November 1968. 263 19) 190 187 185 '84 181 179 178 176174 172 170 5°N J i i.;i ;i j i' i1 1 ;i- ■■ ; ; oPort Harcourt _ o\ • / 0° /CAPE LOPEZ \^ Pointe Noire _ 5°S yCONGO RIVER - 10° P Luanda z. - 170 \ I 15° — 1 85/P Mocamedes ~ - 1 9 it CAPE FRIO ~ ?n° 1 i i i i 1 i i 1 ■{■: ■'. .?■ . =,... 5°E 10° 1000 Figure 259. — Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 170-191 ; 11-13 November 1 968. 264 o- 10- 20- 30- uj 40h I 50 X £ 60 5 70 80 90 100 191 190 187 185 184 181 179 178 176174 172 170 5°N - 0° - 5°S 10° - 15° - 20° J T-T-T-1 |Tm i .^Port Harcourt _ - 0\ - * J - AaPE LOPEZ _ N- Pointe Noire ~ - Ymjngo river - - P Luanda Z - 170 I : 174^Lobi,° - — 1 85/P Mocamedes . ~ - 19l'( CAPE FRIO I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 l.L. "• 5°E 10° 1000 - Figure 260.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 170-191:11-13 November 1968. 265 191 190 187 185 184 181 179 178 176174 172 170 100 200 300 400 I — 500 X t— a. UJ Q 600 700 800 900 1000 5°N 0° - 5°S 10° - 15c 20° =% irir | "vt vr ■■ " '."■", : .^Port Harcourt _ _ 0\ ;~ - OAPE LOPEZ - \g.Pointe Noire | _ YCONGO RIVER :- -_ P Luanda ; £ - 170):" I — 1 85(M Mocamedes _V3 - 19l'fcAPE FRIO ; Z 1 i i i i 1 i i ]/-'f^-:^l\'---'/'' 5°E 10° Figure 261.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate ( jig-at./liter) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 170-191 ; 11-13 November 1968. 266 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 5°N - 5°S - 10° - 15° - 2DC J 1 1 '! 1 yT'T 1 "I oPort Harcourt _ ~ tfl _ • / ■ . ~ - /CAPE LOPEZ - \^. Pointe Noire I - yCONGO RIVER - _ \ _ - P Luanda 221 V - 2i4//*Hobito - — /PMocamedes ~ "I 1 96 VCAP0RI" : 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 262— Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Rockaway phase III; stations 196-221; 14-16 November 1968. 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 100 200- 300 400- 500 600- 700 800 900 1000 NAUTICAL MILES 5°N - 5°S - 10' 15° - 20c =1 i i,:i i ]-i-i i >- :;■ v:. : vv r _Port Harcourt ^ - 0% :■ ;-"-;''Vi,-:-: - /CAPE LOPEZ ■' - \_ Pointe Noire I - yCONGO RIVER - - 6 Luanda . - 221 Y - - 214/^Lobito | — IP Mocamedes j~2 "1 ,9/|mm. : 5°E 10° Figure 263.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway. phase III: stations 196-221: 14-16 November 1968. 268 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 1000- Figure 264.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-0 for Rockaway, phase III; stations 196-221; 14-16 November 1968. 269 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 4-g/ / 4.5 ( 5.0 X 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 5°N - 5°S - 10° - 15: 20c ■T'l'-I 1 | 'I i i i _ f -Port Harcoiirt _ ~ &\ - • / ~ - /CAPE LOPEZ - \_ Pointe Noire I - VcONGO RIVER - - P Luanda - 221 V - 2 1 4//^Mit0, - — /PMocamedes ~ - ' (cape FRIO : 1 i i i i 1 i i \Mh&te\$sbc 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 265— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 196-221; 14-16 November 1968. 270 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 a-5 196 197 200 202 204 205 208 209 211 214 215 218 219 221 5°N 5°S 10° - 15 20' J -Port Harcourt _ _ e\ Z _ m I - /CAPE LOPEZ - \^ Pointe Noire I - VcONGO RIVER - - P Luanda - 221 V - 214/r^Lobito , — IP Mocamedes ~ "l ' i CAPE FRIO I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i/::'f. ;i:--- '■ "■--' 5°E 10° Figure 266— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate ( yug-at./liter) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 196-221; 14-16 November 1968. 271 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 100 200 300 400 2 x 500 I— a. yj a 600 700 800 900 1000 75 J NAUTICAL MILES 10° 15 20° ii.i i ] i > i r Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda 223) 231/^1 246 Mocamedes 248 CAPE ERIO 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 if ■■ ••-•' - 5°E 10c Figure 267— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 223-248; 16-19 November 1968. 272 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 NAUTICAL MILES 1000- 5CS 10c 15 20° i .i i I i i n Port llarcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 'Luanda 223) 231/^1 246 Mocamedes 248 CAPE FRIO 1 1 1 I 1 1 i r 5°E 10° Figure 268.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway. phase III; stations 223-248; 16-19 November 1968. 