> MMER AND AUTUMN 1957. VOL. V, NOS 3 AN D 4 EDITOR: JAN HAHN Published quarterly and distributed to the Asso- ciates of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and others interested in Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution WOODS HOLE. MASSACHUSETTS HENRY B. BIGELOW Chairman of the TSoard of Truittes RAYMOND STEVENS "President of the Corporarion COLUMBUS O'D. ISELIN 'Director BOSTWICK H. KETCHUM Senior Oceanographer MEN, EARTH AND INSTRUMENTS E have heard so much Sputnik lately and so much talk about rockets and space flight, as topics in themselves, that it appears as if the object of the IGY: the study of the earth and its atmosphere, seems to have been forgotten. Our cover may help to serve as a reminder that the success of the IGY depends upon men. Men who make the observations, men who sail the ships or fly the planes to transport observers to their chosen positions, men who cook meals often under impossible con- ditions, men and women who spend long, often tedious hours, to work up the data and prepare reports for the World Data centers; those who type, draw, reproduce and mail, and finally those very few who will interpret the welter of data and provide new knowledge. The sea and the continents more often than not will be the only non-cooperative IGY participants in our struggle to under- stand the earth in order to learn how to become master rather than slave of our environment. The instruments, whether a fancy sat- ellite or the old reliable Nansen bottle, by themselves are valueless. The brains, the work, and the enthusiasm of thousands of men and women all over the world are the newsworthy items during the IGY. EDITORIAL Summer & Autumn 1957, Vol. V, Nos. 3 & 4 G ENERAL concepts are difficult to convey, and none is more difficult than that of basic research in science"; so begins a report just issued by the National Science Foundation. As practically all of the articles in this issue concern basic research, it may be well to quote further from the report: "... the emphasis given in the news to the exceptional, unusual, 'news- worthy' aspects of new inventions and developments, often lack reference to the fundamental work without which these could not have been made. The word 'research' in advertising often is used to mean testing, development or invention. Seldom, indeed, is it employed, except by scientists, to mean simply the search for new knowledge and better understanding of the physical world of man, and of man's environment." The basic research of theoreticists led to the discovery of a countercurrent under the Gulf Stream, as is reported in this issue. This, indeed, is new knowledge. Not often do new findings have immediate practical application. In this case as a result of British- American cooperation, our concepts of oceanic circulation have changed and will result in a much more meaningful interpretation of the oceanographic IGY observations. CRAWFORD 40 DISCOVERY DISCOVERY 24° N L/57 CRAWFORD 16° N 4/57X CRAWFORD 8°N / 58 CRAWFORD 2/57 CRAWFORD Atlantic IGY Program — This chart clearly shows how much of the work has been done already by the small R. V. Crawford. Month and year are indicated to left of ship's name. C. O'D. Iselin Synoptic Studies in Oceanography Our IGY program after a slow start already has accomplished a great deal. JL\. central and classical prob- ships. The distribution of such lem in physical oceanography is data is very uneven, both in to try to understand the circu- time and in space. The accuracy lation of the oceans as a whole, of even the best observations In order to do this it is first has been satisfactory only dur- necessary to be able to describe ing the past 30 years or so. Only the three-dimensional distribu- one ocean, namely the South tion of the physical and chemical Atlantic, has ever been surveyed properties of the whole fluid systematically and in a manner envelope. Until now it has only that could be regarded as pro- been practical to secure satis- viding a synoptic picture of the factory data from rather limited deeper water masses. Never- areas. Only a small percent of theless, it has become possible the observations have been from to describe the physical and depths greater than 3,000 me- chemical structure of the ters, although most of the ocean oceans in broad outline, and in is nearly twice this deep. recent years through multiple- Oceanographers have had shiP °Perations a beginning has to be content to study a sort been made in the syn°Ptic of average ocean constructed ^ography of ^ted areas. , ,. . There is every expectation from the observations of tern- .-, , ,u u ,, T , ' , that through the International perature and salinity and dis- Geophysical Year the basic data solved oxygen obtained by many of physical oceanography will be improved by a whole order of magnitude. If present plans can be carried out this will be especially so for the deeper water masses. It must be admitted that oceanographers at the working level in this country were at first not too enthusiastic about the prospects of adding signifi- cantly to our understanding of oceanic circulation during the International Geophysical Year. It was argued that our ships were already working on a year-round basis and that the existing research programs at our laboratories were the best that could be devised. When the desirability of periodic re- surveys of the whole system of currents was pointed out, few oceanographers at the working level had the patience to wait for another 30 years or so before it might be practical to learn about any gradual changes that might be taking place. Some of us also felt that we were being asked to plan a survey of the oceans that our sons would ap- prove and want to repeat and, because of the many changes in our concepts of the basic prob- lems during recent years, there was doubt that any program that could now be organized would in retrospect seem wise. Stimulation During the planning period at least three factors have helped to stimulate enthusiasm for the IGY oceanographic pro- gram. In the first place, no one foresaw how many research vessels would be able to co- operate. As soon as it became evident that as many as 60 ships might become available many people's attitudes, including my own, changed rather abruptly. For some reason international cooperation in oceanography has been slow to develop, al- though of course it has been obvious all along that no one nation is likely to bring to bear sufficient resources to do a thor- ough job of studying more than a limited part of the world's oceans. However, with so many ships available it would indeed be possible to gain a rather complete look at the deeper waters on a somewhat synoptic basis. The fact that all the data would be secured within a two- year period would be quite satisfactory in this case, for the deeper currents are believed to be sufficiently slow so that not much change is likely to occur in the system during that period. A second encouraging factor stems from the recent observa- tions of Mr. L. V. Worthington of the Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution. He has shown that below a depth of about 2,500 meters in the west- ern half of the North Atlantic the waters today contain about .3 cubic centimeters less dis- solved oxygen per liter than was the case 25 or 30 years ago. This is strong evidence that the deeper water has not been re- newed during this period. Thus an easily measurable change has taken place in the North Atlantic and it will be interest- ing to learn whether or not slow trends are also taking place in other areas. In the case of the South Atlantic a particu- larly complete survey of tem- perature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen was made by the Ger- man ship Meteor during the period 1925-27. Thus, to repeat some of these observations be- came one of the major objec- tives of the U. S. oceanographic program for IGY. A third factor to arouse inter- est in deep currents has been the recent success of Dr. J. C. Swallow of the National Insti- tute of Oceanography in England in obtaining direct measurements of the flow at considerable depths. In the past the interpretation of deep meas- urements of temperature and salinity in terms of direction and velocity has been beset by many uncertainties. The ques- tion can be stated in deceptively simple terms: How deep are the more powerful, permanent ocean currents? If they are rel- atively shallow, extending only to 1,500 meters or so, then belov/ them the distribution of density and the available theory demand that deep countercurrents exist. During recent years many dif- ferent kinds of studies have been made in an effort to re- solve this problem but until Dr. Swallow developed neutrally buoyant floats there was little hope of gaining a clear-cut answer. The influence of these three developments on the U. S. At- lantic IGY oceanographic pro- gram has been marked. So enthusiastic have people grown that a good deal of the work has already been completed. Similar efforts in the Pacific lack the stimulus of as complete a set of early measurements for com- parison with the deep physical and chemical situations of to- day, but it seems safe to say that the successes to date in the Atlantic are likely to encourage corresponding efforts in other areas. Preliminary Results As mentioned above, the Atlantic oceanographic program has already achieved some pre- liminary results. In trying to predict what the whole under- taking will amount to, it may be helpful to discuss these first observations. The program really began in March when the British re- search vessel Discovery II and the Atlantis met at Bermuda. During the next six weeks their joint operations were so pro- ductive that a real milestone in physical oceanography was achieved. The area selected for the work was the outer edge of the Blake Plateau at about the latitude of Charleston. It was known from previous Atlantis temperature and salinity sec- tions that in this area the deep water flow (whatever its direc- tion) was forced well east of the swift and much shallower Florida Current by the Blake Plateau. Thus in this area the ships would not be handicapped by