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Mc AvoY — The Reductiou Division in Fuchsia 1 ScHAFFNER— An Undescrlbecl Equisetum from Kansas 19 OvEEHOLTS— Concerning Ohio Polyporacea' 22 ScHAFFNEE— ^Meeting of the Biological Club 24 THE REDUCTION DIVISION IN FUCHSIA*. Blanche McAvoy. The genus Oenothera has been of great interest in recent years to biologists because of DeVries' studies on Oenothera lamarck- iana in connection with his development of the mutation theory. A number of investigators have worked on Oenothera among whom may be mentioned Lutz (13 & 14), Geertz (10), Gates (5, 6, 7, 8 & 9), and Davis (2 & 3). Some of the investigators have worked on the cytology of the micro- and mega-sporocytes while others have worked on the genus from a somewhat different point of veiw, getting the com- plete life history as a basis for evidence of the validity of DeVries' results. Geertz (10) has made a complete study of Oenothera la- marckiana beginning with the archesporial cell, taking up the cytology and continuing on through the details of the complete life history. In some of the microsporocytes he describes threads with small chromatin discs on them, some of the threads being quite small and others thicker. He calls the early contraction generally observed in prepared sporocytes synapsis and says that in some cases there were loops extending out from the contracted mass. The material may be contracted around the nucleolus or may be separated from it. Immediately after synizesis he represents fully formed chromosomes in the nuclear cavity. He says that the 2x number of chromosomes were formed and later *Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of Ohio State Uni- versity, No. 69. LxjLIBRARYJ^ 2 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, united in pairs. He did not find a conjugation of two threads during synapsis. He mentions a slight resting stage between the first or heterotypic division and the second, homotypic division, but does not speak of any longitudinal splitting of the hetero- typic chromosomes until after the transverse splitting occurs. The longitudinal splitting was visible just before the chromosomes reached the poles. Gates (7) in his paper on Oenothera rubrinervis, states that the contraction of the chromatin material is synapsis and that since the cytoplasm of the cells shows no contraction, the cell is per- fectly fixed. For this reason, the contraction, so constantly observed at an early stage in the process, is not an artifact, but is a real contraction stage, leading to synapsis. As this contrac- tion proceeds the reticulm is re-arranged into a long, continuous delicate thread. No indication of a doubling or pairing of the threads was evident. After the synapsis the spirem shortens and thickens and begins to arrange itself more loosely in the nuclear cavity. This shortening is progressive and continues for some time. He states that the shortening may be uniform, or it may vary or may be irregularly constricted at varying intervals. This thickened thread now segments transversely into fourteen chromosomes — fourteen being the sporophytic number. Then these chromosomes break up into pairs which later fuse with each other leaving the x number of chromosomes. They are taken on the spindle and reduction follows in the usual way. In his paper on Oenothera lata x O. gigas (9) he begins his dicussion with the telophase The usual number of chromosomes found in the hybrid is twenty-one, seven being of maternal and fourteen of paternal origin. In the reduction one germ cell receives ten and the other eleven chromosomes. In a few cases nine and twelve chromosomes were the numbers found at the respective poles. One cell was found which had twenty chromo- somes, ten of which went to each pole. The segmentation into ten and eleven proves that there is not a pairing of homologus chromosomes of maternal and paternal origin but the segmenta- tion tends to be into two numerically equal parts. Gates claims evidence from his work, that there are two general methods of chromosome reduction, one a side to side pairing of chromatin threads (parasynapsis) to form a double spirem ; the other involving an end to end arrangement (telosynapsis) of maternal and paternal chromosomes, to form a single sjjirem which afterwards splits longitudinally. He says an individual always has as many chromosomes as the sum of the chromosomes in the germ cells which go to form the new plant. This fact, he says, supports the genetic continuity of the chromosomes. He has not shown whether the chromosomes have equal or unequal hereditary value. Nov., 1912.] The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. 3 In his paper on Oenothera lata x O. lamarckiana (5) he finds starch grains present in the cytoplasm of the mother cell. These grains become more abundant until the reduction takes place after which they are not found. He finds what he calls "pro- chromosomes", but in a later paper considers these bodies to be nucleoH. The presynaptic stages show a continuous spirem which is exceedingly delicate and coiled. Then follows the con- traction, after which follows a stage in which the spirem is much shortened and several times thicker than just before the contrac- tion. He does not believe that the nucleoli break up and move out into the cytoplasm waiting to be re-collected into a new nucleolus in the new nucleus, as Schaffner believes to be the case in Lilium philadelphicum. There are twelve chromosomes and one or two "heterochromosomes", or as he calls them in a later paper — nucleoli. He believes O. lamarckiana to be a pure strain and not a hybrid. In the paper on Oenothera gigas (8) Gates says "The absence or partial absence of a close pairing of chromosomes in diakinesis and on the heterotyptic spindle is in strong contrast to the con- dition in other genera of plants where the chromosomes are regularly paired. However * * * similar failure to pair is often exhibited. These cases appear to be the exceptions to the general law enunciated by Montgomery in 1901 from his observa- tions on Hemiptera, that homologous chromosomes of maternal and paternal origin pair with each other in synapsis. Later observations on a variety of forms, in which there are morpholog- ical chromosome differences, show that ordinarily chromosomes of similar size and shape pair with each other and justify the view of Montgomery which has been widely adopted. There is some variety in the size and shape of the chromosomes but nothing constant was observed." In the anaphase the longitudinal split generally described does not always show. There are some irregularities in the reduction such as an unequal number of chro- mosomes passing to the two poles. Davis in his first paper on Oenothera (2) observes the nucleus filled with a close reticulum having the chromatin material dis- tributed around the periphery of the nucleus. Next follows the appearance of extremely delicate strands connecting the bodies, forming an open net work. These strands readily thicken and become more numerous until finally the nucleus is filled with a relatively close reticulum. During this time the chromatin bodies become smaller and seem to contribute their material to formation of the strands so that the only large structures in the nuclei are the nucleoli. Synapsis, as he calls the synizetic con- traction, begins slowly and finally carries the strands away from the nuclear wall. During this contraction there is a marked change in the structure of the reticulum At first the reticulum 4 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, was connected at many points but in time it is easily seen that a true spirem is being fonned. During the main part of the con- traction the knot is so close that it is difficult to see any of the structure. Usually there are threads sticking out at the edge of the knot. During the process the thread of the spirem is short- ened. He thinks the contraction is due to this shortening of the threads of the reticiilum as it goes to make up the spirem. The forms of the "synaptic" knot are varied. When the knot loosens the chromatin material is seen to be in the form of seven bivalent chromosomes, which have assumed the form of rings some being linked together. These rings, he says, remain together until the two halves of the bivalent rings are pulled apart on the spindle. In the second paper (3) he states definitely that he believes the dark staining masses foniied on the perifery of nucleus and con- nected with one another by delicate threads to be the "prochro- mosomes" described by Overton (17) but he says there is no evidence that they are arranged side by side in pairs on a system of threads that might be interpreted as two parallel spirems. The chromatin bodies are scattered throughout the nucleus but where ever there are two together they lie end to end upon a delicate strand that runs in the direction of the longer axes. The nucleus after considerable tim.e, becomes filled with a close reticu- limi at which stage the chromatin bodies can only be distinguished with difficulty. He found some differences in the method of chromosome fomiation from that described in his first paper. The knot loosens and a shorter thicker thread emerges. This spirem is then constricted into a chain of fourteen chromosomes. A longitudinal split becomes apparent just before the heterotypic chroiuosomes reach the poles. In Erythronium, Schaffner (19) finds the chromatin material going into synizesis — a term used to designate the contraction as being a separate thing from the fusion of the chromatin. This contraction he considers to be an artifact. After synizesis he finds the fomiation of a spirem which by twisting, forms loops all around the nuclear wall. There then occur breaks between the loops. The loops continue to twist until the chromosomes are fully formed. The chromosomes are described as having quite distinctive shapes. In Liliimi tigrinum (20) he found a continuous spirem with a single row of chromatin granules. This spirem enters synizesis and comes out of it without a conjugation or a division of granules. Later on the granules divide but the linen thread does not show a distinct separation. The continuous spirem shortens, thickens, and twists into twelve loops which break into twelve chromosomes. These chromosomes arc attached to the spindle fibres in the mother star at or near the end and during the reduction the chro- mosomes uncoil and separate by a transverse division at the Nov., 1912.] The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. 5 middle. The next division is longitudinal and the resulting nuclei form the tetrads. The nucleoli fragment and pass into the cytoplasm during both the first and second divisions. In Agave viriginica (22) Schaffner described bivalent proto- chromosomes which formed a long delicate continuous spirem with a single row of chromatin granules. Synizesis follows during which there is no union of the spirems. A study of living material did not show any noticeable contraction of the nuclear contents and the nucleoli were usually found occupying a central position in the nucleus. While the chromatin granules undergo transverse division, the spirem shortens and thickens and then twists up into twelve loops of different size and shape which are pressed against the nuclear wall. These loops then break apart into four large, three ring shaped and five small irregular chro- mosomes. One or two nucleoli are present which may be thrown out into the cytoplasm. The spindle is bipolar and at the first division the chromosomes divide transversely but the second division is longitudinal. Miss Hyde in her paper on Hyacinthus (11) did not find definite protochromosomes nor a splitting of the spirem. She observed a continuous spirem which formed eight definite loops. These loops break apart and fonii eight chromosomes of different characteristic sizes and shapes. There has been much controversy as to the real nature of the contraction generally observed in the early stages of the division of reduction cells. In most cases this contraction is accompanied by an enlargement of the nucleus due to the expansion of the nuclear wall. McClung (15) has suggested the term synizesis, to be used to mean the contraction as distinct from synapsis, synapsis being restricted to the fusion of simple chromosomes into multiple ones. Lawson (12) has recently investigated the problem and his interpretation of synizesis is simply that it represents a growth period of the nucleus — a period during which there is a great increase in the amount of nuclear sap, which results in a distention and withdrawal of the nuclear membrane from the chromatin. As to why the nucleus should swell so much immedi- ately before the reduction division he answers as follows. Each cell is charged with sufficient food substance for the production of the tetrad. Moreover there are two divisions which follow one another in quick succession. The pressure of the cell sap acting from within causes the nuclear membrane to distend and the nuclear cavity to expand. The expansion is at first gradual and continuous until the nuclear cavity grows to twice or even three times its original size. As the growth proceeds the membrane is gradually withdrawn from the chromatin mass within. The result of this withdrawal of the nuclear membrane is the formation of a large clear area of 6 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 1, nuclear sap containing the mass of chromatin which has been left to one side. No evidence whatever was found to show that any contraction of the chromatin had taken place. The enlargement of the nuclear cavity and the consequent withdrawal of the membrane away from the chromatin gives the appearance of a contraction, but actual measurements failed to show any diminu- tion in chromatin area. During this stage definite changes take place in the nature of the chromatin threads as the spirem becomes differentiated. This view is somewhat similar to that expressed by Schaffner in Synapsis and Synizesis (21) although he believes that synizesis is a true shrinking of chromatin material due to the effect of the killing fluid on the nuclear contents, which has become loosened from the nuclear wall on account of the swelling of the nucleus. One important proof for this conclusion was the fact that in many instances there are symmetrical contractions showing the same peculiarities as in ordinary plasmolysis. On the other hand Gates and Davis whom I have quoted above believe this stage to be natural and do not believe it to be an artifact. They base their opinion on the fact that the contraction is of such constant occurrence in all forms studied. Because of the apparently pecidiar process of chromosome formation reported for the Oenotheras differing somewhat from both the type of division held by Allen and others on the one hand and by Schaffner and others on the other, it seemed desirable to the writer to investigate the fonnation of the chromosomes in Fuchsia. Accordingly a study of the reduction division in the microsporocytes of Fuchsia was taken up under the direction of Professor John H. Schaffner, whose help and kindly criticisms have been of inestimable value throughout the whole year's work. When starting the problem I expected to find the chromo- somes formed in the manner described by Gates for Oenothera rubrinerves and by Davis for Oenothera biennis. The most of my attention was directed toward finding how the chromosomes were formed. I wished to see whether it was by the thickening of the spirem followed by a transverse division by which the 2x number of chromosomes were differentiated and then cut off in pairs, which should afterward fold together to form the bivalents; or whether the spirem thickened and then folded and twisted around into the number of loops before a subsequent separation into the reduced number of chromosomes. These two methods are very similar in results but somewhat different in detail. Gates found the chromosomes formed in the first way described and since Fuchsia is not so distantly related to Oenothera, it was natural to expect to see the chromosome formation brought about in much the same way that Gates found in Oenothera. Nov., 1912.] The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. 7 Two varieties of the Fuchsia commonly grown in greenhouses were used. Both were varieties of Fuchsia speciosa (Hort.), of rather small size — one variety having red and the other white sepals. The species is coinmonly supposed to be a hybrid. Fuchsia speciosa was obtained from the greenhouse in connection with the Botany building of the Ohio State University at Columbus The buds which showed the reduction stages were quite small, being about 3-5 mm. in length. They were killed in Schaffner's weaker chrom-acetic solution. Material was left in the killing fluid for 24 hours and then thoroughly washed and run up to 70 per cent alcohol where it was left for several days. Then 85, 95 and 100 per cent alcohols were added in turn and chloroform and from that the buds were slowly taken into pure parafin and imbedded. Sections were 10-15 mic. thick. Delafield's Haemotoxylin was tried with poor success. The best stain was a combination of Safranin and Iron Haemotoxylin. The slides were transferred from 25 per cent alcohol to Safranin and left for four hours. They were then washed off in 25 per cent alcohol and put into water and then transferred to iron alum. Slides were kept in iron alum for four hours and then washed for a while in water, after which which they were left over night in Haeinotoxylin. Next day the slides were bleached in iron alum, and in some cases acid alcohol, and were mounted in balsam. The tapetal layer is rather slow in developing but by the time the sporocytes began to be differentiated it can easily be dis- tinguished as a limiting layer of the sporogenous tissue. The sporogenous tissue remains intact during all the early stages of the reduction process and it is only while the chromosomes are being formed that the sporocytes become separated from each other and from the tapetal wall. In cross section the stamens show the usual four microsporangia and each cavity usually contains from five to eight sporocytes. As the stamen grows older the number of sporocytes, that show in cross section de- creases until four is the more usual number. This may be due to the rapid elongation of the anther at the time when the sporo- cytes are separating. The nucleus in the early stages is rather small and is made up of a reticulum, containing dark staining masses (Fig. 1). As the nucleus enlarges these lumps become much more prominent and definite and may be regarded as protochromosomes (Figs. 2, 3, 4). In no case was it possible to make a positive count of these masses since some of them had apparently begun to disintegrate while others were just forming. As the lumps disappear the material seems to go toward the formation of small chromatin granules which are scattered along a delicate thread (Figs. 4, 5, 6). This thread could be traced for some distance in a number of the cells. Often there are two nucleoli present in one nucleus but in most 8 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, cases there is only one. There is no difficulty in distinguishing the nucleoli from chromatin material since the safranin used in the combination stain gives the nucleoli a peculiar reddish tinge while chromatin material stains nearly black The nucleolus is in the middle of the nucleus, sometimes a little to one side; and on the periphery of the nucleus is the network and chromatin granules spoken of above. A little later the nucleus begins to swell very considerably, and gradually the network is loosened in one place or another from the nuclear wall. At this time the nucleolus is still in the middle of the nucleus. As the process continues the nucleus becomes larger and more of the threads becomes loosened from the wall (Figs. G. 7. 8). At this stage the synizesis begins, the spirem massing together into an irregular lump which may or may not enclose the nucleolus. In some cases the nucleolus may be entirely separate from the synizetic knot. No division of the granules or longitudinal split of the spirem was observed. There is a well defined thread now present and in some cases loops of the thread could be seen sticking out from the opaque knot (Figs. 9 and 11). In other places little apparently free ends of the thread projected from the mass. On these threads defiinite chromatin graniiles were plainly visible and could easily be counted in any free loop. Whether the free ends represented natural breaks in the spirem or injuries caused by the contraction or the cutting, corild of course, not be determined. But the appearance of the spirem before and after the synizesis indicates that the spirem is con- tinuous. The contracted chromatin mass was sometimes formed to one side of the nuclear cavity and sometimes in the middle (Figs. 9, 17). Sometimes it extended across the nucleus. There were various stages of contraction from the loosely coiled mass in which the threads were clearly visible (Fig. 11) to the tightly contracted mass in which no structure, whatsoever, could be made out. During older stages of the synizesis the knot is very much looser and the thread is much more complete and is thicker with the granules of a more unifonn size. There is no question but that there has been a contraction of the chormatin, the mass occupying a much smaller area than before, while the nuclear cavity is much larger. Whether some of the enlargement of the nuclear cavity was due to plasmolizing reagents or entirely due to a normal growth could not be determined since there is consider- able difference in the size of various nuclei of apparently the same stage of develoiOTient. Immediately after the synizesis the threads are delicate and contain numerous small granules. It is exceedingly difficult to follow the thread through all its convolution but in some cases it could be traced for quite a long distance (Figs, 12, 13, 14). There is generally one nucleolus at this stage but in some cases two are Nov., 1912.] The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. g to be seen. As division advances the thread continues to elongate up to a certain stage when it is rapidly thrown into loops (Figs. 12, 13, 14), and begins to shorten and thicken constantly until the chromosomes are fully formed (Figs. 13, 15, 17, 21, 22). In the very earliest stages of the looping (Figs. 13, 14, 15, 16) the spirem may be traced for a long distance and the loops are found on the upper and lower surface of the nuclear wall showing that the loops are formed along the periphery of the nucleus and not as loops sticking out from a synaptic knot into the nuclear cavity. However, in the earlier stages there is a considerable crossing of threads in the center. Figure 13 shows four or more well defined loops already formed. These loops and the thread of which they are formed are still rather delicate. The nucleolus is in the center of the nuclear cavity. In some cases the cell wall begins to become somewhat indistinct at about this stage, (Fig. 12), but in others the wall remains well defined until the tetrads are fully formed inside the original cell. In most cases the sporoc^'tes have not separated from each other nor from the tapetal layer, and have in consequence, not yet rounded up. The loops of the thread are formed in just such a way as loops would be formed in a heavy string if two ends of the string were held between the fingers and then twisted; twisting both ends in opposite directions. Some of these loops showed more than one twist. As the loops become tighter the spirem often appears as though it contained prominent knots. The granules are still very evident on the spirem where much looping has taken place but at this stage no doubling was visible. This does not neces- sarily indicate that division has not taken place; the granules may be lying too close together to be separated with the magni- fication used, or the differentiation possble with the sarfanin- haemotoxylin stain. As the looping proceeds the granules become less and less prominent until on the fully formed loops no granules are to be seen (Figs. 15, 16, 17). The loops finally break apart to form the bivalent chromosomes (Fig. 17). While chro- mosome formation is going on the nuclear cavity is apparently still enlarging (Figs. 15-19), but later as the nuclear wall disap- pears, the cytoplasm encroaches rapidly and fills the area around the contracting group of chromosomes (Figs. 20-24). Just about this time the sporocytes begin to separate from each other and assume a more rounded shape and the nuclear wall becomes more delicate. When all the loops are fonned they lie around the periphery of the nucleus and can readily be seen and counted by focusing up and down. In each case the drawings were made from cells whose complete nucleus showed and had been undis- turbed in the cutting. It was somewhat difficult to draw correctly those loops which were to the side of the nucleus where it was often impossible to see the actual shape. ^ In some cases the ends 16 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, where the break occurs become fastened together, making some- what irregularly shaped rings, some of these rings having little loops in them (Figs. 18b, 19). In other cases, after the break occurred, the ends of the loops did not fuse, but projected as free limbs (Fig. 19). There was a great deal of difference in the newly formed chromosomes. In the figures, all the chromosomes are shown in one plane as pro- jections, but under the microscope they were more easily disting- uished and the details could be more easily traced out by focusing. The large chromosomes in the middle of Figure 18 which overlap are figured separately to show their actual form; 18a being the one on top and 18b the one below (Figs. 18a, 18b). Figures 17, 19, 18, 20, and 21, show the chromosome differences plainly; six are quite large, six small and two of intermediate size. The dif- ference in shape is well shown in Figures 19 and 20. In the earlier stages it can easily be seen that some of the chromosomes have not doubled up nor formed com]3lete rings. Gradually all of them twist up tighter until most of the chromosomes appear as small irregular masses (Figs. 21, 22). The nuclear wall has practically disappeared by the time the chromosomes have fully contracted (Figs. 21, 22, 23). By this time, also, the sporocyte has rounded up and withdrawn from the neighboring cells. The cytoplasm appears spongy and, in most cases, is withdrawn from the cell wall. The nucleolus seems to disappear at about the time the nuclear membrane becomes indistinct. What becomes of it was not determined but in some cases nucleolus-like masses were seen in the cytoplasm. As will appear from the above description and consideration of the figures presented, it becomes evident that the details of chromosome formation in Fuchsia does not agree with that of Oenothera as described by Gates, Davis and Geertz. The loops are fonned from a very slender spirem and no thickening into a chain of univalent chromosomes is apparent. The incipient loops before the separation occurs are quite distinct and these loops were followed through their development and gradual transformation until the fully fonned bivalent chromosomes were present. Although the behavior of the spirem is somewhat different from that reported for Oenothera the final result is identical. The spirem breaks up apparently into chromosome pairs which, coming to lie side by side, by folding and twisting together are transformed into bivalents in the same manner as described by Gates. The bivalents are formed by an end to end fusion and subsequent folding of pairs of univalents. The number of chromosomes could be counted in ten or twelve preparations and each count was fourteen. Figures 22 and 23 show the fully formed chromosomes before the fonna- tion of the spindle. In Figure 22 one of the large chromosomes lies out separate from the rest and all except this large one are Nov., 1912.] The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. 1 1 somewhat connected by delicate strands of material. The sepa- ration of the large chromosome from the rest may have no special significance for later all fourteen seem to be connected. The connecting strands are not evident until after the chromosomes are fully formed but appear before the spindle. In Figure 23 the connection is very distinct and the appearance is much like what Gates has shown in some of his figures. The nuclear wall has entirely disappeared by this time and the cells are spherical. The fully formed chromosomes are of rather indefinite shape although there is a difference in size, but there is no such characteristic shapes as found by Schaffner in Lilium tigrinimi and Erythronium and by Miss Hyde in Hyacynth. However, the peculiarities of size and fonn noted earlier are still in evidence (Fig. 24) . While the chromosomes are scattered in the nuclear cavity the delicate strands of material that connect them seem to draw them up closer into the central part of the nuclear area. The sections were not stained with the special object of study- ing the spindle but when it became evident it was a bipolar structure within the nuclear cavity and the chromosomes were apparently attached to the delicate fibers. At this stage the cytoplasm has usually penetrated into the nuclear area and surrounds the spindle but occasionally the preparations show a clear surrounding space which may be due to plasmolysis (Fig. 25) . In Lilium tigrinum Schaffner found that the chromosomes in the reduction division were fastened to the spindle near the end and that as the chromosomes were pulled toward the poles the break occurred transversely causing one of the univalent chromo- somes to go to each pole. In Fuchsia the chromosomes are so small and compact that no ends can be seen sticking out from the apparently homogenous mass. Even with a magnification of 2500x the chromosomes seemed perfectly homogenous. As the chromosomes are drawn into the equatorial plate they still retain their individuality and can be counted without great difficulty. At this point they are hard to draw due to the fact that they lie under each other and can be seen best by focusing. The main purpose of the investigation was to study the form- ation of the bivalent chromosomes but a series of older sections brought out another point of interest that might be mentioned. There are irregularities in the development of the tetrads which may be significant in connection with the supposed hybrid natiire of our greenhouse varieties of Fuchia. In some cases normal tetrads were formed, in others as high as six to eight nuclei of various sizes were observed in one sporocyte (Figs. 33, 34). This condition has been known for some time. In 1886 Wille (23) reported that he had observed as high as eight cells developed from the pollen-mother cells of Fuchsia. The same condition was -f2 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, -observed in Hemerocallis by Fulmer (4). In some cases the cytoplasm between two newly formed nuclei was separated although no visible wall was formed; but in most cases the nuclei were formed and remained imbedded in the general cytoplasm (Figs. 28-34). In one case a regular tripartite arrangement of three nuclei was observed and these were surrounded by separate masses of cytoplasm (Fig. 31). In none of these cases was the original sporocyte wall disintegrated. The further development of the smaller nuclei was not studied although that might be an interesting investigation. SUMMARY. 1. In the reduction division of Fuchsia speciosa there is apparently an end to end fusion of the univalent chromosomes, forming a continuous spirem which twists and folds up into a definite nmnber of loops which represent the incipient bivalent chromosomes, fourteen in number. 2. The loose network of the resting nucleus at an early stage begins to show a massing of chromatin material into indefinite lumps of approximately the reduced number of chromosomes. These masses probably represent the arrangement of the chromatin into a definite mosaic, preparatory to the synaptic conjugation of the univalent into the bivalent chromosomes. 3. Gradually the lumps disappear and the material seems to go toward the formation of prominent granules that arrange themselves along a delicate thread. 4. Next follows a period during which there is an evident swelling of the nucleus. In consequence of this swelling the threads are pulled loose or withdrawn from the nuclear wall, and the chroma- tin material collapses in a mass. It may collapse around the nucleolus or to one side of it, or it may collapse so that the nucleolus has no connection with it. The contracted portion may lie in the center of the nucleus or in contact with the nuclear wall. This synizesis is regarded as an artifact although no definite evidence was obtained for or against this supposition. 5. After the synizesis the spirem is apparently continuous and the granules appear small and evenly distributed throughout its length. At first there is little or no looping but soon the spirem begins to show that it is laid in delicate little loops. The loops are arranged on the inside of the nuclear wall. In some sporo- cytes as high as eight loops could be deteniiined at a rather early stage, still more or less connected, but by the time the fourteen loops are fully fomied they are usually broken apart. 6.' After breaking apart the loops thicken and tighten until masses of various sizes and shapes were formed, fotu" being quite small and five of rather large size. t^ov., 19i2.] The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. 13 7. The fully fomied chromosomes are then seen to be con- nected by delicate strands. About this time or a little before the nuclear wall has disappeared. 8. The chromosomes are taken on to a bipolar spindle and gradually pulled into the equatorial plane. 9. There is an irregularity in the formation of the micro- spores. Frequently as high as eight are formed from one sporocyte . LITERATURE CITED. 1. Allen, C. E. — Nuclear Division in the Pollen Mother-cells of Lilium canadense. Annals of Botany, 19: 189-258, 1905. 2. Davis, B. M. — Cytological Studies in Oenothera I. Pol- len Development of Oenothera grandiflora. Annals of Botany, Vol. XXIII, No. 96, 1909. 3. Davis, B. M. — Cytological Studies of Oenothera II. The Reduction Division of Oenothera biennis. Annals of Botany, Vol. XXIV, No. 96, 1910. 4. Fulmer, E. L. — The Development of Microsporangia and Microspores of Hemerocallis fulva. Botanical Gazette, 28: 81-88, 1899. 5. Gates, R. R.^Pollen Development, in Hybrids of Oeno- thera lata X O. lamarckiana, and its Relation to Mutation. Botanical Gazette, 43: 81-115, 1907. . 0. Gates, R. R. — Hybridization and Germ cells of Oenothera Mutants. Botanical Gazette, 44: 1-2, 1907. 7. Gates, R. R. — A Study of Reduction in Oenothera rubri- nervis. Botanical Gazette, 46: 1-34, 1908. 8. Gates, R. R. — -The Stature and Chromosomes of Oenothera gigas, DeVries. Archiv. fur Zellforschung. 3 Band, 4 Heft, 1909. 9. Gates, R. R. — The Behavior of Chromosomes in Oeno- thera lata X O. gigas. Botanical Gazette, 48: No. 3, 1909. 10. Geertz, J. M. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Cytologic und der partiellen Sterelitat von Oenothera Lamarckiana. Recueil des Travaux Botaniques Neerlandais, Vol. V, sg 3, 1908. 11. Hyde, Edith — Reduction Division in Hyacinthus. Ohio Naturalist, Vol. IX, No. 8, 1909. 12. Lawson, a. a. — The Phase of the Nucleus Known as Synapsis. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburg, Vol. XLVII, Part III, No. 2, 1911. i4 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, 13. LuTZ, Anne H. — Preliminary Notes on the Chromosomes of Oenothera lamarckiana and One of its Mutants, O. gigas. Science, N. S. 26: 151-152, 1907. 14. LuTZ, Anne H. — Chromosomes of the Somatic Cells of the Oenotheras. Science N. S. 27: 335, 1908. 15. McClung, C. E. — The Chromosome Complex of Orthop- teran Spermatocytes. Biol. Biill. 9: 304-340, 1905. 16. Montgomery, T. H. — ^A Study of the Chromosomes of the Germ Cells of Metazoa. Trans, Am. Phil. Soc. 20 : 154-236, 1901. 17. Overton, J. B, — Ueber Reduktionsteilting in den Pollen- mutterzellen einiger Dikotylen. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. 42: 121-153, 1905. 18. ScHAFFNER, J. H. — Contributions to the Life History of Lilium philadelphicum III. The Division of the Macro- spore Nucleus. Botanical Gazette, 23: 430-449, 1897. 19. ScHAFFNER, J. H. — A Contribution to the Life History and Cytology of Erythronium. Botanical Gazette, 31: 369- 387, 1906. 20. ScHAFFNER, J. H. — Chromosome Reduction in the Micro- sporocytes of Lilium tigrinum. Botanical Gazette, 41: 183-191, 1900. 21. ScHAFFNER, J. H.- — Synapsis and Synizesis. Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the Ohio State Univer- sity, 1907. Ohio Naturalist, Vol. VII, No. 3. 22. ScHAFFNER, J. H. — The Reduction Division in the Micro- sporocytes of Agave virginica. Botanical Gazette, 47 : 190- 214, 1909. 23. WiLLE, N. — Uber die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Pollen- kome der Angiospermen und das Wachsthum der Mem- branen durch intussusception. Christiania, 1886. Nov., 1912.] The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. 15 EXPLANATION OF PLATES I AND II. The plates are reduced f in reproduction. All the figures were drawn with a conpensating ociilar 18, and an oil immersion 1/12, which makes a magnification of about 2500. PLATE I. Fig. 1. Microsporocyte showing the resting chromatin network. Fig. 2. Microsporocyte showing the chromatin material beginning to collect in little lumps. Fig. 3. Later stage showing the further development of the chromatin masses. Fig. 4. Microsporocyte showing well formed masses with more prominent connections. Figs. 5, 6. Microsporocytes still showing the larger chromatin masses but having well formed linin threads on which are seen chromatin granules. Figs. 7, 8. Microsporocytes showing the spirem with granules on it and still showing some larger masses of chromatin material. Figs. 9, 10, U. Microsporocytes showing the chromatin material in various stages of synizesis. Fig. 9. The microsporocyte in contraction showing a few strands on which granules may be distinctly seen. Fig. 12. Sporocyte with the spirem well formed, showing a slight disposi- tion to loop. Fig. 13. Sporocyte showing well formed loops. Fig. 14. Sporocyte showing the loops well formed. Fig. 14a. Part of the looped spirem from Fig. 14, showing the small granules on the spirem and in one case there are two loops fastened together. Fig. 15. Sporocyte showing that the loops have become tightened. Fig. 16. Sporocyte showing loose and tight loops. Fig. 17. Sporocyte in which the loops have separated from each other and show characteristic sizes and shapes. PLATE IL Fig. 18. Later stage of Fig. 17 in which some of the loops have become tighter. Fig. 18a. A loop from the top of the nucleus shown in Fig. 18. Fig. 18b. A loop from the bottom of the nucleus in Fig. 18. Fig. 19. Chromosome loops of various characteristic sizes and shapes. The nucleolus has disappeared. Fig. 20. Later stage in the formation of the chromosomes. The loops are tightening. Fig. 21, The loops have become tighter and have come to lie closer together. Ohio Naturalist. Plate I, McAvoY on "Reduction Division in Fuchsia.' Ohio Naturalist. Plate IT. McAvoY on "Reduction Division in Fuchsia. 1 8 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 1, Fig. 22. The chromosomes are shown lying in the nuclear area. Delicate connecting fibers are seen connecting the chromosomes. Fig. 23. Chromosomes are seen connected by delicate strands and the cytoplasm has penetrated into the nuclear area. Fig. 24. Chromosomes on the bipolar spindle. Figs. 25, 26. Chromosomes on the spindle. Fig. 27. Chromosomes near the equatorial plate. Fig. 28. Two nuclei surrounded by cytoplasm inside the original sporocyte wall. Fig. 29. Two nuclei imbedded in the cytoplasm of the original sporocyte. Figs. 30, 32. Four nuclei in the cytoplasm of the original sporocyte. Fig. 31. Three nuclei in three masses of cytoplasm inside the original sporocyte wall. Fig. 33. Sporocyte wall and cytoplasm in which six nuclei are imbedded. Fig. 34. Eight nuclei following the process of reduction. The cytoplasm has not begun to separate. Nov., 1912.] An Undescribed Equisetum from Kansas. 19 AN UNDESCRIBED EQUISETUM FROM KANSAS.* John H. Schaffner. For many years the writer has known a pecuhar type of Equisetum with annual, aerial stems, growing on clayey banks and bluffs in central Kansas. This plant was referred to Braun's Equisetum laevigatum, although some of its most evident charac- ters did not agree with the description of that species. In 1903 (Fern Bull. 11: 40), Eaton stated that according to his observations, E. laevigatum A. Br. was annual and this view is continued in Gray's Manual, 7th Ed. 1908, where the state- ment is made that the stems are "mostly annual." In a note in the Ohio Naturalist, 4: 74, the writer agreed with Eaton and also suggested that E. laevigatum as at present understood might be a composite species. Eaton described E. hyemale intermedium and stated that it was "often confused with E. laevigatum. " The writer has had the various forms of Equisetum, which are involved in the confusion, under consideration since 1903 and has come to some definite conclusions which are here presented : 1. The annual form of Equisetum from the west usually going under the name E. laevigatum A. Br. is an undescribed species. 2. Braun's description of E. laevigatum is essentially correct. 3. Eaton's E. hyemale var. intermeditim is Braun's E. laevigatum. The writer examined the original material at St. Louis from which Engelmann sent specimens to Braun, and found that the plants agree well with Braun's description. They are perennial and the cones have a definite point. They are considerably smoother than the usual forms of E. hyemale but much rougher than the disputed plants from Kansas. One of Engelmann's specimens of E. laevigatum A. Br. dis- tinguished as variety B^ scabrellum, collected in August, 1843, on the banks of the Mississippi below Jefferson Banks is marked in pencil as "Probably type specimen." Both branched and un- branched specimens are in the collection. This specimen has no •cones. Another specimen labeled E. laevigatum A. Br. from sterile hills near harbors nine miles west of St. Louis, July, 1844, has the cone with a rigid point and agrees with the specimens the writer identified as E. laevigatum, the past summer in a trip to Kansas. It has the long dilated sheath and other distinguishing characters. *Contribution from the botanical laboratory of Ohio State University, No. 70. LIBRARY," 20 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, Several years ago, while visiting the New York Bot. Garden, the late Dr. Underwood showed the writer specimens of E. laevig- atum A. Br. from Engelmann's collections made at St. Louis in August, 1843. These plants also had the rigid points on the cones. They are probably from the same material from which Braun received his specimens. Specimens of E. hyemale intermedium in the National Herba- rium at Washington and at the Missouri Bot. Garden, including cotypes named by Eaton himself, agree closely with Englemann's specimens of E. laevigatum. Some of the specimens renamed by Eaton were originally labeled E. laevigatum. One of Eaton's cotypes of E. hyemale intermedium at the Mo. Bot. Garden appears to the writer to be the same in all essential respects as Engelmann's laevigatum material. The specimens was originally labeled E. laevigatum. There can be no mistake as to the meaning of Braun's original description of E. laevigatiim as translated by Engelmann and printed in The American Journal of Science and Artsj. The species is characterized as follows : "Equiseta stichopora (winter-Equiseta). Stomata disposed in two distinct ranges on each side of the groove ; each range formed by one or more rows of stomata (All known species in this division have hardy evergreen stems). Homophyadica. Ranges of stomata consisting each of one row. 7. E. laevigatum A. Braun. "Stems tall, ^rect, simple or somewhat branching; carinae convex, obtuse, .smooth; grooves shallow on each side; with a single series of stomata, vallecular air cavities small, the carinal ones very minute; central cavity large; sheaths elongated, adpressed, with a black limb, consisting of about twenty-two leaves with one carina at base and (by the elevation of the margin and depressions of the middle) two towards the point; points linear— subulate, sphacelate, caducous, leaving a truncate-dentate margin to the sheath; branches somewhat rough; sheaths with about eight indistinctly 3-carinate leaves; points persistent subulate, sphace- late with a narrow membranous margin. Hab. On poor clayey soil with Andropogon and other coarse grasses at the foot of the rocky Mississippi hills, on the banks of the river below St. Louis. fBRAUX, Alexander. A monography of the North American species of the genus Ecjuisetum; translated from the author's manuscript, and with some additions, by George Engelmann. Am. Jour. Sci. and Arts 46:81-9L (April, 1844.) Nov., 1912.] An Undescribed Equisetum from Kansas. 21 In size and manner of growth this new species is closely allied to E. hyemale, and the larger variety of E. robustum, but it is easily distinguished by its smoothness, its long green sheaths, with a narrow black limb, and its darker green color." This description seems to be quite accurate except is some minor points. The color is usually not darker green than in E. hyemale and the sheaths are usually though not always dilated above. The color of the large Equisetums varies considerably with the environment, and in some cases the young sheaths are more or less dilated than the old ones. The new species may be characterized as follows : Equisetum kansanum n. sp. Kansas Horsetail. Aerial stems usually l-2}/2 feet high, annual, very smooth, 15-30 grooved, usually without simple branches unless broken off; color mostly light-green; surface of the ridges and grooves with cross or diagonal bands; sheaths long, dilated above and usually constricted at the base, green with a narrow black band at the top; teeth deciduous; cones ovate or oblong-ovate, without a point, the apex obtuse or merely acute. On upland clayey banks along ravines and hillsides, growing in rather scattered tufts. Name derived from Kansas where the species is common. Type locality, Bloom township, Clay County, Kansas. Speci- mens also from Mancos, Colorado. Type and cotype 1 deposited in the herbarimn of the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Equisetmn laevigatum and Equisetum kansanum form the transition types between the large, evergreen scouring-rushes like E. hyeinale and E. robustum on the one hand and the tall annual horsetails, like E. fluviatile on the other. E. laevigatum is perennial in Kansas although it often freezes down to near the surface of the ground in severe winters. The habit of growth between the three species which are often confused is quite characteristic. E. hyemale grows in dense masses usually on creek and river banks and low places. E. laevigatum is rather tall and is more open and separate in its growth, abounding in Kansas, in sandy river bottoms where the soil is well filled with clay or other fine material and at the base of clayey bluffs. E. kansanum as stated above is also open and scattered in growth and is found mainly on clay banks along ravines and hillsides. They may be readily separated by the following key: 22 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, 1. Aerial stems evergreen, rough to a greater or less degree; cones tipped with a rigid point. a. Sheaths cylindrical, not dilated upward, usually with 2 black bands, sometimes entirely black; stems rough, tuber culate. E. hyemale. E. robustum. b. Sheath elongated, dilated upward, with a narrow black band at the top and frequently with a second irregular one below; stems smoothish, only slightly tuberciilate. E. laevigatum. 2. Aerial stems annual, smooth; cones without a point. a. Stems usually unbranched except when broken; sheaths elongated, dilated upward, with a narrow black band at the top, rarely with a faint second one below. E. kansanum. In conclusion, the writer wishes to express his thanks to the directors and curators of the three herbaria visited, for courtesies shown in the study of the valuable materials without which the solution of the problem to the writer's satisfaction would have been much more difficult. CONCERNING OHIO POLYPORACEiE. L. O. OVERHOLTS. In the June number of the Ohio Naturalist for 1911 an article by the present writer appeared entitled "The Known Polypo- raceas of Ohio." Since the appearance of that article attention has been called to certain omissions, both in the enumeration of the species and in the bibliolgraphy that was appended, and it was thought best to take this means of making the corrections. The paper was a preliminary list of species intended to be used as the basis for a key to the genera and species. Illustrations were cited and a bibliography was appended in the effort to get collectors in different localities to give some attention to this group, in order that some definite knowledge of the number and identity of the species might be obtained. The list was based on the writings of Berkeley, Hard, Lea, Lloyd, Montague, Morgan and Murrill. Several collections of specimens were recievcd from corres- pondents in various parts of the state and specimens were exam- ined in the state herbarium at Columbus and in the Lloyd museum at Cincinnati. Many collections were made in the Miami valley by persons connected with the department of Botany at Miami University. These latter arc for the most part in the writer's Nov., 1912.] Concerning Ohio Polyporacece. 23 herbarium at present. During the fall of 1911 the writer spent several days in collecting in hitherto un visited localities. In August of the present year four weeks were spent at the New York Botanical Gardens where are found a number of collections from Ohio. In these ways it has been possible to gain some knowledge of the Ohio Polyporacese. The work is by no means completed. But the results are judged to be of sufficient value to warrant the publication, in the near future, of a key to the genera and species. In the former paper 11 S species were listed. This included 31 species, mostly of the genus Poria, that have been dropped from the list. The literature and the herbarium material of this genus are so confused that it is impracticable to spend time on them. At the present time the list includes 87 species that are known to have been collected in Ohio and of which good specimens may be found. Besides these, there are 10 other species, never collected in the state as far as known, but the geographical distribution of which is such as to make it extremely probable that more sys- matic collecting will bring them to light. Another species is of such doubtful standing as to exclude it from the list. It was not within the limits of the former paper to include in the bibliography any except the best and most accessible writings on the family. The citations in the supplementary list given below are to important writings that were examined in making out the list of species, but which were unintentionally overlooked in preparing the bibliography. SUPPLEMENT TO BIBLIOGRAPHY. Berkeley, M. J. Decades of fungi. VIII-X, Australian and North American fungi; XII-XIV, Ohio fungi. Lond. Jour. Bot. 4: 298-315, 1845. 6: 312-326, 1847. Kellerman, W. a. and Werner, W. C. Catalogue of Ohio plants. Rept. Geol. Sur. of Ohio. 7: part 2, 5G-406, 1893. Lea, T. G. Catalogue of plants, native and naturalized, col- lected in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, during the years 1834-1844. 1-77, 1849. Reprinted in Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. 5: 197-217, 1882. Lloyd, C. G. Mycological Notes. Nos. 1, 3, 6, 27, 29, 33, 35, 36; Polyporoid issue No. 1, 1898-1910. Lloyd, C. G. Synopsis of the section Ovinus of Polyporus. Bull. Lloyd Lib. Bot. Pharm. Mat. Med. 73-94, f. 496-509 Oct. 1911. Lloyd, C. G. Synopsis of the stipitate Polyporoids. Bull Lloyd Lib. Bot. Pharm. Mat. Med. Mycological series No. 6, 95-208, f. 395-500. March 1912. MoNTAGNE, J. F. C. Sylloge generum specierumque cryptoga- marum. I-XXIV, 1-498, 1856. Missouri Botanical Garden, 24 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 1, MEETING OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB. Orton Hall, October, 7 1912. The meeting was called to order by President Barrows. The secretary being absent Professor Schaffner was appointed secre- tary pro tern. No ininutes of the previous meeting being at hand, this order was omitted. The papers of the evening consisted of reports of the past summer's work and observations. Prof. F. L. Landacre gave a report of neurological work done at the University of Chicago. The type studied was Rana vipiens. Prof. J. H. vSchaffner gave some observations on various forms of Amaranthus retroflexus. A number of striking leaf -patterns were found in Ohio and Kansas. Seeds were collected and will be planted in order to determine the status of these forms. He also spoke of the nature and distribution of trees in the prairie regions of Kansas. Prof. C. H. Goetz spent some time in Northeastern Nebraska and in Florida. In Nebraska the bluffs and hills facing the northeast are wooded while those facing the opposite direction are without trees. In Florida, forest conditions are not very favor- able. Eucal^q^tus trees do not grow well and the soil seems unsuitable in many places for vigorous tree growth. Prof. A. Dachnowski studied the question of absorption and wilting point of plants and also the relation of root systems to each other and to the substratmn in order to determine the amount of antagonism or correlation present. The latter observations were made on plants at Buckeye Lake. He regarded the mutual relation as being a physical rather than a chemical or biological one. Prof. W. M. Barrows reported on making an accurate map of Cedat Point. The topographic maps were foimd to be incorrect in some particulars. After the president was given authority to appoint a committee to nominate officers, the society adjourned. John H. Schaffner, Secretary pro tern. Date of Publication, Nov. 8, 1912. LU L I 8 R A »♦ Y lUJ i L I b K A r The Ohio W'atumfisT^ PUBLISHED BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity. Volume XIII. DECEMBER, 1912. No. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Brain— A List of Fiiugi of Cedar Point 25 SCHAFFNER— Now aud Rare Plants Added to the Oliio List In 1912 36 FOEESTE— The Ordovician Section in the Manitoiilin Area of Lake Huron 37 A LIST OF FUNGI OF CEDAR POINT. Chas. K. Br.\in. The following list of 219 species of fungi for Cedar Point and vicinity, contain, I believe, 138 new records for that district. The remaining 81 species are accounted for as follows: 22 species of Myxomycetes listed in "The Ohio Naturalist" February, 1912.* 46 species of fungi in the Lake Laboratory Herbarium. 13 further species collected by the late Dr. Kellerman, at Sandusky, 1903. Where these are mentioned in the list and merely indicated by "Ohio Nat.," "L. L. Herb.," or "Sandusky, W. A. K.," it is intended to imply that they were not seen this year. In all other cases specimens were collected between June 15, and August 15 Very few species are given for places around Cedar Point, but occasional excursions were made, for the day, to places of interest, such as Castalia, Put-in-Bay, Kelly's Island and Huron. Material collected on these trips was included, on the suggestion of Dr. L. H. Pammel, of Ames, Iowa, to whom I wish to express my sincere appreciation for unfailing kindness in bringing in material and for checking determinations. My thanks are also due to Prof. E. L. Fullmer, of Berea, Ohio, for permission to include the Myxomycetes which he determined, and to Prof. R. F. Griggs, of Ohio State University, for advice and criticism. The species marked "det. C. H. P." were very kindly deter- mined for me bv Dr. C. H. Peck, Botanist of New York State. *Fullmer, "A Preliminary List of the Myxomycetes of Cedar Point." Ohio N.\t. 12: 25 26 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, ■ MYXOMYCETES. Physaracece. 1. Fuligo violacea Pers. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 2. Tilmadoche alba (Bull.) Macbr. Ohio Nat. 3. Badhamia orbiculata. Rex. Ohio Nat. 4. Physarella oblonga (Berk, and Cke.) Morgan. Ohio Nat. 5. Craterium minimum B. & C. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 6. Mucilage spongiosa (Leyss.) Morgan. Ohio Nat. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 7. Didymium crustaceum. Fries. Ohio Nat. 8. Didymium squamulosum (Alb. & Schw.) Fries. Ohio Nat. 9. Didymium melanospermum (Pers.) Macbr. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 10. Diderma reticulatum (Rost.) Morgan. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 11. Diderma crustaceum Peck. Ohio Nat. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. Stemonitacea. 12. Stemonitis maxima vSchw. Ohio Nat. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 13. Stemonitis fenestrata Rex. Ohio Nat. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 14. Stemonitis smithii Macbr. Ohio Nat. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 15. Comatricha stemonitis (Scop.) vSheldon. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 16. Diachea leucopoda (Bull.) Rost. Coll. Prof E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. Cribrariacece. 17. Lindbladia effusa (Ehr.) Rost. Ohio Nat. 18. Tubifera ferruginosa (Batsch.) Macbr. Ohio Nat. 19. Dictydium cancellatum (Batsch.) Macbr. Ohio Nat. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. Lycogalacea. 20. Lycogola epidendrum (Buxb.) Fries. Ohio Nat. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 21. Lycogala flavo-fuscum (Ehr.) Rost. Ohio Nat. TrichiacecE. 22. Ophiotheca wrightii Berk, and Curtis. Ohio Nat. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 23. Perichaena quadrata Macbr. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 24. Lachnobolus globosus (Schw.) Rost. Ohio Nat. Dec, 1912.] A List of Fungi of Cedar Point. 27 25. Arcyria nutans (Bull.) Grev. Ohio Nat. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 26. Arcyria incarnata Persoon. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 27. Arcyria denudata (Linn.) Sheldon. Ohio Nat. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 28. Arcyria cinerea (Bull.) Pers. Ohio Nat. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 29. Hemitrichia vesparium (Batsch.) Macbr. Coll. Prof. E, L, Fullmer, Cedar Pt. 30. Hemitrichia stipitata Mass. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fiillmer. Cedar Pt. 31. Hemitrichia intorta Lister. Ohio Nat. 32. Hemitrichia clavata (Pers.) Rost. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 33. Trichia inconspicua Rost. Ohio Nat. PHYCOMYCETES. CHYTRIDIALES. S-i. Synchytrium decipiens Farl. On Amphicarpa monoica (L.) Ell. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. PERONOSPORALES. 35. Cystopus bliti (Biv.) Lev. On Amaranthus retroflexus L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Cedar Pt. and Kelly's Is. Coll. C. K. B. G3q3sum. 36. Cystopus candidus (Pers.) Lev. On Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic., Lepidium campestre (L.) R. Br., Lepidium virginicum L. Radicula hispida (Desv.) Rob., Sisym- brium canescens Nutt. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. On Sisymbrium ofhcinale(L.)Scop. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Kelly's Is. 37. Plasmopara sordida Berk. On Scrophularia marylandica L. Coll. Sanduskv. W. A. K. 38. Plasmopara viticola (B. & C.) Berl. and De Toni. On Vitis vulpina L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel on Vitis bicolor Lee. Huron. 39. Peronospora australis Speg. On Sicyos angulatus L. Coll. C. K. B. Castalia. 40. Peronospora geranii Pk. On Geranium maculatum L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 41. Peronospora parasitica (P.) Tul. On Lepidium virginicum L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Cedar Pt. MUCORALES. 42. Mucor stolonifer Ehr. On Bread. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. ENTOMOPHTHORALES. 43. Empusa grylli (Fres.) Nowakowski. On Trimerotropis maritima Harris. Melanoplus diflerentialis Uhler. Melanoplus bivittatus Say. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 28 The Ohio Naturalist. [Yo\. XIII, No. 2^ ASCOAIYCETES. PEZIZALES. 44. Lachnea scutellata L. On log. Coll. C. K. B. Put-in-Bay. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Cedar Ft. 4.5. Macropodia semitosta. On logs. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. 46. Sclerotinia fructigena (Pers.) v'5chroet. On Frunus avium L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Famniel. Huron. 47. Pseudopeziza medicaginis (Lib.) Sacc. On Medicago sativa L. Coll. C. K. B. Fut-in-Bay; Cedar Ft. ASPERGILLALES. 48. Aspergillus herbariorum Wiggers. On botanical specimens. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. 49. Aspergillus niger van Tiegh. On Bread. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. 50. Penicillium crustaceum Linn. On Bread, etc. Coll. C.K.B. Cedar Ft. PERISPORIALES. 51. Sphaerotheca castagnei Lev. On Taraxacum officinale Weber. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. On Bidens sp. Coll. Dr. L. H. Fammel. Sandusky. 52. Podosphsera oxyacanthas (DC.) De Bary. On Frunus virginiana L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. 53. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. On Lappula virginiana (L.) Greene. Farietaria pennsylvanica Muhl. Fhlox divari- cata L. Solidago candensis L. Verbena hastata L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. On Vernonia maxima Small. Coll. Dr. L. H. Fammel. Huron. 54. Erysiphe communis (Wallr.) Fr. On Geranium maculatum L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Fammel. Cedar Ft. 55. Erysiphe montagnei Lev. On Taraxacum officinale Weber. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. 56. Erysiphe polygoni DC. On Oenothera biennis L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. 57. Microsphaera alni (DC.) Wint. On Evonymus atropur- pureus Jacq. Apios tubcrosa Moench. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. 58. Microsphaera diffusa C. &- F. On Desmodium canescens (L.) DC\ Coll. C. K. B. Black Channel, Cedar Ft. 59. Microsphaera ravenellii Berk. On Lathvrus palustris L. Coll. C. K. B. Black Channel, Cedar >t. 60. Phyllactinia corylea (Fcrs.) Karst. On Celastrus scandcns L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Ft. Dec, 1912.] A List of Fungi of Cedar Point. 29 HYPOCREALES. 61. Cordyceps militaris (Linn.) Link. On larva (in cocoon) of Isia Isabella. Coll. A. R. Shadle. Cedar Pt. 62. Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. On Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. DOTHIDEALES. 63. Plowrightia morbosa (Schw.) Sacc. On Prunus virginiana Linn. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. SPH^RIALES. 64. Guignardia bidwellii (Ell.) Viala. and Ravaz. (Phyllosticta.) On Vitis vulpina L.. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 65. Diaporthe ailanthi Sacc. On Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 66. Hypoxylon sp. On log. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 67. Daldinia cingulata (Lev.) Sacc. On log. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 68. Xylaria digitata (Linn.) Grev. On Log. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 69. Xylaria polymorpha (Pers.) Grev. On log. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. BASIDIOMYCETES. USTILAGINALES. 70. Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Jens. On Avena sativa L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 71. Ustilago hordei (P.) Kell. and Swingle. On Hordeum vulgare L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Panimel. Sandusky. 72. Ustilago zeae (Beckm.) Ung. On Zea mays L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. TILLETIALES. 73. Entyloma menispermi Farl et Trel. On Menispemium canadense L. Sandusky, W. A. K. UREDINALES. M elampsoracece. 74. Coleosporium sonchi-arvensis (P.) Lev. On Solidago serotina Ait. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 75. Melampsora salicis-capreae (P.) Wint. On Salix alba L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 76. Pucciniastrum agrimoniae (DC.) Diet. On Agrimonia gryposepala Wallr. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. On A. mollis. Sandusky. W. A. K. Pucciniacece. 77. Gymnosporangium globosum Farl. On Juniperus virginiana L. Coll. Prof. E. L. Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 78. Gymnosporangium nidus-avis Thaxter. On Juniperus virginiana L. Coll. C K. B. Cedar Pt. 30 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, 79. Puccinia caricis (P.) Fckl. On Carex laxiflora Lam. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 80. Puccinia coronata Cda. On Avena sativa L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pamnicl. Sandusky. 81. Puccinia fraxinata (Lk.) Arthur. (Teleuto). On Spartina dactyloides (L.) Willd. Sandusky. W. A. K. 82. Puccinia glechomatis DC. On Agastache nepetoides (L.) Ktzc. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 83. Puccinia graminis Pcrs. On Avena sativa L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 84. Puccinia helianthi Schw. On Helianthus hirsutus Raf. Sandusky. W. A. K. 85. Puccinia malvacearum Mont. On Hollyhock, Althaea sp. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 86. Puccinia menthae Pers. On Mentha canadensis L. and vSatureja vulgaris (L.) Fritsch. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 87. Puccinia osmorhizae C. & P. On Osmorhiza claytoni (Michx.) Clarke. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 88. Puccinia podophylli S. On Podophyllum peltatum L, Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. and Castalia. 89. Puccinia polygoni-amphibii Pers. On Polygonum virgin- ianum L. Sandusky. W. A. K. 90. Puccinia seymeriae Burrill. On Afzelia macrophylla (Nutt.) Kuntze. Sandusky. W. A. K. 91. Puccinia simplex Peck. On Hordeum vulgare L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 92. Puccinia taraxaci Plw. On Taraxacum officinale Weber. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 93. Puccinia xanthii Schw. On Xanthium commune Britton. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. Put-in-Bay, and Huron. 94. Gymnoconia peckiana Howe. (Cacoma). On Rubus alleghenicnsis Porter, and Rubus idaeus L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 95. Phragmidium obtusum Wint. On Potentilla canadensis L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 96. Uromyces euphorbiae C. & P. On Euphorbia preslii Guss. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. On E. maculata L. Coll. Dr. Pammel. Sandusky. 97. Uromyces phaseoli (Pers.) Wint. On Strophostvlcs helvola (L.) Britt. Sandusky. W. A. K. 98. Uromyces striatus Schroet. On Medicago lupulina L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 99. Uromyces toxicodendri Berk, and Rav. On Rhus toxi- codendron L. Coll. Cedar Pt. W. A. K. Sep. 22, 1902. 100. Uromyces trifolii (Hcdw.) Lev. On Trifolium hybridum L. and Trifolium pratense L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Huron. Dec, 1912.] A List of Fungi of Cedar Point. 31 Accidium-forms. 101. Aecidium ( Gymnosporangium) nidus-avis Thaxter. On Amelanchier canadensis (L.) Medic. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 102. Aecidium cimicifugatum S. On Cimicifuga racemosa Nutt. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 103. Aecidium compositatum Mart. On Aster sp. Coll. Dr. Pamniel. Huron. On Erigeron pulchellus Michx. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. On Eupatorium perfoliatum L. Lactuca canadensis L. and Silphium terebinthinaceum Jacq. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Castalia. 104. Aecidium fraxini S. On Fraxinus americana L. and Fraxinus viridis Michx. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 105. Aecidium grossulariae DC. On Ribes cynosbati L. and Ribes floridum L'Herit. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Cedar Pt. 106. Aecidium impatientis S. On Impatiens biflora Walt. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. Huron and Gypsum. 107. Aecidium nesaeae Gerard. On Decodon verticellatus (L.) Ell. Coll. Prof. E. L Fullmer. Cedar Pt. 108. Aecidium oenotherae Pk. On Oenothera biennis L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. and Gypsum. 109. Aecidium pammelii Trelease. On Euphorbia corollata L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 110. Aecidium pustulatum M. A. Curtis. On Comandra umbel- lata (L.) Nutt. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. TREMELLALES. 111. Tremella Candida L. L. Herb. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. DACRYOMYCET.^LES. 112. Calocera cornea Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. HYMENOMYCETALES. 113. Stereum candidum Schw. L. L. Herb. 114. Stereum disciforme DC. L. L. Herb. 115. Stereum fasciatum Schw. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K, B. Cedar Pt. 116. Stereum versicolor (Schw.) Fr. L. L. Herb. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 117. Clavaria flaccida Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. lis. Clavaria pyxidata Pers. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 119. Irpex cinnamonea Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 120. Irpex lacteus Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 121. Fomes applanatus Pers. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 122. Polyporus arcularius (Batsch.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 32 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, 123. Polyporus carneus Nees. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 124. Polyporus gilvus Schw. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 125. Polyporus schweinitzii Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 126. Polyporus sulphureus Fr. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 127. Polystictus cinnabarinus (Jacq.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 128. Polystictus hirsutus-albiporus. Pk. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 129. Boletus chrysenteron Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. Miss E. D. Faville. Cedar Pt. 130. Boletus piperatus Bull. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 131. Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop.) Berk. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. AgaricacecE. (a) Leucosporae. 132. Lenzites sepiaria (Wulf.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 133. Schizophyllum commune Fr. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. Also L. L. Herb, as S. alnea (L.) Schroet. 134. Marasmius albiceps Pk. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 135. Marasmius candidus Bolt. L. L. Herb. 136. Marasmius nigripes (vSchw.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 137. Marasmius siccus Schw. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 138. Marasmius trullisatipes Pk. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 139. Lentinus sulcatus Berk. L. L. Herb. 140. Panus rudis Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 141. Amanita phalloides Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 142. Amanitopsis vaginata Bull. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 143. Lepiota adirondackensis Pk. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 144. Lepiota cristata A. and S. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 145. Lepiota erminea Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 14(). Lepiota illinita Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B Cedar Pt. 147. Tricholoma albo-flavidum Pk. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 148. Clitocybe infundibuliformis-membranacea Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. Dec, 1912.] A List of Fungi of Cedar Point. 33 149. Mycena capillaris Schum. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 150. Collybia dryophila (Bull.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt 151. Collybia delicatella Pk. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 152. Collybia myriadophylla Pk. L. L. Herb. 153. Collybia platyphylla Fr. L. L. Herb. 154. Lactarius rimosellus Pk. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 155. Lactarius subdulcis (Bull.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. Miss E. D. Faville. Cedar Pt. 15G. Lactarius theiogalus (Bull.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 157. Russula alutacea Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. Miss Marie F. McLellan. Cedar Pt. 158. Russula compacta Frost, det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 159. Russula foetens (Pers.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 160. Russula pectinata (Bull.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. A. R. Shadle Cedar Pt. 161 Russula xerampelina Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. (b) Rhodosporae. 162. Pleurotus sapidus Kalchb. L. L. Herb. 163. Pluteus cervinus (Schaeff.) Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 164. Entoloma sp. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. (c) Ochrosporae. 165. Inocybe sp. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 166. Galera sp. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. (d) Melanosporse. 167. Agaricus comtulus Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 168. Psilocybe ammophila Mont. L. L. Herb. 169. Coprinus micaceus (Bull.) Fr. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 170. Coprinus fuscescens (Schaeff.) Fr. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 171. Gomphidius* sp. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. LYCOPERDALES. LycoperdacecE. 172. Lycoperdon pusillum Pers. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 173. Lycoperdon pyriforme Schaeff. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 174. Geaster hygrometricus Pers. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. *Genus hitherto unknown in Ohio according to Stover, 1912. 34 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, NIDULARIALES. NidulariacecB. 175. Cyathus striatus (Huds.) Hoff. Coll. Prof. R. Griggs. Cedar Pt. PLECTOBASIDIALES. Tulostomatacece. 176. Tulostoma fimbriatum Fr. det. C. H. P. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. FUNGI IMPERFECTI. SPH^ROPSIDALES. 177. Phyllosticta cruenta (Fr.) Kicks. On Polygonatum com- mutatum (R. & S.) Diet, and vSmilacina stellata (L.) Desf. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 178. Phyllosticta iridis E. & E. On Iris versicolor L. Sandusky. W. A. K. 179. Phyllosticta palustri Ell. and Kell. On Stachys palustris L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 180. Phyllosticta phaseolina Sacc. On wStrophostyles helvola (L.) Britton. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 181. Phoma uvicola B. & C. On Psedera quinquefolia Michx. and Vitis \ailpina L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 182. Cicinnobolus cesatii DeBarv. On Ervsiphe cichoracearum DC. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 183. Septoria aegopodii Desm. On Osmorhiza claytoni ('Michx.) Clarke and O. longistylis DC. Coll. C. K." B. Cedar Pt. 184. Septoria aquilegiae Ell. and Kell. On Aquilegia canadensis L. Coll. Miss Marie F. McLellan. Cedar Pt. 185. Septoria erigerontis Pk. On Erigeron pulchcllus Michx. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. On E. annuus (L.) Pers. Sandusky. W. A. K. I8(i. Septoria lactucicola Ell. and Martin. On Lactuca scariola L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Cedar Pt. 187. Septoria littorea Sace. On Apocynum cannabinum L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 188. Septoria lophanthi Wint. On Agastache nepetoides (L.) Ktzc. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 189. Septoria musiva Pk. On Populus tremuloides Michx. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 190. Septoria ochroleuca B. & C. On Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh. Sandusky. W. A. K. 191. Septoria oenotherae B. & C. On Oenothera biennis L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 192. Septoria podophyllina Pk. On Podophyllum peltatum L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. Dec, 1912.] A List of Fungi of Cedar Point. 35 193. Septoria polygonorum Desm. On Polygonum lapathifolium L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 194. Septoria rubi Wests. On Rubus allegheniensis Porter, and Rubus idaeus L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 195. Septoria scrophulariae Westd. On Scrophularia marilandica L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Cedar Pt. 196. Septoria violae Westd. On Viola pubescens Ait. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. MELANCONIALES. 197. Gleosporium irregulare Pk. On Fraxinus americana L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 198. Gleosporium nervisequum (Fckl.) Sacc. On Platanus occidentalis L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 199. Gleosporium septorioides Sacc. On Quercus imbricaria Michx. Miss Marie F. McLellan. Ce"dar Pt. 200. Marsonia toxicodendri (E. & M.) Sacc. On Rhus toxicodendron L. Sandusky. W. A. K. 201. Cylindrosporium padi Karst. On Prunus virginiana L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. HYPHOMYCETES. Miicedinacece. 202. Rhinotrichum curtisii Berk. On rotten log of Platanus occidentalis L. Sandusky. W. A. K. 203. Ovularia obliqua Oud. On Rumex crispus L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 204. Didymaria ungeri Cda. On Anemone canadensis L. and Ranunculus pennsylvanicus L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 205. Ramularia arvensis Sace. On Potentilla monspeliensis L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 200. Ramularia celastiri Ell. & M. On Celastrus scandens L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 207. Ramularia variabilis Fckl. On Verbascum thapsus L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. DematiacecB. 208. Helminthosporium teres Sace. On Hordeum vulgare L. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 209. Macrosporium saponariae Pk. On Saponaria ofificinalis L. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 210. Macrosporium solani E. & M. On Potato. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 211. Cercospora chenopodii Fres. On Atriplex hastatum Gray. Coll. Dr. L. H. Pammel. Sandusky. 212. Cercospora clavata (Gerard). Pk. On Asclepias syriaca L. 213. Cercospora helianthi E. & E. On Helianthus hirsutus Raf. and Helianthus mollis Lam. Sandusky. W. A. K. 36 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, 214. Cercospora maianthemi Fckl. On Maianthemum canadense Desf. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 215. Cerscopora monoica Ell. and Hohv. On Amphicarpa nionoica Elliot. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 216. Cercospora osmorhizae Ell. & Ev. On Osmorhiza claytoni (Michx.) Clarke. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 217. Cercospora oxybaphi Ell. & Halsted. On Oxybaphus n^'ctagineus Sweet. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. 218. Cercospora tuberosa Ell. & Kell. On Apios tuberosa Moench. Tuherculariacea. 219. Tubercularia persicina Ditm. On Aecidium compositarum Mart. Coll. C. K. B. Cedar Pt. NEW AND RARE PLANTS ADDED TO THE OHIO LIST IN 1912.* John H. Schaffner. Dryopteris clintoniana x spinulosa. Brown's Lake, Wayne Co.; L. S. Hopkins. Dryopteris cristata x spinulosa. Brown's Lake and Fox Lake, Wayne Co.; L. S. Hopkins. Dryopteris cristata x intermedia. Brown's Lake and Fox Lake, Wayne Co. ; Burton, Geauga Co. ; L. S. Hopkins. Eleocharis mutata (L.) R. & S. Quadrangular Spike-rush. Round Lake, Ashland Co.; L. S. Hopkins. Juncus monostichus Bartlett. Dry open hills. Phalanx, Trumbull Co.; Almon N. Rood. Viola pedata L. Bird's-foot Violet. Ironton, Lawrence Co.; Lillian Humphrey. Apocynum urceolifer Mill. Urn-flowered Dogbane. St. Marys, Auglaize Co.; collected by A. Wetzstein; reported by Lillian Humphrey. Apocynum album Greene. River-bank Dogbane. Lake, Holmes, Coshocton, Mercer, Montgomery, Butler, Clermont; reported by Lillian Humphrey. Lycopus communis Bickn. Common Bugle-weed. Barnesville, Belmont Co.; Emma E. Laughlin. Aster prenanthoides porrectifolius Port. Huntington, Lorain Co. ; collected by A. E. Ricksecker; reported by F. O. Grover (Oberlin College Herb.). Lacinaria scariosa (L.) Hill. Large. Blazing-star. vSugar Grove, Fairfield Co.. R. F. Griggs. *Prescnted at the annual meeting of the Ohio Acad, of Sci., Coliimbus, Nov. 29, 1912. Dec, 1912.] Ordovician Section, Lake Huron Area. 37 THE ORDOVICIAN SECTION IN THE MANITOULIN AREA OF LAKE HURON. Aug. F. Foerste. 1 . Introduction 37 2. Basal beds; red clay shales; Lowville 38 3. Swift Current beds; chiefly whitish limestones; Leray 38 4. Cloche Island beds; "Black River" limestones 39 5. Curdsville and other Trenton exposures on Goat Island 41 6. Trenton exposures at Little Current, including Collingwood formation 42 7. Cincinnatian beds on Manitoulin Island 43 A. Sheguindah beds; Eden 43 B. Wekwemikongsing beds; Lorraine 44 8. Richmond strata on Manitoulin Island 45 C. Waynesville beds, or Lower Richmond 45 D. Kagawong beds, or Upper Richmond 46 Columnaria reef 46 Stromatocerium reef 47 Rhy timya and ostracod horizons 47 E. Queenstown shales 47 1. Introduction. During the summer of 1911 and 1912, the writer was given the opportunity, b}^ Dr. R. W. Brock, of visiting the Ordovician sec- tions in the Lake Huron area under the auspices of the Canadian Geological Survey. During the first summer he was accompanied by Prof. Arthur M. Miller, who made a special study of the Mohawkian strata on Cloche and Goat islands, and in the vicinity of Little Current, and Avho gave him the benefit of his extended acquaintance with Mohawkian strata, especiaUy in relation to the correlation of these strata as exposed in the Lake Huron area with those of Kentucky. During the summer of 1911, and during a part of 1912, he had also the assistance of Mr. E. J. Whittaker, of the Canadian Geological Survey, especially in his investigations of the Cincinnatian strata. Mr. Whittaker has since given special attention to the Cincinnatian strata in the vicinity of Meaford, and some of his observations are here incorporated. The notes here presented are merely preliminary to a more extended study of the field. As will be noted on the following pages, the writer has had the frequent assistance of Dr. E. O. Ulrich, Mr. R. S. Bassler, Prof. Percy E.. Raymond, Dr. Rucdemann, and others, in the interpre- tation of the fossil faunas. It will be readily recognized, however, that these investigators were at a disadvantage in not being able to examine the faunas themselves in the field, since the writer may have failed to collect some of the most valuable diagnostic fossils. 38 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, 2. Basal Bed; Red Clay Shales; Lowville. The oldest Ordovician rocks, in that part of Lake Huron which lies north of the eastern end of Manitoulin island, are exposed for a distance of several miles along the western shore of Cloche penin- sula, facing Cloche channel. At the northern end of the line of exposure these oldest Ordovician rocks rest upon and against an cast and west ridge of quartzite mapped by the Canadian Geolog- ical Survey as Huronian. They consist of reddish clay shales whose thickness is not known even approximately. At one local- ity, along a small gully, a vertical section, 60 feet thick, is exposed above lake level, whitish limestones making their appearance 70 feet above the lake, but the entire thickness of the red clay sec- tion probably is much greater. Fossils were found at only one horizon, at a locality about a mile south of the northwestern angle of the peninsula, where a few feet of more or less indurated, brownish, sandy layers are imbedded in the reddish clay section, a short distance above the level of the new line of railway now in the process of construction. Here a species of Ptcrolheca, closely allied to Pt. atienuata but only about 20 mm. in width, and a species of Cyrtodonta, 25 mm. long and closely related to C. janes- villensis, suggest the Platteville or Low\dlle age of the strata involved. Well preserved specimens of Archinacella and Lingula also occur. 3. Swift Current Beds; Chiefly Whitish and Reddish Limestones; Leray. Along the southern half of Cloche peninsula, whitish limestones overlie the red clays. Owing to the southward dip of the strata, the base of this limestone series descends to water level more than a mile before reaching Swift Current, the locality at which the railroad passes from the peninsula over to Cloche island. The general color of these limestones is whitish, but where they rest upon the Huronian quartzites, and in the immediate vicinity of the quartzite hills, they frequently are reddish. This reddish color evidently is due to the material derived from the quartzites and other Huronian strata which had been greatly disintegrated by weathering before the deposition of both the basal red clays and of the Swift Current limestones began. A quarry recently opened at Swift Current, for the purpose of i)roviding the ballast needed for the new line of railway, exposes JjcautifuUy the top of a quartzite knoll covered by some of the upper layers of this lime- stone section. Where these limestones are in contact with the C[uartzite they not only are reddish in color but they also include jjcIjI^Ics and smaller fragmental material, evidently derived directly from the cjuartzite knoll. Among this fragmental material occur most of the fossils so far collected, inckiding a pygidium of Bath y urns, the sii)ho of Actinoceras bigsbyi, a Rhyii- Dec, 1912.] Ordovician Section, Lake Huron Area. 39 chotrema probably RIt. aiiisliei, and a Dalmanella (Pionodema) belonging to the subaequata group. Among the bryozoans, Dr. E. O. Ulrich identified Escharopora ranwsa, Phyllodictya lahyrin- thica, Rhinidictya fidelis, Rh. iiichohoni, Rli. trcntonensis, and forms of Rh. mutabilis and of HomotrypcUa instabilis, suggesting rela- tionship to the upper Platteville fauna of Minnesota and the Leray fauna of New York. This fauna is exposed also at a slightly higher geological horizon, immediately below the very fine grained "Birdseye" limestone, along the railroad about three quarters of a mile south of Swift Current. At a small quarried exposure along the same line of railway, but about a mile north of Swift Current, strands of some form of Tctradium occur, in the white limestones, which can not be identified with T. cellulosum. The very fine grained, white, "Birdseye" limestone, at the top of the Swift Current limestone series, fomis a convenient lithological means of separating this series from the overlying part of the Black river beds. It is well exposed at several locali- ties within a mile going southward from Swift Current. Its thickness is about 11 feet. It is interbedded with a small amount of whitish clay, and contains but very few traces of fossils. Lithologically, the "Birdseye" limestone at the top of the Swift Current limestone section resembles the Tyrone limestone as exposed in Central Kentucky. This resemblance was noticed by Prof. Arthur M. Miller, who was a member of the party in 1911, and who made a thorough study of the entire Mohawkian group, giving the writer the benefit of his extended experience. It is probable that the entire Swift Current limestone section is to be correlated with the Tyrone, but this can not be determined from the meager fauna at hand. The total thickness of this section is unknown. Fifty feet probal^ly is a moderate estimate. 4. Cloche Island Beds; "Black River" Limestones. With the exception of the northern line of out crops on Cloche island, and those in the vicinity of Swift Current already described, almost the entire surface of Cloche island is formed by those darker limestones between the Leray member of the Lowville at the base and the Trenton limestones at the top to which it fre- quently has been customary to confine the term Black river. In the lower part of this Cloche island phase of the Black river sec- tion, fine grained limestones alternate with coarser grained layers for a vertical distance of about 30 feet. These strata are overlaid by coarser grained limestones in which finer grained layers are not conspicuous, and which attain a thickness of about 50 feet. These strata are well exposed along the railroad within two miles going south from Swift Current. The total thickness of the Cloche island beds may equal 150 feet, but no locality was found where this could be determined. 40 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, The two most characteristic fossils of the lower part of the Cloche island beds are Columnaria halli and Stromatocerium rugosum. Columnaria halli ranges from the base of these beds to about 45 feet above the base. Stromatocerium rugosum was found about 20 feet above the base and may occur also at other levels in the lower part of these beds. It is evident that both Columnaria halli and Stromatocerium rugosum may be looked for in the under- lying Swift Current limestones, since Columnaria halli occurs in the upper or Leray member of the Tyrone formation in Central Kentucky, and has been found also in the Lowville at Watertown, New York; while Stromatocerium rugosum is found in the Lowville northeast of Watertown, New York. Reccptaculites occidcntalis begins its range about 20 feet above the base of the Cloche island beds; it becomes common at ?)':) feet above the base, where the first specimens of Maclurea logani are seen. No specimens of Gonioccras anceps were discovered within 80 feet of the base of these limestones, but they begin their range a short distance above this level, and all three species, Reccptacu- lites occidcntalis, Maclurea logani, and Gonioceras anceps extend to the extreme top of the section as exposed on Cloche island, but have not been found in the lowest Trenton layers found on Goat island, immediately southward. The presence of these fossils is therefore used here to discriminate the Black river from the over- lying Trenton limestones. It should be remembered, however, that Reccptaculites occidcntalis has been identified by Ulrich from the Curdsville bed, in the lower Trenton of Kentucky, and species of Maclurina, which can not readily be distinguished from Maclu- rea in the field, occur in the Trenton of the northwestern states. Moreover, considering the very close similarity of the Curdsville fauna on Goat island to that found in the underlying Cloche island limestones, it would be rash to state that no Gonioceras ever will be found in the Curdsville. The chief point is that the great abundance of Reccptaculites, Gonioceras, and Maclurea dis- tinguishes the top of the Cloche island Black river limestones readily from the base of the lowest Trenton limestones found on Goat island. Near the tojj of the Black river exposures on Cloche island, within a mile of the southwestern termination of that part of the railroad which crosses Cloche island, Protarca vctusta, Calapoccia canadensis, Petraia aperta, a large celled form of Columnaria alveolata, with more or less discrete and rounded corallites, 7 mm. in diameter, and a specimen doubtfully identified as Eurystomites undatus occur. Of these, Protarca vctusta has been recorded hitherto only from the lower Trenton, but the other four forms mentioned have so far not been recorded from the Trenton, and are regarded as characteristic Black river species or varieties. Dec, 1912.] Ordovician Section, Lake Huron Area. 41 Among other forms occurring in the Cloche island limestones may be mentioned Rafinesquina inquassa, Dalmanella gibbosa, and Conradella obliqua, all of which suggest Black river age. Streptelasma profundum, Rhynchotrema (?) ottaivaensis, Orthis tri- cenaria, Dinorthis pectinella, a small Dalmanella belonging to the testudinaria group, Strophomena filitexta, Plectambonites curds- villensis, Leperditia fabulites , Bumastus miller i, and numerous other species range from the Cloche island Black river limestones into the Curds ville strata, exposed at the base of the Trenton on Goat island. Solenopora compacta, HerbeteUa bellarugosa, and Actino- ceras bigsbyi, hitherto not found above the Cloche island limestones, may eventually be found also in the Curdsville beds on Goat island, since they occur in the Trenton elsewhere. Not being famil- iar with Black river faunas, the writer submitted the fossils collected to Prof. Percy E. Raymond, and was pleased to receive his confirmation as to the Black river age of the Cloche island limestones. The bryozoans were submitted to Dr. E. O. Ulrich, with the following results: Batostoma humile, B. varium, B. winchelli, Eridotrypa mutabillis, Ilomotrypa minnesotensis, Nicholsonella ponderosa, Phyllodictya frondosa, Phylloporina sublaxa, Prasopora insularis are represented by varieties also occurring in the Decorah shales of the Mississippi basin, and thus tend to corroborate the reference of the Cloche island beds to the Black river. As a matter of fact, Batostoma winchelli and Homotrypa minnesotensis were identified also from the Curdsville bed in the lower part of the Trenton on Goat island, and some of the other species, such as Batostoma humile, Eridotrypa mntabilis, and Prasopora insularis, are known to range upward into the lower Trenton, but, to Dr. Ulrich, this bryozoan fauna presented a distinct Decorah shale facies. Most of these bryozoans were collected in the upper part of the Cloche island beds, above the SO foot level mentioned in the preceding lines. Further collecting may indicate the presence also of other faunas within these beds. 5. Curdsville and other Trenton Exposures on Goat Island. The lowest exposures of the Trenton on Goat island present a fauna very similar to that of the underlying part of the Black river, excepting for the apparent absence of Receptaculites, Maclurea, Gonioceras, and a few other fossils, and the presence of the inter- esting crinoid and cystid fauna known from Curdsville, Kentucky, and from Kirkfield and other Trenton localities in Ontario. While a form of Dalmanella belonging to the testudinaria group, and Plectambonites curdsvillensis are present in these lower Trenton strata on Goat island, they occur also at various horizons in the underlying Cloche island limestones. 42 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2,. When Prof. Arthur M. ^vliller visited the exposures at the extreme northeastern end of the railway" line crossing Goat island, he was impressed with the Curdsville facies of the fauna included. He found Carabocrinus vancortlandi, Cleiocrinus regiiis, and Glyptocrinus ramuJosus, to which have been added more recently Reteocrinus alveolatus and Cyclocystoides halli, a typical Kirkfield fauna. Among the bryozoans collected at this horizon Dr. E. O. Ulrich identified provisionally Batostoma wincheJli, Bythopora cf. alcicornis, CaUopora multitabulata, Eurydictya multipora. Homo- try pa minnesotensis, MonticuUpora {^) cannonensis, Rhinidictya minima, and Rh. mutahilis. Apparently there is an admixture of Black river with Trenton species, but possibly the real explana- tion is merely the greater vertical range of various species hitherto not found above the Black river. The total thickness of the strata to be assigned to the Curds- ville bed is unknown. From the lowest strata seen on Goat island to the highest strata containing an abundance of the columns of Glyptocrinus ramulosus, the interval is nearly" 30 feet. The Carabocrinus vancortlandi layer is about 7 feet above the base of this section, and most of the other crinoids and cystids occur about 11 feet above this level. Stromatocerium is rare in the layer immediately overlying the upper Glyptocrinus horizon, but becomes common at a higher horizon which is exposed along the southern margin of Goat island. Possil^ly 20 feet would l^e sufihcient to cover this interval, and an equal interval might account for the strata intervening between this abundant Stromatocerium horizon along the southern edge of Goat island and the lowest strata exposed along the shore in the eastern margin of Little Current. 6. Trenton Exposures at Little Current, on Manttoulin Island, including Collingwood Formation. Immediately at water's edge, east of Little Current, the following bryozoans were collected and submitted to Dr. E. 0. Ulrich: Arthoclema billingsi, CaUopora multitabulata, Dekayella trcntonensis, Eridotrypa mutahilis. Mcsotrypa injida, M. cf. whit- eavesi, MonticuUpora arborea, Prasopora simulatri.x. and Rhini- dictya fi delis. The fauna as a whole impressed Dr. Ulrich as resembling that in the Ncmatopora horizon in the upper Prosser. While some of the species are found also in the Wilmorc, these are forms which occur also in the upper Prosser, while conversely no forms are seen here which occur only in the Wilmore. A small s]3cciiTicn of Strophomeua and nimicrous specimens of Rhyncho- trema inaequivalve occur at the same horizon. If the abundant Trenton fauna found in the white limestones northwest of Collingwood, on the lake front, find any equivalent in the Mantoulin area, this must lie somewhere between 20 and 30 feet above the lake in the section exposed east of Little Current ^ Dec, 1912.] Ordovician Section, Lake Huron Area. 45 but no good exposures have been found. Tctradium bundles occur at 45 feet above the lake, and massive specimens are found 4 feet farther up. The strata immediately above the Tetradium horizon consist of fissile black shales interbedded with limestone near the base. These strata were formerly regarded as Utica, but they probably represent an older formation than the Utica of New York, and recently Prof. Percy E. Raymond has proposed for them the name Collingwood. Their most characteristic fossil is the trilobite long known as Asaphus canadensis. Triarthriis spinosus, and a graptolite, identified by Dr. Ruedemann as Diplograptiis quadri- mucrouatus, also occur. At Little Current, 11 feet of this Colling- wood shale are exposed, but the total thickness may equal 20 feet. 7. CiNCINNATIAN BeDS ON MaNITOULIN. A. Sheguindah Beds; Eden. Along the road from Little Current to Sheguindah, the strata immediately overlying the Collingwood fomiation are exposed at several localities. One of these extends from three miles southeast of Little Current southwards up the hill. Here the top of the- Collingwood is overlaid by shales which near the base are blackisk but much softer. Within 9 feet of the base, these clay shales contain a species of Triarthvus. A small Primitia and a Leptoho- liis extend from the base upward for about 37 feet. The only species of graptolite noted is fairly common, and was determined by Dr. Ruedemann as nearest to Diplogyaptus peosta, but with closer arranged thecae ; it ranges from the base for 43 feet upward. Dalmanella appears at 25, between 37 and 43 feet, and at higher levels. The first trace of limestone was found 43 feet above the base, but limestone layers do not become common until an eleva- tion 100 feet above the base has been reached. It is in these upper limestones and in the interbedded clays that the typical Eden fauna listed below occurs. The fossils were examined by Ulrich, Bassler, and Nickles conjointly, the detenninations being only provisional, until microscopic slides can be prepared. Along the Sheguindah road, Amplexopora persimilis, Callopora sigillarioides, Coeloclema communis, Hemi- phragma whitfieldi, Perenopora vera, and a StigmateUa near clavis or nana occur. From the corresponding strata at Tamarac Point, 10 miles southwest of Little Current, Aspidopora cf. areolata, Arthropora clevelandi, Bythopora arctipora, and Primitia centralis- occur in addition to those already named. At the corresponding- horizon at Gorrel Point, two miles northeast of Gore Bay, Aspido- pora eccentrica, Bollia per sulcata, Bythocypris cylindrica, Jonesella crepidiformis, Primitia cincinnatiensis, and Acidaspis crossotus are added to the list. At the exposures immediately south of the high Richmond Clay Cliffs, on the eastern side of Cape Smyth, 44 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, Dekayella ulrichi and some species of Eridotrypa is present. These fossils indicate the Eden age of the upper limestones in this Sheguindah section. The strata belong somewhere near the upper part of the Economy or the lower part of the vSouthgate section apparently. The thickness of this richly fossiliferous limestone and clay section may equal 20 feet, but only the lower 5 feet are well exposed along the Sheguindah road. One hundred and twenty-seven miles southeast of Little Current, along Workman's brook, two miles east of Meaford, Trinudeus beUulus and Callopora sigUlarioides are exposed about 4 feet above lake level, and this is the reason for including the lower clay shales in the same section as the upper undoubted Eden limestones. In the Workman brook section, the Eden limestones become common about 75 feet above lake level, and that part of the Eden section which lies above this level may equal 50 feet. B. Wekwemikongsing Beds; Lorraine. Overlying the undoubted Eden beds, there is a series of strata containing Whiteavesia pholadifonnis, Modiolopsis concentrica, Byssonychia radiata, Lyrodesma poststriatum, Clidophoriis planul- atus, a large Ctcnodonta belonging to the pectunculoides group, and a species of graptolite identified by Dr. Ruedemann as nearest to Diplograptus angustifolius mut. vespertinus from the Middle Lorraine of New York. In fact, the general aspect of these strata is Lorraine, since the lamcllibranchs occur in siliceous limestones which weather into fine grained sandstones, as is the case in the typical Lorraine. In the lower strata belonging to the Wekwemikongsing section, as exposed south of Little Current, Dr. Ulrich identified Bythopora dendrina and Bythopora gracilis. From a corresponding horizon at the base of the Wekwemikongsing section, immediately south of the Richmond Clay Clift's, on the eastern side of Cape Smyth, he identified Dckayia pelliculata in addition to the species named. The most interesting list, however, was obtained along Workman's brook, east of Meaford, where, in the 25 feet of strata underhdng the Catazyga erratic a horizon, Dr. Ulrich identified Callopora near dalei, Coeloclema sp., Dekayia appressa, Ilctcrotrypa cf. injlecta, Leptotrypa ornata, and Perenopora compressa. These bryozoans suggest the middle Maysville age of these strata below the Cata- zyga erratica horizon. Dr. Ulrich placed them at approximately the Bcllcvue horizon. The base of the Wekwemikongsing beds on Workman creek appears to be about 50 feet below the Catazyga erratica horizon. The only bryozoans identified between the Catazyga erratica horizon and the base of the undoubted Richmond, with Catazyga headi, Cyclonema bilix, and Strophomena planunibona, KiO feet farther up, are Stigmatella cf. nicklesi, Discotrypa cf. elega)is, and ^ patio pora aspera, also suggesting Maysville age. Dec, 1912.] Ordovician Section, Lake Huron Area. 45 In Ohio, Whiteavesia pholadiformis and Modiolopsis concentrica come in at the base of the Fort Ancient division of the Waynesville bed, and continue to the top of the Waynesville, but they are represented by at least very similar forms even in the Liberty. Under these circumstances it was natural at first to regard these strata, on Manitoulin, which carry the Whiteavesia pholadiformis and Modiolopsis concentrica fauna as Richmond. However, the bryozoans submitted to Dr. Ulrich tell a very different story, and, until further evidence has been accumulated, it is regarded wiser to remove them from the Richmond column. For collecting purposes these beds are well exposed for a distance of about two miles along the shore between Wekwemikongsing and the Rich- mond Clay Cliffs on the eastern side of Cape Smyth. The total thickness of the Wekwemikongsing section on Manitoulin island may equal 100 feet in the Cape Smyth area. 8. Richmond Strata on Manitoulin Island. C. Waynesville Beds, or Lower Richmond. Overlying the Wekwemikongsing beds, with their Lorraine fauna, is a series of interbedded limestones and clay shales of undoubted Richmond age. At the base of these undoubted Richmond beds, Hebertella insculpta, frequently associated with Catazyga headi, is almost invariably present, and since Hebertella insculpta and Catazyga headi, on Manitoulin, are limited to the basal part of these beds, both fossils here serve as valuable diagnostic fossils. Associated with these fossils in the same layers occur: Streptelasma rusticum, Columnaria alveolata, Protarea papillata, Rhombotrypa quadrata, Hebertella occidentalis, Platystrophia clarks- villensis, Strophomena huronensis, Rafinesquina alternata very fiat fomi, Plectambonites sericea, Rhynchotrema perlamcllosa, Zygospira modesta, Cyclonema bilix, and Pterinea demissa. These associated fossils, however, are not confined to the Hebertella insculpta and Catazyga headi horizon but range upward for variable distances into the overlying Richmond. The lower part of the Richmond, on Manitoulin, is by far the richest in fossil remains, and many species, especially among the brachiopoda, appear to be confined to this lower part. Between Gore Bay, Kagawong, and Little Current, a conspicuous coral reef, from one to three feet thick, containing Columnaria alveolata and Calapoecia huronensis, frequently is found between 35 and 45 feet above the base of the Hebertella insculpta horizon. It has been found that while most of the fossils which begin their range at or near the Hebertella insculpta horizon reach the Columnaria reef horizon, many of these species do not extend their range beyond this reef. Among the latter may be mentioned : Protarea papillata, ConsteUaria polystomella, Rhombotrypa quadrata. Crania scabiosa, Rafinesquina very flat form, Plectambonites sericea. 46 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 2, Strophomena huronensis, Str. nutans, Str. neglecta, Str. planumbona, Str. sulcata, Platystrophia clarksviUensis, Zygospira kentuckiensis, Helicotoma brocki, Spyroceras hammeUi, and various gasteropods and lamellibranchs not as yet identified. A fomi closely allied to Zygospira kentuckiensis occurs in the fossiliferous horizons of the Queenstown shales in the area south of Georgian Bay. Among the various species beginning their range in that part of the Richmond section which underlies the Columnaria reef, but extending also above the latter, may be mentioned: Stromatoce- rium hitronensis, Strephochetus richmondensis, Tetradium huron- ensis, Streptelasma rusticum, Columnaria alveolata, Calapoecia huronensis, Ilebcrtella occidentalis, Rhynchotrcma perlamellosa, Zygospira modesta, and various gasteropoda and pelecypoda not identified. That part of the Richmond section on Manitoulin which lies between the base of the Hebertella insculpta zone and the base of the rich Columnaria reef corresponds approximately to the upper part of the Waynesville bed, especially to that part to which the term Blanchester has been applied. D. Kagawong Beds, or Upper Richmond. Columnaria alveolata and Calapoecia huronensis have a consid- erable vertical range, but the horizon at which they occur in sufficient abundance to form a conspicuous reef evidently is an important paleontological horizon, since it marks the disappear- ance of a considerable part of the underlying Richmond fauna. Moreover, it appears also to be at or above this horizon that Beatricea undulata, Columnaria calycina, and various thick-walled gasteropoda, such as Liospira helena, a large Bellerophon. and a large Bucania or Salpingostoma come in. These species are apparently such forms as could stand rough waters. In general, the fauna in the strata immediately above the Columnaria reef appears to be a meager one. At least very few species have been listed from this zone excepting such fonns as Hebertella occidentalis, Rhynchotrcma perlamellosa, and Zygospira modesta, which appear to be able to survive under very adverse conditions. At one locality, on an east and west road three miles south of Little Current, Strophomena vetusta and Ceraurus {Eccoptochile) meekanus occur just above this Columnaria reef. These fossils suggest the upper Liljerty or the Whitewater age of the strata involved, while the great abundance of the Columnaria alveolata, and of Calapoecia huronensis, accompanied by Beatricea undulata, suggest the Saluda age of the same strata. In either case, the horizon is distinctly above that of the Waynesville of Ohio. Another conspicuous zone, between Gore Bay, Kagawong, Honora, and Little Current, is a Stromatocerium reef which usually is found between 25 and 30 feet above the Columnaria reef, but Dec, 1912.] Ordovieian Section, Lake Huron Area. 47 which occurs eastward at greater intervals. It is the interval between these two reefs which usually presents such a meager fauna. Locally, however, for instance between Manitouaning and Cape Smyth, the lower parts of this section appear richly fossiliferous. Immediately above the Stromatocerium reef, at Kagawong and Gore Bay, a rich pelecypod, gasteropod, and ostracod fauna, but not consisting of many species, comes in. Among these, Ortonella hainesi suggests the Whitewater age of the strata involved, while Leperditia ccecigena and Primitia lativia are common at certain horizons in the Saluda of Indiana but range to the top of the Elkhom in Ohio. Cyrtodonta ponderosa, Ctenodonta iphigenia, a large Archinacella, and various species of Lophospira occur. Among the species which continue their range upward from below are Strephochetus richmondensis, Tetradium huronensis, Hehertella occidentalis, Zygospira modesta, Byssonychia radiata, and Pterinea demissa. They are all fonns capable of continuing existence in muddy waters, judging from the frequency with which they are found in argillaceous limestones, fine grained sandstones, and clays. The total thickness of this upper part of the Richmond, from the Stromatocerium reef to the base of the Clinton, varies apparently from 45 to 60 feet, on Manitoulin. E. QUEENSTOWN ShALES. The northwestern extension of the red clay shales, to which the term Queenstown has been applied in the Niagara Falls area, is well exposed on the Saugeen peninsula which separates Georgian Bay from the main body of Lake Huron. In the vicinity of Colling- wood, Meaford, Owen Sound, and westward, these red shales evidently represent the strata above the Columnaria reef horizon as exposed on Manitoulin. The only fossiliferous strata found in these Queenstown shales, however, belong to those horizons above the Stromatocerium reef in which ostracods are abundant. In addition to Leperditia ccecigena and Primitia lativia, Eurychilina striatomarginata and Drepanella canadensis are present, accom- panied by the Richmond form of Bythocypris cylindrica, Byssony- chia radiata, Pterinea demissa, a Zygospira resembling Z. ken- tiickiensis, Bythopora delicatula, and other characteristic Ordo- vieian fossils. At the Forks of the Credit, 65 miles southeast of Meaford, no trace of this Richmond fauna was found anywhere in the Queens- town red clay shale section. In the vicinity of Meaford, the highest layers of the Richmond fauna occur fully 100 feet above the top of the richly fossihferous Waynesville fauna at the base. The total thickness of the Queens- town shales, in the vicinity of the Niagara Falls, however, is estimated at 1000 feet, so that it may be only the basal part of the Queenstown shale which is of Richmond age, although there appears no lithological reason for imagining a different age for the upper part of the Queenstown section. OS 1^ •s. s > O 03 o The Ohio ^J^aturalist, PUBLISHKD BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity, Volume XIII. JANUARY. 1913. No. 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Banta and Goetner— IiKhieed Modifications iu Pigment Develoimiont in Spelerpes Larvae 49 GORMLEY— The Violets of Ohio 56 Mark — Notes on Ohio Moses 62 C'LAASSEN— List of Plants Collected in ("nyahoga County and New to this County or to Ohio 64 INDUCED MODIFICATIONS IN PIGMENT DEVELOPMENT IN SPELERPES LARVAE.* (Preliminary Paper) A. M. Banta and Ross Aiken Gortner. (From the Station for Experimental Evolution, The Carnegie Institution: of Washington.) Introduction. We present here a brief account of a series of experiments having as their aim the inhibition, or the modification of pigment development. We beheve that it is a fairly well established fact that the black melanic pigment results from the interaction of an oxidizing enzyme of the tyrosinase type and some oxidizable chromogen, the exact nature of which has never been elucidatedf. One of us, (Gortner 1911, b,) has shown that certain organic phenols inhibit the action of tyrosinase in the test tube and the suggestion was made that perhaps certain types of colorless animals owe their lack of pigment to the presence of inhibitory compounds. The present series of experiments was carried out in order to test the inhibitory powers of the m. di-hydroxy phenols in vivo as contrasted with their action in vitro. The material upon which the experiments were carried out, consisted of eggs and embryos of the salamander, Spelerpes hilineatus, Green. This material is unusually suitable for such work inasmuch as the eggs contain no pigment when deposited, and the early stages of pigmentation in the embryo can thus be followed from day to day. * Presented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, Columbus, Nov. 30, 1912. t For literature see Kastle (1910), Riddle (1909), and Gortner (1911, a). ,^i ^•^ V.-g "I L I B R A R Y 33 50 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 3, By macerating larva which were about to begin pigmentation and adding tyrosin to the aqueous extract of the crushed larvae, we observed the color changes which are characteristic of tyro- sinase. We have also satisfied ourselves that the onset of pig- mentation in the Spelerpes larvae is due to the beginning of chro- mogen secretion, the tyrosinase having been already present for some time. Experimental. Our experimental data groups itself under four heads: (1), Experiments with Tyrosin; (2), Experiments with Orcinol, (3. 5. di -hydroxy toluene); (3), Experiments with Resorcinol, (m. di-hy- droxy benzene) and (4), Experiments with Phloroglucinol, (sym. tri-hydroxy benzene). Experiments with Tyrosin. This series comprised 41 experiments (not including an equal number of checks) and a total of 428 individuals. The checks in every case came from the same bunch of eggs and were kept under the same conditions as the tyrosin-treated lot with the exception that no drugs were used. What is true of the tyrosin checks is also true in the checks of all the subsequent experiments. Owing to the slight solubility of tyrosin (one part in 2454 parts of water at 2U°) it was impossible to test the effect of high concen- tration. Twenty experiments, comprising 208 individuals showed no marked effect of the tyrosin, /. e. they were usually indisting- uishable from the corresponding checks. We find however that in 1 1 of these experiments the tyrosin was of a lower concentration than 0.008% and below this concentration we have succeeded in but one case (0.006%) in producing an effect and in this one case the larVcB "reverted " to nonnal after 28 days. Six of the remain- ing nine experiments which showed no effect are shown by our records to have been "poisoned", either by confinement in too limited quarters or by bacterial infection. The checks of those which were confined in too small dishes (small stcnder dishes) showed the same abnormal traits that were observed in the treated material. Of the remaining three experiments which failed to show a marked effect, two were in tyrosin of 0.025% concentration and the remaining lot in 0.010% tyrosin. The former showed some influence for a time but later "reverted." The other showed no influence. Twenty-one experiments, comprising 220 individuals were profoundly influenced by the tyrosin treatment and bccaine "good" or "typical" tyrosin types. The tyrosin influence is shown by; (1), The more rapid appearance of ])igment in the treated lot as contrasted with their checks; (2), The extremely small size and later the entire absence of pignicntless spots in the larvae, the spaces where spots arc nonnally visible being filled Jan., 1913.] Pigment Development in Spelerpes Larvae. 51 with dense black pigment; and (3), the dense dull-black color of the larvae compared with which the check often appears very light. There is no mistaking the ''tyrosin type", for an inexperienced person will always pick them out as the darkest individuals in a series. Of the 21 experiments which showed an effect, 15 had a tyrosin concentration of 0.010%, 1 of 0.012.3%, 2 of 0.020%, 1 of 0.040%, and 1 of 0.006% (this last being the only one of the entire 41 experiments which showed an effect at this concentration, and which, as noted above, "reverted" after the 2Sth day). The time of treatment averages about 60 days, and in three experiments (Nos. 560, 595, 609) which are still running (Dec. 6) the larvfe were in tyrosin for 72 days and have since been in pure water only (no tyrosin) for 123 days. They are still appreciably darker than the corresponding checks, and show enough of the characteristics of the "tyrosin type" to be readily classified as such. During the later period the larvae have at least doubled their previous length, but it is impossible to say whether their continued darker color is due to a continued more active pigment formation or merely to a distribution over a larger area of the dense black mass of pigment already present! . Experiments with OreinoJ. Orcinol, as noted above, inhibits the action of tyrosinase upon tyrosin in the test tube, and we hoped to be able to inhibit, or at least to modify, the course of pigment development by rearing the larvcC in solutions of orcinol. We found the drug to be quite toxic, not so much so of itself as the oxidation products which are formed by the action of light upon a solution of orcinol. However, by changing the solutions every day, or every second day, and keeping the dishes, together with the controls, in a dimly lighted room, we were able, in part, to prevent the toxic action. In this manner we have been able to keep larvaj in a solution of 0.020% concentration for 50 days. Altogether 35 experiments were run, including 513 individuals (not including checks). Later it seemed advisable to subdivide some of the experiments so as to accurately test the effect of varying length of immersion in the drug solution. A total of 115 such removals were made, each one in reality being a separate experiment in itself, thus making a grand total of 150 experimelits. Concentrations of orcinol ranging from 0.0125% to 0.025%:^w^re employed. \f t As the larvae become older the characteristic spots of the checks become less conspicuous and are later lost so that the types become less differentiated, and the depth of color is about the only criterion available at this stage of development. ^.^^ 52 The Ohio NahtraJisL [Vol. XIII, No. 3, To briefly summarize the effect; we obtained, in every instance, a retardation of growth accompanied by a much greater retarda- tion in pigment development than would correspond to the retardation in growth. In some experiments where the concen- tration of the orcinol was very low and where the length of the immersion was short we did not obtain permanent after-effects and the later course of development resembled that in the checks. When, however, the strength of the orcinol was sufficiently high (0.020% to 0.025%) and the period of treatment sufficiently long, varying from one day to a week or more depending upon the initial age of the embryo, we have apparantly obtained permanent modifications. The nature of these effects depends to some extent upon the initial age of the egg or embryo. When eggs at a stage of development between the early blastula and late neural groove are kept in the solution less than six days they rarely show as abnormal types as those which have been exposed to the action of the drug for from 0 to 20 days. They do show, however, the typical retardation of pigment development, and various other characteristics (see below) sufficient to classif}^ them as "orciny. " Where these early embryos are kept in the solution more than six days, the course of development is decidedly different. The larva developes in many cases apparently normally though some- what slowly, until within a short time before hatching, or in some cases for several days after hatching, when huge swellings appear, sometimes filling the entire body with great serous cavities, through the walls of which may be seen the alimentary canal and blood vessels, stretched almost to breaking. In this condition they may live for days, but eventually die without further development. If, however, the embryos are older when treated — /. e. with the head strongly differentiated or at any later stage to the beginning of pigmentation (which occurs shortly before hatching) — the effect is widely different. In no instance do we oljtain the blistered larvae, but instead, short heavy individuals, about one-third shorter and twice as broad as the checks. These animals we class as the true "orcinol type". They are distinguished from the checks by their shorter length, greater girth, absence of any conspicuous spots, the development of heavy awkward "flippers" in the place of delicate limbs and toes, the coarse reticulation of the pigment pattern, their sluggish movements, and, what is most disappointing, their inability, or at least their disinclination, to take food. This last trait prevents our knowing how pemianent the type may be, the better orcinol examples (which were numbered by the dozens) having, without exce]3tion, grown smaller and at last died, apparently of starvation, in an average of eight to nine weeks after hatching. A few of the less extreme types are still alive (Dec. G) 1()1 days after removal from the solutions, and in almost every instance the coarse reticulations and the heavier body form still persist. Jan., 1913.] Pigment Development in Spelerpes Larvae. 53 Experiments with Resorcinol. A total of 150 experiments, including 103 which had as their aim the test of the effect of varying length of immersion in the drug, were conducted using 636 larvae, not including checks in each series. We find that resorcinol is more potent than orcinol, not alone in being more toxic, but the type produced by it is, if possible, more definite. The same swellings of the serous cavities are produced if the eggs are treated before reaching the late neural groove. When treated before reaching the blastula, no larvae were hatched. When larvae which had the head strongly differentiated or were in any stage between this and a day or two after the begin- ning of pigmentation, were treated with resorcinol in sufficient concentration (0.020% to 0.025% and in one instance 0.05%) and for a sufficient length of time (4 to 10 or more days) they were highly modified and produced one of two types. Both types begin with a retardation of development and a great retardation of pigmentation. The first pigment appears in the eye and in a day or two a narrow V appears on the shoulders, followed a little later by a narrow line down the spine. This condition persists as long as the larvce remain in the resorcinol, but unfor- tunately the drug is so toxic that 15 to IS days immersion invari- ably causes death. We have had many instances where the larvae which were treated with resorcinol appeared almost entirely devoid of pigment except for the dark eyes, when the correspond- ing checks were completely piginented and the spots were fully developed. When the larvae are removed from the resorcinol solution after varying lengths of time we obtain the same two types referred to above. The more extreme type (See Fig. No. 1) resembles the "orcinol type" but is heavier, the "flippers" are more enlarged, and the pigment reticulation is very fine as contrasted with the coarse reticulations of the orcin type. This type persists for 60 to 70 days when death by starvation ensues. The second type probably represents those individuals which have not been so profoundly modified. The body fomi is almost normal, the limbs and toes are well developed, but the spots are absent and the pigment pattern is very fine and dull in color. The majority of this type also die of starvation, and on Dec. 6 — about 161 days from the beginning — we have only a very few individuals remaining. None of these have been "typical" but have been classed as "fair resorcin" or "somewhat modified" and all but two of these larvae still show modification. At this period of development, however, the checks have lost their charac- teristic markings so that a closer analysis is impossible. In nearly every instance in both the orcinol and resorcinol series, the surviving individuals are lighter than the checks. 54 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 3, Experiments witJ: Fhloroglucinol. From the position of the hydroxyl groups we expected to find that phloroglucinol caused greater effects than orcinol. In a series of 20 experiments comprising 17-1: individuals we find that no retardation occurs, providing that oxidation by light is pre- vented. On the contrary, a slight acceleration of pigmentation takes place and the spots are almost invariably larger and more distinct throughout the entire course of development. Beyond this, and an apparent slight stimulation in growth, no effects "have been noted. The drug was employed in a strength of 0.025%. Summary. By subjecting the eggs and larvse of Spelerpcs biliiieatiis to the action of dilute solutions of tyrosin, orcinol, resorcinol and phloro- glucinol, we have observed the following effects on the general development, and in particular on the development of the pigment pattern : (1). Tyrosin causes an acceleration of pigment development and later produces larvae which differ from the check by the absence of spots, and the presence of a much more dense deposi- tion of pigment. (2). Orcinol, when applied for six or more days to embryos younger than the late neural groove causes monstrosities. When used with embryos at a later period of development it causes the body to become short and thick, the spots to become irregular or wholly absent, the entire color pattern to be blurred, the general character of the pigment pattern to be a coarse reticulation, the limbs to become "flippers", and the larvaj to be unable, or di.sin- clined, to take food. (3). Resorcinol causes much the same modifications as orcinol, with the exception that the pigment reticulation is very much finer. A second resorcinol type does not show the abnormal body form. (4). Phloroglucinol causes no abnonnalities, and when any result is to be noted it is the more distinct markings of the color pattern and a slight acceleration of pigment develo]jment. (5). All of these inodifications arc persistent for weeks after removal from contact with the drugs, and to all appearances the orcinol and resorcinol types would be peniiancnt were it possible for the larvae to take food. The work is being continued. Jan., 1913.] Pigment Development in Spelerpes Larvae. DD Literature Cited. GoRTNER, 1911, (a). On Melanin. Biochemical Bulletin, 1: 207-215. , 1911 (b). Studies on Melanin. III. The Inhibitory Action of Certain Phenolic Substances upon Tyrosinase. (A Suggestion as to the Cause of Dominant and Recessive Whites.) Jour. Biol. Chem., 10: 113-122. Riddle, 1909. Our loiowledge of Melanin Color Formation and its Bearing on the Mendelian Description of Heredity. Biol. Bull., 16: 316-351. Kastle, 1910. The Oxidases and Other Oxygen-Catalysts Concerned in Biological Oxidations. Bull 59, U. S. Pub. Health and Marine-Hospital Service, Washington, D. C. Figure 1. Photo from life (x 2.3) of two Spelerpes larvae which were kept in 0.05% resorcinol for seven daj^s. beginning just before pigmentation started. Their heavy form and the peculiar pigmentation readily distinguish them from the sccompanying check. The photograph was taken thirty days after the larvae were removed from the resorcinol solution. 56 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 3, THE VIOLETS OF OHIO. Rose Gormley. The following list includes all of the violets known to occur in Ohio. It is probable, however, that a number of others occur in the state. The distribution given is based on material in the Ohio State Herbarium. In this list an attempt has been made to arrange the species in true phyletic series, the least specialized in each group standing at the beginning and the most highly specialized at the end. Violaceae. Small herbs, with bisporangiate, hypogynous, zygomorphic, axillary, nodding flowers and alternate, simple or lobed stipulate leaves. Sepals, petals and stamens 5 each; anthers erect, introrse, connivant or synantherous ; ovulary of 3 carpels, unilocular with 3 parietal placentae; lower petal enlarged usually with a spur; fruit a loculicidal capsule; seeds anatropous, with endosperm, embryo straight. 1. Sepals not auricled, stamens united, petals nearly equal. Cubelium. 1. Sepals more or less auricled at the base, stamens distinct, lower petal spurred. Viola. Cubelium. Perennial, erect, leafy stemmed herb, the leaves, entire or obscurely dentate; small greenish flowers, one to three together in the axils, petals nearly equal, the lower somewhat gibbous; anthers sessile, completely united into a sheath, glandular at the base. A monotypic genus of North America. Cubelium concolor. (Forst) Raf . Green Violet. Plants 1 — 2^ ft. high, hairy; leaves 2 — 5 in. long, entire, pointed at both ends. Auglaize, Belmont, Brown, Clemiont, Fairfield, Franklin, Hamil- ton, Lake, Licking, Noble, Pike, Shelby, Warren Co. Viola. Herbs ^^•ilh aerial leafy stems, or geophilous stems; flowers solitary or rarely 2 in the axils, early flowers petalifcrous, often sterile, usually si:ccceded by apetalous, cleistogamous flowers which produce abundant seed; the two lower stamens bearing spurs which project into spur of the odd petal; capsules, three valved, elasticallv dehiscent. Jan., 1913.] The Videts of Ohio. 57 Synopsis. Aerial Leafy Stems. 1. Style capitate, beakless, bearded at the summit; petal •spur, short; stipules entire; flowers, yellow or whitish, sometimes tinged with violet. 1. Viola canadensis. 2. Viola scabriuscula. 3. Viola pubescens. 4. Viola hastata. 2. Style slender, not capitate; spur at least twice as long as broad; stipules somewhat herbaceous, f ringetoothed ; flowers white, cream-colored or violet. 5. Viola striata. 6. Viola labradorica. 7. Viola rostrata. 3. Style much enlarged upward into a hollow globose struc- ture with a wide orifice on lower side; stipules leaf -like, large deeply cut or pinnatifid. 8. Viola rafinesquii. 9. Viola tricolor. Underground Stems. 4. Rhizomes long and slender, usually producing runners or stolons ; flowers yellow, white or violet ; style dilated upward in a vertical plane, capitate with conical beak on the lower side. 10. Viola odorata. 11. Viola rotundifolia. 12. Viola lecontiana. 13. Viola blanda. 14. Viola lanceolata. 5. Rhizome fleshy and thick without runners; petals violet blue to purple; style dilated upward in a vertical plane, capitate with conical beak on the lower side. 15. Viola obliqua. 16. Viola papilionaceae. 17. Viola hirsutula. 18. Viola sororia. 19. Viola palmata. Var. 1. Viola palmata dilatata. 20. Viola pedatifida. 21. Viola emarginata. 22. Viola fimbriatula. 23. Viola sagittata. 6. Rhizome short, erect, not scaly; leaves divided; style ■ clubshaped, beakless, obliquely concave at the summit; stigma with a small protuberance near the center of the cavity. ^---■*T7r 24. Viola pedata. /^S^'^'H/ V uj library'^ -^\ BRAR Y I 58 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 3, Key to the Species. 1. With leafy aerial stems; flowers axillary. 2. 1. Stems geophilous, sometimes stoloniferous; flowers appearing scapose.9 2. Stipules entire; style capitate, beakless, bearded at the summit; flowers yellow or white with purple veins. 3. 2. Stipules sharph'' dentate, serrate or lacinate, much smaller than the leaf-blade; style, slender; flowers cream-colored, white, blue or purple; spur at least twice as long as wide. 6. 2. Stipules deeply divided, leaf-like, nearly as large as blade; style much enlarged upward into a globose hollow summit; annual or biannual. 8. j 3. Flowers yellow. 4. 3. Flowers white with purple veins; leaves cordate-ovate, long pointed; plants tall. F. canadensis (1) 4. Leaves more or less hastate, those of the stem usually near the tip; flowers yellow. T'. hastata (4). 4. Leaves not hastate; borne along whole length of the stem. 5. 5. Plant pubescent or villous. V. pubescens (3). 5. Plant glabra te or sparsely pubescent. V. scahriuscula (2). 6. Spur about half the length of petals or less; flowers white, cream- colored, pale blue or violet. 7. 6. Spur as long as petals or longer, slender; flowers pale violet veined with purple. V. rostrata (7). 7. Stipules very large, more or less lacinate, 3^-1 in. long; petals white or cream-colored, with purple veins. V. striata (5). 7. Stipules small, dentate or serrate, 34-H in. long; flowers light blue or purple. V. labridorica (6). 8. Flowers }4~1 in- broad, variously colored with yellow, white and purple; plants rather robust and spreading. V. tricolor (9). 8. Flowers M-3^ in. broad, bluish white to cream-colored; plants tall and slender. V. rafinesquii (8). 9. vStyle ending in a small hook pointing downward, not plug shaped or capitate; flowers deep violet purple (sometimes white), fragrant; introduced species. V. odorata (10). 9. Style club shaped, capitate, or dilated upward, beakless or with a conical beak on the lower side; native species. 10. 10. Leaves merely crenate or dentate or incised at the base, not lobed. IL 10. Leaves mostly lobed or parted; in ours, flowers blue or violet. 2L 11. Flowers yellow or white; plants stoloniferous. 12. 11. Flowers blue or violet, plants not stoloniferous. 15. 12. Flowers yellow; style enlarging upward abruptly, capitate, beakless, V. rotnndiffllia (11). 12. Flowers white, stigma with a conical beak. 13. 13. Leaves cordate-ovate to orlncular. 14. 13. Leaves lanceolate to linear-lanceolate. V. lunccolata (14). 14. Upper and lateral petals three times as long as broad; petioles usually red-spotted. V. lecontiana. 14. Upper and lateral petals twice as long as broad; petioles not spotted. I', hlanda (13). 1,5. Leaves of the cordate type, sometimes more or less ovate or reniform. IG. 15. Leaves of the ovate lanceolate, ovate or sagittate type, sometimes incised at the base. 19. 16. Plants essentially glabrous. 17. 16. Plants more or less pubescent. IS. 17. Leaves cordate-ovate, attentuate at the apex, very thin. V. obliqua (15) 17. Leaves ovate to reniform, obtuse or merely acute at the apex, thick. V. papilionaceae (16) Jan., 1913.] The Violets of Ohio. 59 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 Spurred petal glabrous; flowers, violet to lavender. V. sororia (18). Spurred petal with scattered hairs; petals reddish purple. V. hirsutiila (17). Leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate not incised at tlie base. V.fimbriatula (22). Leaves sagittate or ovate-sagittate, incised or deeply dentate toward the base. 20. Leaves sagittate-lanceolate or ovate-sagittate; basal lobes often dilated and incised. V. sagittata (23). Leaves deltoid sagittate, sharply dentate below the middle. V. emarginata (21). Leaves sagittate-lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate in outline, only slightly lobed at the base. V. sagittata (23). Leaves ovate or orbicular in outline usually deeply lobed or dissected. 22. Lateral petals bearded; stigma with a conical beak on the lower side. 23. Lateral petals not bearded; style club-shaped and beakless; stamen tips conspicuous orange. V. pedata (24). Plants more or less pubescent; leaves mostly 3-9 lobed. V. palmata (19). Plants glabrous or only slightly pubescent; leaves pedately divided into linear lobes. V. pedatifida (20). 1. Viola canadensis L. Canada Violet. Stem leafy, 4 — 16 in. high; leaves cordate-ovate, acute, serrate 1 — 4 in. long, | — 3f in. broad; stipules small, lanceolate, entire; flowers, pale violet or white with pttrple veins, lateral petals bearded. Lake, Medina, Coltiml3iana, Jefferson, Coshocton, Belmont, Gallia, Muskingum, Fairfield, Clennont, Hamilton, Huron Co. 2. Viola scabriuscula (F. & G.) Schw. Smooth Yellow Violet. Plant 3-11 in. high; stems thick and leafy; leaves l\-2\ in. long, 1-2 in. broad, renifomi to cordate-ovate, acute crenate-dentate ; stipules, small, entire; flowers pale yellow. Common in Ohio. 3. Viola pubescens. Ait. Hairy Yellow Violet. Plant 6-1(3 in. high, hairy; leaves ovate or reniform, acute, crenate-dentate, li-2| in. long, 1-2 in. wide, petioles very short; flower 3^ellow, purple veined with short spur and lateral petals bearded; capsule \-\ in. long, glabrous or wooly; stipules ovate, entire. Ashtabula, Lake, Medina, Stark, Wayne, Huron, Richland, Crawford, Ottawa, Wood, Hancock, Wyandot, Morrow, Hardin, Franklin, Fairfield, Warren and Pike Co. 4. Viola hastata. Michx. Halbert-leaf Violet. Stem slender, erect, leaves and flowers borne near the top, 2-7 in. tall; leaves short petioled, hastate to hastate-ovate, slightly serrate, acute l-2f in. long, f-l| in. broad; flowers yellow. Lake, Cuyahoga, Portage, Columbiana, Belmont Co. 5. Viola striata. Ait. Striped Violet. Plant 3-22 in. high, stem slender, leafy; leaves heart-shaped, crenate-dentate, some- times acute, f-2f in. long, |-lf in. wide; stipules, large, oblong, lanceolate, attentuate, |-1 in. long; flowers white with thick spurs, somewhat shorter than petals. Common in Ohio. 6o The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 3, 6. Viola labridorica. Schrank. American Dog Violet. Plant 4-7 in. tall, stems slender, numerous, glabrous; leaves somewhat hispidulous above, rounded at the apex, f-lf in. long, f-l| in. wide; stipules lance-linear, narrow j-| in. long; flowers deep or pale violet, spur rather long, not so long as petal, but rather thick. Lucas, Lorain, Portage, Trumbull, Wyandot Co. 7. Viola rostrata. Pursh. Long-spurred Violet. Plant l|-7 in. high, compact, low, leaves round, heart-shaped, glabrous |-lf in. long, |-1 3-16 in. broad; stipules narrow lance-linear |-| in. long; flowers lilac with deep violet along the veins, spur as long as petal. Hancock, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Medina, Wyandot, Crawford, Wayne, Auglaize, Franklin, Licking, Perry, Jackson, Belmont, Jefferson, Columbiana, Trumbull Co. 8. Viola rafinesquii. Greene. Wild Pansy. Plant very slender, 3-15 in. high; leaves, earliest sub-orbicular, later obovate to linear lanceolate, attentuate at the base, |-1| in. long, |-| in. wide; flowers bluish-white to cream-colored; stipules, very large, Icaf-Hke f-1^ in. long. Ottawa, Erie, Cuyahoga, Lake, Ross, Tuscarawas, Franklin, Pike, Miama, Montgomery, Hamilton Co. 9. Viola tricolor. L. Garden Pansy. Plant more robust than rafinesquii; lower leaves ovate, upper leaves longer than broad, crenate, |-| in. long, j-^ in. wide; stipules large, leaf -like, f~l in. long; flower variously, colored purple, white and yellow. Cuyahoga Co. 10. Viola odorata L. Sweet Violet. Plant, low, stoloniferous; leaves round or broadly ovate, cordate, obtuse, crenate, f-lj in. long, |-f in. broad; flowers deep purple, |-f in. wide, very fra- grant. Franklin, Lake Co. IL Viola rotundifolia Michx. Round-leaf Violet. Plants low, bases of fonner leaves persistent on rootstock; leaves ovate or heartshaped, yellowish green, lighter below, |-2f in. long, f-2| in. wide, flowers yellow, lateral petals bearded, keel and lateral petals streaked with brown. Ashtabula, Cuyahoga, Hocking Co. 12. Viola lecontiana Don. Woodland White Violet. Leaves, bright green above, paler below, petioles r,3d-spotted, blades orbicular to heart-shaped, l-2f in. long, l-2j in. wide; flowers white, fragrant. Hancock, Fairfield, Vinton, Cuvahoga Co. 13. Viola blanda Willd. vSweet White Violet." Plant, glabrate, somewhat stoloniferous from a very slender rootstock; leaves |-1| in. long, |-1| in. wide, thin, light green, rcniform to orbicular; flowers, white. Ashtabula, Cu}'ahoga, Summit, vStark, Colum- biana, Belmont, Knox, Licking, Fairfleld, Hocking, Champaign, Franklin, Lucas Co. 14. Viola lanceolata L. Lancc-lcaf Violet . Leaves glabrous, lance-shaped, crcnulaLe, |— 2 in. long, 3-1 ()-| in. wide; flowers, sepals lanceolate, acute, keel petal white with purple stripes, lateral petals beardless. Fairfield and Lake Co. Jan., 1913.] The Violets of Ohio. 6r 15. Viola obliqua. Hill. Thin-leaf Blue Violet. Plant often solitary; leaves dark green, petioles 2-6 in. long, blades cordate, ovate crenate-dentate |-2j in. long, f-2| in. wide; flowers pale blue. General in distribution. 16. Viola papilionacese Pursh. Common Blue Violet. Plants robust; leaves sometimes deltoid, cordate, pointed or rounded, 1-5 in. broad, f-5 in. long, petioles lf-13 in. long, flowers deep violet, white or greenish yellow at base, sometimes wholly white; capsules ellipsoid to cylindric, green or dark purple. General in distribution. 17. Viola hirsutula. Brain. Southern Wood Violet. Plants low; leaves renifomi to cordate, crenate f-2| in. long, f-2 in. wide; flowers violet purple, lateral petals bearded, spurred petal with scattered hairs. Hocking, Fairfield Co. 18. Viola sororia Willd. Entire-leaf Blue Violet. Leaves pubescent, cordate to ovate, crenate-dentate, f-lf in. long, f-H in. wide, petioles l|-6 in. long; flowers violet to lavender, spurred petal glabrous. Lake, Wood, Warren, Blemont Co. 19. Viola palmata. L. Palmate Blue Violet. Leaves cordate or ovate in outline, 1-3 in. long, |-3f in. wide, with 3-9 lobes; flowers from pale to deep blue, ^-1^ in. broad. Fulton, Wood, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Trumbull, Columbiana, Crawford, Licking, Fairfield, Clermont, Delaware, Darke, Preble, Wyandot, Franklin, Miami Co. 1. Var. Viola palmata dilatata Ell. Three-lobed Blue Violet. Leaves mostly three lobed, middle lobe ovate, outline of leaves usually hastate. Lake, Carroll, Knox, Auglaize, Vinton Co. 20. Viola pedatifida. Don. Larkspur Violet. Plant pubescent ; leaves 5-9 parted pedately into linear lobes, l-2f in. long, petioles. 