273 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 100 - 200- 300 400 to on 500 600 700 800 900 1000 — p-T—f -27.2- 27.2- •^27.4 75 I NAUTICAL MILES 10° - 15° 20° j i i :i i | v i i i Port llarcourt o CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 'Luanda 223) 23l//Aoliito 246 Mocamedes 248 CAPE FRIO 1 I I I I I I I I' 'f ■■:,:"i ■- 5°E 10° Figure 269— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) tor Rockaway, phase III; stations 223-248; 16-19 November 1968 274 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 2.0. ■» r 75 _l NAUTICAL MILES ^ i. i .i i I r n r llarcourt 10c 15° 20° CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda ••>-' 223) 23 l//9. Lobito Mocamedes 246/ 248 CAPE FRIO I i i i i l i i i -f - 5°E 10° Figure 270.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 223-248; 16-19 November 1968. 275 248 246 245 242 240 239 237 235 234 231 230 227 225 223 III | I I I I Port llarcourt CAPE LOPEZ ' ; Pointe floire ■ CONGO RIVER 1 Luanda 223k 3 l/ sP. Looito P Mocamedes 246/ 248 CAPE FRIO I ■ ■ i ■ I • Figure 271— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (fxg-at./liter) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 223-248; 16-19 November 1968. 276 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 o — 10- 20- 30- to at £ 40- UJ Z 50- I £j 60- Q 70- 80- 90- 100- 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 15° - 20° M.I I | II I I Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Q/ /-"Lobito 7266 255/ r Mocamedes 252 ! CAPE i i i i M i M 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 272.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 252-274; 19-21 November 1968. 277 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 10- 20- 30- at UJ 40- UJ I 50- I h- uj 60- Q 70- 80- 90" 100- 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 100 200- 300 400 - X 500 600- 700 800 - 900 1000- 'l I .1 I | 1 I I I- Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER 266 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO Figure 273— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase III; stations 252-274; 19-21 November 1968. 278 Or- 10- 20- 30- g UJ 40- LU 1 50- I &] 60- Q 70- 80- 90- 100- 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 NAUTICAL MILES 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 100 200- 300 400- 500 X p— a. LLI o 600 - 700 800 900 1000 Figure 274 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-r) for Rockaway, phase III, stations 252-274; 19-21 November 1968. 279 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 100 200" 300 400- ~- 500 X I— Q. UJ Q 600- 700 800- 900 1000- ■I, M.I | I ' I .1- Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Point e Noil e CONGO RIVER Mocamedes CAPE FRIO Figure 275.— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway. phase III; stations 252-274; 19-21 November 1968. 12SII 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 X 252 253 255 257 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 15 20c i i .i i I i i i i"" Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda \ 0/ /^Lobito 7266 255/ /-* Mocamedes } I CAPE FRIO 252 ''I'''-' -f-- 5°E 10° Figure 276. —Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (pg-at. /liter) for Rocka way, phase III; stations 252-274; 19-21 November 1968. 281 10°S 15°S 20°S 10 E 3 A LOBITO 22* " 20/ 27- MOCAMEDES VCAPE FRIO 15c Figure 277— Locations of stations 1-29; Goa, phase III; 12-17 November 1968. 282 ■Tr.,,t-ri,ki-.-.l-i^ '.,.'... r Port Harcourt 100 L NAUTICAL MILES "K= 18: -«£ t — ■*■ ' ' ' ' ■'■'■' 9 16- CO 100 200 ■14- Ufal £ 300 400 F 500 CAPt LOPEZ Ppinte Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda ., '£ Lobitoi - Figure 278.— Vertical dist ribution of temperature ( C) for Goa, phase III; stations 1-3; 12 November 1968. 283 £: 60 — c«o 5°N 5°S - 10° 15° - 20c =s ^Jort Harcourt ;_ _ _ o Y — - m 0 CAPE: LOPEZ: 1 - \_ Pointe Noire _ - \^NG0llVER | - W Luanda,. £ - 1 fc :: ' ' 3«Lobito - h Mocjmedes ~ - (CAPE FRIO I 1111 1 , 1 i ;M ■■.■■■•'::.-->" 5°E 10° Figure 279.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Goa. phase III; stations 1-3; 12 November 1968. 284 &o 5PN 5°S - 15° - 20c =s. T'l'-i.T'i-r-r-r-r— ■ - —■_ .^Port Harcourt _ - o a / - 0 ) "CAPE LOPEZ - \_ Pointe Noire _ - VcpNGO RIVER - P Luanda;. 1 Y» ' ~ — ^HLobitoj -_ - PMocamedes ~ ~~ I CAPE FRIO I ~l MM liii f • -" 5°E 10° Figure 280 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III; stations 1-3; 12 November 1968. 