oo a gS : ~ eee ay wm vol. 1-6 1903-08 38 v3 wz a, Re 2 Fis ee ; 4 wn | f i: a aul i LN aay Mycological Bulletin VOLUMES 1-VI W. A. KELLERMAN. LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAI GARDEN. Val, i-b& \903-0§ CORRECTIONS. Fig. 42 (p. 37). Pa’-nus dor-sa’-lis should be changed to Clau’-do-pus nid’-u-lans. Fig. 82 (p. 99). Correct spelling to Bo-try-o-spo’-ri-um pul’-chrum. Fig. 159 (p. 20). Ge-as’-ter trip’-lex should be Ge-as’-ter min’-i-ma. Fig. 191 (p. 244). Change Pan-ae’-o-lus cam-pan-u-la’-tus to Stro-pha’-ri-a sem-i-glo-bo’-sa. Ohio Mycological Bulletin (Nos. « to 12) eae VOLUME I LQO3 ie W. A. KELLERMAN, Pb. D. Ohio State University a Entered as Second Class Matter, Postoffice, Columbus, Ohio. University ‘Bulletin, Botanical Series No. 24. ProFESSOR CHARLES H. PECK, State Botanist of New York, and eminent American Mycologist. RAR" YORK University Bulletin, Series 7, No. 12. Botanical Series No. 17 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 1 W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, March 7, 1903. INTRODUCTORY. — Many of the Mushrooms, Toadstools, Morels, Puffballs, Coral-fungi, etc., are conspicuous objects. Others are more retiring, often very small, and seen only when search is made. It is not until one heeds the various forms, seeks out and enumerates the kinds, that it is realized what a large number may occur in a small area of favorable country. Not the least interesting fact in connection with these curious, often beautiful plants, is that they are mostly edible, palatable, even delicious. A few kinds however are poisonous. It is interesting to study these attractive plants; it is really necessary to do.so if one wishes to use the edible and avoid the poisonous kinds. To introduce this study and to aid those who have already begun is the purpose of the On10 MycoLocicaL BULLETIN. Those who are willing to join in this work, who have sufficient interest in the Toadstools and Mushrooms to wish to know more about them, who may desire perhaps now and then to send specimens, or who wish the BuLLertiIn — which will be issued from time to time — will be enrolled as members of the Onto MycoLocicaL CLus. Fee, 10 cents. agree WORDS EXPLAINED. — The word fun’-gus (pronounce the second syllable as in the word “bo-gus’’) is used to indicate any of the kinds mentioned above; in fact fungi (pronounced fun’-ji, the 7 is long) include all these and other species also, as the Moulds, Mildews, Rusts, Smuts, Peach-curl, Apple-scab, Bacteria, etc. We will generally use the word fun-gus (pl. fun-gi) but the reader may say, if preferred, Mushrooms and Toadstools. Do not imagine that only the kinds good to eat are Mushrooms, and the bad species Toadstools —though some people try to use the words in this way only; the two words may be used interchangeably and properly signify one and the same thing. The Mushrooms or Toad- stools with various other conspicuous species are called the HtcHrr FuNatI; this is by way of contrast to the less conspicuous, often microscopic forms, as Moulds, Bacteria, Leaf-spot fungi, ete. & KINDS OR GROUPS OF FUNGI. — Collect some fun-gi (or Mush- rooms) and after carefully inspecting them decide to which of the following group each belongs; (take several similar lessons for practice). 1. GILL-FUNGI (the botanical name is A-gar-i-ca’-ce-ae) — having flat plates called la-mel-lae or gills, as in figure 1. PORE-FUNGI (or Pol-y-po-ra’-ce-ae) — with pores in place of gills, as shown in figure 2. 3. SPINE-FUNGI (or Hyd-na’-ce-ae) — having soft spines instead of gills or pores; figure 3. 4. CORAL-FUNGI (Cla-var-i-a’-ce-ae) — branching or shrub-like in form, as shown in figure 4. bo Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, O. 2 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 1. 5. CARRION-FUNGI (Phal-la’-ce-ae) —as represented in figure 5 and having a disgusting odor. 6. PUFF-BALLS (Ly-co-per-da’-ce-ae) — globular, oval, or _pear- shaped, when old filled with powder (spores); figure 6. ogi ty fe tpi : or, ve » ue i“ - Ne AN fh} ue NG Ny hi ti Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig 4. Gill-fungus. Pore-fungus. Spine-fungus. Coral-fungus. 7. EARTH-STARS (Ly-co-per-da’-ce-ae) —these are peculiar small Puff-balls called Ge’-as-ters, which means Earth-stars, shown in figure 7. > (GU) less cup-like in shape, usually small; shown in figure 8. 9. MO-RELS (Hel-vel-la’-ce-ae) — peculiar shape as shown in figure 9. vey USEFUL BOOKS. — Three illustrated Manuals may be recommended to those who are old enough or have experience enough to use them to advantage. Of course everyone can profit by inspecting the excellent pictures even if the text seems too difficult. The plainest and perhaps most usable Manual for beginners is Nina Marshall’s Mushroom Book. Price $3.00. The size is 7x10 inches and one inch thick. Pages 167. It has an extended and fully illustrated key Fig 8 Fig. 5. Fig. 9. Fig. 6. Fig. 7. Cup-fungus. Carrion-fungus. Morel. Fuff-ball. Earth-star. for determining the families, genera and species. There are many full- page plates; some are half-tones; many colored plates. Atkinson’s Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous is an admirable book; written by a specialist yet may be used satisfactorily by the general student. The book is 6}x9} inches, 1} inch thick. Pages 322. Price $3.00. Only a few of the plates are colored, but the numerous half-tones are fine. Some sample illustrations from this book will be shown in the next BULLETIN. A larger and more expensive book is McIlvaine & Macadam’s One Thousand American Fungi; everyone should have access to it. Price Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 1. (SS) $5.00. It is 74%x10% inches, and 3 inches thick. Pages 729. There are figures of 278 species. Many of the plates are colored. This book especially (and indeed all of the above) should be purchased by your Public Library; and it is hoped too that many books will be ordered by the members of the Club. It has been arranged to give the Mempers of the Onto MycovocicaL CLup a considerable rebate on all or any one of the above, provided pay- ment is sent to Mr. L. S. Wells, bookseller, Columbus, Ohio. He will deliver the books, prepaid, as follows: on the Mushroom Book ($3.00), a rebate of 20 cents; on Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous ($3.00), a rebate of 40 cents; and on One Thousand American Fungi ($5.00), a rebate of 20 cents. SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. — It is urged that every teacher of Botany devote several lessons at regular intervals in the course, to the Musuroos. Have the pupils bring in ample quantity of all kinds that can be found — unfortunately they are not so abundant in early spring as later —and in the class room sketch the plants and name the parts; if feasible, use water-colors, and paint the figures true to nature; contrast the several species found, take full and neat notes including the exact habitats, it being desirable to state always the environment of the specimen — woods, grove, roadside, pasture, on wood, stump, rotten logs, in sandy or wet soil, in shade, etc. Then try to use the keys or apply the diagnoses that will be given in successive numbers of the BULLETIN or in available books. Discuss the mode of life. By this plan real botany is possible and worth’the while! If any good paintings of Mushrooms are kindly sent to the State University, they will be grate- fully received, and awarded a permanent place in the Botanical Depart- ment. ; a _ > CBee In case teachers wish to supply pupils with the BuLtetins for regular class work, it might be preferable to send the requisite number of copies in one package to the teacher’s address instead of mailing them separately ’ to the several pupils. NATURE STUDY. — Those live teachers who are attempting to cul- tivate and strengthen the child-mind in its sympathy with nature, invoking her aid in their sacred charge, whether working in primary room or grammar grade, are invited to use the Ohio Mycological Bulletin, if per- chance it may assist in such important work. The child will gladly study these interesting plants. “And Nature, the old nurse, took The child upon her knee, Saying: ‘Here is a story book Thy Father has written for thee.’ ”’ 7 a GILL-FUNGI.— These Mushrooms form an_ exceedingly large group. They are also called Ag’-ar-ics, an English word formed from A-gar’-i-cus which is the botanical (or Latin) name and the one used long ago for a genus (that is, a group of similar species). These Mushrooms bear “spores” on the surface of the gills. Spores might be called micro- scopic seeds; they are simpler in structure but correspond in function to seeds in the higher plants. Curiously enough when a sufficient quantity of the spores is accumulated so that the mass is visible, it is found that the color may be either white, brown, rusty (or ochre-like), pink, or black. We must determine the color of the spores in order to classify the kinds and to find the correct name in the books on Mushrooms. Therefore the necessary thing to do as soon as a fresh specimen is found, is to make a “spore-print,” as the collected mass of spores is called. How to do this will be fully explained and illustrated in BULLETIN No. 2 + Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 1. THE NEXT BULLETIN. —If prompt and generous support comes it will be possible to issue the second Bulletin soon. Your name in the list of Mempers of the Ouro MycorocicaL CLus will indicate that your fee (10 cents) has been received. Please advise others to join with us in this undertaking. Every one interested in the Mushrooms or other plants, or desirous of receiving the Bulletin, even if not residing in Ohio, is eligible to membership. You are invited to forward your name with accompanying fee of 10 cents. Do not fail to ask questions if any come to mind. Directions for collecting and studying will be given in future numbers, also illustrations and. descriptions of various species, perhaps some keys for determining species, notes on cooking mushrooms, and many interesting mycological topics. OTHER SPECIMENS.—It must not be supposed that, because special attention is called to Mushrooms, we are neglecting other groups of the Ohio plants. We desire to get Herbarium specimens of every species from every County in the State. We have a good representation from a few counties, a fair amount from many, but a very small number of specimens from the majority of Counties—though the State Herbarium now contains over 20,000 mounted sheets of the Vascular Cryptogams and Phanerogams alone. We want more Algae, Fungi, Lichens, Liver- worts, and Mosses, as well as other plants. & CHARTER MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB W. A. Kellerman, Ohio ee University J. A. Main (O. S. U.) Francis L. Allen (O. S. U.) Glara (GS Mark (O3'S; UW) Miss 2 Armstrong (Columbus) Bessie Matthews (O. S. U.) Prof. G. Atkinson (Cornell Univ.) Te Se McBeth (O. S. U.) Supt. Phos Bonser (Carey) Ie McClintock (O. S. U.) John Bridwell (Washington, D. C.) tee McCulley (Columbus) Harvey Brugger (O. = WW.) Chas. S. Mead (O. S. a Harriet G. Burr (O. S. U.) Oliver F. Merignt (OR Sa Oa) ip Ale Condit (OSA) (OS Miner (O. S 3. Prof. M. T. Cook (DePauw Univ.) C. L. Miner (O. S. 10a) Margaret Cooperrider (O. S, U.) W. A. Morton (QO. S. U.) Mr. J. S. Cope (Olena) A. S, Neale (O. S. U.) Floi E. Crabbe (O. a U.) Annack. Orrt(O ns.) Ws) Homer B. Crall (O. S. U.) Prof. Herbert Osborn (O, S. U.) Rev, W. Leon Dawson (Columbus) Miss Elma B. Perry (Menomonie, Wis.) Miss Freda Detmers (Columbus) C. C. Poindexter (O. S. U.) Mr. Huber Fessenden (Fitchville) Minnie Porter (O. S. nels Mr. Geo. W. Gill (Columbus) Sr. Modesto Quiroga (O, S. U.) Ro Pa Guces (O25, 0.) Miss L. C. Riddle (O. S. U,) P. I. Hamilton (O. S. U.) E. A. Sanders (O. S. U.) Supt. M. E. Hard (Chillicothe) TT. Ge sanders (ccs). Ue) ey C. Harvey (O. S. U.) Maroe Sater (O. S. U.) EF. Haymaker (O. S. L.) Prof. J. H. Schaffner (O. S. U.) Daivalt M. Helmick (Harrisburg) Mrs. J. H. fee ee (OF Sus) Rev, H. Herzer (Marietta) F, “ Surface (O. ap Wp) Miss Martha Hinkley (Olena) R. Shields (O. We) Bertha C. Hite (O. S. U.) Laelia C. Sollars PCaiaiabe True Houser (O. S. U.) ee W. W. Stockberger (Denison Univ.) S? 2; exunimon) (02'S. U:) L. Thompson (0, a LU) Gp ivattie(@>s5) 0; ire Thompson ©. Se WD) Gor bivde.(O..5...U,) om Tillman (O. VU.) George R. Hyslop (O. S. U.) J. Tyler (Wathingtan. DG) Mr. Clair Jennings (Olena) Farnese Dravwvard (OO. Si Us) Miss Hattie Jennings (N. Fairfield) R. C. E. Wallace (O. S. U.) Otto E. Jennings (O, S. U.) Prof. Wetzstein (St. “Mar s) Edna Kellerman (O. S. U.) A, W. Whetstone (O. S., UD Maude Kellerman (Columbus) Gy, wWilde® (On Ss. Us) W. A, Landacre (O. S. U.) Edith B. Wright (O. S. U.) a University Bulletin, Series 7, No. 4. Botanical Series No. 14 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 2 W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, LIBRAI Columbus, Ohio, March 25, 1903. N & W YO BOTA NEC >i be FELICITATION.— The response to the proposition to form a“ Mycological Club has been most gratifying and several Bulletins can now be promised. Thanks are extended to the many professional bot- anists and eminent mycologists who have joined the enterprise. But it is noted also with special pleasure that some very young people and some very old people (old in years only, not in spirit and sympathy) are on the membership roll. The third Bulletin will give additional names of members; all can not be recorded in the present issue. Promise is again renewed that the Bulletin will be true to its original purpose, namely, to try to help beginners, pupils, students, and’ amateurs; to aid in systematically observing and studying the Mush- rooms, both for the pleasure of knowing more about our beautiful world, and for the purpose of enjoying the edible properties of the plants in question. I invite your assistance in still greatly extending the mem- bership. The fee is only 10 cents, and this pays for all the Bulletins to be issued this season. BOTANICAL NAMES. — Let beginners and those who have not studied botany, observe that in scientific language the principal name, or the name of the ge’-nus, is placed first, followed by the name of the species (kind). For example, we say Mor-chel’-la es-cu-len’-ta, Mor- chel’-la_ con’-i-ca, Mor-chel’-la_ an-gus’-ti-ceps, or Quer’-cus al’ -ba,. Quer’-cus ru’-bra, Quer’-cus vel-u-ti’-na, instead of Edible Morchella (or Edible Morel), Conical Morel, Narrow-head Morel, or White Oak, Red’ Oak, Black Oak. They are as simple and as easily learned as the English or commom names, and ought to be more generally used. The form of the word is Latin — which is the universal language among educated people. Many plant names in universal use are the Latin, latinized, or scientific names, as Geranium, Hydrangea, Phlox, Deut’-zi-a, Ge-as’-ter, Bo-vis’-ta; and some are the anglicised Latin names, as Rose, Saxifrage, Borage, Thyme,, Mint, Ag’-ar-ic. THE MORELS, HONEY-COMB FUNGI, OR MORCHELLAS.— It is proper to say Mor’-el, Mo-relle’, or Mor-chel’-la (pron. mor-kel’-la). These are among the earliest mushrooms of the season and are so peculiar that no one could mistake them. Besides, all of them are delicious; none are injurious—I make this emphatic because some one recently said he thought one kind was poisonous. The figures on the following pages show the general appearance of the plants. They are reproduced by the kind permission of Professor Atkinson from his book on Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous, and are a fair sample of the numerous excellent figures in that book which I hope many will be able to get and use. I propose that we make these fungi our first study of the season, so far as the members can take opportunity to observe them. Some botanists say there are many species (kinds) and call them by names, as given below; arranging them in two groups according to the mode of Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, O. 5 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 2. attachment of the top, or cap, to the stem. Cut vertically through the middle of the specimen and its structure will be plainly seen. 1 LOWER MARGIN OF CAP, OR PI’-LE-US, UNITED TO THE STEM. Mor-chel’-la es-cu-len’-ta — with rounded or oval cap, or pi’-le-us. Mor-chel’-la con’-i-ca — with conical cap. Mor-chel’-la cras’-si-pes — like above but stem nearly as wide as cap. Mor-chel’-la de-li-ci-o’-sa — cap cylindrical or oblong, plants usually small. Mor-chel’-la an-gus’-ti-ceps — cap narrow, scarcely broader than stem. 2. LOWER MARGIN OF THE CAP FREE FROM THE STEM. Mor-chel’—la sem-i-lib’-er-a — cap free from the stem to the middle. Mor-chel’-la bi’-spo-ra — cap free from the stem to the top. Mor-chel’-la punc’-ti-pes — stem witn little scales or conical points. Fig. 10. Mor-chel’-la es-cu-len’-ta or Common Mo-rel’. Edible. Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous. (Figure copyright.) From Atkinson’s Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 2. 7 Professor Morgan writes as follows in the Journal of Mycology, 8:49-50, June 1902: “With plentiful showers in the springtime the Morels grow abundantly in my vicinity. I have observed them critically for many years and have taken much pains to recognize as many as possible of the species that have been described. I invariably arrive at the same conclusion: that there are but two species. In the same spots the species vary much in form, size and color from year to year in accord- ance with the difference in warmth, sunshine and shower. . . . . “My bundles of specimens gathered in different years bear a variety of labels as I look them over, but they are all assembled in my mind under two names: The first is MorcHELLA ESCULENTA, the second MorHELLA PATULA; in the first the pileus is wholly adnate to the apex of the stipe; in the second the lower part of the pileus is separate from the stipe.” As to cooking, my best adviser says; “Cook in the various ways in which you cook oysters.” Fig. 11. Mor-chel’-la con’-i-ca or Conical Mo-rel’. Edible. From Atkinson’s Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous. (Figure copyright.) 8 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 2. How To SEND SPECIMENS.— Pack snugly with abund- ant tissue paper or cotton in a pasteboard box of suit- able size. By following the hint here given on the margin (folding on the dotted lines) a box may be made from stiff pasteboard in case an empty one is not at hand. ct. per 2 oz. It should be filled completely and securely tied. age on dried plants is 1 ct. per oz.; Put no writing on the inside, but numbers, names, dates, localities, or the usual data on botanical Post- on living plants, 1 labels, are permissible. The name of the sender and postoffice should always be written on the cover. Specimens should always be numbered. tains specimens 1, Ae eLC: sion in discussing the specimens. Hf If your first package con- 2, 3, then number the specimens in the next sending Never duplicate the former numbers and there will be no confu- MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB—SECOND LIST. Chas. R. Adams (O. Rey. T. B. Atkins (Columbus) William C. Barbour (Sayre, Pa.) Jasco Beattie (@} S) Us) Jno. ‘G. Black (Wooster) Prof. E. E. Bogue (Agr. F, M. Brigham (Toledo) F, L. Brown (Piketon) Geo. A, Crabb (O. S. U.) Dr. J. J. Davis (Racine, Wis.) Emily E. Derby (Dublin, N. H.) Alonzo Drake (O, S. U.) Wie Dyer (©. Ss. Us) Antonia A, Eggers (Columbus) Pein. Chas; H. S.) +, Finney (O. S. U.) . Fred. W. Flowers (Columbus) Maud Flynn (Columbus) Sy Wh) Coll. Mich) Miss Florence Folger (Summit, N. J.) 2) Fromme (O. S. U.) H. A. Gleason (Ill. Industr. Univ.) R, We Harned (O. S. U.) Ree John H. Harshberger (Univ. of ras) Geo. D. Hedgecock (Mo. Bot. Garden) Luther Helmick (O. S. U.) Prot J. >. nine (On 5.2U;) Lewis S. Hopkins (Troy) Theodore M. Hunt (Columbus) ebwtiyde (On ss -U:) Guy H. Inskeep (O. S. U.) Dr. a L. James (Cincinnati) Rev. F. D. Kelse (Toledo) Miss acu Reitopert (Columbus) Carl Krebs, Ph. G. (Cleveland) Mabel Kutz (Milo) D Everett (Columbus, N. Judge Prof. Prof. Edward Lee (Mt. Union Coll.) Dr. Josua Lindahl (Cincinnati) Signe Lindahl (Cincinnati) Elmore H. Lindsey (Mansfield) Prof. Wm. Lochhead (Oni, Agr. Coll.) E. V. Louth (Ashtabula) Prof. C. Macmillan (Univ. of Minn.) E. E. Masterman (New london) Dr, C. S. Means (Columbus) Prof. Chas. W. Mesloh (O. S. U.) Dr, C. F. Millspaugn (ield-Colum- bian Museum) Prof. E. L. Morris (Washington, D. C.) L. W. Nuttall (Nuttalburg, W. Va.) Prof. Chas. H. Peck (State Botanist of IN. WY) Prof. Alfred M, Peter (Ky. Exp. Sta.) Geo, A. Pfaffman (O. S. U.) Thomas Piwonka (Cleveland) Prof. Chas. S. Prosser (©: S. U:) Frank Rathmell (Columbus) Mrs. Sarah Langton Rice (Delaware) Frances Seaton (Cleveland) Mrs. K. D. Sharp (London) R. E. Shepard (O. S. U.) Abigail E, Simpson (Columbus) Dr. Chas. E. Slocum (Defiance) Raymond T. Smith (O. S. U.) R, Barclay Spicer (Meadville, Pa.) Cc. E. Stinchcomb (O.rtunate who have such a variety of favorable localities as in the region of Sandusky. Cedar Point is not to be forgotten in this connection. It is a narrow, wooded sand-spit about seven miles long, the famous pleasure resort located near the northwest end, Southeast from this place, one mile, is located the fine Lake Laboratory, just com- pleted, where a summer school in Botany (and Zoology) is carried on by the Ohio State University. It may not be amiss to state that courses of instruction in Mushrooms and other groups of plants are this season offered to the choice of everybody, the work beginning June 29th and continuing six weeks. Anyone interested should write to the Ohio State University for the Circular which gives details of this Biological Labora- tory, the courses of study, the charge for tuition, etc. Fig. 25. Myr-i-o-sto’-ma col-i-for’-mis. Pepper-box Earth-star. Differs from the common Earth-star (Ge-as’-ter) in having several openings through the upper portion of the inner wall for the escape of the spores. Rarer than the Geasters; the latter have but one mouth at apex. (Greek words—Myrioi means many, and stoma sig- nifies mouth.) : ‘ Ef 20 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 5. Fig. 26. Hir-ne-o’-la au-ric’-u-la-ju’-dae. Jew’s Ear. Belongs to the Trembling Fungi, or Tre-mel-la’-ce-ae, so-called because of their gelatinous consistency. They shrivel when dry, reviving when moistened. The Jew’s Ear is rather common, brown or blackish, fuzzy-hairy, but not so tender and palatable as several other species of this group. MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB— FIFTH LIST. Prof. J. H. Beal, (Scio College.) S. P. Keeler, (Fremont.) Dr. C. E. Bessey, (Univ. of Nebr.) Edmund Kinney, (O. S. U.) Geo. W. Black, (McConnelsville. ) Dean Kurtz, (Carey.) I. Bowen, (Engineer’s Office, Columbus.) Chauncey Lawrence, (Waverly.) Augusta E. Brown, (Chillicothe.) Ezra Llewellyn, (Pennsville.) C. E. Bryan, (Ed. Madison Co. Demo- Prof. W. H. Long, Jr., (Denton, Tex.) Crat.) C. J. Marshall, (New Concord.) Elizabeth C. Buhmann, (Chicago, Ill.) Geo. H. Matson, Jr., (oe O. A. Charles, (Westerville.) Prof, G. W. McCoard, (O. U.) Dr. Samuel H. Collins, (Lawrenceburg, Prof. W. F. Mercer, (Ohio Univ.) Ind.) Mr. James A. Nelson, (Biolog. Lab. Miss Edith L. Compton, (Washington, Univ. Pa:) DC.) Dr. Helen Cox O’Conner, (Garden City,. Lela M. Cook, (Camden.) N. Y.) Samuel W. Courtright, LL. D., (Circle- Miss Eveline Pearson, (Chillicothe.) ville. ) Jessa J. Pearson, (Xenia.) H. S. Day, (Fremont.) Mr. E. F. Phillips, (Biolog. Lal. Univ. Pa.) H. B. Derr, (Univ. of Il.) Prof. O. P. Phillips, (Biolog. Lab. Univ. Miss Lilian R. Dickson, (Mansfield. ) Pa.) Porter Elliot, (West Mansfield. ) W. P. Roberts, (Marysville.) Miss Gertrude Ellis, (High School, Dub- Prof. L. E. Sayre, (Univ of Kansas.) line. FL.) Miss Ida Schifflin, (Chicago, Ill.) W. W. Esch, (Fremont.) Charles W. Seelye, (Rochester, N. Y.) Cc. FE, Fisher, (McConnelsville.) W. O. Shearer, (Marysville. ) Miss Marian S. Franklin, (Chillicothe.) W. C. Shuce, (Newark.) Prin. A. C. Fries, (Clintonville.) C. L. Stanberry, (McConnelsville. ) Miss ae Fulmer, (Mansfield.) Dr. C. J. Stevenson, (McConnelsville.) W. D. Gatch, (Lawrenceburg, Ind.) Cc. C. Tunnington, (Fremont.) C. J. Gibson, (McConnelsville.) Thomas Turvill, (Madison, Wis.) Purley Gilbert, (McConnelsville.) J. G. Walker, (McConnelsville.) NMirs> Ab. UL. Gill, (Columbus. ) Supt. A. F. Waters, (Georgetown.) Pon. G, i Graham, (Central High EN. Webb, 2 (Os, (Sire) School, Xenia.) Prof. W. E. Wells, (Antioch College.) James A. Graves, (Susquehanna, Pa.) yj. A. G. Whetsel, (O. S. Ul) Prof. F. O. Grover, (Oberlin College.) L. A. Weinland, (Westerville. ) Seth Harter, (McConnelsville.) Alfred Weitkamp, (Westerville.) Seth Hayes, (Fremont Public Schools.) John Wilson, (Wapakoneta. ) Alice W. Hess, (Bradley Polytech. Supt. L. E. York, (Barnesville.) Inst., Dept. Dom. Econ.) Miss Fannie E. Jennison, (Somerville, Mass. ) ~The Ohio Mycological Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the: pee M me ical te All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- etin. Fee cents. University Bulletin, Series 7, No. 24. Botanical Series No. 19 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 6 W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 24, 1903. CONFIDENTIAL — Again it must be said that the interest in Mush— rooms and the Bulletin is most gratifying. The membership in the club now has passed beyond 600. If advertisement were resorted to, the number joining in the work would doubtless mount immediately to a thousand or more — but I prefer to leave the matter of expansion in the hands of my enthusiastic members. < Fig. 27. Mor-chel’-la an-gus/-ti-ceps. Narrow-head Morel. Edible. From B: ® Longyear’s Mich. Exp. Sta. Bulletin on Mushrooms. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, O. 22 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 6. It was thought at first that say one Bulletin a month for a part of the season might be issued; then the matter of expense would cut but a small figure. The cordial sympathy and encouragement of so many persons, eminent mycologists, professors, high-school teachers, ama- teurs and lovers of nature generally, have seemed to make it desirable to issue the Bulletin oftener and thus bring to the notice and assistance of all parties interested, many illustrations of our abundant and varied Mushroom flora. Photo from specimens collected at Columbus, O. Closely related, but the stem is very short, and the annulus is very thick and double; the pileus is rounded Edible. Rodman’s Mushrooms. Fig. 28. A-gar’-i-cus rod-man’-i. to the Common Mushroom then convex, iy (A. compestris Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 6. 25 But to do this requires the expenditure of a larger amount of cash than most persons would suppose. Those having experience in matters pertaining to printing and engraving can readily understand that not half the cash expense is covered by subscriptions received for the Bulletin. Yet I have no intention of placing the fee higher than ten cents; this all can pay without embarrassment, and it is entirely satis- factory to me. ‘ “it was made from profusion on piles of as a white and the othera se-heaps, growing in great Photo’ by Professor™Beardsleé-who says: “Edible. It seemed to be partial to refu Onion-stemmeéed Agaric. Lep-i-o’-ta ce-pzes/-ti-pes. Fig. 29 plates collect says one form h , where (as Peck) Occurs in greenhouses also ed in Cleveland, where it is rather common. sawdust which had been left in the woods.” yellow pileus. 24 Ohio Mycological Bulletin UN ORO. However, if upon this mere hint (not solicitation), a number of persons who are interested and financially able, desire to lend a help- ing hand, their substantial contribution will be duly used in extending the work. Such donors will receive the cordial thanks of the editor and of every member of the Club. That we may justly render credit to whom credit is due, a list of those contributing large or considerable amounts will be printed in the Bulletin. Vacation Appress — During July and August the address of the Editor of the Bulletin will be Lake Laboratory, Sandusky, Ohio. Fig. 30. Ifel-vel’-la e-las'-ti-ca. Helvella Edible. Photo from specimens in woods growing on leaf-mould, Columbus, Ohio. Belongs to same family as Gy-ro-mi/-tra brun/-ne-a, p. 16 (Hel-vel-la’-ce-ae). MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB—SIXTH LIST. O. C. Alleshouse, (O. S. U.) R. J. Graham, (Chillicothe. ) Campsie Bailey, (Barnesville.) Georgia Gregg, (Barnesville.) Harry Barbee, (St. Louis, Mo.) Dr. A. J. Grout, (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Prof. H. C. Beardslee, (Ashville School, Dr. Halleck, (St. Louis, Mo.) W.1G,): J. W. Hammond, (Blaine.) Cora May Box, (Cincinnati.) Mrs. Agnes M. Hardinge, (Prin. Alcott Lee F. Chaney, (O. S. U.) School, Chicago, Ill.) F. H. Coombs, (Columbus. ) Mrs. C. G. Henderson, (Columbus. ) Mattie Conrad, (Barnesville. ) Dr. William Herbst, (Trexlertown, Pa.) Elmer J. Coventry, (Barnesville.) E. L. Hill, B. A., (Guelph, Ontario.) Dr. N. S. Deaver, (Glenford.) Miss Lydia M. Hoge, (Tacoma.) A. G. DeCamp, (Columbus.) Edward Hollis, (Milo.) Mr. Charles Dichas, (Sidney.) Shelby C. Jones, (St. Louis, Mo.) PA, Easton (Or si Ue Chas. W. Kellenberger, (Newark.) Lloyd B. Edgerton, (Tacoma.) Cc. D. Kerr, (Gallipolis. ) Ed. J. Esch, (Pittsburg, Pa.) Maurice FE. Laird, (O. S. U.) Miss Margaret Fulton, (Glencoe.) I. W. Leibensperger, (Columbus.) Dr. James D, Geyer, (Sidney.) Frank R. Lunn, (Columbus. ) The Ohio metre ey Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the: Ohio Mycological Club. All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- letin. Fee, 10 cents. University Bulletin, Series 7, No. 25. Botanical Series No. 20 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 7 W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, July 31, 1903. Tue ILLusTrATIONS.— We are under obligations to Mr. Fred. J. Braendle, Washington, D. C., for cuts Nos. 31 and 32. Others by the same artist will be awaited with pleasure. The handsome Morel, cut No. 33, is taken from B. O. Longyear’s Experiment Station Bulletin on Michigan Mushrooms. PRONUNCIATION OF NAMES.— Many names will doubtless be new to readers of the Bulletin; but really they are not at all difficult—no more so than Ge-ra’-ni-um, or Rhi-noc’-e-ros. I regret that English usage Fig. 31. Hy-pho-lo’-ma sub-lat-er-i’-titum. Edible. The spores are purple brown and there is no annuus in this genus. Cut from photo by Fred J. Braendle, Wash- ington, D. C. The specific name alludes to the color of the cap which is nearly a brick red, sometimes tawny. The margin is lighter in color. The plant grows on old stumps or appears to come from the ground, being from buried portions of stumps or roots. Plants represented one-half natural size. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, O. f bS or) Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 7. will not always allow them to be pronounced according to their ety- mology or meaning. For example, it would be fortunate if we could say Myr-i-o-sto’-ma—which means many moaths— instead of Myr-- os’-to-ma which is misleading (but I should have pronounced it so on p. 19, Fig. 25!). Bui-spo-ra would better tell us two-spores than bis’- po-ra; Pol-y—po’-rus, many pores, than Pol—yp’-o-rus; but the laws of evolution of language like Nature’s other laws, are inexorable. Fig. 82. Am-an-i’-ta stro-bil-i-for’-mis. Pine-cone Am-an-i’-ta. Edible. White or cinerous, sometimes yellow on the disc, rough with angular, mostly persistent warts. Many species of this genus are poisonous, but McIlvaine says it is among the best of species; it has a strong, pungent, unmistakable odor, like chloride of lime, which entirely disappears in cooking. ‘lhe species of this genus (Amanita) have a conspic- uous vol’-va, or universal veil, completely enveloping the young plant. Cut from photo by Fred J. Braendle, Washington, D. C. Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 7. bo Sd | Fig. 33. Mor-chel’-la bis’-po-ra. Two-spored Morel amid its natural surroundings. The cut kindly furnished by B. O. Longyear, Agricultural College, Mich., who says this is one of our earliest Morels, often appearing with the opening of the pussy willows and the advent of the early warbler. It is the rarest and most delicate mem- ber of its tribe. The pileus or cap is thimble-shaped, with the ridges running mostly from top to bottom, and it is fastened to the stem only at the very apex. Color buft or brownish yellow, white underneath. The smooth white stem is usually three or four inches tall, hollow, and often a little swollen near the base. The whole fungus is tender and fragile. 28 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 7. lig. 34. Ma-ras’-mi-us co-he’-rens. Edible. Cuts from specimens collected at Columbus, Ohio. Color chestnut, light leather color or tawny. Gills and stem red- dish brown, shining, due to colored cys-tid’-i-a, or spicules which can be distinguished by a lens. ‘this elegant species grows on the ground or very rotten wood. Name used by Peck is Col-lyb-’-i-a co-he’-rens, or C. spin-u-lif/-er-a. MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB—SEVENTH LIST. Prof. Wm. B. Alwood, (Va. Polytech. Ethel McLane, (Barnesville.) Inst.) Nannie Miller, (Barnesville. ) Miss Constance Backus, (Glencarlyn, W. C. Morse, (Columbus.) Va.) Prof. W. J. Morse, (Burlington, Vt.) Dr. J. H. Barnhart, (Editor Torrey Bul- Ella Morton, (Barnesville. ) letin.) Prof. D. M. Mottier, (Indiana Univer- J. N. Baskett, (Mexico, Mo.) sity.) Angie Bates, (Detroit, Mich.) Louis Murbach, (Detroit, Mich.) Wm. Gurley Beatty, (Columbus.) (xp UAE Neiswender, (OS. WA) Mrs. N. F. Bowers, (Axline.) Prof. W. Paddock, (Colo. Exp. Sta.) Dr. J. F. Brenckle, (Kulm, N. D.) S. A. Pancoast, (Ashtabula. ) F. B. Bryant, (Richwood.) fi K. Porterfield, (Barnesville.) Prof. Geo. IF. Colton, (Hiram College.) essie Reed, (Barnesville.) Louis E. Cook, M. D., (Cincinnati.) ie We Richards, (Sharpsville, Pa.) Dr. W. M. es Coplin, (Jefferson Medical Miss Mary E. Riley, (Chicago, III.) College, Pa.) John J. Schoonhoven, (Brooklyn, N. Y.) | ithe Be Davis, Norwich, N. Y. James G. Sherman, (Columbus.) Mary A. DeCamp, (S. Zanesville.) Chas. Sherwood, (Iremont.) Franx L. Doering, (Wapakoneta.) W. H. Sherzer, (Ypsilanti, Mich.) R. HH. Denniston, (University of Wis- Lillie Shumard, (Madisonville, ) consin. ) Supt: J. Simkins, (St.. Marys.) Herman B. Dorner, (Lafayette, Ind.) Geo. E. Smith, (O. S. Us J. Fletcher, LL. D., (Ottawa Exp. Farm.) Orma J. B. Smith, (Jamestown. ) Louis A. Greata, (Los Angeles, Cal.) Anna Snyder, (Barnesville.) W. H. Everhart, (Athens. ) Mrs. Charles B. Stevens, (Newark.) E. E. Ewell, (Atlanta, Ga.) B. O. Stingel, (Coshocton.) J. A. Frey, (Canton). Prof. J. Russell Taylor, (O. S. U.) A. L. Herrera, (City of Mexico.) Miss Anna F. Thompson, (Summit, Helen 1. Hinman, (Columbus.) iN Be A Henry Loth, V.S., |Cincinnati.) Wm. Whitacre, (O. S. U.) ike Maar. (OS. Us). T. Otto Williams, (Everts High School, Helen Mackall, (Barnesville.) (Circleville. ) Ira F. Mansfield, (Beaver, Pa.) Mabel Wilson, (Barnesville.) John Marion, (Columbus. )’ Cre voung, Re Mills.) GoM. McClure, Ors. UW) Re Aes POungy 1CO> 5...) The Ohio. Mycological Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the pen: M bat ical nts All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- etin ee cents. University Bulletin, Series 8, No. 4. Botanical Series No. 21 Ohio M. ‘ycological Bulletin No. & es W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, i Columbus, Ohie, August 31, 1903. Lookinc Forwarp. — The warm rains of late summer and early fall will bring hosts of interesting and curious Mushrooms, and all those who search in the woods and fields for these strikine forms of vegetation will doubtless be rewarded with a bountiful harvest. Hoping that the But- LETIN may aid in the study of these plants, I may say that the subscrip- tions (and donations) so far warrant the promise of a Number each of the remaining months of the growing season. If the members will tell all their interested neighbors and friends the “price 10 cents,” and both teachers of nature-study in the grades and teachers of science in the High Schools would take active interest in the matter, perhaps the treasury of the publication company would soon be overflowing, and in f Fig. 35. Hyd’-num cor-al-loi’-des. Coral Fungus. Edible. Pure white; grow- ing in woods on rotten logs, etc. Rather common and often quite large. Cut from a photograph taken by T. Otto Walliams, Circleville, Ohio. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, O. 50 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 8. that case two Numbers could be issued each month. It will be the aim to figure the commoner, more interesting and striking forms, thus it is hoped rendering much service to beginners and amateurs. Photographs are solicited from members of the Club. These should show the plants natural size, or if the specimens are large the photos should be at least four inches wide in case it is desirable to use them in making cuts for the Bulletin. Thanks are extended for photographs already kindly sent. Tue Hyp-Nums.— These curious forms are usually abundant in the woods in late summer and fall and their conspicuous spines (always pointed downwards) will reveal their character at once. This is the fruiting (spore-bearing) surface, peculiar to the family Hyd-na’-ce-ae. They are excellent for the table if taken when young and fresh. The striking photo, kindly sent by Mr. T. Otto Williams, teacher of Sciences in the Circleville High School, of the Coral Hedgehog Mushroom has been used in making Fig. No. 35. From the main stem successive branches appear and terminate in graceful shoots; from the under side of these the short spines hang. It can thus be easily distinguished from the Bear’s-head Hyd’-num (H. cap’-ut-ur’-si) in which the spines are clustered at the ends of the thick branches. Medusa’s Head (Hyd-num cap‘ut- me-du’-sae), and Satyr’s Beard (Hyd’-num er-i-na’-ce-us), differ but slightly from the preceding and will doubtless be found by all the Hydnum hunters. Tue Oyster MusHroom. — This name has been’ given to the Agaric called Pleu-ro’-tus os-tre-a’-tus, because “the form of the plant some- times suggests the outline of an oyster shell.” It is a very common edible Mushroom belonging to a white-spored genus [Pleu-ro’-tus] of the Aga- rics, easily recognized by the eccentric or lateral stem; the pi-le-us, or cap, may in some cases be attached at one side, i. e., more or less shelving, or in some species it may be re-su'-pi-nate, that is to say, the upper side lying directly against the wood on which the plant is grow- ing. The species figured in this Number of the Bulletin (Fig. 38) is supposed to be Pleu-ro’-tus sap’-i-dus—a form so nearly like the one named above that even so eminent authority as Professor Peck sug- gests that it may be only a variety of the Oyster Agaric. I think it also may as well be called the “Oyster” Mushroom—hbecause beginners and amateurs, and botanists generally, would not likely separate the two. Specific limits (if there are any here) can also just as safely be ignored by the mycophagists. The spores are tinged with lilac when seen in Fig. 36. Sar-co-scy’-pha oc-ci-den-ta’-le. Western Peziza. On rotten twigs on the ground. Cup red orange within. Photogiaph from specimen collected at San- dusky, Ohio. Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 8. 31 mass — but the color ‘‘seems to be the only distinguishing character and this may not be constant.” One may expect to find in our region also the Elm Pleu-ro’-tus (P. ul-ma’-ri-us), so called because often found growing on the dead branches or trunks, or from wounds in living trees, of the Elm. It is not, however, confined wholly to the Elm. “It is a large species,” as Atkinson says, “easily distinguished from the Oyster Agaric and the other related species by its long stem attached usually near the center of the cap, and by the gills being rounded or notched at their inner ex- tremity.” Another interesting Pleurotus is the Petal-like Agaric (Pleu-ro’-tus pet-a-loi’-des), fine specimens of which were found at Columbus in the spring, growing by the sidewalk, apparently from the ground but in reality from rotten wood underground. It grows also on fallen branches and trunks and on stumps. The plant is usually ascending or nearly upright in position, somewhat spatulate in form or broad above and tap- ering downward into a short stem. The margin is at first turned in- ward. The color may be white, but is also sometimes fale reddish or brown. A peculiar character serving well to make the identification of this small species quite certain, is the fussy appearance of the gills when looked at with a pocket lens, or even with sharp eyes. It is due to the presence of numerous enlarged cells of peculiar form, called the cys- tid’-1-a, PE-zI-ZA’-CE-AE. — The interesting Pe-zi’-za Family has already been referred to (p. 15) and some figures given. We include in this Number two cuts of charming forms that botanists place in this group. While they are too small to be favorably regarded from the esculent point of view, they could not go unheeded by those who notice the peculiar growths and beautiful colors in nature. These and other species may be found in shady woods that have not been despoiled by the demands of agri- culture and other destructive industries of civilization. The brilliant cups of Pezizas Fig. 36 and 37, nestled in bright green moss and deli- cate fern, might form a center-piece for the dining table that would complement the pleasure of the delicious viands. Their aesthetic use justifies the encroachment we make on the space of the Bulletin pages, though of course half-tones illy show them—expensive colored figures might almost do them justice. The Pezizas retain their shape and bright color equally long, even longer than the best boquets of flowers—proper moistening or protection from excessive evaporation enhancing their period of usefulness. Fig. 37. Sar-co-scy’-pha floc-co’sa. Floccose Peziza. On rotten branches on the ground. Cup bright red within and surrounded by long, white hairs. Stem and outside of cup whitish. Photograph from specimens collected at Sandusky, Ohio. 24 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 8. Fig. 38. Pleu-ro’-tus sap’-i-dus. Oyster Agaric. Edible. On dead trunks and branches, or dead portions of living trees. White, but the color may vary to yellowish, gray, brownish, or lilac. Spores white or tinged with lilac, as seen in mass when caught on paper. Photo from specimens at Cedar Point Sandusky), Ohio. MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB — EIGHTH LIST. Stanbery Alderman, (McConnelsville.) Miss Pearl Huff, (Warren, Ind.) W. H. Baker, (Trenton, Mo.) Miss N. C. Kinney, (Cleveland.) 3ibliothéque Universitaire, (Rennes, A. F. Lane, (Milwaukee, Wis.) France. ) Myrtle Leighley, (Hartsville.) Fred J. Braendle, (Washington, D. C.) W. H. Lennon, (Brockport, N. NEM Mrs. W. H. Brett, (Cleveland.) Massachusetts Horticultural Society, jee. Britton, (U.S. Dept, Agr:; (Boston. ) Washington, D. C.) H. P. McCoy, (Youngstown.) Chas. E. Brown, (Public Museum, Mil- Mrs. Chas. A. Muller, (Baltimore, Md.) waukee, Wis.) Mrs. Henrietta Page, (Boston, Mass.) C. J. Carter, (Urbana High School. Louis Prang, (New York, N. Y.) Miss J. F. Conant, (Melrose, Mass.) Miss May C. Ranson, (Cincinnatt.) Roscoe Conklin, (Brockport, N. Y.) Katherine E. Reese, (Anna.) John Dawley, (Chillicothe. ) Prin. W. E. Riggs, (Bridgeport.) Mr. Chas. C. Deam, (Bluffton, Ind.) Cc. B. Riker, (New York, N. Y.) R. H. Denniston, (Univ. of Wisconsin.) Dr. Randle C. Rosenberger, (Jefferson Mons. H. Dupret, (Sem. of Philosophy, Medical College, Pa) Montreal, Can.) L. W. Ross, (Scranton, Pa.) Charles Elliott, (Chillocothe.) S. N. FP. Sanford, (CSoc= Nat: Biste Geo. B. Fessenden, (Boston, Mass.) Fall River, Mass.) Pierson L. Halsey, (Milwaukee, Wis.) Dr. Edward M. Shepard, (Drury Col- Jennie Harmon, (Steubenville.) lege, Springfield, Mo.) H. H. Hayman, (Wooster) B. B. Smyth, (Topeka, Kans.) W. B. Herms, (German Wallace Coll.) Sophie Stork, (Hudson.) Mrs. W. B. Herms, (Berea.) Otto H. Swezey, (Columbus.) 2. FE. Hoerger, (Beach City.) Dr. L. H. Watson, (Chicago, III.) Prof. O. P. Hood, (Michigan College of Wm. W. Weir, (Detroit, Mich.) Mines. ) Miss C. P. White, (Grand Haven, Margaretha E. C. Horn, (Detroit High Mich.) School, Mich.) The Ohio tot a da Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the Ohio M Page ep Club. All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- letin. Fee, 10 cents. University Bulletin, Series 8, No. 5. Botanical Series No. 22 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 9 W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, September 30, 1903. Notes. — The Jack-my-Lantern fungus or as the learned call it, Cli-toc’-y-be il-lu’-dens, has been sent oftener than any other species, and the belief is often expressed that it would be good to eat. Unfortunately ~ - Fig. 39. Hairy Poly’porus. Po-ly-stic’-tus hir-su’-tus. A very common but tough species, easily recognized by the dense coating of hairs on upper surface. Both upper and lower surfaces are shown in figure; from photograph of specimens col- lected at Columbus. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, O. 54 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 9. this attractive species is not edible. It is a conspicuous yellow Toad- stool, a gill-fungus that grows most commonly about old stumps or dead trees or rotting gate-posts. The color throughout in young speci- mens is a rich saffron yellow, but in old plants the color becomes sordid or brownish. The stems may be three-fourths inch in diameter or thicker, and the plants eight or ten inches high. This interesting point can be easily verified, namely, that the gill-portion (or under side of the cap) is phosphorescent, 7. e. luminous after dark; take a fresh young specimen to the house and in a dark room the experiment can be tried. This species is abundant in the summer and early fall. Supt. J. N. Baker reports a Puff-ball at Bowling Green 14 inches in diameter. The dimensions of a Po-ly’-po-rus sul-fu’-re-us, the Sul- phur-colored Pol’-ypore, “27 inches across the top, 16 inches deep and 7 or 8 inches thick, weight about 16 lbs.,” are reported by Miss Myrtle Leighley, Hartville, Ohio. Mr. Willis H. Ropes, member of the Boston Mycological Club, says “last Monday we had eighty-eight varieties on the plates” at Salem, Mass., where Mushroom exhibitions and lectures are being held. Two unusual specimens of the Col-lyb’-i-a rad-i-ca’-ta were found in a woods near Sandusky during the summer. They were growing on itat. The “root,” 7. e. lower tapering end of the stem, could not penetrate the rather firm though very rotten wood and therefore had not at all developed; it was a “root-less’” rad-i-ca’-ta. The other specimen had developed its “root’’— but it was turned at a right angle following the surface of the matrix on which it rested. This neat edible species is a very common one, its root-like stem below being very characteristic; we hope to have a half-tone of it in the BULLETIN later. Next YEArR.— Thanks are extended to all who have taken interest in the BuLLETIN and mycological matters in general, and now also especi- ally to those who have kindly sent the subscription for 1904! I have lately persuaded myself to say that the BULLETIN will be issued on the same basis next year, “price 10 cents.” This amount pays but a portion of the cash expense, but the generosity of interested “persons with means” will doubtless enable me to defray all costs. Some friends in foreign countries have requested the copies as issued, and for them I am obliged to fix the price at 25 cents, to cover postage. Those sending 10 cents now will receive all the 1903 Numbers issued —as long as copies are available. The above announcement has been called forth prematurely — though the contribution box is already open; other numbers of the But- LETIN will appear this year. Tue Pot’-y-pores, or Pore-Funcrt.— This large group is called Pol-y’-po-ra-ce-ae (sound the “y” like short “i’’), because there is a honey-combed fruiting surface on the lower side of the plants; in other words, there are many pores, which is the real meaning of the name of the group. They are also called Bracket-fungi or Shelf-fungi, alluding to the general form and method of attachment to trees, logs and stumps, where most of the species are to be found. They are the com- monest of all fungi and everyone who ever went to the woods has seen them. The cuts shown will give a fair idea of some of the striking forms — but the subject will be taken up in a later BULLETIN. It should perhaps be explained at once that the name of the group is formed from the name Po-ly’-po-rus which was given to these char- acteristic plants by the early botanists. In 1851 Fries broke up the group (ge’-nus) into three gen’-er-a (this is the plural for ge’-nus), using the names for them as follows: Fo’-mes, Pol-y-stic’-tus and Po’-ri-a. oF Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 9. BO Now other ge-ner-ic names are coming into use as Gan-o-der’-ma, Py- ro-po-ly’-po-rus, Scu’-ti-ger, Po-ro-dis’-cus and goodness knows how many others. However, we will leave all these to the refined botanist, and use Po-ly’-po-rus as a common rame for the whole lot. Fig. 40. Beech and Birch Poly’-porus. Fe’-mes fo-men-ta’-ri-us. A woody species very abundant on old trunks of Birch and Beech trees — sometimes on other hosts. The plant is perennial —the annual layers showing very plainly in the large specimen. The cut was made from photographs of specimens collected in the moun- tains of West Virginia, where it is one of the commonest species on the Yellow Birch. Being a hardy, woody species, it is of course not edible. It is a conspicuous and easily recognizable saprophyte (i. e. living on dead organic matter). It is not known to grow on living trees—in other words, it is never a parasite as a few of the Polypori are now known to be. 56 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 9. MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOQ- LOGICAL CLUB—NINTH LIST: Chas. A. Aiken, (Wellesley Farms, Mass.) A. Prescott Baker, (boston, Mass.) Supt. J. N. Baker, (Bowling Green.) Wm. C. Bates, (Newton, Mass.) Mrs. Eliza B. Blackford, (Boston Mu- seum of Fine Arts.) Miss Alice Brenckle, (Milwaukee, Wis.) Miss Maud Brown, (lowa City, lowa.) Caroline A. Burgin, (Minnewaska, N. Y.) Mr. W. R. Butcher, (St. Clairsville.) G. W. Callin, (Bowling Green.) Mrs. Chas. Cochran, (McConnelsville.) Miss M. A. Coe, (Boston, Mass.) Miss Catharine M. Connor, (Petersham, Mass.) Miss Mabel Cook, (Petersham, Mass.) Mr. S. S. Crosby, (Cambridge, Mass.) C. B. DeWeese, (Sidney.) Miss Georgia H. Emery, (Newton, Mass.) John H. Fiebing, (Milwaukee, Wis.) Dr. Geo. E. srancis, (Worcester, Mass.) Mrs. Elisabeth Gay, (Petersham, Mass.) John W. Grabiel, (Bowling Green.) Miss Bernice L. Hang, (Detroit, Mich.) Mrs. Carolyn W. Harris, (Brooklyn, N. ¥%) C. L. Harrison, (Newton, Kansas.) Prof. Paula Herr, (Lincoln Memorial University.) Charles Herrick, (Columbus.) Miss M. L. Hersey, (Chelsea, Mass.) L. D. Hill, (Bowling Green.) H. A. Holridge, (Lima.) J. D. Hooper, (McConnelsville.) Mr. W. L. Jeffers, (Belmont.) S. A. Jones, (U. S. Navy Dept.) ous Elizabeth H. Kellogg, (Hoboken, Nef) Miss Verna V. Kennon, (Barnesville.) Mary King, (Canton.) Mrs. John K. Lathrop, (Summit, N. J.) Miss Emma E. Laughlin, (Barnesville.) F. Llewellyn, (Mexico, Mo.) I’. A. Loew, (Agricultural College, Mich.) R. B. MacKintosh, (Peabody, Mass.) Geo, J. Magly, (Columbus.) F. L. Maris, (Bethesda.) Nina L. Marshall, (Metuchen, N. J.) Mary L. McCutchan, (State Normal School, Whitewater, Wisc.) E. L. Mendenhall, (Washington C. H.) ©. Mitchel, (Sanford, Fla.) Samuel C. Moon, (Morrisville, Pa.) Miss E. Laura Moore, (Lowell, Mass.) feo. FE. Morris, (Waltham, Mass.) Miss Caroline Morse. (Lowell, Mass.) Hlenry Moser, (Wapakoneta.) Wm. McMurray, (Wapakoneta.) Dr. Lyman C. Newell, (State Normal School, Lowell, Mass.) Andrew Nickle, (Sharpsville. Pa.) Mrs. M. A. Noble, (Lake Helen, Fla.) G. W. Page,. (Lowell, Mass.) Mrs. F. A. Peirce, (Brookline, Mass.) Mrs. Benj. Percival, (lynn, Mass.) Charles C. Plitt, (Baltimore, Md.) W.. L. Poteat, (Wake Forest, N. CG.) S. Rapp, (Sanford, Fla.) I’, D. Robbins, (Boston, Mass.) Fig. 41. Vhatched Poly’porus, or Thatched Pol’-y-pore. Fo’-mes grav~e-6-lens. A remarkable woody species, mostly subglobose or polycephalous; elongated on standing trunks. When fresh, has a strong, disagreeable odor, hence the specific name. It was formerly called P. con-glo-ba’-tus. From photograph of specimen collected by L. F. Cheney, at Pricetown, Ohio, The Ohio Mycolo ical Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the Ohio M poanlen Club. All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- letin. Fee, 10 cents. University Bulletin, Series 8, No. 6. Botanical Series No. 23 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. ro W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 30, 1903. Notes— One more Bulletin will be issued this season, some time in November. At that time or later a Title-page and Index will be furn- ished, closing Volume I. Ouly a few copies of this set or Volume (for 1903) are left and therefore you should not ask your friends to become subscribers for the current year, but I will be pleased to have their names for the 1904 list. The Bulletin will be issued next year and sent to all members for the same price as heretofore, namely, 10 cents. But I wish to issue twice as many Numbers next year —and therefore the expense will be greatly increased. Besides, the cash cost of the Bul- letin for this year has not been fully met by the fee—and it was not expected that it would be wholly met. Some friends have assisted and I take pleasure in donating a mite now and then to the cause myself. I am prompted to keep (privately) a regular Cash Donation List — to the end that those who are able and interested may enjoy additional pleasure with me. Such a list is now begun, and $20.00 is the first amount put down! But a child’s penny, or nickel from the school boy, or larger amounts from others, will be gratefully accepted, and all that is received Fig. 42. Pa’-nus dor-sal’-is. Dorsal Pa’-nus. An elegant species but somewhat tough and leathery. It grows on stumps and trunks — conspicuous by reason of its tawny-orange color. Photograph from specimens collected at Columbus, Ohio. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-offce at Columbus, O. 38 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. ro. will be devoted to the cash expense involved in making the Bulletin as useful as possible. The membership fee will be in 1904, as now, 10 cents, and all members will receive the Bulletin as issued. A new list of mem- bers will be prepared for 1904. The books are open now. PamPpHLeEtT.— Attention should be called to the fact that certain Reports of the New York State Museum are offered for sale. For exam- ple, the interesting and valuable “Report of the State Botanist for 1901,” by Charles H. Peck, contains (besides technical matter) popular descrip- tions of eleven species of Edible Fungi accompanied by plates. This re- port can be obtained for forty cents. (Report for 1902, fifty cents.) Ad- dress, Director New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y. GALL.— A gall on a Mushroom is something out of the ordinary, ap- parently never reported heretofore in mycological literature,—and yet this is what is described and figured by Charles Thom in the September No. of the Botanical Gazette. The gall was on the pileus of the common little Om-pha-li-a cam-pan-el-la. The pileus is ordinarily less than one milli- meter in thickness, or together with the gills less than three millimeters. The white mass of the gall, homogeneous in section, was about eight milli- meters in radial diameter, six millimeters in thickness, and twelve to fif- teen millimeters in length. ACCENTUATION OF NAMES (A PARAGRAPH FOR STUDENTS ).—In the Octo- ber No. of the Journal of Mycology, Miss Ivy Kellerman explains the “ap- parent dogmatism” in the matter of accentuation of compound names, and possibly brief instructive transcripts may not be “all Greek” to every one. She says: “There are certain Indo-European laws of accentuation which are seen to be distinct from changes occurring in the individual languages. One of the most general of the laws pertaining to nouns and adjectives may be stated as follows: Compounds, consisting of one word dependant upon another in a grammatical relation, keep the accent of the dependant word for the accent of the compound as a whole. The survival of the law to the present time is shown by such examples from the Teutonic branch as English puff-ball, apple-tree, black-berry, or German Apfel-wein, sonnen-blume, blati-beere. From the Balto-Slavic branch may be adduced Lithuanian vasaré-sziltis “summer warmth,’ and saulzhole “heliotrope,” and Russian né-vidko ‘‘not to be seen.” A moment’s consideration will show how logical this law is. The dependant word, usually an adjective, or a noun in a case relation, brings a new idea or broadens the one already present in the word to which it is united, and so it naturally receives the greater amount of stress. The rule holds whether the dependant element precedes or follows the foundation word. . . . . In Greek, however, which is of especial interest to the botanist, certain changes took place. A law developed that no accent might recede farther from the end of a word, either simple or compound, than the third syllable from the end. This is the case if the quantity of the last syllable be short; if it is long, the accent may recede only as far as the second syllable from the end. It will at once be recognized that this secondary law often shifts the accent of the emphatic word in a compound to a different syllable from the one upon which it originally rested. For instance, myrio-st6ma would in pre- historic Greek have become myrio-stoma, like the Sanskrit sahasra-mukha of almost the same meaning quoted above. But, in the earliest records we have, Greek had already completed the shifting due to the law of re- cessive accent, and therefore we find myrid-stoma. So also cary’o-spora, if it had occurred in early Greek, would have been cary O-spora. : When the foundation word is more than three syllables in length, or has a long final syllable, it is evident that the law of recessive accent must withdraw the emphasis completely from the preceding dependant word. An example of this is poly-céphalum, which would have been poly’ -cepha- lum in prehistoric Greek, from the elements “poly’” and “cephalé,”’ which naturally had to undergo such a compromise when they became united into one word.” Fig. 48. Po-lyp’-o-rus_ bet-u-li’nus. [More recently written ro’-sus.] Birch Pol’-ypore. Leathery or rather woody. specimen collected by C. F. Baker six and a fourth by nine inches. Pip-to-po’-rus sub-e- Photograph from a herbarium in Wisconsin in 1897. The fungus measured The cut has been reduced to about five ninths of these measurements, and therefore the pores on the lower surface are not distinct: even the peculiar conspicuous elongated hair-like scales attached to the pore-surface are not clearly represented in the half-tone. 40 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. ro. Fig. 44. Bul-ga’-ri-a in-qui’-nans. Black Pe-zi’-za. A tough-fleshy dull-black species growing on rotten sticks in leaf-mould in shady woods. Perhaps s-arcely palatable — though the fragile Pe-zi’-zas are excellent food. Puotograph from speci- mens collected at Sandusky, Ohio. MEMBERS OF THE .OHIO. MYCOLOGICAL CLUB — TENTH Bist, Miss E. C, Bates, (Philadelphia, Pa.) Miss Garoline Roberts, (Baltimore, Md.) Harry A: Bird, (Plainfield, N. J.) Wilton Ropes, (Sal:m, Mass.) Me IO} Burby~ (OLS. US) Chas: . Russell, (Bowling Green.) Milton Burnett, (Mishawaka, Ind.) Mr, €. P. Russell, (Lake Helen, Fla.) Geo. L. Cannon, (Denver, Colo.) aS E. Schatzel, (Bowling Gre=n.) Mr. J. H. Chadborn, (Waban, Mass.) S) C. Schmucker, (West Chester, Pa.) L. Lenore Conover, (Detroit, Mich.) : S. Schweibold, (Xenia.) Mrs. J. S. Cushing, (Norwood, Mass.) John H. Sears, (Salem, Mass.) Dr. F. F. Dennis, (Valparaiso, Ind.) Helen Sherman, (Madison, Wisc.) Miss M. T. Draper, (Childrens’ Museum, Dr. Lewis Sherman, (Milwaukee, Wisc.) Brooklynn Inst. Arts & Sci.) Miss F. A. Smythe, (Boston, Mass.) Miss Nannie Dunn, (Columbus.) Mrs. H. P. Starkweather, (Lake Helen, ye oNs Prank, (@2¢S.5 Us) Fa.) Mrs. Mary Ream Fuller, (Library Dept. Lilias Steele, (Milwaukee, Wisc.) Interior, Washington, D. C.) Mrs. J. C. Sweeney, (Dublin.) Mrs. Harriet Gilbert, (Painesville.) Prof. T. O. Sweetland, (Kulm, N. D.) Mrs. Henry T. Gregory, (Southern Pines, F. M. Thompson, (Detroit, Mich.) NWN... G:) Irven Travis, (McConnelsville.) Geo. Hall, (Fostoria.) Harry H. Turner, (Columbus.) Jno. G. Hathaway, (Chillicothe. ) C. H. Van De Griff, (Sidney.) Miss Mary A. Hickman, (Greericastle, Miss Leonora Vinal, (Somerville, Mass.) Ind.) Vintry Weaver, (Huntington, Ind.) Miss Mabel Hunter, (Ironville, N. Y.) Miss Denise Wel-h. (Chicago, Ill.) Miss Annie E. Jones, (Baltimore, Md.) J. T. Wells, Ir., (Wellesley Farms, Mass.) M. Klein, (Boston, Mass.) Helen A. White, (Salem, Mass.) O. G. Lenfgren, (Hyde Park, Mass.) Rev. Warren Whiteside, (Palmyra, Mo.) Fred C. Messmer, (Sidney.) Rev. John Wild, (Hanover, Mass.) Mrs. Ellen R. Miller, (Cleveland.) S. H. Wilkins. Tr., (Dartmouth Collegs.) Morrill Memorial Library, (Norwood, Miss C H. Wi'liams, (Baltimore, Md.) Mass. ) Mrs. Thos. A. Williams, (Memphis, Nebr.) Miss May Morrow, (New York, N. Y.) Miss Maude Wilson, (Dayton.) Wm. H. Partridge, (Boston, Mass.) Fred Wolfe, (Snear Library, Oberlin.) Dr. H. J. Perry, (Boston, Mass.) Friiulein M. Wolters, (Manchester, Mass.) Mrs. Sherwood Pinkerton, (Zanesville.) Miss Candace A. Yendes, (Wilkinsburg, G. Reichling, (Brooklyn, N. Y.) Pa.) Mrs. Emanuel Stern, (Newark, N. J.) Miss Lucy A. Yendes, (New York, N. Y.} M. Riser, (Biological Laboratory, Adel- bert College.) The Ohio Mycological Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the at aa hie Hak on . All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- etin. Fee, 10 cents. University Bulletin, Series 8, No. 7. Botanical Series No. 24 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 11 W. A. Kellerman, Ph.D., Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, November 20, 1903. Enp oF VotuMeE I.— With the current issue, accompanied by title- page and index (Bulletin No. 12), the first year of publication of the Ohio Mycological Bulletin is brought to a close. Started as a mere ex- Fig. 45. Len-ti’-nus vul-pi’-nus. This was kindly identified by Professor Morgan, who calls attention to the inaccuracies in descriptions by botanists and remarks that it is an “‘uncertain species anyway.” All of the species belonging to Len-ti’—-nus are leathery or tough, or if fleshy, hardened when mature. The elegant specimens from which the cut was made were found on a log in moist woods near Columbus, Ohio. Entered as Sécand Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, O. 42 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 71. periment and for the pleasure and benefit of a few persons, it has grown into a periodical of considerable popular interest —the large, mostly unsolicited membership, perhaps, warranting such a statement. The text offered, no less than the syl-lab-i-fi-ca’-tion and ac-cen-tu-a’-tion used, has undoubtedly justified the claim that this Leaflet is primarily intended for children in years and children in knowledge. It is hoped that the numerous pictures of mushrooms have afforded both pleasure and _ profit. Hearty thanks are extended to all who have taken interest in this mat- ter, and special obligations are again expressed for the numerous spec- imens, notes, sketches, and photographs kindly sent to the editor. A special request is made that all subscribers forward at once the fee, ten cents, for the Bulletin for 1904. No. 13 (first number for 1904), will be sent out during January or early in February. It would be much appre- ciated if members would kindly send subscriptions for some of their friends, or take opportunity to call attention to the Bulletin. The fre- quency of issue during the year will depend on the financial receipts — and let us hope that two copies a month may appear during the Spring and Fall, when mushrooms more conspicuously abound. MEMBERSHIP OF THE Onto MycoLocicaL CLus.— The list of members the current year reached the surprising number of seven hundred sixty- five. An inspection of the published lists reveals the fact that equal interest in mushrooms is to be credited to children, pupils, teachers, stu- dents, amateurs, professional botanists and mycologists. It will be a re- ciprocal benefit if the roll of members is largely increased for next year. The experience of some of the high school teachers warrants a special suggestion that classes in botany can advantageously devote a portion of time to the higher fungi and that the Bulletin would be a material aid. Back Numeers or THE BULLETIN.— It is most unfortunate that a considerable demand for this Leaflet could not have been foreseen. Prac- tically all of the first Numbers are exhausted. The price of the few com- plete copies of Volume I must be placed at 50 cents—the proceeds to apply on Bulletins for next year. A larger edition will be issued hereafter. Portrait OF AN EmINeNtT Mycotocist.— It is with special pleasure that I print as a worthy frontispiece to Volume I, a portrait of Professor Charles H. Peck, of Albany, New York, to whom, far above all others, we owe our extensive knowledge of the Mushrooms of the United States. His numerous illustrated reports as State Botanist of New York are as admirable as useful. It is fortunate that some of them are now placed on sale by Mr. Fred. J. H. Merrill, Director of the New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y. MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB— ELEVENTH LIST Russell F. Balthes, (St. Louis, Mo.) J. G. Eastham, (Cincinnati.) ©. W. Barrett, (Mayaguez, Porto Rico.) F. E. Elliott, (Cincinnati.) Carl W. Beane, (Cincinnati.) R. A. Elliott, (Cincinnati.) V. L. Bell, (Cincinnati.) A. L. Faler, (Cincinnati.) H. B. Boram, (Cincinnati.) G. W. Greggs, (Canadaigua, N. Y.) M. F. Bettencourt, (Cincinnati.) Myron Hanna, (Cincinnati.) Miss P. M. Bender, (Cincinnati.) M. V. Hazen, (Titusville, Penn.) FE. R. Blough, (Cincinnati.) Dr. Charles Hoyt, (Chillicothe.) L. Bowles, (Cincinnati.) Miss Ella Hutchinson, (Ashland, Nebr.) J. T. Bowman, (Cincinnati.) A. C. Jenner, (Cincinnati.) S. W. Bradstreet, Jr., (Cincinnati.) P. L. Jones, (Bellevue, Ky.) S. A. Brown, (Cincinnati.) J. D. Keyser, (Cincinnati. ) E. J. Buten, (Cincinnati.) H. O. Kingsley, (Cincinnati.) George H. Candlin, (Cincinnati.) Miss Elizabeth Kitzmiller, (Canton.) Edith T. Cline, (DePauw University.) H. A. Kling, (Cincinnati.) A. W. Cloud, (Canton.) C. Kyser, (Grenola, Kan.) U. C. Coe, (Cincinnati.) Miss Reppa Larimore, (Chillicothe.) Tt: FEF. Collins, (Valant, Penn‘) Ernest ©. Leighley, (Baltimore, Md.) H. A. Conner, (Cincinnati.) Geo. R. Lyman, (Hanover, N. H.) E. K. Conrad, (Cincinnati. ) A. C. Manning, (Philadelphia, Pa.) M. A. Cooper, (Cincinnati.) P. M. Marshall, (Cincinnati.) Miss Elizabeth Cox, (Canton.) Ira N. Martin, (Cincinnati. ) Miss Emma C. Cummings, (Brookline, M. W. Meadows, (Cincinnati.) Mass. ) _ Elmer Miller, (Cincinnati.) A. A. Dewey, (Cincinnati.) Dr. W. S. Moffatt, (Chicago, Ill.) J. C. Dickinson, (Cincinnati.) Ir. A. North, (Cold Springs, Ky.) Chas. D. Dunean, (Chillicothe.) Mrs. J. F. Osborn, (Cincinnati.) Ohio Myoclogical Bulletin No. 11. 