strong surface currents in their efforts to relate deep water movements to deep density structure. (Farther north the deep density gradients are just as pronounced, but they lie more directly under the Gulf Stream.) Because of the avail- ability of Loran navigation in this area, both ships could have excellent navigational control. While the Atlantis measured the deep temperature and salin- ity structure often as close as two miles apart, the Discovery tracked neutrally buoyant floats drifting with the water at pre- selected levels. The floats con- tained a sound source and the tracking was achieved through two hydrophones suspended from the bow and stern of the Discovery. With the float at 2,000 meters the net motion at the end of 4 days was so close to the ac- curacy of navigation that the total drift of only a few miles was not significant. Shallower floats clearly drifted to the northeast, as was expected, and with the expected velocities. But a float set out at 2,800 me- ters went toward the southwest at about 8 miles per day. Thus, in this part of the North Atlan- tic, the level of minimum mo- tion is about 2,000 meters and below this the current is moving surprisingly rapidly in the op- posite direction. Many more such observations are needed, of course, before it can be known with certainty how widespread this unexpected phenomenon may be, but at least two things were made very clear by the work accom- plished to date: that through international pooling of ships and observers results were achieved that neither group could have accomplished alone; furthermore, that it should be possible through similar oper- tions in a few other carefully selected areas to interpret with considerable assurance the great mass of deep temperature and salinity observations that will be secured by the other IGY ships. Just a few weeks' work by two ships has made the whole deep-water program much more meaningful. Until this operation, the main hope that scientific sense would be achieved was that somehow the chemical observations made dur- ing the IGY could be brought into agreement with the move- ments of the water deduced from the distribution of density. There is always some uncer- tainty in this general approach to the deep circulation problem. We do not know quantitatively how much the distribution of the generally observed chemical elements is changed through biological activity. On her way back to Plymouth from the operations off Charles- ton, with some help from the people at Woods Hole, the Dis- covery achieved the most com- plete North Atlantic profile to date. Temperature, salinity, and oxygen were measured at 40 stations on a line from the Grand Banks of Newfoundland to the approaches to the English Channel. This work sets a very high standard for completeness and accuracy which the other European ships crossing this area during the next 18 months may be hard pressed to match. The accuracy of the salinity determinations was especially high due to the use of a new sea-going conductivity bridge developed recently at Woods Hole. Meanwhile, the research ves- sel Crawford from Woods Hole, under the skillful leadership of Mr. F. C. Fuglister, had made four complete Atlantic cross- ings; two in the tropical North Atlantic and two in the tropical South Atlantic. The two latter sections are duplicates of two of the Meteor crossings of 30 years ago. In short, we have already realized five complete Atlantic east-west profiles and This paper was presented at the Twelfth Meeting of the U. S. National Committee for the International Geophysical Year, National Academy of Sciences, June 27-29, 1957. The Proceed- ings of this meeting will be published soon in a single volume. three more are scheduled for the same ships before the end of the year. The reasons for "jumping the gun" with the Crawford are the same that prompted Dr. Maurice Ewing of the Lament Ge- ological Observatory to send the Vema into the South Atlantic last winter. Next winter the Atlantis and the Vema are scheduled to operate together in the South Atlantic during a six- month period. It was felt that we could make much more ef- fective use of this time if we had the benefit of some recon- naissance. Furthermore, the Russian and the Argentine ships that will cruise in the South Atlantic during the next year or more could also benefit. When the work of the Crawford and the Vema has been studied in a preliminary manner, we should all be in a much better position to plan wisely for the main assault. Crawford Data Since the Crawford only re- turned to Woods Hole on June 1st after a four-month voyage, TEMPERATURE (°C). 16° SOUTH LATITUDE, - SOUTH AMERICA - AFRICA CRAWFORD STATIONS 121 - 153 , APR. 1-22,1957 8 SALINITY (%0). 16° SOUTH LATITUDE. SOUTH AMERICA - AFRICA z CRAWFORD STATIONS 121 - 153 * APR. 1-22,1957 I can give here only one ex- ample of her work. This is a profile of temperature, salinity, and oxygen following Latitude 15° 45'S. This is a reoccupation of one of the Meteor sections. The sampling intervals both vertically and horizontally are indicated by dots on the profile. In comparison with the Meteor profile about twice the number of observations were secured. So far as temperature is con- cerned there are no striking changes. The deep temperature gradients near the South Amer- ican continental slope are steep- er than in the Meteor profile, but in all probability this is just a consequence of the closer sta- tion spacing. The temperature maximum at mid-depths in the west has increased by about .3°C. The salinity profile, too, corresponds very closely to the one secured by the Meteor. There is more detail in the slight salinity fluctuations at mid-depths, due both to the greater accuracy of new observ- ations and to the more closely- spaced points of observations, but at first look there seems to be no large-scale differences. On the other hand, there have been quite pronounced changes in the dissolved oxygen values during the 30-year interval. This is most easily seen by compar- ing the individual oxygen-depth curves shown in Figure 4. Es- pecially near the two ends of the profile there is more oxygen today in the oxygen minimum layer and less in the deeper waters. The Antarctic bottom OXYGEN H/i) 16° SOUTH LATITUDE, SOUTH AMERICA -AFRICA CRAWFORD STATIONS 121-153, APR. 1-22,1957 water at depths below about 4,000 meters in the western basin has lost as much oxygen as the deep water in the western basin of the North Atlantic. Presumably of recent years the deeper water is not being re- newed because sufficiently dense surface water is not formed in winter, either in the far north or the far south. It is interesting to speculate about how long the trend will continue. The three other 1957 Craw- ford profiles are of just as high quality and I think that all oceanographers will agree that this is a remarkable piece of work for so small a vessel; the Crawford when fully loaded displaces barely 300 tons. The data shown here are just one part of a much broader program of observations. Those who are familiar with the recent papers of Dr. Georg Wiist of Kiel University know the immense amount of work that he has devoted over a long period of years to the interpre- tation of the Meteor profiles in terms of transport and velocity. He has worked out some fairly convincing arguments that there are three levels of minimum motion in the South Atlantic. The cold and relatively fresh Antarctic bottom water has a northward component, the great mass of water at mid-depths having salinities just above 34.90 %0 has a southward com- ponent. The salinity minimum layer with its axis at about 700 meters is moving north, while nearer the surface there is a southward component. Although most oceanographers will agree that the net components of mo- tion are in these directions at the various levels, the rates of flow computed by Wiist seem to some of us to rest on much shakier ground. Thus, it will be of great interest to set out next winter some of the Swallow- type, neutrally buoyant floats at the critical points in these South Atlantic profiles. Study of the new Crawford profiles will help in the selection of the best depths and locations for gaining this very positive type of observation. To gain reliable information about the surprisingly swift and narrow deep flow in both the North Atlantic and South At- lantic, the most thoroughly explored and best understood oceans, will not only be of in- terest in itself, but will also help greatly in the interpretation of the deep observations that will be made by ships operating in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans, which are nearly virgin territory so far as three- dimensional oceanography is concerned Forward Stride The rate of overturn of the oceans as a whole is not just an oceanographic problem that is basic to many lines of inquiry 10 A compass and ping pong ball suspended below an underwater camera indicate a southward drift only 18 inches above the ocean bottom in this photograph taken from the R. R. S. Discovery II. in biological and geological oceanography, as well as in physical and chemical studies. Since the ocean acts to some degree as the flywheel in the great heat engine in which the motions of both the atmosphere and the hydrosphere combine and interact with each other, such studies are also basic to a better understanding of climatic trends, to the possible use of the deep ocean for the disposal of radioactive waste materials, and to other more or less practical matters. In the past the prob- lem has been attacked by many individual investigators and by a few research vessels working independently. This will be the first time that a large portion of the world's talent and facilities for oceanography will be work- ing within an agreed coopera- tive program. If the quality of the data secured during the past winter by the Atlantis, the Crawford, and the Discovery can be matched by most of the other vessels taking part in the Inter- national Geophysical Year pro- grams, there is little doubt that a considerable stride forward in our understanding of the oceans will soon be achieved. 