285 20 40 60 - v15« NAUTICAL MILES 100 5°N 100 200 300 400 500 -14- 5°S 10c 15 20° ^ 'rVLT'lTITT— . - r ojort Harcourt _ _ o \ _ - 0 0 1 "CAPE LOPEZ - \_J Pointe Noire _ - VcONGO 'RIVER : - P Luanda- J 5 k: . : /-^Lobitoj - i - M Mocamedes ~ ( CAPE FRIO. _ ■ 1 1 1 1 l i ' ' t 5°E 10° Figure 281— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa. phase 111; stations 3-5; 12-13 November 1968 286 20 - 40 - 60 - 100 _ . 35.7 ./ • • — V. 35.7.- • • — • • - -"-35.6^ • • • • ^^ 0 • 30 X* j N 35 5 NAUTICAL MILES s. • • 100 200 £ 300 400 500 5 N TT*r ;li ■|t,i 'ft™ ■ ■ - j Port Harcourt _ o i — t * / 0° 0 CAPE LOPEZ \_ Pointe Noire Z 5°S VcONGO RIVER - 10° — b Luanda;: £ 5 te-M " /'JLobito 15° — >?_Mocamedesj. ~2 (CAPE FRIO 'i •»n° ' | -J_L J L 1 i i if 5CE 10° Figure 282— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa. phase III; stations 3-5; 12-13 November 1968. 287 20 40 60 100 lu^zM - . L 30 j NAUTICAL MILES S 200 - 5N TrrrTT-jrr i i- r. ■■: ^Port Harcourt _ o \ _ • / ■ " ■ • — 0° 0 CAPE LOPEZ \-j Pointe Noire _ 5°S - YnJNGO RIVER _■- 10° - P Luanda;. 2. 5 K I 7$ Lobito - 15° PMpcamedes ~ _ I CAPE FRIO I 90° "l i i > i 1 v 1 1 1 t t. 5°E 10c - 300- Figure 283— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III; stations 3-5; 12-13 November 1968. 288 oi — 20 £ 40 £ 60 100 NAUTICAL MILES / CO ■X^'O-f^Vl [V ■!'■•" — ■■ 5°N t ^ojoft Harcourt ; _ oX •--';■' ..; ':'■'': 9 I' ' -' > ■ ' ~ 0° 0 fcsVS 'i-siit Vv .' "' ^;CAPE..LOPEZl ' \^j Pointe Noire _ 5°S S&Z* ": '■' '->;X /— \TC0HG0 RIVER '- P Luanda 10° V " 5 L , V°Lobito! i _ /7 -7. ' - 15° — M Mocamedes : 1 |W|RI[)f % in° 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 'f' .1:1- 5°E 10° Figure 284. — Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) for Goa, phase III; stations 5-7; 13 November 1968. 289 CO Oi — 20 - 40 - £ 60 - 100 • 35.7 . \ • • • — • • ^^^ • 35.B * • • 0 - L # 30 or / i as s NAUTICAL MILES / CO 100 200 300 400 500 5°N -^riijort Harcourt J 0° • _ 0 j ' CAPE LOPEZ 5°S \^Pointe Noire _ VT^CO N G 0 RIVER — 10° v» Luanda \--/-~_ N/^Lobitql : 3 P Mocamedes : "t: - I CAPE FRIO I ?n° 1 1 1 1 1 liit t ■ ■'■-■V-y^ 5°E 10° Figure 285.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Goa, phase III; stations 5-7; 13 November 1968. 290 20 - CO S 40 S: 60 100 NAUTICAL MILES 100 oo S 200 - 400 500 26.6 300 -26.8 — 5CN 0° - 5°S - 10° - 15 - 20c Mh*g& 1 :r i ir i. .-.■. ■ r,^jort Harcourt - o ) - o , r ' • : ':~ '-'■ . V > 0 J , - CAPE LOPEZ - \_ Pointe Noire I YtoNGO RIVER - P Luanda. J _. \ ;._ - 5V^Lobito :..:2 - [Z \ — h Mocamedes ].' ~ - 1 CAPE FRIO 1 1 l_,l_L liii t: 5°E 10° Figure 286.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III; stations 5-7; 13 November 1968 291 5°N 100 200 300 400 500 ■14- 5°S 10 - 15° - 20c "S, U^'l.r '| TTFT— ; r ^Port Harcourt ■ o ~~ o — - 0 / "CAPE LOPEZ N. Pointe Noire I - VcONGO RIVER P w Luanda,. 2 o— 7-Hobitq; I M Mocamedes ~ (CAPE FRIO I 1 1 1 1 1 \ - Ml ,£,;, ... ., 5°E 10° Figure 287— Vertical distribution ot temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 7-9; 13 November 1968. 292 n 9 8 7 u 20 35.8 isf - -y • • • • • • g 40 £ 60 35.6 >— • • ^^ • • 80 _ 0 30 J • r- . NAUTICAL MILES 100 • 100 S M a 300 400 500 9 35.8 8 35.7 I — 35.2- — 35.0- — 34.8- 5°N ,fe&feJ-':i;i- ' '\r ' " "~ » ._ Port Harcourt; _ o \ — » / : 0° 0 : CAPE LOPEZ \J Pointe Noire I 5°S - VSngo "river ■ - 10° 6 Luanda,, £ 15° _ 9— 7-Uobitq M Mocarnedesj ~2 — f CAPE FRIO f | in° 'I 1 1 1 1 1 i \\::t< --""-- ."^ 5°E 10° Figure 288— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Goa, phase III; stations 7-9; 13 November 1968 293 20 40 2: 60 100 9 8 7 ■2U' —26.0 - . NAUTICAL MILES 100 200 300 400 500 •I ■■■■■:■•'•:•:•■■•.■■ ■■•■•■•■•■••■•.•::--A|7Z< ^?.R ft- ' 24.0^^7; -n -26.4 •26.6- JS^K^'1-'1 " "v"!^ 5°N ^Syjort Harcourt I ' - _ Is zA * • / :- ' - ' \ ' r - . ' ' . ;: '^ '~; 0° 0 JL^V"".' " »"■» i/i ;.' " ';-^ { CJPE.LIPEZ: « XL,-'-' ' :; -i-l'.jS^V.t-V,";'*'.*; "'■'•- \>4Pointe Noire .^ 5°S \^«?^'v ■'" ?'----;', — XpONGt 1 RIVER 1 V .'-'' ■ '* w Luanda ;.-- "■'■ 10" 0— 7, Mocamedes ~ - fcAPE FRIO _ "1 1 .1, i i 1 i i i ,t",„- 5°E 10° Figure 290 — Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 9-1 1 ; 13-14 November 1968. 295 10 11 Ol— 20 40 - 60 100 — 35.8- NAUTICAL MILES 5°H "^^JkW .fvH.' 'rT""" ' ■■:.~'l r Jrtjort Harcourt - _~ o \ ■ _ 0° m 0 ■i CAPE /LOPEZ j 5°S \_ Pointe Noire „,- V^NGO RIVER - 10° wJLuanda, Z. _ 9xqtobito: :.l 15° — 1 fri-&.;.C-L..' i| M Mocamedes J g ImPE FRfft _ in° 1 1111 1 ' ' - 5°E 10° Figure 291— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Goa, phase III; stations 9-11; 13-14 November 1968. 