1^^ ^- OocaSi -^Ocs-TtC 0<:ieo-^o^- o fa s o 9 B a fa •V a X 9 z o u M ea •<( o e I Abstract This report contains the observed and interpolated temperature and salinity data plus the computed sigma-t, geopotential an- omalies, and sound velocities for 89 oceanographic stations oc- cupied by four U.S. Coast Guard cutters at ocean station ECHO (centered at 35° N., 48° W.) during September 1966-October 1967 They were the USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380), 21 September-13 October 1966; USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386), 4-25 February 1967; USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68), 1-20 June 1967; USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374), 17 July-6 August 1967; USCGC MCCULLOCH, 27 September-13 October 1967. Casts of 14 Nansen bottles were made daily to 1500 meters where weather and operating conditions permitted. In addition, sampling was successfully extended to near the bottom at one station during each patrol. ui CONTENTS Page Abstract "i Introduction 1 Procedures — 1 Discussion 3 Summary 5 Literature Cited ._ --- 5 Illustrations .,„ 7 Tabulated Data 29 Illustrations Figure Frontispiece: USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374) ...___ ii 1. Chart of all ocean stations of the world 7 2. Bathymetry in the vicinity of Ocean Station ECHO 8 3. Positions of USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380) oceanographic stations, 21 September-13 October 1966 9 4. Positions of USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386) oceanographic sta- tions, 4-25 February 1967 9 5. Positions of USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68) oceanographic stations, 1-20 June 1967 10 6. Positions of USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374) oceanographic stations, 17 July-6 August 1967 10 7. Positions of USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386) oceanographic sta- tions, 27 September-13 October 1967 11 8. Envelope of Temperature Versus Depth, USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380), 21 September-13 October 1966 12 9. Envelope of Temperature Versus Depth, USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386), 4-25 February 1967 13 10. Envelope of Temperature Versus Depth, USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68), 1-20 June 1967 14 11. Envelope of Temperature Versus Depth, USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374), 17 July-6 August 1967 15 12. Envelope of Temperature Versus Depth, USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386), 27 September-13 October 1967 16 13. Envelope of Salinity Versus Depth, USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380) , 21 September-13 October 1966 17 14. Envelope of Salinity Versus Depth, USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386), 4-25 February 1967-. 18 Figure P»ee 15. Envelope of Salinity Versus Depth, USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68) , 1-20 June 1967 19 16. Envelope of Salinity Versus Depth, USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374) , 17 July-6 August 1967 20 17. Envelope of Salinity Versus Depth, USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386), 27 September-13 October 1967 21 18. Water Temperature Versus Time at Selected Depths — - 22 19. Salinity Versus Time at Selected Depths... 23 20. Envelope of Temperature Versus Salinity, USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380), 21 September-13 October 1966 24 21. Envelope of Temperature Versus Salinity, USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386), 4-25 February 1967 25 22. Envelope of Temperature Versus Salinity, USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68), 1-20 June 1967 26 23. Envelope of Temperature Versus Salinity, USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374), 17 July-6 August 1967 27 24. Envelope of Temperature Versus Salinity, USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386), 27 September-13 October 1967 - 28 Tables I. USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380) September-October 1966 data 31 II. USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386) February 1967 Data 54 III. USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68) June 1967 Data 72 IV. USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374) July-August 1967 Data 83 V. USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386) September-October 1967 Data.... 103 VI Introduction Ocean station ECHO is located in the North Atlantic Ocean at latitude 35° 00' N. and longi- tude 48°00' W. Previous to September 1966, this station was monitored by the USCGC CASCO (WHEC 370) during the period 29 January-16 February 1963 in a joint effort with the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office. The results of that study are presented in the U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic report no. CG- 373-2. Procedures During the period September 1966-October 1967, U.S. Coast Guard cutters conducted hy- drographic casts on five patrols at ocean station ECHO. Nansen casts were made daily at 14 prescribed levels to 1500 meters, weather and operating conditions permitting, during the three-week patrols. The cutters were also in- structed to make a deep cast to near bottom at least once during the patrol. On shallow casts the prescribed sample depths were as follows: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 400, 500, 600, 800, 1000, 1250, and 1500 meters. The prescribed depths for the deep casts were 2000, 2500, 3000, and 150 and 50 meters off the bottom. Two deep-sea reversing thermometers were attached to each Nansen bottle. Between the depths of 200 and 1500 meters one unprotected thermometer was used on 5 Nansen bottles to determine thermometric depths. Depths which were determined thermometrically are preceded by a "T" in the station data. Tables I-V. Field observations were returned to the U.S. Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit (CG Oceanographic Unit) for reduction to "in situ" temperature and determination of sample depths. The pro- cedures used in recording and processing of thermometer data are similar to those in U.S.N. HO Pub. No. 607 (1955) and LaFond (1951). The CG Oceanographic Unit used a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-5 com- puter to determine corrected temperatures for the protected thermometers, and thermometric depths of the unprotected thermometers. Water samples were drawn from each Nan- sen bottle and stored in sample bottles for salinity determinations. The salinity was deter- mined aboard ship using induction salinom- eters. Duplicate samples were drawn from the top and bottom bottle of each cast and delivered to CG Oceanographic Unit for quality control purposes when the vessel returned to port. All oceanographic data collected by the ocean station vessels were transmitted via radiotele- type to CG Oceanographic Unit for real-time processing and quality control. The tempera- ture data were then passed on to the Fleet Numerical Weather Facility, Monterey, Cali- fornia. Processed temperature and salinity data were recorded on form NHO/NODC-3167/1 (1-61), "Physical and Chemical Data Form for Ocean- ographic Stations" and delivered to the Na- tional Oceanographic Data Center (NODC). The interpolated temperatures and salinities for standard depths, sigma-t, specific volume anomalies, and sound velocities were computed by NODC and are presented in Tables I-V. The ocean station vessels are normally re- quired to maintain stations within a ten-mile square grid. The actual positions of the stations taken on each patrol are shown in figures 3-7. Thirteen of the 89 stations were taken outside of the ten-mile grid. The USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380) oc- cupied 23 oceanographic stations during the period 21 September-13 October 1966. During this highly successful monitoring of ocean sta- tion ECHO, 22 stations were occupied. Samples ranged in depth from 1399 to 1536 meters. One deep cast was made to 4106 meters in a water depth of 4224 meters. The distribution of these stations about ECHO is shown in Figure 3. The data are listed by NODC as Ref. No. 31-767 YA and as Table I of this report. During the period 4-25 February 1967, 18 oceanographic stations were occupied by the USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386). Of the 18 stations taken, 17 were shallow casts ranging in depth between 1411 and 1847 meters. The one deep cast of 4527 meters was taken in water that was 4755 meters deep. The distri- bution of these stations about ECHO is shown in Figure 4. The data are listed by NODC as Ref. No. 31-855 ML and as Table II of this report. Eleven oceanographic stations were taken by the USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68) during the period 1-20 June 1967. Two stations had useful data to depths of 532 and 581 meters. One deep cast was made to a depth of 2846 meters, and the remaining eight stations ranged between 1182 and 1601 meters. The dis- tribution of these stations about ECHO is shown in Figure 5. The data are listed by NODC as Ref. No. 31-1087 AI and ase Table III of this report. The USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374) took 20 oceanographic stations during the period 17 July-6 August 1967. Samples from nineteen of these stations ranged in depth between 1305 and 1590 meters. The deep cast taken on this patrol was to a depth of 4445 meters. The dis- tribution of these stations about ECHO is shown in Figure 6. The data are listed by NODC as Ref. No. 31-1140 AZ and as Table IV of this report. Seventeen oceanographic stations were taken by the USCGC MCCULLOCH when she again occupied ocean station ECHO from 27 Sep- tember to 13 October 1967. Sixteen casts ranged in depth between 1310 and 1785 meters while one deep cast to 4030 meters was taken in water 4206 meters deep. The distribution of these stations about ECHO is shown in Figure 7. The data are listed by NODC as Ref. No. 31-1164 ML and as Table V of this report. Discussion The five patrols at ocean station ECHO from 21 September 1966 to 13 October 1967 cover over a one-year period. Although there are many gaps in the data, it is felt that there are enough data for a preliminary study of ocean- ographic conditions at ocean station ECHO which can be used as a basis for future reports. Figures 8-12 shovi^ the vertical envelopes of temperature vs. depth for each of the five patrols. Figure 8 shows the vertical tempera- ture envelope for ocean station ECHO between 21 September and 13 October 1966. During this time, the surface temperature ranged between 23.74 and 25.39° C. The water column was isothermal in the upper 25 meters, after which the seasonal thermocline was evident down to 125 meters with a gradient of about 6.57° C./lOO meters. Below this there was a gradual gradient down to a depth of about 1200 meters. By February the surface temperature had dropped to a range of 18.14-19.16° C, as shown in Figure 9. The water column was nearly isothermal at the majority of the stations to a depth of 100-150 meters. The thermocline then extended down to about 1100 meters. Seasonal warming was evident at the surface during the patrol of the USCGC ANDROSCOG- GIN in June 1967 (See Figure 10). The surface temperature had increased to 19.92-21.53° C. Between 100 and 300 meters the temperature structure was essentially the same as the pre- vious patrol (February). Below 300 meters there were some erratic changes. Stations No. 1 and No. 2, located in the SE. portion of the ten-mile grid, revealed exceptionally cold water between the depths of 500 and 1300 meters. Below 1300 meters the temperature returned to normal. Station No. 11, taken 20 days later in the NW. portion of the grid had water tem- peratures higher than the apparent normal between the same depths. The greatest tem- perature difi'erence between station No. 2 and No. 11 was 6.1° C. which occurred at the 800 meter level. There was a 5.7° C. difference at the 700 meter level. The maximum surface temperature appears to occur in August (24.38-27.08° C.) . Figure 11 shows a large temperature gradient in the upper 100 meters of the water column. Al- though the surface temperature had increased, below the 75 meter level the water temperature was substantially colder than during the pre- vious patrol. Seasonal cooling began in September. The surface temperatures ranged fi'om 24.47 to 25.50° C. As seen in Figure 12, below 50 meters the water temperature was higher than any other time it was observed during the year, though it gradually decreased with time. The vertical salinity envelopes are shown in Figures 13-17. During the patrol of the USCGC YAKUTAT the surface salinities ranged be- tween 35.91 and 36.43%„. There was a slight increase in salinity with depth with the max- imum salinity occurring between 50 and 100 meters. As shown in Figure 13, below this there was a negative gradient extending down to 1000 meters. By February 1967, the surface salinities had increased to 36.43-36. 59%o and the water column was isohaline to a depth of about 200- 240 meters. A marked salinity gradient existed between about 200 and 900 meters as shown in Figure 14. The surface salinities during June (Figure 15) were slightly lower than the previous patrol in February and ranged between 36.28 and 36.48%o. Again, as with the temperature data, the salinity values for the USCGC AN- DROSCOGGIN stations No. 1 and No. 2 were considerably lower between the depths of 500 and 1000 meters, and were higher at station No. 11. The greatest salinity diff'erence between stations No. 2 and No. 11 was 0.79%o which occurred at the 800 meter level. Another sig- nificant difference was 0.74%o at the 700 meter level. During the patrol of the USCGC ABSECON from 17 July to 6 August 1967 the surface salinities had increased to 36.53-36.68%o. From 3 the surface to 50 meters there was a slight de- crease in salinity, and between 50 and 100 meters there was a slight inversion. The lower limit of the halocline was at about 800 meters. The surface salinity had reached a maximum during this patrol (Figure 16). However, it is felt that the maximum salinity might occur later in August. During the September-October 1967 patrol of the USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean station ECHO the surface salinities had decreased. However, there was a noticeable increase in salinity between the depths of 100 and 900 meters. Figure 18 shows the temporal variation of temperature at 100 meter intervals during the five patrols at ocean station ECHO between 21 September 1966 and 13 October 1967. During the September-October 1966 cruise of the USCGC YAKUTAT the largest daily variation in surface temperature was 1.27° C. between September 23 and 24 which may have resulted from the time of day the casts were taken. A 1.26° C. temperature difference occurred be- tween September 21 and 22. This could be due to spatial variation since similarly high tem- perature values were noted from a station taken in the same general area in February 1967. However the possibility that this is due to advection can not be overlooked. It is ap- parent that there was a tendency for the temperature throughout the water column to increase through September and into October. Daily variations of surface temperature of about 0.60° C. was the largest encountered dur- ing the February 1967 patrol of the USCGC MCCULLOCH. Larger daily variations (as high as 1.68° C.) were observed between 200 and 1000 meters. These variations would have to be due to spatial effects since they extend well below the limits of the surface effects. The exceptionally cold water on 2 June 1967 is the predominant feature of the USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN'S occupation of ocean sta- tion ECHO. When the USCGC ABSECON began its occu- pation of ocean station ECHO in July 1967, the temperatures below the 100 meter level were lower than those temperatures observed at the end of the previous patrol. The temperature then increased with time throughout the water column with the largest temperature increase for the patrol occurring between 400 and 700 meters. The maximum variation was 3.72° C. at the 600 meter level as compared to 1.28° C. variation at the surface. Late September and early October 1967 re- vealed higher temperatures at all levels below 25 meters over the previous patrol and tem- peratures decreasing with time. The largest daily variation of temperature occurred be- tween 600 meters and 1100 meters. Figure 19 shows the temporal variation of I salinity at 100 meter intervals during the five patrols at ocean ECHO between September 1966 and October 1967. During the patrol of the USCGC YAKUTAT, the surface had low salinity values. Between 200 and 800 meters there was a high degree of correlation between temperature and salinity. Below 800 meters the temperature-salinity correlation still ex- isted, but not to the same degree. This was ; the case during all of the patrols. The largest daily variation of salinity was 0.30%,, at the 400 meter level between September 21 and 22. These large variations occurred down to 700 meters, and could be due to the spatial variation i of the stations. This was also a predominant feature in the corresponding plot for tempera- tui-e. Other abnormal variations occurred at the 900, 1000, and 1100 meter levels between October 11 and October 13. Upon close in- spection of the data it appears as though this is due to bad data and is not a true represen- tation of the salinity. There was no correspond- ing variation in temperature between these dates. During February 1967, the surface salinity had increased and displayed isohaline condi- tions to a depth of 200-250 meters. Between 250 and 900 meters large daily variations in salinity were the rule rather than the ex- ception. These variations appear to be due to both spatial variations and lateral motion of water masses. In June spatial variation of salinity was again evident as it was with temperature. The salinity values at stations No. 1 and No. 2 were considerably lower and those at station No. 11 were higher than those of other stations. The surface salinity during July-August 1967 was higher than during the previous patrol, but lower values were recorded between 100 and 1200 meters, gradually increasing with time. During September and October 1967 the salinities below 50 meters were higher than during the previous month and gradually de- creased with time. Figures 20 through 24 are the T-S diagrams for the five patrols at ocean station ECHO from 21 September 1966 to 13 October 1967. With a few noted exceptions, the T-S plots fell within or, in a few cases, just outside the limits for North Atlantic Central Water (Sverdrup et al. 1942, p. 669). During the patrol of the USCGC YAKUTAT one point at the 1000 meter level was well outside the limits of the envelope (Figure 20). These values of temperature and salinity were gathered on 12 October 1966, and the validity of this point is doubtful as has been mentioned before. Figure 21 shows the T-S plot for the Febru- ary 1967 cruise of the USCGC MCCULLOCH. Particularly noteworthy is the mixed layer ex- tending down to about 200 meters. The T-S diagram for the patrol of the USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN in June 1967 (Fig- ure 22) shows the exceptionally cold and low saline water encountered between 800 and 1200 meters on the 1st and 2nd of June 1967. These points fall well outside of the envelope for the North Atlantic Central Water. The T-S diagrams for the patrols of the USCGC ABSECON during July and August 1967 and that of the USCGC MCCULLOCH during September and October 1967 are shown in Figures 23 and 24, respectively. The data points of both patrols fall within the envelope for North Atlantic Central Water and both show the rise in temperature of the surface layer. Summary The results of the five patrols at ocean sta- tion ECHO from 21 September 1966 to 13 October 1967 indicates that the maximum sur- face temperature occurred in late August and the minimum occurred in February. The tem- perature gradient below the 200 meter level remained basically the same throughout the period observed with slightly lower tempera- tures between the depths of 600 and 1100 meters during June due to colder water masses apparently moving through the area. The water column was very nearly isothermal in the up- per 200 meters during Februai-y. After Feb- ruary a temperature gradient developed reach- ing a maximum about August. This gradient then slowly started to decrease. The surface salinity also reached a maximum in late August. The time of minimum surface salinity is harder to determine with the avail- able data, but indications are that it occurred in January. Between the depths of 200 and 800 meters there was a high degree of cor- relation between temperature and salinity throughout the year. During September and October 1966 the mixed layer extended down to about 30 meters. By February 1967 it had increased in depth to about 200 meters and all but disappeared dur- ing the June 1967 patrol of the USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN. The data for stations No. 1 and No. 2 during the June 1967 patrol of the USCGC ANDROS- COGGIN appear to be valid. At the 834 meter level the temperature and salinity were a low 3.72° C. and 34.54%<„ respectively. In general, there appeared to be lower temperature and salinity values in the SE portion of the ten-mile grid and higher values in the NW portion dur- ing the June 1967 patrol. It is possible that these low values were the result of meanders passing through the area. LITERATURE CITED Morse, R.M., J.W. McGary, 1964. Oceanographic Ob- servations At North Atlantic Ocean Station ECHO, January-February 1963, U.S. Coast Guard Ocean- ographic Data Report, CG 373-2 LaFond, E.C., 1951. Processing Oceanographic Data, U.S. Navy Hydrographic Office Pub. No. 614, 114 pp. Sverdrup, H.W., M.W. Johnson, and R.H. Fleming, 1942. The Oceans; Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology, New York; Prentice Hall, 1087 p. Publications of Coast Guard Oceanographic Unit 1. "Oceanographic Cruise, USCGC NORTHWIND, Bering and Chukchi Seas, July-Sept. 1962." (1964), Gladfelter, W. H. et al, CG 373-1. 