11 Since her commissioning: in July 1956, the R. V. Crawford has sailed 39,800 miles during fifteen cruises. Her present cruise will bring the total to 49,810 miles by mid— December 1957. 12 by G. E. R. Deacon The Pinger Recent British- American co-operation in oceanography led to the discovery of a counter cur rent under the Gulf Stream. I T is more than one hundred years since the existence of cold water at the bottom of the trop- ical oceans showed the deep undercurrents from polar re- gions, and now deep currents have the same interest for ma- rine scientists as upper-air winds for meteorologists. To measure the deep currents was a difficult problem. Current meters lowered from ships an- chored in deep water allowed only slow and uncertain pro- gress. Clearly little advance could be made without some submarine counterpart to the meteorologist's upper-air bal- loon, some device that could signal its movements by acous- tic methods since we cannot look down into the ocean. The first attempts used an acoustic transmitter sinking very slowly under a string of parachutes. When this proved too difficult, Dr. J. C. Swallow suggested the much more prac- tical idea of a transmitter en- closed in a container so con- structed that it sinks to a pre- determined depth and there drifts with the water. He used aluminum scaffold tubing closed at the ends to make containers that are less compressible than sea water. Therefore, if loaded heavily enough to sink at the surface, they gain buoyancy as they go down. The depth at which they will float can be ar- ranged within narrow limits The floats drift along with the water, sending out sound pulses which can be picked up by hy- drophones in a surface ship up to distances of several miles in fairly bad weather. With the help of navigational aids, echo 13 sounding, anchored marker buoys and radar, the floats can be tracked closely enough to show deep tides and currents. Not an easy routine; deep float tracking demands close atten- tion and cooperation among all engaged in the measuring and in the handling of the ship. Developed at the (British) National Institute of Oceanog- raphy, the technique cannot be used to full advantage until it is more widely adopted and used on the most rewarding problems. Until a few months ago the Discovery II had fol- lowed 12 floats for several days at different depths in several parts of the eastern North At- lantic Ocean, as much of the work as possible being done in co-operation with other marine laboratories. The measurements are a considerable addition to our knowledge of the sea and the technique was improved so that it could be used in all but the worst weather. A Theory Progress in the theory of oceanic circulation is fastest in the United States. A number of young scientists, stimulated by advances in dynamic meteorol- ogy and working close together, are taking realistic account of the drag of the prevailing winds, the effect of the earth's rotation, the density layering of the oceans and the frictional forces which can transfer and dissipate energy. Mr. H. Stom- mel of the Woods Hole Ocean- ographic Institution, one of the most active workers, has cam- paigned for measurements of the water movements at great depths below the Gulf Stream. He maintains that there should Dr. Deacon is director of the National Institute of Ocean- ography in Great Britain. His first experience was gained thirty years ago in the Antarctic Ocean. His chief aim is to en- courage theoretical and exper- imental studies of the water movements and the interchange of energy with the atmosphere. be a considerable southward movement, _ as implied in his two-layer theory of the ocean. It might explain why the Brazil Current in the South Atlantic is so weak compared with the Gulf Stream in the North At- lantic. A Plan The National Institute of Oceanography could not have sent the R. R. S. Discovery II across the Atlantic Ocean with- out generous help from the Woods Hole laboratory. The work would not have been ef- fective had the R. V. Atlantis not been there to carry out close temperature and salinity meas- urements from surface to bot- tom in the investigated area. These observations allow the construction of isobaric charts for the sea, like those in weath- er reports, and such charts can be used to calculate the water movements if some initial as- sumptions can be checked by direct measurements. A Result Work on these lines by Defant and Wust pointed to the exis- tence of an area of little or no horizontal movement at a depth of 5000 to 6000 feet below the Gulf Stream with northward movements above and south- ward movements below, but 14 Block diagram of eastern coast of United States. Heavy arrows show the path and direction of the Gulf Stream's surface water issuing from the Florida Straits and flowing over the relatively shallow Blake Plateau. At Cape Hatteras the stream breaks away from the coast to flow eastward into deep water. The smaller arrows show the deep countercurrent as pre- dicted by theory. The Maltese cross marks the region where the Discovery II and the Atlantis found the predicted current. before this joint operation no one had measured the south- ward current and we could only guess its speed if it really was there. The northward flowing Gulf Stream was strong near the surface. There was little or no movement between 4500 and 6000 feet and three floats at 8200 feet and four at 9200 feet went south. One of the deepest did l/s knot steadily, travelling 23 miles in 66 hours. Photo- graphs of the deflection of a ball suspended by string from a compass only 18 inches above the bottom still showed an ap- preciable southward movement. Without full account of such massive movements at great depth it is clear that no at- tempt to understand the surface 15 currents and their variations could be complete. It will be some time before the observed currents, density, and pressure distributions can be fully con- sidered, but there is no doubt that this collaboration between the British and U. S. laborator- ies is a landmark in Marine Science. The comparison of di- rect measurements with the conclusions based on density distributions will add greatly to the value of much work of this nature which is to be done in the International Geophysical Year. Gifts and Grants Two grants were received from the National Science Foun- dation. $36,700 for support of research entitled "Chemical Composition of Phytoplankton as Related to Environmental Changes" under direction of Dr. Bostwick H. Ketchum. $56,700 for support of research entitled "Measurement of Light in the Sea" under direction of Dr. George L. Clarke. Currents and Tides Dr. G. Wiist has asked us to correct two statements made on pp. 33-34 of the last issue. Dr. Wiist was the chief of the phys- ical oceanographic work of the Meteor expedition and scientific advisor to the general leader: Captain F. Spiess, German Navy. The story of the scientist and the sea serpent turned out to be an old one and did not in- volve Dr. Bruun. We deeply regret the printed inaccuracies. Dr. Joanne S. Malkus and Claude Ronne invaded a foreign domain and flew thousands of miles across the Pacific Ocean to study cloud formations. An official protest from Scripps may be expected at any moment. Any back issues available? As there is a constant demand for back issues the Editor will be most appreciative if un- wanted copies of Oceanus can be returned to him. Postage will be refunded. Particularly needed are the first issues of Volumes I and II and Volume III, number 3. 16 srfjiSite. A Breaching Humpback Humpback whales are very frolicsome and are often seen thrashing about at tne surface, waving their tails and flippers in the air and smacking the water with them. By far their most spectacular stunt is leap- ing partly or entirely out of the water — "breaching", the whal- ers called it. Good photographs of these acrobatics are rare; usually the camera catches only the ensu- ing splash. This picture is one of a small number of successes and was taken by William M. Dunkle, Jr., from Atlantis on 22 July 1957 off the northeast end of Georges Bank. It is con- siderably enlarged; in the orig- inal the whale covered only 1.8 mm., about one fourteenth of an inch. These acrobatics have been variously and often extrava- gantly explained; they are the observational basis for the ac- counts of battles between thrashers, sharks, or swordfish (which the reporters do not ordinarily see) and the whales. Another favorite explanation is that the whales are trying to rid themselves of parasites. However, it seems simpler for the present to suppose that these antics are mere playful- ness. It may be worth noting that in all the breachings I have seen the whale has hit the water on its back, as this one did; in some published photographs the whale is on its side, evi- dently on its way over. W.E.S. 17 Associates' News Welcome Gifts Associate Samuel A. Peck recently donated the 32-foot day cruiser "Gay Song" to the In- stitution, to be used or disposed of in any way the Institution desires. This is the second time Mr. Peck has helped our program in this way. In 1952 he donated the 45-foot sportfishing boat "Allure". A gift of $500. was received from Life Member Mr. Donald B. Straus. New Industrial Associates The Carter Oil Company Tulsa, Oklahoma Chance Vought Aircraft Incorporated Dallas, Texas Coastal Oil Company Newark, New Jersey United Fruit Company Boston, Massachusetts New Life Members Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Braman, Victoria, Texas Mr. and Mrs. Laurance S. Rockefeller, New York, N. Y. Gifts and Grants The Esso Education Founda- tion renewed a $3,500. grant to the Institution with the state- ment: "The Foundation feels that the program toward which this contribution is made is a worthy one and hopes that its grant will be helpful in achiev- ing its objectives." The Gulf Research and Devel- opment Company made a gen- erous gift of equipment and supplies, including six Nansen bottles and a large orange-peel dredge. Basic Research Report The National Science Foundation report mentioned in our editorial presents a strong case for the increased support for basic research from private as well as public sources. The report sug- gests re-definition of tax exemption privileges for non-profit research institutions and changes in the Federal income tax laws to stimulate private philanthropic giving for basic research. Copies of Basic Research — A National Resource, 1957, may be purchased for 45 cents from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. The Insti- tution has a number of copies available for interested Associates. 