45 Fig. 46. Po-lyp’-o-rus rad-i-ca’-tus. Root Polypore. This is a fleshy-tough plant, with a stem (called stipe) ec-cen-tric, that is, not attached to the center of the cap. The majority of the commoner Polypores are “‘shelf-fungi’’ — not having a stem, but attached directly to sides of tree trunks, stumps and logs. Figs. 39, 40, 41 and 48 are illustrations of such forms: they are hard leathery or woody plants. The Po-lyp’-o-rus rad-i-ca’-tus has a long, tapering rootlike stem, black below. Morgan says: “I find this plant, as Berkeley says, of various sizes, from the small plant which Schweinitz describes, to five inches or more across with the stipe Six inches or more in length; the long, tapering stipe penetrates the earth to a_ depth of several inches, the tip being always attached to some portion of an old root. The pileus is brown or blackish.” The cut, original with Prof. H. Garman, was used first in Bulletin No. 96, Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station. 44 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 11. Fig. 47. Hyd’-num pul-cher’-ri-mum. Professor Morgan, to whom a sample was sent, says: ‘“‘It is a very fine specimen! It is usually quite irregular and mostly resupinate.”” The Latin specific name means most beautiful. The descriptive word re-su’-pi-nate means applied directly to the log or sub-stratum, the spine-surface only showing. The upper figure showing the lower surface of the fungus is con- siderably reduced; the lower is a section from same specimen. Photograph from specimens collected at Columbus, Ohio. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 42.) E. G. Pagham, (Cincinnati.) S. L. Shumo, (Philadelphia, Pa.) I, KE. Parker, (Cincinnati.) T. T. Sidener, (Cincinnati.) H. FE. Price, (Cincinnati.) Robert J. Sim, (Jefferson.) C. E. Putnam, (Boston, Mass.) Miss Minnnie M. Simon, (Baltimore, Ay T. Rank, (Covett:) Md.) D. KE. Rausch, (Cincinnati.) I, M. Sponseller, (Cincinnati.) K. P. Reefy, (Cincinnati.) Miss Edna Stauffer, (Chillicothe.) Vance T. Reynolds, (Port Union.) J. N. Thiel, (Cincinnati.) A. E. Rhein, (Cincinnati. ) Ff. W. Vance, (Cincinnati.) Miss Edna Richards, (Salem.) Byron Van Horn, (Cincinnati.) J. Melvin Richards, (Bethesda.) H. E. Warner, (U. S. Dept. Interior, Miss Eva A. Roach, (Chillicothe. ) Bureau of Pensions.) Miss Caroline Roberts, (Baltimore, Md.) Harry R. Werner, (Thomas, W. Va.) Willis H. Ropes, (Salem, Mass.) Geo. D. Whitacre, (Springfield.) J. Melvin Richards, (Bethesda.) Alex KE. Wright,( Wellesley Hills, Mass.) J. Saxton, (Cincinnati. ) Gardner W. Wood, (New York, N. Y.) William Schilder, (Chillicothe.) G. F. €. Yost, (Cincinnati.) J. C. Shafer, (Cincinnati.) The Ohio Mycological Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the Ohio Mycological Club. All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- letin. Fee, 10 cents. University Bulletin, Series 8, No, 7. Botanical Series No. 24 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 12 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, November 21, 1903. INDEX TO VOLUME I. SUBJECTS. Accentuation (for students), Morels, 2, 5, 12, 14. page 38. Mushroom, parts of, 9. An’-nu-lus, 10. My-ce’-li-um, 10. Books, useful, on fungi. 2. Nature studv 3 9, 13, 31, 39, 34, 2. Col-lyb’-i-a_rad-i-ca’-ta, deformed Peck’s reports, 38. 34 Pe-zi-za’-ce-x, 2, 31. Coral fungi, 1. Pe-zi’-za family, 15. Cup fungi, 2. Phal-la’-ce-z, 2. Earth stars, 2. Pleu-ro’-tus, 30. Exhibition of mushrooms, 14, 18. Pol-y-po-ra’-ce-e, 1, 34. Fungi, group names, l. Pol’-y-pores, 34. Gall on a mushroom, 38. Pore fungi, 1. Ge-as’-ters, 2. Pronunciation of names, 25, 38. Gill fungi, 1, 3. Puff-ball family, 2, 18. Good locality, 19. Puff-balls, 2, 18, 19. Groups of fungi, 1. Ring, 10. Hel-vel’-la family, 2. Scale for measursment, 18. Hel-vel-la’-ce-z, 2. Specimens, how to send, 8 Honey-comb fungi, 5. Specimens, good, 17. Hyd-na’-ce-z, 1. Spine fungi, 1. Hyd’-nums, 30. Spore-print, 10. Introductory, 1. Stipe, 10. Jack-my-lantern, 9. Structure (minute) of a mush- Large Po-lyp’-o-rus, 34. room, 10 Large Puff-ball, 34. Study necessary, 9. Ly-co-per-da’-ce-z, 2. Suggestions to teachers, 3. Members, list, 4, 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, Vol’-va, 10. 32, 36, 40, 42, 44. Words explained, 1. Mor-chel’-las, 5. ILLUSTRATIONS. A-gar’-i-cus rod-man’-i, page 22. Cup fungus, 2, 14, 15, 30, 31. Am-an-i’-ta stro-bil-i-for’-mis, 26. Dorsal Pa-nus, 37. Black Peziza, 40. Earth star 2; 19) Bo-vis’-ta gi-gan-te’-a, 18 Floccose Peziza, 31. Bul-ga’-ri-a in-qui’-nans, 40. Fo’-mes fo-men-ta’-ri-us, 35. Carrion fungus, 2. Fo’-mes gray-e’-c lens, 36. Co-pri’-nus co-ma’-tus, 17. Gill fungus, 2, 9, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, Coral fungus, 2, 29. Spe Bye Entered as Second Class Matter, Postoffice, Columbus, Ohio. 44 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. rr. Fig. 47. Hyd’-num pul-cher’-ri-mum. Professor Morgan, to whom a sample was sent, says: “It is a very fine specimen! It is usually quite irregular and mostly resupinate.”’ The Latin specific name means most beautiful. The descriptive word re-su’-pi-nate means applied directly to the log or sub-stratum, the spine-surface only showing. The upper figure showing the lower surface of the fungus is con- siderably reduced; the lower is a section from same specimen. Photograph from specimens collected at Columbus, Ohio. (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 42.) EK. G. Pagham, (Cincinnati.) S. L. Shumo, (Philadelphia, Pa.) I E. Parker, (Cincinnati.) T. T. Sidener, (Cincinnati.) H. E. Price, (Cincinnati.) Robert J. Sim, (Jefferson.) C. E. Putnam, (Boston, Mass.) Miss Minnnie M. Simon, (Baltimore, A. T. Rank, (Covett.) Md.) D. KE. Rausch, (Cincinnati.) I. M. Sponseller, (Cincinnati.) Kk, P. Reefy, (Cincinnati.) Miss Edna Stauffer, (Chillicothe.) Vance T. Reynolds, (Port Union.) J. N. Thiel, (Cincinnati.) A. FE. Rhein, (Cincinnati. ) fF, W. Vance, (Cincinnati.) Miss Edna Richards, (Salem.) Byron Van Horn, (Cincinnati.) J. Melvin Richards, (Bethesda.) H. E. Warner, (U. S. Dept. Interior, Miss Eva A. Roach, (Chillicothe.) Bureau of Pensions.) Miss Caroline Roberts, (Baltimore, Md.) Harry R. Werner, (Thomas, W. Va.) Willis H. Ropes, (Salem, Mass.) Geo. D. Whitacre, (Springfield.) J. Melvin Richards, (Bethesda.) Alex I. Wright,(Wellesley Hills, Mass.) J. Saxton, (Cincinnati.) Gardner W. Wood, (New York, N. Y.) William Schilder, (Chillicothe. ) Go BiG, Yost (Cincmnati>) J. C. Shafer, (Cincinnati.) The Ohio ea ag lay Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all members of the eis je Fa Ha Club. All eligible to membership who are interested in Nature or the Bul- etin. Fee, 10 cents. University Bulletin, Series 8, No. 7. Botanical Series No. 24 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 12 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, November 21, 1903. INDEX TO VOLUME I. SUBJECTS. Accentuation (for students), Morels, 2, 5, 12, 14. page 38. Mushroom, parts of, 9. An’-nu-lus, 10. My-ce’-li-um, 10. Books, useful, on fungi, 2. Nature study, 3. Botanical names, 5. Notes by Editor, 9, 13, 31, 39, 34, Carrion fungi, 2. 37, 41. Charter Members of Club, 4. Oyster mushroom, 30. Cla-var-i-a’-ce-z, 4. Parts of mushroom, 9. Cli-toc’-y-be il-lu-dens, 33. Peck’s portrait, 42. Col-lyb’-i-a_ rad-i-ca’-ta, deformed Peck’s reports, 38. 34. Pe-zi-za’-ce-x, 2, 31. Coral fungi, 1. Pe-zi’-za family, 15. Cup fungi, 2. Phal-la’-ce-z, 2. Earth stars, 2. Pleu-ro’-tus, 30. Exhibition of mushrooms, 14, 18. Pol-y-po-ra’-ce-z, 1, 34. Fungi, group names, 1. Pol’-y-pores, 34. Gall on a mushroom, 38. Pore fungi, 1. Ge-as’-ters, 2. Pronunciation of names, 25, 38. Gill fungi, 1, 3. Puff-ball family, 2, 18. Good locality, 19. Puff-balls, 2, 18, 19. Groups of fungi, 1. Ring, 10. Hel-vel’-la family, 2. Scale for measursment, 18. Hel-vel-la’-ce-z, 2. Specimens, how to send, 8. Honey-comb fungi, 5. Specimens, good, 17. Hyd-na’-ce-z, 1. Spine fungi, 1. Hyd’-nums, 30. Spore-print, 10. Introductory, 1. Stipe, 10. Jack-my-lantern, 9. Structure (minute) of a mush- Large Po-lyp’-o-rus, 34. room, 10. Large Puff-ball, 34. Study necessary, 9. Ly-co-per-da’-ce-z, 2. Suggestions to teachers, 3. Members, list, 4, 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, Vol’-va, 10. 32, 36, 40, 42, 44. Words explained, 1. Mor-chel’-las, 5. ILLUSTRATIONS, A-gar’-i-cus rod-man’-i, page 22. Cup fungus, 2, 14, 15, 30, 31. Am-an-i’-ta stro-bil-i-for’-mis, 26. Dorsal Pa-nus, 37. Black Peziza, 40. Earth star 2, 19. Bo-vis’-ta gi-gan-te’-a, 18 Floccose Peziza, 31. Bul-ga’-ri-a in-qui’-nans, 40. Fo’-mes fo-men-ta’-ri-us, 35. Carrion fungus, 2. Fo’-mes grav-e’-c lens, 36. Co-pri’-nus co-ma’-tus, 17. Gill fungus, 2, 9, 22, 28, 25, 26, 28, Coral fungus, 2, 29. 32, 37. Entered as Second Class Matter, Postoffice, Columbus, Ohio. 48 Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 12. Gill (structure), 10. Oyster Mushroom, 32. Gy-ro-mi-tra brun’-ne-a, 16. Pa’-nus dor-sa’-lis, 37. Hairy Polyporus, 33. Parts of a mushroom, 9. Hel-vel’-la, 6, 24. Pepper-box Earth-star, 19. Hel-vel’-la e-las’-ti-ca, 24. —~ Pezizas, 14, 15, 30, 31, 40. Hir-ne-o’-la au-ric’-u-la-ju’de, 20. Pe-zi’ -za re- -tic- u- -la’-ta, 14, 15. Hyd’-num cor-al-loi’-des, 29. Pleu-ro’-tus sap’-i-dus, 32. Hyd’-num pul-cher’-ri-mum, 44. Po-lyp’-o-rus, 33, 35, '36, 39, 43. Hy-pho-lo’-ma_sub-lat-er-i’-ti-um, | Po-lyp’-o-rus bet-u-li’- -nus, 39. 25 Po-lyp’-o-rus rad-i-ca’-tus, 43, Jew’s ear, 20. Pol-y-stic’-tis hir-su’-tus, 33. Len-ti-‘nus vul-pi’-nus, 41. Pore fungus, 2, 33, 35, 36, 39. Lep-i-o’-ta ce-pzs’-ti-pes, 23. Puff-ball, 2, 18. Ma-ras’-mi-us co-he’-rens, 28. Rodman’s Mushroom, 22. Mor-chel’-la an-gus’-ti-ceps, 21. Root Polyporus, 48. Mor-chel’-la bis’-po-ra, 27. Sar-co-scy’-pha floc-co’-sa, 31. Mor-chel’-la con’-i-ca, 7. Sar-co-scy’-pha oc-ci-den-ta’-le, 30. Mor-chel’-la_ de-li-ci-o’-sa, 11. Shaggy mane, 17. Mor-chel’-la es-cu-len’-ta. 6. Spine fungus, 2, 44. Mor-chel’-la sem-i-lib’-er-a, 13. Spore print, 11. Morel, 2, 6, 7, 11, 13, 21, 27. Thatched Polyporus, 36. Myr-i-os’-to-ma _ col-i-for’-mis, 19. Western Peziza, 30. Onion-stem Ag’aric, 23. Unless otherwise stated in connection with the figures, the photo- graphs were made in the Botanical Department of the Ohio State Uni- versity. Mr. O. E. Jennings, Assistant in Botany, deserves equal credit with the editor, in case any of the work is meritorious. Mycological Bulletin (Nos. 13 to 24.) 7 1 VOLUME II 1904 Fie W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. Ohio State University J. B. ELLIS, Newfield, New Jersey, An Eminent Mycologist. CP aia” ee Mycological Bulletin No. 13 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, February 27, 1904 THANKS ARE EXTENDED—to all who expressed their interest by joining the Club last year and who are still with us, also to the new members, and may their tribe increase! You may also enjoy this pleasant excerpt from an interesting letter by Professor Peck, our leader in American Mycology. “Tn renewing my subscription to the Mycological Bulletin, I wish to congratulate you on the manifest success that has attended your efforts in this direction. To one who can remember the time when there were scarcely a half dozen men in this country interested in Mycology, your list of 765 sub- seribers to your interesting and useful lttle publication shows that the world does move ” Fig. 48. Cua-VA-RI-A PYX-I-DA-TA. CoRAL Fun-aus. Edible. Of a dull or dirty white color, rather firm texture, growing from rotten wood in shady grove. Photo of specimen collected at Columbus, Ohio. University Bulletin, Series 8, No. 9. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus,O . 50 Mycological Bulletin No. 13 (Hols eh Drop On1o.—The membership of the Club, confined originally to the people in the Ohio State University and in Ohio, has (I am glad to say) grown so as to include a much wider area; therefore we may cast off the territorial restriction and henceforth call our Leaflet the MycoLOoGICAL BULLETIN. Or CourRsE—It is yet too cold to go out to get the Mushrooms, but it is not too early to plan the expeditions. and to get ready for the work as soon as warm weather is assured. Could not many young people make an effort this year to sketch and paint some of the show y Mushrooms—perhaps make a record of their characters, such as size, shapes, colors, odor, structure It is impossible to dry the fleshy fun-gi in any way so as to retain their lite- like colors and shape, hence the necessity of resorting to the pencil and brush—but think of the pleasure! Ir May Be—Well perhaps to state again at the very beginning of the Second Volume that the MyconocicaL BULLETIN is not at all designed for ad- vanced botanists, and professional mycologists, though their interest and as- sistance is highly appreciated—at the same time some of the paragraphs may, I fear, seem difficult to beginners and young people. At any rate all can enjoy the illustrations of our common fun-gi published on these pages. In fact, to send these out plainly labeled and with simple explanations, is the main purpose of the enterprise. Here I may add (asifin parenthesis) that 24 persons have our thanks for contributions beyond the 10-cent fee. Too TECHNICAL.—Several persons have made inquiry relative to the ‘JOURNAL OF MycoLoGy.” This we send only to specialists and students, since mainly technical matter is included in the magazine. However, some popular articles are published, and extended readable notes from mycological literature are given in the six Numbers issued during the year; but the price of the Journal is $2.00 per annum. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.—The photo of interesting little Ag-a-rics shown in Fig. 49 was taken by Rev. W. Leon Dawson, our Ohio ornithologist, who it seems has also an eye for the beautiful in Mushrooms. Supt. M. E. Hardis a veteran in our line—for his taste see Fig. 50. Appreciation of their assis- tance can be expressed in no better way than by requesting them to continue their contributions! Itis hoped that many persons who use the camera will send prints during the season. Notes as to the Mushrooms in any locality will also be most welcome. For such favors thanks are extended in advance. CorAL FunGt.—These peculiar Mushrooms, a sample shown on _ the preceding page, form a large family which the botanists call Cla-va-ri-d-ce- ae which means: plants Ola-vd-ri-a like. Clavdria (the name of the principal genus) was given in reference to their usual club-shape—the Latin word Cléi-va meaning club. They are all upright plants, some of them simple and club- shaped, but others more or less forked. Sometimes there isa great mass of branches as shown in Fig. 48. They grow in shady woods attached to decaying sticks or on rotten logs. They present a striking ap- pearance—some of them being white, others brownish, yellow, red, or red- tipped. Nearly ali ot the species are to be included in the edible list. A few are viscid and jelly like—hormy when anys AN ImporTANT SuBJEcT —In the next No. of the Bulletin some ac- count will be given of the genns Am-a-ni-ta, eehaot includes the Death Cup, the Fly Ag-a-ric, and several other poisonous Mushrooms. If we thoroughly learn the different kinds, we would have no opportunity—certainly no ex- cuse—for eating any but the numerous wholesome species. THE LIST OF MEMBERS FOR 1904 WILL BE GIVEN IN THE NEXT AND SUCCEEDING NUMBERS. ? cm) No ulletin > , Mycological 1 1904 | eb. I ~ | Ss lial Fig. 58. Cui-roc’-y-BE IL-LU’-DENS. JACK-MY-LANTERN. NoT EDIBLE. The orange or saffron- colored Mushroom described on p. 61 and figured on p. 59 as usually seen growing. This illustration is nearly natural size, but some specimens may be Sinches high, and the cap 6 inches broad. Its large size, bright yellow color and phosphorescence combine to make it an interesting and attractive species, but as remarked elsewhere, it can not be eaten with impunity. From a photo of a plant collected near Sandusky, Ohio. 64 Mycological Bulletin No. 16 [ Vol. II of From olor , the cap 2 to 4 inches broad. ‘longs to the Rosy-spored + mn rotten w -TE-US CER-VI -NU Priv’ 59. A copy of Vol. I bound in cloth may be obtained sor 75 cents. List of Members of the Mycological Club, 1904—See page 62. The Mycological Bulletin is issued from time to time and sent to all ‘members of the Mycological Club. All eligible to membership who are interested ‘in Nature or the Bulletin. Fee, 10 cents. A few copies of Vol. | remain; price 50 cents each. M ° LYRA RY Mycological Bulletin No. 17 caw vor aT ANK AY W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University BUARDEN Columbus, Ohio. May 28, 1904 Tue ILLUSTRATIONS.—We are indebted to the Messrs. Bowen-Merrill Company, publishers of ONE THOUSAND AMERICAN FuNGI, for the four half- tones which embellish the present NuMBER. ‘These illustrate species not be- Fig 60. CuLt-roc’-y-BE MON-A-DEL’-PHUS. CLUSTERED CL1-T00’-Y-BE. FRESH YOUNG PLANTS EpiB_k. This species was named by Professor Morgan in allusion to its cespitose habit—the clusters being dense, and tound during autumn on the ground in wet woods. The cap is said to be honey- colored, varying to pallid brownish or reddish. The stem is solid, crooked or twisted, tapering at the base, pallid brownish or flesh color. Gills short de-cur’-rent not crowded, pallid flesh color. Cut from Mellvaine’s One Thousand AmericanzFungi, made from a photo by Dr. J. R. Wiest. a University Bulletin. Series 8. No. 16. Enutered,as‘Second Class_Matter, Post-office.at Columbus, O. 66 Mycological Bulletin No. 17 [ Vol. fore shown in the Bulletin, and at the same time furnish a fair sample of the figures (not colored) used in that well known book, which has been spoken of by one of our members asa real ‘‘Encyclopoedia of American Mushrooms.” The numerous colored plates in that work are fiom studies by the author, Charles McIlvaine. LEP-I-0’-TA NAU-CI’/-NA; SMOOTH LeEp-I-0’-TA.—The American plant was named Lep-i-o’-ta nau-ci-noi’-des [like nau-ci'-na] by Professor Peck since it differed slightly from the European Lep-i-o’-ta nau-ci’-na, but mycologists generally do not regard it as specifically distinct. hence the use of the ‘first name. It is to be foundin the latter part of the summer and autumn, in lawns, pastures, ete. It is entirely white or the cap is sometimes buff, and the gills (which are at first white) become in age dirty pink in color. The plant grows from 24 to 44inches high and the cap may be from 2 to 4 inches broad. The stem is gradually enlarged below, 7. e. cla’-vate, or club shaped. This species is much like the common Mushroom (4-gar’-i-cus cam-pes'-tris) but the gillsdo not, as in the latter, become brown when old. Close inspec- tion will also separate it from poisonous species of Am-a-ni'-ta, which have a vol'-va; the Lep-i-o’-tas never show this structure. a) ba reecanis ee SRY ae Fig. 61. Pe-z1'-zA BA'-p1-A. Brown Pr-z1'-2a, Epipie. llars, Columbus, \). J.5. Van lervoort, Wilmington, O. Miss Leola Somers, Chillicothe, O. Leland J. Spalding, Webster, Mass. Arch D. Spellman, Ashtabula, O. B. A. Spindler, Canton, 0. Miss Maude Spitler, Dayton, 0, S.5. Staley, Mechanicsburg, O. Sister M. Stanislas, St. Francis Academy, Joliet, Ill. 4s H. P. Starkweather, Lake Helen, was Miss Edna Stauffer, Chillicothe, 0. Fannie A. Stebbins, Springtield, Dr. F. &. Stevens. West Raleigh, N.C. Miss Mary L. Stevens, Brookline, Mass. U. Oscar Stevens, Newark, ©. Prof. G. E. Stone, Amherst, Mass. Stacy S. Storer, Toledo, O. ee E. M.G. Stradling, Philadelphia, a. Mrs. H. Streeter, Philadelphia, Pa. Geo. Stroehle, Jr.. Chillicothe, O. Prof. Wm. C. sturgis, Colorado Springs, Colo. Supt. D. Rk. Sumstine, Kittaning, Pa. Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist of Pennsvlvania. Mr. W. V. Swartzbaugh, Chillicothe. Prof. A. R. Sweetser, Univ. of Oregon Mr. Allen Taylor, Cincinnati, O Emmett A. Taylor, McConnelsville, ©. Miss Mary E. Taylor, Everett, Wash. J. Otto Thilow, Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. EF. H. Thomas, Cambridge. Mass. Prof. M. B. Thomas, Wabash College. Miss A. F. Thompson. Summit, N. J. Dr. F. M. Thompson, Detroit, Mich. Miss A. F. Thompson, Summit, N. J. Mr. L.E. Thurston, Perry, N. Y. Opal [. Tillman, O.S. U. Joe H. Todd, Wooster, O. H.C. Tracy. Oberlin, Ohio. Irven Travis, MeConnelsville, O. Dr. H. L. True. McConnelsville, O. John H. Tull, [thaca, N. Y. Mrs. George M. Turner, Buffalo. N. Y. Thomas Turvill,Madison, Wisc. Miss Edith M. Twiss. Cleveland, 0, F. J Tvler, U. S. Dept. of Agr. Mr. J. Van ue pee Silver Lake As- sembly, N. Mass. Miss L onora\ inal, Somerville, Mass. F.C. Wagenhal, O. S. U. Mrs. Ralph Walling, ‘Victor, INE Ys Mrs. Henry A, Ward, Lynn, Mass. Thos, B. Ware, Spokane, Wash. Dr. L. H. Watson, Chicago, Ill. Roscoe J. Webb, Garrettsville, O. E. N. Webb, O. S, U. Geo. E. Webster, Kingsville, O. Mr. Hollis Webster, Boston, Mass. Johu Weil, Mansfield, ©. Wm. W. Weir, Detroit, Mich. Miss Denise Welch, Chicago, I11- Miss Emma F. Wellman, Hinsdale, Miss Jessie Wells, McConnelsville, O. John T. Wells, Wellesley Farms, Mass, Philip Wells, Milwaukee. Wisc. Prof. W. R. Wells, Yellow Springs, O. Prin. Wm. Wertner, Dayton, Ohio. Prof, A. Wetzstein, St. Marys, Ohio. Mr. S.C. Wheat, Brooklyn, N. Y. H H. Whetsel, Cornell University. Miss Helen A. White, Salem, Mass. Alex. E. Wright, Wellesley Mills, Mass. Lydia B. Wilbur, Boston, Mass. DE E. Mead Wilcox. Ala. Polytech. nst. E. Wilkinson, Mansfield. O. Mae Wilkinson, Mansfield, O. Miss C. A. Williams, Baltimore, Prof. S. kt. Williams, Oxford, O. Mrs. T. A. Williams, Memphis, Nebr. T.O. Williams, Circleville, O. L. A. Williamson Bluffton, Ind. Capt. Eugene T. Wilson, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Pref.G. W. Wilson, Mt. Union College John Wilson, Wapakoneta, O. Dr-M. B. Wilson. London, O. Miss Maude D. Wilson, Dayton, O. eae Winkenneiper, Watertown, isc. T.O. Winship, Cumberland Mills. Me. Miss Hazel Wise, Cincinnati. Ohio W. W. Witmver, Springfield, Ohio. Mr. Harvard Witschager, Cincinnati. Mrs. A, R. Witte. Brooklyn. N. Y. Mr. Fred B. Wolfe, Spear Library, Oberlin, O. C. A. Woolson, Pittsford Mills, Vt, Md. Mycological Bulletin No. °23 [| Fol, i Fig. 80. Hy-pHo-L0'-MA CAP-NOL'-DES GRAY-GILL HY-PHO-LO’-MA, Cut from the Idaho Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 27, by L. Ff. Henderson. This, Prof. Henderson says, isa fine Mushroom, good raw or cooked. Macllyaine says there is no better Hypholoma. This species has been reported from New York to California. The My :>logizal Bullztin will be issued in 1905 as a Semi-monthly; price 25 cents. Mycological Bulletin No. 24 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, Dec, 24, 1904 END OF SECOND VOLUME.—It is most gratifying to close the second vol- ume of the BULLETIN with even greater interest than was manifested a year ago. This is all the encouragement needed to continue the publication of the Leaflet. Better paper has been used, and I am hoping for possibly better halttones also the coming year. Ali camera fiends will now see their oppor- tunity! It was only after much hesitation that the price was increased to 25 cents, but I may be excused for this expansion which had, of course, to go along with increase of pages and cuts. When the BULLETIN arrives at the ‘‘paying basis” there will be another expansion —but the price will not be increased again for 99 years. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.— The change in price may possibly disturb the mailing list to some extent, hence it will be a great favor if the annual fee of 25 cents is sent in at once, or the notice sent immediately to remove name when preferred. The Bulletin is sent to no one gratis. THe GENUS Hy-PHO-LO’-MA—This includes several common and interest- ing fungi with dark brown or purple brown spores. The Greek words from which the word Hy-pho-lo’ma is derived, means web and fringe; the veil is web-like and adheres to the margin ofthe pileus. There is therefore no ring or an’-nu-lus. The gills are attached tothe stem, The stem is said to be con- tinuous with the substance of the cap; that means, it is not easily separated from it. In Atkinson’s Mushrooms Hdible and Poisonous there are several beautiful illustrations of some of the species. The cut of Hy-pho-lo’-ma cap- noi’-des on the last page of this No. was kindly loaned by Prof. Henderson of the Idaho Experiment Station. MEMBERS OF THE MYCOLOGICAL CLUB, 1904. SUPPLEMENTARY LIST. Chas. A. Aiken, Wellesly Farms, Mass. Prof. E. Bethel, Denver, Colo. Prof. Walter H. Aiken, Cincinnati, O. Supt. Sim. H. Bing, Bidwell, Ohio. Prof. Ezra Allen, Mont. State Normal Mrs. R. W. Bishop, Syracuse, N. Y. College. Emma J. W. Blanchard. N. Cam- Grace Allen, Newtonville, Mass. bridge, Mass. Dr. A. A. Angell, Asheville, N. C. Miss Alice Brenckle, Milwaukee, Wis. M. F. Arey, Iowa State Normal School TT. H. Briggs, Jr., Charleston, Il. J. R. Atchison, London, Ohio. Miss M. W. Brooks, Sa’em, Mass. W. H. Baker, Trentou, Mo. Prof. Wm. P. Brooks, Amherst, Mass. Dr. J. H. Barnhart, Tarrytown, N. Y. Hon. W. G. Brorein, Buckland, 0. University Bulletin, Series 8. No. 34. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office, at Columbus, O Mycological Bulletin No. 24 [ Vol. IT MEMBERS OF THE THE MYCOLOGICAL CLUB, 1904. SUPPLEMENTARY Margaret Buckingham, Newark, O. Stewart H. Burnham, Sandy Hill, N. Y. F. W. Bushby, Peabody, Mass. George S. Butler, Columbus, O. S. C. Caldweli, West Carrollton, O. Caroline Carmack, O. S. U. Ira D. Cardiff, Columbia University. Lola Cherrington, Wellston, O. Dr. J Fred. Clarke, Fairfield, Lowa. J. F. Clevenger, O. S. U. Ethel P. Cochrane, Brooklyn, N. Y. Coe College Library, Cedars Rapids, Towa. Miss M. F. Coffin, Newton, Mass. Scott F. Coffin, Marblehead, Ohio. Dr. Mel T. Cook, Cuba. Dr. M. C. Cooke, London, England. L. Lenore Conover, Detroit, Mich. N. H. Cowdry, Waterford, Ontario. Esther L. Cox, Baltimore, Md. Prof. Ulysses 0. Cox, Mankato, Minn. A. M. Crane, B. A,, Cincinnati, O. Mrs. M. A. Crane, Blowing Rock, N. C. J. S. Cranston, No. Cambridge, Mass. Walter R. Cupp, Knox, Idaho. Prof. C. C. Curtis, Columbia Univers’y Rey. W. Leon Dawson, Columbus, O. Mary A. DeCamp, Columbus, 0. Prof. J. V. Denny, O. S. U. C. O. Dickas, Sidney, Ohio. Albert M. Dodge, Topsfield, Mass. B. O. Dodge, Algoma. Wisc. Mary A. Donoghue, Dayton, O. Geo. Francis Dow, Salem, Mass. Elliot R. Downing, Marquette, Mich. Prof. J. A. Drushel, Lebanon, Ohio. Hattie Dun, Columbus, O. Prof. E. P. Durrant, Westerville, O Cora E. Dwinell, Chillicothe, O. H. L. Farnam, Silver Lake As- sembly, N. Y. Ida Feiel, Columbus, 0. Georgiana O. Fisher, Salem, Maas. Harry Fitzpatrick, Crawfordsville, Ind. Maud Flynn, Columbus, 0. Florence G. Ford, Millbrook, Mass. LIST — Continued. H. BH. Foster, Esq., Seattle, Wash. JEON Ee Hranker On Sale Rudo L. Fromme, 0. S. U. Caroline Fulgham, Goldsborough, N.C. Prof. G. D. Gable, Fairfield, Iowa. R. R. Gates, M. A., Middleton, N. S. H. A. Gleason, 0. S. U. Miss Alice M. Goacs, New York City. Bruce Gobble, Fairfield, Lowa. Charles Gramesley, Charleston, Ill. John Grieve, Columbus, O. Geo. Hall, Fostoria, Ohio. C. J. Hamilton, 0. S. U. Van Harness, Chillicothe, O. Seth Harter, McConnelsville, O. Mrs. Chas. G. Henderson, Columbus, O. Miss Grace Henderson, Youngstown,0O. Charles Herrick, Columbus, O. S. A. Heyl, Columbus, O. KE. J. Higgins, Columbus, O. Helen J. Hinman, Columbus, O. 196 Ws Iebvasi O, Ss Wie Bertha Hite, 0. S. U. Otto Hodge, Ludlow, Ky. Wm. Holden, Lloyd Libr. Cincin’ti, O. C. &. Hondyshel, Lawrence, Kansas. Prof. S. A. Hoover, Mo. State Normal School. T. F. Howard, Aberdeen, Ohio, F. T. Hughes, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jesse E. Hyde, O. S. U. Ellen Hyde, Framingham, Mass George R. Hyslop, 0. 5. U. Alice M. Isaacs, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Dr. T. L. Jenkins, Topsfield, Mass. Janet R. Jones, Granville, O. Mrs. Bb. C. Leavitt, Denver, Colo. B. C. Masterman, New London, O. E. E. Masterman, New London, QO. F.S. Merrill, 0. S. U. Clara M. Renner, Mankato, Minn, Gerald Scott, MeConnelsville, 0, Prof. Malcolm E. Stickney, Denison University. Emma S. Thomas, Schoharie, N. Y. J. F. Waite, Cleveland. Ohio. May Whiteman, Reading, Pa. oT] 24 Dee. 1904 Mycological Bulletin No. 24 S Qn INDEX TO VOLUME II.—[Pp. 49-96] SUBJECTS. Acknowledgments, 50, etc. Am-a-ni’-ta, 54, 57, 58. A-man-i-top’-sis, 58, 91. Announcement, 89. Atkinson’s portrait, 53. Blank for Descriptions, 77-9. Blank, explanation, 81. Cli-toc’-y-be il-lu-dens, 61. Colored illustrations, 54, Columbus bookseller, 61. Comparison of Am-a-ni’-ta, A-man-i- top’-sis and Lep-i-o’ta, 58. Coral Fungi, 50. Descriptions, Blank for, 77-9. Economy in Nature, 6). Explanation of Blank, 81. Fawn-colored Plu~-te-us, 62. Field study of Mushrooms, 78. How to handle specimens, 58. Hy-pho-lo’-ma, 19. Hy-groph’-o-rus, the Ivory, 74. Ivory Hy-groph’-o-rus, 74. Jack-my-Lantern, 61, Journal of Mycology, 50. Lep-i-o’-ta, 58. Lep-i-o’-ta nau-ci’-na, 66. Letter from Prof. Peck, 49. Members, list, 56, ete. My-ce'-na, the Genus, 70. Notes by the Editor, 49, etc. Phalloids or Stinkhorns, 70. Plu’-te-us cer-vi’-na, 62. Photographs solicited, 93. Publishers, 44. Ravenel’s Phalloid, 70, 74. Rosy-spored Agarics, 62. Smooth Lep-i-o’-ta, 66. Spore-color in Agarics, 62. Stinkhorns, or Phalloids, 70. ILLUSTRATIONS. Am-a-ni’-ta mus-ca’-ri-a, 53, 55. Am-a-ni’-ta phal-loi’-des, 56. Am-a-ni’-ta ru-bes’-cens, 84. A-man-i-top'-3is vag-i-na’-ta, 89. American Lep-i-o'-ta, 60. Bird’s-nest Fungus, 61. Brown Pe-zi’-za, 66. Cla-va’-ri-a pyx-i-da’-ta, 49. Cli-toe’-y-be il-lu’-dens, 59, 63. Cli-toc’-y-be in-fun-dib-u-li-for'-mis, 77 Cli-toc'-y-be mon-a-del'-phus, 65. Clustered Cli-toc!'-y-be, 65. Co-pri-nus at-ra-men-ta-ri-us, 52. Coral Fun-gus, 49. Deadly Ag-a-ric, 56. Dic-ty-oph'-o-ra ra-va-nel-i-i, 71. Di-dym!'-i-um squa-mu-lo'-sum, 87. Fawn-colored Plu!-te-us, 64. Funnel Cli-toec'-y-be, 77. Fly Ag!-a-ric, 53, 55. Gray-bill Hy-pho-lo'-ma, 92. Grooved Hel-vel!-la, 85. Hel-vel’-la, la-cu-no!-sa, 85. Hy-groh'-o-rus e-bur!-ne-us, 75. Hy-pho-lo'-ma cap-noi!-des, 92. Hy-pho-lo'-ma lac-ry-ma-bun'-dum, a7. Ink-cap, 42. Ith-y-phal'-lus im-pu'-di-cus, 83. Ivory Hy-groph!-o-bus, 75. Jack-my-Lantern, 59, 63. Lea’s My-ce!-na, 69. Lep-i-o'-ta a-mer-i-ca'-na, 60. Lep-i-o'-ta nau-ci'-na, 67, 80, 82. Lep-i-o'-ta pro'-ce-ra, 68. Ma-ras'-mi-us can'-di-dus, 88. Ma-ras’-mi-us ro!-tu-la, 73. My-ce'-na lea-i-a'-na, 69. My-ce'-na stan'-ne-a, 72. Narrow Pa'-nus, 76. 96 Mycological Bulletin No. 24 ( Fot. Ti ILLUSTRATIONS.—Continued. Pa'_nus an-gus-ta!-tus, 76. Sheathed A-man-i-top'-sis, 89. Parasol Mushroom, 68. Slime Mould, 87. Pe-zi'-za ba'-di-a, 66. Smooth Lep-i-o'-ta, 80, 82, 67. Plu!-te-us cer-vi'-nus, 64. Stannate My-ce'-na, 72. Portrait of Atkinson, 454. Stinkhorn, 83. Portrait of Ellis, frontispiece. Tre—mel'-la al'—bi-da, 81. Psath-y-rel'-la dis-sem-i-na-ta, 51. White Ma-ras'—mi-us, 88. Ravenel’s Phal'—loid, 71. White Tre-mel'-la, 81. Reddish Am-—a-ni'—ta, 84. Hb 8 98 08 Unless otherwise stated in connection with the figures, the photographs were made in the Botanical Department of the Ohio State University. The Assistants helped in part of this work. The MycoLoGicaL BULLETIN will be issued in 1905 as a Semi-monthly— total 24 Numbers. The price, 25 cents. Volume II (12 Numbers unbound) can be supplied to a few persons for 50 cents; cloth-bound copies of this Volume, 75 cents. Volume I is exhausted, except a very few cloth—bound copies which may be had for 75 cents. eh Mycological Bulletin (Nos. 25 to 48) ce ea Volume III 1905 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D. Ohio State University ok Entered as Second Class Matter, Postoffice, Columbus, Ohio. University Bulletin, Botanical Series No. 37 EMINENT PIONEER MycoLocist oF LONDON, MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 25 IV. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, January 1, 1905 THe New Departure.—Beginning with the issue of this number, the MycoLocicaAL BULLETIN will be made a Semi-monthly publication. It has heen sent out heretofore as an experiment, so to speak—at least it was not certain that approximately a thousand persons would care to pay for suci a periodical. here are not, to be sure, 1,000 names yet on the mail- ing list, but if all who desire such a leaflet as this, knew of its regular issuance, price, and editor’s address, it can safely be presumed that there would be an ample number of subscribers. Many persons have, to my knowledge, kindly called attention to the BULLETIN, and to these as well as other unknown friends, hearty thanks are extended. Fic. $1. Pst-10c’-y-kE AM-MOPH’-I-LUsS. An interesting little Toadstool found dur- ing the middle and latter part of the summer on Cedar Point beach at Sandusky, Ohio. The plants grow only on the old stems of the Beach Grass (Ammophila arenaria). The plants are brownish or dark buff color and of size indicated in the illustration. There were immense quantities of the mushrooms and a test was made of the cooking qualities. It was edible, but found to be rather insipid. The half-tone was made from photographs of specimens first collected in the locality named above by Student Chas. E. Brown. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 3. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio. OS Mycological Rulletin No. 25. [Vol. HII MY COEOGIGAT, GLOSSARY: Abbreviations: nov. gen. (or n. g.), new genus; n. sp.. new species; the Greek letter mu, micron or one-thousandth of a millimeter; 2-5x6 -9” means 2 to 5 by 6 to 9 “lines” or twelfths of an inch. Aber'rant: departing somewhat from the usual form or type. Abstriction: separation by constriction near the end as in conidia. Acer'vuli: tufts of hyphae bearing spores. Acetab'uliform: shape of a shallow bowl. Acic'ular: needle-shaped, like pine leaves. Acrog’enous: produced at the top. Acrop'ctal: developing from base toward apex. Acuwleate: with slender point. Acuminaie: having a long-drawn-out point. Adnate: growing fast to; the gills attached to the stem as in the Fig. Adnexed: said of gills when attached slightly or by the upper angle only. Aecid'ial spores: those produced in the Aecidium. Aecid'ium: the first fruiting stage of the Rusts, as the Violet Aecidium, etc. Aecthal'lium: fruiting plasmodium-like mass covered with a cortex in case of some of the Slime-moulds. Agaric: a gill-bearing mushroom. Agar'icoid: like an Agaric, or mushroom-like. Allan'toid: narrowly-oblong or sausage shaped. Alha'ceous: with odor of onions. Alluta’cecus: of pale brown color, like leather. Amor’ phous: without definite form. Amphig'cnous: produced on both sides or all around. Amyla’ceous: starchy, like or containing starch. Am'ylum: starch. Analogy: resemblance in function and perhaps in external form, but fundamentally different in structure or origin, see morphology. Anas'tomose: to run together irregularly or netlike. An'nulus: the ring on the stem, see mushroom for illustration. Anterior: said of the end of the lamella next to the margin. Apic'ulate: having a short, abrupt point. Apiculus: a short abrupt point. Apothe’cium: used in connection with the Ascomycetes where the frue- tification is more or less cup-shaped and having the hymenium (fruiting surface) on its concave surface; ascoma. Ippendic'ulate: with an appendage, or hanging in small fragments. Ap'planate: flattened out or horizontally expanded. Appressed: applied closely to the surface or to each other. Approximate: said of gills which do not quite reach the stem. lqueous’ may be watery, or merely lacking color, that is, hyaline, Arach'noid: like a cobweb, as is the veil in some mushrooms. Are'olate: divided into littie patches or areas. Argilla'ceous: resembling clay. Ascending: said of lamellae in a conical pileus; said of the partial veil in its young stage when its marginal attachment is below its stem attachment. Ascig’erous: bearing asc. As‘cocarp: the spore cap or fructification in Ascomycetes. Asco'ma: the apethecium or fruiting body in Lichens, Pezizae, etc. Ascomyce'tes: the group of fungi whose spores are borne in asci. As'cospores: the spores horne in an ascus. As'cus (pl. as’ci): a cell in which spores are borne. As'tomous: without an aperture or mouth. Atten'uate: gradually narrowed. Aurantia'ceous: orange colored. Aureus: golden; vellow with a tinge of red. [To BE CONTINUED. | 1 Jan., 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 25 99 THE PurposE?—Yes, it is a Leaflet for beginners and amateurs; it contains much in the way of pictures and little in the way of reading matter. The long hard names are divided into syllables with accent indi- cated. It is hoped that the explanations in connection with the illustra- tions will be found full enough for the ordinary mycophagist or mycologist. Other paragraphs containing erratic remarks, timely suggestions, and occasional matter with scietitiie tinge, may be pardoned—at least endured. SuBSCRIPTION.—It seems best to call attention to the present plan, according with universal custom, that when a name is placed on the mail- ing list the party is a regular subscriber and will be expected to pay the subscription price until the subscription is ordered stopped. This will leave my estimable subsrcibers only this one little thing to remember, namely, to send a quarter (25 cents) on the first day of January each year. Occasional reminder, if perchance necessary, will of coures give no offence to either party involved. GLossAry OF TECHNICAL TERMS.— After some hesitation it has been’ decided to devote one page in a half dozen or more consecutive numbers to a brief illucidation of the technical terms generally employed in the hooks to describe Mushrooms and other common fungi. This will not be entertaining reading matter, I dare say, but certainly such a little dic- tionary will prove useful on many occasions. A few of the terms are very uncommon or used in a very peculiar sense—and doubtless all ama- teurs as well as beginners will find reference to the second page of the several BuLLETINS for the winter and spring not an unprofitable, even if not the most agreeable employment. Fic. §2. Bo-rry-spo’-r1-uM puL’-curuM. ‘This is a beautiful fungus belonging to the large group of Hy-pho-my-ce’-tes, all of which bear co-nid’-i-a on simple or branching hyphae above the surface or matrix on which they grow. They have no perithecia or pycnidia. Some of the forms are extremely ornamental, and all often are supposed to be stages of other fungi; for this reason these forms are called “‘im- perfect fungi.” In only a few cases, however, have they been identified by experi- ment as being connected with higher fungi. The plant here figured was found on dead stems in the green house, from which the illustrations were drawn by J. G. San- ders. This species has been described no less than nine times and given nine differ- ent names (the writer apologizes for the last mistake in this connection), but the name here used is that first given by Corda in 183! Many botanists here as well as abroad have detected this fungus. 100 Mycological Bulletin No. 25 [Vol. I Fic. 83. StTRo-BI-°OM’-Y-CES STRO-BI-LA’-cE-us. A tube bearing mushroom, belong- ing to the family Bo-/le-ta’-ce-ae. Its peculiar appearance renders it easy of recog- nition. The half-tone was made from photograph of specimens collected in sandy soil of woods at Cedar Point, Sandusky, Ohio, August, 1904. McIlvaine says: “‘With many this Boletus is a prime favorite. It has a strong woody taste, sometimes musky, some- times faintly of anisette. It cooks well by any method. Ar a Distance.—The editor will have arrived at Guatemala (Central America), before this number of the Burtetin reaches the subscribers. At a long distance therefore the next half dozen or more BULLETINS will be edited. In spite of care on the part of my faithful assistant, Miss Clara G. Mark, some mistakes may occur in the matter of distribution, correc- tion of addresses, financial records, ete. Ech'inate: with stiff bristles. Eechin'ulate: with minute processes. : Effused: spread over and without regular form. [ro BE CONTINUED. | 1 Feb., 1905. ] Mycelogical Bulletin No. 27. 107 Vic. 88. PER-0-NOS’-PO-RA FLOER-KE’-AE. Leaf Mildew of false Mermaid. (See next page for explanation.) 108 Mycological Bulletin No. 27. [Vol. III EXPLANATION oF Fic. 88. Fic. 88. PErR-0-NOS’-PO-RA FLOER-KE’-AE. Leaf Mildew of False Mermaid. This is is a parasitic fungus that attacks the little wild plants of the woods and shady places, called the False Mermaid. The Mildew is usually abundant on the lowest leaves and often covers the entire plant, stunting the growth of the host very much. Without a lens even the parasite can be seen when abundant, forming a powdery or white fuzzy covering over the epidermis. ‘This consists of little branched hy’phae as shown in Figures 2, 3 and 4 on the opposite page (Fig. 88). These tree-like co-nid’-i-o-phores, as they are called, bear the spores, i. e., co-nid -t-a; one co-nid’-i-um is still attached in Figure 2. Four co-nid’-i-a, mature, are shown in Figure 5. Besides these spores— suminer spores they are—there are others (as shown in igure 6) that have thickened walls and can endure the winter. They germinate in the spring—the parasite is an annual plant. Those winter spores are formed within the tissues of the leaves and stems of the host. A plant much dwarfed by the attack of the parasite is shown also (Figure 1). This fungus is somewhat similar to the Powdery Mildew, or Grape Rot, that inflicts great damage on vine-yards. A full account of his new species, with technical description was given in the Journal of Mycology, July, 1904. DO Omwyn BUS Meaaekoud se&naes aug Se 2 eo Sa a Dae the Tes o- ND Ko to + U ee Ve VES = SES Gye .8G Se = Ac oo n cet ise] noe v Sion c =O SS tha = SS 2S ee O | LE ae ro) eee ted uo ros sot wo b=} 5» & aX sa ao) Pie - an “nD oO r=} 5 AaAPso ews cS AOS Org Fes = ae 8.4 So " on seh! (=) — op Mosoa4aus = “5 ess el Say, ee sons e z oe On se iS} Gucs SOc else cm 36 aa yee ans U2oa q aes ses) ees omesenges - nn a fats onl a. ty OLR pnOlremes gee es On AO Oo. a ace al - OVO Balen) - Oa 2 ao a_ + v0 n Ce OU GS oT 5 Aw ft On wo awYU =) 4 = b - 7 Mr ee “aN g wenn” OCR oe ML — Ae eat 1 bes “Ss hn go Bee, 2 . 4 ~ is 7 NP or, Pe ‘ YH Wyo Ota ca | wes Yeas < 2100 ck DAS rea YB owe oO ei . we — U BELLS .5 2 a _- o Flow tn Sia°) OS aie c S0T RO yew x s CHA was = a att Uo egy Z AO 3? 2 a Gee re) PY AS ES . _ se wYnNOUY fs & S522 Shee a —_— oir Oeics a ; s . 2Qt Dee Ue wine MSS OY es | me 8 < ra elon eas feet ee 02 ie = 7 Ax Oagond es ‘SRESSR EM _ UO adem * sok yg 8S > ae Pew - . SESaSE CS The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1903) except a few cloth bound for which 75 cents is charged. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 28 WW. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohie, February 15, 1905 THE GENUS Ps1-Loc’-y-pr.—This is a small group. of the brown-spored Agarics, and the name from two Greek words, means naked head. Some authors accent the third syllable, thus, Pst-lo-cy’-be. In structure this is much like Col-lyb’-i-a (white-spored), Lep-to’-ni-a (rosy-spored), and Nau-co'-ri-a (ochre-spored), but its brown spores separate it from those genera. It has no veil, the stipe is tenaceous and ‘continuous’ with the pileus, the margin of the pileus is at first mcurved, and the gills are not decurrent; these characters separate it from its near relatives in the eroup of brown-spored Agarics. Atkinson’s Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous gives no species; Mcllvaine’s One Thousand American Fungi notes two species. Fig. 81 in this BULLETIN is not very common. Pic. 90. Mer-u’-Li-us RU-BEL’-LuS. ReEDt_sH Mer-u’-LI-us. Not inedible, but tough. This species grows on rotten trunks, stumps, ete. It is more or less the natural place of growth of a plant. Hausto'rium (pl. haustoria): a special branch of a hypha or projection that acts as a sucker and holdfast for a parasitic fungus. Hei'croecism: iiving on more than one host during the life-cycle; for example one Wheat Rust has its first stage on Barberry leaves. Hir'sute: with stiff hairs. HTost: the plant or animal on which a parasitic fungus grows. Homologous: said of parts having fundamental likeness in structure or of corresponding origin; analogy refers to similarity merely in function; homology takes into account only structure and crigin. Hyaline> transparent, clear like glass. Hygremet'ric: readily absorbing water. Hygroph'anous: watery appeararce when moist, but opaque when dry. Hysroscop'ic: absorbing moisture from the air. Hyme'nium: the fruit-bearing (spore-bearing) surface. Hymenomyce'tes: those Basidiomycetous fungi which have the hymenium exposed. Hy menophore: the portion which bears the hymenium. Hy'pha (pl. hyphae): one of the elongated cells or filaments of which the fungus is composed. Hyphal: pertaining to a hypha. Hyphomycet'es: the “imperfect fungi” whose conidia are borne on super- ficial often floccose hyphae, pyenidia absent. Hypocrate’riform: of the form of a cylindrical cup with outwardly turned margin; salver-form. Hypogac'ous: below the surface of the ground. Hypog'cnous: growing on the under side. Hypophyl'lous: growing on the under side of a leaf. Hypothal'lus: a membranous or fleshy base to perithecia or sporangia Hypothe cium: the hyphal layer beneath the hymenium. Hyste'rivid: elongate boat-shaped, like one of the group of Hysteriaceae. Im'bricate: overlapping like shingles. Imperfect fungi: those fruiting stages of fungi which precede the form that represents the final stage in the life-cycle of the species. Incar'nate: flesh-colored. Indehis'cent: not opening at maturity as an indehiscent peridium. Indu’sium: in Phalloids it is the veil beneath the pileus. Inferior: as the ring of an Agaric far down on the stem. Infundib'uliform: funnel-shaped. Innate: within or blending with the substance of a part. [T0 BE CONTINUED. | t March, 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 29. 115 Fic. 93. Ruy-tT1s’-MA coN-cAV’-uM. A parasitic fungus on I/ex verticillata (Win- ter-berry). At L. is-shown the leaf with the ripe fungus natural size; a section, slightly magnified, at S¢. The other figures show the microscopic structure. WAK, 116 Mycological Bulletin No. 29. [Vol. III Fic. 94. Ga’-LE-RA SPHAG’-NUM. This charming little Toadstool grows, as the cut shows, on the lower dead portion of the stems of Bogmoss or Sphagnum. It be- longs to the section of ochre-spored Ag’arics. The specimens were collected on a cranberry island in Buckeye Lake, the latter part of October, 1904. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th 6f each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1903) except a few cloth bound for which 75 cents is charged. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 30 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, March 15, 1905 Parasitic Funai.—It is easier to tell the difference between sapro- phytic and parasitic fungi than it is to draw the line of demarkation in all cases. Some fungi are purely parasitic and others are just as distinctly saprophytic. That is, some species (parasites) take their food directly and exclusively from living plants and animals; the saprophytes, on the other hand, live on decaying organic matter. It is now known that some sapro- phytic forms may for a time at least adjust themselves to a parasitic mode of life—or as a botanist would say, they are facultative-parasites. Again, some parasites are able to live for a time on dead organic matter—they are therefore facultative-saprophytes. Some species of a given genus may be parasitic, and others—though of the same genus—may be classed with the saprophytes; but such cases are not numerous. The common Mushrooms and Toadstools—for the illucidation of which this BULLETIN has its reason d’etre —are usually very conspicuous, exhibit manifold forms, and varied color- ings. ‘lhe parasitic species on the contrary, are mostly inconspicuous, indeed microscopic, and known chiefly by their devastations. Innumerable discolored areas on leaves, conspicuous spots because the tissue is dead and bleached or may be peculiarly colored, may indicate the presence of a parasitic fungus—yet to detect the latter a hand lens may be necessary, and only with the aid of a compound microscope can the form and struc- ture of the fungus be determined A \ 3 5 Vic. 95. PHyYL-LACH’-O-RA MEX-I-CA’-NA. A parasitic fungus on Adolpiia sent from Mexico. The stem (Fig. 1) is attacked by the fungus and forms blackened areas. Figure 2 shows a section through the part of the stem which is affected and the stro’-ma (as the black solid part of the fungus is called) is seen to be occupied by cavities in which as’ci and ascosperes are formed: the latter are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 5 shows some of the pa-raph’-y-ses which are mixed with the as’ci. This, a new snecies when collected last summer, was sent by Professor A. L. Herrera, of Mexico City, Mexico. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 8. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio 118 Mycological Bulletin No. 30. [Vol. III MYCOLOGICAL GLOSSARY. Insiti' tious: inserted. Inter'calary: inserted between. In'tercel’lular: between cells. In'tracel'lular: within the cell. Jntumes’cent: becoming swollen. Invag'inated: sheathed. In'volute: rolled inwards. Isabel'line: color of sole leather, brownish yellow. Lac'cate: varnished or coated as with ceiling wax. Lacerate: irregularly torn. Laciniate: cut into many lobes or threads. Lactes'cent: with milky juice. Lacu'na: a pit or cavity. Lac'unose: pitted. Lamel'la (pl. lamellae): gill of a mushroom bearing the hymenium. La'nate: woolly. Lateri’cious: of brick color. La'tex: milky juice of plants. Laticif’erous: bearing latex. Lax: not compact, flaccid. Lep'idote: scurfy with minute scales. Leucospor'ae: the group of Agarics that have white spores. Lev'igate: with a polished surface. Lig'natile: growing on wood. Lig'neous: growing on wood. Lig'ulate: flattened and strap-like. Liv'id: \Wluish-black, color of a flesh bruise. Loc'ular: divided into cavities; as trilocular, three cavities. Lu'men: cavity; cavity formed by cell wall. Lu'rid: color between purple, yellow and gray; dirty brown. Lu'teous: yellowish; buff-like or clay color. Lutes’cent: yellowish; becoming luteous. Mac'ulate: spotted. Mam'miform: \reast-like; teat-like. Marginal veii: in Agarics the veil extending from margin of pileus to stem. Ma'trix: the substance on which or in which a fungus grows. Me'dial: as of an annulus when at the middle of the stem. Medul'la: inner substance extending to the cortical portion. Melanospo'rue: the black-spored Agarics. Meris'moid: like Merisma, that is, a pileus divided into many small pilei. Mes'opod: a plant having a central stem. Mica'ceous: covered with glistening scales. Mic'ron (pl. micra or microns); the # or one-thousandth of a millimeter ; it is nearly .00004 of an inch. Millimeter: the thousandth of a meter, and a thousand micra, or #, nearly one twenty-fifth of an inch. Min‘iate: vivid red or vermillion color. Mi'trate, Mitriform: hbonnet-shaped, mitre-shaped. Mold, mould: may refer to fine organic earth as leaf-mold, or to the com- mon fungi on foods, ete., as Penicillium, Mucor, ete. Monil'iform: like a string of beads. Morphology: this as contrasted with Physiology (which deals with fune- tion) refers to structure of parts, particularly their interpretation as based on their origin and development. Muce'dinous: resembling the mildews or moulds. Mu'cro: a short abrupt point. Muw'cronate: with a short abrupt point. Multipar'tite: divided into many parts. [TO BE CONTINUED. | 15 March, 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 30. 119 Fic. 96. TRiI-CHO-LO’-M\ MEL-A-LEU’-cUM. This Tri-cho-lo’-ma was found in great abundance in the woods of Cedar Point, near Sandusky, Ohio, first brought to the laboratory by H. H. York. The size and general character of this white-spored Agaric are fully shown in the illustrations. It was found in sandy soil, growing singly in the shady woods. The color is usualy pale, nearly white at first, later much darker, but hardly sooty. Photograph from specimens collected near Sandusky, Ohio, August. 1904, Mycological Bulletin No. 30. [Vol. III Fic. 97. Ilyp’UM_ ER-I-NA’-CE-US. SATYR’S-BEARD. Epinur. This common and attractive Hedge-hog fungus or Hyd’num was collected by Miss Luda WL. Porter, Newark, Ohio. Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies No copies The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. remain of Vol, I (1903) except a few cloth bound for which 75 cents is charged. JUN 26 1905 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 31 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Celumbus, Ohio, April 1, 1905 PERHAPS REGULAR AFTER TuHIs.—An unexpected delay has occurred in issuing the April Nos. of the BuLretin, due to late return from a winter trip to Guatemala. However, the 24 Nos. for the year will be re- ceived by the subscribers and possibly from now on they may be sent out regularly as dated. All who are not duly receiving the Nos. may know that we have not received the subscription (25 cents) for the year. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.—I wo correspondents have made valuable con- tributions to this Number, namely, Mr. S. S. Crosby, of Massachusetts, and Dr. O. E. Fischer, of Michigan. Their photographs of interesting fungi are reproduced as Higs. 98 and 99. Hy-pHo-Lo’-MA.—We present a habit-figure of Hy-phy-lo’-ma ap-pen- div-u-la’-tum from a photo by Mr. S. S. Crosby, and will as opportunity offers try to show a plant the natural size. Figures of some other species may be seen on preceding pages. For example, Hy-pho-lo'-ma_ sub-lat- er-U-ti-um was shown on p. 25, made from a photo by Fred. J. Braendle; Hy-pho-lo'-ma lac-ry-ma-bun'-dum, from a photo by M. E. Hard, was pub- lished on p. 57; and Hy-pho-lo’-ma cap-noi'-des may be found on p. 92, printed irom a cut furnished by I.. F. Henderson. Some explanation of the genus was given on p. 73 and therefore need not be commented on here. Itc. 08. Iy-pHO-LO’-MA AP-PEN-DIC-U-LA’-TUM. Edible. The photo for this Ap- pendiculate Hy-pho-lo’-ma was furnished by Mr. S. S. Crosby, Cambridge, Mass. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 17. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus. Ohio 122 Mycological Bulletin No. 31 {Vol ITI GLOSSARY. Multisep'tate: having many partitions or septa. Mu'ricate: covered with short hard points. Muric'ulate: finely muricate. Mu'riform: descriptive of spores that have septa at right angles to each other, or like bricks in a wall. Mu'rine or murinous: mouse-colored. Mushroom: a word used for all the conspicuous higher fungi; the term is not properly confined to the edible toadstools. Myc- (mycet- or myco-): is a prefix meaning fungus. Myce'lium: the mass of hypae or threads (elongated cells) of which the tissue of fungi is composed, especially the visible mat of hyphae of the moulds, ete. Myce'lioid: like mycelium. Mycol'ogy: the division of botany which treats of fungi. Mycol'ogist: one versed in mycology. Mycoph'agist: one who eats fungi. Ni'tid, nitidous: shining, polished. Niz’eous: snow-white. Nu'cleus: the central dense and very complex part of the protoplasm. Obligate-parasite: one that can grow only as a parasite; see Facultative- parasite. Obligate-saprophyte: one that can grow only as a saprophyte; see Facul- tative-saprophyte. Ochrospor'ae: the Agarics that have ocher-colored or brownish spores. O6'spore: a spore resulting from the act of fecundation, usually a resting- spore; egg-spore. Oper’ culate: with an operculum or lid. Oper'culum: lid of a spore-case. Os'tiolate: with an ostiolum. Os'tiole, os'tiolum: orifice for exit of spores; mouth of perithecium. Pal'lid: pale or of an undecided color. Papil'lose: with minute rounded projections. Paraph’ysate: with paraphyses. Paraph'yses: slender cells, often clavate, etc., mixed with the asci, and are apparently sterile asci. Par'asite: a plant that receives its nourishment direct from living plants or animals to which it is attached. Parietal: pertaining to or on the wall. Partial veil: in Agarics the veil reaching only from the margin of the pileus to the stem. Patel'late: shape of a dish or pan (patella). Patel'liform: shape of the patella or pan. Pec'tinate: with teeth like a comb. Pel'licle: a very thin skin or cuticle. Pellu cid: translucent. Peridio'lum: a secondary or interior peridium. Perid'ium: the outer coat of a sporophore, as the covering in case of Puffballs, Geasters, ete. Perithe’cium (pl. perithecia): a globular or otherwise-shaped receptacle in which asci (and ascopores) are produced; it may be closed or open above; ascoma, ascocarp, ete. Per'onate: sheathed. Pesi'zoid: cup-shaped or resembling a Peziza. Phycomyce'tes: The Algal-fungi, as Grape Mildew (Peronospora), ete. Pi'leate: having a cap or pileus. Pi'leus: the cap-like or umbrella-like portion of an Ag’aric or other mushrooms; the pileus with the stem supporting it is the sporophore or so-called fructification. [to BE CONTINUED. | 1 April 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 3r 123 Is Gy-ro- MI’ -TRA ES-CU-LEN’-TA PorsoNnous?—Atkinson (Mushrooms, p. 220) says: “While this species has long been reported as an edible one, and has been employed in many instances as food with no evil results, there are known cases where it has acted as a poison. In many cases where poisoning has resulted the plants were quite old and probably in the incipient stages of decay. However, it is claimed that a poisonous principle, called helvzllic acid, has been isolated by a certain chemist, which acts as a violent poison. This principle is very soluble in hot water, and when care is used to drain off first water in which they have been cooked, squeezing the water well from the plants, they are pro- nounced harmless. The safer way would be to avoid such suspicious species.” Another author may be quoted. McIlvaine (One Thousand Am. Fun., p. 547) says: “Sirce 1882 myself and friends have repeatedly eaten it. In no instance was the slightest discomfort felt from it. It was always enjoyed. Mr. Charles H. Allen, San Jose, Cal., writes to me that G. escu- lenta grows plentifully in his region, and that it is not only edible, but he has found it one of the best. But the species, though long ago esteemed highly in Europe and by many in America, now rests under decided sus- picion. . . . . The species would be better let alone.” Dr. Fischer says ‘St undoubtedly—though rarely—causes symptoms of poisoning in the United States.“ Fic. 99. Gy-RO-MI’-TRA ES-CU-LEN’-TA. Hel-vel’-la or Gy-ro-mi’-tra. Edible. Photo by Dr. O. E. Fischer, Detroit, Mich. The plants are represented less than life size. lor comments see paragraph above. 124 Mycological Builetin No. 31 [Vol. III Fic. 100. TRI-CHO-LO’-MA MEL-A-LEU’-cuM. This Tri-cho-lo’-ma was found in great abundance in the woods of Cedar Point, near Sandusky, Ohio, first brought to the laboratory by H. H. York. The size and general character of this white-spored Agaric are fully shown in the illustrations. It was found in sandy soil, growing singly in the shady woods. The color is usually pale, nearly white at first, later much darker, but hardly sooty. Photograph from specimen collected near Sandusky, Oltio, August 1904. This represents the same Mushroom as shown in Fie. 96. All the plants shown in Fig 96 are rather young; the same is true of those shown in Fig. 100 except the one to the left Ilere the cap is flattened out and ultimately curved upward. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio. 2) =) to) aN) = = 5 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 32 \BRARS W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University -EW YORK Columbus, Ohio, April 15, 1905 “SOTANICAT GARDEN A Po-ty’-po-rus Numper.—Though the fungi belonging to the Pol-y’- po-ra’-ce-ae, or Pore-fungi, are not so important to the mycophagist as some other groups they are just as interesting to the student and lover of Nature. When very young some of the species are edible and used to a considerable extent. They soon become tough or hard and leathery, most of the conspicuous forms being woody in consistency. Some of the common forms will be shown in this and succeeding Numbers of the BULLETIN. CLASSIFICATION.—These fungi are near relatives of the Ag’arics or the Gill-fungi, inasmuch as the spores are borne on enlarged cells, called ba-sid' -i-a. Each ba-sid’-i-um bears at its apex a few (commonly two or four) spores at the tips of little stalks. The name of this slender stem or stalk is, in botanical language, ster-ig’-ma; the plural is ster-ig'-ma-ta. All fungi that produce ba-sid’ -i-a and basidiospores constitute the group of Ba-sid-i-o-my-ce'-tes. Again, those fungi that bear the spores within a cell, which is called an as’-cus, form the group of As-co-my-ce'-tes. The common and conspicuous Mushrooms are members of these groups and are spoken of sometimes as the true fungi, or expressed in technical language, Eu-my-ce’-tes. The Grape Mildew, the Black Mould or Mucor, etc., are quite different in some of their characters, particularly in their mode of spore production: in fact they are in this respect, like some Algae and hence have been called algal-fungi. For this group the botan- ical name, which has this signification, is Phy-co-my-ce'-tes. At the risk of offending the gentle reader with a prolix classification, it may be said that these groups of plants, 7. e., the Fungi, may be set opposite the Al’ -gae (the latter plants being simple in structure like the fungi, but unlike them in having chlo’-ro-phyll, or “leaf-green”)—the two groups constituting what the botanists call Thal’-lus plants or Thal’-lo-phytes. Vig. 101, Po-Ly’-po-RUS AR-CU-LA-RI-FOR’-MiS. This polypore was recently de- scribed as a new species by William A. Murrill, in the October Number of Torreya (1904). It was collected at Unaka Springs, East Tennessee. The upper side is shown in Fig 1, the under side in Fig. 2, magnified 2% times. A small portion of the upper 2? surface is shown at 3, and a small portion of the lower surface is shown at 4, both magnifiel 8 times. Professor Murrill has kindly loaned us the electro for reproducing the figure of this interesting species. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 18. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus. Ohio 126 Mycological Bulletin No. 32 [Vol. III MYCOLOGICAL GLOSSARY. Pilif'erous: covered with soft hairs. Placen'tiform: shape of a circular disk depressed above and below in the middle. Plasmo'dium: the motile protoplasmic mass representing the vegetative stage of the slime-moulds. Pli'cate: folded lke a fan. Plum'beous: lead-color, bluish-gray. Poculiform: cup-shaped. Pore: in the Pyrenomycetes same as ostiole or ostiolum. Porrect ; stretched horizontally. Posterior: in case of the gills of the Agarics, denotes the point next to the stem; that is, the posterior end is that next to the stipe. Pro'toplasm: the living nitrogenous mass of the cell which is the physical basis of life. Pubes'cent: with short hairs. Pul'vinate: cushion-shaped. Punctate: dotted. Pus'tular: with elevations like blisters or pustules. Putres'cent: soon decaying. Pycnidial spores: sporules, or the ‘spores’ (not ascospores) found in pycnidia. Pycnidium (pl. pycnidia): a perithecium-like ascocarp or body in which sporules are produced. Pyrenomyce'tes: the Ascomycetes with enclosed or nearly enclosed hymenium., Recep'tacle: the part of the sporophore that contains the spores. Remote’: said of gills that do not reach the stem. Re'pand: wavy. Re'plicate: folded back upon itself. Resu'pinate: attached by the back, herce the hymenium facing outwards; in this case there is no stem to the fungus which is spread over the matrix; applied to the Polypori, ete. Rez"olute: rolled backward. Rhi'zomorphs: the dark root-like mesh of mycelial cords often seen in rotten wood which represents the vegetative (perhaps resting) stage of Agarics, etc. Rhodospe'rae: the pink or rosy spored Agarics. Ri'mose or rimous: full of cracks. Ring: the part of the partial-veil that adheres to the stem of an Agaric; annulus. Ros'trate: beaked. Rubes'cent: somewhat reddish in color. Rufes’cent: of a dull red color, or becoming rufous. Ru'gose: wrinkled. Sanguin'eous: bhlood-colored. Sap'rophyite: a fungus that draws its nourishment from dead vegetable or animal matter. Scab'rous: with a rough surface. Scis'sile: easily split; said of gills readily separable into two plates. Sclero'tium: a hard black mass, sometimes resembling a tuber, which is the dormant or resting vegetative stage of some fungi, and from which later sporophores may arise. Scorbic'ulate: with small pits or furrows. Scu'tellate: like a plate or platter. Sepia; deep dark reddish brown. Sep'tate: having partitions. Septum: a partition. Seri'ceous: silky. [TO BE CONTINUED. | 15 April 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 32 12 ~t Explaining similarly the basis of classification and arrangement of the other plants, we would have the Mosses and Liverworts forming the group Bry'-o-phytes; the Ferns, Scouring Rushes and Ground Pines forming the Pter-id' -o-phytes; and tially the Pines and common higher plants as Sage, Rose, Oak, Dandelion, etc., forming the Sper-mat'-o-phytes. Putting this all in the form of a diagram or synoptical tabulation we would have it presented to the eye thus: Fic. 102. Po-ty’-po-rus uyp-nor’-pes. A Polypore from Central America, very striking by reason of its black color and covering of long bristles or scale-like hairs above. The underside'is shown in the lower specimen on the right, and a small por- tion of this magnified is shown in Fre. 103. The plants were collected the past winter from old railroad ties, near Port Parrios, Guatemala. 128 Mycological Bulletin No. 32 [Vol. III SPER-MAT’-0-PHYTES, or the common higher plants, as the herbs, shrubs and trees. Prer-IbD’ -0-PHYTES, or the Ferns, Scouring Rushes, and Lyco- PLANTS pods or Ground Pines. ; 7 <~ \ BryY’-0-PHYTES, Or the Mosses and Liverworts. Ba-sid'-i-o-my-ce'-tes As'-co-my-ce'-tes Phy'-co-my-ce'-tes ( Fungi ‘THAL’-LO-PHYTES - Algae OrpeERS COMPRISING THE BA-sin’-I-0-My-cE’ -TES.—If we carry this matter of tabulation a little further we will have the following scheme: Nip-u-LaAr-1I-A’-LES, the Bird’s-nest Fungi. Ly-co-PER-DA’-LES, the Puff-balle. PHAL-La’-LES, the Phalloids or Stinkhorns. A-GAR-I-CA’-LES, Mushrooms and related BA-SID’-I-O-MY-CE’-TES Fungi. TRE-MEL-LA’-LES, the gelatinous Fungi. AU-RIC-U-LAR-I-A’-LES, the Jew’s ear, etc. U-reE-pIN-A’-LES, the Rusts. Us-TI-LA-CIN-A’-LES, the Smuts. lic. 103. The Pores or portion of the hymenial layer of Po-Ly’-po-RuS HyYD-NOI’- pES The microphotograph was made by using a 2-inch ocular and a 38-inch objective. The fungus is shown natural size in Vig. 102. where further explanation may be found. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio, MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 33 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, May 1, 1905 ACKNOWLEDGMENT.