2. "Oceanographic Observations at North Atlantic Ocean Station ECHO, 35° N., 48° W., January-Feb- ruary 1963." (1964), Morse, R. M., and J. W. McGary, CG 373-2. 3. "Oceanographic Observations at North Atlantic Ocean Station DELTA, 44° N., 41° W., March-April 1963." (1964), McGary, J. W., and R. M. Morse, CG 373-3. 4. "Oceanographic Observations, Tropical Atlantic Ocean, EQUALANT II, August 1963." (1964), Koll- meyer, R. C, J. W. McGary and R. M. Morse, CG 373-4. 5. "Oceanographic Observations, Kennedy Channel, Kane Basin, Smith Sound and Baffin Bay, Summer 1963." (1964), Franceschetti, A. P., McGill, D. A., Corwin, N., and Elazar Uchupi, CG 373-5. 6. "Oceanographic Cruise, USCGC NORTHWIND, Chukchi, East Siberian and Laptev Seas, August- September 1963." (1965), Gladfelter, W. H., et al, CG373-6. 7. "Oceanographic Observations at North Atlantic Ocean Station BRAVO, January-April 1964." (1965), McGary, J. W. CG 373-7. 8. "Oceanography of the Grand Banks Region and the Labrador Sea in 1964." (1965), Kollmeyer, R. C, et al, CG 373-10. 9. "Oceanography of the Grand Banks Region of Newfoundland in 1965." (1966), Kollmeyer, R. C. et al, CG 373-11. 10. "Oceanographic Observations at North Atlantic Ocean Station CHARLIE, June 1964-January 1965." (1966), Husby, D. M., CG 373-8. 11. "Oceanography of the Labrador Sea in the vi- cinity of Hudson Straits in 1965." (1967), Kollmeyer, R. C. et al, CG 373-12. 12. "Oceanographic Observations at North Atlantic Ocean Station BRAVO, August 1964-August 1965." (1967), Husby, D. M., CG 373-9. 13. "Oceanography of the Grand Banks Region and the Labrador Sea in 1966." (1967), Wolford, T. C, CG 373-13. 14. "Oceanography of Baffin Bay and Nares Strait in the Summer of 1966." (1967), Palfrey, K. M. Jr., CG 373-16. 15. "Oceanographc Observations at North Atlantic Ocean Station BRAVO, October 1965-September 1966." (1967), Husby, D. M., CG 373-14. 16. "Oceanographic Observations at North Pacific Ocean Station VICTOR, December 1964-August 1966." (1967), Husby, D. M. CG 373-15. 17. "Oceanographic Observations at North Atlantic Ocean Station CHARLIE, May 1966-March 1967." (1967), Husby, D. M., CG 373-17. 18. "Oceanographic Observations at North Pacific Ocean Station NOVEMBER, July 1966-February 1967." (1967), Husby, D. M., CG 373-18. 19. "Oceanographic Observations, North Atlantic Ocean Station BRAVO, October 1966-67.", Shuhy, J. L., CG 373-20 (in press). i V a 3 6(1 35°05' — 35°00' 34°55' 48°05' 48°00' 47°55' Figure 2. Bathymetry in the vicinity of Ocean Station ECHO (in fathoms). 21 |-1?^T '3 I Tj--n I 9 ' • ' I ' I ' I ' I ■ I 36°N 30' 35°N 30' I 'I 49°W 30' 48°W 30' 34°N 47°W Figure 3. Positions of oceanographic stations taken by USCGC YAKUTAT (WHEC 380) during 21 September- 13 October 1966 at ocean station ECHO. .4. I I I I ' I ' I ' I ■ ' I I . I . I I I 49°W 30' 48°W 30' 36°N 30' 35°N 30' I I I 34°N 47°W Figure 4. Positions of oceanographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386) during 4-25 Feb- ruary 1967 at ocean station ECHO. Sd^N -30' ".? 35°N - 30" I I I I I I I I 1 49°W 30' J I L 48''W I . I . I I 30' — 1— l34°N 47°W Figure 5. Positions of oceanographic stations taken by USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN (WHEC 68) during 1-20 June 1967 at ocean station ECHO. ".|s . IB, - ?.'' I .10 49°W 30' 48°W I I I I I I 36°N 30' SS'N 30' 34°N 30' A7°W 10 Figure 6. Positions of oceano^aphic stations taken by USCGC ABSECON (WHEC 374) during 17 July-6 August 1967 at ocean station ECHO. 36°N 30' !.' .1 35°N 30' I . I 49°W I I I . I 30' 48°W 30' I I 34°N 47°W Figure 7. Positions of oceanographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH (WHEC 386) during 27 Sep- tember-13 October 1967 at ocean station ECHO. 11 TEMPERATURE °C 4 0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 0 r— 1 — I — I — I — I — I — \ — I — \ — \ — m — I — ] I \ \ \ \ I i:^ ^ 200 400 - 600 800 - 5. 1000 1200 - 1400 - 1600 - 1800 - 2000 Figure 8. Envelope of temperature versus depth at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC YAKUT AT (WHEC 380) at ocean station ECHO, 21 September-13 October 1966. 12 TEMPERATURE °C 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 0 I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — ' — I — I — I — r — I — I — TT*? I ' I I I r— r 200 400 - 600 800 Ui ►- I 1000 X UJ a 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 9. Envelope of temperature versus depth at oeeanographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean station ECHO, 4-25 February 1967. 13 TEMPERATURE ^C 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 160 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 0 I — I — I — I — I — I — r — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I — I I V^-'T/* I I I I f 200 400 600 800 t 1000 X t- a. Ill o 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 10. Envelope of temperature versus depth at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN at ocean station ECHO, 1-20 June 1967. 14 TEMPERATURE°C 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 2< 1 — I — I — I — r T — I — I — I — r 200 400 600 800 IM Ul i 1000 X a. Ui O 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 11. Envelope of temperature versus depth at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC ABSECON at ocean station ECHO, 17 July-6 August 1967. 15 TEMPERATURE °C 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 24.0 26.0 200 - 400 600 - 800 - t 1000 - 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 12. Envelope of temperature versus depth at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean station ECHO, 27 September-13 October 1967. 16 34.6 35.0 35.4 SALINITY %„ 35.8 36.2 36.6 r 37.0 2000 Figure 13. Envelope of salinity versus depth at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC YAKUTAT at ocean station ECHO, 21 Septeniber-13 October 1966. 17 34.6 1800 - 2000 35.0 35.4 SALINITY %o 35.8 36.2 36.6 37.0 Figure 14, Envelope of salinity versus depth at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean station ECHO, 4-25 February 1967. 18 34.6 35.0 35.4 SALINITY%, 35.8 36.2 36.6 200 400 600 800 t 1000 X »- &. Ul O 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1 ' 1 I r 37.0 — 1 — Figure 15. Envelope of salinity versus depth at ooeanographic stations taken by USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN at ocean station ECHO, 1-20 June 1967. 19 34.6 35.0 35.4 SALINITY %„ 35.8 36.2 36.6 37.0 200 - 400 600 800 - ^ 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 — 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1 i^'^y^ 1 I ^jxc^ _ y}»v\ \^rJ - r^ *7 ^ — ' / ^^^""^ ' ."" \^ ^^^^ . ^^'-'^^ v-^^ •"* .'"'C^ /" r • • • j,^^^ I /'"^^^ • XT •1 • * / • / •7 • •! ••■/ - • / * 1 Figure 16. Envelope of salinity versus depth of oceanographic stations taken by USCGC ABSECOIV at ocean station ECHO, 17 July-6 August 1967. 20 34.6 35.0 35.4 SALINITY %„ 35.8 36.2 36.6 37.0 200 400 600 800 1 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 I I I 1 \ r 1 1 " •— ^^rr^ -i 1 - n - ff • ••• • • / «^ • / • / y^ * • / y^.'' •/ Figure 17. Envelope of salinity versus depth of oceanographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean station ECHO, 27 September-13 October 1967. 21 TEMPERATURE "C O X u li Ui o- £ I -.0 u» — 3 • I- <" < o 02 cs < 5 ^ V a Mil' ■^v ^ ^. ill O I g ( Qi ■ > 1/ ri.ir///j ^-, ^, l^ ii a' /i ID I- :J *« UJ z ' o !S o : 01 U < U O . 2 0> ^ < -H D 3. sunivu^dnsi. 22 o I u < - Z £ o - I- I < o •o 3 I Z < I I I I I I I I I I I il M °X: I I I I I I I I I M M : \ :k / > o \ \ o , \ ^ (( ( / i S » o ', \ o -^ ^ I ; • 2! _I_L V \ I 1 I \ „ 1 i TT .1 — " 3 ■/ =! 5/ u ^ A O V ^ O B u e e s - 3 I I I 23 Figure 20. Temperature versus salinity at selected depths at ocean- ographio stations taken by USCGC YAKUTAT at ocean station ECHO, 21 Septeniber-13 October 1966. 24 SALINITY ^oo 34.20 35.00 36.00 37.00 Figure 21. Temperature versus salinity at selected depths at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean station ECHO, 4-25 February 1967. 25 34.20 SALINITY 7oo 35.00 36.00 37.00 Figure 22. Temperature versus salinity at selected depths at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN at ocean station ECHO, 1-20 June 1967. 26 SALINITY %, 34.20 35.00 36.00 37.00 Figure 23. Temperature versus salinity at selected depths at oceanographic stations taken by USCGC ABSECON at ocean station ECHO, 17 July-6 August 1967. 27 SALINITY %„ 34.20 35.00 3600 37.00 < Figure 24. Temperature versus salinity at selected depths at ocean- ographic stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean sta- tion ECHO, 27 September-13 October 1967. 28 Oceanographic Station Data Notes on oceanographic data : YA=USCGC YUKUTAT ML=USCGC MCCULLOCH AI = USCGC ANDROSCOGGIN AZ = USCGC ABSECON Tables T = Thermometric depths Q= Indicates value was noted as doubtful by originator P= Indicates value has been designated as potentially implausible by NODC Explanation of Oceanographic Station Data A. Description of Entries, Units and Codes on NODC Station Listing 1. Surface Observations Description of Field NODC reference identity number. Indicates nationality of the institute or agency conducting the survey or expedition. A reference number assigned by NODC for storage-retrieval purposes. NODC Publi- cation C-1, Reference Sources of Oceanographic Station Data, gives complete bibli- ographic and other pertinent information for each cruise. Alphabetic representation of ship's name (or ICES numeric ship code). Degrees, minutes, and tenths of minutes, N or S. Degrees, minutes, and tenths of minutes, E or W. The letter D appears in this column if extensive drift occurred while on station. Entry NODC REF. ID. NO COUNTRY CODE CRUISE NUMBER SHIP CODE LATITUDE LONGITUDE DRIFT INDICATOR MARSDEN SQUARE 10° 1° STATION TIME (GMT) MONTH DAY HR. 1/10 YEAR ORIGINATOR'S CRUISE NUMBER STATION NUMBER DEPTH TO BOTTOM MAX. DEPTH OF SAMPLES WAVE OBSERVATIONS DIR. HGT. PER. SEA AMT. WEATHER CODE Marsden square number according to the Marsden square system. The one-degree square number according to the Marsden square system. Date and time given by the originator (GMT) . Month (GMT). Day (GMT). GMT to nearest tenth of an hour. Year Alphabetic or alpha-numeric designator as assigned by the originator. If the year of the cruise forms part of the cruise numbering system, the year digits are found in preceding field. Originator's station number or designator. Corrected or uncorrected sounding depth in meters. Depth of deepest sample in hundreds of meters to nearest hundred-meter interval. Direction from which the dominant waves are coming, in tens of degrees, according to WMO Code 0885. Height of dominant waves according to WMO Code 1555. Period of dominant waves according to WMO Code 3155. Sea amount (sea state) according to WMO Code 3700 (preceded by the letter A). If preceded by the letter X, weather according to WMO Code 4501. A numeric two-digit entry indicates weather according to WMO Code 4677. 29 Entry *INSTR./CLOUD *INSTR. TYPE AMT. NODC STATION NUMBER *DT/*SU/D WATER COLOR TRANS, (m) WIND DIR. SPEED OR FORCE BAROMETER (mbs) AIR TEMPERATURE °C DRY BULB WET BULB VIS. CODE NUMBER OBS. LEVEL SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS Description of Field This field is used either for recording instrument code when electronically obtained data are being reported, or for reporting cloud type and cloud amount when conventional Nansen cast data are being reported. A two character code representing instrument package of system. Cloud type according to WMO Code 0500. Cloud amount according to WMO Code 2700. Assigned by NODC for data storage and retrieval purposes. The NODC Reference Identity and Station numbers combined, uniquely define each station in the NODC archives. This indicator specifies that the reported data have been obtained electronically rather than by Nansen-type casts. U (up) and D (down) are east indicators for electronically obtained serial data and specify that the data were taken while hoisting or lowering respectively. Water color according to Forel-Ule Code. Water transparency in meters as determined by Secchi disc. Direction from which wind is blowing in tens of degrees, according to WMO Code 0877. If preceded by letter S, wind speed in knots; if preceded by letter F, wind force in Beaufort code. Barometric pressure in millibars ; tens, units, and tenths places only. Dry bulb air temperature in degrees centigrade, to tenths. Wet bulb air temperature in degrees centigrade, to tenths. Visibility according to WMO Code 4300. The number of observed levels associated with the station. Entries in this space vary with individual cruises or stations. Information concerning entries in this field can be requested from the NODC. A complete description of the codes can be found in NODC publication M-2 (Rev. August 1964), "Processing Physical and Chemical Data From Oceanographic Stations." 30 Table I. Observed and interpolated oceanographic data for stations taken by USCGC YAKUTAT at ocean station ECHO, 21 September-13 October 1966, prepared from NODC listing No. 31-767 YA. REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES ■lODC CIIY 10. NO. VIO ' "l/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.l/lO DIR. HGI PER SEA npt AM 31 767 YA 3^540N 04d020W 113 48 09 21 145 1966 OSE 001 4847 14 31 5 3 X2 7 8 0001 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. t. "»..Es SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE ItANS. DIR. SPEED OR FO»Ci DRV BULB WET BULB 34 518 130 233 222 7 14 ..Mi oj^*^; HR 1/10 1 CARD ITPE DEPTH (ml T -C 5 •'',. SIGMA-T SPICIHC VOIUME ANOMAIT-IID' SAD DYN, M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/I PO<-P UB ■ ot/l tOT*l-P Vfl - Ol/I NOi-N NOj-N Vfl • at/1 SI 04-Si iig - Di/I pH s c c 1 STfl 0000 2519 3623 2423 0036991 0000 15355 1^5 OBS 0000 2519 35228 2423 15356 STD 0010 2519 3623 2423 0037003 0037 15368 STD 0020 2518 3623 2424 0037023 00 74 15370 l^S OBS 0020 2518 36231 2424 15370 STD 0030 2457 3638 2453 0034221 0110 15359 l-tS OBS 0041 2356 36470 2490 15337 STD 0050 2224 3647 2529 0027149 0171 15306 Its OBS 0060 2097 36463 2563 15274 STO 0075 1948 3646 2603 0020129 0230 15237 lAi OBS 0080 1909 35463 2613 15227 STD 0100 1834 3649 2534 0017237 0277 15209 115 OBS 0120 1782 36498 2548 15197 STD 0125 1778 3649 2548 0015992 0318 15197 STO 0150 1759 3647 2652 0015776 0358 15195 liti OBS T0162 1750 35458 2653 15194 STD 0200 1737 3644 2655 0015650 0437 15197 STO 0250 1709 3640 2558 0015457 0514 15196 STD 0300 1668 3532 2652 0015259 0591 15191 145 OBS T0327 1640 36257 2565 15186 STD 0400 1543 3605 2571 0C14663 0741 15166 1<.6 OBS 0422 1511 36005 2674 15159 STD 0500 1386 3580 2685 0013501 0882 15129 1A5 OBS 0519 1354 35752 2688 15121 STD 0600 1185 3550 2702 0011953 1O09 15074 STD 0700 0998 3527 2719 0010443 1121 15022 1'.5 OBS 0712 0977 35248 2720 15016 STD 0800 0831 3515 2736 0008713 1217 14975 STD 0900 0694 3506 2749 0007414 1297 14937 l-tS OBS T0908 0684 35059 2751 14935 STD 1000 0587 3503 2761 0006223 1365 14911 STO 1100 0509 3501 2769 0005418 1424 14896 145 OSS 1155 0477 34998 2772 14892 STD 1200 0469 3500 2773 0005060 1476 14896 STD 1300 0453 3500 2775 0004953 1526 14906 145 OBS T1399 0436 35002 2777 14916 31 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * "1/10 MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S-MPL' WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES 40DC CODE 10. NO. SQUARE (GMTI YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OBSERVAnONS STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY HR.1/10 DID. MG! n» If* tYU AW 31 767 YA 36380N 0<(3160W 113 58 09 ZZ 137 1966 OSE 002 36^0 ib 00 6 J XI 0 3 0002 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbtl AIR TEMP. TC ^».dEs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE tUNS. DIR. SfEED 0« DRY BULB WET BULB 34 SIC 218 222 167 7 1 ^^ HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH Imt T IC s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALt-IlO' SAD OYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY 0! ml/1 PO4-P ys . 01/1 roTAL-r vg - ol/l NOj-N wg - oi/l NOj-N vs - ol/l SI04-Si US - ol/l pH s c c STD 0000 2393 3522 2461 0033398 0000 15336 137 OBS 0000 2393 3622'. 2'.61 15336 STD 0010 2393 3622 2461 0033438 0033 15338 STD 0020 2393 3622 2461 0033478 0057 15340 137 OBS 0025 2393 36224 2461 15341 STD 0030 2367 3627 2472 0032453 0100 15336 STD 0050 2256 3642 2516 0028378 0161 15313 137 OBS 0051 2250 36428 2518 15312 STD 0075 2099 3555 2559 0023348 0225 15278 137 OBS 0075 2092 35551 2571 15277 STD 0100 1922 3555 2617 0018873 0^78 15235 137 OBS 0101 1917 36550 2619 15233 STD 0125 1861 3555 2632 0017527 0324 15221 STD 0150 1820 3654 2642 0015593 0356 15214 137 OBS 0151 1819 35543 2642 15214 STD 0200 1794 3553 2648 0016340 0449 15214 137 ObS T0201 1793 35525 2647 15214 STD 0250 1770 3548 2650 0016255 0530 15215 STD 0300 1746 3544 2653 0015177 0512 15216 STD 0400 1598 3535 2658 0015003 0772 15217 137 OBS T040U 1598 35358 2558 15217 STD 0500 1531 3503 2571 0014930 0927 15178 137 OBS 0500 1531 36029 2571 15178 STD 0500 1357 3375 2587 0013555 1070 15135 137 OBS T0500 1357 35747 2587 15135 STD 0700 1140 3545 2707 0011708 1196 15074 137 OBS 0790 0955 35251 2723 15024 STD OSOO 0945 3524 2725 0009952 1304 15018 STD 0900 0770 3514 2745 0007992 1394 14958 137 OBS T0978 0551 35081 2756 14937 STD 1000 0638 3507 2758 0006632 1467 14932 STD 1100 0550 3504 2767 0005731 1529 14913 STD 1200 0484 3501 2773 0005165 1583 14902 137 OBS 1214 0477 35010 2773 14902 STD 1300 0442 3500 2775 0004812 1633 14901 STD 1400 0424 3499 2777 0004745 1581 14911 137 OBS T145 0423 34983 2777 14919 32 REFERiNCt SHIP CODE ii MARSD£N STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX • WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CIBT CODE 10. NO. LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE * -i/io CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10' r MO DAY HR.1/I0 DlR. HCi Pfd it* lYPt AM 31 767 YA 34340N 0^6000W 113 ^8 09 23 204 1966 OSL OOj 3658 13 26 1 3 XI 1 2 0003 WATER WIND BARO- METER imbil AIR TEMP, t: -^•JL SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TMNi. DIR. SPfEO OK FOICI DHt BULB WET BULB 22 SIO 3ifO 239 194 7 1. HR 1/10 ] CARO TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-X)0' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I POi-r tOTAL-P NOj-N US - oi/l NOi-N wg - ol/l SI 04-SJ vg - ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 2374 3615 2461 0033381 0000 15331 204 OBS 0000 2374 36152 2461 15331 STD 0010 2369 3615 2462 0033320 0033 15332 STD 0020 2365 3614 2463 0033260 0067 15332 20^. 