FUS SSR No, 313% DO NoT ie OCEANOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS, 1958 EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC REPORT-FISHERIES No. 318 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Explanatory Note The series embodies results of investigations, usually of restricted scope, intended to aid or direct management or utiliza- tion practices and aS guides for administrative or legislative action. It is issued in limited quantities for the official use of Federal, State, or cooperating Agencies and in processed form for economy and to avoid delay in publication. DEMCO L/WHoI MB United States Department of the Interior, Fred A. Seaton, Secretary nT NY AN ONT Fish and Wildlife Service, Arnie J. Suomela, Commissioner AI ri in DOCUME! \ Dr »\ L| '®) RA! \ Y ods Ho eanngranhi Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution OCEANOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS, 19 BAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES by C. Godfrey Day Research Assistant Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts Contribution No. 1048 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution This work was financed by the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries under Contract No. 14-17-008-62, with funds made available under the Act of July 1, 1954 (68 Stat. 376), commonly known as the Saltonstall-Kennedy Act. =P rm a fae m o- 5 United States Fish and Wildlife Service Lama! = Special Scientific Report--Fisheries No. 318 a o Washington, D. C. November 1959 @PORTLAND . LIGHTSHIP BOSTON SUIGHTSHIP “send @ TEXAS epee HOLE TOWER-2 @ TEXAS TOWER-3 NANTUCKET _. PLIGHTSHIP LIGHTSHIP { ) / BARNEGAT ‘%-" LIGHTSHIP FIVE FATHOM BANK LIGHTSHIP WINTERQUARTER LIGHTSHIP @ TEXAS TOWER-47 ea 9 CHESAPEAKE LIGHTSHIP -~ @ DIAMOND SHOALS _t35¢ © ae _’ LIGHTSHIP @ FRYING PAN SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 7 F @ SAVANNAH” LIGHTSHIP j 45° 80° 75° 70° 65° Locations along the Atlantic coast reported herein, he yy CONTENTS Page AD SIERACEnavolehelsialerelalcieveyeie elokeievete ioe) olelelclelehs lolelsl el/eeielelels|'ejelenclisielevelevee! elevercieresaielovere 1 MMETOAUCIENO Misveuereielee!elsisfelealelieleeliolalelelensis (eke) efi exelelotclelolelspezele\ cl eye! eucloleveue efelelekenere) e 1 Commenttaiyi~pe cere Sand iaitialcre eleleleielelse/eleieierelslioletelele ec eksielcre clele sielele erelcrerehelele iL ErandeHanbour (Grand) Mananisrsicre/sieicisisisleeleleieielelercieie el sisi ele’ ciel cieteleisrele rel eieys 4 PO rata palesentsS) nds yatelelevopersiey eleleovele) s)eleielereielelicle\eleroleleisieicheleleielers er clelelevereielole 6 BOSE OmMMEMC INES MHD efetarereicielotelslelere cverevelelele sleleisvelotere els sielsieiereisieleiele ele eieieveicion mnllO GeorgespohoallimRexas lOWCY 12 clerelere cielsleleve) chore! orelele si elsicicieleresieleciciece ee lee Nantuchetnshoallisnmhexas) Lower Slee ileleicieicieie erelelerc lereicicieisicie oleic eco Nanituele tii leate nesitpreretereteletenelelolelerclelersierveleleveledelovelolelaiclevereleleieiciclerericicicinicre rol: Woods BHolenmMa'ssiachulSe bts cle rsleieleierelelelei(e/cleielslslece cl efelcvoleveleloioieielslcleloiels clelen 4+ BuUZZAcd Swe Nts De! plevelelereiolefelafoleloioieleleleloiclelelojsicreloleleictelereleiolersiolehereieteterelereremmnn +0 AmbEOS ewleio hit-siadlsprevererspeletelokaloveieleyelolererctelevcle cieleloienele steve clolelaieiolereielencheleiereien ia Texasmlowe riparia (Ost NEw rNOGIS)lescveisieve elele eels stele siete wielaieieiele vee nlavelowsieien 0 Barne galt plage hits pieveyete lel sieleic'elciclelsleleiw elslsleieele ciece sleielaicicieloveicciccleisicsie OS Pivewhathomy bank Ld ShitShiip erase steleclevelslsleteleleloleleieretesicisieielelelelelercheleveleieicres OO Walmer Oura tate ruuleae ht sltdtplerclonevelsioieheiele ele /elelercvereicletsteleiciersloleteleleieieiele elerere tn nmiact Chesapealcemnlohtslt pteercretstehers ete chelelsiceielelslcielecicte ecletereieleisleisieleieleleisio ton coe DiamondwShoalismls dels ll plessieisle! cise) oielelelele/elsje clsioisiniccleleicleleriers eterelerelereien (AGO BEyaneeranw shoals) Tie htshilpleicie ois)sielelelslelele/evclelelelslciejeicielelslejeleie eietele sles) | LOA Savannabylerehit-sliiipicretercieteloteislelelciaicveleteisielel ove) evel elolevelevelerelersicleiereleletelersiercsten like: Literature Giheediyavlercvevelele evolcicte aierersisverocelelavorel etsy eleere ls loievs/e/clavelerevelevalevevelerersvetete 119 No. LIST OF FIGURES Page Frontispiece. Locations along the Atlantic coast reported herein... ii I Nhe 18. Normal cycle of temperature at surface and bottom along the string of observation. posts for 1958. ..4.n..sssesscaseecmaue Grand! Harbour... Grand: Maman ercie co c)e ele ele) ciel clelerelehele/eteleletele)elejore!celerelere) c/n mc? Portland weiGhteSiL plete hetelevtetsretetetercheloletereler cherete) ois evstelehetlafolchereleretctelcvetelere) mac Boston sue yesh p ssic'e tele) a1ciske a'ereyererelels'e oie) stciaiwis erelclerereiela:siele’c/evelecciece eiee Ge Georges Shoal, Texas: Tower W2ss<'s« sess oe es sislsisase csieecieaicssace CO Nantucket Shoals. Texas Dower. dois cients so culeiciciaisicts sissies cseiccinacs 29 NANEUCKEt eles hit pietateteletalelote! elelale! alrclelelalalclclelelotalslelotsletelalelslc/clesietsialetstoianmn SL. Woods Hole, MassachuSettS..ccecccvececcccvccccecccccsccccccceveses 44 Buzzard Smiles Slits hl pleveratateveletel ehelslereisielelsletatoletsleteterciatstetaisielelclerel sleislelsjelelersiamn4 O) AmbrOSiemieio tt Sli pletstatelselelelslctetalsleletatslaletalelsterchalcialelelelelsiclelelelalclelelsielalelsieremenct > Texas Tower #4. (OLE New York) s2.2).1..6 cielers clisiets sleisis/eieis sleisis ejele scielersisie. © 50 Banne sacle nteshasplsrerstetelentenstsishelerereteictetereheteleleistetetelstereieletelelcletelelsieleietorsroman ic Bives hathome Bani [a olites li pierwiereretslerelclsieveroveneleleleieiscelchetelelieverersielercleteierersromOl, Winters Ouanters [rl Ciitstli pe srstetoterslstetertelsterslelcelereiererercictetcnereterelcteleterelsiersiemmn Chesapeake Li ehtahipe s+ ces © sie. 6 eaves e) ais 0 s'5(e)s'e' e's 0's gibialals stvie'e ee ste o'ctes OO Disamond. ‘Shoals ii. eit oii sek eretgs ele ares 40s eveesroie a eve scien rersveis oale cive) ee oy ot Pryine sean SuOdlsc Lwehtstiip cee ecainwinsiee dee cs cree este ain ww ete ates sree tOo Savannah ‘hi GhESHIDp ao sec = ss ss sleeve ee. o1ala'ou/« e'elcleis’e sels’ ele are ace oe aciele ea) Lae iv LIST OF TABLES Page Surface water temperature - monthly and annual means for 1958.... vi Grandpiarboutam Grande Manan sicrelerctee olale creo clelslclevelorelelelelcle sicielcleleleleleie else 5 Porstlkarrduslonscinte Sink aveteleleterelicl evel ove ole istouelstess/ekelels) clei cpelelelelelens:sielonciersielerenererere 6 BOSEOmm las intssliutsplpetateverelenehelevelonsislelelclekelerslieisielere/e)evolelereleielelelele eielerelejelereisicie nae O Geonresmshoaleehexase vlOw Cri 2rerereretele svalelanerets cicbelo ere eletee eielcleie sievelenereleleun mail Nantucke tushoallicaihexas) lOW.eKMitSlslecsreiels oye] sielelelelelelcleisielelelsiels/sieveleiereisieley 9 SO Namewcleeitmlese its i! pyagepatavetoneloholoherelolelslereierelelel eleloreleleleloveheleielelsvelsieieleleielelelelermr Se. WoodsmHolmenmMasisia ChuSEESleielelereicleletslc/exele/eielsheVeleleleleejeie elerejeleleisievelokereielelen m4 Buzzards) LiSHESHUPS . Mice cece ceric vce evccrccecenescecscecevesccse «647 ATID OSC Mena NEStlepletekeleleterefeleleleletel slelelole/c icles] afelelcleleisleletelchelalsiclelalerclelelsisieleremiir 50) Mexa SHRROWe Gia thci (Osis INCW EVOL) gelel olel oie leleleleleielolioleletsloneietelels/clevelelsierescvevevelel sin! OI7; Barnegat Lightship. .ccccccresvccscecccccecvccssccncsccesecscccess 60) Five Fathom Bank Lightshipeccccccccscceccesrccecescccscccescesees 68 Winter Quarter Lightship. ..ccccccccnccrsvercccccrccccccecsccveseses 76 Chesapeake Lightship---.scceccccersoccccccccerccccccscccccsccecses 84 Diamond Shoals Lightship.--cccccceccccscvesvvescesesesccecscscseses 92 Frying Pan Shoals Lightship. ..cccsccesccceccerceccevecevecsccsess 106 Savannah Lightship... cceccccsccrvccesccsccrevecssesevecssevessess 113 Ton drysyuST] yeureass \o dftyszusTI sTeoys weg Butkay a dtysqusT] steoys puouetq 2°Ls een 9° LS €*t9 Zeal 9°SL g°el 6°89 0°09 erly T'6E L°Le E°eh dtysqusT] eyeedeseyy ely - ore - Leen G°Hs = ores 2°es 6°TS 1°29 = = G°gS G°LsS gol =: 0°69 = 6°n9 = «9 E9 €end - €-eL Toh 6°n9 LOLs = 0°69 6°19 €°29 - - Nae) - Z°9S 4°SS c g°Tts 2 T°0S 6°Sh EG Ltr Th 89 eet 9°gt O° Le G°gt GLE - ole G°Lle L°9€ G°9f Gene £°Gt 6°Th = = 9°6E = Wy Sia ey ee ee eo @ be | N f 5» @g@ § & o 8 o a ¢ co . a Pio & g fg . =F 8 a a ct . # EF 8 he ne i eo EOE J [oF a dtyszusTT eyonqueN €°6H G°Sh G°2s o°Ls q°09 2°gs g°2s 1°64 o°sy €°on O°th Lact L°Sh TsBous saeB10e dyyszysTT woysog Q@S6T Toy suBa_ Tenuuy pues ATUYUOW - gainjeieduay, 1838 sdBjans T eTqaBL dtysqusTl puertztog * AON *490 qdas “Bay Ato aune key °ady * IEW °qeq *uer OCEANOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS, 1958 EAST COAST OF THE UNITED STATES ABSTRACT Daily water temperature and salinity observations for 1958 from seventeen locations along the Atlantic seaboard are tabulated, plotted and discussed for the third consecutive year. INTRODUCTION Through the cooperation of the U. S. Coast Guard, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution established late in 1955 a series of Oceanographic Observation Posts at a number of lightship stations along the east coast of the United States. Additional data have been obtained from independent observers and, courtesy of the U. S. Air Force, from Texas Towers 2, 3 and 4. The temperature data from Narragansett Marine Laboratory, previously reported for 1956 and 1957, is missing for 1958 because of thermograph failure. The lightship data have been forwarded on a monthly basis to Woods Hole where they have been processed. The bathythermograms have been read at several levels and tabu- lated; salinities were determined by titra- tion or salinometer. The records of air temperature, weather, wind and clouds were used in studying the other data, but are not presented here as they are the same as those published in the daily weather maps of the U. S. Weather Bureau, In addition to tabulating these data, mean temperatures for each level for three equal time periods per month have been determined and plotted as time-depth pro- files for the year at each station where bathythermographs were used. The one-third monthly mean surface temperatures have been plotted in comparison with the monthly mean surface temperature for the period of record of each station. The one-third monthly means of surface Salinity were appended to the temperature profiles, together with the weekly bottom salinity values. The monthly mean surface water temper- atures for the year 1958 for all stations are listed in table 1, for comparison with previous records, Again we are particularly indebted to the U. S. Coast Guard personnel aboard the lightships participating for making the observations: to Mr, Edward Green at Grand Harbour, Grand Manan; Mr. George Ferris at Woods Hole and to the personnel of the 12 Weather Squadron USAF at the three Texas Towers reporting and at Otis Air Force Base. We hope to continue the collection and publication of these data on an annual basis, and should be glad to include data of comparable nature from other locations, This work was supported by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service under Contract No. 14-17-008-62 with the Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution. COMMENTARY Surface Temperature (Figure 1) The two outstanding features of the surface water temperature regime during the winter were the anomalously low readings found from Ambrose lightship southward, and the weakening of the temperature barrier ordinarily found off Cape Hatteras, as indi- cated by the extension of the 48° F, isotherm all the way to Savannah. During this same period, January through March, temperatures at Portland and Boston remained slightly above the mean, This pattern of surface water tempera- ture closely parallels and is evidently related to meteorological conditions during this time. A high pressure cell in the Greenland-Baffin Land region during January and February and over Hudson Bay in March presented a block which deflected polar air southward across the east coast, bringing abnormally low temperatures (Ludlum 1958a and b). Maine and at times New England, however, experienced occasional incursions of moist, maritime air from the east and northeast, producing above normal tempera- tures and precipitation during both January and March, The extremely low surface water temper- atures seen at Diamond Shoals and the marked weakening of the temperature barrier there, indicate the dominance of Virginia coastal water over Gulf Stream water in the region, The reasons for this dominance cannot be definitely described at this time; a likely conjecture is that above-normal precipita- tion and runoff from November through May (Monthly Weather Review) contributed to a pressure gradient stronger than usual, which, combined with a marked northerly component of wind direction, gave added volume and strength to the southward movement of coastal waters, In general, winter conditions for 1958 resembled those for 1956 except that the temperatures fell even lower and the cold persisted longer, while 1957 was character- ized by a warm winter. From Five Fathom Bank northward warm- ing was slow and values fell below the mean. Summer readings were slightly below ‘'normal", From Winter Quarter Lightship southward, however, warming was rapid after the severe winter and summer temperatures were near or above the means at the various stations, Maximum temperatures occurred in August at all stations except Nantucket. From Cape Hatteras northward cooling was in advance of the mean except during November, when air temperatures were anomalously high. During December surface temperature declined sharply as did air temperatures, The three years of data from the light- ship program so far accumulated indicate a gross relationship between anomalies in air temperature and in water temperature over the eastern continental shelf, This is to be expected near a windward shore where con- tinental air masses flow seaward, Generally speaking, the relationship appears to be closer during the winter months, a period characterized by strong winds, low relative humidity and increased evaporation at the surface. During the period of thermocline, winds are weaker and relative humidity greater, while such factors as radiation and cloud cover become more important as the season progresses, Hence the relationship between anomalous air and water temperature is less apparent during the summer. Bottom Temperature (Figure 1) During the nearly isothermal conditions of winter, bottom temperatures reflect sur- face conditions, exhibiting only a slight lag in chilling. Thus in 1958 bottom minima, like the surface values, was low. As was the case at the surface, the temperature barrier usually found at Diamond Shoals was weakened, and water less than 50° F, extended southward to Savannah. Dur- ing the two previous winters the 50° iso- therm fell at or slightly north of Diamond Shoals, Warming at the bottom is a steady pro- gression parallel to surface conditions up to the time the thermocline is formed. Once a temperature gradient appears, bottom tem- perature is modified, sometimes abruptly, by the prevailing weather, with wind the governing factor. Bumpus (1957) described an intrusion of cold water near the bottom in July 1956, at Five Fathom Bank, Winter Quarter and Chesapeake Lijhtship stations following a period of preponderant strong southerly winds, Similar conditions appear in early July of 1957 (Day 1959) and again in 1958, On the basis of three years of data it appears safe to consider this advection normal for the season, as was suggested earlier by Bumpus. ° £LTeaTzZOedSeI SsaInqereduey UMUTXeM PUES UNUTUTU eqyeoTpUT SeUTT peysep pue pezyop Aaeeay °ggéT OJ sysod uoTzeAIEsSgo fo suTI4S ey JuOTe (UTI) WoyJZoq pue (4FeT) SoeZams 9Yy Ye emMyereduiey Jo eTafo ey] °T emmsty \ ’ \ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ 1 1 4 1 ' ' ' QNOWVIO Cem ee ee ee ee V3d VS 3H BR) fale) YSLNIM WOH1LV4 LANONLNUN do ‘lL WOLLOS Sse! do ‘L 30V4YNS Oe) The running plots of 10-day means for 1958 at Ambrose, Five Fathom Bank and Winter Quarter stations (Barnegat data missing) show for September a similar situation, but one triggered by a different mechanism. Hurricane Daisy on August 28 and 29 sharply reduced temperature gradients from Chesa- peake northward to Ambrose Lightships and abruptly raised bottom temperatures. After the storm, which was of limited area, thermal stratification again became more pronounced, conditions returning to a status quo ante. Hurricane Helene on September 27 and 28 once again caused an overturn and abrupt warming at the bottom. The former storm produced maximum bottom temperatures for the season at Five Fathom Bank and Chesapeake stations; the latter at Winter Quarter. °F TEMPERATURE Figure 2. Grand Harbour, Grand Manan (Figure 2, Table 2) As was the case in 1956 and 1957, sur- face water temperatures at Grand Harbour in 1958 were below the mean for the period of record at Southwest Head during the winter and above the mean during the summer. Tem- perature fluctuations at Grand Harbour are extreme and comparison between years diffi- cult. Very generally, however, it can be said that temperatures through July of 1958 were above those for 1956 and quite close to those of 1957. The maximum in early August lies between the maxima for 1956 and 1957, the latter being highest. Cooling through November appeared "normal", while December values fell sharply to more than 5° F. below the readings for the two years previous. Grand Harbour, Grand Manan, 1958 (solid line) and Southwest Head, Grand Manan, 1929-1936 (dashed line). Table 2 66°. 6' We 44°40. 