—We have to thank Mr. Fred J. Seaver for the instructive illustration contained in Fig. 106, and Professor McBride, of the University of Iowa, for the use of the electro. This and many others were used in Volume 5 of the Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History of the State of lowa, and we will take occasion to reproduce one or two more illustrations from this series in future Nos. of the BULLETIN. AN INTERESTING ILLUSTRATED ARTICLE. is a pleasure to call atten- tion to Mr. Seaver’s article on the Discomycetes of Eastern Iowa which is fully illustrated—twenty-five plates being used, each illucidating two species. Our Fig. 106 is a sample. The plant, natural size usually, is given, then enlarged figures—these always showing an ascus and paraphyses if any, also the spo-rid’-i-a or ascospores. lic. 106. The following is the explanation for the plate marked Fig. 106, p. 132: The illustrations marked I, a, b, and c, show SpatTH-u-La’-RI-A CLA-VA’-TA. At a three plants are represented natural size, and in their natural habit. At b is given a figure of a single ascus containing spores, accompanied by two branching pa-raph’-y-ses; these are magnified 1000 diameters. Fig II, a, b, c, exhibits Lr-o’-T1-a sTI-pI-TA’-rA. At a three plants are given natural size; at b a mature ascus with spores and two pa-raph’-y-ses magnified 750 diameters are shown. Fig. c exhibits a single spo-rid’-i-um, cr ascospore, magnified 2000 diameters. The figures are all drawn by Fred J. Seaver from specimens collected in [owa. SPATH-U-LA’-RI-A CLA-VA’-TA is a common yellow species occurring in woods in summer. LE-0’-TI-A STI-PI-TA’-TA has a globose or spreading pileus of dark aeruginous green, the stem is a light yellow. It occurs in woods in. summer and fall. rig. 104. DAE-DA’-LE-A_AM-BIG’-U-A. This represents, considerably reduced from the natural size, a common fungus in habit much like the common Polypores; but the pores are changed slightly from this circular shape, as in this case, or they become much Lf) flattened so as to form labyrinthine passages, or even lamellae or plates. A magnified © view of the pores is shown in the next figure. The photos are from a herbarium speci- ©) men that was distributed by the Alabama Biological Survey, collected by IF. S. Earle = in 1898. en) ~ CX) —_—sdUniversity Bulletin, Series 9, No. 19. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus. Ohio 130 Mycological Bulletin No. 33 [Vol. III MYCOLOGICAL GLOSSARY. Serrate: margin with saw-like teeth. Ser'rulate: minutely serrate. Sessile: attached directly to the base; without stem. Se’ta: a bristle or stiff hair. | Seta'ceous, seti’'gerous, or se’tose: bristly. Set'ulose: finely setaceous. Sig'moid: S-shaped. : Sinuate, sinuose, sinuous: waved or serpentine. Sinus: the curve between two lobes. Smooth: destitute of hairs (not necessarily an even surface). Sordid: ot a dirty dingy hue. ‘ Spadic’cous: date-brown, 7. e., a dull dark brown. Spath'ulatc: shaped like a spathula or spoon. Spat'ulate: shaped like a spatula or spoon. Species: a group of individuals that are alike or of one kind. Spic'ule: a minute point or slender granule. Spin'ule: a small spine or slender prickle. Spore: the minute simple reproductive body of the Mushrooms and other plants similar in function to the seed or complex structure of the common plants. The terms spore, sporule, sporidium, conidium, etc., are often used indiscriminately. Spo'rocarp: the fruiting portion (not the vegetative part) of the Ascomy- cetes. Sporid'ium: see spore. Spo'rophore: the hypha or other part that bears spores. Sporule: sez spore. Squa’ma: a scale. Squa'mose, sgua’mous: scale-like or with scales. Squa'mula: a little scale. Squamulose, squamulous: with small scales or squamae. Squar'rose: rough with scales or projecting points. Sterig’ma (pl. sterig’mata): a little stalk on a basidium bearing the spore. Stipe: the stem of a mushroom. Sti'pitate: with a stipe, or stem. Sto’ma (pl. stomata): an opening or mouth. Straight: aterm applied to the edge of a pileus when not involute. Strani'neous: of straw or straw-color. Stra'tose; in distinct strata or layers. Stri’ate: marked with parallel lines, or striae. Strobil’oform: like a pine cone. Stro'ma (pl. stvo'mata): a compact mycelium on or in which perithecia or other organs of fructification are produced. Stuffed: said of a mushroom stem if filled within by material of a texture different from that of the wall. Sub-gleba: the basal portion of the gleba. Subic'ulum: a layer of hyphae covering the matrix and over which is the hymenium. Substra’'tum: the matrix, or that on which the mushroom grows. Sul'cate: with furrows or grooves. Superior: said of the ring or annulus when near upper end of stem. Symbio'sis: living together of two organisms in mutual dependence. Teleu'tospore: the thick-walled winter spore, or end-spore in a series of the life-cycle of polymorphic forms, for example, the winter spores of the Rusts. Tes'selated: checkered in a regular manner. Testa’ceous: brick-red. Thal'lophyte: one of the lower plants whose body is a Thallus (not differ- entiated into stem, leaf, ete.). [TO BE CONTINUED. ] 1 May 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 33 131 CLASSIFICATION OF THE A-GAR-I-CA’-LES.—This order includes several families of the most interesting and the most conspicuous Mushrooms. The hy-me’-ni-um or spore-bearing layer is a smooth layer in the Hy- poch-na’-ce-ae, The-leph-o-ra’-ce-ae and Cla-var-i-a’-ce-ae; in the Hyd’-na- ce-ae there are dependent spine-like processes on whose surface the ba-sid’- i-a are borne; in the Po-ly-po-ra’-ce-ae_ the hy-me'-ni-um consists of pores, the same also in the Bo-le-ta’-ce-ae, but here the layer of pores is separable from the pileus; and in the A-gar-i-ca’-ce-ae there are gills or lamellae to support the hy-me’-ni-um. ‘The tabular synopsis would be as follows: Family A-GAR-I-CA’-CE-AE Family Bo-LeE-TA’-CE-AE Family Hyp-NA’-CE-AE Order A-GAR-I-CA’-LES (¢ Fmaliy Po-Ly-po-Rra’-CE-AE Family CLA-VAR-I-A’-CE-AE Family ‘THE-LEPH-0-RA’-CE-AE Family Hy-poCH-NA’-CE-AE Ite. 105. DAE-DA’-LE-A AM-BIG’-U-A. The pores magnified of the same plant shown in Vig. 104. The microphotograph was made by using a 2-inch ocular and a 38-inch objective. See explanation of Vig. 104. Mycological Bulletin No. 33 [Vol. III tek SS) ‘tc. 106. SPATH-U-LA’-RI-A CLA-VA’-TA (1) and ‘Le-o’-T1-A sti-p1-Ta’-TA (IT), by Fred. J. Seaver. See explanation on page 129. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 34 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, May 15, 1905 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.—The artists who contributed the photos and drawings for the accompanying figures are Dr. O. E. Fischer, of Detroit, and Mr. Fred J. Seaver, of the Iowa State University. Thanks are ex- tended and the example commended. EXPLANATION OF Fic. 109.—A plant of Mor-CcHEL’-LA CON’-I-CA is shown at I, natural size: b, at the left, is a section showing the pits; at c an ascus with ascospores accompanied by one pa-raph’-y-sis, x 500; at d a sporidium, x 750, is figured. In II a specimen, natural size. of Mor- CHEL’-LA HY’-BRI-DA is given; a section to show the free pileus and pits is given at >; at c a mature spore-bearing ascus with a pa-raph’-y-sis, x 400; d is a single sporidium, x 800. Drawings by Fred J. Seaver. VoL-va’-RI-A.—A common species illustrated below. The name of this genus will be evident at once, namely the vol’-va bearing fungus. The plants beiong to the rosy-spored Ag’arics. While the volva is present the an’-nu-lus, or ring, is absent, and the latter character separates the species from that of Am-a-n1i-TA. The stem is easily separable at its junction with the pileus, the same being true of its near relatives, namely, Am-a- ni'-ta, A-man-i-top’-sis, and Lep-t-o'-ta. 1905 Fic. 107. Vou-va’-R1-A BOM-BY’-cI-NA. [dible. Said to be of world-wide distri- ition, but not common; found on decayed logs, stumps, etc., during late summer and —situmn. From pheto by Dr. O. E. Fischer, Detroit, Michigan. = => University Bulletin, Ser‘es 9, No. 20. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio 134 Mycological Bulletin No. 34 [Vol. III MYCOLOGICAL GLOSSARY. Toad'stool: any one of the common conspicuous fungi; same as Mush- room; may be poisonous or non-poisonous, edible or inedible. To'rose: swollen at intervals. Tra’ma: the interior portion of the gills or pileus. Tremel'loid: gelatinous or stiff jelly-like, as a Tremella. Tu'mid: slightly swollen. Umbil'icate: with a rounded pit or central depression. Um'bo: central elevation as on the cap of some Mushrooms. Um'bonaie: with an umbo. Unequal; applied to gills of unequal length. Universal veil: a volva which entirely envelopes the plant when young. Ure'do: the second stage in the life cycle of rusts; red Rust. Ure'dospere: a thin-walled summer spore produced by the Uredo, or stage of the group of Rusts preceding the teleutospore-bearing. Vaginate: having a sheath. Veil: a covering of a part or all of the fungus; see Partial Veil, Uni- versal vel. Ven'tricose: swollen in the middle. Ver'nicose: appearing as if varnished. Ver'rucose: coveerd with warts or small elevations. Verru'ciform: same as verrucose. Vesicle: a bladder-like cavaity, or a cell. Vesicular, vesiculose: full of rounded cavities or vescicles. Vol’va: a wrapper or envelope which at first covers the entire young plant; a universal veil: it may remain as a cup at the base of the Mush- room, or be broken up in fragments distributed over the cap and base of stem. Zonate: marked with zones or concentric bands of color. lig. 108. Pru’-re-us cer-vi’-nus. Edible. Photo by Dr. O. E. Fischer, Detroit, Michigan. Previous figure of this specics on p. 64, and explanation on p. GR. 15 May 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 34 135 Fig. 109. Mor-CHEL’-LA CON’-1-CA AND Mor-CHEL’-LA HY’-BRI-DA. Seaver. See p. 133 for explanation. 136. Mycological Bulletin No. 34 [Vol. III o CSS Se See ———— lic. 110. Hev-ver’-La cris’-PA AND TIEL-VEL'-LA E-LAS’-TI-cA. By Fred J. Seaver. See p. 187 for explanation. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1903), Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 35 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D.,.Olio State University Columbus, Ohio, June 1, 1905 EXPLANATION OF Fic. 110. The following are shown: HeEt-veL"VA cris’-PA, one plant, natural size, at I a; an ascus and three pa-raph’-y-ses are shown in b, x 600; c is a sporidium, x 1400. In II a is shown a pl: unt, natural size, of HEL-vEL’-LA E-LAS’-TI-CA; at b are two pa-raph’-y-ses accompanying the mature ascus; at c a single sporidium is given, x 1200. All figures drawn by Fred J. Seaver, Iowa State University. TerMs ILLUSTRATED IN THE PrLate.—The following mycological terms are illustrated on the accompanying plate: Adnate, Agaric, Annulus, Ascospores, Ascus, Basidiospores, Basidium, Cap, Capillitium, Cell, Conidiophores, Cystidium, Decurrent, Gills, Hlymenium, Hyphae, Involute, Lame!la, Mushroom, Plasniodium, Protoplasm, Revolute, Ring, Sinuate. Spore, Sterigma, Superior, Toadstool, Trama, limbilicate, l’mbo, Umbonate, Vesciculose, Volva. by Fic. 111. Vo.-va’-r1-A PU-SIL’-LA. The illustration was made from a photo sent Dr. O. E. Fisher; the plants are represented very slightly enlarged; they were @ collected carly this spring, at Detroit, Michigan. JUN 26 19 University Bulletin, Ser’es 9, No. 21. Entered as Second Class Matter, Pest-office at Columbus, Ohio 138 Mycological Bulletin No. 35 [Vol. III A Puate to ILLUSTRATE THE SLIME Moutps.—A portion of a plas- modium highly magnified, and a single species more or less magnified of each of the common genera of Myxromycetes or Slime Moulds, are given. These are diagrammatic figures mostly adapted from plates in Macbride’s North American Slime Moulds. Fic. 112. Cou-tyr’-1-A RAp-1-caA’-TA, A sketch showing abnormal growth of this common edible Col-lyb’-i-i; the speciniens were found on a rotten log, but the “root” was unable to peretrate the hard, less-rotten portions. In one case the “root’’ portion was not at all developed, as shown in the middle specimen, but a more energetic plant (sketch to the left) turned its course at right angles and grew to the usual length. 9p] — =?) io 5 > ’ yo Te rneeray’ “N0-CIN'’-0? Cc > %e.71’ — ‘IG. 115. Pr-z1’-zA coc-c1n’-E-A (Sar-co-scy’-plia coc-cin’-e-a). Scarlet Pe-zi’-za. This beautitul plant appears very early in spring. It may be found in the woods ~Oerowing on rotten logs or on decayed wood in the soil. The photo from which the CNpcut was made was furnished by Dr. O. KE. Fischer, Detroit, Michigan. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 22. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio JUN 142 Mycological Bulletin No. 36 [Vol. III the species; thus we have Geophyxis, Acetabula, Otidia, Discina, Pyrone- ana, Humaria, Sarcoscypha, Lachnea and many others—and enough spe- cies left over to give Peziza a respectable standing as a genus. Tue NAme Pe-zi-za—This was given by Dillenius in 1819, taken from the Greek word, Pesis, used to designate “a mushroom without a stalk.” Some botanists, seized with a zeal for pure classical terminology, say this ought to be therefore “Pc’-sis,” not “Pe-zi’-za.” I am not com- petent to judge in the case, but at any rate this may be said, that Pe-si’-sa (not “Pesis’) was really the name given by Dillenius in 1819 and a good- enough name withal. Besides if this is to be changed to suit refined taste, then I suppose dozens if not hundreds of others may be drawn into the same category. Mycologists today are coining such names as Rehmiomy- ces, Eichleriella. Prachtflorella, and they seem to serve the purpose even if they are not classical Latin. The oldest name, that is, the first name given, illy or happily chosen, is the one to be used invariably, a rule which botanists call the Principle of Priority. A strict application of this per- haps will give, if anything will give it, stability in nomenclature, devoutly to be wished. THE Group or Dis’-co-My-cr’-TeEs.—The Pezizas serve well to illus- strate the large group called Dis’-co-my-ce’-tes. These fungi have the spores in as’-ci; and the hy-me'-ni-uwm, or spore-bearing layer, forms the surface layer or bottom mostly of a cup or saucer-shaped fruiting body. The Helvellas, Gyromitra, Bulgaria, as well as Peziza, heretofore illustrated, belong to this group. Fic. 116. . PHy-Lo-stic’-TA A-SIM’-I-NAE. A Le&ar-spot FunGcus oF THE PAPAWw. The figure shows a section through the leaf moderately magnified and at the right the spores (sporules) highly magnified. he spore-case is called the pyc-nid’-i-um, and this is formed, as shown in the figure, below the epidermis, though it is slightly erumpent when mature. Many of the pyc-nid’-i-a are clustered in a single dead spot en the leat which may be of circular or irregular outline; the pycnidia can be easily seen with a hand lens—sometimes even distinctly by the unaided eye. This is a parasitic species and the dead tissue of the lcaf is caused by the presence of the fungus. INTERESTING COMMON NaAmeES.—To some of the conspicuous Pezizas fanciful names have been applied, and it will be interesting to put them on record. It is said for example that they are called “Blood-cups,” “Fairy cups,” “Flaps,” “Bird’s-nests,” ete. The loeal names, if reported from various localities, will be listed; notice of special names in use of any or all kinds of Mushrooms is solicited. 15 June 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No, 36 143 Pk Fic. 117. Cur-Toc’-y-RE MUL’TI-cEPS. Edible. Multiceps means “‘many-headed”— and this species like some other Clitocybes is caespitose, that is to say, tufted or with many stems crowded together. - The plants are found in great abundance in a partially cleared woods near Columbus. It flourishes from the middle of the scason till late in autumn. 144 Mycological Bulletin No. 36 [Vol. Til ic. 118. PHO-LI-0’-TA U-NIC’-O-LOR. A common fungus growing on decayed wood. ‘The plants are more or less clustered, bay, bay brown, or buff color, having ochraceous spores. ‘This is not known to be edible, in fact we may look upon many Pholiotas with suspicion. Macllvaine remarks, however, as follows: “Stevenson notes in his deseription of the genus: ‘None are to be commended as edible.’ My investiga- tion shows that there are several delicious species, notably P. squarrosa and _ sub- quarrosa. ‘Their lateness and plcntifulness make them valuable food fungi. I have nothing but praise for the entire genus.’”’ ‘The plants from which the photograph was taken occurred in a woods near Columbus, first brought in by H. H. York, in June. IT BECOMES NECESSARY to call attention to the fact that Vol. I of the MycoLocicAL BuLLETIN is exhausted. It is hoped that the set of Nos. (1-12) comprising Vol. I may be hought back from those who were but are not now subscribers. Any or all these Nos. are solicited—and per- haps present subscribers may be able in some cases to assist the editor in recovering the same, which would be a great accommodation to several parties. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 37 LIBRARY NEY YOR W. A. Keilerman, Ph, D., Ohio State University pe, Columbus, Ohio, July 1, 1905 GARDE? pI ANE Here Is WHat WE Have Tuis Time.—Professor Beardslee, of Ashe- ville, N. C., has furnished an instructive article, accompanied with illustra- tive photographs, touching the common species of Cli-to-pi’-lus. We there- fore devote this entire No. of the BuLLeTIN to this subject, and besides publish it in the Journal of Mycology. THE ROSY SPORED AGARICS OR RHODOSPORAE. Ti. C. BEARDSLEE. The Rosy Spored Agarics form an interesting group and one so favor- able for study that it is proposed to give in successive Numbers of this Journal an outline of the group which shall help the beginner to recognize the common species. Care will be taken to point out the features by which the different groups can be recognized and figures of some of the more con- spicuous ard interesting species of each group will be given. The rarer species and those which are not well understood will not be considered. HOW TO RECOGNIZE THE RHODOSPORAE, When a basket of fresh specimens has been collected, spore prints should first be secttred by removing the caps from selected specimens and placing them on white paper. In a few hours, if the specimens collected are in a suitable condition, spores will have fallen in sufficient quantity so that the spore-colors will be plainly shown. All the specimens whose spores have a disinct red or flesh color may then be selected out. These Fic. 119. Cri-to-P1’-LUs NOV-E-BOR-A-CEN’-SIS. Photograph by H. C. PBeardslee, Asheville, N. c. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 25. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus. Ohio , 146 Mycological Bulletin No. 37 [Vol. III belong to the Rosy Spored Agarics. After a little practice many of this group can be recognized at first sight.. The spores are often formed in profusion and give a pink tint to the gills, and often collect in masses on the gill and stem so that their color is readily seen. THE GENUS CLITOPILUS. This genus has rosy spores and may be distinguished from other mem- bers of the group by its solid stem and its decurrent gills (7. ¢., gills which run down on the stipe as described in an earlier Bulletin). KEY TO THE COMMON SPECIES OF CLITOPILUS. The four common species may be distinguished by the following key: Piles awihite: |. : + Saeeereetee wicsaneton eae ok eR mie aveiee srice al DIGS GEV Oe ORISN EAN Goo ocosunango0doptaousnn « REIS aro 1. Pileus firm, dry, with a delicate white bloom..... Jesse C. pranulas 1. -Pileus- sot, shightilwaivascid sco co. sic cre eer ke osoucattts aac eee Oem Pecan ie LEMME Viele ANKENY = 54couceuo< es Seer em oS 2) /Pileussthin: sponesspalesties!) colon sacanereen ance acer C. noveboracensis DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES. CLITOPILUS NOVEBORACENSIS.—J his species is abundant on the Asheville Plateau and may he found especially during wet weather. The _ pileus is dingy gray to pale gray in color, thin, with a distinct odor and a bitter unpleasant taste. The gills are crowded, pale, then dingy or yellowish. The stem is solid, pale gray, with an abundance of white mycelium. It may be of value to add that this species is doubtless identical with C. popinalis of Europe. Specimens and photographs have been submitted to eminent European authorities and this opinion definitely verified. Bresa- dola also states in a recent publication that the latter species is also the same as the European Clitocybe amarella. | have preferred here, however, to use the common American name. CLITOPILUS ABORTIVUS is One of Our common species. It ts usually found growing in colonies on the ground or on well rotted stumps and logs. It is 2-5 in. broad, gray to browninsh gray, not viscid, and is covered with a delicate tometum. The gills are pale gray, becoming rosy with the spores. The stem is solid and pale gray. Frequently clusters of plants are found which have not developed properly but have formed curious abor- tive masses from which the plant derives its name. The figure shows this peculiar feature well (Fig. 120). This species is edible, though not of the best quality. CLITOPILUS PrurNuLtUS and CLiroprLus ORCELLA are close relatives and resemble each other so closely that photographs of each do not need to be given. Both are white and have decurrent gills and may be easily recog- nized from the photograph CLITOPILUS ORCELILA, as noted in the key, is slightly viscid, which is a convenient mark by which the snecies may be distinguished. Both are found in woods, especially along woodland roads. They are both edible species of excellent quality, 1 July 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 37 147 Gy-RO-MI/-TRA ES-CU-LEN’-TA.—This belongs to the Hel-vel'-la Fam- ily which was briefly described on p. 15 and to this the reader may refer. In that connection (on p. 16) a half-tone illustration was given of Gy-ro- mi'-tra brun'-ne-a, a very common and interesting Mushroom which many regard as one among the best of the edible species. Through the kind- ness of Dr. Fischer, of Detroit, who were able to present another species of this genus, namely Gy-ro-mi'-tra es-cu-len'-ta. Its prominent characters have been stated as follows: It has a chestnut-red, irregularly rounded and lobed cap with brain-like convolutions. The margin of the cap is attached to the stem in two or three places. It is hollow within, and has a few prominent irregular ribs or ridges. The plant is two to four inches high, and the cap two or three inches broad; specimens have been found weighing a pound each. See Fig. 99, p. 123. Fic. 120. Cxi-ro-pi’-Lus A-BoR-7I’-vus. The two lower plants show the fully de- veloped form of the species; the upper figures are the common abortive form. Photo- graphs by II. C. Beardslee, Asheville, Na G 148 Mycological Bulletin No. 37 [ Vol. III C. Beardsley, Asheville, N. C. by H. Photograph LI-10-PI’-LUS OR-CEL’-LA. (C pis 1 Nic: The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 38 IV. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, July 15, 1905 THE Two-sporeD Moret, Mor-cuHe’-1.A Bis’-po-rA. Not until now could I adequately report in print in reference to some curious little Morels sent from Wisconsin by Mr. A. F. Lane. They were collected the 16th of April, under an oak tree in a piece of mixed woods near Milwaukee. They were sent because of “their early appearance in the season,” and because “they have characteristics not common to any of the other well-known Morels.” A inicroscopic examination of the spores settled the identity of the species at once. Only two spores are contained in each ascus, whereas in the other species there are eight spores. They are therefore the botanical species known as Mor-chel’-la bis’-po-ra. The photographs made from the speci- mens are reproduced in Fig. 122. Fic. 122. Mor-cHEL’-LA Bis’-po-RA. Two-sporr Moret. The plants are shown natural size; two of the figures are vertical sections, and the attachment of the cap at the apex of the stem only is more or less distinctly seen, but the hollow stem is less clearly shown in the engraving. The photographs were made from plants sent from —Wisconsin by Mr. A. F. Lane. : _ Fic. 126. OM-PHA’-LI-A CAM-PA-NEL’-LA. BELL OM-pHA’-LI-A. See text. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 27. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio Micclogical Bulletin No. 39 [Vol. UT _— ur rs tion of the genus. Additional remarks were made concerning the species on the same page. Besides, a half-tone representing the Umbellate Om- pha’-li-a was shown on p. 152. We give here an illustration of the com- mon Om-pha’-li-a cam-pa-nel’-la, or Bell Omphalia—a charming little plant found on very rotten, wet logs in shady woods. It occurs throughout summer and autumn, often in enormous numbers spreading over an ex- tended surface of its favorite matrix—a fallen, soggy, disintegrated log. The cap is convex and umbilicate, of dull reddish color or dirty white, having a watery appearance in damp weather. Lep-I-0’-TA MOR-GAN’-1; MorGAN’s AGaAric.—This magnificent Mush- room was first coliected by Professor Morgan; he sent it to Professor Peck, who named it as noted above. Though ordinarily placed in the white-spored section of the Agarics, it has pale green spores, as pointed out by its discoverer. The greenish spores and, when the plant is mature, the greenish gills in connection with its great size, readily identifies the species. The figures shown in this Number of the BULLETIN obviate the necessity of an extended description. It is pure white and often grows in huge fairy rings. It !s a tempting subject for the amateur photographer. An additional illustration showing it in quantity in its natural habitat— especially as a fairy ring-—is desired. The annulus is usually movable. As pointed out previously, the Lepiotas are botanically distinct from the Amanitas in not exhibiting a volva or sac at base of the stem. It is shown in the two half-tones that the pileus is at first sub-globose or nearly globular; then it becomes expanded; in some old specimens it may be depressed. The usual size is six to eight inches high and five to nine inches broad. Is LeprorA MorGAnt Potsonous?—-Mcllvaine says the only species of this genus known to be poisonous to some people is Lepiota morgani. Pro- fessor Stevens gave a detailed account of the symptoms of poisoning by this species, in the Journal of Mycology (Volume 9, pages 220-222). Vomiting and diarrhoea were severe. He says: The extreme violence of the symptoms produced by such a small quantity of the fungus makes one wonder what a meal of such might do! The conclusion of the whole matter is: exercise caution, and test with a small or moderate quantity iivats alle We close the comment by quoting, from One Thousand American Fungi, a statement by H. I. Miller: “I have recently measured several which were more than twelve inches across. .... Six families, here have eaten heartily of them. The experience is that one or two members of each family are made sick, though in two families, who have several times eaten them, no one was made sick. I enjoy them immensely, and never feel any the worse for eating them. I doubt if we have a finer-flavored fungus. The meat is simply delicious. One fairy ring yields a bushel.” Professor Morgan says: “I am this season (1879) finding elegant epecimens of this remarkable Agaric, which was described in the March number of the Botanical Gazette. One plant measures 11 inches across the pileus and is 8'4 inches high; the bulbous base of the stipe is 2 inches in diameter, tapering upward to one inch; the heavy movable ring is situ- ated above the middle of the stipe. It is a much heavier and stouter plart than A. procerus Scop., though not as tall. It is stouter than any of the Amanritas and with a much greater expanse of pileus. It reminds me somewhat of A. maximus Fr., though with a much longer stipe and a more regular pileus. I am disposed to claim that it is the largest Avaric in the world. The remarkable thing about the plant, however, and the feature by which it differs from all other Agarics and by which it is readily recognied is its green shores. When first caught on white paper, the spores of mature specimens are a beautiful bright green; they soon change, how- ever, to a dull green.” 1 Aug. 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 39 155 %, ~ mpl va * ee | Fic. 127. Lep-t-0’-TA MOR-GAN’-I. MorGan’s AGaAric. See text. 156 Mycological Bulletin No. 39 Fig. 128. LeEp-r-0’-TA MOR The Mycological Bulletin is issued on of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents e iAN’-I. MorGAn’s: AGaric. See text. the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies ach, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. remain of Vol. I (1903), Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. No copies MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 40 W. A. Keilerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, August 15, 1905 Tue GeENusS PLeEu-RO’-TUS.—This interesting group of Gill-fungi, be- longing to the series of white-spored Agarics, is concisely described by Professor Atkinson in his Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous, and we can advantageously transcribe his language, which is as follows: “The genus Fic. 129. Preu-ro’-TUS UL-MA’-RI-US ExLmM PLeurotus Eviste. The half-tone shows two specimens, natural size, taken from the clump illustrated in Fig. 130, where further explanation may be found. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 28. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio 158 Mycological Bulletin No. 40 [Vol. Ill Pleurotus is usually recognized without difficulty among the fleshy, white- spored agarics, because of the eccentric (not quite in the center of the pileus) or lateral stem, or by the pileus being attached at one side in a more or less shelving position, or in some species where the upper side of the pileus lies directly against the wood on which the plant is growing, and is then said to be resupinate. The gills are either decurrent (extend- ing downward) on the stem, or in some species they are rounded or notched at the junction with the stem. There is no annulus, though some- times a veil, and the genus resembles both Tricholoma and Clitocybe, ex- cept for the position of the stem on the pileus. In Tricholoma and Cli- tocybe the stem is usually attached at the center, and the majority of the species grow on the ground, while the species of Pleurotus are especially characterized by growing on wood. Some species, at least, appear to grow from the ground, as in Pleurotus petaloides, which is sometimes found growing on buried roots or portions of decaying stumps which no longer show above ground.” PLEU-RC’-TUS UL-MA’-kI-US; ELM PLEu-Ro’-Tus.—This species is de- scribed as usually growing on the Elm—whence the name—but also oc- curring on other trees. It may be found at wounds where there is decaying wood-—but it may occur on the ground as stated in the paragraph below. The mark that distinguishes this large species from the Oyster fungus and other related species is its long stem, usually attached near the center of the cap, and by the gilis being rounded or notched at their inner extremity. The pileus is convex, the margin incurved, then nearly expanded. It is smooth and white or whitish; it may be yellowish or brownish in the center. WHat THE AUTHORS SAY OF THIS SPECIES.—It may add to the interest of this subject if some quotations as to the Elm Pleu-ro’-tus are added. Atkinson savs: “The elm pleurotus has been long known as an edible fungus, and is regarded as an excellent one for food on account of its flavor and because of its large size. It occurs abundantly during the late autumn, and at this season of the year is usually well protected from the attacks of insects. It occurs in the woods, or fields, more frequently on dead trees. On shade trees which have been severely pruned, and are nearly or quite dead, it sometimes appears at the wounds, where limbs have been removed, in great abundance. In some plants the stems are stronely curved because the weight of the cap bore the plant downward. Sometimes when the plant is growing directly on the upper side of a branch or log, the stem may be central.” Meclflvaine says: ‘The historic elms of Boston Common have borne copious’crons of this well-known and easily distinguished species from time immemorial. Every fall, about the first of September, if the season is favorabie, later if not, copious crops appear decorating the trunks, and branches, sometimes at a height of thirty or forty feet. Growth takes place where branches have broken off or the trees have been wounded from other causes. They occur very generally on elms in the outlying dis- tricts of the city, but rare in the country, seeming to be distinctly urban in their tastes. No damage is apparent from their growth.” Our ILLUSTRATION OF THE ELM PLEu-Ro’-TUs.—The remarkable speci- men shown in Fig. 130 differs much from the common type—but they may be representatives of Pleu-ro’-tus ul-ma’-ri-us, as kindly determined for me by Professor Morgan. He remarked concerning them: “Something near Pleurotus ulmarius—-the spores of this species, but the form is not typical.” Excellent figures of the Pleurotus ulmarius are given in Atkinson’s Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous (on pp. 102-3). He shows two speci- mens with long, strongly curved stems, as seen from above, from below, and in section. The other species which he illustrates by half-tones are Pleu-ro’-tus os-tre-a’-tus, Pleu-ro’-tus sap’-i-dus, Pleu-ro’-tus dry-i’-nus Pleu-ro’-tus sul-fu-roi’-des and Pleu-ro’-tus pet-a-loi’-des. 59 1 gical Bulletin No. 40 Mycolo "GOGT ‘T aunf ‘oryg ‘snquinjoy se9su ‘yIOX “FT "FT Aq pra[oD ‘6%L “BLE ul UMOYS d1e JA;sN[D ay} woz sjuR{d OME ‘"3ND dy} FO UlsIvUE 942 4H sTeOS 9Yy} AQ pa}eoIpUr azIs ay} ‘sseur osojIdsad aBdue, e& seM 4] ‘punois oy} uo MdId SioAdMOYy ‘duno SIY}J-—S9a1} UO AjJSOUL SMOIS Jr SUl10} UOUTUIOD 10 [edIdA} 94} JON “AIMIGY “SNLOMNATG WIY Sh-le-,VW-IN SOL-,Ox-NAIG ‘Osi “Oly 160 Mycelogical Bulletin No. 40 [Vol. III Fic. 131. QPo-re’-rus re.’-Le-us. Birter Boretus. A conspicuous species, some- what resembling the edible Boletus edulis, which is also common, Colected in the woods of the State Farm, Lancaster, Ohio. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 41 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, September 1, 1905 An AM-A-NU/-TA NuMBER. —The great interest attaching to this genus of Mushrooms, especially on account of numerous poisonous species, war- rants further encroachment on our space. Hence this Number of the BULLETIN may be devoted to some figures and comments additional touch- ing the same. Fic. 132. AM-A-NI’-TA VER’-NA. POISONOUS. properties it has been called “Destroying Angel.” it is pure white, and a beautiful species. Its annulus and volva are very conspicuous and these must always be synon- omous with danger and death. The photo was made from a specimen collected in the <> Woods of the State Farm, Fairfield Co., Ohio, Aug., 1903. Because of its extremely virulent University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 29. Eatesed as Second Class Matter. Post-office at Columbus, Ohio PIS ly 162 Mycological Bulletin No. 41 [Vol. III THe Name Amanita.—Tirning to Saccardo’s Sylloge Fungorum we find this explanation of the name: “Nomen fungi a Galeno inditum, forte a monte Amano. (A name given by Galen to a fungus perhaps from mount Amano). As to syllabification and pronunciation of the name some authors put it thus: Am-a-ni’-ta; and others so: A-man’-i-ta. Take your choice. Size oF THE GENUS.—In Saceardo’s compilation 44 species are enumer- ated for the entire world: to this might be added 25 species of Amanitop- sis—the species of the later genus formerly being included under Aman- ita. Perhaps there are two or three dozen of the American species. — Pro- fessor Morgan enumerates and gives the description of 28 species_in the Journal ef Mycology, 3: 25-33, March, 1887. Professor Peck gives 14 species in Report of the New York State Museum, 33: 38-49, 1879. C. G. Lloyd has the same number of species in his Compilation of the Volvae of the United States, 2-7, 1893. TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE GENUS.—It was the European mycolo- gist, D. C. H. Persoon, who first used the name Amanita in modern bot- any, in his “Synopsis Methodiea Fungorum,” printed in Goettingen, Ger- many, in 1801. We will however quote the accurate description as given by the eminent mycologist Ifries, which is as follows: “Spores white. Veil or volva universal, at first continuous, distinct from the cuticle of the pileus. Hymenophorum distinct from the stem. All terrestrial.” A GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE AMANTTAS.—In Professor Peck’s Thirty- Third Report we find a popular description exactly suited to our purpose; we therefore transcribe the seme, regretting only that his excellent Re- ports the earlier ones especially cannot be in the hands of all my sub- scribers. Here is his language :-— “The species of Amanita grow on the ground in the woods, groves and copses. They rarely occur in open fields, unless in the vicinity of trees or near the margin of the woods. Thin, open woods and copses afford the most favorable localities. In the early condition the plant ts wholly enveloped in its volva, but as it increases in size the volva is neces- sarily ruptured. In some species, <1. caesarea, for example, the volva is distinctly membranous, and includes the young plant as if in an oval sack. At length the upper part of the volva is ruptured, and the pileus and stem are exserted. Sometimes one ocr more irregular and unequal fragments of the ruptured volva adhere to the surface of the pileus for a time, and are carried up by it in its growth. But usually in these species the surface of the pileus is smooth, and the remains of the ruptured volva wholly adhere to the base of the stem or its bulb like a membranous margin, a sheath or a lacerated cup. (Continued in the next Number.) 1 Sept. 1905. ] Mycological Bulletin No. 4] 164 Mycological Bulletin No. 41 [Vol. III Another of the beautiful white it. Please use caution. Fé. PoIsoNous. not even to test ‘It was collected in the open Fic. 134. AM-A-NI’-TA SOL-I-TA‘RI-A. species, said to be edible, but L prefer 133 shows the top of the cap of the same specimen. woods, sandy soil, of the State larm. Fairfield Co., Ohio, Aug., 1905. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. EP 18 1905 ) MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 42 IV. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, September 15, 1905 (Proressor PEck’s account of the AMANITAS, continued.) “Tn other species the volva is not distinctly membranous, but is more floccose or scaly and friable in its character. It envelopes the young plant, but the distinction between the pileus and bulbous base of the stem is soon manifest, and as the stem elongates the upper part of the volva is separated from t!e lower part, and persistently adheres to the surface of the pileus. Fic. 135. Hyb’-NuM zo-na’-1uM. A species with a tough almost leathery tcx- ture, having a surface of beautiful brown silky lustre, somewhat zoned and with radiat- ing strie. The spore-bearing spines are shown in the upper flgures; two of them show coalesccd caps though the stems are separate. The photo was made from specimens col- lcetcd by the roadside in the wocds of the State I'arm, located in the sandstone hills cf Fairfield Co., Ohio, Aug., 1905. University Dulletin, Ser’es 9, No. 30. Entered as Second Class Matte1. Pcst-office at Columbus. Okio 166 Vycological Bulletin No. 42 [ Vol. III As this expands its covering or calyptra breaks up into superficial scales or warts. These are often angular or pyramidal in form, and sometimes unlike the pileus in color, and afford a beautiful ornamentation. The part that remains at the base of the stem often breaks up into mealy or floccose scales, and sometimes wholly disappears when the plant matures. Generally a smooth pileus indicates a perfect membranous volva, and a warty one an imperfect: floccose or evenescent one. Sometimes, especially after heavy rains, specimens, which normally have the pileus warty, are found with a smooth pileus; but these are only occasional, and probably mostly accidental cases, the warts having been washed off by the rain. “Most of the specieS are solitary or gregarious and of moderate or large size. The pileus, when fully expanded, is nearly plane and quite reg- ular, so that these Agarics are among the most noble and attractive in their appearance. Many of them have a thin pellicle or cuticle, which, in the young or moist plant, is slightly viscid. “The lamellae in nearly all the species are white or whitish, and free from the stem. Usually they are narrow toward the stem, and cease just before reaching it, thus leaving a small free space around its apex. In many species the short ones that intervene between the long ones are ab- ruptly terminated at their inner extremity, as if truncated or cut square off. “The ster is usually long and well formed, and in most species is more or less thickened or buibous at the base. In some species it is hol- low or stuffed With cottony fibrils; in others it is solid. In the greater nuniber of species it is furnished with a membranous ring or annulus, that surrounds it near the top hke a Habby collar. In the young plant this is stretched from the stem to the margin of the pileus, and wholly conceals the lamellae. As the pileus expands the annulus breaks loose from its attachment to the margin, and remains adhering to the stem. In some species this rupture is not always clean and even, small portions remaining attached to the margin. The annulus then has a lacerated or torn ap- pearance.” Portraits oF AMANITA.—In the BULLETIN we have given heretofore the following species:—Amanita strobiliformis (from Atkinson) p. 56; and A. rubescens. Here we give Amanita verna and A. solitaria. Pro- fessor Atkinson figures, in Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous, Amanita muscaria, A. phalloides, A. verna, A. floccocephala, A. velutipes, A. cothurnata, A. spreta, A caesarea (colored), A. rubscens (colored) Mclvaine gives in his book on mushrooms One Thousand American Fungi, colored plates of Amanita spreta, A. phalloides, A. muscaria, A. frostiana, A. chlornsoma, A. rubescens, A. strobiliformis, and a half-tone of A. muscaria. In Nina L. Marshal’s Mushroom Book there are given haif-tones of Amanita phalloides and A. muscaria. Professor Peck’s Re- ports contain colored plates of some species, as Amanita caesarea, A. rubscens, A. phalloides. A. verna, A. muscaria. Time FoR THE Bo-Le’-tT1L.—At an early opportune time we must say something in extenso for the numerous species of Botetus. This is the season to study them in the field. Photographs are desired,—but the specimens should be identified by such authorities as Peck, Morgan, Atkin- son or Beardslee. 15 Sept. 1955.] Mycological Bulletin No. 42 167 Fic 136. CAN-THA-RE’-LUS AU-RAN-TI’-A-cUS. Orange Cantharelle. Edible. ) MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 43 W. A. Keilerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, October 1, 1905. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.—The four half-tones in this No. of the BULLETIN were kindly loaned by the Connecticut Geological and Natural History Survey, to whom we extend thanks for the privilege of using them. They were made from photographs by Professor Edward Albert White of the Connecticut Agricultural College. Proressor WHITE’s HyMENALES OF CONNEcTICUT.—This is Bulletin No. 3 of the Survey referred to in the foregoing paragraph, which is given as a Preliminary Report. It is an annotated list of the Mushrooms of Connecticut accompanied by forty beautiful half-tones printed on heavy plate paper, four samples ot which we give in this Number. Fic 138. Hy-cropu’-0-rRus con’-I-cus.—Cenical Hygrophorus. Natural size. Cap conical, acute, often lobed, yellow or tinged with crimson. Photograph by Edward Albert White, Counecticut. Cut taken by permission from the Bulletin of the Con- _nceticut Grolegical and Natural History Survcy. University Dulletin. Series 9. No. 31. Entered as Second Class Matte1. Post-office at Columbus, Ohio [If ‘UTM “VW “OE tossojorg Aq ydeasojoyq “AdAInG Aicystyy [vinjeyn pure [ Vol. HY JNOTIIUUOD aly ur ap ‘ayed ded ‘azis peinqeN ‘aqAo0}1],) JULIBEI.J—VU-,Od-O Ad-A-DOL-ITQ. “GET No. 43 Julletin r Ty vlog teal l 1 it 170 1 Oct. 1905.1 Mycological Bulletin No. 43 171 ric. 140. Po-Ly’-po-RUS BET-U-LI’-NUS. Birch Polyporus. Reduced one-half. Acknowledgement page 169. 172 Mycological Bulletin Ne. 43 [Vola CREP-I-D0’-TUS MAL-A’-CHI-US. Natural size. Acknowledgement page 169. Fic. 141, Tue Hatr-Tones in this Number of the BULLETIN are to be found in the Report referred to above, the originals being found as here indicated, namely, Our Figure 138 is Plate XIII, 1. c., page 34. Our Figure 139 is Plate XVII, 1. c., page 37. Our Figure 140 is Piate XXX VIII, }. c., page 65. Our Figure 141 is Plate XXII, l. c., page 43. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 44 aN IV. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, October 15, 1905 Tus is A Potyrorus Numpber.—-We find an excellent mycological glossary and classified list of descriptive terms by Dr. Wm. A Murrill, N. Y. Bot. Garden, published in Torreya, which has particular advantages to the student of the Polyporaceae—hence we present it below. Moreover, Murrii!’s key to the perennial species of Polyporaceae will prove of value to many of the BULLETIN readers—that also we copy with acknowledgements to the author, and magazire from which it is taken. It will be noticed that Dr. Murrill has wisely or unwisely split up the old genus Polyporus s, and, therefore, several new generic names will be encountered in the key. ’ The two illustrations show one of our commonest species of Polyporus; others of these conspicuous fungi will be given in future Numbers. KEY TO THE PERENNIAL POLYPORACEAE. (Adapted from Murrill in Torreya, Nov. 1904) mimaneniue at iirst. coticealed by a volva .......:s:.00e.0- Cryptoporus. tiymenium free from the frst (a). (a). Surface covered with reddish varnish, context corky.... ET ta a cheat Nee eas Ma TR EP ee oe be Ganoderma. (a). Surface not colored with reddish varnish, or, if so, context woody (Ll). fo atontext and tubes white or pallid. p2. oi. 2... Fomes. (b). Context and tubes brown or dark red (c). (c’ Hymenophore subsessile, caespitose, arising from a common trunk or tubercle..............Globifomes. (c). Hymenophore truly sessile, dimidiate or ungulate, simple or imbricate (@). (d). Pileus covered with a horny crust, context RELM eae er repent atestsee NCu er NeNae See iales sisi Sie Elfvingia. (d). Pileus not covered with a horny crust or if encrusted, context woody, ferruginous..Pyropolyporus. Coppa eoutext dank purple: or black... Nigrofomes. Terms APPLIED TO THE SURFACE AND SURFACE APPENDAGES OF FUNGI. : (Copicd from Murrill, in Torreya, April 1905.) For words not explained here, see the Mycological Glossary previously published in this BULLETIN. 1. Relating ylanate, plane,*! glabrous, smooth, even, de- pressed, concave, expanded,? explanate, contorted, convex, compressed, resupinate, crustaceous. 2. Relating to texture :—mucedinous, confervoid, fibrous, gelatinous, tremelloid,* soft, waxy, sebaceous, ceraceous, fleshy, carnose, membran- eus, membranaceous, spongy, bibulous, hygrometric, scariose,? scarious, papery,papyraceous, chartaceous, crustaceous, carbonaceous, cartilaginous, leathery, coriaceous, corky, suberose, woody, ligneous, indurated, bony, osseous, horny, corneous, rigescent,! rigid, elastic, anoderm,° tunicate, > pelliculose, 6 corticate, encrusted, pellicle, cortex, peridium. S *Terms prinicd in italics are practically synonymous with those preceding them. re Norr.—1, flat; 2. spread cut; 3, dry and membranous; 4, nearly rigid; 5, without G@Da-crust or skin. a Pic The ss University Bulletin. Ser’es 9, No. 32. Entered as Second Class Mattes. Pest-office at Columbus. Ohio _) =) 174 Mycological Bulletin No. 44 [Vol. III 3. Relating to color due to texture :—opaque, pallid, pallescent,* hygrophanous, polished, unctious,’ translucent, /iyalescent, pellucid, hya- line, diaphanous, lucid, transparent, vitreons. TERMS APPLIED TO THE MARGIN. Immarginate, truncate, abrupt,* obtuse, rotund, tumid, acute, patent,’ recurved, veflexed, revolute, involute, undulate, striatulate,9 striate; entire, repand, stnuate, determinate,1° diffuse, effuse, indeterminate, byssoid.!11 byssaceous, penicillate, ciliate, fimbrillate, fimbriate, laciniate, lacinulate, Jacinulose, pectinate, cirrhose,!* appendiculate; serrulate, serrate, deniticulate, dentate, crenulate, crenate, erose,!3 eroded, premorse, lacerate, fissile,14 lobulate, lobed, Jobate, incised, dissected, muitifid, proliferous.t4 merismoid. TERMS APPLIED TO SURFACE MARKINGS. 1. Rounded Markings. a). Dots:—-punctate, guttulate, guttate, maculate, maculose,16 (b). Depressions :—umbilicate, pitted, foveate,* foveolate, alveo- late.17 favose, lacunose, scrobiculate,!8 porose, cribrose,!9 latticed, clath- rate. (c). Elevations :—papilate, padillose,* postulate, tuberculate, ver- ruculose,29 verrucose, nodulose, colliculose,?! callose, bullate,?2 intum- escent, tumid, gibbous, strumose,?3 subumbonate, wmbonulate, umbonate, bossed. 2. Elongated Markings. (a). 'rregular:—sinuous, flexuose, tortuous, nebulose,?4 mar- bled, rivulose,?5 rugulose,*6 rugose, wrinklcd.* labyrinthine, corrugated; rimulose,?? rimose. (b). Regular:—connuent, anastomosing, radiating, radiant.* radiate, concentric, circinate; reticulate, arcolate, tessellate, tesselated; plicatulate, plicate, virgate,?§ vittate,29 costate; grooved, channeled, canali- culate; annulate, zonate, soncd, fasciated.29 sulcate, gyrose, gyrate. TERMS APPLIED TO SURFACE COVERINGS. 1. Mucilage :—viscid, glutinous,* glairy, slimy, mucilaginous, varnish- ed, vernicose, laccate, 2. Powder:—-pruinose, glaucous,* dealbate,3! farinose, pulverulent, pulveraccous, granular. 3. Scales :—-furfuraceous, chaffy, micaceous, squamulose, squamose, scaly,* imbricate, imbricated, sauarrulose, squarrose 4. Elairs (a). Kinds of hairs:—obsolete, evanescent, fagacious, persistent, appressed, innate, filamentous, arachnoid, flaccid. /Jar,* fascicled, ramose. (b). Fine hairs:—elabrate, glabrescent, naked, calvous,* hoary, canescent, incanows, incanescent, satiny, silky, sericeous, puberulent,pu- bescent, downy, velvety, velulinous. (c). Coarse hairs:-—fibrillose. villose, pilose, piliferous,* tomer- tose, tomentous, hirtellous, hirsute, shaggy, stupose,?? wooly, lanate, floc- culose, floccose, focculent, comose.®3 (d). Stiff hairs :—-hispidulous, septulose, barbulate, strigose,?4 bearded, barbed,* setose. seligerous, setaceous, bristly, hispid, echinate. 5. Sharp elevations :—scabridous,*® scabrid,* scabrous, scabrate, as- perate, exasperate, muricate, aculeolate aculeate, spinose. Nore.—6, covered with a thin layer; 7, of oily appearance; 8, spreading (of margin); 9, minutely striate: 10. having a distinct outline (of margin); 11, cob- webby; 12, with a wavy, thread-like appendage; 138, edge ragged as if torn or bitten: 14, may be split; 15, producing offshoots; 16, spotted; 17, like a honey-comb; 18, deeply and irregularly pitted; 19, perforated; 20, with minute wart-like elevations; 21, with hillock-like elevations; 22, blistered; 23, swollen on one side; 24, clouded; 25, with fine, wavy grooves; 26, minutely wrinkled; 27, minutely cracked; 28, streaked; 29, longitudinally strined of ridged; 30, with broad parallel stripes; 31, covered with a white bloom; 32, with matted tow-like hairs; 33, with a tuft of hairs; 34, covered with small bristles; 35, somewhat rough with minute points or short hairs. *Terms printed in ffalics are practically synonymous with those preeeding them, i) 44 Mycological Bulletin No. 1905] 15 Oct. v UO #UIMOIS sustutoods j 9 govf.ins t9pun say} fotodA[o,y paziusooa1 Be 3 o =) Ty] Ur UMOYS st ourrs Jo opis aoddn UOWLELOD \7 “NOT-O- ‘ JIs-u dA SNU-Od-,AT ALL Od “YouR4sq U}}0.4 “OFT 176 Mycological Bulleiin Ne. 44 [Vol. III 142: gz. See also Fi Po-iy’-Ppo-RUS VER-SIC’-0-LOR. Upper side. IG. L143. Fr “The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. NOV 20 1905 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 45 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, November 1, 1905 A BactertA Numper—Though these plants would not be called Mushrooms or Toadstools, the Bacteria are fungi and very interesting be- sides. The group is very large and only a few species are pathogenic— that is, diseasé-producing. The great majority are harmless to man, but that is telling only half the truth; they are in fact directly or indirectly most beneficial to us. In the [economy of Nature their role is most sig nicant because they disintegrate organic matter and hand back the ele- ments to the mineral kingdom; they prepare the bountiful supply of plant food—thus indirectly making our existence possible. But no space can here be spared to discuss these important organisms or to describe their life cycle. Suffice it to add that many if not most plant diseases are caused by Bacteria. The important publication mentioned in the next number has suggested that this matter be taken up incidentally and some illustrations furnished. Vig. 144. Bac-re’-rt-uM pruU’-NI—This is the earliest stage of fruit spot on green plums. The bacteria have entered through the stomate as the section of the fruit highly magnified shows. From Erwin I. Smith’s Lacteria in Relation to Plant Diseases. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 33. ‘Enteted as Second Class Matter. Post-oflice at Columbus, Ohio ws 174 Mycological Bulletin No. 45 [Vol. TT LIST OF MUSHROOM KEYS: This list includes the commoner accessible keys which beginners, amateurs and students of Mushrooms will ordinarily desire to use. It includes practically all of the conspicuous fungi—at any rate those which are generally spoken of as Mushrooms. Amanita. Lloyd; Volvae of U. S. 3, 4, 5, 6. 1898. Mellvaine; One Thousand American Fungi, 6. 1900. Morgan; Journal of Mycology, 3:25. March 1887. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 23:68, 1873; 53:40-1, 1880; 48:310, 1895. Amanitopsis. Beardslee; Notes on the Amanitas of So. Appalachians. Parti. Lloyd Library, Sept. 1902. Lloyd; Volvae of the U. S., 8, 9. 1895. Agaricaceae (Genara). Atkinson; Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc., 308. Nina L. Marshall; Mushrcom Book, 32, 1901. Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 1899. (Genera). White; Conn. Geol. & Nat. Surv. Bull., 3:17, 1905. Agaricales (Families). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 30, 1901. Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 98, 1899. Agaricineae (Sections). Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus.; 48:231, 1895. Agaricini (Genera). Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:55, 1883. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:67, 1873. Agaricus. (Natural tribes). Lloyd sec W. G. Smith; Volvae of the U. S., 19. Mellvaine; One Thousand American Fungi, 332, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 48:23.) 1895. Armillaria. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 52, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 43:41, 44, 1890. Ascomycetes. (Orders). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 18. 1901. (Genera). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 20, 1901. (Orders). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 35, 1899. Auriculariales (Families). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and! Mushrooms, 94, 1899. Basidiomycetes (Orders). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 22, 1901. Underwood; Moulds. Mildews and Mushrooms, 94, 1899. Black-spored Agarics [Melanosporae] (Genera). See Agaricaceae. Ag- aricini. Bolbitius (See Coprineae). 3oletaceae (Genera). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 44, 102, 1901. Peck; Bull. N. Y. State Mus., 2:74, Sept. 1889. Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 106, 1899. Boletinus. Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 103, 1901. Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 398, 1900. Boletus. McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 406, 421, 423, 430, 436, 438, 444, 453, 459, 466, 471, 1900. (Tribes). Meilvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 404, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:127, 1873;.37:58, 1884; 48:292, 1895 Bull. N. Y. State Mus., 1:58, May, 1887; 2/82, 83, 106, 114, 123, 131, 138, 145, 151, Sept, 1889. CONTINUED IN NEXT NUMDPER. 1 Nov. 1905.] Mycological Bulletin No. 45 175 BACTERIA IN RELATION TO PLANT DrsEAsEs.—This is the title of a work of 285 pages—the same (Volume 1) being devoted to methods of work and literature. We show some of the illustrations by permission of the author; the electros were kindly placed at our disposal by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, taken from the work issued as their ce) “Publication No. 27. STRREWER a ig. 145. Bac-Te’-RI-UM MAL-VA-CE-A’-RUM— Early stage of infection through a Stomate of a leaf of the Cotton plant. From Erwin F. Smith’s Bacteria in Relation to Plant Diseases. 176 Mycological Bulletin No. 45 [Vol. It ig. 146. Ba-cri’-Lus CA-RO-TO-vo’-RuUS—This shows the Bacteria betwee cells in the carrot, very highly magnified. Irom Erwin F. Smith’s Bacteria in Relation to Plant Diseases. To those not familiar with the classification of the Bacteria it may be said that there are several genera recognized by botanists. In a general way we may say the spherical forms are called Micrococcus, the oval or short forms are called Bacterium. the oblong or elongated forms are Bacillus, and the spiral forms belong to the genus Spirillum. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.46 IV. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Olio, Novenber 15, 1905 Tue HALFTroNES PRESENTED—They are designed to call attention to publications that may be interesting to many parties. The cut showing Bacteria pertains to what was mentioned in the previous Bulletin. The figures of Collybia and Mycena are taken from an edition of the MusuHroom Boox dated 1905. The publishers, Doubleday, Page and Co., apparertly row include this volume in their Natural History Library. It differs from the early edition only in having about one and a half dozen additional halftones. These are good figures as the two samples testify which we here show through the kindness of the publishers. The list of additioral figures is as follows: Amanitopsis strangulata, Mycena galer- iculata. Lepiota grarnosa, Collybia maculata, Collybia platyphylla, Clitocybe illudens, Agaricus campestris, Cortinarius caninus, Cortinarius armillatus, Hydnum coralloides, Clavaria ligula, Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Boletus felleus, Boletus scaber, Polyporus fomentarius, Calostoma (four species) Leotia lubrica, Tremellodon gelatinosum, Peziza aurantia, Peziza odorata, and Panus strigosus. ae Fig. 147. Bac-TE’-RI-uM prRu’-nNI. This represents a stage in the innoculation LOD of the tissue of the plum somewhat more advanced than that shown in Fig. 144. The &) Pacteria here abundant in the mesophyll are supposed to have entered through the ©) stomates, three of which appear in the section. The figure is taken from [Erwin *. Smith’s Bacteria in Relation to Plant Diseases. University Bul’etin, Series 9, No. 34, Entered as Second Class Matte1. Pest-office at Columbus. Ohio NOV 201 178 Mvyocological Bulletin No. 46 [Vot. III LIST OF MUSHROOM KEYS. CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING NUMBER. Bovistae. Lloyd; Myc. Notes [200] No. 12:114, Dec., 1902. Brown-spored Agarics. (Same as purplish or brown-spored Agarics.) Catastoma. Kellerman; Jour. Mycol., 9:239, Dec. 1903. Lloyd; Myc. Notes [214] No. 13:121, Feb., 1903. Cantharellus. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thorsand Am. Fungi, 215, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:121, 1873; 37:35, 1884. Bull. N.Y. State Mus., 1:35, May. 1887. Clathraceae (Genera). Underwood; Moulds, Miidews and Mushrooms, 132, 1899. Claudopus. Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 266, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 39:67, 1886. Clavaria. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 513, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 24:104, 1873. Clavariaceae (Genera). Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 511, 1900. Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 102, 1899. Clitocybe. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thovsand Am. Fungi, 83, 1900. Morgan: Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat.. Hist., 6:67, 1883. Peck; Rep. N. Y State Mvs., 23:76, 1873; 48:270, 1895. Clitopilus. Beardslee; Jour. Mycol. 11:109, May. 1905; Mycol. Bull., 3:146, July, 1905. ; . Mellvaire; One Thousard Am. Funei, 255, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 42:40, 1889. Collybia. Lloyd; Mycol. Notes, 34, 37, 41, Dec., 1900. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 112, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:70, 1883. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23: 78, 1873. Coprinarii. (See Black-spored Agarics.) Coprineae. Earle; Torreya, 2:37-40, March, 1902. Coprinus. (Tribes). Mcllvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 369, 1900, Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:103, 1873; 48:241, 1895. Coprinus. (See Coprineae. ) Cortinarius. Earle; Torreya, 2:169+172, 180-3, Nov., Dec., 1902. (Tribes). Mecllvaine; One Thousand Am, Fungi, 307, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:105, 107, 108, 110) ‘Di2;siisia: 48:245, 1895. Kauffman; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 32:303, 318, June, 1905. Craterellus. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 37:45, 1884. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 1:45, May, 1887. Dermini [Cchre-spored] (Genera). Morgan; four. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:100, 1883. See also Agaricaceae, Agaricini. : Discomycetes (Genera). Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 48:221, 1895. 15 Noy. 1905.] Myocological Bulletin No. 46 179 Entoloma. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 250, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:99, 1883. Flammula (Tribes). Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 287, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:90, 1873. Fomes. Murrill; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 30:225-6, April, 1903. Fungi (Classes). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 16, 1901. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:54, 1883. Galera. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:92, 1873; 46:62, 1893. 4 ~) D ~} CONTINUED IN NEXT NUMBER. List oF MusHroom Keys—We began in the preceding No. of the BULLETIN a list of accessable KEys which in many cases will doubtless prove useful to students of Mushrooms. It is not intended to be a com- plete list, but it is hoped that not many important groups have been omitted. The list will be continued through several Numbers. Fig. 148. CoL-Ly’-BI-A PLAtT-y-PHYL’-LA—Broad-gilled Collybia. A white-spored edible Agaric of easy recognition by the very broad gills. There is no volva and no ring in any of the Collybias. This mushroom is whitish, varying to grayish brown or dark brown. Atkinson says the plant somewhat resembles certain species of fricholoma and care should be used in selecting it in order to avoid the suspected species of Tricholoma. The figure is taken with permission of the publishers from Nina L. Marshall’s Mushroom Book. 180 Mvyocelogical Bulletin No. 46 [Vol. IIf Pig. 149. My-cCre’-NA GA-!.ER-1C-U-LA’-TA—This is said to be acommon species of sum mer and autumn growing on dead logs, stumps, branches, etc., in the woods. It is usually clustered; the slender hollow stems are hairy at the base. The caps are gray or brown. The figure is taken by permission of the publishers from Nina L. Marshall's Mushroom Book. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No.47 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, December 1, 1905 C. G. Lioyn’s MycotceicaL Notres.—Only beginners need be told : that Mr. C. G. Lloyd of Cincinnati knows all about Puffballs and some REN? other things too, and that he publishes and distributes gratis to the BE devoted a periodical under the above name. Twenty Nos. have been issucd. to show what he is doing im the way of half-tone illustrations we have borrowed some cuts and show them on two pages of this Number. They are figs. 150, 151 and 152. : Fic. 150 lWLy-co-wER’-DON TES-SEL-LA’TUM. From Lloyd’s Myc. Notes. Le) se) L=>>) ie — Fic. 151 Ly-co-rver’-pDON GEM-MA’-TUM. From Lloyd’s Myc. Notes. eae SA EE Toes Ls University Bulletin. Series 9, No. 35. Entered as Second Class Matte1. Post-oflice at Columbus. Ohio D 182 Mycological Bulletin No. 47 | Vol. III LIST OF MUSHROOM KEYS. CONTINUED FROM PRECEDING NUMBER. Gasteromycetes. (Families). McIlvaine; Ore Thousand Am. Fungi, 569, 1900. (Orders). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 24, 1901. (Orders). Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 12:143, Jan., 1889. Gomphidius. (See Hygrophoreae.) Hebeloma. (Tribes). McIlvaine; Cne Vhousand Am. Fungi, 283, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:95, 1873. Helvellaceae (Genera). Mellvaire; One lhousard Am. [Fungi, 534, 1900 Helvellales (Families and Genera). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 63, 1899. Hydnaceae (Genera). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 103, 1899 Hydrei (Genera). Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 10:7, 1887. Hydnum (Tribes). Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 494, 1900. Hygrophoreae. F. S. Earle; Torreya, 2:53-4, 73-4, Apr., May, 1902. Hyegrophorus. (lribes). McIlvaine; Ore Thousard Am. Fungi, 148, 190€0. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:112, 1873. Hymeniales (Families). White; Conn. Geolog. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Bull., 3:12, 1905. Hymenogastrales (Genera). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 135, 1899. Hymenomycetes (Families). Atkinson; Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc., 307. Atkinson and Stoneman; A Provisional Key to the Genera Hymenomycetes, 1-16, Oct., 1898. Mellvaine; Orne Thousand Am. Fungi, 1, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:55, 183. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 48:230, 1595. Hypholoma Mellvaine; One Thousard Am. Fungi, 353, 355, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:98, 1873. Hyphorodii [Rosy-spored Agarics] (Genera). Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat Hist., 6:97, 1883. See also Agaricaceae, Agaricini. Inocybe. Earle; Torreya, 3:168-170, 183-4, Nov., Dec., 1903. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist. 6:104, 1883. Lactarius. F. S. Earle; Torreya, 2:139-41, 152-4, Oct., 19€2. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 162, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:114, 1873; 38:113, 1885. Lepiota. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 34, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:60, 1883. Peck; Rep N. Y. State Mus., 23:70, 1873. Lentinus. Earle; Torreya, 3:35-8, March, 1903. (Tribes). Mcllvaine; One ‘Vhousand Am. Fungi, 229, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:126, 1873: Leucosporae [White-spored Agarics] (Genera). Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 48:252, 1895. See also Agaricaceae and Agaricini. of 1 Dec. 1905] Mycological Bulletin No. 47 183 Lycoperdaceae (Genera). Mellvaine: One Thousand Am. Fungi, 577, 1900 Morgan; Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 12:9, April, 1889. Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 138, 1899. Lycoperdales (Genera). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 28, 1901. Lycoperdon. McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 590, 1900. Morgan; Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 13:6, April, 1891. Marasmius. (Tribes). MelIlvaine; Ore Thousard Am. Fungi, 221, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:124, 1873. Melanosporae [{Black-spored Agarics] (Genera). See Agaricaceae. Agaricini. Mitremyces. Lloyd; Myc. Notes (218) No. 13:125, Feb., 1903. Morchella. Kellerman; Myc. Bull., 1:6, March 25, 1903. Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 102, 1901. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 48:222, 1895. Mycena. (Tribes). McIlvaine: One Thousand Am. Fungi, 224, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:73, 1883. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:80, 1873. Naucoria. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 294, 1900. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:91, 1873. Nidulariaceae. (Genera). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 142, 1899. V. S. White; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29:254, May, 1902. Ochre-spored Agarics |[Ochrosporae| (Genera). See Agaricaceae, Agaricini, Dermini. Ochrosporae [Ochre-spored] (Genera). See Agaricaceae, Agaricini, Dermini. Omphalia. (Tribes). Me!lvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 133, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:75, 1883. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23.84, 1873; 45:33, 1893. Panaeolus. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:100, 1873. Panus. Earle; Torreya, 3:86-7, June, 1903. Paxillus. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 326, 1900. Peck; Rep N. Y. State Mus., 37:30, 1884. Bull. N. Y. State Mus., 1:30, May, 1887. Periconia. F.S. Earle; Bull. N. Y. State Bot. Garden, 2:(332), 25, April, 1902. Peziza (Tribes). MelIlvaine: One Thousand Am. Fungi, 552, 1900. Pezizales (Families). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews ard Mushrooms, 51, 1899. Phallaceae (Genera). Urderwood; Moulds, Mildews ard Mushrooms, 132, 1899. Phallales. (Families ard Gerera). Nina L. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 26, 1901. (Families). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 132, 1899. Phalloideae (Genera). Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 570, 1900. Morgan; Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 12:144, Jan., 1889. CONTINUED IN NEXT NUMBER. 184 Mycological Bulletin No. 47 [Vol. Ill ic. 152 Ly-co-pER’-DON Pi-RI-FOR’-ME. From Lleyd’s Myce. Notes. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies Of Val. II (1904) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.1 (1903). Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. 1 11905 DEC MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN No. 48 BRAR NEW Y( WW. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University BOTANICAI ~ < A S Ee ZARPNRE Columbus, Ohio, December 15, 1905 UAKVE ENp cr Votume III.—The plan and scope of the BULLETIN as exhibited by the successive current Numbers seem to have the ap- proval of those interested. The year 1905 then will require no change. Subscribers will receive notice of their dues annually. While the subscription price is 25 cents a year, 50 cents each will be charged for the few remaining copies ot preceding volumes; when bound in cloth the price is 75 cents. FRONTISPIECE.—It is a pleasure to present the portrait of one of Ingland’s pioneer Mycologists, Dr. M. C. Cooke. Though living yet and interested in Mushrooms, his most important work was done Over a quarter of a century ago. LIST OF MUSHROOM KEYS. CONCLUDED FROM PRECEDING NUMBER. Phallus. Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 571, 1900. Phohiota. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 269, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:101, 1883. Pleurotus. (Tribes). McIlvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 135, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:77, 1883. Peck; Rep: N. Y. State Mus., 39:59, 1886; 48:275, 1895. Pleuteolus. Earle; Torreya, 3:124-5, Aug. 1903. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 46:59, 1893. Pluteus. Mellvaine; Qne Thousand Am. Fungi, 243, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:97, 1883. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:61, 86, 1873; 38:134, 1885. Polyporaceae (Subfamilies). Murrill; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 32 :353, 1905. Polyporaceae (Genera). Atkinson; Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, ete., 171. Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 396, 1900, Nina I.. Marshall; Mushroom Book, 42, 1901. Marrill; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 32 :353, 364, 370, 469, 485, 490, 491, 1905. Underwood: Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 104,1899. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 36. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio N 186 Mycological Bulletin No. 48 [Vol. Ill Polyporaceae. Murrill; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29 :601, 19C2; 30:109, 225, 297, 426, 1903; 31:30, 326, 334, 342, 416, 427, 594, 1904; Torreya, 4:165, Nov., 1904; 5:28. 43, Feb:. March, 1905. Polyporus. (Vribes.) McIlvaine; One Thousand Am, Iungi, 479, 1900. Pratelli [Purplish or Brown-spored Agarics|] (Genera). Mornoan our (GinseSOGw Nate leliste Gril slisso. See Agaricaceae, Agaricini. Psalliota. Peck; Rep: N. Y. State Mus., 23:97, 1893; 36:42, 1883. See also Agaricus. Psathyrella. : Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:102, 1873. Psilocybe. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:99, 1875. Purplish or Brown-spored Agarics [Porphyrosporae] (Gerera). See Agaricaceae, Agaricini, Pratelll. Rhodosporae [Rosy-spored Agarics] (Genera). See Agaricaceae. Agaricini. Rosy-spored Agarics [Rhodosporae| (Genera). See Agaricaceae, Agaricini, Hyporhodii. Russula. Earle; Torreya, 2:101-3, 117-9, July, Aug., 1902. (Tribes). Mcl!lvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 186, 1900. Pecks Rep, Ne YouState Viliiss. 23ca20) asia: Sclerodermataies (Genera). Urderwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 143, 1899 Stropharia. Earle; Torreya, 3:24, Feb., 1903. (Tribes). Mcl!lvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 349, 1900. Thelephoraceae (Genera). Mcllvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 506, 1900. Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 100, 1899. Thelephorei (Genera). Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 11:18, 1888. Tremellaceae (Genera). Mellvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 526, 1900. Tremellales (Families and Genera). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 95, 1899. Tricholoma. : (Tribes). Mcilvaine; One Thousand Am. Fungi, 59, 1900. Morgan; Jour. Cin. Soc. Nat. Hist., 6:65, 1883. Peck; Rep. N. Y. State Mus., 23:73, 1873; 44:39, 40, 44, 52, 56, Gij 1891; 48:266, 1895. Tuberales (Families). Underwood; Moulds, Mildews and Mushrooms, 51, 1899. Tylostomeae (Genera), Lloyd; Myc. Notes (233) No. 14:133, March, 1903. Volvaria. Lloyd; Volvae of U. S., 10, 1898. Mellvaine: One Thousand Am. [ungi, 239, 1900. White-spored Agarics [Leucosporae] (Genera). See Agaricaceae, Agaricini, Leucosporae. 15 Dec. 1905] Mycological Bulletin No. 48 187 IDE x TOOVOLUME Ill [Pp.'97-188:] SUBJECTS. Acknowledgements, 120, 129, 145 Lepiota morgani, 134 169, 177 ~Lloyd’s Mycological Notes, 1S] Amanita Number, 161, 162,165,166 | Morchella bispora, 149, 151 Bacteria Number, 173 Morels, 150 Basidiomycetes, Orders, 128 Morel. two-spored, 149 Beardslee on the Rhodosporae, 145 Mushroom Keys, List, 174, 178 Bell Omphalia, 153 182, 183, 185, 186 Calostoma, 112. Mycological Glossary, 98, 102, 110 Classifeation, 125 114, 118, 122, 126, 134 Clitopilus, 146. New Departure, 97 Crepidotus, 113. Omphalia, 150 Discomycetes, 142 Omphalia campanella, 153 Editor’s Notes, 99, 100, 120, 125 Parasitic Fungi, ila ge 138, 140, 140, 185 Peronospora, 108 Elm Pueurotus, 15S Peronospora, Grape Mildew, 151 Fairy Ring, 105 Pezizas again, 141 Glossary, Mycological, 98,102,110 Pleurotus, 157 114, 118, 122, 126, 134 Pleurotus ulmarius, 158 Grape Mildew, 151 Polyporaceae, Key, ifr Gyromitra esculenta, 1!z7 Polyporus Number, 173 Gyromitra, esculenta poisonous, Psilocybe, 109 123 Purpose, 99 Harpochytrium, 111 Rhodosporae, 145 Hymeniales of Connecticut, 168 Rosy-spored Agarics, 145 Hyphoioma, 121. = Strobilomyces, 101 Keys for Mushrooms, List, 174 Terms applied to Fungi, 73 178, 182, 183, 185, 186 Terms illustrated, aM Key to the Polyporaceae, 173,174 Two-spored Morel, 149 Key to the species of Clitopilus, Volvaria, 129 145 ILLUSTRATIONS. Amanita verna 161 Collybia platyphylla, 179 Amanita solitaria, 163, 164 Collybia radicata, 138 Armellaria mellea. 104, 118 Crepidotus malachius, TAY Bacillus carotovorus, 176,176 bis Crepidotus versutus, 101 Bacterium malvacearum, 175 bis Galera sphagnum, 116 Bacterium pruni, 173 bis, 177 Grape Mildew, 150 Boletus edulis, 168 Gyromitra esculenta, 123 Boletus felleus, 160 Jlarpochytrium, 111 Botryosporium pulchrum, 99 Helveila crispa, 136 Cantharellus aurantiacus, 167 Helvella elastica, 136 Clitocybe multiceps, 148. Hydnum erinaceus, 120 Clitocybe odora, 170 = Hydnum zonatum, 165 Clitopilus orcella, 148 Hypholoma appendiculatum, 121 Clitopilus abortivus, 147. ~=WHygrophorus conicus, 169 188 Mycological Bulletin No. 48 [Vol. II LLepiota morgan, 155, 156 Phyllachora mexicana, 117 Lycoperdon piriforme, 184 Pholiota unicolor, 144 Lycoperdon tesselatum, 181 Pleurotus ulmarius, 157, 159 Morchella hybrida, 185 Pluteus cervinus, 134 Merulius rubellus, 109 Polyporus arculariformis, 125 Morchella bispora, 149 Polyporus betulinus, 171 Morchella conica, 35 Polyporus hydnoides, 127 Mvycena galericulata, 180 Polyporus versicolor, 175; a Mycological terms illustrated, 189 Psilocybe ammophilus, 97 Myxomycetes, 140 Rhytisma concavum, plalis: Omphalia campanella, 153 Sphaerosoma echinulatum, 102 Omphalia umbellifera, 152. Strobilomyces strobilaceus, 100 Peronospora floerkeae, 107. Tricholoma melaleucum, 119, 124 Peronospora, Grape Mildew, 150 Urnula craterium, 105 Peziza coccinea, 141. Volvaria bombycina, 129 Phyllosticta asiminae, 142 Volvaria pusilla, 137 | Enp or VOLUME III. Mycological Bulletin (Nos. 49 to 72) Reise g Volume IV. 1906 ‘ LIBRARY PIE NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D. Ohio State University Pek COLUMBUS, OHIO PRESS OF VANCE-POLAND Co. 1906 THE EMINENT MYCOLOGIST OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY. Mycological Bulletin No. 49 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, January 1, 1906. ANoTHER Notion.—For a few months we will devote regularly a IBRAR’ page, or as much thereof as may seem fitting, to quotations from various authors touching on matters or mycological interest. Many of course will ‘EW YOR get these articles in other journals that come regularly to their tables or sopanyc, encounter them in mushroom books, but I aim in spite of this to main- : az tain the established character of the BULLETIN, to-wit, that is designed GAP OU first and foremost for the benefit of beginners and amateurs who presum- ably have not large libraries nor files of all the botanical jourrals. The illustrations will be the prominent feature as heretofore and two or three ae 11 1905 ig 153—PAN-AE’-0-LUS Ep-I-My’-cES PECK, see text of Bulletin No. 49 [“‘Quotation’’] for explanation of this Mushroom. Drawings by Helen Shooman, Wisconsin Univcr- = sity. = University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 37. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-Office at Columbus. Ohio 194 Mycelogical Bulletin No. 49 [Vol. IV halftones will be preserted in each issue. My patrons are assured that contributions both in the way of notes and photographs will be received with pleasure. It is hoped that portions of letters pertaining to Mush- rooms may occupy a conspicuous place on the “quotation” page. PuHorocrRaPpHs.—Being the merest amateur in photography I appreciate the ludricous pose assumed when suggestions ere offered ~yet (never let on!) it may be remarked that the photos should be 1 atural size or even en- larged unless the Mushrooms are of great size. Jf ore would remember also that the printed page is orly four inches wide the illustrations doubt- less would be in most cases advantaged. The height is seidom restricted by page limits. The engraver can reduce the pictures when necessary and in that way obviate loss in reproduction. Enlargement is out of the question unless the photo is unusually sharp and presents sharp contrasts. Characteristic “attitudes,” strange habitats, abnorinal forms, plants in situ, and other “original” illustrations of mushrooms will be most acceptable. With A Lone Arm.—The editor will land in that enchanting tropical region of Guatemala the day this Number reaches the subscribers, and therefore the BULLETIN will be edited at a disadvantage for three or four months. Some one at home will be commissioned to examine my mail— so the mistakes made in the distribution or other various concerns of this Leaflet, will have attention, if you will kindly send in your suggestions and criticisms. Reception of the BuLLETIN will indicate to new subscribers that the annual fee is received—and old subscribers will receive a dun on my return if.. “QUOHATION PAGE.’ Quvuoration.—The following interesting article appeared in the Journal of Mycology, and shoud be copied here since the plate has been reproduced in the BULLETIN, see page 193. “THe Hosr Plants or PANAEoLUS Epimyces, Peck.—Panaeolus epi- myces, first discovered and described by Peck, has been found from time to time more or less abundantly in the vicinity of Madison, Wis. The same species has been reported near London, Ontario, from when it was sent by Dearness to the Lloyd Mycological Museum. Neither Peck nor Dear- ness mentioned the host plant of this fungus. “Peck’s description is as follows: Pileus fleshy, at first sub-globose, then convex, white, silky-fibrillose, flesh soft, white or whitish; lamellae rather broad, somewhat close, rounded behind, adnexed, dingy white be- coming brown or blackish with a white edge; stem short tapering upward, strongly striate and minutely mealy or pruinose, solid in the young plant, Follow in the mature plant, but with the cavity small. hairy or substrigose at the base; spores elliptical black, .0003’-00035' long, .0002’-.00025’ broad Plant 1’-1.5’ high, pileus 8”-12” broad, stem 3”-4” thick. Parasitic on fungi. “North Greenbush, November. “Specimens found in this region agree with this description quite closely. The only points of difference are that the pileus and spores are larger. The pileus is sometimes over 2 in. broad and the spores run up to .0004’ long by .00028’ broad. “McKenna, in 1900, studied the material collected at Madison and identified the host of all the specimens found up to that time as Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) Fr. His material was always found growing in close connection with uninfected clumps of C. atramentarius. Upon sec- tioning the thickened edges of the hypertrophied mass of the host, he found the gills and hymenium well developed. He also found mature spores which were identical with those of C. atramentarius. From one to seven of the parasitic fruit bodies were found on a single host. “On October 6, 1904, four very perfect and well developed specimens of Panaeolus epimyces were found on a shady lawn apparently para- sitic on Coprirus comatus Fr. Several large healthy specimens of the latter were found not more than 5 in. distant from any one of the infected forms and no other Agaric was or has since leen found growing in that yicinity. (Continued in No. 50). 1 Jan. 1906.] Vycological Bulletin No. 49 195 Fre. 154.—Hy-pom’-Y-cES LAC-TI-FLU-0’-RuM. A parasitic fungus which has at- tacked a gill-fungus, in consequence of which the latter was aborted and unable to de- velop the lamellae or gills The illustrations 1 and 2 show such hosts. No. 3 rep resents a section through the aborted mushroom and shows the microscopic fruiting portion of the attacking Hypemyces. Each of the receptacles contains very many asci, as they are called, that is to say, large cells in which the bilocular spores are developed: they are both shown at Nos. 4 and 5. Illustrations 1 and 2 are shown natural size; No. 3 is somewhat magnified; No. + shown on a larger scale and No. 5 very highly masnified. Mycological Bulletin No. 49 I'1G. 155—Ly-co-prR’-DON ECH-I-NA’-TUM (a, b, c, d); Ly-CO-PER’-DON TES-SEL-LA’-TUM (e): Ly-co-PER’-DON UM-BRI/-NUM (f); taken from Lloyd’s Myc. Notes. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) and Vol. III 1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903, Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. Mycological Bulletin No. 50 LIBRARY Wy. A. Kellermar, Ph. D., Ohio State University : artis Columbus, Ohio, January 15, 1906. NEW YORK rata aire Tur ILLuTRATIONS Pr=sENTED—The first and last illustrations in this BOTANICA! Number are very common fungi—the first a Cor-ti-na’-ri-us and the last GARDEN a Hy-groph’-o-rus. It must be admitted, however, that the species of these two genera are not readily determinable by the beginner—in fact only specialists comprehend the situation. The illustration on the third is out of the ordinary for this Leaflet. But it is so conspicuous and this 1906 Fic. 156—Cor-TI-NA’-RI-US CIN-NA-MO’-ME-US.—.A very dark colored common Cor- ti-na’-ri-us (this genus has an arachnoid, 1. e. a cabwebby veil) which was collected roby Supt. M. E. Hard and the writer in the woods near Chillicothe, O., Oct. 30, 1905. University Pulletin, Series 9, No. 38. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Colmbus, Oh‘o JAN 1 198 Mycological Bulletin No. 50 [Vol. IV parasitic fungus is so common that it can not be neglected by the wide- awake amateur or the beginner. It is the frst of the three stages in the life-cycle of a Black Rust. The second and third stages of this species are found (associated) on a Sedge, or Slough Grass (Carex). See ex- planation under figures. “QUOTATION PAGE.” (Quotation continued from page 194). “These specimens resembled the herbarium specimens of those para- sitic on C. atramentarius (as identified by McKenna), but with some vari- ations. They are considerably larger, but the greater size is only propor- tional to the greater size of C. comatus as compared with C. atramentarius. The pileus in one specimen is 3.5’ broad. Here and there portions of the veil adhere to the pileus, forming a fringe on the young cap. The surface of the cap is roughened by reticulate umber colored areas, especially at the margin, which latter become elevated and flaky, breaking up into recurved umber patches. The stipe is cylindrical 1.5’ long by 5” in diameter in the largest specimen. The spores vary in size from .0003’-.0004' by .0002’- 00028". j _ “The hypertrophied host resembles that described by McKenna, but is larger, becoming from 2 to 3 inches in diameter by 2 inches high. It forms a cup-shaped or cushion-like mass with swollen edges and a deep indenta- tion at the top. Sometimes a single large carpophore arises from the cen- ter of this indentation. In other cases two or more are present in various stages of development. The mass of the host is scarcely distinguishable as stipe and pileus. It is merely narrowed below and is connected di- rectly with thick mycelial strands ramifying in the substratum. The outside is striate and covered with brownish fibres, especially that portion which corresponds to the pileus. The thickened edges of the hypertrophied host were examined, and although the gills, basidia and sterigmata could be distinctly made out. the fungus was apparently not sufficiently matured to produce spores. “The reasons for believing the host in this case to be Coprinus coma- tus are as follows: ‘The fungi in question are accompanied by growths of C. comatus only, and the host resembles closely the form identified from its spores as C. atramentarius by McKenna, but is as mucn larger than that form as Coprinus comatus is larger than Coprinus atramen- tarius. “So called abortive forms very similar to these parasitized Coprini have been described for Clitopilus prunulus Scop, Clitopilus abortivus B. & €. and Armillaria mellea Vahl, but the cause of these formations is still unexplained. Clitopilus prunulus produces aborted forms singly or in tufts. They ave very variable in shape and are white tinged with brown on ruptured surfaces. “Peck in describirg the aborted forms of Clitopilus abortivus B. & C. says they are irregular or sub-globose fleshy white masses occurring in company with normal forms and apparently under the same conditions of soil, moisture and temperature. These forms are common here and are found in various stages of development. Some show marked character- istics of the normal form of C. abortivus, while others are hypertrophied and contorted into messes resembling closely the forms described above for the Coprini. They are smaller, however, the largest not being over 1-114 in diameter The gills show plainly on sectioning. “The abortive forms of Armillaria mellea Vahl are also common in this region are very similar to those of the two Clitopili just men- tioned. Peck states in his description of this from that the masses are of cellular matter without any distinction of stem, pileus or lamellae. ‘Without positive proof, McIlvaine says, ‘no one would suspect either of these odd formations to be abortive of either Clitopilus abortivus or Ar- millaria mellea or any other fungus.’ In view of other resemblances to the parasitized Coprini described above, it is quite possible that these mon- strosities are due also to the presence of some parasitic agaric which for some reason is unable to produce carpophores.” [Helen Sherman, Journal of Mycology. ] 15 Jan. 1906.] Mycological Bulletin No. 50 199 Fic. 157.—-Ye.tow Cruster-cups, or the Ae-cid’-i-wm that grows on the Elder and distorts the branchlets and leaves. At b a ripe ‘‘cup’’ is shown; one of the germinat- ing spores mere highly magnified is figured at c. 200 Mycological Bulletin No. 50 [Vol. IV l'ic. 158.—Hy-Grorpy’-o-RUS E-BUR’-NE-US.—A common white Hy-groph’-o-rus, ce- curring in Europe and America. ‘The gills in this species are strongly decurrent— and Atkinson says of the gills of all the species of this genus that “they are usually rather distant, the edge is acute or sharp, and gradually thickened toward the june- tion with the cap, so that a section of the gill is more or less triangular.’”’ The half tone was made trom specimens collected by Supt. Hard and the writer at Chillicothe, Ohiv, in woods by Paint Creek, Oct. 30, 1905. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) and Vol. III ‘1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I ‘1903 , Address. W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. Mycological Bulletin No. 51 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, February 1, 1906. THe HALr-TonNes IN THIS NumBer.—The first illustration here given is of a fungus not of course important from an epicure’s point of view, but what is more interesting and beautiful than these little double-walled Puff-balls!| The outer peridium (1. e. layer of the covering) splits some- what regularly from the top, becomes strongly reflexed, and hence the name Ge-as’-ter or Earth Star is an appropriate one. They retain their shape when mature «nd can be kept in small boxes for study or compari- NEW YORK > T* RAIIL Al BOT AIN Ge Ab. by ki % 06 Fic. 159.—Eartru-star. GE-AS’-TER- TRIP’-LEX.—A rather common plant here ©? shown in natural size. The cut was made from_specimens sent by Supt. M. E. “~ Hard, who collected them near Chillicothe, Ohio, November 9, 1905. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 39. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-Office at Columbus, Ohio MAR 14 202 Mycological Bulletin No. 51 [Vol. IV son. The Polypore shown on the third page is nearly as ornamental as any of these species become—and the cut falls far short of doing the plant justice. The ma-ras’-mi-us is perhaps one of the most common—cer- tainly, most beautiful— of the hundreds of Ma-ras’-mi-i. Aside from lack of naturai color the half tone does not malign this interesting and charming little plant. “QUOTATION PAGE.” Quoration.—The phalloid, usually called stink-horn, for obvious rea- sons, is so common that the item below relating to variability may well receive our attention for a moment at least. The article was published in the Journal of Mycology, by A. H. Christman. “VARIABILITY TIN OuR Common Species or DictyopHorA.—Considerable uncertainty has existed as to the identification of our common species of Dictyophora. Fischer remarks that nowhere among the Phalloideae is the confusion in the nomenclature so great as in the case of this genus and he believes that this confusion has been brought about by the naming of isolated specimens which have been given new specific names on the ground of some slight lack of agreement with descriptions already given * * * The occurrence of this common Dictyophora—in unusual numbers in the neighborhood of Madison during the summer of 1903, made it pos- sible to make some interesting observations on the variability of the charac- teristic parts of the fungus. The specimens were found in the region lying along the south shore of Lake Mendota and extending a mile west of the city. The soil of this region is covered with a sod shaded at places by growths of trees and is at other places completely open. Along a drive, leading through this tract, young forest trees had been planted from year to year. There is also a plot of about four acres on the University farm planted about eight years ago with various young forest trees. All of these young trees had been liberally mulched yearly, from the time of plant- ing, with a fertilizer composed of equal parts of shavings and dung, and it was in and beneath this mulch that the fungi were most abundant. So numerous were the plants on the entire region that for a period of six weeks specimens could be found every day. As many as two dozen were often taken on a single morning. Probably as many as three hun- dred specimens were handled during the season. These were examined and types of all sizes and proportions were carefully measured and then preserved by drying or in alcohol. When it was desired to get a series of plants belonging to the same mycelium, certain clusters of the eggs were marked and specimens gathered from day to day as they matured. In making the measurements it was aimed to secure specimens show- ing all possible variations. The following table gives the dimensions of twenty plants including specimens showing the extreme variations in all of the characteristic parts of the plant. The specimens are arranged in the table according to height. [Table omitted]. It will be seen that the extremely tall and extremely short specimens are not so numerous in the above table as are the more nearly average ones. As these are about equally scarce also in nature the above averages may safely be taken as approximately correct for all the specimens found during the season. There is a fairly complete series from the shortest (5.6 cm.) to the tallest (21.2 cm.). Careful observations were made to determine, as nearly as possible, what conditions might be responsible for the height of the specimen. Jt was found that without exception the tall plants were solitary, were taken from sod, and, in almost every case, were in a fairly shaded, moist locality. Numbers 1 to 6 of the table, and many others, were found so located. The smaller specimens were found where the plarts oc- curred in large clusters and were often taken after several plants in the eluster had matured. When a plant in the egg. stage was fourd on a sub- stratum, such as the mulch already mentioned, that readily became dry, CONTINUED IN NEXT NUMBER. 1 Feb. 1906.] Mycological Bulletin No. 51 203 Fic. 160.—Po-Ly’-po--RuS BRU-MA’-LIS.—A Polypore very common in the middle and latter part of the season having rather small pores; it is more or less smoky on the cap above, below nearly white. From specimens collected by A. L. Smith, Colum- bus, Ohio. 204 Mycological Bulletin No. 51 [Vol. IV Fic. 161.—Ma-RAS’-MI-US CAM-PAN’-U-LA-TUS.—A beautiful delicately poised on slender shining black stems—no trouble figure. Spccimens collected at Columbus, Ohio. ochraceous-red cap to recognize from this The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the Ist and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) and Vol. III ‘1905! may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I (1903), Address, W..A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. Mycological Bulletin No. 52 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, February 15, 1906. Our Ittustrations.—The Boletus’ Americanus shown on this page needs little or no comment, but the outline illustrations on later pages require further explanation. That on the third page is an Aecidium much like the species shown on page 199; the figure on the last page shows a Smut; the Aecidium will be briefly explained below, and the Smut will be commented on in the next Number. Fic. 162.—Bo-1e’-rus A-MER-I-cA’-NuS.—A_ yellow-cap slimy Boletus occuring “Hin woods and open places. The specimens from which the photograph was made were sent by Supt. M. E. Hard, Chillicothe, Ohio, Oct. 30, 1905. University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 40. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio LIBRAR } NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. 206 Mycological Bulletin No. 52 [Vol. IV AE-CID’-I-UM, OR CLUSTER-CcUPS.—As already explained this represents a stage, usually marked as “I,” of a Black Rust. The second or so-called Red-rust is indicated by “II” and the third stage or Black-rust is num- bered “ITI.” The remarkable thing about an Aecidium is that its spores do not grow on the host on which they are produced but often on germinating enter a grass or sedge or some other host and there the stages “II” and “TI1” unfold. This was not at first known, but each Aecidium was sup- posed to be a complete plant and of course each received a scientific name. It was a German botanist, DeBary, who nearly a half century ago proved by culture in his laboratory that the aecidium on Barberry was the first stage of one of the Red and Black Rusts that grow on wheat. Later ex- periments have shown the connection of many of our common Yellow Cluster-Cups with Red and Black Rusts on various hosts—yet the life cycle of very many of Gur common species remain to be worked out. sOUOTATION PAGE.” (Centinued from page 202) it could be predicted with certainty that the resulting fungus would be small. Very immature eggs (% to 34 size) were often separated from their mycelial connections and taken into the greenhouse. These often decayed. A good share of them, however, developed after several days pro- ducing very small specimens. This indicates that food and moisture, together with the habit of growing singly or in clusters are important fac- tors in determining size. The volvae varied in size from 5.5x6 cm. to 2.4x3 cm. Where the eges were in large groups they were often flattened against each other. A peculiar lobing was often caused in this way and also by foreign objects lying in contact with the eggs. Eggs lying free in sod were spherical and smooth. The color of the eggs varied from white to pink or dirty brown. The size and shape of the pileus was as variable as the other charac- teristics. the taller plants in general had the larger pilei. The shape varied from a broadly campanulate pileus, 2.7 cm. high by 3.7 wide at the lower margin in No. 16, to the tall conical pileus 4.2 cm. high by 2.6 in diameter at the base as in No 11. There is no correlation between the shape of the pileus and the size and structure of the other parts. Some very tall specimens had campanulate pilei while others had the conical form, the same was true of the small specimens. The outer surface was always conspicuously reticulated, the edge of the ridges being acute and toothed. The ridges always extended to the pore at the apex. The pits enclosed by the ridges were in general deeper midway between the apex and the margin of the pileus and often became elongated in the vertical direction near the margin. * * * There is no other part of the whole plant that shows as great variation in both size and structure as does the veil. The veil of a given specimen may vary with the age of the specimen when collected, or with the sur- rounding conditions. It was often observed that the veil expanded after the stipe had fully elongated. in other specimens the expansion of the veil was more rapid than the elongation of the stipe. In such cases the veil protruded from between the pileus and the volva as a large fold, which later straightens out and hangs free when the stipe is fully extended. When a specimen had been exposed to a dry atmosphere for a short time the veil became much shrunken. The measurements given in the table were taken from specimens gathered at about ten o’clock in the forenoon. Care was taken to measure the length of the veil when it was most fully ex- panded. While the outside conditions in which the plant is found, may modify the dimensions of the veil, there is no doubt that the actual amount of material which enters into it is as variable as any other feature of the plant..” [A. H. Christman, Journal of Mycology]. Mycological Bulletin No. 52 15 Feb. 1906.] Fic. 163.—A£-CID’-I-UM IM-PA-TI-EN’-TIS.—The Yellow Cluster-cups of Impatiens, the Wild Touch-me-not, or Jewel-weed. of its germinating spores. and at c one ” At b is shown a ripe ‘cup 208 Mycological Bulletin No. 52 [Vol. IV Fic. 164.—U-ro-cys’-TIs CAR-CI-NO’-DES.—The Smut found on Cimicifuga, the Black Snake-root or Bugbane. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copies of Val. II (1904) and Vol. III :1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1903), Address, W. A. Kellerman Columbus Ohio. MAR 14 lgU0 Mycological Bulletin No. 53 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University UWIBRARY Columbus, Ohio, March 1, 1906. NEW YORK SoMFTHING AROUT Smut.—In the preceding number we gave an illus- BOTANICA! tration (Fig. 164) of a kind of parasitic fungi which are very common, GARDEN. namely, the Smuts. The figure referred to shows a plant, the common Bugbane or black snake root (Cimicifuga) distorted by a Smut-fungus. The plant became abnormal in consequence of the attack of this parasite and when the mass of spores of the latter became nearly or quite ripe, they ruptured the epidermis and the black powdery mass escaped. When examined under the microscope the “smut” proves to be a multitude of little round bodies as shown in the figures (b,c and d). These germinate— showing that they are reproductive bodies of plants multiplying the species as do seeds in case of the higher plants. They are much simpler in struc- ture than are seeds and are called spores. At d in figure 164 is shown a spore that has germinated. Fic. 165.—Hs-1o’-Tr-uM CI-TRI’-NuM.—-An attractive little Disc-fungus, yellow in color, growing on rotten logs in very damp places. The scale at the bottom shows the extent of the slight magnification. The spores are not borne on gills, pores, spines, etc., as in the case of those called Ba-sid-i-o-my-ce’-tes, but the cups (or saucers) contain a compact layer of large cells within which the spores are borne. It belongs to the Dis-co-my-ce’-tes (which is a large group of the As-co-my-ce’-tes). University Bulletin. Series 9, No. 41. Entered as Second Class Matter, Post-Office at Columbus, Ohia 210 Mycological Bulletin No. 53 [Vol. IV “QUOTATION PAGE.” Quoration—In the introductory part of the Mushroom Book we find the following readable paragraphs by Nina L. Marshall: “Although for centuries it has been known that some fungi contain most virulent poisons, sti!l, through ignorance of those points which dis- tinguish the poisonous from the edible, frequent cases of poisoning occur in all classes of society. The mistakes resulting in death have been fre- quent enough to inspire the timid with an overpowering dread of all fungi, while the damp and grewsome places in which many fungi flourish have caused them to be despised by others. The following lines from Shelley very aptly express the general sentiment: “And plants, at whose names the verse feels loath, Fill’d the place with a monstrous undergrowth, Prickly and pulpous, and blistering and blue, Livid, and starr’d with a lurid dew. “And. agarics and fungi, with mildew and mould, Started like mist from the wet ground cold; Pale, fleshy, as if the decaying dead With a spirit of growth had been animated.” Shelley: ‘‘The Sensitive Plant.” “To many people the only growths known as fungi are toadstools and mushrooms. They give the name mushrooms to the species known to them-as edible, and regard all other similar growths as toadstools, things uncanny or po:sono.Us. “The grisly todestool grown there mought I see, And loathed paddocks: (toads) lording | on the same.’ ee “Faerie Queene.” “This distinction has no scientific basis, and in fact most of the species called toadstools are edible. Fungi are not always the grewsome things of Shelley and Spenser. In their ranks are many which delight the eye with their colouring and the symmetry of their fornis. They are the gro- tesques of nature; nests, hoods, cups, umbrelias, shells, and clubs are rep- resented, together with spheres, hemispheres, cones, and many other ge- ometrical figures. The mildew on the linens, the mould on food, the rusts and smuts which blight our fields of grain, and the dry rot which crumbles our lumber to Gust and which causes old wood in dark places to glow with a wierd, pale, flickering light, are all forms of one group or another of these plants which prey upon living or dead organic matter. In ordinary observation, only the simpler and more noticeable fungi are taken into account, but they are in reality met with in almost every situation imag- inable. They are found in damp cellars and in rooms shut off from the light; in fact, some form of fungus will be found in every place and on ev verything which is not exposed to a circulation of fresh air. “In woods and open fields the attractive forms are found. In shady woods the beautiful white ‘bear's head’ hangs on stately tree trunks. and the ‘destroying angels’ gleam white in the shadows on the ground. Shelv- ing brackets. green or red or brown, encircle old stumps, or stand out stiff and white from the crumbling trunks of fallen moss-grown monarchs of the forest, while wood-brown toadstools huddle in groups among the fallen leaves. On the outskirts of the wood. green and red Russula vie with the flowers in the brilliancy of their colouring. Pirk or violet Clavarias, dainty corals, border the wood path, and golden Clavarias lighten up the somber wood tints with their yellow branches. In dry pastures and along wood roads, p:ff-halls, large and small. send up_ their puffs of brown smoke, to the delight of every passing child who strikes them with a wand. On lawns and hillsides the Oreades cause fairy rings to grow. The fairy rings are circles, or parts of circles, of impoverished grass of a lighter colour and less luxuriant growth than that of the grass immediately. sur- rounding the circle. Before the existence of fairy folk came to be doubted, it was firmly believed that these fairy rings were the dancing grounds of the fairies. “The nimble elves That do by moonshine green sour ringlets make Wherof the ewe hites not; whose pastime "tis To make these midnight mushrooms.’ Rev. Gerard Smith. [Nina L. Marshall, the Mushroom Book]. 1 Mar. 1996.] Mycological Bulletin No. 53 211 Fic. 166.—Cu1-Toc’-y-BE FLLAC’-cI-pA.x—A small white-spored white Mushroom, rather firm in texture growing in shady places in moist woods. See also next figure, 212 Mycological Bulletin No. 53 [Vol. IV 1G. 166.—CLI-TOC’-Y-BE IN-FUN-DIB-U-LI-FOR’-M1S.—-Very much like the preceding (Fig. 166); in faet, they may represent the same species. This and the preceding were made from photographs of specimens collected near Coluinbus, Ohio. The Mycological Bulletin is issued on the 1st and 15th of each Month, Price 25c. Copie of Vol. II (1904) and Vol. III (1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents, No. copies remain of Vol. I (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio Mycological Bulletin No. 54 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, March 15, 1906. LIBRA! A GUATEMALAN Funcus—We give below an illusration of a large ib pad . . . . ° NEW Shelf-fungus found in abundance in Guatemala. It is a dirty white color Shee and of size varying from an inch or two to eight inches or more in width. BOTANK The upper surface 1s often somewhat honey-combed, and altogether a Ap ah striking form. It is somewhat peculiar according to Dr. W. A. Murrill pa to whom speciments have been sent for s of 168 under side, somewhat magnified. tudy. Fig. 169 shows a portion Pent Fic. 168.—TRAM’-E-TES EL’-E-GANS (or Dae-da’-le-a el’-e-gans). A Pann of tough almost woody texture collected at Livingston, ~? men and the one to the right exhib All much less than natural size. Pa" y = University Bulletin, Series 9, No. 42. Entered as Second Class Matser, Post-office at Columbus, Ohio shelf-fungus Guatemala. The larger speci- it the upper side, the one to the left the under side See Fig. 169. as “ 4 Ay 4 Ors ‘ New York - Boston --—Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycolegical Bulletin. JUNE, 1906 NOS. 59-60 | MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN a W. A. KELLERMAN, 123.9 de BY Aree STATE UNIVERSITY C ~ COLUMBUS, OHIO oF Press of Oy ey FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, sydow, Ps audsSydow iis each 35 {2 einsct ee 10 cts ‘Myco logical Bulletin, WOT A SEGO8 2. iia Scales a oe eee 50 cts. x IL, GRO bay sich ees ast oy Cree Sa 50 cts. 4 i ULE, MEOIOS thes ae cea hice nie 50 cts. % “ *°" Cadrent wokime fk So One 25 cts. Mycological Glossary © vad Sing iendes eee Nain ey Beta eae 25 cts Journal of Mycology, Vol SLT OOB i ei oe it ae eae $2 00 . O-=TOOR rn ws aie Gini eave 2 00 me: ‘ FS EOS BOO Ns Sales Sub Sate alee eee 2 00 "4 ay toons fe c [weer eae en Rah re {a ce . v5 Sh MT ITE NOG 2h ull pas aa 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio THE: BRYOL.0.GITSa For 1906, Vol. 9, will continue the series of articles on Lichens and Hepatics: The Mosses will receive ample treatment and all classes be fully illustrated. It is indispensable to the bryologist as well as the amateur. It is the organ of the Sulli- vant Moss Chapter and all interested in the study are invited to join. Membership dues $1.10 a year, carries subscription to the journal. Single subscriptions $1.00 a year. Send for sam- ple copy. Issued bi-monthly. Address MRS. ANNIE MORRILL SMITH 78 Orange Street Brooklyn, N. Y. THE NATURE-STUDY REVIEW 525 W. 120 Street, New York A monthly magazine for progressive teachers of nature-study and elementary science, S100 per year (9 issues), 15 cents a copy ‘ Sample copy for three 2c stamps. If you are interested in nature-study send your name and ad- ; dress on a postal card, mentioning "Mycological Bulletin,” When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. JUN 25 1906 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 59-60 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University LIBRARY Columbus, June, 1906 NEW YORK = BOTANICAL THE EDITOR’S EASY CHAIR. GARDEN APPRECIATION.—Some appreciative letters have been received from subscribers relative to the improved appearance of the Bur- LeTIN, and for these, sincere thanks are hereby returned. I can not forego the pleasure of allowing others to enjoy with me this portion of one of the letters received: “The little BULLETIN is filling a place in botanical literature hitherto wholly unoccupied. Now as you ‘wax fat,’ do not change the nature of the publication. If you feel like moving up into the field of ‘scientific mycology,’ you will leave behind the people for whom: it was designed, and they would then have nothing—just as they had nothing of the lind before the BULLETIN was started:* Keep it along the present line.” ACKNOWLEDGMENTS—I have to thank Miss Hyde and Messrs. Hard and Smith for both interesting articles and illustrations of striking mushrooms contained in this NUMBER. More ParticuLars.—I can add that a short quotation will be tound from Dr. Harshberger on p. 22, relative to the Peziza on which Mr. Smith discourses. It will be noted, too, that a pen and ink sketch of Mr. Hard’s subject (Gyromitra esculenta) was published on p. 227. The half-tone in this NUMBER almost does justice to the fine specimen. Miss Hyde’s Verpa is not found every day, and we are fortunate in having been able to photograph the specimens which she brought us. StropitomMyces.—This peculiar tube-bearing mushroom was illustrated on p. 100, and now Mr. A. F. Lane, Milwaukee, Wis- consin, sends us a photograph of dry specimens (Fig. 189), which can very appropriately find place here. See p. 240. ABOUT GYROMITRA ESCULENTA Fr. M. E. Hard. Gyromitra means a much wrinkled hood. There are seven species in this genus. It frequently grows very large, as the specimen in Figure 184 will indicate, which is eight inches hieh ard five inches across the cap. This was fovrd in the woods near Chillicothe. The cap is often rounded and regular as in the specimen photographed, but frequently it is deeply lobed ard very irregular, gyrose-wrinkled, bay - red, hollow, white within, unever. The stem is white, stout, stvffed or hollow, covered with a mealy substance; it is two to three inches long. The spores are elliptical, binucleate, yellow, 20-22 mic. long. 234 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 59 and 60 [Vol. IV This was formerly called Helvella esculenta. It is often very irregular and attached to the stem in two or three places. It is easily recognized from its bay-red color and its brain-like folds. _ , It grows beside old stumps and prefers a_ sandy soil. It is said to be injurious to some people. I have eaten it without any bad results, but I was careful to use only young and fresh specimens. I should advise not to eat it unless carefully parboiled. It is considered dangerous. NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE, I. W. A. Kellerman. A summary of interesting articles on Mushrooms found in various periodicals and brief quotations will occupy) some space in the BULLETIN when available. We call attention first to a note published in Torreya recently by Mr. C. C. Hammer. These are his words: “A Note regarding the Discharge of Spores of Pleurotus ostreatus.— A few evenings since a friend brought me a fine plant of the above species, consisting of about twenty-five pileoli, growing from a common base and arranged in the form of a large rosette, about twelve inches in diameter and of about the same height. Knowing the plant to be very fresh, not yet forty-eight hours old, I decided to keep it and cook it upon the following day. For the night it was left upon my study table, in the same position in which it grew (gills downward). Early the next morning my attention was called to the plant by my wife who asked me to come and observe it. It happened to be exposed to a very strong morning sunlight, which cntered the window three or four feet away. The spores were arising from the plant like tiny spirals of smoke or steam, to the height of two or three feet, making to us a very strange sight. At first I doubted :t the “smoke’’ were really spores, but after a careful microscopic examination of some which were caught upon a slide, this point was defi- nitely settled. Perhaps other agarics spore in a similar manner, but never having had conditiors favorable before I cannot say. Certainly the fact was interesting to me and for this reason I publish it. I have upon numerous oecasions observed the momentary expulsion of spores from fungi such as Bulgaria rufa ard Sarcoscypha fleccosa, but with these plants the spore- discharge seems to cccur when they are first touched, and then only.” ANOTHER.—New species of Mchrooms have been described hy Professor Atikinson in the Journal cf Mycology, some of which should be recounted here :— “PRELIMINARY Notes oN SoME NEw Species oF FuncGi.—AGARICUS CRETACELLUS, Atkirson, n. sp—Plants gregarious, sometimes a few joined at the hase; 5-8 cm. high, pileus 4-7 cm. broad, stems 6-10 mm. in thickness. PiLeus white convex to expanded, thin, smooth, sometimes inclined to be slightly viscid in wet weather, when leaves cling to the surface; sometimes with slight yellowish stains, flesh white with a tinge of pink sometimes. GILLS narrow, 3-4 mm., narrowed behind, free, first white, then pink, and Jater dark greyish brown, not becoming blackish. The caps are sometimes fully expanded when the gills show only a slight tinge of pink. Spores 4-5x3¢. STEM tapering frem the enlarged hase, white, smooth ahove the annulus, chalky white below ard covered with minute powdery scales often arranged in irregular corcentric rings below; stem solid but the center less dense. ANNULUS persistent, white, smooth above, the lower surface with very fine floccose scales similar to those on the stem from which the an- nulus was separated. Odor and taste of almonds, as in A. arvensis. Grow- ing in leaf mold, woods, Cascadilla creek, Ithaca, N. Y. C. U. herb. No. 5359, collected hy Geo. F. Atkinson, September 7, 1900. “AMANITA FLAVOCONIA, Atkinson n. sp.—-Plants usually scattered, sometimes gregarious, 6-12 em. high, pileus 3-8 cm. broad stems 4-15 mm. June, 1906. | Mycological Bulletin Nos. )-MI’-I1RA ES-CU-LEN’-TA. See text. M. 59 and 60. [lard, Chillicothe, Ohio. | 236 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 59 and 60 [Vol. IV thick. PiLeus convex then expanded, plain or broadly umbonate, fleshy, very thin except at the center, chrome yellow to orange yellow, darker when young and on the center, smooth, that is not striate, viscid, flesh white, covered with numerous small flocculent patches or heaps of frag- ments of the yellow powdery volva, which is easily removed and in wet weather sometimes is entirely absent from the pileus. Grits broad in the larger specimens, narrow in the smaller ones, 4-8 mm. broad, rounded at each end, free, not very crowded, white, very finely serrate or fimbriate from threads which attached the gills to the stem in the young plants. Spores oval-ovate, white, 6-9x4-6u. StrEMs stuffed, straight or flexuous, slightly tapering from the bulbous base, and at the apex broadening slight- ly, covered with flocculent scales, tinged with sulphur, fine sulphur powder above the annulus, portions below the annulus covered with powdery masses or particles of the universal veil. Bulb not very prominent, smooth or rarely somewhat cracked, powdered with remnants of the volva. AN- NULUS sulphur yellow or chrome yellow, membranous. The voLva or uni- versal veil consists of a yellowish powdery substance which separates into numerous powdery masses, covering the pileus and base of the stem, but which easily falls away. Fig. 185. Pr-z1'-za RE-PAN’-ra. Photo from specimens ccllected at Columbus, Chio- Arthur L. Smith. June, 1906. ] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 59 and 60 rw) re) -~t ANOTHER PEZIZA. Arthur L,. Smith. Peziza repanda Wahl. is a small, rather inconspicuous fungus growing on old wet logs. Specimens were found May 11, 1906, on an old elm log in the O. S: U. woods. In the dark, moist woods, one sees only a group of light, fleshy fungi; but taken out into the sunshine, they become remarkably beautiful objects. The cups are translucent, and the sunshine gives them a delicate golden brown. This, with the purplish brown color of the dry cup rims, produces an effect highly artistic. When first distinguishable, the future cup is a tiny white knot on the surface of the log. This grows, so that soon a hollow sphere, with an Ti. 186. Pe-zi’-za Re-rAn’-ra. _Magnificd sketch cf a portion cf the fruiting Ioyer (inner portion of cup)—showing asci accompanied with paraphyses and three sporcs very highly magnified. opening at the top, is produced. But soon this begins to flatten and expand laterally, at last producing an irregular flattened disk with smali upturned edges. The disks are irregular in outline. In diameter they vary from 2—6 cm. On the outside of the cup is a scurfy white layer. The remain- der is a fleshy tint. In drying the tissue becomes darker, and may even reach a purplish brown. The exposed edges dry out and change color first, then later the whole plant goes through the same change. There are two primary layers in the structure of the Pezizas; the inner fruiting layer or hymerium, and the outer sterile tissue. This latter is composed of several more cr less distinct parts, whose names would only add to our burden. On the arrangement and structure of these sterile layers, the classificaticn is largely based. E. J. Durand, of Cornell, the authority on fleshy Discomycetes, has largely extended the use of these characters. On the hymenial surface are bore the asci, or large mother celis of the snores, ard a few sterile paraphyses, or accesscry hairs. In these speci- mers the latter cre few, very much less numerous than in the other 238 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 59 and 60 [Vol. IV Pezizas examined. They are also shorter than the average of other species. Yhe asci are quite large, 270x12 mic. In each are eight spores, which are discharged when ripe, at the free end. These spores are smooth, thin- walled, hyaiine, and ron-rucleate. Size 14x9 mic. Some yourg specimens observed from May 11 to May 25 discharged spores during tnat time. The spores are often seen as little white clouds hanging above the cups. This phenomenon was often seen several times daily during the whole period. The immense number of spores given off by each Peziza can be more easily imagined than expressed. Explanation of the figures——The half-tore fig. 185 represents several plants natural size. Two above are immature—the cups scarcely open. The others show various forms assumed on maturity. Fig. 186 gives in outline, much magnified, several asci with spores, intermingled with which are twe pataphyses; three spores are shewn still more highly macnifed. Vig, 187. VER’-PA DIG-I-TAL-I-FOR’-MIS. Photo from specimens collected at Lancaster, Chio, by Miss Hyde. See text for fuller explanaticn. June, 1906.] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 59 and 60 239 NOTES ON A VERPA. Edith Hyde, Lancaster, O. The interesting fungus shown in Fig. 187, called by the botanists Verpa digitaliformis, was found north of Lancaster, in a cool, mojfst and shady ravine early in May. The color of its pileus, or cap, is a kind of olive- umber, while the stem is nearly white, with a very slight reddish tinge. ‘The pileus is campanulate, or bell-shaped, 4—%, in. high, fitting over the stem, but not attached except at the very top. Its surface has the char- acteristic smoothness of the Verpas. The stem appears smooth to the naked eye except for the few reddish rootlike shreds found at the base. It is filted with a loosely fibrous pith. It is about 3—4 in. high, and one-third to three-quarters inch thick. The asci are long, regular, colorless cells, situated on the under side of the cap. Each ascus produces eight spores within. Figure 188 shows four of these asci, one of which is spontaneously breaking open at the end in the characteristic manner and thus liberating the spores. ‘The spores are elliptical and almost free of the granular contents, so conspicuous in the spores of some genera of fungi. This species is edible according to the mycophagists, and resembles the Helvella in its delicacy. It is said to be on sale in the markets in Italy. It was named by Persoon, an eminent European botanist, a century ago. He gave it the name digitaliformis (meaning finger) becatise suggestive of the “shape of the pileus, which fits like a thimble over the stem. The generic name J’erpa (meaning a rod) was probably given to the genus because of the prominence of the rod-like stem. This mushroom belongs to the family Helwellaceae. ‘This family includes four important genera, which may be divided irto two groups. @ : Asceé Pee Fig. 188. VeEr’-PA pIG-I-TAL-I-For’-MIs. A sketch of asci with spores, also paraphyses highly magnified. 240 Mycological Bulletin Nos, 59 and 60 [Vol. IV The first, including the Helvella and the Verpa, is characterized especially by the pileus or cap being free from the sides of the stem. The second group, including the Morchella and Gyromitra, has the pileus entirely attached to the stem. These genera need not be confused, since the Helvella has a drooping pileus, irregularly lobed or waved, while the Verpa has the drooping pileus but comparatively smooth and with an entire margin. The Morchella, on the other hand, has the pileus attached to the stem and covered with deep irregular pits, while the Gyromitra, also attached, is composed of rounded, variously contorted folds. Explanation of figures:—The accompanying half-tone is a life size reproduction from a photograph of five of the specimens. The one in the upper right hand corner is old with a split and ragged pileus; the one just below it is a vertical section, showirg the pithy contents of the stem. The two circles in the middle below are cross-sections of the stem. The outline sketches, Fig. 188, represent asci and paraphyses; one ascus is broken open to discharge the spores. ‘he paraphyses or slender cells accompanying the asci have septa, or cross-walls, which is not a common characteristic. The plants in the half-tone are represented natural size; the outline figures of asci. paraphyses and spores are highly magnified. Fig. 189. StTRO-BI-LOM’-Y-CES STRO-VI-IA’-cE-us. A mushroom belorging to the fami y Bo-LE-TA’-CE-AE—having peres on the under side of the cam somewhat similar toa Polypores. The peculiar wart-like tufts give it a strange aspect and seen in the field or open woods it would never be mistaken. This half-tone from a photograph taken in the winter by Mr. A. F. Lane, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, illus- trates the appearance of a preserved dry specimen. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) and Vol III (1995! may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents, No. copies remain of Vol.1\1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio | You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they ate Cheam nOWn4 > 5 Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB ‘SPECIAL SCHEDULE OF PRICES TO MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB Atkinson—Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous, $2.60 ($3.00) Marshall—Mushroom Book . . . . . 2.80 ( 3.00) - McIlvaine—One Thousand American Fungi . 4.80 ( 5.00) ' These are the books recommended by Prof. Kellerman and orders may be sent through him or direct to us. The prices are special and on these terms, cash with the order, books will be sent express prepaid. Price in parenthesis is publisher's net list price, in each case. Q L.S. WELLS 665 North High St. COLUMBUS, OHIO BBS MICROSCOPE FOR BOTANISTS Can be used with both high and low power lenses. Furnished complete with 1 and 2 inch eyepieces; 2-3 and 1-6 dry, and 1-12 oil immersion objectives; triple nosepiece; Abbe condenser with iris diaphragm PRICE $75.00 BAUSCH ¢& LOMB OPTICAL CO. ROCHET ER, N. Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycolcgical Bulletin. NOS. 61-62 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT CoL_umBus, OnIo. COLUMBUS, OHIO o# Press of VANCE-POLAND co.) You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now |? Portraits, Buildings Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication THE BRYOLOGI S24 For 1906, Vol. 9, will continue the series of articles on Lichens and Hepatics. The Mosses will receive ample treatment and all classes be fully illustrated. It is indispensable to the bryologist as well as the amateur. It is the organ of the Sulli- vant Moss Chapter and all interested in the study are invited to join. Membership dues $1.10 a year, carries subscription to the journal. Single subscriptions $1.00 a year. Send for sam- ple copy. Issued bi-monthly. Address MRS. ANNIE MORRILL SMITH 78 Orange Street Brooklyn, N. Y. Mycological Bulletin Nos. 61-62 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University - LiB Columbus, July, 1906 RARY YVEW VOR! EDITOR’S NOTES. SETTLED.—The prolonged consideration of the postal status of the BULLETIN is happily terminated as the second-class entry note on the cover indicates. We had always considered our matter second class but the authorities were disposed to rate it higher! Yut the red tape has all been unwound and we can mail the 3ULLETIN hereafter without embarassment. Figures AND TExtT.—Some variation in matter as well as illustrations will be seen—for example we have drawn on Pro- fessor Atkinson’s excellent book for a note on the uses of Mush- rooms; then the peculiar growths on the common Hackberry tree are illustrated—where a fungus (though not called a Mushroom) is concerned as one of the causes. THe Funcus oF THE Hackperry BrANcH-KNot.—The Witches’ Brooms, as they may be called, which are so common on the Hackberry tree, illustrated in Figs. 193 and 194, are caused by a mite (of the genus Phy-top-tus) and a Leaf-Mildew fungus associated. The distortion consists of multiplied branchlets due to the irritation of the two organisms. The explanation under the cuts (especially under Fig. 192) is perhaps all that is needed at present. AN INTERESTING CORDYCEPS. M. E. Hard. Corpycers is from a Greek word meaning a club and a Latin word meaning a head. This is a genus of Pyrenomycetous fungi of which a few grow upon other fungi and grasses but by far the greater number are para- sitic upon insects or their larva. The larva stage suffers most frequently from the parasitic fungi. There are two species of Cordyceps found in the woods or wooded places of great interest to the mycologist. They are parasitic on Elaph- myces which are truffle-like growths found in soils. They are Cordyceps cephioglossoides, Adder’s Tongue Cordyceps and Cordyceps capitata. The eee like growth upon which they are found and the form of the fruiting ody as indicated by their specific names, will clearly identify them. Plant lice and flies suffer from attacks of fungi. The common house Fy will frequently be seen hanging to the window pane surrounded by a — Visible halo of fungus spores which have been thrown from the fungus S sacs and caught on the glass. A great portion of which were thrown into the SS 242 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 61 and 62 [Vol. IV air where they float about until they come into contact with other flies. When a spore comes in centact with a healthy fly a fungus thread Is pro- duced which soon makes its way to the inside ard continues to branch and grow till it kills the fly when it comes to the surface and forms a new crop of spores. One of the most interesting group of parasitic fungi are the beetle fungi. They are extremely small and can only be seen by a strong lens. They are iourd on the legs of the water beetles and usually found on a certain joint cf one leg. This localization is accounted for on the ground that pliant sexes are often fermed on different plants so sexual cells of fungi may be brought in certact by the breeding acts of the insects. Fig. 190. Cor’-pY-cEPS HER-CU’-LE-A. GIANT CATERPILLAR FunGus. See text for ex- planation. M. E. Hard, Chillicothe, Ohio. The caterpillar fungus is the most common and presents many interest- ing features because of its ability to produce a variety of spores, each specialized for a definite purpose. Spores may be produced upon fruiting bodies similar to figure 190. As soon as a spore falls upon a caterpillar it germinates, sending out germ-threads in the body cavity. Here these germ- threads form new spores which move freely in the fluid of the caterpillar. These spores germinate until the entire body cavity and muscle fiber are thoroughly permeated by mycelium threads.* These threads continue to branch and grow until they have absorbed all the larva’s soft parts, retaining not only the external form of the caterpillar but also the internal form of July, 1906.] Mycolegical Bulletin Nos. 61 and 62 243 its organs. It is a complete fac-simile of the larva made up of fungus growth. This may be called a resting or storage organ. This requires time to ripen. It may send up an orange-colored club-shaped body as in figure 190 or it may produce a dense growth of threads resembling a smali bali of cotton and from these threads another kind of spores is produced. This new kind of spore affects the larva in the same way as the kind al- ready described. The caterpillar will continue to move sluggishly for some distance after it has been thus infected. The caterpillar fungus is of great economic value for thousards of larvae are killed in this way every year. One of the largest forms of the caterpillar fungi is Cor’-py-CEPS HER- cu’-LE-A Schw. An excellent representation is given in the half tone. figure 190. It is called herculea because of its large size. The species can be readily identified from this cut. It grows from the body of a large white grub found on rotten wood. A perfect form of the grub is retained yet every bit of the larva has been coverted into fungus starch for storage material. The plant is quite large, clavate in form, head oblong, round, slightly tapering upward with a decided protuberance at the apex as will be seen in the half tone. The head is a light yellow in all specimens I found, not alutaceous as Schweinitz states, nor is the head obtuse. They are found in August and September. USE OF MUSHROOMS. Geo. F. Atkinson, Cornell University. Another very favorable indication accompanying the ircreasing in- terest in the study of these plants, is the recognition of their importarce as objects for nature study. There are many useful as well as interestirg lessons taught by mushrooms to those who stop to read their stories. The long growth period of the spawn in the ground, or in the tree trunk, where it may sometimes be imprisoned for years, sometimes a century, or more, before the mushroom appears, is calculated to dispel the popular notion that the mushroom “grows in the right.” Then from the button stage to the ripe fruit, several days, a week, a month, or a year may be needed, according to the kind, while some fruiting forms are known to live from several to eighty cr more years. ‘The adjustment of the fruit cap to a position most suitable for the scattering of the spores, the different ways in which the fruit cap opers and expands, the different forms of the fruit surface, their colors and other peculizrities, suggest topics for instructive study and ob- servation. The inclination, just now becoming apparent, to extend nature study topics to irclude mushrcems is an evidence of a broader and more sympathetic attitude toward nature. A little extension cf one’s observation on the habits of these plants in 244 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 61 and 62 [Vol. IV of the page. bottom at See explanation CAM-PAN-U-LA’-1US. Pa-NAE’-O-LUS Pa-NAE'-0-LUS.