18 The rma Circulation by George Veronis Radical new thoughts on the movement of the ocean's water masses are being tested during the I. G. Y. I N 1955, Henry Stommel of this Institution theorized the exis- tence of a deep countercurrent under the Gulf Stream. In March of this year the Discovery II — Atlantis expedition found that this current indeed existed — an observation which calls for a major revision in the fun- damental concepts of dynamic oceanography. The deep countercurrent, ac- cording to Stommel's thermo- haline theory, is a result of changes in temperature and sa- linity which produce density differences which in turn pro- duce the circulation. In almost all previous theories of the general circulation the ocean currents are considered to be driven by the major wind sys- tems which could be modified by density differences, but in which salinity and temperature changes did not set up sizable currents. It now seems clear that thermodynamic forces must be as important as the wind in setting up the large-scale cur- rent systems in the ocean. The Discovery II — Atlantis cruise brought to a close a co- operative effort which is per- haps unparalleled in the history of oceanography. In the twenty- 19 REDICTION FOR DEEP CURRENT This chart shows a theoretical prediction of the pattern of flow in deep water (the average transport beneath 2000 meters). From temperature-salinity distri- bution it seems evident that the deep water all over the world is supplied at two source regions indicated by the heavy black circular areas off Greenland and the Weddell Sea. This water is then distributed all over the world where it gradually rises at the rate of a few centimeters a day up through the main thermocline. The chart shows the actual distribution of these deep currents as predicted by the simple theory. There are a number of rather startling predictions: The white areas indicate clep In central oceanic areas the cold deep water flows away from the Equator, not away from the poles! There is a countercurrcnt under the Gulf Stream and the Agulhas Current. The current under the Brazil Current and Korushio is not a countercurrent. There is a marked deep current toward the north off New Zealand flowing along the western wall of the Tonga-Kermadec trench. One should find high velocities and a very narrow current. 'Pths over 4000 meters. 21 month period between Stom- mel's proposal and the actual observation, Dr. John B. Swal- low of the (British) National Institute of Oceanography de- veloped the neutrally buoyant float; the joint cruise was ar- ranged in order to test both Stommel's theory and Swallow's instrument; and a careful pro- gram was planned whereby the Atlantis under the leadership of L. V. Worthington was to make standard oceanographic stations (i.e., gather data on salinity and temperature against depth) with which to guide the Discovery II in its choice of points at which the buoys were to be re- leased. The most significant aspect of the joint venture is the marked interdependence of the three phases of it. Stommel's analysis is based on assumed rising and sinking of large water masses in the sub-polar regions, an assumption which cannot easily be checked. The only alternative for determining the validity of the theory was to test the results by observa- tion. Since the deep counter- current under the Gulf Stream is the most pronounced feature of the model, the determination of its existence served as the crucial test of the validity of the theory. For this it was, of course, necessary to have an instrument for measuring deep currents. It was fortuitous that Swal- Dr. Veronis, Research Associate in Mathematics, is interested in transient and thermal circula- tion. He was formerly at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. low had been designing just such an instrument.* When he had developed the float to the point where it was ready for a field test, the two institutions arranged the joint cruise. The Blake Plateau was specifically chosen as the testing ground. There, because of the gradual slope of the continental shelf, the surface portion of the Gulf Stream is farther inshore than the deeper portion. Thus the Discovery would not have to work against the surface Gulf Stream during the tracking of the float. The Atlantis preceded the Discovery II to the site and made hydrographic stations at several locations in order to de- termine the most appropriate points for releasing the buoys. Seven buoys were released (at different times) at various depths between 2000 m and 2800 m. The buoys all moved es- sentially to the south with speeds ranging from 2.8 centi- meters per second to 17 centi- meters per second. The existence of the countercurrent was es- tablished beyond a doubt. Theories Until the end of World War II no dynamical theory of the * See page 13 in this issue. 22 Interpretation of the total water transport in the surface layer (left) and bot- tom layer (right) of the Atlantic Ocean. The small circles indicate where water sinks or rises across the level surface. general circulation of the oceans existed. Suggestions had been made of the probable factors determining the general circula- tion but no model had been worked out. In a remarkable paper, published in 1933, Golds- brough had been able to repro- duce theoretically a circulation resembling that of the Atlantic Ocean. There were, however, severe restrictions in his theory which at the time seemed in- surmountable. Over a long per- iod of time new concepts have evolved and were formally realized by Stommel in 1956. The first important step to- ward an understanding of the general circulation was made by Stommel in 1947. He showed that the rotation and curvature of the earth are the essential factors producing the observed intensification of currents on the western sides of the oceans. This westward shift is inde- pendent of the form of the boundaries or of the frictional forces which are assumed to keep the flow in a steady state. Stommel considered an ocean with rectangular boundaries and bottom friction, both of which are clearly unrealistic but nei- ther of which is essential to his argument. In 1950 Munk attempted to refine Stommel's model by elim- inating bottom friction. He showed that it is possible to attain a steady state with the assumption that the retarding force be concentrated at the lat- eral boundaries. Later in 1950 Munk and Carrier applied boundary layer methods to a triangular ocean (roughly the shape of the Pacific) and de- rived results similar to the pre- vious rectangular ocean model. It now appears that the actu- al dissipative mechanism in the oceans is more complicated than 23 FIG. 1 that envisaged by Munk. His essential contribution was the careful determination of the total stress applied to the North Atlantic by the prevailing wind system. Since the ocean can be considered frictionless except for the boundary regions, the stress over the interior portion of the ocean determines the net amount of water transported by the circulation. Thus the pre- cision of Munk's result could be checked observationally by a measurement of the transport through the Gulf Stream. A Discrepancy At this point in the analysis a puzzling discrepancy ap- peared. Munk's computation in- dicated that the Gulf Stream transported 35 million cubic meters of water per second. Observations indicated a value of 70 million. There appeared to be no way to resolve the dis- crepancy. There were other dilemmas also. The wind system in the South Atlantic is equivalent in magnitude to that over the North Atlantic, so that theo- retically the wind should pro- duce a southward flowing Brazil Current comparable in intensity to the Gulf Stream (fig. 1). In reality as indicated by the dy- namic topography there is prac- tically no Brazil Current. Two Layer Ocean In 1955 Stommel found a way of incorporating the thermoha- line* component of the circula- tion into a dynamical model. This circulation would be the result of large-scale rising or FIG sinking of water masses in the sub-polar regions. Stommel as- sumed that the ocean is divided into two layers and that water from the upper layer sinks to the lower layer in the sub-arctic region. In the sub-antarctic, low- er layer water rises to the upper layer. Although the mechanism for such a water mass exchange * The name "thermohaline", meaning literally "temperature-salinity" is de- rived from the fact that changes in temperature and salinity produce density differences which in turn produce the circulation. 