296 20 40 60 80 100 I — I NAUTICAL MILES 30 J 5°N 100 200 10 •if24.6' ii -26.2' ■26.4" 26.01: - . -26.B 5°S - 10° - 15c 20c 5 "LCvLj | .V i vr, — " — ^^Port Harcourt '1 _ o X ~~ - 0 i CAPE LOPEZ - \_Pointe Noire Z - Ymngo RIVER^ — P Luanda ; £ - 9 ^fHobito I - A Mocamedes I ~ - ICAPE FRIO I i i 1 1 1 1 i i i f ' -V 5°E 10° Figure 292-Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III: stations 9-1 1 ; 13-14 November 1 968 297 _ 23 20 oo s 40 £ 60 100 \ NAUTICAL MILES X CO 5°N 5°S - 10° 15c 20c =^ r -rtPjwt Harcourt 1 _ o \ i _ 9 1 — - 0 CAPE 10PEZ _ \_ Pointe Noire _Z - TCONGO "RIVER - — P Luanda; J j ]£Lobitoi 131 J PMocamedes - ( CAPE FRIO I _l 1 1 1 1 1 i ii r •" , 5°E 10° Figure 293. -Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 11-13; 14 November 1968. 298 CO 20 40 60 100 "356 o \- 35.5 L NAUTICAL MILES 30 J £: 300 5°N t i. . iv g i . | -T" t r-r. — — — — Z^^Jort Harcourt J o \ _ 0° 9 — Q CAPE LOPEZ 5°S \_ Pointe Noire I VcONGO RIVER ■- 10c P Luanda; j; 15° ^ i^tobitoj . ~ M Mocamedes KCAPE FRIO I ?n° Lj. i i i 1 1 1 l ,!,■■■ ; ■ 5°E 10° Figure 294.— Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Goa, phase III; stations 11-13; 14 November 1968. 299 £5 40 - 100 200 S: 300 400 — 500 13 12 11 24 fi^ :/::•••'■'•••■•■ ■■■•-••■•••■■•■'-.•■.':;■•,:" '26.2=^===- "26.4 : • -26.6 — • -27 0 — 5CN it UPort Harcourt _ # V ' -'"■ '■ - r~ ,:" — 0° - 0 i CAPELOPEZ; ' 5°S \g,Pointe Noire Z TCONGO RIVER J - 10° P Luanda K:£ 15° i i-^Lobitoi I f? Mocamedes r g l CAPE FRIO j I ?n° "1 1 1 1 1 1 i , ( f ■ :.: ■■"" 5°E 10° Figure 295. — Vertical distribution ot density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III; stations 11-13; 14 November 1968 300 100 NAUTICAL MILES oo 5°N 5°S - —I 10c 15° - 20c _^^Jort Jarcourt ! : -■ _ 0% " ^CAPE.,L0PEZ: - s^.Pointe .Noire ■ , XpONGO RIVERJ- P Luanda j- £ - l ^ /^"'•ohito i I! V5.^£:;:.:- >?, Mocamedes . | I |WEJFRICh : I i i i i I i i l:H:_ -■"' 5°E 10° Figure 296.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 13-15; 14 November 1968. 301 2 40 — S: 60 — 2= 200 5CN - 5°S - — , 10° 15c 20° "t-r-LT :i.'i i ii " ... X oJ£.r' "arcourt o 1 — : m \ — - 0 CAPE LOPEZ": - \_ Ppinte Noire Z - y^NGO RIVER : — P Luanda 2 - , ^ y^Lobito - n15; - PMocamedes - (cape FRIO I "i III! , \ i i i ,f. " 5°E 10° Figure 297— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase III; stations 13-15; 14 November 1968. 302 CO 20 40 60 - 0 30 100 NAUTICAL MILES 13 100 25 200 - \ 300 X 26Mi 26.2 26.6. 26.8. 400 1 — ^27.0. 500 -\^5h Port Harcourt : 20c CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire _ . CONGO RIVER: Luanda, Lobito 15 Mocamedes CAPE FRIO : I i i i i I i i t- 5°E 10° Figure 298.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa. phase III; stations 13-15; 14 November 1968 303 Figure 299— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 15-17; 14-15 November 1968. 304 20 17 16 - —35.7-:' CO « 40 60 0 L L 30 J NAUTICAL MILES 100 100 CO 17 16 - » ■ « j 200 - —35.4 £; 300 400 500 -34.8- 15 15 ^^W^*1^'-1/- '-^ Harcourt 15c 20° ■sHobifOi 1 7 m Mocamedes §i CAPE FRIO f : ■ ■ ■'» ■■ --..---• ._«_ „ i i i i I i i i"fv---,r 5°E 10° Figure 300.-Vertical distribution of salinity (°/00J tor Goa. phase III: stations 15-17; 14-15 November 1968. 305 CO 20 40 60 100 NAUTICAL MILES CO 100 200 300 400 500 -26.6-7 -27.1k 15' 20' Harcourti Pointe Ho|re|fe| NGO RIVER! %*? Luanda f III! Lobitoi. -i 1 7 ,fe Mocamedes !H BCAPE FRIOT^g 5°E 10° Figure 301— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa. phase III; stations 15-17; 14-15 November 1968. 306 17 19 CO 20- 40 - £: 60 — 100 -2i -i ?—-1fcL, • • — ~ •— -16^\ ^^. • 0 30 - i J _ NAUTICAL MILES • • • 17 18 19 100 - ' co 25 200 £ 300 400 500 - H4 Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire.. CONGO RIVER 20 E Mocamedes CAPE FR10 i i i i I l l l-'-t.: 5°E 10° Figure 302.— Vertical distribution of temperature ( C) for Goa, phase III; stations 17-19; 15 November 1968. 307 17 18 19 01 — 20 - 40 - £ 60- 100 — 9 ^r * _ I — 35.7 — - — 35.6 : • • ~ 0 30 - 1 1 NAUTICAL MILES ^l ^ : — i 5°N - 1 5°S 100 2 200 LJ_1 £ 300 400 500 - —35.4— 17 — • ■ 18 19 ~35.6— ? 10° - 15c - 20c £ t-txx. ■{..'■V J. V- I-:-- — * r ij Port Harcourt : o 1 - - 9 . f . , — 0 I > ■ - CAPE LOPEZ - X^ Pointe Noire - Sii**^ " '' — _ VCONGO RIVER - P Luanda ; Z. - /^?LobitO' - 17/ 1 g <■ Mocamedes ~i 1111- I CAPE FRIO I 1 i i i f ' 5°E 10° Figure 303.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase III; stations 17-19; 15 November 1968 308 to 100 200 300 400 - 500 17_ 18 ■j=25JL=:jz:26.0: — 26.2 — =- -— 26.4 — 27.0- 19 5°N -\j®Jort Harcourt _ &X 0° 9 1 ' ~ - . ° Aa>( LOPEZ 5°S %_ Pointe Noire Z yCpNGO RIVER : 10° ~_ PLuanda: £ 15° 7fl° ]7L i g r: Mocamedes ~ Z I CAPE FRIO I 1 i i i i 1 i i i t. • 5°E 10° Figure 304.