8'N. GRAND HARBOUR, GRAND MANAN, N. B-, CANADA Surface Temperature °F - 1958 Nov. Dec. Oct. re) a 2 3| ANM+tNOLPDANOAN M+ NO OD OV AAA AA AAA A ORNUN CM OEOIOTOLOTOTSR OoD+0 WOWODDOOMO +0oD 0° MAGGMGMISGST At dF AM 1 SUGAASIAR i GAG Y MAMMA MMNMONMMH OH MOON N ON A NOIMM un ea ae hs ati oooomoooCoOomooOoN ln AO NOs! 4) 1O4 +0 WAM MAD AO tk + + Sones tata st tems NMmMs at M PONTCPCPODAODADNHONDNHOMAOMIOOOATIOAN UN LALO oy + AOD +UV0O AO AMHAOHO L AAO LOOAKM ID UN UN UN UN WN tN UN IN Wt ONS NINH St St St at st at at at st ast os (ome me Xe) NODWDOEFNANMA DHDAODIOIOA WN\O &-\0 TC WA OtM+t | DNEMOMIOMNAANMA NNO oO @ WO +N d+ UN UN UN UN UN UN UD UN ER ED UN ER ER UN ER DLN UN UN LN van UN UN LN OtOMOONOOAUONADOANANAAUANOOMEOD NO ow DAQAAS OAD ee Kono AGAKRALO Wt 10 tt A+ v LUN UN LNW WN ONO WW OO NU DW W WIA WWI LAO WDA DUN UN UN th ONO OR ALON COT UN lh te COUN OA SEIU OTTO UND O WO ADA LMMAGCKRAKRNAACMANKRK ARRAN IEAMMAW uN UN UN UN UN URNA UN ER UR ENN ER UE ER ER UN NO LEN LENCO LN UN UN LN UN UN DOANOVND OOO MMOD O-=t INNO O 1ND OW INO NO OOD oene AAARDDIMS MAtOUNARRCAAARAO st st st NN St Net ot tt FN NNNNNNONWIN st TNMNO WNW WO ADANANNNADNODODANDOANNNOOWO WO an ee) va wal Aa 40 Ww AO a KK KAAS AKA ~w IA TAO WA RS Eves EES OP RP ap ep ep ee Re Re ep ep ee eee ee er DNHONANNUNIOOMANO+tODONHOVOHRONN A CONN FAHOANANANDOKODAKN SANK Nodes s 1 +tNMNM + + CR SS AAMRS SSS SSSSSSR9S MODONADO NMA OO WNINOO O INNO FO OO UN He ue kn Lad ia NOOO 00 INK war eI} fo) al QO MM + +ttAMNMMNMNMMNMMM M+ Ms + ODODONDODNO WN O WU IN UN OWNODWOONOWOO ODMDDORAHANAOO 1 + b+ KAO f) Dnt Ur BX P= DA A DD Dy StMNMNMAN MM+t MMH MAO MM + MAMMA MN MH 43.4 33.1 50.2 37-1 Mean Portland Lightship (Figure 3, Table 3) The Portland lightship region experi- enced winter temperatures which were slightly above normal in February and March, followed by rapid warming in April with readings well above the mean, Beginning in mid-April, when the thermocline was taking form, there was a Sharp drop in salinities, both surface and bottom, and lower than usual salinities persisted till early June; during this time there appeared an intrusion of cold water, apparent throughout the water column, but most pronounced near the bottom, where mini- mum readings were comparable to those that had been found in late March, It is likely °F a °o TEMPERATURE cu) ° 2 ° that this colder water came from the north- east, moved by the cynamic gradient which resulted from spring runoff and augmented by northerly and easterly winds which were dominant in late March and early April. Summer surface values average slightly below the mean and below those for the previous year, Cooling was a little in advance of the mean throughout the autumn and early winter. Salinity values were uniformly below those for 1957, a dry year, up until Decem- ber, but closely paralleled those for 1956, The minimum values in May were below any recorded during the previous two years. le <39 ° cs Bb z a m o 40 DEPTH IN FEET 160 a fo} ° 34 w x T SALINITY %e w fe} T SURFACE S%o T 26 | BOTTOM S %o ! | _t Figure 3. for veriod 1947-1956) Portland Lightship, 1958. (Dashed line in upper diagram, mean Table 3 PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'W. Depth of water - 150 feet January 1958 Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Depth QO! SO 50! HOO 150" QO! 150' Day au HOZOP4Os0 kOe? 40.9 - 32.33. - 2 HOM ENOwe kOe 41.8 - 3658 = 3 LOVoN On? kOx7, 41.3 - sole |= 4 39.9 40.1 40.1 a ea - RQ = 5 39.5 39.9 41.0 42.5 - -4O 32.94 6 39-9 ho.O0 40.3 43.0 - 56 - 7 39-8 ho.l 42.8 43.0 - 62 - 8 LO eho. gi 1 O 41.0 41.1 Oh 9 39.1 39.2 39.6 40.6 - 52 - 10 39.5 39.2 40.2 40.9 - 5535 = Tal 40.0 39.9 40.0 4O.1 41.0 72 = 12 39°30 59>) 39-> 39.8 - -76 33.15 13 39.3 39.1 39.1 40.0 - ser is 14 39.2 39.2 39.2 39.5 - 32-76 - 15 - - - - - - - 16 Milos Telos} alo 42.0 42.2 32.73 - 17 hie Talo) alae) 41.7 41.8 85 - 18 ikon, ge) — hal} 41.5 41.5 32.78 - 19 Ona ings © Fakes} 41.6 - 30.89 32.76 20 39.5 4o.o 40.1 41.5 42.0 32.48 - 21 39.5 39-5 39.7 41.5 42.6 15 - 22 - - - - - 96 - 23 ee a5 has5 41.7 42.2 62 ‘- 2k 39.8 39.6 39.6 40.5 41.5 32.30 - ae 39-3 39-4 39.5 39.8 4O.7 SLSR ) - - - - - - = 27 - - - - - - - 28 40.5 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.7 Bon = 29 - - - - - 32.55 = 30 39-1 ho.k ho.k 40.5 4O.5 31.43 - 31 S6nu) 1139291) 40.0 40.3 4O.4 28.83 - Mean 40.0 ho.2 o.4 Mataal - 32037 4 4= Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70905.5'W. Depth of water - 150 feet February 1958 Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Depth 0! 30' 50! 100' 150' on 150' Day a4 38.4 39.6 39.8 39.9 40.6 3111 «= 2 38.9 38.9 39.9 40.8 41.8 -57 33-21 3 38.0 38.1 39.3 41.9 42.1 55 - 4 37-5 38.0 39.4 0 41.9 57 - 5 37-9 37.8 38.0 41.1 41.9 -7l = 6 CYCLO Ot Se or 41.0 42.0 58 = a 36.9 37.7 38.4 40.3 41.0 31.54 - 8 39.5 40.0 41.0 42.5 42.9 32.19 - 9 38.2 39.2 0.0 41.8 41.8 -20 32.88 10 38.8 38.8 39.8 42.8 - -20 = ak 38.9 38.8 ho.k 42.4 - 16 = 12 39.0 39.0 39.0 42.3 42.3 oh 13 40.0 4oO.l 40.1 41.2 42.5 230 0=«C- 14 4O.1 4O.2 40.3 ho.4 43.0 60 - 2 4O.4 40.6 40.9 41.1 43.0 32-51 - a - - - - - cS = 17 40.0 40.0 40.1 4O.1 4hO.1 32.64 - 18 37-5 39.4 39.8 40.7 41.2 -29 Cie 19 38.5 38.5 38.7 40.8 41.8 46 = 20 39.0 38.6 38.8 39.1 - Qf 21 38.5 38.7 38.9 38.9 41.0 7) 22 3052 3622 9) 36-2 40.0 - -37. = 23 3650 38.2 36.1 39.9 41.0 49 32.65 eu 38.1 36.27 %38.2 39.1 - 59 - 25 38.8 38.8 38.8 39.1 39.8 53 - 26 39-1 38.8 38.9 39.4 - 55 - - 3952 39:2 «9393 39-5 39-5 gph. ae Mean 38.6 38.9 39-3 40.7 41.6 32-17 = Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'wW. Depth of water - 150 feet March 1958 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth (oy 30! 50! 100' 150' Q' 150' Day 1 8952 39-3) 43955 39-9 39-9 32-39 2 2 39.2 39.0 39.0 39.0 39.0 73-32-58 3 39-5 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 -60 S 4 39297 | 39-3) 439-2 39-3 39-3 60 2 2 39-9 39-7 39.6 39-5 39.8 32.68 2 6 39-5 39-6 39.3 39.1 39.0 31.48 = il 39-2. 39:2 39-9 40.0 39-9 31.89 = 8 39.9 39.9 39.9 4O.1 4hO.1 32.21 - 9 39.5 39-3 39-7 4O.1 4O.1 31.90 32.74 10 39.5 39.2 39.3 39.8 40.1 stati - aa 39.8 39.2 39.3 39.8 kO.1 31.64 - 12 - - - - - 30.80 - 13 39-7 39.1 38.9 38.9 38.8 31-36 + 14 - = - - - 31.98 - 15 - - - - - - - 16 39-2 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 32.46 32.31 17 Sos) Silo) Sit(6r) 37-9 37-9 Ah = 18 38.4 37.8 37.8 37-7 37-7 259 = 19 39-6 37.9 37.9 38.1 38.1 30 = 20 - - - - - 32.07 - 21 - - - - - - - 22 - - - - - - - 23 3833) 38.3) 43%eo 37.8 37.8 31.64 32.28 ak 39-0 37.9 38.0 38.1 Soyal 87 - 25 38.9 38.3 38.7 38.7 38.6 -70 - 26 sisla@) cites Shr/a'7/ 37.2 37.0 31.77 - 27 3125 3-3) 33 37-2 37-2 32.24 = 28 39.0 38.3 38.2 38.2 38.1 -09 - 29 SiGe) sifael ee Si/6e 36.9 36.9 32.04 - 30 38.9 38.5 38.3 38.3 38.3 31.45 32.00 31 36. 3851 3851 38.1 38.1 - - Mean 39.0 38.6 38.7 38.7 38.7 32.03 32.38 Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'W. Depth of water - 150 feet April 1958 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth O' 30! 50' 100' 150' O' 150! Day 1 38.8 38.5 38.5 38.3 - 31.86 - 2 - - - - - 32.00 - 3 38.1 38.1 38.1 38.1 = 32.00 - 4 39.2 38.2 38.2 38.2 - 31.94 - 5 39.4 38.4 38.4 38.0 - 31.99 - 6 39.0 38.1 38.1 37-9 37-9 30-99 31.90 7 - - = - = Sleg0. o- 8 41.9 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 31.50 - 9 42.8 he.8 2.2 42.2 - 30.83 - 10 43.7 42.9 42.0 42.0 - -7l - 1 43.9 43.0 42.9 42.5 42.5 30.92 - a2 h2.6 42.5 42.8 L2c7 42.4 31.32 - 13 43.9 41.8 41.6 41.6 41.6 29-25 32-01 14 WheS5 =. QS 41.9 41.9 29.05 - 15 44.0 8241.0 40.9 40.9 40.9 30.32 - 16 hh.6 43.00 1 41.1 41.0 16 - 17 ho.5 43.3 42.2 Wy Was 430 ~=«C= 18 - - - - - 64 = 19 45.0 42.0 0.2 39.8 39.5 68 - 20 - - - - - “77 31.25 pal We.2. KI.O) RO] 40.1 40.1 30.34 - 22 b4.8 = =4h.3 41.8 41.0 Patan 29.88 - 23 - - - - - 30.50 - 24 44.8 42.1 40.6 39.7 39.7 30.49 - 25 47.0 41.9 39.8 39.2 39.2 26.08 - 26 47.0 44.6 40.0 39.7 39.8 19 ~- 27 47.2 - 40.0 39.7 39.7 55 - 28 46.2 4he2 40.1 39.6 39.5 26.60 - 29 uS.3 44.6.5 0.7 39.5 39.5 27-03. - 30 45.1 41.6 39.6 39.3 39.3 26.75 - Mean 43.5 HG 40.5 40.2 - 29.98 - 10 PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. of S PRR VRP OWUOIHAMFWHH [~ i Temperature Op Q' FOF! POO D! AORDANHAINNANWWW & FOOUM WOUMRPODMDDOKFWMONA OH WN NEE FEF EERE REE ERE ERFE OFF i= ON - 30" Table 3 (Cont'd) 70°05.5'We May 1958 50' 100! 38.8 37-5 39.0 37-1 ho.4 37.9 39-3 37.8 40.7 37-9 39-5 37-4 38.9 37.8 42.2 38.9 43.0 4O.4 40.9 38.5 39.6 37-9 ro 37.4 40.8 38.1 40.9 38.7 39-9 39.8 39.4 39.0 40.3 39-9 40.6 39.5 hO.1 39.0 39.2 38.3 4O.7 39.2 40.2 39.0 40.6 39.0 40.8 39.2 41.2 39.9 41.9 39.9 43.2 40.0 40.2 39.3 43.6 40.1 40.6 38.8 11 Depth of water - 150 feet 150' 37.4 37.2 37.2 37-7 37-3 37.8 38.7 38.2 36.8 36.5 37-2 38.3 39.0 38.3 37-9 e¥/oil 38.0 38.1 38.3 38.8 39-3 39-1 39-2 38.8 39-2 38.1 Salinity °/oo Q' 150' fo Oe eS ete techs te Ue ENO) te 8 76 e eo WW) =) Ww Cie a Tiel Foetal er arm Tt Fie St Yee Leak De aad | WwW {o) fo Ww =] i= =j in») 16 ofl Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70905.5'w. Depth of water - 150 feet June 1958 Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Depth O! 30! 50! 100' 150! GO! 1EQ8 Day 1 50.9 46.0 40.5 39.0 38.8 29.07 31.67 2 - 46.6 0.2 38.3 38.6 -16 ~ 3 49.2 42.3 38.3 37-7 37.2 .80 - 4 49.5 46.0 41.2 39.1 38.8 eye - 5 51.8 47.9 42.6 38.2 38.1 -70 - 6 49.6 47.6 44.9 37-9 37.8 29.93 - a 50.9 48.1 42.8 39.2 37.0 30.08 - 8 48.0 47.9 40.7 38.8 38.2 29.98 - 9 48.1 48.3 hea. 38.8 8.2 -97 - 10 49.9 49.0 he.k 39.2 38.8 29.88 - 11 50.1 48.0 he.1 39.3 - 30.08 - 12 52.1 48.9 43.8 39.3 38.7 30.07 - 13 51.9 48.3 2.9 39.0 38.5 29.98 - 14 48.1 48.1 47.7 38.7 37.9 30.50 = 15 45.0 Uh.6 2.8 38.7 37-9 31.28 32.19 16 46.9 4&h.9 42.8 38.8 37.8 30.93 - 3 48.4 4b. = =42.1 38.1 37.8 252 - 18 50.3 46.4 41.5 38.2 37-9 -65 - 19 47.9 46.9 44.8 38.7 37-9 -72 - 20 49.4 6.2 2.2 38.3 37-9 80 - 21 52.2 4h.o 40.6 39.1 37-5 255 - 22 52.9 45.4 40.1 38.2 38.2 -60 31.12 23 52.8 47.5 43.9 38.9 38.9 -58 - 2k 53-3 49.0 - - - 249 - 25 - - - - - 64 - 26 50.8 - 41.9 39.1 39.4 91 - 27 50.8 46.8 41.3 39.1 38.8 oe - 28 51.8 - - 39.6 - 82 - 29 54.9 51.2 42.3 39.0 38.8 -59 31.58 30 53-6 45.2 41.1 39.0 38.7 30.75 - Mean 50-4 6.9 he.2 38.8 38.2 30.32 31.64 12 PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP ® 5 PRERPRPRP RRR 4 DODAKDMNFWHMFOWOBIAU FWHH 19 SRLS 2k Temperature QO! BSUS FOO OO MOO? OV OW e e e e e e e e e e ° e bse te e ON ONO OMO FU FWAOADAIN AO OWw?Nn 61 Table 3 (Cont'd) 13 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'W. July 1958 OF 30' 50' 100! 45.0 42.9 39.0 46.1 43.8 41.9 49.0 44.3 42.0 49.3 46. 42.2 50.0 45.7 42.3 SOG) NaK/ 42.7 47.9 46.7 43.3 51.1 46.9 43.8 53.6 k6.4 4ho1 50.0 4h7.5 4.8 49.7 46.0 ra 55.0 50.0 46.1 53-5 49.3 45.2 52.0 48.1 4.7 5219) “82 45.2 50.5 47.7 45.0 48.1 46.2 4h 2 Slice 46.8 Lh 6 47.5 46.2 45.0 Sa Or a) Weoley, 4h. 9 52.3 50.0 4h.6 48.4 47.3 45.2 See) selon 45.6 48.2 47.1 ae) SlOn Oss 46.4 50.3 48.7 45.7 S76 5039 47.0 51.1 49.5 47.6 53-4 49.2 47.3 51.9 50.6 47.7 53-2 49.1 47.1 50.7 47.6 Lh.7 Depth of water - 150 feet & i)¥) e e ° ° e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e MVNON WMOWW OWN WOOAUOMONUUADYDNAAIONWLWO imi DRARAERE FHrree i Ww uw Salinity 9/00 QO! 30.27 150' Ww = (—! Ue (Oe O00 ty w Poo Pe 0 0 feo O10 oo 0 oo Ww pan -83 TT 88 -89 Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'w. Depth of water - 150 feet August 1958 Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Depth 0! 30' 50' 100' 150' OQ! 150' Day 1 58.8 52.7 50.8 Me feat 45.6 31.06 - 2 60.0 53.0 50.2 47.6 45.2 30.75 - 3 59.0 52.1 50.0 48.2 46.0 31.01 32.21 h 58.2 562.0 9550-9 47.9 Te Fee) 31.15 - 5 59.5 Sl ore 502 7.7 44.9 .35 - 6 57:5 52.3 50.7 iy (rg 45.7 ental - 7 59.1 5252 5d 46.6 45.1 Ay - 8 58.9 51-0 50.6 46.9 45.3 14 - 9 58.0 - 50.0 46.7 45.8 231 - 10 56.2 50.2 48.8 45.9 45.0 49 32.72 11 59.3 Sh 2 51.1) 47.3 45.7 045 - 12 60.6 52.0 9.0 45.7 eee) 43 - 13 59.0 52.0 48.9 46.8 4h.g -29 - 1h 61.7 56.0 49.1 47.0 45.0 +25 - 15 59.0 53.0) 74625 46.0 45.2 Pic ff - 16 60.9 56.0 50.5 46.2 45.7 -40 - Ly 62.1 55-3 50.8 46.8 45.9 37 32.30 18 60.2 5251 5026 iy ak 45.2 38 - 19 58.2 50:3 48.7 48.0 47.0 -63 - 20 58.1 55.10 5020 - - 41 - al 56.2 50.9 49.6 47.2 45.2 53 - 22 By (cpl Si..2) «50-9 My 2S 45.2 -60 - 23 58.2 52.8 50.1 47.5 46.2 -61 - ek 61.2 56:6 52.6 48.1 722 41 32.38 25 58.3 Sica va Saeed: 48.1 47.8 <07 - 26 60.2 S730 be 48.7 Phe Gea . 38 - 27 61.3 57.17, 52:4 48.9 47.9 225 - 28 61.4 56.0 9) 51.2 49.2 47.9 -29 - 29 62.8 Gide S°5ib. 48.9 48.0 48 - 30 63.1 53.3 ° 51.8 48.8 47.9 255 - 31 59.3 53.7 48.8 48.2 45.6 Bi46 32.50 Mean 59.5 53.8 » 50.6 47.6 46.0 31535 32.42 14 PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. | O ONDAUMFWAD FH 2S a> 10 Temperature OF Q' Ww =<] VPN ENND FOWW FRrWO © WwW VWI MW OO AODOW FWE FO Ww (oe) NS) E ie) 56.4 wi Ww FNM AOAONAN OOVMFREF WI . T= PMURFPRPWNIFONMOF® Table 3 (Cont'd) 70°05 .5'W. September _1958 50' 100' 150' Low 48.2 45.8 50.8 48.2 45.9 53.2 48.3 46.9 54.2 53-9 52.8 52.2 48.9 48.2 52.5 49.1 48.6 51.2 48.9 48.2 50.8 49.6 48.9 50.2 49.1 - 52.2 49.6 48.5 50.2 48.6 47.3 50.1 48.2 47.7 50.7 48.7 47.9 49.7 48.3 - 50.1 48.9 47.9 55-9 54.3 51.6 53.6 52.4 51.1 53-9 53-7 52-3 54.1 54.0 52.5 53-9 53-3 52-5 53.9 54.0 52.8 53.6 52.3 - 53.5 52.3 50.8 52.8 Silat 51.2 54.8 51.7 50.0 55.3 52.3 51.2 55.2 52.2 - 52.6 50.8 49.6 15 Depth of water - 150 feet Salinity °/oo Q' 88 150' Ww U0 0 D-0 DO fo) 0 0 DOD 0 DY 0 0 0 DT Db D (SN) fo 47 -30 Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'W. Depth of water - 150 feet October 1958 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth QO! 30' 50' 100' 150' (a 150' Day al 55-4 55-5 55-3 52-0 50.0 31-99 = 2 55-0 54.5 54.4 51.0 - 83 - 3 = = : - - -70 - 4 54.7 54.8 53.8 51.9 - ACY, - 5 - - - - - 31.85 32.65 6 53-1 53-0 53-0 52-3 49.8 32-00 = i 54.0 53.8 53.6 50.0 49.1 28 - 8 53.0 52.7 52:0 OAT 49.0 47 - 9 53.9 52.6 52.7 50.9 49.2 -26 - 10 Sh.b 53-8 53.8 51.4 49.9 -22 - ll 53-9 D359 | 25-2 91-3 49.5 -31 = 12 52.1 52.0 51.9 50.0 48.7 34 32.82 13 51.0 50.7 50.5 50.0 48.7 .58 - 14 - - - - - - 36 = 15 51.8 Sie 5.5 51-0 47.9 49 - 16 - - - - - aly, = 17 52.2 52. Sle 50.1 48.5 225 - 18 51.8 51.7 51.3 50.7 49.0 .38 - 19 51.2 Gee oa lak 50.0 49.4 36 32.73 20 51.5 51.5 51-5 51.3 49.5 -50 - 21 51.7 51.5 51.2 50.6 49.5 aS: - 22 51.7 51-5 . 51-7 51.3 49.8 41 - 23 - ~ - - - 46 - ok - - - - - 43 - 25 - - - - - - 30 - 26 - - - - - 33 32.46 27 50-5 50-5 50-5 50-5 50.6 257 = 28 - - - - 5 91 = 29 - - - - - 54 - 30 50.5 50.2 50.3 50.5 50.5 32.00 - 31 50.0 50.0 50.3 50.6 50.6 S171 - Mean - - - - - 32.26 32.66 16 Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'W. Depth of water - 150 feet November 1958 Temperature oP Salinity °/oo Depth o: 30' 50' 100' 150' Q' 150' Day aL 49.3 49.7 49.6 50.1 50.1 32.55 - 2 49.2 49.3 49.7 50.0 50.0 -19 32.39 3 48.1 NO poss, 50.1 50.1 32.07 - 4 48.8 48.9 49.0 49.9 50.1 31.73 - 5 48.1 48.8 48.9 50.8 50.8 31.92 - 6 49.3 49.3 49. 50.1 50.1 32.20 - f 49.2 49.1 49.7 50.0 50.0 31.97 - 9 = = = > o oj = 10 48.2 48.2 48.2 49.1 49.2 32.09 - nal - - - - - - - 12 48.1 48.3 48.4 49.1 49.1 32.13 - 13 48.0 ROSE 4 Sa5 49.1 49.1 507 - 14 48.0 W870) 8: 49.2 49.2 -O4 - 15 48.2 48.2 49.1 49.1 49.1 32.09 - 16 - - - - - - - Ne) 48.0 48.0 48.1 48.9 49.1 32.09 32.73 18 48.0 Vea) bese 49.0 49.0 19 - 19 47.9 47.9 48.0 48.7 48.9 -2l - 20 Nees) Mefeshe rents) 48.5 48.8 10 - 21 47.8 47.8 48.2 48.8 48.8 15 - 22 46.3 46.3 46.6 My foa 47.1 254 - 23 45.9 45.9 46.0 46.2 46.8 -50 32.67 2k 46.0 46.0 46.1 46.9 46.9 4h - = 46.0 46.1 46.1 46.2 46.3 32.66 - 2 - - = = 5 o = 27 45.2 45.4 5.35 6S 33.16 - 28 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.5 46.0 32.47 - 29 - - - - - - - 30 = 2 = = S 2 = Mean 47.7 47.8 48.0 48.6 48.7 32.2) - 17 Table 3 (Cont'd) PORTLAND LIGHTSHIP 43°31.6'N. 70°05.5'wW. Depth of water - 150 feet December 1958 Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Depth Q' 30' 50' LOC" 150' (oy 150' Day ab 45.3 45.7 45.7 45.9 45.9 32.66 - 2 45.0 45.0 45.2 45.8 46.0 -60 32.77 3 44.8 4u.9 =—-45.0 45.2 45.1 -60 - 4 4.8 WH.G = U8 4.9 4.9 Oh ie 5 44.8 4h.B =A 8 448 4.8 32.65 - 6 . 2 L i - - Z 7 = = = & = - - 8 4h .9 Weg Ag 45.0 45.0 32.78 - 9 43.4 43.4 43.4 43.6 43.6 .68 - 10 Tero Ta ee Sha Wye Wh.1 -74 32.76 11 42.3 42.6 2.8 42.9 43.1 64 - 12 43.1 43.2 43.4 43.4 43.6 -75 - 13 42.9 43.0 43.1 43.1 43.1 “13 2 14 43.6 43.6 43.7 43.6 43.2 a70 - 15 43.7 43.7 43.8 43.9 43.8 -79 = 16 41.9 42.1 42.6 43.2 43.7 ~52 - 17 42.1 h2.1 42.5 42.8 43.9 -55 32.78 18 42.5 42.5 2.6 42.6 43.3 64 - 19 41.8 41.9 41.9 42.9 43.6 Aral - 20 42.9 42.9 43.1 43.2 43.5 -97 - 2k 41.9 41.9 =41.9 42.9 43.2 32.86 - 22 - - - - - - - 23 41.8 hO.9 40.9 41.9 42.2 32.76 - 24 40.6 4o.2 40.8 41.8 43.0 -79 - 25 = = c= - - -79 = 26 1s Maleate a) shee 41.1 41.2 32.84 - 27 41.4 Te ee 9 ee) 41.3 41.4 - - 28 38.7 38.8 38.8 39.3 40.1 32.65 32.64 29 40.2 40.2 =40.3 40.3 40.5 aod - 30 40.2 40.2 840.3 4O.5 hO.7 ~10 31 41.0 41.2 41.2 hing hi.3 32.87 - Mean 42.6 42.6 42.7 43.0 43.3 32.73 32.74 18 oo SALINITY DEPTH IN FEET Boston Lightship (Figure 4, Table 4) The record at Boston Lightship, in contrast to that for the previous two years, is disappointing in that it is incomplete because of failure to lower the bathythermo- graph to the bottom, There are indications, however, that the temperature regime here closely parallels that observed at Portland. That is, winter values were above the mean while summer readings averaged below normal. Though the essential record of bottom tem- perature is missing almost completely, what data there are hint at a cold intrusion during June, at least, similar to the one seen at Portland. TEMPERATURE °F The surface maximum appeared abruptly early in August and was lower than the maxima for the previous two years. The autumn overturn occurred in October, From mid-November to year’s end temperatures remained slightly above the mean, The pattern of salinity closely paral- leled that seen at Portland. From February through November readings were consistently lower than those for 1957, but very similar to the 1956 record except for the low sur- face values which appeared in May. These were lower than any seen during the two previous years. \ \ \ 20 Db oO a a ' { | | { i i | i} | | ' \ \ \ 3 = \ \ 34,— } BOTTOM S%o w oO T 28 | | SURFACE S%o wie poi (| | | Figure 4. Boston Lightship period 1925-1941 19 3 1958. (Dashed line in upper diagram, mean for BOSTON LIGHTSHIP ® 5 NVNNNP RPP RPP RPP Pee = WHF ODO ODAIDNFWHFPOWONIAUFWNE IH 2k Januar Temperature Op (2) 30" oa fo) PWOHOArFRrFOONNA® la wor Ww Naty Ow 41.0 90" Ww Fw Pmooorrmworttteeoeeoeo#oevweeeroeeeo8oeoe#gs - fore 42°20.4'N. Table 4 1958 Salinity °/oo Q' 32.64 32.69 95' Ww fo Ww 6 6 @ § WF 8 © © 8 b @ 8 Ww 6 6 ¢ © 8b 8 > Ww fo Ww fo Ce ee ee ee De) \o fo ON ie) -63 -48 3h 20 TO°K5 .5'W. Depth of water February Temperature °F [oye WWWWW WW WW WW WW ww NOM ONMORFPANOFNW Fw WWWWWW MIMOrF O ooo WWW ‘rOOnwmt 1 ADHOLFAO! 8 36.6 30" 36.7 90" 37-1 95" 37-5 40.0 39-3 40.2 37-9 38.0 - 96 feet Salinity °/oo o' 31. 32. 31. 31. 32. 32. 32. 31. oby 8 02 Ww er ee ee ete es -26 “17 Pon 0 oO 0 oO 1S 32.09 Table 4 (Cont'd) BOSTON LIGHTSHIP 42°20.4'N. 70°K5.5'W. Depth of water - 96 feet 1958 March April Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth Q' 30" 50' 95' Q' 95' Q' 30" 50" 95' Q" 95" Day 1 32.2h - - - - - - - 2 32.26 - - - - - - - 3 31.81 - - - - - - - 4 32.06 - 39.0 39.1 39.0 39.0 31.53 - 5 -26 32.39 40.0 39.1 39.0 39.0 30.71 - 6 32.10 - 4O.1 839.6 39.2 39.2 31.38 31.74 iM 31-90 2 3959), 13929) 139-9 - S = 8 .82 - 38.3 38.5 38.2 - - - 9 -83 - 39.8 39.8 39.8 - 31.64 - 10 -92 - hikOw, Lovo 3958n s39e6) | 13950 - 1 31.93 - = - - - - - 12 32.02 32.20 - - - - - - 13 31. 