06S 0026 2362 36142 2464 15332 STD 0030 2343 3615 2470 0032653 0100 15328 STD 0050 2232 3618 2505 0029429 0162 15304 ao^t OBS 0052 2219 36187 2508 15301 STD 0075 2052 3636 2568 0023504 0^28 15264 20* OBS 0077 2040 36374 2572 15261 STD 0100 1933 3655 2614 0019217 0281 15237 204 OBS 0103 1921 36562 2618 15235 STD 0125 1862 3655 2632 0017573 0327 15222 STD 0150 1816 3653 2642 0016662 0370 15212 204 OBS 0154 1810 36532 2644 15211 STD 0200 1791 3652 2648 0016341 0453 15213 204 OBS T0206 1788 36516 2648 15213 STD 0250 1786 3651 2648 0016467 0535 15220 STD 0300 1762 3646 2650 0016431 0617 15221 STD 0400 1642 3624 2662 0016570 0777 15199 204 OBS T0408 1628 36213 2663 15195 STD 0500 1418 3583 2681 0013949 0924 15140 204 OBS 0512 1393 35788 2683 15133 STO 0600 1227 3556 2699 0012324 1056 15089 204 DBS T061B 1193 35520 2702 15080 STD 0700 1021 3533 2719 0010410 1169 15031 STD 0800 0844 3516 2735 0008850 1266 14980 204 OBS 0821 0811 35132 2738 14970 STD 0900 0706 3510 2751 0007300 1346 14942 STD 1000 0599 3507 2763 0006100 1413 14916 204 OBS 1024 0578 35060 2765 14912 STO 1100 0532 3504 2769 0005511 1472 14906 STD 1200 0483 3501 2772 0005181 1525 14902 204 OBS 1278 0455 35000 2775 14903 STD 1300 0452 3500 2775 0004949 1576 14906 STO 1400 0440 3500 2776 0004884 1625 14917 STO 1500 0428 3500 2778 0004815 1673 14929 204 OBS T1528 0424 35000 2778 14932 33 31 767 YA LATITUDE 1/10 3't570N LONGITUDE * "I/IO MO DAY MILVIO 113 48 09 24 133 1966 OSE 000 3641 2652 0016274 0606 15213 STD O'.OO 1538 3622 2661 0015624 0766 15197 131 OBS T0414 1618 36184 2563 15193 STD 0500 1'.59 3589 2577 0014380 0916 15154 131 OBS 0516 1'.32 35846 2579 15147 STO 0600 1307 3567 2692 0013107 1053 15118 131 OBS T0618 1276 35627 2594 15110 STD 0700 1066 3538 2715 0010852 1173 15047 STD 0800 OSS'. 3517 2734 0008939 1272 14984 131 OBS 0821 0816 35134 2737 14972 STD 0900 0698 3509 2751 0007253 1353 14939 STD 1000 0582 3504 2763 0006080 1420 14909 131 OBS 1022 0561 35036 2765 14904 STD 1100 0521 3503 2770 0005434 1477 14901 STD 1200 Oi.79 3501 2773 0005127 1530 14900 131 OSS 1272 045't 35000 2775 14902 STD 1300 0446 3500 2775 0004895 1580 14903 STD ItOO 0423 3498 2777 0004805 1629 14910 STO 1500 0409 3497 2777 0004823 1677 14921 131 OBS T1516 0408 34962 2777 14923 35 ■ SHIP CODE LATITUDE I/IO 31 LONGITUDE ' '1/10 T ' MO 1 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 132 MO DAY HR.l/IO 113 68 09 26 132 1966 OSE 006 BARO- METER (mbi) SMCIfIC VOLU/ ftlAi X6 7 l8 NOj-N VO - ol/l STD 0000 250* 36*3 2**3 0035129 0000 15355 OBS 0000 250* 36426 2**3 15355 STO 0010 2503 36*3 2**3 0035118 0035 15367 STD 0020 2502 36*4 2*** 0035063 0070 15368 OBS 0025 2502 36*59 2*46 15369 STD 0030 2*53 3650 2*6* 00332*2 OlO* 16369 STD 0050 22*6 3659 2531 0026913 0165 16313 OBS 0050 22*8 36593 2531 15313 STD 0075 1973 3656 260* 0020066 0223 162*6 OBS 0075 1973 36558 260* 152*5 OBS 0u99 1872 36*60 2623 15219 STD 0100 1869 36*6 2623 0018299 0271 15218 STD 0125 1810 36** 2637 0017113 0315 15206 OBS 01*9 1770 36*28 2646 15198 STD 0150 1769 36*3 26*6 0016315 0357 15198 OBS T0199 17*0 36*22 2653 15197 STD 0200 17*0 36*2 2652 0015855 0*38 15197 STO 0250 1726 3639 2654 0015924 0517 15201 STD 0300 1697 363* 2657 0015781 0595 15200 STO 0*00 1599 3616 2665 0015179 0751 15185 OBS T0*03 1595 36155 2666 1518* STO 0500 1**1 3538 2680 001*071 0897 161*8 OBS 0506 1*33 35869 2681 15146 STD 0600 1336 357* 2691 0013186 103* 15128 OBS T0610 1322 35720 2692 16126 STO 0700 1091 35** 2715 0010871 115* 16057 STD 0800 0880 3522 2734 0009001 1253 1499* OBS 0815 0853 3519* 2736 1*986 STO 0900 0729 3515 2752 0007283 1336 1*962 STD 1000 0612 3509 2753 0006139 1*02 1*922 OSS 1021 0591 35085 2755 1*917 STD 1100 0539 3505 2759 0005534 1*60 14909 STD 1200 0*85 3501 2772 0005208 161* 14903 OSS 1278 0*52 3*992 2775 14902 STO 1300 0*** 3*99 2775 0004912 1556 14902 STD 1*00 0*17 3497 2777 000*799 1613 14907 STO 1500 0*0* 3*95 2777 000*793 1561 1*919 06S T1532 0*03 3*958 2777 1*92* 36 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE VIO LONGITUDE * 'VIO n MARSDEN STATION T ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH V/AVl WEA- THER CODE ClOUD CODES NODC CTBT 10. NO. SQUARE IGMTI YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S-MPL*S OBScKVAIlUn^ STATION NUMBER CODE 10- 1- M0~ DAT H R.1/10 DHL HGI Pt« SEA I'Pt AMI 31 767 YA 35030N CTSgow 113 57 09 27 137 1966 OSE 007 4270 15 Zi 2 2 X2 8 6 0007 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. •= CODi 0»!- DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS, (ml DIR. SPEED OR fO«CE DRY 8ULB WET BULB 19 SU5 leo 244 2 -^3 7 14 HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T t s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-110' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO4-P vg - 81/1 roi*L-p MO ■ Ol/I NOi-N US - al/l NOj-N VB - ol/l S10«-Si MS - or/I pH i C c STD 0000 2481 3530 2440 0035358 0000 15368 137 OBS 0000 2t,ai 36300 2440 15358 STO 0010 2481 3630 2440 0036391 0036 15360 STD 0020 2482 3631 2441 0036415 0071 15352 137 OBS 0025 2482 36310 2441 15363 STD 0030 2439 3640 2460 0033560 0105 16364 STD 0060 2256 3661 2530 0026987 0166 15316 137 OBS 0050 2256 36613 2530 15315 STD 0075 2008 3658 2596 0020790 0226 15254 137 OBS 0075 2008 36580 2596 15254 137 OBS 0099 1818 36421 2633 15203 STD 0100 1817 3642 2534 0017316 0273 16203 STD 0126 1801 3646 2640 0016764 0316 15203 STD 0150 1784 3650 2648 0016162 0357 16203 137 OBS 0150 1784 36498 2648 15203 STO 0200 1751 3654 2659 0015262 0436 16202 137 OBS T0206 1747 36547 2660 16202 STD 0250 1732 3648 2659 0015412 0612 16204 STD 0300 1703 3639 2659 0016657 0590 15202 STD 0400 1611 3619 2666 0015231 0743 15189 137 OBS 0404 1606 36179 2666 15188 STO 0500 1470 3595 2679 0014180 0891 16158 137 OBS 0505 1463 35938 2679 15156 STD 0600 1323 3568 2689 0013357 1028 15123 137 OBS T0506 1313 35666 2690 15121 STO 0700 1080 3535 2710 0011325 1152 15062 STD 0800 0874 3513 2728 0009660 1266 14991 137 OBS 0809 0858 35115 2729 14986 STD C900 0715 3508 2748 0007598 1342 14946 STD 1000 0595 3604 2761 0005292 1411 14915 137 OBS T1019 0578 36030 2763 14911 STD 1100 0542 3603 2767 0005723 1471 14909 STD 1200 0502 3503 2772 0005299 1525 14910 137 OBS 1265 0478 36029 2774 14911 STD 1300 0467 3502 2776 0005000 1578 14912 STD 1400 0436 3600 2777 0004832 1627 14916 STD 1500 0411 3496 2775 0004B86 1676 14922 137 OBS T1517 0407 34C 53 2775 14923 37 - SHIP CODE LATITUDE vm LONGITUDE * '\/\t> O DAY HR.I/10 ORIGINATOR'S Cn P» SEA WEA- THER CODE 31 0it7582w 113 1*1 09 28 131 1966 05E 00 i*57d 15 32 3 2 %nto TOICt BARO- METER tfflbi) 20B AIR TEMP. "C tOTAl-P vg • ot/1 SI04-Si wg - Ol/I STD 0000 2464 3591 2416 0037678 0000 15350 131 OBS 0000 2464 35911 2415 15350 STD 0010 2479 3610 2426 0036791 0037 16357 STD 0020 2494 3625 2433 0036114 0074 15364 131 OBS 0026 2503 36338 2435 15368 STD 0030 2449 3639 2457 0033919 0109 15357 STO 0050 2198 3653 2540 0025016 0169 15300 131 OBS 0053 2163 36537 2551 15291 STD 0075 1916 3645 2611 0019431 0225 15227 131 OBS ■ 0079 1888 36442 2517 15220 STD 0100 1840 3649 2533 0017381 0^71 15211 131 OBS 0105 1831 36494 2636 15209 STD 0125 1812 3649 2640 0016776 0314 15207 STD 0150 1793 3649 2545 0016419 0356 15205 131 OBS 0157 1788 36491 2546 15205 STD 0200 1767 3647 2650 0016135 0437 15205 131 OBS T0210 1762 36462 2650 15206 STO 0250 1753 3644 2551 0016194 0518 15209 STD 030U 1731 3640 2653 0016136 0599 15211 STD OAOO 1649 3625 2551 0015657 0758 15201 131 OBS 0*17 1630 36214 2663 15197 STD 0500 1512 3599 2673 0014797 0910 15172 131 OBS 0519 1485 35945 2675 15156 STD 0600 1372 3576 2585 0013780 1053 15140 131 OBS T0621 1336 35713 2689 15131 STD 0700 1122 3544 2710 0011444 1179 15068 STO 0800 0895 3519 2729 0009470 1283 14999 131 OBS 0825 0846 35144 2734 14984 STD 0900 0722 3509 2748 0007516 1369 14949 STD 1000 0593 3504 2751 0006235 1438 14914 131 OBS 1029 0563 35030 2764 14905 STO 1100 0524 3502 2758 0005549 1497 14902 STa 1200 0479 3500 2772 0005200 1551 14900 131 OBS 128'. 0449 34987 2774 14902 STD 1300 0444 3498 2774 0004985 1602 14902 STD 1400 0420 3497 2776 0004839 1651 14909 STD 1500 0406 3495 2777 0004820 1699 14920 131 OBS T1536 0404 34951 2776 14925 38 REFERENCE SHIP COOE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S-MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE ClOUO CODES cm COOE ID. NO. 1/10 • -vio CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10* I* MO DAY HR.1/I(1 DUL MCI «« SEA fin AM 31 767 YA 350^4N 04o050W 113 bti 09 ., 130 1966 CSE 00 9 ^1^1 15 2^ 2 2 XI 3 2 0009 WATER WINO IASO< METER (mbil AIR TEMP. -C ^-^'JL SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR COOE TUNS. OIR. into (OtCf ORT BULB WET BULS 18 soa 230 Zi*^ ^33 7 1^ MfSilNclcAST MR I/10[ CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml I "c s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPtClfiC VOlUMi ANOMAIT-IIO' SAD OTN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oj mt/t PO4-P "9 • "'/' tOTAl-P NOj-N US • ol/l NOj-N US - al/l SIO*-Si i>a - Ol/l pH c c STD 0000 2461 3595 2419 0037340 0000 1535C 130 03s ocoo 2461 35946 2419 15350 STO 0010 2455 3598 2424 0036974 0037 15350 STD 0020 2450 3606 2431 0036278 0074 15352 130 CSS 0025 2447 36109 2436 15352 STD 0030 2370 3623 2468 0032826 0108 15335 STD 0050 2102 3650 2565 0023678 0165 15274 130 DBS 0050 2102 36502 2565 15274 STD 0075 1860 3638 2620 0018572 0218 15211 130 OBS 0C76 1860 36380 2620 15211 STD OlOU 1815 3649 2639 0016818 0262 15203 130 OBS 0100 1815 35485 2639 15203 STD 0125 1790 3648 2645 0015348 0303 15200 STD 3150 1769 3647 2649 0015025 0344 15198 130 OBS 0150 1769 36466 2649 15198 STD 0200 1737 3544 2654 0015685 0423 15197 130 OBS T0201 1736 36434 2654 15195 STD 0250 1724 3640 2655 0015805 0502 15200 STO 0300 1700 3635 2657 0015778 0581 15201 130 OBS T0399 1615 35201 2665 15190 STD 0400 1614 3620 2666 0015225 0735 15190 130 OBS 0499 1479 35986 2680 15161 STO 0500 1478 3598 2679 0014134 0883 15151 STD OSOO 1346 3577 2591 0013173 1019 15132 130 OBS T0600 1346 35770 2691 15132 STO OTOO nil 3544 2712 0011240 1141 15054 130 OBS 0798 0906 35205 2729 15003 STO 0300 0902 3520 2729 0009514 1245 15002 STO 0900 0705 3509 2750 0007359 1329 14942 133 OBS T0977 0593 35033 2761 14910 STO 1000 0578 3503 2763 0006097 1397 14907 STO 1100 0522 3502 2759 0005521 1455 14901 STO 1200 0477 3601 2773 0005100 1508 14899 130 OSS 1241 0462 35002 2774 14900 STD 1300 0444 3500 2776 0004839 1558 14902 STO 1400 0423 3498 2777 0004B05 1506 14910 130 OBS T1484 0415 34976 2777 14921 39 REFERENCE SHIP COOE LATITUOE LONGITUOE '1/10 Sq MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL' WAVE 1 WEA- THtR CODE CLOUD COOES NOOC CODE 10. NO. SQUARE 10* 1 1* IGWT) MO OAY lHR.1/10 TEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM DIFL MGllP(»| S[A NUMBER 31 767 YA 3500 ON 048000W 113 58 09 30 131 1966 OSE 010 2377 15 23 3 l'^ X6 8 6 0010 WATER WIND BARO- AIR TEMP. :l_ NO. COLOR COOE TRANS. DIR. SPttO OR FORCE METER Imbil DRY BULB WET BULB coo OBS. DEPTHS OBSERVATIONS 23 S18 220 26 1 ^ ^44 T 14 »»"•":" I C»SI CARD TYPE . DEPTH Im) T IC s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOIUME ANOMAlT-xlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/l PO,-P VB - ol/l IOt*l-P „t . ol/l NOj-N Wfl - ol/l NOj-N tpg - Dl/l SIO4-S' V9 • ol/l PH J C C HR 1/10 STD 0000 2467 3613 2431 0035224 0000 16353 131 OBS 0000 2*67 3612b 2431 15353 .5TD 0010 2471 3615 2432 0035188 0036 15355 STD 0020 2474 3621 2435 0035900 0072 15359 131 OBS 0025 2476 36247 2438 15351 STD 0030 2387 3634 2471 0032513 0106 15341 ST3 0050 2100 3658 2571 0023084 0162 15275 131 OBS 0050 2100 36577 2571 15275 STO 0075 1900 3654 2622 0018386 0214 15224 131 OBS 0075 1900 36540 2622 15224 131 OBS D099 1823 36512 2639 15206 STD 0100 1822 3651 2639 0016804 0258 15205 STD 01^5 1796 3551 2645 0015273 0299 15202 STD 0150 1774 3650 2650 0015897 0339 15200 131 OBS 0150 1774 36502 2550 15200 STD 0200 1738 3644 2654 0015588 0418 15197 131 OSS 0200 1738 36438 2654 15197 ST3 0250 1719 3541 2557 0015534 0497 15199 STD 0300 1599 3637 2659 0015581 0575 15201 STD 0400 1660 3631 2663 0015482 0730 15205 131 OBS T0400 1560 36309 2653 15205 STD 0500 1498 3599 2675 0014493 0880 15167 131 OBS 0500 1498 35990 2575 15167 131 OBS 0596 1374 35801 2688 15141 ST3 0600 1353 3578 2689 0013449 1020 15138 STD 0700 1105 3543 2712 0011201 1143 15062 STD 0800 0894 3520 2730 0009380 1246 14999 131 OBS 0802 0890 35195 2731 14998 STD 0900 0734 3514 2750 0007425 1330 14954 STD 1000 0512 3509 2763 0006175 1398 14922 131 OBS T1004 0508 35083 2763 14921 STD 1100 0543 3505 2768 0005590 1457 14910 STD 1200 0490 3502 2772 0005202 1511 14905 131 OBS 1255 0468 35007 2774 14905 STD 1300 0453 3501 2775 0004922 1561 14906 STO 1400 C431 3500 2777 0004773 1610 14914 STD 1500 0424 3499 2778 0004819 1658 14923 131 OBS T1506 0424 34993 2778 14929 40 LATITUDE 1/10 lONGITUOE ' 'VtO ORIGINATOR'S SiiSSON 113 i.7 10 01 126 1966 OSE Oil BARO- METER (mb»l r33 S10*-Si 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 125 126 5TD 0000 2510 3643 2441 0035253 0000 15357 OBS 0000 2510 36433 2441 15357 ST3 0010 2508 3544 2442 0035223 0035 15358 STD 0020 2507 3544 2443 0035196 007C 15369 OSS 0024 2506 35440 2443 15370 STD 0030 2440 3549 2467 0032941 0105 15356 OBS 0049 2233 35574 2534 15309 STD 0050 2220 3657 2537 0025320 0164 15306 035 0074 1965 36512 2602 15242 STO 0075 1958 3651 2604 0020038 0222 15240 OBS 0098 1828 36451 2633 15206 STD 0100 1823 3545 2534 0017263 0258 15205 STD 0125 1774 3544 25>*6 0016250 0310 15195 DBS 0 148 1743 36429 2552 15190 STO 0150 1742 3643 2653 0015676 0350 15190 STD 0200 1721 3542 2557 0015452 0428 15192 OSS T 0 2 0 2 1720 36415 2657 15192 STD 0250 1697 3537 2559 0015395 0505 15192 STD 0300 1674 3532 2561 0015355 0582 15193 DBS T0398 1627 36233 2665 15194 STD 0400 1524 3623 2665 0015234 0735 15193 OBS 0497 1472 35946 2678 15158 STD 0500 1467 3594 2679 0014189 0082 15157 OBS 0596 1304 35674 2692 15117 STD 0500 1300 3567 2693 0012956 1018 15115 STD 0700 1095 3539 2711 0011308 1139 15058 OBS 0799 0914 35203 2727 15005 STD 0800 0912 3520 2727 0009682 1244 150U5 STD 0900 0742 3512 2747 0007703 1331 14957 STD 1000 0614 3507 2761 0006329 1401 14922 OBS TIOOO 0514 35068 2751 14922 STD 1100 0548 3505 2768 0005559 1461 14912 STD 1200 0495 3503 2773 0005196 15 15 14907 OBS 1254 0473 35025 2775 14907 STD 1300 0457 3^02 2775 0004855 1565 14908 STD 1400 0434 3501 2773 0004732 lul4 14915 STD 1500 0424 3500 2778 0004758 1051 1492b OBS 1505 0424 34995 2778 14928 41 SEFCRENCe . MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S depth MAX. DEPTH WAVE OBSERVAHONS WEA- CLOUD CODES NODC CIIY coot 10. NO. CODE LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ■ -1/10 i'i SQUARE IGMTI TEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL- CODE NUMBER 10* )• MO DAT HR.1/10 D* HGT nt SEA ITPt »M 31 767 YA 36002N 048008W 113 58 10 02 130 1966 OSE 012 4296 15 30 2 ^ XI 6 6 0012 WATER WIND lARC AIR TEMP. i: NO. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIX. SPEED OR FORCE METER (mbi) DRY BULB WET BULB "°Jd?pVhs 29 S09 220 278 253 7 14 MtSSENCI CAtT "»■ » NO. HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml t X s •/.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-XIO' SAD OYN. M. I 10' SOUND vaociTY Ol ml/I PO4-P VB • o./l roTAi-f ,9 ■ ol/l NOj-N ue - oi/i NOj-N MS - ol/l SI 04-si vi - or/I PH S c c STD 0000 2532 3642 2434 0035990 0000 15372 130 OBS 0000 2532 36420 2434 15372 STO 0010 2529 3646 2438 0035653 0036 15373 STD 0020 2526 3650 2442 0035318 0071 15374 130 OBS 0026 2524 36515 2443 15375 STD 0030 2478 3653 2458 0033784 0106 15365 STD 0050 2255 3657 2528 0027248 0167 15315 130 OBS 0052 2233 36578 2534 15309 STD 0075 1986 3655 2600 0020429 0226 15248 130 oas 0078 1961 36550 2606 15242 STO 0100 1839 3652 2636 0017139 0273 15211 130 OBS 0104 1822 36513 2639 15206 STD 0125 1798 3650 2644 0016392 0315 15203 STO 0150 1773 3648 2649 0016033 0356 15199 130 OBS 0156 1768 STD 0200 1739 3644 2654 0015696 0435 15197 130 OBS T0208 1734 36430 2655 15197 STD 0250 1730 3642 2655 0015800 0514 15202 STD 0300 1713 3639 2657 0015789 0593 15205 STD 0400 1638 3625 2664 0015407 0749 15198 130 OBS T0407 1631 36241 2665 15196 STD 0500 1509 3601 2675 0014587 0899 15171 130 OBS 0513 1488 35970 2676 15166 STD 0600 1318 3569 2691 0013183 1U38 15122 130 OBS T0615 1287 35643 2693 15113 STD 0700 1076 3538 2713 0011033 1159 15051 STO 0800 0870 3516 2731 0009275 1260 14989 130 OBS 0819 0836 35130 2734 14979 STD 0900 0713 3510 2750 0007428 1344 14945 STD 1000 0598 3506 2762 0006188 1412 14916 130 OBS T1012 0587 35051 2763 14913 STO 1100 0547 3505 2768 0005645 1471 14912 STO 1200 0509 3505 2773 0005240 1526 14913 130 OBS 1277 0486 35043 2775 14916 STD 1300 0480 3504 2775 0005030 1577 14916 STD 1400 0459 3504 2778 0004850 1626 14926 STD 1500 0445 3503 2778 0004834 1675 14937 130 OBS T1529 0443 35026 2778 li»9^1 42 LONGITUDE * 'I/IO 0i»8O00W DAY HILl/10 10 03 li*i* ORIGINATOR'S OSE BARO- METER 013 S06 205 283 250 7 19 WEA- THER CODE ■ NODC STATION NUMBER 0013 TIMi I HR 1/10 NOj-N vs - ol/l NOi-N wg - o(/l STD 0000 2523 3634 2430 0036338 0000 15369 127 OBS 0000 2523 35335 2430 15359 STD 0010 2523 3639 2434 0035984 0036 15371 STD 0020 2523 3643 2437 0035737 0072 15373 127 OBS 0025 2523 36450 2439 15374 STD 0030 2508 3546 2444 0035118 0107 15371 STD 0050 2447 3551 2466 0033101 0176 15351 127 OBS 0050 2447 36507 2465 15361 127 OBS 0069 2047 36550 2584 15263 STD 0075 1997 3654 2596 0020801 0243 15251 127 OBS 0099 1843 36493 2632 15211 STD 0100 1841 3649 2633 0017405 0291 15211 STD 0125 1796 3548 2643 0016490 0333 15202 STD 0150 1764 3646 2650 0015944 0374 15197 127 OBS 0150 1764 36463 2550 15197 STD 0200 1737 3643 2654 0015722 0453 15196 127 OBS T0200 1737 36430 2654 15196 STD 0250 1717 3540 2556 0015659 0531 15198 STD 0300 1698 3537 2559 0015596 0609 15200 127 OBS T0399 1659 36306 2663 15204 STD 0400 1558 3630 2663 0015501 0755 15204 127 OBS 0499 1500 35994 2675 15168 STD 0500 1498 3599 2676 0014493 0915 15157 STD 0600 1317 3559 2691 0013170 1053 15121 127 OBS T0600 1317 35689 2691 15121 STD 0700 1101 3541 2711 0011273 1175 15060 STD 0800 0914 3521 2728 0009643 1280 15006 127 OBS 0802 0911 35205 2728 15006 STD 0900 0756 3514 2747 0007773 1367 14962 STD 1000 0633 3508 2759 0005515 1439 14930 127 OBS T1005 0528 35076 2760 14929 STD 1100 0551 3604 2765 0005914 1501 14917 STD 1200 0505 3501 2770 0005479 1558 14911 127 OBS 1254 0482 35001 2772 14910 STD 1300 0471 3501 2774 0005127 1611 14914 STD 1400 0450 3502 2777 0004874 1651 14922 STD 1500 0433 3502 2779 0004722 1709 14932 127 OBS T1500 0433 35023 2779 14932 STD 1750 0416 3501 2780 0004820 1828 14967 l'ti4 OBS T1930 0401 35005 2781 14991 STD 2000 0393 3500 2782 0004793 1948 14999 Ittit OBS 2391 0348 34971 2784 15047 STD 2500 0336 3496 2784 0004654 2184 15060 144 OBS 2857 0301 34941 2785 15106 STD 3000 0293 3494 2785 0004513 2414 15127 STD 4000 0233 3489 2788 0004395 2859 15276 144 OBS 4011 0232 34890 2788 15278 144 OBS T4106 0228 34894 2789 15293 43 - SHIP CODE 31 767 YA LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE *1/1C 113 DAY HR.1/10 10 0^ 133 1966 OSF 01^ OR FO«C( ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER Imbt) AIS TEMP, t 28 S18 211 236 233 5 1^ ^♦533 MGT|»t«| SI* WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 001^ SOUND VELOCITY NOj-N KS - ol/l SIO*-Si 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 133 STD 0000 2532 3636 2429 0036458 0000 15371 OBS 0000 2532 36355 2429 15371 STD COlO 2533 3639 2431 0036271 0036 15373 STO 0020 2534 3642 2433 0036120 0073 15375 OBS 0025 2534 36434 2434 15376 STD 0030 2514 3644 2441 0035455 0108 15373 STD 0050 2436 3646 2466 0033092 0177 15358 OBS 0052 2428 36466 2469 15356 STD 0075 2075 3665 2584 0022002 0246 15273 06S 0078 2041 36655 2593 15265 STD Moo 1882 3657 2628 0017818 0296 15223 OBS 0103 1866 36562 2632 15219 STD 0125 1823 3654 2641 0016698 0339 15210 STD 0150 1784 3651 2648 0016075 0380 15203 OBS 0155 1778 36504 2650 15202 STD 0200 1742 3644 2653 0015766 0459 15198 OBS T0207 1737 36436 2654 15198 STD 0250 1735 3643 2654 0015844 0538 15204 STD 0300 1719 3640 2656 0015856 0618 15207 STD 0400 1642 3626 2664 0015425 0774 15199 OBS T0A06 1635 36248 2664 15198 STD 0500 1502 3601 2676 0014435 0923 15169 OBS 0507 1491 35989 2677 15166 STD 0600 1334 3571 2689 0013363 1062 15127 OBS T0608 1320 35687 2690 15124 STD 0700 1120 3544 2710 0011407 1186 15067 STD 0800 0933 3524 2727 0009746 1292 15014 OBS OSli* 0909 35223 2730 16007 STD 0900 0773 3516 2746 0007893 1380 14969 STD 1000 0651 3511 2759 0006559 1452 14938 OBS T1019 0632 35105 2761 14933 STD HOC 0585 3510 2767 0005814 1514 14928 STD 1200 0537 3509 2772 0005335 1570 14925 OBS 1269 0511 35085 2775 14926 STO 1300 0501 3508 2776 0005025 1622 14927 STD 1400 0476 3507 2778 0004863 1671 14933 STD 1500 0463 3506 2779 0004B63 1720 14945 OBS T1522 0462 35060 2779 14948 44 LAmUDE VIO LONGITUDE '1/10 113 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 DAY HR.1/II 10 0 5 131 SPtEO FO«C( ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METEK AIR TEMP. X clZ 6 1^ Gri »E« Sf* 03 3 \l 1 l8 NQDC STATION NUMBER 0013 SOUND VELOCITY STD 0000 2539 3638 2428 0036484 0000 15373 OBS 0000 2539 36380 2428 16373 STD 0010 2510 3627 2429 0036457 0035 15355 STD 0020 2471 3621 2435 0035608 0073 15368 OBS 0024 2452 36193 2441 15354 STD 0030 2427 3621 2450 0034685 0i08 15349 STD 0050 2291 3630 2496 0030210 0173 15321 OBS 0050 2291 36299 2496 15321 OBS 0074 2022 36477 2585 15257 STD 0075 2015 3648 2587 0021691 0237 15255 OBS 0099 1876 36481 2523 15221 STD 0100 1874 3648 2524 0016268 0287 15220 STD 0125 1827 3649 2535 0017157 0332 15211 OBS 0149 1793 36499 2645 15205 STD 0150 1792 3650 2645 0016351 0374 16206 OBS T0199 1756 36454 2652 15202 STD 0200 1756 3546 2552 0015949 0454 15202 STD 0250 1745 3645 2553 0015934 0634 15207 STD 0300 1721 3641 2556 0015831 0513 16208 OBS T0394 1639 36263 2655 15197 STD 0400 1632 3525 2555 0016271 0769 15196 OBS 0497 1495 35992 2675 15165 STD 0500 1489 3598 2677 0014371 0917 15164 OBS T058S 1323 35701 2591 15122 STD 0600 1295 3565 2693 0012958 1054 15114 STD 0700 1082 3539 2713 0011070 1174 15053 OBS 0798 0899 35205 2730 16000 STD 0800 0895 3520 2730 0009397 1275 14999 STD 0900 0724 3510 2748 0007573 1351 14949 STD 1000 0605 3505 2761 0006332 1431 14918 OBS 1001 0604 35047 2751 14918 STD 1100 0578 3509 2757 0005788 1491 14926 STD 1200 0551 3511 2772 0005386 1647 14931 OBS 1256 0536 35120 2775 14934 STD 1300 0524 3611 2775 0005119 1600 14937 STD 1400 0497 3509 2777 0004995 1650 14942 STD 1500 0470 3607 2779 0004872 1700 14948 OBS 1506 0468 35071 2779 14948 NOj-N NQj-N 45 REFERENCE SHIf CODE UATnUDE 1/10 LON G1TUDE * '1/10 ii MARSDEN STATION Tl AE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL' WAVE 1 WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NODC STATION NUMBER CTRT CODE ID. NO. SQUARE (GMTt YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM VDStRV^ Ill.,/n3 10- r MO" DAY HR.l/10 DUL Hci m SfA ITfl AMI 31 767 YA 35020N 048020W 113 58 10 06 129 1966 OSE 016 4115 15 19 4 z Xi a 2 0016 WATER WIND RARC ^^ AIR TEMR. x: NO. COLOR CODE IRANi. DIR. into ot fORCt METER bnbll DRY RULR WET BULB -JD?