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-r) for Goa, phase III; stations 17-19; 15 November 1968. 309 Ol — 20 25 40- 60 - 100 NAUTICAL MILES 0i — cE LOPEZ! ' \. Ppinte Noire _ : X^CQ N G 0 R 1 V E R - - R Luanda f«£ <^9Lobito> \0. - 20 r 1 22*7-! wjynedes^ g : TcAprFRroi i "i 1 1 1 1 1 l I l:W ...".:-: :, 5°E 10° Figure 305.— Vertical distribution of temperature (CC) for Goa, phase III; stations 20-22; 16 November 1968 310 £ 60 - 25 200 Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER -^-? rnocamedes CAPE FRIO ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r Figure 306 —Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase III; stations 20-22; 16 November 1968. 311 Ol — 20- 40 £ 60 100 -2B.4- 30, I NAUTICAL MILES CO 100 200 as 300 .—26.8- 400- J7.0- 500 Via Port Harcourt; CAPE LOPEZ' Pointe Noire ;_ CONGO RIVER Luanda . . Lobito 20 ^-^--. 22*JH rnocameoes g CAPE FRIO I 1 Figure 307— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III; stations 20-22; 16 November 1968. 312 23 24 25 c-o S 40 - 100 CO 200 - 23 24 25 |^20i:^:- - -14— I 300 400 500 -12- -10— .—8— Port Harcourt] 'S'Pi CAPE LOPEZ' sPointe Noire £ HGO RIVERi 20° Luanda; ?LobitOi \m Mocamedes UAPE FRIO I I I I I I I I I 1 r: ,v- , '- ~\ 5°E 10° Figure 308 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 22-25; 16-17 November 1968 313 24 25 20 40 60 100 CO 100 200 - —35.4— —35.2" S: 300 400 500 :*35.6= 230C124 25 \ 35.0- 34.8 V- 5°N _j i. r- l i \"\ i yi Z-%Mj£rt Jtorcourt _ O Y - 0° _ 0 9 CAPE L0PEZ~ | 5°S 10° - ^^ Pointe Noire Z YCpNGt i riverZ^ P Luanda, J - /^Lobito 15° "1 1 1 1 1 * ■--'.■' r. 22 /;'---"-'- _ %.£ Mocamedes \. j 25 §5?^ "'~>;-'' ~ ICAPE FRIO I 5°E 10° Figure 309.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase III; stations 22-25; 16-17 November 1968 314 20 S « 60 100 - ." — 26.4. o _ NAUTICAL MILES J ■ • 24 25 CO 100 200 £ 300 400 500 -26.6- ■26.8- -27.0- 22 * \M Mocametfes t>CAPE FRIO ^ i i i I i i V-,T;;: -',1 ■•■■-, Figure 310.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III; stations 22-25; 16-17 November 1968. 315 co 25 40 27 o« 26 25 CO 15° 20c Harcourt: CAPE LOPEZ Pqinte Noire CONGOJIVER Luanda. 27 I obi to " .i ^•SMocamedes j | f CAPE FRIO I I l i I I I !■">■'■ 5°E 10° Figure 311. — Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 25-27; 17 November 1968. 316 20 CO 25 40 60 100 NAUTICAL MILES S 200 _\<^i Port Harcourt JAPEJOPEZl I Pqinte Noire :^ CONGO RIVER- IS1 20c Luanda ■ ^fTobitoj .?^Mocamedes ucape FRmr i ' ' ' ' i ' ' » '^' ••< -'-■•'•' 5°E 10° Figure 312— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase III; stations 25-27; 17 November 1968. 317 CO 100 200 300 400 500 26.8. - 27.0—: 15 20' ' Harcourt jCAPE LQPEZi Pointe Noire; p| COHfiOJVER) Luanda ff ^ Hobitoi -'.. 25Mocamedes 1 27' CAPE FRIO ' ' ' ' i ' i Us 5°E 10° Figure 313— Vertical distribution ot density (sigma-f) for Goa. phase III; stations 25-27; 17 November 1968. 318 S 40 — § 200 2; 300 — 27 ^ Hocamedes r | tuAPE frio ; • : >/-f<-^ .,..:^:.a 5°E 10° Figure 314.— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Goa, phase III; stations 27-29; 17 November 1968. 319 £5 40 — 25 200 - ^;l--jt^%^:T-.l_;>_;!---'-:1- ' ?M Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ! ' Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda; Lobitoi -::. 20° 27 /^ Mocamedes r flAPE FRIO ' ''''I11 i-'-f- —'■--;■■•' 5°E 10° Fiqure 315 -Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Goa, phase III; stations 27-29. 1 7 November 1968. 320 c '-■ :■■■•■•■■ I_L_L Pointe Noire; : cohgo^rTvebTi ■Vv£"? Luanda !■.- : • Lobitoj M 27 >2 Mocamedes L lUApyRio: ;• i i I i i Ptr,;;--,!-;,,, 5°E 10° Figure 316.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Goa, phase III; stations 27-29; 17 November 1968. 321 ^ \ PORT HARCOURT r. FERNANDO POOrJ N. SAO TOME Q? pV^ 338 332 1 • -331 J • Jy:-'-:'-. - 323 . fCAPE LOPEZ . 315 \. • Y 321 *313 \ •299V •297 \ •307 . ZY/ \ •283 X •305 • * -281 X •291 • \ •289 •276 \ POINTE 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^NOIRE 5°E Figure 317 —Locations of stations 276-338, Rockaway, phase IV; 25 November-2 December 1968. 322 276 277 279 280 282 277 5°N 5°S 10c 15c 20° .j i. i i I |.i i i i ^* Port Karcourt o CAPE LOPEZ / V-> Poirte Noire 276 \Tc0NG0 RIVER 1 Luanda ' Lobito Mocamedes iCAPt FRIO I i i i i I i i (■■ r 5°E 10° Figure 318— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 276-282; 25-26 November 1968 323 282 100- J L 276 100 200 300 400 ?