84 = 40.9 39-9 39-9 39-9 3.43 31.67 14 - - 41.1 40.1 - - 30 - 15 - - 42.6 ho.k 40.0 - 31.18 - 16 32.05 - 43.1 4O.6 39.9 - 30.81 - 17 -O4 - hh.5 =4O.1 40.1 - 30.66 - 18 38.1 37-8 37.8 38.5 -10 - U4.6 42.5 40.0 - 31.52 - 19 39.0 38.6 38.0 38.0 32.09 - - - - - 30.68 - 20 - - - - - - - - - - 56 31.65 21 - - - - - - 46.0 41.7 4O.1l 39.9 47 - 227 7 30.u) 365k) (36.2 - 32.07 - 45.3 40.7 - - -67 - 2338.2) 38.2) 38.2) 38.2 = 32.10 += 32.08 45.3 43.2 39.9 39.9 62 - ah 8638.8 = 38.4 2S 38.3 38.3 31. J - 46.0 he.5 4O.2 39.9 30.70 - 2 39-8 39.0 38.9 38.9 “75 - - - - - - = 26 «39.2 «39-2 Ss 39.2 )= 38.8 = 3.88 - - - - - - - 27 - - - - - - 45.0 4h.o 41.2 39.8 31-08 31.76 26a 30592 939-01 39-27 639-24 931.15) Va = - - - - - - 29 «039.6 39.4 39.2 39.0 -60 - WhoQ 43.9 4O.3 %4O.L 30.73 30 39.1 39.0 39.0 39.0 46 632.08 45.1 43.9 43.6 40.0 30.77 - Bie kOsa 3956n 39.0 - 31.15 - Mean - - - - 31.92 32.19 42.6 41.0 40.0 - 31.00 31.70 Table 4 (Cont'd) BOSTON LIGHTSHIP 42°920.K'N. 70°K5.5'We Depth of water - 96 feet 1958 May June Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Temperature OF Salinity 9/00 Depth 0' 30' 50! 95' Q' 95' (oy 30' 50' 95' 0! 95' Day 1 45.7 42.9 40.8 0.2 - - 52.0 51.1 - - 30.25 - 2 46.8 4h.g 41.1 40.2 - - 52.2 - - - 2k 3 - - - - - - 52.4 48.8 - - -26 - 4h 46.7 he.k - - 30.43 - 53-1 49.4 43.0 - 29 = 30.91 5 - - - - -42 - 53.1 49.3 - - 43 - 6 47.6 “h6.3 -*"45.7 - 30.23 - 53-2 46.0 43.0 - -52 - 7 - - - - 29.70 30.88 52.4 47.0 - - 62 - 8 45.2 45.2 45.2 - 30.08 . 52.9 52.0 - - 68 - 9 46.2 45.0 44.8 43.2 29.63 - 52.2 47-3 Neca - -70 - 10 «=46.1 45.9 45.7 - .22 ~ 52.1 46.9 - - “715 - Tal - - - - -O7 - 52.6 43.8 41.0 - -69 31.71 12 #47.8 47.2 45.9 43.5 -05 - 51.5 43.6 41.4 - -85 - 13 48.8 %h7.7 45.2 43.3 -42 - - - - - -88 - We 49.6 48.2 48.0 4.5 -33 0-330. 84 Sif USL hO.d - “91 - 15 49.7 47-4 bb.g 43.5 os ae 50.3 39.1 - = ts ae 16 - - - - oplat - Ser 513 - - -90 - 17 49.7 47-1 45.0 - -20 - 53.1 ° 468.8 42.8 - -79 - 18 - - - - asp - 53.9 52.2 2.1 - eyau a shloy/s} 19 50-1 45.4 43.9 - -29 - 52.1 49.4 - - -91 - 20 50.0 45.4 h2.6 - 86 - 52.8 47.3. 42.1 - .83 - 21 #449.0 43.9 43.0 - -95 31.69 52.1 47.5 - - .83 - 22 - - - - 29.97 - 52.1 4b.g - = .89 - 23. 49.3 43.0 41.2 40.7 30.25 - - - - - -90 = oh - - - - +35 - 54.3 47.0 - - 85 - 25 49.9 43.2 - -50 - 53.5 45.9 44.5 - 30.85 31.64 26 949.7 43.1 41.6 41.3 -48 - 52.9 50.1 - - 31.00 - 27 51.0 43.2 - - 49 - 56.7 4O.2> WT - 30.82 - 28 50.6 46.1 41.5 41.2 48 = - 331.64 56.3 53.0 = - -93 - 20) 5a) byes) “453° VRS -50 - 57-0 48.6 42.7 - 30.90 - 30 51.1 h 41.3 40.9 -50 51.8" 47.9. =43.3 - 31.07 - 31 52-5 46.4 43.6 - 30.19 - Mean 48.9 45.4 43.7 - 29.86 31.26 52.9 47.8 - - 30.74 31.50 22 BOSTON LIGHTSHIP July Temperature Depth 0' 30' Day Ty Bsigs) HGioal A Gyhealy Thee 3 54.6 44.7 4h 655.7 44.9 5) Gisjacn) heat 6 56.1 45.9 7 952.5 he.6 GS) Gah LAG, 9° 59.7 48.7 NOM N55 )Onw 145/10 A Gl One W482 5 LO 63a 6.0 13. 64.7 46.0 14 63.1 = 4h.3 15 59.6 46.2 YS) SRO eee) NY GHasb! GEO) 18 58.6 48.6 19 58.9 47.9 20 58.9 49.3 eal) Bifas). Go’) Bey Gres 1Ghleal: x, a ake > > he) 2h 61.1 «54.6 ey Cela f, 2. Tate} SENS G.1) M578 258 9523 28)9"59°9 956.7, 29° 59-9 50.0 30 62.1 50.6 OF 90" Oo won Ge On Oe OO 6 . NMWODRr CO F- i OV O OX Ke) wi OU 0 Ul TE SDF 20 Or05 hes 0. 0a eeie-U= OF 08 (Oe Sh 0 ak 0D Salinity °/o00 oO! 31. 30. Table 4 (Cont'd) 42°20.4'N. 70°5.5'W. 1958 95% oy 30' -94 31.08 62.1 51.6 “57 - 62.1) 25720 -O1 - 62.3 53.4 -O1 - 63.3 54.1 -O1 - 64.1 56.1 03 - 64.8 55.1 -08 - 65.6 56.0 03m = 63-2". 53-2 -Ol 31.69 Gio Galo) SOleee l= 64.7 48.4 05 - 65.1 50.3 97 - 63.1 48.5 -96 - Gisinis} | | hear l 98 - 56.9 49.8 +95 - 60.1 48.8 95 - 57-6 49.0 Gk 31.37 60.1 49.6 -08 - 54.1 47.9 -08 - Beiaa Galo -08 - 58.3 50.6 -03 = eos} Sz? -03 - 59.0 53.2 .83 31.18 59.1 48.1 -O1 - 60.1 55.2 -00 - 55.2 48.0 -00 - 55 G76 -08 - Sey owas) -00 - Gisjoay IHG} 88 - 5 es -83 31.16 60.0 57.6 -66 - play Galas 00 831. 30 58.4 51.1 Temperature OF Depth of water - 96 feet August Salinity °/oo 50' 95' oO! 95' - - 30.44 - = S -59 a 49.5 = = Si; Can = = BPs} & 50.9 - 38 a 50.9 o 80 31.20 = > 30-93 2 - - 31.00 - 48.8 - 30.94 2 46.9 - 30.95 - Wh.go = 31.02 - 4Y.g - 30.94 > 47.9 = -95 30.96 fol. oc Sho 47.6 - 30.93 2 - - 31.08. - 47.3 - -Ok - - - 1h - - - aly o 45.1 = 2h 31.43 Kk.9 - +30 = 45.1 - 38 nm 45.1 - 46 - 48.3 - me) s 48.0 - -32 = 46.1 - 36 i = - 38 = 46.6 - 31.40 z 50.1 - 31.14 - 46.9 = 31.2h - 47.3 - 31.03 31.20 BOSTON LIGHTSHIP & 5 PRPRPRP RPP RPePP 9 DBADNFWHEFOWONHAUFWNP 19 SS OS) DRS) BS ye) DODO fae be) BS rFOW ON DAM Fw a ®) September Temperature op 0! 30' 50' 60-7 51-6 46.7 59-9 51.3 = 59-9 55-4 - 59.6 57.2 - 58.1 55.1 - 58.1 - - 59-7 55-1 46.4 58.9 50.7 45.4 53-1 48.0 45.6 53.6 46.3 - 51.8 - - 53.8 50.1 47.3 55-6 54.5 - 54.4 = 48.3 = 52.7 47.9 - 55-1 48.3 46.5 56.1 54.5 - 55-4 52.9 - 55-9 54.4 53.6 55-9 954.3 - 57-0 52.9 52.0 57-0 - - 56.6 52.9 = 56.7 53-7 52.6 55.8 52: 51-7 Bye) Sep olt - 55.1 55-0 54.9 56.4 52.4 - Ne) uw [Hemet es footie Taaek Taett Yanmey Feel Josie Norte aio Fosmeel Youve Jomo pomeet Jipsed Jeomet Wilmer pnt Fonmel Jase lau ~sczaat [iv faleat Dernadl Fis Heme Jenne Voss | Table 4 (Cont'd) 42°20.4'N. 1958 Salinity °/oo O' 31.31 31.31 95' 31. 23 75 50 J0CK5..5'W. Depth of October Temperature op Q' wn at Xe) Ww AOR De ve) biires es me are i ace a Oe ML TYE ee EO PAN COOFHM WOO MIDOONWOHAFH 30° wm ee Fowo ww fo Spies P70 50' WW 00 00 00 0 8 8 7 WWWWWWNhHFOAWA! 1 t ir test fe act nT es COMMON HYOMOr Vn UMW yp FNnr b Fo Fre *#omooottt tOnn ! Wwww OF wm Ww (8) water - 96 feet 6 @ 6 @ © 8 8 O 8 & & & Fu i trprorrreroor woor.w @ai @ Co of Salinity (ey 97/00 Di: -78 -02 Table 4 (Cont'd) BOSTON LIGHTSHIP 42°20.K'N. 70°K5.5'W. Depth of water - 96 feet 1958 November December Temperature OF Salinity ¢ {00 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth oO! 30' 50' 95' o' 95' QO! 30' 50' 95' Q' 95' Day TCU tie!S - 31.94 - Uh.Q = =ug - - 32.15 2 49.9 49.8 49.8 - 32.00 - 46.0 46.0 - - -17 = 3 - - - - - - 45.6 45.6 - - -23 2-32.17 Ih TNe oa INSSS5} - - 32.11 - - - - - - - 5 48.9 49.0 49.1 - -08 32.09 WL.6 AS - - 32.03 - 6 48.6 48.7 48.8 - -09 - - - - - - - 7 48.9 48.9 48.9 - -12 - - - - - - - 8 48.9 48.9 48.9 - -08 - bh.Q = 4K.QG - 32.2h - 9 48.9 48.3 48.6 - -09 - 46.0 46.9 46.9 46.9 2h - N@)» theleal — WAfe}oa hfe} th - 32.04 - 45.6 46.1 46.1 46.1 2h = 32.17 11 - - - - - - 46.0 46.0 46.0 46.0 32.29 - 12 - - - - 32-11 32.14 - - - - - - 13 48.8 48.7 48.6 48.6 ell w WheO 8045.1 45.1 45.0 32.28 - wh 48.2 «648k 8.7 48.7) 32.03 - 45.2 &bh.Q bh.Q 44.8 32.30 - NOM OSS alOr lO.6) e3275 - - - - - - - 16 - - - - - - - - - - - MUCH SUENLONLOSEE ONT, SenOk - 43.0 43.0 - - 32.38 32.66 18 48.1 48.1 48.3 - Ok - W4.O =. - - -4o - 19 48.6 48.2 48.6 - -02 32.12 Wh.5 = he - - -52 - 20 48.1 48.3 48.3 - -02 - 4KO =O - - 32.38 - 21 =48.3 48.2 48.4 - -02 - 42.3 42.5 - - - - 22 «648.30 4B. 2 BL - 32.02 - TS@) oO) EGO. aloe) SAG SH - gy. Unearth eahs - 31.88 - TO) Fulo@) ele SELGS - ahi Wrage Vera - .89 - 42.0 41.0 41.0 41.2 30.22 32.56 OS LO Gud 5. Om k Sead s3188 - LONG) LOO) Won, hale - - 26 - - - - - - 4O.9 4O.9 441.1 41.2 - - eT wkTso) UpeT Wes6 - 32.12 - - - - - - - 28 46.6 46.8 46.8 - -13 - - - - - - - COM ETON W469) ek 72.0 - 32.12 - 412.0 41.9 41.9 42.0 - - 30 - - - - - - - = = = = - 31 41.3 41.9 341.9 - 32.62 32.56 Mean 48.1 48.0 48.2 - 32.03 - 43.5 43.7 - - - 32.42 25 Georges Shoal, Texas Tower #2 (Figure 5, Table 5) The winter minimum in early March on Georges Shoals was 40° F. and agreed with that for 1957, though January and February were warmer than in 1957. Warming was well behind 1956 and 1957 through July; during August temperatures made an abrupt recovery, reaching a maximum of 61° F, toward the end of the month, This maximum was greater than that for 1956 by 0.8° F. and less than the 1957 high by 3.2° F., and occurred some three weeks earlier than either. At the 60;— 50 TEMPERATURE °F end of the year cooling was rapid. From May through December temperatures were con- sistently lower than those for 1957. In terms of annual means, 49.3° F, for 1958 was colder by 2.1° than was 1957. Surface water sampling was resumed in August, Ten day mean values were close to 32.0 o/oo through October; November and December showed a gradual rise in salini- ties to 32.9 o/foo at year’s end. Where comparison is possible with the spotty 1956 record, the 1958 values appear slightly lower. SURFACE T, °F 30 =a sil a | ! L |e | | 34 * SURFACE S%o Coste oh wn 5 32 = a P| l l L I | l l a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC Figure 5. Georges Shoal, ‘texas Tower i#2, 1958 (solid line). (Dashed line, 1956; dotted line, 1957) 26 TEXAS TOWER #2 GEORGES SHOAL Month PRP RPP PPP Pe 9 O DAKDUNFWHHOWOBAIAVU FWHH fo Mor Oo Ly?) Ww 2h 41°K1'16. 3"'N. 41.7 Table 5 67°K5 ' 36.2"We Surface Temperature OF g Ke] e e e e e e e ° e e e e e e e e ° ° e e e ° e e e e e e e e e VN FEF E FEN NNENNWW FWWNU FEW RF EWR EEE 1958 27 ho. HPOOOPNHFHOODOKFOOODFOOOWUONONKFPONNN Depth of water - 56 feet 46.0 Pptee eee rete he re rare ree cee re AA NAAN AAA AAD DAW DD OWODAF EWE EFWEWHHHOO & wm fw 48.2 SIMI STD STDIN ee eae ee PEE SSSSOSSS SOOO MOOD MH! WWWWOO DOANADAHNFW FON FORAYUWNNEH & ‘© & Sal Table 5 (Cont ‘da ) TEXAS TOWER #2 41°41 '16.3"N. 67°45'36.2"W. Depth of water - 56 feet GEORGES SHOAL Surface Temperature OF 1958 Month July Aug. Sept. Oct Nov Dec Day Temp Sal Temp Sal Temp Sal Temp Sal Temp Sal Temp Sal al 51.4 54.3 61-2 31.99 59.8 31.91 54.9 32.06 49.2 32.41 2 51.6 54.8 61-0 31.98 59.8 31.86 5h.4 10 49.1 41 3 51.6 55.1 60.4 31.98 59.3 31.89 54.1 02 48.9 -4o 4 51.8 55.0 60.5 31.97 59.0 31.89 54.4 06 47.5 -38 5 51.8 55.1 60.8 31.98 59.1 31.88 54.1 phy a) 48 6 51.7 55.1 60.8 31.99 58.4 31.98 54.0 10 47.5 51 1 51.4 55.0 61.1 32.02 57.4 31.93 54.7 16 46.2 54 8 51.4 54.8 61.2 32.01 57-7 31-95 53.8 32.18 45.8 -59 9 51.9 54.9 61.1 32.01 58.1 31.99 52.8 31.74 45.8 -62 10 52.0 54.9 61.0 32.00 58.7 31.92 53.2 32.08 45.8 -69 aT 52.1 55.0 60.8 31.98 58.9 31.96 54.0 - 45.8 32.64 12 52.2 55.1 60.9 31.99 58.2 31.96 53.8 32.06 45.4 - 13 52.2 55.0 61.0 32.01 57.4% 31.96 53.8 31.64 45.5 32.61 14 52.3 56.0 32.10 60.9 32.02 56.6 31.93 54.0 32.03 45.1 -53 15 52.4 58.6 32.09 61.0 32.02 56.8 32.00 54.3 31.81 45.2 52 16 52.4 60.4 32.04 60.9 32.00 57-3 31-99 53.5 32.22 45.1 .58 17 52.4 60.8 31.95 60.6 32.06 57-7 31-97 52.4 425.) Hoa 96 18 52.4 60.9 31.94 60.2 31.98 58. 31.99 52.1 22 45.3 -60 19 52.4 60.7 31-99 60.1 31.93 57-1 32.00 52.1 22 4k.g 32.59 20 52.3 60.6 31.99 60.2 31.95 56.6 32.01 52.0 -25 45.2 - 21 52.4 61.1 32.04 59.8 32.01 55.9 32.03 51.4 -22 4h.5 33.03 22 52.6 60.9 32.02 59.4 32.02 55.4 32.00 51.6 -26 44.1 33.04 23 53.1 60.8 32.09 59.5 31.95 55.9 32.00 50.5 -29 bb.k - 2h 54.2 60.5 32.04 59.6 31.95 56.4 32.00 50.1 -26 Ub.1 32.92 25 54.6 60.0 32.05 59.6 31.93 56.2 31.99 50.2 225 43.8 -75 26 54.5 61.5 32.04 59.7 31.93 55.7 31.95 49.8 216 43.3 °75 27 544 61.5 32.02 59.5 31.95 56.6 31.96 50.3 -32 43.4 32.93 28 54.2 61.1 31.99 59.4 31.83 56.9 31.99 49.9 -28 43.8 - 29 54.1 61.0 31.89 59.2 31.89 56.9 31.99 49.7 -4O 4.1 32.76 30 54.2 61-3 31.89 59.3 31.90 56.4 31.96 49.4 32.412 44.2 33.14 31 54.3 61.0 31.99 55.4 32.08 43.7 32.91 Mean 52.8 58.2 - 60.4 31.98 57.0 31.96 52.5 32.15 45.5 32.68 28 Nantucket Shoals, Texas Tower #3 (Figure 6, Table 6) The observations at Texas Tower #3, Nantucket Shoals, which began in March afford an interesting comparison with the record from Texas Tower #2 at Georges Shoal. From March through mid-July tne records run parallel, with Nantucket Shoals temperatures running slightly below those at Georges Shoals. From the end of July through December, nowever, surface water temperatures at Nantucket Shoals lagged behind those at Georges Shoals by more than 5 F. Bigelow (1927, pp. 594-595) remarks on the comparatively cool water found in August over the shallow broken bottom south of Nantucket and says that probably ‘this cold area is separated from the equally low surface temperatures of Georges Bank by a band of warm surface water along the so-called 'sauth channel'...' Subsequent surveys (unpublished data in files of Woods Hole Oceanograpnic Institution) show that these two cool areas are separated, but by a region of even colder water in South Channel in July, August and September. It seems likely, then, that the low temperatures found at Nantucket Shoals represent the western margin of an area of upwelling, and that the southwesterly wind regime which characterizes the summer months in the region drive the warmed surface water to the northeast along the northern edge of Georges Bank, allowing replacement by deep water from the Gulf of Maine. This is in agreement with drift-bottle studies (Day, 1959) which show that southwesterly winds give an onshore component of movement of surface water south of Nantucket and an accelerated northeasterly movement along the northern edge of Georges Bank. 60 a °o + fo} SURFACE T, °F TEMPERATURE °F 30 | | nl | l | | | ee =| JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP oct NOV DEC Figure 6. Nantucket Shoals, Texas Tower #3, 1958. 29 41°00 '52"'N. 69°29'37"W. Table 6 TEXAS TOWER #3 NANTUCKET SHOALS T= MAD Ft et INOW Ht INO WOO D0 D0 NO MN =f -t WWD O WO 3) Fy ONnRFTRHROKRMAMMNAAMAM qqnag Mie eel Oleweation ot od St a os st ot Soot os ot SS st ots oS at os St ot St ot $ ttm ~ e e e e e s J oe es ° e ° ° e e 7 e es se ° 3| AAANANMANETMMMARHANMNAUAMANOCAMANHAAAdO ie) Vow ou ou aw au ae au at au eauliaw au at at au au au au eu aw aw ae au au awa aw aw ame wiley 2 OANVNVHDANMVOOSD + FOFENANNHNAVONHAN ® tt AAAKAAG AAAS AS Mt tt NATAMMMMAMAAM wm LN LIN UN LEN LIN UN LEN LIN UN UN EEN UN UN EDN UN LIN UN EN UN LEN UN UN LN UN NN UN LN LN NN : NNONDOONHtTH+NADMONRONHDONOFONNHOKEN e e e ° J J e eo eo e e ° se e e s e es e . se oe e e e e e e ° 3| NAUMANN +t + tt MM FMF NMMNHAS AO TAMAS <— Vee ow ow ae au a@ au awlaW au aw aw au aul aulaw aulia@ aula pu aw stliaw aWlawiaw aw aw lawl ay > WOMOMOFtFt4MFtMONWDONOMNANOWOONFTNO @ "es Je fe ¢ @@ 6 6 je “6. ce “e .e, ose ve 3 tANAHDOOHAAAMMNANDCOHOHAANAAMAAMMAA Fr LINN UN LUNN LIN LIN UN UN LN LEN WIN IN UN LE LEN LUN LEN EN LEN UN LEAN LN LLL LN NN DW MNODOOCDVONACNONAANANN NO + N10 MO UR UN US I US LG 9 DEDDADSIIORIIIRIOI A AAA att st st st st st at + + + TNNMWWMNTNMNNFNMNNONnNOWWA @ A OW0 0 ON uN =t A UN CD f ON ONS Wn =t \0 0 O10 F\0 A INNO a a i a a a a tata sts Surface Temperature °F - 1958 by e e e e e e e e e e e e Ld ° e e eo e e e ° e e ° ° e e ° e ad eee. QWOWVDWWDDWDWADAAATAnAAANTANANUNUAUNNANAAMNM <= Mt tsetse st st st st st st st st ost st ot ost os st ost st ost os st st st ° tTOAHOADO+ O -t T> MO O A ON ONO 10 DONO =O at ME | DODOADADAD 1 1 1CGROGDDDOAHRGODOHROSGSO 8338 MMAMMMNAMM MH ttm ttt OM st St Ost tt q yp a | eI IAI AB aD ood te! SNS oO Mion uke CoH SAY AdtdAt dA AA AAA 30 44.2 648.8 = 52.0) 553.8) 541 52.4 49.9 2.6 41.5 (Figure 7, Table 7) Nantucket Shoals Lightshi All that can be said is Observations missed and data shipments lost make the 1958 record at Nantucket Shoals lightship station disappointing. that, where temperatures are available, 1958 appeared colder than the mean. uw ° . i WW 2 w& « =) n de 3YNLVESdW3L ° N 40 60 ° ® 3 1333 NI H1ld30 120 140 160 36 BOTTOM S%o Lal m oy, ALINITVS SURFACE S%o 30 ) (Dashed line in upper diagram, mean for period 1947-1952, 8 miles WSW of present position Nantucket Lightship, 1958. Figure 7. oil NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"w Depth of water - 192 feet Jan 1958 Temperature oP Salinity 9/00 Depth O' 30' 50' 100! 150' 180! O' 180' Day 1 4 = = = - cy - - 2 S a SS a = - - - 3 h7.0 7.0 “47.0 Py eal Fig (A igae fa 33-61 - k 46.9 47.1 47.1 47.3 47.3 47.3 33.65 - 5 = - - o - - - - 6 47.5 47.6 47.5 47.4 47.4 U7 33.75 = {i 46.8 46.7 46.7 46.8 46.9 46.9 33.62 - 8 = Z = = Z f a 5 9 - - - - - - - - 10 - - - - - - - - 11 - - - - - - - - 12 = = = c = a : = 13 - - - - - - - = 1h - - - - - - - - 15 41.9 =. Kl. 41.7 Rie] hES7 32.97 - 16 41.9 42. 41. 41.8 41.8 41.8 33.01 - 17 - - - - - - - - 18 - - - - - - - - 19 - - - - - - - - 20 41.9 41.8 41.6 a erg 41.6 41.6 33-00 - 21 Hi. “h1.7 41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6 Ol - 22 41.9 41.7 41.6 41.6 41.6 41.6 33.02 - 23 - - - - - - - - 2k < = = = = 5 A = 25 - - - - - - 26 Wia7 41.7 41.7 41.7 33.00 - 27 41.8 41.6 41.6 41.6 00 = 28 40.9 41.0 Wiel bie ell. = 29 4O.1 40.6 hO.7 40.7 Ok 30 39.2 39.8 39-9 39-9 = 31 40.0 4O.1 4o.2 40.2 - Mean ae 32 ip Table 7 (cont'd) OROnIAAl! NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 40° 33'00"N. 69 28'00"W Depth of water - 192 feet February 1958 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth OQ! 30! 50' 100' ASO" 17280! Ol 160% Day aL Whe3 WA. 4k W4.3 4b. 3 33-09 - 2 - - - - - - - = 3 42.2 42.30 eek 42.7 42.8 42.8 33-06 32.98 4 ose Shorea kolo 42.3 42.5 2.6 Oh = 5 41.3 41.5 41.6 41.8 41.9 41.9 Ou — 6 41.9 42.0 41.9 42.0 42.0 42.0 Oh - 7 Wala} Phalele}) | Datars} 41.8 41.9 41.9 33-01 - 8 es i = e = = ie = 9 - - - - = - - - 10 - - - - - - - - 11 59-1 39-2, 39-2 39-2 3923 3953 32.78 32.78 12 - - - - - - - oS af 39-0 39-1 39.1 39-3 39-4 39.4 S250 9 = i}! = = = O O o c = 2 38.6 38.7 38.8 38.8 38.9 38.9 32.79 - 1 5 - - 2 = - = = a7 = = 2 = = = = = 18 - - - - - - - - 19 3i-3) S60 = 37-0 37-8 37-9 37-9 32.79 32.82 20 37-4 37-7 37.8 37-8 Se 319 -83 - al Sf 3-8 = 37-9 37-9 31-9! 37-9 32.86 - 22 - ByY/ae) — sisinal 38.1 38.4 38.5 33.05 - 23 38.7 38.8 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 32.98 - 2h 39.1 38.9 38.9 39.0 39.0 39.0 33-04 32.98 25 38.7 38.9 38.9 39-0 39-0 39.0 32-99 - 26 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.9 38.8 38.8 -97 - eT 39-3 39-4 39.5 39.6 39.8 39.8 32.98 - 28 89°30) 39551) 39-5 39.6 39-7 39.8 33-05 | ¢ an 39.8 39.8 39.9 39-9 40.0 40.0 32.96 32.89 33 NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP Temperature oF 30' 50° ¥ at 2 WOONAUFWHH WWW oO OW WWW OOF WWW orn OOWl ' 1 OOO ie) e - © 655111 S51 11s OOD 1 4 OO oOo - fh © == FEW e MW © Few OOW't! | OO” MWWO At FE Au Oo of too 4 t 1 8 own FEE © © Ct tO Crt tes rwuw Fee Fou Table cont'd 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"w March 1958 100' 150' 180' 39-2 39-2 39.2 39-1 39-2 39-3 39-0 39-2 896393 40.0 hO.1 40.2 40.4 40.5 =40.6 hO.3 40.6 40.7 40.7 hO.9 840.9 40.7 40.8 41.0 40.6 ho.7 40.8 40.7 ho.9 41.0 40.5 40.7 40.8 34 Depth of water - 192 feet Salinity °/oo o' 180' 32.87 32.87 ® 8 Beeeves & Ww Ww = =) W 6 © 6 0 @ @ @we@ 6 8 8 8 r w NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP oF 5 dl a NFP OW OID FWP Ox = ray WwWworPr oO - WW Oovr FWwWh OO Temperature 30' 50' 41.0 41.0 41.2 41.2 41.1 Pikeal 41.4 41.5 41.3 41.3 Te 41.3 4O.7 hO.7 1.1 41.1 40.8 40.8 41.0 41.0 41.6 41.2 41.2 41.2 41.5 41.5 42.2 41.8 42.5 41.9 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.7 42.3 2.1 43.1 42.5 43.0 42.9 42.7 42.5 42.2 42.2 43.9 43.9 41.9 41.7 OF Table 7 (cont'd) Depth of water - 192 feet Salinity °/00 40°33'00"N. 69°28' 00"'w April 1958 100! 150' 180! QO! 41.0 Lave 41.1 33.10 41.2 41.3 41.4 -09 41.2 2 41.3 -06 41.6 41.8 41.9 06 41.6 41.6 41.6 33.06 41.5 41.5 41.5 32.93 40.8 40.9 41.0 32.71 41.1 ae Watae Bais} 40.8 40.8 40.8 -67 41.3 41.4 41.4 -76 41.2 41.2 41.3 Sit nataal, h1.4 41.5 -62 41.6 41.6 41.6 -60 Hae, 41.7 41.7 -60 41.5 41.8 41.8 -60 42.2 h2.1 42.1 -60 2.7 42.5 42.5 51 ke.1 42.1 42.1 -48 ho.2 - » -59 42.6 42.6 42.8 ashi 42.6 42.8 42.9 - 36 42.2 2.3 42.5 32.31 43.9 43.6 43.6 32.52 41.7 41.7 41.8 32.70 35 180' Ww UU OD to 0-0 Coo 0 80 0: ri -62 Th NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP ® 3 e e e PAWS MO WWww FNP Temperature oF 30" E Ww (=) a at e e (oe) MWRW FE OwWwWWwwn 30" 43.1 ied 43.3 43.1 43.6 43.3 43.8 4 KL 1 44.1 44.6 ree 45.8 45.9 46.0 46.9 46.5 49.1 46.6 46.0 46.3 45.1 45.3 45.1 45.9 45.9 45.0 Table 7 (cont'd) 40°33'00"N. May 1958 100! 