2-6 in. long; flowers deep blue, f-1 in. broad. Ottawa and Auglaize Co. 21. Viola emarginata (Nutt) Le Conte. Triangle-leaf Violet. Leaves broadly ovate, deltoid-triangular, sharply dentate below the middle; flowers, violet blue. Cuyahoga and Lake Co. 22. Viola fimbriatula Smith. Ovate leaf Violet. Plant low, rather compact, pubescent; leaves ovate to oblong, |-1| in. long,, ^-f in. wide; petioles ^-1^ in. long; flowers blue. Lake, Portage, Jefferson, Wayne, Licking Co. 23. Viola sagittata Ait. Arrow-leaf Violet. Plant rather low, glabrous; leaves deltoid-cordate, obscurely crenate, f-2| in. long, f-f in. wide; flowers violet blue, f in. broad. Fulton, Wood, Erie, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Franklin, Lucas Co. 24. Viola pedata L. Bird's-foot Violet. Plant rather low, glabrous; leaves usually 9-lobed, cordate in outline, |-1 in. long, 1-1^ in. wide; flowers, large, blue or sometimes upper petals purple with dark purple at the center of the other lilac petals, stamens large conspicuous orange; petals not bearded. Lawrence County. ■62 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 3, NOTES ON OHIO MOSSES.* Clara Gould Mark. Bryoziphium norvegicum (Bridel) Mitten. This moss was collected in Ohio as long ago as 1849 by Lesquereux, somewhere in the Lancaster region. In the 1863 edition of Gray's manual Sullivant says of it: ''Fruit unknown. Pendent on the per- pendicular faces of sandstone rocks, six miles south of Lancaster, Fairfield County, Ohio. The only other certain habitat recorded for this very interesting Moss is Iceland." As Sullivant himself was not a collector, he doubtless referred to the locality in which Lesquereux had collected the moss. Since that time this species has been collected in several other places in the United States, the only place where it has been found fruiting being the Dells of the Wisconsin, where at two different times a limited number of capsules was collected. The only specimen that has been in the State Herbarium was collected by Miss Riddle at Christmas Rocks in 1899. This moss is not uncommon on the vertical cliffs of the Black Hand sandstone in the Hocking Valley, and usually grows on the walls of the passages made by the enlarged joints in the sandstone, particularly where there are currents of cold air passing through these openings. The plants are usually small and sparsely scattered over the walls, often associated with other mosses. In one place, however, it has been recently found growing luxuriantly and the individual plants often reach a length of an inch and a half. It is rather interesting to note that this locality is six miles south of Lancaster. Perhaps it is the one referred to by vSullivant. Buxbaumia aphylla Haller. A single specimen in the State Herbarium, collected in Lake County, in 1879, by Mr. H. C. Beardslee, is labeled "The first for Ohio. " vSo far as there is any record here this is its only occurrence in the State previous to the fall of 1911. Sullivant gives its range as " New England and New York; rare," and Lesquereux and James give it "On the ground, especially of granite regions and mountains; White Mountains; Cascade Mountains, etc.," In the fall of 1911 three specimens were found along the side of a wood road near Jacob's Ladder, and in the spring and fall of 1912 numerous specimens were col- lected in the same locality. This new .station for the species is nearly one hundred and fifty miles farther south than Bcardslee's locality for it in Lake County. An interesting thing about this moss is the manner in which all the capsules point in the same direction — toward the strongest light. * Read at the annual meeting of the Ohio Academy of Science, Columbus, Nov. 29, 1912. Jan., 1913.] Notes on Ohio Mosses. 63 Webera sessilis (Schmid.) Lindb. This moss had not been represented m the State Herbarium, but about a year ago it was found at Sugar Grove and since then has been found near Christ- mas Rocks. The capsules of this species, hke those of Buxbaiunia, point toward the source of the hght supply. Sullivant gives its habitat as ''Clayey or barren soil ; not unfrequent in hilly districts ", while Lesquereux and James give it as "Clayey and shady sandy banks along roads ' ' . The habitat of that in the Lancaster region seems to be soinewhat unusual, as in the three places where the species was collected — in two ravines at Sugar Grove, and near Christmas Rocks — the plants were growing on the vertical faces of sandstone, in one instance being associated with Bryoziphiuni norvegicum. Fig. 1. Buxbaumia aphylla. Mnium punctatum (Hedw.). This species has not previously been recorded in the State Herbariuin, but it seems to be fairly common in the Hocking Valley. Sullivant says that it occurs in "wet places, on the grotmd, Alleghany Mountains", and Les- quereux and James say "Cold springs and borders of brooks, on mountains, rarely fruiting." In the Sugar Grove region it is usually found near the heads of the ravines where the water runs or trickles over the rocks, and is often associated with liverworts. In the locality where the most luxuriant growth of Bryoziphium norvegium was found, Mnium punctatum is associated with it and grows on the vertical faces of the sandstone cliffs. Polytrichum piliferum Schreb. This small Polytrichum is common in the Sugar Grove region and occurs on exposed ledges of the sandstone. It is often found in association with one or more of the other Polytrichums but grows in more exposed places than any of the others. It is a common thing to find Polytrichum piliferum growing in very thin dry soil on the inost exposed ledges of sandstone, while a little farther back where the soil is slightly deeper Polytrichum juniperinum grows, and still farther back in more sheltered places, Polytrichum commune or Polytri- chum ohioense. So far only sterile specimens have been collected, H The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 3, but this species is easily distinguished from Folytrichum juni- perinum, which it most nearly resembles, by its size and the long white awn-like tips to the leaves, which give the plant a hoar}^ or grayish appearance. LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED IN CUYAHOGA COUNTY AND NEW TO THIS COUNTY OR TO OHIO.* Edo Claassen. These plants were collected in the course of this year and specimens of them will be sent to the Department of Botany, Ohio State University, to be added to its herbarium. 1. Caryospora putaminum (Schw.) DeNot. On old plum stones h'ing on the ground. Euclid. 2. Diodia teres Walton. On sandy hill. E. Cleveland. 3. Erysiphe cichoracearum DC. On Phlox paniculata L. (cult.), E. Cleveland. 4. Erysiphe communis (Walk.), Fr. On Polygonum aviculare L., Euclid, on Ambrosia artemisiaefolia L., and on Baptisia tinctoria R. Br., E. Cleveland. 5. Melampsora populina Lev. On Populus grandidentata Alichx. Olmsted Falls. 6. Microsphsera alni (DC.) Winter. On Sambucus canadensis L., and on Syringa vulgaris L. (cult.), E. Cleveland. 7. Sphaerotheca castagnei Lev. On Nabalus altissimus (L.) Hook. E. Cleveland. 8. Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Jensen. On Avena sativa L. Cleveland. *Prcsented at the annual meeting of the Ohio Acad, of Sci., Columbus, Nov. 30, 1912. Date of Publication, January 27, 1913. The Ohio VSictturalist, PUBLISHED BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity, Volume XIII. FEBRUARY, 1913. No. 4. TABLE OF CONTENTS. SCHAFFNER— The Characteristic Plants of a Typical Prairie 65 SCHAFFNEE— The Classitication of Plants, VIII 70 Fullmer — Additions Made to the Cedar Point Flora During the Summer of 1912 78 Humphrey— The Ohio Dogbanes 79 THE CHARACTERISTIC PLANTS OF A TYPICAL PRAIRIE.* John H. Schaffner. The characteristic plants of a typical prairie give to it an appearance immediately recognizable whether it is climatic or edaphic. If one had carefully prepared lists of the important plants of prairies in various part of the great Mississippi basin, it would be comparatively easy to select the plants of general distribution from those confined to special areas. The prairie described below, not from an ecological but simply from a floristic standpoint, is situated in the center of the North American prairie province about one hundred miles east of the center of the transition zone to the plains region, in Clay County, Kansas. This region has never been glaciated and the surface rocks belong to the characteristic Dakota Sandstone. The eastern limit of the transition zone is about forty miles to the west and may in this region be placed at the eastern limit of the range of the prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) and the agricultural ant (Pogonomyrmex occidentalis), both of which are characteristic and abundant animals of the plains. In the prairie under consideration there is, of course, some admixture of plains plants, but it is, nevertheless, a typical climatic prairie. The grasses which give color to the region are of the yellow-green type in summer and of a characteristic brown tint when dry, in winter. The color of the prevailing plains grasses is a grayish green, turning to grayish white in winter. These colors contrast sharply with the dark green of the pastures and meadows of Poas now largely developed in the eastern states. * Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory, Ohio State University. No. 72. 65 66 _ The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 4, The typical prairie grasses are the following four species, named in the order of their importance : Andropogon furcatus Mulil. Big Blue-stem. Andropogon scoparius Mx. Little Blue-stem. Sorghastrum avenaceum (Mx.) Nash. Indian-grass. Panicum virgatum L. Tall Smooth Panic-grass. The Big Blue-stem may be regarded as the prairie grass. It grows in a close sod and formerly in certain years the flowering stems would be over ten feet high. On the richer uplands it grew with such luxuriance that the location of cattle and horses could frequently not be determined except by the waving of the tall stems as they passed through it. The Indian-grass usually occurs along with the big blue-stem, while the little blue-stem is characteristic of the higher drier slopes and hills. Along with the four large grasses mentioned above are the smaller gray-green grasses : Atheropogon curtipendulus (Mx.) Fourn. Racemed Atheropogon. Bouteloua oligostachya (Xutt.) Torr. Smooth Mesquite-grass. Bouteloua hirsute Lag. Hairy Mesquite-grass. In almost pure patches or mixed with the mesquite-grasses, is the very low-growing buffalo-grass. Bulbilis dactyl oides (Nutt.) Raf., the most remarkable of the gray-green grasses of the plains. The patches of buffalo-grass are usually on the poorer clayey banks and slopes, a few yards to a number of rods in extent. The Texas spike-grass, Schedonnardus paniculatus (Nutt.) Trel., is frequently found on the buffalo-grass patches. In the wet ravines and level, poorly drained second-bottom lands, Spartina cynosuroides (L.) Willd, tall slough-grass, forms large close patches, and in "gumbo spots" subject to moisture the salt marsh-grass, Distichlis spicata (L.) Greene, occurs. On the ends of spurs or ridges between ravines where coyotes, burrowing owls, badgers, and other animals delight in making their burrows and thus cultivate the ground very thoroughly, the western couch-grass, Agropyron spicatum (Pursh) Scribn. & Sm., is often abundant. This grass was formerly the first to grow after the prairie had been burned off in the spring and was thus usually the first available green pasture for the pioneer's cattle. There are several sedges on the upland and various species abound in moist ravines and about ponds. Many grasses besides those mentioned above also occur on the u]3land and in the ravines but those named are generally the characteristic species. The Republican River flows through this region with its wide flood- plain and there are here numerous species which do not extend to the ui^land. Such strips or ribbons of vegetation are, however, more or less edaphic and do not belong to the general floristic picture ; just as the forest belts along the streams are not essentially different, except for the small number of species, from the vegeta- Feb., 1913.] Characteristic Plants of a Typical Prairie. 67 tion on the young flood-plains of a forested region like Ohio. They owe their existence to the presence of the river and not to the climatic conditions. The prairie fire, although not the cause of the prairies, had, nevertheless, a profound eftect on their vegetation. When the fires swept over the prairie in the spring, it burned up everything down to the ground, and perennial herbs and shrubs had each year to meet anew the competition above ground of the all-con- quering grasses. Frequently the fires occurred in the fall and thus the soil was exposed, without covering, dming the entire winter to dryness, wind and cold. Since the fires have ceased even the patches of prairie still remaining are undergoing a rapid and remarkable change in vegetation. The change in the relative abundance of certain species is no less interesting than the arrival of new forms from other regions. After the characteristic grasses, the most prominent members of the prairie vegetation are a number of shrubs and perennial geophilous herbs. The latter are usually crownformers, often with exceedingly long taproots. When one sees such plants exposed in the banks of a stream or an arroyo, one realizes what a large part of the vegetation is underground in summer as well as in winter. The woody or semi-woody species are few in number, though several are among the characteristic prairie plants. The most important one in the region under consideration is the shoe-string, Amorpha canescens Pursh, which is a low shrub a foot or two in height. Others are, Rosa arkansana Port., Arkansas Rose, Meriolix serrulata (Nutt.) Walp., Tooth-leaf Evening-primrose, and Morongia uncinata (Willd.) Britt., Sensitive-brier. The latter is only slightly woody. In the ravines, Amorpha finiticosa L., false indigo, is especially abundant on the banks of ponds. Salix fluviatilis Nutt., Sandbar willow, grows in small dense thickets in moist ravines and is occasionally present on banks and hillsides. In such situations, however, the shrub is always very small. Very few seedless plants thrive on a typical prairie. There are no ferns on the prairie proper but Wocdsia obtusa (Spreng.) Torr. grows on moist sandstone cliffs along with several species of mosses, liverworts, and lichens. Equisetum kansanum Schaff. occurs on clayey banks and slopes and Marsilea vestita H. & G. grows occasionally in buffalo-wallows in low places. The Marsilea seems to be near its eastern limit and is properly a plant of the plains. There are very few mosses but some small ground-loving lichens occur especially on the hills and Nostoc commune Vauch. is abundant on the banks of ravines. The giant puft'ball, Lyco- perdon gigantemn Batsch., often occurs in large numbers and in suitable seasons various other species of puff balls, toadstools and stink-horns make their appearance. 68 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 4, There is one prickly-pear, Opuntia sp., with fragrant flowers and edible fruit which ripens in late autumn. It is quite common especially in patches of buffalo-grass or in gumbo patches where it does not have to meet the competition of the Andropogons. On the very highest hills Cactus missouriensis (Sweet.) Ktz., the Missouri cactus, grows although it is quite rare. Besides the grasses, the most characteristic plants of the prairie, as stated above are perennial geophytes, mostly crown -formers with deep taproots. Of special prominence are Psoralea floribunda Nutt., many-flowered Psoralea, and Psoralea argophylla Pursh, silver-leaf Psoralea. Both species are tumbleweeds, being sepa- rated from the perennial base by means of cleavage planes devel- oped in the stems near the ground. Psoralea esculenta Pursh, prairie-apple, with its thickened root is also common. In the spring and early summer, three species of wild-indigo are found here and there as conspicuous members of the flora, nameh', Baptisia australis (L.) R. Br., Baptisia bracteata Ell., and Baptisia leucantha T. & G. having blue, cream-colored, and white flowers respectively. Other large and conspicuous species are as follows : Verbena stricta Vent. Hoary Vervain. Verbena hastata L. Blue Vervain. Vernonia baldwini Torr. Baldwin's Ironweed. Euphorbia marginata Pursh. Snow-on-the-mountain. Carduus undulatus Nutt. Wavy-leaf Thistle. Artemisia gnaphalodes Nutt. Prairie Mugwort. Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt. Lobed Mugwort. Glycyrrhiza lepidota Pursh. Wild Liquorice. Helianthus maximiliani Schrad. Maximilian's Sunflower. Helianthus subrhomboideus Rydb. Rhombic-leaf Sunflower. Heliopsis scabra Dun. Rough Oxeye. Lespedeza capitata Mx. Round-headed Bush-clover. Allionia linearis Pursh. Narrow-leaf Umbrella-wort. Ambrosia psilostachya DC. Western Ragweed. Acuan illinoensis (Mx.) Ktz. Illinois Acuan. Salvia pitcheri Torr. Pitcher's Sage. Meibomia — several species. Lactuca — several .species. Hieracium longipilum Torr. Long-bearded Hawkweed. Nabalus asper (Mx.) T. & G. Rough Rattlesnake-root. Onagra biennis (L.) Scop. Common Evening-primrose. Gaura parviflora Dougl. vSmall-flowered Gaura. Gaura biennis L. Biennial Gaura. Onosmodium carolinianum (Lam.) DC. Slaggy False-gromwell. Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dun. Broadleaf Gum-plant. Cuscuta paradoxa Raf. Glomcrata Dodder, a conspicuous parasite mostly on the tall herbs of the sunflower family, growing in ravines but occa- sionally on the upland. Feb., 1913.] Characteristic Plants of a Typical Prairee. 69 Among the smaller plants usually common may be mentioned : Juncus tenuis Willd. Slender Rush. Panicum — several small species. Antennaria campestris Rydb. Prairie Everlasting. Plantago purshii R. & S. Pursh's Plantain. Achillea lanulosa Nutt. Western Milfoil. Astragalus — several species. Oxalis violacea L. Violet Wood-sorrel. Linum sulcatum Ridd. Grooved Yellow Flax. Kuhnia glutinosa Ell. Prairie Kuhnia. Erigeron ramosus (Walt.) B. S. P. Daisy Fleabane. Mesadenia tuberosa (Nutt.) Britt. Tuberous Indian-plantain. Kuhnistera purpurea (Vent.) MacM. Violet Prairie-clover. Kuhnistera Candida (Willd.) Ktz. White Prairie-clover. Physalis virginiana Mill. Virginia Groundcherry. Asclepiodora viridis (Walt.) Gr. Oblong-leaf Milkweed. Among the early sprmg flowers that grow on the upland, and not mentioned above, the following are notable: Anemone caroliniana Walt. Daisy Anemony. Anemone decapetala Ard. This is not distinct from the preceding. There are a number of elementary species. The colors are white blue and reddish pink, the blues being of many shades. Nothocalais cuspidata (Pursh) Greene. Wild-dandelion. Viola pedatifida Don. Prairie Violet. Sisyrinchium campestre Bickn. Prairie Blue-eyed-grass. Lithospermum linearifolium Goldie. Narrow-leaf Puccoon. Callirrhoe alceoides (Mx.) Gr. Light Poppy-mallow. Callirrhoe involucrata (T. & G.) Gr. Purple Poppy-mallow — mostly in ravines and bottoms. Vicia linearis (Nutt.) Greene. Narrow-leaf American Vetch. Tradescantia, sp. The above would represent the usual plants in a prairie boquet gathered in the spring, although a few additions might be made to it from the ravines. The summer and autumn flowers include among others the following : Solidago — several species, the most beautiful being the early-blooming S. missouriensis Nutt., Missouri Goldenrod. Aster — several species including the beautiful silky aster, A. sericeus Vent. Ruellia ciliosa Pursh. Hairy Ruellia. Ratibida columnaris (Sims) D. Don., Long-headed Prairie-cone-flower. Lacinaria punctata (Hook.) Ktz. Dotted Blazing-star. Gyrostachys, two species. Gerardia tenuifolia Vahl. Slender Gerardia. Gentiana — a beautiful undetennined species with deep blue flowers. This prairie is changing rapidly through the influences brought in by the settlement of the country and because of extensive cultivation and pasturing. Even now it would be difficult for one who has never seen the original, endless sweep of green vegeta- tion as it extended over hill and plain, before the advent of the early settlers who came in great numbers in 18(59-71, to form a clear conception of the prairie's former grandeur or to realize the important floristic changes that have already taken place and that are still in progress. 70 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 4, THE CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS, VIII. John H. Schaffner. Below is presented a synopsis of the fifteen plant phyla gi\-en in the preceding paper of this series. The classification of the fungi follows with a key to the orders. The following changes should be made in the arrangement of the families of Anthophyta as presented in the sixth paper: Transfer the Pamassiaceae from Saxifragales to Ranales following the Ranunculaceae. Interchange the position of Loganiaceae and Oleaceae. Also interchange the position of Bromeliaceae and Dioscoreaceae. SYNOPSIS or THE PLANT PHYLA. A. Plant body unicellular or filamentous, or if a solid aggregate through the ovary, when present, not an archegonium; never seed-producing; nonsexual, with a simple sexual life cycle, or with an alternation of generations. I. Cells typically with poorly differentiated nuclei and chromatophores, reproducing by fission; motile or nonmotile, colored or colorless, with or without chlorophyll but never with a pure chlorophvll- green color; resting spores commonly present. Phylum 1. ScHizoPHYTA. II. Cells with well differentiated nuclei, and if holophytic usuallv with definite chromatophores; with or without chlorophyll; colorless, green, or variously tinted by coloring matters. (I.) Nonsexual, unicellular plants without chlorophyll having a Plasmodium stage of more or less completely fused amoeboid cells from which complex sporangium-like resting bodies are built up. Phylum 2. Myxophyta. (II.) Plants not developing a plasmodium, but the cells normally covered with walls in the vegetative phase. 1. Unicellular or filamentous plants containing chlorophyll, either brown with silicious, two-valved walls or green with complex chromatophores, the walls not silicified; conjugating cells not ciliated, isogamous. Phylum 3. Zygophvta. 2. Plants not with silicified, two-valved walls, if with a direct conjugation of nonmotile cells or branches then without chlorophyll. (1.) Plants with chlorophyll; if without chlorophyll then either without a true mycelium, or if a mycelium is present having a sexual phase with ciliated, motile sperms. a. Antheridium when present not consisting of a globular structure containing sperm-bearing filaments; often with an alternation of gen- erations, (a.) Plants green with chlorophyll or colorless, nearly all producing nonsexual zoospores, the sexual forms isogamous or heterogemous. Phylum 4. Gonidiophyta. Feb., 1913.] The Classification of Plants, VIII. 71 (b.) Plants with chlorophyll hidden by a brown, red, or purple pigment, always with a multi- cellular body and with sexuality, ((a.)) Mostly marine brown algae with phy- cophaein; isogamous or heterogam- ous, with ciliated sperms, both gametes discharged from the gam- etangia. Phylum 5. Phaeophyta. ((b.)) Mostly marine red algae with phy- coerythrin; heterogamous, with sta- tionary eggs and non-ciliated sperms. Phylum 6. Rhodophyta. b. Filamentous, aquatic, green algae with globular antheridia containing sperm-bearing filaments, the sperms being biciliated; nonsexual spores absent. Phylum 7. Charophyta. (2.) Plants without chlorophyll and with a true mycelium: sexual reproduction if present without motile sperms; sometimes with an alternation of generations. Phylum 8. Mycophyta. B. Plant body a solid aggregate, if filamentous, only so in the embryonic condition; ovary an archegonium, if a reduced archegonium then the plants seed-bearing; always with an antithetic alternation of generations in the normal life cycle. I. Without vascular tissue; sphorophyte parasitic on the gametophyte during its entire life; homosprous; small plants without roots or true leaves. Phylum 9. Bryophyta. II. Always with vascular tissue in the sporophyte which becomes an independent plant at maturity, with roots and leaves except in a few degenerate forms. 1. Sporophyte not seed-producing, the sperms breaking out of the antherifdum to enter the necks of the archegonia; homosporous or heterosporous. a. Sperms comparatively large, multiciliate; ' the sporophylls not in cones unless the sporophytes have jointed stems and small whorled leaves. (a.) Stems not jointed, the leaves usually large and compound and spirally arranged, rarely in whorles; sporophylls never in cones. Phylum 10. Ptenophyta. (b.) Stems jointed and fluted, bearing small, whorled leaves; sporophylls in cones. Phylum 11. Calamophyta. b. Sperms small, biciliate; the leaves small and sim- ple, covering the continuous stem in spirals or sometimes opposite; sporophylls usually in cones or sometimes forming zones alternating with the sterile leaves. Phylum 12. Lepidophyta. 2, Sporophyte producing seeds, the female gametophyte always parasitic in the megasporangium (ovule) during its entire life, the male gametophyte developing a pollen- tube through which the sperms are discharged; always heterosporous. a. Carpels (megasporophylls) open, without stigmas or true ovularies, the ovules and seeds naked and the pollen (male gametophytes) falling directly into the micropjde. 72 The Ohio Xatumlist. [Vol. XIII, No. 4, (a.) Sperms so far as known ciliated and motile; ovules with a pollen-chamber; sporophylls in spiral rosettes or aggregated into cones. Phylum 13. Cyc.a.dophyt.\. (b.) Sperms without cilia, ovules without definite pollen-chambers; sporophylls in cones which may be highly specialized, or reduced. Phylum 14. Strobilophyta. b. Carpels or the set of carpels (megasporophylls) closed at maturity, with stigmas and with ovularies enclosing the ovules and seeds; pollen (male gametophytes) falling on the stigma and developing long pollentubes; flowers well devel- oped, usually with a perianth, often highly specialized or reduced. Phylum 15. Anthophyta. The following arrangement of the fungi is the result of several years of study in attempting to disco\'cr the natural relationships of the thallophytes without chlorophyll. It is no doubt far from what must be the final arrangement, yet it is believed to represent the phyletic classification so far as present investigation has indi- cated lines of sequence and homologies. Where there has been no decided evidence to the contrary, the system and terminology have not been changed from that which is in rather general use. In classifying fungi, as well as other groups, the supposed relationships cannot be determined by taking a single character or set of characters into consideration but every part and function in the entire life cycle must be duly considered. Many essentially similar structures and processes have developed entirely inde- pendently of one another. In recent years, it seems that various attempts have been made to read the ordinary antithetic life cycle into the higher fungi. It is probable that alternation of generations had several independent origins even in the unicellular fonns, and the original cycle may have been modified in various ways. One thing is clearly evident, that it is possible to have an alternation of sexual and nonsexual phases with both generations having either the ha])loid or diploid number of chromosomes. The lichens have not been distributed farther than the sub- classes, perhaps not as far as present day knowledge would warrant but we need much more morphological and cytological investiga- tion of both the ordinary Ascomycetae and the Ascolichenes before a fairly certain arrangement is ]30ssiblc. Whether the Alycophyta, as delimited by the writer, represent two main origins and two phyla or whether the Phycomycetae should be joined with the Gonidiophyta are still open questions, but there is at least a very serious array of objections against the hypothesis that the typical Ascom\-cetae and the Laboulbenieae have had their origin from the red algae rather than from the more primitive Gonidiophyta. The marine nature of the red algae, with their lack of scmi])arasitic aerial forms, as well as the Feb., 1913.] The Classification of Plants, VIII. 73 very great difference in the type of alternation of generations point to the conclusion that the evident similarities between the two groups are rather to be regarded as analogous developments. Unless the case can be made much more evident than at present, even the more or less superficial similarity between the structures of the ascocarp and cystocarp cannot be urged as very strong evidence in favor of a direct origin from the Rhodophyta. Whether all the fungi containing an ascus should be placed in a single class and whether the Teliosporeae should be retained in a class distinct from the Basidiomycetae are questions which depend on one's definition or conception of a class. It is very desirable to have a system that is fairly consistent for the entire plant kingdom, if botany is to be a science and not simply a group of disjointed subjects. FUNGI. I. ScHizoPHYTA. Fission Plants. 1. Schizomycetae. Fission Fungi. a. Bacteriales. Bacteria. b. Desmobacteriales. Filamentous Bacteria. c. Rhodobacteriales. Purple Bacteria. 2. Myxoschizomycetae. Slime Bacteria, a. Alyxobacteriales. II. Myxophyta. Slime Molds. 1. Plasmodiophoreae (?) [Parasites.] a. Plasmodiophorales. 2. Myxomycetae [Saprophytes.] (1.) Acrasieae. a. Acrasiales. (2 . ) Myxogastreae . a. Ceratiomyxales. b. Myxogastrales. IV. GoNiDioPHYTA. Zoosporc Plants. 1. Archemycetae. Primitive Fungi. a. Chytridiales. 2. Monoblepharideae. [With normal gametes.] a. Monoblepharidales. VIII. Mycophyta. Typical Fungi. A. Phycomycetae. Algal Fungi. 1. Zygomycetae. a. Mucorales. Black Molds. b. Entomophthorales. Insect-cholera Fungi. 2. Oomycetae. a. Ancylistales. b. Saprolegniales. Water Molds. c. Peronosporales. Common Mildews. B. Mycomycetae. Higher Fungi. 3. Ascomycetae. Sack Fungi. (1.) Hemiasceae. Intermediate Sack Fungi. a. Ascoideales. (2.) Aspergilleae. Tuber Fungi. a. Aspcrgillales. Little Tuber Fungi. b. Tuberales. Truffles. 74 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 4, (3.) Discomycetae. a. Hysteriales. Slit Fungi. b. Phacidiales. Little Cup Fungi. c. Pezizales. Cup Fungi. d. Protocaliciales. e. Helvellales. (4.) Discolichenes. a. Coniocarpales. b. Graphidales. c. Cyclocarpales. (5.) Pyrenomycetae. a. Hypocreales. b. Dothideales. c. Sphaeriales. d. Perisporiales. Powdery Mildews. (6.) Pyrenolichenes. a. Pyrenulales. b. Mycoporales. (7.) Exoasceae. a. Exoascales. b. vSaccharomycetales. Yeast-plants. (8.) Deiiteromycetae. Imperfect Fungi. a. Monil'iales. Common Molds. b. Melanconiales. Black-dot Fimgi. c. Sphaeropsidales. Spot Fungi. 4. Laboulbenieae. Beetle Fungi. a. Laboulbeniales. 5. Teliosporeae. Brand Fungi. a. Tilletialcs. Stinking Smuts. b. Ustilaginales. Loose Smuts. c. Uredinales. Plant Rusts. 6. Basidiomycetae. Basidium Fungi. (L) Protobasidiae. a. Auriculariales. Ear Fungi. b. Tremellales. Jelly Fungi. c. Dacryomycetalcs. (2.) Hymenomycetae . a. Agaricales. (3.) Hymenolichenes . a. Corales. (4.) Gastromycetae. a. Hymenogastralcs. False Truffles. b. vSclerodermatales. Thick-skinned Puffl)alls. 0. Lycoperdales. Puffballs. d. Nidulariales. Bird-nest Fungi. c. Phallales. Stink-horns. Key to the Orders of Fungi. The Fungi arc Thallophytes without chlorophyll but sometimes inclose chlorophyll-containing Algae in the meshes of their bodies. L Plant body not a true mycelium, usually unicellular, or the cells some- times in simple or branched filaments; some forms with a Plasmo- dium, others with a sack-like body containing cells; the resting or spore stage sometimes consisting of a sporangium-like body without cell structure, with enclosed spores. 2. 1. Plant body a more or less perfectly devclo])cd mycelium consisting of septate or nonseptate hyphae. 7. Feb., 1913.] The Classificatian of Plants, VIII. 75 2. Plants consisting of minute, distinct cells with walls, or with the cells arranged in siinple or branched filaments; the cells sometimes in a gelatinous mass; often ciliate; nuclei poorly differentiated. SCHIZOMYCETAE. 3. 2. Plant body of minute distinct cells in a pseudoplasmodium, the whole mass motile; fruiting bodies of definite form somewhat like the sporangia of slime molds; saprophytes. Myxoschizomycetae. Myxobacteriales. 2. Plant body of oval or elongated, comparatively large, nonmotile cells which increase by budding; commonly present in sugary solutions and fruit juices causing alcoholic fermentation. Saccharomycetales. 2. Plant body when mature consisting of cells in a sack-like structure; usually parasitic in the cells of algae, poUengrains in water, and occasionally, in the cells and tissues of higher plants. Archemycetae. Chytridiales. 2. Plant body a motile Plasmodium of naked cells, the fruiting stage usually a so-called sporangium, usually without cell structure excepting the spores within; saprophytic, rarely parasitic. Myxomycetae. 4. 3. Cells spherical, rod-shaped, curved, or spiral, free or in simple or loose aggregates or filaments, motile or nonmotile, some with cilia or flagella; not with a purple pigment in the protoplasm. Bacteriales. 3. Cells spherical, rod-shaped, or spiral, containing a purple pigment called bacterio-purpurin. Rhodobacteriales. 3. Cells in filaments surrounded by a sheath, or filaments without a sheath but with active movement by means of an undulating cell membrane. Desmobacteriales. 4. Parasitic in the cells of living plants, the cells forming a Plasmodium; the fructification consisting of a mass of free cells. Plasmodiophorales. 4. Saprophytes developed on decaying organic matter. 5. 5. Amoeboid cells massed together in an imperfect Plasmodium; ripe fructification consisting of masses of free cells, sometimes on a stalk. Acrasiales. 5. Vegetative body a true plasmodium; with free, white stalked spores or with spores in a sporangium-like receptacle. 6. 6. With free, white, stalked spores. Ceratiomyxales. 6. With spores in sporangium-like receptacles. Myxogastrales. 7. Mycelium nonseptate, or if septate still with cenocytic divisions; spores not in asci nor on basidia, usually formed as the result of the conjugation of two similar or dissimilar hyphal branches; zoospores or conida present in most forms and in some cases nonmotile, non- sexual spores in special sporangia. 8. 7. Mycelium definitely septate; spores in the normal forms borne in asci or on basidia, in some groups the basidia developing from chlamido- spores; numerous imperfect forms with only the conidial stage known. 11. 8. Mycelium with septa; reproduction by means of true eggs and free- swiinming spermatozoids; aquatic molds. Monoblepharideae. Monoblepharidales. 8. Sexual spores produced by the conjugation of two equal or nearly similar hyphal branches; mycelium saprophytic or parasitic on plants and animals, especially on insects; no zoospores produced. Zygomycetae. 9. 8. Sexual spores produced by the conjugation of a large branch and a small branch, the smaller penetrating the larger by means of a tubular process; mycelium parasitic or saprophytic; aquatic molds on living or dead animals or aerial plant parasites, often with non- sexual zoospores. Oomycetae. 10. 76 Tke Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 4, 9. Saprophytic, or occasionally parasitic on other molds. Mucorales. 9. Parasitic on insects, as flies, grasshoppers, plant lice, etc. Entomophthorales . 10. Mycelium poorly developed, with septa; endophytic parasites, mostly in fresh water algae, some in the roots of higher plants. Ancylistales. 10. Saprophytic or parasitic, mostly aquatic molds; mycelium well devel- oped; nonsexual reproduction by zoospores. Saprolegniales. 10. Parasitic on the higher plants; nonsexvtal reproduction by aerial conidia which may give rise to zoospores. Peronosporales. —11— 11. Hyphae usually forming sporocarps having spores enclosed in asci. ASCOMYCETAE. 12. 11. Plant body minute, erect, few-celled, growing parasitic on insects; perithecia on a receptacle; asci usually 4-spored. Laboulbenieae. Laboulbeniales. 11. Parasites with basidia coming from chlamido.spores (teleutospores) which are with or without stalks. Teliosporeae. 31. 11. Hyphae usually forming sporocarps bearing basidiospores on basidia arising directly from the mycelium. Basidiomycetae. 33. 11. Hyphae bearing only conidia, in pycnidia, or the conidia superficial borne on loose or innate hyphae; asci or basidia not known. Deuteromycetae. 29. 12. Fungi symbiotic with algal cells. Ascolichenes. 13. 12. Fungi without helotic algae in their bodies. 17. 13. Asci on an apothecium. Discolichenes. 14. 13. Asci in a perithecium. Pyrenolichenes. 16. 14. Paraphyses forming a powdery mass with the spores, the paraphyses growing beyond the asci, forming there a network, adhering to the disk of the apothecium which soon breaks up into a powdery mass with the spores. Algae belonging to the Gonidiophyta. Conyocarpales. 14. Paraphyses not forming a powdery mass with the spores. 15. 15. Disk of the apothecium linear, ellipsoid, or somewhat angular. Algae belonging to the Gonidiophyta. Graphidales. 15. Disk of the apothecium circular. Algae belonging to the Gonidiophyta or to the Cyanophyceae. Cyclocarpales. 16. Cavity of the perithecium simple, not divided by complete or incom- plete partitions. Pyrenulales. 16. Cavity of the perithecium divided by complete or incomplete parti- tions. Mycoporales. 17. Asci with a variable numljier of spores, usually many-spored. Hemiasceae. Ascoideales. 17. Asci with a definite number of spores in typical cases, separate from each other, not forming a definite fruiting body. ExoASCEAE. 18. 17. Asci with a definite number of spores in typical cases, collected on or in an ascocarp. 19. 18. Asci approximate and forming an indefinite hynunium ; mostly parasitic Exoascales. 18. Asci entirely isolated; vegetative reproduction liy l)udding of the cells; plants producing alcoholic fermentation. Saccharomycetales. 19. Asci collected in enclosed tuber-like bodies or fasciculate, and sur- rounded by a spherical, cylindric, pyriform or shield-like wall, the perithecium. 24. 19. Asci collected in a flattened, concave or convex hymenial layer (Ascoma). Discomycetae. 20. 20. Apothecia pulverulent, spheroidal, plants sapropliytic. Protocaliciales. 20. Apothecia not pulverulent. 21. Feb., 1913.] The Classification of Plants, VIII. 77 21. Ascoma more or less completely closed at first, opening free at or before maturity, and plane, concave, or rarely convex. 22. 21. Ascoma open from the first, normally convex and commonly with the surface pitted or with gyrose furrows. Helvellales. 22. Ascoma long enclosed in a tough covering which is torn open at the maturity of the spores. 23. 22. Ascoma soon becoming free, without special covering; mostly fleshy cuplike fungi. Pezizales. 23. Ascoma mostly elongate, the cones opening by a longitudinal fissure. Hysteriales. 23. Ascoma roundish, the cover rupturing by radiating or stellate fissures. Phacidiales. 24. Asci arranged at different levels in the perithecium or in a hymenium lining enclosed cavities. Aspergilleae. 25. 24. Asci in fascicles arising from a common level. 26. 25. Asci arranged at different levels, sometimes forming skein-like masses. Aspergillales. 25. Asci in a definite flat hymenium lining cavities, permanently enclosed; fruiting body mostly subterranean. Tuberales. 26. Cleistothecia globose, scattered, without apparent ostiole, usually with appendages, mostly attached to an apparent mycelium or membrane; in one family flat shield-shaped perithecia with ostiole present. Perisporiales. 26. Perithecia typical with distinct ostiole. 27. 27. Perithecia (and stroma if present) fleshy or membranous, bright- colored (white, red or blue). Hypocreales. 27. Perithecia (and stroma if present) hardened, never fleshy, rarely membranous, dark-colored (black or dark brown). 28. 28. Walls of the perithecia scarcely distinguishable from the stroma. Dothideales. 28. Perithecia with distinct walls either free or imbedded in a stroma. Sphaeriales. 29. Conidia borne on short stalks in pycnidia. Sphaeropsidales. 29. Conidia superficial, borne on loose or innate hyphae; no true pycnidia present. 30. 30. Hyphae somewhat superficial, often floccose. Moniliales. 30. Hyphae innate with the matrix; parasitic; the conidia borne on a pseudo-pycnidium, formed from the altered tissue of the host. Melanconiales. —31— 31. Chlamydospores produced in the ovularies, leaves or stems of the host, usually black, not stalked. 32. 31. Chlamydospores (teleutospores) usually stalked, producing black or brown pustules under the epidermis of leaves or stems; often devel- oping on the same or on a different host clusters of cup-like or crater- like aecidia with spores formed in chains inside of a membranous pseudoperidium. Uredinales. 32. Chlamydospores developing a several-celled basidium (promycelium) which bears the spores at the sides of the cells. Ustilaginales. 32. Chlamydospores developing a nonseptate basidium which bears the spores at the apex. Tilletiales. 33. Fungi symbiotic with algal cells. Hymenolichenes. Corales. 33. Fungi without helotic algae in their bodies. 34. 34. Plants gelatinous, basidia divided, transversely or longitudinally or deeply two-forked. Protobasidiae. 35. 34. Plants fleshy, coriaceous, woody, or rarely somewhat gelatinous; basidia nonseptate. 36. 35. Basidia transversely septate. Auriculariales. 78 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 4, 35. Basidia divided obliquely or lengthwise, commonly into four parts. Tremellales. 35. Basidia deeply two-forked, not completelj^ divided. Dacryomycetales. 36. Basidia on a distinct membranous hymenium, naked at maturity and covering gills, pores, spines, or a smooth or wrinkled surface. Hymenomycetae. Agaricales. 36. Basidia enclosed within a definite peridium but sometimes exposed at maturity, the spores then borne in a more or less deliquescent gleba. Gastromyceae. 37. 37. Spores borne in a more or less deliquescent gleba which is at first enclosed in an egg-like body but at maturity elevated on an elastic- ally expanding stalk or base. Phallales. 37. Spores remaining within the peridium or in the hymenial cavities until maturity. 38. 38. Basidia united into a hymenium which lines the walls of irregular cavities. 39. 38. Basidia uniformly distrilmted through the peridium or forming skein- like masses. Sclerodermatales. 39. Hymenial cavities remaining together within the peridium, their boundaries mostly disappearing at maturity. 40. 39. Hymenial cavities (sporangioles) separating at maturity from the cup-like peridium. Nidulariales. 40. Remaining lleshy until the maturity of the spores; no capillitium. Hymenogastrales. 40. Fleshy when young, at maturity filled with dust-like spore masses mixed with the capillitium. Lycoperdales. ADDITIONS MADE TO THE CEDAR POINT FLORA DURING THE SUMMER OF 1912. E. L. Fullmer. Setaria italica (L) Beauv. July 1-4, L. H. Pammel. Hordeum vulgare L. July 14, L. H. Pammel. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. July 4, E. L. Fullmer. Chclidonium majus L. June 2S, L. H. Pammel. Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. July 13, E. L. Fullmer. Verbascum blattaria L. July 4, E. L. Fullmer. Galinsoga parviflora Cav. July 19, L. H. Pammel. These plants with the exception of Chelidonium majus were collected at or near the resort and were probably introdticcd in grass seed or in packing material. A single plant of Chelidonium majus was found on the bay .side about one half mile from the resort. The seed from which this plant grew may have been carried by a bird or it may ha\'c been carried across the Bay on drift material. *Prescntcd at the annual meeting of the Ohio Acad, of Sci., Columbus, November 29, 1912. Feb., 1913.] The Ohio Dogbanes. 79 THE OHIO DOGBANES. Lillian E. Humphrey. Apocynaceae. Dogbane Family. Perennial erect or trailing herbs, shrubs, or vines; usually with milky acrid sap. Leaves simple, more commonly opposite, without stipules; flowers hypogenous, sympetalous, tetracyclic, with actinomorphic perianth; andrecium pentamerous, the stamens distinct, united with the corolla at least at the base; pollen not in masses; gynecium of two united carpels, but the ovularies separating below the style; fruit usually two follicles; seeds often appendaged with a tuft of long hairs. Key to the Genera. 1. Flowers solitary, large, axillary; trailing herbs. Vinca. 1. Flowers cymose; erect herbs. Apocynum. Vinca L. Periwinkle. Perennial trailing herbs with opposite, evergreen leaves, and large, solitary, axillary flowers. Stem slightly woody; calyx segments acuminate ; corolla salverformed, blue ; stamens included ; disk of 2 glands alternate with the two carpels; follicles with several ovules and seeds; seeds oblong-cylindric, without hairs. Vinca minor L. Periwinkle. Leaves glabrous oblong to ovate, entire, finn, shining, green on both sides, narrowed at the base, short petioled. Escaped from cemeteries and gardens. Huron, Montgomery, Vinton, Portage, Williams, vStark, Wayne, Coshoc- ton, Richland, Auglaize, Lawrence. Apocynum L. Dogbane. Perennial erect herbs with opposite, entire, leaves and white or pinlc flowers in corymbed cymes. Corolla usually campanu- late, having five small triangular appendages within alternating with the stamens; follicles slender; long, terete, containing numer- ous ovules with tufts of long hairs. Key to the Species. 1. Corolla much longer than the ovate pointed divisions of the calyx; branches diverging; flowers J4 to 3^2 inch long. 2. 1. Corolla not longer than the lanceolate divisions of the calyx; branches upright, ascending; terminal cyme not extending above the lateral branches; flowers small. 3-16 to 14, inch long. 3. 2. Corolla campanulate, recurved, not angled, pinkish, narrowed in the throat. A. androsaemifoliurn. 2. Corolla urceolate, five-angled, white or only slightly tinged with pink, spreading. A. urceolifer. 3. Leaves petioled. 4. 3. Leaves not petioled, lower ones more or less clasping, the upper ones sessile. A. hypericifolium. 8o The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 4, 4. Leaves and cymes smooth or very slightly pubescent. 5. 4. Leaves and cymes very densely pubescent. A. pnhescens. 5. Leaves lanceolate to obovate, 2 to 4 times as long as wide; terminal cyme larger than the axillary; flowers greenish. A. cannabinuyn. 5. Leaves rather small lanceolate 4 to 6 times as long as wide; flowers white. A. album. 1. Apocynum androsaemifolium L. vSpreading Dogbane. Dichotomously branched stems 1 to 5 feet high; root stalk hori- zontal, leaves ovate to obovate, usually twice as long as wide, glabrous and dark green above, more or less pubescent and light green beneath, short petioled with inucronate apex, and a broad base; cymes both terminal and axillary with short pediciled, campanulate, pink, sympetalous flowers with reflexed corolla segments. Common in fields and thickets. General. 2. Apocynum urceolifer Mill. Urnflowered Dogbane. Slen- der stems about 3 feet high with widely spreading branches; c^mies small with white or slightly pink tinged flowers and spread- ing, pointed corolla segments; calyx segments lanceolate; leaves oblong, mucronate, slightly pubescent beneath. Along roadsides and fields. Auglaize County. 3. Apocynum cannabinum L. Indian Hemp. Stems 3 to 5 feet high with erect or ascending branches and long verticle roots ; leaves lanceolate to oblanceolate, apex mucronate, base of upper ones acute while the lower ones are often rounded, short petioled, 4 to 5 inches long, :?<4 to 1^ inches wide, glabrous above, sometimes pubescent beneath, cymes dense, short pediceled, with bracts at the base and greenish white flowers. Common in fields and waste places. General. 4. Apocynum album Greene. River-bank Dogbane. Glab- rous stems with lanceolate, smooth, petioled, acute leaves 4 to 6 times as long as wide; cymes dense with small white flowers. River banks and moist fields. Coshocton, Lake, Butler, Mercer, Montgomery, Clcnnont, Holmes. 5. Apocynum hypericifolium Ait. Clasping-leaf Dogbane. Stems glabrous often glaucous, 1 to 2 feet high with ascending branches, leaves oblong to oblanceolate, upper ones ver}^ short petioled or sessile, lower ones clasping; cymes dense, bracted, with pedicles about as long as the flowers ; calyx segments lanceolate acute. In dry soil, especially in sandy places. Erie, Ashtabula. 6. Apocynum pubescens R. Br. Velvet Dogbane. Entire plant densely \'cl\-et}' puljescent; ascending branches with ovate to oblong, mucronate leaves often twice as long as wide and obtuse at the base; venation strongly impressed in the velvety under surface; calyx segments lanceolate, acute; corolla purple, lobes erect. In waste places and flood planes near streams. Franklin, Auglaize, Harrison, Adams. Date of Publication, February 20, 1913. The Ohio TSCaturalist, PUBLISHED BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity, Volume XIII. MARCH, 1913. No. 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Metcalf — Life-Histories of Syrpliidae V 81 HiNE— Additions and Corrections to the Odonata of Ohio 94 Williams— Carnivorous Plants of Ohio 97 Claassen— Caloplaca Pyracea (Ach.) Th. Fr., a Crustaceous Lichen on the Sandstone Sidewalks of East Cleveland, Ohio 99 McLellan— Meeting of the Biological Club 100 LIFE-HISTORIES OF SYRPHIDAE V. C. L. Metcalf. Syrphus xanthostoma Williston. The Pemphagus-Gall Syrphus-Fly. (Plate IV, Figs. 81 to S9). Larva. Length about 10 mm. (8 to 11.5), width 3.75 to 4 mm., height 2.5 to 3 mm. Fat, thick, grub-hke, sluggish larvee, elongate oviform in outline, strongly arched dorsally (Fig. 82). Wrinkles prominent, produced laterally into an irregular, dorso-lateral carina; the ventral folds of the body in the principal segments serve as very imperfect prolegs. General color very pale, pinkish- yellow. Heart line not conspicuous. Skin bare, the segmental bristles short and light in color, very inconspicuous. The jaws of the mouth-parts are unusually short, their width at base equal to their length, the lower jaw the heavier. Mouth- hooklets apparently three pairs: two near the jaws of which the ventral pair is the heavier, the third pair lateral in position, heaviest of all. There are a number of sensory papillce around the mouth-parts and antenna. The antennas are small, situated close together above the jaws, of the usual form (see Fig. 81). The prothoracic spiracles are slightly elevated, blunt, short, horn-shaped as seen from the side (Fig. 81, g), the semi-circular slit apparently guarded by six, blunt teeth, one of the median ones emarginate or imperfectly divided (Fig. 83). The posterior 8i 82 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 5, respiratory appendage (Figs. 84, 85) is a fourth longer than broad, testaceous brown, ringed about mid-length, thence slightly constricted. The spiracles {a) moderately long, somewhat ele- vated above the surface; the inter-spiracular spines {b) short, blunt, spur-like, rather prominent. Dorsal spiracular spine [c] short, compressed; its breadth about equal to diameter of the approximate circular plate {d). These larvae were found, full-grown, at Cedar Point, July 7, 1911. The larval stage continued indoors to July 11 and 12. They were collected on the Poplar or American Aspen (Populus treniuloides Mx.) in the well-known, characteristic galls on the ends of the twigs, made by the aphid, Pemphagus vagabundus Walsh. These galls are large, commonly two inches in diameter, very irregular in shape, the outer surface thrown into numerous deep convolutions. Their structure is such that they enclose a number of small, partially separated chambers, the thick walls of which are lined by the aphids. There are usually several openings to the many-chambered gall, but it is pretty certain that the larvae do not ordinarily migrate from gall to gall; although there is a bare possibility that they might do so if the food supply in any one ran out. They are negatively heliotropic, seeking out protected dark comers when kept in confinement. They feed on the body contents of the aphids; hence there is commonly an abundance of food at hand and, as the volume of the chambers in the gall is small, there is no occasion, and little opportunity, for active movements. In correlation with this we find the larvae very sluggish, lying quietly for hours or even days, even though unfed. Since migration from one of these galls to another would commonly involve trav- eling for several feet, it seems to me very likely that the larva or larvae are dependent on the aphids within the single gall in which they begin their larvab existence. They are very well protected within the poplar galls and I found no parasites affecting them. It would seem that they are paying for their well-fed, well-pro- tected, sedentary life in sluggishness, and are possibly on the road to degeneration. Pupa. Dimensions, average of 5: Length 7.2 mm., height 3.5 mm., width 3.8 mm. These puparia (Figs. 86, 87) are exceptionally inflated dorsally, the ratio of height to length being greater than in any of the other species I have examined. It is characteristic of them also that the posterior inflation is equal to, or greater than, that anteriorly; in outline, as seen from the side, the dorsal half of the ])uparium makes an almost perfect semi-circle. The ven- tral line is sinuate. The respiratory appendage (a) projects from Mar., 1913.] Life-Histories of Syrphidae V. 83 the lower posterior part. From above, the outHne is sub-ovoid, broadest in front of the middle, thence narrowing gradually to the posterior third; whence the puparium is strongly and unevenly compressed to the tip of the respiratory appendage. Color at first grayish brown, sometimes marked with oblique patches of black; posterior breathing appendage darker. As the pupa approaches metamorphosis the anterior end darkens to deep reddish-brown in the region of the eyes; while on the posterior half, the three principal, yellow abdominal bands of the adult become visible through the transparent wall. The segmental spines remain, as in the larva, very inconspic- uous. The posterior breathing appendage also retains its characteristics. Of three specimens taken on July 7, one pupated Jiily 11, the other two the following day. The former emerged as adult July 18, the latter two July 20. Hence the duration in the pupal stage was 7 to 8 days. I did not detennine the place of pupation and so cannot say whether, in the field, this stage is passed within the galls or not. Examination of a number of the galls later in the summer failed to reveal any puparia. Adult. Male:" Length, 11 to 12 mm. Face and cheeks wholly yellow, antennse reddish yellow, the third joint somewhat brownish above, but little longer than wide, the arista black. Frontal triangle with a small black spot in the middle, gray pollinose along the eyes, black pilose in the middle. Dorsum of thorax shining metallic green, with light colored pile; lateral margins distinctly yellowish pollinose. Scutellum wholly yellow. Abdomen black, the anterior half of the black bands sub-opaque, the three principal bands very broad, attaining the lateral margins in nearly their full width; first band interrupted, the spots narrowly separated, with their inner ends rounded ; second and third bands with a narrow but deep emargination in the middle behind ; fifth and sixth seg- ments with a yellow hind margin. The black forms narrower bands than the yellow, and does not quite reach the. margin. Legs yellow, the tip of hind tibiae and their tarsi brownish. Wings hyaline, the stigma ^^ellowish. Female: "Front metallic green, yellow below, on the lower half with yellowish pollen. Yellow spots of the second abdominal segment larger, more nearly square, and only narrowly separated." — Williston, Svnop. N. A. Syrphidae, p. 86. 84 - The Ohio NatunilisL [Vol. XIII, No. 5, Eristalis aeneas Scopoli. (Plate V, Figs. 131 to 141 and 14.5 to 148; and Plate IV, Figs. 149, 150.) The egg of Eristalis (rneas was not found but that of its near relative E. tenax was studied and is figured in Plate V, Fig. 142. These eggs are much larger than those of most of the aphid- iphagous species studied, but are equaled in size by the egg of Didea fasciata. Length 1.6 mm., diameter 0.4 mm., elongate ovoid, slightly bent, rounded at the ends, the anti-micropylar end the larger. The shell shows the usual sculpturing but the radi- ating arms between the main bodies are much less conspicuous or at times apparently wanting (Fig. 143). There are about 65 bodies the length of the egg, about 100 around it at the middle. Each body is about two or three times as long as broad, with 9-13 short arms radiating from it. The bodies are well separated from each other. The color is the usual chalk-white. A female of E. tenax was taken at the city sewage disposal plant while ovipositing over filth, September 23. Within an hour and a half after being taken she had deposited about 100 eggs. Part of these were deposited in more or less scattered positions; the great majority, however, in one or two masses, in which they were ranked on end, their sides closely apposed. They were floated over a vial of water, and within 24 hours a consid- erable number of them had hatched and were to be seen crawling on the vial or wriggling in the water. Larva. The young larva of E. tenax (Fig. 144) is scarcely longer than the egg except for the projection of the posterior respiratory appendage. Including this structure the length, 2 or 3 hours after hatching, was 2.5 to 3 mm. The larvae are sub-cylindrical but attenuated at the posterior end to the breathing tube (Fig. 144, d). They frequently show a prominent hump dorsally in the posterior third of the body. Antennae (a), prolegs {b), tracheal trunks (c), and other larval structures are ]3resent but these are described below for the larva of E. ceneas. The mature larva of Eristalis ceneas (Fig. 131) resembles in a general way the well-known rat-tailed larva of E. tenax, but is considerably smaller. The body is .soft, slug-like, elongate-oval or sub-cylindrical in shape, about 13 to 15 mm. long by 3 to 4 mm. l)n>a(l and 2 to 3 mm. high; these dimensions varying with the different positions assumed by the motile larva. The anterior end is commonly Mar., 1913.] Life-Histories of Syrphidae V. 85 retracted so as to be roughly truncate. At the posterior end the last segment tapers rather abruptly to the posterior respiratory appendage. This appendage (Fig. 131, d) is tube-Hke and very long. Its diameter near the body is usually about 0.5 mm. while at the end it is less than one-half this width. Its length varies extensively; it is seldom retracted to less than 5 mm. and may be elongated in exceptional instances to 100 mm. or nearly four inches. A more usual elongation is about 15 to 30 mm. The color of the larva is a dirty gray or brown. The body-wall is soft, flexible, more or less greasy or slimy to the touch, and translucent. The integument has a number of transverse folds which terminate laterally in a moderately dis- tinct lateral carina running the full length. These folds fall into a number of groups, between which the integument is smooth, each group consisting of about five transverse elevations or wrinkles. Near the middle of these groups of folds one can detect double, flexible hairs (Fig. 136, a), about twelve in number sit- uated in a transverse row. The lateral margins of the body also are constricted between these groups of folds. For these reasons I am convinced that these divisions of the body represent somites or body-segments. I suspect that the bifid, flexible hairs are homologous with the single, usually rigid, segmental hairs of the aphidiphagous forms which are similarly located with reference to segments. Determined in this way the body shows seven similar and perfect segments when in a retracted position. To these may apparently be added two posterior ones which bear the long respiratory tube and on which the anus opens ventrally. Immediately in front of these seven similar segments open the anterior respiratory cornua of the larva, which would represent a tenth segment. The remaining ones in front are indefinite, retractile, and bear the antennee, a mouth-hood, and, within the buccal cavity, certain chitinized mouth-parts. If, as in the case of the aphidiphagous species, we consider the anterior larval spiracles as representing the prothoracic segment and allow, as in that case, two segments for the head, then this segment becomes No. 3, the last one of the seven would be No. 10, and the ones bearing the anus and respiratory appendage would make twelve in all. The mouth-parts of the larva are located internal to a hood- like, striated, chitinous termination of the oesophageal framework. (Figs. 13s, b; 139). They are peculiar structures which I have been unable to homologize with the parts in the aphidiphagous larvae, but which seem to me to represent these structures in a degenerate condition. They are represented in Plate , Figs. 139, 140, 141, perhaps better than they can be described. Of the parts there figured only the hood reaches the surface or can be seen without dissection. 86 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 5, The antennae (Fig. 138, a) are located close above the buccal cavity and seem to consist of a basal fleshy segment and two, slightly-elongated pieces side by side at the apex. These are located on a fleshy, partly bifurcated process of the head seg- ment. The small pieces at the tip are not alike in appearance; the one nearer the iniddle line is abruptly constricted near its middle, beyond which it continues with less than a fourth its diameter at the basal half. The outer one is of nearly equal diameter to the truncate apex. The integument as a whole is provided with short, flexible, light-colored hairs (Fig. 13(i, b), which are specialized on the pro- legs, on the posterior breathing appendage, and also into the segmental hairs. The anterior spiracles (Figs. 131, b; 132), are borne on a pair of horn-like prominences which are capable of considerable exten- sion but are usually rather closely retracted. The tip is marked by a sub-circular opening guarded by twenty rounded lobes. The pro-legs, of which there are seven pairs, are simply ven- tral, knob-like projections of the body surface, over which the ordinary integumental vestiture has become specialized (Fig. 138, c). The hairs are larger, heavier, and decidedly curved and retrorse; there are several sizes of these hooks on each pro-leg. They are very efficient organs of locomotion in soft mud or over hard surfaces, and in the present case doubtless enable the larva to migrate to the place of pupation as described below. The anal opening is located ventrally near the base of the "tail." It is slit-like, and is very peculiar in that it opens among a group of soft, retractile, radiating flabellae about a dozen in num- ber. These flabellae may be cntireh' retracted so as to be invisible, and are at intervals rapidly unfolded presenting a beautifully symmetrical arrangement (Fig. 137). Buckton suggests that they may have a renal function. The posterior respiratory appendage (Fig. 131, d) is a most remarkable and highly specialized organ which enables the larva to feed at various depths beneath the water without coming to the surface for its atrial respiration. The spiracles are situated dis- tally on an elongated tube-like appendage, which is extensile and retractile in a telescopic manner. It is composed of three sections of different caliber and .superficial appearance, each double in nature, enclosing two tracheae, but fused medially to the tip, never forked. These sections are capable of sliding one within the other. The one next the body is the largest, nearly cjdin- drical, half a millimeter in diameter, transversely wrinkled and bearing numerous, soft, concolorous, blunt hairs, similar to those of the body surface (the integumental hairs) but only about half as large (Fig. 134). The middle segment of the posterior appen- dage is about two-thirds the diameter of the basal one, and is Mar., 1913.] Life-Histories of Syrphidae V. 87 marked by irregular longitudinal ridges bearing, in longitudinal lines, very short, sharp, recurved hairs, broad at the base (Fig. 135). These alternate on any two adjoining ridges. The ter- minal segment is smooth, shiny, with its surface transversely ridged in a manner which, under low magnifications, suggests a trachea. When more carefully examined, however, the two trachea which ran the full length of the tube are easily seen through the outer walls of this segment (Fig. 133, a). The tube temiinates in a rounded, convex tip which seems to be perforated by two small semi-circular slits. It is ornamented with four pairs of tiny, delicate, feather-like appendages which open out radially. (Fig. 133, c). These are probably lubricated in some way for they seem to repel the water and are not easily submerged. These feather-like structures may be homologous with the inter-spiracular hairs or spines of the aphidiphagous larvae. These larvae can progress through the water by undulatory constrictions of the body, or creep over submerged or exposed objects by the aid of their pro-legs. (Buckton believed that in E. tenax the tail is used by pushing from behind to aid the grub in penetrating into soft mud.) Numerous larvae were collected in the evaporating vats at the Columbus sewage disposal plant in September. They were found in large numbers swiniming about in the very putrid, watery material, near the surface where a kind of scum had collected. Their food is undoubtedly the various decaying materials brought in with the sewage. These are very interesting animals to watch under a low power microscope: the peculiar undulatory creeping or swimming movements, the retraction and elongation of the breathing appendage, the occasional unfolding of the flabelte about the anus, and the peculiar opening out and introverting of the anterior segments, lips, antennee, mouth-hood, etc., besides the action of the viscera all being clearly visible, and fascinating objects for study. Pupa. While the change from larval- to pupal-stage in the aphid- iphagous forms is not sharply defined, it is clearer there than in the rat-tailed foim as illustrated by E. ceneas; because in the latter case, the shortening and dorsal inflation are proportionately not so great. Length 8-10 mm., height 3-4.5 mm., width 3. 5-4. 5 mm. Shape elongate-ovoid, much like that of the larva but consider- ably shortened, and somewhat inflated dorsally; so that as seen from the side (Fig. 145) the dorsal line is strongly convex in front and behind, weakly so along the middle. The ventral line is 88 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, N.o. 5, nearly straight. From its posterior end arises the tail-like respiratory appendage (Fig. 145, c) which is usually curved anteriorly above or around the body. It is commonly shortened to a length of S to 10 mm. of which the basal segment often forms about two-thirds, the terminal one usually being second in length. The tracheal tubes from these appendages soon become constricted off a short distance within the main body of the puparium and are not functional during most of the pupal stage. At the approach of pupation there appears under the larval skin, about one segment back of the anterior or larval respiratory comua, (Fig. 131, b; 145, a), a pair of rounded darkened areas. These soon become elevated to a length of about 2 mm. ; their diameter being about 0.25 mm., rather uniform to near the tip where they round off (Fig. 145, h). They are provided on the distal three-fourths or four-fifths of their length with several hundred, short, rounded tubercles (Fig. 147). These tubercles are somewhat collected into groups, and, especially along the anterior- median surface, are absent over a longitudinal stripe. When highly magnified each tubercle is seen to be ornamented on the tip with about 8 or 9 radial elevations, which I take it are the spiracles. (Fig. 148). The elevations as a whole are called the pupal respiratory cornua. Internally to the puparium they continue as large trachea, which attach to the dorsal part of the prothoracic segment of the developing nymph (Fig. 146, a). There is thus quite clearly a special provision for pupal respiration. These might be considered homologous with the prothoracic spiracles of the adult fly; and since they penetrate the puparium about one segment back of the anterior larval respiratory cornua, it might seem improper to consider the larval segment which bears the latter the prothoracic. Nevertheless, it does not seem to me that the point at which these pupal cornua emerge should be considered of much significance. The larval skin at this time is much distorted out of its nonnal shape by contraction and inflation and it would not seem that segmental homology could longer hold. The larval respiratory cornua (Fig. 145, a) become fixed at a length of about 0.75 mm. their diameter being slightly less than that of the pupal comua just described. They are recurved slightly to a sharp point. The sub-circular group of rounded lobes at its tip in the larva (Fig. 132), become obscure in this stage. Internally the trachea from these cornua are constricted off and have no connection with the pu])a, at least in its more advanced stages. The buccal cavity, antennae, etc., are retracted within the puparium a short distance back of the anterior end where the dorsal elevation begins. Internally the oesophageal framework is flattened against the ventral wall of the puparium from which the Mar., 1913.] Life-Histories of Syrphidae V. 89 pupal body becomes separated. The position of the seven pairs of pro-legs and of the anal opening are shown as scars on the ptiparium (Fig. 145, e, d). The color of the pupariuni with the pupa enclosed is a very dark brown. When empty and dried it is brittle, and a very pale ashy-brown in color. The larval wrinkling remains visible to a slight extent. Pupae of this species were found in abundance at the sewage disposal plant the middle of September. The walls of the vats are of cement and are, much of the time, six or eight feet higher than the level of the water. They are surmounted by an iron railing. In the angles of this railing, or on the sides of the wall, wherever a crevice or angularity presents itself, numbers of puparia were found massed together and considerably over- grown with webs of spiders. During the winter the empty puparia in these locations form excellent nests for the spiders. Buckton, writing about E. tenax, states that the larvae buried themselves in soft mud, each fonning a small dome over itself, and so pupating under a shallow covering of mud. This method of pupation would be a protection against drought. The pupa& taken about the middle of September emerged as adults Septem- ber 26, so that the duration in this stage was at least ten days to two weeks. During the winter all the puparia that could be found were empty or contained dead nymphs. Does the fly pass the winter in some other stage, or can it be that the puparia left exposed cannot winter and that nomially they bury themselves in mud? If the latter is true, other pui^aria at this place may crawl farther and bury in the soil. Adult. Description slightly modified after Williston, Synopsis N. A. Syrph. pp. 161, 162.: "Male and female: Length S to 10.5 mm. Dark metallic green, wholly shining. Thorax sometimes with a bluish reflection. Eyes brownish, spotted with small round dots of darker (Plate IV, Fig. 150). [This character sometimes disappears after death]. The eyes are nearly bare, very slightly pilose near the top. Face and front with grayish pile and pollen, a small spot on the tuber- cle and the cheeks narrowly shining. Antennas brown, dorsal part of third joint darker; often the first two joints yellowish; arista bare. Thorax and abdomen with obscure yellowish pile. Dorsum of the thorax in the female with five grayish -white stripes, the middle one slender, linear, the two lateral ones broader (Plate IV, Fig. 150). Scutellum with the same dark metallic green. Tibise at the base, sometimes for nearly half their length, light yellow; middle, sometimes all the metatarsi, yellowish; the femora, except the tip, black; distal portion of tibiae blackish brown. Wings hyaline." 