^S OBSERVATIONS 19 S18 160 267 239 7 14 «•"«"=• lc«st ""' •■ NO. HR I/IO CARD TYRE OlfTH (ml I t s ■/.. SIOMA-I mClFlC VOLUME ANOMALT-llO' SAD DYN. M. « 10) SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/l P04-P ve • oi/( lOTAl-P NO,-N i.g - ot/l NOs-N pg - ol/l S104-Si WB - ol/l PH STD 0000 2526 3638 2433 0036095 0000 15370 129 oes 0000 2526 36381 2433 15370 STO 0010 2527 3638 2432 0036160 0036 15372 STD 0020 2528 3638 2432 0036220 0072 15373 129 OBS 002'* 2528 36382 2432 15374 STD 0030 2iB5 3634 2442 0035318 0106 15365 STD 0050 2307 3632 2493 0030514 0174 15325 129 OBS 0050 2307 36318 2493 15325 129 OBS 00T< 2021 36527 2589 15257 STD 0075 2013 3653 2591 0021307 0239 15255 129 OBS 0098 1866 36505 2628 15218 STD 0100 1862 3651 2629 0017803 0288 15217 STD 0125 1813 3650 2640 0016764 0331 15207 129 OBS 0119 1778 36492 2649 15201 STD 0150 1777 3649 2649 0016047 0372 15201 STD 0200 1742 3645 2654 0015730 0451 15198 129 OBS T0203 1740 36442 2654 15198 STO 0250 1719 3640 2656 0015689 0530 15199 STD 0300 1689 3634 2659 0015596 0608 15196 STD O'»00 1608 3620 2667 0015091 0761 15188 129 OBS T0401 1607 36194 2667 15188 STD 0500 1499 3600 2676 0014443 0909 15168 129 OBS 0502 1496 35992 2676 15167 STD 0600 1334 3572 2690 0013290 1048 15127 129 OBS T0603 1329 35711 2690 15126 STD 0700 1137 3549 2710 0011382 1171 15074 STD 0800 0951 3526 2725 0009938 1278 15021 129 OBS 0802 0947 35251 2726 15020 STD 0900 0756 3515 2748 0007678 1366 14963 STD 1000 0613 3505 2760 0006432 1436 14922 129 OBS TlOOl 0612 35051 2760 14921 STD 1100 0554 3505 2767 0005743 1497 14915 STD 1200 0507 3504 2772 0005286 1552 14912 129 OBS 1251 0487 35034 2774 14912 STD 1300 0471 3503 2775 0004995 1604 14914 STD lAOO 0445 3502 2777 0004643 1653 14920 STD 1500 0431 3500 2778 0004846 1701 14931 129 OBS T1502 0431 35002 2778 14931 46 REFERENCE ^s MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. 0£PIH WAVI OBSERVATIONS WEA- CLOUD CODES NODC CUT CODE 10. NO. CODE LATnUOE Vlo LONGITUDE "l/TO SQUARE IGMTl YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL* COOE NUMBER io- !• ^ DAT HR.l/10 DIR. HGT n» SEA Itri AM 31 767 YA 34530N 0*8040W ns 48 T^ 07 130 1966 OSE 017 4662 15 22 i* I XI 8 2 0017 WATER WIND BASC _ AIR TEMP. ^ 1 NO. COLOR CODE IKANS. (HI DHL SPEED 01 fOiCE METER Intbll DRY auLB WET BULB "»JD?^^„S OeSERVATIONS 20 S15 093 272 244 7 14 MiSSWO.lcASI TIME o NO. HR l/IO CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s ■'.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMAlt-IIO' IAD OYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l PO4-P lOTAL-P "9 - o'/l NOj-N ug - Qi/I NOj-N vg - oi/l St 0*-Si MS - ol/l pH C c STD 0000 2514 3626 2427 0036644 0000 15366 130 OBS 0000 2514 36256 2427 15355 STD 0010 2514 3628 2428 0036548 0037 15367 STD 0020 2514 3629 2430 0036452 0073 15369 130 OBS 002* 2514 36301 2430 15370 STD 0030 2427 3638 2462 0033361 0108 15351 STD 0050 2186 3656 2546 0025500 0167 15297 130 OBS 0050 2186 36557 2546 15297 130 OBS 0074 2001 36582 2598 15252 STO 0075 1993 3658 2600 0020410 0224 15250 130 OBS 0099 1851 36540 2634 15214 STD 0100 1850 3654 2634 0017259 0271 15214 STD 0125 1817 3653 2642 0016627 0314 15209 130 OBS 0149 1794 35518 2547 15206 STD 0150 1794 3652 2647 0016254 0355 15206 130 OBS T0199 1771 36499 2651 15207 STD 0200 1771 3650 2651 0016018 0435 15207 STD 0250 1749 3646 2654 0015929 0515 15208 STD 0300 1726 3643 2556 0015848 0595 15210 130 OBS T0396 1684 36354 2661 15212 STD 0400 1675 3634 2662 0015602 0752 15210 STD 0500 1492 3599 2677 0014364 0902 15166 130 OBS 0501 1490 35983 2677 15165 STD 0600 1355 3582 2691 0013201 1040 15139 130 OBS T0602 1362 35818 2592 15138 STD 0700 1135 3548 2710 0011396 1163 15073 STD 0800 0940 3524 2726 0009865 1269 15016 130 OBS 0807 0928 35230 2727 15013 STD 0900 0782 3518 2747 0007859 1358 14973 STD 1000 0660 3514 2760 0006509 1429 14941 130 OBS TlOlO 0550 35130 2761 14939 STD 1100 0594 3512 2768 0005796 1491 14932 STD 1200 0539 3509 2772 0005353 1547 14926 130 OBS 1259 0510 35078 2775 14924 STD 1300 0492 3507 2775 0004974 1598 14923 STO 1400 0453 3503 2777 0004641 1648 14923 130 OBS T1496 0423 34988 2777 1^926 47 ■ SHIP CODE 31 767 YA LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ' 'VIO 047520W 113 bl 10 U8 16 SrEED OR FOICE ORIGINATOR'S 1966 05E 01 BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. X Grt »E» U* WEA- THER CODE ■ b l8 NODC STATION NUMBER 0018 SPECIFIC VOIUj 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 STD 0000 2620 3620 2421 0037193 oooo 15356 OBS 0000 2520 36204 2421 15356 STD 0010 2520 3524 2424 0036954 0037 15368 STD 0020 2519 3528 2427 0036705 0074 15370 OBS 0025 2519 35304 2429 15371 STD 0030 2507 3634 2435 0035958 Olio 15370 STD 0050 2390 3546 2460 0031814 0178 15347 OBS 0052 2372 36473 2485 15343 STD 0075 2075 3660 2580 0022353 0246 15273 OBS 0077 2055 36603 2585 15258 STD 0100 1902 3655 2522 0018453 0297 15229 OBS 0103 1887 35548 2625 15225 STD 0125 1839 3555 2638 0017039 0341 15215 STD 0150 1801 3554 2647 0015239 0383 15208 OBS 0154 1796 36543 2548 15207 STD 0200 1780 3552 2650 0015080 0464 15210 OBS T0206 1777 35512 2650 15210 STD 0250 1763 3548 2651 0016139 0544 15213 STD 0300 1736 3543 2554 0015036 0525 15213 STD CiOO 1644 3526 2553 0015471 0782 15199 OBS T0405 1638 36248 2654 15198 STD 0500 1500 3599 2675 0014537 0932 15158 OBS 0510 1486 35955 2575 15155 STD 0500 1369 3581 2590 0013355 1072 15140 OBS T0611 1353 35785 2591 15135 STD 0700 1173 3551 2705 0011897 1198 15087 STD 0800 0987 3528 2721 0010389 1309 15034 OBS 0815 0950 35248 2723 15025 STD 0900 0802 3516 2742 0008353 1403 14980 STD 1000 0556 3508 2755 0005853 1479 14939 OBS T1018 0534 35071 2759 14933 STO 1100 0570 3504 2754 0006041 1543 14921 STD 1200 0508 3502 2770 0005447 1501 14912 OBS 1272 0474 35004 2773 14910 STD 1300 0463 3500 2774 0005093 1654 14910 STD 1400 0435 3499 2775 0004905 1704 14916 STD 1500 0425 3499 2777 0004868 1752 14928 OBS 1523 0425 34987 2777 14932 48 REFERENCE SHIP CODE it MARSOEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL-S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES CKY 10. NO. 1/10 LONGITUOE ■ '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER io- r MO DAY HR.1/10 DIP. HGI PER S£* I»Pt *M 31 767 YA 35171N 0^7398W ns 37 iO 09 123 1966 OSE 019 ^369 15 19 3 2 XI 6 i* 0019 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. "C VIS. COD NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. OIR. SPEED OR fORCE out BULB WET BULB 19 Sll 226 236 233 7 1^ MISSfKGRi CAST HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T \: s v.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC vOlUMt ANOMALT.IlO' SAD OYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l P04-P rcTAi-p vg - ol/l NO3-N ug - ol/l NOj-N HB - o./l SIO4-SJ wg - or/I pH S c c 1 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 STD 0000 2504 3530 2433 0035014 OUOO 15364 OBS 0000 2504 35303 2433 15354 STD 0010 2503 3531 2434 0035003 0035 15365 STD 0020 2502 3631 2434 0035999 0072 15367 OBS 0026 2502 35312 2435 15368 STD 0030 2497 3638 2441 0035379 0108 15358 STD 0050 2389 3654 2485 0031195 0174 15347 OBS 0050 2389 36542 2486 15347 STD 0075 2058 3651 2577 0022595 0242 15257 OBS 0075 2058 35507 2577 15257 STD 0100 1889 3551 2622 0018453 0293 15225 OBS 0101 1884 35506 2623 15223 STD 0125 1842 3652 2635 0017300 0338 15215 STD 0150 1809 3552 2643 0015595 0380 15210 OBS 0151 1808 35521 2643 15210 STD 0200 1777 3550 2550 0016147 0462 15209 OBS 0202 1776 36500 2550 15209 STD 0250 1765 3649 2652 0016114 0542 15214 STD 0300 1741 3546 2655 0015935 0523 15214 OBS T0396 1663 36312 2663 15205 STD 0400 1658 3630 2653 0015501 0780 15204 OBS 0*93 1539 36052 2672 15180 STD 0500 1529 3504 2573 0014805 0931 15178 OBS T0590 1384 35808 2585 15143 STD 0600 1364 3578 2588 0013470 1073 15138 STD 0700 1167 3550 2706 0011855 1199 15084 OBS 0781 1015 35326 2720 15042 STD 0800 0973 3530 2725 0009998 1309 15029 STD 0900 0784 3515 2744 0008057 1399 14973 OBS T0976 0675 35083 2754 14943 STD 1000 0659 3507 2755 0005970 1474 14940 STD 1100 0596 3504 2751 0005411 1541 14931 STD 1200 0544 3502 2755 0005946 1503 14927 OBS 1225 0532 35012 2757 14925 STD 1300 0500 3500 2770 0005597 1660 14925 STD 1400 0467 3500 2773 0005252 1715 14929 OBS 1472 0448 34999 2776 14933 49 31 LATITUDE 1/10 35200N 0A73OOW MO DAY HR.l/10 113 57 10 10 131 1966 OSE 020 1«I0 01 fOICI S16 ORIGINATOR'S AIR T(MP. r WEA- THER CODE - 3 2 NODC STATION NUMBER 0020 •IcAST SAD DYN. M. X 10' SI04-SI 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 STD OSS STD STD DBS STD STD DBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0020 0025 0030 0050 0051 0075 0076 0100 0102 0125 0150 015* 0200 T0205 0250 0300 0400 T0't06 0500 0508 0600 T0608 0700 OBOO 0809 0900 1000 T1012 noo 1200 1253 1300 lAOO Ti'tgi 2472 2472 2471 2470 2470 2438 2271 2261 1968 1960 1861 1855 1817 1787 1783 1763 1761 1751 1729 1649 1643 1520 1510 1394 1381 1146 0939 0923 0800 0682 0669 0575 0495 0464 0456 0436 0422 3619 36186 3619 3618 36184 3629 3654 36547 3652 36515 3651 36505 3650 3649 36486 3646 36461 3645 3642 3628 36271 3604 36023 3583 35812 3547 3523 35213 3520 3517 35168 3509 3503 35004 3500 3499 34977 2434 2434 2434 2436 2435 2452 2520 2524 2602 2604 2629 2630 2640 2646 2647 2650 2660 2652 2655 2663 2664 2675 2676 2686 2687 2707 2725 2727 2745 2760 2761 2768 2773 2774 2775 2776 2777 0035928 0000 0035953 0035978 0034323 0027923 0020216 0017743 0016845 0016291 0016074 0015945 0015440 0014610 0013730 0011675 0009922 0008029 0006581 0005745 0005196 0006002 0004955 0036 0072 0107 0169 0229 0277 0320 0362 0016085 0443 0523 0603 0760 0910 1052 1179 1287 1377 1450 1511 1666 1617 1667 15356 16365 15356 15358 16369 15353 16318 16316 15243 15241 15217 15215 15208 15204 16203 15204 16206 15209 15210 16201 15200 15176 15173 15148 15145 15077 15016 15011 14980 14951 14947 14924 14907 14903 14907 14916 14925 50 - SHIP CODS LATITUDE LONGITUDE ' M/10 3ii590N OiiaOlOW O OAT MR.I/10 113 48 10 11 131 1966 OSE 021 SPEED OK fOPCf ORIGINATOR'S AIR TEMP. X: 4298 21 3 |2 0021 SI o*-si 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 STD 0000 2497 3626 2432 0036113 OUOO 15362 OBS 0000 2497 36261 2432 15362 STD 0010 2497 3626 2432 0036146 0036 15363 STD 0020 2497 3626 2432 0036180 0072 15365 OBS 0025 2497 36263 2432 15366 STD 0030 2439 3630 2453 0034280 0108 15353 STD 0060 2233 3645 2524 0027537 0169 15308 OBS 0052 2214 36468 2531 15303 STD 0075 2027 3665 2597 0020767 0230 15260 OBS 0077 2014 36651 2600 15257 STD 0100 1891 3660 2628 0017821 0278 15226 OBS 0102 1883 36593 2630 15224 STD 0125 1833 3653 2638 0017011 0321 15213 STD 0150 1792 3648 2644 0016482 0363 15205 OBS 0154 1787 36479 2645 15204 STD 0200 1754 3645 2652 0015946 0444 15202 OBS T0205 1751 36451 2652 15202 STD 0250 1736 3643 2654 0015870 0524 15204 STD 0300 172U 3641 2655 0015624 0503 15208 STD 0400 1688 3636 2661 0015733 0751 15214 OBS T0405 1686 36360 2661 15214 STD 0500 1545 3607 2671 0014941 0914 15183 OBS 0513 1526 36037 2673 15179 STD 0600 1412 3587 2685 0013818 1058 15155 OBS T0615 1388 35840 2688 15149 STD 0700 1185 3555 2706 0011836 1186 15091 STD 0800 0978 3529 2724 0010159 1296 15031 OBS 0820 0941 35252 2727 15020 STD 0900 0802 3517 2742 0008280 1389 14980 STD 1000 0665 3509 2756 0006913 1465 14943 OBS 1025 0637 35080 2759 14936 STD 1100 0590 3508 2765 0006032 1529 14929 STD 1200 0537 3507 2771 0005482 1587 14925 OBS 1281 0502 35068 2775 14924 STD 1300 0495 3507 2775 0005052 1640 14924 STD 1400 0465 3505 2778 0004851 1689 14928 STD 1500 0446 3504 2779 0004796 1737 14937 OBS T1534 0442 35032 2779 14941 767 LATITUDE 1/10 34583N LONGITUDE * "1/10 113 4B 10 12 131 1966 OSE 022 ORIGINATOR'S itSaS 15 19 2 2 WEA- THER CODE ■ NODC STATION NUMBER 0022 ""IcAST SAD DTN. M. < 10= SI O4-SI 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 STD 0000 2515 3629 2429 0036443 0000 15366 OBS 0000 2515 36288 2429 15365 STD 0010 2513 3629 2430 0036402 0035 15367 STD 0020 2510 3629 2431 0036354 0073 15368 OSS 0026 2509 36294 2431 15359 STD 0030 2458 3633 2449 0034610 0108 15358 STD 0050 2226 3648 2529 0027131 0170 15306 ObS 0052 2205 36489 2535 15301 STD 0075 1930 3654 2601 0020372 0229 15246 OBS 0078 1959 36546 2607 15241 STD 0100 1877 3654 2627 0017914 0277 15222 OBS 0103 1868 35537 2629 15220 STD 0125 1834 3654 2638 0016999 0321 15214 STD 0150 1804 3653 2645 0015383 0363 15209 OBS 0155 1799 35533 2647 15208 STD 0200 1775 3650 2650 0016107 0444 15208 OBS T0206 1772 36499 2651 15209 STD 0250 1768 3646 2649 0016395 0 = 25 15214 STD 0300 1751 3642 2649 0015482 06 0 7 15217 STD 0400 1679 3633 2650 0015766 0769 15211 OBS T0't09 1670 36322 2562 15210 STD 0500 1554 3610 2672 0014923 0922 15185 OBS 0510 1541 36073 2573 15184 STD 0600 1425 3590 2685 0013875 1056 15159 OBS T0616 1400 35861 2687 15153 STD 0700 1199 3555 2704 0012105 1196 15095 STD 0800 0992 3531 2723 0010258 1308 15035 OBS 0814 0965 35286 2725 15029 STD 0900 0816 3529 2750 0007613 1397 14987 STD 1000 0681 3530 2770 0005614 1463 14952 OBS 1017 0662 35301 2773 14947 STD 1100 0512 3522 2773 0005324 1318 14940 STD 1200 0558 3515 2775 0005192 1570 14934 OBS 1271 0524 35100 2775 14932 STD 1300 0511 3508 2775 0005164 1522 14931 STD 1400 0470 3504 2776 0005000 1573 14930 STD 1500 0436 3501 2778 0004857 1722 14933 OBS T1522 0429 35005 2778 14933 52 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ■4 MARSDEN STATION Tl .E ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES ■JODC CIKY coot 10. NO. l/IO LONGITUDE ' 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S-MPL'S NUMBEO 10- r MO DAY HR.l/10 DlR. MGI PES 5EA Tin AM 31 767 YA 35000N O^oOOOW 113 56 10 13 131 1966 OSE 023 it343 1^ 21 3 ^ XI a 2 0023 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbll AIR TEMP. X CODi OB°S. '■°°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEED 01 fOSCt DRY SULB WET BULB 20 SIO 227 267 239 7 1. HR Viol CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T TC s •/.. SIGMA-T JPfCIFIC VOLUMf ANOM*LT-ItO' SAD DYN. M. X 103 SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/l PO*-P VS • Ol/I TOTAL-P vg - ot/l NOj-N ufl - oi/l NO3-N Pfl - Ol/I SI o*-si va - Ol/I pH S c c STO 0000 253C 3636 2429 0036392 0000 15370 131 OBS 0000 2530 36356 2429 15370 STD 0010 2528 3637 2431 0036271 0036 15372 STD 0020 2526 3640 2434 0036035 0072 15373 131 OBS 0024 2525 36420 2436 15374 STD 0030 2480 3650 2456 0034022 0108 15365 131 OBS 0049 2314 36640 2516 15330 STD 0050 2301 3664 2619 0028028 0170 15327 131 OBS 0072 2064 36596 2582 16269 STD 0075 2042 3659 2588 0021585 0232 16264 131 OBS 0096 1919 36553 2618 16233 STD 0100 1910 3655 2620 0018549 0282 15231 STO 0125 1859 3635 2633 0017493 0327 15221 131 OBS 0145 1825 36538 2640 15214 STD 0150 1819 3653 2641 0016763 0370 15213 131 OBS T0198 1766 36469 2650 15205 STD 0200 1766 3647 2650 0015126 0452 15205 STD 0250 1758 3644 2649 0016333 0533 15211 STD 0300 1741 3641 2651 0016320 0616 15214 131 OBS T0389 1687 36352 2660 15212 STD 0400 1681 3634 2660 0015740 0775 15212 131 OBS 0483 1597 36182 2568 15198 STD 0500 1567 3612 2670 0015066 0929 15191 131 OBS T0581 1416 35862 2684 15153 STD 0600 1373 3580 2688 0013511 1072 15141 STD 0700 1158 3550 2708 0011684 1198 15081 131 OBS 0767 1024 35349 2720 16043 STD OBOO 0952 3529 2728 0009707 1305 15022 STD 0900 0768 3514 2745 0007961 139J 14957 131 OBS T0954 0690 35092 2753 14945 STD 1000 0652 3509 2768 0006720 1467 14938 STD 1100 0579 3508 2766 0005875 1530 14925 131 OBS 1189 0527 35069 2772 14919 STD 1200 0521 3507 2772 0005289 1586 14918 STD 1300 0477 3504 2775 0004989 1637 14916 STD 1400 0448 3501 2777 0004898 1686 14921 131 OBS T1428 0442 36006 2777 14923 53 Table II. Observed and interpolated oceanographic data for stations taken by USCGC MCCULLOCH at ocean station ECHO, 4-25 February 1967, prepared from NODCNp, 31^ 855 ML. LATITUDt 1/10 LONGITUDE DAY HR.1/10 ORIGINATOR'S 31 855 ML 35065N 113 58 02 0^ 192 1967 E03 001 X2 0 |5 0001 into 01 fOICl BARO- METER Imbt) AIR TEMP. "C NOj-N vg - o(/t 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 192 STO OBS STD STD OBS STO STD OBS STD OBS OBS STD STD STD OBS STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0020 0025 0030 0030 0050 0075 0076 0099 0100 0125 0150 0150 0200 T0200 0250 0300 0400 0't02 0500 0503 0600 T0605 0700 0800 0808 0900 1000 1011 1100 1200 125'. 1300 1400 1500 T1530 1867 1867 1859 1854 1852 1852 1850 1850 1849 1849 1852 1852 1848 1844 1844 1799' 1799 1786 1758 1658 1565 1497 1493 1382 1375 1133 0955 0944 0914 0849 0840 0702 0583 0534 0521 0492 0463 0464 3651 36609 3650 3649 36484 3648 3647 36466 3647 36470 36484 3648 3647 3646 35460 3653 35526 3547 3641 3629 36290 3599 35987 3682 35808 3549 3526 35246 3520 3516 35150 3514 3513 36124 3511 3509 3505 36049 2528 2528 2529 2529 2629 2629 2629 2529 2629 2529 2529 2630 2630 2630 2630 2646 2646 2645 2647 2662 2663 2676 2677 2688 2688 2711 2725 2726 2727 2734 2736 2755 2770 2776 2776 2778 2779 2779 0017538 0000 0017445 0017 0017434 0036 0017494 0052 0017618 0088 0017654 0132 0017711 0017790 0017870 0016778 0015706 0015669 0014472 0013553 0011286 0009978 0009890 0009335 0007269 0006697 0005080 0004935 0004B58 0175 0220 0265 0015496 0351 0434 0618 0679 0829 0969 1093 1200 1299 1396 1478 1643 1597 1647 1596 15202 15202 15201 15202 16202 15202 15206 15206 16209 152U9 16214 15214 15217 15220 16220 15216 15216 15219 15219 15204 15203 15167 15166 15144 15143 15073 16022 15019 15023 15015 15013 14976 14944 14933 14936 14940 14944 14946 54 - SHIP COD£ LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE "VIO MO DAY HR.1/10 113 58 02 05 129 1967 E03 00 ORIGINATOR'S 213 AIR TEMP. "C 175 SAO DYN. M. X 10^ STD 0000 1855 3648 2628 0017460 0000 15198 129 OBS 0000 1855 36480 2628 15198 STD 0010 1863 3648 2629 0017469 0017 15199 STD 0020 1851 3647 2629 0017478 0035 15200 129 OBS 0025 1850 36473 2629 15201 STD 0030 1848 3647 2529 0017470 0052 15201 STD 0050 1842 3646 2530 0017452 0087 15203 129 OBS 0050 1842 36451 2530 15203 STD 0075 1843 3547 2530 0017546 0131 15207 129 OBS 0075 1843 35465 2630 15207 STD 0100 1840 3546 2631 0017576 0175 15210 129 OBS 0100 1840 36453 2631 16210 STD 0125 1841 3647 2631 0017626 0219 15216 STD 0150 1841 3648 2632 0017660 0263 15219 129 OBS 0150 1841 35479 2632 16219 STD 0200 1788 3651 2648 0016328 0348 15212 129 OBS T0200 1788 36512 2648 16212 STD 0250 1782 3647 2645 0015554 0431 15218 STD 0300 1752 3643 2648 0015655 0514 15220 STD O^tOO 1680 3535 2661 0015574 0675 15211 129 OBS 10401 1679 35345 2661 16211 STD 0500 1543 3608 2572 0014853 0828 15183 129 OBS 0500 1543 36076 2572 15183 129 OBS T0599 1392 35832 2686 15148 STD 0600 1390 3583 2687 0013647 0971 15147 STD 0700 1195 3553 2703 0012173 1100 15095 STD 0800 1015 3531 2719 0010566 1214 15046 129 OBS 0802 1012 35307 2719 16044 STD 0900 0837 3520 2739 0008627 1310 14994 STD 1000 0699 3512 2754 0007204 1390 14957 129 OBS 1003 0696 35119 2754 14956 STD 1100 0628 3511 2762 0006364 1457 14946 STD 1200 0567 3510 2769 0005587 1518 14937 129 OBS 1251 0540 35096 2772 14935 STD 1300 0516 3508 2774 0005205 1672 14933 STD 1400 0474 3506 2777 0004924 1623 14932 STD 1500 0441 3503 2779 0004757 1671 14935 129 OBS T1504 0440 35032 2779 14935 55 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MASSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S depth MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES 40DC CODE 10. NO. I/IO ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10' T MO DAY HR.1/10 DIIL HCI PER SEA ITM AM 31 855 ML 35025N 0A8045W 113 58 0. 