150' 43.6 43.8 43.1 43.3 43.4 43.5 43.3 43.7 43.9 hh.o 43.8 43.9 43.9 4b.o Wh.5 = RT Kk.1 = he To Whe3 ke 43.8 3.9 45.8 45.9 USO et HOed 46.0 46.1 46.1 46.1 46.9 47.6 47.4 8047.2 46.6 47.1 4L.Q LA 45.2 45.5 45.2 45.4 45.3 45.6 45.4 = =45.8 45.9 46.1 45.9 46.0 bheQ = 45.1 36 69°28'00"w Es OP ONFO Nnw?r wom t Oonana-i ONO an - i ae FWWWWw NM WW © ~ MNO DN MONNNNKRRFOF Ps wi fo Depth of water - 192 feet Salinity °/oo (ok Ww Ww fw @ @ 6b 6 © 6 fb 8 8 Ww 6 6 6 @ @ @ @ fF © @ 6 6 8 8 to 3 Ww fo 180' & \oO = = 229 “71 49 Table 7 (cont'd) NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"w June 1958 Temperature Op Depth ol 30! 50' 100' 150' 180! Day 1 = = = o = = 2 = o 5 = = o 3 - - - - - on h = = = = & “s 5 49.8 49.1 49.1 49.2 49.6 49.8 6 49.1 = =49.1 49.2 49.6 49.8 49.8 7 49.2 48.7 48.3 48.7 48.9 49.0 8 51.1 50.0 49.7 49.1 49.3 49.6 9 - - - - - - 10 50.1 49.1 49.9 48.9 49.4 49.7 voy 54.2 53-1 52.8 50.8 49.8 49.8 12 51.8 50.8 50.9 SiO) S12! 51.1 13 51.2 50.2 50.3 50.8 50.8 50.9 14 - - - - - - 15 - - - - - - 16 - - - - - - 17 51.8 50.7 50.9 51.0 51.1 51.1 18 52.1 51.0 50.8 50.3 . 51.2 51.2 19 51.2 50.4 50.3 50.4 50.7 50.8 20 51.6 50.3 50.3 50.6 50.9 51.2 21 51.1 50.4 50.4 50.6 51.0 51.2 22 51.6 50.7 50.7 50.9 51.1 51.2 23 50.9 50.6 50.4 50.01) Silo Sil2 ok 52.0 50.7 50.7 50.8 51.1 51.2 =» 51.6 50.6 50.6 50.8 51.1 51.2 2 = = 3 = 2 O 27 §2.1 51.1 51.2 51.4 51.9 51.9 28 - - - - - - 29 - - - - - - 30 - ~ - - - - Mean - - - - - - 37 Depth of water - 192 feet Salinity °/oo Q' 180' - 35 WwW e Uo 0 DO 0 DO OD DO OD 0 0D G 0 00 0 0 0-0 OPO 0 Ue a Table 7 (cont'd NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"w Depth of water - 192 feet July 1958 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth O' 30' 50! 100' 150! 180' O' 180! fay No data 38 NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP ON VI DAWEH NMWOW OF OHF ANNO on e e e Ah e e H ADW MoM SAARASS + S VWHOMOHY AWE Temperature oF 30" AWWW OoFFN www WII HOt ANO Mt § ON WW OV yo woon w w a & 90" 1) EE ait ND MWOWO0 AH OO @ Table 7 (cont'd) 69°28'00"'W 40°33'00"N. August 1958 100' 150° 180' 50.6 49.7 49.7 51.7 50.2 50.3 52.0 51.8 51.7 51.2 50.0 49.7 51.5 50.9 50.8 S2e1.e 5224 51.5 52.3 51.8 51.7 52.5 51.9 51.9 Sess 5166 51.6 52-7 51-2 50.9 52.2 50.8 50.7 S2Qole 51.2 51.1 52-16. 51s7 51.7 51.1 50.3 50.1 49.8 48.9 48.9 49k 49.4 9 49.4 49.7 49.2 49.2 49.9 49.9 49.9 51.1 49.9 49.9 52.0 50.3 50.3 51.1 50.3 50.3 51.8 50.9 50.9 50.9 50.7 50.5 Siis7 a. Slee 51.0 52.5 51-9 = 49.0 48.9 48.9 51.4 50.6 50.5 39 Salinity °/oo 32-07 32.29 32.2h wy fo w Ww e PORE SVISRESPOV SS SR BEE ee fo) | 32.28 1%) oe 8 Depth of water - 192 foes NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP i & PRREPRPRPRPRPRERH 9 DADAM FWHHOUWOOIHA FWHWPH 19 ft fo Mur Oo ft MM WI Fw WM MW OO ON OV ® B ON OV OV OV OV ON ON ON PHS DEDRPLSSHPS OOMOrFOVEWM@O Aanw OONW NM OD DNaoww VI nu MES BS ors mMmt*WMwr st @mO ownmood ON GN ON ON OXON ON ON ON OY ENS Py ie warice carne a ee ee ODNIOOCODK APL Sos Www Woawvi Be ee ee Gee 1 OFOCH BWHOCOW ON oo 0 eh O co DO BOO SOA CONDNDOOQAWACN WOU OWI WIV VQUUWWY PE TO’TNANANAN (CO NP Frunnr st t+ Cw e e e e e e e e e oe e ° MONF YVEFOUND w {o) Table { (cont'd) 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"W Depth of water - 192 feet September 1958 Salinity °/oo | 100' 150' ~—- 180" Oo! 180! 53.0 50.7 50.5 31.87 - 53-0 50.6 50.3 88 32.43 55.0 51-3 51.3 -89 - 53-2 51.1 51.0 -90 = | 53-0ur gee. 52.1 -92 - 52.9 52.2 52.2 .88 - | 53.07 517 51.5 .89 - 53-7 51.6 50.9 90 32.42 53-2 51.1 50.9 -92 - 53-7 50-9 50-9 93 - 53.0 50.9 50.8 31.96 - 93<9 92.9 52-9 32-09 = $125 52.1 51.1 ll = 32.52 51.7 50.9 50.9 .08 - 52.9 52.3 52.3 -06 - 52.0 51.9 51.9 -10 - 52.6 52.2 52.2 -10 - 54.0 53.8 53.8 32-10 - 56210 0980 55-7 32.07 32.15 56.5 55.8 55-7 -09 - 55°9 = 55-1 55-1 06 = 55-7 54.9 54.9 32-05 - Sy tr wee iis, 53-7 32.10 = - - - - 32. 38 40 Table 7 (cont'd) NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"w O ON DW FWA rH BR October 1958 Temperature CF o' 30' 50' 100' 150' 180' 41 Depth of water - 192 feet Salinity °/oo oO! 32.13 Ww mM 0 6 96 Bs Ww Ww oO ww Ww fo 1 Ww Ov 180' 32. 30 32.64 NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP ® S PREP RRP PPP y ND FWHPFPOW OIA EFWHP 18 Table 7 (cont'd) 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"w November 1958 Temperature OF QO! 30" 50! 100' 150' 180! 42 Depth of water - 192 feet Salinity 9/oo QO! 32.40 -4O 36 65 5k 259 64 32.64 32.74 .68 32.67 32.67 32.70 32.31 32.27 180! Table 7 (cont'd) NANTUCKET SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 40°33'00"N. 69°28'00"W Depth of water - 192 feet December 1958 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth oO! 30' 50' 100' 150' 180! o' 180! Day No data 43 Woods Hole, Massachusetts (Figure 8, Table 8) A warm January gave way to below normal surface water temperatures in late February and early temperatures were taken in advance of the mean, remained below the mean occurred in mid-August. March with a minimum of 30.1°F in late February (when through the ice). Early warming averaged slightly but slowed down after mid-May. Summer temperatures with the exception of the maximum of 71°F which Cooling, except during the latter part of November, was ahead of the mean; the monthly mean for December was 36.5°F, the coldest for that month since 1935. The annual mean of 50.7°F was the coldest since 1940. 80-— oF 60-— 50;— TEMPERATURE SURFACE T, °F eee bs oi eee eel 30) AN FEB M J Figure 8. a _ —— Vie AR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT Woods Hole, Massachusetts, 1958. (Dashed line mean for period 1880-1956) 44 Table 8 TO°kO'W. 41°31 'N. WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS OF - 1958 Surface Temperature nO QO WO tN OO AWNING O O O WE O80 HNO UN OND A PN UN MOUVUUIISS ALWNAOAAKRAKHOMASTMADAAHUMA a a a a ao DMMOAMMNAMMN MAMMA MMMM MNMNMAMNMA MM MH ANUMNO ONT AND MO OO TONONO TE ANON WW PO MUNAANNHAHOHDOHAHDADOOARHHOROROr ree UN UN EN EDN EDN ERD ERE UR ERI UN AN INN EN LIN LN NN a ots st SO SS St +t {o) eo) Ono no ME WO HINO ON WAM NNINO ONO O WO ft N a ANAND SODEEDDDDD ROOM OO RIAN tM OO 1Or nnn UN LA UN LA UN LUNN UN IR ER UR UN UA UL EN EIN NN OWNN ° NWN Oo NWT OOO MNO O Own ADDO i+: 1Ornr AIA Z Int 1 ama N AONNO WNNOOL- ONPOh- rONNY COM mre HA t tp ANUNNUNN t INDNDNOD! 1 NDNNOPO ss 2 \O Cie ataliou Si it \90 \0 \0 F-\O \O \/O 10 10 10 UNINC UN ON UNUN OV OR Te at OO UNI OU OUUN Nt Oo UNE © UN AUN ao 00000 Dt 9 Os 1(\o Oe SEV HHH SSH O ADA OESSOSSS VSS 5S O FO 0 0 0 010 10 10 0 19 19 \O NEN ENS SCO WOW hr APN hat OO AINE WAN O papal eel elec i) DOD d tUVAAODNAN NON MS NON UR IA IRN 1DODA s AIASAARVSSSISIISS SAO NCO NOLO TORO I OSA O EN AW AUN QUN LN UN ADANAKRARNROANANNO! NAME M1 1 t+ttu st UN UN a ot ttt tO FON NNN UN UN UN UN UN WN LN UN UN TUN Ot at ls ONONWNOO DEO ONO Or uN Ott ARAANISDs Prd dMse ose 1 tQORe KOOODDON OO M1 + + + tats sr st st tats sta st st st YOR Soh ple) QUI QU QUES UNA NO LUN UNG EOI AIO I NUN OFS OUI UNS, adaana m+ + + AIRIAD EKKO Lo Ken Kroon NAA MMM MMM MNDA MAMMA MM MMM MAMMA MMONAMNMNAMNMOAMM OM OHS O ONO UN UN EN UD ON UN UNO UN UN EN 9 BUN UNO EDN UNO UN BUN UN Qin st ttt ttt VU dag no AAANAAROOA MON NMOAMAMNMOAMOAMM MMMM A NUNNNNNOMM YY TO Nt NO NNNO ND OWNONOAWNANMONTOOOWOO OW OS ALD DDO FA 0 0 10 10 Itt IANO 1A AG \O 0.9 be ue) SFFtMONMNMNDMNAMNAMNAMNMNMMMMNMM MY NMMOAMAMMMOMM OM g all ANMANOrDNDANMANOPODNODANMst NOLFDNO 4 AAA AAR TAA AAANNNNNNNNNNUMNM 45 67-2 70.0 66.0 57-7 50.1 36.5 51.8 60.4 32.0 35.9 4h.1 37-0 Mean Buzzards Lightship (Figure 9, Table 9) The winter minimum surface temperature at Buzzards station was 32.4°R in late February and was 3.9 F lower than the 1957 minimum. Warming began in early March, but temperatures remained below the 1957 record. While 1956 was colder during the spring than was 1958, after June the summer months of 1958 were cooler than either of the previous two years. The highest surface temperature occurred in early September at 65.7 F. Autumn cooling was more rapid than it was in 1956 and 1957, and December showed a sharp drop in surface temperatures. The three years record from the current lightship program indicates that comparison with the mean for Vineyard Sound Lightship (1878 - 1910), which lay less than four miles from the present position of Buzzards, may be misleading. The records at Buzzards from 1956 - 1958 are consistently higher than are those for the Vineyard Sound Lightship. Consequently the record for 1958, which we have classed as a cold year, nevertheless falls on or above the 32-year mean for the old Vineyard Sound station. The 1957 and 1958 surface salinities were very similar up until mid-April, after which time the 1958 values fell lower as a result of greater run-off. Throughout the summer and well into the autumn surface salinity was lower in 1958 than it had been during the previous two years. 6O0;— oF 50-— SURFACE T, °F TEMPERATURE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP ocT NOV DEC SALINITY %o Figure 9. Buzzards Lightship, 1958, (Dashed line, mean for Vineyard Sound Lightship, 1878-1910) 46 BUZZARDS LIGRTSHIP 41°2k'0o"N. Feb. TF sal o/oo T°F Ay 43 i [o) 5 ° on 6 5 5.8 é Oo GT uN HW uM wow 3h. ° eo eo ee e ° w ww Ww ww Www Sal o/oa 32. 14 25 20 225 . 30 .30 as 21 -O4 -22 17 027 2k 225 48 25 19 Lf 19 -20 32. Table 9 71°03'00"W. 14 22 17 15 +25 19 Mar. TF Sal o/oo T°F Sal o/oo 47 Depth of water - 7 feet Surface Water - 1958 Apr. 39 31.99 33 “TT 39 86 39 89 ho 31.91 ko 32.00 AL -Ok he 32.11 i) 31.81 i) 31.78 i) 32.16 Tal 31.78 ray 31.69 42 32.08 42 31.82 43 32.04 43 -00 43 -00 43 -O4 hy -O4 43 -O4 yh 32.00 46 31.99 47 -90 46 88 47 -66 47 74 46 795 46 -78 ko 31.89 42.4 31.92 May “f°F Sal o/oo 46 31.88 47 -86 48 88 kT -86 47 92 48 -76 47 64 48 64 4g £25 49 30 49 57 4g ohh 51 64 50 64 51 82 50 -76 50 81 50 -66 51 46 51 hg 51 52 Du °50 52 «46 52 °59 52 52 53 O07 52 58 52 -63 53 54 53 43 53 31-55 50.1 31.60 June T°F Sal o/oo 54 31-58 53 “57 53 58 5h -56 5k -56 5T °39 55 255 56 5k 56 -50 56 kl 56 -50 56 -37 57 54 58 -36 58 -38 56 -38 57 257 56 48 56 259 54 -61 55 48 57 - 36 57 Xe) 57 47 57 °53 58 250 58 48 57 37 58 33 58.5 31.33 56.2 31.48 BUZZARDS LIGHTSHIP 41°24'00"N. July Aug. T°F sal 0/00 Tor 58.5 0 [ony Ww 2. 8 © © VWIwviw 31.29 Table 9 (cont 'a) 71°03'00"W. Depth of water - 74 feet Surface Water - 1958 Sept. 48 31-41 65 31.30 55 65 - 36 -54 65 45 -48 66 -50 47 ~=66 o49 59 66 +39 7 OS 250 +43 «66 346 42 65 46 46 65 «46 48 63 Gel -64 62 -65 47 «62 -65 =55) = 00 -72 -64 61 “12 47 = 63 -68 -56 62 -68 50 60.5 -69 54 65 -68 -57 62 -66 352) 86565 -56 57 62.5 -62 59 63-5 -70 63 64 60 64.5 -59 20 «63 57 32 «= 63 -67 09 «61 -57 35 63 46 38 61.5 31.46 31-48 63.6 31.56 Oct. Sal o/oo T°F Sal o/oo T°F Sal o/oo 6h. ie 62 - 60 - 60 31.58 61 47 58 -50 60 «46 60 -50 59 “57 Zs 49 58 51 59 48 58.5 52 58 -68 Dili -65 58 -65 58 64 57-5 64 56.5 -67 57-5 -68 57. 74 56.5 °15 Dili 74 5T 73 56.5 Ay et 56 -68 56 -60 5525 -58 55°59 055 55. -61 55 31.64 58.0 31.61 Nov. T°F sal o/oo 54.5 31.63 54 °55 54 -61 93-5 63 52.5 046 53 48 53 65 52 °53 52.5 61 52.5 -60 52.5 63 52 -61 52 -61 52 -65 52.5 -63 D3 73 53 78 52-5 73 52 ate 52 sual 51-5 +53 51 -63 52 92 51.5 85 kg 62 ie) 83 51 85 50 “73 48 31.69 50 32.25 51.9 31.69 Dec. TOF Sal o/oo 49.5 32.27 47.5 31.92 47.5 31.92 47.5 32.12 47.5 31.94 47 31-79 45.5 32.05 4s 32.00 uh 31.88 45 95 h2.5 31.84 42.5 32.07 Th 31.90 38 aye ho.5 31.91 41 32.03 41.5 -2h he 205 41 -06 41.5 -13 he 18 4o 13 he 223 yy -20 39.5 17 4O -16 ko 18 41 -20 39 13 39 -20 38.5 32.16 42.7 32.06 Ambrose Lightship (Figure 10, Table 10) The winter minimum, more than 2°F below the mean, occurred in late February with a temperature of 35.6 F. Recovery had been made by April, at which time the thermocline started to develop. There are no data for May and part of June when the vessel was off station, but the record resumes showing a cold summer with early cooling and temperatures well below the mean. The summer maximum of 71.4°F occurred in early August. The passage of hurrican Helene on 28 September weakened the thermocline by mixing, but the gradient was not completely destroyed until the last soc ance? in October. At this time bottom temperature reached a maximum of 57. 5° Above normal air temperatures in November retard cooling. In Decanber the vessel was again off station. Salinities at the surface were similar to those of 1956 except that the minimum of 24.65 °/oo was considerably lower. The 1957 values were uniformly above those for 1956 and 1958. 70/— 2 ESS ler . = F a 3 T \ / TEMPERATURE ° o oO I \ \ / / 5 ° T / / 30 | | | | | | | | DEPTH IN FEET 34— BOTTOM S%, wb \/* 30;— Too SALINITY 28;- SURFACE S%o 26-— Figure 10. Ambrose Lightship, 1958. (Dashed line in upper diagram, mean for period 1937-1956) 49 Table 10 AMBROSE LIGHTSHIP 40 27.1'N. 7374904". Depth of water - 95 feet 1958 January February Temperature °F Salinity °/o0 Temperature °F Salinity °/oo0 Depth Day Oe cO No 95' oO! 95! O30 5005" 0! 95! 1 37.1. 37.9 39.1 40.4 291/65 - 2 36.9 3747 38.5 40.2 "oIe39 - 3 3755 37.8 38.4 39.2 “Bie - 4 37.0 37.8 39.9 39.9 30.47 - 5 37.509 97.8 Slee 40.7 80.70 - 6 36.1 38.4 °° 41.9) “41.9 235670 7 38.1 39.1 42.3 42.3 31.325 Sims9 8 B07 13952 20200 4 ir29 93 - 9 38 38.7 38.9 40.1 31.8 - 10 8520" 38.0073853) 39.6 32228 - 1h Bon 3665 O76) 41ece ahe0s - 12 Bie? 1237/1, 630.2 eGo 40 13000 - 13 36.8 36.8 38.0 42.9 32.07 - 14 37.07 37.2 37.6 “41.4 31, 90sen22 15 36.0 36.1 38.9 40.0 31.56 - 16 38.0 .38.5, 38.8 39.0, 33.02 - ly - - - - Sil00 - 18 BU Ge 36.0) | 37.20 Slec0 - 19 SS Gil, Oe G10 4 8) 4329595 - S = = ae ceil - Doe O: “4100640 ,0> 4b .0 132294: - BF Bfe2) 37920990 53806 - 21) 37.8 40-8 40.8 40.8 30'..63 - 3741 37.1 3720 939.2 ° 33.00 138522 2293964) 640. 2°40 52; <4053 1 30.63 - 32667 35.3 0652) 3725" 3ieed0 - 23: 3928. 39.991 41.9 4159" 31.77 - 8559) 36s e 5028.37 47 | 32e64 - 2h 4063.) -G0.00- G2 22004968) 231.79 35.06 B4.3 0 36:4 250.9" 41,50 3800 - 25° 40.4 4027 40.9 43.7 32.03 - 365076 30.18 23609" 4067 ole 5 - 26 Og eG Oeb: Y0no) 41032650 - 86.7. 30.9 3628 3952 732.45 - 27 38.1 38.1 38.1 39.0 31.89 - Bio Or. B08 - 82 - 28 39.4 39.4 39.3 39.1 32.49 - 3459 34.9 34.9 35.2 232.20 232530 29 37.9 38.9 39.2 39.9 26.43 - 30 37.8 38.8 39.0 39.8 25.99 - BIS8e7) 38a7 , 3920 4068 127.74 32.74 Mean - - - - - _ 36.5 3762 38.3 40a) 31.64 32058 50 Table 10 (cont'd) AMBROSE LIGHTSHIP EO AN, TESCO Depth of water - 95 feet 1958 March April ° eNO. fo) Pe) Temperature F Salinity /oo Temperature F Salinity /oo Depth Day 0! 30' 5On 95' us O5u 0! B05 0 OS 0' 95' Lo SOoG SoA B63} BOGS) BL600 - 400° 39728) 38.8 38/9) 30/44 - 2 Sei, Siig S555 Stoo S25 29) = AO5it sets Slee) - 305,95 - 3) S75 553 BOo2 SOoil 22.48} - S569 S850 SOo.5 S92 BilewA - & Boo Sees BGo2 BGo2 3AM) - MOSES) AOS A060) 4050 Bil6O7 Silo93 > S760 86d SOo2 S062 3A 08 - HOG ANo2 Boe S955 2ZIKsH - 6 - - - - 312393 - M0583 405 B67 S965 BSS - Ue OOM SOOM SO S002) SOL94) 32.52 41.8 40.8 39.9 39.6 048 - 3S BSOo2 SO62 SOs stiail “sili - figs) ADs) B63) Boe AS OA - ) B63) SOG) SH6D BIO SG 7/4 - Glo ADO BIG Sieh 27/32 - IK” BOs) V SOG) SOG S962 o litA - U2, Eio@) Bi8io7 Ba? Al oO7/ - ILL SGN) SXGa7/) BOo7/) S62 S0Se9) - “WO5) AOA 40560 S366 Aas sil.97/ LZ SoS BOR BoA Bo Soo - Mil os) Ailes VALSO Sool 08 - ISSO S629 36.9 S858 28 all6 = MAD >50) Hike? Ooi SO>o5) Daas - Na See SVG) BV oe Seb BLSMs) SONG MPSS Os COs S952 23506 - ID) S/o S755) S755 silos seosss} - M30 AOE 4Oo4 33.9) Bsyoil7/ - LG BGA: BWs2 S762 Si eB So S2 - Mio 0.5 Boa) (S850) LZ2osks - Le SoG ~ SW 6G Boe S840 2IGAS - A558) Glo2 GO.3 S952 22594 - LO. BoB Soe B70 89.0. 2OcuG = ass 7/ iL sS) 4050 S963) 2Ooht Bo NO UO) Bel: Silo SBall Bez) Shs} - 559) G20 A0>oe B9& 5.62 - ZO BOs 'y BOR BOs Bz 50!) Seo ilal - GI) Aho HOGI SB) 43) 26 - PA - - - - S208) S226 45.3 - - S353) Ad o4Xs} - TSA TO Sho 30680 - 430) A202 Ailoil, S6io3) Ase - 23 Sol SI62 Blof 38a /BO5s5 - - - - = 24.90 2 Bs BID B52 BPs2 BBoG BBcAl - GS\5) 4059) Soh Sol 27/288 - 23 SoS BPoS° BoB! SPs 25ooi - WO Glos) 4057 S93) 26,20 32.05 ADS SBE. SVG y BGO shail} - “po G257 GOoiL SOs Bache - 21S SSeS One Bod Sic 25 - Wee Gas) So) S62 27/563) - AS Bp ae SY Shay SSOP MSG Sy “SUES BBG E57 ea(0) CARGO) 2S), 85} - 2B) Boil, Bessy sos) BIos) AEBS - AD. AG52° AS55 G20 BI65il - SO” BW)o) SBE) SECO Siig zy SHE oats - - - - = = = SE AOS) BISA Sigh) » Bash 27 6A - Mean Mod BM o8 BIo42 3709 Wats) 32.23) Axo “59 4054 S952 AZO.92 S2al0il Si is) Table 10 (Cont'd) AMBROSE LIGHTSHIP 40°27.1'N. 73°49 .4'W. Depth of water - 95 feet 1958 May a fe) ota BO ro) ah fe) Temperature F Salinity ~/oo Temperature F Salinity ~/oo Depth Day 0’ 30' 50' 95! o' 95! 0’ 30’ 50" 95! of 95! i 2 3 4 5 6 7 C3575 57.0: 559) 50.06 30653 - 8 - - - - 297.03) - 9 BIG Sisigt (ig 58) Gs) © 27) (07) - 10 - - - - 30.00 - iba - - - - lez - 12 - - - - eZ: - 13 - - - - 307,32 60 14 - - - - 08 - 15) - - - - 30.43 = 16 - - - - 28.96 - 7 - - - - Shi - 18 - - - - 28.60 - 19 - - - - 297549 = 20 - - - - 29595' 32e32 21 G2lee LO 2 495847 2) S025 - 22 S221 O262 S54. Ge eae 295 - 23 - 86 - 24 - S40) SiSay/ 88) 53)} Stes) - 25 - - - - 09 - 26 - - - - 09 - 27 61.3 60.6 50.8 46.0 5401, ss Odvedh> 28 E269 CWOo5 4555 47.50 24 - 29 CSO D0. Se AGS Gn6 9 29%37/ - 30 GOING) 55.9) 46.0) 40.9 - - 31 Mean = = = S = > 52 Table 10 (cont'd) AMBROSE LIGHTSHIP 40°27.1'N. 73°49.4'W. Depth of water - 95 feet 1958 July August (o) quai 1°) [e) ae ° Temperature fF Salinity /oo Temperature F Salinity /oo Depth Day On 3300) SOY 95. 0! 95! O' Si0) SOM 95' Q' 95' 1) @359 “SSeS yoo Bony 2624 - Uo2) Choy? Sas SIo8 SOcHs - 2 Sic CPs 7) tAoragl - 29.05 = TOsQ Olay. DIsO~ Shoe Becks - 3) OiiG2: AVES MOST BOG 1 Asoo) - TOs (Oa) Exo Ba gdh) - & 68356 B/57) G@52 4000 229647 » S254 MOGs) Oo) D7od) DAs. Aoi - 5 67.7 49.4 46.9 “46.6 247 = Woes CAGE wS/6S SOc SO5u2 - 6! O662 GAGs SOI AS) GOs. WAGs: = Diol) O25). SoS) S83 VwASo 73 - 7 WOocBr G35) Sho yy SO GI sh) Gs) - - - - - 29.18 - 8 JOG WOL5b\ B3o2 - 29.83 = Tot DIo3 SOs ShoO PYs87) Bilosy DPOGNI VACA DAG S KOC 07/ - Tho = D750, Dood - 30.07 - LO” POoi = S769). "S253 AGS) S50" - T25iks OSCS S750 ~ Ao!) Zeon - LiL 7052 S960 S260 55) Ayes AIaNe Uo SIGS Base 47/60 Asads) - OOO ONE S437) ols 45.0 928.49 = VOoh S9o@0 Soil AA cd + SO oh - IS) O7/ oil we DSG2. TAX SIL - -62 = U262, BQolie DAs Ace <0 oZs - LA OSoOw Silo Se vA oD eG Aw a PXsige)s} - Wa? BBO" S352 4920 ~ 29054 - LS 7OsO. SCO: 47 oe GOous cant - Woe Bol BAO" 467 59) HOG Ae LO! 7268 5854) OSC 4757 555) - - - - - 074 - LA PG oh DSoA DOG asian 262 - Ui 2it2 OS 9) NOOO mma 12 s/s) - LS 7Oc6 SOnd Bi sity 4Ocaw Ace S58) G58 S960 B59) BiloA Aas - OR MOS 2 OOO som t 30120, - Sok DY SilLoW - 30.42 - BO S57 SS AV 6s A oe HOGeH©) - O79) C350 wH467 28 sis - Di 6252 S260 B53 4565 AVSoo - Gio: HI53) Seloll Exo - - DE GOS) SAGO Sil sOx weksrc al 256 - HIST AEST) al Saibye NS chsh CIO) Ge SV5(K8) 2S) O349) SEES {S354 - ov) - POG GA59~ Seisil- sats 289 - YES AO SES) SSho We s58) ~64 - TOG os) VAST = JAS oll 2/4 = 25) “Oo 3) Sob DSoA sy AGP 667 93169 1068 7Oc7 S2all - f2 - AS O52) DoA S355 29.77 - 10s VOos BY oS). DBats 5) - ZY oth Ole. Soi SBgDy SO 51) - OI5o) O5O. S7/54n DeoZ 77 - 28 - - - - 53 - Oeil GIs ~ GOo0° S345) ./8 - 2) TL 6Or v OL6O SHo0. (SH6u soo - 66.3 "66.2 66.1 54.8 594A Bilis) SO! 7 BEE Go MB ollus SSG 85 - (Wos) COOSA OG Sdn) SW gel@ - SU BG DOGS) (S40 8} nS Or D2 - O59 O/ oA. ODES. J DO67: |) AIS - mein C769) 5ao8. S057 489560 7 AVG Silas Wail Css BOay)) Silos S605 » Dilges 53 Table 10 (cont'd) AMBROSE LIGHTSHIP 40°27.1'N. 73°49 .4'W. Depth of water - 95 feet 1958 September October fo) ae fo) fo) Roars fo) Temperature F Salinity /oo Temperature F Salinity /oo Depth Day O' 30" 50' 95" O' 95' O' 30' 50' oo OF 95" 169.0 6759 ©6033, 55.1 30.44 - - - - - 30.41 - 276726, 6/31 - - 05 - 6158 61.5 61.3 53.8 76 - 3 68.0 67.9 62.4 50.8 Zale - 61.8 61.8 61.7 54.2 77 C382 4 68.5 68.2 63.3 - 30.20 - 67 | OL. | 6.7 7 5568 30.86 - > 68.9 68.2 65.9 55.1 29.41 31.45 60.1 60.4 60.3 56.1 29.91 - 6 68.8 68.0 64.1 52.7 30.21 - 60.0 60.1 60.1 53.3 31.26 - 7 - - - - 05 - 60.1 60.2 60.2 56.2 30.37 - & 69.9 69.3 61.2 53.0 23 - 60.3 60.3 59.9 55.1 30 - 9 68.3 68.2. 