90 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 5, Didea fasciata Macquart, var. fuscipes Loew. (Plate IV, Fig. 17.) (An addition to the life-history notes on this species published in The Ohio Naturalist, Vol. XI, No. 7, pp. 337-341, May, 1911). Elongate oval in outline, sub-cylindrical, but flattened ven- trally and arched slightly dorsally; broadest about the middle. Length 1.3 to 1.7 mm., diameter 0.4 to 0.6 mm. Color chalk white. The chorion is sculptured in a characteristic manner. The projecting bodies are close together, not highly elevated, each one two to four times as long as broad. There are oo to 60 of these bodies lengthwise of the egg and SO to 100 around it at the middle. The egg of Didea differs from all the others I have seen in that the projecting bodies are not smooth on the top but each one has a small number (6-10) of more or less angular, irregular-shaped, pit-like depressions hollowed out of it. These are so arranged as to leave between them an elevated part of the body with more or less parallel sides. The whole effect is to give the arm-like network appearance over the main body somewhat like that between these bodies, without the outlines of the bodies being obscured. The arms between these bodies are irregular, slightly branched, for the most part rather short, sometimes long, from 10 to 15 radiating from each body. Eggs already hatched and larvte apparently 5 or 6 days old were taken on sycamores at Columbus, September 28, 1911. A number of eggs, not hatched, and nearly full-grown larvas were taken October 7. The eggs are scattered singly along the under side of the low, spreading, more or less horizontal branches of the sycamore {Platanus occidentalis L.) at a time in autumn when the colonies of aphids {Longistigma caryte Harris) are just being established, or even in anticipation of their arrival. Indeed it seems to me likely that the latter is usuall}^ the case. Certainly many eggs can be found in branches where no aphids are yet to be seen. They are laid flat down, glued by the posterior half of the ventral side to the bark, and are of such a size and color as to be readily seen on close examination with the naked eye. EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV. Figures 81-89 Syrphus xanthostoma Wills. Fig. 8L Antero-ventral view of head of larva much enhirged; a, sensory papillae; b, antenna; c, upper jaw; d, outer pair of mouth-hooks; e, other mouth hooklets; /, lower jaw; g, anterior spiracles or larval respiratory cornua; h, oesophageal framework, within. Fig. 82. Lateral view of larva, x 6; a, median segmental spines; b, pos- terior respiratory ap])endage. Fig. 83. End view of anterior spiracle, highly magnified. Fig. 84. Dorsal view of posterior respiratory organ x 40; a, one of the three pairs of slit-like spiracles; b, one of the inter-spiracular spurs; c, the median dorsal spiracular spur; d, the circular plate. Mar., 1913.] Life-Histories of Syrphidae V. 91 Fig. 85. End view of posterior respiratory organ, x 50; lettering as in Fig. 84. Fig. 86. Dorsal view of puparium x 3; a, posterior respiratory appendage. Fig. 87. Lateral view of puparium x 3. Fig. 88. Scutellum and abdomen of female from above, showing color pattern, x 5. Fig. 89. Wing of male, x 7. Figures 149, 150 Eristalis aeneas (Fab.) Fig. 149. Wing of male x 7. Fig. 150. Dorsal view of head and thorax of female showing characteristic spotting of the eyes, and poUinose thoracic pattern, x 5. Fig. 17. Didea fasciata fuscipes; characteristic sculpturing on chorion of egg- EXPLANATION OF PLATE V. Figures 142-144, inclusive, Eristalis tenax (Linne) all the others of Eristalis aeneas (Fabricious). See also Figs. 149, 150 Fig. 131. Dorsal view of mature larva x 9; a, antenna; h, anterior larval respiratory cornua; c, the large tracheal trunks; d, the posterior respiratory tube or "rat-tail." To avoid a confusion of detail the vestiture is not represented in this figure. Fig. 132. The anterior larval respiratory cornua, much enlarged, dissected out to show the large trachea leading from it. Fig. 133. Distal end of respiratory tube highly magnified, showing wrink- ling on outside, the two inner tracheae (a), the spiracles at the tip {b) and the delicate, feather-like appendages (c). Fig. 134. A small area of the basal segment of the tube much enlarged, showing the character of the vestiture and wrinkling. Fig. 135. A small area of the median segment of the tube much enlarged, to show the character of the vestiture and wrinkling. Fig. 136. a, one of the bifid, segmental hairs of the larva, and b, one of the integumental hairs of the body drawn to the same scale as Figs. 134 and 135. Fig. 137. The anal opening of the larva (a) with the retractile fiabellae (b), much enlarged. Ventral view of the head of the larva much enlarged; a, antenna; b, mouth hood; c, the first pair of pro-legs. Ventro-lateral view of hood and oesophageal framework dis- sected out, much enlarged. The chitinized mouth-parts internal to the hood from the side; a, booklets, possibly homologous with those of aphidiphagous larvae; b, mandible-like structures; much enlarged. The same as Fig. 140, ventral view. Eggs of E. tenax, x 17, showing method of ranking in oviposition. Sculpturing of chorion of egg of E. tenax, highly magnified. Larva of E. tenax a few hours after hatching; a, antenna; b, one of the prolegs; c, tracheal trunks; d, posterior respiratory appendage, x 17. Puparium of E. aeneas from the side, x 4; a, anterior larval respiratory cornua; b, pupal respiratory cornua; c, posterior respiratory appendage; d, anal fiabellae; e, pro-legs. Nymph, or developing imago, dissected out of puparium to show connection of tracheae from pupal respiratory cornua to prothorax (a); b, knee of front leg; c, wing-pads; d, scutellum; x3. Pupal respiratory cornua very much enlarged showing arrange- ment of spiracular papillae. Two of the papillae of the pupal respiratory cornua showing radiating structures believed to be the spiracles. Fig. 138. Fig. 139. Fig. 140. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 141. 142. 143. 144. Fig. 145. Fig. 146. Fig. 147. Fig. 148. Ohio Naturalist. Plate IV. Metcalf on "Life Histories of Syrphidae." Ohio Naturalist. Plate V. Metcalf on "Life-Histories of Syrphidae." 94 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 5, ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE ODONATA OF OHIO. Jas. S. Hine. The "Odonata of Ohio" by Dr. David S. Kelhcott was pub- lished in March, 1899. At that time 9S species had been taken in the state and all were represented in Professor Kelhcott 's collec- tion. Anax longipes Hagen was mentioned as a possible member of Ohio's fauna, but no specimens had been procured and we have no further infomiation in regard to it at the present time. A few misstatements have been noted in Dr. Kelhcott 's articles concerning dragonflies, largely unavoidable at that time because of the small amount of work that had been done on some of the genera. Recent investigations have revealed the fact that some additional species were at hand in 1S99 but were associated with nearly related ones on account of not being described. Finally a number of species not previously reported for Ohio have been collected in various sections of the state and by various collectors, most usually while engaged in preparing general faunal collections. On account of the few misstatements and the several addi- tions that have been made to the number of species taken within the limits of the state, it seems desirable at this time to print some statements for the purpose of bringing the list of Ohio dargonfiies up to date. In Volume I of the Ohio Naturalist, page 13, are given a few additions and corrections, but since some of these should be mentioned again, I have thought best at this time to give such information as has been collected since the appearance of The Odonata of Ohio. An attractive species of Enallagma was considered an unde- scribed species and named Enallagma fischeri by Dr. Kcllicott. After studying a large amount of material Mr. E. B. WiUiamson came to the conclusion that E. fischeri is the same as Agrion antennata Say and Dr. Calvert concurred. I believe that Wil- liamson is correct in his conclusion in this matter, but due deference to Dr. Kcllicott merits the statement that Say's description is rather brief and does not fully explain distinctive characters. After one is well acquainted with the dragonfly fauna of the section where Say procured his specimens it is possible to reach the proper conclusion by the process of elimination. In other words there appears to be no other species in this region that answers so well Say's description as the one in question. At the time when Dr. Kcllicott did his work on Ohio dragon- flies some of the species of the genus Gomphus were not well defined, consequently a few of his detenninations have been Mar., 1913.] Additions and Corrections, Odonata of Ohio. 95 proven incorrect and the following statements may be made in order to harmonize his publications with recent conclusions of the foremost students of Odonata. In Volume XII of Entomological News, page 65, Dr. Calvert gives a comparative study of three closely related species of this genus. After studying Ohio material as well as much material from other sections he announces that Gomphus fraternus var. walshii as published in Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. XVIII, p. 107, and Gomphus externus in Odonata of Ohio, page 60, should be changed to Gomphus crassus Hagen. Gomphus intricatus mentioned in Agricultural Student, Vol. Ill, page 143, and Gomphus sp. Jour. Cin. Soc. of Nat. Hist., Vol. XIX, page 67, are referable to Gomphus notatus Rambur. Gomphus notatus Ramb. as used by Dr. Kellicott in Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIX, page 67, is Gomphus plagiatus Selys, as we know it at the present time. Celithemis fasciata Kirby, Odonata of Ohio, page 104, and in Dr. Kellicott's other writings, is referable to Celithemis monome- Isena Williamson, which was described as a new species in Ohio Naturalist, Volume X, page 153, and the reader is referred to this paper for particulars. The following changes and statements are supplementary to the Odonata of Ohio and are made for the benefit of future students and collectors of the order in the state: Enallagma antennata (Say) to be used instead of Enallagma fischeri Kellicott. Gomphus crassus Hagen to be used instead of Gomphus externus Selys. Celithemis monomelasna Williamson to be used instead of Celithemis fasciata Kirby. Gomphus lividus Selys should stand as it is, since Gomphus^ sordidus Hagen is now considered a synonym. Gomphus plagiatus Selys, spoken of with some doubt, is correct as given. Gomphus notatus Rambur is correct as given and additional Ohio species have been procured. The following species have been taken in the state and should be added to the Ohio list: Calopteryx angustipenne (Selys), was procured near Loudon- ville by Osbuni and Parker, June 10, 1S99. Additional specimens were procured at the same place in June, 1900. Lestes eurinus Say, taken in Portage County, June 3, 1900, by E. B. Williamson. Nvimerous specimens of both sexes taken on Cedar Point, Sandusky, by the writer, July 10, 1900. Gomphoides obscura (Rambur), taken by R. C. Osburn, at Ironton, June 1, 1899. Additional specimens taken bv mvself at Vinton, June 10, 1900. 96 The Ohio XaturaJist. [Vol. XIII, No. 5, Erpetogomphus designatus Hagen, taken by Williamson along the White Water River near Harrison, July 26, 1903. Calvert mentions this species as a member of the Ohio fauna in Biol. Cent. Amer. Volume on Odonata, page 107! Williamson states that he has seen specimens in Dury's collection, taken at Cincinnati. Gomphus viridifrons Hine. In Ohio Naturalist, Volume I, page 13, this species is listed under Gomphus abbreviatus (?) Hagen. Specimens procured near Loudonville by J. B. Parker and R. C. Osburn, June 10, 1899. The species was cominon at the same locality June 14, 1900. Gomphus amnicola Walsh, taken along the Little Miami River at Cincinnati by Chas. Dury, May 5, 1899, and July 10, 1903. Along the Ohio River by the same collector, July 25, 1911. Boyeria grafiana Williamson. This species was included under B. Vinosa (Say) in The Odanata of Ohio. Williamson published a description of it as a new species in 1907, Entomological News, XVni,'page 1. A male, taken at Orwell, Ohio, September, 1894, by E. E. Bogue, is in the Kellicott collection. Aeschna mutata Hagen. Specimens taken by Osburn and Hine at Stewart's Lake, near Kent, O., June 22, 19UU. Listed in Ohio Naturalist, Vol. I, page 14, as Aeschna verticalis Hagen. Nasi^eschna pentacantha (Rambur) was taken near Kent, O., June 21, 1900. In company with R. C. Osburn we procured three pairs of the species. Others were seen. Neurocordulia obsoleta (Say) has been taken at Cincinnati, by Chas. Dury and his associates in different years. A male spec- imen in the Kellicott collection was taken at Cincinnati, June 15, 1899. Neurocordulia yamaskanensis (Provancher) was procured on Rattlesnake Island, in Lake Erie, June 28, 1900, by Prof. H. Osborn The additions here enumerated bring the number of species of dragonfiies actually collected in Ohio up to 109. ^ There is no doubt but that more additions can be made by thorough collecting in all parts of the State. Mar., 1913.] Carnivorous Plants of Ohio. 97 CARNIVOROUS PLANTS OF OHIO. Amy Williams. In Ohio we find representatives of all the main types of insect- iverous plants: First those having traps or chambers into which the insects go and are caught; second, those which show definite movements in response to a stimulus caused by contact with the animal ; and third, those which have neither pitfalls nor movements, but which have viscid-pubescence or viscid areas on their leaves or stems, on which the insects are caught. In the first group we find : Sarracenia purpurea L. Utricularia cornuta Mx. Utricularia vulgaris L. Utricularia intermedia Hayne. Utricularia minor L. Utricularia gibba L. Silphium perfoliatum L. Dipsacus sylvestris Mill. Sarracenia purpurea, Pitcher-plant, has its leaves converted into deep tubular pitchers, and arranged in rosettes, which rest on the ground, and from there curve upward. They are some- what inflated at about their middle, but get smaller again near the opening where they pass into small laminae. These are threaded by red veins, which often form a very striking pattern. The liquid remains in the pitcher for an indefinite period, as there is little chance for evaporation in the hollow tubes. Insects aHghting on the short lamina above the opening or crawling up from below, slide down readily into the pitcher because of the smooth, stiff, reflexed hairs. After they are in, their attempts to escape are entirely futile, because of the peculiar arrangement of downward pointing, stift" hairs, which line the throat and prevent them from crawiing up. They finally drop into the liquid collected in the bottom, where they drown and may then be absorbed by the plant. The Utricularias, Bladder- worts, are aquatic plants rooted in the mud or suspended in the water, and according to season, either sink down to the bottom or rise to just beneath the surface. In winter, when animal life is gradually disappearing from the upper layers of the water, the tips of the floating stems enlarge and form spherical winter-buds, which sink to the bottom during the winter. In the spring these buds elongate and come up to the surface. Here they put out two lateral branches which are cov- ered with leaves and little bladders. The bladders are pale- green and partially transparent. They are somewhat flattened on the sides and have a convex dorsal surface and a slightl}^ 98 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 5, curved lateral surface. Their openings are in the shape of mouths having their borders fringed with stiff, tapering bristles. The under lip of the mouth is very thick and has a cushion extending into the interior of the bladder. The upper lip is very thin and from it a transparent valve comes down to meet the inner edge of the cushion, thus closing the opening. By pressing against this valve minute plants or animals are able to enter the bladder from which it is impossible for them to escape, because of the valve. Silphium perfoliatum, Indian-cup, has its leaves arranged opposite each other on the stem, and united to form a cup. This cup is filled with water, probably partly rain and partly some excretion from the plant itself. Dipsacus sylvestris is a coarse herb having its leaves arranged opposite each other, forming a cup to catch water, much like the Silphium. Their edges and mid-ribs are covered with prickles. In the second group are : Drosera rotundifolia L. Drosera intermedia Hayne. The different forms of Drosera, Sun-dew, are usually rooted in damp, mossy soil or bogs. The way in which these plants catch their prey is by means of fine red filaments which are clavate on the free ends and tipped b}^ a drop of fluid. These filaments stand out from the upper surface of the leaf, the under side being smooth and without hairs. They are of unequal length, the longer ones being near the outer edge, the shorter ones in the center. There are on one leaf, sometimes as many as two hundred of these tentacles. The clavate head is really a gland which secrete a thick, sticky, sweet fluid. It is remarkable that in making experiments, by placing bits of non -nitrogenous substances upon the leaf, the movement is scarcely perceptable, in response, while when insects alight upon the surface, the process immediately begins. In many instances the leaf itself becomes concave, so that when the tentacles are down, it has the appearance of a closely doubled fist. When the insect alights near the center of the leaf it is covered by the secretion of all the tentacles. Those in the third group are : Silcne antirrhina L. vSilcne antirrhina divaricata Rob. Silene virginica L. Silenc noctiflora L. Silene rcgia Sims. vSilene armeria L. Silene conica L. Silene caroliniana Walt. Tricuspis seslerioides (Mx.) Torr. Carduus nniticus (Mx.) Pers. Carduus odoratus (Muhl.) Port. Parsonsia petiolata (S.) Rusby. Polanisia gravcolcns L. Circaea alpina L. Mar., 1913.] Caloplaca Pyracea {AcL) Th. Fr. 99 The plants of this group excrete a sticky substance by which insects are often captured in large numbers. In the Silenes, Tricuspis, Parsonsia, Polanisia and Circaea the secretive and absorbing glands are on the stems, while in Carduus the viscid substance is excreted on the bracts of the involucre. In this case the excretion acts more as a protection to the flower against crawling insects. In certain western species of Carduus the glutinous secretion on the bracts is so abundant that it is impossible for any crawling insects like ants to pass over it to the flowers above. The species in Ohio have the glands on the bracts and insects were observed adhering to them but they are much less prominent. CALOPLACA PYRACEA (ACH.) TH. FR., A CRUSTACEOUS LICHEN ON THE SANDSTONE SIDEWALKS OF EAST CLEVELAND, OHIO. Edo Claassen. Owing to the frequent rains last sumnier more algae seemed to grow on the sidewalks than ever before. They were yellowish- green, represented a species of Cystococcus, and occasionally covered the entire surface of the stones. Here and there small specks of a grayish color appeared on them, a fungal growth several mm. in diameter. The mycelitim spread out and continued to do so while its central part began to disappear. In these centers algae again commenced to grow while the mycelium stretched out more and more, surrounding the algae like a ring continually increasing in size. It frequently happened that some mycelium located itself on the central part of this algal layer, thus apparently repeating the former process. It was on these layers of mycelium that apothecia were forming in great numbers. They were yellow to orange-yellow with their rim-like external part, the so-called exciple, lighter in color. When young they were somewhat convex but later on mostly fiat. The apothecia contained asci in a more or less mature condi- tion. The spores were very seldom simple, except when quite young and filled with granular protoplasm, but usually even when rather young they were two-celled. Nearly fullgrown spores as well as ripe ones were always two-celled. Although the two- celled spores of this lichen are said to be generally " polar-biloc- ular, " none of this type could be ascertained in the specimens examined. All the lichen specimens were concentrically arranged on the stones wherever they had space enough to spread; when full grown their diameter reached 50 to 70 mm. or even more. In the central part of an examined specimen was found an algal layer of loo The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 5, 40 mm. diameter, surrounded by a mycelium 15 mm. wide. In another specimen of about the same size the central part of the algal layer was covered again by a mycelium 12 mm. in diameter, so that now this mycelium was surrounded by an algal and a fungal layer in the shape of concentric rings. The apothecia in the last mentioned case were distributed as well on the inner as on the outer mycelium. The apothecia are usually provided with a great number of asci, each containing S colorless, more or less elliptical spores, which are liable because of their small size (11-16x7-8 mic.) to be blown to long distances by the wind. On finding a proper substratum, as seems to have been the case here, the algae on the moist sandstone, they reproduce innumerable new plants. They lead a symbiotic life, apparently without either benefit or harm to the algal symbiont, but certainly with benefit to the fungal part. MEETING OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB. Orton Hall, November 4, 1912. The club was called to order b}^ Pres. W. M. Barrows. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The principal business of the evening was the election of officers. The nominating committee reported the names of two candidates for each office and the following were elected: President, W. G. Stover Vice-President, Blanche McAvoy. Secretary-Treasurer, Marie F. McLellan. Following the election came the president's address on "Some Recent Work Along the Line of Mendel's Law." Prof. Barrows discussed Mendel's original idea and showed that the results of modem work have been slightly different from Mendel's expectations. The purity of germ cells and their un- changeability have been questioned. It has also been shown that units are not physiologically separate, but react on one another. He then took up the phenomena of sex-limited inheritance and showed illustrations from the experiments of Pearl and Surface on barred and non-barred chickens. He showed also that dominance is not a necessary factor in the l)roduction of Mcndclian ratios. The meeting was then adjourned. Marie F. McLellan, Secretarv. Correction. — In the February Ohio Naturalist, ]). 70, first line below "Synopsis of the Plant Phyla," read "then" instead of "through." Date of Publication, March 25, 1913. The Ohio ^ACaturalist, PUBLISHED BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity, Volume XIII. APRIL, 1913. No. 6. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ScHAFFNER— The Classification of Plants, IX 101 McAvoY— Liliales of Ohio 109 Brain— A Preliminary List of the Acarina of Cedar Point 131 McLellan— Meeting of the Biological Club 132 THE CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS, IX.* John H. Schaffner. Our knowledge of the gymnosperms has been greatly advanced in recent years and it is now possible to discern the broad, general lines of relationship among them with some degree of certainty. Especially important have been the contributions on the morphol- ogy^ of the cycads and various conifers by Chamberlain and other Chicago botainists. In some orders, the phylogenetic relationships are still un- certain and much work remains to be done both on the cytology and on the histology of the stem. In certain genera even the gross organography is not completely known. Among the coni- fers, the Podocarpaceffi and certain Taxodiaceas greatly need serious attention. The recent discoveries in the Pteridospermae and other fossil groups and the finding of multiciliate, motile sperms in the living Cycadophyta have definitely related the Gymnosperms to the Ptenophyte phylum; and, although one would hardly look to any known living Gymnospemis as direct ancestors of the Angiosperms, yet it seems certain that the Angiosperms and the various groups of Gymnosperms must have had rather closely related ancestors derived directly from the eusporangiate ferns. There is little probability that the real ancestry will ever be discovered, at least not until more progress is made in finding plant remains or im- pressions of far earher times than any yet known. The fossil history of plants practically begins with the Cordaites, and although one may find interesting transition forms between * Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of Ohio State Univer- sity, No. 73. loi I02 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, the various members cf primitive seed plants in the Carboni- ferous and Devonian, the conclusions drawn from these sources are no more reliable or fundimental than those from living forms, except that they aid in filling up gaps which occur among those surviving to the present time. What is needed, of course, is a series of ancestral fossils below the Devonian, leading up step by step through the successive geological formations, from a pteridophyte ancestor to the Devon- ian Cordiates. The speculations of those who reason from fossils of lower order which occur after the higher have appeared are of no more weight than speculations based on the present flora, which is, after all, more reliable than the extremely fragmentary material of the fossil record. It may be stated that there are, at present, no evident data in support of the direct relationship of any gymnospemi classes unless we consider the Bennettilales as a class distinct from the Cycadales. The relationship of these two groups seems to be quite certainly established. But at present most systematists would probably agree that the Cycadales and Bennettilales are closely related orders. The strobili or cones of the Coniferse are here regarded as true strobili and not as inflorescences, and Bessey's view that the staminatc and ovulate cones arc strictly homologous is main- tained. When one compares the pine carpel, with its prominent ovuliferous scale, with the dwarf branch, one might easily be tempted to make them homologous; but when one goes a little further and finds the same peculiarities in the carpels of genera like Abies, where no dwarf branches exist, the conclusion has little or no weight. Much of the discussion as to the nature of the carpellate strobilus of the Pinacea2 has been based on the occurrence of occasional abnormal structures, but one can find abnormal cones that argue for the view that the carpellate cones are true strobili and not inflorescences, just as well as one can find structures that would indicate the opposite. For example, Fischer has described an abnormal cone of Pinus laricio, the lower part of which had normal stamens and the outer end of the same axis had carpels of the usual type. This bisporangiate cone was in the position of a staminatc cone beside a normal staminatc cone. The carpels had the usual carpellate bract and ovuliferous scale. I regard the ovuliferous scale as a peculiar structure not homologous to either stem or leaf. The fleshy structures in the Taxales must be of a similar nature. The aril of Taxus, for example, is either homologous or analogous to the ovuliferous scales of Abies and Picca. The structure with the two ovules in Ginkgo is regarded as a megasporophyll, the whole cluster at the tip of the dwarf branch being simply a cluster of carj^cls. The same interpretation must then, of course, also be given to the staminatc structures. The April, 1913.] The Classification of Plants, IX. 103 stalk with its numerous anthers being a compound microsporophyll homologous to those of the Bennitales and the cycads. On the other hand, the sporebearing structures of the Gneteae are regarded as highly specialized strobili, the whole cluster being an inflores- cence. If these views are correct, we have in a general way the same evolutionary developments in . the gymnosperms as are so evident in the angiosperms. There are, however, no great number of transition types as we have in the angiosperms, where one can follow through from the primitive strobilus-like flower to a highly reduced and specialized inflorescence, with numerous vestiges, pointing out the probable course of evolution. The arguments usually advanced from the presence of ab- normahties, as stated above, are far from convincing. The change of one organ to another, or the appearance of a structure peculiar to one organ on another, simply mean that the hereditary factors have become active in a tissue where they are normally inactive or latent. One would certainly not claim that when the stamen of a rose or other flower is transformed into a petal there is a revision to a primitive condition. For this would give us a primitive flower composed entirely of petals. It is evident however, that the evolution of the rose and all other similar flowers must have proceeded in the opposite direction. Instead of a reversion we have in such cases only the expression of resi- dent factors in structures where we do not expect them to be operative. The petal factors are present, potentially, in every cell of the entire plant body. Because a petiole under an abnormal stimulus, caused by certain bacteria or by special manipulation, may develop stem structures is no evidence that the petiole was phylogentically ever a stem. If one finds stem-like tissues in the carpel petiole of Ginkgo, there is no unquestionable evidence that the organ was phylogenetically a stem. The stem structure may have developed as a response to the parasitism of the gametophyte and its embryo. It is also true that in the great majority of supposed phylogenetic reversions, there are after all no hereditary characters shown in the abnormal structure but what appear in the normal ontogeny. Usually there is simply an abnormal distribution in the expression of such characters. If a root under an unusual manipulation can give rise to tissues which produce flowers, this does not mean that in its past phylogeny the root was a petaliferous organ. Yet such interpretations are continually made by some biologists to account for any abnomial developments which may be shown in the various tissues of organisms. One could certainly reconstruct a remarkably fantastic ances- tral group of angiospemis or gymnospemis, were one to give weight to the multitude of monstrosities continually appearing in both vegetative and reproductive parts. I04 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, With the foregoing views as a basis for our reasoning on the phylogemy of the gyninospernis, we may regard the hypothetical relationships of the various classes and other groups as follows : The Pteridospemiae were a class of fern-like seed plants, derived from a heterosporous ptenophyte group, not yet dis- covered, leading off from some primitive eusporangiate, homos- porous type long before Devonian times. These homosporous ferns must haA^e had characters somewhat like our living Marat- tiales. The Cycadeae are a more highly specialized branch, derived from the same primitive stock as the Pteridospermae. The Strobilophyta must also have been derived from the ancestral type which gave rise to the Cycadeae and Cordaiteae, but did not originate directly from either group. There is no satisfactory evidence that the Coniferae came from the Cordaiteae. but the two groups may have had a common ancestry segregated from some primitive Pteridosperm stock. The Ginl^ feet high; leaves lanceolate, smooth, acuminate at both ends, lower leaves whorled; one-to-many-flowered, flowers drooping or spread- ing, orange, yellow-orange or rarely red, purple spotted, long peduncled, formimg large panicles; perianth segments recurved. In meadows and marshes. Reported for Erie County. Mosley's herbarium. 2. Lilium canadense L. Canada Lily. Stem 2-6 feet high; leaves remotely whorled, lanceolate, 3 nerved, roughened or tuberculate on the veins beneath; flowers drooping or spreading, long peduncled, yellow or orange, usually spotted with brown; perianth segments recurved or spreading. In swamps or meadows. General. 3. Lilium philadelphicum L. Philadelphia Lily. Stem 1>^- 3 feet high; leaves linear-lanceolate, mostly whorled; flowers 1-3, erect, reddish orange, spotted with purple inside; perianth seg- ments narrowed into long claws. Dry or sandy soil. Fulton, Lucas, Sandusky, Eric. 4. Lilium umbellatum Pursh. Western Red Lily. Similar to L. philadelphicum, but more slender; leaves, all but the upper- most scattered, narrowly linear; flowers 1-3, red, orange or yellow, spotted below; erect, perianth segments narrowed into claws, shorter than the blade. In dry soil on prairies. Stark County. 3. Erythronium L. Dog-tooth Lily. Nearly stemless herbs arising from a deep bulb, stem bearing two smooth, spotted leaves with sheathing petioles and one nodding flower at the top; perianth of 6 lanceolate, recurved or spreading divisions; anthers oblong-linear, style elongated; capsule obovoid, contracted near the base. L Flowers yellow; stigmas very short. E. americanum. \. Flowers white or pinkish white; stigmas longer, spreading and more recurved. E. albidum. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 113 1. Erythronium americanum Ker. Yellow Dog-tooth Lily. A bulbous herb with green leaves mottled with purple and white; perianth yellow; style club-shaped; stigmas 3, united. In woods and thickets. General. 2. Erythronium albidum Nutt. White Dog-tooth Lily. Leaves somewhat narrower than the preceding species, not so much spotted; perianth white, pinkish or bluish-pink; stigmas spreading. General. 4. Hemerocallis L. Day-Hly. Showy perennials with fiberous, fleshy roots, and two-ranked, linear leaves at the base of the tall scapes. Scape many flowered, each flower having a bract and remaining open but for one day; perianth funnel-form, the lobes longer than the tube; stamens united with the tube, anthers introrse, filaments long and thread- like; style long, stigma simple. p% 1. Hemerocallis fulva L. Common Day-lily. Scape 3-6 feet tall; leaves channeled; flowers 6-18, short pedicelled, tawny orange. Escaped. General. 5. Allium L. Onion. Leek. Garhc. Herbs with alliaceous odor, arising from solitary or clustered bulbs. Leaves narrowly linear, or rarely lanceolate; scape simple and erect; flowers small, in umbels; perianth white, pink, purple, green; parts distinct, or united at the very base; style persistent, and thread-like; capsule lobed; seeds black. 1. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, not present at the time of flowering; capsule strongly 3-lobed. A. tricoccnm. 1. Leaves linear or elongated, present at the time of flowering. 2. 2. Leaves hollow, terete or nearly so. 3. 2. Leaves solid. 4. 3. Stem leafy to above the middle; leaves thread-like, grooved down the upper side. A. vineale. 3. Stem leafy only near the base; leaves usually broad, not definitely grooved, flowers white. A. cepa. 4. Scape terete, not angular, umbels erect, with bulblets, ovulary not crested. A. canade?ise. 4. Scape angular, umbels nodding without bulblets, ovulary and capsule crested. A. cernmim. 1. Allium tricoccum Ait. Wild Leek. An herb with clus- tered ovoid bulbs and with oblong lanceolate leaves, withering before flowering time. Leaves 6-12 in. long; tapering into a long petiole; scape 4-6 in. tall; umbels bracteolate, many flowered, erect; flowers white; perianth segments oblong, of about the same length as the filaments; capsule 3-lobed. In woods. West central part of the state to Franklin and Delaware. Also in Lorain, Cuyahoga and Medina. 2. Allium vineale L. Field Garlic. A slender herb with a stem 1-3 feet high sheathed by the bases of the leaves below the 114 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, middle. Leaves terete and hollow, slender, channeled above; umbels many-flowered, erect, bulbiferous; flowers white; perianth segments obtuse ; capsule deeply three-lobed. Franklin and Har- rison. 3. Allium cepa L. Common Onion. Scape exceeding the leaves; bulb scaley; leaves hollow, sometimes terete, usually broader than thick; flowers white. Sometimes persistent. 4. Allium canadense L. Meadow Garlic. Scape 12 in. high, terete, bulb small; leaves basal or nearly so, narrowly linear, slight!}^ convex beneath; umbels bulbiferous; flowers pink or white; perianth segments narrowly lanceolate. General. 5. Allium cernuum Roth. Nodding Onion. Bulbs narrowed into a neck; leaves linear, flattened and slightly keeled, 1 ft. long; scape slightly ridged, 1-2 feet tall, bearing a loose or drooping few- to-many -flowered umbel; flowers rose-colored, to purple; capsule 6-crested. General. 6. Quamasia Raf. Wild Hyacinth. Bulbous herbs with linear leaves and a tenninal inflorescence of rather large, blue, purple or white flowers. Perianth slightly irregular of G blue or purple, spreading 3 to 7 nerved segments; stamens united with the bases of the segments; anthers versatile, introrse; capsule oval. 1. Quamasia hyacinthina (Raf.) Britt. Wild Hyacinth. Scape G-28 in. tall; leaves keeled; raceme elongated; bracts longer than the pedicels; flowers pale blue; 3 nerved. General, but rare in eastern Ohio. 7. Ornithogalum L. Star-of-Bethlehem. Bulbous herbs with narrow, basal, fleshy leaves. Inflores- cence in a terminal, bracted, corymb or raceme of white, \^ellowish or greenish flowers; anthers introrse and versatile; stigma three lobed or three ridged. Ornithogalum umbellatum L. Star-of-Bethlehem. Bulbs ovoid, tufted; scape slender, 4-12 in. high; leaves narrow, dark green with lighter mid-rib ; flowers in a simple raceme or corymb, erect or ascending; perianth segments white above and green and white below; stamens ^ the length of the segments. Escaped from gardens. Montgomery, Miami, Gallia, Franklin and Auglaize. 8. Muscari Mill. Grape-hyacinth. Low bulbous herjjs, with basal, linear, fleshy leaves and small,, usually blue (rarely pink or white) flowers, in a dense raceme. Perianth globular of united segments; stamens included; anthers introrse; style short. 1. Muscari botryoides (L.) Mill. Grape-hyacinth. Leaves linear, erect; flowers deep blue, pedicels shorter than the flowers. Montgomery, Lake. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 115 9. Aletris L. Colic-root. Perennial, smooth, stemless herbs, fibrous rooted with basal lanceolate leaves. Inflorescence a spike-like raceme; flowers small, bracted, white or yellow; perianth campanulate of six united, persistent segments; stamens united with the perianth; stigmas minutely 2-lobed; capsule ovoid. Aletris farinosa L. Colic root. Scape 16-36 in. tall, slender, terete; basal leaves lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acuminate at the tip, narrowed at the base, pale in color, 2-6 in. long; raceme 4-12 in. long or somewhat longer; flowers white or yellowish; style subulate; capsule ovoid, loculicidal above. Counties along Lake Erie. Afelantlmtce. 10. Uvularia L. Bellwort. An erect, perennial herb from a root-stock. Stem leafy above and scale-bearing below; leaves alternate, perfoliate or sessile; flowers peduncled, drooping, solitary or occasionally in two's at the end of the branches ; perianth narrow or bell-shaped ; stamens 6, free, or united to the base of the perianth segments; anthers linear; capsule ovoid or obovoid, three angled. 1. Leaves sessile, not perfoliate. U. sessilifolia. 1. Leaves perfoliate. 2. 2. Perianth segments pubescent within, stamens shorter than the stj^le, plants glaucous, leaves glabrous. U. perfoliata. 2. Perianth segments smooth within or nearly so, stamens longer than the style, plants not glaucous, leaves pubescent beneath. U. grandiflora. 1. Uvularia sessilifolia L. Sessile-leaf Bellwort. Glabrous herb with a slender stem and but one or two leaves below the fork. Leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate, 1-5 in. long, thin, sessile, acute at each end, margins slightly rough, pale or glaucous beneath, flowers greenish yellow; perianth segments smooth; styles exceeding the stamens; anthers blunt; capsule narrowed at both ends, 1 in. long. Lucas, Cuyahoga, Siunmit, Mahoning, Gallia. 2. Uvularia grandiflora vSm. Large-flowered Bellwort. Stem stout, yellowish-green, not glaucous, naked or bearing 1 or 2 leaves below the fork; leaves perfoliate, oblong, oval or ovate, somewhat acuminate, whitish-pubescent beneath; perianth seg- ments smooth within or nearly so; stamens exceeding the styles; capsule obtusely lobcd. General 3. Uvularia perfoliata L. Perfoliate Bellwort. A slender plant 6-20 in. high, with 1-3 leaves below the fork. Leaves glaucous, oblong to ovate-lanceolate, acute; perianth segments pale yellow, pubescent within; stamens shorter then the style or equaling them; capsule obovoid, truncate, 3-angled with concave sides and grooved ridges. General. II 6 Tlie Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, 11. Melanthium L. Bunch-flower. Tall leafy, pubescent herbs, perennial from short root stocks. Leaves oval, lanceolate or linear; inflorescence a pyratnidal panicle; flowers greenish, white or cream colored; perianth of ■spreading segments, clawed, filaments shorter than the divisions of the perianth, somewhat united to the perianth segments; .anthers cordate or reniform; styles 3, subulate. 1. Melanthium virginicum L. Virginia Bunch-flower. Stem 1/^-5 feet tall, rather slender; leaves linear, }4-l}4 in. wide; divisions of the perianth ovate to oblong, clawed, the claw about one-third of the whole length of the segment. Richland, Wayne. 12. Veratrum L. False-hellebore. Tall perennial herbs with short, poisonous rootstocks. Leaves broad and for the most part clasping; stem and inflorescence somewhat pubescent; inflorescence a terminal panicle or spike- like raceme; flowers greenish, yellowish or purple, bisporangiate or monecious on short pedicels ; stamens free short and recurved. 1. Stem stout and very leafy toward the top, inflorescence spreading in a dense spike-like raceme, ovulary glabrous. V. viride. 1. Stem slender, leaves few, inflorescence in a narrow panicle, ovulary tomentose. V. ivoodii. 1. Veratrum woodii Robb. Wood's False-hellebore. Stem slender, sparingly leafy, 1-5 feet high; leaves oblanceolate, only the lowest clasping; panicle narrow; perianth greenish-purple, with entire segments; ovulary tomentose; capsule few-seeded. Auglaize county. 2. Veratrum viride Ait. American False-hellebore. Stem stout, very leafy at the top, 2-7 feet tall; leaves broadly oval, pointed; sheath clasping; inflorescence a dense, spreading spike- like raceme; perianth yellowish -green ; segments twice as long as the stamens, ciliate serrulate; ovulary glabrous; capsule many- seeded. Ashtabula county. 13. Zygadenus Mx. Zygadene. Erect perennial bulbous, glabrous herbs with rather large panicled, greenish-white flowers. Stems leafy; leaves linear; perianth segments separate or united below; stamens free from the perianth segments. 1. Zygadenus elegans Pursh. Glaucous zygadenus. Very glaucous, stem slender, >^-3 feet tall; leaves keeled; inflorescence sometimes one foot long; flowers greenish; perianth segments oval to obovate, obtuse, somewhat united. Champaign, Stark, Highland, Ottawa. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 117 14. Stenanthium Kunth. Erect, glabrous, bulbous, perennial herbs, with long grass- like, keeled leaves. Inflorescence of numerous small flowers, forming a long terminal panicle; perianth segments oblong or ovate, spreading; stamens somewhat shorter than the perianth; filaments subulate; anthers oblong. 1. Stenanthium robustum Wats. Stout Stenanthium. Stem stout, usually leafy, 3-5 ft. tall, leaves 1 ft. or more long; panicle dense, usually compound; flowers greenish or white; capsule ovoid-oblong, erect, with a short recurved beak. Fairfield. 15. Chamaelirium Willd. Smooth herbs with erect stems, from bitter, tuberous, root- stocks bearing a spike like raceme of small, white, bractless flowers, diecious; carpellate plant more leafy than the staminate; leaves flat, lanceolate or oblanceolate, tapering into a petiole; perianth of 6. 1-nerved segments; carpellate flower with vestigial stamens. 1. Chamaelirium luteum (L.) Gr. Chamaelirium. Stem 1-4 feet high, the carpellate plant usually higher; basal leaves 2-8 in. long; capsule oblong. Sandusky, Erie, Cuyahoga, Sum- mit, Medina, Wayne, Licking, Lawrence. 16. Tofieldia Huds. Perennial herbs with short, erect or horizontal rootstocks, flberous roots, and slender, erect, almost leafless stems. Leaves linear and clustered at the base ; flowers bisporangiate in a temiinal raceme, or rarely solitary, white or green; pedicels bracted; per- ianth segments oblong or obovate, persistent; stamens 6; anthers introrse; ovulary sessile, styles 3, recurved. 1. Tofieldia glutinosa (Mx.) Pers. Glutinous Tofieldia. Stem vicid, pubescent, 6-20 in. tall with 2-4 basal leaves; inflores- cence a short raceme, three-eighths to one and one-fourth in. long, bearing small involucral bracts; flowers very small; perianth segments oblong or obtuse; capsule oblong. Stark, Champaign. CoHvallariatcB. 17. Trillium L. Glabrous, erect, unbranched herbs, from short, root-stocks, with a whorl of 3 leaves at the summit of the stem. Perianth of 3 green, persistent sepals and 3 withering or deciduous, colored petals, ovulary 3 or 6 angled. 1. Flowers peduncled. 2. 1. Flowers sessile. 6. 2. Leaves sessile or subsessile. 3. 2. Leaves petioled; oval or ovate. 5. ii8 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, 3. Petals obovate or oblanceolate, white or pinkish, sometimes darker with age. T. grandiflorum. (1) 3. Petals ovate or lanceolate. 4. 4. Peduncles 1-4 in. long, erect or declined; petals spreading, flowers ill- scented; dark purple, pink or white. T. erectum. (2) 4. Peduncles usually less than 1 in. long, recurved beneath the leaves, petals recurved, white or pink. T. cernuiim. (3) 5. Leaves acuminate, about 6 in. long; flowers pure white. T. undulatum. (4) 5. Leaves oval, obtuse or merely acute, small, flowers white with purple stripes at the bases. T. nivale. (5) 6. Leaves sessile, sepals erect or spreading. T. sessile. (6) 6. Leaves petioled, sepals reflexed. T. recurvatum. (7) 1. Trillium grandiflorum (Mx,) Salisb. Large-flowered Tril- lium. Leaves pcduncled, somewhat rhombic-ovate; petals oblanceolate or obovate, white or pinkish, sometimes darker with age; stamens with stout filaments and usually exceeding the slender stigmas. General. 2. Trillium erectum L. Ill-scented Trillimn. Leaves broadly rhombic, short acuminate; petals ovate or lanceolate, white, pink or deep purple; stamens exceeding the stout recurved stigmas; flowers ill-scented. General. 3. Trillium cernuum L. Nodding Trillitmi. Leaves broadly rhombic ovate; peduncle usually less than one in. long and re- curved beneath the leaves; petals recurved, white or pinkish; filaments about equalling the anthers; stigma stout at the base, but tapering toward the apex. Auglaize, Champaign, Medina. 4. Trillium undulatum Willd. Painted Trillium. Leaves ovate and taper-pointed; petals ovate or oval-lanceolate, pointed and wavy, white with purple stripes. Ashtabula county. 5. Trillium nivale Ridd. Early Trillium. Small, 2-4 in. high. Leaves oval or ovate, obtuse; petals oblong, obtuse, white, scarcely wav}^; styles long and slender. Miaini, Clark, Greene, Franklin. G. Trillium sessile L. Sessile Trillium. Leaves sessile and usually mottled; flowers sessile; sepals spreading or erect, narrowly lanceolate or oblanceolate, dark and dtill purple, varying to greenish. General. 7. Trillium recurvatum Beck. Prairie Trillium. Leaves petioled and somewhat mottled, ovate, oblong or obovate; flowers sessile; sepals reflexed; petals clawed, dark purple. Auglaize, Hamilton. 18. Medeola L. A slender, erect, unbranched lierb, clothed with deciduous tomentum, arising from a tul^c-likc rootstock and bearing two or three whorls of oblong-lanceolate leaves and a sessile umbel of small, recurved flowers. Perianth of 6 equal, recurved, greenish- yellow segments; stamen filaments slender; styles 3, recurved. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 119 1. Medeola virginiana L. Indian Cucumber-root. 1-2 >^ feet high; the lower whorl of leaves sessile, acuminate, narrowed at the base, 3 to 5 nerved; umbel 2-9 flowered; perianth segments obtuse; berry dark purple. General. 19. Streptopus Mx. Twisted Stalk. Branching herbs with thin, sessile, or clasping, alternate leaves. Flowers solitary or in two's, greenish, rose or purplish, small and nodding ; peduncles bent or twisted at about the middle ; perianth campanulate of 6 spreading or recurved segments, deciduous, stamen-filaments short; style slender. 1. Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. Clasping-leaf twisted stalk. Plant 16-36 in. high, usually branching below the middle; leaves cordate clasping at the base, glabrous; berry oval. Reported for Ohio. 20. Disporum Salisb. Herbs with slender root stocks and branching stems. Leaves alternate, sessile or clasping; flowers terminal, nodding, solitary or in simple umbels, white or greenish-yellow; perianth of narrow, deciduous, segments; anthers extrorse; style slender; berry oval or ovoid. 1. Disporum lanuginosum (Mx.) Nich. Hairy Disporum. Pubescent herbs with ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate leaves, 2-4 in. long, long acuminate at the apex and rounded at the base. Flowers solitary, or in two's or three's, greenish, ^-^ in. long, campanulate, glabrous, style slender; berry oval, red. In woods. Huron, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Ashtabula, Medina, Columbiana, Morrow, Perry, Richland, Wayne, Adams. 21. Salomonia Heist. Solomon's Seal. Herbs with scarred root-stocks and simple aerial stems, scaly below and leafy above, the leaves sessile and alternate in ours. Flowers usually greenish, axillary, drooping, peduncled, solitary or umbellate; pedicels jointed at the base; perianth 6-lobed; stamens included, united with the perianth; styles slender; fniit a dark blue berry with a bloom. 1. Plants glabrous throughout; filaments smooth, flowers usually clustered. 5. commutata. 1. Leaves pubescent beneath; filaments roughened, flowers usually in two's. S. biflora. 1. Salomonia commutata (R. & S.) Brit. vSmooth Solomon 's- seal. A glabrous herb, 1-8 ft. high. Leaves rounded and some- times clasping at the base; peduncle 1-S flowered, glabrous; flowers ^-%'in. long. In moist woods and along streams. Gen- eral. I20 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XllI, No. 6, 2. Salomonia biflora (Walt.) Britt. Hairy Solomon's-seal. A slender herb S in -3 ft. high with glabrous stem. Leaves acute or acuaiinate at the apex, often obtuse at the base, pubescent (especially on the veins) beneath, glabrous above; peduncles commonly 2-flowered, sometimes 1-4 flowered; flowers y^-Yz inch long. In woods and thickets. General. 22. Vagnera Adans. False Solomon's Seal. Herbs with stems scaly below and leafy above. Leaves alternate, short petioled or sessile ; inflorescence a terminal raceme or panicle; flowers small, white or greenish; staniens united with the base of the segments; anthers introrse; fruit a globular berry; seeds 1 or 2. 1. Flowers numerous and panicled. V. racemosa. 1. Flowers few and racemose. 2. 2. Leaves numerous. V. sleUala. 2. Leaves 2-4. V. irifolia. 1. Vagnera racemosa (L.) Mor. Panicled False Solomon's- seal. Herbs with fleshy root-stocks and angled, leafy stems 1-3 ft. high. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, or oval, sessile or short- petioled, 2^-6 in. long, acuminate, finely pubescent beneath, margins ciliate; panicle dense, peduncled; perianth segments oblong; fruit an aromatic red berry speckeled with purple. In moist woods and thickets. General. 2. Vagnera stellata (L.) Mor. Stellate False Solomon's- seal. A leafy herb 8-2U in. high with a stout fleshy rootstock. Stems glabrous; leaves oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, sessile or clasping, minutely pubescent beneath; inflorescence a raceme ^- 2 in. long, several-flowered; berry reddish or green striped with black. In moist soil. General. 3. Vagnera trifolia (L.) Mor. Three-leaf False Solomon's- seal. A glabrous herb with slender root-stocks usually with 3, sometimes 2-4 leaves. Leaves oblong or oblong-lanceolate, sessile, acute or acuminate at the apex, narrowed at the base; inflorescence a few flowered panicled raceme, perianth segments obtuse or somewhat reflexed; berry dark red. In bogs and wet places, Fulton, Lorain. 23. Unifolium Adans. False Lily-of-the-valley. Low herbs with slender rootstocks; simple, few-leaved stems and small white flowers in a small, tenninal raceme. Perianth of separate, spreading segments; stamens 4, united with the base of the segments; ovukiry sessile, 2-locular, berry 1-2 seeded. 1. Unifolium canadense (Desf.) Greene. False Lily-of-the- valley. Herbs 2-7 in. high with slender stems, bearing 1-3, iisually 2, leaves. Leaves ovate, ovate-lanceolate or cordate, April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 121 sessile or short-petioled ; raceme many-flowered ; perianth segments becoming reflexed; fruit a speckled, pale-red berry. In moist woods and thickets. General. 24. Clintonia Raf. Herbs somewhat pubescent with slender root-stocks and erect simple scapes and broad, petioled leaves. Inflorescence an umbel of bractless flowers ; perianth segments equal or nearly so ; stamens united with the perianth; ovulary bi-or tri-locular; fruit a globose or oval berry. 1. Umbel 3-6 flowered, perianth l2~^i in. long, greenish-yellow. C. borealis. 1. Umbel many flowered, perianth }4: in. long or less than 3^ in. long, white speckled. C. umbellulata. 1. Clintonia borealis (Ait.) Raf. Yellow Clintonia. Leaves oval, thin, ciliate, short-acuminate; inflorescence 3-6-flowered; stamens as long as the perianth; ovulary bilocular; berry oval. In moist woods and thickets. Ashtabula County. 2. Clintonia umbellulata (Mx) Torr. White Clintonia. Herbs with scape 8-18 in. high. Leaves 2-5, oblong, oblanceolate or obovate, acute or cuspidate, ciliate; inflorescence a many-flowered umbel; pedicels pubescent; flowers white, sometimes dotted with purple; ovulary 2-locular; fntit a few-seeded, globose berry. In woods. Harrison, Portage, Wayne. 25. Convallaria L. Lily-of-the-valley. A low perennial with 1 or 2 leaves with sheathing petioles. Scape bearing a one sided raceme of white, rarely pinkish, fra- grant, nodding flowers, perianth of 6 united segments; stamens united with the perianth; filaments short, anthers introrse; fruit a berry. 1. Convallaria majalis L. Lily-of-the-valley. Scape 4-10 in. high, shorter than the leaves and scaly near the base. Escaped from cultivation in Franklin County. 26. Asparagus L. Asparagus. Stem at first simple, fleshy, scaly and at length becoming much branched and bearing phylloclades, the whole having a plume-like appearance. Flowers small, solitary, umbelled or racemed; per- ianth segments alike, separate or slightly united at the base; anthers introrse; ovulary sessile, trilocular; styles short; berry globose. 1. Asparagus officinalis L. Asparagus. Young stems thick and edible, but later developing into a plume-like branch. Root- stocks much branched; leaves reduced to scales and branchlets reduced to phylloclades; flowers mostly solitary and drooping at the nodes; perianth campanulate; berry red. Escaped from cul- tivation along road-sides, salt marshes and fields. General. 122 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, Smilaceae. Smilax Family. Mostly vines with woody or herbaceous often prickly stems. Leaves alternate, netted- veined, several nerved, petiolcd; petioles sheathing, bearing tendrils, persistent after the fall of the leaf; flowers small, greenish, diecious, in umbels in the axils of the leaves; perianth of 6 segments; stamens 6; ovulary trilocular; style short or none; fruit a berry; seeds 1-6 with much endosperm; embryo small. Smilax L. Smilax. Usually twining or climbing herbs with tendrils from the petioles. Lower leaves reduced to scales; flowers actinomorphic ; perianth segments distinct, deciduous, the carpellate flowers with vestigial stamens; berry black, red or purple or rarely white. 1. Aerial stems herbaceous, dying down each year, flowers carrion-scented, berries blue-black with a bloom. 2. 1. Aerial stem woody, often prickly. 4. 2. Plants erect, mostly without tendrils. 5. ecirrhata. 2. Plants, with tendrils, climbing, without prickles. 3. 3. Leaves smooth on both sides, peduncles very long. 5. herhacea. 3. Leaves sparingly to densely puberulent on the veins beneath. S. pulverulenta. 4. Leaves green, not glaucous. 5. 4. Leaves very glaucous; peduncles, 3^-1 in. long, usually not much longer than the petioles. S. glaiica. 5. Peduncle about 2 in. long, leaves usually 7-9 nerved. 5. pseudo-china. 5. Peduncle \-}/2 in. long, leaves usually 7-nerved. 5. hispida. 5. Peduncle usually less than 3^ in. long, about as long as the petiole, leaves usually 5-nerved. 5. rotundifolia. \. Smilax ecirrhata (Engl.) Wats. Upright Smilax. A glabrous, erect herb with the leaves often whorled at the top. Leaves ovate, rounded or cordate at the base, 5-9 nerved, some- what pubescent beneath. In dry soil. Erie, Wood, Preble, Warren, Clinton, Brown, Fairfield, Hardin. 2. Smilax herbacea L. Common Carrion-flower. An un- anned, glabrous herb more or less climbing. Leaves ovate, rounded or lanceolate, acute or acuminate at the apex, obtuse or cordate at the base, 7-9-ncrved; peduncles 6-10 times as long as the petiole, flattened, inflorescence a many-flowered mnbel; flowers carrion-scented; fruit a blue-black berry. In woods or thickets. General. 3. Smilax pulverulenta Mx. Pubescent Carrion-flower. Similar to the preceding except that the undersides of the leaves are pubescent, especially on the veins. Williams, Fulton, Ottawa, Erie, vSeneca, Cuyahoga, Hardin, Auglaize, Fayette, Mont- gomery. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 123 4. Smilax pseudo-china L. Long-stalked Greenbrier. A glabrous climbing woody vine, commonly covered with numerous slender prickles. Branches more or less angled; petioles 1-1>^ in. long; leaves ovate, abruptly acute at the apex, subcordate at the base, usually 1 -nerved; with 12-40 flowers; fruit a black berry. In thickets. General. 5. Smilax glauca Walt. Glaucous Greenbrier. A climbing woody vine with terete stem and four-angled branches and glau- cous leaves. Stem often prickly; peduncle }4~1 in. long; leaves ovate, acute or cuspidate at the apex, sometimes cordate at the base, five-nerved; umbel 6-12 flowered; fruit a blue-black berry. In dry, sandy soil. General, but more abundant in the south. 6. Smilax rotundifolia L. Round-leaf Greenbrier. A gla- brous woody climber with a terete, woody stem and a square branch usually prickly. Petioles less than }4 in. long; leaves thick, shining when mature, acute or acuminate at the apex, obtuse or cordate at the base, entire or very slightly denticulate, 5 nerved; peduncles flattened; umbel 6-25-flowered ; fruit a black berry. In woods and thickets. Cuyahoga, Belmont, Hocking, Fairfield, Licking, Lorain. PoNTEDERiACEAE. Pickerel-wccd Family. Perennial, aquatic herbs with broad, petioled leaves or long, grass-like leaves. Flowers bisporangiate, showing some zygo- morphy, solitary or spiked with a spathe; perianth of six united segments; stamens G or 3, united with the perianth; ovulary tri- locular or unilocular; stigma terminal ; fruit a many seeded capsule; endosperm of the seed copious, mealy. 1. Spike many-flowered, with a spathe-like bract, perianth two-lipped, stamens 6. Pontederia. (1) 1. Inflorescence one to several-flowered, perianth with a slender tube, perianth segments about equal, stamens 3. Heteranthera. (2) 1. Pontederia L. Pickerel-weed. Herbs with thick leaves, long sheathing petioles and hori- zontal rootstock. Inflorescence a spike with numerous, eph- emeral, blue flowers; perianth two lipped; stamens 6, united with the perianth; ovulary trilocular, 2 locules without ovules. 1, Pontederia cordata L. Pickerel weed. A rather stout, erect herb with ovate or cordate, sagittate leaves, with apex and basal lobes obtuse, the sheathing petiole often having long ap- pendages; spathe and inflorescence pubescent; flowers blue, the upper lobe having two yellow spots on the middle segment. Borders of ponds and streams. Erie, Cuyahoga, Geauga, Sum- mit, Portage, Wayne, Lucas, Fulton, Defiance, Licking, Perry. Pontederia cordatalancifolia (Aluhl.) Mor. Similar to the preceding but with lanceolate leaves, rounded or narrowed at the base. Summit County. 124 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, 2. Heteranthera R. & P. Aquatic herbs with creeping, ascending or floating stems with petioled cordate, ovate, oval or reniform leaves ; or with grass-like leaves. 1. Heteranthera dubia (Jacq.) Mac. M. Water vStargrass. A slender forked herb, often rooting at the nodes. Leaves flat, elongated, acute, with thin sheathes and stipule-like appendages; spathe 1-2 flowered, flowers light yellow, stigma lobed, fruit a unilocular capsule. Growing in still water. Rather general. CoMMELiNACEAE. Spidcrwort Family. Perennial or annual leafy herbs. Inflorescence an umbel-like cyme of bisporangiate, showy, flowers, subtended by spathe-like or leafy bracts; sepals 3, persistent; petals 3, membranous, dele- quescent; stamens 6, sometimes 3 of them sterile; ovulary bi- or tri-locular; capsule loculicidal; endosperm copious and meah'. 1. Bracts leaf-like, stamens 6, petals all alike. Tradescantia. (1) 1. Bracts spathe-like stamens 3. Commelina. (2) 1. Tradescantia L. Spiderwort. Herbs with simple or branched stems, somewhat mucilaginous; leaves rather narrow and elongated; inflorescence in tenninal or axillary cymes subtended by bracts; perianth of 3 sepals and 3 petals; stamens 6, usually all alike, bearded; ovulary triolcular; capsule loculocidal. 1. Leaves linear, 12-50 times longer than broad, stems elongated. 2. 1. Leaves lanceolate, 2-10 times longer than broad, and zigzag. T. pilosa. 2. Foliage glaucous pedicle glabrous, sepals often with a tuft of hairs at the apex. T. reflexa. 2. Foliage bright green, peduncles and sepals villous with non-glandular hairs. T. vir^inidna. 1. Tradescantia reflexa Raf. Rcflexcd Spiderwort. A slender, glabrous, glaucous herb. Leaves narrow, linear-attenuate, strong- ly involute, rather rigid with sheaths; inflorescence a densely- flowered cyme; 2 involucral bracts rcflexcd; sepals glabrous except the tips which are tipped with tufts of hairs; petals blue. In sandy or loamy soil. Ashtabula, Erie, Mahoning, Richland, Coshocton, Licking, Franklin, Auglaize. 2. Tradescantia virginiana L. Virginia Spiderwort. A stout bright-grccn herb, glabrous or slightly ])ubcsccnt; leaves nearly flat, linear-lanceolate, long acuminate; bracts leaf-like, inflores- cence usually a solitary, terminal cynic; pedicels and sepals villous; petals blue or purple, showy. In rich soil in woods and along railrf)ads. General as far north as Auglaize and Stark. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 125 3. Tradescantia pilosa Lehm. Zigzag Spiderwort. A stout herb, commonly flexuous, often branched, more or less puberulent or short-pilose; leaves broadly lanceolate, acuminate at the apex, darker green above than below; pedicels and calyx pubescent and more or less glandular, rarely somewhat glabrous; petal lilac- blue. In thickets and on shaded hillsides. Montgomery, Cler- mont, Hamilton. 2. Commelina L. Day-flower. Succulent, branching herbs, with short-petioled or sessile leaves. Inflorescence a sessile cyme subtended by spathe-like bracts; sepals slightly united, of unequal size; petals unequal, 2 large and one small; stamens 3 or 2 fertile and 3 or 4 sterile. 1. Commelina virginica L. Virginia Day-flower. A branched somewhat pubescent or glabrous herb. Leaves lanceo- late, or linear-lanceolate, acuminate at the base; sheathes inflated, often pubescent; inflorescence a c^mie surrounded by 2 bracts; corolla showy. In moist soil. Montgomery, Clennont, Lake. JuNCACEAE. Rush Family. Perennial or sometimes annual, grass-like, usually tufted herbs. Leaves with sheathes either open or closed; inflorescence a panicle, cyme, corymb, or umbel, spike or head, or rarely, flowers single; flowers small, regular, with or without bracts; perianth of 6 glumaceous segments; stamens 6 or 3 or rarely 5 or 4; carpels 3; fruit a loculicidal capsule, seeds many or 3; endosperm fleshy. 1. Leaf-sheathes open, seeds many, plants never hairy. Junciis. (1) 1. Leaf-sheathes closed, seeds three, plants usually hairy. Juncoides. (2) 1. Juncus L. Rush. Usually perennial herbs with leaf-bearing stems, and open leaf sheathes. Leaves grass-like or channeled; inflorescence a panicle or corymb, often unilateral, or congested in heads; stamens 6 or 3, ovulary unilocular or trilocular; seeds several or many, sometimes caudate. Commonly found in swamp habitats. 126 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, Synopsis. I. Inflorescence apparently lateral. 1. Flowers bracteolate, inserted singl}-. J. effusus. J. balticus. 2. Flowers not bracteolate, in heads. (No Ohio species.) II. Inflorescence terminal. 1. Leaf blades flat or channeled, not septate. a. Flowers bracteolate, never in true heads, sometimes clustered. J. dudleyi. J. tenuis. J. bufonius. J. monostichus. b. Flowers not bracteolate, in true heads. J. articulatus. J. marginatus. 2. Leaf channeled or terete, hollow, with septa. a. Leaf blades more or less channeled, septa usually imperfect, not externally evident. (No Ohio species.) b. Leaf blade usually not channeled, septa perfect and usually evident externally, (a), stamens 6. J. richardsonianus. J. articulatus. J. torreyi. J. nodosus. (b). stamens 3. J. brachecephalus. J. acuminatus. J. canadensis. J. scirpoides. Key. \. Inflorescence apparently lateral. 2. 1. Inflorescence terminal. 3. 2. Perianth parts greenish, turning straw-colored, stamens 3. /. effusus. 2. Perianth parts with a chestnut strip on each side of the midrib, stamens 6. J. balticus. 3. Leaf blade flat or channeled, not septate. 4. -3. Leaf-blade channeled or terete, hollow, with septa. 9. 4. Flowers bracteolate, never in true heads, sometimes clustered. 5. 4. Flowers not bracteolate, in true heads. 8. ■5. Auricles at the summit of the sheathe cartilaginous and darker than the stem, not extended conspicuously beyond the point of insertion. /. dudleyi. ■5. Auricles at the summit of the sheathes scarious. 6. 6. Inflorescence with 3-12 secund flowers along the usually dichotomously branched stem. J. monostichus. G. Inflorescence 2-4-flowere(l, scattered along the dichotomous branches or sometimes aggregate at the top but not second. 7. 7. Bracts exceeding the inflorescence, plants perennial, flowers usually in clusters of 3-4. J. tenuis. 7. Bracts shorter than the inflorescence, plants annual, flowers scattered singly along the usually dichotomous branches. /. bufonius. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 127 8. Heads of the inflorescence 5-15, each head usually 5-10 flowered, plants less than 20 in. high. /. marginatus. 8. Heads of the inflorescence usually 20-100, each head 2-5 flowered, plants over 20 in. high. J. aristulatus. 9. Glomerules loosely few-flowered, hemispherical. 10. 9. Glomerules densely many-flowered, spherical. 13. 10. Stamens 6, or if 3 the glomerules only 3-7 flowered; capsule longer than the perianth segments. 11. 10. Stamens 3, glomerule 5-many flowered, capsule shorter than the perianth segments. /. acuminatus. 11. Stamens 6, seeds not with caudate tips. 12. 11. Stamens 3, seeds with caudate tips. /. hrachycephal'us. 12. Plants articulate, sepals acuminate, flowers brownish, capsule grad- ually tapering to a mucronate tip. /. articitlatus. 12. Plants not articulate, sepals blunt, often mucronate-tipped, flowers straw-colored, capsule acute, or obtuse with a short tip. J. ric hards onianus. 13. Involucral leaf usually much exceeding the inflorescence stamens 6. 14. 13. Involucral leaf usually shorter than the inflorescence, or if exceeding the inflorescence then not over one inch long, stamens 3. 15. 14. Sepals exceeding the petals, leaf-blades abruptly divergent from the stem. /. torreyi. 14. Sepals shorter than the petals, leaf-blade erect. /. nodosus. 15. Capsule obtuse or acute at the apex, sometimes mucronate but not prolonged into a beak; seeds with definite caudate tips. /. canadensis. 15. Capsule tapering evenly into a prominent subulate beak; seeds blunt or merely pointed, not caudate. /. scirpoides. 1. Juncus effusus L. Common Rush. An herb with a branching root-stock, lateral inflorescence and non-septate leaves. Basal leaves reduced, scapes soft and pliant; inflorescence a diffused, much-branched cyme; flowers small and greenish; stamens 3; style short; capsule trilocular; seeds small. Marshy ground. General and common. 2. Juncus balticus Willd. Baltic Rush. Scape rigid; in- florescence a lateral, loose or dense cyme; perianth parts brown with a green mid-rib and hyalin margins; capsule about as long as the perianth, brown mucronate, trilocular. On sandy soil. Erie County. 3. Juncus dudleyi Weig. Dudley's Rush. Inflorescence a teniiinal cyme subtended by bractlets; leaves non-septate; leaf -sheath covering % of the stem; auricles dark, cartilaginous not conspicuously extended beyond the point of insertion; seeds blunt. Montgomery, Clinton, Champaign, Licking, Delaware, Tuscarawas. 4. Juncus tenuis Willd. Slender Rush. Inflorescence ter- minal, subtended by bracts; flowers subtended by bractlets; sheaths covering y^ of the stem ; leaves flat, non-septate, becoming involute in age; auricles scarious, conspicuously extended beyond the point of insertion. Seeds blunt. General. 128 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, 5. Juncus bufonius L. Toad Rush. An annual herb, S in. high, with terminal inflorescence and non-septate leaves. Flowers scattered singly along the one sided and usually dichotomously branched inflorescence; leaf blade flat; stamens 6 or 3; capsule trilocular. Williams, Lucas, Lorain, Licking. 6. Juncus monostichus Barth. One-ranked Rush. Plant 12-20 in. high; culms compressed; inflorescence terminal; leaves basal and involute in drying; auricles scarious; inflorescence exceeded by the bract; flowers secund. Trumbull County. 