—This a genus of black-spored Agarics, somewhat re- sembling the species of Coprinus, but the gills not deliquescing or dis- solving into ink as in case of the latter genus. The pileus is somewhat leshy or thin and the margin even (not striate). The genus is further characterized as having gills not uniform in color, being clouded or spot- ted with black or brown colors, the edges of the gills often white in con- trast. The stem is usually smooth. The species shown on this page was collected near Columbus. Ohio; it grew from old horse dung in a pasture, the plants being few and scat- tered. Mellvaine says he has “several times eaten of this fungus in small quantities, because larger could not be obtained, and with no other than pleasant effect.” But he advises caution because a case of poisoning from eating this species was reported in 1816 in the London Medical and Sur- gical Journal, July, 1906. ] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 61 and 62 245 the woods will reveal the fact that certain ones are serious enemies of tim- her trees and timber. It is quite easy in many cases for one possessing no technical knowledge of the subject to read the story of these “wood de- stroying” fungi in the living tree. Branches broken by snow, by wind, or by falling timber provide ertrance areas where the spores, lodging on the heart wood of broken timber, or on a bruise on the side of the trunk which has broken through the living part of the tree lying just beneath the bark, provide a point for entrance. The living substance (protoplasm) in the spawn exudes a “juice” (enzyme) which dissolves an opening in the wood cells and permits the spawn to enter the heart of the tree, where decay rapidly proceeds as a result. But very few of these plants can enter the tree when the living part underneath the bark is unbroken. . These observations suggest useful topics for thought. They suggest practical methods of prevention, careful forestry treatment and careful lumbering to protect the young growth when timber trees are felled. They suggest careful pruning of fruit and shade trees, by cutting limbs smooth and close to the trurk, and then paintirg the smooth surface with some lead paint.-—Mushrooms, Fdible, Poisonous, ete. Fig. 192. Macnrriep figures cf pcrtions of the Leaf-mildew Fungus that causes (in conjunction with a mite) the Branch-knots or distortions on Hackberry trees, similar to Witches’-brooms, the latter shown in Figs. 193 and 194. Minute spores are shown at 1 and 2 which are produced early in the sea- son, and later minute, scarcely visible, black spore-ceses (shown at 38 and 4) are formed; these contain sacs (asct) of spores eight in each sac or ascus (shown at 5): speres escrped from the ascus are shown (at 6). The botanical name of this microscopic fungus is Sphae-ro-the’-ca_ phy-top- toph'-i-la. 246 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 61 and 62 [Vol. IV a small Fig. 193. BrRANCH-KNOT OR WircueEs’-proom of the Hackberry tree, caused by mite and a wicroscopic fungus. July, 1906.] Mycologica! Bulletin Nos. 61 and 62 247 NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE. II. W. A. Kellerman. Tue VETERAN AMERICAN Mycotocist, Professor Charles H. Peck, Albany, N. Y., describes several new species of Mushrooms, in_ the February No. of the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club (1905). They are as follcws: Lepiota maculans Peck; fourd in September at St. Louis, by Dr. N. M. Glatfelter. Prof. Peck adds: This is a small but pretty species, easily known by tke flesh of both pileus and stem changing to a reddish color where wounded and by the lamellae assum irg a reddish or pink color with age cr in Crying. Mycena denticulata Peck; St. Louis, August, Dr. Glatfelter. Puileus 12-20 mm. broad: stem 5-7 cm. long, 1-2 mm. thick. Pleurotus umbonatus Peck, on the ground, Kittanning, Pa. D. R. Sun:stire. Lactarius sumstinei Peck; grassy places in open woods, Kittarning, Pa., Prof. Peck says this is related to such species as Lactarius [uligin- osus, L. gerardi and L. lignyotus; but it may be separated from the first by its urchangeable milk and its more distant lamellae, and from the others by its ecrid taste. Marasmius sutliffae Peck; collected on lawn in shady places, Sacramen- to, Califorria, by Miss M. L. Sutliff, who says that in a test of its edible qual- ities, she found that cooking seemed to intensify its bitter flavor and make it rival that of quinine. Panus meruliiceps Peck: on trurks of elm trees, collected by Dr. Glatfelter, St. Louis, Mo. Flammula multifolia Peck; on decaying wood in ravines. Dr. N. M. Glatfelter, St. Louis, Mo. Cortinarius braendlci Peck; among fallen leaves in woods, Washing- ton, D. C., collected by F. J. Braendle. Cortinarius morrissti Peck; moist shaded places under hemlock trees, at Ellis, Mass., August to October; collected by G. E. Morris. Stropharia schraderi Peck; in sandy, grassy soil about stumps, Wash- irgton, D. C.; collected by F. F. Schrader. Psathyra multipedata Peck; densely cespitose, forming tufts of many individuals, in grassy ground, St. Louis, Mo., N. M. Glatfelter. Geopyxis nebulosiodes Peck; on decorticated wood, Carada, J. Macoun. Tue NortH AMERICAN SPECIES OF MARASMIus.— Prof. A. P. Morgan has printed in the Journal of Mycology a monograph of this genus which studerts find very useful. The author is one of our leading - mycoiogists and he has for some time devoted much attention to the species of Marasmius. We enumerates 162 forms and also adds 6 species of Heliomyces. Vhe latter are tremelloid when fresh and growing, bot dry they have the appearance of species of Marasmius. No doubt (Prof Morgan says) some tropical species of Mycena and Marasmius described from the dried specimens belong properly in Heliomyces. The speciss of Marasmius are grouped under several sections, and under these divisions are made in a syroptical manner, so that the student who undertakes the study cf this interesting group has his labors lightened by the reason of the descriptive head-lines. The morograph can be obtained in pamphlet form as a reprirt from the Journal of Mycology. 248 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 61 and 62 [Volaiang f | | ene ia ita tT a a a ll ll ml RE i ie al i Fig. 194. Brancu-Knor or Witcues’-proom of the Hackberry tree—similar to that shown in Fig. 198, but photographed in the winter when the tree was destitute of leaves. See explanation in the text, also under Fig. 192, where the fungus is illustrated. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) and Vol III (1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75cents, No. copies remain of Vol.1I (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio BAUSCH & LOMB Hilt BBS MICROSCOPE PRICE $75.00 AS WELL AS ALL SORTS OF APPARATUS AND SUPPLIES FOR BOTANISTS Send for Circular and Price List of Physiological Botanical Apparatus BAUSCH ©& LOMB OPTICAL CO. ROCHESTER, N. Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE No. 404 _ No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (2-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. _—e AUGUST, 1906 NOS. 63-64 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 19 06, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT ay CoLtumBus, Ouro. Edited and Published by at Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now ao) e Portraits, Buildings Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING © Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication THE BRYOLOGI S24 For 1906, Vol. 9, will continue the series of articles on Lichens and Hepatics. The Mosses will receive ample treatment and all classes be fully illustrated. It is indispensable to the bryologist as well as the amateur. It is the organ of the Sulli- vant Moss Chapter and all interested in the study are invited to . join. Membership dues $1.10 a year, carries subscription to the journal. Single subscriptions $1.00 a year. Send for sam- ple copy. Issued bi-monthly. Address . MRS. ANNIE MORRILL SMITH 78 Orange Street : Brooklyn, N. Y. : F Mycological Bulletin LIBRARY Nos. 63-64 NEW YORK W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University BOTANICAL Columbus, August, 1906 GARDEN bY WAY OF EXPLANATION: We are favored again with a short article by Superintendent Hard and are able to reproduce one of his photographs illus- trating the subject. We have to thank also Professor Atkinson, whom we draw upon again for some interesting statements as to the uses of Mushrooms, which Fe has published j in his excellent book, Mush- rooms, Edible and Poisonous. Other Figures which we present are a neat little Marasmius, which we do not want to eat, but do went to look at (beauty is its own excuse for being). Then the Mycena follows—another charming little plant of the woods; the Pluteus cervinus, which we have once before illustrated, all ought to know (it has pinkish gills, the color deepening after the cap has expanded for a time— they are white at first: the stem can be easily twisted out of a socket-like cavity)—this medium-sized Mushroom being one among the best edible species; then the last page shows one of the Puffbolls—Scleroderma as it is called rightly, because it has a hard wall or covering. grettable mistake in regard to placing one of the illustrations in the last nvmber was made, and readers are therefore requested kindly to change the name Panzolus cam- panulatus (Fig. 191) to Stro-pha’-ri-a sem-i-glo-bo'-sa. The correct half-tone of Peneclus campanulatus will be given in a future number. . Ga SS - A WORD ABOUT PLEUROTUS ULMARIUS M. E. Hard. Columbus, Ohio, August, 1906. The pileus is from two to fourteen inches across, obtuse, smooth, sometimes scaly, very white within, compact, thick, sometimes inclined to be marbled with livid spots, moist, margin smooth or even. ; The gills are adnate, scmetimes slightly decurrert, sometimes slightly notched, somewhat crowded, bread, white er whitish. The stem is often eccentric, two to three inches long, one inch thick, usually curved as in the figure, solid, firm, thickered at the base, smooth, sometimes tomentose, especially at the base. The spores are nearly round, the diameter being .C0(2 in. This plant usually grows on elm logs yet I have found it on hickory 250 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 63 avd 64. [Vol. IV logs and sturrps. It is very meaty and sweet, one of our best mushrooms to eat. It sometimes grows very large and one plant will make several meals. It is a later grower than the oyster mushroom. I have never fourd it till late in the summer and in the fall. It is frequently found in the cities where the elm trees have ben trimmed or injured. article. Hard’s For explanation see Supt. UL-MA’-RI-US. P EvU-RO’-TUS 195. August, 1906. } Mycological Bulletin Nos. 63 and 64. 251. MGTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE. II. W. A. Kellerman. MusHroom Report From SwitzERLAND.—In tke report of the Botani- cal Garden and Museum of Zurich, Switzcrland, for 1904, an account is given of the sale cf Mushrooms in the market of that city. Sale can be made only upen authorization, . - a : _ . ~ , ; ; . a RR A a I » . : < 7 * 1 = j ‘ . THE BRYOLOGIST For 1906, Vol. 9, will continue the series of articles on Lichens and Hepatics. The Mosses will receive ample treatment and all classes be fully illustrated. It is indispensable to the bryologist as well as the amateur. It is the organ of the Sulli- vant Moss Chapter and all interested in the study are invited to join. Membership dues $1.10 a year, carries subscription to the journal. Single subscriptions $1.00 a year. Send for sam- ple copy. Issued bi-monthly. Address MRS. ANNIE MORRILL SMITH 78 Orange Street Brooklyn, N. Y. THE NATURE-STUDY REVIEW 595 W. 120 Street, New York A monthly magazine for progressive teachers of nature-study and elementary science, $100 per year (9 issues), 15 cents a copy Sample copy for three 2c stamps. If you are interested in nature-study send your name and ad- dress on a postal card, mentioning "Mycological Bulletin,” When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. SEF £4 19U0 A one eee Bulletin Nos. 65-66 LIBRAR) N 7 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University : EW YORK ‘Columbus, September, 1906 OTANICAL GARDEN, PwWORD OR TWO BY THE EDITOR: Our coadjutors who have made it possible to issue a very interesting Number have our special thanks—and others are also urged to make contributions in the way of short articles, notes, specimens, and photographs. The note on Spore discharge of Bulgaria is interesting, and others will doubtless test the conclusion which O. E. Jennings has announced, namely, that the factor inducing it is alternate expansion and contraction of the spore bearing surface, due to varying degrees of heat, and that a varying moisture content can, at least, be of but secondary importance. In Mushroom Literature we have given much space to the nice work of Gertrude E. Douglas on the rate of growth of one ef the common mushrooms. Much is said by people on “Mush- room Growth,” yet I think little exact knowledge can be claimed. Mics Douglas has set an example for others to imitate in this matter. We continue also to press Professor Atkinson into service—but his book on Mushrooms is full of good things and we therefore do not promise to refrain from “copying” again in the future. These suggestions on the uses of mushrooms should he read the second time. Besides acknowledgments for other assistance, it is quite appropriate to call special attention to the excellent picture of Polyporus umbellatus the photograph of which was kindly fur- nished by Fred Mutchler, of Clark University. + + A NOTE ON THE DISCHARGE OF SPORES IN BULGARIA RUFA. Otto E. Jennings, Carnegie Museum. In connection with a note in Torreyal by Mr. C. C. Hanmer, men- tioned recently in the Mycological Bulletin? a few remarks upon the man- ner of spore-discharge in Bulgaria rufa Schweinitz may be of possible interest. Mr. Hanmer says in the note referred to that “I have upon numerous oceasions observed the momentary expulsion of spores from furgi such as Bulgaria rufa and Sarcoscypha floccosa, but with these plarts the spore discharge seems to occur when they are first touched, and then only.” In early July, Mrs. O. E. Jennings collected a fine specimen of Svlearia rufa in rich, swampy woods, near my father’s home in north- ern Ohio. Returning from the woods about the middle of the after- 1A note regarding the Discharge of Spores of Pleurotus ostreatus. C. C. Hanmer. Torreya, 5: 146-147. August, 1905. 2Notes from Mushroom Literature, I. W. A. Kellerman. Mycological Bulletin, 4: 234-236. June, 1906. bg Ve J 258 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 65 and 66 [ Vol. 1V noon the various fungi collected, together with the specimen of Bulgaria, were placed for the remainder of the day upon a hot, dry roof, exposed to the sun. In the evening the fungi were placed upon a wire rack above the kitchen stove. About nine o’clock the next morning, I was examining the bulgaria, when to my surprise it emitted a considerable cloud of spores. Curious as to the factors inducing such a discharge, I soon found that upon breathing gently upon the spore-bearing surface a discharge would take place after an interval of about two to three seconds. Experimenting further I found that a discharge could also be inducted by holding the fungus in the bright, warm sunshine for a few minutes, and then quickly placing it in the cool shade for two or three seconds. After probably twenty minutes of experimenting, during which time the Bulgaria had discharged a dozen or more clouds of spores, | was un- able to bring about any further results, the spores apparently being exhausted. The inferences to be drawn from the behavior of this particular specimen seem to be that ;— The factor inducing spore discharge is alternate expansion and con- traction of the spore-bearing surface, due to varying degrees of heat, and that a varying moisture content can, at least, be of but secondary importance. Also, Bulgaria rufa is, at least under certain conditions, capable of discharging puffs of spores, not only when first touched, but successively at intervals, for some time after. CARNEGIE MUSEUM. August 2, 1906. Fig. 200. Ma-ras’-mMi-us pE-LEc’-TANS. This charming plant was collected in the woods at Sugar Grove, Ohio, by R. A. Young, July 28, 1906. It is a nw species which Prof. Morgan has rcecntly described. September, 1906| Mycological Bulletin Nos. 65 and 66 259 NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE IIT. W. A. Kellerman. PANAEOLUS RETIRUGIS.—Some observations on the Rate of Growth of Panaeolus retirugis are published in the August number of Torreya, 1906. ‘These were carried out in the palm-house of the Cornell University con- servatory by Gertrude E. Douglas, in March of this year.. We make the following extracts frcm her interesting account. Fig. 201. Po-Ly’-po-rus 1G-N1-A’-RI-US. A very common woody Polypore. that grows on Black Locust trees. In his revision of the species of the family Polyporaceae W. A. Murrill has given to this plant the new generic name of P)’-ro-po-ly-po-rus. 260 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 65 and 66 [Vol. IV “As the rate of growth of mushrooms is a matter of some interest, individuals of this species were selected in as early stages as possible, and measured twice a day, until they had reached maturity. These measurements were taken in the morning and evening at the same time every day, the day interval between them being of eight hours and the night of sixteen. A large number of individuals were measured during the period from March 22 to April 4, but complete records were obtained from only eighteen, owing to the sensitiveness of the mushrooms. * * * “As No. A was a very typical specimen, and as the most complete record was obtained of this, I shall describe its growth in some detail. The first measurements were taken in the morning. During the first 8-hour period by day. the plant did not change. However, during the following night, it began to grow slowly until it was 10 mm. high. On the following day, the stem entered on a period of very active growth, which lasted about fifty-six hours, until the plant was 145 mm. high. During this period of active growth, the rate at first increased, and then decreased slightly. The stem continued growing slowly for six- teen hours after this rapid growth interval. The pileus began to grow slowly at the same time as the stem. It increased steadily, but slowly, for sixty-four hours, with width remaining slightly less than the lergth. During the last day of the most active stem growth, the width of the pileus made a rapid increase, from 8 to 20 mm. and continued broadening for 32 hours, after the stem had ceased to grow, until it reached 40 mm. At the same time the length continued increasing slowly till it reached 25 mm. “The plant was growine six days and five nights, after its first ap- pearance above the soil. The growth appeared to be no more rapid by night than by day. This was true also of the other specimens measured. In plant A the greatest growth which took place in any one period was during the third dav. In the other plants it occurred sometimes by day and sometimes by night. * * * “A few plants were marked to determine in what region of the stem the greatest growth took place. A section of the pileus was cut off in each case so that the whole stem, from the ground ‘to the poirt where it joined the pileus, might be taken into account. The marks were placed 2 mm anart. The marked mushrooms were very sensitive to injury and for this reason I was not able to get records more than three times from each plent. The records show that the greatest increase in length took place near the top of the stem. It was usually not in the topmost interval, but ir one or two down from the top, near the margin of the pileus. The plants grew for several intervals down the stem, but no growth took place in the lowest ones. “These results in regard to the position of growth in the stem are similar to those cbtained bv J. Schmitz in 1841, from the Hymenomy- cetes. He divided the stem into thirds and fourd the greatest growth to take place in the topmost third, less growth in the middle third, and very slisht or no growth in the bottom third. In some plants he divided his topmost interval into two parts and found that in many cases the topmost half erew less than the one beneath, althouch there were a great many variations from this.” New Cusan Musurooms.—We fird a brief account of scientific work heretofore done for the Island of Cuba, and two dozen new species deserib- ed, and rearly ell of them figured, in the First Annual Report of the Agri- cultural Experiment Station issued from Santiago de las Vagas, Cuba, by F. S. Earle. The report is in Spanish, as also is this account of “Aleunos Hongos Cubanos,” and the descriptions of the new species are published September, 1906] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 65 and 66 261 in the same idiom. The first scientific account of Cuban Fungi was contained in the work of Ramon de la Sagra on the “Historia Fisica, Politica y Natural de la Isla de Cuba”; the account of Fungi is by the botanist Montague, an enumeration and description of 113 species, the title being “Les Plantes Cellulaires de Cuba.” But little work has been done since, but Dr. Earle’s activity promises now to increase materially our knowledge of the fungal flora of that country. And doubtless there are many “Mushrooms” for here we have already many new species de- tected. Five of them belong to the genus Pocillaria, which is but another Fig. 202. Ly-co-per’-DON WRIGHT’-I-I. A beautiful Puff-ball growing in the ; fields, easily recognized by the ornamentation. This consists of small spines about 2mm. long that presently flake off. Lloyd says: This little species is quite frequent in short grass, and takes kindly to yards, gardens and often to paths. It does not grow in Europe; it was originally described and named by the English botanist Berkeley to whom specimens were sent from this country. 262 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 65 and. 66 : [Vol. TV name for Lentinus. To the genus Phyllotus, he ascribes two, to Geo- petalum three, and to Crepidotus one species—all of these being the old genus Pleurotus. Other new species are Galera, three representatives ; Gymnochilus (which is another name for Hypholoma), with five species; Stropharia, with two species; Pholiotinia (representing former Pholiota), with one species, and finally Pholiota cubensis. USES OF MUSHROOMS. Geo. F. Atkinson, Cornell University. The most prominent and at present important use of mushrooms from the standpoint of the utilitarian is as an article of food. We have now learned that their food value as a nutrient substance is not so great as has been fondly supposed, but, as Mr. Clark points out in Chapter XXII, in addition to the value they certainly do possess as food, they have very great value as condiments or food accessories, and “their value as such is beyond the computation of the chemist or physiologist. They are among the most appetizing of table delicacies, and add greatly to the palatability of many foods when cooked with them.” Mushrooms undoubtedly possess a food value beyond that attributed to them by the chemist or physiologist, since it is not nossible in laboratory analysis to duplicate the conditions which exist in the natural digestion and assimila- tion of foods. Probably the larger number of persons, in America, at present inter- ested in mushrooms, are chiefly concerned with them as an article of food, but a great many of these persons love to tramp to the fields and woods in quest of them just as the sportsman loves to hunt his game with dog and gun. It is quite likely that there will always be a large body of persons who will maintain a lively interest in the collection of game mushrooms for food. There are several reasons for this. The zest of the search, the pleasure of discovery, and the healthfulness of the outdoor recreation, lend an appetizing flavor to the fruits of the chase, not to be obtained by purchasing a few pounds of cultivated mushrooms on the market. It cultivates powers of observation, and arouses a sympathetic feeling toward nature, and with those outdoor environ- ments of man which lend themselves so happily in bettering and bright- ening life, as well as in prolonging it. Many others are discoverirg that the observation of form and habits of mushrooms is a very interesting occupation for those who have short periods of time at their disposal weekly. It requires but a little observa- tion to convince one that there is an interesting variety of form among these plants, that their growth and expansion operate in conformity with certain laws which result ir great variation in form and habit of the numerous kinds on the g:cund, on leaves, on branches, on tree trunks, ~ ete —Mushroon:s, Ecible, Pcitsonous, etc. 263 os. 65 and 66 r gical Bulletin N Mycolo September, 1906] *‘SSEY ‘1oysa010M, ‘A}ISIOA TUL, YALID ‘1a, YON] pergq Aq ooUg “SOL-,V1-Tad-Wn SAU-Od -,A f-Og "S0G ‘BLT 264 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 65 and 66 [Vol. IV Fig. 204. Tri-cHo-Lo’-MA SUL-PHU’-RE-UM. This Brimstcne Tricholoma is said to be common—but, perhaps, it is net to the same _ extent interesting. Macllvaine says of it: ‘‘When quite young Tricholoma sulphureum 1s showy and inviting. Its smell is discouraging, its taste forbidding. No amcunt of ccoking removes its unpleasant flaver. I have tricd to eat enough of it to test its qualities, but was satisfied, after strenuous efferts, to mark it INEDIBLE.” The specimens frem which the photo was made were collected by Supt. M. E. Hard, Chillicothe, Ohio, October 30, 1905. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. IT ‘1904’ and Vol III (1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75cents, No. copies remain of Vol.I (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB SPECIAL SCHEDULE OF PRICES TO MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB Atkinson—Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous, $2.60 ($3.00) Marshall—Mushroom Book . . . . .. 2.80 ( 3.00) Mcllvaine—One Thousand American Fungi . 4.80 ( 5.00) These are the books recommended by Prof. Kellerman and orders may be sent through him or direct tous. The prices are special and on these terms, cash with the order, books will be sent express prepaid. Price in parenthesis is publisher’s net list price, in each case. .L. S. WELLS 665 North High St. COLUMBUS, OHIO The American Botanist and The Fern Bulletin Have removed to JOLIET, ILL. No changes except the address ! THE FERN BULLETIN is the only publication in the world devot- ed to Ferns. THE AMERICAN BOTANIST is the only American Magazine devoted to Ecological Botany. YOU NEED THEM BOTH---SAMPLES FREE. When answering advertisement *mention Mycological Bulletin. You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now—— ° Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. 2 ia ARY f MERE S : hae DARN 1 HARE NES Y \S) ¢ DY leorle oe a iC (ae @ ok Cae Male estes Ne) NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE i No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (2-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet A THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $7 5.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best.of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made ‘The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom ‘ SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. the Botanist Saamae— [ripod Dissecting Microscope (ies A convenient and portable instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used ® for dissection when mounted, or the sd ta lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a $3.25 crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier This magnifier gives clear | BU egret | and perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $1.50 mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, N. Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Supplies for ae ae a OCTOBER, 1906 NOS. 67-68 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT CoLumBus, OHIO. Edited and Published by at Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio SERRE Eee ee eee a i ES SEE A a St a a a RIERA ARIA BRERA ERIK EKA AER IEMA ERK ERIE ERE ARRAS AA FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, P.. Sydow, H., Hollis and Bresadola, each 10 cts. Mycological Bulletins Volo: 1003) i.e eee 50 cts. i + Mt LT EQOA Sa cei, Eo ae eee 50 cts. a LET POOR sss din ead oe er 50 cts, fr >< werent. VOlimGang ects ve ae 25 cts. Mycological "Glossary (0.2% sat iss ce ends bie week oe 25 cts North American Species of Marasmius (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 50 cts. Journal of Mycology, Vol: 8—1902! Sve). Ga $2 00 Mn Op O03 o's Lo Gho» «oa 2 00 4 ~ € TO—IQ04) on. cee ose eae 2 00 ‘; " 2 9t TIA=1905 555k. oss: 2 00 of ~ Ctirrent Vole ict 2 See 2 00 HMM I I I OR ROR Re i RO IL IE I ie NE a ae aie aid a ee a ON eee BRAM ARAR ISERIES IEE IEEE TEER REME EERE IEEE IERIE NIE IERIE IEEE THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB SPECIAL SCHEDULE OF PRICES TO MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB Atkinson —M ushrooms Edible and Poisonous, $2.60 ($3.00) Marshall—Mushroom Book . . . .. ._ 2.80 ( 3.00) MclIlvaine—One Thousand American Fungi .. 4.80 ( 5.00) These are the books recommended by Prof. Kellerman and orders may be sent through him or direct to us. The prices are special and on these terms, cash with the order, books will be sent express prepaid. Price in parenthesis is publisher’s net | list price, in each case. L. S. WELLS 665 North High St. COLUMBUS, OHIO The American Botanist and The Fern Bulletin Have removed to JOLIET, ILL. No changes except the address ! THE FERN BULLETIN is the only publication in the world devot- ed to Ferns, THE AMERICAN BOTANIST is the only American Magazine devoted to Ecological Botany. YOU NEED THEM BOTH---SAMPLES FREE, When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Supplies for the Botanist == Lripod Dissecting Microscope A convenient and portable instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a —_ 2 $3.25 crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier This magnifier gives clear . and perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $1.50 mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, (N.:Y: New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. ULT ZU 1906 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 67-68 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, October, 1906. LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICA GARDE! A REAL MUSHROOM NUMBER. Through the kindness of Albert F. Woods, the Patholo- gist and Physiologist of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, it is possible to use in this NuMBER, cuts published in Bulletin No. 85, of the Bureau of Plant Industry on The Principles of Mushroom Growing and Mushroom Spawn Making, by B. M. Duggar, and to make extensive quotations from that interesting and important work. The Bulletin may be obtained from the U. S. Departmert of Agriculture and all interested especially in Mushroom growing, are urged to send for a copy. Dr. Duggar treats his subject under the following heads: Introduction, General Considerations, Market Conditions, Ger- inination Studies, Review of Earlier Work, Experimental Work, Tissue Cultures, Nutrition, Growth on Manure and Other Complex Media, Growth on Chemically Known Media, Tabulation of Special Results, Acid and Alkaline Media, Tem- perature and Moisture, Preparation of the Compost, Installa- tion of Beds, Spawning and Casing the Beds, Mushroom Growing, Experiments at Columbia, Mo., Variability in Mush- rooms Grown Under Different Conditions, The Cultivation of Various Species of Mushrooms, Co-operative Experiments, Cave Facilities in the United States, Open-air-culture, Mush- room Spawn Making, A “Chance” Method, A “Selective” Method, Pure-culture Precautions, The Tissue-culture Method, The Commercial Process and The Vitality of Mushroom Spawn. Quotations as far as space allows follow: 266 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 67 and 68 [Vol. IV QUOTATIONS FROM DuGGAR’S BULLETIN ON THE PRINCIPLES OF MuSH- ROOM GROWING AND MusHROOM SPAWN MAKING: The conditions under which mushrooms may be successfully grown are limited, and intelligent attention is therefore essential. It must be said, moreover, that the majority of failures may be directly traced to erroneous ideas as to the cultural requisites, or to a reckless disregard o: conditions. The essential conditions will be subsequertly defined in de- tail, but it may be stated here that failures are usually due to one or more of the following causes: (1) Poor spawn; (2) very poor manure: (3) unfavorable temperature; and (4) heavy watering during the early stages of growth. Under suitable conditions mushrooms may be grown with assurance of Fig. 205. Acaricus viL’ aticus. , aA sa) A Fine Bed of Mushrooms Grown from Spawn of Pure-Culture Origin. 210. Fig. it) “I i) Mycological Bulletin Nos. 67 and 68 [Vol. IV Sy, SENS Fi ay ay Wz " LZZZ7? Fig. 211. AGaricus FABACEUS, the Almond-flavored Mushroom. Fig. 212. Merels (MorcHELLA ESCULENTA), One of the Finest Edible Fungi. Cuts furnished by U.S. Dept. Agr. from Bulletin by B. M Dugyar. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904) and Vol III (1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents, No. copies remain of Vol.1 (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now ° Portraits, Buildings BUCHER _ Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication | RRR REINES ae) ELON IRE 5 When answering Say mention Mycological Bullets tin. De rr a THE, BRY OL OGIis= For 1906, Vol. 9, will continue the series of articles on Lichens and Hepatics. The Mosses will receive ample treatment and all classes be fully illustrated. It is indispensable to the bryologist as well as the amateur. It is the organ of the Sulli- vant Moss Chapter and all interested in the study are invited to join. Membership dues $1.10 a year, carries subscription to the journal. Single subscriptions $1.00 a year. Send for sam- ple copy. Issued bi-monthly. Address MRS. ANNIE MORRILL SMITH 78 Orange Street Brooklyn, N. Y. THE NATURE-STUDY REVIEW 525 W, 120 Street, New York A monthly magazine for progressive teachers of nature-study and elementary science, $100 per year (9 issues), 15 cents a copy Sample copy for three 2c stamps. If you are interested in nature-study send your name and ad- dress on a postal card, mentioning "Mycological Bulletin,” II oe When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. THIS SPACE TO LET NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE ® No.404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (2-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective | Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. NOVEMBER, 1906 NOS. 69-70 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT Co.tumBus, OHIO. Edited and Published by at Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN , Columbus, Ohio SERENE SEES IE IE SIL Se IEE a SA SY I IEt SMaL E SL SIE IESE S IE E aE S pale REREERIRARER IRE RARE IEEICK BEER EERE ERE ERE ERE EAA ove FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, P.. Sydow, H., Hollis and Bresadola, each 10 cts. Mycological Bulletin, Vol. I, 0025.50). Se evo: eee 50 cts. ¥ fe Go Ne BOO4s V4 Sac, eee 50 cts. nay 6h a fc (8) Peau yianies, tome career es ei: 50 cts. Current volume ...: .: Neen ees 25 cts Mycological ‘Glossary 35) Vai. Eke ve ae 25 cts North American Species of Marasmius (a Monograph by Morgan)........4.... 50 cts Journal of Mycology, Vol B_ 1902 53 3s be eae nae $2 00 ’ ss O21903 «Pe Gees 2 00 TO 1904.4.) Sear hie oe 2 00 BI——1 QOS. . pi ek tie ee 2 00 eurrent | Vols. xy ake eee 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio aN REMORSE LO I I LO I I a OY ee ay I TRAM AAAE TR IERADENAAA ED IEE TEIN SE DEDEDE SDE MAE NER TEASE TERETE ANA IER AAA TE — — a a, You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now ° Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts ‘COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication tes iles estas Gab least occiee nae Hs ee eer advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. (ce THE :-BRYOLOQG Ise For 1906, Vol. 9, will continue the series of articles on Lichens and Hepatics. The Mosses will receive ample treatment and all classes be fully illustrated. It is indispensable to the bryologist as well as the amateur. It is the organ of the Sulli- vant Moss Chapter and all interested in the study are invited to join. Membership dues $1.10 a year, carries subscription to the journal. Single subscriptions $1.00 a year. Send for sam- ple copy. Issued bi-monthly. Address MRS. ANNIE MORRILL SMITH 78 Orange Street Brooklyn, N. Y. THE NATURE-STUDY REVIEW 525 W. 120 Street, New York A monthly magazine for progressive teachers of nature-study and elementary science, $1,00 per year (9 issues), 15 cents a copy Sample copy for three 2c stamps, If you are interested in nature-study send your name and ad- dress on a postal card, mentioning "Mycological Bulletin.” When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Mycological Bulletin Nos. 69-70 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University LIBRARY Columbus, November, 1906. NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN, A WORD ABOUT SENDING SPECIMENS. The season unusually favorable for Mushrooms has induced many to send specimens to be photographed, to be identified, etc., but alas, the precious boxes are not appreciated by the mail carriers, and the plants are in sorry plight too often on their arrival. We can not always blame the postmen. perhaps, for the general destruction; no doubt, in some cases at least, it is the fault of imperfect packing. The box may he strong enough to withstand the weight of superincumbent mail, but if the specimens rattle about in the space assigned them, surely the delicate or fleshy ones will suffer. Then, perhaps, a suggestion will be in order: Very soft paper should be used in the packing—tissue- _ paper or paper napkins. Wrap the stem carefully, to keep the NOV 2 1 1906 dirt from soiling everything that it may touch. Then con- tinue folding the soft paper around the stem until the diameter is equal to the cap, finally enclosing the latter. Treat each specimen in this manner which you are intending to lay in the hox; the same applies to clusters also. Have the box lined witli cotton and after the specimens have been laid in their place. add still more cotton to fill quite snugly or compactly all the otherwise vacant space between the specimens. End the pack ing by laying a liberal supply of the same material on the top of the plarts and tie down the lid. Of course, the appro- priate Nos. on tags or slips of paper should have been placed with the specimens in each case. If you have fine material it ought to be worth this much attention. We are again under obligations to Superintendent Hard. of Chillicothe, for a nice picture and some notes on an interest- ing Mycena. We have also levied tribute on Professor At- kinson, again; what,he says can be relied on—and then I c1i not quote too often from his valuxhle hook on Mushrooms. [Vol. IV gical Bulletin Nos. 69 and 70 Mycolo cl ‘uoreuLldx9 1OF 4X9} 99G "Vd-O-,LVN-AVH VN-,AO-AIN “SL% “SLT “I n November, 1906] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 69 and 70 2 MYCENA HAEMATOPA, PERS. M. E. Hard. This is one of the prettiest specimens found in the woods at this season of the year. It is quite common about Chillicothe. The stems and caps are alike tender and will amply pay to pick them. They grow on well decayed logs and stumps. They grow in tufts or groups. No one will experience any’ difficulty in recognizing it from the cut. Its dense cespitose habit, the red juice which exudes from the stem, and the denticulate margin of the cap will assist the student in recognizing it. It is called “haematopa” or bloody-footed Mycena because a deep blood red juice exudes from the stem. This also more or less pervades the cap. The cap is fleshy, one inch broad, conic or bell-shaped, somewhat umbonate, obtuse, whitish to flesh color, with more or less dull red, even or slightly striate at the margin, the margin extending beyond the gills and is denticulate or toothed. The gills are attached to the stem, often with a decuurrent tooth, whitish and tinged with a dull red. The stem is two to four inches long, firm, hollow, sometimes smooth, sometimes powdered with a whitish soft hairy down, the color the same as the pileus, yielding a dark red juice which gives the name to the species. The color varies quite a little in these plants. This is due to some plants having more of the red juice than others. It is found on decayed stumps and logs in damp places from August to October. 2, “ FUNGI IN THE ARTS. Geo. F. Atkinson, Cornell University. A rumber of different species of mushrooms have been employed in the manufacture of useful articles. Their use for such purposes, however, was more common in the past than at present, and it is largely, therefore, a matter of historic interest at the present time, though some are still em- ployed for purposes of this kind. TINDER MUSHROOM OR AMADOU.—The Polyporus fomentarius, or “tinder mushroom,” or, as it is sometimes called, “German tinder,’ was once em- _ ployed in the manufacture of tinder. The outer hard coat was removed and the central portion, consisting almost ertirely of the tube system of several years’ growth, was cut into strips and beaten to a soft condition. In this form it was used as tinder for striking fire. The inner portion was also used in making caps, chest-protectors, and similar articles. A process now in vogue in some parts of Germany, is to steam the fruit bodies, remove the outer crust, and then, by ma- chinery constructed for the purpose, shave the fruit body into a long, thin strip by revolving it against a knife in much the same way that certain woods are shaved into thin strips for the manufacture of baskets, plates, etc. Some articles of clothing made from this fungus material are worn by peasants in certain parts of Europe. MUSHROOMS FOR RAZOR STROPS.—The beech polyporus (P. betulinus), several centuries ago was used for razor strops. The fruit body after being dried was cut into strips, glued upon a stretcher, and smoothed down with pumice stone (Asa Gray Bull. 7:18, 1900.) The sheets of the weeping Merulius (See Fig. 189), were also employed for the same purpose, as were also the sheets of “punk” formed from mycelium filling in cracks in old logs or between boards in lumber piles. Sometimes N ~I o>) Mycological Bulletin Nos. 60 and 70 [Vol. IV extensive sheets of this punk are found several feet long and a foot or more wide. These sheets of pure mycelium resemble soft chamois skin or soiled kid leather. MUSHROOMS EMPLOYED FOR FLOWER POTS.—In Bohemia (according to Cooke, Fungi, etc., p. 103) hoof-shaped fruit bodies of Polyporus fomen- tarvius and igniarius are used for flower pots. The inner, or tube portion, is cut out. The hoof-shaped portion, then inverted and fastened to the side of a building or place of support, serves as a receptacle for soil in which plants are grown. Curtos.—The Polyporus applanatus is much sought by some persons as a “curio,” and also for the purpose of etching. In the latter case they serve as pastels for a variety of art purposes. ~The under surface of the plant is white. All collectors of this plant know that to preserve the white fruiting surface in a perfect condition it must be handled very carefully. A touch or bruise or a scratch results in a rapid change in color of the injured surface. Beautiful etchings can thus be made with a fine pointed instrument, the lines of color appearing as the instrument is drawn over the surface—Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, ete. Fig. 214. Po-Ly’-po-rus suB-SE-RI’-cE-uS. An interesting little Polypore, dark brown and silky in appearance, growing in open woocls and protected places, not occurring in abundance. The specimens from which the photograph was made were sent from Chilliccthe by Supt. M. E. Hard. “I November, 1906] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 69 and 70 27 NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE. V. W. A. Kellerman. ANOTHER Fiy AGAric.—Under this title D. R. Sumstine gives in the Journal of Mycology for November, 1905, the following note: Amanita muscaria is called the fly agaric because infusions of it are poisonous to flies. It has now, however, a keen rival for this reputation in another species of the same genus. Last summer while drying speci- mens of Amanita olitaria Bull, a number of flies were attracted to them. After the flies had remained on the plants for a short time they fell over apparently dead. This continued until thirty-nine fly mycophagists had become the victims of some narcotic contained in the mushrooms. The box with flies and plants was then set aside for future study. After two hours the box was again examined, but the flies which once were dead were now alive and had departed with no more serious results possibly than a severe headache from their mycological “booze.” Several experiments were made with other specimens of the same species and the same results were obtained. It seems that this plant has some property that acts as an intoxicant or soporific to flies. It is reported by some writers as edible and by others as poisonous. SOMETHING INTERESTING ABOUT THE MorELLE.—The following was pub- lished in the Journal of Mycology, November, 1905, by W. C. Sturgis, under the title Remarkabie Occurrence of Morchelia Esculenta (L.)Pers: During a recent hunting trip in southwestern British Columbia the writer came across this fungus growing in such abundance and in a location and at a season of the year so unusual that the circumstances seem worth recording.. Usually one expects to find Morchella in the Spring growing on the borders of meadows or other grassy places. In the present instance the plarts were found in September on a steep mountain side which had, within a little over a year, been subjected to a destructive forest fire. Cn September 11th the writer was skirting the precipitous side of a mountain at an altitude of about 7,000 feet, and while passing through what had been a fairly good growth of aspens and small spruces, a few fine specimens of Morchella were roticed. Further search revealed the pres- ence of these plants literally in hundreds. A fire had passed across the mountain in Jure, 1904, leaving only skeletons of the trees standing and charring the ground to such a depth that no trace of green vegetation had since appeared. Yet under these unfavorable circumstances and at a sea- son when snow had already fallen not far from the locality, a bushel of Morchellas might have been gathered within a radius of. one hundred yards. The specimens were exceptionally fine, in some cases attaining 2 height of seven inches and a circumference around the pileus of ten irches. In such specimens the pileus usually showed a great variety of form, from conical and flattened to nearly spherical. In other cases the pileus more nearly resembled that of M. conica Pers. The base of the stipe was in all cases much swollen and consisted of a mass of mycelium end soil cemented into a sclerotoid mass. Specimens were secured from which the identity of the fungus was later determined. The interesting question arises whether, on the western slopes of the Rocky mourtairs, Morchella usually occurs in the autumn rather than in the spring, as elsewhre, and also how the presence of the particular speci- mens is to be accounted for. It is hardly possible that the spores could have been carried to the locality in sufficient quantity to have pro- duced in cne season so large a growth of plants, and it is almost equally ivconceivable that a subterranean mycelium could have resisted a degree of heat sufficient to destroy permanently all surface vegetation and leave the ground a desolate waste of charred clay. PoLyporus optusus.—We have learned to expect a goodly number of mycological articles in each new Annual Report of the Missouri Botanical 278 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 69 and 70 Vol. IV] Garden. One such in the 16th report (1905) deals with one of the shelf-fungi, or Polypores, namely Polyporus obtusus, author Perley Spaulding. This species seems to occur only in North America and is confined to.a few of the oaks, the “black oak family” exclusively, gaining entrance to the living plants through wounds. The disease so caused Mr. Spaulding found in central Missouri and northern Arkansas, on Quercus marilandica (Black Jack)) and Quercus velutina (Black Oak). However, the Polypore is a saprophyte—‘There is not the slightest hint of its occurring as a wound parasite. It not only grows on the trees but it sooner or later causes the death of the affected trees. The rot extends up and down in the heart wood until the tree is so weakened that it breaks over or dies outright. From what could be gathered by ob- servations it seemed that the fungus works remarkably fast in causing the death of the attacked trees.” Three full-page half tones admirably illustrate the species in question. MARASMIUS DELECTANS.—Prof. Morgan has recently described this elegant new species, the same being illustrated by Fig. 200 in the BULLETIN. His description of the plant is as follows: MArASMIUS DELECTANS Mor- GAN sp. Nov.—Pileus subcoriceous, convex then expanded and depressed glabrous, rugulose, white changing in drying to pale and alutaceous. Stipe long, slender, tapering slightly upward, glabrous, brown and _ shining, white at the apex, arising from an abundant white-floccose mycelium. Lamellae moderately broad, unequal, rather distant, trabeculate between, white emarginate adnexed; spores lance-oblong, hyaline, 7-9x 4 mic. Growing on old leaves in deciduous woods. Pileus 1-2 cm. in di- ameter, the stipe 3-5 cm. long and 1.0-1.5 mm. thick. THE FOLLOWING IS TAKEN FROM THE LAST NUMBER OF THE JOURNAL OF Myco.Locy A New Species oF GALERA: CHARLES H. Pecx.—A species of this genus apparently undescribed has been brought to my notice recently of which the following account may be given: GALERA KELLERMANI PECK sp. nov.—Pileus very thin, subovate or subconic, soon becoming plane or nearly so, striatulate nearly to the center when moist, more or less wavy and persistently striate on the margin when dry, minutely granulose or mealy when young, unpolished when mature, often with a few scattered floccose squamules when young, and sometimes with a few slight fragments of a veil adhering to the margin which appears as if finely notched by the projecting ends of the gills, watery brown when moist grayish brown when, dry. a little’ darker in the center, taste slight, odor faint, like that of decaying wood; lamellae thin, close, adnate, a delicate cinnamon, brown becoming darker with age; stem slender, equal or slightly tapering upward, finely striate, minutely scurfy or mealy at least when young, hollow, white; spores brownish ferruginous with a faint pinkish tint in mass, elliptic, 8-12x6-7 K. Pileus 2-3 cm. broad; stem 2.5-4 cm. long, 1-2 mm. thick. Grega- rious or subcespitose.’ Ground in a greenhouse, Columbus, Ohio, August, 1906. Number 4494. Dr. W. A. Kellerman. The distinguishing characters of this species are its broadly expanded ‘plane grayish brown pileus with its minutely granulose or mealy sur- Pace! its persistently striate margin and its very narrow gills becoming brownish with age. ‘The indication of a veil is also unusual. The species is respectfully dedicated to its discoverer who has kindly sent copious notes, specimens, spore-prints and photograph from which the description has been prepared. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 89.—Galera kellermani Peck. A half tone illustration of several plants. A very young specimen shows the minutely granulose or mealy character of the cap. Fully grown plants are shown and in one case the fragments ot a veil are distinctly seen attached to the margin. November, 1906] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 69 and 70 i) Fig. 215. Ga-Le’-RA KEL-LER-MAN’-I. See text on opposite page. 280 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 69 and 70 (Vol. IV Fig. 216. I-noc’-y-BE SUB-O-CHRA’-CE-A. BURT’-I-I. A snall but conspicuous Mushrocm sent to us by Supt. Hard, of Chillicothe, Ohio. Neither Atkinson nor McIlvaine describe any of our species, the latter remarking that “‘none reported as edible or poisonous; those I have tasted are not pleasant.’ The genus Inocybe is well described by Atkinson. It consists of ochre- srored species of various character, the gills being adnate, sinuate, rarely decurrent, and in one species free. It is placed next to the genus Hebeloma. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II !1904) and Vol III (1905) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound’copies for 75cents, No. ccpies remain of Vol.1 (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio - THE OFFICIAL DEPOSITORY OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB SPECIAL SCHEDULE OF PRICES TO MEMBERS OF THE OHIO MYCOLOGICAL CLUB Atkinson—Mushrooms Edible and Poisonous, $2.60 ($3.00) Marshall—Mushroom Book . . dae ©) 2.80. +¢" 3.00) MclIlvaine—One Thousand American Fungi ee 4.80. -(- 5,00) These are the books recommended by Prof. Kellerman and orders may be sent through him or direct tous. The prices are special and on these terms, cash with the order, books will ‘be sent express prepaid. Price in parenthesis is publisher’s net list price, in each case. L. S. WELLS 665 North High St. COLUMBUS, OHIO The American Botanist and The Fern Bulletin Have removed to JOLIET, ILL, No changes except the address ! THE FERN BULLETIN is the only publication in the world devot- ed to Ferns, THE AMERICAN BOTANIST is the only American Magazine devoted to Ecological Botany. YOU NEED THEM BOTH~-SAMPLES FREE, When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. ee a LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from. selected and prolific specimens, throughly acclimatized, has never failea to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly acch- matized, and_ selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and _ prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement. that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white cream or brown), A. Aromsis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on “MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When avswering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. ( -3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Supplies for the Botanist Tripod Dissecting Microscope A convenient and portable instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. SRT ig — ~ LON Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Ts Coddington Magnifier aay This magnifier gives clear y i Lens and perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $4.50 mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rocheéster;: N: .Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin, DECEMBER, 1906 NOS. 71-72 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO. STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT Co_umBus, Ouro. Edited and Published by oat Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio Ta ala ValnVatavelavatavatavatavalavalavetavela\al ee es ee The American Botanist and The Fern Bulletin Have removed to JOLIET, ILE No changes except the address ! THE FERN BULLETIN is the only publication in the world devot- ed to Ferns, THE AMERICAN BOTANIST is the only American Magazine devoted to Ecological Botany. YOU NEED THEM BOTH---SAMPLES FREE. QB GrPGo Hr eQoeQreQregueQuegoes When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now ° Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Sawn Cover Pages, Etc. We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books ANprEws’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round.................... $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 ApGar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 Pepe ire AY Cy New Plant Amalysigun: sis. 2 oso se aie ees ee 55 CHAPMAN’s Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 CoutTer’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains.......... 1 62 RE SSSOUG. {il OUAT Vom aks ae actos ate Sialcrwe Fest use x eieler sien e es 94 MISS ROA Otatiy ys CluCaveiit a: a avs cis Sci Uaeiace ctr he abe abel overs ve ycle SI oie 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 Sieesone: 4 VVitin IWlatitialoore is Obtains sins ac cie- tic «)ferels oce elie © eovesee 2 25 Field, Forest and’ Garden Botany, Flora only ........... ..... we. 1 44 School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora ......... 1 80 r are Or. OtAtyy, wht] OLawiOml Lyine, | As \duadevepelesshay rarer uss sue a acava: a¥ lalolle esse 1 62 The same. Tourist’s Edition........ yee ere ere ie Sak ete rie eons oar 2 00 Seencmmse id AVLantial yy Onesyvouiim ey as tse: dh Atalciie theta diel sete =)aie abe oars 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: 3 Pema Siri cturale Batarives (Gray): .% slcevenigeied crite weiee ere te ow oe lee 2 00 ¢ Vol. Il. Physiological Botany (Goodale).........0...eeeee eee eee 2 00 ‘ Gray & Coutrer’s Text-Book of Western Botany.................. 2 16 : TS DUETS HOE! DOTA Ys subia bs ib. b «chine igs ncies sv « Siluce weds aes 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 age: same With Grays) Manual-of ‘Botany. 2...5 .. a. 6. ag sees 2 25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany............2..eeeeeees 1 00 Lessons in Botany New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms. Weight four pounds. Grown from Pure Culture Spawn. Mushrooms. “Wait till you see it is a good thing, but don’t wait till every- one sees it. You will then be too late.” Did you ever think just what is expressed in those words? Did you ever think of them in connection with mushrooms? Think of MUSHROOM GROWING—a coming industry in America. We tell you more about it in our booklet. We also give you some interesting facts about PURE CULTURE SPAWN. They’re yours on request. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. 609 W. Fourth St., Factory: Pacific, Mo. CINCINNATI, OHIO When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Mycological Bulletin Nos. 71-72 IV. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, December, 1906. LIBRARY NEW YO Diz RK BOTANICA! GARDEN ie ast LESSON -IN THE BOOK. - What! Have we come to the last lesson in the book! And did you enjoy the Mushrooms? Yes? Well, we will issue another volume of the same kind—only better we hope. More notes and more photos sent by the subscribers will surely be an improvement; and may be our own experience will con- tribute to slight advancement. The Frontispiece for Volume 1V.—We take pleasure in pre- sentirg the portrait of ore so eminent as Dr. W. G. Farlow of Harvard University, the professor of cryptogamic botany in that Institution. Well can the portrait grace our fourth volume. Dr. Farlow has heen ore of the leaders in mycology in this country, and he has dore much in advancing our know- ledge of Mushrooms. Editing at a Distance-—On the day this No. reaches the subscribers the editor will set sail for Central America. There- fore from Guatemala again the editorial pen will reach back for issuarce of the winter Nos. Every effort will be made to send these out promptly (the first week of each month). _and if rot well served complaints may be cabled without delay, Sto a country where nature is kind, where birds sing and flowers blow, a lard of sunshine and gladness, where it is summer all ~) winter! Ue 282 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 71 and 72 (Vol. IV CULTIVATING THE MUSHROOM. It seems very appropriate to an interest in mycology that this subject should be an important one. We have already issued a “Mushroom No.” and desire to call attention to work along the line. suggested by the Bulletin from which we quoted so liberally. Profiting by that work started by Dr. Duggar, establishments are now undertaking to furnish pure-cul- ture spawn to customers, and thus one of the sources of embarrassment in growing mushrooms is relegated to a minor place. Without further comment I will quote from a catalog and guide book issued by a reliable firm and leave the matter in the hands of my subscribers who ‘may be interested in this phase of the subject. (And our advertising pages should also be consulted.) : Fig. 217. First testing cf Spawn and varieties. (Cut from Pure Culture Spawn Co.» QUOTATIONS RELATIVE TO PURE CULTURE SPAWN. “Early in 1904 the work of the Pure Culture Spawn Co. was pro- iected. For scme time previous 2 member of the compary Fad been em- ployed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture to investigate a variety of problems connected with the growing of mushrooms. Every phase of the industry was considered. “One was to determine what was: the best kind of mushroom spawn. All known sorts of spawn from England, France and America were tested. In this spawn test was a new kind, a spawn produced from the tissue of selected mushrooms. The idea was rot new, but the appliction was. No one had ever grown anything but spawn of the ordinery wild field mush- rooms. It was thought that spawn grown from selected productive cul- tivated varieties would make mushroom growing more profitable. It did. Results followed. The important features of the new spawn were its quick, strong growth, quick fruiting and large mushrooms. Most important of all was the large yields,—two to three times more than any other spawn. The usefulness of such spawn could be easily understood. It remained to simplify the methods by which such spawn could be produced at a rea- sonable price and still preserve all the advantages of quick growth, quick N CO Ww December, 1906] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 71 and 72 Fig. 218. Weight 25 oz. (Cut from Pure Culture Spawn Co.) fruiting and large yields. We did it. Not all at one time to be sure, but only after many costly trials and experiments. It was placed on the market as Tissue-Culture Pure Spawn. “This name tells just what it is. ig pure cultures of mush- room spawn made only from the tissue of selected mushrooms. * * * “Our spawn has been tested by several experiment stations and the results speak well for it. The Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station reports over 2 pounds per square foot of bed in about three months from spawning Referrirg to the Pure Culture Spawn Company, Fig. 219. Cut from Pure Culture Spawn Co. they say: ‘It is possible with the method employed by this company to cultivate varieties true to name because the spawn is derived from known varieties, wherees most or all of the imported spawn may contain several Varieties mixed.’ * * * “We now offer spawn of five select varieties, all our own introduc- tion. A number of otker forms are being tested. The following varieties 234 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 71 and 72 [Vol. IV represent careful selections from different strains of mushrooms and have been thoroughly tested. * * * “Success in growing mushrooms is not so much dependent upon long experience as an intelligent study of the conditions. There are three important things to consider: 1. The spawn. 2. The manure and its composting. 3. The temperature of the place in which the beds are made. “PREPARATION OF Compost.—Mushrooms grow naturally in half de- cayed manure piles. This is the natural soil of the mushroom. The spawn would be killed by the heat of fermentation if placed in a bed of fresh manure. It must undergo a preliminary fermentation. The ma- Tig. 220. From Atkinson, cut furnished by Pure Culture Spawn Co. nure, preferably that from well nourished draft animals with a moderate amount of grain straw or shavings used for bedding (never hay or coarse weeds) should be reasonably fresh to begin with. It will in general not be advisable to use manure that is more than ten days old, unless it has been kept dry and under shelter. If it shows no blackening from fer- mentation it may be much older. For composting the manure should be placed in ricks. The usual method is to pile down in ricks four to eight feet wide and three to five feet high and as long as may be necessary. As it is piled down in layers it should be well moistened and tramped down. It will begin to ferment immediately, and in one or two days will be quite warm below the surface. This warmth is a result of the fermentation and should continue for some time. The manure may be allowed to fer- ment in this way for five to eight days when small whitish spots will be observed in the hottest portions. About this*time the compost should be given the first turning.” December, 1906] Mycological Bulletin Nos. 71 and 72 285 INDEX TO VOLUME IV. SUBJECTS. Acknowledgements, 217, 221, 233. Aecidium or Clustercups, 206. Agaricus cretacellus. 234. Amanita flavoconia, 234. Box-tortoises and toadstools, 222. Bulgaria rufa, discharge of spores, 257. Cordyceps herculea, 241. Cortinarius cylindripes, 252. Cortinarius sterilis, 252. Dictiophora (variability), 202. Duggar on mushroom growing, 265. Early mushroom (Naucoria), 232, Editorial notes, 193, 197, 201, 205, 225, 233, 240, 248. 257, 281. Fly Agaric, another, 222, 227. Fungi in the arts, Galera kellermani, 278. Guatemalan fungus, 213. Gyromitra esculenta, 230, 232. Hosts of Panaeolus epimyces, 194. Marasmius delectans, 278. Market mushrooms in Europe, 251. Morchella, September, mountains, 218. Morelle, September, mountains, 218. Mushroom growing (Duggar), 265. Mushroom literature, 234, 247, 251, 259, 277. Mushroom notes, 228. Mushroom Number, 265. Mushroom market in Europe, 251. Mushrooms or Toadstools?, 214. Mycena haematopa, 275. Naucoria pediades, 232. New species, 234, 247. Notes from mushroom literature, Penn O47. B51. BEI ee Panzeolus, 244. Panaeolus epimyces (hosts), 194. Panaeolus retirugis, (growth), 259. Peziza badia (spore discharge), 222. Peziza coccinea, 226. Peziza, the genus, 226. Peziza repanda, 222, 237. Why 275. % Phyllopodia, a new genus, 223. Phyllopodia parasitica (on leaf), 223. Pleurotus ostreatus, spore dis- charge, 234. Pleurotus ulmarius, 249. Poisoning by mushrooms, 218. Polyporus obtusus, 277. Polyporus parasitic on leaf, 223. Quotations, 194, 198, 202, 206, 210, 214, 218, 222. Sending (packing), mushrooms. 272. Smut, 209. Spawn from pure culture, 265, 282. Toadstools (quotations), 210. Urnula craterium (variation), 228. Uses of mushrooms, 243, 255, 262. Verpa digitaliformis, 239. White rust, 217. ILLUSTRATIONS. Aecidium of elder, 199. Aecidium impatientis, 296. Agaricus campestris, 266. Agaricus fabaceus, 272. Agaricus villaticus, 266. Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae, 220. Black peziza, 229. Boletus americanus, 205. Calvatia craniformis, 269. Clitocybe flaccida, 211. Clitocybe infundibuliformis, 212. Cordyceps herculea, 242. Cortinarius cinnamomeus, 197. Cyclomyces greenei, 221. Daedalea elegans, 213. Earth star, 201. Galera kellermani, 279. Geaster triplex, 201. Gyromitra esculenta, 227, 230, 235. Hackberry knot, 246, 248. Helotium citrinum, 209. Hygrophorus eburneus, 200. Hygrophorus laurae, 216. Fyp*oloma sublateritium, 223. Hypcemyces lactufluorum, 195. 286 Mycological Bulletin Nos. 71 and 72 [Vol. IV INDEX TO VOLUME IV. (CONTINUED. ) Inocybe subochracea burtii, 280. Lactarius volemus, 219. Leaf mildew fungus, 245. Lycoperdon echinatum, 196. Lycoperdon tessellatum, 196. Lycoperdon umbrinum, 196. Lycoperdon wrightii, 261. Marasmius campanulatus, 204. Marasmius delectans, 258. Marasmius ramealis, 251. Morchella esculenta, 272. Mushrooms from pure culture spawn, 271, 282, 283, 284. Mutinus caninus, 217. Mycena galericulata, 253. Mycena haematopa, 274. Naucoria pediades, 232. Panaeolus campanulatus (should be changed to Stropharia semiglo- bata), 244. Panaeolus epimyces, 193. Peziza coccinea, 226, 228. Peziza repanda, 236, 237. Pluteus cervinus, 254. Pleurotus applicatus, 224. Pleurotus ostreatus, 270. Pleurotus ulmarius, 250. Polyporus brumalis, 203. Polyporus igniarius, 257. Polyporus subsericeus, 276. Polprous umbellatus, 262. Puffball, Calvatia craniformis, 269. Pure cultures, 268, 282, 283, 284. Scleroderma vulgare, 256. Smut of Cimicifuga, 208. Sphaerotheca phytoptophilus, 245. Strobolomyces strobilaceus, 240. Stropharia semiglobata (to this change the name given for Fig. 191), 244. Trametes elegans, 213, 215. Tricholoma sulphureum, 261. Urocystis carcinodes, 208. Urnula craterium, 229, 231. Verpa digitaliformis, 238, 239. White rust, 220. Witche’s broom, 246, 248. Yellow clustercups of elder, 199. Yellow clustercips of Impatiens. 207. Supplies for the Botanist = Iripod Dissecting Microscope : A convenient and portable. instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the $ .30 lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a $3.25 crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier This magnifier gives clear , 3 sca and perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $4.50 mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester. N.Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from selected and prolific specimens, throughly acclimatized, has never failea to run. ; This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly accu- matized, and_ selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and _ prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white cream or brown), A. Aromsis (cream); and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on ‘MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. FEES SEEDS LERPL EASE EPEGEEES ELSE SESS Sb ORE SESE ESS BARK RERE ERE AAA ERICK EIA IE IEICE IB IEIETE ITE IEEE IE TE IAC AS Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, P.. Sydow, H., Hollis, Bresadola, Massee, DOPE ERE BC ce Sea 10 cts. Mycological Bulletin, Ae TIGOD: ; 51. dy08 kde athe rane ratte 50 cts. a iI, ROGA..'s’.\. so eaten Gate eo 50 cts. . 7 SRL OOS 2 5701 t cece eee So cts. aie rs Bape te LOG 105). .15) a iehtiays team ee eel 50 cts x Ey Crimea VOLUME... 4/004 tic 2 ate ae 25 cts ERM Ue PISSAT Wee eee a's vw ding gain ole wee Roma aed 25 cts North American Species of Marasmius . (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 50 cts North American Species of Lepiota (a Monograph by Morgan)............ 50cts Journal of Mycology, Vol 8—rgo2.................. $2 00 : ae er TOOS2). ce ita ts ote beams Saintes 2 00 te i TO TQ 4.0 desla ateroe wean ake 2 00 x 2 ae T BOO Gis s:.« aside Oar ON apay One ae 2 00 ‘t ¥ Pal aN a fe] 8 Tee pty eA ch Ae Rta. 2 00 f és nn Gurrefit: Viobsaa ences ores: 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio ae SESE SESW SIL SIL SIL SIE SSE SIL SL SIL SSI SHES SL SSL SIL SIS SE SY SAL SIL SS SNS SA SW SSW SIS OLS Se SY REERK TEAK AREA IEEE AE TETERE IE TENE TE TEE TENE HEE NEE ETE TE TE IEC TEE ETE TE IE TE ICI AS. NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE i No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet Kine 3 ies SR 8S BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made © The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom : SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Mycological Bulletin (Nos. 73 to 84) Saas Ss Volume V. 1907 LIBRAR* NEW YORK Pie 30TANICAL GARDEN W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D. Ohio State University aah COLUMBUS, OHIO PRESS OF VANCE-POLAND Co. 1907 AN EMINENT FRENCH MYCOLOGIST JANUARY, 1907 NO, 73 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT Co_umBus, OuIo. Edited and Published by oat e Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio Supplies for the Botanist Sa Tripod Dissecting Microscope ae A convenient and portable instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a _ $3.25 crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier This magnifier gives clear ‘3 om@medi and perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $1.50 mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochéster: N-aw; New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. - LAMBERT’S PURE’ CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never failed to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and _ selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of.all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A. Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on “MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. MESSE IESE IESE Se MES SESE ie ES i RT Wey TIRED IIE TFET IEEE ETE R BICIEC A. SAERER ERODE EERE SSE ee This space is owned by THE TERRY ENGRAVING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO SEE MEENA EMILE MEI IME LIL SL SY aL OL SL SI SES SNE SIL SE SIE SY at a SE wey SEE EO linalanleal Lealealale EEK ERE RRMA ITE TENE ITERATE TE IEE EAA ME TEAC ES TE TERE NE HEE TE FE. W hen answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Mycological Bulletin No. 73 4 LIBRARY W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University New YORK Columbus, January, 1907. BOTANICAL GARDEN. FOR, THE NEW YEAR. We give first place to an enthusiast who is not unknown to the readers of the Bulletin. Superintendent Hard not only: fur- nishes the text, but also the illustrations which were made under his supervision. It is a brief treatment of the large and in- teresting genus Tricholoma, but more space at present could not be placed at the disposal of the author. Half-tones of some of the other species will be given later. It is hoped too that another characteristic photograph may be furnished during the year of Volvaria bombycina’ An illustration is needed of the too perishable plant when it reaches the climax of its glory. The Frontispiece—There are many eminent French mycol- ogists—in fact, | doubt whether any other country than France can furnish so long and honorable list of scientific men who have paid attention to Mushrooms. The first representative which we select is M. le Professeur Dr. N. Patouillard. *. - THE GENUS TRICHOLOMA AND SOME OF THE OHIO SPECIES. Supt. M. E. Hard. The generic name TriCHOLOMA, comes from two Greek words mean- ing hair and fringe. In this genus the veil is absent or, if present, it is floccose and adheres to the margin of the pileus. The volva and ring are both wanting. The pileus is generally symmetrical and is never umbilicate and rarely um- bonate. The gills are attached to the stem and are more or less strongly notched or sinuate at the stem. The stem is fleshy-fibrous, rather short and stout, without a bark-like skin as in the Collybia. It is homogeneous and confluent with the cap. The gills are white or dingy and frequently ese Potted. The caps may be smooth, scaly, dry, moist or water soaked. The distinguishing feature of the Tricholoma is the sinuate gills. a There are a number of species of the Tricholomas. I have found thirty-one species about Chillicothe. Of these but one, according to my experience. is not edible, Tricholoma svlpbhureum. The plants occur from May to =} freezing weather. A few of the species are here described and illustrated, =) 1907 290 Mycological Bulletin No. 73 [Vol. IV See text for explanation. Tri-cho-lo’-ma_ se-junc’-tum. 221. Fig. TRICHOLOMA SEJUNCTUM Sov. : This is called sejunctum because the gills easily separate from the tem. It is a beautiful plant growing in beech woods among the leaves. The caps two to three inches broad, convex, then expanded, broadly mbonate, viscid when moist, light yellow in color, streaked with black ibres, margin of the cap thin, odor frequently strong, taste mild. The gills are notched at the stem, broad, rather distant, white, easily eparating from the stem. The stem 1s solid, smooth, stout, often swollen in the middle. Spores January, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 73 291 text for explanation. See Tri-cho-lo’-ma_ re-splen’-dens. x es) oe Fig. are nearly spherical, 64. Its peculiar yellow color will distinguish the species. The taste of our plants is mild when raw and the flavor is excellent when cooked. TRICHOLOMA RESPLENDENS Fr. The significance of resplendens is shining brightly, and this species is called the Shining Tricholoma. It is edible and a very good flavored plant. The caps are convex, then expanded until quite plane, viscid, shining 292 . Mycological Bulletin No. 73 = Vola when dry, sometimes a shade of yellow on the disk. The flesh is white, taste mild, mushroom odor, entire plant white. The gills are notched at the stem, rather crowded, unspotted, white. The stem is rather long, solid, stout, smooth, sometimes flocculose at the apex, frequently slightly bulbous, even, white. This is a beautiful plant found growing in mixed woods on a northern hillside among leaves. In Figure 222 is given a sample set of the species. TRICHOLOMA FUNESCENS Px. The word funescens means growing smoky. The entire plant is of a dingy white. The gills are a cream white, soon changing to a smoky color with a blue or blackish color where bruised. The caps are two to three inches broad, at_first convex, then ex- panded and frequently wavy as will be seen in a Figure to be given later, dry, dingy white, with a fine tomentum. The gills are narrow, notched at the stem, cream color, changing to a smoky blue or blackish where bruised, crowded. The stem is short, round, sometimes slightly tapering downward, whitish. The spores are oblong-elliptical, 5-6.5 u. This species will be readily identified by the fine crowded gills and the smoky blue or blackish hue they assume when bruised or in age. They are found in mixed woods on the ground among leaves. I find them on the north hillsides about Chillicothe, during September and November. TRICHOLOMA SQUARRULOSUM Bres. The specific name, squarruolsum, means full of scales; the caps, as shown in a Figure to be given later, are very scaly. The caps are two to three inches broad, convex at first, thea expanded, slightly wavy at times, margin somewhat involute at first, dry brownish tinge, then a lurid tan, darker in the center of disk, broadly umbonate, margin exceeding gills. he gills are rather broad, crowded, whitish gray, changing to a red- ish color when bruised, slightly notched at the stem. The stem is somewhat paler than the pileus, two to three inches long, more or less scaly.. The spores are elliptical, 7-9 x 4-5 #. This is an attractive plant growing in mixed woods among leaves. The caps are covered with black or reddish black squamules, which give rise to the name of the species. I have only succeeded in finding the plant in October. The specimens which will be*shown in a later Number were tp in Poke Hollow near Chillicothe, Ohio. They are edible and of good avor. TRICHOLOMA TERREUM Scwaerr. The word terreum is from Latin terra, the earth; so-called because of its color. It is known as the Gray Tricholoma; however, it is quite vari- able both in size and color, as well as in the manner of growth. The pileus is usually dry, fleshy, two to three inches broad, often umbonate, grayish-brown or mouse-color. The gills are adnexed, not close, white, becoming grayish. The stem is one to three inches high, whitish, fibrillose, paler than the cap. I find this plant on the north hillsides in beech woods. It is not plentiful about Chillicothe. There are several varieties of this species. It is edible and the time for its appearance is September to November. January, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 73 293 Fig. 223. Tri-cho-lo’-ma ter’-re-um. See text, opposite page. VOLVARIA BOMBYCINA. M. E. Hard. This is one of our most interesting plants. Its manner of growth will interest any one. The cut represents the plant when in the egg state. The volva or wrapper, mottled brown color, quite viscid. It soon breaks open at the top as will be seen in the cut. The volva has a silky ap- pearance, but the cap or pileus is at first a pure silky white as will be seen in the figure where the volva has begun to fracture. The plant grows quite large about Chillicothe. I frequently find it ten inhces broad. It is entirely white, fleshy, at first round or oblong, then bell-shaped, then convex, everywhere silky but when old it is apt to be hairy scaled. The flesh is rather thin and white. The gills are not attached to the stem and very close together, broad- er in the center, flesh color as soon as the spores begin to drop. The stem three to six inches long, solid, smooth, white, tapering from the base to apex. The volva is soon split at the apex, membranaceous, viscid and per- sistent. The spores are elliptical. It is usually found solitary, but sometimes a number will be found prowing from the same log. I have frequently seen a dozen growing from a hollow beech log where the plants in Figure 224 were found. It is found growing in hollow trees, on decayed shade trees, or on de- cayed branches in the woods. I have never eaten it but Dr. Curtis gives it as edible in his list of edible mushrooms. It is found from July to Cictober. J found a specimen that measured eight inches across the cap Saturday, September 29, 1906. 294 Mycological Bulletin No. 73 [Vol. V. Fig. 224. Vol-va’-ri-a bom-by-ci’-na. The egg-state of the plant when in the act of emerging from the volva. The pileus and flesh-colored gills are not yet visible. The photo represents two fine plants close to- gether, found growing from a hollow beech log, near Chillicothe, Ohio. See text on previous page. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II 1904’, Vol. III. (1905) and Vol. 1V (1906) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents, No copies remain of Vol.1 (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: . Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, P., Sydow, H., Hollis, Bresadola, Massee, peapale, Salmon; Gach: 25.20. ais.cp.- beige uvsvesecns- 10 cts. Mycological Bulletin, NM Obes: Bye TOO a arse, co Ae SNe «a's 50 cts. sf II, FOOL. oe ees ek rea 50 cts. %: s III, IDO Sie Cea OSes Sew: 32s 50 cts. = Fae A AS ee Pee 50 cts ee See Withent VOLUN s.. S; ss axa e ee, Osa Se 25 cts Mycological foes ee ee ee esi a pen 25 cts North American Species of Marasmius (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 50 cts. North American Species of Lepiota (a Monograph by Morgan)............ 50cts Journal of Mycology, Vol EGO asx os Baie cern sears $2 00 OS 1G0 Fes a) Chee ew 8S 2 00 Ss aes 2 NOIOOA Seite aoe obs vie ee Se! @F-00 - z i Pe EES LOOG i aathoensc awe Se ae 2 00 % = wae tA whee ANOS: Sean nee ioe arnt nae 2 00 a = S eCurrentt VOL. i 2 os 220 or 2 00 WwW. ie Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio The Asaerican Botanist and The Fern Bulletin. Have removed to JOLIET, ILL, No changes except the address ! THE FERN BULLETIN is the only publication in the world devot- ed to Ferns, THE AMERICAN BOTANIST is the only American Magazine devoted to Ecological Botany. YOU NEED THEM BOTH--SAMPLES FREE. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE if No. 404 ii No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet _THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $7 5.00 BECAUSE The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention: Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms. Weight four pounds. Grown from Pure Culture Spawn. Mushrooms. “Wait till you see it is a good thing, but don’t wait till every- one sees it. You will then be too late.” Did you ever think just what is expressed in those words? Did you ever think of them in connection with mushrooms? _ Think of MUSHROOM GROWING—a coming industry in America. We tell you more about it in our booklet. We also give you some interesting facts about PURE CULTURE SPAWN. They’re yours on request. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. 609 W. Fourth St., Factory: Pacific, Mo. CINCINNATI, OHIO When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now- ° Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, tc. COLUMBUS, We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request le WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication ANprEws’s (E. F.) Botany Allithe Year Round. . 2.0.5. uc...2s les $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States..........2... 1 00 APGAR’S CE. Av2& AWC) Néw slant Analy sts. pes se ote ee ee een 55 CHAPMAN’S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 Coutter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains ~ eee oe 1-62 GrAy-s Lessons an = BOtamy,< 22 x triad eich BE Lee ee oes ig ee 94 Outlines -of>Botanty— Ci eayitt) +. scum oe ok 1 00 The same. . With Field, Forest and Garden Flora......2.:..... 1 80 The ssame:s. With Mantialiote- Botany. anaes. = arene ae 2-25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flora only ...........: .ss..eee 1 44 School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 Manual “‘of-Botany— Flora onlys son ems cn beter eee eae eens 1 62 ‘Lhe. satire." Tourists +E ditioter ca ciate eel on oe oa enc ee 2 00 Lessons and Manual. One volume............... sal ns ar eae 2.16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: ; : Volot, Structural Botany. ;CGray iets a. note oa ace reenter eee 2 00 Vol: I: Physiological Botany. CGoodale) <0.) te sts stage sta Siac 2 00 Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western Botany.................- 2 16 Leavitt's “Outlines: of Botamy™. oy, aba Sele sh oirte eee ale er 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Fore st and Garden Flora ..-... 1 80 The same: -With Gray's *Mannaleof Botany. < 1... 0... iste aes 2 25 Woop’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany...:.............-+-+000 1 00 Lessons “in: BOtathy- 2s. sie a wisn sre tained cbs art atau Ow an hay eigen 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. bs oi VOL. V. FEBRUARY, 1907 NO. 74 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT CoL_umBus, OunrIo. Edited and Published by iat Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms ‘Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4mm. (1-6 ”): Objective 2 mm. (1- 12) Oil Im-.- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet — THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR] $7 5.00 BECAUSE . The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Sida. > cide ota? |, FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, P., Sydow, H., Hollis, Bresadola, Massee, Bena, ahMOMs AGW He oie hae. ac sane de Suv scte 10 cts. My cological Bulletin, MGI TOOS ss ch spew egerriels 66 «ce 50 cts. ‘ IL, IQOA SF 65-55 Se ca eee Sh 50 cts. = = ie A GOG icos oe aie thane owt a a 50 cts a 5 Sok V AIUG S55 ata Neat aate ts oo 50.cts = “= Current: volume .2. 623762. Soe ee 25 cts Miccolovical. Gldssary-s vis cua leit. ss op dese Bieta Paneer 25 cts North American Species of Marasmius (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 50 cts. North American Species of Lepiota (a Monograph by Morgan)............ 50cts Journal of Mycology, Vol Se eTOO 2 hag wtp ks Ce eee $2 00 SS PTGS on os i one og ees 2 00 . :* ** “IO—IQ04......... Se ee 2 00 ua ie be OOG of cae he ees e Sates 2 00 S ° Fie Paes SLs lor aeeeep ee Ca rep ate 2 00 4 ‘ SEE ACUITT OR te VON Siosstarsty a aiw A alas 2 00 W. rt Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio The American Botanist ‘and 3 | The Fern. Bulletin. Have removed to JOLIET, ILL, No changes except the address UE THE FERN BULLETIN is the only publication i in the world devot- | ed to Ferns. THE AMERICAN BOTANIST is ihe only Be Os Magazine devoted to Ecological Botany. ~ YOU NEED THEM BOTH---SAMPLES FREE. \Vhen answering advertisement mention. Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms. Weight four pounds. Grown from Pure Culture Spawn. Mushrooms. “Wait till you see it is a good thing, but don’t wait till every- one sees it. You will then be too late.” Did you ever think just what is expressed in those words? Did you ever think of them in connection with mushrooms? Think of MUSHROOM GROWING—a coming industry in America. We tell you more about it in our booklet. We also give you some interesting facts about PURE CULTURE SPAWN. They’re yours on request. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. 609 W. Fourth St., Factory: Pacific, Mo. CINCINNATI, OHIO When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. FEB 21 1907 Mycological Bulletin No. 74 7. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, February, 1907. A TYLOSTOMA NUMBER. The interesting Puffballs belonging to the genus Ty-los’-to-ma have been thoroughly treated by eminent authority, namely, C. G. Lloyd in Mycological Notes, and we give our readers the benefit of his study, which has extended over several years. He has kindly furnished the cuts as well, and we devote this entire No. to the subject. QUOTATIONS AND ILLUSTRATIONS FROM MYCOLOGICAL POLES RELATING. TO THE SPECIES (OF TYLOSTOMA. By CC. G. Lloyd. TYLOSTOMEAE. The Tylostomeze embrace all Gastromycetes with dry spores, having peridia borne on distinct stalks that are not prolonged as axes. THE GENUS TYLOSTOMA. This is the largest genus and the smallest individuals that belong to the tribe Tvlostomez. Jt is spread over the earth’s surface and every locality has probably one or more snecies. The genus is more common in sandy countries. All species with the exception of two or three grow in the ground. Tylostoma exasperatum (and perhaps a couple of others that are little known) always grows on branches or logs. The genus can be thus described. Exoperidium of the nature of a cortex, separating’ more or less from the upper part of the mature plant, but usually remaining more or less persistent at the base of the peridium. Endoperidium opening by a definite mouth (in a few species by several mouths). There is a depression or “socket” at the base otf the peridium into which the stipe is inserted. Gleha of branched, septate, capillitinm mixed with the snores. Stipe distinct from the peridium and inserted into a “socket” at its base. THE SPECIES OF TYLOSTOMA. For convenience in classification we have divided the Tylostomas into groups according to the most promirent characters as follows: LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL RDEN. 296 Mycological Bulletin No. 74 [Vol. V. Mouth definite, tubular, round, naked, more or less protruding. SPOLES JSIGO RN wes eerie ce eo eine eee ae eee eae Group 1. Spores not-smooth. Cortex: granularor-tubercularior scaly.e. 2.225. vasckee Group 2. Cortex not granular or tubercular or scaly. Stipe with strong scales, [No American Species]..Group 3. Stipe without strong scales. Reriditim:uncolonedie. sack aor ee neo Group 4. Reridiumecolojediaeesn eet es ae ree ene Group 5. Mouth definite, naked, elongated, sometimes several on same perid- UNL Wo sates h 2A tee ee et roy ty Te Sa Group 6. Mouth with an indefinite, torn aperture, not surrounded with a fibrillose layer, [No American Species]............. Group 7. Mouth surrounded with a fibrillose layer. SpPOhes SIMOOth sepa Chee ee oe Ae hs Group 8. Spores ‘etanular (.22522%. | 4 ae eee eee Group. 9 Mouth “fimbriate”’ [No American Species]......... Group 10 CROUPRT TYLOSTOMA OCCIDENTALE.—Peridium white, with a small, tubular, circular, protruding mouth. Cortex adhering, separating imper- fectly, largely adhering in patches to the peridium, not strongly thickened at the base. Stem pale, not scaly, strongly longitudinally striate, white internally, hollow with a central fibril. Capillitium slightly colored, with plane or oblique unthickened septa. Spores 4-5 mic. almost smooth. This species is very close to Tylostoma albicans, but on comparison is quite different. The peridium is much whiter, the ster strongly striate, the spores smoother. Specimen from the state of Washington. Fig. 221.—Ty-1.os’-to-MA OC-CI-BEN-TA’-LE. (C. G. Lloyd). February 1907 Mycological Bulletin No. 74 297 g GROUP 2. TYLOSTOMA VERRUCOSUM.—Peridium globose deeply colored, reddish brown. with a protruding, tubular mouth. Cortex thin, adnate, yerrucose, persistent. Stem deeply colored, covered when growing with long, spreading scales which mostly fall away from dried specimens leavy- Fig. 222.—Ty-Los’10-MA VER-RU-cO’-suM. (C. G. Lloyd.) ing the stems with short scales. Capillitium faintly colored, freely septate, not swollen at the septa. Spores 5-6 mic. aculeate. This is evidently a very rare and local plant. I collected it once in company with Prof. Morgan who told me it was the first time he had seen it since the original collection some ten or fifteen years before. 1 ‘have received it from no correspondent save Mr. Long, Texas, who sent two small specimens but evidently the same species. ‘T'ylostoma verruco- sum is very close to Tylostoma squamosum of Europe, having the same mouth, color, spores and stem scales, and is in my opinion the American expression of the European plant. It differs in its verrucose cortex and more robust habits. GROUP 4. TYLOSTOMA ALBICANS.—Peridium uncolored, dirty white, with a small, tubular, circular protruding mouth. Cortex adherent, separating im- perfectly, particles adhering to the peridium, at the base of the peridium thickened and subpersistent. Stem pale or slightly colored, rough, striate but not scaly. Internally white, with centra) fibrils Capillitium hyaline, slightly swollen at the joints, with a plane septum. Spores 5-6 mic., slight- ly asperate. The prominent features are the uncolored peridium, the tubular mouth, 298 Mycological Bulletin No. 74 Vol. VJ Fig. 223.—Ty-tos’-10-maA_ AtL’-BI-cans. (C. ;G: Lloyd). the partly adherent cortex. The plant is never “smovuth” and does not seem to us to be well described or figured by Miss White. However, we are assured from our study of the type specimens and the photographs we have made of them that it is the same plant that reaches us from Texas and hence use the name. We have received Australian specimens from J. G. O. Tepper that we cen rot separate from the Texan species. Fig. 224.—Ty-1os’-10-MA PyG-MAE’-uM. (C. G. Licyd). TYLOSTOMA PYGMAEUM. —Peridium uncolored, dirty white with a small, tubular, circular, protruding mouth. Cortex adhering, separating imperfectly, particles adhering to the peridium, thickened and _ persistent at the base. Stem slender, pale, rough, longitudinally striate but not scaly. Capillitium hyaline, swollen at the joints. Spores 5 mic., strongly asperate. This little species is of a southern range in the United States, and in general appearance could be described as a pygmy Tylostoma albicans. It differs from that species in its small size and rougher spores. February, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 74 299 GROUP 5. TYLOSTOMA SIMULANS.—Peridium pale, castaneous color, with mouth unicolorus. Cortex thin, separating imperfectly. Stem slender, pale, slightly striate and sometimes slightly scaly. Capillitium rarely septate with thickened nodes. Spores 5 mic., asperate. This is the nearest approach we have in America to Tylostoma mam- mosum of Europe, and it is a rare plant. On comparison it differs in its unicolorous and more deeply colored peridium, more adnate cortex and paler stipe. Fig. 225.—Ty-1os’-To-Ma sIM’-u-LANS. (C. G. Lloyd). TYLOSTOMA RUFUM.—Peridium deeply colored, reddish brown, with a circular, tubular, strongly protruding mouth. Cortex thin, adher- ing, but separating perfectly from old specimens, leaving the peridium per- fectly smooth. Stem deeply colored, covered with short scales, internally Fig. 226.—Ty-1os’-to-MA ru’-FuM. (C. G. Lloyd). 300 Mycological Bulletin No. 74 Vol. V.] white with central fibrils. Capillitium faintly colored, not swollen at the septa. Spores 5 mic., granulose. This species has been, I am sure, usually determined as Tylostoma mammosum in the United States. It differs from Tylostoma mammosum of Europe in its more deeply and uniformly colored and larger peridium, its short, thick, scaly stem and in its capillitium nodes. Fig. 227.—Ty-tos’ 1to-Ma PuR-PU’-SsI-I. (C. G. Lloyd). TYLOSTOMA PURPUSII.—Peridium pale, castaneous color, darker at the mouth, with a circular, tubular, protruding mouth. Cortex partly adherent at the base but mostly freely separating, leaving the peridium smooth. Stem colored, rough but not scaly. Capillittum subhyaline, the septa _rare, those of the smaller branches swollen but of the large branches very slightly. Spores 5 mic., asperate. This species cam easily be taken as a giant form of Tylostoma mam- mosum. It is a rare plant and I have seen from America only the type specimens at Berlin, which were collected in Colorado by a Mr. Purpus. Fig. 228.—Ty-Los’-10-mA FLOR-I-DA’-NuM. (C. G, Lloyd). February, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 74 301 Fig. 229.—Ty-Los’-TO-MA A-MER-1-cA’-NuUM. (C. G. Lloyd). TYLOSTOMA FLORIDANUM.—Peridium dark castaneous color, with a small, tubular, circular, protruding mouth. Cortex separating imper- tectly, particles adhering to the peridium, thickened and subpersistent be- low. Stem slender, dark reddish brown, sub-smooth, substriate with no trace of scales, white within, hollow with central fibrils. Capillitium sub- hyaline, sometimes waxy with septa both swollen and even. Spores 5 mic., strongly asperate. This little species seems to be of a southern range, reaching me only 302 Mycological Bulletin No. 74 [Vol. V. from Florida. The slender, very dark colored stem and the colored peridium distinguish it from all related species. GROUP 6. TYLOSTOMA AMERICANUM.—Peridium uncolored, pale, often with several irregular, naked, protruding mouths. Stem obese, pale or light colored, hollow, often striate; varying much in thickness and length, from two to six inches long. Capillitium hyaline. Spores 5-6 mic., smooth. This plant was collected in great abundance in the vicinity of Denver, Colo., by E. B. Sterling. In my opinion it is only an American form (hence the name) of Tylostoma caespitosum of North Africa, although the spores are not the same and it is a much more robust plant. SYNONYMS.—In my opinion Tylostoma Kansense 1s the same plant although I do not use the name, as Prof. Peck (to whom I sent specimens of the Denver plant) strongly disagrees with me and Patouillard and Bresadola have coincided with Prof. Peck. They form their opinions from the darker color of the capillitium, which I readily agree is slightly darker in Kansas specimens. The specimens Mr. Bartholomew sent me are old, wintered specimens( and I think that explains not only the darker capillitium but also the different mouth of T. Kansense as de- scribed. [CONTINUED IN NEXT NUMBER] Fig. 230.—Ty-Los’-To-MA poc-u-LA’-TuM. (C. G. Lloyd). (SEE NEXT NUMBER) The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol JT 1004’, Vol. IIT, 11905) and Vol. [V :1906' may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol.I .1902'. Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio Supplies for the Botanist Tripod Dissecting Microscope A convenient and portable instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the $ .30 lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a $3.2 crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. we i Coddington Magnifier 2 | This magnifier gives clear Es cereal and perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $41.50 mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, N. Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now ° Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock | ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings : Cover Pages, Etc. We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our Bei ha and we send it free on Pee WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR™ ANY. PORFOSE We make the ENE ULES OT pnts Publication. Standard Batons Text Books Anprews’s (EF. F.Y Botany Alk-the Year Round............2....00- $1 00 The same.’ With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States......... Ss ee ONES Apcar’s: €6. A& ANG.) New: Plant Analysise::2252. soe) eee 55 CuHapMAN’s Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 - Coutter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains........ iy SG GRAY SLessons in. “motany ere ees 1 80 The same. With Manual of Botany.......c.secsesseeseeeetbees 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flora only ..1........ ...eee, -. 1.44 School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora ......... 1 80 Manual of -Botany.:: “Flora conby-ci9 fics 050 Go. ha os vig release The same.." Tourist’s Bditionc... sis vusckee ces cab eee 2 00 Lessons. and: Manual-~Onevolume™2 o.25.5 fnitcv cre aise bacon 2-16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: Hise: ; ; Vol FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on ‘MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Ne ee oe oe ko hb RRR ReaD Sea See OOOO O-O-O-O- TAMARA AERA EAR ERITREA ERA ERA ERA RAR IERIE This space is owned by THE TERRY ENGRAVING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO ._ SAI OID OMI I MAM iI Mi iM MIL it ait i al it air aie i at ali e RRR RRAM EAA ERA AMAR EMANATE IEMA EIR IEF , When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. VOL. V. MARCH, 1907 NO. 75 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT CoL_umBus,-OunrIo. Edited and Published by alt Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio NEW ee MICROSCOPE No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75.00 BECAUSE * The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free-distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now ° Portraits, Buildings Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings COLUMBUS, Cover Pages, Etc. We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books Awnprews’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round...................-. $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 Apcar's (EF. A: & A> GC.) New Plant. Analysis. <.. 2... sci. eee eee 55 CHAPMAN’S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 Coutter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains.......... 1 62 EMME ESE SCOTS 171 SES OUALLY, 8 oy 9) o oo5 0. See tea em wg MNS vsle Oe Reina cre ng vies 94 PiieiatescOL -Dotany CIeavitt) a..2 coalesce eee ee ee atee eh ed ee 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 vie same. With-Mantial- of Botany... «cos ve bse ac og as ce meee ee 2 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flora only ........... sssssee0e 1 44 School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 Manual GieBotanyes -PlOPay- OMby se a ia cies ot Actos Were esa, cielo ais Goa 1 62 Realuive:Gatniers: CP OUTISE Si UC TMOlhe acs dcreir a aha twine raed Se eee 2 00 Tessons and-Manuale- One volume. a: i. fs. ciwisten. Deviate veces va es 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: ; Peek Structufal: botany: CGFay.) qian oes ce we cle lee wage epee s 2 00 Vol. it Physiological Botany: (Goodale) .............0..c eee eee 2 00 Gray &-Coutter’s Text-Book of Western Botany................-- 2 16 Serr nT S “Outlines Ol) DOtAnyoi%.cs.. ssp teocieee n6 Bea oe es eo eTs taken 1 00 The same. With Gray's. Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s Manual of GPa oh. beta ee a 2 25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object essons-in- Dotativ: daw soo ot ee ae haa 1 00 PERE O NGI BOLARY 2. tooo ce cre Se EIN ook eS beets peewee she wees age 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement fenton: Mycological ‘Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms. Weight four pounds. Grown from Pure Culture Spawn. Mushrooms. “Wait till you see it is a good thing, but don’t wait till every- one sees it. You will then be too late.” Did you ever think just what is expressed in those words? Did you ever think of them in connection with mushrooms? Think of MUSHROOM GROWING—a coming industry in America. We tell you more about it in our booklet. We also give you some interesting facts about PURE CULTURE SPAWN. They’re 2 yours on request. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. 609 W. Fourth St., Factory: Pacific, Mo. CINCINNATI, OHIO When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. MAR 28 1907 Mycological Bulletin No. 75 LIBRARY | NEW YORK W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University BOTANICAL GARDEN. Columbus, March, 1907. TYLOSTOMA CONCLUDED-—CORTINARIUS BEGUN The valuable monagraph of the stemmed puffballs, Ty-los- to-ma by C. G. Lloyd in his Mycological notes, with admir- able illustrations, we complete in this number. We desire to give our readers some idea of what Mr. Kauffman is doing to increase our knowledge of the large,-conspicuous and in- teresting genus Cor-ti-na-ri-us. We will reproduce a part of his article published in the Botanical Gazette, Torrey Bulletin and the Journal of Mycology with half a dozen or more plates of his new species. GROUP 8. TYLOSTOMA POCULATUM.—Peridium smooth, pale, with a strongly raised shield-shaped fibrillose mouth. Cortex thick, breaking away perfectly from the peridium which it leaves perfectly smooth excepting at the base where the thick cortex persists as a kind of cup. Stem pale or slightly colored, sulcate, striate, not scaly, usually thickened below (some- times strongly) with the mycelial, adnate sand. Capillitium subhyaline, or sometimes distinctly colored, sparingly septate, with slightly thickened septa. Spores 5 mic., smooth. This is a most peculiarly marked species. both in its mouth and cortex characters and we know no other species having either of the characters so strongly marked. It occurs chiefly in our western states, but we have it also from Australia. No form is known in Europe. Tylostoma minu- tum is, in my opinion, based on a small specimen of it. It varies in two features, color and roughness of the spores, and plants so varying have been called species, but to my mind they are so close that they may better he called forms. 304 Mycological Bulletin No. 75 [Vol. V. Tig. 231.—Ty-Los’-TO-MA TU-BER-CU-LA’-TUM. (C. G. Lloyd). FORMS OF TYLOSTOMA POCULATUM. TYLOSTOMA TUBERCULATUM.—We find specimens agreeing with Tylostoma poculatum in general characters, and so close to it they can not be distinguished except by the microscope, that differ in having spores not smooth but granular. For us 1t is a form but for those who give their species no latitude as to spore variation it is a strong species. We are not sure it is Miss White’s pliant, as we would describe the spores as “granular” instead of with “occasiona: tuber-hke warts,” but we prefer to use her name rather than to propose a new one Fig. 232.—Ty-Los’-To-MA suB-Fus’-cuM. (C. G. Lloyd). TYLOSTOMA SUBFUSCUM.—The usual color of Tylostoma pocu- latum is pale tan but sometimes collections are dark chocolate brown. Sometimes both colors occur in same collection and I have noted all shades of connecting colors. The extreme color form, however, is very marked. Spores are granular in all we have examined. March, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 75 305 Fig. 233.—Ty-Los’to-Ma LLoyp’-I-1. (C. G. Lloyd). TYLOSTOMA LLOYDII.—Peridium dark, reddish brown, with a thin, closely adnate cortex which separates perfectly above but persists closely adnate at the base. Mouth at first ratsed, shield-shaped, fibrillose. In old specimens these fibrils are worn away, leaving the mouth a naked round, plane opening. Stem long, slender, with a dark, scaly, cortex. Capillitium slightly colored, subhyaline, narrow threads with © slightly thickened nodes. Spores smooth, 4 mic. This is apparently a very rare and local form but is strongly different from any other species known to me. Prof. W. H. Aikin collected the plants several years ago in the vicinity of Cincinnati, Ohio, and brought the specimens to me. I sent some to Rey. Bresadola who decided it to be undescribed and published it recently (Ann. Mycologici, 1904, p. 423). I have never received specimens from any other collector. 306 Mycological Bulletin No. 75 Vol. V] Fig. 234.—Ty-Los’-To-Ma o0-BE’-sum. (C. G. Lloyd). TYLOSTOMA OBESUM.—Peridium uncolored with a raised fibrillose mouth, Cortex separating freely, leaving the peridium smooth. Peridium with a marked collar at base. Stipe, thick, obese. Capillitium strongly colored. Spores smooth. Known from a single collection from Colorado. The type is at Kew but a better specimen is in Ellis’ collection at New York. ~ Fig. 235.—Ty-Los’-ro-MA CAM-PES’-TRE. (C. G. Lloyd). March, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 75 307 GROUP 9. TYLOSTOMA CAMPESTRE.—I do not feel that it is possible to consider this as other than the American form of Tylostoma granulosum. I do not know of a single character to distinguish it. And yet on com- paring collections of the American and European plants a general dif- ference is usually seen. The American plant 1s more robust, the heads are globose and firmer, the cortex peels off more freely in the American plant and does not adhere to the base so strongly. While we believe we could in most cases guess correctly whether a collection was American or European, we would not guarantee to do it in all instances. A plant that does not typically present a single marked character by which it can be known is not a species. We have a few collections that grew in the sand and have more slender stems with mycelial strands strongly de- veloped. This we take to be Tylostoma fibrillosum, but for us it is a condition not a species. A form collected by Mr. Bartholomew, Kansas, is closer to the European plant in stature than to the American, and some specimens have little depressions in the peridium. It was called Tylostoma punctatum. Tylostoma campestre is the most common species in the United States and the only one that is at all frequent east of the Mississippi. It is most abundant in the neighborhood of the Great Lakes. Fig. 236.—Ty-Los’-10-MA BERKE-LEY’-I-I. (C. G. Lloyd). TYLOSTOMA BERKELEYI].—Peridium colored, reddish brown. Cortex nature of a sand case, separating usually imperfectly and much more strongly adnate than the previous species. Mouth surrounded by a few granular fibrils (the same as the previous plant). Stem slender, dark reddish, often slightly scaly, usually strongly sulcate, striate. Capil- fitium light colored with slightly swollen often oblique septa. Spores 5-6 mic., granulose. This plant occurs in the southern United States, and is the species referred to in American literature as Tylostoma fimbriatum, surely a mis- nomer for no similar plant grows in Europe. It was Berkeley I think who first thus determined the American plant, and hence we name it in his honor. This species corresponds to the European only in its mouth 308 Mycological Bulletin No. 75 [Vol. V. and spore characters. It differs in being a colored plant and having a large head and slender stem. A splendid illustration of the plant was given by Petri (Ann. Mycologict, 1904, plate 6) under the name of -Tylostoma fimbriatum, and drawn we think from American specimens. eT) Se NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE IV. W. A. Kellerman. Mr. C. H. Kauffman, of the University of Michigan, has published in the Botanical Gazette some observations on Cortinarius as a Mycorhiza-pro- ducing fungus. The fungi are very few which have been definitely re- ported as belonging to this class—in which the hyphae (mycelium) are in- timately associated with roots of higher plants, and purveyors of nitrogen. We shallquote liberally from this interesting and important paper. “When we come to a consideration of the agarics our knowledge is meager in- deed. Only one investigator, Noack, in 1899, has concerned himself with them. He found that five species of this group were apparently my- corhiza-producers on the forest trees of the locality where he made his observations. Two were Tricholomas; one a Lactarius, and three were Cortinarii. He merely makes the bare statement that they are con- nected with the rootlets by mycelial strands, which he could easily make out. It is very probable that his observations are correct. It seems to be appreciated that we need some investigation to determine what fungus we are dealing with, so that problems which have to do with the physiological side of mycorhiza may be understood more intelligently ; for it is just as likely that knowledge concerning the fungus and its life history may lead to an understanding of the relation of the two organisms as a knowledge of the tree would. It seems worth while, therefore, to re- port the identity of any such mycorhizal fungi whenever the evidence seemed sufficient to make it acceptable. In a previous paper I pointed out that the members of the genus Cortinarius were so constantly found in limited areas, and some species in such close proximity to certain trees, that it seemed likely that there was some connection. This last summer an effort was made to find out to what extent this might be true. The season was wet during the early summer, and although one finds few Cortinarii as a rule before August, several did occur, and one of these proved to be favorable for my purpose. It not only showed beautifully its connection with the tree roots, but turned out to be an undescribed species of Cortinarius. It was found July 4, 1905, on the south slope of a small ravine along the Huron river, near Ann Arbor, in a layer of humus and forest leaves. This species, as is indeed true of some other fleshy fungi, is characterized by its brick-red mycelial strands and stem. By removing the surface soil it was possible to see the brick-red strands inter- twining with the rootlets, apparently in all directions. * * * “But it was soon found that the reddish net-work extended along defi- nite paths. Beginning with a tiny rootlet, the fungus was followed to a rather large root. apparently growing from a hickory. On examination, however, it was found that the mycorhiza-bearing root passed the hickory, and that all the roots of the hickory examined were devoid of a colored mycorhizal fungus. On the other hand, the root in question was now easily traced to a clump of red oaks. * * * “About twenty paces down the slope, another troop of the same species of Cortinarius was found. These came up only 30 cm. away from a fine young sugar maple, and close to one of its main roots. Expecting that they were probably attached to the roots of an oak a short distance March 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 75 309 away, I dug down carefully and found to my surprise that the strands which were very luxuriant here were attached to the rootlets of the StisdGemaple: = +, *) * “An ash, basswood and white oak were examined, but no trace of the fungus found. About 27 dm. from the sugar maple, it was found that some of the strands were apparently attached to a different root. Fol- lowing this up to a clump of red oaks about 54 dm. away, I was again surprised to find that the oak roots in this case were not conected with the fungus at all, but that the root which was followed—which did not have the appearance of an oak root—belonged to a large Celastrus scan- dens which wound around one of the oaks. It was clear that we had an- other symbiont connected with the fungus. * * * “Let it not be supposed that all Cortinarii are mycorhiza-formers, at least normally. Cortinarius armillatus, for example, although very partial to Tsuga canadensis, is usually found among rotten logs or leaf-mold near this tree, and is probably a saprophyte; on the other hand, it has been found growing out of a cleft at the base of one of these hemlock trees. It seems quite likely, however, that a good many Cortinarii are in symbiotic connection in the manner of the one described in this paper. During several seasons’ observations, I have found C. squammulosus, C. bolaris, and C. cinnabarinus again and again in places which would in- dicate some relation to one kind of tree. C. cinnabarinus seems to prefer the qak, the other two the beech. Noack has shown the connection of Cortinarius callisteus with the beech, C. caerulescens with the beech, and C. julmineus with the oak. Others will, no doubt, be added to the list as soon as observers enter this interesting field.” Fig. 237.—Cor-TI-NA’-RIUS RUB’-RI-PES. (C. H. Kauffman.) 310 Mycological Bulletin No. 75 [Vol. V. Fig. 238.—Cor-TI-NA’-RIUS AT-KIN-SO-NI-A’-NUS. (C. H. Kauffman.) The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904), Vol. III. ‘1905) and Vol. [V (1906) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents, No copies remain of Vol. I (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, | pe Sydow, H., Hollis, Bresadola, Massee, Pia alain, CAC e065. ib lec cee tak cntoy se Sc 10 cts. Pacoliorical-bulletm, Voll, 1903... ooo sae os eee tess 50 cts. rs a Sega LOA’, uae Manderinta tp te each 50 cts. og - Ble Ne EGOS. -6 ae. ose Sree heels at's ro SOn-cts. 5 * per Ba i ee i Ree ee Re roe 50 cts e hy EAM ENE VOINME Lean Sa ate ee ee « 25 cts. REICH LS rOGSANY 7s site Riso c's «= vices eos “s sive ead oe ere eS North American Species of Marasmius . (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 50 cts. North American Species of Lepiota (a Monograph by Morgan)............ 50cts Journal of Mycology, Vol 8—1I902............... ... $2.00 : = Bet PH ROOS Base Ws noon 6 oes ae OO = = eet SEO EQOA ro cnn 50st ae Pa dae wes 2 00 rs “4 patter 3) Aes Ken] Pod a RE ete 2 00 as eS eee Pe eG 7 see balorote 2 00 “i “§ Py HGUprONe: VOliaies dae sos ae es . 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio 2 d E di ti of the book which is ‘without doubt the most important and N 1 10n valuable work of its kind.’—Plant World. MUSHROOMS By Prof. GEORGE FRANCIS ATKINSON, of Cornell Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by firs. S. T. Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 illustrations from photographs, including fif- ~ teen colored plates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail $3.23. ) Among the additions in this second edition of Prof. At- kinson’s remarkable book are ten new plates, chapters on ‘“The Uses of Mushrooms” and on ‘‘The Cultivation of Mush- rooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs. : THE NATION said of the first edition “If Prof. Atkinson would fill in the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he wonld win the gratitude of every amateur and professional mycologist in the country. (This second edition is the one now issued.) Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application. HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 29 W. 23rd St., NEW YORK When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Supplies for the Botanist Tripod Dissecting Microscope A convenient and portable instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a $3.25 crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier So | This magnifier gives clear | = IS and perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $1.50 mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, N. Y. New York -- Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE ~ Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never fatled to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and _ prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. | Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture “spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A. Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on “MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. |American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL; MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. See eA Ree PERRET E SERRE RECO ETTLAE SERA EE I BRIER AERA ERIE ERIE ERIE ITE AIR ERIE AAA This space is owned by THE TERRY ENGRAVING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO bt Re ee ee ee ted dtb abe e-ee-t-a-o-O-4 PRE AMERARIR RAM ERIK AAI IERIE EIR AR IR ER = When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Oe ee VOL. V. APRIL, 1907 NO. 76 = SS MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT _THE POSTOFFICE AT CoLumBus, Ouro, ; Edited and Published by ot Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio Nine Mushrooms. Weight four pounds. Grown from Pure Culture Spawn: : Mushrooms. “Wait till you see it is a good thing, but don’t wait till every- one sees it. You will then be too late.” ; Did you ever think just what is expressed in those words? Did you ever think of them in connection with mushrooms? Think of MUSHROOM GROWING—a coming industry in America. We tell you more about it in our booklet. We also give you some interesting facts about PURE CULTURE SPAWN. They’re yours on request. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. 609 W. Fourth St., Factory: Pacific, Mo. ‘CINCINNATI, OHIO When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. the Botanist - Tripod Dissecting Microscope A convenient and portable instru- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. ART Le ae ie vee ky Vp eae TY ys ee Warde ; Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a $3.25 crown lens cemented between two ‘flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier This magnifier gives clear aaa) and perfect definition. The | pmeter 3-4 IN. $1.50 Mountings are neatly finished aie ; and nickeled. . ° SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS | Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, N. Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco e = a When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. FOR. SALE. Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent ‘Mycclogisae Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, P., Sydow, H., Hollis, Bresadola, Massee, Bubak, Salmon, “each. <0 7s0., as. bee ee ees 10 cts. Mycological Bulletin, Vol. te iG0ge es a ee 50 cts. as II, 1.06 71 Reptee ae SePa na Sar 50 cts. ‘3 2 = II, EQOS Ss aw vee ne cee 50 cts S % 6 Se EL AO O0%s. «cetera sas eee ".. 50 cts & S> = IC yrrent< VONIMe . sie. o eee 25 cts Mycolovical> Glossary: s.G2 ces o. 2 == hue se ace aati . 25 cts North American Species of Marasmius (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 50 cts. North American Species of Lepiota (a Monograph by Morgan)... 50cts Journal of Mycology, Vol’ Be3602 235 20 Ses tek ee $2 00 7d SQ 1003... .a4 ames ss +. Be Resog a i USGA OOAT os Sara ae ema 2 00 % Droste MOSEL TOS dd as oad ss ee ee 2 00 S Eee 0 pra hl RO ee Re eS oi 2 00 . = pS SCULTENt VOL eo: peewee ee 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio ? d E di ti of the book which is ‘‘without doubt the most important and 4] 1 10n valuable work of its kind.”— Plant World. MUSHROOMS. By Prof. GEORGE FRANCIS ATKINSON, of Cornell Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by firs. S. T. Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 illustrations from photographs, including fif- ere ape plates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail Among the additions in this second edition of Prof: At- kinson’s remarkable book are ten new plates, chapters on ‘‘The Uses of Mushrooms” and on ‘‘The Cultivation of Mush- rooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs. THE NATION said of the first edition “If Prof. Atkinson would fillin the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he wonld win the gratitude of every amateur and professional mycologist in the country. (This second “edition is the one now issued.) ’ Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application. HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 29 W, 23rd St., NEW YORK When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. R 22 1907 Mycological Bulletin No. 76 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, April, 1907. KAUFFMAN’S ARTICLE AND ILLUSTRATIONS CON- CLUDED, We devote this number to a note on Kauffman’s Key to Cor- tinarius and some of his illustrations that appeared first in the LIBRARY Torrey Bulletin. NEW YOR BOTANICA oo GARDEN THE GENUS CORTINARIUS WITH KEY TO THE SPECIES. BY C. H. KAUFFMAN. The editor of the Journal has asked me to furnish an account of the genus Cortinarius with Key to the species. What follows is given in re- sponse to this invitation. I desire to call attention to what was published in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, based mainly on my study of the species found at Ithaca, N. Y. The cuts prepared for the illustra- tions then have been kindly loaned for use here. I quote from the same article the following: “It is absolutely useless to pick up an old, dried specimen of Cor- finarius, and ask any one to recognize it. Once in a while some easily known plant may be recognized in that way, but in the majority of cases old plants of different species look so much alike that it is mere guessing to say anything about them. The first thing to remember is that young, unexpanded plants must be examined as well as mature ones. Next a careful description must be made, with special reference to the difference in the color of the gills in the young and old plants. Then a similar com- parison of the color of pileus and stem; and then a search for an annulus or universal veil, and its character. Finally, a careful test of the pileus and stem for gluten or viscidity. (One must remember that old, dry plants may lose this character.) These points are absolutely essential. Tn addition to the above, the following characters are often useful: the shape of the pileus; the size of the parts; the smoothness of the surface of pileus and stem; the character of the edge of the gills; the nature of the bulbous base of the stem; the appearance of the flesh. In fact, the notes cannot be too full, provided they contain the essential facts men- tioned first.” (Bulletin of tne Torrey Botanical Club.) Ole Vic [V Mycological Bulletin No. 76 ‘yneyy VIOSIGINA SAIYVNILYOD— “68S SIL] April, 1907 | Mycological Bulletin No. 76 313 THE KEY. The key which is here presented is a revision, with many additions, of the key printed in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club, June, 1905. It is based on the study of fresh plants; but there have been added a few which the writer has not seen, but which have characters so easily recognized, and so different from others, that they were thought worthy of inclusion. This key, like its predecessor, necessarily has many short- comings. As long as we are not sure what American plants are really identical with European ones, and so long as good figures or photographs of the species described for North America, are lacking, we are easily able to mistake the meanings of the descriptions, which are often of the very briefest. Hence this list is merely offered as a slight forward step towards opening up for amateurs the study of this interesting genus. Six species, which the writer believes to be undescribed, have been included, although their. descriptions have not yet been published. All of them have been collected or been received from various places more than once, and by inserting them in the key, we may be able to help those who continue to come across them. It is hoped soon to publish de- scriptions of them elsewhere. It is to be noted that the key has been built largely on the size of the spores. This will necessitate, it is hoped, the study of the plant under the microscope, and so initiate the beginner at once into the proper study of these fungi. We know that two different species of mushrooms have again and again been placed under one name because of similar external appearances, when an examination of the spores would have shown a difference of as much as 8 microns in some cases. In deciding on the size of spores, the measurement of mature spores only should be taken, which may be recognized by the dark wall or the roughness of the exospore; even in plants with yellowish spores a difference between young and ma- ture spores can be made out. KEY TO THE COMMON SPECIES OF CORTINARIUS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. A. Pileus with a gelatinous cuticle, more or less viscid or glutinous when moist, as is also the stem in some species. (Myxacium and Phleg- macium. ) METIS MCOALSELY v COLITIS ALC, % ses aiercxeisR as ffoe.e 2% +. < tue toe C. corrugatus Pk. aa. Pileus not coarsely corrugate b. Surface of pileus or flesh distinctly bitter c. Pileus yellow d. Glutinous when young, very bitter; stem white C. amarus PR. C. vibratilis Fr. dd. Not glutinous; stem and gills citron yellow; flesh rather bitters sporesel dol yx 1-Oess eee ne C. turbinoides sp. nov. ec. Pileus dark olivaceous to fuliginous, surface bitter.... ORR Ret otitis FOE Pn Uo RO eee: C. infractus Fr. bb. Taste not distinctly bitter c. Spores large, 9-164 long d. Stem short, subequal or marginate-bulbous, spores 9-124 long. e. Pileus heliotrope-purple; gills close, narrow and concolor ; Plant anedtume SIZe- see maaeeeys ce ate akrs ya C. heliotropicus Pk. ee. Pileus some shade of yellow or greenish f.- Gills whitish at first; pileus tinged greenish; stem not. bul- OMS shana s melee oo itn aoe ree C. olivaceo-stramineus Kauff. ff. Gills yellow to yellowish at first; stem marginate-bulbous ge. Bulb top-shaped; gills entire; flesh white......... C. turbinatus Fr. gg. Bulb truncate below; gills eroded, flesh yellow; whole plant SGA cel I oy: a AEE ar A ee ol C. sulfurinus Ouel [Vol. V. fis) ~ ulletin No. ? 2 icological FE My 314 “pues YOTOIOAIOND SAIMVNILYON—OFS “BLL April, 1907 | Mycological Bulletin No. 76 315 eee. Pileus whitish, no greenish tinge f. Stem marginate-bulbous; plant whitish throughout..C. albidus Pk. ff. Stem equal to subequal; pileus ‘whitish or tinged red...... Sorc. O pS CHOIEA SOS GOCE. NEL ER a ce eine eet C. communis Pk. dd. Stem long and bulbous; gills and stem violaceous at first. e. Spores 10-12.54 long; pileus pale brown; on sphagnum.. BG VCD DIGS G CEES SRO DR eeR IG ty he ete DAE C. sphagnophilus Pk. ee. Spores 13-16 long; pileus yellow; in woods........... no Gib BAIA SPOON Bete orks: AER ee C. Atkinsonianus Kauft. ddd. Stem not bulbous, long and cylindrical, plant more or less glutinous e. Stem with evanescent, patch-like scales Pe Giilcepalid sat 6st seri sthecn a. Of aes C. elatior pallidifolius Pk. Heeen Ertl SeyAGlACEOUspateniiGter ete ht. erect eas C. cylindripes Kauff. ee. Stem with broken, concentric rings of floccose scales, usually SOMME Wai ia LLOnvedmat DASE 5.) tn leks «eco eee ater C collinitus Fr. cc. Spores smaller, 6-94 long d. Pileus olivaceous, stem bulbous e. Universal veil present; spores 8-94 long....C.olivaceoides sp. nov. ee. No, remains of a universal veil; spores 6-7“ long.C. olivaceus Pk. dd. Pileus violaceous or purple, or at least tinged violaceous e. Fileus glutinous when young and moist. The Key of which the above is a small portion, will be con- cluded in the May Bulletin. It is also printed entire in pamphlet form for sale. Fig. 241.—CoRTINARIUS DECEPTIVUS Kauff, Mycological Bulletin No. 76 Vol V.] Kauff. CoRTINARIUS STERILIS 242. Fig. April, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 76 317 Kauff. 243.—CORTINARIUS OLIVACEO-STRAMINEUS Fig. 318 Mycological Bulletin No. 76 [Vol We Fig. 244.—CoRTINARIUS CYLINDRIPES Kauft. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904), Vol. III. ‘1905) and Vol. [V (1906) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents, No copies remain of Vol. 1/1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $7 5.00 BECAUSE The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and |. workmanship ‘The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. ee ings eas Saar in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was _ when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now- ° Portraits, Buildings Machinery, Live Stock . ENGRAVING | Advertising Cuts COMPANY |. Stationery Headings 7 Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books Anprews’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round................000- $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 Apoar’s (E: A. &:A:.C:)’ New Plant Analysis:2i Ao: soe cee ae 55 CuHapMAN’s Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 CouLTer’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains....... (32) ig GrAy’s, Lessons sin: Botany < 47205 . Oo. meme eee Lee en Eee oie vee Ontlines.of Botany: (Leavitt)it nk Niue e.ee Soe ee 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 The same, .. With Manual’ of Botany 0. 3 ses banc eben Sec osae 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flora only ........... ¢ oAieieletes lipae School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 Manual of Botany.” Flora only. o2 0.3 ne ee take a 1 62 The same.) Tourist’s jBdition. gos.) 23 ss ai ee eee ee 2 00 Lessons and, Manual... One -voltimesJ..5...¢ 00.2 os Ua acid wale Oe eee 2 16 - Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: x Vol., L.,-Structural Botany (Gray): .di2.5uhs0c. koa oo eee ‘. 2-00 Vol. IIL, Physiological Botany (Goodale)..... Nico Sahih sce plate See a 2 00 Gray & Couter’s Text-Book of Western Botany.....:.........-<- 2 16 Leavitr's: ‘Outlinesof Botany, iu; 2275.7 ia ec bok vas ba Re ee 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s Manual of Botany...................: 2.25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany............-+ss0e eee c Lessons in‘ Botany, 75200 ij.. oo5 1 OS en oe Ga eee 90 New American ‘Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. — an oY Av Pity LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE Mushroom - Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never fatled to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and_prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ‘ ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A. Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream), FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on “MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. semer tA: ing advertis: When answer NO. 77 -MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT CoL_umBus, OHIo. Edited and Published by oat Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio Supplies for & the Botanist Tipe Dissecting Microscope | A convenient and portable instru-- ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the $ .30 lens may be unscrewed and used as a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. © Triple Aplanats : This magnifier consists of a $3.25 crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier This magnifier gives clear Bi) sige Sand perfect definition. The DIAMETER, 3-4 IN $1.50 mountings are neatly finished ; and nickeled. | SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, N. Y. New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention’ Mycological Bulletin. - “when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they Bre COCaD ow. . Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY _ Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, a OHIO [ak _ We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication < Standard Botanical Text Books a -Anprews’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round.................... $1 00 -_ The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 meaPGaRs (FA. & A.C.) New Plant:Analysis..:.....20c... ce ises 55 - CuHapMaAn’s Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 = Coutter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains... cae = 1 62 ee LOOceGns. 11) DOtany , x= - Meme oe. a ae oe as Ph oes aged ee 94 ~ Outlines of Botany (Leavitt) .............5- 2. eset eee eee eee 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 »_ The same. With Manual of Weta . ; ..fatawtts Clee: cece es 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flora only ........... s+seeees 1 44 oh School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 ae Manual ot Botany... FlOTa VOU Veaweaieas «> <. Saas 6 Ripe tees teks je 8 1 62 Baa Malte. Satte; >. LOunIst S > BUIMON teased Gale...» cs ESE REL SET at ness 2 00 m= Lessons and Manual. One volume: i. ce... sss ess ccccecccesecees 2 16 _Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: 2 mee 1 Structural Botany “CGray) ies sees « «+o 'se ee vee see ey doe veo 2 00 Vol. Il, Physiolosical Botany, (Goodale)... i... otv cgdw ce awe case 0% 2 00 _ Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western-Botany. :... 5. ii... ssc, 2 16 near SU urthines Of BOtany 2. .ccipwratumrsais sve rat hewuhenewetoees 1 00 ~The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s Manual of HPOUATLY .-2¥ see ew hes cali 2 25 » Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons tn Botany............+-.+-+e++- 1 00 MST SOCAN aoa oH os 0 cite gisinis Gaeta S > ob ee Tu aN Dies ee ed ee EMO 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati ~ When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms. Weight four pounds. Grown from Pure Culture Spawn. Mushrooms. . “Wait till you see it is a good thing, but don’t wait till every- one sees it. You will then be too late.” Did you ever think just what is expressed in those words? Did you ever think of them in connection with mushrooms? Think of MUSHROOM GROWING—a coming industry in America. We tell you more about it in our booklet. We also give you some interesting facts about PURE CULTURE SPAWN. They’re yours on request. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. 609 W. Fourth St., Factory: Pacific, Mo. CINCINNATI, OHIO When answering advertisement mention ‘Mycological Bulletin, ™s ™“~ Mycological Bulletin No. 77 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, May. 1907. LIBRARY NEW YOR SOTANICA GARDEN. fi EDITOR NEEDS LITTLE.SPACE. We print the concluding portion of Mr. Kauffman’s admirable Key to the species of Cortinarius in this number. It can not fail to be very useful to those who have the courage to attack this difficult genus. Our species are so numerous that every one can take a turn at the Key—but we will not be surprised if some of the amateurs or even students later report to us that some things are easier to master than this Key or the species of Cor- tinarius. We are able to furnish an additional diversion also in the presentation of matter that amateurs may not have thought of as in the nature of ‘“Mushrooms”—referring to the article on Moulds by Superintendent Sumstine. But these are Fungi, and the word Mycology includes this interesting group. We will be glad for additional articles and notes by patrons of the BULLETIN. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF CORTINARIUS. (Continued from p. 315.) f. Stem marginate-bulbous; gills very narrow and crowded; whole Plait vaOlACeOUSs latoe enn ie mene. <-o:- C. Michiganensis sp. nov. ff. Stem subequal or clavate; gills subdistant, adnate; whole plant violaceous-purple, medium sige ................. CG 10des-B. oe: Pileus not glutinous f. Flesh and gills turning purple when bruised...C purpurascens Fr. ff. Flesh not turning purple g. Stem marginate-bulbous; pileus yellowish or brownish, tinged WIOlaceOlisesmenitimesizen.eeien.... oa aes oie C. coerulescens Fr. MAY 27 1907 = 320 Mycological Bulletin No. 77 [Vol. V. ge. Stem not marginate-bulbous h. Pileus yellow; gills violaceous to cinnamon; stem white with violaceous apex ......:. C. Berlesianus Sacc. & Cub. (Syn.=C. tricolor Pk.) hha eedlens andivcnlismhilacs plantestaiallle cece ec C. croceo-coerulius (Pers.) Fr. ddd. Pileus with neither olivaceous nor violaceous tints (except the first) e. Pileus glutinous f. Gills olivaceous; pileus brownish-ochraceous..... C. glutinosus Pk. ff. Gills whitish at first Pileusmbay-nedaseee eee ets; Soares C. maculipes Pk. g. ge. Pileus pale ochraceous, spores globose..C. sphacrosporus Pk. fff. Gills violaceous at first, spores as in preceding...C. delibutus Fr. ee. Pileus not glutinous f. Stem marginate-bulbous on (Gills aieninesic waist Bes sgosenscbueeedsre C. multiformis Fr. coeiGillsmatetirsta blimp ramercmriec int. ae eee C. glaucopus Fr. erexer (Gallllsy aye intnsie sSlllONirs 5 choo geo see 6 C. fulgens (Alb. & Schw.) ff. Stem not marginate-bulbous, clavate to subequal g. Gills and stem pallid at first, soon tinged brown h. Pileus watery-cinnamon to brick-red on disk; in woods C. glabrellus sp. nov. hh. Pileus whitish to pale clay-color; in mushroom and flower DedSun nce... 4+ cere eee ee Cee C intrusus PR. gg. Gills and apex of stem violaceous at first, soon brownish C. lanatipes Pk. gge. Gills and pileus drab-gray; viscid universal veil-present C. sterilis Kauff. B. Cuticle of pileus not composed of gelatinous cells, hence never viscid nor gelatinous. [Inoloma, Talamonia, Dermocybe, and Hydrocybe.]| a. Spores 12-16 long b. Pileus rather large, squamulose; whole plant dark violaceous C. violaceus Fr. bb. Pileus small, chestnut color; stem white; spores 16x11M.... C. sericipes Pk. aa. Spores 10-124 long b. Plants small, 2-4 cm. tall c. Pileus hygrophanous, glabrous, bay-red (moist); gills Subrochraceatrsa-vsss.d2s0 «a ethene Ooeene C. badius Pk. ec. Pileus not hygrophanous, densly fibrillose; gills yellow ‘¢ C. aureifolius Pk. bb. Plants larger c. Stem distinctly sheathed or ringed by the universal veil d. Pileus tawny; stem with cinnabar-colored, persistent, con- CEHtHICet INOS cn aot C. armillatus (Alb. & Schw.) dd. Pileus purplish-brown, copper-brown, etc., to drab; stem peronate, i. e., sheathed with a universal veil..C. torvus Fr. C. torvus nobilis Pk. May, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 77 321 ddd. Pileus tinged yellow or rufous; stem peronate and annulate by a white universal veil ...... C. canescens PR. cc. Stem not sheathed or ringed; the universal veil evanescent or absent. d. Pileus hygrophanous, fibrillose-squamulose (like C. paleaceus) e. Pileus dingy chestnut (moist) ; stem long and slender...C. gracilis Pk. ee. Pileus grayish; stem stout and short, bulbous........ C. grieseus Pk. dd. Pileus not hygrophanous, merely silky or innately fibrillose e. Pileus reddish-gray, tinged purplish; gills purple or violaceous; spores HCl e2 Leal Kd ne ete 3s aces MMR Ne, c's ss Sik dhaver scolaire C. pulchrifolius Pk. C. rubrocinereus Pk. ee. Pileus, stem and gills lilac; spores 9-104........ C. lilacinus Pk. eee. Pileus, stem and gills violaceous at first; spores 10-12u long.... C. rimosus Pk. aaa. Spores 4-9” long; if longer, plants are whitish. or violaceous b. Stem and pileus scaly or shreddy c. Scales red (scarlet to vermillion) ec. Scales brown to blackish d. Plant large, watery-spongy, soon dark chocolate colored. C. squamulosus Pk. dd. Plants of medium size, wood-brown....C. pholideus Fr. bb. Stem not scaly. Reet oe ee C. bolaris Fr. c. Stem with more or less persistent annular rings, or peronate d. Plants large, 2-8 cm. or more tall; pileus in proportion e. Pileus watery-cinnemon (moist); gills very distant....C. distans Pk. ee. Pileus buff, ochraceous, clay-colored or tawny f. Gills at first yellow or yellowish ge. Pileus at first buff; stem peronate by the thin universal veil... C. flavifolius Pk. eg. Pileus ochraceous to ferruginous; subannulate............ C. Morrisu Pk. egg. Pileus at first tawny-yellow, with pointed squamules on disk; peronate by tawny-yellow universal veil............ C. annulatus Pk. ff. Gills at first brownish or ochraceous; pileus rufous-ochraceous ome Sporessellipticalts.> 4 eee) cue an heme cr « C. bivelus Fr. ee. Spores spherical, minute, 4-5 diameter ............... C. subbivelus sp. nov. eee. Entire plant saffron-yellow.................... C. croceocolor Kauff. eeee. Pileus some shade of blue or purple when young, buff to tan when old f. Plants stout, umber-purple to buff; pileus punctate; in or near Swamps) wil lange troopss=.aemee es nit ams C. umidicola Kauff. ff. Mature plants rather slender; pileus fawn-colored, tinged lav- ender when young, not punctate; common in hemlock woods.... C. deceptivus Kauff. dd. Plants small, svbannulate; pileus less than 3-4 cm. broad e. Piteus fuscous, covered with white villose fibrils.................. C. paleaceus (Weinm.) Fr. ee. Pileus not villose-squamulose, cinnamon to chestnut color “I 322 Mycological Bulletin No. 7 [Vol. V. tf Gills and stem violaceousmatwimhstes ss eee C. subflexipes Pk. ff. Gills and stem pallid to brownish g. On rotten wood; pileus watery cinnamon..C. ligniarius Pk. ge, On ground or moss; pileus bay to chestnut brown; EhOvOMEUNTIS Cninsinl GSH, So goeooaeoodose C. castaneoides Pk. c. Stem with no annulus, or annulus evanescent d. Stem bulbous or clavate e. Bulb depressed-marginate; gills heliotrope purple when young........ C. obliquus Pk. io} Q ee. Bulb clavate to subclavate f. Color of plant lilac to violaceous-white ge. Plants of medium size, violet tinge evanescent, never yel- loWiShaeer er secctnn perth « Sac e C. alboviolaceus (Pers.) Fr. eg. Plants medium to large, lilac tinge persistent..C. lilacinus Pk. gee. Plants medium to small, violaceous to cinereous, tinged yelloweOre DROWiAlbetatedt. «-s1edoes ose eee C. simulans Pk. ff. Color of plant deep chrome, unchanging........ C. callisteus Fr. fff. Color of plant watery-cinnamon or rufous-cinnamon (moist) eg. Stem. whitish, pileus rufous-cinnamon to tan; not hygro- DINATIOUSiare reer pees eae No C. subsalmoneus sp. nov. eg. Stem red; pileus hygrophanous, pinkish-ochraceous (dry).. C. rubipes Kauff. dd. Stem subequal or tapering downward e. Pileus distinctly hygrophanous f. Plant small; pileus 2 cm. broad or less eg. Gills and stem violaceous when young li “Stem! stout «smooth spores = 79s lOngnas satel reiient eens C. castaneus (Bull.) Fr. hh. Stem slender; spores 6-7# long i. Gills and stem pale reddish violaceous at first; pileus blackish-brown; in woods.......... C. subflexipes Pk. ii. Gills dark-violaceous at first; pileus fuscous, tinged violaceous; on sphagnum...... C. fuscoviolaceus Pk. ge. Gills ochraceous, pale; stem whitish, not slender.......... C. pulcher Pk. ff. Pileus broader than 2 ¢m. g.. Pilevs tawny orange to cimmamon; stem) pale... eee C. armeniacus (Schaeff.) Fr. ge. Pileus wetery-cinnamon; gills very distant....C. distans Pk. gge. Pilevs and stem pale lavender; stem long and atten- (HRE=1 {0 Es 77 he RRP EERE Perce bia Osa C. everneus Fr, ee. Pileus not hygrophanous f. Pileus chestnut or cinnamon color eg. Stem whitish, soon dingy to brownish....C. castanellus Pk. ee, Stem yellow, no oblivaceous tinge Hv GullSwateminsumyell Ovyieetneanie anette C. cinnamomeus (L.) Fr. hhe> Gills atitirst tate: Scamlet. (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 30 cts. North American Species of Lepiota Bee % (a Monograph by Morgan) tee 50cts Journal of Mycology, Vol S-— 1002. ; 5 aa var $2 00- = O—1903... 8.50 ss nats Faces ei eae 55 ze ot I OOF aes Se oak sy aes va ie Oe ss £ SS = FE—19O05 seks s « ware le aca gos ec , ae e £21906: ee OB ee a With: Manal/ Gk OLA tars ot weersten trae oft iene siepe spe) s!e 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flora only ........... .....% vue 1 44 School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 Margalit. of ubotaty. - Blora only spent vacates ie sie stale Be gids cectie che 1 62 hee same.) \ LOUurist’S! Fditione sure ob ek weer G ete or ises gravus 2 00 escsonsatdy Manuals One’ volume tate secs-e ai: icia's opeiel steve are viata colores 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: , Wali othictural. Botany \( Gtav) ree. aie aera Saree eh eee ls» <6 2 00 Wol, Il.,. Physiological Botany’ (Goodale) &. 222... tote ek eet wee 2 00 Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western Botany.................. 2 16 PeeAUCRTES MOutlines Of BORAT Y seca tere a .cluaiem iar Maw G nldie vies, altjcre’s,ete 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 spies, Same. . WitheGray’s) Mantial sor Botany: Gace ce soe eticcia cs 2'25 Woon's (Alphonso) ObyectsMessons ime BOtaw yi wis cteaya oie stoves siete sine «se 1 00 BeaseS\/i1n BOtAny.'. co's « hak MelelaePa mele MACs tvs cays Bdials hie wh alo ee 6 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms. Weight four pounds. Grown from Pure Culture Spawn. Mushrooms. “Wait till you see it is a good thing, but don’t wait till every- one sees it. You will then be too late.” Did you ever think just what is expressed in those words? Did you ever think of them in connection with mushrooms? Think of MUSHROOM GROWING—a coming industry in America. We tell you more about it in our booklet. We also give you some interesting facts about PURE CULTURE SPAWN. They’re yours on request. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. 609 W. Fourth St., Factory: Pacific, Mo. CINCINNATI, OHIO When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Mycological Bulletin No. 79 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, July, 1907. LIBRARY NEW YORK A PHALLUS NUMBER. ROTANICAL Professor W. H. Long of the State Normal School, Denton, “** 0%. Texas, has published in a recent Number of the Journal of My- cology, an extended account of the Phalloideae or Stink-horns of Texas, illustrated by several half-tone illustrations of the species. We devote this number of the Bulletin to this subject, reproducing Professor Long’s plates, and a fair portion of the interesting text of the article. THE PHALLOIDEAE OF TEXAS. BY WILLIAM H. Lona. The fall of 1902 was unusually wet for this State and cold weather was late in coming, as. our first good frost did not occur until Nov. 22. Such climatic conditions brought forth a wealth of fungi; the Basidio- mycetes and Gastromycetes being especially abundant. It was the good fortune of the writer to collect and have photographed five species of that unique and interesting group of Gastromycetes—the Phalloids. In an old sandy field, that had not been ploughed for seven or eight months, four species were found, viz: Mutinus caninus, Phallus rubicundus, Phallus impudicus var. imperialis, and Simblum sphaerocephalum. This field was on the north slope of a hill that was originally covered with post oak (Quercus minor) and black jack (Q. nigra), but the trees had been cut cff for some years and the old stumps were *‘u various stages of deeay. At the base and in the immediate vicinity of these rotting stumps the plants mentioned were usually found. On the margin of this field in the grassy unbroken sod Simblum texense was collected. This field was planted in wheat in the fall of 1901 and was used as a pasture for cattle during 192. Nearly all of the photographs secured were taken by a local photograph- er on cloudy days and in some instances when the rain was falling, as this group will not admit of delay if photographs of the freshly expanded nts are desired. Some here reproduced therefore do not show details well as could be desired. UL 23 Be [Volt ve Mycological Bulletin No. 79 336 ‘sexay, ‘3Uu0T ‘EE ‘M ‘J04q ‘“(@) S339 wWosZ UMOIS (T[) S}UL[Q ‘SIT-,V-Id-dd WI “IBA SND-Id-,Ad-WI SO1-,IVHQ—'EEs “SI July, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 79 337 The abundance of material at hand of some species made it possible for tke writer to determine the relative values of the various characters of a given species. The following characters were found to be constant for any given species, viz: Color of stipe, pileus and eggs, surface markings of cap, structure of stipe as to number, shape and openings of the chambers; variable characters were: Shepe of both stipe and pileus within narrow limits, presence or absence of a veil, size of stipe and cap and shape and size or eggs. Take the cap of Phallus impudicus for instance. It was invariably white and strongly reticulate, but its size and shape was very variable, in some plants being very unsymmetrical but more or less conic to cam- panulate but even in specimens only two inches tall the surface had the characteristic crests and ridges. On some specimens no veil could be detected, while on others there was a strongly developed veil, but this point will be discussed more in detail later in this article. In Simblum texense the variation in shape and size of pileus and stipe was very marked; the stipe being cylindrical, fusiform, clavate, attenuate downward or upward, terete or angular, while its color and structure was constant; the pileus likewise was very variable as to shape and size, some specimens beirg deeply constricted at juncture of pileus and stipe, while in others there was no constriction. Some had the Simblum characters well defined, while others looked more like a Lysurus with short arms than a Simblum. Indeed it is difficult to determine the genus of this plant from the ordinary field specimens. The first specimens found of Phallus impudicus var. impertalis, con- sisted of two separate bunckes of eggs. One bunch of four eggs from a common rhizomorph, the other of eight plants, also from a common root. All of the eggs in the first group were infested by the larvae of some unknown fly (Muscidae), also several eggs in the second group. This is the first instance to the writer’s knowledge of an insect attacking the eggs of any of the Phalloids, although it is well known that various species of flies (Muscidae) eagerly suck the syrupy mass of spores as the gleba deliquesces. by this means the wider distribution of the spores is accomplished ; while the passage through the digestive tube of the fly may aid in the germination of the spores. A miscroscopic examination of the excreta frem tke flies that are feeding on the deliquescent gleba shows it to be composed largely of spores, apparently unharmed. This syrupy mass acts on them like a dose of salts, producing a kind of diarrhoea. A third insect was fourd feeding on all the Phalloids except Simblum tex species of durg beetle or “tumble bug” (Geotrupes opacus Hald.). The beetles first attack the stipe. One was found on the stipe of Phallus impudicus eating a circle around it, thereby cutting it down; its mate was at the base of the plant, busily engaged in digging a hole in tke ground; when the stipe fell both beetles attacked it. This species of dung beetle apparently makes no balls but digs holes under tke mass of durg on which they may be feeding. It is interesting to note that the same process was followed while feeding on the Phalloids. ‘Lhey eat the stipe down to the ground but do not attack the volva; the entire stipe and cap was often devoured so that nothing was left but the stump of the stipe in the volva and the numerous holes that the beetles bad dug near by. I found specimens of Phallus rubicundus, Phallus im- pudicus, Mutinus caninus, and Simblum sphaerocephalum, all attacked and eaten by this beetle, but strange to say, not one plant of the many speci- mens found of Simblum texense was eaten—probably because this plant has not tke foetid odour so characteristic of this group. ole Wi [V tin No. 79 ulle > 2 colog ical Ff My 4 ‘sexay, ‘Buoy “H “M Ud ‘(F) S[laA Butrmoys sjuefd pue (g) sjued yeordA 7, “SIT-,V-Iu-dd-WI “IBA SN9-Id-,Nd-WI SV1-,1VHg—'F&z ‘BL July, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 79 339 At one time |] had about one hundred and fifty to two hundred eggs of the various species of Phalloids in my “incubator” and during the course of their expansion it was noticed that cold had a marked effect on the elongation of the stipe—in all cases checking it; and when the thermometer was below or near freezing point stopping all elongation. This was so marked that I had to resort to artificial heat to get some of my eggs to expand. This indicates that the elongation of the stipe or receptaculum is a growth process as adv anced by: Errera and Burt. The large number of eggs of the various species of Phalloids that I col- lected, together with the cool weather during November, forced me to devise some means whereby I could with little trouble hatch them, as there was no hot house convenient. At first, I used with fairly good success the following plan. I took a pine box one and a half to two feet deep and covered the bottom with clean white sand to the depth of eight to ten inches. The eggs were then washed and wrapped with tissue paper, leaving only the upper part free; they were then put into holes in the sand with only the upper and free surface exposed, the sand being previously thoroughly wetted. The box was then covered with glass and placed near a wood stove and every eight or twelve hours—usually once at night and again early next morning, a gallon of water, hot as the hand could stand, was poured over the eggs and on the sand; by this means the sand and the air in the interior of the box was kept warm and moist. Eggs of Phallus impudicus, Phallus rubicundus, Mutinus caninus, and Simblum texense were thus hatched. The writer found great trouble in getting the eggs of Simblum texense to hatch in a moist chamber on account of a species of white mould attacking and destroying them. In warm weather all that is necessary is to keep the sand wet and the box in the sun light with the glass over it. Some sixty to a hundred eggs of Simblum texense were expanded by this means. A careful study of the specimens of Phallus impudicus and Phallus rubicundus, as they were expanding, seems to indicate that Dictyophora is not a good genus. Many of the plants, especially of Phallus impudicus, showed veils of varying degrees of permanercy—from a mere film to one of appreciable thickness, and in every respect, as to texture, size, thick- ness, and position comparable to the so-called veil of Dictyophora ravenelii. This veil in Phallus impudicus and’Phallus rubicundus lies in the un- expanded plant as a zone of tissue next to the stipe. As the stipe elongates this membrane usually ruptures at edge of cap or beneath it, then as elongation continues bands and shreds of it may be left on the stipe. It will be found in one of three places and sometimes in all of them; first, as a veil hanging from top of stipe beneath the cap; second, as a distinct membrane in bands and patches on the stipe; third, as an enveloping sac-like membrane around the base of the stipe inside of the volva; here it seems to be a prolongation of the inner cup-like membrane of the volva that fits closely to the base of the stipe inside of the volva; this membrane like that of Phallus raverelii is not composed of pseudo- parenchyma, but in every other respect it is a true veil. That those species with a persistent, well developed, meshed pseudoparen- chymatovs veil, like Phallus duplicatus, deserve special rank seems not proven—for intergrading forms of more or less persistent and well defined veils are present in many species of Phallus; furthermore, the presence of a well defined veil in Phallus impudicus, the original type of the Phallus genus, would make this genus have as one of its characters a veil and the genus Dictyophora would now be identical in all respects to Phallus and would therefore be reduced to synonomy. The veils in my specimens were especially pronounced in plants that were slow in opening both in. Phallus impudicus and Phallus rubicundus We [Vol. Mycological Bulletin No. 79 ‘sexay ‘8u0T “H “M ‘40d °(6) SMN-,IN-VO SON-,IL-AW pue /%) SNa-,NOD-Ig-N4 SAT-,IWHG—~G¢ July, 1907 | Mycological Bulletin No. 79 341 Those eggs that had been some three or four weeks in the “incubator” usually hed thicker and more permanent veils than those that opened two or three days after collecting, while those found in the open fields had veils well developed if eggs opened during rainy weather. Also those plants that opened after cold weather c>me had veils. Specimens of Phallus ruticurdus collected at Austin, Texas, during April. May and June, have no sign of a veil of any kind, not even the alcoholic material (of which I have some ten to fifteen specimers), shows any trace of a veil: Considering these facts, it would seem that this layer of tissue that some- times tears lose and forms a veil and sometimes does not, acts as an organ of nutrition in which is stored, or through which passes, food to be used hy the stipe and cap; if this be the case, then in warm, damp weather the maturing stipe and cap would use most of this in their de- velopment, so that et elongation of plant no real veil would appear. In otter words, it would cline to the under side of the cap and to the inner surface of the volva; but if the amount of water during the growing sea- son was in excess of the quentity usually present, then this tissue with others would be more strongly developed than normally and. therefore, would be more likely to appear as a veil at maturity of the plant; or if from any cause, as cold, removal from earth, etc., the later develonment of plant should be checked, then this tissue would appear as a veil: this is only an bynotkesis, the proof of which remains yet to be worked out. At eny rate the fact) remains that in these two species the veil may or may not be present, and when present may be a mere thin membrane or ore of appreciable thickness and permanency that will and does persist when the plants are dried or when kept in fluids. The presence of a veil on Phallus imprvdicus has been noted and discussed before by Van Bambeke, also by Ed. Fischer. Phallus impudicus, J. var. imberialis, Schw. This was our -most abundant Phallus in the Fall of 1992. It was first collected October the twentieth ard snecimers were found from then till the middle of January, 1903. On Cctoker the twentieth the two large bunches of ergs were found in a lew, demn nlace, rich in vegetable debris. one bunch was so badly eaten by the fly larve that none of the eegs hatched, but two of the egos of the Jarger hunch hatched. This bunch is seen in photograph No. 1, then No. 2 shows it with two eggs hatched, and some had been re- moved from burch beirg destroyed by the larve. Fig. 253— Group of 8 eggs of Phallus impudicvs var. imperialis from a common rhizomorph (2); and expanded plants from group of same. Vig. 254—Phallvs impudicus var. imperialis, typical plants (3); also plents showing veils; the middle nlant a dried specimen with veils still pendent below pileus. (4). Fig. 255.—Phallus rubicundus, showing rugosity of pileus; all specimens from Austin, Texas, and alcoholic material (5); Mutinus caninus (9). Fig 256.—Phallus rubicundus, ron perforate plant (6); plants showing shreds of veil on stipes and one plant perforate (7); plants showing veil at base of pileus and remnant of volva at apex (S> (Excerpt from Journal of Mycology.) Wo [ Vol. Mycological Bulletin No. 7 5 ‘sexay, ‘su0’] ‘A “MA *sand-,NN9-1d-O4 SOT ,TaVg—9o7 “SIA \Supplies for the Botanist Sse «lripod Dissecting Microscope j-—~—~. ae A convenient and portable instru- . ment for botanists, as it can be used for dissection when mounted, or the lens may be unscrewed and used as $ .30 a pocket glass. It gives a large, clear image. Triple Aplanats This magnifier consists of a crown lens cemented between two flint lenses and is thoroughly achromatic. It gives clear, flat images, free from distortion. The mountings are German silver, nickel plated. Coddington Magnifier This magnifier gives clear and perfect definition. The mountings are neatly finished and nickeled. SEND FOR BOOKLET OF MAGNIFIERS AND READERS Bausch & Lomb Optical Co. Rochester, N. Y. i ie DIAMETER, 3-4 IN. $1.50 New York - Boston - Washington - Chicago - San Francisco When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from. selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never failed to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and_ selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and _ prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A. Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on “MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Sydow, P., Sydow, H., Hollis, Bresadola, Massee, EEDA maton, Gack iY. aol ida soa Sa) 10 cts Miveolocical Bulletin: Vol.’ Bir toos ses Oo viscesys veleers a ob 50 cts. 4 i; egg FLIP 6 Mame ig AR Cot a 50 cts. i TNE OO skreih js waarsvalase gs oat sa’ le'e 50 cts va a CT RN LOO SL Me Meanii tana NMG 50 cts ie ye Out FenpewaneMmtes hu eal Pics alate 25 cts MEO NOTICAL CrlOSSAT Ys! fuk! cane idiais Gah cl ephie Patiala wawt ly a/b 25 cts North American Species of Marasmius . (a Monograph by Morgan).............. 50 cts North American Species of Lepiota (a Monograph by Morgan)............ 50cts Jourhal \of. Mycology; Vol 8-=1902 2.0 fis Silay sia we shal $2 00 fF ” Tig tN PE COS ey sacha darcehntal oly. sli ia Abie 2 00 * ui ah MS FOO A brat pe A a5) cite, ale ide! oe 2 00 ‘ ri ORT GB Fyne) (0 8) ae «Cn aA ie a tre 2 00 ‘i ly Pigh oh Le Wer he, UU Rea ae oie SM oy aE Bi 2 00 : : CM GMITRE MEL MOU bce tale sank eteceth 8 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio 2 d E diti of the book which is ‘‘without doubt the most important and n | 10n valuable work of its kind.”— Plant World. MUSHROOMS By Prof. GEORGE FRANCIS ATKINSON, of Cornell Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by firs. S T. Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 illustrations from photographs, including fif- teen colored plates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail $3.23.) Among the additions in this second edition of Prof. At- kinson’s remarkable book are ten new plates, chapters on ‘The Uses of Mushrooms” and on ‘‘The Cultivation of Mush- rooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs. THE NATION said of the first edition “If Prof, Atkinson would fillin the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he wonld win the gratitude of every amateur and professional mycologist in the country. (This second edition is the one now issued.) Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application. HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 29 W. 23rd St., NEW YORK When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE ft) No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”’) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $7 5.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. VOL. V. AUGUST, 1907 NO. 80 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, CoL_umBus, Ouro. Edited and Published by oat Press of VANCE-POLAND CO, W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT _ This space is owned by THE TERRY ENGRAVING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO DECHOSD OOHRS OHO CHOC OOOOH 10h 05 05050505 05050205020205 05050: 0501050105050, 020) SCHOEOHOHOHOHOLOHOEOLOHOHOSOHOHOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHO CHOHCHCHSHOHOHOHOHOHOHOE HOH HHO SE When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. | You Can Use Engravings in your pusiness, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now——_- ———O 29 9 9 « ebnasadodans Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, ‘Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO j ‘ We have a beautiful specimen book 20000 9° which shows the quality of our work, and HOD SESSEIISSS we send it free on request _ WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books Awnprews’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round..................0. $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 mean str. Auk AC) New Plant JAtalvsten eile cle lescé-eei new vidas 2 BD CHAPMAN’S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 Coutter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky IMIGUM tA S 1/4). bcehae's 1 62 PAGS ESSONS:, 1: OLALLY sient. Werahote a eae la itera wb ol aoe tdic oO arcane a eistesecls 94 Mines ot Botany Cl eavitt tee uisi act SMN ee anil city Sen Moet 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 Mie same; < With Mantial. op Botany sicsiic tts sake vented shined pelos 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flo ra only ........... ceeees .. 1 44 School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 Deeb! OF botany: }Ploramanlyr ngs supa mee ceo book as Oa Sarees bere c's 1 62 MeN SAinie: +s LOWULISt Si LGitiOiy «tae e weir aia ok ae clas oath ld Se 2 00 eeeeseans) and Mantial.;One, VOMIMEs did jacWide catenin bike c cubicle deele ce 5c 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: : PMs. Structural, Botany (Gray) oss sav w cdid Oe bala siadiwiee ble cue else 2 00 Vol, II., Physiological Botany (Goodale) .. 0.3.0... cs cece cc eeess 2 00 Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western: Botany...............00- 2°16. emer Ss Outlines OF, BOtANY 14). sie fe oe, cara Aa da idieie ele elaeis v cldlec'eue 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s Manual of Botany...............e.00. 2:25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany...........sceececececs 1 % BREE S FIA DS OCAITY ay s-nid's afetain, Wie are Bieri ais’ AO ctere ele a arolalot . pao crdio sm sew Shes Aecibsa area e Sia, aa aes ASE wm ae we Pre OL SCG AtOUS cst BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. You Can Use Engravings in your pusiness, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now-————— ° GOOESSEIGOESES | Do traits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY |. Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book 29000 0 which shows the quality of our work, and SSSSSBSIIIISTSE we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books ANpREWsS’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round.... 020 ...0.0..0004- $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 RGAR TS (CE AL Ge A. C) New, be lant Analysis a pucdoslvoc sax obs : 55 CHAPMAN'S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 CouLter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains.......... 1 62 RAN Sh .eSCOnS) It? BOLAMY.. osx arin tv bite meaeled eR cer cae alae aire et 94 Winthnes ior, Botany, Cheavitty an: oe cae Moet ae ara aha ian 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 dine, same: With: Manual.of Botative sia rcuduesnatacctied Scat. 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flo ra only ........... .eceeuee 1 44 School and Field Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 mMianials ot” botany.) Elona’ only cick aid se ke See ae els eed 1 62 ie isamer’. Tourists sPidstiOtir im sieve ue Manele ee ee oes oie ne 2 00 lsessons-and, Manual: -Oneyvoluames ice vet por Wetec Bates neo tare 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: . Vols...) Structurals Botanyiit( Grava) usec che on aches tere eee. 2 00 Molar PhystoloricalBotany . (Goodale) auncaaiskae cee otha ee fee 2 00 Gray & CouLTer’s Text-Book of Western Botany...............00. 2 16 eavirn.s’ Outlines: of; Botamy.*; stk Motahes «Oar ca mses s eile eee ees ate bs 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s Manual of Botany................000- 2 25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany................eee0e8. 1 00 WeSsOns 11 Botany iow cians aera ta ete Mae ari cris aia oaalee’s elolceeg 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 78 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention -Mycological Bulletin. FOR SALE falf-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists : Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Mycological Bulletin, Vol. I, 1903.---+-+++++++sseeres 50 cts. “ ft TEE, EQOA Wate a's oats) lend arta eee 50 cts. * rs ST ET TOOG u's to's oa ee oka ie 50 cts. as CM Current volume. ......+-+-eeee eee 25 cts. Mycological Glossary .+..+e-escrereteceere sess ee aces 25 cts Journal of Mycology, Vol 8—1902....-+++++++ss2005 $2 00 Hf f Q—1903. eee eee etree 2 00 sé ry TO—IQO4. os ee eee ences 2 00 “s fs TI—IQO5. 2 ee eee eee ete c ens 2 00 “ a "© “(Gurrent Vol vies th os sees 2 00 Ww. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio 7 1907 i) P Li ea Mycological Bulletin No. 81 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohto, September, 1907. I ast year a paper was published in the Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club, New York, by H. J. Banker, a student of the Hydnums. The treatment amateurs at least would regard as revo- lutionary, and this suggests that a number of the Bulletin be de- voted to the subject as there presented. No illustrations were included in the paper. The substance is given below. NOTES FROM :-MUSHROOM LITERATURE. VII. W. A. KELLERMAN. The paper that will be discussed here is entitled: A Contribution to a Revision of the North American Hydnaceae, by Howard James Banker. It was published as No. 2, Vol. 12, of the Memoirs of the Torrey Botani- cal Club. Professor Banker is the first American botanist to take a hand in the splitting up of the old genus Hydnum. Several European mycologists have undertaken the task, some of their work being accepted in the paper under discussion. After this carving out of the Linnaean genus Hydnum the numerous genera, which Professor Banker recognizes, there remain only six of the American species, namely Hydnum albo-magnum, Hydnum album, Hydnum repandum, Hydnum caespitosum, Hydnum washingtonianum and Hydnum sublamellosum. A “Hydnum” then to be a true Hydnum, must be terrestrial, meso- podous |i. e., with a stipe or stem attached at the middle. of the pileus], and fleshy; the plants are white, red or yellow; and the spores are smooth, not roughened. A list is here compiled to show the new names proposed for the North American species: LIBRAR’ NEW YOt BOTANIC GARDE! 352 Mycological Bulletin No. 81 [Vol. V. : 4 igi teacei Fig. 262. Fuis-tu-11’-NA HE-PAT’-I-cA. DBeefsteak fungus. Edible. This is a soft fleshy, red species belonging to the family Polyporaceae; but the tubes are separate and free—see Vig. 264 of the tubes magnified. It grows in decaying parts as crevices of trees and stumps, from midsummer to early autumn. It is a widely distributed species; rarely common in any region and not often abundant. Photographs were made from specimens collected at Sugar Grove, Ohio. September, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 81. 353 Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum NEW NAMES FOR OLD HYDNUMS as given in Professor Banker’s Monograph abietinum—now given as Hericium laciniatum. adustum—now given as Steccherinum adustum. agaricoides—now given as Steccherinum agaricoides. albonigrum—now given as Phellodon alboniger. atroviride—now given as Sarcodon atroviridis. aurantiacum—now given as Hydnellum floriforme. blackfordae—now given as Sarcodon blackfordae. boreale—now given as Hydnellum suaveolens. brunneo-leucum—now given as Grandiniodes flavum. caput-ursi—now given as Hericium caput-ursi. carbunculus—now given as Hydnellum carbunculus. cervinum—now given as Sarcodon imbricatus. compactum—now given as Hydnellum floriforme. conchiforme—now given as Steccherinum ochraceum. concrescens—now given as Hydnellum concrescens. conigenum—now given as Hydnellum conigenum, coralloides—now given as Hericium coralloides. coriaceo-membranaceum—now given as Phellodon coriaceo-mem- branaceus, Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum Hydnum crispum—now given as Hericium coralloides. cristatum—now given as Sarcodon cristatus. croceum—now given as Hericium croceum. cyathiforme—now given as Phellodon tomentosus. cyaneotinctum—now given as Hydnellum cyaneotinctum. daviesii—now given as Steccherinum ochraceum. delicatum—now given as Phellodon delicatus. discolor—now given as Steccherinum agaricoides. erinaceus—now given as Hericium erinaceus. fasciatum—now given as Phellodon fasciatus. fasciculare—now given as Hericium fasciculare. fennicum—now given as Sarcodon fennicum. ferrugineum—now given as Hydnellum sanguinarium, flabelliforme—now given as Steccherinum rhois. flavum—now given as Grandiniodes flavum. floriforme—now given as Hydnellum floriforme. fuligineo-violaceum—now given as Sarcodon fuligineo-violaceus. glabrescens—now given as Steccherinum reniforme. graveolens—now given as Phellodon graveolens. humidum-—now given as Hydnellum humidum. hybridum—now given as Hydnellum floriforme. imbricatum—now given as Sarcodon imbricatus. laciniatum—now given as Hericium laciniatum. laevigatum—now given as Sarcodon laevigatus. nigrum—now given as Phellodon niger. 354 Mycological Bulletin No. 81 [Vol. V. meee | Fig. 268. VFuis-ru-11’/-NA HE-pPAT’-I-cA. The Beefsteak fungus. The same plant shown in Fig. 262, there the upper, here the lower Side. Unfortunately the tubes forming the fruiting surface cannot be seen, but Fig. 264 shows them plainly. September, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 81. 355 Hydnum ochraceum—now given as Steccherinum ochraceum. Hydnum parasiticum—now given as Steccherinum strigosum. Hydnum plumarium—now given as Steccherinum ochraceum. Hydnum plumarium-—now given as Steccherinum plumarium. Hydnum pulcherrimum—now given as Steccherinum pulcherrimum. Hydnum putidum—now given as Phellodon putidus. Hydnum ramosum—now given as Hericium laciniatum. Hydnum reinforme—now given as Steccherinum reniforme. Hydnum reniforme—now given as Steccherinum reinforme. Hydnum rhois—now given as Steccherinum rhois. Hydnum scabripes—now given as Sarcodon scabripes. Hyduum schiedermayeri—now given as Hericium croceum. Hydnum scrobiculatum—now given as Hydnellum scrobiculatum. Hydnum septentrionale—now given as Steccherinum septentrionale. Hydnum spongiosipes—now given as Hydnellum velutinum. Hydnum stratosum—now given as Leaia stratosa. Hydnum _ strigosum—now given as Steccherinum strigosum. Hydnum suaveolens—-now given as Hydnellum suaveolens. Hydnum tinctorium—now given as Echinodontium tinctorium. Hydnum tomentosum—now given as Phellodon tomentosus. Hydnum vellereum—-now given as Phellodon vellereus. Hydnum velutinum—now given as Hydnellum velutinum. Hydnum zonatum—now given as Hydnellum zonatum. The purpose and nature of the monograph, the general remarks, and the distribution of the Hydnaceae will be given in Professor Banker’s own words, which are as follows: “The following paper is intended to include a revision of all the pileate forms of the family of the Hydnaceae, which have been found on the continent of North America and its adjacent islands north of the Isthmus of Panama. A few resupinate forms have been included by reason of their close relationship to pileate forms, but in general they have been excluded. The reason for this arbitrary limitation of the scope of the work is the impossibility of adequately treating the resupinate forms and referring them to their proper species until such time as the Berkeley types can be thoroughly examined by one familiar with our American plants. “The Hydnaceae represent one of the smaller families of the Basi- diomycetes, there being not more than five hundred known species in the family, and of these not more than two hundred have been reported within the geographical limits of this paper. With a few exceptions the species are not common and generally appear to be quite local in distribution. The task, therefore, of getting suitable material on which to base a revision o1 the family has proved more difficult than was at first anticipated. Nor are the herbaria of collectors as helpful as one would have a right to expect. The published descriptions of species of this family are frequently incomplete and inadequate to fully discriminate the species, so that it is possible often to include several different species under the one descrip- tion. Collectors are inclined to refer specimens according to some con- spicuous feature, such as a scaly pileus or a zonate pileus, and then pay little attention to other apparently minor characters. Owing to the local character of the distribution of these plants, combined with the com- parative rarity with which they are found, few discover that the plants 356 Mycological Bulletin No. 81 [Vol. V. which they are referring to a given species are very different from the plants which others are ‘referring to the same species. Moreover, assum- ing that the species is common ind well known, no field notes are con- sidered necessary. As a result much confusion has arisen in our con- ception of these species. Occasionally mycologists, who have received specimens from all parts of the country, have noted that certain species present remarkable variations, but as the material thus received is usually fragmentary, without suitable notes, and is received only at rare inter- vals, they have generally contented themselves with noting that the form is an unusual one. “In the extensive collections of the New York Botanical Garden, brought together from very many different sources, the confusion in species is very evident. This is conspicuously seen in the forms referred to Hydnum imbricatum L. and H. sonatum Batsch. As to the former species, nearly everything with a scaly pileus has been referred to it, while the latter has been made to include almost everything with a zonate pileus. “While herbarium specimens often clearly show that they represent distinct species, so great is the change that these plants undergo in the process of drying that one rarely feels justified in attempting a descrip- tion of new species from such material without satisfactory field notes. On the other hand, the securing of fresh material or at least of ample and accurate field notes is a difficult and discouraging task. During six years of careful watching for specimens of the H. imbricatum allies, it has been the writer’s fortune to find but two of the scaly-capped forms in the field; likewise but one of the forms commonly referred to H. sonatum, has come within his observation. Of more than forty specimens found in the her- Fig. 264. The tubes forming the fruiting surface of I*1s-Tu-LI’-NA HE-PAT’-I-CA, considerably magnified as shown by the millimeter scale. See Figs. 262 and 263. September, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 81. 357 baria referred to these two species, not one was accompanied by descriptive notes that were ot any value. Yet we have at least a half dozen good species here represented, could the distinctive characters be clearly es- tablished. “The species of this family are not only comparatively rare and local in distribution, but they are often intermittent in appearance. The writer once found three different species in a space not over ten feet square, and a fourth in the same woods a short distance away. But not one of the four was found anywhere in that region in the next four successive years, although the ground was searched over repeatedly each year. DISTRIBUTION. “The geographical distribution of these plants appears to be largely influenced by latitude. But collections of Basidiomycetous fungi from the region west of the Mississipi river have been so few and incomplete that general conclusions respecting distribution in this region can not be confidently drawn. The following areas may be recognized as possessing each a characteristic and somewhat distinctive hydnaceous flora. (1) The northeastern United States south to North Carolina and Tennessee and west to the Great Plains. (2) The Southern States west to Lousiana. (5) The Gulf region including the West Indies and the immediate borders of the Gulf. (4) The north Pacific coast including Oregon and Wash- ington. It seems probable that Canada and northern New England to Greenland may represent another distinct floral distribution, but collections in this region kave been too meager to suggest more than a_ possibility. These remarks on distribution are based on specimens actually seen by the writer, and do not include the various species reported in catalogues and local floras without accompanying specimens. The material examined has come chiefly from the following states: Maine, Massachusetts, Con- necticut, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Alabama, Louisiana, Cuba, Honduras, Oregon, Washington. This study of distribution cannot be satisfactorily supplemented by published local floras, for in consequence of the confused conception of species in this family, such lists are wholly unreliable except when verified by actual specimens, and these are often lacking. A comparison of two collections on which such floras have been based, quickly reveals how utterly untrust- worthy are these lists of species as a means of determining distribution. The plants referred to Hydnum imbricatum by Alabama collectors are totally distinct from the plant referred to the same species by the New Eneland botanists. Professor Earle has noted that Hydnum repandum as collected by him in Connecticut. was a very different thing from the plant of that alliance with which he had been acquainted in Alabama. “Tt is hoped that the present contribution may lead to a clearer con- ception respecting the species of this family and be a means of stimulating a more exact study of the distribution of these plants. It can hardly be expected that all confusion has been removed or that all errors have been avoided. The source of many of our present difficulties is to be traced hack to the work of early European botanists, whose material is either inaccessible or has long since passed into an irrecoverable oblivion. The author believes that in the majority of cases, with respect to the species included in this paper, he has formed a clear conception of them in his ewn mind and has endeavored to present that conception as definitely and distinctly as he was able in the accompanying descriptions and synopses. Whether he has in all cases made an absolutely correct determination, especially in the case of species referred to old European types, he cannot state with complete confidence.” 358 Mycological Bulletin No. 80. [Vol. V. Fig. 265. Po-1e-11’-nus po-ro’-sus. Flora ofbyic Sse so atatacnrer neater ee eee eae 1 62 Thewsame.. Tourist’s ‘Hditivonuiy2 ssh enn taleiokn veo 2 00 Lessons. and ‘Manualt\s!Omne) voltime tye fc ego Sous elevettsha ete eo na 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: ‘ Vol. 13 Sttuctural.Botany)( Gray) ce ees oe tian ede ott eee 2 00 Vol-I1.,Physiological: Botany ’(Goodale)c = 7h .i/ in ems cee een 2 00 Gray & CouLter’s Text-Book of Western Botany.................. 2 16 LEAvitr's: Outlines of Bota ye eis cuir. ctouiee a aha leis voltiretncne rats ra ane 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s: Manual of Botany. ... 7.2...) 40. ce ws 2 25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons Ith, Botany vai ss alee le Recatenek Meno 1 00 Lessons ft Botany anid eves. core suc vate evelali Galata’ aiavotiatai atv slats tere cata eel meats tune 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis) .. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill; Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Meveolosical ‘Bulletin, Vol. 1): 1903...) ss tasks eee eas 50 cts. “ ; se OE ee EEOC Garticscte te seaer ee dead aiarwies 50 cts. “a < PEL AE OOM ow atte s wacs, O78 0 aso Ceas 50 as as fe Gtirrent) VOlnmMeCI ys esi foes Goat 25 cts Memmetacical: GlOSSAary «Soies a0) sta ae isp stein uae 6 Wins oralse sere we, 25 cts Journal of Mycology, Vol 8—I9Q02...........0..-00- $2 00 “ se Re LOO A ste tie ash ecclela Wicehalen 2 00 a ss M her BOA Bina Fare, Bates piapelesy ate 2 00 “ i EE SAL OO ee We ewok baleen 2 00 “ ms SONG TIPEHE ) WA Le erat 5 ooo laa Riri 8 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio This space is owned by THE TERRY ENGRAVING CO.. COLUMBUS, OHIO When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Mycological Bulletin No. 82 IW. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Oluo State University. Columbus, Ohio, October, 1907. MOSTLY AROte TOLY PORT. Though C. G. Lloyd’s Mycological writings are most gener- ally distributed to a wide circle of readers, it is probable that many patrons of the Bullctin do not receive all that he publishes. We LIBRAI therefore think it advisable to reproduce here portions as far as NEW y¢ space permits. BOTANIC GARDE; NOTES FROM MYCOLOGICAL LITERATURE, VIII. W. A. KELLERMAN, Mr. C. G. Lloyd of Cincinnati published Letter No. 10 from Paris, July, 1906, and from this interesting and instructive communication we make the following excerpts: “There have been about twenty-cight hundred polyporoids ‘described,’ not counting the several hundred ‘synonyms’ given by Fries. From the- United States alone there are about five hundred ‘species’ recorded. Fungi are widely distributed plants. The fungi of Europe and the United States are practically the same. We do not question but the larger part of these twenty-eight hundred are synonyms, but it is a large task to find out what they are and to learn the species that are ‘good.’ We shall devote most of our time in the immediate future to work on the European species, for it is self-evident that as the first and most of the work has been done with European species, and as the American species are largely the same, one must first acquire a knowledge of what occurs in Europe in order to be in position to judge as to those of America. “There has been so much changing of names lately in the Polyporii that we feel it well to state our position in this regard. The most and best systematic work on Polyporus was done by Fries. His system and names have been in general use for two generations, and are familiar to wall. We therefore feel that no attempt should be made to change them } excepting in very exceptional cases. It has become quite a fad lately to =} look up dates of synonyms and shuffle the names around on such evidence. © — 360 Mycological Bulletin No. 82. [Vole Epipte. Growing in woods, fields, roadsides ig. 266. Curi-Toc’-y-BE LAC-CA’-TA. Atkinson says, quite easily recognized from the tan color when mature, the gills pink or The character of the gills is evident in Columbus, Ohio, July and other waste places, as Professot1 whitish scurfy cap when young, pale red or purplish, though the spores are white. photograph which was made from specimens collectea nea PH 1907, October, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 82. 361 latest work. As to the extra European species, some two thousand or more, they have been mostly described at four centers—Upsula, Berlin, London, and Paris. There are without question many reduplications of names. The only thing that can be done as I see it is to hunt up and study these specimens where they exist, and then take the first name, unless there are good reasons for not taking it. As to genera, the question is not so simple. The genus Polyporus is too large and should be broken up, but I fell that as much of the old should be retained as possible, particularly the four leading sections with which we are all familiar. Also the allied genera, Trametes, Daedalea, etc., notwithstanding that the same plant often exhibits forms that ‘throw it into another genus.’ The leading ideas of the genera are simple and well known, and no system of classification can be devised that does not have its objections and ‘exceptions.’ “In Europe for the last twenty years there have been three men work- ing on dividing Tourists: dition pa cise yee races aud ketene a0 Spee alte Sane 2 00 Lessons: and: Manual..:One volume i. i03,0 aids ce varea else ae 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: : , Vol. 'K,. Strietural sBotany.7( Grays) Weaitey iced oaktacc eee eee 2 00 Vol If; Physiological Botany:( Goodale yc eis Sikes ete cae etek 2 00 Gray & CouLter’s Text-Book of Western Botany...........2..200 2 16 LEAVITT'S ‘Outlines of, -Botaryastraires sen oe ck = es ana coe Treen 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s Manual of Botany........... Passe A: 2 25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany............... ee eeees 1 00 LQ880N6.'itg _Botatay (oii sty odie sed date toraleta Mass 6 kines one iuselain nat oni Sirsa 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 78 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Ranaw, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Mecolocical: Bulletin; Vola 1 T9OSO. Pane. oie... oe ess 50 cts. ‘ ‘“ Oe Ae QOARE Caititys Bsc> xs» ooo w she v's (50 cts. « + * TN) Qo gett Sis < Se ae 50 cts. fe i Current, volatites ste: oaks iA. es 25 cts. mavcorosical Glossary <.\.2'. astm dale hee aes 25 cts Journal of. Mycology, Vol 8—1902..............00.. $2 00 “ s SRN ORG Ag So 13 PUiiia'e's ow os 2 00 “ gp Coe co's ee 2 00 is : ge aan 2 0 2 00 «“ i pe CARTOON 8... cic eee ess 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio pepererrorerererorororoie! CROHCHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH OS CHOHCHOHOHOHOHOHS:-G SOBQEOEOHCHOOHCHOHOHOOOHOHOHOHOHCHCHCHOHOHOHOHOHCHOHOHOHOHSHOHOHOHOHS OHO SOHOHOHOHCHOHOHCHS This space is owned by THE TERRY ENGRAVING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO pfotbodtbbcbohbeb bobet kta tckkokodeseikebrbed leaenkeh dededendoiopcdeteb 2-0 [950010200207 020020505 050501020: 0,050: 0: 0:0501010101050501010:0102020; When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. ~ = > Mycological Bulletin No. 83 W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, November, 1907. A MODERATE VARLE IY TEES “TIME. We present several specimens of beauty or interest—the striking Calvatia, and the beautiful Sarcoscypha, one of the most charming of the attractive Pezizas, furnished us by the skillful photographer, Mr. G. D. Smith of Akron. We will have oppor- tunity later to see other specimens of his handiwork. Teachers who see these may be interested to know that Mr. Smith will fur- nish copies of his photos at a very moderate price. DESCRIPTION AND PICTURE OF CALVATIA ELATA AND SARCOSCYPHA FLOCCOSA. G. D. SMITH. CALVATIA ELATA. The peridium is globose above and plicate below where it is abruptly contracted into a long stem-like base. The base is slender, cylindrical, and sometimes pitted. When in its prime condition the entire plant is a rich cream color. The cortex consists of a coat of persistent granules or spinules. The inner peridium is white or cream colored becoming brown or olivaceous. The mass of spores and capillitium is usually brown. The threads are very long and branched. Spores are usually globose and even but may be sometimes slightly warted. I found this beautiful specimen last September growing in a sphagnum swamp near Akron, Ohio. The cut shows it natural size. SARCOSCYPHA FLOCCOSA. This species belongs to the Discomycetes and has a long slender stem which broadens out into a slender goblet-shaped cup at the upper end. <> The entire plant outside the cup is covered with short hairs while the rim of the cup is beset with long, strigose hairs. The inside of the cup is a deep red color while the outside of the entire plant is a very delicate pink. The plants photographed are shown natural size and were found growing in a rich shady woods near Aron, Ohio, on July 1, 1907. [367] LIBRA NEW YO BOTANIC GARDE [ Vol, vi Mycological Bulletin No. 83. 368 November, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 83. 369 NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE. IX. W. A. KELLERMAN. The report of the State Botanist, 1906, Charles H. Peck, was published July, 1907, being Bulletin 116, Botany 10, New York State Museum. It can be purchased of the New York State Education Department, Albany, for 35 cents per copy. It is dispensable to every student of our Mush- rooms. These new species by Dr. Peck are included: Amanitopsis pulverulenta, Boletus subpunctipes, Collybia campanella, Cortinarius validipes, Entoloma minus, Flammula expansa, Hygrophorus burnhami, Marasmius phyllophilus, Mycena albogrisea, Omphalia pusillissima, Peckiella hymenii, Pleurotus terrestris, Russula foetentula, Russula modesta, Russula pectinatoides, Tricholoma hirtellum, Phallogaster whitei, Hymenogaster anomalus, Leptonia transformata, Hygrophorus _ ruber, Hygrophorus serotinus. Remarks and observations of a few species are here transcribed. “BoLETUS NIGRELLUS Pk.—A form of this extremely rare species was found in Sand Lake, in which the pileus is yellowish or greenish yellow when fresh, and its flesh as well as the tubes and stems slowly changes to a dingy flesh color and then to black or black where wounded, as in the type. “CANTHARELLUS CANTHARELLUS (ScHw.) Fr—A form of this Mush- room occurred plentifully the past season near Menands. The hymenium was distinctly marked by branches and anastomosing. “PAXILLUS PANUOIDES Fr—A singular form of this species was found by Dr. H. von Schrenk growing on pulp paper that had been stored for a considerable time in an enclosure where there was not much light. Both habitat and place were unusual and evidently had a modifying influence on the character of the specimens. Some of them were four inches long, including the narrowed stem-like base, and two or three inches broad. They were nearly white when fresh, but in drying they gradually assumed a yellowish tint approaching tle normal color of the species. About half dozen pages are devoted to the Edible Fungi, the following being fully described and illustrated by colored plates: Tricholoma hirtellum (new species), Tricholoma nudum, Clitocybe amethystina, Clitocybe ochropurpurea, Russula compacta, Russula earlei, Russula pectinatoides (new species), Russula uncialis, Agaricus micromegathus, Boletus frostii, and Boletus rugosiceps. The New York species of Hygrophorus are described and keys furnished to the species of the three groups into which the genus is divided. Prof. Peck says: “The waxy character of the hymenium is the chief dis- tinguishing character of the genus; the lamellae are usually thick, distant, or sub-distant, and their hymenial surfaces somewhat separable from the trama. Many species with decurrent gills are similar in appearance to species of Clitocybe, but such species may generally be distinguished by their distant lamellae and their viscid pileus and stem.” Forty-two species are included in the monograph. The New York species of Russula, 59 species, are similarly treated. Dr. Peck, after giving the technical description, says: “This genus is closely related to the genus Lactarius, from which it is easily distinguished by the absence of the milky juice. * * * The pileus is destitute of concentric zones, but in the genus Lactarius such markings are frequent. The red colors which are so conspicuous and common in this genus are rarely, if ever, seen in Lactarius. In both genera many species have a mild or an agreeable flavor, and many others have an acrid, hot or peppery taste. This disagreeable flavor is generally destroyed in cooking so that nearly all the species that have been tried have been found to be edible.” A New Navucoria.—tThe illustration shown as Fig. 373, represents a new species recently described by Professor Atkinson in the JoURNAL OF Mycotocy. His statements in full are as follows: 370 Mycological Bulletin No. 83. [Vol. V. Oo Fic. 278. Sar-co-scy’-PHA FLOC-CO’-SA, Picture of a common and_ beautiful Peziza which is described on page 367. Photo by G. D. Smith, Akron, Ohio. - November, 1907 | Mycological Bulletin No. 83. 371 Material received from Prof. W. A. Kellerman and Supt. M. E. Hard, Central Ohio, prove to be undescribed species of fungi. The diagnoses of one of these forms is given below; it is also illustrated by a half-tone from photograph made by the collector. NAUCORIA PALUDOSELLA ATKINSON N. Sp.—Growing on living sphagnum, other mosses and on rotten wood, Sphagnum moor, Buckeye Lake (Cran- berry Island), Ohio, W. A. Kellerman 4464, Sept. 1905, and M. E. Hard and W. A. Kellerman, Oct. 1906. (4916, W. A. K.) Plants 6-8 cm. high; pileus 244-3 cm. broad; stems 3-4 mm. thick. Pileus viscid when moist, convex to expanded, in age somewhat de- pressed, clay color, darker over center, often with appressed clay brown scales with a darker color. Gills raw umber to Mars brown (R), emarginate, adnate, sometimes with a decurrent tooth, easily becoming free. Cystidia on sides of gills none, edge of gills with large hyaline thin- walled cells, subventricose, sometimes nearly cylindrical, abruptly narrowed at each end with a slight sinus around the middle. Spores subovate to subelliptical, smooth, 7-9x4-5 u, fuscous ferruginous, dull ochraceous under microscope. Stem same color as pileus but paler, cartilaginous, floccose from loose threads or in some cases abundant threads over the surface, becoming hollow, base bulbous, the extreme base covered with whitish mycelium. Veil rather thick, floccose, disappearing leaving remnants on stem and margin of pileus when fresh. DESCRIGION: AND ILLUSTRATION OF PECK’S PSATHYRELLA HIRTA. W. A. KELLERMAN. An interesting little Agaric appeared recently in the soil of a bed in the Ohio State University Conservatory. It confined itself to a very small area, the plants usually standing a short distance apart. When young it was very conspicuous hy reason of the rather large tufts of white hairs that completely covered the small pileus. It takes on a deep dull orange color (fourth shade of orange, Prang’s system) when the cap expands, and then the hairs mostly have disappeared. When quite mature none or only traces of the hairs remain—so easily do they vanish especially by application of water, (outside the greenhouse the rain of course would have the same effect.) Specimens of the plant (as No. 4915) were sent to Professor Peck who identified it as a species which he described in the 50th Annual Report of the New York State Museum (1898), p. 107. I quote his description in full: “Psathyrella hirta n. sp.—Pileus thin, hemispherical or convexs, adorned when young with erect or spreading tufts of white, easily deterible and quickly evanescent hairs, hygrophanous, brown or reddish-brown and slightly striatulate when moist, pale grayish-brown or dingy whitish when dry, flesh subconcolorous; lamellae broad; moderately close, adnate and often furnished with a decurrent tooth, at first pallid, becoming blackish- brown or black; stem flexuose, squamose, hollow, shining, white; spores elliptical, black, .0005 to .00055 in. long, .00025 to .0003 broad. “Subcaespitose; pileus 4 to 6 lines broad; stem 1 to 2 in. long to 1 to 1.5 lines thick. “Dung or dungy ground in shaded places. Adirondack mountains. July. “The species has some points of similarity to Psathyra gossypina and P. pennata, but its adnate lamellae and black spores distinguish it from 372 Mycological Bulletin No. 83. [Vol. V. I'tc. 274. Nau-co’-RI-A PAL-U-DO-SEL’-LA. A new species found on Cranberry Island (sphagnum swamp), Buckeye Lake, Central Ohio. See description on other page. November, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 83. 