24 is not investigated, this sugges- tion is in accord with an obser- vational study of the southern ocean by G. E. R. Deacon as a result of the series of oceano- graphic cruises made by the Discovery II in the years 1929-39. The result of the proposed exchange of water masses in the Atlantic would be a strong narrow current, northward at the surface and southward in the lower layer, along the entire western edge of the Atlantic (fig. 2). If this current is simply added to the wind-driven cur- rent, the net result on a chart of the Atlantic Ocean is as shown in fig. 3. From figs. 1 and 2, it can be seen that at the surface a superposition of the two cur- rents intensifies the Gulf Stream and weakens the Brazil Current. In the lower layer the reverse is true, i.e., the Gulf Stream is weakened and the Brazil Cur- rent strengthened. Since the wind-driven currents decrease FIG. 3 sharply with depth, the therm- ohaline bottom current is the dominant one and the flow un- der the Gulf Stream is actually to the south. The consequences of Stom- mel's model have been con- firmed in one part of the ocean by the Discovery II — Atlantis expedition. See p. 15. Moreover, from 1933 Meteor expedition data, Georg Wiist has com- puted strong southward deep currents off the coast of Brazil. The model also explains the very weak dynamic topography of the Brazil Current. A final indication of the validity of the theory is that the net northward transport in the Gulf Stream is reduced by about a factor of two thus bringing it into agree- ment with Munk's computed transport. The conclusion which one must draw, therefore, is that the ocean has a strong thermal cir- culation. Many questions are raised by the existence of such a flow.What complex non-linear interaction exists between the thermohaline and wind-driven boundary currents? Is the Ant- arctic Circumpolar Current an integral part of the Atlantic circulation through the water mass exchange? Is it meaningful to talk any longer about a one- ocean circulation or does the general circulation encompass the flow of all the world's oceans? These and many other questions arise. It seems to be a good way to start off IGY. 25 The heat and wafer budget of the earth will be studied intensely during the /GY. HE great saga of the Norse kings, the "Heimskringle", be- gins with the words "Earth's round face, whereon mankind dwells". The Vikings, like other primitive peoples, thought of Earth as their home and of themselves as its creatures. To- day we know that Earth is the only planet of our solar system on which human life could have developed, for no other satellite of our sun has land masses sur- rounded by an ocean of liquid water or an atmosphere con- taining abundant free oxygen. Our bodies are made up al- most entirely of four elements drawn from sea water and air, hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. The narrow tempera- ture range in which we can survive is maintained by the great heat capacity of the sea and the atmosphere. The waste products that otherwise would suffocate us are continuously dispersed by the easy motions of the atmosphere. We can exist as land animals only because the sun's deadly ultraviolet and X-rays are fended off by the protective shield of the air, and because the great natural en- gine of the sea and the atmos- phere pumps water continuously from the sea surface and pours it gently down upon the land. Yet from our point of view, the earth is a careless mother. 26 Sun, Sea and Air by Roger Revelle Large areas of her surface are too hot or too cold, too dry or too wet to support any large number of human beings. More- over, she is unreliable. Areas where there was once sufficient water for men to build civiliza- tions are now so dry that only a few desperate nomads can live in them. Elsewhere, a mile- thick blanket of ice has crept down and obliterated once green farms and forests. Millions of our species suffer when a slight change in the running of the sea-atmosphere engine causes drought or flood. Sometimes the engine runs with unpleasant violence. Then thunderstorms and hurricanes, tornadoes and typhoons bring destruction and death to many of us. Because of our dependence on events taking place in the air, almost everyone is an ama- teur meteorologist. Wherever two or more people are gath- ered together the first topic of conversation is the weather, and this was probably just as true in the time of Hammurabi or Amenhotep as it is today. Pro- fessional weathermen are a new development, however, and it has only been within the last few decades that we have begun to gain an understanding of the great interrelated mechanisms of the air and the oceans. 27 The Sun We know that the sun pours a flood of particles and visible and invisible light into the top of our atmosphere. The amount of visible light appears to be nearly constant, but the inten- sity of ultraviolet and X-rays and the number of particles varies by at least a hundred- fold. The particles are chiefly electrons and protons. The av- erage number of hydrogen nu- clei entering our atmosphere is surprisingly large, perhaps a billion per square centimeter per second. During the geolog- ical lifetime of the earth, if all this hydrogen were combined with oxygen as water, it would correspond to a layer over the ocean about twenty meters thick. The energy carried to the earth by these particles from the sun during periods of sun- spot activity may be as much as one tenth of the total energy of sunlight. In addition to particles of ordinary hydrogen, there is new evidence that most of the tri- tium or radioactive hydrogen on earth also comes from the sun. It was formerly thought that all the tritium was pro- duced by cosmic rays bombard- ing nitrogen and oxygen mol- ecules in the upper air, but recent calculations indicate that the amount present is nearly ten times too large to be pro- duced in this way. The marked variations in ultraviolet radiation and in the number of particles coming from the sun cause large varia- tions in the temperature and in the electrical and magnetic be- havior of the upper atmosphere, because there is such a small amount of air at these high levels. Neither the majority of particles nor the ultraviolet rays penetrate very deeply, however, and it is not clear whether the variations in the amounts coming from the sun have appreciable effects near the earth's surface. Vis- ible light is the dominant form of solar energy entering the lower atmosphere. Part of this light is reflected back to space, chiefly from the surface of clouds, snow and ice. Most of it is absorbed in the atmosphere and the sea, from which it is ultimately re-radiated as infra- red radiation. In this respect, the atmos- phere behaves much like the glass in a greenhouse. It easily transmits visible light but is rather opaque to the infrared or heat radiation coming from the ground and the sea surface. Just as in a greenhouse, the air temperature must be consider- ably warmer than it would be in the absence of materials that absorb infrared, in order to al- low a balance between incoming and outgoing radiation. In the greenhouse the absorbing ma- terial is the glass roof. The cor- responding materials in the atmosphere are three substances present in quite minor amounts: water vapor, carbon dioxide and ozone. The temperatures in the up- per air do not vary markedly with latitude and consequently the amount of back radiation is roughly the same all over the globe. But the amount of incom- ing sunlight is greater in the tropics than in high latitudes. As a consequence, air and water warmed in the tropics must move toward the poles. Part of the energy received from the 28 sun is thus used to carry the excess heat absorbed in low latitudes to high latitudes where it can be re-radiated. The amount of heat transported across the parallels of 30° is 10 to 20% of the total incoming radiation, but the mechanical work in- volved is less than 1%. Heat Engines The situation can be thought of as if the sea and the atmos- phere were interlinked heat engines of very low efficiency. These engines do mechanical work against friction by carry- ing the working fluids, sea water and air, from the "firebox" of the tropics to the radiation- cooled "condenser" of the polar regions. The circulation of the working fluids is manifest in the winds of the air and the cur- rents of the sea. In the atmos- phere, it takes place through the coupling of rotary current patterns of all possible shapes and sizes. These include the trade-wind cells of ocean-wide dimensions, the large-scale high- and low-pressure areas of mid- latitudes, the wavelike jet stream, hurricanes, tornadoes, tiny whirls and vortices. In the sea, major units of the circula- tion include the Gulf Stream and the Kuroshio, the fast mov- ing equatorial currents and the sluggish currents of the abyssal depths. These circulation pat- terns are partly unstable, and this shows itself to those of us who live in mid-latitudes as the radical changes in weather with which we are all familiar. In low latitudes over the ocean the instability produces the ter- rifying hurricanes of the wes- tern Pacific and of our own east coast. Dr. Revelle is director of the Scripps Institution of Ocean- ography, University of Cal- ifornia. The behavior of the inter- linked heat engines of the sea and the atmosphere is profound- ly influenced by four facts: First is their peculiar shape; they are essentially two thin sheets wrapped around a sphere; sec- ond, the sphere is rotating; the lower layers of air are dragged along by the rotation, and the movements of both the sea and the air are largely determined by the forces generated by the rotation ( at a height above our heads of several hundred miles there is a transition to a zone where the sparse atoms of gas no longer move around the earth's axis) ; third, the ocean is not a continuous sheet like the atmosphere, but is broken up by the relatively dry areas we call continents; fourth, like an invisible pousse cafe, the atmosphere is stratified in thin layers that do not mix readily with each other and each of these layers has to a consider- able extent a separate behavior of its own. The same is true of the ocean but with the marked difference that while the tem- peratures of the different layers of the atmosphere are alterna- tively lower and higher as we go upward, the temperature of the ocean decreases continuous- ly nearly to the freezing point at great depths. It increases slightly near the bottom be- cause of the heat coming from the interior of the earth. 