7. Juncus aristulatus Mx. Small-headed Grass-leaf Rush. Inflorescence terminal, usually composed of from 10-20 heads^ each head of from 2-5 flowers ; stamens exserted and persistent in the fruit; capsule rarely exceeding the calyx. Fairfield, vSummit. 8. Juncus marginatus Rostle. Grass-leaf Rush. Inflores- cence terminal, of 2-20 heads, each with 5-10 flowers; flowers not subtended by bractlets; capsule rarely exceeding the calyx; stamens exserted and persistent in the fruit. Cuyahoga County. 9. Juncus richardsonianus Schult. Richardson's Rush. Inflorescence in tcnninal heads with fasicles of leaves; leaves septate, upper cauline leaves with blades; sepals blunt; stamens 6; seeds blunt. Cuyahoga County. 10. Juncus articulatus L. Jointed Rush. Leaves septate, upper cauline leaves with blades; inflorescence in terminal, spheri- cal glomerules; sepals acuminate; stamens 6; seeds blunt. Cuya- hoga County. 11. Juncus torreyi Cov. Torrey's Rush. Leaves septate, upper cauline leaves with blades; inflorescence in temiinal, spheri- cal glomerules; petals shorter than the sepals; stamens (5; seeds blunt. Cuyahoga, Adams, Madison, Wood and Erie. 12. Juncus nodosus L. Knotted Rush. Leaves septate, upper cauline leaves with a blade; inflorescence in terminal, spherical glomerules without fasicles of leaves ; involucre exceeding the inflorescence; sepals subulate; stamens G; petals equaling or exceeding the sepals. Madison, Cuyahoga, Erie, Franklin. 13. Juncus brachycephalus Engelm. Small-headed Rush. Leaves sei^tatc, with well developed blades; inflorescence in ter- minal, 2-5 flowered heads; stamens 3; seeds with short caudate tips. Erie, Cuyahoga, Champaign, Franklin, Madison. 14. Juncus acuminatus Mx. Sharp-fruited Rush. Leaves septate, blades of the- lower leaves 4-8 in, long; inflorescence terminal, branches of 5-50 heads, rarely more or less, heads 3-20 flowered; petals and sepals nearly equal; stamens 3; seeds tipped at each end. Ashtabula, Lake, Lorain, Cuyahoga, Huron, Portage, Tuscarawas, Knox, Union, Licking, Auglaize, Carroll, Champaign, Fairfield, Adams, Brown. April, 1913.] Liliales of Ohio. 129 15. Juncus canadensis J. Gay. Canada Rush. Leaves nodose, basal leaves disappearing before flowering time; sheathes with auricles, inflorescence in terminal, crowded heads, with 5-50 flowers to the head; stamens 3; capsule mucronate, reddish brown, longer than the perianth; seeds with a definite tail. Cuyahoga, Licking, Auglaize, Madison, Geauga. 16. Juncus scirpoides Lam. Scirpus-like Rush. Leaves septate, blade of the uppermost leaf longer than the sheath; inflorescence in densely flowered heads; stamens 3; capsule atten- uate, exceeding the calyx; seeds blunt. Erie Count3\ 2. Juncoides Adans. Perennial plants, glabrous or hairy, with grass-like leaves and closed leaf sheathes. Inflorescence an umbel, panicle or cor\^mb; flowers with bractlets; stamens 6; ovulary unilocular, three- seeded. 1. Flowers occurring singly or in twos at the ends of the branches of the inflorescence. /. pilosum. 2. Flowers occurring in glomerules. /. campestre. 1. Juncoides pilosum (L.) Ktz. Hairy Wood-rush. A tufted herb, often stoloniferous. Stems erect, 2-4 leaved, 6-12 in. high; leaf blades flat, acuminate; inflorescence an umbel, each pedicel 1 or 2 flowered ; perianth brown with hyalin margins ; seeds hooked. Lucas, Cuyahoga, Trumbull, Mahoning, Hocking. 2. Juncoides campestre (L.) Ktz. Common Wood-rush. Tufted herb, 4-20 in high; stems 2-4 leaved; leaf blades blunt, pubescent, inflorescence an umbel, lower bracts leaf-like, acumi- nate; flowers brown, capsule obovoid or broadly oblong. In woods. General. Xyridaceae. Yellow-eyed-grass Family. Tufted, rush-like herbs with narrow, two-ranlvcd leaves and leafless scapes. Flowers in heads, bisporangiate, mostly yellow, solitary and sessile in the axils of bracts ; petals 3 ; sepals 3, unequal, one large and membranous and 2 small and keeled; stamens 6 or 3 ; ovulary tri-or unilocular ; ovules orthotropous ; fruit a capsule ; endosperm mealy. Xyris L. Yellow-eyed-grass. Perennial herbs with the flowers single in the axils of coriaceous scale-like bracts, which together fonn a head. Stamens 3 fertile and 3 sterile; capsule unilocular, many seeded. 1. Xyris flexuosa Muhl. Slender Yellow-eyed-grass. An herb 5-20 in. high, with a slender, straight or slightly twisted scape. Leaves flat, becoming twisted; inflorescence globose or oblong or obtuse; lateral sepals linear and fringed with short hairs on the wingless keel. In bogs. Portage, Geauga. I30 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, Eriocaulaceae. Pipewort Family. Stemless or short-stemmed, perennial or annual, bog or aquatic herbs, with fibrous or spongy roots, monecious or diecious; scape long, bearing a solitary tenninal head of small monosporangiate flowers, each borne in the axil of a scarious bract; perianth seg- ments 6 or 3, stamens 6 or 3; ovulary 2 or 3-locular; fruit a loculo- cidal capsule; seeds orthotropous ; endosperm mealy. Eriocaulon L. Pipewort. Stemless or short-stemmed, monecious herbs with erect scapes and short, spreading, acuminate, parallel-veined leaves. In- florescence a tomentose head, white to almost black, staminate flowers with 6-4 stamens opposite the perianth segments, ovulary vestigial, carpellate flowers having a stalked or sessile ovulary with no stamens; fruit a capsule. 1. Eriocaulon septangulare With. Seven-angled Pij^ewort. Monecious aquatic herbs with almost no stem from which arise soft, awl-shaped, pellucid leaves and a weak, twisted scape some- what seven-angled. Involucral bracts glabrous or the innermost ones bearded to the apex, shorter than the flower; outer flowers of the head usually staminate; carpellate flowers generally smaller than the staminate; perianth segments white, bearded. In still water or on shores. No known specimens from Ohio. April, 1913.] Acarina of Cedar Point. 131 A PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE ACARINA OF CEDAR POINT. Chas. K. Brain. Acarina were collected between July 20th and August 15th, 1912, in the vicinity of the Lake Laboratory, Cedar Point. Atten- tion was paid for the greater part to those mites found along the edge of the Cove, and most specimens were taken from boards foimd lying at the edge of, or in the water. Most of the material was mounted as collected, and some thirty slides submitted to Prof. Nathan Banks who very kindly consented to make the detemiinations for me. Named slides have been, deposited with Prof. H. Osborn, Director of the Laboratory, and the only excuse for publishing such an incomplete list is the hope that some worker will continue the study of this important group in the near future. 1. Anystis agilis Banks. On fungus beetle Boletotherns bifurcus. 2. Celsenopsis americana Banks. On Hololepta sp. 3. Cetenopsis pedalis Banks. On larva of Passahis cornutiis Say. 4. Cunaxa quadripilis Banks. On board at edge of Black Channel. 5. Galumna emarginata Banks. On board at edge of Black Channel. 6. Galumna pratensis Banks. On log N. W. of Lake Lab. 7. Hydrachna sp. On board floating at edge of Black Channel. 8. Hydrachna sp. Larva of. In tow-net. Black Channel. 9. Hydrachna sp. Larva of. On ZaitJia fluminea. 10. Hygrobates sp. On board floating at edge of Black Channel. IL Macrocheles sublsevis Banks. Common on fungus beetle Boletotherns bifurcus. 12. Oribatodes sp. On board floating at edge of Black Channel. 1.3. Oripoda sp. (probably n. sp.) On board at edge of Black Channel. 14. Parasitus insequalis Banks. Common on Silpha americana. \b. Parasitus sp. Young of. On decaying fungus. Strobilomyces strobila- ceus Berk. 16. Parasitus sp. Nymph of. Found commonly on board floating at the edge of Black Channel. 17. Polyaspis lamellipes Banks. On Orthosoma britnneuin Forst. Also found attached to legs of Parandra hriinnca. 18. Rhyncholophus pilosus Banks. Collected by sweeping Tilia Americana. 19. Rhyncholophus sp. Larva of. Attached to Melanoplus bivittatus. Say. 20. Seiulus sp. Nymph of. On cotton-wood log. 21. Stractides .sp. in tow-net near entrance to Black Channel. 22. Tetranychus bimaculatus Harvey. Common on plants near Lake Lab. dock. 23. Trombidium sp. Larva of. On Musca domestica Linn. 24. Tyrrellia circularis Wolcott. On board at edge of Black Channel. 2.5. Uropoda sp. On Hololepta sp. 132 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 6, MEETING OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB. Orton Hall, December 2, 1912. The meeting was called to order by the President, W. G. Stover. The presentation of papers followed the reading and approval of the minutes. Mr. C. K. Brain gave the first paper on the "Internal Anat- omy of Stomoxys calcitrans." This blood-sucking fly had been suggested as the agent in transmitting blood diseases in India and other tropical countries, some time back. In October of the present year, Rosenauer declared it to be the host of a part of the life cycle of the organism causing infantile paralysis, and transmits that disease. Anderson and Frost's work on monkeys in November, confirmed the idea. Experiments by the Ohio State Board of Health point to a mechanical transmission by vStomoxys. The digestive systems of Stomoxys and Anopheles, the malaria mosquito, were compared in detail and figured. The conditions in Stomoxys appear to be on the whole more complicated and elab- orate than in the mosquito, though there is some reduction in number of mouth parts and no distinction between sexes can be made on the basis of mouth parts. The abdominal sucking stomach and the abdominal position of the salivary glands are noticeable features in Stomoxys. Prof. Landacre talked on the "Production of Germinal Varia- tions." He spoke particularly of the work of Dr. Tower who has produced variations in the color patterns and antenna of beetles by altering conditions of temperature and- moisture. This work seems to give the best of the argument to the transmissionists. Mr. W. G. Stover exhibited some specimens of Oklahoma fungi, calling attention especially to the wood forms, the grass fonns, and the stink-horns. A number of these Oklahoma fungi are also found in Ohio. The following persons were elected to membership in the Club : Walter R. Wheclock, Lilhan E. Humphrey, Ralph R. Jeft'ries, Po Chen, Mary Storer. The meeting was then adjourned. Marie F. McLellan, Secretary. Date of Publication, April 28, 1913. The Ohio V^^cituralist, PUBLISHED BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State University. Volume XIII. . MAY, 1913. No. 7. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Of-BOEN — Utilization and Control of Aquatic Sources of Ohio J33 Griggs— A Cytological Life Cycle 1J2 McLellax— Meetings of the Biological Clulj 147 UTILIZATION AND CONTROL OF AQUATIC RESOURCES OF OHIO.=^ Herbert Osborn. In attempting to present the matter of conservation of the resources of our State, I realize that the problem is so large that even to discuss one phase of it is more than I can expect to do, but the importance of the matter is such that I desire to con- tribute what I may in this direction. While the aquatic resources have been perhaps less recognized than the ordinary resources in agriculture and mining, we cannot question their close relation to other lines of development, and especiall}^ in agriculture a most important relationship exists. Considering the aquatic resources b}^ themselves we must include the phases of aquatic dependence for agriculture, manufacture and commerce, and a careful examination of the problems will show that these are most intimately blended, and in reality mutually serviceable. In arid regions the term "duty of water" is used to indicate the service that water should perform, and this term might be used with reference to our aquatic resources, but perhaps we may speak in a broader sense of the service of water as a recog- nition of its utility in all the varied activities of our common- wealth. We must appreciate its necessity in agriciilture, its importance in furnishing water supplies in cities for domestic purposes and for power and for navigation, and in short its con- stant use in all human activities. Taking the state at large, we have approximately forty inches of rain-fall each year, and this represents a certain amount of basis for the numerous activities *Read before the Ohio Academy of Science at its conservation session, Nov. 27, 1908. 133 134 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 7, of the state, just as essential and pemianent an asset as the soil itself. Unquestionably a large amount of scnace is derived from this body of water. It is, I believe, equally certain that an immense amount of this resource is going annually to waste, and that by its proper utilization the wealth of the state could be very greatly increased. "While it is not my purpose to go into detail regarding all phases of this problem, I may call attention to the service of water in connection with agriculture, where we have a large amount of utilization, and where there is perhaps less of necessity for changes in method of operation. For service in production of crops it is necessary that the annual rain-fall be absorbed in the soil, that a certain amount be retained for support of plant life during intermittent periods of dryness, and to a large extent this is met in the ordinary methods of culture, especially in con- nection with systems of tile drainage which are now largely in vogue. The practical necessities in preservation of soils is ad- mirably stated by Professor Chamberlain in a recent article in Popular Science Monthly,* which I take the liberty to quote: "The key to the problem lies in due control of the water which falls on each acre. This water is an asset of great possible value. It should be the habit of every acre-owner to compute it as a possible value, saved if turned where it will do good, lost if permitted to run away, doubly lost if it carries also soil values and does destructive work below. Let us repeat the story of its productive paths. A due portion of the rainfall should go through the soil to its bottom to promote soil-formation there; a due portion of this should go on into the under-drainage, carrying harmful matter; a due por- tion should go again up to the surface carrying solutions needed by the plants; a due portion should obviously go into the plants to nourish them; while still another portion should run off the surface, carrying away a little of the leached soil matter. There are a multitude of important details in this complex of actions, but they must be passed by; the great features are clear and imperative." It may be noted in passing that this ser\dce of water by no means affects its further service in other w^ays, but that the mere complete the retention of the soil, the more equal the distribution of the flow, the more perfect is its availibility for other purposes. My understanding of the effect of tile drainage is that it provides for the greater absorptive power of the soil, so that a larger portion of the rainfall goes into the soil, reducing the surface wash, pro- viding for the retention of organic matter, and regulating the outflow. With regard to the utilization of the waters of the state for power, it ajopears that there is opportimity for an immense de- vclo]jment. There are hundreds of sites where some considerable amoimt of water could readily be impounded, and power for electric-lighting and running of machinery be developed on a large *July, 190S, Vol. LXIII, p. 5. May, 1913.] Control of Aquatic Resources. 135 scale. There are many other localities which have such ])ower in a smaller degree for the nmning of small local plants in various industries. This feature is also closely associated with the greatest utility of water in irrigation and na\ngation, as the retention of waters during flood periods is the evident means of prolonging the per- iods in which irrigation or na\4gation is possible. This problem is essentially an engineering problem, and I would like to present some quotations from the report of an engineer who has evidently given this problem a great deal of study. His paper entitled "The Mississippi River Problem" while covering the whole Mississippi River drainage, is in large part a discussion of ques- tions pertaining to Ohio, and it seems to me distinctly appropriate in this connection. It certainly fits in most perfectly with any efforts toward the retention of our own rainfall, its utilization and the reduction of flood damage within the state. He says: "The solution by building a series of reservoirs in the head-waters of the chief tributaries appears to be the cheapest and most certain remedy for all these difficulties. By the construction of reservoirs the excess of water which produces flood stages could be impounded and held up with these important results: Excessive and destructive high-water stages could not occur, while, on the other hand, by regulating the discharge from the reser- voirs, a more even flow of water could be maintained at all times, eliminat- ing to a large degree the losses from diminished water supply, reduced power and fouling of streams incident to the low stages of late summer and early autumn. As soon as the irresistible rush of flood waters is stopped the sapping and caving of banks will be reduced to a minimum, with the efficiency of revetments increased many fold; finally, cutting down the flood volumes means a great dimuintion of the amount of sediment carried, and a marked alleviation of the sand-bar evil. The reservoirs would, more- over, eliminate floods from the whole system, not merely from the lower course. The prevention of the annual flood damage in the Ohio would in itself be worth the entire cost of the reservoirs, yet until the work of control is carried to the headwaters no relief can be secured for that populous valley. "The solution by head-water reservoirs, of all proposed plans, has prob- ably provoked the most discussion — on the one side, those who regard it as impossible, or, at least, highly impracticable; on the other side, those who consider that it is not only feasible but at once the only proper remedy. It is admitted by every one that the topography of the country about the head-waters of the Mississippi system is especially well adapted to the construction of retention dams and reservoirs. The arguments advanced against this plan, though admitting this condition of favorable topography, maintain that sufficiently large reservoirs could not be constructed and made safe or, in other words, they would, through danger of bursting, be a constant menace to the whole valley below the retaining dam. Again it is urged that if this plan were adopted, the building of reservoirs would have to be done on an enormous scale, since destructive floods often result from local conditions, such as a swollen tributary superimposed on an already swollen river. This necessity for a widely extended system of reservoirs, it is further claimed, would involve such tremendous expense as to make the adoption of the plan impossible. Most of these supposed objections are still based on a report made to Congress nearly fifty years ago, and, whether good or bad arguments then, there is no question that they do not apply now." *Tower, W. S. "Popular Science Monthly," July, 1908. Vol. LXIII, p. 13., 136 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 7, "It is flying in tlie face of cold facts to contend any longer that reser- voirs to retain the flood waters can not be built, or not without danger to the entire valley below. The Ohio floods of 1907, the most disastrous for more than two decades, were due to an excess of water estimated at 23,000,000,000 cubic feet. To hold every drop of that excess discharge would have rec[uired a reservoir only a little more than half as big as the Pathfinder irrigation storage reservoir on the North Platte River in Wyom- ing, or one-third of the size of the reservoir in the Salt River project in Arizona. The Engle dam on the Rio Grande, a hundred miles north of El Paso, Texas, will impound about 120,000,000,000 cubic feet of water, equal to one-sixtieth of the total annual discharge of the entire Mississippi system, or more than five times the cjuantit}^ of water causing the most destructive Ohio flood in a score of years. These reservoirs are being built by the government at a cost of about $4,000,000 for the Pathfinder dam, $5,300,000 for the Salt River project and $7,200,000 for the Rio Grande reservoir. Furthermore, it is expressly stated by the Reclamation Service that the Wyoming reservoir and the Engle dam will absolutley control the worst floods which the North Platte and the Rio Grande have ever known, the latter of these streams having been a notorious offender in flood dam- age. The mere fact of being able to retain the flood waters in impounding reservoirs can no longer be denied, nor can the claim of danger from break- ing dams be now advanced as a valid argument against this system. This government is most assuredly not spending millions in reclamation projects and encouraging thousands of people to take up irrigated lands if there is any remote likelihood of having homes, property and lives wiped out in floods from bursting reservoirs. Granting, then, that the reservoirs are feasible, there still remains the question of expense in constructing the number necessary to place one or more in each of the most important tributaries. Estimate the expense most generously, letting each one cost a third more than the Engle dam above El Paso, and the total figure then is less than what has already been spent on the Mississippi system. But there is another important factor to be considered — the tremendous possibilities which lie in the development of water power from each reservoir. The question of furtue motive power for industrial purposes, as the coal supply decreases, is a problem which must soon be met in this country, and probably will be solved by the use of water power either directly or through electricity. In fact, even now, water rights are being rapidly accjuired and developed on every hand, as the advance guard of the change that is to come. A sample of what a storage reservoir will do can be seen in the case of comparatively small irrigation project at Minidoka, Idaho, which will develop about 30,000 horse power per year. Renting this power at the very low figure of $10 per horse power per year would pay for the entire Minidoka project, reservoir, irrigation- canals, gates and all, in six years. The amount of power generated by the Mississippi system is variously estimated high and low, with 60,000,000 horse power per year as an intermediate figure. Much of this amount is not directly available, but granting on a conservative basis that a series of impounding reservoirs would develop immediately 2 per cent of that amount, there would be 1,200,000 horse power to be turned into electricity and distributed to factories. A purely nominal rental would be ample enough to repay in two or three decades the entire original expense of the system, besides a good income on the investment. The reservoir system, however, must be intimately associated with forest conservation as a vital factor in regulating .surface drainage and in checking the amount of soil erosion which sujjjjlies sediment to the river. The proper Iniilding of reservoirs in the headwaters, therefore, offers what no other plan can possibly offer: it promises effective regulation of river stages and water supply for all time to come, removing entirely the May, 1913.] Control of Aquatic Resources. 137 liability of destructive floods, checking the erosion of banks and preventing much of the formation and shifting of sand bars and the pollution of water which the presence of sediment means. At the same time it provides a way of actually paying for itself in short order, aside from all idea of the savings to shippers and river interests in general which would be in excess of the cost. The importance of this latter consideration is emphasized best by a brief comparison with the system now being followed. The levee-revet- ment system, as mapped out, calls for an expenditure of $60,000,000 for its completion. From the engineers themselves comes the statement that the average life of a levee is not over twenty years, which means this and no more; in two score years, at the most liberal estimate, the present system, completed, will have disappeared entirely and a new series of levees con- structed at the cost of another $60,000,000 will have taken its place, with conditions then no better than they are now. Considered solely on their own merits from the standpoint of control afforded, the present system has nothing, and the reservoir plan has everything, to recommend it. "In order to bring the river route to its highest possible degree of effi- ciency, it would be necessary to combine the reservoir system with a straightened course for the lower river, by which combination every evil would be removed and absolute control for all time would be insured. The reservoirs would make it possible to regulate the flow of the streams, pre- venting both floods and very low water, and at the same time, through developed horse power, pay for the improvements. The corrected or straightened course would shorten the route and effectively put an end to caving of the banks with all the difficulties arising from it at present. Together the reservoirs, with the necessary forest conservation and cor- rected course, would remove the sand bar problem — the one greatly lessen- ing the actual amount of sand carried into the river, the other giving the current increased power to sweep its own channel clean." While it is probable that some of the advantages claimed may not be entirely realized, especially in the case of extreme flood there is, it appears to me, so much of virtue in what this author claims that it should be given great weight in any general plan of flood control. It appears, however, that such a method should be strongly re-enforced not only by the conservation of forests and thickets on uplands and hill sides in the head waters of streams, but that the stream valleys should, to as large an extent as possible, be planted in willow and other inoisture loving shrubs or trees, which serve as a natural check to the stream currents and therefore retard the flow and serve to distribute it through a longer period of time. There is another phase of the subject, and the phase which appeals directl_v to me. That is the biological side of the problem of utilization of water. While this phase seems to have been largely neglected, it appears to me that it is worthy of fully as much consideration as the utilization for povrer or navigation and particularly in connection with its bearing on flood control. The neglect of this phase is probably due to the fact that in our ordinary processes of culture we have come to consider water in excess as undesirable and make efforts to eliminate it rather than to conserve it. For tb.e culture of our ordinary crops it is, of course, true that an excess of moisture is detrimental, and tile 138 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 7, drainage combined where possible with irrigation is a natural remedy for this condition. There is, however, no question that beyond this we have in water areas a source of production which is very extensive, and which, were it brought under the proper system of cultivation, would furnish a great source of wealth. We are all familiar with the rank growth of swamps and low- lands, and can readily appreciate that for certain kinds of vegeta- tion a constant or even excessive supply of water is in no degree detrimental. There is however, in addition to the evident growth, an enormous development of microscoj^ic life familiar to the biologist, but practicallv ignored bv those unfamiliar with aquatic life. "Some of this becomes apparent as green scum or as floating masses when its growth exceeds the capacity of the aquatic animals to consume it. Sometimes these minute algae become a great source of annoyance in water supplies if for any reason their multiplication is unchecked, since they give offensive odors and taste to the water. "It has been estimated that the rate of development in some of these organisms is such that the possible progeny of one individual would suffice to fill all the waters of the globe in less than a week. "This is significant to us here simply as showing the enormous possi- bility of these organisms in utilizing water and air in the formation of veg- etable substance, which substance may, with proper utilization, be trans- formed into fertilizing agents for the production of valuable plant crops or into animals having direct commercial value. To understand this process, let us consider for a moment the relations existing among acjuatic organisms. The algae may be considered among the more simple and these develop with only water and air or the other inorganic contents of water, but they furnish food for an innumerable host of microscopic animals such as amoe- bae, rotifers, etc., and these in turn are fed upon by others, such as microscopic Crustacea, which again form an important part in the diet of young fishes. These when grown, or after furnishing the basis of food for other larger species, may reach our tables as human food. This, however, is but one line of transformation, as we have fishes of very diiTcrcnt habits utilizing different kinds of aquatic life as food. "Where the life taken from the water does not balance the production, or where this product is not drained off into the sea, the accumulation of or- ganic debris forms at the bottom a mass of richest organic matter, which by its decomposition may in a large part result in marsh gas, and in this form escape into the air. * * * "We have in America practically no established system of cropping our water areas. * * * Something has been accomplished in fish culture in some sections, but even here the full utilization of the resources of a body of water are but poorly accomplished. A few sporadic efforts have been made here and there in the culture of frogs and turtles, l:;ut how many of them witli sucli attention to the subject as to warrant the term cul- ture?" * * * The farmer who drains and ctiltiv-ates an acre of swamjoy land on his farm gains that much additional space for his ordinary culture and for a time at least it may be unusually productive as it contains the accumulated organic debris of years, but would it not be far greater wisdom to dredge out occasionally a portion of this accumulation to spread upon higher ground and keep the May, 1913.] Control of Aquatic Resources. 139 acre as a source of fertilizing material for the 3'ears to come. This seems all the more desirable when it is remembered that this basin must collect quantities of the finest and most fertile parts of the soil washed from the higher ground. Moreover, I hope to show that there is good reason to expect that the acre can be made so productive over and above this function of con- serving fertility that it will be worth more in Avater than it could be as cultivated land. What is needed in the matter of utilization of our great tracts of marshy: or swampy land is some such systematic study and the development of some such adapted system as is in progress of development in the systems of "dry farming" in the arid or semi-arid regions of the west — a system which will intelligenth' conserve and utilize our heritage of water, not throw it ignorantly away and reduce our uplands to a condition of sterility."* There are certain resources among the natural inhabitants of aquatic areas, and a few of these may be enumerated to ad- vantage. First perhaps in general recognition is the fish indtistry which iti many localities is a qtiite important matter. In large part, however, the fish industry is carried on without particular regard to the methods by which the largest available crop could be secured, and except as efforts are made to save and rear eggs of certain species and to regulate the capture for certain seasons, no systematic plan is in practice by which the crop may be regu- larly grown and harvested, so as to provide for perpetuation. In many localities, especially in swampy areas, the growing of frogs, turtles, ducks, geese and musk-rats is sufficiently recognized to indicate that these are all capable of a much greater cultivation, and there can be no question that a systematic study of the means of culture and adaption to the best localities would result in pro- ductive crops. Aside from these there are several species of fin^- bearing animals, especially the beaver, otter and mink, which in wilder tracts might undoubtedly be grown with profit. In streams and ponds where the native species of clams used to abound, there unquestionably could be established a productive inditstry in the growth of these animals for pearls, and as a basis for the button industry. While not yet developed, there is, in all probability, a great latent resource in the aquatic plants which might be used for the inanufacture of paper. Some of the species that are native here seem likely to furnish an excellent fibre, but if not, the in- troduction of other species, especially the Japanese paper plant, might establish a most important industry and serve to relieve in part the drain upon the forest areas which are being consumed in the manufacture of paper. Willows and other rapid growing semi-aquatic trees might also be utilized in this direction, as well as for their influence in checking the outflow of flood waters. *Osborn, Pop. Sci. Monthly, July, 1908, Vol. LXIII, p. 85-87. HO The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. It is estimated in a recent article in the National Geographic Magazine that Ohio contains 1250 square miles of swamp, or, in other words, 800,000 acres, and this area is now practically unused except perhaps to some extent as a hunting ground, but without control or regulation regarding the protection of certain species further than is given by the general laws regarding the killing of game. That this area could be profitably converted into a permanent water area for the retention of rain-fall, and by a system of canaling made into cultivable land or water, seems certain. Estimating the capacity of such an area we would have for one foot of water nearly thirty-five billions of cubic feet, or for two feet of increased depth nearly seventy billions of cubit feet, which, if compared with the previous estimates as to the excess of outflow responsible for serious floods, will seem to have a very direct iinportance. If it be recognized that this area could be kept in water, and at the same time produce valuable crops, the advantage of preserving this resource will be apparent. It seems, therefore, that the general policy for the conserv^ation and utilization of water which is a very constant element in our state wealth, should be that of retention and culture for various crops, rather than a rapid discharge by drainage applied to all swampy land. This is perhaps the main point invohnng a radical departure from present policies, but this is of immediate impor- tance since there are constant efforts in the drainage of existing swamps, and once these swamps are drained, a re-establishment of the conditions for retention of water will be very difficult, if not impossible. To the engineer a drainage scheme is perhaps the most at- tractive, since it presents definite possibilities in the disposition of water, but from the biological standpoint the retention of water seems far more important. Ohio already has a distinct start in the direction of reservoirs in the Grand, Lewiston and Licking res- erv'oirs, which are bodies of considerable size. Although designed originally in connection with the canal system of the state, they are capable of serving for other iDurposes without in any degree affecting their value for the original purpose. Abiuidant sites exist in the state for the constmction of additional reservoirs, largely in the valleys which arc not of great value for other pur- poses, and which in the aggregate would furnish a large capacity. The Columbus storage dam containing 1,000,000,000 cubic feet with the ])resent thirt}'-foot dam occupies a river valley which was practically unused and of slight value for agricultural jmr- poses. A number of such reservoirs suitably located and projocrly controlled, while nor .sufficient to entirely prevent flood conditions, might certainly aid greatly in preventing the excessive flood con- ditions that result from the immediate outflow of all surplus water, and also serve largely in the improvement of navigation. May, 1913.] Control of Aquatic Resources. 141 Thev could also be used in suitable localities for extensive systems of inigation, and finally for the cultivation of aquatic crops. Such crops, although at present problematical, have, I fully believe, a most important promise of wealth. Considering, then, the quantity and regularity of our water, the extent of the utilization it is already given, and the possibilities in development for irrigation systems, power, and navigation, and especialh' the possibilities of development for production of im- portant crops, it is no extravagance to claim that it stands as one of our greatest sources of wealth, and merits and demands thorough scientific investigation that these resources may be conserved, developed and utilized to their fullest extent. In summing up these different factors it seems that the greatest utility of our water supply and its most effecti'\-e control may be secured \^'ith the combination of a number of different methods, but not by depending upon any single one. The following may be offered as suggestive: First, the levee system serving to narrow and raise a river channel, can serve only to jeopardize the lives and property of the river valley and should be resorted to only in particular cases and in connection with other means of flood relief. Second, the establishment of as many reservoirs as possible, in the head waters of the smaller tribute ries to the larger streams and the utilization of such reservoirs not only for power and as a reserve for water supply, for irrigation and navigation, but also as a basis for the growth of aquatic plants and animals, the cul- tivation of which should be a subject of careful experiment. Third, the exhaustive study and development of reforestation wherever this can be done to advantage, and especially the pro- tection of thickets and brush land along the slopes leading to the river bed. Fourth, the preservation an.d regulation of all extensive swamp areas which can be made to contribute to water retention in the head waters of the river tributaries. Fifth, the extensive planting of marsh grass, willows, or an}^ other plants which flourish in the river bottoms, as a means of checking the flow to the streams during periods of excessiv^e rain. Sixth, the utilization of the river flood plains reached by higher floods for crops which are least affected by over-flows of river water and which provide an opportunity for the spreading out of excessive water and serve also to catch and hold the river silt which forms a most important addition to the soil's fertility. 142 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 7, A CYTOLOGICAL LIFE CYCLE. Robert F. Griggs. The figures and diagrams which are usually presented to explain the nature and significance of the reduction di\'ision to beginners, although clear enough in themselves, often fail in their purpose because the}^ do not take account of the fact that reduction is indissolubly bound up with fertilization. To give a clear conception of the significance of reduction it is necessary to present the whole life cycle. In m.any respects the fern is better suited than any other type for the representation of such a cytological cycle. The alternation of generations is obvious; the haploid as well as the diploid condition is evident; the an- tithetic processes of fertilization and reduction occur at opposite points of the life cycle and can thus be presented far m.ore clearly than when reduction appears to be merely the "maturation of the germ cells." The diagrams here presented are based on a hypothetical fern with four chromosomes in the sporophyte. The cytolog}' is that of Ascaris* very little schematized. Each of the chro- mosomes of which two are represented as short and tw^o long, is marked with a characteristic figure so that its pennutations may be followed through the cycle. The best stage with which to begin is the diploid mitosis of the sporophyte, which conforms to the familiar type of somatic karyo- kinesis generally described. Omitting the resting nucleus the first stage in division is the formation from the chromatin network of a long, continuous spirem which winds in and out more or less, filling the whole nuclear cavity (Fig. 1). Soon each granule of this spirem divides and it becomes double longitudinally (Fig. 2). After considerable contraction during which the chromatin granules are drawn closely together, the spirem breaks into four pieces, the chromosomes (Fig. 3). These are oriented on the spindle and divided longitudinally along the line of the early split (Fig. 4), one half going to each pole and entering into the corresijonding daughter nucleus (Fig. 5), so that the progeny of every chromosome is equally divided between the daughter nuclei. As all of the cells throughout the organism are produced in this manner each is exactly like every other in chromatin content and, on the hypothesis that the chromosomes bear the hereditary characters, in heritage as well. That this is actually the case in the heritage as well as in the chromosomes may be demon- strated by the familiar facts of vegetative propagation by which *See Griggs, R. F., A Rcilueing Division in Ascaris, Ohio i\at., 6: 519- 527. 1906. Wilson, E. B., The Cell, 2d Ed., pp. G5-72, 183. 236-242. N. Y. 1906. May, 1913.] A Cytological Life Cycle. 143 the whole plant complete in all its parts may be reproduced from any small slip which can be made to grow. In some cases e. g. the leaves of Bryophyllum even single cells ma}^ be made to propagate the plant which of course would be impossible unless they contained all of the hereditary characters. This type of division continues then until the reduction di\'ision occurs and the familiar nonsexual spores so frequently found on fern leaves are produced. In the reduction division the spirem is formed and divides in the same manner (Figs 6 and 7), but breaks into onh' half as many pieces as in the ordinary mitosis (Fig. 9). Thus each piece really corresponds to two of the divided chromosomes seen in the metaphase of ordinary mitosis. This pairing or "syn- apsis" of the chromosomes is the essential difference between the two t3-pes of mitosis, for all of the subsequent difference of the reduction chromosomes is the necessary consequence of it. Before they pull apart these paired, doubled chromosomes become definitely associated together forming the variously shaped tetravalent chromosomes or "tetrads" characteristic of the reduction division. In their early stages they may be seen to be formed by the association of the two arms of the loops into which the spirem is thrown (Figs. 7, .S and 9). As they are pulled apart they may retain the form of the original loop or may appear as crosses or rings depending on their length and the manner in which they are attached to the spindle fibres (fig 10). Curiously enough the pairs are always made up of chromosomes of exactly the same size. This is indicated in the diagrams but l^ecomes much more striking in organisms like the hyacinth with numerous chrojTiosomes of di\'erse sizes. In the mLctakinesis stage of the first reduction di\-ision (Fig. 10), the pairs of chromosomes which fused or rather failed to separate in the early stages, are pulled apart so that one goes to each of the daughter nuclei (Fig. 11). Immediately after the first mitosis the spindles of the second mitosis organize at each of the iDoles and the doubled chromosomes separated in the first mitosis are divided along the line of the early longitudinal split (Fig. 12), giving rise to the nuclei of the four nonsexual spores. Each spore thus contains one of the four parts of each of the tetrad chromo- somes of the first reduction division. It will be observed that they are not aliJce in the chromosomes they bear. One set of spores bears only those designated by circles and dots while the other bears only those designated by crosses. If it had so hap- pened that one of the tetrad chromosomes of the first mitosis had been turned the other side up as is indicated in the alternative Figure 10a, it is clear that the resultant nonsexual spores would have borne a different combination of chromosonies, all of them being mixed as to crosses and dots. When the number of chro- 144 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. X 11 1, No. 7, mosomes is larger as is the case in most organisms and each of the chromosomes is oriented by chance independently of the rest as is presumably the case it is obvious that the number of coin- binations i. e. the nirmber of kinds of reduced cells increases as the square of the number of chromosomes. Omitting the variations, however, and following one of the nonsexual spores, say that with chromosomes marked with circles and dots, we find that it produces on gennination the familiar heart-shaped gametophyte (prothallus) of the fern. The mitoses occurring in the growth of this plant (Figs. 14 and IS), are exactly similar to those of the sporoph}'te except that they have only the reduced number of chromosomes found in the spore from which it grew, i. e. they are haploid instead of diploid. When mature the gametophyte produces archegonia bearing eggs, and antheridia bearing sperms. In the development and maturation of these gametes there is, of course, no reduction division. Fertilization may occur between an egg and a sperm from the same plant or the sperm may come from a different gametophyte. The latter alternative is figured in the diagram and it is further assumed that the sperm came from a gametophyte derived from a spore bearing the chromosomes marked with crosses (Figs. 20 and 21). When the sperm fuses with the egg their nuclei may be in a resting condition or they may be resolved into their respective chromosomes (Figs. 19-22). and proceed at once into the first mitosis of the succeeding embryo and the cvcle is com- plete. (Figs. 23-25). The significance of the conventions adopted in marking the chromosomes thus becomes apparent. Those marked with dots and circles came from the egg parent and those niarked with crosses from the sperm parent. In view of this, the fact com- mented upon above that each chromosome pairs with its ap- propriate mate in synapsis, takes on a new significance, for each of the tetrad or reduction chromosomes is seen to consist of a doubled chromosome of maternal origin paired with the cor- responding one of paternal origin. It is also evident that while the nuclei fvise in fertilization, the chromosomes do not show an}' sexual affinit}' for each other and live together, so to speak, in the nuclei of the diploid generation as independent units, until in the first half of the reduction division the corresponding pairs of maternal and paternal chromosomes appear to develop an attraction for one another and finally unite as synaptic mates to form the reduction chromosomes, so completing the union of sexual elements begun at the time of fertilization. It is obvious, moreover, that if by chance one of the chromo- somes had been oriented differently in the reduction division, as indicated by the alternative Figure 10a, none of the spores result- May, 1918.] A Cycological Life Cycle. 145 ing would liave borne the same chromosome combination as their parents. The combination diagramed could never be repeated until egg and sperm containing between them the chromosomes represented by all four symbols met and in the resulting zygote the chromosomes were oriented on the spindle in exactly the proper manner and this was followed by a succeeding fertilization by pure gametes bearing respectively only dotted and crossed chromosomes. Thus in an organism with four chromosomes in the diploid generation there are no less than nine possible chromo- some combinations, while • in organisms with numerous chro- mosomes the number of combinations possible is 3" where n is the number of chromosomes. Without making an\^ specific assumptions concerning dif- ferences in specific maternal and paternal chromosomes other than the common knowledge that the plasms of the two parents are in a general way different in heterozygous organisms, it is evident that there is here a mechanism varied enough to account in large measure for the large variability in inheritance which is so familiar No two children of the same parents (except identical twins) are ever alike, be the family ever so large. When we take account of intermarriage even without considering A^arying racial char- acteristics it is not surprising that we never find two faces alike. If however we assume that the long crossed chromosome for example bears a specific character which is absent from its mate the long dotted chromosome, it will be seen that any one of four possible combinations with respect to this one chromosome and the character it bears may be reaHzed in fertilization: (1). i\n egg bearing the x chromosome may be fertilized by a sperm bearing an x chromosome or, (2), by a sperm bearing a dotted chromosome, (3), an egg bearing a dotted chromosome may be fertilized by a sperm bearing an x chromosome or (4), by a sperm bearing a dotted chromosome. In the first case all of the cells produced in the subsequent reduction would bear the x chromo- some together with its character, and if inbred would continue pure ever after. In the fourth case the oft'spring would be pure in respect to the dotted chromosome and whatever characters it might carry, while in the second and third cases it would be mixed. This is, however, nothing more or less than a statement of Mendel's Law. Ohio Naturalist. Plate VI. Grjgcs on "A Cytulo-ical Life Cvcle." May, 1913.] Meetings of the Biological Club. 147 MEETINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB. Orton Hall, Feb. 17, 1913. The Biological Club was called to order by the president, Mr. vStover. In the absence of a quorum, the business meeting was omitted. "In his "Notes on a recent European trip," Prof. Lazenby discussed forestry and horticulture as he saw them in Germany and France. Germany's care of her forests is the result of a great fuel famine many years ago from which much suffering resulted. Each province regulates its own forest preservation, and in some cases great forests are owned and controlled by cities. Considerable amounts of money are often realized from the wood. There are many important forestry schools. Some experiments are being performed on American trees. Smoke and game are among the obstacles that the forest owners must combat. Graft- ing is not used as a means of propapating trees. The next paper was a discussion of the Alfalfa Weevil, by Herbert Osborn, Jr. This insect has caused very little trouble in Europe, but is of considerable importance here. Eggs are laid in the stems of the plants and the larvae eat the tops. Two fungi and one native insect attack the weevil, but the best method of combatting it is careful cultivation oP crops. After the reading of this paper, the meeting was adjourned. Marie F. McLellan, Secretary. Orton Hall, March 3, 1913. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mr. Stover, and the minutes of the two previous meetings were read and approved. The first paper of the evening was by Prof. Robert Griggs on "A Botanical Survey of the Sugar Grove Area. " Prof. Griggs first outlined the geography of the region and its geological fonnation, the latter being characterized by Black Hand sandstone. The rough typograph}' is particularly interesting, caves and water- falls being numerous. He divided the plants into three principal groups, the rock-growing plants, which are largely accidental; those on the bottom lands, which consist of a birch bottom land association with hemlocks growing up on the sides of the hills; and upland forms which are mostly pines. Many plants here 148 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XllI, No. 7, are on the edges of their ranges. On the economic side the region is spoiled by deforestation, which is causing the countr}' to grow rapidly poorer and poorer. The second paper was by Mr. C. R. Schroyer on "Pre-Glacial Drainage in Ohio. " At the present day there are two great axes of drainage in Ohio, the Great Lakes and the Ohio River. The lines of pre-glacial drainage in at least one-half of Southern Ohio were opposite to what they are now, and in Northern Ohio the drainage was exactly reversed, the water passing out by the Maumee into northern Indiana. The old, unoccupied valleys of the Scioto basin are ^^dde, while the new valleys are deep. Marie F. McLellan, Secretary. Date of Publication, May 20, 1913. The Ohio 'iJ^aturalist, PUBLISHED BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State Uni'versiiy, Volume XIII. JUNE, 1913. No. 8. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Melchers— The Mosaic Disease of the Timiato and Eehxted Plants 149 WiLLiAMS-Caryophyllaeeae of Ohio 176 Humphrey— The Genus Fraxinus in Ohio 185 McLellan — Meeting of the Biological Club 1S8 THE MOSAIC DISEASE OF THE TOMATO AND RELATED PLANTS.* Leo E. Melchers. Introduction and Historical Summary. The mosaic disease or calico of Solanaceous plants seems to be one of those pathological problems, which has resisted the efforts of the scientist and baffled the most observant layman for the last half century. That progress has been made in the study of mosaic disease is obvious, but the great problem of its cause still remains to be solved. In the review of its literature, it will be noticed that contradictory and conflicting results and con- clusions have been so numerous, in the scientific investigations of this problem, that one cannot accept the results uncondition- ally. In order to summarize the results, conclusions and theories of past investigators, and to make the literature pertaining to this disease more accessible, the writer has endeavored to pre- sent a review and bibliography of the essential literature of mosaic disease. It is hoped that this will provide a reliable basis for future work. The first reference to the disease according to Hunger (1905, p. 256), was by Swieten (1857), who mentions a disease which resembles the mosaic disease of tobacco. This disease was called "Rost" or Fleckenkrankheit (Spot disease), terms by which mosaic disease was known for some time. In 1885, Adolf Mayer investigated this disease on tobacco and in the following year published an account of it, naming it " Mosaic Disease. " Koning (1899, p. 65), states that Dr. van Breda de Haan, called his *Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory of Ohio State Univer- sity. No. 74. ;i49 I50 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XllI, No. 8, attention to this tobacco trouble, stating that it had occurred in the East Indies in 1888. The next investigator ot this problem whose work attracted attention, was Iwanowski (1892, 1899, 1903), who most emphatically pronounced mosaic disease to be bacterial in nature. PrilHeux and Delacroix (1894), describe the disease, believing that it is similar in nature to a spot disease occurring on Cyclamen. Marchal (1897), mentions mosaic dis- ease and its treatment. Koning (1897), describes specific organ- isms which are supposed to be associated with this disease. Bey- erinck (1898), and vSturgis (1N99), both published papers. The former author propounded the "contagium vivium fluidum" theory, while Sturgis regarded it as a physiological trouble. The following year (1900), Sturgis published the results of ex- periments in shading and liming tobacco plants. Woods (1899) presented his paper on the destruction of chlorophyll by oxidizing enzymes, with special reference to mosaic disease. According to Hunger (1905, p. 262), Dr. van Breda de Haan (1899), isolated bacteria from the tis.sues of diseased plants, said to be affected with mosaic. In (1900) Heintzel published a paper on tobacco mosaic and Behrens mentioned a disease of the tobacco which resembled mosaic in its symptoms and characteristics. Gontiere (1900), in a short review gives recommendations for treating seed and seed-beds. Woods (1902) revolutionized the interpre- tations of this malady, by propounding his enzyme theory and Hunger (1902, 1904), believed that he had eliminated bacteria as the causal organism. But nevertheless in the following year, Hunger (1903) (a) severely criticised Woods' enzymic theory. Suzuki (1903) studied a peculiar variegation of the leaves of the mulberry, obtaining results similar to those of Woods' on tobacco. Hunger (1903) (b) published other work explaining some of the ways in which this disease is spread. In the same year Boyugues (1903). cites definite data, dealing with the incubation of mosaic disease; he also seems to have made an anatomical study of the trouble. That laborers are responsible for the sj^rcading of this disease in part, is shown by Hunger (1903). Selby (1904) con- firmed some of Hunger's infection experiments, showing that the disease could be disseminated by alternately touching dis- eased and healthy plants. In (1905) Hunger juiblished a detailed treatise on mosaic disease, treating of its history, theories and experimental data. Delacroix (1905) found that a bacillus is associated with mosaic disease, and gave its exact measurements. Clinton (1908) mentions tomato chlorosis and its characteristics; he speaks of a similar malady on lima bean. Later (1910) he mentions as similar troubles, chlorosis of the squash, muskmelon and tobacco. Tomato mosaic is treated and compared with the same disease of tobacco by Westerdijk (1910). Loedwijks (1910) shows how colored light and light intensities effect the behavior of June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Totnato. 151 diseased plants. Shaw (1910) believes the Curly Top of sugar beet to be a trouble pathologically and physiologically related to mosaic disease. Allard (1912) believes that Aphids are carriers of mosaic disease. Xomcndature. — The names which have been applied to this singular disease, have been many and varied. In America, mosaic disease, cahco, Frenching, mottle-top and chlorosis are terms applied in the Central States; while in the south, brindel or mongrel disease are more common. In Germany one hears of it as Mosaikkrankheit, Mauche, Fleckenkrankheit or Pocken- krankheit; in France la Mosaique, Nielle or Rouille blanche and in Hungary, Mozaik-betegsege. In Italy it is known as Mai del Mosaico or Maldella bolla and in southern Russia the name Bosuch seems to be the most used. Poetih is the name applied in Stunatra, Java and Borneo. Besides these names there are many colloquial expressions in use. Special names applied to Pockenkrankheit are: "Ospa" (Pox) in Russia; ''Rjabucha" (Dot Hke), in Little Russia; "Pestrizi" (Spots) in S. W. Russia. Hosts. This disease, although originally' described only on tobacco, has in recent years been found on numerous other hosts. Woods (1902) describes it as being produced artificially on the potatoes, Petunias, Violets and poke weed, and Iwanowski (1903) speaks of it as occurring on the beet and kidney bean. Similar troubles have also been found by Suzuki (1902) on the Mulberry, by Selby (1904) on cucumbers, by Clinton (1910) on lima and string beans, muskmelon and squash. Some investigators would place mosaic disease in the same class with albinism or variegation; (Woods 1S99). Orton reported it on potatoes at the Cleveland meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, 1912^13, and the writer has recently found it occurring naturalh^ on the potato in the greenhouse. Characteristics. Tobacco. — As already indicated above, this malady seems to be present throughout the tobacco growing regions of the world, although there are some countries growing tobacco extensively from which no reports of its occurrence have been seen. This disease usually makes its first appearance either in the seed-bed or cold-frame. The middle or lower leaves are the first attacked and gradually the uppennost leaves show the character- istic symptoms. The disease reveals itself on the leaves by an irregular, more or less mottled effect, a differentiation into yel- lowish and dark green areas. The dark green areas are often confined quite largely to a border along the larger veins, while the intermediate tissue assumes a lighter green or yellowish hue. Upon closer inspection differences may be noticed; the adjoining 152 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, green regions seem slightly swollen, while the yellow areas apjjear appreciably thinner. Many of the affected leaves become crinkled or show an irregular growth; this is due to an uneven tissue ex- pansion; the healthy green regions develo]) more rapidly than the yellow areas, hence a warping or crinkling results. Woods (1902) states that in very severe cases the entire plant may become so defomied that it is almost unrecognizable. As the plant becomes older and the flower buds form, there may appear "what is known as "mottle top," although the plant may have remained perfectly healthy up till flowering time. Ac- cording to Sturgis (1S99), weather conditions may bring on the disease at this time and affected plants may recover if conditions 'become favorable again. He regards "mottle top" as a later stage and milder form of calico; the typical mosaic appearing only in the earlier stages of plant development. The writer has occasionally encountered this in the field and from his observation it does not seem serious, as it apparently involves only a few of the uppermost leaves, which are always removed at topping time. Tomato. — Where tomatoes are forced under glass, mosaic disease is not uncommon and appearances similar to mosaic are also found in the field. One of the first investigators to call our attention to the mosaic disease on tomato was Sturgis (1899). He cites a case where a field of tomatoes was overtaken I33' an early frost and severely nipped. As a result of this artificial pruning, the disease made its appearance. Woods (1902) pro- duced the disease at will on tomato and poke weed by severely pruning healthy plants. See his plates 2, 5 and 0. Tomato chlorosis and its infectious properties are discussed by Clinton (1908). Hunger (1905) seems to be the first foreign investigator who worked with tomato mosaic. He confirmed Woods' (1902) pruning results, having used plants grown from seed from various countries. Westerdijk (1910) carried out extensive experiments with tomato mosaic, which show the disease is inheritable. According to her the disease is conspicuous on stalks and fruit as well as leaves. She says that the stalks frequently show a spiral band of yellow color. During the earlier .stages of fruit development, while it is still green she says, that the yellow spots are easily recognized, but as the fruit matures, the deep red masks them. The yellow areas on the leaves, as for tobacco, seem con- fined more or less to the tissues between the main veins. The dark green regions nearby seem to assume a rather "over healthy " aspect. Here again, an unequal growth of tissues cause the leaf to warp or curl. In severe ca.scs, descriptively termed, "fern leaf" appears. Here the main veins are considerably hyper- trophied, while the intennediatc tissues altogether fail of develop- ment, giving the leaf a very striking dissected appearance. June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 153 Westerdijk (1910, p 7) states, "a great share of the blossoms perish before fertilization is effective; either the flowers blight or dro]3 off. " She also states that diseased plants bear less fruit than normal and that the fruit which does set is usually small or malformed. This would naturally be expected where there is an apparent lack- of proper nutrition, brought about perhaps by a reduction in the assimilati^^e and digestive powers of the leaves. It often happens that some of the lower leaves of tomato plants show yellow spots or are entirely yellow; this in most cases is due to improper light or soil conditions and should not be mistaken for mosaic disease. Fig. 1. Leaves from various parts of mosaic-diseased potato plants, showing surface irregularities, due to variable tissue expansion. Two- thirds natural size. Where tomatoes are grown under glass, the extent of damage caused by this disease may vary from the injuring of a few scattered plants to the loss of a considerable share of the crop. In Ohio mosaic disease frequentl}^ appears in one or more of the main crops. Potato. — During the month of February, 1913, mosaic disease appeared very suddenly in the Ohio State University greenhouse, on Early Lunch potatoes, which had been planted in sand for 154 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, the purpose of growing plants for breeding experiments. The writer has found no extensive description of mosaic disease on the potato in the literature, but it was reported by Orton (1913) as occurring in Germany and Maine. The first symptoms were noticed on a plant which had reached a height of approximately eighteen inches. When first observed the plant appeared thrifty in every respect, except that the immature leaves had a slightly pale and mottled appearftnce. Four days later the yellowish spots were more pronounced and appeared on about two-thirds of the leaflets. The very yotuigest leaves were also conspicuously pale, with a sickly yellow color. In this early stage the mottled effect is not perceptible, but it becoines noticeable as the leaflets age. Those having practically reached their full development, occasionally showed a slight abnormality in shape or an uneven surface. See text Fig. 1. The mottled effect consists of irregular, greenish-yellow or pale 3^ellow spots, which appear at any place on the leaf. vSee plate VII. As in tobacco and tomato mosaic, the yellow spots are localized in the tissue between the veins, which have a conspicuous border of dark green tissue. If such leaflets are sprinkled or submerged in water, the color differentiation is greatly intensified. In the majority of leaflets the green areas developed more rapidly than the yellow as usual in this disease. Such differences in growth cause a somewhat irregular surface. Upon examination, it is to be observed that the hairs on the upper surface of the leaf are much closer together in the yellow areas than in the normal or in the green areas. It appears that the hairs develop as usual while the leaf is very young, but that there is less than the normal expansion of the leaf surface between them, so that they are left standing close together, giving the leaf a striking and peculiar appearance. The surface of a cal- icoed leaflet when examined under a hand lens, shows that the dark green areas are somewhat elevated, while the yellow areas are slightly depressed, giving the surface an uneven appearance. No peculiarities could be seen upon the stalks or petioles and hypertrojihies were lacking. The disease appeared spontaneously without ])runing or other mutilation or artificial stimulation, which is said to be sometimes responsible for the production of such deformities in the potato (Woods 1902), as well as in other hosts. The writer has not observed this trouble on potatoes growing in the field, but intends conducting experiments later. It might be stated that the tubers which produced these diseased plant'^ came from New York. June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Toynato. 