LIBRARY OF THE 1^ 1863* DATE DUE 1 UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS LIBRARY CARD SF 114 t64 1908- •10 Official Catalog ^-iir International Amphitheatre Union Stock Yards Chicago INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION NOVEMBER. THE TWENTY- EIGHTH ^?? TO DECEMBER. THE TENTH y» NINETEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHT We Welcome Stockmen To Use The Big Store as their headquarters while in the city \ ' '' ■ 1 An hour's visit will show you countless opportunities to pur- chase winter clothes at prices that will save you between 25% and 50^. We quote a few of the many bargains offered specially to visitors attending the exposition. Men's Fur Coats, Special to Stockmen $16.50 Men*s Fur Coats of well selected dog skins, all sizes 40 to 52 chest measurements. Splendidly tailored. An elegant coat for drivers and for cold weather wear. Special to stockmen SI Q 30 Men''s Plush Lined Coats, all sizes 38 to 52 inches. Made extra well throughout. Lined with superior quality plush. Splendid muskrat collar. Cut extra long and full. Extraordinary value $20 Men's Extra Fine Fur Lined Coats, all sizes 38 to 52 inches. Lined with extra fine Cony or unblended muskrat. Shawl collars, double-breasted. Great value at *Pt)y.«?U Men's Fine Fancy Worsted Suits, 34 to 46 sizes, including stouts, regulars and slims. Models of all-wool olive, brown or slate colors. Specially priced to stockmen ....... $12.50 Men's Fine Trousers, all sizes 31 to 44 waist measures. Cut in the newest styles of good, dependable cassimeres, cheviots, fancy wors- teds or velours. Special at $3.50 and >pJf.D\J Fine Tablew^are ^ Every visitor at tne Live Stock Exposi- tion IS cordially invited to visit our store — examine our stocks ana see our displays of^ Fine Table China ana Glassware, as well as our wonderful collection of Lamps ana Decorative wares. ^Our unusual assortments embrace the products of tne greatest factories of tne w^orld m Fine Table China Ricn Cut Glass Beautiful Pottery xVares Exclusive Lamps Genuine Bronzes ^ Xnose wno w^isn to select Holiday Gifts wnile in tne city will find this tne ideal gift store — a place where artistic things of an unusual nature may aWays be found Burley fe? Company 118-120 Wabask Ave. Chicago Swift's Animal am Poultry Foods X/fADE from pure Blooci, Meat and Bone, from U. S. In- spected animals, are ricner in Protein and Pnospnates than any other reeds. The most economical concentrated reeds for use m Balancing Rations for Live Stock. Endorsed ly Experiment Stations, Breeders and Feeders. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION AND PRICES WRITE Swift & Company CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS ST. PAUL SO. OMAHA ST. JOSEPH FT. WORTH Official Catalogue INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION AMPHITHEATRE DEXTER PARK UNION STOCK YARDS CHICAGO November 28 to December 10, 1908 CHICAGO p. F. PETTIBONE & CO. t' b O b . 0 O b VISITORS INVITED TO OUR CHICAGO STORE IN THE PALMER HOUSE BLOCK u N¥£RSlfY MiteSACHU d ^ g Lebolt & Company IMPORTERS OF DIAMONDS AND MAKERS OF FINE JEWELRY RETAIL STORES EUROPEAN Offices PARIS 2S RUE D'HAUTEVILLE NEW YORK 54 WEST 23d ST. CHICAGO AMSTERDAM CORNER STATE AND MONROE STS. 2 TULP STRAAT FACTORY 160-162 STATE STREET ANTWERP 13 BOULEVARD LEOPOLD CABLE ADDRESS FOR ALL OFFICES "UEBOLT" (A. B. C. code) WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF RINGS. BRACELETS AND WATCHES International Live Stock Exposition OFFICERS J. A. SPOOR— President : President Union Stock Yard & Transit Co., Chicago, 111. President Chicago Junction Ry., Chicago, 111. A. H. SANDERS — ^Vice President: President Sanders Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. Editor Breeders' Gazette, Chicago, 111. A. J. LOVEJOY — ^Vice President: Swine Breeder, Roscoe, 111. W. A. HARRIS — Managing Director: Shorthorn Association, Lawrence, Kan. MORTIMER LEVERING — Secretary and Treasurer: Breeder, Lexington, Ky. B. H. HEIDE — General Superintendent: Gen. Live Stock Agt., Chicago Junction Ry., Chicago, 111. DIRECTORS J. A. SPOOR — President Union Stock Yard and Transit Co., Chicago, 111. ; President Chicago Junction Ry., Chicago, 111. ARTHUR G. LEONARD — ^Vice President and General Manager Union Stock Yard and Transit Co., Chicago, 111. J. OGDEN ARMOUR — President Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. W. A. HARRIS — Shorthorn Association, Lawrence, Kan. W. E. SKINNER— Denver Union Stock Yards, Denver, Colo. G. HOWARD DAVISON — Breeder, Millbrook, N. Y. RICHARD GIBSON — Breeder, Delaware, Ont. A. J. LOVEJOY — Breeder, Roscoe, 111. I. M. FORBES — Breeder, Henry, 111. P. W. HARDING — Breeder, Waukesha, Wis. O. E. BRADPUTE — Breeder, Cedarville, Ohio. J. W. MARTIN^Breeder, Richland City, Wis. ALVIN H. SANDERS — President Sandei's Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. ; Editor Breeders' Gazette, Chicago, 111. EDWARD MORRIS — President Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. EDW. P. SWIPT — Vice President Swift & Company, Chicago, 111. W. S. CARGILL — Breeder, La Crosse, Wis. C. P. CURTISS — Dean Agriculture, Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, la. JOHN S. COOPER — Horse Commission Merchant, Chicago, 111. R. B. OGILVIE, Secretary American Clydesdale Assn., Chicago, 111. THOMAS CLARK — Breeder, Beecher, 111. E. H. INGWERSEN — Commission Merchant, Chicago, 111. MORTIMER LEVERING — Breeder, Lexington, Ky. PRED PABST — Breeder, Oconomowoc, Wis. JOHN CLAY — Commission Merchant, Chicago, 111. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J. A. SPOOR. W. A. HARRIS. ALVIN H. SANDERS. PROP. C. P. CURTISS. A. J. LOVEJOY. FINANCE COMMITTEE MORTIMER LEVERING. J. S. COOPER. THOS. CLARK. VETERINARY BOARD DR. O. E. DYSON, DR. A. T. PETERS. DR. M. E. KNOWLES, Chicago, 111. Lincoln, Neb. Helena, Mont. OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN DR. T. C. TIDEBOHN, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. 36847 CHRISTMAS GIFTS "\^ORTH GIVING" The safest course is to select your entire list from, the great assortments of Jewelry, Diamonds, Silver, Sheffield or Peacock Plate, Cut Glass, China, Leather and high class Imported Novelties in the historic house of "PEACOCK : CHICAGO : ESTABLISHED 1837" Our entirely new SHOPPING GUIDE places city prices and every convenience of purchase Avithin reach of our thousands of patrons in every point in the kno'svn •world. It is not only a striking example of fine printing, but is "the mostcomplete, most au- thoritative and most frequently ref erred-to book of its kind yet published." It is enlarged to 224 pages -with more than 6,000 "portraits from life" of superior things for every imaginable gift occasion. They are reproduced photographs di* rect from the goods— not clever dra^vings. Items range from 25 cents to $1,200 — every article guarded by the famous "Peacock Guar- anty." It will go promptly and without charge to any point in the -svorld. Write for it today. A postal suflSces. Importers and jytastercraftsmen in Gold and Silver C. D. PEACOCK State St. at Adams, Chicago Merchants in Diamonds Stationers, et cetera Established in 1837 VICTORIA HOTEL MICHIGAN AVE. AND VAN BUREN STREET RATES $1.00 AND UP 200 Rooms— 100 with Private Bath FIRST CLASS RESTAORANT Prices Reasonable ROBERT F. HILDEBRAND 39 Exchange Avenue Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III. LIVE STOCK AND COMMERCIAL Photographing Official Photographer of the International Special equipment for making pictures during the show. Ser- vice and quality guaranteed. TO REACH SHOW GROUNDS — = FROM DEPOT ===^= 1. Take any Southbound surface or elevated car. If car does not run direct to Stock Yards, have conductor transfer you at proper point. 2. From any station of the South Side Elevated Railroad via Stock Yards Branch to Halsted Street Station at entrance to grounds. 3. Halsted Street cars on Clark Street, Center Avenue cars on State Street, also 39th and 4.3d Street cross-town cars, direct to Amphitheatre; All other South Side lines with one transfer. Post Office and Information Bureau Located in Northwestern Part of Main Pavilion. Call for your Mail and Catalogs at above location. List of Hotels and Boarding Houses Offering ample accomodations at reasonable rates can be ob- tained from clerks at Information Bureau on show grounds. DAILY SALES OF PURE-BRED BREEDING STOCK CATTLE AND PONIES Dec. I, I P. M. Dec. 2, i P. M. ABERDEEN-ANGUS SHETLAND PONIES Dec. 3, I P. M. Dec. 4, i P. M^ HEREFORDS SHORTHORNS SHEEP Dec. I, I P. M. Dec. 2, i P. M. RAMBOUILLETS SHROPSHIRES Dec. 3, I P. M. Dec. 5, i P. M. HAMPSHIRES COTSWOLDS TELEPHONE PRIVATE EXCHANGE 3 STATE, ADAMS AND DEARBORN STS. CHICAGO, U. S. A. XMAS SHOPPERS' HEADQUARTERS Lowest Prices — Dependable Mdse. FOR -WOMEN Cloaks and Suits Fine Furs Neck^vear and Veils Gloves Shoes and Slippers Jewelry, Millinery FOR MEN Suits and Overcoats Hats and Caps Gloves, Hosiery Shoes and Slippers Smoking Jackets Pajamas and Bath Robes Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains and everything to completely furnish a home JUDGES CATTLE SHORTHORN. (Breeding Classes.) H. C. Duncan Osborn, Mo. Harry Smith Exeter, Ont. John R. Tomson Dover, Kans. (Fat Classes.) Harry Schirding Petersburg, 111. H. C. Duncan Osborn, Mo. ANGUS. (Breeding Classes.) Prof. R. J. Kinzer Manhattan, Kans. (Fat Classes.) A. A. Armstrong Camargo, 111. HEREFORD. (Breeding and Fat Classes.) Robert H. Hazlett El Dorado, Kans. J. E. Boog-Scott Coleman, Tex. Thos. Mortimer Madison, Neb. GALLOWAY. (Breeding and Fat Classes.) J. Calvin Ewing Youngstown, O. POLLED DURHAM. (Breeding and Fat Classes.) T. E. Robson London, Ont. RED POLLED. (Breeding and Fat Classes.) Prof. F. R. Marshall Columbus, O. GRADE AND CROSS-BREDS AND CHAMPION STEERS. Thomas Sinclair Dalmeny, Eng. CARLOAD FAT CATTLE AND SHORT FED SPECIALS. E, I. Stephen U. S. Yards, Chicago. CARLOAD FEEDER CATTLE. Eugene D. Funk Bloomington, 111. STEERS ENTERED FOR SLAUGHTER ALIVE. Louis Pfaelzer U. S. Yards, Chicago. CARCASS CATTLE. Samuel T. White Chicago, 111. 9 C|lASil^E|IS&Bl|pS Women's Outfitters Exclusively log to 1 1^ State Street ^^^^^^^ Chicago^ III. Visitors in the city during the Stock Show will find this great out- fitting store for women of un- usual interest, as here there is shown all that is newest and best in women's fine apparel. Fur Coats All the rich and costly varie- ties as well as a very unusual display of the best grade of the inexpensive furs is to be found here. There are long ulsters and shorter novelty coats of Hudson and Alaska seal, caracul, mink, broadtail and ermine, as well as a big show- ing of the popular pony coats. These are made of pony skins from Russia, dressed and dyed in Paris, and are very glossy, dur- able and light in weight. The prices run from $40 to $200. 10 JUDGES 11 SHEEP (Breeding and Fat Classes.) SHROPSHIRE. Arthur Danks Allamuchy, N. J. J. C. Duncan (alternate) Lewiston, N. Y. HAMPSHIRE. P, W. Artz Osborn, O. COTSWOLD. W. F. Watt Xenla, O. SOUTHDOWN. ^ Prof. G. E. Day Guelph, Can. CHEVIOT. H. Noel Gibson Millbrook, N. Y. DORSET. J. H. Leet !. ..Mantua, O. OXFORD DOWN. Frank Kleinheinz • Madison, Wis. LEICESTER. James Douglas Caledonia, Ont. C. E. Wood (alternate) Freeman, Ont. LINCOLN. Prof. G. E. Day Guelph, Can. SUFFOLK. Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. RAMBOUILLET. John P. Ray East Bloomfield, N. Y. Nace Burnham Woodstock, O. A. G. Butterfield ..Weiser, Idaho. GRADE AND CROSS-BRED AND CHAMPIONS. David McKay Fort Wayne, Ind. CARLOADS SHEEP. C. J. Davis U. S. Yards, Chicago. CARCASS SHEEP. H. L. Hastings U. S. Yards, Chicago. Carson PiRiE Scott &Ca An Invitation We take pleasure in extending- the con- veniences of our store to visiting stock- men and their famihes while in the city during; the International Horse Show. The many advantages af- forded in the unusual assortments which we carry, the unquestioned reliability of our merch- andise and the very moderate prices, will in- duce many to supply their fall needs at our store at this time. Our Rest Room and In- formation Bureau on the third floor are at the dis- posal of all visitors. Par- cels checked free if de- sired. Our Restaurant service on the eighth floor is unexcelled. 12 JUDGES 13 SWINE BERKSHIRE. W. G. Riley Thorntown, Ind. POLAND CHINA. J. M. Kemp Kenney, 111. CHESTER WHITE. W. G. Riley Thorntown, Ind. DUROC-JERSEY. W. G. Riley Thorntown, Ind. TAMWORTH. E. N. Ball Ann Arbor, Mich. YORKSHIRE. Prof. James Atkinson Des Moines, la. HAMPSHIRE. . Harry Booth U. S. Yards, Chicago. GRADE AND CROSS-BREDS AND CHAMPIONS. Prof. W. L. Carlyle Fort Collins, Colo. CARLOADS SWINE. A. E. Whittaker U. S. Yards, Chicago. CARCASS SWINE. H. Boore U. S. Yards, Chicago. HORSES PERCHERON. (Committee.) Wm. Bell Wooster, O. J. F. Meyers Herbert, 111. Prof. W. J. Kennedy Ames, la. CLYDESDALE. Prof. W. B. Richards Fargo, N. D. Andrew McFarlane Polo, la. Geo. Hutton (Referee) Madison, Wis. Visiting Stockmen in attendance on the International Live Stock Exposi- tion should make it a point to visit The Hub, one of the show places of Chicago; visit The Hub's great 4th floor and view^ the largest stock of overcoats ever ex- hibited under one roof; visit The Hub's suit depart- ment on the floor below, where you will find I 5,000 suits displayed — more suits than are carried by any other three stores; whether you intend purchasing or not call at The Hub anyway; no sight-seeing tour of the city would be complete that did not include a visit to the * 'World's Largest Clothiers." STATE JACKSON QUINCY Suits 910 to 945; O' coats $10 to $50 JUDGES — SUPERINTENDENTS 15 HORSES— Continued SHIRE. Peter Hopley Lewis, la. Wm. Prichard Ottawa, 111. Edwin Hobson Clifton, 111. BELGIAN. J. G. Truman Bushnell, 111. A. B. Holbert Greeley, la. Wm. Bell Wooster, O. DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS. Prof. W. L. Carlyle Fort Collins, Colo. SUPERINTENDENTS CATTLE. Thomas Clark Beecher, 111. W. A. Harris Lawrence, Kans. HORSES. J. S. Cooper U. S. Yards, Chicago. R. B. Ogilvie U. S. Yards, Chicago. SHEEP. Richard Gibson Delaware, Ont. C. A. Kurtze (Asst. Supt.) Indianapolis, Ind. SWINE. A. J. Lovejoy Roscoe, 111. CARLOADS. E. H. Ingwersen U. S. Yards, Chicago. J. W. Martin , Richland City, Wis. John Clay Chicago, 111. CARCASSES. Prof. C. F. Curtiss Ames, la. 'sfr >> M. F. RITTENHOUSE, Pres. J. W. EMBREE, VICE-PRES. C. A. FLANAGIN. Secy. H. W. CHANDLER, Treas. RIHENHOUSE & EMBREE CO. LUMBER ^11 Kinds Manufacturers of "Gilt Edge" Maple and Oak Flooring Heavy Yellow Pine, Norway and Hemlock Timber, and White Pine Dimension Boards and Flooring, Shingles Lath and Posts Chicago yards 3500 CENTRE AVENUE 1 00 ELSTON AVENUE 63D AND LA SALLE STREETS GENERAL OFFICES 3500 CENTRE AVENUE, CHICAGO SOUTHERN Offices: hattiesburg, miss. Mills CHICAGO, AND WARREN, ARK. Carrying a complete line of the above items enables us to load mixed cars for immediate shipment from Chicago or direct from our Southern Mills 16 sif students' judging contest 17 STUDENTS' JUDGING CONTEST (Stock.) SUPERINTENDENT. Prof. J. H. Shepperd Agricultural College, N. D. JUDGES HORSES. W. A. Dobson • Marion, la. Alex. Galbraith DeKalb, 111. Prof. W. L. Carlyle Port Collins, Colo. Robert Graham (alternate) Claremont, Ont. CATTLE. Hon. John Dryden Toronto, Ont. F. W. Harding '. Waukesha, Wis. Prof. Andrew Boss St. Anthony's Park, Minn. SHEEP. Robert Miller , . Stouffville, Ont. R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. Prof. W. 0. Coffey Urbana, 111. SWINE. John Francis New Lenox, 111. L. H. Roberts Cedar Rapids, la. Prof. Wm. Dietrich Urbana, 111. JUDGES FOR COLLEGE CLASSES MOST INSTRUCTIVE CARCASS. Samuel T. White Chicago, 111. H. L. Hastings U. S. Yards, Chicago. H. Boore TJ. S. Yards, Chicago. FEED AND FORAGE. G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. Prof. R. A. Moore Madison, Wis. CLAY, ROBINSON CLASSES CATTLE. Thomas Sinclair Dalmeny, Eng. SHEEP. David McKay Fort Wayne, Ind. r ConartssHottl Cotnaanp 1 L OPERATING CONGRESS HOTEL y ANNEX AUDITORIUM HOTEL R. H. SOUTHGATE, PresiJent All tke visitors to the International Live Stock Exposition are invited to inspect tnis magnm- cent property, especially our Grand. Care, German Room, Dutch Room, English Grill Room, Banqueting Room, Japanese lea Room and Elizabethan Room. J 18 students' JUDGING CONTEST — ASSOCIATION MEETING 19 SWINE. Prof. W. L. Carlyle Fort Collins, Colo. BEST GENERAL EXHIBIT. David McKay Fort Wayne, Ind. Prof. W. L. Carlyle .Fort Collins, Colo. COMMITTEE ON JUDGES OF EXPOSITION. W. E. Skinner Denver, Colo. G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. A. J. Lovejoy Roscoe, 111. ASSOCIATION MEETINGS Saturday, November 28th: Institute of Animal Nutrition, Pennsylvania State Col- lege, Live Stock Record Building 2 : 00 P. M. Monday, November SOtIn: Percheron Society of America, Live Stock Record Building, 17 Exchauge Avenue 8:00 " Tuesday, December 1st: International Live Stock Exposition Association, As- sembly Hall, Live Stock Record Building, 17 Ex- change Avenue 8 : 00 " Am. Shropshire Association, Live Stock Record Bldg.. 10:30 A. M. Continental Dorset Club, Live Stock Record Bldg.. 2:00 P. M. Am. Tamworth Swine l^ecord Assn., Live ^tock R'c'd Bldg. 2:0U. '• Am. Hampshire Swine Record Assn., Live Stock li'c'd Bldg. 7:00 ' Am. Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg 8:00 " Lecture, Southern Beef Production, by Prof. Dan T. Gray, Alabama Experiment Station, ExpositiDn Hall 10:00 A. M Am. Suffolk Flock Reg. Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg. 8:00 P. M. Wednesday, December 2d: Am. Poland-China Record, Live Stock Record Bldg... 10:00 A. M. Red Polled Cattle Club of America, Live Stock Record Bldg 2:00 P. M. Am. Berkshire Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg 2:00 Am. Shire Horse Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg 7:00 " Am. Duroc-Jersey Swine Breeders Assn., Windsor-Clif- ton Hotel 7:00 Am. Assn. of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses, Grand Pacific Hotel 7 : 30 " Am. Hampshire Sheep Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg. 8:00 " Am. Aberdeen-Angus Breeders Assn., Exposition Hall. 8:00 Am. Yorkshire Club, Live Stock Record Bldg 8:00 Am. Oxford-Dawn Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg 8:00 " L. T. DICKASON, Pres. JOHN S. JONES, Vice Pres. E. A. WHIPPLE, Mgr. Grand Pacific Hotel JACKSON BOTTLEVAKD AND CXAHK STHEET will be Headquarters for Stock Men LOCATION— THE BEST SERVICE— UNSURPASSED Street Cars Direct to the Exposition Pass the Doors 270 Clark St., Chicago Suroppan 300 elegant rooms from $1.00 perday up Strictly Fire Proof Our Dinine Rooms are the finest and most attractive in the city. ROESSLER & TEICH, Proprietors McVICKER'S THE SAFEST THEATER IN THE WORLD 40 EXITS THE CELEBRATED ACTOR Denman Thompson IN HIS OWN PLAY "The Old Homestead" A STORY OF NEW ENGLAND Regular Prices, $1, 75c, 50c, 25c ABSOLUTELY PURE DRINKING WATER AND WATER COOLER SERVICE VISITORS ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TUICr ^I^MCI IMFOQ f^rk TO VISIT OUR LABORATORIES AND 1 nC V-.V-^INOUIvlCrT*3 \^\J. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT S^ *. TEL. YARDS 1220 35TH & BUTLER ST. 20 ASSOCIATION MEETING— SALES OP BKEEDING STOCK 21 Am. Galloway Breeders' Assn., Galloway Offlce, Live Stock Record Bldg 8:00 P. M. Am. Shorthorn Breeders Assn., Grand Pacific Hotel.. 8:00 " . Am. Shetland Pony Club, Saddle & Sirloin Club 8:00 " Thursday, December 3d: Am. Southdown Breeders' Assn., Live Stock P.ecord Bldg. 9:00 A. M. ' Polled Durham Breeders' Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg 2:30 P. M. Am. Assn. of Fairs and Expositions, Auditorium Hotel. 7:30 " German Hanoverian and Oldenburg Coach Horse Association, Grand Pacific Hotel 8:00 " Nat'l Lincoln Sheep Breeders, Live Stock Record Bldg.. 8:00 " Saturday, December 5th: Am. Cotswold Registry Assn., Live Stock Record Bldg. 8:00 " SALES OF BREEDING STOCK DURING EXPOSITION WEEK CATTLE. Tuesday, December 1st (1 P. M.) Angus Thursday, December 3d (1 P. M.) Hereford Friday, December 4th (1 P. M.) Shorthorn SHEEP. Tuesday, December 1st Rambouillet Wednesday, December 2d (1 P. M.) Shropshire Thursday, December 3d (1 P. M.) Hampshire Saturday, December 5th (1 P. M.) Cotswold SHETLAND PONIES. Wednesday, December 2d (1 P. M.) Ghristmas Gift Buyers To those in search of gifts for the approaching Holidays our large and varied stocks will at once commend themselves. VISITORS TO CHICAGO should not fail to visit our establishment and inspect the finest display in the Middle West of Diamond and Gem Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Leather Goods, Bronzes, Porcelains, Glassware, etc. Visitors are assured of a cordial welcome and need feel under no obligation to make a purchase. The exceptional facilities of our correspond- ence department enable non-resident buyers to deal with us direct from their homes with satisfaction. A booklet descriptive of this un- usual service will be furnished upon application. Spaulding & Co. GOLDSMITHS : SILVERSMITHS : JEWELERS JACKSON BOULEVARD AND STATE STREET 22 JUDGING PROGRAM 23 JUDQINQ PROGRAM International Live Stock Exposition 1908 CATTLE DEPARTMENT SATURDAY, November 28th: 8. A. M. Students' Judging Contest. MONDAY, November 30th: 9 A. M. Pure-bred and Grade Bullocks. College and Experiment Station Stock. Clay-Robinson Specials. Note: Steers entered for the slaughter test must be placed in charge of committee Monday evening, November 30th. The hour for slaughter and for awarding prizes on dressed carcasses will be desig- nated by committee in charge. TUESDAY, December 1st: 9 A. M. Shorthorn Breeding Classes. Red Polled Breeding Classes. Carloads Pat Cattle. Carloads Feeding Cattle. Carloads Short Fed Specials. WEDNESDAY, December 2d: 9 A. M. Hereford Breeding Classes. : Shorthorn Breeding Classes, concluded. BIG BRAND ANIMAL MATTER FERTILIZERS GROW BIQ CROPS A BRAND FOR EVERY SOIL Morris & Company PACKERS AND PROVISIONERS CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ST. LOUIS ST. JOSEPH 24 JUDGING PROGRAM 25 CATTLE DEPARTMENT—Continued THURSDAY, December 3d: 9 A. M. Aberdeen-Angus Breeding Classes. Hereford Breeding Classes, concluded. FRIDAY, December 4th: Galloway Breeding Classes. Polled Durham Breeding Classes. Aberdeen-Angus Breeding Classes, concluded. SHEEP DEPARTMENT SATURDAY, November 28th: 8. A. M. Students' Judging Contest. MONDAY, November 30th: 9 A. M. Pure-bred, Grade and Cross-bred Wethers. College Sheep — Clay-Robinson Specials. Note: Pat sheep entered in slaughter test must be placed in the hands of the committee Monday evening, November 30th. Hour for slaughter and carcass judging will be designated by committee. TUESDAY, December 1st: 9 A. M. Southdown and Suffolk Breeding Classes. P. M.^ — Shropshire Bi^eeding Classes. Carloads Native and Range Sheep. WEDNESDAY, December 2d: 9 A. M. Shropshire and Lincoln Breeding Classes. P. M. — Rambouillet and Dorset Breeding Classes. {^Take Better Care of Manure] I. H. C. spread- ers are time and labor savers and they are surely soil builders. These spreaders are the Corn King and Kemp 20th Cen- tury, return apron machines, and the t'lover- leaf, an endless apron machine. Each spreader is made in a number of sizes. They are described and illustrated in separate cata- logs that are well worth reading for the infor- mation they contain on soil fertility. Ask the local agent to explain the features of the I. H. C. spreader he handles. If more convenient, write direct for catalog and any information you may desire on these machines. 'T'HE large amounts of manure produced on ■*■ the stock farms should all be put back on the soil in the proper condition to restore the plant food and to maintain the soil's physical condition. Don't throw the manure on the soil as though you were trying to get it out of the way, but use an I. H. C. manure spreader. It will separate the coarsest chunks into small pieces and throw them out uniformly so that all of the val- uable elements the manure con- tains will be made available for the plants. ) c International Harvester Company of America (incorporated) CHICAGO U. S. Ji. Chicago, New York and Boston Refrigerator Company Builders of all Kinds of FREIGHT CARS llefrigerator Cars a Specialty Owning and Operating the J\letv York Despatch and Rational "Despatch llefrigerator Lines Stxite 618 Commercial National BanK Bld^. Comer ClarK and A.dams Streets TKI^KPHONE RA-NDOI^PH 957 tVorks SIst Street and Central Park Avenue 26 CHICAGO JUDGING PROGRAM 27 SHEEP DEPARTMENT— Continued THURSDAY, December 3d.: 9 A. M. Hampshire and Oxford Breeding Classes. P. M. — Leicester and Cheviot Breeding Classes. SATURDAY, December 5th: 9 A. M. Cotswold Breeding Classes. SWINE DEPARTMENT SATURDAY, November 28th: 8 A. M. Students' Judging Contest. MONDAY, November 30th: 9 A. M. Clay-Robinson Specials. Fat Barrows, College Classes. Fat Barrows, all Classes. Note: Swine entered in slaughter test must be placed in the hands of the committee Monday evening, November 30th. Hour for slaughter and judging carcasses will be designated by the committee. TUESDAY, December 1st: 9 A. M. Barrow Championship. Carloads Fat Hogs. HORSE DEPARTMENT SATURDAY, November 28th: 8. A. M. Students' Judging Contest. Albert Dickinson, pkbst. Nathan Dickinson, thbas. Ohas, Dickinson, v. prsst. Chas. D. BoytiES, sect. THE Albert Dickinson Company ss:s:r» merchants BRANCH OPITIOBS. \ MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. rimr< A r3.nk TT C! A j LANSING, MICH. UMlvJ-A-lJ-O, U. S. A. GRASS SEEDS TIMOTHY, CLOVERS, HUNGARIAN. MILLETS, REDTOP, BLUE-GRASS, LAWN GRASS, ORCHARD GRASS, BROME GRASS CLOVERS A SPECIALTY DWARF ESSEX RAPE FOR SHEEP HOG AND CATTLE FEED FIELD PEAS, ENSILAGE CORN AND SCREENINGS BUCKWHEAT SEED GRAIN POULTRY FEED FLAX SEED CRUSHING, SOWING AND FOR DRUGGIST'S USE BEANS PEAS POP CORN SMALL WHITE, RICE AND EIGHT ROW COTTON ^RAIN BAGS BY THE BALE OR IN CAR LOTS BIRD SEEDS Specialties: RAPE, HEMP, CANARY AND MILLET Original packages, in carload lots or less 28 JUDGING PROGRAM 29 HORSE DEPARTMENT— Continued MONDAY, November 30th: 9 A. M. Percherons. 8 P. M. Draft Geldings to halter — singles. , TUESDAY, December 1st: 9 A. M. Belgians. 8 P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — pairs. WEDNESDAY, December 2d: 9 A. M. Clydesdales. 8 P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — threes. THURSDAY, December 3d: 9 A. M. Shires. 8 P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — fours. (DEPENDON) V TRADE MARK / The word ''DEPENDON" stands for tke best at the price m the Tollo^ving lines OT Dry Goods fe? kindred mercnandise Dress Goods, Silks, \Vasn Fabrics ^^kite Goods, Linings, Ribbons H dk fs. Table Linens and Oil Cloth Lace Curtains, Draperies, Carpets Rugs, Hosiery, UnderAvear, Snirts Collars, Cuffs, Suspenders, Blankets Bed Spreads, Flannels, Domestics Petticoats, Perfumes, 1 nreads. Yarns Gloves, Umbrellas, Etc. WE ARE SOLE DISTRIBUTORS AT WHOLESALE ONLY Jokn V . Far^s\^ell Company CHICAGO THE GREAT CENTRAL MARKET 30 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 31 General Rules and Regulations Exhibitors are requested to familiarize themselves with all the rules of this Exposition in Classes and Departments applicable to their Exhibits. IMPORTANT RULE. Any protest as to eligibility on account of age of animals entered in the fat classes of the Exposition must he filed with the General Su- perintendent prior to the day on which they are to be judged. Infor- mation concerning the class in which any animal or carload is entered ca,n be had at the general office of the Exposition. Specifications showing ages of cattle by dentition is given hereunder for the benefit of ex- hibitors. Specifications showing teeth of cattle at ages described, which is adopted as a basis for determining ages of cattle. Twelve Months — An animal of this age shall have all its milk (calf) incisor teeth in place. Fifteen Months — At this age center pair of incisor milk teeth may be replaced by center pair of permanent incisors (pinchers), the lat- ter teeth being through the gums but not yet in wear. Eighteen Months — The middle pair of permanent incisors at this age should be fully up and in wear, but next pair (first intermediate) not yet cut through gums. Twenty-four Months — The mouth at this age will show two middle per- manent (broad) incisors fully up and in wear, and next pair (first intermediate) well up but jiot In wear. Thirty Months — The mouth at this age may show six broad permanent incisors, the middle and first intermediate pairs fully up and in wear, and the next pair (second intermediate) well up but not in wear. Thirty-six Months — Three pairs of broad teeth should be fully up and in wear, and the corner milk teeth may be shed or shedding, with the corner permanent teeth just appearing through the gums. Thirty-nine Months — Three pairs of broad teeth will be fully up and in wear, and corner teeth (incisors) through gums but not in wear. All Chicago City Railway Lines Lead to the INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION Clean, Warm and Commodious Coaches running at frequent intervals, take you to the entrances of all exposition buildings Without Climbing^ Walking or Waiting Fare 5 Cents — Universal Tranf ers INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 33 International Live Stock Exposition. The management of the Exposition will be under the general direc- tion of the Managing Director, whose authority will be exercised through the General Superintendent. Rule 1. An exhibitor who violates any of the following rules will forfeit all privileges and premiums and be subject to such penalty as the Executive Committee may order. Rule 2. All exhibits will be under the control and_ direction of the General Superintendent, but the Exposition will in no case be responsible for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible • for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal or article exhibited by him, and for its description as given in ttie catalogue, and shall in- demnify the Exposition against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto. Rule 3. The building will be in readiness for the reception of cat- tle, sheep and swine any time during the week preceding the Exposition; and barns for horses on and after Thursday preceding the Exposition. Rule 4. Officers and employes will be known by their badges. Rule 5. No person other than those holding animals being exhibited will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging, except the Superintendent of the division, the Judge and officially accredited reporters. This rule will be rigidly enforced. Rule 6. No peddling, hawking or selling of any kind will be al- lowed, and the distribution of handbills or other advertising is strictly prohibited in the buildings, on the grounds, or on the streets leading to the grounds. Rule 7. Exhibitors are prohibited from using blankets or covers on their stock bearing any description of advertising except the name of the animal or owner. This rule will be rigidly enforced between the hours of 7 a. m. and 11 p. m. each day of the Exposition. ENTRIES. Rule 8. The fees for space wherever charged must in all cases ac- company the application for entry. Rule 9. All applications for entries must be made out on printed forms, which may be obtained free by addressing the General Super- intendent, and each entry must appear on a separate card, giving class, number, age record number, and all other necessary information. These forms, after being signed by the exhibitor, are to be filed in the office of the General Superintendent of the Exposition on or before November 1. This applies to all entries except carloads, which must be entered on or before November 21, and "short-fed specials," for which appli- cation for entry must be made prior to August 15. Rule 10. Entries free, but in all cases animals are subject to the stall and pen fees provided for by the special rules in their respective sections of this list. This rule is particularly subject to Rule 8. Bishop Furs and Hats are always reliable Popular in price New in design The Home of the Stetson Hat 156 State Street . Established i860 Catalogue Free The High Grade Five Cent Cigars Distingue High Grades Daisy Garcia Figaro Spanish Queen Superior Are sold e^t Exchaiige Restaurant EXCHANGE BUILDING, UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO Appreciate a good 1 6t1 wCtlL wl^f^t* Ask for El Emporio, Londres La Flor de Nellie, Lond. Olinda Veranas Transit House Store Union Stock Yards Chicago 34 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 35 Rule 11. To be eligible for competition, whether singly or in groups, animals must be the bona fide property of exhibitors, and all animals entered for competition, except where otherwise specified, must be owned by exhibitor at the time of making entry, except the animals in carload lots, which must have been the property of the exhibito.r thirty days prior to the opening day of the Exposition, and registry certificate of ownership or transfer must be produced, if required, show- ing the exhibitor to be the owner. In the classes of "Get of Sire" and "Produce of Dam" ownership shall not be required. Rule 12. Firms and co-partnerships entering animals for competition m.ust be in existence at the time of making entry, and in all cases must be bona fide, and afladavit of the age of the firms may be required by the management. Where there is one exhibitor in the cattle and horse divisions, one prize may be awarded, where two, two prizes may be awarded, and where there are three or more, full classification c.s shown may be awarded. In the sheep and swine divisions prizes as shown In classification will be awarded. CATALOGUE ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON APPLICATION TO THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. Rule 13. An annual catalogue will be issued as a souvenir in which all entries will be properly catalogued without cost to exhibitor if entries are made in accordance with Rules. Rule 14. All entries will be inserted in the annual catalogue, and exhibitors on their arrival at the Exposition will receive, on applica- tion to their respective association secretaries, tags with duplicate numbers to correspond with the catalogue number, which must be fas- tened in the most conspicuous part of the stalls, pens or place where exhibit is shown. Rule 15. If it is desired, the exhibitor may state in the entry the price for which he will sell his animal. This price shall be inserted in the catalogue, but all sales will be between the owner, or his repre- sentative, and the purchaser. The Exposition will not interfere or as- sume any responsibility. Rule 16. No animal shall be considered by Awarding Committee whose attendant is not wearing tag during competition. This tag will show the number, age and official weight of competing animal. EXHIBITORS. Rule 17. After having pi-operly entered their animals, exhibitors must themselves see to their delivery to the Steward of the appropri- ate department, so that their exhibits may be in their places properly ticketed and ready for competition by 9 a. m. Monday of the Exposition. They are likewise required to attend to their articles or animals while on exhibition, and answer such questions as the judges may deem es- sential to a correct estimate of their relative value. The only Railroad carrying Passengers into and about the Stock Yards FOR QUICK, SAFE, FREQUENT, RELIABLE TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM THE LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION AND THE STOCK YARDS TAKE South Side Elevated Railroad Trains FARE 5 CENTS TO ALL POINTS ON THE SYSTEM. INCLUDING DOWN TOWN LOOP DISTRICT JACKSON PARK, KENWOOD ENGLEWOOD, NORMAL PARK ^Trains make direct connections, witnin tne '"Dcwn Xo^vn Loop District," \vitn all otner Elevated and surface street railroads. ^ Leaving tke Exposition, passengers are requested to take tke Elevated trains at flalsted street station, where special accommodations nave been provided to enable passengers to reacb tbe train quickly and comfortably. 36 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 37 Rule 18. Storerooms will be provided, in which all packing and shipping materials must be deposited. Rule 19. All articles and animals for exhibition, except car lots of fat stock (see Special Rule), must be in their places, with all rubbish and waste cleared away, at 9 a. m. of the opening day of the Exposi- tion, and entered in the name of the real owner, to remain on the grounds to the close of Exposition. Any violation of this rule will cause a forfeiture of all premiums earned by the exhibitors. Rule 20. In all cases, the right is reserved to reject entirely, or ac- cept conditionally, any entry or application. Rule 21. All stalls, pens and exhibition places must be cleaned be- fore 8 a. m. each day, and refuse matter disposed of as the General Superintendent may direct. Rule 22. An exhibitor wishing to remove an exhibit for the night must apply to the General Superintendent; and, if there appears to be good reason for the removal, it may be effected by leaving a suita- ble deposit and receiving an official pass, the time of leaving and that of returning to be inserted thereon; and, if the exhibit be not duly re- turned, the deposit will be forfeited to the Exposition. Rule 23. Exhibitors will not be allowed to deliver animals or arti- cles during the Exposition without special permission (though they may receive and book orders), nor will they be permitted to call at- tention to their wares in any noisy or disorderly manner, and only such signs and placards may be used as the General Superintendent shall approve and allow. Rule 24. Any false representation, interference or ungentlemanly conduct on the part of an exhibitor will be dealt with by the Executive Committee according to the equities of the case. Rule 25. All protests must be in writing, and accompanied by a deposit of $20, which will be forfeited if protest is not sustained. Such protest must state plainly the cause of complaint, or appeal, and must be delivered to the General Superintendent within six hours after the occasion for such protest. Rule 26. No appeal of, or appeal from an award based upon a statement that the Judge or Judges have overlooked an animal or arti- cle will be considered by the Executive Committee. Rule 27. No person having entered anything for competition will be allowed to make substitution of animals or otherwise change the en- try after ten days prior to the opening day of the Exposition, except as noted in Rule 28, nor may any one refuse any premiums awarded, and the prize, ribbons and commendation cards must be displayed dur- ing the Exposition. Rule 28. Exhibits that have been erroneously entered may, in the discretion of the General Superintendent, be transferred to their proper classes previous to the judging. If such classes have been judged they shall not be reopened. Rule 29. Exhibits having objectionable features may be ordered to vacate their stalls, pens or space. Save Your Corn 160 lbs. of Armour's 60% Meat Meal replaces 5^ bushels of Corn (See p. 54, Iowa Experimental Station Bulletin No. 91) ^Armour's bQ% Meat Meal — a superior Tankage — is a natural feed for swine of all ages, analyzing 60% Protein, 6% Bone Phosphate and \0% Fat. One part 60% Meat Meal and nine parts corn is the secret of cheap pork production. C| 60%) Meat Meal balances corn, offsets the heating effects, promotes healthy growth, makes strong, sturdy hogs, enables you to finish them in shorter time on less feed, at a lower cost. ^Endorsed by experiment stations and practical feeders everywhere. Write for booklet describing 605^ Meat Meal Beef Scraps Poultry Bone Feeding Bone Flour ^ All equally valuable for their purpose, i. e., feeding horses, cattle, calves, sheep and swine and poultry. ^Absolutely the best and most economical concentrated feeds on the market. The Armour Fertilizer Works Animal Food Department Owned and operated by Armour & Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago Feeding Tankage Meat and Bone 38 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 39 Rule 30. The Exposition reserves the right to withhold premiums awarded in every case in which it shall appear to the Executive Com- mittee that the regulations have not been complied with, or that fraud or deception has been practiced or attempted. JUDGES. Judges are earnestly requested to familiarize themselves with all the rules and regulations of this Exposition, and to especially mark those rules bearing on the classes to be adjudicated by them. Ignorance of the rules is inexcusable in a Judge. Rule 31. The single Judge system is the policy of this Exposition, and, in every case, the Judge is selected with the utmost care, and, as far as possible, will be of national reputation. Rule 32. The time at which the Judges will pass upon the different classes is announced in the catalogue, and will be on bulletin boards conspicuously posted. Any exhibit not presented promptly on schedule time will be ruled out and debarred from competition in the class called. Rule 33. Judge must not award a prize to an unworthy exhibit: It is the intention of the Exposition that no premium or distinction of any kind shall be given any animal or article that is not deserving. This rule must be strictly adhered to, whether there is competition or not. Rule 34. Where there are fewer entries in class than number of premiums offered. Judges may, in their discretion, award a prize or prizes of such grade as the animal or article deserves. Rule 35. The General Superintendent will exclude from competition any exhibit to which the catalogue number is not attached. Rule 36. Judges shall report to the Division Superintendent any ex- hibitor or exhibitors who in any way, whether in person or by agents or servants, interfere with them during their adjudication, or show any disrespect to them, whereupon the Division Superintendent shall, at his discretion, demand a proper apology from such exhibitor, or he may exclude such from competition, and the Exposition may withhold from such exhibitors any premiums that have been awarded them. Rule 37. All Judges' books shall remain at the general office or with the ring stewards when not in actual use. Rule 38. The decision of the Judges shall be final in all cases, except where mistake, fraud, misrepresentation or collusion, not discovered at the time of the award, is proven. In such cases the General Superin- tendent, or such referee as he may appoint, may make decision, or, with his approval, the case may be appealed to the Executive Commit- tee, from whose decision there can be no appeal. Rule 39. Should any animal awarded a cash prize be disqualified the animals gaining the lower prizes shall graduate up into the higher positions next in order above them if in the opinion of the Judge these animals are worthy of such prizes. J Work Less J Accomplish More K THAT is the secret of success nowadays. You have had experience with hired men — you know that many times in order to get anything done right you have to do it yourself. There are too many odd jobs around the farm for you to do them all. There is the husker and shredder, sheller, grinder, churn, separator, pump, saw, grindstone, fanning mill, washing machine and many other machines to operate. You can't do it all. You can, however, if you get an 1. H. C. gasoline engine to assist you. One of these machines will furnish cheap, absolutely reliable power for these and a hundred other jobs. The engine works practically without attention, so that you will be able to accom- plish twice as much as formerly and you won't have to work as hard. That means you are going to make more money out of farming and that is what you are farming for. I. H. C. vertical engines made in 2, 3 and 25-horse power- Horizontal (portable and stationary) in 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15 and 20-horse power. Gasoline tractors in 10, 12, 15 and 20-horse power. Famous air-cooled en- I gines in 1 and 2-horse power. Also Famous sawing, spraying and pumpingoutfits and a completelineof Famous self-contained engines mounted on skids or ready for mounting by the purchaser. Call on International local agent for cat- alog and particulars or write the home office. Valuable book ";-!00 Years of ment," sent on request. 3f Power Develop- H International Harvester Company of America (incorporated) CHICAGO U.S.A. f L.KIPER&SONS IManufacture a large and popular line of HARNESS Riding Saddles, Collars AND EVERYTHING IN THE SADDLERY LINE (AT WHOLESALE) ''^':^t0M CONGRESS & PEORIA STREETS CHICAGO 15: __ :^:.^iiIl[iliS; ESTABLISHED 1853 INCORPORATED 1886 A. ORTMAYER 6l SON WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SADDLERY Largest and Oldest Manufacturers of Cowboy Saddles and Outfits M6-li8 Illinois Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 41 PREMIUMS. Rule 40. Premiums will be designated by ribbons: Blue, first; red, second; white, third; pink, fourth; yellow, fifth; green, sixth. Cham- pionships, royal purple. Special ribbons or card will be given to "highly commended," "commended" and "reserve" animals and to owners of sires whose "gets" are winners of first prizes. To add to the value of awards all ribbons will be copyrighted. Rule 41. Exhibitors will be allowed to display prize ribbons, medals, certificates of award, etc., at their own quarters during the entire Expo- sition, subject to the approval of the General Superintendent. Rule 42. Display cards, same color as the ribbons, will be furnished as soon after the close of the Exposition as possible. Rule 43. (a) Cash premiums are payable by bank check, (except, when, at the request of the exhibitor, a cup, diploma or medal is granted in lieu of cash), (b) The Exposition bank check will be drawn by the treasurer upon presentation of transcript of premiums awarded, duly signed by the General Superintendent and indorsed as "correct" by exhibitor, (c) These checks in payment of premiums are payable "to order," and must be indorsed by those in whose favor they are drawn, and thereupon can be cashed by the treasurer or at any bank where endorser is identified, (d) "Transcripts of premiums awarded," which will constitute an "order" on the treasurer to pay the same, will be issued to exhibitors after 4 p. m. on the closing day of the Exposi- tion, (e) Special premiums will be paid by those offering them, on an order from the Genei'al Superintendent, (f) All orders, cups, diplomas, medals and certificates will be delivered at the general ofiice of the Exposition, or forwarded to the exhibitors, as they may direct as soon after the close of the Exposition as they can be properly engrossed and engraved. (g) All premiums whatsoever not claimed by exhibitors before January 1 of the following year shall be deemed forfeited to the Exposition or donors. Rule 44. No animal will be awarded a prize unless removed from its stall or pen and exhibited with catalogue number attached before the Judge in the show ring. SPECIAL RULE GOVERNING EXHIBITS Rule 45. All animals in the breeding classes must be recorded or accepted for record in the recognized books of record for their respective breeds, as shown herewith, and exhibitors must produce certificates of register at the request of the General Superintendent any time during the Exposition. Only the following records will be recognized: CATTLE. Shorthorn — American Shorthorn Herd Book, Dominion Shorthorn Herd Book, Coates' Herd Book, New Zealand Shorthorn Herd Book, Le Herd Book Francais pour les Animaux de la Race Bovine de Durham. As a Souvenir of Your Visit to please the folks at home take them a package of Webb's Gas^Roasted Coffee from the Transit House Stores on Exchange Avenue. Used on the tables oftheTransitHouse and the Restaurants of Packing Town, including Swift's and Armour's. Good coffee is enjoyed by young and old. Webb's Gas-Roasted Coffee fills this great want. It preserves all the goodness of the berry — it has that real co^ee taste. PUHL-WEBB COMPANY ROASTERS, BLENDERS AND IMPORTERS OF COFFEE 117-119-121 West Randolph Street CHICAGO, ILL. 42 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 43 Aberdeen-Angus — American Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book, Polled Herd Book of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle, published in Great Britain. Hereford — American Hereford Record, English Herd Book of Hereford Cattle. Galloway — American Galloway Hex'd Book, Galloway Herd Book of Scotland. Red Polled — American Red Polled Herd Book, Red Polled Herd Book of Great Britain. Polled Durham — ^American Polled Durham Herd Book. SHEEP. Shropshire — Flock Book of the American Shropshire Registry Asso- ciation, Shropshire Flock Book of Great Britain. Southdown — American Southdown Record, Flock Book of the South- down Breeders' Association of Great Britain, Canadian Sheep Register. Oxford — Flock Book of the American Oxford Down Sheep Association, Oxford Down Flock Book of Great Britain, Canadian Sheep Register. Hampshire — Flock Book of the Hampshire-Down Breeders' Associa- tion of America, Canadian Sheep Register. Cotswold — American Cotswold Record, Canadian Sheep Register. Leicester — Flock Book of the American Leicester Breeders' Associa- tion, Canadian Sheep Register. Lincoln — National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association, Flock Book of American Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association, Canadian Sheep Reg- ister. Cheviot — American Cheviot Sheep Society, American Cheviot Sheep Breeders' Association, National Cheviot Sheep Society, Cheviot Flock Book of Great Britain. Dorset Horn — Flock Book of the Dorset Horn Society of America, The Flock Book of the Continental Dorset Club, Dorset Horn Flock Book of Great Britain, Canadian Dorset Horn Register. Ram boui I let— -American Rambouillet Record and duly recognized for- eign records. Suffolk — American Suffolk Flock Registry Association, English Suf- folk Society. SWINE. Berkshire — American Berkshire Record, British Berkshire Herd Book, Dominion Swine Breeders' Record. Poland-China — American Poland-China Record, National Poland-China Record, Standard Poland-China Record, Dominion Swine Breeders' Rec- ord. Chester White — Todd's Improved Chester White Record, American Chester White Record, Dominion Swine Breeders' Record, O. L C. Swine Breeders' Association of Cleveland, Ohio, and the Standard Chester White Record Association. Large Yorkshire — American Yorkshire Club Record, Canadian York- shire Swine Record. ALL MAKES OF AUTOMOBILES Dear Sir : I can assure you that you will be very favorably impressed if you will step into my large, well equipped salesroom and find that you have the opportunity to inspect, test and compare, under one roof, almost every standard make of automobile manufactured. I have been engaged in the automobile business for the last twelve years and am considered an auto- mobile expert. I have a vsry complete automobile shop for rebuilding used machines and am in a position to fully guarantee the condition of the cars sold by me, besides being able to furnish you any make of new car that you might desire. It is very important that you visit our shop and get acquainted with our line of goods, our customers and our ways of doing business, which are by no means to be compared with those of other dealers or individuals who buy worn out machines for the lowest price possible and sell for the highest price they will bring, nor those selling only one make of new car, not giving you a chance to compare the different makes. HENRY NYBERG. 2433-35 Michigan Ave. Nybcrg AutOmobilc Works Chicago : .• : : Illinois M'e issue an Illtistrated Catalogue ■which is sent free upon request. 44 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 45 Duroc-Jersey — American Duroc-Jersey Record, Nationgtl Duroc-Jersej- Record. Tamworth — The Herd Book of the National Pig Breeders' Associa- tion, the Dominion Swine Breeders' Record and tlie American Tam- worth Swine Association Record. Hampshire — Hampshire Swine Record Association. Cheshire — Cheshire Swine Breeders' Association. DRAFT HORSES. Perc heron — Percheron Society of America Stud Book, Stud Book Percheron de France, Percheron Registry Company. Clydesdale — American Clydesdale Stud Book, Clydesdale Stud Book of Great Britain and Ireland, Clydesdale Stud Book of Canada (appendix excepted) . Shire — American Shire Horse Stud Book, English Shire Horse Stud Book. Belgian — American Register of Belgian Horses, Stud Book of Bel- gian Draft Horses, published in Belgium. Hackneys — American Hackney Horse Society. French Coachers — French Coach Horse Society of America, French Stud Book of France, French Coach Horse Register. German Coachers — German Hanoverian and Oldenburg Coach Horse Association of America, Oldenburg Coach Horse Association of America, Oldenburg Stutbuch, Ostfresisches Stutbuch. Shetland Ponies — American Shetland Pony Club. RULES— Continued Rule 46. An animal can compete in more than one class, and for any and every purse in sweepstake groups or specials to which they are eligible under the classification. The rules are so arranged as to enable every exhibitor to easily determine to which classes his exhibits are eligible. Rule 47. No animal that has a catalogue number shall be taken from its stall or pen without the numbered tag attached to correspond with the catalogue. Rule 48. The General Superintendent will appoint veterinary sur- geons and such other assistants as may be necessary. The veterinary surgeon shall cause all animals to be examined before their admission to the grounds, as a safeguard against infectious or contagious diseases, and shall make inspection of the grounds, stables, stalls and pens and make report in writing to the General Superintendent of the condition in which said grounds, stables, stalls and pens are kept in case of sick- ness of any animal the same shall be removed when ordered by the General Superintendent to a separate inclosure, where the exhibitor may either direct the treatment of the animal himself, or employ a veterinary surgeon appointed for that purpose, for whose services and other necessary expenses incurred a reasonable charge will be made >^ W to (0 2 ^ ^ > w H < 2 " o pi (X '^ CO U s Q, o < Q^ 0) Q _C O 1 ^ U ^ 1 1 « I 6 § w ^ ^ ^ S «f^ en pq tt 3 •-^i ^ tf ^ s z s w a. 0^ o ^ ^^ Q o h— t ^ ^ O H w H X • en ■M tfn ■^^ ^ 3 ^ Bii3 46 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 47 by the Exposition. The right is reserved to the General Superintend- ent to order the pei'emptory removal from the grounds of any animal to which this rule applies. Rule 49. The Superintendent of Forage will have feed for all live stock at reasonable prices. To prevent aisles from being obstructed with feed and bedding, to preserve the general harmony and that stock may be shown to the best possible advantage, exhibitors will not be al- lowed to bring hay, bedding or whole grain. ^ Rule 50. Exhibitors of live stock are requested to decorate their quarters as tastily as possible, and must keep that part of the build- ing occupied by them neat and attractive in appearance. This will not only be to the general advantage of the Exposition, but will prove a strong factor in impressing each individual exhibit upon the minds of the visitors and buyers. Rule 51. Animals to compose a competitive group need not be named in application for entry, but must be selected by exhibitor. The Exposition expects, however, that the names be given in the ap- plication, so that such groups may be intelligently catalogued. Rule 52. The primary object of this Exposition is to encourage the breeding and feeding of improved breeds of live stock for well-defined, practical purposes. Regard will be had to symmetry,- size, form, action, constitution, vigor and general characteristics of the various breeds, with reasonable allowances for age, but due regard will also be paid to heads, and that graceful carriage, style and general refinement that denotes breed, character — points, which, while not weighing on the "scale," add value to animals when being sold for breeding purposes. And, in groups, encouragement will be given to uniformity of breed type. Rule 53. The Exposition debars and will to the utmost of its power discourage and prohibit the exhibition of barren animals in the breeding classes. Rule 54. The Exposition reserves the right to discriminate against both excessive obesity, which cannot be a profitable condition for breeding animals, and excessive leanness, in which condition animals are unfit for exhibition. Rule 55. For the purpose of determining the age of cattle shown in this exhibition, the official plates of mouths, shown in catalogue, will be considered as normal mouths. Where the mouths of animals exhib- ited in the cattle divisions do not conform to these plates, satisfactory evidence of the age of the animal must be produced by the exhibitor, and in case of protest in the breeding cattle division the same rule shall apply. Rule 56. A great educational feature of this Exposition is its even- ing shows and parades of approved live stock by breeds and ages. Notice of time and places of parades will be announced by bulletins and stewards. Exhibitors refusing for any cause no,t meeting with the ap- proval of the management to lead out their animals for parade or for competition in the show ring when called by the stewards in charge, Mdll not only forfeit all prizes previously won, but be debarred from fur- ther participation in the Show and required to remove their stock from CnrcAQO Scale Company MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF U. S. Standard Scales BEST SCALES MADE FOR Stock, Hay, Grain and Merchandise REQUIRE NO PIT STRONG A CCURA TE DURABLE OFFICIAL SCALES AT ALL FAT STOCK SHOWS HIGHEST PREMIUMS AWARDED AT ALL EXPOSITIONS ONLY SCALES MADE ARRANGED TO HANG IN SOLID STEEL FRAMES Manufacturers of the ROYAL ADJUSTABLE and OTHER STOCK RACKS Hundreds of useful articles less than lu holes ale prices CIRCULARS, PRICE LISTS AND INFORMATION FREE 292, 4 and 6 Jackson Boulevard :: CHICAGO '■■ 48 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 49 the show grounds within six hours after such refusal. The Executive Committee may further impose such additional penalty as in their judg- ment the case deserves. Rule 57. No attendant or other person leading animals will be al- lowed to enter arena unless properly uniformed. Rule 58. The Exposition reserves the right to amend or add to these rules as the Executive Committee in their judgment may determine. INTERPRETATION OF RULES. Rule 59. This Exposition reserves to its Executive Committee the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations, and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions or difference in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, or connected with, or inci- dent to, the Exposition. 61 B INSURANCE 157-159 LA SA LLE STREET CHICAGO Fire Insurance Liability Insurance Burglary Insurance Fidelity and Surety Bonds Personal Accident Insurance m Forty -five years of active experience in the insurance business in Chicago enables us to be of real service to our patrons in all branches of the insurance business. Telephone Central JTI Moore, Case, Lyman & Herrick 159 La Salle Street 50 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 51 GENERAL INFORMATION Privileges for booths for the sale of refreshments, appropriate useful articles, etc., subject to special contract. Full information thereto fur- nished on application to the General Superitendent. The Express Companies will have their offices in the Exposition for the accommodation of those desiring to ship their exhibits, by express. All express matter intended to be delivered at the Exposition should be addressed in care of the International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. POSTOFFICE. There will be a postoffice in tlie Information Bureau, where mail will be received and dispatched daily. All mail addressed in care of the Exposition will be found at this office. TRANSPORTATION. Exhibitors can, when shipping, if they so desire, fill out their cars with other cattle, sheep, hogs or horses, to make full loads. Any surplus animals not reqtuired by the classification can be sold on the regular market, but such surplus must be culled out by the exhibitor before exhibits are delivered to the Exposition. Exhibits should be shipped care of International Live Stock Exposi- tion, and shipping bills mailed to the Superintendent of Transportation, International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. If these instructions are carried out, it will insure prompt delivery of all shipments, whether by rail or boat, direct into the Exposition without transfer. A list of Railroad and Steamboat Companies that will make special passenger and freight rates to the Exposition will be furnished on ap- plication to the General Superintendent. CONSIGN YOUR LIVE STOCK. All exhibits can be unloaded from the cars on the Exposition grounds. Merchandise or live stock shipped from any part of the world is run direct to the Exposition without transfer. Consign all carload exhibits in care of International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chi- cago, III., and for the pure-bred and sale division consign to International Live Stock Exposition, Express Chutes, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III. Break away from letter writing, traveling and telegraphing. Use the Telephone for local and long distance purposes, because it saves time, costs less and gives immediate reply. Chicago Telephone Co. Main 294 203 "Washington Street t!i:|)ei^attottal Citp ilanfe of Ci^tcagi) UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Capital $1,500,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits 475,000 The Temple, S. W. Cor. La Salle and Monroe Sts. Money of Estates, Individuals and Trust Funds, awaiting investment will be received on Certificates of Deposit, bearing 3 per cent if left one month or longer. Interest paid for exact number of days if funds when withdrawn are invested in securities purchased of our Bond Department. OFFICERS DAVID R. FORGAN, President ALFRED L. BAKER, Vice-President H. E. OTTE, Cashier L. H. GRIMME, Assistant Cashier F. A. CRANDALL, Assistant Cashier W. D. DICKEY, Assistant Cashier R. U. LANSING, Manager Bond Department DIRECTORS Alfred L. Baker, of Alfred L. Baker & Co. Ambrose Cramer, Trus. Estate of Henry J. Edward S. Carry, Vice-Pres. American Car & Willing Foundry Co. A. B. Dick, President A. B. Dick & Co. E. G. Eberhart, Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. Mish- Stanley Field, Vice-Pres. Marshall Field & Co. awaka Woolen Mfg. Co., Mishawaka, Ind. David R. Forgan, President F. F. Peabody, Pres. Cluett, Peabody & Co. H. A. Stillwell, Vice-Pres. Butler Bros., Chicago John E. Wilder, of Wilder & Co. H. E. Otte, Cashier 52 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 58 RAILWAY FREIGHT OFFICE. The Superintendent of Transportation, at his office, will be prepared to quote lowest tariff rates and to bill freight for shipment (at the close of the Exposition) to any point in the world, a facility every exhibitor will appreciate. RAILWAY TICKET OFFICE. Railway and Steamboat lines will have ticket -offices and agents in the Exposition, where full information may be obtained as to routes and the necessary tickets obtained at the lowest prices. VISITORS. Ladies and gentlemen may te assured of finding in the buildings everything necessary to the convenience and comfort of young and old during the Exposition. Ample restaurant and lunch rooms, managed by experienced caterers, will serve meals and refreshments during hours of exhibition at rea- sonable rates. A barber shop, wash rooms and parcel rooms for the deposit of satchels, cloaks, etc., and in charge of responsible parties, are conven- iently located for the accommodation of the visitors. The hotels of the city, ample for any occasion, will not exceed their regular rates, and the city authorities will co-operate with the manage- ment of the Exposition in every practicable manner to insure the safety and contribute to the pleasure of the visitors. BUREAU OF INFORMATION. There will be a free bureau of information in the main building, where all questions will be cheerfully answered. BANK. The Live Stock Exchange National Bank will have a representative at the Exposition to care for all legitimate needs of properly identified visitors and exhibitors. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. The Western Union and Postal Telegraph Companies will have branch offices at the Exposition for the transaction of telegraphic business over their lines and connections. TELEPHONE STATIONS. There will be public Telephone Stations at the Exposition, affording unexcelled service. Dealers Don't Keep La Preferencia CIGARS They Sell Them Stocked by Up-to-Date Cigarists Everywhere J. & B. MOOS CHICAGO DISTRIBUTORS S. B. CHAPi'N T. L. TURNER I. J. COUCH F. D. COUNTISS WM. EWALD O. P. COOKE S. B. CHAPIN & CO BANKERS & BROKERS ROOKERY BLDG. TRINITY BLDG. AUDITORIUM ANNEX CHICAGO NEW YORK CHICAGO 54 • INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 55 UNITED STATES CUSTOMS. Exhibits from Canada, or any other foreign country, will be admitted in bond, with no charge for import duties unless sold in this country. All exhibits from Canada (or other foreign countries) of any nature whatsoever, shipped by freight or express, may be consigned to cus- toms brokers, who will, at reasonable cost, attend to entering the same in bond. Foreign exhibitors are advised that bonds are required on entry of exhibits into the United States, and also on their return (i. e., the United States Customs require both import and export bonds). It will be necessary to bond all horses, cattle, sheep, swine, or any other animal, article or commodity. Parties who accompany their consignment will find the Government Customs officials courteous and accommodating, and by extending to them the same fair treatment consignors will have no very great diffi- culty in personally supervising the passage of their exhibits through the cuatoms at the frontier. Railway companies also have special cus- toms agents at ports of entry, who cheerfully assist shippers. Consign- ments may be shipped to the "custom agent" (of the railway transport- ing exhibit) at the port shipment is destined to enter the United States, which agent will attend to entering the same as shipper's broker. The names of such agents, terms, etc., will be furnished by local railway agents. Shippers will be required to procure consular invoice of the Consul nearest the point of shipment. Each shipment must be accompanied by duplicate shipping receipt to read: (Name of Shipper.) Live stock exhibitors desiring to dispose of their exhibits in the United States are advised that the customs law does not allow entries to be made for breeding purposes unless accompanied by duly authenti- cated cons-ular invoice; certificates of identification, signed and sworn to by the importer, the certified pedigree of the animal, and certificate of registry of the same in the book of record recognized for that breed; and not then, unless it is clearly proved that the special purpose for which they are being imported is for breeding. (This will apply to all animals above named.) The following is an extract taken from Circular No. 10, Division of Customs, United States Treasury Department, under date of Washington, D. C, January 22, 1892: "It having been ascertained that registers have been established for the sole object of making cross-bred and mongrel animals eligible for free entry into the United States, and as paragraph 482 of the Act of October 1, 1890, pi^ovides that no animal shall be admitted free imless jHire bred of a recognized breed, the object of the law being, in the opin- ion of this Department, and the Department of Agriculture, to exclude • TEL. HARRISON 6698 1. W. SPROUL 116 DiAmp#sii St. • 56 , iNTERNATIOiSrAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 57 from free entry .animals not absolutely and strictly pure bred, it is hereby directed that on and after April 1, 1892, no animal which is brought into the United States from foreign countries for breeding pur- poses shall be admitted free of duty, unless the importer furnishes a certificate which shall contain a pedigree in the form hereafter given, showing that all the ancestors have been recorded in a book of record established for that breed, for five generations on the side of the sire and four on the side of the dam, together with the affidavit of the owner, agent or importer that such animal is the identical animal described in said certificate of record and pedigree. "Unless such certificate of pedigree is produced, therefore, the ani- mal shall be considered dutiable, as not being pure bred of a recognized breed and duly registered in the book of record established for that breed. "In case such certificates are not at hand at the time of the arrival of the animals, and other evidence is produced, satisfactory to the Col- lector, showing that the animals are entitled to free entry, the Collector may so admit them, taking a bond in double the value of the animals for the production of the proper certificates. "The law requires that all cattle, hogs and sheep imported into the United States shall be carefully inspected by the Veterinary Inspector of the Bureau of Animal Husbandry; and animals found to be free from disease and not to have been exposed to contagious disease, will be admitted into the United States on complying with the other customs regulations." Any further information that is required will be furnished by Cus- toms Broker. All charges for customs and brokerage must be borne by the exhib- itor. Late customs regulations furnished on application. RULES, BREEDING CATTLE 59 CATTLE DEPARTMENT BREEDING CATTLE DIVISION ENTRIES IN INDIVIDUAL CLASSES CLOSE NOV. 1. Rule 60. Stall fees: $3.00 for each animal when occupying single stall; $5.00 when occupying box stall, which must in all cases accom- pany the application for entry. Rule 61. The dates for computing ages of breeding cattle are fixed as September 1 for Senior classes, and January 1 for Junior classes. Rule 62. A bull over one year old without ring in his nose may be excluded from the Exposition, in the discretion of the General Super- intendent. Rule 63. Accompanying each entry of cows three years old or over in any of the breeding classes an affidavit is required at time entry is made giving date of birth of her last calf or the time she is due to calve, and such cows must have produced a living calf since September 1 of the year previous or show satisfactory evidence of being in calf. Where objection is made (and sustained by the Executive Committee) as to a cow's eligibility under this rule, any premium awarded to such cow shall be withheld until said cow shall have produced a calf on or before March 1, following the Exposition. Rule 64. Any bull over thirty -six months old entered in any of the breeding cattle classes, that has not had dropped to his services a living calf during the eight months preceding the opening day of the Exposi- tion, shall be deemed barren, and as such shall be excluded from the competition. Certificates from the exhibitor, properly attested, will be required by the General Superintendent. Rule 65. Judges are instructed to award prizes for breeding cattle in the different classes in the order in which they, as buyers for a valu- able consideration, and without any warranty of usefulness, would make selection therefrom for breeding purposes; due consideration being given, on the one hand, to the accepted maxim of breeding, that "like produces like," and on the other hand, to the doubtful utility for breed- ing purposes of over-fat animals, not considering color or pedigree. Rule 66. Judges are instructed to discriminate against animals upon which a surgical operation has been performed for the purpose of im- proving their "show" appearance, such as severing of a "tie" in the back, at the rump or elsewhere. The Colonel Says: ere -was sense, san, m tne small boy s answer wlien asked -wliicli or tis aunts ke liked best. Selecting tne stoutest, ne said, "1 like Aunt Mary test." Asked ■wny, ne replied, "Because tnere is so much or ner to like. Similarly, san, tnere is so mucn m it to like tnat ere is small wonder -why I so greatly aamire HENDERwSON BOURBON Sold over all first class bars, at the best clubs and cafes and by all the leading dealers for 851.25 a full quart — never for less ; its quality won't allow it. BREEN & KENNEDY, CHICAGO Copyright 1908, Wm. D. Mcjunkin. A Fine Line of Two for a Quarter CIGARS La Vista Pan Leila Ams. Olinda Pan. Elite Flor de Nellie. El Emporio Bouq. And Twenty-five Cent Perfectos Carolina, Perf. Man. Garcia, Perf. Villar y Villar, R. F. Perla Mont Del. Perla Mont Perf. Transit House Union Stock Yards CHICAGO 60 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 61 Rule 67. In plain cases where these rules are violated, when brought to his attention, the General Superintendent will investigate carefully, and shall, in his discretion, disqualify animals or exhibitors, or both. In. such plain cases the initiatory in bringing punishment on the of- fenders shall be the duty of the officers of the Exposition. Rule 68. In doubtful cases, where insufficient proof of violation of these rules is evident to the General Superintendent, so that he shall deem himself unwarranted in taking the initiatory steps, then com- plaints against animals or exhibitors believed or supposed to be evad- ing the rules, come under the jurisdiction of, and must comply with. Rule 25. Rule 69. In cases pertaining to animals being ineligible to compe- tition under these rules,. that shall come befoi-e the Executive Committee for final disposal, in which complaints shall have been established be- fore and by the Executive Committee, then the Executive Committee may impose penalties in accordance with the foregoing rules. All fees paid, or premiums that may have been awarded, shall be forfeited to the Exposition, and the Executive Committee may impose such additional penalty as, in their judgment, the case deserves. FOR THE MAN BEHIND THE HERD NEW HONORS TO BE WON AT THE INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION. Recognizing the superior skill, fine judgment and faithful devotion to duty on the part of the herdsmen in preparing the splendid specimens of animal excellence displayed annually at the International Live Stock Ex- position, the management has decided to establish a series of competi- tive awards each year in the shape of solid gold and silver medals, to be worn as honorary distinctions by "the man behind the herd," in each of the six leading beef breeds of cattle. SEE THAT LAP ' // You IQnow li* f^ /^tiftn *^^o^^ f^^f^'fs you'll IJ^tLiJLL^lL want the only "Rubber" Roofing without naiUholes. ^ ^^WEARS LONGER ^,^ RDdfriTE W-^ COSTS LESS ^ ^ It ^Is made with Over-seal Lap which covers nails and seams. Over- seal Lap makes a joint that stays tight by preventing leaking, rusting, loosening and tearing at nail-holes and seams. ^ Roof rite is better material in the make-up "backed up" by a bet- ter method of fastening. You get full measure in wear and durability. Don't buy "short measure" roofing with ex- posed tin caps or nails; you can avoid leaks, grief, trouble and expense if you buy Roof- rite — it's safe and it is economical because it stays safe. ^li you are an alert, critical and thinking buyer, you (like others) wall find that Roof- r£7e is the logical roofing for you to buy. Samples with prices on one-ply, two-ply and three-ply sent on request. Write today. The Lehon Co, Manufacturers Roofing, Waterproofings and Paints Phone Yards SS Union Stock Yards, Chicago TIME DEFYING PRODUCE CHICASO 62 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 63 The medals to be won comprise the following: To the herdsman fitting the grand champion steer of the show, a gold medal. To the herdsman fitting the grand champion carload of beef cattle, a gold medal. To the herdsman fitting, respectively, the senior champion bull of each of the six leading breeds of cattle, viz.: Shorthorn, Aberdeen- Angus, Hereford, Galloway, Red Polled and Polled Durham, a silver medal each, thus making in all eight medals each year to be com- peted for. The conditions of these awards shall be (1) that the animal or ani- mals winning the championships named shall have been under such continuous, immediate and personal charge or care of the herdsman for a period of at least six months preceding the opening day of the show, that it may be fairly and truthfully said that the superior condition and success of such animal or animals in the ring were due to his efforts more than to any other cause or factor except breeding or pedigree; (2) that, except for unavoidable sickness or other excusable absence, the animal or animals shall be led into the ring or exhibited to the judges by such. herdsman, who shall truthfully answer all questions put to him by the judges as to the age, condition and care or methods of treatment given the animal or animals prepared for exhibition by him; (3) that should the grand champion steer or carload, or the respective champion bull, have been under the care of the exhibiting herdsman for a period of less than six months preceding the opening day of the show, then the appropriate medal shall be awarded to the herdsman, who pre- pared and exhibited the reserve champion animal or animals, or the next in rank, as the case may be, in accordance with the above stated conditions. The purpose of awarding this series of valuable and beautiful medals is to show appreciation on the part of the management of the large share of credit due herdsmen for the excellence of the yearly exhibits of cattle at the International, to offer added incentives and a further reward to these faithful men for the intelligent thought and painstaking care by which they have sought to improve the breeds to which they are devoted and to induce other herdsmen to strive for similar honors. While it is not expected that these prizes will increase interest and effort in a field where both are already exercised to the fullest extent, yet it is hoped that they will add enthusiasm to the work of preparation and increase the number of those who strive for the highest honors in the exhibition rings. [FAIRBANKS scales] If you buy or sell, produce or consume, you must weigh. If you weigh, you must weigh right. The answer is — Fairbanks Standard Scales Send for Catalog No. 1158-SC A complete line of Fairbanks Scales and Fairbanks-Morse high grade machinery on exhibition at our salesrooms. Gasoline Engines Tanks and Towers Pumping Machinery Wind Mills, Feed Mills Electric Motors and Dynamos FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO. Wabash Avenue and Eldredge Place, CHICAGO, ILL. ) 64 I BREEDING SHORTHORNS 65 ENTRIES SHORTHORN [See Rule 45] . CLASS 1. BULL, 3 YEARS OR OVER. I $25, 20, 10. I American Shorthorn. Association Specials. $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10. Animals competing for Specials must be recorded in American Shorthorn Herd Book. Official No. 1 Master Missie 246365— Color, roan — Age, Nov. 19, '04; sire. Em- peror 2d 205554; dam. Imp. Missie 144th, vol. 48, p. 222 — W. W. Boughton, Plainfield, 111. 2 Avondale 245144 — Color, roan — Age, Jan. 5, '05; sire, White Hall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Avalanche 2d, vol. 60, p. 655 — Car- penter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 3 Scotch Mist 224249— Color, white— Age, Mar. 15, '03; sire. Silver Mist 158474; dam. Lady Sharon 5th, vol. 42, p. 426— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 4 Supurhus 224710 — Color, red — Age, Jan. 16, '04; sire, Scottish Pride 128543; dam. Secret Superb, vol. 57, p. 812— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 5 Bapton's Favorite 231780 — Color, white — Age, July 23, '03; sire, Bapton's Ensign 172542; dam, Dorothea, vol. 45, p. 645 — C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 6 Whitehall Marshall 209776— Color, roan— Age, Oct. 5, '02; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Missie 167th, vol. 48, p. 370— Blmdorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 7 Good Lad 215023 — Color, red — Oct. 18, '03; sire. Choice Goods 186802; dam, Lad's Goldie, vol. 50, p. 932— Flynn Farm Co., Des Moines, Iowa. 8 Whitehall King 222724 — Color, dark roan — Age, Apr. 29, '03; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Queen of the Louans, vol. 47, p. 397— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 9 Glen Brook Sultan 243185— Color, white— Age, Sept. 14, '04; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Victoria of Hill Farm 8th, vol. 46, p. 256 — Thos. Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. E.T. Franklin & Co. COAL AND COKE 355 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Long Distance Telephone, Harrison 2849 66 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 67 Official No. 10 Sidelight 242886 — Color, roan — Age, Jan. 3, '05; sire, Royal Wonder 188110; dam. Imp. Lady in Waiting, vol. 44, p. 632— Little Mis- souri Horse Co., Meadville, Pa. 11 Camden Archer 224628— Color, red— Age, Mar. 17, '04; sire, Col- lynie Archer 149948; dam. Queen of Camden 4th, vol. 51, p. 677 — M. M. Madden & Son, Kingman, Ind. 12 Silver Crown 240328 — Color, roan— Age, June 27, '04; sire, Scot- land's Crown 149652; dam, Pearlette, vol. 40, p. 323— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 13 Signet 248501 — Color, roan — Age, Jan. 7, '05; sire. The Professor 172332; dam, Minnie 35th, vol. 61, p. 1009— Abram Renick, Win- chester, Ky. 14 Golddigger 261957 — Color, roan — Age, Mar. 7, '05; sire. Golden Hero 177752; dam, Missie of Anoka, vol. 47, p. 251 — Wm. Smiley, Malcom, Iowa. 15 Whitehall Baron 209774 — Color, white — Age, Jan. 2, '03; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Lady Mary 2d, vol. 48, p. 370 — Whitehall Farm, Yellow Springs, Ohio. 'CLASS 2. BULL, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10. Official No. 16 Carlogie Knight 263194 — Color, roan — Age, Jan. 5, '06; sire, March Knight 188105; dam. Imp. Nellie of Carlogie 5th, vol. 54, p. 550— C. E. Clarke. St. Cloud, Minn. 17 Mina's Prince 304643 — Color, red — Age, Sept. 3, '05; sire. Manly Prince 192142; dam. Imp. Mina 7th 41650— J. D. Douglas & Son, Flatrock, Ind. 18 American Archer 282995 — Color, roan — Age, Aug. 25, '06; sire, Ceremonius Archer 171479; dam, Clara 30th, vol. 65, p. 550 — S. G. Eliason, Montevideo, Minn. 19 Hopeful Archer 265415 — Color, roan — Age, Oct. 19, '05; sire, Cere- monius Archer 171479; dam, Hope, vol. 63, p. 823 — S. G. Eliason, Montevideo, Minn. 20 Sultan Commander 263132 — Color, roan — Age, Apr. 2, '06; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Rose of Russell 2d, vol. 56, p. 574 — Robt. Pailon, Neponset, 111. 21 City Marshall 270020— Color, red— Age, Feb. 22, '06; sire, White- hall Marshall 209776; dam. Imp. DafEodill 17th, vol. 60, p. 798— Flynn Farm Co., Des Moines, Iowa. "Ten Dollar" Tom offers visitors to Chicago j^ choice of over 2,000 OVERCOATS actually worth $15.00 to $20.00 at $10.00 (1 bought them cheap) REFERENCES— Any firm in the Stockyards district as to my giving you a square deal TOM MURRAY, Jackson, Cor. Clark RICHELIEU FERNDELL BATAVIA Our Brands — Pure Foods Sprague, Warner & Company Wholesale Grocers Chicago, U. S. A. Everything for the table put up under these labels. Only selected goods used, so prepared that the finished product is of the highest quality and ABSOLUTELY HEALTHFUL BREEDING SHORTHORNS OV Official No. - 22 Gloster Knight 263198— Color, roan— Age, May 12, '06; sire, Marcli Knight 188105; dam, 46th Duchess of Gloster, vol. 57, p. 583— Fox & Gallagher, Oregon, Wis. 23 Villager 295884 — Color, roan— Age, Mar. 1, '06; sire. Village Beau 295883; dam. Rosy Cloud, vol. 50, p. 678 B— D. R. Hanna, Rav- enna, Ohio. 24 Anoka Sultan 264212— Color, white— Age, Oct. 25, '05; sire, White- hall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Lady in Waiting, vol. 44, p. 632— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 25 Choice Master 267262 — Color, roan — Age, Nov. 29, '05; sire. Choice Bud 212003; dam. Lovely Nell, vol. 50, p. 983— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi. Wis. 26 Mayflower Chief 2d 263750— Color, roan— Age, Nov. 24, '05; sire, Pitlivie Chief 192919; dam. Imp. Princess Margaret, vol. 51, p. 653— Mark Hunt, Savage, Minn. 27 Gondomar 253394 — Color, roan — Age, Sept. 2, '05; sire. Choice Goods 186802; dam, Golden Lassie, vol. 39, p. 582 — Owen Kane, Wisner, Neb. 28 Golden Seal 270696— Color, red— Age, Sept. 28, '05; sire. Prince Gloster 152470; dam, Golden Star, vol. 53, p. 655— M. M. Mad- den & Son, Kingman, Ind. 29 Scotch Goods 303390 — Color, roan — Age, May 1, '06; sire. Choice Goods 2nd 193556; dam. Blossom of Forest Lawn, vol. 50, p. 752 — T. M. Ridenour & Son, College Corner, Ohio. 30 The Dreamer 283208— Color, roan— Age, May 27, '06; sire, Mil- dreds Royal 244703; dam, Matchless 36th 13073— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. CLASS 8. SENIOR YEARLING BULL, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1906, AND JAN. 1, 1907. $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 31 Burnbrae Scot 285457 — Color, red — Age, Nov. 12, '06; sire. Ever- lasting 242727; dam, Oneida, vol. 50, p. 932— E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. 32 Rustic Sultan 275864— Color, white— Age, Sept. 3, '06; sire, Fair Sultan 242571; dam, Ruth Rustic, vol. 62, p. 714 — C. A. Branson, Cadiz, Ohio. 33 Clippers Choice 285658— Color, white— Age, Nov. 23, '06; sire. Lav- ender Clipper 203771; dam, Woodhill May Blossom 2d, vol. 60, p. 717 — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago Breaking Carts Safe Sure Showy Strong "Let Him Kick" When you use the ^^ Chicago ^^ Breaking Carts you are out of danger because the horse can^t reach you* Call at our factory opposite Drovers^ Journal Build- ing and see how we make them* Special low prices during the Exposition. Chicago Merchandise and Equipment Gc. Union Stock Yards, CHICAGO 70 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 71 Official No. 34 Juno Clipper 285660 — Color, roan — Age, Nov. 4, '06; sire, Lavender Clipper 203771; dam, Juno of Woodhill, vol. 56, p. 670— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 35. Royal Kintore 281530— Color, red— Age, Oct. 20, '06; sire. Royal Sultan 223948; dam. Lady Kintore, vol. 56, p. 757— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis., R. No. 2. 36 Ruberta's Goods 283807— Color, roan— Age, Nov. 30, '06; sire. Golden Goods 253393; dam, Ruberta, vol. 45, p. 1084— Howell Reed, Pilger, Neb. 37 Sittyton Secret 280761— Color, red— Age, Sept. 21, '06; sire. Village Secret 243408; dam. Imp. Juanita 10th, vol. 64, p. 614— Thos. Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. CLASS 4. JUNIOR YEARLING BULL, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1907, AND SEPT. 1, 1907. $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No, 38 Barrister 286456 — Color, red, white — Age, Apr. 18, '07; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam. Beauty Lane, vol. 66, p. 602 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 39 Count Winnifred 281800— Color, roan— Age, Feb. 6, '07; sire, White Hall Count 209775; dam. Lady Winnifred 3d, vol. 55, p. 454— C. B. Clarke. St. Cloud, Minn. 40 Knight Champion 288694 — Color, roan — Age, May 14, '07; sire, March Knight 188105; dam. Graceful 71— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 41 Best of All 288740— Color, red— Age, Mar. 4, '07; sire. Count Victor 127575; dam. Sylph of Glenmore 3d, vol. 48, p. 293-— W. B. Dale, Louisville, Ky. 42 Sir Boreal 305854 — Color, roan — Age, June 13, '07; sire, Bapton Coronet 185918; dam, American Beauty, vol. 52, p. 628— W. T. Deatherage, Greenview, 111. 43 Woodhill Starlight 3d 285662— Color, roan— Age, Feb. 20, '07; sire. Lavender Clipper 203771; dam. Imp. Juno, vol. 52, p. 557— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 44 Spicy Robin 281799— Color, white— Age, March 3, '07; sire, Mc- Gregor 241074; dam. Imp. Spicy Clara, vol. 52, p. 677— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 45 Burwood Victor 306013— Color, red— Age, July 15, '07; sire, Village Victor 200624; dam, Bonnie of Glencoe, vol. 57, p. 536— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis., R. No. 2. m m xhe Dayton PITLESS SOLID STEEL ^^ReKaLleUnited States Standard Pitless Wagon and Stock Scale FULLY GUARANTEED Cfje ©apton pitless ^cale Company Manufacturers of Scales Strictly Fire-Proof Safes ana Vaults Tke Only Air Ctamber Safe in tke Market Also Gas and Gasoline Engines Spain #ffice anDjfactor^: |ime^t»,nearif ift^, 2Da^ton,#]^io •I BREEDING SHORTHORNS 73 Official No. 46 Royal's Best 295598— Color, red— Age, July 28, '07; sire. Royal Sul- tan 223948; dam, Cecelia Queen, vol. 50, p. 1043 — Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis., R. No. 2. 47 Roan King 306014 — Color, roan — Age, Aug. 30, '07; sire. King of Pine Grove 243226; dam, Lady Lome, vol. 53, p. 592— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis., R. No. 2. 48 Missie's Champion 300916 — Color, roan — Age, Mar. 19, '07; sire. Village Clipper 236036; dam, Aberdeen Missie 2d, vol. 62, p. 790 — Thos. Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. 49 Rosebud Champion 30921 — Color, roan — Age, Mar. 29, '07; sire. Vil- lage Clipper 236036; dam, Geneva's Rosebud, vol. 61, p. 731 — "Thos. Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. 50 Pride of Conneaut 300571 — Color, roan — Age, July 25, '07; sire. Sidelight 242886; dam, Princess Royal of Blackwater, vol. 52, p. 870— Little Missouri Horse Co., Meadville, Pa. 51 Hampton's King 305948 — Color, roan — Age, Mar. 1, '07; sire. Invin- cible Hampton 206226; dam. Royal Lady 2d, vol. 65, p. 533— Mil- ler & Compton, Shelbyville, 111. 52 Orange Bompton 304259 — Color, red, little white — Age, July 26, '07; sire. Orange Monarch 190181; dam, Victoria of Glenwood 13th, vol. 52, p. 618— Purdy Bros., Harris, Mo. 53 King's Council — Age, Feb. 20, '07; sire, Gloster's Knight 243605; dam, Imp. Pride of the Boyrie 12th, vol. 69, p. 966 — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 54 King Cumberland 288383 — Color, roan — Age, Jan. 22, '07; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Miss Walpole, vol. 68, p. 807— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. CLASS 5. SENIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908. $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 55 Selection 306209 — Color, roan — Age, Oct. 20, '07; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Cherry Missie, vol. 66, p. 602— E. D. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. 56 Victor Royal 305727 — Color, roan — Age, Sept. 21, '07; sire, Gwendo- line Victor 208932; dam. Imp. Royal Queen, vol. 60, p. 626— H. G. Bowers, Elmwood, 111. 57 Sultan's Choice — (For sale) — Age, Oct. 3, '07; sire, Rustic Sultan 275864; dam, 32d Lady Jane Cruickshank, vol. 68, p. 562— C. A. Branson, Cadiz, Ohio. f^^^ ^ . HARNESS <$L tADDLERY COMPANY UNION STOCK YARDS CHICAGO/^ We have designed and made some of the best show harness in this country for Six=in=hand Nelson Horris & Co. Pabst Brewing Co. Four=in=hand Jno. W. Springer Weaver Coal & Coke Co. Three=abreast harness Heinz Pickle Co. H. K. Bloodgood Two= horse harness H. K. Bloodgood A. P. Nave Gilbert Hoxie Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. One=horse harness Libby, McNeil & Libby Pabst Brewing Co. Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. < ? Call and see our display Barn No. 5 ^ \^ Inside Exposition Grounds )J 74 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 75 Official No. 58 Cornelius 304322 — Color, roan — Age, Sept. 8, '07; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Chrysanthemum, vol. 58, p. 1020 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 59 Knight Perfection 299568— Color, roan— Age, Dec. 4, '07; sire, March Knight 188105; dam. Golden Bird, vol. 44, p. 532— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 60 Golden Prince 300411— Color, roan — Age, Nov. 7, '07; sire, Golden Mist 182753; dam, Violet of Ellerslie 3d, vol. 47, p. 762— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 61 Matchless Clipper 300412— Color, roan— Age, Oct. 28, '07; sire. Lavender Clipper 203771; dam. Matchless Rose of Woodhill, vol. 60, p. 717 — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 62 Garnith Prince 2d 306204— Color, red — Age, Nov. 12, '07; sire. Prince Caroline; dam, Glenwood Garnith, vol. 63, p. 634 — Robt. Failon, Neponset, 111. 63 Earl of Linwood 306024— Color, roan— Age, Oct. 22, '07; sire. Matchless Robin 268244; dam. Belle of Ordens, vol. 69, p. 718— I. M. Forbes & Son, Henry, 111. 64 Pride of Linwood 306027 — Color, roan — Age, Oct. 6, '07; sire, Victor Linwood 268249; dam. New Year's Queen, vol. 69, p. 718 — I. M. Forbes & Son, Henry, 111. 65 Red Marshall 303741— Color, red — Age, Nov. 1, '07; sire, Whitehall Marshall 209776; dam. Imp. Countess Cashmere, vol. 48, p. 192 — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 66 Sultan's Crown 300792— Color, roan— Age, Sept. 26, '07; sire, White- hall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Calcerlaria 16th, vol. 59, p. 672— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 67 Leader of Fashion 300790— Color, roan— Age, Oct. 30, '07; sire, Whitehall Marshall 209776; dam. Imp. Shenstone Princess, vol. 61, p. 809— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 68 Royal Crown — 306015 — Color, roan — Age, Dec. 4, '07; sire. Royal Sultan 223948; dam, Rita Oakwood, vol. 47, p. 66— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis. 69 Royal Marshal 304025 — Color, roan — Age, Nov. 25, '07; sire. Royal Sultan 223948; dam, The 2nd Duchess, vol. 67, p. 638— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis., R. No. 2. 70 Roan Clipper 300920— Color, roan— Age, Sept. 8, '07; sire, Village Clipper 236036; dam. Imp. Flower Girl, vol. 60, p. 840— Thos. Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. 71 Scottish Goods 301325 — Color, roan — Age, Oct. 18, '07; sire, Gondo- mar 253394; dam. Successful, vol. 68, p. 855— C. F. Mitchell & Son, Farragut, Iowa. 72 Scottish Duke 302492— Color, roan— Age, Sept. 17, '07; sire, Scot- tish Prince 149661; dam, Hollywell Beauty 8635 — F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 73 Lord Favorite 304256— Color, red— Age, Sept. 15, '07; sire. Lord Champion 254700; dam. Goldmine 3d, vol. 47, p. 563 — Purdy Bros., Harris, Mo. H. B. FRANKLIN ^ CO. 210 East Madison Street, Ckicago, 111. Manufacturer of the ROSA BONHEUR and FLOR DeCLINTON HAVANA CIGARS And H. B. Franklin & Co. Club House 5c Cigar .^. Briggs House Corner Randolph Street and Fifth Avenue Chicago Remodeled and refurnisted. A com- plete first-class botel -witti all modern improvements. Every room tas tele- phone, electric lights, steam heat and running ■water. Located centrally, one block from City Hall, and in the miidst of all public buildings and lead- ing theatres. A first-class restaurant in connection. Rates, $1.00 per day and up-svards Room witn Batn, $1.50 per day ana upwards. WILLIAM NEINDORF, Mgr. Whitney Opera House 1 7 Van Buren St. Phone Har. 1 003 The Record-Breaking Success A Hal Stephens, Williams and Van Alstyne's SONG BROKEN IDOL PLAY With -TT OTIS ^y HarlaN Popular Mat's Tues.&Thurs. Seats 50c. Reg. Matinee Saturdays THE BEST FOOD IS ALWAYS THE MOST ECONOMICAL SAVOY BRAND Stands for the best there is in the grocery line. This brand on an article is a stamp of quality, just as "18k" on gold is a mark of worth. Savoy groceries are for people "who care." If your grocer doesn't carry them send us his name. STEELE=WEDELE5 CO. CHICAGO 76 BREEDING SHORTHORNS TT Offlcia) No. 74 Lovely's Champion 304258 — Color, red, little white — Age, Dec. 11, '07; sire. Lord Champion 254700; dam, Lovely of Fairview 2d, vol. 56, p. 943— Purdy Bros., Harris, Mo. 75 Scottish Choice 306343— Color, roan— Age, Sept. 28, '07; sire, Imp. Scottish Prince 250444; dam, Lucy's Choice, vol. 58, p. 979 — J. G. Robbins & Sons, Horace, Ind. 76 Whitehall Ensign 306245— Color, white— Age, Dec. 4, '07; sire, Whitehall Baron 209774; dam, Jenny Lind, vol. 60, p. 665— White- hall Farm, Yellow Springs, Ohio. . CLASS 6. JUNIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1908. $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 77 Ben Cecil 305827 — Color, red — Age, Jan. 15, '08; sire, Ben Lomond 253006; dam, Cecilia Ray 43256— Geo. Amos & Son, Moffat, Ont. 78 Barmpton Prince 305636 — Color, roan — Age, Jan. 7, '08; sire. Prince Robin 248348; dam, Barmpton Leaf 8th, vol. 59, p. 535— M. L. & A. J. Andrews, Melbourne, Iowa. 79 Gloster Boy 306205— Color, red— Age, Feb. 25, '08; sire, Gwendo- line Victor; dam, Rosabelle — H. G. Bowers, Elmwood, 111. 80 Orphan's Banff 303709— Color, red— Age, Mar. 5, '08; sire, Lord Bauff 4th 263185; dam. Orphan Girl, vol. 46, p. 141— James Carmichael, Rochelle, 111. 81 Maxwalton Sultan 305870— Color, white— Age, Mar. 25, '08; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Avalanche 2d, vol. 60, p. 655 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 82 Suitan of Avondale 305871 — Color, red — Age, May 4, '08; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam, Mina Princess 2d, vol. 43, p. 644 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 83 The Gallant 304330— Color, white— Age, Jan. 12, '08; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Imp. Rosewood Pride, vol. 60, p. 655 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 84 Knight Templar 299569— Color, roan— Age, Feb. 6, '08; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, 41st Duchess of Gloster, vol. 47, p. 667— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 85 Premier Knight 299570 — Color, roan — Age, Feb. 4, '08; sire, March Knight 188105; dam. Lady Winnifred 3d, vol. 55, p. 454— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. r Transit House -^ Halsted and Korty ^Second Sts. Union Stock Yard« k- Chicago 78 •^ BREEDING SHORTHORNS 79 Official No. 86 Lovely Sultan 305837— Color, red, little white— Age, Feb. 10, '08; sire, Orange Sultan 263522; dam. Highland Handsome, vol. 66, p. 659— W. C. Coleman, Shelbyville, Ky. 87 Golden Light 300410— Color, roan— Age, Jan. 23, '08; sire. Wood- hill Starlight 2d 241260; dam, Cheerful 4th, vol. 63, p. 658— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 88 Golden Archer 300409 — Color, red — Age, Jan. 6, '08; sire, Golden Mist 182753; dam, Imp. May Blossom, vol. 52, p. 557— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 89 Prince Favorite — Age, Feb. 3, '08; sire, Linwood Favorite 268242; dam, Princess of Riverdale, vol. 64, p. 890 — L M. Forbes & Son, Henry, 111. 90 Dale's Viscount 300643 — Color, roan — Age, Jan. 14, '08; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam. Diamond Rosamond, vol. 63, p. 727 — D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 91 Spicy Prince 300652— Color, red, white— Age, Feb. 2, '08; sire, McGregor 241074; dam. Imp. Spicy Clara, vol. 52, p. 677 — D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 92 Sultan Anoka 302426— Color, white— Jan. 16, '08; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Lady in Waiting, vol. 44, p. 632 — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 93 Royal Count 304024— Color, red— Jan. 15, '08; sire. Royal Sultan 223948; dam. Duchess 11th, vol. 50, p. 758— Herr Bros. & Rey- nolds, Lodi, Wis., R. No. 2. 94 Little Reed 302546— Color, roan— Age, Jan. 17, '08; sire, Gay Lad 244135; dam. Pansy Gloster, vol. 62, p. 837— Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., Ohio. 95 Oakland Star 305890 — Color, roan — ^Age, Jan. 2, '08; sire. Diamond Star 305889; dam. Imp. Codball Gwynne 12707— Thos. Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. 96 Master Baron 302662— Color, roan— Age, Feb. 26, '08; sire. Mister Lad 269140; dam, Helen Baron, vol. 46, p. 204 — F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 97 Bright Lad 302490— Color, white— Age, May 5, '08; sire. Mister Lad 269140; dam, Lizzie 2d 8111— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 98 Champion's Lad 304254 — Color, red — Age, Jan. 27, '08; sire. Lord Champion 254700; dam, Kate, vol. 53, p. 536 — Purdy Bros., Harris, Mo. 99 Carnation Bud 303496— Color, roan — Age, May 4, '08; sire. Sweet Bud 293405; dam. Carnation 34850— T. M. Ridenour & Son, College Corner, Ohio. 100 Victor Marshal 302357— Color, red— Age, Jan. 4, '08; sire, Straight Marshal 247519; dam, Missie of Browndale 10th, vol. 61, p. 639— D. Tietjen, Bellevue, Iowa. 101 Whitehall Earl 306244— Color, red— Age, June 15, '08; sire, White- hall Baron 209774; dam, Athene of Edna, vol. 56, p. 580— White- hall Farm, Yellow Springs, Ohio. We pay special attention to buy- ing stockers and feeders at all mar- ket points, and loan money at low- est bank rates, for feeding purposes. SHIP YOUR CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP TO BYERS BROS.& GO. Live Stock Gommission Merchants ROOMS 107-109 EXCHANGE BLDG., UNION STOCK YARDS Long Distance Thone CHICAGO, ILL. A CHAIN WITHOUT A WEAK LINK- TcHiCAC^^JpCANSASCITYlfsoTST. JOSEPH I SO. OMAHA f Call and see ut, and make our of- fice your head- quarters while at the Exposition. SCULLY STEEL & IRON CO. CHICAGO STEEL BOILER PLATE, TANK & SHEET STEEL, BOILER & TANK RIVETS, BOILER TUBES, STAY BOLT IRON, BEAMS & CHANNELS, ANQLES.TEES & ZEES, MACHINERY& TOOLS Send for the Scully ''Blue Booli" its free i NEW ERA OINTMENT FOR HORSES AND CATTLE Get a box, also our 24 Page Book both FREE At the STOCK YARDS HARNESS AND SADDLERY CO. THE DAVIES SUPPLY CO. Everything for STEAM and >J^ATER ^<^ PIPE FITTINGS . VALVES . TOOLS /7:\ ^ BOILERS . RADIATORS . PUMPS ^ 20-32 NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO 80 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 81 Official No. 102 Whitehall Butterfly 306243— Color, roan— Age, July 20, '08; sire, Whitehall Baron 209774; dam, Barmpton Butterfly, vol. 64, p. 550 — Whitehall Farm, Yellow Springs, Ohio. 1088 Sunrise 306210 — Color, roan — ^Age, Feb. 15, '08; sire. Everlasting 242747; dam. Secret of Burnbrae 3d 15273— E. W. Brown, Delphi, Ind. CLASS 7.. cow 3 YEARS OR OVER. $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10. Official No. 103 Viola Orange Blossom, vol. 62, p. 828 — ^Age, Jan. 2, '03; sire. Royal Baron 124528; dam, Orange Blossom of Forest Lawn, vol. 50, p. 752 — M. L. Andrews, Melbourne, Iowa. 104 Helen of Troy, vol. 60, p. 714 — Color, roan — Age, Sept. 10, '03; sire, Yoimg Fellow 121660; dam. Clan Nelson, vol. 50, p. 638— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 105 Lottie, vol. 61, p. 1073 — Color, roan — Age, Oct. 4, '03; sire, Sass Me-Not 138943; dam. Lovely Nell, vol. 50, p. 983— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 106 Roan Queen, vol. 59, p. 600 — Color, roan — Age, Mar. 26, '03; sire, Roan Champion 125732; dam, Flo Queen, vol. 41, p. 597 — J. H. Chapman, Pontiac, Mich. 107 Alma Buckingham, vol. 54, p. 544 — Color, roan — Age, Apr. 3, '02; sire. Roan Champion 125732; dam, Amelia Buckingham, vol. 41, p. 597 — J. H. Chapman, Pontiac, Mich. 108 Dorothea 2d, vol. 64, p. 582 — Color, roan — Age, Aug. 12, '04; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Dorothea, vol. 45, p. 645— C. B. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 109 Strathallan Lass, vol. 68, p. 927— Color, roan— Age, Dec. 1, '03; sire, Vahalla 137374; dam, Daisy of Glen view, vol. 47, p. 1045— W. C. Coleman, Shelbyville, Ky. 110 Orange Blossom 35th, vol. 57, p. 678— Color, red— Age, Jan. 3, '03; sire, Victor Brawith 151026; dam. Orange Blossom of Oakland 3d, vol. 42, p. 538— W. C. Coleman, Shelbyville, Ky. 111 Highland Handsome 2d, vol. 66, p. 659 — Color, red, white— Age, Mar. 15, '05; sire, Mephisto 188729; dam, Handsome, vol. 45, p. 699— W. C. Coleman, Shelbyville, Ky. 112 Lovely of Grassmere, vol. 57, p. 991 — Color, red — Age, Sept. 4, '02; sire, Woodberry's Pride 128488; dam. Lovely of Elmwood, vol. 41, p. 454 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. J. K. SEBREE President WHEN IN CHICAGO STOP AT CHICAGO'S MOST POPULAR HOTEL THE SARATOGA ROYS. SEBREE Mantger ^C^ETETDC MODERN UP TO DATE APARTMENTS AT REASONABLE v/r r Cri4^ rates, beautiful restaurants, where prices are THE LOWEST AND SERVICE AND FOOD THE BEST. THE PHILLIPINE BAND. WHICH PLAYS DURING MEALS AND AFTER THEATRE- RFRKSHlREiHAMS BACON. DELICIOUS, APPETIZING- MILLER&HART PACKERS, CHICAGO. McCOY'S EUROPEAN HOTEL CLARK AND VAN BUREN STREETS CHICAGO Cars passing the door direct for stock yards. Eates $1.00 and upwards. McCoy Hotel Co., Props. R. C. RJiDTKB R. H. RJtDTKJS R. C. RADTRE $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Animals competing must be recorded in the American Polled Herd Book. Official No. 734 Blooming Perfection 10067 — Age, July 10, '02; sire. Sprites Perfec- tion 6685; dam, Blooming 2d 5261— Adolpb P. Arp, Bldridge, la. 735 Cranberry 10192 — Age, Jan. '02; sire, Franklin 9265; dam, Barbara D. 17931 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 736 Logan 13500— Age, Nov. 2, '04; sire, Abbotsford 4721; dam, Lily Dale 8682 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 737 Cremo 13018— Ag6, Apr. 27, '04; sire, Happy Jack 9337; dam, Zer- mah 14414 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 738 Nailer 7396 — Age, Sept. 14, '99; sire, Iowa Davyson 10th; dam, Twintrilla — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 739 Eph 12792— Age, Mar. 25, '04; sire, Victor 7730; dam. Red Silk 15707 — George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind. 740 Show Boy 15368 — Age, Dec. 22, '04; sire, Irwin 8253; dam, Leola 18489 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 741 Melton 13333— Age, Apr. 7, '04; sire. Melton Roy 3612; dam. Poplin 8854 — Chas. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 87. BULL, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official Mo. 742 Rowdy Staff 16503— Age, Aug. 4, '06; sire. Rowdy Rod 12733; dam, Boquette 16253— Adolph P. Arp, Bldridge, Iowa. 743 Glad Hand 16528— Age, Sept. '06; sire. Cranberry 10192; dam. Daphne 22297 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 744 Noble Fallstaff 15209— Age, Aug. 2, '06; sire, Fallstaff 2d 7060; dam, Nora 22617 — George Ineichnen, Geneva, Ind. BREEDING RED POLLED 141 CLASS 88. , BULL, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 745 Dafter 15871— Age, Sept. 22, '06; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Dolly 23509— Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 746 Nailer Boy 17205— Age, Mar. 27, '07; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Cassy 27512— Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 747 Hurricane 17740— Age, May, '07; sire, Clarion 13563; dam, Olive 20224 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 748 Eph Stanley 16525— Age, Jan. 24, '07; sire, Eph 12792; dam, Nora 226i7 — George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind. 749 Marker 16875— Age, Apr. 17, '07; sire. Captain 14105; dam, Mabel 13815 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 750 Don 17264 — Age, Aug. 25, '07; sire, Cassenoisetti ; dam, Queen - Bess 20335 — Chas. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 89. BULL CALF, UNDER 1 YEAR. $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 751 Perfecter 17937 — Age, Nov. 6, '07; sire, Bouncer 15336; dam, Cas- caras Perfection 19363 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 752 Lincoln 17938 — Age, Mar. 12, '08; sire. Bouncer 15336; dam, Lucy's Perfection 21561 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 753 Iodine, vol. 20 — Age, May 1, '08; sire. Cranberry 10192; dam, Helen 11330 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 754 Evans 17421— Age, Oct. 12, '07; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Bast View Bell 10203— Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 755 Jery 17957 — Age, Oct. 22, '07; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Princess 28862— Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 756 Napolian 17849 — Age, Mar. 25, '08; sire. Famous 15047; dam, Luella 22956— Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 757 Favorite 17846— Age, Sept. 15, '07; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Maggie 24315 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 758 Excell 17771 — Age, Dec. 30, '07; sire. Nailer; dam, Cassie — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 142 BREEDING RED POLLED Official No. 759 Battersea Thomas 17093 — Age, Oct. 12, '07; sire, Battersea Park; dam, Robina — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 760 Cornelius 16957— Age, Sept. 28, '07; sire, Mell R. 15208; dam, Lucy 2d 22727 — George Ineichen, Geneva, Ind. 761 Prince 18028— Age, Mar. 25, '08; sire. Show Boy 15368; dam. Laby- rinth 5th 25101 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. CLASS 90. . cow, 3 YEARS OR OVER. $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 762 Lala 18480— Age, Feb. 3, '01; sire. Sterling 7671; dam, Luna 18552 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 763 Ruby Rose 22524— Age, Aug. 10, '03; sire. Sprites Perfection 6685; dam, Luna 18552 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 764 Cassandra 2d 16305— Age, Nov. '00; sire, Bndymion 3908; dam, Cassandra 11046 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 765 Dutch Rose 24808— Age, Feb. 28, '05; sire. Perfection Joe 12080; dam, Duchess 3d 19540— C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 766 Lucy 24979 — Age, Jan. 21, '05; sire, Abbotsford 4721; dam. Lacteal 9470 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 767 Miss McKinley 17203 — Age, Oct. 16, '00; sire. Dewy; dam, Iowa Davy L. — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 768 Lucy 2d 22727 — Age, Dec. 24, '00; sire, Victor 7730; dam, Lucy 13803 — George Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 769 Davy Belle 3d 22558— Age, Nov. 10, '03; sire, Irwin 8253; dam, Davy Belle 2d 14790 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 770 Marion Queen 24097 — Age, June 25, '05; sire, Duke of York 10307; dam, Red Queen 18904 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 771 Queen Bess 20335 — Age, June 7, '02; sire. Melton Roy 3612; dam, Poplin 8854 — Chas. A. Shurtz, Gays"port, Ohio. CLASS 91. HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 772 Lady 26499— Age, Sept. 18, '05; sire, Eldridge 9223; dam, Ruby Rose 22524 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. BREEDING RED POLLED 143 OflSclal No. -773 Upshot 2d 25896— Age, Sept. 30, '05; sire, Monarch 11941; dam, Upshot 9th 17780— Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 774 Gloss Rose 25644— Age, Mar. '06; sire, Roy 8699; dam, Moss Rose 5th 18697 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 775 Finis 25769 — Age, Dec. 31, '05; sire, Brady Granger 10088; dam, Erma 19566 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 776 Myrtle 28577— Age, Apr. 13, '06; sire, Eldridge Boy 11539; dam. Mazy 18627 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 777 Quair 29133— Age, Nov. 27, '05; sire, Eldridge Boy 11539; dam. Quidnunc 17451 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 778 Lauretta 24755 — Age, Oct. 28, '05; sire. Patriarch, Jr.; dam. Miss McKinley — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 779 Mamie Staff 27219— Age, Dec. 20, '06; sire, Fallstaff 2d 7060; dam, Lucy 2d 22727 — George Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 780 Carrie 26658— Age, Sept. 6, '05; sire, Prince 10822; dam, Salley 22064 — George Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 781 Lill 25894— Age, Oct. 15, '05; sire, Monarch 11941; dam, Lilly 21509 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 782 Red Rose 24831— Age, Oct. 22, '05; sire. Popular 10802; dam, Bon- nie Rose 17999 — Chas. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 783 Midget 24833— Age, Oct. 30, '05; sire. Lead On 6374; dam. Puny 3d 17432— Chas. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 92. HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 784 Lulu 27784— Age, Feb. 3, '07; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Luna 18552— Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 785 Lelila 27783— Age, Mar. 9, '07; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Leola 22525; Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 786 Helene 27912 — ^Age, June, '07; sire. Cranberry 10192; dam, Helen 11330 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 787 Happy Thought 27371— Age, Jan., '07; sire, Elroy 12457; dam, Edith 23990 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 788 Miss Saucy 26676— Age, Oct. 23, '06; sire, Ivan 8256; dam. Saucy 14234 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. ■'789 Quince 26685— Age, Nov. 13, '06; sire, Eldridge Boy 11539; dam. Quidnunc 17451— Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 790 Florence 29141 — Age, Aug. 1, '07; sire. One Price 8522; dam, Lizzy 23805— Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 144 BREEDING KED POLLED Official No. 791 Nightingale 27570 — Age, Jan. 12, '07; sire. Patriarch, Jr.; dam, Lillie — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 792 Jewel 27857 — Age, June 20, '07; sire. Nailer; dam, Lilly — Prank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 793 Evelin Eph 27370— Age, May 2, '07; sire, Eph 12792; dam, Cosy 24247 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 794 Leola 2d 27716— Age, Dec. 20, '06; sire. Monarch 11941; dam, Leola 18489 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 795 Ruby 27713— Age, Sept. 11, '06; sire. Monarch 11941; dam, Rubina 2d 22028— Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 796 Bonnie Katherine 26590 — Age, Oct. 15, '06; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam, Bonnie Bell 16251— Chas. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 797 Valley Gem 28261— Age, Mar. 15, '07; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam, Daisy Red 23276 — Chas. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 93, HEIFER CALF, UNDER 1 YEAR. $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. . Official No. 798 Duchess 28168— Age, Sept. 5, '07; sire, Nailer 7396; dam, Dolly 23509— Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 799 Louisa 29131— Age, Sept. 14, '07; sire. Bouncer 15336; dam. Ruby Rose 22524 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. , 800 Nanny 29109 — Age, Nov. 4, '07; sire. Bouncer 15336; dam, Naomi 25846 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 801 Luna Davy 29110— Age, Mar. 4, '08; sire, Bouncer 15336; dam, Luna 18552 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 802 Hyacinth B. 27909— Age, Sept., '07; sire. Cranberry 10192; dam. Daphne 22297 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 803 Honora B. 27911 — Age, Sept., '07; sire, Cranberry 10192; dam, Dora B. 22298 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 804 Irma, vol. 20 — Age, Sept., '08; sire. Cranberry 10192; dam, Dutch Rose 24808 — C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. 805 Narcissa 4th 28655— Age, Oct. 12, '07; sire. North Star 5742; dam, Narcissa 21741 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 806 Quartz 29134 — Age, Oct. 28, '07; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Quality 15653 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 807 Fancy's Pride — Age, May 27, '08; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Fancy 23271 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 808 Princess Lady 29027 — Age, Sept. 22, '07; sire, Cremo 13018; dam. Princess 21885 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 809 Gertrude — Age, Sept. 10, '07; sire, Nailer 7396; dam, Marguerite 21588 — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. BREEDING RED POLLED 145 Official No. 810 Dorcas— Age, May 17, '08; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Bina 24754— Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 811 Verna— Age, Mar. 2, '08; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Baby Mine 24129— Pranli Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 812 Bonnie— Age, May 29, '08; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Abbie 24756— Franl?; Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 813 Apple Blossom 29080— Age, May 2, '08; sire, Bph 12792; dam, Cosy 2d 24247— Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 814 Bell of Richmond 27867— Age, Oct. 8, '07; sire, Nerod 12699; dam, Juliette 3d 23013 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 815 Beaut 27772— Age, Sept. 5, '07; sire. Monarch 11941; dam, Beauty 20745— Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 816 Miss Ruby 29136— Age, Nov. 10, '07; sire. Monarch 11941; dam, Rubina 22027 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 817 Leola 3d 29147— Age, Mar. 8, '08; sire, Jolly Bill 15624; dam, Leola 18489— Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 818 Proxy L. 2d 29138— Age, Apr. 2, '08; sire. Show Boy 15368; dam. Proxy L. 18861— Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. 819 Puny 4th 28257— Age, Oct. 9, '07; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam, Puny 3d 17432— Chas. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 820 Dolly 28256— Age, Sept. 2, '07; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam. Boss 20853— Chas. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 94. SENIOR CHAMPION MALE. $30. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 86-87. CLASS 95. JUNIOR CHAMPION MALE. $30. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 88-89. CLASS 96. SENIOR CHAMPION FEMALE. $30. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 90-91. 146 BREEDING RED POLLED CLASS 97. JUNIOR CHAMPION FEMALE. $30. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 92-93. CLASS 98. AGED HERD. Consisting of Bull, 2 years or over; one Cow, 3 years or over; Heifer, 2 years and under 3; Heifer, 1 year and under 2; Heifer, under 1 year. $50, 35, 15. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Geo. Ineichen & Son, Geneva, Ind. C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. CLASS 99. YOUNG HERD. To consist of Bull, under 2 years; two Heifers, 1 year and under 2; two Heifers, under 1 year. All except Bull to be bred by Exhibitor. $50, 35, 15. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Geo. Ineichen & Son, Geneva, Ind. C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph L. Kestel, New Lenox, 111. Prank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. BREEDING RED POLLED 147 CLASS 100. CALF HERD. One Bull and four Heifers, all under 1 year, and all bred by Exhibitor. $50, 30, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Adolph P. Arp, Bldridge, Iowa. Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Jos. Kestel, New Lenox, 111. CLASS 101. PRODUCE OF ONE COW, TWO ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX. $20, 15, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. • $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. C. A. Shurtz, Gaj'^sport, Ohio. CLASS 102. GET OF ONE SIRE, FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX. $50, 35, 15. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Geo. Ineichen, Geneva, Ind. C. J. Buchanan, Indianapolis, Ind. Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 148 BREEDING POLLED DURHAM POLLED DURHAM [See Rule 45] CLASS 103. BULL, 3 YEARS OR OVER. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 821 Grover Abbotsburn 3938— Age, June 29, '03; sire, Royal Abbots- burn; dam, Florence Mathews — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 822 Jobn D. 5273— Age, Feb'y 28, '05; sire Bonnie Boy; dam, Pride- David Weatherby, Buck Grove, Iowa. 823 Sweet Monarch X4467 251779SH— Age, Apr. 30, '05; sire, Clear Lake Abbotsbury X4032; dam, Violet K. — S. B. Whitman, Spring- port, Mich. CLASS 104. BULL, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 824 Buttonwood Tip 3d SH280669 PD5017— Age, Nov. 3, '05; sire, Win- dermere Tip; dam, Polly — E. J. Auspurger, Pulaski, Iowa. 825 Buttonwood Marshall 19th 5014— Age, Nov. 20, '05; sire. Field Marshall 1758; dam. Little Eva of Buttonwood — Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 826 Marshall of The Mound 5765— Age, Dec. 20, '05; sire. Field Mar- shall; dam, Buttonwood Jenny Lind — ^W. H. Miller & Sons, Mul- berry, Ind. CLASS 105. SENIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1906, AND JAN. 1, 1907. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 827 Buttonwood Marshall 22d 5570— Age, Nov. 4, '06; sire. Field Mar- shall; dam, Ophelia of Licking 7th — Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. BREEDING POLLED DURHAM ' 149 Official No. 828 The Confessor 284217— Age, Oct. 12, '06; sire, The Professor 172332; dam. Lady Graceful, vol. 55 — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 829 Scottish King 6685— Age, Nov. 9, '06; sire, Scottish Abbotsburn; dam, Violet Abbotsburn — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 106. JUNIOR YEARLING BULL, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1907, AND SEPT. 1, 1907. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 830 Springport Tad 37th X6706— Age, July 29, '07; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam, 38th Duchess of Tenewer— S. E. Whit- man, Springport, Mich. ' CLASS 107. SENIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908. $20, 15, 10. OfflciaJ No. 831 Lavender Tipp 6708 — Age, Oct. 18, '07; sire, Ashley's Tippecanoe; dam. Bill Arcadia — A. S. & B. Edwards, Versailes, Ky. 832 Buttonwood Tip 5th 6672 — Age, Sept. 25, '07; sire, Buttonwood Tip 2d; dam, Mound Loretta — Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 833 Wanderer's Victor 296572 — Age, Sept. 2, '07; sire. Royal Wanderer 208144; dam, 10th Miama Victoria, vol. 59— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 834 Bud' Lancaster 6686 — ^Age, Sept. 4, '07; sire, Grover Abbotsburn; dam, Mary Lancaster 3d of Olive Hill — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 835 Springport Tad 38th X6707— Age, Sept. 7, '07; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam, Wanda Mar X— S. E. Whitman, Spring- port, Mich. CLASS 108. JUNIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1908. $20, 15, 10. Official No. 836 Tipp Chesterfield 6712 — Age, Jan. 8, '08; sire, Scottish Chester- field X5508; dam, Cleopatra Beauty — Jacob Marti, Lansing, Iowa. 837 Choice Chesterfield 6711 — Age, Jan. 4, '08; sire, Scottish Chester- field X5508: dam. Pride of Ottawa — Jacob Marti, Lansing, Iowa. 150 BREEDING POLLED DURHAM Official No. 838 Grand Rival 304639— Age, Jan. 23, '08; sire. Grand Lad 269385; dam, Golden Blossom — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 839 Scottish Pride 6674— Age, Feb'y 10, '08; sire, Scottisii Abbotsburn; dam. Pride's Lady — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 840 Mayor Marshall — Age, Mar. 9, '08; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam. Lady Mayor — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 841 Scottish Champion — Age, Apr. 16, '08; sire, Scottish Abbotsburn; dam, Florence Mathews — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 109. cow, 3 YEARS OR OVER. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 842 Queen May S. H., vol. 47, P. D., vol. 3— Age, Oct. 3, '99; sire, Scottish Lord; dam. Red Rose 55th — E. J. Augspurger, Pulaski, Iowa. 843 Gipsy Girl 2d — Age, Nov. 7, '03; sire, Max 2756; dam. Imp. Gipsy Girl 9th— Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 844 Nora Miller 3d — Age, Apr. 19, '03; sire. Royal Monarch; dam, Nora Miller— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry Ind. 845 Cambridge Marchioness — Age, Sept. 4, '04; sire, Red Monarch; dam, Cambridge Aggie — S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. 846 Cambridge Aggie — Age, Apr. 20, '02; sire, Cambridge Lad 3d X1300 137672; dam, Aggie 2d— S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. CLASS 110-. cow OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 847 Golden Rose 6th S. H. 27950 P. D. vol. 4— Age, Dec. 27, '05; sire, Mary's Milton; dam, Golden Rose 5th— E. J. Augspurger, Pulaski, Iowa. 843 Buttonwood Dutchess — Age, Mar. 15, '06; sire, Buttonwood Mar- shall 5th; dam, Oak Leaf — Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 849 Meadow Queen 2d — Age, Oct. 5, '05; sire. Gold Coin; dam, Meadow Queen — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 850 Springport Polled Duchess — Age, Sept. 15, '05; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam, 38th Duchess of Tenewer— S. E. Whit- man, Springport, Mich. BREEDING POLLED DURHAM 151 CLASS 111. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 190r' $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 851 American Duchess 40th P. D. vol. 4 — ^Age, Oct. 13, '06; sire, But- tonwood Marshal 5th X 3263 213568; dam, American Duchess 22d Xvol. 3 & 60— F. S. Bunker, Kilbourn, Wis. 852 Buttonwood Jenny Lind — Age, Oct. 7, '06; sire. Field Marshal 1758; dam. Imp. Jenny Lind 24th — -Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 853 Buttonwood Maud — Age, Oct. 28, '06; sire, Field Marshal 1758; dam, Bapton's Maud — Oscar Hadley, Plainfield Ind. 854 Minnie Mar X— Age, Sept. 2, '06; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam. Wander Mar — S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. 855 Polled Duchess 2d— Age, Oct. 3, '06; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam, 38th Duchess of Tenewer— S. E. Whitman, Spring- port, Mich. CLASS 112. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1907, AND SEPT. 1, 1907. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 856 Crimson Beauty S. H. 27949 P. D. vol. 4— Age, Jan. 12, '07; sire, Mary's Milton; dam. Baron's Duchess — E. J. Augspurger, Pu- laski, Iowa. 857 Clara Sultan S. H. 26347 P. D. vol. 4— Age, May 25, '07; sire. Imp. Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Lady Clare X— F. S. Bunker, Kilbourn, Wis. 858 Queen of Miami 5th 29818— Age, June 11, '07; sire. Royal Wan- derer 208144; dam, Queen of Miami 3d, vol. 49 — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 859 Wanderer's Trophy 29820 — Age, Mar. 24, '07; sire. Royal Wan- derer 208144; dam, Theodora 2d, vol. 49— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 860 Mary Golddust — Age, Mar. 6, '07; sire, Scottish Abbotsburn; dam. Royal's Mist — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 861 Lady Lancaster — Age, Mar. 20, '07; sire, Scottish Abbotsburn; dam, Edith L. of Olive Hill— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 153 BREEDING POLLED DURHAM CLASS 113. SENIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908. $20, 15, 10. Official No. 862 Victora's Beauty S. H. 40428 P. D. vol. 5— Age, Sept. 2, '07; sire, Mary's Milton; dam. Queen Victoria — B. J. Augspurger, Pu- laski, Iowa. 863 Nellie Marshal X. P. D. vol. 5 S. H. 26349— Age, Oct. 6, '07; sire, "Whitehall Marshal 209776; dam, American Duchess 21st — F. S. Bunker, Kilbourn, Wis. 864 Countess Tipp — Age, Oct. 8, '07; sire, Ashley Tippecanoe; dam, Georgia Count — A. L. & B. Edwards, Versailes, Ky. 865 Buttonwood Gladi 3d — Age, Sept. 25, '07; sire, Buttonwood Tip 2d; dam. Verbena Gladiolus — Oscar Hadley, Plainfieid, Ind. 866 Buttonwood Jenny L. 5th — Age, Oct. 3, '07; sire, Buttonwood Tip 2d 5016; dam. Imp. Jenny Lind 24th — Oscar Hadley, Plainfieid, Ind. 867 Roan Poppy 41648— Age, Sept. 6, '07; sire. Roan Archer 253227; dam, Poppy 105th, vol. 64 — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 868 Lady Grateful 41645 — Age, Nov. 12, '07; sire. Royal Wanderer 208144; dam. Lady Graceful, vol. 55— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 869 Marshal Queen — Age, Oct. 7, '07; sire. Marshal of the Mound; dam. Golden Queen — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 870 Golden Maid — Age, Oct. 25, '07; sire. Golden Abbotsburn; dam. Silver Maid 4th— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 871 Moffat's Lady— Age, Sept. 16, '07; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam. Lady Moffat— S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. 872 Golden Maid— Age, Oct. 14, '07; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam. Golden Star— S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. CLASS 114. JUNIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1908. $20, 15, 10. Official No. 873 Pearl's Strawberry S. H. 40427 P. D. vol. 5— Age, Feb'y 8, '08; sire, Buttonwood Tip 3d; dam. Pearl of the North— E. J. Augspurger, Pulaski, Iowa. 874 Nonita— Age, Jan. 2, '08; sire. Valley Champion 130485; dam, Nona — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 875 Buttonwood Mattie— Age, Mar. 7, '08; sire, Field Marshal; dam, Mattie o.f Acacia — Oscar Hadley, Plainfieid, Ind. 876' Buttonwood Ophelia 3d— Feb'y 10, '08; sire. Field Marshal; dam, Ophelia of Licking 7th— Oscar Hadley, Plainfieid, Ind. BREEDING POLLED DURHAM 153 Official - No. 877 Bell Boy's Rose— Age, May 15, '08; sire, Bell Boy X3682; dam, Blumed Rose — Jacob Marti, Lansing, Mich. 878 Wanderer's Violet — ^Age, Apr. 22, '08 ; sire. Royal Wanderer 208144 ; dam. Mountain Violet, vol. 66 — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 879 Lady May Day 41646— Age, Feb'y 18, '08; sire, Scottish Rule 4th 201156; dam. Lady Grand, vol. 44— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 880 Lady Marshal — Age, Feb'y 9, '08; sire. Marshal of the Mound; dam. Lady Lancaster 2d — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 881 Nella Marshal — ^Age, Feb'y 18, '08; sire. Marshal of the Mound; dam. Sweet Nella — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 882 Queen Marshal — Age, Feb'y 21, '08; sire. Marshal of the Mound; dam. Sweet Queen — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 883 Jennie Abbotsburn — Age, Mar. 20, '08; sire, Scottish Abbotsburn; dam, Buttonwood Jennie Lind — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 115. SENIOR SWEEPSTAKES BULL, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $30. Competition for Sweepstakes Premiums limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 103, 104. CLASS 116. JUNIOR SWEEPSTAKES BULL, UNDER 2 YEARS. $30. CompetiLion for Sweepstakes Premiums limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 105, 106, 107, 108. CLASS 117. SENIOR SWEEPSTAKE COW OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $30. Competition for Sweepstakes Premiums limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 109, 110. 154 BREEDING POLLED DURHAM CLASS 118. JUNIOR SWEEPSTAKES HEIFER, UNDER 2 YEARS. $30. Competition for Sweepstakes Premiums limited to First Prize "Winners in Classes 111, 112, 113, 114. CLASS 119. AGED HERD. Consisting of one Bull, 2 years or over; one Cow, 3 years or over; one Co"w or Heifer, 2 years and under 3; one Heifer, 1 year and under 2; one Heifer under 1 year. $25, 20, 15, 10. E. J. Augspurger, Pulaski, Iowa. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Oscar Hadley, Plainfleld, Ind. Ind. S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. CLASS 120. YOUNG HERD. Consisting of one Bull, under 2 years; two Heifers, 1 year and under 2; two Heifers under 1 year. All except Bull must be bred by Exhibitor. $25, 20, 15, 10. Oscar Hadley, Plainfleld, Ind. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. Ind. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. . CLASS 121. CALF HERD. Consisting of one Bull and four Heifers, all under 1 year, and all bred by Exhibitor. $25, 20, 15, 10. Oscar Hadley, Plainfleld, Ind. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. Ind. BREEDING POLLED DURHAM 156 CLASS 122. TWO ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, PRODUCE OF ONE COW. $25, 20, 15, 10. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. Ind. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. Ind. S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. CLASS 123. FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE SIRE. $25, 20, 15, 10. E. J. Augspurger, Pulaski, Iowa. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. Ind. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. Ind. S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. J H. Miller, Peru, Ind. $400 of above money subscribed by the American Polled Durham Breeders' Association. HORSES BOUGHT ON COMMISSION SAMUEIi COZZBNS DEAZiEK rnr Fine Coach and Driving Horses Union Stock Yards 'Phone Yards 77 CHICAGO J. J, ELLSWORTH HARRY McNAIR ELLSWORTH & McNAIR ISLH.^E^N'bT™?'"" HORSES AND MULES STABLE NO. 6, UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO Telephone Yards 900 Reference: The Live Stock Exchange National Bank Markets Furnished on Request AUCTION EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY AT 9 A. M. PRIVATE SALES DAILY LATROBE STEEL = CAR COUPLERS BEST MADE PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO KEEPING things up in good shape around the place is something all property owners want to do. DEVOE good paint things are one of the means of doing it right. House and barn paints; implement paints; brushes; varnishes; all sorts of paint things. The name DEVOE always means quality. 176 Randolph' Street, Chicago ~ lton& William Sts., New York Devoe & Raynolds Co. fu 1214 Grand Ave., Kansas City 156 SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES IST FAT CATTLE DIVISION (For stall fees see Rule 60, page 26.) Rule 70. Judges are instructed to prefer tlie highest degree of ex- cellence obtainable, considering fdrm, finish, quantity and quality of flesh and fat, also age and weight; to recognize the very highest quality of prime edible meat, and to object to the production of superfluous tal- low; qualities that are indicated to the touch, to the end that animals that win prizes on foot shall ultimately be proven first quality of beef. Rule 71. All compulsory slaughter tests are abolished. Entries for slaughter test must be made prior to Nov. 1st. Rule 72. Exhibitors will be required to furnish a statement of the feeds and methods of feeding employed by them in the production of their exhibits. Such statements shall be used for publication in news- papers and in the Exposition's Annual Report — or otherwise, as may in the discretion of the management be deemed best to promote the education of those interested. Blank forms of these statements will be supplied by the General Superintendent. ENTRIES FAT SHORTHORN [See Rule 45] CLASS 124. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. . . American Shorthorn Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, .20, 10. Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in American Shorthorn Herd Book. Official No. 884 Maplehurst Model — Age, Aug. 10, '06; sire Golden Lavender 119421; dam. Rosebud 68th, vol. 57, p. 898 — James Carmichael, Rochelle, 111. 885 Doc — Age, June 21, '06; sire, Synonym 210061; dam. Lady Laven- der, vol. 47, p. 458— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 886 Jacob — Age, June 4, '06; sire. Imp. Manly Prince 192142; dam. Snowbank, vol. 63, p. 652— J. D. Douglas & Son, Platrock, Ind. 158 SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES Official No. 887 Woodberry's Crown — Age, Sept. 27, '05; sire, Russler 242648; dam, Jessie of Whitehall, vol. 57, p. 674 — Arthur & Howard Gerlaugh, Osborne, Ohio. 888 Baron Oxford 275478 — Age, May 14, '06; sire, Baron Foxglove 231479; dam, Oxford of Niagara 49th, vol. 54, p. 949 — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 889 Col. Harriman— Age, Nov. 14, '03; sire. Modern Marshall 193331; dam, Maud Muller — Kansas State Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 890 Rupert — Age, May 31, '06; sire. Northern King 215079; dam, Queen Rupert, vol. 50, p. 767 — University of Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. 891 Ohio's Signet— Age, Aug. 23, '06; sire. Red Wing 257860; dan.. Leopard's Abbotsburn, vol. 46, p. 430 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 892 Ohio's Stamp — Age, June 27, '06; sire. Great Chicago 210459; dam, Hirdrieanna's Victory, vol. 61, p. 794 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 893 Hogonought — Age, June 1, '06; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam, Maggie Forest 5th, vol. 44, p. 818— J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 894 Wild Eyes Bill— Age, Jan. 13, '06; sire, Lovely Master 220705; dam. Wild Eyes Spot, vol. 61, p. 1074 — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. 895 Rugby— Age, Sept. 18, '05; sire. The Professor 172332; dam. Poppy 96th, vol. 57, p. 898^Abram Rennick, Winchester, Ky. 896 Joker— Age, May 30, '06; sire, Ivanhoe 234961; dam, Goff's Pride, vol. 58, p. 739— W. H. Rinnick, Paris, Ky. 897 Pairview Lad — Age, Jan. 15, '06; sire, Rolando 162647; dam. Duch- ess Allerton 9th, vol. 51, p. 522— C. F. Rice, Indianola, 111. 898 Look Me Over — Age, Dec. 12, '05; sire, King Champion; dam, Cumberland Countess, vol. 65, p. 970 — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 899 Kenneth— Age, Mar. 28, '06; sire, Abbotsburn Marshal 214051; dam. Beauty of Sheridan, vol. 45, p. 1141 — Wm. Smiley, Mal- com, Iowa. CLASS 125. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 900 Victorius— Age, Oct. 18, '06; sire. Viceroy 203774; dam, Victor's Pride, vol. 50, p. 707— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 901 William— Age, Aug. 13, '07; sire. Manly Prince 192142; dam. Sus- pense, vol. 48, p. 178 — J. D. Douglas & Son, Flatrock, Ind. SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES 159 Official No. 902 Evener — Age, Feb'y 3, '07; sire. Master Russell 209889; dam. Lad's Duchess, vol. 64, p. 906 — Arthur & Howard Gerlaugh, Osborn, Ohio. 903 Dutch Uncle— Age, Aug. 2, '07; sire. Royal Duke 212789; dam. Miss Valentine, vol. 62, p. 946 — Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., Ohio. 904 Ruby's Victor — Age, Sept. 3, '06; sire, Royal Victor 154367; dam. Ruby 2d, vol. 51, p. 1080— Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., Ohio. .905 White Rock — Age, Sept. 10, '06; sire, Barrington Duke of Black- water 220370; dam, Minas Oxford Duchess, vol. 62, p. 862 — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 906 Judge — ^Age, Sept. -16, '06; sire, Lopez 231291; dam. Miss Emma 2d, vol. 67, p. 571 — Kansas State Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 907 Capt. Hill— Age, Jan. 12, '07; sire. Captain 231948; dam, Kirklev- ington Princess, vol. 53, p. 681 — Kansas State Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 908 Lord Russell— Age, Oct. 4, '06; sire, Master Russell 209889; dam, Madaline, vol. 61, p. 732 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 909 Ohio Pedro — Age, Mar. 27, '07; sire. Great Chicago 210459; dam. Lady May 21st, vol. 53, p. 868 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 910 Ohio Chief — ^Age, Nov. 3, '06; sire. Lord Brawith; dam. Matchless Mary 2d, vol. 57, p. 959 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 911 Jerry B. — Age, Dec. 19, '06; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam, Pride of the Farm, vol. 38, p. 592— J. R. Peak & Son, Win- chester, 111. 912 Peak's Baby — Age, Jan. 3, '07; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam. Saint Agnes, vol. 50, p. 891— J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 913 Togo — Age, Apr. 7, '07; sire. Royal Peer 211558; dam, Gentle Bessie, vol. 65, p. 893 — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. 914 Hopeful— Age, Sept. 28, '06; sire. Royal Sharon 224185; dam'. Rosebud 50th, vol. 40, p. 853 — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 915 I Am It — Age, Jan. 6, '07; sire, Rosemary Viceroy 182665; dam. Rose, vol. 52, p. 549— C. F. Rice, Indianola, 111. 916 Chess — Age, Jan. 10, '07; sire. Legal Tender 121749; dam, Jennie Lind, vol. 52, p. 519— C. F. Rice, Indianola, 111. 917 Evener — Age, Dec. 12, '06; sire. Master Lavender 247498; dam, Ermina Gem, vol. 49, p. 1046 — J. G. Robbins & Son, Horace, Ind. 918 Look at Me — Age, Dec. 8, '06; sire. King Champion 191878; dam, Lady of the Lake, vol. 46, p. 895 — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 160 SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES Official No. 919 Mark — Age, Nov. 23, '06; sire, Abbotsburn Marshal 214051; dam, Pauline, vol. 65, p. 993 — William Smiley, Malcom, Iowa. 920 Spring Hill Buckeye — Age, Jan. 29, '07; sire. Prince of Pertb 153879; dam, Blancli of Marri's Hill, vol. 57, p. 596— R. R. West & Son, Hillsboro, Ohio. CLASS 126. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 921 Jubilee Lad— Age, Dec. 4, '07; sire. Jubilee Chief 223883; dam, Fay Hall, vol. 62, p. 573— Jasper N. Baum & Son, Hume, 111. 922 Frank— Age, Oct. 9, '07; sire. Lord Baubb 4th 263185; dam, Miss Maplehurst, vol. 50, p. 563 — James Carmichael, Rochelle, 111. 923 Rose Bud— Age, Oct. 1, '07; sire. Black Watch 153334; dam. High- land Mary, vol. 62, p. 913 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 924 Graceful Lady — ^Age, Jan. 18, '08; sire. Nonpareil Stamp 188487; dam, Pitlivie Graceful, vol. 73— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 925 Thomas — Age, Sept. 1, '07; sire. Manly Prince 192142; dam, Jennie Leslie, vol. 51, p. 713 — J. D. Douglas & Son, Flatrock, Ind. 926 Woodberry's Model — Age, Sept. 1, '07; sire. Prince of Woodberry; dam. Golden Secret — Arthur & Howard Gerlaugh, Osborn, Ohio. 927 Wm. Taft— Age, Jan. 3, '08; sire. Gay Lad 244135; dam, Victoria— Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., Ohio. 928 Roan Boy — ^Age, Sept. 20, '07; sire, College Reformer 248719; dam. College Moore 3d, vol. 44, p. 676 — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 929 Jim— Age, Sept. 15, '07; sire, Scottish Night 136371; dam, Brai- with Gertrude 2d, vol. 61, p. 813 — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 930 —Age, Oct. 12, '07; sire, Village Clipper 236036; dam, Mary Lin- den 15th, vol. 50, p. 700 — Thomas Johnson, Columbus, Ohio. 931 Marshall— Age, Mar. 17, '08; sire, Scottish Prince 230169; dam, Blmwood Rose 3d, vol. 50, p. 589 — Kansas State Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 932 Glenfoyl Commander — Age, Sept. 7, '07; sire, Pennan Commander 239340; dam, Imp. Cherry Blossom 4th, vol. 53, p. 598 — Kansas State Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 933 Dan Hanna — Age, Oct. 5, '07; sire, Pennan Commander 239340; dam. Norma Lovat, vol. 61, p. 606 — Kansas State Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 934 Prince Louan— Age, Nov. 13, '07; sii'e, Pitlivie Chief 192919; dam. Lake Park Louan 90th — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES 161 Official No. 935 Meretorious — Age, Oct. 8, '07; sire, Gloster's Knight 243605; dam, Minnie 38th — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 936 Gant's Special — Age, Mar. 11, '08; sire. Royal Wandei-er 208144; dam. Lady Mary, vol. 55, p. 775 — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 937 Choice Victorious — Age, Sept. 27, '07; sire. The Choice of All 215050; dam. Baroness Lady Fourth, vol. 63, p. 701 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 938 Ohio's Gift— Age, Nov. 11, '07; sire. Village Clipper 236036; dam. Pine Grove Mildred 10th, vol. 62, p. 682— Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 939 Ohio Boy — Age, Jan. 14, '08; sire, Ohio Ensign 275758; dam. Peach, vol. 61, p. 602 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 940 Stranger — Age, Jan. 15, '08; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam, Maggie Forest 5th, vol. 44, p. 818 — J. R. Peak & Son, Win- chester, 111. 941 Fair View Lad — Age, Nov. 1, '07; sire. Lord Champion 254700; dam. Lovely of Fairview 5th, vol. 64, p. 894 — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 942 Cherry Boy — Age, Oct. 10, '07; sire. Clarion 219775; dam, Nellie's Pride 20983— C. F. Rice, Indianola, 111. 943 Silver Mist— Age, Nov. 2, '07; sire, Silver Victor 233070; dam, Lady Winifred, vol. 60, p. 879 — J. G. Robbins & Sons, Horace, Ind. 944 Red Boy — Age, Dec. 15, '07; sire, Nonpariel Prince 262931; dam, Nonpariel Queen — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 945 Bob — Age, Mar. 9, '08; sire, Abbotsburn Marshal 214051; dam, Ruby Bud 3d, vol. 68, p. 1055— William Smiley, Malcom, Iowa. 946 Merry — Age, Nov. 15, '07; sire. Merry Money 259072; dam, Rose of Kensett, vol. 52, p. 1049:^E. E. Thoen, Kensett, Iowa. CLASS 127. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. $50. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $100. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. 162 SHORTHORNS— FAT CLASSES CLASS 128. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. To consist of one 2 year old, one Yearling and one Calf. $75, 50, 25, 10, 5. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $100, 75, 50, 25. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- J. D. Douglas & Son, Flatrock, hattan, Kans. Ind. Ohio State University, Columbus, Arthur & Howard Gerlaugh, Os- Ohio. born, Ohio. J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., C. F. Rice, Indianola, 111. Ohio. Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. William Smiley, Malcom, Iowa. SPECIAL "A;' SENIOR YEARLING STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. SPECIAL "B." JUNIOR YEARLING STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. SPECIAL «C." SENIOR CALF STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. SPECIAL "D." JUNIOR CALF STEER, SPAYED OF MARTIN HEIFER. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. ABERDEEN-ANGUS — FAT CLASSES 163 FAT ABERDEEN-ANGUS [See Rule 45] CLASS 129. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $50, 40, 30, 20, ,10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 10. Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in American Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book. OflBcial No. 947 Valley Home 4tli 1477 — Age, Jan. 30, '06; sire, Prince Edward of Alta 65336; dam, Bell's Gay Lady 71205— Davis Bros., Marysville, Mo. 948 Cyrus — Age, June 20, '06; sire, Aberdeen Park Toby 34989; dam, Gulick's Queen 32505 — J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111. 949 Adams — Age, July 2, '06; sire, Aberdeen Park Toby 34989; dam, Elmhurst Pride 4tli 63098— J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111. 950 Syberian 3d 1434— Age, Jan. 23, '06; sire, Zaire the Great 49792; dam. Lady Sybil 42957 — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 951 Bill Boy 1525— Age, Jan. 4, '06; sire. Prince Ito 50006; dam, "Wel- lington's Beauty 15860 — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 952 Ideal 1,471— Age, Sept. 16, '05; sire, Elflock 62238; dam. Brook- side Isla 49519 — Kansas State Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 953 Pure Gold 1497 — Age, Mar. 4, '06; sire, Beechero 72745; dam, Fivy 2d 21690 — Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 954 Rapidan 1514 — Age, Apr. 12, '06; sire. La Zora 78642; dam, Fivy of Heatherton 2d 64110— Lantz & Mitchell, Danvers, 111. 955 Siberian 4th 1435— Age, Jan. 23, '06; sire, Zaire the Great 49792; dam. Lady Sybil 42957 — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 956 Blaylock 1414— Age, Sept. 12, '05; sire. King of the Rovers 72076; dam, Rldgewood Lucy 65066 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. An- thony Park, Minn. 957 Edison 1446— Age, Sept. 5, '05; sire. Blackbird of Edgewood 45993; dam, Exilia's Enid 21773— Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 958 Cow Boy — ^Age, Mar. 12, '06; sire. Faultless 29065; dam. Lady Vere 3d 55882— Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 959 Lady's Choice Lad 10083— Age, Feb'y 22, '06; sire. Choice Lad 57531: dam. Sunflower Lady 48950 — Parker, Parish Co., Hudson, Kans. 960 Fyvie Knight 99103— Age, May 8, '06;' sire, Woodlawn Knight 4th 55206; dam. Black Queen (m) 74881 — Purdue University, Lafay- ette, Ind. 164 ABERDEEN-ANGUS — FAT CLASSES Official No. 961 RoUicker 1473 — Age, Mar. 25, '06; sire. Prince H. of Fairview 61796; dam, Ruth Gray 81731 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 962 Flint of Meadowbrook 1456 — Age, Feb'y 12, '06; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Fancy of Meadowbrook 26399 — University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Neb. CLASS 130. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 963 Ben H. — sire, Principe 52877; dam, Mooney 37439 — D. Bradfute, & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 964 Valley Home 5th 1519 — Age, Nov. 7, '06; sire. Prince Edward of Alta 65336; dam. Black Beauty D. B. 62742— Davis Bros., Marys- ville. Mo. 965 Valley Home 6th 1538— Age, Feb'y 8, '07; sire. Enterprise of Alta 52726; dam, Gwendolin D 69303— Davis Bros., Marysville, Mo. 966 Emulator — Age, Jan. 27, '07; sire, Broadus Hero 71430; dam, Bli Bro. Winifred 59161— A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 967 South Oaks Shu Shu 1512 — Age, Jan. 2, '07; sire. Blackbird Benton 69611; dam, Queen of Balan 25498— C. D. Hooker & Son, Marys- ville, Mo. 968 Hiram — Age, Oct. 10, '06; sire, Aberdeen Park Toby 34989; dam, Fannie Zell 36786 — J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111. 969 Dave — Age, Oct. 20, '06; sire, Aberdeen Park Toby 34989; dam, Creole Belle 62551 — J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111. 970 Black Dope-Hito 95861 1492 — Age, Sept. 7, '06; sire, Prince Ito 54471; dam, Heather Mabel 33551— Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 971 Home Dale Purity 107561 — Age, Apr. 4, '07; sire. Black King of Woodlawn 31008; dam, Patricia of Alta 45718 — Iowa Agr'l Col- lege, Ames, Iowa. 972 Winfield 1498 — Age, Nov. 8, '06; sire, Lewis of Meadowbrook 72459; dam, Jewie F. 36046 — Kansas Agr'l College, Manhattan, Kans. 973 Gold Standard 1520— Age, Jan. 10, '07; sire, Guidi 56125; dam, Coal Creek Girl 28711 — Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 974 King Ellsworth 102185— Age, Sept. 9, '06; sire, Fivy's Forester 78630; dam. Queen Etta Viola 42938— Lantz & Mitchell, Dan- vers. 111. 975 Metz Prince 3d 1516— Age, Sept. 18, '06; sire. Black Prince of Estil 33626; dam, Metz Beauty 3d 60994— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. ABERDEEN-ANGUS — FAT CLASSES 165 Official No. 976 Blaylock 2d 1472— Age, Sept. 9, '06; sire. King of the Rovers 72076; dam, Ridgewood Lucy 65066 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthony's Park, Minn. 977 Eclipser 1533— Age, Oct. 16, '06; sire. Highland Gerald 84148; dam, Highland Park 46th 75056 — Minnesota Agrl. College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. 978 Peoria 1493 — Age, Sept. 5, '06; sire. Blackbird "of Edgewood 2d 45993; dam. Pride of the Alps 4th 66562— Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 979 Pride of Peoria 100592— Age, Jan. 1, '07; sire. Blackbird of Edge- wood 2d 45993; dam, Pride of Glendale 8th 24266— Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 980 Defender 1495— Age, Oct. 31, '06; sire, Lockhart 70069; dam, Clin- ton Blossom 52593 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 981 Foxy 1578— Age, Sept. 28, '06; sire. Faultless 29065; dam, Her- mione 68194 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 982 Pippin 1613— Age, Apr. 29, '07; sire, Rockcreek Lad 78942; dam. Pride of Auchnaguie 55081 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 983 Teddy 1500 — Age, Jan. 29, '07; sire. Baron Blackwood 55199; dam, Blackbird 2d of Creston 58223 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 984 Royal Lad of Oakland 98276— Age, Nov. 6, '06; sire, Louis of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Rose's Folly of Osborne 46446 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 985 Varsity Cadet— ^Age, Jan. 7, '07; sire, Kentucky Prince 24466; dam, Ewbank's Lucia 62385 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 986 Maplehurst Queen 40£h 106401 — Age, Feb. 1, '07; sire. Clansman Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Queen 9th 53920— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 987 La Preto 1515 — ^Age, May 17, '07; sire, Prince Ito 2d 54471; dam, Lucy of Careston 61752 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 988 Shelbyville 1517— Age, Sept. 3, '06; sire, Barbara's Ito 67516; dam, Palma Eclipser 33895 — H. Weissinger & Son, Shelbyville, Ky. 989 Kentucky 1518 — Age, Sept. 8, '06; sire, Barbara's Ito 67516; dam, Belle Richardson 26110 — H. Weissinger & Son, Shelbyville, Ky CLASS 131. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 990 Master of Meadow Brook 1605— Age, Oct. 10, '07; sire, Alden of Meadow Brook 84615; dam, Tillie of Meadow Brook 48885— D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 166 ABERDEEN-ANGUS — FAT CLASSES Official No. 991 Futurity of Meadow Brook 1606 — Age, Nov. 9, '07; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam, Fawn 2d of Meadow Brook 63748— D. Brad- fute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 992 Allen 1608— Age, Oct. 19, '07; sire, Juba of Morlich 62233; dam. Highland L. 80732 — Campbell Bros., Utica, Minn. 993 Valley Home 7th 1593— Age, Oct. 5, '07; sire, Blackward R. 85756; dam, Rosa Bonheur of Cherokee 38909 — Davis Bros., Mary- ville. Mo. 994 Valley Home 8th 1594 — Age, Nov. 10, '07; sire. Prince Edward of Alta 65336; dam, Mina Melvin 2d 66229— Davis Bros., Mary- ville, Mo. 995 Tuxedo G. 1609— Age, Sept. 18, '07; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068; dam. Misfit 58389— E. E. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 996 South Oaks Fulfil 1590— Age, Sept. 2, '07; sire. Blackbird Benton 69611; dam, Queen Phillips 30826— C. D. Hooker & Son, Mary- ville. Mo. 997 Frank — Age, Oct. 1, '07; sire, Aberdeen Park Toby 34989; dam, Creole Belle 62551 — J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111. 998 Perfection 1577— Age, Sept. 30, '07; sire, .Elyron 82908; dam. Wal- nut Dell Pearl 85319 — Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. 999 Symboleer 1580 — Age, Sept. 4, '07; sire. Prince Duchess 89636; dam. Sunflower Lady Stewart 63771 — Kansas State Agrl. College, Manhattan, Kans. 1000 Glenevir 1581 — Age, Sept. 5, '07; sire. Prince Duchess 89636; dam. Sunflower Gyp 57375 — Kansas State Agrl. College, Manhattan, Kans. 1001 Queen's Prince 1582— Age, Jan. 29, '08; sire. Prince Duchess 89636; dam. Queen's Wonder 53847 — Kansas State Agrl. College, Man- hattan, Kans. 1002 Pat 1565— Age, Nov. 7, '07; sire, Prince Ito 50006; dam. Pansy Pierce 58295 — ^Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 1003 Rosy Boy— Age, Dec. 16, '07; sire. Gem of Forest Hill 78655; dam. Rose of Illington 2d 68285— Lantz & Mitchell, Danvers, 111. 1004 Andy 1574— Age, Sept. 9, '07; sire. Beau Blackbird 53936; dam, Queen Ida 2d 60480 — Mart L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1005 Dan 1575— Age, Sept. 24, '07; sire. Beau Blackbird 53936;, dam, Scott's Bulalie 2d 65889 — Mart L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1006 Columbus 1603— Age, Sept. 7, '07; sire. Prince of Dalmeny 62285; dam, Windsor Queen of Lakeside 2d 77433 — M. A. Martin, Wall Lake, Iowa. 1007 Dudley 1595 — Age, Oct. 4, '07; sire, Errolline's Rosegay 49769; dam, Minnie Peck 54282 — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. ABERDEEN-ANGUS — FAT CLASSES 167 Official No. 1008 Greenview Outpost 1589— Age, Sept. 24, '07; sire, Eric 7th of Kellar Park 69803; dam. Gay Queen's Flora 60685— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1009 Clarance 1564— Age, Sept. 2, '07; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835; dam. Coquette of Denison 24th 46107 — Minnesota Agrl. College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. 1010 Juba— Age, Oct. 18, '07; sire, Juba of Morlich 62233; dam, High- land Park 4ist 75051 — Minnesota Agrl. College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. 1011 Peoria 14th 1583— Age, Jan. 25, '08; sire. Postscript of Alta 73101; dam, Earlyhill Vine 57096— Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 1012 Pert 1579— Age, Nov. 3, '07; sire, Nobleman 2d 91819; dam, Cecelia H. 91817 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1013 Leader of View Point 116247— Age, Sept. 25, '07; sire, Louis of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Rose's Folly of Osborne 45446 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1014 Black Diamond — Age, Dec. 3, '07; sire, Louis of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Ravenwood of Mignonne 38696 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1015 Maplehurst Duchess 9th 117950 — Age, Oct. 25, '07; sire. Clansman Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Duchess 2d 65028— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1016 Undulata 1586— Age, Oct. 15, '07; sire, Undulata Blackbird Ito 83836; dam. Blackbird of Undulata 83508 — H. Weissinger & Son, Shelbyville, Ky. 1017 Dud 1596 — Age, Oct. 6, '07; sire, Noland 94795; dam, Bluegrass Ridge Dora 82676— J. B. Withers, Missouri City, Mo. 1018 Richard 1597 — Age, Jan. 11, '08; sire, Errolline's Rosegay 49769; dam, Obeth 54278— J. B. Withers, Missouri City, Mo. CLASS 132. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. $50. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $30. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. 168 HEREFORD — FAT CLASSES CLASS 133. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. To consist of one 2-year-old, one Yearling and one Calf. $75, 50, 25, 10, 5. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 15. Davis Bros., Maryville, Mo. Minnesota Agrl. College, St. An- J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111. thony Park, Minn. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. Kansas State Agrl. College, Man- Ohio State University, Columbus, hattan, Kans. Ohio. Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. University of Missouri, Columbia, Lantz & Mitchel, Danvers, 111. Mo. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. FAT HEREFORD [See Rule 45] CLASS 134. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 15, 15, 15, 15. Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in American Hereford Record. Official No. 1019 Straightlines — Age, Dec. 10, '05; sire, Ben Hur 159675; dam. Nemesis 126554 — H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 1020 Advance 255772 — Age, July 24, '06; sire, Blackburn 174549; dam, Amaryllis 187956— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1021 Sir Albany 12th 235552— Age, Nov. 30, '05; sire, Albany 132876; dam, Little Jewell 5th 72332— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1022 Glendale — Age, Feb. 6, '06; sire, Merry Dale 155380; dam, Viola 161372 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 1023 Hillside 236569— Age, Oct. 27, '05; sire, Ben Donald 145912; dam, Katrina 51141 — Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. HEREFORD — FAT CLASSES 169 Official No. 1024 Principal 234601— Age, Jan. 17, '06; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam, Buropea 113720 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1025 Ovie's Diamond — Age, Oct. 31, '05; sire, Diamond Lad 108905; dam, Ovie 86203 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1026 Durbar 255027 — Age, June 4, '06; sire, Hatteras 134851; dam. Miss Dolly 3d 175923— A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. CLASS 135. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 15, 15, 15, 15. Official No. 1027 Herbert 272177— Age, Sept. 14, '06; sire. Actor 35th 189345; dam. Hazel 153304— S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 1028 Princeps 18th 288345— Age, Dec. 8, '07; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam, Mollie Maid 154170— Cargill & McMillan, La Crosse, Wis. 1029 Combination — Age, Jan. 2, '07; sire, Ben Hur 159675; dam, Peer- less Jewel 200474— H. J. Pluck, Goodenow, 111. 1030 Heath's Champion Steer— Age, Oct. 12, '06; sire, Ramee 184987; dam, Rosalee 170789 — Heath Stock Farm, Smithboro, 111. 1031 Discoverer 271220 — Age, June 3, '07; sire. Discloser 212280; dam, Bessie 210662— Minnesota Agrl. College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. 1032 Christmas Lad 284622— Age, July 24, '07; sire, Columbus Lad 203572; dam, Christmas Gift 157314— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1033 Albany 6th 261727— Age, Jan. 4, '07; sire. Sir Albany 3d 176522; dam. Lady Actress 2d 191252— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1034 Napoleon 262894— Age, Nov. 26, '06; sire, Dale 2d 175574; dam, Bonnie Warren 182153 — Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Bui en, Ind. 1035 Richelieu 262899— Age, Oct. 20, '06; sire. Dale 2d 175574; dam. Lady Good Cross 183921— Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. 1036 Halberd Stamp 265800— Age, Sept. 3, '06; sire, Halberd Lad ".153746; dam, Florence 139101— University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1037 Donald Lad 271671— Age, Apr. 12, '07; sire, Gay Donald 186476; dam, Niobe 79641 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1038 Brock's Lad— Age, Dec. 16, '06; sire, Brock 173750; dam. Miss Harland 2d 217681— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind 1039 Princeps 14th 268045— Age, Jan. 2, '07; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam, Mollie Maid 154170— A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. 170 HEREFORD — FAT CLASSES CLASS 136. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 15, 15, 15, 15. Official No. 1040 Bonnie Brae 14 288352 — Age, Nov. 15, '07; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam, Crocus 2d 203169— Cargill & McMillan, La Crosse, Wis. 1041 Gragstone 289362— Age, Nov. 6, '07; sire. Refiner 235439; dam, Evangeline 102624 — H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 1042 Oakley Fulfiller 286319— Age, Dec. 1, '07; sire, Fulfiller 4tli 208939; dam, Grace 141384 — O. Harris, Harris, Mo. 1043 Harris Prince 71st 287272— Age, Sept. 30, '07; sire. Beau Donald 5tli 86142; dam. Summer Queen 178252—0. Harris, Harris, Mo. 1044 Iron Heart 289595— Age, Nov. 13, '07; sire. Distributor 176433; dam, Donna 171979 — Heath Stock Farm, Smithboro, 111. 1045 Stemwinder — Age, Nov. 21, '07; sire. Soldier Creek Columbus 153179; dam. Sunrise 188222— Kansas State Agrl. College, Man- hattan, Kans. 1046 Troublesome Boy — sire. Fold President 266045; dam. Paladin Lady 266046 — Mousel Bros., Cambridge, Neb. 1047 Bobolink 293776— Age, Dec. 20, '07; sire, Ben Bolt 206100; dam, Polly 77675— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1048 Lady Disturber 291047— Age, Oct. 4, '07; sire. Disturber Lad 181531; dam, Cleopatra 2d 140850— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1049 Desperado 279412— Age, Sept. 1, '07; sire. Conqueror 2d 213114; dam, Rosatee 150575 — Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. 1050 Big Frank— Age, Nov. 22, '07; sire. Acme 120830; dam. Bird 3d 168345— Robert Turnbull, Speer, 111. 1051 Little Bobby— Age, Nov. 11, '07; sire, Acme 120830; dam, Edith Lady 178359— Robert Turnbull, Speer, 111. 1052 Onward 70th — Age, Sept. 5, '07; sire, March On 96537; dam, Lady Plushcoat 77078 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1053 Brocks' Boy — Age, Nov. 23, '07; sire. Brocks 173750; dam, Nellie Bird 169010— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1054 Brock's Pride — Age, Nov. 21, '07; sire. Brock 173750; dam, Lacoma 68472 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1055 The Squire— Age, Feb. 14, '08; sire. Prime Rex 229750; dam, Mystic 198696— A. L. Weston, Bdgewater, Colo. 1056 Prince 292942— Age, Jan. 3, '08; sire, Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam, Priscilla 9th 228524— A. L. Weston, Bdgewater, Colo. 1057 Happy Hooligan— Age, Sept. 7, '07; sire, Princeps 12th 214059; dam, Miss Princeps 12th 234589— A. L. Weston, Bdgewater, Colo. GALLOWAY — FAT CLASSES 171 CLASS 137. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. $50. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 138. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. To consist of one 2-year-old, one Yearling and one Calf. $75, 50, 25, 10, 5. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $20, 20, 20, 20. Cargill & McMillan, La Crosse, Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Wis. Buren, Ind. H. J. FluCk, Goodenow, 111. J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, F A. Nave, Attica, Ind. Ind. F A. Nave, Attica, Ind. A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. FAT GALLOWAY [See Rule 45] CLASS 139. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $40, 30, 25, 15. OfBclal No. 1058 Governor— Age, Mar. 5, '06; sire, Druid of Castlemilk 17054 (6159); dam, Lanrigg Lass 2d 17107 — C. S. HecMner, Princeton, 111. 1059 Orange — Age, May 16, '06; sire, Scottish Standard 2d 19337; dam, Damsel 13131 — C. D. McPherson, Fairfield, Iowa. 1060 Hechtness 3d— Age, Jan. 4, '06; sire, Druid of Castlemilk 17054 (6159) ; dam. Miss F. 19173— C. D. McPherson, Fairfield, Iowa. 172 GALLOWAY — FAT CLASSES Official No. 1061 Red Cloud Chief— Age, March, '06; sire, Worthy Third 21228 (7762) ; dam. Favorite 16th of Lokenltit 21205— University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1062 Roderick — Age, June 2, '06; sire, Scottish Standard of Durhamhill 23516 (7377) ; dam. Nightingale 2d of Otoe 24755— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1063 Cap Henry 30112— Age, June 12, '06; sire, Rambler of Cornbelt 16346; dam, Susannah 16175 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. CLASS 140. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $40, 30, 25, 15. Official No. 1064 Sunshine — Age, Jan. '07; sire. Sunrise of Fairfield 224621; dam, Fairfield Peerless 23015 — C. D. McPherson, Fairfield, Iowa. 1065 Evan Chance 30177— Age, Dec. 20, '06; sire. Pride's Druid 24882; dam, Eva of Catalpa 13010 — University of Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. 1066 Domsie — Age, Sept. 25, '06; sire, Scottish Standard of Durhamhill 23516; dam, Dolly of Wavertree 18746— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1067 Scottish Lad 30592 — Age, Jan. 7, '07; sire. Rambler of Corn Belt 16346; dam. Queen of the Oaks 17390— Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1068 Knight of the Glen 32425— Age, Feb. 25, '07; sire. Professor of Corn Belt 20676; dam, Stella of Corn Belt 19794— Purdue Uni- versity, Lafayette, Ind. CLASS 14L STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $40, 30, 25, 15. Official No. 1069 Kansas Jim — Age, Jan. 18, '08; sire. Built Right 21715 — Kansas State Agrl. College, Manhattan, Kans. 1070 Button— Age, Apr. 28, '08; sire. King H 12th of Fairfield 24628; dam. Lady of Packwood 30718 — C. D. McPherson, Fairfield, Iowa. 1071 Vigilant— Age, Sept. 3, '07; sire, Chief 2d of Stepford 23513; dam, Alida 18385 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1072 Highland Laddie— Age, Oct. 20, '07; sire, Mahomet 28121; dam, Lena of Otoe 22497 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. RED POLLED — FAT CLASSES HS CLASS 142. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. $50. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 143. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. To consist of one 2-year-old, one Yearling and one Calf. $75, 50, 25, 10. C. D. McPherson, Fairfield, Iowa. University of Missouri, Columbia, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Mo. Neb. FAT RED POLLED [See Rule 45] CLASS 144. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $40, 30. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $12, 10, 8, 5. Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in American Red Polled Herd Book. Official No. 1073 Bruno 16883— Age, Jan. 12, '06; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Thankful 22526— Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, lovira. 1074 Bounce 16881 — Age, Dec. 14, '05; sire, Nailer 7396; dam, Paulina 15579 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 174 RED POLLED — FAT CLASSES CLASS 145. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $40, 30. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $12, 10, 8, 5. Officla! No. 1075 Nailer 16882— Age, Dec. 3, '06; sire, Nailer 7396; dam, Lucy's Per- fection 21561^Adolpli P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 1076 Perfection 16880— Age, Nov. 20, '06; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Cas- caras Perfection 19363 — Adolpli P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. CLASS 146. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $40, 30. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $12, 10, 8, 5. Official No. 1077 Sam 17939— Age, Oct. 30, "07; sire, Bouncer 15336; dam. Alma 24127 — Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 1078 Jim 7940 — Age, Sept. 8, '07; sire, Bouncer 15336; dam, Laura's Perfection 19896— Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 1079 Major— Age, Jan. 4, '08; sire, Nailer 7396; dam, Miss McKinley 17203 — Prank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. CLASS 147. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. $50. Red Polled Angus Cattle Club of America Specials. $20. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 148. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. To consist of one 2-year-old, one Yearling and one Calf. $75, 50. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. $12, 10, 8, 5. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. POLLED DURHAM — P'AT CLASSES 175 FAT POLLED DURHAM [See Rule 45] 'class 149. steer, spayed or martin heifer, 2 years and under 3. $40, 30. Official No. 1080 Buttonwood Dick 3d — Age, June 17, '06; sire, Fairview Marshal 1st; dam, Oxford Heydon Rose Stti — Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 1081 Harrison's Pride — Age, Oct. 21, '06; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d 3298 213090; dam, Fossie B. 4tli — S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. CLASS 150. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $40, 30. Official No. 1082 Buttonwood Dick 4th— Age, Mar. 15, '07; sire. Field Marshal 164475; dam. Bracelet of Arcadia-^Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 1083 Forester — Age, July 4, '07; sire. Royal Wanderer 208144; dam, Lady 3d, vol. 43— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 1084 Butterfly's Bullock— Age, July 17, '07; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam. Baker's Butterfly 7th— S. E. Whitman, Spring- port, Mich. CLASS 151. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $40, 30. Official No. 1085 Buttonwood Dick 5th — Age, Oct. 7, '07; sire. Royal Marshal; dam, Cherry of Monarch — Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. 1086 Marquis — Age, Dec. 7, '07; sire, Scottish Rule 4th 201156; dam. Lady Melrose, vol. 55 — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 1087 Dick's Choice— Age, Sept. 2, '07; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d X3298 213090; dam, Wixon's Polled Rose X— S. E. Whitman, Spring- port, Mich. 176 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS CLASS 152. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. $50. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 153. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. To consist of one 2-year-old, one Yearling and one Calf. $80, 40. Oscar Hadley, Plainfield, Ind. S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. GRADES AND CROSS=BREDS Rule 73. The term "grade" is hereby defined to mean an animal having but a portion of pure blood, as for example: the get of a pure- bred bull from a native or common cow. Any steer or heifer that is not of pure blood may compete. A "cross-bred" is defined as an animal whose sire and dam are of pure blood but of different breeds. Names of sire and dam and their breeding, so far as possible, must be furnished with entry. CLASS 154. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1906, AND SEPT. 1, 1906. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1089 John — Age, Jan. 20, '06; sire, Martin 176834; dam, Roany — Wm. Andrews & Son, Morse, Iowa. 1090 Perfection— Age, April, '06; sire. King Royal 243608— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 1091 De Groat & Weinberg, Augusta, 111. 1092 Blue John — Age, Mar. 26, '06; sire, Battic 41008; dam. Grade Angus — Owen L. Fitch, Barry, 111. 1093 Jack of the Wells — Funk Bros. Seed Co., Bloomington, 111. 1094 Bonnie— Age, Oct. 9, '05; sire, March On 65th 162013— Wallace Good, Bovina, Tex. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 1T7 Official No. 1095 Black Ben — Age, Mar. 27, '06; sire, Broadus Hero 71430 — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1096 Bob Lee — Age, May 21, '06; sire, Haddan 49936; dam (Grade Angus) — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1097 Black Bob — Age, June 14, '06; sire, Haddan 49936 dam (Grade Angus) — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1098 Walnut Bell— Age, Aug. 24, '06; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068— E. E. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 1099 Metz Choice— Age, Jan. 6, '06; sire, Black Prince of Estill 33626— Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. 1100 Greenbank Lad— Age, Aug. 21, '06; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — James Leask, Greenbank, Ont., Can. 1101 Silas— Age, Jan. 17, '06; sire. Black Prince of Estill 33626; dam (Grade Angus) — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1102 Jerry— Age, Mar. 1, '06; sire, Col. Stewart 170021; dam (Grade Hereford) — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1103 Jumbo B.— Age, June 14, '06; sire. Walnut Center Pagoda 81770; dam (Grade Angus) — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1104 Jumbo— Age, Oct. 10, '06; sire. Eagle 10th 146432— Mousel Bros., Cambridge, Neb. 1105 Consoler — Age, Jan. 10; sire, Princeps 4th 143394 — Mousel Bros., Cambridge, Neb. 1106 Triger — sire. Eagle 10th 146432 — Mousel Bros., Cambridge, Neb. 1107 Candidate — Age, May 24, '06; sire, Ohio Boy; dam (Grade Short- horn— Mart L. McCoy, Washington C. H., Ohio. 1108 Galloway Drab— Age, May, '06; sire, Scottish Standard 2d 19337; dam (Grade Galloway) — C. D. McPherson, Fairfield, Iowa. 1109 Cyril's Choice— Age, Oct. 15, '05; sire. Chief's Best 170743; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1110 V. O.— Age, May 5, '06; sire, Don B. 160204; dam (Grade Here- ford)—F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1111 Dictator — Age, Feb. 12, '06; sire. Bugler 54148 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1112 Ohio's Roan Texan — Age, '06 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1113 Col. Dan— Age, May 3, '06; sire, Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam (Shorthorn) — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1114 Turnbull— Age, July 1, '06; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; J. R. Peak & Son. Winchester, 111. 1115 Knighthood— Age, Feb. 26, '06; sire, Woodlawn Knight 4th 55206; dam (Grade Angus) — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 1116 Spot 2d— Age, Feb. 2d, '06; sire, Le Roy 5th 154804; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 1117 Fred Douglas — Age, Apr. 10, '06; sire. Beau Douglas 93974; dam, Goldie — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 178 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS oacial No. 1118 Ike— Age, Jan. 20, '06; sire. Ward Bamff 226075— C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 1119 Champion — Age, Aug. 3, '06; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895 — Jos. Stone, Saintfield, Ont. 1215 Bullet— H. W. Moore, Denver, Colo. CLASS 155. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1906, AND JAN. 1, 1907. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1120 Billie Charming — Age, Nov. 21, '06; sire, John Charming 135276; dam (Cross Breed) — Wallace Good, Bovina, Tex. 1121 Clinker — Age, Oct. 3, '06; sire, Broadus Hero 71430; dam (Grade Angus) — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1122 Buffalo Boy — Age, Dec. 12, '06; dam (Hereford) — J. Ed. Herrin, Buffalo, 111. 1123 South Oak's Flashlight— Age, Sept. 10, '06; sire. Blackbird Benton 69611; dam (Grade Angus)— C. D. Hooker & Son, Maryville, Mo. 1124 Onaway Chief— Age, Dec. 27, '06; sire, Keka 97881; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., Ohio. 1125 My Choice— Age, Sept. 5, '06; sire. Black King of Woodlawn 31008; dam (Grade Angus) — Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. 1126 Red Raven — Age, Nov. 16, '06; sire, Brookside Fannie 73640; dam (Angus) — Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. 1127 Roan Jim— Age, Nov. 16, '06; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — Jas. Leask, Greenbank, Ont., Can. 1128 Captain Ramsay— Age, Sept. 25, '06; sire, Fayette Do Do 67113; dam (Angus) — Mart. L. McCoy, Washington C. H., Ohio. 1129 Ebony — Age, Oct. 25, '06; sire, Broadus Hero 71430; dam (Angus) Mart. L. McCoy, Washington C. H., Ohio. 1130 Pride of the West— Age, Sept. 6, '06; sire. Grove Real 155689; dam (Grade Hereford) — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1131 Jimmy — Age, Sept. 4, '06; sire. Secret Lad of Edge wood 194428; dam (Grade Shorthorn)— J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1132 Roan King— Age, Dec. 20, '06; sire, King Champion 191878— C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 1133 Corning— Age, Oct. 2, '06; sire. Dale 2d; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-EREDS 179 CLASS 156. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1907, AND SEPT. 1, 1907. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1134 Challenger — Age, Jan. 10, '07; sire. Gentleman Joe 21226 — C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 1135 Mike — Age, June 12, '07; sire. King E. D. 91803 — Davis Bros., Mary- ville, Mo. 1136 Bill— Age, May 17, '07; sire. Black Magic of Homedale 2d 82619— Davis Bros., Maryville, Mo. 1137 Shelby— Age, July 16, '07— J. D. Douglas & Son, Flatrock, Ind. 1138 Dick K.— Age, July 15, '07; sire, Broadus Hero 71430; dam (Grade Angus) — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1139 Dr. Gwinn— Age, Jan. 10, '07; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068— E. B. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 1140 Thickset — Age, June 10, '07; sire. Lord Roberts 2d 83354 — James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1141 Fancy Robert — ^Age, Apr. 20, '07; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354 — James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1214 Paddy — Age, Mar. 29, '07; sire, Blockene — Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. 1142 Motley— Age, Jan. 7, '07; sire, College Reformer 248719 — Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. 1143 Duke — Age, Apr. 10, '07; sire. Imperial Sunset 244857; dam. Roan — Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York City, N. Y. 1144 Sunlocks — Age, Apr. 16, '07; sire. Imperial Sunset 244857; dam, Star — Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York City, N. Y. 1145 Jim — ^Age, Apr. 4, '07; sire. Imperial Sunset 244857 — Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York City, N. Y. 1146 The Dwarf — Age, May 14, '07; sire. Imperial Sunset 244857; dam. Mother of Dwarfs — Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York City, N. Y. 1147 Duke of Litchfield— Age, Mar. 15, '07; sire, Duke of Penfield 212407 H. E. Leach, Litchfield, Ohio. 1148 Cruikshank Lad— Age, Mar. 25, '07; sire, Duke of Penfield 212407— H. E. Leach, Litchfield, Ohio. 1149 Taft— Age, May 20, '07; sire. Black Prince of Estill 33626— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1150 Metz Jerry — Age, Jan. 2, '07; sire, Black Prince of Estill 33626— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1151 Jack of Estill— Age, June 15, '07; sire, Boston Pride 63093— Univer- sity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1152 Arthur's Favorite — Age, May 1, '07; sire, White Robbin 2d 225204 — F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 180 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-EREDS Official No. 1153 Clipper— Age, Mar. 20, '07; sire, Duke of Walnut Hill 45133— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1154 Jack — Age, Apr. 2, '07; sire, Columbus Lad 203.572— F. A. Nave, At- tica, Ind. 1155 Peach— Age, Apr. 8, '07; sire, Perfection 92891— F. A. Nave, At- tica, Ind. 1156 Red Top — Age, Feb'y 4, '07; sire, Postscript of Alta — Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 1157 Cherry Boy — Age, Apr. 1, '07 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1158 Alberta — Age, Jan. 9, '07; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428 — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1159 Baby Briton — Age, May 10, '07; sire. Lucky Briton 101453; dam, (Grade Hereford) — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. 1160 John D., Jr.— Age, Apr. 15, '07; sire, John D. 264850— C. A. Saun- ders, Manilla, Iowa. 1161 Challenge— Age, Feb'y 14, '07; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam, I. — Jos. Stone, Saintfield,. Ont. 1162 Jonathan— Age, Jan. 23, '07; sire. Dale 2d 175575— Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. 1163 Bonnie Prince^ Age, July 1, '07; sire. Adamant of Meadow Brook 63602; dam, Lady — C. L. Taggart, Washington, Pa. 1164 Acorn Boy — Age, Feb'y, '07; sire. Sailor Boy — T. C. Tatge, Crete, 111. 1165 Goodenow— Age, Apr. 16, '07; sire, Merry Money 259072; dam, Rose Whittington — E. E. Thoen, Kensett, Iowa. 1166 Black Jack — Age, Feb'y 25, '07— R. R. West & Son, Hillsboro, Ohio. 1167 Black Charlie---Age, July 15, '07; sire, Woodlawn Admiral 63508; dam, (Grade Angus) — Harry Wessinger & Son, Shelby ville, Ky. 1168 Bell of Kentucky — Age, May 31, '07; sire, Woodlawn Admiral 63508; dam (Grade Angus) — Harry Weissinger & Son, Shelby- ville, Ky. CLASS 157. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1169 Red Knight— Age, Nov. 8, '07; sire, March Knight 188105— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 1170 Benjamin— Age, Dec. 30, '07; sire, Ben Bolt 206100; dam, Grace— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 1171 Hoosier Boy — Age, Nov. 14, '07; sire, Veta's Hero 158140 — Wallace Good, Bovina, Tex. 1172 Edgar— Age, Oct. 26, '07; sire, Broadus Hero 71430; dam, (Grade Angus) — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 181 Official No. 1173 Edmond — Age, Sept. 19, '07; sire, Broadus Hero 71430; dam, (Grade Angus) — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1174 Tuxedo G. 1609— Age, Sept. 18, '07; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068; dam, Misfit 58389— E. E. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 1175 Brownie — Age, Nov. 17, '07; sire. Great Chicago 210459^-Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., Ohio. 1176 Blackene — Age, Sept. 3, '07; sire, Blackene 72214 — Iowa Agr'l Col- lege, Ames, Iowa. 1177 Roan King — Age, Sept. 20, '07; sire. College Reformer 248719— Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 1178 Red King — Age, Sept. 15, '07; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam, (Grade Shorthorn) — James Leask, Greenbank, Ont., Can. 1179 Connaught Ranger— Age, Oct. 26, '07; sire, Morning Star 2d 75716 — Patrick Leahy, Williamsburg, Iowa. 1180 Victor — Age, Oct. 20, '07; sire. King Donald — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1181 Proud Robert— Age, Oct. 25, '07; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354— University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1182 Prime Lad — Age, Apr. 20, '07; sire. Anxiety — Mart L. McCoy, Washington C. H., Ohio. 1183 Duper Thomas — Age, Sept. 11, '07; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428— J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1184 Charley — Age, Dec. 11, '07; sire. Nonpareil Prince 262931 — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 1185 Phil— Age, Sept. 7, '07; sire, Woodlawn Admiral 63508— Harry Weissinger & Son, Shelbyville, Ky. 1186 Hinkle— Age, Oct. 25, '07; sire, Woodlawn Admiral 63508— Harry Weissinger & Son, Shelbyville, Ky. 1187 Roan Joe — Age, Sept. 3, '07; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895 — Jos. Stone, Saintfield, Ont, Can. 1188 Bennie Boy— Age, Sept. 22, '07; sire. Headlight 213701— J. H. Whitcher, Valley City, N. D. 1212 Guy C. — Age, Oct. 5, '07; sire. Fast Freight 184272— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. CLASS 158. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED SINCE JAN. 1, 1908. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1189 General Briton — Age, May 20, '08; sire. Lucky Briton 101453; dam, Faty Back — Frederick E. R. Albright, Rossville, 111. 1190 Edward Briton — Age, May 15, '08; sire, Lucky Briton 101453 — Fred- erick E. R. Albright, Rossville, 111. 1191 Keepyoureyeon Chicago — Age, May 30, '08; sire. Lucky Briton 101453; dam, Riola's Pride — Frederick E. R. Albright, Ross- ville, 111. 182 CATTLE— GRADES AND CROSS-EREDS Official • No. 1192 Ohio's Prince — Age, Feb'y 12, '08; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181 — D. Bi'adfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 1193 Newtown Lad — Age, Apr. 25, '08; sire, Bonnie Boy of Melrose 99160 — I. W. Coon, Jr., Newtown, Ind. 1194 Algier— Age, Apr. 14, '08; sire. Hero 117882— H. J. Fluck, Goode- now. 111. 1195 Esperanto— Age, Jan. 4, '08; sire, Ben Bolt 206100; dam, Mae— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 1196 Archer — Age, Jan. 25, '08; sire, Broadus Hero 71430 — A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1197 Everett R.— Age, Jan. 15, '08; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068— E. E. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 1198 Jerry D.— Feb'y 15, '08; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068— E. E. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 1199 First Choice— Age, Feb'y 2, '08; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835— Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 1200 Colonel Metz— Age, Jan. 8, '08; sire. King Donald— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1201 Corporal — Age, Feb'y 5, '08; sire, Col. Stewart 170021 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1202 Plum— Age, Apr. 10, '08; sire. Perfection 92891— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1203 Charlie's Pet— Age, Apr. 20, '08; sire. Mister Lad 269140— F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. 1204 Ohio Pet — Age, Feb'y 9, '08; sire. King of the Rovers 72076; dam, Maggie of Green Hill 2d, vol. 51 — Ohio State University, Colum- bus, Ohio. 1205 Larry — Age, Jan. 8, '08; sire. Secret Lad of Edge wood 194428 — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1206 Jerry — Age, Jan. 15, '08; sire, Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428 ; dam, (Grade Shorthorn)— J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1207 Nightlight — Age, Feb'y 9, '08; sire, Woodlawn Knight 4th 55206; dam, (Grade Angus) — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. 1208 T. R.— Age, Apr. 28, '08; sire. Red Victor 268978; dam, (Short- horn)— Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. 1209 Roan Boy— Age, Mar. 8, '08; sire, King Champion 191878— C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 1210 Roan Lady— Age, Feb'y 6, '08; sire. King Champion 191878— C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 1211 Tobey — Age, Jan. 18, '08; sire. Dale 2d 175574 — Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. CLASS 159. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER. $50. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above classes. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 183 CLASS 160. LOT OF 3 HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2 YEAR OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE CALF. $75, 50, 25, 10. C. B. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. A. P. Grout, "Winchester, 111. B. B. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. C. S. Hechtner, Princeton, 111. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. James Leask, Greenbank, Ont., Can. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Mart L. McCoy, Washington C. H., Ohio. F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. F. A. Nave, Attica, Ind. Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. Jos. Stone, Saintfield, Ont., Can. Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Bu- ren, Ind. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. ANY BREED, PURE=BRED, GRADE, OR CROSS CLASS 161 A. THREE STEERS OR HEIFERS, UNDER 3 YEARS, GET OF ONE SIRE, OPEN TO ALL PURE BREDS, GRADES AND CROSSES. $75, 50, 25. Adolph P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Davis Bros., Maryville, Mo. Arthur & Howard Gerlaugh, Os- born, Ohio. E. B. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. J. G. Imboden, Decatur, 111. Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York City, N. Y. Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York City, N. Y. James Leask, Greenbank, Ont., Can, Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- hattan, Kans. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111 Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. Jos. Stone, Saintfield, Ont., Can. . Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Bu- ren, Ind. J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, La Fay- ette, Ind. S. E. Whitman, Springport, Mich. 184 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS CLASS 154. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Shorthorn Grade and Cross-Bred Specials $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. Animals Competing must have sire recorded in American Shorthorn Herd Book. CLASS 155. SENIOR YEARLING (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Grade and Cross-Bred Specials. $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. CLASS 156. JUNIOR YEARLING (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Grade and Cross-Bred Specials. $30, 25, 20, 15. 10. CLASS 157. SENIOR CALF STEER (SPAYED, OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Grade and Cross-Bred Specials. $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. CLASS 158. JUNIOR CALF (STEER, SPAYED, OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Grade and Cross-Bred Specials. $30, 25, 20. 15, 10. CLASS 159. CHAMPION (STEER SPAYED, OR MARTIN HEIFER) ANY AGE. American Shorthorn Grade and Cross-Bred Specialr $50. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above classes. CATTLE— GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 185 CLASS 160. STEER HERD. Consisting of one Steer, 2 years and under 3; one, 1 year and under 2; one under 1 year. American Shorthorn Grade and Cross-Bred Specials. $60, 40, 30, 20. PURE=BRED OR GRADE HERD SHORTHORN SPECIALS. SPECIAL "A." THREE STEERS, ANY AGE, UNDER 3 YEARS, PURE BRED OR GRADE, OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Shorthorn Association Specials. $100, 75, 50. AMERICAN ABERDEEN-ANGUS ASSOCIATION GRADE AND CROSS-BRED AND GRADE OR PURE-BRED SPECIALS. SPECIAL "A." STEER OR HEIFER, 2 AND UNDER 3. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $25. Animals competing must have sire recorded in American Aberdeen- Angus Herd Book. SPECIAL "B." STEER OR HEIFER, 1 AND UNDER 2 YEARS. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $25. 186 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS SPECIAL "C." STEER OR HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $25. CLASS 159. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $25. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above classes. CLASS 160. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. To consist of one 2 year old, one Yearling and one Calf. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. AMERICAN HEREFORD CATTLE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION GRADE AND CROSS-BRED SPECIALS. SPECIAL "A." STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 15, 15, 15, 10. Animals competing must have sire recorded in American Hereford Record. SPECIAL "B." STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 15, 15, 15, 10. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BEEDS 187 SPECIAL "c;^ STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 15, 15, 15, 10. CLASS 159. BEST STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $20. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above classes. CLASS 160. HERD (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER). Consisting of one 2 years and under 3; one 1 year and under 2; one under 1 year. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $20, 20, 20, 20. AMERICAN GALLOWAY BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION GRADE AND CROSS=BRED SPECIALS. The American Galloway Breeders' Association will duplicate all premiums on awards won by grade or cross-bred Galloways in the open classes for grades and cross-breds of all breeds, providing the sires of Galloway winners are recorded in the American Galloway Herd Book. CHAMPIONS BY AQES Rule 74. Competition in following classes is limited to first prize winners and reserve animals in the foregoing sections for Hereford, Shorthorn, Aberdeen-Angus, Galloway, Red Polled and Polled Durham breeds, and grades and crosses. No previous entry needed. Entries will be made by tiie ring stewards after breed premiums are awarded. 188 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS CLASS 161 B. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $50. CLASS 162. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $50. CLASS 163. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $50. CLASS 164. CHAMPION LOT OF 3 HEAD OF THE SHOW. $100. AMERICAN ABERDEEN=ANQUS ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. The Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association will give the following Specials to best Aberdeen-Angus cattle in Champions by ages: CLASS 161 B. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Specials. CLASS 162. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Specials. $30. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 189 CLASS 163. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Specials. $30. GRAND CHAMPION Rule 75. Competition in Class 165 is limited to the champions and reserve champions in Classes 161, 162 and 163. No previous entry needed. Entries will be made by ring Stewards after championships by ages are awarded. CLASS 165. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER OF THE SHOW. $100. AMERICAN SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION SPECIAL. The American Shorthorn Breeders' Association offers the following prize: CLASS 165. GRAND CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER OF THE SHOW, IF A SHORTHORN. American Shorthorn Breeders' Association Specials. $500. AMERICAN ABERDEEN«ANQUS BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIAL. The Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association will give the following Special for the best Aberdeen-Angus animal shown in Grand Champion: CLASS 165. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER. Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Specials. 190 CATTLE — SLAUGHTER TESTS SLAUGHTER TESTS Rule 76. Every available improved method will be used by the Exposition management to secure the humane slaughter of animals, and the best possible condition for the resulting dressed carcasses. To this end the facilities offered by some of the great packing house estab- lishments will be used, and carcass prizes will be awarded in their cooling rooms. Rule 77. Exhibitors of animals entered for slaughter and the dressed carcass competitions must, when requested, deliver said animals into the charge of the General Superintendent, who shall direct their care, food and shrinkage, in accordance with the requirements of the case. Inter- ference on the part of the exhibitor with animals thus delivered will be summarily dealt with. Rule 78. Judges of fat carcasses in competition are instructed to prefer the attractiveness of carcass, percentage of high class meat to total carcass, quantity and quality of flesh and fat. CLASS 166. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. Entries Exhibitor Address 1 Wm. Andrews & Son Morse, Iowa. 1 Adolph P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa. 1 De Groot & Weinberg Augusta, 111. 1 Owen L. Fitch Barry, 111. 1 Punk Bros. Seed Co Bloomington, 111. 1 Wallace Good Bovinia, Tex. 1 C. S. Hechtner Princeton, 111. 5 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 1 Minnesota Agrl. College St. Anthonj'^ Park, Minn. 3 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 1 Mousel Bros Cambridge, Neb. 1 C. D. McPherson Fairfield, Iowa. 1 F. A. Nave Attica, Ind. 3 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 2 Chas. J. Off Peoria, 111. . 1 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. CATTLE— SLAUGHTER TESTS 191 CLASS 167. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No, Entries Exhibitor Address 2 Adolph P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa. 2 D. Bradf ute & Son Cedarville, Ohio. 2 Wallace Good Bovinia, Tex. 1 J. Ed Herrin Buffalo, 111. 1 Wm. Hoffman Washington C. H., Ohio. 1 James Innes & Son Fayette, Mo. 4 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 1 Mrs. I. M. Jamison New York City, N. Y. 1 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 3 F. A. Nave ; Attica, Ind. 2 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 1 C. L. Taggart Washington, Pa. CLASS 168. CHAMPION CARCASS. $100. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. AIMERICAN ABERDEEN-ANGUS ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. (Grade or Pure Bred Angus Cattle.) CLASS 166. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. CLASS 167. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $30. 192 CATTLE — SLAUGHTER TESTS CLASS 168. CHAMPION CARCASS SHOWN IN ABOVE CLASSES. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $30. A NEW FEATURE In order to further increase the educational value of the SLAUGH- TER TEST, the Exposition management has created two new classes providing for the Judging of animals entered for slaughter, to be judged on hoof as well as in carcass, and has offered the following prizes: CLASS 169. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Entries in carcass classes constitutes eligibility for entry in these classes. No. Entries Exhibitor Address 1 Wm. Andrews & Son Morse, Iowa. 1 Adolph P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa. 1 De Groot & Weinberg Augusta, 111. 1 Owen L. Fitch Barry, 111. 1 Funk Bros. Seed Co Bloomington, 111. 1 Wallace Good .' Bovinia, Tex. 1 C. S. Hechtner Princeton, 111. 3 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 1 Minnesota Agrl. College St. Anthony Park, Minn. 1 Mousel Bros Cambridge, Neb. 1 C. D. McPherson Fairfield, Iowa. 1 F. A. Nave Attica, Ind. 1 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 1 Chas. J. Off , Peoria, 111. 1 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. CATTLE — SLAUGHTER TEST 193 ■ CLASS 170. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Entries in carcass classes constitutes eligibility for entry in these classes. No. Entries Exhibitor Address 1 Adolph P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa. 1 D. Bradfute & Son Cedarville, Iowa. 2 Wallace Good Bovinia, Tex. 1 J. Ed Herrin Buffalo, 111. 1 Wm. Huffman Washington C. H., Ohio. 1 James Innes & Son Fayette, Mo. 2 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 1 Mrs. I. M. Jamison New York City, N. Y. 3 F. A. Nave Attica, Ind. 2 University of Nebraska. . . : Lincoln, Neb. 1 Chas. J. Off Peoria, 111. 1 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 1 C. L. Taggart Washington, Pa. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR CO. 1220 Alooadaock BIdg., CHICAGO, ILL. OPERATING ARMS AND BURTON PALACE HORSE CAR With 16 Portable Stalls lengthwise of car. Equipped for Passenger or Freight Service. Several styles of cars suitable for shipping exhibition cattle and horses, sheep and swine, also commercial horses to market. W. A. YAGER, Gen'l Nlgr. Phone Harrison 281 Streets IVe stern Stable Car Line Latest Improved Stock Cars Gen'l Offices: GreatNorthern Bldg., 77 Jackson Blvd., ChicagOjIH. Continental Bolt & Iron Works Union and Twenty-Second Streets Chicago, Illinois Bolt Work of Any Description to Order Best & Russell Company's EL SALERO The Standard Havana Cigar On Sale at the Transit House Cigar Stand 194 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION 195 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION (FED AND GRASS CATTLE) Rule 79. In the following sections for carloads, the term "Feeder" is hereby defined to be exclusively grass and hay-fed cattle. Cattle that have been fed grain of any sort, cotton seed, oil cake, gluten meal, or aiiy like concentrated food, are hereby defined and classed "grain-fed," and such must be entered in the "grain-fed" class. Rule 80. Car lots of feeder cattle competing in the following sec- tions, where they are required to have been bred within certain districts, must have been bred and not removed from the district in which they were bred, more than 30 days prior to the .date of the exposition and entered into the section under the rule of one of the districts defined to be eligible to compete in that section. The General Superintendent will require indisputable evidence that this rule is obeyed. The evidence of the various association inspectors at the Union Stock Yards will be accepted as final in cases of branded cattle. Rule 81. Cattle competing as "grain-fed" in the following sections may have been fattened in any part of the world. No restrictions are placed on the places, feeds or methods of the feeder who finished the "grain-fed" cattle for the Exposition and the market. NEW RULE Carloads of cattle, hogs and sheep intended for competition in the carload classes must be in place not later than noon, Saturday, Novem- ber 28th, and must be entered one week prior to this date. They will be judged on Tuesday, December 1st, and remain on exhibition until 6 p. m., Thursday, December 3rd. No stall or entry fee charged in this division. NORTHWEST DISTRICT. Rule 82. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the Northwest District, which is composed of the following states: Washington, Oregon, California (north of the quarantine), Idaho, Nevada and Utah, and the Territories and Provinces of Northwest Canada. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that competing ani- mals were bred in this district, will be required by the management. 196 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION Class 171 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 2 years and under 3 172 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 1 year and under 2 173 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, under 1 year 174 Carload of 15 head, grain -fed steers or heifers, 3 years or over 175 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or heifers, 2 years and under 3 176 Carload of 15 head, grain -fed steers or heifers, 1 year and under 2. . . . 1st 2nd 3rd 4 th Pr. Pr. Pr. Pr. $100 $50 $25 a 100 100 50 50 25 25 '^ O O B B 100 50 25 jo. < Exhibitor Address 243 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 244 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 245 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 246 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 247 A, C. Fielden De Graff, Ohio. 248 A. C. Fielden De Graff, Ohio. 249 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 250 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 251 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. CLASS 29. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Onieial No. EXTiiBTTOR Address 252 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 253 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 254 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 255 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. .256 A. C.- Fielder De Graff, Ohio. ' 257 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 258 J. T. Gibson Denfield. Ont. 259 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 260 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 218 BREEDING LINCOLN CLASS 30. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 261 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 262 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 263 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 264 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 265 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamsted, Eng. 266 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 267 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 268 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 269 J. T. Gibson Denfleld, Ont. 270 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 31. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Official No. ExHiBiTOs Address 271 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 272 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 273 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 274 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 275 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 276 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 277 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 278 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 279 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 280 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 32. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $6, 5, 4, 3, 2. Official No. RXTTTKITOTS ADDRESS 281 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 282 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. BREEDING LINCOLN 219 Official No. Exhibitor Address 283 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 284 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 285 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamsted, Eng. 286 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 287 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 288 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 289 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 290 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 291 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 33. FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 292 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 293 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 294 A." C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 295 .7. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 296 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 34. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE RAM. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 297 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 298 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 299 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 300 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 301 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 35 CHAMPION RAM. $10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Special. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. 220 ^ BREEDING DORSET CLASS 36. CHAMPION EWE. $10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. DORSET [See Rule 45] CLASS 37. RAM, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $10, 5. Sheep competing must be recorded in Continental Dorset Club Record. Official No. ■ RxiiiBiTOR Address 302 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 303 0. L. Lichten waiter Manhattan, 111. 304 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 305 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. CLASS 38. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10, 5. Continental Dorset Club Specials. $8, 5, 3. Official No. Exiiir.rroi: Address 306 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 307 J. B. Henderson Bergettstown, Pa. 308 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 309 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 310 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. BREEDING DORSET CLASS 39. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10, 5. Continental Doi'set Club Specials. flO, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Addhbss 31 1 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 312 O. L. Litchtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 31 3 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 314 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 315 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 316 S. Shaffer New Ca.stle, Pa. CLASS 40. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10, 5. Continental Dorset Club Specials. $10, 5, 3. Offlcia! No. Kxiiiiirroii Address 317 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 318 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 319 J. B. Henderson Bergettstown, Pa. 320 O. L. Lichten waiter Manhattan, 111. 321 Nash Bros. Tipton, Ind. 322 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 323 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 324 Jas. Robertson & Sons. Milton West, Ont. 325 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 326 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 327 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 328 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. CLASS 41. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10, 5. Continental Dorset Club Specials. $10, 8, 6, 4. OflScial No. Exhibitor Addbess 329 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 330 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 221 222 BREEDING DORSET Official No. Exhibitor Address 331 R. H. Harding ". Thorndale, Ont. 332 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 333 O. L. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 334 Nash Bros -. Tipton, Ind. 335 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 336 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 337 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 338 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton "West, Ont. 339 S. Shaffer , New Castle, Pa. CLASS 42, FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 340 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 341 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 342 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 343 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. CLASS 43. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE RAM. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 344 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 345 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 346 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. CLASS 44. CHAMPION RAM. $10. Continental Dorset Club Specials. $10 Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. BREEDING COTSWOLD 223 CLASS 45, CHAMPION EWE. $10. Continental Dorset Club Specials. $10 Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. SPECIAL "A." BEST PAIR OF EWES, WITH SUCKLING LAMBS. Continental Dorset Club Specials. $15. COTSWOLD [See Rule 45] CLASS 46. RAM, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. $12, 8, 5. Sheep competing must be recorded in American Cotswold Record and bear registry labels. Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 347 Lewis Bros. Camp Point, Ills. 348 Lewis Bros Camp Point, Ills. 349 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 350 J. C. Ross .• Jarvis, Ont. 351 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 352 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 353 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 224 BREEDING COTSWOLD CLASS 47. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. $12, 8, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 354 Lewis Bros. . . . ; Camp Point, Ills. 355 William Newton Pontiac, Mich. 356 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 357 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 358 J. C. Ross .Jarvis, Ont. 359 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 360 J. C. Ross .Jarvis, Ont. 361 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 362 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 363 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. CLASS 48. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. $12, 8, 5. Official No. EXHiBiTOK Address 364 Lewis Bros Camp Point, Ills. 365 Lewis Bros Camp Point, Ills. 366 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 367 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 368 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 369 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 370 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 371 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 372 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 373 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. CLASS 49. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. $12, 8, 5. . Official No. Exhibitor Address 374 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 375 Lewis Bros Camp Point, III. BREEDING COTSWOLD 225 Official No. Exhibitor Address 376 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 377 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Micli. 378 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 379 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 380 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 381 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 382 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 383 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 384 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 385 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 386 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 387 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. CLASS 50. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. $12, 8, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOE ADDEESS 388 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 389 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 390 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 391 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 392 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 393 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 394 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 395 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 396 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 397 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 398 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 399 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 400 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. CLASS 51. FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $20, 10, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. $20, 10, 5. Official 1 No. Exhibitor Addehss 401 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. ' 226 BREEDING COTSWOLD Official A „ „„ No. Exhibitor • Address 402 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 403 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 404 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. CLASS 52. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE RAM. $15, 10,-5. American Cotswold Record Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 405 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 406 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 407 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 408 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. CLASS 53. CHAMPION RAM. $10. American Cotswold Record Specials. $5. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 54. CHAMPION EWE. $10. American Cotswold Record Specials. $5. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. BREEDING OXFORD 227 OXFORD [See Rule 45] CLASS 55. RAM, 2 YEARS OR OVER. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 409 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 410 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 411 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 56. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 412 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 413 Greo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 57. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 414 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 415 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 58. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 416 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 417 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 418 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 228 BREEDING OXFORD CLASS 59. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. OflScial No. Exhibitor Addbhss 419 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 420 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 60. FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $15. Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 421 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 61. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE RAM. $15. CLASS (iS. CHAMPION RAM. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 63. CHAMPION EWE. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. BREEDING LEICESTER 829 LEICESTER [See Rule 45] CLASS 64, RAM, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Addbhss 422 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 423 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 65. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official No. EXHIBITOK ADDBBSS 424 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 66. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 425 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 426 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 427 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 67. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 428 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 429 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 430 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 230 BREEDING LEICESTER CLASS 68. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. Official No. EXHIBITOK ADDBESS 431 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 432 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 433 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 69. FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $15. 434 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss CLASS 70. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE RAM. $15. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 435 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 71. CHAMPION RAM. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 72. CHAMPION EWE. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. BREEDING SOUTHDOWN 231 SOUTHDOWN [See Rule 45] CLASS 73. RAM, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 436 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 437 Chas. Leet & Sons Mantua, Ohio. 438 Geo. McKerrow «6; Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 439 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 74. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 440 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 441 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio. 442 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 443 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 75. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 444 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 445 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio. 446 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio. CLASS 76. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official No. Exhibitor _ v Address 447 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 448 Cooper &, Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 449 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 450 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 451 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 452 Chas. Leet & Sons Mantua, Ohio. 453 Geo. McKerrow & Sons. Pewaukee, Wis. 232 BREEDING SOUTHDOWN CLASS 77. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 454 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 455 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 456 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 457 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio. 458 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio. 459 Geo. McKerrow & Sons •. Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 78. FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $15. Official No. Exhibitor Address 460 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 461 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio. 462 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 79. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE. $15. Official No. Exhibitor , Address 463 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 464 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio. CLASS 80. CHAMPION RAM. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 81. CHAMPION EWE. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. BREEDING CHEVIOT 233 CHEVIOT [See Rule 45] CLi^SS S2. RAM, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $10. Official No. ExHiBiTon Addkess 465 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 466 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 856 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 83. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official / No. Exhibitor Address 467 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 84. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 468 A. W. Arnold Galesville, 111. 469 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 470 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 85. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 471 A. W. Arnold Galesville, 111. 472 A. W. Arnold Galesville, 111. 473 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio. 474 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 475 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 476 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 234 BREEDING CHEVIOT CLASS 86. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $10. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDBBSS 477 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 478 A. "W. Arnold .• Galesville, Wis. 479 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 480 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 87. FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $15. Official No. ExriiBiTOR Address 481 A. W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 482 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 88. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE RAM. $15. Official No. Exhibitor Address 483 A. W. Arnold Galesville, 111. 484 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 89. CHAMPION RAM. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 90. CHAMPION EWE. $10. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS RAMBOUILLET [See Rule 45] CLASS 91. RAM, 2 YEARS OR OVER. $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Entries limited to two in a class by one owner. 0flicla4 No. Exhibitor Addbbss 485 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 486 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 487 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 488 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 489 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 490 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 491 John B. Webb Southport, Ind. . CLASS 92. RAM, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 492 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 493 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 494 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 857 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 858 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 495 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 496 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 497 Robt. Taylor A^bbott, Neb. 498 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 499 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 500 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 501 Geo. Truesdell '. Deer Park, Md. 502 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 503 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 235 236 BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS CLASS 93. RAM LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 504 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 505 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 506 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 507 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 508 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 509 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 510 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 511 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 512 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 513 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 514 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 515 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 516 Geo. Truesdell ; Deer Park, Md. 517 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 518 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 519 John E. Webb Sou.t.hport, Ind. CLASS 94. EWE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 520 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 521 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 522 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 523 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 524 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 525 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 526 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 527 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 528 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 529 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 530 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 531 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 532 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 533 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS 237 CLASS 95. EWE LAMB, UNDER 1 YEAR. $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDBBSS 534 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 535 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 536 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 537 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 538 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 539 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 540 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 541 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 542 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 543 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 544 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 545 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 546 Geo. Truesdell . . Deer Park, Md. 547 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 548 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 549 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 550 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 551 .John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 552 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 553 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. CLASS 96. FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, 1 year or over; two Yearling Ewes, and two Ewe Lambs. $20, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 554 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 555 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 556 L. W. Shaw '. Pottersburg, Ohio. 557 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 558 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 559 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. 238 BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS CLASS 97. FOUR LAMBS, OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE RAM. $20, 10, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDSBSS 560 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio. 561 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 562 J. H. McMullau Woodstock, Ohio. 563 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 564 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 565 Geo. Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 566 John E. Webb Southport, Ind. CI.ASS 98. CHAMPION RAM. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. CLASS 99. CHAMPION EWE. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. AMERICAN RAMBOUILLET SHEEP BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. The American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association will offer from $900 to $1,000 in special awards at the 1908 International Live Stock Exposition for Rambouillet Sheep. Classification of special awards furnished on application to Secretary of above Association, Dwight Lincoln, Milford Center, Ohio. SPECIAL "A." EWE, 2 YEARS OR OVER. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials, $17, 15, 13, 11, 9. Entries limited to two in a class by one Owner. BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS 239 SPECIAL "B." FLOCK. To consist of one Ram, any age; one Ewe, 2 years or over; one Ewe, 1 year and under 2, and one Ewe Lamb under 1 year. Ram to be owned and Ewes bred and owned by Exhibitor. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "C." PEN OF 4 LAMBS, EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE, TO BE BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "D." PEN OF 4 LAMBS, UNDER 8 MONTHS OF AGE, EITHER SEX, TO BE BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5. SPECIAL "E." PEN OF TEN EWE LAMBS, UNDER 12 MONTHS, TO BE BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $75 Cup, $25, 20, 10, 5. SPECIAL "F." FLOCK. To consist of 1 Yearling Ram, 2 Yearling Ewes, one Ram Lamb, and five Ewe Lambs, all to be bred and owned by Exhibitor. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. Silver Cup, Value, $200.00. SPECIAL "G." TO THE SHEEP HERD SHOWING THE BEST FITTING FLOCK. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $25 Cup, $10, 5. The Chicago Daily Live Stock World i s t h e Farm Family Favorite Breeders' Best Booster Feeders' Firm Friend Shippers' Safe Source of Information Its Cartoons are the "talk of the town" Its Editorials are Clear and Clever In Advertising it is a Powerful Puller Under the Editorial and Business Management of ASHLEIGH C. HALLIWELL,Pres. and Mgr. ROBERT BEBB,Vice-Pres. J. E.POOLE,Sec'y F.E.M00RE,Treas.TJ.(Larry)CHAMP10N,^S: ROBERT BURT, Jr., J. V. COTTA, Field Men Union Stock Yards, Chicago 240 SHROPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES 241 FAT SHEEP DIVISION FAT SHROPSHIRE [See Rule 45] CLASS 100. WETHER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. S15, 10, 7, 5, 3. Animals competing must be American-Bred and recorded in American Shropshire Register. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 567 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 568 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 569 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 570 J. Lloyd Jones Buford, Ont. 571 J. Lloyd Jones Buford, Ont. 572 J. Lloyd Jones Buford, Ont. 573 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 574 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 575 Henry Ij. Wardwell -. Springfield Center, N. Y. 576 Henry Ij. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 577 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 578 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 579 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 859 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 860 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS lOL WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. $15, 10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 580 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 581 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 242 SHROPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Address 582 J. Lloyd Jones Buford, Ont. 583 J. Lloyd Jones Buford, Ont. 584 J. Lloyd Jones Buford, Ont. 585 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 586 University of W^isconsin Madison, Wis. 587 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 588 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 589 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 590 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 102. PEN OF FIVE WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. $18, 15, 10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 591 J. Lloyd Jones Buford, Ont. 592 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 103. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. $20. To be selected from Class entries. PRIVATE SPECIAL. Mortimer Levering, Secretary of the American Shropshire Associa- tion, offers $50 to the grand champion wether of the show, any age, in competition with all bi-eeds, provided it is won by a registered Shrop- shire wether, or by a wether sired by a registered Shropshire ram or out of a registered Shropshire ewe. HAMPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES 243 FAT HAMPSHIRE [See Rule 45] CLASS 104. WETHER, 1 YEAR AND UMDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association of America Specials. $10, 7, 5, 3. Competition limited to American-Bred sheep registered in above record and bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a member of this Association. Official No. EXHIBITOE ADDBESS 533 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 594 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 595 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 596 Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 597 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 598 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 105. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association of America Specials. $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 599 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. . 600 Wm. Cooper & Nephews ' Berkhamstead, Eng. 601 Wm Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 602 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 603 Chas. L. Maw Omagh, Ont. 604 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 605 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 106. PEN OF FIVE WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association of America Specials. $10, 7. 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 606 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Berkhamstead, Eng. 607 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 244 COTSWOLD — FAT CLASSES CLASS 107. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association of America Specials. $15. To be selected from Class entries. FAT COTSWOLD [See Rule 45] CLASS 108. WETHER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Official No. EXHIBITOB AdDEESS 608 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 609 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 610 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 611 S. V. McDowell & Son Fredonia, Pa. 612 S. V. McDowell & Son Fredonia, Pa. 613 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 614 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 615 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 616 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 617 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 618 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. CLASS 109. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 619 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 620 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 621 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 622 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 6?3 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 624 Lewis Bros. Camp Point,. 111. 625 S. V. McDowell & Son Fredonia, Pa. LINCOLN — FAT CLASSES 245 Offlctal No. Exhibitor Address 626 S. V. McDowell & Son Fredonla, Pa. 627 S. V. McDowell & Son Fredonla, Pa. 628 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 629 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 630 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 631 Jno. Rawlings Forest, Ont. 632 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 633 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 634 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. CLASS 110. PEN OF FIVE WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 635 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 636 Lewis Bros Carap Point, 111. 637 S. V. McDowell & Son Fredonla, Pa. 638 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 639 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. 640 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. CLASS 111. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. To be selected from Class Entries. FAT LINCOLN [See Rule 45] - CLASS 112. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 6, 4, 3. All sheep competing must be bred in America and registered in the National Lincoln Register. 246 LINCOLN — FAT CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Addkbss 641 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 642 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 643 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 113. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. National Lincoln Sbeep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 6. 4, 3. - Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 644 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 645 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 646 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. -647 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 648 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 114. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 649 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 115 A. CHAMPION WETHER.- $25. To be selected from Class Entries. DORSET — FAT CLASSES 247 FAT DORSET [See Rule 45] CLASS 115 B. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Official No. RXIIIBITOP Addkess 650 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 651 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 652 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 653 Jas. Robertson & Sons Miltou West, Ont. 654 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 655 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. CLASS 116. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Official No. ExHiBiTOE Address 656 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 657 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 658 R. H. Harding ". Thorndale, Ont. 659 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 660 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 661 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 662 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 663 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 664 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 665 Jas. Robertson & Sons : . . . Milton West, Ont. 666 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 667 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. CLASS 117. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 668 R. H. Harding Thornville, Ont. 669 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 670 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 671 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 672 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 248 ' OXFORD — FAT CLASSES CLASS 118. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES. $25. FAT OXFORD [See Rule 45] CLASS 119. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addkbss 673 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 674 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 675 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 676 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 677 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. CLASS 120. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 678 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 6'79 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 680 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 681 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 121. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No, Exhibitor Address 682 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 122. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. To be selected from Class Entries. ©•' LEICESTER — FAT CLASSES FAT LEICESTER [See Rule 45] CLASS 123. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 683 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. CLASS 124. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 684 Chas. F. Maw Omagh, Ont. 685 Chas. F. Maw Omagh, Ont. 686 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. CLASS 125. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 687 Chas. F. Maw • Omagh, Ont. 688 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. CLASS 126. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. To be selected from Class Entries. 249 250 SOUTHDOWN — FAT CLASSES FAT SOUTHDOWN [See Rule 45] CLASS 127. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Official - No. EXHIBITOK ADDEESS 689 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 690 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 691 Sir Geo. Drummond .' Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 692 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 693 Iowa Agrl. Collee Ames, Iowa. 694 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 695 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 696 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 697 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 698 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 699 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 128. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 700 Geo. Alien Paris, Ont. 701 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 702 Geo. Allen » Paris, Ont. 703 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 704 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 705 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 706 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 707 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 708 Iowa Agrl. College, Iowa. 709 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 710 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 711 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 712 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 713 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 714 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 715 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CHEVIOT — FAT CLASSES 251 CLASS 129. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No. EXHIBITOK ADDEBSS 716 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 717 Sir Geo. Drummoiid Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 718 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 719 Iowa Agri. College Ames, Iowa. 720 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 721 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 130. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. To be selected from Class Entries. FAT CHEVIOT [See Rule 45] CLASS 131. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 722 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio. 723 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio. 724 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 725 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 726 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 727 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 728 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 729 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 730 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 731 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 732 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 252 SUFFOLK— FAT CLASSES CLASS 132. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addehss 733 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio. 734 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio. 735 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio. 736 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 737 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 738 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 739 University of Wisconsin Madison. Wis. 740 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 741 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 742 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 743 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 744 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 745 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 133. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No. BXHIBITOE ADDBESS 746 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio. 747 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 748 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 134. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. To be selected from Class Entries. FAT SUFFOLK SPECIAL "A." YEARLING WETHER. Suffolk Sheep Society of England Association Specials. $15. Official No. BXHIBITOK ADDKBSS 749 James Bowman Guelph, Ont. RAMBOUILLET — FAT CLASSES 253 SPECIAL "B." WETHER LAMB. Suffolk Sheep Society of England Association Specials. $15. Official No. Exhibitor Auubbss 750 James Bowman Guelph, Ont. SPECIAL "C." CHAMPION WETHER. Suffolk Sheep Society of England Association Specials. $15. FAT RAMBOUILLET [See Rule 45] CLASS 135. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Entries limited to two in a class by one owner. Official No. BXHIBITOB ADDHHSS 751 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 752 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 753 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 754 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 755 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 756 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 757 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 254 RAMBOUILLET— FAT CLASSES CLASS 136. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Official No. BXHIBITOK ADDBESS 758 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 759 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 760 . J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 761 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 861 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 862 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 762 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 763 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. 764 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. CLASS 137. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 765 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 766 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 767 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio. 768 Wm. Newton Pontiac, Mich. 769 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio. CLASS 138. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $10, 8, 6, 4, 2. To be selected from Class Entries. SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 255 GRADES AND CROSS«BREDS THE SAME INTERPRETATION AS DEFINED UNDER RULE 73 FOR CATTLE WILL APPLY TO SHEEP. MEDIUM WOOL AND DOWN TYPES [See Rule 45] CLASS 140. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. "^ $25, 15, 10. Official . i No. Exhibitor Addbess 770 Geo. B. Conley Marshall, Mich. 771 Frank Dolly Le Roy, 111. 772 Frank Dolly ,. Le Roy, 111. 773 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 774 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 775 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 776 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 777 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. i 778 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 779 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. I 780 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. i 781 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111 782 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111 783 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111 784 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111 785 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111 786 R. 'J. Stone Stonington, 111 787 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111 788 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111 789 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 790 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 791 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 792 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 793 University of Wisconsin .Madison, Wis. 794 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 795 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 796 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 797 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 256 SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS Official No. Exhibitor Address 798 University of Wisconsin Madison, "Wis. 799 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 800 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 801 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 802 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 803 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 141. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. •Official No. Exhibitor Address 804 D. W. Black Lyndon, Ohio. 805 D. W. Black Lyndon, Ohio. 806 D. W. Black Lyndon, Ohio. 807 F. B. Bryant Carlsbad, New Mex. 808 F. E. Bryant Carlsbad, New Mex. 809 Geo. B. Conley Marshall, Mich. 810 Frank Dolly , Le Roy, 111. 81 1 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 812 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 813 J. Lloyd Jones BiTrford, Ont. 814 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 815 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 816 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 817 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 818 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 819 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 820 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 821 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 822 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 823 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 824 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 825 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 142. PEN OF 5 WETHERS 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 826 Geo. B. Conley Marshall, Mich. 827 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 828 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 257 Official No. Exhibitor Address 829 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 830 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 831 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 143. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 832 D. W. Blacli Lyndon, Oliio. 833 F. E. Bryant Carlsbad, New Mex. 834 Geo. B. Conley Marshall, Mich. 835 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 836 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 837 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 838 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 839 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 144. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. To be selected from Class Entries. LONG WOOL TYPE CLASS 145. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 840 Frank Dolly Le Roy, 111. 841 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 842 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 843 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 844 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 845 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 846 John Rawlings Forest, Ont. 258 SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS CLASS 146. WETHER LAMB. $25, 15, 10. Official No. BXHiBiTOE Address 847 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 848 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 849 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 850 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 851 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. 852 S. V. McDowell & Son Fredonia, Pa. 853 J. C. Ross Jarvis, Ont. CLASS 147. PEN OF 5 WETHERS 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 854 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 148. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 855 J. T. Gibson Denfield, Ont. CLASS 149. CHAMPION WETHER. $25. To be selected from Class Entries. SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 359 GRAND CHAMPION All breeds, grades and crosses. Post entries. Limited to Wethers having won champion or reserve in class. GRADES AND CROSS=BREDS CLASS 150. WETHER UNDER 2 YEARS. $50. CLASS 151. RESERVE TO GRAND CHAMPION. RIBBON. A/VIERICAN HAMPSHIRE SHEEP ASSOCIATION SPECIAL GRAND CHAMPION WETHER. American Hampshire Sheep Association Specials. If winning animal is recorded in Hampshire Register or has either its Sire or Dam recorded in the Book of this Association. AMERICAN SHROPSHIRE ASSOCIATION- GRADE AND CROSS=BRED SPECIALS All wethers must be sired by registered Shropshire rams, and out of grade or cross-bred ewes. CLASS 140. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Shropshire Association Specials. $16. 12, 8. 5, 3. 260 SHEEP — DRESSED CARCASSES CLASS 141. WETHER LAMB. American Shropshire Association Specials. $16, 12, 8, 5, 3. CLASS 143. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. American Shropshire Association Specials. $16, 12, 8, 5, 3. CLASS 144. CHAMPION WETHER. Ameincan Shropshire Association Specials. $20. To be selected from Class Entry. DRESSED CARCASSES Any Breed, Grade or Cross. CLASS 152. CARCASS OF WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $25, 15, 10. No. of Entries Exhibitor Address 1 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont. 1 Jas. Bowman Guelph, Ont. 3 Frank Dolly Le Roy, 111. 1. J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 5 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 1 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 1 S. V. McDowell & Son Predonia, Pa. 2 Jas. Robertson & Sons Milton West, Ont. 2 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 3 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 4 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 20 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis, 261 SHEEP — DRESSED CARCASSES CLASS 153. CARCASS OF LAMB.* $25, 15, 10. No. of Entries Exhibitor Address 1 Geo. Allen Paris, Out. 2 Dan. W. Block Lyndon, Ont. 1 Jas. Bowman Guelph, Ont. 2 F. E. Bryant ." Carlsbad, New Mex. 1 Geo. B. Conley Marshall, Mich. 1 Frank Dolly I^e Roy, 111. 2 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 3 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 2 J. Lloyd Jones Biirford, Ont. 2 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 9 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 154. CHAMPION CARCASS OF SHOW. $25. Competition limited to first prize carcasses in above classes. WOOD BROTHERS' SPECIALS. 1. Believing that it would be to the advantage of farmers generally to supplement their present live stock holdings with sheep, flocks vary- ing in size according to the size of their farms, and with a view of en- couraging an extension of this industry on the farms in the Central West, Messrs. Wood Brothers,', Union Stock Yards, Chicago, offer for the 1908 International Show, prizes as follows: Wether or Ewe Lambs, Grades or Cross Breds. Class 1st Pr. $30 2nd Pr. $25 3rd Pr. $20 4 th- Pr. $15 5 th Pr. Pens of ten $10 Competition to be liimted to sons of farmers who have not hitherto exhibited at this Show, nor at any of the State Fairs, and all entries to be bred and fed by the exhibitor. 2. For the best original paper on Flock Management, derived from the observation and experience of the writer, with a full description of methods and results Wood Brothers further offer the following prizes: 262 SHEEP— CARLOAD DIVISION 1st Pr. 2nd Pr. $15 3rd Pr. 4th Pr. Competition to be limited to farmers' sons who cannot be_ regarded as professional writers. The papers are to be filed with B. H. Heide, General Superintendent of the International Show on or before Saturday, Nov. 28, 1908. The fol- lowing judges, selected by Messrs. Wood Brothers, will pass on the merits of the papers submitted: Professor A. S. Alexander of Madison, Wis.; Professor C. F. Curtiss of Ames, Iowa, and Joseph E. Wing of the Breeders' Gazette. CARLOAD DIVISION Entries Close Nov. 21 in Carload Classes. NATIVE SHEEP. Bred east of 98° of longitude. Bill of sale or other satisfactory evidence where bred will be required by the management. Class 1st Pr. $75 75 2nd Pr. $50 50 3rd Pr. $30 30 4 th Pr. 155 Carload (not less than 50 head), wethers, 1 year and under 2. . 156 Carload (not less than 50 head), lambs $20 20 RANGE SHEEP. Bred and dropped west of 98° of longitude. Bill of sale or other sat- isfactory evidence where bred will be required by the management. Class 1st Pr. 157 Carload (not less than 50 head), wethers, 2 years or over 158 Carload (not less than 50 head), wethers, 1 year and under 2 1 75 159 Carload (not less than 50 head), lambs | 75 2nd Pr. 25 25 CHAMPION CARLOAD OF SHEEP. Class 160 Champion carload of sheep of show. Pr. $100 NATIONAL LINCOLN SHEEP BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. Class Pr. For best carload or range wethers, 1 year old. For best carload of 50 range bred lambs 50 Animals competing must be sired by Lincolil rams. CHICAGO PHONE MONROE 3400 PHONE AUTO 3119 NEW YORK GEORGEW.JACKSONJnc. ENGINEERS CONTRACTORS MANUFACTURERS General Office, 175^179 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago OUR STEEL PLANT COVERING AN AREA OF 274,263 SQ. FT. We Manufacture Three Styles of interlocking Steel Sheeting and have in Stock, Beams and Channels for any Length of Steel Sheeting Steel Ribs and Lagging Save Lahor, Time and Material Can Be Used Over Again Indefinitely Bridges, Structural Steel, Machineiy Steel Sheeting, Steel Ribs and Lagging, Patented Subways, Tunnels and Heavy Foundations ESTIMATES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION STEEL WORKS 800-818 ELSTON AVE. AND 80-98 MENDELL ST. Warehouse, 178-190 W. QUINCY ST. SEND FOR OUR INTERLOCKING STEEL SHEETING CATALOG AND OUR NEW STEEL RIBS AND LAGGING CATALOG 263 0€f SCHWARZSGHILD & SULZBERGER GO. i^'iyj^ NEW YORK CHICAGO KANSAS CITY ™E FINEST IN THE WOB'-'' HARMONY Every man to his own oar, and all pull together. Success the result. This is one of the reasons why we gain so many friends and customers among feeders and shippers of live stock. Alexanaer, ^kVard G? Conover LIVE STOCK COMMISSION UNION STOCK YARDS CHICAGO 3d floor Exchange Bldg., op p. elevator NATIONAL STOCK YARDS EAST ST. LOUIS The best feeders in the land make our office their headquarters during the Live Stock Exposition. 264 BERKSHIRE — FAT CLASSES 265 SWINE DEPARTMENT PURE=BRED DIVISION Note. — Date from which to compute ages, Sept. 1. ^Pen Fees same as sheep. ~ See Rule 91, Page 89 of Preliminary Classification. Rule 95. All entries in the pure-bred swine exhibits must be accom- panied with a certificate from the Record Association representing the breed, showing the name and record number of sire and dam. Rule 96. Exhibitors will not be allowed to make more than two en- tries in any class. Rule 97. Animals entered for competition in single classes may also be shown in pen exhibits, but only as property of the original exhibitor. Rule 98. All animals shown in the pure-bred classes must be judged from the standpoint of the producer and due consideration must be given to type, breed characteristics, quality, etc. Rule 99. Grade and cross-bred animals entered in the pen exhibits must individually weigh to weight requirements. ENTRIES BERKSHIRE [See Rule 45] CLASS 1. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS. $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials. $10, 8, 4. Animals competing for specials must be recorded m the American Berkshire Record at time of entry. For this purpose no entry fee will be charged, and a special certificate of registry will be issued to exhibit- ors without expense by the American Berkshire Association. Official No. Exhibitor Addhhss 1 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 2 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 3 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 266 BERKSHIRE — FAT CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Address 4 Ohio State University '. Columbus, Ohio. 5 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 6 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 2. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $15, 10, 5. American Berlisliire Association Specials. $10, 8, 4. OfBcial No. Exhibitor Address 7 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 8 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 9 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 10 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 8. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials. $10, 8, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1 1 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 12 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 13 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 14 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 15 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 16 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 4. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS. $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. $15, 10, 6. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1 7 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 18 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 19 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 20 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. BERKSHIRE — FAT CLASSES 267 CLASS 5. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. $15, 10, 6. OflBcial No. EXHIBITOB ADDBBSS 21 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 22 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 6. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. $15, 10, 6. Official No. EXHiBiTOK Address 23 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 24 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 25 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 26 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 7. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED ANY AGE. $25. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 1, 2, 3. CLASS 8. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED. $50. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 4, 5, 6. 268 . POLAND CHINA — FAT CLASSES POLAND=CHINA [See Rule 45] CLASS 9. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. BXHIBITOn Addhess 27 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 28 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 29 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 30 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 31 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 32 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 33 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 34 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 35 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. 36 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. CLASS 10. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 37 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 38 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 39 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 40 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 41 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. 42 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. CLASS IL BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. BXHIBITOIt Addeess 43 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 44 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 45 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 46 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 47 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. POLAND CHINA — FAT CLASSES 269 Official No. Exhibitor Address 48 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 49 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 50 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. CLASS 12. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 51 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 52 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 53 Iowa Agr. College Ames. Iowa. 54 Ohio State University Colnmbus, Ohio. 55 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 56 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. CLASS 13. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 57 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 58 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 59 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 60 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. CLASS 14. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 61 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 62 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. CLASS 15. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED ANY AGE. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 9, 10, 11. 270 . HAMPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES CLASS 16. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED. $20. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 12, 13, 14. HAMPSHIRE [See Rule 45] CLASS 17. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS. $15, 10, 5. The American Hampshire Swine Herd Record Association Specials. $10, 5, 3. All animals competing must be recorded in The American Hamp- shire Swine Record Association Register and the exhibitor must be a breeder of the Hampshire or Thin-Rind Hogs. Official No. EXHiBiTon Addbess 63 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 64 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 65 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 66 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 67 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 68 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 69 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 18. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $15, 10, 5. The American Hampshire Swine Record Association Specials. $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 70 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 71 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 72 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111.' HAMPSHIRE— FAT CLASSES 371 Official No. Exhibitor Address 73 C. A. Brooks Washington, Iowa. 74 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 75 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 76 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 77 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 19. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $15, 10, 5. The American Hampshire Swine Record Association Specials. $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 78 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 79 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 80 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 81 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 20. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS. $25, 15, 10. The American Hampshire Swine Record Associa,tion Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 82 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 83 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 84 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 85 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 86 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 21. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $25, 15, 10. The American Hampshire Swine Record Association Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 87 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 88 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 272 HAMPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Address 89 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 90 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa. 91 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 92 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 22. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $25, 15, 10. The American Hampshire Swine Record Association Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 93 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 94 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 23. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED ANY AGE. $25. The American Hampshire Swine Record Association Specials. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 17, 18, 19. CLASS 24. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED. $50. The American Hampshire Swine Record Association Specials. $25. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 20, 21, 22. CHESTER WHITE — FAT CLASSES 273 CHESTER WHITE5 [See Rule 45] CLASS 25. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 95 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. 96 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Otiio. 97 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 98 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 99 H. S. Simpson Crystal Lake, 111. 100 University of Wisconsin i .Madison, Wis. 101 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 26. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. EXHiBiTOE Address 102 Funk Bros Shirley, 111. 103 Funk Bros Shirley, 111. " 104 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. 105 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. 106 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 107 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. CLASS 27. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 108 Funk Bros Shirley, 111. 109 I^ung Bros Shirley, 111. 1 10 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. 111 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. 274 CHESTER WHITE — FAT CLASSES CLASS 28. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 112 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. 113 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 1 14 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 115 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 116 H. S. Simpson Crystal Lake, 111. 117 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 29. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $15, 10. • Official No. Exhibitor Address 1 18 Funk Bros Shirley., 111. 119 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. 120 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. CLASS 30. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 121 Funk Bros Shirley, 111. 122 C. Hintz & Sons Fremont, Ohio. CLASS 31. . CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED ANY AGE. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 25, 26, 27. CLASS 32. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED. . $20. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 28, 29, 30. LARGE YORKHIRE — FAT CLASSES 275 LARGE YORKSHIRE [See Rule 45] CLASS 33. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. BXHIBITOB ADDEESS 123 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. 124 C. W. Hintz '. . . Spencer, Ohio. 125 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 126 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 127 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 128 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 129 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 130 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 34. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. EXHiBiTOE Address 131 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. 132 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. CLASS 35, BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOH AdDBBSS 133 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. 134 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. CLASS 36 PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. BxHiBiTOE Address 135 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. 136 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. 276 LARGE YORKSHIRE — FAT CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Address 1 37 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 138 Iowa Agrl. College Ames, Iowa. 139 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 140 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 141 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 37. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. ExHiBiTOu Address 142 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. CLASS 38. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 143 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio. CLASS 39. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED ANY AGE. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 33, 34, 35. CLASS 40. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED. $20. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 36, 37, 38. DUROC-JERSEY — FAT CLASSES 277 DUROC=JERSEY [See Rule 45] CLASS 41. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOE ADDHESS 144 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 145 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 146 D. E. Studebaker Decatur, Ind. 147 D. E. Studebaker Decatur, Ind. 148 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 149 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 150 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 151 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 42. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOE ADDEBSS 152 Frank P. Mapps , Wilmington, 111. 153 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 154 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 155 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 1 56 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 43. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addbhss 157 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 158 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 159 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 160 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 161 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 162 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 278 DUROC-JERSEY — FAT CLASSES CLASS 44. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 163 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 164 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 165 D. E. Studebaker Decatur, Ind. 166 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 167 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 168 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 169 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 170 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 232 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 45. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 171 Fred Schweizer Blwood, 111. 172 Whitehall Farm ■ • Yellow Springs, Ohio. 173 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 46, PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 174 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 175 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 176 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 177 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 47. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED ANY AGE. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 41, 42, 43. TAMWORTH — FAT CLASSES - 279 CLASS 48. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED. $20. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 44, 45, 46. TAMWORTH [See Rule 45] CLASS 49. BARROW 6 MONTHS. \ $10, 5. 178 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 179 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 50. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $10, 5. CLASS 5L BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $10, 5. I CLASS 52. PEN OF 3 BARROWS 6 MONTHS. $15, 10. 180 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 53. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS. $15, 10. 280 GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS — FAT CLASSES CLASS 54. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS. $15, 10. * CLASS 55. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED ANY AGE. $15. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 49, 50, 51. CLASS 56. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED. $20. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 52, 53, 54. GRADES AND CROSS=BREDS [See Rule 45] The breeding of sire and dam in Cross-Breds must be given. In grades all information known concerning the breeding of animals must accompany the entry. To be judged from packers' standpoint. The same interpretation as to breeding under Rule 73 for cattle will apply. CLASS 57. BARROW WEIGHING 250 LBS. AND UNDER 350. $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 181 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 182 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 183 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 184 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 185 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 186 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 187 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 188 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 189 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 190 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 191 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. Grades and cross-breds — fat classes 281 CLASS 58. BARROW WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 250. $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 192 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa. 193 Jno Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 194 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 195 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 196 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 197 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 198 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 199 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 200 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 201 H. S. Simpson Crystal Lake, 111. 202 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 203 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 59. BARROW WEIGHING 150 LBS. AND UNDER 200. $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 204 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa. 205 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 206 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 207 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 208 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 209 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 210 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 211 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 212 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 213 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 214 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 60. PEN OF 3 BARROWS EACH WEIGHING 250 LBS. AND UNDER 350. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 215 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 216 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 217 Purdue University I.,afayette, Ind. •282 GRADES AND CROSS-BEEDS — FAT -CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Address 218 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 219 Purdue University ' Lafayette, Ind. 220 Wliitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. ' CLASS 61. PEN OF 3 BARROWS EACH WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 250. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 221 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa. 222 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 223 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 224 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 225 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 226 H. S. Simpson Crystal Lake, 111. 227 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 62. PEN OF 3 BARROWS EACH WEIGHING 150 LBS. AND UNDER 200. $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 228 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 229 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 230 W. H. Goodw ine Potomac, 111. 231 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 232 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 63. CHAMPION BARROW. $25. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 57, 58, 59. CLASS 64. CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS. $50. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 60, 61, 62. SWINE — SPECIAL — DRESSED CARCASSES 383 GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP ANY AGE, BREED, GRADE OR CROSS CLASS 65. GRAND CHAMPION BARROW OF THE SHOW. $50. Competition limited to Cliampionship Winners. CLASS 66. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS. $100. Competition limited to Championship Winners. SWIFT & COMPANY SPECIAL PREMIUMS Swift & Company will duplicate premiums in classes 63 and 64 pro- viding entries have been fed for 90 days before opening date of the Exposition, on a ration balanced with Swift's Digester Tankage. DRESSED CARCASSES CLASS 67. DRESSED CARCASSES WEIGHING 300 LBS. OR OVER. $15, 10, 5. No. of Entries Exhibitor Address 2 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 2 Funk Bros Shirley, 111. 2 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 8 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 1 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 2 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 1 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 3 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 3 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. 1 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 284 SWINE — DREBSED CARCASSES CLASS 68. DRESSED CARCASES WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 300. $15, 10, 5. No. Of Entries Exhibitor Address 1 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 2 Jno. Francis & Sons Npw Lenox, 111. 2 Funk Bros Shirley, 111. 2 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 13 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 2 F. A. Nash iMansfield, 111. 2 Ohio Sta,te University Columbus, Ohio. 1 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 1 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 3 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. 1 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. 3 F. Schweizer Elwood, 111. CLASS 69. DRESSED CARCASSES WEIGHING 100 LBS. AND UNDER 200. $15, 10, 5. No, of Entries Exhibitor Address 1 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa. 2 Jno. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 2 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 9 Iowa Agr. College Ames, Iowa. 2 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 2 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio. 3 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1 Wellington & Spring Clymers, Ind. 1 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio. CLASS 70. CHAMPION CARCASS. $25. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above Classes. Entries in carload classes close November 21st and must be in place by noon November 28th, SWINE — CARLOAD LOTS 285 SWINE— CAR LOTS Rule 100. Carload of not less than fifty head, any breed or grade Must have been fattened by exhibitor. All carloads of hogs must be weighed for entry not later than 9 a. m. Monday of the Exposition. Class '^1 Carload, 350 lbs. or over 72 Carload, 250 lbs. and under 350 73 Carload, 200 lbs. and under 250 74 Carload, 150 lbs. and under 200 75 Champion load, competition limited to first prize winners in above classes 1 100 1st 2nd Pr. Pr. $75 $50 75 50 75 50 75 50 |100 3rd Pr. $25 25 25 25 Telephone Main 1 1 7 Automatic 5828 Thomas Moulding Company 1 20 1 - 1 202 Chamber of Commerce Building Pressed Brick, Paving Brick and Enameled Brick WOLVERINE PORTLAND CEMENT LOUISVILLE AND MILWAUKEE CEMENTS FIRE BRICK AND FIRE CLAY Yards : 4 1 st and Butler Sts. Telephone Yeirds 726 W. Ravenswood and Berteau Ave. Central Park Ave. and Taylor St. Telephone Lake View 1518 Telephone Kedzie 201 5 CHICAGO Telephone Harrison ^^\ A C^ f^ C" IV I ^^bash Ave. and 3717 f _ M 11 L-/ CL |\l PBckCourt V^ = THEATRE = I V THE MOST NOVEL AND UNIQUE PLAYHOUSE IN AMERICA With its Own Company of 100 Singers, Players and Dancers in the New Musical Play WINNING Ml ABSOLUTELY DIFFERENT lie BREEDING PERCHERONS 287 DRAFT HORSE DEPARTMENT BREEDING DIVISION Stall fee $3.00 for each animal when occupying single stall, $5.00 when occupying box stall, which must in all cases accompany entry application. PERCHERON [See Rule 45] CLASS 1. STALLION, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. $25, 20, 15. Ribbon. Ribbon. Animals competing for these specials must be owned by members of the Percheron Society of America and recorded in its Books of Record. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $20, 10, 5. All animals competing for these special prizes must have been recorded in the Percheron Register, and the Exhibitor must be a member of the Percheron Registry Company. Where there is no competition, ribbons only will be awarded. Official No. 1 Edison 46189 (29916)— Age, Apr. 15, 1900; sire. Pompon 44575; dam, Cocotte 29287 — M. J. Boylan, Manhattan, 111. 2 Tremblon 54857 (62714)— Age, 1904; sire, Bouffalo 35468 (46570); dam, Rapide (47911)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 288 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 3 Arbac 54842 (64446)— Age, 1904; sire, Anida 42657 (48644); dam, Mirabelle (61277)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 4 Abatvent 52422 (66370)— Age, 1904; sire, Queur (53552); dam, Manille (44155)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 5 Grivois 50795 (61740)— Age, 1904; sire, Jaubert 40093 (45105); dam, Fauvette (45192) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 6 Emir 55366 (62242)— Age, 1904; sire, Fleurus 40439 (62242); dam, Dables (27953)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 7 Decime 55365 (60587)— Age, 1903; sire, Redictateur (45699); dam, Flambe (36974)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 8 Rosco 42301— Age, 1903; sire. May Boy 24146; dam, Blanche 17556 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 9 Bazar 54S43 (56681)— Age, 1902; sire, Chambellan 27349 (46787); dam, Cocotte (50046) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 10 Pruneau 42211 (57746)— Age, Apr. 8, '04; sire, Anida 42657; dam, Mirabelle 44474 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, ■ Ind. 11 Ecart 55931— Age, Apr. 30, '04; sire, Pimpolais 40250; dam, Mor- wette 47250 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. ^ 12 Borleau 55919— Age, Apr. 18, '03; sire, Laurietin 29953; dam, Vio- lette -47763 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 13 Erudit 55930— Age, May 5, '04; sire, Athos 46479; dam, Blogue 44108— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 14 Durandal 42216 — Age, Apr. 18, '04; sire, Azor 43115; dam, Coura- guese 49612 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 15 Villers 55971 — Age, Apr. 26, '04; sire, Morand 46057; dam, Diane 45103 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 16 Majesta 63824 — Age, 1904; sire, Palydon; dam, Pauline — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 17 Brulot 41504 — Age, 1903; sire, Amilcar; dam. Bijou — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 18 Urray (59572) 4549— Age, June 1, '03; sire. Quinquina 30418 (45885) ; dam, Poule (48080)— Little Missouri Horse Co., Mead- ville, Pa. 19 Jolivet 42105 (63463)— Age, Apr. 5, '04; sire, Telemaque (44762); dam. Bijou 49269 — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 20 Marindas 42709 (62414)— Age, Mar. 14, '04; sire, Polydon; dam. Bichs — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 21 Actionaire 42694 (64675)— Age, May 4, '04; sire. Muscle; dam. Gazelle — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 22 Cyrano 42707 (59963)— Age, Apr. 15, '03; sire, Rochefort; dam, Lapin — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 23 Chambord 42104 (61803) — Age, Feb'y 13, '04; sire, -Dausem; dam, Rigolette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. BREEDING PERCHERONS 289 Official No. 24 Edgar 34300 (46090)— Age, Mar. 25, 1900; sire, Fautassin; dam. Rapid — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 25 Btradigant 40553 (55321) May 6, '02; sire, Bon Courage; dam. Reseda — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. ^ 26 Fricoteur 52012 (63402)— Age, Mar. 8, '04; sire. Marcel 40968 (48673) ; dam, Charmante 49814— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 27 Olida 51144 (62379)— Age, Apr. 20, '04; sire, Tronville (48775); dam, Jardinere (45198) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 28 Etameur 57140. (62630)— Age, Apr. 6, '04; sire, Prects (46087); dam, Mutine (49951)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 29 Perfection 32526— Age, June 13, '02; sire, Phillippe III 13862 (14166) ; dam, Arlette 5976 (7954)— Jno. Schipper, Pilmore Cen- ter, Mich. 30 Bonpays 50800 (64190)— Age, Mch. 20, '04; sire, Rossignal 40190 (46102); dam, Impetnense 20041 — Adam Stamm & Son, Carlisle. Iowa. 31 Adolphe 56973— Age, 1903; sire, Adrien; dam, Margot— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 32 Fendlair 56979 — Age, 1904; sire, Mongarret; dam, Nathalie — Tay- lor & Jones, Williamsville 111. 33 Ecurcuil 56978 — Age, 1904; sire, Ermite; dam, Titania — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 34 Adrien 56974 — Age, 1904; sire, Biribe; dam, Biche — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 35 Rataplan 5699.8— Age, 1904; sire, Lerida III; dam. Vermouth— Tay- lor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 36 Pontiac 46510 — Age, 1903; sire, Reville Matin; dam, Bien — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 37 Putnam 2d 31784— Age, 1902; sire, Putnam; dam, Mahea 3d— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 38 Cheptel 56975— Age, 1903; sire, Moka; dam, Voltige— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 39 Pasteur 42812 (63046)— Age, Mar. 8, '04; sire, Brule (46056); dam, Biche (49449) — Watson, Wood Bros. & Kelley Co., Lincoln, Neb. 40 Verbeaux (42817) (61540)— Age, Apr. 10, '04; sire. Baccarat (46458); dam, Serpalette (47780)— Watson, Wood Bros. & Kel- ley Co., Lincoln, Neb. 290 BREEDING PERCHERONS CLASS 2. STALLION, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. Percherpn Society of America Specials. $25, 20, 15. Ribbon. Ribbon. Percheron Registry Company Specials. |20, 10, 5. Official No. 41 Dardignan 52736 (65864)— Age, 1905; sire, Francoeur (22890); dam, Bichette 50264— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 42 Rosita 52476 (67948)— Age, 1905; sire, Othon 41348 (51404); dam, Lisette (21774)— Robt. Burgess & Son, "Wenona, 111. 43 Loc 55463 (66038)— Age, 1905; sire. Mack (51432); dam. Rose (50500)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 44 Leon 55446— Age, 1905; sire, Hyacinthe 26723 (48386)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 45 Vinson 46379— Age, 1905; sire, Arton 31623 (49890); dam, Klon- dike 20786— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 46 Lanalaba 50782 (68247)— Age, 1905; sire, Beaudale (34055); dam, Biche (50564)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 47 Syveton 52477 (65147)— Age, 1905; sire, Tyrolien (47643); dam. Anemone (44149) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 48 Trochu 52480 (68092)— Age, 1905; sire, Beaudale (34055); dam, Sabime (42238) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 49 The Craftsman 57187 (42871)— Age, June 23, '05; sire. Plume, Jr. 21627; dam. Black Beauty 41164 — Lew W. Cohran, Crawfords- ville, Ind. 50 Ninas 55958— Age, Apr. 7, '05; sire, Brice 52909; dam, Bellonne 39315 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 51 Berlucheur 55921— Age, Apr. 29, '05; sire, Belleau II 41257; dam, Bijou 54289 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 52 Sultan 55967— Age, Mar. 12, '05; sire. Coco 52279; dam, Sultane 26046— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 53 Acrobate 55918— Feb'y 27, '05; sire, Duchesnay 37117; dam, Fau- vette 42839 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 54 Epinal 55932— Age, Mar. 15, '05; sire, Ramoneur 44460; dam, Rigo- lette 50163— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 55 Aissey 55960— Age, Mar. 27, 05; sire. President 52227; dam. Rosette 50087 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 56 Ronchon 55965— Age, Apr. 15, '05; sire, Frascati 51204; dam. Malice 56876 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 57 Vega 55970— Age, Mar. 22, '05; sire, Beaudale 34055; dam, Pauline 25134 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. BREEDING PERCHERONS 291 Official No. 58 Coquet 55926— Age, Apr. 14, '05; sire, Fernando 52806; dam. Co- quette 22628 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 59 Meritant 55957— Age, Apr. 10, '05; sire, Tarquin 51901; dam, Rosette 49901 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 60 Lablache 55631— Age, May 10, '05; sire, Ganaz 53075; dam, Lilie 34495— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 61 Manillon 55178 (67182)— Age, May, '05; sire, Monjarrett; dam, Favvette — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 62 Ivanhoe 47604 — Age, '05; sire, Glaneur; dam. Ruby — Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. 63 Roosevelt 45278 — Age, '05; sire, Morse; dam. Lady Alice — Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. 64 Chainville 66409 52371— Age, Apr. 7, '05; sire. President 52227; dam, Fluer De Mai 53540 — B. S. Harper, La Rose, 111. 65 Buffon 42695 (66472)— Age, Apr. 10, '05; sire, Artilleur; dam, Castille — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 66 Laricot 42697 (68469) — Age, Apr. 15, '05; sire, Athos; dam, Bril- lante — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 67 Lambin 42594 (68833)— Age, May 18, '05; sire, Athos; dam, Rigo- lette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 68 Monille 42601 (68022)— Age, May 18, '05; sire, Voyageur; dam, Suzette^McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 69 Surugue 42703 (66797)— Age, '05; sire, Rubis; dam, Cabrera— Mc- Laughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 70 Myrte 42688 (66768)— Age, Mar. 19, '05; sire, Violin; dam, Tapette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 71 Pont Neuf 42702 (65082)— Age, Apr. 15, '05; sire, Degel; dam, Erminie — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 72 Exploit 55247 (67202)— Age, Apr. 12, '05; sire, Electeur 41264 46264; dam, Vesicule 57055 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, la. 73 Astrakan 48946 (66295)— Age, Apr. 3, '05; sire, Carnaval 52788; dam, Blanche 61276 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 74 Utopia 55272 (66532)— Age, Mar. 8, '05; sire, Danseur 54138 (46225); dam, Mirabelle 47310— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fair- field, Iowa. 75 Powrot 51454 (67101)— Age, Mar. 1, '05; sire, Fayot 52453; dam, L Annie 13185— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 76 Vaingneur 57145 (65097)— Age, Apr. 12, '05; sire. Christian 52898; dam, Stella 44817— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 77 Cesar 45903— Age, May 2, '05; sire, Hercules 21564; dam, Autum 19988 — Jno. Schipper, Filmore Center, Mich. 78 Soster 56999— Age, '05; sire, Parisian; dam. Petite— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 79 Bruce 43591— Age, Apr. 24, '05; sire, Delmar; dam, Electra— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 80 Brilliant D. 45336— Age, '05; sire, Kimberly; dam, Belle— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 292 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 81 Quinet 56993 — Age, '05; sire, Parisien; dam, Marotte — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 82 MalkofE 56995— Age, '05; sire, Coco; dam, Margot— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 83 Macaron 56996 — Age, '05; sire, Parsien; dam, Miquette— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 84 General (66386) (42801)— Age, Apr. 2, '05; sire, Bourbon (51310); dam, Medaille (47336)— Watson, Wood Bros. & Kelly Co., Lin- coln, Neb. 85 Andain (42646) (65222)— Age, Mar. 20, '05; sire. Christian (52898); dam. Bijou (48252)— Watson, Wood Bros. & Kelly Co., Lin- coln, Neb. CLASS 8. STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. $20, 15, 10. Ribbon. Ribbon. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $20, 10, 5. Official No. 86 Gaetani 54849 (69320)— Age, '06;, sire, Ramoneur 44460 (52112); dam, Clariette (55000)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 87 Gerome 55378 (69675)— Age, '06; sire, Ramoneur 44460 (52112); dam, Mirielle (37735)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 88 Gabrias 55368 (69328)— Age, '06; sire, Ramoneur 44460 (52112); dam, Armida (47837)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 89 Gaillac 55369 (69319)— Age, '06; sire, Ramoneur 44460 (52112); dam, Valeriane (40887)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 90 Grabuge 55381 (71393)— Age, '06; sire, Pusain (53895); dam, La Noire (59327)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 91 Garnay 55372 (69665)— Age, '06; sire, Dubonnet (51671); dam. Coquette (55452)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 92 Gaster 55375 (70418)— Age, '06; sire, Fusain (53895); dam, Sirene (43935)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 93 Gascon 55373 (71455)— Age, '06; sire, Turco (55333); dam, Balise (30429)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 94 Grandeur 55382 (72542)— Age, '06; sire, Rolland (60321); dam, Equilibriste (54698)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 95 Gaudet 55383 70503— Age, '06; sire, Queru (53522); dam, Glissiere (47938) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 96 Gasdon 54851 (69499)— Age, '06; sire, Turco (55333); dam, Amecie 51750— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS 293 Official No. 97 Gifford 55379 (69833)— Age, '06; sire, Vercingetorix (51912); dam, Cocetti (53997)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 98 Richard 57109— Age, '06; sire, Constantin 35228 (48890); dam, Almeda 57105 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 99 Polbert 57111— Age, '06; sire, Constantin 35228 (48890); dam, Elsie 57103— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 100 Royal Gombetta 49356— Age, May 25, '06; sire. Coquet 41260 (52478)— dam. Bijou 32975— Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 101 Aldhelm 42883 57190— Age, Apr. 4, '06; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam, Pauline 49963 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 102 Ariovistus 42886 57189— Age, Apr. 2, '06; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam, Merry Lass 49962 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 103 Caspar 42888 57186— Age, Apr. 10, '06; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam, Minette 24992 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 104 Grenadier 55941— Age, Apr. 2, '06; sire, Nestor 53272; dam, Trahie 60155 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 105 Glavian 55949— Age, Apr. 25, '06; sire, Mangetout 54819; dam, Castille 54487 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 106 Gaillant 55947— Age, Mar. 27, '06; sire, Crepillon 55245; dam, Badine 54376 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 107 Gier 55948— Age, Apr. 12, '06; sire, Crepillon 55245; dam, Mous- tache 49675 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 108 Grignon 55951 — Age, Apr. 17, '06; sire, Negro 59429; dam, Sophie 47130 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 109 Gontran 55938— Age, Apr. 20, '06; sire, Arkadin 46598; dam, Mig- nonne 47191 — J. Crouch & Son, I^afayette, Ind. 110 Gousset 55942— Age, May 2, '06; sire, Turco 55333; dam, Mouton 49834— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 111 Gogolite 55176 (69741)— Age, Mar. 22, '06;* sire, Mouton; dam, Etope — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 112 Gamire 55177 (70531) — Age, Feb. 7, '06; sire, Monganet; dam, Santtie — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 113 Grevin 55182 (70790)— Age, Mar. 22, '06— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 114 Mascott 47290 — Age, '0-6; sire, Arton; dam. Flora Dora — Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. 115 Galepoli 54530 70050— Age, Apr. 15, '06; sire, Theal 43717 54895; dam, Scala 4210 — B. S. Harper, La Rose, 111. 116 Gail 42706 (70436)— Age, Mar. 10, '06; sire, Queru; dam, Gentille — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 117 Gentil 42691 (70047)— Age, Apr. 22, '06; sire, Alpin; dam, Pelotte— McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 118 Gouffe 42687 (70857)— Age, May 10, '06; sire, Kif Kif; dam, Mau- chere — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 119 Gracieux 42683 (71150) — Age, Mar. 15, '06; sire, Fusain; dam, Mourette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 120 Gayroche 55257 (71039)— Age, Apr. 24, '06; sire, Babylas 55508; dam, Contaguesse 52421 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 294 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 121 Briars 48857— Age, June 1, '06; sire, Volage 48578 (55179); dam, Flore 30872 (15872) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 122 Gadeau 57144 (71204)— Age, Apr. 25, '06; sire, Rosenfield (52924); dam, Monvette (46464) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 123 Gigon 57142 (70660)— Age, Apr. 7, '06; sire, Tringant (52256); dam, Mirabelle (61399)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 124 Rene 49286— Age, May 14, '06; sire, Rene 31138 (46669); dam, Blerado 27923— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 125 Gutenberg 57143 (72934)— Age, Mar. 15, '06; sire, Regonis (54548); dam, Gudule 15376 — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 126 Gedeon 56912 (70236)— Age, Apr. 28, '06; sire, Bath (54319); dam. Coquette (54559)— J. H. Seren & Son, Prairie City, 111. 127 Gaspard 56984 — Age, '06; sire, Parisien; dam, Biche — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 128 Georges 56990 — Age, '06; sire, Parisien; dam, Cocotte — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 129 Guidon 56992 — Age, '06; sire. Medallion; dam, Coppelia — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 130 Genereux 56998 — Age, '06; sire, Ravissant; dam. Polka — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 131 Garnement 56982 — Age, '06; sire, Etradegant; dam, Bichette — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 132 Gars 56983 — Age, '06; sire, Courlis; dam, Souris — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 133 Galopin 56980 — Age, '06; sire, Vaillant; dam, Reveuse — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 134 Gozon (42799) (70401)— Age, May 17, '06; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Coquette (54200)— Watson, Wood Bros. & Kelly Co., Lincoln, Neb. 135 Gisant (42809) (71262)— Age, Apr. 25, '06; sire, Brutus (57176); dam. Coquette (53642)— Watson, Wood Bros. & Kelly Co., Lin- coln, Neb. CLASS 4. STALLION, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. 136 Pompon 51385— Age, Apr. 10, '07; sire, Edison 29916; dam, Dora 29699— M. J. Boylan, Manhattan, 111. 137 Harcourt 55384 (74115)— Age, '07; sire, Tourconig (59147); dam, Perruche (53514) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 138 Oudin 57112— Age, '07; sire, Russo 45802 (61861); dam, Lillian 47901 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. BREEDING PERCHEROiSTS 355 OAcial No. 139 Galileo 42887 (57193)— Age, Mar. 11, '07; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam. Merry Lass 49962 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 140 Yohn 42889 57194— Age, Mar. 19, '07; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam, Minette 24992 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 141 Fletchef 51605 — Age, Apr. '07; sire, Morse; dam, Black Princess- Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. 142 Billey Bryan 52388— Age, Apr. 30, '07; sire, Villageois 27425 (44898) ; dam. Media 42232 — B. S. Harper, La Rose, 111. 143 Rex 52496— Age, May 17, '07; sire, Verneuil; dam, Vada 27999— B. S. Harper, La Rose, 111. 144 Sis Easter 53205— Age, Apr. 2, '07; sire. Doyen 57661; dam, Lisette 41223 — Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 145 Robert Le Fort 52144— Age, Mar. 30, '07; sire, Olbert 42815 (53109) ; dam, Adelaide 47676— Little Missouri Horse Co., Meade- ville. Pa. 146 Vincingetorix 52147 — Age, Apr. 7, '07; sire. Black Minorca 22247; dam, Milly 26411 — Little Missouri' Horse Co., Meadeville, Pa. 147 La Premiere 52150 — Age, Mar. 29, '07; sire, Hocker 60022; dam, Continiere 45418 (60639) — Little Missouri Horse Co., Meade- ville, Pa. 148 Glendale Pride 56304— Age, June 3, '07; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Zenetta 34968 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 149 Lyceen 56495 — Age, Apr. 18, '07; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Helen 40157- — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 150 Abo 52397 — Age, Apr. 7, '07; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Blanche 40154 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 151 Beaudale 55895— Age, May 8, '07; sire, Volage 48578 (55179); dam, Reine 48497 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. CLASS 5. MARE, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. S20, 10, 5. Official No. 152 Castille 43913 (61068)— Age, '03; sire, Batailleur (40123); dam, Bichette (49637)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 153 Emerande" 52723 (74972)— Age, '04; sire. Carton (45997); dam, Fleurie (14718)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 154 Eunice 57107— Age, '04; sire. Trance 31633 (47195); dam, Florance 48461— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 155 Lavinee 48455 — Age, '01; sire, Wallace 22994; dam, Rosie 16091 (24220)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 156 Lillian 47901 — Age, '01; sire, Wenona Boulon 19712; dam, Estelle 16210— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona. 111. 296 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 157 Mussett 48459— Age, '02; sire, Quenny 24816 (44496); dam, Wenona Lille 20273— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 158 Lucile 48457— Age, '02; sire, Quenny 24816 (44496); dam, Rachel 12003— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 159 Merry Lass 42885 49962— Age, Apr. 15, '01; sire, Salvanos 1.0827 (20922); dam, Black Beauty 41164— Lew W. Cochran, Craw- fordsville, Ind. 160 Minette 24992— Age, Apr. 29, '97; sire, Alcola 16838; dam, Florida 18186 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 161 Lea 55956— Age, Mar. 6, '04; sire, Egyptien 46673; dam, Castille 49716— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 162 Gondolati 55937— Age, Apr. 24, '03; sire, Tamerlain 29603; dam, Collette 42302— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 163 Rena 43540— Age, Sept. 2, '04; sire, Boer 24267; dam, Blanche 40154 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 164 Fashion 50418— Age, Apr. 15, '03; sire, Aride 25056 (45425); dam, Reine 48497 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 165 Fanchette 44029— Age, June 10, '02; sire, Aride 25056 (45424); dam, Suzon 44028 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 166 Marguerite 45347— Age, Apr. 8, '03; sire, Aride 25056 (45424); dam, Noreanne 44024 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 167 Lissette 55267 (58269)— Age, Apr. 20, '03; sire, Jacques 31229 (44938); dam. Coquette 54448 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fair- field, Iowa. CLASS 6. MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. * $20, 10, 5. Official No. .168 Eticelle 52722 (66980)— Age, '05; sire, Tyrolien (47643); dam L'Amie (43151) — Robt. Burgess & Sons, Wenona, 111. 169 Piquette 52469 (67440)— Age, '05; sire, Athos (46479); dam. Pis tache (47699)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 170 Rostana 55415— Age, '05; sire, Hyacinthe 26723 (48386); dam. Lavinee 48455 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 171 Frances L. 49966— Age, Apr. 28, '05; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam Ruth 48545 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 172 Galette 55946— Age, Mar. 14, '05; sire, Chanzy 46553; dam, Paquer ette 23926 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 173 Trompette 55968 — Age, Apr. 25, '05; sire, Oscar 45901; dam, Lisa 49812 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 174 Olga 55181 (66644)— Age, Apr. 5, '05; sire, Tarquin; dam, Bijo— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. BREEDING PERCHERONS 297 Official No. 175 Rose 55179 (75182) — Age, May 18, '05; sire, Degel; dam, Bichonne Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 176 Bichette 55189 (75183)— Age, May 5, '05; sire, Thall; dam, Scola— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 177 Nettie 43544— Age, May 2, '05; sire, Boer 24267; dam, Daisy 28862 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 178 Jessie 50358— Age, May 12, '05; sire, Boer 24267; dam, Lucille 18168 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 179 Mina 50360— Age, May 3, '05; sire, Boer 24267; dam. Blaze 40155— James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 180 Badine 55883— Age, May 28, '05; sire, Saphir 32834 (46498); dam, Estello 53939 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 181 Outrade 55881— Age, May 23, '05; sire, Saphir 32834 (46498) ; ^am, Florence 53935— Maasdam & Wheeler, Faipfield, Iowa. 182 Ceres 57130 (75196)— Age, May 17, '05; sire, Anarchiste (52674); dam, Jolie (30662)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 183 Fauvette 57131— Age, Mar. 29, '05; sire, Lerida III (42847); dam, Malice 30000— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. CLASS 7. MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $20, 10, 5. Official No. 184 Grisole 52715 (69842)— Age, '06; sire, Vercingetorix (51912); dam. Rosette (49901)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 185 Dragonette 55583— Age, '06; sire, Constantin 35228 (48890); dam. Flora 48456— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 186 Leta 57110— Age, '06; sire, Constantin 35228 (48890); dam, Mef- cede 48456 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 187 Eldora 57108— Age, '06; sire, Constantin 35228 (48890) ; dam, Avena 57104 — Robt. Burgess, Wenona, 111. 188 Gladys 57115— Age, '06; sire, Constantin 35228 (48890); dam, Beulah 57106— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 189 Sabrina 42873 57188— Age, May 7, '06; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam. Columbine 40269 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 190 Elnora 42871 (57191)— Age, June 18, '06; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam, Black Beauty 41164 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 191 Garantie 55938— Age, Apr. 4, '06; sire. Coco 56130; dam, Fiancee 50763— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 192 Gangue 55944— Age, Apr. 22, '06; sire, Lerida III 42847; dam, L'Amie 13185 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 298 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 193 Grenade 55180 — Apr. 10, '06; sire, Etiadegant ; dam, Raclette— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 194 Geline 54531 (70392)— Age, Apr. 25, '06; sire, Berland (55218); dam, Mauvette (48137)— B. S. Harper, La Rose, 111. 195 Esther 51494— Age, Apr. 24, '06; sire, Kabyle 24761; dam, Maud 27766 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 196 Madge 51495 —Age, Apr. 18, '06; sire, Kabyle 24761; dam, Blanclie 40154 — James Loonan, "Waterloo, Iowa. 197 Pauline 51930— Age, July, '06; sire, Lorin 10992; dam, Maudette 51482 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 198 Alice 51491— Age, May 28, '06; sire, Kabyle 24761; dam, Louise D. 41439 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 199 Alvaretta— Age, June 12, '06; sire, Saphir 32834 (46498); dam. Mar- guerite 45347— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 200 Goulotte 48947 (71859)— Age, Apr. 28, '06; sire, Bibi 52612; dam, Rose 37199^Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 201 Alvina — Age, May 9, '06; sire, Aride 48578 (55179); dam, Jean 41857 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 202 Gorgerette 57136 (72586)— Age, Feb. 11, '06; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Lummeuse (56412) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 203 Gasconnade 57132 (71254)— Age, Apr. 28, '06; sire, Brutus (57176); dam, Margot (61349)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 204 Gioglette 57134 (70801)— Age, Apr. 15, '06; sire, Alpin (54649); dam, Isabelle (45132)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 205 Glaneuse 57135 (69538)— Age, Apr. 23, '06; sire, Monjarret (47526); dam, Charmante (54292)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 206 Galicia 57133 (69565)— Age, Apr. 29, '06; sire, Queru (53522); dam, Printanniere (44124) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. CLASS 8. MARE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. .Commended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. 207 Mazette 55418— Age, '07; sire, Russo 45802 (61861); dam, Flora 48456 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 208 Mae 57113— Age, '07; sire, Russo 45802 (61861); dam. Flora 48456 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 209 Cecil 42884 (57192)— Age, Mar. 13, '07; sire, Rhum, Jr. 21627; dam, Paulina 49963 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. BREEDING PERCHERONS 299 Official No. 210 Bathilde 52151— Age, June 11, '07; sire, Queru 51114 (53522); dam, Ugoline 52037 (47628)— Little Missouri Horse Co., Meadville, Pa. 211 Hazel (56493)— Age, May 15, '07; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Daisy 28860 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 212 Evelyn 56492 — Age, Apr. 14, '07; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Maud 27766 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. 213 Pauline 56496 — Age, May 11, '07; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Louise 41439 — James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. CLASS 9. FOUR ANIMALS OF ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE. $50, 40, 30. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. $40, 20, 10. • Ribbon. Ribbon. Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. James Loonan, Waterloo, Iowa. Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, la. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, I nd. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. CLASS 10, TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM. $50, 30, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. $25, '15, 10. Ribbon. Ribbon. Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. James Loonan, Waterloo, . Iowa. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, la. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 300 BREEDING PERC HERONS CLASS 11. CHAMPION STALLION, ANY AGE. STERLING SILVER CUP. Percheron Society of America Specials. Medal. Reserve Ribbon. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $30. Reserve Ribbon. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 1-2-3-4. CLASS 12. CHAMPION MARE, ANY AGE. STERLING SILVER CUP. Percheron Society of America Specials. Medal. Reserve Ribbon. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $30. Reserve Ribbon. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in 'Classes 5-6-7-8. SPECIAL "A." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 4 YEARS AND OVER. Percheron Society of America Specials. $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "B." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. Percheron Society of America Specials. $20, 15. 10. BREEDING PERCHERONS 301 SPECIAL "C." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Percheron Society of America Specials. $20, 15, 10. Ribbon. Ribbon. SPECIAL "D." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Percheron Society of America Specials. $20, 10, 5. Ribbon. Ribbon. SPECIAL "E." AMERICAN BRED MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. Percheron Society of America Specials. $20, 15, 10. Ribbon. Ribbon. SPECIAL "F." AMERICAN BRED MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Percheron Society of America Specials. $20, 15, 10. Ribbon. Ribbon. SPECIAL "G." AMERICAN BRED MARE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Percheron Society of America Specials. $15, 10, 5. Ribbon. Ribbon. SPECIAL "H." BEST FIVE ANIMALS, EITHER SEX, ANY AGE, BRED BY EXHIB- ITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. $40, 25, 10. Ribbon. Ribbon. 302 BREEDING PERCHERONS SPECIAL "I." BEST AMERICAN BRED STALLION, ANY AGE. Percheron Society of America Specials. Medal. Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "J." BEST AMERICAN BRED MARE, ANY AGE. Percheron Society of America Specials. Medal. Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "K." BEST FIVE STALLIONS. Percheron Society of America Specials. Medal. Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "L." BEST THREE MARES. Percheron Society of America Specials. Medal. Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "M." ' BEST STALLION AND FOUR MARES, ANY AGE, OWNED BY EXHIB- ITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. Cup. Medal. Ribbon. Ribbon. BREEDING PERCHERONS 303 SPECIAL "N." BEST STALLION AND FOUR MARES, BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. Cup and Diploma. Medal and Diploma. In addition to above prizes in Classes 1, 2 and 3 medals and reserve ribbons will be awarded. Animals competing in Special M not eligible to show in Special N and vice versa. SPECIAL "A.'^ AMERICAN BRED STALLION. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $20, 10. SPECIAL "B." AMERICAN BRED MARE. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $20, 10. SPECIAL "C." GROUP OF FIVE STALLIONS, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $30. Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "D." GROUP OF THREE MARES, OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Registry Company Specials. $30. Reserve Ribbon. 304 BREEDING CLYDESDALES CLYDESDALE (See Rule 45) CLASS 13. STALLION, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $30, 25, 20, 10. Official No. 214 Mac Arlie (6398) 13891— Age, '04; sire, Macqueen (5200); dam, Fair Queen 3920 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 215 Sir Marquis (7790) 13308— Age, '03; sire, Sir Simon (10465); dam, Bowfleld (13878) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 216 Pleasant Prince (10835) 10636— Age, Mar. 22, '98; sire. Prince Pleasing (10259); dam, Belle of Fashion (12924)— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 217 Argosy (11247) 13798— Age, '99; sire. Sir Everard (5353); dam, Sally (5076)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 218 Alloa Lad (12801) 13800— Age, Apr. 15, '04; sire, Up To Time (10475) ; dam, Rosie of Bowhouse, vol. 28, p. 100— Alex Gal- braith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 219 Baron's Voucher (12041) 13799— Age, Apr. 30, '02; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Brisk (13854)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 220 Heather King (12599) 12766— Age, May, '03; selling price, $2,000; sire, Manorama 12239; dam, Lady Sophia 15435 — Henry Horn, Jr., Du Quoin, 111. 221 Kenoki 13214— Age, Apr. 24, '03; sire, Prince Shapely 10111; dam, Sally — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 222 Refiner (12301) 12116— Age, Apr. 16, '02; sire, Baron's Pride; dam. Lady Evergreen — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 223 Baron Kent 12031 — Age, May 3, '00; sire. Baron's Pride 9122; dam, Cynthia 11252 — Niles & Clark, Crown Point, Ind. 224 Lord March's Heir 11643 — Age, Mar. 12, '04; sire. Lord March (6002) 6628; dam. Blend's Mayflower 10209— Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 225 Baron's Hope 12023— Age, July 4, '00; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam. Marguerite (18000) — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. ! BREEDING CXYDESDALES 305 CLASS 14. STALLION, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 226 Baron Laird (13335)— Age, May 23, '05; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam. Trilby (16845) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 227 Bonnie Doon (13373) — Age, '05; sire, Baron Alister; dam. Queen Mary 2d — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 228 Eddystone (14111) 13801— Age, June, '05; sire. Baron's Chief (12024); dam. Blossom (15965)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 229 Greathill Chief (14461) 13809— Age, June, '05; sire, Hiawatha (10067) ; dam, Airies Maisie (18554)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 230 Sir Rupert (14384) 13808— Age, June 9, '05; sire. Everlasting (11331) ; dam. Princess of Kirkside (14034)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 231 Bakewell (13966) 13807— Age, May 5, '05; sire. Mains of Airies (10379); dam, Winifred Katherine (16430)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 232 Royal Prince (13709) 13810— Age, July 24, '05; sire, .Hiawatha (10067) ; dam, Lady Cassie (17635)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, Bl. 233 The Bandit 12567— Age, July 22, '05; sire, Clarestewart (11688); dam, Dorothy Deen (13109) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 234 Westfield Squire 13861— Age, '05; sire, Gartly Squire (10350); dam, Lily of Crowbill (19884) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 235 Pride of Deep River 11582 — Age, May 10, '04; sire. Coxcomb 7846; dam, Macara Anderson 9495 — Niles & Clark, Crown Point, Ind. 236 Baron Niles 12212— Age, July 1, '05; sire, Baron Robgill 10689; dam, Goldy 10718— Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 237 Barney W. 12380— Age, Apr. 5, '05; sire. Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam. Modest Darling 2d 9965— A. C. Wylie, Utica, 111. 306 BREEDING CLYDESDALES CLASS 15. STALLION, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 238 Farron 12732 — Age, May 8, '06; sire, Keir Dauntless 11563; dam. Charming Princess 10095 — B. H. Blauvelt, Wyoming, 111. 239 Lansdowne (14228)— Age, May 4, '06; sire, Everlasting (11331); dam, Gloaming (15359) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 240 Evergrand 13892 — Age, '06; sire, Macqueen — Graham Bros., Clare- mont, Ont. 241 Baron's Heir 12725 — Age, May 18, '06; sire. Baron Afton (11255) 11260; dam, Miss Matthews 6836— Will H. Ade, Kentland, Ind. 242 Baron's Best 12726— Age, May 26, '06; sire, Baron Afton (11255) 11260; dam. Miss Matthew 3d 10772— Will H. Ade, Kentland, Ind. 243 Prince Campsie 12635— Age, May 18, '06; sire. Pleasant Prince 10636; dam, Jean Campsie 9270— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 244 Lord Beattock (14234) 13805— Age, Apr. 24, '06; sire. Ascot (10494) ; dam, Milton Rose (17728)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 245 Hood's Pride (14462) 13812— Age, July 8, '06; sire. Baron Hood (11260) ; dam. Blossom (16876)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 246 Baron Cawdoe (13975) 13802— Age, July 2, '06; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Camilla (15592)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 247 Heather Blossom (14161) 13806— Age, Apr. 21, '06; sire. Ruby Pride (12344); dam, Nannie of Kerrytonila (13438)— Alex Gal- braith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 248 Royald Tinwald 13853— Age, Apr. '06; sire. Royal Edward (11495); dam. Darling (19069) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 249 Tarty Baron 13859— Age, May 3, '06; sire. Baron Fergus (12028); dam, Cleopatra (15893) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 250 Baron Charmer 13852 — Age, May 1, 1906; sire, Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Kate of Wastrie (16100)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 251 Sir Robin 13854— Age, Apr. 25, '06; sire. Sir Hugo (10924); dam. Laurel (12438) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 252 Baron Robgill, Jr. 12779— Age, May 20, '06; sire. Baron Robgill 10689; dam, Bloomington 10395— Njles & CJarJc, Crown Point, Ind. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 307 CLASS 16. STALLION, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 253 Lovely Baron (8452) — Age, '07; sire. Baron's Pride; dam. Lovely 13534 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 254 Baron Sceptre (14479) — Age, May, 18; sire. Baron's Pride (9122) ; dam. Lady Dorothy (15560) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 255 Winsome Prince 13651— Age, Mar. 10, '07; sire. Criterion (11670) 11129; dam. Lady Winsome 9667— Will H. Ade, Kentland, Ind. 256 Prince Carruchan 13446 — Age, May 27, '07; sire, Gallant Carru- chan 11917; dam, Princess Benedict 11199 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 257 Brookside Dee 13445— Age, Apr. 11, '07; sire. Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam. Lady Dee 10658— Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 258 Prince Matchless 13384— Age, May 31, '07; sire. Matchless Mac- Gregor 9912; dam, Princess Letitia 6772 — C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 259 Cragsman (14463) 13814— Age, '07; sire, Benedict (10315); dam, Doll of Bankhead (18535)— Alex Galhraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 260 Macduff 13340— Age, Mar. 24, '07; sire. Refiner 12116; dam. Her Majesty 11508 — Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. 261 Dinwoody Star (14475) 13813— Age, May 15, '07; sire, Pacific (13119) ; dam. Floral Spray (20824)— James Kennedy, TJtica, 111. 262 Homespun 13528 — Age, May 15, '07; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam. Handsome Lady 9851 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 263 The Pinnacle 13860— Age, May 19, '07; sire. Pride of Blacon (10837) ; dam, Fanny of L. S. (17023)— McLay Bros., Janes- ville, Wis. 264 Sylvan Baron 13858— Age, Apr. 5, '07; sire. Baron Ruby (11268); dam, Victoria (20447) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 265 Osco Cherman 13796— Age, Mar. 6. '07; sire, Ethelbert 12025; dam, Osco Maid 11533— A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 308 BREEDING CLYDESDALES SPECIAL "A." STALLION FOALS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25. 20. 15, 10. Official No. 266 Tom Marshall 13876— Age, Apr. 9, '08; sire, Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam. Fairy Belle 11626— Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 267 Bob Carruchan 13875— Age, Apr. 28, '08; sire. Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam, Lady Maud 11628— Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 268 Gallant Boy 13874 — Age, Mar. 1, '08; sire, Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam, Brookside Maud 10444 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 269 His Majesty 13901— Age, '08; sire, McQueen 3515; dam, Blanche- Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 270 Chief Justice — Age, May 14, '08; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam. Princess Judith 9634 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 271 Elegant Prince— Age, May 14, '08; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam, Lady Elegant — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 272 Baron Radiant— Age, May 20, '08; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam. Lady Clara 12573 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 273 Ohio Gallant 13897— Age, Feh'y 2, '08; sire. Gallant Carruchan 12581; dam, Benedict's Rose 10445 — Ohio State University, Co- lumbus, Ohio. 274 Osco Dagnar Prince— Age, Apr. 20, '08; sire, Ethelbert 12025; dam, Osco Princess 11114 — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 275 King Soloman 13886 — Age, May 30, '08; sire. Prince Romeo's Heir 12219; dam, Victoria's Heir 12215— A. C. Stewart, Clarksville, Iowa. CLASS 17. MARE, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $30, 25, 20, 10. Official No. 276 Queen Bess (6238) 13894— Age, '02; sire, Macqueen 462; dam. Fair .Queen 3920 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. BREEDING CLYDESDALES B09 Official No. 277 Thorncliffe Duchess 2d 11153 — Age, Jan. '03; sire, Lyon Mac- gregor; dam, Princess Bell — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 278 Miss Matthew 3d 10772— Age, July 16, '02; sire. Attractive Mc- Gregor 8991; dam, Miss Matthews 6836— Will H. Ade, Kentland, Ind. 279 Lady Maud 11628— Age, May 31, '04; sire, Benedict 9300; dam, Maud 5591 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 280 Cherry Benedict 10448 — Age, May 21, '01; sire, Benedict 9300; dam, Cherry Sturdy 8943 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 281 Brookside Maud 10444— Age, Sept. 18, '01; sire, Benedict 9300; dam, Maud 5591 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 282 Queen Lillie 10654— Age, Apr. 11, '02; sire, St. Christopher 9307; dam, Lillie Mac Gregor 3957 — C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 283 Lady Alice 11762— Age, May 22, '04; sire. Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam. Raven McAra — James Kennedy, Utica, 111. 284 Lady Effie 11763— Age, May 25, '04; sire, Mac Ara 7991; dam, Her Sweet Sil 8706 — James Kennedy, Utica, 111. 285 Princess Goodwin 9849 — Age, May 4, '00; sire. Handsome Prince 5581; dam. Starlight 484 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 286 Mayoress 12582 — Age, '04; sire. Silver Cup (11184); dam, Muriel (15784) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 287 Duchess 13204— Age, May 1, '04; sire. Flash Sturdy (11710); dam. Duchess of Dungiven (13819) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 288 Lady Graceful 11118 — Age, May 13, '03; sire. Prince Grandeur 9639; dam, Prairie Blossom 5930 — ^McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 289 Osco Sweetnes 11117 — Age, June 18, '03; sire. Hard Times 11115; dam, Osco Garey 10648 — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 290 Osco Blass 12056— Age, Nov. 24, '04; sire, Hard Times 11115 dam, Osco Garey 10648 — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 291 Victoria's Heir 12215— Age, May 15, '00; sire. Union Bank (10016); Victoria R. 12214— A. C. Stewart, Clarkesville, Iowa. 292 Roxy W. 10939— Age, Apr. 6, '02; sire, Palmerston 9728; dam, May Rose 7330— A. C. Wylie, Utica, 111. CLASS 18. MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 293 Maid of Athens (20834)— Age, June 5, '05; sire. Royal Blend (11893) ; dam, Sally of Quochag (17675)— Graham Bros., Clare- mont, Ont. 310 BREEDING CLYDESDALES Official No. 294 Miss Benedict 12064— Age, Apr. 14, '05; sire, Benedict 9300; dam, Rosie 2d of Brookside 6578— Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 295 Princess Lovely 12093— Age, May 12, '05; sire, Netherton 10486; dam, Princess Cherry 7572— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 296 Florentia 12574— Age, Apr. 11, '05; sire, Labori (10791); dam. Bell of Loanside (17122)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 297 Fanny Carlisle 13881— Age, May 19, '05; sire, Gartly Gold (10755); dam, Jess of the Close (15859)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. . 298 Lady Wibray 12099— Age, May 27, '05; sire. Golden Sovereign (10198) 9327; dam, Juno 10644— Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 299 Grand Triumph 12087— Age, May 30, '05; sire, Criterion (11670) 11129; dam, Her Fair Sel 10212— A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. CLASS 19. MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 300 Baroness Belle 13902— Age, '06; sire, McQueen 3515; dam Gipsy Jane 11074 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 301 Queene of the Waves (20835)— Age, May 19, '06; sire, Netherlea (12260) ; dam, Mary of Ley (17485)— Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 302 Cherry Carruchan 12703— Age, July 23, '06; sire. Gallant Carru- chan 11917; dam, Cherry Benedict 10448— Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 303 Lady Carruchan 12704— Age, May 6, '06; sire. Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam. Lady Dee 10658— Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 304 Fyvie Pearl 13863^Age, July '06; sire. Everlasting (11331); dam, Kate of Petty (17311)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 305 Princess Alexandrina 13862— Age, Apr. 30, '06; sire, Netherlea (12260) ; dam, Flossie (15338)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 306 Ladylike 12978— Age, June 2, '06; sire, Merrimac 11952; dam. Lady Elegant 10422— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 307 Lady Robgill 12778— Age, Apr. 23, '06; sire. Baron Robgill 10689; dam. Lady Desirable 9449— Niles & Clark, Crown Point, Ind. 308 Ohio Princess 13339— Age, June 19, '06; sire Gallant Carruchan (12581) ; dam, Benedict's Rose 10445— Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 311 Official No. 309 Lady Princess 13441 — Age, Dec. 18, '05; sire. Prince Uppermast 8689; dam, Lady Regnant 8459 — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 310 Winsome Princess 12841^-Age, Apr. 5, '06; sire, Criterion 11129; dam. Lady Winsome 9667 — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 311 Sallie W. 12966— Age, Apr. 27, '06; sire, Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam. May Rose 7330— A. C. Wylie, Utica, 111. 