29 The energy needed to drive the sea-air circulation is only a small portion of the incoming solar radiation, but it is still enormous on a human scale. The winds of the earth have a total kinetic energy estimated to equal seven million atomic bombs, or more electric power than all the power plants in the United States could produce in a hundred years. This energy must be replenished every nine to twelve days because of the loss by friction between the winds and the earth's surface. Although there is a general agreement about the foregoing generalizations, our mental model of the sea-atmosphere system is so inadequate in many essentials that meteorologists are unable to predict anything very useful for more than a few days in advance about the circulation of the atmosphere. Climatic changes Even more fundamentally, we do not know the factors that determine the average condi- tions. Consequently, we are quite unable to forecast changes in climate. Yet we know that such changes have occurred in the relatively recent past. Only about ten thousand years ago the earth emerged from a dark age of snow and ice; less than five thousand years ago, Green- land offered a fair and pleasant habitation for human beings. Within the last fifty years, the climate over eastern North America and northern Europe has again become slightly warmer and the Arctic wastes are perhaps again becoming ac- cessible to human beings, while elsewhere prolonged droughts are destroying the work and hopes of decades. For the farm- er, the strategist and the states- man, an accurate forecast of climatic change over the next fifty years would be of immeas- urable value. But such a fore- cast is completely beyond our present ability. Ability to fore- cast depends on understanding, and this comes in two interre- lated ways: by constructing small models in our heads of the two great earth fluids, and by testing and refining these models through observations. This second method is one of the major objectives of the In- ternational Geophysical Year. In particular, we are concerned with measurements in areas that have never been adequate- ly explored and of phenomena that have never been ade- quately studied. To increase our understand- ing of climatic change we can ask first, what changes have occurred in the past and how did they happen? Second, be- cause a change in climate is es- sentially a change of average air temperature, we need to examine the ways in which the heat content of the air can vary. The heat content must be that required to give a balance be- tween incoming and outgoing radiation, hence it can vary if there is a change in the amount of incoming radiation from the sun, in the proportion of sun- light reflected versus that absorbed, or in the amount of the infrared back radiation absorbed by carbon dioxide, water vapor and ozone. A lc/( change in the intensity of the incoming sun- light or in the amount of sun- light reflected back to space would give about a 1° centigrade change in the average air tem- perature. 30 The total solar radiation seems to be remarkably cons- tant. The most recent contin- uous observations are those made at the Lowell Observatory since 1953. During this period of sunspot minimum no solar variations in the blue region of the spectrum greater than 0.3% have occurred. Ionospheric ob- servations show, however, that ultraviolet components of the solar radiation are larger dur- ing periods of sunspot maxima, and the visual spectrum obser- vations must therefore be con- tinued throughout at least one sunspot cycle before we can say definitely that solar radi- ation is virtually constant over decades. In contrast to the apparent constancy of the incoming radi- ation, the reflectivity of the earth would appear to be easily changeable. Clouds, snow and ice reflect most of the sunlight that falls on them, whereas the ocean surface, vegetation and bare ground are highly absorb- ing for visible light. At present about 50 % of the earth's surface is normally covered with clouds, while large areas are capped with snow and ice, particularly during winter. An average of 35% of the incoming sunlight is reflected back to space without being absorbed. The average air temperature would decrease by 1° centigrade if the reflection increased to 36% through in- creased cloudiness or a spread- ing of the snow and ice-covered areas. Dust in the upper air also scatters and reflects sunlight before it can reach the ground and ocean surfaces. After the explosion of the volcano Kra- katoa in 1883, the incoming radi- ation from the sun and sky decreased by 5 to 10/< for three years. Changes in the water vapor, ozone or carbon dioxide content of the air change the amount and character of the infrared absorption. Calcula- tions indicate that a 25 % change in the carbon dioxide content of the air would change the average air temperature by 1° centigrade. The factors affecting the av- erage air temperature are inter- related; there are in fact what electronic engineers call "feed- back" relationships between them. These feedback linkages are both positive and negative. For example, an increase of air temperature from whatever cause would result in a melting of part of the snow and ice cover of the earth and a correspond- ing reduction in the reflection. Consequently, the amount of absorbed radiation would in- crease and the temperature would rise still further. This is a positive feedback. Similarly, an increase of average air temperature would increase the evaporation from the oceans, hence the water vapor content of the air and absorption of infrared radiation. The tempera- ture would not increase without limit, however, because an in- crease in evaporation must eventually result in an increase of cloudiness as the water vapor condenses, hence an increase in the proportion of reflected sun- light. This is a negative feed- back. Such complex feedback linkages tend to hunt or oscil- late, with time constants de- termined by the speed of the different processes involved. 31 Thus far we have been dis- cussing comparatively small changes in average air tempera- ture over the earth. Such changes may be of great signi- ficance— it is generally esti- mated by meteorologists that a 4° drop in average air tempera- ture would be sufficient to bring on a new ice age. But with present meteorological observ- ing facilities they would be al- most impossible to measure. What is observed are local changes of much greater mag- nitude. These must be brought about chiefly by variations in atmospheric and perhaps ocean- ic circulation, specifically in the locations of north-south trans- port of heat and matter. For example, the January mean temperature at Spits- bergen increased by 24° from 1913 to 1937, whereas during al- most the same period there was a 3 to 55 drop in January mean temperature in the Great Basin of the western United States. Because of the complex rela- tionship between the amounts of insolation and infrared ab- sorption on the one hand and the circulation patterns of north-south transport on the other, it is by no means certain whether an increase of insola- tion or absorption would bring on a colder or a warmer climate. Past Changes The circulation patterns are profoundly affected by the dis- tribution of continents and oceans, and therefore it is of great importance to make com- parative studies of past climatic changes in the northern and southern hemispheres, because of their markedly different pat- terns of sea and land. Since changes in the intensity of the north-south circulation should have different effects in high and low latitudes, it is also nec- essary to attempt to determine the nature of simultaneous cli- matic changes in different lati- tude zones. The great ice caps of Antarc- tica and Greenland and the mountain glaciers throughout the world are remarkable indi- cators of climatic change. Dur- ing periods of warming or reduced precipitation the gla- ciers retreat; when the atmos- phere is cooled or snowfall increases they thicken and rap- idly advance. Moreover, the layers of ice laid down in suc- cessive years constitute an un- rivalled record of events on earth during past millenia. Many aspects of glaciers will be studied during the IGY. Among the most significant from the standpoint of the heat and water budget of the earth will be the thickness of the ice. This will be measured by the seismic techniques used in pros- pecting for oil. Bore holes and cores will also be taken to study the frozen record of the past. Ice caps now cover about 3% of the earth's surface. A melting of two feet per year over these surfaces seems quite possible from present data. This would result in a rise of sea level of about an inch per year or rough- ly ten feet in one hundred years. Even such a rise as this would bring serious consequen- ces to many thickly populated coastal areas. The sediments of the deep sea floor, like the ice caps, con- tain a detailed climatic record extending back over many thousands of years. For ex- ample, variations in the num- 32 bers of limy shells of the tiny animals called foraminifera re- flect variations in the oceanic circulation near the surface. The ratios of oxygen isotopes in these shells tell us something about past ocean temperatures. At least part of the present temperature differences we can measure between different lay- ers in deep sea sediments may be the result not of heat flow from the earth's interior but of warmer temperature of the deep ocean waters a few hun- dreds or thousands of years ago. Studies of these sediments and their significance for cli- matic change will be an impor- tant part of the series of oceanographic expeditions to be conducted during the Inter- national Geophysical Year. The meteorologist and the oceanographer can seldom use that peerless tool of the labora- tory scientist— controlled exper- iment. As substitutes for ex- periment they must attempt to make comparative investiga- tions of the behavior of the earth fluids under different con- ditions. For this reason a major part of the IGY meterological program will be focussed on comparisons between the south- ern and the northern hemis- pheres. Because the earth is closer to the sun in January than in July, the southern hemisphere re- ceives about 6/f more radiation in summer than does the nor- thern. The geometry of the two hemispheres is also quite dif- ferent. In the north, the Polar Sea with its thin, cracked skin of ice is surrounded by conti- nents; in the south a continent nearly twice the size of the United States, having an ice covered surface two miles above sea level, lies at the pole and is surrounded by the great southern ocean. This high cen- tral plateau, sheathed in dark- ness for six months each year, is a focal point for inward- circling storms and outward surges of cold air. The weather conditions in the Antarctic are nearly incredible; for example, wind velocities at Adelie Land have averaged 110 miles per hour for a day, more than sixty miles per hour for a month and about forty miles per hour for an entire year. The American IGY party now maintaining a vigil at the South Pole