- 500 X t- o. LU Q 600 700 800 900 1000- I I I J L 277 279 280 282 35.9 ■34.8- '34.6. 30 NAUTICAL MILES 5"N 3 I I '! I I T I I 1 5°S 10c 15c 20c Port Harcourt CAPE lOPIZ Pointe Noire CONGO" RIVER - ■Muanda Mobito ^ MocamerJes CAPc FRIO i H i Figure 319.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway. phase IV; stations 276-282; 25-26 November 1968. 324 276 277 279 280 282 276 100 200 300 400 5. 500 X I— O- UJ Q 600 700 800 900 277 279 280 282 NAUTICAL MILES / -27.4 1 000 - 10c 15c 20c 3 i i i i | 'i i i 'i * Port Harcourt o i CAPE LOPliZ /2V,:'PoiFte Noire \ COMGO RIVER 'Luanda 'Lobito fcjMocamedes I CAPc FRIO I i i i i I i i i i 5°E 10 Figure 320— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 276-282; 25-26 November 1968. 325 800- NAUTICAL MILES. 1 000 - H" I.' I I .1. '| ."I1 I; I 'I- Port Karcourt CONGO RIVER Figure 321— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 276-282; 25-26 November 1968. 326 5°N - 5°S " 275 10° 15° 20c i i i i | i i i i Port llarcourt CAPE LOPEZ 281 / \b Pointe Noire TCOHGO RIVER - 1 Luanda 'Lobito "ocamedes CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i t-'-f'--. ii 5°E 10° Figure 322.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (jug-at. /liter) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 275-281: 25-26 November 1968. 327 289 286 283 289 286 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - X I- UJ Q 500- 600- 700 800 900 - 1000 - 283 10c 15° 20° i i.i i | i i i i Port liar court CAPE LOPEZ / \ w Pointe Noire 289 CONGO RIVER 1 Luanda ' Lobito ■ f.locamedes CAPE FRIO I i i I i i Y-v> -•-■-•■' 5°E 10° Figu re 323.— Vertical d istributlon of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 283-289; 26-27 November 1 968. 328 289 286 283 289 100 - 200 - 300 - 400 - OS UJ t — 500 X I— a. LLI 5 600 700 800 900 1000 - -35.0- -34.9- -34.8" NAUTICAL MILES 286 283 30 NAUTICAL MILES ~34.7 5°N 15° 20° j i i .i i | i i i i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ = /2£ 5°S - 289 10° - 5°E Pointe Hoire _ - COtlGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito f.'ocaniedes CAPE FRIO i i i i I i i t'---f Figure 324.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 283-289; 26-27 November 1968. 329 0 10 20 30 55" £ 40k »- ill * 50 X £ 60 UJ Q 70 80- 90 - 100- 289 286 283 —20.8 NAUTICAL MILES 289 286 5°S - 10c 15c 20c _ T~T-r-r Port Harcourt o CAPE LOPEZ- 283: /~\&Pointe Noire 289 CONGO RIVER Luanda - fj Lobito " -:2 i i i 5°E 9 Mocamedes | CAPE FRIO ,m Figure 325.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 283-289; 26-27 November 1968 330 289 286 283 0 ^y 10 • r~~^^ ' 20 ^ ( 30 \ ^4.0 m 40 t *50 X fb 60 o 70 • 2.5— 3.5 "X. "--3.0.^ ^^-— -^^. 80 90 - """1.5-v -2.0 0 30 V NAUTICAL MILES 100 * 5°Nh 0 289 286 283 •~ ~ <- , ; — - — dTTr3-5 3.0 ^4.a : A3. 100 i ~s=> .P> \ 200 • """""""-"-i •5-— ~____^- 300 • • 400 • • - 500 I.J / 600 • 2.0 700 / 800 2.5^^ / . 900 • / • • 0 30 1 ,,. | I ■■ NAUTICAL MILES 1000 5°S - 10c 15° - 20° ^ I 1 'I 'I | T'T 1 T" " ■" t nPort Harcourt _ o\ — ~ 0 I '.'■•■ ' '■■':■; '"'.'-' ■'''■'' _ - /CAPE LOPEZ ~- / v>?:Pointe Noire I 289 \\*y — vTpMGO RIVER - - P Luanda _ - /-£Lobito ~ - P Mocamedes . '~ — ICAPE FRIO ;; :■-■; 1 MIL, i i it-- ::■.-.: ": 5°E 10° Figure 326 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 283-289; 26-27 November 1 968. 331 289 286 283 100 - 200- 300 - 400 ^ 500 X I- Q. UJ 5 600 700 800 900 1000 5°S 10' 15e 20° i i..i i | i > > r Port llarcourt CAPE LOPEZ 289 CONGO RIVER 'Luanda , ■ Lobito fiocamedes CAPE FRII)j| 5°E 10° Figure 327.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/jg-at./liter) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 283-289; 26-27 November 1968. 332 292 293 295 296 298 °l 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 _ • —27 ~—-** X s^ 2.5 ^\\ -23 . LO -^-21 — ZZ^; UJ i X |- * — 19-^. ^ 30 N _ —1 • UJ s 17- 0 n NAUTICAL MILES * 292 293 295 296 298 5°S CAPE LOPEZ •298; _ S Xu! Pointe Noire HI 'CONGO RIVER H 10° - 15° 20° .V"l.l. !•;. \ Port Har court o J_L 5°E ! Luanda f'v" *& ■ 'i ^Lobito ' . | Mocamedes . "^ FRIO Figure 328 —Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway. phase IV; stations 292-298; 27 November 1968. 333 296 298 800- 1000- NAUTICAL MILES 5°N 5°S 10° - 15° - 20° ^ V-^nJoft Harcourt : ; ^ _Z : &\' \ _ 0 a4H;'v:v' ;.•'•' -lO'j ..', .