Volume 22, Number 2, Summer 1979 m -. • •••- Oceanus The International Magazine of Marine Science Volume 22, Number 2, Summer 1979 William H. MacLeish, Editor Paul R. Ryan,/\ssoc/afe Editor Deborah Annan, Editorial Assista nt Editorial Advisory Board 'o •z. Edward D. Goldberg, Professor of Chemistry, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Richard L. Haedrich,/4ssoc;afe Scientist, Department of Biology, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution John A. Knauss, Dean of the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island Robert W. Morse, Associate Director and Dean of Graduate Studies, Woods Hole Oceanographiclnstitution Allan R. Robinson, Gordon McKay Professor of Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Harvard University David A. Ross,/\ssoda(e Scientist, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution John G. Sclater,/\ssoc/afe Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Allyn C. Vine, Senior Scientist, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution A Published by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Charles F. Adams, Chairman, Board of Trustees Paul M. Fye, President of the Corporation Townsend Hornor, President of the Associates John H. Steele, Director of the Institution 1930 The views expressed in Oceanus are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Editorial correspondence: Oceanus, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543. Telephone (617) 548-1400. Subscription correspondence: All subscriptions, single copy orders, and change-of-address information should be addressed to Oceanus Subscription Department, 1172 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, Mass. 02134. Urgent subscription matters should be referred to our editorial office, listed above. Please make checks payable to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 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By comparing respiration in mussels living at 2 degrees Celsius in the central and peripheral areas of the vents, it may be possible to determine how food supply relates to metabolic rate. Many shells of the large white clam were found around dead vents. Living specimens, meanwhile, were observed nestled among the large mussels surrounding live vents, but they were never abundant. Of the material collected thus far, the size of the clams ranges from 130 to 264 millimeters in length. The anatomy of the large clam places it in the family Vesicomyidae, genus Calyptogena. Unlike most bivalves, it has red blood and a meaty odor. These features have not yet been analyzed. Karl Turekian and colleagues at Yale University have used thorium-228/radium-228 activity ratios to estimate the age of a 22-centimeter-long clam to be less than 10 years. The very abundant mussels clustered in the vicinity of active vents were hosts for polynoid polychaetes. At some vents almost all mussels contained polychaete symbionts in the mantle cavity, whereas at other vents they were rarely found. Like their shallow-water counterparts, the mussels are capable of forming lustrous pearls (a few small ones were found). From studies of the larval shell morphology on juvenile specimens, it appears that these animals have a long planktonic larval life. Abyssal currents may transport the larval stage hundreds of kilometers. Since the hot water supply is not likely to be constant, a long-lived dispersal stage would be needed to locate new sources of water. The mussels are thought to be a new genus in the family Mytilidae. The large red vestimentiferan worms mentioned earlier were collected on the eighth dive. Smaller relatives were discovered several years ago during dives with the submersible Deepstar400 at 1 ,125 meters off California. These were assigned to the phylum Pogonophora (Webb, 1969). More recent studies indicate that these should be classified as a major taxon distinct from the Pogonophora (Van der Land and Norrevang, 1977). Forty-five to 76-centimeter specimens were collected in 1977 in the Galapagos Rift area. The specimens from the 1979 expedition are larger, with tubes as long as 2.4 to 3 meters. The largest animal collected had a tube more than 2.4 meters long and a body length, after preservation, of 1 .5 meters, with a diameter measuring about 5 centimeters. Juvenile specimens less than 15 centimeters in length clustered around the base of the large tube also were recovered. The creature has a brilliant red tip, the color deriving from oxygenated hemoglobin in the blood. The animals have no gut and are thought to live on dissolved organic material in the water. For reasons not clearly understood, each species occurs at a different distance from the vents. The pillow lava formations farthest from the vents are largely barren, with occasional corals, anemones, or sea cucumbers. As the vent is approached, crabs, enteropneusts, and dandelions appear — the enteropneusts found draped on rocks at the