have already recorded temperatures below-100° F. with 15 to 20 knot winds. As is well known, the testing of large atomic weapons pro- duces considerable amounts of radioactive substances, some of which decay rather slowly. A large part of the radioactive material produced by atomic weapons tests is injected into upper strata of the air and can be used by meteorologists as a tracer of atmospheric move- ments, for example to determine the rate at which the air at different levels is carried from the northern to the southern hemisphere and vice versa, and the rate of mixing between the upper and the lower atmos- phere. An important IGY ob- jective will be world-wide measurements of these artificial- ly radioactive substances. Gains and Losses A slight excess or deficit in the input of solar energy over the output of infrared radiation from the earth may cause large changes in weather and, if long 33 continued, in climate. At pres- ent we are unable to determine whether such differences be- tween income and outgo exist. Here the earth satellite pro- gram shows great promise; one of the first satellites will carry relatively simple equipment for measuring the difference be- tween the amounts of incoming and outgoing radiation at all points over its path. Later satel- lite experiments will include actual mapping of the earth's cloud and snow cover, allowing accurate and continuous meas- urements of the amount of sunlight reflected from the earth, a quantity that can at present only be rather crudely estimated. A change in average air tem- perature represents, of course, a gain or loss of heat from the air, but it need not represent a gain or loss from the ocean- atmosphere-glacier system of the earth. On the other hand, an excess of heat could be stored for long periods on the earth without much change in the temperature of the lower air. There are two great mechan- isms for this: one is the melting of ice caps, the other is the heating of the deep waters of the ocean. The latter has by far the larger capacity. The energy required to melt all the ice in Antarctica is equivalent to about two and a half years' supply from the sun at the pres- ent rate of 175,000 calories per square centimeter each year. This same amount of energy would raise the average tem- perature of the ocean by only a little more than 1° C. (On the other hand, the melting of ice caps would be somewhat more obvious to everyone, since it would result in a rise of sea level by at least 200 feet, and the consquent destruction of most of the world's largest cities!) Because of the great heat capacity of the ocean, many meteorologists and oceanogra- phers now believe that climatic changes lasting over decades or centuries may be intimately re- lated to changes in the circula- tion of the deep sea. Effective techniques for studying this circulation have become avail- able only in the last few years, and it is little understood. We know that cold water sinks to great depths from the surface in high latitudes, moves slowly toward the equator and perhaps across it, and returns by an un- known path to the starting point. The time required for the round trip is not known; it may be measured in decades or mil- lenia. Nor do we know whether the circulation is steady or intermittent like the flushing of water in a bowl. One of the major enterprises of the International Geophysi- cal Year will be a series of great oceanographic expeditions, con- ducted by seventy ships belong- ing to many countries. Their principal objective will be to obtain a comprehensive picture of the temperature and other properties of the deep sea waters, and to make direct and indirect measurements of their motions. The Earth and Man President Eisenhower has said that water is rapidly becoming our most critical natural re- source. During the last few years, serious attempts have been made to develop inexpen- 34 sive machines for converting sea water into fresh water. The fact is, of course, that nature herself operates a most effective distillation system. Nearly one- third of all the energy of sun- light falling on the sea surface is utilized in converting sea water to fresh water by evap- oration. The immense quantity of solar power used in this way is several thousand times all the power produced by our industrial society from hydro- electric power and the burning of coal, oil, and natural gas. The total quantity of water evaporated, if all of it fell on the surface of the land and was uniformly distributed, would result in an average rainfall of over one hundred inches a year. Evidently the trouble with the natural distillation process is not the quantity of fresh water produced, but rather that na- ture's pipe lines are badly placed. Too much water moves to some areas and not enough to others; moreover, the valve system seems to be capriciously managed. Sometimes the dis- charge is too great, bringing floods, while at other lines there is only a trickle and droughts occur. Can anything be done about this faulty distribution system? The quantity of solar energy used in driving the engine of the sea and the atmosphere is so great compared to any of the energy sources under man's control that it would seem im- possible for us to affect weather or climate materially by any human action. Yet, a close look shows there may be some things we could do. Many of the pro- cesses in the atmosphere are metastable: a slight action may initiate a very large-scale pro- cess. We might learn how to regulate climate if we could find the right lever to pull. One may predict that with the coming of greater under- standing, promising methods for control of weather and climate will be found. The average re- flectivity of the ground surface over the large areas might be reduced, for example, by rapid melting of the snow cover, thus increasing the percentage of sunlight absorbed. On the other hand, it might be possible to shut off some of the sun's radi- ation before it reaches the earth's surface, for example, by injecting a small amount of ab- sorbing or reflecting substances into the upper atmosphere. Great Experiment During our lifetime we may be witnessing an example of one way in which human ac- tions can affect weather and climate. Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, an amount of carbon dioxide equal to about 12 % of the total al- ready present in the atmosphere has been produced by the burn- ing of coal, oil, and natural gas. The ability of the ocean to absorb carbon dioxide is very great and probably most of the amount added to the atmos- phere during the last century has gone into the sea. During the next hundred years, how- ever, the increasing use of fossil fuels in our world-wide indus- trial civilization should result in the production of about 1700 billion tons of carbon dioxide — 70% of the amount now in the atmosphere. Because of the rapid increase in the production rate, the fraction of the added carbon dioxide absorbed by the 35 ocean will be lessened and an increase of perhaps 20^ in at- mospheric carbon dioxide can be expected. The effect of such an increase is not easy to pre- dict, but there is some theoreti- cal reason to believe that it could result in a warming of the lower atmosphere by sev- eral degrees. Thus, by consum- ing within a few generations the fossil fuels laid down in sedimentary rocks over many hundreds of millions of years, we are conducting, more or less in spite of ourselves, a great geophysical experiment. It is of vital importance to keep ac- curate records of this experi- ment in order to increase our understanding of the mechan- isms controlling climate. With this in mind, careful measure- ments will be made during the IGY of the carbon dioxide con- tent of the atmosphere, and studies will be initiated to refine our estimates of the absorption of. carbon dioxide in the sea. Jin fflemonam WlTHIN a single week during August oceanography suddenly lost its two greatest leaders. Carl-Gustav Rossby died on August 19 in Stockholm and Harold Ulrich Sverdrup passed away equally unexpected in Oslo on August 21. Professor Rossby had been as- sociated with the Institution from its beginning. He worked here on many occasions during the summer and for longer periods. Most physical oceanographers in this country were at one time among his students. Professor Sverdrup was the director of our sister laboratory, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, during the period 1936-46. He has visited Woods Hole on many occasions and while fewer of us have actually studied under his direction, we all are entirely familiar with his classical text book, "The Oceans." Both men were actively engaged in research and teaching at the time of their death. C. O'D. I. Currents and Tides Among distinguished visitors in recent months were: U.S.S.R., Professor L. Zenkevitch; Great Britain, Dr. K. F. Bowden, Dr. G. E. R. Deacon, Dr. Ronald Fraser, Professor A. C. Hardy, Dr. M. N. Hill, Dr. N. B. Mar- shall, Dr. John B. Tait; West Germany, Dr. G. Bbhnecke, Dr. Gunther Dietrich, Dr. Hans Walden; Denmark, Dr. Anton Bruun, Professor E. Steemann Nielsen; Japan, Mr. Bunkichi Imayoshi, Dr. Y. Miyake, Mr. Haruyuki Koyama, Mr. Ichiji Yoshitani; Norway, Professor H. Mosby; Argentina, Cdr. L. R. A. Capurro; United States, Dr. Roger Revelle, Dr. Norris W. Rakestraw, Dr. John E. Tyler; British Columbia, Dr. John D. Strickland; Netherlands, Mr. P. Santema, Dr. J. Th. Thijsse; India, Dr. B. D. Laroia; New Zealand, Dr. R. Culver, Dr. F/ H. Sagar; Australia, Professor W. Stephenson; Bermuda, Dr. W. H. Sutclirre, Jr.; Greece, Mr. Athanasios Hatzikakidis. 