rlr 1 II "^ -* J " -^ -T REPORTS ON RESEARCH FROM WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION '. ' *.- •^ -*>--•- Contents A At the Coast— Where Air, Sea, Land, and People Meet — Donald Anderson Dynamic Waters: Change is constant at the border of land and sea L Rising Sea Levels and Moving Shorelines New tools show promise for better predictions and decisions about coastline change — Rob Evans 1 ") Shaping the Beach, One Wave at a Time New research is deciphering how currents, waves, and sands change our shorelines — Britt Raubenheimer 1 C. The New Wave of Coastal Ocean Observing Shore stations and seafloor nodes provide connections for long-term studies of coastal processes — Mike Carlowicz Fertile Waters: A crossroads of currents, chemistry, and abundant life 19 22 26 29 The Grass is Greener in the Coastal Ocean Coastal waters teem with life, but sometimes scientists can't explain why — Kenneth Brink Where the Rivers Meet the Sea The transition from salt to fresh water is turbulent, vulnerable, and incredibly bountiful — Rocky Geyer Rites of Passage for Juvenile Marine Life Learning from the life-or-death journeys of barnacle, lobster, and clam larvae — Jesus Pineda Water Flowing Underground New techniques reveal importance ofgroundwater seeping into the sea — Matthew Charette and Ann Mulligan Troubled Waters: Life and death issues of chemical and nutrient pollution ~)A The Growing Problem of Harmful Algae Tiny plants pose a potent threat to those who live in and eat from the sea — Donald Anderson A~) A Fatal Attraction for Harmful Algae Clay sticks to algae and sinks, offering a potential solution to a deadly problem — Mario Sengco Red Tides and Dead Zones The coastal ocean is suffering from an overload of nutrients — Andrew Solow A £. Mixing Oil and Water Tracking sources and impacts of oil pollution in marine environments — John Farrington and Judith McDowell rn Oil in Our Coastal Back Yard Spills on WHOI's shores set the stage for advances in mitigating and remediating oil spills — Christopher Reddy FRONT COVER: Tracy Pugh, a former WHOI research assistant, records the growth of barnacles in Buzzards Bay on Cape Cod, Mass. Photo by Jesus Pineda, WHOI Biology Department. BACK COVER: The high-speed coastal research vessel Tiogn departs Woods Hole for a day trip of testing oceanographic equipment. Research Associate Marshall Swartz of the Physical Oceanography Department visually inspects a conductivity-temperature-depth profiler (black bottles) that will be used to study the Hudson River estuary. On the fantail, the yellow robotic vehicle SeaBED awaits tests of navigation and imaging systems for underwater surveys on the continental sheif. Photo by Tom Kleindinst, WHOI Graphic Services. 2 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu Strategic Waters: Tapping coastal ocean resources 56 60 62 63 64 65 Which Way Will the Wind Blow? Marine scientists have a key role to play in the debate over wind farms in the coastal ocean — Porter Hoagland For the Navy, the Coast Isn't Clear Oceanographers mobilize to help the Navy operate effec- tively in complex, shallow waters — Richard Pittenger Where Are Mines Hiding on the Seafloor? New research reveals how waves, currents, and swirling sands can bury mines — Lonny Lippsett New Instrument Sheds Light on Bioluminescence A WHOI engineer invents a device to measure a critical but elusive phenomenon — Lonny Lippsett The Cacophony on the Coast The Navy's traditional acoustic detection methods don't apply in complex, shallow waters — Lonny Lippsett Robo-Sailors Navy-sponsored research spawns a new generation of underwater vehicles ££ Down on the Farm... Raising Fish Aquaculture offers more sustainable seafood sources, but raises its own set oj problems — Hauke Kite- Powell 1930 EDITOR: Mike Carlowicz OCEAN INSTITUTE SERIES EDITOR: Lonny Lippsett CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Kate Madin, Amy E. Nevala, and Mildred Teal DESIGNER: Jim Canavan, WHOI Graphic Services CONTRIBUTING DESIGNERS: Katherine Joyce and Jeannine Pires WHOI PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR: Robert B. Gagosian CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: James E. Moltz CHAIRMAN OF THE CORPORATION: Thomas Wheeler DIRECTOR OF COMMUNICATIONS: James M. Kent Oceanus is printed by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and up- dated online at www.oceanusmag.whoi.edu Shipping and handling for two issues per year is $15 in the U.S., $20 in Canada, and $25 elsewhere. To receive the print publication, visit www. oceanusmag.com or call (toll-free in North America) 1-800-291-6458; outside North America call 508-966-2039, fax 508-992-4556, or write: WHOI Publication Services, P.O. 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Address letters to the editor to oceanuseditor@whoi.edu Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is an Equal Employment Op- portunity and Affirmative Action Employer. Oceanus and its logo are Registered Trademarks of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. Copyright ©2004 by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. All Rights Reserved. Printed on recycled paper. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute At the coast — where air, sea, land, and people meet We are all stewards of the coast- al ocean. For some of us, the connection to the sea is clear and immediate; for others, it is subtle and distant. But whether you live on water- front property or in a land-locked hamlet, your everyday activities attect this most sensitive and most threatened portion of the world's oceans. Oil slicks in our harbors, sewage in our bays, and trash on our beaches provide ob- vious testimony to our links to the coast. So do the shrimp, salmon, and scallops on our dinner plates, and the money in the wallets of the millions of business owners and employees who make their living on the water's edge. Hundreds ot thousands of buildings stand within reach ot a storm surge from the ocean. The subtle connections to the sea reach hundreds of miles inland. Air pollution from cars, trucks, and factories eventu- ally precipitates into the ocean. Pesticides sprayed on lawns and golf courses run off into rivers, get ingested by fish downstream, and eventually poison shorebirds that never fly near those lawns or golf courses. Few farmers in Midwestern states think of how their activities affect the ocean, but they should. Ever since Fritz Haber dis- covered in 1908 how to remove nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and turn it into fertilizer, the amount of nutrients applied to farmlands has increased dramatically. Perhaps two-fifths of the world's popula- tion would not exist were it not for this af- fordable and inexhaustible supply. The downside is that much of this nitrogen runs off the farms and finds its way into the coastal ocean. Nitrogen and other nutrients stimulate the growth ot microscopic marine plants, which in turn feed marine animals. But sometimes the fertilizer promotes too much plant growth, crowding out many species and suffocat- ing others. The headline from a recent series in The Baltimore Sun says it all: "Ni- trogen's deadly harvest: feeding the world, but poisoning the oceans." The coastal ocean is a precious, narrow strip of water extending from the edge of the continental shelf to the estuaries where salt water and fresh water meet. It is the most biologically productive part ot the ocean, and this wealth of activity influ- ences, and gets influenced by, the cycles of carbon and other elements that govern climate and human lite itself. The growth of the human popula- tion—and the means used to achieve that growth — increasingly threaten nearshore waters. We have heard the statistics. Half of Earth's population lives within 50 miles of a coast. Coastal areas supply 90 per- cent of the world's fish catch and 25 per- cent of U.S. oil. More than 80 percent ot U.S. global trade passes by ship through our harbors. Beaches and coastal water- ways are fertile territory for tourism and recreation, the largest sector of the U.S. service industry. Other statistics are less known but more worrisome: • Eleven of the world's 15 most produc- tive fishing grounds— and 70 percent of the major fish species in them — have been or will soon be overexploited. . Within 60 years, one of every four 4 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu Chatham, Mass., photo by Steve Heaslip, Cope Cod Times houses within 500 feet of the shoreline could be destroyed due to sea-level rise and inappropriate coastal development. • The bottom of all the oceans' conti- nental shelves are trawled by fishermen at least once every two years, with some areas scarred by nets and chains several times a season. • At any given time, several thousand species are being carried from one location to an- other in ship bal- last tanks, ready to invade and colonize distant habitats. In San Francisco Bay alone, 234 inva- sive species have become established, and a new species successfully invades every 14 weeks. The news is not all bad. Coastal waters in some re- gions are cleaner than they've been for decades, thanks to efforts to reduce chemical and nutrient pollution. Marine aquaculture operations Donald Anderson, Director of the WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute and Rinehart Coastal Research Center. are reducing the pressure on wild-capture fisheries. Some states are creating no- build zones in sensitive coastal areas, pre- venting development that is incompatible with the dynamic nature of the shoreline. This issue of Oceanus provides back- ground on many of these problems and promising developments. The articles that follow highlight the role that science must play in society's approach to ev- erything from oil pollution and algal blooms to wind power and shifting shorelines. New tech- nologies, new approaches to coastal research, and new collabora- tions among scien- tists from differ- ent disciplines are setting the stage for scientifically based management of the coastal zone. Resource managers and elected leaders are desperate for ideas and guidance about how to manage our relationship with the ocean. Many of the answers they need require new scientific inquiry, as well as better explanation of what we already know. This is the mandate of the Coastal Ocean Institute (COI). Through research grants, scientific gatherings, and the development of state-of-the-art facili- ties, the Institute encourages innovative, interdisciplinary research and technology development that can improve our un- derstanding of the processes at work along our shores. COI also fosters com- munication efforts to help civic leaders, students, and citizens become better in- formed about the complexities of this dy- namic environment and the possibilities for sustaining and restoring it. Coastal waters are the ocean's first line of defense, and that line is show- ing many signs of stress. The first step in promoting effective stewardship is to recognize and document the problems; as you will read, we are far along in that regard. The challenge now is to move our scientific understanding forward to a point where we can reduce or eliminate some of these problems. — Donald M. Anderson Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Rising Sea Levels and Moving Shorelines New tools and techniques show promise for better predictions and decisions about coastline change Breaching the beach The shoreline of Chatham, Mass., has been battered and reshaped by potent Atlantic winds and waves for centuries. This series of photos shows the barrier beach in 1 985, 7 986, and 7 995, before and after a winter nor'easter created a new inlet. Improved understanding of how shorelines change over time can help coastal managers to better in development and respond to recurrent or episodic threats. By Rob L. Evans, Associate Scientist Geology and Geophysics Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Nae man can tether time or tide. —Robert Burns For the past century, the pace and den- sity of development near the ocean has been unprecedented, and much of it is incompatible with the dynamic nature of the shoreline. More than S3 trillion are invested in dwellings, resorts, infrastruc- ture, and other real estate along the Atlan- tic and Gulf coasts of the United States, and more than 155 million people live in coastal counties. The coastal population is estimated to rise by 3,500 people per day. Yet, as the devastating hurricane season of 2004 showed, there is a price to be paid for living at sea level and building on sand. Even without extreme storms, the shore- line naturally advances and retreats on scales ranging from seconds to millennia. As a growing population hugs the coast, understanding the complex process- es by which coastlines change has never been more relevant and more important to our well-being. A rising tide Changes to the shoreline are inevita- ble and inescapable. Shoals and sandbars become islands and then sandbars again. Ice sheets grow and shrink, causing sea level to fall and rise as water moves from the oceans to the ice caps and back to the oceans. Barrier islands rise from the sea- floor, are chopped by inlets, and retreat toward the mainland. Even the calmest of seas are constantly moving water, sand, 6 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu and mud toward and away from the shore, and establishing new shorelines. Coastal changes have accelerated in the past century. Although sea level has been rising since the end ot the last glaciation (nearly 1 1,000 years), the rate of sea-level rise has increased over the past 200 years as