edge of the zone and the dandelions in protected low spots closer to the vents. The clam beds, mussels, serpulid worms, and large numbers of small anemones are located at intermediate distances. Although thedistribution of musselsand crabs extends into the supply of warm water, most of the animals are living at the ambient water temperature of 2 degrees Celsius. The tops of pillow lava formations adjacent to the vents are covered with serpulid worms, their feathery plumes enabling them to filter particles from the water. Galatheid crabs — the females carrying large numbers of eggs — are common on the tops of pillow lava formations. These relatively active animals crawled into the frame oiAlvin and many were "collected" when the submersible surfaced. The vestimentiferan worms live only in the supply of warm water — ranging in number from a dense field spread along a 50-meter fissure at Rose Garden to only two or three small individuals in the narrow vent openings at Mussel Bed. The rock walls of the vents are densely covered by a species of light-colored, filter-feeding limpet, which also is found scattered along the tubes of the vestimentiferan worms. The warm-water flow from the vents is the preferred place for a pink brotulid fish, often seen with its head nestled down in the vent, where it probably feeds. The Collection of Microorganisms "Milky-bluish" water flows from the most active hydrothermal vents, suggesting that bacterial oxidation of hydrogen sulfide to elementary sulfur and sulfate could produce the basic food source for the entire community in the form of bacterial cells. Chemosynthetic bacteria use the energy from this chemical oxidation for the fixation of carbon dioxide into organic matter, similar to the way photosynthetic organisms use sunlight as their energy source. Other compounds that can be chemosynthetically oxidized are elementary sulfur and thiosulfate, as well as hydrogen, ammonia, nitrite, iron, and manganese. Iron and manganese crusts are prevalent in the vent area, indicating that the oxidation of materials other than sulfur compounds may contribute to the amount of carbon dioxide fixed. The shimmering water approximately one meter above the vents contained 105 to 106 bacterial cells per milliliteras measured by direct counts with an epifluorescence microscope. These counts indicate a high bacterial output at the vents, consideringthatthere is strong mixing with ambient water in this stratum as revealed by temperature fluctuations. The cells in these water samples (Figure 1) displayed morphological uniformity, as well as a relatively low fraction of amorphous material, both of which were unexpected. Dense clumps (mostly 12 to 100 microns in diameter) of bacterial cells were common (Figure 2). Scanning electron microscope studies of a number of different surfaces collected near the vents disclosed some unusual forms of organisms (Figure 3). Pieces of mussel surface were rusty brown in appearance. Instead of a deposit of amorphous material, dense layers of cells or nodule-like structures were found, some apparently heavily encrusted with metal oxides (unidentified at this time). A network of filamentous structures appears to relate to prosthecate (stalked) bacteria. Some 200 isolates of sulfur oxidizers are now under investigation. Their growth on a large variety of different enrichment media indicates an unusual diversity of metabolic types. Depending on their specific oxidation products, the growth media after incubation varies in pH from 5.1 to 8.6. Most strains prefer reduced concentrations of oxygen. Many grow well in the absence of an added nitrogen source, but only one strain has been found to Figure 1. Water samples collected several feet above an active vent on a Nucleopore filter (pore size 0.22 micron). Bacterial cells of rather uniform appearance show division stages, indicating active growth. Magnification 5,000x (bar = 10 microns). Figure 2. Representative sample of bacterial clump and amorphous matter, probably elemental sulfur. Magnification 20,000x (bar=l micron). exhibit enzymatic nitrogen fixation. Spirilla strains that can oxidize thiosulfate but prefer an organic substrate have been cultured. Anaerobic bacteria, which grow in the absence of oxygen and reduce sulfur compounds, also have been found. Prosthecate bacteria are in the process of being isolated. A free-living spirochaete (an elongated, spirally twisted, unicellular bacteria that moved by the contraction of flagella-like filaments) has been isolated. Preliminary measurements of in situ carbon dioxide fixation indicate much higher bacterial activities compared with previous measurements at other marine oxic/anoxic interfaces. The analysis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) as an indirect measure of active bacterial biomass showed values two to four times higher than in local productive surface waters, and a hundred to a thousand times 8 B ..-'.. ' -. • . '• " -*