■V-':'>.7 > - xfCAPE LOPEZ -■ /298; : ; : 909 N^.Pointe Noire _ _ \SofJGO RIVER - — P Luanda 2. - /^Lobito . ~ - P Mocamedes ~ : ICAPEERIO I "i i i i i i i i i'-f:-.^":;.'.'-:.:-;: 5°E 10c Figure 329 —Vertical distribution of salinity (°/oo) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 292-298; 27 November 1968 334 I I 'I 1 I I'l I I Port llarcourt CAPE LOPEZ '298 Pomte Noire CONGO RIVER - 'Luanda 'Lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO Figure 330.— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 292-298; 27 November 1968. 335 291 294 297 \ i,:i ,r,,|."i""i".! i ! Port Harcouri o CAPE LOPEZ '298 Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER ! Luanda ILobito Mocamedes ~ CAPfERIO 1000- Figure 331 —Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for Rockaway. phase IV; stations 292-298; 27 November 1968 336 294 5°N 5°S 1 292 10° - 15° 20° nil | ri i. v- Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ 298 : ^ Pointe Noire -CONGO RIVER - Luanda Lobito }Mocarnedes CAPE ERIC-,; i , i , I i , u^m^-. 5°E 10° Figure 332— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (jug-at./liter) for Ftockaway, phase IV; stations 292-298; 27 November 1968. 337 305 304 303 301 300 i i :i I | i ■ i i i Port llarcourt CAPE LOPEZ /300 Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - Luanda lobito Mocamedes CAPE FRIO I I I I I I if ',„ I I Figure 333— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 300-305; 28 November 1968. 338 305 304 303 301 300 305 304 5°N 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20° i i ii r i'tttt — v—- ^\^rjJoft Harcourt Z m / ■ ' " _ 0 : ' A 1305 ,CAPE LOPEZ ~ OTi : - ^S^S Pointe Noire £ YCOfJGO RIVER : _ P Luanda J - t+? Lobito .1 - jRMocamedes ~Z - rpAPE FRIO I 1 j i i i 1 1 ! i •■V--'. •■■ 5°E 10° Figure 334 —Vertical distribution of salinity (%0) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 300-305; 28 November 1 968. 339 305 304 303 301 300 305 I 00 - 200- 300 400 500 X t- Q. UJ o 600 700 800 900 1000 27.0- \ 27 2 30 J NAUTICAL MILES — 5°N 5°S 10c 15c 20° i i.i i 1. 1' i i i Port Harcourt CAPE LOPEZ /300 305 5°E Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito * Moc anted es.~ CAPE FRIO,.;; Figure 335— Vertical distribution ot density (sigma-r) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 300-305; 28 November 1968. 340 308 309 31 1 312 314 I I— a. Q 314 5N _ /i i i i | i i i i \ „ Port Harcourt _ 0 5°S 10c 314 CAPE LOPEZ 307 \. Pointe Noire \ CONGO RIVER \ 'Luanda JLobito >-' Mocamedes CAPE FRIO 20° ''''''' 5CE 10° Figure 336— Vertical distribution of temperature (C) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 307-314; 28-29 November 1968. 341 0 10 20 30 <7T 25 40 fc 1 50 X fc- °- 60 UJ Q 70 80 90 100 308 ' NAUTICAL MILES 312 314 5°H - 5°S 10° - 15° 20c ~rr-\ ■■■yrn th -■■ i „ Port Harcourt _J ^1 - - 0 I 3 7 4 CAPE 10PEZ - s\ - : 307 \^ Pointe Noire _ : \ CONGO RIVER S \ 1 - P Luanda ~] - 1 - /^Lobito - h Mocamedes ~ - ( CAPE FRIO I _i_ nihil .1 5°E 10° Figure 337.— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 307-314; 28-29 November 1968. 342 Of— 10- 20- 30- 308 309 311 312 314 1/5 £ 40 x 5 70 80 90 100 308 100 200 300 400 500 600- - J27.2 700 800 900 1000 27.4 "22.oV •* -27.0- ^27.2- NAUTICAL MILES 312 314 2K6| 27.4 30 NAUTICAL MILES 1 1 1 r;ri 1 v o, Port Harcourt 0 t 31,4 CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda Lobito Mocatnedes CAPE ERIO 1 i .J Figure 338— Vertical distribution of density (sigma-/) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 307-314; 28-29 November 1968. 343 307 310 313 307 5°N 310 313 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20° $ r~n rp-TTT — - ojort Harcourt _ : °^> ) = ; ' -i f _ 0 f - 313' _307 'CAPE LOPEZ \&s Pointe Noire I _ VcOflGO RIVER - — P Luanda J - /£> Lobito - P Mocamedes ~ _ I CAPE FRIO I J_ i i i i 1 i i i'f ■.■:■'.. . 5°E 10° Figure 339— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) \or Rockaway, phase IV; stations 307-31 3; 28-29 November 1968. 344 307 310 313 0 307 310 313 • • • 100 ^^ — 1 .0 • i . 200 1 • I 300 l.\j • • ■ 400 ■ <7> at LU | 500 • • ■ I I— a. 7~-~ 1*—— . / ° 600 • / 700 " • / 800 " • / 900 ' 2 . 5""""^ -^^ / 1000 0 30 1 1 / NAUTICAL MILES 1 5°S 10' 15' 20° 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 11 1 Port Harcourt 313' CAPE LOPEZ Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER - 5°E Figure 340— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate ( fxg-at./liter) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 307-313; 28-29 November 1968 345 322 320 318 317 316 I I .11 | I I I I- Pointe Noire - CONGO RIVER 'Luanda ! Lobito ^ Mocamedes CAPE FRIO ' ' *■* ■'■■-' "■ ■■■ Figure 341— Vertical distribution of temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 316-322; 29-30 November 1968. 