312 Belle Mac Ara 12967— ^Age, May 5, '06; sire. Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam, Maggie Mac Ara 8958— A. C. Wylie, Utica, 111. CLASS 20. MARE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. Commended^ American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 313 Morgan's Queen 13893 — Age, '07; sire, Macqueen; dam, Lucy Mor- gan— Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 314 Choir Belle (20831)— Age, June 9, '07; sire. Pride of Blacon (10837); dam, Bess of Borland (17879)— Graham Bros., Clare- mont, Ont. 315 Maud Carruchan 13448 — Age, Mar. 19, '07; sire, Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam, Brookside Maud 10444 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft, Wayne, Ind. 316 Queen Carruchan 13447 — Age, June 30, '07; sire, Gallant Carru- chan 11917; dam, Cherry Benedict 10448— Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 317 Queen Mary 13388— Age, May 5, '07; sire, Pleasant Prince 10636; dam, Queen Lillie 10654— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 318 Lady Porteous 13864— Age, '07; sire, Benedict (10315); dam, Lu- cifer (20208)— McLay Bros., Jane'sville, Wis. 319 Elegant Lady 13526— Age, May 15, '07; sire, Prince Punctual 9644; dam. Lady Elegant 10422 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 320 Osco Lady Baron 13797— Age, Oct. 9, '07; sire, Ethelbert 12025; dam, Lady Baron 5854 — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 321 Lady Rose 13596— Age, Apr. 20, '07; sire. Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam. May Rose 7330— A. C. Wylie, Utica, 111. 312 BREEDING CLYDESDALES SPECIAL "B." FILLY FOALS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 322 Jean Macqueen 13895 — Age, '08; sire, Macqueen; dam, Lucy Mor- gan— Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 323 Maggie Carruchan 13879 — Age, Peb'y 23, '08; sire. Gallant Carru- chan 11917; dam. Miss Maggie 11630 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 324 Princess Perfection — Age, May 22, '08; sire, Pleasant Prince 10636; dam, Princess Letitia 6772— C. B. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 325 Princess Pleasant — Age, May 21, '08; sire, Pleasant Prince 10636; dam. Queen Lillie 10654— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 326 Lady Marion — Age, May 19, '08; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam. Black Beauty — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 327 — ^Age, May 17, '08; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam, Mae Sum- mers 11403 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 328 Lady Niles — Age, May 10, '08; sire. Baron Niles 12212; dam, Juno 10644— Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 329 Lady of Substance — Age, Apr. 11, '08; sire, Lord March's Heir 11643; dam, Goldy 10718— Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 330 Lady of Quality— Age, Apr. 18, '08; sire. Lord March's Heir 11643; dam, Lady Luella 11856 — Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 331 Queen of Beauty 13889 — Age, July 3, '08; sire. Prince Romeo's Heir 12219; dam, Helen S. 12217— A. C. Stewart, Clarkesville, Iowa. 332 Sadie W. — Age, Mar. 26, '08; sire. Jack of Diamonds; dam. Modest Darling 2d— A. C. Wylie, Utica, 111. CLASS 21 FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE. $50, 40, 30. Highly Commended. .Commended. Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. Ind. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. Ind. BREEDING CLYDESDADES 3 1 3 CLASS 22 TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM. $50, 30, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. Ind. Will H. Ade, Kentland, Ind. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Will H. Ade, Kentland, Ind. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. Ind. , Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Niles & McMillan, Hebron, Ind. Ind. Ohio State University, Columbus, Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ohio. Ind. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. CLASS 23. CHAMPION STALLION, ANY AGE. Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 13, 14, 15, 16. CLASS 24. CHAMPION MARE, ANY AGE. Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 17, 18, 19, 20. SPECIAL "0" CHAMPIONSHIP FOR BEST AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 3 YEARS OR OVER. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25. SPECIAL "D.'^ CHAMPIONSHIP FOR BEST AMERICAN BRED STALLION, UNDER 3 YEARS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25. 314 JtREEDING CLYDESDALES SPECIAL "E." CHAMPIONSHIP FOR BEST AMERICAN BRED MARE, 3 YEARS OR OVER. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25. SPECIAL "F" CHAMPIONSHIP FOR BEST AMERICAN BRED MARE, UNDER 3 YEARS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25. SPECIAL '^g:' FOUR ANIMALS, AMERICAN BRED, GET OF ONE SIRE. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $40, 20. SPECIAL "H." TWO ANIMALS, AMERICAN BRED, PRODUCE OF ONE DAM. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 15. SPECIAL 'a." SINGLE GRADE CLYDESDALE GELDING OR MARE, 4 YEARS AND OVER, SHOWN TO HALTER, WEIGHING NOT LESS THAN 1700 POUNDS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 815 SPECIAL "J." BEST GRADE CLYDESDALE GELDING OR FILLY, UNDER 4 YEARS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. SPECIAL " K," DRAFT TEAMS, GRADE CLYDESDALE MARES OR GELDINGS, , ,, WEIGHING NOT LESS THAN 3400 POUNDS, SHOWN TO WAGON, MANNERS AND ACTION TO BE CON- SIDERED IN MAKING AWARDS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. $50, 40. 30, 20. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 5H1RES [See Rule 45] • CLASS 25-. STALLION, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 333 Umberslade Spark 2916 (23816)— Age, '04; sire, Hendre Spark (18795); dam, Williston Pansy (43834)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 334 Dunsmore Rector 9215 (23277) — Age, '04; sire, Dunsmore Jamison (17972); dam, Markeaton Empress (24259) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 335 Souldern Scylax 9212 (21885)— Age, '02; sire, Scylax of Wellington (18347) ; dam, Souldern Lady (33972)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 316 BREEDING SHIRES Official No. 336 Bramhope Bachelor 9211 (20290) — Age, '01; sire, Lincolnshire Duke (16769) ; dam, Lurkenhope Sandy Queen (8410) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 337 Maywood Monarch 9332 (24433) — Age, '04; sire, Leek Monarch; dam, Loxley Polly — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 338 Duestow Pioneer 9831 (20428)— Age, '01; sire. Pioneer 7th; dam, Childwick Victoria— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 339 David Harum 5821 — Age, '99; sire. Clansman; dam, Barbara — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 340 Advance 7811 — Age, '04; sire. Admiral; dam, Marie — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 341 Black Albert 2d 9727 — Age, '04; sire, Lockings Albert; dam. Bon- ny— Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 342 Newton Champion 5558 — Age, May 13, '99; sire, Cannock Echo; dam, Newto Queen — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 343 Richard 1st 9726 — Age, '04; sire Nailstone Courde Lion; dam, Disbury Queen — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 344 Moulton Florizel 23514 — Age, '04; sire. Locking's Herald; dam, Moulton Modesty — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 345 Conger 8005— Age, May 6, '04; sire. Royal Belnie Herald 6781; dam, Wenona Hattie 4993 — F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. 346 Tattan Chief 20087— Age, '00; sire. The Forest Chief 17021; dam, Millicent 36646— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 347 Highland Eclipse 6953— Age, '02; sire. Bumper; dam. Highland Girl — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 348 Harold's Heir 2d 8927— Age, '03; sire, Hoebling Harold; dam. Western Blond — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 349 Devern Major 9306 — Age, '04; sire, Hendee Baronet; dam, Lydham Beauty — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 350 Norley Prince 10003 — Age, '04; sire. Intake Advance; dam. County Princes — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 351 Densmore Royal Grey 10002 — Age, '03; sire, Dunsmore Jamison; dam. Royal- Duchess — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 352 Bodoiach Saxon 10001 — Age, '04; sire. Locking Saxon; dam. Ven- ture— Taylor^ & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 353 Waresley Defiance 9304 — Age, '02; sire. Castle Bromwick Keith; dam, Gamlingay Madge — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 354 Mazemoor Harold (20706) — Age, '01; sire, Calwich Prince (15531); dam, Town Melody (27111) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bush- nell. 111. 355 Rutland Blaze (22751)— Age, '03; sire. Sheen Harold (15834); dam, Rose (29874) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 356 Broughton Moomaer (12215) 8527— Age, '01; sire, Moomaer of Bats- ford (15242); dam, Broughton Stately (10988)— Truman's Pio- neer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 317 Official No. 357 Wiseman 9186 (24812)— Age, '02; sire, Rudington Premier (16944); dam. Brown Bess (27899) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bush- nell. III. 358 Nately Duncan 9695 (23536)— Age, '04; sire, Vanderbilt (21993); dam, Thornley Jet (22604) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bush- nell, 111. 359 Moulton John Bull 9851 (23516)— Age, '04; sire, Peakick Harold (20800) ; dam. Bonny (38203) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 360 Infant King 9693 (24708)— Age, '04; sire, Mera Boy (17480); dam, Gipsy (28697) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 361 Bury Radium 9697 (23113) — Age, '04; sire, Aldely Coeur de Lion (20197); dam. Bury Daisy (17921)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 362 Broomhall Prince William (22163) — Age, '03; sire. Prince William 5th (16901) ; dam, Diamond, vol. 26 — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 363 Togo (22864) (9798)— Age, '02; sire. Underwood Royal (18417); dam, Mackworth Royal Queen (29323) — Watson, Wood Bros. & Kelly Co., Lincoln, Neb. 364 Blaisdon Carlo (21148) (10015)— Age, '02; sire, Blaisdon Con- queror (15989); dam, Depper (14556) — Watson, Wood Bros., & Kelly Co., Lincoln, Neh. 365 Nailstone Romulus (23529) (10019)— Age, '03; sire. Ivy Jubilee Herald (17418); dam. Jewel (48334)— Watson, Wood Bros., & Kelly Co., Lincoln, Neb. CLASS 26. STALLION, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 366 Enfield Hydrometer 9491 (24229)— Age, '05; sire, Markeaton Royal Prince (16809) ; dam, Enfield Countess (25935)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 367 Constitution 9218 (24837)— Age, '05; sire. Lord Burgeon (20662); dam, Bloomfield Pet (31223) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 368 Ashwell Besswood 9821 (23957)— Age, '05; sire, Blythwood Con- queror (14997); dam, Bessie (22915)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 369 Buscot Vortex 9834 (24111) — Age, '05; sire, Buscot Forrester; dam, Hendre Glory — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 370 Orange Peko 9833 — Age, '05; sire, Knebwoi'th Conqueror; ^dam. Fashion — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 318 BREEDING SHIRES Official No. 371 Bury Leader 9565 — Age, July 8, '05; sire, Highland Hero; dam, Holly Maid — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 372 Moulton Laddie 24461 — Age, '05; sire. Locking's Herald; dam, Moulton Modesty — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 373 Crown Prince 25810^Age, '05; sire, Knottingly Regent; dam, Brit- ish Queen — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 374 Illinois Walton 8011— Age, '05; sire, Jim Walton 5569; dam, Daisy 5092— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 375 Powis Conqueror 10004 — Age, '05; sire, Blaisdon Conqueror; dam. Marjorie — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 376 Salton Hero 10005 — Age, '05; sire, Ring the Bell; dam. Darkle— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 377 Wain Boy 10006 — Age, '05; sire, Mere Boy; dam. Diamond — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 378 Woodland Protector 10007 — Age, '05; sire, Moor's Benefactor; dam, Flower — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 379 King Alfred 5th 9310— Age, '05; sire, King Edward 6th; dam, Flower— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 380 Boro Chalenger 10008 — Age, '05; sire, Caistor; dam, Dorn Gentle — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 381 Moors Lordship 8430 — Age, '05; sire, Montford Lordship; dam, Moors Dolly — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 382 Powisland Chief 10009 — sire, Totton Chief; dam, Bosley Princess — Tayloj- & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 383 Theddlethorpe Warrior 9857 (25820)— Age, '05; sire. Lockings Tug of War (19783) ; dam, Shelford Beauty (26853)— Truman Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 384 Langton Narrator 9852 (24368)— Age, '05; sire, Rock's Victor King (20851); dam, Langton Notoriety (29183)— Truman Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 385 Bury Cowbine 9692 (22175) — Age, '03; sire, Innsman Combination (17314) ; dam. Bury Beel (9586) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 386 Dan Patch 9856 (25815)— Age, '05; sire, Willingbrough (21015); dam. Primrose (36940) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bush- nell, 111. 387 Shelford Friar 9853 (24608)— Age, '05; sire. Locking's Albert (15695); dam, Rolleston Fuschsia (24618)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 388 Teme-Side Victor King 9604 (24680)— Age, '05; sire. Rock's Victor King (20851) ; dam, Saddington Violet (54809)— Watson, Woods Bros. & Kelly Co., Lincoln, Neb. 389 Blaisdon Carbon 9799 (24015)— Age, '05; sire, Montford Jupiter 18940; dam, Blaisdon Fanny 19352— Watson, Woods Bros. & Kelly Co., Lincoln, Neb. SREEDING SHIftfiS 319 CLASS 27. STALLION, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 390 Moulton Gold 9823 (25451)— Age, '06; sire, Moulton Grand Duke (21672) ; dam, Moulton Lady Grand (36701)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 391 Moulton Manor 9824 (25455)— Age, '06; sire, Moulton Grand Duke (21672) ; dam, Manor Star 39583— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wen- ona, 111. 392 Mandeyille 10061 — Age, May 7, '06; sire. Buckskin 5110; dam, Nivajo 7408 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 393 McCutcheon 10062— Age, May 10, '06; sire. Buckskin 5110; dam, Louisiana 6383 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. . 394 Salt Fleet Friar 9837 (25601)— Age, '06; sire, Totton Friar; dam, Desford Bohemia — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 395 Newton Dan 9129 — Age, Aug. 8, '06; sire, Brampton Harold; dam, Newton Beauty — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 396 Holdenby Abbot 9835 — Age, '06; sire. Locking's Manners; dam, Bluebell — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 397 Surveyor 9222 24818 — Age, Dec. 24, '05; sire. Arbutus Harold; dam, Rudington Flint — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 398 Maximus Moulton 25456 — Age, May 10, '06; sire. Locking's Herald; dam, Moulton Modesty — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 399 Harrold 8644 —Age, '06; sire. Highland Eclipse; dam, "Dainty — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 400 Darlington 9781 — Age, '06; sire. Buckskin; dam, Beauty — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 401 Hector 8643 — Age, '06; sire. Highland Eclipse; dam, Hariet — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 402 Moulton Senator 25458 — Age, '06; sire, Borro Senator; dam. Single- gate Belle — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 403 Osco Baron Prince 9847 — Age, Dec. 18, '06; sire, Cottered Prince 7549 (19516) ; dam, Osco Rose 8477— A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 404 Gwyn Lad 9223 (24833)— Age, '06; sire, Lunesdale William (20679) ; dam, Fairmate (52778) — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 405 Judge Harold 8498 — Age, June 21, '06; sire, Birthope Harold; dam, Christmas — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 406 Powesland Coronet 10014 — Age, '06; sire. Bank Melange; dam, Mischief — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 407 Childwall Carpenter 10013— Age, '06; sire, Childwall Chieftain; dam, Childwall Cassandra — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 320 BREEDING SHIRES Official No. 408 Moulton Darnley 10012 — Age, '06; sire, Hendre Champion; dam, Norbury Bella — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 409 Boro Monarch 10011 — Age, '06; sire, Cayton Conqueror; dam. Jewel — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 410 Boro Yoeman 10010 — Age, '06; sire, Blythwood Conqueror; dam, Boro Fearless — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 411 Powisland Conquest 9716 — Age, '06; sire. Blue Boy; dam, Lady Offa— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 412 Curlieu Prank 9700 (25104) — Age, '06; sire, Innsmore Franklin (22307); dam. Beauty (22875) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 413 Holker Billman (25288)— Age, '06; sire. Conquering Duke of Ash- well (20369) ; dam, Holker Harebell (42229)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 414 Bilsby Charmer (24938)— Age, '06; sire, Girton Charmer (20515); dam, Bilsby Duchess (34832) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 415 Bradegate Blue Jacket 9701 (24989)— Age, '06; sire, Roxely Egbert (16928); dam. Glen Mabel (42074)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 416 Nailstone Dray King (25849) (10024)— Age, '06; sire, Sheen Harold (15834); dam, Inkersall Pride (39257)— Watson, Wood Bros. & Kelly Co., Lincoln, Neb. CLASS 28. STALLION, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 417 Comus 10065 — Age, May 10, '07; sire, Eddington's Champion 7808; dam, Indians 7533 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 418 Thos. A. Becket 10064 — Age, May 2, '07; sire, Eddington Champion 7808; dam, Isabella 10057 — Lev/ W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 419 Coombe Royalty 9838 — Age, '07; sire, Dunsmore Royal Duke; dam. Blossom — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 420 Verona Cubb 9393 — Age, '07; sire, Borofield's All Four; dam, Cleo- patria — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 421 Moulton Edward 25899 — Age, '07; sire, Barron Ross; dam. Cheat Dunsmaid — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. .422 Moulton Senator 2d 25912 — Age, '07; sire. Locking's Herald; dam, Moulton Modesty — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 423 Regulator 10034 — Age, May 1, '07; sire, Wenona Marquis 3978; dam, Minier Bell 5335— F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 321 Official No. 424 Toneham Victor 9384 — Age, '07; sire, Umberslade Victor 8075 (20131) ; dam, Truman's Tonetiam Blaze 8317— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 425 Dulce of Maple Lawn 9383 — ^Age, '07; sire, Arrowside Duke 8040 (21082) ; dam, Topaz 8016— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fislier, 111. 426 Osco Baron Prince 9847 — Age, Dec. 18, '06; sire, Qottered Prince 7549 (19516); dam, Osco Rose 8477— 0..G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 427 Dandy Harold 9526 — Age, Apr. 25, '07; sire, Birthope Harold; dam, Crystal — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 428 Chief Harold 9525 — Age, May 31, '07; sire, Birthope Harold; dam. Modesty — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 429 Wrydelands Chief 9862 (25824)— Age, '07; sire, Old Warden Royal Harold (16300) ; dam, Wydeland Cheerful (49970)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 430 Wrydelands Friar 9863 (25825)— Age, '07; sire, Totton Friar (21955); dam. Woodbine (40633) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 431 Dunsly Electric 9860 (25816)— Age, '07; sire, Ethelwulf (16667); dam. Bedlam Diamond (34776) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 432 Williams' Inter Pleader 9371 — Age, Apr. 1, '07; sire, Umberslade Victor (8075) ; dam, Serven's Flower 12th 7473— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. SPECIAL "E." AMERICAN BRED STALLION FOALS. t American Shire Horse Association Specials. $15, 10, 5. Animals must be recorded in the American Shire Horse Association Stud Book. Official No. 433 Gerald de Barrie 10066 — Age, Apr. 11, '08; sire, Eddington's Cham- pion 7808; dam, Isabella 10057 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfords- ville, Ind. 434 De Mar 10067— Age, Apr. 21, '08; sire, Eddington's Champion 7808; dam, Indiana 7533 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 435 Joliet Ben 6902 — Age, '08; sire, Copenhagen; dam, Cleopatra — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 436 Verona Black Jack 6901 — Age, '08; sire, Copenhagen; dam, Felicite — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 437 Marques Heir 10070— Age, Apr. 11, '08; sire, Wenona Marquis 3978; dam, Osco Peach 7083 — F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. 322 BREEDING SHIRES Offlcial No. 438 Atlantic Challenger 10069— Age, Apr. 30, '08; sire, Wenona Marquis 3978; dam, Minier Belle 5335— F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. 439 Totton Chief 2d— Age, '08; sire, Totton Chief 8605; dam, Keota Elizabeth- L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 440 Illinois Duke — Age, '08; sire, Arrowsidfe Duke 8040 (21082); dam, Daisy 5092— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 441 William Moulton Temple— Age, Apr. 20, 'OS; sire, Moulton Temple 7529; dam. Heal Easter Eve 9003— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 29. MARE, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 442 Isabella 10057 — Age, May 10, '03; sire, Buckskin; dam, Nivap 7408 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 443 Gold Floss 8635 — Age, Apr. 28, '03; sire, Carlton Picture; dam. Bay Priscilla- — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 444 Romet 8067 — ^Age, May 1, '04; sire. Highland Hero; dam, Bay Priscilla — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 445 Bale Duchess 9373 — Age, Sept. 8, '03; sire. Highland Hero; dam. Perfect Lady — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 446 Gold Floss 8635— Age, Apr. 28, '03; sire. Highland Hero; dam. Bay Priscilla — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 447 Elfordleigh Lady Duncan 9825 — Age, '03; sire, Duncan 3d; dam, Scarcliffe Dainty — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 448 Verona Pearl 6082 — Age, '00; sire, Marketon Royal Harold; dam, Mayfield Madge — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 449 Glory of Verona 5823 — Age, '00; sire. Clansman; dam, Barbara — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 450 Truman's Toneham Blaze 8317 — Age, '03; sire, Toneham Merry Boy 19183; dam, Blaze 21323— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 451 Elder Belle 8995 (47854)— Age, '04; sire, Buscot Harold 16576; dam, Elder Queen 16600— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 452 Mettle 9417 (52783)— Age, '04; sire, Thorney Style 20098; dam. Beauty 34767— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 453 Ystwith Bliss 9316 (52725)— Age, '04; sire, Lockinge Leader 18870; dam. Darby— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 454 Osco Spinst 7084— Age, Feb. 17, '03; sire. Bay Lad 6797; dam, Osco Duchess 7080 — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. . 455 Wydeland's Sunshine (40658) — Age, '01; sire. Bury Blood Royal (15522) ; dam, Gothic Sunshine (21856)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 456 Enfield Fuchsia 6696 (21754)— Age, '95; sire. Prince Harrold (14228); dam, Rocky Fuchsia (15507)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 323 Official No. 457 Wydeland's May 9414 (43904)— Age, '02; sire, Bury Blood Royal (15522); dara, Gothic Starlight (20025)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 458 Wydeland's Starlight 9413 (37804)— Age, '00; sire. Bury Blood Royal (15522) ; dam, Gothic Starlight (20025)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 30. MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. Official-^ No. 459 Cranmore Dott 9827 (55862)— Age, '05; sire, Seargeant 6th; dam, Cranmore Beauty — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 460 Northea Melody (9227) — Age, '05; sire. Curfew; dam, Northea Queen — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 461 Damsel Queen 9829 — Age, '05; sire,- Locking's Forest King; dam, Damsel — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 462 Diana 9828 — Age, '05; sire, Markeaton Ransom; dam, Crayland Diana — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 463 Northea Empress 9229 — Age, '05; sire, Curfew; dam, Northea Gem — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 464 Isa 9385 — Age, '05; sire, Chipping Wonder; dam, Bridget — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 465 Diamond 9233 — -Age, '05; sire, Souldem Commotion; dam, Jewel — • E. I. Miller, Lafayette, Ind. 466 Kendall Queen 9232 — Age, '05; sire, Leven's Ruler; dam, Bess — E. I. Miller, Lafayette, Ind. 467 DuPage Gipsy 8240— Age, May 9, '05; sire, Puckrup Prince Harold 6894 (18294) ; dam. Queen Lill 6293— John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 468 Odette 8018— Age, '05; sire. Buckskin 5110.; dam, Lady Clare 7054 — L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 469 Moore's Violet 9317 — Age, '05; sire. Rock's Golden Bar 19070; dam, Mable's Lass 20344— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 470 Diamond 9423 — Age, '05; sire, Thorney Style 20098; dam, Beautv 34767— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 471 Stow Silver Steak 9422 (52348)— Age, '05; sire. Bury Premier Duke (16575) ; dam, Bury Jewel (27955) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 472 Hele Easter Eve 9003 (51268)— Age, '05; sire^ Blyhwood Conquerer (149971); dam, Easter Gift (198691)— C. C. Williams, Bush- nell, 111. 324 BREEDING SHIRES CLASS 31. MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 473 Apollos 10058 — Age, May 15, '06; sire, Buckskin 5110; dam, Indiana 7533 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 474 Arbutus Berry 9830 — Age, Aug., '06; sire, Arbutus Harold; dam, Delamere Duchess — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 475 Winsome 10053^Age, May 14, '06; sire, Highland Hero; dam, Studley Royalist — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 476 Salome 10052 — Age, May 6, '06; sire, Highland Hero; dam, Loda C. — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 477 Moulton Rosebud 55858 — Age, '06; sire, Roseland Meneshel; dam, Stamp — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 478 Joliet Stella 9386— Age, June, '06; sire, Prenwilher; dam, Stuntney B. — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 479 Moulton Bonny Rose 9993 (54736)— Age, '06; sire, Ethelwulf (16667) ; dam, Bounce (44303)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 480 Moulton Tidy 9994 (54743)— Age, '06; sire, Moulton Grand Duke (21672) ; dam. Lively (39494)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 481 Atlanta Peach 9329— Age, Apr. 10, '06 ; sire, Wenona Marquis 3978 ; dam, Osco Peach 7083— F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. 482 Alice Roosevelt 8832 — Age, May 15, '06; sire, Puckrup Prince Harold 6894 18294; dam. Queen Lill 6293— John Murr, Plain- field, 111. 483 New Cut Plenty 9427— Age, '06; sire, Calwick Blend 17226; dam, Edith of Oakhurst 21725— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 484 Osco Duchess 9885 — Age, Sept. 10, '06; sire, Cottered Prince 7589 (19516); dam, Osco Spinet 7088— A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 485 Queen of the Roses 8728— Age, '06; sire, Birdsall Menestrel (19337) ; dam, Blythwood Gurlder Rose (22998)— A. G. Soder- berg, Osco, 111. 486 Beatrice 10045 (52941)— Age, '06; sire, Boro Menestrel 20285; dam, Boro Beatrice 35081 — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 487 Beechurst Flower (52980) — Age, '06; sire. Sir Calwich Blend (17226) ; dam, Brigstock Countess (35183) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 488 Rickford Pettitoes (55081) — Age, '06; sire. Red Lynch Forester f22713) ; dam, Hendre Bonny Legs (32429)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 325 CLASS 32, MARE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 489 Caletta 10059— Age, May 16, '07; sire, Bddington's Champion 7808; dam, Louisiana 6983 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 4S0 Garretta — Age, '08; sire, Wenona Star 7855; dam. Fancy 6014— Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 491 Verona Lillie 9585 — Age, '07; sire, Kendal Tom; dam, Glory of Verona — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 492 Elizabeth Fifer 9593— Age, May 28, '07; sire, Dunsmore Black Watch 8236 21361; dam. Queen Lill 6293— John Murr, Plain- field, 111. 493 Duchess of Maple Lawn 9382— Age, '07; Arrowside Duke 8040 (21082) ; dam, Daisy 5092— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 494 Wydeland's Sunlight, vol. 30 — Age, '07; dam, Wydeland's Sunshine (40658) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 495 March Daisy 10049 (55877) — Age, '07; sire, Bushnell Napoleon (23121); dam, Armscott Bluebell (27386)— Frank Updegraff, New Philadelphia, 111. 496 William Flower 1st 9370 — Age, Mar. 25, '07; sire, Umberslade Victor 8075; dam, Serven's Flower 10th 6759— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 33. FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE. $50, 40, 30. Highly Commended. Commended. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Ind. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. Ind. L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Bushnell, 111. 326 BREEDING SHIRES CLASS 34 TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM. $50, 30, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Lev? W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 'Wm.. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. F. M. Mountjoy, Atlanta, 111. L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 35. CHAMPION STALLION, ANY AGE. Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 25-26-27-28. CLASS 36. CHAMPION MARE, ANY AGE. Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 29-30-31-32. SPECIAL "A." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 4 YEARS OR OVER. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $30, 25, 20. Animals must be recorded in the American Shire Horse Association Stud Book. BREEDING SHIRES 327 SPECIAL "B." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $25, 20, 15. SPECIAL "C." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "D." AMERICAN BRED STALLION, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $15, 10, 5. SPECIAL "E." AMERICAN BRED MARE, 4 YEARS OR OVER. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $25. 20. 15. Official No. 495 Servens Flower 12th 7473— Age, May 16, '01; sire, King Edward 2d 5897; dam, Servens Flower 3500— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. SPECIAL "G." AMERICAN BRED MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $20. 15. 10. 328 BREEDING SHIRES SPECIAL "H. ' AMERICAN BRED MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. 496 William's Flower 9369 — Age, Apr. 3, '06; sire, Needham Stamp (7011) ; dam, Servens Flower 12th (7473)— C. C. Williams, Bush- nell. 111. SPECIAL "I." AMERICAN BRED MARE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $15, 10, 5. SPECIAL '^J." AMERICAN BRED MARE, UNDER 1 YEAR. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $15, 10, 5. Official No. 497 Aleure — Age, '08; sire, Wenona Star 7855; dam, Beauty 6013-^ Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 498 Wanette 10060— Age, Feb. 20, '08; sire, Eddington's Champion 7808; dam. Kelpie 9023 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 499 Verona Egorda 6904 — Age, '08; sire, Copenhagen; dam, Verona Flounce — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 500 Verona Eleanor 6903— Age, '08; sire, Copenhagen; dam. Sky Lark 2d — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 501 Verona May 9599 — Age, '08; sire. Era; dam. Glory of Verona — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 502 Rosebud— Age, '08; sire, Arrowside Duke 8040 (21082); dam, Bushnell Rose 8325— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 503 Ruby— Age, '08; sire, Taton Chief 8605 (17021); dam, Topsay 8016 — L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 504 Moulton Belle— Age, '08; sire, Moulton Temple 7529 (20730); dam. Elder Belle 8995 (47854)— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 505 Bless'es Pride — Age, '08; sire, Moor's Drayman 21664; dam, Ystwith Bliss 9316 (52725)— L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 329 Official No. 506 Osco Easter 9846— Age, Apr. 18, '08; sire, Cottered Prince 7589 (19516) ; dam, Osco Spinet 7088— A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 507 William Highland Lassie— Age, May 12, '08; sire. Highland Lad- die; dam. Bow British Queen 9005— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. 508 William Moulton Temple — Age, Apr. 20, 'OS; sire, Moulton Temple 7529; dam. Heal Easter Eve 9003— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. SPECIAL 'K." FIVE STALLIONS, ANY AGE, IMPORTED OR AMERICAN BRED, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $50, 25, 10. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Ind. Bushnell, 111. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Bushnell, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Watson, Woods Bros. & Kelly Co., L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. Lincoln, Neb. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. SPECIAL "L." THREE MARES, ANY AGE, IMPORTED OR AMERICAN BRED, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. American Shire Horse Association Specials. $50, 25, 10. Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. Ind. L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Bushnell, 111. John Murr, Plainfield, 111. SPECIAL "M." BEST IMPORTED STALLION, ANY AGE. American Shire Horse Association Specials. Silver Cup. 330 BREEDING SHIRES SPECIAL "N." BEST AMERICAN BRED STALLION, ANY AGE. American Shire Horse Association Specials. Silver Cup. SPECIAL ' O." BEST IMPORTED MARE, ANY AGE. American Shire Horse Association Specials. Silver Cup. SPECIAL "P." BEST AMERICAN BRED MARE, ANY AGE. American Shire Horse Association Specials. Silver Cup. SPECIAL "Q." BEST MARE AND COLT, ANY AGE, COLT TO BE UNDER 1 YEAR. American Shire Horse Association Specials. Silver Cup. SPECIAL "K" GRADE SHIRE MARES OR GELDINGS, WEIGHING 1,600 LBS., SIRED BY STALLION RECORDED IN AMERICAN SHIRE HORSE STUD BOOK. American ■ Shire Horse Association Specials. $100, 75, 50, 30, 20. Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. J. W. Jarvis, Morning Sun, Iowa Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. Ind. L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. Finch Bros.. Verona & Joliet, 111. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, III. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. BREEDING BELGIANS 331 SHIRE HORSE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND SPECIALS. The Shire Horse Society of England offers two gold medals, value £10, each to be awarded in the following manner: 35 For the best Shire stallion or entire colt registered in the English or American Shire Horse Stud Book. 36 For the best Shire mare or filly registered in the English or Ameri- can Shire Horse Stud Book. CONDITIONS. No. 1 — A certificate of freedom from hereditary diseases signed by "International" Official Veterinarian after his examination on the show ground. No. 2 — A copy of "International" schedule of prizes containing this offer and a marked catalogue of the awards in "International" Shire horse classes, specially indicating the winners of these gold medals must also be lodged with the Secretary of the English Shire Horse Society before the awards will be confirmed. BELGIAN [See Rule 45] . CLASS 37. STALLION, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Horses must be recorded in above record. Where there is but one Exhibitor in a class none but the highest award will be paid. Official No. . 509 Mathy 3323 — Age, Dec. 2, '03; sire, Meon de Sommiere 15458; dam, Yvonne 21829 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 510 Brabancon 3312— Age, Mar. 25, '04; sire, Bayard de Cortil 24310; dam, Bria 45869 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 511 Alfred de Blaise 3309 — Age, Mar. 9, '04; sire, Mouton de Tamtegnies 11600; dam, Latte de Blaise 4949— J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 512 Prince de Jausselette 3228 — Age, Apr. 4, '04; sire. Pompon 5306; dam, Dowairiere 15533 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 332 BREEDING BELGIANS Official No. 513 Martin de Cappelle 3324 — Age, Apr. 4, '04; sire, Fox de Wiess 36840; dam, Marmonette de Capelle 50511 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 514 Perce 2276 — Age, Feb. 8, '01; sire, Marsala 13098; dam, Lucie de Binrinnes 8763 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 515 Amira de Noirhat 2774 — Age, Apr. 23, '04; sire, Brutus 7017; dam, Charlotte de Noirhat 43925 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 516 John Bull 2506 — Age, '03; sire, Salaraon; dam, Petale — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 517 Franc 41526 — Age, '04; sire, Robert de Dick; dam, Olga de Dick — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 518 Major 46584 — Age, '04; sire, Emanuel; dam, Blordine de Lurde — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 519 Bismark 46588 — Age, '04; sire, Emanuel; dam. Bertha — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 520 Togo 40986 — Age, '04; sire, Pursot; dam, Mozitte — ^Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 521 Robert de Scailmont 2508 — Age, '02; sire, Lee Pernies; dam, Moun- tone de Scailmont — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 522 Orphelin 3244 — Age, May 13, '04; sire, Beau; dam. Calypso — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 523 Carlode Bertin 3229 — Age, '04; sire. Nickel; dam, Minerve— H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 524 Jean-d' Her 3247 — Age, June 5, '04; sire. Major; dam, Louise— H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 525 Botha 3240 — Age, Mar. 3, '02; sire, Boule-d-Or; dam, Jeannet — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 526 Losseau 3227 — Age, Mar. 22, '03; sire. Labourer; dam, Mathilda — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 527 Dollar de Solre 3241 — Mar. 16, '04; sire, Mathieu; dam, Lydie — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 528 Boulet 2524 — ^Age, '04; sire. Job; dam, Boulette — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 529 Trafalgar 3043 (41950)— Age, '04; sire, Robison (16970); dam, Louise de Scailmont 26437 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 530 Coleau 2985 (39394)— Age, Apr. 9, '04; sire. Due de Walhain (23216); dam. Duchess de Walhain (7975)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 531 Parfoct Pruyer 3168 — Age, '04; sire, Massie d' Or; dam, Louise de Salve — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. BREEDING BELGIANS 333 CLASS 38. STALLION, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 532 Claironde Pavilion 3314 — Age, Jan. 20, '05; sire, Pluton de Pavilion 25186; dam, . Marquise de Pavilion 34275 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 533 Jean de Flo 3321— June 25, '05; sire, Porthos II 24936; dam, Jeanne de Flo 28575— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 534 Baron de Thimeon 3311 — Age, Mar. 8, '05; sire, Robuste de Thimeon 29230; dam, Fanny de Thimeon 41465 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 535 Rigo 3329 — Age, Mar. 15, '05; sire, Mouton de Tilleree 29258; dam, Mouchede Moelles 27155 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 536 Grain d' Or 3317— Age, Mar. 20, '05; sire, Foreal 24912; dam, Lisette de Questenne 50877 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 537 Robinson 3303 — Age, Mar. 15, '05; sire, Etonaut 18772; dam, Adele de Petit 28417 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 538 Hercule de Leffuighe 2786 — Age, '05; sire. Lion Noir 12128; dam, Fanny de Leffuighe 52187 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 539 Triboulet 3331— Age, May 23, '05; sire, Vingeur de Vlieringen 20676; dam. Vision 49475 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 540 Cognace, vol. 14, p. 55 — Age, '05; sire, Pirott; dam, Clairott — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 541 Jongleur 46586 — Age, '05; sire, Blac 2d; dam, Fanny — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 542 Souhait-3268 (46592) — Age, '05; sire. Coquet; dam, Nerva — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 543 Martin 3267 (46580)— Age, '05; sire. Coquet; dam, Louies— Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 544 Bourgouna 42002 — Age, '05; sire. Prince; dam, Charatte — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 545 Condor 3261 (45620)— Age, '05; sire, Piequart; dam. Flora— Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 546 Mercure 3232 — Age, Mar. 11, '05; sire, Emmanuel; dam, Flore — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 547 Clairon 3231 — Age, June 25, '05; sire, Avenir; dam, Boulette H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 334 BREEDING BELGIANS Official No. 548 Bataclon 3235 — Age, Mar. 29, '05; sire, Amiral; dam, Jenny — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 549 Farceur 3249 — Age, Dec. 17, '05; sire, Fanuer; dam, Louise — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. . 550 Brutus 3234 — Apr. 24, '05; sire, Pierrot; dam, Mazette — H. Lefe- bure, Fairfax, Iowa. 551 Gaston 3250 — Age, Feb. 5, '05; sire, Mayeur; dam, Baie — H. Lefe- bure, Fairfax, Iowa, 552 Bayard 2204 — Age, May 17, '05; sire, Bizar; dam, Tillzette — H. Lefe- bure, Fairfax, Iowa. 553 Gaillard 2763 — Age, '05; sire. Bijou de Chapelle 22256; dam, Mima de Tongre 46425 — J. A. Loughbridge, Delta; Iowa. 554 Roenn 3149 — Age, Mar. 14, '05; sire, Cosoque Germain; dam, Fifim Remi — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 555 Debonnaise 3166 — Age, '05; sire, Charlemagne; dam, Mozette de St. Jean — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 556 Capucin 3217 — Age, Jan. 7, '05; sire, Polyte de Longpoint 26732; dam, Pouliche II 7645— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 557 Indian de Thuillies 3221 — Age, Apr. 14, '05; sire, Mozette d' B'Caus- sines 9453; dam, Raquette— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 558 Paulin de St. Laurent 3283 — Age, Mar. 20, '05; sire, Mayeur de Oppas 19220; dam, Pauline de Layers 21819— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 559 Neron de Morchore 3281 — Age, Mar. 13, '05; sire, Pygmalion 5078; dam, Rossette de Morchore 15077— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 560 Brillant de Libenne 3277— Age, Mar. 15, '05; sire. Marquis de Liberchies 26750; dam, Bleue de Libenne 40131— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. CLASS 39. STALLION, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 561 Marmot de Ghlin 3322 — Age, Apr. 4, '06; sire, Transvaal d' Erbaut 18370; dam, Mazette de Ghlin 15887— J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. BREEDING BELGIANS 335 Official No. 562 Pluton de Leez 3327 — Age, May 15, '06; sire, Paulus de Seneffe 11042; dam, Reveuse 11733 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 563 Gaspard de Landas 3318— Age, Mar. 24, '06; sire, Sence 22698; dam, Marie de Landas 8937 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 564 Jaseur 3320 — Age, Mar. 5, '06; sire. Farceur 31274; dam, Aglace 35053 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 565 Omer 3325 — Age, Jan. 22, '06; sire. Pirate 8878; dam, Charlotte de Scharteu 13477 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 566 Joli 3179— Age, Apr. '06; sire. Coquet; dam, Mina De Moor — Pinch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 567 Robert 3d 2748 — ^Age, '06; sire, Robert; dam. Madam de Lil— Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 568 Couteau — Age, May 28, '06; sire. Coquet 27462; dam, Mina de Longemarch 54397 — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 569 Chauzard 46582 — Age, '06; sire. Coquet; dam, Nerva — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 570 Djalma 3239 — Age, Feb. 28, '06; sire, Conquerant; dam, Ma^rie — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 571 Saphir 3245 — Age, May 10, '06; sire, Burgogne; dam. Calypso — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 572 Cognaede Hantitre 3393 — Age, '06; sire. Vampire; dam, Olympiene —Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 573 Mikido 3167 — Age, '06; sire, Cerbain; dam, Vitesse — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 574 Major Antoine 3394— Age, '06; sire, Marquis de Rosseiguies ; dam, Margot Antoine — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 575 Marquis de Sart 3225— Age, Mar. 15, '06; sire, Elmire 40335; dam, Bertha de Sart 53349— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. * 576 Ararais de Tout y Faut 3213 — Age, Apr. 2, '06; sire, Rere d' Or 7406; dam, Bdondme de Tout y Faut— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 577 Moirhat Damier 3282— Age, Mar. 18, '06; sire. Labourer 9364; dam, Mozette de Thy 52371— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 578 Corton de Kemmice 3278 — Age, Mar. 24, '06; sire, Bourgogne 13154; dam, Cecile II 22803— H, & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 579 Bango 3274— Age, May 12, '06; sire Nickel 11090; dam, Bradamante 42125— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 336 BREEDING BELGIANS CLASS 40. STALLION, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $20, 15, 10. Official No. 580 Robt. de Rum II — Age, Apr. 15, '07; sire, Robt. de Scailmont 29576; Lisa de Rumm 48534 — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. ' 581 Coco 46578 — Age, '07; sire. Coquet; dam, Sarah— Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet. 111. 582 Prince II 2946 — Age, May 8, '07; sire, Charlemagne; dam, Marion- ette— H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. CLASS 41. MARE, 4 YEARS OR OVER. $30, 25, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 583 Seamoise de Largu 668 — Age, Mar. 29, '02; sire. Bijou de Layers 9242; dam, Sibelle de Layers 10731 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 584 Sarah de Voll 669— Age, Apr. 9, '03; sire, Carnot 21366; dam, Flor de Voll 45197— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 585 Mariette de Lanzelles 655 — Age, Feb. 6, '00; sire, Loup Garan8986; dam, Marie de Lanzelles 30127 — J. Ci'ouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 586 Cravate 650 — Age, Feb. 28, '02; sire, Paulus de Plaucenort 17438; dam, Melie 37931 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 587 Alma 52921 — Age, '03; sire, Marquis de Ruen; dam, Madame de Roi — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 588 Pistache De Abrax 277 — ^Age, '04; sire, Prince De Orr; dam, Louisa — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 589 Louisa De Ex 278 — Age, '02; sire. Prince De Orr; dam, Louisa — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 590 Noisette 393 — Apr. 16, '02; sire, Hercule de Salet; dam. Cigarette — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 591 Madame II 399— Age, '04; sire, Lafleur II 20562; dam, Sarah von Machelen 29859 — J. A. Loughridge, Delta, Iowa. 592 Berthine 410 — Age, June 2, '03; sire, Comtess de Villereille 6607; dam, Surprise de Bstinnes — H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. BREEDING BELGIANS 337 CLASS 42. MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. $25, 20, 15. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 593 Mira 386— Age, '05— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 594 Tilda 389 — '05 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 595 Genie, vol. 15, p. 958 — Age, '05; sire, Marquis de Ruen; dam, Ida- Pinch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 596 Morette de Fonteny 402 — Age, '05; sire, Laboureur 9364; dam, Polka de Fontenay 22945 — J. A. Loughridge, Delta, Iowa. 597 Gorotte 629 — Age, Mar. 20, '05; sire. Beau Lys 11494; dam, Ciska 21653— H. & U'. Wolt Wabash, Ind. 598 Grizette de Hemp 630^Age, May 1, '05; sire, Emir 11480; dam, La Grise 49789— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 599 Reve 633— Age, Aug. 20, '05; sire, Boquet 17542; dam, Borgnee — H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 600 Drayonne de Snailee 413 — Age, Apr. 19, '05; sire, Pidore 35319; dam, Gertrude Snailee 51035— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 601 Espinette 391— Age, May 1, '05; sire, Boquet 10007; dam, Fougere Bale 40263— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 602 Fourette de Porcheresse 644 — Age, Apr. 18, '05; sire, Brilliant de Sey 12336; dam, Parcheresse 20011— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. CLASS 43. MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $20, 15, 10. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Di'aft Horses Specials. $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 603 Dianedu Kat 653 — Age, Apr. 11, '06; sire. Grand Due du Fosteau 22030; dam, Charlotte d' Abellstraat 14593 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 604 Draga 651 — Age, July 30, '06; sire, Mazette de Bierghes 39465; dam, Charlotte d' Ophasselt 9439 — J. Ci'ouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 338 BREEDING BELGIANS Official No. 605 Gerfine de Neufke 654 — Age, Mar. 15, '06; sire,Tambour de Basque II 26806; dam, Fanny de Neufke 10919— J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 606 Pauline de Wiels 666— Age, '06; sire, Major II de Wiels 36842; dam, Laura Des 61023 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 607 Brunnette — ^Age, May 20, '06; sire, Coquet 27462; dam, Bertha de Kerke 61149— Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 608 Lizzie, vol. 15, p. 937 — Age, '06; sire, Salleidlevaut; dam, Ida — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 609 Margot de Mirror 67753 — Age, '06; sire, Couet; dam, Fanny de Beclore — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 610 Mirza de Rhode, vol. 2 (396) (vol. 15, p. 453)— Age, Jan. 2, '06; sire, Jean de Voile (19102); dam, Mozette de Rhode (35783)— J. W. Jarvis, Morning Sun, Iowa. 611 Rossette de Rhode, vol. 2 (395), vol. 15, p. 453— Age, Mar. 28, '06; sire, Jean de Voile (19102); dam, Marie de Rhode (35779)— J. W. Jarvis, Morning Sun, Iowa. 612 Cigarette 471 — Age, May 7, '06; sire, Charlmagne; dam, Tillyette H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 613 Princette 472 — Age, June 3, '06; sire, Charlmagne; dam, Mynette — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. 514 Princess de Lobbies 632— Age, Jan. 16, '06; sire, Mairage 14442; dam, Louise de Genappe — H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 615 Absinthe de Layers 641— Age, Feb. 18, '06; sire, Jouare 25460; dam, Merza de Layers — H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 616 Gamine de Robinoy 646 — Age, May 25, '06; sire, Fiston de Bier- wort 29504; dam, Marie de Robinoy 56151— H. & H. Wolf, Wa- bash, Ind. CLASS 44. MARE, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5. Highly Commended. Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $20, 15, 10. Official No. 617 Dora 652 — Age, Feb. 15, '07; sire, Lambert 36438; dam, Santoise 19569 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 618 Lulu de Munn 68133 — Age, '07; sire. Marquis de Ruen; dam, Ida- Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. BREEDING BELGIANS 339 Official No. 619 Ines de Munn 68132 — Age, '07; sire, Coquet; dam, Fanny de Beclare Pinch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 620 Laura— Age, May 12, '07; sire, Coquet 27462; dam, Mimerde Longe- march 154397 — Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 621 Blossom — Age, '07; sire, Picquaroine; dam, Pistascre de Abrax — Finch Bros:, Verona & Joliet, 111. 622 Idealiste 635— Age, Apr. 20, '07; sire. Ideal; dam, Flore— H. Lefe- bure, Fairfax, Iowa. 623 Pollette 480 — Age, May 20, '07; sire, Charlemagne 1799; dam, Radiluse II 145 — H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. CLASS 45. FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE. $50, 40, 30. Highly Commended. Commended. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. K. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. CLASS 46. TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM. $50, 30, 20. Highly Commended. Commended. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. H. Lefebure, Fairfax, Iowa. CLASS 47. CHAMPION STALLION, ANY AGE. Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 37-38-39-40. CLASS 48. CHAMPION MARE, ANY AGE. Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in Classes 41-42-43-44. 340 BREEDING BELGIANS SPECIAL "A." FIVE STALLIONS, PROPERTY OF ONE EXHIBITOR. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $100. Gold Medal. Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL ''B." THREE MARES, PROPERTY OF ONE EXHIBITOR. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $100. Gold Medal. Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL ''C." CHAMPION STALLION, ALL AGES. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $100. Gold Medal, Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "D." CHAMPION MARE, ALL AGES. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. $100. Gold Medal. Reserve Ribbon. DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS 341 DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS [See Rule 45] CLASS 49. SINGLE MARE OR GELDING, WEIGHING 1,750 LBS., TO HALTER $50, 35, 25. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 624 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 625 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 626 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 627 Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 628 Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 629 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 630 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 631 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 632 Pinch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 633 Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 634 Pinch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 635 Pinch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 636 'Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. 637 Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. 638 J. W. Jarvis, Morning Sun, Iowa. 639 J. W. Jarvis, Morning Sun, Iowa. 640 J. A. Loughridge, Delta, Iowa. 641 Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 642 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 643 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 644 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 645 McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 646 McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 647 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 648 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 649 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 650 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 651 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 652 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 653 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 654 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 655 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 656 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 657 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 342 DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS CLASS 50. SINGLE MARE OR GELDING, WEIGHING 1,500 TO 1,750 LBS. TO HALTER. $50, 35, 25. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 658 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 659 Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 660 Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 661 Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 662 J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 663 J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 664 J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 665 Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 666 Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 667 Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. 668 Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. 669 J. W. Jarvis, Morning Sun, Iowa. 670 B. I. Miller, La Fayette, Ind. 671 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 672 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 673 McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 674 McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 675 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 676 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 677 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 678 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 679 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 680 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 681 H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 794 Will H. Ade, Kentland, Ind. CLASS 51. PAIR HORSES, WEIGHING 3,000 TO 3,500 LBS. TO WAGON. $100, 75, 50. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 682 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 683 J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 684 J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 685 Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 686 Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. 687 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 688 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 689 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 690 A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS 343 CLASS 52. PAIR HORSES, WEIGHING OVER 3,500 LBS. TO WAGON. $100, 75, 50. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No.. 691 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 692 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 693 J. Crouch & feon, La Fayette, Ind. 694 J. Crouch & Son, La Payette, Ind. 695 Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 696 Wm. Hudson & Son, Latrobe, Pa. 697 J. W. Jarvis, Morning Sun, Iowa. 698 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 699 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 700 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 701 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 53. THREE HORSES ABREAST TO WAGON. $100, 75, 50. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 702 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 703 Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 704 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 705 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. CLASS 54. FOUR HORSE TEAIVI, WHEELERS WEIGHING 3,000 TO 3,500 LBS. TO WAGON. $125, 100, 75. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 706 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 707 Finch Bros., Verona & Joliet, 111. 708 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 709 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 344 HACKNEY PONIES CLASS 55. FOUR HORSE TEAM, WHEELERS WEIGHING OVER 3,500 LBS. TO WAGON. $125, 100, 75. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 710 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 711 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 712 L. N. & O. B. Sizer, Fisher, 111. 713 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. CLASS 56. SIX HORSE TEAM TO WAGON, WHEELERS WEIGHING NOT LESS THAN 3,800 LBS. $150, 125, 100. Highly Commended. Commended. Official No. 714 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 715 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 716 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. HACKNEY PONIES CLASS 87. STALLION, 3 YEARS OR OVER, NOT TO EXCEED I41/2 HANDS. $40, 20. Ribbon. Official No. 717 Firebrand 897 — Age, '03; sire. Fire Boy; dam. Wild Rose— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 718 Zambo 968 — Age, '04; sire, Sir Horace; dam, Zazel— C. E. Bunn, . Peoria, 111. CLASS 88. MARE, 3 YEARS OR OVER, NOT TO EXCEED I41/2 HANDS. $40, 20. Ribbon. Official , No. 719 Czarina 1836— Age, '05; sire. Sir Horace; dam, Zazil— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 720 May Flower 1553— Age, '03; sire, Dilham Prime Minister; dam. Forest Flower— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. SHETLAND PONIES 345 SHETLAND PONIES [See' Rule 45] Ponies competing must not exceed 46 inches in height and be ■ reg- istered in the American Shetland Pony Club Stud Books. $100 of the above prizes subscribed by the American Shetland Pony Club. CLASS 89. STALLION, 4 YEARS OR OVER, TO BE SHOWN TO HALTER. $12, 8, 4. Ribbon. All ponies entered in these classes must be practically sound and have good manners. Official No. 721 Grandee 4423 — Age, '01; sire, Prince of Wales; dam, Fancy — C. B. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 722 Jack Frost 5734 — Age, '04; sire. Chestnut; dam, Laxea — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 723 Initial 5215 — Age, '03; sire. Burn's Trinket; dam, Jessie T. — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, III. 724 Trinket R. 2913— Age, July, '97; sire. Trinket (101); dam, Tina (106)— Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 725 Madcap 7208— Age, '00; sire. Hector (183); dam, Merrymaid (1337; Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 726 Sam of Globe 7442 — Age '02; sire, Alexander (255); dam, Siggard, vol. 16 — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 727 Bracken 7202— Age, '03; sire, Oman (33); dam, Beauty (167) — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 728 Imp. Monkshood 274 — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. CLASS 90. STALLION, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4, TO BE SHOWN TO HALTER. $12, 8, 4. Ribbon. Official No. 729 Prince of Norwood 5860 — ^Age, '05; sire. Black Beauty; dam, Flora 2d— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 730 Imp. Jolly Winkle, vol. 16, p. 53— Age, '05; sire, Snow Drop (138): dam, Molly, vol. 15 — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 346 SHETLAND PONIES CLASS ■ 91. STALLION, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3, TO BE SHOWN TO HALTER. $12, 8, 4. Ribbon. Official No. 731 Lysander 7072— Age, '06; sire, Gen. Shatter; dam, Gazelle— C. E Bunn, Peoria, 111. 732 Grandville Reg. — Age, '06; sire. Grandee; dam, Carina^C. E Bunn, Peoria, 111. 733 Flashlight— Age, June 15, '06; sire. Hasty (5069); dam. Flash (4412) — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. CLASS 92. MARE, 4 YEARS OR OVER, TO BE SHOWN TO HALTER. $12, 8, 4. Ribbon. Official No. 734 Fairy 4092 — Age, '03; sire. Prince of Wales; dam, Martha M. — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 735 Grand Duchess 4320 — ^Age, '01; sire, Prince of Wales; dam, Sil- ver— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 736 Viola 3109— Age, '93; sire, Tippens; dam, Juliet — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 737 Kirtle 6409 — Age, '05; sire. Extraordinary; dam, Myrtle — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 738 Kalmio 6413 — Age, '05; sire. Extraordinary; dam, Juliet — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 739 Imp. Lady Betty 1st, vol. 16— Age, '02; sire, Tom Puck (337)- dam, Lady Betty, vol. 9, p. 9— Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, Hi 740 Imp. Lizzie Louis, vol. 12, p. 37 — Age, '01; sire. Vicar (194); dam, Maggie (1351) — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 741 Imp. Baby of Globe 7570 — Age, '02; sire, Alexander (255); dam, Brownie of Globe — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 742 Blackbird, vol. 16, p. 136 — Age, May, '03; sire, Prince of Walea (278) ; dam, Quiet, vol. 16 — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 743 Squirrel 2754— Age, Apr. 26, '96; sire, Robin (185); dam, Minnie Bruce (72) — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 744 Venus, vol. 15, p. 11 — Age, May, '04; sire. Vane Tempest (47); dam, Marjory (68) — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. SHETLAND PONIES 347 CLASS 93. MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4, TO BE SHOWN TO HALTER. $12, 8, 4. Ribbon. Official No. 745 Kancette Reg. — Age, '05; sire, Prince of Wales; dam. Fancy- — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, III. 746 Kissie 7071 — Age, '05; sire, Bunn's Trinket; dam, Jessie — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 747 Imp. Molly, vol. 16 — Age, '05; sire, Gudred 74; dam, Mary, vol. 15 — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. CLASS 94. MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3, TO BE SHOWN TO HALTER. $12, 8, 4. Ribbon. Official No. 748 Lynette 707fi — Age, '06; sire. Prince of Wales; dam, Charlotte — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 749 Lottie Isabelle Reg. — Age, '06 ; sire, Grandee ; dam, Isabelle — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 750 Mass 2d — sire. Imp. Magnum (298) ; dam. Imp. Masy (1818) — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. CLASS 95. PONY IN HARNESS, TO BE SHO-WN TO APPROPRIATE VEHICLE. $25, 20, 15. Ribbon. Official No. 751 Lynette— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 752 Grandee — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 753 Jack Frost— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 754 Jap— C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 755 Lysander — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 756 Imp. Jolly Winkle — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 757 Imp. Monkshood — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 758 Imp. Lady Betty 1st — Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 759 Sam of Globe 7442— Age, May, '02; sire, Alexander (255); dam, Spiggerd, vol. 16 — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 760 Bracken 7202— Age, Apr., '03; sire, Oman (33); dam, Beauty (167)— Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 761 Venus, vol. 15, p. 11 — Age, May, '04; sire. Vane Tempest (47); dam, Marjory (68) — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 348 SHETLAND PONIES Official No. 762 Madcap 7208— Age, June, '00; sire, Hector (183); dam, Merry- maid (1387) — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Bvanston, 111. 763 Blackbird, vol. 16, p. 136 — Age, May, '03; sire, Prince of Wales 278; dam. Quiet, vol. 16— Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Bvanston, 111. 764 Squirrel 2754 — Age, Apr. 26, '96; sire, Robin 185; dam, Minnie Bruce (72) — Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. CLASS 96. PAIR OF PONIES IN HARNESS, TO BE SHOWN TO APPROPRIATE VEHICLE. $35, 30, 20. Ribbon. Official No. 765 C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 766 C. B. Bunn, Peoria. 111. .767 C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 768 Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 769 Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 770 Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 771 Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 772 Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 773 Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. CLASS 97. TANDEM PAIR, TO BE SHOWN TO APPROPRIATE VEHICLE. $35, 30, 20. Ribbon. Official No. 774 C. B. Bunn, Peoria. 111. 775 C. B. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 776 C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 777 Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 778 Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 779 Geo. H. Simpson, Wheaton, 111. 780 Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 781 Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Evanston, 111. 782 Theo. S. Simpson & Sons, Bvanston, 111. PONIES OTHEB THAN SHETLANDS 349 PONIES OTHER THAN SHETLANDS All ponies ' entered in these classes must be practically sound and have good manners. Ponies entered in "Shetland" classes not eligible for entry in these classes. CLASS 98. PONY, "either sex, NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS, 3 YEARS OR OVER, TO BE SHOWN UNDER SADDLE. $20, 15, 10. Ribbon. Official No. 783 Lightning — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 784 Firebrand — C. B. Bunn, Peoria, 111. CLASS 99. PONY, EITHER SEX, NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS, TO BE SHOWN TO APPROPRIATE VEHICLE. $30, 20, 10. Ribbon. Official No. 785 Leamington — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 786 Zambo — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 787 May Flower — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 788 Czarina — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 789 Firebrand — C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. CLASS 100. PAIR OF PONIES, NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS, TO BE SHOWN TO APPROPRIATE VEHICLE. $35, 25, 15. Ribbon. Official No. 790 C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 791 C. E. Bunn. Peoria, 111. 350 PONIES OTHER THAN SHETLAND8 CLASS 101. TANDEM PONY TEAM, NOT EXCEEDING 14 HANDS, TO BE SHOWN TO APPROPRIATE VEHICLE. $35, 25, 15. Ribbon. Official No. 792 C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. 793 C. E. Bunn, Peoria, 111. IP DON'T CONFUSE MULE-HIDE RUBBER ROOFING NOT A KICK IN A MILLION FEET :' Hide with the cheap roofings on the market, which are as worthless as cheap jew- elry. Mule-Hide is made in the factory which makes the highest grade and highest priced "Rub- ber" Roofing produced. Mule-Hide is madehon- estly of good felt, treated with reliable saturating materials and coated with a weather - proof rubber- like compound of Asphalt and Gilsonite. In Mule- Hide you get a roofing that is all that a good •roofing should be, and whether you purchase be- fore or after you see samples you will say that Mule-Hide is well named. It is tough, and this toughness, com- bined with flexibility, is an assurance of absolute durability. If you wish to lay roofing over an old shingle roof special length nails will be furnished on request. Figure up the size of your building and send in your order with remittance by check, New York draft or money order. price LIST Weight Per Square One-Ply 35 lbs $1.75 Two-Ply 45 lbs 2.50 Three-PIy 55 lbs 3.25 Freight paid on all points within 500 miles of Chicago. Nails and cement inside of roll. I*xn tHe Head of My Class |ough,|ime-|riedand|rue fW w w // //^^ TIME DEFYING PRODUCTnJ ^™eLEHONco CHICAGO. ^ ^ ^ TTe LEHON CO. Manufacturers Roofing, Waterproofing and Paints UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO References: Live Stock Exchange National Bank, Chicagfo. Peoples Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago; or any Com- mercial Agency. 351 a No. 3 MINE AND WASHER WHERE WASHED COAL IS PREPARED RESULTS EQUAL TO ANTHRACITE FROM WASHED NUT COAL MiU pmrccriOH) Manufactured by Peninsular Stove Co Peaboay 125 MONROE ST. The Peabody Coal Company after an extended series of experiments with a new stove has discovered that its Washed Coal, particularly sizes Nos. 1 , 2 and 3, may be Huams burned in a manner having practically all the advantages obtained with Anthracite Coal and at a very much less cost. The stove which is illustrated in section, is so built that coal may be added to the fire without opening the door of the stove. Owing to the special design and construction of the stove, the washed bituminous coal is burned without smoke, so that the appearance of the fire gives no indication whether anthracite or bituminous coal is being used. The trans- parent mica mounted in the various doors of the stove does not become black but remains bright and clear. Fire may be held as long with bituminous coal in this stove as with hard coal. The specially constructed draft regulation re- quires no more attention than with other stoves burning anthracite. It will pay you to take up this matter with your cus- tomers, because through the use of washed coal you can insure them a much better service than can be obtained in any other form of soft coal burning stove and results prac- tically equal to that realized with the use of anthracite at a very much less cost. Furtlier hiformation isaill be furn- ished upon request, of the Coal Co mpany CHICAGO, ILL. 352 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK 353 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK All animals exhibited in this section must either have been bred by the exhibitor or owned by and in the possession of the exhibitor at least six months immediately preceding the show, November 28 to De- cember 10, 1908, and such stock must have been fitted and prepared for the show wholly by some regular employe or student of the col- lege making the exhibit. * International Exposition Classification for Finished Product and Feed Demonstration Exhibit. Class 1st Prem. 2d Prem. 3d Prem. For the most instructive carcass or block demonstration of principles of breeding or feeding, the live animals to be on exhibition or the carcasses of the animals to be shown in the refrigerator during the Exposition, accompanied by a concise report of the methods of their production, due weight in judging to be given in favor of the exhibit of both the live animals and the dressed product, particularly the latter. . . . • $75 $50 $25 University of Wisconsin, Madison Wis. Class 1st Prem. 2d •P;em. 3d Prem. For the most instructive display and pres ntation' of feeds and forage products and their composition, utility and value. . . $75 $50 $25 354 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK CLAY, ROBINSON & CO. SPECIALS FOR COLLEGE DEPARTMENT CATTLE DIVISION Open to all pui^e-breds, grades and crosses. CLASS 1. ' STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, OVER 24 AND UNDER 36 MONTHS. Clay Robinson & Co. Specials. $50. 30, 20, 15. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. hattan, Kans. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- hattan, Kans. Blaylock 1414— Age, Sept. 12, '05; sire, King of the Rovers 72076; dam, Ridgewood Lucy 65066 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthony's Park, Minn. Fyvie Knight 99103— Age, May 8, '06; sire, Woodlawn Knight 4th 55206; dam. Black Queen (M) 74881 — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Knighthood — Age, Feb'y 26, '06; sire, Woodlawn Knight 4th 55206; dam, Grade Angus — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Fi-ed Douglas — Age, Apr. 10, '06; sire. Beau Douglas 93974; dam, Goldie , —Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Spot 2d— Age, Feb'y 2, '06; sire, Le Roy 5th 154804; dam, Grade Short- horn— Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Glendale— Age, Feb'y 6, '06; sire. Merry Dale 155380; dam, Viola 16372— Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Wild Eyes Bill— Age, Jan. 13, '06; sire. Lovely Master 220705; dam, Wild Eyes Spot, vol. 61, p. 1074 — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Dictator — Age, Feb'y 12, '06; sire, Bugler 54148 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Flint of Meadow Buook — Age, Feb'y 12, '06; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Fancy of Meadow Brook 26399 — University of Nebraska, Lin- coln, Neb. COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK 355 CLASS 2. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 12 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS. Clay Robinson & Co. Specials. $50, 30, 20, 15. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. hattan, Kans. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. hattan, Kans. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- hattan, Kans. Discoverer — Age, June 3, '07; sire, Discloser 212280; dam, Bessie 210662 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthony's Park, Minn. Eclipser — Age, Oct. 16, '06; sire, Hiland Gerald 84148; dam. Highland Park 46th 75056— Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthony's Park, Minn. Blaylock 2d 1472— Age, Sept. 6, '06; sire, King of the Rovers 72076; dam, Ridgewood Lucy 65066 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthonys Park, Minn. Teddy 1500 — Age, Jan. 29, '07; sire, Baron Blackwood 55199; dam, Black- bird 2d of Creston, Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Pippin 1613 — Age, Apr. 29, '07; sire, Rockneck Lad 78942; dam, Pride of Auchnaquie — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Baby Briton — Age, May 10, '07; sire. Lucky Briton 101453; dam. Grade Hereford — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Togo — Age, Apr. 7, '07; sire, Royal Peer 211558; dam'. Gentle Bessie, vol. 65, p. 893 — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Lord Russell— Age, Oct. 4, '06; sire, Master Russell 209889; dam, Made- line, vol. 61, p. 732 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Donald's Lad 271671— Age, Apr. 12, '07; sire. Gay Donald 186476; dam, Niobe 79641^ — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. La. Pieto 1515 — Age, May 17, '07; sire, Prince Ito 2d 54471; dam, Lucy of Careston 61752 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Pride of the West— Age, Sept. 6, '06; sire, Groye Real 155689— Univer- sity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Dictator — Age, Feb'y 12, '06; sire. Bugler 54148 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 356 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK CLASS 3. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 12 MONTHS. Clay Robinson & Co. Specials. $50. 30, 20, 15. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. hattan, Kans. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- hattan, Kans. ^ hattan, Kans. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- hattan, Kans. hattan, Kans. Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- hattan, Kans. Prince Louan — Age, Nov. 13, '07; sire, Pitlivie Chief 192919; dam. Lake Park Louan, vol. 58, p. 627 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthony's Park, Minn. Jubo— Age, Oct. 18, '07; sire, Jubo of Morlich 62233; dam, Highland Park 41st 75051 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. Anthony's Park, Minn. Clarence 1564— Age, Sept. 2, '07; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835; dam, Co- quette of Dennison 24th 46107 — Minnesota Agr'l College, St. An- thony's Park, Minn. Nightlight — Age, Feb'y 9, '08; sire, Woodlawn Knight 4th 55206; dam, Grade Angus Cow — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Highland Laddie — Age, Oct. 20, '07; sire, Mohomet 28121; dam, Lena of Otoe 22497 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Varsity Cadet — Age, Jan. 7, '07; sire, Kentucky Prince 24466; dam, Bu- bank's Lucia 62385 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Black Diamond — Age, Dec. 3, '07; sire, Louis of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Ravenwood Mignome 38696 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. CLASS 4. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. Clay Robinson & Co. Specials. $55. Competition limited to First Prize Winners in above classes. COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK 357 CLASS 5. BEST FIVE HEAD OF STEERS, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFERS, UN- DER 3 YEARS OLD. Clay Robinson & Co. Specials. $100. Iowa Agr'l College, Ames, Iowa. Minnesota Agr'l College, St. An- Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- thony's Park, Minn. hattan, Kans. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Kansas State Agr'l College, Man- Neb. hattan, Kans. Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. SHEEP DIVISION Open to all pure-breds, grades and crosses. CLASS L WETHER, OVER 12 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. $30, 15, 10. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. 358 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK CLASS 2. WETHER LAMB, UNDER 12 MONTHS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. $30, 15, 10. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Wis. CLASS 3. CHAMPION WETHER. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. $30. CLASS 4. BEST FIVE HEAD OF WETHERS, UNDER 2 YEARS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. COLLEGE AND E>tPERTMENT STATION STOCK 359 SWINE DIVISION Open to all pure-breds, grades and crosses. CLASS 1. ' BARROW, UNDER 12 MONTHS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. $30, 15, 10. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Wis. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Iowa A'grl. College, Ames, Iowa. Wis. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Wis. CLASS 2. CHAMPION BARROW.- Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. CLASS 3. BEST FIVE HEAD OF BARROWS, UNDER 2 YEARS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. $50. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Wis. GENERAL BEST GENERAL EXHIBIT OF CATTLE, SHEEP AND SWINE. Consisting of five Cattle, under 3 years; five Sheep, under 2 years, and five Hogs, under 1 year. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. $100, 50. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa Agrl. College, Ames, Iowa SHSXNE FURS Highest Awards World's Fair,1893 JOHNT.SflflYNE&Go. (incorporated) IMPORTING Ai^D MANUFACTURING FURRIERS <^pi^^J§?^°- 16 7-169 State Street ^^KNOX PALMER HOUSE CORNER HA.TS Q'^XQA.GO Highest Awards World's Fair,1893 For tne man who comes from tne country, vi^no kno^vs the value or Furs, tnis is tne store pre-eminent for mm. An exclusive Hat and Fur stock, catering to tlie person who knows, ana— tetter still — it costs no more to tuy good merchandise herd tnan it does at otlier stores who cater to transient huyers. Everytnmg m Hats for men and women. Felt or Fur; Small Accessories, Fur Garments tor men, women and children — an endless variety to select from. ^ \Ve issue a catalogue of styles tvi^ice a year, d. Anything you huy at Snayne s you can send back and get your money refunded if not entirely satisfied. ROY M. SHAYNE, President Alex Dryburgh Pres. and Mgr. C. H. Shaw Treasurer (NEW) SOUTHERN HOTEL Michigan Boulevard and 1 3 th Street CHICAGO Chicago*s Newest and Most Complete Hotel Every convenience and absolutely fireproof. Circulating ice w^ater in every room. 300 Rooms, 200 with private bath. High class restaurant for ladies and gentlemen at moderate prices. 1 0 Minutes' walk to business center. Two blocks from Coliseum. SKStoVBC^ 1909 MODELS NO"W ON EXHIBIT II 'We have used Ramblers guaranteed and rebuilt by the makers $150 up III 1462 MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL, Telephone Calumet 3000 360 STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 361 INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION LIVE STOCK JUDGING CONTEST Open to Students Enrolled as Under-Graduates in Agricultural Colleges of the Current Year. Recognizing the importance of interesting young men in the study and improvement of the various breeds of domesticated animals, the management of the International Live Stock Exposition will again make the stock judging contest a most important feature of their exposition programme. The Union Stock Yard and Transit Company will award a beautiful trophy to the Agricultural College whose five students do the most efficient work in judging horses, cattle, hogs and sheep, assigned for the purpose and giving reasons substantiating their judgment. In addition to the above a beautiful trophy or medal will be awarded to the student scoring the highest number of points on all classes of animals judged, and appropriate ribbons to the four students making the next highest score. RULES AND REGULATIONS (1) RULES GOVERNING ELIGIBILITY OF CONTESTANTS. 1. Any farmer's son under twenty-five years of age, who has never attended any agricultural college, may enter. 2. Any agricultural college student who has never taken part in any judging contest of interstate or international nature previous to the year in which the contest is held, and has taken at least twelve weeks' undergraduate work during the current year in the college that he rep- resents, and who has at no time served in the capacity of animal hus- bandry teacher in any agricultural college, may enter. (2) SUPERINTENDENTS. 1. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to see that all rules and regulations governing the contest are duly carried out. He shall see that the contest is conducted with fairness and justice to all con- cerned. 2. He shall have a chief clerk and helpers to assist in superintend- ing the different classes of stock, etc. 3. He shall direct the contestants as to which class to judge, time to commence work, and time to stop. 3fi2 STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 4. He shall say nothing to a contestant as to the method for the contestant to follow, either in judging the class, writing the reasons, or giving of reasons before the committee. 5. The superintendent shall have nothing to do with placing the animals in the various classes, or with the grading of the placing, or the reasons. 6. He shall have charge of all the grades given for both placing and reasons, and it shall be his duty to have these tabulated and totaled, and he shall deliver the result of the contest to the General Superin- tendent of the International Live Stock Exposition, who shall publish the result. (3) CLERK, ASSISTANTS, AND ATTENDANTS. The clerk, assistants, and attendants shall be at the command of the superintendent and shall carry out his orders, and none of these assis- tants shall confer with the contestants, unless so directed by the super- intendent. The attendants holding the stock shall hold the animals in a careful manner, so that all contestants may have a fair chance to make observa- tions on the same. (4) JUDGES. 1. There shall be three judges for each class of stock judged. It is preferable that two of each set be stockmen (breeders or feeders of the class to be passed upon), and the third an animal husbandry instructor. And no one shall be allowed to act as judge in a class in which his ani- mals are shown. 2. It shall be the duty of each committee of judges to look over the class of stock and each to decide as to the order in which the class shall be placed, and to decide on the essential reasons for placing the first above the second, the second above the third, and the third above the fourth. The judges shall keep their ratings of the animals secret until after the contestants have been before the committee. 3. When the contestant appears before the committee, the clerk shall present the contestant's card bearing his rating of the animals, and each judge shall make a note of the same and grade it as his judg- ment dictates and record his grade for placing on a card bearing the contestant's number. Fifty points shall constitute a perfect mark for placing. The contestant shall have three minutes in which to give his reasons for placing the animals, and it shall be the duty of the committee to hear those reasons and independently to grade for the same and record his grade for reasons on the card mentioned above. Fifty points shall constitute a perfect mark for reasons. 4. As soon as the judges have recorded their grades, the clerk shall collect the three cards. The three grades on placing shall be averaged, STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 863 and the d,verage shall stand as the contestant's grade for placing that class. 5. The grade for reasons shall be arrived at in the same manner. (5) CONTESTANTS. 1. All prospective contestants must send in their entries to B. H. Heide, General Superintendent of the "International" Exposition by November 15, 1908. 2. Regular entry forms will be mailed all prospective contestants who desire the same before November 15, 1908. 3. An entry fee of $2.00 will be charged each contestant, and this money must be forwarded with application. The money received from this source is to be used in defraying the expenses of the examiners. 4. Each college. will be restricted to entering five (5) men, which number shall constitute a team. 5. Each contestant shall report to the superintendent in the Amphi- theater at 8 a. m., Saturday, November 28, 1908, when he will be assigned a number and such instructions as the superintendent desires to give. 6. No contestant will be permitted to inspect the live stock on exhi- bition at the International Live Stock Exposition prior to the contest, and any transgression of this rule will be sufficient cause to bar him from the contest. 7. No contestant shall wear any uniform, college colors, college hat, nor shall he in any way signify to the judges his identity or the identity of the college which he represents. 8. While the contest is in progress, there shall be no conferring between contestants or between a contestant and any one else, except as directed by the superintendent or his representatives. Any violation of this rule will be punished by the expulsion of the offender. 9. The contestants shall be divided by the superintendent into three groups: A, B, and C, and shall be so designated thereafter throughout the contest. In no group shall there be more than two contestants from one college. 10. When the three classes of cattle are brought in, they shall be placed at least forty feet apart and forty feet from the outside fence. Group A contestants shall be assigned to one class, B to a second class, and C to a third class of animals. All groups shall be notified three minutes before time is up, and when final time is called group A shall move to the second class, B to the third, and C to the first; and when time is called for the last class, A move to third, B to first, and C to second. 11. The contestant shall hand his card, bearing his number, class of animals, and placing, to the supervising clerk immediately after he finishes each class. 12. When the judges have passed upon the rings, the cattle shall then be taken from the arena and group A shall be taken to one part 364 STOCK JUDGING CONTEST of the arena, when each contestant shall be called before the committee of judges, whose duty it is to pass upon the first class of cattle, B before the second committee, and C before the third. When the three groups shall have finished giving reasons for the first class placed, they shall change in the same order as followed in the judging. (6) TIME. 1. In each of the cattle, sheep and swine classes, fifteen minutes shall be allowed the contestant to make his observations, write down his placing, and make such notes as he wishes to assist him in remem- bering the class when he goes before the judges; but no contestant shall be allowed to hold any paper or card, or device that will assist him while he is giving his reasons before the judges. In the horse classes, twenty minutes shall be allowed to admit of time to move the animals. Horses shall be moved during first five minutes of time at both walk and trot. Each contestant shall appear singly before the judges and be allowed three minutes to give reasons for placing of each ring of animals. The contestant shall write his placing on card, to be handed to the clerk, as soon as he has finished the work of placing the class. FORM OF CARD. Contestant's number Class Placing First ; Second ; Third ; Fourth Card shall be four inches by two and one-half inches. (7) CLASSES AND METHOD OF NUMBERING. 1. Four animals shall constitute a class. 2. No exhibitor or owner shall have more than one animal in any one class. 3. The horses, cattle, and sheep shall be numbered by placing a card on the holder of the animal. These cards shall be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, or lettered A, B, C, D, as the larger numbers would give the student too much to do in remembering them and take too much time to see them. The pigs shall be numbered by sticking large gummed labels bearing the number on both the shoulder and the rump. 4. All newspaper men, oflacials, and others, except the superinten- dent, his assistants, the judges, policemen, and holders of stock, shall be excluded from the ring while the contest is in progress. The following program shall be followed, beginning Saturday, No- vember 28, 1908, at 8 a. m.: e STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 365 8:00 — Superintendents give instructions to contestants. 8:15 — Three classes of cattle. 9-11 — Judges hear reasons on placing of beef cattle. 11-12 — Three classes of horses. 12-2 — Contestants give reasons for placing horses. 2-2 : 30— Lunch. 2:30-3:15 — Three classes of sheep. 3:15-5:15 — Contestants give reasons for placing of sheep. 5:15-6 — Three classes of hogs. 6-8 — Contestants give reasons for placing hogs. The largest iron and steel — * ivarehouses in the world ESTABLISHED IS42 INCORPORATED ISSS Joseph T. Ryerson & Son EDWARD L. RYERSON, PRES. CLYDE M. CARR, VICE-PRES. IRON STEEL MACHINERY CHICA.CO Ctmes Square ^utomokle Co. 1332-4 MICHIGAN AVENUE CHICAGO NEW YORK ADDRESS, 1597-1601 BROADWAY Vve are the largest dealers in ne-w and second-nand Automobiles in tne ^svorld. 1 ou can buy AutomoDiles rrom us at 25c on tne dollar. Over 250 cars to ckoose from. All makes and all styles. Come and see us or -write for our large descriptive oargam list. In supplies -we sell everything for tne Automobile. Don't forget who we are TELEPHONE CALUMET 1900 Established 1871 37 Years Honest Steady Growth and Still Growing Wayne & Low Commission Merchants BUTTER, EGGS, POULTRY. WOOL AND GENERAL FARM PRODUCE 1 85 South Water Street Reference Corn Ejcchange National Bank Any Wholesale House in Chicago Tlie Ohieago T^eteriixary College 2637-39 State Street CHICAGO, ILL.. Organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, 1883 Regular session commences on or about September 15, in each year. For prospectus Qiwin^ all in- formation as to curriculum, fees, etc., address the Presi- dent JOSEPH HUGHES, M.R.C.V.S. 8537-39 STATE STREET CHICAGO, ILLINOIS VESEY S STAR ANTI-CHOLERA FOR HOGS Cures Disease, Insures Health Aids Digestion, Saves Feed Makes Flesh and Growth Deposit money with any live stock commission' firm on guarantee if you prefer. S9-00 per dozen bottles SS.OO per half dozen bottles Anti-Cholera Company Union Stock Yards, Chicago 366 ENTRIES IN STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 367 ENTRIES IN STOCK JUDGING CONTEST HORSES KANSAS. STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, MANHATTAN, KANS. Ross Moorman. C. W. McCampbell. R. E. Hunt. H. E. Kiger. W. W. Hunt. NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Burke Critchfield. Chas. Ruzicka. John Dinwoodie. Clarance Plath. Wm. Lanxon. John McDonald. E. W. Hall. MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, ST. ANTHONY'S PARK, MINN. H. M. Bush. W. J. Bryan. O. A. Hohle. R. L. Donovan. R. L. West. IOWA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA. Ward Miner. H. H. Kilall. Geo. W. Godfry. H. L. Thornton. Howard Phillips. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEB. Q. G. Gilbert. Claud K. Sheld. Vern S. Culver. J. Howard Gramlich. Jas. F. Couke. C. P. Jeffords. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, COLLEGE STATION, TEX. R. F. Miller. J. J. Caldwell. J. S. Williams. R. L. Robertson. W. H. Furneaux. C. J. Minter. MISSOURI AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, COLUMBIA, MO. Jno. E. Ryland. Harvey P. Griffin. E. C. O'Neal. Earl .S. Vanatta. Turner R. Wright. Homer E. McNatt. W. L. Fowler. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. W. H. Delatush. Robt. M. Miller. John H. Hunger. Stanley S. Hart. Chas. E. Snyder. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, GUELPH, ONT. A. A. Knight. P. H. Moore. N. D. McKenzie. H. C. Duff. H. Sirett. FARMERS' SONS. J. G. Troutman, Manhattan, Kans. 368 ENTRIES IN STOCK JUDGING CONTEST CATTLE, SHEEP AND SWINE KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, MANHATTAN, KANS. Ross Moorman. C. W. McCampbell. R. E. Hunt. H. E. Riger. W. W. Hunt. NORTH DAKOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Burke Critclifield. Chas. Ruzicka. John Dinwoodie. Clarence Plath. Wm. Lanxon. John McDonald. . E. M. Hall. MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE ST. ANTHONY'S PARK, MINN. H. M. Bush. R. L. Donovan. W. J. Bryan. O. A. Hohle. R. L. West. IOWA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA. Ward Miner. H. H. Kilall. Geo. W. Godfry. H. L. Thornton. Howard Phillips. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, NEB. G. G. Gilbert. Claud K. Shedd. V. S. Culver. J. Howard Gramlich. Jas. F. Couke. C. P. Jeffords. TEXAS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, COLLEGE STATION, TEX. R. F. Miller. R. L. Robertson. J. J. Caldwell. W. H. Furneaux. C. J. Minter. MISSOURI AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, COLUMBIA, MO. Jno. E. Ryland. Harvey P. Griffin. E. C. O'Neil. Earl S. Vanatta. T. R. H. Wright. Homer E. McNatt. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. W. H. Dilatush. John H. Munger. Stanley S. Hart. R. M. Miller. Chas. E. Snyder. ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, GUELPH, ONT. A. A. Knight. P. H. Moore. N. D. McKenzie. H. C. Duff. H. Sirett. FARMERS' SONS. J. G. Troutman, Manhattan, Kans. SPECIALS 369 J. OQDEN ARMOUR SCHOLARSHIPS J. Ogden Armour's award of $5,000 for twenty Agricultural Scholar- ships will be distributed at the 1908 International Live Stock Exposition in the following manner: 1. To the college whose team does the most efficient work in the Students' Judging Contest, on Horses 1 Cattle 1 Sheep 1 Hogs 1 Grains and feed and forage exhibit. . . .1 To the college whose team does the most efficient work in all of the classes 1 2. The remaining fourteen scholarships will be distributed on the basis of cash prizes won by the colleges in the open classes for Inter- national Exposition money only; the money of the Exposition that is won on the grain and forage exhibit not to be counted in this item. 3. The number of scholarships that can be alloted to any one school is restricted to 40 per cent of the whole. 4. These twenty scholarships of $250.00 each must,^ in accordance with Mr. Armour's wishes, be awarded unconditionally to twenty deserv- ing young men who would otherwise not be able to secure a scientific training in agriculture or animal husbandry; and this money must, under no conditions, be divided among a greater number. 5. It has been suggested that better results could be attained if the students favored with the Armour scholarships be paid this money in quarterly installments, and this suggestion meets with the approval of the committee in charge of this matter. 370 GENERAL INDEX. GENERAL INDEX A Aberdeen- Angus (Breeding) 98 Aberdeen-Angus (Fat) 163 Any Breed, Pure-Bred, Grade, or Cross ' 183 Any Age, Breed, Grade, or Cross 283 Association Meetings 19 J. Ogden Armour Scholarships 369 B Bank 53 Belgians 391 Berkshires 265 C Carload (Cattle Division) 195 Carload (Sheep Division) 262 Carload (Swine Division) 285 Cattle Department 59 Cattle Division 354 Champion by Ages 187 Chester White 273 Cheviot Sheep (Breeding) 233 Cheviot Sheep (Fat) 251 Clydesdale 304 College and Experiment Station Stock 353 Cotswold Sheep (Breeding) 223 Cotswold Sheep (Fat) 244 Customs 55 D Denver Stock Yard Specials 202 Directors 5 Dorset Sheep (Breeding) 220 Dorset Sheep (Fat) 247 Draft Horses in Harness 341 Dressed Carcasses (Sheep) 260 Dressed Carcasses (Swine) 283 Duroc- Jersey 277 E Entries 65 Entries in Stock Judging Contest 367 GENERAL INDEX. 371 F Fat Cattle Division I57 Fat Sheep Division 241 Freight Office 53 G Galloway (Breeding) 132 (xalloway (Fat) 171 General Information 51 General Eules and Eegulations 31 Grades and Cross-Breds (Cattle) 176 Grades and Cross-Breds (Sheep) 259 Grades and Cross-Breds (Swine) 280 Grand Champion (Cattle) 189 Grand Champion (Sheep) 259 Grand Champion (Swine) ' 283 H Hackneys 344 Hampshire Sheep (Breeding) 211 Hampshire Sheep (Fat) 243 Hampshire Swine 270 Herdsman 's Medal of Honor 61 Hereford (Breeding) 115 Hereford (Fat) 168 Horse Department 287 J Judges 9 Judges for College Classes 17 Judging Program 23 Judging Contest (Live Stock) 361 L Leicester Sheep (Breeding) 229 Leicester Sheep (Fat) 249 Levering Special 242 Lincoln Sheep (Breeding) 217 Lincoln Sheep (Fat) 245 Long Wool Types 257 M Medium Wool Types 255 Meetings ^ 19 O OflScers of International Live Stock Exposition 5 Oxford Sheep (Breeding) 227 Oxford Sheep (Fat) 248 372 GENERAL INDEX. P Poland-China 268 Polled Durham (Breeding) . .148 Polled Durham (Pat) 175 Pereheron 287 Ponies 344 Post Office 51 Program 23 Pure-Bred Division 265 B Uambouillet Sheep (Breeding) 235 Rambouillet Sheep (Fat) .253 Red Polled (Breeding) 140 Red Polled (Fat) 173 Rule 45 ; 41 Rules and Regulations 31 S Sales of Breeding Stock 21 Sheep Department 205 Sheep Division .357 Shires 315 Shorthorn (Breeding) 65 Shorthorn (Fat) 157 Southdown Sheep (Breeding) 231 Southdown Sheep (Fat) 250 Shropshire Sheep (Breeding) 205 Shropshire Sheep (Fat) 241 Slaughter Tests (Cattle) 190 Special Rule Governing Exhibits 41 Stock Judging 367 Students ' Judging Contest " Superintendents of Departments 15 Suffolk Sheep (Breeding) • 215 Suffolk Sheep (Fat) 252 Swenson Bros ' Specials 202 Swift & Co., Specials 283 Swine — Car Lots » 285 Swine Department 265 Swine Division 359 T Tamworth 279 Telegraph • 53 Train Service 7 Transportation • 51 Y Yorkshire (Large) 275 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 373 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS A Alexander, Ward & Conover 264 American Steel and Wire Co Fourth Cover Page Anti-Cholera Co 366 Arms Palace Horse Car 194 Armour & Co 38 B Best & Russell Co .194 Biehl, Hayes & Sifferman 80 Bishop, A., & Co ■ 34 Breen & Kennedy 60 Bridge & Leonard 203 Briggs House 76 Burley & Co 1 Byers Bros. & Co 80 0 Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co 12 Chapin, S. B. & Co 54 Chicago City Eailway Co 32 Chicago Live Stock World 240 Chicago Merchandise & Equipment Co 70 Chicago, New York & Boston Refrigerator Co 26 Chicago Scale Co 48 Chicago Telephone Co 52 Chicago Veterinary College, The 366 Clay, Robinson & Co 58 Congress Hotel Co 18 Consumers Co., The -. 20 Continental Bolt and Iron Works 194 Cozzens, Samuel 156 D Davies Supply Co., The 80 Dayton Pitless Scale Co 72 Devoe & Raynolds 156 Dickinson, Albert & Co 28 Drovers' Deposit National Bank ' . . .Third Cover Page Drovers Journal Publishing Co 86 374 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS £ Ellsworth & McNair 156 Exchange Eestaurant 34 F Fair, The - . 8 Fairbanks, Morse & Co 64 Farwell, John Vr & Co .' 30 Franklin, E. T. & Co 66 Franklin, H. B. & Co 76 G Garden Theater 286 Grand Pacific Hotel, The 20 H Havana- American Co., The 54 Hildebrand, Robt. F 6 Hub, The 14 I International Harvester Co 26-40 J Jackson, George W 263 JefPery, Thos. B. & Co .360 K Kaiserhof Hotel 20 Kiper, L. & Co . 40 L Latrobe Steel & Coupler Co 156 Lebolt & Co 4- Lehon Co., The 62-351 Libby, McNeil & Libby 376 Live Stock Exchange National Bank 84 M McCoy's Hotel, The 82 McVicker's Theater 20 Miller & Hart 82 Moore, Case, Lyman & Herriek 50 Morris & Co 24 Moulding, Thos. & Co 286 Murray, Tom 68 N National City Bank of Chicago 52 Nyberg Automobile Works 44 0 Ortmayer, A. & Son 40 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 375 P Peabody Coal Co 352 Peacock, C. D 6 Puhl-Webb Co. 42 Pulverized Manure Co » 204 R Radtke, E. C. & Co 82 Rittenhouse & Embree Co 16 Ryerson, Jos. T. & Son 365 S Saratoga Hotel 82 SchwarzscMld & Sulzberger 264 Scully Steel and Iron Co 80 Seipp, Conrad, Brewing Co 46 Shayne, John T. & Co 360 Siegel, Cooper & Co Second Cover Page South Side Elevated E. R. Co 36 Southern Hotel (New) 360 Spalding & Co '. 22 Sprague, Warner & Co 68 Sproul, Elliott W 56 Steele-Wedeles Co 76 Stevens, Chas. A. & Bro 10 Stock Yards Harness & Saddlery Co 74 Street's Western Stable Car Line 194 Swift and Company 2 T Times Square Automobile Co 366 Transit House -. 60-78 Transit House Stores 34 V A^ietoria Hotel Co 6 ^ -^w Wayne & Low 366 Whitney Opera House 76 ^iA-^ '^ (Natural Flavor) Food Products Just ThinK How Easy it is to serve Libby's ready-to-eat foods. No work — no worry — no cooking. Turn the little key, open the can and '*presto!" your luncheon or dinner is ready. Libby's Corned Beef may be sliced and served cold, made into hash, or used in sandwiches. Libby's Boneless CbicKen makes a delicious salad, or can be served cold or made into sandwiches. Libby's Lunch Tongues served cold, made into sandwiches, or may be minced and served hot on toast. Libby's Peerless Dried Beef, served with bread and butter, or creamed and served with baked potatoes. Libby's Potted Ham, makes appetizing sandwiches, or may be served cold with Libby's Mixed Pickles. Libby's Veal Loaf, slice thin and serve with sliced tomatoes or head lettuce; it also makes dainty sandwiches. The book, "Good Things to Eat," sent free on request, gives many deUghtful ways of serving Libby's Natural Flavor Food Products. AsK your grocer for Libby's and, insist upon getting Libby's. I^ibb:^, McNeill & Lib by, CHicag'o RESOURCES SEVEN MILLION DOLLARS OFFICERS R. T. FORBES, President WM. A. TILDEN, Vice-President GEO. M. BENEDICT, Cashier JOHN FLETCHER. Asst. Cashier J. C. MORRISON, Auditor Accounts of Banks, Individuals and Corporations Solicited AMERICAN FENCE A sound, sub- stantial, enduring fence, built on the elastic hinged joint principle-the most scientific, practical and perfect fence principle k n o wn- it yields to great and sudden pres- sure but returns again to the origi- nal shape. Thor- oughly galvanized and protected against weather. ELLWOOD FENCE We guar a n t e e E 1 1 \v o o d Fence because we know how it is made. All the resources of the greatest steel and wire mills in the world are brought to bear in getting as near perfection as it is possible. DEALERS EVERYWHERE. SEE THEM. American Steel & Wire Co. CHICAGO NEW YORK DENVER SAN FRANCISCO W^MW^SiWi^M W^lW^MW^M i£>Jt-S~^-^. Official Catalog '{0^M](f^f^M W^MW^M J _ W^MW^^W^S. W^SW^iWi^ W^^^%^%^ ^i! < •a c TO « 4) 3 "0 Z (S (A §1 != = r K a 5 o s > K o o "^ s -■ s 3 S2 P w C/>£ Ui <■ a U Eh ^ - S3 ¥.i K ? . M . S P3 >^ S ^ . fc. J 2 a c (0 w .. -s ^ C P OT - o? > M C 0) cfj 0 4^-H S « - - CO -M ^ .E o) 3L> a> (O S; -c .E t BoSTI^KS, SKO'lT. THE Albert Dickinson Company SSICE) MERCHANTS Bramoh 0»^xo-s. ] MINNEAPOI.1S, MINN. CHICAGO TJ. S. A. GRASS SEEDS TIMOTHY, CLOVERS, HUNGARIAN, MILLETS, REDTOP, BLUE-GRASS, LAWN GRASS, ORCHARD GRASS, BROME GRASS CLOVERS A SPECIALTY DWARF ESSEX RAPE FOR SHEEP HOG AND CATTLE FEED FIELD PEAS, ENSILAGE CORN AND SCREENINGS BUCKWHEAT SEED GRAIN POULTRY FEED FLAX SEED CRUSHING, SOWING AND FOR DRUGGIST'S USE BEANS " PEAS POP CORN SMALL WHITE. RICE AND EIGHT ROW COTTON ^RAIN BAGS BY THE BALE OR IN CAR LOTS BIRD SEEDS Specialties: RAPE, HEMP, CANARY AND MILLET Original packages, in carload lots or less 30 JUDGING PROGRAM 31 THURSDAY, December 2: 9 A. M. Duroc-Jersey Breeding Classes. Yorkshire Breeding Classes. HORSE DEPARTMENT. SATURDAY, November 27: 8 A. M. Students' Judging Contest. MONDAY, November 29: 9 A. M. Belgians. P. M. Draft Geldings to halter — singles. TUESDAY, November 30: 9 A. M. Percherons. P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — pairs. WEDNESDAY, December 1: * 9 A. M. Clydesdales. P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — threes. THURSDAY, December 2: 9 A. M. Shires. P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — fours. Sole Distributers of Dependon Dry Goods John V. Farwell Company Manufacturers Importers Converters Wholesalers CHICAGO The Great Central Market 32 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 33 GENERAL INFORMATION. Privileges for boottis for the sale of refreshments, appropriate use- ful articles, etc., subject to special contract. Full information thereto furnished on application to the General Superintendent. The Express Companies will have their offices in the Exposition for the accommodation of those desiring to ship their exhibitts by express. All express matter intended to be delivered at the Exposition should be addressed in care of the International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. POSTOFFICE. There will be a postoffice in the Information Bureau, where mail will be received and dispatched daily. All mail addressed in care of the Exposition will be found at this office. TRANSPORTATION. Exhibitors can, when shipping, if they so desire, fill out their cars with other cattle, sheep, hogs or horses, to make full loads. Any sur- plus animals not required by the classification can be sold on the regu- lar market, but such surplus must be culled out by the exhibitor before exhibits are delivered to the Exposition. Exhibits should be shipped care of International Live Stock Exposi- tion, and shipping bills mailed to the Superintendent of Transportation, International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. If these instructions are carried out, it will insure prompt delivery of all shipments, whether by rail or boat, direct into the Exposition without transfer. A list of Railroad and Steamboat Companies that will make spe- cial passenger and freight rates to the Exposition will be furnished on application to the General Superintendent. CONSIGN YOUR LIVE STOCK. All exhibits can be unloaded from the cars on the Exposition grounds. Merchandise or live stock shipped from any part of the world is run direct to the Exposition without transfer. Consign all carload exhibits in care of International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chi- cago, III., and for the pure-bred and sale division consign to International Live Stock Exposition, Express Chutes, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III. ALL LINES OF THE CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY LEAD TO THE STOCK SHOW Clean, warm and commodious coaches, running at frequent intervals, take you to the doors of the exposi*- tion buildings WITHOUT CLIMBING, WAITING or WALKING. FARE 5 CENTS— UNIVERSAL TRANSFERS. The Company, since it began its work of rehabili- tation in the Stock Yards district on June 16, 1907, has expended millions of dollars for betterments and is giving this city the best street car service in the country. The system has been modernized throughout and represents the highest skill in electric railway construction. . Stock Show visitors can best see the South Side through car windows of the City Railway Company. OUR SHOW IS OUR SERVICE 34 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 35 RAILWAY FREIGHT OFFICE. The Superintendent of Transportation, at his office, will be prepared to quote lowest tariff rates and to bill freight for shipment (at the close of the Exposition) to any point in the world, a facility every exhibitor will appreciate. RAILWAY TICKET OFFICE. Railway and Steamboat lines will have ticket offices and agents in the Exposition, where full information may be obtained as to routes and the necessary tickets obtained at the lowest prices. VISITORS. Ladies and gentlemen may be assured of finding in the buildings everything necessary to the convenience and comfort of young and old during the Exposition. Ample restaurant and lunch rooms, managed by experienced cater- ers, will serve meals and refreshments during hours of exhibition at reasonable rates. A barber shop, wash rooms and parcel rooms for the deposit of satchels, cloaks, etc., and in charge of responsible parties, are conven- iently located for the accommodation of the visitors. The hotels of the city, ample for any occasion, will not exceed their regular rates, and the city authorities will co-operate with the manage- ment of the Exposition in every practicable manner to insure the safety and contribute to the pleasure of the visitors. BUREAU OF INFORMATION. There will be a free bureau of information in the main building, where all questions will be cheerfully answered; where catalogues may be obtained, and where a list of rooming places is kept. However, while the utmost care is used with reference to location in listing the latter, the Exposition will not in any way assume responsibility in con- nection with the assignment of rooms. BANK. The Live Stock Exchange National Bank will have a representative at the Exposition to care for all legitimate needs of properly identified visitors and exhibitors. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Telegraph Companies will have branch offices at the Exposition for the transaction of telegraphic business over their lines and connections. TELEPHONE STATIONS. There will be public Telephone Stations at the Exposition, affording unexcelled service. Visiting Stockmen WEAR STETSON HATS $5 to $12 Nowhere in Chicago can so com- plete and comprehensive a line be found as at the OLD RE- LIABLE FUR AND HAT STORE A. BISHOP & CO. ^';fA^^-^^ > '^jr-. L 156 State Street, Established 1860 CHICAGO Catalog Free. (Expert Hatter Service Here) 270 Ckfk St , Chicago European Hotel 300 elegant rooms from $1.00 per day up Strictly Fire Proof Our Dmini Rooms are the finest and most attractive in the city. ROESSLER fif TEICH. Proprietors McVICKER'S The Safest Theater in the World— 40 Exits ALL THIS WEEK Matinees Wednesday and Saturday WM. A. BRADY'S SPECIAL PRODlfCTION WAY DOWN EAST By LOTTIE BLAIR PARKER Elaborated by JOSEPH GRISMER PRICES 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 36 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 37 UNITED STATES CUSTOMS. Exhibits from Canada, or any other foreign country, will be admitted in bond, with no charge for import duties unless sold in this country. All exhibits from Canada (or other foreign countries) of any nature whatsoever, shipped by freight or express, may be consigned to cus- toms brokers, who will, at reasonable cost, attend to entering the same in bond. Foreign exhibitors are advised that bonds are required on entry of exhibits into the United States and also on their return (i. e., the United States Customs require both import and export bonds). It will be necessary to bond all horses, cattle, sheep, swine, or any other animal, article or commodity. Parties who accompany their consignment will find the Government Customs oflicials courteous and accommodating, and by extending to them the same fair treatment consignors will have no very great diffi- culty in personally supervising the passage of their exhibits through the customs at the frontier. Railway companies also have special cus- toms agents at ports of entry, who cheerfully assist shippers. Consign- ments may be shipped to the "custom agent" (of the railway transport- ing exhibit) at the port shipment is destined to enter the United States, which agent will attend to entering the same as shipper's broker. The names of such agents, terms, etc., will be furnished by local railway agents. Shippers will be required to procure consular invoice of the Consul nearest the point of shipment. Each shipment must be accompanied by duplicate shipping receipt to read: (Name of Shipper.) Live stock exhibitors desiring to dispose of their exhibits in the United States are advised that the customs law does not allow entries to be made for breeding purposes unless accompanied by duly authenti- cated consular invoice; certificates of identification, signed and sworn to by the importer, the certified pedigree of the animal, and certificate of registry of the same in the book of record recognized for that breed; and not then, unless it is clearly proved that the special purpose for which they are being imported is for breeding. (This will apply to all animals above named.) The following is an extract taken from Circular No. 10, Division of Customs, United States Treasury Department, under date of Washing ton, D. C, January 22, 1892: "It having been ascertained that registers have been established for the sole object of making cross-bred and mongrel animals eligible for free entry into the United States, and as paragraph 482 of the Act of October 1, 1890, provides that no animal shall be admitted free unless pure bred of a recognized breed, the object of the law being, in the opin- ion of this Department, and the Department of Agriculture, to exclude The Quickest and Most Con- venient Way to the Stock Yards -AND THE- Live Stock Exposition South Side Elevated R. R. The only Railroad running into and about the Stock Yards EXPRESS TRAINS ALL DAY Stock Yards to Loop 20 Minutes FARE 5 CENTS Leaving the Exposition, take the Ele- vated Trains at Halsted Street Station, 38 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 39 from free entry animals not absolutely and strictly pure bred, it is hereby directed that on and after April 1, 1892, no animal which is brought into the United States from foreign countries for breeding pur- poses shall be admitted free of duty, unless the importer furnishes a certificate which shall contain a pedigree in the form hereafter given, showing that all the ancestors have been recorded in a book of record established for that breed, for five generations on the side of the sire and four on the side of the dam, together with the affidavit of the owner, agent or importer that such animal is the identical animal de- scribed in said certificate of record and pedigree. "Unless such certificate of pedigree is produced, therefore, the ani- mal shall be considered dutiable,, as not being pure bred of a recognized breed and duly registered in the book of record established for that breed. "In case such certificates are not at hand at the time of the arrival of the animals, and other evidence is produced, satisfactory to the Col- lector, showing that the animals are entitled to free entry, the Collector may so admit them, taking a bond in double the value of the animals for the production of the proper certificates. "The law requires that all cattle, hogs and sheep imported into the United States shall be carefully inspected by the Veterinary Inspector of the Bureau, of Animal Husbandry; and animals found to be free from -disease and not to have been exposed to contagious disease, will be admitted into the United States on complying with the other customs regulations." Any further information that is required will be furnished by Cus toms Broker. All charges for customs and brokerage must be borne by the ex- hibitor. -^ Late customs regulations furnished on application. ^1 rmours ^^ps^^O/^ MEAT MEAL THE FINEST FEED FOR HOGS 100 lbs. of Armour's 60% Meat Meal replaces 5^ bushels'of Com (See p. 54, Iowa Experimental Station Bulletin No. 91) MEAT MEAL AND CORN Armour's 60% Meat Meal— a superior Tankage — is a natural feed for swine of all ages, analyzing 60% Protein, 6% Bone Phosphate and 10% Fat. One part 60% Meat Meal and nine parts corn is the secret of cheap pork production. 60% Meat Meal balances corn, offsets the heating effects, promotes healthy growth, makes strong, sturdy hogs, enables you to finish them in shorter time on less feed, at a lower cost. Endorsed by experiment stations and practical feeders everywhere. Write for booklet describing 60% MEAT MEAL Blood Meal Beef Scraps Poultry Borv Feeding Tankage Feeding Bone Flour Meat and Bone All equally valuable for their purpose, i. e., feeding horses, cat- tle, calves, sheep and swine and poultry. Absolutely the best and most economical concentrated feeds on the market. Arfflonr Fertilizer Worts Animal Food Department General Offices Dnlon Stocl Tarls, CMcago PURE lANlMAL FOODS^ MBATMEAL ■ GUARANTEED AMAIYSIS PROTEIN 60X MANU FACXUW EI> B"K^ THE I ARMOURFERTIUZE^ ; WORKS **. eV CHICAGO 40 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 41 General Rules and Regulations. Exhibitors are requested to familiarize tliemseives with all the rules of this Exposition in Classes and Departments applicable to their Exhibits. IMPORTANT RULE. Any protest as to eligibility on account of age of animals entered in the fat classes of the Exposition must be filed with the General Su- perintendent prior to the day on which they are to be judged. Infor- mation concerning the class in which any animal or carload is entered can be had at the general office of the Exposition. Specifications show ing ages of cattle by dentition is given hereunder for the benefit of exhibitors. Specifications showing teeth of cattle at ages described, which is adopted as a basis for determining ages of cattle. Twelve Months — An animal of this age shall have all its milk (calf) incisor teeth in place. Fifteen Months — At this age center pair of incisor milk teeth may be replaced by center pair of permanent incisors (pinchers), the lat- ter teeth being through the gums but not yet in wear. Eighteen Months — The middle pair of permanent incisors at this age should be fully up and in wear, but next pair (first intermediate) not yet cut through gums. Twenty-four Months — The mouth at this age will show two middle per- manent (broad) incisors fully up and in wear, and next pair (first intermediate) well up but not in wear. Thirty Months — The mouth at this age may show six broad permanent incisors, the middle and first intermediate pairs fully up and in wear, and the next pair (second intermediate) well up but not in wear. Thirty-six Months — Three pairs of broad teeth should be fully up and in wear, and the corner milk teeth may be shed or shedding, with the corner permanent teeth just appearing through the gums. Thirty-nine Months — Three pairs of broad teeth will be fully up and in wear, and corner teeth (incisors) through gums but not in wear. GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP IN LONG LIFE CLASS WON BY KELLOGG TELEPHONES Don't fail to visit our exhibit in the Record Building, before you leave the Exposition. KELLOGG SWITCHBOARD & SUPPLY CO. CM I C A O O Kansas City San Francisco Winnipeg, Can. ABSOLUTELY PURE DRINKING WATER AND WATER COOLER SERVICE VISITORS ARE CORDIALL INVITED ^u er r*r\IVI O I I lUI C ^ft r^O TO VISIT OUR LABORATORIES AND T Mfc COIMOU IVl t KO K^VJ. MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT ^ n? Tel. Yards 1220 35th and Butler St. L. KIPER & SONS Manufacture a large and popular line of _ HARNESS ■f;ftfS??2fePi#'lHHmtSIll|||||g AND EVERYTHING IN iiffitii'i^iiiiia-aiaiiaiiii the saddlery line ' ^iEEIlMMil^ft^-ftK2^.25I|. (A^ WHOLESALE) S^^^^^^fesf^i^'^^^*^" CONGRESS AND PEORIA STREFTS CHICAGO Established 1853 Incorporated 1886 A. ORTMAYER & SON WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SADDLERY largest and Oldest Manufacturers of Cowboy Saddles and Outfits I5T.I59 W. Illinois Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 42 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 43 International Live Stock Exposition. The management of the Exposition will be under the general direc- tion of the Managing Director, whose authority will be exercised through the General Superintendent. Rule 1. An exhibitor who violates any of the following rules will forfeit all privileges and premiums, and be subject to such penalty as the Executive Committee may order. Rule 2. All exhibits will be under the control and direction of the General Superintendent, but the Exposition will in no case be respon- sible for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal or article ex- hibited by him, and for its description as given in the catalogue, and shall indemnify the Exposition against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto. Rule 3. The building will be in readiness for the reception of cat- tle, sheep and swine any time during the week preceding the Exposi- tion; and barns for horses on and after Thursday preceding the Exposi- tion. Rule 4. Officers and employes will be known by their badges. Rule 5. No person other than those holding animals being exhibited will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging, except the Superintendent of the division, the Judge and officially accredited report- ers. This rule will be rigidly enforced. Rule 6. No peddling, hawking or selling of any kind will be al- lowed, and the distribution of handbills or other advertising is strictly prohibited in the buildings, on the grounds, or on the streets leading to the grounds. Rule 7. Exhibitors are prohibited from using blankets or covers on their stock bearing any description of advertising except the name of the animal or owner. This rule will be rigidly enforced between the hours of 7 a. m. and 11 p. m. each day of the Exposition, except in the carload lots, where the hours will be from 9 to 4. ENTRIES. Rule 8. The fees for space wherever charged must in all cases ac- company the application for entry. Rule 9. All applications for entries must be made out on printed forms, which may be obtained free by addressing the General Super- intendent, and each entry must appear on a separate card, giving class, number, age record number, and all other necessary information. These forms, after being signed by the exhibitor, are to be filed in the office of the General Superintendent of the Exposition on or before November 1. This applies to all entries except carloads, which must be entered on or before November 21, and "short-fed specials," for which appli- cation for entry must be made prior to August 15. WEBB^S GAS ROASTED COFFEE Your home merchant can now supply you with coffee from which you can brew the same delicious beverage served at the Transit House and the leading hotels and restaurants in Chicago. After you have once tried this coffee, you will know it is worth insisting that your dealer get it for you. The highest degree of perfection in the art of coffee blending is exemplified in Webb's Gas Roasted Coffee. One-pound air-tight packages, 20 to 40 cents per pound. PUHL WEBB COMPANY IMPORTERS and ROASTERS 624-28 Randolph Street - - CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 44 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 45 Rule 10. Entries free, but in all cases animals are subject to the stall and pen fees provided for by the special rules in their respective sections of this list. This rule is particularly subject to Rule 8. Rule 11. To be eligible for competition, w^hether singly or in groups, animals must be the bona fide property of exhibitors, and all animals entered for competition, except where otherwise specified, must be owned by exhibitor at the time of making entry, except the animals in carload lots, which must have been the property of the exhibitor thirty days prior to the opening day of the Exposition, and registry certificate of ownership or transfer must be produced, if required, show- ing the exhibitor to be the owner. In the classes of "Get of Sire" and "Produce of Dam" ownership shall not be required. Rule 12. Firms and co-partnerships entering animals for competition must be in existence at the time' of making entry, and in all cases must be bona fide, and affidavit of the age of the firms may be required by the management. In all cases there must be competition to entitle exhibitor to awards. CATALOGUE. ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON APPLICATION TO THE GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT. Rule 13. An annual catalogue will be issued as a souvenir, in which all entries will be properly catalogued without cost to exhibitor if en- tries are made in accordance with Rules. Rule 14. All entries will be inserted in the annual catalogue, and exhibitors on their arrival at the Exposition will receive, on applica- tion to their respective association secretaries, tags with duplicate numbers to correspond with the catalogue number, which must be fas- tened in the most conspicuous part of the stalls, pens or place where exhibit is shown. Rule 15. If it is desired, the exhibitor may state in the entry the price for which he will sell his animal. This price shall be inserted in the catalogue, but all sales will be between the owner, or his repre- sentative, and the purchaser. The Exposition will not interfere or as- sume any responsibility. Rule 16. No animal shall be considered by Awarding Committee whose attendant is not wearing tag during competition. This tag will show the number, age and official weight of competing animal. EXHIBITORS. Rule 17. After having properly entered their animals, exhibitors must themselves see to their delivery to the Steward of the appropri- ate department, so that their exhibits may be in their places properly ticketed and ready for competition by 9 a. m. Monday of the Exposition. They are likewise required to attend to their articles or animals while on exhibition, and answer such questions as the judges may deem es- sential to a correct estimate of their relative value. ALL MAKES OF AUTOMOBILES Dear Sir: — I can assure you that you will be very favorably Impressed if you ■will step into my large, well-equipped salesroom and find that you have the oppor- tunity to inspect, test and compare, under one roof, almost every standard make of automobile manufactured. I have been engaged in the automobile business for the last twelve years and am considered an automobile expert. I have a very complete automobile shop for rebuilding used machines and am in a position to fully guarantee the condition of the cars sold by me, besides being able to furnish you any make of new car that you might desire. It is very important that you visit our shop and get acquainted with our line of goods, our customers and our ways of doing business, which are by no means to be compared with those of other dealers or individuals who buy worn-out machines for the lowest price possible and sell for the highest price they will bring, nor those selling only one make of new car, not givinsr you r chance to compare the different makes. HENRY NTBERG. 2440-42 Michigan Ave. Nyterg Automotile Works Chicago : : Illinois We issue an Illustrated Catalogue which is sent free upon request 46 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 47 Rule 18. Storerooms will be provided, in which all packing and ship- ping materials must be deposited. Rule 19. All articles and animals for exhibition, except car lots of fat stock (see Special Rule), must be in their places, with all rubbish and waste cleared away, at 9 a. m. of the opening day of the Exposi- tion, and entered in the name of the real owner, to remain on the grounds to the close of Exposition. Any violation of this rule will cause a forfeiture of all premiums earned by the exhibitors. Rule 20. In all cases, the right is reserved to reject entirely, or ac cept conditionally, any entry or application. Rule 21. All stalls, pens and exhibition places must be cleaned be- fore 8 a. m. each day, and refuse matter disposed of as the General Superintendent may direct. Rule 22. An exhibitor wishing to remove an exhibit for the night must apply to the General Superintendent; and, if there appears to be good reason for the removal, it may be effected by leaving a suitable deposit and receiving an official pass, the time of leaving and that of returning to be inserted thereon; and, if the exhibit be not duly re- turned, the deposit will be forfeited to the Exposition. Rule 23. Exhibitors will not be allowed to deliver animals or arti cles during the Exposition without special permission (though they may receive and book orders), nor will they be permitted to call at- tention to their wares in any noisy or disorderly manner, and only such signs and placards may be used as the General Superintendent shall approve and allow. Rule 24. Any false representation, interference or ungentlemanly conduct on the part of an exhibitor will be dealt with by the Executive Committee according to the equities of the case. Rule 25. All protests must be in writing, and accompanied by a deposit of $20, which will be forfeited if protest is not sustained. Such protest must state plainly the cause of complaint, or appeal, and must be delivered to the General Superintendent within six hours after the occasion for such protest. Rule 26. No appeal of, or appeal from, an award based upon a statement that the Judge or Judges have overlooked an animal or arti- cle will be considered by the Executive Committee. Rule 27. No person having entered anything for competition will be allowed to make substitution of animals or otherwise change the en- try after ten days prior to the opening day of the Exposition, except as noted in Rule 28, nor may any one refuse any premiums awarded, and the prize, ribbons and commendation cards must be displayed dur ing the Exposition. Rule 28. Exhibits that have been erroneously entered may, in the discretion of the General Superintendent, be transferred to their proper classes previous to the judging. If such classes have been judged they shall not be reopened. INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 49 Rule 29. Exhibits having objectionable features may be ordered to vacate their stalls, pens or space. Rule 30. The Exposition reserves the right to withhold premiums awarded in every case in which it shall appear to the Executive Com- mittee that the regulations have not been complied with, or that fraud or deception has been practiced or attempted. JUDGES. Judges are earnestly requested to familiarize themselves with all the rules and regulations of this Exposition, and to especially mark those rules bearing on the classes to be adjudicated by them. Ignorance of the rules is inexcusable in a Judge. Rule 31. The single Judge system is the policy of this Exposition, and, in every case, the Judge is selected with the utmost care, and, as far as possible, will be of national reputation. Rule 32. TEe time at which the Judges will pass upon the different classes is announced in the catalogue, and will be on bulletin boards conspicuously posted. Any exhibit not presented promptly on schedule time will be ruled out and debarred from competition in the class called. Rule 33. Judge must not award a prize to an unworthy exhibit: It is the intention of the Exposition that no premium or distinction of any kind shall be given any animal or article that is not deserving. This rule must be strictly adhered to, whether there is competition or not. Rule 34. Where there are fewer entries in class than number of premiums offered. Judges may, in their discretion, award a prize or prizes of such grade as the animal or article deserves. Rule 35. The General Superintendent will exclude from competition, any exhibit to which the catalogue number is not attached. Rule 36. Judges shall report to the Division Superintendent any ex- hibitor or exhibitors who in any way, whether in person or by agents or servants, interfere with them during their adjudication, or show any disrespect to them, whereupon the Division Superintendent shall, at his discretion, demand a proper apology from such exhibitor, or he may exclude such from competition, and the Exposition may w;ithhold from such exhibitors any premiums that have been awarded them. Rule 37. All Judges' books shall remain at the general office or with the ring stewards when not in actual use. Rule 38. The decision of the Judges shall be final in all cases, ex- cept where mistake, fraud, misrepresentation or collusion, not discov- ered at the time of the award, is proven. In such cases the General Superintendent, or such referee as he may appoint, may make decision, or, with his approval, the case may be appealed to the Executive Com- mittee, from whose decision there can be no appeal. Rule 39. Should any animal awarded a cash prize be disqualified the animals gaining the lower prizes shall graduate up into the higher positions next in order above them if in the opinion of the Judge these animals are worthy of such prizes. CHICAGO SCALE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF U. S. STANDARD SCALES BEST SCALES MADE FOR Stock, Hay, Grain and Merchandise Require No Pit Strong Accurate Durable Official Scales at all Fat Stock Shows Highest Premiunts A warded at all Expositions ONLY SCALES MADE ARRANGED TO HANG IN SOLID STEEL FRAMES steel Frames Furnished for Old Scales— Our Make 5-Ton Pitiess Scales, Channel Steel Frames Only ones that are reliable and durable Royal Adjustable Rack, opens without removing Fire-Proof Safes, Blacksmith Tools, Sewing Machines. Etc. Cir- culars, Price Lists and any information upon application 1021 Jackson Boulevard Chicago f Illinois 50 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION .,51 PREMIUMS. Rule 40. Premiums will be designated by ribbons: Blue, first; red, second; white, third; pink, fourth; yellow, fifth; green, sixth. Cham- pionships, royal purple. Special ribbons or card will be given to "highly commended," "commended" and "reserve" animals and to own- ers of sires whose "gets" are winners of first prizes. To add to the value of awards all ribbons will be copyrighted. Rule 41. Exhibitors will be allowed to display prize ribbons, medals, certificates of award, etc., at their own quarters during the entire Ex- position, subject to the approval of the General Superintendent. Rule 42. Display cards, same color as the ribbons, will be furnished as soon after the close of the Exposition as possible. Rule 43. (a) Cash premiums are payable by bank check (except when, at the request of the exhibitor, a cup, diploma or medal is granted in lieu of cash), (b) The Exposition bank check will be drawn by the treasurer upon presentation of transcript of premiums awarded, duly signed by the General Superintendent and indorsed as "correct" by exhibitor, (c) These checks in payment of premiums are payable "to order," and must be indorsed by those in whose favor they are drawn, and thereupon can be cashed by the treasurer or at any bank where endorser is identified, (d) "Transcripts of premiums awarded," which will constitute an "order" on the treasurer to pay the same, will be issued to exhibitors after 4 p. m. on the closing day of the Exposition, (e) Special premiums will be paid by those offering them, on an order from the General Superintendent, (f) All orders, cups, diplomas, medals and certificates will be delivered at the general office of the Exposition, or forwarded to the exhibitors, as they may direct, as soon after the close of the Exposition as they can be prop- erly engrossed and engraved, (g) All premiums whatsoever not claimed by exhibitors before January 1 of the following year shall be deemed forfeited to the Exposition or donors. Rule 44. No animal will be awarded a prize unless removed from its stall or pen and exhibited with catalogue number attached before the Judge in the show ring. SPECIAL RULES GOVERNING EXHIBITS. Rule 45, All animals in the breeding classes must be recorded or accepted for record in the recognized books of record for their respective breeds, as shown herewith, and exhibitors must produce certificates of register at the request of the General Superintendent any time during the Exposition. Only the following records will be recognized: CATTLE. Shorthorn — American Shorthorn Herd Book, Dominion Shorthorn Herd Book, Coates' Herd Book, New Zealand Shorthorn Herd Book, I^ Herd Book Francais pour les Animaux de la Race Bovine de Durham. To Live Stock Men Do you know that under many circumstances you, as employer, are liable for injury received by people while in your employ, and that new laws are being framed every year making employers more and more liable for such injuries? ^ Do you know that you can protect yourselves against such liability by an EMPLOYERS' LIA- BILITY INSURANCE POLICY and yourselves by a PERSONAL ACCIDENT POLICY in the ^tanbarb ^ttibent Sttssurance Company, OF DETROIT, MICH. The cost is very little. Can you afford to be without it ? Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard, MANAGERS. Telephone. Central 311 1 S9 Ld SallC Street Insurance Companies Represented HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn., ST. PAUL F. & M. INSURANCE CO., of St. Paul, Minn., NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn., LONDON ASSURANCE CORP., of England, FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, Pa., PEOPLE'S NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadel- phia, Pa., NATIONAL LUMBER INSURANCE CO., of Buffalo, N. Y., STANDARD LIFE & ACCIDENT INS. CO., of Detroit, Mich., PHCENIX INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn., EQUITABLE F. & M. INSURANCE CO., of Providence, R. I., LUMBERMEN'S INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, Pa., CITIZENS' INSURANCE CO., of St. Louis, Mo. MECHANICS' INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia, Pa., GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Wheeling, W. Va., MASS. BONDING & INSURANCE CO., of Boston, Mass. 52 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 53 Aberdeen-Angus — American Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book, Polled Herd Book of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle, published in Great Britain. Hereford — American Hereford Record, English Herd Book of Here- ford Cattle. Galloway — American Galloway Herd Book, Galloway Herd Book of Scotland. Red Polled — American Red Polled Herd Book, Red Polled Herd Book of Great Britain. Polled Durham — American Polled Durham Herd Book. SHEEP. Shropshire — Flock Book of the American Shropshire Registry Asso- ciation, Shropshire Flock Book of Great Britain. Southdown — American Southdown Record, Flock Book of the South- down Breeders' Association of Great Britain, Canadian Sheep Register. Oxford — Flock Book of the American Oxford Down Sheep Association, Oxford Down Flock Book of Great Britain, Canadian Sheep Register. Hampshire — Flock Book of the Hampshire-Down Breeders' Associa- tion of America, Canadian Sheep Register. Cotswold — American Cotswold Record, Canadian Sheep Register. Leicester — Flock Book of the American Leicester Breeders' Associa- tion, Canadian Sheep Register. Lincoln — National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association, Flock Book of American Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association, Canadian Sheep Register. Cheviot — American Cheviot Sheep Society, American Cheviot Sheep Breeders' Association, National Cheviot Sheep Society, Cheviot Flock Book of Great Britain. Dorset Horn — Flock Book of the Dorset Horn Society of America, The Flock Book of the Continental Dorset Club, Dorset Horn Flock Book of Great Britain, Canadian Dorset Horn Register. Rambouillet — ^American Rambouillet Record and duly recognized for- eign records. Suffolk — American Suffolk Flock Registry Association, English Suf- folk Society. SWINE. Berkshire — American Berkshire Record, British Berkshire Herd Book, Dominion Swine Breeders' Record. Poland-China — American Poland-China Record, National Poland-China Record, Standard Poland-China Record, Dominion Swine Breeders' Record. Chester White — Todd's Improved Chester White Record, American Chester White Record, Dominion Swine Breeders' Record, O. I. C. Swine Breeders' Association of Cleveland, Ohio, and the Standard Chester White Record Association. Large Yorkshire — American Yorkshire Club Record, Canadian York- shire Swine Record. Telephoning to the Country The City and the Country are bound together by the telephone line. The farmer and his family use the rural'telephone constantly, calling up each other and the market town on all sorts of mat- ters and for all sorts of supplies and information. City people also find the rural telephone of great advantage. A traveler, from his room in the hotel, talks with the farm folk miles away. Without the telephone he could not reach ihem. The farmer, himself, may travel far and still talk home over the Long Distance Lines of the Bell system. Main 294— Contract Department CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY 203 Washington Street The National City Bank of Chicago CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS $300,000 STOCK SHIPPERS' and Cattle Men's Checking Accounts will be received by this Bank, whether large or small. Courtesy and conservatism has been our method and the secret of onr succi ss. In two and one-half years we have built up a bank of $14,500,000 deposits. Interest at 3 per cent will be paid on money left on Certificates of deposit for thirty days or longer. OFFICERS DAVID R. FORGAN, President ALPRED L. BAKER, Vice-President H. E. OTTE, Vice-President L. H. GRIMMR. Cashier F. A. CRANDALL. Vice-President W. D. DICKEY, Assistant Casiier R. U. LANSING, Mgr. Bond Dept. A. W. MORTON, Assistant Cashier W. L. VELEY, Prop. " Most Centrally Located Hotel in Chicago Hotel Veley I6I-I63-I65 S. Clark Street European Plan Rates $1.00 per day and up Will Be Headqu&rters for Stockmen Barber Shop, Buffet and Restaurant in Connection. Music Afternoon and Evening by Lady Orchestra. INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 55 Du roc-Jersey — American Duroc-Jersey Record, National Duroc- Jersey Record. Tamworth — The Herd Book of the National Pig Breeders' Associa- tion, the Dominion Swine Breeders' Record and the American Tam- worth Swine Association Record. Hampshire — Hampshire Swine Record Association. DRAFT HORSES. Percheron — Percheron Society of American Stud Book, Stud Book Percheron de France, Percheron Registry Company. Clydesdale — American Clydesdale Stud Book, Clydesdale Stud Book of Great Britain and Ireland, Clydesdale Stud Book of Canada (appendix excepted) . Shire — American Shire Horse Stud Book, English Shire Horse Stud Book. Belgian — American Register of Belgian Horses, Stud Book of Belgian Draft Horses, published in Belgium. Hackneys — American Hackney Horse Society. French Coachers — French Coach Horse Society of America, French Stud Book of France, French Coach Horse Register. German Coachers — German Hanoverian and Oldenburg Coach Horse Association of America, Oldenburg Coach Horse Association of America, Oldenburg Stutbuch, Ostfresisches Stutbuch. , Shetland Ponies — American Shetland Pony Club. RULES —Continued. Rule 46. An animal can compete in more than one class, and for any and every purse in sweepstake groups or specials to which they are eligible under the classification. The rules are so arranged as tc enable every exhibitor to easily determine to which classes his exhibits are eligible. Rule 47. No animal that has a catalogue number shall be taken from its stall or pen without the numbered tag attached to correspond with the catalogue. Rule 48. The General Superintendent will appoint veterinary sur- geons and such other assistants as may be necessary- The veterinary surgeon shall cause all animals to be examined before their admission to the grounds, as a safeguard against infectious or contagious diseases, and shall make inspection of the grounds, stables, stalls and pens and make report in writing to the General Superintendent of the condition in which said grounds, stables, stalls and pens are kept. In case of sick- ness of any animal the same shall be removed when ordered by the General Superintendent to a separate inclosure, v/here the exhibitor may either direct .the treatment of the animal himself, or employ a veterinary surgeon appointed for that purpose, for whose services and other necessary expenses incurred a reasonable charge will be made ^E extend a, cordial invitation to all visitors to become acquainted l^ith our establishment* Wentworth c4ve* cars to cMonroe, ^^"JaTol^"'^"* wa/^ towards lake on Monroe to Palmer House corner and you can't miss us* Center c4'he* cars 'twill pass in front of our store* FURS OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN AND WOMEN We give special ser'bice to all out-of-town patrons* JOHN T. SHAYNE & CO. lioy m. ShAyner Tres, t67 and t69 State Street Calmer House corner S.B.CHAPIN T.L.TURNER I. J. COUCH F. D. COUNTISS WM. EWALD O. P. COOKE S. B. CHAPIN & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS ROOKERY BLDG. TRINITY BLDG. CONGRESS HOTEL CHICAGO NEW YORK CHICAGO 56 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 57 by the Exposition. The right is reserved to the General Superintendent to order the peremptory removal from the grounds of any animal to which this rule applies. Rule 49. The Superintendent of Forage will have feed for all live stock at reasonable prices. To prevent aisles from being obstructed with feed and bedding, to preserve the general harmony and that stock may be shown to the best possible advantage, exhibitors will not be allowed to bring hay, bedding or whole grain. Rule 50. Exhibitors of live stock are requested to decorate their quarters as tastily as possible, and must keep that part of the building occupied by them neat and attractive in appearance. This will not only be to the general advantage of the Exposition, but will prove a strong factor in impressing each individual exhibit upon the minds of the visitors and buyers. Rule 51. Animals to compose a competitive group need not be named in application for entry, but must be selected by exhibitor. The Exposition expects, however, that the names be given in the application, so that such groups may be intelligently catalogued. Rule 52. The primary object of this Exposition is to encourage the breeding and feeding of improved breeds of live stock for well-defined, practical purposes. Regard will be had to symmetry, size, form, action, constitution, vigor and general characteristics of the various breeds, with reasonable allowances for age, but due regard will also be paid to heads, and that graceful carriage, style and general refinement that denotes breed, character — points which, while not weighing on the "scale," add value to animals when being sold for breeding purposes. And, in groups, encouragement will be given to uniformity of breed type. Rule 53. The Exposition debars and will to the utmost of its power discourage and prohibit the exhibition of barren animals in the breeding classes. Rule 54. The Exposition reserves the right to discriminate against both excessive obesity, which cannot be a profitable condition for breed- ing animals, and excessive leanness, in which condition animals are unfit for exhibition. Rule 55. For the purpose of determining the age of cattle shown in this exhibition, the official plates of mouths, shown in catalogue, will be considered as normal mouths. Where the mouths of animals exhib- ited in the cattle divisions. do not conform to these plates, satisfactory evidence of the age of the animal must be produced by the exhibitor, and in case of protest in the breeding cattle division the same rule shall apply. Rule 56. A great educational feature of this Exposition is its even- ing shows and parades of approved Lve stock by breeds and ages. Notice of time and places of parades will be announced by bulletins and stewards. Exhibitors refusing for any cause not meeting with the ap- proval of the managemeut to lead out their animals for parade or for competition in the show ring when called by the stewards in charge, Tel. Harrison 6698 E. W. SPROUL COMPANY GENERAL CONTRACTORS 1303] bedford building 215 Dearborn St. 58 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 59 will not only forfeit all prizes previously won, but be debarred from further participation in the Show and required to remove their stock from ' the show grounds within six hours after such refusal. The Executive Committee may further impose such additional penalty as in their judgment the case deserves. Rule 57. No attendant or other person leading animals will be allowed to enter arena unless properly uniformed. Rule 58. The Exposition reserves the right to amend or add to these rules as the Executive Committee in their judgment may determine. INTERPRETATION OF RULES. Rule 59. This Exposition reserves to its Executive Committee the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations, and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions or difference in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, or connected with, or Inci- d„»o. J Long JDistance, Main 4688 ^'^°°^®-"j Automatic 8660 Headquarters for MUSHROOMS S4 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 85 Official No. 120 Imp. Archer's Beauty, vol. 62, p. 825— Age, Mar. 2, 1902; color, roan; sire, Archer's Pride 203874; dam. Imp. Beauty's Pride, vol. 52, p. 675 — M. L. & A. J. Andrews, Melbourne, Iowa. 121 Beauty Roan 67947 — Age, Apr. 7, 1906; color, roan; sire, Exemp- tion 232105; dam. Red Beauty, vol. 48, p. 501— J. T. Carithers, Morning Sun, Iowa. 122 Poppy 114th, vol. 69, p. 966— Age, Oct. 18, 1905; color, roan; sire. The Professor 172332; dam, Poppy 99th, vol. 63, p. 934— Carpen- ter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 123 Sweet Duchess of Gloster, vol. 88, p. 589— Age, Jan. 8, 1906; color, red; sire. White Hall Count 209775; dam, Aldie Duchess of Gloster, vol. 48, p. 208 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 124 Slippers, vol. 64, p. 907 — Age, Oct. 1, 1904; color, roan; sire, Lord Chesterfield 201371; dam. Sunset, vol. 55, p. 849— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 125 Dorothea 2d, vol. 64, p. 582 — Age, Aug. 12, 1904; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Dorothea, vol. 45, p. 645— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 126 Sinnissippi Rose 2d, vol. 69, p. 857 — Age, Nov. 10, 1905; color, white; sire. Ceremonious Archer 171479; dam. Imp. Guelder Rose, vol. 51, p. 712 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 127 Browndale Rothnick Rose, vol. 69, p. 615— Age, Sept. 15, 1904; color, roan; sire. Young Nominee 168433; dam, Imp. Rothnick Rose, vol. 69, p. 616 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 128 Fashion's Roan 1955 — Age, Nov. 17, 1905; color, roan; sire. Double Gloster 2d 138588; dam, Fashion 3d, vol. 60, p. 1108— Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 129 Missie of Pine Grove 7th, vol. 69, p. 699— Age, Sept. 2, 1905; color, red; sire. Marquis of Zenda 157854; dam, Imp. Missie 166th, vol. 47, p. 498 — George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 130 Flora 90th 18995— Age, Mar. 28, 1905; color, roan; sire, Old Lan- caster 253007; dam, S'cotch Lassie 18997 — D. R. Hanna, Ra- venna, Ohio, 131 Poplar Park Queen 12878 — Age, Oct. 5, 1905; color, roan; sire, Silver King 283074; dam, Daisy Belle 3d 12873— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 132 Merry Maid, vol. 68, p. 955 — Age, Sept. 8, 1905; color, red; sire, Imp. Pitlivie Merry Lad 191507; dam, Mary Ramsden, vol. 52, p. 704— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 133 Mermaid 2d 42229— Age, Apr. 6, 1906; color, roan; sire, Ben Lomond 224418; dam, Mina's Daisy, vol. 55, p. 660— C. Hintz & Son, Fremont, Ohio. 134 Mermaid 5308 — Age, Mar. 6, 1905; color, roan; sire, Ben Lomond 224418; dam, Oxford Belle, vol. 42, p. 738— C. Hintz & Son, Fre- mont, Ohio. THE Live Stock Exchange National Bank OF CHICAGO Capital and Surplus - - $1,550,000.00 S. R. FLYNN, President. G. A. RYTHER, Cashier. J. OGDEN ARMOUR JAMES H. ASHBY SAMUEL COZZENS S. R. FLYNN OFFICERS DIRECTORS J. A. SPOOR, Vice-President. G. F. EMERY. Ass't Cashier. ARTHUR G. LEONARD EDWARD MORRIS G. A. RYTHER J. A. SPOOR Total Volume of Business of this Bank for Year 1908 Oae Billion Two nuadred million Dollars 86 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 87 Official No. 135 Duchess of Lancaster 13th, vol. 59, p. 536— Age, Sept. 9, 1903; color, red; sire, Scottish Pride 128543; dam, Duchess of Lan- caster 8th, vol. 45, p. 953 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 136 Diamond Bright, vol. 64, p. 835 — Age, Oct. 11, 1904; color, roan; sire, The Lad for Me 140618; dam. Diamond 21st, vol. 52, p. 669 — Mrs. Virginia C. Meredith, Cambridge City, Ind. 137 Royal Lady 2d, vol. 65, p. 533— Age, Nov. 28, 1902; color, red; sire, Red Lad 149033; dam. Royal Lady, vol. 43, p. 813— Miller & Campton, Shelbyyille, Ind. 138 Strawberry Queen, vol. 68, p. 854— Age, Oct. 7, 1904; color, red; sire. Lord of the Manor 160069; dam, Imp. Strawberry 8th — Harl G. Ryan, Irwin, Iowa. 139 Sonata, vol, 63, p. 891 — Age, Nov. 6, 1902; color, red; sire, Bapton Admiral 157704; dam. Sonnet — Lewis Stookey, Harristown, 111. 140 Imp. Butterfly 53d, vol. 59, p. 770— Age, Mar. 21,' 1901; color, red; sire. Luxury 156593; dam. Butterfly 46th' — Lewis Stookey, Har- ristown, 111. 141 Delightful, vol. 68, p. 1008— Age, Oct. 27, 1905; color, roan; sire. Gallant Knight 124468; dam, 2d Duchess of Norwood, vol. 47, p. 222— T. K. Tomson & Son, Dover, Kan. 142 Countess of Pleasant Run, vol. 60, p. 662— Age, Dec. 13, 1903; color, red; sire. Golden Hero 177752; dam, Countess of Buchan, vol. 49, p. 584 — C. P. West & Son, Bloomingburg, Ohio. 143 Queenston Bellona 42782 — Age, Oct. 4, 1904; color, roan; sire, Derby 160224; dam, Imp. Veronica, vol. 48, p. 532— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 144 Dew Drop 2d 14165 — Age, May 14, 1903; color, roan'; sire, John Ward 159491; dam. Dew Drop, vol. 51, p. 886— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. CLASS 8. cow OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10. Official No. 145 Dainty 2d 23294 — Age, July 6, 1907; color, roan; sire, Ceremonius Archer 171479; dam, Marion's Heiress — P. W. Ayers, Athens, 111. 146 Victoria 75th 41299— Age, Nov. 2, 1906; color, white;' sire, Old Lancaster 253007; dam, Imp. Princess Victoria 41298 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 147 Lancaster Bud 43024— Age, Oct. 1, 1906; color, white; sire. Old Lancaster 253007; dam, Rosebud 11th 43025— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. ~ rt 60,000 acres in large and small tracts on desirable terms in the GULF COAS^T COUNTRY OF TEXAS adapted to GENERAL FARMING Corn, oats, alfalfa, cotton, rice, sugar cane, etc., in tracts of 40 acres and upwards. VEGETABLES AND TRUCK FARMING Potatoes, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, etc., Winter and Summer crops. Tracts of 5 acres and upward.. FRUIT RAISING Oranges, lemons, grape fruit, figs, pecans, etc., in tracts of 5 acres and upwards. Ample rainfall (same as Illinois and Indiana), irrigation unnecessar3^ Perfect natural drainage, abundant supply pure water from shallow and artesian wells. Fine climate. Winters mild, and Summers, tempered by sea breeze, are delightful. Rapidly settling with best class of people from Central North. Lots for business or residence location in new Gulf Coast towns of Collegeport and Portsmouth. Splendid opportunity for large and small investor. We always have a list of large tracts of land for coloniza- tion and subdivision both in the Gulf Coast of the South and in the Corn Belt of the North, on most liberal terms. Also improved farms in the Corn Belt suitable for homes or investment on liberal terms, prices ^85 per acre and up. For maps and full particulars address BURTON D. HURD COMPANY 821 Exchange Ave. (Record BIdg.), U. S. Yards. 1595 Marquette BIdg. J. E. Hartenbower, Manager, CHICAGO, ILL. V BREEDING SHORTHORNS 89 Official No. 148 Queenie 15257 — Age, Dec. 4, 1906; color, roan; sire, Bapton Non- pareil 242724; dam. Imp. Queen Anne, vol. 48, p. 124— C. E, Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 149 Queen Victoria 40269— Age, May 5, 1907; color, red and white; sire, Golden Banner 213028; dam. Moss Rose 19tli, vol. 54, p. 871— J. W. Dawdy & Son, Abingdon, 111. 150 Princess Margaret 2d 15374 — Age, Dec. 10, 1906; color, roan; sire. Lavender Clipper 203771; dam. Imp. Princess Margaret, vol. 51, p. 653 — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 151 Elmendorf Lassie 15353 — Age, Sept. 18, 1906; color, roan; sire, Master Russell 209889; dam, Lucy's Choice, vol. 58, p. 979— Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 152 Archer's Broadhooks 11332 — ^Age, Oct. 11, 1906; color, roan; sire, Ceremonius Archer 171479; dam. Imp. Twin Princess 9th, vol. 56, p. 837 — George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 153 Lady Lavender 14th 51014 — Age, May 9, 1907; color, red; sire, Lord Missie 252006; dam, Lady Lavender 9th, vol. 66, p. 530— George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 154 Beaufort Princess 3d 15254 — Age, Jan. 14, 1907; color, roan; sire, Bapton Nonpai'eil 242724; dam. Imp. Beaufort Princess, vol. 52, p. 589 — D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 155 Snowbird 11648 — Age, Jan. 12, 1907; color, white; sire. Nonpareil Stamp 188487; dam, Imp. Pitlivie Caroline— F. W. Harding, "Waukesha, Wis. 156 Countess Selma 2d 8559 — Age, April 29, 1907; color, roan; sire. Everlasting 242727; dam, Countess Selma 8558 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 157 Christmas Lassie 15153 — Age, Dec. 26, 1906; color, roan; sire, Archer 205740; dam. Cherry Lass, vol. 60, p. 1083— Thos. John- son & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 158 Pleasant Valley Jilt 48528— Age, Oct. 18, 1906; color, red; sirs, Old Lancaster 253007; dam, Imp. Scottish Queen 48529- Thos. JJohJnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 159 Diamond Delight 68776— Age, March 27, 1907; sire, Gay Pluto 224657; dam. Diamond Bright, vol. 64, p. 835— Mrs. Virginia C. Meredith, Cambridge City, Ind. 160 Lady Bell 5th 48586— Oct. 21, 1906; color, red; sire, Victor of Dal- meny 244001; dam. Imp. Lady Bell 3d, vol. 48, p. 608— A. B. Stevenson, Port Huron, Mich. 161 Village Rose 17811- Age, April 25, 1907; color, white; sire, Straight Marshall 247519; dam, Village Belle 3d, vol. 66, p. 1036— D. Tietjen, Bellevue, Iowa. 162 Barmpton Fashion 14852 — Age, Jan. 1, 1907; color, roan; sire, Fashion's Favorite 149580; dam, Lady Barmpton, vol. 55, p. 952 — G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. TIME DEFYING PRODUCE CHICA.OO, A Missouri man asked his Kansas cousin why it was that Missouri stood at the head as the Mule raising state. The Kansas man replied: "Because it is the only safe place to stand." You never heard of the hide of a itmle raising a kick, neither is there any chance for a kick on MULE-HIDE Rubber Roofing. All the kicks and all the weak spots of other roofings are taken out, nothing is left in but wear, durability and satisfaction. If you have been looking for a good, serviceable roofing for your house, barn or cattle sheds, you need not look any further ; MULE-HIDE is theone roofing you need and want. The prices are reasonable, too : One Ply, - $1.75 per square Two Ply, - $2.50 per square Three Ply, - $3.25 per square With freight allowed. MULE-HIDE can be used over old shingles, and extra long galvanized nails for this purpose will be sent without a d d i- tional charge when asked for. Figure up the size of your buildings and send us your order for MULE-HIDE, the kind that will give you steady service. XJJVIOIV iSI^OOK: "S'.A.BiOJS OHIOA.GO 90 my lough, |ime-|ried and |rue i BREEDING SHORTHORNS 91 CLASS 9. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 163 Charlotta 2(i 45270— Age, Sept. 1, 1907; color, white; sire. Ever- lasting 242727; dam, Charlotta 15263— E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. 164 Secret 4th 45271— Age, Nov. 28, 1907; color, v^^hite; sire, Everlast- ing 242727; dam. Secret of Burnbrae 2d 8560— E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. 165 Dale's Gift 41150 — Age, Nov. 3, 1907; color, roan; sire, Avondale , 245144; dam. Wedding Gift 16th, vol. 64, p. 666— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 166 Maxwalton Mina 41154 — Age, Oct. 1, 1907; color, red; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam, Mina Princess 3d, vol. 58, p. 630 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 167 Hallwood Bessie 41433— Age, Sept. 9, 1907; color, red; sire. Choice Good's Model 242589; dam. Imp. Bessie of Tebo Lawn, vol. 53, p. 587 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 158 Graceful 5th 36010— Age, Dec. 29, 1907; color, roan; sire. Prince Robin 248348; dam. Graceful 2d, vol. 44, p. 414— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 169 Fashionable Maud 51474 — Age, Sept. 1, 1907; color, roan; sire. Fashionable Augustus 266038; dam, Maud Muller 24866— Car- penter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 170 Dorothea 5th 35665— Age, Nov. 18, 1907; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Dorothea, vol. 45, p. 645— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 171 Woodhill Belle 2d 36823— Age, Oct. 30, 1907; color, roan; sire, Lavender Clipper 203771; dam, Galena Belle 3d, vol. 49, p. 1105 — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 172 Rose of Elmendorf 40614 — Age, Sept. 21, 1907; color, white; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Rose of Strathspey, vol. 64, p. 631 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 173 Roan Lady 40510— Age, Oct. 4, 1907; color, roan; sire. Village Clipper 236036; dam. Red Lady 4th, vol. 45, p. 1227— Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 174 Lady Lavender 5th 48708— Age, Oct. 28, 1907; color, red; sire, Lord Banff 3d 232194; dam. Lady Lavender 4th, vol. 66, p. 530— George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 175 Lena 2d 35652— Age, Oct. 5, 1907; color, roan; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Imp. Lena, vol. 54, p. 566— George & Stan- ton, Aurora, 111. Our TMHieth ^yTs" AuGiion Sale of cLUTo High Bred Horses """" \A/ill Be Held February 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1910 Dexter Park Pavilion World's Greatest Sales Arena The consignments already listed for this event insure the most successful auction in the history of the Middle West. Prom- inent among the early consignments are: The GAUFORNIANS The KENTUGKIANS from AND from "The Golden West" "The Blue Grass" Record horses fresh from the campaign of I909 STALLIONS BROOD MARES MATINEE AND RACE PROSPECTS &.nd annual drafts of the following aristocratic youngsters The PETER THE GREATS The RED MEDIUMS The BARONMORES The OAKLAND BARONS The HIGHWOODS The WILLIAM PENNS The SIDNEY DILLONS The ED CUSTERS The KLATAWAHS The JOHN G. CARLISLES The BARON POSETS The GRETSTONES The GRATDONS The J. J. AUDUBONS Etc. Etc. Etc. Saie Limited to Six Days Entry Blanks and Full Sale Information upon application to CHICAGO HORSE SALE CO. Union Stock Yards, Chicago PALMER L. CLARK GEO. A. BAIN FRANK P. KENNEY President Auctioneer Secretary 92 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 93 Official No. 176 Lady Cinderella 34517— Age, S'ept. 4, 1907; color, red; sire, King of Diamonds 206599; dam, Cinderella 5tli, vol. 62, p. 906— George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 177 Anoka Ocanite 2d 40311— Age, Nov. 21, 1907; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Marshall 209776; dam. Double Aconite 2d, vol. 53, p. 563 — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 178 Sally A 42231 — Age, Oct. 31, 1907; color, roan; sire, Augustus 247797; dam. Imp. Sally 7th, vol. 47, p. 398— C. Hintz & Son, Fremont, Ohio. 179 Roan Lily 59531— Age, Oct. 5, 1907; color, roan; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam. May Lilly 59528— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 180 Fair Start ■2d (Imp.) 68802— Age, Sept. 20, 1907; color, roan; sire. Golden Hope 323638; dam. Fair Start, vol. 52, p. 772, E.— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 181 Queen of Dreamland 59728 — Age, Oct. 19, 1907; color, roan; sire. Royal Prince 188293; dam, Frances Folsom 3d, vol. 45, p. 733— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 182 Red Rose 35325— Age, Sept. 11, 1907; color, red; sire, Oneida's Hero 242779; dam, Victoria Sharon 22d, vol. 52, p. 546— Robert Spencer, Monticello, Ind. 183 Glory 36869— Age, Nov. 2, 1907; color, red; sire, Capt. Archer 205741; dam, Kirklevington (4th, Silver Creek), vol. 67, p. 1007 — J. F. Stodden, Burden, Kan. 184 White Butterfly 59141— Age, Sept. 12, 1907; color, white; sire. Diamond Rex 205067; dam, Maplewood Bonnie, vol. 80, p. 618 — G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. CLASS 10. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American STiorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 185 May Violet 3d 68790— Age, April 20, 1908; color, red; sire, Lord Bauff 150718; dam, May Violet 2d, vol. 49, p. 665— H. G. Bowers, Elmwood, 111. 186 Miss Gwendoline 68791— Age, Feb. 25, 1908; color, red; sire, Gwen- doline Victor 208932; dam, Vesuvius, vol. 67, p. 603— H. G. Bow- ers, Elmwood, 111. 187 Maxwalton Dorothy 41152— Age, March 2, 1908; color, red; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, Imp. Lady Dorothy 40th, vol. 59, p. 770— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, 111. 94 BREEDING SHORTHORNS Official No. 188 Maxwaltou Gloster 41153 — Age, May 1, 1908; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, 39tli Duchess of Gloster, vol. 42, p. 1103 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 189 Nonpareil Queenie 35668 — Age, Jan. 6, 1908; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam. Imp. Dalmeny Nonpareil 3d, vol. 48, p. 122— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 190 Fair Lady 40853 — Age, April 1, 1908; color, roan; sire. Sweet Bud 293405; dam, Vanity Fair 34853— Druley & McAdams, Kitchel, Ind. 191 Isabel Ruth 3d 68834— Age, April 20, 1908; color, red; sire. Cicely's Pride 266047; dam. Imp. Mabel, vol. 68, p. 640— Sir George Drummond, Beaconsfield, Que. 192 Charming Rose 36820 — Age, Jan. 8, 1908; color, red; sire, Imp. Golden Mist 182753; dam, Charming Princess, vol. 47, p. 761— W. H. Dunw^oody, Minneapolis, Minn. 193 Woodhill Duchess 3d 36824^Age, Jan. 7, 1908; color, roan; sire, Imp. Golden Mist 182753; dam, Duchess of Springdale 2d, vol. 51, p. 1081 — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 194 Cheerful 7th 36821— Age, March 2, 1908; color, roan; sire. Lav- ender Clipper 203771; dam. Imp. Cheerful 2d, vol. 54, p. 566— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 195 Wedding Gift 43d 48062— Age, July 21, 1908; color, roan; sire, Lord Clare 308120; dam, Wedding Gift 12th 48049— George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 196 Rosalind 5th 63208 — Age, Jan. 9, 1908; color, red and white; sire. Fair Sultan 242571; dam, Rosalind 2d, vol. 58, p. 558— J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, Ohio. 197 Clementina Bloom 63196— Age, March 14, 1908; color, red and white; sire. Fair S'ultan 242571; dam, Clementina Leaf 2d, vol. 67, p. 1074 — J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, Ohio. 198 Susan Cumberland 40319— Age, March 3, 1908; color, roan; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Imp. Susan 2d, vol. 62, p. 683 — D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 199 Sultana F 40789— Age, April 30, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Anoka Broadhooks, vol. 61, p. 809— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 200 Sultan's Mayflower 63227— Age, Feb. 3, 1908; color, white; sire; Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Minorca 4th, vol. 63, p. 729— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 201 Golden Crown 59509— Age, July 12, 1908; color, roan; sire, Mina's Beau 283063; dam, Ruby Crown, vol. 61, p. 675— Mark Hunt, Savage, Minn. 202 Miss Marshall 2d 38834— Age, Jan. 17, 1908; color, roan; sire. Straight Marshall 247519; dam, Grace, vol. 68, p. 1006— D. Tiet jen, Bellevue, Iowa. 203 Lady Hampton 51856— Age, March 4, 1908; color, roan; sire, Hampton Counsellor 264533 ; dam, Annie Rooney 3468— G. H, White, Emerson, Iowa. BREEDING SHORTHORNS 95 Official No. 204 Leading Lady 36888 — Age, Jan. 25, 1908; color, roan; sire. Dia- mond Rex 235328; dam, Lancaster Maid, vol. 64, p. 937— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. CLASS II. SENIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American S'liorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 205 Charlotta 3d 67983— Age, Sept. 28, 1908; color, red; sire, Scotch Goods 259864; dam, Charlotta 15263— E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. 206 Sweet Bracelet 67986— Age, Dec. 28, 1908; color, roan; sire, Scotch Goods 259864; dam. Lad's Bracelet, vol. 53, p. 548— E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. 207 Secret 6th 67985— Age, Nov. 24, 1908; color, roan; sire, Scotch Goods 259864; dam, Secret of Burnbrae 2d 8560— E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. 208 Oneida's Lady 67984 — Age, Sept. 11, 1908; color, red; sire, Scotch Goods 259864; dam, Oneida, vol. 50, p. 932— E. W. Bowen, Del- phi, Ind. 209 Dale's Gift 2d 62794— Age, Oct. 2, 1908; color, red; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Wedding Gift 16th, vol. 64, p. 666— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 210 Gloster Queen 2d 59006— Age, Sept. 13, 1908; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Gloster Lady, vol. 62, p. 658— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 211 Dairsie Maid 4th 59003— Age, Nov. 28, 1908; color, roan; sire, Bapton Nonpareil" 242724; dam, Dairsie Maid, vol. 62, p. 633— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 212 Missie of Huntlywood 3d 68836— Age, Sept. 26, 1908; color, roan; sire, Cicely's Pride 266047; dam. Imp. Missie 178th, vol. 65, p. 692 — Sir George Drummond, Beaconsfield, Que. 213 Lavender 46th 68835— Age, Sept. 3, 1908; color, roan; sire, Cicely's Pride 266047; dam, Lavender 42d, vol. 68, p. 755— S'ir George Drummond, Beaconsfield, Que. 214 Columbia 10th 62022— Age, Dec. 8, 1908; color, roan; sire, Blythe Baron 291256; dam, Columbia 6th, vol. 63, p. 658— W. H. Dun- woody, IVTinneapolis, Minn. 215 May Blossom 6th 62026— Age, Dec. 5, 1908; color, white; sire. Lavender Clipper 203771; dam. Imp? May Blossom 4th, vol. 52, p. 557 — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 216 Princess Margaret 3d 62029 — Age, Dec. 7, 1908; color, roan; sire, Lavender Clipper 203771; dam. Imp. Princess Margaret, vol. 51, p. 653 — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 96 BREEDING SHORTHORNS Official No. 217 Elmendorf Mary 69014— Age, Oct. 5, 1908; color, roan; sire, White Hall Marshall 209776; dam, Mary Montrose 34th 8904— Elmen- dorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 218 Rose Strathallan 69025— Age, Sept. 23, 1908; color, roan; sire, White Hall Marshall 209776; dam. Rose of Strathspey, vol. 64, p. 631 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 219 Red Wild Eyes 69024— Age, Oct. 22, 1908; color, red; ?ire. White Hall Marshall 209776; dam. Wild Eyes of Montrose, vol. 62, p. 987 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 220 Wedding Gift 44th 48063— Age, Sept. 15, 1908; color, white; sire. Lord Clare 308120; dam, Wedding Gift 18th 48051— George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 221 Missie Browndale 20th 48133 — Age, Dec. 4, 1908; color, roan; sire. Choice Knight 253397; dam, Missie of Browndale 4th, vol. 55, p. 486 — George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 222 Cumberland's Wimple 64320— Age, Oct. 15, 1908; color, roan; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Clover Hill Wimple 2d, vol. 49, p. 584 — George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 223 Cumberland's Lassie 64319 — Age, Sept. 3, 1908; color, roan; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Imp. Lena, vol. 54, p. 566 — George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 224 Carrie Cumberland 64317 — Age, Sept. 15, 1908; color, roan; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Carrie Nation, vol. 67, p. 688— George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. » 225 Cumberland's Boquett 64318— Age Oct. 12, 1908; color, white; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Imp. Sweet Boquett, vol. 48, p. 224 — George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 226 Auvern Nonpareil 63769— Age, Sept. 17, 1908; color, red; sire. Fair Sultan 242571; dam, Nonpareil of York 3d, vol. 65, p. 1005 — J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshinan, Ohio. 227 Auvern Princess 59583 — Age, Sept. 10, 1908; color, white; sire. Fair Sultan 242571; dam, Woodberry's Princess, vol. 64, p. 666 — J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, Ohio. 228 Butterfly Queen 2d 63953— Age, S'ept. 3, 1908; color, roan; sire, Uppermill Omega 295763; dam, Imp. Butterfly Maid 35629— D. R. Hahna, Ravenna, Ohio. 229 Moss Rose 5th 63958— Age, Nov. 20, 1908; color, roan; sire, Dia- mond's Victor 221077; dam. Moss Rose 4th, vol. 55, p. 502— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 230 Lavender Sultana 59898— Age, Dec. 18, 1908; color, white; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Golden Lavender, vol. 68, p. 1054 — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 231 Gloster Anoka 63223— Age, Nov. 16, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Pride of Gloster 2d, vol. 54, p. 688 — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 232 Calceolana Anoka 63221— Age, Nov. 11, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Calceolana 16th, vol. 59. p. 672 — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. BREEDING SHORTHORNS 97 Official No. 233 Lady Kintore 2d 59607— Age, Sept. 25, 1908; color, red; sire, King of Pine Grove 243226; dam. Lady Kintore, vol. 56, p. 757— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis. 234 Roan Maid 59532 — Age, Sept. 18, 1908; color, roan; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam. Maid of Struan 59526— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 235 Flower Girl 3d 59042— Age, Sept. 30, 1908; color, white; sire, Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam. Imp. Flower Girl, vol. 60, p. 840— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 236 Village Beauty 2d 59057— Age, Dec. 19, 1908; color, roan; sire, Proud Sultan 274933; dam. Village Beauty 11th 9791— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 237 Rosemary 104th 59053— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; color, roan; sire. Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam. Imp. Rosemary 102d, vol. 60, p. 840 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 238 Mandolin 2d 59045— Age, Oct. 5, 1908; color, white; sire. Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam. Mandolin, vol. 59, p. 884— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 239 Rosebud 2d 59052— Age, Sept. 25, 1908; color, roan; sire. Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam, Rosebud, vol. 48, p. 553— Thos. John- son & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 240 Golden Autumn 63695— Age, Nov. 13, 1908; color, roan; sire, Mar- shall Anoka 278291; dam, Gofden Bonnie 25813— S. S. Spangler, Milan, Mo. *241 Sugar Maid 59626— Age, Dec. 15, 1908; color, red; sire, Capt. Archer 205741; dam. Gazelle 5th, vol. 65, p. 1013— J. F. Stodder, Burden, Kan. 242 Velvet Queen 59627— Age, Nov. 28, 1908; color, red; sire, Stand ard Lavender 266386; dam. Sycamore Rose, vol. 68, p. 729— J. F. Stodder, Burden, Kan. 243 Lucrece 59625— Age, Sept. 27, 1908; color, roan; sire, Standard Lavender 266386; dam, Siddlngton Secret 43451— J. F. Stodder, Burden, Kan. 244 Bashful Lady 59499— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; color, red; sire, Gallant Knight 124468; dam, Bessie Daily 3d, vol. 44, p. 941— T. K. Tomson & Son, Dover, Kan. 245 Charming Beauty 63919— Age, Nov. 30, 1908; color, red; sire, Vic- tor's Roan Duke 189598; dam, Cambridge Beauty, vol. 46, p. 14 — G, H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 246 Lady Queen 63287— Age, Sept. 23, 1908; color, red; sire, Hamp- ton's Counsellor 264533; dam. Lady Evergreen— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 98 BREEDING SHORTHORNS CLASS 12. JUNIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1309.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 247 Lad's Minnie 67948— Age, March 12, 1909; color, red; sire. Golden Lad 292029; dam, Minnie Crisp 2d, vol. 46, p. 630— J. T. Carith- ers. Morning Sun, Iowa. 248 Lad's Plume 67949— Age, March 13, 1909; color, red; sire, Golden Lad 292029; dam. Village Plume, vol. 60, p. 723— J. T. Carithers, Morning Sun, Iowa. 249 Dale's Broadhooks 62797 — Age, Jan. 6, 1909; color, red; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam. Imp. Lucy, vol. 61, p. 998 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 250 ]Maxwalton Missie 68808 — ^Age, June 2, 1909; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, Missie 145th, vol. 49, p. 743 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 251 Maxwalton Dorothy 2d 62799— Age, April 18, 1909; color, red; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Imp. Lady Dorothy 40th, vol. 59, p. 770 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 252 Maxwalton Jealousy 62873— Age, Jan. 18, 1909; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Sultan's Jealousy, vol. 68, p. 589 — Car- penter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 253 Sparkling Jem 59582 — Age, Jan. 21, 1909; color, roan; sire, Vic- tor's Roan Duke 189598; dam. Butterfly Jubilee, vol. 59, p. 949— C. B. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 254 Mint Drop 15th 59010— Age, Jan. .9, 1909; color, white; sire, Car- logie Knight 263194; dam. Mint Drop 14th, vol. 65, p. 593— C. E. Clarke, St, Cloud, Minn. 255 Lady Graceful 59008— Age, Feb. 2, 1909; color, red, little white; sire, March Knight 188105; dam. Imp. Pitlivie Graceful 73— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 256 Golden Sunbeam 3d 62023— Age, Jan. 19, 1909; color, roan; sire, Blythe Baron 291256; dam. Golden Sunbeam 2d 15372— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 257 Lavender Princess 6th 62025— Age, Feb. 25, 1909; color; roan; sire, Blythe Baron 291256; dam. Lavender Princess 2d, vol. 60, p. 717 — ^W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 258 Sunshine 4th 59586— Age, March 28, 1909; color, roan; sire, Amer- ican Archer 282998; dam. Sunshine 3d, vol. 58, p. 1031— S. G. Eliason, Montevideo, Minn. 259 Violet— Age, Feb. 18, 1909; sire, Whitehall Marshall; dam, Ame- thyst, vol. 64, p. 589— Blmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 260 Marshall's Queen— Age, Jan. 15, 1909; sire, Whitehall Marshall 209776; dam, Sinnissippi Queen 1346— Elmendorf Farm, Lex- ington, Ky. BREEDING SHORTHORNS 99 Official No. 261 Marshall's Heiress — Age, April 4, 1909; sire, White Hall Marshall 209776; dam, Mario's Heiress 3d, vol. 57, p. 579— Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 262 Cumberland's Gift — Age, Jan. 11, 1909; sire, Cumberland's Last; dam. Wedding Gift 13th, vol. 50, p. 1044— George & Stanton, Aurora, 111. 263 Flower Girl 13th 63956— Age, March 3, 1909; color, white; sire, Villager 295884; dam, Flower Girl 11th, vol. 48, p. 192— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 264 Sultan's Countess 63226— Age, Jan. 5, 1909; color, white; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Countess Cashmere, vol. 48, p. 192— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 265 Mary Anne of Oakland 59046— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; color, roan; sire, Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam, Mary Anne of Anoka 3d, vol. 44, p. 597 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 266 Royal Girl 6th 59055— Age, Jan. 15, 1909; color, roan; sire. Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam. Royal Girl 5th 6500— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 267 Rose of Autumn 24th 59051— Age, Jan. 12, 1909; color, roan; sire, Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam. Rose of Autumn 23d, vol. 47. p. 759 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 268 Oakland Netty 2d 54049— Age, Jan. 3, 1909; color, white; sire. Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam, Whitehall Netty, vol. 60, p. 840 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 269 Orange Best 5th 59050— Age, Feb. 12, 1909; color, red; sire. Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam, Orange Best 2d, vol. 48, p. 569— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 270 Lovely 33d 58529— Age, Jan. 20, 1909; color, red; sire, Golden Lad 1566-32; dam. Lovely 30th, vol. 50, p. 908— Earl Ryan, Irwin, Iowa. 271 Mabel 2d 63696— Age, Jan. 30, 1909; color, roan; sire, Marshall . Anoka 278291; dam, Mabel, vol. 65, p. 1027— S. S. Spangler, Milan, Mo. 272 Dazzle 59624— Age, March 20, 1909; color, red; sire, Capt. Archer 205741; dam. Lady Barrington 3d, vol. 46, p. 340— J. F. Stodder, Burden, Kan. 273 Happy Lass 59500— Age, Jan. 14, 1909; color, red; sire, Gallant Knight's Heir 292014; dam. Harmony 18th 12198— T. K. Tomson & Sons, Dover, Kan. 274 New Year's Delight 59502— Age, Jan. 1, 1909; color, roan; sire, Barmpton Knight 148795; dam, Forest Daisy 2d, vol. 48, p. 143— T. K. Tomson & Sons, Dover, Kan. 275 Lady Wonder 64254— Age, Jan. 20, 1909; color, roan; sire, Tlie Dreamer 283208; dam, Josephine 1574— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 100 ■ BREEDING SHORTHORNS CLASS 13. SENIOR CHAMPION BULL 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. American Shorthorn Association Special. — $40. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 1 and 2, CLASS 14. JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. American Shorthorn Association Special. — $40. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 3, 4, 5 and 6. CLASS 15. BEST BULL, ANY AGE.— Ribbon. American Shorthorn Association Special. — $40. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 13-14. CLASS 16. SENIOR CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. American Shorthorn Association Special. — $40. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 7-8. CLASS 17. JUNIOR CHAMPION HEIFER UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. American Shorthorn Association Special. — $40. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 9, 10, 11 and 12. CLASS 18. BEST COW, ANY AGE.— Ribbon. American Shorthorn Association Special. — $40. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 16-17. CLASS 19. AGED HERD.— $50, 35, 20. Consisting of 1 bull 2 years or over, 1 cow 3 years or over, 1 cow or heifer 2 years old and under 3, 1 heifer 1 year old and under 2, 1 heifer under 1 year. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $60, 40, 25, 20, 10. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Ohio. Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Qhio. BREEDING SHORTHORNS. 101 CLASS 20, YOUNG HERD.— $50, 35, 20. Consisting of 1 bull under 2 years, 2 heifers 1 year and under 2, 2 heifers under 1 year. All except bull must be bred by exhibitor. American Shorthorn Association E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Specials.— $60, 40, 25, 20, 10. W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, Ohio. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. ; CLASS 21. CALF HERD.— $50, 30, 10. 1 bull and 4 heifers, all under 1 year and all bred by exhibitor. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $60, 40, 25, 20, 10. E Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Thos. Johnson & S'on, Columbus, Ohio. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. CLASS 22. TWO ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, PRODUCE OF ONE COW.— $20, 15, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $30, 20, 15, 10, 10. Andrews, Mel- M. L. & A. J. bourne, Iowa. E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. Carpenter & Ross, "Mansfield, Ohio. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. C. E, Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. CLASS 23. W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, American Shorthorn Association E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. E. W. Bowen, Delphi, Ind. J. T. Carithers, Morning Sun, Iowa. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Sir George Drummond, Beacons- GET OF ONE SIRE.— $75, 50, 25. Specials.— $30, 20, 15, 10, 10. field, Que. W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis. Minn. Elmendorf Farm. Lexington. Ky. J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, Ohio. D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 102 BREEDING AEERDEEN-ANGUS SPECIAL "A." cows IN MILK.— COW 3 YEARS OR OVER. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $65, 50, 35, 25, 15, 10. In making awards 50 per cent will be allowed for beef form and 50 per cent for milk production. Official No. 276 Helen of Troy, vol. 60, p. 714— Age, Sept. 10, 1903; color, roan; sire. Long Fellow 121660; dam. Clan Nelson, vol. 50, p. 638— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 277 Wild Eyes Winsome 12th, vol. 63, p. 702— Age, Aug. 31, 1903; color, roan; sire, Hampton's Light 177804; dam, Wild Eyes Winsome 11th, vol. 59, p. 681 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 278 Missie 145th, vol. 49, p. 743— Age, April 10, 1901; color, roan; sire. Lavender Victor 167130; dam, Missie 144th, vol. 48, p. 222 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 279 Seraphina Montrose 7th 3787— Age, June 20, 1902; color, roan; sire, 22d Baron of Montrose 172175; dam, Seraphina Rose 7th, vol. 42, p. 931 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 280 Imp. Ruth 8th, vol. 49, p. 844 — Age, Feb. 20, 1899; color, roan; sire. Silver Star 167041; dam, Ruth 7th— J. A. Gerlaugh, Harsh- man, Ohio. 281 F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 282 Rosebud 10th, vol. 69, p. 701 — Age, Oct. 26, 1904; color, red; sire, Clansman 182884; dam. Rosebud 6th, vol. 51, p. 693— May & Otis, Granville Centre, Pa. 283 5th Duchess of Clover Lawn, vol. 51, p. 693— Age, Sept. 28, 1899; color, red; sire, Columbus 2d 125189; dam, Duchess of Clover Lawn, vol. 39, p. 429— May & Otis, Granville Centre, Pa. 284 Ruey Clay 44121 — Age, Aug. 18, 1906; color, roan; sire. General Clay 255920; dam, Bessie Buttercup, vol. 65, p. 621— May & Otis, Granville Centre, Pa. 285 Doris Clay 41118 — Age, March 15, 1906; color, roan; sire. Gen- eral Clay 255920; dam. Lady Fillpail, vol. 55, p. 679— May & Otis, Granville Centre, Pa. 286 Sunshine 41142— Age, May 18, 1906; color, red, little white; sire, Richard Wood Clay 262363; dam. Paleface 2d, vol. 67, p. 784— May & Otis, Granville Centre, Pa. 287 Rosebud 11th, vol. 69, p. 701— Age, Nov. 24, 1904; color, red; sire, Clansman 182884; dam, Rosebud 3d, vol. 44, p. 562— May & Otis, Granville Centre, Pa. 288 Bessie Buttercup, vol. 65, p. 621— Age, Jan. 17, 1904; color, roan; sire, Duke Buttercup 160769; dam. Rose of Glenside, vol. 57, p. 745 — May & Otis, Granville Centre, Pa. 289 Karo C— Age, Dec. 1, 1905; sire, Lord Mistletoe 228949— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. BREEDING AEERDEEN-ANGUS 103 Official No. 290 Dew Drop 2d 14165 — Age, May 14, 1903; color, roan; sire, John Ward 159491; dam. Dew Drop, vol. 51, p. 886— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. SPECIAL "B." COW UNDER 3 YEARS. Anderican Shorthorn Association Specials. — $65, 50, 35, 25, 15, 10. Official No. 291 Roan Lady 8th 48864— Age, Oct. 14, 1906; color, red; sire, Wa- terloo Pride 308774; dam, Roan Lady 5th 48863— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 2.92 Roan Lady 9th 48865 — Age, Dec. 7, 1906; color, roan; sire, Princfc Favorite 229682; dam, Roan Lady 4th 28651 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 293 P. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 234 Leading La'dy 66888 — Age, Jan. 25, 1908; color, roan; sire. Dia- mond Rex 235328; dam, Lancaster Maid, vol. 64, p. 937— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 235 Lady Mary 60038— Age, Sept. 22, 1906; color, roan; sire, Good Choice; dam, Mayday Abbotsburn, vol. 61, p. 1036 — G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. ABERDEEN=ANQUS [See Rule 45.] CLASS 24. BULL 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Animals competing must be recorded in the American Aberdeen- Angus Herd Book and the Canadian Aberdeen Herd Book. Official No. 236 Black Ivanhoe 76888— Age, Dec. 23, 1904; sire, Cranewood Black Knight 39477; dam. Pride of Aberdeen 180th 64000— R. M. An- derson & Sons, Newell, Iowa, 297 Black Ito of Woodlawn 68121— Age, March 15, 1903; sire. Prince Ito 50006; dam, Blackbird of Woodlawn 6th 26476— A. B. At- water & Son, Robins, Iowa. 298 Deceiver 84667— Age, Sept. 17, 1905; sire, Prince of Hope 50238; dam, Rosegay's Pride 53418 — Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 299 Undulata Blackbird Ito 83836— Age, Oct. 1, 1904; sire, Prince Ito 50006; dam. Blackbird of Woodlawn 11th 54709— Dwight Cutler, Detroit, Mich. 104 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 300 Black Mark Twain 86317-— Age, Feb. 10, 1905; sire, Black Mon- arch of Emerson 30331; dam. Blackbird 19th 37718— John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 301 Lord Roberts 2d 83354— Age, Nov. 11, 1904; sire, Boston Pride 63093; dam. Lady. Florence 4th 60838— Jas. Innes & Son, Fay- ette, Mo. 302 Leroy 3d of Meadow Brook 95635— Age, Oct. 20, 1905; .sire, Lucy^'s Prince 46181; dam, Laura 3d 73340— B. B. Johnson & Sons, At- lanta, Ind. 303 Guidi 56125— Age, March 30, 1902; sire, Bean Bloom 36135; dam, Fyvie Flower 3d 12728 — Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 304 Pride Lad of Aldine 89030— Age, June 3, 1905; sire. Heather Blackbird 20333; dam. Pride Lad 2d 46060— Lew Kerr, New- town, Ind. 305 Parole 2d 98346— Age, Jan. 20, 1906; sire, Woodlawn Blackbird Lad 35103; dam, May of Danesfield 60273— M. D. & C. G. Korns, Hartwick, Iowa. 308 Glenfoil Thickset 2d 88142— Age, Jan. 27, 1905; sire, Brookside Star 63486; dam, Dolly Copeland 42389— W. A. McHenry, Deni- son, Iowa. 307 ■ Jilt's Hale Lad 95082— Age, March 10, 1906; sire, Hale Lad 30645; dam. Jilt 11th 29972— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 308 Eglamour of Quietdale 82111 — Age, April 16, 1905; sire, Prince Edryn of Quietdale 55913; dam, Elapis 2d 61645— Chas. B. Sut- ton, Lawrence, Kan. 309 Lord Ellemere 84115 — Age, Sept. 9, 1904; sire. Heather Lad of Emerson 2d 19049; dam, Erona 63989 — Wurzbacher & Merritt, Morley, Iowa. CLASS 25. BULL 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 310 Oakville Quiet Lad 109220— Age, Nov. 6, 1906; sire, Black Wood- lawn 42088; dam, Queen McHenry 47th 61884— Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 311 Peter Sterling 113444— Age, Jan. 2, 1907; sire. Lord Ellemere 84115; dam. Pride of Selaby 63990— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 312 Kenwood Proudfellow 106569— Age, March 9, 1907; sire, Beau Blackbird 53936; dam, Ireland's Pride 72074— Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGU-S 105 Official . No. 313 Bermerton 103417— Age, Apr. 20, 1907; sire. Prince Ito 2cl 54471; dam, Blackbird of Woodlawn 6tli 26476— M. H. Donahue. Parnell, Iowa. 314 Blackwood Prince Ito 110108— Age, Feb. 28, 1907; sire. Imp. Prince Ito 50006; dam, Blackwood 5tli 20717— Jas. Ferrier, Mason City, Iowa. 315 Sir Highness 107111— For sale, $250— Age, Dec. 6, 1906; sire, Equestrianism 73376; dam. Beauty of Highlawn 83695 — Jas. H. Hall, Port Austin, Mich. 316 Erica Chief 115948— Age, May 16, 1907; sire, Quinchief 2d 76234; dam. Eventide 84119 — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 317 Violet's Best Blood 100132— Age, Sept. 4, 1906; sire. Best Blood 61866; dam. Sunflower Sweet Violet 49667— Parker. Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 318 Lucy's Black Boy 115938— Age, May 30, 1907; sire, Blackbird Black Monarch 73675; dam, Woodland Lucy 5th 66292— J. Gar- rett Tolan, Farmingdale, 111. 319 Blend Pride 108221— Age, Oct. 10, 1906; sire, Estill Choice 35515; dam. Pride of Heatherton 9th 50241— J. W. Wheatley, Kempton, Ind. 320 Black Predominator 101689— Age, March 22, 1907; sire, Frmce Ito 2d 54471; dam. Blackbird 24th 44725— Jas. Williams, Mar- cus, Iowa. CLASS 26. SENIOR YEARLING BULL, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1307, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 10, S, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 321 Major Delmar 2d 119956— Age, Dec. 10, 1907; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam, Mela of Auchnaguie 64007— A. C. Binnie, Alta, fowa. 322 Briboea 118089— Age, Oct. 12, 1907; sire, Edward R 61744; dam, Eribena 61746 — H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 323 Oakville Black Dean 118064— Age, Oct. 27, 1907; sire, Oakville Teddy R 94651; dam. Black Beauty of Cloverland 4th 94872— Omer Catterson, Marysville, Mo. 324 Highstepper 128560— Age, Oct. 7, 1907; sire, Equestrianism 73376; dam. Beauty of Highlawn 83695 — Jas. H. Hall, Port Austin, Mich. 325 Prism 116627— Age, Oct. 6, 1907; sire. Prince of Seafield 62281; dam. Pride McHenry 42d 82409 — W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 326 Quality Prince 117284— Age, Nov. 1, 1907; sire, Valas Rosegay 63745; dam, Alice B 2d 32513— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 106 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 327 Home Dale Kilburn 117014— Age, Oct. 1, 1907; sire, Woodlawn Elfin 90063; dam, Kensington of Homedale 3d 85634— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 328 Rosegay 4th 119249— Age, Oct. 8, 1907; sire. Frontier 2d 93989; dam. Rose of Emerson 3d 22463 — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 329 Albert Ito 117399— Age, Sept. 10, 1907; sire, Ito M 90349; dam, Antelope Woodlawn 4th 29448— T. J. & N. D. Mohley, Mt. Sterling, 111. 330 Rutger Heatherson 3d 118104— Age, Sept. 16, 1907; sire, Rutger Mikado 82395; dam. Heather Beulah 2d 39858— Chas. E. Sutton, . Lawrence, Kan. CLASS 27. JUNIOR YEARLING BULL, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 331 Thickset Blackbird 115895— Age, Jan. 15, 1908; sire, Glenfoil Thickset 2d 88142; dam. Blackbird McHenry 24th 32483— Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 332 Queen's Clansman 2d 117956 — Age, Feb. 21, 1908; sire. Clansman Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Queen 36113— Omer Catter- son, Marysville, Mo. 333 Barbara's Ito of Woodcote 113656 — Age, Jan. 2, 1908; sire, tlndu- lata Blackbird Ito 83836; dam, Barbara M 6th 87599— Dwight Cutler, Detroit, Mich. 334 Black Boyne 125901— Age, Aug. 2, 1908; sire. Blackbird Laddie 52733; dam, Fairland Blackbird 89807— P. J. Donahue, Hol- brook, Iowa. 335 Rosebud King 121385— Age, Feb. 17, 1908; sire, K's Bion 80125; dam, Mapleshade Rosebud 4th 106390 — Lew Kerr, Newtown. Ind. 336 Walnut Dell Erie 122564— Age, March 2, 1908; sire. Parole 2d 98346; dam, Miss Edna 95187— M. D. Korns, Hartwick, Iowa. 337 Prince Ellemere 2d 119110— Age, April 6, 1908; sire, Lord Elle- mere 84115; dam, Faybloom 56500— W. D. Merritt, Olin, Iowa. 338 Young Monk 2d 129042— Age, July 20, 1908; sire, Marathon 76760; dam. Dee Queen 85817 — J. W. Wheatley, Kempton, Ind. 1244 C. Hale Lad 1T1700— Age, Jan. 1, 1908; sire, Hale Lad 30645; dam. Jilt 11th 29972— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. BREEDING .\BERDEEN-ANGUS 107 CLASS 28. SENIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1508, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 10, 3, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 339 Prince of Rosemere — Age, Dec. 30, 1908; sire, Brooliside Erin 107615; dam, Rita Pride 104437— Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 340 Major Delmar 3d 129491— Age, Oct. 18, 1908; sire, Elmar Lad 8,4122; dam, Mela of Auchnaguie 64007— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 341 Winthrop of Meadow Brook 29525— Age, Dec. 27, 1908; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Winsome of Meadow Brook 46283 — D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 342 Queen's Quality Lad 129096— Age, Nov. 16, 1908; sire. Clansman Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Queen 7th 53918— Omer Cat- terson, Marysville, Mo. 343 Queen's King Ito 128221— Age, Dec. 14, 1908; sire, Undulata Ito 2d 83834; dam, Violet Lawn Queen 102897— Geo. W. Felton, Knoxville, 111. 344 Elkalon 119685— Age, Sept. 12, 1908; sire, Prince Ito 2d 54471; dam, Erica 4th of Keillor Park 49917— John S. Goodwin, Chi- cago, 111. 345 Alfalfa Blackbird Man 129476— Age, Sept. 4, 1908; sire. Blackbird Favorite Lad 84890; dam. Black Beauty of Cloverland 64589— Harrison & Harrison, Indianola, Neb. 346 Khartoum 2d of Crystal" Lake 119219— Age, Sept. 13, 1908; sire, Imp. Khartoum of Ballindallock 96607; dam, Rosa Pride 95520— Chas. Herendeen, Chicago, 111. 347 Proud Wallace 129208— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354; dam, Maggie Barron 38539— Jas. Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 348 Heather Bloom King 130725— Age, Oct. 14, 1908; sire. Black King of Homedale 2d 104254; dam. Rose L 96434— M. D. Korns, Hartwick, Iowa. 349 Bisdorf 130177— Age, Sept. 6, 1908; sire, Blackadjustor 97660; dam, Blackwood Ideal 74186 — J. B. Kurt, Belleville, Iowa. 350 Black Emerald 130541— Age, Nov. 13, 1908; sire, Black Wood- lawn 42088; dam, Homedale Blackwood 2d 76129— Patrick Leahy, Williamsburg, Iowa. 351 Sir Duas Pride of Sun Dance 129716— Age, Sept. 2, 190^; sire, Ernest 91016; dam. Center Hill Pride 10th 95868— J. W. Mc- Clung & Son, Indianola, Neb. 108 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 352 Queen Japan Ito 124211— Age, Sept. 8, 1908; sire, Japan Ito 55383; dam, Sunflower Queen 63770— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 353 Wakarusa Heatherson 129382— Age, Oct. 27, 1908; sire, Champion Ito 94179; dana. Heather Beulah 2d 39858— Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. 354 Don Queen 128537— Age, Dec. 10, 1908; sire. Blend Pride 108221; dam. Maxwell Martha 32010— J. W. Wheatley, Kempton, Ind. CLASS 29. JUNIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 355 Buland Royal 130569— Age, Jan. 8, 1909; sire, Bonnie Ben Royal 95006; dam. Highland Park Enough 50946— R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 356 Jade Royal 130570— Age, Jan. 10, 1909; sire, Bonnie Ben Royal 95006; dam, Gay Jennet 96052— R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. . 357 Thickset Idol 128967— Age, March 2, 1909; sire, Glenfoil Thickset 2d 88142; dam, Homeview Lady Idessa 2d 86247— Otto V. Bat- tles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 358 Proud Elmar 2d 125898- Age, Jan. 22, 1909; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam. Proud Preston Lassie 84111 — A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 359 Proud Elmar 3d 129499— Age, Jan. 19, 1909; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam. Pride 2d of Theakston 63985— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 360 Fritz of Meadow Bl-ook 129526— Age, Jan. 7, 1909; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Fancy of Meadow Brook 26399— D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 361 Black Bix 129965— Age, Jan. 11, 1909; sire, Ben Royal 96326; dam. Blackbird ' of Cherokee 16th 73768— H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 362 Queen's Cl-ansman 3d 129098— Age, March 14, 1909; sire. Clans- man Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Queen 36113 — Omer Cat- terson, Marysville, Mo. 363 Prince of Prides 129738— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire. Black Mark Twain 86317; dam. Pride of Aberdeen 63d 36763— Jno. S. Good- win, Chicago, 111. 364 pride's Prince — Agse, April 2, 1909; sire, Vala's Rosegay 63745; dam, Riverton Pride 54272 — Senor Don Carlos Guerrero, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS 109 Official No. 365 Khartoum 3d of Crystal Lake— Age, April 8, 1909; sire, Khar- toum of Ballindallock 96607; dam, May B 2d 75640— Chas. Her- endeen, Chicago, 111. 366 Beau Roberts 129528— Age, April 20, 1909; sire. Lord Roberts 2d 83354; dam, Flossie Barron 39048 — Jas. Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 367 St. Blaise 130837— Age, June 2, 1909; sire, Morning Star 2d 75716; dam, Dandy of Glenmere 84296 — Patrick Leahy, Williamsburg, Iowa. 368 Cinch 125468— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire, Ederic 104114; dam. Co- quette of Denison 18th 38967 — W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 369 Glen Avon Queen's Lad 130053 — Age, Jan. 5, 1909; sire, Boston Pride 63093; dam. Queen of R L 95570— McLachlan Bros. & Johnson, Estill, Mo. 370 Eric Chief of South Oaks 125848— Age, Jan. 4, 1909; sire. Black Unit 105665; dam. Effulgence of Theakston 61637— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 371 Gussie's Hero 130490— Age, April 4, 1909; sire. King Donald 80599; dam, Gussie of KirkT)ridge 64008— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 372 Waukarusa Victor 129391— Age, Jan. 12, 1909;- sire. Champion Ito 94179; dam, Rutger Queen 3d 45033— Chas. E. Sutton, Law- rence, Kan. CLASS 30. cow 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. ■ 373 Alta's Pride 83076— Age, Sept. 6, 1904; sire. Sharp's Blackman 46570; dam, Elmhurst Pride 2d 60847— Harvey Allison, Homer, 111. 374 Blackbird Maid 3d 69022— Age, May 2, 1903; sire. Black Bank 49982; dam. Blackbird Maid 2d 47834— Harvey Allison, Homer, 111. 375 Elmhurst Pride 2d 60847— Age, May 20, 1902; sire, Victor K 41595; dam, Sophia O 29321 — Harvey Allison, Homer, 111. 376 Pride M 5th 83919— Age, Sept. 5, 1904; sire. Gay Lad 19538; dam. Pride of Aberdeen 163d 05197 — Harvey Allison, Homer, 111. 377 Brma Lassie 2d 95002— Age, Oct. 10, 1905; sire, Elmore of Alta 73105; dam, Blanche of Kirkbridge 63998— R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 110 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No 378 Gaylawn Bonnie Lass 100608— Age, Oct. 10, 1905; sire, Earlow of Vernon Prairie 53787; dam, Bonnie Lassie B 65375 — Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 379 Glenfoil Queen 2d 88143— Age, March 14, 1905; sire, Brookside Star 63486; dam. Queen of Denison 38th 46123— Otto V. Bat- tles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 380 Abbess McHenry 6th 82418— Age, Oct. 6, 1904; sire, Western Star 46345; sire. Abbess McHenry 2d 22305— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 381 Environ 3d 83744— Age, Feb. 16, 1905; sire, Rose's Earl 63086; dam. Environ of Finlarig 53309 — Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio. 382 Beauty 4th of Meadow Brook 84611— Age, Dec. 26, 1904; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam, Bessie of Meadow Brook 33436 — D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 383 Lovely of Meadow Brook 95648 — Age, Jan. 25, 1906; sire, Louis of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Lottie of Meadow Brook 23572— D. Bradfute & S'on, Cedarville, Ohio. 384 Quinne of Meadow Brook 95645 — Age, Jan. 3, 1906; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Quality 2d of Meadow Brook 46285— D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 385 Earlyhillontop 62504 — Age, April 9, 1903; sire, Grantington Hero 26911; dam, Ola C 32179— Dwight Cutler, Detroit, Mich. 386 Maggie Bell of Woodcote 3d 95853— Age, Aug. 2, 1906; sire. Val- iant Knight 2d 29331; dam., Woodcote Maggie Belle 52131— Dwight Cutler, Detroit, Mich. 387 Rose D of Undulata 94752 — Age, Sept. 13, 1905; sire, Barbara's Ito 67^516; dam, Palma Eclipser 33895 — Dwight Cutler, Detroit, Mich. 388 Rose Croix Ella 2d 95521— Age, Sept. 1, 1905; sire. Rose Croix Bion 69358; dam, Erica Pride 69370— P. J. Donahue, Holbrook, Iowa. 389 Envy of the Dell 100445— Age, March 10, 1905; sire, Piphredo 100419; dam, Entoria 4th of the Dell 100420— Chas. Escher & Son, Eotna, Iowa. 3Z0 Esthonia Erica 85742— Age, May 5, 1905; sire, Edward R 61744; dam, Eric 2d of Balnouch K 61755 — Chas. Escher & Son, Botna, Iowa. 391 Lady Black Bird P 2d 62794— Age, Sept. 5, 1902; sire, Pretoria 38986; dam, Blackwood 9th 26555— Chas. Escher & Son, Botna, Iowa. 392 Stewart's Beauty 83125— Age, Feb. 26, 1905; sire, Gay Burns 34439; dam. Maple Ave. Beauty 36810— Jas. H. Hall, Port Aus- tin, Mich. 393 Myrtle 2d of Meadow Brook 84614— Age, Jan. 14, 1905; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam, May 2d of Meadow Brook 46269— B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ind. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS 111 Official No. 394 Black"6ird's Rose 75904 — Age, April 9, 1904; sire, Proud Fellow- man of Aberlowie 34761; dam, Blackbird of Denison 33d 38963— Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 395 Hazel of the Woods 51590— Age, April 1, 1901; sire, Ensign of Estill 2d 33609; dam, Fanny McFarlane 29681— G. C. Leaming, Rommey, Ind. 396 Pride McHenry 93305— Age, Oct. 5, 1905; sire, Bobbie Dobbs 46104; dam, Pride of Denison 21st 46109— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 397 Ethelda D 95185— Age, Sept. 25, 1905; sire, Woodlawn Blackbird Lad 35103; dam. Enquiry of Selaby 60277— W. J. Miller, New- ton, Iowa. 398 Gussie of Klrkbridge 64008— Age, April 28, 1901; sire. Loiterer 63959; dam, Grace of Kirkbridge 63960— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 399 Snowflake 2d of Kirkbridge 64016— Age, June 8, 1902; sire, Loi- terer 63959; dam, Snowflake of Kirkbridge 63987— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 400 Sunflower Corine 3d 88650— Age, Sept. 28, 1905; sire, Hale Lad 30645; dam. Sunflower Cora 2d 30753— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 401 Queen Mother Johnson 2d 95884— Age, Jan. 2, 1906; sire. Black Monarch of Illington 49528; dam. Maxwell Angle 40316 — J as. D. McGregor, Brandon, Man. 402 Winnie of Meadow Brook 72461— Age, Jan. 17, 1904; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Winsome of Meadow Brook 46283 — Rosen- feld & Siverly, Kelly, Iowa. 403 Rutger Heather Bloom 60035— Age, June 23, 1902; sire. Mimic 39687; dam. Heather Beulah 2d 39858— Chas. E. Sutton, Law- rence, Kan. 404 Dell of Eveleen 81759— Age, Oct. 12, 1904; sire, Moncreiffe Clans- man 55772; dam, Enterpe of the Dell 55771— J. W. Wheatley, Kempton, Ind. 405 Pride Ito 65565— Age June 26, 1903; sire, Prince Ito 50006;. dam, Pride of Heatherton 3d 29976 — Jas. Williams, Marcus, Iowa. CLASS 31. cow OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 406 Pride of Elchies 12th 116879— Age, June 18, 1907; sire. Black Mark Twain 86317; dam. Pride of Elchies 5th 62269— R. M. An- derson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 112 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 407 Bluegrass Ridge Drusilla 99412— Age, Oct. 1, 1906; sire, Errolines Rosegay 49769; dam, Bluegrass ^idge Drumin 76728 — Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 408 Baby Queen Cera 109695— Age, Feb. 5, 1907; sire, Ellemere 64722; dam, Baby Queen C 42734— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 409 Elm Park Beauty 4th 106672— Age, Sept. 22, 1906; sire, Elm Park Raider 72546; dam. Imp. The Bell of Delaval 2d 53459— Jas. Bowman, Guelph, Ont., Can. 410 Elm Park Rosebud 7th 108068— Age, Jan. 8, 1907; sire. Lord Val 2d 74188; dam, Elm Park Rosebud 72545— Jas. Bowman, Guelph, Ont., Can. 411 Kenwood Queen Ann 106570— Age, March 30, 1907; sire. Beau Blackbird 53936; dam, Queen Bertha 82184— Boyd & King, Hillsboro, Ohio. 412 Black Cap 31st 106989— Age, March 31, 1907; sire, Undulata blackbird Ito 83836; dam, Black Cap 24th 74761— Dwight Cut- ler, Detroit, Mich. 413 Maggie Belle of Woodcote 4th 108424— Age, July 23, 1907; sire, Woodcote Valiant Knight 80521; dam, Woodcote Maggie Belle 2d 89058— Dwight Cutler, Detroit, Mich. 414 Pride of Undulata 8th 106986— Age, March 15, 1907; sire, Undu- lata Blackbird Ito 83836; dam, Pride of Elchies 2d 62250— E. E. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 415 Alfalfa Blackbird 2d 110393— Age, April 3, 1907; sire. Blackbird Favorite Lad 84890; dam. Blackbird of Cherokee 20th 82505— Harrison & Harrison, Indianola, Neb. 416 Johnson's Pride 5th 114308— Age, March 28, 1907; sire, Blackwood Inca 26549; dam. Pride of Willow Lawn 10th 64828— B. B. Johnson & Sons, Atlanta, Ind. 417 Pride of Aberdeen 208th 107321— Age, Sept. 3, 1906; sire, Zaire 15th 34371; dam. Pride of Aberdeen 183d 68501— Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 418 Queen Milly of Sun Dance 108658— Age, Oct. 19, 1906; sire, Er- nest 91016; dam. Alfalfa Queen 3d 86237— M. D. Korns, Hart- wick, Iowa. 419 Princess of the Woods 113354 — Age, March 21, 1907; sire, Prince of Kerrera 26600; dam, Hazel of the Woods 51590— G. C. Learn- ing, Rommey, Ind. 420 Queen Marie of Sun Dance 109250— Age, Nov. 5, 1906; sire, Er- nest 91016; dam, Alfalfa Queen 2d 86325— J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. 421 Barbara McHenry 24th 104144— Age, Jan. 10, 1907; sire, Baden Lad 61883; dam, Barbara McHenry 13th 32488— W. A. Mc- Henry, Denison, Iowa. 422 Snowflake Queen 3d 106543— Age, Jan. 10, 1907; sire, Black Prince of Estill 33626; dam, Snowflake 2d of Kirkbridge 64016— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS 113 Official No. ' 423 Sunflower Jilt 4th 111677— Age, April 7, 1907; sire, Best Blood 61866; dam, Jilt 11th 29972— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 424 Rutger Mina 5th 115181— Age, Dec. 26, 1906; sire, Rutger Mikado 82395; dam, Mignonne 9th 24687 — Chas. B. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. 425 Choice Queen 108224— Age, Dec. 3, 1906; sire, Estill Choice 35515; dam, Maple Grove Gertrude 32059 — ^J. W. Wheatley, Kempton, Ind. CLASS 32. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1308.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20; 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No ExHiBiTOK Address 426 Key of Indianapolis 2d 119074— Age, Sept. 24, 1907; sire. Prince Ito 2d 54471; dam, Key of Indianapolis 54455 — R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 427 Even Lass 118152— Age, Oct. 1, 1907; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam, Evangeline of Butterstocks 63992 — A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 428 Proud Maggie 119954— Age, Sept. 27, 1907; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam. Pride of Alta 3d 84116— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 429 Lois 2d of Meadow Brook 117977— Age, Oct. 20, 1907; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Lady Fortunate 12th 29530— D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 430 Pride of Cherokee 19th 118390— Age, Oct. 22, 1907; sire, Edward R 61744; dam. Pride of Aberdeen 113th 58552— H.- L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 431 Maplehurst Queen 53d 117953— Age, Dec. 14, 1907; sire, Clans- man Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Queen 7th 53918 — Omer Catterson, Marysville, Mo. 432 Erica of Woodcote 2d 108811— Age, Sept. 19, 1907; sire, TJndulata Blackbird Ito 83836; dam. Imp. Kinloss Erica 2d 55090— Dwight Cutler, Detroit, Mich. 433 Brookside Effie 120009— Age, Nov. 5, 1907; sire, Black Woodlawn 42088; dam, Effie's Elsie 63329— P. J. Donahue, Holbrook, Iowa. 434 Rosebud Alpha Zeta 118339— Age, Sept. 1, 1907; sire, Black Mark Twain 86317; dam. Rosebud Alpha Alpha 67239— Jno. S. Good- win, Chicago, 111. 435 Queen Mother Johnson 4th 119267— Age, Oct. 15, 1907; sire, Leroy 3d of Meadowbrook 95G35; dam. Maxwell Angle 40316— B. B. Johnson & Sons, Atlanta, Ind. 436 Blackbird of Walnut Park 2d 112034— Age, Sept. 4, 1907; sire, Black Bank 49982; dam, Blackbird's Rose 75904— Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 114 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 437 Choice Maid 119247— Age, Nov. 10, 1907; sire. Black Major K 78131; dam, Richland Maid 22486 — Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 438 Pride Una of fe'un Dance 118214— Age, Sept. 3, 1907; sire, Ernest 91016; dam, Center Hill Pride 10th 95868— J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. 439 Blackbird McHenry 76th 116631— Age, Oct. 18, 1907; sire, Baden Lad 61883; dam. Blackbird of Denison 36th 38980— W. A. Mc- Henry, Denison, Iowa. 440 Pride McHenry 72d 116635— Age, Nov. 28, 1907; sire, Baden Lad 61883; dam. Pride of Aberdeen 167th 59803— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 441 Metz Matilda 11th 118619— Age, Nov. 12, 1907; sire, Newton King Dodo 81603; dam, Metz Matilda 2d 60993— W. J. Miller, New- ton, Iowa. 442 Sunflower Kittle Ito 111693— Age, Sept. 2, 1907; sire, Japan Ito 55383; dam, Sunflower of the Kaw 2d 77525— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 443 Sunflower Queen 2d 111695— Age, Sept. 18, 1907; sire. Best Blood 61866; dam. Sunflower Queen 63770— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 444 Rutger Dame 7th 118105— Age, Oct. 22, 1907; sire, Rutger Mikado 82395; dam, Rutger Dame 2d 40202— Chas. B. Sutton, Law- rence, Kan. 445 December Pride 121147— Age, Dec. 20, 1907; sire, Marathon 76760; dam. Pride August 83557 — J. W. Wheatley, Kempton, Ind. 446 Blackbird 57th 113617— Age, Sept. 2, 1907; sire, Boralma 85747; dam, :gllckbird of Cherokee 16th 73768 — Jas. Williams, Marcus, Iowa. I CLASS 33. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1308, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 447 Pride of Blackston 2d 128159— Age, June 25, 1908; sire. Black Ivanhoe 76888; dam, Pride of Blackston 95747— R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 448 Black Eileen 115897 — Age, Feb. 14, 1908; sire. Black Woodlawn 42088; dam, Eileen Lass 73102 — Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 449 Thick Set Lass 115896— Age, Jan. 20, 1908; sire, Glenfoil Thick Set 2d 88142; dam, Inverness Rose 2d 82919— Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS 115 Official No. 450 Blackbird Lassie of Alta 3d 118154— Age, Jan. 2, 1908; sire, Blackbird Laddie 52733; dam, Blackbird of Denison 34tli 38964 — A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 451 Pride of Alta lOth 118155— Age, Jan. 3, 1908; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam, Proud Preston Lassie 84111— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 452 Bee of Meadow Brook 118037— Age, Jan. 4, 1908,; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam, Bess the 3d of Meadow Brook 63613— D, Bradfute & S'on, Cedarville, Ohio. 453 Fanny 3d of Meadow Brook 117980— Age, Jan. 20, 1908; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam. Fancy of Meadow Brook 26399— D. Bradfute &. Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 454 Maplehurst Blackbird 124563— Age, June 3, 1908; sire, Black Mark Twain 86317; dam. Blackbird 15th 29400 — Omei* Catterson, Marysville, Mo. 455 Maplehurst Queen 54th 117954— Age, Jan. 25, 1908; sire. Clans- man Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Queen 9th 53920 — Omer Catterson, Marysville, Mo. 456 El Bothel 123986— Age, Feb. 10, 1908; sire, Benin of Ballindal- lock 123822; dam. Enamel 7th of Gallovie 123909— Chas. Escher & Son, Botna, Iowa. 457 Jilt 51st 118354— Age, March 7, 1908; sire, Black Mark Twain 86317; dam, Jilt 42d 95748— Jno. S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 458 Rosebud Alpha Iota 118370— Age, July 31, 1908; sire. Baron Inca 58611; dam, Rosebud Alpha Alpha 67239— Jno. S. Goodwin, Chi- cago, 111. 453 Zara 43d 118349— Age, Jan. 27, 1908; sire. Black Mark Twain 86317; sire, Zara 12th 26462— Jno. S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 480 Prideset 119196— Age, Jan. 2, 1908; sire, Blackset 54462; dam, Rosegay's Pride 53418 — E. E. Gwinn, Oakland, 111. 461 Alfalfa Blackbird 5th 117864— Age, April 2, 1908; sire. Blackbird Favorite Lad 84890; dam. Blackbird of Cherokee 20th 82505— Harrison & Harrison, Indianola, Neb. 462 Maple Brook Mina 118614— Age, Feb. 1, 1908; sire, Leroy 3d of Meadow Brook 95635; dam. Myrtle 2d of Meadow Brook 84614 — B. B. Johnson & Sons, Atlanta, Ind. 463 Princess of Walnut Park 112035 — Age, Jan. 3, 1908; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068; dam, Princess Girl 103257 — Lew Kerr, New- town, Ind. 464 Woodlawn May 117359— Age, Jan. 22, 1908; sire, Prince Ito 50006; dam, Ellwood May 53510 — M. D. Korns, Hartwick, Iowa. 465 Mabel of Hazelwood 124363— Age, March 23, 1908; sire. Prince of Kerrera 26600; dam, Blackwood of Hazelwood 94647— G. C. Learning, Rommey, Ind. 456 Queen Marca of Sun Dance 121713— Age, Aug. 18, 1908; sire, Er- nest 91016; dam. Alfalfa Queen 2d 86325— J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. 116 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 467 Pride McHenry 73d 116642— Age, Feb. 14, 1908; sire, Baden Lad 61883; dam, Pride of Denison 19th 38972— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 468 Metz Beauty 7th 118746— Age, Jan. 10, 1908; sire, Newton King Dodo 81603; dam, Metz Beauty 4th 70346— W. J. Miller, New- ton, Iowa. 469 Erica of Meadow View 127811— For sale— Age, June 4, 1908; sire, Ito M 90349; dam, Ellen Elliott 3d of The Wells 75782— J. & W. D. Mobley, Mt. Sterling, 111. 470 Pride of Meadow View 127812— Age, June 24, 1908; sire. Post- script of Alta 73101; dam. Pride M of Groveland 100561— J. & W. D. Mobley, Mt. Sterling, 111. 471 Alfalfa Erica 4th 117862— Age, Jan. 28, 1908; sire, Blackbird Fa- vorite Lad 84890; dam. Erica Lady 2d 80406— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 472 Prima D 115869— Age, Jan. 6, 1908; sire, Equalize 83737; dam, Pride 2d of Danesfleld 60281— Rosenfeld & Severly, Kelley, Iowa. 473 Villie Lass 117897— Age, Jan. 19, 1908; sire. Expand 30634; dam, Villie Greer 35449 — Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. 474 Blackbird of Normal Hill 3d 117848— Age, Jan. 12, 1908; sire, Home Dale Heather Boy 2d 85638; dam. Black Bird of Nor- mal Hill 82937— Jas. Williams, Marcus, Iowa. CLASS 34. SENIOR HEIFER CALF DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official Ko. 475 Bell Eclipser of Newell 131046— Age, Oct. 28, 1908; sire, Bonnie Ben Royal 95006; dam. Summer Leas Bell Eclipser 3d 82898— R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 476 Rosemere Blackbird Lass 128966— Age, Nov. 18, 1908; sire, Golden Gleam 93256; dam, Blackbird McHenry 24th 32483— Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 477 Thick Set Pride 128965— Age, Nov. 10, 1908; sire, Glenfoil Thick Set 2d 88142; dam, Nettie Pride 104438— Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 478 Blackbird Lassie of Alta 4th 125897— Age, Dec. 6, 1908; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam, Blackbird of Denison 34th 38964— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 479 Blackbird Lassie of Alta 5th— Age, Oct. 31, 1908; sire. King Edward W 73328; dam. Blackbird Lass 52740— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS 117 Official No. 480 Even Lass 2d 129492— Age, Nov. 11, 1908; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam, Evangeline of Butterstock's 63992— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 481, Blanch 5th of Meadow Brook 129523— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire, Quickstep 61870; dam, Collins Bess 45789— D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 482 Freda 2d of Meadow Brook 129524— Age, Oct. 24, 1908; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam, Fawn 2d of Meadow Brook 63748 — D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 483 Blackbird of Cherokee 37th 130230— Age, Sept. 14, 1908; sire, Edward R 61744; dam, Blackbird 46th 103381— H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 484 Eyelid 129953— Age, Sept. 21, 1908; sire, Edward R 61744; dam, Eribena 61746 — H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 485 Miss Quality 129095— Age, Nov. 14, 1908; sire, Clansman Chief 2d 73155; dam. Queen of Maplehurst 2d 80981— Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. 486 Queen of Maplehurst 16th 129093— Age, Sept. 3, 1908; sire. Clans- man Chief 2d 73155; dam. Queen of Maplehurst 8th 102638— Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. .487 Queen of Maplehurst 17th 129094— Age, Sept. 24, 1908; sire. Clans- man Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Queen 13th 65036— Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. 488 Blackbird of Woodcote 119354— Age, Sept. 3, 1908; sire, Undulata Blackbird Ito 83836; dam. Blackbird M 4th 87601— Dwight Cutter, Detroit, Mich. 489 Brookside Blackbird 11th— Age, Oct, 23, 1908; sire. Black Wood- lawn 42088; dam. Blackbird 26th 54457— P. J. & Mike Donahue & Patrick Leahy, Holbrook, Iowa. 490 Blackbird 65th 120134— Age, Sept. 2, 1908; sire. Baron Inca 58611; dam, Blackbird 38th 83913— John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 491 Jilt 52d 129734— Age, Oct. 19, 1908; sire. Baron Inca 58611; dam. Jilt 7th 22660— John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 492 Alfalfa Pride 10th 129479— Age, Sept. 23, 1908; sire. Blackbird Favorite Lad 84890; dam. Alfalfa Pride 5th 96455— Harrison & Harrison, Indianola, Neb. 493 Queen of Walnut Park 3d 128321— Age, Sept. 3, 1908; sive. Pride Lad of Aldine 89030; dam, Queen of Aldine 89028— Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 494 Walnut Grove Tura 126976— Age, Sept. 15, 1908; sire, Creekside Star 79661; dam, Topsy 7th of Madison 36716— M. D. Korns, Hartwick, Iowa. 495 Glenmere Blackbird 4th 130539— Age, Oct. 16, 1908; sire, Black Woodlawn 42088; dam, Home Dale Blackbird 5th 82620— Patrick Leahy, Williamsburg, Iowa. 496 Glenmere Blackbird 5th 130540— Age, Oct. 24, 1908; sire, Black Woodlawn 42088; dam, Arndale Black Princess 100190— Patrick Leahy, Williamsburg, Iowa. 118 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 497 Lady May of &'uii Dance 129715— Age, Sept. 1 1908; sire, Ernest 91016; dam, Lady Mac of Sun Dance 101126— J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. 498 Queen Minnie of Sun Dance 129717— Age, Sept. 25, 1908; sire, Ernest 91016; dam. Willow Springs Minnie 2d 56177— J. W. jNIcClung ♦& Son, Indianola, Neb. 499 Queen Missie of Sun Dance 129718— Age, Nov. 23, 1908; sire, Ernest 91016; dam. Alfalfa Queen 3d 86327— J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. 500 Blackbird McHenry 79th 125458— Age, Oct. 5, 1908; sire, Baden Lad 61883; dam. Blackbird of Denison 36th 38980— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 501 Pride McHenry 76th 125460— Age, Oct. 7, 1908; sire, Prince Pico 93306; dam, Pride McHenry 32d 61881— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 502 Barbara Woodson 129611— Age, Sept. 4, 1908; sire, Louis of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Barbara McHenry 20th 82412— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 503 Katy Keymura 128805— Age, Sept. 14, 1908; sire, Keymura 95561; dam. Key of Des Moines 86062 — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 504 Metz Blackbird 4th 128806— Age, Sept. 16, 1908; sire, King Donald 80599; dam, Metz Blackbird 94653— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 505 Sunflower Curl 2d 124212— Age, Sept. 8, 1908; sire, Eavener 2d 93998; dam. Sunflower Curl 100102 — Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 506 Wakarusa Blanche 129383 — Age, Nov. 6, 1908; dam. Champion Ito 94179; dam, Rutger Blanch 32880 — Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. 507 Wakarusa Lucia 129380— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire. Champion Ito 94179; dam, Sutton's Lucy, 94100 — Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. CLASS 35. JUNIOR HEIFER CALF DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909— $25, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5. Official No. 508 Jilt 56th 140577 — Age, Mar. 15, 1909; sire, Bonnie Ben Royal 95006; dam. Jilt 48th 113223— R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 503 Evelyn Blackbird 128968— Age, Mar. 30, 1909; sire. Black Wood- lawn 42088; dam, Blackbird Favorite 2d 59234— Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. 510 Thick Set Myra 129083— Age, Feb. 20, 1909; sire, Glenfoil Thick Set 2d 88142; dam, Myra of Inverness 107187- Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS 119 Official No. 511 Pride of Alta 12th 129497— Age, Jan. 10, 1909; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam, Pride of Selaby 63990— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 512 Proud Lass of Alta 129496— Age, Jan. 9, 1909; sire, Elmar Lad 84122; dam. Pride of Alta 3d 84116— A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. 513 Joyful Girl of Cherokee 129967— Age, Feb. 9, 1909; sire, Edward R 61744; dam. Joyful Girl Milan 112349— H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 514 Klema 129964— Age, Jan. 9, 1909; sire, Edward R 61744; dam. Pride 4th of Five Gates 112356 — H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 515 Maplehurst Coquette 13th 129097— Age, Jan. 17, 1909; sire. Clans- man Chief 2d 73155; dam, Maplehurst Coquette 4th 94861 — Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. 516 Erinca 129740— Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire. Baron Inca 58611; dam, Emersonia 76825 — John &'. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 517 Jilt 53d 129741— Age, Jan. 15, 1909; sire, Baron Inca 58611; dam, Jilt 40th 76827— John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 518 Rosebud Alpha Kappa 129739— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire. Baron Inca 58611; dam. Rosebud Phi 31402— John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. 519 Alfalfa Erica 7th 129485— Age, Jan. 16, 1909; sire, Scotch Eric 66967; dam, Erica of Maplehill 5th 95446— Harrison & Har- rison, Indianola, Neb. 520 Sweetheart of Thistle Dale 129210— Age, Jan. 12, 1909; sire. Lord Roberts 2d 83354; dam, Gretna Sweetheart 53948 — James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 521 Queen Mother Johnson 5th 130423— Age, Jan. 5, 1909; sire, Leroy 3d of Meadow Brook 95635; dam. Queen Mother Johnson 84599 — B. B. Johnson & Sons, Atlanta, Ind. 522 Princess of Walnut Park 2d 128329— Age, Jan. 1, 1909; sire, Pride Lad of Aldine 89030; dam. Princess Girl 103257— Lew Kerr, ' Newtown, Ind. 523 Pearl Bloom 129061— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire, Elyron 82908; dam. Walnut Dell Pearl 85319— M. D. Korns, Hartwick, Iowa. 524 Walnut Grove Queenette 128220— Age, Apr. 10, 1909; sire. Creek- side Star 79661; dam. Walnut Queen 3d 53255— M. D. Korns, Hartwick, Iowa. 525 Glenmere Irene 130544 — Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire, Black Woodlawn 42088; dam, Brookside Heather Rose 54025 — Patrick Leahy, Williamsburg, Iowa. 526 Glenmere Marie 130545 — Age, Jan. 5, 1909; sire. Black Woodlawn 42088; dam. Dandy of Langshott 2d 61644— Patrick Leahy, Williamsburg, Iowa. 527 Miss Fowler of Sun Dance 129719— Age, Jan. 5, 1909; sire, Ernest 91016; dam, Telia 3d 103990— J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. 528 Pride McHenry 78th 125470— Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire, Ederic 104114; dam, Pride of Aberdeen 167th 59803— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 120 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS Official No. 529 Pride McHenry 82d 125484— Age, Mar. 18, 1909; sire. Prince Pico 93306; dam, Pride of Denison 21st 46109— W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. 530 Metz Matilda 13th 128807— Age, Jan. 1, 1909; sire, King Donald 80599; dam, Metz Matilda 7tli 102377— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 531 'Snowflake's Queen 3d 128808— Age, Mar. 4, 1909; sire. King Donald 80599; dam, Snowflake of Kirkbridge 2d 64016— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 532 Sunflower Lady Tiptop 129534— Age, Mar. 5, 1909; sire, Japan Ito 55383; dam, Sunflower Tiptop Lady 57328— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 533 Sunflower May Hale 2d 129862— Age, Mar. 16, 1909; sire. Envoy 3d 93990; dam, Sunflower May Hale 77557— Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 534 Lad's Rose — Age, March 8, 1909; sire, Alice's Lad 100663; dam, Esther Dale .67108 — Rosenfeld & Severly, Kelley, Iowa. 535 Barbara 2d— Age, Mar. 20, 1909; sire, Blackere 72214; dam, Maple- view Barbara 3d 67354 — Rosenfeld & Severly, Kelley, Iowa. 536 Bashful Baby 2d— Age, May 10, 1909; sire, Blackere 72214; dam, Barbara Belle 69516 — Rosenfeld & Severly, Kelley, Iowa. 537 Wea Mina S 129390— Age, Jan. 6, 1909; sire, Champion Ito 94179; dam, Wea Mina 15th 79001 — Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. 538 Wakarusa Rose 129392— Age, Jan. 21, 1909; sire, Rutger Mikado 82395; dam. Rose of Glendale 18936 — Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. CLASS 36. SENIOR CHAMPION BULL 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $20. Competition limited to first prize winners in Classes 24 and 25. CLASS 37- JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $20. Competition limited to first prize winners in Classes 26, 27, 28, 29. I CLASS 38. BEST BULL ANY AGE.— RIBBON. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $20. Competition limited to winners in Classes 36, 37. CLASS 39. SENIOR CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $20. Competition limited to first prize winners in Classes 30 and 31. BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS 121 CLASS 40. JUNIOR CHAMPION HEIFER UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $20. Competition limited to first prize winners in Classes 32, 33, 34, 35. CLASS 41. BEST COW OR HEIFER ANY AGE.— RIBBON. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $20. Competition limited to winners in Classes 39, 40. CLASS 42. AGED HERD.— $50, 35, 20. Consisting of one bull 2 years or over; one cow 3 years or over; one cow or heifer 2 years and under 3; one heifer 1 year and under 2; one heifer under 1 year. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 25, 20 R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. Iowa. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. Kan. B. B. Johnson & Son, Atlanta, Ind. Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. CLASS 43. YOUNG HERD.— $50, 35, 20. Consisting of one bull under 2 years; two heifers 1 year and under 2; two heifers under 1 year. All except bull must be bred by exhibitor. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 25, 20. Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Ohio. Kan. Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. Chas. B. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. John S'. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. CLASS 44. CALF HERD.— $50, 30, 10. Consisting of one bull and four heifers, all under 1 year. All bred by exhibitor. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 25, 20. Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. Kan. John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. Rosenfeld & Severly, Kelley, Iowa J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. Neb. 122 BREEDING ABERDEEN-ANGUS CLASS 45. FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $75, 50, 25. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10, 5>. R. M. Anderson Sons, Newell, Iowa. Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. H. L. Cantine, Qumby, Iowa. Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. B. B. Johnson & Sons, Atlanta, Ind. J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. Rosenfeld & Severly, Kelley, Iowa. Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. CLASS 46. TWO ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, PRODUCE OF ONE COW. $20, 15, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Otto V. Battles, Maquoketa, Iowa. A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. A. C. Binnie, Alta, Iowa. D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, O. H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. John S. Goodwin, Chicago, 111. B. B. Johnson & Sons, Atlanta, Ind. Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. J. W. McClung & Son, Indianola, Neb. W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. W. A. McHenry, Denison, Iowa. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. Rosenfeld & Severly, Kelley, Iowa. Chas. E. Sutton, Lawrence, Kan. GOODWIN SPECIAL. John S. Goodwin, Naperville, 111., offers the following special, which must be won three times by the same person before becoming his abso- lute property: Champion young herd of Aberdeen-Angus cattle: Sterling Silver Cup, valued at BREEDING HEREFORDS 123 HEREFORD [See Rule 45.] CLASS 47. BULL 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 1.0. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Animals competing must be recorded in the American Hereford Record. Official No. 539 Sunny N. J. 239824— Age, Feb. 12, 1906; sire. Sunny South 121189; dam, Hesoid Maiden 139853 — J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. 540 Sally's Dale 247050— Age, Apr. 12, 1906; sire. Armour Dale 156843; dam, Sally 8th 138337— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 541 Princeps A 234591— Age, Oct. 17, 1905; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam, Angelina 156475 — Letson C. S., Wilsonville, Neb. 542 Beau Adventurer 273286 — Age, Apr. 16, 1906; sire. Beau Donavan 3d 186831; dam, Amelia 159442— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 543 Prime Lad 16th 213969— Age, Jan. 3, 1905; sire, Prime Lad 108911; dam, Lima Doone 94479— Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 544 Bonnie Brae 8th 239653— Age, Apr. 22, 1906; sire, Publican 189221; dam, Drelcinea 12th 194322— J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville. Wis. 545 Togo 214994— Age, June 6, 1905; sire, Woodford Boy 155770; dam, Bessie King 141903 — Sanford Bros., Eminence, Ky. 546 Foxy Dale 241530— Age, Feb. 20, 1906; sire. Dale 2d 175574; dam, Delia Pox 91893 — Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. 547 Folly's Lad 177956— Age, Oct. 2, 1903; sire, Prime Lad 108911; dam, Folly 70107— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 548 Prime Lad 9th 213963— Age, Sept. 28, 1904; sire, Prime Lad 108911; dam, Lenora 137722— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 549 Prime Lad 5th 197985— Age, April 1, 1904; sire. Prime Lad 108911; dam. Sprite 12th 91606— C. A. Watson, Apple River, 111. CLASS 48. BULL 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 550 Princeps 10th 264203— Age, Sept. 2, 1906; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam. Belle Donald 20th 105176— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 124 BREEDING HEREFORDS Official No. 551 Princeps 15th 268046— Age, Jan. 8,1907; sire, Princeps 4tli 143394; dam, Russett 73664 — Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 552 Perfection 1st 285849 — Age, May 6, 1907; sire, Perfection Fairfax 179767; dam, Pea Blossom 152190 — Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 553 Principal 6th 273293— Age, Sept. 15, 1906; sire, Princeps 2d 136735; dam, Christine 146530 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 554 Peter Parley 266398— Age, Jan. 27, 1907; sire, Perfection Lad 2d 199838; dam, Evergreen Maid 2d 171012— Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 555 Beau Valentine 280331— Age, Feb. 14, 1907; sire. Director 189216; dam, Blanche B 2d 135369— Claude E. Puckett, Warren, 111. 556 Sir Donald 12th 261806— Age, Oct. 2, 1906; sire. Beau Donald 71st 187358; dam, Delia's Pet 181796— Sanford Bros., Eminence, Ky. 557 Young David 589291— Age, June 15, 1907; sire, Sir David 205428; dam, Rosetta 101269— W. S. Van Natta & Sons, Fowler, Ind. 558 Prime Lad 40th 270992 — Age, May 26, 1907; sire. Prime Lad 108911; dam, Sprite 12th 91606— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 559 Peter Pan 270990— Age, Mar. 28, 1907; sire, Prime Lad 8th 213962; dam, Princess 197988— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 560 Quincey 270993— Age, Feb. 3,1907; sire. Quince's Lad 187654; dam. Clover Blossom 2d 94466— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 561 Lowland Princeps 260259— Age, Nov. 23, 1906; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam. Cloverbud 192062— C. A. Watson, Apple River, 111. CLASS 49. SENIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, la. Official No. 562 Beau Columbus 283061— Age, Oct. 8. 1907; sire, Beau Roland 102767; dam, British Columbia 215952— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 563 Canyon Dale 301829— Age, Oct. 1, 1907; sire. Armour Dale 156843; dam. Nit 70547 — John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 564 Crown Prince 281466— Age, Sept. 8, 1907; sire. Young Beau Brum- mel 207148; dam, Miss .Cheesevat of Sunset 193128 — James E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. 565 Paragon 12th 299116— Age, Oct. 8, 1907; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam, Amethyst 188671 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 566 Heriod Lad 283215— Age, Oct. 25, 1907; sire, Prince Lad 3d 197984; dam, Ernia 2d 98637— Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 567 Domineer 300905— Age, Nov. 1, 1907; sire, Excel 111229; dam, Carnation 142071— J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. BREEDING HEREFORDS 125 CLASS 50. JUNIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. - $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 568 Bonnie Brae 15th 288353— Age, Jan. 7, 1908; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam. Miss Donald 17tli 184573— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 569 John L 307542— Age, July 28, 1908; sire. Beau Sylvan 2d 233317; dam, Mollie Birooks 148275 — Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 570 Perfection 293655— Age, Jan. 12, 1908; sire. Dismay 187339; dam. Lady Corona 148343 — J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. 571 King of the Roses 300080— Age, Mar. 15, 1908; sire. Peerless Wilton 39th 90610; dam. White Rose 61284— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 572 Gladstone 308323— Age, Apr. 17, 1908; sire, Blackstone 102818; dam. Peerless Jewell 200474 — H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 573 British Victor 295149— Age, May 9, 1908; sire, Britisher 145096; dam, Esther 95347 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 574 British Protector 295146— Age, Mar. 26, 1908; sire, Britisher's Hesiod 239254; dam, Protector's Esther 229314— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 575 Britisher Jr. 295145— Age, Apr. 13, 1908; sire, Britisher 145096; dam, British Blossom 204533 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 576 Royal Dale Jr. 308151— Age, July 30, 1908; sire. Royal Dale 192281; dam. Miss Perfection 155386— Nathan Gudeman, Wol- cott, Ind. 577 Level's Prince 312064— Age, Jan. 30, 1908; sire. Winsome Prince 172425; dam. Level 71470— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 578 Serene's Dale 301996 — Age, April 21, 1908; sire. Armour Dale 156843; dam. Sweet Serene 146281 — John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 579 Prince Rupert 20th 302702— Age, May 14, 1908; sire. Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam, Germinate 3d 228838— Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. 580 Prince Rupert 17th 292943 — Age, Jan. 17, 1908; sire, Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam, Bell Donald 71st 162622— Luce & Mox- ley, Shelbyville, Ky. 581 Paragon 20th 299119— Age, March 4, 1908; sire, Beau Paragon 211322; dam, Amelia 159442— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 582 Tippecanoe 294100— Age, Feb. 6, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 27th 234345; dam, Lady Lucile 106672— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 583 Orange Lad 297210— Age, May 31, 1908; sire. Diamond Lad 108905; dam. Orange Belle 169011— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 126 BREEDING HEREFORDS CLASS 51. SENIOR BULL CALF DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1S08, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 584 Financier 316214— Age, Oct. 6, 1908; sire, Disturber 139989; dam, Financee 2d 119538 — S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 585 Bonnie Brae 18tli 322195— Age, Oct. 26, 1908; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam, Leta 90579— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 586 Bonnie B|rae 17tli 322194— Age, Oct. 14, 1908; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam, Purple Leaf 2d 179248— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 587 Perfection 2d 307547— Age, Sept. 17, 1908; sire, Beau Sylvan 2d 233317; dam, Pea Blossom 152190— Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 588 Master Wilton 332393— Age, Dec. 28, 1908; sire. Peerless Wilton 39th 90610; dam, Minnehaha 3d 146215— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 583 Beau Bourbon 315107— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire. Beau Roland 102767: dam, Miss Britisher 239264— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 590 Prince Rupert 24th 314866 — Age, Nov. 14,1908; sire, Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam, Belle Donald 93d 212787— Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. 591 Prince Rupert 23d 314865— Age, Sept. 20, 1908; sire,' Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam. Belle Donald 67th 162618— Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. 592 Advertiser 324438 — Age, Sept. 28, 1908; sire. Beau Adventurer 273286; dam, Petellina 2d 102852— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 593 Paragon 23d 324451— Age, Nov. 18, 1908; sire, Beau Paragon 211322; dam. Lady of Grace 148855 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 534 Paragon 21st 324449— Age, Sept. 11, 1908; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam. Amethyst 188671 Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 525 Beau Real 15th 317645— Age, Nov. 25, 1908; sire. Beau Real 181680; dam. Lady Helper 144572— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 556 Gay Lad 11th 316941— Age, Oct. 9, 1908; sire, Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam, Edna 147257— Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 597 Fairfax 15th 303192— Age, Sept. 9,. 1908; sire. Perfection Fairfax 179767; dam, Viola 194625— Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 598 Gay Lad 16th 316946— Age, Dec. 18, 1908; sire, Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam. Miss Betty Perfection 215490— Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 599 Gay Lad 6th 316936— Age, Sept. 2, 1908; sire, Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam, Sister Perfection 139658— Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. BREEDING HEREFORDS 127 Official No. 600 Burbank 325940— Age, Nov. 25, 1908; sire, Bonnie Brae 8th 239653; dam, Lady Sturtevant 101133— J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. 601 Lyon 325946— Age, Oct. 10, 1908; sire, Bonnie Brae 8th 239653; dam. Queen 233036 — J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. 602 Sir .Donald 23d 324908— Age, Sept. 20, 1908; sire, Donald 11th 261805; dam, Miss Winifred 120542— Sanford Bros., Eminence, Ky. 603 Sir Donald 29th 324913— Age, Oct. 29, 1908; sire. Sir Donald 12th 261806; dam, Edina 3d 79419— Sanford Bros., Eminence, Ky. 604 Sir Donald 27th 324912— Age, Oct. 30, 1908; sire. Sir Donald 12th 261806; dam. Lady Donald 6th 245141— Sonfard Bros., Eminence, Ky. 605 Sir Donald 25th 324910— Age, Sept. 30, 1908; sire. Sir Donald 11th 261805; dam, Edina 5th 98010— Sanford Bros., Eminence, Ky. 606 Sir Donald 31st 324900— Age, Nov. 23, 1908; sire. Sir Donald 12th 261806; dam, Carline 173772— Sanford Bros., Eminence, Ky. CLASS 52. JUNIOR BULL CALF DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. ' 607 Disbelter 325347— Age, Mar. 8, 1909; sire, Disturber 139989; dam, Belle 119684— S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 608 Margin 325353— Age, Feb. 4, 1909; sire, Disturber 139989; dam, Mabel 10th 144658— S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 609 Distruster 325349— Age, Feb. 16, 1909; sire, Disturber 139989; dam, Ruth 61657 — S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 610 Discounter 325348— Age, Mar. 25, 1909; sire, Disturber 139989; dam, Nora 65389 — S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 611 Bonni^ Brae 21st 322198— Age, Jan. 26, 1909; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam, Petrenia 195326— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 612 Bonnie Brae 20th 322197— Age, Jan. 20, 1909; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam. Marquis Ellen 86927— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 613 Lord Wilton 326164— Age, Mar. 15, 1909; sire, Beau Sylvan 2d 233317; dam, Flora Wilton 206887— Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 614 Sunny Earl 324824— Age, Jan. 26, 1909; sire, Sunny South 121189 dam, Bessie 165685 — J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. 615 The Principal— Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire, Peerless Wilton 39th 90610 dam, Princess Girl 216114 — H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 616 British Ruler 315122— Age, Jan. 6, 1909; sire, Britisher 145096 dam. Miss Roland 198642 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 128 BREEDING HEREFORDS No. Official 617 Prince Serene 327703 — Age, Mar. 6, 1909; sire, Winsome Prince 172425; dam, Serene Strike 247053— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 618 Prince Dean 327692— Age, Mar. 9, 1909; sire, Winsome Prince 172425; dam, Mary Dean 260942— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 619 Prince Tin 327707— Age, Mar. 2, 1909; sire, Winsome Prince 172425; dam. Strike Tin 247061— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 620 Dale Real 327642— Age, Mar. 18, 1909; sire. Armour Dale 156843; dam. Miss Real 162597— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 621 Prince Dale 9th 327691— Age, Apr. 10, 1909; sire. Armour Dale 156843; dam. Winsome Princess 247074 — John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 622 Beau Sunset 323949— Age, Feb. 10, 1909; sire, Young Beau Brum- mel 207148; dam, The Duchess of Sunset Farm 136560— Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. 623 Prince Rupert 27th 325574— Age, Apr. 18, 1909; sire. Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam,' Donna 15th 228514— Luce & Moxley, Shelby- ville, Ky. 624 Prince Rupert 26th 325573— Age, Mar. 30, 1909; sire. Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam, Priscilla 9th 228524— Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. 625 Paragon 25th 324452— Age, Jan. 23, 1909; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam, Clematis 253235— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 626 Fairfax 26th 317652— Age, Jan. 4, 1909; sire, Perfection Fairfax 179767; dam. Lady Helps 103642— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 627 Beau Real 17th 317647— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire. Beau Real 181680; dam, Lady Crenader 3d 215193— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 628 Fairfax 16th 316931— Age, Jan. 5, 1909; sire. Perfection Fairfax 179767- dam. Cherry Donald 189271— Warren T. McCray, Kent- land, Ind. 629 Dorr 325942— Age, April 10, 1909; sire, Bonnie Brae 8th 239653; dam, Idabelle 142073— J. C Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. 630 Sir Donald 34th 324917— Age, Jan. 10, 1909; sire, Sir Donald 12th 261806; dam. Bright Lass 186207— Sanford Bros., Eminence, Ky. 631 Prince Lad 10th 324668— Age, Jan. 7, 1909; sire. Prince Lad 9th 213963; dam, Lorna Doone 94479— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. CLASS 53- cow 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 632 Miss Filler 7th 239660— Age, Feb. 2, 1906; sire. Fulfiller 107722; dam, Iva 3d 112085 — Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. BREEDING HEREFORES 129 Official No. 633 Miss Filler 2d 230514— Age, Oct. 1, 1905; sire, Fulfiller 107722; dam. Belle Donald 20tli 105176— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 634 Lady Fairfax 232491— Age, Nov. 18, 1905; sire. Perfection Fairfax 6405, 179767; dam, Janice 120186— Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 635 Atoka's Annabel 207952— Age, Mar. 27, 1905; sire, Pretorian 7316, 71784; dam, Atoka 58383— Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 636 Mary Gertrude' 219966— Age, Sept. 2, 1905; sire. Saint Grove 3d 141813; dam, Mary Francis 131897— J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. 637 Wilhelmina 146220— Age, Jan. 6, 1902; sire, Donald Dhu 91580; dam. White Rose 61284— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 638 Prairie Flower 5th 146532— Age, Aug. 25, 1901; sire. Regulator 97575; dam, Myra 2d 42936— Makin Bros, Grandview, Mo. 639 Pretty Face 207319— Age, Oct. 5, 1904; sire, Beaumont 134751; dam, Pretty Maid 79129 — Warren T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 640 Sunshine 209904— Age, Jan. 3, 1905; sire, Excel 111229; dam. Carnation 142071 — J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. 641 Orange Belle 169011— Age, May 1, 1903; sire, Roderick 76184; dam, Ovir 86203 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 642 Catherine Marchon 173751 — Age, July 12, 1903; sire. Diamond Lad 108905; dam. Lady Marchon 3d 112042— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 643 Margaret 234336— Age, Oct. 24, 1905; sire. Prime Lad 108911; dam, Lovey Mary 160854 — W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 644 Bell Perfection 235447— Age, Sept. 28, 1905; sire. Perfection 92891; dam. Belle Donald 77th 162628— C. A. Watson, Apple River, 111. CLASS 54. COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 645 Princess 7th 267032— Age, Jan. 4, 1907; sire, Princess 4th 143394; dam, Daley 3d 97451 — Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 646 Princess 2d 264207— Age, Sept. 3, 1906; sire, Princess 4th 143394; dam, Bernie Golden 86922 — Cargill &, Price, La Crosse, Wis. 647 Lady Coral 2d 262820— Age, Nov. 6, 1906; sire, Prime Star Grove 7316, 184760; dam, Lady Coral 68749— Merritt Chandler, Ona- way, Mich. 648 Mandy 261730— Age, Oct. 22, 1906; sire. Sir Albany 3d 6054, 176522; dam, Lena 139839— Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 649 Sunny Maiden 268466— Age, Jan. 23, 1907; sire. Sunny South 121189; dam, Hesiod Maiden 139853— J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. 650 Anemone 273285— Age, Oct. 8, 1906; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam. Amethyst 188671 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 130 BREEDING HEREFORDS Official No. 651 Lady Fairfax 4th 265180— Age, Jan. 9, 1907; sire, Perfection Fair- fax 179767; dam, Miss Armour Donald 183541— Warren T. Mc- Cray, Kentland, Ind. 652 Heath's Yankee Belle 263882— Age, Oct. 12, 1906; sire, Distributor 6769, 176433; dam, Gladiolus 123205— Claude E. Puckett, War- ren, 111. 653 Finella 2d 273787— Age, Nov. 17, 1906; sire, Diamond Lad 108905; dam, Finella 68468— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 654 Lady Secret 3d 284711— Age, Jan. 5, 1907; sire. Diamond Lad 108905; dam, Lady Secret 149105— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 655 Donald Lass 2d 270985— Age, Jan. 8, 1907; sire. Prime Lad 108911; dam. Belle Donald 18th 105174— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fow- ler, Ind. 656 Iva 261810— Age, Oct. 29, 1906; sire. Prime Lad 3d 197984; dam, Robertha Marchon 131459— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 657 Lady Lilac 266687— Age, Feb. 15, 1907; sire. Dandy Right 142169; dam. Lilac 154916— C. A. Watson, Apple River, 111. CLASS 55- SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1S08.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 658 Princess 14th 288348— Age, Nov. 2, 1907; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam, Bonnie Maids 3d 135956— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 659 Princess 9th 288919— Age, Sept. 10, 1907; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam, Bernie Golden 86922— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 660 Princess 13th 288923— Age, Oct. 23, 1907; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam. Belle Donald 20th 105176— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 661 Lela 284632— Age, Oct. 6, 1907; sire. Sir Albany 3d 7316, 176522 dam, Lena 139839 — Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 662 Watercress 283081— Age, Oct. 5, 1907; sire. Beau Roland 102767 dam, Protector's Lass 196708— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 663 Regina 283080— Age, Oct. 10, 1907; sire. Beau Roland 102767 dam, British Royalty 215957— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 664 Florence Acrabat 283079— Age, Oct. 5, 1907; sire, Acrobat's Beau Donald 157648; dam, Florence 141877— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. BREEDING HEREFORrS ^ 131 No. Official 665 Dorothy Perkins 281467— Age, Sept. 4, 1907; sire, Young Beau Brummell 207148; dam, The Last Rose 204731— Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. 666 Princess R 7th 292945— Age, Nov. 2, 1907; sire. Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam. Belle Donald 67th 162618— Luce & Moxley, Shelby- ville, Ky. 667 Clematis 2d 299109 — Age, Sept. 14, 1907; sire, Princeps 2d 136735; dam, Christine 146530 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 668 Forget-Me-Not 299111— Age, Sept. 22, 1907; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam, Nettie 159456— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 669 Goodness 299112— Age, Oct. 29, 1907; sire, Beau Paragon 211322; dam, Good Girl 233445— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 670 Donalda 277992— Age, Sept. 4, 1907; sire. Beau Real 181680; dam, Gerty Girl 145888— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 671 Mercedes 283217— Age, Nov. 12, 1907; sire. Prime Lad 3d 197984; dam, Grace Donald 1G9245— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 672 Agnes 295462— Age, Dec. 4, 1907; sire. Prime Lad 3d 197984; dam. Norma 126092— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 673 Leona Lass 289277— Age, Sept. 5, 1907; sire. Prime Lad 108911; dam, Leonora 137722— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 674 Lady Hesiod 7th 281080— Age, Oct. 11, 1907; sire, Hesiod 54th 81362; dam, Alto Belle 7th 137693— C. A. Watson, Apple River, 111. CLASS 56. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 675 Princess 16th 288350— Age, Jan. 15, 1908; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam, Arminta 4th 159982 — Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 676 "Miss Brae 13th 288344— Age, Jan. 10, 1908; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam. Marquis Ellen 86927— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 677 Onaway Queen 307546— Age, July 7, 1908; sire, Grove Lad 166730; dam, Bronete 193099 — Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 678 Suzanne 318327— Age, Jan. 22, 1908; sire, Sunny South 121189; dam, Miranda 94485— J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. 679 Aden Acrobat 295138— Age, Jan. 3, 1908; sire. Acrobat Beau Don- ald 157648; dam. Miss Mills 72427— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 680 Ardis 293931— Age, Jan. 6, 1908; sire. Young Beau Brummell 207148; dam, Grace 138098— Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. 681 Princess R 10th 292948 — Age, April 2, 1908; sire. Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam. Donation 24th 228513— Luce & Moxley, Shel- byville, Ky. 132 BREEDING HEREFORDS Official No. 682 Lady of Grace 3d 299114— Age, Feb. 16, 1908; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam, Grace Beau Real 71062— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 683 Lady Fairfax 9tli 294557— Age, Jan. 24, 1908; sire, Perfection Fair- fax 179767; dam. Miss Armour Donald 183541— Warren T. Mc- Cray, Kentland, Ind. 684 Lady Secret 4th 294095— Age, Feb. 4, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 27th 234345; dam, Lady Secret 149105— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 685 Ovie 2d 291342— Age, Jan. 6, 1908; sire. Diamond Lad 108905; dam, Ovie 86203— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 685 Onwards Elsie 2d 294098— Age, Feb. 4, 1908; sire. Brock 173750; dam, Onwards Elsie 189510 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 687 Rose Blossom 296547— Age, March 2, 1908; sire, Prime Lad 108911; dam, Rosalind 169015— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 688 May Queen 3d 296541— Age, Jan. 15, 1908; sire, Prime Lad 108911; dam, May Bell 149108— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. CLASS 57. SENIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 689 Princess 20th 322213— Age, Oct. 2, 1908; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam. Lady Real 203217— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 690 Princess 22d 322215— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam. Belle Donald 20th 105176— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 691 Princess 19th 322212— Age, Sept. 26, 1908; sire, Princeps 4th 143394; dam. Chancy 129195— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 692 Onaway Belle 4th 307545— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire. Beau Sylvan 2d 233317; dam, Maggie 158543— Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 693 Beau's Columbia 315106— Age, Oct. 25, 1908; sire. Acrobat Beau Donald 157648; dam, British Columbia 215952 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 694 British Sparkle 315123— Age, Nov. 1, 1908; sire, Britisher 145096; dam, Lady Fowler Marchon 140867 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 695 Flora Acrobat 315125— Age, Oct. 6, 1908; sire. Acrobat's Beau Donald 157648; dam, Florence 141897 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 696 Scottish Lassie 305352— Age, Sept. 3, 1908; sire. Young Beau Brummell 207148; dam, The Last Rose 204731— Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. BREEDING HEREFORDS 133 Official No. 697 Princess R 13th 314867— Age, Oct. 15, 1908; sire, Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam. Orphan Girl 142680— Luce & Moxley, Shelby- ville, Ky. 628 Princess R 14th 314868— Age, Nov. 18, 1908; sire. Prince Rupert 9th 247429; dam, Belle S 250856— Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. 699 Gracious 324443— Age, Sept. 25, 1908; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam. Good Queen 233446— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 700 Fuchsia 3d 324442— Age, Sept. 11, 1908; sire, Paragon 1st 284353; dam. Flower Queen 137738 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 701 Goodness 2d 324445— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire. Beau Paragon 211322; dam. Good Girl 233445 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Ml.. 702 Gay Lass 4th 316952— Age, Dec. 14, 1908; sire, Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam. Spring Clover 76186— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 703 Gay Lass 3d 316951— Age, Dec. 6, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam, Eleanor 135377— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 704 Gay Lass 2d 316950— Age, Nov. 13, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam, Lady Ella 58807— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 705 Lady Fairfax 12th 316956— Age, Oct. 26, 1908; sire, Perfection Fairfax 179767; dam, Aileen Donald 2d 239435— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 706 Lady Donald 27th 324901— Age, Sept. 17, 1908; sire. Sir Donald 11th 261805; dam, Deliss Pet 181796 — S'anford Bros., Eminence, Ky. 707 Lady Secret 5th 320890— Age, Dec. 22, 1908; sire. Diamond Lad 108905; dam. Lady Secret 149105— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 708 Finella 3d 308642— Age, Oct. 7, 1908; sire. Diamond Lad 108905; dam, Finella 68468— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 703 Cora 2d 324644— Age, Oct. 11, 1908; dam. Prime Lad 108911; dam, Caroline 214559— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 710 Rosette 324675— Age, Sept. 3, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 108911; dam, Rosetta 101269— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 1245 Handsome Lassie 313275 — Age, Oct. 8, 1908; sire. Young Beau Brummell; dam, Ollie 8th — James E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. CLASS 58. JUNIOR HEIFER, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $25, 20, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10. Official No. 711 Disturber's Lassie 3d 325350— Age, March 12, 1909; sire. Dis- turber 139989; dam, Pretty Lassie 160150— S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 134 BREEDING HEREFORDS Official No. 712 Miss Brae 17th 322201— Age, Jan. 25, 1909; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam, Miss Donald 17tli 184573— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 713 Miss Brae 20tli 322204— Age, Jan. 10, 1909; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam, Russett 73664— Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. 714 Miss Improver 317281— Age, Jan. 10, 1909; sire. Beau Sylvan 2d 233317; dam. Improver Lady 2d 201093— Merritt Chandler, Ona- way, Mich. 715 Evelyn 2d 324820— Age, Feb. 18, 1909; sire. Sunny South 121189; dam, Clementine 187780— J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. 716 British Ornament 325380— Age, March 26, 1909; sire, British High- ball 267816; dam. Lady Fowler Protector 207231— Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 717 Morning Star 315130— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire. Acrobat Beau Don- ald 157648; dam. Pretty Lass 6th 93735— Giltner Bros., Emi- nence, Ky. 718 Argument 325369— Age, March 1, 1909; sire, Beau Mascot 281878; dam, Miss Columbus 116466 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 719 British Duchess 315113— Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire, Britisher 145096; dam. Duchess of Rosemont 170039 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 720 Princess Clus 327715 — Age, March 8, 1909; sire. Winsome Prince 172425; dam, Cluster Dale 246983— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 721 Princess D 327717— Age, March 19, 1909; sire. Winsome Prince 172425; dam, Ada 187913— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 722 Princess Me 327730 — Age, March 27, 1909; sire. Winsome Prince 172425; dam. Miss McKenzie 214927 — John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 723 Lul Dale 327671— Age, March 16, 1909; sire. Armour Dale 156843; dam, Lula 212845 — John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 724 Princess Dale 3d 327719— Age, March 13, 1909; sire, Armour Dale 156843; dam, Princess Serene 247041— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 725 Bloss Dale 5th 327639— Age, March 29, 1909; sire. Armour Dale 156843; dam, Bloss 156844— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 726 Yola Maid 323873— Age, Jan. 13, 1909;"^ sire. Young Beau Brum- mell 207148; dam, Mary Francis 131897— Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. 727 Golden Glow 323868— Age, Jan. 19, 1909; sire. Young Beau Brum- mell 207148; dam, Miss Hamill 148484— Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. 728 Princess R 17th 325580— Age, Feb. 14, 1909; sire. Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam, Belle Donald 71st 162622— Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. 729 Princess R 15th 325578— Age, ApriL 16, 1909; sire, Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam. Donation 24th 228513— Luce & Moxley, Shelby- ville, Ky. BREEDING HEREFORDS 135 Official ' ■ . ; I ! No. 730 Naomi 324448— Age, Jan. 26, 1909; sire, B|eau Paragon 211322; dam, Ruth 233451 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 731 Gladness 324444— Age, Jan. 9, 1909; sire, Beau Paragon 211322; dam. Gay Lady 2d 253238— Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 732 Amy Real 317643— Age, Jan. 5, 1909; sire. Beau Real 181680; dam, Lady Crusader 2d 215192— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 733 Gay Lass 5tli 316953— Age, Jan. 24, 1909; sire. Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam, Belle 74169— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 734 Prairie Queen 3d 316958— Age, Jan. 18, 1909; sire. Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam, Prairie Queen 213961— W. T. McCray, Kent- land, Ind. 735 Midget 325948— Age, July 18, 1909; sire, Bruce 269903; dam, Sunshine 209904 — J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. 736 Bonnie Lass 325939— Age, April 25, 1909; sire, Bonnie Brae 8th 239653; dam, Dewdrop 182727 — J. C. Robinson & Son, Evans- ville, Wis. 737 Beauty 325937— Age, Jan. 8, 1909; sire, Bonnie Brae 8th 239653; dam, Hester 243161 — J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. 738 Onward's Elsie 3d 320891— Age, Feb. 12, 1909; sire, Brock 173750; dam, Onward's Elsie 189510 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 739 Perfect Lass 324653— Age, Jan. 4, 1909; sire. Prime Lad 108911; dam. Miss Perfection 217079— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. 740 Iva 3d 324647— Age, Jan. 9, 1909; sire. Prime Lad 9th 213963; dam, Robertha Marchon 131459— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fow- ler, Ind. 741 Lowland Queen 320794— Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire. Dowdy Right 142169; dam, Nettie 89670— C. A. Watson, Apple River, 111. CLASS 59. SENIOR CHAMPION BULL 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Special. — $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 47-48. CLASS 6o. JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Special. — $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 49, 50, 51, 52. CLASS 6i. SENIOR CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Special. — $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 53-54. 136 BREEDING HEREFORDS CLASS 62. JUNIOR CHAMPION HEIFER UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Special. — $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 55, 56, 57, 58. CLASS 63. AGED HERD.— $50, 35, 20. Consisting of 1 bull 2 years or over, 1 cow 3 years or over, 1 cow or heifer 2 years and under 3, 1 heifer 1 year and under 2, 1 heifer under 1 year, American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. J. H. & J. L. "Van Natta, Lafay- Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. ette, Ind. J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. Ind. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. C. A. Watson, Apple River, 111. CLASS 64. YOUNG HERD.— $50, 35, 20. Consisting of 1 bull under 2 years, 2 heifers 1 year and under 2, two heifers under 1 year. All except bull must be bred by exhibitor. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafay- Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. ette, Ind. Luce & Moxley, Shelby ville, Ky. W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. Ind. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. James E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. CLASS 65. CALF HERD.— $50, 30, 10. Consisting of 1 bull and 4 heifers, all under 1 year. All bred by exhibitor. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. Ind. James E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. BREEDING GALLOWAYS 137 CLASS 66. TWO ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, PRODUCE OF 1 COW.— $20, 15, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $40, 30, 20, 10, 10. Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. J. H. & J. ette, Ind. J. H. & J. ette, Ind. W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. Van Natta, Lafay- Van Natta, Lafay- CLASS 67. FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $75, 50, 25. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $40, 30, 20, 10, 10. Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. J. J. Early, Baring, Mo. Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. Jas. E. Logan, Kansas City, Mo. Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. J. C. Robinson & Son, Evansville, Wis. J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lfaay- ette, Ind. W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fowler, Ind. GALLOWAY [See Rule 45.] CLASS 68. BULL 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. $400 of above money subscribed by the American Galloway Breeders' Association. Official No. 742 Prince of Meadow Lawn 26843— Age, Jan. 25, 1905; sire, Worthy 3d (7762) 21228; dam, Nellie the 2d of Cornwall (17502) 21210— Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 743 Speculation (9759) 30935— Age, March 20, 1906; sire, Black Prince (8785); dam, Violet of Evanstone (17070)— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 138 BREEDING GALLOWAYS No. Official 744 Standard Favorite 26550 — Age, March 25, 1905; sire, Scottish Standard (6488) 15221; dam, Mary Miller 11489— C. S. Ilecht- ner, Chariton, Iowa. 745 Captain 4th of Tarbreach (9701) 30933— Age, Jan. 5, 1906; sire. Bondsman (7306) ; dam. Beauty 2d of Trowmaeannie Mill (16524)— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 69. BULL 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 746 Douglas of Meadow Lawn 30618— Age, Jan. 10, 1907;. sire. Gentle- man Joe (8502) 21226; dam. Lady Douglas of Kilquhanity (16657) 21212— J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 747 Scott of Homedale 31150— Age, Nov. 23, 1906; sire, Scottish Standard 2d 19337; dam, Sophia of Homedale 25412— Seward Martin, Princeton, 111. 748 Ira of Homedale 30784— Age, Oct. 30, 1906; sire, Scottish Stand- ard 2d 19337; dam, lima 15205— Seward Martin, Princeton, 111. 749 Noble Standard 30754— Age, March 20, 1907; sire, Scottish Stand- ard of Durhamhill (7377) 23516; dam. Belle of Otoe 20083— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 70. SENIOR YEARLING BULL, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 750 Favorite of Homedale 32313— Age, Sept. 5, 1907; sire, Scottish Standard 2d 19337; dam, Freda 2d 17851— Seward Martin, Princeton, 111. 751 Utility 2d of Otoe 32326— Age, Sept. 6, 1907; sire, Scottish Stand- ard of Durhamhill (7377) 23516; dam, Lucile 2d of Otoe 20584— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 71. JUNIOR YEARLING BULL, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 752 Gentleman Frank 32198— Age, April 18, 1908; sire. Gentleman Joe (8502) 21226; dam, Fancy 3d of Kilquhanity (16909) 21209 — C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 753 Meadow Lawn Crusader 32201— Age, Feb. 23, 1908; sire. Gentle- man Joe (8502) 21226; dam, Minnie 2d of Scraggiehall (17504) 21216— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 754 Captain of Meadow Lawn 32200— Age, April 24, 1908; sire. Gen- tleman Joe (8502) 21226; dam. Lady Douglas of Kilquhanity (16657) 21212— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. BREEDING GALLOWAYS 139 Official No. 755 Stanley of Maples 32254— Age, April 3, 1908; slre^ Standard Fa- vorite 26550; dam, Lady Stanley 2d of A 28876— C. S. Hecht- ner, Chariton, Iowa. 756 Bvaline's Sampson 32255 — Age, April 2, 1908; sire, Scottish Sampson (8797) 23542; dam, Evaline 2d of Avondale 20124— C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. 757 Sedate 33635— Age, July 21, 1908; sire, Scottish Standard of Dur- hamhill (7377) 23516; dam, Ida 4th of Otoe 25787— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 72. SENIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1S09.— $20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 758 Mister Bill 34062— Age, Oct. 1,1908; sire. Wild's McDougall 24673; dam. Lulu Wigert 17262 — J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 759 Sportsman 33013— Age, Nov. 20, 1908; sire, S'peculation (9759) 30935; dam. Belle 18th of Drumhumphry (16551) 21208— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 760 Fair Fame 34019— Age, Sept. 5, 1908; sire, Scottish Standard of Durhamhill (7377) 23516; dam, Fantenie 2d of Otoe 28636— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 73. JUNIOR BULL CALF, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 761— Captain Kidd— Age, March 8, 1909; sire, Douglas of Meadow Lawn 30618; dam, Lily Loine 2d 29074— J. B. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 762 Peter Prince 34209— Age, Aug. 9, 1909; sire. Prince of Meadow Lawn 26843; dam, Kirstey Belle 29336— Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 763 Prince Heather 34210— Age, Aug. 4, 1909; Prince of Meadow Lawn 26843; dam, Heather of Castlemilk 30331 — Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 764 Speculation 2d 33018— Age, Jan. 16, 1909; sire, Speculation (9759) 30935; dam, Nora of Tarbreach (17062) 21202— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 765 Speculation of Meadow Lawn 33019— Age, Jan. 11, 1909; sire. Speculation (9759) 30935; dam, Santerre of Wavertree 17820— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 766 Handsome 34018 — Age, Jan. 7, 1909; sire. Captain 4th of Tar- breach (9701) 30933; dam. Maid of Meadow Lawn 26829— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. 140 BREEDING GALLOWAYS CLASS 74. cow, 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 767 Lady Graceful 28783— Age, March 26, 1906; sire, Macdougall 4th of Tarbreach (6841) 19300; dam, Graceful A 23088— J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 768 Hawkeye Lady 27121— Age, Feb. 14, 1905; sire, Macdougall 4th of Tarbreach (6841) 19300; dam, Judy 4th 15609— J. B. Bales &, Son, Stockport, Iowa. 769 Beauty of Brookside 25490— Age, July 15, 1904; sire, Scottish Standard (6488) 15221; dam, Young Beauty "A" 13759— Brook- side Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 770 Maid of Castlemilk 28634— Age, April 5, 1906; sire, Scottish Chief 3d of Castlemilk (8054) 21227; dam. Maid of Brookside 22722— Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 771 Floss 2d 28741— Age, Jan. 3, 1906; sire. Worthy 3d (7762) 21228; dam, Flossie 3d of Alticry (17501) 21211— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 772 Cora of Meadow Lawn 26833— Age, Nov. 11, 1904; sire. Worthy 3d (7762) 21228; dam. Carmen of Wavertree 14296— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 773 Lady Love 2d 24879— Age, May 9, 1904; sire. Chief 2d of Stepford (8336) 23513; dam. Lady Love of Stepford (17348) 23492— C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. 774 Daisy Maid 2d of Otoe 24153— Age, May 16, 1903; sire, .Elton 17455; dam, Rose Candy of Otoe 17938 — Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. 775 Sadie of Meadow Lawn 26834— Age, March 1, 1905; sire. Worthy 3d (7762) 21228; dam, Santerne of Wavertree 17820— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 75. COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 776 Lily May 30803— Age, May 22, 1907; sire, Canty Lad 24714; dam, Semiramis 19th of Mt. Leonard 10682— J. E. Bales & Son, Stock- port, Iowa. 777 Heather of Castlemilk 30331— Age, Jan. 4, 1907; sire, Scottish Chief 3d of Castlemilk (8054) 21227; dam. Heather Bloom 24286 — Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 778 Kirstey Belle 29336— Age, Oct. 27, 1906; sire, Scottish Standard (6488) 15221; dam, Kirsty of Maples 11943— Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 779 Floss 3d of Meadow Lawn 30630— Age, May 22, 1907;. sire. Gen- tleman Joe (8502) 21226;- dam, Flossie 3d of Alticry (17501) 21211— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. BREEDING GALLOWAYS 141 Official No. 780 Meadow Lawn Violet 30910— Age, March 25, 1907; sire, Gentleman Joe (8502) 21226; dam, Scottish Violet 22719— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 781 Vinolia 4th of Maples 30640— Age, Oct. 24, 1906; sire, Scottish Standard 2d 19337; dam, Vinola of Wavertree 15307— C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. 782 Princess Standard 30723— Age, March 8, 1907; sire, Scottish Standard of Durhamhill (7377) 23516; dam. Black Princess of Glenlair (16287) 23494— Straub Biros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 76. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1S07, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 783 Lady Dorothea 2d 32374— Age, Dec. 5, 1907; sire. Wild's McDou gall 24673; dam, Dorothea 18673— J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 784 Annie Davids 7th 32373— Age, Dec. 1, 1907; sire. Wild's Mc- Dougall 24673; dam, Annie Davids 12146— J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 785 Florence of Meadow Lawn 32316— Age, Dec. 22, 1907; sire. Gen- tleman Joe (8502) 21226; dam, Santerene of Wavertree 17820 — C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 785 Ida of Maples 32248— Age, Sept. 18, 1907; sire, Standard Favorite 26550; dam, Vinola of Wavertree 15307— C. S. Hechtner, Chari- ton, Iowa. 787 Merry Maid 32266— Age, Sept. 8, 1907; sire, Scottish Standard of Durhamhill (7377) 23516; dam, Mary Ann (16408) 21221— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 77. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER, DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1S08.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 788 Lily May 2d 32404— Age, May 21, 1908; sire. Wild's MeDougall 24673; dam, Semiramis 19th of Mt. Leonard 10682— J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 783 Amelia of Brookside 32090— Age, Jan. 4, 1908; sire Prince of Meadow Lawn 26843; dam. Beauty of Brookside 25490 — Brook- side Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 720 Meadow Lawn Cora 32203— Age, Feb. 12, 1908; sire, Gentleman Joe (8502) 21226; dam, Cora of Meadow Lawn 26833— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 791 Darleen 2d of Rivers 32469— Age, March 25, 1908; sire, Scottish Samson (8797) 23542; dam, Darleen of Rivers 25416— A. F. Craymer, Morris, 111. 142 BREEDING GALLOWAYS Official No. 792 Deanie Thorne 2d 32467— Age, Feb. 14, 1908; sire, Scottish Sam- son (8797) 23542; dam, Deanie Thorne 18922— A. F. Craymer, Morris, 111. 793 Bessie of Maples 32250— Age, April 2, 1908; sire, Standard Fa- vorite 2G550; dam, Louisa 2d of Durhamhill (14925) 23469— C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. 794 Sweet Belle 32769— Age, May 16, 1908; sire, Scottish Standard of Dnrhamhill (7377) 23516; dam, Belle of Otoe 20083— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 78. SENIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. 795 Elizabeth 3d 34061— Age, Oct. 28, 1908; sire, Douglas of Meadow Lawn 30618; dam, Annie Davids 12146— J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 796 Violet of Meadow Lawn 2d 33016— Age, Oct. 28, 1908; sire. Specu- lation (9759) 30935; dam, Violet of Meadow Lawn 28743— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 797 Floss 4th 33015— Age, Oct. 9, 1908; sire, Speculation (9759) 30935; dam. Floss 2d 28741— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 798 Floss 5th 34128— Age, Oct. 20, 1908; sire. Speculation (9759) 30935; dam, Floss of Meadow Lawn 26831— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 799 Careful of Maples 2d 33976— Age, Oct. 6, 1908; sire. Standard Favorite 26550; dam. Careful of Wavertree 11908— C. S. Hecht- ner, Chariton, Iowa. 800 Dolly Dimple 2d 33957— Age, Sept. 3, 1908; sire, Scottish Standard of Durhamhill (7377) 23516; dam, Danvita of Otoe 27154— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 79. .r: JUNIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED SINCE JANUARY 1, 1909. $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. . 801 Lady Claire 5th 34064— Age, May 19, 1909; sire, Douglas of Meadow Lawn 30618; dam, Graceful 3d of Garliestown (16675) 19297 — J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 802 Lady Irving 34066— Age, May 18, 1909; sire, Douglas of Meadow Lawn 30618; dam, Lady Graceful 28783— J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, Iowa. 803 Mary Leslie 34208— Age, Oct. 11, 1909; sire, Prince of Meadow Lawn 26843; dam. Beauty of grgokside 25490 — Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. BREEDING GALLOWAYS 143 Official No. 804 Scottish Mist 4tli 33020— Age, Feb. 8, 1909; sire, Speculation (9759) 30935; dam, Scottisli Mist 19771— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 805 Beatrice of Meadow Lawn 33017— Age, Jan. 14, 1909; sire, Specu- lation (9759) 30935; dam, Minnie 2d of Scroggiehall (17054) 21216— C. B. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 806 Meadow Lawn Violet 2d 33021— Age, Jan. 28, 1909; sire. Specu- lation (9759) 30935; dam, Scottish Violet 22719— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 807 Miss Stanley 33980— Age, Feb. 26, 1909; sire. Standard Favorite 26550; dam, Lady Stanley 2d of A 28876— C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. 808 Captolia 34015— Age, Jan. 6, 1909; sire, Captain 4th of Tarbreach (9701) 30933; dam, Daisy Maid 2d of Otoe 24153— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. 809 Ladylike 34014 — Age, Jan. 6, 1909; sire. Captain 4th of Tarbreach (9701) 30933; dam, Mary Ann (16408) 21221— Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 8o. SENIOR CHAMPION BULL 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 68-69. ' ^^ CLASS 8i. JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 70, 71, 72, 73. CLASS 82. SENIOR CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 74-75. CLASS 83. JUNIOR CHAMPION HEIFER UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 76, 77, 78, 79. CLASS 84. AGED HERD.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Consisting of 1 bull 2 years or over, 1 cow 3 years or over, 1 cow or heifer 2 years and under 3, 1 heifer 1 year and under 2, 1 heifer under 1 year. J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Iowa. C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. Ind. 144 BREEDING RED POLLED CLASS 85. YOUNG HERD.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Consisting of 1 bull under 2 years, 2 heifers 1 year and under 2, 2 heifers under 1 year. All except bull must be bred by exhibitor. J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. Iowa. Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. C. B. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. CLASS 86. FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE SIRE. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. Iowa. C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. C. B. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. CLASS 87. TWO ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, PRODUCE OF ONE COW. $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. J. E. Bales & Son, Stockport, C. &'. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. Iowa. C. &'. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Straub Bros., Avoca, Neb. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. RED POLLED [See Rule 45.] CLASS 88. BULL 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Animals competing must be recorded in the American Red Polled Herd Book. Official No. 810 Durock 14573 — Age, April 26, 1905; sire, Irwin 8253; dam, Dorcas 19529— Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 811 Logan 13500— Age, Nov. — , ; sire, Abbotsford 4721; dam, Lily Dale 8682— Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 812 Cremo 13018— Age, April 27, 1904; sire, Happy Jack 9337; dam, Zerma 14414 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 813 Falsetto the Last 11563— Age, June 10, 1903; sire, Falsetto; dam, Agnes — A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. 814 Bounce 11287— Age, Jan. 18, 1903; sire, Ray 7515; dam, Button 12088- H. S. Carman, Adeline, 111. BREEDING RED POLLED 145 Official No. 815 Eph 12792 — Age, March 25, 1904; sire, Victor 7730; dam, Rex Silk 15707 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 816 Melton 13333— Age, April 7, 1904; sire, Melton Roy 3612; dam, Poplin 8854— C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 817 Rodney 12688— Age, April 28, 1904; sire, Ray A 8701; dam. Pat- tern 2d 11676— C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 89. BULL 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Cluh of America Specials. — $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 818 Grand Duke 18002— Age, Aug. 10, 1907; sire, Mary Duke 9th 13693; dam, Victoria 22192— A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 819 Dafter 15871— Age, Sept. 22, 1906; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Dolly 23509— A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 820 Midnight 17547— Age, June 25, 1907; sire, Forester 13265; dam, Rochel 14111— Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 821 Napoleon 16504— Age, Dec. 18, 1906; sire, Pocatella 5771; dam, Evangaline 24432 — H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 822 Uno 15652 — Age, Nov. 10, 1906; sire, Patriarch, Jr.; dam. Rococo — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 823 Marker 16875 — Age, April 17, 1907; sire, Captain 14105; dam, Mabel 13815 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. CLASS 90. SENIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 824 Governor 19411— Age, Sept. 8, 1907; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Bessie 26500— A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 825 Naboth 17837— Age, Oct. 31, 1907; sire. Slogan 13819; dam. Nan 18714 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 826 Favorite 17846 — Age, Sept. 16, 1907; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Maggie 24315 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 827 Perfect Aim 19225— Age, Oct. 8, 1907; sire, High Aim 15385; dam, Susie A. 23904 — Frank P. Mapps, Wilmington, 111. CLASS 91. JUNIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 828 Perfection 19413 — Age, April 18, 1908; sire, Bouncer 15336; dam, Sophrano's Perfection 22086 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 146 I BREEDING RED POLLED Official No. 829 Dude 18866 — Age, Jan. 22, 1908; sire, Logan 13500; dam, Daisy 21011 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 830 Olena's Best 19240— Age, July 27, 1908; sire, Falsetto the Last; dam, Olena — A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, "Wis. 831 Ohio Bluster 18890— Age, Feb. 22, 1908; sire, Sciota Boy 14200; dam. Vesper 2d (311) 22187 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. CLASS 92. SENIOR BULL CALF DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 832 Popular 19412— Age, Oct. 3, 1908; sire,. Maypopson 16490; dam, Nellie Bly 28164— A. P. Arp, Bldridge, Iowa. 833 Rex 19204— Age, Sept. 14, 1908; sire, Slogan 13819; dam, Rexie Ann 21958 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 834 Eugean 19168— Age, Oct. 28, 1908; sire, Dewey 15650; dam. Bast View Bell 10203 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 835 Ross 19169— Age, Sept. 27, 1908; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Rose Filbert 25797— Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 836 Reo 18766— Age, Oct. 12, 1908; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Florence 21204 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 837 Corporal Jimmy 19353— Oct. 4, 1908; sire. Corporal's Guard 16029; dam, Nancy 26089 — H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 838 Red Apple, vol. 22— Age, Oct. 28, 1908; sire, Eph 12792; dam, Mamie Staff 27219 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 839 Pat 18575 — Age, Dec. 5, 1908; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam. Puny 3d 17432— C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 93. JUNIOR BULL CALF DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 840 Lofty 18847— Age, Feb. 21, 1909; sire, Dafter 15891; dam, Leola 22525; A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 841 Starlight 19153— Age, April 14, 1909; sire. Midnight 17947; dam, Eusema 2d 30610— Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 842 Newton Again 19174— Age, Jan. 15, 1909; sire, Logan 13500; dam, Gertie 12344 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 843 Dewey 19015— Age, March 20, 1909; sire, Cremo 13018; dam. Dew Drop 21054 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 844 Monarch 19016— Age, Jan. 21, 1909; sire. Monarch 11941; dam, Josie 18428 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 845 Bob 19354— Age, Feb. 15, 1909; sire. Napoleon 16504; dam. Blos- som 25915 — H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. BREEDING RED POLLED 147 Official No. 846 Clipper 19237— Age, Feb. 9, 1909; sire, Nailer; dam, Muff— Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 847 Marker 2d 18877— Age, Feb. 6, 1909; sire, Marker 16875; dam, Leola 18489 — Joseph Kestel, New Lenox, 111. CLASS 94. cow 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 848 Leola 22525— Age, June 12, 1904; sire, Sprite's Perfection 6685; dam, Lola 18480 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 849 Ruby Rose 22524— Age, Aug. 10, 1903; sire, Sprite's Perfection 6685; dam, Luna 18552 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 850 Betty 13202— Age, Oct. 10, 1898; sire. Fakir 4383; dam, Matilda 5704 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 851 Cora V. 18086— Age, Oct. 10, 1901; sire, Sterling 7671; dam, Cascallo 18031 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. " 852 Pearl 25417 — Age, Jan. 17, 1901; sire, Oakland Prince 4556; dam, Patti 12765 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 853 Princess 28885 — Age, July 2, 1903; sire, North Star 5742; dam, Fascination 5th 12291 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 854 Lilly 25513— Age, Feb. 17, 1906; sire, Chicago 12672; dam. Dew Drop 21054 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 855 Dew Drop 21054— Age, Sept. 15, 1903; sire. One Price 8522; dam, Miss Martel 2d 6571 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 856 Litzic 13776— Age, March 16, 1898; sire, Boke; dam, Nancy— A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. 857 Aurilla 19213— Age, Oct. 2, 1902; sire, Vernon 3d; dam. Alma 3d— A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. 858 Miss Gay 22612— Age, Dec. 27, 1902; sire, Pocatella 5771; dam, Queen Bird 12836— H. S. Carman, Adeline, 111. 859 Miss McKinley 17203 — Age, Oct. 16, 1900; sire, Dewey; dam, Iowa Davy — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 860 Cosy 2d 24247 — Age, March 25, 1905; sire, Fallstaffi 2d 7060; dam. Cosy 16393 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 861 Queen Bess 20335 — Age, June 7, 1902; sire. Melton Roy 3612; dam, Poplin 8854 — C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 95. cow OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Ca.ttle Club of America Specials. — $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 862 Eraste 26761— Age, Oct. 9, 1906; sire, Nerod 12699; dam, Ermina 23117— A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 863 Liza 26498— Age, Sept. 12, 1906; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, ^uby Rose 22524— A, P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 148 BREEDING RED POLLED Official No. 864 Lelila 27783— Age, March 9, 1907; sire, Nailer 7396; dam, Leola 22525 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 865 Cedar Girl 26891— Age, Nov. 28, 1906; sire, Fillmore 9248; dam. Rosette 10723 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 866 Myrtle 28577— Age, April 13, 1907; sire, Eldridge Boy 11539; dam, Mazy 18627 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 867 Miss Saucy 26676— Age, Oct. 23, 1906; sire, Ivan 8256; dam. Saucy 14234 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 868 Florence 29141— Age, Aug. 1, 1907; sire, One Price 8522; dam, Lizzie 23805 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Nebr. 869 Mamie 3d 27581 — Age, Sept. 3, 1906; sire, Juno; -dam, Mamie— A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. 870 Miss Julia 27777— Age, Nov. 1, 1906; sire, Bo«nce 11287; dam, Miss Gay 22612 — H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 871 Eveline Eph 27370— Age, March 2, 1907; sire, Eph 12792; dam. Cosy 2d 24247 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 872 Christobel 28256— Age, April 17, 1907; sire, Melton 13333; dam, Christina 19390— C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 873 Valley Gem 28261 — Age, March 15, 1907; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam, Daisy Red 23276— C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 96. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 874 Duchess 28168 — Age, Sept. 5, 1907; sire, Nailer 7396; dam, Dolly 23509— A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 875 Rosette 2d 29111— Age, Feb. 10, 1908; sire, Durock 14573; dam. Rosette 10723 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 876 Tulip 2d 30612— Age, Feb. 2, 1908; sire, Durock 14573; dam, Tulip 19091 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 877 Quartz 29134— Age, Oct. 28, 1907; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Qual- ity 15653 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 878 Narcissa 4th 28655— Age, Oct. 12, 1907; sire. North Star 5742; dam, Narcissa 21741 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 879 Princess Lady 29027— Age, Sept. 22, 1907; sire, Cremo 13018; dam. Princess 21885 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 880 Gladys 29026— Age, Oct. 29, 1907; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Ella 21119 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 881 Mamie 4th 29168— Age, Jan. 10, 1908; sire, Juno; dam, Mamie— A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. 882 Lucy 29167— Age, Sept. 13, 1907; sire, Juno; dam, Litzic— A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. 883 Marion 29335— Age, Dec. 14, 1907; sire, Pachto 12042; dam, Ma- rion Charlotte 24101— H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. BREEDING RED POLLED 149 Official No. 884 Carnation 29337— Age, Oct. 16, 1907; sire. Bounce 11287; dam, Fly Belle 16673— H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 885 Belle of Richmond 27867— Age, Oct. 8, 1907; sire, Nerod 12699; dam, Juliette 3d 23013— Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 886 Rose 29137— Age, Nov. 15, 1907; sire. Monarch; Rubina 2d— O. L. Lichtenwalter, Manhattan, 111. 887 Dally 28256 — Age, Sept. 2, 1907; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam, Boss 20856 — C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 888 Puny 4th 28257 — Age, Oct. 9, 1907; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam, Puny 3d 17432— C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 97. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 889 Luna Davy 29110— Age, March 4, 1908; sire. Bouncer 15336; dam, Luna 18552 — A. P. Arp, Bldridge, Iowa. 890 Rosebud 2d 30613— Age, March 10, 1908; sire, Durock 14573; dam. Rosebud 15772 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 891 Arnett 2d 36111— Age, July 30, 1908; sire, Durock 14573; dam, Arnetta 17920 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 892 Fancy's Pride 29396 — Age, May 27, 1908; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Fancy 23271 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 893 Nora 29030— Age, March 27, 1908; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Nora Lee 20215— Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 894 Loo 29338— Age, June 29, 1908; sire. Bounce 11287; dam, King Loo 16923— H. S. Gorman, Adeline, 111. 895 Dorcas 30713 — Age, May 17, 1908; sire. Nailer; dam, Bina — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 896 Verna 29730 — ^^Age, March 2, 1908; sire, Nailer; dam. Baby Mine — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 897 Apple Blossom 29080— Age, May 2, 1908; sire, Eph 12792; dam. Cosy 2d 24247 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 898 Miss Nellie 30335 — Age, May 6, 1908; sire, Logan; dam, Lady — O. L. Lichtenwalter, Manhattan, 111. CLASS 98. SENIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. — $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Official No. 899 Dazy 30893— Age, Nov. 12, 1908; sire, Maypopson 16490; dam, Dolly 23509— A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 900 Nancy 30892— Age, Oct. 14, 1908; sire, Maypopson 16490; dam, Noami 25846 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 150 BREEDING RED POLLED Official No. 901 Doris 30639— Age, Nov. 1, 1908; sire, Dewey 15650; dam, Dortha 23517 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 902 Belva 29688— Age, Sept. 2, 1908; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Beauty 20742 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 903 Ruth 29686— Age, Oct. 27, 1908; sire, Logan 13500; dam, Ruby Queen 27505 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 904 Saucy Lady 29687— Age, Oct. 22, 1908; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Saucy 14234 — Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. 905 Lottie D 30719— Age, Sept. 27, 1908; sire. Broken Tail; dam, Lot- tie— A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, "Wis. 906 Bessie 30838— Age, Sept. 27, 1908; sire, Bounce 11287; dam, Diantha 24477— H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 907 Dorothy 30836— Age, Oct. 28, 1908; sire, Corporal's Guard 16029; dam, Marion Charlotte 24101— H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 908 Beauty 30843— Age, Oct. 25, 1908; sire. Corporal's Guard 16029; dam, Christmas Morn 26088— H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 909 Miss Mary 30837— Age, Oct. 6, 1908; sire, Bounce 11287; dam, Miss Gay 22612 — H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 910 Pansy 30842— Age, Dec. 7, 1908; sire. Corporal's Guard 16029; dam, Fly Belle 16673— H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. 911 Roxanna 297-32- Age, Sept. 25, 1908; sire, Nailer; dam, Lauretta- Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. ,912 Roxie 29731 — Age, Sept. 25, 1908; sire. Nailer; dam, Lauretta — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 913 Apple Pie 29428— Age, Oct. 12, 1908; sire, Eph 12792; dam, Lucy 2d 22727 — Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. 914 Fairview Lassie 29928— Age, Dec. 18, 1908; sire. Melton 13333; dam, Chloe 23540— C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 99. JUNIOR HEIFER CALF, DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. No. Official 915 Pocohontas 30897— Age, June 12, 1909; sire, Maypopson 16490; dam, Bessie 26500 — A. P. Arp, Bldridge, Iowa. 916 Luna Mayflower 30895— Age, April 3, 1909; sire, Maypopson 16490; dam, Lulu 27784 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 917 Popular Luna 30898— Age, Feb. 7, 1909; sire, Maypopson 16490; dam, Luna 18552 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 918 Tulip 3d 30614— Age, Jan. 17, 1909; sire, Durock 14573; dam. Tulip 19091— Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 919 Rosette 3d 30615— Age, Jan. 7, 1909; sire, Durock 14573; dam, Rosette 10723 — Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. 920 Ruby 30638— Age, Jan. 12, 1908; sire, Logan 13500; dam. Ruby 24044 — Frank J, Clouss, Clare, Iowa. BREEDING RED POLLED 151 Official No. 921 Primrose 30467— Age, April 14, 1909; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Luella 22956 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 922 Grace 30137— Age, Jan. 26, 1909; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Ella 21119 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 923 lola 30469— Age, Feb. 17, 1909; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, May- flower 22957 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 924 Onis 30468— Age, Feb. 22, 1909; sire, Cremo 13018; dam, Lilly 24563 — Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. 925 Mamie 5tli 30720— Age, Jan. 18, 1909; sire, Falsetta the Last; dam, Mamie — A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Wis. 926 Violet 2d 30844— Age, Jan. 19, 1909; sire, Napoleon 16504; dam, Violet 24537— H. S. Carman, Adeline, 111. 927 Chloe 30717 — ^Age, March 1, 1909; sire, Nailer; dam, Miss Mc- Kinley — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 928 Rena 30716 — Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire. Nailer; dam. Baby Mine — Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 929 Apple Dumpling, vol. XXII— Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire, Eph 12792; dam, Evelin 27370 — Geo. Ineichen Sc Sons, Geneva, Ind. 930 Bonnie Rose 2d — Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire, Cassenoisette 10136; dam, Bonnie Rose 17999 — C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 100. SENIOR CHAMPION BULL 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 88 and 89. CLASS loi. JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 90, 91, 92, 93. CLASS 102. SENIOR CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 94 and 95. CLASS 103. JUNIOR CHAMPION HEIFER UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 96, 97, '98, 99. CLASS 104. AGED HERD.— $35, 25, 15. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Consisting of one bull 2 years or over, one cow 3 years or over, one cow or heifer 2 years and under 3, one heifer 1 year and under 2 and one heifer under 1 year. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Wis. Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. Neb. 152 BREEDING RED POLLED CLASS 105. YOUNG HERD.— $35, 25, 15. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Consisting of one bull under 2 years, two heifers 1 year and under 2, two heifers under 1 year. All except bull must be bred by exhibitor. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee, Dan B. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Wis. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 106. CALF HERD.— $35, 25, 15. - Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5. One bull and four heifers, all under 1 year and all bred by ex- hibitor. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. ' Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. TWO ANIMALS OF CLASS 107. EITHER SEX, PRODUCE $20, 15, 10. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. — $ A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, OF ONE COW.— 5, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. Neb. A. W. Dopke, North Milwaukee Wis. H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 108. FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $35, 25, 15. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $15, 12, 10, 8, 5, 5. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. Dan E. Clark, Cedar Falls, Iowa. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. Frank J. Clouss, Clare, Iowa. Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. Frank Davis & Sons, Holbrook, Neb. H. S. Garman, Adeline, 111. Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. Geo. Ineichen & Sons, Geneva, Ind. C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. BREEDING POLLED DURHAM 153 POLLED DURHAM [See Rule 45.] CLASS 109. BULL 3 YEARS OLD OR OVER.— $25, 20, 15, 10. of above money subscribed by the American Polled Durham Breeders' Association. Official No. 931 Arcade Duke 3d 5026— Age, Oct. 17, 1905; sire, Tippecanoe 44th; dam, 12th Duchess of Fairhames — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 932 Springport Lad 34th 5275 — Age, Aug. 6, 1905; sire, Arcadia Duke 2d 3298; dam, 26th Duchess of Lenawee — M. M. Garret, Cold- water, Mich. 933 Marshall of the Mound 5765 — Age, Dec. 23, 1905; sire. Field Mar- shall; dam, Buttonwood Jenny Lind — W. H. Miller & Sons,' Mulberry, Ind. CLASS no. BULL 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3— $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 934 The Confessor 284217— Age, Oct. 12, 1906; sire. The Professor; dam, Lady Graceful^ — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. CLASS III. SENIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 935 Libbyson Duke 7113 — Age, Dec. 26, 1907; sire, Arcadia Duke 3d dam, Dora of Libbyson — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 936 Golden Arch *6498— Age, Sept. 24, 1907; sire, Golden Hero *2847 dam, Buttercup Victoria — Fred Johnson, Fairmount, Ind. 937 Lord Baron 7050— Age, Sept. 11, 1907; sire, Lord Matchless 6182 dam, A. Butterfly — Jacob Marti, Lansing, Iowa. 938 Wanderer's Victor 6390 — Age, Sept. 2, 1907; sire. Royal Wan- derer; dam, 10th Miami Victoria — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. CLASS 112. JUNIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 939 Heroe's Wanderer 7264 — Age, July 27, 1908; sire, Lancaster Hero; dam, Princess S. — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 154 BREEDING POLLED DURHAM CLASS 113. SENIOR BULL CALF DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Official No. 940 Cupbearer 7125 — Age, Oct. 17, 1908; sire, Arcadia Duke 3d; dam. Masters Alexandrina — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 941 Prime Boy 7270— Age, Dec. 22, 1908; sire. Bell Boy 3682; dam, Pride of Ottawa — Jacob Marti, Lansing, Iowa. 942 The Baron 322862— Age, Oct. 22, 1908; sire, The Confessor; dam, Miami Dolden Drop — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 943 Secret Victor 322861— Age, Oct. 29, 1908; sire, Silver Crown; dam, 11th Miami Victoria — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 944 Proud Marshall — Age, Oct. 19, 1908; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam, Mary Lucille 4th — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 945 Abbotsburn's Last— Age, Sept. 2, 1908; sire, Scottish Abbots- burn; dam, Violet Mist 2d— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind.- CLASS 114. JUNIOR BULL CALF DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Official No. 946 Plumed Rustler— Age, July 27, 1909; sire, Bell Boy 3682; Plumed Rose — Jacob Marti, Lansing, Iowa. 947 Lovat's Heir 322860— Age, Jan. 5, 1909; sire, The Confessor; dam. Capacious — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 948 Marshall's Pride— Age, March 22, 1909; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam, Pride's Lady— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 949 Lady's Marshall— Age, Feb. 20, 1909; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam, Lady Coin— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 950 Marshall's Best — Age, Jan. 8, 1909; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam, Lady Lancaster 2d— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 115. cow 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 951 Scottish Bell 4th, vol. 4— Age, March 3, 1904; sire, Ottawa Gaunt- let; dam, Scottish Bell — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 952 14th Miami Victor, vol. 66— Age, Nov. 23, 1905; sire, Golden Gauntlet; dam. Bright Eyed Victoria— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 953 Sugar Mound Queen — Age, Nov. 10, 1904; sire, Royal Abbots- burn; dam, Pride's Lady — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 116. cow OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 954 Scottish Bell 5th, vol. 4— Age, Dec. 31, 1906; sire, Ottawa Gaunt- let; dam, Scottish Bell — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. BREEDING POLLED DURHAM 155 Official No. 955 Queen of Miami 5th 29818— Age, June 12, 1907; sire. Royal Wan- derer; dam. Queen of Miami 3d — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 956 Wanderer's Trophy 29820 — Age, March 12, 1907; sire, Royal Wan- derer; dam, Theodora 2d — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 957 Mary Gold Dust — Age, March 6, 1907; sire, Scottish Abbotsburn; dam, Royal's Mist— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. ' 958 Button wood Jenny Lind 4th— Age, Oct. 7, 1906; sire, Field Mar- shall; dam. Imp. Jenny Lind 24th — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mul- berry, Ind. CLASS 117. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 959 Lova 2d, vol. 4 — Age, Oct. 26, 1907; sire, Arcadia Duke 3d; dam, Lova — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 960 Buttonwood Gladi 3d, vol. 4 — Age, Sept. 25, 1907; sire, Button- wood Tip 2d; dam, Veslena Gladiolus — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 961 Golden Craggs 4th 68614— Age, Nov. 10, 1907; sire, Scottish Rule 4th; dam. Golden Craggs 2d — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. ,962 Lady Grateful 41645— Age, Nov. 12, 1907; sire, Royal Wanderer; dam. Lady Graceful — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 963 Marshall's Queen — Age, Oct. 7, 1907; sire. Marshal of the Mound;. dam. Golden Queen — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 118. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. * 964 Scottish Bell 7th, vol. 5— Age, July 28, 1908; sire, Arcadia Duke 3d; dam, Scottish Bell 3d — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 965 Bell Boy's Rose— Age, May 15, 1908; sire. Bell Boy 3682; dam, Plumed Rose — Jacob Marti, Lansing, Iowa. 966 Wanderer's Violet 68622— Age, April 22, 1908; sire, Royal Wan- derer; dam. Mountain Violet — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 967 Lady May Day 41646— Age, Feb. 18, 1908; sire, Scottish Rule 4th; dam. Lady Grand — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 968 Lady Marshall — Age, Feb. 9, 1908; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam. Lady Lancaster 2d — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 969 Nella Marshall— Age, Feb. 18, 1908; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam, Sweet Nella — W. H. Miller &. Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 119. SENIOR HEIFER CALF DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Official No. 970 Scottish Bell 8th, vol. 5— Age, Sept. 30, 1908; sire, Arcadia Duke 3d; dam, Scottish Bell — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 156 BREEDING POLLED DURHAM Official No. 971 Gay Lady, vol. 5 — Age, Sept. 7, 1908; sire, Arcadia Duke 3d; dam, Beatrice — H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. 972 Buttonwood Eva 3d, vol. 5 — Age, Oct. 6, 1908; sire, Buttonwood Tip 2d; dam. Little Eva of Buttonwood — H. W. Deuker, Well- man, Iowa. 973 Bell Boy's Cleopatra— Age, Dec. 6, 1908; sire. Bell Boy 3682; dam, Cleopatra Beauty — Jacob Marti, Lansing, lowis,. 974 Forest Fancy 68613 — Age, Sept. 5, 1908; sire, The Confessor; dam, Lady 3d— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 975 Grover's Maud— Age, Sept. 6, 1908; sire, Grover Abbotsburn; dam, Maud Abbotsburn — ^W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. 976 Nora Marshall — Age, Nov. 4, 1908; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam, Nora Miller 4th— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 120. JUNIOR HEIFER CALF DROPPED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $20, 15, 10. Official No. 977 Rose Bud 17654— Age, March 2, 1909; sire. Bates Duke X *3821; dam, American Beauty Rose — Fred Johnson, Fairmount, Ind. 978 Lady Carena 68617 — Age, May 16, 1909; sire. The Confessor; dam. Lady Grand — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 979 Lady Craven 68618 — Age, Jan. 26, 1909; sire, The Confessor; dam, Lady Melrose — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 980 Lady Purity — Age, March 12, 1909; sire. The Confessor; dam, Lady Wanderer — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 981 King's Mary Ann — Age, March 23, 1909; sire, Scottish King; dam, Mary Lancaster 3d of Olive Hill— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mul- berry, Ind. 982 Sweet Queen 2d — Age, Feb. 12, 1909; sire, Marshall of the Mound; dam. Sweet Queen — W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 121. SENIOR CHAMPION BULL 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 109-110. CLASS 122. JUNIOR CHAMPION BULL UNDER 2 YEARS.— $30. Competition lixnited to first prize winners in classes 111, 112, 113, CLASS 123. SENIOR CHAMPION COW OR HEIFER 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $30. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 115, 116. CLASS 124. JUNIOR CHAMPION HEIFER UNDER 2 YEARS.— 30. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 117, 118, 119, 120. BREEDING POLLED DURHAM 157 CLASS 125. AGED HERD.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Consisting of one bull 2 years or over, one cow 3 years or over, one cow or heifer 2 years and under 3, one heifer 1 year and under 2, one heifer under 1 year. H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. Ind. CLASS 126. YOUNG HERD.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Consisting of one bull under 2 years, two heifers 1 year and under 2, two heifers under 1 year. All except bull must be bred by exhibitor. H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. Ind. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. CLASS 127. CALF HERD.— $25, 20, 15, 10. Consisting of one bull and four heifers, all under 1 year old and all bred by exhibitor. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 128. TWO ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, PRODUCE OF ONE COW.— $25, 20, 15, 10. H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Jacob Marti, Lansing ,Iowa. Ind. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. Ind. CLASS 129. FOUR ANIMALS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $25, 20,15,10. H. W. Deuker, Wellman, Iowa. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Jacob Marti, Lansing, Iowa. Ind. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. Ind. HORSES BOUGHT ON COMMISSION SAMUEL COZZENS DEALER IN Fine Coach and Driving Horses Union Stock Yards 'Phone Yards 77 CHICAGO J. J. ELLSWORTH HARRY McNAlR ELLSWORTH & McNAIR IalSt^n'S^''"''"'' horses and mules STABLE No. 6. UNION STOCK YARDS. CHICAGO Telephone Yards 900 Reference: Tho Live Stock Exchange National Bank Markets furnished on Request AUCTION EVERY MONDAY AND TUESDAY AT 9 A. M. PRIVATE SALES DAILY We carry all electrical appliances for the Call on us when in the city or write us for catalogues and prices. METROPOLITAN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO. W. H. SALISBURY 6? CO., inc. CHICAGO. - ILLINOIS Manufacturers of LEATHER AND RUBBER BELTING Rubber Hose, Packings, Gaskets, Etc. Headquarters for Rubber Goods of all kinds. 158 SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES 159 FAT CATTLE DIVISION. RULE 70. Judges are instructed to prefer the highest degree of excellence obtainable, considering form, finish, quantity and quality of flesh and fat, also age and weight; to recognize the very highest qual- ity of prime edible meat, and to object to the production of superfluous tallow, qualities that are indicated to the touch, to the end that ani- mals that win prizes on foot shall ultimately be proven first quality of beef. RULE 71. All compulsory slaughter tests have been abolished. Entries for slaughter test must be made prior to November 1. RULE 72. Exhibitors will be required to furnish a statement of the feeds and methods of feeding employed by them in the production of their exhibits. Such statements shall be used for publication in newspapers and in the Exposition's Annual Report — or otherwise, as may in the discretion of the management be deemed best to promote the education of those interested. Blank forms of these statements will be supplied by the General Superintendent. Note. — As there has been considerable rivalry between the exhibitor and purchaser for the possession of the first and championship ribbons, the management has decided to duplicate these throughout the fat cattle classification. ENTRIES. FAT SHORTHORN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 130. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in American Shorthorn Herd Book. Official No. 983 White Heather— Age, Sept. 30, 1907; sire, Heatherman 283538; dam. Lady English 7th 67951— A. A. Barber, Guelph, Ont., Can. 984 Captain White — Age, May 21, 1907; sire, Awndale 245144; dam, Catherine, vol. 39, p. 457 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 985 Roam James — Age, Nov. 16, 1906; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam, Greenbank Maid 4th, vol. 58, p. 846 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield,. Ohio. G. W. Sheldon & Co. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKERS WE OFFER the extensive facilities of our Customs Department to intending exhibitors. We can save them time, worry and expense. ADDRESS G. W. SHELDON 8 CO. LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT 613 to 618 Monadnock Building - CHICAGO, ILL. Stuart's Harness Leather "The Bridge," 383 E. Madison St., CHICAGO CARRYING THE FOLLOWING WELL KNOWN BRANDS: Oak Oak Union Hoffman's "Star Oak" Amos Hollingrer & Sons G. F. Zoller & Son David Moffat's "Columbia" James Gallery & Co. Geo. Laub's Sons. Chas. Stifel & Co.'s "Phoenix" Wm. Flaccus Oak Leather Co. Pfister & Vogel Haffner Bros. "Eagle" Also all kinds of Russet Rein and Bridle Stock. Patent, Leather both imported and home product. We handle nothing but harness leather and carry every requisite in that line. Hotel Majestic 200 Rooms Absolutely Fireproof Rooms, without Bath - $1.50 and $2.00 Rooms, with Bath - $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 Quincy Street, FRANK HALL, Between State and Dearborn Sts. Manager. 160 SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES 161 Official No. 986 Evener — Age, Feb. 3, 1907; sire, Master Russell 209889; dam, Lad's Duchess, vol. 64, p. 906 — Thos. Johnson &. Son, Columbus, . Ohio. 987 Capt. Hill— Age, Jan. 12, 1907; sire, Captain 231948; dam, Kirk- levington Princess, vol. 53, p. 681 — Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 988 Lord Russell — Age, Oct. 4, 1906; sire. Master Russell 209889; dam, Madaline, vol. 61, p. 732 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 989 I Am It — Age, Jan. 6, 1907; sire, Rosemary Viceroy 182665; dam. Rose, vol. 52, p. 549 — J. R. Peak & Son, "Winchester, 111. 990 Togo — ^Age, April 7, 1907; sire, Royal Peer 211558; dam. Gentle Bessie, vol. 65, p. 893 — Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. 991 Herman — Age, March 10, 1907; sire. Merry Marshall 160922; dam. Miss Ida 2d, vol. 41, p. 426 — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. CLASS 131. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 992 Silver Nugget— Age, Dec. 22, 1907; sire, Gold Drop 195134; dam. Queen Bess 36th 70182— A. A. Barber, Guelph, Can. 993 Roam Chancellor — Age, Sept. 24, 1907; sire, Bapton Chancellor 267802; dam. Roam Lily — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 994 Rosebud— Age, Nov. 1, 1907; sire, Blackwatch 153334; dam, High- land Mary, vol. 62, p. 913 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 995 Country Gentleman — Age, May 21, 1908; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Roam Beauty 2d, vol. 48, p. 119 — Carpenter & Ross, Mans- field, Ohio. 996 Tony — Age, Jan. 6, 1908; sire, Fair Sultan 242571; dam, Dorothy — J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, Ohio. 997 Nick— Age, Feb. 29, 1908; sire, The Choice of All 215050; dam, Siddington of Wood Dale, vol. 47, p. 269 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 998 Woodbury's Model — Age, Sept. 1, 1907; sire. Prince of Woodbury; dam, Golden Secret — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 999 Purity — Age, Jan. 3, 1908; sire. The Conqueror 215051; dam. Lady Abbott, vol. 57, p. 521 — Kansas State Agricultural College, Man- hattan, Kan. 1000 Prince Lowan— Age, Nov. 13, 1907; sire, Pitlive Chief 192919; dam. Lake Park Lonon 90th — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. 1001 Brick — Age, Dec. 15, 1907; sire. Secret Champion 245142; dam, Mildred — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 162 '" ' SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES Official No. 1002 Ohio Boy — ^Age, Jan. 14, 1908; sire, Ohio Ensign 275758; dam. Peach — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1003 Ohio's Lift — Age, Dec. 12, 1907; sire, Village Clipper 55766; dam. Pine Grove Mildred 10th, vol. 62, p. 682 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1004 Lorimer — Age, Jan. 5,1908; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam, Maggie Forest 5th, vol. 44, p. 818— J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1005 Fairview Lad — ^Age, Nov. 1, 1907; sire, Lord Champion 254700; dam, Lovely of Fairview 5th, vol. 64, p. 894 — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1006 Gant's Special — Age, May 11, 1908; sire. Royal Wanderer 208144; dam, Lady Mary, vol. 55, p. 775 — Purdue University, La Fay- ette, Ind. 1007 Cowan — ^Age, Nov. 2, 1907; sire. Royal Hampton 261205; dam, — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 1008 William Taft— Age, Jan. 3, 1908; sire. Gay Lad 244135; dam, Vic- torta — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 1009 Red Boy — Age, Dec. 15, 1907; sire, Nonpareil Prince 262931; dam, Nonpareil Queen — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 1010 Frank— Age, Oct. 9, 1907; sire, Lord Banff 4th 263185; dam. Miss Maplehurst — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 1011 Meritorious— Age, Oct. 8, 1907; sire, Gloster's Knight 243605; dam, Minnie 38th — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 1012 Wanderer — Age, Sept. 9, 1908; sire. Royal Wonder 208144; dam, Lady Bright — Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 1013 Kennedy's Choice — Age, Sept. 15, 1907; sire, Scottish Knight 136371; dam, Brawith Gertrude 2d, vol. 61, p. 813— C. A. Saun- ders, Manilla, Iowa. CLASS 132. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER UNDER ONE YEAR. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1014 Sunnyside Boy— Age, Nov. 27, 1908; sire. Diamond King 308534; dam, Kitty of Fairacres, vol. 66, p. 1016— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 1015 Broad Back — Age, Feb. 16, 1909; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, Broadhook's Maid 36985 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 1016 Roam Billy— Age, Oct. 12, 1908; sire. The Dutchman 282689; dam. Strawberry 13th, vol. 65, p. 950— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 1017 Clipper— Age, Dec. 6, 1908; sire. Lavender Clipper 203771; dam. Duchess of Springdale 2d, vol. 51, p. 1081— W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. SHORTHORNS — FAT CLASSES 163 Official No. 1018 Jack— Age, Sept. 17, 1908; sire. Valley Champion 130485; dam, Amelia Montrose 2d 6550 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 1019 Rob Roy — Age, Jan. 2, 1909; sire, Fair Sultan 242571; dam, Laura Roy 2d, vol. 52, p. 689 — J. A. Gerlaugh, Harshman, Ohio. 1020 Good Work— Age, Dec. 15, 1908; Marshall's Best 285233; dam. Rose of Russell 2d, vol. 56, p. 574 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 1021 Silver Secret— Age, Oct. 19, 1908; sire. Silver Crown 240328; dam. Lady Graceful, vol. 55, p. 775 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 1022 Benefactor — Age, Nov. 2, 1908; sire, Barmpton Knight 148795; dam, Emily 5th, vol. 55, p. 427 — Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, Manhattan, Kan. 1023 Quartermaster — Age, Feb. 1, 1909; sire, Quartermaster's Model 268137; dam, College Vesta, vol. 42, p. 926— University of Mis- souri, Columbia, Mo. 1024 Ohio's Favorite— Age, Oct. 24, 1908; sire, Orange Sultan 263522; dam. Woodland Belle 23d, vol. 68, p. 1058 — Ohio State Univer- sity, Columbus, Ohio. 1025 Johnny Bull — Age, Jan. 10, 1909; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam, Maggie Forest 5th, vol. 44, p. 818 — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1026 Variety's King — Age, Oct. 25, 1908; sire. Glen Brook Sultan 243185; dam. Variety Nominee 2d, vol. 61, p. 850 — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1027 Miami Victo^— Age, Nov. 9, 1908; sire, Brawith Victor 288547; dam, Golden Mary 7th, vol. 66, p. 882 — Purdue University, La- fayette, Ind. 1028 Harry— Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire, Ford Champion 3d 267736; dam. Lady of the Lake, vol. 46, p. 895 — C. S. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 1029 Silver Lad— Age, Nov. 16, 1908; sire, Mona's Lad 314272; dam, May Flower — John Scheiwe, Crete, 111. 1030 White Rock— Age, Sept. 9, 1908; sire. Prince of Perth 153879; dam, Rebecca, vol. 58, p. 1083 — R. R. West & Son, Hillsboro, Ohio. SPECIAL "A." SENIOR CALF STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. SPECIAL "B." JUNIOR CALF STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. 164 ABERDEEN ANGUS — FAT CLASSES CLASS 133. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER.— $50. American Shorthorn Association Special. — $100. Competition limited to prize winners in above classes. CLASS 134. LOT OF THREE HEAD OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2-YEAR-OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE CALF.— $75, 50, 25, 10, 5. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $100, 75, 50, 25. Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. Ohio. J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. Kansas State Agricultural College, Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. Manhattan, Kan. C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. FAT ABERDEEN ANGUS. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 135. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. $10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. ^ Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in American Aberdeen Angus Herd Book. Official No. 1031 Ivan's Chief— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Black Ivanhoe 76888; dam. Twin Blossom 50636 — R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 1032 Crystal Lake Gwynne 109332— Age, March 20, 1907; sire, Exico 86060; dam, Mary Gwynne 26362 — Charles Herendeen, Chi- cago, 111. 1033 King Ellsworth 102185— Age, Sept. 9, 1906; sire, Fivy's Forester 78630; dam, Queen Etta Viola 42938 — Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 1034 Winfield 1498— Age, Nov. 8, 1906; sire, Lois of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Jewie F 36046 — Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 1035 Metz Prince 4th 1630— Age, March 27, 1907; sire, Black Prince of Estill 33626; dam, Metz Beauty 2d 45345— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1036 Eclipser 1533— Age, Oct. 16, 1906; sire. Highland Gerald 84148; dam, Highland Park 46th 75056 — Minnesota Agricultural Col- lege, St. Anthony Park, Minn. ABERDEEN ANGUS— PAT CLASSES 165 Official No. 1037 Captain— Age, Qct. 25, 1906; sire. Fayette Do Do 67113; dam, Viola 2d G 16396— Mart L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1038 Varsity Cadet — Age, Jan. 7, 1907; sire, Kentucliy Prince 24466; dam, Ewbank's Lucia 62385 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1039 La Preto 1515— Age, May 17, 1907; sire. Prince Ito 2d' 54471; dam, Lucy of Careston 61752 — University of Nebraska, Lin- coln, Neb. 1040 Peoria 4th 1542— Age, June 13, 1907; sire. Postscript of Alta 73101; dam. Pride of the Glen 16th 60592— Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 1041 Foxy 1578 — Age, Sept. 28, 1906; sire. Faultless 29065; dam, Hermione 68194 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1042 Fairy Key 111091— Age, May 31, 1907; sire. Key 72172; dam. Sunflower Fairy 79585 — Parker, Parrish & Co., Hudson, Kan. 1043 Gold Standard 1520— Age, Jan. 10, 1907; sire. Guide* 56125; dam. Coal Creek Girl 28711 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. CLASS 136. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials.. $10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 1044 Buddy 1671— Age, May 4, 1908; sire. Black Ivanhoe 76888; dam. Lakeside Queen Beauty 43165 — R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 1045 Futurity of Meadow Brook 1606 — Age, Nov. 9, 1907; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam, Fawn 2d of Meadow Brook 63748— D. Brad- fute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 1046 Hoboken 1604 — Age, Jan. 4, 1908; sire, Boralma 85747; dam, Heather Bloom of Cherokee 19th 73760 — H. L. Cantine, Quimby, Iowa. 1047 Valley Home 7th 1593— Age, Oct. 5, 1907; sire, Blackward R 85756; dam, Rosa Bonheur of Cherokee 38909 — Davis Bros., Maryville, Mo. 1048 Valley Home 8th 1594 — Age, Nov. 10, 1907; sire, Prince Edward of Alta 65336; dam, Mina Melvin 2d 66229— Davis Bros., Mary- ville, Mo. 1049 Valley Home 9th 1662— Age, Feb. 26, 1908; sire, Blackward R 85756; dam. Elite Duchess 3d 96841 — Davis Bros., Maryville, Mo. 1050 Valley Home 10th 1663— Age, March 6, 1908; sire, Blackward R 85756; dam. Pride of Aberton 63991 — Davis Bros., Maryville, Mo. 166 ABERDEEN ANGUS — ^FAT CLASSES Official No, 1051 Valley Home 11th 1676— Age, May 2, 1908; sire, Blackward R 85756; dam, Rubicon Mignonne 14tii 51211 — Davis Bros., Mary- ville, Mo. 1052 Valley Home 12th 1677— Age, June 20, 1908; sire, Blackward R 85756; dam, Queen 7th of Mt. Vernon 82959— Davis Bros., Mary- ville, Mo. 1053 Viele 1673— Age, March 7, 1908; sire. Black Knight of Cordova 42228; dam, Kintove Alma 51879— B. T. Drollinger, Fort Madi- son, Iowa. 1054 Black Admiral— Age, July 8, 1908; sire, Undulata Ito 2d 83834; dam, Oak Ridge Mattie 79103— Geo. W. Felton, Knoxville, 111. 1055 Fullback — Age, Jan. 19, 1908; sire, Broadus Hero 71430; dam, Bli Bro Winefred 59161— A. P. Grout, Winchester, 111. 1056 Crystal Lake Bion 112045— Age, Jan. 15, 1908; sire. Rose Croix Bion 69358; dam, Rose Croix Pride 3d 69751 — Charles Heren- deen, Chicago, 111. 1057 Khartoum of Crystal Lake 112966— Age, Feb. 19, 1908; sire, Khar- toum of Ballindallock (Imp.) 96607; dam, Excella Rosa Bon- heur 35318 — Charles Herendeen, Chicago, 111. 1058 Monarch of Crystal Lake 120177— Age, March 21, 1908; sire, Monarch's Eric 68274; dam. Pride Eola 69366, 93666— Charles Herendeen, Chicago, 111. 1059 Prince of Crystal Lake 112044 — Age, Dec. 15, 1907; sire. Monarch Eric 68274; dam, Imp. Pretty Pride of Kinochtry 55776— Charles Herendeen, Chicago, 111. 1060 Proud Monarch of Crystal 119527— Age, March 1, 1908; sire, Monarch's Eric 68274; dam, Pride of Warren 84986— Charles Herendeen, Chicago, 111. 1061 Black Andy 1640— Age, June 15, 1908; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354; dam, Rosemond of Thistle Dale 101951 — Jas. Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1062 Dud 1596— Age, Oct. 6, 1907; sire, Noland 94795; dam, Bluegrass Ridge Dora 82676 — Iowa Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1063 Queen's Prince 1582— Age, Jan. 29, 1908; sire, Prince Duchess 89636; dam. Queen's Wonder 53847 — Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 1064 Symboleer 1580— Age, Sept. 4, 1907; sire. Prince Duchess 89636; dam. Sunflower Lady Steward 63771 — Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 1065 Pat 1565— Age, Nov. 7, 1907; sire, Prince Ito 50006; dam. Pansy Pierce 58295 — Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 1066 Andy 1574— Age, Sept. 9, 1907; sire. Beau Blackbird 53936; dam, Queen Ida 2d 60480— Mart L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1067 Benvito — Age, Sept. 5, 1907; sire, Mapleton Vride's Eliminator 72648; dam, Blackbird 4th of Lake Fork 97671— A. Middleton & Sons, Assumption, 111. ABERDEEN ANGUS — FAT CI ASSES 167 Official No, 1068 Proud Blackcap 1572 — Age, Sept. 27, 1907; sire, North Branch Blackwood 103230; dam, Birdie Blackcap 82129— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1069 Clarence 1564 — Age, Sept. 2, 1907; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835; dam, Coquette of Denison 24th 46107 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Anthony's Park, St. Paul, Minn. 1070 Undulata 1586— Age, Oct. 15, 1907; sire, Undulata Blackbird Ito 83836; dam, Blackbird of Undulata 83508 — Minnesota Agri- cultural College, St. Anthony's Park, St. Paul, Minn. 1071 Fourpaw 1661 — Age, April 1, 1908; sire, Hal of Meadow Brook 84618; dam, Jettie Haughton 4th 95667— Mart L. McCoy, Wash- ington Court House, Ohio. 1072 Dan 1575— Age, Sept. 24, 1907; sire, Beau Blackbird 53936; dam, Scottie's Bulalie 2d 65889 — Mart. L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1073 Harding Marshall — Age, March 11, 1908; sire. Oak Ridge Doud 89845; dam, Prairie Lawn Daisy 57427 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1074 Black Diamond — Age, Dec. 3, 1907; sire, Lois of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Ravenwood Mignonne 38696 — University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Neb. 1075 Dudley 1595 — Age, Oct. 4, 1907; sire, Errollines Rosegay 49769; dam, Minnie Peck 54282 — Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 1076 Pert 1579— Age, Nov. 3, 1907; sire, Nobleman 2d 91819; dam, Cecilia H 91817 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1077 Hamer's Choice 1670 — Age, Dec. 3, 1907; sire. Prince Joash 75604; dam. Deer Creek Queen 56473 — Purdue University, La- fayette, Ind, CLASS 137. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR. $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Specials. — $10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 1078 Defiance 1672— Age, Sept. 15, 1908; sire. Black Ivanhoe 76888; dam, Lady Celia 102103 — R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 1079 Elm Park Lad 3d 1667— Age, Sept. 30, 1908; sire, Lord Val 2d 74188; dam. Elm Park Keepsake 3d 83329 — James Bowman, Guelph, Ont., Can. 1080 Fascinator 1652 — Age, Sept. 16, 1908; sire, Prince Duchess 89636; dam, Florimel 3d 84346— Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 1081 Symbolee 1653— Age, Dec. 28, 1908; sire, Prince Duchess 89636; dam. Sunflower Lady Stewart 63771— Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 168 ABERDEEN ANGUS — FAT CLASSES Official No. 1082 Bob Scott of Walnut Park 1648— Age, Sept. 12, 1908; sire, Pride Lad of Aldine 89030; dam, Trixus L 101128— Lew Kerr, New- town, Ind. 1083 Cassar 1666— Age, Nov. 2, 1908; sire, Mapleton Pride's Eliminator 72648; dam, Caroline M 38651— A. Middleton & Son, Assump- tion, 111. 1084 Rutger Ronald 1678— Age, Nov. 18, 1908; sire, Champion Ito 94179; dam, Rutger Ethel 32881— W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1085 Barbarian— Age, Sept. 2, 1908; sire, Fitz Enterprise 86293; dam, Barbara Ito 68602 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. An- thony's Park, Minn. 1086 Lachlan 1639— Age, Dec. 16, 1908; sire, Boston Pride 63093; dam, Strathavon Emily 72750 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1087 Blacky Boy— Age, Sept. 21, 1908; sire, Kinochtry Emery 49577; dam, Eva's Maggie 7th 32549 — Mart. L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1088 Prince of View Point 1636 — Age, Dec. 6, 1908; sire, Lois of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Ravenwood Mignonne 38696 — Uni- versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1089 Peoria 21st 1624— Age, Sept. 1, 1908; sire. Blackbird of Edge- wood 2d 45993; dam, Pride of the Glen 8th 30524— Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. CLASS 138. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER.— $50. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $30. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes; CLASS 139. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2-YEAR-OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE . CALF.— $75, 50, 25, 10, 5. American Aberdeen Angus Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 20, 15. R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Minnesota Agricultural College, Iowa. St. Anthony's Park, Minn. Kansas State Agricultural College, Mart. L. McCoy, Washington Manhattan, Kan. Court House, Ohio. Kansas State Agricultural College, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Manhattan, Kan. Neb, W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. GALLOWAY^FAT CLASSES 169 FAT HEREFORD. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 140. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 5. Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in the Ameri- can Hereford Record. Official No. 1090 Albany 6th 261727— Age, Jan. 4, 1907; sire. Sir Albany 3d 176522; dam. Lady Actress 2d 191252 — A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. 1091 Justice— Age, Nov. 19, 1906; sire. Actor 26th 136288; dam, Miss March On 141881 — John Harvey, Asbury, W. Va. 1092 Discoverer 271220— Age, June 3, 1907; sire. Discloser 212280; dam, Bessie 210662 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. An- thony Park, Minn. 1093 Herbert 272177— Age, Sept. 14, 1906; sire. Actor 35th 189345; dam. Hazel 153304 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1094 Halberd Stamp 265800— Age, Sept. 3, 1906; sire, Halberd Lad 153746; dam, Florence 139101 — University of Missouri, Colum- bia, Mo. 1095 Donald's Lad 271671— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Gay Donald 186476; dam, Niobe 79641 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1096 Edward M 271779— Age, Feb. 24, 1907; sire. General Miles 93811; dam. Peerless Edna 186218 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 1097 Brock's Lad — Age, Dec. 16, 1906; sire. Brock 173750; dam. Miss Harland 2d 217681— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1098 Anemone 273949— Age, March 16, 1907; sire. Prime Rex 229750; dam, Aura 2d 175917 — A. L. Weston, Edgewater, '^olo. i CLASS 141. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 1099 Bonnie Brae 14th 288352— Age, Nov. 15, 1907; sire, Bonnie Brae 3d 203317; dam, Crocus 2d 203169 — A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. 1100 Creswell— Age, Dec. 1, 1907; sire, Peerless Wilton 39th 90610; dam, Minnehaha 3d 146215— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 170 HEREFORD— FAT CLASSES Official No. 1101 Lexington 295152 — Age, April 3, 1908; sire, Acrobat's Beau Donald 157648; dam, Lida 73150 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 1102 Jack— Age, Dec. 10, 1907; sire, Mapleton 189232; dam. Actress 12tli 189346— John Harvey, Asbury, W. Va. 1103 Prince Brit 301920— Age, June 26, 1908; sire, Winsome Prince 172425; dam. Lady Briton 26tli 101368— John Hutson, Canyon City, Tex. 1104 Horace 292086— Age, Nov. 26, 1907; sire, Advance 203805; dam, Lady 163540 — Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 1105 Midland— Age, Jan. 14, 1908; sire. Premier 71781; dam. Lady Perfection 120148 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1106 Iron Heart 289595— Age, Nov. 13, 1907; sire. Distributor 176433; dam, Donna 171979 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1107 Bonnie's Brock— Age, March 13, 1908; sire, Brock 173750; dam, Bonnie Lass 173748 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1108 Brock's Pride— Age, Nov. 21, 1907; sire. Brock 173750; dam, Lacoma 68472 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1109 Brock's Boy— Age, Nov. 23, 1907; sire. Brock 173750; dam, Nellie Bird 169010— J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1110 Prince 292942— Age, Jan. 3, 1908; sire. Prince Rupert 8th 142701; dam, Priscilla 9th 228524 — A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. 1111 The Squire— Age, Feb. 14, 1908; sire. Prime Rex 229750; dam. Mystic 198696 — Reggie G. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. CLASS 142. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 1112 Woody Lea Duplicate 316213— Age, Sept. 13, 1908; sire, Disturber 139989; dam, Serene Lass 138970— S. L. Brock, Lake Geneva, Wis. 1113 Fulfillment 4th 308445— Age, Sept. 7, 1908; sire, Fulfiller 3d 230508; dam, Daisy 194224— A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. 1114 Easter 315124— Age, Dec. 1, 1908; sire, Beau Mascot 281878; dam, Ruby 71859 — Giltner Bros., Eminence, Ky. 1115 Herbert 2d 325229— Age, Oct. 22, 1908; sire, Mapleton 189232; dam, Hazel 153304 — John Harvey, Asbury, W. Va. 1116 Cedric — Age, Dec. 4, 1908; sire, Soldier Creek Columbus 4th 153179; dam. Bracelet 221256 — Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, Manhattan, Kan. 1117 Prince 2d— Age, Sept. 9, 1908; sire. Prince Rupert 11th 250857; dam. Princess R 2d — Luce & Moxley, Shelbyville, Ky. GALLOWAY — FAT CLASSES 171 Official No. 1118 Advertiser 2d — Age, Sept. 25, 1908; sire. Beau Adventurer 273286; dam. Buttercup 4th 172099 — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 1119 Still Onward 311771— Age, Oct. 6, 1908; sire. Onward 19th 151573; dam. Miss Embree 114844 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1120 Gay Lad 12th 316942— Age, Oct. 13, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 16th 213969; dam, Grace Donald 169245— W. T. McCray, Kentland, Ind. 1121 Peerless Lad — Age, Jan. 4, 1909; sire. Peerless Wilton 39th 90610; dam. Lady Roberts 138472— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1122 Dale's Lad— Age, Oct. 18, 1908; sire, Fplly's Lad 177956; dam, Miss Carnation 160770 — J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Lafayette, Ind. 1123 The Colonel— Age, Sept. 2, 1908; sire. Prime Rex 229750; dam, Parlee 2d 176566— A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. CLASS 143. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER.— $50. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Special. — $20. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 144. LOT OF THREE HEAD OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2-YEAR-OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE CALF. $75, 50, 25, 10, 5. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Cargill & Price, La Crosse, Wis. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, John Harvey, Asbury, W. Va. Neb. University of Missouri, Columbia, J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, Laf ay- Mo. ette, Ind. A. L, Weston, Edgewater, Colo. A. L. Weston, Edgewater, Colo. FAT GALLOWAY. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 145. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $40, 30, 25, 15. Official No. 1124 Tom of Maples — Age, March, 1907; sire, Scottish Standard 2d 19337; dam, Miss Blanche 19175— C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa, 172 GALLOWAY — FAT CLASSES Official No. 1125 Evan Chance 30177— Age, Dec. 20, 1906; sire. Pride's Druid 24882; dam, Eva of Catalpa 13010 — University of Missouri, Co- lumbia, Mo. 1126 Domsie — Age, Sept. 25, 1906; sire, Scottish Standard of Durham- hill 23516 (7377); dam, Dolly of Wavertree 18746— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1127 Scottish Lad 30592— Age, Jan. 7, 1907; sire. Rambler of Corn- belt 16346; dam. Queen of the Oaks 17390— Ohio State Uni- versity, Columbus, Ohio. 1128 Knight of the Glen 32425— Age, Feb. 25, 1907; sire. Professor of Corn Belt 20676; dam, Stella of Corn Belt 19794— Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. CLASS 146. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $40, 30, 25, 15. Official No. 1129 Black Lad— Age, May 8, 1908; sire, Scottish Samson 23542 (8797); dam, Edith- of Elmland 19455 — A. F. Craymer, Mor- ris, 111. 1130 Dick of Maples— Age, April, 1908; sire. Standard Favorite 26550; dam, Lady Stanley of Grange 23303— C. S. Hechtner, Chari- ton, lovpa. 1131 Kansas Jim— Age, Jan. 18, 1908; sire. Built Right 21715— Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. 1132 Vigilant 32243— Age, Sept. 3, 1907; sire. Chief 2d of Stepford 23513 (8336); dam, Alida 18385— University of Missouri, Co- lumbia, Mo. 1133 Highland Laddie— Age, Oct. 20, 1907; sire, Mahomet 28121; dam, Lena of Otoe 22497 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. CLASS 147. , STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR. $40, 30, 25, 15. Official No. 1134 Harry of Maples— Age, Jan., 1909; sire. Standard Favorite 26550; dam, Minnie of Homedale 26474— C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. 1135 Heatherland 33813— Age, Nov. 15, 1908; sire. Pride's Druid 24882; dam, Grace 3d Wildwood 28910— University of Missouri, Co- lumbia, Mo. 1136 Scotti— Age, Sept. 12, 1908; sire, Mahomet 28121; dam, Hannah of Otoe 17934— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. RED POLLED — FAT CLASSES 173 CLASS 148. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER.— $50. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 149. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2-YEAR-OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE CALF.— $75, 50, 25, 10. ' C. S. Hechtner, Chariton, Iowa. University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. FAT RED POLLED. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 150. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $40, 30. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $12, 10, 8, 5. Animals competing must have sire and dam recorded in American Red Polled Herd Book. Official No. 1137 Billy 19414— Age, Oct. 11, 1906; sire. Nailer 7396; dam, Bly 19312 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 1138 Durbin 17172— Age, April 9, 1907; sire. Protection 12095; dam, Dora 14828— W. S. Hill, Alexandria, S. D. CLASS 151. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $40, 30. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials. — $12, 10, 8, 5. Official No. 1139 Sam 17939— Age, Oct. 30, 1907; sire, Bouncer 15336; dam, Alma 24127 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 1140 Ohio Griselda 2d— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Sciota Boy 14200; dam, Griselda 21283 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1141 Sam— Age, July 10, 1908; sire, Baba 2d 10019; dam, Ressa 23157 — C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. 174 POLLED DURHAM — FAT CLASSES CLASS 152. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR.— $40, 30. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $12, 10, 8, 5. Official No. 1142 Alfonso 19415— Age, April 8, 1909; sire, Dafter 15871; dam, Alto 17896 — ^A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 1143 Michael 19416— Age, April 17, 1909; sire, Maypopson 16490; dam. Milkmaid 25628 — A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. 1144 Aleck 19235— Age, Oct. 2, 1908; sire, TJno; dam, Patsey— Frank Hartline, Strasburg, Ohio. 1145 Billy — Age, Nov. 3, 1908; sire, Rewben 12149; dam, Bonnie Sillians 20849 — C. A. Shurtz, Gaysport, Ohio. CLASS 153. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER.— $50. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Special. — $20. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 154. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2-YEAR-OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE CALF.— $75, 50. Red Polled Cattle Club of America Specials.— $12, 10, 8, 5. A. P. Arp, Eldridge, Iowa. FAT POLLED DURHAM. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 155. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $40, 30. Official No. 1146 Buttonwood Dick 4th— Age, March 15, 1907; sire. Field Marshall 164475; dam, Bracelet of Arcadia — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 1147 Forester — Age, July 4, 1907; sire. Royal Wanderer; dam. Lady 3d— J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. POLLED DURHAM — FAT CLASSES 175 CLASS 156. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $40, 30. Official No. 1148 Buttonwood Dick 5th — ^Age, Oct. 7, 1907; sire, Royal Marshall; dam. Cherry of Monarch — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 1149 Famous — Age, Nov. 12, 1907; sire, Scottish Rule 4th; dam. Lady Fame — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 1150 Eli— Age, April 12, 1908; sire, Scottish Hero; dam, Nella— W. H. Miller & Sons, Mulberry, Ind. CLASS 157. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 1 YEAR.— $40, 30. Official No. 1151 Buttonwood Dick 6th — ^Age, Sept. 27, 1908; sire, Buttonwood Tip 2d 5016 (274337); dam, Buttonwood Jenny Lind— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 1152 Grepke — Age, Sept. 1, 1908; sire, Grolden Magnet; dam, Miami Golden Drop 3d — J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. CLASS 158. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER.— $50. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 159. LOT OF THREE HEAD, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2-YEAR-OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE CALF.— $60, 40. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. J. H. Miller, Peru, Ind. 176 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS. Rule 73. The term "grade" is hereby defined to mean an animal having but a portion of pure blood, as, for example, the get of a pure- bred bull from a native or common cow. Any steer or heifer that is not of pure blood may compete. A "cross-bred" is defined as an ani- mal whose sire and dam are of pure blood, but of different breeds. Names of sire and dam and their breeding, so far as possible, must be furnished with entry. Breeding must be furnished with entry. [See Rule 45.] ■— CLASS i6o. STEER OR HEIFER CALVED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1907, AND SEPT. 1, 1907.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1153 Guelph Lad— Age, Jan. 10, 1907; sire, Elm Park King 2d 72542; dam, Rosebank Lilly (Shorthorn Grade) — James Bowman, Guelph, Ont., Can. 1154 Tony Queen— Age, Feb. 14, 1907; sire, Tony D, vol. 9, 29047; dam, Grace B. — T. H. Brent, Smithshire, 111. 1155 Royal Heir— Age, May 27, 1907; sire, Strathallan's Royal 308494; dam (Shorthorn Grade Cow) — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 1156 Superb — Age, March, 1907; sire (Pure-Bred Angus); dam (Grade Angus) — Escher & Ryan, Irwin, Iowa. 1157 Tom Cross— Age, May 15, 1907; sire. Paramount 87070— Funk Bros. Seed Co., Bloomington, 111. 1158 Motley— Age, Jan. 7, 1907; sire. College Reformer 248719— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 1159 Bright Light— Age, April 20, 1907; sire. Blackbird Lad M. 76724— Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1160 Grey Light— Age, Jan. 12, 1907; sire. Blackbird Lad M. 76724— Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1161 Search Light— Age, Jan. 11, 1907; sire, Blackbird Lad M. 76724— Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1162 Duke — Age, April 10, 1907; roan; sire, Imperial Sunset 244857 — Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York, N. Y. 1163 Taft— Age, May 20, 1907; sire, Black Prince of Estell 33626; dam (Grade) — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1164 My Choice— Age, Sept. 5, 1906; sire. Black King of Woodlawn 31008; dam (Grade) — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1165 Jock of Estill— Age, June 15, 1907; sire, Boston Pride 63093— University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 177 Official No. 1166 Dr. Gwinn — Age, Jan. 10, 1908; sire, Broadus King 4tli 81068; dam (Grade Angus) — Mart. L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1167 Thomas— Age, March 9, 1907; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam (Grade Shorthorn)— J. R. Peak & Son, Win- chester, III. ■" 1168 Blacli .Charlie— Age, July 15, 1907; .sire, Woodlawn Admiral 63508; dam (Grade Angus Cow)— Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 1169 Harry — Age, March 8, 1907; sire, Golahranch Septo 82161; dam (Grade Angus) — Studebaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. CLASS i6i. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1907, AND JAN. 1, 1908.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1170 Red King— Age, Sept. 15, 1907; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 1171 Mugrons— Age, Nov. 1, 1907; sire, Keka 97881 (Hereford); dam, Gerty B (Shorthorn) — Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 1172 Chancellor's Seal— Age, Sept. 24, 1907; sire, Rapton Chancellor 267802; dam (Shorthorn Grade Cow) — W. H. Dunwoody, Min- neapolis, Minn, 1173 Superior — Age, Oct. 2, 1907; sire, Kamemura of Ballindallock 100428; dam (Grade Angus) — Escher & Ryan, Irwin, Iowa. 1174 Earl— Age, Oct. 4, 1907; sire. Earl Eric of Ballindallock 100422; dam (Grade) — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1175 Pat— Age, Oct. 26, 1907; sire. Morning Star 2d 75716; dam (Grade) — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1176 Corporal— Age, Feb. 5, 1908; sire. Col. Stewart 170021— Uni- versity of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1177 Guy C — Age, Oct. 5, 1907; sire, Fast Freight 184272— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1178 Hinkle — ^Age, Oct. 25, 1907; sire, Woodlawn Admiral — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. 1179 Fair Goods — Age, Sept. 3, 1907; sire, Blackbird of Edgewood 2d 45993; dam (Grade Angus)— Chas. J. Off, Peoria, 111. 1180 Andy— Age, Dec. 8, 1907; sire, Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428— J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1181 Chunky Boy — Age, Dec. 15, 1907; sire. Adamant of Meadow Brook 63602; dam (A Grade) — C. L. Taggart, Washington, Pa. 178 CATTLE — GRADES AND CR03S-BREDS CLASS 162. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1908, AND SEPT. 1, 1908.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1182 ^Age, April 30, 1908; sire, Binnie (170104)— Marvin Aclie- son, Rusliville, 111. 1183 Keep Your Eye on Chicago — ^Age, May 30, 1908; sire, Lacky Briton 101453; dam, Riola's Pride — Frederick E. R. Allbright, Rossville, 111. 1184 Willie Boy— Age, Sept, 3, 1908; sire, Lucky Briton 101453; dam. Lady the Ninth — Frederick E. R. Allbright, Rossville, 111. 1185 Guelph Lad 2d— Age, Jan. 5, 1908; sire. Elm Park King 2d 72542; dam, Rosebank Lilly (Shorthorn Grade) — James Bowman, Guelph, Ont., Can. 1186 Ohio's Prince— Age, Feb. 12, 1908; sire, Lucy's Prince 46181; dam (Grade Angus Cow) — ^D. Bradfute & Son, Cedarville, Ohio. 1187 Glorious Choice — ^Age, March 3, 1909; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. • 1188 First Choice— Age, March 18, 1908; sire, Scotch Mist 157620; dam (A Grade Cow) — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 1189 Kolar— Age, June 13, 1908; sire, Clansman Chief 2d 73155; dam (Grade Shorthorn Cow) — Omer Catterson, Maryville, Mo. 1190 Jack— Age, June 12, 1908; sire, Keka 97881 (Hereford); dam. Rose Mary (Polled Durham) — Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 1191 Moncena— Age, May 6, 1908; sire, Hero 117882— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 1192 Little Boone— Age, May 16, 1908; sire, Earl of Sandusky 229130; dam, Snowball — Robert R. Hawkey, Belvidere, 111. 1193 Rob— Age, Feb. 13, 1908; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354— James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1194 Fancy Robert 2d — ^Age, May 19, 1908; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354 — James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1195 Dandy Robert— Age, June 11, 1908; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354— James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1196 First Choice— Age, Feb. 2, 1908; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835— Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1197 Star Light- Age, Feb. 8, 1908; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835— Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1198 Flash Light— Age, March 30, 1908; sire. Earl Eric of Ballin- dallock 100422 — Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1199 Jack — Age, Jan. 29, 1908; sire, Baron Secret 204830; dam, Cherry — Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York, N. Y. 1200 Everett R— Age, Jan. 15, 1908; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068— Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 1201 ^Age, June 24, 1908; sire. Village Sultan 229004— W. H. Kreigh & Son, Knoxville, 111. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 179 Official No. 1202 George — Age, Feb. 22, 1908; sire, Victor Lavender 216841; dam, Rose — ^Allen M. Lewis, Wingate, Ind. 1203 Imboden — Age, June 3, 1908; sire, Mapleton Pride's Eliminator 72648; dam (Grade Angus Cow) — A. Middleton & Son, As- sumpton. 111. 1204 Corporal— Age, Feb. 5, 1908; sire. Colonel Stewart 170021— University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1205 Fayette Boy — Age, June 28, 1908; sire, Kinochtry Emery 49577; dam, Angus — Mart. L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1206 Ohio Czarina — ^Age, May 16, 1908; sire. King of the Rovers 72076; dam, Czarina 2d — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. 1207 Joy — Age, July 12, 1908; sire, Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1208 Dick Tarpin — Age, March 11, 1908; sire. Secret Lad of Edge- wood 194428; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. 1209 Roan Charley — Age, March 20, 1908; sire, King Champion 191878; dam, Roanie — ^Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 1210 Mason — Age, Aug. 17, 1908; sire, Golabranch Septo 82161; dam (Grade Angus) — Studabaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. 1211 High Pride — Age, Aug. 13, 1908; sire. Adamant of Meadow Brook (63602); dam (A High Grade)— C. L. Taggart, Wash- ington, Pa. 1212 Buffalo Bill— Age, Aug. 20, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 36th 248972; dam (Half-Blood Buffalo Cow)— W. S. Van Natta & Son, Fow- ler, Ind. CLASS 163. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1213 Xmas Jack— Age, Sept. 10, 1908; sire. Lucky Briton 101453; dam, Malira (High-grade Hereford) — Frederick E. R. Allbright, Ross- ville. 111. 1214 Climax— Age, Sept. 10, 1908; sire, Black Ivanhoe 76888— R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Iowa. 1215 Blue Boy— Age, Dec. 19, 1908; sire. Pilot of Rivers 29171— Arthur F. Croymer, Morris, 111. 1216 Pearl — Age, Sept. 15, 1908; sire. Nonpareil Prince; dam (Short- horn Grade Cow) — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 1217 Baron's Heir — Age, Dec. 3, 1908; sire, Blythe Baron 291256; dam (Shorthorn Grade Cow) — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 1218 Surprise— Age, Sept., 1908; sire (Pure-bred Angus); dam (Grade Angus) — Escher & Ryan, Irwin, Iowa. 1219 Algier— Age, April 14, 1908; sire, Hero 11782— Wallace Good, Bovena, Tex. 180 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREUS Official No. 1220 Proud Robert 2(i— Age, Nov. 20, 1908; sire, Lord Roberts 2d 83354 — Jas. Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1221 Sun Light— Age, Sept. 15, 1908; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835— Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1222 Henry M— Age, Sept. 15, 1908; sire, Broadus King 4th 81068— Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 1223 Paragon A— Age, Oct. 14, 1908; sirfe, Beau Paragon 211322; dam (Grade Hereford) — Makin Bros., Grandview, Mo. 1224 Deserter— Age, Nov. 12, 1908; sire. Onward 19th 151573 (Here- ford) ; dam, Grapewood Evaline (Angus-Aberdeen) — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. 1225 Black Joe— Age, Oct. 25, 1908; sire, Kinochtry Emery 49577; dam (Grade Angus) — Mart. L. McCoy, Washington Court House, Ohio. 1226 Dutch Joe— Age, Oct. 12, 1908; sire, Senator— University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Neb. 1227 Macaroni — Age, Dec. 14, 1908; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — J. R. Peak & Son, Win- chester, 111. 1228 Diamond Dick— Age, Nov. 14, .1908; sire, Diamond Lad 108905; dam, Ella (Grade Hereford) — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 1229 Benson— Age, Sept. 11, 1908; sire, Golabranch Septo 82161; dam (Grade Angus) — Studabaker Stock Farm, Van Buren, Ind. 1230 Smoke — Age, Dec. 15, 1908; sire. Adamant of Meadow Brook 63602; dam (A Grade)— C. L. Taggart, Washington, Pa. 1231 Teddy— Age, Dec. 2, 1908; sire. Prime Lad 36th 248972; dam (Shorthorn Cow) — W. S. Van Natta & Sorf, Fowler, Ind. 1232 Ring— Age, Dec. 1, 1908; sire, Lovet Ring 242270— R. R. West & Son, Hillsboro, Ohio. CLASS 164. STEER OR HEIFER, CALVED SINCE JAN. 1, 1909.— $50, 40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 1233 Buster— Age, March 16, 1909; sire, Keka 97881 (Hereford); dam. Lady May (Polled Durham) — Merritt Chandler, Onaway, Mich. 1234 Woodhill Jack— Age, Jan. 7, 1909; sire, Blythe Baron 291256; dam (Shorthorn Grade Cow) — W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Minn. 1235 Peerless Wilton Lad — Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire, Peerless Wilton 39th 90610— H. J. Fluck, Goodenow, 111. 1236 Fancy Robert 3d — Age, April 3, 1909; sire. Lord Roberts 2d , 83354 — James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. 1237 Side Light— Age, Feb. 20, 1909; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835— Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. 1238 Levi Light — Age, March 30, 1909; sire, Blackene 72214 — Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 181 Official No. 1239 Donald — Age, Feb. 13, 1909; sire, Monarch's Model Second 264468; dam, June — Mrs. I. M. Jamison, New York, N. Y. 1240 Spot— Age, Jan. 20, 1909; sire. Pride Lad of Aldine 89030— Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. 1241 Victor — Age, Jan. 15, 1909; sire, Keymura 95561; dam (Grade) — W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. 1242 Nipper — Age, Jan. 3, 1909; sire, Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, III. 1243 Tucker— Age, Jan. 11, 1909; sire. Secret Lad of Edgewood 194428; dam (Grade Shorthorn) — J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. CLASS 165. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER.— $50. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 166. LOT OF THREE HEAD OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR.— $75, 50, 25, 10. To consist of one 2-year-old, one yearling and one calf. Jas. Bowman, Guelph, Ont., Can. W. J. Miller, Newton, Iowa. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, University of Missouri, Columbia, Ohio. Mo. W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Mart L. McCoy, Washington Minn. Court House, Ohio. Iowa" State College, Ames, Iowa. J. R. Peak & Son, Winchester, 111. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, ANY BREED, PURE-BRED, GRADE OR CROSS. CLASS 167. Three Steers or Heifers Under 3 Years, Get of One Sire, Open to All Pure-Breds, Grades and Crosses. — $75, 50, 25. R. M. Anderson & Sons, Newell, Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Iowa. Ohio. Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, W. H. Dunwoody, Minneapolis, Ohio. Minn. Davis Bros., Maryville, Mo. James Innes & Son, Fayette, Mo. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Ohio State University, Columbus, Kansas State Agricultural College, Ohio. Manhattan, Kan. C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. Kansas State Agricultural College, Studabaker Stock Farm, Van Manhattan, Kan. Buren, Ind. Lew Kerr, Newtown, Ind. C. L. Taggart, Washington, Pa. Mart L. McCoy, Washington J. H. & J. L. Van Natta, La Fay- Court House, Ohio ette, Ind, 182 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-EUEDS CLASS i6o. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. . American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. t i CLASS i6i. SENIOR YEARLING (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. CLASS 162. JUNIOR YEARLING (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. CLASS 163. SENIOR CALF (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. CLASS 164. JUNIOR CALF (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER). American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20, 15, 10. CLASS 165. CHAMPION (STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, ANY AGE). American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $50. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. 1 CLASS 166. STEER HERD, ONE STEER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3; ONE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2; ONE UNDER 1 YEAR. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $60, 40, 30, 20. CLASS 167. THREE STEERS ANY AGE UNDER 3 YEARS, PURE-BRED OR GRADE, OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. Pure-Bred or Grade Herd Shorthorn Specials. — $100, 75, 50. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 188 CLASS 160. STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Aberdeen Angus Grade and Cross-Bred and Grade or Pure- Bred Association Specials. — $25. Animals competing must liave sire recorded in American Aberdeen Angus Herd Book. CLASS i6i. STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Aberdeen Angus Grade and Cross-Bred and Grade or Pure- Bred Association Specials. — $25. SPECIAL "A." STEER OR HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR. American Aberdeen Angus Grade and Cross-Bred and Grade or Pure- Bred Association Specials. — $25. CLASS 165. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER. American Aberdeen Angus Grade and Cross-Bred and Grade or Pure- Bred Association Specials. — $25. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 166. LOT OF THREE HEAD OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR, TO CONSIST OF ONE 2-YEAR-OLD, ONE YEARLING AND ONE CALF. American Aberdeen Angus Grade and Cross-Bred and Grade or Pure- Bred Association Specials. — $50. CLASS 160. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Grade and Cross-Bred Association Specials.— $15, 15, 10, 10. Animals competing must have sire recorded in American Hereford Record. CLASS 161. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Grade and Cross-Bred Association Specials.— $15, 15, 10, 10. SPECIAL "A." STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Grade and Cross-Bred Association Specials.— $15, 15, 10, 10. 184 CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS CLASS 165. BEST STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, ANY AGE. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Grade and Cross-Bred Association Special.— $20. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 166. HERD (STEERS, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFERS), ONE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3, ONE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2, ONE UNDER 1 YEAR. American Hereford Cattle Breeders' Grade and Cross-Bred Association Specials.— $20, 20, 15, 10. AMERICAN GALLOWAY BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION GRADE AND CROSS-BRED SPECIALS. The American Galloway Breeders' Association will duplicate all premiums on awards won by grade or cross-bred Galloways in the open classes for grades and cross-breds of all breeds, providing the sires of Galloway winners are recorded in the American Galloway Herd Book. CHAMPIONS BY AGES RULE 74. Competition in following Classes is limited to first prize winners in the foregoing sections for Herefords, Shorthorns, Angus, Galloways, Red Polls, Polled Durhams, Grades and Crosses; but no second prize animal shall be entitled to rank higher than reserve in any championship class. No previous entry needed. Entries will be made by the ring stewards after breed premiums are awarded. CLASS 168. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $50, Ribbon. CLASS 169. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR.— $50, Ribbon. CLASS 170. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR.— $50, Ribbon. CLASS 171. CHAMPION LOT OF THREE HEAD OF THE SHOW.— $100, Ribbon. CATTLE — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 185 CLASS i68. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Special. — $30. CLASS 169. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Special. — $30. CLASS 170. CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER UNDER 1 YEAR. American Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association Special. — $30. GRAND CHAMPION RULE 75. Competition in Class 172 is limited to champions and reserve champions in Classes 168, 169 and 170, but reserve champions shall not be entitled to rank higher than reserve grand champions. No previous entry needed. Entries will be made by the ring stewards after champions by ages are awarded. CLASS 172. GRAND CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER OF THE SHOW. $100, Ribbon. CLASS 172. GRAND CHAMPION STEER OR HEIFER OF THE SHOW IF A SHORTHORN. American Shorthorn Association Special. — ^ CLASS 172. GRAND CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. American Aberdeen Angus Breeders' Association Special. — $50. The Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association will give the following Special for the best Aberdeen-Angus animal shown in Grand Champion. SLAUGHTER TESTS. RULE 76. Every available improved method will be used by the Exposition management to secure the humane slaughter of animals,, and the best possible condition for the resulting dressed carcasses. To this end the facilities offered by some of the great packing house- establishments will be used, and carcass prize will be awarded in their cooling rooms. 186 CATTLE — SLAUGHTER TESTS RULE 77. Exhibitors of animals entered for slaughter and the dressed carcass competitions must, when requested, deliver said ani- mals into the charge of the General Superintendent, who shall direct their care, food and shrinkage, in accordance with the requirements of the case. Interference on the part of the exhibitor with animals thus delivered will be summarily dealt with. RULE 78. Judges of fat carcasses in competition are instructed to prefer the attractiveness of carcass, percentage of high class meat to total carcass, quantity and quality of flesh and fat. RULE 79. In order to further increase the educational value of the Slaughter Test, the following classes provide for the judging of animals entered for slaughter, to be judged on hoof as well as in carcass: LIVE CATTLE ENTERED FOR SLAUGHTER. Note. — Entry in carcass classes constitutes eligibility for entry in these classes. CLASS 173. STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3 ENTERED IN CAR- CASS CONTEST.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. of Entries Exhibitor Abdrbss 1 A. P. Arp Bldridge, Iowa 1 James Bowman Guelph, Ont. 1 C. S. Hechtner Chariton, Iowa 1 W. S. Hill Alexandria, S. D. 3 Iowa State Agricultural College Ames, Iowa 1 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 3 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 1 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 174. STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2 ENTERED IN CAR- CASS CONTEST.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. of Entries 1 Exhibitor Address 1 A. P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa 1 James Bowman .Guelph, Ont. 1 D. Bradfute & Son Cedarville, Ohio 1 Carpenter & Ross Mansfield, Ohio 1 C. S. Hechtner Chariton, Iowa 1 Chas. J. Off Peoria, 111. 1 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 1 Mart L. McCoy Washington Court House, Ohio • 3 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. CATTLE — SLAUGHTER TESTS 187 CARCASS CLASSES. CLASS 175. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. of Entries Exhibitor Address 1 A. P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa 1 James Bowman Guelph, Ont. 1 Funk Bros. Seed Co Bloomington, 111. 1 C. S. Hechtner Chariton, Iowa 1 W. S. Hill Alexandria, S. D. 3 Iowa State Agricultural College Ames, Iowa 1 University of Missouri Columbia, Mo. 3 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 1 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 176. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. of Entries Exhibitor Address 1 A. P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa 1 James Bowman Guelph, Oht. 1 D. Bradf ute & Son Cedarville, Ohio 1 Carpenter & Ross Mansfield, Ohio 1 C. S. Hechtner Chariton, Iowa 2 James Innes & Son Fayette, Mo. 1 Mart L. McCoy Washington Court House, Ohio 3 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 1 Chas. J. Off Peoria, 111. 1 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 2 C. L. Taggart Washington, Pa. CLASS 177. CHAMPION CARCASS.— $100. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 175. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Aberdeen Angus Association Special. — $30. (Grade or Pure-Bred Angus Cattle.) CLASS 176. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Aberdeen Angus Association Special. — $30. (Grade or Pure-Bred Angus Cattle.) CLASS 177. CHAMPION CARCASS. American Aberdeen Angus Association Special. — $30. (Grade or Pure-Bred Angus Cattle.) Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. The Arms Palace Horse Car Co. 1220 Monadnock BIdg., CHICAGO, ILL. OPERATING ARMS AND BURTON PALACE HORSE CAR With It'i Portable Stalls lengthwise of car. Equipped for Passenger or Freight Serv^ice. Several styles of cars suitable for shipping exhibition cattle and horses, sheep and swine, also commercial horses to market. W. A. YAGER, Gen'I Mgr. Phone Harrison 281 STREET'S WESTERN STABLE-CAR LINE LATEST IMPROVED STOCK CARS General Olfices: Great Norlhero Building, 77 Jackson iM., Chicago, III. Continental Bolt ® Iron Works Union and Twenty-Second Streets, Chicago, Illinois Bolt Work of Any Description to Order Best fe? Russell Company s EL SALERO HAVANA CIGAR On Sale at the Exchange Cigar Stand 188 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION ISd CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION (FED AND GRASS CATTLE.) Rule 80. In the following sections for carloads, the term "Feeder" is hereby defined to designate grass and hay-fed cattle. Cattle that have been fed grain of any sort, cotton seed, oil cake, gluten meal, or any like concentrated food, are hereby defined and classed "grain-fed," and such must be entered in the "grain-fed" class. However, feeder cattle emanating from the Southwestern District may be fed cotton-seed hulls and cotton-seed cake on grass. Rule 81. Car lots of feeder cattle competing in the following sec- tions, where they are required to have been bred within certain dis- tricts, must have been bred and not removed from the district in which they were bred more than thirty days prior to the date of the Exposi- tion and entered into the section under the rule of one of the districts defined to be eligible to compete in that section. The General Super- intendent will require indisputable evidence that this rule is obeyed. The evidence of the various association inspectors at the Union Stock Yards will be accepted as final in cases of branded cattle. Rule 82. Cattle competing as "grain fed" in the following sections may have been fattened in any part of the world. No restrictions are placed on the places, feeds or methods of the feeder who finished the "grain-fed" cattle for the Exposition and the market. NOTE — Carloads of cattle, hogs and sheep intended for competition in the carload classes must be in place not later than noon, Saturday, November 28th, and must be entered one week prior to this date. They will be judged on Tuesday, December 1st, and remain on exhibition until 6 p. m., Thursday, December 3rd. No stall or entry fee charged in this division. NORTHWEST DISTRICT. Rule 83. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the Northwest District, which is composed of the follow- ing states: Washington, Oregon, California (north of the quarantine), Idaho, Nevada and Utah, and the Territories and Provinces of North- west Canada. Bill of sale or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were bred in this district will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 178 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 ^- ° 179 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- 3 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 <^ 3 180 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, ^ £ under 1 year 100 50 25 o a 181 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 2. heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 g 182 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or « heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 ^ 183 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or n heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 °- 190 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT. Rule 84. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the North Central District, which is composed of the fol- lowing states: Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were bred in this district, will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5lh Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Frem. 184 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I o 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 £■ ° 185 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- = 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 i< 3 186 Carload of 20 head, feeding calves, steers or r> 5 heifers 100 50 25 " a 187 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 2. heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 g 188 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or a heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 ^ 189 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or « heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 o. SOUTH CENTRAL DISTRICT. Rule 85. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the South Central District, which is composed of the fol- lowing states: Colorado and that part of the states of Kansas and Nebraska lying west of the ninety-eighth degree of longitude. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were bred in this district, will ba required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Frem. 190 Carload of 20 head, ieeding steers or heifers, t o 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 -• g 191 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- = 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 q- 3 192 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, o S under 1 year 100 50 25 o a. 193 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 2, heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 g 194 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or n heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 ^ 195 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or a heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 °- SOUTHWEST DISTRICT. Rule 86. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the Southwest District, which is composed of the follow- ing states: Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and that part of Texas and Old Mexico lying north of the United States Quarantine line. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were bred in this district, will be required by the management. (See rule 80.) 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Frem. 196 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 £ 2 197 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- § 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 y; = 198 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, O 3 under 1 year 100 50 25 o a 199 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 2 heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 g 200 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 5 heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 5_ 201 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or <» heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 °- CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION 191 SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Rule 87. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the Southern District, which is composed of all that part of the United S'tates and Mexico lying south of the United States Quarantine line. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that com- peting animals were bred in this district, will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5tli Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 202 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 £■ 2 203 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- | 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 «< 3 204 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, o S under 1 year 100 50 25 o a 205 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 S. heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 3 206 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or » heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 5_ 207 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or » heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 °- ' EASTERN DISTRICT. Rule 88. Animals to compete under this head may have been bred in any part of the world not provided for in the foregoing five districts. They must have been fed by an individual or firm as provided in Rule 11, and evidence to that effect will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 208 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or JJ o heifers, 3 years or over $200 $100 $50 3^ 3 209 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or !"< I heifers, 2 years and under 3 200 100 50 a 3 & Q. 210 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or n a heifers, 1 year and under 2 200 100 50 '^ **■ Carloads of Cattle Shown as Feeders at the Exposition of 1908 and Returned for Exhibition in 1909 After a Year's Feeding. Class. 1st Prem. 211 Best carload of 15 head, grain-fed cattle in above class, 3 years old or over $100 213 Best carload of 15 head, grain-fed cattle in above class, 2 years and under 3 100 213 Best carload of 15 head, grain-fed cattle in above class, 1 year and under 2 100 Certified proof of each exhibit in above classes may be demanded by the management. SHORT-FED SPECIALS. The International Live Stock Exposition, being desirous of deter- mining and demonstrating the best and most economical method of feeding cattle, has created the following classes, to be known as "Short- Fed Specials." Cattle to be eligible for entry must not have been fed grain for six months previous to the time application is made, but after that time the owner may feed the cattle such feeds, including grain, as in his judg- 192 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION ment will accomplisli the greatest results within the given feeding pe- riod— i. e., from the date application is made for entry to the opening day of the Exposition. The following rule governs this contest: Rule 89. (a) Application for entry must be made between the 1st and 15th of August, (b) Cattle must be owned by exhibitor at the time application is made, (c) Cattle must not have been fed grain for six months prior to the time application is made ; they may," however, have been run in stalk fields, (d) Eighteen cattle may be fitted, but only fifteen of this number can be shown as one carload, (e) Cattle must be weighed, 12 hours in dry lot off feed and water, on day application is made and a record must be kept of the weight of these animals. The cattle to be judged will again be weighed, under similar conditions, at 10 a. m., Saturday, Nov. 27th. (f) Sworn statement by the owner and two other reputable persons that cattle had not been fed grain for six months previous to time application for entry is made, also covering the weight of animals on date of application, must be sent to the Gen- eral Superintendent of the Exposition with said application, (g) A record of the kind, weight and cost of feeds consumed during the feed- ing period must be kept by the owner, who will deliver this informa- tion, together with the weight of the animals at time of entry, to the Superintendent of the Carload cattle division, on the opening day of the Exposition. (Blanks for all of these purposes will be furnished on re- quest to the General Superintendent.) (h) In judging these classes, quality and finish will count sixty per cent; gain forty per cent. The following prizes are offered for these classes: 1st 2d 3d Class. Frem. Frem. Frem. 214 Carload of 15 head, 1 year and under 2 $100 $50 $25 215 Carload of 15 head, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 216 Champion carload of these clas'ses Sterling Silver Cup ROSENBAUM SPECIALS. Rosenbaum Brothers, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, offer the follow- ing additional prizes for cattle entered in the "Short-Fed Special" classes: Best carload of cattle, 2 years or over $100 Best carload of cattle under 2 years 100 Cattle fed by agricultural colleges not eligible for these prizes. INGWERSEN SPECIAL. Ingwersen Brothers, Union S'tock Yards, Chicago, offer an additional prize of $100.00 for the best carload of cattle, any age, entered in the "Short-Fed Special" classes, and stipulate that cattle fed by agricultural colleges be not eligible for this prize. CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION 193 CHAMPION CARLOADS BY AGES. Rule 90. Only car lots that have won first prizes in their classes in one of the foregoing sections or districts are eligible to compete in this section. No previous entry needed. Entries will be made by ring stew- ards, after the preceding classes have been judged. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Feeders Prem. Prem Prem. Prem. Prom. 217 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 £■ ° 218 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- ^ 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 >^ 3 219 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, ri 3 under 1 year 100 50 25 o d. Grain Fed 3 2. 220 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or g heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 "> 221 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 5^ heifers, 2 shears and under 3 100 50 25 re 222 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or ^ heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 , GRAND CHAMPION CARLOADS. Rule 91. Competition in class 223 is limited to champion feeder car- loads in classes 217, 218 and 219. Competition in class 224 is limited to champion loads in classes 220, 221 and 222. Class. Feeders 1st Prem. 223 Grand champion carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers $125 Grain Fed 224 Grand champion carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed, martin or open heifer 125 AMERICAN SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION CARLOAD SPECIALS. For carloads of grass cattle with predominance 'of Shorthorn blood. From Northwest district. North Central district, South Central district. S'outhwest district and Southern district, the following specials are offered for each district: Class. 1st Prem. 2d Prem. Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 $50 $30 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, 1 year and under 2 50 30 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, under 1 year 50 30 For Eastern district cattle with predominance of Shorthorn blood bred in any part of the world. Must have been fed by an individual or firm as provided in rule 11, and evidence to that effect will be required by the management. _, 1st 2d 3d *-'^ss. Prem. Prem. Prem. Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 $250 $150 $100 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 1 year and under 2 250 150 100 Champion carload of grain-fed steers, any age 250 Grand Champion carload of grain-fed cattle of show (if won by Shorthorn cattle) 1 000 194 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISLON AMERICAN ABERDEEN-ANGUS CARLOAD SPECIALS. 1st 2d 3cl 4th 5th 6th Class. Prem. Prera. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. For the best Angus carload of 2-yea.r-old steers or heifers $200 $150 $130 $120 $100 $75 For the best Angus carload of 1-year-old steers or heifers 200 150 130 120 100 75 Grand Champion carload of grain-fed cat- tle of the show (if won by Aberdeen Angus) 200 AMERICAN HEREFORD CATTLE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION CARLOAD SPECIALS. For carloads of grass cattle with predominance of Hereford blood shown under classes and rules governing. From Northwest district, North Central district, South Central district, Southwest district and Southern district, the following specials are offered for each district: Class. 1st Prem. 2d Prem. Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 $40 $25 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, 1 year and under 2 40 25 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, under 1 year 40 25 For Eastern district grain-fed cattle with predominance of Hereford blood bred in any part of the world. Must have been fed by an indi- vidual or firm as provided in rule 11, and evidence to that effect will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 3 years or over $100 • $50 $25 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 Grand Champion carload of grain-fed cattle of show (if won by Hereford cattle) 500 RED POLLED CATTLE CLUB OF AMERICA CARLOAD SPECIALS. 1st 2d 3d Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Best carload of Red Polled steers $100 $50 $30 DENVER STOCK YARD SPECIAL. The Denver Union Stock Yard Company, Denver, Colo., offer a Silver Trophy for the best Carload of Fat Cattle shown at the International of 1909 that were bought as carload of feeders at the Western Stock Show, Denver, January, 1908. Satisfactory evidence of purchaser and ownership will be required. SWENSON SPECIALS. Swenson Bros., Stamford, Texas, will duplicate all prizes won by S'. M. S. cattle in the regular classes. ia.C.iMtClurs:&Co. 0nx Jfall Webbing tationerp ^ The first and most important detail in arranging a wedding or reception is the en- graving of the invitations, cards, and an- nouncements. This work cannot be slight- ed and the rules governing its appearance are rigid. ^ Our experience in engraving for social functions extends practically over two gen- erations and our work is standard. You may have absolute confidence in the result when you entrust it to us. We shall be glad to show samples aud quote prices at our store or at your home. ^, C. jWcCIurg S: Co. stationery Department 215=221 ^abasij) ^benue The American Trust and Savings Bank CHICAGO Capital, $3,000,000 The entire capital stock of this bank is owned by and held in trust for the stockholders of The Continental National Bank of Chicago Capital, Surplus and Profits, $14,000,000 Bonds, Savings, Trusts OFFICERS EDWIN A. POTTER, President; FRANK H. JONES, Secretary; GEORGE M. REYNOLDS, Vice President; WILLIAM P. KOPP, Assistant Sec. ; JOHN JAY ABBOTT, Vice-President; GEO. B. CALDWELL, Mgr. Bond Dept. Best Facilities in All Departments 195 IS NON- ^< CresdlDip CONTAINS NO BY- POISONOUS H_^||^M -i^i-1-i-iTJ-i-^ PRODUCTS ORIGINAL— I to 141— GENUINE Is used exclusively by UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, and used and endorsed by 75 per cent of the largest dipping vat owners and stock yards of the United States. Effective for the treatment and remedy of Lip and Leg Ulceration, Scab, Ticks, etc., and is permitted in all Official Dippings. Dilute I gallon B &C CRESOL DIP with 141 gallons of water and make a satisfactory, soapy, economical solution in any water. It bleaches the wool, tones up the pelt, and leaves the sheep in a healthy condition. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY roSTERBDRNS&COMRlNv Superior, Sangamon and Pratt Sts., Chicago, U. S. A. Farmers and Stockmen My new Improved Farmers' Stock Loader easily loads all kinds of stock into any high or low farm wagon by simple adjustment of lever. Information in regard to farm rights will be gladly furnished on request Frank B. TIce P, O. Box 581, Polo, III W'-%^,,gf4, By ^i^^^^jflL^W mmyjMMii iiinii f « ^_„^_,i 196 BREEDING SHROPSHIRES 19V SHEEP DEPARTMENT. BREEDING SHEEP DIVISION. NOTE RULE 94 IN REGARD TO EAR TAGS. RULE 92. Pen fees shall be 50 cents for each animal, no pen to cost less than $3.00, except in the carload lots where no pen fees are charged. These fees must accompany the application for entry. RULE 93. All sheep in pure-bred classes must be registered in flock books of their respective breeds and bear the ear tags of their associa- tion. The date for computing the ages of sheep is September 1. RULE 94. The exhibitor of sheep must be the owner and all sheep must have the association ear tags before entering the ring and the association ear tag number must hereafter form a part of the entry. RULE 95. — Not more than three individual entries in the ram, nor more than four in the ewe classes will be accepted. Any breeding sheep brought in excess of this number will be placed in such pens as the Superintendent of. the Sheep Department may designate. RULE, 96. In all cases there must be competition to entitle exhibit- ors to awards. SHROPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS I. RAIVI 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Sheep and lambs competing for these prizes must be American-bred and recorded in the American Shropshire Registry Association Record, and bear tl^e ear tag of the breeder in one ear and the Association tag with registered number in the other. Official No. ExiiiniTOij Address 1 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 2 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 3 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 4 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 5 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 6 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 7 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 8 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y . 9 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 198 BREEDING SHROPSHIRES Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 10 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 11 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 12 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 13 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 14 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 15 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 16 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 17 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 18 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 19 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 20 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 21 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 22 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 23 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 24 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. CLASS 2. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials.— $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 25 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 26 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 27 Chandler Bros r Chariton, Iowa 28 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 29 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 30 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 31 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 32 G. Howard Davison Milbrook, N. Y. 33 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 34 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 35 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 36 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 37 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 38 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 39 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 40 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 41 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont, Can. 42 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 43 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 44 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 45 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 46 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 47 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 48 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 49 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 50 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. BREEDING SHROPSHIRES 199 CLASS 3. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 51 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 52 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 53 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 54 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 55 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 56 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 57 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 58 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 59 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 60 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 61 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 62 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 63 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 64 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 65 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. . 66 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 67 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 68 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 69 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 70 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 71 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 72 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 73 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 74 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 75 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 76 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. CLASS 4. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 77 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 78 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 79 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 80 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 81 Chandler Bros . Chariton, Iowa 82 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 83 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 84 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 85 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 200 BREEDING SHROPSHIRES Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 86 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 87 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 88 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 89 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 90 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 91 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 92 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 93 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 94 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 95 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 96 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 97 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 98 Chas H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 99 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 100 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 101 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 102 J. Lloyd Jones ; Burford, Ont., Can. 103 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 104 T. & J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. ■ 105 T. & J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 106 T. & J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 107 T. & J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 108 Geo. McKerrow & Sons .Pewaukee, Wis. 109 Geo. McKerrow & Sons .Pewaukee, Wis. 110 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 111 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 112 Henry L. Wardwell .' Springfield Center, N. Y. 113 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 114 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 115 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. CLASS 5. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 116 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 117 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 118 J. & D. J. Campbell ; Woodville, Ont., Can. 1 19 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 120 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 121 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 122 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 123 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 124 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 125 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y, BREEDING SHROPSHIRES 201 Official No. Exhibitor Address 126 G. Howard Davison * Millbrook, N. Y. 127 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 128 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 129 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 130 Elmendorf Farm ..Lexington, Ky. 131 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 132 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 133 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 134 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 135 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 136 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 137 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 138 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 139 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 140 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 141 T. & J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont, Can. 142 T. & J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 143 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 144 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 145 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 146 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 147 A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. 148 A. L. Sayers .•* Lakeville, Minn. 149 S. Shaffer .New Castle, Pa. 150 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 151 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 152 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 153 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. CLASS 6. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7. Official - No. Exhibitor Address 154 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 155 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 156 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 157 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 158 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. T. 159 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 160 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 161 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 162 Chas.' H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 163 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 164 Geo: McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 202 BREEDING SHROPSHIRES Official No. Exhibitor * Addrhss 165 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 166 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 167 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. CLASS 7. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE.— $20, 10, 5, American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7. Official No. Exhibitor Address 168 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 169 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 170 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 171 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 172 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 173 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 174 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont, Can. 175 Chas. H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 176 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 177 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 178 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 179 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 180 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. CLASS 8. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. American Shropshire Registry Association Special. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 9. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. American Shropshire Registry Association Special. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. BRITISH SHROPSHIRE ASSOCIATION TROPHY. The British Shropshire Breeders' Association, through its Secretary, Alfred Mansell, offers a Silver Challenge Cup for the best Shropshire flock, consisting of: — One ram, any age. Two ewes, any age. One ram lamb and two ewe lambs. Competition to be limited to residents of the United States and Can- ada. BREEDING HAMPSHIRES 203 PRIVATE SHROPSHIRE SPECIALS. Stephen Pettifer & Sons, of Malmsbury, England, offer a cup to be known as the "Pettifer Challenge Cup," valued at $250, for the best pen of four Shropshire lambs of either sex, get of one sire, American bred and registered in the American Shropshire Registry Association records, the cup to be won three times by exhibitor before it becomes his abso- lute property. Until the cup is finally awarded it shall remain in the possession of the American Shropshire Registry Association. Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Center, N. Y., offers for the best fitted and conditioned entire exhibition of Shropshire sheep entered in breeding classes — to be awarded to a shepherd working for a salary; owner or part owner barred: First prize, $15; second prize, $10. HAMPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 10. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down . Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Competition limited to American-bred sheep registered in above rec- ord and bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a member of this association. Official No. Exhibitor Address 181 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 182 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 183 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 184 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 185 Thos. Haslett Seneca, N. Y. CLASS II. RAM 1 YEAR AND UND^R 2.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 186 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 187 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 188 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 189 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 190 Thos, Haslett Seneca, N. Y. 204 BREEDING HAMPSHIRES CLASS 12. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 191 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 192 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 193 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, III. 194 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 195 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 196 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 197 Thos. Haslett Seneca, N. Y. CLASS 13. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 198 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 199 Wm. Cooper & Nephews .177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 200 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 201 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 202 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 203 F. W. Harding Waukesta, Wis. 204 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 205 Thos. Haslett Seneca, N. Y. 206 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 14. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 207 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 208 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 209 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 210 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 21 1 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 212 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 213 F. W. Harding ' Waukesha, Wis. 214 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 215 Thos. Haslett Seneca, N. Y. 216 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. BREEDING HAMPSHIRES 205 CLASS 15. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 217 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 218 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 219 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 220 P. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 221 Thos. Haslett Seneca, N. Y. CLASS 1 6. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF 1 RAM.— $20, 10, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 222 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 223 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 224 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 225 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 226 Thos. Haslett Seneca, N. Y. CLASS 17. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in ahove classes. CLASS 18. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. PRIVATE HAMPSHIRE SPECIAL. A trophy to be known as the "Stephens Challenge Cup," valued ai $100.00, has been offered through the Hampshire-Down Breeders' Asso- ciation of America for the best flock of Hampshire sheep, consisting of 1 ram, 1 year or over; 2 yearling ewes, and 2 ewe lambs. The conditions for the competition are that all sheep exhibited for this trophy must be sired by a ram individually registered or eligible for registry in the American Flock Book. This cup must be won either three times or twice in succession before it becomes the permanent property of the exhibitor. 206 BREEDING SUFFOLK SUFFOLK. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 19. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Fifty dollars of above money subscribed by the American Suffolk Flock Registry Association. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 227 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 20. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 228 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. J 229 James Bowman .Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 21. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 230 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. 231 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. 232 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 22. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 233 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. 234 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 23. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No Exhibitor . Address 235 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. 236 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. 237 James Bowman : Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 24. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 238 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. BREEDING OXFORD 207 CLASS 25. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF 1 RAM.— $10, 7, 5. Official No BxHiBiTOK Address 239 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 26. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 27. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. SUFFOLK SHEEP SOCIETY OF ENGLAND SPECIALS. This Society offers £10, to be paid in special prizes to exhibitors of Suffolk Sheep at the 1909 International Live Stock Exposition. OXFORD. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 28. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Sheep and lambs competing for these prizes must be registered in the American Oxford-Down Record, bear the A. O. D. R. A. ear tag at time of exhibition and be owned by the exhibitor, who must be a mem- ber of the association. Official No. Exhibitor • Address 240 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 241 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 242 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 243 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 244 Geo. McKerrow & Sons ' Pewaukee, Wis. 245 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 29. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No Exhibitor Address 246 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 208 BREEDING OXFORD Official No. Exhibitor Address 247 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Cbicago, 111. 248 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 249 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 250 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 251 Geo. McKerrow & Sons ' Pewaukee, Wis. 252 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 253 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 30. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 254 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 255 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 256 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 257 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 258 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 259 Geo. McKerrov/ & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 260 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 261 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 262 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 263 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 31. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 264 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 265 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 266 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 267 Wm. Cooper & Nephews .177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 268 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 269 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 270 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 271 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 272 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 273 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 32. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 274 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. BREEDING OXFORD 209 No. Exhibitor Address Official 275 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 276 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 277 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 278 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 279 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 280 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 281 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 282 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 283 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 284 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 33. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $12, 10, 8. Official No. Exhibitor Address 285 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 286 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 287 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 288 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 289 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 34. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF 1 RAM.— $20, 10, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $12, 10, 8. Official No. Exhibitor Address 290 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111, 291 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 292 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont, Can.. 293 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 35. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. American Oxford-Down Record Association Special. — $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 36. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. American Oxford-Down Record Association Special. — $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. 210 BREEDING COTSWOLD COTSWOLD. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 37. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. Sheep competing must be recorded in American Cotswold Record and bear registry labels. Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 344 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 345 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 346 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 347 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 348 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 349 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 350 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. CLASS 38. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address • 351 George Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 352 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 353 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 354 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 355 F, W. Harding Waukesha,- Wis. 356 Lewis Bros ' Camp Point, 111. 357 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 358 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 359 Lewis Bros : Camp Point, 111. CLASS 39. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. Official N.) Exhibitor Address 360 George Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 361 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 362 Wm. Cooper &. Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 363 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 364 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 365 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. BREEDING COTSWOLD 211 Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 366 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 367 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 368 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 369 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 370 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 371 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. CLASS 40. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address .372 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 373 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 374 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 375 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 376 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 377 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 378 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 379 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 380 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 381 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 382 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 383 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 384 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 385 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 41. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 386 George Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 387 George Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 388 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 389 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 390 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 391 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 392 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 393 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 394 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 395 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 396 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 397 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 398 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 212 BREEDING COTSWOLD Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 399 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 400 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can 401 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. CLASS 42. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 402 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 403 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 404 F. W. Harding "Waukesha, Wis. 405 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 406 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. CLASS 43. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF 1 RAM.— $20, 10, 5. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 407 Wm. Cooper & Nephews. 177 IHinois St., Chicago, 111. 408 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 409 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 410 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 41 1 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 412 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. CLASS 44. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. American Cotswold Record Association Special. — $5. Competition limited to first prize winners in abo^'^e classes. CLASS 45. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. American Cotswold Record Association Special. — $5. i Competition limited to first prize winners in above clrsses. ,' - 1 I SPECIAL "A." RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. Open only to Canadian and American-bred Cotswolds, BREEDING COTSWOLD 213 SPECIAL "B." RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. SPECIAL "C." RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. SPECIAL "D." EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. SPECIAL "E." EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $8, 4. SPECIAL "F." FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $10, 5. SPECIAL "G." FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF 1 RAM. American Cotswold Record Association Specials. — $10, 5. SPECIAL "H." CHAMPION RAM. American Cotswold Record Association Special. — $5. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. SPECIAL "I." CHAMPION EWE. American Cotswold Record Association Special.^ — $5. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. 214 BREEDING LINCOLN LINCOLN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 46, RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, C. All sheep competing must be bred in America and registered in the National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association register. Official No. Exhibitor Address 294 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 295 Alex W. Arnold . . .^ Galesville, Wis. 296 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 297 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 298 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St.. Chicago, 111. CLASS 47. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 299 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis, 300 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 301 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 302 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 303 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 304 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. CLASS 48. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official . No. Exhibitor address 305 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 306 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 307 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 308 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 309 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 310 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 311 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. / BREEDING LINCOLN 215 CLASS 49. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official No. ExHiBia'OK Address 312 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 313 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 314 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 315 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 316 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 317 Wm. Cooper &, Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 318 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 319 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 320 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 50. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 321 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 322 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 323 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 324 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 325 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 326 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 327 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, III. 328 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 329 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 330 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 331 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont, Can. 332 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont, Can. 333 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 51. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 334 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 335 Alex W. Arnold .Galesville, Wis. 336 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St, Chicago, 111. 337 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 216 BREEDING DORSET CLASS 52. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE.— $20, 10, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 6. Official No. Exhibitor Address 338 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 339 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 340 Alex W. Arnold Galesville, Wis. 341 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 342 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 343 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 53. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Special. — $12. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. ■ CLASS 54. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Special. — $12. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. SIR RICHARD COOPER TROPHIES. Sir Richard Cooper, Bart., Berkhamsted, England, to stimulate com- petition among the breeders of this country, offers seven silver cups, each valued at $50, one to be awarded to the best collection of five head of each of thfe following breeds shown at the 1909 International: Shropshires, Hampshires, Oxfords, Southdowns, Cotswolds, Lincolns and Dorsets. DORSET. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 55. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Sheep competing must be recorded in Continental Dorset Club Record. . Official No. BxHiniTOR Address 413 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 414 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 415 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 416 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. BREEDING DORSET 217 CLASS 56. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $8, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 417 R. H. Harding : Thorndale, Ont., Can. 418 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 419 Chas. Leet & Son • Mantua, Ohio 420 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 421 O. L. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 422 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 423 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 424 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. CLASS 57. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 425 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 426 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 427 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 428 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 429 O. L. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 430 O. L. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 431 O. L. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 432 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 433 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 434 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 435 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 436 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 437 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 58. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 438 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 439 J. B. Henderson .Burgettstown, Pa. 440 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 441 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 442 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 443 O. L.. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 444 O. L. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 445 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 218 BREEDING DORSET Official No. Exhibitor Addkess 446 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 447 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 448 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 449 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 450 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 59. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. EXHIBITOB AdDBESS 451 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 452 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 453 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont,, Can. 454 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 455 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 456 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 457 O. L. Lichtenwalter ' Manhattan, 111. 458 O. L. Lichtenwalter Manhattan, 111. 459 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 460 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 461 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 462 S. Shaffer '. New Castle, Pa. 463 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 464 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 6o. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 465 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 466 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 467 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. CLASS 6i. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF 1 RAM.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 468 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 469 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 470 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 471 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. BREEDING SOUTHDOWN 219 CLASS 62. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Continental Dorset Club Special. — $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 63. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Continental Dorset Club Special. — $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. SPECIAL "A." BEST PAIR EWES, WITH SUCKLING LAMBS. Continental Dorset Club Special. — $15. SOUTHDOWN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 64. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Animals competing must be American bred, recorded in the Ameri- can Southdown Record and have the ear label of the association. Official No. Exhibitor Address 472 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 473 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 474 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 475 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 476 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont, Can. 477 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 478 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 47'9 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 65. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, G, 3. American Southdown Breeders' Association Special. — $20. Official No. Exhibitor Address 480 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 481 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 482 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 483 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 220 BREEDING SOUTHDOWN Official No. Exhibitor Address 484 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 485 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 486 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 487 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 488 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 66. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 489 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 490 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 491 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 492 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 493 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 494 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Cah. 495 John Lloyd Jones '. Burford, Ont., Can. 496 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 497 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 498 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 499 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 500 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 501 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 67. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3.'' American Southdown Breeders' Association Special. — $20. Official No. ExHir.iTOR Address 502 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 503 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 504 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 505 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 506 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 507 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 508 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 509 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 510 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 51 1 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 512 Sir George Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 513 Sir George Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 514 Sir George Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 515 Sir George Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 516 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 517 John Lloyd Jones. : Burford, Ont., Can. BREEDING SOUTHDOWN ' 221 Official No. 518 John Lloyd Jones .Burford, Ont., Can. 519 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 520 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 521 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. Official No. 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 CLASS 68- EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Exhibitor Address Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 69. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official » No. Exhibitor Address 538 Wm. Cooper & Nephews...-. 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 539 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 540 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 541 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont, Can. 542 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 543 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 70. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF 1 SIRE.— $10, 7, 5. American Southdown Breeders' Association Specials. — $20, 15. Official No. Exhibitor Address 544 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 545 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 546 John Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 222 BREEDING CHEVIOT No. 547 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 548 Chas. Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 549 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 71. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 72. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CHEVIOT. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 73. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 550 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 551 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 74. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 552 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 553 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 75. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 554 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 555 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 556 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 76. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 557 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 558 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. BREEDINii LEICESTER 223 CLASS 77. ' EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. BXHIBITOK AdDKESS 559 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 560 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 561 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 78. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOK AdDKBSS 562 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 79. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF 1 RAM.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 563 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. CLASS 80. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. CLASS 81. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Competition limited to first prize winners in above classes. LEICESTER. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 82. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 564 A. & W. Wbitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 565 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 83. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3, Official No. Exhibitor Addhess 566 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 224 BREEDING LEICESTER CLASS 84. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. ' Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 567 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 568 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 569 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 570 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 85. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 571 F. W. & W. A. McCoy Mercer, Pa. 572 F. W. & W. A. McCoy Mercer, Pa. 573 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 574 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 575 University of Wyoming , Laramie, Wyo. 576 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 86. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 577 F. W. & W. A. McCoy Mercer, Pa. 578 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 579 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 580 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 581 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 582 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 583 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 87. FLOCK, TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 584 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 585 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 88. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 586 A. & W. Whitlaw Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 89. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS 225 CLASS go. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. RAMBOUILLET. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 91. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Animals competing for these specials must be recorded in the Amer- ican Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Register. Entries limited to two by one exhibitor in the individual classes and to one entry by one exhibitor in the flock or group classes. Official 587 Max Chapman Marysville, Ohio 588 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 589 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 590 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 591 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 592 J. P. Kunnert New Washington, Ohio 593 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 594 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 595 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 596 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 597 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 598 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 599 Li. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 600 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 601 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 602 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 603 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 604 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. CLASS 92. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official . No. ExiiiniTon Addhess 605 Max Chapman Marysville, Ohio 606 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 226 BREEDING KAMBOUILLETS Official 607 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 608 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 609 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 610 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 611 J. P. Kunnert New Washington, Ohio 612 J. P. Kunnert New Washington, Ohio 613 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 614 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 615 Ross Kenfield ■. Woodstock, Ohio 616 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 617 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 618 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 619 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 620 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 621 L. W. Shaw . . Pottersburg, Ohio 622 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 623 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 624 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. CLASS 93. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. JS, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 625 Max Chapman •. Marysville, Ohio 626 Max Chapman Marj'sville, Ohio 627 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 628 B. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 629 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 630 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 631 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford- Center, Ohio 632 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 633 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 634 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 635 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 636 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 637 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 638 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 639 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 640 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 641 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 642 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 643 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 644 Max Chapman Marysville, Ohio BREEDING EAMBOUILLETS 227 CLASS 94. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. ♦ $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. ExHiriTOR Address 645 Max Chapman r Marysville, Ohio . 646 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 647 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 648 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 649 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 650 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 651 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 652 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 653 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 654 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 655 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 656 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 657 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 658 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 659 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 660 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 661 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 662 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 663 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 664 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 665 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. 666 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. CLASS 95. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.r— $12^ 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor address 667 Max Chapman .- Marysville, Ohio 668 Max Chapman Marysville, Ohio 669 Max Chapman Marysville, Ohio 670 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 671 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 672 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 673 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 674 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 675 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 676 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 677 Ross Kenfield " Woodstock, Ohio 228 BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS Official 678 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 679 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 680 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 681 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohjo 682 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 683 L. W. Shaw Pottershurg, Ohio 684 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 685 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich-. 686 A. A. Wood & Sons ' Saline, Mich. 687 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. CLASS 96. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM, 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. Offlcia] No. Exhibitor Addebss 688 Max Chapman Marysville, Ohio 689 E, L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 690 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 691 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 692 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 693 J. H. McMullan ". Woodstock, Ohio 694 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 695 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. CLASS 97. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE RAM.-~$20, 10, 5. OfflciaJ No. Exhibitor Addbbss 696 Max Chapman Marysville, Ohio 697 E. L. Davis Davisburg, Mich. 698 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 699 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 700 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 701 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 702 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 703 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. CLASS 98. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS 229 CLASS 99. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. AMERICAN RAMBOUILLET SHEEP BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. Animals competing for these specials must be recorded in the American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Register. Entries limited to two by one exhibitor in the individual classes and to one entry by one exhibitor in the flock or group classes. SPECIAL "A." EWE 2 YEARS OR OVER. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $15, 12, 10, 8, 5. SPECIAL "B." FLOCK. TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM, ANY AGE; 1 EWE 2 YEARS OR OVER, 1 EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2, AND 1 EWE LAMB. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. $20, 15, 10, 5. SPECIAL "C." PEN OF 4 LAMBS, EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE, TO BE BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. ' $20, 15, 10, 5. ^ TOCK^I^RDS HARNESS &^ lADDLERY COMPANY UNION STOCK YARDS CHICAGO We have designed and m&de some of the best show harness in this country for Six=in=hand Nelson Morris & Co. J. Crouch & 5on Pabst Brewing Co. Swarzschild & Sulzberger Four=in=hand Jno. W. Springer Weaver Coal and Coke Co. Three=abreast Harness Heinz Pickle Co. H. K. Bloodgood Two=horse harness H. K. Bloodgood A. P. Nave Gilbert Hoxie Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. R. Burgess & Son One=horse harness Libby, McNeil & Libby Pabst Brewing Co. Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. Call and See Our Display . . Barn No. 25 Inside Exposition Grounds I 230 SHROPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES 231 FAT SHERP DIVISION. SHROPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 100. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7, 5, 3. Animals competing must be American-bred and recorded in Ameri- can Shropshire Register. Official No. Exhibitor Address 704 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 705 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 706 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 707 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 708 Wm. Cooper & Nephews ..177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 703 Wm. Cooper & Nephews . ; 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 710 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 71 1 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 712 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 713 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 714 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 715 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 716 R. J.- Stone Stonington, 111. 717 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 718 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 719 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 720 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 721 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 722 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 723 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS lOl. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. ExHiBiTon Address 724 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 725 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 726 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 727 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 728 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, III. 232 SHROPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES Official No. ExHiiiiTon Address 729 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111 730 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 731 G. Howard Davison . Millbrook, N. Y. 732 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 733 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 734 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 735 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 736 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 737 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can 738 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 739 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 740 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 741 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 742 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis 743 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 744 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 745 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 746 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. ' CLASS 102. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $18, 15, 10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 747 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 748 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 749 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 750 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 751 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 103. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. American Shropshire Registry Association Special. — $20. PRIVATE SPECIAL. Mortimer Levering, Secretary of the American Shropshire Associa- tion, offers $50 to the grand champion wether of the show, any age, in competition with all breeds, provided it is won by a registered Shrop- shire wether, or by a wether sired by a registered Shropshire ram or out of a registered Shropshire ewe. HAMPSHIRE FAT CLASSES • 233 HAMPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 104. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Competition limited to American-bred sheep registered in ahove rec- ord and bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a member of this association. Official No. ExHiBiTOE Address 752 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, III. 753 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 754 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 755 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 756 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 105- WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 757 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 758 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 759 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 760 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 761 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 762 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 763 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 764 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 765 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 766 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 767 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 768 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 769 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 770 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 106. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 771 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 772 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 773 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 774 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 234 CHEVIOT — FAT CLASSES CLASS 107. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. ■ Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Special. — $15. CHEVIOT. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 108. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. ExHiBiTOE Address 775 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 776 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 777 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 778 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 779 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 780 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 781 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 782 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 109. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official Ko. Exhibitor Address 783 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 784 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 785 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 786 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 787 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 788 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 789 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 790 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. I CLASS no. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 791 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 792 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS III. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. OXFORD — FAT CLASSES 235 OXFORD [See Rule 45.] CLASS 112. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $12, 8, 6, 4. Animals competing must be registered in tlie American Oxford-Down Record and owned by the exhibitor, who must be a member of this association. Official No. ExHiiiiTOR Address 793 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 794 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 795 J. W. Lee & S'ons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 796 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 797 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 798 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 799 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 800 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 113. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $12, 8, 6, 4. Official No. ExHiriTOR Address 801 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 802 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 803 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111, 804 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 805 J. W. Lee & Sons ; Simcoe, Ont., Can. 806 J. W. Lee & Sons ' Simcoe, Ont., Can. 807 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 808 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 809 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 810 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 81 1 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 114. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $15, 12, 10, 8. Official No BxiiiRiTOR Address 812 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 813 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 814 R, J, Stone Stohington, 111. 236 COTSWOLD — FAT CLASSES CLASS 115. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. American Oxford-Down Record Association Special. — $25. COLTSWOLD. [See Rule 45.] t CLASS 116. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 815 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 816 Geo.* Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 817 Wm. Cooper & Nephews '...177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 818 Wm. Cooper & Nephews ...177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 819 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 820 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 821 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 822 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 823 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 824 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 825 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 826 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 117. WETHER LAMB.^$25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 827 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 828 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 829 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont., Can 830 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 831 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 832 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 833 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 834 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 835 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 836 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 118. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 837 Geo. Allen Paris, Ont., Can. 838 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 839 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. LINCOLN— FAT CLASSES ' 237 CLASS 119. • CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. LINCOLN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 120. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4, 3. All sheep competing must be bred in America and registered in the National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Register. Official No. Exhibitor Address 840 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 841 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111.- 842 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 843 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 844 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 845 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. CLASS 121. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 846 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois &'t., Chicago, 111. 847 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 848 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 849 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 850 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 851 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 852 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 853 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. CLASS 122. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. 'National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials.— $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 854 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 123. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. 238 DORSET — FAT CLASSES DORSET. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 124. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No Exhibitor Address 855 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 856 R. H. Harding .Ttiorndale, Ont., Can. 857 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 858 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 859 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 860 Nasli Bros Tipton, Ind. 861 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 862 Nash Bros ' Tipton, Ind. 863 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 125. WETHER LAMB— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 864 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 865 R. H. Harding , Thorndale, Ont., Can. 866 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 867 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 868 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 869 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pii. 870 W. H. Miner • Chazy, N. Y. 871 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 872 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 873 Nash Bros Tiptcn, Ind. CLASS 126. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 874 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont, Can. 875 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 876 W. H. Miner • Chazy, N. Y. CLASS 127. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. SOUTHDOWN — FAT CLASSES 239 SOUTHDOWN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 128. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. [See Rule 45.] Official No. Exhibitor Addeess 877 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 878 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 879 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 880 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 881 sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 882 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 883 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 884 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 885 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 886 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 887 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 888 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 889 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 890- University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 891 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis 892 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 893 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 894 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 129. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 895 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 896 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 897 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 898 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 899 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 900 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 901 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 902 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 903 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 904 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 905 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 906 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 907 Niagara Stock Farm Lewiston, N. Y. 908 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 240 LEICESTER — FAt CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Address 909 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 910 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 911 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 912 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 913 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 130. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official iNJo. Exhibitor Address 914 Wm. Cooper & Nephews 177 Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 915 Sir Geo. Drummond Beaconsfleld, Que., Can. 916 J. Lloyd Jones • Burford, Ont., Can. 917 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 131. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. American Southdown Breeders' Association Special. — $25. LEICESTER. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 132. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 918 John Rawlings Forest, Ont., Can. 919 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 920 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 133. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 921 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 922 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 923 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 924 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 925 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont., Can. 926 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wj'o. CLASS 134. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. ExHiriTOR Address 927 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont., Can. RAMBOUILLET — FAT CLASSES 241 CLASS 135. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. Suffolk Sheep Society of England. SHEARLING WITHERS.— $10, 5. WETHER LAMBS.— $10, 5. CARCASS OF SHEARLING.— $10. CARCASS OF LAMB.— $8. RAMBOUILLET. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 136. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor . Address 928 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 929 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 930 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 931 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio 932 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio 933 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio 934 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 935 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 936 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 937 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 137. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 938 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 939 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 940 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 941 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 942 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 943 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 944 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio 945 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio 946 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio 947 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 948 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 242 SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS CLASS 138. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 949 Hagenbuch & Moran Milford Center, Ohio 950 Ross Kenfield Woodstock, Ohio 951 J, H. McMullen ...Woodstock, Ohio 952 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio 953 J. H. McMullen Woodstock, Ohio CLASS 139. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS. The same interpretation as defined under rule 73 for cattle will ap- ply to sheep. MEDIUM WOOL AND DOWN TYPES. CLASS 140. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 954 James Bowman Guelph, Ont., Can. 955 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 956 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 957 Jas. H. Hall Port Austin, Mich. 958 Jas. H. Hall Port Austin, Mich. 959 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont., Can. 960 Henderson & Bayard Burgettstown, Pa. 961 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 962 J. Lloyd Jones .• .Burford, Ont., Can. 963 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 964 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 965 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 966 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 967 A. L. &'ayers Lakeville, Minn. 968 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 969 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 970 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 971 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 972 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 973 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. e. Wyo. if, Wyo. e, Wyo. ie, Wyo. e, Wyo. ie, Wyo. le, Wyo. ie. Wyo. le, Wyo. ie, Wyo. ie. Wyo. e. Wyo. le. Wyo. le, Wyo. e. Wyo. SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 243 Official No. Exhibitor Address 974 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 975 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 976 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 977 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 978 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 979 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 980 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 981 University of Wyoming Larami 982 University of Wyoming Larami £83 University of Wyoming Larami 984 University of Wyoming Larami 985 University of Wyoming Larami 986 University of Wyoming Larami 987 University of Wyoming Larami 988 University of Wyoming Larami 989 University of Wyoming Larami 990 University of Wyoming Larami 991 University of Wyoming Larami 992 University of Wyoming Larami 993 University of Wyoming Larami 994 University of Wyoming Larami 995 University of Wyoming Larami CLASS 141. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Ofticial No. ExUIi;iTOR ADDUES.S 996 Dan W. Black Lyndon, Ohio 997 Dan W. Black Lyndon, Oliio 998 Dan W. Black .' Lyndon, Ohio 999 F. B. Bryant Carlsbad, N. M. 1000 F. E. Bryant Carlsbad, N. M. 1001 F. E. Bryant Carlsbad, N. M. 1002 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 1003 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 1004 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 1005 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 1006 Jas. H. Hall -Port Austin, Mich. 1007 Jas. H. Hall .Port Austin, Mich. 1008 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 1009 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 1010 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 1011 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 1012 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont., Can. 1013 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 1014 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 244 SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS Official No. Exhibitor Address 1015 G. W. Parnell Wingat.e, Ind. 1016 G. W. Parnell ^. Wingate, Ind. 1017 A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. 1018 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1019 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1020 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1021 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1022 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1023 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1024 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1025 R, J. b'tone Stonington, 111. 1026 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1027 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1028 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1029 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1030 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1031 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1032 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1033 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1034 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1035 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 1036 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 142. PEN OF 5 WETHERS 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 20, 10. Official l-^ WEARS LONGER ^r^ RDdfriTE i^^ COSTS LESS ^ %l 'ikto^id^s^ Wnen you buy it you are safe; you get the returns in wear, economy and sat-sfaction that an honest, well-made weather- proof material is able to give. There is no shrinking, crack- ing, drying out or leaking around the nails or the seams. Roofrite is warranted waterproof in the body and likewise stays tight at the nail holes and seams. It's the only "rub- ber" roofing without nail holes; no leaks, rusty nails or torn seams, because Roofrite is made with Overseal Lap, which is a water- tight tape, covering the nails and the seams. You will not be satis- fied with common roofing after you become acquainted with Roofrite, the Roofing tliat's Right. You need it for your house, barn and cattle sheds. Adopted by the Union Stock Yard and Transit Co. and used by railroads and large corporations everywhere. Samples aiwi prices are yours for the asking. THE LEHON COMPANY Manufacturers. Roofing, Waterproofing and Paints UNION STOCK YARDS Overseal Lap pieveuL» ttuoCy Phone Yards 55, Chicago. N^ngLga^j^g and Torn Seams. fAt POLAi^D CillNA. 282 FAT SWINE DIVISION. FAT POLAND CHINA. [See Rule 45.] > ■ CLASS 147. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Animal competing must be recorded in this Association's Register. Official No. EXHIBITOE ADDKESS 581 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 582 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 583 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 584 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 585 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 586 J. E. Meharry ." Tolono, 111. 587 A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. 588 A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. CLASS 148. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. EXHIBITOB - ADDKBSS 589 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 590 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 591 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 592 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 593 J. E. Meharry .Tolono, 111. 594 J. E. Meharry .Tolono, 111. CLASS 149. BARROW OVER 12 MONTHS AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addhbss 595 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 596 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 597 J. C. Hanna Danville, Iowa 598 Iowa State College : Ames, Iowa 599 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 600 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 601 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 602 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 603 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 604 A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. S84 FAT BERKSHlRfe. CLASS 150. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. ExHiBiTOU Address 605 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 606 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 607 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 608 A. L. Sayers . . . . 7 Lakeville, Minn. CLASS 151. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 MONTHS AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 609 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 610 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 152. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 MONTHS AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 61 1 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 612 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 613 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. V 614 J. E. Meharry '. Tolono, 111. CLASS 153. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $25. CLASS 154. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $50. FAT BERKSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 155 BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $10, 8, 4. Animals competing for specials must be recorded in the American Berkshire Record at time of entry. For this purpose no entry fee will PAT b£rkShire. 285 be charged, and a special certificate of registry will be issued to exhibit- ors without expense by the American Berkshire Association. Official No. Exhibitor Address 615 E. J. Barker Thorntown, Ind. 616 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 617 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 618 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 619 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 620 Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. 621 Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. 622 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 623 Sheffield Farm : . . . Glendale, Ohio 624 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 625 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 156. BARROW OVER 6 MONTHS AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials.— $10, 8, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 626 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 627 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 628 H. C. Davidson Obion, Tenn. . 629 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 630 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 631 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 632 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 633 Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. 634 Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. 635 Purdue University La Fayette, Ind. 636 Purdue University , La Fayette, Ind. CLASS 157. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $10, 8, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 637 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 638 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 639 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 640 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 641 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 642 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 286 FAT DUROC JERSEYS. CLASS 158. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $15, 10, 6. Official No. Exhibitor Addhhss 643 E. J. Barker Thorntown, Ind. 644 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 645 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 646 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 647 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 648 Penshurst Farm ."~. . Narberth, Pa. 649 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio CLASS 159. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $15, 10, 6. Official ' No. Exhibitor Address 650 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 651 Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. 652 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 653 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 654 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 160. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $15, 10, 6. Official No. Exhibitor Address 655 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 656 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 657 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 658 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 161. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $25. American Berkshire Association Special. — $20. CLASS 162. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $50. American Berkshire Association Special. — $20. FAT DUROC JERSEYS. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 163. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 659 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa FAT DUROC JERSEYS. 287 Oflacial No. Exhibitor Addeess 660 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 661 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 662 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 663 Frank P, Mapps Wilmington, 111. 664 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 665 William H. Rohbins Springfield, Ohio 666 William H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 667 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 668 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 669 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 670 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 164. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 671 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 672 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 673 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. . 674 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 675 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 676 William H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 677 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 678 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 679 H. O. Wickre Webster, S. D. 680 H. O. Wickre Webster, S. D. CLASS 165. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 681 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 682 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 683 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 684 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 685 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 686 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 687 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 166. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 688 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 689 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 690 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 691 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 288 FAT CHESTER WHITES. Official No. Exhibitor Address 692 William H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 693 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 694 Wbiteball Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 695 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 167. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 696 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 697 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 698 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 699 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 700 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 701 H. O. Wickre Webster, S. D. CLASS 168. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 702 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 703 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 704 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 705 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 706 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 169. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $15. CLASS 170. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. FAT CHESTER WHITES. [See Rule 45.] « CLASS 171. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. CLASS 172. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 707 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 708 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. FAT HAMPSHIRE 289 CLASS 173. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 709 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. CLASS 174. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 175. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 710 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. CLASS 176. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 177. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $15. CLASS 178- GHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. HAMPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 179. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. The American Hampshire Swine Record Association Specials. Classification of Specials will be furnished hy Secretary of above Association upon application. Official No. Exhibitor Address 711 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 712 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 713 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 714 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 715 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 716 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 717 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 718 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 290 FAT HAMPSHIRE CLASS 1 80. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 719 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 720 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 721 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 722 C. A. Brook '. Washington, Iowa 723 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 724 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 725 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 726 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 181. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDEBSS 727 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 728 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 729 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 730 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 731 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 732 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 182. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 733 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 734 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 735 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 736 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 737 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 183. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 738 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 739 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 740 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 741 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 742 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 184. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 743 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111, FAT TAMWORXa 291 Official . „^„„„„ No. Exhibitor Address 744 R. L, Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 745 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 746 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 185. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $25. CLASS 186. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $50. TAMWORTH. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 187. BARROW, 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 747 Frank Thornber Carthage, 111. 748 Frank Thornber Carthage, 111. CLASS 188. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. CLASS 189. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $10, 5. CLASS 190. PEN OF 3 BARROWS, 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 749 Frank Thornber Carthage, 111. CLASS 191. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 192. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 193. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $15. CLASS 194. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. 292 FAT LARGE YORKSHIRE. FAT LARGE YORKSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 195. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 750 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 751 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 196. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 752 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 753 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 197. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $10, 5. CLASS 198. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 754 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 199. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 755 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 200.. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 201. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $15. CLASS 202. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. GRADES AND CROSS-BnSDS— FAl- CLASSeS ^93 GRADE AND CROSS=BRED. The breeding of sire and dam in cross-breds must be given. In grades all information known concerning the breeding of animals must accompany the entry. To be judged from packers' standpoint. The same interpretation as to breeding under Rule 73 for cattle will apply. CLASS 203. BARROW WEIGHING 250 LBS. AND UNDER 350.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 756 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 757 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 758 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 759 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 760 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 761 Funk Bros. Bloomington, 111. 762 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 763 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 764 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 765 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 766 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 767 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 768 Lewis Newton Pontiac, Mich. 769 Lewis Newton Pontiac, Mich. 770 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 771 Purdue University Lafayette, Ind. 772 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 773 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio CLASS 204. BARROW WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 250.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 774 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 775 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 776 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 777 John Francis & S'ons New Lenox, 111. 778 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 779 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 780 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 781 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111 782 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 783 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 784 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 785 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 294 GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS — FAT CLASSES Official No. Exhibitor Address 786 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 787 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 788 Sheffield Farm f. Glendale, Ohio 789 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 790 C. A. Shurtz Gaysport, Ohio 790 C. A. Shurtz Gaysport, Ohio 792 Wm. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 793 Wm. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio CLASS 205. BARROW WEIGHING 150 LBS. AND UNDER 200— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 794 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 795 R, L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111 796 C. S. Brook Washington, Iowa 797 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 798 W. S. Corsa W^hite Hall, 111. 799 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 800 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 801 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 802 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 803 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 804 W, H. Goodwine Potomac, 111 805 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 806 J, E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 807 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 808 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 809 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 810 C. A. Shurtz Gaysport, Ohio 81 1 C. A. Shurtz Gaysport, Ohio 812 Wm. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 813 Wm. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio CLASS 206. PEN OF 3 BARROWS, EACH WEIGHING 250 LBS. AND UNDER 350 LBS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 814 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 815 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 816 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 817 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 818 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis 819 J. E. Meharry Tolono, III. 820 Louis Newton Pontiac, Mich. 821 Wm. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS — FAT CLASSES 295 CLASS 207. PEN OF 3 BARROWS, EACH WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 250 LBS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. BxHiBiTOE Address 822 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 823 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 824 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 825 Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. 826 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 827 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 828 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 829 Wm. H. RobMns Springfield, Ohio 830 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio CLASS 208. PEN OF 3 BARROWS, EACH WEIGHING 150 LBS. AND UNDER 200 LBS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 831 R. L. Ballman Coal Valley, 111. 832 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 833 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 834 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 835 Funk Bros . .Bloomington, 111. 836 W. H. Goodwine Potomac, III. 837 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 838 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 839 C. A. Sliurtz Gaysport, Ohio 840 C. A. Shurtz Gaysport, Ohio 841 Wm. H. Bobbins Springfield, Ohio CLASS 209. CHAMPION BARROW.— $25. CLASS 210. CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS.— $50. GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP.— ANY AGE, BREED, GRADE OR CROSS. Competition limited to Championship winners. CLASS 211. GRAND CHAMPION BARROW OF THE SHOW.— $50. 296 SWINE — DRESSED CARCASSES CLASS 212. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS.— $100. SWIFT & COMPANY SPECIAL PREMIUMS. Swift & Company will duplicate premiums in classes 209 and 210, providing entries have been fed for ninety days before opening date of the Exposition, on a ration balanced with Swift's Digester Tankage. CLASS 211. SPECIAL GRAND CHAMPION BARROW (IF WON BY A PURE-BRED POLAND-CHINA). American Poland-China Record Association Special. — $25. CLASS 212. SPECIAL GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS (IF WON BY PURE-BRED POLAND-CHINA). American Poland-China Record Association Special. — $25. DR SSED CARCASSES. CLASS 213. DRESSED CARCASS WEIGHING 300 LBS. OR OVER.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addeess W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. H. C. Davidson Obion, Tenn. John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. Iowa State College Ames, Iowa Iowa State College Ames, Iowa Jos. Kestal New Lenox, 111. Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio Wm. H. Robbins '. Springfileld, Ohio SWINE — DRESSED CARCASSES 297 CLASS 214. DRESSED CARCASS WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 300.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address W. S. Corsa .White Hall, 111. .... John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. .... John Francis & Sons .New Lenox, 111. .... Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. .... Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. Iowa State College Ames, Iowa Iowa State College Ames, Iowa .... Jos. Kestel New Lenox, 111. .... Jos. Kestel New Lenox, 111. L. C. Lemke Onalaska, "Wis. J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. .... J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. .... Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio .... Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio .... Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. .... A. L. Sayers ; Lakeville, Minn. .... Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio .... Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio Wm. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio CLASS 215. DRESSED CARCASS WEIGHING 100 LBS. AND UNDER 200.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. .... John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. .... John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. .... Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. .... Funk Bros Bloomington, 111. .... Iowa State College Ames, Iowa .... Iowa State College .• . . . .Ames, Iowa .... L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. .... Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. .... J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. .... J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. .... Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio ..... Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio .... Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. .... Penshurst Farm Narberth, Pa. .... A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. .... A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. .... Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 298 SWINE — CARLOAD LOTS Official No. Exhibitor Addbess Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio Frank Thornber Carthage, 111. Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio Wm. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio CLASS 216. CHAMPION CARCASS, COMPETITION LIMITED TO FIRST PRIZE WINNERS IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. CARLOAD DIVISION. Entries in carload classes close November 20th and must be in place by noon November 27th. Rule 107. Carload of not less than fifty head, any breed or grade. Must have been fattened by exhibitor. All carloads of hogs must be weighed for entry not later than 9 a. m. Monday of the Exposition. 1st 2d 3d Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. 