average temperatures have increased. Global warming has added water to the oceans by melting ice in the polar regions. But the greater contributor is thought to be thermal expansion of the oceans — a rise in sea level due to rising water tem- perature. Sea level has risen 10 to 25 centi- meters in the past 100 years, and it is predicted to rise another 50 centimeters over the next century (with some esti- mates as high as 90 centimeters). Whether or not human activities have contributed to the change, the sea is definitely rising, and it jeopardizes our rapidly growing coastal communities. Coastal erosion accelerates as sea level rises. Erosion decreases the value ot coastal properties because it decreases "the expected number of years away from the shoreline," as researchers and underwrit- ers put it. This quiet loss of U.S. property value amounts to $3 to $5 billion per year. Then there is the actual loss of property, including structures, which amounts to as much as $500 million a year. Eroding coastlines are also at greater risk from storm damage. Property damage from hurricanes along the eastern U.S. is estimated to average $5 billion per year, with the cost in 2004 alone estimated at more than $21 billion. Such calculations rarely account for the long-term costs of flooding and erosion, damage to natural landforms or ecosystems, and lost recre- ation and tourism opportunities. There is significant debate about how to best manage coastal resources to cope with the changing shoreline. When and where will the coast change? And what, if anything, should we do about it? Billions of tax dollars are being spent to restore and protect our wetlands, maintain our beaches and waterways, and rebuild coastal infrastructure. For example, the State of Louisiana is proposing to spend $14 billion over the next 40 years to re- store coastal barriers along the Missis- sippi River delta. Despite these vast sums of money, very little is being invested in basic research that can improve our ability to predict shoreline change, inform coastal managers in their decision-making, or provide more accurate risk assessment. More than just a beach problem The coast is an incredibly complex sys- tem, of which beaches are only one part. All aspects of the system— rivers, estuar- ies, dunes, marshes, beaches, headlands, the surf zone, and the seafloor — influence and respond to the others. But many parts of the system have yet to be studied in sufficient detail to fully understand their roles in shoreline change. Beach erosion threatens property near the shoreline, but it also profoundly influ- ences a critical part of our coastal ecosys- tem: the marshes. Tidal marshes in estu- aries and behind barrier islands are the dominant habitat along the Atlantic Coast of the U.S., and they are particularly vul- nerable to rising sea level. Marshes are ecologically and economi- cally important because they regulate the A rising tide along the coast : Never before has coastal research been more relevant and more important to society's well-being. The numbers are staggering: More than 155 million people (53 percent of the population) live in U.S. coastal counties which comprise less than 1 1 percent of the land area of the lower 48 states. Roughly 1,500 homes are lost to erosion each year. Nearly 180 million people visit the U.S. coast every year, and coastal states account for 85 percent of U.S. tourism revenues. The tourism industry is the nation's largest employer and second largest contributor to gross domestic product. 71 percent of annual U.S. disaster losses are the result of coastal storms. Close to 350,000 homes and buildings are located within 150 meters of the ocean. Within 60 years, one out of every four of those structures will be destroyed. Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) images gathered by airplane reveal extensive beach changes and dune erosion on Hatteras Island, N.C., which was breached by the storm surge from Hurricane Isabel in September 2003. The images show elevation above sea level, with reds signifying the highest elevations and blues representing the water line. The breach occurred where the island was narrowest and the dune heights were lowest. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , "it DIGGING FOR EVIDENCE — Scientists from the WHOI Department of Geology and Geophysics are applying numerous techniques to understand how the shoreline is changing in response to rising sea level. Left: Assistant Scientist Liviu Giosan (tan shirt) and Graduate Student Jonathan Woodruff extract sediments from the beach using a vibracorer. Middle: Assistant Scientist Jeff Donnelly holds a core of mud and sediment pulled up from a marsh. Right: Giosan prepares sediments from a split core for laboratory study. exchange of water, nutrients, and waste be- tween dry land and the open ocean. They filter and absorb nutrients and pollutants, and buffer coastlines from wave stress and erosion. And tidal marshes provide nursery grounds for countless species of fish and invertebrates. They are among the most biologically productive ecosystems in the world, producing more biomass per area than most other ecosystems. Whereas researchers have been studying the fertility and biologic productivity of marshes for many years, they have only recently started to determine how these coastal wetlands grow and erode. As sea level rises, we need to know the threshold at which marshes can no longer grow fast enough to keep pace with rising waters. If the rate of sea-level rise doubles over the next 100 years — or quadruples, as some more extreme models project— tidal marshes and coastal ecosystems will likely experience unprecedented changes. Some may disappear altogether. Our coast may return to its condition at the end of the last glaciation, 1 1,000 years ago, when sea level was rising too fast for marshes to be established. New toys for the sandbox Although there has been progress in many areas of coastal geology, our under- standing of the fundamentals of shoreline change has been limited by the lack of a broad and integrated scientific focus and a lack of resources. In many locations, we cannot answer simple questions, such as where sand goes after it is eroded from the beaches, or what role underwater forma- tions play in determining which areas of the coast will erode and accrete. Recent advances in technology make this an ideal time to tackle some of these science problems. Our ability to map, measure, model, and understand the fun- damental processes shaping the shoreline has never been better. We can gather a more precise record ot long-term trends in shoreline motion, which were previ- ously identifiable only through historical records, such as by comparing old nautical charts with modern ones. Several instruments have allowed us to make dramatic improvements in our ability to map the beach and seafloor, and what lies beneath. • Light detection and ranging (LIDAR) allows researchers to use radar-like pulses of light to map beaches and the bottom of clear, shallow waters. It provides maps that are precise to within 10 centimeters. • Global Positioning System receivers and monuments use satellites to track the movement of shoreline features trom day to day in three dimensions. These devices allow positions to be obtained accurately to within a tew centimeters. • High-resolution seismic imaging, ground-penetrating radar, and electro- magnetic resistivity instruments em- ploy sound and electrical signals and the properties of rocks and sediments to "see" the layers beneath the beach surface and seafloor. They can probe to depths of tens ot meters. The processes that shape our coasts occur on a variety of time and space scales. Linking these diverse processes is a challenge that requires a system-wide, multidisciplinary approach. It also re- quires the willingness of policymakers and coastal managers to support basic research and to pay more attention to its results. There are several clear, process- based science problems that need to be addressed before we can accurately pre- dict shoreline change. 8 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 •2004-oceanusmag.whoi.edu How is the shoreline changing with time and geography? Many studies ot nearshore processes have been conducted on long, straight shorelines, and scientists have made some progress in understanding how waves, sandbars, and currents interact in sim- plified situations. But the mechanisms driving shoreline change are not well un- derstood in regions where the nearshore region has complicated seafloor topogra- phy, inlets, or headlands — which means most beaches. Waves traveling across the continen- tal shelf are reflected, refracted, amplified, and scattered by underwater topography, and research has suggested that erosional hotspots along the coast are often the re- sult ot these seafloor formations. Banks, shoals, canyons, and even different types of sediment cause waves to decay and break differently. Wave-induced currents cause sediments to erode and accrete and reshape the seafloor near the coast, chang- ing how future waves will evolve. The complex dynamics between waves and seafloor evolution need to be unraveled before we can make predictions about changes to the shoreline. We need to build a network of wave-measuring instruments along different coastlines and feed those measurements into computer models of how the shoreline reacts to waves and currents. These models will help us make predictions about how water might circulate and how sediment might move in response to those different underwater formations. (See "Shaping the Beach, One Wave at a Time," page 12.) How will barrier islands respond to sea level rise? Barrier islands account for approxi- mately 15 percent of the world's shoreline, and they dominate the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. Built by the ac- tion of waves and currents, these narrow ridges ot sand usually run parallel to the mainland, protecting the coast from ero- sion. These natural barriers are bisected by tidal inlets and channels, and they shelter Trouble in paradise This sequence shows how the seas advanced and property was destroyed in Floralton Beach, Fla. Vegetation and dune lines were completely wiped away after Hurricane Frances (middle photo), leaving shoreline properties directly exposed to coastal surges from Hurricane Jeanne (bottom photo). Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ELECTRIC IDEAS— WHOI Associate Scientist Rob Evans (left) works with Engineering Assistant Matthew Gould to test a seafloor electromagnetic surveying instrument, one of many new technologies developed to better map and monitor the coastal system. back-barrier salt marshes, tidal flats and deltas, and mangroves. Though usually no more than a few meters above sea level, these islands are often covered with hu- man developments. The long-term late of today's barrier is- lands is dependent on future sea-level rise. The latest report of the Intergovernmen- tal Panel on Climate Change predicts that global warming will cause sea level to rise by 50 to 90 centimeters in the next 100 years. At the higher end of these estimates, many back-barrier marshes will struggle to keep up with the inundation. Sand will move from barrier beaches to the nearshore underwater regions in order to re-establish equilibrium between the slope of the beach and the higher tides and waves. The water levels and topography behind these barriers could gradually or catastrophically change. Inlets will become more dynamic, while deltas will enlarge. Whole marshlands might disappear, being converted to tidal lagoons or bays. Cata- strophic amounts of sand could be lost from some beaches. To properly protect barrier beaches — or learn when to abandon them — we need to map and monitor them regularly. We also need to dig into the sediments of the coast to piece together the history of past changes. Such efforts will allow us to mod- el how tidal systems are likely to respond to rising ocean waters. What is the impact of storms? Intense storms such as hurricanes, noreasters, and typhoons often result in substantial loss ot life and resources, yet we know little about the processes that govern their formation, intensity, and movement. Nor do we know much about their history, due to the relatively short history of reliable weather observations. With little data on how coastal systems have responded to storms in the past, we have been ill-equipped to model and proj- ect how climate and sea-level change will affect future storm trends. Geological investigations of coastal en- vironments can provide long-term records of environmental change. Evidence of past storms can be found in back-barrier sedi- ments: When a storm washes sand over the dunes and into back bays and marsh- es, it forms dateable layers in the muddy sediments. Mapping regional occurrences of these "overwash" deposits can allow researchers to estimate the storminess of years past and help improve models ot the probability of future storm strikes. How is the shore linked to the shelf? In the past, studies ot the beach and surf zone were usually separated and stud- ied independently from what was happen - MAPPING THE SEAFLOOR BY LASER— Researchers used LIDAR instruments to generate this seafloor map of the Piscataqua River inlet between Kittery Point and New Castle Island on the border between New Hampshire and Maine. New imaging techniques are allowing coastal scientists to visualize the geologic framework of the coastline, track major movements of sediment, and project how the shoreline might change with time. 1 0 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu ing farther out on the continental shelf. It has largely been a logistical problem, as the region trom 0 to 10 meters of water depth can present some of the most dif- ficult areas to sample. These areas are too shallow for most ships, and too deep or turbulent for researchers on foot. Howev- er, the zone from 10 meters above sea level to 10 meters below is perhaps the most physically dynamic and ecologically vul- nerable. It we are to fully understand the coastal system, we have to eliminate the imaginary barrier between the shallows and the deep. What can the past tell us about the future of the shoreline? Natural records from a variety of sources — deep-sea sediments, ice sheets, corals, calcium carbonate formations in caves — show that abrupt environmen- tal changes are common in Earth's his- tory. Sea level rise rates during the past 1 1,000 years have been uncharacteristi- cally steady, and may be ripe for change. That our coastlines have developed such remarkable diversity during these stable times (environmental stress usually pro- motes diversity; calm promotes homoge- neity) suggests the shape of the shore is affected by a lot more than sea level. Coasts are complex, transitional envi- ronments that respond to changes in both continental and deep-ocean processes. The sediments onshore and offshore are great recorders of this variability, yet these archives have yet to be systematically studied and compared with what we have learned from inland and deep-sea envi- ronmental proxies for climate. The high stakes of high water Resource managers and civic leaders have a great responsibility for managing the coast and human use of it, but they have not always had the best information available to make scientifically sound deci- sions. The link between sea-level rise and shoreline change, while undoubtedly pres- ent, remains controversial. For this reason, coastal managers want BURIED CLUES — WHOI Assistant Scientist llya Buynevich demonstrates a ground-penetrating radar instrument on a beach in Cotuit, Mass. By bouncing radar waves off buried rocks and sediments, he can create maps of subterranean layers and extrapolate past sea level. more reliable data on sea-level rise. They need studies that apply our knowledge ot basic processes to more complex, human- altered shorelines (seawalls, bulkheads, jetties, groins). They need scientific analy- ses of the effects of adding and removing sediments from the shoreline. There is no doubt that sea level is ris- ing. It's not the first time, and the rate at which it is changing may or may not be unusual. What is different this time is that humans have congregated along the shore- line without much awareness of how much or how soon the sands might shift. We have the ability to make better decisions about our lives along the coast. We just have to start making the measurements that can provide the right answers. — This article is the result of a workshop held at WHOI in April 2004. Many colleagues who attended that meeting — too numerous to list — contributed to this article. I'd like to thank them. Rob Evans was an undergraduate in the Physics Department at the Uni- versity ot Bristol in England when he saw an advertisement tor a Ph.D. project that involved a cruise to a mid-ocean ridge known as the East Pacific Rise. Undeterred by the fact that he knew next to nothing about mid-ocean ridges, he applied for the studentship at Cambridge University and the cruise to a sunny location. Since then, Evans has collaborated with most of the research groups in the world that carry out electromagnetic studies of the seafloor. He was a postdoctoral scholar in Toronto, before coming to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution as an Assistant Sci- entist in 1994. More recently he has started working closer to shore. His lack of hair is a result of the stress of doing marine science and has no rela- tionship to his heavy use ot electromagnetic fields. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1 1 Shaping the Beach, One Wave at a Time New research is deciphering how currents, waves, and sands change our shorelines By Britt Raubenheimer, Associate Scientist Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution For years, scientists who study the shoreline have wondered at the appar- ent fickleness of storms, which can dev- astate one part of a coastline, yet leave an adjacent part untouched. One beach may wash away, with houses tumbling into the sea, while a nearby beach weathers a storm without a scratch. How can this be? The answers lie in the physics of the nearshore region — the stretch ot sand, rock, and water between the dry land be- hind the beach and the beginning of deep water far from shore. To comprehend and predict how shorelines will change from day to day and year to year, we have to: • decipher how waves evolve; • determine where currents torm and why; • learn where sand comes from and where it goes; • understand when conditions are right for a beach to erode or build up. Understanding beaches and the adja- cent nearshore ocean is critical because nearly half of the U.S. population lives within a day's drive of a coast. Shoreline recreation is also a significant part of the economy of many states. (See "Rising Sea Levels and Moving Shorelines" page 6.) For more than a decade, I have been working with WHOI Senior Scientist Steve Elgar and colleagues across the country to decipher patterns and pro- cesses in this environment. Most ot our A mess of physics near the shore Many forces intersect and interact in the surf and swash zones of the coastal ocean, pushing sand and water up, down, and along the coast. Variations in the height and direction of waves, as well as the shape of the seafloor, drive currents that rearrange the system. When waves approach the beach at an angle, they drive along- shore currents (blue arrows). When alongshore currents converge, rip currents can form. Breaking waves cause turbulence in the water column. In shallow water, this turbulence can stir up the sand bed, suspending sediments. Breaking waves create un- dertow. Variations in the strength of the waves and undertow drive the transport of sediment, causing sandbars o move offshore or onshore. Different wave heights lead to different water levels in the nearshore. That drives flows "downhill" (green arrows) from high to low-water areas. 1 2 Oceani - Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu ars and ripples move ard or away from shore • if i«l n-l» i l •JH SWIRLING CURRENTS AND SEDIMENTS — Waves approach the beach from different directions in Haleiwa, Hawaii, driving alongshore currents of different strengths. As waves break, they generate turbulence that suspends sand and drives undertows. work takes place in the breaking waves of the surf and swash zones: the region that begins where waves crest and ends where the foamy white water barely cov- ers our feet. Our goal is to understand and model waves, currents, and sand movement in the nearshore. Given weather conditions (winds, offshore waves), a map (islands, canyons, shoals, sandbars, the slope of the beach face), and sediment characteristics, we want to be able to model and predict how waves might change, and how those changes might affect currents and the ero- sion or accretion of sand on the beaches. To do this, we have to get into the water, making observations in the middle ot the breaking surf. If we are successful, we can help coastal policymakers and managers under- stand how the movement of water affects the evolution of coastlines, the safety of beachgoers, and the dispersal of runoff and pollutants. What lies beneath As storms and winds churn the ocean, waves roll across the continental shelf and into shallow water near the shore. They pitch forward and break, spraying foam and running up onto the beach. As the waves break, they drive currents that flow both offshore and along the coast. Such is the view that most of us get when we stand on the shore. But what lies beneath the waves can make all the differ- ence between 20-foot breakers and gently lapping rollers. As waves move from deep water to- ward the shoreline, the ocean bottom alters their direction and strength, just as a lens bends and reflects rays ot light. Fea- tures such as submarine ridges, canyons, and sandbars influence the propagation of waves, just as winds are directed and fo- cused by mountains and valleys. The breaking waves and resulting currents pick up and move sand, making beaches dynamic, perpetually in motion. This subtle but steadily flowing river of sand moves laterally up and down the shoreline, as well as offshore during storms and back toward land between storms. Waves and currents affect this move- ment of sediment, but changes in sedi- ment levels, in turn, affect the waves and currents. For example, sand eroded from the beach during winter storms may move offshore to form a sandbar. That causes waves to break farther offshore, protecting the beach from further erosion. To avoid the complicated physics as- sociated with along-coast changes in wave height and direction, most scientific stud- ies of the nearshore have historically been conducted on smoothly sloping beaches with long, straight shorelines. The rela- tively simple shores of the Outer Banks ot North Carolina have been a frequent focus for nearshore research. It was assumed that waves, currents, and sand levels were uniform up and down these beaches. However, recent studies by (eft List of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1 3 the U.S. Geological Survey have shown that even on these long, straight coast- lines, one section of beach may recede shoreward by tens of yards during a storm, while a few miles down the coast the beach may be unaltered. Most of the erod- ed sand eventually returns after the storm, but that is no consolation to the owners of homes and structures destroyed by the shifting shoreline. Stepping up to the bar Several hypotheses explain the diver- gent erosion rates along the same coast. Perhaps there are differences in the un- derlying geology of the region or in the flow of groundwater to the ocean. Maybe something as subtle as the size of sand grains makes a difference. Or perhaps these seemingly "simple" and similar sea- floors produce more changes in offshore waves than we think. My research group is intrigued by a dif- ferent theory: The location of underwater sandbars in the surf may cause variable erosion along the coast. Sandbars appear to protect beaches by causing increased breaking and dissipation ot wave energy before the waves can attack the shoreline. To test the sandbar hypothesis we used observations of waves and mean water levels collected at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Field Research Facility in Duck, N.C. We found that sandbars affect coastal water levels and flooding during storms. When a sandbar is near the beach, waves break in shallow water and drive more wa- ter onto the shore. This causes flooding and allows the surf to reach dunes and man- made structures. We believe that shallow sandbars may lead to increased erosion. Sandbar locations can be variable along straight coasts, which may explain Jeff List's findings. And recent aerial observa- tions collected by Tom Lippmann ot Ohio State University show that the numbers and locations of sandbars influence a storm's effect on a beach. But further re- search is needed to determine whether the feedback between sandbars and coastal water levels is important during storms. Current events in the surf In contrast to much of the East Coast of the United States, many continental shelves have abrupt, irregular changes in STORM SURGE — The ocean rushes onto the streets of South Nags Head, N.C, wiping out dunes and damaging houses during the "perfect storm" of 1991. Ocean waters wash over barrier islands during storms because winds push water against the shore, low atmospheric pressure allows water levels to bulge upward, and breaking waves force water toward the shore. the seafloor that cause large changes in the waves beyond the surf zone. For instance, the steep topography of Scripps and La lolla submarine canyons in Southern California produces dramatic changes in wave energy over distances of a few hundred meters. As waves pass over the canyons, the seafloor acts like a mag- nifying glass, concentrating ocean wave energy into hot spots. This makes Black's Beach a world-famous surf spot, where- as La lolla Shores (just two miles to the south) is well known to novice sea kayak- ers and scuba divers for its gentle waves. These changes in wave heights along the coast result in complex flows of water and changes to sand levels on the beach. Water that piles up on the shore near the large breaking waves at Black's Beach tends to flow south toward La Jolla Shores and north toward Del Mar. When these currents intersect with oppos- ing currents — perhaps between the heads of the two canyons — strong offshore-di- rected flows, called rip currents, can form. Rip currents are a danger to swimmers and have been observed to carry huge plumes of sand and pollut- ants offshore. Scientists from WHOI and 10 other in- stitutions recently conducted a major field program in those complicated Southern California waters to determine how abrupt coastal seafloor topography affects waves, currents, and changes to sand levels. The team of more than three dozen scientists, engineers, students, and research assis- tants deployed instruments to measure the effect of the canyons on waves and the re- sulting changes in the flows onshore. In the Nearshore Canyon Experiment (NCEX), sponsored by