06 129 1967 E03 003 27^3 15 18 3 2 X2 ^ 6 0003 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. "C „„ NO. --d?pVhs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE 't1^ DIR. s«to 0« fO«Cf DRY BULB WET BULB 18 S13 173 176 167 7 13 MESStNGilcAST I1MI 0. NO. HR l/lol CARD TYfS DEPTH [ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SMCI'IC VOLUME *NOMAtT-KlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/l PO4-P ti9 • ol/l tOT*l-P vg - o./l NOj-N ug - ol/l NOj-N UB - a./l SI 0,-Si vt . ol/l PM S c c 1 STD 0000 1827 3646 2533 0016992 0000 15190 129 OBS 0000 1827 36452 2533 15190 STD OOIQ 1828 3645 2533 0017032 0017 15192 STD 0020 1829 3646 2633 0017074 0034 15194 129 OBS 002'. 1829 35457 2533 15195 STD 0030 1830 3646 2633 0017126 0051 15195 129 OBS 00')7 1833 36459 2632 15200 STD 0050 1833 3646 2632 0017261 0086 15200 129 OSS 0070 1833 36460 2632 15203 STD a076 1833 3646 2632 0017347 0129 15204 129 OBS 0094 1834 36458 2632 15208 STD 0100 1834 3646 2632 0017468 0172 15209 STD 0125 1834 3646 2632 0017578 0216 15213 129 OBS 0141 1834 36454 2632 15215 STD 0150 1829. 3647 2634 0017437 0260 15215 129 OBS T0186 1811 36507 2642 15217 STD 0200 1806 3650 2642 0016651 0346 15217 STD 0250 1785 3647 2645 0016747 0430 15219 STD 0300 1758 3644 2649 0016503 0513 15219 129 OBS 0374 1704 36392 2559 15215 STD 0400 1697 3636 2658 0015955 0575 15217 129 OBS 0469 1613 35202 2666 15201 STD 0500 1520 3605 2675 0014537 0828 15175 129 OBS 0564 1346 35777 2692 15125 STD 0600 1283 3569 2598 0012481 0963 15110 STD 0700 1120 3549 2714 0011043 1080 15068 STD 0800 0977 3533 2727 0009849 1185 15031 STD 0900 0855 3521 2737 0008849 1278 15001 129 OBS T0953 0798 35171 2743 14988 STD 1000 0757 3517 2749 0007737 1361 14980 STD 1100 0679 3516 2759 0005751 1434 14966 STD 1200 0610 3515 2758 0005945 1497 14955 129 OBS 1226 0594 35141 2769 14953 STD 1300 0552 3512 2773 0005452 1554 14948 STD 1400 0504 3509 2776 0005107 1607 14945 STD 1500 0467 3504 2777 0005064 1658 14946 129 OBS T1505 0465 35039 2777 14946 56 31 855 ML LONGITUDE 0ij8120W 0 DAY HR.1/1 07 211 1967 £03 00^* SPUD Tonct S03 ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER (mbi) AIS TEMP. "C NO. OBS. DEPTHS 06 WEA- THER CODE SPECIFIC VOLUME 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 STD 0000 1868 3648 2625 0017602 0000 15202 OBS 0000 1868 36476 2626 15202 STD 0010 1861 3648 2627 0017569 0018 15202 STD 0020 1855 3648 2528 0017567 0035 16202 OBS 0026 1852 35475 2529 15202 STD 0030 1851 3648 2629 0017509 0053 15202 STD 0060 1847 3647 2530 0017481 0088 16204 OBS 0053 1846 35474 2530 15204 STD 0075 1846 3547 2630 0017565 0132 15208 OBS 0079 1845 35470 2630 15208 STD 0100 1845 3548 2631 0017673 0176 15212 OBS 0105 1845 36485 2631 15213 STD 0125 1827 3651 2638 0017012 0219 15211 STD 0150 1808 3652 2543 0015572 0261 15210 OBS 0157 1803 35524 2545 15210 STD 0200 1785 3551 254S 0016271 0J43 15211 OBS T0210 1780 36507 2649 15212 STD 0250 1779 3547 2647 0016605 Q425 15217 STD 0300 1762 3642 2547 0016727 0308 15220 STD 0*00 1678 3532 2650 0015801 0671 15210 OBS T0'tl5 1659 35307 2663 15207 STD 0500 1516 3604 2676 0014522 0823 15174 OBS 0517 1492 35998 2578 15168 STD 0600 1404 3588 2688 0013677 0963 15152 OBS 0521 1376 35837 2690 15146 STO 0700 1218 3559 2703 0012184 1092 15103 STD 0800 1030 3534 2718 0010716 1205 15051 OBS 0826 0983 35295 2723 15037 STD 0900 0837 3621 2740 0008564 1303 14994 STD 1000 0684 3512 2765 0005977 1380 14951 OBS T1022 0657 35106 2758 14944 STD 1100 0513 3510 2754 0006218 1446 14939 STD 1200 0562 3609 2769 0005689 1506 14936 OBS 1289 0522 35080 2773 14934 STD 1300 0517 3508 2774 0005248 1561 14933 STD 1400 0480 3505 2777 0004992 1512 14935 STO 1500 0450 3503 2778 0004902 1651 14939 OBS ^lil^^ 0439 35014 2778 14941 57 31 855 ML LONGITUDE ■1/10 DAY HR.I/10 113 58 02 08 211 1967 E03 005 into 01 lOtCl ORIGINATOK'S 13 0005 SAD DTN. M. X 10^ SOUND vaocirr SI 0«-Si STO 0000 1846 3645 2628 0017476 0000 15195 211 OBS 0000 1846 36448 2628 15195 STD 0010 1838 3645 2630 0017327 0017 15195 STD 0020 1833 3645 2631 0017250 0035 15195 211 OBS 0025 1831 36446 2632 15195 STD 0030 1831 3645 2632 0017232 0052 15196 STO 0050 1830 3644 2632 0017301 00 86 15199 211 OBS 0052 1830 36444 2632 15199 STD 0075 1829 3644 2632 0017386 0130 15203 211 OBS 0077 1829 36441 2632 15203 STD 0100 1825 3645 2634 0017311 0173 15206 211 OBS 0103 1824 36457 2634 15206 STO 0125 1816 3649 2639 0016893 0216 15208 STD 0150 1805 3651 2643 0016573 0258 15209 211 OBS 0155 1803 36514 2644 15209 STD 0200 1780 3650 2649 0016225 0340 15210 211 OBS T0206 1777 36494 2649 15210 STD 0250 1775 3645 2646 0016640 0422 15216 STD 0300 1756 3640 2647 0016730 0505 15218 STD O'tOO 1665 3630 2661 0015676 0667 15206 211 OBS T0408 1655 36290 2663 15204 STD 0500 1498 3599 2676 0014493 0818 16167 211 OBS 0515 1474 35951 2678 15162 STD 0600 1353 3578 2691 0013244 0957 15134 211 OBS T0616 1329 35744 2693 15129 STD 0700 1187 3554 2705 0011947 1083 15092 STD OBOO 1023 3535 2720 0010517 1196 15048 211 OBS 0822 0968 35313 2724 16039 STO 0900 0849 3523 2740 0008604 1291 14999 STD 1000 0707 3515 2755 0007107 1369 14960 211 OBS T1021 0683 35136 2757 14954 STD 1100 0631 3512 2763 0006335 1437 14946 STD 1200 0575 3511 2769 0005728 1497 14941 211 OBS 1287 0534 35096 2773 14938 STD 1300 0529 3509 2773 0005343 1552 14938 STO 1400 0493 3508 2777 0005026 1604 14940 STD 1500 0467 3506 2778 0004918 1654 14946 211 OBS T1544 0459 35056 2779 14950 58 LATtTUOE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' '1/10 DAY HR.1/10 113 b7 02 09 128 1967 E03 006 ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER (mbi) 3840 15 25 3 U WEA- THER CODl ■ SAO OYN. M. STD 0000 1836 3643 2629 0017381 0000 1519^ 128 OBS 0000 1836 36428 2629 15192 STO OOIO 1835 3643 2629 0017397 0017 15194 STO 0020 1834 3643 2630 0017414 0035 15195 128 OBS 0025 1834 36428 2630 15196 STD 0030 1834 3643 2O30 0017439 0052 15197 STD 0050 1833 3643 2630 0017472 0087 15200 128 OBS 0050 1833 36430 2630 15200 128 OBS 0074 1832 36433 2631 15203 STD 0075 1832 3643 2631 0017514 0131 15204 128 OBS 0098 1832 36436 2631 15207 STO 0100 1830 3644 2632 0017503 0175 15207 STO 0125 1808 3647 2639 0015848 0.;18 15206 128 OBS 0127 1806 36475 2640 15205 STD 0150 1793 3647 2643 0016563 0259 15205 128 OBS T0196 1764 36467 2650 15204 STD 020U 1762 3646 2650 0016090 0341 15204 STO 0250 1737 3643 2554 0015891 0421 15205 STD 0300 1701 3637 2658 0015656 0500 15201 128 OBS T03B4 1619 36219 2566 15189 STD 0400 1597 3617 2667 0015062 0D53 15184 128 OBS 0473 1494 35984 2676 15162 STD 0500 1471 3595 2679 0014202 0800 15158 128 OBS T0573 1385 35831 2588 15141 STD 0600 1321 3575 2695 0012808 0935 15123 STD 0700 1106 3551 2718 0010637 1052 15063 128 OBS 0770 35372 STD 0800 0928 3533 2735 0009004 1150 15013 STD 0900 0787 3521 2748 0007748 1234 14975 126 OBS T0956 0721 35162 2754 14959 STD 1000 0695 3516 2757 0006851 1307 14956 STD 1100 0638 3516 2755 0006145 1372 14950 STD 1200 0587 3516 2772 0005536 1430 14946 128 OBS 1220 0577 35153 2772 14945 STO 1300 0541 3514 2776 0005148 1484 14944 STD 1400 0501 3512 2779 0004846 1534 14944 128 OBS T1470 0476 35098 2780 14945 59 LATITUDE 3^584N LONGITUDE * 'I/IO u^ lu 131 ORIGINATOR'S EOJ BARO- METER AIR TEMP. X: 25 S20 2^1 191 177 7 1^ 5KCIFIC VOLUMf NO. 08S. DEPTHS WEA- THER CODE 0007 SOUND VELOCin STD 0000 1399 3556 2623 0017953 0000 15212 131 OBS 0000 1899 36559 2523 15212 STD 0010 1899 3656 2523 0017989 0018 15213 STD 0020 1899 3656 2623 0018033 0036 15215 131 OBS 0026 1899 36558 2623 15216 STD 0030 1899 3556 2623 0018064 0054 15217 STD 0050 1902 3656 2623 0018193 0090 15221 131 OBS 0053 1902 36561 2523 15221 STD 0075 1900 3655 2522 0018297 0136 15224 131 OBS 0078 1900 35552 2522 15225 STD 0100 1896 3655 2624 0018284 0182 15227 131 OBS 0103 1894 36553 2524 15227 STD 0125 1848 3654 2635 0017299 0226 15218 STD 0150 1811 3553 2643 0015572 0268 15211 131 OBS 0156 1804 36524 2545 15210 STD 0200 1786 3652 2549 0016223 0350 15212 131 014S T0208 1783 36515 2549 15212 STD 0250 1761 3648 2652 0016109 0431 15212 STD 0300 1735 3643 2655 0015991 0512 15212 STD O'tOO 1683 3634 2560 0016755 0670 15212 131 06S 0417 1574 36329 2551 15212 STD 0500 1519 3603 2574 0014550 0822 15175 131 OBS 0524 147B 35954 2678 15165 STD 0600 1369 3580 2589 0013428 0963 15140 131 ObS 0532 1318 35733 2694 15128 STD 0700 1161 3552 2709 0011595 1088 15083 STD 0800 0965 3529 2725 0009932 1195 15026 131 OBS 0854 0875 35209 2734 15001 STD 0900 0815 3520 2743 0008270 1287 14985 STD 1000 0702 3518 2758 0006H11 1362 14959 131 OBS T1087 0622 35164 2757 14941 STD 1100 J1516 2758 0005793 1425 14940 STD 1200 _-. 5 1 1 2771 0005528 1482 14935 STD 1300 ^010 3508 2774 0005234 1535 14933 131 OBS 1392 0482 35057 2775 14934 STD 1400 0479 3506 2777 0005000 1587 14934 STD 1500 0451 3505 2780 0004741 1535 14940 131 OBS T1704 0420 35047 2782 14961 60 LATITUDE _J_ 1/10 31 855 ML 350^^N 047538W STATION TIME MO DAY HR.1/10 113 57 02 11 16A 196 SP£(D tatct ORIGINATOR'S AIB TEMP. X. NODC STATION NUMBER 0008 mess^o«Uast HR l/IO SPEClfIC VOLUMl SI 0*-Si vg - Ql/i STD 0000 1859 3648 2627 0017556 0000 15200 164 OBS 0000 1859 36480 2627 15200 STD 0010 1851 3647 2629 0017471 0018 15199 STD 0020 1844 3647 2630 0017339 0035 15198 IS^t OBS 0029 1840 35460 2531 15199 STD 0030 1840 3646 2631 0017349 0052 15199 STD 0050 1839 3645 2630 0017461 0087 15202 164 OBS 0058 1838 35448 2630 15203 STD 0075 1838 3645 2630 0017534 0131 15205 164 OBS 0086 1837 36453 2531 15207 STD 0100 1836 3645 2531 0017538 0175 16209 154 OBS 0118 1833 36457 2532 15211 STD 0125 1833 3647 2633 0017445 0218 15212 STD 0150 1828 3649 2536 0017268 0252 15215 164 OBS 0177 1816 35503 2640 15217 STD 0200 1795 3650 2645 0015581 0346 15214 164 OBS T0236 1762 36481 2552 15210 STD 0250 1756 3647 2553 0016023 0428 15210 STD 0300 1725 3541 2655 0015924 0508 15209 STD 0400 1643 3625 2653 0015448 0655 15199 164 OBS T0477 1560 36117 2672 15185 STD 0500 1529 3605 2574 0014662 0815 15178 STD 0600 1391 3584 2687 0013595 = 965 15148 164 ObS 0601 1390 35639 2687 15147 STD 0700 1248 3552 2699 0012555 1087 15114 164 OBS T0725 1210 35571 2703 15104 STD 0800 1050 3542 2721 0010494 1202 15059 STD 0900 0872 3527 2739 0003593 1298 15008 164 OBS 0975 0766 35195 2750 14979 STD 1000 0743 3519 2753 0007371 1379 14975 STD 1100 0660 3519 2764 0005254 1447 14959 STD 1200 0589 3517 2772 0005492 1506 14947 164 OBS T1212 0581 35162 2773 14945 STD 1300 0530 3510 2774 0005284 1559 14939 STD 1400 0482 3505 2775 0005093 1511 14935 STD 1500 0445 3502 2778 0004907 1661 14937 164 OBS 1528 0437 35013 2778 14938 STD 1750 0415 3503 2782 0004655 1781 14967 164 OBS T1847 0406 35072 2786 1498C 61 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NOOC CUT CODE 10. NO. LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM Of S-MPL'S STATION NUMBER .0- r MO DAY HR.1/I0 DIR. MGI KR SfA lYK *M 31 855 ML 34530N 0^757BW 113 i*7 02 12 161 1967 E03 009 -.755 15 25 It t XI 2 4 00l9 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. X VIS "O- coil °"- SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TIANi. DIR. Ol DRY 8ULS WET BULB 25 305 159 191 172 7 12 HB 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T 1 SflCIHC vOlUMt ANOMALT-mo' SAO OYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/1 POi-P KB - 01/1 TOTAl-P Ufl - ot/l NO,-N vB - or/I NOj-N wg . oi/l SlOi-Si vo . oi/l pH I C c 1 STD 0000 1916 3659 2621 0018123 0000 15217 161 OBS 0000 1916 36593 2521 15217 STD 0010 1911 3659 2523 0018037 0018 15217 STD 0020 1908 3559 2624 0017999 0035 15218 161 OBS OOZA 1907 36593 2624 15218 STD 0030 1907 3659 2624 0018011 0054 15219 STD 0050 1906 3659 2624 0018073 0090 15222 161 OSS 0050 1906 36591 2624 15222 161 OSS 0074 1903 36589 2524 15225 STD 0075 1901 3658 2624 0018121 0136 15225 161 OSS 0099 1856 36468 2627 15215 STD 0100 1855 3647 2628 0017887 0180 15215 STD 0125 1830 3651 2537 0017084 0224 15212 161 OSS 0148 1811 36534 2644 15211 STD 0150 1810 3653 2544 0016548 0266 15211 161 OBS T0198 1779 36514 2550 15209 STD 0200 1778 3651 2650 0016105 0348 15209 STD 0250 1757 3648 2653 0015998 0428 152U STD 0300 1727 3643 2556 0015826 0508 15210 161 OBS 0397 1644 36281 2655 15199 STD 0400 1641 3527 2665 0015330 0653 15199 161 OBS 0496 1526 36056 2675 15176 STD 0500 1521 3605 2675 0014559 0813 15175 161 OBS 0596 1375 35814 2689 15141 STD 0600 1365 3580 2690 0013346 0952 15139 STD 0700 1143 3549 2710 0011473 1075 15076 161 OBS 0794 0963 35276 2725 15024 STD 0800 0952 3527 2726 0009853 1183 15021 STD 0900 0792 3517 2744 0008120 1273 14977 161 OBS T0992 0678 35106 2755 14947 STD 1000 0672 3511 2756 0006900 1348 14946 STD 1100 0608 3510 2765 0005116 1413 14937 STD 1200 0554 3510 2771 0005480 1471 14932 161 OBS 1254 0529 35102 2774 14931 STD 1300 0510 3510 2776 0005004 1524 14931 STD 1400 0478 3510 2780 0004672 1572 14934 STD 1500 0456 3510 2783 0004474 1618 14942 161 OBS T1514 0454 35095 2782 14944 62 REHRENCE SHIP CODE Si MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CUT CODE ID. NO. LAmuDE 1/10 LONGITUDE " '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10* r MO DAY Hft,l/10 OH. MGI PfR SIA I'fi AM 31 853 ML 3it^53N 0^6036wf 113 ^8 02 15 171 19b7 £0 3 010 hlbb 14 36 4 3 XI 4 6 0010 WATER WIND SARO- METER {mbil AIR TEMP. -C -"IL SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TftANS. DIR. SffED OR DRY BULB WET BULB 02 S15 261 143 110 1 14 MESSING. IcAST I.M( 0, NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Onl t X S ■''.. SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOlUMt ANOMALT-IID' SAD DYN. M. X 10» SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/l PO4-P VS ■ o'/l rOTAL-P yg - a'/l NOi-N UO - ol/l NOj-N SI 04-Si WB - 0I/I pH s c c 1 STD 0000 1857 3649 2626 0017654 0000 15202 171 OBS 0000 1867 36493 2626 15202 STD 0010 1867 3649 2625 0017681 0018 15203 STD 0020 1866 3649 2527 0017707 0035 15205 171 OBS 0024 1866 36493 2627 15206 STD 0030 1867 3549 2625 0017752 0053 15207 171 OBS 0048 1869 36495 2625 15210 STD 0050 1869 3550 2525 0017859 0089 15211 171 OBS 0073 1870 36500 2525 15215 STD 0075 1870 3650 2626 0017939 0133 15215 171 OBS 0096 1868 36504 2627 15218 STD 0100 1859 3550 2629 0017767 0173 15216 STD 0125 1809 3547 2639 0015871 0221 15205 171 OBS 0143 1777 36443 2645 15199 STD 0150 1767 3544 2647 0015182 0253 15197 171 OBS T0192 1709 35387 2657 15186 STD 0200 1701 3537 2558 0015323 0341 15185 STD 0250 1651 3527 2562 0015072 0417 15177 STD 0300 1599 3518 2557 0014718 0492 15158 171 OBS T0577 1514 36035 2576 15153 STD CtOO 1486 3500 2679 0013907 Od35 15146 171 OBS 0467 1409 35875 2586 15132 STD 0500 1370 3581 2689 0013098 0770 15124 171 OBS T0556 1298 35705 2695 15108 STD 0600 1231 3559 2701 0012184 0697 15091 STD 0700 1073 3538 2714 0010979 1012 15050 171 OBS 0768 0961 35274 2725 15019 STD OdOO 0894 3523 2733 0009151 1113 14999 STD 0900 0726 3514 2751 0007311 1195 14951 171 OBS 0921 0698 35132 2755 14943 STD 1000 0550 3514 275^ 0005324 1264 14938 STD 1100 0597 3514 2769 0005593 1324 14933 171 OBS 1159 0570 35143 2772 14932 STD 1200 0553 3514 2774 0005195 1378 14932 STD 1300 0519 3513 2778 0004910 1429 14935 STD 1400 0495 3512 2780 0004762 1477 14942 171 OBS T1411 0493 35118 2780 14943 63 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION Tl *l ORIGINATOR'S [ DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CHY CODI 10. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAY Hll.l/10 NUMBER ""I'""" Ol". HGI »(» If* .■(ri *M 31 abb ML 34565N U48140W 113 '♦d 02 16 140 1967 E03 Oil h7!>5 45 31 3 ^ XI 2 4 0011 WATER WIND BARO- METER AIR TEMP. -C VIS. COOi NO. OBS. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TKANS. DIR. S«fD 01 FOICE DRY BULB WET BULB 20 S02 338 167 113 8 19 MfJ«t*C«lcAST ..ME 0.^0. HR VIO 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH tml T -C s •',. SIGWA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALY-Xia' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCin 02 ml/1 POi-P tie - oi/i TOTAl-r vg • or/I NO2-N vg - ol/l NO3-N vi - oi/i SI 0«-Si l>fl - ol/l PH S C c 1 STO 0000 188^ 3D30 2623 0017938 0000 15206 I'.O OBS 0000 188^ 36504 2623 16206 STD 0010 1878 3650 2624 0017884 0018 16207 STD 0020 1876 3650 2625 0017879 0036 15208 140 ObS 0024 1876 36501 2625 15208 STO 0030 1876 3650 2625 0017915 0054 15210 STD 0050 1878 3651 2624 0018013 0090 15213 140 OBS 0050 1878 36505 2624 15213 140 OBS 0073 1879 36508 2624 15217 STD 0075 1879 3651 2624 0018102 0135 15218 140 OBS 0097 1678 36509 2626 16221 STD 0100 1873 3651 2626 0018034 0180 15220 STD 0125 1839 3653 2636 0017165 0224 16215 140 OBS 0145 1816 36532 2642 15212 STD 0150 1812 3653 2643 0016595 0266 15211 140 OBS T0193 1781 36499 2648 15209 STD 0200 1779 3649 2648 0016262 0348 16209 STD 0250 1761 3645 2649 0016338 0430 15212 STD 0300 1734 3640 2652 0016206 0511 15212 140 OBS 0384 1669 36322 2662 16205 STD 0400 1656 3629 2663 0015527 0670 15203 140 OBS 0480 1663 36113 2671 15186 STD 0500 1528 3605 2674 0014712 0O21 13178 140 OBS T0580 1380 35812 2687 15140 STD 0600 1332 3674 2692 0013104 0960 161^7 STD 0700 1112 3646 2712 0011186 1081 16066 140 OBS 0781 0960 36280 2726 15021 STD 0800 0928 3626 2730 0009515 1185 16012 STD 0900 0777 3518 2747 0007810 1272 14971 140 OBS T0979 0683 35134 2757 14947 STO 1000 0667 3513 2769 0006650 1344 14944 STD 1100 0599 3512 2767 0005868 1406 14934 STD 1200 0544 3610 2772 0005360 1463 14928 140 OBS 1250 0522 36095 2775 14927 STO 1300 0510 3509 2776 0006073 1515 14931 STD 1400 0485 3508 2778 0004916 1565 14937 STD 1500 0461 3507 2780 0004755 1613 14944 140 OBS T1502 0460 35070 2780 14944 STD 1750 0414 3602 2781 0004720 1732 14966 164 OBS T1942 0385 34993 2782 14986 STD 2000 0380 3499 2782 0004682 1049 14994 164 OSS 2440 034U 34973 2785 15062 STD 2500 0334 3497 2785 0004653 2080 15059 164 OBS T2933 0298 34950 2787 15118 STD 3000 0293 3494 2787 0004486 2306 15128 STD 4000 0237 3489 2787 0004473 2754 16278 164 OBS 4430 0227 34889 2788 16350 164 OBS 4527 0226 34890 2788 15367 64 REFERtNCt SHIP CODE E:5 go MAttSDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DtPTH MAX. DEPTH Of S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC CODl ID. NO. LATITUDE LONGITUDE ■t/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMStR io- r MO DAY HR.1/10 OUL HGT PER SEA TYPE AM 31 855 ML 35000N o^aooow ns 58 02 17 127 1967 E03 012 4 3b'^ 15 31 3 2 XI 8 U 0012 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbi) AIR TEMP. "C -'•JL SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOB CODE TRANS. DIR. SPEED FOICt DRY BULB WEI BULB 23 S12 274 180 130 7 1. MliSENG-lcAST HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH 1ml T "C s •/.. S1GMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUMt ANOMALT-llO' SAD OYN. M, X I03 SOUND VELOCITY OS ml/l PO4-P tOTAL-P Kfl - 81/1 N02-N i>S - al/l NO3-N vg - ot/l SlO^-Si tJfl - Ol/l pH C c 1 STD 0000 1828 3647 2634 0016915 OdOO 15191 127 OBS 0000 1828 36466 2634 15191 STD 0010 1827 3647 2634 0016928 0017 15192 STD 0020 1826 3647 2635 0016952 0034 15193 127 06S 0O23 1826 36465 2635 15194 STD 0030 1827 3647 2634 0017004 0051 15195 127 OBS 0046 1829 36466 2634 15198 STD 0050 1829 3647 2634 0017115 0085 15199 127 OBS 0069 1829 36464 2634 15202 STD 0075 1828 3646 2634 0017193 0128 15203 127 OSS 0091 1826 36464 2635 15205 STD 0100 1825 3647 2635 0017168 0171 15206 STD 0125 1822 3648 2637 0017119 0214 15210 127 OBS 0138 1821 36489 2638 15211 STD 0150 1812 3650 2641 0016813 0256 15211 127 OBS T0183 1790 36519 2648 15210 STD 0200 1787 3651 2648 0016340 0339 15212 STD 0250 1773 3647 2648 0016441 0421 15216 STD 0300 1748 3643 2652 0016289 0503 15216 127 OBS T0368 1699 36385 2660 15212 STD 0400 1674 3633 2661 0015651 0662 15209 127 OBS 0459 1604 36186 2667 15196 STD 0500 1526 3605 2674 0014668 0814 15177 127 OBS T0552 1429 35890 2683 15153 STD 0600 1327 3575 2694 0012930 0952 15125 STD 0700 1135 3550 2712 0011250 1073 15073 127 OBS 0744 35413 STD 0800 0969 3533 2728 0009710 1178 15028 STD 0900 0830 3521 2741 0008440 1268 14992 127 OBS T0940 0782 35174 2746 14979 STD 1000 0723 3616 2753 0007279 1347 14966 STD 1100 0638 3514 2763 0006292 1415 14949 127 OBS 1191 0576 35128 2771 14940 STD 1200 0571 3513 2771 0005554 1474 14939 STD 1300 0521 3511 2776 0005099 1527 14935 STD 1400 0490 3509 2778 0004911 1577 14939 127 OBS T1452 0*80 35081 2778 14944 65 ■ SHIP CODE 31 Qb5 ML LAinUDE V10 35034N LONGITUDC OifaC33W 113 58 02 18 2Q9 1967 E03 013 into 01 ORJGtNATOR*S 190 AIR TEMP, r Gil rtl t(* SAO DTN. M. SOUND VELOCin NOj-N STD 0000 1828 3646 2633 0016987 0000 15190 209 OBS 0000 1828 36455 2633 15190 STD 0010 1828 3646 2633 0017022 0017 15192 STD 0020 1828 3646 2533 0017058 0U34 15194 209 OBS 0025 1828 36456 2533 15195 STD 0030 1828 3646 2633 0017093 0051 15195 STD 0050 1827 3646 2634 0017132 0085 15198 209 OBS 0050 1827 36457 2634 15198 209 OBS 007'. 