59.0 49.0 254 - - 56.9 56.7 - 254 - 10 67.8 60.4 54.1 48.8 - 60 - 60.9 60.3 60.1 57.0 ~5 3528 1l 61.9 61.9 49.7 47.8 sol - 60.3 60.3 60.9 56.3 30.84 - 2. 65.6: 63.2 48.1 47.2 U2, S257] 59.3 59.3 58.5 51.2 31.06 - 13 61.2 59.1, 50.6 46.9 044 - 59508 59.0 55.5) 5063 207 - 14 63.0 58.8 52.3 47.2 67 - 58.4 58.8 57.0 50.3 31.00 - 15 63.6 58.9 47.3 46.7 -90 - 56.7 56.3 54.7 52.2 291.92 - £6 61.2 51,0 47.2 46.9 30.46 - Bifotl S/o 74 BVOG7/ SLY 48 - 17 - - - - Se 32 - 58.7 57.4 56.5 52.5 29.70 (32500 $8 65.1 64.6 59.0 - 32.08 - Dots} Sats}, Bick Bul oS)” si) 538! - 19. 65.3 65.2 - - 30.26 31.26 57.9 57.8 55.0 50.8 -62 - 20° 62.0. 60.1 59.4 58.7 - - D5 SW/o5) Bick) Seah oh 2 - Z1 -62.8 61-6 60.9 56.2 31.34 - Bio SY¥/iafi ail) ate - a o)72 - 22. 61.7. 62.6. 60.5 58.5 pull) - Bio Dios) SoG Duos: shes - 23. 62.1 61.5- 60.2 5457 245 - 57.6 57.4 57.4 57.4 31.01 - 24) 62.1 61.6 /60'.67 55.0 31.21 - Bah EWiolk Bilao? \ SY) 6/74 -18 31.18 49, 63.2 63.2, 60.1 S/7.> .30.39 - Bao Seal stsints) aksdute) 41 - 26, 63.9 62.9 60.0- 52.1. 30.27 32.04 EVA SUG PSU ce Se 46 - 1. 6562, 6168 57.0 950.5. 29.62 - S70 56.9 57.0) Sov Slee - 28 - - - - Spi ait - 565/75 5729 “57.9 958.00 29/526 - 29° 63..2 63.1." 63.0 S467) Glok2 - Dns) HG6) Bi/hs) S77 dO. Sa - 30, 62:9 63.2 63.3 57.9 30.43 - 55.5 55.9 56.1 56.8 30.01 - 31 54.9 55.8 56.1 56.8 28.49 31.72 Mean 64.9 63.3 58.1 52.3 30.60 31.76 58.5 58.5 58.1 5458 30.55 3160 54 Table 10 (cont'd) AMBROSE LIGHTSHIP 40°27.1'N. 73°49.4'W. Depth of water - 95 feet 1958 November December Temperature oF Salanity ice Temperature oF Salinity Choo is) @ i) % [ct S O' 30' 50' 95" 0' 3" 0! 30' 50' 95" 0' 95" DOAN DU KWNHrH wn OW ° Wo in wo e e ~~ 1S) S — wn ££ e N Ke) e Ww aa i] re Pe PPP Bee ee OAN AY PwWNeE wu Ww e fo) Wn Wo e co nn Wo fo) i] Nh No] e WN ~ v ZOOM SOn3 52 Si 9 5.9 2944 = 2 SORT) SOLS WoO) S209) Se: - 28) 749).8) 5050) 50.2 53.0 - 32.62 2) USM Acs) 4956 - 31.03 2 30 - = 5 = = = Meany 5:20:20 52.10) S30 e53e7 29.72) 31.80 55 Texas Tower #4, off New York (Figure 11, Table 11) The surface temperature readings at Texas Tower #+, near the head of Hudson Canyon, began in October. The readings fall below the mean values for Ambrose Lightship by some 2°F. tO 60} x SURFACE T, °F 50;-— TEMPERATURE °F Figure ll. Texas Tower #4 (off New York) 1958 56 Table 11 TEXAS TOWER #4 39°K8.4'N. 72°h0.6'w. off NEW YORK Surface Temperature oF 1958 Oct. Nov Month Day Temp Temp 1 65 54 2 64.5 Be 3 64 54 4 64 54.2 5 63 54 6 63 54 if 62.2 Saale 8 62 35 9 61.2 53 10 61 Be) Tah 61 Sone 12 60 51.5 ak5) 60 51 14 60 51 15 8) Bl 16 59 Gl 17 DS) Du 18 59 50.5 19 58 50 20 56.5 50 al 56 50 22 56 50 23 56 50 ak 55.8 50 25 55 50 26 55 50 27 54 50 28 54 50 29 54 50 30 54 49.2 31 54 ® B ® \O 91-5 57 Barnegat Lightship (Figure 12, Table 12) The winter minimum at Barnegat was 35.4°F during the last 10 days of February; this was some 4.5 F below the mean for the period of record. Vernal warming was slow and lagged behind the mean. Late July and early August were near normal. The sharp depression in temperature in mid-July was seen most strongly at the surface, while temperatures at the bottom showed little change; a similar drop occurred at the same time at Five Fathom Bank, Winter Quarter and Chesapeake stations. At the latter two stations there was chilling at the bottom with indications of upwelling. As in previous years (Bumpus, 1956, and Day, 1957), this appearance of relatively cold water during the summer occurs when a preponderantly south or southwest wind regime becomes established. Such a wind regime drives the warmer surface water offshore; and if the wind pattern persists an intrusion of cold offshore water appears at depth. As this phenomenon was seen each summer since the present observational program was instituted in 1956, and since southwesterly winds are 'normal" for the summer months, it is probably safe to assume upwelling of sorts can be expected to occur between Cape Hatteras and New York at some time during the summer. This is essentially what Bumpus surmised two years ago. The extent of chilling through upwelling would depend upon the duration and strength of the southwesterlies in any one year. Surface salinity through March was high, close to the 1957 values. Beginning in April salinity declined and remained below the 1956 and 1957 readings for the rest of the year. After June bottom samples were taken so infrequently that they are not shown in the running plot. 58 uesu ‘ueisetp seddn up eutT peyseq) °%S JOVSYNS do ‘lL 30VSYNS (9S6T-LY6T potsed soz °8S61 “dtyusqusty] yeseureg °%S WOLLOE °L aMsTy Of ZE fo} 3 os oe Ye ALININYS 1333 NI Hid3G SYN VYy3adN3L do 59 5 ACORN TMOINOINO NONOAN NOUN ee eee y FOO OND FWNHF OO ONDVFWNHRFOWO OA NAMFWNHE 5 B BARNEGAT LIGHTSHIP January Temperature OF QO! 30°) 50! 70! 46.0 46.0 46.2 46.3 45.2 45.3 45.7 46.8 45.0 45.0 45.0 46.8 KAD bb.2 4h.2 4h. 3 43.1 43.2 43.2 43.2 43.0 43.1 43.3 44.9 43.2 43.8 43.4 45.1 42.6 42.6 42.6 42.7 42.0 42.1 4e.l 42.1 43.9 44.0 44.1 44h.2 41.5 41.9 he.1 43.8 39°45.8'N. 73°56.0'w. Table 12 1958 Salinity 0/oo Q' WwW Ww Pan © © 8 te eb te FR eh he UW sesh oe. 70" Dy) 60 Temperature Cre Qo! 30' 39-9 39-9 39-0 38.5 38.3 36.2 39-5 39.8 36.0 36.1 37-0 36.9 36 36. W Ue WwW 35-0 34.9 34.9 34.8 33-2 33-3 35-9 93567 35-9 35.0 35-0 35-0 34.7 33-7 38.5 37-9 36-7 36.5 February [o%) MV ‘oO WO OrNAW @ 36.6 36. FOO (ee) Fr Ww ie) MMF OM © Depth of water - 72 feet Salinity 0/00 Q' 32.52 70' 32. -63 82 89 72 % BARNEGAT LIGHTSHIP March Temperature OF Q' 30' Ww @ [o) Ww Be ees DOPUAIHHPOMH Ww ay >] Ww =I) woonn 50! 37: WWWW Ww WWWW WwW OO’! BOINSOOS! NVA I ARs “W @O.\0 4b Ww fo Wo Ww Ne) Ww se i) J (eo) Ww ey MOON VND ANWOUWORKRFRH Salinity o/oo 32.53 Table 12 (Cont'd) 39°K5.8'N. 73°56.0'W. 1958 70! Ww Le) Ww Ww -92 -85 61 Temperature 2 QO! 30" he. COPANMDOODO® wWHEIP April 39.8 c= fo MO ADO AA © - fo MMO MO Mwrvo 41.2 CORF XONMOO - P @M\.o win OANW FA OW DW Fr f (ee) 41.0 Q' 31. Depth of water - 72 feet Salinity o/oo 70" Ww fo 31. 32. £43 82 05 BARNEGAT LIGHTSHIP May Temperature Op QO! 8 5 PRPRPRPRPHRPRRPR y DBA AYWFWHWRF OO ON AW FWDHF- id Oo 19 =50. 20 56 al 53 22 652 23. 0«COl a, 49 25 52 26 «5k ef 5D 28 54 29 656 30 «57 31 0 O57 Mean 51 MoMoOPNOVEP@ONW WONMNMANPOF 30" | (o) pa a fo cs C = OOO P ~] WWW CO ONWOUOWFKFUODONANO WO®@rFAWOM0 i= ON (oe) Table 12 (Cont'd) 39°5.8'N. 73°56.0'wW. Depth of water - 72 feet 1958 June Salinity o/oo Temperature °F Salinity o/oo Q' 70! Q' 30' 50' 70' o' 70' 30.21 - 58.9 51.5 47.8 47.7 29.67 - 29.19 - 52.2 52.0 46.8 47.1 31.34 31.92 30.28 - 58.2 57.9 48.2 48.1 30.74 - 29.93 - 59.7 58.8 48.3 48.3 - 29.56 32.10 61.0 59.6 48.3 48.3 67 - 30.85 - 59.1 59.2 48.7 48.6 30.42 - 29.33 - 60.9 59.3 48.9 47.4 - - 30.99 - 59.6 59.2 47.7 47.4 - - 29.4n - 57-0 55.3 46.4 46.3 - - 30.72 - 59.9 56.4 48.1 47.9 - - 29.27 - 61.2 56.8 48.3 47.0 - - -O4 32.46 61.4 58.8 47.1 47.1 - 31.38 15 - 63.6 58.6 47.2 47.2 - - 29.61 - 60.9 48.2 47.6 47.4 - 30.89 - 62.3 47.9 47.6 47.3 - - 31.2h = - 62.4 61.2 47.2 47.1 - - 30.57 - 62.4 61.0 48.1 47.8 - - 28.74 = 61.0 59.7 46.1 45.4 - - apt 31.84 61.9 60.5 47.7 47.6 - 30.95 4g - - - - - - - 95 - 62.1 61.6 47.7 47.0 - - ‘79 + 62.8 62.3 47.2 47.2 - - 9% - 65.1 61.9 48.2 47.7 - - Oh 63.0 61.0 46.4 46.1 - - -78 31.83 64.7 63.8 47.7 47.5 - 30.67 Tf = 64.7 61.9 47.2 47.2 - - 95 = - 67.0 - Ur ral 47.1 - 30.08 Qe 66.8 63.7 47.8 47.8 - - 61 - 68.3 62.6 Fin Bg 47.7 - = 30.23 - 30.25 31.81 61-7 58.5 47.6 47.4 - 31.00 62 WOONoOU FWA FH Ba BARNEGAT LIGHTSHIP Temperature oF o! 30° 30" 4h. g - FFF FH ESE FFF FFE WON NAAN 1 DHAWAN OrN OnNwOr MOO Owr OONWOM! Ot O@OnO@md W WU EE -— =] - July Sa Ov WOW O AW OOM MoOWOONKFN WOONANKF AO Table 12 (Cont'd) 39°45.8'N. 73°56.0'W. 1958 Salinity o/oo Q' 30. 33 70' Ww i See ees att me eet et eC meine coder ie Ue ol Somer Fe mei aL) eat kom of be ai ea Jeet ee 63 -02 Depth of water - 72 feet August Temperature °F Or WI FRO WIWWHWOONWOOD PUP ENMOW ONO FE 30" OV OVO MwA @O 71. WOW FNM DOPWOODROHOMWAN © 90! wa (oe) WO AWO KF PWAAOW Ww = CoN OOOO OF NMWWOo NEON HO® NUFOOULNOMMOD «1 Salinity 0/00 Ou 70" ® S GIGOLO TNO TNO MONO NRO NN Ee eas Se es ee 9 FOO ON DVM FWNHKHF CO ON DY FWHKF OO ON OAW FWNHH ® 5 Table 12 (Cont'd) BARNEGAT LIGHTSHIP 39°h5.8'N. 73°56.0'W. Depth of water - 7/2 feet 1958 September October Temperature OF Salinity o/oo Temperature OF Salinity o/oo OF 30' 50' (On QO! 70! 0! 30' 50' 70! Q' 1! 30.34 . “42 31.22 +55 “14 -4O 30.44 -14 215 15 » 34 olllé 64 -2l - 64 -13 93 14 30.83 09 321.14 31.09 13} 31.12 18 30.80 25 31-15 ai .16 34 21 +22 -20 31.48 oD £23 15 23 15 25 23 28 56.900 50.7 bO nO. ( -29 +05 - - - - 36 06 - ~ - - +20 ele 60.2 59.0 58.9 58.8 .18 .05 = = = = .02 -06 57-4 57-3 57-4 57-6 salal 31.15 56.9 56.9 56.8 57.1 06 = 57-1 56.8 56.9 56.9 .18 31.17 56.1 56.1 56:1 56.0 31.36 31.16 - - - - 30.85 31.26 55:9 55-7 55-9 56.2 30.84 30.91 - - - - 31.16 64 Table 12 (Cont'd) BARNEGAT LIGHTSHIP 39°k5.8'N. 73°56.0'W. Depth of water - 72 feet 1958 November December Salinity o/oo Temperature OF Temperature OF Salinity 0/00 ® 5 PRR ) WHF OWOOIDUNFWHPH 14 Q' 30' 50' 70! QO! 7O' O' 30' 50' (Ou O' 70! Bolt 9 GGs2 | Goce) Goa’) ~ Aleaten. Fee, Goo Gees} Gas} stl ae - - - - - WOa7 | UO. 9) 1/5050" * 508 .28 - - - - 31.60 49.9 50.0 49.9 9.9 Aer Cor Sao | Ghee) ‘Soiosh fsabot/s} 49.7 49.8 49.8 49.8 -23 Soll So GSieS}) | Gah - 50.0 49.9 50.0 50.0 26 Gna) Go Seraish Ghjo “ekelale) Silay - - - 5NS 55-0 54.9 55.7 55-8 29.05 Mefas} heels WRafaGy) hirea(o) Bao) Goal Gig}aa, Syston 9 GYRaL “shlasts L6s2) h6ssy T4637, ¥SsO .20 52.9 52.2 53.4 54.1 29.83 Se tres) foal Neyo -51 Gaol, GAs Gs}os} Ge@ ee)calh 45.8 46.3 46.4 46.4 -48 Slot, soil Sysja) Gio) Sto)geeys} NGF) USyso) Sng Saat 52 Sebi Gee) Sees) «= Ge) shlatoo) hee7 Iho) hho@) dhoal -56 52.2 52:8 53:0 53.1 .18 eyo Iheo@y AR SL AKL -62 SBR OM OS COND ScONn OSaiaum sueron! eiog7 IWhe@ thho ih, 3} 255 52.2 52.1 52.8 53.2 29.78 k2.4 43.1 43.2 43.3 .67 DOSED ODD ess Deon Jest lo Ineiets) ikea? Meas} | Ustag} 64 Blo Gs Sees) SisioS 10 hays thes) thei Ihe) 36 53-4 52.8 52-8 52.8 .39 nee) ialeisy alg} aio fe! -4e 53-3 52:7 52-9 - S10 tate) dhaletss Rite) ais} -52 5206 Sau Sek 53.2 30.30 32.20 4ise ho.g “4o.9 4O.9 41 BilsS) 5266) Gea Geos) -95 40.9 4O.9 40.9 40.9 .56 52.9 52.8 52.7 53.1 30.95 LON6n 4 Ode On 2) ee 40s 57 Giloe) Giey Gilae! Gyloik — Shysos 39s OS OSes eue -46 SUG no 9) 519) | 511.9)" 295336 38.9 39.0 39.1 39.2 32 Hiss} Silko lay Gale seh 38.7 39-2 39-3 39.3 +53 Fab Gaol GeO GeL@ 2e),4%7/ etsodl, Stsndk Sfelaah sYelcal -56 Gilin@) Gilt} Galas} = 31.24 Cio Py- wc (oi ME to (oP) Sit GNic@) SOSe)) Glojatsh Goats) | ee) 35.8 36.9 38.1 38.2 oalal - - - - - BONGO MSO se 1 sOa3 -51 - - - - - 4O.0 40.1 40.2 40.5 -61 sts@) Ih@as} fiiesy Teas SL 7S) 53-01) 5239) 5368 5304) 30.58 Relay Theieey JARI etary) cal ail 65 Five Fathom Bank Lightship (Figure 13, Table 13) A cold winter, retarded vernal warming, a cool summer and cool autumn characterize the surface temperature pattern at Five Fathom Bank. The winter minimum of 35.3 F in late February was about 5 below the mean; the summer maximum of 73.1 F was "normal", though of brief duration. Surface temperatures in mid-July showed a depression; this had been preceded by slight cooling near the bottom in June. From July through the rest of the year the bathythermograph was not lowered all the way to the bottom and readings had to be made at 75 feet rather than at 85 feet. Nevertheless, the influence of hurricanes Daisy and Helene showed up clearly at the lesser depth; this sequence of events is commented on in the section on Bottom Temperature. Observations at this station became more and more sporadic as the autumn progressed and no means could be derived. What data there are are given in the table. Early in January salinity values were higher than any previously seen at this station. They rapidly declined, however, and from late April on were generally lower than those for 1956 and 1957. 66 (996T-L76T potsed soy uveul SwerzeTp azeddn ut SUuTT peyseq) °SS6L ‘drusqusty yueg wouye, OAT a "CL amM3T J igen ee | Seeemeeame | | as I \! V7 \ ee tt \\ ie GV Wt! u Ro) \ So 930 AON o¢ | =| sae T do ‘L 39v4YNS OF SS = os =< a <— 09 Sy OL °% ALINITVS 1334 NI H1ld30 SYNLVYSdDW3L do 67 ia” FIVE FATHOM BANK LIGHTSHIP - oO ate aces a ee rPWwWWww Pw 2? GNON 8 1 Oo 8 erties cars : Se MOONDDM @FPWOWN®O FY DF FWWWWw SOOGO ' 42.9 Www Wawa sy ta FEFEWWWw Se Re Pe eS D0 FOOD OBKOND i he \o MOOW WODPN® BNOWHO @o 85! rE & Ftoontt mis LK aw hi tes ae TEOOODOI NMWKFPOWOUOO! tWEWWw WEEE FFEWWW i hr ,— ft Silat sisch ied: 0) WOWWW WOOK OPIVI® =) fo 4 Table 13 30°7.3'N. 1958 Salinity °/oo oO! 85)" w Ww rs he Ww 2 [o) Ww Ww Ww ~ ww ww Ww § Ret CR Ga oP 8 te GO; tPF ° ° W fo 4) rT wW fo = - ON w W fo fon Ww -28 32.30 68 74° 3.6 'We oO! FFF FW MoOr1O1rorrrn DAouuwns Www e oO MOHMHD WWW i fo. © =o Ww wn etrekviet Le jee tehiel” ‘6 NAFOOCMCOF Ww Ww _ 37-5 Depth of water - 87 feet 30" Ww 5 CUO OS AOAIW AwBMOO 37-6 February Temperature Op 90" ES ieee be Oo WOON _ 'onr7AN @aomwoitos WWWWW WwW Vpn Frun 38.0 (ee) an PEW re es ee ae se an F 0OMMO - Ou WWWWW & DONGGS + @O0orno WWWWWWWWw Ww WNOAIANAOW 1 eee AM OWOWOF-] 38.5 Salinity °/oo (oy 32. 30 85' w fo 6 0 °73 meet ee -61 Ww 32.03 6 t @ 6 Table 13 (cont ‘a) FIVE FATHOM BANK LIGHTSHIP 36°47 .3'N. 74°34.6'W. Depth of water - 87 feet 1958 March April Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Depth Q' 30! 50' 85! oO! 85! o! 30! 50' 85! Q' 85! Dey i - - - - - - 40.3 40.4 4O.5 4O.5 32.62 - 2 34.9 34.7 34.6 34.6 32.12 - - - - - - - 3 34.8 34.8 34.8 34.8 28 - 40.9 hO.8 40.7 4O.7 32.60 32.60 h 34.5 - - - aalal - 41.4 40.5 40.6 40.6 356) = 5 34.5 34.7 34.7 - 1h - 41.0 40.9 4oO.8 40.8 56 = 6 sthosy shay SihoGie = thoG So) Syedgaoy eS algal HAG) - 269 - 7 - - - - -10 - 41.0 40.7 - - -72 = 8 SYffoak - - - -10 - - - - - 32.68 32.66 9 37.0 - - - call - - - - - 31.88 - 10 Biel! - - - «15 - - - - - 31.78 - 11 Stench Ps sifolsm S¥/olshl) . sts4o) 32.23 - - - - - - - 12 Be9.. 30214 (38.0). 37-9 31.89 - 45.9 42.9 - - 31.51 - 13 38.1 38.0 - - epictes) sydasyy | sly, Wha Tales) - eiiy ie 14 - - - - - - - - - - AW s 15 - - - - - - kho6 = 4e.8 41.9 - -39 «- 16 38.9 38.9 39.2 39.2 31.77 - bh.5 43.1 41.9 - 31.62 - 17 38.5 38.4 38.4 39.0 31.33 - = - - - - - 18 - - - - - - Ws) ihsieak, ig ysal - 31.94 - 19 - - - - - - Wye 43.2 43.1 43.1 31.9h - 20 38.5 - - - 32.53 32-55 4h.3 42.5 42.6 2.7 32.00 - 21 - - - - ost - - - - - - - 22 38.3 38.3 38.2 - 235 - 48.2 = - - 30-50 - 23 38.3 38.2 38.2 - 38 - 48.2 42.1 41.8 41.8 4O = ak 38.1 - - - 32.39 - WO korg, koto." 42.0 39 =«O- 25 - - - - - - 50.0 43.0 - - -65 = 26 - - - - - - 49.9 42.2 41.6 - 6h 27 - - - - - - 48.9 43.0 - - 59 - 28 - - - - - - 48.9 43.4 42.3 - aly 29 41.5 39.9 39.9 40.0 32.67 - 48.9 43.5 42.3 42.2 30.46 - 30 41.3 40.0 40.0 - -66 - - - - - - - 31 ho.3, 40.5 0. - 32.64 - Mean 37-6 - - - 32.19 - 45.3 4e.2 41.8 - 31.60 - 69 & 5 PRRPR 9 WHHOO BIHAN FWHP 14 FIVE FATHOM BANK LIGHTSHIP May Temperature OF Q° Vw ww POV en rr wi ° ee slike oO Wm Or wn wi e aS 30' Fe Oe Ae Ao Bo Ok Coley tate a: aoe 8) wl OS. a) Not ND pe uel Gree WP on wv Freer mn warn Ww Ww wn ww wv ° oo ow wn w 50" FREEEE Oinmrw t § DWN & . Si ietcetle.s rPrrNDO i= Pwr i Pt 0 6 be eww FHe set trots mes fo FE FE & Oo FO = & Ww 85' fa =) cs wh FEE PRR + - = WttiWwwttttMtte@Miwmpwoworimowmi ss ‘. cians . ls siete Py . fee) fo co Oo FF awe ool e 10.0 & \o Table 13 (cont 'a) 36°R7.3'N. 1958 Salinity °/o0 0! 85! 30-53 31-51 46 - 61 - 65 - 30.90 = 30.99 30.96 ace gh 30.89 - 31.07 - 30-90 - 30.88 31.13 29.96 - 30.36 - o4h 31.53 50 - 30.45 - 30.44 © 30.58 = 30-64 31.28 70 7TH°3h.6'W. iy) ee [Nl iio oe 0) NUM P RH reece e era Re RELPPS. BSSSVVBI VY \o wi aa er ware 6 0 wmavtoawn (00) YAW VOW & oo oe bo ee ewe t OWHE eH me st wwe wi OONW neHOOTe Depth of water - 87 feet - & FE w FEEUE WM @Mor- TI 6 0 M rw OM. rer ee oe 8 0 6 8 ee oe 8 ERNRAWNODN:E 6 8 19 M10 MO © w iY) oa GD ww FFE rEe @ 6 0 @ @ 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 NON ONOAAOt § t EF OECOQQn~ I! 6 6 08 @OrHOM OH OOFP Salinity °/oo (oe 85' w Moot 6 fea wn [o) ON Peeve eee Bere Bevvvne a 8 oto 0 6 8 6 w £& ‘oO 31.78 WODAKHRNEWHEH BE aa FIVE FATHOM BANK LIGHTSHIO July Temperature oF OQ! 30' 50' 69.8 62.5 49.6 64.2 47.7 = 47-3 65.8 48.1 47.4 68.2 52.6 - 69.0 54.3 - 66.8 48.7 46.7 68.8 50.9 49.3 69.7 50.2 49.2 10.6 49.0 - 70.8 - - 66.8 50.2 48.1 64.3 48.8 6.7 66.7 48.2 - 66.8 60.1 47.7 69.0 62.1 48.3 70.8 53-1 49.2 68.9 52.2 50.1 66.3 58.0 50.0 65-3 50.8 48.h 66.1 56.1 50.1 68.2 54.1 50.4 68.8 52.2 50.7 oat 8 6 § CEOs O00 0 0 ( veyrejKe) 0 © uw FEES Mowoartitets eiemeomie rPMOOrRD 48. “WO Table 1 Cont'd 38°47.3'N. 74°3K.6'We 1958 Salinity o/oo QO! 85' = Ww Ww OO OD O90 0 4! 0° 0 0 OO USD Dey 08 bo 0 Dy oS .0F Ue 0s Fp -08 23 oy) (al Depth of water - 87 feet August Temperature OF QO! elpomre HOO Ow ANA ANON ATAAAAAA. ANAND @MOFNM UNNNWORrRHKAY wore d’’nrntorwort FFF FFwWW FI! MUWNM OO e 2 8 © ee 8 © oie ° Ov “OOo kr 4) 1 wor et eo ¢ fonve) 30" & rE Fe OO OT OLSEN 9 NSIS) MOONN M00 HOAN® yw fe) o 8 © 6 Oouw pf w ee © Ooonn OD’ WI OREO yw (oe) FEEE mwon FrFPFrFrF Ew 10 DADHHOGO ' DOO & Ovi @r OFOO Fre WO 0 wn @ fonmont tTO'Onrnretest MOO? a s oe Wo Po Lae) ° Oo ww 00S ooo 0 0 0 ° (o} NN [— Salinity o/oo (eh 85" WwW mM sb 6 0 6 8 ft 0 31. -08 46 76 PRP RPP RPRPRPRPP |e DAKDNFWHHEOWO OIAU FWHE 3 19 WWNHNNMNDNNANNNND FOO ONAMFWNHMHrFO © 5 Table 13 (Cont'd) FIVE FATHOM BANK LIGHTSHIP 36°47. 3'N. 74° 3K.6' We Depth of water - 87 feet 1958 September October Temperature OF Salinity 0/00 Temperature °F Q' 30' 50' ou o' (oy (ey 30' 50' 58 71.0 71-0 55-0 54.5 30.92 - 64.8 64.2 63.2 63.2 71.8 70.3 - - 98 = 63-3 63.4 63.4 63.4 71-9 Tee tOOsG8 540 68 = 64.7 64.7 64.7 64.8 72.2 72.0 61.3 59.2 82 31.61 64.8 64.8 64.9 64.9 72.3 69.2 58.2 54.2 Oh = 64.7 64.7 64.7 64.7 (ae 66.0 - - 30.89 - 63-9 64.1 64.1 64.1 72.0 72.0 - - 30.37. - 63-7 63.8 63.8 63-7 72.5 71-6 51.9 50.8 =37°* = = = 2 a 69.0 61.0 49.4 49.0 30.79 - 64.2 64.0 63.9 63.9 67-3 67-1 49.5 49.0 - 32.21 - - - - 67.3 65-1 52.0 49.5 30.84 - - - - - 68.0 60.0 52.3 51.0 .68 = 62.8 62.8 62.8 62.0 66.8 63-2 50.3 50.2 83 = 62.8 62.9 62.9 62.9 68.0 67-3 50-0 49.8 30.09 - 62.3 62.2 62.2 62.2 - - - - - - 62.9 62.6 61.9 60.9 68.1 65-0 50.0 49.8 30.68 - 62.3 61.5 61.2 60.1 67.0 53-5 50-9 50.6 30.57 32.32 62.3 62.4 60.9 59.8 65.5 52.0 51.0 51.0 31.15 - 61.9 61.9 61.1 60.1 65.5 58.2 52.2 52.1 31.05 - - - - - 65.9 64.2 53.2 53.0 31.03 - - - - - 68.0 66.2 55.1 - 30.88 - - - - - 68.8 69.0 - - 30.99 - = 2 z . 