36 The WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION in the INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR The International Geophysi- cal Year (IGY) is a cooperative program of research in the earth sciences, an outgrowth of previous international Polar Year Surveys. The U. S. pro- gram is coordinated on the in- ternational level by the National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, while work- ing groups direct the research in each particular field. Mr. Iselin, our director, is the cur- rent chairman of the inter- national work group in ocean- ography. Within this country, the Na- tional Academy of Sciences has set up a National Committee for the IGY to distribute funds provided by direct congressional appropriation to support the programs of the U. S. partici- pants. Approximately one-sixth of the national budget of $1,870,000 in oceanography has been grant- ed to this Institution for the support of programs being car- ried out in cooperation with the Lamont Geological Observa- tory, Texas Agricultural and Mechanical College, the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the University of Washington, and several Government facilities. Deep Currents One of the major U.S. pro- grams is the study of those deep currents which move the water masses below 6,000 feet. As the chart on page 2 of this issue shows, a considerable amount of the work in the Atlantic Ocean already has been ac- complished and it is a source of satisfaction that the R.V. Craw- ford (Captain David F. Casiles) has been able to do so much work in such a short time. This is, of course, due to the hard work and cooperation among the scientific parties, the ships' officers and crews, and our shore facilities. By the end of this year we shall have finished profiles of salinity, temperature, and ox- ygen along parallels eight de- grees apart over most of the Atlantic Ocean with only a few left to be done next year. Three of the eleven profiles have been made by our friends on the R.R.S. Discovery II (Captain S.S.F. Dalgleish). Altogether, this program represents an enormous amount of work. Ob- servations from the sea surface to the ocean bottom have been obtained 80 miles apart in deep water and at closer intervals near the coasts. One of the more inter- esting items has been the fact that the Crawford returned with worked up data which, in the past, was mostly left to be done after the return of a cruise. This has become possible not only by dint of hard work but also due 37 to the development of Karl E. Schleicher's shipboard salin- ometer. Formerly, thousands of water samples were brought back to be titrated in the lab- oratory at Woods Hole. In the South Atlantic the work is duplicating that done by the German Meteor Expedi- tion, 1925-27, to detect any long- term changes which may have taken place in thirty years. Mr. F. C. Fuglister was in charge of the work in the South Atlantic. Mr. W. G. Metcalf is chief scientist during the pres- ent work along the 40th and 16th parallels while Messrs. L. V. Worthington; F. C. Fuglis- ter and H. Stommel have taken part in the Discovery II cruises. In addition to the hydro- graphic observations, large water samples have been and are being collected for analysis of geochemical properties. This work is being supervised by Drs. V. T. Bowen and B. H. Ketchum. For the study of radioactive elements in sea water it was necessary to ob- tain much larger water samples than those taken by Nansen bottles. A 55-gallon collapsible rubber sampler was developed by Dr. Bowen and already has seen much service. The study and analyses of these samples will provide in- formation on the naturally oc- curring radioactive elements and the distribution and mixing of fallout material from wea- pons tests. The former is espec- ially important to establish a baseline to which future meas- urements may be related. The radioactive isotopes to be stud- ied are: carbon, hydrogen, an- timony, cerium, cesium, pro- methium, and strontium, while analysis will also be made for oxygen, nitrates, ammonia, phosphate, total nitrogen, phos- phorus, and chlorine. It is hoped that unique data on the distri- bution of certain radioactive fission products in the Atlantic may be obtained. CQ2 A continuously recording car- bon dioxide gas analyzer has been purchased. The instrument has been adapted for use on board ship and in our new DC-3 aircraft (Captain Norman Gin- grass) by Drs. Bowen and Leahy. As Dr. Revelle has pointed out in this issue, it is vitally necessary to obtain in- formation on the level and dis- tribution of carbon dioxide in the ocean and in the atmosphere. Previous measurements have been spotty. The continuously recording apparatus will make it possible to study problems of a detailed and restricted nature, for instance, the rate of ex- change of CO2 between the ocean and the atmosphere. In conjunction with some of the radioactive studies we may also obtain important information on convection and vertical mix- ing in the upper layers of the ocean. Indian Ocean In 1958 the Atlantis (Captain W. Scott Bray) will sail to the South Atlantic to make a north- south section along the South American coast and some short sections at 12° South and 20° South to fill in gaps in impor- tant areas not covered by the Crawford. She will then make the final southernmost profile at 32 3 South before sailing for the Indian Ocean to work with 38 the Vema of the Lament Geo- logical Observatory for joint geo- physical and oceanographic ob- servations. (Another joint cruise with the R.R.S Discovery II is reported on page 13 of this issue.) Arctic Observations Another extensive area of operations during the IGY will be the Arctic Ocean, where observers camp on the ice island "T-3" and a large floe of ice north of Point Barrow. Main- tained by the U. S. Air Force for the IGY program the two camps are occupied by about twenty scientists and military personnel. The Institution's sci- entists sent to this area working under the leadership of Mr. W. G. Metcalf make deep hydro- graphic observations from the ice. By occupying both available stations and taking advantage of the drift of the ice, a series of short hydrographic sections probably can be completed. Such observations will contrib- ute significantly to the present rudimentary oceanographic data from that area. As a part of a general acous- tical study of the ocean, fre- quency calibrated measure- ments of sea sounds in the arctic basin -will be made under the direction of Dr. J. B. Hersey. The two major contributors to the noise level in arctic waters are marine animals and the sounds of moving sea ice. Work- ing under Dr. F. Birch of the Dunbar Geophysical Laboratory of Harvard University, another group will measure the heat flow from the earth in this area. Such measurements have been made previously at sea by drop- ping a long temperature sensi- tive probe into the bottom sediments and measuring the difference in temperature be- tween successive thermal ele- ments in the probe. The knowl- edge gained by such measure- ments is of major importance to our understanding of the earth as a whole. Prior attempts from shipboard have been hampered by the difficulty of hovering in position over the probe long enough to allow the thermal elements to come into equilibrium with the bottom sediments. By making the meas- urements from relatively sta- tionary ice in the Arctic it will be possible to wait long enough for the equilibrium to develop. Besides furnishing data from a new area, the observations may also provide a check for ship- board measurements which had relied on a theoretical tempera- ture equilibrium curve. The major significance of the IGY for the Institution is proba- bly not the increase in available funds for oceanographic re- search, but in the concept of the program itself. It is now pos- sible to visualize an extension of cooperative research beyond the period of the IGY, conceiv- ably with continuing financial support resulting from the ac- tivities of this special period. The Special Committee on Oce- anographic Research (SCOR) of the International Council of Scientific Unions has been formed as an organizational nucleus for such continuing re- search effort. Long-range, large- scale plans were made during the August SCOR meetings at Woods Hole, heralding a new phase of international coopera- tion in oceanographic research. 39 The PBY amphibian plane is no longer with us. Too old for service she has been replaced by an R4D, U. S. Navy plane given to the Institution on loan. An R4D is the Navy designation for a DC-3. With typical abandon the In- stitution's scientists have drilled holes in the sides and bottom of the plane for instruments, cam- eras, etc. Captain Norman Gin- grass is her commander. Yes, we know the instrument on the front cover is not a Nan- sen bottle. It is an Ekman bottle used by the Bermuda Biological Station on board the Caryn. The gentleman stand- ing on the cruel sea is its direc- tor, Dr. Wm. H. Sutcliffe, Jr. The R.R.S. Discovery II vis- ited Woods Hole from Novem- ber 8 to 16 while making the sections along the 24th and 32nd parallel. 40 ML LIBRARY WH 17YV ~ ASSOCIATES OF THE WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION NOEL B. McLEAN, President JOHN A. GIFFORD, Secretary RONALD A. VEEDER, Executive Assistant EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHARLES F. ADAMS JOHN A. GIFFORD BENJAMIN H. ALTON PAUL HAMMOND WINSLOW CARLTON NOEL B. McLEAN RACHEL L. CARSON HENRY S. MORGAN W. VAN ALAN CLARK MALCOLM S. PARK PRINCE S. CROWELL GERARD SWOPE, JR. F. HAROLD DANIELS THOMAS J. WATSON, JR. JAMES H. WICKERSHAM INDUSTRIAL COMMITTEE Chairman: CHARLES F. ADAMS President, Raytheon Manufacturing Company ROBERT M. AKIN. JR. F. M. BUNDY M. C. GALE MILLARD G. GAMBLE PAUL HAMMOND F. L. LaQUE LOUIS E. MARRON WILLIAM T. SCHWENDLER D. D. STROHMEIER MILES F. YORK President, Hudson Wire Company President, Groton Pew Fisheries President, Monarch Edsel Company, Inc. President, Esso Shipping Company President, The Hammond, Kennedy & Legg Company Vice President, The International Nickel Company, Inc. Chairman, Coastal Oil Company Executive Vice President, Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corporation Vice President, Bethlehem Steel Company President, Atlantic Mutual Insurance Company RAYMOND STEVENS, President C. O'D. ISELIN, Director EDWIN D. BROOKS, JR., Treasurer Contents Articles SYNOPTIC STUDIES IN OCEANOGRAPHY 3 Columbus O'D. Iselin THE FINGER 13 G. E. R. Deacon THERMAL CIRCULATION 19 George Veronis SUN, SEA AND AIR 27 Roger Revelle THE INSTITUTION IN THE IGY 37 Features ASSOCIATES' NEWS 18 GIFTS AND GRANTS 16 CURRENTS AND TIDES 16 A BREACHING HUMPBACK 17 Published by WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION WOODS HOLE, MASSACHUSETTS