346 318 i i :i i I i" i i i. Port Harcourt ?. 500 I I- LU Q 600 - • 700 - • 800 - • 900 - • 0 30 i | NAUTICAL MILES 1000 - • • .■■■■■■■.. Figure 342— Vertical distribution of salinity (%0) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 316-322; 29-30 November 1968. 347 0 10 20 30 uj 40 1 50 322 320 60 70 80 90 100 318 317 316 100 200 300 400 X UJ 500 - 600- 700- 800 900 1000 - NAUTICAL MILES 30 NAUTICAL MILES 316 5°H ■ i j,:i ;i j ."vi ;.i i, " ■■ . ■■•' r(^Port Harcourt _ _ o •.■.-""■•'■■',* _ 0° : • 3i6 ^22' YCAPE l0PEZ - jj Pointe Noire ~ 5°S - VcONGO RIVER - 10° — y. Luanda . £ /^Lobito 15° : p Mocamedes ~ l^CAPE FRIO ; I 90° JL i i i i 1 i i if 'ry^~0,j:] 5°E 10° Figure 343-Vertical distribution of density (sigma-r) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 316-322; 29-30 November 1968. 348 321 319 315 100 200 300 400 ^.500 X I— a. w Q 600 700 - 800- 900 1000 -0.5- -1.0- 30 _l NAUTICAL MILES 5°N - i .1 I | i i i i Port Harcourt 20° CAPE LOPEZ Point e Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda. Lobito Mocamedes ' CAPE FRIO I I I ' ' I ' ' w- 5°E 10° Figure 344.— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/ig-at. /liter) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 316-322; 29-30 November 1968. 349 323 326 329 5°N - 0 323 326 329 S^H^H i^^^^^HE?' — 1 ft — « ZU — 100 — • " 200 _ 1 4 , •* • 1 2 300 1 0 400 at UJ I— — 500 X — — • a. UJ Q *"/ 600 ________' 700 * 800 * 0 30 900 NAUTICAL MILES . 1000 - 5°S - 10c 15° - 20° q-T-i :i -i r.r mi. : — — — \ . ■< .Port Harcourt _ o : - • , - 323- _3: 29 CAPE LOPEZ - ^ H Pointe Noire _ _ TcpfJGO RIVER - — P Luanda . '£ - y^Lobito .2 — PMocamedes ~ 1 ■'■ '_','■'- V','- ' - (cape frio,; .u "I i i i i J_L i i..t..l:i :;;-:v ■ 5°E 10° Figure 345— Vertical distribution ot temperature (°C) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 323-329; 30 November- 1 December 1968. 350 323 326 329 323 100 - 200 - 300- 400 - of — 500 X O. lU 5 600 700 800 900 1000 326 329 C^Z3) ._ -. JO.O ' ~ Tj jl """" : 35.2- -35.0- ; Port Harcourt o c 329 323 rf CAPE LOPEZ 5°S - 10c 15c 20c _L_I_L 5°E Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER Luanda , ^ Lobito Mocamedes '..* CAPE FRIO L^; Figure 346— Vertical distribution of salinity (%o) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 323-329; 30 November- 1 December 1968 351 323 326 329 5°N ^J.l.1 .Port Harcourt . _ 0% '-. :'■■ * /:' , - 0° 3231 329 _ 4 CAPE LOPEZ i Pointe Noire I 5°S - Y*C0NG0 RIVER - 10° - v. Luanda v M. Lobito 15° - P Mocamedes _'. ~ _ (■CAPE FRIO •HP "I i i i I i i V:si.*\.-2.i .... ..... 5°E 10° 1000- Figure 347 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 323-329; 30 November-1 December 1968. 352 323 326 329 5°N 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20c ^TT-'l ^Port Harcourt _ _ 0% ■■; .■."■•' &f2£;'f " • li' ■ '-' f. •- '■ . ' " 3231 329 — tf, CAPE LOPEZ , - \gPointe Noire "oS - TJCONGO RIVER | — w Luanda ;£ - /^Lohitfl . i —~ PMocamedes. "^ Kcape FRIO :: p% "I i i . 1 i iteib,;':^:. 5°E 10° Figure 348— Vertical distribution of oxygen (ml/liter) for flocfcaway, phase IV; stations 323-329; 30 November-1 December 1968. 353 0 323 326 329 • • • . - 100 • " - t 1.0 • 200 • 1 5— • • • "~ 300 • *> 0 • . 400 • DEPTH (METERS) O O • • • 600 • • 700 - • 800 • 0 30 i I . 900 NAUTICAL MILES . 1000 - Jill I 1 . 1 I 1 I Port Harcourt o 329 323 r! CAPE LOPEZ 5°S 10c 15c 20c Pointe Noire CONGO RIVER > Luanda . ,_; Lob i to Mocamedes CAPE FRIO v I i i i i I i i \/: 5°E 10° Figure 352 —Vertical distribution of density (sigma-f) for Rockaway, phase IV, stations 333-338; 1-2 December 1968. 357 0 10 338 335 333 - • • • 20 30 5? 2 40 1— UJ • . 0 5 £ 50 I £ 60 UJ a 70 • • • 80 90 * 0 1 30 1 J 100 NAUTICAL MILES 338 335 or X I- O- UJ Q 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 — 800 - 900 1000 - -0.5- -1.0- -1.5- 2.0 30 _l NAUTICAL MILES 333 5°N - 5°S - 10° - 15° - 20' T1 ' .i i | i t i i f Port llarcourt _. 0% ■. 1338- 1_333 /CAPE LOPEZ — - S Pointe Noire - — _ VcONGO RIVEI 1 - P Luanda — - /-^Lobito - - PMocamedes . — - L^CAPE FRIO ;'- "l . i i 1 i 1 17 F . ■ 5°E 10° Figure 353— Vertical distribution of inorganic phosphate (/ug-at./liter) for Rockaway, phase IV; stations 333-338; 1-2 December 1968 ■CrGPO 798-803 358