155 Histology. Koning (1S99 [bj, 1900) made histological studies of mosaiced leaves, but says that little is brought to Hght by microscopic examinations. Intercellular cavities occur between the paH- sade and spongy parenchyma of young and old tissue. In some cases he found the chloroplasts disorganized and cell walls disappearing. Bouygues (1903) reported the absence of the epidennis. In old spots the cell contents had disappeared. Woods (1900, p. 17) found that, "a study of the histology of the diseased leaves has now revealed a histological difference which makes it very clear that the light colored areas are not normal and that this difference consists in the fact that in badly diseased plants the palisade parenchyma of the light colored areas is not developed at all. All of the tissue between the upper and lower epidermis consists of a spongy or respiratory parenchyma rather more closely packed than normal. In moderately diseased plants the palisade parenchyma of the light area is greatly modified. Normally the palisade parenchyma cells of a healthy plant are from four to six times as long as broad. In a moderately dis- eased plant, however, the cells are nearly as broad as they are long, or at most not more than twice as long as broad. As a rule the modified cells of the leaf pass abruptly into the normal cells of the green area. " He also found that the light colored areas in both tomato and tobacco contained more than the nomial amount of starch. Heintzel (1900), does not mention any pecu- liarities in the palisade cells themselves, but observed the most striking differences in the intercellular spaces between the palisade cells and the spongy parenchyma of younger and older tissue. These intercellular spaces occur in the dark green, bloated regions, the older tissue having the larger spaces. He believed, these spaces were filled with gas, because their dark color disappeared when they were put in alcohol. The chloroplasts were con- gregated irregularly in small groups. Iwanowski (1903) states that the green areas bordering the yellow are 'abnormally healthy' and that such regions show a vigorous development of all cellular tissue. The yellow areas on the other hand, are thinner and the palisade cells are not so well developed, being very much shortened and cuboidal in form. He speaks of intercellular spaces in the yellow areas. The chloroplasts in these areas are yellowish and while these regions are young, scarcely react to the starch test, but eventually all the chloroplasts come to contain as much starch as they can hold. Tomato. — Westerdijk (1910) says that a microscopic examina- tion of mosaiced toinato leaves show nothing worthy of mention. In the yellow areas the chloroplasts are yellowish and slightly smaller and have but little starch. The writer also made his- 156 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, tological studies of mosaiced tomato, but did not find any char- acteristic abnormalities. No striking difi^erentiation was seen between the yellow and adjoining green or healthy tissues. I did not find stages as described by Woods (1900), where the palisade parenchyma was tmdeveloped or the presence of con- spicuous cuboidal palisade cells as described b}^ Iwanowski (1903) for tobacco. Although at times in the yellow areas this tissue appeared slightly less developed then usual. The yellow areas were slightly thinner than the adjacent green areas, especially in older leaves. The epidermis appeared nonnal. No difference was detected in the number or size of the chloroplasts in the yellow and green areas. That they were well supplied with starch was apparent from the slides and especially in the sections from the older tissue. Potato. — Sections of yellow, adjoining green and healthy tissue of potato mosaic, were fixed in weak chromacetic fluid and imbedded in the usual manner. A microscopic study showed that the yellow areas were thinner at all ages; in some cases they were only 90 mic. thick as compared with 120 mic. in the normal leaf. (See Fig. 1, 2, pi. VIII.) This thinness was largely due to a shortening of the palisade cells which were of a striking cuboidal fomi (Fig. 1, pi. VIII). vSections from mottled areas were easily distinguished by the shape and size of the palisade cells. The cuboidal cells began very abruptly in some sections, while in other cases there was an intergradation between them and the nonnal palisade cells. In the yellow areas as a rule, these cells were generally quite regtilar in shape, but sometimes there was less regularity. Their length varied from one-half to one-third that of normal cells and their thickness was usualh' slightly greater. The spongy parenchyma appeared normal in all areas, except that in the yellow regions, there were somewhat fewer chloroplasts. Figure 3, p\. VIII, represents a green area, adjoining a yellow spot. The palisade cells are slightly shorter than in Fig. 2. The chloroplasts throughout the yellow regions in living material were a pale yellowish-green, but contained considerable .starch. Characteristics or Mosaic Disease. Infectious. — Investigators who have conducted inoculation experiments with this disease on tobacco find it transmissible by means of the juice. Mayer (ISSO), Sturgis (1S99), Hunger (190.")) and others, have shown that it must be classed as infectious rather than contagious, for the mere presence of a diseased plant in a healthy plot does not cau.sc the disease to sjiread. Numerous investigators have inserted diseased leaf tissue into healthy plants and i:»roduced the disease; in grafting healthy and diseased plants, similar results were obtained, Iwanowski (1903), Woods (1902) and Hunger (1904, 1905). Heintzcl (1900) states, that he got June, 1913.] Tfie Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 157 positive results by inoculating with healthy as well as diseased tissue. The same results were obtained by Woods (1899, 1902). When an excess of virus is used, this disease on tobacco according to Beyerinck (1S9S), developes hypertrophies. Heintzel (1902) finds that the injection of small quantities of fluid from a diseased plant produced the mottled effect, while a large amount pro- duced hypertrophies. Disease Spread by Contact. — Some experimenters have trans- mitted this disease under field conditions by touching alternately diseased and healthy tobacco plants. Koning (1899) believes that mosaic disease is spread in the field by handling plants. Hunger (1903, 190-1, 1905, p. 286), in his 'touching experiments' was successful in spreading this disease and "he believes that much of the disease as it appears is due to negligence on the part of the laborers in the field." Selby (1904), as stated above, confinned Hunger's experiments, producing the disease in the same manner by touching. Hinson and Jenkins (1910) also believe that the disease may be spread in this manner. Spontaneous Occurrence. — Sturgis (1900) comments on the sporadic nature of this disease and states that it is not uncommon to find healthy and diseased plants growing in the same spot. Woods (1902, p. 18) says, "of the remaining twenty-five con- trols, four were affected with the disease without apparent cause. " Iwanowski (1903), could not account for the appearance of disease in plants which had in no way been treated, 'they simply ap- peared spontaneously.' Hunger (1904), likewise could not ac- count for these sudden appearances where plants had not been touched; furthennore the disease did not always appear where diseased and healthy tobacco plants were alternately touched. Westerdijk (1910), speaks of it as reoccurring periodically after it has once appeared in a greenhouse where tomatoes have been grown, although a new strain of seed was used each season. Producing the Disease at Will. — Woods' (1902) experiments show this disease may be produced at will, by pruning, mechani- cally injuring the plant in various ways or even by injecting distilled water! Hunger (1905), confirmed Woods' pruning ex- periments with tomatoes of various sorts, including red and yel- low, rough and smooth fruiting varieties. He failed, however, to duplicate Woods' results in tobacco. Allard (1912), says that a true infectious mosaic disease cannot be produced by pruning plants. Cross Inoculation.— It is not possible to transfer this disease from the tobacco to the tomato or vice versa, according to Wester- chjk (1910, p. 18-19). "It is not inconceivable that the virus of the tobacco ought to be transmissible to the tomato and in- versely, because the plants are closely related. This, however, s not the case. Numbers of tomato plants were inoculated 158 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, under the most favorable growing conditions, with the virus from tobacco plants. The inoculations had no effect. The virus from the tomato had just as little effect upon the tobacco plant. The tomato plants withstood the injections very nicely and did not show the least signs of distortion." Clinton (1908) on the other hand states that he succeeded in producing mosaic disease on the tomato by inoculation with juice from a diseased tobacco plant, and from this tomato plant he transferred the disease back again to tobacco. [s Mosaic Disease Inheritable? — Investigators are almost unani- mous in the opinion that "calico" of tobacco is not inheritable. Woods (1902, p. 7 ) says, ''There is no conclusive evidence that the plants from seed of diseased plants are more subject to the disease than are those from the seed of healthy plants. " Iwan- owski (1903) conducted inoculation experiments with crushed diseased seed. He produced the disease in this manner just as readily as where he used diseased leaves. He states (p. 15), "From such facts one would conclude that the disease must be inheritable, but experiments do not show this to be so. " In regard to this characteristic of mosaic disease Sturgis (1899, pp. 247-8), says that seed from diseased plants do not give rise to "calicoed" plants. "It would seem apparent, therefore, that "calico" is not communicable through the seed. I secured from the seed bed — twenty seedlings showing "calico" and from the same bed, twenty apparently healthy seedlings. These were^set in two parallel rows in the garden — with one exception, all of these forty plants were badly calicoed within six weeks. The exception was one of the originally healthy plants — most of the plants flowered and ripened an abundance of seed. This seed was sown in flats in the greenhouse. Of the hundreds of seedHngs — thus raised not a single one showed a sign of "calico" in the flats. Thirty seedlings were transplanted and set in a row in the Station garden — . All of the plants — showed great vigor and remained perfectly healthy. Meantime, from the same lot of seedlings, a dozen were sent to Mr. Ackley, who set them in a warm corner near the barn — . These also failed to show any signs of "calico." " Tomato mosaic is an inheritable disease in contrast with tobacco mosaic." these are the conclusions of Westerdijk (1910, p. 20). She kept the seed from apparently healthy looking fniit on a diseased plant, separate from that of mottled fruits. She sprouted the seed and the seedlings were transferred to the greenhouse, test ]jlot and garden. Proper checks were used in all cases. All plants grew equally well at first, but in two or three months a noticeable difference was seen. In the field she raised 50 plants, grown from diseased seed; the parent plants having been arti- ficially inoculated. Also 40 were grown from diseased seed from greenhouse plants. Of the latter, 20 originated from mottled June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 159 and 26 from apparently normal fruit from diseased plants. All this second generation showed an intensive leaf reduction; the yellow spots appeared entirely inconspicuous. Variegated ex- amples did not occur. The plants grown in the garden showed abnormal appearances all at the same age. Leaf reduction was less noticeable, although leaf apexes and side shoots were somewhat abnormally developed. A pronounced case of disease did not occur. In the greenhouse, the plants showed indefinite cases of mosaic disease. One plant out of 27 had strong symptoms of leaf reduction. She states (p. 17), "By the field experiments it has been shown without a doubt that the disease is inheritable. Also here it is shown that the light factor is important in develop- ing the disease. " Resistance and Selection. — Hunger (1905) believes through proper selection a resistant strain of tobacco can be obtained, (p. 297). "On page 282 it was shown how diversely plants may develop from Deli seed, even when of the same variety, and I am convinced that it is possible, through proper selection of such seed to isolate and obtain constant physiological strains whose peculiarities would remain fixed within certain limits of temperature." Bouygeres and Perreau (1904) claim to have reduced mosaic disease 98% in a season by selecting seed from a plant which remained healthy among a diseased lot. Various Names for Same Disease. Considerable confusion and dispute exists among European investigators, as to whether Pockenkrankheit, Fleckenkranl-cheit (Spot disease) and mosaic disease, are the same or different. Mayer (1886) describes the Mosaikkrankheit, in its second stage by saying that the yellow areas gradually become brown and eventually dry up. These are also the views held by Prillieux and Delacroix (1894); and Marchal, Gontiere and Bouygues (according to Hunger 1905). This stage corresponds to the disease described as Pockenkrankheit by Iwanowski (1892) (b), who noticed it in 1888, and on account of the differences in ap- pearance gave it the distinctive name, "Pockenkrankheit," (Pox Spot). He says (p. 68), "The Mosaic disease is contagious, but such is not the case with Pockenkrankheit. The condition producing Pockenkrankheit is excessive transpiration. " He criticises (1902) Beyerinck, Koning and Heintzel for considering Pockenkrankheit and mosaic disease the same trouble. On the other hand, Delacroix (1905) assigns the name "rouille blanche," to a spotting of tobacco caused by a specific bacterium. He says "rouille blanche" must be limited to the so-called Pockenkrank- heit, as named by Iwanowski. Westerdijk (1910) states that Pockenkrankheit (" necrobiotische form"), does not occur on the tomato, but that it is very common on tobacco; even more 1 6d The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, so than the "yellow-green mosaic" which is scarcely known to many tobacco growers. Sturgis (1899, p. 258) states, ''It is evident that in this so-called "spotted disease" of tobacco, we have a disease very similar to, if not identical with, that known in Connecticut as "spotting" and furthemiore, that this disease is as distinct from mosaic of foreign tobacco as "spotting" is from "calico." If the statements of the Russian investigators above mentioned are correct (and there is ever}^ reason for so regarding them), "spotting" is probably due to excessive trans- piration induced by sudden atmospheric changes." In regard to "spotting," in this country, he says (1899, p. 254, "It is a peculiar disease, not very common, not confined to any one locality and not characteristic of any special soil. As I have seen it — it is signalized by the presence on the leaf of small circular spots. These usually occur in the greatest numbers at or near the tips of the leaves, at first — yellow in color — irregular in outline — . The tissue within the border finally dies and becomes almost white, but except in severe cases, it does not break away from the leaf. " He goes on to say that microscopic examinations have never sho^^^tl the presence of fungi or bacteria. "Nothing further, therefore, can be said regarding this trouble, nor would it have been considered worthy of mention were it not for its resemblance to a disease of tobacco which occurs in Europe and Asia. " Woods (1902) does not seem to mention this trouble. There is no serious confusion in this country regarding these troubles; they seem to be distinguishable. According to Sturgis (1900), the "spotting" which may occur at times is not undesirable to a limited extent, as it enhances the value of to- bacco. It is sometimes artificially produced by spraying with certain chemicals. Causes of Mosaic Disease. The causes which have been assigned to this disease are numerous and varied. A great many have been recklessly assigned, as often is the case when some undetermined disease has long resisted the efforts of investigators. According to Hunger (1905) it is still believed by many growers in Europe that "bad intentions" on the part of some one had much to do with its appearance. In Deli it was claimed that the disease appeared where the Coolies had urinated on the plants in the hot-bed, while in other cases laborers were accused of j^ossessing the "warm hand." Among recent students the cause of mosaic disease is generally considered to be due either (1) To bacterial infection, (2) The Viras theory, (3) A physiological disturbance. 1. The Bacterial Theory. — Here a specific organism, a bac- terium, is stated to be the cause of mosaic disease. The supporters June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. i6i of this theory are. Maver (1S8(3); Iwanowski (1S92) (a) (1901, 1903); Prillieux and Delacroix (1S94); Marchal (1S97); Koning (1899 a, 1900 b); Breda de Haan (1S99); Behrens (1896). Mayer (1886), was perhaps one of the first to suggest bacteria as the cause, saying that the disease is of a bacterial nature. He says, however, that the organism had not been isolated and that nothing is known about its form. Breda de Haan (1899) as quoted by Hunger (1905, p. 262), claims it possible to obtain a bacterium from the plant tissues and grow it in culture. Pril- lieux and Delacroix (1894) state that a bacillus 0.7 mic. long was associated with grey or yellow spots occurring on tobacco leaves, which they took to be mosaic disease. Marchal (1897), speaks of finding colonies of bacteria which grew in chains and were yellow colored. He claimed that infection occurred in the seed-bed. According to Hunger (1905, pp. 259-60), however, Iwanowski was the first to find bacteria in connection with mosaic disease and certainly his work is the most complete and most convincing that has appeared in support of the bacterial theory. In (1899, p. 253) he reports, "From a poured plate in which one- half drop of mosaic diseased juice was applied, ten transfers from different colonies were made to test tubes, and from each of these, three plants were inoculated. From numbers 6 and 9, two plants showed symptoms of typical mosaic disease within 2 or 3 weeks." In a second preliminary paper (1901, p. 148), he says, "Therefore a specific bacterium is the cause of mosaic disease — . " He claims that its discovery is merely a question of proper microtechnique. His final paper (1903) discussed various bacteria obtained from mosaic disease and gives photo- graphs showing them as they occur in host cells. According to him the reason that Beyerinck was not successful in his attempts in isolating bacteria by applying juice to agar tubes, was because it was first filtered, which he says prevented growth. He states (p. 37), "One of the simplest reasons for not having been able to grow this organism from filtered juice is, that the microb is incapable of growing in pure ciilture and only develops in con- nection with other bacteria in the soil and in the living plasma of the plant." Such filtered juice, however, will produce the disease. This, he explains, by saying, that the microb forms resting spores. Upon this assumption he believed the microb could be grown only from the vegetative form. He used agar plates and succeeded in obtaining two colonies which produced mosaic disease when reinociilated. He does not mention how or where he made his inoculations and his controls do not appear to be adequate. The percentage of disease produced by his artificial inoculations was small as compared ^vith ordinary juice inoculations; this, he explains as due to a reduction in virulence, as often is the case when bacteria arc grown on artificial media. 1 62 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, He describes the bacterium which he used successfully for inoculation purposes, but did not make thorough studies of its habits. It is 0.3 mic. long; in fresh cultures it forms quite long threads or chains. It may liquify gelatin under certain conditions, staining it black. He concludes by saying, that the question of the artificial culture of this microbe of mosaic disease needs further study. Hunger (1905), however, reports that he succeeded at times in obtaining minute bodies which he says might be taken for bacteria. But he says (p. 264), "In fact, I was able to obtain minute bodies at times following out the technique in a few cases even the Plasmodium -like bodies. Unfortunately, however, I cannot regard these as bacteria or zoogloa, since it is shown that both of these bodies disappear when phenolchloralhydrate is u.sed in connection with heat, all remaining cell structures remain undisturbed." In a recent article, Allard (1012), believes that Aphids are carriers of mosaic disease in case of tobacco. Accord- ing to his experiments, he would not place this malady in the category of purely physiological diseases. He says, that facts at hand strongly suggest the presence of a living, active micro- organism. In order to reach definite conclusions in a pathological problem of this nature, experiments must be conducted on an extensive scale. The organism should be isolated, grown on various media and its cultural characteristics properly recorded. Proper checks with inoculation experiments are absolutely necessary. An ex- periment without accompanying controls is of little value. The original organism must be reisolated after inoculation and its presence conclusively demonstrated in the host, before its con- nection with the disease can be considered established. Inasmuch as this has by no means been accomplished, the bacterial theory cannot be considered as more than a working hypothesis. 2. The Virus Theory. — The "contagiuin vivium fluidum" or virus theory seems to be a kind of variation of the bacterial theory. Beyerinck (1S9S) abandoned the bacterial theory and proposed this in its place. He says (p. 5), "this is not brought about by a microbe, but through a "contagium vivium fluidum." He regards the virus as a soluble substance and not a corpuscular body. It remains inert in dead organic material, but when mixed with the cell plasma, it increases in quantity, but docs not lose its individuality, hence the name. He regards the Flecken- krankheit of tobacco as a mild form of the disease, largely con- fined to the chloroplasts, while in the more intensive fonns the protojjlast as a whole is involved. His theory is based upon two considerations. (Ij. The virus must be a liquid and not a corjHiscular body, because it diffuses through agar, which is im- possible for a corpuscular body. (2). He believes that it must increase in the plant, because a sinall drop causes numerous June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tamato. 163 leaves and shoots to become infected. In regard to the first argument of the virus theory, we see it is not quite in accord with our present knowledge of colloidal diffusion; he eliminates a possibility. The second statement is an assumption, rather than a known fact, for the behavior of the injected juice is problematical. Regarding the amounts of juice required for inoculation he says, (1S98, p. 5), "a small drop injected into the plant at the right place will cause numerous leaves and shoots to become in- fected. If these diseased areas are then crushed and the juice injected into healthy plants they may become diseased." From the fact that pouring juice upon the soil causes the disease to ap- pear first upon the youngest leaves, he concludes that the virus has a definite course in the plant. He applied juice and pieces of diseased tissue to agar plates and allowed the virus to diffuse. He carefully separated the upper and lower strata of such agar and used it for inoculation purposes and produced the disease in each case although the disease appeared more slowly when the lower strata was used. It seems strange that this author did not get a bacterial growth from such plates as Iwanowski did. Lodewijks (1910) hypothesizes a virus in these diseased plants which continually disturb merismatic regions. In normal regions an antivirus is produced which helps to neutralize the virus, like a toxin and an anti-toxin. The formation of this virus and anti-virus is influenced by external conditions; when the former is produced in excess, the plant becomes mosaiced and if the anti-virus is more abundant immunity results. Westerdijk (1910) speaks of a virus in tobacco and tomato, but does not express her opinion as to their nature. She believes that the viras of tobacco is distinct from that of the tomato. She says (1910, p. 19), "There are, therefore, two different infectious substances; they affect only their respective hosts." In her histological studies she excludes organisms as a cause, saying, (p. 8), "No organisms were found, neither in the yellow nor blue-green areas." (3). The Physiological Theory. — Perhaps the inost varied, but generally accepted theory is the Physiological one. Some investigators explain this disease as an enzymic trouble, while others simply say that it is of a physiological nature, without mentioning any specific factor or group of factors which can be definitely correlated with it. Sturgis (1899), in his first work on tobacco mosaic states, that artificial injuries or abnormal conditions, whereby the functions of the plant are disturbed, are probable factors in producing this disease. Soil and atmos- pheric conditions are important agencies according to his views, and he says that mosaic disease is more prevalent in heavy soils. Hunger (1902), believes this disease to be physiological, occurring when the plants are in a weakened condition, predisposed plants 1 64 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8. succumbing from the effects of certain outward, injurious in- fluences. In a later paper (1905), he states that mosaic diesase is simply due to a disturbance in the metabolism of the host. Meterological conditions, during the growing season, at least in the case of tobacco, are influential agents and the physical ]jroperties of the soil are more important than the chemical. He regards the normal tobacco plant as having mosaic disease in a latent state, or at the least being predisposed towards it, its appearance depending upon external conditions. Westerdijk (1910) says, that mosaic disease is worse in the tropics where light intensity is stronger. She shows that shading tomato plants in the greenhouse has a marked effect in controlling this malady. Heintzel (1900) also believes that this trouble can be explained from the physiological standpoint, but he restricts the cause to abnormal conditions resulting in a localized over- production of oxidizing enzymes. He states (p. 42), "From various observations I believe, that this disease producing sub- stance in the tobacco plant is an enzyme, or apparently enzymic in nature, which forms or is produced from or by the plant itself under certain conditions." He describes this enzyme by saying that "it is precipitated by alcohol; is soluble in water; loses its properties on boiling; but lowering the temperature even to freezing has no effect upon it; it does not increase outside of the host; salicylic acid interferes with its active properties; it retains its active properties in the dry state as well as in solution; it is diffusible, disturbs cellulose and chlorophyll; at the same time it forms a gas, oxygen. " All these properties so closely relate it to an enzyme, that one can call it an enzyme without a doubt. " He closes his paper by saying (p. 45), "The enzyme which catises the mosaic disease of tobacco, is thei^efore, known as an oxidase. " Koning (1900) mentions, that he observed a peculiar dark rose color on media, whenever he placed pieces of diseased tissue on agar plates; this being more noticeable than in cases where healthy pieces were used. It appeared to him as though an oxidizing body existed. This seems to harmonize with Woods' (1S99, p. 751), results, showing that ])croxidases at least, are diffusible. He found that peroxidases would diffuse into agar, if small pieces of Hibiscus wood were placed upon such media. The most detailed and convincing work in support of the enzymic theory, howe^^er, has been done by Woods (lcS99, 1902). He beHevcs as Sturgis (1S99) docs, that soil conditions are impor- tant factors to be considered, (1902, p. 23). "Close clayey soils, packing hard after rains and requiring constant tillage are not favorable to even growth of cither the to]) or the roots of tobacco plants." In the south poorly drained soils are said to favor the development of the disease. He is not of the opinion that a lack of soil nutrients has anything to do with its appearance. June, 1913,] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 165 But he states that there is evidence that rapid growth, caused by excessive nitrogenous manure or too high a temperature, is favorable to it. This latter statement seems to correspond with observations made by the writer on the appearance of some cases of tomato mosaic under glass. Woods (1902), does not explain why nitrogenous fertilizers should act in this manner; the plants are really in need of reserve nitrogenous compounds, as will be seen later. He says, however, (p 23), "It is probably connected, however, with the manufacture of reserve nitrogen by the cells and its distribution to the rapidly growing parts. " He thinks that tobacco mosaic is especially liable when moist cloudy weather, stimulating rapid growth, is followed by hot, dry weather, checking growth and causing the soil to bake, so that cultivation is apt to injure the root system. He carried out inoculation experiments along the same lines as other investigators, showing that this disease is infectious. He performed other experiments however, to prove that mosaic disease could be prodiiced at will without employing the juice of diseased or healthy plants. He was able to produce mosaic disease on tomato plants by severally pruning them. Pot-bound tobacco plants were selected and after they had been cut back, (allowing two or three lower leaves to remain), they were sub- mitted to high temperature and copious watering. The rapidly developing shoots became mottled and often distorted. Mosaic disease appeared in plants which were simply punctured with a steril scalped and in other cases where a piece of healthy leaf was inserted. Juice of diseased plants, boiled and double boiled when injected into the terminal bud, or poured around the roots caused the appearance of the disease. Woods (1899, p. 753) says, "It seems plausible that in rapid, poorly nourished growth many of the cells were unable to develop their normal amount of chlorophyll by reason of the excessive development of oxidizing enzymes. " Oxidizing Enzymes. — Woods states (1902, p. 23), "The disease is not due to parasites of any kind, but is the result of defective nutrition of the young dividing and rapidly growing cells, due to a lack of elaborated nitrogenous reserve food accompanied by an abnormal increase in activity of oxidizing enzyme in the diseased cells." According to Woods (1902), this excess of oxidases in turn inhibits diastatic activity so that starch accumulates in diseased cells in abnormal quantities. The resulting imperfect translocation may be demonstrated by the application of iodine at different hours during a day. By this means a striking difference between the normal and the abnormal tissue may be demon- strated. Suzuki (1902) arrives at similar conclusions, in the study of his mulberry disease; he confirmed Woods' experiments, showing that it was brought on by excessive pruning and that there was an 1 66 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, overproduction of oxidases in the varigated leaves. He says (1902, p. 277). "The fomiation of oxidases and peroxidases in abnormal quantities is a peculiar symptom of this disease and at the same time one notices that the translocation of starch and nitrogen compounds is noticeably delayed, so that appreciable quantities of starch are accumulated." He (1902) confinned Woods' (1S99, 1902), experiment on the inhibiting effect of oxidases on diastatic action. Hunger (1903, 1905) and Shibata (1905) were not able, however, to confirm Woods' work and Hunger criticises this theory, believing that Woods worked with impure enzyme solu- tions and that it was not the oxidase, but rather the tannin which interfered with the diastatic action. Woods (1899, p. 749), how- ever, had shown that diastatic action is hindered even if tannin is removed so that the retardation must be due to the oxidases present. He is not certain that the inhibiting action is as marked during warm weather and under natural conditions. One would naturally expect that such an interference would hinder the pro- duction of sugars and proteid coinpounds. It is on account of of this Woods (1902) believes, that cells of the diseased areas are very poor in reserve nitrogen. Suzuki's (1902) chemical analysis shows this to be the case with the mulberry disease. Woods (1899, p. 750) finds that "peroxidase is always more than twice as strong in the light ^colored areas as in the green." In albino spots he found the oxidase twice as strong as in the green areas of the same leaf or in healthy leaves." (p. 753). "It has been suggested by Dr. Loew that partial starvation may cause the increase of these enzymes in a cell, and it has been shown by Brown and Morris, that starvation causes an increase of diastase in the cells of various plants. " These enzymes occur throughout the plant according to his statements and when diseased plants disintegrate the enzymes enter the soil and may later be taken up by other plants. Hcintzel (1900) and others are also of the opinion that the disease may be disseminated in this way. Woods (1902) is not able to explain the infectious nature of this disease in accord with the facts, unless the oxidizing enzymes artificially introduced into the plant have the power of evolving these changes. He believes that a zymogen exists for these enzymes. By boihng juice from diseased plants he apparently destroyed the oxidizing enzymes which preliminary tests had shown to be present. After this same juice had been allowed to stand for a day, further tests gave a strong reaction for oxidases. A .second boiling after four hours was not followed by a regener- ation of the enzymes. He concludes, therefore, that the zymogen exists in the cells in .sufficient qviantities to regenerate practically the original amount of active enz^one. He believes that as soon as the active enzyme is removed or destroyed, it is regenerated by the zymogen. The protoplasm is not supposed to regtdate the June, 1918.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 167 relation between the active and reserve enzyme, for the regener- ation occurs in dead cells; no new supply of zymogen is manu- factured, neither in the expressed juice nor in the functionless or dead cells. Although Woods' theor}^ attempted to explain the behavior of these enzymes, his views are not now quite in accord with the rapidly changing ideas concerning this class of enzymes. He does not attempt to explain their mode of action upon inoculation in the host. No statements are made as to the means by which a minute drop of juice injected in the proper place brings about such transformations as are observed in mosaic disease. It is well known that z\miogens exist for enzyme processes in which hy- drolytic actions occur. Starling (1902) has shown that trypsin of the pancreatic juice is actually secreted as a zymogen, trypsino- gen, which lacks proteoclastic power, but possesses other properties similar to those of trypsin itself. The oxidizing enzymes seem to be far more complex and the intimate and intricate mechanism of this group is not so well understood. There seems to be no satis- factory explanation of the increased abundance of oxidizing enzymes in diseased areas of leaves. The methods employed by Woods (1899) for determining the presence of these oxidases were simply colormetric tests, since the reactions accelerated by the juice involve a change in color. Various indicators were used, of which tincuture of guaiacum was most satisfactory. He desig- nated those enzymes which gave a reaction directly with guaiacum, as oxidases, those requiring an addition of hydrogen peroxide, peroxidases. This classification is no longer used, see Bayliss (1911, p. 109). Woods' tests were simply qualitative and cannot be depended upon for various reasons as Foa (190S) points out. Guaiac resin for example, assumes a blue color on oxidation, but loses it when the process of oxidation is continued beyond a certain stage. He also gives one to understand that oxidases and per- oxidases are not always constant in their mode of action. A certain result in the oxidation of any partictdar substance gives no ground for generalization as to the catylitic power in general. Up to the present time no manometric analysis of plants affected with mosaic disease seems to have been made. Such methods have been devised and employed by Mathews (1909) in the Spontaneous Oxidation of Sugars and Bunzel (1912, 1913) on the curly-top of beets. It is obvious that such an analysis would bring out the exact relationships which exists between these enzymes, in healthy and diseased leaves or in any specific areas of such leaves. Preventive Measures. Various measures have been suggested by scientists and growers for the purpose of controlling or preventing the appearance of mosaic disease. Most of the remedies for tobacco mosaic are 1 68 The Ohio Naiuratist. [Vol XlII, No. 8, based upon soil treatment or reduction of light intensity. Mayer as early as 1SS6, showed that renewing soil in the hot-bed gave wonderful results in reducing the disease. By proper liming and shading, Sturgis (1899, 1900), showed that tobacco could be grown practically free from mosaic disease, on soils where calico had been prevalent. Koning (1899) regarded the use of lime and mineral fertilizers as valuable aids to the production of a healthy crop. Loew (1900, p. 25) says, "Some planters entertain the belief that a too extensive use of mineral fertilizers favors the disease and indeed, those fields had the least number of diseased plants which had received chiefly organic manure." The use of new soils for seed-beds and a seed treatment with copper sulphate, is proposed by Gontiere (1900). Eliminating root injury in all ways; preventing too rapid a growth due to using an excess of nitrogenous fertilizer and avoiding improperly drained soils, are Woods' (1902) ideas for combatting the disease. Hunger (1903, 1904, 1905) believes that diseased plants and roots tide the disease over from year to year, and recommends that they should be removed from the fields. He regards the avoidance of all injuries to plants important. Bouygeres and Perreau (1905) advise the elimination of manures. Hinson and Jenkins (1910, p. 10) say, "So far the only known methods of lessening "calico" in the seed- bed, are avoiding the use of tobacco water, as noted before, and the probable good resulting from steam sterilization. " Different light intensities and the use of colored lights are possible factors influencing this disease, according to Lodweijks (1911). The prevention of tomato mosaic under glass is discussed by Westerdijk (1910). She states (pp. 6-7), "The grower can reduce this disease by white-washing the greenhouse as soon as the first signs of yellow spots are noticed. " As mentioned before, the writer has observed that over forcing is liable to cause its ap- pearance in the greenhouse. Other Plant Diseases Apparently of an Enzymic Nature. Besides the work of Woods (1899, 1902), Heintzel (1900) and Hunger (1903) on tobacco mosaic and Suzuki (1902) on the Mul- berry disease, mentioned above, there are several more recent investigations which take up certain pathological problems from the standpoint of the enzymic disturbances involved. Pozzi- Escot (1905) assigns various maladies to an over abundance of oxidases. It is believed that a counter action takes place between these and beneficial enzymes which are active in metabolism. Sorauer (1908), in making a study of the leaf curl of potatoes, found that no specific organism was connected with this trouble, but an enzymic disturbance did present itself. In comparing the diseased and healthy tubers, he found great differences in enzymic reactions. Apjjel and Schlumberger (1911) have considered this June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 169 problem from an etiological standpoint. Curly-Top of sugar beets has been an exceedingly baffling disease. Not until (190S) did investigators grasp the situation and the cause was not dis- covered until (1910). In this year Shaw proved it to be due to an active agent introduced by the bite of the beet leaf ho])per. In (1912) Bunzel devised his apparatus for measuring the oxidase content of plant juices quantitatively, and applied it in detemiin- ing the oxidase content of curly-top of beets in 1913, showing that the leaves of curly-top plants have an oxidase content two or three times that of healthy leaves. During the past year the writer has made a study of an apparently similar disease of the Raspberry, known as Raspberry Yellows or Curl, which although never previously reported, has occurred quite abundantly in Ohio for the last seven years. In addition to these, Peach Yellows, Little Peach, Peach Rosette and other plant diseases have often been regarded as enzymic diseases, but the writer knows of no detailed investigations of the enzymes supposedly concerned. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Allard, H. a., 1912. The Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. Science n. s. 36:875-876. Appel, O. und Schlumberger, O., 1911. Die Blattrollkrankheit und unsere Kartoffelernten. Arbeiten der Deutschen Landwirtschafts. Gesellschaft. No. 190. Bayliss, W. M. and Starling, E. H., 1902. The Mechanism of Pancreatic Secretion. Journal of Physiology. 28:325-353. (Not seen). , 1911. The Nature of Enzymic Action. 2nd. Ed. London. Behrens, J., 1896. Die Beziehungen der Mikroorganismen zum Tabakbau und zur Tabakfabrikation. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 2:515. , 1899. Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Tabakspfianze. Land- wirtsch. Versuchsstat. 52:214. 432. (1900. Rev. Justs Bot. Jahresb. 28: .) (1900. Rev. Zeitschrf. f. Pflanzenkh. 10:192-93.) Beyerinck, M. W., 1898. 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M. and Jenkins, E. H., 1910. The Management of Tobacco Seed Beds. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta., New Haven. Bull. 166 : 4. Hunger, F. W. T., 1902. De Mozaiek-Ziekte bij Deli Tabak. Deel. 1. Mededeel. uit. S'Lands. Plantentuin 63 : -^ — '. (Not seen). (1904. Rev. Zeitschrf. f. Pflanzenkh. 14 : 292-294). , 1903. (a). Bemerkung zur Wood' schen Theorie iiber die Mosaik- krankheit des Tabaks. Bulletin de L'Institut Botanique de Buitenzorg. 17 : 1-9. . 1903. (b). On the Spreading of the Mosaic Disease on a Tobacco Field. Bulletin de L'Inst. Bot. de Buitenzorg. 17 : 10-16. June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 171 -, 1903. Het rupsenzoeken bij de tabak in verband met het later optreden der Mosaiekziekte. Korte berichten uits 'Lands Plantentuin Teysmannia. 14 : 632-638. (Not seen). -, 1903. Een voorloopige verklaring omtrent het veelvuldig optreden der Mozaiekziekte bij Sumatratabak. Tijds. Nijverheid and Land- bouw in Ned Indie. 67 : 225-237. (Not seen). -, 1903. Over de verspreiding der Mozaiekziekte op een tabaksveld. Handl. v. h. 7 Vlaamsch Natuur en Geneeskundig Congres p. 1-4. (Not seen). — , 1904. Die Verbreitung der Mosaikkrankheit infolge der Behand- lung des Tabaks. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 11 : 405-8. -, 1904. Over den aard der besmettelykheid der Mozaiekziekte der Tabaksplant. Handl. v. h. 8. Vlaamsche Natuur en Geneesk Congres. — : 45-50. (afl. 3). (Not seen). 1905. Untersuchungen und Betrachtungen ulaer die Mosaikkrank- heit der Tabaksflanze. Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenkrankh. 15 : 257-311. , 1905. Neue Theorie zur Aetiologie die Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks. Ber. D. Bot. Ges. 23 : 415-418. IwANOWSKi, Dm. 1892. (a). Ueber zwei Krankheiten der Tabakspflanze. Land-und Forstwirtschaft. (No. 3) (Russian). (1893. Rev. Biehefte Bot. Centralbl. 3 : 266-68). (Not seen). — , 1892. (b). Ueber die Mosaikheit der Tabaksflanze. Sciences de St. Petersbourg. Nouvelle Serie III. 35 : 67-70. (Not seen). ,1899. Ueber die Mosaikkrankheit der Tabakspflanze. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^5 : 250-2.54. fig 1, 2. -,1901. Ueber die Mozaikkrankheit der Tabakspflanze. Centralbl. f. Bakt.2 7 : 148. , 1902. Die Mosaik und Pockenkrankheit der Tabakspflanze. Zeitschrf. f. Pflanzenkh. 12 : 202-203. , 1903. Ueber die Mosaikkrankheit der Tabakspflanze. Zeitschrf. f. Pflanzenkh. 13 : 1-40. pi. 1-3. Jensen, H., 1906. Ueber die Bekampfung der Mosaikkrankheit der Tabaks- flanze. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 15 : 440-445. JOEST, E. 1902. Unbekannte Ifektionsstoffe. Centralbl. £. Bak.^ 31 : 365. Kastle, J. H. and Lovenhart, A. S., 1900. ''On Lipase, the Fat-Splitting Enzyme and the Reversibility of its Action." (Amer. Chem. Journ. 24 : 491-525). Koning, C. J., Hollandsche Tabak. Iste. gedeelte. De Natuur. 1897 : 9-12. (Not seen). , 1899. (a). Een platenziektekiem. Pharmaceutisch. Weekblad. 1897. (No. 17). (Not seen). (1899. Rev. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 5 : 250-254). -, 1899. (b). Die Flecken-oder Mosaikkrankheit des hoUandschen Tabaks. Zeitschrf. f. Pflanzenkh. 9 : 65-80. pi. 1, 2. , 1900. (a). Der Tabak. Studien iiber seine Kultur und Biologic. Amsterdam vmd Leipzig, p. 71-86. (1900. Rev. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 6 : 567). 172 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, -, 1900. (b) Woods' Destruction of Chlorophyll by Oxidizing Enzy- mes. De indische Mercuur van D. 1899. (Not seen). (1900. Rev. Centralbl. f. Bakt.' 6 : 345). LiNHART, G. en Mezey, G., A Dohany Mozaiklietegsege. Kulonleny omat a Mezogardesagi szemle. Bol. 1890 1-10. (Hungarian). (Not seen). LoDEWijKS, J. A., Jr., 1910. Zur Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks. Trav. bot. Neerlandais. 7 : 107-129. (Not seen). (1910. Rev. Bot. Centralbl. 114 : 518). (1911. Rev. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 31 : 324). LoEW, O.SCAR, 1900. Physiological Studies of Connecticut Leaf Tobacco. Rept. U. S. Dep. of Agr. Div. of Veg. Phys. and Path. 65 : 24. , 1900. Physiological Studies of Connecticut Leaf Tobacco. Rept. U. S. Dep. of Agr. Div. of Veg. Phys. and Path. 65 : 9. — , 1901. Catalase — A new Enzyme of General Occurrence. Rept. U. S. Dept. of Agr. Div. of Veg. Phys. and Path. 68 : 1-47. Marchal, Em., 1897. La Mosaique du tobac. Revue Mycologique. 19 : 13-14. Mathews, A. P., 1909. The Spontaneous Oxidation of the Sugars. Journ. of Biological Chemistry. 6 : 3-20, 29-37. Mayer, Adolf., 1885. Over de in Nederland dikwijls voorkomende Mozaiek ziete der Tabak. Landb. Tydschrift. (Not seen). , 1886. Die Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks. Landwirtsch. Ver- suchsstat. 32 : 450-67. , 1888. Heilung der Mosaikkrankheit des Tabaks. Landwirtsch. Versuchsstat. 35 : 339-340. Mulder, E., 1898. Cultivation of Tobacco in Sumatra. U. S. Dep. of Agr. Div. of Veg. Phys. and Path. Report 58. Orton, W. a., "Leaf Roll, Curly Leaf and Other Potato Diseases." Paper read at the Meeting of the American Phytopathological Society, Cleveland, Jan. 1, 1913. (Not yet published). Petch, T., 1907. Tabakrankheiten in Dumbara. Circulars and Agr. Journ. of the Royal Bot. Gardens, Ceylon. 4 : 41-48. (No. 7). (Not seen). (1909. Rev. Zeitschrf. f. Pflanzenkh. 19 : 103-104). PiZAZZOLi, F., 1904. Male della bolla e del. Mosaico. Bollentino tecnico della coltwazione dei tabacchi del R. Instituto Sperimentale di Scafati (Palmero). 3 : 1-41. Not seen). Adkrs Plimmer, R. H., 1910. Practical Physiological Chemistry. London. Prillieux et Delacroix, 1894. Maladies bacillaires dc divers veg6 taux. Comptes Rendus. 118 : 668-671. Pozzi-EscOT., 1905. Quelques idles modernes sur le r61e des diastases oxydanten dans les maladies veg6 taux. Bulletin de L' Ass. des Chimis- tes de Sucrerie, etc. 22 : 665-667. (Not seen). Selby, A. D. and Houser, T., 1904. Tobacco Diseases and Tobacco Breeding. Bull. Ohio Agr. Exp. Sta. 156 : 88-94. Shaw, H. B., 1910. The Curly-Top of Beets. U. S. Dep. of Agr. Bur. of PI. Ind. Bull. 181 : 1-40. pi. 1-9. June, 1913.] The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato. 173 Shibata, K., 1903. Die Enzymbildung in schrumpfkranken Maulbeerbau- men. Mag. 17 : 157. (1905. Rev. Bot. Centralbl. 48 : 17). SoRAUR, P., 1908. Die Angebliche Kartoffelepidemie genannt die "Blat- trollkrankheit. " Internationaler Phytopathologischer Dienst. 1 : 33- 59. (Not seen). Sturgis, W. C, 1899. Preliminary Notes on Two Diseases of Tobacco. Ann. Rept. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 22 : 242-255. , 1900. On Effects of Tobacco of Shading and the Application of Lime. Ann. Rept. Conn. Agr. Exp. Sta. 23 : 252-261. Suzuki, U., 1902. Chemische und physiologische Studien iiber die Schrumpf-Krankheit des Maulbeerbaumes; eine in Japan sehr weit verbreitete Krankheit. Zeitschrf. f. Pfianzenkh. 12 : 258; 203-236. SwiETEN, J. H., 1857. De tabaksteelb te Elst en omstreken in de Opper- Betuwe Tijdschrift ter beyvordering van Nijverheid. tweede reeks. 5 : 145-167. (Not seen). TowNSHEND, C. O., 1908. Curly-Top, a Disease of the vSugar Beet. U. S. Dep. of Agriculture, Bur. of PI. Ind. Bull. 122 : 1-32. Troube, M. J., 1896. La jauisse de la betterave. La Sucrerie Indigene et Coloniale. 48 : 338-340. (Not seen). UzEL, H. 1909. Mitteilung tiber Krankheiten und Feinde der Zuckerrtibe in Bohmen im Jahre 1907 und der mit derselben abwechselnd pultivieten Pfianzen. Zeitschrft f. Zuckerindustrie in Bohmen. 33 : 357. (1909. Rev. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 24 : 570-571. Westerdijk, Joha, 1910. Die Mosaikkrankheit der Tomaten. Mededee- lingen uit het Phytopathologisch Laboratorium, "Willie Commelin Scholten." Amsterdam. Maart. p. 1-19. PI. 1-3. Woods, A. F., 1899. The Destruction of Chlorophyll by Oxidizing Enzymes. Centralbl. f. Bakt.^ 5 : 745-754. , 1900. Inhibiting Action of Oxidase Upon Diastase. Science n. s. 11 : 17-19. , 1902. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobacco. U. S. Dep. of Agr. Bur. PL Ind. Bull. 18 : 1-24. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate VII. A photograph of leaf showing the mottled effect; the light spots were the yellow areas between the veins. Transmitted light was employed in securing this photograph. Plate VIII. The figures were drawn with the aid of a camera. A one inch ocular and 4mm. objective were used in each case. The figures have been reduced one-half. Matured tissues of the same age were selected for making the drawings. Fig. 1. A yellow area showing the cuboidal palisade cells. Fig. 2. Section from a healthy leaf. Fig. 3. Section from a green area adjoining a j^ellow spot. Ohio Naturalist. Plate VII. Melchers on " The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato and Related Plants." Ohio Naturalist. Plate VII 1. MKLCHERS on " The Mosaic Disease of the Tomato and Related Plants." 176 The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 8, CARYOPHYLLACEAE OF OHIO. Amy Williams. Herbs often with swollen nodes, with opposite entire leaves^ and hypogynous, bisporangiate or rarely monosporangiate, reg- ular flowers. Sepals 4 or 5, persistent, separate or united into a calyx-ttfbe; petals equal in number to the sepals or occasionally none; stamens twice as many as the sepals or fewer; anthers longitudinally dehiscent ; ovulary usually unilocular with a central placenta, bearing several to many seeds; fruit usually' a mem- branous capsule dehiscent by valves or teeth. Synopsis. I. Calyx of distinct sepals, or the sepals united only at the base. Petals without claws. Ovulary sessile. Alsinata. 1. Stipules wanting. a. Petals entire, toothed, or slightly notched. Sagina, Arenaria, Moehringia, Holosteum. b. Petals 2-cleft. Alsine, Cerastium. 2. Stipules present. Spergula, Tissa. II. Calyx of united sepals, tubular or ovoid. Petals with slender claws. Ovulary stalked. Caryophyllatce. 1. Calyx ribs at least twice as many as the teeth. Agrostemma. Lychnis, Silene. 2. Calyx 5-ribbed or 5-nerved or nerveless. Saponaria Vaccaria, Dianthus. Key to the Genera. 1. Calyx of distinct sepals or united only at the base. 2. 1. Calyx of united sepals, tubular or ovoid. 9. 2. Stipules none. 4. 2. Stipules present, scarious. 3. 3. Styles and capsule valves 5; pod short. Spergula. 3. Styles and capsule valves 3. Tissa. 4. Petals deeply 2-cleft or 2-parted, (rarely none), o. 4. Petals entire or emarginate (rarely none) 6. 5. Styles 4 or 5; pod cylindrical; dehiscent by twice as many equal teeth as styles. Cerastium. 5. Styles usually 3, rarely 5; pod short, splitting into as many valves as styles; valves often 2-parted. Alsine. 6. Styles 4 or 5, alternate with the .sepals; pod short. Sagina. 6. Styles usually 3. 7. 7. Stamens 3 to 5; capsule cylindric; flowers cymose-umbellate; annual. Holosteum. 7. Stamens 8 to 10; capsule ovoid or oblong. S. 8. Leaves 1 to 13^ inches long, oblong or oval; seeds strophiolatc. Ma'hringia. 8. Leaves less than } 2 inch long or if longer, then linear or subulate; seeds not appendaged by a strophiole. Arenaria. 9. Calyx without .scaly bractlets or small leaves at the base; styles 5 to 2. 10. 9. Calyx with scaly bractlets or small leaves at the base. Dianthus. 10. Styles 5 to 3. 11. 10. Styles 2. 13. 11. Styles o. 12. 11. Styles 3, rarely 4; petals with scales at the base of the blade. Silene. June, 1913.] Caryophyllaceae of Ohio. 177 12. Petals unappendaged; styles opposite, alternate with the leaf-like calyx-teeth. Agrostemma. 12. Petals often appendaged; styles alternate with them; calyx-teeth short. Lychnis. 13. Petals appendaged at the base of the blade, calyx terete. Saponaria. 13. Petals not appendaged, calyx 5-arigled, enlarged in fruit. Vaccaria. Sagina L. Low, tufted, matted herbs with subulate leaves. Flowers white; petals 4 or 5, entire, emarginate, or none; sepals 4 or 5; stamens 4 or 5 or S or 10; styles of the same number, arranged alternately. 1. Plant depressed-spreading; petals present. 5. procumbens. 1. Plant erect; petals minute or none. S. apetala. 1. Sagina procumbens L. Procumbent Pearlwort. Annual or perennial; branching, decumbent or spreading; smooth or some- what downy-matted, >2 to 2}4 inches high; leaves linear, subulate, connate at the base; flowers arranged on capillary peduncles which are often reflexed in fruit; sepals and stamens 4 or rarely 5; petals sometimes absent. Lake, Gallia. 2. Sagina apetala Ard. Small-flowered Pearlwort. Erect or ascending, annual, glabrous, filiform, about 3>^ inches high leaves linear-subulate, smooth or slightly ciliate, % inch long flowers on long peduncles; petals none or four very minute ones sepals 4, ovate or oval, obtuse. Lawrence County. Arenaria L. Tufted herbs with sessile leaves. Flowers white, in cymes, heads, or rarely solitary; petals 5; sepals 5; stamens 10; styles generally 3. 1. Plant pubescent, leaves ovate-acute, cymes leafy. .4. serpyllifolia. 1. Plant glabrous, leaves subulate. 2. 2. Perennial; leaves in groups at the nodes or axils, rigid. A. michauxii. 2. Annual; leaves opposite, soft. A. patiila. 1. Arenaria serpyllifolia L. Thyme-leaf Sandwort. An- nual, somewhat pubescent, branched, o}4. to 14 inches high; leaves ovate, acute ; flowers numerous, arranged in cymose panicles ; sepals ovate, acute; petals obovate or oblong, usually shorter. General in Ohio. 2. Arenaria michauxii (Fenzl.) Hook. Rock Sandwort. Perennial, tufted, glabrous, dark green, 7 to 15 inches high; leaves subulate or filiform, 1 -ribbed arranged in fascicles in the axils, }i inch long; calyx ovoid-oblong in fruit; sepals lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, acute, one half the length of the petals. Ottawa, Erie, Cuyahoga, Clarke, Franklin. 3. Arenaria patula Mx. Pitcher's Sandwort. Annual, glab- rous, very slender, 8 to 10 inches high; leaves soft, linear-filiform, ^ to 1 inch long; flowers in cymes, sepals lanceolate, acuminate, about one-half the length of the emarginate petals. Montgomery- County. 178 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, Moehringia L. Low perennial herbs. Leaves oblong, ovate-lanceolate or linear, sessile or with short petioles; flowers white, solitary or in cymes; sepals and petals 4 or 5, stamens 8 or 10. L Moehringia lateriflora (L.) Fenzl. Blunt-leaf Moehrin- gia. Stems finely pubescent, 6 to 14 inches high; leaves thin, oval or oblong, obtuse, the margins and nerves ciliate; flowers arranged in cymes or solitary; petals twice as long as the sepals. Ottawa, Auglaize, Darke, Morrow, Franklin, Perry. Holosteum. Annual or biennial, erect herbs with acute, ovate-lanceolate leaves. Flowers white, arranged in long terminal peduncles in umbellate cymes; petals 5, sepals 5, stamens 3 to 5, rarely 10. 1. Holosteum umbellatum L. Jagged Chickweed. Gla- brous or somewhat glandular, 3 to 7 inches high, pubescent above and a little hairy below. Basal leaves spreading, oblanceolate or oblong; stem leaves oblong, sessile; flowers arranged 3 to 8 in an umbel; pedicels erect in flower, reflexed in fruit; sepals obtuse, shorter than the petals. Hamilton County. Alsine L. Tufted herbs with white flowers arranged in cymes. Sepals 5 rarely 4; petals of the same number, 2 cleft, 2 parted, or emar- ginate, rarely none; stamens 10 or fewer; styles usually 3, rarely 4 or 5, generally opposite the sepals. 1. Styles 5; leaves ovate, pointed. A. aqiiatica. 1. Styles 3, rarely 4. 2. 2. Leaves linear or lanceolate, not pubescent. 3. 2. Leaves ovate-pubescent. 4. 3. Leaves acute at each end; seeds smooth. A. longifolia. 3, Leaves broadest near the base; seeds rough. A. graminea. 4. Petals shorter than the calyx; lower leaves petioled. A. media. 4. Petals longer than the calyx; lower leaves rarely petioled. A. piibera. 1. Alsine aquatica (L.) Britt. Water Chickweed. Perennial, usually glandular-pubescent above, ascending or decimibent, about 13 inches high. Leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, acute; the upper ones sessile, the lower petioled, rounded at the base, ^ to lyz inches long; flowers solitary, in the forks of the stem, or in C}nries; pedicels longer than the calyx in fruit, deflexcd; calyx campanulate, sepals about half as long as the 2-cleft petals; stamens 10. Guernsey County, 2. Alsine media L. Common Chickweed. Annual; tufted and much branched, decumbent or ascending; 4 to 14 inches high; glabrous, except the line of hairs along the stem and branches, the pubescent sepals and ciliate petioles; leaves oval or ovate, usually acute; flowers in terminal, leafy cymes or solitary in the axils. General. June, 1913.] Caryophyllaceae of Ohio. 179 3. Alsine pubera (Mx.) Britt. Great Chickweed. Perennial; stems and branches with two lines of hairs; 3 to 123^ inches high; leaves oblong or ovate-oblong, their margins cjliate, the upper generalh^ sessile, the lower sometimes narrowed into broad petioles; flowers in terminal cymes with lanceolate sepals and 2-cleft petals. Medina, Preble, Clermont, Fairfield, Pike, Lawrence, Gallia, Vinton. 4. Alsine longifolia (Muhl.) Britt. Long-leaf Stitchwort. Glabrous, ascending; stem rough angled; leaves linear, spreading, acute; flowers numerous, arranged in tenninal or lateral cymes. General in northern Ohio; also in Highland, Jackson and Gallia Counties. 5. Alsine graminea (L.) Britt. Lesser Stitchwort. Weak, glabrous, ascending from creeping rootstocks; 6 to 12 inches high; stem 4-angled; leaves lanceolate, sessile; flowers arranged in loosely spreading cymes; bracts lanceolate sometimes scarious- or ciliate; sepals equalling the 2-cleft petals. Cuyahoga, Auglaize, Belmont. Cerastium L. Pubescent or hirsute herbs. Flowers white, arranged in terminal cymes; petals 5, rarely 4, emarginate or bifid, (rarely wanting); sepals 4 or 5; stamens 10, rarely fewer; styles 4 or 5 or fewer, arranged opposite the sepals. 1. Leaves linear or lanceolate, 8 to 10 times as long as broad; petals longer than the sepals. 2. 1. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, about 4 times as long as wide, petals 3, equal- ling or shorter than the sepals. C. vulgatum. 2. Stem erect; pubescent, densely tufted; perennial; styles 5. C. arvense. 2. Stem weak, reclining or ascending, clammy-pubescent to glabrate^ annual. C. longi pediinculatum . 1. Cerastium vulgatum L. Common Mouse-ear Chickweed. Biennial or perennial, viscid-pubescent, 7 to 14 inches high. Lower and basal leaves spatulate-oblong; upper leaves oblong, 3^ to ^ inch long; flowers loosely arranged on long pedicels. General. 2. Cerastium longipedunculatum Muhl. Nodding Chick- weed. Annual, reclining or ascending, 6 to 16 inches high; clammy-ptibescent to glabrate. Lower leaves spatulate, obtuse, petioled, 1 to 1^ inches long; flowers loosely arranged, pedicels very long in fruit; petals when present about twice as long as the sepals. General in southern Ohio, also in Ottawa and Cuya- hoga Counties. 3. Cerastium arvense L. Field Chickweed. Perennial, downy or nearly smooth, 6 to 12 inches high. Basal leaves and those on the sterile shoots linear-oblong; stem leaves distant, linear or narrowly lanceolate; petals obcordate, longer than the lanceolate acute sepals. Sandusky, Ottawa, Trumbull, Miami, Monroe. 4. Cerastium arvense oblongifolium (Torrj Holl. and Britt. Pubescent; leaves oblong or lanceolate; capsule about twice the length of the calyx. Erie, Monroe. i8o The Ohio Naturalist [Vol. XIII, No. 8, 5. Cerastium arvense webbii Jennings. Plant more or less viscid-pubescent, 12 to IS inches high. Lower leaves oblong- lanceolate, upper ones ovate-lanceolate, 13'4 to 2 inches long; flowers arranged in strict c^-mes. Cuyahoga. Spergula L. Annual herbs. Leaves sul^ulate, stipulate, arranged in fascicles in the axils; flowers white, in terminal cymes; sepals 5; petals 5; stamens 10 or 5; styles 5, alternate with the sepals. 1. Spergula arvensis L. Corn Spurry. Glabrous or finely pubescent, 9 or 10 inches high. Lea\'es linear or subulate; stipules small, connate; pedicels slender, divaricate. Lake County. Tissa Adans. Low herbs with fleshy, linear, or setaceous leaves; often ar- ranged in fascicles in the axils; stipules scarious; flowers pink or white in terminal cymes; sepals 5, petals 5, rarely fewer or none, entire, stamens 2 to 10. 1. Tissa rubra (L) Britt. Sand-spurry. Annual or perennial, depressed or ascending, leafy, glabrous or glandular-pubescent above; 5 to 7)4 inches high; leaves linear, X inch long; flowers bright pink; stipules ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; sepals ovate- lanceolate, somewhat acute. Lake County. Agrostemma L. Annual or biennial, pubescent or wooly herbs. Lea^'es oppo- site, linear or linear-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, sessile ;flowers red or white, solitary; petals 5, shorter than the sepals, unap- pendaged, emarginate; calyx oblong, wooly, 10-ribbed; sepals 5, linear, elongated and foliaceous, stamens 10, styles 5, opposite the petals. 1. Agrostemma githago L. Corn Cockle. Plant erect, 12 to 40 inches high, covered with long, whitish, appressed hairs; leaves linear-lanceolate; calyx ovoid, sepals exceeding the i:)etals and deciduous in fruit; flowers red, petals slightly emarginate, obovate- cuneate. General. Lychnis L. Mostly mere or less pubescent herbs. Sepals 5, petals 5, entire, 2-clcft or laciniatc, generally crowned; stamens 10; st\'les 5, rarel>' 4; calyx ovoid, tubular or inflated, 10-nerved. 1. Plant entirely pubescent, viscid. 2. 1. Plant having viscid-pubescent bands on the stems. L. viscaria. 2. Calyx-teeth twisted; plant densely white-wooly. L. coronaria. 2. Calyx teeth not twisted; only ordinarily jmbescent; u.sually diecious. 3. .3. Flowers white or pink; calyx teeth attenuate. L. alba. 3. Flowers red; calyx teeth triangular-lanceolate, acute. L. dioica. June, i913.] Caryophyllaceae of Ohio. i8i 1. Lychnis coronaria (L) Desv. Mullein Pink. Perennial, wooly white, quite tall. Lower leaves spatulate; upper leaves oblong or lanceolate, sessile, acute or acuminate; flowers few in temiinal panicles; petals crimson; calyx oblong-campanulate, its teeth twisted and shorter than the tube. Cuyahoga, Portage, Lake, Fairfield. 2. Lychnis viscaria L. Viscid Lychnis. Plant erect. Lower leaves spatulate; upper ones linear or linear-lanceolate; inflores- cence in oppositely arranged clusters ; calyx club-shaped. Escaped in Lake Count3\ o. Lychnis alba Mill. White Lychnis. Biennial and branched with leaves ovate-oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acute; upper ones sessile, the lower ones ha^dng petioles; flowers few, arranged in loose panicles, white or pink, fragrant; calyx at first tubular, becoming inflated by the ripening pod; sepals lanceolate, short; petals obovate, 2-cleft, crowned. Lake, Meigs. 4. Lychnis dioica L. Red Lychnis. Biennial. Basal leaves with long petioles, oblong; stem leaves sessile or the lower short petioled, ovate, acute; flowers red or nearly white, opening in the morning, calyx at first tubular, in fruit nearly globular. Erie Coiint}', Mosely Herbarium. Silene L. Herbs with pink, red or white flowers; calyx more or less inflated, with 5 sepals, 10 to many nerved, not bracted at the base; stamens 10; styles 3, rarely 4 or 5; petals 5, narrow, clawed, variously cleft or rarely entire; flowers solitary or in tenninal cymes. 1. Leaves verticillate in fours. 5. stellala. 1. Leaves opposite. 2. 2. Flowers white or greenish. 3. 2. Flowers scarlet to pink. 6. 3. Calyx much inflated and bladdery, not with prominent ribs. 4. 3. Calyx tubular, merely expanded by the ripening pod, prominently ribbed. 5. 4. Inflorescence leafy bracted; flowers few. S. alba. 4. Flowers numerous, in leafy cymes. 5. vulgaris. 5. Flowers racemose, short-pedicelled, calyx ribs 5. 5. dicholoma. 5. Flowers cymose, night-blooming; calyx ribs 10. 5'. noctiflora. 6. More or less viscid-pubescent, perennial. 7. (i. Glutinous at or below the nodes, annual. 10. 7. Leaves broadly oval, the lower ones tapering into a long petiole; stems pubescent. S. rotundifolia. 7. Leaves lanceolate or spatulate, the blades not rounded. 8. 8. Leaves broadest below the middle, sessile; stems very rough. 5. regia 8. Leaves, all except the uppermost, broadest above the middle, the lower ones tapering into a petiole. 9. 9. Leaves broadly spatulate. 5. virginica. 9. Leaves narrowly spatulate or oblanceolate. 5. caroliniana. 10. Stems pubescent, leafy; calyx much inflated, many-ribbed. S. conica. 10. Stems smooth. 11. 11. Clayx club-shaped, many ribbed; leaves ovate-lanceolate. S. armeria. 11. Calyx ovoid; leaves linear. S. antirrhina. i82 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, 1. Silene stellata (L) Ait. vStarry Cam])ion. Perennial, pubescent, erect. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, verticillate in fours or the lowest ones opposite, their margins finely ciliate; flowers white, in panicled cymes, ^ to 1-4 inches wide; calyx campanulate, inflated, }i to }4 inch long, its teeth triangular, acute; petals about equalling the stamens, not crowned. General. 2. Silene alba Muhl. White Campion. Perennial, rather weak, reclining, slightly pubescent or glabrate. Leaves lanceo- late or oblong-lanceolate, opposite, 3 to 4 inches long, }'2 to 1 inch broad, acuminate; flowers white, ^ to 1 inch broad; calyx in- flated, elongated-campanulate, pubescent, with ovate teeth; petals cuneate, 2-cleft or 2-lobed, minutely crowned. Butler, Clermont. 3. Silene vulgaris (Moench.) Garcke. Bladder Camjjion. Perennial herb, branched from the base, glaucous, glabrous, or rarelv pubescent. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or oblong acute, lower ones often spatulate; flowers white, in c3'mose panicles, sometimes drooping; petals 2-cleft; calyx inflated and globose, /<+ to ^ inch long; stamens much longer than the petals and sepals. Erie County. 4. Silene virginica L. Fire Pink. Perennial, clammy-pube- scent, 10 to 24 inches high. Stem slender; leaves thin, 3 to 5 inches long, lower ones spatulate or oblanceolate, upper ones oblong-lanceolate, acute, sessile; flowers in loose cymose panicles, crimson, petals oblong, 2-cleft, 2-lobed, or irregularly incised, crowned; calyx tubular-campanulate. General. o. Silene rotundifolia Nutt. Round-leaf Catchfl}'. Per- ennial, ascending or reclining, viscid-pubescent; lower leaves spatulate or obovate, ui^per ones broadly oval, thin; flowers few or solitary; petals 2-cleft, lobed or laciniate, crowned, scarlet; pedicels very slender; calyx tubular-campanulate, about an inch long, somewhat enlarged by the ripening pod, it's teeth ovate, acute. Hocking, Jackson. G. Silene armeria L. Sweet William Catchfly. Glabrous, glaucous or minutely pubcrulcnt, about 23 inches high. Leaves ovate-lanceolate; flo^^'crs in flat cymes with petals rose-colored, white or purj^lc, notched and crowned with awl-shaped scales;, calyx club-shaped. Cuyahoga, Lake, Licking, Monroe. 7. Silene noctifllora L. Night-blooming Catchfly. Annual, erect, viscid-jmljcscent, S to 32 inches high. Leaf-blades thickish, lower ones large and spatulate, upper ones lanceolate; flowers few and large, white or nearly so, fragrant and opening at night; calyx glandular-])ubesccnt, ^2 inch or a little more in length, with awl-shaped teeth. Lucas, Sandusky, Erie, Cu>-ahoga, Lake, Auglaize, Green, Belmont, Jefferson. 5. Silene dichotoma Ehrh. Forked Catchfly. Annual, ])ub- escent. Lower and basal leaves lanceolate or oblanceolate,. June, 1913.] Caryophyllaceae of Ohio. 183 acuminate or acute, tapering into a petiob; upper leaves sessile, lanceolate or linear; flowers white; calyx cylindric, hirsute, much enlarged by the ripening pod, with ovate-lanceolate, acute teeth; petals white, bifid, with a short obtuse crown. Ottawa County.. Mosely Herbarium. 9. Silene conica L. Striate Catchfly. Annual, puberulent to tomentulose, or canescent, usually with several stems; leafy, 3 to 12 inches high. Leaves linear, lanceolate, acute, sessile; calyx o\^oid, rounded or truncate at the base, strongly ribbed,, about half an inch long, teeth triangular-subulate; flowers in cymes, petals rose-colored, obcordate. Sandusky County. 10. Silene regia vSims. Royal Catchfly. Perennial, erect and very rough, minutely pubescent. Leaves thick, ovate- lanceolate, acute, 1 to 2^ inches long, all but the lower ones sessile; flowers numerous, on short stalks and arranged in a panicle* deep scarlet; petals emarginate or laciniate, crowned; calyx oblong, tubular, slightly enlarged by the ripening pod. Clarke, Madison. 11. Silene caroliniana Walt. Carolina Catchfly. Perennial, viscid-pubescent, 8 to 10 inches high, basal leaves spatulate, nearly glabrous, tapering into broad, pubescent petioles; stem leaves sessile, oblong or lanceolate; flowers in terminal cymes, pink; petals cuneate, emarginate, crowned; calyx tubular, much enlarged by the ripening pod, its teeth ovate, acute. Jefferson, Monoe, Washington. 12. Silene antirrhina L. Sleepy Catchfly. Annual, puber- ulent or glabrous, glutinous about the nodes, 10 to 20 inches high. Lower leaves spatulate or oblanceolate, narrowed into a petiole ; upper leaves linear to subulate ; flowers in a loose, cymose panicle, pedicels slender, erect; flowers pink, petals obcordate and minutely crowned; calyx ovoid, glabrous, delicately ribbed, with ovate, acute teeth. General. 13. Silene antirrhina divaricata Robinson. More slender, branches spreading, filiform; petals absent. Gallia County. Saponaria L. Annual or perennial herbs, with broad leaves and large flowers. Calyx narrowly ovoid or subcylindric, obscurely nerved; petals 5; sepals 5; styles 2; stamens 10; capsule dehiscent by four short apical teeth or valves. 1. Saponaria officinalis L. Bouncing Bet. Perennial, glabrous, erect, rather tall, 24 to 32 inches high. Leaves ovate or oval, 2 to 2}4 inches long, acute and having a broad, short petiole; flowers pink or white, arranged in terminal corymbs with many small, lanceolate floral leaves; calyx tubular, about an inch long; petals obcordate with a scale at the base of the blade. General. 1 84 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, Vaccaria Medic. Annual herbs, glabrous, glaucous. Flowers in corymbed cymes; petals pale red and not crowned, longer than the calyx; calyx sharply .5-angled and inflated in fruit; sepals -5; stamens 10; styles 2. 1. Vaccaria vaccaria (L.) Britt Cow-herb. Annual, 20 to 24 inches high; calyx 5-ang1ed, enlarged and wing-angled in fruit; leaves ovate-lanceolate. Lake, Ashtabula. Dianthus. L. Stiff herbs. Leaves narrow; flowers terminal, solitary or cymose-paniculate, generally purple; calyx tubular, with several bracts at its base; sepals 5; petals 5, long clawed, dentate or crenate; stamens 10; styles 2; capsule cylindric or oblong, stalked, dehiscent by four or five short teeth at the summit. L Leaves large, ovate-lanceolate or broadly lanceolate; 3 to 5 times as long as broad; flowers clustered; perennial. D. barbatus. 1. Leaves narrowlv lanceolate, linear, subulate; 8 to 12 times as long as broad. 2. 2. Calyx densely pubescent; leaves 2 to 2} 9 inches long; flowers clustered; annual. D. anneria. 2. Calyx glabrous or slightly pubescent. 3. 3. Plants much branched; flowers solitary; perennial. D. delloides. 3. Plants simple or with few erect branches; flowers in terminal heads, rarely solitary; annual. D. prolifera. 1. Dianthus prolifera L. Proliferous Pink. Annual, gla- brous, G to 12 inches high. Leaves few, linear and acute; flowers small, pink, arranged in terminal, oblong or obovoid heads; calyx concealed by bracts. Cuyahoga Count}-. 2. Dianthus armeria L. Deptford Pink. Anntial, minutely pubescent, 12 to 20 inches high, with few erect branches. Leaves linear, about \ inch wide, 1>2 to 2}i inches long; flowers ar- ranged in terminal clusters with lanceolate, subttlatc bracts, u.sually longer than the calyx; se]:)als very acute. Licking, Jef- ferson, Gallia. o. Dianthus deltoides L. Maiden Pink. Perennial, 4^ to 8 inches high. Leaves short, narrowly lanceolate, glabrous or .slightly pubescent; flowers pink or white, solitary, with toothed petals; bracts ovate and half as long as the tube. Lake County. 