70.0 69.8 60.2 56.2 31.33 31-94 60.7 60.8 60.8 60.8 70.0 70-0 55.9 54.0 32.45 - - - - - 67.8 S763) 5kel) Sled) © 30588= *-= = - - = syfaal 66.5 65.4 64.7 31.32 - - - - - 67-2 67-0 65.1 64.8 31.33 - = - - = 58.0 57-9 57+9 57-9 69.0 65-6 54.9 53.4 30.89 32.02 - - - - 72 Salinity o/oo Or +33 252 (oe Ww rt od Ww eee t Ww to @ © © @ 8 8 8 8 8 8 bt W re Ww a 38 48 £43 B 5 BREBeovowrune (Be 14 FIVE FATHOM BANK LIGHTSHIP November Temperature OF QO! 30' uw ° \oO wm tn oS) e www e 8 6 wonnorNWwo www o 8 e WOrRNEH WAI wi om Whe WI wm WHF 1 Wow www Prweeeepuprprunmi tt wmtivwmwmet t twowmaonanot ~ MW\OW Co 6 oO WIV ° - wn w www orweepeoeFrPEruwmt twmt_evuwmmt t twowmnonottin ° ee AS) 90" uM - mum wronm FM www OF \O Ww ° Ww WW DBAOwW ry (oe) wn rw e te Ft Font st wiwmuonmet t Pe OMNnannttin i) - Vl ovetputetenyn ww oe ° foRXe) - Iw rowews te tt wit e ° w AN0 wi www @M\O F \O fee) Ww teiweet tt @rromooownntiwn OO. tO Salinity Table 1 Cont'd 30°K7.3'N. 74°34.6'We -63 -66 73 Depth of water - 87 feet 1958 December Temperature OF O ' 30 ' 50 ' 75 1 5202 52.6 53-0 53.0 50.8 50.9 51.1 51.8 45.8 46.0 47.0 47.2 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 44.6 = =45.0 45.1 45.2 Salinity o/oo (0) t 75 1 31.71 - 31.48 - 31-34 32.52 32.18 32.41 32.21 32.20 32-55 Winter Quarter Lightship (Figure 14, Table 14) Relatively warm surface water temperatures in January gave way in late February to a minimum for the year of 35.0 F. This was 5 F below the mean. Warming was rapid and advanced beyond the mean in late April and May. Bathythermograph slides for the first half of June were lost in transit. After June, bottom temperatures were read at 85 feet, since this appeared the most consistent depth. (The lightship here apparently yaws over uneven bottom.) The summer depression in temperature throughout the water column appeared again in mid-July, after which surface values again advanced beyond the mean. The summer maximum of 75 F occurred early in August. The influence of the hurricanes in late August and September is again apparent. Chilling was rapid except during November. As at Five Fathom Bank, salinities in January were above previous records, but by late April had dropped off sharply. They remained consistently below the 1957 readings. During July, August and September they were similar to the 1956 readings, but during the autumn they were lower. 74 (O6T-SZ6T potsed Iox uPeu ‘weazetp aeddn ut euTT peyseq) °SG6T Sdtusqusty aequend sequTy, °7T emsty eet eee | ered ee oe) =F l a °%S JOVAYNS °%S WOLLOE ve = Se = ee ea ool os O09 o9e> ~ ‘ Mi | \ / SN MI | AN SS OZ) SS S do‘l JOVSYNS ie fo} o OL os °% ALINITVS 41333 NI Hid3d SYNLVYe3adW3L do 75 Table 14 WINTER QUARTER LIGHTSHIP 37°55'05"N- 74°56'0k"Ww. Depth of water - 96 feet 1958 January February Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Temperature °F Salinity °/oo Depth QO! 30! 50' 95' O° 95' Q'! 30' 50' 95' Q! 95' Day 1 50.8 50.8 50.9 51.9 -4O - 42.9 42.6 42.7 42.9 - - 2 50.3 50.4 50.3 50.2 48 33.68 - - - - - - 3 50.1 50.1 50.2 50.9 ey 41.9 41.9 41.9 41.9 - - 4 48.8 48.5 48.5 48.5 ok = - - - - - - 5 47.1 47.2 47.2 47.2 29 - 40.0 hO.2 40.3 40.3 - - 6 46.0 46.9 47.4 = 48.3 02 - 39.0 40.0 hO.7 40.8 - - 7 47.4 47.7 48.4 = 48.4 .28 - 38.9 39.1 39.139.1 - - 8 47.0 47.0 47.0 47.2 33-29 - - - - - - - 9 46.8 46.7 46.7 46.7 - 33.29 - - - - - - 10 45.7 45.8 45.8 45.8 33.18 - 39.1 38.9 38.9 38.9 - - it 45.3 45.2 45.2 45.2 33.13 - 38.0 37.8 37.8 37.8 - - 12 4.7 44.8 K4u.8 = =4e.g 32.18 - 38.0 37.9 37-9 37-9 - - 13 = = = : = . 37-0 37-2 37-3 37-6 - = 14 46.8 46.8 46.8 6.8 34.04 - 36.5 36.5 36.7 36.9 = - 15 45.0 45.0 45.1 45.1 30.99 = 36.2 36.9 37.2 37.9 - - 16 46.9 46.9 46.9 46.9 31-45 33.92 - - - - - - 17 - - - - 34.04 - - - - - = - 18 43.8 4b.1 bho = 45.7 - - - - - - - - 18) = - - = = 5 35-2 34.9 35-1 35-3 - - 20 43.9 43.9 43.9 44.0 32.79 - 34.5 35.1 35.2 35.6 - - 21 hhe2 = 4bo1 Whe = 4b. 33-67 - 34.6 34.6 34.6 34.6 = - 22 = = = = = - 35-2 35-1 35-1 35-7 - = 23 41.9 42.8 45.2 645.2 32.71 - 34.3 34.5 34.8 35.7 - - 2k 41.8 41.8 45.1 4645.2 32.21 - 34.6 34.8 35.1 35.6 - - 25 - - - : 2 . 35-1 35-1 35-5 35-8 = = 26 42.8 2.9 42.9 42.9 33.08 - 35.1 35.1 35.8 36.2 - - 27 h2.3 42.2 h2.2 42.5 33.08 = 35-7 35-7 35-7 35.8 = - 28 41.8 41.8 41.8 42.0 28.48 - 35.0 34.9 34.9 35.0 = - 29 42.0 41.9 41.8 41.8 32.89 - 30 41.9 41.9 41.9 42.5 -91 33-15 31 41.9 41.9 41.9 4e.1 32.92 - Mean 45.3 45.4 45.6 45.8 32.81 33.51 37-0 37.1 37-3 37-5 - - 76 WINTER QUARTER LIGHTSHIP 8 5 PRPRPRP PRP PPP =| OAH FWNHOW ONIAUFWHP 19 QRS 2h March Temperature a oO! 36.8 36.8 36.2 38.0 37-0 38.3 38.4 38.5 38.8 38.0 37-8 30' 50' 36.2 36.2 36-2 36.1 36.2 36.1 38.0 38.0 37-0 37-0 37-8 37-9 38.0 38.0 38.3 38.2 38.8 38.6 syios) si(oe) Sijole) Sift 38.2 38.2 36-3 36.3 37-7 37-6 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-0 37-6 37-6 37-7 9375 37-8 37-8 39-1 39-1 39-6 39.6 41.0 41.0 4O.3 40.1 hO.% 40.4 ho.1l = =40.1 39-8 39.8 40.9 4hO.9 42.0 41.6 41.8 41.6 38.5 38.4 oe 36.8 Table 14 (cont'd) 37°55'05"N. 1958 Salinity °/o0 QO! UU 74°56'0k"W. 95' QO! Ww Ww U 000 0 OO U OD OOO D-0-0 0 0 fFO 0 00°70 DLO 0 0 0 0 OT 43.0 FF POSE SSSSS ORG: | KEEEGS FW OPODDFOFOO -82 MUNN EEE EE oN FMNMrO - wn \O Depth of water - 96 feet April Temperature °F 30! 50' h1.9 41.9 41.8 41.7 41.7 41.6 41.9 41.9 41.8 41.8 k2.1 41.7 42.6 2.2 he.8 2.7 42.8 42.8 42.9 h2.6 43.1 43.0 43.1 43.1 43.8 43.2 44.0 43.7 bRe1 43.5 43.6 43.2 yh.8 = =44.8 W5.b hh 47.8 4.7 47.1 44.8 47.0 45.1 49.0 45.2 49.8 45.1 50.3 45.3 50.8 47.0 50.8 kb.g 50.3 44.8 50.9 45.0 45.3 43.6 Salinity °/oo 95' oO! C 32.91 Lis7, e582 WEST meric LARS 41.8 .88 Pakey/ ats’) 42.2 7h OSG) weil 42.3 +60 k2.2 .Ob 43.0 54 43.1 32.53 43.1 31.14 43.4 30.92 43.1 30.76 43.2 32.51 44.8 32.71 yh.2 32.55 4.2 30.63 Wh.6 = 653 4h.Q =o. 72 45.0 .83 45.0 .92 45.1 30.91 45.1 31.03 LS O5 PGES) nal 4h. 8 31.28 43.5 31.85 95' WwW AY) e - 32. WOE ee [Wiel eed Teese Peart Varo Va > yal ord fected Jimmy et Ja Fel feed Fea ey Yess ce 1 Feeced Ov Ww ~) we 76 Table 14 (cont'd) WINTER QUARTER LIGHTSHIP 37°55 '05"N. 74° 56'0k"W. Depth of water - 96 feet 1958 May June Temperature OF Salinity °/oo Temperature oF Salinity °/oo Depth O' 30" 50' 95: O' Spe Q' 30° 50' 95' O' 95' Day al 52.0. 51.6 7.3 45.7 31.26 32.70 - - - - 30.70 - 2 53-1 51-9 47.9 45.7 26 - 60.8 57-8 46.9 46.5 30.88 - 3 53-2 52.3 46.9 46.0 225 - - - - - 3L.4l os 4 54.1 52.9 47.2 45.7 . 34 - - - - - 30.88 - 5 53.0 49.5 45.8 45.2 26 “ - - - - -99 32.20 6 49.8 49.8 9.5 48.0 87 - - - - - -715 = 7 50.6 49.4 49.h 49.1 97 - - - - - -74 Oe 8 49.6 49.3 49.1 48.9 31.79 31.79 - - - - -72 = 9 51.5 50-1 48.3 48.1 30.67 - - - - - 30.86 = 51.1 50.3 48.8 48.2 31.25 - - - - - 31-15 = 52.8 50.0 48.8 48.1 30.76 - - - - - 30.85 - 54.9 51-4 49.3 48.6 27 - - - - - -15 = 55-1 54.2 50.5 48.6 30.15 - © - - - sae ts 55-0 53-7 49.9 48.8 31.26 - - - - - 30.83 - 56.0 51.0 49.8 48.9 84 32.10 - - - - - - 54.6 50-7 49.9 49.3 yy - 65.8 64.2 53.5 6.7 31.08 - 54.3 52.5 50-5 49.0 745 - 66.6 64.6 53.9 46.0 30.97 = 18 53-8 53.0 49.7 47.5 31.47 - 66.1 62.2 51.2 47.0 - - 19 57-3 56.1 51-7 46.9 30.53 - 65-7 65.0 53.9 47.8 31.03 31.65 58.3 55.3 48.2 47.2 ohh - 65.9 65.8 57-3 48.0 31.25 = 58.9 56.0 49.1 46.7 -39 - 64.9 64.7 55.8 48.8 30.96 - 22 - - - - -48 32.33 64.2 65.0 58.9 49.9 30.97 - 59.2 55.0 7.5 46.7 55 - 65.1 64.7 50.9 49.9 31.30 = 59.2 56.5 48.3 46.8 °75 - 65.9 65.2 62.3 49.8 a 60.3 58.6 52.0 48.9 aval - 67-9 66.4 57.1 49.9 -34uCe 26 60.7 59.3 48.9 48.2 ok - 68.1 67.3 55-9 49.9 31.46 31.33 58.2 54.0 8.2 47.8 75 - 67.2 66.3 54.4 47.0 30.72 = 28 58.2 57-0 50.0 49.3 30.90 - 67-2 66.4 56.7 47.7 87 = 29 58.2 57-2 52.6 49.6 31.06 31.83 68.1 64.3 56.1 48.8 -90 - 30 59.1 57-9 53-2 48.0 -00 - 68.9 67-9 54.4 48.6 30.91 - 31 59.7 58.7 51-4 47.2 31.00 - Mean 55-4 53.5 49.3 47.8 31.02 32.15 - - - - 30.97 31.73 78 Table 14 (Cont'd) WINTER QUARTER LIGHTSHIP 37°55'05"N. 74°56'OL"W. Depth of water - July 75 ft. Aug. 95 ft. 1958 July August Temperature OF Salinity o0/oo Temperature or Salinity 0o/oo Depth Oy 30; 950! ion QO! Tou Oo} 30! 50' 85! Q' 95! Day i Co ios) Ooh Ue/ook shleoo) 6 (eG) soil Sikes) Goats} - 32.59 2 TAloi, TOod Oa US) sO) 7f0) S Wot OheG > Gals Gilead BOS s 3 Tales} Gio Sfa@ M69) -82 32.49 7h.1 59.4 52.5 51.2 31.02 - 4 226) 169e, 55-2. 49.5 30.38) = WSs) Fela - Sslcsy— Salo) 64 - 5 Phas} TOs Geisalas helaale cise Tot) Chol Gey FeO 505) 6 Talo, dae GRO Nels) ola = tot GRATIN Gelso GEO 03. - if, aot [Osis GOasy. hrfate) .22 «= - TOs SOO Skee) Sie OR 1S 8 Tke® (Sifaih Ae )attipr Lhiyfage! S33) i= “ico siecle GysysxOe | Galas) 46 32.89 9 GEO). (Arar st 48 - 153s lolly GRse@ Gaye Shla@s} > 10 Venomous. LOas Vues a ols} SQ05S) Gee) Chae» Gea Sitios Soy 5 la} GsoO) Euless = 1NSos) Why als) 559) c [nse Osh — Ghoa= Galielh ce) ees 12 Cine oun Oue UO WE. 5 1 Om = Tubes) Gisasy Sitghk Gees sonia = 13 CHfady » Glas fas}. Wha BT. = (ite Graly Glos Geers sth 14 67-9 49.6 46.9 46.8 66 - (ast Ose Seal Gailey ssh 15 64.3 48.3 46.7 46.6 sila = TLaty VGO6a) GaleO Gow. shheOs) | Sea.ah 16 GLB TuOn a. Losi ah 5.2 90 - Las Oso" Sivfae Gals! a 17 68.9 58.3 50.8 46.8 xisse)| Bears) Wess} Coose Gee G28} .2u - 18 Gos Giso©) UW o5 ao -99 = Ghai, FOsOo GLE) Fests 622 6 19 One 59.0) 9 V6.9) 46.8 "Con. = (oO Gra > G32 Sieoal ah 20 WlaS) Ges INSs@) Va 69 - 74.3 64.8 53.6 53.1 py a 21 Sa aTens ebony <2162n0 7 oat (S62 Setolk Gea 63 - 22 (W200 Cass) lira Wises seneis: co T5568 70s Sela) Geeo 29 32.19 23 TAs COG Wels) 7/56) O6)m) = "oan Sacer Shey Steal KGa) 6 2k OMe Onmn FT OnOMmN AG 32. O>mmSe 100) | 75m ORG OBOoN USD Ome 25 Geio6) Goss) NSO Pace Shlahy S WAN Sesee - Sas5° Gasol seals) S 26 Tic Shs@= Wocee 1hSic@) 2h ef - - - - - - 27 74.9 53.9 47.4 47.2 sife & TALes) aco) SHSIsey Seasy Sens Ss 28 To Shalala ao os TOs S767 S09) 10300 = 29 TaN Cifoe. Wieser tye “480 - 72.3 69.9 64.9 61.5 aliey sully 30 Wc CaO. Sas as} seh Tiel, Ase) Cock Geo@ sels} S 31 Wao GeO InSain MoGw seleeee - - = = = - Mean Oot COo#r . MES Wyos) SploSw sole) Whos Ghoy GRoG Geos) siloalk SeoeyS Tae) WINTER QUARTER LIGHTSHIP 37°55'05"N. 74°56'Ok"w. Depth of Water - 85 feet 1958 September October Temperature OF Salinity o/oo ‘Temperature °F Salinity 0/00 % 5 PRRPRPR Pe o UVFWHNHKFOWOdOAIHDVMVFWHF [fp 16 Table 14 (Cont'd) oO! 30' 50' 85' oF 85' oO! 30! 50! 85! 73-0 72.2 68.6 58.0 31.18 - - - - - Test (109. “68.7 59:3 31.22 ° = - - - - 74.2 69.5 63.4 58.2 - - 64.8 64.9 64.8 64.8 73-3 72-7 62.5 54.4 31.24 32.53 64.2 64.1 64.1 64.1 74.4 73.9 69.8 55.1 - - 64.0 64.0 63.9 63.9 73-7 73-3 62.1 53.9 30.97 - 64.5 64.2 64.1 64.0 73-9 73-8 73-4 54.4 68 - 64.7 64.3 64.1 64.1 73-3 72.4 62.0 55.1 98 - - - - - 70.9 66.6 56.0 53.5 30.90 - 65.2 64.9 64.6 64.2 70.1 70.0 61.6 55.2 31.17 - - - - - 67-7 64.5 54.3 53.6 31.27 - 64.0 64.0 64.0 63.9 68.1 65.9 56.3 54.6 32.27 - 63.9 63.9 63.9 63.9 69.0 67.0 55.6 54.0 31.34 - 63.7 63.6 . 63.3, 63:3 69.9 67.9 57.0 53.9 -l{. = - = = = 69.8 68.2 5h4.4 53.0 31 Cf 63.7 63.2 62.3 62.0 70.7 67.0 57-2 54.1 21 = - - - - - 70.6 67.9 58.8 53.5 -Oh 63.9 63.8 61.9 61.3 70.9 70.3 62.1 54.0 00 32.37 - - - - 70.1 69.1 61.1 55.3 50 - - - - - 69.1 68.6 58.9 57.0 30 «—- - - - - 69.6 68.2 61.0 55.2 56 - - - - - 70.0 68.1 59.7 56.5 4O = - - - - 70.6 67-6 57-9 56.7 46 - 61-9 61:5 62.1. 61:0 69.9 69.0 61.4 56.1 51 - G125 Glee) Ghali ol 0 70.6) (O-d,) 160.10 55.5 -65 32.29 60.9 60.8 60.7 60.7 71.6 70.7 56.0 54.8 31.72 - 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 - - - - - - 60.3 60-4 60.4 60.3 66.2 65.1 64.7 64.5 31.69 - 59.9 59.9 59.9 59.9 68.2 67.9 67.3 66.1 31.71 - 59-7 59-7 59-7 59-7 59-5 59-5 59-3 59.2 70.8 69.3 61.2 55.9 31.34 32.40 62.7 62.5 62.3 62.2 80 Q' 31. 31. 85' Wttteet#teeee Pr P wn . j Ww wi WwW w (ee) ' 0 @ © @ 8 Rb t 6 © § €owso 6 86 8 8 8 Ww ad E wi 31.48 5 PRRPRPRPR =) MN FWHNPOWO OADUFEWD FH 16 WINTER QUARTER LIGHTSHIP Temperature O' 30' 58.8 58.3 56.9 56.9 55-2 55.0 54.5 54.5 54.5 54.3 54.6 54.3 54.9 54.9 Suu 54.6 54.1 54.1 54.5) Oh 54.8 54.6 55-1 55-0 54.1 54.1 54.1 54.0 54.8 54.8 54.3 54.3 54.8 54.7 54.3 54.2 54.3 54.2 54.0 54.0 54.2 54.1 - 53.8 53-1 53-1 52-5 52-5 51.2 51.3 54.5 O44 Table 14 (Cont'd) 37°55'05"N. 74°56! 0k"w. 1958 November oF Salinity o/oo Temperature SOW Memeo Ol 85' QO! 30' 58.2 58.1 31.50 - 51.5. 521.7 - - - - 50.9 51. - - - - 50.4 50.6 56.9 56.9 31.39 - 50-6 50.5 54.6 54.1 5 ON 50.2 50.0 Shes) Gee Sally ~ Sulay (eye - - = .29=C« 49.2 49.1 S4u.u 35 #- 49.1 49.2 54.1 54.0 625) 48.9 48.9 54.7 54.5 hal NS 48.1 48.6 54.5 54.4 6 - 47.7 47.9 54.1 54.1 59 - - = 54.3 54.2 -59 31-61 45.1 45.2 54.1 54.1 S92) 48.9 49.1 54.6 54.1 54 48.3 48.7 54.1 54.1 238 Oe 48.2 48.5 - - Pc 46.7 47.0 54.1 54.1 -25 = - 45.7 46.2 54.6 54.3 -430~«CF 45.4 46.0 54.2 54.2 -50 31.70 4b.3 45.0 54.5 54.2 167 = 45.5 45.8 >) on ey ona = 4h.O 44.6 54.3 54.1 66 - 45.1 45.5 53-9 53-9 af Dinieme= 46.2 46.8 54.1 54.0 83. O- - - 53-8 53.8 oF) S 43.3 43.9 53-1 53.0 -78 31.77 43.8 4b. 52.5 52.5 Bf ic Who3 Wb.k 51.4 512.3 32.8) - 46.9 47.1 54.3 54.2 31.52 31.72 47.2 47.5 81 Depth of water - 85 feet December OF 50" 85' 51-5 51-5 51.0 51.2 50.3 50.8 50.4 50.2 50.1 50.1 h9.1 «449.1 49.1 849.1 h9.0 49.0 48.6 48.2 47.9 47.7 45.9 46.1 h9.5 49.8 48.9 49.1 48.8 49.1 47.1 48.9 47.4 48.3 46.3 48.8 46.1 48.8 45.9 45.9 45.0 45.7 45.8 46.1 46.8 47.3 43.9 hh.o yh. 30 44.8 45.1 345.1 47.2 «47. 47.7 48.2 Salinity 0/00 Q' -09 85! G00 8 U0 00 00 0 O10 00 0 0 0 0a 0 0 & e =] (e) Chesapeake Lightship (Figure 15, Table 15) The winter surface minimum, slightly greater than 36°F, occurred in mid-February; it was more than 5 below the mean. At this time there was a vertical gradient in both temperature and salinity, indicating an outward flow at the surface of cold, fresh water from Chesapeake Bay. Minimum bottom temperature did not appear until 3 weeks later. During April warming was rapid and a temperature gradient appeared. The temperature depression at the surface in mid-July and the intrusion of cold, more saline water at the bottom matches conditions seen at stations to the north. The surface maximum of greater than 75 F occurred in August and was followed by cooling in advance of the mean. The hurricane of August 27 and 28 produced northeasterly winds at this station which very nearly destroyed the thermocline; between the 26th and 29th of the month bottom temperatures rose by more than 17 F. As at other stations, chilling was slow during November and rapid in December. Three distinct lows in surface salinity appear in February, in early summer and in November. This pattern is similar to that seen in 1956 and the values are comparable. The 1957 surface salinities after April were markedly higher, except during late December. 82 uvem ‘ueizetp zeddn ut eutt peyseq) °%S JOVIYNS (9S6T-LU6T potued 10f °966T “dtusqust] exredesey) °%S WOLLOS °GT emmnsty 92 eZ o¢€ Ze be do ‘lL JOV4YNS Ov os 09 OL os ALINIDWS oy, 41334 NI H1d30 BYNLVYAdW3L 83 ® Ss aed y POW ONKAUFWDPH Le CHESAPEAKE LIGHTSHIP January Temperature OF 0! 30' 50' 65' 50.7 50.5 50.6 50.6 49.5 49.6 49.8 49.8 49.2 49.1 48.9 48.6 Repo) Mreasey Way irre 43.0 43.9 43.2 43.1 b6.T H6si “46.00 46.0: k5.7 47.0. 47.2 47.2 46.4 46.8 46.8 46.8 45.3, 45.3 45.5 45.5 4h.5 45.0 bh.k 44.6 WL.G 4b.8 bh.7 bh.7 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 INiletes Walete) Bikes} diaLets! 42.9 42.9 4e.6 42.8 LOR hon NO. enG 41.9 41.9 42.0 he.o alate) alate} hak ts} aL ste} ML o@) Malai fala Hah cal 41.1 40.9 40.9 4O.9 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 ako) lhalatey) Malate; ulaS: ho.7 41.3 41.9 41.9 412.0 41.1 41.9 42.0 40.6 ho.k doO.k - 4o.2 4o.2 40.3 40.5 4o.6 40.6 40.5 40.5 4O.1 4o.l 40.2 40.2 40.1 4O.1 40.6 40.6 4O.3 40.3 40.3 40.4 © 43.3 43-4 43.4 43.6 Table 15 36°58'07"N. 75°42'02"W. 1958 Depth of water - 65 feet February Salinity o/oo Temperature OF Q' 65' QO! 30' 32.14 = ho.5 40.9 09 - - - 06 - 42.3 42.2 38 - - - 62 Se 38.4 39.7 32.26 - 38.9 39.8 33.19 - 39.5 ho.1 32.91 - - - 33.18 - 38.8 38.9 Oh = 37-1 38.8 ok - 37.0 39.3 09 - B27 en 39.0 33.02 - 38.0 38.0 32.86 - 38.0 38.3 .83 32.80 36.9 38.3 “(3 = - - Ql - - 32.94 - 33-5 34.8 S - 34.0 34.2 33.06 - 35.0 35.6 33.00 - 36.2 36.2 31.92 32.98 35:5 36-7 32.28 - 36-4 36.3 32.59 - 36.8 37.2 = = 39-0 39.0 32.56 - 39.2 39.8 51. - 39.0 38.8 56 - 38.9 38.2 4h 32.42 Ah - 32:25 = 32.66 - 37-7 38.3 84 50" 38.6 Ww Ne mee bree W0 OCWWO0 38.7 ot 30. 58 Salinity o/0oo 65' “49 -61 Ww #6 @ bo tr t bt ft ¢ 6 @ £ § fb 8 8 4 32.35 32.64 % 5 Me FPOODBIDN FWP le CHESAPEAKE LIGHTSHIP Temperature (@) 1 3U" Ww =] FP OOM @M@MdNW 0 fy March oF 90" 37-2 38.1 37-9 oO VW Ww =} Or @OndDOCrN W (ee) MPN NM OW OO F Table 15 (Cont'd 36°58'07"N. Salinity o0/oo Temperature (oy 32. 31. Bir 6 Oa Oe ee ea Oe a aay ea 20) 1958 By -1l 82 85 75°h2'02"W. QO! WOFOrF NAODWKF WOOF Dw WOONW FO OUWN OWrFrREF- 30" i iS SE pete cen NO ote ates Bik (sRe doen git ke Boned Voneae ese ue PAae ee eile an ree te DOOR AFWEH OUAW OA WNHNHNRFANFRNWOW ON WO\WOW 4h 6 Depth of water - 65 feet April OF 50' 65' 40.3 = hoysy, THO) 7/ ho.8 40.8 41.2 41.2 nnkstey |) URaLate) 41.6 41.6 41.8 41.8 42.6 42.3 42.6 2.5 32 Wied: 43.5 43.4 WA.8 a Le yl 43.9 43.8 43.9 43.6 Seay loi: 45.7 45.6 45.9 45.7 FC SAn a 59500) 45.0 45.0 4h .g = kh.g - kh .9 - 45.0 - 45.1 4b. uu.g 4.8 yh.g 4.8 45.9 45.8 43.7 43.6 Salinity 0o/oo 30.10 65' Oe a te 60d at ob) oti ob Stef eh—t W {o) 32. 31. 97 -08 02 72 CHESAPEAKE LIGHTSHIP ® Ss PRREH 9 WHF OW OID FWHE Be 14 Temperature OF HON OMYAIWOWNFP EOP OPANEEAFPOONE ® 30" ODWWWANWENOFPADONMPPONOWOFURWO May 50' PWODNMWODOKFOrPW wMOwWwON COP EPNBAONAE ES ON i) Mo NO0BH IN hr WO NIWMOOrPFORAON Table 15 (Cont 'd) 36°58'07"N. Salinity 0/00 1958 65' Ww eo © @ @ t © UO 8 6 © t 6 30. -83 Py) Ol 89 86 75° h2 1 02"W : (ay {o) FPRFWRrRRPWADK OW FRPWROWNANNDND FOW F&F 68.9 61. ODDAHAEFUPFORDAFNOPF oe orFONNAPr on Depth of water - 65 feet June Temperature oF 90! Se OO NON WOW O00 aT TOODDOHP ON DHPEANUNOEFARDOMHENWWOOWDO wv ON wm ON ON ww WMIMNNW VIN OOD mwwmnwn wn - oT. AEUDOOODAOL 1 MO Ww FUMDONANEFOPOOMFWUNOWNOOPWIOONM WA Salinity o/oo O' 65' Ww | Fires Vase Dora eae Pc Jem ene JO Loge [Tame cl Yoort| Joieaet oem Jmol ea apr] Jeet Juma eae Fl eae gi Seco foamed banat | a 5 93 8 5 PRR e 9 FWHNFOWOOMIDANFWN PH CHESAPEAKE LIGHTSHIP Temperature S Q' 35365} "Oo Oss 70.15 FOs2 OnOmun TOKO 55-4 55.0 Depth of water - 65 feet Salinity 0/00 Q' 65 fo 3 fo 3 fo 3 Ww fo -23 223 -60 35 © S Table 15 (Cont'd) CHESAPEAKE LIGHTSHIP 36°58'07"N. 75°h2'02"w. Depth of water - 65 feet PHERPRRPR § UVFWNF OO OND FWDH 16 1958 September October Temperature or Salinity 0/00 Temperature °F Salinity 0/00 QO! 30' 50 05! On 65' oy 30' 50' 65' Oo" 65' TH. 72 (O16', 69.8: 69.5, 30.89. - 690, 966.2. 8 -66e1%* 66707" 29:97 325k6 70.9 70.8 70.4 70.0 30.94 - 65.2 65.2 65.3 « 65.3. > 31.99 - (O.9e"[0s0d7 693079769. 13l-Ssfusl.33 Ole vol d. Pe6le6ur 64e7 286 ‘= (ols (Orga (O.0Ne69.6 pak.dicm = 64.0 64.1 64.1 64.1 150° = Hecle a (On(m (OalepoOosomsoO Oma = 65-1 64.0 63.9 63.9 69 - fose: (LsOn= TOsernO9.5 27 .2bat — 63:7, 563.3. -r63a3° @ 6353 930 =O o-9e (ais622 69.8) 469.8 ~3hel-= 6381). (63.2. (63210. 