217 Carload, 350 pounds or over $75 $50 $25 218 Carload, 250 pounds and under 350 75 , 50 25 219 Carload, 200 pounds and under 250 75 50 25 220 Carload, 150 pounds and under 200 75 50 25 221 Champion load, competition limited to first prize winners in above classes 100 AMERICAN BERKSHIRE ASSOCIATION SPECIAL. The American Berkshire Association will pay $50 to the exhibitor of the grand champion carload of hogs, if these animals are Berkshires or show a preponderance of Berkshire blood. TO INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS Here is FEELING SURE that your exhibit at the International Live Stock Exposition will be a benefit to the industry and HOPING that it will result in pleasure and profit to you. We hope you may be able to have winnings that will justify the use of a liberal amount of space on one or more days during the show. For this kind of display advertising our rate during the show will be $i.oo per inch, so that if you want to use a space of, say, half a page, it would cost $75.00, or a space 12^ inches deep on four columns wide $50.00; a space 10 inches deep on three columns $30, or a space 5 inches deep and three columns wide $15.00. Mr. James H. S. Johnstone, formerly with the Breed- er's Gazette, author of "The Horse Book," and one of the best fine stock judges and writers in the country, has joined the staff of the Live Stock World. Mr. J. V. Cotta of Galesburg, 111. ; Mr. H. M. Stewart of Washington, Iowa ; Mr. Hal T. Hooker of Maryville, Mo., and Mr. A. J. Hauser of New Carlisle, Ind., are among the Live Stock World field men. We all stand ready to be of the greatest possible service to you, and if there is any way in which we can help you, command us. IT PAYS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR, ADVERTISE IN AND GET PRINTING FROM ASHLEIGH C. HALLIWELL, Pres. JAS. E. POOLE, Secy. FRANK E. MOORE, Treas. 299 Always Open ICtmrJy Uoom 4171 So. Halsted Street Opposite Transit House We have just opened a popular priced restaurant and lunch room, at the en- trance to the Stock Yards. It is convenient for visitors to the Live Stock Exposi- tion. Our prices are always the same and strangers are served with the same care at the same prices as residents. We are conducting seventeen restaurants throughout the city, all run on the same standard of excellence as this one, and visitors should make a note of the addresses, in case it is more convenient to go to any of the others, they may know where they are located. Our aim is to constantly get new trade and to hold it. The proof of our excellence and steady trade is evidenced by our success in the past. We print below our bill of fare for the information of prospective customers. OTHER RESTAURANTS and LUNCH ROOMS 605 N. Clark St. 8 S. Clatk St. 747 N. Clark St. 1212 N.Clark St. 2668-70 N. Clark St. 3312 N.Clark St. 81 1 Wells St. 212 Norlh Ave. BILL OF FARE All Soups lUc: with Meat Orders Sc Beef Stew. Mexican Style, ISe Hot Boston Baked Beans With RolU 01 Brown Bread 10 With Ejttt. Poll 15 Sandwiches Chee»e (Ameiican) 5 Fried Hai Boiled Ham 5 Cheese (Sw Egg 5 Ham and Egg 10 Hamburgel 10 iees and Omelets 2 Fried or Boiled... ...15 3 Poached on Toasl 25 3 Fned or Boiled 20 Ham Omelet 25 3 Scrambled 20 Plain Omelet 20 Sideordeio(2 Eggs 10 Home-Made Corned^Beef Hash With Bread and Bullet 10 With Egg 15 Steaks, Chops, Etc. Small Sleak Small Sleak T-Bone Sill Sirloin Sti /ilh Onions 25 1 Sleak . .30 llh Onic Porterhouse Steak 55 burger Sleak 15 Lamb Chops 25 Veal Chops 25 Fried Ham or Bacon 20 Ham and Eggs 25 Bacon and Eggs 25 Canned Oregon Salmon 20 Imported Sardines 20 .15 Oysters in Season Slew. Cream 30 14 doz. Fried. _r Slew. Milk 20 ,« doz. Raw 15 VeUetables German Fried Potatoes 5 Green Peas . . "5 French Fried Potatoes 10- Slew? d Tomatoes 5 Lyonnaise Potatoes 10 Slewed Corn 5 Dairy Dishes and Toasts Shredd;dWholeWheall..lUr,dh.lMq Milk Toast 10 Maple Flake, half and hall 10 Dry Toast 5 Oatmeal, hall and hall 10. MJk, per Bowl, with Crackers ... 1 0 , Cream, per Bowl, with Crackers. .20 Beverages Fresh Hade Coffee, eerveil with Cream 5 Tea to Order, pel pot 5 Cocos 5 Milk, per glass 5 ChocolUe 10 Cream, per glass , 10 ,.,.,. ....,.., len. Office: 8 South Clark Street Phone Main 782 Commissary ; 607 North Clark Street ~ Phone North 4362 '!.., OTHER RESTAURANTS and LUNCH ROOMS 6315 S. Halsted St. 327 E. 51 St St. 322 E. 43id St. 760 E. 39th St. 11 E. 3UtSt. 952 W. Belmont Ave. IHOArgyle St. 520 W. Chicago Ave. JOHN J. ERICKSON PROPRIETOR 300 BREEDING PERCHERONS 301 HORSE DEPARTMENT. IMPORTANT. Stall fee, $3 for each animal when occupying single stall and $5 when occupying box stall, which must in all cases accompany entry application. In all cases there must be competition to entitle ex- hibitors to awards. PERCHERON. [See Rule 45.] CLASS I- STALLION 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 20, 15, Ribbon. Animals competing for these specials must be owned by members of the Percheron Society of America and recorded in its books of record. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. All animals competing for these special prizes must have been recorded in the Percheron Register; the exhibitor must be a member of the Percheron Registry Company and the recorded owner of the animal. Where there is no competition, ribbons only will be awarded. Official No. 1 Soubise (68436) 61441— Age, April 30, 1905; sire, Humier (53434); dam, Etudiante (55971) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 2 Etancon (65297) 61369— Age, April 18, 1905; sire, Ramoneur (52112) ; dam, Philippine (52921)— Robt. Burgess & Son, "We- nona, 111. 3 Delateur (68430) 61368— Age, April 16, 1905; sire, Hambard (52434) 41235; dam, Serpette (54238)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 4 Bijou (65856) 52424— Age, March 4, 1905; sire, Balkan (52910); dam, Rosa (49890)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 5 Decime (60587) 55365— Age, April 8, 1903; sire, Redictateur (45999) ; dam, Flambe (36974)— Robt. Burgess & Son, We- nona, 111. 6 Sultan (68896) 55967— Age, March 12, 1905; sire, Coco (52279) 41213; dam, Sultane (26046)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. S02 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 7 Meritant (65126) 55957— Age, April 10, 1905; sire, Tarquin (51901); dam, Rosette (49901)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 8 Sistori (66964) 61983— Age, March 20, 1905; sire, Violin (52839); dam, Baronne (54305) — ^J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 9 Lafayette (67798) 61984— Age, April 10, 1905; sire, Deserteur (52756) 41613; dam, Rosalie (47923)— J. Crouch & Son, La- fayette, Ind. 10 Carnot (66666) 61985— Age, March 6, 1905; sire, Belleau II (41257) 53014; dam, Perrette 50408— J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 11 Patriote (61840) 61591— Age, April 15, 1904; sire, Trouville (48623) ; dam, Cocotte (54048) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 12 Saskia (67902) 61589— Age, Feb. 13, 1905; sire, Cock (51608); dam, Pauline (47998) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 13 Brulot (59670) 57481 41504— Age, Feb. 2, 1903; sire, Amilcor (19979) ; dam. Bijou (8865)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 14 Silver 44819— Age, May 4, 1904; sire, Canok (46666) 27461; dam, Daisy 44817— Thos. J. King, Plainfield, 111. 15 Lamy (56473) 46057— Age, May 20, 1902; sire, Besique (19602); dam, Vita (34329) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 16 Cuvon 62384 (68439)— Age, May 21, 1905; sire, Rosier (53159); dam, Constantine (30461) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 17 Martel (68944) 62383— Age, May 25, 1905; sire, Othon (51404) 41348; dam, Pelagie (15179)— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 18 Dandridge 50026— Age, April 23, 1905; sire. Phoenix 30312; dam. Black Bess 25699 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 19 Colon 52500 (65462)— Age, March 5, 1905; sire, Castel 52026; dam, Brillante 54174 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 20 Corence 52510 (65119)— Age, March 22, 1905; sire, Dorene 51332; dam, Muscade 61329 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 21 Wagram 51351 (56991)— Age, April 6, 1902; sire, Hardi 36291; dam, Lurette 27961 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 22 Nicholas 47726— Age, April 20, 1905; sire. La Grange 20372; dam, Bessie 30551 — S. Metz «& Sons, Homewood, 111. 23 Stanley (62078) 63540— Age, March 13, 1904; sire, Besique (19602); dam, Coquette (50320)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 24 Meteore 52644 (61496)— Age, April 1, 1904; sire. Baby (47650); dam, L. Amie (44056) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. . BREEDING PERCHERONS 303 Official No. 25 La Palice (66824) 52643— Age, April 22, 1905; sire, Poilnoisx (52697); dam, Gaza (41526)— S. Metz «& Sons, Homewood, 111. 26 Crassus (60257) 52649— Age, April 15, 1903; sire, Besique (19602); dam, Pilotte (23600)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 27 Eglantrei (61810) 41353— Age, April 2, 1904; sire, Papillon (48663); dam, Pimpante (25354) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 28 Baer (54889) 40262— Age, March 15, 1902; sire, Bristol (46986); dam, Marguerite (43944) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 29 Suffren (64886) 52642— Age, March 20, 1904; sire, Crillon (47467); dam, Grisette (50690) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111, 30 Furibond (68662) 43251— Age, March 5, 1905; sire. Coquet (52478); dam, Radegonde (38054) — McLaughlin Bros., Colum- bus, Ohio. 31 Etudiant (59291) 43275— Age, April 30, 1903; sire, Cronstadt (44910) ; dam. Noisette (14204) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 32 Dragon (63516) 41341— Age, March 30, 1904; sire, Cronstadt (44910) ; dam, Resida (49456)— McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 33 Dick (62533) 45771— Age, April 21, 1904; sire. Coco (46855); dam, Biche (49985) — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 34 Cartilage (59302) 46449— Age, April 29, 1903; sire, Domfront (45296) 31228; dam, Bellone (50789)— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 35 Mylord 54216 (64236) 42073— Age, March 16, 1904; sire, Chicano (45398) 43907; dam, Heaute (47356)— Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc Wis. 36 Noirot (67573) 62489— Age, May 1, 1905; sire, Oscar (45901); dam, Biche (27714) — W. E. Pritchard & Sons, Ottawa, 111. 37 Filibert (65651) 62478— Age, March 30, 1905; sire, Danseur (46225) ; dam, Cornette (55294)— W. E. Pritchard & Sons, Ottawa, 111. 38 Chicago ■2d 50032— Age, June 26, 1904; sire, Chicago 23902; dam, Lalla 3d 26555— A. B. Puterbaugh, Milledgeville, 111. 39 Cesar 45903— Age, May 2, 1905; sire, Hercules 21564; dam. Au- tumn 19988 — John Schipper, Fillmore Centre, Mich. CLASS 2. STALLION 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 20, 15, Ribbon. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 40 Gafrannus (70491) 57527— Age, April 28, 1906; sire. Queen (53522); dam, Manille (44469)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 304 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 41 Garial (69712) 61373— Age, Feb. 26, 1906; sire, Sangrade (22990) dam, Mouvante (32289) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 42 Gandin (71245) 61374— Age, May 12, 1906; sire, Margotin (55235) dam, Mulot (61219)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 43 Gasdon (69499) 54851— Age, March 8, 1906; sire, Turco (55333) dam, Amecie (51750) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 44 Grenadier 55941 (70250)— Age, April 12, 1906; sire, Nestor (53272); dam, Trahie (60155)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 45 Givet 61968 (70389)— Age, Feb. 27, 1906; sire, Berland (55218); dam, Chimere (52378) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 46 Gibralter 6th 61941 (69441)— Age, April 25, 1906; sire, Castee (52026) 44973; dam, Operette (52918)— J. Crouch & Son, La- fayette, Ind. 47 Gabon 61994 (73285)— Age, April 12, 1906; sire. Colonel (55184); dam, Vulga (50485) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 48 Gaster 61995 (72093)— Age, April 28, 1906; sire, Malakopf (53115) ; dam, Passerelle (34592) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 49 Guy Lussac 61947 (69946)— Age, April 28, 1906; sire, Lario (56791) ; dam, Sultane (52802)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 50 Gibralter 61955 (71184)— Age, May 20, 1906; sire, Radiquie (54499); dam, Mignonne (44937)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 51 Gaucke 61993 (71368)— Age, April 2, 1906;' sire7 Cantinier (54707); dam, Lisette (50722) — J. Crouch &, Son, Lafayette, Ind. 52 Gador 61982 (72079)— Age, April 15, 1906; sire, Crepilon (55245); dam, Docile (45948) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 53 Gallichon 61989 (71024)— Age, March 16, 1906; sire, Fusain (53895); dam, Castille (50784)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 54 Gourdon (70297) 61592— Age, April 28, 1906; sire Cock (51608); dam, Amande (54636) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 55 Mascot 47290— Age, May 20, 1906; sire, Arton (49890) 31623; dam, Florodora 33093 — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 56 Rivoli 11th 46681— Age, May 29, 1905; sire, Rivoli (46722) 33848; dam, Ruth 30175— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 57 Grosbois 62361 (72828)— Age, April 20, 1906,; sire, Brutus (56260); dam. Bijou (49482) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 58 Gendarme 62364 (71418)- Age, May 4, 1906; sire, Brutus (56260); dam, Lucette (43330)— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 59 Garola 62365 (70123)— April 11, 1906; sire, Alpin (54649); dam, Castille (28101)— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 60 Gateau 62362 (69696)— Age, March 10, 1906; sire, Brutus (56260); dam, Biche (47064) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 61 Guehonvin 52502 (70585)— Age, March 10, 1906; sire. Coco 52279; dam, Brebis 27827 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. BREEDING PERCHERONS 305 Official No. 62 Gadeau 57141 (71204)— Age, April 25, 1906; sire, Rosenfeld (52924) 45758; dam, Mourette (46464)— S. Metz & Son, Home- wood, 111. 63 Gaffein (71104) 63535 — Age, March 4, 1906; sire, Rosenberg (55713) 49751; dam, Charmante (49279)— S. Metz & Son, Home- wood, 111. 64 Gallus (70137) 52645— Age, March 9, 1906; sire, Degel (45100) dam, Margot (47865)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 65 Gaetan (71020) 43259— Age, March 26, 1906; sire. Coco (56130) dam, Souveraine (47760) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 66 Gabion (72011) 43278— Age, April 17, 1906; sire, Wailly (51879) dam. Bijou (18165) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 67 Groom (72458) 43264— Age, Feb. 15, 1906; sire, Palydor (46143) dam, Marsine (33382) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 68 Guinguet (69377) 42904— Age, April 15, 1906; sire, Veicingetorix (51912); dam. Musette (45652) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 69 Commodore 60635 — Age, April 10, 1906; sire, Coriolan (53047) 29887; dam, Nannette 55335— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 70 Agricola 51280— Age, May 7, 1906; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Mabel 7th 41850— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 71 Charlemagne 45556— Age, May 15, 1906; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Charla 16891— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 72 Glaneur (71782) 62479— Age, May 11, 1906; sire, Amiral (56242); dam, Serpolette (37564)— W. E. Pritchard & Sons, Ottawa, 111. 73 Gowimet (70814)— Age, March 1, 1906; sire, Turco (55333); dam, Margot (54380) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 74 Gimour 72d (72055)— Age, March 19, 1906; sire, Nerveux (51540); dam, Coquette (54225)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 75 Guignol (70499)— Age, May 9, 1906; sire, Oueru (53522); dam, Pelotte (47939) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 3. STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 76 Hanban (78145) 60333— Age, March 10, 1907; sire. Coco (57241); dam, Splendide (60447)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 77 Haro (76877) 60329— Age, May 25, 1907; sire, Fleurus (58414); • dam, Bijou (55877) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 306 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 78 Hachoir (75317) 60325— Age, April 26, 1907; sire, Spot (57664); dam, Lancelliere (57299) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 79 Romeo 61737— Age, May 22, 1907; sire. Nectar (52736) 42865; dam, Horatio 58977 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 80 Parfait 61735— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Russo (61861) 45802; dam, Jersima 59211 — Robert Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 81 Horion (73915) 61388— Age, April 10, 1907; sire. Coquet (58597); dam, Egee (38459)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 82 Herbault (78129) 61406— Age, Jan. 31, 1907; sire. Coco (57241); dam, Francine (38220) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 83 Hongreur (74417) 61391— Age, April 14, 1907; sire, Becbamel (54969); dam, Limande (46487)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 84 Hopley (74686) 61390— Age, April 27, 1907; sire, Besique (58098) 46452; dam, Fabienne (62027) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 85 Houzard (74431) 61385— Age, March 6, 1907; sire, Bayard (58067); dam, Badine (54376)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 86 Harribon (74656) 61422— Age, March 10, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160); dam, Leverette (54429)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 87 Harponneur (76017) 61423— Age, March 10, 1907; sire, Gervais (60291); dam. Pirouette (56418)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 88 Heliogabale (77408) 61411— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Galapin (59641) 46135; dam, Lisette (49595)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 89 Haliple (76423) 61428— Age, March 6, 1907; sire, Besique (58098) 46452; dam, Jubine (61218)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 90 Halicte (76422) 61429— Age, March 10, 1907; sire, Paulno (58125) 55307; dam, Stella (30491)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 91 Horoscope (77906) 61387— Age, April 10, 1907; sire, Valory (58112); dam, Castille (50391)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 92 Hidalgo (74192) 61403— Age, April 22, 1907; sire. Prudent (59079) 46149; dam, Mirabelle (45272)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, I". 93 Hoche (77079) 60342— Age, April 29, 1907; sire. Distrait (57729); dam, Cocotte (50405)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 94 Hoche (74699) 60339— Age, March 17, 1907; sire. Distrait (57729); dam, Castille (49715)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 95 Heristal (74698) 60335— Age, March 30, 1907; sire, Distrait (57729); dam, Mouvette (55093)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 96 Henner (75667) 61409— Age, April 10, 1907; sire, Distrait (57729); dam,* Madeleine (52175)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS 307 Official No. 97 Harmonieux (74830) 61424— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Etudiant (59291); dam, Lisette (49315)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, III. 98 Hierogliphe (76356) 60338— Age, March 11, 1907; sire, Oracle (58893); dam, Charmante (73401)— RoM. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 99 Handoin (74685) 60334— Age, April 7, 1907; sire, Besique (58098) 46452; dam, Clainette (46676)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 100 Hippodrome (77339) 61399— Age, April 11, 1907; sire, Acbille (59028); dam, Suzanne (24469)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 101 Heros (74655) 61405— Age, April 1, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160); dam, Bricolie (34600)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 102 Hunt 61940 (70687)— Age, March 8, 1907; sire, Valory (58112); dam, Galante (56318) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 103 Hugo 61992 (73838)— Age, April 7, 1907; sire. Distrait (57729); dam, Novette (49307) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 104 Harpon 61957 (77295)— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Votaire (51650); dam, Culture (56574)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 105 Hisole 61996 (56596)— Age, April 13, 1907; sire, Romulus (60161); dam, Lisette (22069) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 106 Harmonica 61971 (77441)— Age, March 25, 1907; sire, Perrot (60209) ; dam, Ida (49846)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 107 Herbu 61958 (78059)— Age, April 13, 1907; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Coquille (56511) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 108 Haury Kath 61973 (76635)— Age, March 14, 1907; sire, Romulus (60161); dam, Sicile (60554)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 109 Henner 61959 (76362)— Age, May 18, 1907; sire, Esope-ex-Bsope (46687); dam. Coquette (61473)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 110 Huns (76086) 61594— Age, April 25, 1907; sire, Galopin 46135 (49641); dam, Frenegonde (48151)— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 111 Hydioscope (73985) 61593— Age, April 29, 1907; sire, St. Cyr (57913) 46026; dam, Rosette (52251)— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 725 Hermosa 61596 (75565)— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Babolin (58372); dam, Bijou (48252) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 112 Stephen 52619— Age, May 17, 1907; sire, Pedroe 29017; dam, Pauline 23008— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 113 Hugo 51583— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Teddy Rosevelt 25522; dam, Rose 25523 — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 114 Hedin 61412 (76469)— Age, June 17, 1907; sire, Valseur (58964); dam. Heroine, by Avise, 29551 (59315)— Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 308 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official No. 115 Hector 61413 (75665)— Age, March 18, 1907; sire, Calbert (58113); dam, Biche (75041)— Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 116 Hasard 61419 (75551)— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Dynamo (58382); dam. Rose (43320)— Alex. Galbrath & Son, De Kalb, 111. 117 Hableur 62506 (74771)— Age, March 8, 1907; sire, St. Cyr (57913) 46026; dam, Mirette (59384)— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 118 Hetman 63516 (75441)— Age, March 1, 1907; sire. Medallion (48940); dam, Indiana (35494)— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 119 Hochet 60534 (77417)— Age, March 4, 1907; sire, Oracle (58893); dam, Cocotte (61268) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 120 Histrua 62367 (74422)— Age, April 25, 1907; sirre Camus (59455) 52269; dam, Castille (54487) — Maasdam & "Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 121 Hardi 60541 (74718)— Age, April 20, 1909; sire, Casarewicht (60250) 45969; dam, Pelote (50708)— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 122 Hameau 60540 (78112)— Age, May 10, 1907; sire, Coco (57241) dam, Fauvette (60816) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 123 Hector 62381 (77135)— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Coco (57241) dam, Marmotte (45604) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa 124 Hableur 52503 (74375)— Age, March 5, 1907; sire, Puteaux 59338 dam. Desire 40674 — E. Metz Horse Importing Compaany, Niles Mich. 125 Honchets 52514 (73955)— Age, March 13, 1907; sire, Rapide 58000 dam, Cocotte 54415 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 126 Horizontal 52515 (76382)— Age, March 10, 1907; sire, Paulus 58125; Conquette 61450 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 127 Hoegyptiac 52511 (76837)— Age, March 25, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160) ; dam, Egypte (47960)— E. Metz Horse Importing Com- pany, Niles, Mich. 128 Hoyan 52518 (74228)— Age, April 30, 1907; sire, Lerida 3d 42847; dam. Competence 57962 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 129 Homard 52513 (77771)— Age, April 8, 1907; sire, Hocher 60022; dam, Uverese 51386 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 130 Haha 61545 (73833)— Age, May 20, 1907; sire, Brutus (60465); dam, Braisette (52960) — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 131 Hippigue 61543 (76454)— Age, April 29, 190.7; sire, St. Cyr (57913) 46026; dam, Langouste (58310)— E. Metz Horse Importing Com- pany, Niles, Mich. BREEDING PERCHERONS 309 Official No. 132 Horizon 61544 (77256)— Age, March 24, 1907; sire, Bibi (52612); dam. Amourette (56496) — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 133 Harpin (73928) 63537— Age, April 24, 1907; sire. Coquet (58597); dam, Julie (59131) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 134 Samson 54305— Age, May 28, 1907; sire. Highland Monarch 40607; dam, Mona 35422— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 135 Hegel (77147) 63541— Age, March 21, 1907; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Poule (50315) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 136 Hanssy (74274) 63544— Age, April 6, 1907; sire, Jupiter (58231); dam. Bijou (49206)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 137 Hochard (78270) 63536— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Cesarivicht (60250) 45969; dam, Biche (59251)— S. Metz & Sons, Home- wood, 111. 138 Harpilleiu (71713) 63542— Age, ; sire, ; dam, S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 139 Hanssonsci (75644) 63539— Age, April 28, 1907; sire, Valseur (58964); dam, Parure (47809)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 140 Heros (75470) 63538— Age, March 26, 1907; sire, Galopin (59641) 46135; dam, Sisette (49926)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 141 Hewel (76520) 63534— Age, May 5, 1907; sire, Fourcoing (59147); dam. La Glaciere (58331) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 142 Hargentin (74565) 52662— Age, April 29, 1907; sire, Picotem II (58623); dam, Deese (32495)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 143 Horn (76135) 52641— Age, May 1, 1907; sire, Canadian (58355); dam, Lucette (57520) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 144 Hidalgo (73571) 52657— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Suibet (57897); dam, Stella (44091) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 145 Hepris (76593) 52654— Age, March 20, 1907; sire, Romulus (60161) ; dam. Rosette (50809)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 146 Hipparion (76453) 52660— Age, March 10, 1907; sire, Paulin (58125) ; dam, Charmante (50189)— S. Metz & Sons, Home- wood, 111. 147 Hegesias (73744) 52652— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Oscar (45901) dam, Folette (49670) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 148 Hocheon (76611) 52661— Age, March 20, 1907; sire, Volcan (58350) dam, Charlotte (50393) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 149 Histrion (76391) 52651— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160) dam. Coquette (61348) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 150 Hoche (75264) 43258— Age, Feb. 25, 1907; sire, Negrillon (59997) dam, Bichette (54516) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 151 Hoche (76800) 43274— Age, April 21, 1907; sire, Etudiant (59291) dam, Bichon (43756)— McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 152 Hircus (74826) 43271— Age, May 25, 1907; sire, Etudiant (59291) dam. Grimace (55791) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 153 Honfleur (74508) 43273— Age, April 25, 1907; sire, Btuliaut (59291); dam, Vadroville (54357)— McLaughlin Bros., Colum- t)us, Ohio, 310 BREEDING PERCHERONS Official 1\0. 154 Leon 61091— Age, May 25, 1907; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam, Princess 3d 41847 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 155 Hasticot (76840) 61418— Age, March 10, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160); dam, Sonnette (59599)— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 156 Cicero 61087— Age, April 7, 1907; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Elsaida 50563 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 157 Lambert 61093— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam, Gondoliene 19055 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids^ Iowa. 158 Hetman (75682) 43455— Age, ; sire, ; dam, Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 159 Hauban (73604) 43474— Age, ; sire, ; dam, Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 160 Hornibus (75729) 43486— Age, ; sire, ; dam, Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 161 Hublot (76548) 43484— Age, ; sire, ; dam, Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 162 Harpon (73649) 62482— Age, March 22, 1907; sire, Alger (58071) ' 51822; dam, Villette (51348)— W. B. Pritchard & Sons, Ottawa, 111. 163 Historien (77250) 62486— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Rose (50604)— W. B. Pritchard & Sons, Ottawa, 111. 164 Hunerie (76094) 62488— Age, May 3, 1907; sire, Ginais (60291); dam, Rosilane (57103)— W. E. Pritchard & Sons, Ottawa, 111. 165 Prosper 57869— Age, May 16, 1907; sire, Highland Monarch 40607; dam, Dore 18358 — John Schipper, Fillmore Centre, Mich. 166 Hourd (78035)— Age, April 18, 1907; sire, Coco (57241); dam, Tyrolienne (61820) — Truman's Pioneer Stud' Farm, Bushnell, 111. 167 Hommelet (74493)— Age, March 1, 1907; sire, Monaco (58631) 45896; dam, Celestine (61368) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 168 Hermes (77794)— Age, April 28, 1907; sire, Ulysee (42971); dam, Vera (50613) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 4. STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended, Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. 169 Marshal 61270— Age, Aug. 1, 1908; sire, Russo (61861) 45802; dam, Hestel 47900— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 170 Incruste (79465) 61595— Age, May 15, 1908; sire, Aiglon (64052); dam, Bichette (67635) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. BREEDING PERCHERONS 311 Official No. 171 Steelyard 57180— Age, April 25, 1908; sire, Brocanteur (51632) 30393; dam, Stella 51979— Fincli Bros., Joliet, 111. 172 Signal 54931— Age, April 12, 1908; sire, Jackson B. 34668; dam, Queen Esther 48667— Fincli Bros., Joliet, 111. 173 Inscrit 63512 (81366)— Age, Jan. 2, 1908; sire, Jupiter (58231); dam, Amanda (62824) — Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 174 Black Diamond 58940— Age, May 17, 1908; sire, Eole (63893) 48938; dam, Lottie L. 32089— Thos. J. King, Plainfield, 111. 175 Sophocle, Jr. 56964— Age, April 24, 1908; sire, Sophocle (43656) 24483; dam, Black Bell 46336— B. Metz Horse Importing Com- pany, Niles, Micli. 176 Renealdo 61472— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Paquelot (47609) 35048; dam, Irenee (61139) 53456— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. .177 Internal (81381) 43451— Age, ; sire, ; dam, Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 178 Ingenieur (79022) 43481 — ^Age, ; sire, ; dam, Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 179 Sultan 64307— Age, June 8, 1908; sire, Damon; dam, Nona 35422— John Schipper, Fillmore Centre, Mich. 180 Pink 55405— Age, June 22, 1908; sire. Perfection 32526; dam, Flora 22573— John Schipper, Fillmore Centre, Mich. CLASS 5. MARE 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Com- mended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 181 Mignonne (69206) 61437— Age, June 25, 1904; sire, Ager Ex Roger (48595); dam, Capucine II 43321— Robt. Burgess & Son, We- nona. 111. 182 Frimousse (68326) 52719— Age, April 21, 1905; sire, Mahomet (51128); dam, Frisette 43238 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona 111. 183 Strawberry 41773— Age, May 15, 1904; sire, Celebre (47481) 34756; dam. Flora 29038— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 184 Castille (61068) 43913— Age, April 17, 1903; sire, Batailleur (40123); dam, Bichette (49637)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 185 Coquette 61927 (65529)— Age, March 1, 1905; sire, Ramoneur (52112) 44060; dam, Monvette (54529)— J. Crouch & Son, La- fayette, Ind. 186 Rosalie 61931 (81644)— Age, April 25, 1904; sire. Muscle (46259) 34299; dam, Rosalie (52556) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 187 Polka 61980 (49848)— Age, April 1, 1899; sire, Coriolan (31953) 21269; dam, Carmen (38775) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 312 BREEDING I'ERCHERONS Official No. « 188 Poule (73346) 61601— Age, March 12, 1904; sire, Mon Jarrett (47526) ; dam, Courtisane (30177) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 183 Biche (81660) 61600— Age, May 15, 1904; sire, Picotoeur (45691); dam, Richemonde (44210) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 190 Marie 45560 — ^Age, , 1905; sire. Major; dam, Melody — Fincli Bros., Joliet, 111. 191 Lady Caroline 50667— Age, April 13, 1904; sire, Marshall Ney 23746; dam, Fancy 5106 — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 192 Bertine 52008 (62216)— Age, May 8, 1904; sire. Casino (46875) 40580; dam. Bijou (54536) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 193 Clarice 58915— Age, June 6, 1904; sire, Aride (45424) 25056; dam, Marmotte (58190) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 194 Alma 61313— Age, May 28, 1909; sire, Aride (45424) 25056; dam, Auora 58182 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 195 Lavinia 63160— Age, June 8, 1905; sire, Saphir (46498) 32834; dam, Lauriet 61158 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 196 Lexia 63161— Age, June 16, 1905; sire, Saphir (48496) 32834; dam, Levette 58185 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 197 Girtie 61307— Age, April 20, 1904; sire, Aride (45424) 25056; dam, Gritchen 58183 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 198 Aueorita 61314— Age, June 9, 1905; sire, Aride (45424) 25056; dam, Auora 58182 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 199 Confuse 52522 (63930)— Age, March 30, 1904; sire, PiCoteur (45691); dam, Alfa 61272 — E. Metz Horse Importing Company, Niles, Mich. 200 Calinette 52521 (73331)— Age, March 21, 1905; sire, Violon 52839; dam. Coquette 54153 — E. Metz Horse Importing Co., Niles, Mich. 201 Eliane 64420 (65484) — Age, April 8, 1905; sire, Ramoneurs (52112); dam, Noceuse (53562)— S. Metz & Sons, Home- wood, 111. 202 Vigoureuse 64418 (64278) — Age, April 5, 1904; sire, Montargis (46166); dam, Castille (47312)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 203 Lucy 34974— Age, June 8, 1903; sire, Brunelles (12162) 11415; dam, Gipsy 23998 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 204 Flinch 34977— Age, June, 1903; sire, Brunelles (12162) 11415; dam, Bretonne 19968 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 205 Alerte (81723) 43442 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 206 Bien-A-Moi (81722) 43443 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 207 Escalope (64179) 43454 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 208 Martha 2d 50034— Age, Oct. 2, 1904; sire, Chicago 23902; dam, Martha 17394 — A. B. Puterbaugh, Milledgeville, 111. BREEDING PEECHERONS 313 Official No. 209 Suzanne (81567) 63381— Age, May 14, 1903; sire, Coco (46855); dam, Blanche (61275)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 210 Theresa (49283) 63379— Age, May 2, 1900; sire, Electeurs (43370); dam, Therese II (9914)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 211 Biche (78426) 57433— Age, March 28, 1903; sire, Lerida III (42847); dam, Lison (22477)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- ton, Ind. 212 Mistouple (52536) 57449— Age, March 28, 1901; sire, Robespierre (44624) 24722; dam, Cezarine (44107) 31081 — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. CLASS 6. MARE 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 213 Gladys 57115— Age, May 23, 1906; sire, Constantin (48890) 35228 dam, Beulah 57106 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 214 Ganse (69580) 61370— Age, Feb. 16, 1906; sire, Degel (45100) dam. Favorite (61408) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 215 Bertha 61268— Age, May 10, 1906; sire, Constantin (48890) 35228 dam, Camilla 58983 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 216 Guitare 61988 (70789)— Age, March 17, 1906; sire, Monjarret (47526); dam, Rigolette (45188)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 217 Gauloise 61979 (75176)— Age, April 1, 1906; sire. Coco (56130); dam, Piquette (54864) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 218 Emma S 57900 — Age, 1906; sire, Julius; dam, Elsie — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 219 Lenora 56597— Age, May 3, 1906; sire. Artiste (47528) 31529; dam, Victoria 53451 — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 220 Annette 61164— Age, May 10, 1906; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Nora 60630 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 221 Camille 60782— Age, May 10, 1906; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Francis 60632— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 222 Alvina 57266— Age, May 9, 1906; sire, Aride (45424) 25056; dam, Jean 41857 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 223 Goulotte (71858) 48947— Age, April 28, 1906; sire, Bibi (52612); dam. Rose (37199)— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 224 Maggie 2d 62941 — Age, Sept. 24, 1906; sire. Prince Albert; dam, Maggie — ^A. B. Puterbaugh, Milledgeville, 111. 225 Gaillarde (72214) 63384— Age, May 8. 1906; sire, Senegal (55472); dam, Libertine (41145) — G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 314 BREEDING PERCHERONS CLASS 7. MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 226 Janice 59568— Age, June 3, 1907; sire, Vigilant (52386) 44104; dam, Gabrielle 57852 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 227 Historiette (74358) 61380— Age, March 4, 1907; sire, Chicanier (57812); dam, Favorie (61408)— Robt. Burgess & Son, We- nona, 111. 228 Hanissette (75274) 61383— Age, April 22, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160); dam, Cociuette (54467)— Robt. Burgess & Son, We- nona, 111. 229 Hikette 61937 (73589)— Age, April 10, 1907; sire, Camus (59455) 52269; dam, Valseuse (52894)— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 230 Hellee 61986 (74876)— Age, Feb. 20, 1907; sire, Dupleix (58947); dam, Lucrece (61081) — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 231 Hotte (77124) 61599— Age, March 28, 1907; sire, Babolin (58372); dam, Lisette (54401) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 232 Helgrille (76529) 61605— Age, May 4, 1907; sire, Negillon (59997); dam, Cherie (47968) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 233 Harcourt 62385 (76309)— Age, April 25, 1909; sire, Beaudole (34055); dam, Lamie II (47070) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fair- field, Iowa. 234 Hydroscopie 64423 (76170)— Age, March 15, 1907; sire, Philemon (60850); dam. Gazelle (56238)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 235 Henrense 64422 (77399)— Age, June 1, 1907; sire, Oscar (45901); dam, Chimere (50686)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 236 Hardie 64421 (61798)— Age, April 17, 1907; sire, Nandis (60192); dam, Vesta (26056)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 237 Hesitation (77478) 43237— Age, April 18, 1907; sire, Dacier (60154); dam, Venette (36002)— McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 238 Ethel 60784— Age, May 12, 1907; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam, Mabel 58137 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 239 Mynette 61165— Age, May 6, 1907; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Nora 60630 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 240 Constance 60785— Age, June 14, 1907; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam, Adrienne 45555 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids. Iowa. 241 Stella 60787— Age, April 23, 1907; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Estelle 50566 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 242 Helena (73503) 43448 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 243 Hirondelle (75707) 43437 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 244 Havraise (76158) 43464 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 245 Martha 4th 62943— Age, April 25, 1907; sire, Prince Albert 25SG0: dam, Martha 17394 — A. B. Puterbaugh, Milledgeville, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS ^15 Official No. 246 Marie 4th 62945— Age, May 10, 1907; sire, Cheri 14732; dam, Marie 23640— A. B. Puterbaugh, Milledgeville, 111. 247 Lotta 4tli 62942— Age, May 21, 1907; sire. Prince Albert 25860; dam, Lotta 3d 26556 — A. B. Puterbaugh, Milledgeville, 111. 248 Historie (74480)— Age, May 16, 1907; sire, Lerido III (42847); dam, Pistashe (44129)— C. D. McPherson, Fairfield, Iowa. CLASS 8. MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— X $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended, Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. 249 Princess 58736— Age, June 5, 1908; sire, Diplome (56833) 45608; dam, Renommee 57854 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 250 Cloudy Girl 57983— Age, May 8, 1908; sire, Felix (42914) 29433; dam, Essie 33691— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 251 Imiminence (79642) 62387— Age, Feb. 25, 1908; sire, Menot (61981); dam, Forestiere (47829)— Thos. J. King, Plainfield, 111. 252 Tridite 64419 (79229)— Age, April 1, 1908; sire, Etudiant (59291); dam, Echappee (63029)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 253 Indicannrie 64417 (80920)— Age, May 12, 1908; sire, Bon Souvenir (61484); dam, Canefide (60765)— S. Metz & Sons, Home- wood, 111. 254 Ingrate 64416 (79168)— Age, April 3, 1908; sire, Chambord (61803); dam. Bijou (50156)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 255 Idurnee 64415 (81263)— Age, April 25, 1908; sire, Paulus (58125); dam, Armandine (52998) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 256 Identite 64414 (79391)— Age, April 25, 1908; sire, Etudiant (59291); dam, Frondeuse (47689)— S. Metz & Sons, Home- wood, 111. 257 Imprudent! 64413 (78743)— Age, March 4, 1908; sire, Chambord (61803); dam, Poule (49720)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 258 Irvine 64412 (80768)— Age, March 10, 1908; sire, Medoc (63164); dam, Farcis (62189)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 259 Ilote (79891) 43245— Age, April 16, 1908; sire, Etudiant (59291); dam, Retine (58497) — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 260 Cerise 60788— Age, May 12, 1908; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Eunice 50833— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 261 Imposse (78754) 43457 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 262 Isaurie (80068) 43488 — Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 263 Iris (81718) 43439— Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. 264 Martha 5th 62949— Age, April 20, 1908; sire, Prince Albert 25860; dam, Martha 17394— A. B. Puterbaugh, Milledgeville, 111. 265 Jewell 60299— Age, May 15, 1908; sire. Artiste (47528) 31529; dam, Mabelle 52230 — John Schipper, Fillmore Center, Mich. 316 BREEDING PEfeCHERONS CLASS 9. FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $50, 40, 30, Highly Commended, Commended. Perchei-on Society of America Specials.— $40, 20, 10, Ribbon. Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. ]\lcLauglilin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Iowa. Rapids, Iowa. CLASS 10. TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM.— $50, 30, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 15, 10, Ribbon. Maasdam & Wheeler," Fairfield, H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Iowa. Rapids, Iowa. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. CLASS II. CHAMPION STALLION, ANY AGE,.— Sterling Silver Cup. Percheron Society of America Specials. — Medal, Reserve Ribbon. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — Gold Medal, Silver Medal. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 1, 2, 3 and 4. CLASS 12. CHAMPION MARE, ANY AGE.— Sterling Silver Cup. Percheron Society of America Specials. — Medal, Reserve Ribbon. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — Gold Medal, Silver Medal. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 5, 6, 7 and 8. SPECIAL "A." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 4 YEARS AND OVER. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. SPECIAL "B." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. SPECIAL ''C." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. SPECIAL "D." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 10, 5, Ribbon. BREEDING PERCHEROM 317 SPECIAL "E." AMERICAN-BRED MARE, 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. SPECIAL "F." AMERICAN-BRED MARE, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. SPECIAL "G." AMERICAN-BRED MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $15, 10, 5, Ribbon. ' SPECIAL "H." BEST FIVE ANIMALS, EITHER SEX, ANY AGE, BRED BY EX HIBITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $40, 25, 10, Ribbon. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. SPECIAL "I." BEST AMERICAN-BRED STALLION, ANY AGE. Percheron Society of America Specials. — Medal, Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "J." BEST AMERICAN-BRED MARE, ANY AGE. Percheron Society of America Specials. — Medal, Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "K." BEST FIVE STALLIONS. Percheron Society of America Specials. — Medal, Reserve Ribbon. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. SPECIAL "L." BEST THREE MARES. Percheron Society of America Specials. — Medal, Reserve Ribbon. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- ton, Ind. 318 BREEDING PERCHERON SPECIAL "M." BEST STALLION AND FOUR MARES, ANY AGE, OWNED BY EX- HIBITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. Cup and Diploma, Medal and Diploma, Ribbon, Ribbon. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. SPECIAL "N." BEST STALLION AND FOUR MARES, BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. Cup, Diploma and $30; Medal, Diploma and $20. In addition to above prizes in classes 1, 2 and 3 medals and re- serve ribbons will be awarded. Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. SPECIAL "A." MARE AND FOAL, EACH TO COUNT 50 PER CENT. Percheron Registry Company S'pecials. — $15, 10, 5. SPECIAL "B." COLLECTION OF FIVE STALLIONS. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $30, Ribbon. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis, Fred Pabst, Oconomowoc, Wis. SPECIAL "C." COLLECTION OF THREE MARES. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $30, Ribbon. SPECIAL "D." STALLION, ANY AGE, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10. SPECIAL "E." MARE, ANY AGE, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10. SPECIAL "F." STUD CONSISTING OF ONE STALLION AND FOUR MARES. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — Gold Medal, Silver Medal. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 319 SPECIAL "G." STUD CONSISTING OF ONE STALLION AND THREE MAR%IS, ALL BRED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — Gold Medal, Silver Medal. CLYDESDALE. • , [See Rule 45.] CLASS 13. STALLION 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20, 10. Official No. 266 Gallant Carruchan (12851) 11917— Age, July, 1902; sire. Prince Gallant (6176); dam. Lady Carruchan (12806) — Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 267 Gold Crown 13302— Age, June 28, 1905; sire, Blue Peter; dam, Queen— W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. 268 Young Rowton 14577 — Age, April 12, 1902; sire. Lord Rowton; dam, Topsy — W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. 269 Scottish Mint 12562 — Age, April 20, 1904; sire. Pride Blacon 10837; dam, Jesse of Broackag — S. L. Egbert, Sandy Lake, Pa. 270 Bakewell (13966) 13807— Age, May, 1905; sire, Mains of Airies (10379); dam, Winifred Catherine (16430)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 271 Brl King (14117) 13804— Age, April, 1905; sire, Laurentian (11087); dam, Fair Helen (20631)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 272 Sir Rupert (14384) 13808— Age, June, 1905; sire. Everlasting (11331); dam. Princess of Kirkside (14034)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 273 Royal Prince (13709) 13810— Age, July 24, 1905; sire, Hiawatha (10067); dam. Lady Cassie (17635)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 274 Crosby Gem (17570)— Age, 1905; sire, Baron's Fashion (10973); dam, Jess of Crosby (18571) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 275 Borland Chief (13378)— Age, 1905; sire. Baron's Chief (10971); dam, Ursula (13985) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 276 Gartly Pride (12997)— Age, May, 1904; sire, Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Gartly Matron (15176)— Robt. A. Fairbairn, Westfield, N. J. 277 Royal Choice (13165)— Age, 1904; sire, Everlasting (11331); dam, Jean of Cayton (14478) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 320 . BREEDING CLYDESDALES Official No. 278 Imp. Silver King (13748) (10006)— Age, April 30, 1904; sire. Prince Patrick (12292); dam, Curramore Bess (18116) — John Graham, Carberry, Manitoba. ^279 Imp. Baron Bailie (12816) (10005)— Age, April 20, 1904; sire, H'- Royal Edward (11495) ; dam. Lady Nairn (15910)— Jolin Gra- ham, Carberry, Manitoba. 280 Imp. Arnot's Heir (12004) (9406)— Age, June 18, 1902;' sire, ' — Hiawatha (12004) ; dam, Elsie (14922) — John Graham, Car- berry, Manitoba. .281 Ben Lomond (12853)— Age, May 5, 1904; sire, Crathorne (11669); ■.V" dam. Castle Lilly, alias Kate (7061)— John Leitch, Lafayette, ^' 111.^ 282 Sir Joseph (13204)— Age, July 25, 1904; sire, Sir Denby (11533); dam, Daisy of East Gogar (20234)— John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 283 Tap O'Noth (13793)— Age, April 17, 1905; sire. Prince of Craig- villie (11462) ; dam. Rose' of Tayloch (18563)— John Leitch, La- fayette, 111. 284 Refiner 12116— Age, April 16, 1902; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam. Lady Evergreen (15223)— E. M. Prichard, Alexandria, Ind. 285 Exchequer 12971— Age, May 8, 1904; sire. Sir Everest; dam, Sally of Millom Castle— Frank P. Shekleton, Lawler, Iowa. 722 Discovery 14633 (14092)— Age, May 10, 1905; sire. Lord Lonsdale (11799); dam, Jessy of Morton Holm (21417)— McLay Bros., Janesville, "Wis. 723 Polar Star (13649) 14632— Age, May 22, 1904; sire. Gallant Chat- tan (12153); dam, Kate of Bogdavie (13744)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. CLASS 14. STALLION 3 , YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Cohnmended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official • No. 286 Prince Splendour 13007— Age, May 3, 1906; sire. Pleasant Prince 10636; dam. Queen Lillie 10654— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 287 Baron Cawdor (13975) 13802— Age, July 2, 1906; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Camilla (15592)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 288 Meteor (14274)— Age, 1906; sire, Baronson (10981); dam. Queen's Marchioness (17354) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ontario. 289 Coniston (14634)— Age, 1906; sire. Baron Rowena (12469); dam. Ruling Princess (18428) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ontario. 290 Imp. Royal Chieftain (14813) (10009)— Age, May 10, 1906; sire, Baronson (10981); dam. Princess Royal of Shrosk (15498) — John Graham, Carberry, Manitoba. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 321 Official No. 291 Imp. Grecian (14696) (10008)— Age, 1906; sire, Marcellus (11110); dam, Jean McCulloch (23001)— John Graham, Carberry, Mani- toba. 292 Springhill Marquis (14391)— Age, March 16, 1906; sire, Baden Powell (10963); dam, Springhill Lily (16665)— John Leitch, La- fayette, 111. 293 Prince of Whitehouse (13027)— Age, May 24, 1906; sire, Prince Matchless (7119) ; dam, Queen Yet (10815)— John Leitch, La- fayette, 111. 294 Royal Temple (14513) 13857— Age, June 6, 1906; sire, Cock o' the North (12102); dam, Maggie 2d (16527)— McLay Bros., Janes- ville, Wis. 295 Very Likely (14883) 14425— Age, 1906; sire. Durbar (11695); dam, Pansy of Groughfast (18021) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 296 Westward Ho 14886— Age, May 14, 1906; sire, Mercutis; dam, Jean of Whitecrook — Frank P. Shekleton, Lawler, Iowa. 297 Gold Rock 14151— Age, May 7, 1906; sire, Revenlanta; dam, Lily^Frank P. Shekleton, Lawler, Iowa. CLASS 15. STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 298 Lord Rolland 14409— Age, June 12, 1907; sire, Blue Peter; dam. Queen — W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. 299 Dinwoodie Star (14475) 13813— Age, May, 1907; sire. Pacific (13119); dam, Floral Spray (20824)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 300 Baron's Fancy (14582)— Age, 1907; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Cailliach (14970) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 301 Duke of Montrose (14946)— Age, 1907; sire. Royal Favorite (10630); dam, Victoria 2d (13988) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 302 Abby Gale (14563)— Age, 1907; sire, Douglas Chief (11682); dam. Fickle Girl (18510) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 303 Abby Blacon (14562)— Age, 1907; sire, Pride of Blacon (10837); dam. Him of Balcraig (13716) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 304 Imp. Millcraig Cashier (15078) (10001)— Age, April 3, 1907; sire, Gartly Cashier (11719); dam, Millcraig Duchess 2d (20290) — John Graham, Carberry, Manitoba. 305 Imp. Conjuror (15067) (10012)— Age, May 9, 1907; sire, Hiawatha Gololphin (12602); dam, Flora of Merslaugh (21514)— John Graham, Carberry, Manitoba. 306 Imp. Nascarille (15071) (10000)— Age, April 28, 1907; sire, Sir Simon (10465) ; dam, Rachel of Balburnie (17110) — John Gra- ham, Carberry, Manitoba. 322 BREEDING CLYDESDALES Official No. 307 Decoration 14435— Age, May 30, 1907; sire, Criterion 11670, 11129; dam, Her Fair Sel 10212 — W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. 308 Kildavanan (14721) — Age, May 18, 1907; sire, Montrare Rohald (11121); dam, Maud 2d of Kildavanan (21524) — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 309 Magistrate 14422 (14922)— Age, June 21, 1907; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Galloway Minnie, by Darnley's Last (6663) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 310 Romatic Baron (14512) 13836— Age, May, 1907; sire, Baron O'Dee (11264); dam, Comfort (10957)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 311 General Davidson (14920) 14424— Age, April 30, 1907; sire, Rozelle (10638); dam, Daisy of G (19362)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 312 Massasoit 13530— Age, May 2, 1907; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam, Maple Leaf 5928— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 724 Elastic (14664) 14634— Age, May, 1907; sire, Evermore 11701; dam, Lib of Abbeytown (17446) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. Ronald (11121); dam, Bess of Auchaleck (22215)— R. C. Mc- CLASS i6. STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 313 Bob Carruchan 13875— Age, April 28, 1908; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan (12851) 11917; dam, Lady Maud 11628— Brooksido Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 314 Gallant Chief 13878— Age, May 8, 1908; sire. Gallant Carruchan (12851) 11917; dam, Rosie 2d of Brookside 6578 — Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. 315 Jestrite 14244— Age, 1908— Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 316 Macgregor Blend I (14947)— Age, 1908; sire, Benedict (10315); dam, Slogarie Peril (14671) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 317 Paul Jones (14948)— Age, 1908; sire. Sir Marcus (13205); dam, Roucy Macgregor (14630) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 318 Holloway 14436— Age, June 10, 1908; sire. Criterion 11129, 11670; dam. Her Fair Sel 10212— W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. 319 McKenzie 13865— Age, April 25, 1908; sire, Refiner (12301) 12116; dam, Her Majesty 11508 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 320 McCloud 13866— Age, April 26, 1908; sire. Refiner (12301) 12116; dam. The Princess Maggie 10880— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 321 Prince William (14349)— Age, April 1, 1908; sire, Cardiff (9918); dam. Wayside Mildred (10898)— John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 322 King's Deputy (14921) 14423— Age, June 19, 1908; sire. Royal Ed- ward (11495); dam, Kate of G, by Prince of Albion (6178)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 325 Official No. 323 Baron Statley 14064 — ^Age, June 24, 1908; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam, Princess Stately 9850 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 324 Kintyre's Pride (14924) 14448— Age, June 1, 1908; sire, Montrave Ronald (11121); dam, Bess of Anchaleck (22215)— R. C. Mc- Millan, Hebron, Ind. 325 Osco Wonder — ^Age, May 20, 1908; sire. Criterion; dam," Lady Winsome — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. 725 Evader (15077) 14635— Age, May 28, 1908; sire, Everlasting (11331); dam. Darling of Newton Cairnie (16026)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. SPECIAL "A." STALLION FOALS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No, 326 Carruchan Chief 14489 — Age, April 3, 1909; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan (12851) 11917; dam. Miss Maggie 11630— Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 327 Donald 62061— Age, March 15, 1909; sire, Collar 41820; dam, Creole 54759— B. B. Gross, Gross, Neb. 328 Barono Elegant— Age, May 29, 199; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam. Lady Elegant 10422 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. CLASS 17. MARE 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Com- mended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20, 10. Official No. 329 Lady Maud 11628— Age, May 6, 1904; sire, Benedict (10315) 9300; dam, Maud 5591 — Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 330 Brookside Maud 10444— Age, Sept. 18, 1901; sire, Benedict (10315) 9300; dam, Maud 5591 — Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 331 Queen Lillie 10654— Age, April 11, 1902; sire, St. Christopher 9307; dam, Lillie Mai Gregor 3957— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn, 332 Queen 13298— Age, May 20, 1901; sire, Lord Rowton; dam, Bell— W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. 333 Annie 13299 — Age, May 20, 1904; sire, Blue Peter; dam, Maggie— W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. 334 Myrtle 13300 — Age, July 7, 1905; sire. Blue Peter; dam, Rose — W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. 335 Lady Effle 11763— Age, May — , 1904; sire, McAra (7991) 5586; dam, Her Sweet Sel 8706— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 324 BREKDING CLYDESDAI-ES Official No. 336 Pride of Drumlanrig (22010)— Age, May 21, 1905; sire. Baron Beaulieu (11257); dam. Pride 3d (13003)— John Leitch, La- fayette, 111. 337 Princess Goodwin 9849 — Age, May 4, 1900; sire. Handsome Prince 5581; dam, Starlight 4842 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 338 Duchess of L. 13204— Age, May 1, 1904; sire. Flash Sturdy, by Prince Sturdy (10112); dam, Duchess of D. (13819)— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 339 Flower Apple 10365 — Age, June 24, 1901; sire. Discoverer; dam. Flower Tree — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. 340 Osco Sweetness 11117 — Age, June 18, 1903; sire, Hardtimes; dam, Osco Gorey — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. CLASS i8. MARE 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Com- mended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, io. Official No. 341 Cherry Carruchan 12703— Age, July 23, 1906; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan (12851) 11917; dam. Cherry Benedict 10448 — Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 342 Lady Carruchan 12700— Age, May 6, 1906; sire, Gallant Carru- chan (12851) 11917; dam, Lady Dee (14531) 10658— Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 343 Belle McAra 12967— Age, , 1906; sire. Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam, Maggie McAra 89582— Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 344 Edna (20774) — Age, June 14, 1906; sire. Prince Thomas Pride (12294); Emid (10964)— John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 345 Lily Dackray (22008) — Age, June 20, 1906; sire, Baron's Fashion; (12294); dam, Emid (10964)— John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 346 Lady Madison (22013)— Age, June 10, 1906; sire. Uncle John (12400; dam. Bell of Muirhouse (17109)— John Leitch, Lafa- yette, 111. 347 Baroness of L. (22180) — Age, June 8, 1906; sire, Baronson (10981) ; dam, Jenny of Westwood (21965) — McLay Bros., Janes- ville, Wis. 348 Ohio Princess 13339 — Age, June 19, 1906; sire. Gallant Carruchan (12581) ; dam, Benedicto Rose 10445 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 349 Winsome Princess 12841 — Age, April 5, 1906; sire, Criterion; dam. Lady Winsome — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 325 CLASS 19. MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 350 Maud Carruchan 13448 — Age, March 19, 1907; sire, Gallant Car- ruclian (12851) 11917; dam, Brookside Maud 10444 — Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 351 Queen Carruchan 13447 — Age, June 30, 1907; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan (12851) 11917; dam, Cherry Benedict 10448— Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 352 Queen Mary 13388— Age, May 5, 1907; sire. Pleasant Prince 13911; dam. Queen Lillie 10654— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 353 Lady Rose 13596— Age, — , 1907; sire, Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam, May Rose 7330— Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 354 Lady Fergus (22439)— Age, — , 1907; sire, Ardletheu (11246); dam, Daisy of Ash Hill (14667)— Robt. A. Fairbairn, Westfield, N. J. 355 Carnation 14438— Age June 21, 1907; sire. Criterion 11129, 11670; dam, Lily of the Valley 9153 — W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. 356 Princess Fortune 14437— Age, May 7, 1907; sire. Criterion 11129, 11670; dam, Fickle Fortune Princess 6th 10147 — W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. 357 Maggie Refiner 13341— Age, May 18, 1907; sire, Refiner (12301) 12116; dam. The Princess Maggie 10880 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 358 Queen Refiner 13342— Age, July 17, 1907; sire. Refiner (12301) 12116; dam. Her Sweetest Sel 10879— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 359 Euphemia Walls 14423 (22182)— Age, April 24, 1907; sire. Royal Edward (11495); dam, Rosie of Muirton (17180) — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 360 Elegant Lady 13526 — Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Prince Punctual 9644; dam, Lady Elegant 10422 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 361 Tirfergus Polly (22224) 14449— Age, June 17, 1907; sire, Hap- land's Pride (13515); dar^, Tirfergus Jess (22223)— R. C. Mc- Millan, Hebron, Ind. 362 Mary of Craig's (22227) 14450— Age, May — , 1907; sire, Hap- land's Pride (13515); dam, Nell of Craigs (22226)— R. C. Mc- Millan, Hebron, Ind. 363 Craigie Gem 22518— Age, May 22, 1907; sire, Montrave Ronald; dam. Black Gem — Frank P. Shekleton, Lawler, Iowa. 326 BREEDING CLYDESDALES CLASS 20. . MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Com/mended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 364 Maggie Carruchan 13879— Age, Feb. 23, 1908; sire, Gallant Car- ruchan (12851) 11917; dam, Miss Maggie 11630— Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 365 Princess Royal 14033 — Age, May 10, 1908; sire. Pleasant Prince 10636; dam, Ethel MacGregor 6948— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 366 Princess Perfection 14031 — Age, May 22, 1908; sire. Pleasant Prince 10636; dam. Princess Letitia 6772— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 367 Sadie W. 14245— Age, , 1908; sire, ; dam, Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 368 Peurith Maid (22441) — Age, , 1908; sire. Baron Winsome (12475); dam, Maid of Brehead (14956)— Graham Bros., Clare- mont, Ont. 369 Lady Pirie (22185) 14431— Age, May 15, 1908; sire, Glendoick (12589); dam, Balornock Queen, by Sir Everard (5353) — Mc- Lay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 370 Minerva 14068— Age, May 17, 1908; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam, May Summers 11403 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 371 Lofty of Drumlemble (22222) 14451— Age, May — , 1908; sire. Lord Derwent (13599); dam, Bell of Drumlemble (2222)— R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 372 Lucy of Drumlemble (22220) 14452— Age, April 16, 1908; sire, Toredoal (12396); dam, Maggie of Drumlemble (22219)— R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 373 Western Fortune 14251 — Age, , ; sire, Criterion; dam, Fickle Fortune's Princess 6th — ^A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. SPECIAL "B." FILLY FOALS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 374 Daisy Carruchan 14486 — Age, June 1, 1909; sire. Gallant Carru- chan (12851) 11917; dam, Brookside Maud 10444 — Brookside Farm Company, Fort Waynef Ind. 375 Princess Maud 14487 — Age, April 11, 1909; sire, Gallant Carru- chan (12851) 11917; dam, Lady Maud 11628— Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. 376 Lady Lusc 14485 — ^Age, June 7, 1909; sire, Gallant Carruchan (12851) 11917; dam. Lady Dee (14531) 10658— Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 327 Official No. 377 Queen Ann, S. F. R.— Age, May 27, 1909; sire, Garngad 10710; dam. Queen Lillie 10654— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 378 Goldie 14582 — Age, June 17, 1909; sire. Gold Crown; dam. Queen — W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. 379 Pride of Avondale— Age, July 20, 1909; sire, Rycroft (13722); dam. Pride of Drumlunrig (22010) — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 380 Graceful Lady — Age, May 7, 1909; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam, Lady Graceful 11118 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 381 Ideal— Age, May 19, 1909; sire, Borgue Chief 11949; dam, Flo- rentia 12574 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 382 Baron's Beauty — Age, June 19, 1909; sire. Baron's Hope; dam, Osco Sweetness — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. CLASS 21. FOUR ANIMALS ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE. $50, 40, 30, Highly Commended, Commended. Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn, Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. SPECIAL 21. STALLION AND FOUR OF HIS GET. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $50, 30, 20. CLASS 22. TWO ANIMALS ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM. $50, 30, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. Brookside Farm Company, Fort Wayne, Ind. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Mijin. W. A. De Merritt, Plainfield, 111. Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. Iowa State Agricultural College, Ames, Iowa. A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. SPECIAL 22. TWO ANIMALS AMERICAN-BRED, PRODUCE OF ONE DAM. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 15. 328 BREOEaJING CLYDESDALES CLASS 23. CHAMPION STALLION ANY AGE. STERLING SILVER CUP, VALUE $100. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 13, 14, 15, 16. CLASS 24. CHAMPION MARE ANY AGE. STERLING SILVER CUP, VALUE $100. Competition limited to first prize winners in classes 17, 18, 19, 20. SPECIAL "C." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 3 AND UNDER 4. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. Prince Splendour 13007 — Age, May 3, 1906; sire, Pleasant Prince 10636; dam. Queen Lillie 10654— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. Rising Star (9222)— Age, , 1906; sire, Pedestrian (11450); dam, Mary Bell — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. Prince of Whiteliouse (13027)— Age, May 24, 1906; sire. Prince Matchless (7116) ; dam, Queen Yet (10815) — John Leitch, La- fayette, 111. Baron Stuart 13257— Age, June 10, 1906; sire, Merrimac (12250); dam, Lily of Hebron 7886 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. SPECIAL "D." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. ^Age, 1907— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. Roiboro Choice (9367)— Age, 1907; sire, Right Forward (12310); dam. Queen of Roxboro (4790) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. Decoration 14435— Age, May 30, 1907; sire, Criterion 11129, 11670; dam. Her Fair S'el 10212-;-¥/. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. Massasoit 13530 — Age, May 2, 1907; sire, Borgue Chief; dam, Maple Leaf 5928 — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. SPECIAL "E." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. Bob Carruchan 13875 — ^Age, April 28, 1908; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan (12851) 11917; dam. Lady Maud 11628— Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 329 Official No. Gallant CMef 13878— Age, May 8, 1908; sire, Gallant Carruclian (12851) 11917; dam, Rosie 2d of Brookside 6578 — Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, Ind. Right Choice (9512)— Age, 1908; sire. Right Forward (12310); dam, Scottish Rose 4786 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. Holloway 14436— Age, June 10, 1908; sire. Criterion 11129, 11670; dam. Her Fair Sel 10212 — W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. Prince William 14349— Age, April 1, 1908; sire, Cardiff (9918); dam. Wayside Mildred 10898— John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. Osco Wonder — Age, May 20, 1908; sire. Criterion; dam. Lady Winsome — ^A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. SPECIAL "F." CHAMPIONSHIP FOR BEST AMERICAN-BRED STALLION. American Clydesdale Association Special. — $50. SPECIAL "G." CHAMPIONSHIP FOR BEST AMERICAN-BRED MARE. American Clydesdale Association Special. — $35. SPECIAL "H." BEST AMERICAN-BRED STALLION, ANY AGE, BRED BY EX- HIBITOR. IMPORTERS BARRED. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $30, 20. SPECIAL "I." BEST AMERICAN-BRED MARE, ANY AGE, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. IMPORTERS BARRED. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $30, 20. » SPECIAL "J." FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, EITHER SEX, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $50, 30, 20. Brookside Farm Co., Port Wayne, W. A. De Merritt, Plainfleld, 111. Ind. W. A. De Merritt, Plainfleld, 111. Brookside Farm Co., Fort Wayne, W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. Ind. McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. SPECIAL "K." FIVE STALLIONS, OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $50, 30, 20. Alex Galbraith 8c Son, De Kalb, John Graham, Carberry, Manitoba. 111. John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 330 BREEDING CLYDESDALES SPECIAL "L." FIVE HEAD, ANY AGE, EITHER SEX, OWNED BY EXHIBITOR, FROM ONTARIO. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $75, 50, 25. Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. SPECIAL "M." FIVE HEAD, ANY AGE, EITHER SEX, OWNED BY EXHIBITOR, FROM CANADIAN NORTHWEST PROVINCES. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $75, 50, 25. Jolin Graham, Carberry, Manitoba. SPECIAL "N." GRADE CLYDESDALE MARE OR GELDING 4 YEARS OR OVER, SHOWN TO HALTER. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $30, 20, 15. Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards, Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Chicago, 111. Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards, Union Stock Yards & T. Co., Chi- Chicago, 111. cago. 111. SPECIAL "O." • GRADE CLYDESDALE MARE OR GELDING UNDER 4 YEARS, SHOWN TO HALTER. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $30, 20, 15. Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards, A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. Chicago, 111. Union Stock Yards & T. Co., Chi- cago, 111. SPECIAL "P." PAIR GRADE CLYDESDALE MARES OR GELDINGS, SHOWN TO WAGON. MANNERS AND ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED IN MAKING AWARDS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $50, 40, 20. Morris & Co., Union Stock Yards, A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. Chicago, 111. Union Stock Yards & T. Co., Chi- cago. 111. SPECIAL 23. FOR BEST CLYDESDALE STALLION, ANY AGE. The Clydesdale Association of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland offer valuable medals as follows: Gold Medal. BREEDING SHIRES ' 331 SPECIAL 24. FOR BEST CLYDESDALE MARE, ANY AGE. Clydesdale Association Special. — Gold Medal. The Clydesdale Association of the United Kinngdom of Great Britain and Ireland offer valuable medals as follows: Gold Medal. SHIRES [See Rule 45.] CLASS 25. STALLION 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $30, 25, 20. Animals must be recorded in the American Shire Horse Association Stud Book. Official No. 383 Drayman's King (24198) 10625— Age, 1905; sire. Drayman XXIII; dam. Lady Ben — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 384 Omston Crown Prince 25810 — Age, 1905; sire, Knottingsley Regent*, dam, British Queen — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 385 Advance 7811 — Age, 1904; sire, Admiral; dam, Marie — ^Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 386 King Albert 8685 — ^Age, 1904; sire. Intake Abert; dam, Black — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 387 Roderick III (24573) 10679— Age, 1904; sire, Vanderbilt (21993); dam, Lofty (42567) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 388 Dan Patch (25815) 9856— Age, 1905; sire, Wellingborough (21015); dam. Primrose (36940) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bush- nell, 111. 389 Fashion of Hothfield (24234) 10680— Age, 1905; sire, Hutton Victor Chief (19711); dam. Bangle of Hothfield (37919)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 390 Lovehurst Squire (21621) 10786— Age, 1902; sire, Lord Salisbury (18885); dam, Pansy (20574) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 391 Palterton Honest Tom (24514) 10416— Age, 1905; sire, Southgate Honest Tom (16984); dam, Hoole Flora (39219)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 392 Industry (25301) 10421— Age, 1905; sire, Normoor Cceur-de-Lion (19903); dam, F lower (35886)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 393 Bury Friar (24100) 10373— Age, 1905; sire Aldeby Cceur-de-Lion (20197); dam. Bury Blue Belle (31273)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 726 ^Age, 1906— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 332 BREEDING SHIRES CLASS 26. STALLION 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15. Official No. 394 Babingly Premier 10592— Age, 1906; sire, Calwich Blend (17226); dam, Babingly Bay Leaf (34671) — Geo. E. Brown, Aurora, 111. 395 Knottingley Premier 10591— Age, 1906 ; sire, The Duke VI (20090) ; dam, Thickett Prim 17501 — Geo. E. Brown, Aurora, 111. 396 Royal Thomas II 10593— Age, 1906; sire, Needhorn Harold (20760); dam, Flower (35977) — Geo. E. Brown, Aurora, 111. 397 Dunsmore Present Time (26170) 10847— Age, 1906; sire. Duns- more Albert Victor (23262) ; dam, Clifton Princess (35411)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 398 Bramhope Goliath (24992) 10844— Age, 1906; sire, Bramhope Baron (21188) ; dam, Nawton Primrose — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 399 Maxwell V 10590— Age, 1906; sire. Fulcrum (16690) 7355; dam, Ermine 8574 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 400 Gore's Chief II (25235) 10658— Age, 1906; sire, Holker Whip 20578; dam. Gore's Violet 39064— J. Crouch & &'on, Lafayette, Ind. 401 Eaglethorpe Prince (26180) 10661— Age, 1906; sire, Blythewood King Maker 18534; dam, Eaglethorpe Stamp 41789— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 402 Mepal Hatherton II (26459) 10662— Age, 1906; sire, Mepal Hather- ton 25428; dam, Cheerly 56479— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 403 Catteral Harold (25053) 10657— Age, 1906; sire, Hargrave Harold 22416; dam, Catterall Sterling Belle 38429— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 404 Surveyor 9222 — Age, Dec. 24, 1905; sire. Arbutus Harold; dam, Rudington Flirt — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 405 Southhill Precentor (26900) 10625— Age, 1906; sire. Precentor; dam, French Paste — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 406 Carlton M P 25045— Sire, Fourhundred Bonnie Boy (19625); dam, Brisk 14287— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 407 Joliet Thumper 7812— Age, 1906; sire. Admiral; dam, Marie- Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 408 Moulton Maximus 25456— Age, 1906; sire. Locking's Harold; dam, Moulton Modesty — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 409 Spring Carlos (vol. 30) (26708)— Age, Apr. 15, 1906; sire Codnor Harold (17266); dam. Spring Flower (43360)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 410 Spring President (vol. 30) (26711)— Age, Mar. 18, 1906; sire, Hempfleld King (16711); dam. Lively (vol. 22) (32904)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 333 Official No. 411 Darlington 9781— Age, 1906; sire, Buckskin; dam. Beauty— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 412 March Eldorado (26905) 10736— Age, 1906; sire, Knebworth Con- queror (14131); dam, White Heart Flower (37693)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 413 March Dreadnought (26904) 10735— Age, 1906; sire. Eastern Em- peror (17990); dam, Glassmore Whitefoot 32254— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 414 March Alma (26436) 10733— Age, 1906; sire, Gabel's Alma (18027); dam. Fink (57998)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 415 Westhall Drayman (25765) 10732— Age, 1906; sire( Rokeby Carl (22729); dam, Pilote Maid (36884)— S. Metz & Sons, Home- wood, 111. 416 Osco Baron Prince 9847— Age, Dec. 18, 1906; sire, Cotterell Prince; dam, OSco Rose— A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 417 Given Lad 24833, 9223— Age, 1906; sire, Lunesdale William; dam, Fairmate — A. G. S'oderberg, Osco, 111. 418 Postland Gentleman (25537)— Age, 1906; sire, Postland Menestrel (20808); dam, Postland Gem (39904)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 419 King Damion (26866) 10465— Age, 1906; sire, Catthorpe Damion (23147); dam, Catthorpe La Chere (9650)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 420 Boro Hercules (25960) 10379— Age, 1906; sire, Dunsmore Fiery King (16127); dam, Boro Laurel (35088)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 421 Holker Bellman (25288) 10041— Age, 1906; sire. Conquering Duke of Ashwell (20369); dam, Holker Harebell (42229)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 422 Peacemaker II (25525) 10378— Age, 1906; sire, Ruddington Con- quering Hero (22744); dam, Alstonefleld Rose (37852)— Tru- man's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 423 Knottingley Valentine (25322) 10377— Age, 1906; sire, Knottingley Regent (18130) ; dam, Ernfield Poppy (28489)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 424 Cockerington Tug of War (26061) 10380— Age, 1906; sire, Lockinge Tug of War (19783); dam, Cockerington Queen (31416)— Tru- man's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 425 Hepworth Conqueror (25283) 10422— Age, 1906; sire. Clumber Con- queror (18627) dam, Hepworth Bonny (42192)— Truman's Pio- neer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 426 Finstall Bonson (26217) 10424— Age, 1906; sire, Nailstone Cceur de Lion (16269); dam, Woodhouse Violet (25178)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 427 Blue Boy II (25943) 10462— Age, 1906; sire, Knottingly Regal (21577) ; dam. Bluebell (41041)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 334 BREEDING SHIRES Official No. 428 Little Ouse Royal (26864) 10425— Age, 1906; sire, Lambton Royal (20623) ; dam, Whelpmoor Pink (37683)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 429 Bilsby Charmer (24938) 10040— Age, 1906; sire, Girton Charmer (20515); dam, Bilsby Duchess (34832) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 27. STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. Official , No. 430 Moulton Duncan 10595— Age, 1907; sire, Ethelwolf (16667); dam, Nancy (57841) — Geo. E. Brown, Aurora, 111. 431 Marksman VIII 10594— Age, 1907; sire, Mark Time (23487); dam. Quay Countess 53012 — Geo. E. Brown, Aurora, 111. 432 Noteby Thumper 10600— Age, 1907; sire, Ouston Tom (22664); dam, Fanny (41887) — Geo. E. Brown, Aurora, 111. 433 Wynne of Warford (26856) 10848— Age, 1907; sire, Ercall Wynne (14620) ; dam, Catharine Howard (28013)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 434 Rickley Forest Chief (26618) 10664— Age, 1907; sire. Ivy Forest Chief 23390; dam, Wartnaby Matchless II 40525— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 435 Desford Connoisseur (26901) 10665— Age, 1907; sire, Exton Con- queror 18725; dam, Desford Sorrowful 35634— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 436 Cosby Echo 10626 — Age, 1907; sire, Cosby Albert; dam. Darling— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 437 Coombe Royalty 9838— Age, 1907; sire, Dunsmore Royal Duke; dam. Blossom — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 438 Desford Coeur de Lion (26119) 10627— Age, 1907; sire, Forlville Prince; dam, Satchville Rose — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 439 Stingaree 26722— Age, 1907; sire, Tom VII 19190; da,m. Mettle 57764— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 440 Perrier 26552— Age, 1907; sire, Thorney Tip Top 23789; dam. Bonny 56219— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 441 Moulton Premier Duke — ^Age, 1907; sire. Bury Premier Duke 16575; dam. Lively, by Harold of Cropwell 15139— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 442 Jack-a-Dandy 26939— Sire, Capstone Harold 16590; dam, Depper 28276— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 443 Constitution IV 26076— Sire, Barrow Topsnian (21110); dam, Broomfield Pet 31223— Finch Bros., Joliet. 111. 444 Stuntney Barway, vol. 31 — Age, 1907; sire, Premwilhar 19020; dam, Stuntney Roxara 27018 — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 335 Official No. 445 Stuntney Mac 26742— Age, 1907; sire. Earl King 20451; dam, Stunt- ney Daisy 34089— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 446 Moulton Edward 25809— Age, 1907; sire. Baron Boss; dam. Cheat Dunsmaid — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 447 Moulton Senator II 25912 — Age, 1907; sire, Locking's Harold; dam, Moulton Modesty — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 448 Moulton Spark 10707 (26482)— Peter Hepley & Sons, Lewis, Iowa. 449 Moulton Sergeant 10710 (26877)— Peter Hepley & Sons, Lewis, Iowa. 450 Moulton Willington 10708 (26485)— Peter Hepley & Sons, Lewis, Iowa. 451 Carlton Greystone 26927— Age, 1907; sire. Dappled Tom (24807); dam, Ragnall Lady (43063) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bush- nell, 111. 452 The Swell (26921) 10796— Age, 1907; sire, Markeaton Special Brand (22572) ; dam. Brisk (53286)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 453 Dunsby Friar (26149) 10682— Age, 1902; sire, Tatton Friar (21953) ; dam, Catthorpe Heraldry (41357) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. ' 454 Littleworth Marmion (26384) 104€3— Age, 1907; sire. Lake Lancer (20622) ; dam, Palterton Fancy (26628)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 455 Peakirk Chief (26922)— Age, 1907; sire, Ethelwulf (36667); dam, Welland Bonny (19084) — Truman's Pio'neer Stud Farm, Bush- nell, 111. CLASS 28. STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 456 Warford Welcome (26855) 10849— Age, 1908; sire, Warford Menestrel (24738) ; dam, Daisy (19732)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 457 Loughton Squire (26896) 10629— Age, Sept., 1908; sire, Holcombe Conqueror; dam, Wantley Lilly — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 458 Director (26887) 10628— Age, Sept., 1908; sire, Hereford; dam. Arbutus Haroldess — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 459 Lowesby King Edward— Age, Mar., 1908; sire, Cosby Albert 23191; dam, Lowesby Lilly 42589 — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 460 Stuntney Diver, vol. 31 — Age, 1908; sire, Bflythewood Conqueror 14997; dam, Stuntney Joan 26882— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 461 Young Albert 10577 — Age, 1908; sire. King Albert; dam, Maggie — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 462 Joliet Ben 10081 — Age, 1908; sire, Chipping Wonder; dam, Cleo- patra— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. ' "^"'"t:' 336 BREEDING SHIRES Official No. 463 Verona Black Jack 6901— Age, 1908; sire, Copenhagen; dam, Felicite — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 464 Stonden Jameson (26933) — Age, 1908; sire, Dunsmore Jameson (17972) ; dam, Dunsby Dipper (16575)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 465 Williams Moulton Temple 10362— Age, May 25, 1908; sire, Moulton Temple 7529 (20730); dam, Heale Easter Eve 9003 (51268)— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 29. MARE 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15. Official No. 466 Margaret B 10731— Age, 1904; sire, Belnie Royal Harold (18512) 6781; dam, Garnett 8573— Robt. Burgess &,£'on, Wenona, 111. 467 Northea Melody (51876) 9227— Age, 1905; sire. Curfew; dam, Northea Queen — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 468 Clear View Flower (56505) 10615— Age, ,1905; sire, Needham Harold; dam, Whitefoot — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 469 Victoria 7860 — Age, 1903; sire, Everton None Such; dam, Conway Lass — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 470 Laura 7319— Age, June 8, 1902; sire, McKinley; dam, Hattie— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 471 Smart 10616 — Age, 1905; sire, Broughton Majestic; dam, Pink — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 472 Verona Pearl 6082— Age, 1904; sire, Markeaton Harold; dam, May- field Madge — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 473 Prospect Gloaming 49094 — Age, 1904; sire, Nailstone Coeur de Lion; dam, Intake Conquering Alice — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 474 Natley Duchess 51817 — Age, 1905; sire, Upwood Royal; dam, Marton Nell — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 475 Du Page Gypsy 8240 — Age, May 9, 1905; sire, Puckrup Prince Harold; dam. Queen Lill — John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 476 Osco S'pinet 7084— Age, Feb. 17, 1903; sire. Bay Lad; dam, Osco Duchess — A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111, 477 Urydeland's Sunshine (40658) 10110— Age, 1901; sire, Bury Blood Royal (15522) ; dam, Gothie Sunshine (21856) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 478 Lockinge Lady Grey (48583) — Age, 1904; sire, Lockinge Forester (19777) ; dam, Danefield Resound (38602) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 479 Clumber Buttercup (44549) — Age, 1903; sire, Childwick Majestic (17254) ; dam, Eden Buttercup (31912) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. BREEDING SHIRES . 337 Official No. 480 Fuchsia II (51149)— Age, 1905; sire, Dunsmore Jameson (17972); dam, D'Arcy Fuchsia (23455)^ — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 30. MARE 3 YEARS AND OVER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. American Shire Horse Association S'pecials. — $20, 15, 10. Official No. 481 Williams' Flower 9369 — Age, Apr. 3, 1906; sire, Needham Stamp (21705) 7011; dam, Serven's Flower XII 7473— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. 482 New Cut Daisy (54772) 10617— Age, 1906; sire, -New Cut Purveyor; dam. New Cut Bickett — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 483 Salome 10052— Age, May 6, 1906; sire. Highland Hero; dam, Loda C — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 484 Damsel 1029 — Age, May 12, 1906; sire, Highland Hero; dam, Dot C — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 485 Moulton Rosebud 55858— Age, 1906; sire, Postland Minstrel; dam, Stamp — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 486 Moulton Duchess 55662 — Age, 1906; sire, Querspool Albert; dam, Dorothy — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 487 Joliet Stella 9386— Age, 1906; sire, Premmieler; dam, Stuntney B — ^Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 488 Nottingham Energy 10712 (54838)— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 489 Kilton Blossom 10711 (54333)— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 490 Moulton Tidy (54743) 9994— Age, 1906; sire, Moulton Grand Duke; dam, Lively (39494)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 491 The Merry Widow (55868) 10737— Age, 1906; sire, Danforth Tom (19538); dam, Bteauty (55870)— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 492 Moulton Bonny Rose (54736) 9993— Age, 1906; sire, Bthelwulf (16667) ; dam. Bounce (44303) — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 493 Alice Roosevelt 8832 — Age, May 15, 1906; sire, Puckrup Prince Harold; dam, Queen Lill — John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 494 Hoebling Lilac (58972)— Age, 1906; sire, Mazemoor Harold (20706); dam, Metheringham Flower Girl (57753) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Btishnell, 111. 495 Elveden Frea 53803— Age, 1906; sire, Codnor Harold (17266); dam, Horning Sea Short (42257) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 31- MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 496 Geraldine 2d 9742— Age, May 8, 1907; sire. Highland Stamp; dam, Laura — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 338 BREEDING SHIRES Official No. 497 Moulton Primella 10619 — Age, 1907; sire, Moulton Explorer; dam, Wykeham Golden — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 498 Postland Lottie II 58024— Age, Mar., 1907; sire, Cropnell Cheerful 20397; dam, Postland Gem 39904— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 499 Verona Lillie 9585 — Age, 1907; sire, Kendal Tom; dam, Glory of Verona — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 500 Peterborough Darling 10716 (57990)— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 501 Strethall Sunlight 10713 (58479)— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 502 Bushnell Beauty (10083)— Age, Sept. 15, 1907; sire, Toneham King (7952); dam, Bushnell Jewel (8324) — John Leitch, Lafayette, Ind. 503 Elizabeth Fifer 9593— Age, May 28, 1907; sire, Dunsmore Black Watch; dam. Queen Lill — ^John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 504 Urydeland's Sunlight (55882) 10127— Age, 1907; sire, Blythwood Hero (16004); dam, Urydeland's S'unshine (40658) 10110— Tru- man's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 505 Urydeland's Princess (58886) — Age, 1907; sire, Blythwood Hero (16004) ; dam, Gothic Glime (28756)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111, 506 Urydeland's Favorite (58879) — ^Age, 1907; sire, Blythwood Hero (16004) ; dam, Urydeland's Fashion (7347) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 507 Lockinge Heather Bell (57577)— Age, 1907; sire, Lockinge Forester (19777) ; dam, Lockinge Black Bell (32922)— Truman's, Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 508 Williams' Flower 1st 9370— Age, Mar. 25, 1907; sire, Umberslade Victor (20131) 8075; dam, Serven's Flower X 6759— C. C. Wil- liams, Bushnell, 111, CLASS 32. MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. . ■ 509 Trenant Cinderella (58932) 10622— Age, 1908; sire, Trenant Bouncer; dam, Holcomb Gaiety— Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 510 Finch's— Age, 1908— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 511 Black Maid 10214— Age, 1908; sire. Justice II; dam, Verona Maid — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 512 Joliet Gertrude 10080— Age, 1908; sire. Chipping Wonder; dam. Black Bess — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 513 Avondale Jewell— Age, May 30, 1909; sire, Toneham King (7952); dam, Bushnell Jewell (8324)— John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 514 Handley Brisk 59006— Age, 1908; sire, Dunsmore Jameson (17972); dam, Ridware May (33656)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. BREEDING SHIRES 339 Official No. 515 Elveden Humility, vol. xxxi — Age, 1908; sire, Elveden Samson (25183); dam, Elveden Docile (47877)— Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 516 Williams' Highland Lassie 10363— Age, June 21, 1908; sire, High- land Laddie (22976) 7950— Boro British Queen (50416) 9005— C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 33. FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $50, 40, 30, Highly Commended, Commended. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. CLASS 34- TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM.— $50, 30, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. John Murr, Plainfield, 111. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. John Murr, Plainfield, 111. CLASS 35. . CHAMPION STALLION, ANY AGE.— Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 25, 26, 27, 28. CLASS 36. CHAMPION MARE, ANY AGE.— Sterling Silver Cup. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 29, 30, 31, 32. SPECIAL 35. CHAMPION STALLION, 3 YEARS OR OVER. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. SPECIAL 36. CHAMPION MARE, 3 YEARS OR OVER. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. SPECIAL "A." STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3, TO BE AMERICAN BRED. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "B." STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2, TO BE AMERICAN-BRED, American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $15, 10, 5, 340 BREEDING SHIRES SPECIAL "C." STALLION UNDER 1 YEAR, TO BE AMERICAN BRED. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. 517 Fincli Bros., Joliet, 111. 518 Fincli Bros., Joliet, 111. 519 Tom Jr. 10859— Age, June 7, 1909; sire, Wycombe Harold (20190) 6526; dam, Imogen 7364 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. SPECIAL "D." MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3, TO BE AMERICAN-BRED. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $15, 10, 5. SPECIAL "E." MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2, TO BE AMERICAN-BRED. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $15, 10, 5. SPECIAL "F." MARE UNDER 1 YEAR, TO BE AMERICAN-BRED. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. 520 Pinch Bros., Joliet, 111. 521 Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 522 Avondale Jewell— Age, May 30, 1909; sire, Tonham King (7952); dam, Bushnell Jewell (8324) — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 523 Moulton Bonny Rose Second 10861— Age, Sept. 24, 1909; sire, Evelyn King Holt (25188) 9988; dam, Moulton Bonny Rose (54736) 9993— S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. SPECIAL "G." FIVE STALLIONS, ANY AGE, IMPORTED OR AMERICAN-BRED, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $50, 25, 10. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. Bushnell, 111. Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. SPECIAL "H." THREE MARES, ANY AGE, IMPORTED OR AMERICAN-BRED, OWNED BY ONE EXHIBITOR. American Shire Horse Association Specials. — $50, 25, 10. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. Bushnell, 111. John Murr, Plainfleld, 111. C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. ; BREEDING SHIRES 341 SPECIAL "I." BEST IMPORTED STALLION, ANY AGE. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. SPECIAL "J." American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. BEST IMPORTED MARE, ANY AGE. SPECIAL "K." BEST AMERICAN-BRED STALLION, ANY AGE. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. SPECIAL "L." BEST AMERICAN-BRED MARE, ANY AGE. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. SPECIAL "M." BEST MARE AND COLT, COLT TO BE UNDER 2 YEARS. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. Bushnell, 111. A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. SPECIAL "N." CHAMPION AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 2 YEARS OR UNDER. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. SPECIAL "O." CHAMPION AMERICAN-BRED MARE, 2 YEARS OR UNDER. American Shire Horse Association Special. — Silver Cup. SHIRE HORSE SOCIETY OF ENGLAND SPECIALS. 35 — For the best Shire stallion or entire colt registered in the Eng- lish, Canadian or American Shire Horse Stud Book, Gold Medal, value £10, 36 — For the best Shire mare or filly registered in the English, Cana- dian or American Shire Horse Stud Book, Gold Medal, value £10. CONDITIONS. No. 1 — A certificate of freedom from hereditary diseases signed by "International" Ofiicial Veterinarian after his examination on the show ground. No. 2 — ^A copy of "International" schedule of prizes containing this offer and a marked catalogue of the awards in "International" Shire horse classes, specially indicating the winners of these gold medals, must also be lodged with the Secretary of the English Shire Horse So- ciety before the awards will be confirmed. 342 BREEDING BELGIANS BELGIANS. i [See Rule 45.] CLASS 37. STALLION 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Horses must be registered in above record. Where there is but one exhibitor in a class none but the highest award will be paid. Official No. 524 Sultan de Gen (44368) 4112— Age, March 25, 1905; sire, Due du Chenoy 11056; Mouche de Gen 28277— J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 525 Bon Espoir de Solre (31720) 4072— Age, April 16, 1902; sire, Bay- ard de Sombre 17016; dam, Boule de Neige 45013— J Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 526 Robuste de Zellick (46396) 4109— Age, May 14, 1905; sire. Beau Lyzeron 22238; dam, Charlotte de Zellick 20535— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 527 Caron de Bau (43968) 4082— Age, March 27, 1905; sire, Tonis 9614; dam, Cotte de Bau 44625 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 528 "Tom" (44106) 4114— Age, May 7, 1905; sire, Mouton de Felny 27548; dam, Cotte de Hen 27521— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 529 Brillant de Noirchain (43374) 4075— Age, Jan. 30, 1905; sire, Bril- lant de Braine 10132; dam, Rosette de Noirchain 46131 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 530 Cognac de Liroux (45858) 4083— Age, April 1, 1905; sire. Bayard de Liroux 14858; dam, Marmotte de Liroux 32723 — ^J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 531 Certain de Haute Croix (45682) 4084— Age, Feb. 26, 1905; sire, Louis d'Herinnes 17966; dam. Ponce de Haute-Croix 55097 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 532 Richelieu (39934) 4106— Age, Jan. 10, 1904; sire, Apollon 12294; dam, Angele 45027 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 533 Max de Deynge (52182) 3984— Age, 1905; sire. Bayard; dam, Sarah de Zwyen — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 534 Rene 3783 — Age, 1905; sire, Confaince; dam, Jenny de Reves — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 535 Vatigeur 3785 — Age, 1904; sire. Coquette; dam, Martha de Volke — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 536 Perriot D B C 3782 — Age, 1905; sire, Perriot Moucrea; dam, Boulatte D B C — ^Finch Biros., Joliet and Verona, 111. BREEDING BELGIANS 343 Official No. 537 Charley Boy 3778— Age, 1905: sire, Bloc; dam, Lis de Loo— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona. 111. 538 Franc 41526— Age, 1904; airo. Rolit de Dick; dam, Olga de Dick- Finch Bros., Joliet anu Verona, 111. 539 Bismark 46588 — Age, lii04: sire, Emanuel; dam, Bertha — Finch Bros., Joliet and Veroiia, 111. 540 John Bull 2506— Age, 1903: sire, Soloman; dam, Petale— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona. 111. 541 Signor d'Oudenburg (46010) 4071 — Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa, 542 Odon (41720) 3667— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 543 Coleau (39394) 2985— Age, April 9, 1904; sire, Duke de Walham; dam, Duchess de Walham — S. Metz & Sons, Homewood, 111. 544 Grain d'Or (37346) 3489— Age, March 1, 1903; sire, Reve d'Or (7406); dam. Petite (41481)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- ton, Ind. 545 Major de Baudecet 3911 — Age, Feb. 11, 1905; sire, Mastoque de Longpont 26740; dam, Caline de Baudecet 50919— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 546 Brigand de la Saline 3948 — ^Age, March 14, 1905; sire, Mouton Delsant 24232; dam. Belle Botte 47895— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 547 Tonneau 2721— Age, April 4, 1905; sire. Bouquet 17542; dam. Mandarine 50047— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. CLASS 38. STALLION 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. ^ $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 548 Pommard (47638) 4104— Age, Feb. 20, 1906; sire, Pompier d'Acrosse 31474; dam, Fanny d'Obourg 52507 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 549 Joyeux de Thimeon (48320) 4088— Age, April 26, 1906; sire, Sultan de Luttre 22686; dam, Jeanne de Thimeon 3037— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 550 Palestra (47806) 4103— Age, April 14, 1906; sire, Moderne 31166; dam, Boulotte de Scheu 46505 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 551 Hercules d'O (50554) 4087— Age, Feb. 18, 1906; sire, Coureur 28166; dam, Geaune d'O 55253— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 552 Bracq (47900) 4077 — Age, April 5, 1906; sire, Pompier d'Acrosse 31474; dam, Boulette de Neufmaison 52699— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 344 BREEDING BELGIANS Official No. 553 Cuba de Beauvoir (48182) 4079— Age, March 29, 1906; sire, Sou- tien de Pachtervelings 30176; dam, Louise de Beauvoir 39755 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 554 Mastoc de Voorde (50212) 4093— Age, May 15, 1906; sire. Prince du Chenoy 21308; dam, Lize de Voorde 51607— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 555 Mouchon Brice (48570) 4099— Age, March 29, 1906; sire, Roucha 11422; dam, Moucheronne 57643 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 556 Manuel de Heick (48052) 4095— Age, March 14, 1906; sire, Em- manuel 22898; dam, Princesse de Lautremange 52837 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 557 Tutor de Bur (49342 3983— Age, 1906; sire, Barnum; dam, Jeanett de Bur — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 558 Robert 3d 2745— Age, 1906; sire, Robert; dam. Madam D. Lil— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 559 Couteau 2748 — Age, 1906; sire, Coquet; dam, Mina — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 560 Chauzord .46582 — Age, 1906; sire. Coquet; dam, Nerya — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 561 Joliet 3179— Age, 1906; sire. Coquet; dam, Mina D Moor— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 562 Digneron 3784 — Age, 1906; sire, Lafleur; dam, Liza d'O Ombergen — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 563 Tambur 3596 — Age, 1906; sire. Coquet; dam, Mina D Langemark — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 564 Nickel d'Oultre (49002) 4139— Age, Jan. 3, 1906; sire. Prince du Chenoy (21308); dam, Fanny d'Oul (36623)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 565 Cesar (51602) 4135— Age, April 9, 1906; sire, Garde Feu (16660); dam, Brise Tout (42507) — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 566 Virginal (52260) 4142— Age, 1906; sire, Ideal du Fosteau (40325); dam. Bertha de Virgi (59239)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunt- ington, Ind. 567 Biggareau 2d 3947 — Age, April 11, 1906; sire, Hercule de Salet 4260; dam, Bigarette 42441— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 568 Marquis d' Erqul 3950 — Age, June 4, 1906; sire, Lebosi de Gayck 18820; dam. Marquise de Bierevast 38361— H. & H. Wolf, Wa- bash, Ind. 569 Tiens 3955— Age, April 15, 1906; sire, Coquelicot 6958; dam, Duchesse II 48963— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 570 Major de Blyckeer 3909— Age, March 30, 1906; sire, Ideal du Fasteau 31076; dam, Mouffe 14707— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 571 Galant 3905— Age, May 25, 1906; sire. Prudent 28982; dam, Ja- velle 51467— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. BREEDING BELGIANS 345 Official No. 572 Max de Tirlemont 3908— Age, 1906; sire, Baron de Bousral 13084; dam, Mariette 46527— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind, 573 Farceur de Waret 3697— Age, Feb, 22, 1906; sire, Barnum 25546; dam, Louise de Waret 29193— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. CLASS 39. STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 574 Romane (631) 4111— Age, March 2, 1907; sire, Rubis de Manage 9552; dam, Zoe de S'enefEe 54011 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 575 Joris (868) 4090— Age, May 10, 1907; sire. Bayard de Ruyen 32678; dam. Flora Walre 55737— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 576 Ombrage (587) 4101— Age, May 14, 1907; sire, Tougneux de Senenne 19846; dam, Dauphine 17567 — ^J. Crouch & Son, La- fayette, Ind. 577 Rebecqnois (1145) 4196— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Brisac de Courcelles 35998; dam, Minette 59267 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 578 Rustigne de Bassilly (510) 4108— Age, Jan. 10, 1907; sire, Boule d'Or 30206; dam, Famy de Bassilly 53133— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 579 Congolais, vol. xvi, 3982 — Age, 1907; sire, Conqulicot; dam, Poule — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 580 Saturne, vol. xvi, 3986 — Age, 1907; sire. Beige; dam. Saline — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 581 Heron de Horn, vol. xvi, 3985 — ^Age, 1907; sire, Gugusse de Bray- eux; dam. La Muse — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 582 Age, 1907 — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 583 Co Co 46578— Age, 1907; sire, Coquet; dam, Sarah— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 584 Acme Chief 3898— Age, 1907; sire, John Bull; dam, Liza de Waes — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 585 Neron 3781 — Age, 1907; sire, Marquis de Ruyen; dam, Mina D Moor — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 586 Emir (vol. 17, p. 1063) 4137— Age, Feb. 28, 1907; sire, Beaii Lys de Rognon (34150); dam, Mazette Rebeca (61645)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 587 Bayard de Bierghes (vol. 16, p. 1092) 4133— Age, Feb. 12, 1907; sire, Brisac de Courcelles (35998) ; dam, Isabelle de Bierghes (58587) — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 346 BREEDING BELGIANS Official No. 588 Pet de None 3953— Age, May 21, 1907; sire, Louis Brun 10162; dam, Lucie d'Hulencourt 11175 — H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 589 Bonaparte de Sartalard 3900 — ^Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Fourrier 21716; dam, Charlotte de Sartalard 48859— H. & H. Wolf, Wa- bash, Ind. CLASS 40. STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 590 Just Jim 3895 — Age, 1908; sire, Flacon; dam, Jennie — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 591 What's Wanted 3890 — Age, 1908; sire, Piquavoine; dam, Liza D Waes — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 592 Mont Fosteau— Age, May 2, 1908; sire, Mont de Or II 3197; dam, Gipsy du Fosteau (45835) 600 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 593 Pue de Stalhille— Age, 1908; sire. Brilliant de Stalhille (47754); dam, Flun de Stalhille (60557)— W. E. Prichard & Sons, Ot- tawa, 111. CLASS 41. MARE 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 594 Margarine (837) 1096— Age, March 3, 1905; sire, Due du Chenoy 11056; dam. Countess du Han 289— J. Crouch & Son, Lafay- ette, Ind. 595 Bertha de Rum (67575)— Age, 1904; sire, Krueger; dam, Maratte de Bouchell — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 596 Martha de Hauten (57587) — ^Age, 1905; sire. Consul de Lombeck; dam, Ceris Isenu — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 597 Louisa de Ex 278— Age, 1905; sire. Prince d'Or; dam, Loise — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 598 Alma 531 — Age, 1903; sire, Coquet; dam. Madam de Rol — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 599 Rosa 908 — Age, 1904; sire, Lafleur; dam, Sarah de Reckem — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 600 Prista 788 — Age, 1905; sire. Coquet; dam, Suell — ^Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 601 Odette 787 — Age, 1904; sire, Brilliant; dam, S'arah de Roe — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 602 Draga D Amel 1077 (66677)— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. BREEDING BELGIANS 347 Official No. 603, Leth (66677) 1084— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 604 Jennie (66671) 1081— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 605 Reine (61627) 1109— Age, 1905; sire, Jupiter de Mullen (11214); dam, Mina Cruys (60405) — Geo. W. Souers & Sons — Hunting- ton, Ind. CLASS 42. MARE 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 606 Diana du Kat (413) 653— Age, April 11, 1906; sire, Grand Due du Fosteau 22030; dam, Charlotte d'Abeelstraat 14593— J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 607 Margot D Mirror 67753 — Age, 1906; sire, Coquet; dam, Fanny — Finch B/ros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 608 Quintelle (66657) 1088— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 609 Rosa de Cachtem (61639) 1110— Age, 1906; sire. Marquis de Ruyen (24878) ; dam, Jora 59687— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunt- ington, Ind. 610 Countesse de Buzet 1005— Age, March 26, 1906; sire, Rubis 31036; dam. Elegante de Buzet 17497— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash. Ind. 611 Duchess de Buzet 1006— Age, April 13, 1906; sire. Nickel 11090; dam, Boule de Buzet 17495— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 612 Finnette de Buzet 1008— Age, May 8, 1906; sire, Rubis 31036; dam, Rachel de Buzet 17489— H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. ) CLASS 43. MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $25, 20, 15, 15, 10. Official No. 613 Noire de Braine (61623) 1098— Age, 1907; sire, Rotschild 27128; dam, Lisa Ermite 44685 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 614 Marquise de Petit Chassart (1221) 1097— Age, April 8, 1907; sire, Charlemagne de Horrnes 34722; dam, Nickelle 60213 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 615 Caline de Uccle (689) 1091— Age, June 22, 1907; sire. Beau Ly- zeron 22238; dam. Marguerite Genese 23441 — J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 616 Laura D Langemark 785 — Age, 1907; sire. Coquet; dam, Mena D Langemark — ^Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 348 BREEDING BEXGIANS Official No. 617 Lulu D Mum 68133— Age, 1907; sire, Marquis D Ruyer; dam, Ida — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 618 Fifine (66661) 1079— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 619 Linda (66675) 1083— Fetter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 620 Navette (66657) 1086— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. .621 Soupette (61629) 1111— Age, 1907; sire, Parfait de Mar (21260); dam, Fanny d'Eecloo 59181 — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- ton, Ind, CLASS 44. MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 622 Gaillarde de la Saline (828) 1093— Age, Jan. 5, 1908; sire, Mouton Delsant 24232; dam, Charmante de Hal 50717 — J. Croucli & Son, Lafayette, Ind, 623 Gazette de Forchies (689) 1092— Age, April 10, 1908; sire, Marius II 35042; dam. Belle d'Or 47137— J. Croucli & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 624 Sort 967— Age, 1908; sire, John Bull; dam. Alma— Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 625 Florine (66663) 1080— Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. CLASS 45. FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $50, 40, 30, Highly Commended, Commended. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. CLASS 46. TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM.— $50, 30, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. CLASS 47. CHAMPION STALLION, ANY AGE.— Sterling Silver Cup. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses S'pecials. — $100 Gold Medal, Reserve Ribbon, Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 37, 38, 39, 40. CLASS 48, CHAMPION MARE, ANY AGE.— Sterling Silver Cup. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. — $100 Gold Medal, Reserve Ribbon. Competition limited to first-prize winners in classes 41, 42, 43, 44. BREEDING BELGIANS 349 SPECIAL "A." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "B." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION COLT UNDER 1 YEAR. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. — $15, 10, Highly Commended. SPECIAL "C." AMERICAN-BRED MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $20, 15, 10. f SPECIAL "D." AMERICAN MARE COLT UNDER 1 YEAR. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. — $15, 10, Highly Commended. SPECIAL "E." FIVE STALLIONS, PROPERTY OF ONE EXHIBITOR. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials.— $100 Gold Medal, Reserve Ribbon. Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. ton, Ind. H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. SPECIAL "F." THREE MARES, PROPERTY OF ONE EXHIBITOR. The American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses Specials. — $100 Gold Medal, Reserve Ribbon. J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. ton, Ind. Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. H. & H. Wolf, Wabash, Ind. 350 DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS. CLASS 49. SINGLE MARE OR GELDING, WEIGHING OVER 1,750 LBS., TO HALTER.— $50, 35, 25, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 626 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 627 Ben. S. Bond, Monon, Ind. 628 Ben. S. Bond, Monon, Ind. 629 A. M. Bricker, Bushnell, 111. 630 A. M. Bricker, Buslinell, 111. 631 Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 632 Robt, Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 633 Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 634 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 635 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 636 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 637 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 638 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 639 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 640 Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. 641 Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 642 Peter Hepley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 643 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 644 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 645 John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 646 John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 647 McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 648 A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 649 G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 650 G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 651 G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 652 G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 653 G. W. Souers' & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 654 G. W, Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 655 G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 656 G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 657 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 658 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 659 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 660 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 661 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 662 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS 351 CLASS 50. SINGLE MARE OR GELDING, WEIGHING 1,500 TO 1,750 LBS., TO HALTER. — $50, 35, 25, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 663 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 664 A. M. Bricker, Bushnell, 111, 665 A. M. Bricker, Bushnell, 111. 666 Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 667 Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 668 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 669 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 670 Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. 671 Finch Bros., Verona and Joliet, 111. 672 W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. 673 W. L. Houser, Mondovi, Wis. 674 John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 675 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 676 John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 677 John Murr, Plainfield, 111. 678 McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 679 A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. 680 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 681 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 682 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 683 Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 684 C. C. Williams, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 51. PAIR HORSES, WEIGHING 3,000 TO 3,500 LBS., TO WAGON.— $100, 75, 50, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 685 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 686 A. M. Bricker, Bushnell, 111. 687 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 688 John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 689 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. * 690 A. G. Soderberg, Osco, 111. * 691 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111.. 692 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. CLASS 52- PAIR HORSES, WEIGHING OVER 3,500 LBS., TO WAGON.— $100, 75, 50, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 693 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 694 Ben. S. Bond, Monon, Ind. 352 DRAFT HORSES IN HARNESS Official No. 695 Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 696 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 697 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 698 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 699 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 700 Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 701 Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 702 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 703 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. 704 Truman'ff Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 53. THREE HORSES ABREAST, TO WAGON.— $100, 75, 50, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 705 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 706 Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 707 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 708 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 709 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 710 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. ■ CLASS 54. FOUR-HORSE TEAM WHEELERS, WEIGHING 3,000 TO 3,500 LBS., TO WAGON. — $125, 100, 75, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 711 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 712 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. CLASS 55- FOUR-HORSE TEAM, WHEELERS, WEIGHING OVER 3,500 LBS., TO WAGON. — $125, 100, 75, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 713 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 714 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 715 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 716 G. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 717 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. CLASS 56- SIX-HORSE TEAM, TO WAGON, WHEELERS, WEIGHING NOT LESS THAN 3,800 LBS. — $150, 125, 100, Highly Commended, Commended. Official No. 718 Armour & Co., Chicago, 111. 719 J. Crouch & Son, Lafayette, Ind. 720 Morris & Co., Chicago, 111. 721 Swift & Co., Chicago, 111. STOCKMEN FARMERS MERCHANTS SHIPPERS While in Chica^fo we invite you to inspect our officer and facilities for servin^f i/ou YARDS OFFICE: JAMES A. DUGGAN, Mgr. 139 EXCHANGE BLDG. DOWNTOWN OFFICES: 330-331-332 POSTAL TELEGRAPH BLDG. PROVISIONS GRAIN...COTTON...STOCKS 353 ^1 a (D 0- ^: 0' n: All 354 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK 355 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK All animals exhibited in this section must either have been bred by the exhibitor or owned by and in the possession of the exhibitor from June 1, 1909, and such stock must have been fitted and prepared for the show wholly by some regular employe or student of the col- lege making the -exhibit. FINISHED PRODUCT OR BLOCK DEMONSTRATION. 1st 2d 3(1 P'rem. Prem. Prem. For the most instructive carcass or block demonstration of principles of breeding or feeding, the live animals to be on exhibition or the carcasses of the animals to be shown in the refrigerator during the Exposition, accompanied by a concise report of the methods of their production, due weight in judging to be given in favor of the exhibit of both the live animals and the dressed product, par- ticularly to the latter $75 $50 $25 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. FEED AND FORAGE EXHIBIT. 1st 2d 3d Prem. Prem. Prem. For the most instructive display and presentation of feeds and forage products and their composition, utility and value $75 $50 $25 University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. CLAY, ROBINSON & CO. 5PECIALS FOR COLLEGE DEPARTMENT CATTLE DIVISION. Open to all pure-breds, grades and crosses, CLASS I. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, OVER 24 AND UNDER 36 MONTHS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. — $50, 30, 20, 15. Motley — ^Age, Jan. 7, 1907; sire. College Reformer 248719 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Gray Light— Age, Jan. 12, 1907; sire. Black Bird Lad M 76724— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Search Light— Age, Jan. 11, 1907; sire, Black Bird Lad M 76724— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 356 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK Bright Light— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Black Bird Lad M 76724— Iow& State College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agricultural College, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Manhattan, Kan. Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Discoverer 271220— Age, June 3, 1907; sire, Discloser 212280; dam, Bessie 210662 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Eclipser 1533— Age, Oct. 16, 1906; sire. Highland Gerald 84148; dam. Highland Bark 46th 75056 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Herbert— Age, Sept. 14, 1906; sire. Actor 35th 189345; dam. Hazel 153304 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Halberd Stamp 265800— Age, Sept. 3, 1906; sire. Halberd Lad 153746; dam, Florence 139101 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Jock of Estill— Age, June 15, 1907; sire, Boston Pride 63093— University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Hinkle — ^Age, Oct. 25, 1907; sire, Woodlawn Admiral— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Guy C — Age, Oct. 5, 1907; sire, Fast Freight 184272 — University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Neb. Domsie— Age, Sept. 25, 1906; sire, Scottish Standard of Durhamhill 23516; dam, Dolly of Wavertree 18746— University of Nebraska,. Lincoln, Neb. Donald's Lad 271671— Age, April 12, 1907; sire. Gay Donald 186476; dam, Niobe 79641 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. La Presto 1515— Age, May 17, 1907; sire. Prince Ito 54471; dam, Lucy of Careston 61752 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Varsity Cadet — Age, Jan. 7, 1907; sire, Kentucky Prince 24466; dam, Embank's Lucia 62385— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Lord Russell— Age, Oct. 4, 1906; sire. Master Russell 209889; dam, Madaline, vol. 61, p. 732 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Foxy 1578 — Age, Sept. 23, 1906; sire. Faultless 29065; dam, Hermione 68194 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Edward M 271779— Age, Feb. 24, 1907; sire. General Miles 93811; dam. Peerless Edna 186218 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Gold Standard 1520— Age, Jan. 10, 1907; ' sire. Guide 56125; dam, Coal Creek Girl 28711 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Black Charlie— Age, July 15, 1907; sire, Woodlawn Admiral 63508— Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Togo— Age, April 7, 1907; sire. Royal Peer 211558; dam, Gentle Bessie, vol. 65, p. 893 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK 357 CLASS 2. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, 12 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. — $50, 30, 20, IB- First Choice — ^Age, Feb. 2, 1908; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Dud 1596— Age, Oct. 6, 1907; sire, Noland 94795; dam, Bluegrass Ridge Dora 82676 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agricultural College, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Manhattan, Kan. Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Undulata 1586— Age, Oct. 15, 1907; sire, Undulata Black Bird Ito 83836; dam. Blackbird of Undulata 83508 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Clarence 1564 — Age, Sept. 2, 1907; sire, Barbara's Ito 2d 83835; dam. Coquette of Denison 24th 46107 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Prince Lowan— Age, Nov. 13, 1907; sire, Pittive Chief 192919; dam. Lake Park Lowan 90th — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. An- thony Park, Minn. Corporal — Age, Feb. 5, 1908; sire. Colonel Stewart 170021 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Midland — Age, Jan. 14, 1908; sire, Premier 71781; dam. Lady Perfection 120148 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Highland Laddie — Age, Oct. 20, 1907; sire, Mahomet 28121; dam, Lena of Otoe 22497 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Iron Heart 289595— Age, Nov. 13, 1907; sire. Distribution 176433; dam. Donna 171979 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Black Diamond — Age, Dec. 3, 1907; sire, Lois of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Ravenwood Mignonne 38696 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Harding Marshall— Age, March 11, 1908; sire, Oak Ridge Doud 89845; dam, Prairie Lawn Daisy 57427 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Brick — Age, Dec. 15, 1907; sire. Secret Champion 245142; dam, Mil- dred— University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Ohio's Gift— Age, Dec. 12, 1907; sire. Village Clipper, C. R. 55766; dam, Pine Grove Mildred 10th, vol. 20, C. R. — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio Boy — Age, Jan. 14, 1908; sire, Ohio Ensign 275758; dam. Peach, vol. 53 — Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Gairt Special — Age, May 11, 1908; sire, Royal Wanderer 208144; dam. Lady Mary, vol. 55, p. 775 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Hamer's Choice 1670 — Age, Dec. 3, 1907; sire. Prince Joash 75604; dam, Deer Creek Queen 56473 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. 358 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK CLASS 3. STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER, UNDER 12 MONTHS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. — $50, 30, 20, 15. Levi Light — Age, March 30, 1909; sire, Blackene 72214 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Kansas State Agricultural College, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Manhattan, Kan. Kansas State Agricultural College, Kansas State Agricultural College, Manhattan, Kan. Manhattan, Kan. Barbarian — Age, Sept. 2, 1908; sire, Fitz Enterprise 86293; dam, Bar- bara Ito 68602 — Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Anthony Park, Minn. Deserter — Age, Nov. 12, 1908; sire, Onward 19th 151573 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Lachland— Age, Dec. 16, 1908; sire, Boston Pride 63093; dam, Strat- hairn Emily 72750 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Still Onward 371771— Age, Oct. 6, 1908; sire. Onward 19th 151573; dam. Miss Embree 114844 — University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo. Scottie — Age, Sept. 12, 1908; sire, Mahomet 28121; dam, Hannah of Otoe 17934 — University of Nebaska, Lincoln, Neb. Peerless Lad — Age, Jan. 4, 1909; sire, Peerless Wilton 39th 90610; dam, Lady Roberts 138472 — University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Prince of View Point 1636^Age, Dec. 6, 1908; sire, Lois of Meadow Brook 72459; dam, Ravenwood Mignonne 38696 — University of Ne- braska, Lincoln, Neb. Ohio's Favorite— Age, Oct. 24, 1908; sire, Orange Sultan 263522; dam, Woodlawn Belle 23d, vol. 68— Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Diamond Dick — Age, Nov. 14, 1908; sire. Diamond Lad 108905; dam, Ella — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Miami Victor — Age, Nov. 9, 1908; sire, Brawith Victor 288547; dam, Golden Mary 7th, vol. 66, p. 822 — Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. CLASS 4. CHAMPION STEER, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFER. Clay, Robinson & Co. Special for College Department. — $55. COIiLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION S' 359 CLASS 5. BEST FIVE HEAD OF STEERS, SPAYED OR MARTIN HEIFERS, UNDER 3 YEARS OF AGE. ' Clay, Robinson & Co. Special for College Department. — $100. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. University of Missouri, Columbia, Kansas State Agricultural College, Mo. Manhattan, Kan. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Kansas State Agricultural College, Neb. Manhattan, Kan. Ohio State University, Columbus, Minnesota Agricultural College, St. Ohio. Anthony Park, Minn. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. SHEEP DIVISION. Open to all pure-breds, grades and crosses. CLASS I. WETHER OVER 12 MONTHS AND UNDER 24. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. College Department. — $30, 15, 10. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. 360 COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOCK University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wis. Wyo. University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wis. Wyo. University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wis. Wyo. University of Wisconsin, Madison, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wis. Wyo. CLASS 2. WETHER LAMB UNDER 12 MONTHS. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. College Department.— $30, 15, 10. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison^ Wis. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 3. CHAMPION WETHER. Clay, Robinson & Co. Special for College Department. — $30. CLASS 4. BEST FIVE HEAD OF WETHERS UNDER 2 YEARS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Special for College Department. — $50. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyo. COLLEGE AND EXPERIMENT STATION STOClf 361 SWINE DIVISION. Open to all pure-breds, grades and crosses. CLASS I. BARROW UNDER 12 MONTHS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. — $30, 15, 10. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. CLASS 2. CHAMPION BARROW. Clay, Robinson & Co. Special for College Department. — $30. CLASS 3. BEST FIVE HEAD OF BARROWS UNDER 2 YEARS. Clay, Robinson & Co. Special for College Department. — $50. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio. GENERAL. BEST GENERAL EXHIBIT OF CATTLE,, SHEEP AND SWINE, CON- SISTING OF FIVE CATTLE UNDER 3 YEARS, FIVE SHEEP UNDER 2 YEARS AND FIVE HOGS UNDER 1 YEAR. Clay Robinson & Co. Specials for College Department. — $100, 50. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. THE CHICAGO DAILY Snurnal Is the oldest, largest, best edited, and most reliable live stock and Farm Daily published, and has been so recognized forever a third of a century The Live Stock Markets aire thoroughly and correctly set before its readers daily, while every branch of farm and animal husbandry is fully treated by competent authorities. The farm home and the farmer's wife and children also have departraento devoted to their interests, and the general news of the day is concisely given Per year Six months Three months $4.00 2.00 1.00 SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE COPIES. GOOD AGENTS WANTED EVERY- WHERE. WRITE FOR OUR LIBERAL TERMS. DROVERS JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, ILL. The Farm Magazine, a high grade weekly farm paper, given free with the Thursday Edition. 75c per year. 362 STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 363 INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. LIVE STOCK JUDGINQ CONTEST. Open to Students Enrolled as Under-Graduates in Agricultural Colleges of the Current Year. I Recognizing the importance of interesting young men in the study and improvement of the various breeds of domesticated animals, the management of the International Live Stock Exposition will again make the stock judging contest a most important feature of their exposition programme. The Union Stock Yards and Transit Company will award a beautiful trophy to the Agricultural College whose five students do the most efficient work in judging horses, cattle, hogs and sheep, assigned for the purpose and giving reasons substantiating their judgment. This trophy is to be won three times before it be- comes the absolute property of any institution. In addition to the above a beautiful trophy or medal will be awarded to the student scoring the highest number of points on all classes of animals judged, and appropriate ribbons to the four students making the next highest score. RULES AND REGULATIONS. (1) RULES GOVERNING ELIGIBILITY OF CONTESTANTS. 1. Any farmer's son under twenty-five years of age, who has never attended any agricultural college, may eiiter. 2. Any agricultural college student who has never taken part in any judging contest of interstate or international nature previous to the year in which the contest is held, and has taken at least twelve weeks' undergraduate work during the current year in the college that he represents, and who has at no time served in the capacity of animal husbandry teacher in any agricultural college, may enter. (2) SUPERINTENDENTS. 1. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to see that all rules and regulations governing the contest are duly carried out. He shall see that the contest is conducted with fairness and justice to all concerned. 2. He shall have a chief clerk and helpers to assist in superin- tending the different classes of stock, etc. 3. He shall direct the contestants as to which class to judge, time to commence work, and time to stop. 364 STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 4. He shall say nothing to a contestant as to the method for the contestant to follow, either in judging the class, writing the reasons, or giving of reasons before the committee. 5. The superintendent shall have nothing to do with placing the animals in the various classes, or with the grading of the placing, or the reasons. 6. He shall have charge of all the grades given for both placing and reasons, and it shall he his duty to have these tabulated and totaled, and he shall deliver the result of the contest to the General Superintendent of the International Live Stock Exposition, who shall publish the result. (3) CLERK, ASSISTANTS AND ATTENDANTS. The clerk, assistants and attendants shall be at the command of the superintendent and shall carry out his orders, and none of these assistants shall confer v/ith the contestants, unless so directed by the superintendent. The attendants holding the stock shall hold the animals in a care- ful manner, so that all contestants may have a fair chance to make observations on the same. (4) JUDGES. 1. There shall be three judges for each class of stock judged. It is preferable that two of each set be stockmen (breeders or feeders of the class to be passed upon), and the third an animal husbandry instructor. And no one shall be allowed to act as judge in a class in which his animals are shown. 2. It shall be the duty of each committee -of judges to look over the class of stock and each to decide as to the order in which the class shall be placed, and to decide on the essential reasons for placing the first above the second, the second above the third, and the third above the fourth. The judges shall keep their ratings of the animals secret until after the contestants have been before the committee. 3. When the contestant appears before the committee, the clerk shall present the contestant's card bearing his rating of the animals, and each judge shall make a note of the same and grade it as his judgment dictates and record his grade for placing on a card bearing the contestant's number. Fifty points shall constitute a perfect mark for placing. The contestant shall have three minutes in which to give his reasons for placing the animals, and it shall be the duty of the committee to hear those reasons and independently to grade for the same and record his grade for reasons on the card mentioned above. Fifty points shall constitute a perfect mark for reasons. 4. As soon as the judges have recorded their grades, the clerk Shall collect tb§ tliree car^?, The three grades on placing shall be STOCK JUDGING CONTEST - 365 averaged, and the average shall stand as the contestant's grade for placing that class. 5. The grade for reasons shall be arrived at in the same manner. (5) CONTESTANTS. 1. All prospective contestants must send in their entries to B. H. Heide, General Superintendent of the International Exposition, by November 15, 1909. 2. Regular entry forms will be mailed all prospective contestants who desire the same before November 15, 1909. 3. An entry fee of $2.00 will be charged each contestant, and this money must be forwarded with application. The money received from this source is to be used in defraying the expenses of the examiners. 4. Each college will be restricted to entering five (5) men, which number shall constitute a team. 5. Each contestant shall report to the superintendent in the Amphitheater at 8 a. m., Saturday, November 27, 1909, when he will be assigned a number and such instructions as the superintendent desires to give. 6. No contestant will be permitted to inspect the live stock on exhibition at the International Live Stock Exposition prior to the contest, and any transgression of this rule will be sufficient cause to bar him from the contest. 7. No contestant shall wear any uniform, college colors, college hat, nor shall he in any way signify to the judges his identity or the identity of the college which he represents. 8. "While the contest is in progress, there shall be no conferring between contestants or between a contestant and anyone else, except as directed by the superintendent or his representative. Any violation of this rule will be punished by the expulsion of the offender. 9. The contestants shall be divided by the superintendent into three groups: A. B, and C, and shall be so designated thereafter throughout the contest. In no group shall there be more than two contestants from one college. 10. When the three classes of cattle are brought in, they shall be placed at least forty feet apart and forty feet from the outside fence. Group A contestants shall be assigned to one class, B to a second class, and C to a third class of animals. All groups shall be notified three minutes before time is up, and when final time is called group A shall move to the second class, B to the third, and C to the first; and when time is called for the last class, A move to third, B to first, and C to second. 11. The contestant shall hand his card, bearing his number, class of animals and placing, to the supervising clerk immediately after he finishes each class. 12. "When the judges have passed upon the rings, the cattle shall then be taken from the arena and group A shall be taken to one 366 STOCK JUDGING CONTEST part of the arena, when each contestant shall be called before the committee of judges, whose duty it is to pass upon the first class of cattle, B before the second committee, and C before the third. When the three groups shall have finished giving reasons for the first class placed, they shall change in the same order as followed in the judging. (6). TIME. 1. In each of the cattle, sheep and swine classes, fifteen minutes shall be allowed the contestant to make his observations, write down his placing, and make such notes as he wishes to assist him in re- membering the class when he goes before the judges; but no con- testant shall be allowed to hold any paper or card, or device, that will assist him while he is giving his reasons before the judges. In the horse classes, twenty minutes shall be allowed to admit of time to move the animals. Horses shall be moved during first five minutes of time at both walk and trot. Each contestant shall appear singly before the judges and be allowed three minutes to give reasons for placing of each ring of animals. The contestant shall write his placing on card, to be handed to the clerk, as soon as he has finished the work of placing the class. FORM OF CARD. Contestant's number Class Placing First; Second; Third; Fourth Card shall be four inches by two and one-half inches. (7) CLASSES AND METHOD OF NUMBERING. 1. Four animals shall constitute a class. 2. No exhibitor or owner shall have more thah one animal in any one class. 3. The horses, cattle and sheep shall be numbered by placing a card on the holder of the animal. These cards shall be numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, or lettered A, B, C, D, as the larger numbers would give the student too much to do in remembering them and take too much time to see them. The pigs shall be numbered by sticking large gummed labels bear- ing the number on both the shoulder and the rump. 4. All newspaper men, officials and others, except the superin- tendent, his assistants, the judges, policemen, and holders of stock, shall be excluded from the ring while the contest is in progress. STOCK JUDGING COKTEST 367 The following program shall be followed, beginning Saturday, November 27, 1909, at 8 a. m.: 8:00 — Superintendents give instructions to contestants. 8:15 — Three classes of cattle. 9-11 — Judges hear reasons on placing of beef cattle. 11-12 — Three classes of horses, 12-2 — Contestants give reasons for placing horses. 2-2 : 30— Lunch. 2:30-3:15 — Three classes of sheep. 3:15-5:15 — Contestants give reasons for placing of sheep. 5:15-6 — Three classes of hogs. 6-8 — Contestants give reasons for placing hogs. you want something strictly prime in extreme weight drafters for show purposes or sad= diers, call on J. C. Caldwell MECHANICSVILLE I O W A Establisbed 1871 38 years of honest, s eady growth and still growing WAYNE & LOW Commission mcrcbants for tbc sale of buncr, eggs, poultry, veal, hide$, wool, green and dried fruits, potatoes in car lots, etc. Ng s« Ng v< Ample Capital — — Good Ability — — Financial Responsibility 185 S. Water Street CMICAQO, - ILLINOIS BEPERBNCB : ; Corn Exchange National Bank National Produce Bank The Chioago Voterinary Colloge 3533-35-37-39 State Street CHICAGO, ILL. Organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, 1883 Regular session commences on or about September 15, in each year. For prospectus giving all in- formation as to curriculum, fees, etc., address the Presi- dent. JOSEPH HUGHES, M.R.C.V.S. 3537 STATE STREET CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS VESEY'S STAR ANTI-GHOLERA FOR HOGS Cures Disease, Insures Health Aids Digestion, Saves Feed Makes Flesh and Gro-wth Deposit money with any live stock com- mission firm on guarantee if you prefer. S9.00 per dozen bottles ^SOO per half dozen bottles ANTI-CHOLERA COMPANY Union Stock Yards. Chicago 368 ENTRIES IN STOCK JUDGING CONTEST 369 ENTRIES IN STOCK JUDQINQ CONTEST. ALL CLASSES. IOWA STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AMES, IOWA. R. W. Cassady J. I. Thompson Howard Vaughn O. D. Baker M. G. Thornburg KANSAS STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, MANHATTAN, KAN. 0. J. Ostland L. C. Archer T. W. Hall Harlan Deaver W. L. Blizzard T. E. Clarke MISSOURI UNIVERSITY, COLUMBIA, MO. L. A. Weaver John E. Ryland B. P» Smoot T. R. Douglas C. M. McWilliams H. H. Hackedorn Walter Williams NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY, LINCOLN, NEB. Carl Broderick V. S. Culver Ray H. Camp Ivan McKellup A. D. Middleton Otto Liebers OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Orrville W. Reagin L. L. Mowls Thos. D. Phillips Don C. Mote George A. Dix ONTARIO AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, GUELPH, ONT. W. E. J. Edwards W. R. Reek O. C. White R. L. Moorhouse A. M. Shaw TEXAS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, COLLEGE STATION, TEX. B. Gist K. M. Trigg A. L. Ward C. H. Menke B. L. Bing M. M. Coleman Chicago Breaking Carts Safe Sure Showy Strong YLet Him Kick 33 When you use the ^^Chicago^^ Breaking Carts you arc out of danger because the horse can^t reach you* Call at our factory opposite Drovers^ Journal Build- ing and see how we make them* Special low prices during the Exposition Chicago Merchandise and Equipment Go. Union Stocic Yards, CHICAGO 370 371 J. OQDEN ARMOUR SCHOLARSHIPS. J. Ogden Armour's award of $5,000 for twenty Agricultural College Scholarships will be distributed at the 1908 International Live Stock Exposition in the following manner: 1. To the college whose team does the most efficient work In the Students' Judging Contest, on Horses 1 Cattle 1 Sheep 1 Hogs 1 Grains and feed and forage exhibit 1 To the college whose team does the most efficient work in all of the classes .1 2. The remaining fourteen scholarships will be distributed on the basis of cash prizes won by the colleges in the open classes for In- ternational Exposition money only; the money of the Exposition that is won on the grain and forage exhibit not to be counted in this item. 3. The number of scholarships that can be allotted to any one school is restricted to 40 per cent of the whole. 4. These twenty scholarships of $250.00 each must, in accordance with Mr. Armour's wishes, be awarded unconditionally to twenty de- serving young men who would otherwise not be able to secure a scientific training in agriculture or animal husbandry; and this money must, under no conditions, be divided among a greater number. 5. It has been suggested that better results could be attained if the students favored with the Armour scholarships be paid this money in quarterly installments, and this suggestion meets with the approval of the committee in charge of this matter. : 372 GENERAL INDEX GENERAL INDEX A Aberdeen-Angus (Breeding) 103 Aberdeen-Angus (Fat) .• 164 Any Breed, Pure-Bred, Grade or Cross : 181 Any Age, Breed, Grade or Cross 295 Association Meetings 21 J. Ogden Armour Scholarships 371 B Bank 35 Belgians 342 Berkshires (Breeding) - 256 Berkshires (Fat) 284 C Carload (Cattle Division) 189 Carload (Sheep Division) 248 Carload (Swine Division) 298 Cattle Department 61 Cattle Division 355 Champion by Ages 184 Chester White (Breeding) 267 Chester White (Fat) 288 Cheviot Sheep (Breeding) 222 Cheviot Sheep (Fat) 234 Clydesdale 319 College and Experiment Station Stock 355 Cotswold STieep (Breeding) 210 Cotswold Sheep (Fat) 236 Customs 37 D Denver Stock Yard Specials , 19 1 Directors 7 Dorset Sheep (Breeding) 216 Dorset Sheep (Fat) 238 Draft Horses in Harness 350 Dressed Carcasses (Sheep) 247 Dressed Carcasses (Swine) 296 Duroc- Jersey (Breeding) 262 Duroc-Jersey (Fat) 286 E Entries /c 67 Entries in Stock Judging Contest 369 GENERAL INDEX 373 F Fat Cattle Division 159 Fat Sheep Division 231 Freight Office 35 G Galloway (Breeding) 137 Galloway (Fat) 171 General Information 33 General Rules and Regulations 41 Grades and Cross-Breds (Cattle) 176 Grades and Cross-Breds (Sheep) 24? Grades and Cross-Breds (Swine) 293 Grand Champion (Cattle) 185 Grand Champion (Sheep) 246 Grand Champion (Swine) 295 H Hampshire Sheep (Breeding) 203 Hampshire STieep (Fat) 233 Hampshire Swine (Breeding) 271 Hampshire Swine (Fat) " 289 Herdsman's Medal of Honor 63 Hereford (Breeding) 123 Hereford (Fat) 169 Horse Department 301 J Judges 13 Judges for College Classes 21 Judging Program 25 Judging Contest (Live Stock) 363 L Leicester Sheep (Breeding) 223 Leicester Sheep (Fat) 240 Levering Special 232 Lincoln Sheep (Breeding) 214 Lincoln Sheep (Fat) 237 Long Wool Types 245 M Medium Wool Types 242 Meetings 19 O Officers of International Live Stock Exposition 7 Oxford Sheep (Breeding) 207 Oxford Sheep (Fat) , , , . , 235 374 • GENERAL INDEX ] P Poland-China (Breeding) 252 Poland-China (Fat) 283 Polled Durham (Breeding) 153 Polled Durham (Pat) 174 Percheron 301 Post Office 33 Program 25 R Rambouillet Sheep (Breeding) 225 Rambouillet STieep (Pat) .■ 241 Red Polled (Breeding) 144 Red Polled (Fat) 173 Rule 45 51 Rules and Regulations 41 S Sales of Breeding Stock 23. Sheep Department 197 Sheep Division 359 Shires 331 Shorthorn (Breeding) 67 Shorthorn (Fat) 159 STiropshire Sheep (Breeding) 197 Shropshire Sheep (Fat) 231 Slaughter Tests (Cattle) 185 Southdown Sheep (Breeding) 219 Southdown Sheep (Fat) 239 Special Rule Governing Exhibits 51 Stock Judging 363 Students' Judging Contest 19 Superintendents of Departments 11 Suffolk Sheep (Breeding) 206 Suffolk Sheep (Fat) 241 Swenson Bros'. Specials 194 Swift & Co., Specials 296 Swine — Car Lots 298 Swine Department 251 Swine Division 361 T Tamworth (Breeding) 275 Tamworth (Fat) 291 Telegraph 35 Train Service • 9 Transportation • • • 33 Y Yorkshire (Large) (Breeding) .' .278 Yorkshire (Large) (Fat) .292 Suburban Stables High-Class Horses Bought, Sold and Exchanged Developing Speed and Fitting Market Horses a Specialty. Horses Fitted and Sold on Commission. I Can Furnish the Horse You Wish. I Can Secure a Purchaser for Those You Have. I am situated in a location second to none in the United States in the production of high-class horses of all kinds, and am in a position to furnish any particular type of a horse that you may de- sire at a very reasonable price, and if you wish to buy, sell or exchange a really good horse, or if you have one you wish trained, raced or fitted for market, kindly bear in mind that my location, together with my acquaintance and reputation among horsemen is worthy of your consideration. TERMS REASONABLE. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. JOS. HALL, H. S., Prop., Mansfield, Ohio Residence and Stables: 648 SPRING MILL ST., (Adjoining Fair Grounds) Local and Long Distance Telephones Blabelv Printing CHICAGO 375 376 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS INDEX TO ADVERTISERS A Alexander, Ward & Conover 250 American Steel & Wire Co Fourth Cover Page American Trust & Savings Bank 195 Anti-Cholera 36S Armour & Co 40 Arms Palace Horse Car Co 188 B Best & Russell Ca ^. 188 Bishop & Co., A 36 Blakely Printing Co 249 Briggs Hotel Co 78 Breen & Kennedy 62 Buehl-Hayes Sifferman (S. Y. Harness & Saddlery Co.) 82, 230 Burley & Co 1 C Caldwell, J. C 368 Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co J 6 Clay, Robinson & Co 60 Chapin, S. B 56 Chicago City Railway Co 34 Chicago Horse Sale Co 92 Chicago Merchandise & Equipment Co 370 Chicago Scale Co 50 Chicago Telephone Co 54 Chicago Veterinary College 368 Congress Hotel 20 Consumers' Co 42 Continental Bolt & Iron Works 188 Cozzens, Sam 158 D Davies Supply Co 82 Dayton Pitless Scale Co 74 Didkenson Co., Albert 30 Drovers' Deposit National Bank Third Cover Page Drovers' Journal 362 E Ellsworth & McNair 158 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 377 F Farwell Co., John V 32 Erickson, John J 300 Fairbanks, Morse & Co 66 First National Bank of Chicago 64 Fos*er-Burns Co Il96 Franklin, H. B., & Co 78 Franklin & Co., B. T 68 H Hall's Remedy House 379 Hall, Jos 375 Heileman Brewing Co 80 Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co 380 Hildebrand, Robt. F , 78 Hines Lumber Co Second Cover Page Hotel Majestic 160 Hotel Veley 54 Hurd Land Co., Burton D 88 I Independent Packing Co 82 K Kaiserhof Hotel 36 Kellogg Switchboard & Supply Co 42 Kiper & Son, L 42 L Lehon & Co 90, 282 Lebolt & Co 6 La Salle Hotel 72 Libby, McNeil & Libby 3 Live Stock Exchange National Bank 86 Live Stock World 299 M McClurg, A. C 195 McCoy's Hotel 84 McVicker's Theatre 36 Metropolitan Electric Supply Co 158 Miller & Hart 84 Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard 52 Morris & Co 26 Murray, Tom 70 N National City Bank of Chicago 54 National Malleable Castings Co 380 Nyberg Automobile Works 46 378 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS o Ortmayer & Son 42 P Peabody Coal Co 354 Peacock, C, D 8 Puhl-Webb Company 44 Pulverized Manure Co 76 R Radtke, R. C. & Co * 84 Reid, Murdoch & Co , 22 Rittenhouse & Embree 18 Ryerson & Son, Jas, T 368 S Salisbury & Co., W. H 158 Saratoga Hotel 84 Schvp'arzscliild & Sulzberger 250 Sears, Roebuck & Co 28 Scully Steel & Iron Co 82 Seipp, Conrad, Brew^ing Co 48 Shayne, John T., & Co 56 Sheldon, G. W., & Co 160 South Side Elevated Ry. Co , 38 Spaulding & Co. 24 Sprague, Warner & Co 70 Sproul Company, E. W 58 Stevens, Chas. A 14 Swift & Co 2 Schwabacher & Co 353 Stock Yards Harness & Saddlery Co 82, 230 Street's Western Stable Car Lane 188 Stuart, Robert 160 T The Fair 12 The Hub - 10 Thomas Moulding Co .' 78 Tice, F B 196 W Wayne & Lowe 368 Wisconsin Bridge & Iron Co 249 Wood Bros 62 IT DON'T COST A CENT FOR YOU TO TEST ''Hall's Absorptive" The Quickest, Safest, Surest I am bound to convince every horse owner that I have the greatest remedy ever known for removing blemishes, and if I can induce you to give it a trial, I am confident I can convince you just as I have over 7,000 other good horse men who have used it successfully during the past three years that it has been upon the market, and in order to do this, and to prove that I have exactly what I represent, I Will Send One Package Upon 30 Days' Trial to every horseowner who will agree to give it a thorough test upon "A Bowed, Weak or Fevered Tendon," Weak, Enlarged or Cocked Ankles, Bog Spavin, Thoroughpin, Ring or Side Bone, Curb, Splint, Wind Puffs, Capped Hock, Shoe Boil, Cancerous Tumor, Fistula, Poll Evil, Or Any Hard or Soft Enlargement (excepting bone spavin). All I ask is that you agree to use one-half the contents of the package upon Any One of the above blemishes that I have named, and that you will agree to either send me $1.00 in payment for same or return the balance of the remedy at the expiration of 30 days, a,nd in this way, you have ample time and the use of a sufficient amount of the remedy to satisfy yourself whether or not it is as I represent, and I leave it to your own good judgment whether or not I could afford to do this if I did not know that this remedy would do exactly as I represent. It Is Different From Anything You Ever Used. If you have never used "Hall's Absorptive" you have never used anything like it, as it differs from all other remedies now upon the market, both in substance and effect, and it is not a mere combination of iodine, Cantharides or Mercury such as compose most of the dangerous so-called "Spavin Cures" and "Blisters" now so much advertised, but, instead, is one of the mildest and most powerful absorbing agents known to the medical profession. It Will Not Destroy the Hair or Cause Any Sore and you can work the horse right along while using- it, and you need not apply it for several days before you can observe results, as its action is noticeable within 24 hours after the first application. This remedy is not an "experiment," as it is now used by many of the very best horsemen in the world, and has been used for the past two years in Mr. Rockefeller's stables at "Rockwood Hall," Tarrytown, N. Y.,, and I will just add that I have sold Mr. Rockefeller over $150 worth during the past 2 years, and I am satisfied that a fair trial is all that is necessary in order to convince any intelligent horse owner why gentlemen of Mr. Rockefeller's good judgment are now using it in prefer- ence to all others. I have been engaged in breeding and handling all classes of horses for the past 25 years, and am well known to niost readers of The Ranch who will understand that this is a fair and sqiiare proposition and that I have exactly what I represent. Don't Take a Small Price for an Unsound Horse or Own a Cripple when you can remove his blemishes and thereby increase his value and usefulness many times over with "Hall's Absorptive." The only expense you will have in order to test this remedy will be the transportation charges, and as the express charges vary from 30 to 65 cents, according to the distance it is sent, and as 25 cents will pay for the postage and packing anywhere in the U. S. and Canada, you will understand that it will be cheaper for you to en- close 25 cents and have me send it to you by mail, otherwise please under- stand that I will send it by express and expect you to pay the express charges. Write for Testimonials From Good Horsemen Everywhere. Manufactured only by HALL'S REMEDY HOUSE Dep.394 Mansfield, Ohio 379 CUTLERY AND TOOLS GUARANTEED QUALITY Any article of HARDWARE or CUTLERY bearing the brand "0. V. B." is guaranteed to be of highest quality, materia-l and work- manship, and free from imperfections. THE. National Malleable Castings Company Established in 1873 as the Chicago Malleable Iron Company Refined Malleable Iron Casting's for Every Purpose West Twenty-Sixth and Rockwell Streets CHICAGO, ILL. 380 DROVERS DEPOSIT NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO -Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000.00- The knowledge of immediate and final settlement for shipments of live stock is most important to the shipper and his bank, and when a commission house deposits proceeds of a shipment to the credit of our correspondent for account of its customer the settlement is final and advice immediate. -Resources, $8,000,000.00- OFFICERS. R. T. Forbes, President. John Fletcher, Vice-President. J. C. Morrison, Assistant Cashier. Wm. A. Tilden, Vice-President. Geo. iVl. Benedict, Cashier. H. P. Gates^ Assistant Cashier. Edward Tilden. Wm. A. Tilden. DIRECTORS. L. B. Patterson. M. F. Rittenhouse. R. T. Forbes. AMERICAN A sound sub- stantial,enduring fence, built on the most prac- tical lines and of material adapted for the purpose and thoroughly galvanized. ELLWOOD / ; /// \i{ I am W ' I DEALERS EVERYWHERE. We guarantee Ellwood Fence because we know how it is made. All the resources of th,e greatest steel and wire mills in the world are brought to bear in getting as near perfection as it is possible. SEE THEM. American Steel & Wire Co. CHICAGO NEW YORK DENVER SAN FRANCISCO W^Si^^MW^M Official Catalog W^MB]^MW^M W^^W^M§ Bj^SW^Mw^S ,i
their famiHes and friends are welcome without the remot- est obligation to make a purchase. C.D.PE?\COCK Diamond-Ruby-Pearl-Emerald ^Merchants and Mastercraf tsmen Sg| |jL In the Precious Metals Etc. /"' ' ^m. STATE at ADAMS St: ^'' w JUDGING PROGRAM 27 FRIDAY, December 2: 9 A. M. Polled Durham Breeding Classes. Aberdeen-Angus Breeding Classes, concluded. SHEEP DEPARTMENT. MONt)AY, November 28: 9 A. M. Pure-bred, Grade and Cross-bred Wethers. College Sheep. Clay-Robinson Specials. Note: Fat sheep entered for slaughter must be placed in charge of committee Monday evening, November 28. The hour for slaughter and for awarding prizes on dressed carcasses will be designated by commit- tee in charge. TUESDAY, November 29: 9 A. M. Hampshire Breeding Classes. Dorset Breeding Classes. Leicester Breeding Classes. Carloads Native and Range Sheep. WEDNESDAY, November 30: 9 A. M. Shropshire Breeding Classes. Rambouillet Breeding Classes. THURSDAY, December 1: 9 A. M. Oxford Breeding Classes. Cotswold Breeding Classes. P. M. Southdown Breeding Classes. Lincoln Breeding Classes. SWINE DEPARTMENT. MONDAY, November 28: 9 A. M. Barrows, all Classes. Barrows, College Classes. Clay-Robinson Specials. Note: . Swine entered for slaughter must be placed in charge of committee Monday evening, November 28. The hour for slaughter and Cotton Seed Meal IMPERIAL COTTO BRAND GUARANTEED 41% PROTEIN PROTEIN is the MOST VALUABLE food constituent supplying GROWTH, MUSCLE, BONE and SOLID FLESH. COTTON SEED MEAL is RICHEST IN PROTEIN of any food in the world. IMPERIAL COTTO DAIRY FEED (Guaranteed 15 to 17 per cent Protein.) IMPERIAL COTTO DAIRY FEED produces more MILK and BUTTER FAT than any other feed. IMPERIAL COTTO DAIRY FEED can be fed in com- bination with any other feeds and should be fed 7i lbs. to a feed, or 15 lbs. daily. IMPERIAL COTTO DAIRY FEED is put up in 100- Ib. bags, each bag marked with guaranteed analysis, and can be had of your dealer. TO FEEDERS: The use of the above Feeds means MONEY to YOU. Write for delivered prices at your station. IMPERIAL COTTO MILLING CO. MEMPHIS PEORIA CHICAGO General Sales Office: Live Stock Record Building Long Distance Phone, YARDS 4030 Union StOCk Yards, ChicagO 2§ JUDGING PROGRAM • 29 for awarding prizes on dressed carcasses will be designated by com mittee in charge. TUESDAY, November 29: 9 A. M. Poland-China Breeding Classes. Yorkshire Breeding Classes. WEDNESDAY, November 30: 9 A. M. Berkshire Breeding Classes. Hampshire Breeding Classes. THURSDAY, December 1: 9 A. M. Duroc-Jersey Breeding Classes. Chester White Breeding Classes. HORSE DEPARTMENT. MONDAY, November 28: 9 A. M. Belgians. P. M. Draft Geldings to halter — singles. TUESDAY, November 29: 9 A. M. Percheron and French Draft Horses. P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — pairs. WEDNESDAY, November 30: 9 A. M. Clydesdales. P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — threes. THURSDAY, December 1: 9 A. M. Shires. P. M. Draft Geldings in Harness — fours. WE HAVE ESTABLISHED AND EQUIPPED ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE Seed Laboratories IN THE UNITED STATES AND CAN OFFER GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS TO MEET REQUIREMENTS OF THE Pure Seed Laws OF THE VARIOUS STATES Have Complete Stock, both in MINNEAPOLIS and CHICAGO Clovers — Red, White, Alsyke Millets, Hungarian Alfalfa, Blue Grass Flaxseed, Seed Corn Red Top, Orchard Grass Popcorn, Beans, Peas Dwarf Essex Rapeseed Poultry Food, Grain Bags, etc. THE ALBERT DICKINSON COMPANY Wholesale Seed Merchants MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. Main Office: CHICAGO, ILL. 30 3' GENERAL INFORMATION. The building will be in readiness for the reception of cattle, sheep and. swine any time during the week preceding the Exposition; and barns for horses on and after Thursday preceding the Exposition. The Superintendent of Forage will have feed for all live stock at reasonable prices. Exhibitors will not be allowed to bring hay, bedding or whole grain. Storerooms will be provided, in which all packing and shipping materials must be deposited. Privileges for booths for the sale of refreshments, appropriate useful articles, etc., subject to special contract. Full information thereto fur- nished on application to the General Superintendent. The Express companies will have their offices in the Exposition for the accommodation of those desiring to ship their exhibits by express. All express matter intended to be delivered at the Exposition should be addressed in care of the International , Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chicago. POSTOFFICE. There will be a postoffice in the Information Bureau, where mail will be received and dispatched daily. All mail addressed in care of the Exposition will be found at this office. TRANSPORTATION. Exhibitors can, when shipping, if they so desire, fill out their cars with other cattle, sheep, hogs or horses, to make full loads. Any sur- plus animals not required by the classification can be sold on the reg- ular market, but such surplus must be culled out by the exhibitor before exhibits are delivered to the Exposition. Exhibits should be shipped care of International Live Stock Exposi- tion, and shipping bills mailed to the Superintendent of Transportation, International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. If these instructions are carried out it will insure prompt delivery of all shipments, whether by rail or boat, direct into the Exposition, with- out transfer. A list of Railroad and Steamboat Companies that will make special passenger and freight rates to the Exposition will be furnished on appli- cation to the General Superintendent. CONSIGN YOUR LIVE STOCK. All exhibits can be unloaded from the cars on the Exposition grounds. Merchandise or live stock shipped from any part of the world is run 31 DEPENDON ffosiERY and ^^^^^^^= UNDERWEAR The House of John V. Farwell Company, Chicago, distributers of DEPENDON Hosiery and Under- wear-— WHITE GOODS and other dependable dry goods, has adopted the trade mark DEPENDON as a guarantee of quahty. Consumers observing this trade mark are assured a superlative degree of satisfaction. Any condition to the contrary will be corrected. DEPENDON is used in branding only merchan- dise guaranteed to be absolutely right in quality and price. Careful purchasers can reason that dealers who feature merchandise branded wiih the DEPENDON Trade Mark as dependable are best conserving their customers' interests as well as their own. We do not sell Catalog Houses, have no Retail Store, and sell to merchants only. JOHN V. FARWELL COMPANY MANUFACTURERS IMPORTERS Chinnar^ U/^l4nr F<^Ar FR^ rnNVRRTERS ^lU^U^U WHOLESALERS CONVERTERS 32 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION - 33 direct to the Exposition without transfer. Consign all carload exhibits in care of International Live Stock Exposition, Union Stock Yards, Chi- cago, III., and for the pure-bred and sale division consign to International Live Stock Exposition, Express Chutes, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, III. RAILWAY FREIGHT OFFICE. The Superintendent of Transportation, at his office, will be prepared to quote lowest tariff rates and to bill freight for shipment (at the close of the Exposition) to any point in the world, a facility every exhibitor will appreciate. RAILWAY TICKET OFFICE. Railway and Steamboat lines will have ticket offices and agents in the Exposition, where full information may be obtained as to routes and the necessary tickets obtained at the lowest prices. VISITORS. Ladies and gentlemen may be assured of finding in the buildings everything necessary to the convenience and comfort of young and old during the Exposition. Ample restaurant and lunch rooms, managed by experienced caterers, will serve meals and refreshments during hours of exhibition at rea- sonable rates. A barber shop, wash rooms and parcel rooms for the deposit of satchels, cloaks, etc., and in charge of responsible parties, are conven- iently located for the accommodation of the visitors. The hotels of the city, ample for any occasion, will not exceed their regular rates, and the city authorities will co-operate with the management of the Exposition in every practicable manner to insure the safety and contribute to the pleasure of the visitors. BUREAU OF INFORMATION. There will be a free bureau of information in the main building, where all questions will be cheerfully answered; where catalogues may be obtained, and where a list of rooming places is kept. However, while the utmost care is used with reference to location in listing the latter, the Exposition will not in any way assume responsibility in con- nection with the assignment of rooms. BANK. The Live Stock Exchange National Bank will have a representative at the Exposition to care for all legitimate needs of properly identified visitors and exhibitors. TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Telegraph companies will have branch offices at the Exposition for the transaction of telegraphic business over their lines and connections. ALL LINES OF THE CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY COMPANY LEAD TO THE STOCK SHOW Clean, warm and commodious coaches, running at frequent intervals, take you to the doors of the exposi- tion buildings WITHOUT CLIMBING, WAITING or WALKING. FARE 5 CENTS— UNIVERSAL TRANSFERS. The Company, since it began its work of rehabih- tation in the Stock Yards district on June 16, 1907, has expended millions of dollars for betterments and is giving this city the best street car service in the country. The system has been modernized throughout and represents the highest skill in electric railway construction. Stock Show visitors can best see 'the South Side through car windows of the City Railway Company. OUR SHOW IS OUR SERVICE 34 Jl INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 35 TELEPHONE STATIONS. There will be public Telephone Stations at the Exposition, afEording unexcelled service. UNITED STATES CUSTOMS. Exhibits from Canada, or any other foreign country, will be ad- mitted in bond, with no charge for import duties unless sold in this country. All exhibits from Canada (or other foreign countries) of any nature whatsoever, shipped by freight or express, may be consigned to Geo. W. Sheldon & Co., Customs Brokers, 98 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, who will, at reasonable cost, attend to entering the same in bond. Foreign exhibitors are advised that bonds are required on entry of exhibits into the United States, and also on their return (i. e., the United States Customs require both import and export bonds). It will be necessary to bond all horses, cattle, sheep, swine, or any other animal, article or commodity. Parties who accompany their consignment will find the Government Customs officials courteous and accommodating, and by extending to them 'the same fair treatment consignors will have no very great diffi- culty in personally supervising the passage of their exhibits through the customs at the frontier. Railway companies also have special customs agents at ports of entry, who' cheerfully assist shippers. Consignments may be shipped to the "custom agent" (of the railway transporting ex- hibit) at the port shipment is destined to enter the United States, which agent will attend to entering the same as shipper's broker. The names of such agents, terms, etc., will be furnished by local railway agents. Shippers will be required to procure consular invoice of the Consul nearest the point of shipment. Each shipment must be accompanied by duplicate shipping receipts to read: (Name of Shipper.) Live stock exhibitors desiring to dispose of their exhibits in the United States are advised that the customs law does not allow entries to be made for breeding purposes unless accompanied by duly authenti- cated consular invoice; certificates of identification, signed and sworn to by the importer, the certified pedigree of the animal, and certificate of registry of the same in the book of record recognized for that breed; and not then, unless it is clearly proved that the special purpose for which they are being imported is for breeding. (This will apply to all animals above named.) The following is an extract taken from Circular No. 10, Division of Customs, United States Treasury Department, under date of Washing- ton, D. C, January 22, 1892: "It having been ascertained that registers have been established for =i* Visiting Stockmen WEAR STETSON HATS $5 to $12 Nowhere in Chicago can so com- plete and comprehensive a line be found as at the OLD RELI- ABLE FUR AND HAT STORE A. BISHOP & CO. 156 State Street, Established i860 CHICAGO Catalog Free. <.Expert Matter Senice Here) 'ji SCats?rl|of 270 Clark St, Chicago European Hotel Our Dining Rooms are the finest and most attractive in the city. ROESSLER & TEICH, Proprietors McVICKER'S The Safest Theatre in the World- -40 Exits ALL THIS WEEK Matinees Wednesday and Saturday The Thrill Play of the Year Wm. A. Brady (Ltd.) Presents Edward Sheldon's Powerful Race Problem Play of the South The Nigger The New Theatre Go's Greatest Dramatic Success with GUY BATES POST In his Original Character PRICES 25c, SOc, 7Sc, $1.00 36 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 37 the sole object of making cross-bred and mongrel animals eligible for free entry into the United States, and as paragraph 482 of the Act of October 1, 1890, provides that no animal shall be admitted free unless pure bred of a recognized breed, the object of the law being, in the opinion of the Department, and the Department of Agriculture, to ex- clude from free entry animals not absolutely and strictly pure bred, it is hereby directed that on and after April 1, 1892, no animal which is brought into the United States from foreign countries for breeding pur- poses shall be admitted free of duty, unless the importer furnishes a certificate which shall contain a pedigree in the form hereafter given, showing that all the ancestors have been recorded in a book of record established for that breed, for five generations on the side of the sire and four on the side of the dam, together with the affidavit of the owner, agent or importer that such animal is the identical animal described in said certificate of record and pedigree. Unless such certificate of pedigree is produced, therefore, the animal shall be considered dutiable, as not being pure bred of a recognized breed and duly registered in the book of record established for that breed. "In case such certificates are not at hand at the time of the arrival of the animals, and other evidence is produced, satisfactory to the Col- lector, showing that the animals are entitled to free entry, the Collector may so admit them, taking a bond in double the value of the animals for the production of the proper certificates. "The law requires that all cattle, hogs and sheep imported into the United States shall be carefully inspected by the Veterinary Inspector of the Bureau of Animal Husbandry; and animals found to be free from disease and not to have been exposed to contagious disease, will be admitted into the United States on complying with the other customs regulations." Any further information that is required will be furnished by Cus- toms Broker. All charges for customs and brokerage must be borne by the ex- hibitor. Late customs regulations furnished on ^application. Headquarters for Stockmen Hotel Orant In the Heart of Chicago LEONARD HICKS, GEORGE F . ROBERTS, Prop. & Mgr. Asst. Mgr. EUROPEAN PLAN ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF 2SO ROOMS— $1 Per Day and Up. Madison & Dearborn Sts., Chicago DRINK Schlitz 'THE BEER THAT MADE MILWAUKEE FAMOUS'' L. KIPER & SONS Manufachire a large and popular line of HARNESS ^^^ Riding Saddles, Collars AND EVERYTHING IN THE SADDLERY LINE (AT WHOLESALE) ^'l CONGRESS AND PEORIA STREETS CHICAGO Established 1853 Incorporated 1886 A. ORTMAYER & SON WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN SADDLERY Largest and Oldest Manufacturers of Saddles and Outfits 157-169 W. Illinois Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 38 General Rules and Regulations. Exhibitors are requested to familiarize tiiemselves with all the rules of this Exposition in Classes and Departments applicable to their Exhibits. IMPORTANT RULE. Any protest as to eligibility on account of age of animals entered in the fat classes of the Exposition must be filed with the General Superintendent prior to the day on which they are to be judged. Infor- mation concerning the class in which any animal or carload is entered can be had at the general office of the Exposition. Specifications show- ing ages of cattle by dentition is given hereunder for the benefit of exhibitors. Specifications showing teeth of cattle at ages described, which is adopted as a basis for determining ages of cattle. Twelve Months — An animal of this age shall have all its milk (calf) incisor teeth in place. Fifteen. Months — ^At this age center pair of incisor milk teeth may be replaced by center pair of permanent incisors (pinchers), the latter teeth being through the gums but not yet in wear. Eighteen Months — The middle pair of permanent incisors at this age should be fully up and in wear, but next pair (first intermediate) not yet cut through gums. Twenty-four Months — The mouth at this age will show two middle per- manent (broad) incisors fully up and in wear, and next pair (first intermediate) well up but not in wear. Thirty Months — The mouth at this age may show six broad permanent incisors, the middle and first intermediate pairs fully up and in wear, and the next pair (second intermediate) well up but not in wear. Thirty-six Months — Three pairs of broad teeth should be fully up and In wear, and the corner milk teeth may be shed or shedding, with the corner permanent teeth just appearing through the gums. Thirty-nine Months — Three pairs of broad teeth will be fully up and in wear, and corner teeth (incisors) through gums but not in wear. 39 WAGNER BREEDING CALENDAR Just as important as the Show. Gives you date of cattle, hog or sheep arrival. Take one home. Call 98-99-100 Board of Trade or Phone your address to Wabash 2388 E. W. WAGNER & CO. Established 24 years. At your service— now. While attending the stock ex- position, do not forget to visit Chicago's other show place. Ring Joy Co Beautiful in appointment. Elegant cuisine and excellent service. Both American and Chinese bill of fare. Vocal and Orchestral Music. 100 RANDOLPH ST. CHAN PAK sun, Manager 100-102 RANDOLPH STREET OPPOSITE THE OARRICK THEATRB pHONc- Ckntpal 6876 WEBB'S GAS ROASTED COFFEE The highest degree of perfection in the art of coffee blending is exempHfied in Webb's Gas Roasted Coffee. Used exclusively by the finest houses and a demand from your dealer will bring it to your town, prices from 25c. to 40c. per pound. PUHL WEBB COMPANY IMPORTERS and ROASTERS 624-2 8 Randolph Street - - CHICAGO. ILLINOIS 40 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION • 41 International Live Stock Exposition. Rule 1. An exhibitor who violates any of the following rules will forfeit all privileges and premiums and he subject to such penalty as the Executive Committee may order. Rule 2. All exhibitis will be under the control and direction of the General Superintendent, but the Exposition will in no case be responsi- ble for any loss or damage that may occur. Each exhibitor will be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss, injury or damage done to, or occasioned by, or arising from, any animal or article exhib- ited by him, and for its description as given in the catalogue, and shall indemnify the Exposition against all legal or other proceedings in regard thereto. Rule 3. This Exposition reserves to its Executive Committee the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and regulations, and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions or difference in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of, or connected with, or inci- dent to, the Exposition. Rule 4. The Exposition reserves the right to amend or add to these rules as the Executive Committee in its judgment may determine. ENTRIES. Rule 5. All applications for entries must be made out on printed forms and in accordance with instructions on same, giving class, num- ber, age, record number, and all other necessary information. These forms, after being signed by the exhibitor, are to be filed in the office of the Secretary of the Exposition on or before November 1. This applies to all entries except carloads, which must be entered on or before November 19, and "short-fed specials," for which application for entry must be made prior to August 15. In all cases the right is re- served to reject entirely or accept conditionally any entry for appli- cation. Rule 6. Entries free, but in all cases animals are subject to the stall and pen fees provided for by the special rules in their respective sec- tions of this list and the fees for space must in all cases accompany the application for entry. Rule 7. To be eligible for competition, whether singly or in groups, animals must be the bona fide property of exhibitors, and all animals entered for competition, except where otherwise specified, must be owned by exhibitor at the time of making entry, except the animals in carload lots (see rules governing carload entries), and registry certifi- cate of ownership or transfer must be produced, if required, showing the exhibitor to be the owner. In the classes of "Get of Sire" and "Produce of Dam" ownership shall not be required. Animals to compose a competitive group need not be named in application for entry, but must be selected by exhibitor. A Missouri man asked his Kansas cousin why it was that Missouri stood at the head as the Mule raising state. The Kansas man repHed: "Because it is the only safe place to stand." You never heard of the hide of a mule raising a kick, neither is there any chance for a kick on MULE-HIDE Rubber Roofing. All the kicks and all the weak spots of other roofings are taken out, nothing is left in but wear, durability and satisfaction. If you have been looking for a good, serviceable roofing for your house, barn or cattle sheds, you need not look any further ; MULE-HIDE is the one roofing you need and want. The prices are reasonable, too: One Ply, - $1.75 per square I Two Ply, - $2.50 per square ! Three Ply, - $3.25 per square With freight allowed. MULE-HIDE can be used over old shingles, and extralonggalvanized nailsforthis purpose will be sent without addi- tional charge when asked for. Figure up the size of your buildings and send us your order for MULE-HIDE, the kind that will give you steady TIME DEFYING PRODUCE theLEHONco CHICASO tny Glass |ough, |ime-|ried and |rue service. Uivioiv s'Took: ^s^^?^i«i>® 42 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 43 Rule 8. Firms and co-partnersliips entering animals for competition must be in existence at the time of making entry, and in all cases must be bona fide, and affidavits of the age of firms may be required by the management. Rule 9. An animal can compete in more than one class, and for any and every purse in sweepstake groups or specials to which they are eligible under the classification. The rules are sq arranged as to enable every exhibitor to easily determine to which class his exhibits are eligible. Rule 10. All entries will be inserted in the annual catalogue, and exhibitors on their arrival at the Exposition will receive, on application to their respective association secretaries, tags with duplicate numbers to correspond with the catalogue number, which must be fastened in the most conspicuous part of the stalls, pens or place where exhibit is shown. Rule 11. If it is desired, the exhibitor may state in the entry the price for which he will sell his 'animal. This price shall be inserted in the catalogue, but all sales will be between the owner, or his rep- resentative, and the purchaser. The Exposition will not interfere or assume apy responsibility. Rule 12. No person having entered anything for competition will be allowed to make substitution of animals or otherwise change the entry after ten days prior to the opening day of the Exposition, except as noted in Rule 13, nor may anyone refuse any premiums awarded, and the prize, ribbons and commendation cards must be displayed during the Exposition. Rule 13. Exhibits that have been erroneously entered may, in the discretion of the General Superintendent, be transferred to their proper classes previous to the judging. If such classes have been judged they shall not be reopened. EXHIBITORS. Rule 14. After having properly entered their animals, exhibitols must themselves see to their delivery to the Steward of the appropriate department, so that their exhibits may be in their places properly ticketed and ready for competition by 9 a. m. Monday of the Exposi- tion. They are likewise required to attend to their articles or animals while on exhibition, and answer such questions as the judges may deem essential to a correct estimate of their relative value. Rule 15. All articles and animals for exhibition, except carlots of fat stock (see Special Rule), must be in their places^ with all rubbish and waste cleared away, at 9 a. m. of the opening day of the Exposi- tion, and entered in the name of the real owner, to remain on the grounds to the close of the Exposition. Any violation of this rule will . cause a forfeiture of all premiums earned by the exhibitors. Rule 16. Exhibitors are prohibited from using blankets or covers on their stock between the hours of 7 and 11 each day of the Exposi- INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 45 tion, except in the carload lots, where the hours will be from 9 to 4. Rule 17. Exhibitors of live stock are requested to decorate their quarters as tastily as possible, and must keep that part of the building occupied by them neat and attractive in appearance. This will not only be to the general advantage of the Exposition, but will prove a strong factor in impressing each individual exhibit upon the minds of the visi- tors and buyers. Rule 18. No attendant or other person leading animals will be allowed to enter arena unless properly uniformed. Rule 19. A great educational feature of this Exposition is its even- ing showis and parades of approved live stock by breeds and ages. Notice of time and places of parades will be announced by bulletins and stewards. Exhibitors refusing for any cause not meeting with the ap- proval of the management to lead out their animals for parade or for competition In the show ring when called by the Stewards in charge, will not only forfeit all prizes previously won, but be debarred from further participation in the Show and required to remove their stock from the Show grounds within six hours after such refusal. The Exec- utive Committee may further impose such additional penalty as in its judgment the case deserves. - Rule 20. No person other than those holding animals being exhib- ited will be allowed in the show ring during the time of judging, except the Superintendent of the division, the Judge and officially accredited reporters. This rule will be rigidly enforced. Rule 21. No animal shall be considered by Awarding Committee whose attendant is not wearing tag during competition. This tag will show the number, age and official weight of competing animal. Rule 22. An exhibitor wishing to remove an exhibit for -the night must apply to the General Superintendent; and, if there appears to be good reason for the removal, it may be effected by leaving a suitable deposit and receiving an official pass, the time of leaving and that of returning to be inserted thereon; and, if the exhibit be not duly re- turned, the deposit will be forfeited to the Exposition. Rule 23. Exhibitors will not be allowed to deliver animals or arti- cles during the Exposition without special permission (though they may receive and book orders), nor will they be permitted to call atten- tion to their wares in any noisy or disorderly manner, and only such signs and placards may be used as the General S'uperintendent shall approve and allow. Rule 24. Any false representation, interference or ungentlemanly conduct on the part of an exhibitor will be dealt with by the Executive Committee according to the equities of the case. Rule 25. All protests must be in writing, and accompanied by a deposit of $20, which will be forfeited if protest is not sustained. Such protest must state plainly the cause of complaint or appeal, and must be dehvered to the General Superintendent within six hours after the occasion for such protest. CHICAGO SCALE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF U. S. STANDARD SCALES BEST SCALES MADE FOR Stock, Hay, Grain and Merchandise Strong Accurate Durable Officiat Scales at all Fat Stock Shows Highest Premiums Awarded at all Expositions ONLY SCALES MADE ARRANGED TO HANG IN SOLID STEEL FRAMES Steel Frames Furnished for Old Scales — Our Make 5-Ton PItless Scales, Channel Steel Frames Only ones that are reliable and durable Royal Adjustable Rack, opens without removing Fire-Proof Safes and Trucks. Circulars, Price Lists and any information upon application t02t Jackson Bouievarit Ghicago, Illinois 46 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 47 Rule 26. No appeal of, or appeal from, an award based upon a statement that the Judge or Judges have overlooked an animal or arti- cle will be considered by the Executive Committee. Rule 27. The primary object of this Exposition is to encourage the breeding and feeding of improved breeds of live stock for well-defined, practical purposes. Regard will be had to symmetry, size, form, action, constitution, vigor and general characteristics of the various breeds, with reasonable allowances for age, but due regard will also be paid to heads, and that graceful carriage, style and general refinement that denotes breed, character — points which, while not weighing on the "scale," add value to animals when being sold for breeding purposes. And, in groups, encouragement will be given to uniformity of breed type. Rule 28. The Exposition debars and will to the utmost of its power discourage and prohibit the exhibition of barren animals in the breed- ing classes. Rule 29. The Exposition reserves the right to discriminate against both excessive obesity, which cannot be a profitable condition for breed- ing animals, and excessive leanness, in which condition animals are unfit for exhibition. Rule 30. For the purpose of determining the age of cattle shown in this exhibition, the official plates of mouths, shown in catalogue, will be considered as normal mouths. Where the mouths of animals exhibited in the cattle divisions do not conform to these plates, satis- factory evidence of the age of the animal must be produced by the exhibitor, and in case of protest in the breeding cattle division the same rule shall apply. Rule 31. The General Superintendent will appoint veterinary sur- geons and such other assistants as may be necessary. The veterinary surgeon shall cause all animals to be examined before their admission to the grounds, as a safeguard against infectious or contagious dis- eases, and shall make inspection of the grounds, stables, stalls and pens and make report in writing to the General Superintendent of the condition in which said grounds, stables, stalls and pens are kept. In case of sickness of any animal, the same shall be removed when or- dered by the General Superintendent to a separate inclosure, where the exhibitor may either direct the treatment of the animal himself, or em- ploy a veterinary surgeon appointed for that purpose, for whose services and other necessary expenses incurred a reasonable charge will be made by the Exposition. The right is reserved to the General Superintendent to order the peremptory removal from the grounds of any animal to which this rule applies. JUDGES. Judges are earnestly requested to familiarize themselves with all the rules and reguJatlpng pf thlis JCxpositJon, and tP especially isark tbpse MOORE, CASE LYMAN & HUBBARD INSURANCE COMPANIES REPRESENTED Hartford Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford ' Phoenix Insurance Co. of Hartford National Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Mechanics Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Lumbermens Insurance Co. of Philadelphia Peoples National Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia St. Paul Fire Insurance Co. of St. Paul Equitable Fire and Marine Insurance Co. of Providence, R. I. Citizens Insurance Company of St. Louis London Assurance Corporation of England German Fire Insurance Co. of Wheeling National Lumber Insurance Co. of Buffalo Central National Fire, Chicagoo Standard Accident Insurance Co. Detroit {Liability and Personal Accident Ins.) Massachusetts Bonding & Insurance Co, (Bonds and Burglary) MOORE, CASE, LYMAN & HUBBARD INSURANCE 159 La Salle Street, Chicago, III, TELEPHONE-CENTRAL 311 48 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 49 rules bearing on the classes to be adjudicated by them. Ignorance of the rules is inexcusable in a Judge. Rule 32. The single judge system is the policy of this Exposition, and, in every case, the judge is selected with the utmost care, and, as far as possible, will be of national reputation. Rule 33. The time at which the Judges will pass upon the different classes is announced in the catalogue, and will be on bulletin boards conspicuously posted. Any exhibit not presented promptly on schedule time will be ruled out and debarred from competition in the class called. Rule 34. No animal will be awarded a prize unless removed from its stall or pen and exhibited with catalogue number attached before the Judge in the show ring. Rule 35. Judges must not award a prize to an unworthy exhibit. It is the intention of the Exposition that no premium or distinction of any kind shall be given any animal or article that is not deserving. Judges are also requested to discriminate against animals upon which a surgi- cal operation has been performed to improve their "show" appearance. These rules must be strictly adhered to, whether there is competition or not. Rule 36. Where there are fewer entries in class than number of premiums offered, Judges may, in their discretion, award a prize or prizes of such grade as the animal or article deserves. Rule 37. Where there is no competition, the first prize, on merit, will be awarded. Where there is competition, all prizes may be awarded. Rule 38. Judges shall report to the Division Superintendent any exhibitor or exhibitors who in any way, whether in person or by agents or servants, interfere with them during their adjudication, or show any disrespect to them, whereupon the Division Superintendent shall, at his discretion, demand a proper apology from such exhibitor, or he may exclude such from competition, and the Exposition may withhold from such exhibitors any premiums that have been awarded them. Rule 39. The decision of the Judges shall be final in all cases, except where mistake, fraud, misrepresentation or collusion, not discov- ered at the time of the award, is proven. In such cases the General Superintendent, or such referee as he may appoint, may make deci- sion, or with his approval, the case may be appealed to the Executive Committee, from whose decision there can be no appeal. Rule 40. Should any animal awarded a cash prize be disqualified, the animals gaining the lower prizes shall graduate up into the higher positions next in order above them if in the opinion of the Judge these animals are worthy of such prizes. PREMIUMS. Rule 41. Premiums will be designated by ribbons: Blue, first; red, second; white, third; pink, fourth; yellow, fifth; green, sixth. Champion- ships, royal purple. Special ribbons or card will be given to "highly commended," "commended" and "reserve" animals and to owners of TOWN and COUNTRY The city and the country are linked together by Bell Tele- phone Service. The city man when away can keep in touch with his office and business interests. In a like manner the man from the country who is visit- ing in the city can telephone his home and find out how things are. This is possible all over the country because Bell Tele- phone Service is universal. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY 203 Washington Street Main 294 — Contract Department TELEPHONE FOR A TELEPHONE BERNARD, JUDAE & CO. Customs Brokers and Forwarding Agents 440-442 First National Bank Building, CHICAGO AGENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Cable Address JUNARD Codes A. B. C. and LIEBERS Telephones Central ] ^^^^ The Choicest Product of the ^reivers^ cMrt mmiFiF and the Celebrated Made in the Brewery of LEMP St. Louis ou„„ac J Seeley 636 Phones ^ ^ggt 304.2 50 INTERNATIONAL LlVE STOCK EXPOSITION 51 sires whose "gets" are winners of first prizes. To add to the value of awards all ribbons will be copyrighted. Rule 42. Exhibitors will be allowed to display prize ribbons, medals, certificates of award, etc., at their own quarters during the entire Exposition, subject to the approval of the General Superintendent. Rule 43. (a) Cash premiums are payable by bank check (except, when, at the request of the exhibitor, a cup, diploma or medal is granted in lieu of cash), (b) The Exposition bank check will be drawn by the Treasurer upon presentation of transcript of premiums awarded, duly signed by the General Superintendent and indorsed as "correct" by exhibitor, (c) These checks in payment of premiums are payable "to order," and must be indorsed by those in whose favor they are drawn, and thereupon can be cashed by the treasurer or at any bank where endorser is identified, (d) "Transcripts of premiums awarded," which will constitute an "order" on the Treasurer to pay the same, will be issued to exhibitors after 4 p. m. on the closing day of the Exposition, (e) Special premiums will be paid by those offering them, on an order from the General Superintendent, (f) All orders, cups, diplomas, medals and certificates will be delivered at the general office of the Exposition, or forwarded to the exhibitors, as they may direct, as soon after the close of the Exposition as they can be properly engrossed and engraved, (g) All premiums whatsoever not claimed by exhibitors before January 1 of the following year shall be deemed forfeited to the Exposition or donors. Rule 44. The Exposition reserves the right to withhold premiums awarded in every case in which it shall appear to the Executive Com- mittee that the regulations have not been complied with, or that fraud or deception has been practiced or attempted. Special Rule Governing Exhibits. Rule 45. All animals in the breeding classes must be recorded or accepted for record in the recognized books of record for their respect- ive breeds, as shown herewith, and exhibitors must produce certificates of register at the request of the General Superintendent any time during the Exposition, Only the following records will be recognized: CATTLE. Shorthorn — American Shorthorn Herd Book, Dominion Shorthorn Herd Book, Coates' Herd Book, New Zealand Shorthorn Herd Book, Le Herd Book Francais pour les Animaux de la Race Bovine de Durham. Aberdeen-Angus — American Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book, Polled Herd Book of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle, published in Great Britain. Hereford — American Hereford Record, English Herd Book of Here- ford Cattle. ^E extend a. cordial invitation to all lyisitors to become acquainted with ^SH^E^' ottr establishment. -Merit made jhem Wentworth c4ve. cafs to Monroe, famous <^^ll^ towards lake on Monroe to Calmer House corner and you cant miss us. Center Ave, cars 'will pass in front of our store, FURS OF ALL KINDS FOR MEN AND WOMEN We give special service to all out-of^to 1 54 INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXPOSITION 55 the Dominion Swine Breeders' Record and the American Tamworth Swine Association Record. Hampshire— Hampshire Swine Record Association. DRAFT HORSES. Percheron — Percheron Society of America Stud Book, Stud Boolt Percheron de France, Percheron Registry Company. Clydesdale — American Clydesdale Stud Book, Clydesdale Stud Book of Great Britain and Ireland, Clydesdale Stud Book of Canada (appendix excepted). Shire — ^American Shire Horse Stud Book, English Shire Horse Stud Book. Belgian — American Register of Belgian Horses, Stud Book of Belgian Draft Horses, published in Belgium. French Draft — National French Draft Horse Register and duly rec- ognized foreign records. THE MORE YOU INVESTIGATE US THE BETTER WE LIKE IT ASK Any Banker Any of our Customers Any Farm Paper Editor And You Will Resolve to Consign to CLAY, ROBINSON & COMPANY LIVE STOCK COMMISSION CHICAGO KANSAS CITY SOUTH OMAHA SOUTH ST. JOSEPH DENVER SIOUX CITY SOUTH ST. PAUL EAST ST. LOUIS EAST BUFFALO FORT WORTH 56 CATTLE DEPARTMENT. BREEDING CATTLE DIVISION. Rule 46. Stall Fees: $3.00 for each animal when occupying single stall; $5.00 when occupying box stall, which must accompany the application for entry. Rule 47. The dates for computing ages of breeding cattle are fixed as September 1 for Senior classes, and January 1 for Junior classes. Rule 48. A bull over one year old without ring in his nose may be excluded from the Exposition, in the discretion of the General Super- intendent. Rule 49. Accompanying each entry of cows three years old or over in any of the breeding classes an affidavit is required at time entry is made giving date of birth of her last calf or the time she is due to calve, and such cows must have produced a living calf since Sep- tember 1 of the year previous or show satisfactory evidence of being in calf. Where objection is made (and sustained by the Executive Committee) as to a cow's eligibility under this rule, any premium awarded to such cow shall be withheld until said cow shall have produced a calf on or before March 1, following the Exposition. Rule 50. Any bull over thirty-six months old entered in any of the breeding cattle classes, that has not had dropped to his services a living calf during the eight months preceding the opening day of the Exposition, shall be deemed barren, and as such shall be excluded from the competition. Certificates from the exhibitor, properly attested, will be required by the General Superintendent. Rule 51. Judges are instructed to award prizes for breeding cattle in the different classes in the order in which they, as buyers for a valuable consideration and without any warranty of usefulness, would make selection therefrom for breeding purposes; due consideration being given, on the one hand, to the accepted maxim of breeding, that "like produces like," and on the other hand, to the doubtful utility for breeding purposes of over-fat animals, not considering color or pedigree. FOR THE MAN BEHIND THE HERD. Recognizing the superior skill, fine judgment and faithful devotion to duty on the part of the herdsmen in preparing the splendid specimens of animal excellence displayed annually at the International Live Stock Exposition, the management has decided to establish a series of com- petitive awards each year in the shape of solid gold and silver medals, 57 The Colonel It is amazing, suh, what very puzzling things words are. For instance, when a man says to me that he has not tasted liquor for such and such a time, I cannot for the life of me, suh, tell whether his statement is a boast or a hint. And so when I speak of my favorite beverage that you may not think my words a mere boast — let me hint that you sample the real goodness of Hend Bourb( erson JOourDon Sold over all first-class bars, at the best clubs and cafes, and by all the leading dealers for $1 .25 a full quart — never for less; its quality won't allow it. ays: BREEN f^ KENNEDY, CHICAGO Also Distillers of Cedar Creek Bourbon — Bottled in Bond. Distillery at Frankfort, Ky. Wm. D. McJunkin JAMES WOOD WALTER E. WOOD CHAS. A. WOOD KAY WOOD WOOD BROS. So. Omaha LIVE STOCK COMMISSION Chicago Sioux City So. St. Paul Highest Standard of Efficiency in ALL Departments 58 BREEDING CATTLE DIVISION 59 to be worn as honorary distinctions by "the man behind the herd," in each of the six leading beef breeds of cattle. The medals to be won comprise the following: To the herdsman fitting the grand champion steer of the show, a gold medal. To the herdsman fitting the grand champion carload of beef cattle, a gold medal. To the herdsman fitting, respectively, the senior champion bull of each of the six leading breeds of cattle, viz. : Shorthorn, Aberdeen- Angus, Hereford, Galloway, Red Polled and Polled Durham, a silver medal each, thus making in all eight medals each year to be competed for. The conditions of these awards shall be (1) that the animal or ani- mals winning the championships named shall have been under such con- tinuous, immediate and personal charge or care of the herdsman for a period of at least six months preceding the opening day of the show, that it may be fairly and truthfully said that the superior condition and success of such animal or animals in the ring were due to his efforts more than to any other cause or factor except breeding or pedigree; (2) that, except for unavoidable sickness or other excusable absence, the animal or animals shall be led into the ring or exhibited to the judges by such herdsman, who shall truthfully answer all questions put to him by the judges as to the age, condition and care or methods of treatment given the animal or animals prepared for exhibition by him; (3) that should the grand champion steer or carload, or the respective champion bull, have been under the care of the exhibiting herdsman for a period of less than six months preceding the opening day of the show, then the appropriate medal shall be awarded to the herdsman who prepared and exhibited the reserve champion animal or animals, or the next in rank, as the case may be, in accordance with the above stated conditions. The purpose of awarding this series of valuable and beautiful medals is to show appreciation on the part of the management of the large share of credit due herdsmen for the excellence of the yearly exhibits of cattle at the International, to offer added incentives and a further re- • •^_:;=:^:^-ii^=*»'^^^''»s»E ^P The First Bank of First Tr Savings Nation^ Deposit < Jai National Chicago ust and > Bank al Safe LxOmpany nes B. Forgan, These institutions with combined resources of $190,000,000, offer a complete service in every department of banking. President 60 BREEDING CATTLE DIVISION ^ 61 ward to these faithful men for the intelligent thought and painstaking care by which they have sought to improve the breeds to which they are devoted and to induce other herdsmen to strive for similar honors. While it is not expected that these prizes will increase interest and effort in a field where both are already exercised to the fullest extent, yet it is hoped that they will add enthusiasm to the work of preparation and increase the number of those who strive for the highest honors in the exhibition rings. mzjui MANURE In bags or in bulk in carloads Reaucea by Special Process to tke most efficient and economical form for your Lawn Nursery Flower Garden Orcliarcl V egetaole Garden Small Fruits Greenhouse Berries Ana all General Fertilizing Atsolutely pure anJ free from odor. No otfectionaLle features and . all the fertilizing value of manure retained Pulverized Sneep Manure Pulverized Cattle Manure Pulverized Hog Manure Shredded Cattle Manure All kinds of commercial fertilizers. Rougn cattle, horse and nog manures in car lots ^^rite for circulars and prices, or we shall be pleased to have you call at our office opposite the north entrance to Exposition and obtain samples Tne Pulverized Manure Go. 28 Excnange Avenue Union Stock Yards Cliicago, Illinois 62 ENTRIES. SHORTHORN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS I. BULL 3 YEARS OR OVER.— $25, 20 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10. Animals competing must be recorded in the American Shorthorn Herd Book. Official No. 1 Imp. Shenstone Albino 317105 — Age, Aug. 9, 1905; color, white; sire. Speculator 317112; dam. Amy 3d — Carpenter & Ross, Mans- field, Ohio. 2 Avondale 245144 — Age, Jan. 5, 1905; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Avalanche 2d — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 3 King Cumberland 288383 — ^Age, Jan. 22, 1907; color, roan; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Miss Walpole, vol. 68, p. 807— Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 4 White Star 338500— Age, Dec. 12, 1906; color, white; sire, Tarrell Uxov. 338494; dam. Snowball, vol. 54, p. 475B.— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 5 Roan Marquis 288726 — ^Age, June 10, 1906; color, roan; sire. Mar- quis of Lome 187466; dam. Royal Louie 2d, vol. 56, p. 971 — Wm. Huffman, Washington C. H., Ohio. ^ 6 Scotch Sultan 296331— Age, Aug. 3, 1907; color, roan; sire, White- hall Sultan 163573; dam, Imp. Red Lady, vol. 61, p. 809— J. A. Kilgour, Sterling, 111. 7 Monarch Viceroy 264469— Age, Dec. 26, 1905; color, red, little white; sire. Orange Monarch 190181; dam. Princess Royal 14th, vol. 54, p. 575 — Theo. Martin, Bellevue, Iowa. 8 Pride of Linwood 306027 — ^Age, Oct. 6, 1907; color, roan; sire, Victor Linwood 268249; dam. New Year's Queen — Rigg, Glas- gow, Botts & Son, Mt. Sterling, 111. 9 Prince Imperial 325711 — Age, Jan. 2, 1907; color, roan; sire, Prince Gloster 152470; dam. Imp. Helen 21st 75025— Geo. J. Sayer, McHenry, 111. 63 E. T. Franklin & Co. COAL AND COKE 355 Dearborn Street, CHICAGO Long Distance Telephone, Harrison 2849 64 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 65 Official No. 10 Archer's Lad 283031 — Age, March 2, 1907; color, roan; sire, Mollica Archer 223052; dam, Lovely Bess, vol. 64, p. 531— J. V. Stoecklein, Glouster, Ohio. 11 Straight Marshall 247519 — Age, May 12, 1905; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Marshall 209776; dam. Royal Nora— D. Tietjen, Bellevue, Iowa. 12 Abbotsburn 243458 — Age, March 22, 1905; color, red; sire, Sharon Marshal 121136; dam, Carrie Abbotsburn, vol. 45, p. 574 — W. W. Wagner, Fremont, Ohio. CLASS 2. BULL 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10. Official No. 13 Imp. Boquhan Monarch 317062 — 'Age, Jan. 7, 1908; color, roan; sire, Proud Monarch 317094; dam, Celebrity — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 14 Orange Knight 307951— Age, Feb. 9, 1908; color, white; sire, March Knight 188105; dam. Orange Best, vol. 48, p. 569— C. E. Clarke, St. Cloud, Minn. 15 Orange Victor 301590 — Age, April 2, 1908; color, red; sire, Count Victor 127575; dam, Orange Blossom 35th, vol. 57, p. 768— W. B. Dale, Louisville, Ky. 16 Elmendorf Marshall 323858— Age, March 31, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Marshal 209776; dam, Marios' Heiress 3d, vol. 57, p. 579 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 17 Sultan Mine 320273— Age, April 14, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Lady Zenda 4th 8516— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 18 Royal Count 304024— Age, Jan. 15, 1908; color, red; sire. Royal Sultan 223948; dam. Duchess 11th, vol. 50, p. 758— Herr Bros. & Reynolds, Lodi, Wis. 19 Selection 306209— Age, Oct. 20, 1907; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Cherry Missie, vol. 66, p. 602 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 20 Laureate 339660— Age, March 5, 1908; color, red; sire. Imp. Palermo 226054; dam. Imp. Lady Laura 13th, vol. 53, p. 709— A. M. Rawlins, Springfield, Ohio. 21 Maxwalton Sultan 305870— Age, March 25, 1908; color, white; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Avalanche 2d, vol. 60, p. 655 — Rosenberger & Edwards, Tiffin, Ohio. Don't Fail TO Visit My Store Winter Suits «»<» Overcoats {lO."" to ZS."" Fur Coats $17.5", $22.^ $50.«» Furnishings Hats Shoes ^'Xiyin.yHAA/rrcu^ SPRAGUE, Warner & Company MANUFACTURING WHOLESALE GROCERS ERIE STRFET BRIDGE CHICAGO OUR BRANDS PURE FOODS RICHELIEU FERNDELL BATAVIA Richelieu, Ferndell and Batavia Food Products comply with all re- Suirements of every Pure Food Law; but Richelieu, Ferndell and lata via Food Products do not merely "COMPLY" with the laws, they "SURPASS" in character and quality the most "EXACT- ING REQUIREMENTS" of the laws. FACTORIES: CHICAGO, ILL. MIDDLEPORT, N. Y. BATAVIA, N. Y. BROCKPORT, N. Y. Offices, CHICAGO, ILL. 66 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 67 Official No. 22 Ben Wyvis 339927— Age, Oct. 13, 1907; color, roan; sire, Gold Drop 195134; dam, Imp, Butterfly 32d 82081— H. Smith, Hay, Ontario. 23 Oalfland Star 305890— Age, Jan. 2, 1908; color, roan; sire. Dia- mond Star 305889; dam, Imp. Cudball Gwynne 12707— Thos. Stanton, Aurora, 111. 24 Village Marshall 302358— Age, June 26, 1908; color, roan; sire. Straight Marshall 247519; dam. Village Belle 3d— D. Tietjen, Bellevue, Iowa. 25 King 339307 — Age, Nov. 15, 1907; color, red and white; sire, Broadhooks Sultan 206911; dam, Lydian, vol. 41, p. 482 — N. W. Wagner, Fremont, Ohio. 26 Ringmaster 307894 — Age, May 6, 1908; color, roan; sire, Snow- flake 263207; dam, Lady Dorethea 3d, vol. 68, p. 602— White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. 27 Champion Archer 303904 — Age, April 30, 1908; color, roan; sire. Star's Champion 158289; dam, Nellie Avalanche, vol. 67, p. 932 —J. S. Wright, Bethany, 111. CLASS 3. SENIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 28 Prime Knight 317036— Age, Oct. 31, 1908; color, roan; sire, Gloster Knight 263198; dam, Foxhall Queen 31267— Fox & Gallagher, Oregon, Wis, , 29 Roan Sultan 316627— Age, Sept. 25, 1908; color, roan; sire, Glen- brook Sultan 243185; dam, Ingleside Belle, vol. 58, p. 813— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 30 Royal Seal 324565— Age, Oct. 5, 1908; color, white; sire, Signet 248501; dam. Imp. Pride of the Bourn 12th, vol. 69, p. 966— Abram Renick, Winchester, Ky. 31 British Knight 322593— Age, Sept. 10, 1908; color, white; sire. Imp. British Glory 180304; dam, Laura Knight 2d — 'Rookwood Farm, Ames, Iowa. 32 Masterpiece 314000 — Age, Sept. 19, 1908; color, roan; sire, Cum- berland's Last 229822; dam, Orchard Farm Flora 5th, vol. 64, p. 522 — Thos. Stanton, Aurora, 111. 33 March Perfection 316948— Age, Dec. 18, 1908; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Beaufort Pride 3d, vol. 51, p. 629— White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. ! ! Chicago^s Finest Hotel George H. Gazley, Manager La Salle at Madison Street, Chicago Hotel LaSalle is already one of the famous hotels of the world and excels all Chicago hotels in the elegance of its furnishings, the excellence of its cuisine and the thoroughness of its service, RATES One Person : Room with detached bath : $2 to $3 per day Room with private bath : $3 to $5 per day Two Persons: Room with detached bath : $3 to $5 per day Room with private bath : $5 to $8 per day Two Connecting Rooms with Bath: Two Persons: $5 to $8 per day Four Persons: $8 to $15 per day Suites: $10 to $35 per day All rooms at $5 or more are same price for one or two persons* Center of Chicago^s Activities N^ 68 BREEDING SHORTHORNS CLASS 4. 69 JUNIOR YEARLING BULL DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1909, AND SEPT. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. . ^ 34 Mystic Arch 340226 — Age, May 18, 1909; color, red; sire. Diamond Victory 282933; dam, Missie's Legacy 15293 — H. B. Duryea, Hickory Valley, Tenn. 35 Herdsman Favorite 336714— Age, Feb. 11, 1909; color, white; sire, Gladstone 239313; dam, Margaret, vol. 68, p. 910— Daniel Cahill, St. Edward, Neb. 36 Maxwalton Albino 320226— Age, March 28, 1909; color, white; sire, Imp. Shenstone Albino 317105; dam. Imp. Maggie 18th 59549— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 37 Lancaster Dale 2d 320055— Age, March 29, 1909; color, roan; sire, Avondale '245144; dam, Mary Lancaster 4th, vol. 43, p. 816 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 38 Master of the Boyne 327099— Age, March 5, 1909; color, white; sire, Bapton Coronet 185918; dam. Imp. Lady of the Boyne 5th, vol. 48, p. 220— W. S. Corsa, White Hall, 111. 39 Fond Memory 320270 — Age, March 19, 1909; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam, Victoria of Hill Farm 8th, vol. 46, p. 256— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 40 Goldmine 317535 — Age, Jan. 16, 1909; color, roan; sire. Golden Goods 253393; dam, Miss Maple 44668— W. O. Minor, Heppner, Oregon. 41 True Cumberland 317602— -Age, Feb. 11, 1909; color white; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Wimple's Royal 9796— C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 42 Proud Diamond— Age, Jan. 4, 1909; sire, Diamond's Pride 258868; dam, Proud Lady, vol. 62, p. 1047 — N. W. Wagner, Fremont, Ohio. 43 Emerson 328919 — Age, Feb. 5, 1909; color, roan; sire, Victor Archer 302003; dam, Lady Mary 60038— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 44 Hampton King 316734 — Age, Jan. 10, 1909; color, roan; sire, Hampton's Counsellor 264533; dam, Onoka Fluff, vol. 64, p. 701 — G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 45 Golden Avalanche 321460 — Age, April 28, 1909; color, red; sire, Star's Champion 158289; dam, Nellie Avalanche, vol. 67, p. 932 —J. S. Wright, Bethany, 111. 46 Premier Archer 340730 — Age, March 15, 1909; color, white; sire. Premier 280263; dam. Bridesmaid of Browndale, vol. 69, p. 615 — J. N. Tittemore, Oniro, Wis. THE NEW IMPROVED DAYTON Pitless Wagon OR Stock Scale With double needle-point bearings and self- adjusting devices, making the scale very sensi- tive and free from any bind, and weighs pos- itively correct. This new feature makes the Dayton the only reliable and accurate pidess wagon scale. See the new '*Dayton" in the swine depart- ment weighing all swine and sheep officially. The Dayton Pitless Scale Co. Dayton, 0., U.1S.^A. SOLID STEEL 70 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 71 CLASS 5. SENIOR BULL CALF DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1909, AND JAN. 1, 1910— $25, 20, 10. American ShoTthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 47 Silver Plate 340228 — Age, Nov. 28, 1909; color, white; sire, Selec- tion 316209; dam, Cinderella 5tli 15266— H. B. Duryea, Hickory Valley, Tenn. 48 Count Avon 334946 — Age, Nov. 3, 1909; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Imp. Lady Marjory, vol. 48, p. 406 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 49 Pride of the Dales 334956— Age, Oct. 21, 1909; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Imp. Rosewood 86th, vol. 59, p. 773 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 50 Royal Abbotsbum 340196— Age, Dec. 8, 1909; color, white; sire. Sir Boreal 305854; dam, Helen Abbotsburn 90654— C. Travis Deatherage, Brighton, 111. 51 His Lordship 338281— Age, Sept. 5, 1909; color, white; sire, White- hall Marshall 209776; dam, Sinnissippi Butterfly 2d, vol. 69, p. 857 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 52 Supreme Knight 337814— Age, Sept. 22, 1909; color, red; sire, Gloster Knight 263198; dam, Foxhall Queen 31267— Fox & Gallagher, Oregon, Wis. 53 Village Rustic 334463— Age, Sept. 2, 1909; color, white; sire. Villager 295884; dam, Ruth Rustic, vol. 62, p. 714— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 54 Village Diamond 334460— Age, Nov. 16, 1909; color, roan; sire. Villager 295884; dam. Imp. Marigold 4th, vol. 48, p. 194— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 55 Baron Mac 334452— Age, Nov. 12, 1909; color, roan; sire, Mc- Gregor 241074; dam. Evening Baroness 2d, vol. 61, p. 1148 — D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 56 Albion Chief 334450— Age, Oct. 21, 1909; color, red; sire, Mc- Gregor 241074; dam, Glen Brook Butterfly, vol. 64, p. 550— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 57 Sultan Stamp 334974— Age, Nov. 8, 1909; color, white; sire, White- hall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Rachael's Daughter, vol. S2, p. 747— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 58 Roan Lad 2d 334397— Age, Sept. 28, 1909; color, roan; sire, Augustus 247797; dam, Imp. Sally 7th, vol. 47, p. 398— C. Hintz & Sons, Fremont, Ohio. 59 Foxy Favorite 336713— Age, Sept. 1, 1909; color, red and white; sire, Gladstone 239313; dam. Princess Royal 24th 28095— Rapp Bros., St. Edward, Neb, H. B. FRANKLIN ^ CO. 210 East Madison Street, Chicago, 111. Manufacturer of tke ROSA BONHEUR anJ FLOR DeCLINTON HAVANA CIGARS And H. B. Franklin & Co. Club House 5c Cigar The Chicago Veterinary College 2533-35-37-39 State Street CHICAGO, ILL. Organized and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, 1883 Regular session commences on or about September 14. in each year. For prospectus giving all in- formation as to curriculum, fees, etc., address the Presi- dent. JOSEPH HUGHES, M.R. CVS. 3537 STATE STREET CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS ROBERT F. HILDEBRAND 828 Exchange Avenue Union Stock Yards, Chicago, IlL Phone, Yards 2528 LIVE STOCK AND COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHING Official Photographer of the International Special equipment for making- pictures during the show. Serv- ice and quality guaranteed. TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 486 AUTOMATIC 5828 THOMAS MOULDING COMPANY 1201-1202 Chamber of Commerce Building PRESSED BRICK, PAVING BRICK AND ENAMELED BRICK Wolverine Portland Cement, Louisville and Milwaukee Cements, Fire Brick and Fire Clay Yards, 4 1 St and Butler Sts., Telephone Yards 726 W. Ravenswood-and Berteau Ave., Telephone Lake View 1518 West Polk and 46th Ave., Telephone Austin 550 CHICAGO 72 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 73 Official No. 60 Arrogance — Age, Nov. 10, 1909; sire. Signet 248501; dam. Poppy 94th, vol. 55, p. 838 — ^Abram Renick, Winctiester, Ky. 61 Lovely Dutchman— Age, Sept. 9, 1909; sire, The Dutchman 282689; dam. Independent Lovely — J. G. Robbins & Sons, Horace, Ind. 62 Gwendoline Laird 338357 — Age, Sept. 6, 1909; color, red; sire, Scottish Laird 223466; dam. Tea Tephi, vol. 48, p. 92— Rosen- berger & Edwards, Tiffin, Ohio. 63 Royal Cumberland 334808— Age, Sept. 2, 1909; color, white; sire Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Royal Princess, vol. 56, p. 837 — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 64 Mutineer 339928— Age, Sept. 2, ^909; color, roan; sire Gold Drop 195134; dam. Princess Mayflower 90019— H. Smith, Hay, Ont. 65 Glouster 6th 335071— Age, Oct. 12, 1909; color, roan; sire, Archer's Lad 283031; dam, Lil 2d, vol. 57, p. 857— J. V. Stoecklein, Glouster, Ohio. 66 Glouster 7th 335072 — Age, Oct. 26, 1909; color, roan; sire, Archer's Lad 283031; dam, Tulip, vol. 57, p. 858— J. V. Stoecklein, Glous- ter, Ohio. 67 Pentargen 34378 — Age, Nov. 28, 1909; color, red and white; sire, Senator 287609; dam. Miss Marshal 17809 — D. Tietjen, Bellevue, Iowa. 68 Sultan, for sale— Age, Nov. 27, 1909; sire. Orange Sultan 263522; dam, Patsy Victor, vol. 61, p. 588— C. P. West & Son, Bloom- ingburg, Ohio. 69 Woodlawn Sultan, for sale — Age, Oct. 28, 1909; sire. Orange Sultan 263522; dam. Beauty 2d— C. P. West & Son, Blooming- burg, Ohio. 70 Dansie Knight 338540 — ^Age, Oct. 9, 1909; color, red; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Imp. Daisie Maid, vol. 62, p. 633— White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. 71 King Mills 336239— Age, Sept. 12, 1909; color, roan; sire, Hamp- ton's Counsellor 264533; dam. Queen of the Grov$, vol. 68, p. 549 — G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. CLASS 6. JUNIOR BULL CALF DROPPED SINCE JAN, 1, 1910.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 72 Imperial Gloster 340225 — Age, March 10, 1910; color, roan; sire, Everlasting 242727; dam. Lady Gloster 6th, vol. 60, p. 625— H. B. Duryea. Hickory Valley, Tenn. SOME REASONS WHY The Chicago Daily Farmers and Drovers Journal IS AMERICA'S GREATEST FARM DAILY America's Greatest Farm Daily is the only publication giving the authentic and full report of more than a page of the Chicago live stock market each day, and a column devoted to the Chicago horse market. No other publication gives daily the authentic and complete report of the Chicago markets for butter, eggs, poultry, potatoes, cheese, berries, beans, veal, vegetables, hides and wool, as well as the correct reports of the butter, egg, poultry and cheese markets at New York, Elgin, Boston, St. Louis, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Fond du Lac, Wis., and Oconomowoc, Wis. No other farm publication gives the daily condition of the Chicago grocery market, Chicago and New York dry goods market and New Orleans cottonseed oil market, and New York, Charleston (S. C. ), Wilmington (N. C.) and Savannah (Ga.) turpentine and resin markets; New York and St. Louis metal markets; Chicago, Oil City (Pa.) and Toledo (Ohio) oil markets; Chicago and New York sugar ma.i-kets; Liverpool and New York cotton markets. No other farm publication publishes the complete and authoritative review of the grain markets, including a column devoted to the Chicago grain market and a column to Board of Trade gossip written by experts. No other farm publication gives daily the Peoria corn market, Minneapolis flaxseed market, Duluth flaxseed market, St. Louis cash market, Toledo grain market, foreign grain markets, Chicago flour market, Chicago hay market, Chicago pork, beef and mutton prices, as well as closing prices of wheat and statistics of grain at the principal markets. No other farm publication has a telegraphic news service. The Chicago Daily FARMERS AND DROVERS JOURNAL has two — the National Press and the United Press — giving the happenings of the world as soon as possible. Other farm publications depend upon using the scissors on previously published newspapers and are generally twenty-four hours behind in publishing the leading events of the day. No other farm publication has special news correspondents at leading cities and agri- cultural colleges always watching for developments of interest to the farmer. No other farm daily is equipped with Postal and Western Union leased wires, operated by private operators. No other farm daily is equipped with especially leased wires of the American Telegraph and Company. No other farm daily maintains a special correspondent in London and Liverpool to quote the correct live stock markets in those cities. No other publication of any class gives as much news in as small amount of space as is found daily in our columns entitled "The News in a Few Lines." No other farm publication has as great a classified advertising section, where may be found almost everything of interest to the farmer who desires to buy or sell. No other farm daily has as great a collection of photographs (comprising several thou- sand) of people who figure prominently in the world to-day. No other farm daily has as great a variety of contributing writers of authority on live stock and agriculture. No other farm daily employs a graduate of an agricultural college, who employs both practical and theoretical knowledge (being a farmer) in answering questions the farmers may ask regarding agriculture or live stock. No other farm daily has a home department edited by a woman, who is a practical wife of a practical farmer. No other farm publication publishes daily a complete short evening story. No other farm publication has as great an army of future farmers and future farmers' wives who write regularly to a department devoted to them. No other farm daily has as great a representation of farmers' views as is shown daily in our department entitled "The Voice of the Farmer." A general information bureau is also maintained for our readers' benefit without charge. A veterinary department is conducted, wherein farmers are educated how to care for their horses and other stock when sick, and are invited to ask questions. The editorials presented to our readers each day have done and will continue to do a vast amount of good in the interest of the farmer. The breeders' department is read each day by all of the prominent breeders of live stock. Every day are published reports of the live stock markets at Sioux City, Iowa; National Stock Yards 111.; Pittsburg, Pa.; South St. Joseph, Mo.; South Omaha, Neb.; East Buffalo, N Y- Indianapolis, Ind. ; Kansas City, Mo., and Cleveland, Ohio. Every day a column entitled "Brief Mention" gives a list of the principal live stock shippers at the Chicago market. ^ ^ . , . ^,. , , ., ^. ^ .■ A department devoted to missing relatives and friends is published from time to time, giving descriptions of loved ones who are sought. For the benefit of women readers the latest patterns and fancy work designs are pub- Countless other reasons might be pointed out why the Chicago Daily FARMERS AND DROVERS JOURNAL has never yet had a rival or why no other publication can rightfully class itself as a competitor or dispute our title of America's Greatest Farm Daily. Write for sample copy. Chicago Daily^Farmers and Drovers Journal Circulation Department U. S. Yards, Chicago, 111. 74 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 75 Official No. 73 Loyal Dale 334952 — Age, Jan. 6, 1910; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, Imp. Lavender Bloom, vol. 62, p. 713 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 74 Lochlin Dale 334951— Age, Feb. 18, 1910; color, white; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam, Lavender Bloom 2d 36078 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 75 Glorius Dale 2d 334950— Age, Jan. 10, 1910; color, red; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam, Aldie Duchess of Gloster, vol. 48, p. 208— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 76 Earl of Avondale 334948— Age, March 28, 1910; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, Royal Girl 2d 6497— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 77 Dale's Renown 334947 — Age, Feb. 2, 1910; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, Maxwalton Mina 2d 86601 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. ■ 78 Allen A. Dale 338516— Age, March 5, 1910; color, red; sire Grati- tude's Lad 260113; dam, Sylph of Glenmore 3d, vol. 48, p. 293 — W. B. Dale, Louisville, Ky. 79 Music Master — Age, Jan. 1, 1910; color, red; sire, Bandmaster 97929; dam. Imp. Butterfly Maid 4th 70919^Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 80 Enchanter 338280 — Age, Jan. 3, 1910; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Marshal 209776; dam, Sinnissippi Queen 1346 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 81 Village King 334462— Age, Feb. 20, 1910; color, roan; sire. Vil- lager 295884; dam, Imp. Spicy Clara, vol. 52, p. 677— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 82 Village Denmark 334459 — Age, March 25, 1910; color, roan; sire. Villager 295884; dam. Lady Margaret, vol. 52, p. 670— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 83 Anoka Fashion 334451 — Age, April 2, 1910; color, roan; sire, Anoka Sultan 264212; dam. Imp. Augusta 83d 30671— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 84 Sultan's Calculator 334973 — Age, Jan. 4, 1910; color, red; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Calceoloria 16th, vol. 59, p. 672— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 85 Sultan Standard 334975 — Age, Feb. 2, 1910; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Orange Queen, vol. 66, p. 739— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 86 Glenbrook Marquis 337657 — Age, Jan. 3, 1910; color, roan; sire, Glenbrook Sultan 243185; dam, Lucy of Pine Grove 3d, vol. 61, p. G81 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 87 Bapton Sultan 337656 — Age, Jan. 5, 1910; color, white; sire, Glen- brook Sultan 243185; dam, Bapton Countess, vol. 57, p. 554 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. Always Open 4171 So. Halsted Street 4161 So. Halsted Street Opposite Transit House Durtng the time we have been conducting the restaurant at 4171 S. Halsted St., wehaye met with such phenomenal success that we found it inadequate to serve the public in a satisfactory manner. To overcome this obstacle we set about securing another store and at a great expenditure of money we secured the lease at 4101 South Halsted Street. This place has been remodeled and new fixtures installed throughout, making this one of the best equipped and up-to-date restaurants in the city. Besides these two we are conducting twenty-two restaurants throughout the city, all run on the same standard of excellence as these, and visitors should malse a note of the addresses, in case it is more convenient to go to any of the others, they may Isnow where they are licated. Our aim is to constantly get new trade and to hold it. The proof of our excellence and steady trade is evidenced by our success in the past. Visitors to the Live Stock Exposition please bear in mind thatboth places are run exactly alike, the prices are the same, and the service as near alike as possible. We print below our bill of fare for the information of prospective customers. OTHER RESTAURANTS and LUNCH ROOMS 603 N. Clark St. 8 S. Clark St. 747 N. Clark St. 1212 N.Clark St. 2668-70 N. Clark St. 3312 N.Clark St. 811 Wells St. 212 North Ave. 63 1 5 S. Halsted St. 327E. SlstSt. 322 E. 43rd St. BILL OF FARE ;=lly ol M.dc CoJce, Hoi Beau, Fme Soupi All Soups 10c; with Meat Orders 5c Beef Stew, Mexican Style, ISc Hot Boston Baked Beans Brown Biead 10 With Extra PorL . . . Sandwicties ; (American).. Hamburger. (Sv. 5 Ham and Egg 15 10 PoilcChop 10 Eass and Omelets 2 Fried or Boiled 15 3 Poached on ToasI 25 3 Fried or Boiled 20 H«m Omelet 25 3 Scrambled 20 Plain Omelet 20 Side order o( 2 Eggs 10 Home-Made Corned Beef Hasti With Bread and Bulier 15 With Egg 20 Steaks Chops, Etc. Port Chops 20 Lamb Chops ■ ■ ■ . . 25 Veal Chops. . 25 Fried Ham or Bacon 20 Ham and Eggs 25 15 Bacon and Eggs 25 20 Canned Oregon Salmon 20 ,.. 20 Imported Sardines 20 Mushrooms 15 Oysters in Season Small Sleak 20 Small SLcak with Onions 25 T-Bone Sirloin Sleak 30 Sirloin Sleak with Onions 35 Poi^erhouse Steak 55 Hamburger St. Calf's Uv. md Bac ,nd Oni Sle' , Milk. ;doz. Fried, jdoz. Raw.. Vegetables German Fried Potatoes 5 Green Peas 5 French Fried Polaloes 10 Slewed Tomatoes 5 Lyonnaise Potatoes 10 Stewed Com 5 Dairy Disties and Toasts Shredded Wholewheat 1"II"J >^ 1 5 Milk Toast 10 Maple Flake, hall and half 10 Dry ToasI 5 Oalmeal, half and hall 10 Milk, pet bowl, wilh Crackers .... 1 0 Cream, per bowl, wilh Crackers. . 20 Beverages Fresh Macie Coffee, served with Cream 5 Tea to Order, per pot 5 Cocoa 5 Milk, per glass 5 Chocolate 5 Geam. per glass .. .10 Dessert Berries and Melons in Season All Pies 5c per cut Will not be reipon.ible for H«U, Ci»l« or other arliclea. <^^~ c,«n. "" '"- '"""■■ ■-""■' OTHER RESTAURANTS and LUiMCH ROOMS 760 E. 39 h St. II E. 31st St. 952 vV. Belmont Ave. 1140 ArgyleSt. 520 W. Chicago Ave. 1253 Milwaukee Ave. 3904 Cottage Gro\e Ave. 1 986 Milwaukee Ave. 4302 Cottage Grove Ave. 4629 E, Evanston Ave. 5237 N. Clark St. GEN. OFFICE: 8 SOUTH CLARK STREET Phone Franklin 1798 Commissary: 607 North Clark Street Phone North 4362 JOHN J. ERICKSON Proprietor 76 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 77 Official No. 88 Royal Victor 336706 — Age, April 16, 1910; color, red; sire, Mon- arch Viceroy 264469; dam, Victoria Pride, vol. 62, p. 826 — Theo. Martin, Bellevue, Iowa. 89 Master Monarch 340332 — Age, March 2, 1910; color, roan; sire, Monarch Viceroy 264469; dam, Lady O. K. 46045— Theo. Martin, Bellevue, Iowa. 90 Headlight 340752— Age, Feb. 6, 1910; color, roan; sire. Lucky Pride 2d 228570; dam. Imp. Daylight, vol. 53, p. 880— J. G.. Robbins & Sons, Horace, Ind. 91 Royal Cumberland 2d 334809— Age, March 18, 1910; color, roan; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Royal Princess 2d 51864 — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 92 Cumberland's Best 334805— Age, March 20, 1910; color, white; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Pro Narassus 2d, vol. 54, p. 560 — C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 93 Benedict 339926— Age, May 12, 1910; color, red; sire. Gold Drop 195134; dam. Beneficence, vol. 67, p. 987— H. Smith, Hay, Ont. 94 Corrector 334788 — Age, April 15, 1910; color, roan; sire, Senator 287609; dam. Imp. Ballechin Charming Maid, vol. 67, p. 616— D. Tietjen, Bellevue, Iowa. 95 Contender 334787 — Age, Jan. 2, 1910; color, roan; sire. Senator 287609; dam, Strathallan Miss 30332— D. Tietjen, Bellevue, Iowa. 96 Hampton's Mysie — Age, Jan. 12, 1910; sire, Hampton's Counsellor 264533— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 97 King Hampton 336238— Age, Feb. 26, 1910; color, red and white; sire, Hampton's Counsellor 264533; dam, Onoka Fluff, vol. 64, p. 701 — G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. 98 Mina Master — ^Age, Jan. 12, 1910; sire, Master Lavender 247498; dam, Mina's Lady 67746 — J. G. Robbins & Sons, Horace, Ind.. CLASS 7. cow 3 YEARS OR OVER,— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, io, 10. Official No. 99 Myrtle of Oakwood 7494— Age, Nov. 17, 1905; color, red; sire, Cock Robin, Jr., 210981; dam, Myrtle 2d of Spring Grove, vol. 52, p. 944— H. B. Duryea, Hickory Valley, Tenn. 100 Charming Rose 3d 41596— Age, Sept. 19, 1905; color, red; sire, Scotland's Charm 127264; dam. Lavender Rose 3d; vol; . 43; p. 788— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. Cbe Tndependent Packing Company 41st and Halsted Streets, Chicago, 111. A Modern Packing House Capacity— 2,000 Hogs, 500 Cattle and 500 Sheep, Daily. MEMBERS AMERICAN MEAT PACKERS' ASSOCIATIO.V G\Y7 CL IJ Q r^ CUSTOM HOUSE . W. aneldon cx L.o. brokers WE OFFER the extensive facilities oi our Customs Department to intending exhibitors. We can save them time, w^orry and expense. ADDRESS G. W. SHELDON & CO. LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENT 613 to 618 Monadnock Building CHICAGO, ILL. The Genuine B. & S. Army Shape AU Bristle Horse Brush Is Now on Sale at the Stock Yards Harness & Saddlery Company Ask to See Number 29. BeMrare of Imitations. 6IEHL & SIFFERMANN, :-: :-: CHICAGO, ILL. DON'T FORGET THAT McAVOrS MALT MARROW Can Be Had Everywhere Don't Miss It - - You Can't McAVOY MALT MARROW DEPT. Telephone, All Depts., Calumet 1064 2340-8 South Park Ave. 78 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 79 Official No. 101 Lancaster Bud 43024 — Age, Oct. 1, 1906; color, white; sire, Old Lancaster 253007; dam, Rosebud 11th 43025 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 102 Sinnissippi Rose 2d, vol. 69, p. 857— Age, Nov. 10, 1905; color, white; sire, Ceremonius Archer 171479; dam. Imp. Guelder Rose, vol. 51, p. 712 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 103 Warrior's Maid 87724 — Age, Jan. 25, 1907; color, roan; sire. Moon- stone 338479; dam. Warrior's Rose, vol. 54, p. 1201E. — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 104 Duchess of Lancaster 13th, vol. 59, p. 536— Age, Sept. 9, 1903; color, red; sire, Scottish Pride 128543; dam, Duchess of Lan- caster 8th — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 105 Victoria Pride, vol. 62, p. 826 — Age, Sept. 8, 1903; color, red; sire. Fancy's Pride 182014; dam, Imp. Victoria Alexa, vol. 48, p. 406 — Theo. Martin, Bellevue, Iowa. 106 Inwood Lass 15218 — Age, Sept. 9, 1906; color, red; sire. King Edward 172814; dam, 3d Mary of Inwood — W. O. Minor, Hepp- ner, Oregon. 107 Oshelli Maid, vol. 64, p. 665 — Age, Oct. 9, 1904; color, roan; sire. Royal Favorite 140612; dam. Sweet Orange, vol. 48, p. 569 — Ed. W. Monnier, Elizabeth, 111. 108 Princess Marshal 41341 — Age, Jan. 11, 1907; color, red; sire, Sharon Marshal 121136; dam. Mezzo Tinto, vol. 44, p. 960 — Rosenberger & Edwards, Tiffin, Ohio. 109 Mina Princess 4th 12641 — ^Age, Sept. 26, 1905; color, red; sire. White Hall Count 209775; dam, Mina Princess 3d, vol. 58, p. 630 — Geo. J. Sayer, McHenry, 111. 110 Posey Queen 2d, vol. 59, p. 905— Age, Jan. 22, 1903; color, red; sire, Imp. Conqueror 149048; dam, Posey Queen — Lewis Stookey, Harristown, 111. 111 Marathon, Fair Queen, vol. 69, p. 954 — Age, Sept. 6, 1906; color, roan; sire. White Hall Count 209775; dam, Cerry Lass — Lewis Stookey, Harristown, 111. 112 Dorothea 2d, vol. 64, p. 582 — Age, Aug. 12, 1904; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Dorothea, vol. 45, p. 645— White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. 113 Cherry Blossom 7th 86356 — Age, Aug. 7, 1907; color, red; sire. Rustler 242648; dam. Cherry Blossom 6th, vol. 61, p. 665 — J. G. Withers, Milford, 111. 114 Lavender Queen, vol. 66, p. 1092 — Age, Nov. 19, 1904; color, roan; sire, Star's Champion 158289; dam. Lavender Lass, vol. 55, p. 992— J. S. Wright, Bethany, 111. STOCKMEN! Unless your bank carries a "yards" account, you are not getting the best service in the handling of your proceeds. BANKERS! Save time and money— and offer your customers better service. Maintain an account with The Live Stock EXCHANGE NATIONAL Bank OF CHICAGO CAPITAL $1,250,000 SURPLUS & PR0FITS«500.000 Officers W. A. HEATH. President G. F. EMERY, Cashier J. A. SPOOR, Vice-Pres. A. W. AXTELL, Asst. Cashier G. A. RYTHER, Vice-Pres. H. E. HERRICK. Asst. Cashier Directors J. OGDEN ARMOUR JAS. H. ASHBY SAMUEL COZZENS W. A. HEATH ARTHUR G. LEONARD EDWARD MORRIS C. M. MACFARLANE H. E. PORONTO G. A. RYTHER J. A. SPOOR EDWARD F. SWIFT 80 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 81. CLASS 8. cow OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10. Official No. 115 Maxwalton Mina 41154— Age, Oct. 1, 1907; color, red; sire, Avon- dale 245144; dam, Mina Princess 3d— Carpenter & Ross, Mans- field, Ohio. 116 Maxwalton Gloster 41153— Age, May 1, 1908; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, 39th Duchess of Gloster — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 117 Dale's Gift 41150 — Age, Nov. 3, 1907; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Wedding Gift 16th— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 118 Rose of Elmendorf 40614 — Age, Sept. 21, 1907; color, white; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam. Rose of Strathapey, vol. 64, p. 631 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 119 Lomond's Missie 43258 — Age, April 4, 1908; color, red; sire, Ben Lomond 253006; dam, Lancaster's Princess 43257 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 120 Roan Lily 59531 — Age, Oct. 5, 1907; color, roan; sire, Gloster's Choice 284895; dam. May Lily 59528— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wisconsin. 121 Imp. Fair Start 2d 68802— Age, Sept. 20, 1907; color, roan; sire, Golden Hope 323637; dam, Fair Start, vol. 52, p. 772E.— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 122 Victoria Favorite 63337 — Age, June 2, 1908; color, roan; sire, Fashion's Favorite 149580; dam, "Victoria Pride, vol. 62, p. 826 • — Theo. Martin, Bellevue, Iowa. 123 Mina Flower 90207— Age, Jan. 29, 1908; color, red; sire, Gay Pluto 224657; dam. Queen Mina, vol. 59, p. 587 — Mrs. Virginia C. Meredith, Cambridge City, Ind. 124 Bright Star 36867— Age, Sept. 23, 1907; color, red; sire. Captain Archer 205741; dam. Star Bright, vol. 55, p. 907— W. O. Minor, Heppner, Oregon. 125 Oakwood Daybreak 3d 77477 — Age, April 2, 1908; color, red; sire. Imp. Emperor 2d 205554; dam. Daybreak of the Valley, vol. 47, p. 553— Ed. W. Monnier, Elizabeth, 111. 126 Maxwalton Dorothy 41152 — Age, March 2, 1908; color, red; sire, Avondale 245144; dam. Imp. Lady Dorothy 40th, vol. 59, p. 770 — Rosenberger & Edwards, Tiffin, Ohio. 127 Susan Cumberland 40319 — Age, March 3, 1908; color, roan; sire, i Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Susan 2d, vol. 62, p. 683— Geo. J. Sayer, McHenry, 111. TELEPHONE HARRISON 5187 C. A. BICKETT, President CHAS. NEWTON, Treasurer BRYAN G. TIGHE, Vice-President G. D. ROSENGRANT, Secretary BICKETT COAL & COKE COMPANY BITUMINOUS COAL AND COKE Mccormick building ST. LOUIS OFFICE CHICAGO Syndicate Trust Building C. A. BICKETT, Prest. CHAS. NEWTON, Treas. BRYAN G. TIGHE, Vice-Prest. G. D. ROSENGRANT, Secy. SOUTH SIDE COAL CO ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS POCAHONTAS COAL AND COKE MAIN OFFICE YARDS OFFICE McCORMICK BLDG. CHICIAGO 57th and WALLACE STS. Tel. Harrison 5187 Tel. Wentworth 2009 82 BREEDING SHORTHOENS 83 Official No. 128 Golden Princess 75022 — Age, Oct. 12, 1907; color, white; sire Scottish Prince 299179; dam. Golden Sunbeam 35158 — Geo. J Sayer, McHenry, 111. 129 Sultan's Mayflower 63227— Age, Feb. 3, 1908; color, white; sire White Hall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Minorca 4th, vol. 63, p 729— Thos. Stanton, Aurora, 111. 130 Miss Marshall 2d 38834— Age, Jan. 17, 1908; color, roan; sire Straight Marshal 247519; dam, Grace — D. Tietjen, Bellevue, la, 131 Nonpareil Queenie 35668 — Age, Jan. 6, 1908; color, roan; sire March Knight 188105; dam. Imp. Dalmeny Nonpareil 3d, vol. 48 p. 122— White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. 132 Dorethea 5th 35665— Age, Nov. 18, 1907; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Dorethea, vol. 45, p. 645— White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. CLASS 9. SENIOR YEARLING HEIFER DROPPED BETWEEN SEPT. 1, 1908, AND JAN. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 133 Sweet Bracelet 67986— Age, Dec. 28, 1908; color, roan; sire, Scotch Goods 259864; dam, Lad's Bracelet, vol. 53, p. 548— H. B. Duryea, Hickory "Valley, Tenn. 134 Lady Alexandriana 85581— Age, Nov. 6, 1908; color, roan; sire, Bapton Valentine 227105; dam, Maud Rambo, vol. 67, p. 708 — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. ^ 135 Dale's Gift 2d 62794— Age, Oct. 2, 1908; color, red; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, Wedding Gift 16th, vol. 64, p. 666— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 136 Golden Beauty 59546— Age, Dec. 13, 1908; color, white; sire, Pride of the Goldies 317091; dam, Kier Beauty 12th 59547— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 137 Elmendorf Mary 69014— Age, Oct. 5, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Marshal 209776; dam, Mary Montrose 34th 8904 — Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 138 Rose Strathallan 69025— Age, Sept. 23, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Marshal 209776; dam. Rose of Strathapey, vol. 64, p. 631— Elmendorf Farm, Lexington, Ky. 139 Moss Rose 5th 63958— Age, Nov. 20, 1908; color, roan; sire. Dia- mond's Victor 221077; dam. Moss Rose 4th, vol, 55, p, 502— D, R, Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio, Our Thirty-first Auction Sale of HIGH-BRED HORSES Eleven Years in the Chicago Market will be held lOlO Dexter Park Pavilion The International Show Building and The World's Greatest Sales Arena 500 Head CATALOG READY NOVEMBER 30 Copy Mailed to Any Address 500 Head NEVER before in the history of the Chicago Market has there been held a sale of trotting stock for which so many really good horses have been cataloged. The consignments have been contributed from every breeding section in the country, and every racing stable of prominence has entered liberally. EVERY DAY A BIG DAY Full Sale Information and Catalogs upon request to PALMER L. CLARK, Pres. FRANK P. KENNEY, Secy. Chicago Horse Sale Company Union Stock Yards Chicago, 111. 84 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 85 Official No. 140 Calceolaria Anoka 63223— Age, Nov. 16, 1908; color, roan; sire, Whitehall Sultan 163573; dam. Imp. Calceolaria 16th, vol. 59, p. 672 — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 141 Sally B 82860— Age, Sept. 25, 1908; color, white; sire, Augustus 247797; dam, Imp. Sally 7th, vol. 47, p. 398— C. Hintz & Son, Fremont, Ohio. 142 Roan Maid 59532— Age, Sept. 18, 1908; color, roan; sire, " Gloster's Choice 284895; dam. Maid of Struan 59526— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 143 Mandolin 2d 59045— Age, Oct. 5^ 1908; color, white; sire. Glen- brook Sultan 243144; dam. Mandolin— Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 144 Village Fancy 90208— Age, Nov. 7, 1908; color, roan; sire. Laven- der Lancaster 2d 188270; dam, Village Belle 2d, vol. 48, p. 224 — Mrs. Virginia C. Meredith, Cambridge City, Ind. 145 Lavender Diamond 90206— Age, Sept. 30, 1908; color, roan; sire. Lavender Lancaster 2d 188270; dam, Diamond 21st, vol. 52, p. 669 — Mrs. Virginia C. Meredith, Cambridge City, Ind. 146 Golden Pride 50601— Age, Sept. 16, 1908; color, red; sire. Golden Goods 253393; dam. Pride of the Valley, vol. 57, p. 838— W. O. Minor, Heppner, Oregon. . 147 White Gipsy 65195— Age, Oct. 30, 1908; color, white; sire, Re- burtas Goods 283807; dam, Gipsy Maid 3d, vol. 54, p. 959— C. A. Saunders, Manilla, Iowa. 148 Missie of Browndale 20th 48133— Age, Dec. 4, 1908; color, roan; sire. Choice Knight 2^3397; dam, Missie of Browndale 4th, vol. 55, p. 486— Geo. J. Sayer, McHenry, 111. 149 Her Ladyship 58002 — Age, Oct. 24, 1908; color, roan; sire, Bapton Chief 227581; dam, The Duchess— Geo. J. Sayer, McHenry, 111. 150 Flower Girl 3d 59042— Age, Sept. 30, 1908; color, white; sire, Glenbrook Sultan 243185; dam. Imp. Flower Girl, vol. 60, p. 843— Geo. J. Sayer. McHenry, 111. 151 Cumberland's Boquet 64318— Age, Oct. 12, 1908; color, white; sire, Cumberland's Last 229822; dam, Imp. Sweet Boquet, vol. 48, p. 224 — Geo. J. Sayer, McHenry, 111. 152 Spring Grove Butterfly 82093— Age, Sept. 7, 1908; color, red and white; sire, Strathmore 333875; dam. Lady Butterfly 82084— Thos. Stanton, Aurora, 111. 153 Gloster Queen 2d 59006— Age, Sept. 13, 1908; color, roan; sire, March Knight 188105; dam, Gloster Lady. vol. 62, p. 658— White & Smith, St. Cloud, Minn. 154 Daisy C. 51855 — Age, Sept. 10, 1908; color, roan; sire, Hampton's Counsellor 264533; dam, Daisy 2d 1477— G. H. White, Emerson, Iowa. The Quickest and Most Con- venient way to the Stock Yards -AND THE- Live Stock Exposition South Side Elevated R. R. The only Railroad running into and about the Stock Yards, afford- ing a fine panoramic view of the Stock pens and the Packing plants. EXPRESS TRAINS ALL DAY Stock Yards to Loop 3 20 Minutes Fare 5 Cents Leaving the Exposition, take the Ele- vated Trains at Halsted Street Station. 86 BREEDING SHORTHORNS 87 CLASS 10. JUNIOR YEARLING HEIFER DROPPED BETWEEN JAN. 1, 1909, AND SEPT. 1, 1909.— $25, 20, 10. American Shorthorn Association Specials. — $20, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5. Official No. 155 Maxwalton Jealous; 62873 — Age, Jan. 18, 1908; color, roan; sire, Avondale 245144; dam, SuUan's Jealousy, vol. 68, p. 589— Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 156 Lady Circe 87001 — Age, June 3, 1909; color, red; sire, Gloster Knight 263198; dam, Circe 7th— Fox & Gallagher, Oregon, Neb. 157 Flower Girl 13th 63956— Age, March 3, 1909; color, white; sire. Villager 295884; dam, Flower Girl 11th, vol. 48, p. 192— D. R. Hanna, Ravenna, Ohio. 158 Anoka Gloster 3d 87208— Age, Feb. 24, 1909; color, roan; sire, Anoka Sultan' 264212; dam, Anoka Gloster 2d, vol. 68, p. 709— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 159 New Year's Delight 59502 — Age, Jan. 1, 1909; color, roan; sire, Barmton's Knight 148795; dam. Forest Daisy — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 160 Mary Anne of Oakland 59046 — Age, Jan. 2, 1909; color, roan; sire, Glenbrook Sultan 243185; dam, Mary Anne of Anoka 3d, vol. 44, p. 597 — Thos. Johnson & Son, Columbus, Ohio. 161 Rose of Autumn 24th 59051— Age, Jan. 12, 1909; color, roan; sire, Glenbrook Sultan 243185; dam, Rose of Autumn 23d, vol. 47, p. 759r-Theo. Martin, Bellevue, Iowa. 162 Golden Pauline 68891— Age, April 15, 1909; color, red and white; sire, Golden Goods 253393; dam, Pauline Fairview, vol. 60, p. 988 — W. O. Minor, Heppner, Oregon. 163 White Lily 85140— Age, April 19, 1909; color, white; sire, Glad- stone 239313; dam, Dolly, vol. 62, p. 960 — Rapp Bros., St. Ed- ward, Neb. 164 Bonnie Marion 87676— Age, July 10, 1909; color, red; sire, Scot- tish Laird 223466; dam, Bonnie Lass 616 — Rosenberger & Edwar Strasburg, Ohio 3 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 Kansas State Agricultural College " ...Manhattan, Kan. 1 Mart L. McCoy & Son Washington Court House, Ohio 2 C. D. McPherson Fairfield, Iowa 1 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 1 Peak & Saunders.. Manilla, Iowa; Winchester, 111. 1 G. H. White Emerson, Iowa CLASS 176. STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2 ENTERED IN CAR- CASS CONTEST.— $25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. of Entry BXHIBITOB ADDRESS 1 Adolph p. Arp Eldridge, Iowa 1 .T. J. Early Baring, Neb. 186 " CATTLE — SLAUGHTER TESTS Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 1 Carpenter & Ross Mansfield, OWo 1 Frank Hartline Strasburg, Ohio 2 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 Kansas State Agricultural College Manhattan, Kan. 1 Chas. J. Off Peoria, 111. 1 Philip C. McDonald Princeton, Mo. 5 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 2 C. L. Taggart ....". Washington, Pa. CARCASS CLASSES. CLASS 177. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. —$25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. of Entry Exhibitor Address 1 Adolph P. Arp Eldridge, Iowa 2 Carpenter & Ross Mansfield, Ohio 1 Frank Hartline Strasburg, Ohio 3 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 Kansas State Agricultural College Manhattan, Kan. 1 Mart L. McCoy & Son Washington Court House, Ohio 2 C. D. McPherson Fairfield, Iowa 1 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 1 Peak & Saunders Manilla, Iowa; Winchester, 111. 1 G. H. White Emerson, Iowa CLASS 178. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. —$25, 20, 15, 10, 5. No. of . . Entry Exhibitor Address 1 Adolph Arp •. Eldridge, Iowa 1 J. J. Early. Baring, Mo. 1 Carpenter & Ross Mansfield, Ohio 1 Frank Hartline Strasburg, Ohio 2 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 Kansas State Agricultural College Manhattan, Kan. 1 Chas. J. Off Peoria, 111. 1 Philip C. McDonald Princeton, Mo. 5 University of Nebraska Lincoln, Neb. 2 C. L. Taggart Washington, Pa. CLASS 179. CHAMPION CARCASS.— $100. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CATTLE — SLAUGHTER TESTS. 18? CLASS 177. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $30. (Grade or Pure-Bred Angus Cattle.) CLASS 178. CARCASS OF STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $30. (Grade or Pure-Bred Angus Cattle.) CLASS 179. CHAMPION CARCASS SHOWN IN ABOVE CLASSES. American Aberdeen-Angus Association Special. — $30. (Grade or Pure-Bred Angus Cattle.) CLASS 177. CARCASS OF RED POLLED STEER OR HEIFER 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Red Polled Cattle Club Specials.— $25, 15, 10. CLASS 178. CARCASS OF RED POLLED STEER OR HEIFER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Red Polled Cattle Club Specials.— $25, 15, 10. The Arms Palace Horse Car Co. Room 614. 193 Michigan Ave.. CHICAGO. ILL. OPERATING ARMS AND BURTON PALACE HORSE CAR With 16 Portable Stalls lengthwise of car. Equipped for Passenger or Freight Service. Several styles of cars suitable for ship- ping exhibition cattleandhorses.sheep and swine, also commercial horses to market. W. A. YAGER, Gen'l Mgr. Phone Harrison 281 Street's Western Stable-Car Line LATEST IMPROVED STOCK CARS General OfHces: Great Northeni BuUding, 77 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. Continental Bolt & Iron Works Union and Twenty-Second J Streets, Chicago, Illinois Bolt Work of Any Description to Order R. C. RADTKE R- H. RADTKE R. C. RADTKE & CO. WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS APPLES, ONIONS, POTATOES VEGETABLES AND FRUITS 149 SOUTH WATER ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Hotels and Restaurants a Specialty Headquarters for MUSHROOMS Ph°°--=] Au'ImiticTeSO^"" ^^^^ 188 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION 189 CARLOAD DIVISION. (FED AND GRASS CATTLE.) Rule 61. In the following sections for carloads, the term "Feeder" is hereby defined to designate grass and hay-fed cattle. Cattle that have been fed grain of any sort, cotton seed, oil cake, gluten meal, or any like concentrated food, are hereby defined and classed "grain-fed," and such must be entered in the "grain-fed" class. However, feeder cattle emanating from the Southwestern District may be fed cotton- seed hulls and cotton-seed cake on grass. Rule 62. Car lots of feeder cattle competing in the following sec- tions, where they are required to have been bred within certain districts, must have been bred and not removed from the district in which they were bred more than 30 days prior to the date of the Exposition and entered into the section under the rule of one of the districts defined to be eligible to compete in that section. The General Superintendent will require indisputable evidence that this rule is obeyed. The evi- dence of the various association inspectors at the Union Stock Yards will be accepted as final in cases of branded cattle. Rule 63. Cattle competing as "grain-fed" in the following sections may have been fattened in any part of the world. No restrictions are placed on the places, feeds or methods of the feeder who finished the "grain-fed" cattle for the Exposition and the market. Rule 64. Affidavits will be required from exhibitors of "grain-fed" cattle in the carload classes, showing that at least twelve of the ani- mals constituting a load were their property for three months prior to the date of entry, while the 30 days' ownership rule will apply on the balance. Rule 65. Carloads of cattle, hogs and sheep intended for competition in the carload classes must be in place not later than noon, Saturday, November 26, and must be entered one week prior to this date. They will be judged on Tuesday, November 29, and remain on exhibition until 6 p. m., Thursday, December 1. There will be no stall or entry fee charged in this division. NORTHWEST DISTRICT. Rule 66. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the Northwest District, which is composed of the following states: Washington, Oregon, California (north of the quarantine), Idaho, Nevada and Utah, and the Territories and Provinces of North- west Canada. Bill of sale or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were bred in this district will be required by the management. 190 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION <- 1st 2d ad 4th 6th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 180 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, X o 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 -■ o 181 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- = 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 .< 3 182 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 5 under 1 year 100 50 25 g **• 183 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 0. heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 3 184 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or n heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 3 185 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or g- heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 a NORTH CENTRAL DISTRICT. Rule 67. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the North Central District, which is composed of the fol- lowing states: Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were bred in this district, will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 186 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 £• ° 187 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, =r ^ 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 -^ 3 188 Carload of 20 head, feeding calves, steers or « 3 heifers 100 50 25 g a 189 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 S. heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 3 190 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or a heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 3 191 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or §■ heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 a SOUTH CENTRAL DISTRICT. Rule 68. Animals to compete in the following classes must have been bred in the South Central District, which is composed of the fol- lowing states: Colorado and that part of the states of Kansas and Nebraska lying west of the ninety-eighth degree of longitude. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were bred in this district, will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 192 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 ;^ g 193 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- = 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 ^ 3 194 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, S under 1 year 100 50 25 y q. 195 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 a heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 3 196 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or a heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 3 197 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or g- heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 a. SOUTHWEST DISTRICT. Rule 69. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the Southwest District, which is composed of the follow- ing states: Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and that part of Texas and Old Mexico lying north of the United States quarantine line. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that competing animals were CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION 191 bred in this district, will be required by the management. (See rule 61.) 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 198 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 ^- ° 199 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, a- = 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 -^ 3 200 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, S under 1 year 100 50 25 g q. 201 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 S, heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 g 202 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or « heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 a 203 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or §• heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 a SOUTHERN DISTRICT. Rule 70. Animals to compete in the following Classes must have been bred in the Southern District, which is composed of all that part of the United States and Mexico lying south of the United States quarantine line. Bill of sale, or other satisfactory evidence that com- peting animals were bred in this district, will be required by the man- agement. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 204 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 i^- g 205 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, a- = 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 << 3 206 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, * under 1 year 100 50 25 ^ a. 207 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or So. heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 g 208 Carload of 15 head, grain -fed steers or «, heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 = 209 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or g- heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 a. EASTERN DISTRICT. Rute 71. Animals to compete under this head may have been bred in any part of the world not provided for in the foregoing five districts. They must have been fed by an individual or firm, as provided in Rule 7, and evidence to that effect will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 210 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or lO o heifers, 3 years or over $200 $100 $50 5- 1 | 211 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or ^3 3 heifers, 2 years and under 3 200 100 50 ^ g « 212 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or n » heifers, 1 year and under 2 200 100 50 a a Carloads of Cattle Shown as Feeders at the Exposition of 1909 and Returned for Exhibition in 1910, After a Year's Feeding. 1st Class. Prem. 213 Best carload of 15 head, grain-fed cattle, in above class, 3 years old or over $100 214 Best carload of 15 head, grain-fed cattle, in above class, 2 j'ears and under 3 100 215 Best carload of 15 head, grain -fed cattle, in above class, 1 year and under 2 100 Certified proof of each exhibit in above classes may be demanded by the management. 192 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION i SHORT-FED SPECIALS. The International Live Stock Exposition, being desirous of determin- ing and demonstrating tlie best and most economical method of feeding cattle, has created the following Classes, to be known as "Short-Fed Specials." Cattle to be eligible for entry must not have been fed grain for six months previous to the time application is made, but after that time the owner may feed the cattle such feeds, including grain, as in his judg- ment will accomplish the greatest results within the given feeding period — i. e., from the date application is made for entry to the opening day of the Exposition. The following rule governs this contest: Rule 72. (a) Application for entry must be made between the 1st and 15th of August, (b) Cattle must be owned by exhibitor at the time application is made, (c) Cattle must not have been fed grain for six months prior to the time application is made; they may, however, have been run In stalk fields, (d) Eighteen cattle may be fitted, but only fifteen of this number can be shown as one carload, (e) Cattle must be weighed, 12 hours in dry lot off feed and water, on day application is made and a record must be kept of the weight of these animals. The cattle to be judged will again be weighed, under similar conditions, at 10 a. m., Saturday, November 26. (f) Sworn statement by the owner and two other reputable persons that cattle had not been fed grain for six months previous to time application for entry is made, also cover- ing the weight of animals on date of application, must be sent to the General Superintendent of the Exposition with said application, (g) A record of the kind, weight and cost of feeds consumed during the feeding period must be kept by the owner, who will deliver this informa- tion, together with the weight of the animals at time of entry, to the Superintendent of the Carload cattle division, on the opening day of the Exposition. (Blanks for all of these purposes will be furnished on request to the General Superintendent.) (h) In judging these classes- Quality and finish 50 per cent. Gain 25 per cent. Economy of gain 25 per cent. (In figuring "Economy, of gain" the cost of feed at the point of feeding should be considered, using as a basis the neighborhood cost of corn plus the freight to Chicago.) The following prizes are offered for these classes: 1st 2d 3d (jlagg Frem. Prem. Prem. 216 Carload of 15 head, 1 year and under 2 $100 $50 $25 217 Carload of 15 head, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 218 Champion carload of these classes Sterling Silver Cup CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION 193 ROSENBAUM SPECIALS. Rosenbaum Brothers, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, offer the foUow- 'ing additional prizes for cattle entered in the "Short-Fed Special" classes: Best carload of cattle, 2 years or over $100 Best carload of cattle, under 2 years 100 Cattle fed by agricultural colleges not eligible for these prizes. INGWERSEN SPECIAL. Ingwersen Brothers, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, offer an additional prize of $100 for the best carload of cattle, any age, entered in the "Short-Fed Special" classes, and stipulate that cattle fed by agricul- tural colleges be not eligible for this prize. CHAMPION CARLOADS BY AGES. Rule 73. Only car lots that have won. first prizes in their classes in one of the foregoing sections or districts are eligible to compete in this section. No previous entry needed. Entries will be made by ring stew- ards, after the preceding classes have been judged. 1st 2d 3d 4tli 5th Class. Feeders Prem. Frem. Prem. Prem. Prem. 219 Carload of 20 head feedina- steers or heifers, I O 2 years and under 3 $100 $50 $25 ^- ° 220 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 3- ^ 1 year a,nd under 2 100 50 25 ^ = 221 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers, 5 under 1 year 100 50 25 g> a. Grain Fed g a. 222 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or 3 heifers, 3 years or over 100 50 25 „ 223 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or a heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 50 25 ^ 224 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers or a. heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 50 25 GRAND CHAMPION CARLOADS. Rule 74. Competition in Class 225 is limited to champion feeder car- loads in Classes 219, 220 and 221. Competition in Class 227 is limited to champion loads in Classes 222, 223 and 224. Class. Feeders 1st Prem. 225 Grand champion carload of 20 head, feeding steers or heifers $125 226 Breeder of grand champion load of feeder cattle Silver Cup Grain Fed 227 Grand champion carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed, martin or open heifers $125 228 Breeder of grand champion load of fat cattle Silver Cup AMERICAN SHORTHORN BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION CARLOAD SPECIALS. For carloads of grass cattle with predominance of Shorthorn blood. From Northwest District, North Central District, South Central District, 1st Prem. 2d Prem. $50 $30 50 30 50 SO Shorthorn blood 194 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION Southwest District and S'outhern District, the following specials are Offered for each District: Class. Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, 1 year and under 2 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, under 1 year For Eastern District cattle, with predominance of bred in any part of the world. Must have been fed by an individual or firm as provided in rule 8, and evidence to that effect will be required by the management, 1st 2d 3d Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Carload of 15 head of grain-fed steers, 3 years or over $250 $150 $100 Carload of 15 head of grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 250 150 100 Carload of 15 head of grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 1 year and under 2 ? 250 150 100 Champion carload of grain-fed steers, any age 250 Grand Champion carload of grain -fed cattle of show (if won by Shorthorn cattle) 1,000 AMERICAN ABERDEEN-ANGUS CARLOAD SPECIALS. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th 6th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Angus carload of 2-year-old steers or heifers $200 $150 $130 $120 $100 $75 Angus carload of 1-year-old steers or heifers 200 150 130 120 100 75 Grand Champion carload of grain-fed cat- tle of the show (if won by Aberdeen Angus) 500 AMERICAN HEREFORD CATTLE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION CARLOAD SPECIALS. For carloads of grass cattle with predominance of Hereford blood shown under classes and rules governing. From Northwest District, North Central District, South Central District, Southwest District and Southern District, the following specials are offered for each district: Class. 1st Prem. 2d Prem. Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 $40 $25 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, heifers, 1 year and under 2 40 25 Carload of 20 head, feeding steers, spayed or martin heifers, under 1 year 40 25 Grand Champion carload of feeder cattle (if won by Here- fords) 500 For Eastern District grain-fed cattle with predominance of Hereford blood bred in any part of the world. Must have been fed by an indi- vidual or firm, as provided in rule 7, and evidence to that effect will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 3 years or over $100 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 2 years and under 3 100 Carload of 15 head, grain-fed steers, spayed or martin heifers, 1 year and under 2 100 Grand Champion carload of grain-fed cattle of show (if won by Hereford cattle) 500 $50 $25 50 25 50 25 CARLOAD CATTLE DIVISION 195 RED POLLED CATTLE CLUB OF AMERICA CARLOAD SPECIALS. 1st 2d 3d Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Carload of Red Polled steers $100 $50 ?30 DENVER STOCK YARD SPECIAL. The Denver Union Stock Yard Company, Denver, Colo., offer a Silver Trophy for the best Carload of Fat Cattle shown at the International of 1910 that were bought as carload of feeders at the Western Stock Show, Denver, January, 1910. Satisfactory evidence of purchaser and ownership will be required. SWENSON SPECIALS. Swenson Bros., Stamford, Texas, will duplicate all prizes won by S. M. S. cattle in the regular classes. I E IM O L. I S H SHEEP Won Over 420 Prizes at Leading American Shows Up to Date This Year. We Import the Best. Our Record Proves This. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE Hampshires Over 1,000 head of choicest ewes and rams— including the English winners at the Royal and other best shows. Shropshires A grand lot of yearling ewes— also 60 choicest rams— including our lioyal winners. Oxfords A splendid lot of ewes and rams (mostly yearling) including our Royal and other winners at the best English shows— the greatest collection ever to- gether. Cots wolds A Royal lot of ewes and rams -and winners of many prizes at the best English and American Shows. SouthdowDS We can oflfer you more English winners than can be found at any one place ■ in America. All the above sheep are iinported and were the pick of the Eng- lish Flocks and English Show Yards. We are making SPECIAL OFFERS ON SPECIAL SELECTIONS DURING THE CHICAGO SHOW. We want all interested in sheep to take a run out to our farms- where we can show you a good lot of sheep for sale at very reasonable prices. Make a date with our manager, W. George Cavan, at the show, and see these sheep. WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS PEDIGREE STOCK CO. 64 W. Illinois St., Chicago, 111. Established 1871 39 years of honest, steady growth and still growing WAYNE & LOW Commission IHcrcbanls for the sale of butter, eggs, pouifrv, veal, bides, wool, green and dried fruits, potatoes in car lots, etc. « « « « Ample Capital — — Good Ability — — Financial Responsibility 185 S. W^ater Street CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS BEFEBENCE : Corn Exchange National Bank National Produce Bank VESEY'S STAR ANTI-CHOLERA FOR HOGS Cures Disease, Insures Health Aids Digestion. Saves Feed Makes Flesh and Growth . Deposit money with any live stock com mission firm on guarantee if you prefer- $9.00 per dozen bottles $5.00 per half dozen bott ANTI-CHOLERA COMPANY Union Stock Yaids. Chicago 196 SHEEP DEPARTMENT. BREEDING SHEEP DIVISION. NOTE RULE 77 IN REGARD TO EAR TAGS. Rule 75. Pen fees shall be 50 cents for each animal, no pen to cost less than $3, except in the carload lots, where no pen fees are charged. These fees must accompany the application for entry. Rule 76. All sheep in pure-bred classes must be registered in flock books of their respective breeds and bear the ear tags of their asso- ciation. The date for computing the ages of sheep is September 1. Rule 77. The exhibitor of sheep must be the owner and all sheep must have the association ear tags before entering the ring and the association ear tag number must hereafter form a part of the entry. Rule 78. Not more than three individual entries in the ram, nor more than four in the ewe classes, will be accepted. Any breeding sheep brought in excess of this number will be placed in such pens as the Superintendent of the Sheep Department may designate. Rule 37. Where there is no competition, the first prize, on merit, will be awarded. Where there is competition, all prizes will be awarded. SHROPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS I. . RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Sheep and lambs competing for these prizes must be American-bred and recorded in the American Shropshire Registry Association Record, and bear the ear tag of the breeder in one ear and the Association tag with registered number in the other. Exhibitor Address Baltzell & Gerber Decatur, Ind. J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. Chandler Bros Chariton, la. Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 197 Official No. 1 2 3 to 5 6 and 7 8 to 10 11 198 BREEDING SHROPSHIRES Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 12 to 14 Zelora Green Oakland, 111. 15 and 16 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 15 and 16 Hammer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 17 and 18 — Charles H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 19 to 21 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 22 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 23 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 24 and 25 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Centre, N. Y. CLASS 2. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. QXHIBITOB ADDBKSS 26 and 27 Baltzell & Gerber Decatur, Ind. 28 and 29 J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 30 to 32 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 33 to 35 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 36 to 38 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 39 and 40 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 41 to 43 Zelora Green Oakland, 111. 44 and 45 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 46 and 47 Charles H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 48 to 50 J. Lloyd Jones .Burford, Ont, Can. 51 Charles Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 52 to 54 Geo. McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 55 to 57 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Centre, N. Y. . CLASS 3. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, S. Official No. ExHiBiTOB Addbbss 58 and 59 Baltzell & Gerber Decatur, Ind. 60 to 62 J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 63 and 64 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 65 to 67 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 68 to 70 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. T, 71 and 72 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 73 to 75 Zelora Green. Oakland, 111. 76 to 78 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford,. Ont, Can. 79 to 81 Charles H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 82 to 84 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont, Can. We carry a full line of Automobile Supplies and are equipped to make prompt ship- ments. Write for Catalogue. Chicago Merchandise and Equipment Co. CLYDE H. SCHRYRA, Manager 830 EXCHANGE AVENUE UNION STOCK YARDS CHICAGO 199 200 BREEDING SHROPSHIRES Official No. Exhibitor Address 85 to 87 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 88 and 89 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 90 to 92 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Centre, N. Y. CLASS 4. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 93 to 96 J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont, Can. 97 to 99 Chandler Bros '. Chariton, Iowa 100 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 101 to 104 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 105 to 108 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 109 to 112 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 113 to 116 Zelora Green ^ Oakland, 111. 117 and 118 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont, Can. 119 and 120 Charles H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 121 to 124 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 125 to 127 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 128 and 129 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 130 to 132 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Centre, N. Y. CLASS 5. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 5, 3. Exhibitor Address Baltzell & Gerber Decatur, Ind. Lee L. Beemer Compton, 111. Bellwood Farms Geneva, N. Y. J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont, Can. Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. Zelora Green Oakland. 111. Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. Charles H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. J. Lloyd Jones ' Burford, Ont., Can. George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. Henry L. Wardwell .Springfield Centre, N. Y. Official No. 133; and 134 135 136 to 139 140 to 143 144 to 146 147 148 to 151 152 to 154 155 to 158 159 to 162 163 to 165 166 to 168 169 to 172 173 to 176 177; and 178 179 to 181 BREEDING SHROPSHIRES 201 CLASS 6. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7. Official No. Exhibitor Address 182 and 183 J. and D. .J. Campbell Woodville, Ont, Can. 184 Chandler Bros Chariton, Iowa 185 William Cooper and Nephews , Chicago, 111. 186 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 187 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 188 Zelora Green Oakland, 111. 189 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 190 Charles H. Hutchison .White Pigeon, Mich. 191 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 192 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 193 and 194 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Centre, N. Y. CLASS 7. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE.— $20, 10, 5. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7. Official No. Exhibitor Address 195 Baltzell & Gerber Decatur, Ind. 196 Bellwood Farms Geneva, N. Y. 197 and 198 J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 199 William Cooper and Nephews. Chicago, 111. 200 and 201 G. Howard Davison Millbrook, N. Y. 202 Elmendorf Farm Lexington, Ky. 203 Zelora Green Oakland, 111. 204 Hanmer & Hodgson Brantford, Ont., Can. 205 Charles H. Hutchison White Pigeon, Mich. 206 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 207 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 208 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 209 and 210 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Centre, N. Y. CLASS 8. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials.— ($10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 9. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. 202 BREEDING HAMPSHERES PRIVATE SHROPSHIRE SPECIALS. Stephen Pettifer & Sons of Malmesbury, England, offer a cup to be known as the "Pettifer Challenge Cup," valued at $250, for the best pen of four Shropshire lambs of either sex, get of one sire, American bred and registered in the American Shropshire Registry Association records, the cup to be won three times by exhibitor before it becomes his abso- lute property. Until the cup is finally awarded it shall remain in the possession of the American Shropshire Registry Association. Henry L. Wardwell, Springfield Center, N. Y., offers the shepherd winning the most prizes at the International on American-bred Shrop- shire sheep $15.00. To the shepherd winning the next greatest number of prizes in American classes, $10. The prizes to be awarded to the shepherd working for a salary. Owner or part owner barred. The British Shropshire Breeders' Association, through its Secretary, Alfred Mansell, offers a Silver Challenge Cup for the best Shropshire flock shown at the International, consisting of — One ram, any age; Two ewes, any age; One ram lamb and two ewe lambs. Competition to be limited to residents of the United States and Canada. HAMPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 10. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Competition limited to American-bred sheep registered in above record and bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a member of this Associa- tion. Official . ^„„„„ No. Exhibitor Address 211 to 213 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 214 C. O. Judd Kent, Ohio 215 George McKerrow & Sons. . . . . ; Pewaukee, Wis. 216 and 217 William P. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. CLASS II. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official ATiDnirss No. Exhibitor i^DKE&s 218 to 220 William Cooper and Nephews Lmcago, iii. 221 and 222 C. O. Judd • • Kent, Ohio BREEDING HAMPSHIRES 203 Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 223 and 224 George McKerrow & Sons. Pewaukee, Wis. 225 to 227 William F. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 228 and 229 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 12. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 230 to 232 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 233 to 235 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 236 and 237 C. O. Judd Kent, Ohio 238 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 239 and 240 William F. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 241 to 243 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 13. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, '7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 244 Fred W. Clark & S'on Wyoming, N. Y. 245 'to 248 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 249 to 251 C. O. Judd. Kent, Ohio 252 and 253 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 254 to 257 William F. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 258 and 259 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 260 and 261 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 262 University of Wyoming " Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 14. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 263 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 264 to 267 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 268 and 269 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 270 and 271 C. O. Judd Kent, Ohio 272 and 273 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 274 and 275 William F. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 276 to 278 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 279 to 281 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 204 BREEDING HAMPSHIRES CLASS 15. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, -10, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $15, 10, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor ' Addbbss 282 to 284 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 285 and 286 C. O. Judd Kent, Ohio 287 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 288 William F. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 289 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. CLASS 16. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF 1 RAM.— $20, 10, 5. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — 1$15, 10, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 290 to 292 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 293 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 294 and 295 C. O. Judd Kent, Ohio 296 William F. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 297 and 298 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 299 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 17. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 18. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. PRIVATE HAMPSHIRE SPECIAL. A trophy to be known as Stephen's Challenge Cup, valued at $150, has been offered through the American Hampshire Sheep Association for the best flock of Hampshire sheep consisting of two yearling ewes, two ewe lambs and one ram one year or over. The conditions for the competition are that all sheep exhibited for this trophy must be re- corded in the Association register and be the property of the exhibitor, who must be a member of the American Hampshire Sheep Association. The cup must be won either four times or three times in succession before It becomes the permanent property of the exhibitor. '' BREEDING SOUTHDOWN 205 SOUTHDOWN. ■ ' ' [See Rule 45.] CLASS 19. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Animals competing must be American-bred, recorded in the American Southdown. Record and have the ear label of the Association. Official No. Exhibitor Address 300 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 301 and 302 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 303 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 304 and 305 Charles Leet .6; Son Mantua, Ohio CLASS 20. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. American Southdown Breeders' Association Specials. — $20. Official No. Exhibitor Address 306 to 308 William Cooper and NephewsT Chicago, 111. 309 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 310 'to 312 Charles Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 313 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 21. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3, Official No. Exhibitor Address 314 to 316 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 317 and 318 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 319 and 320 Charles Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio CLASS 22. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.-^8, 6, 3. American Southdown Breeders' Association Specials. — $20. Official • No. Exhibitor Address 321 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 322 to 325 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 326 and 327 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 328 to 331 Charles Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio 332 University of Wyoming ,,,... Laramie, Wyo. 206 ~ BREEDING OXFORD CLASS 23. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. EXHIBITOB AdDHBSS 333 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 334 to 337 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 338 to 341 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 342 and 343 Charles Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio CLASS 24. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDBBSS 344 to 346 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 347 J. Lloyd Jones' Burford, Ont., Can. 348 Charles Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio CLASS 25. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE.— $10, 7, 5. American Southdown Breeders' Association Specials. — $20, 15. Official No. EXHTBITOB ADDBBSS 349 and 350 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 351 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont., Can. 352 and 353 Charles Leet & Son Mantua, Ohio CLASS 26. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 27. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners In above classes. OXFORD. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 28. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Sheep and lambs competing for these prizes must be registered In the American Oxford-Down Record, bear the A. O. D. R. A. ear tag at time of BREEDING OXFORD 207 exhibition and be owned by the exhibitor, who must be a member of the Association. Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 354 to 356 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 357 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. CLASS 29. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No. EXHIBITOB ASDBBSS 358 to 360 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 361 to 363 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 364 and 365 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 366 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 30. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDBBBS 367 to 369 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 370 to 372 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 373 and 374 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 31. EWE i YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No. EXHIBITOB ABDBBSI 375 to 378 William Cooper and Nephews .Chicago, 111. 379 and 380 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 381 and 382 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 383 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 32. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitob Addbbsi 384 to 387 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 388 to 390 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 391 and 392 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 393 to 395 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 208 BREEDING LINCOLN ' ' CLASS 33. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $10, 8,^. Official No. Exhibitor Address 396 to 398 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 399 George McKerrow & Sons Pewaukee, Wis. 400 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. CLASS 34. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE RAM.— $20, 10, 5. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $10, 8, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 401 tc ^03 William Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 404 George McKerrow & Sons ■ Pewaukee, Wis. 405 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 35. , CHAMPION RAM.— $15. An.erican Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 36. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — ^10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. LINCOLN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 37. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. All sheep competing must be bred in America and registered in the National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Register. Official No. Exhibitor Address 406 A. C. Fielder DeGrafE, Ohio 407 and 408 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont., Can. 409 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. i BREEDING LINCOLN 209 CLASS 38. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official No. BXHIBITOH ABDEBSS 410 and 411 A. C. Fielder DeGraff, Ohio 412 and 413 John Lee & Sons Highgate, One., Can. 414 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. 415 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 39. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addkess 416 and. 417 A. C. Fielder DeGrafE, Ohio 418 to 420 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont., Can. 421 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont., Can. CLASS 40. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 422 and 423 A. C. Fielder DeGrafE, Ohio 424 to 427 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont., Can. 428 and 429 L. Parkinson j. Guelph, Ont., Can. 430 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 41. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 5, 4, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 431 and 432 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 433 to 436 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont. 437 to 439 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 440 and 441 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 42. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND -2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 442 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 443 and 444 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont. 445 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 210 BREEDING COTSWOLD CLASS 43. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE.— $20, 10, 5. National Ldncoln Steep Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 6. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDBBSS 446 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 447 and 448 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont. 449 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. CLASS 44. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $12. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 45. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $12. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. COTSWOLD. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 46. RAM 2 YEARS OR 0VER^-$12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $12, 8, 5. Sheep competing must be recorded in American Cotswold Record and bear registry labels. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDBBSS 450 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. 451 and 452 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 453 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 454 and 455 Lewis Bros ..Camp Point, 111. 456 Wilson & Bryan Muncie, Ind. CLASS 47. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $12, 8, 5. Official . No. Exhibitor Addbbss 457 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. 458 to 460 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. BREEDING COTSWOLD 211 Official , ' No. Exhibitor Addbhss 461 to 463 F. W. Harding : , Waukesha, Wis. 464 and 465 Lewis Bros .' Camp Point, 111. 466 to 468 Wilson & Bryan Muncie, Ind. CLASS 48. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $12, 8, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 469 and 470 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. 471 to 473 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 474 to 476 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 477 and 478 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 479 and 480 Wilson & Bryan Muncie, Ind. CLASS 49. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $12, 8, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 481 to 483 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. 484 to 487 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 488 to 490 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 491 to 493 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 494 to 496 Wilson & Bryan Muncie, Ind. 497 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 50. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $12, 8, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 498 and 499 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. 500 to 503 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 504 to 506 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 507 and 508 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 509 and 510 Wilson & Bryan Muncie, Ind. CLASS 51. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 511 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. 512 and 513 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 212 BREEDING DORSET Official No. Exhibitor Address 514 and 515 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 51 6 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 517 Wilson & Bryan Muncie, Ind. CLASS 52. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF ONE RAM.— $20, 10, 5. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. "Exhibitor Address 518 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. 519 and 520 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 521 F. W. Harding Waukesha, Wis. 522 Lewis Bros Camp Point, 111. 523 Wilson & Bryan Muncie, Ind. CLASS 53. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $5. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 54. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. American Cotswold Record Specials. — $5. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. DORSET. [See Rule 45.] » CLASS 55. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Sheep competing must be recorded in Continental Dorset Club Record. Official No. Exhibitor • Address 524 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 525 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 526 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 527 S. Shafeer New Castle, Pa. BREEDING DORSET 213 CLASS 56. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $8, 5, 3. Official No. BXHIBITOB Addhess 528 R. H. Harding. Thorndale, Ont. 529 and 530 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 531 Nash Bros ...Tipton, Ind. 532 S. Sliaffer New Castle, Pa. 533 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 57. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials.— $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 534 and 535 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 536 and 537 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 538 and 539 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. CLASS 58. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor _ Address 540 and 541 R. H. Harding '. Thorndale, Ont. 542 to 544 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 545 to 547 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 548 and 549 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 550 and 551 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 59. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Continental Dorset Club Specials.— $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 552 and 553 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 554 to 556 W. H. Miner, Chazy, N. Y. 557 to 559 Nash Bros ' . .^ Tipton, Ind. 560 and 561 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 562 and 563 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 214 BREEDING CHEVIOT CLASS 60. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF ONE RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 564 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont 565 W. H. Miner. Chazy, N. Y. 566 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 567 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. 568 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 61. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, GET OF 1 RAM.— $10, 7, 5. Official A^^™^=- No. Exhibitor Address 569 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 570 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 571 S. Shaffer New Castle, Pa. CLASS 62. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 63. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. SPECIAL A. BEST PAIR OF EWES WITH SUCKLING LAMBS. Continental Dorset Club Specials. — $15. Official No. Exhibitor Address Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. CHEVIOT. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 64. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 572 W. D. Calland & Son. . . .' De Graff, Ohio 573 and 574 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 575 and 576 F. L. Postle & Sons Camp Chase, Ohio BREEDING CHEVIOT 215 CLASS 65. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2— $8, 6, 3. Official No. ExniBITOB , Addbbss 577 W. D. Calland & Son De Graff, Ohio 578 and 579 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 580 F. L. Postle & Sons Camp Chase, Ohio CLASS 66. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. £jXhibitob Addbbss 581 W. D. Calland & Son De Graff, Ohio 582 and 583 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 584 and 585 F. L. Postle & Sons , Camp Chase, Ohio CLASS 67. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. ExHiBiTOB Addbbss 586 W. D. Calland & Son De Graff, Ohio 587 and 588 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 589 and 590 F. L. Postle & Sons Camp Chase, Ohio 591 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 68. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. ExHiBiTOB Addbbss 592 and 593 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 594 and 595 F. L. Postle & Sons Camp Chase, Ohio CLASS 69. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS $10, 7, 5. Official No. ExHiBiTOE Addbbss 596 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 597 F. L. Postle & Sons Camp Chase, Ohio CLASS 70. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE RAM.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 598 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 599 F. L. Postle & Sons Camp Chase, Ohio 216 BREEDING LEIGESTER CLASS 71. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 72. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. LEICESTER. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 73. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $8, 6, 3. CLASS 74. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addkess 600 to 602 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 603 A. and W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. CLASS 75. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official No. ExHiBiTOK Address 604 and 605 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 606 and 607 A. and W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. 608 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 76. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $8, 6, 3. Official Addrfss No. Exhibitor ADUK±ca» 609 and 610 Robert Taylor. Abbott, Neb. 61 1 and 612 A. and W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. 613 and 614 University of Wyoming. Laramie, Wyo. BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS 217 CLASS 77. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $8, 6, 3. Official . No. ExHiBiTOE Address 615 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 616 and 617 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 618 and 619 A. and W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. 620 and 621 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 78. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $10, 7, 5. Official . „„ No. Exhibitor Address 622 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 623 A. and W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. CLASS 79. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX THE GET OF ONE SIRE.— $10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 624 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 625 A. and W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. CLASS 80. CHAMPION RAM.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 81. CHAMPION EWE.— $10. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. RAMBOUILLET. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 82. RAM 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8. 7, 6, 5, 4. Animals competing for these specials must be recorded in the Amer- ican Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Register. Entries limited 218 BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS to two by one exhibitor in the individual classes and to one entry by one exhibitor in the flock or group classes. Official No. ExHiBiTOB Address 626 and 627 F. W. Cook West Mansfield, Ohio 628 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 629 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 630 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 631 George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 632 to 634 A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. CLASS 83. RAM 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 635 and 636 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 637 and 638 F. W. Cook West Mansfield, Ohio 639 F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. 640 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 641 to 643 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 644 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 645 and 646 George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 647 to 649 A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. CLASS 84. RAM LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 650 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 651 and 652 F. W. Cook West Mansfield, Ohio 653 to 655 F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. 656 and 657 J. H. McMullan " Woodstock, Ohio 658 to 660 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 661 and 662 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 663 and 664 George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 665 and 666 A. A. Wood & Sons Saline, Mich. BREEDING RAMBOUILLETS 219 SPECIAL A. EWE 2 YEARS OR OVER. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $15, 12, 10, 8, 5. Official No. BxHiBiTOB Address Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. Clark & Williams Wyoming, N. Y. F. S'. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. L, W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. CLASS 85. EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. BXHIBITOB ADDBBSS 667 and 668 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 669 and 670 F. W. Cook West Mansfield, Ohio 671 to 674 F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. 675 and 676 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 677 to 679 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 680 and 681 George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 682 and 683 A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. CLASS 86. EWE LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 7, 6, 5, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Ajjdrbss 684 Fred W. Clark & Son Wyoming, N. Y. 685 and 686 F. W. Cook West Mansfield, Ohio 687 to 690 F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. 691 to 694 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 695 to 698 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 699 to 701 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 702 to 704 George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 705 and 706 A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. S20 fiR^EDl*fG RAMBOUlLLfitS SPECIAL B. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM, ANY AGE; 1 EWE 2 YEARS OR OVER, 1 EWE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2, AND 1 EWE LAMB; RAM TO BE OWNED AND EWES BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. SPECIAL C. PEN OF 4 LAMBS, EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE SIRE, TO BE BRED AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $20, 15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. CLASS 87. FLOCK TO CONSIST OF 1 RAM 1 YEAR OR OVER, 2 YEARLING EWES AND 2 EWE LAMBS.— $20, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 707 and 708 F. W. Cook West Mansfield, Ohio 709 F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. 710 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 711 George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 712 A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. CLASS 88. FOUR LAMBS OF EITHER SEX, THE GET OF ONE RAM.— $20, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 713 and 714 F. W. Cook West Mansfield, Ohio 715 F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. 716 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio Breeding RAMBOutLLtts 221 Official No. Exhibitor Address 717 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 718 George Truesdell Deer Park, Md. 719 A. A. Wood & Sons, Ltd Saline, Mich. CLASS 89. CHAMPION RAM.— $15. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 90. CHAMPION EWE.— $15. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. TO rNTERNATIONAL EXHIBITORS Here is FEELING SURE that your exhibit at the International Live Stock Exposition will be a benefit to the industry and HOPING that it will result in pleasure and profit to you. We hope you may be able to have winnings that will justify the use of a liberal amount of space on one or more days during the show. For this kind of display advertising our rate during the show will be $i.oo per inch, so that if you want to use a space of, say, half a page, it would cost $75.00, or a space 12^ inches deep on four columns wide $50.00; a space 10 inches deep on three columns $30, or a space 5 inches deep and three columns wide $15.00. Mr. James H. S. Johnstone, formerly with the Breed- er's Gazette, author of "The Horse Book," and one of the best fine stock judges and writers in the country, has joined the staff of the Live Stock World. Mr. Grant Gaines of Springfield, 111.; Mr. H. M. Stewart of Wash- ington, Iowa, and Mr. A. J. Hauser of New Carlisle, Ind., are among the Live Stock World field men. We all stand ready to be of the greatest possible service to you, and if there is any way in which we can help you, com- mand us. IT PAYS TO SUBSCRIBE FOR, ADVERTISE IN AND GET PRINTING FROM Cljtragn Batlg ^xw ^ttttk Wtivlh ASHLEIGH C. HALLIWELL, Pres. JAS. E. POOLE, Secy. F. D. FAUST, Treas. 222 FAT SHEEP DIVISION. FAT SHROPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 91. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7, 5, 3. Animals competing must be American-bred and recorded in Amer- ican Shropshire Register. Official No. Exhibitor Address 720 and 721 Bellwood Farms. Geneva, N. Y. 722 to 724 J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 725 and 726 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Chicago, 111. 727 and 728 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 729 and 730 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 731 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 732 and 733 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 734 to 737 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 738 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 92. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor . Addbbss 739 to 742 J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 743 to 745 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Chicago, 111. 746 to 749 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 750 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 751 Henry L. Wardwell ; . .Springfield Center, N. Y. 752 to 757 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 758 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 223 224 . HAMPSHIRE — FAT CLASSES CLASS 93. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $18, 15, 10, 7, 5. Official ' No. Exhibitor Address 759 J. and D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 760 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Chicago, 111. 761 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 762 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 94. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. American Shropshire Registry Association Specials. — $20. FAT HAMPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 95. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10, Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $15, 10, 5, 3. Competition limited to American-bred sheep registered in above rec- ord and bred and owned by exhibitor, who must be a member of this Association. Official No. Exhibitor Address 763 to 766 Wm. Cooper & Nephews .....Chicago, 111. 767 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 767 and 769 Wm. P. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 770 to 772 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 773 and 774 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 96. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 8, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 775 to 778 Wm. Cooper & Nephews _ Chicago, 111. 779 George Allen Burford, Ont. 780 and 781 Wm. F. Renk Sun Prairie, Wis. 782 to 784 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 785 to 790 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 791 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo, SOUTHDOWN — FAT CLASSES 225 CLASS 97. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Hampshire-Down Breeders' Association Specials. — $15, 10, 7, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 732 and 793 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Chicago, 111. 794 and 795 Robert Taylor Abbott, Neb. 796 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 98. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. FAT SOUTHDOWN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 99. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Animals competing must be American-bred and recorded in the American Southdown Record. Official No. Exhibitor Address 797 and 798 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Chicago, 111. 799 to 801 Huntlywood Farm Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 802 and 803 Iowa State College ' Ames, Iowa 804 to 806 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 807 F. W. and W. A. McCoy Mercer, Pa. 808 to 810 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 811 to 814 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 815 to 817 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 100. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 818 and 819 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Chicago, 111. 820 to 822 Huntlywood Farm Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 823 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 824 to 826 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 827 to 832 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 833 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 226 OXFORD — FAT CLASSES CLASS loi. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS $25, 20, 10. Official No. EXHIBITOK ADDBBSS 834 Wm. Cooper & Nephews Chicago, 111. 835 Huntlywood Farm Beaconsfield, Que., Can. 836 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 837 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 102. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. SPECIAL. CHAMPION YEARLING WETHER OF SHOW. American Southdown Breeders' Association Specials. — $25. FAT OXFORD. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 103. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 4., Animals competing must he registered in the American Oxford-Down Record and owned hy the exhibitor, who must be a member of this Association. Official No. Exhibitor Addhbss 838 to 840 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. 841 to 844 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 845 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 846 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 104. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Address 847 to 849 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. 850 to 854 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 855 to 858 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. Lincoln — pat classes 227 CLASS 105. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $10, 8, 6, 4. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 859 J. W. Lee & Sons S'imcoe, Ont. 860 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 861 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 106. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. . American Oxford-Down Record Association Specials. — $10. FAT LINCOLN. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 107. • """"''" WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. National Lincoln SHeep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4, 3. All sheep competing must be bred in America and registered in the National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Register. Official No. ExHiBiTOB Address 862 and 863 John Goswell & Son ; Ridgetown, Ont. 864 and 865 L. Parkinson .^ Guelph, Ont. CLASS 108. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $8, 6, 4, 3. Official ;, ■ "^VlII No. Exhibitor Addbdss 866 to 870 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont. 871 to 874 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 875 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 109. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $10, 8, 4, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 876 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont. 877 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. CLASS 110. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. 228 Official No. 878 879 880 Official No. 881 to 884 885 Official No. 886 DORSET — FAT CLASSES FAT COTSWOLD. [See Rule 45.] CLASS III. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Exhibitor Addbess Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 112. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. EXHIBITOK . ADDEESS 883 Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 113. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. BxHiBiTOE Address Geo. Allen Burford, Ont. CLASS 114. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. FAT DORSET. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 115. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. ■Official No. Exhibitor Address 887 and 888 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 889 and 890 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 891 to 893 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 894 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 895 and 896 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CHEVIOT — FAT CLASSES 229 CLASS ii6. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 897 to 899 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 900 to 902 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y, 903 and 904 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 905 and 906 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 117. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 907 R. H. Harding Thorndale, Ont. 908 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. CLASS 118. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. FAT CHEVIOT. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 119. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 909 to 912 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 913 and 914 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 915 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 120. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 916 and 917 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio 918 to 921 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 922 F. L. Postle & Sons Camp Chase, Ohio 923 to 928 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 929 and 930 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo, 230 Official No. 931 932 933 LEICESTER — FAT CLASSES CLASS 121. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Exhibitor * Addsbss Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. CLASS 122. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. FAT LEICESTER. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 123. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. BXHIBITOK ADDBBSS 934 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 935 and 936 A. & W. Whitelaw .Guelpb, Ont. 937 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 124. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. EXHIBITOK ADDBBSS 938 and 939 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 940 to 944 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. 945 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 125. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. OflJcIal No. Exhibitor Addbhss 946 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 947 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. CLASS 126. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 231 FAT RAMBOUILLET. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 127. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 948 and 949 F. S. King Bros. Co Laramie, Wyo. 950 and 951 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio 952 L. W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 953 to 955 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 956 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 128. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 957 to 959 J. H. McMullan .Woodstock, Ohio 960 L, W. Shaw Pottersburg, Ohio 961 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 129. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 962 and 963 J. H. McMullan Woodstock, Ohio CLASS 130. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. GRADES AND CROSS BREEDS. The same interpretation as defined under Rule 55 for cattle will apply to sheep. MEDIUM WOOL OR DOWN TYPES. CLASS 131. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 964 to 966 J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. 967 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 968 to 972 inc. A. J. Knollin Chicago, 111. 973 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. 232 SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 974 and 975 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 976 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 977 to 980 inc. G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 981 to 988 inc. R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 989 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 990 to 996 inc. University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 997 to 1000 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 132. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1001 and 1002 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio 1003 to 1007 inc. A. J. KnoUin Chicago, 111. 1008 to 1011 inc. J. & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont, Can. 1012 J. B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 1013 and 1014 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1015 and 1016 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. 1017 to 1020 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 1021 to 1023 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 1024 Nash Bros Tipton, Ind. 1025 and 1026 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 1027 and 1028 A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. 1029 to 1036 inc. R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1037 and 1038 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 1039 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 1040 to 1046 inc. University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1047 to 1050 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. * CLASS 133. PEN OF 5 WETHERS 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1051 A. J. Knollin Chicago, 111. 1052 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 1053 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1054 and 1055 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 1056 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1057 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 134. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAIVIBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1058 Boyd & King Hillsboro, Ohio 1059 J, & D. J. Campbell Woodville, Ont., Can. SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS 233 Official No. Exhibitor Address 1060 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1061 A. J. Knollin Chicago, 111. 1062 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. 1063 J. Lloyd Jones Buiford, Ont. 1064 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 1065 A. L. Sayers Lakeville, Minn. 1 066 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1067 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 1068 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 135. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. LONG WOOL TYPES. CLASS 136. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. Official . No. Exhibitor Address 1069 J. Orton Flnley Oneida, 111. 1070 John Goswell & Sons Ridgetown, Ont. 1071 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1072 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 1073 to 1075 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 1076 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. 1077 to 1080 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 137. WETHER LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1081 A. J. Knollin Chicago, 111. 1082 to 1091 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont. 1092 J. W. Lee & Sons Simcoe, Ont. 1093 and 1094 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 1095 to 1097 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 1088 and 1099 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1100 'to 1104 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. 1105 to 1108 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 138. PEN OF 5 WETHERS 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1109 and 1110 John Lee & Sons Highgate, Ont. 1111 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 1112 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. 234 SHEEP — GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS CLASS 139. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS.— $25, 20, 10. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDEBSS 1113 J. Lloyd Jones Burford, Ont. 1114 L. Parkinson Guelph, Ont. 1115 A. & W. Whitelaw Guelph, Ont. 1116 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 140. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES.— $25. GRAND CHAMPION. Grand Champion Wether, if winning animal is recorded in Hamp- shire Register, or has either its sire or dam recorded in the book of this Association. CLASS 141. GRAND CHAMPION WETHER UNDER 2 YEARS.— 50. All breeds, grades and crosses. Post entries limited to Wethers having won champion or reserve in class. CLASS 142. RESERVE TO GRAND CHAMPION.— Ribbon. AMERICAN HAMPSHIRE SHEEP ASSOCIATION SPECIAL. CLASS 141. American Hampshire Sheep Association Specials. — $25. AMERICAN SHROPSHIRE ASSOCIATION— GRADE AND CROSS-BRED SPECIALS. : All Wethers must be sired by registered Shropshire rams, and out of grade or cross-bred ewes. CLASS 131. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. American Shropshire Association Specials. — $16, 12, 8, 5, 3, CLASS 132. WETHER LAMB. American Shropshire Association Specials. — $16, 12, 8, 5, 3. SHEEP — DRESSED CARCASSES 235 CLASS 134. PEN OF 5 WETHER LAMBS. American Shropshire Association Specials. — $16, 12, 8, 5, 3. CLASS 135. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES. American Shropshire Association Specials. — $20. NATIONAL LINCOLN SHEEP BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. Wethers competing must be sired by registered Lincoln rams. CLASS 136. WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 4. CLASS 137. WETHER LAMB UNDER 1 YEAR. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $6, 4. CLASS 140. CHAMPION WETHER IN ABOVE CLASSES. National Lincoln Sheep Breeders' Association Specials. — $10. DRESSED CARCASSES. Any Breed, Grade or Cross. CLASS 143. CARCASS OF WETHER 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $25, 15, 10. No. of Entry Exhibitor Abdbbss 2 Bellwood Farm •. Geneva, N. Y. 4 Wm. Cooper and Nephews Chicago, 111. 2 J, B. Henderson Burgettstown, Pa. 3 Hun tly wood Farm Beaconsfield, Quebec, Can. 2 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 A. J. Knollin Chicago, 111. 3 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 2 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 2S6 SHEEP — CARLOAD DIVISION No. of Exhibitor Address Entry 2 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 2 R. J. Stone Stonington, 111. 1 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb. 2 Henry L. Wardwell Springfield Center, N. Y. 24 University of Wisconsin Madison, Wis. 10 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 144. CARCASS OF LAMB.— $25, 15, 10. No. of Entry Exhibitor Address 4 Wm. Cooper and Nephevi^s Chicago, 111. 1 J. B. Henderson Bm'gettstown, Pa. 2 Huntlyw^ood Farm .Beaconsfield, Quebec, Can. 2 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 A. J. Knollin Chicago, 111. 3 W. H. Miner Chazy, N. Y. 2 G. W. Parnell Wingate, Ind. 3 Robt. Taylor Abbott, Neb, 8 University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wis. 5 University of Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. CLASS 145. Champion carcass of show, competition limited to first-prize car- casses in above classes. — $25. CARLOAD DIVISION. Entries Close Novemljer 20 in Carload Classes. NATIVE SHEEP. Bred east of 98° of longitude. Bill of sale or other satisfactory evi- dence where bred will be required by the management. 1st 2d 3d 4th Class. Frem. Prera. Prem. Prem. 146 Carload (not less than SO head), wethers, 1 year and under 2 $75 $50 $30 $20 147 Carload (not less than 50 head), lambs 75 50 30 20) RANGE SHEEP. Bred and dropped west of 98° of longitude. Bill of sale or other satisfactory evidence wkeri bred will be required by the management. Class. 1st Pr^TOv 2d Prem. 148 Carload (not less than 50 head), wethers, 2 years or over $75 $25 149 Carload (not less than 50 head), wethers, 1 year and under 2 , 75 25 J50 Carload (not less than 50 liead), laipbs ...,,,,,,,,,,, 75, 35 SHEEP — CARLOAD DIVISION 237 CHAMPION CARLOAD OF SHEEP. Class. Prem. 151 Champion carload of sheep of show $100 AMERICAN RAMBOUILLET SHEEP BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. Animals competing must be sired by registered Rambouillet rams, bred and dropped west of the 98° of longitude, and exhibitor must be able to furnish satisfactory evidence as to where animals were bred. Class. Ppem. For best car of not less than 50 head of range-bred wethers, 1 year old.... $50 For best car of not less than 50 head of range-bred lambs 50 M iigfgl. and slaughtered by S. & S. Co. Wt. 1,430 lbs. Cost TKfS]| U^jSH^ ■ $1.50 per lb. Highest price ever paid. .^^!-lJ! You're Sure To Do It Sooner or Later : and the sooner the better : WHY NOT COMMENCE NOW We Sell CATTLE, HOGS and SHEEP On commission CHICAGO ALEXANDER, WARD & CONOVER EAST ST. LOUIS, too Swift & Henry represent us at KANSAS CITY 238 SWINE DEPARTMENT. BREEDING SWINE DIVISION. All entries in the individual and pen classes close November 1. Rule 79. The ages of swine will be computed from the 1st day of September of the year in which they were pigged. Rule 80. Pen fees shall be 50 cents for each animal, no pen to cost less than $3, except in the carload lots, where no fees are charged. These fees must accompany the application for entry. Rule 81. Exhibitors will not be allowed to make more than two entries in any class, and no animals will be given pen room unless properly entered. Rule 82. Evidence satisfactory to the management must be sub- mitted that boars 2 years old or over have sired live pigs within one year immediately preceding September 1, 1910, and that sows 2 years old or over have produced pigs during this period. Rule 83. Boars over 1 year must have their tusks removed before showing. Rule 84. Animals entered for competition in the single classes may also be shown in the pen exhibits, but only as property of the original exhibitor. Rule 85. All animals exhibited in the breeding classes must be registered in the books of their respective^ breeds and exhibitor must be able to produce certificate of registration if required to do so. While all entries in the pure-bred barrow classes must be accompanied with a certificate frpm the Record Associations representing the breed, showing the name and record number of sire and dam. , Rule 86. Grade and cross-bred animals entered in the pen exhibits must individually weigh to weight requirements. Rule 87. All swine exhibited at owners' risk. The Association will not be responsible for any accidents or diseases of any nature. As a safeguard against disease we would recommend that all breeding hogs to be shown at the International Live Stock Exposition be inoculated with the Government serum, which has proven successful almost with- out exception in preventing hogs exposed to cholera from taking the disease. Rule 37. Where there is no competition the first prize, on merit, will be awarded. Where there is competition all prizes will be awarded. 