the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foun- dation, my colleagues and I deployed pres- sure gauges and current meters in the surf and swash zones to measure wave heights and directions, and the resulting move- ment of water and sand. "Drifters" de- signed to operate in the breaking waves of the surf zone were used to determine the locations and speeds ot rip currents. Beach 1 4 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu dn extremely rapid dro, Canyon changes the direction of: arriving from the northwest, redirectin (curved large arrow) toward Black's Beat The exceptionally high waves at Black's occu because wave energy also arrives diret CHANNELING THE WAVES — The bottom topography of the Scripps and La Jolla submarine canyons directs and focuses wave energy near San Diego. Red dots show the placement of wave-measuring instruments from the Nearshore Canyon Experiment. surveys were conducted frequently to see how the seafloor and sand levels evolved under changing surt conditions. Other scientists bounced radar sig- nals off the water surface to determine its speed, just as police use radar guns to track moving cars. Video cameras chron- icled sea foam as it was carried along the coast by the complex currents. We have only begun to analyze our observations, but eventually we will be able to update and improve numerical models of the important physical pro- cesses and test the model predictions with real-world measurements. Beach forecasts Our long-term goal is to predict coastal wave heights and directions, nearshore currents, and changes to beach sand lev- els. We may not achieve this goal until we can study nearshore processes on a wide range of coasts (for instance, rocky shore- lines, peninsulas, and large bays), but it is achievable within our lifetime. Surfers, sport-fishermen, and recre- ational boaters frequently use predic- tions of wave heights along the coast of Southern California, as generated by our colleagues from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The new NCEX measure- ments will improve the prediction models, helping not only those who play at the beach for the day, but also civic leaders who must manage our beaches and coasts for the long term. One hundred years ago, we could not predict whether it would be sunny or rainy the day after tomorrow. Now we can pre- dict the weather as much as 10 days in ad- vance. By the middle of the 21st century, we ought to be able to predict the weather at the beach... both above and below the water line. T) ritt Raubenheimer decided to study physics during the ninth grade, .Dwhen she had a choice between taking either physics or biology (which 'C included cutting up cute little frogs). She fell in love with research while \ attending Middlebury College, as she worked with astronomers at an ob- 2 servatory in the Canary Islands to collect observations of a supernova g remnant. Raubenheimer spent the vacations of her youth backpacking, handgliding, rock climbing, canoe camping, and backcountry skiing, so she 1 knew she wanted to take her physics skills outdoors. She became interested ' ? in nearshore oceanography while studying coastal overwash during her E ^ first job, at the U.S. Geological Survey's office in Saint Petersburg, Fla. She completed her training with a doctorate in oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Ocean- ography. Now her job requires her to go to the beach and to scuba dive to deploy instruments. Raubenheimer recently received a Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research and a Career Award from the National Science Foundation. As part of the latter award, she developed a program offering six-month undergraduate fellowships to expose students to scientific research. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution "\ 5 The New Wave of Coastal Ocean Observing Shore stations and seaf loor nodes provide connections for long-term studies of coastal processes Most traditional means of observing the ocean have their limits. Research ships and submarines must return to port. Robots and moored instruments run out of battery power. Satellites have stamina but their view does not penetrate into the depths. Ships and subs can carry only a few scientists at a time, and never into danger- ous but scientifically interesting conditions such as hurricanes. Consequently, scientists have had to be satisfied with intermittent glimpses ot the environment. The next wave of ocean science will be done full time, and in real time. In recent years, ocean scientists and engineers have been devel- oping new ways to go to sea — and stay out there — without getting seasick. They have been plugging instruments into seafloor nodes connected directly to shore-based labs, and using electro-optic-power cables to transmit steady streams of power and data. At locations such as the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) operated by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, researchers have staked out a parcel of ocean and are observing it with Satellite Imaging Shore Lab • Power Interface • Telemetry • Computer Control • Rain Gauge ' Radiation Sensors Meteorological Mast • Sonic Anemometer • Temperature/RH Pressure Sensors •H 20 Sensor • CDs Sensor •Surf Camera 24/7 vigilance, with the potential to do so for years. They can continuously measure what is happening on the sandy ocean bot- tom, in the water column from the seafloor to the surface, and in the air above it. And they can do it while sitting at their desks. Thanks to the cables, data from the sea are freely available on the Internet in real time to an unlimited number of scientists. Unconstrained by time, space, and foul weather, scientists are starting to use coastal observatories to move past the snapshots of ocean processes, the re- stricting "befores" and "afters" that do not allow them to learn what happened in Aircraft Measurements between. Now they Ship-based Measurements Undersea Node - •Data and Power Transmission • Currents, Pressure, Waves • Salinity, Temperature, Oxygen, CO2 • Turbidity and Fluorescence Offshore Flux Tower - •Data and Power Transmission • Wind, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity • Solar/IR Radiation •Currents, Waves • Temperature, Salinity • Heat. Mass, Momentum Fluxes MICROSCOPE AND TELESCOPE— The Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory (MVCO) allows scientists to measure small details of ocean process with minute-by-minute resolution, while also affording the opportunity to paint broader pictures of what is happening in the northwestern Atlantic over the longer term. MVCO includes a shore-based lab and meteorological mast, an underwater node, and a tower wired for instrumentation above and below the water line. 16 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 •2004-oceanusmag.whoi.ee can illuminate processes. How do storms rearrange shorelines and seafloor sediments? What is exchanged at the interface between air and water, and how does it affect coastal weather? Why do currents change season- ally? How do environmental changes affect plankton at the base of the marine food chain? New window on the Atlantic Built in stages since 2000 on the south shore of Martha's Vine- yard, MVCO provides a natural laboratory to study key coastal processes in the North Atlantic. Permanent and project-specific instruments have measured the motion and strength ot currents, the movement of sediments, the cycles of microscopic plants and animals and the bottom-dwell- ing creatures that eat them, the exchange of gases and aerosols between the ocean and atmo- sphere, and coastal meteorology. fust 90 minutes from Woods Hole on WHOI's coastal research vessel Tioga, MVCO is exposed to the open ocean and a wide range of condi- tions, including energetic tides and sur- face waves, and winds ranging from dead calm in summer to intense storms in fall and winter. In a seasonal rhythm, offshore waters become stratified in summer, with warmer surface waters atop denser, colder waters; in winter, the water column be- comes homogeneous again. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution shared the costs to build a small, inland shore lab, a 10-meter mast with meteorological instruments at the ocean's edge, and a seafloor node 12 meters below the sea surface and 1.5 ki- lometers from the shore. Cables connect the sensors at the mast and sea node to computers and communications devices in the shore lab. In 2002, the Office of Naval Research STANDING TALL — The Air-Sea Interaction Tower, built as part of an experiment sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, allows scientists to deploy instruments that monitor the relationship between winds and waves in all weather conditions. previously difficult to study. For instance, scientists have spent decades making shipboard expeditions to measure how the air and sea exchange heat, wa- ter, gases, and momentum. But they have learned little about what happens when wind speeds exceed 40 to 50 knots because no ship captain will intention- ally cruise into a hurricane and risk lives to make such measure- ments. Even in less extreme cir- cumstances, the natural move- ment of a research vessel leaves scientists wondering how much a- of what they measure is real and r how much of it is "ship noise." Coastal observatories also can help engineers who are develop- ": ing and testing new instruments. For instance, researchers working ^ on power-hungry, advanced sen- 5 sors have plugged into MVCO to test the effectiveness of their instruments without the power limits of batteries or the time lim- its of ship-based expeditions. (ONR) provided support for the design, construction, and deployment of an Air- Sea Interaction Tower (ASIT) about 3 kilo- meters from Martha's Vineyard. The tower stands in 15 meters of water and extends 22 meters above the water line into the at- mosphere. It is connected through its own fiber-optic cable to the shore lab. The node and tower act as scaffolding and "extension cords," allowing scientists to install instruments in the coastal environ- ment, then return home to collect data over the Internet. If equipment fails, they can quickly detect the problem and go fix it. Wind, rain, or dark of night In addition to long-term, continu- ous, and easily accessible streams of data, coastal observatories provide other ad- vantages. Structures such as MVCO can allow scientists to chronicle the processes at work during extreme events that were Getting down to business Today, WHOI scientists and engineers are working with colleagues from around the country, using MVCO for a variety ot interdisciplinary and multi-institutional research projects. These have included: • The Coupled Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Transfer (CBLAST) program, supported by ONR. This experiment, con- ducted in the summer of 2003, focused on the dynamic interaction between winds, waves, and ocean-mixing processes as they exchange heat, water, energy, and gases (such as carbon dioxide) between the ocean and atmosphere. These exchanges are fundamental processes that determine coastal weather and play a critical but ott- unappreciated role in global climate. . Surface Processes and Acoustic Communications (SPACE), and Optics, Acoustics, and Stress In Situ (OASIS), sup- ported by ONR. Investigators are evaluat- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1 7 UNDERWATER POWER STRIP — Left: The seafloor node of the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory, shown here being lowered into the water, supports experiments but it is also an experimental technology itself. Scientists plug into the node's power supply and data cables to study everything from shifting sands to blooming plankton. Right: New robotic technologies and cutting-edge instruments — such as the plankton- observing FlowCytobot — are tested at MVCO before heading off to projects in other regions. ing how bubbles near the sea surface and suspended sediments in the water column affect the propagation ot sound and light underwater. Bubbles, turbulence, and sediments accumulate and behave differ- ently in shallow water— where the Navy is primarily working today — than in deep water— the region of most naval interest during the Cold War. The Navy relies on the accurate transmission and reception of sound and light signals for underwater communication and remote sensing. • Plankton dynamics experiments, sup- ported by NSF and the National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration. Long-term studies ot plankton dynamics — to learn how, when, where, and why microscopic marine plants and animals flourish— take advantage of two newly developed instru- ments: the FlowCytobot and the Au- tonomous Vertically Profiling Plankton Observatory (AVPPO). FlowCytobot is a laser-based system to monitor and identify microscopic plankton down to individual cells. The AVPPO repeatedly records imag- es ot plankton scattered throughout the wa- ter column. Long-term deployment of such power-hungry instruments is only possible with the type ot infrastructure at MVCO. • Sediment transport experiments, sup- ported by ONR. Researchers have been investigating the processes and factors — including winds, waves, currents, tides, and seafloor topography — that move sand and shape the seafloor around MVCO. In a related project, researchers have investi- gated the processes that bury objects such as military mines in seafloor sediments. (See "Where are Mines Hiding on the Sea- floor?" page 62.) • Ozone chemistry experiments, sup- ported by NSF. Researchers have deployed instruments on the ASIT to quantify how much ozone pollution is being removed from the atmosphere and deposited into the ocean. • Ocean Horizontal Array Turbulence Study (OHATS), supported by NSF. An air-sea interaction experiment is using 18 closely spaced sonic anemometers, or wind gauges, to examine the effect of ocean waves on air turbulence and ed- dies. The observations, begun in August 2004, should allow researchers to improve weather prediction models. Building for today and tomorrow With initial experiments underway and some lessons already learned at MVCO, WHOI scientists and engineers are making plans to improve and expand the facility. Autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and other robotic vehicles will likely play an important role in future studies at MVCO and other ocean obser- vatories. Researchers can use observato- ries as remote ports from which they can launch these vehicles into inaccessible re- gions and extreme conditions. Equipment is already being tested to allow AUVs to download data and recharge their batteries at underwater nodes. WHOI researchers are also working with colleagues at other institutions to cre- ate a network of coastal observing systems extending from the Gulf of Maine to Flor- ida. By linking observations of several ob- servatories along the East Coast, research- ers will be able to develop a clearer picture of the long-term cycles and processes at work in the northwestern Atlantic. From hurricanes to migrating marine life to ed- dies spinning off from the Gulf Stream, coastal observers will be able to track de- velopments in the ocean from start to fin- ish and season to season. The result will be a more precise view of everyday lite in one of the world's oceans. — Written by Mike Carlowicz, WHOI Science Writer, with WHOI Senior Scientist John Trowbridge and Associate Scientists James Edson and Heidi Sosik. 