4. Dianthus barbatus L. Sweet William. Tufted, glabrous and erect, Ki to IS inches high. Leaves lanceolate or ovate- lanceolate; '2}i to ;j inches long, ^^ inch wide; bracts linear- filiform, about the same length as the sharp, pointed sepals; flowers pink or white or variegated, in large terminal clusters. Portage County. June, 1913.] The Genus Fraxinus in Ohio. 185 THE GENUS FRAXINUS IN OHIO. Lillian E. Humphrey. Recent investigations of the genus Fraxinus show a diversity of opinion in regard to the hmits of certain species. A study was made of Ohio forms and comparison made with specimens from other regions in order to determine a suitable disposition of local species. In Fraxinus lahceolata a very great diversity in the size and shape of the leaflets was apparent. Some of the leaflets from Ohio specimens measured 3 to 7^' inches in length and }4 to 2}4 inches in width. vSpecimens ranging westward to western Kansas have smaller leaves and fruit, the leaflets of those from Kansas measuring 3 to 4>2 inches in length and 3 4 to 1 5-S inches in width. The samaras of those from Ohio varied from l;f4 to 2}4 inches in length, while the Kansas type bore fruit measuring 7-8 to 1 o — 8 inches in length; both were of about the same width. There is an uninterrupted gradation of sizes and shapes from the larger eastern specimens to the smallest western types. Specimens from Decatur County, Kansas, had the shortest samaras of any examined. Closely resembling Fraxinus lanceolata in general appearance is Fraxinus pennsylvanica, which differs chiefl}' in having velvety pubescent twigs and more or less velvety pubescent petioles and under sides of the leaflets. The leaflets are generally broader than those of Fraxinus lanceolata, but of about the same length, the average measurements being 3^ to 0 inches long and 1 1-8 to 2>2 inches wide. In both species both sides of the leaflets arc a decided green and the wing of the samara is decurrent 1-3 to ^ the length of the body. Practically the only essential difference between the two forms is the velvety pubescence of the twigs and a usually greater pubescence of the leaves of Fraxinus pennsyl- vanica. Parallel with these two forms are Fraxinus americana and Fraxinus biltmoreana, which also seem to be separated mainly by the degree of pubescence. The Fraxinus americana specimens had leaflets measuring 3 to 6^ inches by 1 to 2}4 inches. Fraxi- nus biltmoreana had leaflets of about the same size. The samaras of Fraxinus biltmoreana are 1>2 to 1^ inches long, while those of Fraxinus americana vary from 1 1-8 to 1 7-16 inches. Both have plump, terete bodies and terminal wings. The leaflets of both species are prevailingly whitish underneath. As stated, we have the saine conditions as between Fraxinus lanceolata and Fraxinus pennsylvanica. The velvety pubescence of the twigs may be used to segregate the two types, but even this character is not very sharply limited. Often specimens of Frax- inus americana have quite pubescent leaves. 1 86 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8, Synopsis. I. Flowers bisporangiate, imperfectly bisoprangiate, or imperfectly monosporangiate; calyx none or very minute. 1. Flowers bisporangiate; twigs 4-sided, sometimes sharply four- angled; wing of fruit extending around the body; leaflets green on both sides, not entirely sessile; calyx a minute ring. F. quadrangtdata. 2. Flowers imperfectly bisporangiate or imperfectly monosporangi- ate; twigs terete or nearly so; leaflets sessile; calyx none. (1) Leaflets oblong-lanceolate tapering to a long point. F. nigra. (2) Leaflets oblong to ovate-lanceolate, short pointed. F. excelsior. IL Flowers monosporangiate; calyx evident; leaflets with petiolules. L Fruit with a flattish body passing perceptibly into the wing; leaves and twigs velvety pubescent. F. profunda. 2. Fruit with a terete or nearly terete body. a. Wing of the samara extending somewhat down the sides of the body. (a) Twigs pubescent. F. pennsylvanica. (b) Twigs smooth or nearly so. F. lanceolata. 1). Wing of the samara almost entirely terminal. (a) Twigs pubescent. F. hiltmoreana. (b) Twigs smooth or nearly so. F. americana. Key to the Species. L Leaflets more or less petiolulate. 3. L Leaflets sessile. 2. 2. Leaflets 7 — 11, long, gradually tapering to a point, oblong lanceolate. F. nigra. 2. Leaflets short pointed, ovate to obovate. F. excelsior. 3. Twigs not quadrangular. 4. 3. Twigs quadrangular; stems sometimes sharply four-angled; leaflets ^7 — 11, green on both sides, upper ones usually sessile, lower one.s short petiolulate. F. qiiadrangulata. 4. Twigs pubescent, often velvety. 5. 4. Twigs smooth or nearly so. 7. 5. Leaflets ovate to ovate lanceolate; base usually trimcate or rounded, unsymmetrical; upper surface dark 3'ellow green, soft pubescent beneath, calyx large. F. profunda. 5. Leaflets ovate, ovate-lanceolate, or lanceolate, usuall}' acute at the 3l base; calyx minute. 6. 6. Leaflets pale beneath, ovate to ovate lanceolate, 7 — 11; wing of samara terminal or nearly so. F. hiltmoreana. G. Leaflets green or greenish beneath, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, 5 — 9; samara with a decurrent wing. F. pennsylvanica. 7. Leaflets pale beneath, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, entire or indefinitely serrate, abruptly acute or acuminate, glabrous or somewhat pubescent; wing of samara terminal. F. americana. 7. Leaflets green on both sides, glaI)rous or somewhat pubescent, usually serrate, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; wing of samara decurrent on the sides of the slender body. F. lanceolata. Fraxinus L. Ash. Deciduous trees usually with a furrowed bark; lij^ht, tough wood; large, light-colored, round pith and large terminal buds. Lateral buds obtuse, somewhat flattened; bundle scars crowded in a curved line; leaves opposite, usually odd-pinnate; flowers inconspicuous, perfectly or imperfectly monosporangiate, some- June, 1910.] The Genus Fraxinus in Ohio. 187 times bisporangiate, usually diecious, in bractless pannicles, isobilateral, usually apetalous and dicyclic, but some of the primitive forms with a corolla; cycles usually tetramerous or dimerous; calyx when present usually campanulate, persistent or deciduous, sometimes much reduced; stamens united with the base of the corolla when present; pollination usually ancmapholus; ovulary biocular, ovules two in each cavity; fruit a one seeded samara; seed pendulous. 1. Fraxinus quadrangulata Mx. Blue Ash. Twigs glabrous or very slightly pubescent when young, 4 sided, sometimes sharply 4-angled leaflets 7-11, ovate to oblanceolate, green on both sides, sharply serrate or serrulate, long acuminate, upper leaflets usually sessile, lower ones short petioled; flowers bisporangiate; corolla wanting, calyx reduced to an obscure ring; samara linear oblong, l}i to 2 inches long, 3-8 to ]/2 inches wide, blunt, body extending half way to the apex. On rich limestone hills and sometimes in fertile vallej^s. Ottawa, Hancock, Auglaize, Franklin, Licking, Montgomery, Highland, Ross, Brown. Adams. 2. Fraxinus nigra Marsh. Black Ash. Twigs and usually the leaves glabrous; leaflets 7-11, sessile, green on both sides, sometimes quite pubescent along the mid-rib, serrate or serrulate, 2J4 to 6 inches long, 1 to IK inches wide, ovate-lanceolate, with a long, tapering acuminate apex and a narrow or rounded base ; flowers imperfectly bisporangiate ; samara oblong to linear-oblong, 1 to 1 5-8 inches long, }i to 3-8 inches wide; calyx wanting; wing all around the flat body which extends to beyond the middle. In swamps and wet woods. General in northern part of the state, south to Preble, Green, Franklin and Harrison. 3. Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh. Red Ash. Twigs, petio- les, rachis and lower surface of leaflets velvety pubescent; leaflets 5-9, green on both sides, ovate to oblong, margin varying from entire to serrate, apex acute or acmninate, SJ/^ to 6 inches long, 1)4 to 2 inches wide; calyx in the staminate flower obscurely toothed, that of the carpellate flower deeply divided; samara 1 to 2 inches long, 1-8 to 3-16 inches wide, wing decurrent, linear to spatulate, about the same length as the body. Low, rich, moist soil. General. 4. Fraxinus lanceolata Borck. Green Ash. Twigs and usually the leaves glabrous; leaflets 5-9, green on both sides, lanceolate to oblanceolate, entire to denticulate, 3 to 7}^ inches long, }4 to 2)4 inches wide, often pubescent on the veins beneath, apex acute to long tapering; samara 1^ to 2J^ inches long, 1-8 to 14 inches wide; wing somewhat decurrent, spatulate; body terete. Moist soil. General. 5. Fraxinus biltmoreana Beadle. Biltmore Ash. Young twigs very pubescent; leaflets 7-9, pale beneath, more or less pubescent, especially along the veins beneath, ovate to ovate lanceolate, margin entire or sometimes obscurely serrate, rachis 1 88 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIII, No. 8^ slightly pubescent; samara 1^ to 2 inches long; wing almost entirsly terminal, linear, two or three times as long as the short, stout, terete body. Upper part of river banks and woods. Erie, Hardin, Franklin, Montgomery, Morgan, Hamilton, Brown, Lawrence, A-Ieigs. 6. Fraxinus americana L. White Ash. Twigs and petioles glabrous; leaflets 5-9, pale beneath, glabrous or somewhat pubes- cent along the veins, ovate to oblanceolate; margin more or less entire or sparsely toothed; samara 1 to 1 7-16 inches long, 1-8 to 5-16 inches wide; wing entirely terminal; body terete. Rich woods. General. MEETING OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB. Ortox Hall, april 7, 1913. The meeting of the Biological Club was called to order by the President and the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The subject of the evening's program was "Regeneration in Animals and Plants." The first speaker, Prof. Landacre, took up the work of Dr. Childs, of Chicago. Dr. Childs does not accept the term" re- generation," preferring to use "form regulation," which means a return to a state of equilibrium rather than to nonnal form. More generalized animals do return to normal form, while in the highest animals a process of wound healing is all that takes place. Dr. Childs further divides fonn regulation into two main groups — regeneration, or production of new tissue, and redif- ferentiation, or reorganization of old tissue. He explains these phenomena by a process of "physiological correlation" in growth, which is brought about b}' "conduction" or the influence of one cell on those near it. Dr. Dachnowski, the next speaker, discussed the two funda- mental [)hases of regeneration in plants. There are: (1) re- generation which expresses itself in latent buds, or restitution; and (2) that which expresses itself in differentiated tissue. The quality of regenerated tissue varies with age. He also noted the fact that Sachs worked on the i)h}'siological side of regeneration and em])hasized the conception of form regu- lation which Childs uses. After these papers a discussion was opened in which Profs. vSchaffner, Lazenby, Durrant and Barrows took part Prof. Schaffner emphasized the fact of polarity in plants, which he illustrated and by various illustrations showed that regeneration usually does not indicate lines of i)hylogeny. After the discussion was finished, Mr. Walter Marshall was elected to membership. The meeting then adjourned. Marie F. McLellan, Secretary. Date of Publication, June 5, 1913. The Ohio ^JSCaturalist, PUBLISHED BY The Biologkal Club of the Ohio State Uni-versity, Volume XIV. NOVEMBER, 1913. No. 1. TABLE OF CONTENTS. McAvoY— The Reduction Division in the Microsporocytes of Oenothera Biennis 189 SCHAFFNER— The Classification of Plantt^, X 198 Britten and Brown's Illustrdted Flora 203 THE REDUCTION DIVISION IN THE MICROSPOROCYTES OF OENOTHERA BIENNIS.* Blanche McAvoy. While making a study of the reduction division in Fuchsia (8) it became necessary to review the Hterature on the Oenotheras. Finding that Geertz (7), Gates (3, 4, 5 and 6), and Davis (1 and 2), did not entirely agree among themselves and finding also that my study of Fuchsia (8) did not agree in all respects with that of any of the investigations on the evening primrose, I also became interested in the problem presented by the reduction division of Oenothera. Geertz (7) describes the threads occurring in the early stages of Oenothera lamarckiana as being irregular in thickness and containing small discs of chromatin. He calls the contraction stage synapsis and speaks of loops extending out from the con- tracted knot. He says the fully formed chromosomes are found immediately after the contraction and that the bivalent chromo- somes are produced by a pairing of univalent chromosomes, but he does not find a conjugation of two threads during the contrac- tion. He also observes a longitudinal splitting of the chromosomes just after the transverse split occurs. Gates has made various studies of the Oenotheras namely O. rubrinervis (4), O. lata xO. gigas (6), O. lata xO. lamarckiana (3), and 0. gigas (5). In his paper on O. rubrinervis (4) he insists that the contraction stage is not an artifact but a natural stage leading to synapsis. After the contraction the chromatin material arranges itself in threads which shorten, contract and finally constrict so as to show fourteen univalent chromosomes. These break apart in pairs, each pair fusing together to form a bivalent chromosome. His second paper (6) is a study of the continuity of chromosomes. He claims that there are two methods * Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of Ohio State Univer- sity, No. 76. I90 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 1, of chromosome formation, one involving a side to side pairing, the other an end to end. He finds a continuous spirem and twelve chromosomes but makes no mention as to how the chromosomes are formed. In O. gigas (5) he notes an irregularity in the way homologous chromosomes seem to pair. Davis first studied the reduction division in O. grandiflora (1). In the early sporocyte he describes chromatin material around the periphery connected by delicate strands. These strands thicken by what seems to be a process of absorption of the chromatin bodies and fill the nucleus with a close reticulum. He calls the synizetic contraction synapsis. At the end of the contraction stage the spirem has assumed the shape of seven bivalent chromo- somes some of which, he says are linked together. These rings are later pulled apart on the spindle. In his second Oenothera paper on 0. biennis (2) he calls the dark staining masses found around the periphery of the nucleus prochromosomes. He finds no evidence that they are arranged in pairs, but says whenever there are two together they lie end to end. Later on he finds a spirem out of which is constricted a chain of fourteen chromosomes. He speaks of a longitudinal split which appeared before the heterotypic chromosomes reach the poles. The buds of Oenothera biennis which were used as material for this study were collected west of Cincinnati during the summer of 1912. They were killed in Schafi:ner's weaker chromacetic acid and run up through the grades of alcohols to absolute. The imbedding was done from chlorofomi. Sections were cut 10 microns thick and stained. Both Delafield's and Hcidenhain's haemotoxylin were used, the Hcidenhain's giving the better results. The iron was used for four hours and the stain over night. In the very young sporocytes (Fig. 1) there is a reticulum on which can be seen an indefinite number of chromatin masses or granules. A little later (Figs. 2 and 3) this chromatin material collects in seven little masses which represent the protochromo- somes. In some of the sporocytes these protochromosomes appear dou]:)lc. Their double nature is more easily studied in the preparation than reproduced on paper for the two parts of a single protochromosomc can often be seen best by focusing. The masses are so large that on first sight they might .almost be taken for the bivalent chromosomes except for the small size of the young sporocyte and the condition of the tapetum. The ta])ctum in the younger stages has but one nucleus to each cell while in the later phases each tapetal cell has two nuclei. In l^assing from the younger to the older stages the tapetum retreats from the sporocyte as the sj^orocyte increases in size and rounds up. The nucleolus is quite distinct and need never be confused Nov. 1913.] Microsporocytes of Oenothera Biennis. 191 with the chromatin masses since there is a difference in the way the two stain. The protochromosomes are connected by dehcate strands. Figiires 4, 5 and 6 show the protochromosomes in various stages of transfoniiation, while their chromatin is apparently being distributed in the fonn of granules on the spirem. In Fig. 4 there are still six good sized masses although part of the chromatin has already been distributed. Fig. 5 shows four large masses and two small ones with a spirem fonning in the cavity. By the time the sporocyte is as far advanced as the one shown in Fig. 7 the spirem is complete and the protochromosomes are entirely gone. All this time the sporocytes are gradually growing larger. Somewhat later the chromatin material becomes loosened from the nuclear wall and collapses in a mass in the nuclear cavity, but the synizetic knot is never so close as in some species. Figures 8^ 9 and 10 show synizesis in different stages. In figure 10 most of the spirem can be plainly seen. The granules along it are easily made out and the whole spirem is looped and twisted. The nucleolus is not confused with chromatin material on account of the differentiation of the stain. The nuclear cavity is enlarged and frequently the cytoplasm is contracted away from the cell wall. The spirem after the synizesis is granular and looped, and can be traced for some distance. (Fig. 11.) Figure 12 shows a continuous spirem. In the preparation the spirem could be traced throughout its complete distance without a break. In the dra-wing the nucleolus seems to cover the spirem and obscure its continuity, but in the preparation, by focusing, the spirem could be seen to be complete throughout its entire length. The spirem is distincth' granular and is thrown into loops three of which can not be mistaken and four more can be made out without much difficult^^ Figure 13 shows loops while figures 14 and 16 show seven definite loops. In figure 14 one loop is filled up with stain. In the next figure (Fig. 15) five definite loops show and two masses, one smaller than the other. Figure 16 is probably the best figure to show that the spirem is continuous and is thrown into seven definite loops. Two of them have a double twist. The spirem is granular and lies between the nucleolus and the nuclear wall. In figure 13, 14 and 15 the loops are crossed in the center and beneath the nucleolus and so the continuity of the spirem can not be observed. The looping of the thread shows plainl}^ also in figures 17 and 18, but the continuity of the thread can not be seen plainly on account of the nucleolus. The spirem is granular. In these two sporo- cytes (Figs. 17 and IS) the nuclear wall seems to be disappearing although in most cases the nuclear wall does not go until the chromosomes are formed. 192 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 1, Gates (4) in his paper on Oenothera riibrinervis states that the spirem constricts into fourteen chromosomes which break apart in pairs and then form the bivalent chromosomes by a folding together and fusion of the parts of each pair. Davis says there are ring-shaped chroinosomcs, some of which are linlced together in O. grandiflora (1). He says these are present as soon as the sporocyte passes out of the synizetic stage. In O. biennis (2) he finds a chain of fourteen chromosomes breaking into seven pair's from which seven chromosomes are formed by fusion. This method of chromosome foraiation of course is essentially the same as that of loop formation, but I have found the loops definitely formed and just as definitely contracting until there are seven chromosomes formed from the seven loops. These results are the same as were found in Fuchsia (S). The loops frequently form quite definite rings as is seen in figure 16. In figure 19, the chromosomes still show something of their ring and loop character and there are two nucleoli shown. The next figure (Fig. 20) shows a certain amount of loose material in the nucleus which may be derived from the nucleolus although there is no direct evidence for this conclusion. The next two figtires (Figs. 21 and 22) show the chromosomes broken apart and the cytoplasm flowing into the nuclear space. The nuclear wall has entirely disappeared. In the cytoplasm are seen great num- bers of prominent granules. These remain in the cytoplasm throughout the reduction process. Whether these are starch or not was not definitely determined. Figure 23 shows the beginning of the formation of the spindle with the chromosomes being drawn into the equitorial plane. Figure 24 is the mother star stage at the time when the chromosomes begin to be segregated into the univalents. The next two figures (Figs. 25 and 26) do not show the full quota of chromosomes but show the beginning of the true reduction in those that can be seen. The next two drawings (Figs. 27 and 28) represent nietakinesis stages with the chromosomes half way to the poles. Figures 29 and -30 are daughter star stages. The lower pole of figure 30 shows a slight beginning of the nuclear wall. The seven univalent chromosomes arc about half the size of those appearing on the mother star. The number can be easily counted at this stage. Following this stage the nuclear membrane develops rapidly and the daughter nuclei swell to a much larger size. The chromo- somes remain as distinct bodies although there is some distribu- tion of the chromatin material (Fig. 31). Even in the resting condition the chromosomes in the two daughter nuclei remain as seven distinct bodies and there is no real reticulum developed (Fig. 32). At this stage all traces of the spindle have disappeared. Soon after, the second division begins (Fig. 33) and the chro- mosomes in the mother star are again distincth* visible as small Nov. 1913.] Mierosporocytes of Oenothera Biennis. 193 bodies of the same general shapes as appear in the first division but much smaller. The tetrad (Fig. 34) appears normal, irregu- larities not being so abundant as in Fuchsia. SUMMARY. 1. In very early stages of the mierosporocytes the chromatin material is scattered throughout the nucleus on a loose reticulum. 2. There are seven jirotochromosomes fornied, some of which show a double nature. 3. These protochromosomes are transformed into a spirem. 4. There is a period of contraction or synizesis during which loops of the spirem project out from the contracted mass. The spirem shows a granular nature. 5. The spirem is continuous and becomes thrown into loops seven of which are shown in many preparations. 6. These seven loops contract until seven separate bivalent chromosomes are formed. About this time the nuclear mem- brane disappears. 7. The univalent chromosomes remain as seven distinct bodies in the daughter nucleus and are easily distinguishable until the beginning of the second division. 8. The second division follows and results in the formation of normal tetrads. The seven chromosomes are again easily counted in this division although they are much smaller. LITERATURE CITED. 1. D.wis, B. M. Cytological Studies in Oenothera I. Pollen Development of Oenothera grandifiora. Ann. of Botany, 23: 551-571. 1909. 2. Davis, B. M. Cytological Studies of Oenothera II. The Reduction Division of Oenothera biennis. Ann. of Botany, 24:631-651. 1910. 3. G.A.TES, R. R. Pollen Development in Hybrids of Oenothera lata X Oenothera lamarckiana, in its Relation to Mutation. Botanical Gazette, 43: 81-115. 1907. 4. Gates, R. R. A Study of Reduction in Oenothera rubri- nervis. Botanical Gazette, 46: 1-34. 1908. 5. Gates, R. R. The Stature and Chromosomes of Oenothera gigas De Vries. Archiv. fur Zell forschung. 3: 525-552.1909 6. Gates, R. R. The Behavior of Chromosomes in Oenothera lata X Oenothera gigas. Botanical Gazette, 48: 179-199. 1909. 7. Geertz, J. M. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Cj'tologie und der parteilen Sterelitat von Oenothera Lamarckiana. Rccueil des Travaux Botaniques Neerlandais, 5: 93, (Reprint 1-114) 1909. 8. McAvoY, Blanche. The Reduction Division in Fuchsia. Ohio Naturalist, 13: 1-18. 1912. 194 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 1, DESCRIPTION OF PLATES IX, X, XI. Fig. 1. Microsporocyte in early stage showing the chromatin material. Figs. 2, 3. Microsporoc^^tes showing 7 protochromosomes. Fig. 4. Microsporocyte showing 6 protochromosomes and some reticulum. Figs. 5, 6. Microsporocytes in which some of the protochromosomes have been used up in the formation of the spirem. Fig. 7. Fully formed spirem before synizesis. Figs. 8, 9, 10. Different stages of synizesis. Fig. 11. Spirem beginning to show a disposition to loop. Fig. 12. Microsporocyte which shows a continuous spirem that is thrown into loops, three of which are plainly visible. Fig. 13. Spirem showing loops. Figs. 14, 15, 16, 17, IS. Microsporocytes showing the spirem thrown into loops. Fig. 16. Spirem thrown into seven loops, two of which are double. Fig. 19. Microsporocyte showing the contracted loops which are forming the bivalent chromosomes. Fig. 20. Bivalent chromosomes still fastened together. Figs. 21, 22. Microsporocytes showing the seven bivalent chromosomes completely formed. Fig. 23. Chromosomes being drawn into the equitorial plane. Fig. 24. Mother star stage. Figs. 2.5, 26. Microsporocytes in which the chromosomes are separating. Figs. 27, 28. Metakinesis stages. Fig. 29. Daughter star stages. ~ Beginning of the formation of the nuclear membrane around the lower daughter nucleus. Daughter skein stage in which the spindle has not disappeared, showing the seven daughter chromosomes in each nucleus. Daughter nuclei before the second division showing the chromo- somes as seven distinct bodies. Mother star of the second division. Microspore tetrad. Fig. 30. Fig. 31. Fig. 32. Fig. Fig. 33. 34. Ohio Naturalist. Plate IX. McAvov on "Oenothera biennis." Ohio Naturalist. Plate X. McAvoy on " Oenothera biennis." 'Ohio Naturalist. Plate XI. McAvoy on "Oenothera biennis."' 198 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 1, THE CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS, X.* John H. Schaffner. Our knowledge of the anatomy, cytology, and life history of many of the groups of Pteridophytes is still far from satisfactory and only a tentative arrangement is at present possible. How- ever, three great lines of development are clearly marked giving three great phyla with which to begin. There may be some dis- pute as to the true relationship of a few isolated groups but in the great majority of living forms the connection is quite evident. Some of the recent speculations in respect to the Pteridophytes have very little morphological evidence for their support. The writer believes that it is best not to disturb the aiTangements of the various groups as accepted in the past until there is more than a mere foundation of assumptions based on doubtful evolutionary hypotheses, many of which are all but disproven at the present time. There is a notion that external characters are less stable than internal anatomy. But there is really no evidence that this is so. We should first find out whether there is any ecological response and if so whether one set of structures responds more readily than another. Even if it could be shown that there is ecological adap- tion by direct response to environment or by natural selection this would still be inconclusive, for the internal structure would neces- sarily have to be co-ordinated with the external. A given type of vascular system may be found in a group and thus indicate rela- tionship, but the same is sometimes tine of unimportant external structures like the ligule in Selaginella. The vascular system of the Ptenophyta, for example, shows a remarkable diversity and it is probably because of this very plascity that some of the groups related to this phylum have evolved into the higher forms of seed plants. The evolution of the Pteridophytes, in general, has been from the homosporous condition to the heterosporous ; from the independ- ent gametophytes to minute semidependent gametophytes ; from low erect perennials to tree forms with little or no branching to branched forms and from these to geophilous perennials and occasionally to annuals. Several types of leaf venation appear to have developed independently and also several types of vascu- lar system. What the true relationshi]) between the several types is, is at present largely conjecture. There is no definite evidence as to which type of stele is the oldest, nor has there yet been much progress made as to the probable evolution and dcrix^a- tion of the several types. The hiatus between the primordial vascular systems of living Bryophytcs and the highly specialized * Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of Ohio State Univer- sity, No. 77. Nov , 1913.] The Classification of Plants, X. igg steles of known Pteridophytes is too great to be bridged unless fossil fomis can be found intennediatp between the two. Since these forms should be discovered in the Ordovician, Silurian, or Cambrian rocks or perhaps in deposits of even earlier age, there is no immediate prospect of their coming to light even if any were preserved. The Silurian and Ordovician should be thoroughly searched for Pre-Devonian Pteridophytes for Ordovician fossils might give a clue as to the possible path along which the vascular plants evolved. In the meantime it is most reasonable to classify our living species on the basis of their entire morphology both internal and external. Correction. Through inadvertance the genus, Microcycas appeared as Micro- zamia in the IX paper of this series (Ohio Naturalist 13: 106). Read Microcycas instead of Microzamia. In the following synopsis the segregation has been carried as far as the genus except in the complex Polypodiaceae which well deserve an independent treatment. Synopsis of the Ptenophyta. I. Sporophyte homosporous, having only one kind of nonsexual spores; leaves usually large and mostly compound; gametophytes comparatively large, hermaphrodite or unisexual. Filices. Ferns. 1. Plants eusporangiate, sporangia developed from internal cells. EUSPORANGIAT^-E. (1). Sporangia on a special sporangiophore distinct from the leaf-blade; gametophvte subterranean, without chlorophvll. OPHIOGLOSSALES'. ophiogloss.\ce^. a. With reticulate venation; sporangia in a single row on both margins of the sporangiophore. Ophiogossum. b. With dichotomous venation, sporangia clustered on the sporangiophore or the sporangiophore more or less branched. (a). Sporangia opening transversely; on the margin of a more or less branched sporangiophore. Botrychium (b). Sporangia opening longitudinally; in little clusters. Helminthostachys. (2). Sporangia on the underside of foliage leaves; leaves with two stipules; gametophytes with chlorophyll. MARATTIALES. a. Sporangia in sori but free from each other. ANGIOPTERIDACE.^. (a). Sori very long, with 80-160 sporangia; leaves simply pinnate. Archangiopteris. (b). Sori short, elliptical, mostly with 10 sporangia, sometimes less or sometimes as high as 20; leaves two or more times pinnate. Angiopteris. b. Sporangia united forming synangia. (a). Each loculus or sporangium of the synangium longitudinally dehiscent, marattiace.e. ((a)). Synangia elongated, oval, venation not reticulate; leaves large pinnately com- pound. Marattia. 200 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 1, ((b)). Synangia round, venation reticulate; leaves digitate. Kaulfussia. (b). Each loculus of the synangium opening by a termi- nal pore; leaves simple or simply pinnate. DAN^ACE/E. Danaea. 2. Plants leptosporangiate, sporangia developed from superficial cells. Leptosporangiat^. FILICALES. (1). Sporangia without a true annulus, but with a group of thick walled cells which are sometimes arranged in a ring at the apex or side; sporangia nearly sessile; sporophores usually different from the foliage leaves or leaflets. a. Sporangia with an irrigular group of dorsal thick-walled cells, not arranged in a definite ring, globular; spores with abundant chlorophyll. OSMUNDACE^. b. Sporangia with an apical ring of cells, ovoid. SCHIZiEACE^. (2). Sporangia provided with a true, complete or incomplete annulus. a. Annulus usually complete; that is not interrupted by the stalk of the sporangium. (a). Sporangia mostly 2 to 8, not on a prolonged or pro- jecting receptacle; dehiscence vertical; indusium none, veins free. GLEICHENIACE.E. (b). Sporangia on a convex, projecting or thread-like receptacle; dehescence vertical, diagonal, or trans- verse; indusium usually present. a. Sori round, on the end or the back, or in the axils of the veins. (a). Sori with 6 to 10 sporangia. MATONIACE.E. Matonia. (b). Sori witli numerous sporangia. CYATHEACE^. b. Sori always on the leaf margin at the end of a vein; leaf texture filmy. hymenophyll.a.ce.e. b. Annulus incomplete, interrupted by the stalk of the sporangium; dehiscence transverse; stalk usually long. a. Usually perennial terrestrial plants. POLYPODI.\CE^. b. Annual hydrophytes; sporangia sessile, scat- tered, covered by the reflexed margin of the leaf. CERATOPTERiDACE/E. Ceratopteris. II. Sporophyte heterosporous, producing two kinds of nonsexual spores; gametophytes much reduced, unisexual. 1. Plants leptosporangiate, the sporangia in sporocarps, produced on the leaves; leaves without ligules. hydropterid^. a. Plants rooted, mostly perennial; sporocarp a modified leaflet with a thick, hard wall; terminal bud with a 3 sided apical cell; megasporangia and microsporangia in the same sorus. MARSILEALES. maksile.vce.e. b. Plants floating, mostly annuals; sporocarp thin walled, representing a sorus; terminal bud with a two-sided apical cell; megasporangia and microsporangia in sepa- rate sporocarps. SALVINIALES. s.vlvixiace.-e. 2. Plants eusporangiate; sporangia in the bases of the grass-like leaves not in sporocarps; leaves with ligules. Isoete^. ISOETALES. isoftace.e. Isoetes. Quillwort. Nov., 1913.] The Classification of Plants, X. 201 Synopses of the Families of Filic\les Containing More Than One Genus. No complete presentation is given of the Polypodiaceae, but a few genera are named under each subfamily to indicate the general trend of the phyletic series. OSMUNDACE.E. 1. Fertile leaflets not at all or only slightly contracted. a. Epidermis with stomata. Todea. b. Epidermis without stomata; leafblade thin. Leptopteris. 2. Fertile leaflets much contracted. Osmunda. SCHIZiEACE.E. 1. Vascular strand central. a. Leaves erect, spores bilateral. Schizaea. b. Leaves twining, spores not bilateral. Lygodium. 2. Vascular bundles forming a net-like hollow cylinder in the stem. a. Sporangia single or rarely in twos at the end of the vein. Mohria. b. Sporangia in two rows along the midrib of the leaf segment. Ornithopteris. GLEICHENIACE^. 1. Rhizome erect; leaves simply pinnatified. Stromatopteris. 2. Rhizome creeping; leaves mostly dichotomously branched. Gleichenia. CYATHEACE/E. I. Sori at the ends of the fertile veins; indusium forming a cup-like sheath together with the more or less modified leaf tip around the sorus. 1. Annulus of the sporangium with a stoma or mouth of specialized cells. (1). Fertile lobe of the leaflet slightly or not at all modified; forming with the indusium a two-valved cup. a. Stem not raised above the ground or only slightly so Balantium. b. Aerial stem erect, well developed. Dicksonia. (2). Fertile lobe of the leaflet highly modified, similar to the Indusium. Cibotium. 2. Annulus of the sporangium with cells all alike. Thyrsopteris. n. Sori on the back or in the fork of the fertile veins; indusium inferior; annulus of the sporangium of nearly similar cells, the mouth only slightly differentiated. 1. Sorus without indusium. Alsophila. 2. Sorus with an indusium. a. Indusium scale-like. Hemitelia. b. Indusium cup-like, with a smooth margin or at first closed and later breaking irregularly. Cyathea. HYMENOPHYLLACE.^. 1. Receptacle not projecting far if at all beyond the indusium. a. Indusium tubular or cup-shaped; gametophyte filamen- tous. Trichomanes. b. Indusium two-lipped; gametophj^te flat or ribbon-like. Hymenophyllum. 2. Receptacle projecting far beyond the indusium; sori marginal; indusium urn-shaped. Loxsoma. 202 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 1, POLYPODIACE^. I. Sori naked or with marginal indusia. 1. Sori naked or at least without a typical indusium and not covered by the reflexed margin of the leaf-blade. POLYPODiAT^. Acrostichum, Polypodium, Phegopteris, Vittaria. 2. vSori marginal and usually covered by the reflexed margin of the leaf-blade. PTERiDAT.E. Notholaena, Adiantum, Petris, Pteridium, Pellaea, Cryptogramma, Cheilanthes. II. Sori with special indusia. 1. Sori linear or oblong, more then twice as long as broad. ASPLE\i.\T^. Anchistea, Lorinseria, Asplenium, Athyrium, Phyllites, Comptosorus. 2. Sori roundish, not more than twice as long as broad, usually nearlj'' circular in outline, dryopteridat.e. Dryopteris, Polystichum, Oleandra, Nephrolepis, Davallia, Dennstaedtia, Filix, Woodsia, Matteuccia, Onoclea. Synopses of Marsileace^ and S.vlviniace^. MARSILE4CE^. a. Leaves with 4 leaflets; sporocarp bean-shaped, with several to many cavities. Marsilea. b. Leaves grass-like; sporocarp globose, with 2-4 cavities. Pilularia. SALVINIACE^. a. With true water roots; sporocarps (sori) on the floating leaves. Azolla. b. Without roots but with root-like dissected leaves; sporocarps (sori) at the base of the submerged dis- sected leaves. Salvinia. Synopsis of the Calamophyta. I. Sporophyte homosporous; leaves united into a sheath with teeth; sporophylls shield-shaped, with sack-like sporangia on the lower or inner side; stem with a ring of vascular bundles and central pith which is usually hollow. Equisete.«, EQUISETALES, equisetace.e, Equisetum. Horsetail, Scouring-rush. Note. — The lowest forms are the large species with evergreen aerial stems of one type; the most specialized species have two types of annual aerial stems. II. vSporophyte heterosporous; leaves in whorls, free or united into a sheath; all fossil; some of the groups placed here are still imperfectly known and may be homosporous. 1. Stems with a central triarch vascular bundle; leaves not fused into a sheath; sporangia stalked, on the upper side of the sporophyll. Paleozoic herbs or trees. Sphenophylle/E, SPHENOPHYLLALES. a. Leaves small or medium in size, usually inure or less wedge-shaped. Sphenophyll.^ce.e, Sphenophyllum. b. Leaves large, deeply pinnatifid. psEUDORORNi.\CE>E. Pseudobornia. 2. Stem with a ring of vascular bundles, increasing in diameter liy a cambium zone, and with a central pith, usually hollow; leaves whorled, free or at first united; Paleozoic plants often tree-like Calamarie.e, CALAMARIALES, calamari.vce.e, Calamodendron, Calamites, and other genera are recognized. Nov., 1913.] The Classification of Plants, X. 203 SYNOPSIS OF THE LEPIDOPHYTA. I. Sporophyte homosporous; leaves without a ligule. Lycopodie.^-, LYCOPODIALES. 1. Sporangia unilocular; sporophylls undivided, lycopodiace.e. a. Stems branched, with numerous leaves. Lycopodium. Note — The lower species are without terminal cones but with zones of sporophylls alternating with sterile foliage leaves, the higher have definite terminal cones. b. Stems unbranched with a few basal leaves and a small cone at the tip of a naked peduncle. Phylloglossum. 2. Sporangia bilocular or trilocular; sporophylls two-parted. psilotace.e. a. Leaves numerous, rather large and spreading, with a definite midrib; sporongia with two cavities. Tmesipteris. b. Leaves small and rather distant without a definite mid- rib; sporangia with three cavities. Psilotum. IL Sporophyte hetcrosporous; leaves with a ligule. selaginelle.e. 1. Without increase in thickness of stem, herbs. SELAGINELLALES, selaginellace.e, Selaginella 2. With increase in thickness of stem, fossil trees. SIGILLARIALES, a. Leaves spirally arranged, but the bark without parallel vertical flutings or ridges. lepidodendr.\ce/E, Lepidodendron, etc. b. Leaves spirally arranged, but the bark with parallel, vertical flutings or ridges, the leaf-scars thus appearing in vertical rows, sigillariace.^, Sigillaria, etc. Note — Several other imperfectly known families belong to this order. Britton and Brown's Illustrated Flora — The appearance of the second edition of Britton and Brown's Illustrated Flora marks another stage in the progress of American systematic botany. The revision was made at an opportune time and has been well carried out to meet present conditions. A commendable conser- vatism is shown quite generally throughout the Avork in disregard- ing trivial variations and fluctuations. Much improA^ement is also shown in some new illustrations. The ''Illustrated Flora" will be indispensable to every working botanist in the region covered. It will be the book to which one will go for the final solution of difficitlt systematic problems. It is the desire of the reviewer that this manual shall be taken as the standard reference for practical work on the local flora, and the numerous plants submitted from various sources throughotit the state will be referred to its nomenclature. In this wa}' alone will confusion be avoided. The present work appropriately follows the rules of priority disregarding the legislation of recent European congresses, which were after all not true representative bodies of the botanists of the world. Had the recent congresses been held in New York or on the Pacific coast the results, would no doubt, have been difter- ent. Strict priority will in the end give more uniform results than 204 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 1,. partial authority. But there can be no unifomiity of plant names until botanist have discovered the nature and limits of species and genera. To the reviewer, therefore, the retention of the principle of priority in the present manual is one of its commendable feat- ures, and will advance rather than retard the progress of American botany. In the way of criticism it might be pointed out that in some cases there seems to be too great a tendency toward the division of genera and families even when they are naturally rather com]3act. If this process were to become as prevalent as species splitting has been recently, botanist might well despair. We would soon have local manuals of dictionary size. The study of subgenera and of the myriads of varieties and fluctuations can be accomplished without disturbing the names which are of importance to many who do not devote their entire lives to systematic questions, but who neverthless, have daily use for the names of many of our eco- nomic species. As in all manuals and treaties of the present time, there are various statements, contrary to the facts, inherited from the superficial past. As an exam^ple, the stamens of the Smilaceae are rightly said to be "2-celled," but the same statement is made in regard to the Liliaceae, a number of genera of which, if not all, are known to the writer to have four microsporangia and to be quad- rilocular. Neverthless, taken all in all, the "Illustrated Flora" IS one of the most comprehensive and accurate botanical works that have appeared in the present generation. J. H. S. Correction. — In the April number, Juncus gerardi Lois was inadvertently omitted. Add this species in the synopsis just before J. dudleyi. Juncus gerardi Lois. Gerard's Rush. Plant rather tall and slender, tufted, with creeping root- stock; leaves flat, nonseptate, with membranous auricles; inflor- escence paniculate, perianth segments obtuse; stamens 0 barely exceeded by the perianth; capsule longer than the perianth, obovoid and mucronate, trilocular; seed dark brown, acute at the base, cons]:!icuously ribbed. In salt meadows and the vicinity of the Great Lakes. Cuyahoga County. Add after Smilax pseudo-china the following: Smilax hispida Muhl. Hispid Greenbrier. A glabrous, climbing, tendril-bearing vine with branches some- what angled. The stem commonly bearing numerous, slender prickles; peduncle 1>2 inches long; leaves thin, ovate, abruptly acute and cuspidate at the a]^cx, obtuse or sub-cordate at the base; seven-nerved; umbel lU-25-flowercd; fruit a bluish-black berry. In thickets. General. Date of Publication, November 18, 1913. The Ohio 'i^Caturalist, PUBLISHED BY The Biologkcil Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity, Volume XIV. DECEMBER. 1913. No. 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS. HiNE— The Genus Myiolepla 205 ScHAFFNER— The Classification of Plants, XI 211 BiLSiNG— Preliminary List of the Spiders of Ohio 215 ScHAFFNER— The Sprouting of the Two Seeds of a Cocklehur 216 Summer iu a Bog 217 McAvoY— Meeting of the Biological Club 217 Philpott— An Addition to the Odouata of Ohio 219 HiNE— A Kote on Anax longipes Hagen 219 THE GENUS MYIOLEPLA. (Family Syrphidae.) Jas. S. Hine. The insects falling in this genus are modest colored, medium sized flies usually found about flowers of various kinds in spring or early summer. About a dozen valid species have been described; three or four from the old world, two from South America and seven from North America. M. luteola Gmelin, from Europe, is the type species. The marginal cell of the wing is open, the anterior cross- vein is distinctly before the middle of the discal cell; antennas short, but located on a distinct prominence, third segment rather large with a long bare dorsal arista inserted near its base; legs rather stout, all the femora enlarged, and serrate towards the tip but without any distinct tooth, tibiae all curved. The eyes are holoptic or nearly so in the males and rather widely separated in the female, bare in both sexes. Face hollowed out beneath the antenna with a prominent facial tubercle in the male followed by an equally prominent oral margin ; in the female the concavity beneath the antennse is a steady curve to the oral margin. The genus was founded by Newman in 1838 in his Ento- mological Magazine, Vol. V, p. 373, as Myolepta to receive M. luteola Gmelin. In 1844 Rondani proposed the name Xylotaeja and placed in it Syrphus valgus Panzer. These two species are now considered as belonging to the same genus and since the former, more correctly spelled Myiolepta, has priority it is used by modern students. It is of interest that Walker has referred to this genus as Leptomyia in Insecta Britannica Diptera Vol. I, p. 254. The species do not appear to be so common as many 205 2o6 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 2, other species of Syrphida?. The usual collection does not contain very many specimens. The material for this paper was procured entirely from Dury's collection, from R. C. Osborn's collection and from my collection, the latter now largely with the Ohio State University collection. All the known North American species are represented, but none of them by more than a dozen specimens. Key to the North American Species. 1. Whole body uniform shining black without yellow tomentum or ground color. 2. Whole body not shining black often either with dense yellow tomentum or yellow ground color. 3. 2. Legs entirely black, hella. Middle and hind legs have the first three tarsal segments of each white, nigra. 3. Whole body uniform brown with very short yellow tomentum. Each side of the face below with a luteous spot, strigilata. Body not uniform brown, no luteous spots on the face. 4. 4. Thorax with yellow transverse markings, transversa. Thorax without transverse markings. 5. 5. Ground color of the abdomen marked with yellow on the sides of first two or three segments, varipes. Ground color of the abdomen not marked with yellow, body with more or less yellow tomentum. 0. 6. Male. Tomentum of the thoracic dorsum long, entirely hiding the ground color, abdomen with transverse pollinose markings, aurinota. Male. Tomentum of the thoracic dorsum short and in rows, not concealing the ground color, abdomen without pollinose markings, auricaudata. Myiolepta bella Williston. One of the largest species of its genus, whole body, including the legs, shining black, wings slightly fumose. Length 9 millimeters. Female: Front and face shining black, not at all pollinose, face longer than in the other species of its genus, hollowed out so that nearly a uniform curve extends from the base of the antenna; to the oral margin. Antenna rather short, first two segments black third segment nearly round, reddish brown with the upper margin darker, arista dark in color and inserted near the base. Thorax with sparse hair which is partially light in color, but mostly black; hair of the legs largely pale, but some black intermixed in places; wings uniform pale fumose all over, veins nearly black, first ]50sterior cell closed a little way from the margin, the ])ctiolc much less than half as long as the anterior cross-vein, second vein nearly straight at apex, thus forming a distinct acute angle with the costa and differing in this respect from the other North American species of its genus. Hair of the abdomen pale. Dec, 1913.] The Genus Myiolepla. 207 Williston reports three females from Washington and Momit Hood, Oregon; Coquillett studied a male collected by Kincaid at Virgin Bay, Alaska, and R. C. Osborn took a female specimen at Port Renfrew, British Columbia, June 30, 1901. I have used the latter in my study of the species. Myiolepla nigra Loew. Rather large, black with the exception of the middle and posterior feet which are partially white, wing hyaline at base, unevenly infuscated on distal half; maximum length about 10 millimeters. Male: Vertical triangle rather small, shining black, frontal triangle and face largely gray poUinose, a patch above the bases of the antennse, one on middle of face, including the tubercle and extending forward to the oral margin, and the cheeks mostly shining black; antennae with third segment rather small, brown, arista basal and of the same color as its segment. Thorax with white hair, legs shining black with the exception of the first three tarsal segments on each which are pale, sometimes the front feet are entirely black or the first three segments may be inter- mediate in color, wings h\'aline at base, apical part infuscated, but paler along the posterior margin, first posterior cell closed, the petiole much less than half as long as the anterior cross-vein, second vein abruptly curved at the apex and meeting the costa at nearly a right angle. Abdomen shining black, sparsely clothed with short hair. Feinale: Colored like the male, except that the front tarsi- are unifomi black in all the half dozen specimens studied. Eyes widely separated, front narrowed above; face not tuberculate, gradually concave from bases of antennae to the oral margin. Specimens from Medina County, Ohio and from Montreal, Canada. Former writers have reported the species from Pennsyl- vania, New York and North Carolina. In Wiener Entomologische Zeitung, Volume I, 1SS2, pg. 250, Dr. E. Becher has described a species of Myiolepta as M. obscura. There are pretty strong reasons for believing that this is a synonym of M. nigra Lw. I have not been able to procure examples of obscura from Europe, so I have made no comparisons of speci- mens. Becher's type was procured in Austria. Myiolepta strigilata Loew. Smaller, rather robust, uniform brown, wings pale yellowish, legs pale from the apexes of the femora. Length 5-7 millimeters. Male: This sex differs from the same sex in other American species studied in having the eyes narrowly separated. Williston characterized this species by the luteous spot on either side of the face, adjacent to the cheek. In a inale before me and in other males I have seen, this spot is very obscure, although present. The whole face and frontal triangle, except the cheeks and tubercle with a narrow extension to the oral margin, is rather densely 2o8 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 2, white pollinose, thus the spots in question are more or less con- cealed. Facial concavity beneath the antenna? not very pro- nounced, facial tubercle small, round and shining black. Antenna brown, third segment somewhat elongate, light brown with the arista of the same color. Thorax brown, with very short, sparse light colored tomentum. Wing nearly 'uniforai pale yello\vish, first posterior cell closed, petiole short; second vein abruptly curved at apex meeting the costa at nearly a right angle. All the legs colored alike, each femur dark brown to apex; apex of femur, whole tibia and first three or four tarsal segments pale, last one or two tarsal segments darker usually. Abdomen unifonn shining brown with very short sparse, light colored tomentum. Female : Like the male in color. Facial concavity beneath the antennas not very pronounced; luteous spots adjacent to the cheeks more conspicuous than in the male. vSpecimens from Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio and from Southern Pines, North Carolina, (Manee). Previously reported from Texas and North Carolina. Myiolepta transversa n. sp. Rather small, mostly black in ground color, anterior part of thorax with two transverse golden bands interrupted at the middle. Fourth abdominal segment and sides of the third with dense golden tomentum. Wings somewhat fumose. Length 7 millimeters. Female: Eyes rather widely separated, front narrowed above, front and face with a rather thin layer of golden pollen, cheeks and middle of face shining black, antennee brown, third segment oblong, longer than the other two segments combined, arista very near the base and of the same color of the segment that bears it. Thorax black, before with two narrow, golden transverse markings interrupted at the middle and a golden transverse spot before the scutellum, pleurae with sparse white hair, femora dark brown or nearly black, tibiae lighter, especially at bases, middle and hind tarsi pale brown, front tarsi nearly black, wings slightly fumose, first posterior cell closed, the petiole about as long as the anterior cross- vein, second vein abruptly curved at apex, meeting the costa at nearly a right angle. Abdomen black in ground color, fourth segment and sides of third with golden vestiture. Type female taken at Puerto Cortez, Honduras, March 23, 1905. This species is somewhat intermediate between the genera Myiolepta and Syritta. The concavity beneath the bases of the antennae is very short, and extending from this concavity to the oral margin is a prominent broadly arched carina, a character which docs not exactly agree with cither genus. The hind femur is larger than those of the outer legs, but otherwise agrees with Dec, 1913.] The Genus Myiolepla. 209 Myiolepta ; the anterior cross- vein is plainly before the middle of the discal cell while the petiole of the first basal cell is long agreeing with Syritta and with Myiolepta haemorrhoidalis Philippi from Chile. Myiolepta varipes Loew. Dark colored species with the sides of the first two abdominal segments more or less yellow. Length 6-8 millimeters. Male: Vertical triangle, a spot above the antennae, cheeks and facial tubercle and oral margin adjacent shining black; face and front otherwise black concealed by white pollen, antenna pale brown, third segment nearly round, arista basal and of the same color as its segment. Thorax shining black with sparse white tomentum; wing tinged with yellowish, slightly fumose on anterior part near middle and at apex, first posterior cell closed near the margin, the petiole not half as long as the anterior cross- vein, second vein abruptly curved near the apex and meeting the costa at nearly a right angle; legs variable in color, femora often dark, nearly black, but not always, remainder of legs brown, although not always of the same shade. Abdoinen yellow on the sides of the first two or three segments, otherwise black. The extent of the yellow of the abdomen is variable but no seg- ment either dorsall}^ or ventrally, is likely to be unifomily yellow. Female: This sex appears to be uniformly larger than the male, there is more shining space on the face and front and not so much yellow on the abdomen, although the extent of this color is variable. Specimens from southern, central and northern Ohio. Previous authors have reported it from Colorado, Washington and Oregon. Myiolepta aurinota Hine. Male, length 9 millimeters. Antennae reddish, first two segments slightly darker and more shining than the third, third segment slightly narrower than long, arista colored nearly like the segment that bears it, slightly darkened toward the apex. Region surrounding the ocelli, space above the bases of the antennae, a triangular spot on the face, including the facial collosity, the oral margin adjacent to the facial spot and the cheeks shining black, remainder of front and face gray pollinose, with sparse white hairs near the eyes. Meso- notmn including the scutellum entirely golden tomentose, pluras with white tomentum ; wing nearly hyaline, slightly darkened on an- terior part more especially toward the apex ; general color of the legs black with white hair, all the tibise yellow at bases, first two segments of the middle and hind tarsi yellow, first two segments of each front tarsus dusky, but lighter colored than the three remaining segments, all the femora swollen and with short black spines below on apical parts, abdomen black clothed on the dorsuin with black and golden vestiture, on sides with white vestiture; the black vestiture of the dorsum is very short and 2IO The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 2, distributed as follows : the anterior half of the second segment a rectangular patch on the anterior middle of the third segment occupying two-thirds of the length and over half the width of this segment, and a triangular patch on the anterior third of the fourth segment ; the golden vestiture is longer and coarser than the black and most dense on the fourth segment; the first segment and all the sutures between segments are thinly gray pollinose, giving the effect of gray bands. Description taken from the type male which was taken near Phoenix, Arizona, Jtme ISth. 1902, by J. T. Lloyd. Myiolepta auricaudata Williston. According to Williston's figure and description this is a dark colored species with short golden tomentum on the thorax and on part of the abdomen, especially the last segment. The two sexes are much alike, but the tomentum of the female mesonotum is not so yellow. Length 6-7 millimeters. Not having much material of the species I reproduce Williston's description. "Male allied to M. strigilata Loew. Body clothed with sparse white or yellow tomentum, this being longer, dense and brassy on the terminal abdominal segments. Vertical triangle long, opaque white in front; contiguity of the eyes short. Face and front clothed with dense white pollen and some golden tomentum on the frontal triangle; a broad shining, bare spot above the base of the antennae; a transverse band on the face, extending down on tubercle, and the cheeks also, bare and shining black. Tomentum of the mesonotum golden-yellow, arranged in indistinct rows. Second abdominal segment and the anterior part of the third with the tomentum more sparse, apparently bare in certain lights; on the posterior part of the third segment and on the fourth the tomentum is longer, dense, bright brassy-yellow, concealing the ground-color. Legs black; the base of the middle and hind tibias, the middle metatarsi, and the hind metatarsi in part, light yellow or white; femora thickened and with spinules below. Wings subhyaline, clouded with brownish distally. " "Female: Front black, with sparse white tomentum and two small, ov^al, white pollinose spots on each side; face shining black, with an infra-antennal band and a narrow stripe from the eye to the oral margin white-poUinose. Tomentum of the meso- notum more white than in the male. " A female, a])]3arcntly of this species, before me was taken in the Hauchuca mountains, Arizona. Wilhston studied two specimens from the state of Guerrero and Morelos, Mexico. This species is generally darker than strigilata and according to Williston, the antennas are darker and the facial spots are lacking. Dec, 1913.] The Classification of Plants, XL 211 THE CLASSIFICATION OF PLANTS, XL* John H. Schaffner. The various groups of Bryophyta are apparently closely related and it is sometimes difficult to tell what characters are of phyletic importance. There are no fundamental peculiarities or structures which will divide the group into two or three main di\'isions without considerable overlapping of equally important structures of another type. Thus one is compelled in certain cases to delimit classes and orders on trivial or rather unimportant structures. Nevertheless, the complexity of the group as a whole demands that it should be divided into a number of classes. The homologies of the various organs are quite evident among themselves and also when compared with the plants immediately above; yet we often find a very illogical tenninology and a set of names applied to the various structures which makes comparison with other phyla impossible until special explanations have been made. If we apply a morphological tenninology to the mosses and liverworts similar to that used in other groups no difficulty of presentation is experienced. Such an attempt has worked well for the writer in dealing with large numbers of students in general botany. The synopsis of the Bryophyta given below segregates the main groups and attempts to arrange them in phyletic series. SYNOPSIS OF THE CLASSES OF BRYOPHYTA. A. Archegonia not sunken in the plant body ; sporophyte without definite intercallary growth between the foot and sporan- gium. I. Gametophyte thalloid or with stem and scales, the scales always without a midrib; sporophyte without a stalk or differentiated into foot, stalk and sporangium mostly with elaters, never with a columella, opening irregularly or by a lid, or mostly by four valves. Hepaticae. Liver- worts. II. Gametophyte with stem and scales, the scales mostly with a midrib; sporophyte usually with a solid stem; sporangium mostly opening by a lid (operculum) or if opening by slits or valves, not with elaters; columella present in the sporangium, complete or occasionally incomplete ; archegonium usually developing as a calyptra after fertilization. * Contributed from the Botanical Laboratory of Ohio State University, No. 78. 212 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 2, 1. Sporophyte borne on a pseudopodium developed by the gametophyte ; columella not extending through the spore cavity; sporangium without air ca\'ities; without or with a calyptra. a. Gray-green bog-mosses with two kinds of cells in the gametophyte; sporangium opening by a lid; archegonium breaking irregularly at the tip. Sphagne^, Bog-mosses. Sphagnales, Sphagnaecce, Sphagnum. b. Dark green rock mosses, not with two kinds of cells; sporangium opening by four or more vertical slits; archegonium developing a calyptra. Andre.e^, Granite Mosses, Andreaeales, Andreaeaceae, Andre^a. 2. Sporophyte not borne on a pseudopodium, usually with a prominent stalk or seta ; columella usually extending thru the spore cavity ; sporangium with an air cavity, usually with stomata; archegonium developing a calyptra. Musci, True Mosses. B. Archegonia having their venters imbedded in the thallus; gametopyhte thalloid, without typical scales; its cells usually with only one or two chloroplasts ; sporophyte with intercallary growth between the foot and the sporangium; sporangium with a central columella, open- ing by two valves, sometimes with stomata. Anthocerote.e, Hornworts, Antocerotales, Anthocerotaceae, Notothylas, Anthoceros, Dendroceros. SYNOPSIS OF THE HEPATIC^. I. Gametophyte a thalloid, dorsi ventral frond composed of several distinct tissue layers; mostly with air passages; sporophyte spherical or with a foot and short stalk; sporangium rarely opening by 4-S valves. Marchantiales 1. Sporophyte spherical, without foot or stalk, remaining enclosed in the venter of the archegonium ; no sterile cells in the sporangium. Ricciace^, Riccia, Ricciocarpus, etc. 2. Sporophyte differentiated into foot, stalk and sporan- gium, breaking thru the venter of the archegonium at maturity; sporangium with spores and sterile cells which mostly develop as elaters. Marchantiacca^, Targionia, Grimaldia, Conocephalus Lunularia, Marchantia, etc. Dec, 1913.] The Classification of Plants, XL 213 II. Ganietophyte a frond with stem and scales, or if fiat and thalloid not composed of several distinct tissue layers, never with air passages; sporophyte consisting of foot, stalk and sporangium, nearly always opening by 4 valves. Jungermanniales. 1. Archegonia not tenninating the growth of the axis on which they are borne; perigonium not consisting of distinct scales but of a continuous sheath; frond without scales or with imperfectly developed scales. Metzgeriaceffi. Metzgeria, Pallavicinia, Pellia, Fossombronia, etc. 2. Archegonia terminating the growth of the axis; perigonium consisting of scales or occasionally wanting; frond nearly always with 2 or 3 rows of scales. Jungemianniaceffi. Nardia, Lophozia, Kantia, Porella, Frullania, etc. SYNOPSIS OF THE ODRERS AND MAIN FAMILY GROUPS OF MUSCI. At present, only a partial segregation of the families of Hypna- les and Bryales is attempted. A. Sporangium without a columella, the sporogenous and vegeta- tive cells commingled; spores very large; archegonium not forming a calyptra but finally rupturing irregularly. Archidiales, Archidiacese. Archidium. B. Sporangium with a definite central columella. I. Archegonia situated on top of short, special lateral branches ; peristome when present usually double, develop- ed in the amphithecium from thickened parts of the cell walls; teeth transversely barred, the outer set usually 16, alternating with the inner; frond usually of creeping habit. Hypnales. EropodiacccC, Eustichiaccce, Entodontacese, Fabroniaceffi, Hedwegiacese, Fontinalacese, Climaciaceas, Cryph^aceae, Leucodontaccce, Prionodontaceae, Crytopodace^, Echinodiaceae, Ptychomniacese, Spiridentaccce, LepyrodontaccEC, Pleurophascacese, Neckeracese, Lembophyllacese, Pilotrichacese, Hookeriaceae, Ephemeropsaceae, Hypopterygiaceae, Helicophyllaceas, Rhacopilaceae, Leskeaceae, Hypnaceae, Leucomiaccce, Brachytheciaceae, Sematophyllacese, Rhegmatodontaceag, Hypnodendraceae. 214 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 2, II. Archegonia situated at the tip of the main stem or of ordinary branches; frond usually of erect habit. 1. Peristome single or double or sometimes absent, developed in the amphithecium from thickened parts ■ of the cell walls; teeth always transversely barred. Bryales. a. Peristome single, seldom wanting. Dicranaceae, Leucobryacese, Fissidentaceae, Calymperaceae, Pottiaceae, Grimmiaceae. b. Peristome double at least in its inception, rarely wanting, the endostome thin and membranous. (a.) Teeth of the endostome alternating with those of the exostome. Orthotrichacese, Mitteniaceae, Drepanophyllacese, Schistostegaceae, Calomniacea?, Rhizogoniacese, Bartramiace^, Timmiaceae, Catoscopiaceae, Aulacomniaceae, Meeseaceae, Mniaceas, LeptostomaceEe, BryacejE. (b). Teeth of the endostome, when present, opposite those of the exostome, either free or united with the outer set. Funcriaceae, Disceliace^, Oedipodiacese, Voitiacete, vSplachnaceae. 2. Peristome single or double, developed from two tissue layers of the sporangium; teeth consisting of entire cells, not transversely barred, or if developed from thickened parts of cell walls then the sporangium decidedly dorsi ventral and zygomorphic. Polytrichales. a. Peristoine of 4-6 teeth; sporangium actinomor- phic. Georgiaceae. Georgia. b. Peristome with numerous teeth; sporangium actinomorphic or zygomorphic. (a). vSporangium strongly zygomorphic and dorsiventral. Buxbaumiaccffi. Buxbaumia, Webera, Dawsonia. (b). Sporangium actinomorphic, usually pris- matic. Polytrichaceae. Catharina, Atrichum, Polytrichum, etc. Dec, 1913.] Preliminary List of the Spiders of Ohio. 215 PRELIMINARY LIST OF THE SPIDERS OF OHIO. S. W. BiLSING. LYCOSID^. Lycosa carolinensis, Lycosa scutulata, Lycosa fatifera. ATTID^. Phidippus audax, Phidippus podagrosus. CLUBIONID^. Castianeira descripta, tTLOBORID^. Misumena vatia, Xysticus gulosus. PISAURID^. Dolomedes tenebrosus. DICTYNID^. Dictyna frondea. AGELENID^. Agelena naevia, Coras medicinalis, Tegenaria derhami. EPEIRID^. Metepeira labyrinthea, Lecauge hortorum, Epeira stellata, Epeira trivitatta, Epeira domiciborum, Epeira foliata, Epeira trifolium, Epeira trifolium candicans, Epeira gigas, Argiope trifasciata, Argiope riparia, Tetragnatha laboriosa. THERIDID^. Theridium tepidariorum, Pholcus phlangoides, Steatoda borealis. 