239 240 BREEDING BERKSHIRE BERKSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS I. BOAR 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 1 Sheffield Farms Glendale, Ohio 2 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. CLASS. 2. BOAR 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 3 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 4 Everson Bros ." Wellington, Ohio CLASS 3. BOAR 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 4. BOAR 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 5 Everson Bros Wellington, Ohio 6 G. Murrell Middleton Shelby ville, Ky. 7 — 835 C. E. Sutton Dawrence, Kan. CLASS 5. BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 8 and 9 Everson Bros Wellington, Ohio 10 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. 11 C. E. Sutton Lawrence, Kan. CLASS 6. sow 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Ad'dress 12 and 13 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 14 Sheffield Farms Glendale, Ohio 15 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. 16 and 17 C. E. Sutton Lawrence, Kan. BREEDING BERKSHIRE 241 CLASS 7. sow 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 18 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 19 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. CLASS 8. sow 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 20 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 21 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. 22 C. E. Sutton Lawrence, Kan. CLASS 9. SOW 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 23 and 24 Everson Bros Wellington, Ohio 25 and 26 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. .... C. E. Sutton Lawrence, Kan. CLASS 10. SOW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 27 and 28 Everson Bros • Wellington, Ohio 29 and 30 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. CLASS II. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 31 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. CLASS 12. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor • Address 32 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 33 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. 242 BREEDING BERKSHIRE CLASS 13. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Addkhss 34 and 35 Bverson Bros Wellington, Ohio 36 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. CLASS 14. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No, EXHIBITOE ABDEESS 37 and 38 Everson Bros Wellington, Ohio 39 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. CLASS 15. FOUR PIGS UNDER 6 MONTHS, PRODUCE OF SAIVIE SOW.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. ' C>fficial No. ExHEBiTOB Address 40 Sheffield Farms Glendale, Ohio CLASS 16. * FOUR SWINE, GET OF SAIVIE BOAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $14, 9, 6, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 41 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 42 Everson Bros Wellington, Ohio 43 Sheffield Farms Glendale, Ohio 44 Charles A. Steward Fox, 111. CLASS 17. SENIOR CHAMPION BOAR OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 18. JUNIOR CHAMPION BOAR UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 19. SENIOR CHAMPION SOW OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15, Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. BREEDING POLAND-CHINA 243 CLASS 20. JUNIOR CHAMPION SOW UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 21. GRAND CHAIVIPION BOAR, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. CLASS 22. GRAND CHAMPION SOW, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. POLAND CHINA. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 23. BOAR 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official . No. ExHiBiTOB Address 45 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 46 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 47 Theo. Martin Bellevue, Iowa 48 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 24. BOAR 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 49 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 50 J. B. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 25. BOAR 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 51 G. L. Burgess Bement, 111. 52 A. C. Grieve & Sons Xenia, Ohio 53 and 54 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. 55 Meharry & Hunter Tolono, 111. 244 BREEDING POLAND CHINA CLASS 26. BOAR 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 56 G. L. Burgess Bement, 111. 57 John Francis & Sons ■. New Lenox, 111. 58 Garrison & Speed Bros Rushville, 111. 59 A. C. Grieve -fe Sons Xenia, Ohio 60 Hunter & Haines Morrow, Ohio 61 J. E. Meharry .Tolono, 111. CLASS 27. BOAR UNDER 6 IVIONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 62 Francis & Marker Tolono, 111. 63 and 64 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 65 and 66 Elmer Henderson Leland, 111. 67 and 68 Thomas Hunter & Co Morrow, Ohio 69 and 70 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 28. ♦ SOW 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 71 and 72 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 73 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 74 and 75 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 29. sow 18 AND UNDER 24 IVIONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 76 A. C. Grieve & Sons Xenia, Ohio 77 and 78 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 30. sow 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5," Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 79 and 80 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 81 A. C. Grieve & Sons Xenia, Ohio 82 and 83 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111, BREEDING POLAND CHINA 245 CLASS 31. sow 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 84 and 85 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111, 86 A. C. Grieve & Sons Xenia, Ohio 87 and 88 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 89 Theo. Martin Bellevue, Iowa 90 and 91 J. E. Meharry , Tolono, 111. CLASS 32. sow UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 92 and 93 F. M. Fahry Manhattan, 111. 94 and 95 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 96 A. C. Grieve & Sons Xenia, Ohio 97 and 98 Thos. Hunter & Co Morrow, Ohio 99 and 100 Elmer Henderson Leland, 111. 101 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 102 and 103 J. B. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 33. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Arnerican Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 104 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 105 A. C. Grieve & Sons Xenia, Ohio 106 and 107 J. E. Meharry ,. .Tolono, 111. CLASS 34. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 108 and 109 J, E. Meharry Tolono, HI, 246 POLAND CHINA — FAT CLASSES CLASS 35. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. ExHiBiTOB Address 110 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 111 Elmer Henderson Leland, 111. 112 Thos. Hunter & Co Morrow, Ohio 113 and 114 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 36. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. BXHIBITOR ADDBESS 115 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 116 Elmer Henderson Leland, 111. 117 Thos. Hunter Morrow, Ohio 118 and 119 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 37- FOUR PIGS UNDER 6 MONTHS, PRODUCE OF SAME SOW.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. EiXHIBITOE ADDBESS 120 F. M. Fahry Manhattan, 111. 121 and 122 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 123 and 124 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 38. FOUR SWINE, GET OF SAME BOAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $14, 9, 6, Ribbon, Ribbon. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. EXHIBITOB ADDBESS 125 F. M. Fahry Manhattan, 111. 126 and 127 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 128 Thos. Hunter & Co Morrow, Ohio 129 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 130 Theo. Martin Bellevue, Iowa 131 and 132 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. BREEDING DUROC JERSEY 247 CLASS 39. SENIOR CHAMPION BOAR OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 40. JUNIOR CHAMPION BOAR UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 41. SENIOR CHAMPION SOW OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 42. JUNIOR CHAMPION SOW UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first-prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 43. GRAND CHAMPION BOAR, ANY AGE.— $15. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. CLASS 44. GRAND CHAMPION SOW.— $15. American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $10. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. DUROC JERSEY. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 45. BOAR 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 133 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 134 and 135 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 136 Schweizer & Hansen. Manhattan, 111. 137 and 138 T. W. S'toner & Son Henry, 111. 139 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 248 BREEDING DUROC JERSEY CLASS 46. BOAR 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official , No. Exhibitor Address 140 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 141 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 142 and 143 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 144 Schweizer & Hansen Manhattan, :I11. 145 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 47. BOAR 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 146 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 147 and 148 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 149 and 150 Schweizer & Hansen Manhattan, 111. 151 and 152 Whitehall Farm '. Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 48. BOAR 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 153 and 154 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 155 C. R. Doty , Charleston, 111. 156 and 157 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 158 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 159 Schweizer & Hansen Manhattan, 111. 160 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 161 and 162 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 49. BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 163 and 164 Frank Bieth & Son Joliet, 111. 165 and 166 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 167 and 168 C. W. Connell & Sons Joliet, 111. 169 and 170 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 171 and 172 C. D. Hansen Manhattan, 111. 173 and 174 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 175 and 176 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 177 and 178 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 179 T. W. Stoner & Son Henry, 111. 180 and 181 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio BREEDING DUROC JERSEY 249 CLASS 50. sow 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 182 and 183 H. B. Browning Hersman, 111. 184 and 185 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 186 and 187 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 51. sow 18 AND UNDER 24 IVIONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 188 and 189 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 190 and 191 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 192 FVed Schweizer . .Elwood, 111. 193 and 194 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 52. sow 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 195 and 196 H. B. Browning Hersman, 111. 197 and 198 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 199 and 200 Whitehall Farm .Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 53. SOW 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 201 and 202 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 203 and 204 C. R. Doty *. . .Charleston, 111. 205 and 206 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 207 and 208 Schweizer & Hansen Manhattan, 111. 209 and 210 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 211 T. W. Stoner & Son Henry, 111. 212 and 213 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 54. SOW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 214 Frank Bieth & Son. ..'. Joliet, 111. 215 and 216 H. B. Browning Hersman, 111. 217 and 218 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 21 9 and 220 C. D. Hansen Manhattan, 111. 221 and 222 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 250 BREEDING DUROC JERSEY Official No. Exhibitor Address 223 A. M. & H. G. Kittredge Dayton, Ohio 224 and 225 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 226 and 227 Fred Scliweizer Elwood, 111. 228 and 229 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 55. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 230 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 231 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 232 and 233 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 56. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 234 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 235 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 236 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 57. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 237 and 238 H. E. Browning ' Hersman, 111. 239 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 240 C. D. Hansen Manhattan, 111. 241 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 242 Schweizer & Hansen Manhattan, 111. 243 and 244 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 58. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 245 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 246 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 247 C. D. Hansen Manhattan, 111. 248 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 249 Schweizer & Hansen Manhattan, 111. 250 and 251 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio BREEDING DUROC JERSEY 251 CLASS 59. FOUR PIGS UNDER 6 MONTHS, PRODUCE OF SAME SOW.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 252 Frank Bieth & Son Joliet, 111. 253 and 254 H, E. Browning Hersman, 111. 255 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 256 C. D. Hansen Manhattan, 111. 257 and 258 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 259 and 260 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 261 Fred S'chweizer Blwood, 111. 262 T. W. Stoner & Son Henry, 111. 263 Whitehall Farm .Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 6o. FOUR SWINE, GET OF SAME BOAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $14, 9, 6, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 264 and 265 H. E. Browning Hersman, 111. 266 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 267 C. D. Hansen Manhattan, 111. 268 and 269 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 270 and 271 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 272 Schweizer & Hansen. Manhattan, 111. 273 T. W. Stoner & Son Henry, 111. 274 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 6i. SENIOR CHAMPION BOAR OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 62. JUNIOR CHAMPION BOAR UNDER 12 MOiMTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 63. SENIOR CHAMPION SOW OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. 252 BREEDING HAMPSHIRE CLASS 64. JUNIOR CHAMPION SOW UNDER I2' MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 65. GRAND CHAMPION BOAR, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. CLASS 66. GRAND CHAMPION SOW, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. AMERICAN DUROC-JERSEY SWINE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION SPECIALS. Animals competing must be recorded in the Register of this Associa- tion, and must also be bred and owned by exhibitor, who is required to be a member of the above organization. Herds showing must be of same class; that is, all under 6 months or all 6 months and under 1 year, and no individual exhibitor or firm will be permitted to make more than one entry. These prizes will be awarded by the regular judge and all special premiums will be paid by Mr. T. B. Pearson, Secretary, upon receipt of signed statement from the Secretary of the International. 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Class. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Prem. Spcl. A. Duroc-Jersey herd, under 1 year, con- sisting of 1 boar and 3 sows $30 $24 $20 $16 $10 HAMPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 67. BOAR 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. The American Hampshire Swine Breeders' Association subscribed $131 of the above money. All competing animals must be recorded in the American Hampshire Swine Breeders' Record. Official No. Exhibitor Address 275 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 276 and 277 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 278 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 279 and 280 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. BREEDING HAMPSHIRE 253 CLASS 68. BOAR 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. ExHiBiTOE Address 281 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 282 and 283 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 284 and 285 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 69. BOAR 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 286 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 287 and 288 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 289 and 290 Long Bros Elwood, 111. 291 and 292 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 70. BOAR 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official ^ No. Exhibitor «• Address 293 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 294 and 295 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 296 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 297 * L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 298 and 299 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 71. BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 300 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 301 and 302 J. Crouch & Son LaFayette, Ind. 303 and 304 Sylvester Essig Tipton, Ind. 305 and 306 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 307 and 308 Jno. Goodwine Potomac, 111. 309 and 310 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 311 and 312 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 313 and 314 Patterson & Rouse Paynes Depot, Ky, Official No. 315 and 316 317 and 318 319 320 321 and 322 CLASS 72. SOW 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Exhibitor Address H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. John Goodwine Potomac, 111. Long Bros Elwood, 111. L. C. Miller Canton. 111. 254 BREEDING HAMPSHIRE CLASS 73. SOW 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 323 and 324 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 325 and 326 Wm. Bssig Tipton, Ind. 327 John Goodwine .Potomac, 111. 328 and 329 L. C. Millel- Canton, 111. CLASS 74. sow 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 330 and 331 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 332 and 333 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 334 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 335 Long Bros Elwood, 111. 336 and 337 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 75. SOW 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— ^12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 338 and 339 H. Atkinson • '. .Mt. Sterling, Ky. 340 and 341 J. Crouch & Son LaFayette, Ind. 342 and 343 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 344 and 345 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 346 and 347 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 348 and 349 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 350 Patterson & Rouse Paynes Depot, Ky. CLASS 76. SOW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 351 and 352 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 353 and 354 J. Crouch & Son LaFayette, Ind. 355 and 356 Sylvester Essig Tipton, Ind. 357 and 358 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 359 and 360 L. C. Miller Canton, Ind. 361 and 362 Patterson & Rouse Paynes Depot, Ky. CLASS 77. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 363 H. Atkinson , Mt. Sterling, Ky. 364 and 365 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 366 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 367 and 368 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. BREEDING HAMPSHIRE 255 CLASS 78. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. • Exhibitor Address 369 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 370 and 371 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 372 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 373 and 374 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 79. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 375 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 376 and 377 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 378 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 379 and 380 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 381 Patterson & Rouse Paynes Depot, Ky. CLASS 8o. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 382 and 383 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 384 and 385 J. Crouch & Son LaFayette, Ind. 386 and 387 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 388 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 389 and 390 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 391 Patterson & Rouse Paynes Depot, Ky. CLASS 8i. FOUR PIGS UNDER 6 MONTHS, PRODUCE OF SAME SOW.— $12, 8, 5, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 392 and 393 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 394 and 395 J. Crouch & Son LaFayette, Ind. 396 and 397 Wm. Essig Tipton, Ind. 398 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 399 and 400 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 401 Patterson & Rouse Paynes Depot, Ky. 256 BREEDING HAMPSHIRE CLASS 82. FOUR SWINE, GET OF SAME BOAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $14, 9, 6, 3, 2. Official No. Exhibitor Address 402 and 403 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 404 and 405 J. Crouch & Son LaPayette, Ind. 406 and 407 Wm. Bssig Tipton, Ind. 408 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 409 and 410 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 41 1 Patterson & Rouse Paynes Depot, Ky. CLASS 83. SENIOR CHAMPION BOAR OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for champion- ship honors. CLASS 84. JUNIOR CHAMPION BOAR UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for champion- ship honors. CLASS 85. SENIOR CHAMPION SOW OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for champion- ship honors. CLASS 86. JUNIOR CHAMPION SOW UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for champion- ship honors. CLASS 87. GRAND CHAMPION BOAR, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. CLASS 88. GRAND CHAMPION SOW, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. BREEDING CHESTER WHITE 257 FOR BEST UNDER 1 YEAR EXHIBIT, THE GET OF ONE SIRE. American Hampshire Swine Breeders' Association Specials. Sil- ver cup. FOR BEST UNDER 1 YEAR EXHIBIT, THE PRODUCE OF ONE SOW. American Hampshire Swine Breeders' Association Specials, Sil- ver cup. CHESTER WHITE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 89. BOAR 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. ■ Exhibitor Address 412 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 413 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 414 and 415 E. L. Leavens Shell Rock, Iowa 416 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. CLASS 90. BOAR 18 AND UNDER 24 iVIONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 417 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. CLASS 91. BOAR 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 418 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 419 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 420 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 421 E, L. Leavens Shell Rock, Iowa CLASS 92. BOAR 6 AND UNDER 12 IVIONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 422 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 423 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 424 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 425 and 426 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. 258 BREEDING CHESTER WHITE CLASS 93. BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon- Official No. Exhibitor Address 427 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 428 and 429 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111, 430 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 431 and 432 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 433 and 434 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. 435 and 436 Harry H. Wheeler Elburn, 111. CLASS 94. sow 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor ^ Address 437 and 438 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 439 Gibson & Harton f Muncie, Ind. 440 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 441 E. L. Leavens , Shell Rock, Iowa 442 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. 443 Skinner & Muchler Valparaiso, Ind. CLASS 95. sow 18 AND UNDER 24 IVIONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 444 and 445 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 446 and 447 Gibson & Harton : Muncie, Ind. 448 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 449 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. CLASS 96. sow 12 AND UNDER 18 IVIONTHS.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 450 and 451 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 452 and 453 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 454 and 455 E. L. Leavens Shell Rock, Iowa 456 and 457 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. CLASS 97. sow 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 458 and 459 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 460 and 461 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 462 and 463 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 464 and 465 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 466 and 467 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. BREEDING CHESTER WHITE 2^9 CLASS 98. sow UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 4, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Addebss 468 and 469 F. E. Bone... Ava, 111. 470 and 471 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 472 and 473 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 474 and 475 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 476 and 477 C. Hintz & Son ^ Fremont, Ohio 478 and 479 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. 480 Skinner & Muchler Valparaiso, Ind. 481 and 482 Harry H. Wheeler Blburn, 111. CLASS 99. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 483 and 484 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 485 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 486 and 487 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 488 E. L. Leavens Shell Rock, Iowa 489 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. CLASS 100. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 490 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 491 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 492 E. L. Leavens Shell Rock, Iowa 493 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. CLASS loi. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 494 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 495 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 496 and 497 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 428 and 499 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 500 and 501 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. 260 BREEDING CHESTER WHITE CLASS 102. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. ExHiBiTOE Address 502 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 503 and 504 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. 505 and 506 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 507 and 508 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. CLASS 103. FOUR PIGS UNDER 6 MONTHS, PRODUCE OF SAME SOW.— $10, 6, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 509 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 510 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 511 A. C, Fielder De Graff, Ohio 512 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 513 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. 514 Harry H. Wheeler Elhurn, 111. CLASS 104. FOUR SWINE, GET OF SAME BOAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $14, 9, 6, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor .Address 515 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 516 C. R. Doty Charleston, 111. 517 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 518 C. Hintz & Son Fremont, Ohio 51 9 E. L. Leavens Shell Rock, Iowa 520 and 521 D. H. Lewis Geneseo, 111. 522 Harry H. Wheeler Elburn, 111. CLASS 105. SENIOR CHAMPION BOAR OVER 12, MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 106. JUNIOR CHAMPION BOAR UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. Breeding tamworth 261 CLASS 107. SENIOR CHAMPION SOW OVER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 108. JUNIOR CHAMPION SOW UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship • honors. CLASS 109. GRAND CHAMPION BOAR, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. CLASS no. GRAND CHAMPION SOW, ANY AGE.— $15. Only champion animals eligible to compete for grand championship honors. TAMWORTH. [See Rule 45.] CLASS III. BOAR 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 112. BOAR 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 113. BOAR 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 114. BOAR 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 115. BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 3, 2, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 116. SOW 2 YEARS OLD OR OVER.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. 262 BREEDING TAMWORTH CLASS 117. sow 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 118. sow 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 119. SOW 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 120. sow UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 3, 2, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 121. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 122. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 123. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 124. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 125. FOUR PIGS UNDER 6 MONTHS, PRODUCE OF SAME SOW.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. __ CLASS 126. FOUR SWINE, GET OF SAME BOAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. $14, 9, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 127. CHAMPION BOAR, ANY AGE.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. BREEDING LARGE YORKSHIRE 263 CLASS 128. CHAMPION SOW, ANY AGE.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championsliip honors. LARGE YORKSHIRES. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 129. BOAR 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 130. BOAR 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Riblaon, Ribbon. CLASS 131. BOAR 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 132. BOAR 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 133. BOAR UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 3, 2, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 523 and 524 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio CLASS 134. sow 2 YEARS OR OVER.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 525 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio CLASS 135. sow 18 AND UNDER 24 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 136. SOW 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 526 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio 264 BREEDING LARGE YORKSHIRE CLASS 137. sow 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. ElXHIBITOR ADDBBSB 527 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio CLASS 138. sow UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $5, 3, 2, Ribbon, Ribbon, Official No. Exhibitor Addbbss 528 and 529 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio CLASS 139. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 140. BOAR AND 3 SOWS OVER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $12, 8, 4, Ribbon, Ribbon. CLASS 141. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon, Official No. Exhibitor Abdrbss 530 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio CLASS 142. BOAR AND 3 SOWS UNDER 1 YEAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor " Address 531 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio CLASS 143. FOUR PIGS UNDER 6 MONTHS, PRODUCE OF SAME SOW.— $10, 5, 3, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 532 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio CLASS 144. FOUR SWINE, GET OF SAME BOAR, BRED BY EXHIBITOR.— $14, 9, 5, Ribbon, Ribbon. Official No. Exhibitor Address 533 C. W. Hintz Spencer, Ohio BREEDING LARGE YORKSHIRE 265 CLASS 145. CHAMPION BOAR, ANY AGE.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. CLASS 146. CHAMPION SOW, ANY AGE.— $15. Only first prize winning animals eligible to compete for championship honors. HONEST ROOFING interests every alert property owner. "All is not gold that glitters" and many "rubber" roofings fail to give satisfactory service. Most of them are cheap enough, but not good enough ; it's different with ^ J- WEARS LONGER ^^^^ RDDfriTE PJ^^ COSTS LESS ^ ^ '%tl4^iitaM^' When you buy it you are safe ; you get the returns in wear, economy and satisfaction that an honest, well-made weather-proof material is able to give. There is no shrinking, cracking, drying out or leaking around the nails or the seams. RrOOfrite is warranted waterproof in the body and likewise stays tight at the nail holes and seams. It's the only "rub- ber" roofing without nail holes; no leaks, rusty nails or torn seams, because Roofrite is made with Overseal Lap, which is a water- tight tape, covering the nails and the seams. You will not be satisfied with common roofing after you become acquainted with Roofrite, the Roof- ing tliat'S Right. You need it for your house, barn and cattle sheds. Adopted by the Union Stock Yards and Transit Co. and used by railroads and large corporations everywhere. Samples and prices are yours for the asking. THE LEHON COMPANY Manufacturers, Roofing Waterproofing and Paints pat. UNION STOCK YARDS ovIrZlTap prevents Rust. Phone Yards 55. Chicago. Nails, Leaks and Torn Seams. 266 FAT SWINE DIVISION. FAT BERKSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 147. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $8, 6, 5, 3. Animals competing for specials must te recorded in the American Berkshire Record at time of entry. For this purpose no entry fee will be charged, and a special certificate of registry will be issued to exhib- itors without expense by the American Berkshire Association. Official No. Exhibitor Address 534 The Berkshire World Springfield, 111. 535 and 536 Everson Bros Wellington, Ohio 537 and 538 A. P. Grout Winchester, 111. 539 and 540 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 541 and 542 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 543 and 544 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio CLASS 148. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 545 and 546 W. S. Corsa .' Whitehall, 111. 547 and 548 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 549 and 550 Purdue University LaFayette, Ind. 551 and 552 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 553 and 554 T. F. Teal Stockport, Iowa CLASS 149. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $8, 6, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 555 and 556 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 557 E. D. King Burlington, Kan. 558 and 559 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 560 and 561 Purdue University LaFayette, Ind. 562 and 563 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 564 and 565 T. F. Teal Stockport, Iowa 267 268 FAT BERKSHIRE CLASS 150. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $12, 10, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 566 Everson Bros Wellington, Ohio 567 A. P. Grout Winchester, 111 568 and 569 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 570 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 571 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio CLASS 151. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $12, 10, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 572 W. S. Corsa. Whitehall 111. 573 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 574 Purdue University LaPayette, Ind. 575 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 576 T. F. Teal Stockport, Iowa CLASS 152. ' PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $12, 10, 6, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 577 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 578 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 579 Purdue University LaFayette, Ind. 580 and 581 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 582 T. F. Teal Stockport, Iowa CLASS 153. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $25. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $20. CLASS 154. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $50. American Berkshire Association Specials. — $20. FAT POLAND CHINA 269 FAT POLAND CHINA. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 155. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 583 and 584 F. M. Fahry Manhattan, 111. 585 and 586 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 587 and 588 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 589 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, Iowa 590 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 156. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Addbhss 591 and 592 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 593 and 594 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 595 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 157. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 596 and 597 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 598 and 599 J. C. Hanna Danville, Iowa 600 and 601 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 602 and 603 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 604 J. E. Meharry Tolono, 111. CLASS 158. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 605 F. M. Fahry Manhattan, 111. 606 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 607 and 608 Iowa State College ,,,,,. ......,,,, ,Ames, lowa 270 FAT DUROC JERSEYS ' CLASS 159. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 609 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 610 and 611 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa CLASS 160. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. American Poland-China Association Specials. — $10, 5, 3. Official No. Exhibitor Address 612 and 613 John Francis & Sons ; New L&nox, III. 614 J. C. Hanna Danville, Iowa 615 and 616 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa CLASS 161. CHAMPION BARROW' OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $25. CLASS 162. CHAMPION PEN SARROWS OF THE BREED.— $50. FAT DUROC JERSEYS. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 163. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor ' Address 617 and 618 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 619 and 620 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 621 and 622 Thos. Johnson & Son Columbus, Ohio 623 and 624 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 625 and 625 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 627 and 628 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 623 and 630 T. W. Stoner & Son Henry, 111. 631 and 632 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 164. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 633 and 634 Frank Bieth & Son Joliet, 111. 635 and 636 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio FAT DUROC JERSEYS 271 Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 637 and 638 Thos. Johnson & Son Columbus, Ohio 639 and 640 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 641 and 642 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 643 and 644 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 645 and 646 H. O. Wickre Webster, S. D. CLASS 165. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 647 and 648 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 649 and 650 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 651 and 652 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 166. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 653 and 654 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 655 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 656 Thos. Johnson & Son Columbus, Ohio 657 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 658 and 659 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 660 Fred Schweizer Blwood, 111. 661 F. W. Stoner & Son Henry, 111. 662 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 167. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address • 663 FVank Bieth & Son Joliet, 111, 664 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 665 - Thos. Johnson & Son Columbus, Ohio 666 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 667 and 668 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 669 Whitehall Farm ^^. .... Yellow Springs, Ohio 670 and 671 W. O. Wickre Webster, S. D. CLASS 168. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 672 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 673 and 674 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 675 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 272 FAT CHESTER WHITES CLASS 169. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $15. CLASS 170. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. FAT CHESTER WHITES. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 171. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 676 and 677 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 678 and 679 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio CLASS 172. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. « Offlcial No. Exhibitor Address 680 and 681 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 682 and 683 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 684 and 685 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. CLASS 173. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $10, 5. CLASS 174. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Offlcial No. Exhibitor Address 686 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 687 A. C. Fielder .- De Graff, Ohio CLASS 175. t>EN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Offlcial No. Exhibitor Address 688 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 689 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 690 Gibson & Harton Muncie, Ind. FAT HAMPSHIRE 273 CLASS 176. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 177. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $15. .. CLASS 178. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. FAT HAMPSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 179. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. Official ' No. Exhibitor Address 691 and 692 H. Atkinson : Mt. Sterling, Ky. 693 and 694 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 695 and 696 Sylvester Essig Tipton, Ind. 697 and 698 W. Essig Tipton, Ind. 699 and 700 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 701 and 702 A. P. Grout. Winchester, 111. 703 and 704 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 180. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 705 and 706 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 707 and 708 J. Crouch & Son LaFayette, Ind. 709 and 710 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 711 and 712 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. ♦ CLASS 181. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 713 and 714 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 715 and 716 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 274 PAt tAMWORTH ' ! " ■ CLASS 182. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 717 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 718 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 719 and 720 Sylvester Essig Tipton, Ind. 721 and 722 W. Essig Tipton, Ind. 723 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 724 A. P. Grout Winchester, 111. 725 and 726 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 183. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 727 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 728 J. Crouch & Son LaFayette, Ind. 729 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 730 and 731 U C. Miller Canton, 111. CLASS 184. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 732 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 733 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. CLASS 185. CAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $25. CLASS 186. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $50. FAT TAMWORTHS. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 187. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. CLASS 188. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. FAT LARGE YORKSHIRE 275 CLASS 189. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $10, 5. CLASS 190. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 191. PEN OF 3 BARROV^S OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 192. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 193. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $25. CLASS 194. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. FAT LARGE YORKSHIRE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 195. BARROW UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor • Address 734 and 735 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 736 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 196. BARROW OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 737 and 738 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 197. BARROW OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 739 and 740 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 276 GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS — FAT CLASSES CLASS 198. PEN OF 3 BARROWS UNDER 6 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Addkess 741 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa CLASS 199. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 6 AND UNDER 12 MONTHS.— $15, 10. Official No. ExHiBiTou Address 742 and 743 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio CLASS 200. PEN OF 3 BARROWS OVER 12 AND UNDER 18 MONTHS.— $15, 10. CLASS 201. CHAMPION BARROW OF THE BREED, ANY AGE.— $15. CLASS 202. CHAMPION PEN BARROWS OF THE BREED.— $20. GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS. The breeding of sire and dam in cross-breeds must be given. In grades all information known concerning the breeding of animals must accompany the entry. To be judged from packers' standpoint. The same interpretation as to breeding under Rule 55 for cattle will apply. CLASS 203. BARROW WEIGHING 250 LBS. AND UNDER 350.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Address 744 and 745 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 746 and 747 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 748 and 749 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 750 and 751 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 752 J. C. Hanna Danville, Iowa 753 and 754 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 755 and 756 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 757 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 758 and 759 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 760 and 761 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS — FAT CLASSES 277 CLASS 204. BARROW WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 250.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. Exhibitor Addbess 762 and 763 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 764 and 765 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 766 and 767 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 768 and 769 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 770 and 771 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 772 and 773 A. P. Grout Winchester, 111. 774 and 775 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 776 and 777 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 778 and 779 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 780 and 781 W. H. Rohbins Springfield, Ohio 782 and 783 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 205. BARROW WEIGHING 150 LBS. AND UNDER 200.— $15, 10, 5. Official No. ExHiBiTOB Address 784 and 785 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 786 and 787 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 788 and 789 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 790 and 791 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 792 and 793 John Goodwine Potomac, III. 794 and 795 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 796 and 797 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 798 and 799 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 800 and 801 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 206. PEN OF 3 BARROWS EACH WEIGHING 250 LBS. AND UNDER 350. —$25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 802 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 803 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 804 J. Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 805 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 806 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 807 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 808 and 809 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 810 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 278 GRADES AND CROSS-BREDS — FAT CLASSES CLASS 207. PEN OF 3 BARROWS EACH WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 250. —$25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 81 1 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 812 C. A. Brool?; Washington, Iowa 813 F. E. Bone Ava, Bl. 814 Jolin Francis & Sons New Lenox, III. 81 5 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 816 A. P. Grout Winchester, 111. 817 and 818 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 81 9 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 820 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 821 and 822 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 823 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 208. PEN OF 3 BARROWS EACH WEIGHING 150 LBS. AND UNDER 200. —$25, 15, 10. Official No. Exhibitor Address 824 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 825 C. A. Brook Washington, Iowa 826 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 827 John Francis & Sons New; Lenox, 111. 828 John Goodwine Potomac, 111. 829 and 830 L. C. Miller Canton, 111. 831 L. C. Lemke Onalaska, Wis. 832 and 833 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 834 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 209. CHAMPION BARROW.— $25. CLASS 210. CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS.— $50. GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP. Any Age, Breed, Grade or Cross. Competition limited to Championship winners. CLASS 211. GRAND CHAMPION BARROW OF THE SHOW.— $50. SWINfe — DRESSED CARCASSES 279 CLASS 212. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS.— $100. CLASS 211. GRAND CHAMPION BARROW (IF WON BY A PURE-BRED POLAND CHINA). American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $25. CLASS' 212. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS (IF WON BY PURE-BRED POLAND CHINA). American Poland-China Record Association Specials. — $25. CLASS 211. GRAND CHAMPION BARROW (IF WON BY A BERKSHIRE). American Berkshire Association Specials. — Silver Cup. CLASS 212. GRAND CHAMPION PEN OF BARROWS (IF WON BY BERKSHIRE HOGS). American Berkshire Association Specials. — Silver Cup. DRESSED CARCASSES. CLASS 213. DRESSED CARCASS WEIGHING 300 LBS. OR OVER.— $15, 10, 5. No. of Entry Exhibitoh Address 2 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 2 Frank Bieth & Son Joliet, 111. 2 F. E. Bone Ava, 111. 2 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 2 John Francis & Sons ■. New Lenox, 111. 1 J. C. Hanna Danville, Iowa 2 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 2 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 2 J. B. Meharry. Tolono, 111. 2 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 2 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 2 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 4 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 1 T. F. Teal Stockport, Iowa 1 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio 280 SWINE — DRESSED CARCASSES CLASS 214. DRESSED CARCASS WEIGHING 200 LBS. AND UNDER 300.— $15, 10, 5. No. of Entry Exhibitoh Addbess 2 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 1 Frank Bieth & Son. Joliet, 111. 2 F. E. Bone ^ . . Ava, 111. 1 W. S. Corsa White Hall, 111. 2 F. M. Fahry Manhattan, 111. 2 A.- C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 2 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 2 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 Ira Jackson Tippecanoe City, Ohio 2 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 2 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 2 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 2 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 2 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 2 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 1 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 215. DRESSED CARCASS WEIGHING 100 LBS. AND UNDER 200. —$15, 10, 5. No. of Entry Exhibitob Address 2 H. Atkinson Mt. Sterling, Ky. 2 F. B. Bone .Ava, 111. 1 F. M. Fahry Manhattan, 111. 2 A. C. Fielder De Graff, Ohio 2 John Francis & Sons New Lenox, 111. 2 Iowa State College Ames, Iowa 1 Joseph Kestel New Lenox, 111. 2 Frank P. Mapps Wilmington, 111. 1 F. A. Nash Mansfield, 111. 2 Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio 2 W. H. Robbins Springfield, Ohio 4 Sheffield Farm Glendale, Ohio 2 Fred Schweizer Elwood, 111. 1 Whitehall Farm Yellow Springs, Ohio CLASS 216. CHAMPION CARCASS.— $25. Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. SWINE — CARLOAD LOTS 281 CLASS 216. CHAMPION CARCASS (IF WON BY A BERKSHIRE HOGE). American Berkshire Association Specials. — Silver Cup. CARLOAD DIVISION. Entries in carload classes close November 19th and must be in place by noon, November 26th. Rule 88. Carload of not less than fifty head, any breed or grade. Must have been fattened by exhibitor. All carloads of hogs must be weighed for entry not later than 9 a. m., Monday of the Exposition. 1st 2d 3d Class. Prem. Prem. Frem. 217 Carload, 350 lbs. or over $75 $50 $25 218 Carload, 250 lbs. and under 350 75 50 25 219 Carload, 200 lbs. and under 250 75 50 25 220 Carload, 150 lbs. and under 200 75 50 25 221 Champion load, competition limited to first prize winners in above classes 100 . . AMERICAN BERKSHIRE ASSOCIATION SPECIAL. The American Berkshire Association will pay $100 to the exhibitor of the grand champion carload of hogs, if these animals are Berkshires or show a preponderance of Berkshire blood. s TOCK YARDS HARNESS & ADDLERY COMPANY UNION STOCK YARDS CHICAGO We have designed and made some of the best show harness in this country for Six-in-hand Nelson Morris & Co. J. Crouch & Son Pabst Brewing Co. Swarzschild & Sulzberger Four-in-hand Jno. W. Springer Weaver Coal and Coke Co. Three-abreast Harness Heinz Pickle Co. H. K. Bloodgood Two-horse Harness H. K. Bloodgood A. P. Nave Gilbert Hoxie Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. R. Burgess & Son One-horse Harness Libby, McNeil & Libby Pabst Brewing Co. Union Stock Yard & Transit Co. Call and See Our Display - - Barn No. 5 Inside Exposition Grounds 282 HORSE DEPARTMENT. IMPORTANT. Stall fee $3.00 for each animal when occupying single stall and $5.00 when occupying box stall, which must in all cases accompany entry application. Rule 37. Where there is no competition the first prize, on merit, will be awarded. Where there is competition all prizes will be awarded PERCHERON OR FRENCH DRAFT. [See Rule 45.] CLASS I. STALLION 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 20, 15. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Animals competing for these specials must be owned by members of the Percheron Society of America and recorded in its books of record. All animals competing for these special prizes must have been recorded in the Percheron Register; the exhibitor must be a member of the Percheron Registry Company and the recorded owner of the animal. Where there is no competition, ribbons only will be awarded. Official No. 1 Brilliant (6708)B 20308— Age, 1905; sire, Pompadour (3429); dam, Cocotte N B — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 2 Bouvrail (6735)B 20307— Age, 1904; sire, Pascal (3309); dam, Martine (3988)— Rdbt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 3 Daguet (6736) B 20309— Age, 1904; sire, Rigola (5885); dam, Bijou (5064)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 4 Fanfaron (6467) B 20311— Age, 1905; sire. Vis (3287); dam, La Belle (5401)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 5 Decime (60587) 55365— Age, 1903; sire, Redictateur (45699); dam, Flambe (36974)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 6 Gavarni (65743)— Age, 1906; sire, Hazard (48777); dam, Sydonie (36670)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 283 284 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFt Official No. 7 Gap (70372) 70611— Age, 1906; sire, Dagada (55160); dam, Son- nette (59559)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 8 Voltaire (65630) 70566— Age, 1905; sire, Violin (52839); dam, Bichette (54430)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 9 Gazogene (70361) 55374— Age, 1906; sire, Dagada (55160); dam. Paquerette (53626)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 10 Gifford (69833) 55379— Age, 1906; sire, Vercingetorix (51912); dam, Cocotte (53977)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 11 Prominent 29462— Age, 1901; sire, Fouchette's Jupiter (20735); dam, Genevieve 21747 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 12 Acrobate (68416) 55918— Age, Feb. 27, 1905; sire, Duchesnay (37117); dam, Fauvette (42839)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fay- ette, Ind. 13 Cambria (62150) 51740— Age, Feb. 14, 1904; sire, Bouffalo (46570) 35468; dam, Musique (14538)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fay- ette-, Ind. 14 Cadeau (68270) 70258— Age, March 26, 1905; sire, Avocat (53114); dam, Gidelle (30752)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 15 Diavolo (65728) 70257— Age, April 24, 1905; sire, Martin (46912); dam, Serpolette (34872)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 16 Gavanti (72965) 70252— Age, Feb. 25, 1906; sire, Polidor (46143) 44230; dam, Lucie (26232)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 17 Granchamp (71119) 70254— Age, Feb. 6, 1906; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Mirabelle (43713)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 18 Preneau (53003) — Age, April 8, 1904; sire, Anida 48644; dam, Mirabelle 44474 — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 19 Gaillet (72047) 70249— Age, Feb. 28, 1906; sire, Vasy (55475) 42827; dam, Charmante (49536)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fay- ette, Ind. 20 Galactus (69902) 70251— Age, April 15, 1906; sire, Mangetout (54819); dam, Gamelle (54660)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fay- ette, Ind. 21 Golta (71389) 70253— Age, April 1, 1906; sire, Amant (53929); dam, Sultane (26046)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 22 Sampson 31414 — Age, 1902; sire, Admiral Sampson 22551; dam, Fanette 17629 — ^Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 23 Bonpays (64190) 50800— Age, March 20, 1904; sire, Rossignol (46102) 40109; dam, Impetueuse (26041)— W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 24 Giston (71873) 68426— Age, March 8, 1906; sire, Sonak II (46965); dam, Cocotte (49468)— W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 25 Ciceron (67085) 64823— Age, March 20, 1906; sire. Rosier (53159); dam, Cocotte (54276)— W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iqwa. WE ARE THE LARGEST MANUFAC- TURERS OF BALANCED RATIONS FOR ALL KINDS OF LIVE STOCK IN THE WORLD. Schumacher Stock Feed Schumacher Calf Meal Alfalfa Meal Alfalfa and Molasses Mixture Poultry Feeds Quaker Dairy Feed Blue Ribbon Dairy Feed IF YOUR DEALER DOES NOT HAVE THEM, WRITE TO US The Quaker Oats Co. CHICAGO, U. S. A. 285 2§6 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 26 Marathon (66841) 65104— Age, March 8, 1905; sire, President (52227); dam, Rustique (50670)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 27 Guesdin (70917) 71727— Age, April 29, 1906; sire, Ramoneur (52112); dam, Glaciere (58598)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 28 Gosselin (70803) 71738— Age, March 22, 1906; sire, Thael (54895) dam, Vilma (45157)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 29 Abere (66771) 71747— Age, April 15, 1905; sire, Artilleur (52035) dam, Fongere (44152)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111 30 Lutteur (65208) 71745— Age, April 10, 1905; sire, Bourbon (51310) dam, Biche (49451)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 31 Gericault (70076) 70496— Age, March 10, 1906; sire, Taquin (46689); 43235; dam, Castille (61398)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dun- ham, Wayne, 111. 32 Generaux (72400) 70493— Age, April 5, 1906; sire, Ravissant (46514); dam, Belotte (49629)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 33 Gavrochet (71822) 70548— Age, 1906; sire, Verger (53938); dam, Gazon (50616) — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 34 Vivace (67274) 59448— -Age, 1905; sire, Astrakan (51436); dam, Mirabelle (49260) — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 35 Posture (64245)— Age, 1904; sire, Montjanet (47526) ;' dam. Petite (50338) — F'inch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 36 Galopin (71002)— Age, 1906; sire, Fusain (53895); dam, Vitesse (45181) — Finch Bros., Joliet and Verona, 111. 37 Sultan 41622— Age, June 22, 1904; sire, Caporal (47597) 30383; dam, Litta 17192— T. J. King, Plainfield, 111. 38 Roderic 65283— Age, April 14, 1906; sire. Eclipse 35486; dam, Ruth 53933— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 39 Gitano (72360)— Age, April 2, 1906; sire, Ravissant 46514; dam, Connette 39627 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 40 Silvanus 67285— Age, 1906; sire, Aride (45424) 25056; dam, Thin- cotte 58189 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 41 Gillot (69846) 52018— Age, April 20, 1906; sire. Bow Marche (55741) 45869; dam, Amusante (55461)— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 42 Moliere (65270) 62373— Age, March 15, 1905; sire, Forbin (52299); dam, Noisette (47204) — ^^Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 43 Galerien (70051)— Age, March 17, 1906; sire, Thael (54895); dam, Coquette (49235)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 44 Cartouche 70029— Age, May 3, 1905; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, May Flower 53452— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 287 Official No. 45 Crystal 70033— Age, May 20, 1906; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, lona. 64271— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 46 Garns 44381 — Age, April 20, 1906; sire, Cromwell; dam, Camelia — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 47 Nuage 44379— Age, March 23, 1905; sire, Hambard; dam, Nue— McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 48 Maryan 44365 — Age, April 20, 1905; sire, Castillan; dam, Lisette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 49 Garconnet 44109 — Age, March 4, 1906; sire, Queen; dam, Biche — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 50 Guingent 42904 — ^Age, April 15, 1906; sire, Vercingetorix; dam, Musette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 51 Garbil 44201 — Age, April 7, 1906; sire, Brie a Brae; dam, Coquette ■ — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 52 Glorieux 44373 — Age, March 9, 1906; sire, Xenophon; dam, Glor- ima — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 53 Poete 42593— Age, April 10, 1905; sire, Victor Hugo; dam, Come- dienne— McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 54 Galba (2058FD) 44370— Age, Feb. 7, 1906; sire, Final; dam, Lisette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 55 Thespian 50821— Age, April 28, 1905; sire, Coriolan (53047) 29887; dam, Adelaide 47676— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 56 My Lord 42073RRCo (64236)— Age, March 16, 1904; sire, Chicagno (45398) ; dam, Beaute (47356) — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomo- woc. Wis. 57 Jupiter (67657)— Age, May 5, 1905; sire, Cock (51608); dam, Charmante (61301)— W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. 58 Gasdone 44442 (70903)— Age, April 24, 1906; sire, Mangetout (54819); dam, Grisette (48019)— W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. 59 Cesar 45903 — Age, May 2, 1905; sire, Herculus 21564; dam, Autum 19988 — John Schipper, Filmore, Mich. 60 Gloseur (73160) 64325— Age, April 1, 1906; sire, Ermite (44360); dam, Ira (40956) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 61 Grimore (72556)— Age, April 17, 1906; sire. Bazar (48777); dam, Velleda (52777) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 62 Gandelier (71739)— Age, April 21, 1906; sire, Bervus (51845); dam, Mignonne (57471) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 63 Galerio (72197) 71595— Age, April 28, 1906; sire, Udier Ex-Briga- dier (43758); dam, Annette (57344) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 64 Gaillard (72215) 71599— Age, April 1, 1906; sire, Malakoff (53115); dam, Dina (40807) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 288 BREEDING PERCHEEONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 65 Emir (68872) 64326— Age, March 25, 1906; sire, Avocat (53114); dam, Estelle (45988) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 66 Loriston (68555) 56703— Age, April 25, 1905; sire, Athos (46479); dam, Biche (54259) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 67 Belfort (62217) 60703— Age, March 26, 1904; sire, Balzac (46457) 40113; dam, Ida (61249)— J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 68 Ravin (68120) 64331— Age, May 4, 1905; sire, Arkadin (46598) dam, Gentille (33661) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 69 Gadeon (70236) 56912— Age, April 28, 1906; sire, Bath (54319) dam, Coquette (54559) — J. H. Serren & Son, Prairie City, 111. 70 Eteudard (872N) 20541— Age, April, 1905; sire, Aramis (283) dam, Demoiselle (617) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. . 71 Humbert — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 72 Galopin 71760 (72593)— Age, Feb. 9, 1906; sire, Vaillant (56783); dam, Cameriste (45050) — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- ton, Ind. 73 Garon (71138) 70076— Age, 1906; sire, Bayard (57177); dam, Coquette (61397)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 74 Glou Glou (71964) 70336— Age, 1906; sire. Verger (53938); dam, Charmante (61269)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 75 Gruyere (73106) 70339— Age, 1906; sire, Vaillant (56873); dam, Biche (61435)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 76 Glorieux (71567) 70078— Age, 1906; sire. Coco (52279) 41213; dam. Flora (38408) — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 77 Guide (71913) 70824— Age, 1906; sire, Vaillant (56873); dam, Charmante (57511) — Truman's Pioneer S'tud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 78 Gambler (71977) 70411— Age, 1906;' sire. Admiral (56242); dam, Bichette (57202) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 2. STALLION 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 20, 15. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 79 Hardy (6685) B 20312— Age, 1907; sire, Volcan (3286); dam, Fauvette (4607)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 80 Clovi (6738) B 20318— Age, 1907; sire. Bacon; dam, Dragonne (5386)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 81 Historial (77744) 70604— Age, 1907; sire, Bayard (58067); dam, Poule (39375)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 289 Official No. 82 Habitus (75335) 70605— Age, 1907; sire, Dauvergne (59713); dam, Valtige (74993)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 83 Harpeau (77434) 71776— Age, 1907; sire, Favori (57781); dam, Brigette (32257) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. ^ 84 Hierogiphe (76356) 60338— Age, 1907; sire, Oracle (58893); dam, Charmante (73401) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 85 Hi-la-dy (74403) 61402— Age, 1907; sire, Colbert (58500); dam, Mouvette (47250) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 86 Hongreur (74417) 61391— Age, 1907; sire. Bechamel (54969); dam, Limande (46487) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 87 Hesiode (76741) 60336— Age, 1907; sire, Damoiseau (58341); dam, Gastille (57435)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 88 Harnac (75870) 60327— Age, 1907; sire, Courlis (57585); dam, Tourterelle (45614) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 89 Halicte (76422) 61429— Age, 1907; sire, Paulus (58125) 55307; dam, Stella (30491)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 90 Halibrac (74925) 70231— Age, May 8, 1907; sire. Coco (46855); dam, Uzes (46336) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 91 Henreux (75685) 70214— Age, April 18, 1907; sire, Jupiter (58231); dam, Gaillarde (47095) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 92 Harmonieux (77436) 70233— Age, June 6, 1907; sire, Diamant (60978) ; dam, Irene (38159)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 93 Hola (76584) 70228— Age, May 20, 1907; sire, Romulus (60161); dam. Sardine (58680)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 94 Hugues (74490) 70243— Age, Feb. 12, 1907; sire, Noceur (58676); dam, Favorie (47881) — J. Crouch &. Son, La Fayette, Ind. 95 Hussite (73986)— Age, April 2, 1907; sire, St. Cyr 57913; dam, Rosette 49308— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 96 Helenus (75917) 70237— Age, April 14, 1907; sire, Dimitri (58251); dam, Poule 50252 — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 97 Haussy (76062) 70223— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Puteaux (59338); dam, Plaisant (60340) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 98 Hetre (75762) 70229— Age, April 23, 1907; sire, Kaiser (59871); dam, Bichet (54507) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 99 Hermann (73776) 70235— Age, April 27, 1907; sire. Prudent (59079) ; dam, Linotte (47317)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fay- ette, Ind. 100 Hippolithe (74193) 70236— Age, May 4, 1907; sire, Prudent (59079); dam, Volage (50162)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fay- ette, Ind. 101 Hisole (76596) 61996— Age, April 13, 1907; sire, Romulus (60161); da.m, Lisette (22069)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind, 290 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 102 Hascen (75692) 61587— Age, 1907; sire, Colbert (58113); dam, Taupete (58549) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 103 Hyaumet (74842) 64822— Age, March 22, 1907; sire. Distrait (57729); dam, Violoncette (52229)— W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. 104 Garmier 72210 — Age, March 20, 1907; sire, Fusian 55841; dam, Libertine 61013 — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 105 Honore (73536) G1670— Age, April 20, 1907; sire. Prudent (59079); dam, Rustique (43642) — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. '106 Hamster (74570) 70533— Age, Feb. 4, 1907; sire, Tourcoing (59147); dam. Finale (52411)— W. S'., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 107 Herbager (74864) 71721— Age, April 25, 1907; sire, Jupiter (58231); dam, Cerisette (42251)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 108 Horloger (75743) 71773— Age, April 29, 1907; sire, Castillan (45009); dam, Charmante (39562)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 109 Homere (77071) 70487— Age, April 24, 1907; sire, Brutus (60465); dam, L'Amie (54314)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 110 Hortensia (77460) 70444 — Age, March 27, 1907; sire, Journaliste (60130); dam, Celine (61279)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 111 Hebrew (74052) 70453— Age, March 17, 1907; sire, St. Cyr (57913) 46026; dam, Orgine (57918)— W. S'., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 112 Hie (76384) 70451— Age, June 1, 1907; sire, Vidocy (59269); dam, Bergeronette (48154)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 113 Hoche (76944) 704446— Age, April 1, 1907; sire, Loriot (53836); dam, Negresse (38958)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 114 Houleux (74223) 70490— Age, April 14, 1907; sire, Lerida III (42847); dam, Seraphine (34193)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 115 Hoche (75782) 65111— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Ermite (44360); dam, Charmante (50627)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 116 Hamon (77234) 70550— Age, 1907; sire, Vatel (59623) 4-9729; dam, Zelandarte (36458)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 117 Horion (75984) — Age, 1907; sire, Dintre; dam, Corpille — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 118 Huchau (77022) 64837— Age, 1907; sire, Achille (59028); dam, Lorraine (63326)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 119 Herveiste (74200) 61991— Age, May 28, 1907; sire, Lerida III (42847) ; dam, Algerienne 34086 — Harvest Farm's Company, Mayville, Wis, BREEDING PERCHfiRONS OK FRENCH DRAFT 29i Official No. 120 Haro (74369) 63513— Age, March 19, 1907; sire, Calbert (58113); dam, Brebis (73361) — Peter Hopley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. , 121 Harmonica (75580) 66757— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Vidoca (59269); dam, Vanille (59083)— T. J. King, Plainfield, 111. 122 Rufus 67291— Age, May 28, 1907; sire, Volage (55179) 48578; dam, Bretone 58192 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 123 Hameau (78112) 60540— Age, 1907; sire, Coco (57241); dam, F'auvette (60816)— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 124 Houfleur (74940) 62372— Age, 1907; sire, Alger (58071) 51822; dam, Lisette (54266) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 125 Tacheau 55899— Age, 1907; sire, Volage (55179) 48578; dam, Marguerite (45347) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 126 Britton 61309— Age, 1907; sire, Volage (55179) 48578; dam, Britchen (58183) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 127 Reynold 67292— Age, June 24, 1907; sire, Eole (63893) 48938; dam, Clarissa 58918 — Maasdam & Wheeler, F'airfield, Iowa. 128 Robert 65293— Age, April 19, 1907; sire, Volage (55179) 48578; dam, Ruth 53933 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 129 Harpin (73928) 63537— Age, April 24, 1907; sire, Coquet (58597); dam, Julie (59131)— S'. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 130 Havanais 44383 — Age, April 5, 1907; sire, Utrecht; dam, Lisa — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, ORio. 131 Hircin 44108— Age, March 19, 1907; sire. Hector; dam, Lisette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 132 Herbager 44366— Age, April 20, 1907; sire. Bayard; dam, Nathilde — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 133 Helios 44384 — Age, April 22, 1907; sire, Marenil; dam, Joyagenar — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 134 Hagnet 44107 — Age, March 22, 1907; sire, Dagada; dam, Paque- rette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 135 Hibon 44118 — Age, April 17, 1907; sire, Valerieu; dam, Cocotte — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 136 Hell 44375 — Age, May 10, 1907; sire, Dagada; dam, Jalaise — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 137 Honblon 44113 — ^Age, May 17, 1907; sire, Kaiser; dam, Galante — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 138 Henry 43697 — Age, May 1, 1907; sire, Dacier; dam, Pomponette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 139 Hautbois (20584FD) 44382— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Ravissant; dam, Faisante — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 140 Historien (77250) 62486— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Rose (50604)— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 292 BREEDING PERCHfiRONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 141 Goodwia 63571 — Age, April 21, 1907; sire, Jourdou 45074; dam, Zenobia 52134 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 142 Vonmore 63993— Age, May 17, 1907; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Francis 54767 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 143 Hornibus (75729) 43486— Age, March 13, 1907; sire, Etudiant (59291) ; dam, Pelotte 39431 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomo- woc, Wis. 144 Hodierne (76175) 44441— Age, March 5, 1907; sire, Coco (57241); dam, Thebaide (33422)— W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. 145 Helas (73732) 44438— Age, March 28, 1907; sire, Oscar (45901); dam, Chartreuse (59719)— W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. 146 Halo (76200) 71601— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Sulpice (59070); dam. Charade (51923) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 147 Horizon (77739) 71612— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Hocher (60022) ; dam, Rosette (43365)— J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 148 Hirondeau (77747) 71560— Age, May 4, 1907; sire, Seoul (60686); dam, Mignonne (31451) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 149 Hector (74338) 71592— Age, March 16, 1907; sire, Hocher (60022) 69395; dam, Boulotte (24963) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 150 Hannon (78286) 64333— Age, May 2, 1907; sire. Zouave (53399); dam, Mionne (36514) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 151 Honorable (74813) 64381— Age, April 19, 1907; sire, St. Cyr (57913) 46026; dam, Tempete (50140) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 152 Haros (73795) 64380— Age, March 20, 1907; sire, Boileau (59048) 55919; dam, Duchesse (55298)— J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 153 Haro (73586)— Age, May 5, 1907; sire, Dagay Erouin (57824); dam, Martha (64467)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 154 Hazut (76328) 71758— Age, April 25, 1907; sire, Dupleix (58947); dam, Clematile (55888)— Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Hunting- ton, Ind. 155 Honfleur (73539) 70071— Age, 1907; sire, Degel (45100); dam, Malice (48110)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 156 Hercule (78017) 70061— Age, 1907; sire, Vigoureux (55865) 52491; dam, Fatina (61316)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 157 Helix (75752) 70340— Age, 1907; sire. Dynamo (5838.2); dam. Coquette (49554)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 158 Boyce 53852— Age, 1907; sire, Confident 21089; dam, Venice 16050 — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 293 CLASS 3. STALLION, 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No, 159 Renan 20272— Age, 1908; sire, Broquerant (6286) 14741; dam, Ganada 19244 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 160 Madis 20273— Age, 1908; sire, Broquerant (6286) 14741; dam. Duchess 19522 — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 161 Ikasqueqj (79951) 44302— Bell Bros., Wooster, Ohio. 162 Ibis (83118) 71773— Age, 1908; sire, Fedor (56489); dam, Mariette (42325)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 163 Indien (83119) 71774— Age, 1908; sire, Volcan (64533); dam, Rosa (56187)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 164 Iroquois (83140) 70607— Age, 1908; sire, Medoc (64557); dam, Mouvette (66817)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 165 Intro (81320) 69490— Age, 1908; sire, Actionnaire (64675); dam, Parrette (53718)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 166 Ilet (80276) 69482— Age, 1908; sire, Conrobert (63005); dam. Marquise (58659) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 167 Isaac (80598) 69495— Age, 1908; sire, Africain (48571); dam. Eglantine (57556) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 168 Isago (80036) 69496— Age, 1908; sire, Boileau (59048); dam, Rusette (54963)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 169 Iso (81328) 70584— Age, 1908; sire, Villers (61613); dam, Biche (49449)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 170 Iff (82493) 70567— Age, 1908; sire, Pleuris (59686); dam. Bijou (27955)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 171 Isnard (83120) 70583— Age, 1908; sire, Volcan (64533); dam, Diaphane (60699)— Robt. Burgess &,Son, Wenona, 111. 172 Bramble 68583— Age, 1908; sire, Nestor (44421) 24659; dam, Nettie (54036)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 173 Kelley 58968— Age, 1908; sire, Dogue (43827) 30201; dam, Fannie 27989— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 174 Hudson 61753— Age, 1908; sire. Perfection 44546; dam, Altazer II 48420— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 175 Ingrat (80463) 72287— Age, April 26, 1908; sire, Villers (61613); dam, Rigolette (53618)— Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 176 Ivoiriss (79067) 72288— Age, May 10, 1908; sire, Sparte (62060); dam, Mouvette (54458) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 294 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 177 Intime (83276) 72289— Age, May 2, 1908; sire, Holland (60321); dam, Patronne (50288) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 178 Qillegal (79715) 72291— Age, May 11, 1908; sire, Paulus (58125); dam, Bordelaise (66583) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 179 Impomtu (79099) 72292— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Oscar (45901); dam, Rose (50528) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 180 Intervalle (79009) 72293— Age, April 25, 1908; sire, Medoc (63164); dam, Costille (63087) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 181 Illard (83253) 72294— Age, April 7, 1908; sire, Martin (46912); dam, Rita (55597) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 182 Instinct (78739) 72295— Age, March 2, 1908; sire, Gendarme (63132); dam, Fauvette (47206) Lew W. Cochran, Crawfords- ville, Ind. 183 Isomere (82150) 72299— Age, Feb. 17, 1908; sire, Bidard (59707); dam, Bellah (60485) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 184 Illumine (82192) 44483 72300— Age, April 15, 1908; sire, Alger (58071) ; dam, Bagnolles (67559) — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfords^-' ville, Ind. 185 Calaif 44582— Age, May 13, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Frances L. 49966^Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 186 Calonne 44580— Age, April 29, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam. Siesta 48546— Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 187 Alencon 44571— Age, May 9, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Colombine 57185 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 188 Nemours 44574— Age, April 27, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Black Beauty 41164 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfords- ville, Ind. 189 Mirabeau 44577 — Age, April 21, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Pelate 32978 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Indiana. 190 Montequien 44578 — Age, April 7, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Mapleleafe 40652 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Indiana. 191 Turgot 44579— Age, April 11, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam. Sweet L&vender 34751 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Indiana. 192 Anjoy 44575— Age, April 12, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam. Ruby 42474 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 193 Arnuff 44576— Age, April 30, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Tomeny 40774 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 194 Agincourt 44572— Age, April 17, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam. Ivenhoe 40772 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 295 Official No. 195 Toulouse 44570— Age, April 19, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Dorthy 40775 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Indiana. 186 Artois 44569— Age, April 23, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Maudie R. 42506 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 197 Valois 44583— Age, April 27, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Pauline 49963 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 198 Poitou 44568— Age, May 31, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Lilian 49978 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 199 Ivan (81007) 70217— Age, April 15, 1908; sire, Sangrado (22990); dam, Lizette (49595) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 200 Inlassable (82238) 70218— Age, Feb. 27, 1908; sire, Polka (63482); dam, Pouponnier (47862) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 201 Indian (79328) 70274— Age, April 21, 1908; sire, Loustic (58105); dam, Dolores (68057) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 202 lamener (79880) 70219— Age, Feb> 28, 1908; sire. Gendarme (63132); dam, Rustique (61273)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Indiana. 203 Insouciant (83443) 70221— Age, March 21, 1908; sire, Montargis (62402); dam, Jolie (50249)— .1. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 204 Irrite (81056) 70272— Age, April 10, 1908; sire, Coco (60171); dam, Ragovette (50284) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 205 Ipoglosso (79161) 70277— Age, May 9, 1908; sire, Presse (62852); dam, Descroche (75050)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 206 Issachar (82131) 69199— Age, 1908; sire, Cambria (62150) 51740; dam, Coquine (54868) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 207 Inepte (80927) 69200— Age, 1908; sire, Saharce (61893) 51744; dam, Lina (63737) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 208 Izola (79972) 69198— Age, 1908; sire. Polka (63482); dam, Biche (39629) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 209 Incruste (79465) 61595— Age, May 15, 1908; sire, Aiglon (64053); dam, Bichette (67635) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 210 Hatier (74175) 64821— Age, April 18, 1908; sire, Verdrier (58461) 51748; dam, Sirene (55406)— W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 211 Gourbet (69967) 58360— Age, April 20, 1908; sire, Turco (55333); dam, Mouvette (49307) — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 212 Hoyan (76832) 64833— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Dagada (55160); dam, Sauvons Nous (54182) — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 213 Ingenu (82062) 70678— Age, April 29, 1908; sire, Espiegle (64024) 68490; dam, Bleue (49441)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne. 111. 296 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 214 Index (80646) 70488— Age, April 2, 1908; sire, Derviche (57834); dam, Paquerette (50040)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 215 Tdentique (81874) 70498— Age, April 22, 1908; sire, Nadeillac (61537); dam, Gentille (54230)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 216 Issovdun (83291) 70455— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Montargis (62402); dam, Olga (50053)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 217 Iris (80537) 70445— Age, March 15, 1908; sire, Alger (58071) 51822; dam, Pelote (73402)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 218 Incomplet (80717) 70460— Age, March 7, 1908; sire. Coco (60171); dam, Costille (49823)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 219 Infaillible (79439) 71729— Age, April 2, 1908; sire, Eveille (63214); dam, L'Amie (50476)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 220 Intransitif (78991) 71740— Age, March 15, 1908; sire, Sparte (62060); dam, Saragosse (57595)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 221 Insectivore (79326) 71744— Age, April 10, 1908; sire, Cambria (62150); dam, Costille (57451)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 222 Imaginaire (80968) 71746— Age, March 2, 1908; sire, Bodeau (59048) 55919; dam. Welfare (57972)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dun- ham, Wayne, 111. 223 Inventeur (80163) 70447— Age, April 19, 1908; sire, Beaucherie (64157); dam, Mirabelle (53541)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 224 Ildefouse (79206)— Age, 1908; sire, Etudiant (59291); dam. Re- vision (64256)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 225 Duke 61100— Age, 1908; sire, Julius 21781; dam. Lady Caroline 50667— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 226 Iota 71961 (79570)— Age, 1908; sire, Brude II (62045); dam, Fabiolia (61880)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 227 Introuvable (79372) 68456— Age, 1908; sire, Cupidon (63338) 53125; dam. Coquette (56880)— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 228 Melrose 66871— Age, May 27, 1908; sire, Allias 48450; dam, Flory 33474 — Harvest Farms Co., Mayville, Wis. 229 Issaudun 68272 (82134)— Age, April 5, 1908; sire, Oscar (45901); dam, Sauris (56357) — Peter Hopley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 230 Inceste 68274 (83263)— Age, Aug. 7, 1908; sire, Martin (46912); dam, Lucie (50265) — Peter Hopley & Son, Lewis, Iowa. 231 Dictator 58200— Age, ; sire, Videl 26463; dam, Maude 21000— Thos. Killelea, Seneca, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 297 Official No. 232 Farmer Boy 58403— Age, May 9, 1908; sire, Sultan 41622; dam, Daisy 44817— T. J. King, Plainfield, 111. 233 Black Diamond 58940— Age, May 17, 1908; sire, Eole (63893) 48938; dam, Lottie L. 32089— T. J. King, Plainfield, 111. 234 Hugo 67325— Age, May 7, 1908; sire, Lamy (56473) 46057; dam, Claro 58184— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa, 235 Citrus 19004— Age, April 20, 1908; sire, Medoc 63164; dam, Bichette 65644 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 236 Ludwig 65291— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Linda 58158— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 237 .Joel 63181— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Regina 28619— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 238 Ammi. 63182- Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Hebe 58908 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 239 Macon 63322— Age, April 25, 1908; sire. Artiste (47528) 31529; dam, Victoria 53451 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 240 Arthur 63323— Age, May 9, 1908; sire. Artiste (47528) 31529; dam, Florence (57125)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 241 Alto 61474— Age, May 20, 1908; sire. Artiste (47528) 31529; dam, Chaton 20780— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 242 Altona 61473— Age, May 15, 1908; sire. Artiste (47528) 31529; dam, Janet 21624 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 243 Issoudun (80551) 69134— Age, March 7, 1908; sire, Turco (57980); dam, Rougette (40445) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 244 Indigene (81987) 69140— Age, March 19, 1908; sire. Jasmin (63914) ; dam, Dulcinee (40673)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 245 Illisible 69161 (82723)— Age, June 4, 1908; sire, Eugene (62633); dam, Buphorbe (62626)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 246 Ictere 69160 (79700)— Age, April 25, 1908; sire, Conscrit (62063) 50578; dam, Cocotte (25381)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 247 Ideal 69157 (80106)— Age, April 1, 1908; sire, Actionnaire (64675); dam, Amicie (61750)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, IlL 248 larbas 69163 (81189)— Age, March 25, 1908; sire, Olivir (58082); dam, Madelon (49869)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 249 Icare 69133 (83521)— Age, April 9, 1908; sire, Condi (59486); dam, Pelotte (50176)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 250 Inscrit 69138 (82955)— Age, April 20, 1908; sire, Abricotier (64736); dam, Pagnerette (69204)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 251 Ion 69136 (80294)— Age, March 3, 1908; sire, Conscrit (62063) 50578; dam, Margot (58273)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 298 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 252 Importum 69152 (79948)— Age, March 2, 1908; sire, Picoteur II (58623); dam, Cormiche (59500)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, III. 253 Instantine 69158 (80822)— Age, March 10, 1908; sire, Picoteur II (58623); dam, Monchere (57099)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 254 Impatient 69139 (82184)— Age, April 26, 1908; sire, Griselidis (62038) ; dam. Amourette (56496)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 255 Incube 69166 (81551)— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Damiessie (63597); dam, Paquerette (56276)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 256 Insere (79115) 69164— Age, April 21, 1908; sire, Bourail (55585); dam. Sierra (40659) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 257 laxarte (79291) 69159— Age, April 17, 1908; sire, Madere (58886); dam, Abbette (66654)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 258 Inquiet 69132 (79571)— Age, March 15, 1908; sire, Brule II (63045); dam, Chopine (57932)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 259 Inapte 69153 (80377)— Age, March 26, 1908; sire, Brule II (63045); dam, Charmante (61463)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 260 Isiaque 69142 (79271) — Age, April 10, 1908; sire, Philemon (60850) 49726; dam, Diane (61400)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 261 Issachar 69155 (80548)— Age, March 10, 1908; sire, Cupidon (63338) 53125; dam, Bichette (50455)— S. Metz & Son, Home- wood, 111. 262 Isthort 69151 (80879)— Age, March 2, 1908; sire, Malakoff (53115); dam, Ceudrette (57046) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 263 Incognito (81534) 69131— Age, March 4, 1908; sire. Coco (46855); dam, Pimparite (25360) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 264 Ibrahim 69162 (82005)— Age, April 2, 1908; sire. Jasmin (63914); dam, Va De Bon Couer (31131)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 265 Ictere 69156 (81167)— Age, Feb. 14, 1908; sire, Courbet (63077); dam. Rosette (67018)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 266 Inhabite 44114— Age, May 13, 1908; sire, Etudiant; dam, Paquer- ette— McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 267 Irregulier 44374— Age, March 12, 1908; sire. Brule II; dam, Sul- tane — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 268 Intime (20585 F. D.) 44105— Age, March 25, 1908; sire, Agricole; dam, Poule — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 269 Matador 64861— Age, April 30, 1908; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Nanette 55335— H. G. McMillan & Son, Rock Rapids, Iowa. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 299 Official No. 270 Inscrit (81366) 63512— Age, Jan. 2, 1908; sire, Jupiter (58231); dam, Amanda (62824) — H. G. McMillan & Son, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 271 lago (81998) 44509— Age, April 21, 1908; sire, Aviso 52116; dam, Mignonne 78529 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 272 Indien (83491) 44500— Age, May 1, 1908; sire, Clamart 64207; dam, Grenade 65425 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 273 Illumine (80629) 44493— Age, April 2, 1908; sire, Triomphe 63399; dam, Castille 50052 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconotnowoc, Wis. 274 Impopulaire 43480 (82327)— Age, March 7, 1908; sire, Demain (63374); dam, Biche (54076)— Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 275 Ivan 43479 (80788)— Age, March 12, 1908; sire, Actionnaire (64675); dam. Comedienne (46387)— Pabst Stock Farm, Ocono- mowoc, Wis. 276 Intelpide 44525 (80192)— Age, April 15, 1908; sire. Pratique 63286; dam, Faisante 67702 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 277 Pink 43649 55405— Age, June 22, 1908; sire, Perfection 32520; dam. Flora 22573 — John Schipper, Filmore, Mich. 278 Index (83020) 71570— Age, April 10, 1908; sire, Aigrin (64638); dam, Violette (54485) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 279 Indiana (83023) 71579— Age, May 15, 1908; sire, Charmant (60165); dam, Carabie (31186) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 280 Incurable (79883) 71613— Age, April 20, 1908; sire. Gendarme (63132)^; dam, Marjolaine (47207)— J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 281 Isidore (79888) 71614— Age, May 12, 1908; sire, Etudiant (59291) 70802; dam, Pellotteuse (54486)— J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 282 Intactile (79227) 71611— Age, April 4, 1908; sire, Jolinet (63463); dam, Risette (53454) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 283 Incuepe (79145) 71548— Age, May 20, 1908; sire, Tanpier (63548); dam, Hermanie (56597) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 284 Isaac (83409) 71584— Age, March 26, 1908; sire, Faustain (41415); dam, Gironette (30769) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 285 Inusable (79432) 71563— Age, March 3, 1908; sire, Picteur II (58623); dam, Fedette (61416)— J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 286 Icago (81271) 71561— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Presse (62852); dam, Biche (27098) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 287 Ibis (79574) 71546— Age, March 4, 1908; sire. Coco (46855); dam, Andromede (37036) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 288 Iran (78632) 64997— Age, April 15, 1908; sire. Sparte (62060); dam, Costille (48111) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 300 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 289 Iman (80951) 64996— Age, March 15, 1908; sire, Actionnaire (64675); dam, Bijou (61458) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 290 Invite (79440) 64978— Age, March 8, 1908; sire, Francinet (63627); dam, Chaton (47106) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 291 Indelicat (81980)— Age, March 30, 1908; sire, Nadaillac (61527); dam, Charmante (49535)-^Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Indiana. 292 Idiome 71761 (83319)— Age, April 23, 1908; sire, Holland (60321); dam, Coupeuse (60011) — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Indiana. 293 Itout — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 294 Incroyable — Geo. W. Souers & Sons, Huntington, Ind. 295 Illon (80725) 70060— Age, 1908; sire. Coco (60171); dam, Glaneuse (52614)— Taylor & Jones, Wimamsville, 111. 296 Invincible (80427) 70050— Age, 1908; sire. Coco (46855); dam, Frivoli (67884)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 297 Irade (81327) 70057— Age, 1908; sire, Oliver (58082); dam, Canette (7344)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 298 Imbasis (80645) 70053— Age, 1908; sire. Coco (60171); dam, Jolie (54169)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 299 Islam (82698) 70690— Age, 1908; sire, Victorieux (64124); dam. Gazelle (32354) — Taylor & Jones, Williamsvillg, 111. 300 Iberes (82972) 70691— Age, 1908; sire, Abricotier (64736); dam, Lisette (50035)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, III. 301 Indlgne (80653) 70840— Age, 1908; sire, Coco (60171); dam, Biche (50254) — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 302 Imide (83067) 70844— Age, 1908; sire, Ecluzellestex Lucas (64445); dam, Lucette (57520) — Taylor &. Jones, Williamsville, 111. 303 Inventure 70845 (80359)— Age, 1908; sire, Conscrit (62063) 50578; dam, Lurece (68815) — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 304 Impotent (80742) 70048— Age, 1908; sire. Coco (60171); dam, Margot (56683) — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 305 Indigo (79017) 70341— Age, 1908; sire, Btudiant (59291); dam, Nouvelle (44253)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 306 Incompris (80658) 70058— Age, 1908; sire, Coco (60171); dam, Biche (49985)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 307 Ivory (83097) 70056— Age, 1908; sire, Imprenable (62719); dam, Follette (56049)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 308 Ibiden (82874) 70342— Age, 1908; sire, Jasmin (63914); dam, Chiffon (64991) —Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 309 Ibsen (81130) 70049-'Age, 1908; sire, Coco (46855); dam, Chan- teuB© (54423)~-TayIor & Jones. WUliamsville, lU. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 301 Official No. 310 Insensible (79639) 70404— Age, 1908; sire, Polka (63482); dam, Polka (54188) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 311 Invariable (80186) 70405— Age, 1908; sire, Coco (46855); dam, Margot (78423) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. 312 Injalbert (82064) 70402— Age, 1908; sire, Cambrai (62150) 51740; dam. Cyclamen (37565) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bush- nell, 111. 313 Isoterk (79186) 70412— Age, 1908; sire, Francinet (63627); dam, Peste (54397) — Truman's Pioneer Stud Farm, Bushnell, 111. CLASS 4. STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. 314 Javanais (83811) 69499— Age, ' 1909; sire, Boileau (59048) 55919; dam, Minette (50593) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 315 Japy (85083) 69500— Age, 1909; sire, Laricot (68469); dam. Co- quette (81807) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. * 316 Perfection 68486— Age, 1909; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Queen of Percherons 48294 — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 317 Blacky Prince 2d 68288— Age, 1909 ;■ sire. Blacky Prince 19668; dam. Fearless 48692 — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 318 Jamais (87021) 71728— Age, March 21, 1909; sire, Donibex Monit (58945); dam, Lusette (46196)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 319 Major — Age, 1909; sire. Armor; dam, Lucile — Finch Bros., Joliet, Illinois. 320 Rigilo 69775— Age, 1909; sire, Armor 46682; dam. Lady Caroline 50667— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 321 Sorrento 70377— Age, May 19, 1909; sire. Sultan 41622; dam, Daisy 44817— T. J. ■ King, Plainfield, 111. 322 Blucher 69532— Age, March 14, 1909; sire, Superior 40605; dam, lone 19924 — :Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 323 Kermit 69536— Age, April 26, 1909; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Esther 51494 — Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 324 Reuel 69596— Age, 1909; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Rosabel 67288 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 325 Jeroboame (89305) 72148— Age, May 4, 1909; sire, Montargis (62402) ; dam. Bijou (49682)--Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield. Iowa. 302 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 3 Official No. 326 Andrew 71984— Age, May 15, 1909; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, Milford 64714— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 327 Marcus 71985— Age, May 17, 1909; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, Mina 64712 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 328 Javron 44376 — Age, March 12, 1909; sire, Hidalgo; dam, Bicyclette — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 329 Emperor 68701— Age, June 17, 1909; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam. Empress Josephine 21531 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 330 Hilliard 68717— Age, April 30, 1909; sire, Collard 41820; dam, Charlotta G0781— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 331 Godard (69425) 71622— Age, May 15, 1906; sire, Buffalo (56754); dam, Balsamine (33604) — J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 332 Ganelon (71671) 71610— Age, April 7, 1906; sire, Sangrado (22990) ; dam, Rosine (50491)— J. O. Singmaster, Keota, Iowa. 333 Joura (87073) 70847— Age, 1909; sire, Actionnaire (64675); dam, Souris (50045)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 334 Reclame 62828— Age, May 17, 1909; sire. Pink (47513) 24765; dam, Chopine (69270) 47119— Jos. H. Warren, Delaplane, Va. CLASS 5. MARE 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 20, 15. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 335 Helen 20274 — Age, 1905; sire, Athos (515) 12345; dam. Duchess 19522— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 336 Godille (87628) 70565— Age, 1906; sire, Chanzy (46553); dam, Paquerette (45964) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 337 Fauvette (69236) , 42130— Age, 1903; sire, Joyeux (27857); dam, Lisette (42171) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 338 Fauvette (69236) 52156— Age, 1903; sire, Joyeux (27857); dam, Lisette (42171)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 339 Frisette (87796) 70606— Age, 1905; sire, Seguin (51857); dam, Lisette (39568)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 340 Francis L. 49966— Age, April 28, 1905; sire, Rheem, Jr., 21627; dam, Ruth 48545 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 341 Ruby Rose 43850— Age, April 17, 1905; sire, Rheem, Jr., 21627; dam. Primrose 44204 — 'Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. tJREfiDiNG PfiRCHERONS OK FRENCH DKAEl 303 Official No. 342 Lilian 49978— Age, May 3, 1905; sire, Rheem, Jr., 21627; dam, Lenora 29463 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 343 Kathleen 43866— Age, May 30, 1904; sire, Rheem, Jr., 21627; dam, Marrietta 43865— Lew C. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 344 Courtier 43S48— Age, April 23, 1905; sire, Prince Maurire 24995; dam, Mary Lass 42885— Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville Ind. 345 Guitare (72027) 70259— Age, April 18, 1906; sire. Kaiser (59871); dam, Fauvette (50078)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 346 Fougere (87748) 70260— Age, April 22, 1905; sire, Voyageur (44278); dam, Lapinette (87721)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Indiana. 347 Girouette (69494) 70262— Age, April 21, 1906; sire, Dagada (55160) ; dam, Risette (58715)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Indiana. 348 Manie (54817) 70265— Age, Feb. 18, 1902; sire, Radzville (44228) dam, F'rancaise (48048)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 349 Favorite (87784) 70281— Age, March 19, 1905; sire, Athos (46479) dam, Souveraine (43645)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 350 Bijou (69192) 68004— Age, March 30, 1904; sire, Charlon (47384) dam, Mignonne (48948)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 351 Rigolette (57540) 68005— Age, Feb. 15, 1904; sire, Biribi (46568) dam, Bamboche (23416) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 352 Gloire (81608) 60382— Age, April 10, 1906; sire, Beaudote (34055) dam, Vigoureuse (42130) — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 353 Juliette 60696 (71229)— Age, May 21, 1906; sire, Radiguil (54499) dam, Rustique (54283) — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 354 Gertrudine (73039) 63676— Age, May 15, 1906; sire, Senegal (55472) 45868; dam, Eugenie (56185)— W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 355 Charmante (78528) 63916— Age, March 21, 1906; sire, F'arceur (55619); dam, Veillee (75179)— W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 356 Fantoche (84448) 71734— Age, March 12, 1905; sire, Oscar (45901); dam, Fantoche (45244)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 357 Sapinette (53596) 47118— Age, April 15, 1902; sire, Leride III (42847); dam, Ravenellee (42575)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 358 Galante (72205) 65146— Age, M-ay 6, 1906; sire, Malakoff (53115); dam. Coquette (46716)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 359 Tenebreuse (45615) 30013— Age, March 15, 1899; sire, Othello (42829) 22623; dam, Pelotte (24798)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dun- ham, Wayne, 111. 304 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 360 Lady Caroline 50667— Age, 1904; sire, Marshal Ney 23746; dam. Fancy 25106— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 361 Lucile 50629— Age, 1903; sire, Venguer (10024) 9290; dam, Loula Francis 16427— Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 362 Coquette 70468 (81584)— Age, April 14, 1904; sire, Meunier (48586) ; dam, Sancisse (49729) — Harvest Farms Company, Mayville, Wis. 363 Gredine 52017 (70547)— Age, 1906; sire, Taupin (55341); dam, Biche (39600)— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 364 Angeline 65280— Age, 1906; sire, S'aphir 32834 (46498) ; dam, Dolie 58901 — Maasdam & Wheeler, F'airfield, Iowa. 365 Lurietta 65281— Age, 1906; sire, Saphir 32834 (46898); dam, Linda 58158 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 366 Geraldine 65282— Age, 1906; sire, Saphir 32834 (46898); dam. Genet 58907 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 367 Amorita 61314— Age, 1905; sire, Aride 25056 (45424); dam, Auora 58182 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 368 Adole 67562— Age, 1906; sire, Aride 25056 (45424); dam, Adoline 65253 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 369 Endoria 66873— Age, June 17, 1903; sire, Aride 25056 (45424); dam, Annette 61311 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 370 Hyoes (67047) 72156— Age, 1905; sire, Vengeur (51637); dam, Pimpaute (43826) — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 371 Queen — ^Age, May 15, 1905; sire, Paquebot; dam, Milford — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 372 Alice 47728— Age, May 10, 1905; sire, La Grange 20372; dam, Pamelia 30551 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 373 Reine (62214) 48782— Age, April 20, 1904; sire, Leridia 'III (42847) dam, Joieuse (44061) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 374 Grace 63885— Age, May 11, 1903; sire, Alecton (45230) 28011 dam, Maud Templeton 61462— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 375 Lenora 56597— Age, May 3, 1906; sire, Artiste (47528) 31529 dam, Victoria 53451 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 376 Irvine 66813— Age, April 19, 1906; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048 dam, Pauline 66809 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 377 Etoile 69180 (63887)— Age, April 5, 1904; sire, Telemaque (44762) 34104; dam, Comette (48208)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 378 Bertha 66811— Age, May 10, 1905; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, Pauline 66809— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 379 Grivette 57129— Age, May 1, 1904; sire, Viveur (47613) 31546; dam, Victoria 53451— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 380 Elaine 64420 (65484)— Age, April 8, 1905; sire, Ramoneur (52112) 44460; dam, Noceuse (53562) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 305 Official No. 381 Bessie 64715— Age, April 17, 1905; sire, Viveur (47613) 31546; dam, Cecil 41272— S'. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 382 Florence 63886— Age, April 14, 1903; sire, Alecton (45230) 28011; dam, Chaton 2d 61466— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 383 La Belle 34982— Age, May 14, 1903; sire, Brunelles (12162) 11415; dam, Eloise 22234— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rap- ids, Iowa. 384 Columbine 45557— Age, April 4, 1905; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Columbia 21147 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 385 lolanthe 40925— Age, May 23, 1903; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam. Norma (13394) 9672— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rap- ids, Iowa. 386 America (61129) 45755— Age, April 10, 1904; sire, Joubert (45105) 40093; dam, Lamite (21092)— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 387 Flotte (90001) 44513— Age, . March 18, 1905; sire, Ermite 44360; dam, Xantippe 26180 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 388 Tansey' 66112— Age, May 30, 1905; sire, Dartagan (51308) 50463; dam, Juliet (24960) — John Schipper, Filmore, Mich. 389 Berezena (87783) 70838— Age, 1905; sire, Tarquin 51901; dam, Ulmaire (47615)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 390 Salicorne (60782) 70836— Age, 1903; sire, Saturnin (44717); dam, Lisette (50411) 47916— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 391 Rosette 70849 (75150)— Age, 1904; sire, Carton 45997; dam, Bou- lotta 49850— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 392 Chopine 47119 (69270)— Age, April 25, 1906; sire, Buffalo (56697); dam, Sapinette (53596) 47118 — Jos. H. Warren, Delaplane, Va. 1115 Carrie 57281— Age, May 17, 1905; sire, Tavernier 35719; dam, Patti (42953)— John H. Weaver, Lodi, 111. CLASS 6. MARE 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 20, 15. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 393 Huchette (77427) 70599— Age, 1907; sire, Dauvergne (59713); dam, Courageuse (29614) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 394 Halle (76222) 70598— Age, 1907; sire, Robinot (56255); dam, Vermouth (27006) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. ;]06 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 395 Hanche (77830) 70612— Age, 1907; sire, Descartes (46058); dam, Vaillante (54240)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 336 Historiette (74358) 61380— Age, 1907; sire, Chicanier (57812); dam, Favori (61408) — Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 337 Himere 84279— Age, April 15, 1907; sire, Etudiant 59291; dam, Limande 46487 — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 3S8 Hella (87627) 70263— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Diamant (60978); dam, Amanda (49321) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 399 Histoire (76637) 70268— Age, March 15, 1907; sire, Colbert (58113) ; dam, Coquette (49297)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 400 Hoffmanne (74518) 70269— Age, May 24,1907; sire, Gradin (57599) ; dam, Clairette (55268) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 401 Coquette 44600 — Age, 1907; sire, Superior; dam, Albina — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 402 Lottie 44599 — Age, 1907; sire, Superior; dam, Elena — Wm. Crown- over, Hudson, Iowa. 403 Haire (75345) 61604— Age, 1907; sire, Dauvergne (59713); dam, Coquette (49429) — Wm. Crownover, Hudson, Iowa. 404 Historienne (75496) 63912— Age, March 10, 1907; sire, Nandis (60192) ; dam, Caissiere (60312) — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. 405 Hussarde 74247— Age, F'eb. 12, 1907; sire, Noceur (58676)^ dam, Blaisine (53758) — W. L. De Clow, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 406 Hirondelle (87754) 70481— Age, April 23, 1907; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Floride (43510)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 407 Halarnice (76754) 71733— Age, March 18, 1907; sire, Picoteur II (58623); dam. Bijou (61383)— W. S'., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111, 408 Hernanie (77269) 71735— Age, March 22, 1907; sire, Osar (45901); dam, Bichette (48243)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 409 Haute (73706) 71742— Age, April 25, 1907; sire, Alger (58071); dam, Bichette (41827)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 410 Pauline 56496— Age, May 11, 1907; sire, Superior 40605; dam. Louise D 41439 — Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 411 Evelyn 56492— Age, April 14, 1907; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Maud 27766 — Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 412 Hazel 56493— Age, May 15, 1907; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Daisy 28862 — Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 413 Dina II 52767— Age, April 12, 1907; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Dina 41732— Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 414 Velma 65289— Age, 1907; sire, Volage 48578 (55179); dam, Hester 58902— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 307 Official No. 415 Black Star 65264— Age, 1907; sire, Volage 48578 (55179); dam, Junietta 58899 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 416 Electa 65265— Age, 1907; sire, Volage 48578 (55179); dam, Or- letta 58900— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 417 Voilet 67295— Age, 1907; sire, Volage 48578 (55179); dam, Elida 58906— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 418 Ruth 67300— Age, 1907; sire, Volage 48578 (55179); dam, Davila 57094 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 419 Mable 64717— Age, April 4, 1907; sire. Artiste (47528) 31529; dam, Chaton 20780— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 420 Adrienne 70044— Age, May 20, 1907; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, Melford 64714— S'. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 421 Heresie 69143 (84379)— Age, March 15, 1907; sire, Telegramme 58507; dam, Lisette (48039)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 422 Hybisqus 69144 (76831)— Age, May 4, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160) dam, Castillo (54181)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 423 Hardie 64421 (81798)— Age, April, 1907; sire, Mandis (60192) dam, Vesta (25050)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 424 Hijou 64705 (81795)— Age, March, 1907; sire, Etudiant (59291) dam, Bichonnette (55966) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 425 Mabelle 64718— Age, May 20, 1907; sire, Artiste (47528) 31529 dam, Janet 21624— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 426 Harmonieuse (74840) 69150 — Age, March 17, 1907; sire, Dagada (55160) ; dam, Tulipane (32425)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 427 Herre (20583FD) 44389— Age, April 14, 1907; sire, Etudiant; dam, Cocotte — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 428 Alice 51533— Age, March 4, 1907; sire, Bibi (52612); dam, Louisette (54694) 45751— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 429 Edith 64685— Age, July 14, 1907; sire, Romulus 44215; dam, Majeska 58378 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 430 Ellen 65954— Age, April 6, 1907; sire, Childebert 43101; dam, Lucine 50562— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 431 Rosine 65953— Age, April 3, 1907; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam, Rose 42793— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 432 Helena (73503) 43448— Age, March 2, 1907; sire, Cuilicet (57895); dam, Margot (61323) — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 433 Huche 44510 (78021)— Age, March 30, 1907; sire, Dauvergne 59713; dam. Coquette 21417 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 308 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT CLASS 7. MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $20, 10, 5. Official No. 434 Imprudent (81933) 70600— Age, 1908; sire, Volcan (64533); dam, Fasserelle (34592)— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 435 Ides (87778) 70595— Age, 1908; sire, Aigrin (64638); dam, Faran- dale (87777) — Robt. Burgess & Son, "Wenona, 111. 436 Isthme (81029) 44487 72290— Age, April 17, 1908; sire, Riqules (63697); dam, Fleurette (64014)— Lew W. Cocbran, Crawfords- ville, Ind. 437 Isis (87842) 44486 72298— Age, April 4, 1908; sire, Conrobert (63005); dam, Gisalda (37521)— Lew W. Cochran, Crawfords- ville, Ind. 438 La Pearle 44584— Age, April 4, 1908; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Mona 43660 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 439 Idealite (79534) 70261— Age, May 15, 1908; sire, Dorceau (64215); dam, Rustique (54389) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 440 Indienne (80794) 70266— Age, May 15, 1908; sire, Didier (58581); dam, Alphonsine (42810) — J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 441 Infranchissable (82233) 70267— Age, April 20, 1908; sire. Polka (63482); dam, Camelia (51450)— J. Crouch & Son, La Fayette, Ind. 442 Immunite (81897) 70485— Age, May 29, 1908; sire, Cambria (62150) 51740; dam, Mouvette (57460)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, "Wayne, 111. 443 Ides (81870) 70484— Age, April 16, 1908; sire. Imperial (62270); dam, F'auvette (34541)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 444 Improbation (81930) 70457— Age, Feb. 15, 1908; sire, Nadaillac (61537); dam, Fumel (60491)-n"W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, "Wayne, 111. 445 Iquique (83021) 70483— Age, April 15, 1908; sire, Fanfaron (58170); dam. Docile (73326) — Harvest Farms Co., Mayville, Wis. 446 Gypsy Maid 59098— Age, June 18, 1908; sire, Bresilie (59812) 43904; dam, Brilliantine 40078 — Harvest Farms Co., Mayville, Wis. 447 Irma (90056) 71748— Age, May 8, 1908; sire, Alger (58071) 51822; dam, Rita (25570)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 448 Mineola 57063— Age, June 10, 1908; sire, Superior 40605; dam. Daisy 28862— Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 309 Official No. 449 Des Moines — Age, June 17, 1908; sire, Papillon (65364); dam, Nor- valine 28083— H. C. Lowry, Nevada, Iowa. 450 Bretonniere 63177— Age, 1908; sire, Makaroff (63245); dam, La Bretonniere (63246) 52024— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 451 Lydia 67307— Age, 1908; sire, L,amy 46057 (56473); dam, Brcilla 59246 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 452 Althea 65266— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Clarice 58915 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, . Iowa. 453 Cordelia 66456— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Mar- gueritte 45347 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 454 Leonora 67303— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Clarissa 58918 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 455 Cornelia 65292— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Cas- tilla 58162— Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 456 Valeria 67313— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Col- letta 58912 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 457 Nayba 67327— Age, 1908; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Nadine 60240 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 458 Ivraie 69185 (87759)— Age, April 23, 1908; sire, Lerida III (42847); dam. Coquette (61128)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 459 Induse 69186 (87761)— Age, March 14, 1908; sire, Lerida III (42847) ; dam, Criquette (57566)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 460 Ive 69392 (87760)— Age, March 4, 1908; sire, Lerida III (42847); dam, Lisette (49263) — S. Metz & Son, Hamewood, 111. 461 Ingrie 69177 (82059)— Age, April 3, 1908; sire, Cambrai (62150) 51740; dam, Muscade (49697)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 462 Indiana 69174 (79327)— Age, March 2, 1908; sire, Valory (58112); dam. Coquette (57562) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 463 Industrie 69171 (87665)— Age, March 14, 1908; sire, Francinet (63627); dam, Paquerette (47703) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 464 Igname 69172 (82893)— Age, April 20, 1908; sire, Durandal (63709); dam, Rosalie (64537) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 465 Intimite 69169 (79188)— Age, March 15, 1908; sire, Francinet (63627); dam, Fauvette (49710)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 466 Irritable 69168 (79226)— Age, April 10, 1908; sire, Chainbord (61803) 64480; dam, Galipette (59372)— S. Metz & Son, Home- wood, 111. 467 Inaction 69167 (80131)— Age, June 10, 1908; sire, Gradin (57599); dam, Paquerette (47109) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 468 Ivraie 69148 (78777)— Age, June 14, 1908; sire, Horace (62722); dam. Volage (28774)~S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 310 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 469 Invicta 69165 (79179)— Age, March 20, 1908; sire, Didier (58581); dam, Grandesse (52364) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 470 Ironette 69146 (84377)— Age, May 10, 1908; sire, Criquet (62029); dam, Bijotte (43806)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 471 Indigne 69178 (788223)— Age, April 20, 1908; sire, Sahara (61893) 51744; dam, Negreese (64928)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 472 Iberie 69170 (84498)— Age, March 25, 1908; sire, Glucose (62232); dam, Coquette (54179) — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 473 Ivorine 69179 (81354)— Age, April 21, 1908; sire, Amand (61078); dam, Tricoteuse (54702)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 474 Idazie (80680) 69175— Age, March 5, 1908; sire, Sahara (61893) 51744; dam, Olga (66718) 63930— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 475 Edna 63321— Age, May 3, 1908; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam. May Flower 53452— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 476 Genevieve 63318— Age, May 23, 1908; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, Charlotte 57124— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 477 Imprudente 64413 (78743)— Age, March, 1908; sire, Chamboid (61803) 64480; dam, Poule (49720)— S'. Metz & Son, Homewood, Illinois. 478 Indicanurie 64417 (80920) — Age, March, 1908; sire, Bon Souvenir (61484) ; dam, Canefide (60765)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 479 Inde 44127 — Age, April 12, 1908; sire, Actionnaire; dam, Pelotte — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 480 Indecise 44386 — Age, April 2, 1908; sire, Chartres ex Coco; dam, Columbine — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 481 Idiome (20582FD) 44391 — Age, May 23, 1908; sire, Diamant; dam. Docile — McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. 482 Anita 69931— Age, April 27, 1908; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam, Annette 17382 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 483 Audrey 60789— Age, May 20, 1908; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam, Mabel 58137— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 484 Arlie 66194— Age, May 21, 1908; sire, Olbert (53109) 42815; dam. Alberta 45553 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 485 S'tella II 66204— Age, May 2, 1908; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Estelle 50566— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 486 Columbia III 69929— Age, June 1, 1908; sire, Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Columbia 21147— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 487 Instruite 44526 (82431)— Age, April 1, 1908; sire, Taupice 63548; dam, Grison 30427 — Pabst Stock Farm, Oconomowoc, Wis. 488 Iberide 44445 (81860)— Age, May 6, 1908; sire, Major (60014) ; dam, Paquerette (57015) — W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 311 Official No. 489 lonie 44444 (79252)— Age, May 10, 1908; sire, Pratique (63286); dam, Charmenter (49765)— W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. 490 Jewel 43650 60299— Age, May 15, 1908; sire. Artiste 31529 (47528)'; dam, Mable 52230 — John Schipper, Filmore, Mich. 491 Induse (81361) 70967— Age, 1908; sire, Etudiant (59291); dam. Paquerette (59358) — Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. CLASS 8. MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. 492 Foxie 68164— Age, 1909; sire, Larousse (64391) 52457; dam, Maud 61585— Robt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 493 Pink Joy 64405— Age, March > 8, 1909; sire. Pink (47513) 24765; dam, Jesse Rousom 11860— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, Illinois. 494 Juliette (84209) 65127— Age, April 1, 1909; sire, Marathon (66841) 65104; dam, Kermesse (46750)— W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. 495 Jocaste 87113 — Age, 1909; sire, Benoville Ex Sarthous; dam, Gatemal — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 496 Jusquiame 89318 — Age, 1909; sire, Rolland; dam, Elvetia — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 497 Jacqueline 89387 — Age, 1909; sire, Florentin II; dam, Biche — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 498 Jumila 870.87 — Age, 1909; sire, Benoville Ex Sarthous; dam, Biche — Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. 499 Vivian 69530— Age, April 27, 1909; sire, Superior 40605; dam. Pansy 51492 — Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 500 Annitte 69588— Age, 1909; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Auora 58182 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 501 Ethel 69597— Age, 1909; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Angeline 65280 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 502 Elenor 70960— Age, 1909; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Mar- motte 58190 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 503 Ethelind 69598— Age, 1909; sire, Lamy 46057 (56473); dam, Pauline 65256 — Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. 504 Juniore 69149 (89065)— Age, Jan. 15, 1909; sire, Etudiant (59291); dam, Stella (44817)— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 312 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 505 Violeire 71988— Age, May 1, 1909; sire, Paquebot (.47609) 35048; dam, Florence 57125— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 506 Pauline 71987— Age, May 6, 1909; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35408; dam, Fanny 61470 — S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 507 Pinafore 68744— Age, May 7, 1909; sire. Calypso (44577) 25017; dam, Sally 63561— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 508 Nettie 68739— Age, May 15, 1909; sire, Collard 41820; dam. Garnet 64535 — H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 509 Judith 44447 (83736)— Age, April 15, 1909; sire, Agathon (65668); dam, Nanna (61506)— W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. 510 Juliette 44446 (83735)— Age, April 10, 1909; sire, Agathon (65668); dam, Risette (52740)— W. V. R. Powis, Wayne, 111. CLASS 9. FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, GET OF ONE SIRE.— $50, 40, 30. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $40, 20, 10. Maasdam Iowa. J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, W. S III. W. S 111. W. S 111. Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. & Wheeler, Fairfield, & Wheeler, Fairfield, Maasdam Iowa. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio H. G. McMillan Rapids, Iowa. H. G. McMillan Rapids, Iowa. & Sons, Rock & Sons, Rock f CLASS lo. TWO ANIMALS, ANY AGE, PRODUCE OF SAME DAM.— $50, 30, 20. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $25, 15, 10. W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. W. S., J. B. & B. Dunham, Wayne, 111. Finch Bros., Joliet, 111. Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. Maasdam & Wheeler, Fairfield, Iowa. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. McLaughlin Bros., Columbus, Ohio. H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT 31S CLASS II. CHAMPION STALLION ANY AGE.— STERLING SILVER CUP. Percheron Registry Company Specials.^Gold Medal, Silver Medal. , Competition limited to first-prize winners in above classes. CLASS 12. CHAMPION MARE ANY AGE.— STERLING SILVER CUP. Percheron Registry Company Specials. — Gold Medal, Silver Medal. Competition limited to first-prize v^^inners in above classes. SPECIAL "A." STALLION FOALS. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official ~"i, "l No. 1118 Kathleen 43866— Levi^ W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 1119 Coelix— Age, May 20, 1910; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Esther 51494 — Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 1120 Alonzo — Age, April 26, 1910; sire, Calypso 25017; dam, Fanette 50564— H. G. McMillan & Sons, Rock Rapids, Iowa. 1121 Radium 71479— Age, April 28, 1910; sire. Perfection 32526; dam, Tansey 66112 — John Schipper, Filmore Center, Mich. 1122 Salicornal (60782) 70836— Age, 1910; sire, Saturnin (44777); dam, Lisette (50411) 47916— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 1123 Karr (89659) 70837— Age, 1910; sire, Golta (71389) 70253; dam, Salicorne (60782) 70836— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. SPECIAL "B." FILLY FOALS. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $15, 10, 5. Official No. 1124 Trilby— Age, May 19, 1910; sire, Gringoire (42564) 21386; dam, Kathaleen 43866 — Lew W. Cochran, Crawfordsville, Ind. 1125 Alice— Age, May 7, 1910; sire, Superior 40605; dam, Mund 27766— Jas. Loonan & Son, Waterloo, Iowa. 1126 Vivian 71767— Age, May 9, 1909; sire, Faquebot (47609) 35048; dam, Junel 21624— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 1127 Flora 71769— Age, May 3, 1910; sire, Paquebot (47609) 35048; dam, Florine 70027— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 314 BREEDING PERCHERONS OR FRENCH DRAFT Official No. 1128 Isabelle 71771— Age, April 20 ''910; sire, Cyclone (65280); dam, Negresse (64928) 64709— S. Metz & Son, Homewood, 111. 1129 Kenia (89660) 70889— Age, 1910; siie, Carnot (66666) 66666; dam, Berezina (87783)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. 1130 Kermaria 70850 — Age, 1910; sire, Fernand (65262); dam, Rosette (75150)— Taylor & Jones, Williamsville, 111. SPECIAL "C." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 4 YEARS OR OVER. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "D." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "E." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "F." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 10, 5. SPECIAL "G." AMERICAN-BRED MARE 4 YEARS OR OVER. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "H." , AMERICAN-BRED MARE 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "I." AMERICAN-BRED MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10. SPECIAL "J." AMERICAN-BRED MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $15, 10, 5. BREEDING NATIONAL FRENCH DRAFT 315 SPECIAL "K." CHAMPION AMERICAN-BRED STALLION. Percheron Society of America Special. — $30. SPECIAL "L." CHAMPION AMERICAN-BRED MARE. Percheron Society of America Special. — 130. SPECIAL "M." THREE MARES, ANY AGE, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $30, 20, 10. * SPECIAL "N." FOUR ANIMALS, ANY AGE, EITHER SEX, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. — $40, 25, 10. SPECIAL "O." FIVE STALLIONS OWNED BY EXHIBITOR. Percheron Society of America Specials. — Gold Medal, Reserve Ribbon. NATIONAL FRENCH DRAFT. CLASS I. STALLION 4 YEARS AND OVER. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $30, 20, 15, Ribbon. All animals competing for these specials must be registered in the National Register of French Draft Horses. Certificates of registry must be shown with animals. CLASS 2. STALLION 3 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 4. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $30, 20, 15, Ribbon. SPECIAL "A." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. 316 BREEDING NATIONALi FRENCH DRAFT ' SPECIAL "B." AMERICAN-BRED STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials.— $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. CLASS 5. MARE 4 YEARS OLD AND OVER. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $30, 20, 15, Ribbon. CLASS 6. MARE 3 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 4. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $30, 20, 15, Ribbon. SPECIAL "C." AMERICAN-BRED MARE 2 YEARS OLD AND UNDER 3. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. SPECIAL "D." AMERICAN-BRED MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. SPECIAL "E." FOUR ANIMALS, GET OF ONE SIRE, UNDER 4 YEARS OLD, BRED BY EXHIBITOR. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $30, 20, 15, Ribbon. SPECIAL "F." MARE AND TWO OF HER PRODUCE UNDER 3 YEARS OLD BRED BY EXHIBITOR. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $20, 15, 10, Ribbon. CLASS II. BEST STALLION ANY AGE. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $40, Reserve Ribbon. BREEDING CLYDESDALES S17 CLASS 12. BEST MARE ANY AGE. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $30, Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "G." BEST AMERICAN-BRED STALLION ANY AGE. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $40, Reserve Ribbon. SPECIAL "H." BEST AMERICAN-BRED MARE ANY AGE. National French Draft Horse Association of America Specials. — $30, Reserve Ribbon. CLYDESDALE. [See Rule 45.] CLASS 13. STALLION 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $50, 40, 30, 20. Official No. 511 Proud Edward 15512 — Age, 1905; sire, Royal Edward (11495); dam, Neardale Lass (13509) — Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, Illinois. 512 Royal Times 15513 — Age, 1901; sire, Up to Time (10475); dam, Jean 3d (15545) — Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 513 Knockstocks 1511 — Age, 1906; sire, Labori (10791); dam, Flora Nightingale (16921)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 514 Searchlight 11166 (11930)— Age, 1900; sire, Good Gift (10564); dam, Jess (6930) — Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. . 515 Hood's Pride 13812 (14462)— Age, July 8, 1906; sire, Baron Hood (11260); dam. Blossom (16876)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 516 Caliph 12754 (12074)— Age, June 11, 1902; sire, Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Nita Erskine (15064)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 318 HKEEUING CLYDESDALES Official No. 517 Pride of Deep River 11582 — Age, May 10, 1904; sire. Coxcomb 7846; dam, Macara Anderson (9495) — Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 518 Milkado (14765) 15544— Age, 1906; sire, Marcellus (11110); dam, Montrave Reita (16834) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 519 Gay Sprig (13849) 15557— Age, June 17, 1906; sire. Refiner 12301; dam, Lilly Favorite 17552 — Graham & Renfrew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 520 Top Spot 15558 (13848)— Age, May 25, 1906; sire. Baron Hood (11260) ; dam. Lady Stormont 16157 — Graham & Renfrew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 521 Dunure Nugget 15471 (14103)— Age, 1906; sire. Baron of Buch- lyvie (11263) ; dam. Iris (19922)— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 522 His Eminence 10425— Age, May 1, 1901; sire. His Excellency; dam. Barmaid — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 523 Young Darnley 12410 — Age, 4 years; sire, Matchfield; dam. Princess B — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 524 Rinaldo 15435— Age, May 20, 1904; sire, Gartly Squire; dam, Hen- rietta Irving — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 525 Knackfarrel 14311— Age, May 12, 1903; sire, Gartly Gold; dam, Lady Jess — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 526 Royal Olaf 15353— Age, June 10, 1905; sire, Royal Alvah; dam. Queen Ophelia — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 527 Partemar 13221— Age, April 20, 1905; sire, Prince Thomas; dam. Lady Everard^ — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 528 Kelvin Chief 15164— Age, May 5, 1906; sire, Baden Powell (10963) ; dam, Lily — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 529 Jno. Humphrey 15146— Age, April 23, 1905; sire. Sir Humphrey (11942) ; dam. Miss Allie — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 530 Baron Albert 15440— Age, May 31, 1906; sire, Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Princess May — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 531 Baron's Hope (11606) 12023— Age, July 4, 1900; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Marguerite (14000)— A. G. Soderburg, Osco, Illinois. CLASS 14. STALLION 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 532" Baron Gelston 15510— Age, 1907; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Maggie (15622)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 319 Official No. 533 The Diamond Royal 14806 — Age, April 19, 1907; sire, Jack of Diamonds 10672; dam, Roxy W. 10939— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 534 Royal Blossom 15509— Age, 1907; sire, Royal Chief (10876); dam, Blossom (21764)— Alex Galbraith & Son. De Kalb, 111. 535 A. Macqueen 15532 — Age, 1907; sire, Macqueen; dam, Kate Shrila 9805 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 536 Baron Ivy (14586) 15545— Age, 1907; sire, Baron's Pride 9122; dam, Cecelia (15794) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 537 Sailor King (14829) 15555— Age, 1907; sire. Pacific (13119); dam, Sarah Grand (15758)— Graham & Renfrew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 538 Wamphrey Lad (14884) 15556— Age, May 1, 1907; sire, Count Victor 12108; dam, Dora of Springfield 18046— Graham & Ren- frew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 539 Sportsman (15436) 15473— Age, June 26, 1907; sire, Hiawatha (13067) ; dam. Princess May (14911)— F. W. Harding, Wau- kesha, Wis. 540 Dinwoodie Star (14475)— Age, May 15, 1907; sire. Pacific (13119); dam. Floral Spray (20824) — James Kennedy, Utica, 111. 541 Kaincraig 15355— Age, May 21, 1907; sire, Mercutio; dam, Ruby Dauntless — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 542 Cantianer 15439— Age, July 19, 1907; sire. Prince Sturdy; dam, Jean of Haregills — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 543 Kildavanan 14319 — Age, May 19, 1907; sire, Montrane Ronald; dam, Maud of Kildavanan — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 544 Wayside Prince 13704 — Age, May 10, 1907; sire, Prince Goodwin 8931; dam. Lady Wayside — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 545 Osco Victor 15492— Age, Nov. 18, 1908; sire, Baron's Hope 12023; dam. Lady Byron 5854 — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. CLASS 15. STALLION 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 546 Evader 15077— Age, May 28, 1908; sire, Everlasting 11331; dam. Darling of Newton Cairnie 16026 — Fair Acre Farm, Newmarket, N. J. 547 Black Conqueror 15507 — Age, 1908; sire, Hiawatha Conqueror (13524); dam, Rosie (16640)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, Illinois, 320 BREEDING CLYDESDALES Official No, 548 Royal Voucher 15503 — Age, 1908; sire, Baron's Voucher (12041); dam, Lady Ada (19571)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 549 Stewart Favorite 15505 — ^Age, 1908; sire, Flora's Favorite (13479); dam, Nelly Stewart (25735) — Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, Illinois. 550 Clifton Chief 15506— Age, 1908; sire. Everlasting (11331); dam. Princess Royal (21289)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 551 Bleriot 15504— Age, 1908; sire, Baron Kerr (12829); dam, Cora (19379)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 552 . Dollar Pride 15508— Age, 1908; sire, Boreland Pride (10318); dam, Ruby (18019)— Alex Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 553 Loretta (15303) 15543— Age, 1908; sire, Baden Powell (10963; dam, Heather Beauty (21184)^Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 554 All Macqueen 15531— Age, 1908; sire, Macqueen (5200); dam, Kate Slirila 9805 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 555 Baron Chapmanton (15130) 15546 — Age, 1908; sire, Baron's Pride (9122) ; dam, Disy of Chapmanton (14989) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 556 Beau Ideal (15524) 15547— Age, 1908; sire, Rowallan (13159); dam. Lady Jane (16529) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 557 Baron Marcus (15140) 15554— Age, April 29, 1908; sire. Baron's Pride (9122); dam, Jean of Chapplecroft (21855)— Graham & Renfrew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 558 Meritorius (15634) 15474 — Age, May, 1908; sire. Memento (13100); dam, Mary McShie (25639)— F. W. Harding, Wau- kesha, Wis. 559 Prince William 14349— Age, April 1, 1908; sire, Cardiff; dam, Wayside Mildred — John Leitch, LaFayette, 111. 560 Highland Baron (15352)— Age, May 1, 1908; sire, Baron Hood; dam. Highland Mary— John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 561 Silver Chain 15285— Age, April 2, 1908; sire, Silver Cup (11184); dam, Muriel (15784) — Mark Morton, Chicago, 111. 562 Major Moreland 15298 — Age, May, 1908; sire, Colonel Tarbreoch 11747; dam, Gail — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 563 Golden Knight 15447— Age, May 8, 1908; sire. Golden Chief (13011) ; dam, Clarenden Maggie — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 564 Samuda 15165— Age, April 26, 1908; sire, Revelenta (11876); dam, Missie of Peatland — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 565 Beucher 15444— Age, May 24, 1908; sire. Baron Ruby (11268); dam, Maisie — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 566 Largiebeg Ronald (14925) 14447— Age, July 1, 1908; sire, Montrave Ronald; dam, Bell 2d of Largiebeg — R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Indiana. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 321 Official No. 567 Kintyre's Pride (14924) 14448— Age, June 1, 1908; sire, Montrave Ronald; dam, Bess of Auchaleek — R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 568 Osco Wonder 15491— Age, May 30, 1908; sire, Criterion 11129; dam. Lady Winsome 9667 — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. CLASS i6. STALLION 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 569 Carruchan Chief 14489— Age, April 3, 1909; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan 11917; dam, Miss Maggie 11630 — Brookside Farm Com- pany, Ft. Wayne, Ind. 570 McKenzie — Age, May 3, 1909; sire, Donald McKay; dam; The 2d Princess Maggie — Carpenter & Ross, Mansfield, Ohio. 571 Baron Lynedoch 14940— Age, May 20, 1909; sire. Baron Clifton (13252) 12611; dam, Lynedoch's Darling 10314— Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 572 Sturdy Ruby 15514— Age, May 3, 1909; sire, Baron Ruby (11268); dam, Jean of New Mains (18310) — Alex. Galbraith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 573 Scottish Signet (15526) 15548— Age, 1909; sire, Scottish Crest (13182); dam, Lady Shapely (15607)— Graham Bros., Clare- mont, Ont. 574 After Macqueen 15536 — Age, 1909; sire, Macqueen (5200); dam. Lady Smith (18595) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 575 Royal Ruby (15525) 15542— Age, 1909; sire. Ruby Pride (12344); dam, Mary Pollock (24285) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 576 McNeil 15231— Age, April 25, 1909; sire, Keuoki 13214; dam, Her Sweetest Sel 10879 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 577 General Williams— Age, May 22, 1909; sire. Sturdy Royal (10664); dam. Lady Alice (11762) — James Kennedy, Utica, 111. 578 Prince Cedric — Age, May 15, 1909; sire, Barney W (12380); dam. Lady Effie (11763)— James Kennedy, Utica, 111. 579 Pruminent 15351 — Age, May 15, 1909; sire. Ruby Pride; dam. Lady Record Reign — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 580 McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 581 Lime Light 15449— Age, May 2, 1909; sire. Baron Ruby (11268): dam. Darling — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 582 Osco Captor 15465— Age, June 17, 1909; sire. Baron's Hope (11606) 12023; dam, Osco Sweetness 11117— A. G. Soderburg Osco, 111. 322 BREEDING CLYDESDALES SPECIAL "A." STALLION FOALS. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 583 Murat 15395— Age, May 15, 1910; sire, Gallant Carnichan 11917; dam. Cherry Benedict 10448 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Indiana. 584 Avondale 15396— Age, March 23, 1910; sire. Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam. Miss Maggie 11630 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 585 Age, March 24, 1910; sire, .Benedict Boy 10446; dam. Lady Car- ruchan— Fair Acre Farm, Newmarket, N. J. 586 Lord Palmerstone 15529— Age, May 28, 1910; sire, Baron Clifton (13252) 12611; dam, Palmerstone's Darling 12332— Alex. Gal- braith & Sons, De Kalb, 111. 587 Another Macqueen 15537 — Age, 1910; sire, Macqueen (5200); dam. Lady Smith (18595) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 588 McDonald— Age, June 1, 1910; sire, Keuoki 13214; dam, The Princess Maggie 10880 — Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 589 Portsman 2d — Age, June 10, 1910; sire, Portsman; dam. Mar- chioness of Drunlanrig — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 590 Dictator— Age, April 21, 1910; sire, Borgne Chief 11949; dam, Princess Handsome — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 591 Osco Pride 15470— Age, June 2, 1910; sire, Baron's Hope (11606) 12023; dam. Winsome Princess 12841 — A. G. Soderburg, Osco, Illinois. CLASS 17. MARE 4 YEARS OR OVER.— $30, 25, 20, Highly Commended, Comimended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 592 Lady Carruchan 12700 — Age, May 6, 1906; sire. Gallant Carruchan 11917; dam. Lady Dee 10658 — Fair Acre Farm, Newmarket, N. J. 593 Crosby Gem 13310 — Age, 1905; sire, Baron's Fashion 10973; dam, Jess of Crosby 18571 — Fair Acre Farm, Newmarket, N. J. 594 Dinah Macqueen (15461) 15533— Age, May 16, 1907; sire, Mac- queen (5200) ; dam, Roseleaf (3677)— Graham Bros., Clare- mont, Ont. 595 Black Queen (23431) 15552— Age, May 16, 1906; sire, Baron O'Dee (11264); dam, Kitty of Kirk Culbright (13382)— Graham & Ren- frew, Toronto, Ont., Can. Breeding Clydesdales 323 Official No. 596 Moncrieffe Duchess 15553 (24214)— Age, May 9, 1904; sire, Mon- crieffe Marcus (9953); dam, Ardlethew Barry (18400)— Graham & Renfrew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 597 Nellie Bly (11674)— Age, May 27, 1904; sire, Boreas (1099); dam, Oakwood Belle (9597) — James Kennedy, Utica, 111. 598 Lady Effle (11763)— Age, May 25, 1904; sire, McAra (7991); dam, Her Sweet S'el (8706)— James Kennedy, Utica, 111. 599 Margretta 12063 — Age, 1905; sire. His Eminence; dam, Jean of the Glenn — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 600 Jean of the Glenn 9412— Age, 1900; sire, Glencoe; dam, Minnie H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 601 Lilly Rankin 12655— Age, 1904; sire. The Proverst; dam, Maud — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 602 Jewel Mayflower 11769 — Age, 1904; sire, His Eminence; dam, Jolly Girl — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 603 Lady Madison 14327— Age, June 10, 1906; sire. Uncle John; dam, Belle of Muirhouse — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 604 Pride of Drumlanrig 14324— Age, May 21, 1905; sire. Baron Beaulieu; dam, Pride 3d — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 605 Jessie McKay 15361— Age, May 17, 1905; sire. Baron's Best; dam, Jess of Bruchag — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 606 Lincluden Marjorie 14640 — Age, June, 1904; sire, Prince Shapely (10111) ; dam, Sally of Balma Clellan — McLay Bros., Janes- ville. Wis. 607 Nora of Nisbethill 15161— Age, May 4, 1905; sire. Royal Baron (11161) ; dam. Belle of Nisbethill — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 608 Princess Goodwin 9849 — Age, May 4, 1900; sire. Handsome Prince 5581; dam. Starlight — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 609 Miss Fanny 15158— Age, May, 1905; sire. Royal Baron (11161); dam. Lady Die — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 610 Lady de Bathe 14638— Age, 1906; sire, Royal Edward (11495); dam, Rosie of Westmains — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 611 Osco Sweetness 11117 — Age, June 18, 1903; sire. Hard Times (11115) ; dam, Osco Garey 10648— A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. CLASS i8. MARE 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. i American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 612 Maud Carruchan 13448— Age, March 19, 1907; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan 11917; dam, Brookside Maud 10444 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 324 BREEDING CLYDESDALES Official No. 613 Lady Fergus 22439— Age, April 30, 1907; sire, Ardlethen 11246; dam, Daisy of Ash Hill — Fair Acre Farm, Newmarket, N. J. 614 Princess Fortune 14437 — Age, May 7, 1907; sire. Criterion 11129; dam, Fickle Fortune's Princess 6th — Fair Acre Farm, New- market, N. J. 615 Pearl of Fairfield (25424) 15539— Age, 1907; sire, Netherlia (12260) ; dam, Mary Ann (17040)— Graham Bros., Claremont, Ontario. 616 Tolantha (25029) 1553S— Age, 1907; sire, Hiawatha (10067); dam. Lady Helen (19000)— Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 617 Estelle (25439) 15550— Age, June 11, 1907— Graham & Renfrew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 618 Lady Balvask (25442) 15551— Age, May 4, 1907— Graham & Ren- frew, Toronto, Ont., Can. 619 Queen Refiner 13342— Age, July 17, 1907; sire. Refiner 12116; dam. Her Sweetest Sel 10879— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 620 Maggie Refiner 13341— Age, May 18., 1907; sire. Refiner 12116; dam. The Princess Maggie 10880— Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. 621 Queen of the Roses 12804— Age, 1906; sire. His Eminence; dam, Jean of the Glenn— James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 622 Belle Watha 15362— Age, April, 1907; sire. Gay Watha; dam. Belle of Pottisham — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 623 Coronton Duchess 15363— Age, July 20, 1907; sire. Silver Clink; dam, Coronton Duchess — John Leitch, Lafayette, 111. 624 Trim Princess 15284— Age, May, 1907; sire. Prince of Carruchan (8151); dam. Trim Damsel (24647)— Mark Morton, Chicago, 111. 625 Banshel 15283— Age, June 16, 1907; sire, Airie Prince (10667); dam. Baroness (18272)— Mark Morton, Chicago, 111. 626 Belle of Montrose 15153— Age, May, 1907; sire, Montrose Prince (11834) ; dam, Nell of Askham — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 627 Elma 14634— Age, May 7, 1907; sire, Baron's Voucher (12041); dam, Ardlethan Laurel— McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 628 Tirfergus Polly (22224) 14449— Age, June 17, 1907; sire, Hap- land's Pride; dam, Tirfergus Jess— R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 629 Mary of Craig's (22227) 14450— Age, 1907; sire, Hapland's Pride; dam, Nell of Craig's— R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Ind. 630 Lady Aird (24970) 15320— Age, June, 1907; sire, Luffness; dam. Belle of Coledrain — Wilson Bros., Hebron, Ind. BREEDING CLYDESDALES 325 CLASS 19. MARE 2 YEARS AND UNDER 3.— $20, 15, 10, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $40, 30, 20, 10. Official No. 631 Maggie Carruchan 13879— Age, Feb. 23, 1908; sire, Gallant Car- ruchan 11917; dam, Miss Maggie 11630 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 632 Effie Macqueen 15534 — Age, May, 1908; sire, Macqueen (5200); dam, EfRe McGregor 7407 — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 633 Maid of Angus 15476 (25630)— Age, May 12, 1908; sire. Lord Angus (13062); dam, Maid of the Mill (25628)— F. W. Hard- ing, Waukesha, Wis. 634 Nancy Angus 15477 (25631)— Age, May 10, 1908; sire. Lord Angus (13062) ; dam, Nance of Balmashauner (25629— F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 635 Queen Lill 13690 — Age, 1907; sire. His Eminence; dam, Jean of the Glenn — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 636 Lady Bird 15282— Age, May 18, 1908; sire, Gamecock (12583); dam. Lady Prim (21791)— Mark Morton, Chicago, 111. 637 Queen of Time 15453— Age, May 15, 1908; sire. Up to Time (10475) ; dam, Sentinel Queen — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 638 Bessie Winsome 15151— Age, April 12, 1908; sire. Baron Win- some (12475) ; dam, Crichton Bessie — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wisconsin. 639 Lady Edgar 15152— Age, May 1, 1908; sire. Pride of Blacon (10837) ; dam, Trim of Dourie — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 640 Jessie Marshall 15454— Age, May 8, 1908; sire, Baden Powell (10963); dam, Lady Labori — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 641 Lofty of Drumlemble (22222) 14451— Age, May, 1908; sire. Lord Derwent; dam. Bell of Drumlemble— R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Indiana. 642 Lucy of Drumlemble (22220) 14452— Age, April 16, 1908; sire, Toredoal; dam, Maggie of Drumlemble — R. C. McMillan, Hebron, Ind. CLASS 20. MARE 1 YEAR AND UNDER 2.— $15, 10, 5, Highly Commended, Commended. American Clydesdale Association Specials. — $25, 20, 15, 10. Official No. 643 Princess Belle 14490— Age, March 17, 1909; sire. Gallant Car- ruchan 11917; dam, F'airy Belle 11626 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 326 BREEDING CLYDESDALES Official No. 644 Princess Maud 14487— Age, April 11, 1909; sire, Gallant Car- ruchan 11917; dam, Lady Maud 11628 — Brookside Farm Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. 645 Clifton's Darling 14940— Age, June 7, 1909; sire, Baron Clifton 12611 (13252); dam, Palmerstone Darling 12332— Alex. Gal- braith & Son, De Kalb, 111. 646 Maj Morning (25031) 15541— Age, 1909; sire. Iron Duke (13535); dam. Mall of Barsyard (25032) — Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 647 Amy of Darley (25251) 15540— Age, 1909; sire. Best of All (12048); dam. Queen of Hether Darling (25250)— Graham Bros., Claremont, Ont. 648 Village Princess 15535 — ^Age, June 11, 1909; sire, Macqueen 3573 (5200); dam. Flower of Drife (6154)— Graham Bros., Clare- mont, Ont. 649 Marietta 15480 (25650)— Age, 1909; sire, Mamilius (14264); dam, Locknaw Princess (25645) — F. W. Harding, Waukesha, Wis. 650 Lassie Darnley; sire, Young Darnley; dam, Louden Lass — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 651 Lady Darnley 15429— Age, 1909; sire. Young Darnley; dam, Lilly Rankin — James H. Leach, Atlanta, Ind. 652 Marchoness of Avondale 14662 — Age, May 5, 1909; sire, Baron Glenesk; dam, Marchoness of Drumlanrig — John Leitch, La- fayette, 111. 653 Ideal 14858— Age, June 28, 1909; sire, Borgne Chief 11949; dam, Florentia — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 654 Maggie Hunter 15452 — Age, May, 1909; sire, Scottish Crest (13182) ; dam, Darling — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 655 Graceful Lady 14854— Age, May 7, 1909; sire, Borgne Chief 11949; dam. Lady Graceful — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 656 Lady Charlotte 14855 — Age, May 5, 1909; _sire, S\irprise Inspector (13789) ; dam. Lady Clara — McLay Bros., Janesville, Wis. 657 Osco Doll 15493— Age, Dec. 7, 1909; sire, Baron's Hope (11606) 12023; dam, Lady Byron 5854— A. G. Soderburg, Osco, 111. 658 Polly Gillies (24973) 15319— Age, May, 1909; sire, Toredoal; dam, Bess of Drumalea — Wilson Bros., Hebron, Ind. 659 Jess Andrew (24961) 15326— Age, June 20, 1909; sire. Pride of the Lothians; dam, Jess Reginald — Wilson Bros., Hebron, Ind. 660 . Auchencornie Baroness (24976) 15334— Age, May 22, 1909; sire. Baron's Best; dam, Bess of Machriemore — Wilson — Bros., Hebron, Ind. BREEDING CLYDESDALES >' MARE 3 YEARS AND UNDER 4.— . .? $25, 20, 15, Highly Commended, Commended. ABflferican Shire Horse Association Specials. — $25, 15, 10. •'Official No. .7-a2 Princess 11616— Age, 1907; sire, Upwood Royal (20135); dam, Tbornley Princess — Geo. B. Brown, Aurora, 111. 793 Edie 11615— Age, 1907; sire, Eden Chief (19580); dam, Lassie (36314)--U©0.. E. Brown, Aurora, 111. 794 Prospect Fair Alice 11697 (58075)— Age, 1907; sire, Nailston Qmrn €e Lion (16269) ; dam, Intake Conquering Alice (36229) =--Jlobt. Burgess & Son, Wenona, 111. 795 M f ■^ MEMBERS: REFERENCES: ^ ^ Chicago Board of Trade. Coniinental and Commercial ^ ^ National Hay Association. National Bank, Chicago. ^ <$> f t t I Ship Your Hay and Straw i I f «> to BRIDGE6 LEONARD Commission Merchants 62 Board of Trade, ----- Chicago INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. A Alexander, Ward &. Conover 238 American Steel & Wire Co Fourth Cover Page Anti-Cholera Co 196 Armour Fertilizer Works 3 Arms Palace Horse Car Co 188 B Bernard, Judae & Co 50 Best & Russell Co 9 Bickett Coal and Coke Co. 82 Biehl & S'iff ermann 78 Bishop & Co., A 36 Bogert, Maltby & Co 52, 380 Breen & Kennedy 58 Bridge & Leonard 385 Burley & Co 1 C Carson, Pirie, Scott & Co 16 Chicago City Railway Co .' 34 Chicago Daily Farmers and Drovers .Journal 74 Chicago Daily Live Stock World 222 Chicago Horse Sale Co 84 Chicago ^Merchandise and Equipment Co 199 Chicago Telephone Co 50 Chicago Scale Co 46 Chicago Veterinary College, The 72 Clay, Robinson & Co 56 Congress Hotel 20 Continental Bolt & Iron Works 188 Cooper & Nephews Pedigree Stock Co., Wm 196 D Davies Supply Co., The 52 Dayton Pitless Scale Co., The 70 Dickinson Co., Albert 30 Drovers' Deposit National Bank Third Cover Page E Ellsworth & McNair 154 Elmore Motor Co 154 Erickson's Restaurant and Lunch Room 76 386 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS 387 F Farwell Co., John V 32 First National Bank of Chicago, The 60 Franklin & Co., E. T 64 Franklin & Co., H. B 72 G ■Guide & Review Co 154, 378 H Hildebrand, Robert F 72 Hines Lumber Co Second Cover Page Holsman Equipment Co 88 Hotel Grant 38 Hotel La Salle 68 Hotel Majestic 156 Hotel Veley 380 I Independent Packing Co., The 78 Imperial Cotto Milling Co 28 K Kaiserhof Hotel 36 King Joy Lo 40 King Yen Lo 8 Kiper & Sons, L 38 L Lebolt & Co G Lehon Co., The 42, 266 Lemp, Wm. J., Brewing Co 50 Libby, McNeill & Libby 18 Live Stock Exchange National Bank 80 M McAvoy Malt Marrow Dept 78 McVicker's Theater 36 Miller & Hart 8 Moore, Case, Lyman & Hubbard 48 Morris & Co 4 Murray, Tom 66 N National Malleable Castings Co., The 156 388 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS o Ortmayer & Son, A 38 P Peabody Coal Co 364 Peacock, C. D 26 Puhl-Webb Co 40 Pulverized Manure Co., The 62 R Radtke & Co., R. C 188 Ryerson & Son, Jos. T 8 S Schwarzschild & Sulzberger 238 Samuel Cozzens 154 Schlitz's 38 Sears, Roebuck & Co 22 Seipp, Conrad, Brewing Co 44 Shayne & Co., John T 52 Sheldon & Co., G. W 78 South Side Coal Co 82 South Side Elevated R. R 86 Spaulding & Co ;. 24 Sprague, Warner & Co 66 Sproul Co., E. W 54 Stevens & Bros., Chas. A 14 Stock Yards Harness & Saddlery Co 282 Street's Western Stable-Car Line 188 Stuart's Harness Leather 156 Swift & Co ■ • 2 T The De Laval Separator Company 380 The Fair 12 The Hub 10 The Quaker Oats Co 285 Thomas Moulding Co 72, 380 Transit House 372 W Wagner & Co., E. W 40 Wayne & Low 196 Western. Electric Co 20 Wood Bros 58 DROVERS DEPOSIT NATIONAL BANK OF CHICAGO .Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000.00- The knowledge of immediate and final settlement for shipments of live stock is most important to the shipper and his bank, and when a commission house deposits proceeds of a shipment to the credit of our correspondent for account of its customer the settlement is final and advice immediate. -Resources, $8,000,000.00 OFFICERS Wm. A. Tilden, Vice-President John Fletcher. _<==5<'^='^?=^s_ Geo. M, Benedict. Vice-President J. C. Morrison, Assistant Cashier Cashier H. P. Gates. Assistant Cashier Edward Tilden Wm .A. Tilden DIRECTORS L. B. Patterson M. F. RIttenhouse R. T. Forbes I American Fence I <$> 4 ^ Square Mesh, Hinged Joints (Patented) with Flexible Stays X ^ A square mesh fence of weight, great strength and durability. Large % ^ wires in both the horizontals and the uprights, and the whole fabric woven X ^ together with the American hinged joint (patented), making the most sub- <^ ^ stantial and flexible union mechanically possible. Both wires are positively <» locked and firmly held against side slip, and vet are free to act like a hinge <$> m yielding to pressure and returning quickly to place without bending or ^ injuring the metal. Many years of the hardest usage in the field have ^ ^ demonstrated the value of the American form of construction, justly X ^ entitling it to be called a resilient wall of steel, solid and enduring. "f I EUwood Fence | ^ Diamond Mesh, Elastic Cables f X The steel in Ellwood fence is especially made for the purpose from care- 4 ^ fully selected stock; it is hard, elastic, tough and springy. The line wires, <$> composed of two or more wires twisted into cables, gives each individual ^ wire the shape of an elongated coiled spring. The fence is therefore suffi- 4> ciently elastic to take care of expansion and contraction, and yet so rigid <^ ^ when properly stretched as to prevent sagging. The small and permanent ^ ^ mesh is made by weaving one continuous wire throughout the fabric. The X X mesh or stay wires are so interwoven that slipping is impossible. The x ^ triangular truss is the strongest form of construction known: for this % ^ reason, Ellwood fence will stand the hardest usage and still retain its shape. ^ I Royal Fence | ^ Square Mesh, Continuous Stays, with Royal Loop 4 ■%■ <^ Is made of heavy, hard, stiff steel wire, the strongest and best possible <|> 4> to produce for fencing purposes. The stay or upright wires are continuous <*> 4> from top to bottom of the fence and secured to the horizontal wires by the ^ ^ Royal loop. Being wrapped around the horizontal wires entirely within the % X tension curves, the stays are rigidly held in place and side slipping prevented. T ^ The whole forms a fabric of the greatest strength and ample flexibility, % X the best of the continuous stay fences. X I Anthony Fence | ^ Square Mesh, Rigid Stays, with Anthony Knot ^ 4 The upright and horizontal wires are tied with the famous Anthony <8> <3> knot, the smallest fence knot made. Machinery of special design has been <«> brought to such a degree of perfection that the most nicely balanced woven *^ <8> wire fabric is produced, each wire drawing with mathematical precision ^ imder equal tension and uniformly even with the others. This brings into X ^ play under stress of action all the wires within a considerable radius of ^ X the center of contact, affording to an extraordinary degree great resistance X X combined wtih flexibility. ^ I Dealers Everywhere. See Them I ^ t ^ MADE BY I I American Steel & Wire Co. I 4 I FRANK BAACKES, Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Sales Agent | I Chicago New York Denver San Francisco | <$>^<$><$><$><$>^K^<$><$x$><$>4><$H^<$>^^>^^^ X i