373 both. The hairs of the pileus are coarse and vanish so easily that they are preserved with difficulty in the dried specimens.” (Charles H. Peck.) The illustration, Fig. 276 (on last page), shows plants in various stages of development. The dense floccose tufts are seen plainly on the young specimens, and even on those quite well developed. Specimens in age showing these tufts of hairs most conspicuously were selected for the photograph. From the specimens on the left scarcely any are to be seen. The plants are but 3 cm. high, the caps about one and a half cm. wide, and the stems one to two mm. in diameter. Specimens later were sent to Professor Atkinson, who considers them Deconica atrorufa, (named by Schaeffer originally as Agaricus atrorufus) ; some others use the name Psilocybe atrorufa for this. A final decision may yet have to be deferred in reference to this plant. Un- fortunately the ereenhouse bench gave way and the soil in which specimens were growing had to be removed. It is hoped that plants may be found later and their taxonomic status satisfactorily settled. Fic. 275. Nau-co’-RI-A PAL-U-DO-SEL-LA. Same species as Fig. 274. This shows better the yellow strands of mycelium at the base of the stem, by means of w hich the attachment to the sphagnum is intimately secured. See description of the species on other page. 374 Mycological Bulletin No. 83. [Vol. V. Mig. 276. Psaru-y-reL’-LA wir’-tTa. A neat little mushroom found growing in the greenhouse, thought worthy of more extended notice, therefore see page 371. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25c. Copies of Vol. II (1904), Vol. IIL (1905) and Vol. IV (1906) ma-- be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio. | NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. 2 d E di ti of the book which is ‘without doubt the most important and 8] 1 10n valuable work of its kind.”—Plant World. MUSHROOMS BY PROF. GEORGE ERANCIS ATKINSON OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by Mrs. S. T.’ Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 illustrations from photographs, including fif- . teen colored plates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail $3.23.) Among the additions in this second editon of Prof. Atkinson’s re- markable book are ten new plates, chapters on “The Uses of Mush- rooms” and on “The Cultivation of Mushrooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs. THE NATION said of the first edition, “If Prof. Atkinson would fill in the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he would win the gratitude of every amateur and profesional mycologist in the country. (This second editon is the one now issued.) Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 29 W. 23rd St., NEW YORK When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms, Weight Four Pounds Grown from Pure Culture Spawn Make Money in Your Cellar Mushroom Culture gives greater returns per dollar invested than any other line of horticulture. A very small outlay will start a bed, and the PURE CULTURE METHOD has eliminated risk and pos- sibility of failure as nearly as can be possible. MUSHROOMS ARE A WINTER MONEY MAKER—you need neither greenhouse nor cold frarre, just a little space in the cellar will provide you a nice in- come if you use PURE CULTURE SPAWN Success is assured fer every brick is inoculated direct from test tube culture. You can breed to definite variety just as in apples, etc. You can get definite varieties for Cefinite climates, either warm or cold. This is not true of any other spawn. Get Pure Culture Spawn. Write for our free book, No. 4, it tells all about mushroom grow- ing. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. Pacific, Mo. and Cincinnati, O. Address ail correspondence to PACIFIC ry LAMBERTS PURE CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never fatled to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and_ prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all: other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A. Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on ‘MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. DECEMBER, 1907 NO. 84 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D. OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY | | [inex To vos. wv | ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER MAY 11, 1906, AT THE POSTOFFICE AT Co_tumBus, OunIo. Edited and Published by fat Press of VANCE-POLAND CO. W. A. KELLERMAN Columbus, Ohio You: Can Use Bneravings in your pusiness, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now ; ° FSVOSSSHSSOTLT Portraits, Buildings BUCHER | Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. ’ COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book § : which shows the quality of our work, and . SSSBIITSSGIBTT. we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books Anoprews’s. (E.: F:)) Botany “All the Year. Round: 204 0. oy oh a $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 Apcar’s ‘(BV Ac’ & AL GC.) New Plant, Analysis ovis soca de roaiae mats CHApMAN’S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 Cou.tter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains.......... 1 62 GRAY'S | LESSONS) Ma HO LATIVial Sai cicicle tu alk coma ote Glaus cuca Rhea ereiohatat ataleaaane 94 Outlines Of yBotany Cl eavitt Vie 65 Bray oe alle exer Oty on kiacele blade Oka 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 The' same: “WithaManual: of | Botanty-cna duoc ited inle eleieieva aralerentoterenaa 2 25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flo ra only ........... piri Gh Sates ee School and Fi-ld Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora Prva a Por 1 80 Mantal,’of) Botany Blora Jonly pasa ves c chesuisrevete ote nis cre ae iaielte 1 62 The same: +” Tourists ditions Maeve hte cra else ade epaal hvebe tele een 2 00 Lessons, and |Manmal:\\One wolume sys 2uye Se wets see nee ib cata 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: ; ; Vol;,- Li Structural Botanya (Gray ie soles wlamattatetem clei vere tn aetna 2 00 Vol. Il.,° Physiological Botany (Goodale) i... luni ecae eels blr 2 00° Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western Botany. ......620...0.055 2 16 Leavitt's ‘Qutlinesof Botamy. \\jcjovi iia Sh whi eal eliealhieiat « peta lett ace absteMa eiana 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora arelest ROU The same. With Gray’s Manual of Botan yer wilson tert care ember 2 25 Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany......4..+.sse- een eeees 1 00 Lessons iin Botany) io isle) olths ianelsbaleavaypiesate Vivye tee aiehare'elaxptbs lelptnle Creumoletans 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis) .. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. —— ae >=% = FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus,-Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Mycological Bulletin, Vol. I, 1903 ot OE DEES ONO IR 50 cts i a OME NE RRIA UR es aia ahs Beaks 50 cts - 2 TORDT SE DRG veces carn 'o-i8kce de aye! ols 50 cts ei OPMENT | WOMBAT 6 7z.2 so oa hoaxes web ee 25 cts Micological CrIOSSETU: Nira iceg ovaltte wnt te A g RR oi aati enh 25 cts Journal of Mycology, Vol 8—1902..............008. $2 00 ie ea sch, 7 Qe MNS «her tese aeels meek ale tts 2 00 x a haan pera ROOM: ak a siacy: Ww iece\e ela era's 2 00 re Te Pf Mere LOO. ydbe who/3 wb wie «ales 2 00 Pecks at PRAC UE RSIItY VOL iets. Cteteeg «% o\e 2 00 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio This space is owned by THE TERRY ENGRAVING CO. COLUMBUS, OHIO A ede i nce diblock ebb ieee leetepie | rd SOHOHOHCHOHOHOHSHOHOHOHOH HHH HOHOHGHOH OH OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHG When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Mycological Bulletin No. W. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio, 84 LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. December, 1907. iow. CO SUBJECTS AND VAUTHORS, VOLS: Accentuation, 38 Aecidium or Clustercups, 206 Acknowledgments, 50, ete., 120, 129, 145, 169, 177, 217, 221, 233 Agaricus cretacellus, 234 Amanita flavoconia, 234 Amanita Number, 161, 162, 165, 166 Announcement, 89 Annulus, 10 Atkinson, Professor (portrait), 54 Atkinson, 158, 234, 243, 255, 262, PipLoods ooD7) DOO Bacteria Number, 173 Banker, Howard James, 351 Basidiomycetes, Orders, 128 Beardslee, 145 Bell Omphalia, 153 Blank for descriptions, 77-9 Blank, explanation, 81 Blank for Lactaria description, 374 Boletus nigrellus, 369 Books on Mushrooms, 363 Books, useful, on fungi, 2 Botanical names, 5 Box-tortoises and toadstools, 222 Bulgaria rufa, discharge of spores, 257 Burlingham, Gertrude Simmons, 343, 349 Calostoma, 112 Calvatia elata, 367 Cantharellus cantharellus, 369 Charter members of club, 4 ~ Carrion fungi, 2 p= Christman, A. H., 202, 206 © Classification, 125 es Clavariaceae, 4 Clitocybe illudens, 33, 61 *Clitopilus, 146 ™™Collybia radicata, deformed, 34 «>» Colored illustrations, 54 ee ambus bookseller, 61 I-V. Comparison of Amanita, Amani- totopsis and Lepiota, 58 Cooke, frontispiece, Vol III Coral fungi, 1, 50 Cordyceps herculea, 241 Corticicolous fungus, 329 Cortinarius (genus), 312 Cortinarius (key), 313 Cortinarius (mycorrhiza), 308 Cortinarius cylindripes, 252 Cortinarius sterilis, 252 Cortinarius rubipes, 308 Crepidotus, 113 Cultivating the Mushroom, 282 Cup fungi, 2 Descriptions, blank for, 77-9 Dictyophora (variability), 202 Discomycetes, 142 Douglas, Gertrude E., 259 Duggar, B. M., 266 Earle, F. S., 260 Early mushroom (Naucoria), 232 Earth stars, 2 Economy in Nature, 60 Editor’s Notes, 99, 100, 120, 125, 138, 140, 140, 185, 193, 197, 201, 205, 225, 233, 240, 248, 257, 281, 289, 295, 303, 311, 319, 327, 343 Ellis, frontispiece, Vol. II Elm pleurotus, 158 Entoloma subcostatum, 331 Exhibition of mushrooms, 14, 18 Explanation of blank, 81 Fairy ring, 105 Farlow, frontispiece, Vol. IV Fawn-colored Pluteus, 62 Field study of mushrooms, 78 Fly agaric, another, 222, 227 Fomes leucophaeus, 361 Fungi, group names, 1 Fungi in the arts, 275 376 Mycological Bulletin No 84. [Vol. V. Galera kellermani, 278 Lycoperdaceae, 2 Gall on a mushroom, 38 Mcllvaine, 158 Geaster minima, 323 Marasmius delectans, 278 Geasters, 2 Market mushrooms in Europe, Gill fungi, 1, 3 Glossary, mycological, 98, 102, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126, 134 Good locality, 19 Grape mildew, 151 Groups of fungi, 1 Groups of Tylostoma, 296 Guatemalan fungus, 213 Gyromitra, esculenta, poisonous, 123, 147, 230, 232 Halsey, Pierson W., 218 Flanmenn Car 2a4 Hard, M. E., 226, 233, 241, 249, 275, 289, 293 Harpochytrium, 111 Harshberger, John W., 222 Helvellaceae, 2 Helvella family, 2 Honey-comb fungi, 5 Hosts of Panaeolus epimyces, 194 How to handle specimens, 58 Hyde, Edith, 239, 329 Hydnaceae, 1, 351 Hydnums, 30 Hydnums, new names, 353 Hygrophorus, the ivory, 74 Hymeniales of Connecticut, 168 Hypholoma, 73, 121 Index to Subjects and Authors, Vols. I-V, 375 Introductory, 1 Ivory hygrophorus, 74 Jack-my-lantern, 9, 61 Jennings, O. E., 257 Journal of Mycology, 50 Kauffman, C. H, 252, 308, 311 Kellerman, Ivy, 38 Kellerman, W. A., 228, 234, 247, Zo, 2095, ell, , BUS raat, 343, 351, 359, 367, 369, 371 Key to the species of Clitopilus, 146 A Keys for mushrooms, list, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186 Key to the Polyporaceae, 173, 174 Lactaria, descriptive blank, 347 Large polyporus, 34 Large puff-ball, 34 Lactarii, 343 Lactarii of Vermont, 349 Lepiota, 58 Lepiota morgani, 134 Lepiota naucina, 66 Letter from Prof. Peck, 49 Lloyd, C. G., 296 Lloyd’s Mycological Notes, 181 174, 251 Marshall, Nina L., 210 Members, list, 4, 8, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 42, 44, 56, 62, 72, 76, 80, 84, 86, 88, 91, 93, 94 Morchella (September), 218 Morchella bispora, 149, 151 Morchellas, 5 Morel, two-spored, 149 Morelle (September), 218 Miorelsei 2s beulend 4.50) Morgan, A. P., 154, 247, 278 Moulds, 324 Mucor, 325 Mucor fusiger, 325 Mucor mucedo, 325 Mucor stercoreus, 325 Mirra VWe At ioemeos Mushroom growing (Duggar, 265 Mushroom keys, list, 174, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186 Mushroom literature, 234, 247, 251, 259, 277, 308, 330, 343, 351, 359, 369, 371 Mushroom market in Europe, 251 Mushroom notes, 228 Mushroom, parts of, 9 Mushroom Number, 265 Mushrooms or toadstools?, 214 Mycelium, 10 Mycena, the genus, 70 Mycena haematopa, 275 Mycological glossary, 98, 102, 110, 114, 118, 122, 126, 134 Naucoria paludosella, 371 Naucoria pediades, 232 New departure, 97 New names for hydnums, 353 Notes from Mushroom Literature, 234, 247, 251, 259, 277, 308, 330, 343, 351, 359, 369, 371 Notes by Editor, 9, 13, 31, 39, 34, Sige ails 40, eLGy Nature study, 3 Omphalia, 150 Omphalia campanella, 153 Oyster mushroom, 30 Panaeolus, 244 Panaeolus epimyces (hosts), 194 Panaeolus retirugis (growth), 259 Parasitic fungi, 117 Parts of Mushroom, 9 Patouillard, frontispiece, Vol. V Paxillus panuoides, 369 Peck, Chas. H., 42, 762, 247, 278 Peck, frontispiece, Vol I December, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 84. 377 Pack’s Psathyrella hirta, 371 Peck’s Reports, 38, 369 Peronospora, 108 Peziza, 226, 327 Peziza badia (spore 222 Peziza coccinea, 226 PRezizaceae, 2, 31 Peziza repanda, 222, 237 Pezizas again, 141 Peronospora, grape mildew, 151 Phallaceae, 2 Phalloids or stinkhorns, 70 Photographs solicited, 93 Phycomyces, 326 Phycomyces nitens, 326 Phyllopodia, a new genus, 223 Phyllopodia parasitica, 223 Pilobolus, 326 Pilobolus crystallinus, 326 Pleurotus, 30, 157 Pleurotus ostreatus, charge, 234 Pleurotus ulmarius, 158, 249 Pluteus cervinus, 62 Poisoning by mushrooms, 218 Polyporaceae, 1, 34 Polyporaceae, key, 173 Polypores, 34 Polypori, 359 Polyporus lucidus, 361 Polyporus Number, 173 Polyporus obtusus, 277 Polyporus parasitic on leaf, 223 Pore fungi, 1 Polystictus pergamenus, 361 Pronunciation of names, 25, 38 Psathyrella hirta, 371 Psilocybe, 109 Publishers, 44 Puff-balls, 2, 18, 19 Puff-ball family, 2, 18 Pure-culture spawn, 282 Purpose, 99 Quotations, 194, 198, 202, 214, 218, 222 Ravenel’s phalloid, 70, 74 Rhodosporae, 145 Ring, 10 Rosy-spored agarics, 145 Rosy-spored agaricus, 62 Sarcoscypha floccosa, 367 Scale for measurement, 18 Sclerotinia tuberosa, 327 Sending (packing), mushrooms, 272 Sherman, Helen, 194, 198 Smith, Arthur L., 232, 237 Smith, G. D., 367 Smooth lepiota, 66, 80, 82, 67 discharge), spore dis- 206, 210, Smut, 209 Spawn from pure culture, 265, 282 Spawn, pure culture, 282 Specimens, good, 17 Specimens, how to send, 8 Sphaerostible cinnabarina, 329 Spine fungi, 1 Spore-color in agarics, 62 Spore-print, 10 Sporodinia, 326 Sporodinia aspergillus, 326 Stannate Mycena, 72 Sterling, Edward B., 214 Stinkhorns, or phalloids, 70 Stipe, 10 Strobilomyces, 101 Structure (minute) of a room, 10 Study necessary, 9 Sturgis, W. C., 218 Suggestions to teachers, 3 Sumstine, D. R., 222, 324 Sumstine, Stella, 326 Terms illustrated, 137 Terms applied to fungi, 173 Toadstools (quotations), 210 Tricholoma funescens, 292 Tricholoma, Ohio species, 289 Tricholoma, sejunctum, 290 Tricholoma squarrulosum, 292 Tricholoma terreum, 292 Tuberous peziza, 327 Two-spored morel, 149 Tylostoma, 296 Tylostoma albicans, 29, 7 Tylostoma americanum, 302 Tylostoma berkleyii, 307 Tylostoma campestre, 307 Tylostoma floridanum, 301 Tylostoma kansense, 302 Tylostoma lloydii, 305 Tylostoma obesum, 306 Tylostoma occidentale, 296 Tylostoma poculatum, 303 Tylostoma purpusii, 300 Tylostoma pygmaeum, 298 Tylostoma resplendens, 291 Tylostoma rufum, 299 Tylostoma simulans, 299 Tylostoma subfuscum, 304 Tylostoma tuberculatum, 304 Tylostoma verrucosum, 297 Urnula craterium (variation), 22 Uses of mushrooms, 243, 255, 26 Vermont lactarii, 349 Volva, 10 Volvaria, 129 Volvaria bombycina, 293 White rust, 217 Words explained, 1 mush- 8 2 378 Mycological Bulletin No 84. [Vol. V. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS, VOLS. I-V Aecidium of elder, 199 Aecidium impatientis, 296 Agaricus campestris, 266 Agaricus fabaceus, 272 Agaricus rodmani, 22 Agaricus villaticus, 266 Albugo ipomoeae-panduratae, 220 Amanita muscaria, 53, 55 Amanita phalloides, 56 Amanita rubescens, 84 Amanita solitaria, 163, 164 Amanita strobiliformis, 26 Amanita verna, 161 Amanitopsis vaginata, 89 American Lepiota, 60 Armellaria mellea, 104, 113 Bacillus carotovorus, 176, 176 bis Bacterium malyacearum, 175 bis Bacterium pruni, 173 bis, 177 Bird’s-nest fungus, 61 Black Peziza, 40, 229 Boletinus porosus, 358 Boletus americanus, 205 Boletus edulis, 168 Boletus felleus, 160 Botryosporium pulchrum, 99 Bovista gigantea, 18 Brown Peziza, 66 Bulgaria inquinans, 40 Calvatia craniformis, 269 Calvatia elata, 366 Cantharellus aurantiacus, 167 Carrion fungus, 2 Clavaria pyxidata, 49 Clitocybe flaccida, 211 Clitocybe illudens, 59, 63 Clitocybe infundibuliformis, 77, 212 Clitocybe laccata, 360 Clitocybe monadelphus, 65 Clitocybe multiceps, 143 Clitocybe odora, 170 Clitopilus abortivus, 147 Clitopilus orcella, 148 Clustered Clitocybe, 65 Collybia platyphylla, 179 Collybia radicata, 138 Coprinus atramentarius, 52 Coprinus comatus, 17 Coral fungus, 2, 29, 49 Cordyceps herculea, 242 Cortinarius atkinsonainus, 310 Cortinarius cylindripes, 318 Cortinarius cinnamomeus, 197 Cortinarius crocecolor, 314 Cortinarius deceptivus, 315 Cortinarius rubripes, 309 Cortinarius sterilis, 316 Cortinarius stramineus, 317 Cortinarius umidicola, 312 Crepidotus malachius, 172 Crepidotus versutus, 101 Cup fungus, 2, 14, 15, 30, 31 Cyclomyces greenei, 221 Daedalea elegans, 213 Deadly agaric, 56 Dictyophora ravanelii, 71 Didymium squamulosum, 87 Worsalleeamuss i Hanth stare 2. lOhe20m Entoloma subcostatum, 332, 334 Fawn-colored Pluteus, 64 Fistulina hepatica, 352, 354, 356 Floccose Peziza, 31 Fly Agaric, 53, 55 Fomes fomentarius, 35 Fomes graveolens, 36 Funnel Clitocybe, 77 Galera kellermani, 279 Galera sphagnum, 116 Geaster minima, 323 Geaster triplex (should be Geas- ter minima), 201 Gill (structure), 10 Gill fungus, 2, 9, 22, 28, 32, 37 Grape mildew, 150 Gray-gill Hypholoma, 92 Grooved Helvella, 85 Gyromitra brunrea, 16 Gyromitra esculenta, 12, .227, 230, 235 Hackberry knot, 246, 248 Hairy Polyporus, 33 Harpochytrium, 111 Hebeloma repandum, 364 Helotium citrinum, 209 Helvella, 6, 24 Helvella crispa, 136 Helvella elastica, 24, 136 Helvella lacunosa, 85 Hirneola auriculajudae, 20 Hydnum erinaceus, 120 Hydnum pulcherrimum, 44 Hydnum zonatum, 165 Hygrophorus conicus, 169 Hygrohorus eburneus, 75, 200 Hygrophorus laurae, 216 23, 25, 26, December, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 84. 379 Hypholoma appendiculatum, 121 Panus dorsalis, 37 Hypholoma capnoides, 92 Panaeolus campanulatus (should Hypholoma lacrymabundum, 57 be changed to Stropharia Hypholoma sublateritium, 25, 223 simiglobata), 244 Hypomyces lactufluorum, 195 Ink-cap, 52 Inocybe subochracea burtii, 280 Ithyphallus impudicus, 83 Ivory Hygrophorus, 75 Jack-my-lantern, 59, 63 Jew’s ear, 20 Lactarius deliciosus, 350 Lactarius trivialis, 344 Lactarius volemus, 219, 346 Leaf mildew fungus, 245 Lentinus vulpinus, 41 Lepiota americana, 60 Lepiota cepaestipes, 23 Lepiota morgani, 155, 156 Lepiota naucina, 67, 80, 82 Lepiota procera, 68 Lycoperdon echinatum, 196 Lycoperdon piriforme, 184 Lycoperdon tesselatum, 181, 196 Lycoperdon umbrinum, 196 Lveoperdon wrightii, 261 Marasmius campanulatus, 204 Marasmius candidus, 88 Marasmius cohaerens, 28 Marasmius delectans, 258 Marasmius ramealis, 251 Marismius rotula, 73 Merulius rubellus, 109 Morchella angusticeps, 21 Morchella bispora, 27, 149 Morchella conica, 7, 135 Morchella esculenta, 6, 272 Morchella deliciosa, 11 Morchella hybrida, 135 Morchella eer: 13 Miorelwe: OF 7. 11.19, 31". 7 Moulds, ‘304, ‘395, 326 Mucor fusiger, 325 Mucor mucedo, 324 Mushrooms from pure culture spawn, 271, 282, 283, 284 Mutinus caninus, 217 Mycena haematopa, 274 Mycena leaiana, 69 Mycena stannea, 72 Mycological terms illustrated, 139 Myriostoma coliformis, 19 Myxomycetes, 140 Narrow Panus, 76 Naucoria paludosella, 372, 373 Naucoria pediades, 232 Omphalia campanella, 153 Omphalia umbellifera, 152 Onion-stem agaric, 23 Oyster mushroom, 32 Panus angustatus, 76 Panaeolus epimyces, 193 Parasol mushroom, 68 Parts of a mushroom, 9 Paxillus atratomentosus, 362 Pepper-box earth-star, 19 Peronospora floerkeae, 107 Peronospora, grape mildew, 150 Peziza badia, 66 Peziza coccinea, 141, 226, 228 Peziza repanda, 236, 237 Peziza reticulata, 14, 15 Pezizas, 14; 15, 30, 31, 40 Pholiota unicolor, 144 Phyllachora mexicana, 117 Phyllosticta asiminae, 142 Pilobolus crystallinus, 326 Pleurotus applicatus, 224 Pleurotus ostreatus, 270 Pleurotus sapidus, 32 Pleurotus ulmarius, 15 5S Pluteus cervinus, 64, 134, 2! Polyporus, 33, 35, 36, 3s Polyporus arculariformis, 1 Polyporus betulinus, 39, 1 Polyporus brumalis, 203 Polyporus hydnoides, 127 Polyporus igniarius, 257 Polyporus picipes, 366 Polyporus radicatus, 43 Polyporus subsericeus, 276 Polprous umbellatus, 262 Polyporus versicolor, 175, 176 Polystictis hirsutus, 33 Pore fungus, 2, 33, 35, 36, 39 Portrait of Atkinson, 54 Portrait of Ellis, frontispiece, Vol. IT Psathyrella disseminata, 51 Psathyrella hirta, 374 Psilocybe ammophilus, 97 Puff-ball, 2, 18 Puff-ball, Calvatia craniformis, 269 Pure cultures, 268, 282, 283, 284 Ravenel’s phalloid, 71 Reddish amanita, 84 Rhytisma concavum, 115 Rodman’s mushroom, 22 Root polyporus, 43 Russula emetica, 365 Russula nitida, 349 Sarcoscypha floccosa, 31, 370 Sarcoscypha occidentale, 30 Scleroderma vulgare, 256 Sclerotinia tuberosa, 328 Shaggy mane, 17 Sheathed amanitopsis, 89 380 Simblum sphaerocephalum, 348 Simblum texense, 348 Slime mould, 87 Smooth lepiota, 80, 82, 67 Smut of cimifuga, 208 Sphaerostilbe cinnabarina, 330 Sphaerosoma echinulatum, 103 Sphaerotheca phytoptophilus, 245 Spine fungus, 2, 44 Spore print, 11 Sporodinia aspergillus, 326 Stannate mycena, 72 Stinkhorn, 83 Strobilomyces strobilaceus, 100, 240 Stropharia semiglobata (to this change the name given for Fig. 191), 244 Thatched polyporus, 36 Trametes elegans, 213, 215 Tremella albida, 81 Tricholoma melaleucum, 119, Tricholoma sejunctum, 290 124 Tricholoma sulnhureum, 261 Tricholoma terreum, 293 Tricholoma resplendens, 391 Tylostoma albicans, 298 Mycological Bulletin No 84. [Vol. V. Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma ‘Lylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma Tylostoma americanum, 301 berkeleyi, 307 floridanum, 300 obesum, 307 lloydii, 305 occidentale, 296 poculatum, 302 purpusii, 300 pygmaeum, rufum, 299 simulans, 299 tuberculatum, 304 subfuscum, 304 verrucosum, 297 296 Urnula craterium, 105, 229, 231 Urocystis carcinodes, 208 Verpa digitaliformis, 238, 239 Volvaria bombycina, 129, 294 Volvaria pusilla, 137 Western peziza, 30 White marasmius, 88 White rust, 220 White tremella, 81 Witches’ broom, 246, 248 Yellow clustercups of elder, 199 Yellow Clustercups of Impatiens, 207 ea a NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm. (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $7 5. ()\Q BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom “SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. ? d E di A of the book which is ‘without doubt the most important and n ition valuable work of its kind.”— Plant World. MUSHROOMS BY PROF. GEORGE ERANCIS ATKINSON OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by Mrs. S. T. Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 280 illustrations from photographs, including fif- teen colored plates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail $3.23.) ‘Among the additions in this second editon of Prof. Atkinson’s re- markable book are ten new plates, chapters on “The Uses of Mush- rooms” and on “The Cultivation of Mushrooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs, THE NATION said of the first edition, “If Prof. Atkinson would fill in the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he would win the gratitude of every amateur and profesional mycologist in the country. (This second editon is the one now issued.) Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 29 W. 23rd St., NEW YORK When answering advertisement .mention Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms, Weight Four Pounds Grown from Pure Culture Spawn Make Money in Your Cellar Mushroom Culture gives greater returns per dollar invested than any other line of horticulture. A very small outlay. will start a bed, and the PURE CULTURE METHOD has eliminated risk and pos- sibility of failure as nearly as can be possiblee MUSHROOMS ARE A WINTER MONEY MAKER—you need neither greenhouse nor cold frame, just a little space in the cellar will provide you a nice in- come if you use PURE CULTURE SPAWN Success is assured for every brick is inoculated direct from test tube culture. You can breed to definite variety just as in apples, etc. You can get definite varieties for definite climates, either warm or cold. This is not true of any other spawn. Get Pure Culture Spawn. Write for our free book, No. 4, it tells all about mushroom grow- ing. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. Pacific, Mo. and Cincinnati, O. Address all correspondence to PACIFIC LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never fatled to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice specimens of the known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and_ selected — with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and_prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure culture spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A. Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on ‘MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. best varieties of mushrooms - JANUARY, 1908 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY THE POLAND PRESS, COLUMBUS, OHIO Entered as Second Class Matter May 11, 1906, at Post Office, Columbus, Ohio ine oe You Can Use, Ensravings in your pusiness, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap now fe) HESHCGSIOSOESS | Dortraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY |. Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and SSSBIIIIBTIGII we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books ANprEws’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round.......0.........-. $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 Apgar’s 'CE,A.’ & A.C.) New, Plant “Analysis... ou hea eee 55 CHAPMAN’S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 CoutTEer’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains.......... 1 62 Gravis Lessons) fi BOtariys 0) 0. sibs Wipers oe eed etic Sateen ne 94 Otttlines of “Botany iGleavith) sic cis since ees alc eile ale rake ates eae 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 Phe same,“ With Manual of Botanying is efiu sca cle clon elalelaieraeaen 2.25 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flo ra only ........... seveeeee 1 44 School and Fi-ld Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora....,.... 1 80 Manual.,,of, Botany.}; Flora only se oi ien in eee aot aie ener 1 62 APhe same. Tourists EA Git1O nN. s Lies oe acter lelaienese ate cet els Ree Arne 2 00, Lessons and Mantali) One syolumeiki. ie sects are nistinele halons cieenaee 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: Z Voli 1.) Structural. Botany (Gray ) ics eae ee thee into oe einen 2 00 Vol. IT; Physiolopical) Botany \( Goodale) ins iciiy cetera.) crelelel voneratens 2 00 Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western Botany................-. 2 16 LEAVITY’s Outlines’ of hBotanyauetinc Ve Ue. hii elit vem epic niente ana 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same. With Gray’s Manual of Botany.................... a2) Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany............-00eeseeeee 1 00 Lessons ‘in ‘Botany ..5s ois fst s) wl Vikeie b Ges eerie ee eitale beletnlaa a a 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. y) d E di y of the book which is “‘without doubt the most important and nN ition valuable work of its kind.”— Plant World. MUSHROOMS By PROF. GEORGE ERANCIS ATKINSON OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by Mrs. S. T. Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 illustrations from photographs, including fif- teen esha plates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail $3.23. Among the additions in this second editon of Prof. Atkinson’s re- markable book are ten new plates, chapters on “The Uses of Mush- rooms” and on “The Cultivation of Mushrooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs, THE NATION said of the first edition, “If Prof. Atkinson would fll in the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he would win the gratitude of every amateur and profesional mycologist in the country. (This second editon is the one now issued.) Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 29 W. 23rd St., NEW YORK FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Mercolopical, Bulletin, Vol. J, 1903.0... tk dees a ~-- §0 cts. ¥ pepe ft Pekaes S02 7 LO aR al na ca wee), GO. CES. oct . UTE TOG Bis 9 > = oa SHSSTSGEIGOEHS Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and LESSIBIIBBBSIS we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books Anprews’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round................... $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............. 1 00 APGAR’s: (CE. Aw 8A.) (New! Plant) Analysis is. ua i aatneete ae 55 CHAPMAN’S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 Coutter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains.......... 1 62 GrAy’s | Tessons, “in (Botany Seen ee May eiciee wionee atalonthcte okt ave diataey Sie 94 Outlines: of BotamysiCeav ites io Bias: einsed Shel veece ale taraie ey Gre aceae nen em 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora............... 1 80 The'same: “With Manualvot. Botany oso Sew kien oe palaleeee eae 725 Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flo ra only ........... seuss daiag dake. School and Fi-ld Book of Botany. Lessons and, Flora. itn can ae 1 80 Manual -of) Botany.?/ .Blora sornlysi pies & eke Grale aeons svete ere eae 1 62 The) same: Tourists) Haitior ooh iarals ols che ape oars aaa ne 2 00 Lessons ‘and Manual... (One :volumes oi.4,2).)- 0h 0 cia valet cities see 2 16 Gray’s New Botanical Text-Book: ; Vol. I., Structural Botany ztGray rie 284 Wie ee 2 00 Vol. IL, Physiological ‘Botany (Goodale). oi. 6/544 52)! sion meee ened 2 00 Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western Botany.............0000- 2 16 LEAvitr’'s' Outlines (Of BOPATLY Fei sisi tia) peaks Aso Veateielarnio ate ie sw aan 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 The same.» With’ 'Gray’s ‘Manual of Botany 2) (in). 2a as DB Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany.......+0-.+++++0teeess 1 00 Lessons .in. Botany inves Pcie sikh be ened meolases ee weelel share: Noe: ee et terete ian aaa icra 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis).. 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. ) d E di ti of the book which is “without doubt the most important and nN I 10n valuable work of its kind.”— Plant World. MUSHROOMS | BY PROF. GEORGE ERANCIS ATKINSON OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by Mrs. S. T. Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 illustrations from photographs, including fif- teen colored piates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail $3.23.) Among the additions in this second editon of Prof. Atkinson’s re- markable book are ten new plates, chapters on “The Uses of Mush- rooms” and on “The Cultivation of Mushrooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs, . THE NATION said of the first edition, “If Prof. Atkinson would fill in the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he would win the gratitude of every amateur and profesional mycologist in the country. (This second editon is the one now issued.) Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Mycological Bulletin, Vol. I, 1903...........eeeeeeeee 50 cts. , is pia © les 0,67 i ne LA rane 50 cts. s 5 VER ROMS Gare ati bit es 4G: fra pbeidine's nSGr CES, ‘ *. * Current; volume. ids. +. si Pel dete cena ayers. Beemroocicak Gigssary $2). wigs s\ele inte dicla che Caw & on eaters i aG-ets Journal of Mycology, Vol 8—1902.......... Vee eae ate ROO: Ps 3) Fe eal a! Paine a Saw wat ae od sine v2 OO “s a ms EOP TOIDAT oc elem oom RN Shane FO tag Eo s Hy “ II—I9Q05..... Gate alate ele diate OO ms _ ‘S* Conrent Volouc. . vaaa cine.) BOGS W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. $0503 0502020,0505 0,0; 020102050: 0205020505 02020501 020,02 00205070505020501020202050505050500202 01 $05 0503036:050:030;050401 020,05 020105 05020502020: 020:0:01050,0,0201 020201010: 0:05050:070700.020: TERRY ENGRAVING CO. MAKERS OF | HALFTONES Se ae | ZINC ETCHINGS | ELECTROTYPES COLUMBUS, OHIO SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAOHOHCHCHOHOHOHOHOHOHOO OCHO OHOHOHOHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH OTOH OOOOH JOHQEOHCHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO.CHOHOHOHOHCHOHOHOHOHCHO] CHOHOHOHOHOHSHOHOHOHOH A OHHH HHH When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. FEB 19 1908 Mycological Bulletin No. 86 W. A. Kellerman, Ph, D., Ohio State University Columbus, February, 1908 BUT A WORD BY THE EDITOR We can not eat moulds, but we can study them. Supt. Sumstine gives us another lesson—this time dealing with some rare species. [lis outline drawings give faithfully their appear- ance under the microscope. The illustration of the Puff-balls will be enjoyed by all. Mr. Smith has promised many specimens of his handiwork, and when we have good photographs we can get good half-tones. We are indebted to him also for some account of the pear-shaped Lycoperdon. MORE MOULDS DAVID R. SUMSTINE. About 200 species of Moulds have been described. After deducting the probable synonyms and excluded species, there remain about 130 good species. Of this number only twelve or possibly fifteen species have been reported for America. This is a very small number for our country compared with the whole number of known species. The European mycologists have carefully studied the life history of many European species, but the American forms have received very little attention. In my critical study of the family MWucoraceae, two interest- ing species were recently found. These species, however, do not belong to the family Mucoraceae. The spores are not enclosed in a sporangium as in the common black mould, but are borne singly or in chains on enlarged cells. LIBRAF NEW YO BOTANIC GARDE: 10 Mycological Bulletin No. 86 [Vol. VI PIPTOCEPHALUS REPENS Van Tieghem. This species can be easily recognized by the dichotomously branched conidiophores and the chains of conidia on the ultimate branches. The general appearance reminds one of Sporodinia aspergillus. So far as I know, this is the first time that it has been reported for America. CHAETOCLADIUM BREFELDII Van Tieghem et Le Monnier. This is supposed to be parasitic on other moulds. It is known by its verticillately branched sporangiophores ending in a long ster- ° ile tip. The spores are borne singly on swollen parts of the branches. ig. 282. Pip-ro-ceEpH’-A-LUS RE’-PENS. See article on Moulds. February, 1908] Mycological Bulletin No. 86 11 Both moulds were found on the dung of the camel, growing with other moulds. The greatly enlarged drawings will give an idea of the general appearance of these two species. Specimens of moulds from the readers of the MycoLocicar 3ULLETIN would be appreciated. Wilkinsburg, Pa. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Fig. 282. a—Sporangiophore of Piptocephalis repens; b—Spores of same. Fig. 283. a b—Spore of same. Branch of sporangiophore of Chaetocladium brefeldii; Fig. 283. CHAE-TO-CLA’-DIUM BRE-FEL’-pI-I. See article on Moulds. NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE, X W. A. KELLERMAN. The botanical journals are crowded with literature directly or indirectly interesting to those who pay attention to mushrooms. Many new species are being found; the old ones are being studied. Then, again, the list of edible species is being extended, and along this line the readers are sure to be interested. But too many accidents are occurring—cases of poisoning that would not occur if persons would avail themselves of information that may be found in any of the mushroom books. 12 Mycological Bulletin No, 86 [Vol. VI It may be advisable in this connection to reproduce an account of poisoning by eating Amanitas, which Mr. O. E. Jen- nings published in the September Number of the Journal of My- cology. It is as follows: “A CASE OF POISONING BY AMANITA PHALLOmES.—The writer’s attention was recently called by Judge J. D. Shafer, of Pittsburg, to a newspaper account of a fatal case of mushroom poisoning at the little village of Deep Valley, in the extreme southwestern ae oh Pennsylvania, and, acting upon Judge Shafer’s urgent suggestion, the case was immediately inves- tigated. “It was found that the village physician, Dr. Philip Dins- more, together with three other members of the family and Mr. Frank Roberts, the man-of-all-work, had eaten with the evening meal, between six and seven o'clock, Sunday, August 4, a mess of mushrooms gathered that afternoon by Mr. Roberts. There had been about a quart of the mushrooms and they had been prepared by frying in flour and butter. All ate of the mushrooms excepting one little girl. “Between one and two o’clock the next morning all who had eaten of the mushrooms were taken violently sick, vomiting ex- cessively and having an extreme diarrhoea. These symptoms continuing during Monday, Dr. H. C. Rice, of Freeport, Pa., was summoned and a treatment begun consisting of the sub-cutaneous injection of atropine and as far as possible the administration of narcotics and oleaginous purgatives. “The vomiting and diarrhoea continued for about three days, other symptoms being sub-normal temperature, more or less de- lirium, and in the case of Dr. Dinsmore, severe muscular cramps of the limbs and extremities, and, evidently, of the muscular walls of the abdomen also, the patient dying early Thursday morning. “At the time of the writer’s visit (Saturday, August 10), Mr. Roberts had so far recovered as to be about, but the other three patients were still confined to their beds. The vomiting and diarrhoea had ceased, but there was considerable enlargement of the liver with distention of the gall-bladder and the patients were becoming jaundiced. “Saturday morning Mr. Roberts escorted the writer to a lit- tle patch of about two acres of woods, lying at the base of the hillside along the creek, where the mushrooms had been gathered for the fatal meal. Two species were abundant, Cantharellus and the white form of Amanita phalloides Fr., and the latter species was indicated as the one composing the greater part of the mess taken. Other species indicated as having been also selected were Amanitopsis vaginata (Bull.) Roz., and Russula emetica I'r.—a very few. The only test.applied in selecting the fungi had apparently been the pleasing appearance and the ten- February, 1908] Mycological Bulletin No. 86 13 derness of the mushroom. Robert’s identification of Amanita as composing the greater part of those eaten was independently verified by one of the patients, Dr. Dinsmore’s sister, who had prepared the fungi for eating. Fig. 284. Po-Ly’-po-RUS FRAX-I-NopH’-I-LUS, Ash-loving Polypore. A common woody fungus found on Ash trees. It attacks the trunks at wounds, or at exposed places where decay has begun. Specimens fur- nishing the photographs were collected near Chillicothe, Ohio. 14 Mycological Bulletin No. 86 [Vol. VI “From the evidence obtained it is quite clear that the poison- ing was due to the deadly Amanita, and it will be noticed that the symptoms exhibited were in close agreement with those ascribed to phallin poisoning by Chestnut, although Dr. Rice characterized the intestinal discharges as “serous” and not as- suming the “‘rice-water” condition, and neither extreme saliva- tion nor decided suppression of the urine was noticed. “In connection with the supposed action of phallin in decom- posing the blood corpuscles and in bringing about the escape of the blood serum from the system by way of the alimentary canal, it may be mentioned as a partial confirmation that the undertaker experienced considerable trouble in preparing the corpse for burial,—less than half the usual amount of blood could be ex- tracted,—thus indicating a depletion of blood supply before death. occurred.’—O. E. Jennings, in Journal of Mycology. * FHE PEAR-FORM PUFF-BALL G. D. SMITH, AKRON, OHIO. The pear-form puff-ball belongs to the genus Lycoperdon, which may be characterized by having a flaccid peridium which opens into a small, definite mouth at the top. It has a capillittum of long-branched and intertwining threads. The spores are usually globose. They may or may not have a sterile base. The cortex is sometimes smooth, but is usually covered with scales or spines. None of this genus are very large. The pear- form puff-ball—Lycoperdon pyriforme—is sometimes shaped like a pear, but more often it is globose, or where several are crowded together, it is flat, contorted, and quite irregular. It grows on logs, stumps and even on the ground. Quite frequently it occurs in large clusters, or we may occasionally see it covering almost the entire surface of a decaying log. ut have seen more than a bushel on one log. The surface, when young, is nearly white, but soon becomes covered with brownish scales. It is supplied with an abundance of white mycelial threads that usually stick to it when pulled from the log on which it grows. It is most abundant in the months of September and October, but I have found it in July and August. The October crop is usually the best for eating, as it does not begin to decay as quickly as in warm weather. It compares favor ably in flavor with the other lycoperdons and, in its prime, it cer tainly ranks close to the gem puff-ball in beauty. February, 1908] Mycological Bulletin No. 86 15 Fig. 285. Ly-co-per’-poN py-RI-For’-ME. Photo. G. D. Smith. 16 _ Mycological Bulletin No, 86 [Vol. V Fig. 286. Bo-Le’-ruS CHRY-SEN’-TER-ON. ‘This is a common Boletus, having the flesh yellow, or golden within, as the name indicates. The tubes change to blue where wounded. Grows in woods and along mossy banks. MclIlvaine says he has eaten plentiflly of this species, and thatthe flesh is sweet, delicate and toothsome. Photo, G. D. Smith. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25e. Copies of Vol. II (1904), Vol. III (1905), Vol. IV2(1906) and Vol. V (1907) may be had for 5 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. I (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio. BOOKS THAT APPEAL TO MYCOLOGISTS PLANT ANATOMY From the Standpoint of the Development and Functions of the Tis- sues, and Handbook of Micro-Technic. By Witit1amM Cuase Stevens, Professor of Botany in the University of Kansas. With 130 Illustrations. 8vo.; 349 pages. Cloth, $2.00 net. VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY ' -An Introduction to the Subject by J. ReyNotps GREEN, SC. D., F. L. S., F. rR, S., Late Professor of Botany in the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; Formerly Scholar of Trinity College and Senior Demonstrator tn Physiology, University of Cambridge. Second Edition, Revised. 182 Illustrations. Octavo; 459 pages. Cloth, $3.00 net. A MANUAL OF ORGANIC MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACOGNOSY An Introduction to the Study of the Vegetable Kingdom and the Vegetable and Animal Drugs. By Lucius E. Sayre, 8. s., PH. M., Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the University of Kansas. Third Edition, Revised. With 377 Illustrations. Octavo; 692 pages. Cloth, $5.00 net. MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES By J. H. Parpo De Tavera, Doctor of Medicine in the Faculty of Paris; Scientific Commissioner S. M. in Philippine Islands, etc. Trans- lated and Revised by Jerome B. THoMAs, Jr., A. B., M. D., Captain and Assistant Surgeon, United States Volunteers. 12mo. Cloth, $2.00 net. FOODS AND THEIR ADULTERATION The Origin, Manufacture, and Composition of Food Products. De- scription of Common Adulterations, Food Standards, and National Food Laws and Regulations. With Section on “Fungi as Food.” By Harvey W. Witey, M. v., Chief Chemist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. With 11 Colored Plates and 86 other Illustrations. Octavo; 625 pages. Cloth, $4.00; Half Morocco, $5.00, net. ENTOMOLOGY With Special Reference to its Biological and Economic Aspects. By Justus Watson Fotsom, sc. p., Instructor of Entomology at the University of Illinois. 305 Illustrations. 8vo.; 485 pages. Cloth, $3.00 net. Sansa) of Books on Biology, Reiae. Medicine, Chemistry, Pharmacy, etc., sent free upon request. P. BLAKISTON’S SON & CO., PuBLisHERs, 1012 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE & No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”’) Objective 2 mm. (1-12’)) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75.00 BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed — ast The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. Nine Mushrooms, Weight Four Pounds Grown from Pure Culture Spawn Make Money in Your Cellar Mushroom Culture gives greater returns per dollar invested than any other line of horticulture. A very small outlay will start a bed, and the PURE CULTURE METHOD has eliminated risk and pos- sibility of failure as nearly as can be possiblee MUSHROOMS ARE A WINTER MONEY MAKER—you need neither greenhouse nor cold frame, just a little space in the cellar will provide you a nice in- come if you use PURE CULTURE SPAWN Success is assured for every brick is inoculated direct from test tube culture. You can breed to definite variety just as in apples, etc. You cen get definite varieties for definite climates, either warm or cold. This is not true of any other spawn. Get Pure Culture Spawn. Write for our free book, No. 4, it tells all about mushroom grow- ing. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. Pacific, Mo. and Cincinnati, O. Address all correspondence to PACIFIC _) he ee an ee ? ee LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from. selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never fatled to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from ehoice specimens of. the best varieties of mushrooms known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and selected with special reference to their size, flavor, vigor and prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure cultuze spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A. Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on “MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. MARCH, 1908 MYCOLOGICAL BULLETIN W. A. KELLERMAN, Ph. D’ =! ; OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY : { ; THE POLAND PRESS, COLUMBUSB, OHIO Entered as Second Class Matter May 11, 1906, at Post Office, Columbus, Ohio You Can Use Engravings in your business, just the same as other men use them. Time was when engravings were really too expensive for common use, but they are cheap 1460 —9o SSSSISIBTIITIG Portraits, Buildings BUCHER Machinery, Live Stock ~ ENGRAVING Advertising Cuts COMPANY Stationery Headings Cover Pages, Etc. COLUMBUS, OHIO We have a beautiful specimen book which shows the quality of our work, and BESBITTTIGIBIS we send it free on request WRITE US ABOUT ANY KIND OF ENGRAVED DESIGN FOR ANY PURPOSE We make the engravings for this Publication Standard Botanical Text Books AnprEws’s (E. F.) Botany All the Year Round.................:. $1 00 The same. With Brief Flora of the Eastern United States..... 1 50 Apcar’s (A. C.) Trees of the Northern United States.............: 1 00 Apcar’s (E..A. & A.C.) New Plant Analysis................00.008 55 CHAPMAN’S Flora of the Southern United States Third Edition.... 4 00 Coutter’s Manual of the Botany of the Rocky Mountains.......... 1 62 GRAY’s fiessons “4n-BOtanty. a2): j4 ok Goals ka co an elles sae elaine nem 94 Outlimesxof Botany sGieavitt) i) aks aa eaten 1 00 The same. With Field, Forest and Garden Flora.............. 1 80 The same. With Manual of Botany.. 0.00. .550 0c seen cee eee weered Field, Forest and Garden Botany, Flo ra only ........... sseeeves 1 44 School and Fi-ld Book of Botany. Lessons and Flora......... 1 80 Manual’-of Botarly;y\ Bloraonly cca sen Liaw ek ee ane a ene 1 62 The: same. Tourists vEdition 0 hoists < air ob oie gee eae a 2 00 Lessons and Manuat:-*One volumes): cic%. gece + « siol diene «icc a atte 2 16 Gray's New Botanical Text-Book: ; Vol. I:,. Structural Botasty (Gray). 2 Swit ats inka ee Oe 2 00 Vol. II., Physiological Botany (Goodale)..............-.e00seee0s 2 00 Gray & Coutter’s Text-Book of Western Botany................5. 2 16 Leavitrs Outlines, of ‘Botany, .. ies oy opto 4% poe ete ole a nn 1 00 The same. With Gray’s Field, Forest and Garden Flora ...... 1 80 Dhée..came. ‘With..Gray's::Manual of Botany: i252. . Sak aes Pag dys Woon’s (Alphonso) Object Lessons in Botany.................+0-0-- 1 00 Lessons in, Botanty 253 uae dave ete tebe tea tales ecalopehil ap pre 90 New American Botanist and Florist—Lessons and Flora (Willis)... 1 75 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY, Cincinnati When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. 4 d E di g of the book which is ‘‘without doubt the most important and n ition valuable work of its kind.’—Plant World. MUSHROOMS By PROF. GEORGE ERANCIS ATKINSON OF CORNELL UNIVERSITY Edible, Poisonous Mushrooms, Etc. With recipes for cooking by Mrs. S. T. Rorer, and the chemistry and toxicology of Mushrooms, by J. F. Clark. With 230 illustrations from photographs, including fif- teen colored plates by F. R. Rathbun, 320 p. 8vo, $3.00 net (by mail $3.23.) Among the additions in this second editon of Prof. Atkinson’s re- markable book are ten new plates, chapters on “The Uses of Mush- rooms” and on “The Cultivation of Mushrooms” illustrated by several flashlight photographs. THE NATION said of the first edition, “If Prof. Atkinson would fill in the gaps, and 20 or 30 plates and issue a second edition . . . he would win the gratitude of every amateur and profesional mycologist in the country. (This second editon is the One now issued.) Prospectus of New American Nature Series Free on Application HENRY HOLT & COMPANY 29 Ay 23rd St., NEW YORK FOR SALE Half-tone Portraits of the following eminent Mycologists: Peck, Ellis, Arthur, Burrill, Farlow, Tracy, Earle, At- kinson, Holway, Thaxter, Clinton, Magnus, Oudemans, Patouillard, Hennings, Rehm, Cooke, Saccardo, Dietel, Beceical Bulletiti,) Voki Te 160g. 45. bv vo tw series « - 50 cts. Ni sf Thee RorCEOOWiE ss ais shereecid 2 seta dae sat Or CUS. ie +) PLN ROO as oPataca a wo emia. s HOLCS, " popick CUETERE WOME, sso Sc ais ats i AIR BH ot 3 memonaeical Glossary: sah. < ede ceigin 0 sie 0 whkele bce Scdtala a oh ty CES aioe of Mycology, Vol 8—1902...........4.. Peis a OD Pep, ROOD: abe Getele ds Ysipalk:s - 200 a Em BOA: Pa Pras So) ig. ies aie P 2 00 * 43 SN IEATQ0GC Ss cect s : eerste OO ‘ se Se Gyrrent Val ss sa degelng eves > 2/08 W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. $0505 010,050, 0502020. 0, 0102020105030 0205 0702020: 020202050202020202020201050,0505050202050202050) $0505.05 050505050500. 0)0; 05 020:05070202020-02 0.0: 05010:0702020,02050:02010:0:0°020°0502020°05020) TERRY ENGRAVING CO. MAKERS OF HALFTONES [ZINC ETCHINGS | ELECTROTYPES COLUMBUS, OHIO JOHCHCHCHOHOHOEOHOHOHOHOOHOHOHCHOHOHOHOHOHOHG IO HOH HOCH OHHH TOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH HO OHH OHHH CHOHOHOHOHOHO OHOHOHOHOHOHOH OHHH When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. MAN £0 I9UO Mycological Bulletin No. 87 IW. A. Kellerman, Ph. D., Ohio State Uniwersity Colhunbus, March, 1908 BY WAY OF EXPLANATION We are indebted again to Mr. G. D. Smith for an account and a picture of a very interesting thing. When you first find it in some shady place you will be puzzled to know whether it 1s phalloid, a puff-ball, or “egg’’ of something else, but it will prove to be a Phallogaster. lor the mushroom literature to report in this number we have decided to select Professor Beardslee’s interesting comments on the Lepiotas of Sweden as compared with related forms in America, an article that was published last year in the Journal of Mycology. The mushrooms for the most part are cosmopolitan and studies of material in Europe is therefore apropos,—espe- cially interesting if in the classic ground where Fries, the first great mycologist, collected and studied the species. The note from the Youth’s Companion pes a mycolog- ical bureau, will be read with interest. PHALLOGAS TER: SACCATUS G. D. SMITH, AKRON, OHIO. This plant is rare in the United States. When young it somewhat resembles a tuber or a pear. When I first met it, I took it at once to be a Phalloid, and its general appearance suggested to me the name of “Phallus tube- rosa, but upon investigation, I found it had previously been given its present name, as printed above. There has been some doubt about Phallogaster saccatus being a phalloid, but a close examination will show the same greenish gleba which, upon decay, gives forth an odor that can not be surpassed by any of the phalloids. It also has the same spores and the same _ basidia and deliquesces in the same way. The center is white and somewhat translucent. When it ripens, this whole central mass deliquesces and dis- appears, while the gleba also deliquesces, but clings to the inner LIBRARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL GARDEN. IS Mycological Bulletin No. 87 [Vol. VI walls of the peridium, which soon breaks, giving the insects a chance to scatter the spores. This seems to be done largely by flies and the rove beetle. The plants vary somewhat in size, from three-fourths inches to two inches in length, and from one-half to one inch in width. The color is light pink, purple or a little lavender in some places. I have found them in only one locality, and that was in a rich, shady nook near the Cuyahoga river. They grew on the ground or on very much decayed wood, with an abundance of white mycelial threads attached to their base. Twenty or thirty grew close together, but not touching each other. NOTES FROM MUSHROOM LITERATURE ar W. A. KELLERMANN. Careful study of species we know, or pretend to know, is urgently called for today. [rom the current literature pertain- ing to mushrooms we have selected the valuable comments on Lepiotas. by Professor Beardslee, which he studied in Sweden and recorded in a recent number of the Journal of Mycology. The article is here reported in full: “THe LEproraAs OF SWEDEN.—The gE pes: on the species of Lepiota collected in Sweden by Mr. C Lloyd and the writer during the summer of 1905 may be A ae in con- nection with the papers upon this genus which are appearing in the Journal. ‘The number of species collected was not large, probably partly at least because work was necessarily stopped the first week of September. Doubtless other species might have been found in the same collecting grounds if work had continued a few weeks longer. The species detected were six in number, LL. procera, naucina, rhacodes, cristata, metulaespora, and amian- thina. Of Lepiota procera little need be said. It was found in the same surroundings in which it would have appeared in the ; Tnited States and agreed with our plant in every detail. There however, food for reflection in the fact that this fine species ahi lends itself so well to description and illustration that it is easily recognizable, even by the amateur, has been reported from so many stations and is known to have so wide a distribution. Is it not at least possible that some of its relatives are also widely distributed, but owing to the greater difficulty of their recogni- tion, are not so widely recognized? It is hard for one whose views on ‘new species’ are perhaps a little ‘cranky’ to account March, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No, 87 19 otherwise for the facts, for instance, in regard to L. seminuda. This pretty species is abundant at Asheville, perhaps the most abundant species of Lepiota. Specimens and photographs have been seen by Bresadola, who has verified the determination, and ee article by G. D. Smith. , TER SAC-CA -TUS. LO-GAS PHAL Fig 28 20 Mycological Bulletin No. 87 [Vol. VI pronounced it correct in every detail. Still this species, so far as I know, is reported by only one collector, Prof. Morgan finding it at Preston. I greatly suspect that several of our new species will be found, on further investigation to be referable to this abundant and variable species. “Lepiota rhacodes is a beautiful and striking species. As we found it it is large and robust, with a rounded almost hemispheri- cal pileus, w hose flesh is remarkably thick and firm, and which is covered with large, strongly revolute scales, which render it very striking. It is at once recognized by the student of the group at first sight. The flesh and eills redden when bruised as in L. Americana, but the red color is not as bright and the change is slower. This species is doubtless rare in the United States. I have never seen anything even approaching it, though it has been found in New England. Cooke’s figure is not good, but it will easily be recognized when found from the description. “Lepiota naucina was found only once, but then in some abundance in the parks at Stockholm. It is of course in outward appearance like our own L. naucinoides. The main point of inter- est was the form of the spores, as Fries stated that the spores of his species were round, which has led to the separation of our species, in which the spores are elliptical and apiculate. Upon examination, the spores were found to be identical with those of the American plant, and there can be no question that L. naucina as it is at present known to European mycologists, is identical with L. naucinoides. It seems hardly probable that the tradi- tional plant has been incorrectly determined. It is much easier to believe that the form of the spores was originally given incor- rectly. The species is plentiful in Sweden, and is, so far as 1 could learn, universally recognized as Fries’ species. “LL. cristata and L. amianthina need no comment. They were in agreement with the plants known by the same names with us. “The last species to appear at Drottningholm was an old friend, which is abundant at Asheville, and quite generally dis- tributed in the United States. It belongs to a group whose status is at present unsatisfactory, the Clypeolariae. Our species need further examination and comparison with well authenticated spec- imens of the European species before we shall be certain of their identity. The species found is known in Europe as L. metulae- spora. [ries considered it the same as Bulliard’s species, L. cly- peolaria, and so published it. Bulliard’s plant is, however, dif- ferent. It occurs in Sweden, but is not as common, and in spite of careful search I failed to find it. It is said to have a darker umbo and shorter spores than the true L. metulaespora. The plants we found were well marked by their soft appressed tomen- tose pileus, flocculose veil, and long spores. These were 15-20- i 37 ‘ological Bulletin No. Myc 7] March, 190 punois IISSL[O StU UOT} piv ye ydnsg Aq Suouttoads fO ‘Oly ‘oy [iyo Ivou ‘yootg Juieg suoye yoS Y ‘SNAO-SAW-N4 WW-,OT-OHO-1UL “886 Q ww Mycological Bulletin No, 87 [Vol. VE i x 5-6 mic., and were spindle-shaped. The Asheville specimens have slightly shorter spores, but agree in all other details with the Swedish plants. At Asheviile there are three species of Lepiota belonging to this group, L. metulaespora, floralis and a third species upon which I am unwilling at present to express an opinion. Possibly it may prove to be the true L. clypeolaria, though it seems at present doubtful. Lepiota floralis occurs rarely in open, sandy ground, and seems to correspond well with Ravenel’s plant, which was found in his garden, from which he distributed at least three other new species, L. oligosarcus, ful- vaster, and psilopus. These are all small species, and from the specimens examined can not be well understood. I have exam- ined two of Ravenel’s specimens of L. floralis, one in very good preservation at Washington, the other in the herbarium at Bilt- more. The spores in the latter were examined and were rather larger than the measurements given by Morgan, being 11-13x- 4-5 mic. and spindle-shaped. It is worth suggesting that this species needs further investigation before its status can be con- sidered satisfactory. The cenditions eee which it is found suggest very strongly that it is only a depauperate form of L. metulaespora . An almost unbroken series of forms can be found in this region connecting the two species, and the points of dif- ference are such as may well be explained by the fact that one form is found in sheltered places in woods and the other in sterile, sandy soil, in open places.’—H. C. Beardslee, in the Journal of Mycology. We give also a clipping from the Youth’s Companion of November 14, 1907: “MusHrooms.—A singular and very interestinz and useful institution has been established in the little city of Tarare, near Lyons, France. It is a mycological bureau, where expert judg- ment is furnished concerning mushrooms brought to it for exami- nation. The country round Tarare abounds with mushrooms, many of which are poisonous. Since the establishment of the bureau nobody buys mushrooms which do not carry its ticket of identification and guarantee, and all the country people from miles around brine their mushrooms for examination. One sur- prising result has been the discovery of scores of excellent edible mushrooms, which before nobody dared to touch.”—The Youth's Companicn. March, 1907] Mycological Bulletin No. 87 23 Fig. 289. Bo-Le’-rus Fros’-1I-1. A very striking Boletus by reason of its red color (but this fades more or less with age and drying) and reticulated stem. It was first found by Frost in Vermont, but is widely distributed yet apparently not common. Do not eat this species—at least it must first be carefully tested. Specimens from Sugar Grove, Ohio. 24 Mycological Bulletin No. 87 [Vol. VI pos CN Fig. 290. PAN-AE’-0-LUS CAM-PAN-U-LA’-TUS. A very attractive species, common in rich soil and on horse dung. It is four to six inches high and the cap an inch wide. It is of a brownish color, but with a gray or lead-color tint. McIlvaine advises caution in case it is looked upon with gastronomic intent. The Mycological Bulletin is issued Monthly, Price 25e. Copies of Vol. II (1904), Vol. III (1905), Vol. IV (1906) and Vol. V (1907) may be had for 50 cents each, or cloth bound copies for 75 cents. No copies remain of Vol. IT (1902). Address W. A. Kellerman, Columbus, Ohio. BOOKS THAT APPEAL TO MYCOLOGISTS_ PLANT ANATOMY From the Standpoint of the Development and Functions of the Tis- sues, and Handbook of Micro-Technic. By WitiiAM CuHase Stevens, Professor of Botany in the University of Kansas. With 130 Illustrations. 8vo.; 349 pages. Cloth, $2.00 wet. ‘VEGETABLE PHYSIOLOGY An Introduction to the Subject by J. REyNotps GREEN, SC. D., F. L. S., F. R. S., Late Professor of Botany in the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; Formerly Scholar of Trinity College and Senior Demonstrator in Physiology, University of Cambridge. Second Edition, Revised. 182 Illustrations. Octavo; 459 pages. Cloth, $3.00- met. A MANUAL OF ORGANIC MATERIA MEDICA AND PHARMACOGNOSY An Introdiction to the Study of the Vegetable Kingdom and the Vegetable and Animal Drugs. By Lucrus E, Sayre, B. s., pH. M., Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the University of Kansas.. Third Edition, Revised. With 377 Illustrations. Octavo; 692 pages. Cloth, $5.00 met. MEDICINAL PLANTS OF THE PHILIPPINES By T. H. Parpo De Tavera, Doctor of Medicine in the Faculty of Paris; Scientific Commissioner S. M: in Philippine Islands, etc. Trans- lated and Revised by Jerome B. THomas, Jr., A. B., M) D., Captain and Assistant Surgeon, United States Volunteers. 12mo. Cloth, $2.00 net. FOODS AND THEIR ADULTERATION The Origin, Manufacture, and Composition of Food Products. De- scription of Common Adulterations, Food Standards, and National Food Laws and Regulations. With Section on “Fungi as Food.” By Harvey W. Witey, M. v., Chief Chemist, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. With 11 Colored Plates and 86 other Illustrations. Octavo; 625 pages. Cloth, $4.00; Half Morocco, $5.00, net. ENTOMOLOGY With Special Reference to its Biological and Economic Aspects. By Justus Watson Fotsom, sc. p., Instructor of Entomology at the University of Illinois. 305 Illustrations. 8vo.; 485 pages. Cloth, $3.00 net. Catalogues of Rooks on Bioloey, 2 Bitnny: Medicine Chemistry, Pharmacy, etc., sent free upon request. P. BLAKISTON’S SON & CO., Pus isHers, 1012 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. NEW SPENCER MICROSCOPE No. 404 No. 40 Stand Abbe Condenser Two Iris Diaphragms Triple Nosepiece 16 mm. (1-3 ”) Objective 4 mm. (1-6 ”) Objective 2 mm, (1-12”) Oil Im- mersion Objective Two Eyepieces Mahogany Cabinet THE BEST MICROSCOPE EVER OFFERED FOR $75,0() BECAUSE: The lenses are unsurpassed The Stand is the product of the best of material and workmanship The coarse and fine adjustments are the best made The fine adjustment is protected by a neat handle provided for carrying the instrument The stage is large—67 mm. free distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is the great- est yet produced The stage is completely covered with vulcanite from top to bottom SPENCER .LENS COMPANY BUFFALO, N. Y. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. NinejMushrooms, Weight Four Pounds Grown from Pure Culture Spawn Make Money in Your Cellar Mushroom Culture gives greater returns per dollar invested than any other line of horticulture. A very small outlay will start a bed, and the PURE CULTURE METHOD has eliminated risk and pos- sibility of failure as nearly as can be possiblee MUSHROOMS ARE A WINTER MONEY MAKER—you need neither greenhouse nor cold frame, just a little space in the cellar will provide you a nice in- come if you use PURE CULTURE SPAWN Success is assured for every brick is inoculated direct from test tube culture. You can breed to definite variety just as in apples, etc. You can get definite varieties for definite climates, either warm or cold. This is not true of any other spawn. Get Pure Culture Spawn. Write for our free book, No. 4, it tells all about mushroom grow- ing. PURE CULTURE SPAWN CO. Pacific, Mo. and Cincinnati, O. Address all correspondence to PACIFIC LAMBERT’S PURE CULTURE Mushroom Spawn Produced by the new grafting process from selected and prolific specimens, thoroughly acclimatized, has never fatled to run. This spawn is made from cultures taken by the selective method, recently discovered, from choice! specimens of the best varieties of mtshrooms known to be thoroughly accli- matized, and selected’ with special reference to their sizé, flavor, vigor and _ prolificness. The elements of uncertainty surrounding th old chance method of producing wild spawn (English and French), is therefore eliminated, and a uniform crop of the best mar- ketable variety is thus assured to the exclusion of all other and inferior fungi. The importance of -this discovery will be realized from the mere statement that, for the first time in the history of mushroom culture, can spawn be offered of a specific variety of mushrooms. Of the varieties already developed, we are offering pure cultu-e | spawn of the Agaricus Campestris (white, cream or brown), A, Arvensis (cream), and A. Villaticus (cream). FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING SEEDSMEN. Practical Instructions on “MUSHROOM CULTURE” mailed free on application. American Spawn Company, ST. PAUL, MINN. When answering advertisement mention Mycological Bulletin. a wi at es