6321 502 = (i.e (ldap 69.9)/n69.8. 27.740" = 6376, 63.1). 7163809 "6350 87 31.95 cl, TBleSl-- ise) Woes) “slon7si = 63«9..63;6 63.256 6302 86 - 73-2 71-9 70.9 70.2 29.30 29.94 64.9 63.7 63.5 63.4 06 - (9. TOs72- (Ose: 70.2 -29.65° = 64.0 63.6 63.6 63.6 85 - (Ode Cis). ifae) daeney sn) = 63.0 63.1 63.1 63.1 31.85 - (O20., 69:-9¢, 68.15-66.2 931.46 > = 6385 263.0), (O32. 12763211" 32,07, "= TOs9e 6907 2 Off o26/ «2. “30.6759 = 63.4 63.2 63.1 63.1 32.05 - (lel. (0.2 67:9:267.0 30.31, - 63.1 63.3 63.3 63.3 29.93 32.07 73-9 70.8 69.0 68.4 28.37 - 63-6 63.6 63.6 63.7 31.06 - Peel< [062:2 6970 °;68.6 -27.66..29.11. 64.52 163.3 563-117 63.2. 29:61 <= 72-7 69.9 63.8 61.7 29.61 - 64.0 63.2 63.1 63.1 30.26 - 72-2 70.3 67-6 64.8 30.57 - = = a 2 - z {a-9o (Os = 67.3. .66.6 see) oc = = = = = zs 71-5 70.3 67.2 66.3 30.60 - - - - - - - 72.0 69.2 67.6 66.9 29.39 - - = S = < e 73-5 69.3 64.9 64.0 86 - 62:0), (6133),. 615° 2 6154; ) 3Y¥.36 = [2.2 66.52 64.9. 64.2 (29:99 32.11. 62-1. 61.4. .61.2> 6172 37 =O - 72.2: 66.7; 64.3, 64.1 30.1) . - 61°28) 161.5 = 61-507 615 356 = 73-1 66.6 64.7 64.2 30.32 - feats) “(play xale ys (enka 1960) = 73-8 70.9 65.2 64.1 28.08 - 62.2), 161.2:)< 16142 4% Gils2 ay = - - - - - - 60.9 60.9 60.9 60.9 4600 - 67. 06560. .66.( 566-7 32555. = 60.4 60.3 60.4 60.4 -54 31.48 67-0. 66.7, 66:6. 66.6 32.19 + - 60.1 -.60.0, 6050 ¢, 60.0 460 = 60-3 59.9 60.0 59.9 31.54 - 72.2 69.8 68.0 67.3 29.99 30.62 63.3 62.8 62.8 62.8 31.43 31.99 88 CHESAPEAKE LIGHTSHIP % 5 ell gill ell ad 9 WHF OWO ON DU FWD 14 November fe) Temperature F oO! 59.2 59.9 59.1 59.2 59.1 59.4 58.9 58.8 57-7 60.5 57-5 56.4 56.7 57-2 57-6 57-8 58.0 58.7 58.3 57-9 57-3 57-3 57-6 58.0 56.6 54.2 56.0 55-9 55.1 53.4 57-6 30" WI =] ON DOMODKMPUAWNN FURFPW OrFOrKFF OF 90' DO DOOBOOS SN NAA WA WAN NPORFPPONMADNOOFOCWOOWFRPAFHAHYN @MrRPOCONF aT: aT. MrWOOKFUONWAANOO FOO OW rb 36°58'07"N. 75°42'02"w. 1958 Salinity o/oo Temperature QO! 65' oO! 30' 29.20 = 54.3 55.1 30-53) ao- 53-5 53-4 31.56 - 53.9 54.4 ilied 1 = = 31.04 31.56 54.0 54.3 28.45 - Bajos), DISIat/ HLS BIS) 92-9 53-1 31.42 51.7 53.6 29.90 - Se Om oo 3110) f= 51.8 52:0 31.68 - - - 29.78 31-43 50.1 50.0 OL l= 50.0 49.8 28.64 - 48.7 48.4 28.90 - 48.2 48.4 29.05 - 47.2 46.3 29.61 - 46.7 46.8 28.91 - Lome. e453 27.83 31.69 47.1 46.8 28.40 — = WA.Q 45.1 PHagith 3 46.9 46.3 29.26 - 46.2 46.1 30.30 - 42.9 45.0 29.33 - 43.9 46.1 30.10 - - - OMmsO65e) US ly, 36 0=«—- 45.0 44.8 61 - 46.0 45.3 (ai) 6 4h.7 44.7 30.47 - 43.4 43.0 43.0 43.0 29.85 31.30 48.3 48.5 Table 15 (Cont'd) 89 Depth of water - 65 feet December OF 50! 65' 54.8 54.8 52.9 51.8 54.5 KS 54.2 5h.2 54.3 oh. 54.4 | K.S 54.7 - Dead) Dssol/ 51.9 51.9 49.9 49.9 49.6 49.6 48.1 47.5 48.4 48.3 46.2 46.2 46.7 46.7 45.3 45.3 46.7 46.5 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.6 46.0 46.0 45.6 45.6 46.3 46.3 4y.8 44.8 4u.gQ = Ag 45.2 45.1 Wh.Q aS 43.0 43.0 43.0 43.0 48.7 48.4 Salinity o/oo QO! 65' Rt hat 8 he ee i 8 Ww Py) Diamond Shoals Lightship (Figure 16, Table 16) Due to the great range in temperature change at Diamond Shoals, the depth-time profile of temperature is drawn in five degree isotherms, rather than the one degree isotherms of other figures. The dominance of Virginian coastal water at this station during the late winter and spring of 1958 is the striking feature here. From February to mid-May, 10 day mean temperatures throughout the water column and salinities, both surface and bottom, fall far below the mean for the period of record. As has been stated under the section Surface Temperature, this phenomenon is undoubtedly the result of the weather pattern prevailing during the period. Minimum temperatures, both surface and bottom occurred in late March, when surface values were nearly 20 F below the mean. Recovery was rapid, but salinities clearly show the continued dominance of coastal water at the surface through June at least. Vertical temperature structure appeared in mid-May, at which time bottom salinities reached approximately 36.00 /oo. During July, August and early September surface temperatures were above the mean; from mid-September through mid-November, however, both temperature and salinity at the surface fell off sharply. After a brief rise in early December, the year ended with isothermal water somewhat colder than normal. Throughout the year, surface temperatures and salinities were consistently below the readings for 1956 and 1957; for comparison the values for the three years in question are given below in terms of annual means. 1956 1957 1958 Surface temperature: 67.0°F 72 oek: 64.0°F Surface salinity: 33.76 loo 8527 ° loo 33.07 ° foo 90 Ww ° ES Ww a [res a =) 7) do aunivesdw3l 1334 NI H1d30 38 BOTTOM S%. ae °% ALINITVS SURFACE S%o diagram, ine in upper (Dashed 1 , 1958. Diamond Shoals Lightship mean for period 1923-1956) Figure 16. 91 Table 16 DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35°05'30"N. 75°19'30"w. Depth of water - 180 feet January, 1958 Temperature °F Salinity 0o/oo Depth Q' 30! 50! 100' 150' 180! QO! 180! Day i 70-9 70-9 70.9 70.9 68.8 68.2 36.33 - 2 62.9 62.9 63.0 64.9 65.9 67.0 35.10 - 3 68.1 68.1 68.1 68.2 68.2 68.2 - - 4 58.1 58.9 59.1 62.6 65.2 65.4 - 36.18 5 51.0 51.0 51.0 57-2 Gillen 63.2 34.60 - 6 50.2 49.9 51.9 59.7 56.7 54.5 34.42 - il = = i = oS = fal = 8 50.5 50.5 50.5 50.8 Giloal 51.2 33.75 = 9 49.3 49.3 49.6 50.9 54.2 54.7 33-76 - 10 47.9 50.7 54.4 58.6 57.5 52.8 32.08 - ial. 55.6 66.8 67.8 68.5 68.5 68.7 33-41 36.35 12 68.3 68.3 68.3 68.3 68.2 67.2 36. 34 - 13 67-7 67-8 67.9 67.8 67.9 67.8 36.36 - 14 - - - - - - - - 15 57-2 57-9 60.2 66.2 66.7 65.6 33.96 - 16 52.8 53.1 59.0 59.5 65-7 65.4 33.40 - aul 46.3 46.3 46.4 49.9 59.3 60.8 32.76 - 18 45.6 46.7 54.7 (ple ti 64.5 64.1 2h = 36.14 19 TOMO. On MEL One 50.7 62.0 62.6 295 - 20 44.6 50.3 55.9 62.8 63.6 63.3 32.38 = 21 65-7 65.8 65.8 64.2 63.1 62.9 36.16 - 22 - - - - - - - - es Do (2953 9563 63.3 62.7 62.2 33.96 = eu 68.0 67.9 67.9 66.8 60.8 60.8 36.32 - 25 - - - - - - - - 26 49.9 56.4 57.3 58.9 59.9 60.2 32.94 34.97 27 - - - - - - - - 28 45.2 45.8 6.1 55-9 63.4 64.2 32.11 ~ 29 Male ING GS 55.6 65.0 65.1 32.00 - 30 68.5 68.3 68.1 67.6 66.4 66.5 36.32 - 31 lash ifash (Nios 66.9 66.5 66.0 36. 34 - Mean 56:2) 5723 58:5 61.5 63.2 63.0 34.17 9-35.91 92 DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP © KD ct ios O ON DU FWHFH ky WwW re Pa Ww Ww Or.o wn - WONMOWOOFO cm Ww @ © NM OWWAO 48.3 WI bh [=1 {09) wn WI O MOMOrFOWMO WO i ine) COON NW 49.2 Table 16 (Cont'd) 35°05'30"N. February 1958 Temperature oF 90! - wn 0 On | cone WO Ow rF OV’vO ow Ww \O MOO ON F 100' awn ww WOmOtrPotcaos! AJ\o0 Nw Nowy ne) CONN ONO 93 75°19'30"W. 180! Oy WI loRNe) ON fo NONMAHANMWN AD Cw VWI \O OM WNWFONH Depth of water - 180 feet Salinity 0/00 O' 180' 33-14 36.18 33-86 35-77 33.05) 739-92 Table 16 (Cont'd) DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35905'30"N. 75919'30"w. Depth of water - 180 feet March, 1958 Temperature OF Salinity 0/00 Depth oO" 30! 50! 100' 150' 180! Oo! 180' Day 1 42.2 - 52.2 57.2 Given 60.4 32.35 36.00 2 44.0 8©=047.0 - 58.5 60.8 60.5 -66 - 3 41.7 41.5 41.3 42.8 54.6 59.8 if - 4 ho.2 4O.2 40.2 40.3 46.2 52.0 -O4 - 5 4o.8 40.5 40.8 42.3 43.5 41.5 32.52 - 6 41.6. - 41.6 41.2 49.5 54.2 54.3 - - T i = = s - - - - 8 = a = = = & : S 9 - = - - - = - = 10 43.6 43.6 43.5 43.6 43.7 43.7 33.82 - ak HS fie Heso L463 44.8 44.8 44.8 33.73 - 12 kh.2 4h.oa hh.o 4b.3 4.6 4.7 34.01 - 13 - - - - - - - - 14 43.2 43.2 43.3 43.7 4h. 44.8 33-66 - 15 lore loro hoe 42.1 42.3 43.0 33-27 33.76 16 41.8 41.8 41.9 41.9 42.2 ey 7 31.68 - 17 42.0 41.8 4o.h 42.8 43.1 43.5 - - 18 43.0 42.6 42.8 42.8 43.1 43.2 32.40 - 19 herGy Nee he - - - 33.30 - 20 KOO On sas 41.9 41.9 42.7 32.74 - 21 Take Sy eae alae 41.2 41.8 42.2 .02 - 22 41.0 40.8 40.8 41.1 41.8 41.8 32.53 33.48 23 43.0 43.0 42.7 41.8 42.0 43.2 30.50 - 2h 41.9 41.9 41.4 41.2 41.5 42.1 32.81 - 25 - - - - - - - - 26 41.2 4o.Qg 40.9 40.9 40.9 41.5 31.92 - 27 40.5 4O.8 40.8 40.8 40.8 40.8 32.34 - 28 Yor? 40.7 40n7 40.8 40.8 40.8 32.51 - 29 40.7 40.5 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 33.00 32.98 30 40.8 4O.2 40.2 40.2 40.2 40.8 32.84 - 31 = = = = - - 32.74 - Mean 42.0 42.0 42.2 43.6 45.0 45.6 32.66 34.06 94 Table 16 (Cont'd) DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35°05'30"N. 75°19'30"'w. Depth of water - 180 feet April, 1958 Temperature OF Salinity 0/00 Depth O' 30! 50! 100' 150' 180' @! 180' Day al Ihteal) elegah Lob g al 41.0 41.3 42.0 32.66 - 2 LNT EL OR (ie LONG 40.6 4O.7 hO.7 31.92 = 3 bore Olas Lag 41.6 41.3 Ihatgak 33.06 - 4 LOR Gi wakes h205 ho.4 42.8 42.9 -03 = 5 W259) ebea5 | hase 43.0 42.8 42.8 33.04 - 6 E £ i 2 i 2 id 2 7 nate) OO} TNS Oral 50.8 SL 52.9 -79 - 25 92-9 ipo. 3/1 149.3 559 Zyejor! 91-9 30.80 = 26 iol SOo08 oa 48.8 50.3 50.8 32.10 - 27 BOO Goce) Gelas} 48.8 Som 51.9 31. 34 - 28 Ba) | SOs Sigal 48.2 51.9 EA) 0) -14 - 29 Sat Hoar Sec) 48.8 50.1 52.0 16 - 30 BGs BEsaS) S055} 57-0 50-9 50.4 sea ((5) = Mean ie), (Nyaa | RY G@ 47.3 47.5 47.8 31.02 - 95 Table 16 (Cont'd) DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35°05'30"N. 75°19'30"W. Depth of water - 180 feet May, 1958 Temperature Aa Salinity o/oo Depth Ol 30' 50! 100! ISO" 180! ro 180' Day 1 54.0 53.2 53.4 52.7 54.6 50.8 31.88 - 2 54.3 53-1 51.5 51.7 54.1 51.6 31.77 - 3 60.3 59.8 63.2 63.0 41.2 48.0 32.10 - 4 59.6 72.1 72.1 59.9 51.8 52.2 31.28 - 5 60.7 67-5 71-9 65.8 52.3 54.2 29.95 - 6 59.2 56.7 56.1 Diver 54.2 52.7 31. 34 - if 64.2 57-3 55.1 57-6 62.9 63.8 31.66 - 8 57-6 51.6 49.4 48.2 51.3 51.7 29.09 - 9 57-9 52.5 48.3 ae 49.9 50.9 29.16 - 10 62.7 57-1 60.2 52.7 54.1 59.1 30.06 - iat TOG 9323 Ted 69.9 63.4 61.6 34.32 - 12 (Os f2n9n (229 70.2 66.7 66.0 33.67 - 13 We Wels) eats) Oe 68.2 66.7 35.31 - 14 67.6 (O29) (0-7 Tiueal 67.8 68.6 33.99 S 15 61.7 61.5 58.5 63.0 69.3 66.2 28.60 - 16 63.9 60.3 62.1 67.0 68.7 67-3 25.16 36.08 17 62.7 51-3 51.2 62.9 63.3 65.9 27.46 - 18 58.9 54.3 52.9 68.7 66.1 66.6 Pfs) - 19 (Aoute) | 7aligtss falc! 67.8 65.5 63.3 26.72 - 20 Gs Woe “Flalh 68.3 63.7 62.3 Pla > 21 Sian ~ Weert Flow 70.8 64.8 62.4 29.17 - 22 (Oss | 587 (Lal 61 64.1 63.1 31.70 - 23 73-1 ‘71.6 68.9 64.8 63.9 62.8 -68 36.25 24 70.3 69.8 70.9 65.9 62.2 61.8 31.49 - 2 (ls 210039 “67 al 65.6 63.1 62.8 33.30 - 2 = a = o o a = = 27 - - - - - - - - 28 - - - - - - - - 29 - - - - - - - - 30 = = = = = = = = Sit 2 = = = = = = Mean - - - - - - - - 96 DIAMOND SHOALD LIGHTSHIP 8 PE re) 12 WW IWOW OY D000 FF FWW OO NO Ei oe eee SSASSES W (oe) 4 Wot MNON@WAWUW AM ONWOPFPWOONF | OOoNn <— @\o 81. x} Ww NOU RASS rn ONT Go a) Table 16 (Cont'd) (e) [e) 35 05'30"N. 75 19'30"W. June, 1958 Temperature oR 50! OWFNNOWON DAK DoOVHON PRPRPRINRPOND 1 \O 100' Wn =] SO FWONOCCO OD © re fon © FHAOFON OM 97 Depth of water - 180 feet Salinity oy sere) 180' 35-15 85 Ww WwW -OO0 W 18 Ww We ON ett ON ee eh de & DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP % 5 PRERP y WHF COCO ONIRUFWNHH 14 (2) (ee) PP Ge fer ye wes We) Serepeemser ys ims ae lps gale. se Oro ANNI MO MRP wh FO OF O Gon OR aS) AO \0 Gol Ho 1) On 8 30" rer) Ww cert bi ee ewes ieee Se US Re naet ar’ eee pues, Sbigeauebere ONNODOKPAKPANW OFRPODNDOPD FNUW AWOL 19-9 Table 16 (Cont'd) Temperature OF 90" YOMAWPWHOKPWORPNON (ee) & 8 MoOnNrWoOOFOON HF =n 1.0 NW OV Tools 35°05'30"N. 75°19'30"W. July, 1958 100! 150! 180! 75-8 70.2 65.8 74.5 70.0 651. WOst 65.8 63-9 78.6 71.6 69.2 (Oat 70.8 68.9 (ew 6c 66.3 75.9 67410 66.8 74.9 68.0 65.8 76.2 69.6 68.3 Taal 68.6 66.9 7332 70.9 Gio ee 68.3 66.1 73.0 66.7 61.8 80.2 Thbee) 71:5 TD oak 69.0 64.2 Halen) 63.7 61.5 74.7 59.1 57-4 Ala) 63.2 60.0 75.9 62.3 58.2 1057 61.9 57.8 73.8 63.6 58.6 72.0 60.8 59.5 64.7 fas) 57-9 11-9 63.2 59.8 yAalail 60.0 59.2 63-9 63.0 60.8 59-3 59-2 60.5 58.9 59.1 60.7 64.8 62.0 61.9 72.3 65.4 63.2 98 Depth of water - 180 feet Salinity o/oo 160" Q! Ww W Ww TU ee ee NSU ee oe ba SGN Cb ES ot et Gye st tt W Ww 35. -06 -72 -63 Table 16 (Cont'd) 12 DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35°05'30"N. 75°19! 30"w. Depth of water - 180 feet August, 1958 Temperature °F Salinity 0/00 QO! 30' 50! 100' 150! 180' Q! 180' SoOo8; 7Os8 [Sor 58.2 58.4 57.8 34.67 - ile, 9fS\s@" Salk 61.2 59.1 58.9 32.52 34.58 Sie) Seb) i7/a8) 61.2 59.1 59.1 33.95 - 1s} WSolsii= (ahofs} 59.7 59.6 60.2 31.73 - Slam GonOmme(iOse 61.8 58.1 Die 33.82 - 79-7 68.3 62.2 57-0 57-7 57-5 32.87 = Si SOG" 651.0 56.5 56.7 56.7 31.35 - “He\at, Sa SilolS) 65.1 58.9 60.0 30.90 = 82.1 82.0 81.9 83.1 63.2 63.0 34.08 35.2h OL Obie Gin | Ob Slew! 74.8 64.8 34.14 - (silage) Shae) = Ysaart 69.6 60.9 60.3 32.84 - 83.3 82.9 81.6 69.1 61.0 58.9 32.83 - GAG ial Coo lel 59.4 58.9 35.81 = 84.9 83.1 81.9 73.9 61.4 - 36.05 - Sie) ChE (e2lo6 79.6 59.4 - oalal - Choe hyn Ceialh Tae 61.0 59.0 36.05 36.08 84.0 83.8 83.6 75-4 63.7 61.0 35.99 - 83.7 83.5 82.9 71.3 62.8 60.4 -98 - Seis@- S058} FshoO) 69.2 65.8 63.1 .99 2 BO (Gee) a One 65-3 65.2 65.0 35.19 - Sno Nok | ele 66.1 65.1 64.2 34.89 - Sete Tals 2 FO sal 65.1 64.9 64.3 34.05 - Bihog koe felejonl 76.9 67-2 63.7 35.88 35.81 84.2 84.1 83.9 76.9 67.8 67.4 UL - Soll CAEC) 1 CAS) 69.3 66.6 - . 86 - Gio Cio 7/58) 66.2 63.2 61.8 62 - S55 WSoil Whey "abe 3} 68.4 66.6 35.56 - Fao) Wot" 7tfeal [3.5 67.8 67.0 33.66 - 69.2 68.0 68.3 76.1 68.8 67.9 30.01 34.96 Sho? (sol ebios ToS) (Sra 68.3 35-71 - Silos) gly Ysa) 69.4 63.1 62.0 34.33 35.33 99 Table 16 (Cont'd Depth of water - 180 feet 75°19! 30"W. 35°05 '30"N. DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP September, 1958 Salinity 0/00 Temperature OF 150! 180! Qo! 180! 100' Ne] ~ Oe et ets CO UO 8 treet Bet ee, LING KE? i 8 te hy re Oe 6. leva (@> fol je) e 6* ie Se se. Je. 9 0 ot 8. Lo 6 ce) 6 8 et 8 ew TS QOHAARGAARSAMOAAIAUD SE WOK my A WDOOODNHGODOOGELFODDODODGOODSODDO MDOAPrNNATFTOAMNEMNAMEDNDADDAHALANNA Aa VARS IDAGODDH MAA OAD AAD MSU EHrOCGOPOP OK FODDDOO FOOD 00G0 FAFNNDARNWOMNVNDOAOPDOONNAMOr-MNHA NO VF AAM AGO + NO SGSSSOMAUEMMNASUVIAR DORFFORNEEEE Serrorroorrwow MAPNADEDOMNAANNNANDErHNWOOFHAM SODEBDASQ AAT SYHEKGY GoroAoerer Ao ODODOrODOKKEL ERE OKRRMOREKEERE EPA NMNMOTOLPADANDNNANDANANHAHDOODHAMH ore Si) ce ret, ey 16" er Oe, sey feiite cere 6) erie. Je le. pier fe 0 Ae. tee 6; Ue. leu Js BORSSSGHSBSLSSRELSSSLALAKA CADMNAUNMADAMADAMNNDODOHMHOAAN NIN MS ANNA VSO LZ QSADEANRQGDAUNANDD DODDrOrODYE Ker OrOrrrrnr 8. We a Pp a| i (SU Salle ESO) ah SONS) feat NSA OD SS plese) Lin PoE ay ay ot hee) FS) AAD AAR AAA AA NUNUNNNNN SY 68.7 66.0 13-9 100 Table 16 (Cont'd) DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35°05 '30"N. 75°19! 30"W. Depth of water - 180 feet October, 1958 Temperature OF Salinity o/oo Depth QO! 30' 50! 100! 150! 180' QO! 180! Day 1 69-8 69.7 70.6 71.9 66.7 64.8 - - 2 (Yoshie Cloke! (Sok 67.2 67.7 68.8 32.61 - 3 67-3 66.5 66.3 66.6 67.5 68.4 «30 - 4 66.9 66.7 66.4 66.3 66.2 66.2 32.20 33.45 5 Gil (oon 16652 66.2 67.4 67-9 31.96 = 6 67-2 67-0 66.8 66.3 66.1 67.3 31.82 - 7 66.2 66.3 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.3 32.31 - 8 66.8 66.6 66.2 66.2 (fall 67-1 32.31 - 9 TAs Ome focOne 19a 80.6 72.5 est 33.06 - 10 Hoy. CScah (iehgfe) 70.3 Tes 78.0 31.47 - 11 oakwm Oey 4slas' 76.9 76.7 69.8 -67 35.09 12 (oy At Sa of PO ME oT 9) 68.0 74.7 75-2 - 36 - 13 CHiaG) wutsifast (r/As} 68.5 Vege 72.2 -59 - 14 OW/ash > (fos) tehy/aak 70.8 74.9 76.5 -37 - 15 67-1 67.5 68.5 69.3 76.7 76.8 31.15 - 16 TNO ese) “Woat 78.8 77-4 - 33.06 - aN WHS) TT) W/o} 76.2 73-2 72.8 36.07 - 18 - - - - - - 36.03 36.04 19 - - - - - - - - 20 - = = = = = = oS 21 65.2 65.2 65.1 64.8 64.9 70.5 32.13 - 22 64.8 64.1 64.1 64.1 64.1 64.0 31.89 - 23 65.2 67.7 64.8 79.6 79.3 78.5 -93 - 2k 64.6 64.7 64.8 65.6 ent Th.l 87 - 25 Ho Oo pico) 69.9 73-1 “(Peal abs} culate) 26 65-1 64.7 64.7 fallen 73.6 72.3 -78 - 27 Gee sous se) (63 64.3 TOwe 64.7 -76 - 28 64.3 64.4 65.5 72.5 76.6 75.8 -66 - 29 oc oe A Tom TL) 63.6 co 75.3 -57 - 30 63.3 63.7 63.5 63.5 69.2 (Gout -58 - 31 63-0 63.8 64.0 TsO They 74.5 See - Mean 67-0 67-3 67.6 69.5 71.4 Tbas) 32.19 34.04 101 Table 16 (Cont'd) DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35°05'30"N. 75°19! 30"W. November, 1958 Temperature oF Depth oF 30! 50! 100' 150! Day a} 63.8 75.1 76.9 76.8 716 2 69-0 + 69:8 ~ 7-0 76.1 76 3 63.9 64.4 68.4 75-8 76 4 65-9 66.0 67.4 75-4 76 5 62.9 63.8 70.6 76.0 75 6 62.5 63.8 64.4 1759 15 7 64.1 64.2 64.2 64.7 75 8 63.0 63.9 64.4 70.9 gall 9 61.95) 66398 70-0 71.2 72 10 65.7 66.0 67.2 73-9 13 11 62518 6253 6237 64.0 64 12 60.9 64.3 65.3 64.9 68 13 63-5 63.6 64.5 i/aleealt 69 14 64.3 63.1 63.9 66.8 69 15 63.8 67.4 68.8 TO 67 16 hee Tle Exe 68.2 62 17 65.3 66.7 66.3 66.6 67 18 64.6 63.0 62.9 62.1 64 19 61.9) 617 | 6la6 64.4 67 20 63-5 63.6 63.9 64.6 68 21 Soot With Wes 72.0 TH 22 - - - - - 23 66.4 67.1 70.0 75-7 72 ak 75-8 75.9 715-9 75-0 (a: 25 - - - 68.8 70 26 66.6 66.9 68.1 75.8 15 =i 62:7 , 62:8 62.8 62.9 63 2] = = = = cx 29 (SHO) (eifaal — eirfaal 67-4 72 30 67-5. 68.0) 166.2 69.8 18 Mean 64.8 66.3 67.6 (foes 7 DMDOAOVRPUMUONN KF ONOKDANAANWE ® ee NFW OM 102 al ©) OrwW OO Depth of water - 180 feet Salinity 0/00 O' 180' Lo = Xe} ie) Ww = 295 -28 Ww ine) - Ww Ww -06 = {o) Ww (oy) Dv) - ON Ww - 30 .16 Ww is = N [= ne) Ww 'oreteetope Qe bs te t tb be Oe te 6 bt be te eee oe be Ww fo OV’ [o) Ww t= 295 Table 16 (Cont'd) DIAMOND SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 35°05'30"N. 75°19! 30"w. Depth of water - 180 feet December, 1958 Temperature OF Salinity 0/oo Depth Q! 30' 50' 100! 150! 180' Oo! 180' Day 1 TOslupaniic-Oo enseO 73-5 73.4 Wee 35.08 - 2 65.3 66.2 66.9 68.3 71.4 Tlie 33.45 - 3 65-3 65.5 65.6 67.6 70.8 Tilers 33.03 - 4 61-1 62.4 64.9 68.9 69.7 69.8 32.53 2 5 ot Ko a of ME 0-2-2 62.9 68.8 68.8 31.16 - 6 Tei | Tsiss) 1 Felank Th.9 72.8 70.8 36.05 35.64 ri Teele Meals Wem | oe laee 74.1 72.8 16 = 8 TLS) HSC MEW 72.9 66.9 62.0 20 - fe) Te\a5) | Teal (eta) 73-7 70.4 61.8 36.23 - 10 68.2 68.6 68.6 65.8 68.4 68.2 35.48 - ak - - - - - - - - 12 53-5 53.7 53-8 53.8 55-7 58.8 32.08 - 13 i. 8) * 76-3, 76-3 76.3 (oe9 71-5 36.21 35.52 14 Gisail 7/550) = 75a) Tear 72.6 72.2 18 - 15 TR On W5eO) | sPOled 73-9 72.8 Tell 36.14 - 16 Sie 56.6 9) 62.6 72.6 72.7 72.5 31.52 - 17 Has2 (Hfalsh alia 72.8 73.2 72.9 31.95 = 18 72.9 72:9 72.9 72.9 69.7 64.3 36.22 - 19 62.1" 16227 63.6 66.2 66.9 65.8 36.43 - 20 SLO OLS 70.0 65.6 63-5 62.8 31.67 36.10 a1 59.2 59.4 59.6 60.0 60.3 60.2 34.15 - 22 60.3 60.7 61.0 61.6 61.8 61.8 34.69 - 23 51.5 51.4 58.7 60.0 62.7 63.6 31.41 - ak TES 9slac) Y/ekask 69.9 69.5 69.2 36.16 - 25 Gilet, iol — iley7/ 62.8 64.1 64.8 34.10 - 26 66.1019) 1650) O19 60.1 58.3 57-3 35.30 - at 53-1 53-7 55-6 56.8 57-2 58.8 33-00 34.56 2 = 2 = = = = S 2 29 (One) Onl) {Od 1Os2 TO 69.9 36.12 - 30 = 2 7 2 S = = = 31 45.9 45.9 46.0 46.2 47.0 46.7 32.07 - Mean 64.6 65.8 66.8 67-1 67.2 66.3 34.31 35.46 103 Frying Pan Shoals Lightship (Figure 17, Table 17) Minimum surface temperature of less than 49° F occurred in late February; this was 10° lower than the 1956 minimum and 14° below the 1957 minimum. Below normal temperatures, surface and bottom, persisted into early June, when the thermocline took form. From then on, temperatures remained above the mean until late in October, when cooler, fresher water invaded the area briefly. The abrupt rise in November, more pronounced than at other stations, reflects the warm air temperatures prevailing at that time as well as an advection of off-shore water, indicated by a rise in salinity to greater than 36.00 ~/oo In mid-April a depression of temperature and salinity, surface and bottom, no doubt marks an intrusion of coastal water from north of Cape Hatteras. A similar invasion was noted in November, 1956. By May bottom salinity had recovered, while surface salinity remained depressed through mid-July. In view of the rapid warming during this period, it is likely that the low surface salinity reflects the offshore movement of local coastal water. Inspection of the daily readings of temperature and salinity shows that this region is often subjected to short term and abrupt changes which are obscured in the 10-day mean values of temperature and salinity. 