18 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edi The Grass is Greener in the Coastal Ocean Coastal waters teem with life, but sometimes scientists can't explain why By Kenneth H. Brink, Senior Scientist Physical Oceanography Department Former Director, Coastal Ocean Institute Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Stretching from inland rivers and bays to the edge of the continen- tal shelf, the coastal ocean accounts for about 10 percent of the oceans sur- face area. Yet this relatively small sliver of ocean contains about halt of all the micro- scopic plants adrift in our seas. With satellites we can see what fisher- men find with their nets: coastal waters are the most biologically productive por- tions of the world's oceans. Acre for acre, the coastal ocean is as productive as a prosperous Midwestern farm. This is not necessarily a surprise. Mi- croscopic plants, or phytoplankton, form the base of most of the food webs in the ocean. Microscopic animals (zooplankton) eat the phytoplankton, and are in turn eaten by other, larger animals. Increased biological activity by plants enhances ani- mal activity. Most of the world's great fisheries lie within coastal waters. But why is this area so much more productive than the rest of the ocean? Growing microscopic plants is like growing a lawn: both nutrients and light have to be available in the right quan- tities to allow photosynthesis to take place. Since light typically penetrates just the top 50 to 100 meters ( 150 to 300 feet) of the ocean, the problem comes down to having a sustained supply of nutrients in the up- per layers ot the water. In the deep, open ocean, when nutri- ents become available near the surface, plants bloom, die, decay, and sink, often to a depth where there is no light. Instead of being recycled, the nutrients consumed by these plants accumulate in the depths, out of the reach of new plants. So while the open ocean can experience transient Hot spots along the coast Using satellite data, scientists can estimate how quickly microscopic plants are growing in the ocean. Red and yellow colors indicate regions of fastest growth, revealing the fertility of coastal waters. Tiny plants known as phytoplankton form the base of the food web, providing food for microscopic animals that in turn provide food for larger animals. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 1 9 NUTRIENTS FROM THE DEEP— Strong winds blowing along the coast can promote a phenomenon known as upwelling. The waters off California, Peru, and western Africa — where upwelling provides abundant nutrients — include some of the world's most productive fisheries. blooms, there is usually not a sustained supply of nutrients in the upper ocean to promote plant activity. Mighty winds and lazy rivers The coastal ocean teems with lite because there are mechanisms tor tap- ping this store of deep nutrients and for drawing plant food from other marine environments. There is no one mecha- nism at work on every coast, but different processes at work in different places. Some are well understood, while others remain a mystery. One well-understood example is wind- driven coastal upwelling, a process that taps into the store of nutrients stockpiled in the deep. Along some coastlines, strong winds blow parallel to the coast during certain seasons. These persistent breezes push water downwind, while the force of Earth's rotation (called the Coriolis force) deflects water to the right of the winds (left in the southern hemisphere). As a result, the waters in the turbulent upper 10 to 30 meters of the ocean are blown off- shore, drawing colder, nutrient-laden wa- ters from the depths to replace them. The surface waters in regions of coastal upwelling are cold and nutrient-rich, promoting robust growth of plants and the animals that feed on them. But this mechanism can only be effective in places where the winds blow in the right direction. These special places— coastal California, the Iberian-Canary system off Spain and Portugal, coastal Peru and Chile, and the Benguela system off southwestern Africa — are home to some of the world's most important fisheries. As much as 40 to 50 percent ot the world's commercial tish catch comes from upwelling areas that comprise just 1 percent of the global ocean. Another well-known mechanism for coastal productivity is river outflow. Natural and manmade nutrients — principally nitrates and phosphates— run off the land and fertilize marine plants. River outflow is best known for building productive regions in the North Sea and in the Gulf of Mexico. (See "Where the Rivers Meet the Sea," page 22.) This fertilizer can be a mixed blessing. When too many nutrients are released into seas, bays, and estuaries, they can create an overabundance of decaying plants and animals, depleting oxygen from the water. These nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor waters become dead zones, driving animals to mi- grate or die. This may be the greatest threat to the health of our marine environment. (See "Red Tides and Dead Zones," page 43.) Unsolved mysteries While the fuel for some productive coastal zones is well understood, it is sur- THE BIG MUDDY — A satellite image shows the flood of sediment pouring out of the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico (more than 500 million tons per year). The torrent of nutrients feeds blooms of marine plants, creating one of the ocean's most biologically productive regions. But an overabundance can cause microscopic plants to grow, die, and decay so fast that they create "dead zones" (blackened waters) that can linger for months. 20 Oeeanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • ocean usmag.v prising how little we understand about other historically important regions. Georges Bank off the New England coast is one of the world's most produc- tive fisheries and known to sustain high production of microscopic marine plants. Wind-driven upwelling cannot be a factor here and the region is too tar from land tor runoff to be important. The Georges Bank system is dominated by extremely strong tides and sharp fronts, where water masses with stark differences in temperature or salt content intersect. There are several similar systems around the world — including the Yellow Sea and the Grand Banks — but no one has directly observed a means tor providing nutrients in these areas. In the past tew years, re- searchers have proposed some sound hy- potheses and theoretical models involving the interplay of tidal pumping and ocean mixing. But none of those theories has been tested in nature. While there is no solution to the Georges Bank enigma, at least there are some promising hypotheses. In the Gulf of Alaska, we don't have a clue. None of the well-understood mechanisms work in this incredibly productive region. The winds blow in the wrong direction and the coast- al runoff is pure, low-nutrient water. There is no strong hypothesis to account tor the productivity ot the area, though that does not stop the fishing boats from proving the waters are rich. Fishing for answers How could we still have such gaps in our fundamental knowledge as we be- gin the 21st century? Perhaps the biggest reason is the cost and difficulty of mak- ing observations in the ocean. We just don't have good factual descriptions and observations of some regions, although coverage is rapidly improving around the United States. It is only through direct observations that we can detect nutrient pathways or at least gather enough clues to allow the formulation of strong hypotheses based on computer models. Our biggest chal- A FINE KETTLE OF FISH — Most of the world's great fisheries lie in coastal waters. Scientists can explain why many areas are teeming with life, but other productive regions defy explanation. lenge is to develop and improve our ability to make these observations — of nutrients, currents, and the abundance of phyto- plankton — in the right places, at the right times, and at rates and scales that can be compared. This means collecting data over months and years, rather than through isolated, intermittent expeditions. We are at a wonderful juncture where critical new ocean technologies are in sight, and we have the right sort of ques- tions and problems to solve with them. Some tools are emerging— particularly autonomous underwater vehicles, remote sensors, and coastal observatories — that promise to make our observations more specific and more quantitative. At the same time, our numerical models are be- coming increasingly realistic and useful. This interplay of models and observations is proving extremely productive, as in the case of Georges Bank, where we now have a specific hypothesis to test. The reasons for understanding pro- ductivity in the coastal ocean extend well beyond the curiosities of pure science and the livelihood of fishermen. The bio- logical activity along our coasts has im- portant implications for human activity on the land. For instance, toxic blooms caused by polluted and excessively fertilized waters can hamper recreation and sicken humans and marine life. Also, as marine creatures generate wastes, decompose, and sink, they provide a means tor removing carbon from the upper layers of the ocean and, in turn, removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The coastal environment is the most familiar and most connected with hu- man life. It is also most affected by human activity. Understanding the reasons for the marvelous abundance of life in these regions will give us a means to ensure our own life along the water's edge. Ken Brink was educated at Cornell and Yale Universities, and has conducted research at WHOI since 1971. From 1996-2001, he served as chair of the Ocean Studies Board of the National Research Council. Brink also has served as president of The Oceanography Soci- ety and as a member of the Science Advisory Panel of the U.S. Commis- sion on Ocean Policy. From 2001 to 2004, he was director of the WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute. He is now the science director of the national Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Network. In his spare time, Ken enjoys travel and historic railroads. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 21 Where the Rivers Meet the Sea The transition from salt to fresh water is turbulent, vulnerable, and incredibly bountiful By Rock)- Geyer, Senior Scientist and Chair Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution The sea lions stop bellowing and slip, one by one, off the jetty into the mo- cha-brown water of the Fraser River near Vancouver, British Columbia. The surface of the water is smooth, except for a line of ripples moving slowly upriver. The sea lions seem to know that the calm surface belies turmoil beneath. The tide has just turned, and a tongue of salt water is first creeping, then gallop- ing, back into the Fraser just a few hours after being expelled by a strong outflow during the previous ebb. Although the surface appears calm, the underwater intersection of fresh and salt water roils with turbulent eddies as strong as any in the ocean. The confusion of swirling wa- ter and suspended sediments disorients homeward-bound salmon, providing an easy feast for the sea lions. Not all rivers end as dramatically as the Fraser. But the mixing of freshwater streams and rivers with salty ocean tides in a partly enclosed body of water — scien- tists call it an estuary — fuels some of the most productive ecosystems on Earth, and also some of the most vulnerable. Long before the advent of civilization, early humans recognized the bounty ot the estuary and made these regions a focal point for human habitation. Unfortunate- ly, overdevelopment, poor land use, and centuries of industrial contamination have taken a toll on most estuaries. Boston Har- bor, San Francisco Bay, and the Hudson River are poster children for environmen- tal degradation. Yet there is hope. Estuaries are the borderlands between salt- and freshwater MIXING IT UP IN GOTHAM — WHOI Senior Research Assistant Jay Sisson (left) and Engineer Craig Marquette maneuver a box corer after plucking a 30-centimeter-deep sample of sediment from the bottom of the Hudson River in June 2001. Within sight of Manhattan, the researchers measured the rate at which sediment accumulates along this intersection between salty ocean water and fresh river water. 