QL 632 A1C78 1872 FISHES Fishes } cl) , ~m @1A k/ ; Himby 1a eu Ki Wet / 4 yer _— af by Edward o Co pe i! iv = hr ae re a Oo ee a NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. 249 OcToBER 24. The President, Dr. RuscHENBERGER, in the chair. Highteen members present. OcroBer 31. The President, Dr. RUsCHENBERGER, in the chair. Twelve members present. On report of the committee, the following paper was ordered to be printed :— 1872.] ea E FISHES OF THE AMBYIACU RIVER,/ Be ewes: BY EDWARD D: COPE. The collection on which the present examination is based was made by our correspondent at Pebas, John Hauxwell. It em- braces fishes of the small streams tributary to the Ambyiacu, as well as those of the river itself. The Ambyiacu is an inconsid- erable river, which empties into the Amazon near to Pebas, in Eastern Equador, some distance east of the Napo. The results of the examination will be mentioned at the close of the list. As was to have been supposed, it consists almost exclusively of representatives of the three great families which abound in the neotropical region; the Chromididex, representing Physoclystous fishes, and the Characinide and Siluridex, repre- senting the Physostomi. The number of new species, forty-five ina total of seventy-four, constitutes a considerable addition to ichthyology, especially as the number of new generic forms is also rather large. I add a list of the species obtained by my friend Robert Per- kins, of Wilmington, Delaware, on a trip between the mouth of the Rio Negro and the Peruvian Amazon or Ucayale River. There are several interesting novelties in this collection, but their spe- cial localities are, unfortunately, not preserved. The specimens generally were large, and in fine condition. CHROMIDIDZ:. PTEROPHYLLUM SCALARE, C. V. Heckel, Ann. Wien. Mms., 1840, 334. Gimnther, Catal. B. M. v. 316. Abundant in the Ambyiacu. GEOPHAGUS AMOENUS, Cope, sp. nov. Allied to G. teeniatus (Mesops, Giinth.). Scales in three series on the cheek; on the body, 2-25-8. Fin radii D. xv. 7, A. iii. 6. Twelfth dorsal spine less than half the length of the head; spines subequal, slightly shortening anteriorly. Prolonged soft rays of dorsal and anal extending beyond the caudal. Pectoral to, ven- tral beyond, base of anal. Length of head less than depth of [January 16, QL (32 Alc F C sa | oC 10% NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA. Dil = < sV2> body, nearly four inches in length (with caudal); depth, 3.5 times in the same. Orbit, twice preorbital bone, equal muzzle, one- fourth wider than interorbital space, one-third head. Total length .063 m.; to basis anal .0335; do. ventral .019; do. dorsal (axial) .015 m. Color brown; a black band from orbit to basis caudal. A black spot at base, and one at tip of caudal. Basis of dorsal and anal brown, rest yellow. A black band from orbit to angle of interoperculum. Cheeks and opercu- lum with blue spots separated by yellow lines. River Ambyiacu. GEOPHAGUS BADIIPINNIS, Cope, sp. nov. Form short oval; body deep; front steeply descending, concave between the orbits; the muzzle projecting. Depth one-half length without caudal fin; head 2.4 times in the same. Orbit 3.5 times in length of head; 1.3 times into interorbital space, which equals length of muzzle with under jaw. Preorbital bone .75 the dia- meter of the orbit. End of maxillary bone falling opposite the pupil. Fin rays D. xiii-12, A. iii-ll. Scales 3-27-8-103; six series on the cheek; operculum scaled. Twelfth dorsal ray equal length of muzzle plus half of orbit; the rays gradually diminish- ing in length to the second. Caudal fin broadly scaly at base ; no scales at base of second dorsal. Pectoral fin long, extending to opposite last soft dorsal ray; ventrals to third soft anal. Color golden, blue bands on the prefrontal bone, and longitu- dinal shades on the scales. Dorsal fin dusky spotted, anal with numerous bay-yellow spots in vertical rows. Total length .15 m.; to origin dorsal (vertical line) .043; do. to ventral .051; do. anal 084. This species, having the coloration of G. jurupart, has the orbit nearly as median as in G. taeniatus. I do not see the necessity of subdividing Heckel’s genus Geophagus into three (Geophagus, Satanoperca,and Mesops),as has been proposed by Gunther (Catal. Brit. Mus.). GEOPHAGUS JURUPARI, Heckel. Satanoperca jurupart, Ginth. Cat. B. M. v. 313. D. xv. 10, A. iii. 7. Scales 3-31-9; suborbitals 6 (7) rows. Pre- orbital bone 1.66 times orbit. 952 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACADEMY OF CRENICICHLA ANTHURUS, Cope, sp. nov. A slender species, with brightly colored fins. Depth six times in total length, or 5.3 times in length without caudal fin. Length of head 3.66 in total length, five and two-third times more than the diameter of the orbit. Orbit 1.7 times in muzzle, 1.6 times in interorbital width, which is flat. Scales 44-36-7-13, but, as those of the lateral line are placed at intervals, the true number of transverse series of scales is 62.3; scales of cheek in nine series. Fin radii, D. xix-13; A.iii-9. Caudal cuneate rounded; pectoral and ventral coequal, not extending half-way to anal. Twelfth dorsal spine equalling from end of chin to orbit. Some rays of soft dorsal and anal prolonged, the former to near end of caudal, the latter to base. Color leaden-brown above, fading into yellowish below. Dorsal and anal fins deep rose, with a few round small spots of pale rose on the soft portions, which become white in spirits. Caudal fin deep crimson, fading to purple at base, with a longitudinal dark shade in the centre, and series of small oval pink spots, one between each pair of rays. ss) = . Dentition of upper jaw and palate. Trigonocephalus atrox Cope, var. from Central America. SA [February 13, Pr lle Doras pectinifrons, Cope. qh "5 ‘adog ‘opuorw enLoywye *T Wed G ‘adog ‘snp228a0 sn)0U2909¢—) = oa Waid Ls Se t 7 1 i 5 . t , 5 i = 7 cy ' = 4 ; * - a en 7 a ' a . i - = : . & a A ea | P 5 : foe. - 7 / ’ a. yt Goad ae a n : ite - Pe a 4 ¥ < | ] i . : 7 _ . - - ne a r a ~~ ; : - : ; ; = ; ; ; : & - . f 7 : . ‘h ‘ . i = ay ar f = : : - < . . : . + Aa : F ; , i n = ; = ane ; : 7 7 i» : ; , a | | att, 2 - J PPK ws a a a) 7 : 7 ’ i - t 7 a i . ’ ae) 7 . . 7 . : ¢ i) ae) = | . == : r fo 4 ; : i 7 U : a F ; ; pc 2 . ; 2 ‘e ¢ 3 * a - : ; ; i ; ; - 7 d A . : 7 ap , - op Y - Sy ue 5 4 Y 1 : : Grr s:9 ¢ iia a. - 7 i aj - W a ; = a. A ; ° 7 oe i — 3 ’ = : a2 ye Uy - - = : ite ~laae | = 7 - ‘ " 7 f 7 rr ais ' r : it f r _ | 7 gy) =! 7 7 , ; 7 ; _ ; > 7 ee ‘ . 0 " - : 7 ; Loe : : ' 7 es ; : : a —— ’ : 7 7 — i i : = 1 4 ; y - i A a : : 6 - : ; y ‘ , : zy ; - 1 e » . i : 4 : : 7 ; an a: ; ne ~=e : : o m Ss -" » a ia ee c ; ; i i : - i ; I 7 ; J ad ; = 7 : . ae my : : . y Uy = 7 i) ; 4s 7 : r i. > : i: ; , : | : 7 e 4 f ; oh ar { . - a of aa 7 § . nt : “x 7 : ny ry ‘ i ' 7 : _ 7 $9 a pe - ; ~~ 1 a ; 7 Ok AE q n a i me : ‘pih) svahdoshyy *}. ‘adoy ‘sdoonjnu snwojsojany) *% ‘adog ‘nu ) 8% vay Ti Tal SS DNS \\ “\ Td ‘adog ‘sngnynosawas sv.Lophuoy *T. ‘adog ‘sngnaurp2u2 snuophiog °% uf BNI Ha TA Id ‘ado,) ‘snajnuwe sryooig *% ‘adog ‘srqunqabuo, nwaunuy “tf ILA ‘Td oY we aa — - Pr VII. 1. Iguanodectes tenuis. 1a. Dentition. 2. Characidium etheostoma, denti- tion. 3. Triportheus albus, dentition. co a Z Anacyrtus sanguinens Si: oeruleu: Brochis ¢ : 2 oO: Opsts Serrasalmo w_rid a a Illustrated by the Barton Pund. | Crenterchila anuthurus. 2 Megalobrveon CLVOhryEerts ‘5. 187] > oe roc. A. ‘VSP Mins. S} S J& ACTA 4 COTM AT CH OTHE TALUS 4 Araratlavilabris (Ope. 3. 7. Geophagus badupmrnt. of ue Ni oes oe wy eee; P aye Came ‘i ea 7 . ~ . . = - . , FE 5 ve . - . , vet Rc ~ — Pi rhe : . Ady ; : ae ; ee wee . , ; 7 5 ‘ Fh } J i 7 4 = | . 7 iy : Ri ‘ ier, : : , - bd : \ st / : : He : j : ; i . . . y ‘ ‘ ¥ ; : * . y he ; ‘ ri - ’ q ‘ q , ros ’ ois i : . P (/ ‘ ois ) : . : 7 ' . “- ong 4 , ie , ¢ | i . Proc AN. S:1871. ae ae Sea ee 2 VM. oculus. a COpUus JF M. hernias Cope. 1 Myletesalbis EDWIN SHEPPARD Es. ce) ~ Plate 13. ‘s AAC io eG : LOR Rerrg ‘. . x; is! fustratea oy bie Barton Egad | Megalobryconm melanopterum. 2. Xiphostoma taedo. 3. Characidium etheostoma. Prec A-N..S. 1671. Plate X Sea em ma arene val i= uns ae Noto ie NKIAN AN (NA y Lens ] Iriportheus tlavus.-2T albus. 3. Chatleinus culter. Fi y Mp y, AY ea as EDWIN SREPPARD 6 4.5, Callichtlysmelamplreus Cope * " “ / Porasgrypus. 2 Chaelostomius tecttirostris. 3 Chaetostomtts aga Cope are o 4 a : a : Fe i Ly “ ’ Proc. AN S. 1871. eine Plecostomus scopularius Cope. t 4 ‘ 3 : 5 -