21 6 The Ohio Naturalist [\ol. XIV, No. 2, THE SPROUTING OF THE TWO SEEDS OF A COCKLEBUR. John H. Schaffner. In 1901, Masterman reported some observations on the sprout- ing of cocklebur seeds, showing that both seeds of a bur usually sprout in the same year. This conclusion was at variance with Arthur's experiments; for Arthur had reported that the germina- tion of both seeds of a bur of Xanthium in one season was excep- tional. Crocker, in 1906, in his paper on the role of seed coats in delayed germination, reported tests on various cockleburs and stated that high temperature had a decided effect on the sprouting of the seed of the "upper" achene. This fact, no doubt explains most of the discrepancies of reported observations and experi- ments. In 1909, the writer studied sprouting cockleburs on the sandy upper beech at Cedar Point, Ohio. A great majority of the burs buried in the sand were sprouting both embyros. In the suminer of 1913, further observations were made. Because of the dry weather very few seeds of any kind were sprouting on the upper beech but on the bay side of the Point various low, moist, sandy areas contained abundant cocklebur seedlings. The plants all seemed to belong to the species, Xanthium pennsylvanicum Wallr. Most of the burs had two seedlings. Of those juvenile plants, one was usually larger than the other, as might be expected. Of course, it was not possible to determine whether these burs were one or two years old. But there is no question that in sandy soil with abundant heat and exposure to the sun, the two embryos sprout in the same season. And this is the practical side of the question for the fanner. In a cold climate under certain soil conditions only one embryo may sprout the first season and the other one the second, or even later. In most cases the one seedling is considerably larger than the other as noted above. This would be expected if one begins to sprout earlier than the other. But there is frequently a difference in size and perfection of the two achenes in the bur. This dif- ference is probably often simply caused by abortive development. The cocklebur has evolved from a small flower cluster, only two flowers remaining. There is little room in the bur and so in the struggle for space and food one achene often has the advantage and develops a better seed than the other. Probably in some species, the one seed is becoming vestigial while in others both achenes still have room to develop nonnally under ordinary condi- ditions. It will be found on examination that even for nonnal burs, a certain percent have only one achene with an embryo capable of development. Dec, 1913.] Meeting of Biological Club. 217 In conclusion it might be stated that what is frequently taken for the seed-coat in the cocklebur is really the wall of the achene and quite different in structure from a true seed-coat. If past experiments have correlated this pericarp with true seed-coats it may be that further investigations might be of advantage. Summer in a Bog. Mrs. Katharine D. Sharp, of London, O., has published an interesting little volume with the above title. In the course of the narative many Ohio plants are mentioned with some of their peculiarities, habits, and habitats. There are also paragraphs on the women botanists of Ohio, short biographies on Ohio botanists in general and on some of the great botanists of the world. Altogether Mrs. Sharp has produced a readable book which will no doubt, lead many a person into the woods and bogs to discover some of the interesting plants enumerated, for themselves. If this result is accomplished and even a few brought into direct con- tact with nature the book will have performed its mission. There is need for the city dwellers especially, who have mostly been turned to the merry-go-round park and the Sunday picture show, to return to the saner types of recreation. J. H. S. Meeting of the Biological Club. Orton Hall, October 6, 1913. The first meeting of the year was called to order by the Pres- ident, Mr. Stover, at 7:45 P. M. In the absence of the Secretary, Blanche McAvoy was appointed Secretary pro tem. Reports of summer work were given. Prof. Osbom spent the first part of the summer at Lake Lab. and the latter part collecting leaf hoppers in the State of Maine for economic purposes. He collected 125 new species for the State of Maine and extended the range for 30 species. Prof. Lazenby spoke of the effect of light on certain introduced species of trees, the Norway maple for instance. He also spoke of the scarcity of flies during the summer, due to the precautions used in the different neighborhoods. Prof. Schaffner told of his observations at Cedar Point. Weeds and introduced species are more plentiful than they were a few years ago. Prof. Schaffner found many ecological variations of the sand bar willow, Salix interior. His state catalogue of vascular plants has been finished. There are 2,065 species of 2i8 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 2, which about 500 are introduced. Prof. Hinc talked of the relation that ants bore to i^lant lice injury. He spoke of the work that Forbes, of Illinois, has done with corn root aphids. Prof. Griggs spent his summer in Alaskan waters in a fifty- six foot boat. There were three scientists in the party besides the crew. They traveled by day. From Seattle to Cook's Inlet is entirely forested. Cook's Inlet is a meeting place for all kinds of plants. The expedition collected kelps for the govern- ment. Mr. Sim found several specimens of Lycopodium obscurum in which there were leaves above the cones. Mr. Kostir found the box-elder bug in Sandusky County on August 28, 1913. This is its first appearance in the state. In September they were reported on the campus. Their means of distribution is unknown. Miss Detmers observed the succession of plant associations in the northern peninsula of Michigan, making St. Ignace her head- quarters. The region is limestone and has many little lakes and bogs. Sphagnum grows in pools with chara contrary to its usual habit. Mr. Brown reported his work with the trees of Michigan. He was mapping, photographing and working up the ecology of Wayne County. He found two new species for the state. Mr. Stover told of his work with the leaf mold of tomato which he did at Wisconsin. The Committee recommended Prof. Schaffner for editor and Prof. Hine for business manager of the Naturalist for the present year. A vote of thanks was given these two men for the efficient way in which they have run the paper during the past. The appointment of a Committee to nominate officers was left to the President. The meeting then adjourned. Blanche McAvoy, Secretary pro tem. Dec, 1913.] An Addition to the Odonata of Ohio. 219 AN ADDITION TO THE ODONATA OF OHIO. Rees Philpott. The list of dragonflies of Ohio given by Professor Kellicott contained 98 species acttially collected, and mentioned one, Anax longipes Hagen, as having been recognized on the wing in June, 1898, by Chas. Dury, of Cincinnati. Records for this species might lead one to believe that it is partial to coast regions. Hagen and Calvert record it from Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, ' Maryland, Georgia, Florida, Mexico, West Indies and Brazil. It is a fact, however, that it has never been reported as common in any region. This past summer the author had the good fortune to capture a male of Anax longipes on the wing while at the Lake Labora- tory, at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio. The specimen was taken July 25th, 1913, about half a mile south of the laboratory, midway between Lake Erie and vSandusky Bay, near a small pool of stag- nant water. This capture extends the known distribution of the species westward and suggests the possibility of its presence over a much wider range than actual records would indicate. Ohio Wesleyan University. A NOTE ON ANAX LONGIPES HAGEN. Jas. S. Hine. Since Mr. Philpott has taken a specimen of Anax longipes at Sandusky, there can be no further discussion as to whether or not it is a member of the Ohio fauna. This large dragonfly has been of much interest to me ever since Dury related his observation of the species at Cincinnati, in June, 1898. I never doubted the correctness of his observation, but as he did not procure the specimen, there was nothing in our collections of the state to convince others. Dury's statement is published in the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History, Volume XIX, page 169, and is as follows: "June 2, 1898, one of this species was flying over Glen Lake in Spring Grove. I watched it for two hours, and though it came within a few feet of me, I was unable to catch it. It was a very large specimen, the abdomen bright brick red, thorax and eyes green. June 3rd, I went again to this lake, but did not see it until I moved down to Linden Lake, nearly adjoining, when I again saw it, but failed to catch it. Its flight is steady and in regular 2 20 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 2, beats up and down the middle of the lake, seldom coming near shore. I made careful search during June, 1S99, but did not see any at these lakes." Two other reports of observations of the species seen on the wing, but not taken, appear in literattire: one by Mr. Daecke, at Lucaston, New Jersey, another by Dr. P. P. Cah'ert, near Poyntelle, Penns^dvania. The specimen taken by Mr. Philpott is a fine male, having a total length of 81 millimeters to the tip of the appendages; total expanse 112 millimeters; third femur including the trochanter 17 millimeters; third tibia 13 millimeters; abdomen exclusive appendages 53 millimeters; superior appendages 6 inillimeters ; hind wing 53 millimeters and greatest width of hind wing 14 millimeters. The frons is plain green all over, thorax green, first two segments of the abdomen mostly green, somewhat reddish in parts, abdomen otherwise brick red, membranule dark gray, paler at extreme base, hind wing widest at base grad- ually narrowed towards apex. Compared with Anax Junius from the same locality, longpipes is slenderer, the wings are narrower, the frons is unmarked and the abdomen is colored very differently. Anax longipes may be considered a tropical species by pre- ference, for most specimens have been taken well south, however, its range is from Brazil to Massachusetts. Its capture is recorded from Brazil, 15 degrees south of the Equator, while the Massachu- setts locality is 42 degrees north of the Equator. It does not appear that more than a score of specimens are in the collections of the world. Mr. Philpott has donated the specimen to the Ohio State University and it will be placed in the Kellicott collection of Ohio Odonata. Date of Publication, December IS, 1913. ne Ohio ^ACaturalist, PUBLISHED BY The Biotogkat Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity. Volume XIV. JANUARY, 1914. No. 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS. ■Williams— A Starfish Found in the Whitewater Division of the Richmond on Blue (reek, Adams County, Ohio 221 HiNE— Taljanus longus, fulvulus and sagax 225 Shidelee— The Upper Richmond Beds of the Cincinnati Group 229 Williams— Solanaeeae of Ohio 235 A STARFISH FOUND IN THE WHITEWATER DIVISION OF THE RICHMOND ON BLUE CREEK, ADAMS COUNTY, OHIO. Stephen R. Williams. The fossil to be described was not found in place but the shales nearby yielded Byssonychiarichmondensisand Hebertella sinuata. The Clinton boundary was located on the same branch of the stream at an elevation (estimated) of forty feet above the point of discovery. The specimen consists of a part of the disc and of two neigh- boring arms of a starfish. The arms of this starfish were split vertically along the middle of the ambulacral grooves, separating the pairs of ambulacral plates one from the other. Enough of the disc remained to connect the two half arms together and no more. Fortunately the aboral side of the fragment of disc contains the madreporic body. The preservation of the fossil is ideal. Except for a certain amount of crushing of the aboral skeletal wall together the skeleton shows much as a similar section of a recent starfish does. Using the dimensions of the two part-arms and disc as a basis for measurement one can reconstruct the w^hole animal. I esti- mate that the starfish when living was approximately four inches in diameter from end to end of the rays on opposite sides. The remains of the disc and longer ann are 40 m. m. long, the disc and shorter arm 35 m. m. The pairs of ambulacral pieces which formed the ambulacral grooves in the specimen must have been directly opposite each other. This is indicated both by the shaping of the free ends of each ambulacral piece and by some fragmentary remains on the tips of some of the ambulacral pieces on the longest ann. These are very probably ends broken from the plates which formed the other half of the ambulacral groove. 222 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 3, There are 39 ambulacral plates on one half-arm and 29 on the other. The adambulacral plates, sometimes called the inter- ambulacrals, alternate with the ambulacral plates. There are forty of these on the one arm and twenty-seven on the other. The skeleton is complete along the whole of the inter-ray in which the madreporite lies except for the rows of the movable spines which were based on the adanibulacral plates. Ca.Y in ai ^^v- disc m ,Tn«xclr£ Jporite a-mfciAJacrai /oUie. Fig. 1. Promo-palaeaster dyeri Meek (?). part of disc and arms. Natural size, dorsal view There are a nmiiber of starfishes described in the publications of the Ohio Geological Survey. Of these Palaeaster dyeri Meek, (Plate 4 Vol. 1 part 2 of the Palaeontology) resembles most closely the starfish under discussion. The specimen there figured was of a larger animal than this one but as Professor Meek says in his introductory statement, the poor preservation of the parts leaves much to be desired in the description. The madreporite of P. dyeri is trilobate. Its shortest dimen- sion is in the inter-ray and its longest at right angles to this in the horizontal plane. These dimensions arc (> m. m. vertically and. 9 m. m. horizontally. The madrcporic body of my s])ccimcn shows a trace of this lobation only. The vertical j^lane dimension is 7 m. m. while the horizontal diameter is (i m. m. It has quite a different general shape then from the madreporite of P. dyeri but the size is almost the same relatively, in view of the sizes of the animals. The appearance of the canals on the surface of the two madrcporic bodies is very similar, though the pattern of the lines differs with the shape of the bodies. Jan , 1914.] A Starfish found in Adams County. 223 The aboral side of the rays and disc, as far as can be made out, is rather less regular than the small portion of the aboral side of P. dyeri figured. When one picks out the dorsolateral plates with a lens however many of them are of the same quadrangular type illustrated for P. dyeri. There is also a central depression on each of these plates for the insertion of the spine as in P. dyeri. It is possible that there are some shorter, slighter pieces which lay between the rows of quadrangular or triangular plates. udambu I acral ^l cf'^ '^vhere on the east side of the arch. To summarize in conclusion, all of the Elkhorn and nearly all of the Whitewater are but the deeper water equivalents of the shoal water vSaluda to the south. Second: The only Saluda in Ohio is in the northern part of Butler and southern part of Preble Counties. Third: The third coral reef and the purple shale together show that the top of the Ordovician is quite uniform and that any unconformity is but slight, and close examination of the contact bears this out. Oxford, Ohio. SOLANACE.^ OF OHIO. Amy Williams. In the following study, the genera and species have been ar- ranged in what appears to the writer to be their phyletic sequence. Easy keys for identification and the distribution in the state, so far as shown by specimens in the state herbarium, should make a studv of the family readily accessible to the amateur botanists of Ohio. SOLANACE^. Potato Family. Herbs, shrubs, vines, or some tropical species trees, with alter- nate or rarely opposite leaves without stipules, and with hypo- genous, bisporangiate, regular or nearly regular cymose flowers. Calyx mostly 5-lobed; corolla sympetalous, mostly 5-lobed, the lobes induplicate-valvate or plicate in the bud; stamens united with the corolla, as many as it's lobes and alternate with them, 236 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 3, all equal and perfect in the following genera except Petunia. Gynecium of 2 united carpels, rarely 3 or 5; ovules and seeds numerous; fniit a berry or capsule. Key to the Genera. 1. Corolla funnelform, fruit a capsule. 2. 1. Corolla campanulate to rotate, fruit a berry, sometimes nearly dry. 4. 2. Flowers in large terminal racemes or panicles, viscid-pubescent; calyx tubular-campanulate or ovoid. Nicotiana. 2. Flowers axillary or in simple, leafy racemes. 3. 3. Calyx tube \i inch long and with long, leaf-like lobes. Petunia. 3. Calyx tube an inch or more long. Datura. 4. Stems woody, often with thorns, leaves lanceolate, fruit a nearly dry berry. Lycium. 4. Stems herbaceous, or if woody then the leaves lobed or compound, and fruit a fleshy berry. 5. 5. Anthers unconnected, corolla broadly campanulate, fruiting calyx enlarged. 6. 5. Anthers connivent or slightly connate, corolla rotate, fruiting calyx not enlarged. 7. 6. Ovulary 3-o-locular, fruiting calyx deeply 5-parted, corolla pale blue. Phy sal odes. 6. Ovulary bi-locular, calyx 5-lobed, not parted, corolla yellow or whit- ish, often with a dark centre. Physalis. 7. Anthers opening by terminal pores or short slits, leaves entire, lobed or pinnately compound. Solanum. 7. Anthers longitudinally dehiscent, leaves usually bi-pinnatifid, or bi-pinnate. Lycopersicon. Petunia Juss. Viscid-pubescent herbs with entire leaves. Flowers white, violet, or purple, having funnelform corollas with plicate, spreading or slightly irregular limbs; stamens 5, united with the corolla, 4 of them didynamous, perfect, the fifth smaller or obsolete; filaments slender; ovtilary bilocular. 1. Petunia violacea Lindl. Common Petunia. Very viscid, from 8 to 25 inches high. Leaves ovate or obovate, all but the uppennost petioled, mostly obtuse; corolla commonly violet- purple with a campanulate tube, the limb plicate; sepals linear. Monroe, Franklin. Native of South America. Nicotiana L. Viscid-pubescent narcotic herbs or shrubs. Leaves entire or slightly undulate; flowers white, yellow, greenish or purplish; in terminal racemes or panicles; calyx tubular-campanulate or ovoid, o-cleft; corolla-tube usually longer than the limb, 5-lobed, spreading; stamens 5, united with the corolla; ovulary bilocular, rarely 4-locular; style slender; stigma capitate. 1 . Nicotiana tabacum L. Common Tobacco. Large, showy herbs about '.'A) or m< re inches high. Leaves lance-ovate, decur- rent, or the upper ones lanceolate; flowers rose-purple, in panicles with funnelform corolla, with somewhat inflated throat and short lobes. Huron, Adams. Escaped from cultivation. Jan., 1914.] Solanacece of Ohio. 237 Datura L. Large narcotic herbs, or rarely shrubs or trees. Leaves petioled, alternate; flowers large, solitary, erect, short-peduncled and white, purple or violet; calyx elongated-tubular or prismatic, 5-cleft; corolla funnelform, 5-lobed, the lobes plicate, broad, acumi- nate; stamens included or little exserted, with long, filiform filaments, united with the corolla tube to about the middle. 1. Leaves entire, calyx tubular. D. metel. 1. Leaves lobed and angled, calyx prismatic, flowers white to purple. D. stramonium. 1. Datura metel L. Entire-leaf Jimson-weed. Annual; finely glandular-pubescent, 3 to 9 feet high. Leaves broadly ovate, acute, inequilateral, rounded or subcordate at the base; flowers white, corolla about twice the length of the calyx; capsule nearly globose, obtuse, prickly and pubescent. Lake county. From tropical America. 2. Datura stramonium L. Common Jimson-weed. Annual, glabrous or the young parts minutely pubescent. Stem stout; leaves ovate, acute or acuminate, often with a tinge of purple, irregularly sinuate-lobed, the lobes acute; flowers white or violet; calyx prismatic; capsule ovoid, prickly. General. Naturalized from the tropics. Lycium L. Shrubs or woody vines, with small leaves and with smaller ones in fasicles in the axils. Flowers white, greenish or purple, solitar}^ or in clusters; calyx campanulate, 3 to 5-lobed; corolla tube short or slender, the limb 5-lobed (rarely 4-lobed), the lobes obtuse; stamens 5, (rarely 4) filaments filiform. 1. Lycium halmifolium Mill. Matrimony-vine. Glabrous, with thorns or unaraicd. Leaves lanceolate, oblong, or spatulate, with short petioles; stem slender, climbing or trailing; thorns when present slender; calyx lobes ovate; corolla purplish, changing to greenish; stamens slightly exserted; berry oval, orange-red. Rather general. From Europe. Physalodes Boehm. Annual, erect, glabrous herbs. Leaves alternate, petioled, sinuate-dentate or lobed; flowers large, solitary, light-blue, nodding; calyx -segments ovate, connivent, cordate or sagitate at the base, netted-veined ; corolla broadly campanulate, slightly 5- lobed; stamens 5, included, united with the base of the corolla. 1. Physalodes physalodes (L.) Britt. Apple-of-Peru. Plant 18 to 45 inches high with angled stem. Leaves ovate or oblong, acuminate but blunt, narrowing into a long petiole; limb of corolla almost entire; segments of the fruiting-cah'x temiinating in cusps, loosely surrounding the berry. Hamilton, Clinton, Clark, FrankHn, Licking, Gallia, Montgomery, Champaign. From Peru. 238 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 3, Physalis L. Herbs with entire or sinuately toothed leaves. Calyx cam- panulate, 5-toothed, when in fruit much enlarged and 5-angled or 10-ribbed and reticulate, wholly enclosing the pulpy berry; corolla often with a brownish or purplish centre, open-campanulate, or rarely campanulate-rotate, plicate; stamens united with the base of the corolla. 1. Stems glabrous or only slightly pubescent, pedimcles usually longer than the flowers, leaves usually acute or acuminate at the base. 4. 1. Stems very pubescent or wooly; peduncles usually shorter than the flowers; leaves usually shorter than the flowers; leaves usually cordate or truncate at the base. 2. 2. Leaves with long hairs, plants perennial; fruiting-calyx pyramidal, 5-angled and with long points. P. heterophylla 2. Leaves with short pubescence, plants annual; fruiting-calyx rather small, points very short. 3. 3. Plant green, leaves ovate, usually only slightly cordate at the base, nearly entire or dentate. P. pruinosa. 3. Plant somewhat hoary; leaves cordate at the base, strongly oblique, coarsely sinuate. P. puhescens. 4. Leaves ovate-lanceolate; fruiting-calyx green. 5. 4. Leaves broadly ovate, acute; fruiting-calyx red. P. alkekengi. 5. Stem usually not 2-forked; leaves not decidedly dentate toward the tip; fruiting-calyx ovoid. 6. 5. Stem noticeably 2-forked; main-stem erect; fruiting-calyx pyramidal, 5-angled, deeply sunken at the base; leaves usually dentate at the outer end. P. virginiana. 6. Peduncles shorter than the flower; annual. P. ixocarpa. G. Peduncles longer than the flower; perennial by rootstocks or roots. P. lanceolata. 1. Physalis lanceolata Mx. Prairie Ground-cherry. Plant with slender, creeping root-stock. Young stems erect, later spreading or diffuse, slightly angled, somewhat hirsute with flat hairs; leaves mostly entire, sometimes slightly lobed, sparingly covered with short hairs; calyx lobes triangular-lanceolate, when in fruit round-ovoid, not sunken at the base, indistinctly 10- angled; corolla dullish yellow with a brownish centre. General. 2. Physalis ixocarpa Brot. Mexican Ground-cherry. When young erect, later widely spreading; stem angled, glabrous or the younger parts slightly hairy; lea\'es cordate to ovate with a cuneate iDase, sinuately dentate or entire; calyx slightly hairy; corolla bright yellow with purple throat; fruiting-calyx round ovoid, obscurely 10-angled, often ])urijle veined; berry purple, filling the husk. Franklin county. Nati\'e of Mexico. -J. Physalis virginiana Mill. Virginia Ground-cherry. Peren- nial; about 14 inches high; stems slightly angled, strigose-hairy with flat hairs, or glabrous; dichotomously branched; leaves ovate-lanceolate, usually sinuately dentate; peduncles in fruit curved but scarcely reflexed; calyx lobes triangular or broadly lanceolate, nearly equalling the tube; flowers sulphur-yellow with purplish spots. Cu\'ahoga county. Jan., 1914.] Solanacece of Ohio. 239 4. Physalis alkekengi L. Chinese Lantern (Ground-cherry) Perennial. Leaves thin, broadly ovate, entire or angled; fruiting cah'x much enlarged, veined, scarlet or crimson. Persistent after cultivation. Franklin, Lake. 5. Physalis heterophylla Nees. Clammy Ground-cherry. Perennial by a creeping rootstock, viscid and glandular, 12 to 18 inches high, with long, spreading, jointed, flat hairs; leaves acute, very rarely with an acumination, thick, sinuately toothed or some- times subentire; calyx long-villous with triangular lobes usually not as long as the tube; corolla greenish-yellow with a brownish or purplish centre. General and abundant. 6. Physalis pubescens L. Low Hairy Ground-cherry. Plant pubescent, with spreading stems slightly swollen at the nodes. Leaves ovate, acute, or acuminate, slightly cordate, upward repand-denticulate or entire, pubescent, sometimes becoming nearly glabrous except along the veins; corolla yellow with a dark centre; calyx lobes narrow, in fruit membranous, pyramidal, ovoid- acuminate, retuse at the base. Shelby, Morgan. 7. Physalis pruinosa L. Tall Hairy Ground-cherry. Stout, generally erect, quite hairy. Stem finely villous or somewhat viscid; leaves finely pubescent, ovate, cordate, and deeply sin- uately toothed; calyx villous or viscid, its lobes as long as the tube, narrow but not subulate-tipped; fruiting calyx reticulate, ovoid, cordate; berry yellow or green. Franklin county. Solanum L. Herbs or shrubs, often stellate-pubescent, sometimes climbing. Flowers cymose umbelliform, paniculate, or racemose; calyx campanulate or rotate, usually 5-cleft; corolla rotate, the limb plaited, 5-angled or 5-lobed, the tube very short; stamens united with the corolla, filaments short. 1. Leaves compound or divided. 2. 1. Leaves entire, toothed, or merely lobed. 4. 2. Plants not prickly. 3. 2. Plant and enlarged fruiting-calyx very prickly; one stamen enlarged and beaked. 5. rostratum. 3. Herbs with tubers; stems prominently wing-angled. 5. tuberosum. 3. Climbing vines, more or less woody; stems not winged, or only slight- ly angled. 5. dulcamara. 4. Plants prickly or if only slightly so, then stellate-pubescent, or sil- very-canescent all over. 5. 4. Plants glabrous or somewhat pubescent, not prickly or silvery-canes- cent; ripe berries black. 5. nigrum. 5. Leaves repand-dentate or entire; densely silvery-canescent. 5'. eleagnifolium. 5. Leaves lobed and angled; hirsute. 5. carolinense. 1. Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav. Silverleaf Nightshade. Perennial, silvery-canescent all over. Stem sometimes with sharp prickles; leaves lanceolate, oblong or linear, petioled, mostly obtuse, repand-dentate or entire; flowers cymose; peduncles short; 240 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 3, calyx-lobes lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, acute. Lucas county, (a waif.) 2. Solanum carolinense L. Horse-nettle. Stellate-pubes- cent with 4 to 0 — C\] CNi e~j ^ C\i cv — - — CM T - ^ — CM C^ CM — — 1 — 1 C^ CM CNi i C\i CO C\J C\i — — — t^ 01 n C\i n — — — NO — — — — lO c\i C^i C\2 — — "^ -» n ■0 — rv CNi Oi ir 'o — — — — cv - \o — 10 -* — ± 10 0 c c < 3 o "o 2 10 "5 0 i. U i. 'd <0 0 c* (0 cy 0 £ a U C 1. y 'a 0 ? N 0 -a < 0 "0 I. O ci 0 1. 1. O O cy 0 -0 o a -Q £ Cy z U5 i. a a 0 s. a a. 0 0 U 0 "D 5 i. 0 u 0 0 •5 a E G *-» o O cy 0 73 Q. 0 cy 0 T3 "r TJ C 0 a. I/O d L o a. 0 j: -J c q: cy 0 > s. 0 _l a c o £0 0 U "l L l2 01 0 £ 0 3 cy c -C o c o C C CD O o a 0 0 0 Tl s cti d (3 !^ 0 0 r^ >— 1 0 (3 t3 G n1 (N 0 a (1) ^ d. -i-j (— 1 n 0 ' 00 CO o I— I ti < O O March, 1914.] The Food of Rana Pipiens Shreber. 259 and covered with a sticky secretion which adheres firmly to the food seized. So rapid is the protrusion of this weapon that a careful watch is necessary in order to see the animal feed. The material contained in the stomachs examined can be divided into two classes, animal and foreign. All the evidence indicates that the presence of substances other than those of an animal nature is merely incidental, and due to the mode and con- ditions of feeding. Foreign Matter. Nothing can be more natural, since the frog captures the greater part of its prey on the ground by means of its tongue, than that a small amount of foreign substance should be swept into the mouth along with the animals upon which it feeds. In the stomachs examined, this foreign substance LOT II h rog Number 1 2 J 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A r\ 1 in a 1 5 5 8 9 3 2 12 7 6 6 9 6 2 9 2 3 6 18 11 8 7 2 Mollusca 1 I 2 1 1 1 Isopoda 1 1 1 1 1 3pi dcrs 2 2 4 1 4 2 3 2 4 4 1 1 3 4 4 1 Insects 3 5 4 2 2 8 4 3 5 6 2 2 5 1 2 3 12 6 6 4 2 Acrididac 2 Coi-i-idoc I 1 1 1 3 Meftibfoc idoe 1 1 1 Caterpillars 2 2 1 2 4 2 5 2 1 2 1 3 1 Colcoptera 2 3 2 1 4 2 3 4 1 1 2 1 2 II 2 1 1 Carabtdac 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 Staph c(litiidae 1 2 Rhtinc^ophora 2 2 2 1 3 2 0 4 1 2 3 2 Di — — — n N — ^ cv — — — c\i Oj cv — — — — ^ — ro cv — — £ 2 I/) 0 £ < 0 u (0 D 0 -D 0 a 0 w 10 L u w c 0 E 0 0 u 0 L £ 2 (0 '6 If) 3 i. U 10 I. d i. 4 — c u 0 I. "a 0 o ;5 0 0 L 0 O 0 "O 'J c o CI o U 0 r _c a 0 CO 0 (a £ 0 i- 0 s. o -rr a o o c 0 > s. 0 -i cy CQ 0 _r u i. 0 0 -a a CD o CO c O o C /3 CO T— t o (N iia CD O o 1 — I o O March, 1914.] The Food of Rana Pipiens Shreber. 261 Since the greater number of stomachs contained no sand, and since, as a rule, sand was found only in stomachs containing ground animals, I am inclined to think that its ingestion was merely incidental. LOT W ^ro^ Number 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 Animals 2 1 1 2 1 I 4 2 3 2 2 2 3 4 Spiolcrs 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 2 2 1 3 [n-sects 2 1 2 I 2 2 / Act-idiolcic 1 / Membra cidac 1 Cote rpi Mors 2 1 ColQopt(zra 1 1 1 Cicindclidac / 1 Rh4r\chopf;^oroi 1 Pom pi lidae 1 J This stomach contained sand only. Collected Aug 13, 1913, between 4:00 p ^OTY, . m an do: 00 F . m • Frog Number 1 2 3 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 Am mals 6 7 3 -^ G 6 3 5 4 3 2 2 5 C3 3 1 MolluscQ 2 1 Mqriapodo 2 Spiders 3 4 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 \ 1 Insects 3 3 1 2 2 6 4 4 2 3 2 4 / J AcrididoG- 1 1 1 Caterpillars 1 1 J 1 ( 2 1 1 Diptera I Coleopfera 2 1 I 1 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 Carabidac 1 1 1 I Cicind ^ CM — — h — w C^^l — — — u _J o '^ — n ro — c\i C\ \o n c\i CM Cvi 00 +-V F" — — — VD n n LO — — I ^ n CM — — — r> n — C\2 — — — C\2 (M CM CM c\l — C\i — — L £ z ^ o it JO c 'r < 0 u C 'f) i. a If) 0 i. o < 0 0 o 'u 0 i. £ 0 1. y a 0 2 _o Q L I — 0 0 0 4— a Q 0 s. 4— a 0 0 (J 0 C O 0 c I. a u 0 i. 0 -C a o u a: 0 c 0 £ cy C o 0 'V 'a o CO c o c o o p <; ^ 0 o o J3 March, 1914.] The Food of Rana Pipiens Shreber, 263 partially digested animal matter was present that could not be placed in its proper phylum and I will make no further reference to it. Acknowledgment. I wish to express here briefly, my sincere appreciation to those who have very kindly assisted me in the determination, as follows: Prof. W. M. Barrows and Mr. W. J. Kostir of OhJo State University, the spiders and the Orthop- tera; Prof. Stephen R. Williams of Miami University, the Myria- poda; Mr. Chas. Dury, the Rynchophora; and to Doctors Harriet Richardson, A. K. Fisher, and J. C. Crawford of the National Museum, Washington, D. C, the Isopoda, the Lepidopterous larvae, and the Hymenoptera. LOT vu. pr 05 N u mfc c I' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 \o II 12 \^ 14 15- 16 17 18 19 20 Ah i rnals 6 I 5 5 2 13 7 5 5 3 5 2 A 2 3 2 7 2 2 X MolluscQ 1 Isopoda 6 2 5pi dcrs 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 z 1 1 2 1 1 Inse cts 2 3 10 7 3 3 2 2 2 2 2> 2 1 5 1 1 G r 0 1 ( i d a c 1 Act-i d 1 dae 1 1 1 1 CoterpiMcirs 7 2 I 1 1 2 DipTcra 1 / Cole optera 2 2 ^ 3 2 ( 2 1 1 3 C oi-abi a ae 1 3 2 1 1 3 Cicinde lidae / 1 1 2 Coccihclldae 1 \ Ce i-am,b 4 c idae 1 RhqhcKophoi-a 2 1 Tenth rediti'dcxe 1 portTvici Ma 1 1 1 z X This stomach contained sand only. Collected Aug. 18, 1913, between 10:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. MOLLUSCA 29 Gastropods furnished three per cent of the entire number of animals and were found in ten per cent of the stomachs examined. In a few stomachs, the digestive fluids had dis- solved the shell beyond recognition. The species that could be identified were: Limacidce 3 Zonitoides arboreus Say 3 Strepomatidce 5 Goniobasis informis Lea 5 Limneaidce 11 Galba humilis modicella Lea 4 Physa heterostropha Say 7 Gastropoda, not further identifiable 10 264 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 5, > h o ^ « n in n W ^ ^- ^ N to ^ 1 — 10 10 to ro cv - 10 -^ '^ ^ N (X to ro fO ro ro 0 to 't ^ ^ N CVi 0\ CM vD CM ^ CVi cv — - 00 vO V3 — t — 01 C< — — — 0 0 0 CV to - N — — 0< fQ - c^ C\! C\i ^t ""i- ro CM — — 01 — - — — CM ^ — ex — CV CM — - - 0 CM — — — 0 0 in in N n 5 0 n n 0 vO CV ^^ - "0 ro CN CO CNJ '5- w — - — 00 cv — 0 — lO 0 ro — - lO (M — — — - — ^0 cs ■ Figure 1. Longitudinal section of cavity showing egg and plug in place. cut down, enlarging the excavation. When the bottom is again reached, the fomicr movements are resumed. These movements often end with sharp jerks as though pieces of the material were being broken off. The work of excavating is continued until the depth of the cavity is equal to the length of the proboscis, when the weevil stops digging, and prepares to deposit the egg. During the process of digging, that part of the proboscis that extends into the cavity is clean, but chewed material collects about the mouth of the cavity and on the portion of the proboscis above. May, 1914.] Egg-Laying of the Rice Weevil. 323 The insects are quite easily disconcerted. They discon- tinue operations and remain still a few moments when disturbed by noise or by the movement of a nearby object, and frequently quit the place entirely. This sensitiveness abates as the cavity deepens, until, during the operation of depositing the egg, the grain on which the weevil is at work may be handled without disturbing the insect. The time required in making the cavities varies greatly. Out of six operations of which the time was taken, the shortest was thirty two minutes, while the longest period observed was one hour and forty five minutes, and this time was spent in completing a cavity which was apparently one-half finished when observation began. DEPOSITING THE EGG. When the cavity is finished, the proboscis is slowly and hesitat- ingly withdrawn. The weevil then turns around over the opening, and walks slowly forward a few steps, at the same time swinging the abdomen from side to side, thus searching for the mouth of the cavity. When the tip of the abdomen comes in contact with the opening, the weevil stops, and places the ovipositor in posi- tion. During egg-laying, the ovipositor may be observed some- what distended by the passage of the egg. There is a slight move- ment of the tip of the abdomen, probably aiding in forcing the egg into the cavity. In one instance it was observed that a weevil, when the cavity was finished, turned al^out as usual, but failed to find the opening with the ovipositor. The insect then moved backward until the proboscis was over the cavity, facing in the opposite direction from that when the cavity was dug. After a little additional digging, the weevil successfully inserted the ovipositor, and depos- ited the egg. The time consumed in depositing the egg varies from three to seven minutes, the average being 4.3 minutes. The average num- ber of eggs laid per day by a single weevil was found to be 1.2. This was determined from records including twenty weevils laying a total of 378 eggs. The largest number of eggs deposited by a weevil in one day was 9, while 03 eggs in 46 days was the greatest total number of eggs deposited by one weevil. This does not represent the total number of eggs laid during the life of the insect. The rate of oviposition as well as the total number of eggs deposited varies with the conditions under which the eggs are laid. Probably the most important factors are the degree of hardness of the corn and the temperature and moisture condi- tions. Hinds and Turner (3) found that a single weevil is capable of laying as many as 417 eggs during a period of 110 days. 324 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 7, The act of preparing the cavity and depositing the egg appar- ently requires considerable energy, for, after depositing an egg, the weevil requires a ]jeriod of rest before repeating the operation. SEALING THE CAVITY. After the egg has been deposited, but before the ovipositor has been withdrawn, the substance with which the cavity is sealed may be seen flowing through the translucent ovipositor into the cavity. The ovipositor is then withdrawn, and its trowel-like tip is used to work the fluid into place. This consists of a thorough tamping of the material and smoothing of the surface, and con- tinues until the fluid solidifies. This process being completed, the weevil, without changing position, usually deposits a second ,•'■.••.• .■■ : ■--.&,;■ ■.-.-tt"-^'v"\:^ ' •" -v^- !■v^^'•■:"^: ;.'\,.'',-^: in inner surface. ■'".'•':^ \^'-''{'^-^ .■■:.\ 'J^'-^-^kV'^'^-. Fig. 5. Plug consisting of a single discharge of material, viewed in normal position in corn. The plug may readily be picked from the corn by means of a needle. The several discharges are usually very loosely coherent, but, if the second and third discharges have been thoroughly tamped down upon the first, all are more or less firmly united. Usually it is not difficult to separate the plug from the egg, but frequently they are so firmly joined that the egg is torn in separat- ing the two. The materia] of the first discharge is colorless and translucent, while tliat of the second and third discharges is opaque, and varies in color from greenish or yellowish to a starchy white, and closely resembles foecal material. Hence, if the plug consists of only the first discharge, its apparent color varies mth the color of the part of the com in which it is situated. There often appears to be a dark area in the center of such a plug, which is no doubt caused 326 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 7, b}^ the dark cavity beneath. The plug often so closely resembles the surrounding surface as to be very difficultly distinguished, and some practice is required to locate these eggs. If more than one discharge is present, however, the plug is easily seen. DESCRIPTION OF THE EGG. The egg is a small, glistening, opaque, somewhat "pear-shaped" body of a creamy white color. The size varies somewhat, but the average dimensions are about .643 mm. long by .289 mm. in dia- meter at the largest ]5art. It consists of an outer, comparatively tough membrane, filled with an opaque, sticky fluid. The large end of the egg is placed toward the inner end of the cavity, while the small end is attached to the plug in the mouth of the cavity, which does not agree with the observations of Hinds and Turner (3) who describe the egg as having the "larger end outward as it rests in the grain." On the small end of the egg is a small pro- tuberance that fits into the pit in the inner surface of the plug. DESCRIPTION OF THE CAVITY. The cavity is somewhat larger than the egg, there being an unoccupied space around the sides and bottom. The bottom is evenly rounded, the sides drawing gradually together at the mouth, the diameter of \'\'hich is smaller than at any other part of the cavity. The mouth of the cavity being smaller than the larger end of the egg, it is necessary to enlarge the opening in order to remove the egg. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE HABIT. It is interesting to conjecture the uses of this careful and laborious method of oviposition. The point of ]:)rime importance is that the eggs are placed in such a position that the larva; pro- duced are surrounded by an abundance of food, and are in a posi- tion where they are protected during the helpless period of life. By being deposited beneath the surface of the corn, the eggs are protected to a large extent from external injury, from excessive drying, and from sudden changes in temperature. While serving to increase the protection from external injur3^ excessive drying, and change in tem])erature, the sealing of the cavity is undoubtedly useful as a protection against predaccous and jjarasitic enemies. Incidentally, this, probably, is quite effective as a ])rotection to the eggs and larvag against gases iised in fumigation. As a protection against natural enemies, the i^lug is no doubt serviceable, but it is not an absolute, and possil^ly not a very highly efficient safeguard, for, while making these observations, the writer noted numerous instances in which the predaccous mite, Pediculoides vcntricosus Ncw]3ort (2), successfully attacked and May, 1914,] The Iridales of Ohio. 327 destroyed the eggs and larvae as well as the adult weevils. The method by which the mites gained access to the eggs was by bur- rowing between the plug and the surrounding corn, which, appar- ently, was not a difficult task. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. 1897, Chittenden, F. H. Some Insects Injurious to Stored Grain. Famiers' Bull. No. 45, U. S. D. A. pp. 5-6, fig. 1. 2. 190-1, Banks, Nathan. A Treatise on Acarina or Mites. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. XXVIII, pp. 74-7(3. 3. 1911, Hinds, W. E. and Turner, W. F. Life History of the Rice Weevil (Calandra oryza L.) In Alabama. Jour. Econ. Ent., Vol. IV, pp. 230-23G, pi." 1. 4. 1912, Gee, W. P. The Com Weevil, (Calandra orvza Linn.), Bull. 170 S. C. Agr. Exp. Sta., pp. 1-13. THE IRIDALES OF OHIO. Lawrence W. Durrell. Trees, herbs, and vines with sword-shaped or sometimes broad, netted veined leaves. Flowers bisporangiate or monosporangiate ; usually showy though sometimes small and inconspicuous, with perianth often united; epigynous, pentacylcic, or reduced to tetra- C3^clic or tricyclic; trimerous, usually actinomorphic ; andrecium in two cycles or either the inner or outer cycle wanting or vestigial. Ovulary trilocular; seeds with endosperai; fruit usually a capsule. Synopsis of the Families and Genera. I. Herbs with erect aerial stems and parallel veined usually narrow leaves; flowers bisporangiate. 1. Stamens 6. Amaryllidaceae. (1.) Fruit a 3-valved loculicidal capsule; plant glabrous. a. Flowers in long spikes or racemes; perianth without a crown. Manfreda {Agave.) b. Flowers solitary or in umbels with a crown. Narcissus. (2.) Fruit indehiscent; plants villous. Hypoxsis. 2. Stamens 3, alternate with the inner corolla segments. Iridaceae. (1). Style branches very broad and petal-like, opposite the sta- mens. Iris. (2.) Style branches not petal like, slender or filiform, alternate with the stamens. a. Stamen filaments not united. (a). Flowers not tubular, in terminal bracted clusters. Gemmingia. (b). Flowers single, perianth united in a long tube. Crocus, h. Stamen filaments united. Sisyrinchium. II. Twining vines with netted-veined, petioled leaves, mostly cordate. Flowers diecious. Stamens 6. dioscore.^ceae. Dioscorea. 328 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 7, Amaryllidaceae. Amaryllis Family. Geophilous, perennial herbs with bulbs or rhizomes and scapose or aerial stems, or some tropical species trees. Leaves sword-shaped sometimes fleshy. Flowers iDisporangiate, epigy- nous, pentacyclic, actinomorphoric, trimerous; ovulary trilocular; fruit usually a capsule. Key. 1. Inflorescence a spike or raceme; plants glabrous. Manfreda. 1. Inflorescence umbellate or flowers solitary. 2. 2. Perianth tubular with a crown; plants glabrous, cultivated. A^arcissHS. 2. Perianth spreading, star-shaped, without a crown; plants villous. Hy pox sis. Manfreda Salisb. Fleshy herbs with bulbiferous rootstalks and bracted scapes, the leaves basal and the flowers in terminal spikes or racemes. Perianth tubular or funnelform withering persistent; sepals and petals of nearly equal length, united below into a tube. Stainens inserted on the perianth, exserted, filaments flattened. Ovulary trilocular, style slender, exserted; ovules numerous; capsule ovoid. 1. Manfreda virginica (L.) Salisb. False Aloe. Perennial geophilous herbs J/2 to 2 feet high; leaves sword-shaped, fleshy, with smooth or denticulate edges. Flowers borne in a loose spike on a scape 2 to G feet tall, greenish-yellow in color, solitary in the axils of bracts. Perianth nearly tubular, f to 1 inch long. Cap- sule I to f inch diameter, slightly longer than thick. Lawrence cotmty. Narcissus L. Bulbous herbs with leafless scapes and linear, basal leaves. Flowers solitary or several substended by a deciduous spathe; Perianth 6-partcd bearing a cup-like crown in the throat. Sta- mens united with perianth tube. Ovulary trilocular, capsule thin- walled. 1. Narcissus pseudo-narcissus. L. Daffodil. Scape about 1 foot high; leaves linear; flowers bright yellow 2 to 'S inches broad, crown serrate. Cultivated. Hypoxis. L. Perennial, villous herbs with short rootstocks and grass-like leaves. Flowers borne on slender scapes, regular; stamens united with the bases of the perianth segments. Ovulary trilocular; capsule oblong, not dehiscent by valves. 1 . Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Covillc. Yellow Stargrass. Leaves linear .J to 12 inches long, |- to j inch wide. Flowers 1 to 6 umbellate, bright yellow within, greenish without, plant villous. General. May, 1914.] The Iridales of Ohio. 329 Iridaceae. Iris Family. Perennial geophilous herbs with narrow two ranked leaves. Flowers mostly clustered, subtended by bracts, regular or ir- regular, bisporangiate epigynous, tetracyclic by reduction, tri- merous. Ovulary trilocular and dehiscent. Key. 1. Style branches very broad and petal-like, opposite the stamens; petals recurved. Iris. 1. Style branches not petal-like, slender or filiform; sepals widely spread- ing or erect. 2. 2. Flowers solitary; leaves with revolute margins. Crocus. 2. Flowers several on a long scape or leafy stem. 3. 3. Flowers crimson mottled; leaves sword-shaped. Gemmingia. 3. Flowers blue or white; leaves grass-like. Sisyrinchium . Iris. (Tourn.) L. Perennial herbs with horizontal, often woody or sometimes tuber-bearing rootstocks and erect stems with sword-shaped leaves. Flowers large, borne singly or panicled; sepals dilated or reflexed, st^de branches petal-like, arching over the stamens. Ovulary trilocular. Key. 1. Stems tall; leaves glaucous; none of the perianth segments crested. I. versicolor. 1. Stems low; leaves not glaucous; outer perianth segments crested; perianth tube very slender. /. cristata. 1. Iris versicolor L. Large Blue-flag. Stems straight, 2 to 3 feet tall, often branched, leafy. Leaves erect, somewhat glau- cous, 17 to 30 inches long, }4 to 1 inch wide. Flowers several, violet blue, varigated with yellow, green and white; perianth segments glabrous and crestless. Capsule obscurely three-lobed. General. 2. Iris cristata Ait. Crested Dwarf Iris. vStems 1 to 3 inch high, leaves -1 to 12 inches long and ^ to 1 inch wide. Flowers blue, sepals crested; perianth 1 to 1>^ inches long. Capsule sharply triangular. Lawrence, Adams, Scioto, Pil:e, Ross, Jack- son, Vinton, Hocking, Cuyahoga, TrmnbuU. Gemmingia Fabr. Erect perennial herbs with stout rootstocks and Iris-hke leaves. Flowers in terminal clusters, purple mottled. Capsule figshaped. 1. Gemmingia chinensis (L.) Ktz. Blackberry-hly. Stem iy2 to 4 feet tall, leafy; leaves erect, sword-shaped, S to 14 inches long and >^ to 1 inch wide. Flowers several, IJ^ to 2 inches long, perianth segments mottled with crimson and purple on the upper side, obtuse at the apex and narrow at the base, persistent and coiled together on the ovulary after flowering. From Asia. Escaped in Franklin county. 330 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 7, Crocus L. Perennial tufted herbs, with narrow leaves arising directly from the corm; leaves with revolute margins; flowers solitary, perianth united in a long tube. 1. Crocus vernus All. Crocus. Leaves 2 to 4, equalHng the flower, glaucous beneath; perianth segments 1 to 1^ inches long, lilac or white, often striped with purple, throat pubescent, not yellow. Escaped in Lake county. Sisyrinchium L. Perennial slender tufted herbs, with short rootstocks; stems simple or branched, two winged; leaves grass-like; flowers small, terminal umbellate, usually blue in color; capsule globose. Key. 1. Stems simple with sessile terminal spathc; flowers with perianth 3^ inch long; pedicles erect and shorter than the inner bracts; capsules pale. 5. angustifolium. 1. Stems slender and ascending, mostly branched, broadly winged; flowers perianth less than H inch long on recurved pedicles. Capsules dark. 5. graminoides. 1. Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. Pointed Blue-eyed- grass. Stem stiff, erect, pale and glaucous, winged, edges minute- ly serrulate, 4 inches to 2 feet high; leaves 4 to 9 inches long, 1-16 to yi inch broad, serrulate; spathes green or slightly purplish; flowers deep violet, blue, }4 inch long. General. 2. Sisyrinchium graminoides Bickn. Stout Blue-eyed-grass. Light green, somewhat glaucous; stems broadly winged, stout, erect or reclined, S to 18 inches tall; leaves 4 to 11 inches long and 1-12 to ^ inch broad; umbels 2 to 4 flowered, pedicels thread-like; flowers >2 to ^ inch broad, ^ to 1 inch long, petals sparsely pubescent on the outer surafce. General. DioscoREACEAE. Yam Family. Slender twining vines slightly woody, with fleshy rootstocks; leaves petioled and netted-veined. Flowers diecious, epigynous and trimerous; ovulary trilocular. Dioscorea Plum.) L. Slender twining vines with heart shaped or halbard-shaped leaves. Flowers inconspicuous and borne on pendulous spikes, panicles or racemes. 1. Leaves heart-shaped, abruptly acute or acuminate; without bulblets. D. villosa. 1. Leaves usually cuspidate and often halbard-shai)cd; with bulblets in the axils of the leaves. D. bulbifera. May, 1914.] Meeting of Biological Club. 331 1. Dioscorea villosa L. Wild Yam. Stems slender and twining, G tc 15 feet long; rootstocks slender, horizontal, woody; leaves heart-shaped, 9 to 13 nerved, acmninate at the apex, thin green, glabrous on top, sometimes pubescent beneath, 2 to 6 inches long, 1 to 4 inches wide, petioled; petiole often longer than the blade. Flowers greenish-yellow, the staminate 1-16 to | inch long in drooping panicles 3 to (i inches long; the carpellate 3-16 inch long in drooping racemes. Capsules membranous, strongly 3 winged. General. 2. Dioscorea bulbifera L. Air Potato. Twining vines; leaves about 2 inches long and 2 tc 3 inches broad, petioled, the petiole longer than the blade, halbard-shaped , acuminate at the apex, thin, green, 9-nerved. Flowers greenish, in loose axillary racemes. Tubers in the axils of the leaves. Tropical Asia. Escaped from gardens in Aladison county. MEETINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL CLUB. Orton Hall, January 12, 1914. The meeting was called to order by the President at 7:30 and the minutes were read and approved. The following were elected to membership: Norman Sherer, Floyd De Lashmut, Clayton Long, Maxwell Scarff, Margurite Ickes, Francis E. Piper, Harold Peebles and Christian R. Gaiser. The first paper of the evening was by Prof. Durrant, on the Biology of the Guinea Pig. Prof. Durrant kept Prof. Barrows' Guinea pigs during the summer when the observations presented were made. The Guinea pig belongs to the order of Rodentia, to which order also belongs the water-pig of South America, which sometimes reaches a length of five or six feet and a height of eighteen or twenty inches. The Guinea pig is very prolific, the period of gestation being 66 or 67 days. The time of mating after birth is from five days to several weeks. The female is from 42 to 62 days old at the time of mating. As to the number of young in a litter. Prof. Durrant made several observations of which the following are the results: Four litters of two each, twelve litters of three each, three litters of four each. There is a great variation in the size of the young, but no relation between the size and the number in the litter. In one case he had a rough coat female crossed with a white male, which produced a white, red and black oft'spring. The same parents at a later time had a yellow rough coat young one. 332 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 7, The next paper on the program was a review of Hcrrick's paper, "The Origin and Evolution of the Cortex," by Miss Ickes. Instincts are present because the tracts have been inherited; a dilema is the cause of consciousness. Consciousness is not a simple element, but is a cirucit. One of the basic paths into the cortex is from the thalamus and the thalamus is already complex. The physical state has much to do with the path that the impulse takes. A lower form must depend on its reflexes, while a higher form may detemiine the solution of its difficulties by means of its cortex. The rest of the evening was given over to the discussion of the meetings at Atlanta and Philadelphia. Prof. Osbom reported on the zoological meeting at Atlanta. There was a discussion on the teaching of sex hygiene and another as to whether it was not of more importance to teach life actions rather than morphology in the first year course of zoology. Professor Griggs gave a report of the papers read before the botanical society. Professor Barrows reported a good attendance at Philadelphia and especially mentioned Riddle's work on the control of sex in pigeons. Professor Barrows reported that he had two tailless cats from which he is trying to breed a race of tailless animals. Mr. King reported on some tree-hoppers which hibernate on peach twigs. Mr. Shadle reported that a fish-hawk had been taken at Lock- bourne. Professor Griggs tcld of a collection of trees of Georgia that he saw while at Atlanta. Blanche McAvoy, Secretary. Date of Publication, May 21, 1914. The Ohio S\^a/wrafc/, PUBLISHED BY The Biological Club of the Ohio State Uni'versity. Volume XIV. JUNE. 1914. No. 8. TABLE OF CONTENTS HiNE— Diptera of Middle America .- 333 Lamb— Middle Mishissippian Unconformities and Conglomerates in Xorthern Ohio . . 344 McAvoY— The Panicums of Ohio 347 McAvoY — Meetings of the Biological Clnb , 355 Rice— Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Ohio Academy of Science 356 DIPTERA OF MIDDLE AMERICA. JFAMILY SYRPHID^. JAS. S. HiNE. A large number of species of diptera from southern localities have accumulated in the collections at the Ohio State University. The}" have been procured from various sources and come from many localities, ha^'ing been taken by different collectors. In working up this material it is my purpose to consider one family at a time. Having quite fully studied the Syrphida^ I offer for pub- lication the following notations on the included species. For the purposes of this paper and those of the same series to follow the temi "Middle America" may be taken to include a wide stretch of territory from Southern United States to points in South America several degrees beyond the Equator. MiCRODON Meigen. Microdon angustus Macquart. This name is applied to two specimens from Bartica, British Guiana. The body is elon- gate, face, legs, scutellum and base of abdomen pale yellowish; disk of thorax greenish black with a transverse narrow golden band ; toward the apex the abdomen gradually shades into brown ; antennas long, scutellum with spines. Total length 14 mm. Microdon angustiventris Macquart must be very close to this species. Microdon baliopterus Loew. One specimen from Gualan, Guatemala, January 20th, 1905. Microdon bidens Fabr. Thorax greenish black, scutellum with the extreme apex and two spines pale brown. Abdomen and legs mostly reddish. Wings unifoiTnly fumose. Five speci- mens from Bartica, British Guiana, April and May. ■ ' - 333 334 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 8, Microdon coarctatus Loew. A small bright green species with many of the wing veins margined with dark brown. Three specimens from Louisiana. Microdon flavitibia Walker. Thorax and abdomen purplish black. Wings fumose. Of the same form and size as bidens. Six specimens from Bartica, British Guiana. Microdon ruiiventris Rondani. Face, front and thorax shining green clothed with golden pile; antennae brown; abdomen reddish yellow with the exception of a triangular green spot near the scutcllum. Legs pale, wings nearly hyaline. Length 11 mm. One specimen from Bartica, British Guiana. MixoGASTEn Macquart. Fiv^e American species have been described in this genus. Some of them might well be placed in Microdon were it not for the discinctly clavate abdomen but others do not show such close relationshi]j with that genus. M. breviventris Kahl is the only species that has been taken as far north as the LTnited States. An additional species was taken at Los Amatcs, Guatemala, and is here described as new. The following key for the separation of the known species has been compiled in large measure from descriptions and figures that have appeared in various publications. 1. Thorax with a middorsal yellow stripe, conopsoides Macq. Thorax not with a middor.sal yellow stripe. 2. 2. The third longitudinal vein emits a stump into the first posterior cell. 3. The third longitudinal vein does not emit a stump into the first posterior cell. 4. 3. Wing clear hyaline, legs brown, claripennis n. sp. Base of marginal cell and a cloud along the third vein brown, bases of all the tibia; light yellow, hellulu Will. 4. The vein closing the distal end of the first ])r)sterior cell ahuost straight, breviventris Kahl. The vein clo.sing the distal end of the first i)Osterior cell distinctly angulated. 5. 5. Face extraonlinarily arcuate, diniidiald G. Tos. Face normal, mexicana Macq. Mixogaster claripennis n. s]). Lcngtli about 10 mm., l)ody black with yellow bands, legs generally brownish. Face yellow on each side and black at middle, clothed with yellow ajjpressed hairs, cheeks black; front largely shining black narrowed near lower third where there is a transverse space clothed with short yellow hairs, vertex tumid, also a prominence just above base of antenna?. Antennre long, first segment long and slender, second segment short, third segment thickened and about as long as the first, whole antenna black except the extreme base of first segment which is yellow. Thorax black in ground color, humerus with a very small pale s]jot, suture with a ver>' narrow band of yellow pile. Scutcllum golden pilose. Wings clear hyaline. June, 1914.] Diptera of Middle America. 335 Legs brown, coxse and parts of the femora darker, bases of the tibiae somewhat paler. Abdomen generally black, second seg- ment narrow and elongate, on basal half with two transparent spots separated by a black interval, apex of the same segment with a narrow pale band, apex of the third segment with a narrow band of golden yellow pile, apex of the fourth segment and all of the fifth brownish. A male type taken at Los Amates, Guate- mala, in February, lOOo. This species is related to Willistons' bellula but differs from it in having enlirely hx'alinc wings, and the coloration of the legs and abdomen is quite different. Also the elongation of the stump of a vein from the third k^ngitudinal almost dividing the first posterior cell appears to be an important characteristic of claripennis. B.vccHV Fabricius. Baccha callida n. sp. Length about 10 mm. Front with a slight prominence for the insertion of the anenucX, front, face and antennae yellow, a small geminate black spot on the middle of the front near the antenna;. Thorax largely yellow with four black stripes separated by yellow on the dorsum, and an irregular greenish brown marking passes beneath the scutellum to the bases of the middle legs; wings narrowly at base and along the anterior border pale yellowish, otherwise clear hyaline; legs all yellow with the exception of the hind pair, each of which have a pale brown band around the apical third of the femur and a wider band of the same color on the basal half of the tibia. Abdomen black, brown and yellow, first segment yellow with a l)lack marking beneath the scutellum and a clear brown l)and on the posterior margin, second segment brown on anterior half, this followed by an area of yel- lowish somewhat intermixed with brown and this by a black band occupying more than the apical fourth of the segment, third segment with a middorsal stripe slightly abbreviated before, an apical band and an oblique marking on each side connected with a]3ical band black, fourth segment like the third, fifth segment with three black stripes, all the segments behind the second are yellowish where they are not black. The male tvpe collected at Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, March 5, 1905. This species is somewhat suggestive of lineata but is colored quite differently. Baccha capitata Loew. A female example of this fine species was taken at Holguin, Cuba, by H. S. Parish. The species has been reported from Cuba and Porto Rico by previous writers. Loew's type is a male. From reading the original description and comparing my specimen with it I find the two sexes are very similar in coloration. 336 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 8, Baccha conjuncta Wiedemann. Two female specimens of this species were taken at Bartica, British Guiana. The head is short and the antenna^ are attached high up and much elongated for a species of Baccha. The front is wide with the sides parallel gi\'- ing quite a different appearance from that present in many s])ecies where the front is distinctly narrowed aboA-e. The two specim.ens differ in having the submarginal cell h\-alino in one and plainly yellowish in the other. Baccha cultrata Austin. A female specimen from Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, agrees well with Austin's figure and descrip- tion in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London for 1S03, page 151. Austin's specimens were taken in Brazil and this record extends the range for the species much to the northward and establishes it as a member of the North American fauna. The general fonn is quite different from most s^^ecies of Baccha, but the characters of the head are nearly nonual. Baccha clavata Fabricious. Specimens of this common species are before me from many localities ranging from South America to Wisconsin. I have taken it plentifully in Ohio. Louisiana and in several localities in Guatemala and Honduras where it occurs from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Baccha lineata Macquart. This is a very common species iii Guatemala and numerous specimens are at hand from Honduras and British Guiana. The coloration of the body and wings varies somewhat in a series of specimens. Williston suggests that livida Schiner may be the same as lineata Macquart and from my stud\' of more than a score of specimens of both sexes I am convinced that the species should be called lineata and that li\'ida should drop into synonomy. Macquart describes and figiires the female and my specimens of that sex are as near to the fip;urc certainly as most identifications are to his reproductions. OcYPTAMUs Macquart. Ocyptamus dimidiatus Fabricius. Plentiful in a number of localities in Guatemala and Honduras. Ocyptamus funebris Macquart. Three s])ccimens. A male from Puert(^ Barrios, Guatemala, March oth, and a male and female from San Pedro, Honduras, February 21, lOU.'). Ocyptamus fuscipennis vSay. Numerous s])ecimens from Slidell, Louisiana. The species is common in all i)arts of Ohio. Ocyptamus scutellatus Locw. Four specimens from Boniato, Culja. It is much like dimidiatus Ijut the wings are more suffu.sed and the body is not so highly colored. Salpingog.\ster Schiner. Salpingogaster pygophora Schiner. A male specimen from Boniato, Cuba, appears to be this species. The mcsonotum is dark, seutellum light, slighth' darkened across the disk, legs wholly yellow and abdomen reddish-brown throughout. June, 1914.] . Diptera of Middle America. 337 Melanostoma Schiner. Melanostoma fenestra turn Macquart. Three specimens from La Paz, Bolivia. Syrphus Fabriciiis. Syrphus bisinuatus Williston. Taken at Laguna, Guatemala. Syrphus poecilogaster PhiHppi. From Arequipa, Peru; La Paz, Bolivia and from Valparaiso, Chile. Syrphus similis Blanchard. From Santiago, Chile. This species is very similar to S. ribesii, but the markings are paler and the wings are slightly fumose. Mesogramma Loew. Mesogramma basilaris Wiedemann. From Puerto Barrios and Los Annates, Ouateniala and Boniato, Cuba. Mesogramma bidentata Giglio-Tos. From Puerto Barrios, Los Amates and Santa Lucia, Guatem.ala. Mesogramma ciliata Gigilo-Tos. From Los Amates, Guate- mala. Mesogramma confusa Schiner. From Los Amates, Guate- mala . Mesogramma diversa Giglio-Tos. From Los Amates, Guate- mala. Mesogramma duplicata Wiedemann. From Puerto Barrios and Los Amates, Guatemala. Mesogramma laciniosa Loew. From Gualan and Los Amates, Guatemala; vSan Pedro, Hondurus, and Holguin and Bonioto, Cuba. Mesogramma linearis van der Wulp. From Los Amates, Guatemala and Boniato, Cuba. Mesogramma marginata Say. From Los Amates, Guatemala and Shdell, Louisana. Mesogramma polita Say. From Panzos, Gualan, and Puerto Barrios, Guatcmal;;. Mesogramma rombica Giglio-Tos. From Los Amates, Guate- mala and Boniato, Cuba. Mesogramma saphridiceps Bigot. From Georgetown, British Guiana. Mesogramma subannulata Loew. From Boniato, Cuba and Los Amates and Puerto Barrios, Guatemala. Mesogramma variabilis xan der Wulp. From Los Amates and Santa Lucia, Guatemala. Sph^rophoria St. Fargeau and Serville. Sphcerophoria picticauda Bigot. Numerous specimens from Los Amates, Guatemala and from San Pedro, Honduras. The San Pedro specimens were collected by E. B. Williamson. 338 The Ohio Naturalht [Vol. XIV, No. 8, VoLi^CELLyV Geoffroy. Volucella abdominalis Wiedemann. Three specimens of this conspicuous species have been recei\'ed from Cuba, a female from Holguin and a pair froni B'^miato. The large size, the unifomi l^lue-black abdomen, yellow scutellum and face and plain black cheeks characterize it. Length Hi mm. Volucella azurea Philipi^i. A brilliant green species, wings clear hyaline with a cons])icuons dark spot at the stigma. Length 1.'^ mm. One female from Santiago, Chile. Volucella boliviana n. sp. Body dark colored, front and face prominent making the head api^x^ar unusually large, wings hyaline. Length 12 mm. Front and face wide, pale \'cllowish green; front tumid, antenna' rather small, reddish; face concave beneath the antenna?, quite prominent above the oral margin; eyes pilose. ]Mlosity of the face and front largely dark colored. Thorax, dark, scutellum paler, legs black with the exception of the bases of all the tibiae which are red, wings hyaline. Abdomen dark with mostly dark hair, some tufts of white hair on the outer margins of each segment behind the incisiu^es. Type female from La Paz, Bolivia. Also a female from Arequipa, Peru. At fir.st glance this species much resembles a Goniops of the famih' Tachinidae, l^ut it has all the structure characters of Volu- cella. Volucella dichroica Giglio-Tos. Entirely piu"plish-green with unevenh^ infuscated wings. Length close to 10 mm. A male from Los Amates, Guatemala. Volucella esuriens Fabrieius. A large violet colored species with the base of the Vv^ng distinctly brown before. The species is widely distributed and has many synonyms. Length IH mm. Taken at Santa Lucia, Guatemala. Volucella eugenia Williston. A specimen from Boniat;:), Cuba seems to be this species. Face and front pale, cheeks black, thorax dark on the disk, sides and scuteUum pale. A row of prescutcllar bristles and another row at the apex of the scutellum. Wings nearly hyaline, crossveins narrowly margined with fuscus. Legs dark, tibiae partially pale. Abdomen black with \-ellow on sides of first and second segments. Length 13 mm. I have made this identification with .some hesitation mainly on account of the yellow at Ixise of abdomen which Williston does not mention in his description. Volucella guianica n. sp. Length 7 mm., entire body shining dark green, antenna> and face, including the cheeks, yellow, wings with dark markings. Face .strongly i^roduced forward and downward, tubercle prominent, front brown below, black at vertex. Thorax including scutellum dark green, a row of spines at the apex of the scutellum June, 1914.] Diptera of Middle America. 339 and one before the scutellum; wing largely hyaline and brown, base largely hyaline, anterior border pale yellowish, first basal cell \^dth a small oblique dark marking; a large dark marking at stigma sending out three prominent extensions, one backward along the veins which close the second basal and anal cells, another obliquely along the vein which separates the second and third posterior cells and one outward along the costa. The first second and third posterior cells also have more or less dark color at their apexes. Legs dark with the exception of the apical two- thirds of each front femur and all the tarsi which are pale. Abdomen very dark shining green. Type female from Bartica, British Guiana, collected by H. S. Parish. Volucella macula Wiedemann. General color metallic red- dish, wings nearly hxaline with a well defined quadrate black spot near the middle of the costal border. Length !) mm. Four specimens from Rartica. British Guiana. Volucella obesa Fabricus. This is the most common species of the genus in middle America. Body shining green, wings nearly hyaline with a black stiginatic spot and a black point at the apex of the marginal cell. Length 12 mm. one specimen a little smaller. Our collection contains specimens from Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Honduras, British Guiana and Bolivia. Volucella perlata n. sp. Face and front bright shining green. Thorax bright green, scutellum and abdomen pale with shining irridescent reflections, wings yellowish, more intense on apical half. Length 9 mm. Face produced largely downward, green, and obscure yellow markings on the cheek, antenna including the arista yellow, eyes hairy. Thorax green, scutellum pale with an apical depression, three weak bristles on each side: legs dark with purplish or green- ish reflections, knees pale; wings yellowish, most intense in the marginal and first second and third posterior cells. Abdomen pale with a very bright, shining irridescent reflection. Type male taken at Los Amates, Guatemala. Volucella picta Wiedemann. Very close to fasciata and pusilla from the United States. In fact Williston suggests that the latter may be a synonym of picta. Length S mm. Speci- mens from Gualan, Guatemala. The larva probably lives in the stems of some species of cactus. Volucella praescutellaris Williston. A modest colored species. Dorsum of thi-lK inches long, %-H inch wide; inflorescence a panicle, ])urplish, oblong-ovate, 6-12 inches long, stiffly ascending, parts of tne panicle denseh' flowered ; spikelets crowded, a few hairs on the short pedicel; second empty glume and lemma of the stamina te flower sul^-equal. Along shores. Erie county. 2. Panicum stipitatum Nash. Long Panic-grass. A branch- ed perennial ."j-.'i feet high; leaf-blade 1 foot long, often purplish, acuminate, and scabrous; inflorescence a pyramidal, purplish panicle, 4-12 inches long, more open than in the proceeding species; spikelets secuud, acuminate, crowded, second empty glume and lemma of the staminate flower equal; the outer empt}- glume about \ as long as the second; no hairs at the base of the spikelet. North-eastern Ohio to Loraiti, Fairfield and Colum- biana. o. Panicum virgatum L. Tall Smooth Panic-grass. A tall tufted perennial from a creeping rootstock; 1-2/X feet tall, glabrous. Leaves long-acuminate, flat, 1 foot long, yi-Yi inches wide, narrowed toward the base, rough on the margin ; panicle erect or spreading, (3-20 inches high and about as wide; spikelets ovate, acuminate; ottter empty glume acuminate, half as long as the spikelet, .3-.") ner\'ed; second empty glume longer than the other glumes, .")-7 ner\-ed, and exceeding the fruit. Low ground, salt marshes or prairies. Variable. General. 4. Panicum dichotomiflorum Mx. Spreading Panic-grass. A glabrous, branching annual, becoming decumbent and geni- culate. Sheathes loose, glabrous and somewhat flattened; leaves (5-20 inches long, M-^ inch wide, scabrous above or on the margin; panicle diffuse 4-16 inches long, spikelet crowded 1-8 itich long; lanceolate, acute, glabrous, sometimes purplish; outer empty glume % as long as the spikelet. General. 350 The Ohio Naturalist. [Vol. XIV, No. 8, 7). Panicum miliaceum L. Millet Panic-gfass. An erect or decumbent annual S-'lO inches high, hispid or sometimes gla- brous. Sheathes papillose-hirsute; leaves .3-10 inches long, ;j-S -1 inch wide, generally pubescent; ])anicle dense, erect or spreading and droo]jing at maturity; spikelets ovoid-acuminate; outer -empty glume | as long as the spikelet, .'3-7 nerved; second empty glmne 1.'] nerved, slightly longer than the other glumes. In waste i^laces. Lawrence, Eric, Richland introduced. (). Panicum capillare L. Tumble Panic-grass. A stout spar- ingly branched, erect or decumbent annual, very si)aringl\- branch- ed; sheaths papillose-hirsute; leaves pubescent, ()-12 inches long; A to f inches wide; ])aniclc very large and diffuse, included until maturity; sjnkelcts about ^ inch long; outer empty glume ,' 4 -/■2 as long as the spikelet; second empty glume exceeding the fruit. In dry soil as a bad weed. General and abundant. 7. Panicum gattingeri Nash. Gattinger's Panic-grass. Sim- ilar to P. capillare bnt branching from all the nodes. Panicles more numerous Init not so spreading or diffuse, lca^'es less hirsute. Moist open ground. Rather general.