104 (9S6T-LUE6T potsed soy ueew Sureazetp azeddn ut eutT peyseq) °sSéT “dfusqustT sTeoys ueg SuThaq °LT emsty °%S JOVAYNS Ve °%S WOLLOG zal J | | =0fS B wo wo = _e6b>> SaaS Ra SoS | TT 4 -------@® das do ‘lL 3OVSYNS 09 Od Se ee 08 ALINITVS 2% 4334 NI H1d30 SYuNive3sdW3l do 105 Table 17 FRYING PAN SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 33 28'00"N. 77 33'08"W. Depth of water - 60 feet 1958 January * February * Temperature OF Salinity o/oo Temperature oF Salinity o/oo Depth o' 30! 50! 60' oO! 60! OQ! 30' 50' 60! Q! 60' Day 1 67 64 64 64 36.28 36.23 - - - - - - 2 65 65 65 65 30 =«—- 56 56 56 56 36.28 - 3 64 64 64 64 26 = 51 51 51 52 35.30 - 4 62 62 62 62 31 «C- 48 48 48 48 34.47 - 5 62 62 62 62 ho - 48 hg 50 50 34.71 35.26 6 62 62 62 61 hl eg 50 50 50 50 35.82 - 7 66 65 64 63 36.20 - 51 51 51 51 95 - 8 63 63 63 63 35-78 36.36 50 50 50 50 86 - 9 62 62 62 62 36.37. - 52 52 51 50 49 = 10 60 59 59 59 4300 53 53 53 53 35.82 - 11 61 61 61 61 se) 56 ok 545k 36.00 - 12 59 59 59 59 si) os 58 58 58 58 -20 36.20 13 58 57 ilk 57 39 = 52 52 52 52 36.14 - 14 59 59 5) 59 33) = 48 48 49 49g 35.56 - 15 59 59 59 59 26 36.26 48 48 48 48 35.36 - 16 60 59 BY) 59 30 - 59 59 59 59 36.19 - 17 57 57 57 57 ah 55 55 55 55 a 18 58 58 58 58 38 54 54 55 55 430 «- 19 58 58 58 58 kl = 53 53 53 53 36.37 36.36 20 56 52 D3 53 08 =- 45 51 oy 51 34.98 - a1 65 54 53 53 23.=«r: 45 48 50 50 35.02 - 22 68 68 68 68 38 «36.38 46 46 48 xe) 35 = 23 67 66 66 66 or 48 48 Fee) 49 50 - oh 66 66 66 66 yo 46 47 48 48 25 + 25 64 64 64 64 hp + 48 4g xe) 4g -4O - 26 61 61 61 61 37 —- 49 - 51 51 35.17 36.06 27 61 60 59 59 430CO«s 54 54 54 54 36.19 - 28 61 61 60 60 430 Cf 51 51 51 51 35.81 - 29 61 60 60 60 hh = 36.47 30 63 63 62 62 38 =C«} sh 65 65 65 65 36.39 - Mean 62 61 61 61 36.33 36.33 51 51 52 52 35.67 35-97 * Extreme corrections necessitated by BT malfunction. Temperature values approximate. 106 FRYING PAN SHOALS LIGHTSHIP Temperature oF Depth o' 30' 50' Day 1 52 52 52 2 52 52 52 3 53 52 52 4 53 53 53 5 46 46 46 6 & ef L, a 49.1 49.1 49.1 8 48.0 48.2 48.2 9 48.5 48.5 48.3 10 48.0 48.1 48.1 11 48.1 48.1 48.1 12 50.4 50.4 50.4 13 58.0 54.0 50.2 14 54.2 54.2 53-6 15 51.9 51.8 51.8 16 47.2 47.3 47.5 17 48.5 48.1 48.0 18 48.4 48.1 48.1 19 48.5 48.2 48.3 20 49.8 49.9 49.9 21 48.3 48.3 48.4 22 48.0 47.9 47.9 23 48.9 49.1 49.1 ak 49.2 49.2 50.6 25 63-2 63.0 62.5 26 61.5 61.5 61.4 27 52.2 51.9 51.9 28 53.2 53.2 53.2 29 55-1 55-1 55-1 30 Gleb Seloal 58.1 31 SO 5 Oe: 58.1 ® 5 March * 51. PP PNDOMWANUONOWNOR Table 17 (Cont'd) 33°28'00"N. 1958 Salinity 0o/oo 35.60 35-43 60' 35.48 35-29 Ww VW 227 -08 W 00 0-0 Deno 0.0 7-0 0 35-53 * March 1 - 5 Temperature values approximate. 77°33'08"W. a7. UPHAM NMOFOFONADONWUNEO Depth of water - 60 feet April Temperature oF 30" OP ONBVOWHOWHOWOOWO DHEHOOCODFNHAOFA 90" aT + CHP HP OONMNDEFONMNOWDOOUHPNWONOAUNOON ® a) © PONDOODOMAINMAPOMWOHOPN WDOMODODANDHOW® 29+ 57. Salinity o/oo (oy 3h. 33- 99 60' Ww O00 0 0 Oso 0 020 0 0 Db eS Ww Ww ww (eD Uo Oat 2570-0 Do es) ww wm Ww = -61 2k -62 91 -62 «40 FRYING PAN SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 8 S PRPRPRPRPEPRPR 9 DADAM FWHKHFOWO OID FWHPH 19 EON IAS VES FOO ON OAUMFWNHFE 5 B Temperature OF Q' OO’ ON fo ON Peete tates mae ce eo ear cai me ee pede od Pema tg ae os PPP O®ONM ONMWHAPOODONPUFPANHOUDDOM ron Se ww 30" 50" ON MI 0 0 0 OFPNONOUOANOFOWODOOHDYUMOFEH @®O ~~) WE ® PON 67-6 2) on OPNMONMDOHOUNOFOUWUOORDAVNNO FF ON & AO Table 17 (Cont'd) 33°28'00"N. 77°33'08"W. Salinity 0/oo Q' 1958 60' -65 Ww Ce Wr eek Jerr Pasi ieee. 1 10k Vicor Hee Fete Jt eae } -16 uy eo Ww Ae) 37 al Ww be epwt b t 6 8 8 WwW wm +35 108 Depth of water - 60 feet June Temperature OF =J r~ FrPNODOCOWMOO-A 30" 50' 73-1 =) e e ° a MANO FODOKF NOOO WFW WOO OONO FO 72.9 Salinity o/oo (oj 60' Ww wmtotog WwW eh oe 8 oh UP ONY 8 lll Ww wm w Oh Net tits ve) le: 2a 35+ -69 21 9h -98 FRYING PAN SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 8 5 WWNHANNNNNNNNRPRPRPHKERPRPRPRRH y FOO ONDM FWHNrFOO ONDVFWNHKF OW OND FW 5 5 ft © Om FONOFORHODONON AP AWWA oO OWMONO Temperature or 30' VHWAW AO DONONDWANONHRODOCOF OW OFX 90" =] (o) FOO ODNDODWAWF FUN ON OOO FUANFONHFFO 73-1 July a co) fo O OV DBFOMONKFNFUONWNAANAN DOW FWOORFH OA Table 17 (Cont'd) 33°28'00"N. 77°33'08"W. Depth of water - 1958 August Salinity o/o0o Temperature OF QO! 60! QO! 30' 500 60! 34.22 = - Ghose} [sli YAroak “W/tfoak ou eg - - - - -63 - - - - - 34.04 36.00 COST iitise: TefOmlani (5169) 33-61 - 81.2 80.8 75.6 75.6 68 - 82.4 7812 5. 75d “70) = 83.7 80.7 76.9 76.9 aa 83.9) 6358 76.2), 7609. eo = S057 Tsoi fol) Tas) 33.20 - Sms Cos Walk Woo 32-97 35-93 82.3 80.0 77-6 77-4 33.12 - 83.3 81.7 78.2 78.0 32.88 - 832) On To) Mie -260 82.9 74.8 7h.4 Th.2 32.74 - Sie hs@ sist SasioS 33-10 - fein 7itots} hele aah 89 - SMSO) OnS) — 7aath HAs 33-60 35.98 Spa "Soe) 1GiaS) 4G) 34.26 = - Tis Wouss [oath opal 70), = SIO, WiGul =) Ono) 6r6 es 79-3 77-4 77-2 77-2 Of 9 Ski fos} WW tosk Wiffoa 34.99 - 83.9 78.0 77.0 76.9 35.53. - Bei56) tel rsloal Ffslaal 43° 36.23 83.6 “8158 Fi7e9) T7208 156.» = 83.0 76.0 75.8 75.8 430 = Sei felt foil. F{ae®) .09 - SOG {S0)qal {Sosa Sfogal 34 Ce 79-6 79-4 79.4 79.3 Osi) SG BO, S790) WBA" ENO Shon 81.9 81.0 80.9 80.9 34.15 36.04 Se hoPl om tO OTS) 60 feet Salinity 0/00 ‘Oz 33: 36. 60' 64 Ww VI W ond 0 t 0 0 0 -15 -10 -10 Ww Ww 0 OD a) Oy. oo) OO oh fry 0 To Ss0-0 0 De 0 0-2 0 36.00 & 5 NEMO NANO NOOO NE eee eee o PSSEORAKPORDE SS OIATEODE OW ONAN EWNH Be ® 5 FRYING PAN SHOALS LIGHTSHIP ©! 82. or No) WAN OCWOPRPW AANANNWA AWOWO © Temperature oF Ww 30" 81. NO © FYWDOPNMHM FNP RP AOONEFE f fo September 50" MBWOWOORPFNMNWWOWO FONAFN bh rR ft \O © 81. WBOUOFNMNWNM OWOW ON DAW NY Table 1 33°28'00"N. (oy 35 “75 1958 Salinity o/oo 60! ww wea) 110 -68 -81 -83 ait Cont'd 77°33'08"W. Temperature oF = ON WHANWOCOW MFNUWOUOUOW FIOW —J Ww MNANAWWWOWO WOW Ov Ne) \o oy WI ON 30" =) oO“ WWAIDOWO ODWWwWoOOUOrF ND Ow 23 ww PU ONMWOAF WOO © ron © 0 75-3 Depth of water - 60 feet October -50' a TT- SSSSSS: FONMFOWOUONWWHEOUOFRF OV WOrUIWNN O AWO OOM ne) OV (eo) AA AA A FEARRAATNOOOOO! FOUOWOODOTWNOUWOOHF OW oP iAnw hm OWS WMO Salinity O' 35. 35+ 0/00 60' -50 .58 Table 17 (Cont ‘a ) FRYING PAN SHOALS LIGHTSHIP 33°28'00"N. 77° 33'08"W. Depth of water - 60 feet 1958 November December Temperature °F Salinity o/oo Temperature oF Salinity 0o/oo Depth Q! 30' 50! 60! oO! 60! Q' 30' 50' 60! Qo! 60! Day a - - - - 35.49 = “pats Wala) Waloy? TAlan/ S¥5aeS - 2 69.8 69.8 69.8 69.8 aGyel| TOedunufOsO) OsOn O50 +23 - 3 71-1 70.9 FALO) < Fale) .82 - 69.0 69.0 68.9 68.9 anGy ) s(Scaly/ 4 68.8 68.8 68.9 68.9 60 - 67-9 67.8 67.8 67.8 221 - 5 65.2 65.2 65.1 65.1 -30 35.30 68.9 68.8 68.8 68.8 2k - 6 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 35.74 = - 67.8 67-9 68.0 68.0 19 - 7 70.2 70.2 70.2 70.2 36.06 = 66.8 66.8 66.7 66.7 36.22 - 8 67.9 67.9 67-9 67.9 02 - - - - - 35.90 - 9 73-9 73-9 73.8 73.8 o25)) ce= 66.4 66. 66.2 66.2 36.29 - 10 73-4 73.4 “ies | Mistos} alle) 66.1 66.0 65.9 65.9 -21 9-36.23 11 75-2 75-4 75-5 75-6 oils} - - - - - 30 - 12 75-1 75-1 Sel, T/toal -21 36.18 66.9 67-0 67.0 67.0 33 - 13 76.2 76.4 76.4 76.4 sis) | ic 75-8 76.3 68.7 68.0 36.15 - 14 fodk “T[tfoat. foes WHrfoal -20 - 68.1 68.0 68.0 67.9 35.95 - 15 75.6 75.8 Cols) Terr lg | iG 70.1 70.1 66.9 66.6 36.23 - 16 75-4 75.4 75-3 75-3 aa a= 63-4 63.4 63.3 63.2 - 36 - 17 73-9 73-7 73-4 73-4 OR = 69.2 66.0 63.2 63.1 -28 36.36 18 73-1 73.0 Tso) —-7/s'@) ah 63-1 63.1 63.1 63.1 38 - 19 “isons — WGjoal 75-1 75-1 36.16 36.15 (Feu (Gia Glee Glee 34 - 20 TSoaL Goal Wel . 75a! - - 63-1 62.8 62.2 - -25 - 21 7Th.1 74.0 74.0 74.0 36.17 - 62.1 62.0 62.0 62.0 38 - 22 73-8 73.8 73.8 73.8 SMe 5 65.4 60.8 60.8 60.8 36 - 23 72.1 72.0 71.9 71.9 130 =«C- 63-3 63.0 62.5 62.2 -37 - 2h 72.7 72.8 Tus TRIS) .09 - omg) Konksey stsptcall onload 25 36.30 25 71-6 71.6 ToS Wakes alah, ives 6722) ,60-57 58.2 58.2! 221 - 26 71-9 72.0 72.0 72.0 -08 36.08 Puede Tees) 1) qed) t= -O4 - 27 Teel Week 72.1 72.1 =16)/ (l= Oe Sls 2) eG Wisin! 19 - 28 72.6 72.6 e-5= eed alot i qian) ARO) | 4/Shos} 7 /stoa -02 - 29 72.4 72.4 72.4 72.4 -08 - "ol, (eo Team Fecal -08 - 30 70.2 70.1 7O.1 70.1 36.08 - 69.9 69.9 69.9 69.9 -10 - 31 “oi Yale) Cyfaly erfs@ ~— “Sieinals} slanOlr/ Mean 72.6 72.6 72.6 72.6 36.02 35.93 68.3 67-5 66.7 66.4 36.21 36.23 111 Savannah Lightship (Figure 18, Table 18) m The minimum of 45.5°F at the surface occurred in mid-February. This was 8° below the mean for that time. Warming was slow and temperatures were below the mean until the end of May. Summer values were near normal, while those for the autumn were in general above the mean. There was more persistent thermal structure in 1958 than there had been in 1956 or 1957. From late April through mid-August some stratification was apparent. That it was maintained was in part caused by an intrusion of cool water of unknown origin along the bottom during June, when surface temperatures remained static. From January through mid-June surface salinity was substantially lower than it had been in 1956 or 1957. By the end of July salinity recovered and ran close to the 1956 readings, averaging a little more than 35.00 /oo. In 1957 salinity had been lower during the second half of the year. 3$0;— 80}— x ° | 3 - TEMPERATURE °F SSS Se SURFACE T, °F 50;-— 40 atl ee | ==: =) DEPTH IN FEET 36 -— 34 SURFACE S%o SALINITY %o 30 Figure 18. Savannah Lightship, 1958. (Dashed line in upper diagram, mean for period 1947-1955) OW OANAMW FWhP re ee > SAVANNAH LIGHTSHIP January Temperature OF QO! FEEL FFE E OmMODBOoOo TIM®O~ jt 1 6 tb tt tb et bt bb to 8 Oo WAN OW MOW MO © 48.9 30" EE @Mvo 1 1) 1 ' t) r) 1 i) 0 1 1) 1) 1 0 - 2 i (Tes ci ie iC lt loses Ye Stag J Teen ouve lemecl Hist coat Feel Viet Vet ee FE Sh aaa KON @ ‘= - 1s 'ottro 49. Table 18 31°56.5'N. 1958 Salinity 0/oo Q' 48! -O0 Ww Ww (eo) 2) Ww 0 0 0 0 0H 0 0:0 fo 33-47 32.89 32.26 fo) ON ee eesti 32.40 32.67 113 80°39.6'W. Depth of water - 72 feet February Temperature OF ima ON e e ° ° ° ° e ° AORrPOANDOWACHOOWOAWNMWWO OANKRPRPARrPRPW 46.4 30" oe foohVonte) MIMNADOO WOOO FOUOFOUANNOMDOFNNEFNEH h6. @ 48' i =4 or - wn MmDMOWOO 46.7 Salinity o/oo Ox 31. 29 48! Ww Ope ee a Oa 20) Se ees 0 Oi: Ww pan 32. -O4 - 30 9h 09 SAVANNAH LIGHTSHIP 8 5 PRY 9 DFP OO ONAN FWNHH Q' i (ee) @ 50. UADANOCSOONOOODENOW DOOD ONOONWOOOO Temperature 30" MbHOWOOOFFOOONUWDEFOWOOUNNOONWORHOPM March OF 49. WONMWIWOOWOOWN OOWW WwW rFOW O O Table 18 (Cont'd) 31956.5'N. 80°39.6'W. 1958 Salinity o/oo Ou 31. 32. 48' Ww CP SE ak SE AD Pe te Le) Ww tf twit t bt & e 8 w fo 54 45 91 33 -02 -65 114 On Gime ORONO DOOM FNYNAOWMNAWNOOKD OOM Temperature OF or Depth of water - 72 feet 30" ON P WMFWrFOFNFFWONMOW 29-7 April im ee) DBO OO 9 OO OA ONDONDHAAW FF! DDD DAWNING DMBAWOORPRFPRFWOODOFUODANONFOFNOFFEH@O O\ Fo 59-6 Salinity o/oo 48' (oy Ww C2 te oe eet tet Ww r WwW Oe tN eet Cee ee eis eee ces 32. -66 pers Table 18 (Cont'd) SAVANNAH LIGHTSHIP 31°56.5'N. 80°39.6'W. Depth of water - 72 feet 1958 May June Salinity o/oo Temperature °F Temperature oF Salinity o/oo ® 5 Pee S VF OO OID FWHPH @? 30' 48! QO! 48! OQ! 30! 48! QO! 48! 70.8 65-7 65.7 27.85 - 75-0 74.9 oe 31.34 - 71.9 65.4 65-7 28.59 31.51 - - - 30.80 - 72.4 65.2 65.3 29.56 - 781 76.4 76.1 29.83 - 70.9 63.7 63.2 29.70 - Tikal 77-0 76.9 30.82 - - - - 26.40 - 76.9 76.3 76.2 silankl - 68.3 65.3 65.2 29.60 - 79-1 Toil 76.1 29.81 - 65.9 65.9 65.1 30.39 = 80.6 Oe = Ps) Salo its) Oo = = 30.99 = 78.9 77-2 77-0 30.52 = 67-0 65.0 64.3 29.87 32.14 79.0 76.9 76.9 30.52 - 65.6 63.3 63.0 30.44 - 80.9 Gisysat 76.8 29.54 - 66.6 62.8 62.7 42 - 80.3 Tifath - 30.39 - 67-7 63-3 62.8 -18 - - - - -53 = 69.9 64.4 63.9 30.59 - 78.8 715.2 715.2 30.90 - 67-1 67-1 66.6 32.41 - 79-7 15-7 715-5 31-09 32.22 68.6 68.1 68.1 31.95 = 78.5 ioe 15-1 -52 - 70.0 68.1 68.0 29-40 31.95 Tie lott 1561 leer .87 - Tales) 69.9 69.9 30.73 - 78.4 TT 74.2 S13 = TMA 68.7 68.7 16 - 78.0 fen 74.4 31.79 - 74.3 68.8 68.7 .16 - 79.2 74.8 74.4 30.86 - 74.1 68.5 68.5 30.04 - 78.1 76.2 74.2 32.64 - Theol 69.1 69.0 31.64 - 79.1 Th. 74.8 634) 33nih 73-6 68.6 68.5 30.08 - TOY 75-5 75.0 - Bh - 7h. 69.5 69.3 cGy ShheI/7/ - : = Th - = = = “77 - 77-3 74.5 74.3 - 66 = - - - 30.16 - 78.8 {(ayonk Th.5 -98 - 74.1 74.1 74.0 B17 - 79.0 76.6 76.0 32.35 - 74.3 74.6 74.1 Sy - 79.1 TiT/ols) 76.8 33.01 - 76.0 15-3 74.6 -14 - 78.1 78.0 HUST Py A Yc} 77-4 76.3 175-9 -12 = 77-8 17-5 77-3 +23 = 75-8 75-7 15-5 sala sikealy/ 76.2 Tein al 75.8 33.27 - 76.2 75-9 75-3 31.16 - Tks) 68.5 68.2 30.29 31.71 78.5 76.2 75-6 31431 32552 Table 18 (Cont'd) SAVANNAH LIGHTSHIP 31°56.5'N. 80°39.6'W. Depth of water - 72 feet 1958 July August Temperature OF Salinity o/oo Temperature op Salinity o/oo Depth QO! 30' 48! oO! 48! O! 30' 48! Oo! 48! Day 1 15 «i 74.9 Tet 33-29 - 83.9 silo'%/ 81.0 34.78 - 2 78.8 Whee 77-6 22 - 84.8 80.9 80.8 35-25 35.62 3 Ow Tila®) 77-8 33.09 - 84.0 80.7 80.7 34.26 - 4 78.9 Thseal Visine 32.93 - 83.5 80.7 80.0 34.40 - 5 78.8 78.2 78.6 33-23 33.27 82.8 80.9 80.3 35.05 - 6 82.0 79-7 719.3 32.60 - 82.3 82.2 82.0 -32 - f 83.3 80.1 79.9 .20 - 83.5 82.0 81.9 35.35 = 8 82.5 79.9 79.9 44 - 83.9 82.4 82.2 34.77 - 9 83.9 Oa: 80.1 -62 - 83.5 82.6 82.5 34.68 35.37 10 84.0 80.2 80.1 By - 83.5 82.8 82.8 35.02 - 11 83.2 80.5 80.5 32.77 - 84.0 82.6 82.1 28 - 12 - - - - - 83.8 82.5 - -06 - 13 83.1 81.7 81.7 33.36 33.94 83.3 82.9 82.5 49 - 14 83.4 81.5 shiLa(6) 250 - 83.9 83.0 82.0 -19 - 15 83.8 80.8 - 45 - 85.2 (Sieic al - -20 - 16 83.8 81.1 ishlieal 225 - 85.0 O33 83.2 35.24 35.49 17 83.1 81.0 80.2 .23 - 86.0 83.7 83.5 34.53 - 18 83.1 80.9 80.4 33.75 - 83.8 83.5 83.5 35.09 - 19 seat 81.0 80.2 34.39 34.84 83.8 83.3 - Ak - 20 82.2 79.7 79.1 36.05 - 83.5 83.6 83.1 745 - al 82.4 79.8 79.2 34.48 - 84.0 83.7 83.5 oS - 22 83.1 80.0 79.9 34.78 - 84.2 84.0 83.9 38 - 23 82.3 80.0 79-9 35.08 - 84.0 84.0 84.0 35.04 35.60 2h Slvee 80.6 80.1 34.95 - 85.0 84.3 84.0 34.80 - 25 82.0 81.2 81.0 35.13 - 85.0 B45 84.2 35.09 - 26 83.1 80.9 80.7 34.63 35.39 85.0 - - 34.91 - 27 83.3 Sie Sie -96 - 82.5 82.7 82.5 35.02 - 28 82.9 ‘opligal 80.9 2Gie' - 83.0 83.0 83.0 .21 - 29 84.0 81.2 81.0 -55 - 83.0 82.5 82.3 - 36 - 30 84.0 81.6 81.4 46 - 83.3 82.8 82.7 “4a 35.52 31 81.8 81.38 sihay 34.06 - 83.3 82.7 82.7 35.45 - Mean 82.1 80.1 79.9 33.81 34.36 83.9 82.8 82.5 35.10 35.52 116 Table 18 (Cont'd) SAVANNAH LIGHTSHIP 31°56.5'N. 80°39.6'W. Depth of water - 72 feet 1958 September October Temperature OF Salinity 0o/oo Temperature OF Salinity 0/00 & Ke] ct o Pe POO OIDNFWHH 12 QO! 30! 48! OQ! 48! QO! 30! 48! QO! 48! 83.4 83.1 83.0 33.53 - 78.3 78.2 78.2 35.44 - 83.2 83.1 83.0 34.94 - rrathenli Woe) GATES) aren - 81.9 81.9 81.8 35.51 - 76.8 76.9 77-0 35-24 35.23 81.6 81.4 81.2 64 - TOS Hehe Tat 34.90 - 81.1 80.9 80.9 31/0) - a Ta sal afifoal - 74 - 80.1 79.9 79.8 -67 35.69 76.0 76.1 Tol -75 = 81.4 80.2 80.2 35-61 - 74.3 7Th.S 74.5 -62 - 81.9 81.2 foplgal 34.79 - Thu 7Th.4 74.6 745 - 81.9 81.7 81.3 35.74 - Ula eu 74.6 74.6 38 - 82.6 81.2 Siikeal: 35.36 - 75-6 75-6 75-6 47 = 34.48 82.1 81.5 81.3 34.80 - 75-1 75.3 715-5 -60 - 81.9 82.0 82.0 35.46 - 74.3 Gites} 74.4 87 - 80.3 80.6 80.4 Si MSO SO 73.9 73.9 74.0 34.84 - 80.9 80.9 80.8 48 - 73-4 73-4 73-4 35.04 - 81.6 80.9 80.6 -4e - Tee Wie fale 35.00 - 82.4 81.1 81.1 - 36 - 73-6 73.6 73-5 34.86 - 83.1 81.7 81.3 -75 - Tet 73-5 73.4 .88 - 83.0 81.8 81.9 35.12 - “BOT 73.8 73.8 89 - 81.2 80.1 80.1 34.97 = - - - 66 - 82.1 81.9 81.9 35.19 35.40 Tile dy TduaS) 71.9 34.72 - 81.9 81.7 81.6 35.19 - 70.9 70.9 70.9 35.13 - 82.5 81.8 81.8 34.87 - 69.1 69.8 - 35.16 - 82.6 82.1 82.1 34.31 - 69.6 69.8 70.0 34.85 - 81.9 81.9 81.8 35-14 - 68.8 70.0 70.0 -20 34.99 81.3 81.2 81.1 30 - 69.0 69.3 69.9 34.74 - Si Sil 81.2 81.7 40 - 69.3 69.4 69.4 35.02 - 80.9 80.7 80.4 35-27 35-30 68.7 68.7 68.8 -09 - 80.1 80.0 79-7 34.79 - 68.1 68.1 68.2 31 - 80.3 80.0 80.0 35.02 - 67-7 67.8 67.8 37 = 79.9 79.8 79.8 35.30 - 67.4 67.6 67.9 -40 - 67-6 67-4 67-4 sponte | Shai 81.7 81.2 81.2 35.20 35.44 72.7 72.8 73.0 34.92 35.07 AS, SAVANNAH LIGHTSHIP 8 s PRR o MFP OO ONDU FWD PH November Temperature OF ©: OOFUO DWRAWNF O'WONANONNM FOWO FO WFO FWW 30" ON ON MMOMOONOKFONONNKFUODUOFO FUF OFPWATADOF AoW 66.1 66. WOOFOOPENDEPWHEOPUOPUW ONAN OF FONNONOD Table 18 (Cont'd) 31°56.5'N. 1958 Salinity 0/00 oO" 3h. 76 48! Ww Ww Ww [eel eo aC VAST FS SRS Te A ea Sd aL BOS ISM dS Ste at Ww 205 41 -10 -67 31 80°39.6'w. Depth of water - 72 feet December Temperature OF ©! WI WI NO AOWFODANMOrFPNKFFAOV®D® MOF OV @OrFEHN @©O CO 30" wi ee sce akan see a ee ee oes ‘ee : WORPONDAFONDDAEPNFOONNOONOPUWOOr ww 'wnw “i © 58.4 wl = WOW nRPANWOOMWAKFPARrFRrFOMOOM Or FF OrFN wi fo 0 & 58.5 Salinity oO! Ww MI Ww Ww ee ee ee ee SUNN Be OF ee Ww Ww “OT -56 «50 227 237 Literature Cited 1957 Chart III B Percentage of normal precipitation. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 85, 11-12 1958 Ibid. Monthly Weather Review, Vol. 86, 1-5. Bigelow, Henry B. 1927 Physical oceanography of the Gulf of Maine. Bull. United States Bureau of Fisheries, Vole 40924) ye Pemiin Doc. No. 969. pp. Sl —lO27). Bumpus, D. F. 1957 Oceanographic observations, 1956, east coast of the United States. U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report - Fisheries No. 233, 132 pp. Day, C. Godfrey 1958 Surface circulation in the Gulf of Maine as deduced from drift bottles. Fishery Bulletin 141 of Fish and Wildlife Service. Vol. 58, pp. 443-472 Day, C. Godfrey 1959 Oceanographic observations, 1957, east coast of the United States. U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Special Scientific Report - Fisheries No. 282. Ludlum, David M. 19538 a Winter 1957-1958: a divided nation. Weatherwise, Vol. 11, 2, pp. 69-70 1958 b Spring marked by great contrasts. Weatherwise, Vol. 11, 3, p. 104 119 ot AES on a azpo" FR So ie nen ‘val sofas wil net fore dk Ali @ Se ee Wad - aes yp Puss vehi a a 02 af a, a oie on Plge at Ae, laa eniae seAT aks yi - se MORI o Rida Belast |} paenll it Poe DuLeua. - OM ..F ok rie 24 toh } tei . qd ve a a © eel’ diske 2° otadtihsy LRG 1 jeepers +0 bao i5 wet Fe sail se Sireaet 2 oS 5 eMives ctl oil 7 4 Whe a Va? on ke “yeabresty TSly eg Pa ' a <3 dy'- A ele q 7 wah 18. > he ee ee o 2 . ; ’ ’ ¢ _ ai me ‘ a. ans 7 ti = 7 a _ 7 : 7 y es * 7 Veer eS :