1629 35453 2533 15203 STD 0075 1829 3545 2633 0017297 0128 15203 STD 0100 1825 3645 2534 0017295 0172 15205 209 OBS 0100 1825 36452 2634 15205 STD 0125 1824 3646 2535 0017304 0215 15210 STO 0150 1823 3647 2635 0017315 0258 15214 209 OBS 0157 1823 35470 2636 15215 STD 0200 1786 3650 2647 0016367 0342 15212 209 OBS T0206 1781 36505 2549 15211 STD 0250 1756 3646 2552 0016100 0424 15211 STO 0300 1728 3641 2655 0015960 0504 15210 STD 0*00 1671 3532 2661 0015573 0562 15208 209 OBS T0418 1661 35300 2562 15208 STD 0500 1529 3606 2674 0014662 0814 15178 209 OBS 0525 1483 35967 2677 15166 STD 0600 1323 3560 2583 0013938 0957 15122 209 OBS 0633 1258 35480 2687 15104 STD 0700 1146 3539 2701 0012257 1087 15076 STD 0800 0990 3528 2721 0010442 1201 15035 209 OBS 0852 0914 35240 2730 15015 STD 0900 0841 3522 2740 0008546 W96 14996 STD 1000 0712 3517 2756 0007037 1374 14952 209 OBS T1056 OE S T1536 0454 3 4993 2771. 14946 72 REFERENCE SHIP CODE n MAKSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NDDC CIM CODE ID. NO. LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE [|y CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM Of S'MPL-S NUMBER ■i/io 10* r MO DAY HR.I/10 DIR. MGT n» SEA TIPt AM 31 1087 AI 34573N 047b^6W 113 it7 OS oz 1^3 I9b7 EO^ OOZ **3d9 16 23 4 X2 3 1 0002 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP, t «,c NO. CODE OBS. •"""^ DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE '"■;'■ DIR. SPEED FO»Cf DRY BULB WET BULB 21 513 166 217 201 7 1. HH 1/10 T CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T "C s •/.. S1GMA-I SPECIFIC VOIUMI ANOMALT-KlO' SAD DVN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/I PO^-P vg - ot/i lOTAl-P NOl-N US - o'/l NO3-N PB ■ ot/l SI 04-Si PB - Ol/l PH i C c 1 STU 0000 2060 5644 2572 0022855 0000 15264 123 OBs OoOO 2060 36438 2572 15254 STD 0010 2051 3644 2574 0022666 0023 15254 STD 0020 2042 3644 2576 0022473 0045 15253 123 OBS 0026 2036 35437 2578 15252 STD 0030 2010 3646 2587 0021542 0067 15245 STD 0050 1911 3554 2619 0018556 0107 15223 123 OBS 0052 1904 35546 2621 15222 STD 007D 1365 3655 2631 0017475 0153 15214 123 OBS 0078 1859 36548 2633 15213 ST3 0100 1813 3650 2641 0016552 0195 15203 123 OBS 0103 1808 36499 2642 15202 STD 0125 1792 3650 2645 0016272 0236 15201 STD 0150 1778 3650 2649 0016042 0277 15201 123 OBS 0155 1776 35494 2649 15201 STD 0200 1768 3650 2651 0015971 0357 15206 123 OBS T0207 1767 36495 2652 15207 STD 0250 1757 3648 2653 0016001 0437 15211 STD 0300 1744 3645 2654 0016043 0517 15215 STD 0'»00 1720 3541 2557 0016115 0678 15224 123 OBS To'iie 1716 35405 2557 15225 STO 0500 1559 3605 2667 0015323 0835 15187 123 OBS 0519 1514 35982 2671 15175 STD 0600 1278 3553 2694 0012817 0975 15108 123 OBS T0620 1214 35545 2700 15088 STO 0700 0300 3503 2732 0008922 1084 14945 STD 0800 0449 3462 2745 0007198 1165 14815 123 OBS 083* 0372 34537 2747 14788 STD 0900 0373 3459 2751 0006512 1234 14800 STD 1000 0375 3467 2757 0006125 1298 14819 123 OBS 1045 0376 34702 2760 14827 STD 1100 0394 3475 2752 0005849 1357 14845 STD 1200 0422 3482 2754 0005776 1416 14874 STD 1300 0442 3489 2758 0005619 1472 14900 123 OBS 1318 0445 34898 2758 14904 STD lifOO 0448 3494 2771 0005435 1528 14920 STO 1500 0452 3498 2774 0005295 1531 14939 123 OBS T1601 0456 35012 2776 14958 73 KEFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUOE l/lo LONGITUDE ■ -l/lll MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL- WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NOOC CI«T coot ID. NO. SQUARE IGMTI YEAR CRUISE NO- STATION NUMBER 10 BOTTOM OBStKVAiiuro STATION NUMBER 10* r MO 1 DAY HR.1/10 DW. HC1 rt* SEA \in AM 31 1087 AI 502 ON 0<.8230W 113 58 06 03 198 1967 E04 003 ^753 06 0^ 0 ^ X^ 4 8 0003 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbil AIR TEMP. x DEPTHS SPECIAL OBStdVATlONS COLOR CODE IIANS. DIR. SPEED Ol roPCf ORY BULB WET BULB 02 SIO 213 206 183 7 10 MtSSEMCI 1 TIME 01 HB VIO CAST NO. CARD TYPE DEPTH tml I 1: s •/.. SIGMA-T iPECIfIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. < loJ SOUND VELOCITTf 03 ml/I TO4-P lOTAl-^ NOj-N yi - ol/l NOj-N i>S - ot/1 SI 0«-Si us - ol/l PH s c c STD nooo 2094 3645 2563 0023678 0000 15263 198 OBS 0000 iOfk 364*7 2563 15263 STD 0010 2076 3645 2568 0023257 0023 15260 STD 0020 2051 3645 2574 0022658 0046 15255 198 03S 0027 2030 36444 2580 15251 STD 0030 2015 3646 2585 0021668 0069 15247 STD 0050 1933 3652 2611 0019253 0110 15229 198 OBS 0053 1923 36523 2614 15227 STD 0075 1877 3655 2628 0017788 0156 15218 198 OBS 0079 1870 36549 2630 15216 STD OlOu 1837 3655 2638 0016874 0199 15210 198 OSS 0105 1831 36554 2640 15210 STD 0125 1829 3655 2640 0016770 0241 15212 STD 0150 1823 3655 2642 0016714 0283 15215 198 OSS 0158 1821 36544 2642 15215 STD 0200 1802 3653 2646 0016531 0366 15217 198 OBS T0211 1797 36524 2646 15217 STD 0250 1784 3651 2648 0016422 0449 15219 STD 0300 1766 3649 2651 0016325 0:'30 15222 STD 0400 1731 3645 2657 0016133 0693 15228 198 OBS T0407 1729 36445 2657 15228 STD 0500 1614 3619 2665 0015614 0851 15206 198 OBS 0503 1608 36180 2665 15204 198 OBS T0581 1407 35787 2680 15149 74 31 L087 LATITUDE VIO il3 4d 06 .0 DAY HH.1/10 i«;7 1967 EO^ 00^ fOICE ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER tmbi) OUL HOiH SAD DYN. M. STO 0000 2033 3642 2578 0022282 0000 15247 127 OBS 0000 2033 36423 2578 15247 STD 0010 2002 3643 2586 0021483 0022 15240 STD 0020 1968 3644 2596 0020593 0043 15233 127 OSS 0024 1954 36452 2601 15230 STD 0030 1925 3648 2610 0019272 0053 15223 127 OBS 0U't7 1864 36520 2629 15209 STD 0050 1860 3652 2630 0017461 oioc 152Q9 127 OBS 0072 1835 36528 2637 15205 STD 0075 1832 3653 2638 0016825 0142 15206 127 OBS 0095 1816 36526 2642 15203 STD 0100 1811 3652 2643 0016469 0184 15203 STD 0125 1792 3650 2645 0016250 0225 15201 127 OBS 0142 1783 36498 2648 15201 STD 0150 1782 3650 2648 0016115 0=_. DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. U") DIR. IKED 01 fOiCE DRY BULB WET BULB 00 soo 244 239 189 7 16 mHSINmIc^s, "«' » NO. HR 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T -C s ■/.. SIGMA-T SPEClfiC VOLUME ANOMAIT-Iia' SAD DTN. M. xioJ SOUND VELOCirr Ol ml/1 K)i-P lOTAL-P vg • ot/l NOl-N WB - ot/1 NO3-N vs - ot/l SI D*-Si tig - ar/l PH s c c STD 0000 2067 3548 2573 0022755 0000 15257 142 OBS 0000 2067 36478 2573 15257 STD 0010 2030 3647 2582 0021903 0022 15248 STD 0020 1999 3646 2590 0021227 0044 15241 1«.2 OBS 0025 1986 36455 2593 15239 STD 0030 1978 3544 2594 0020880 0065 15237 STD 0050 1944 3643 2602 0020177 0105 15231 142 OBS 0050 1944 36430 2502 15231 STD 0075 1894 3550 2620 0018558 0154 15222 142 OBS 0075 1894 35496 2620 15222 STO 0100 1854 3553 2532 0017443 0199 15215 142 OBS 0100 1854 36528 2632 15215 STD 0125 1837 3553 2637 0017078 0243 15214 STD 0150 1816 3654 2643 0015619 0285 15213 142 OBS 0150 1816 36540 2643 15213 STD 0200 1756 3548 2651 0015047 0366 15205 142 OBS 0200 1766 36479 2551 15205 STD 0250 1748 3645 2553 0015021 0447 15208 STD 0300 1729 3641 2555 0015995 0527 15210 STD 0400 1692 3635 2658 0015944 0586 15215 142 OSS T0400 1692 36347 2658 15215 142 OBS 0494 1504 35955 2672 15168 STD 0500 1491 3593 2673 0014777 0840 15164 142 OBS T0584 1312 35624 2587 15116 STD 0600 1265 3558 2693 0012923 0978 15103 STD 0700 1003 3533 2722 0010093 1093 15024 STD 0800 0794 3514 2741 0008197 1185 14950 STD 0900 0536 3501 2753 0005930 1251 14914 142 OBS T0965 0552 34955 2759 14894 STD 1000 0547 3497 2752 0005094 1326 14894 STD 1100 0510 3499 2758 0005549 1384 14896 STD 1200 0481 3502 2773 0005117 1437 14901 142 OBS 1206 0479 35016 2773 14901 STD 1300 0464 3502 2775 0004952 1488 14911 STD 1400 0449 3503 2778 0004817 1536 14922 142 OBS T1448 0442 35028 2778 14927 STD 1500 0433 3502 2779 0004743 1584 14932 STD 1750 0396 3499 2780 0004690 1702 14958 175 OBS T1950 0372 34975 2782 14982 STD 2000 0367 3497 2782 0004645 1819 14988 175 OBS 2415 0333 34964 2785 15044 STD 2500 0327 3495 2785 0004523 2048 15056 n 5 OBS T2846 0310 34949 2785 15108 79 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAK. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES coot ID. NO. 1/10 ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM STATION NUMBER 10' r MO DAV HR.1/10 OIK. MCI H» iEA ^1*^ AM 3ltl087 AI 35030N 0i»7590W U3 bl 06 13 129 1967 E04 009 4397 14 34 0 2 Xi 8 3 0009 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbi) AIR TEMP, t ^°^' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TKANS. DIR. snio FOUCf DRY BULB WET BULB 20 S12 193 228 200 7 13 MllSfNG«lcAST T.MI or NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (m) T t s v.. SIGMA-T SPEC If 1C VOLUME ANOMAIT-»IO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I PO4-P tOTAi-r vg - oT/l NO3-N vg - ol/l NOj-N Mg - ol/l 5104-Si vg - ol/l pH S C c 1 STD 0000 2083 3628 2553 0024686 0000 15259 129 OBS 0000 2083 36282 2553 15269 STl) 0010 2037 3632 2569 0023167 0024 15248 STU 0020 1998 3634 2581 0022070 0O46 15240 129 OBS 0026 1977 36341 2586 16235 STD 0030 1968 3634 2589 0021354 0068 15233 STD 0050 1920 3631 2599 0020453 0110 15223 129 OBS 0051 1917 36305 2599 15222 STD 0075 1843 3626 2615 0019003 0159 16205 129 OBS 0076 1842 36262 2616 15205 STD 0-100 1876 3655 2628 0017817 0205 15222 129 OSS 0101 1877 36557 2629 15222 STD 0125 1859 3655 2633 0017493 0249 15221 STD 0150 1841 3654 2637 0017197 0293 15220 129 OBS 0151 1840 36543 2637 15220 STD 0200 1828 3656 2641 0016944 0378 15224 129 OBS 0203 36560 STD 0250 1803 3653 2645 0016728 0462 15226 STD 0300 1766 3647 2650 0016453 0545 16222 STD 0400 1655 3628 2662 001559! 0706 16203 129 OBS TOiOO 1655 36278 2662 15203 129 OBS 0495 1504 36001 2675 15169 STO 0500 1497 3599 2676 0014472 0856 16167 129 OBS 0589 1346 35769 2691 15130 STD 0600 1312 3572 2694 0012844 0992 15120 STD 0700 1030 3535 2719 0010424 1109 15034 129 OBS 0774 0855 35149 2733 14979 STO 0800 0798 3511 2736 0008480 1203 14962 STO 0900 0620 3499 2754 0006848 1280 14907 129 OBS T0961 0554 34950 2759 14888 STD 1000 0535 3497 2763 0005946 1344 14889 STD 1100 0500 3501 2770 0005297 1400 14892 129 OBS 1189 0473 35022 2775 14896 STD 1200 0470 3502 2775 0004933 1451 14897 STD 1300 0444 3502 2778 0004692 1499 14903 STD 1400 0423 3501 2779 0004586 1546 14911 129 OBS T1429 0418 35001 2779 14913 80 311087 AI LATtTUDE I/IO LONGITUDE ' 'V10 048000W 113 MO DAY HR.1/10 06 17 175 1967 EO^ 010 SFtEO roKi OMONATOR'S BARO- METER 207 00 WEA- THER CODE ■ MesS€NC«lcAST TIMI 0, „o_ HR I/IO SI04-Si STO 0000 2096 3648 2565 0023477 0000 15264 175 OBS 0000 2096 36482 2565 16264 STD 0010 2079 3647 2569 0023161 0023 15261 STD 0020 2056 3646 2574 0022678 0046 15257 175 OBS 0026 2040 36459 2579 15254 STD 0030 2023 3647 2584 0021835 0068 15250 STD 0050 1952 365t) 2605 0019898 Olio 15234 175 OSS 0052 1946 36499 2506 15233 STD 0075 1896 3656 2624 0018119 0168 15223 175 OBS 0078 1890 36564 2626 15222 STD 0100 1870 3657 2631 0017541 0202 15220 175 OBS 0104 1866 36569 2632 15220 STO 0125 1849 3657 2636 0017143 0246 15218 STO 0150 1829 3666 2641 0015785 0288 15217 175 OBS 0156 1825 36559 2642 15216 STD 0200 1794 3652 2547 0016412 0371 15214 175 OBS T0211 1787 36513 2648 15214 STD 0250 1780 3661 2649 0016337 0453 15218 STO 0300 1771 3660 2651 0016335 0535 15224 STD COO 1753 3649 2655 0016336 0698 15235 175 OBS T0409 1751 36488 2655 15236 STD 0500 1693 3636 2569 0016200 0861 15232 175 OBS 0608 1680 36338 2661 15229 STD 0600 1440 3588 2680 0014338 1013 15164 175 OBS T0602 1435 35872 2680 16153 STD 0700 1187 3550 2702 0012238 1145 15091 175 OBS 0798 0962 35229 2721 15024 STD 0800 0957 3523 2722 0010253 1259 15023 STD 0900 0736 3512 2748 0007633 1348 14954 175 OBS T0986 0597 35022 2759 14913 STD 1000 0589 3502 2761 0006306 1418 14912 STD 1100 0528 3502 2768 0005616 1477 14904 STD 1200 0468 3502 2775 0004939 1530 14895 175 OBS 1217 0458 35015 2776 14894 81 SHir CODE 31L0B7 AI LATTTUOE LONGITUDE 35030N 0^8060W 0 DAY HR.l/10 113 58 06 20 130 1967 EO^ Oil ORIGIN ATOrS BARO- METER (mbi) 12 S13 Z3i* 222 20b 7 AIR TEMP. "C 2926 00 0 jO WEA- THER CODE - 3 l2 MH«HGl[cAST HR 1/10 SAO DTN. M. X 10' SOUND VELOCITY NOi-N SI 0*-Si vg • ol/l 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 STO 0000 2108 36*5 2559 002*0*2 0000 15257 OBS 0000 2108 35**7 2559 15267 STD 0010 2071 36*5 2559 0023099 002* 15259 STD 0020 20*3 35*5 2577 0022*17 00*5 15253 OBS 002* 203* 36*51 2580 15251 STO 0030 2033 35*5 2580 0022170 0059 15252 OBS 0047 201* 36*63 2586 15250 STD 0050 2006 36*8 2589 00213*5 0112 152*8 OBS 0071 19*2 35557 2612 15235 STD 0075 1927 3655 2516 0018978 0153 15232 OBS 009* 1870 36526 2628 15219 STD 0100 1862 3652 2530 001769* 0208 15217 STD 0125 183* 3651 2635 0017180 0252 15213 OBS 01*1 1821 35509 2539 15212 STD 0150 1817 3651 26*0 0015850 0295 15212 OBS T0188 1801 36519 26*5 1521* STD 0200 1796 3652 26*6 0016*89 0378 15215 STD 0250 1778 3660 2560 0016320 0*50 15218 STD 0300 1763 36*9 2652 0016223 05*1 15221 OBS T0372 17*8 36*7* 2555 15228 STD 0*00 17*5 35*7 2555 0015287 070* 15232 OBS 0*6* 1738 36*5* 2555 152*1 STO 0500 1718 35*1 2557 0015*2* 0857 152*0 OBS T0556 1662 35303 2662 15231 STD 0600 1581 3613 2668 0015515 1028 15212 STD 0700 1367 3577 2587 0013880 1175 15155 OBS 07*6 1255 35613 2598 1512* STD 0800 1065 35*1 2718 00108*0 1299 1506* STD 0900 0782 3513 27*2 000825* 139* 1*972 OBS T0936 0702 35058 27*8 1*9*5 STD 1000 0626 3502 2755 000585* 1*70 1*926 STD 1100 0532 3*99 2756 0005678 1533 1*905 OBS 1193 0*72 3*969 2770 1*895 STD 1200 0*71 3*97 2771 0005315 1589 1*896 STD 1300 0*59 3*97 2772 0005261 15*2 1*908 STD 1*00 0**7 3*99 2775 0005055 159* 1*920 OBS Tl*52 0**1 35003 2777 1*927 82 Table IV. Observed and interpolated oceanographic data for stations taken by USCGC ABSECON at ocean station ECHO, 17 July-6 August 1967, prepared from NODC listing No. 31-1140 AZ, LONGITUDE ' 'UIO DAT HtLl/lO DUGINATOirS NODC STATK3N NUMBER 113 37 07 17 137 1967 16 07 0001 into 01 FOICE BAItO- MHER (mb«l AW TtMP. "C S iD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITT SIO4-SI STD 0000 2438 3656 2473 0032236 ouoo 15351 137 OBS 0000 2438 36563 2473 15351 STD 0010 2366 3649 2489 0030760 0031 15335 STD 0020 2287 3643 2507 0029037 0061 15316 137 OBS 0027 2226 36393 2522 15301 STD 0030 2191 3638 2531 0026834 0089 15293 STD 0050 1991 3635 2583 0021932 0138 15243 137 OBS 0053 1966 36345 2589 15236 STD 0075 1823 3638 2629 0017683 0188 15200 137 OBS 0080 1802 36391 2635 15195 STD 0100 1768 3640 2644 0016294 0230 15189 137 OBS 0107 1758 36408 2647 15187 STD 0125 1747 3639 2649 0015976 0270 15187 STD 0150 1724 3637 2652 0015694 0310 15184 137 OBS 0160 1712 36360 2655 15182 STD 0200 1649 3623 2660 0015154 0387 15168 137 OBS T0212 1629 36196 2662 15163 STD 0250 1566 3608 2667 0014557 0461 15149 STD 0300 1474 3592 2676 0013891 0533 15126 STD O'.OO 1262 3561 2696 0012122 0663 15069 137 OBS T0427 1198 35528 2702 15051 STD 0500 0998 3528 2719 0009940 0773 14989 137 OBS 0531 0925 35200 2725 14966 STD 0600 0790 3609 2738 0008151 0863 14925 137 OBS T0633 0738 35052 2743 14910 STD 0700 0690 3509 2752 0006823 0938 14903 STD 0800 0623 3512 2764 0005793 1001 14893 137 OBS 0841 0597 35125 2768 14890 STD 0900 0558 3510 2771 0005177 1056 14884 STD 1000 0501 3506 2774 0004828 1106 14877 137 OBS T10<.e 0479 35042 2775 14875 STD 1100 0462 3503 2776 0004648 1154 14877 STD 1200 0435 3502 2779 0004474 1199 14882 STD 1300 0413 3500 2779 0004433 1244 14889 137 OBS 1316 0410 34999 2780 14891 STD 1100 0397 3499 2780 0004391 1288 14899 STD 1500 0387 3498 2781 0004423 1332 14912 137 OBS T1590 0383 34970 2780 14925 83 3lll'.0 AZ LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE 113 <*& 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 STD OBS STO STD OBS STO STD OBS STO OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STO OBS STD STD STD OBS OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STO STD STD OBS STO STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0020 0025 0030 0050 0051 0075 0076 3100 0100 0125 0150 0151 0200 T0203 0250 0300 0400 T0402 0499 0500 T0598 0600 0700 0792 0800 0900 0986 1000 1100 1200 1229 1300 1400 T1472 MO DAY HR.1/10 2474 2474 2362 2246 2187 2106 1872 1864 1789 1787 1763 1763 1756 1740 1739 1676 1672 1577 1480 1298 1295 1134 1131 0880 0876 0712 0598 0592 0523 0478 0473 0444 0421 0416 0405 0395 0392 130 32 S03 ORIGINATOR'S E-5 ■ ADO- METER (mbl) 002 AIR TEMP. "C 3657 36570 3650 3645 36431 3642 3639 36390 3643 36428 3643 35429 3642 3541 36405 3528 36268 3612 3597 3566 35650 35447 3544 35135 3513 3505 35008 3501 3500 35000 3500 3500 3499 34992 3499 3498 34970 257 4755 NO. OBS. DEPTHS SAD DYN. M. 2463 2463 2491 2521 2535 2558 2617 2519 2641 2541 2647 2647 2648 2651 2652 2657 2657 2658 2578 2592 2692 2708 2708 2728 2728 2745 2758 2759 2767 2772 2773 2775 2778 2778 2779 2780 2779 0033221 0000 15 35 0 |2 WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMBER 0002 SOUND VELOCITY NO2-N MS - al/l SI 0*-Si va - ol/l 0030575 0027772 0024277 0018686 0016542 0015996 0015998 0015789 0014494 0013676 0012493 0032 0061 0087 0130 0174 0215 0255 0294 0015404 0372 0447 0518 0648 0011136 0767 0009211 0868 0007440 0952 0006187 1020 0005414 1078 0004903 1129 0004665 1177 0004492 1223 0004403 1267 0004438 1312 15360 15360 15334 15306 15292 15271 15210 15208 15191 15191 15188 15188 15190 15189 15189 15177 15175 15153 15129 15082 15081 15039 15038 14959 14958 14911 14881 14880 14858 14854 14864 14869 14876 14879 14885 14898 14909 84 - SHIP CODE 3ltL1^0 AZ LATITUDE 1/10 3il59 N LONGITUDE ' '1/10 0^800 W 113 ^8 07 19 131 1967 E-5 003 SPEED fO«C( ORIGINATOR'S SAitO- METEIt ^261 15 3^ 0 |2 WEA- THER CODE NODC STATION NUMSEII 0003 TOTAL-P vg - ot/l SIO«-S) 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 STD 0000 2510 3656 2451 0034375 0000 15358 OBS 0000 2510 36555 2451 15368 STD 0010 2412 3649 2475 0032060 0033 15346 STD 0020 2310 3644 2502 0029599 0054 15322 OBS 0025 2259 36420 2515 15310 STD 0030 2197 3640 2531 0026850 0092 15295 STD 0050 1992 3635 2583 0021971 0141 15243 OBS 0050 1992 36348 2583 15243 STD 0075 1834 3635 2624 0018185 0191 15203 OBS 0075 1834 36347 2624 15203 STD 0100 1762 3636 2643 0016444 0235 15187 OBS 0100 1762 36364 2643 15187 STD 0125 1744 3636 2647 0016124 0275 15185 STD 0150 1720 3636 2653 0015657 0315 15182 OBS 0150 1720 36360 2653 15182 OBS T0199 1652 36211 2657 15158 STD 0200 1651 3621 2657 0015359 0393 15168 STD 0250 1572 3607 2665 0014759 0458 15150 STD 0300 1485 3593 2674 0014044 0540 15130 STD O'tOO 1286 3565 2694 0012278 0572 15078 OBS 0401 1284 35650 2695 15077 STD 0500 1053 3533 2713 0010554 0786 15009 OBS 0500 1053 35327 2713 15009 STD 0600 0791 3508 2737 0008254 0880 14925 OBS T0600 0791 35078 2737 14925 STD 0700 0672 3506 2753 0006784 0955 14895 STD 0800 0580 3505 2754 0005714 1017 14875 OBS 0802 0578 35049 2764 14875 STD 0900 0520 3503 2770 0005168 1072 14857 STD 1000 0473 3502 2774 0004793 1122 14664 OBS T1006 0471 35014 2774 14865 STD 1100 0446 3501 2777 0004588 1159 14870 STD 1200 0425 3501 2779 0004418 1214 14878 OBS 1256 0415 35006 2780 14883 STD 1300 0408 3500 2780 0004368 1258 14887 STD 1400 0396 3499 2780 0004400 1301 14899 STD 1500 0389 3497 2780 0004493 1346 14913 OBS T1506 0389 34973 2730 14914 85 UFERCNCE SHIP coot LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' -i/io ii MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL- WAVE 1 WEA- THM CODE CLOUD CODES NODC crw cool 10. NO. SQUARE IGMTI YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMIER TO lOTTOM OBSt«v«iiun> STATION NUMBER io- r MO DAY H R.1/10 DIR. HOT FEt StA n« AMI 31 L14U AZ 3457 N 04759 W ns 47 07 20 124 1967 E-5 004 4617 15 30 0 2 XI 8 6 0004 WATER WIND RARC . AIR TEMP. TC 1 NO. SPECIAL 0ISERVAT10NS COLOR CODE l*»Nt DIR. s»teD 01 fOtCi METER (mbil DRY lULB WET BULR '°°' DEPTHS 35 S03 282 26 23 7 1 l"* CASO TtfE DEPTH Iml T 1: S '/„ SIGMA-T SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-110' SAD DYN. M. X IqI SOUND VELOCITY 03 ml/I P04-P tOT*l-P NO3-N tig - ol/l NO,-N Kg . ol/l SI 04-Si VB . ot/l pH HK 1/10 STD 0000 2562 3656 2435 0035881 0000 15380 124 OBS 0000 2562 36558 2435 15380 STD 0010 2482 3651 2456 0033925 0035 15363 STD 0020 2381 3646 2482 0031439 0068 15340 124 OBS 0025 2322 36439 2498 15325 STD 0030 2230 3641 2522 0027665 0097 15303 STD 0050 1948 3635 2595 0020834 0146 15231 124 OBS 0050 1948 36353 2595 15231 STD 0075 1795 3639 2637 0016931 0193 15192 124 OBS 0075 1795 36392 2637 15192 STD 0100 1768 3641 2645 0015251 0234 15189 124 OBS 0100 1768 36410 2645 15189 STD 0125 1747 3639 2648 0016020 0275 15187 STD 0150 1716 3636 2654 0015550 0314 15181 124 OBS 0151 1715 36361 2654 15181 STD 0200 1626 3620 2563 0014855 0390 15160 124 OBS T0201 1624 36195 2663 15150 STD 0250 1567 3609 2668 0014507 0454 15149 STD 0300 1495 3598 2676 0013901 0535 15133 STD 0400 1311 3570 2693 0012430 0666 15087 124 OBS 0404 1303 35688 2694 15084 STD 0500 1073 3536 2712 0010668 0782 15017 124 OBS 0503 1066 35353 2713 15015 STO 0600 0830 3510 2733 0008598 0879 14941 124 OBS T0607 0817 35088 2734 14937 STD 0700 0722 3509 2748 0007294 0959 14915 STD 0800 0640 3510 2760 0006181 1026 14900 124 OBS 0805 0637 35102 2761 14900 STD 0900 0593 3511 2767 0005564 1085 14898 STD 1000 0545 3512 2774 0004950 1137 14895 124 OBS 1005 0543 35125 2774 14895 STD 1100 0481 3505 2777 0004677 1185 14885 STD 1200 0433 3501 2778 0004521 1231 14881 124 OBS 1257 0413 34988 2778 14882 STD 1300 0409 3499 2779 0004491 1276 14888 STO 1400 0400 3498 2779 0004513 1321 14900 STD 1500 0390 3497 2779 0004531 1357 14913 124 OBS T1502 0390 34971 2780 14913 86 31(11^0 AZ LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' '1/10 0^73it W 113 37 07 21 132 1967 SKEO Ol FOICE ORIGINATOR'S 005 BARO- METER 00 WEA- THER CODE NOOC STATION NUMBER 0005 roiAL-^ HB-Ol/I STD 0000 2540 3653 2439 0035448 0000 15375 132 OBS 0000 2540 36528 2439 15375 STD 0010 2450 3648 2463 0033218 0034 15355 STD 0020 2348 3645 2491 0030584 0066 15331 132 OBS 0025 2292 36430 2506 15318 STD 0030 2211 3642 2528 0027081 0095 15298 STD 0050 1970 3639 2592 0021137 0143 15238 132 OBS 0050 1970 36387 2692 15238 STD 0075 1861 3635 2617 0018835 0193 15211 132 OBS 0075 1861 36347 2617 15211 STD 0100 1758 3636 2643 0015387 0237 15185 132 OBS 0100 1758 36359 2643 15185 STD 0125 1739 3636 2648 0015037 0278 15184 STD 0150 1715 3636 2654 0015573 0317 15181 132 OBS 0150 1715 35357 2654 15181 STD 0200 1653 3625 2660 0015099 0394 15169 132 OBS T0201 1652 36248 2660 15169 STD 0250 1584 3612 2566 0014663 0458 15155 STD 0300 1506 3599 2674 0014054 0540 15137 ^ STD 0400 1324 3571 2691 0012615 0674 15091 132 OBS TOiOS 1308 35684 2692 15087 STD 0500 1108 3541 2710 0010934 0791 15030 132 OBS OSO^t 1099 35395 2710 15027 STD 0600 0858 3513 2731 0008922 0B91 14951 132 OBS T0607 0844 35120 2732 14947 STD 0700 0723 3512 2750 0007117 0971 14915 STD 0800 0625 3511 2763 0005881 1036 14894 132 OBS 0809 0618 35112 2764 14893 STD 0900 0576 3510 2759 0005401 1092 14891 STD 1000 0531 3509 2773 0004994 1144 14889 132 OBS T1012 0526 35091 2774 14889 STD 1100 0477 3505 2775 0004597 1193 14883 STD 1200 0435 3502 2779 0004474 1239 14882 132 OBS 1266 0414 35002 2779 14884 .. STD 1300 0411 3499 2779 0004476 1283 14888 STD 1400 0401 3498 2779 0004518 1328 14901 STD 1500 0392 3497 2779 0004555 1374 14914 132 OBS T1516 0390 34969 2779 14915 87 REFERENCE SHIP CODE LATITUDE l/IO LONGITUDE * '1/10 'i MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE n WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CUT COD( )D. NO. SQUARE IGMT) TEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER 10* r MO OAT HR.1/10 DIR. Hci nt lEA TT« AMT 31 1140 AZ 34577N OASIUW 113 48 07 2Z 135 1957 E-5 005 i*57Z 15 15 0 2 XI 8 2 0006 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mbl) AIR TEMP. X "».dEs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. 01R. SPEED OP FOICE DRY BULB WET BULB 00 soo 298 28 24 7 1^ MESIENCI fA^I ""' •: NO. Hft 1/10 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml t -c s ■/„ SIGMA-T SPECIPIC VOLUME AN0MALT-11B' SAD OYN. M. X I0> SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I lOIAL-P vg ■ 91/1 NOl-N UB • Dl/I NOj-N wg - al/l SI 04-Si »8 - "t/l pH C c STO 0000 2521 3558 2418 0037460 ouoo 15394 136 OBS 0000 2621 36583 2418 15394 STD 0010 2468 3649 2458 0033555 0036 15359 STD 0020 2333 3643 2494 0030310 0058 15327 135 OBS 0024 2283 35412 2507 15315 STD 0030 2219 3641 2526 0027369 0095 15300 135 OBS 0049 2035 36387 2574 15255 STD 0050 2025 3638 2577 0022576 0146 15252 135 OBS 0074 1841 36355 2622 15205 STD g075 1837 3536 2624 0018153 0197 15204 136 OBS 0098 1770 35378 2642 15189 STD 0100 1759 3538 2542 0015507 0241 15189 STD 0125 1749 3638 2647 0016103 0281 15187 135 OBS 0149 1727 36384 2553 15185 ST3 0150 1725 3538 2553 0015660 0321 15184 STO 0200 1565 3627 2559 0015255 0398 15173 136 OBS 0200 1665 36269 2559 15173 STD 0250 1550 3606 2657 0014571 0473 15147 STO 0300 1458 35S8 2576 0013844 0544 15120 STD 0400 1268 3550 2594 0012312 0675 15071 135 OBS T0403 1263 35591 2594 15070 STD 0500 1097 3543 2713 0010588 0789 15026 135 OBS 0504 1090 35425 2714 15024 STD 0600 0905 3523 2731 0008951 0887 14970 136 OBS T0606 0895 35220 2732 14968 STD 0700 0757 3515 2748 0007379 0959 14930 STD 0800 0540 3510 2760 0006181 1035 14900 135 OBS 0809 0631 35095 2751 14898 STD 0900 0552 3508 2768 0005415 1094 14885 STD 1000 0502 3505 2774 0004893 1145 14877 136 OBS 1011 0497 35050 2774 14877 STD 1100 0471 3505 2777 0004518 1193 14881 STD 1200 0446 3504 2779 0004470 1239 14887 136 OBS 1264 0432 35035 2780 14892 STD 1300 0425 3503 2780 0004359 1283 14895 STD 1400 0407 3501 2781 0004375 1327 14904 STD 1500 0393 3499 2781 0004428 1371 14915 135 OBS T1510 0392 34987 2781 1A916 88 REFERENCE SHIP CODE Si MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- CLOUD CODES NODC CT«T CODE ID. NO. LATnUOE VIO LONGITUDE CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER aonoM OF S'MPL'S CODE NUMBER 10- r MO DAY HR.1/1Q DUL HS1 PERj UA TYPE AM 31 L140 AZ 3500 N 0'+7d6 W 113 57 07 23 124 1967 E-5 007 4389 15 13 0 3 1 XI 8 1 0007 WATER WIND BARO- METER bnbil AIR TEMP, t ==».oEs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IWNJ. DIR. S«tD 01 FOtCE DRY BULB WET BULB 00 soo 328 29 24 8 1. HH I/IO 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Im) T "C s v.. SIGMA-T SKClfIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XlO' SAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOcmr Oj ml/1 PO4-P rOTAL-F NO3-N NO3-N VS - ol/l SI 04-Si PH S C c 1 STO 0000 2646 3651 2413 0037990 0000 15400 124 OBS 0000 2546 36514 2413 15400 STO 0010 2444 3553 2469 0032686 0035 15354 STD 0020 2276 3646 2513 0028519 0066 15314 IZU OBS 0025 2205 36427 2531 15296 STD 0030 2153 3639 2542 0025751 0093 15283 STO 0050 1976 3531 2584 0021830 0141 15238 126 OBS 0050 1976 35312 2584 15238 STO 0075 1828 3635 2525 0018035 0190 15201 la^. OBS 0075 1828 36348 2525 15201 STD 0100 1814 3638 2631 0017592 0235 15202 121. OBS 0100 1814 35375 2631 15202 STD 0125 1765 3638 2643 0016500 0278 15192 STD 0150 1727 3639 2553 0015625 0318 1518f 124 OBS 0151 1726 35388 2553 15185 STD 0200 1677 3628 2557 0015412 0395 15177 124 OBS T0201 1576 36280 2557 15177 STD 0250 1598 3514 2665 0014827 0471 15159 STD 0300 1514 3599 2672 0014236 0544 15140 STO 0400 1334 3572 2690 0012744 0679 15095 124 OBS T0408 1319 35701 2591 15091 STO 0500 1138 3547 2709 0011046 0797 15041 124 OBS 0505 1127 35457 2710 15038 STO 0500 0898 3520 2730 0009056 0898 14967 124 OBS T0504 0890 35195 2731 14965 STD 0700 0745 3514 2749 0007270 0980 14925 STD 0800 0534 3510 2751 0006095 1045 14897 124 OSS 0809 0525 35095 2752 14896 STD 0900 0586 3509 2767 0005605 1105 14895 STD 1000 0542 3509 2772 0005144 1159 14894 124 OBS T1012 0537 35092 2773 14894 STD 1100 0492 3506 2775 0004823 1209 14890 STD 1200 0452 3503 2778 0004622 1256 14889 124 OBS 1263 0432 35016 2779 14891 STD 1300 0422 3 501 2779 0004454 1301 14893 STD 1400 0403 3500 2781 0004374 1345 14902 STD 1500 0395 3499 2781 0004426 1389 14915 124 OBS T1509 0395 34993 2781 14917 89 SHIP CODE 31L140 AZ LATHUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' '1/10 04754 W 113 57 07 24 132 1967 OWGINATOR'S E-5 lARO* METER [mbil 323 008 AM TEMf. "C NO. OBS. DEPTHS NOOC STATION NUMBER 0 2 SAD DtN. M. X 10^ IOT*l-f US • oi/l NOj-N NO3-N STD 0000 2622 3660 2419 0037374 0000 15394 132 OBS 0000 2622 36599 2419 15394 STD 0010 2569 3658 2434 0035972 0037 15384 STD 0020 2490 3655 2456 0033911 0072 15367 132 OBS 0026 2430 36521 2472 15353 STD 0030 2361 3648 2490 0030772 0104 15337 STD 0050 2087 3636 2558 0024314 0159 15269 132 OBS 0052 2066 36357 2564 15264 STD 0075 1921 3638 2604 0020083 0215 15228 132 OBS 0077 1910 36379 2607 15225 STD 0100 1807 3635 2631 0017578 0262 15200 132 OBS 0102 1800 36352 2632 15198 STD 0125 1770 3637 2641 0016667 0304 15193 STD 0150 1739 3639 2651 0015868 0345 15188 132 OBS 0154 1734 36396 2652 15188 STD 0200 1680 3630 2658 0015350 0423 15178 132 OBS T0206 1672 36287 2659 15176 STD 0250 1615 3618 2664 0014915 0499 15155 STD 0300 1542 3605 2670 0014406 0572 15149 STD 0400 1366 3576 2686 0012955 0709 15106 132 OBS T0408 1350 35757 2689 15102 STD 0500 1150 3549 2708 0011122 0829 15046 132 OBS 0509 1130 35469 2710 15040 STD 0600 0923 3523 2728 0009249 0931 14977 132 OBS T0611 0901 35208 2730 14970 STD 0700 0750 3516 2749 0007228 1014 14927 STD 0600 0626 3510 2762 0005998 1080 14894 132 OBS 0814 0613 35090 2753 14891 STD 0900 0575 3509 2768 0005461 1137 14890 STD 1000 0534 3510 2773 0004998 1189 14890 132 OBS 1017 0527 35098 2774 14890 STD 1100 0495 3508 2777 0004716 1238 14891 STD 1200 0461 3506 2779 0004520 1284 14893 132 OBS 1271 0440 35044 2780 14896 STD 1300 0432 3504 2781 0004387 1329 14898 STD 1400 0408 3501 2781 0004386 1372 14904 STD 1500 0390 3498 2780 0004462 1417 14913 132 OBS T1524 0386 34972 2780 14915 90 REFERENCE SHIP CODE MASSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S depth MAX, WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CTIT coot ID. NO. lATRUDE l/IO LONCnUDE ' VIO CRUISe NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM Of S'MPL'S NUMBER 10- V MO DAY HR.1/10 DtR. HGI «1 St A Tin AM 31 L140 AZ 3^58 N 04800 W 113 48 07 25 126 1967 E-5 009 ^+206 14 00 0 X XI 8 3 0009 WATER WIND lARO- METER tmbt) AIR TEMP. X: NO. =-dE^hs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANL DIR. SPtEO 01 FOICE DRY BULB WET BULB 12 S04 322 263 243 8 1. •*""«« IcAST TiMl 0. NO, HR I/IO I CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml I X. s •/.. SIGMA-T SftCiriC VOLUMf ANOMALT-HO' SAD DYN. M. I 10^ SOUND VELOCITY 03 -"I/I P04-P Vfl - al/l lOTAi-r Hg - ol/l NO3-N vg - 0./I NOj-N UB • ol/l SIOi-Si vg - ot/l pH C c STO 0000 2594 3659 2428 0036573 0000 15388 128 08S 0000 2594 36594 2428 15388 STD 0010 2400 3649 2479 0031719 0034 15343 STD 0020 2238 3641 2520 0027844 0064 15304 128 OBS 0023 2196 36398 2531 15293 STO 0030 2122 3639 2551 0024934 0090 15275 128 OBS 0048 1955 36379 2595 15233 STD 0050 1934 3638 2601 0020252 0136 15228 128 OBS 0072 1786 36385 2638 15189 STO 0075 1788 3640 2639 0016708 0182 15191 128 OBS 0095 1794 36442 2641 15196 STD 0100 1788 3644 2642 0016504 0223 15195 STO 0125 1760 3642 2648 0016077 0264 15191 128 OBS 014'! 1743 36406 2651 15189 ST3 0150 1740 3640 2651 0015840 0304 15189 128 OBS T0192 1712 36370 2655 15187 STD 0200 1696 3634 2657 0015426 0382 15183 STD 0250 1600 3614 2664 0014872 0458 15160 STD 0300 1511 3598 2672 0014244 0531 15139 128 OBS T0374 1394 35792 2683 15111 STO 0400 1369 3577 2686 0013089 0667 15107 128 OBS 0465 1272 35652 2697 15034 STO 0500 U83 3553 2705 0011448 0790 15057 128 OBS T0557 1049 35364 2717 15018 STD 0600 0951 3527 2726 0009425 0894 14988 STO 0700 0771 3512 2743 0007813 0981 14935 128 OBS 0740 0718 35087 2748 14920 STO 0800 0682 3512 2756 0006641 1053 14917 STO 0900 0623 3514 2765 0005789 1115 14910 128 OBS 0922 0610 35142 2767 14909 STD 1000 0561 3512 2772 0005199 1170 14902 STD 1100 0507 3508 2775 0004877 1^20 14896 128 OBS 1149 0484 35066 2777 14894 STD 1200 0463 3505 2778 0004620 1268 14894 STD 1300 0428 3501 2779 0004555 1314 14896 128 OBS T1372 0410 34982 2778 14900 91 REFERENCE SKIP CODE LATITUDE T/10 LONGITUDE ii MARSDEN STATION T ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL- WAVE n WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES NODC CT«T coot ID. NO. SQUARE IGMTl YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OBSkKVAIlUN^ STATION NUMBER 10* r MOl DAV H R.1/10 DHL HGI H« SfA T*»l AW 31 I 140 AZ jSOSSN 0 4 7 3 7 5 W 113 57 J7 27 124 l 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 STD 0000 2641 3666 2418 0037493 0000 15399 OBS 0000 2641 36662 2418 15399 STD 0010 2498 3655 2454 0034103 0036 15367 STD 0020 2362 3647 2489 0030832 0068 15335 OBS 0023 2322 36450 2499 15326 STD 0030 2220 3641 2525 0027396 0097 15301 OBS 0046 2035 36366 2573 15254 STD 0050 2004 3638 2582 0022043 0147 15247 OBS 0070 1880 36424 2618 15216 STD 0075 1859 3641 2622 0018330 0197 15211 OBS 0093 1799 36392 2636 15197 STD 0100 1792 3640 2638 0016889 0^41 15196 STD 0125 1769 3642 2645 0016288 0283 15193 OBS 0140 1759 36431 2649 15193 STD 0150 1757 3643 2649 0016019 0323 15194 OBS T0ie6 1743 36425 2652 15196 STD 0200 1720 3637 2653 0015762 0403 15191 STD 0250 1640 3621 2660 0015259 0480 15173 STD 0300 1566 3607 2667 0014786 0555 15167 OBS T0358 1474 35921 2676 15137 STD 0400 1442 3588 2679 0013801 0698 15132 oes 0456 1370 35794 2688 15117 STD 0500 1294 3569 2696 0012434 0829 15097 OBS TP546 1209 35582 2704 15075 STD 0600 1073 3541 2716 0010532 0944 15034 STD 0700 0870 3519 2733 0008865 1041 14973 OBS 0722 0834 35159 2737 14963 STD 0800 0750 3516 2749 0007360 1122 14944 OBS T0896 0658 35164 2763 14924 STD 0900 0654 3516 2763 0006089 1190 14923 STD 1000 0567 3511 2770 0005356 1247 14904 STD 1100 0501 3506 2774 0004943 1298 14893 OBS 1121 0490 35056 2775 14892 STD 1200 0456 3503 2777 0004675 1346 14891 STD 1300 0432 3501 2778 0004607 1393 14898 OBS T1366 0427 35004 2778 14906 95 REFERtNCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD COOES NOOC CKY CODE ID. NO. LATITUOe V10 * '1/10 CHUtSE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM Of S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* 1* MO DAY HR.1/10 DlR. HGI PER SEA iirpt AM 31 1140 AZ 35031N 0475BbW 113 57 07 31 126 19d7 E-5 014 42J6 16 30 1 2 XI 8 4 0014 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbil AIR TEMP. X v.? NO. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. into FO»Cf DRY euLB WET BULB 30 SIl 286 26 2^ 7 1. MESStNCO CAST TIM! 0/-N0. HR VID CARD TY^E DEPTH Im) T 1C s v.. StGUA-T SflCIHC VOlUMf ANOMALt-llO' IAD DYN. M. SOUND VELOCITY Oj "il/l PO<-P rOT*L-P «9 - ,./l NOj-N ug - Ol/I NO3-N MB - o'/l SlO^-Si vg - Ql/1 pH s c c 1 STD 0000 2627 3663 2420 0037302 0000 15396 126 OBS 0000 2627 36630 • 2420 15396 STD 0010 2452 3662 2466 0032988 0035 16365 STD 0020 2298 3644 2606 0029268 0066 16319 126 OBS 0026 2216 36409 2526 15299 STD 0030 2164 3541 2641 0025876 0094 15286 STD 0060 1966 3644 2696 0020682 0140 16237 126 OBS 0052 1952 36438 2600 15234 STD 0075 1868 3545 2623 0018207 0189 15214 126 OBS 0079 1856 35460 2627 15211 STD 0100 1803 3646 2540 0016714 0233 15200 126 OBS 010<. 1795 35455 2542 16198 STD 0125 1771 3644 2646 0016190 0274 15194 STD 0150 1748 3542 2660 0016882 0311, 15191 126 OBS 0156 1744 36411 2551 15191 STD 0200 1729 3639 2553 0015826 0393 15194 126 OBS 10209 1724 36383 2553 15194 STD 0250 1665 3626 2658 0016462 0471 15181 STD 0300 1590 3612 2565 0014953 0647 15165 STD 0400 1431 3586 2679 0013788 0691 15128 126 OSS T0'*22 1395 35796 2683 15119 STD 0600 1262 3561 2596 0012386 0822 16085 126 OBS 0623 1221 35661 2700 15076 STD 0600 1070 3537 2714 0010770 0938 16032 126 OBS T0627 1020 35317 2718 16018 STD 0700 0885 3623 2734 0008818 1036 14979 STD 0800 0737 3614 2750 0007315 1116 14938 126 OBS 0837 0693 35121 2754 14927 STO 0900 0548 3512 2761 0006295 1184 14920 STD 1000 0683 3511 2758 0006580 1244 14910 126 OBS 10'«5 0557 35104 2771 14907 STD 1100 0626 3508 2773 0006122 1297 14903 STD 1200 0476 3605 2776 0004793 13i.7 14899 STD 1300 0439 3502 2778 0004526 1394 14901 126 OBS 1306 0437 35018 2778 14901 STD 1400 0413 3500 2779 0004527 14<,0 14906 STD 1500 0400 3499 2780 0004621 1485 14917 126 DBS T1566 0397 34983 2780 14927 96 REFEKENCE ~ MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOH-S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH WAVE WEA- CLOUD NODC CT«r CODE ID. NO. CODE LATITUDE I/IO LONGITUDE * -i/io Si SQUARE (GMTI YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL- OBSERVATIONS THER CODE COOES NUMBES 10- r MO DAY HR.l/10 DIIL Hci »m SE* ITPl AM 31 UitO AZ Sitse N 0 XI 8 5 0017 WATER WIND BARO- METER (mb() AIR TEMP. -C DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. SPEED Ot DRY BULS WET BULB 06 310 278 268 233 7 1. HR 1/10 T CARD TYPE DEPTH tl OIR. snco DRY euLB WET auLB 06 S16 139 Zh^ 239 7 I'. MisStNCilcAST umI 0. NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH 1ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T srtciric voiuMt ANOMALT-HO' SAD OYN. M, X lo' SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/I PO4-P rOT*L-P ve- <»/i NOj-N vg - ot/1 NO3-N VS - Ol/l SIO«-Si ne-oi/1 pH ! C C 1 STD 0000 2530 3640 2432 0036097 0000 15371 194 OBS 0000 2530 36397 2432 15371 STD 0010 2531 3640 2432 0036169 0036 15373 STD 0020 2533 3640 2432 0036242 0072 15375 19'. OBS 0023 2533 36399 2432 15375 STD 0030 2533 3640 2432 0036271 0109 15377 194 OBS 0045 2532 36405 2432 15379 STD 0050 2423 3645 2469 0032824 0178 15354 194 OBS 0066 2161 36541 2552 15293 STD 0075 2100 3655 2569 0023374 0248 15279 194 OBS 0089 2017 36568 2593 15259 STD 0100 1988 3656 2600 0020521 0303 15253 STD 0125 1927 3655 2615 0019159 0352 15240 194 OBS 0133 36544 STD 0150 1873 3654 2628 0017994 0399 15229 194 OBS T0174 1830 36524 2638 15220 STD 0200 1821 3652 2640 0017058 0486 1522<: STD 0250 1801 3652 2645 0016752 0571 15224 STD 0300 1780 3650 2649 0016568 0654 15226 194 OBS T0367 1748 36453 2653 15227 STD 0400 1740 3644 2654 0016393 0819 15230 194 OBS 0475 1690 36342 2658 15227 STD 0500 1657 3627 2661 0016017 0981 15220 194 OSS 0591 1526 36026 2672 15192 STO 0600 1510 3600 2674 0014980 1136 15188 STD 0700 1335 3571 2689 0013654 1279 15144 STO 0800 1158 3547 2705 0012142 1408 15097 194 OBS 0837 1092 35392 2711 15079 STD 0900 0949 3527 2727 0010005 1519 15037 STD 1000 0761 3512 2745 0008165 1610 14981 194 OBS 1093 0628 35020 2755 14943 STD 1100 0624 3502 2756 0006964 lfa85 14942 STO 1200 0572 3503 2763 0006293 1752 14938 STD 1300 0527 3503 2769 0005732 1812 14937 STD 1400 0489 3504 2774 0005270 1867 14938 194 OBS 1419 0483 35040 2775 14939 STD 1500 0469 3503 2777 0005026 1918 14942 194 OBS T1746 0413 34987 2778 14964 107 SHIP CODE 31116^ ML LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' 'l/IO 35050N 047520W DAY HR.I/10 113 57 10 02 127 1967 E06 006 SFEfO fOtCt ORIGINATOR'S BARO- METER 07 Gri »« SfA 3 l5 NODC STATION NUMBER 0006 SOUND VELOCITY POi-P ve - oi/i SI 0^-Si 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 STD 0000 2503 3645 2445 0034905 0000 15365 OBS 0000 2503 36453 2445 15365 STD 0010 2503 3645 2445 0034958 0035 15367 STD 0020 2504 3645 2445 0035011 0070 15369 OBS 0024 2504 36453 2445 15369 STD 0030 2450 3648 2463 0033300 0104 15358 STD 0050 2277 3653 2518 0028131 0166 15320 OBS 0050 2277 36534 2518 15320 STD 0075 2078 3653 2574 0022932 0229 15273 OBS 0075 2078 36532 2574 15273 STD t)100 1960 3657 2608 0019767 0283 15245 OBS 0100 1960 36567 2608 15245 STD 0125 1899 3655 2623 0018469 0330 15232 STD 0150 1854 3653 2632 0017605 0376 15223 OBS 0151 1852 36529 2633 15223 STD 0200 1807 3651 2643 0016795 0462 15218 OBS 70204 1804 36507 2643 15218 STD 0250 1797 3648 2643 0016917 0546 15223 STD 0300 1783 3646 2645 0016943 0631 15227 STD 0400 1730 3641 2664 0016396 0797 15227 OBS 0409 1724 36402 2655 15227 STO 0600 1650 3627 2662 0015856 0958 15218 OBS 0511 1636 36250 2664 15215 STD 0600 1473 3596 2679 0014466 1110 15176 OBS 0615 1446 35917 2581 15159 STO 0700 1290 3566 2694 0013102 1248 15128 STD 0800 nil 3542 2710 0011618 1372 16080 OBS 0822 1072 35380 2714 15070 STD 0900 0919 3528 2733 0009414 1477 16026 STD 1000 0757 3518 2750 0007663 1562 14980 OBS 1027 0720 35151 2753 14970 STD 1100 0647 3510 2759 0006718 1634 14952 STD 1200 0564 3504 2765 0006083 1698 14935 OBS 1286 0508 35002 2769 14926 STD 1300 0500 3500 2770 0005590 1756 14925 STD 1400 0455 3499 2774 0005132 1810 14924 STO 1500 0429 3499 2777 0004930 1850 14929 OBS T1544 0423 34984 2777 14934 108 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION Tl ME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX WAVE WEA- IHEB CODE CLOUD CODES CT«Y CODE ID. NO. 1/10 LONGITUDE ' '1/10 CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S-MPL'S STATION NUMBER 10- r MO DAY HR.1/10 DHL MGl ft* SEA I'K AM 31 L164 ML 34580N 048135W 113 48 10 03 144 1967 £06 007 4572 15 3 0 3 4 8 2 0007 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imb») AIR TEMP. TC -.Es SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. OIR. into OR fOICf DRY euLB WET BULB 31 S12 146 244 233 7 14 TIMf or no. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH Iml T -C s •/„ SIGMA-T SPECIfIC VOLUME ANOMAl'-IlO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Oi ml/1 PO<-P lOTAL-P UB - ol/r NOl-N ve - ot/i NOj-N V9 ■ ol/l SI O^-Si tig - or/I pH S c c 1 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 STO 0000 2541 3552 2439 0035521 0000 15375 OBS 0000 2541 36522 2439 15375 STD 0010 2539 3552 2439 0035344 0035 15375 STD 0020 2538 3551 2439 0035574 0071 15377 OBS 0025 2537 35511 2439 15378 STD 0030 2485 3551 2455 0034095 0106 15367 STD 0050 2281 3661 2515 0028421 0168 153^0 OBS 005U 2281 35509 2515 15320 STD 0075 2033 3657 2589 0021528 0231 15251 OBS 0075 2025 36558 2591 15259 STD 0100 1939 3656 2613 0019265 0282 15239 OBS 0101 1936 35554 2514 15239 STD 0125 1894 3655 2624 0018324 0329 15231 STD 0150 1858 3654 2532 0017623 0374 16225 OBS 0152 1856 36540 2633 15224 STD 0200 1816 3652 2541 0016974 0460 16220 OBS T0207 1611 35511 2542 15220 STO 0250 1800 3551 2545 0016601 0545 15224 STD 0300 1782 3650 2548 0015615 0628 16227 STD 0400 1732 3543 2655 0015277 0793 16226 OBS T0402 1731 36425 2655 15226 STD 0500 1553 3630 2652 0015953 0954 15222 oas 0500 1563 35298 2662 16222 STO 0500 1477 3595 2677 0014525 1107 15177 OBS 0501 1475 35946 2577 15175 STD 0700 1314 3571 2693 0013247 1246 15137 STD 0600 1132 3547 2710 0011585 1371 15088 OBS 0801 1130 35462 2710 16088 STD 0900 0889 3623 2734 0009270 1476 15014 STD 1000 0712 3509 2749 00U7651 1360 14951 06S 1000 0712 35086 2749 14961 STD llOU 0644 3509 2758 0006776 1532 14951 STD 1200 0586 3509 2766 0006063 1595 14945 OBS 1249 0561 35086 2769 14943 STD 1300 0538 3506 2771 0005544 1755 14942 STD 1400 0500 3507 2775 0005197 1806 14943 OBS T1495 0474 35048 2776 14948 109 - SHIP CODE LATITUDE VIO ili.lb'* 35000N LONGITUDE * -i/io 113 58 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 161 161 151 161 161 STD OBS STO STD OBS STD STO OBS STD OBS STD OBS STO STD OSS STD OBS STD STD STO OBS STD OBS OBS STD STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STO STD OBS STD STO OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0020 0024 0030 0050 0050 0075 0075 0100 0100 0125 0150 0150 0200 T0201 0250 0300 O'tOO T0*02 0500 0500 T0595 0600 0700 0799 0800 0900 1000 T1006 1100 1200 12't8 1300 1400 T1496 1500 1750 T1946 2000 2459 2500 T2943 3000 3927 4000 T4030 10 04 125 ■ ADO- METEK 193 2531 2531 2531 2531 2531 2451 2225 2225 2027 2027 1945 1946 1890 1847 1847 1804 1803 1803 1790 1724 1722 1504 1504 1452 1444 1283 1113 1111 0898 0732 0723 0528 0549 0519 0502 0472 0447 0446 0403 0378 0377 0354 0350 0305 0298 0232 0230 0230 3649 36489 3649 3649 36485 3650 3652 36520 3653 36532 3656 36560 3655 3654 36542 3651 36510 3548 3646 3540 35401 3519 35190 35923 3591 3556 35450 3545 3528 3515 35154 3510 3506 35045 3503 3502 35003 3500 3497 34965 3497 34989 3498 34946 3494 34905 3490 34899 2439 2439 2439 2439 2439 2464 2532 2532 2588 2588 2611 2511 2625 2635 2535 2544 2644 2642 2643 2555 2555 2657 2567 2681 2681 2696 2712 2712 2736 2752 2753 2762 2769 2771 2772 2774 2776 2776 2778 2780 2781 2785 2784 2786 2785 2789 2789 2789 008 244 7 19 NO. OBS. DEfTMS WEA- THER CODE ■ 0008 0035520 0035559 0033185 0026815 0021620 0019468 0018248 0017349 0017050 0017124 0015292 SAO DYN. M. X lO^ 0035464 0000 0035 0071 0105 0165 0226 0277 0324 0369 0015716 0454 0539 0624 0791 0015388 0950 0014205 0012961 0011400 0009057 0007418 0005437 0005724 0005405 0005174 0005057 0004932 0004785 0004715 0004561 0004287 1097 1233 1355 1457 1340 1609 1570 1726 1778 1830 1955 2076 2314 2545 2988 15372 15372 15374 15375 15376 15358 15305 15306 15259 15259 15241 15241 15230 15221 15221 15217 15217 15225 15229 15225 15225 15203 15203 15168 15166 15126 15081 15081 15018 14970 14967 14945 14929 14925 14927 14931 14936 14937 14961 14983 14992 15061 15065 15123 15130 15263 15275 15280 110 LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * -i/io 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 STD OBS STD STD OBS STD oas STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS STD STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0020 0024 0030 0048 0050 0072 0075 0096 0100 0125 0143 0150 0190 0200 0250 0300 T0377 0400 0468 0500 0560 0600 0700 0743 0800 0900 T0913 1000 1100 1151 1200 1300 T1389 2530 2530 2530 2529 2529 2477 2316 2293 2092 2074 1969 1960 1908 1875 1873 1853 1828 1796 1734 1714 1642 1600 1516 1465 1305 1222 1061 0836 0812 0722 0634 0596 0564 0511 0479 1967 SfttD 01 FOKCE S06 SARO- MHER Onbtl 3644 36437 3644 3645 36449 3646 36486 3649 36494 3650 36519 3653 3656 36563 3655 36504 3650 3648 3646 36429 3639 36261 3618 36036 3594 3570 35588 3540 3516 35137 3513 3512 35116 3511 3508 35045 2436 2436 2436 2437 2437 2453 2503 2510 2567 2572 2602 2605 2621 2630 2629 2630 2535 2642 2655 2656 2664 2667 2675 2679 2694 2702 2718 2736 2738 2751 2762 2767 2771 2775 2776 AIR TEMP. X DEPTH TO BOnov 0035803 0035796 0034223 0028688 0023060 0020035 0018618 SAO DYN. M. X 10' 0035809 0000 WEA- THER CODE ■ 2 3 0009 00 36 0072 0107 0170 0235 0289 0337 0017922 0383 0017974 0017689 0017239 0016144 0015371 0014438 0013115 0010840 0008903 0007491 0006372 0005571 0005164 0472 0561 0649 0816 0973 1122 1260 1380 1479 1560 1630 1690 1743 15371 15371 15373 15375 15375 15364 15329 15323 15275 15271 15245 15245 15235 15228 15229 15231 15232 15230 15225 15222 15210 15201 15184 15173 15134 15112 15062 14993 14986 14966 14948 14941 14936 14931 14932 NOj-N pg - ol/l SI O4-SI vs - 01/1 111 REFERENCE SHIf CODE MARSDEN STATION Tl WE ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX ■ WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES CIIV CODE 10. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE ' 'VIO YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM Of S'MPL'S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER 10' 1* MO DAY HR.)/IO DHL HGI «» SE* TTPl *M 3l\ilb^ iML 35010N 048020W 113 5B 10 06 127 1967 E06 010 ^206 16 17 2 3 3 7 0010 WATER WIND BARO- METER Imbtl AIR TEMP. -C ^"■oEs SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IMNi. OIR. SPEED OK fORCf DRY BULB WET BULB 16 S09 132 25.0 239 7 1 ^^ M(iS(NC« 1 CA5T TIM. 0, NO. HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH liT>) T -Z s •/.. SIGMA-T JfECIFIC VOIUME ANOMAL''-I10' SAO DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/l PO4-P roT*i-p KB - a)/l NOi-N ug - ot/l NOj-N ;ig - ol/l SIO*-SI »)g . ol/l pM i c c 1 STD 0000 2530 3647 2438 0035601 0000 15372 127 OBS 0000 2530 36466 2438 15372 STD 0010 2530 3647 2438 0035625 0036 15373 STD 0020 2531 3647 2438 0035678 0071 15375 127 OBS 0026 2531 36475 2438 15376 STD 0030 2505 3648 2446 0034921 0107 15371 STD 0050 2351 3648 2493 0030554 0172 15337 127 OBS 0051 23^.2 36481 2495 15335 STD 0075 2099 3650 2566 0023709 0240 15278 127 OBS 0077 208't 36504 2570 15274 STD oloo 1980 3651 2598 0020681 0295 15250 127 OBS 0102 1972 36511 2501 15248 STD 0125 1907 3652 2618 0018851 0346 15234 STD 0150 1853 3654 2633 0017538 0390 15223 127 OBS 0155 1844 36539 2636 15221 STD 0200 1802 3550 2543 0015748 0476 15215 127 OBS T0211 1793 36492 2645 15215 STD 0250 1778 3647 2647 0016545 0559 15217 STD 0300 1759 3645 2550 0016442 0542 15219 STD O'tOO 1721 3640 2655 0016231 0805 15224 127 OBS 0'*22 1712 36388 2657 15225 STD 0500 1617 3521 2666 0015538 0954 15207 127 OBS 0528 1575 35136 2570 15198 STD 0600 1441 3591 2582 0014142 1112 15155 127 OBS T0631 1382 35813 2687 15149 STD 0700 1234 3560 2701 0012424 U45 15109 STD 0800 1034 3534 2718 0010787 1351 15052 127 OBS 0850 0941 35245 2726 15025 STD 0900 0838 3517 2737 0008862 1459 14994 STD 1000 0672 3507 2753 0007154 1540 14945 127 OBS T1068 0589 35022 2761 14923 STD UOO 0576 3503 2763 0005221 1607 14923 STD 1200 0538 3504 2768 0005708 1665 14925 STD 1300 0505 3506 2773 0005264 1721 14928 127 OBS 1335 0494 35060 2775 14930 STD 1400 0475 3505 2777 0004996 1772 14933 STD 1500 0450 3504 2779 0004829 1821 14939 127 08S T1608 0427 35000 2778 14947 112 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES ^ ODC CT«v coot ID. NO. LATITUDE 1/10 LONGITUDE CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S NUMBER 10* r MO DAV HR.1/10 ois. MCI PER S(A lYPt AM 31 L16^ ML 3^580N O^SOOOW 113 48 10 07 127 1967 EOo Oil ■^369 15 15 0 2 21 6 7 0011 WATER WIND BA80- METER tmbi) AIR TEMP. *C •^^^^ DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE TRANS. DIR. SKID OB FOKCt DRY BUL8 WET BULB 33 313 122 233 2Z& 7 1. MfSSfNG.icAST TIME Of f^Q_ MR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T X s •/.. SIGMA-T SPtCIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT~X10' SAD DYN. M. X 103 SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO^-P (.g - ot/l lOTAL-P vg - =1/1 NOj-N UB - ol/l NOj-N vfl - or/1 SI O^-Si wg . ol/l pH S c c 1 STD 0000 2521 3602 2407 0038547 0000 15365 127 OBS 0000 2521 36020 2407 15366 STD 0010 2532 3625 2421 0037266 0038 15371 STD 0020 2538 3642 2432 0036249 0075 15376 127 OBS 0024 2539 36453 2435 16378 STD 0030 2537 3648 2437 0036815 0111 15378 127 OBS 0048 2629 36495 2440 16380 STD 0050 2483 3649 2454 0034263 0181 15369 127 OBS 0072 2097 35481 2656 16276 STD 0075 2073 3549 2672 0023106 0252 15271 127 OBS 0096 1935 36633 2512 16237 STD 0100 1926 3663 2614 0019169 0:106 15235 STD 0125 1875 3553 2627 0018027 0352 16226 127 OBS 0144 1845 36529 2535 16220 STD 0150 1840 3652 2635 0017339 0395 16219 127 OBS T0191 1807 36492 2641 16215 STD 0200 1807 3649 2541 001O947 0482 16218 STD 0250 1800 3647 2541 0017090 0567 16223 STD 0300 1783 3546 2544 0015994 0O52 15227 127 OBS T0385 1730 36418 2565 15225 STD 0400 1720 3640 2556 0016212 0B18 15224 127 OBS 0478 1639 36262 2664 15211 STD 0500 1500 3618 2667 0015371 0976 15201 127 OBS T0575 1466 35933 2678 16159 STD 0600 1422 3686 2682 0014101 1123 16158 STD 0700 1243 3569 2698 0012574 1257 16112 127 OBS 0770 1115 35428 2710 15077 STD 0800 1046 3636 2717 0010858 1376 16067 STD 0900 0848 3519 2737 0008880 1474 14998 127 OBS T0964 0748 35109 2746 14959 STD 1000 0712 3611 2761 0007612 1656 14961 STD 1100 0626 3609 2751 0006462 1026 14944 STD 1200 0656 3508 2769 0005654 1086 14933 127 OBS 1209 0561 35082 2770 14932 STD 1300 0506 3606 2 7 74 0006227 1740 14928 STD 1400 0471 3504 2775 0006014 1792 14931 127 OBS T1455 0450 36U20 2775 14936 113 LAmUDE 1/10 34550N LONGITUDE ' 'l/tO 048030W iiME r- HR t/10 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 MO DAY HILl/10 10 08 201 STD CBS STO STD DBS STD OBS STO OBS STD OBS STD STD OBS STD OBS STD STD STD OBS STD OBS STD OBS STO STO OBS STD STO OBS STD STD STD OBS STD STD OBS 0000 0000 0010 0020 0024 0030 00*9 0050 0071 0075 0097 0100 0125 0145 0150 T0195 0200 0250 0300 T0378 0400 0473 0500 0568 0600 0700 0758 0800 0900 T0949 1000 1100 1200 1207 1300 1400 T1469 2535 2535 2536 2537 2537 2488 2305 2290 2040 2020 1930 1924 1881 1853 1848 1808 1807 1790 1769 1728 1722 1664 1620 1505 1447 1253 1156 1065 0877 0800 0739 0636 0558 0553 0503 0471 0453 S15 3638 36379 3638 3538 36376 3541 36487 3649 36526 3653 36539 3654 3554 36532 3653 36503 3550 3649 3647 36404 3639 36279 3621 35020 3592 3563 35488 3539 3521 35150 3513 3510 3507 35070 3505 3504 35032 2430 2430 2429 2429 2429 2446 2507 2511 2584 2589 2514 2615 2626 2633 2634 2542 2642 2645 2549 2654 2654 2560 2665 2676 2581 2597 2707 2716 2734 2741 2749 2761 2768 2769 2773 2776 2775 SAD DTN. M. X 10* 0036373 0000 05 WEA- THER CODE SOUND VELOCin 0036445 0036520 0034901 0028805 0021467 0019074 0018137 0036 0073 0109 0172 0235 0286 0332 0017450 0377 0016867 0Q16707 0015524 0016331 0015605 0014198 0012779 0010986 0009215 0007718 0006533 0005753 0005272 0005014 0463 0547 0630 0794 0954 1103 1238 1356 1457 1542 1613 1675 1730 1781 15372 15372 15374 15376 15376 15356 15325 15322 15252 15257 15236 15235 15227 15222 15222 15217 15218 15221 15223 15223 15224 15218 15208 15181 15167 15119 15090 15064 15009 14987 14972 14948 14933 14932 14927 14931 14939 lOTAl-P VB - o'/l SI O4-SI 114 REFERENCE SHIP CODE ii MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MA ■ WAVE WEA- THER CODE CLOUD CODES cirr CODf 10. NO. 1/10 LONGITUDE * 'I/IO CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S'MPL'S OBSERVATIONS STATION NUMBER io- r MO DAY HR.1/10 OIK. HGT PEfl SEA TYPE AM 31 1164 ML J4460N O^tS^lOW ns 48 10 U9 175 1967 E06 013 4572 18 06 6 3 21 6 8 0013 WATER WIND lARO- METER (mbi) AIR TEMP. X wK NO- ,nn, OBS. ^°°' DEPTHS SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE tWNt DtR. SrtED 01 »0«CE DRT eULB WET SUL8 08 S17 251 244 239 7 1 ^^ HR 1/10 1 CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/.. sigma-t SPECIFIC VOLUME ANOMALT-XIO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND VELOCITY Ol ml/I PO<-P TOTAl_P ve ■ oi/i NOl-N i.g - oi/l NOj-N vg - ol/l SI 04-Si i,g - oi/l pH S c c 1 STO 0000 2532 3551 2441 0035314 0000 15373 175 OBS 0000 2532 36514 2441 15373 STD 0010 2532 3654 2443 0035168 0035 15375 STD 0020 2532 3655 2443 0035138 0070 15375 175 OBS 0027 2532 36554 2444 15378 STD 0030 2^199 3655 2454 0034214 0105 15370 STD 0050 228'. 3652 2515 0028424 0158 15321 175 OBS 0053 2253 36519 2524 15314 STD 0075 2018 3653 2590 0021406 0230 15256 175 OBS 0080 1981 36535 2600 15247 STD 0100 1907 3653 2619 0018691 0280 15230 175 OBS 0109 1881 36533 2525 15224 STD 0125 1862 3553 2630 0017711 0326 15221 STD 0150 1835 3652 2537 0017219 0369 15218 175 OBS 0167 1820 35512 2640 15215 STD 0200 1799 3550 2544 0016675 0454 15215 175 OSS T0226 1784 36485 2647 15215 STD 0250 1773 3647 2648 0015479 0537 15216 STD 0300 1750 3643 2650 0015403 0619 15217 STD O'tOO 1705 3535 2655 0015243 0782 15219 175 OBS TO'iS? 1679 36302 2558 15220 STD 0500 1602 3516 2665 0015550 0941 15202 175 OBS 057lt 1478 35947 2677 15173 STD 0600 1443 3589 2680 0014329 1091 15155 175 OBS 0692 1305 35694 2594 15133 STD 0700 1286 3567 2595 0012949 1227 15127 STO 0800 1072 3539 2715 0011114 1348 15066 STD 0900 0891 3520 2731 0009523 1451 15014 175 OBS 0933 0839 35152 2735 15000 STD 1000 0746 3512 2747 0007929 1538 14975 STO 1100 0631 3509 2760 0006554 1510 14945 175 OBS T1174 0565 35068 2767 14932 STD 1200 0553 3506 2756 0005780 1672 14931 STD 1300 0513 3505 2772 0005412 1728 14931 STD lio' SAD DVN. M. X 103 SOUND VELOCITY Oj ml/I PO^-P t.g . al/1 roi*L-F »e - o'/i NOi-N ug - ol/l NOj-N vg - ot/1 SI 04-Si Vfl - ol/l pH S c c 1 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 STD 0000 2447 3650 2465 0032933 0000 15353 OBS 0000 2447 36502 2465 15353 STD 0010 2446 3650 2465 0032951 0033 15354 STD 0020 2445 3650 2466 0032959 0065 15355 OBS 002'. 2445 36503 2456 15356 STO 0030 2440 3651 2458 0032791 0099 15356 OBS 0048 2424 36514 2474 15355 STD 0050 2386 3651 2485 0031340 0153 15345 OBS 0072 2063 36485 2574 15257 STD 0075 2038 3649 2581 0022205 0230 15251 OBS 0096 1900 36517 2620 15227 STO 0100 1891 3651 2522 0018473 0281 15225 STO 0125 1843 3650 2633 0017459 0326 15216 OBS 0144 1816 35496 2639 15211 STD 0150 1811 3650 2641 0015825 0368 15211 OBS 0192 1783 36488 2647 15209 STD 0200 1781 3549 2647 0016350 0451 16210 STD 0250 1766 3647 2650 0016316 0533 15214 STD D300 1752 3545 2652 0015282 0615 15217 OBS T0382 1728 36415 2555 15223 STO 0400 1714 3639 2556 0015144 0777 15222 OBS 0478 1623 35218 2665 15205 STD 0500 1581 3514 2569 0015234 0934 15195 OBS 0573 1443 35898 2681 15151 STD 0600 1395 3582 2685 0013824 1079 15149 STD 0700 1215 3555 2701 0012415 1210 15102 OBS 0767 1093 35401 2712 15058 STD 0800 1018 3533 2720 0010574 1325 15045 STO 0900 0825 3517 2739 0008551 1421 14989 OBS T0961 0733 35109 2748 14963 STD 1000 0701 3511 2752 0007322 1501 14957 STO 1100 0625 3510 2752 0005364 1559 14944 STD 1200 0561 3510 2770 0005601 1629 14935 OBS 1214 0553 35099 2771 14934 STD 1300 0508 3508 2775 0005122 1683 14930 STO 1400 0465 3504 2777 0004932 1733 14928 OBS T1469 0442 35005 2777 14930 117 REFERENCE . MARSDEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH WAVE WEA- CLOUD NODC CUT CODE ID. NO. SHIP CODE LATnuDE 1/10 LONGITUDE * '1/10 n SQUARE IGMTI YEAR CRUISE NO. STATION NUMBER TO BOTTOM OF S-MPL- OBSERVATIONS THER CODE CODES STATION NUMBER 10- r MO" DAY HR.1/10 Dl«. MG: nt SEA tVfl AM 31 llbh ML 35000N 048010W 1 13 58 10 12 127 1967 E06 016 it2Ub 15 11 3 3 3 3 0016 WATER WIND BARO* AIR TEMP. •c NO. SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS COLOR CODE IRANS. DIR. into FORCE METER Imb*) DRY BULB WET BULB - of^s 12 SIO 296 250 2 ^ ^ 7 |14 ""S«""lcASI ""' ' NO. CARD TYPE DEPTH (ml T -C s •/.. SIGMA-T SHC1FIC VOIUME ANOMAL'->IO' SAD DYN. M. X 10^ SOUND V£LOCITlf Ol ml/1 PO^-P IPS • Ol/F roTAL-P >.« - 91/1 NOj-N ug - ot/l NOj-N vg - ol/l SIOi-SI tig ■ ol/l pH C c HR 1/10 _ STO 0000 2460 3650 2461 0033357 0000 15356 127 08S 0000 2460 36495 2461 15355 STO 0010 2459 3650 2462 0033364 0033 15357 STD 0020 2458 3650 2462 0033370 0067 15358 127 OBS 0025 2457 36495 2462 15359 STD 0030 2443 3650 2467 0032949 0100 15355 STD 0050 2386 3652 2485 0031297 0164 15346 127 OBS 0050 2386 36516 2485 15346 STD 0075 2076 3648 2570 0023278 0232 15271 127 OBS 0075 2076 36477 2570 15271 STD 0100 1904 3651 2618 0016820 0285 15229 127 OBS 0100 1904 36506 2618 15229 STD 0125 1851 3650 2631 0017652 0331 15218 STD 0150 1813 3649 2640 0016916 0374 15211 127 OBS 0150 1813 36489 2640 15211 STD 0200 1784 3548 2646 0016457 0457 15211 127 OBS 0200 1784 36481 2646 15211 STD 0250 1784 3645 2544 0015858 0541 15219 STD 0300 1770 3642 2645 0015945 0625 15222 STD 0400 1701 3635 2656 0016138 0790 15218 127 OBS TO^tOl 1700 36348 2657 15217 127 OBS 0*99 1578 35119 2658 15194 STD 0500 1576 3612 2558 0015296 0948 15193 127 OBS T0593 1400 35797 2582 15149 STD 0600 1387 3578 2583 0013947 1094 15145 STD 0700 1203 3553 2701 0012328 1225 15097 127 OBS 0797 1024 35327 2718 15048 STD 0800 1017 3532 2719 0010529 1340 15046 STO 0900 0806 3512 2738 0008710 1437 14981 127 OBS T0995 0559 35006 2750 14938 STD 1000 0556 3501 2751 0007388 1517 14938 STD 1100 0597 3502 2760 0006543 1587 14932 STD liOO 0545 3504 2768 0005607 1549 14926 127 OBS 1247 0523 35049 2771 14927 STO 1300 0500 3504 2773 0005304 1704 14926 STD 1400 0464 3502 2775 0005064 1755 14928 STD 1500 0434 3499 2776 0004975 1806 14932 127 OBS T1501 0434 34985 2775 1^932 118 REfERENCE SHIP CODE = 5 MARSOEN STATION TIME ORIGINATOR'S DEPTH MAX. DEPTH OF S'MPL'S WAVE WEA. THER CODE CLOUD CODES e - ot/i NO3-N n - Bt/i SI O4-S. wg - ot/t pH S c c 1 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 STD 0000 2447 3648 2464 0033120 0000 15352 OBS 0000 2447 36476 2464 15352 STD 0010 2444 3648 2465 0033074 0033 15353 STO 0020 2440 3647 2465 0033024 0066 15354 OBS 0024 2439 36473 2456 15354 STD 0330 2424 3649 2472 0032495 0099 15352 OBS 0047 2383 36503 2485 15345 STD 0050 2336 3650 2499 0C30008 0151 15334 OBS 0071 2073 36468 2570 15270 STO 007b 2038 3647 2580 0022350 O-^Zl 15261 OBS 0094 1909 36485 2515 15229 STD 0100 1898 3649 2518 0018789 0278 15227 STD 0125 1858 3650 2629 0017831 0324 15220 OBS 0141 1838 36506 2535 15217 STD 0150 1831 3650 2536 0017268 0358 15215 OBS 0193 1801 36484 2542 15215 STO 0200 1799 3648 2642 0016821 0453 15215 STD 0250 1781 3646 2645 0016710 0337 15218 STD 0300 1756 3643 2650 0016482 0620 15218 OBS T0388 1690 36318 2657 15212 STD C400 1682 3630 2657 0016052 0783 15211 OBS 0480 1595 36144 2666 15195 STD 0500 1555 3607 2559 0015152 0939 15185 OBS T0570 1421 35839 2681 15152 STD 0600 1375 3576 2584 0013843 1084 15141 STD 0700 1215 3553 2699 0012561 1215 15101 OBS 0769 1097 35389 2710 15070 STD 0800 1025 3533 2719 0010599 1332 15049 STD 0900 0827 3517 2739 0008683 1429 14990 OBS T0967 0723 35098 2748 14950 STD 1000 0694 3509 2752 0007319 1509 14954 STD 1100 0616 3508 2762 0006393 1578 14940 STD 1200 0551 3507 2759 0005686 1638 14930 OBS 1224 0537 35066 2770 14929 STD 1300 0498 3505 2774 0005203 1692 14925 STD 1400 0458 3502 2776 0004983 1743 14925 OBS T1485 0434 34985 2776 14929 119 'U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1969 D-SAg-gSS ,533'AAr