22 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 •2004-oceanusmag.whoi.edu environments, and they are incredibly diverse both biologically and physically. The diversity and the high energy of the txosvstem make estuaries remarkably resilient. \Vith a better understanding ot these systems, \ve can reverse their decline and restore the ecological richness of these valuable, albeit muddy, environments. How does an estuary work? From a physicist's point of view, the density difference between fresh and salt water makes estuaries interesting. When river water meets sea water, the lighter fresh water rises up and over the denser salt water. Sea water noses into the estuary beneath the outflowing river water, push- ing its way upstream along the bottom. Often, as in the Fraser River, this oc- curs at an abrupt salt front. Across such a front, the salt content (salinity) and den- sity may change from oceanic to fresh in just a few tens of meters horizontally and as little as a meter vertically. Accompanying these strong salinity and density gradients are large vertical changes in current direction and strength. You can't see these swirling waters from the surface, but a fisherman may find that his net takes on a life of its own when he lowers it into seemingly placid water. Pliny the Elder, the noted Roman naturalist, senator, and commander ot the Imperial Fleet in the 1st century A.D., FLOOD OF ACTIVITY — A satellite image shows plumes of sediment suspended in the waters of the Fraser River as they pour into the Strait of Georgia in June 2003. The mixing of Rocky Mountain and Pacific waters creates one of the world's most productive estuaries. observed this peculiar behavior of fisher- mens' nets in the Strait of Bosphorus, near Istanbul. Pliny deduced that surface and bottom currents were flowing in opposite directions, and he provided the first writ- ten documentation of what we now call the "estuarine circulation." Saltwater intrusion The opposing fresh and saltwater streams sometimes flow smoothly, one above the other. But when the velocity difference reaches a certain threshold, vigorous turbulence results, and the salt and fresh water are mixed. Tidal currents, which act independently of estuarine cir- culation, also add to the turbulence, mix- ing the salt and fresh waters to produce brackish water in the estuary. In the Fraser River, this circulation is confined to a very short and energetic frontal zone near the mouth, sometimes only several hundred meters long. In other estuaries, such as San Francisco Bay, the Chesapeake Bay, or the Hudson River, the salt front and accompanying estuarine Strait of Georgia SALTY -200 meters depth Ocean Floor Fraser River FRESH -12 meters fer Bottom H — 1 kilometer- A COASTAL MIXING BOWL — Nutrient- and sediment-laden fresh water from the Fraser River in British Columbia rides up and over salty ocean waters, which are beginning to march upriver during flood tide. The interaction of the two water masses of different salinities and densities in the estuary creates underwater turbulence and mixing that naturally flushes and energizes the coastal system. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 23 circulation extend inland for many miles. The landward intrusion of salt is care- fully monitored by engineers because of the potential consequences to water sup- plies if the salt intrusion extends too far. For instance, the city of Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 60 miles north of the mouth of the Hudson River, depends on the river for its drinking water. Roughly once per decade, drought conditions cause the salt intru- sion to approach the Poughkeepsie fresh- water intake. The last time this happened, in 1995, extra water had to be spilled from dams upstream to keep the salt front from becoming a public health hazard. The lifeblood of estuaries Estuarine circulation serves a valuable, ecological function. The continual bot- tom flow provides an ettective ventilation system, drawing in new oceanic water and expelling brackish water. If it weren't for this natural "flushing" process, the waters of the estuary would become stagnant, pollution would accumulate, and oxygen would be depleted. This circulation system leads to incred- ible ecological productivity. Nutrients and dissolved oxygen are continually resup- plied from the ocean, and wastes are ex- pelled in the surface waters. This pumping action leads to some of the highest growth rates of microscopic plants (researchers call it "primary production") in any ma- rine environment. This teeming popula- tion of plankton provides a base for di- verse and valuable food webs, fueling the growth of some of our most prized fish, birds, and mammals— salmon, striped bass, great blue heron, bald eagles, seals, and otters, to name a few. The vigor ot the circulation depends in part on the supply of river water to push the salt water back. The San Francisco Bay area has become a center of controversy in recent years because there are many inter- ests competing for the fresh water flowing into the Bay — principally agriculture and urban water supplies extending to Southern Calitornia. Environmentalists are deter- mined that San Francisco Bay should get "its share" of the fresh water coming from the Sacramento-San Joachim delta because the vast freshwater habitats in the region are particularly vulnerable to salt intrusion. Estuarine circulation is also affected by the tides; stronger tides generally enhance the exchange and improve the ecological function of the system. The Hudson estu- ary, for example, is tidal for 153 miles in- land to Troy, N.Y. The Algonquin Indians called the river Mohicanituk, "the river that flows both ways." Mucking up the system Estuaries have their problems. Some are self-inflicted; some are caused by the abuses ot human habitation. SEEING THROUGH MUD — Photograph (left) and x-ray image (right) of sediments from a region of rapid deposition in the Hudson River estuary. The sharp change in color (left) indicates a change from fresh, oxidized sediment to older, anoxic mud. X rays reveal laminations of silt (light colors) and mud (dark) formed by repeated deposition and erosion over tidal cycles. An estuary, with all of its dynamic stir- rings, has one attribute that promotes its own destruction: It traps sediment. When suspended mud and solids from a river enter the estuary, they encounter the salt front. Unlike fresh water, which rides up and over the saline layer, the sediment falls out of the surface layer into the denser, saltier layer of water moving into the estu- ary. As it drops, it gets trapped and accu- mulates on the bottom. Slowly, the estuary grows muddier and shallower. Occasionally a major flood will push the salt out of the estuary, carrying the muddy sediment along with it. Sediment cores in the Hudson River indicate that sediment may accumulate tor 10, 20, or even 50 years, laying down layers every year like tree rings. But then a hurricane or big snowmelt floods the river, wipes out the layers of sediment, and sends the mud out to sea. The "episodic" behavior ot sediment deposition is good news and bad news. It is good because a big storm can keep an estuary from getting too shallow too fast. In fact, it appears that over the last 6,000 years, the natural dredging by large storms has maintained nearly constant water depth in the Hudson estuary. The bad news is that the sediment re- tains a "memory" of all ot the contami- nants that have passed through it over the years. Environmental regulations are far stricter now than they were 50 years ago, and we have stopped using many chemi- cals that play havoc with the environment. For instance, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were banned in the 1970s because they were shown to be toxic to fish and wildlife, and to the humans who consume them. Yet we still have a contamination problem in the Hudson and other rivers because PCBs are slow to decay and each new flood remobilizes these "legacy" con- taminants and prolongs our exposure. Trickle-down effects Billions of dollars are now being spent to clean up American estuaries contami- nated by industrial pollution. In Boston, 24 Oceanus Magazine- Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu 1 w GETTING DIRTY AT WORK—WHOI Assistant Scientist Peter Traykovski (left), Senior Research Assistant Jay Sisson, and a professional diver examine an instrument tripod covered with hydroids and mud after six months on the bottom of the Hudson River. Researchers chronicled currents, the flow of sediments, and changes in river bed elevation due to erosion and deposition. for instance, the new sewage system creat- ed to clean up Boston Harbor cost taxpay- ers about $5 billion. The Superfund pro- gram of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency collects and spends billions of dol- lars more to remediate estuaries. Often the remediation strategies are complex and controversial. In the case of Hudson River, there is a heated debate about whether PCB-contaminated sedi- ments should be removed — dredged with high-tech methods that theoretically mini- mize environmental harm — or left undis- turbed. That debate pivots on the episodic storm phenomenon: Are the contaminated sediments there to stay, or could they get stirred up when the next hurricane washes through the Hudson Valley? Aside from cleanup initiatives, parts of the Hudson need to be dredged for navi- gational purposes. Dredging is not that costly or difficult, but finding a place to put contaminated sediments is a problem. The Port of New York has been filling up abandoned Pennsylvania coal mines with its contaminated mud, but that is not a long-term solution. While the problems of American estu- aries are complicated and expensive, they pale in comparison to Asian estuaries. The entire nation of Bangladesh lies within the estuary and lower floodplain of the Ganges- Brahmaputra River. Other Asian rivers such as the Mekong, Chiang Jiang (or Yangtze), and Huang Ho (or Yellow River) are crowd- ed and strained by concentrated human settlements. Global sea-level rise is causing a loss of land, increased flooding, and in- creased salt intrusion in these estuaries. The demand tor water upstream for irrigation and domestic use significantly reduces freshwater flow through these systems. The Indus River and Huang Ho estuaries have suffered trom drastic re- ductions of freshwater flow over the past several decades, and the impact of these human alterations is just now being recog- nized. New policies about land use, water diversion, and even global carbon dioxide production (which affects global warming and sea level rise) will be needed to pro- tect these vulnerable estuarine environ- ments and their human inhabitants. Stirring up new ideas One of the challenges of estuarine research is that most ot the significant problems are interdisciplinary, involving physics, biology, chemistry, geology, and often public policy and economics. Estu- aries are also incredibly diverse, coming in all shapes and sizes. Yet scientists are con- tinually challenged by public policymakers to generalize our results from studies of one estuary and apply them to the rest of the worlds estuaries. As scientists, one of our roles is to pre- dict changes in the environment, given different natural and human-induced in- fluences. To foresee the health of estuaries in the future, we have some fundamental questions to answer about the present and the past. How far will salt intrude if river flow is cut in half? Do changes in river flow increase or decrease the rate at which sediments shoal the estuary? What ef- fect do such changes have on the fish that spawn in fresh water? What we learn will be critical tor a hu- man population that increasingly values coastal waters. We need sound public policy to reduce vulnerability to coastal flooding and to protect drinking water, food supplies, and some ot the world's most important habitats. We will develop better policies only if we can ground them in better science. T) ocky Geyer is the former director of WHOI's Rinehart Coastal XYRe Research Center. He earned a bachelor's degree in geology from Dartmouth College and master's and doctoral degrees in physical ocean- ography from the University ot Washington. Geyer was a sailor before he was a scientist, and he was long baffled by the complex swirls of currents I that often wrecked havoc with his attempts at precision navigation. He had | the good fortune to turn this fascination into a vocation, and has subse- ts quently worked in many estuarine and coastal environments, including I 5 the Amazon outflow, the Po River outflow in Italy, the fjords and estuaries of the Pacific Northwest, the tidal channels of New England and Singapore, the Hudson River, the Eel River piume in northern California, and the western Gulf of Maine. Geyer's research includes a blend of observational process-studies and numerical modeling, directed both at basic research questions and applied problems of societal concern, such as harmful algal blooms and contaminant transport. Geyer has served on the National Research Council's Panel on Environmental Processes: Source, Fate and Transport, and is a member of the Ocean Studies Board. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institutic Rites of Passage for Juvenile Marine Life Learning from the life-or-death journeys of barnacle, lobster, and clam larvae By Jesus Pineda, Associate Scientist Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution The childhood of a barnacle is fraught with challenges. It hatches in shal- low waters close to shore as a tiny larva, no bigger than a speck ot dust. Currents sweep it to deeper, choppy waters, some- times miles offshore. In these proving grounds each larva floats, at the mercy of hungry fish and swift ocean currents. Billions of larvae — including fish, lob- sters, clams, starfish, and sea cucumbers — begin life this way. Only a few survive and return to shore, where they settle on rocks or sandy seafloor to become adults. Why larvae make their offshore jour- ney remains unclear, but we are beginning to uncover the intricacies of their return trip — learning how waves, currents, ed- dies, tides, and other phenomena bring larvae back toward the shore. With more insight into the ocean's role in this essen- tial phase in the life cycle of these species, natural resource managers can devise bet- ter strategies to sustain healthy, vibrant habitats for marine life. For example, ocean circulation may ex- plain why populations of lobsters or clams are sparse in some rocky coastal habitats that appear ideal. Prevailing ocean currents may never deliver larvae to their prom- ised land. Similarly, it would be futile for coastal managers to create marine reserves or shellfish beds in areas where larvae are doomed by currents to be carried so far offshore that they cannot return. Telltale clues in murky waters My interest in larval research was sparked in 1988 during a scuba diving class in La Jolla, Calif, where I had just be- A CLOSE LOOK AT BARNACLES — Tracy Pugh, a former research assistant in the WHOI Biology Department, records the growth of barnacles in Buzzards Bay on Cape Cod, Mass. Understanding how juvenile barnacles and other marine invertebrates are transported by waves, currents, eddies, tides, and other phenomena helps researchers devise strategies to sustain vibrant habitats. 26 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu LIFE WITH LARVAE — LEFT: Hair-like appendages on this two-week-old barnacle larva churn the water to aid in feeding. CENTER: After four to seven weeks, juvenile larvae settle along the shore and develop a hard white shell. RIGHT: Adult barnacles, about one year old, form plates to hold their body together and for protection. gun my doctoral studies at Scripps Institu- tion of Oceanography. During a dive close to shore, I spotted a layer of brown water about 10 meters (33 feet) down. When I swam into it, the water felt very cold. The next day I returned and swept a net through this brown water. When I analyzed my catch in the lab, I found the color came from patches of maturing larvae ready to settle near the shore. These observations hinted at a mechanism tor transporting larvae toward the beach. Near the coast, warm fresh water often collides with colder, saltier water. These different bodies of water have different densities, so they tend to remain relatively distinct. In many ways, the boundary be- tween these water masses behaves like the boundary between two other "fluids"— the sea surface and the atmosphere. Just as waves form and propagate on the ocean surface, waves also form within the ocean, along the boundaries between warm, light water and cold, dense water. My observations in scuba diving class suggested that larvae were being trans- ported toward shore in cold-water waves moving below the sea surface. But these waves, called internal bores, told only halt of the story. Coastal fronts I spotted evidence for the other half of the puzzle on my way home from a seaside party. Looking at the Pacific Ocean, I saw lines of foam, seaweed, and plastic debris forming parallel to the shore and stretch- ing several hundred feet across the sea sur- face. Most beachgoers have probably seen these features, which form at the intersec- tion where warm and cold water masses meet. Scientists call them coastal fronts. The full picture ot the larval transport process tell into place. As ebbing tides move water over seafloor obstacles, they create internal bores, which transport large volumes of cold water from deep offshore areas toward the shore. The in- coming wave of cold water pushes warmer nearshore waters out to sea. A few hours later, the heavier cold water sinks and re- cedes offshore. Warmer, lighter water near the surface surges inshore and over the receding cold water, led by a vanguard ot coastal fronts. Along with kelp and debris, the coastal fronts carry larvae ashore. A rare wave within the ocean In the years since those observations, I have studied various phenomena in- volved in larval transport along the coasts of southern California, northwestern Mexico, and Massachusetts. With funding from the National Science Foundation and the Office of Naval Research, I have inves- tigated why some types of larvae accumu- late in fronts, while others do not. I also have examined whether periodic ocean circulation changes such as El Nino have an impact on larval transport. Many puzzles remain. For example, we know little about how currents in the nearshore environment connect with larger oceanic currents. If larvae are swept far from the shore of their birth, do they grow up somewhere else or are they lost altogether? And while our work on internal bores has focused on larvae, other researchers have been interested in whether this pro- cess transports offshore deposits of sewage and nutrients back onto the beach. Recent research has shown that inter- nal waves come in various flavors with varying impacts on larvae. (Internal bores are but one flavor.) I am currently collabo- rating with Alberto Scotti, who studies fluid dynamics at the University of North Carolina, to investigate a rare type of in- ternal wave in the ocean called a "wave of elevation." As the name suggests, these waves have taller crests than others around them. Within each wave of elevation a strong circular flow of water moves hori- zontally, spinning any trapped particles like clothes in a washing machine. These waves are rarely observed in na- ture, but we identified some in Massachu- setts Bay. We suspect they may influence how larvae move to their adult settle- ments. As the wave moves toward land, larvae may become caught up in this rota- tion and concentrate together. To test this, we are planning to con- duct an experiment where we will deploy plastic-covered electronic drifters (about the size of soda cans) in areas with waves of elevation. We will record information about buoyancy and particle accumula- tion in the hope of finding out what larvae must do to catch a ride on these waves. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Surfing to turf I have also conducted experiments in the controlled environment of the labora- tory to mimic what I saw in the sea. With funding from the WHOI Rinehart Coastal Research Center, I collaborated with WHOI physical oceanographer Karl Hel- frich, who studies the mechanics and fluid dynamics of the coastal ocean. We used a rectangular tank bisected with a Plexiglas dam, filling one side with lighter fresh water, dyed blue, and the other side with heavier, saltier water. We added buoyant, peppercorn-sized nylon beads (representing larvae) to the fresh water. When we lifted the dam, a tongue ot blue-dyed fresh water surged across the surface of the salty water. We watched as the beads accumulated behind this fresh- water tongue. Applied to the coastal zone, this ex- periment suggests that some species of larvae may accumulate behind — not in front of— coastal fronts and internal bores. These larvae surf the waves toward shore. However, we also found that the larvae of other species may be pushed ahead of an incoming front, like the dirt piled up in front ot a bulldozer. MIT/WHOIJoint Program student Fabian Tapia (left) and WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar Claudia DiBacco use fine nets to sample patches ofcyprid barnacle larvae floating in Narragansett Bay, R.I. Larvae ride internal bores — wave fronts beneath the surface of the ocean — toward the shore when they are mature enough to settle on rocks and coastal structures. Swimming against the current Whether larvae are pushed or pulled onshore turns out to make a difference. The collision of water masses of differ- ent densities creates powerful downward- flowing currents that threaten to sweep larvae into the depths. The larvae must resist this downward pull and continue moving forward. They do this by swimming. Several weeks into their growth cycle, larvae develop appendages to swim. Some or- ganisms, such as sea anemones, develop cilia — wiggly, hair-like protrusions that work like oars. Other species such as barnacles grow a single strong leg that functions like a flipper. With Karl Heltrich and Claudio DiBac- co, a larval ecologist at the University of British Columbia, I am now using a spe- cially designed experimental chamber to determine how larvae swim when down- ward currents flow against them. We are interested because those larvae that do not swim fast enough will be left behind by the traveling front and will not reach the shore. Karl and I also have found that in order to resist the downward drag, larvae swimming ahead of a front have to swim faster than those swimming behind. The challenges confronted by larvae do not end near land. We are also interested in what happens to them once they arrive close to shore. Frequently my colleagues and I leave our microscopes and laborato- ries and head to beaches, coastal lagoons, and rocky coastlines to study how larvae accumulate and mature. Some areas host thick carpets of juvenile organisms. Others have none at all. In 2003, 1 visited a new research facility along the Pacific coast of Panama known as the Liquid Jungle Lab. While exploring a nearby estuary, I examined a clump of mangrove roots. The rocky, remote, and relatively pristine sanctuary is a habitat rich with food, so I suspected it would be equally rich with marine species. Yet I found surprisingly tew organisms. Very tew people live near the lab, so it's unlikely that pollution prevented coloni- zation of the mangrove roots. I suspect that as rainforest leaves fall and rot, they leach naturally occurring chemicals into the coastal zone and kill any larvae. I plan to return and test this hypothesis because, despite their small size, larvae teach me a lot about life in our oceans. — WHOI Science Writer Amy E. Nevala contributed to this article. As a boy, Jesus Pineda traveled each summer from his home in Mexico City to his grandmother's ranch in central Mexico, where he fished for catfish from a local river. That interest spurred a biology and oceanography career, and he quickly found barnacles, sea anemo- nes, clams, and other creatures without backbones more intriguing than fish. After earning degrees in biological oceanography and ma- rine ecology at Escuela Superior de Ciencias Marinas and at Centre de Investigation Cientihca y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada in Mexico, he completed doctoral studies in oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. He joined WHOI as a postdoc- toral scholar before becoming an associate scientist in 1998. For his research, he has explored coast- lines in the United States, as well as Mexico, Chile, and Panama. 28 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 •2004-oceanusmag.whoi.edu Water Flowing Underground New techniques reveal the importance of groundwater seeping into the sea By Matthew Charette, Associate Scientist Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry Department and Ann Mulligan, Assistant Scientist Marine Policy Center Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution T Tp in the cliffs, Nickerson had noticed \^/ the. . . display of 'extraordinary spirit and activity' and soon became part of a general rush for the beach. The men had, in fact, found a spring bubbling up from a hole in a large flat rock... once everyone had been given a chance to drink, they began to marvel at their good fortune. Tlie spring was so far below the tide line that it was exposed for just a half-hour at dead low; at high tide it was as much as six feet under- water. They had time to fill only two small kegs before the rock once again disappeared below the surf. —In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragcdv of the \\'lhile Ship Essex by Nathaniel Philhrick The story of the 1820 sinking of the whaler Essex, which was rammed by a sperm whale, inspired Herman Melville's Moby Dick. It also provides an inspiration- al story of how geology came to the rescue of shipwrecked men. Cut adrift in longboats in the middle of the Pacific, the eight survivors of the disaster— including 14-year-old Thomas Nickerson — headed toward South America. When they finally reached land, the dehy- drated sailors had the good fortune to find fresh groundwater pouring out of the beach face at low tide. That water saved their lives. It turns out that Nickerson's fortunate observation is not that unusual. Nearly 97 percent of the worlds usable freshwa- ter lies underground, and the contents of that vast underground reservoir some- times seep into the ocean. In fact, wher- ever aquifers are hydraulically connected to the ocean, submarine groundwater can discharge into the sea and saltwater can FINDING WATER BENEATH THE WATER— WHOI Postdoctoral Scholar Kevin Kroeger and Guest Student Kayla Halloran install a well in Eastham, Mass., to sample groundwater seeping into a salt pond. Between 5 and 10 percent of the fresh water in the ocean comes from groundwater. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution . intrude landward into tresh aquifers. Because most humans have a predilec- tion for living along the coast, ground- water-seawater interactions have become increasingly important to understand. Pertinent questions include: How much groundwater is flowing from land to sea? What is that water carrying with it? How do human activities attect groundwater quality and the coastal ecosystem? Historically, coastal groundwater stud- Precipitation ies were focused on saltwater intrusion into inland freshwater aquifers, which can have dire consequences for drinking water supplies. Little attention was paid to submarine groundwater discharge to the coastal ocean because scientists thought it was insignificant compared to the dis- charge from rivers and other surface wa- ters. Statistically, they were right: Ground- water represents about 5 to 10 percent of the freshwater input to the ocean. Evaporation HYDROLOGIC CYCLE IN COASTAL ZONES— Precipitation either evaporates into the atmosphere, gets taken up by plants, flows into streams, or infiltrates the ground and recharges aquifers. Groundwater flows from inland locations to lakes, streams, or coastal waters. On the seaward side, denser salt water enters sediments and establishes equilibrium with fresh groundwater. Tides and mixing along the freshwater-saltwater interface results in seawater circulation through the sediments. In recent years, however, submarine groundwater discharge has received more attention because new research shows that it is more than just a simple exchange of water between land and sea. The flow of groundwater into the ocean is critical be- cause those fluids often carry a substantial amount of dissolved nutrients and pollut- ants. The appearance of cloudy, algae-filled water in some harbors and bays may be the result of this out-of-sight nutrient input. Water dissolving, water removing Groundwater discharge appears to be an important factor for determining the chemistry of the coastal ocean. As fresh groundwater flows toward the sea, it rises up over denser, salty water. The fresh and salty water mix along the interface, and the resulting fluid discharges at the shore- line. This interface between underground water masses has recently been described as a "subterranean estuary," a mixing zone between fresh and salty water analogous to the region where a river meets the ocean. (See "Where the Rivers Meet the Sea," page 22.) A variety of reactions and transforma- tions both inland and near the coast can influence the amount of dissolved chemi- cals passing through this underground estuary. Nitrogen, phosphorous, and other contaminants may be introduced into groundwater through a variety of mecha- nisms. Wastes and nutrients leach from 30 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 •2004-oceanusmag.whoi.edu septic systems. Rainfall carries atmo- spheric pollutants and ground spills down through the soil. Eventually, these chemi- cals flow underground toward the ocean just as they do in surface tributaries. Once these dissolved chemicals reach coastal waters, they can influence the abundance of plants and other living spe- cies. It is not unusual, for instance, for groundwater to contain dissolved nitro- gen in concentrations 100 to 1,000 times greater than in seawater. Nitrogen from human sources, for instance, has led to the over-enrichment (eutrophication) ot many coastal bays and waterways. (See "Red Tides and Dead Zones," page 43.) Under the rocks and stones Groundwater often flows for long dis- tances and time scales. Unlike surface estuaries, in which water is restricted hori- zontally by topography— for instance, hills and banks restrict water to channels or streams— groundwater flows throughout Earths crust. Soil and subsurface geology play a vital role in influencing the direc- tion and rate at which groundwater flows. The patterns of submarine ground- water discharge are the result of complex interactions between hydrologic, chemical, geologic, and human influences. A variety of disparate techniques have been devel- oped for accurately assessing and predict- ing these flows. Unraveling this knot of in- terwoven influences requires scientists to work across disciplines, bringing chemists together with geologists, hydrologists with mathematical modelers. For instance, models are useful for in- vestigating and integrating the complexi- ties of the groundwater discharge system, and for predicting the effect of human activities. Models offer idealized mathe- matical descriptions of how hydrology and underground geology can affect flow. But grounding these models in reality requires a reasonably accurate three-dimensional map of the underground geology. Such maps require field sampling and the drilling of boreholes into the ground, which can be invasive and expensive. Data from boreholes are high in resolution — sci- entists can "see" features in the subsurface that are as small as a centimeter— but each hole in the Earth represents a very small sample of sediment at only one location. Researchers also use geophysical tech- niques such as ground-penetrating radar, electromagnetic resistivity, and seismic Cool groundwater seeping into surface water COOL VIEW OF GROUNDWATER— Infrared images shot by airplane in September 2002 reveal the extent of groundwater seeping into Waquoit Bay, Mass. Bright yellows indicate locations where cool groundwater is emerging from the sandy bottom into the salty, warm waters of the bay. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ; GO WITH THE FLOW — WHOI Assistant Scientist Ann Mulligan (foreground), Research Assistant Meagan Gonneea (blue shirt), and visiting student Claudette Spiteri collect data about groundwater discharge into Waquoit Bay, Mass. By measuring water pressure, temperature, and conductivity, they can monitor how fast groundwater is flowing and how the interface between fresh water and salt water changes over time. studies, which use the magnetic and sound-propagating properties of rocks and sediments to survey broad areas beneath the surface. Such technological approaches are now less expensive, less invasive ot the environment, and more likely to map large areas quickly. But these tools only provide knowl- edge ot specific physical properties of the underground geology; they do not tell us what types of sediments are below the sur- face. For that, we must have direct samples (as obtained by drilling) that we can then correlate to the geophysical data. The best way to map the subterranean environment and its effect on groundwater flow is to combine techniques. By drill- ing boreholes and conducting geophysical surveys, we can amass enough data to draw realistic maps of the subsurface, which, in turn, make our models more realistic. Water at the bottom of the ocean As we develop maps of the under- ground landscape, we can also gain insight about the groundwater system if we can see precisely where the groundwater is entering the sea, how much is flowing out, and how fast the groundwater is mov- ing. Airborne thermal imaging — which exploits the temperature contrast between groundwater and surface water— is prov- ing to be an especially useful tool for lo- cating groundwater discharge. On Cape Cod, for example, ground- water maintains a temperature between 10° to 15°C throughout the year; ocean surface water varies from 25°C in summer to 0°C in winter. Through the use of infra- red cameras on planes and blimps, we can detect this thermal contrast and see where groundwater is discharging (see image on page 31 ). With this information, we can correlate the groundwater discharge pat- tern with what we know about hydrologic and geologic features. The combination of observations offers clues about what might be controlling the discharge and provides targets for future sampling locations dur- ing fieldwork. Thermal imagery tells the location of submarine groundwater discharge, but not the rate of the flow. To quantity that, re- searchers have turned to chemical tracers. The concept is relatively simple: In zones of groundwater discharge, we detect and track a chemical in the groundwater that has a different signature or higher concen- tration than can be found in surface waters. By knowing the concentration of natural tracers in the groundwater, we can estimate how much fluid is required to account for the excess levels observed in the ocean. The naturally occurring isotopes ot ra- dium and radon in Earth's crust have prov- en to be useful indicators of groundwater discharge. Radium and radon are leached from the rocks and sediments that sur- round and host groundwater aquifers, and they often become concentrated because they are not cycled or decayed as much as they would be in exposed seawater. Remove the water, carry the water There is an old, well-established me- chanical approach to measuring ground- water that has recently been given new life: the seepage meter. First conceived in the 1970s, a seepage meter is essentially the top half of a 55-gallon drum placed over the interface where groundwater seeps out 32 Oceanus Magazine • Vol. 43, No. 1 • 2004 • oceanusmag.whoi.edu of sediments into the ocean. The seeping groundwater fills a plastic bag connected to the top of the drum, and the amount of fluid captured per unit of time provides an estimate of the flow. The problem with old-fashioned seep- age meters is that they are time- and labor- intensive: If you want to measure flow for 24 hours, you need to sit with your equipment for 24 hours. Longer observa- tions can become tedious, not to mention wasteful when precious research time is spent baby-sitting equipment. In recent years, we have developed automated seepage meters that allow re- searchers to track the flow ot groundwa- ter continuously for up to a week, even in remote areas. It is now possible to obtain high-resolution, long-term records of submarine groundwater discharge from an unattended, automated meter while we are back in the laboratory working on other parts of the groundwater puzzle. We recently worked with the U.S. Geologi- cal Survey to make such measurements as part of their long-term ecosystem rehabili- tation program in the Florida Everglades. Into the blue again Coastal groundwater-seawater inter- actions have been studied in many parts of the world, including the southeastern coast of the United States, the Mediter- ranean Sea, Australia, and Cape Cod. In nearly all of those locations, new lines of evidence suggest that submarine ground- water discharge is an important source of dissolved elements to the ocean. However, few comprehensive geochemical studies of such environments have been undertaken. AUTOMATED MEASUREMENTS— Research Assistant Matt Allen sits on an airboat and sets up a WHOI-designed automated seepage meter for a three-week deployment in Florida's Everglades. That is why we are working together as a groundwater hydrologist and a ma- rine chemist. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, we will be able to see a big picture that can get lost in the details of a limited scientific focus. In the com- ing years, we are planning work with other WHOI geologists, geophysicists, and chemists to broaden our view of the problem by conducting a comprehensive study of an entire groundwater discharge system from offshore to inland. To advance our understanding of the importance of groundwater to our coastal environment, we must take an interdis- ciplinary approach. Proper management of coastal water resources— which are be- coming overrun by natural and man-made forms of pollution — requires that we learn more about the quantity and quality of these inputs. The National Science Foundation, the WHOI Coastal Ocean Institute, the Cove Point Foundation, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provide funding for this research. Matt Charette was born in Boston, raised in Lynn, Mass., and spent his summers on the beaches of Truro on Cape Cod (a place he now visits for his groundwater research). Charette earned a bachelor's degree in chemi- cal oceanography from the Florida Institute ot Technology and a doctorate in chemical oceanography from the University of Rhode Island. He came to WHOI as a Postdoctoral Fellow in 1998 and was named an Assistant Sci- ', entist in 2000. His research focuses on geochemical processes in coastal groundwater and their implications for ^ chemical fluxes to the coastal ocean. Ann Mulligan earned her bachelor's degree in geological sciences at Brown University, a master's in civil and environmental engineering from Tufts University, and a doctorate in environmental engineering from the ~ University of Connecticut. Her research focuses on water resource management and modeling of groundwater flow 1 and transport. In graduate school, Mulligan concluded that coastal water resources would become an increasingly ? important issue as development along the coast continues to occur at a rapid pace. She decided to come to WHOI 5 to focus on coastal water resource problems. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 33 \ The Growing Problem of Harmful Algae Tiny plants pose a potent threat to those who live in and eat from the sea By Donald M. Anderson Director, Coastal Ocean Institute Senior Scientist, Biology Department Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution /: