



N'o. 1. l!lll».


An Act respecting the Municipality of Paipoonge.

WHEREAS the ('..riioi-iitioii of Hie M lliiicil)illi(y (.f^'i-eamble. P<tj,'()(>ii,!i,<' li;i-, Iiv jM'titidii iH']>!r-{ ii1( (i thtit all tax sales of land situate in llie said luuiiieipality and all assess- ments and collectors' rolls and all collectors' returns should be validated:

Therefore, His Majesty, hy and witli I he adxice and con- sent of the Legislative A-semhly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :,—

1. All assessment rolls in resi)ect of any land situate^^|^^^''''^®"*^ within the limits of the Township of Paipoonge heretoforecoiiectors' finally revised, all collectors' rolls in respect of any lands confirmed, situate within tha limits of the said township heretofore returned by the collectors thereof, and all collectors' returns

in respect of such lands heretofore made, are hereby validated and confirmed notwithstanding- any irregularity, fault or omission in the said assessments, collectors' rolls or collectors' returns or in any matter or thing d<nie ov omitted to be done in relation thereto and notwithstanding anything contained

in any Act or Acts to tbe contrary.


2, All^ales of land situate within the limits of the Town-Tax sales

T'j--r.' 1 1 1 n 1 j.and deeds

snip ot i aipoonge made prior to the tnirty-first day oi confirmed. December, A.D. 1916, and which ])ni'|)orted to have been made by the said The Corjioration of the Municipality of Paipoonge, are hereby validated and confirmed, and all deeds of the lands so sold, executed by the proper ofiicers of the said corporation, purporting to convey the said lands so sold to the purchaser thereof, or his assigns, are hereby validated and confirmed, and shall be deemed to have had the effect of vesting the lands so sold and conveyed and the same arc^ hereby vested in the purchasers or their assigns and his and their heirs and assigns in fee simple, free from and clear of and from all right, title and interest whatsoever of the owners thereof at the time of such sale, or their assigns, and of all charges and encumbrances thei-con and dower therein, 1

except taxes accrued since those for non-payment whereof the said lands were so sold.

]'iiicli;isfs fuiporation.

3. Tliis Act shall extend nnd apply to cases where the said corporation or any pci-son oi- persons in trust for it or on its behalf, became the; purchaser or grantee of any such lands.

Pending Utlgation not affected.

Sliort title.

4. "N^otliina in this Act contained shall affect any action, liliiialion nv nilicr proceeding' now ])en(lini!,', but the same may he proceeded with and finally adjudicated upon in the siinie manner and to the same extent as if this Act had not been ])as3ed.

5. This Act may be cited as TJie Township of Paipoonge Act, 1919.

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^^o. 2. 1919.


An Act respecting the Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood of Ottawa.

WHEREAS the Sisters Adorers of the Precious B]ood^^ea"^^i«- of Ottawa has represented by its petition that it is a corporation duly incorporated without share capital, under " The Ontario Companies Act, by Letters Patent dated the 16th day of February, A.D. 1909, for the following purposes, namely: {a) To establish, maintain and carry on an associa- tion or community for the purpose of divine worship, piety, mercy and charity, consistent with a contemplative life; (6) To purchase, acquire, hold, lease, accept and receive under any legal title, personal property of any kind whatsoever for the said purposes; (c) To borrow for the purposes of the cor- poration ; {d) To found, establish and maintain in the said Province of Ontario, monasteries, novitiates and branches ; aud (e) To provide or establish private burying places for the deceased members of the association; and whereas the said petition further represents tliat the monastery is chiefly maintained by charitable donations from friends of the insti- tution and voluntary contributions from those who attend the church or chapel attached to the institution; that the Sisters also make objects of piety and church-ware and that the sale of these articles supplements to some extent charitable donations as a source of revenue, but that a large quantity of the articles so made are given away gratis to those who have not the means to pay for them as well as to others ; that an important portion of the work of the Sisters is in relieving the wants of the sick and poor and that during the year large numbers of persons visit the monastery seeking relief and are afforded it and that certain of the Sisters who are dispensed from the rule requiring the community to live cloistered, spend their time in visiting the sick in their homes, and in these ways the Sisters dispense during the year considerable Slims of money in cash and also relief in kind tO' a very much larger extent and that in addition to these other good works, persons requiring spiritual consolation are received in the monastery from time to time for temporary residence and spiritual relief; that moreover a school is maintained in 2 ^

connection with the monastery in which persons intending to enter the Order are given clerical and religious instruc- tion ; and whereas, by reason of the work which the corpora- tion is carrying on, the corporation has, by its said petition, prayed for the passing of an Act providing that the buildings of the corporation and the land whereon the same are erected, and which are used in connection therewith, situated within the City of Ottawa, so, long as the same are occupied by and used for the corporation, shall be exempt from taxation; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Exemption of property from taxation.

Private burying: place not affected.

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. The buildings of the Sisters Adorers of the Precious Blood of Ottawa, and the lands whereon the same i&re erected, and which are used in connection therewith, situ- ated within the City of Ottawa, so long as the same are occupied and used for the purposes of the corporation, shall be exempt from taxation.

2. This provision shall not apply to any connection with the private burying place.

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No. 3. 1919.


An Act to amend The Act respecting the Town of Ojibway.

WHEREAH' llic ]\ruiii(ii)al Corporation ot tlie Town of Preamble. Ojibway lia.s, hy its jjctition represented that it was ineorpui'iilcd by an Act ])assed in the third and fonrth years of the rei<>ii of His Majesty, King- George V, Chapter 108, under which Act the first coniicillors were to hold office until the thirty-first day of 1 )e('enibe]', 1916; and that the said Act was amended by an Act passed 6 George V, Chapter 82, amending' the said Act, under which amendment the first councillors were to hold office until the thirty-first day of December, 1919 ; and that it is desirable in the interests of the said corporation that the terms of office of the first councillors should be further extended; and whereas the said (corporation has prayed that an Act may be passed for such purposes; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- . sent of the Legislative Assembly o£_the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection 3 of section 3 of the Act passed in thecfios?!). 3,' third and fourth years of the reign of His Majesty, King ^™®°*^®'^' George V, chapter 108, as amended by 6 George Y, chapter

82, section 3, is further amended by inserting after the figures 1919 the figures 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923 and 1924. Subsection 4 of section 3 of the said Act, as amended as aforesaid, is amended by striking out the figures 1919, and substituting therefor the figures 1924.

2. Section 4 of the said Act, as amended by 6 George V, s. 4 chapter 82, section 3 is further amended by striking out the figures 1919 and substituting therefor the figures 1924.

3. Section 5 of the said Act, as amended by 6 George V, Amended, chapter 82, section 3 is amended by striking out the figures

1919 and substituting therefor the figures 1924.

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¥o. 4.



An Act respecting the Municipality of Shuniah.

WHEREAS the (Corporation of the Muniei])ality oi^^^^"^^^^- Shuniah, in the J)istrict of Thmuler Iniy, lias by its ])Gtition prayed for special legislation confirmino- all tax sales held by it prior to the 31st day of December, 1916, and it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition !

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. (1) All sales of lands within the Municipality ofTaxsaies

c-n ' T T c TA 1 ano deeds

Shuniah, held prior to the 31st day of December, 1916, and confirmed, which purport to be made by the corporation of the said municipality or any official or officials thereof for arrears of taxes ill respect to lands so sold, arc validated and confirmed, and all deeds of lands so sold, executed by the reeve and treasurer of the said municipality, ])urporting to convey the said lands so sold to the purchaser thereof, or his assigns, are validated and confirmed, and shall have the efl:"ect of vesting the lands so sold and conveyed or purported to be sold and conveyed, and the same are vested in the purchaser or his assigns and his and their heirs and assigns, in fee simple free and clear of and from all right, title and interest Avhatsoever of the owners thereof at the time of such sale, or their assigns, and of all charges and encumbrances there- on, except taxes accrued since those for non-payment whereof the said lands were sold.

(2) This section shall extend and apply to cases where Purchases the municipality or any one in trust for it or on its bghalf municipality became the purchaser of the lands.

(3) ^NTothing in this section contained shall affect anyntigaUon

action, litigation or other proceeding now pending, but the^^^^^g^

same may be proceeded witli and finally adjudicated upon in

the same manner and to the same extent as if this Act had

not been passed. 4


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1^0. 5. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

W lip] RE AS the Corporation of the City of Tomiito has, Preamble, by petition, prayed for special Iciiislation in respect of the several matters hereinafter s( t forth ; and whereas i the said corporation, at the general expense and with tlie assent of the electors, established and has operated for about ten years sewage disposal works for the interception and purification of the sewage of the saiil corporation, but did not pass a by-law for the establishment of the said works, as required by The Municipal Act; and whereas it is desirable to sanction the said establishment and operation of the said works and to grant other relief with reference thereto; and whereas, to enable the said cor])oration more readily and ])rofitably to dispose of debentures, it is desirable that the by-laws specified in Schedule " A " hereto should be con- firmed ; and whereas no objections have been made to any of the said by-laws, and no opposition has been offered to the confirmation of the same; and whereas it is desirable to grant special powers to the said' corporation as to the plant- ing, trimming, care of and removal of trees for ornamental ' ])urposes in the highways of the said cor])oration ; and Avhereas it is desirable to validate certain sales of lands for arrears of taxes, and to remove any doubts that may arise as to the validity thereof; and whereas it is desirable to impose certain restrictions upon the subdivision of vacant lands in the said municipality with reference to the cost of local improvements and other public services, a large part of which would fall upon the general ratepayers of the municipality; and whereas large tracts of land of adjoining municipalities are from time to time annexed to the said municipality, which obtain special advantages as to sewer outlets without sharing any part of the cost thereof, and it is desirable to grant special powers to recover a part of the cost thereof from the owners of such lands upon annexation thereof to the said municipality; and whereas the said cor- poration has, at great cost and expense, established and

maintains a system of sewers, interceptinc; sewers and scav- 5

age disposal works whicli, owing to the rapid growth of the said corporation, threaten to become inadequate to provide for the needs of the said municipality ; and whereas the said system and works cannot be further burdened with the care of sewage from lands without the borders of the said muni- (•ij)ality; and whereas, under section 2 of an Act passed by this Legislature in the fifth year of His Majesty's reign, an obligation was cast upon the said municipality to allow the Township of Y<>rk to connect all sewers then existing, or which might thereafter be constructed in the Township of York, to the sewer system of the said municipality; and whereas it is desirable that the ratepayers of the said muni- cipality should not be further burdened with this obligation, and that the said Act should be repealed ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

Operation of sewage disposal works on Eastern Avenue.

' 1, (1) ISTotwithstanding the provisions of Tlie Municipal Act, or any other Act of this Legislature, or the decision or order of any court, the Corporation of the City of Toronto may maintain and operate the Sewage Disposal Works situ- ated on Eastern Avenue in the said city, together with all works, services and appurtenances necessary thereto, and no suit, action or other "proceeding shall be brought against the said corporation for damages or other relief in respect of the maintenance and operation of the said works unless the said corporation shall have failed to comply with any order, regulation or direction of the Provincial Board of Health relative to such maintenance and operation.

Pending litigation not affected.

(2) This section shall not apply to deprive any person of any damages heretofore awarded by the judgment, order or direction of any court.

By-laws specified in Sched. A - confirmed.

Planting and

trimming of trees.

2. The by-laws of the said corporation, specified in Schedule " A " hereto, and all debentures issued or to be issued thereunder, and all assessments made or to be made, and all rates levied or to be levied for the payment thereof, are validated and confirmed, and the said corporation is declared to have had power to pass, issue and levy the same.

3. N'otwithstanding the provisions of The Municipal Act, or any other Act of this Legislature, the council of the said corporation may pass by-laws for authorizing the Park Com- missioner, or any other ofiicer appointed for that purpose, or a committee of the council, to:

(a) Plant, or cause to be planted, trees in the highways of the municipality;

(h) Trim, or cause to be trimmed, all trees on private property, the branches of which extend over the highway ;

(c) Trim, transplant, cut down or remove, or cause to

be trimmed, transplanted, cut down or removed, any trees ^ planted or growing, in any highway, square, lane, or other public communication, without notice to the owner or occupant of ad- joining property and without payment of com- pensation therefor;

(d) Neither the said corporation, nor any person

acting under the authority of a by-law for the purposes mentioned in the preceding clauses of this section, shall incur any liability by reason of anything done under the authority of the by- law if reasonable care, skill and judgment are exercised in the doing of it, nor shall the said corporation be liable to make compensation to the owner or occupant of the land further than as provided by this section.

4. The council of the said corporation may pass by-laws Power to to prohibit any change in the use of, or the purposes for change in which any building is used, without the approval of the butidLgs. council and a permit being obtained therefor from the City Architect, or some other officer appointed for the said pur- pose, and may impose penalties for breaches of such by-laws.

Such penalties, however, shall not exceed in amount those which may be imposed for breaches of by-laws passed under The Municipal Act.

5. By-law Number T778 of the said corporation, passed gy.iaw on the 5th day of March, 1917, set forth in Schedule " B " ?1^-,I'JI^ '^ hereto, is hereby validated and confirmed, and the cityi^esin council is hereby declared to have had authority to pass the confirmed, same, and service of a certified copy thereof at the Head

Office of the Toronto Suburban Railway Company in the City of Toronto shall be deemed good and sufficient notice thereof to the said company.

O. All sales of land within the said municipality made Tax sales since the 1st day of January, 1905, puj-porting to be made confl'rrned. by the said corporation for arrears of taxes in respect of land so sold are hereby validated and confirmed, and all deeds of land so sold executed by the Mayor, Treasurer and Clerk of the said Corporation, purporting to convey the said land so

Power to levy whole cost of local Im- provements and other services on land pro- posed to be subdivided.

sold to tho purchaser thereof, or his assigns, or to the said corporation, shall have tho effect of vesting the land so sold and conveyed, and the same is hereby vested, in the pur- chaser or his assigns, and his and their heirs and assigns, or in the said corporation and its assigns, as the case may be, in fee simple free and clear of and from all right, title and interest whatsoever of tho owners thereof at the time of such sale, or their assigns, and of all charges a^d encumbrances thereon (excei)t taxes accrued after those for non-payment whereof the said lands were sold).

7. Notwithstanding the provisions of The Local Improve- ment Act, or any other Act of this Legislature, all parcels or tracts of land within the limits of the said municipality shall, upon a subdivision thereof and as a condition prece- dent to the right to subdivide the same, be liable to bear, and sliall pay

(a) The entire cost of all local improvement works undertaken and completed with reference to such lands ;

{h) The entire cost of all services and public utilities supplied for the benefit of such lands by the said municipality ;

and such entire cost of such works, services and public utilities may be levied solely upon the said lands, and the said corporation need not assume or pay any part thereof.

Levying of 8. (1) The said corporation may levy and collect

anrfexed land against lands annexed to the municipality rates for the cost

ouuet^^^ of any sewer outlet constructed within the municipality

l)efore such lands were annexed to the municipality, Avhere

such outlet benefits, or may benefit, such lands.

Amount of rate.

(2) Such ^rates shall be equal in amount to those levied upon other lands within the municipality, and shall be levied for the same i^eriod of time.

of^rafes"" (^) ^^ ^^'^^^ rates may be levied and collected against

such lands under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act as though the same had been within the municipality at the time such outlet was undertaken and constructed, and had been undertaken and constructed for the benefit of such lands.

of^sectton!'^ (4) Tho provisions of this section shall apply to any sewer outlet, for the cost of which rates are being levied at the date of the passing hereof, where lands, although not within the municipality at the time such outlet was under- taken and constructed, are at the date of the passing hereof benefited qr may hereafter be benefited by such outlet.

5Geo. V, 9. Section 2 of the Act passed in the fifth year of His

repealed' Majesty's reign, and chaptered 80, is hereby repealed. 5

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No. 7778. A By-Law.

To establish and lay down a line of railway on certain streets in Ward 7, north of Dundas Street.

(Passed March 5th, 1917.)

The Council of the Corporation of the City of Toronto, by a majority vote of all the* members thereof, enacts as follows:


This council doth hereby, pursuant to the provisions of section 30 of the agreement made between the Corporation of the Town of Toronto Junction and The Toronto Suburban Railway Company, Limited, dated the 11th day of November, A.D. 1899, approve of the recommendation of the City Engineer that the Toronto Sub- urban Railway Company (formerly the Toronto Suburban iStreet Railway Company, Limited), construct and operate a line of rail- way upon each of the streets hereinafter set forth, and doth request the said company to complete and put in operation the said lines of railway on or before the 1st day of October, A.D. 1917.

The aforesaid streets are as follows:

Adrian Avenue, from Symington Avenue to Wiltshire Avenue.


Boler Street, from Maria Street to C.P.R.

Blackthorne Avenue, from Rowntree Avenue to south end.

Britannia Avenue, from St. Clair Avenue to north city limit.

Connolly Street, from Ford Street to Wiltshire Avenue.

Cawthra Avenue, from C. P.R. to Lloyd Avenue.

Clendenan Avenue, from Dundas Street to C.P.R.

Cobalt Avenue, from Ryding Avenue to St. Clair Avenue.

Cloverdale Road, from St. Clair Avenue to north end.

Chambers Avenue, from Howick Avenue to Turnberry Avenue.

Carrick Avenue, from Howick Avenue to south end.

Davenport Road, from Weston Road to Ford Street.

Dodds Avenue, from West Toronto Street to St. Clair Avenue.

Exeter Street, from Laughton Avenue, to 547 feet east of Wiltshire Avenue. Ethel Avenue, from Dodds Avenue to Runnymede Road. ,

Bast Avenue, from Prescott Avenue to G.T.R. iNorthern Division.

Gillespie Avenue, from Davenport Road to Connolly Street. Gilmour Avenue, from Dundas Street to Maria Street. Gourley Crescent, east and west sides, from Ethel Avenue to Ryding Avenue. Gunns Road, from St. Clair Avenue to Northland Avenue. Glen Scarlett Road, from Gunns Road to Symes Road.

Hounslow Heath Road, from Laughton Avenue to St. Clair Avenue. Hibernia Avenue, from Laughton Avenue to east end. Hook Avenue, from Weston Road to Indian Grove. Hirons Street, from Keele Street to Cawthra Avenue. Heintzman Street, from Dundas Street to north end. Hallawall Avenue, from St. Clair Avenue to north end. Howick Avenue, from Chambers Avenue to Blackthorn Avenue.

Indian Grove Avenue, from Dundas Street to C.P.R.

Junction Road, from Keele Street to Weston Road.

Kingsley Avenue, from Laughton Avenue to Symington Avenue.

Kipping Avenue, from Prescott Avenue to G.T.R.

Keele Street, from Weston Road South to north city limit.

Laughton Avenue, from Kingsley Avenue to St. Clair Avenue.

Lindner Street, from Osier Avenue to C.P.R.

Lloyd Street, from Keele Street to Cawthra Avenue.

Miller Street, from C.P.R. to Davenport Road.

Monarch Road, from Weston Road to Weston Road.

Mulock Avenue, from Junction Road to St. Clair Avenue.

McMurray Avenue, from Dundas Street to C.P.R.

Maria Street, from Runnymede Road to Clendenan Avenue.

McCormack Avenue, from Weston Road South to west city limit.

Northland Avenue, from Weston Road' South to west city limit.

Osier Avenue, from C.P.R. to iSt. Clair Avenue.

Perth Avenue, from C.P.R. to Davenport Road. Pelham Avenue, from Laughton Avenue to Osier Avenue. Pacific Avenue, from Dundas Street to Vine Avenue. Prescott Avenue, from St. Clair Avenue to Rowntree Avenue. Pryor Avenue, from Cloverdale Road to Silverthorn Avenue.

Quebec Avenue, from Dundas Street to C.P.R.

Rutland Street, from Laughton Avenue to Wiltshire Avenue. Runnymede Road, from Dundas iStreet to north city limit. Ryding Avenue, from Dodds Avenue to Runnymede Road. Rosethorn Avenue, from Rockwell Avenue to Turnberry Avenue. Rockwell Avenue, from Weston Road to Prescott Avenue. Rowntree Avenue, from Prescott Avenue to west end.

Symington Avenue, frQm C.P.R. to Davenport Road. Springrove Avenue, from Hounslow Heath Road to St. Clair Avenue. St. Clair Avenue, from Ford Street to G.T.R. Northern Division. St. Clair Avenue, from Keele Street to Runnymede Road. St. John's Place, from Dundas Street to Maria Street. Shipman Street, from Maria Street to C.P.R.

Silverthorn Avenue, from St. Clair Avenue to Rowntree Avenue. Symes Road, from St. Clair Avenue to Glen Scarlett Road.

Talbot Street, from Laughton Avenue to east end. Turnberry Avenue, from Silverthorn Avenue to west end. Townsley Street, from Weston Road to Union Street.

Uxbridge Avenue, from Pelham Avenue to Connolly Street. Union Street, from St. Clair Avenue to Wakefield Avenue.

Vine Street, from Keele Street to McMurray Avenue.

Wiltshire Avenue, from Adrian Street to Rutland Avenue. Westport Avenue, from Weston Road to east end. Weston< Road, from Dundas Street to north city limit. Watkinson Avenue, from Dundas Street to Hook Avenue. West Toronto Street, from Keele Street to Dodds Avenue. Wakefield Street, from Weston Road to Union Street.

W. A. Littij:john, City Clerk. T. L. Church, Mayor. Council Chamber,

Toronto, March 5th, 1917.


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No. 6. 1919.


An Act to Incorporate the Church of Jesus Christ.

WHEREAS the persons hereinafter named have, by-^^^^"^^®- their petition, prayed that it be enacted as herein- . after set forth, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Richard C. Evans, Alexander E. Gray, Arthur M. J{J,«„o'"P°'-a- VVilson, Thomas Crowley, William T. Evans, James Oaskey, William S. Faulds, Thomas Clark, Thomas Bennett and (ieorge Trickey, together with such persons as are at present or who may become members of the church, are hereby in- corporated under the name of " The Church of Jesus Christ," hereinafter called " The Church."

3. The Church shall consist of the presiding bishop who ^^JoseS."^ shall also be the president^ two counsellor's, local bishops and elders, all of whom shall be ministers, and priests, teachers and deacons and such other officers as may from time to time be appointed and members admitted according to the consti- tutions hereinafter provided for.

3. The Church may meet in general conference and make powers of by-laws not contrary to law, or to the provisions of this Act, fonfefence. and may adopt and frame constitutions and regulations for the organization, for membership, and for enforcing discip- line in the Church, and for the appointment, deposition, de- privation, or removal of any person bearing office therein, and for the convenient and orderly management of the property, affairs and interest of the Church in matters rela- ting to and affecting only the Church and for the ordaining of ministers who shall have the power to solemnize marriage.

4, 'I'lic fir.si eciicrjil ciiiirci'cin-c :ittcr ilic incorporation


^mr.y.^ru.. sli;ill lie licid Mil mp I m I'm f. t!ic Dili (liiv of June, 1919.

ii.'iKi oti;

.">. The Iiciid (tllicc of the ('hnrch shall be in the City of Toronto, in the l^roviiice of Ontario, or in snch other place in Ontario as may from time to timo he desi^iated by by-law of flit' Chnrcli.

Power to noqiilre and

iHiM I;uhI.

AHenation of land, in- vestment of funds, etc.

Execution of convey- ances, etc.

6. The Churcli iii;iy. from time to time, acquire and re- .•(■i\<' convex ;iii((s nf snch lands, moneys, mortgages and yeeurilics or other (jropcrty as may be required for the pur- pose of churches, colleges, camp-grounds, schools or other cdncational purposes connected with the Church, or for the purpose of a conference building, or for the purpose of printing and ])ublishing houses in connection with the (^hni'oh and carrying on the business of such printing and pnblishing houses, and for the purpose of endowing and supporting such churches, colleges, camp-grounds, schools and such printing and publishing houses and any book de- pository in ('uiiiiection th'erewith ; and may also receive the benefit of any gift or devise, by will or otherwise, in its corjiorate name for the uses and purposes of the Church.

7. The Churcli may, in addition to the powers conferred np(ui it by the next preceding section and subject to the pro- visions thereof, sell, exchange, alienate, mortgage, lease or demise any lands, tenements and hereditaments held by the Church, whether simply by' way of investment for the uses and purposes set forth in the next preceding section or not, and the Church may also, from time to time, invest any of its funds and moneys in and upon any mortgage security of lands, tenements and hereditaments, and in debentures of municipal or public school corporations or in Dominion or Provincial securities, including any war loan of the Do- minion of Canada, in any part of Canada, and for the pur- poses of such investments may take, receive and accept mort- gages or assignments thereof, whether such mortgages or assignments be made and executed directly to it in its own corporate name, or to some other company or person in trust for it, and shall have and enjoy the same; and furthermore, may sell, grant, assign and transfer such mortgages to any person, company or body capable of receiving an assignment thereof, and may release and discharge such mortgages either wholly or partly.

8. AH conveyances and instruments of the Church shall be executed by affixing the corporate seal of the Church and the signatures of the president and the secretary for the time being of the Church, or of such other officers or persons as may be authorized by the by-laws or regulations passed by the Conference of the said Church.


9. The Church shall at all times, when required, make a Returns as

to propGrty

full return under oath, showing the property, real and per- and income, sonal held by it, for the purposes in section 6 or any of them, the income derived from such property and such other infor- mation relating thereto as is required by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council or the Legislative Assembly."

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No. G. 1919.


An Act to Incorporate the Church of the Christian Brotherhood.

W111<:KKA8 the i)ersoiis hereinafter iiaimd have, byP'-^^™^i«- iheir petition, prayed that it be enacted as hereiu- al'ter set forth, and it is expedient to grant the ])raYer of the said petition:

'I'herefore His Majesty, by and with the aJvice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province -of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. liichard C. Kvaiis, Alexander K. Gray, Arthur M. ;fJJJ>_^PO'-^- Wiison. Tluuiia.-, Crowley, William T, Evans, James Caskey, William >S. Faiikls, Thomas Clark, Thomas J>ennett and George Trickey, together with such persons as are at present

or who may become members of the church, are hereby in- ('or|)orated under the name of " The Ciiurch of Hie Christian Ih-otherhood," hereinafter called ^' The Church."

2. The Church shall consist of the presiding bishop who^^JJ^J^ch^J.ow shall also be the president, two counsellors, local bishops and

elders, all of wlioin sliall bo ministers, and priests, teachers and deacons and siicli other officers as may from time to time be appointe<l and ineiiihors admitted according to the consti- tutions hereinalicr provided for.

3. The Church may meet in general conference and make powers of by-laws not contrary to law, or to the provisions of this Act, Conference, and may adopt and frame constitutions and regulations for

llie organization, for membership, and for enforcing discip- line in the Chiu'ch, and for the appointment, dei)osition, de- privation, or removal of any person bearing office therein, and for the convenient and orderly management of the pro)>ertv. a 11 airs and interest of the Church in matters rela- ting to and affecting only the Church and for the ordaining id' minister-^ who shall have the power to solemnize marriage.

First meetlncr of

4. The first general conference after the incorporation

conference, shall be held OH or before the 9th day of June, 1919.

Head office.

5. Tlie head office of the Church shall be in the City of 'r«ronto, in the Province of Ontario, or in such other place in Ontario as may from time to time be designated by by-law of the Church.

Power to acquire and hold land.

6. The Church may, from time to time, acquire and re- <'eivo conveyances of such lands, moneys, mortgages and securities or other ])roperty as may be required for the pur- rose of churches, cani])-iin»niu1s, or for the purpose of a con- ference building; and iiiay also receive the benefit of any gift or devise, by will or otherwise, in its corporate name for the uses and purposes of the Church.

Alienation of land, in- vestment of funds, etc.

7- The Church may, in addition to the powers conferred upon it by the next preceding section and subject to the pro- visions thereof, sell, exchange, alienate, mortgage, lease or demise any lands, tenements and hereditaments held by the Church, whether simply by way of investment for the uses niul purposes set forth in the next preceding section or not, niid the Church may also, from time to time, invest any of its funds and moneys in and upon any mortgage security of lands, tenements and hereditaments, and in debentures of municipal or public school corporations or in Dominion or Pi-ovincial securities, including any war loan of the Do- minion of Canada, in any part of Canada, and for the pur- poses of such investments may take, receive and accept mort- gages or assignments thereof, whether such mortgages or assignments be made and executed directly to it in its own (!orporate name, or to some other company or person in trust for it, and shall have and enjoy the same; and furthermore, may sell, grant, assign and transfer such mortgages to any person, company or body capable of receiving an assignment thereof, and may release and discharge such mortgages either wholly or partly.

Execution of convey- ances, etc.

8. All conveyanres and instruments of the Church shall be executed by affixing the corporate seal of the Church and the signatures of the nresident and the secretary for the time being of the Church, or of such other officers or persons as may be authorized by the by-laws or regulations passed by the Conference of the said Church.

Returns as ^- The Church shall at all times, when required, make a ind^incoSe. """^^ return under oath, showing the property, real and per- sonal held by it, for the purposes in section 6 or any of than. 6

tlio income derived from such property ami such other infor- mation relating thereto as is required by the Lieutenant- (Jov^ernor in Council or the Legislative Assembly.

J^" 10. The provisions of this Act sliall be subject to when land

^ . . , ^ ■' to be sold.

those of The Mortmain and Chardahle I ses Act except that the period within which the land shall be sold shall be seven years instead of two years and that it shall not be necessary to sell any land, now or hereafter acquired which is actually and bona fide held, used and occupied for the purposes of the corporation.

11. This Act shall come into force forthwith on the pass- When Act ingof it.^^^ takes effect.




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No. 7. 1919.


An Act respecting the Canadian National Exhibi- tion Association.

WHEKEAS The Canadian National Exhibition Associ-^^^*""^^^- ation has, by its petition, represented that it is desirable that an Act may be passed to provide that the directors thereof may appoint annually such number of honorary and associate directors as they may deem advisable upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee; that, in order to retain the services of the past presidents of the Association, they should be constituted life members of the Association and members of the board of directors and be assiiiued to sucli section of niembershi]) as may be deter- uiiiicd liy iho hoard of directoi's; that certain chanfic-^ >houhl he made in the menihorship of the city eoiinci] section and certain additional members added thereto: that, owinu' to changes in the names of certain bodies havinji representation in the membershij) of the Association, such bodies should continue to have representation under such new names; tliat it is desirable to change the date when notice of the apj)oinl- mcnt of representatives to the Association shouldl be re<'oive(l by tho secretary ; and whereas it is expedient to grant tlu' prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by aud with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of tlie ProvincQof Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 10 of jh(> Act passed in tlio forty-second year42 Vice. (»r tlie reign of Her hite Majesty C^nccn N'ictoria and chaj*- amended, tered 81 is amended by adding thev('t(> tin following words: *' The directors shall also hav(? fnll ))o\vcr to appoint annu- ally such nund)er of honorary aud associate directors as they may deem advisable, upon the recommendation of the exoeu- (ivo committee, [)rovided however that such honorary and associate directors shall not be eligible for election to the executive committee."

-; '■;;' ^v- V 1 1 , 2. Siil)(ction (\) ..f ^cclinii Ii of ilic Ad |.;i-><-<l in tl,r.

aiiuMKiiMi. scciind vc;ir of ilic rciiiii dl' Hi- |;itc Mjijc-Ix K'iiii: I'Mwar'i \' I I ;iinl clwiiilcrcil r,:.. ;i-. ciiiH-lcd li\- -(■(•liMii i' of ihc A'.-t |';i--('(l ill llic lil'lli vc;ir of llic |-<'i;:ii df Hi- -;ii<| .M;ij('-t\ ;ili'l '■li;i|»lcrc(l 114, is aiiiciKlcd l>v -irikiim oiii ihc WMi'd- '" 'l"lic lidiii'd ni' <lir('('t<irs slinll cdiisi.-i nf iwciit v-fi\ c |)cr~iiii.- ji- t'nlldws: " Tlic Minister of Aaricii It lire." in the tii'-l an<l ('(•oinl lines lliercnt. miwI liv >iili-t i t lit i iiu' tlierelor ihe lullnw- ina wiii'd.-: "' 'Idie Imnrd (d' il ireetoi's .-linll eiinsi-t of the AHn- i-ler of Auriciiitiii-e of the Pniviiice of Ontnrio. the past pi'e-ideiit- (d the A--(iciation an<l t wenty-foii c ]ier>"n- n- tollows '" :

SI, s.V/' 3.-— (1) Section 1 of tho Act passed in the foitv-second

amended. ^.,,.,,. ,,,■ ^j,,. ,,^,;^,, , , ,• yj^.^, ^,,^.^^ "Arajestv QnooR X'i.-toria niu]

(•liaplere<| Si, ;is enacled h\- section M of tlie Ai-t ]»a-sefl in the second year of the reign of Hi- .Maje-tv Kinu (k'oi'iiO V. aiul (diaptered 1 ."> 1 . is nniciuled as f(dlo\\s:

(") l»y si I'iking Old -nh-ection ( l' i and siih~tiriilinir tlio iVdIowing tliercd'or :

(2) Tlie City Council section sliall con-i-t of tlie inayoi-. tlie nieinbevri of tlio Council of the ('ity of Toronto; the city f r('a.-urer. the ])ark commissioner, tlic city (dei-k. rlic com- missioner of works, rho corporation counsel. the city solicitor, the city architect, the medical officer of liealth, the assessment commissioner, the property commissioner, the street commissioner, and the chief r>f the fire department.

(h) by striking ont the words " tlie Commercial Travellers Association" in the 13th and l-ttli lines of snbsection (3) and substitnting therefor the words "the Commercial Traveller^ A<-.«< i- ation of Canada,"

(c) by striking ont the words " The (rraphic Art Clnb,

the Applied Art Clnb, the Royal Canadian Academy " in the 20th and 21st lines of the said subsection (^)) and substituting therefor the words '' the Society of Graphic Art. the Society of Applied Art, the Roval Canadian Academy of Arts,"

(d) by striking ont snbsection (A) and substituting the

following therefor:


(4) The Agricultural Section shall consist of the .Minister and Deputy Minister of xVgri- culture of the Province of Ontario, the I'lvsident of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, the Superintendent of Agricultural and Horticultural Societies of tho Province of Ontario, the Director of the Live Stock Branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, the Director of the Fruit Branch of the' Ontario Department of Agriculture, the Director of the Dairy Branch of the Ontario l)e})ai'tni('ut of Agriculture, two representatives from each of the following bodies: Canadian Kennel Club, Dominion Shorthorn Breeders Association, Canadian Swine Breeders Association, and one rejire- sentative from each of the following bodies: Toronto Agricultural Society, Cjiiiadiiin Thoroughbred Horse Society, Canadian Hackney Horse Society. Clydesdah* Hors(> As<oci:ition of Cjinada. Canailiiin Poiiv Sociely, Ontario Horse Breeders Associa- tion, Canadian Percheron Horse Breed(Ms Association, Canadian Shire Horse Associ- ation, Toronto Hunt Limited. Toronto Di-i\ing Club, Ontario dockey Chd), On- tario Veterinary Association, ('anadian Standard Bred Horse Society, Canadian Aberdeen Angus Associati<m, (\Tnadinn Ayrshire P)reeders Associati(ui. Canadian Hereford Breeders Association, Holstein- Friesian Association of ('anada, ("anadian Jersey Cattle Club, Ontario Cattle Breed- ers Association, Canadian Sheep Breeders Association, Ontario Shwp Breedcis Asso- ciation, The Western Ontario Poultry Association, the I^asiern Ontario Poultry Association. Toronto Poultry & Pet Stock Association, (\nnadian Pigeon Fanciers Association. Toronto Canary and (\ige Bird Society, Ontario Horticultural Asso- ciation, Toronto- Horticultural Society, Fruit Growers Association of Ontario. Crardeners & Florists .Association of On- tario, Ontario Vegetable CJrowers Associa- tion, Ontario Bee ICecpei-s A>--(m I.ii Ion, Eastern Ontario Dairvmens Association, Dairvmeus Association of Western On- tario, and the Dominion Orange, such re-

|>r('s('iit;iti\('s to 1m' iihuhnI jiiid appointtv] l'\ tlic >:ii<l -i'vcral bodies at their nniinal incciiiii: Ww the election of officers.

(r) l»y sirikiiiii niii ilic words '• not lalcr tlian the last Wednesday of January at the hour of 12 o'clock noon in each year " in the .Trd last line of snh- section ('>) and snKsti tilting therefor the words '' not later than the second Wednesday of Fel)- riiarv at tlie honr of 12 o\dock noon in each \-e;ir."'

(/) liy iii-criiiiii' ;ii ilic cuiiiinciiccnient vi" -iil.scrii,.!! (S) the fnllowiiiLi- \v(.nls: "The past prc-LlciiN

ot the .\->(>ci;it idii."'


amended ^^^ "^^'^ ^'"''^ section 4 ..f the said Act is further amended

hy insertinir the f<)llM\viiii>- as subsections (Txi) and (7n) :

(itn) Tn recoeiiition of distinfjnished services to the Associatinn. all ])ast presidents shall l>e consti- tnted life nienihers of the Association and mem-

heis of the Hoard of Directors, and shall he assjoned to section (n), (h) or (r), as ninv ho determined hy the Board of Directors.

(7ft) In tlie event of any of the bodies mentioned in the fore<>oin_a' snli-cciidiis ('^) or (4) chniiiiiiia' its name, sncli l)ody shall continue from time to time to have the same rights and privileges under any such new name as though such new name were mentioned in the said subsections.


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No. 7. 1919-


An Act respecting the Canadian National Exhibi- tion Association.

WHB]EEAS The Canadian Xational Exhibition Associ- ation has, by its petition, represented that it is Preamble, desirable that an Act may be passed to provide that the directors thereof may appoint annually such number of honorary and associate directors as they may deem advisable upon the recommendation of the Executive Committee; that, in order to retain the services of the past presidents of th^ Association, they should be constituted life members of the Association and members of the board of directors and be assigned to such section of membership as may be deter- mined by the board of directors ; that certain chano-es should be made in the membership of the city council section and certain additional members added thereto; that, owinjjj to chansjes in the names of certain bodies havinjo^ representation in the membership of the Association, such bodies should continue to have representation under such new names ; that it is desirable to change the date when notice of the apuoint- ment of representatives to the Association should be received by the secretary; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the ProvincQ of Ontari;), enacts as follows:

1. Section 10 of the Act passed in the forty-second year of the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria and chap- 42 vice, fered 81 is amended by adding thereto the following words : |^|^ded. " Tlie directors shall also have full power to appoint annu- ally such number of honorary and associate directors as they may deem advisable, upon the recommendation of the execu- tive committee.jj^^and such honorary and associate direc- tors shall have such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to them from time to time bv the Board of Directors, but shall not have the riulit t., \<^te at meetings of the Board of Directors.*'^! 7


2 BdW. VII, s. 6S, ■. 9.


2. Subsection (1) of section 9 of the Act passed in tho second year of the reif^n of His late Majesty King Edward VII and chaptered 65, as enacted by section 2 of the Act passed in the fifth year of the reign of His said Majesty and chaptered 114, is amended by striking out the words "The board of directors shall consist of twenty-five persons follows : " The Minister of Agriculture," in the first and setiond lines thereof, and by substituting therefor the follow- ing words: " The board of directors shall consist of the Min- ister of Agriculture of the Province of Ontario, the past presidents of tho Association nnd twenty-four persons as follows":—

42 Vie. c.



3, (1) Section 4 of the Act passed in the forty-second vcjir of the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria and chaptered 8], as enacted by section .3 of the Act passed in tho second yenr of the reign of His Maiesty King George V, MJid ('haptered 151. is amended as follows:

(n) by striking out subsection (2) and substituting the following therefor:

(2) The City Council section shall consist of the mayor, the members of the Conncil of the Oity of Toronto ; the city treasurer, the park commissioner, the city clerk, the com- missioner of works, the corporation counsel, the city solicitor, the city architect, the medical officer of health, the assessment commissioner, the property commissioner, the street commissioner, and the chief of the fire department.

(h) by striking out the words " the Commccial Travellers Association" in the 13th and 14th lines of subsection (3) and substituting therefor the words " the Commercial Travellers Associ- ation of Canada,"

(r.) by striking out the words " The Graphic Art Club, the Applied Art Club, the Royal Canadian Academy " in the 20th and 21st lines of the said subsection (3) and substituting therefor the words " the Society of Graphic Art, the Society of Applied Art, the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts,"

(d) by striking out subsection (4) and substituting the following therefor:

(4) The Agricultural Section shall consist of the Minister and Deputy Minister of Agri- culture of the Province of Ontario, the President of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, the Superintendent of Agricultural and Horticultural Societies of the Province of Ontario, the Director of the Live Stock Branch of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture, the Director of the Fruit Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, the Director of the Dairy Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, two representatives from each of the following bodies: Canadian Kennel Club, Dominion Shorthorn Breeders Association, Canadian Swine Breeders Association, and one repre- sentative from each of the following bodies : Toronto Agricultural Society, Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society, Canadian Hackney Horse Society, Clydesdale Horse Association of Canada, Canadian Pony Society, Ontario Horse Breeders Associa- tion, Canadian Percheron Horse Breeders Association, Canadian Shire Horse Associ- ation, Toronto Hunt Limited, Toronto Driving; Club, Ontario Jockey Club, On- tario Veterinary Association, Canadian Standard Bred Horse Society, Canadian Aberdeen Angus Association, Canadian Ayrshire Breeders Association, Canadian Hereford Breeders Association, Holstein- Friesian Association of Canada, Canadian Jersey Cattle Club, Ontario Cattle Breerl- ers Association, Canadian Sheep Breeders Association, Ontario Sheep Breeders Asso- ciation, The Western Ontario Poultry Association, the Eastern Ontario Poultry Association, Toronto Poultry & Pet Stock Association, Canadian Pigeon Fanciers Association, Toronto Canary and Cage Bird Society, Ontario Horticultural Asso- ciation, Toronto Horticiiltnral Society, Fruit Growers Association of Ontario, Gardeners & Florists Association of On- tario, Ontario Vegetable Growers Associa- tion, Ontario Bee Keepers Association, Eastern Ontario Dairymens Association, Dairymens Association of Western On- tario, and the Dominion Grange, such re-

presentatives to be named and appointed by the said several bodies at their annual meeting for the election of officers.

(e) by striking out the words " not later than the last Wednesday of January at the hour of 12 o'clock noon in each year " in the 3rd last line of sub- section (5) and substituting therefor the words " not later than the second Wednesday of Feb- ruary at the hour of 12 o'clock noon in each year."

(/) by inserting at the commencement of subsection (8) the following words: "The past presidents of the Association."

s. 4 (2) The said section 4 of the said Act is further amended

by inserting the following as subsections (5a) and (7a) : ^

(So.) In recognition of distinguished services to the Association, all past presidents shall be consti- tuted life members of the Association and mem- bers of the Board of Directors, and shall be assigned to section (a), (h) or (c), as may be determined by the Board of Directors.

{7a) In the event of any of the bodies ^mentioned in the foregoing subsections (3) or (4) changing its name, such body shall continue from time to time to have the same rights and privileges under any such new name as though such new name were mentioned in the said subsections.































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'No. 8. 1919.


An Act respecting By-law No. 535 of the Town of Walkerville.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Walker- ^'■"^'"^^^• ville has, by its petition, represented that the said corporation did on the 14th day of July, 1914, after submis- sion to the votes of the electors of the Town of Walkerville, pass By-law Xo. 535 to provide for borrowing the sum of $30?00b to irrant aid to the Townships of Sandwich East and Sandwich South, in the County of Essex, towards. im- proving a certain highway known as the Walker Road and the highway forming its extension from the Town of Walkerville to the Talbot Road at the Village of Oldcastle /

under the provisions of The Highway Improvement Act; and whcrras. owiiiu to the present war and other preventing circnmstaiH'cs, there luis been delay in the improvement of the said liighway and the issue of the debentures; and whereas the time for the issue of the dclKiitmos therennder has been extended by the Order of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board, dated the 9th day of April, 1918, until the 14th day of July, 1920; and whereas no application has been made to quash said by-law, nor is there any action pending wherein the validity of the said by-law is or may be called in question ; and whereas the said corporation has prayed that an Act may be passed confirming the said by- law; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said ])otition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. By-law So. r»;j5 of the Corporation of the Town of By-law

Walkenille, passed on the 14th day of July, 1914, to provide coiifirmoii.

for borrowing money by the issue of debentures to the

amount of $.'»(),000 for granting aid to the ^'orporations of

the Townships of Sandwich East and Sandwich South, in

the County of Essex, towards improving the higliway known

as the Walker Road, set forth in Schedule " A " hereto,



as amended by J3y-law No. 722 of the Corporation of the Town of Walkerville, passed the 12th day of November, 1918, set forth in Schedule " B " hereto, and the debentures issued or to be issued thereunder, and all assessments made and to be made and rates levied or to be levied for payment of the said debentures are confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon the corporation of the Town of Walkerville and the ratepayers thereof.


By-Law No. 535.


To provide for borrowing money by the issue of debentures to the amount of $30,000 for granting aid to the Corporations of the Townships of Sandwich Bast and Sandwich South, in the County of Essex, towards improving the highway known as the Walker Road, and the highways which constitute, or are to constitute, or form, or are to form, part of a highway leading to the Town of Walkerville from the Talbot Road at 01*castle.

Whereas it is proposed by the Townships of Sandwich East and Sandwich South, and the owners of the land along the proposed route, to construct a concrete pavement from the Southerly limit of the Town to the Talbot Road at Oldcastle;

And whereas the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Walkerville deems it advisable to grant aid to the Cor- porations of the said Townships for the improving of the highway so to be paved, to the amount of $30,000;

And whereas the said Council is desirous of providing for such expenditures, and in order thereto it will be necessary to issue debentures of the Municipality for the sum of $30,000, as herein- after provided which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this By-Law; the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied to the purpose of paying for the said improvement, and to no other;

And whereas it is desirable to issue the debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt payable by yearly sums during the period of fifteen years, being the currency of the said debentures; the said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of the said debt, shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other fourteen years of said period;

And whereas the total amount required by the Municipal Act to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest, as hereinafter provided, is $2,890.27;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof, is $6,207,618;

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality is $439,338.00, and no principal or interest is in arrear.

Therefore, the Municipal Council of the Town of Walkerville enacts as follows:

1. That it shall be lawful for the Corporation of the Town of Walkerville to raise t>y way of loan the sum of $30,000 for the purposes aforesaid, and to issue debentures therefor in sums of

not less than $100, bearing interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum, and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest.

2. The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this By-Law is passed, and may bear any date within said two years, and shall be payable in fifteen annual instalments during the fifteen years next after the year when the same are issued at the Canadian Bank of Commerce, in the said Municipality, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as follows : ,

Year. Principal. Interest. Total.

1915 $1,390 27 $1,500 00 $2,890 27

1916 1,459 78 1,430 49 2,890 27

1917 1,532 77 1,357 50 2,890 27

1918 1,609 41 1,280 86 2,890 27

1919 1,689 89 1,200 38 2,890 27

1920 : 1,774 37 1,115 90 2,890 27

1921 1,863 09 1,027 18 2,890 27

1922 1,956 25 934 02 2,890 27

1023 2,054 OG 836 21 2,890 27

1924 2,156 70 733 51 2,890 27

1925 2.264 60 , 625 67 2,890 27

1926 2,377 83 512 44 2,890 27

1927 2,496 72 393 55 2,890 27

1928 2,621 56 268 71 2,890 27

1929 2,752 64 13^ 63 2,890 27

$30,000 00

3. The Mayor of the Corporation or some other person authorized by By-Law shall sign and issue the debentures, and they shall be sealed with the seal of the Corporation.

4. The coupons for the interest shall be signed by the Treasurer, and his signature to them may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved.

5. To provide for the payment of the said sum of $30,000 and interest thereon, at the rate of five per cent, per annum, computed yearly, the sura of $2,890.27 shall be raised and levied in each year for a period of fifteen years by a special rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable property in said Municipality.

6. That the said sum of $30,000 to be raised, as aforesaid, be laid out and expended in granting aid for the above mentioned work, and in no other way, and for no other purpose.

7. This By-Law shall take effect on and from the final passing thereof.


Harry IIowe,



Cecii. H. Robinsox, Clerk. Passed, July 14th, 1914.

iiXx- .


By-Law No. 722.

jOf the town of WALKERVILLE.

A By-Law to Amend By Law No. 535.

Whereas By-Law No. 535, of the Town of Walkervllle, passed on or about the 14th day of July, 1914, provided for the borrowing of $30,000.00 by debentures for the extension of the pavement on the Walker Road such debentures to bear interest at the rate of Five per cent, per annum;

And whereas owing to a change in the money market the deben- tures cannot be sold without a substantial loss unless the rate Is raised ;

Therefore the Corporation of thq Town of Walkerville by the Council thereof enacts as follows:

1. That whereas the preamble in said By-Law recites that the total amount required by The Municipal Act to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest as herein- after provided is |2,890.27 now, therefore

the said preamble is hereby amended by striking out the figures " $2,890.27 " and substituting therefor the figures " $3,190.58."

2. That Section 1 of said By-Law is hereby amended by striking out the word " five " therein and substituting therefor the words " six and one half."

3. That Section 2 of said By-Law is hereby amended by striking out the Schedule of figures at the end thereof and substituting instead thereof the following schedule, that is to say:





$1,240 58

$1,950 00

$3,190 58

1,321 22

1,869 36

3,190 58

1,407 10

1,783 48

3,190 58

1,498 56

1,692 02

3,190 58

1,595 97

1,594 61

3,190 58

1,699 71

1,490 87

3,190 58

1,810 19

1,380 39

3,190 58

1,927 85

1,262 73

3,190 58

2,053 16

1,137 42

3,190 58

2,186 62

1,003 95

3,190 58

2,328 75

861 83

3,190 58

2,480 12

710 .46

3,190 58

2,641 32

549 26

3,190 58

2,813 00

377 58

3,190 58

2,995 85

194 73

3,190 58

$30,000 00

4. That Section 5 of said By-Law is hereby amended by striking out the word " five " therein and substituting therefor the words " six and one half," and by striking out the figures " $2,890.27 " therein and substituting therefor the figures " $3,190.58."

This By-Law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof.



'' ' Mayor.

A. E. Cock,

Clerk. (Seal).

Passed, Nov. 12th, 191S. 8

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No. 9. 1919.


An Act respecting the North American Accident Insurance Company.

WHEREAS The l^orth American Accident In8urancei'''eambie. Company was incorporated by Letters Patent of the , Province of Ontario under the provisions of The Ontario Insurance Act; and whereas The Xorth American Accident Insurance Company was incorporated by Special Act of the Dominion Parliament passed in the seventh and eighth years of the reign of His Majesty King George V, chaptered 65 ; and whereas by Memorandum of Agreement, dated the 10th day of December, 1917, the first-named company agreed to sell and the second-named company agreed to purchase all the assets and to assume all the liabilities of the first-named company; and whereas all the debts, obligations and liabilities of the first-named company have been duly assumed pursuant to said agreement, and the said companies respectively are desirous of carrying out the terms of the said agreement, and have by their joint petition prayed for the passing of an Act validating, confirming and effectuating the said agreement; and whereas it is deemed expedient to grant the prayer of the said petitioners :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The agreement, dated the 10th day of December, 1917, Agreement between the Xorth American Accident Insurance Company, schedule a an insurance company incorporated under the provisions Qf confirmed. The Ontario Insurance Act, of the First Part; the ^North American Accident Insurance Company, incorporated under an Act of the Dominion Parliament of the Second Part, and all persons, firms and corporations, creditors or policy- liolders of the party of the First Part of the Third Part, and which agreement is set out in full in Schedule " A " hereto, is hereby ratified, validated and confirmed.

eiarrying 2. Tho said The North American Accident Insurance

agreement. Com])any, incorporated iind<'r the provisions of The Ontario Imurance Act, is hereby authorized and empowered to assign, grant and convey the property and assets pursuant to the terms of the said agreement, and to do all other acts and things recjuired to fully and comj)letely carry out the ])rovisions and intentions of the said agreement, and any transfer thereof or any part thereof heretofore or hereafter to he made, is hereby validated.


Memorandum of Agreement made the tenth day of December, 1917.

Between :

The Xortli American Accident Insurance Company, an insur- ance company incorporated under the provisions of The Ontario Insurance Act, hereinafter called the Vendor Company, of the first part,

The North American Accident Insurance Company, a company incorporated under an Act of the Dominion Parliament, herein- after called the Purchaser Company, of the second part,


All persons, firms and corporations who are creditors or policy- holders of the Vendor Company, of the third part.

Wihereas the Vendor Company was incorporated in the year 1912, under The Ontario Insurance Act as a company limited by shares with a capital of $500,000.00 divided into 5,000 shares of $100.00 each;

And whereas the capital of the said Vendor Company was sub- scribed and paid up as appears by the Schedule "A" hereto attached at a premium ot, 25 per cent., the names of the present shareholders with the amoTints of their subscriptions and the amounts paid up thereon being shown in said attached schedule;

And whereas the Purchasing Company was incorporated in the year 1917, by special Act as a company limited by shares with a capital of $500,000.00 divided into 5,000 shares of $100.00. each with power to purchase or otherwise acquire the whole or any part of the rights and property of the Vendor Company and to perform and discharge all such duties, obligations and liabilities of that com- pany with respect to the rights and property acquired as are not performed or discharged by that company;

Now it is hereby agreed as follows:

1. The Vendor Company shall sell and the Purchasing Company shall purchase for the sum of $113,499.91 the whole of the property, undertaking and assets of the Vendor Company whatsoever and wheresoever except uncalled capital as a going concern as of and from the First day of January, 1918.

2. The Purchasing Company shall have the benefit of all sub- sisting contracts and book debts made with or owing to the Vendor Company and of all securities therefor, and the Purchasing Com- pany shall take over all tho debts and liabilities of the Vendor Company including the payment of dividends declared but not



paid if any such and shall perform all its engagements and shall indemnify the Vendor Company against all claims, demands and other proceedings in respect thereof.

3. All rights of creditors against the property rights and assets of the Vendor Company and all liens upon its property, rights and assets shall be unimpaired and all debts, contracts, liabilities and duties of the Vendor Company shall attach to the Purchasing Com- pany and may be enforced against it to the same extent as if such debts, contracts, liabilities and duties had been incurred or con- tracted by the Purchasing Company, and the Purchasing Company hereby covenants and agrees with the parties hereto of the Third Part to pay and fulfil all debts, contracts, liabilities and duties of the Vendor Company.

4. The said purchase price of $113,499.91 shall be paid to the Vendor Company by the Purchasing Company on the Granting by the Treasury Board of a license under The Insurance Act to the Purchasing Company, and thereupon the Purchasing Company shall authorize the transfer to the Vendor Company or as it may direct share certificates for 3,064 shares of 3100.00 each in the Purchaser Company with paid up on each share amounts corresponding with the amounts shown as paid up in Schedule "A" hereto in satisfac- tion of said sum of $113,499.91.

5. The purchase .sliall be completed on the granting of such license at the Company's oflices in the City of Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, when the purchase money or consideration contemplated hereby shall be paid over and certificates shall be issued and thereupon the Vendor Company and all other necessary parties if any sihall execute all such assurances and do all such things as may be reasonably required for vesting all the property hereby agreed . to be sold in the Purchasing Company. Until the granting of said license to the Purchaser Company the Vendor Company shall continue to carry on its business and on the actual transfer being made all profits shall accrue to and losses shall be borne or assumed by the Purchaser Company.

6. All expenses of and incidental to the incorporation of the Purchaser Company and of this agreement and of the transfer shall be borne and paid by the Vendor Company out of its assets.

7. Upon the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby the Vendor Company covenants and agrees with the Purchaser Company to entirely cease to carry on the business of insurance.

In witness thereof the parties hereto of the First and Second Parts have hereunto affixed their Corporate Seals under the hands of the proper officers in that behalf.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of

(Signed) Douglas K. Ridout. (Seal)

(Signed) P. W. Pkacock.

(Signed) J. D. Montgomery.

(Signed) Douglas K. Ridoct. ( Seal )

(Signed) P. W. Pkacock.










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Xo. 10. 11»11>.


An Act respecting the City of Niagara Falls and the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company.


IIP:REAS tho Xia.uara' Falls Suspousi.ui nridueCnin-^'"^^'"^^^-

panv have by petition prayed that an Act may he passed to ratify, confirm and lei>alize By-law Xo. 878 of the Mnnicipal Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls, fixing the assessment of the said com])any at the snm of one hnn- dred and fifty thonsand dollars ($150,000) for ten years from and including the year 1018; and whereas the said munici])alitv has by ])etition prayed for the passing of the said Act in order to settle certain differences which have existed between the said company and the said mnnicipality regarding the right of the latter to assess and tax portions of the said company's ]iroj)erty, as well as regarding the amount at which the said property should be assessc<l ;ind taxed; and whereas it is expedient t<t grant tlie prnyor of I lie said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by an(\ with the advice jiiid con lit of the Legislati enacts as follows:

eiit of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario

1. By-law Xo. 878 of the Municii)ality iA' tlic City ofsy-iaw Xiagara Falls, set forth in Schedule "A" to iliis Act isconfirme<i. hereby confirmed and declared legal and binding for all pur- ])oses on the said City of Xiagara Falls, and the ratepayers thereof, notwithstanding anvthina- in anv Act to the contrarv.


City ok Niacaua Fams By-Law No. 878.

A by-law respecting the assessment and taxation of the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Compan.v.

Whereas differences exist between the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls and the Niagara Falls Suspension BrMge Com- pany in reference to the assessment and taxation by tlie city cor- poration of the property belonging to the said company within the said municipality; 10

And wliereas .sucli differences exist both in respect of the legal rights of the city corporation to assess and tax portions of the said property as well as the amount for whicli the property should be assessed and taxed;

And wliereas it has been agreed between the cori)oration and the said company that for the purpose of settling such differences for the next ten years the annual assessment of. the property of the com- pany shall be fixed at the sum of $150,000 during the said period but tiiat tlie legal rights of the corporation and the company shall not be affected by anything' herein contained when this by-law ceases to be operative;

And whereas the corporation have agreed to petition the Legis- lature for an Act to validate this by-law, such legislation to be obtained at the expense of the company;

Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the City of Niagara Falls hereby enacts as follows:

1. That for a period of ten years from and including the year 1918 all the real estate, bridge, property and effects of the Niagara Falls Suspension Bridge Company within the limits of the City of Niagara Falls shall be annually assessed (including business assessment) at the sum of $150,000 for each and every of the said years.

2. That during the said period all municipal rates, taxes, levies and assessments made or levied against the said company, except rates or taxes in respect of local' improvements and except taxation for school purposes, shall be made and levied upon the said fixed assessment of $150,000.

Passed this 20th day of January, 1919.

(Sgd.) H. P. Stephens, Mayor. A. W. J. Seymoub, Clerk. (L.S.)


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Xo. 11. 1919.


An Act Respecting the City of Sault Ste. Marie.

WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation '''^^""'^^'^• of the City of Sault Ste. Marie, hereinafter called " The Corporation," has, by petition, represented that it is desirable ihat certain by-laws, specified in Schedule " A " hei:eto, and the debentures issued or to be issued thereunder, and the assessments made or to be made, and the rates levied or to be levied for the payment of the said debentures be validated and confirmed, and that all sales of lands within the City of Sault Ste. Marie made subsequent to the 31st day of December, 1916, and prior to the 1st day of January, 1918, which purport to have been made by the said corpora- tion for arrears of taxes in respect to lands so sold for which tax deeds have been issued by the said corporation, be valid- ated and confirmed ; and that authority be given to the Muni- cipal Council of the said corporation to submit a by-law at the next municipal elections to the. ratepayers for their ap- proval thereof, to provide for the reduction of the number of members of the Public Utilities Commission of the said city from four to two; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. The by-laws specified in Schedule " A " hereto, and alipy-ifws

11 '. T 1 1 ^ -I 1 11 specined in

debentures issued or to be issued thereunder, and all assess- sched. -.v' ments made or to be made and all rates levied or to be levied for the payment of the said debentures are confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon the corporation and the ratepayers thereof.

2. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section-^"' '»"''««'"" 2 of the Act passed in the 7th year of the reign of His reducing Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 87 in section 3 of public "^^ the Act passed in the 8th yjear of the said reign, chaptered 80, miss\oner"sV


the council of the said corporation may, at the municipal elections to be held on the first Monday in January, 1920, submit to the electors of the city for their assent thereto, ii proposed by-law to reduce the number of Public Utility ( 'onimissioner.s from four to two.

conunfsM'ion. ^^^ ^^^^^' luavor shall ex-offirio be one of such members and the other shall be ap])ointed by the council and shall hold office for a period of three years or until the appointment of his successor, the said coimcil to have the power to appoint bis successor on the exj)iration of the said term, or on said coMiinissioricr so appointed ceasing to hold office for any cause.

SpTeieni" (3) Forthwith after the said by-law has been passed by members the said council, all the inembers of the said Public Utilities (commission, as now constituted, shall cease to hold office, and the council shall forthwitli after the passing of said by-law appoint the member of said commission to be ap])ointed by it, who shall receive a salary not exceeding $400 ]>er year, and may be removable at any time by said (••unicil for cause.

ofRev'^sut (^) ^^ ^^1 other respects not hereinbefore i)ravided, the c. 204. provisions of The Public Utilities Act shall govern.

conflrma- 3, (1) All sales of lands within the City of Sault Ste.

tion of tax ^ ■' i r x-v

sales and Marie made subsequent to the 31st day of December, 1916, and prior to the 1st day of January, 1918, which purport to have been made by the corporation of the said city for arrears of taxes in- respect to lands so sold for which tax deeds have been issued by the said corporation, are hereby validated and confirmed and all deeds of lands so sold, executed by the mayor and treasurer of the said corporation purporting to convey the said lands so sold to the })urchaser thereof or his, her or their assigns, are hereby validated and confirmed, and shall have the power of vesting the lands so sold or conveyed, or purporting to be sold or conveyed, and the same are hereby vested in the purchaser or his or her or their heirs and assigns in fee simple free and clear of and from all title or interest whatsoever of the owner or owners thereof at the time of such sale or his. her or their assigns, and all charges or encumbrances thereon except taxes accrued since those for which payment whereof the said lands were sold.

Corporation ^g) Subsection 1 of this section shall extend and apply purchaser, (q cases whcre the said city or any person or persons in trust

for it, or in its behalf, became the purchaser of lands at any

such tax sale.

Pending (3) Nothing in this section contained shall affect any

not affected, action, litigation or other proceeding now pending, but the

same may be proceeded with and finally adjudicated upon

in the same manner and as fully and effectually as if this Act had not been passed.

4. This Act may be cited as The City of Sault Ste. Ifane ^^^'^ ""^• Act 1919.


(a) A by-law to provide for increased housing accommodation in the City of Sault Ste. Marie;

(b) By-law No. 990 to provide for the issue of debentures to raise the sum of $55,500.00 for the erection of an addition to the west wing of the Central School and for general improvement and equip- ment for schools.

(c) By-law No. 1005 to provide for borrowing $9,226.22 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain concrete sidewalks in the City of Sault Ste. Marie, set out in Schedule " 1 " hereto constructed in the year 1918.

id) By-law No. 1004 to provide for borrowing $24,771.50 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain sewers in the City of Sault Ste. Marie, set out in Schedule " 1 " hereto constructed in the year 1918.


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No. 11. 1919.


An Act Respecting the City of Sault Ste. Marie.

WHEKEAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation ^''■«^"^'^^^- of the City of Sault Ste. Marie, hereinafter called " The Corporation," has, by petition, represented that it is desirable that certain by-laws, specified in Schedule " A " hereto, and the debentures issued or to be issued thereunder, and the assessments made or to be made, and the rates levied or to be levied for the payment of the said debentures be validated and confirmed, and that all sales of lands within the City of Sault Ste. Marie made subsequent to the 31st day of December, 1916, and prior to the 1st day of January, 1918, which purport to have been made by the said corpora- tion for arrears of taxes in respect to lands so sold for which tax deeds have been issued by the said corporation, be valid- ated and confirmed ; and that authority be given to the Muni- cipal Council of the said corporation to submit a by-law at the next municipal elections to the ratepayers for their ap- proval thereof, to provide for the reduction of the number of members of the Public Utilities Commission of the said city from four to three; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. The by-laws specified in Schedule " A " hereto, and allf,^;^?^^^,^ debentures issued or to be issued thereunder, and all assess- sched. "A"

. in I'l iT'j connrmed.

ments made or to be made and all rates levied or to be levied for the payment of the said debentures are confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon the corporation and the ratepayers thereof.

2. (1) TTotwithstanding anything contained in section ^y^J^^^^^rj^ 2 of the Act passed in the 7th year of the reign of His reducing Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 87 in section 3 of public the Act passed in the 8th year of the said reign, chaptered 80, miss\on^"s."


the council of tlic said (•or])oration may, at the municipal elections to be held on the first Monday in January, 1920, submit to the electors of the city for their assent thereto, a proposed by-law to reduce the number of Public Utility Commisnioners from four to flirff.

SSfssion. i^"(2) I'Ik-^ Mayor .>.liall rx-ofjirio bo one of sucb mem- bers and the other two shall be appointed by the Council at its first meeting after said election, in case said By-law shall be approved by a iiiMJf>rity of the electors votiii;: thereon.

('6) One of the appointed members shall hold otHcf for a period of two years and Ihe other for one y<-'ar, and sliall continue in otlicc until their successors are appointed.

(4) The members who first hold office f<»r two years and one year res))eetively. shall be chosen by lot in the manner provided by the said Act, and the tenn of office of each Com- niissioner appointed thel*eafter shall be two years.

(5) The salary of each of the Commissioners apjx>inted bj the Council shall not exceed $4J)0.00 per annum.

(6) Forthwith after the said By-law has been passed by the said Council, all tlie members of the said Public Utilities Commission as now constituted shall cease to hold office.^'^I

Appncation ('Y) In all other respects not hereinbefore provided, the

of Rev. Stat., ^ /. r rm -n TT TT '1' ' i in

c. 204. provisions of The Puhhc Utilthes Act shall govern.

confirma-^ 3. (1) All salcs of kuds Within the City of Sault Ste.

•sales and Marie made subsequent to the 31st day of December, 1916. and prior to the 1st day of January, 1918. which purport to have been made by the corporation of the said city for arrears of taxes in respect to lands so sold for which tax deeds have been issued by the said corporation, are hereby validated and confirmed and all deeds of lands so sold, executed by the mayor and treasurer of the said corporation purporting to convey the said lands so sold to the purchaser thereof or his. her or their assigns, are hereby validated and confirmed, and shall have the power of vesting the lands so sold or conveyed, or purporting to be sold or conveyed, and the same are hereby vested in the ]>urchaser or his or her or their heirs and assigns in fee simple free and clear of and from all title or interest whatsoever of the owner or owners thereof at the time of such sale or his, her or their assigns and all charges or encumbrances thereon except taxes accrued since those for which payment whereof the said lands were sold.

tax deeds.

Corporation as

(2) Subsection 1 of this section shall extend and apply purchaser. ^^ cases where the said citv or any person or persons in trust 11

for it, or iu its behalf, became the purchaser of lands at any such tax sale.

(3) Nothing in this section contained shall affect anyjfj^*°«j^ action, litigation or other proceeding now pending, but the not affected, same may be proceeded with and finally adjudicated upon in the same manner and as fully and effectually as if this Act had not been passed.

4. This Act may be cited as The City of Sault Ste. Marie short title. Act, 1919.


(a) By-law No. 990 to provide for the issue of debentures to raise the sum of $55,500.00 for the erection of an addition to the west wing of the Central School and for general improvement and equip- ment for schools.

(6) By-law No. 1005 to provide for borrowing 19,226.22 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain concrete sidewalks in the City of Sault Ste. Marie, set out in Schedule " 1 " hereto constructed in the year 1918.

(c) By-law No. 1004 to provide for borrowing $24,771.50 upon debentures to pay for the construction of certain sewers in the City of Sault Ste. Marie, set out in Schedule " 1 " hereto constructed in the year 1918.





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No. 12 1910.


An Act respecting the Berlin and Northern Rail- way Company.

WHKUKAS tlic Berlin nnd I'.iiduepoi't Electric Street ^'■*'''''"^'^^- liaihvay Coiri]i;)iiy. Limited, was incorporated on the 7th day of J)ecenilHr, 1901, by Letters Patent nnder the Great Seal of Ontario for the purposes set out in the said Letters Patent ; and whereas In- an Act of the Legisla- ture of the Province of Ontario, being 2 Geo. V, chapter 131, the name of tlic said company was changed to The Perlin and Xortliciii Railway Company; and whercn=^ amongst the powers oi' the company, as by the said Act were more fully defined, the said company was authorized and (■mpowcred to snrvey, lay out, construct, complete, equip ;iiid maintain an oxrension of its railway lino from a point in or near the Village of Bridgeport, in the Township of Waterloo and County of Waterloo to the Villages of Elora and Fergus in the Township of Nichol in the County n Wellington; and whereas The Ontario Railway Act was made to apply to the said company and to the railway constructed or to be constructed by it; and whereas by reason of business and financial conditions resulting dir- ectly from the war it was impossible to complete the con- struction, equipment and operation of the company's pro- posed line within the period of five years as limited by the provisions of 7'/ic Ontario Bailway Act; and whereas the said company commenced the construction of the said railway line and expended mure than $32,400 thereon within two years from the passing of the said Act; and whereas the company has, by its [lelition, prayed that an Act may be passed changing the name of the company to The Waterloo Wellington Railway Company and extend iiiu the time for the construction, completion, eqni])nieiit and operation of the company's said line until three veni's IVom -inu' o| till. An; ;iim1 wlici'eiis it is expedlciit to grant the prayer of the said ]ietition:

Tliovf'fore, His Majesty, by and with tlie :id\i('c and ••nn- -ciit ol' ilie Legislative Asscnddv i.f the I'mviin-c uf Oiiuido,

ciiji't - 11- fiillows:

Chiiniteor 1_ 'I'),,, umihc nf Tlic iJciliii ;ili<l Xi U'tlicili l{;iil\v;iv ( ■(iiii

|.;ill\ i- r|i;i|i;^('(l to 'lilt W ;i ' (tIi »< i W'cl 1 i llil I oil IlililwilV ( '"liih:ill\'.

I'ltnc for 2. Xol \\ i |||>l;ll|(li 111: .1 II \ I ll I 111; coll | ;| i llClj in -Crtloll III of

'i','"'.'.^''""' Tin 'hihiiiti It'di/i'iii/ All. tlic time for tlic coniiilciioi!. cmm ':'<-v'si>\ Iriirtioti ■,<]\i\ <i|icr;il ioii of tlic r;i i I u;i \' line- o |' tlic -iiifl

'^•'' c,iiii|i:iiiv 1- licrcliv (\i(ii(|c(| lor ;i |icrio(| i,t llircc _\c;ir- ;ift(-r

llic piissiim- of tlii> Act.



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No. 12 1919.


An Act respecting the Berlin and Northern Rail- way Company.

WHEREAS the Berlin and Bridgeport Electric Street ^'■^*™^^^- Railway Company, Limited, was incorporated on the 7th day of December, 1901, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of Ontario for the purposes set out in the said Letters Patent; and whereas by an Act of the Legisla- ture of the Province of Ontario, being 2 Geo. V, chapter 131, the name of the said company was changed to The Berlin and Northern Railway Company; and whereas amongst the powers of the company, as by the said Act were more fully defined, the said company was authorized and empowered to survey, lay out, construct, complete, equip and maintain an extension of its railway line from a point in or near the Villa2:o of Bridgeport, in the Township of Waterloo and County *A' Waterloo to the Villages of Elora and Fergus in the Township of Nichol in the County o Wellington; and whereas The Ontario Railway Act was made to apply to the said company and to the railway constructed or to be constructed by it; and whereas by reason of business and financial conditions resulting dir- ectly from the \\;ii- il was impossible to cniniilctc the con- struction, erjuipnient and operation of the company's pro- posed line within tlio period of five years as limited bv the provisinii-. nf '/'//'■ (hihuio li'n/lii-di/ . I r/ .- ^,\\\^\ wlicrcjis the said coiiiiniiiv coiiiiiicnccd llic coiisti'uci idii ol' ihe said railway line and e\|i('ii(le(] inorc fliau .^.'Il'.Kmi thereon within two ycirs I'lnm tlic passing ol" tlic siiid Act; and whereas tlie company has, by its jielilioii, prayed that, an Act may be passed changing the nanu' of tiio com]>any to 'J'he Waterloo Wellington IJailway Company and extending the time for the construction, completion, equipment and i>l»eration of the company's said line until three years from the passing of this Act; and whereas it !< c\|>edient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Thercfoi'c. Hi- M.'ijf-fy, liy and willi tlic ;id\ i<-i' mid cdii -cut of the \ i -': .iii\i .\->cmbly (d' the I 'im\ iinc ,,1' ( )iitarin, enacts as follows: 12

Ohange of rMtme.

2 Oeo. V.

c. ISI.

be In force.

Time for



1. The name of The Berlin and Northern Kailway Com- pany is changed to The Waterloo Wellington Railway Company.

^^2. The said Act passed in the second year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 131, is declared to be and to have been! in force from the date of the passing thereof, notwithstanding any neglect or default on the part of the company in complying with any of the provisions of the said Act, and anything required to be done by the said Act may be done after the passing of this Act'^'i^

K^3. Notwithstanding anything contained in The Ontario Railway Act or in the said Act passed in ihe second year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 131, the time for the completion of the railway authorized by the said Act and by this Act is extended to three years from the passin*? of this Act, and if the said railway is not com- pleted aii<l i)iit in o]>eration within said period of three years fix)m the passing of this Act, then the powers granted to the company by the said Act and by this Act shall cease and be null and void as respects so much of the railway as then remains uncompleted."^^!!


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No. 13. ' 1919.


An Act authofizing the Continental Guaranty Corporation to carry on business in Ontario. ;

WHEEEAS the Continental Guaranty Corporation, a^'""^"^^'^- corporation carrying on business in the State of N"ew York and elsewhere in the United States of America, and in Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, has by its petition prayed for an Act authorizing and permitting the said corporation to carry on business in the Province of Ontario ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty,' by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. ciiiicts as follows:

1. The Continental Guaranty Corporation is hereby auth- power to orized to carry on within the Province of Ontario tho^^^"^^^'^ Ijusiness of buying, selling and dealing in automobiles, g®^**^*®^- motors and motor vehicles and their accessories, and of assisting dealers therein to purchase the same from manu- facturers and wholesalers thereof, and to purchase, sell, discoiiiii. pledge and h_v|Miili('cate })romissorv notes, lien

notes, purchase agreements and other securities given for or on account of the purchase price of automobiles, motors and motor vehicles and their accessories.

2. The said Continental Gnaranty Corporation is. further Powers as authorized to carry on witlnii the 1 rovinco of Ontario iIicmiui business of financial and investment agents and to buy, st'llaKerulT*"' and deal in stocks, bonds, debentures, securities and obliga- tions of all kinds, and to act as general agent and commission merchant.

3. The said Continental Guaranty Corporation shall have Jn^er^ev and may exercise within the Province of Ontario all thc'^^**' ^- ^'^^■. powers set out, described and enumomtcil in -('ctiini- .!■'> hikI

24 of Thr Ontario CompwnieH Act.


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No. 13. 1019.


An Act authorizing the Continental (jiiaranty Corporation to carry on business in Ontario.

WHEKEAS the Con^nental Guaranty Corporation, ;, Preamble. corporation earring on business in the State of New York and elsewhere in the United States of America, and in Montreal, in the Province of Quebec, has by its petition prayed for an Act authorizing and permitting tin; said corporation to carry on business in the Province of Ontario; and whereas it is expedient to grant the ]>raycr (■'. the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and witli the advice ;nid con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontari enacts as follows :

1. The Continental Guaranty Corporation is hereby an th- Power tu orized to carry mh witliin the Province of Ontario thc.j^^o" l)usiness of buying, selling and dealing in automobiles, g®^'*^^^**' motors and motor vehicles and their accessories, and of assisting dealers therein to ])urchase the same from manu- facturers and wholesalers thereof, and to ])urchase, sell, discount, pledge and hyj)othecate promissory notes, lien notes, purchase agreements and other securities given for

or on account of the purchase price of automobiles, motors and motor vehicles and their accessories.

2. The said Continental Guaranty Corporation is further powers as

* iiri&.nci3l

authorized to carry on within the Provijici of Ontario theand business of financial and investment agents nnd to buy. sellagent.s. and deal in stocks, bonds, debentures, securities and obliga- tions of all kinds, and to act as gciicijil indent ;iim1 commission merchant.


3. The said Continental Guaranty Corporation may use inOapitai u^c<l the conduct of its said business, within the Province of On- " tario. a part of its capital not to exceed $500,000.



An«>ifltment 4. (iidooii Grant, of the City of Toronto, in the County of

of ottorn.5.v, ^,^ j_ ^ _^ i^ister-at-law, is hereby appointed agent and attorney

..I ilic -^aid corporation, to act as such, and to sue and be

.sued, ph-ad and be impleaded in any court in Ontario, and

^roiiei-allv on behalf of the corporation and within Ontario

.\i, acct'itt Her\ ice of process, and to receive all lawful notices,

and, for the purposes of the corporation, to do all acts, and

to execute all deeds and other instruments relating t<' matters

witliin the scope of the foregoing. The said corporation may

' ar anv time remove the said attorney and appoint another

<ii' (tilicis in his stead, and so on from time to time in the same

iiiaiiiici- as is required of any foreign corporation licensed

under the provisions of The Extra Provincial Corporations


Returns. ^- ' I'O Said Continental Guaranty Corporation shall an-

iiiiallv make the return required by section 14 and pay the t('( > provided for in section 20 of The Extra Provincial Cor- [xn-ntions Act.

Exercise of ^- ' he said Continental Guaranty Corporation shall, in

?o**provisro'lS" addition to the foregoing powers, be authorized to exercise ofRov. sn.t wiihiii tlie Province of Ontario all such of the powers set

c. 178, pt. 1 . . . . , ^

forili in its instrument oi incorporation as are directly or by implication conferred under the laws of Ontario on com- panies incorporated under The Ontario Companies' Act, Part 1. subject to any limitations in the said Act contained.

Application of '^ ^'A'^'Q as herein otherwise provided, the provisions of Rev^stat.. 77, g Extra Provincial Corporations Act shall apply to the said Continental Guaranty Corporation.





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:N'o. 14. 1919.


An Act to amend The Essex Border Utilities Act.

WHEREAS the Essex Border Utilities Commission was^^^"™^^®' established by an Act passed in the sixth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 98, with authority to construct certain works within the Munici- palities of the City of Windsor, and Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City and Ojibway and the Townshi])s of Sandwich East and Sandwiqh West, and has by its petition represented that it is desirable to give the said commission power to purchase and sell water, and to appoint one medical health officer for the said municipalities and to extend and make clear the powers of the commission in other respects, and to validate certain debentures of the commission, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario enacts as follows:

1. Section 2 of the Act passed in the sixth year of the|. ff °s.^; reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 98, amended, as amended by chapter 69 of the Acts passed in the seventh

year of said reign is amended by adding thereto clause (o).

(o) " Essex Border Municipalities," shall mean those municipalities and parts of municipalities in- cluded within the provisions of this Act.

2. Subsection (1) of section 3 of the paid Act is amended J ^|%'^3' ^j) by striking out the word "six" in the -ccond line thereof amended, and substituting therefor the word, " seven."

3. Subsection (1 ) of section 11 of said Act is amended by 6 Geo. v. c. inserting after the word "west " in the second line the words JJifnded.^^ " or by the Township of Sandwich East," and by inserting

after the words, " Schedule A " in the fourth line the words " or Scheflule C " respectively.

4. Subsection (4) of section 4 of said Ad is licrcl.v re eoeo.v. pealed. c 98. ». 4(4)




Oeo. V. 5. (1) Subsection (1) of section 5 is hereby amended

•m'ndid!** by striking out the word " establish " in the first line thereof

and inserting therefor the words " establish or acquire by

purchase and."

J.?ri.^6(2) (^) Subsection (2) of section 5 is hereby amended by amended, striking out the words "that purpose" in the sixth lino thereof an<j inserting in lieu thereof the words " for the purjwse of purchasing; from or supplying water to the Essex Border Municipalities and adjoining municipalities and companies, associations and persons located therein."

8.5 (S) amended.

Rev. Stat., c. 204.

(3) Subsection (o) of section 5 is hereby amended by striking out the words "subsections (1) and (2) of this section " in the first line and second line thereof and insert- ing in lieu thereof the words " this Act " and by striking out the words " .section 5 of " in the fourth and fifth lines and inserting in lieu thereof the words " Parts I, II, III and IV," and by adding at the end of subsection (3) the word.s " provided that nothing herein contained shall give power to impose a rate under section 15 of The Public Utilities Act upon any land already paying a similar rate or which is already charged with any municipal water rate."

6 Geo. V, c. 98. amended.

6. Section 12 of said Act is hereby amended by adding thereto the following subsection:

Issuingr debentures for extensions.

(7) The power to issue debentures from time to time under subsection (1) hereof shall only be exercised with the approval of the municipal board where necessary for com- pletion, extension or improvement of any works already commenced.

6 Geo. V, c. 98, s. 13, amended, elections in Town of OJibway.

7. Section 13 of said Act is hereby amended by inserting after the figures " 1919 " in the fourth line the words "or any lawful extension in office after that date of the council of the said town appointed under the provisions of section 4 of chapter 108 of the Acts passed in the third and fourth years of the reign of His Majesty King George V."

6 Geo. V, c. 98. amended.

8.— (1) The said Act is amended by adding the follow- ing section:

Local Board of Healtli for District.

Rev. Stat., c. 218.


(1) The commission shall from and after the first day of July. 1919, be the Local Board of Health for the Essex Border Municipalities, and shall have the powders and privileges and be sub- ject to .the regulations respecting a Local Board of Health of a town within the meaning of The Public Health Act,


(2) From and after the first day of July, 1919, theLoca^^^^

Local Board of Health and the Medical Health Health dis- Officers for the Municipalities of the City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City and Ojibway. shall be discontinued and the Local Boards of Health and Medical Health Officers of the Township of Sandwich East and •Sandwich West shall not have jurisdiction over those parts of the said municipalities included within the Essex Border Municipalities.

(3) The commission shall appoint a legally qualified Medical

medical practitioner to be the Medical Officer for om^e'r^for the Essex Border Municipalities, who shall have ^'^ *'''*' *^- the powers of and be subject to the regulations respeetinli: a medical officer of health within The Public Health Act, and shall be paid a salary by the commission.

(4) The commission shall also appoint such number of fng"^ectors

sanitary inspectors as may be deemed neces- sary and prescribed by the regulations.

(5) The expense incurred from time to time by the Payment

commission under this section shall upon demand made so far as in the judgment of the commis- sion incurred for the benefit of one of the said municipalities be paid by that municipality, but so far as incurred for the benefit of more than one municipality shall be paid by those muni- cipalities proportionately to their populations according to the last certificate of the assessor or assessment commissioner of the population except that the proportion to be paid by the Town of Ojibway shall be fixed by the commis- \ sion from time to time until such time as the commission shall decide and declare that its population has increased so that it will bear its fair i)roportion under this section.

9. The said Act is amended bv addinc; the following: sec- « Geo- v,

'^ '^ c. 98.

tion : amended.

27. (1) The commission shall have and is hereby Estabiish- vested with the powers of a municipal corporation "soration to establish and erect, maintain, manage and ^''"p***'- control within the Essex Border Municipalities one or more isolation hospitals for the reception and care of persons suffering from any commun- icable disease.


Borrowlnir powers.

Approval of plans by Prov. Bd. of Health.

Fill nR of reports.

Mainten- ance.

Emergency hospitals for district.

6 Geo. V. c. 98. amended.

establish- ment of public hospital for district.

Application of Act to

Report of engineer.

(2) The commission may agree for temporary advances and may borrow money by the issue of deben- tures for the purpose mentioned in subsection (1) hereof, and it shall not be necessary to obtain the assent of the electors of the Essex Border Municipalities to any by-law for raising mone^- ' fo^ such purpose; such debentures shall be pay- able within twenty years from the date of the issue thereof.

(3) The commis.sion .shall not establish any such hos- pital until it has submitted the plans and a

report showing the proposed equipment and cost and its apportionment amongst the several Muni- cipalities to the Provincial Board of Health and obtained the permission of the Provincial Board of Health to proceed.

(4) Fpon permission being given by the Provincial

Board of Health a duplicate of the report shall be filed with the clerk of each of the Corpora- tions within the Essex Border Municipalities and such report shall be subject to the provisions of sections 16 and 22 of this Act

(5) Upon completion of any work provided for in this

section the maintenance shall be provided for under the provisions of section 23.

(6) The commission shall have the powers given by

sections 49, 50 and 51 of The Public He-alth Act to a municipal corporation in regard to emer- gency hospitals within the Essex Border Muni- cipalities and the acquiring of land for that purpose.

9. The said Act is hereby amended by adding the follow- ing section :

28. (1) The commission may erect, establish, equip, maintain, manage and control a Public Hospital for the Essex Border Municipalities for the treatment of persons suffering from disease or injuries.

(2) The erection, establishment, and equipment of such hospital shall be a work authorized under the provisions of this Act.


A preliminary report shall be filed under section 15 of this Act and shall be made by an engineer, architect, contractor or other person skilled in the matter and appointed by the commission for that purpose and the provisions of sections 16 and


23 inclusive shall apply to the report so far as the same shall be applicable.

10. By-law numbered 4, passed by the commission, aconflrma-^

copy of which is set forth in Schedule " A " and the deben- law No. 4

tures issued or to be issued thereunder are hereby declared debl^ttfres.

to be valid and binding; upon the commission and upon the

City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford

City and Ojibway, and the Township of Sandwich West, in

accordance with the provisions of the Essex Border Utilities

Act and the amendments thereto, and in the proportions

settled by the Order of the Municipal Board dated the 1st

day of February, 1918, and the validity thereof shall not be 6 Geo. v,

. , . ' . ' , c. 98.

open to question m any court.

11. Schedule " C " of the said Act is hereby repealed and rep^elfi'ed. the following substituted therefor :

Schedule " C."

All those portions of the Township of Sandwich East, in the County of Essex, described as follows :

Firstly: That portion bounded on the north by the southerly limit of Ford City, on the west by the easterlv limit of the Town of Walkerville, on the south by the centre line of the Tecumseh Road, and on the east by the centre line of the Pilette Road.

Secondly: That portion bounded on the north by the channel bank of the Detroit River, the harbour line on Lake St. Clair to Lot 142 in the first con- cession and thence easterly by the water's edge of Lake St. Clair; on the east by the westerly limit of the road along the easterly limit of lot 156 in the first concession; on the west by the easterly limit of Ford Oity, and on the south by a line which commences at the intersection of the westerly limit of the road along the easterly limit of lot 156 and the southerly limit of the highway along the shore of Lake St. Clair known as the Front Road, thence westerly following along said southerly limit to its intersection with the easterly limit of the Lesperance Road, thence along said easterly limit to a point therein at which the pro- duction easterly of the tangent line of the north- erly limit of the Windsor and Tecumseh Rail- way Company's Right-of-Way across lot 151 would intersect; thence along the said production easterly of said tangent lino and the northerly limit of the said right-of-way to the westerly limit of the Lauzon road; thence southerly along the said westerly limit to the southerly limit of


the intersocting road ; thence south-westerly in a Htraight lino to the intersection of the easterly limit of plan 835 with* the centre line of Elm Street produced easterly ; thence westerly along the centre line of Elm Street to the westerly limit of plan 835; thence south-westerly in a straight line to the intersection of the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk right-of-way and the easterly limit of plan 717 of part of farm lot 117; thence along the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk right-of-way to the easterly limit of Ford Oity.


By-Law No. 4 of thk Esskx Border Urn-iTiES Commission

A By-Law of the Essex Border Utilities Commission to raise by way of loan the «.um of $210,300 for the purpose of constructing the trunk sewer known as the east and south interceptors and for inci- dental purposes.

Whereas the Essex Border Utilities Act and the amendments thereto provide that the Essex Border Utilities Commission may construct one or more trunk sewers in the Towns of Ford City, Walkerville, Sandwich, Ojibway, City of Windsor and the Town- ship of Sandwich West and in connection therewith shall construct such pumping plants and treatment plants that may be required;

And whereas, pursuant to the requirements of the said Act the commission did employ Morris Knowles as engineer to make the preliminary examination and to file a report and an estimate of the cost;

And whereas a report was filed by Morris Knowles, the Engineer of the Commission, on or about the 21st day of July, 1917, showing an estimated cost of a trunk sewer within the said municipalities of $210,300;

And whereas upon appeal from the said report, pursuant to the said Act the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board did apportion the cost amongst the various municipalities as follows:

Ford City $65,300 00

Ojibway 46.533 33

Sandwich West 28,333 33

Windsor 26,200 00

Sandwich 25,333 33

Walkerville 18,600 00

$210,300 00

And whereas, pursuant to the said Act the construction of the said sewer was submitted to the electors of the Municipalities of the City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City and the Township of Sandwich West, on the 30th day of March, 1918, and was approved by the electors of each of the said muni- cipalities and was also on said day approved by a majority of the Council of the Town of Ojibway;

And whereas by section (12) of the Essex Border Utilities Act the Essex Border Utilities Commission has authority to obtain temporary advances to meet the cost of any of the works and to issue debentures for the sum so borrowed; and whereas this by- law is passed under the authority of the said section;

And whereas the Provincial Board of Health has approved of the

said sewer; 14

And whereas the Minister of Finance has permitted of the issue of' debentures to pay for the cost thereof;

And whereas the Essex Border Utilities Commission considers it desirable under the circumstances to proceed with the construction of the said sewer;

And whereas it is therefore desirable to raise the said sum of $210,300, being the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law by the issue of debentures which should be spread over a period of thirty years and be payable in thirty annual instal- ments during the said period, the said instalments respectively to be of such amounts that the amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to that required in any other year;

And whereas it will require the sum of $15,278.07 to be raised anjiually during the said period of thirty years by special rates sufficient therefor over and above and in addition to all other rates upon all the rateable property of each of the municipalities which approved of the construction of the said sewer, namely: City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City, Ojibway, and that portion of the Township of Sandwich West described in Schedule " A " of the Essex Border Utilities Act for the payment of the .debt so to be created and the interest thereon annually at the rate of six per cent, per annum being for principal and interest in each year of said period as follows, that is to say:











$15,278- 07







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15,278 07


$210,300 00

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of each of the said municipalities, including that portion of the Township of Sandwich West mentioned in Schedule " A " of the Essex Border Utilities Act according to the last revised assessment rolls thereof, as certified by the County Judge of the County of Essex, is as follows:

14 .

Windsor $26,079,201 00

Walkerville . ..


Ford City

OJlbway ,

Sandwich West

6,470,758 00

2.490.995 00

1,754,968 00

1,429,544 00

1,928,000 00

exclusive of property assessed for school rates only;

And whereas the amount of the existing debentures debt of each of the said municipalities, including that portion of the Township of Sandwich West mentioned in Schedule "A" of the Essex Border Utilities Act. exclusive of local improvement debts secured by fipecial rates of assessment is as follows:

Windsor $1,490,599 59

Walkerville 387,267 00

Sandwicli •. 84,827 60

Ford City 80,052 80

Ojibway None

Sandwich West None

no part of which debt nor of the interest thereon is due or in nrrear;

Therefore the Essex Border Utilities Commission enacts as fol- lows:—

1. That for the purpose of paying for the cost of the construction of the trunk sewer, known as the East and South Interceptors, shown in the report of Morris Knowles, dated the 17th of July, 1917, and approved by the Municipal Corporations of the City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City, Ojibway and the Township of Sandwich West, the chairman of the commission shall be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow from any person, company, society or bank willing to loan the same upon the credit of the debentures hereinafter mentioned, a sum not exceeding the sum of $210,300, and to issue debentures to the said amount in sums respectively as follows, that is to say:

For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For^ the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the For the

sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sura of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of sum of































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1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948



2. That the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the commission and be payable on the first day of February in each year in which the same respectively under the preceding section becomes due at the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the City of Windsor.

3. That the said debentures shall have coupons attached thereto for tlie payment of the interest, which shall be at and after the rate of six per cent, per annum and be payable at the office of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Windsor, yearly, namely, on the first day of the month of February in each year during the currency of the said debentures and the first of said coupons being payable on the first day of February, 1919.

4. That the money borrowed as aforesaid shall be expended for the purpose of paying for the cost of the construction of the said trunk sewer, known as the East and South Interceptors, as set out in. the preamble of this by-law and for no other purpose whatever.

5. That for the purpose of redeeming the said debentures and paying the interest thereon as the same respectively becomes due a duplicate original of this by-law shall be served forthwith upon the Municipal Corporations of the City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City, Ojibway and the Township of Sandwich West, and the said corporations are hereby required under section 12 of the Essex Border Utilities Act to levy and collect in each and every year during the currency of the said debentures upon all the rateable property in each of the said municipalities the following annual special rates over and above and in addition to all other rates, namely:

In the Town of Walkerville a rate sufficient to produce. . $1,351 27 In the aforesaid portion of the Township of Sandwich

West a rate sufficient to produce 2,058 39

In the Town of Ojibway a rate sufficient to produce. . . . 3,380 60

In the Town of Ford City a rate sufficient to produce. . . . 4,743 97

In the City of Windsor a rate sufficient to produce.... 1,903 40

In the Town of Sandwich a rate sufficient to produce.. 1,840 44

The whole being sufficient to produce the annual sum of 15,278 07

6. That the money so levied and collected shall forthwith upon Its payment be applied in payment of the said debentures and paying the interest thereon as the same respectively becomes due and for no other purpose whatever.

7. This by-law shall come into force and take eifect on the final passing thereof.

Read the 1st. 2nd, i^rd time and finally passed 31st day of May, 1918.

T. M. McGreoor, Chairman. (Seal) CnAS. L. Barker, Secretary-Treasurer.


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Xu. M. 1910.


An Act to amend The Essex Border Utilities Act.

WllKUKAS tlic Essex IjorJer Utilities L'uiiiini.-si.ni \v;is preamble, established by an Act passed in the sixtli yc.ir nt ilic reiu'ii of I lis ]\rajest_v Kiiii>' GQoriie the Fifth, chaptered !>8. with authority to construct certain works within the .Muiiici- I'alities of the (''ity of Windsor, and Towns of Walker\ illc. Sandwich, Ford (^ity and Ojibway and the Townships of Sandwich East and Sandwich West, and wJicreas the Co7ii- mission has by its petition represented that it is desirable to give the said commission power to ])urchase and seU water.

and to ajij^oint one medical health officer for the said mnni- ci])alitics and to extend and make clear the powers of the commission in other respects, and to validate certain deben- tures of the commission, and it is exix'dient to i>rant the j)rayer of the said petition:

Therefore, ITis ^Majesty, by aiid with the advice; and con- sent of the l,ei;i-l;iti\e As<('nil)ly of the Province of Ontario i enact- ;i- t'nllnw - :

1. Section '1 of ibo Ad nasx'd in the >i\tli \(;ii' of the^Geo. v.

c 98 s. 2

i'(i;:n id' [lis Maje^jv Kin^i' rjeor^c ibe I'^iftb. cb;iplcir.| '.t^. amo'iKio.ti. as amen(b'd by sccdon J. chajiter (it) of tiie Acts passed in tbe se\-entb year of said reit^u is amended by addiuu' thei-elo clause (o).

(o) "Essex "Border Mnnicipjilities," shall mean fliose municipalities and parts of muni<'ipalilies in- cluded within the ]>ro\isions of this Act.

2. Subsection (1) of section o of*the said Act, J^^a ^9|°;X'/,) amended by S George V. cap. 79, sec. S^'^'^il is amendec' amended, by striking out the word "six" in the second line thereof

and snbsfitnfiuir therefor the word, "seven."

3. Subsection (1) of section 11 of said .\ct. !^^as « Geo. v. c. amended by 7 George V. caj). OH. sec. 8.'^SI! is amended by amended, inserting after the word "west " in the second line the words

"or by the Township of SandwichiEast," and by in.serting

after the words. " Schedule \ " in the fourth line the words

" or Schedule C " respect ivel v. 14

Geo V 4. (1) Subsection (1) of section 5 &^o{ said Act, as U'wd/d.^^^ amended by 7 George V, cap. 69, sec. 5*^ is hereby

lunciidcd by striking out the word " establish " in the first lino thereof and inserting therefor the words ** establish or acquire by purchase and."

Geo. V. (2) Snbsw.tion (2) of section 5 ^^of said Act, as amlnded!^^ amended by 8 George V, caj). 79, sec;. 10,-=^^ is hereby

amended by striking out the words " that purpose " in the sixth line thereof and inserting in lien thereof the words '' for the purpose of purchasing from or supplying water to the Essex Border Municii)alities and adjoining municipali- ties and compjuiios. jissociiifions iuirl porsons Incntod thoroiii."

8.6(8) amended.

Rev. Stat., C.204.

6 Geo. V,



Issuing: debentures for extensions.

J3^('5) Sul)8ection of se<'ti(m 5 of the said Act is re- pealed and the following substituted therefor:

(3) Except as herein otherwise provided, the (Commis- sion shall have and may exercise all the powers conferred upon the corporation of a munici- pality by The Public Utilities Act with refer- ence to waterworks, but shall not have power to impose any rate under section 15 of The Public Utilities Act upon any land already charged with a similar rate or with any water rate.*"^!-

2^^5. Subsection 1 of section 12 of said Act, as amended by 7 Geo. V, cap. 69, sec. 9, is amended by striking out the first eight lines thereof and substituting therefor the words:

"(1) For the purpose of paying for any of the works authorized to bo constructed or ac(piired undci; this Act or for borrowing such further sums as may be necessary to complete, extend or im- prove the same, or to meet the cost of extension or improvements already made, the Commission may agree with any l)ank or person for tempor- ary advances to meet the cost thereof and may by by-laws from time to time," and by adding at the end thereof the following words: *' The power to ifjpue debentures for completion, exten- sion or improvement of any works already com- menced, shall only be exercised with the consent of the municipal board.'"^^!

B. Section 13 of said Act is hereby amended by inserting after the figures "1919 " in the fourth line the words ''or any lawful extension in ofiice after that date of the council of the said town appointed under the provisions of section 4 of chapter 108 of the Acts passed in the third and fourth years of the reign of His Majesty King- George V,"

1^=7. (1) The said Act is amonded by adding the fol- J /Hf-^'

lowillit SOftion : amended.

2<;. ( 1 ) The local board of health for the Kssex border ^°^ ^^ municipalities from and after the first day of Health for July, 1919, shall consist of the chairman of the commission and the medical officer of health appointed by the commission and three resident ratepayers of the Essex border municipalities to be ap|>ointed annually by the commission at its first meeting in every year. The board shall, be known as the Local Board of Health for the Essex Border Municipalities, and shall be Hj^gy gtat., local board of health within the meaning of tlu'C-Zis. PubUc Health Art.

(2) The commission shall have the powers and privi- leges and perform the duties of a municipal council under the Public Health Act, except that the commission shall not have the power to raise any sum of money by taxation or to direct any sum to be added to any collector's roll.

(8) The secretarv' of the commission shall be the secre- tary of the l)oard of health and shall ]X>rform the duties prescribed by the Puhlic Health Act for the secretary of a local board of health.

(4) Eor the year 1019 the medical officer of health

and three resident ratepayers shall be appointed by the commission on or before the first day of July, 1910. to form the local board of health, as provided in subsection (1) hereof.

(5) Notwithstanding the ]>rovision of section 14 of the Local

Public Health Act, from and after the first da v Health dis- of July, 1919, the local boards of health and *=°°"""**'- the medical officers of health for the municipali- ties of the City of Windsor, Towns of Walker- ville, Sandwich, Ford City and Ojibway, shull be discontinued, and the local boards of health and medical officers of health of the Townships of Sandwich West and Sandwich East shall not have jurisdiction over those parts of the said municipalities included within the Essex border municipalities.

(fi) The commission shall appoint a legally qualified Medical medical practitioner to be the medical officer of officer for

District. 14

lu'iiltli f(»v tho Kssox Ixu'dcr rriniii('ij)alitio8, who sliall liiivo tlio powors and poitorin tlio duties of a ino<li<'al ofKccr of health under the Public llcdllli Ail. and who shall he j)aid a rensonnhle sjihiiv liv the ('oniniission.

Sanitary Innpectors.

Payment of expenses.

(T) IIk' (•i>iiiiiii-<i(i!i sIimII ;il>^n [ippninf siK-li niniihcr of -;iiiil;ir\ i ii -| icd' ir- l^i' the I'!~--c.\ Imi-dcf liilliii- cipalitics as mav ho deemed n(»cessarv hv the said loeal l)oard of health and as may he pre- scfihcd liy the I Jci;u];it ions, who -Jiall he siil)j('i't to tlie ])rovisions of the I'lih/ir llcullh Ad.

fS) The treasurer mj' the eommission shall forthwith upon demand pay the amount of any aceoiint for" salary of the niedieal offieer of health or for ser- vices perfoiTTied hv any officer under the direc-

fioji (»f tlio said hoard and m;iterials and sup- plic- t iiniishc<| ()!• tdi' ;iiiy ('\i'Ciiditnre inenrred hy the said hoard or hy tin' said medical offieer of health or sanitary inspectoix, in carryinir out the ])i'o\ islons of I he f'lih/lr llrdJIh Ail. a ffer the said hoard has l)y resolution approved of the account and a copy of the resolution certified hy the chairman and the secretary of the said hoard has heen filed with the treasurer of the com- mission.


(0) The accoimts so paid hy the commission under this section A\\\\\ he paid to the commission hy thd Essex hordor municipalities upon application made under section 7 of this Act. and so far as sucli expense wns in the judi>-ment of the commission incurred for the henefit of one only of the said municij^alities. shall he paid by that municipality, hut >.. far as incurred for the henefit of more than one, shall he paid hy those municipalities ])roi)ortionately to their popula- tion, according; to the last certificate of the assessor or assessment commissioner, except thar the projiortion to he paid hy the Town of Ojih- way shall he fixed hy the commission until such time as the commission shall decide and declare that its population lias increased so that it will hear its fair proportion under this section.

(10) The said local 1)o;ird ,,f health shall have the ri'rht to reipiire thar any sum of money expended for sanitary conveniences under section 2.5 of the Puhlic Health AH shall he added to the coHec^

tor's roll of the miiairij»ality within which the premises are situate.

(11) Any expense incurred nnder seerioii :>4 of the Public Health Art may he reeovered from the commission >ii- t'loin niiy one or more of the municipal coriH)rari()iis certified to by the min- ister, and in case of i)ayment the right of re- covery under subsection three of said section shall accrue to the corporation or corporations pay- ing. ""^""^

8. The said Act section :


addinii the following' 6 Geo. -V, "^ c. 98, amended.

27.— (1) i'hc commission shall have and is hereby EstabUsh- vested with the powers ..f a municipal corporation J^oiation to establish ami erect, maintain, manage and ^^^^p'^^i- control within the J-Cssex Border Municipalities one or more isolation hospitals for the reception and care of person? suffering from any commun- icable disease.

(2) The commission may agree for temporary advances Borrowing and may borrow money by the issue of deben- ^°^'*'^^' tures for the ])urpose mentioned in subsection (1) hereof, and it shall not be necessary to obtain the assent of the electors of the Essex Border Municipalities to any by-law for raising money for such purpose; such debentures shall be piiy able within twenty years from the date of the issue thereof.




The commission' shall not establish any such hos- Approval pital until it has submitted the plans and a Prov. Bd.of report showing the proposed equipment and cost "®^^'^- and its apportionment amongst the several Muni- cipalities to the Provincial Board of Health and obtained the permig^ion of the Provincial Board of Health to proceed.

r|i<in permission being given by the Provincial FiUnBr of Board of Health a duplicate of the report shall""'"'*^- be filed with the clerk of each .Municipality and

such report shall be subject to the ])rovisions of sections 16 and 22 of this Act

rpon completion of anv work provided for in thisMainten-


section the maintenance shall be provided for under the provisions of section 23.

The commission .shall have the powers given by Emergency sections 40. 50 mid 51 of The Public Health Act fordistr'irt.


Confirma- tion of by- law No. 4 re sewer debentures.

6 Geo. V. c98.

Sched. "C" repealed.

to a iriiiiii<ii»al <'orporation in regard to emer- gency hospitals within the Essex Border Muni- (•ipalitica and the acquiring of land and huild- imjs for that puri)ose, I^^and the cost shall be f)aid under subsection (S) of section 26 of this Act/

e Geo. V.



Bstabllsh- ment of public hospital for district.

Application of Act to

Report of engineer.

9. The said A<'t i^ licrcltv ;iiii<'ri(l(*<l hy }i<1<lijiL'' the fnUow- iiig section :

1'^. ' I I I !i( -iiiiiii--i 'II iriay erect, establish, equip, iiiiiiiii;iiii. iii;iii;iu(' and control a Public Hospital tor the ivsscx liorder Municipalities for the treatment of persons suifering from disease or injuries.

(2) The erection, establishment, and equipment of such hospital shall be a work authorized under the provisions of this Act.


A ])reliminary report shall be filed under section 15 of this Act and shall be made by an engineer, architect, contractor or other person skilled in the matter and appointed by the commission for that purpose and the provisions of sections 16 and 2.3 inclusive shall apply to the report so far as the same shall be a])plicable.


l>y-hi\v iiiiinlx'red 4, passed by the commission, a copy of which i< sci forth in Schedule **' A " and the deben- tures issued ui' to Itc issued thereunder are hereby declurcl to be valid ainl binding upon the commission and upon the City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich, Ford City and Ojibway. and the Township of Sandwich West, in accordance with the provisions of The Essex Border Utilities Act and the amendments thereto, and in the proportions settled by the Order of the Municipal Board dated the 1st (lay of February, 3 018, and the validity thereof shall not be open to question in any court.

11. Schedule '' C '' of the said Act, S^^as enacted by 8 George V, cap. 70, sec. 11, ""^Eis hereby repealed and the following substituted therefor:

Schedule " C."

All those portions of the Township of Sandwich East, in the County of Essex, described as follows :

Firstly: That portion bounded on the north by the

southerly limit of Ford City, on the west by the

easterly limit of the Town of Walkerville, on

the south by the centre line of the Tecumseh

Road, and on the east by the centre line of the

Pilette Road. 14


Secondly: That portion bounded on the north by the channel bank of the Detroit River, the harbour line on Lake St. Clair to Lot 1 42 in the first con- cession and thence easterly by the water's edge of Lake St. Clair; on the east by the westerly limit of the road along the easterly limit of lot 156 in the first concession; on the west by the easterly limit of Ford City, and on the south by a line which commences at the intersection of the westerly limit of the road along the easterly limit of lot 156 and the southerly limit of the highway along the shore of Lake St. Clair known as the Front Road, thence westerly following along said southerly limit to its intersection with the easterly limit of the Lesperance Road, thence along said easterly limit to a point therein at which the pro- duction easterly of the tangent line of the north- erly limit of the Windsor and Teciimseh Rail- way Company's Right-of-Way across lot 151 would intersect ; thence along the said production easterly of said tangent line and the northerly limit of the said right-of-way to the westerly limit of the Lauzon road ; thence southerly along the said westerly limit to the southerly limit of the intersecting road ; thence south-westerly in a straight line to the intersection of the easterly limit of plan 885" with the centre line of Elm Street produced easterly ; thence westerly along the centre line of Elm Street to the westerly limit of plan 835; thence south-westerly in a straight line to the intersection of the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk right-of-way and the easterly limit of plan 71 7 of part of farm lot 117: thence along the northerly limit of the Grand Trunk right-of-way to the ciisfci-Ix Tiiuil of Ford City.


Bt-Law No. 4 of the Essfx Border Utit-ittks Commission

A By-Law of the Essex Border Utilities Commission to raise by way of loan the sum of $210,300 for the purpose of constructing the trunk sewer known as the east and south interceptors and for inci- dental purposes.

Whcrea.s the Kssrr lUmhr itilities Act and the amendments thereto provide that the Essex Border Utilities Commission may construct one or more trunk sewers In the Towns of Ford City, Walkerville, Sandwich. Ojibway, City of Windsor and the Town- ship of Sandwioji West and in connection therewith shall construct KiKli i)unipinK plants and treatment plants that may be^ required;

And wlicreas. pursuant to the rcqiiiiomonts of thn said Act the commission did employ Morris Knowlcs ;is fiiuini'ci- to make the



i,i, 11(1 to file a report and an es r

iciioit wiis (!!••(] !>> Mnr ! 1- Kiii: , r

., oil or about the I'l"-! day of .Iul\^ \in;x

of a tiiink sewer within the Kairl ni ies of

iiiiM ;i|)|)cal rrojii Ihf said i ' 'tit to t!ie

i;ail\\a> and M niiicipal Boai'd ilni a i^n-utioii ' various rniiiii'-ipalit ios" as follows:

V $65,300 00

Oj.., ,. 46,533 33

Sandw 28,333 33

Windt! . 26.200 00

Sandw icli

Walkervillc i—

!|!210.300 00

And wlif'reas, idirsiiaiil to (,iio said Act the > ' 'he

said s(;wcr was submitti'd '^' ''"" electors of I'i .- of

the City of \\'ind:-<jr. 'JVi" ".alkervill' v

and the To ' <^--hr. ( r ^;i' ^ -i nn

1918, and n\ i-

cinalities aii'l ... . ' •' of tlie Town of Ojibway;

Aiui svliereas by section (12) of the IJssc.r lUmj' r ' tlie Essex Border I'tilities Commission has autho: temporary advances to meet the cost of any of tlie .. w,,v- .iiui ;•■ issue debentures for the sum so borrowed; and whereas tliis by- law is passed under the authority of tlie said section;

And whereas the Pro\'!uiai Board of Healtli has appioxi'd of tlie said sewer;

And whereas tiip Minister of Finance has permitted of the issue of debentures to pay for the cost thereof;

And whereas the Essex Border Utilities Coiniiiissioii .in^-dcrs it dcstrahle under the circninstances to proceed with t! < i

of tlie said sewer;

And whereas it is tluM'cfore <lcsiral>lr to rai;-' d snni of

$210,;^on, bein? the amount of the debt intended 'i '• < reated by this by-law by the issue of debentures which should be snread over a period of thirty years and be payable in thirty annual instal- ments during the said period, the said instalments resnecfively to be of such amounts that tbe amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to that required in any other year;

And whereas it will require the sum of ?15,278.07 to be raised anjiually during the said period of thirty years by special rates sufficient therefor over and above and in addition to all other rates upon all the rateable property of each of the municipalities which approved of the construction of the said sewer, namely: City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich. Ford City, Ojibway, and that portion of the Township of Sandwich West described in Schedule " A " of the Essex Border Utilities Act for the payment of the debt so to be created and the interest thereon annually at the rate of six per cent, per annum being for principal and interest in each year of said period as follows, that is to say:







$2,66n 07

$12,618 00

$15,278 07



2,819 67

12,458 40

15,278 07



2,988 85

12,289 22

15,278 07



3.168 18

12,109 89

15,278 07



3.358 27

11,&19 80

15,278 07



3,773 36

11,504 71

15.^78 07



7. 8, 9.






















3,559 77

3,999 76

4,239 75

4,494 13

4,763 78

5,049 €1

5,352 59

5,673 74








9,043 06

9,585 64

10,160 78

10,770 43

11,416 65

12,101 65

12,827 75

13,597 42

14,413 27

$210,300 00

16 00 50 95 73 29 19



15,278 07



15.278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15.278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



. 15.278 07



15.278 07



15,278 07



15.278 07



15.278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15.278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07



15,278 07

1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948

And whereas the amount of the w*hole rateable property of each of the said municipalities, including that portion of the Township of Sandwich West mentioned in Schedule "A" of the Essex Border Utilities Act according to the last revised assessment rolls thereof, as certified by the County Judge of the County of Essex, is as follows:

Windsor $26,079,201 00

Walkerville 6,470,758 00

Sandwich 2,490,995 00

Ford City 1,754,968 00

Ojibway 1,429,544 00

Sandwich West 1.928,000 00

exclusive of property assessed for school rates only;

And whereas the amount of the existing debentures debt of each of the said municipalities, including that portion of the Township of Sandwich West mentioned in Schedule "A" of the Essex Border TJtilities Act. exclusive of local improvement debts secured by special rates of assessment is as follows:

Windsor $1,490,599 59

Walkerville 387,267 00

Sandwich 84,827 60

Ford City 80,052 80

Ojibway None

Sandwich West None

no part of wbich debt nor of the interest thereon is due or in arrear;

Therefore the Essex Border Utilities Commission enacts as fol- lows:—

1. That for the purpose of paying for the cost of the construction of the trunk sewer, kn<fwn as the E&si and South Interceptors, shown in the report of Morris Knowles, dated the 17th of July, 1917, and approved by the Municipal Corporations of the City of Windsor, Towns of Walkerville, Sandwich. Ford ('ity, Ojibway and the Township of Sandwich West, the chairman of the commission shall be and he Is hereby authorized and empowered to borrow from any person, company, society or bank willing to loan the same upon 14


(he credit of the debentures liereinafter mentioned, a sum not RXreedlUK tlie Hum of $210,300, and to issue debentures to the said amount In sums respectively em follows, that Is to say:













































































































































































































































































































2. That the said debentures shall be sealed with the seal of the commission and be payable on the first day of February in each year in which the same respectively under the preceding section becomes due at the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the City of Windsor.

3. That the said debentures shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest, which shall be at and after the rate of si.v per cent, per annum and be payable at the olTice of the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Windsor, yearly, namely, on the first day of the month of February in each year during the currency of the said debentures and the first of said coupons being payable on the first day of February, 1919.

4. That the money borrowed as aforesaid shall be expended for the purpose of paying for the cost of the construction of the said trunk sewer, known as the East and South Interceptors, as set out in the preamble of this by-law and for no other purpose whatever.

5. That for the purpose of redeeming the said debentures and paying the interest thereon as the same respectively becomes due a duplicate original of this by-law shall be served forthwith upon the Municipal Corporations of the City of Windsor. Towns of. Walkerville. Sandwich. Ford City. Ojibway and the Township of Sandwich West, and the said corporations are hereby required under .section 12 of the Essex Border Utilities Act to levy and collect in each and every year during the currency of the said debentures upon all the rateable property in eacli of the said municipalities the following annual special rates over and above and In addition to all other rates, namely:



In the Town of Walkerville a rate sufficient to produce. . In. the aforesaid portion of the Township of Sandwich

West a rate sufficient to produce

In the Town of Ojibway a rate sufficient to produce. . . .

In the Town of Ford City a rate sufficient to produce

In the City of Windsor a rate sufficient to produce.... In the Town of Sandwich a rate sufficient to produce..

The whole being sufHcient to produce the annual sum of















6. That the money so levied and collected shall forthwith upon its payment be applied in payment of the said debentures and paying the Interest thereon as the same res.pectively becomes due and for no other purpose whatever.

7. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof. ^

Read the 1st, 2nd, 3rd time and finallv passed 31st day of May, 1918.

T. M. McGreoor, Chairman. (Seal) Chas. L. Barker. Secretary-Treasurer.



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No. 15. 1919.


An Act authorizing the Council of the Township of Crowland to constitute a Board of Commissioners ' of PoHce.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Crow preamble, land has, by its petition, represented that it is desir- able that a Board of Cemmissioners of Police be constituted for the Township of Crowland with the same powers as Boards of Commissioners of Police in towns, or such other , powers as may be deemed advisable; and whereas the said corporation has prayed that an Act may be passed authoriz- ing the constitution of a Board of Commissioners of Police; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

TluK Imic, His Majesty, by and with the advice and coti- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, oiiaf'ts as follows:

1. The Council of the Township of Crowland may pass Constitution a by-law constituting a Board of Commissioners of Police PoUce com- for "the Township of Crowland. * The by-law i^aay, at any ^^^^'o^^''^- time, be repealed, and if repealed, the Board shall, on the

first day of January next after the passing of the repealing by-law, be dissolved.

2. The Board shall consist of the reeve, the judge of the Members. County of Wolland and the police magistrate.

3. If the police magistrate is absent from the Province of Absence of Ontario, the council may, by resolution, appoint a resident

of the municipality to act during his absence.

4. If the office of judge or that of police magistrate is vacancies. \ acant, the council shall fill the vacancy on the Board by appointing a resident of the municipality to act during the

vacancy. 15

Abaenceof 5. Til caso of the illncss or absence from Ontario of tlie

"*^*" reeve, or of the office being vacant, the i)er8on aj^pointed as

MicsidiTijr ofllccr of the coiincil shall act instead of the reeve.

Remunoiu- tion.

6. Ihe Couiicii oi the Townshij) of Crowland may pro- vide for the payment of a reasonable remuneration for each of the members of the Board.


tlnVi ,.'■

7. The llMMr.i <]u ! 1 1 i 1 1 ( ' w i linT (.'Xccilth'ti Mi 1 1- dill to conijjel tliciii to i;i\e ; Law in civil cases.

Altenduiicc of persons before l^ard.


have the same power to summon and

n (.;illi ;i< to any matter connected with 'iiforff their nttondance, aiul

. -A- i- Nc.-tcil ill aiiv ('Miirt of

8. It shall he [lie <Iiitv of every person served v/ith notice to att<'iid before the Board, signed by a member of it, to attend, pursuant to the notice, and the notice shall have the same eifect as a subpoRna.

9. The Board sliall in each year, at its first meeting, held after the reeve has iiuh1( the declaration of office and quali- fication, elect a chairman.

Quorum. 10. A majority of the members of the Board shall con-

stitute a quorum.

Meeting.s. 11. The meetings of the Board shall be open to the pul»^i(' unless otherwise directed hy the Board.

Authentica- 12. A by-law of the Board shall be sufficiently autheuti- by"aws. cated if signed by its chairman or acting chairman, and a by-law purporting to be so signed shall be received in evi- dence in all courts wnthout proof of the signature.

Certified 13. A copy of a by-law purporting to be certified by a

by-law as member of the Board to be a true copy, shall be received in evidence in all courts without proof of its signature.

Police force. 1^. The police force of the Township of Crow^land shall consist of a chief constable and as many constables and other officers and assii?tauts as the council may deem iieeessaw.

Appoint- 15. The members of the police force shall be appointed

member.s. by and hold office during the pleasure of the Board, and

shall take and subscribe an oath similar to that set out in

section 20 of The Constables' Act.

Regulations. 1^. The Board may make regulations for the government

of the police force for preventing neglect or abuse, and for

rendering it efficient in the discharge of its duties. 15

17. The members of the police force shall be subject to Members tl»e eovernment of the Board and shall obey its lawful subject to

J. ^. "^ Board,


18. The council shall appropriate for and pay such re-Remunera- numeration to the members of the police force as the Board members may determine and shall provide and pay for such offices, °^ force, watch-houses, watch-boxes, arms, accoutrements, clothing

and other things, as the Board may deem requisite and re- (|uire for the accommodation, use and maintenance of the force.

19. The council may pay any sum required for the pro-][j'


on of

tection, defence or indemnification of any member of the members, police force where an action or prosecution is brought against him, and costs are necessarily incurred, or damages are re- covered, if the Board certifies that the case is a proper one for such payment or indemnity.

20. All expenses incurred for the payment of a police Levy of levy magistrate and police constables may be paid by a general township, rate levied on any defined section or area of the township, as defined by by-law of the Township Council, as provided by section 365 of The Municipal Act, as amended.

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No. 15.



An Act to constitute a Board of Commissioners of Police H^for the Township of Crowland."^!

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Cro\ preamble, land has, by its petition, represented that it is desir- able that a Board of Commissioners of Police be constituted for the Township of Crowland with the same powers as Boards of Commissioners of Police in towns, or such other powers as may be deemed advisable; and whereas the said eorjwration has prayed that an Act may be passed providinfj for authorizing the constitution of a Board of Commissioners of Police ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. A Board of Commissioners of Police is hereby co7isli kited for the Township of Crowland.

Constitution of Board of Police Com- missioners.

2. The Board shall consist of the reeve, the judge of the Members. County of Welland and the police magistrate.

3. If the police magistrate is absent from the Province of Absence of Ontario, the council may, by resolution, appoint a resident

of the municipality to act during his absence.

4. If the office of judge or that of police magistrate is Vacancies, vacant, the council shall fill the vacancy on the Board by appointing a resident of the municipality to act during the A'acancy.



Abaenceof 5. In case of the illness or absence from Ontario of the reeve, or of the office being vacant, tlir | ci-^wn a^imintcil ;i- prosiding officer of the council shall act instead (jf tlic vccvc

Ki-riniiifi M- llon.

6. Tlio Coimcil of the Township of Crowland m

vide ("or tlic i)nvnu'nt of a reasonahio romnnoratinn j', of the niciiilici^ of ihe Board.

Bxamina- 7. Tlic Ilu.ird shall have the same power to •eiiiiiiiK.n and

tlonof - ^ , ,

witnesses, exaniiiic w iim -:>cs iipon oath as to any matter cnniictc.l with the exccutinii of its duties, to enforce their attendance, and to com])el ilicm to give evidence, as is vested in any ('!f»nrt of I.;!\v ill civil cases.

ofpe"JSnr ^- 1^ •'^^''''^ ^^^' the duty of every person scr\cd \-itli a Koarfl^ notice to attend l)efore the Board, signed by a nu nihei of it.

to attend, piir-nant to the notice, and the notice shall lia\e

the •same ellect as a subpopna.

Chairman. 9. Tlie i'oard shall in each year, at its first meetiiiii ] 'Id attci' the !■( eve has made the declaration of of]i,-e ;iiid iiiiaii- Hcation, elect a chairman.

(X.onnn. JO. A majority of the memhers of the IJnnrd sliall cn-

# stitute a quorum.

Ah-ptinps. 11_ 'I'll,, meclings of the Board shall he open to tlie luihlic

unless otluMwis,' directed by the Board.

Authentic;!- 12. A l)v-law of tlic Roard shall be sufficient! v anthenn-

tlon of iiT'ii* !• !•'

by-laws. cafed It siunea by its cliairman or acting chairman, and a by-law ])nrporting to be so signed shall be received in evi- dence in all conrts without proof of the signature.

Certified copy of by-law as evidence.

13. A co])y of a by-law pnrjiortinu' to be certified bv a nieniber of tli(> Board to be a true copy, shall be received in e\ ii](Mic(> in all conrl- witliont proof of its siii'iiature.

"'"'''^"'' ' ^1- 'I'lic poli 'c force of the To\vnslii|i of Crowland sba'l fotisist of ;i clijc'r coiistahle r.iid n,'^ niaiiv con-tables ar.^^ ' Hi ( 5'- ;i;!l ;!"i-i;inl-^ as il < ■■, Mi-i! miav m( . ni <

^ ' i"1t llo! |(.s lluill ihe I'o;!!'.! !•( i'MTN. t< lir

Appoint- ment of miMiilici>

15. The inciuhcrs of the police force >li;il! l^e ai^pointed hy and hold ofH -e durini: ihe ])leasiire of the r.oar<l. and >h:ill take and suli-cribe an oath similar to that sc! out in s(ciioii 1^0 of 77/c ('(,ns/iiJ)!rs' .\<l.

16. The Board may make regulations for the government Regulations, of the police force for preventing neglect or abuse, and for rendering it efficient in the discharge of its duties.

17. The members of the police force shall be subject toJ?f^?cr tlic government of the Board and shall obey its lawfid I'J^^^jf^^' t'' directions.

18. The council shall appropriate for and pay such i"e- gemunera- muneration to the members of the police force as the Board members may determine nud shall provide aud pay for such offices, watch-house?. \v;itch-l)o\os. arms, accoutrements, clothing

and other thiiii.'<. :i- the IJonrd riiay deem requisite and re- (piire for the ai-couiinochition. use and maintenance of the force.

19. The council may pay any sum required for the pi'O- {-^f ^f"^"""^' taction, defence or indemnification of any member of the ^e'"''^^''- police force where an action or prosecution is brought against

liiiii, and costs are necessarily incurred, or damages are re- covered, if the Board certifies that the case is a proper one for such payment or indemnity.

20. All cxpciix- incurred for the i)ayuicnt of the poH'"^' onpanor^' rommhsionf'is and police constables SI^^ and other expense? township, incurred in connection with the police force '^iOH may be

paid by a general rate levied on any defined section or area of the township, as defined by by-law of tlie Townshi]) Conncil, a> provided by i^ection '^(^^ of 7V/r Miinin'paJ Art, as amended.




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^o. 16. 1919.


An Act respecting the Amasa Wood Hospital in the City of St. Thomas.

WHEREAS the late Amasa Wood in his lifetime pur- Preamble, chased Lot 'No. 4 on the east side of Pearl Street and north of Spring Street, in the City of St. Thomas, according to registered plan No. 15, and erected thereon valuable buildings, and by deed dated the 13th day of May, A.D. 1892, conveyed the said lands and buildings to the Corpora- tion of the City of St. Thomas, and presented the same to the city for the purposes of a public hospital, upon the trusts, terms and conditions therein set forth; and whereas one of the terms and conditions of the said conveyance is that the government and management of the said hospital should be in the hands of five governors, of whom the mayor of the city for the time being should be one, Friend Richard Eccles of the City of London, physician, should be another for life, and the remaining three members should be appointed yearly by the City Council ; and whereas it is desirable and exped- ient, in the opinion of the Council and the Medical Associa- tion of the City, to change the governing body of the said hospital from an appointed board to an elected trust, and to l)rovide for continuity of management; and whereas the Cor- jioration of the City of St. Thomas has, by its petition^ prayed that an Act may be passed for the said purpose ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

I TlicrcfMrc. Hi- .\I:ij(v ly, 1»\ iiihl wilh the advice and ci'!'. ?('n( of I Ik Legislative Assembly of the Province of Onlnvio, enncis ;i< Inllows:


1. Notwithstanding the provisions contained in the deed B^j^^d of conveyance of the Amasa Wood Hospital property to the Trustees City of St. Tliomaa, bearing date the 13th day of May, A.D. 1892, the government and management of the said hospital shall, from and after the first day of January, 1920, bo vested in and exercised by a Board of Trustees to be

called " The Amasa Wood Hospital Trust." 16

Incorpora- tion.

2. The said board of Trustees shall be a body corporate aixl politic ;iri(] slinll !»<• composed of the mayor of the city for the liiiii' hciiiL;, Friend Richard Eccles of the City of London, pliv>i(i:iii, Im liic and three other members to be elected yearly by the municipal electors of the City of St. Thomas.

Election of certain members.

Term of office of elected members.

3. The mombrrs of the said board of trustees to be elected by the muiii<ij»al electors of the city shall be elected at the annual municipal elections, and in the same manner as the head of the municipality, and all the provisions of The Muni- cipal Act, respecting the nomination, election, qualification and otherwise of mayors shall apply to the election of said members; and the first election of such members shall be held at the same time as the municipal elections of the city for the year 1920.

4. At the first election for members of the said board, the nuMnlxM- receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared e!(.ie(| tor three years, the member receiving the next highest number of votes for two years, and the remain- ing member for one year, and thereafter at each annual election, a member shall be e]ecte4 for three years; and at such first election, in case of an equality of votes, or in case all of the members of the board are elected by acclamation, the term for which each shall serve shall be determined by lot.

Vacancies. 5. In case of a vacancy in the elected members of the board caused by the death, resignation or otherwise of a member, an election shall be held to fill such vacancy in the same manner as the annual election.

First meeting of Board.

President of Board.

Estimates for Council.

6. The first meeting of the said board of trustees shall be held on the second Tuesday in the month of January, 1920, and shall be called by the mayor, and thereafter the first meeting shall be held on such day in each year as the board shall by by-law or resolution appoint.

7. The members of the board shall at the first meeting in each year appoint one of their number to be president of the board, and shall appoint a secretary, and the treasurer of the City of St. Thomas shall be the treasurer of the board.

8. The said board shall, before the 15th day of March, or such other date as the council may fix for the same in each year, prepare and present to the City Council, a statement and estimate in detail of the amount required from the city to provide for the maintenance of the hospital for the year.


9. The receipts and expenditures of the said board shall A"<sit- be audited bj the municipal auditor of the city, in the same manner as ordinary municipal accounts and expenditures.

10. The board shall have power to pass by-laws for the By-iaws. management of the affairs of the board and of the hospital,

and for the carrying out of the objects thereof.

11. It shall be lawful for the councils of the Corporation ^^^j^.t^^^yjj_ of the County of Elgin and of the several municipalities ties, within the county, from time to time to contribute a sum or

sums of money for the enlargement of the said hospital, -or towards the maintenance thereof, or of any patients therein, and to pass by-laws and resolutions in the exercise of the powers hereby conferred.

12. The said board is authorized and empowered to re- Gifts ceive and take all gifts, legacies and bequests of money or blque^s^ts other personality, and of any lands or interest in lands, with- out license in mortmain, for the use and support of the said hospital or purposes of the board, and all persons and bodies corporate shall have full and unrestricted right and power

to give, grant, devise and bequeath the same for the purposes aforesaid, but nothing herein contained shall authorize the board to engage in the business of trading in real estate; and provided also that any of such lands not actually and boiia-fide required for the purpose of the board, shall be sold and disposed of within five years from the acquisition of the same.

13. The conveyance bearing date the 13th day of May, variance of

._^ 11 -lA TTT 1 1 i^ conveyance.

A.D. 1892, made by the said Amasa Wood to the (Jorporation of the City of St. Thomas of the said hospital property, and registered in the registry office for the County of Elgin as !N"o. 16952 for St. Thomas is hereby varied in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and in all other respects is ratified and confirmed, and declared to be legal, valid and binding as so varied upon the parties thereto.

14. The said board shall have authority to conduct and Management

1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 °" noispltal.

carry on the said hospital as a general hospital, subject to the provisions contained in the deed of gift, and to such rules and regulations, not inconsistent therewith, as the board, from time to time, may make and pass, and also to maintain a training school and residence for nurses, and may pre- scribe rules and periods of training for and issue certificates of fitness or diplomas to nurses educated therein and gradu- ating therefrom.



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No. 17. - 1919.


An Act respecting the City of St. Catharines.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of St. Cath- Preamble, arines has, by its petition, represented that in order to promote to its fullest extent the . success of Canada's Victory Loan, 1918, it subscribed thereto foi* the sum of $500,000, being "the anif)unt of its sinking funds on deposit with the Treasurer of Ontario, and on deposit with the bankers of the corporation and available for such purpose, and it is necessary, in order to complete the payments upon the said subscription, to have the said sinking funds, amount- ing to $356,240.77, on deposit with the Treasurer of On- tario, released and paid over to the treasurer of the corpora- tion ; and whereas the corporation has, by its petition, prayed that its said action be validated and authority given for the release and payment over of the said sinking funds for the purposes mentioned; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The City of St. Catharines short miti. Act, 1919.

2. The subscription by the Corporation of the City of St. Subscri^ption Catharines for $500,000 to Canada's Victory Loan, 1918,sin)dn»fund out of the sinking funds of the said corporation is hereby .Loan^con- validated and confirmed. firmed.

3. The Treasurer of Ontario is hereby authorized to re- Payment lease and pay over to the treasurer of the Corporation of ihel^n^lngtund City of St. Catharines all sinking funds (with accrued in-^®P^*^«*i terest tbereon), deposited pursuant to the provisions of Province, section 4 of chapter 110 of the Acts passed in the first year

of the reign of His Majesty King George V, for the purpo.se of enabling the said corporation to complete its payments Uj)on the said subscriptions to Canada's Victory Loan, 1018.

4. Section 4 of chapter 110 of the Statutes of Ontario, i oeo. v. passed in the first year of the reign of His Majesty KingreJiSild.*' George V, is hereby repealed.


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No. 17. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of St. Catharines.

W II ERISAS the Corporation of the City of St. Cath- preamble, urines has, by its petition, represented that in order to promote to its fullest ex'tent the success of Canada's \'ictory Loan, 1918, it subscribed thereto for the sum of $500,000, being the jiiiioiint of its sinking funds on deposit with the Treasurei- «»l" Ontario, and on deposit with the bankers of the corporation and available for such purpose, and it is necessary, in order to complete the payments upon tho said subscription, to have the said sinking funds, on deposit with the Trea-iircr of Ontario, released and paid over to the Irea^uni' of the cori)oratioji ; and Avdiereas the corporation has, hy its petition, prayed that its said action be validated and authority given for the release and payment over of the said sinking funds for the purposes mentioned ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore. His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario,

enacts as follows: »

1. This Act may be cited as The City of 8t. C atharines short mie. Act, 1919.

2. The subscription by the Corporation of the City of St. subscription Catharines for $500,000 to Canada's Victory Loan, 1918. sinking fund ont of the sinking funds of the said corporation is hereby Lorn^con- validated and confirmed. firmed.

3. The Treasurer of Ontario is hereby authorized to re- Payment lease and pay over to the treasurer of the Corporation of thca^nking'fund City of St. Catharines all sinking funds (with accrued in-Jfj?^^"®^ torest thereon), deposited pursuant to the provisions of P''"°'^*"'*^- serfion 4 of chapter lit) of the Acts passed in the first year

<>( tlic reign of His Majesty "King Ceorge V U^^upon re- ceiviiifj from the said corporation tliree months' notice in writing of its desire to withdraw tlie said fnnds.'^'iCIl

4. Section 4 of chapter 110 of the Statutes of Ontario, i Geo. v. passed in the first year of the reign of His Majesty King repealed. ' George V, is hereby repealed.



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No. 18. 1919.


An Act to confirm a By-law of the Town of Orangeville to loan $30,000 for the establishment of a Shoe Factory.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Orange- ^^^^^''i^- ville, by petition, has represented that the Council thereof has unanimously given a first and second reading to a by-law of the said town to authorize the issue of debentures of the Town of Orangeville to the amount of $30,000 to grant a bonus by way of loan of $30,000 for the establish- ment of a shoe factory in the Towti of Orangeville and to exempt certain property of the said factory from municipal taxation and to fix the rate for water supplied for the pur- poses and on the terms in the said by-law set out; and whereas the said Corporation of the Town of Orangeville has, by the said petition, prayed that an Act may be passed confirming, legalizing and validating the said by-law and the agreement therein set out; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The said by-law of the Corporation of the Town of^^j^^^J^^ Orangeville, set out in Schedule "A," hereto, and all de-i^onusof bentures to be issued thereunder, and the said agreement are exemption hereby ratified, confirmed and declared to be legal, valid andtoxTtion binding upon the said corporation, the ratepayers thereof ^°"^''"'®^' and all parties to the said agreement, subject to the said by-law receiving the assent of the electors in the manner re- quired by The Municipal Act respecting Bonus By-laws, but nothing herein contained shall make the limitation of power to bonus contained in clause " I) " of section 396 of The Muni-f.^si^^^" cipdl Act applicable to said by-law.

2. The said agreement is hereby amended by striking out Amendment

clause 14 thereof. agreement




By-law No. .

Being a by-law to authorize the issue of debentures of the Town of Orangevllle to the amount of $30,000 to grant a bonus by way of loan of $30,000 for the eHtabllshment of a shoe factory in the Town of Orangevllle and to exempt certain property of the said factory from municipal taxation, and to fix> the rate for water supplied.

Whereas J. W. Hewetson C!ompany, Limited, has entered Into the agreement with the Corporation of the Town of Orangevllle, set out in Schedule "A" hereto, which is hereby incorporated In and is to be read and construed as part of this by-law;

And whereas It Is advisable upon the said J. W. Mewetson Com- pany, Limited, complying with the terms, provisions and conditions of the said agreement on its part to be performed, prior to the Kiaiit of such bonus by way of loan, that the Corporation of the Town of Orangeville should grant to the said J. W. HewptFon (Company, Limited, a l)orius by way of loan of the sum of $:: '

And whereas, in order to provide the said bonus by way ol loan, it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said municipality for the sum of $:?0.000 as herein provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law), the proceeds of the said debentures to be applied for the purpose aforesaid and to no other, and the said debentures shall be payable as hereinafter provided;

And whereas it is desirable to issue the said debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debentures payable by yearly sums during the period of twenty years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable each year for principal and interest, in respect of the said debt, shall be, as nearly as possible, equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nineteen years of said period;

And whereas the amount required to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interest, as hereinafter provided, is $2,615.54;

And^whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of liic Town of Orangeville. according to the last revised assessment roll thereof, is $986,095;

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality is the sum of $94,867.31, whereof no principal or interest is in arrear;

And whereas there is at present no shoe factory in the said Town of Orangeville:

Therefore the Municipal Council of the Town of Orangeville enacts as follows:

1. That the said agreement, bearing date the tentli day of February, 1919, made between J. W. Hewetson Company, Limited, of the first part, and the Corporation of the Town of Orangeville. of the second part, set out in Schedule " A " hereto, is hereby approved of.

2. The Municipal Council of the said Town of Orangeville is hereby authorized and empowered to grant a bonus by way of loan to the said J. W. Hewetson Company. Limited, and for the purpose of raising the said sum of $30,000 required for the purpose afore-


said, debentures of the said Town of Orangeville to the amount of $30,000 in sums of not less than $100 each, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable yearly, and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest, shall be issued and the .said principal and Interest shall be payable at the Sterling Bank of (•anada in the said Town of Orangeville.

3. The said debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years and shall be payable in twenty annual instalments during the twenty years next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest i)ayable in each of such years siiall be as follows:

Year No. Principal. Interest. Total.

1 $815 54 $1,800 00 $2,615 54

2 864 47 1,751 07 2,615 54

3 916 34 1,699 20 2,615 54

4 97132 1,644 22 2,615 54

5 1,029 60 1,585 94 2,615 54

6 1,09137 1.524 17 2,615 54

7 1,156 86 1,458 68 2,615 54

8 1,226 27 1,389 27 2,615 54

9 1,299 84 1,315 70 2,615 54

10 1,377 83 1,237 71 2,615 54

11 1,460 50 1,155 04 2,615 54

12 1,548 13 1,067 41 2,615 54

13 1,641 02 974 52 2.615 54

14 1,739 48 876 06 2,615 54

15 1,843 85 77169 2,615 54

16 1,954 48 661 06 2,615 54

17 2,07175 543 79 2,615 54

18 2,196 06 419 48 2,615 54

19 2,327 82 287 72 2,615 54

20 2.467 49 148 05 2,615 54

4. The said debentures and interest coupons shall be signed and issued by the mayor of the said Toun of Orangeville or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the treasurer of the said Town of Orangeville, and the clerk shall attach thereto the Corporate Seal of the muniiiiiality.

5. During twenty years of the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually, by a special rate on all the rateable property in the said Town of Orangeville, the sum of $2,615.54 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for l»rincipal and interest in respect of the said debt as shown in clause 3 hereof.

6. Tlie purchaser of any of the said debentures shall not be required to see to the application of the purchase money thereof. or that the terms, provisions and conditions of said agreement have been complied with, observed and performed, but the said debentures shall be unimpeachable on any sii< li i^rounda in the hands of jiiiy purchaser for value.

7. All iiioiieys received by the Corporation of the Town of Orange- ville from the said J. W. Hewetson Com!)any, Limited, on account of the said loan, s'hall forthwith, after the receipt thereof, be de- posited in a special account in the Sterling Bank of Canada in the Town of Orangeville or such other chartered bank as th& council may determine, and the moneys standing at the credit of sucli special account, or a sufficient part thereof at the time of settling the total annual rate and making up the collector's roll for any year, shall be applied on or towards payment of the annual amount falling due in each year for principal and interest on account of the


debentures issued to pay such loan, and the amount to be raised In such year shall be reduced to the extent of the sum so applied.

/ 8. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on its ratifi- cation by the Legislature of Ontario and from and after the passing thereof in accordance with the provisions, of such ratifying legis- lation.

Passed in open council, this day of

A.D. 1919,



By-law read a 1st time, February 11th, 1919. By-law read a 2nd time, February 11th, 1919. By-law read a 3rd time and finally passed, 1919.


Memorandum of Agreement, made in duplicate the tenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen,


J. W. Hewetson Company, Limited, herein called the " Con- tractor," of the first part;


The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville, herein called the " Corporation," of the second part.

Whereas it is deemed advisable in the best interests of the Cor- poration that certain inducements should be given to procure the location in the municipality of manufacturing plants, which would afford suitable employment for a number of its citizens, and to that intent, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein con- tained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:

1. The Contractor will procure a factory site within the limits of the, said Corporation and will erect thereon a modern shoe fac- tory of brick, stone or cement construction or a combination there- of, of at least two storeys with a basement thereunder and having a floor space of not less than twenty thousand square feet, and will, subject to the provisions hereof, maintain and operate, and keep the same in repair and operation during the currency of this agreement.

2. The said factory will be equipped with proper and sufficient machinery to enable Contractor to manufacture 1,500 pairs of shoes per day.

3. The said factory, including the buildings, equipment and land, used in connection therewith, shall actually cost at least $50,000, and the factory shall be completed and in operation within twenty- four months from the passing of the necessary by-law by the muni- cipality to enter into this contract. The Contractor shall furnish the Corporation with a statutory declaration, showing the actual cost of such factory, including buildings, equipment and lands, and shall, in addition, produce all receipts, invoices, accounts and vouchers necessary to prove such cost.

4. During the currency of the mortgage herein mentioned, the Contractor will maintain fire insurance on the said factory and


equipment, in companies approved of by the Corporation, to an amount $2,000 in excess of the total indebtedness of the Contrac- tor to the Corporation, from time to time under the mortgage herein mentioned, provision for which shall be incorporated in the said mortgage, and which insurance shall be payable to the Cor- poration to the extent of the indebtedness under said mortgage.

5. Should the factory be wholly or partially destroyed by fire at any time or times during the currency of this agreement, the Contractor will forthwith and with all reasonable diligence and despatch proceed to restore or repair the same, and in doing so, upon giving security to the satisfaction of the Corporation that he will completely restore or repair the said factory, shall receive from the Corporation the moneys obtained by it, in respect of the insurance on the said factory, by interim monthly advances of seventy per cent, of the amount expended on restoration or re- pairs, and shall receive the balance of said insurance money when the said factory is completely restored or repaired.


6. In default of the Contractor proceeding to restore or repair the said factory as aforesaid, within six weeks from the date of the total or partial destruction thereof, and continuing the same to completion with reasonable despatch, so that it will be restored or repaired within twelve months from the time of the total or partial destruction thereof, as the case may be, the Corporation may apply the insurance moneys received by it and unadvanced as aforesaid in payment of the amount owing on the said mortgage.

7. The Contractor will, for at least ten months of each year, of the succeeding nineteen years after the expiration of one year from the commencement of the operation of said factory, employ in the said factory an average of at least sixty employees per day, exclusive of officers of the company, of whom one-third at least shall be male adults, and all said employees shall reside within the limits of the Corporation of Orangeville.

8. The Contractor agrees that the annual wages paid in the operation of said factory during the said nineteen years respec- tively shall be not less than thirty-five thousand dollars in each year thereof.

&. The Contractor will, if so required by the Corporation in writing, within the last month prior to the accruing due of any payment of interest under the mortgage hereinafter mentioned in any year of the said period of nineteen years, furnish the Corpora- tion with evidence by statutory declaration, made by some person having knowledge of the facts, showing the number of employees employed in the factory and the amount of wages paid during the current year.

10. The Contractor will give to the Corporation a first mortgage, made in pursuance of the Short Forms of Mortgages Act, and con- taining the usual statutory covenants for the sum of $30,000, in fee simple, free from all encumbrances, charges, dower or liens upon the said buildings, plant and machinery and electric equipment and all additional or substituted buildings, plant and machinery, and electric equipment, to be as between the parties hereto, real estate and fixtures and to.be incorporated in and covered by the said mortgage. The said mortgage shall be dated as of the date of the first advance hereunder and shall be conditioned to become void on payment of $10,000 in ten equal, annual, consecutive instal- ments of $1,000 eadi, the first of such instalments to become due and be made one year after the gommencement of operation of the said factory, and the balance of $20,000 in ten equal, annual, con- secutive instalments of $2,000 each, the first of which shall become due and be made eleven years after the commencement of opera- tion of the said factory, together with interest at the rate of six



per cent, per annum, to be computed from one year after com- mencement of the operation of said factory, payable with eacb Instalment of principal on the principal moneys secured by the said mortgage from time to timo remain I hk unpaid. The said mortgage shall ammin otlur iliini-'s provide Oiat the principal money and interest reinaininu uiiiciid sIimII all bcctMiie due and payable in the event of tin ( Oiiiiinuji lailinK after six months' notice in writing to keep and ohscive ail the covenants and provisions of this agreement, in regard to employment and payment of wages, unless excused under the terms hereof. Provided, however, that if the evidence required by the preceding paragraph hereof shall not be required by the Corporation as aforesaid, or if required shall be furnished by the Contractor, showing that the provisions herein contained for employment and payment of wages have been satisfied during the current year, then, and in either of such cases, any interest on the principal secured by the said mortgage for the current year shall be deemed paid and satisfied, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the recovery of interest loi ilie period represented by any such declaration, should the said declara- tion afterwards be proved to be false, and should it appear that the provisions herein contained for employment and paymen* "•' wages had not i)een satisfied during the period covered b> declaration.

11. It is agreed that any excess of labour or payment of wages in any year of said term shall not be considered as payment or part payment, or satisfaction, of the obligations of the Contractor for any other period of said term.

12. Should a by-law be passed by the duly qualified electors of the Corporation, authorizing the execution of this agreement, and the Contractor fail to carry out the obligations tq be performed here- under on the part of the Contractor, he shall pay to the Corpora- tion the sum of $100 toward the expense of submitting the said by-law, and shall not be liable for any further amount by reason of such default.

13. The Corporation agrees to advance to the Contractor, when the said mortgage is so given, the costs of all labour and materials supplied and used in or about the construction of the said build- ings in excess of $10,000, to the extent of $20,000, on the joint cer- tificate of the architect employed by the Contractor and the mayor of the said Corporation, or, if no architect is employed, then on the certificate of the said mayor and the balance of the said sum of $30,000 upon the completion of the said buildings and the in- stallation of all plant, machinery and electric equipment therein, according to the provisions of this agreement, and upon the said factory being in running operation as a going concern for one week, but the Corporation shall not be required to advance any moneys until two months after the by-law to be submitted to the electors has been finally passed.

14. The Corporation will grant to the Contractor exemption from all municipal taxation of the lands comprised in said mortgage or used in connection with said factory and all buildings, plant and machinery and personal property therein and used in connection therewith, including any business assessment, but not including school taxes and local improvement taxes, for a period of ten years, from and after the going into effect of this agreement, but such exemption shall cease during any period of default hereunder, upon the Contractor failing for six months to carry out the terms, provisions and conditions of this agreement in respect of employ- ment or payment of wages.

15. The Corporation, after providing for the requirements of its domestic water consumption and fire protection and existing contracts for water, of wiiich the Corporation shall be the sole


judge, will supply to the contractor for use and operation of the said plant such quantity of water as may be required by it from time to time for such purposes at the price of three cents per .1,000 gallons. Provided, however, that the Corporation shall not be required to increase the existing capacity of its water works plant for the purpose of so doing; but should the Corporation fail to supply the Contractor with water required by it as aforesaid, tlie Contractor shall thereupon be relieved from its obligation here- under, in respect of operation of said factory and payment of wages during the period of such failure.

16. The said Corporation will furnish the Contractor with a so])tie tank, and if a sewerage system be subsequently established in the Town of Orangevllle, agrees to connect the said factory with tlie same if the pipes needed to do so are not required to be laid more than 100 feet to the street line of the factory property, and will also place one of its fire hydrants for fire protection on the ^'.ri'C It ;i iifiint witliin 100 feet of said factory.

'! lieichy agrees to take from the Orangeville Hydro Commission and use electric power for all power or lighting purposes necessary for use in connection with such factory, at a price to be fixed by the Hydro-Electric Commission of Ontario, V hile the Orangeville Hydro Commission is able to supply the sjure, but in case of the Orangeville Hydro Commission being un- able to supply same, the Contractor may obtain power from any other source during the period of such failure.

IS. Should legislation be secured by the Corporation approving the same, the Corporation will grant to the Contractor exemption from all municipal taxation of the lands comprised in said mort- gage and used in connection with said factory and all buildings, ?)lant and machinery and personal property therein and used in connection therewitli, including any business assessment but not including school taxes and local improvement taxes, for a period of twenty years from and after the going into effect of this agree- ment, but such exemption shall cease during any period of default hereunder, upon the Contractor failing for six months to carry out the terms, provisions, and conditions, of this agreement, in respect of employment or payment of wages.

19. Provided also, and it is agreed, that, notwithstanding any- Tl)ing herein contained, the period of time involved in any strike rf " orkmen engaged in the construction of the said factory, or the time which the operation of the said factory may be suspended in all or in part, through any strike of employees employed therein, or t'Tough fire, tempest, insufficient supply of water or unavoidable ;> 'cident, shall not be included in any of the times hereinbefore Ibed for the completion of the factory, or operation thereof, or Mierwise, and shall not operate as default hereunder.

I :'0. The word " Factory " in this agreement shall, unless incon- sistent with the context, include buildings, plant, machinery and electric equipment.

21. The Contractor agi^ees with the Corporation that he will, at "V time within twenty years from the going into effect of this

•poment. f-onpent in writing to the granting of a bonus, loan or eimrantee by the said Cori)oration to one or more shoe factories, or to one or more industries of a similar nature to that to be estab- lisliod iinder tliia agreement by the Contractor.

22. The Corporation, after legislation has been obtained for that nrpope. will as s<jon as the same can be done, submit a by-law to

the qualified ratepayers, authorizing the execution of this agree- ment and providing for the borrowing of the said sum of $30,000 a i; reed to be loaned.


23. Should the said legislation not be obtained or the said by-law not be approved by the qualified ratepayers, or subsequently quashed, then this agreement shall be null and void.

24. It is further agreed that these presents shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns respectively.

In witness whereof the Contractor hath hereunto affixed its Cor- porate Seal and the signatures of its proper officers, and the said ('x)rporatlon liath hereunto affixed its Corporate Seal and the signa- tures of its Mayor and Clerk.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the Presence of:


J. W. Hewitson,




A. R. Hkwitson,

Secretary- Treasurer.


Oboboe D. Lewis,







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No. 18.



An Act to confirm a By-law of the Town of Orangeville to loan $30,000 for the establishment of a Shoe Factory.

WTTEIxEAS the Corporation of the Town of Orange- Preamble, ville, by petition, has represented that the Conncil thereof has nnanimonsly i>i\'cn a lirst and second reading to a hy-law of the said town to anthorize the issne of dehentiirEy; of the Town of Orangeville to the ariionnt of $30,000 I^^in ^two sets of $15,000 each''^^ to grant a bonus by way of loan Ipf $30,000 for the establishment of a shoe faetory in the |Town of Orangeville and to exempt certain pro]iertv of the ^said factory from munici])al taxation and to fix the rate for ^watcr supplied for the ])iirposes and on the terms in the said 'by-law set out; and whereas the said Corporation of the Town of Orangeville has, by the said ])etition, prayed that an Act may be passed ccmfirming, legalizing and validating the said by-law and the agreement therein set out; and whereas it is ^expedient to grant the ])ray('r of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :


1. The said by-law of the Corporation of the Town of By-law aiigoville. set out in Schedule "A." hereto, and all dc-i.onusof bentures to be issued thereunder, and the said agreement areJxSmption'^ hereby ratified, confirmed and declared to be legal, valid «"d[^xation binding upon the said corporation, the ratepayers thereof fonflimed. and all parties to the said agreement, subject to the said by-law receiving the assent of the electors in the manner re- < I II i red by The Mnnicipal Act respecting Bonus By-lav^s, but nothing herein contained shall mal<e the limitation of power to bonus eontained in clause " D " of ?;ecfion 396 of The 3f?/n7- n.v. siiu.. cipnl Art applicable to said bv l;i\v.



By-Law No


Being a by-law to authorize tlie issue of debentures of the Town of Orangevllle to the amount of $30,000 in two sets of $i:. hihi ear h to grant a bonus by way of loan of $30,(X)0 for the establish mont of a shoe factory in the Town of Orangevllle and to exempt certain property of the said factory from municipal taxation and to fix the rate for water supplied.

Whereas J. W. Hewetson Company, Limited, has entered '• '^ "iP agreement with the Corporation of the Town of Orangevi in Schedule "A" hereto, "which is hereby incorporated in ...... ..^ t"

be read and construed as part of this by-law;

And whereas it is advisable upon tlie said J. W. Hewetson Com pany, Limited, complying with the terms, provisions and MMuiiiion.^ of the said agreement on its part to be performed prior to ih< grant of such bonus by way of loan that the C/Orpoiation of tin Town of Orangevllle should grant to the said J. W. Hewet^ou Company, Limited, a bonus by way of loan of the sum of $30,000 in two sums of $15,000 each as in the said agreement provided:

And whereas in order to i)rovide the said bonus by way of loan it will be necessary to issue debentures of the said municipality for two sums of $15,000 each as herein provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law) the jirocoeds of the said debentures to i)e applied for the purpose aforesaid and to no other and the said debentures shall be payable as hereinafter provided;

And whereas it is intended that the proposed expenditure in con- nection with the said shoe factory will extend over a series of years and that for the said purpose the sum of $15,000 will be required within two years after the final passing of this by-law and the sum of $15,000 within five years after the final passing of this l)y-lav.. and it being in the opinion of the Municipal Corporation of the said Town of Orangevllle. undesirable to have large portions of tlie money to be raised under this by-law in hand unused and unin- vested— it would be to the advantage of the muni<ipality to issue the said debentures in installments as hereinafter provided, eacli installment of the debt thereby respectively secured together with the interest thereon being made payable in equal, annual install- ments extending over twenty years from the date of the issue of the debentures respectively representing the same;

And whereas it is desirable to make the principal of the .said debentures payable by yearly sums during the period of twenty years after the issue of each installment being the currency of the said debentures said yearly sums being of such respective aniounls that the aggregate amount payable each year for princii)al and interest in respect of the said debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nineteen years of said period;

And whereas the total amount required hy The Mufii<i]>al Act to be raised annually during the first of such periods of twenty years for paying the first installment of the said debt and interest thereon is $1,307.77 and during the second of such periods of twenty years for paying the second installment of said debt and interest thereon is $1,307.77;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Orangeville according to the last revised assessment roll thereof is $986,095; 18


And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality is the sum of $94,867.31 whereof no principal or interest is in arrear;

And whereas there is at present no shoe factory in the said Town of Orangeville;

Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of OrangeviH^ enacts as follows:

1. That the said agreement bearing date the thirty-first day of March, 1919, made between J. W. Hewetson Company, Limited, of the first part, and The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville, ot the second part, set out in Schedule " A " hereto is hereby approved of.

2. The Municipal Council of the said Town of Orangeville is hereby authorized and empowered to grant a bonus by way of loan to the said J. W. Hewetson Company, Limited, and for the purpose of raising the said sum of $30,000 in two installments of $15,000 each required tor the purpose aforesaid, debentures of the said Town of Orangeville to the amount in all of $30,000 in two sets of $15,000 each in sums of not less than $100 each bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum payable yearly on the anniver- sary of the date of the issue thereof and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of interest shall be issued and the said principal and interest shall be payable at the Sterling Bank of Canada in the said Town of Orangeville.

3. $15,000 of the said debentures shall ba issued within two years after the date on which this by-law is passed and a further sum of $15,000 within five years after the date on which this by-law is passed, if the terms, provisions and conditions of the hereinbefore mentioned agreement prior to the issue of the said debentures on the part of the said J. W. Hewetson Cx)mpany, Limited, have been observed and performed.

4. Both sets of the said debentures shall bear date of the day of issue thereof and shall be payable in twenty annual installments during the twenty years next after the time when the same are issued and the respective amounts of principal and interest pay- able in each of such years shall be as follows:

Year. No. Principal.

1 $407 77

2 432 23

3 458 17

4 485 66

5 514 80

6 545 69

7 578 43

8 613 14

9 649 92

10 688 91

11 730 25

12 774 06

18 820 51

14 869 74

15 921 93

16 977 24

17 1,035 87

18 : 1.098 03

19 1.163 91

20 1,233 75

T. The said debentures and interest coupons shall be signed and ssued by the Mayor of the said Town of Orangeville or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the 18

[nterest. .


$900 00

$1,307 77

875 54

1.307 77

849 60

1.307 77

822 11

1,307 77

792 97

1,307 77

762 08

1,307 77

729 34

1.307 77

694 63

1,307 77

657 85

1,307 77

618 86

1,307 77

577 52

1,307 77

533 71

1.307 77

487 26

1,307 77

438 03

1,307 77

385 84

1,307 77

330 53

1.307 77

271 90

1.307 77

209 74

1.307 77

143 86

1,307 77

74 02

1,307 77

Treasurer «»!' ilie said '!'«»»> n u. <>■ aiiKeville, and ili«- Ck-ik shall atttach thereto the corporate seal of the municipality.

6. DuriuK the curreix y ot the debentures for $15,000 representiiii.' the first installment or the debt hereby created there shall be raised annually by special rate upon all the rateable property of the said Town of OranReville the sum of $1,307.77 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as shown in clause 4 blMof. -

7. During the currency of the debentures for $15,000 representlnK the second installment of the debt hereby created there shall be raised annually by special rate upon all the rateable property of the said Town of Orangeville the sum of $1,307.77 for the ijurpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as shown ' " ■• 4 hereof.

8. The purciiaser of any of the said debentures snail not bn required to see to the application of the purchase money thereoi. or that the terms, provisions and conditions of said agreement have been complied with, observed and i)erformed, but the said deben- tuies shall t>e unimpeachable on any such grounds in tbp i --nrN of any purchaser for value.

9. All moneys received liy the Corporation of the Town of Orange- viKe from the said J. W. Hewetson Company, Limited, on account of the said loan shall forthwith after the receipt thereof be deposited in a special account in the Sterling Bank of Canada in the Town of Orangeville or such other chartered bank as the council may determine and the moneys standing at the credit of such special account, or a sufficient part thereof at the time of settling the total annual rate and making up the collector's roll for any year, shall be aDplied on or towards payment of the annual amount falling due in e;u'h year for principal and interest on account of the deben- \

\ to pay such loan, and the account to be raisi- ' ' 'i

reduced to the extent of the sum so appli* >

"iO. This by ' w ; 'nail com^ into force and take effc lati.l-

cp!:on by tie i eri-' ;ture of Ontario and from and a': in i..^- i,assing thecof Ml i; rhiiicp with the provisions, of such ratifying legis- lation.

Passed in Ojien Council this dav of

A.R. 1919.


* Clerk.

By-law read a 1st time April 2nd, 1919. By-law read a 2nd time April 2nd. 1919. By-law read a "rd time and finally passed 1919.


Memorandum of .Agreement made in duplicate the thirty-tirst day of March, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen.


J. W. Hewetson Company. Limited, herein called the " Con- tractor,'* of the first part.


The Corporation of the Town of Orangeville, herein called the

" Corporation," of the second part.



Whereas it is deemed advisable in the best interests of the cor- poration that certain inducements should be given to procure the location in the municipality of manufacturing plants, which would afford suitable employment for a number of its citizens, and to that Intent, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed between the parties hereto as follows:

1. The contractor will procure a factory site within the limits of the said corporation and will erect thereon a modern shoe factory of brick, stone or cement construction or a combination thereof, of at least two storeys with a basement thereunder or one storey with a basement thereunder and having a floor space of not less than ten thousand square feet, and will, subject to the provisions hereof, maintain and operate, and keep the same in repair and operation during the currency of this agreement.

2. The said factory will be equipped with proper and sufficient machinery of sufficient capacity to manufacture 500 pairs of shoes per day.

3. The said factory, including the buildings, equipment and land, used in connection therewitli, shall actually cost at least $25,000, and the factory shall be completed and in operation within twenty- four months from the passing of the necessary by-law by the muni- cipality to enter into this contract. The contractor shall furnish the corporation with a statutory declaration, showing tlie actual cost of such factory, including buildings, equipment and lands, and shall in addition produce all receipts, invoices, accounts and vouch- ers necessary to prove such cost.

4. During the currency of the mortgage herein mentioned the contractor will maintain fire insurance on the said factory and equipment, in companies approved of by the corporation to an amount $2,000 in excess of the total indebtedness of the contractor to the corporation, from time to time under the mortgage herein mentioned, provision for which shall be incorporated in the said mortgage, and which insurance shall be payable to the corporation to the extent of the indebtedness under said mortgage.

5. Should the factory be wholly or partially destroyed by fire at any time or times during the currency of this agreement, the contractor will forthwith and with all reasonable diligence and despatch pro- ceed to restore or repair the same, and in doing so, upon giving security to the satisfaction of the corporation that it will com- pletely restore or repair the said factory, shall receive from the corporation the moneys obtained by it, in respect of the insurance of the said factory, by interim monthly advances of seventy per cent, of the amount expended on restoration or repairs and shall receive the balance of said insurance money when the said factory is completely restored or repaired.

6. In default of tlie contractor proceeding to" restore or repair the said factory as aforesaid, within six weeks from the date of the total or partial destruction thereof, and continuing the same to completion with reasonable despatch, so that it will be restored or repaired within twelve months from the time of the total or partial destruction thereof, as the case may be the corporation may apply the insurance moneys received by it and unadvanced as aforesaid in payment of the amount owing on the said mortgage.

7. The contractor will, for at least ten months of each year, of the succeeding nineteen years after the expiration of one year from the commencement of the operation of said factory employ in tlie said factory an average of at least thirty employees per day exclusive of officers of the company, of whom, one-third at least shall be male adults and all said employees shall reside within tiie limits of the Corporation of Orangeville.


8. Til.- :ili(Mi ol shall Ih> eacli year

uMial wages paid in 'i' nineteen years re iiul five iiundred d-

'.I. TIh' ( (tiitrai toi will, if so reqiiirtci \>y tiie corporation in writing, within the l.isi iiioiitli ijrior to thn a< cruing due of any jiayraent of iiitcicsi imdcr the mortgage hereinafter mentioned in any yc;ir of tile -nil pii.MJ of nineteen years, furnish the corporation

<>\i<!' taiutoiy (l<'flarat ioji. made by sonic ijcrsoii 1

lino.. I he tails. :;liowiti.iA tlic number of enii>h),vcc- i'nii)!oyr'(l

in Ihr taii.H> ,unl llic amount of wa^cs i)ai(i (iuriii'.: "In year.

with aviiiK


10. The contractor will give to the corporation a first mortgage made In i)iirsuan(e of the Khort Forms of Mortgof/es Act and con- taining the usual statutory covenants for the sum of $15,000, in fee simple free from all encumbrances, charges, dower or liens upon the said buildings, plant and machinery and electric equipment and all additional or snl)stituted buildings, plant and machinery, and electric equii)ment lo he as between the parties hereto real estate and fixtures and to be incorporated in and covered by the said mortgage. The said mortgage shall be dated as of the date or the first advance hereunder and shall be conditioned to become void on i)ayment of $5,000 in ten equal, annual, consecutive installments of $500 each, the first of such installments to become due and be made one year after the commencement of operation of the said factory, and the balance of $10,000 in ten equal, annual, consecutive installments of $1,000 each, the first of which shall become due and be made eleven years after the commencement of operation of the said factory together with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum to be computed from one year after commencement of the operation of said factory, payable with each installment of principal on the principal moneys secured by the said mortgage from time to time remaining unpaid. The said mortgage shall among other things provide that the principal money and interest remaining unpaid shall all become due and payable in the event of the con- tractor failing after six months' notice in writing to keep and observe all the covenants and provisions of this agreement, in regard to employment and payment of wages unless excused under the terms hereof. Provided, however, that if the evidence required by the preceding paragraph hereof shall not be required by the corporation as aforesaid or if required shall be furnished by the contractor showing that the provisions herein contained for employment and payment of wages have been satisfied during the current year then and in either of such cases, any interest on the principal secured by the said mortgage for the current year shall be deemed paid and satisfied but nothing herein contained shall prevent the recovery of interest for the period represented by any such declaration should the said declaration afterwards be proved to be false and should it appear that the provisions herein contained for employ- ment and payment of wages had not been satisfied during the period covered liy such declaration.

11. It is agreed that any excess of labor or payment of wages in any year of said term shall not be considered as payment or part payment, or satisfaction, of the obligations of the contractor for any other period of said term.

12. Should a bj'-law be passed by the duly qualified electors of the corporation, authorizing the execution of this agreement and the contractor fail to carry out the obligations to be performed here- under on the part of the contractor, he shall pay to the corporation the sum of $100 toward the expense of submitting the said by-law and shall not be liable for any further amount by reason of such default.


13. The corporation agrees to advance to the contractor when the said mortgage is so given the costs of all labor and materials supplied and used in or about the construction of the said buildings in excess of $5,000 to the extent of $10,000 on the joint certificate of the architect employed by the contractor and the mayor of the said corporation or if no architect is employed then on the certifi- cate of the said ipayor and the balance of the said sum of $15,000 upon the completion of the said buildings and the installation of all plant, machinery and electric equipment therein according to the provisions of this agreement and upon the said factory being in running operation as a going concern for one week, but the cor- poration shall not be required to advance any moneys until two months after the by-law to be submitted to the electors has been finally passed.

14. The corporation will grant to the contractor exemption from all municipal taxation of the lands comprised in said mortgage or used in connection with said factory and all buildings, plant and machinery and personal property therein and used in connection therewith, including any business assessment but not including school taxes and local improvement taxes for a period of twenty years from and after the going into effect of this agreement, but such exemption shall cease during any period of default hereunder upon the contractor failing for six months to carry out the terms, provisions and conditions of this agreement in respect of employ- ment or payment of wages.

1."). The corporation after providing for the requirements of its domestic water consumption and fire protection and existing con- tracts for water, of which the corporation shall be the sole judge, will supply to the contractor for use and operation of the said plant such quantity of water as may be required by it from time to time for such purposes at the price of three cents per 1,000 gallons. Provided, however, that the corporation shall not be required to increase the existing capacity of its water works plant for the purpose of so doing; but should the corporation fail to supply the contractor with water required by it as aforesaid the contractor .'shall thereupon be relieved from its obligation hereunder in respect of operation of said factory and payment of wages during the period of such failure.

16. The said corporation will furnish the conti.utor with a septic rank, and if a sewerage system be sul)sequently established in tlie Town of Orangeville agrees to connect the said factory with the same if the pipes needed to do so are not required to be laid more than 100 feet to the street line of the factory pri,>perty and will al.so place one of its fire hydrants for fire protectior on the street at a point within 100 feet of said factory.

17. The contractor hereby agrees to take from the Orangeville Hydro Commission and use electric power for ail power or lighting purposes necessary for use in connection witli such factory at a price to be fixed by tlie Hydro-Electric Commission of Ontario while, the Orangeville Hydro Commission is able to supply the same, but in case of the Orangeville Hydro Commission being unable to supply same the contractor may obtain power from any other source during the period of such failure.

18. Provided also, and it is agreed tliat notwithstanding anything herein contained the period of time involved in any strike of work- men engaged in the construction of the said factory, or the time which the operation of tlie said factory may be suspended in all or in part through any strike of employees and employed therein, or tlirough fire, tempest, insufl[lcient 8up))lv df \\;iter or unavoidable accident shall not be included inf any of tlif time hereinbefore fixed for the completion of the factory, or operation tliereof, or otherwise. and shall not operate as default thereunder.



19. It is further agreed between the contractor and the corpora- tion that the corporation will at any time within five years from the final passing of the said by-law advance to the contractor a further sum of $15,000 upon receiving six months previous notice from the contractor of Its intention to comply with the terms, covenants and provisions of this agreement relating to such further advance of $15,000, subject to the provisions of paragraph 24 hereof.

20. It is agreed between the contractor and the corporation that in order to obtain such further advance of the said sum of $15,000 the contractor shall within one year from the giving of such notice increase the size of the factory to 20,000 square feet of floor space, shall increase the actual cost of said factory to at least $50,000, including the buildings, equipment and land used In connection therewith, shall increase the number of employees to 60 per day exclusive of officers of the company, of whom on^thlrd at least shall be male adults and shall increase the annual wages to $35,000.

21. The provisions of paragraph numbers 4, 5, 6, 9, 11 and 17 and all other parts of this agreement properly applicable thereto shall mutatis mutandis apply to the said proposed advance of $15,000.

22. The contractor for said further advance of $15,000 will give to the corporation a mortgage immediately subsequent to the mortgage mentioned in paragraph 10 hereof made in pursuance of the Short Forms of Mortgages Act and containing the usual statutory coven- ants for the sum of $15,000, in fee simple, free from all encum- brances, charges, dower or liens execept said first mortgage of $15,000 upon -the said buildings, plant, machinery and electric equip- ment and all additional or substituted buildings, plant and machin- ery and electric equipment to be as between the parties hereto real estate and fixtures and to be incorporated in and covered by the said mortgage. The said mortgage shall be dated as of date of the first advance on account of said further sum of $15,000 and shall be conditioned to become void on payment of $5,000 in ten, equal, annual, consecutive installments of $500 each, the first of such installments to become due and be made one year after said first advance- in respect of such further sum of $15,000, and the balance of $10,000 in ten, equal, annual, consecutive installments of $1,000 each, the first of which shall become due and be made ten years after said first installment of $500, together with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, to be computed from said first advance payable with each installment of principal on the principal moneys secured by the said mortgage from time to time remaining unpaid. The said mortgage shall among other things provide that the principal money and interest remaining unpaid shall all become due and payable in the event of the contractor failing after six months' notice in writing to keep and observe all the covenants and provisions of this agreement, in regard to employment and payment of wages, unless excused under the terms hereof. Provided, how- ever, that if the evidence required by paragraph 9 hereof shall not be required by the corporation as aforesaid, or if required shall be furnished by the contractor, showing that the provisions herein contained for employment and payment of wages have been satisfied during the current year, then and in either of such cases, any interest on the principal secured by the said mortgage for the cur- rent year shall be deemed paid and satisfied, but nothing herein contained shall prevent the recovery of interest for the period represented by any such declaration, should the said declaration afterwards be proved to be false, and should it appear that the provisions herein contained for employment and payment of wages have not been satisfied during the period covered by such declara- tion.

23. The corporation agrees to advance to the contractor when

the said subsequent mortgage is so given the costs of all labour

and material supplied and used in and about the construction of

the said enlarged buldings, In excess of $5,000 to the extent of


$10,000 on the joint certificate of the architect employed by the contractor and the mayor of the said corporation, or if no architect is employed then on the certificate of the said mayor and the bal- ance of the said sum of $15,000 upon the completion Mt the said enlarged buildings and the installation of all plant, machinery, electric equipment therein according to the provisions of this agree- ment and upon the said factory being in running operation at full * capacity as a going concern for one week.

24. It is hereby agreed between the corporation and the contractor that should the corporation desire to bonus by way of loan or in any otiier way any other manufacturing industry then the corpora- tion may at any time after three years from the final passing of the by-law in tliis agreement referred to, give one month's notice in writing to the tontracfor of its intention so to do, and if within said month (he contiju im- du<\s not notify the corporation in writing of its intention \>> < ai r y <iui the terms, covenants, provisions and <'on- ditions of this at^rctMiuMit as to sucli further advance or if having given such notice shall not in good faith and witli diligence ^carry out tlie same so that said enlarged factory shall be in full operation as provided for in paragraph 20 hereof within one year from the giving of said notice by the contractor then the terms, covenants, provisions and conditions of this agreement relating to such further advance shall be null and void and all obligation on the part of the «-orporation to make such further advance shall be at an end.

25. The word " Factory "' in this agreement shall, unless incon- sistent with the context, include buildings, plant, machinery and electric equipment.

26. The contractor agrees with the corporation that it will at any time within twenty years from the going into effect of this agree- ment, consent in writing to the granting of a bonus, loan or guar- antee by the said corporation to one or more shoe factories or to one or more industries of a similar nature to that to be established under this agreement by the contractor.

27. The corporation, after legislation has been obtained for that purpose, will as soon as the same can be done, submit a by-law to the qualified electors, authorizing the execution of this agreement and providing for the borrowing of the said sums of $15,000 and 115,000 agreed to be loaned.

28. Should the said legislation not be obtained or the said by-law not be approved by the qualified electors or subsequently quashed, then this agreement shall be null and void.

29. It is further agreed that those present shall enure, to the benefit of and be binding u|ion the parties hereto their successors, and assigns respectively.

In witness whereof the contractor hath hereunto affixed its cor- porate seal and the signatures of its proper officers, and the said corporation hath hereunto afl[ixed its corporate seal and the signa- tures of Its mayor and clerk.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the presence of

(Sgd.) Jennie Giffen.

(Sgd.) Jno. W. Hkwetsox. President.

(L. S.) (Sgd.) A. R. Hewetson, Secret a riiTieaHurcr.

(Sgd.) GEonor D. Lf.wi.'?, Mayor. (Sgd.) A. A. HuoHSON, Clerk.


(L. S.)









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m. 19. 1^10.



An Act respecting the Town of Thorold.

II KRKAS the corporation of the Town of Thorold has,P''«ambie. pcrition, represented that there is an outstanding floating indehtedness of the said corporation amounting to $40,000, which has in part been accumulating for a number of years, and a considerable part thereof has been created by reason of the expropriation and acquirement of a large (juantity of land in the said town by His Majesty the King, for the Welland Ship Canal, and the consequent inability of the corporation to collect taxes and rates imposed thereon, and in part by reason of the war and consequent conditions ; and the said corporation has, by its petition, represented that it is unable to pay the said indebtedness otherwise than by the issue of debentures therefor, and has passed By-law Xo. 030, authorizing the issue of debentures for the amount of $40,000, payable by annual instalments over a period of twenty years ; and has petitioned that an Act may be passed to confirm and validate the said by-law, and the debentures to be issued thereunder; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. By-law Xo. 630 of the Corporation of the Town ofsy-iaw Thorold, sei forth in full in Schedule "A" to this Act, ia£row*° hereby ratified and confirmed and declared to be legal, ^"il'^i piy*JJff ^" and binding upon the said corporation and the ratepayers ijoating thereof, notwithstanding any want of jurisdiction on the part

of the said corporation to pass the said by-law.


2. The debentures issued, or to be issued, under or inconmma- pnrsuance of the provisions of the said by-law, are ratified debenture* and confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding

upon the said cor))oration and the ratepayers thereof, not- withstanding any defect in substance or in form (if any) of the said by-law or debentures, or in the manner of passing or issuing the same, and the said corporation is authorized and empowered to do all acts and things necessary for the full arid proper carrying out of the said By-law No. 630, and it shall not be necessary to submit the said by-law for

tlie votes of the electors of the said Town of Thorold. 19


By-iaw No. 630.

A by-law to provide for borrowing $40,000 upon debentures to pay for the floating indebtedness of the Corporation.

Whereas the Corporation owes a floating indebtedness of $40,000, which has existed for many years, and it is desirable to make proper provision for payment and redemption of same by borrowing the sum of $40,000 upon debentures of fhe Corporation;

And whereas the Council deems it expedient for sucfh purpose to pass a by-law to authorize the issue of debentures of the Corporation for the sum of $40,000, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law, payable as hereinafter mentioned, and to provide for payment of the same within twenty years from the date thereof with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum I)er annum payable half yearly;

And whereas it Is deemed expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of twenty years of such amounts respectively that the aggregate amount pay- able for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount so payable for principal and interest in each of the other years;

And whereas it will be necessary to raise annually the sum of $3,487.39 during the period of twenty years to pay the said yearly sums of principal and interest as they become due by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all the rateable property in the said town as hereinafter provided;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Thorold according to the last revised assessment roll is $1,890,083.00;

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporation is $145,887.01, exclusive of any liability in respect of local improvement or other indebtedness which, by the provisions of any statutes of the Province of Ontario, is not to be reckoned as part of the indebtedness of the said Corporation for the purpose of ascertaining if the liniit of its borrowing power has been reached, and no part of the principal or interest thereof is in arrear.

Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Thorold hereby enacts as follows:

1. That for the purpose aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Council of the Corporation to borrow upon debentures of the Corporation the sum of $40,000, and debentures shall be made and issued there- for in sums of not less than $100 each, which debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the Corporation, and countersigned by the Treasurer thereof, and be sealed with the Corporate seal.

2. The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years, and shall be payable in twenty annual instalments during the twenty years next after the date Avhen the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of sudi years shall be as follows :


No. Principal.

1 $1,087 39

2 1,152 64

3 1,221 80

4 1,295 10

5 1,372 81

6 1,455 18

7 1,542 49

8 1,635 04

9 1,733 14

10 1,837 13

11 1,947 36

12 2,064 20

13 2,188 05

14 2,319 33

15 2,458 49

16 2,606 00

17 2,762 36

18 2,928 10

19 3,103 79

20 3,289 60


$2,400 00

2,334 75

2,265 60

2,192 29

2,114 58

2,032 '21

1,944 90

1,852 35

1,754 25

1,650 26

1,540 03

1,423 19

1,299 34

1,168 06

1,028 90

881 39

725 03

559 29

383 60

197 79

$40,000 00

Total. $3,487 39 3,487 39 3,487 39 3,487 39 3.487 39 3,487 39 3,487 39 3,487 39 3,487 39 3,487 3,487 3,487 3,487 3,487 3,487 3,487 3,487 39 3,487 39 3,487 39 3,487 39

39 39 39 39 39 39 39

3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable half yearly in each and every year during the currency thereof, and shall have attached thereto coupons for the payment of the said interest.

4. The debentures, both as to principal and interest, may be expressed in Canadian currency or sterling and be payable (in gold if required) at the Royal Bank of Canada in the said Town of Thorold.

5. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised and levied annually by a special rate sufBcient therefor, over and above all other rates, on all the rateable property in the said town, the sum of $3,487.39 for payment of the said instalments of principal and interest.

6. This by-law shall take effect immediately upon the same being ratified and confirmed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario.

Passed the fifth day of February, 1919.

F. G. Gbisdale, Mayor. D. J. C. MuNBO, Clerk.


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No. 19.



An Act respecting the Town of Thorold,

WHKIiEAS the Corporation nf tlic Town of Thorold ^'■^*™***'- has, by its ix'tition, reproseiitod liiat. ihero is an out- standing; Hoatinj^ indebtedness of the e<)r])oration, now amountiug to $40,000 which has ac<'nnnihite<l over a period of years, and has been creatinl, in })art by the expro]»riation and acquirement of a hirge qnantitv of land in the said town bv His Majesty the Kino- for the Welland Sliip Canal, and constH[uent loss of taxes of ov'er $5,000, inip<w(-(l mi the said hinds, in ])art by war expenditures and t>Tants ti> patriotic funds amountiuf^ to over $18,o00, in ])art by expenditures ou capital account to the amount of $12,000, for which, owing to the war, the said corjx)ration was unable at the ^mo of creation to make any satisfactory sale of debentures, id is now unable by la[)8e of time to make se])arate issues lerefor, and as to the balance by loss of iiixcs now iincdjloct- |ble of over $3,700, and by nnforeseon miscellaneous expcn- litures of over $2,000; nnd the said corporation has by its jtition represented that it is unable to |)ay the said indebt- iness otherwise than by the issue of debentures therefor, id has passed IJy-law No. (133 authorizing the issue of iebenturos for the amount of $40,000. |)iiyable by annual Instalments over a iM?rio<l of ton years; and has petitioned lat an Act may be j)assed to confirm and validate the said r-law, and the debentures in be is-iicd ibereunder; and rhcreas it is expedient to gnini ilic pinyer of the said Jtition;

Therefore, His .Majesty, by and with the advice and eon- jnt of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, lacts as follows :


. r*y-law Xo. (;:{:> of the ('or|)orjition of the Town <>' I;-^''^,^ ["horold, set forth in full in Schedule " A " to this Act, is borrow Jreby ratified and confirmed and declared to be legal, valid pay orr id binding upon the said corporation and the ratepayers flebt"^ lereof, notwithstanding any want of jurisdiction on the part ' the said corporation to pass the said by-law.

2. The debentures issued, or to bo issued, under or inP"""''5'*" ^nrsuancc of iho provisions of the said by-law, are ratified •i^'"'"<»""'«- 19

and. confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof, not- withstanding any defect in substance or in form (if any) of the said by-law or debentures, or in the manner of passing or issuing the same, and the said corporation is authorized and empowered to do all acts and things necessary for the lull and |»r«)por currying mil <il' the said liy-law Xo. ({88, and it shall nol be necessary to submit the said by-law for the votes of the eloftors of the said Town of Thorold.

3, 'j'lio said cniiidi ;iii()ii sliall I'nr a p(MMnd of live year- after llio passinu ol this A<'l employ as its anditoi-. ;i i|naliti('d chartered ;!(•<■(, iiiit;iiit. who -Imll (mitv oiii ihc dntic- ,,1' auditor lor the .-aid iiiimieipality as provided in 77/r Mtint- cipal Act.


By-Law No. 633.

A by-law to provide for borrowing $40,000 upon debentures to pay for the floating indebtedness of the Corporation.

Whereas the Corporation owes a floating indebtedness of $40,000, which has existed for many years, and it is desirable to make proper provision for payment and redemption of same by borrowing the sum of $40,000 upon debentures of the Corporation;

And whereas the Council deems it expedient for such purpose to pass a by-law to authorize the issue of debentures of the Corporation for the sum of $40,000, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law, payable as hereinafter mentioned, and and to provide for payment of Mic s.inio within ten years from the date thereof with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum per annum payable half yearly;

And whereas it is deemed expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of ten years of such amounts respectively that the aggregate amount pay- able for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount so payable for principal and interest in each of the other years;

And whereas it will be necessary to raise annually the sum of $5,434.72 during the period of ten years to pay the said yearly sums of principal and interest as they become due by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all the rateable property in the said town as hereinafter provided;

And Whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Town of Thorold according to the last revised assessment roll is $1,890,083.00;

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporation is $145,887.01, exclusive of any liability in respect of local improvement or other indebtedness which, by the provisions of any statutes of the Province of Ontario, is not to be reckoned as part .of the indebtedness of the said Corporation for the purpose of ascertaining if the limit of its borrowing power bas been reached, and no part of the principal or interest thereof is in arrear.

Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Thorold hereby enacts as follows:

1. That for the purpose aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Council of the Corporation to borrow upon debentures of the Corporation the sum of $40,000, and debentures shall be made and issued there- for in sums of not less than $100 each, which debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the Corporation, and countersigned by the Treasurer thereof, and be sealed with the Corporate seal.

2. The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date within such two years, and shall be payable in ten annual instalments during the ten years next after the date when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as follows :

No. Principal.

1 $3,034 72

2 3,216 81

3 3,409 82

4 3,614 40

5 3,831 27

6 4,061 14

7 , 4.304 81

8 4.563 10

9 4,836 89

10 5.127 04

Interest. $2,400 00

2,217 91





1,129 91 871 62 597 83 307 68

90 32 45 58

Total. $5,434 72 5,434 72 5,434 72 5,434 72 5 434 72 5^434 72 5.434 72 5,434 72 5,434 72 5,434 72

$40,000 00

3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per centum per annum, payable half yearly in each and every year during the currency thereof, and shall have attached thereto coupons for the payment of the said interest.

4. The debentures, both as to principal and interest, may be expressed in Canadian currency or sterling and be payable (in gold if required) at the Royal Bank of Canada in the said Town of Thorold.

5. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised and levied annually by a special rate sufficient therefor, over and above all other rates, on all the rateable property in the said town the sum of $5,434.72 for payment of the said Instalments of principal and interest.

6. By-law Number 630 of the Corporation passed on the fifth day of February, 1919, is hereby repealed and the debenture* issue thereby authorized cancelled, this by-law and the debentures hereby authorized being passed in lieu thereof.

7. This by-law shall take effect immediately upon the same being ratified and confirmed by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario.

Passed the 27th day of March, A.D, 1919.

(Sgd.) F. G. Grihdalk. Mayor, (Seal.)

(Sgd.) D. J. C. Mu.NKO.








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No. 20. 1919.


An Act Representing L' Union Saint-Joseph - du Canada

WHEREAS L' Union Saint- Joseph dn (^anada, a friendly Preamble, sooieh' registered under The Oniavio Insurance Act, has, by petition, represented that it adopted at its last federal session, held in Ottawa on the 21st day of August, 1917, a new tariff of contributions ; and whereas the said society has, by its ])etition, further rei)resented that the said new tariff of , contributions was necessary for the financial sol- vency of the said scxnety ; and whereas the said society has, by its petition, prayed that ;in Act be ])assed to validate and confirm the said tariff; and whereas it is expedient to grant the ])rayer of the said petition:

Therefijre, His Majesty, by and with tlic advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of tlic Picx iiwc of Ontario, (iiiacts as follows :

1. Tn this Act, Inteipreta-


{(I) •• Society ■■ sliall mean LTnion Saiiit-Joscpli du Canada :

(h) " Tariff of contributions '' shall mean the scales of I'atcs or assessments set forth in Schedule " A " to this Act.

2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the constitution

or codes of the society or in the contract of insurance to thofontribu- contrary, the tariff of contributions adoi)ted by the society atJJJtT/^*^ its federal session, held on the 21st day of August, ^^^'^?coSfl?med' and which is set forth in Schedule " A " to this Act, is hereby confirmed and validated, and the said tariff is hereby declared to be conclusive, binding and ohligatory as of the 1st day of January, 1918, upon all persons who are or have been menkbers of the said society and upon their bciK liciniics and legal representatives.

3. The society is hereby authorized and empowered to^"j[Jj|'JjjY hereafter vary and amend the said tariff of contributions 'r*'""'^- as the financial solvency of the society and circumstances

may require, according to law. and to the provisions (if anv) 20


of the px)n8titution or codes of the society respecting amend- ments to its constitution or, codes.


TABLE I. Members admitted after the 1st January, 1917.

Insurance and Expense Fund

Insurance plus Expense Fund



at death

Paid up policy at age 70

At death, face value of policy in cash.

In case of disability, J of policy in cash or

Face value of policy in cash

1-20 per year, without further contribution. At age 70, 1-10 of policy during 12 con-

secutive years.

Privilege to belong to sick benefit fund.

iMonthly Contributions

Monthly Contributions

Schedule (1) : Ordinary Class






$1,000 1 $1,500






























































































































1.75 i 2.48
















































































































































Schedule (2) Ei

izardous '


Schedule (3) EIxtra-Hazardous

$ 500.00—8 cts m

are than S

ch. 1

$ 500.00—15 cts more than Sch. 1

$1000.00—15 cts

' "

$1000.00— 30 cts "

$1500.00—22 cts

«« i<


$1500.00— 45 cts '


-30 cts

■< if



0—60 cts

■1 <f


Sick Benefits


In case of sickness, $5.00 per week during 15 weeks per year ; maxiuiuiu of 30 weeks for the same sickness.


1() 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2b 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49






i «




i 30


I 31


1 32










t '^7


i 38


1 39


\ 40


i 41


1 42




















1 52


! 53


j 54


1 55


' 56

















40 41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 72 73 74 75 76 77 80 81 83 85

Insurance, Expense and Sick Benefits


Paid up policy at age 70.

In case of sickness, $5,00 per week

during 15 weeks per year ; maximum

of 30 weeks for the same sickness.

At death, face value of policy in cash.

In case of disability, .J of policy in

cash or 1-20 per year.

At age 70, 1-10 of policy during 12

consecutive years.

Monthly Contributions Schedule (1) Ordinary Class


16 17 ]<S U) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


1.07 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.31 1.34 1.37 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.51 1.56 1.60 1.64 1.69 1.74 1.79 1.84 1.90


2.03 2.10 2.15 2.25 2.34 2.43 2.52 2.68


1.53 1.54 1.58 1.61


.68 .72 ,76 ,81


.91 .96 .02 .07 ,13 2.20 2.26 2.34 2.41 2.49 2.57 2.66 2.75 2.85 2.96 3.07 3.19 3,33 3.46 3.61 3.77 3.95 4.15 4.38


2.00 2.01 2.06 2.10 2.14 2.20 2.25 2.31 2.38 2.45 2.52 2.59 2.67 2.74 2.83 2.93 3.01 3.13 3.23 3.34 3.46















2.46 2.47 2.54 2.59 2.64 2.71 2.78 2.85 2.94 3.03 3.12 3.21 3.32 3.41 3.52 3.65 3.76 3.91 4.04 4.19 4.. 34 4.51 4.68 4.87 5.08 5.29 5.52 5.79 6.04 6.33 6.64 6.99 7.37 7.79

Schedule (2) Hazardous Class Add the schedules (2) of the insur- ance fund and of sick benefit fund.

Schedule (3) Extra-Hazardous Class .\dd the schedules (3) of the in- surance fund and of the sick bene- fit fund.




Menilx'is admitted before the 1st September, 1911. .New tariff coming Into force on the Ist January, 1918, according to attained age.

Future monthly contribution (Insurance only).


A $1,000


$1 . 000

Bon Mutuel $1,500





A $1,000

C $1,000

Bon Mutuel $1,500
































. . .




































































3.. 31


































































































' 3.41



























2.08 2.17 2.27

1.93 2.02 2.12


2.49 2.60

3.90 4.08 4.28

70 and over







Insurance " Caisse O."

Members admitted from 1st September, 1911, to 31st December. 1916. The rates are and remain as follows, ordinary class, costs of administration not included. Age at admission.



































1.86 .


































1.71 .





















































































1 3.24

4.. 32


1 , 13


1 3,38



i 1.18





1 1.23


1 3.68









Caissb " E."

Benefit b: Payable In cash at death. Monthly contributions.

Skbies No. 1.

1 1 Insurance of $100.00

Insurance of $200.00

AGE at

Contribution from the

Contribution from the

1st September. 1912

Ist September, 1912









15 to 19.



15 i




20 to a4.







34 to m.







40 to 55.







Scries No. 2.

15 to 29.







30 to 44.







45 to 50.







wm I i'

TABLE V. Options.

Member admitted before September, 1911.

The members subject to the increased rates enacted by the federal Kcssioii of L'Union Saint-Joseph du Canada, held in the month of August, 1917. were entitled legally to continue to pay the contri- butions formerly paid by them before the readjustment, if they have accepted the following options:

Members of the former Caisse "C" (1900 to 1911) may exchange their policy for $1,000 whole life policy (or $500 as the case may be) or again they may pay the same contribution with four-fifths of the benefits of their former policy.

Members of the former caisse "Bon Mutuel" may exchange their roliey for $1,000 whole life policy (or $500 whole life in the case of a certificate of $750).

Members of the former caisse " Bon Conjoint " may exchange their policy without increased rates:

1. If admitted before October, 1906:

Option A: $800 whole life, with wife's benefits of $50 and sick benefits of $2.50;

Option B: $1,000 whole life. Sick benefits subject to an extra contribution.

2. If admitted after October, 1906:

Option C: $1,000 whole life with wife's benefits of $50 and sick benefits of $2.50. 20

Option D: Paid-up policy of $1,000 at age seventy and old age benefits and disability benefits.

N.B. The half of each one of these options in the case of an original policy of $750 instead of $1,500.

TABLE V (Continued).

Membees of Caisse "A."

If 55 years of age or more, on the 31st December, 1917, the option of a paid-up policy as follows:

Age on


Policy of $500.00

Policy of $1,000.00

iUst December,

Paid up policy of

Paid up policy of

55 to 59



60 to 64


400.00 '

65 to 69



70 and over






3 o


2 OB


ii lO -^


1-j ►; ^

a. o^ -^







f^ rt) o


ading, ading, ading.

=^ til

0^ i_j


?^ P

* :^



v> ^

? o








\-i. ,-t. i-i.



O ^ 'X>


i-i h-l H-l





No. 20. 1919.


An Act Representing L'Union Saint-Joseph du Canada

WHEREAS L'Union Saint- Joseph du Canada, a friendly Preamble, society registered under The Ontario Insurance Act, has, by petition, represented that it adopted at its last federal session, held in Ottawa on the 21st day of August, 191Y, a new tariff of contributions; B^^and whereas doubts have arisen as to the legality of the said new tariff of contributions owing to the insufficiency of the notice given to the members of the society as to the exact changes proposed to be made in the rates at the said federal session ;'''^^llland whereas the said society has, by its petition, further represented that the said new tariff of contributions was necessary for the finan- cial solvency of the said society ; and whereas the said society has, by its petition, prayed that an Act be passed to validate and confirm the said tariff; U^^and whereas no opposition has been offered to the said petition ;'''^311 and whereas it i expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. In this Act, Interpreta-

' tlon.

(a) " Society " shall mean L'lTnion Saint-Joseph du Canada ;

(h) " Tariff of contributions " shall mean the scales of xates or assessments set forth in Schedule " A " to this Act.

2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the constitution Tariff of or codes of the society or in the contract of insurance to the tions^ se"' contrary, the tariff of contributions l^^and the benefits pav gched. "A" able as"^^! adopted by the society at its federal session, held^®"**'*'"®*'- on the 21st day of August, 1917, and which are set forth

in Schedule " A " to this Act, are hereby confirmed and validated, and the said tariff and benefits are hereby declared to be conclusive, binding and 'obligatory as of the 1st day of January, 1918, upon all persons who are or have been members of the said society and upon their beneficiaries and legal representatives.

3. The society is hereby authorized and empowered to Authority

hereafter vary and amend the said tariff of contributions Tarja®"** 20


as tho financial solvcip \ "I' the society and circumstances may require, according to law, and to the provisions (if any) of the constitution or codes of the society respecting amend- ments to its constitution or codes.


TABLE I. Members admitted after the Ist January, 1917.

Insurance and Expense Fund

Insurance plus Expense Fund


at death

Face value of policy m cash


Paid up policy at age 70 At death, face value of policy in cash. In case of disability, J of policy in cash or 1-20 per year, without further contribution. At age 70, 1-10 of policy during 12 con- secutive years. Privilege to belong to sick benefit fund.

Monthly Contributions

Monthly Contributions Schedule (1) : Ordinary Class









16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


25cts t<




44 44

35cts 40cts



44 44


44 44




44 44 44



44 44

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49



































1.23 1.24 1.26 1.28 1.30 1.33 1.36 1.39 1.43 1.47 1.51 1.55 1.60 1.64 1.69 1.75 1.80 1.87 1.93 2.00 2.07 2.15 2.23 2.32 2.42 2.52 2.63 2.76 2.88 3.02 3.17 3.34 3.52 3.72

1.70 1.70 1.74 1.77 1.80 1.85 1.89 1.94 2.00 2.06 2.12 2.18 2.25 2.31 2.39 2.48 2.55 2.66 2.75 2.85 2.96 3.08 3.20 3.33 3.48 3.63 3.80 3.99 4.17 4.38 4.61 4.86 5.13 5.43

2.16 2.16 2.22 2.26 2.30 2.36 2.42 2.48 2.56 2.64 2.72 2.80 2.90 2.98 3.08 3.20 3.30 3.44 3.56 3.70 3.84 4.00 4.16 4.34 4.54 4.74 4.96 5.22 5.46 5.74 6.04 6.38 6.74 7.14






Qe (2) Hs —8 cts m -15 cts -22 cts -30 cts

izardous ' ore than S

44 14 44 44

Dlass .ch. 1


Sch $ 500.0 $1000.0 $1500.0 $2000.0

edule (3) 0—15 cts 0—30 cts 0—45 cts 0—60 cts

Extra-H{ more tha

41 44

izardous nSch. 1

Sick Benefits


In case of sickness, $5.00 per week during 15 weeks per year ; maximum of 30 weeks for the same sickness.


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 •i^ 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49






















































57 .
























40 i41 42 43 44 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 65 66 67 68 69 72 73 74 75 76 77 80 81 83 85

Insurance, Expense and Sick Benefits


Paid up policy at age 70.

In case of sickness, $5,00 per week

during 15 weeks per year ; maximum

of 30 weeks for the same sickness.

At death, face value of policy in cash.

In case of disability, 5 of policy in

cash or 1-20 per year.

At age 70, 1-10 of policy during 12

consecutive years.

Monthly Contributions Schedule (1) Ordinary Class


16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49


1.07 1.08 1.10 1.12 1.14 1.17 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28 1.31


,44 ,48 .51

1.56 1.60 1.64 1.69 1.74 1.79 1.84 1.90 1.96 2.03 2.10 2.15 2.25 2.34 2.43 2.52 2.68


1.53 1.54 1.58 1.61 1.64

.68 .72 .76 .81 .86 1.91 1.96 2.02 2.07 2.13 2.20 2.26 2.34 2.41 2.49 2.57 2.66 2.75 2.85 2.96 3.07 3.19 3.33 3.46 3.61 3.77 3.95 4.15 4.38


2.00 2.01 2.06 2.10 2.14 2.20 2.25 2.31 2.38 2.45 2.52 2.59 2.67 2.74 2.83 2.93 3.01 3.13 3.23 3.34 3.46 3.59 3.72 3.86


2.46 2.47 2.54 2.59 2.64 2.71 2.78 2.85 2.94 3.03 3.12 3.21 3.32 3.41 3.52 3.65 3.76 3.91


4.04 4.19 4.34 4.51 4.68 4.87 5.08 5.29 5.52 5.79 6.04 6.33 6.64 6.99 7.37 7.79

Schedule (2) Hazardous Class Add the schedules (2) of the insur- ance fund and of sick benefit fund.

Schedule (3) Extra-Hazardous Class Add the schedules (3) of the in- surance fund and of the sick bene- fit fund.



Readjusted Contributions fob Formes "Caisbis."

Members admitted before the Ist September, 1911. New tarijf coming into force on the Ist January, 1918, according to attained age.

Future monthly contribution (Insurance only).


A $1,000



Bon Mutuel $1,500





A $1,000



Bon Mutuel $1,500










































































































a. 46






















































































































2.08 2.17 2.27

1.93 2.02 2.12

2.37 2.49 2.60

3.90 4.08 4.28

70 and over


'!.'.*. '.'.






Members admitted from 1st September, 1911, to 31st December, 1916. The rates are and remain as follows, ordinary class, costs of administration not included. Age at admission.




























































































































- 2.54























































CAIS8£ " E."

Benefits: Payable In cash at death. Monthly contributions.

Seriks No. 1.


Insurance of $100.00

Insurance of $200.00

Contribution from the

Contribution from the


1st September, 1912

Ist September. 1912








15 to 19.







20 to 84.







34 to 39.







40 to 55.







Series No. 2.

15 to 29. 30 to 44. 45 to 50.

15 30 35

5 5 5

20 35 40

20 40 50

10 10 10

30 50 60



Member admitted before September, 1911.

The members subject to the increased rates enacted by the federal session of L'Union Saint-Joseph du Canada, held in the month of August, 1917, were entitled legally to continue to pay the contri- butions formerly paid by them before the readjustment, if they have accepted the following options:

Members of the former Caisse "C" (1900 to 1911) may exchange their policy for $1,000 whole life policy (or $500 as the case may be) or again they may pay the same contribution with four-fifths of the benefits of their former policy.

Members of the former caisse "Bon Mutuel" may exchange their policy for $1,000 whole life policy (or $500 whole life in the case of a certificate of $750).

Members of the former caisse policy without increased rates:

Bon Conjoint " may exchange their

1. If admitted before October, 1906:

Option A: $800 whole life, with wife's benefits of $50 and sick benefitsi of $2.50;

Option B: $1,000 whole life. Sick benefits subject to an extra contribution.

2. If admitted after October, 1906:


Option C: $1,000 whole life with wife's benefits of $50 and sick benefits of $2.50.

Option D: Paid-up policy of $1,000 at age seventy and old age benefits and disability benefits.

N.B. The half of each one of these options in the case of an original policy of $750 instead of $1,500.

TABLE V (Continued).

Membebs of Caisse "A."

If 55 years of age or more, on the 31st December, 1917, the option of a paid-up policy as follows:


Age on


PoUcy of $500.00

Policy of $1,000.00

31st December,

Paid up policy of

Paid up policy of

55 to 59



60 to 64



65 to 69



70 and over






2 OD

C3 3)










CO U) l-i

(9 (^ (o

P ^ £0

Pu CU O-i

*-•' crt i-i-

O o HI Cp cft; Cp


l-i M- M CO CO CO



y d

P ''-

p- 5.

P o


» ^


CD a>





Xo. 21. " 1910.


An Act respecting the County of Carleton.

WIIKKEAS tlie :\Luiiit'ii)al Corporation of the County ^'•«^'"^i«- of Carloton lias, by petition, prayed for special lep;is- lation in rej^ai-d to the matters hereinafter set forth; and whereas the corporation has a statutory'' li'ahility for the erection and maintenance of the bridge (colloquially known as Cummin2;s Bridge), situate upon and across the Rideau River and connecting the easterly part of Rideau Street, in the Citv of Ottawa, with the westerly part of Main Street in the Town of Eastview, at a point where said river forms the bmindary line between the County of Carleton and the City of Ottawa, and is required by law to satisfy the said liability; and whereas the aggregate amount of the said liability has not yet been ascertained but it is estimated will amount to over $100,000; and whereas the corporation is at present without authority or power, statutory or otherwise, to immediately raise the money necessary to satisfy said liability; and whereas the erection of the said bridge is a permanent work, the duration of which is estimated to be seventy-five years and upwards ; and whereas the corporation is not authorized to issue debentures for the purpose of raising the necessary moneys aforementioned without the nssent of the electors of the County of Carleton, or for a longer period than twenty years; and whereas provision for said payment cannot be made expediently or equitably ex- % cept by special authorization; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: v

- ' - /

1. The said corporation inny jind is hereby aiitliorized to^'°^^^^" provide bv bv-law, or bv-laws, i)a.«sed bv and with the assent J.i^^-^''''''^.

' * ' * 1116 iHMtiC Of

of two-thirds of the members of the council of said corpora- rtebenturos. tion, representing at least one-half of the total equalized assessment of said county, for the borrowing, upon the issue or issues r>f debentures, of a sum or sums not exceeding in the atrgregate $100,000 to provide fnr the corporation's 21

share of the cost, charges, damages and expenses incurred 1 in and incidental to the erection of a concrete and steel bridjji (colloquially known as Cnmmings Bridge), situate upon and across the Ridcau River, and connecting the easterly part of Rideau Street, in the City of Ottawa, with the westerly part of Main Street irl the Town of Eastview, at a point * where said river forms the boundary line between the County of Carleton and the City of Ottawa.

t'onlif"*" ^- '^^' (1<1h iiiiires issued under the authority of said 1»;

.'.Ventures, law or by-laws and substantially complying with the pro- visions of the said by-law or- by-laws under which the same are issued, shall be legal, valid and binding upon the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof, and it shall not be necessary for the purchaser of any of the said debentures, to enquire into the validity of the by-law or by-laws under the authorifv of -wliifli tliov are issued.

"fins lyiii*.'



Hypotheca- tion of il.3bentures.

3. The said debentures shall bear interest at a rate nor exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable yearly or half- yearly, as may be provided by by-law or by-laws of the coi poration, and shall be payable within fifty years from tli- date of issue thereof in such amounts respectively, not Ic-- than $100.00, that the aggregate amount payable for prin- cipal and interest in each year shall be equal as nearly jt< may be to the amount so payable for principal and intcre- in each of the other years of the said period.

4, The said corporation may, for the purposes herein mentioned, raise money by way of loan on the said deben- tures, or sell or dispose of the said debentures from time to time as may be deemed expedient.

of'prlKfeeds ^' ^^^ moneys realized and received by the corporation t'uAs^^"' from the sale, pledge or hypothecation of any of said de- bentures, shall be firsf applied in or towards the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and all moneys raised as herein provided for the purpose of reduction or payment of said debentures, shall not be nsed or api^lied for any other pur- poses until the said debentures shall have been fully r( deemed and paid.

Hy-iaws 6. Any by-law to be passed niuh^r the provisions of this

lepeaied Act shall not be repealed until the debt created under the "atVsfll^d!' by-law, including interest and principal, shall be fully paid and satisfied.

Special rate.

7. Said corporation shall, in addition to all other rates

to be levied in each year, levy and apportion annually

amongst the local municipalities of the County of Carleton.

according to the latest equalized assessment from time to



time, a further amount sufficient to pay the amount falling due annually for principal and interest, in respect of de- bentures issued under a by-law or by-laws purporting to be passed pursuant to this Act.

8. It shall not be necessary to obtain the assent of the^^^^^^g°^ electors of the said County of Carleton to the passing of an v not by-law which shall be passed under the provisions of this

Act, or to observe the formalities in relation to the passing

of by-laws prescribed by The Municipal Act or amendments Rev. stat.,

thereto. ' «• i»2.

9. Any provisions in the Acts respecting municipal insti- inconsistent tutions in the Province of Ontario which are, or may be not to inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall not apply*^^ ^'

to the by-law or by-laws to be passed under the provisions of this Act, and no irregularity in the form of the said debentures or any of them authorized to be issued by this Act, or the by-law or by-laws authorizing the issue thereof, shall render the same invalid or illegal or be allowed as a ineKuiari- defence to any action brought against the corporation for theinvaurtate. recovery of the amount of the said debentures, or any or either of them, or any part thereof, and the purchaser or holder thereof shall not be bound to enquire as to the neces- sity of passing such by-laws or of the issue of such debentures, or as to the application of the proceeds thereof.

10. This Act may be cited as The County of CaHe^on short title. Debenture Act, 1919.


® H


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0 CD



03 to I-*





2 ^ S p ^ p



P- Oj CU

5* 5' 5*




qq 75 f??


ion, Geo




t— 1







egislati 1919.

M 1— I I— I







M l-i 1-^


O CO o



t '>

■* '4.

X(.. 21. 1919.


An Act respecting the County of Carleton.

WHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the County ^'■«^'"bi«- of Carleton has, by petition, prayed for special legis- lation in regard to the matters hereinafter set forth ; and whereas the corporation has a statutory liability for the erection and maintenance of the bridge (colloquially known as Cummings Bridge), situate upon and af'ross the Rideau Ri^'er and connecting the easterly part of Rideau Street, in the Citv of Ottawa, with the westerly part of Main Street in the Town of Eastview, at a point where said river forms the bonndnrv line between the Conntv of Carleton and the Citv of Oit;nv;i. and is requirtMl hv law to satisfy the said liability; and whereas the aggregate amount of the said liability has not vet been ascertained but it is estimated will amount to over $100,000; and whereas the corporation is at present without authority or power, statutory or otherwise, to immediately raise the money necessary to satisfy said liability ; and whereas the erection of the said bridge is a permanent work, the duration of which is estimated to be seventy-five years and upwards ; and whereas the corporation is not authorized to- issue debentures for the pur]>ose of raising the necessary moneys aforementioned without the assent of the electors of the Coimty of Carleton, or for n lonffer period than twenty years; and Avhereas provision for said payment oannot be made expediently or equitably cx- f'opt by special authorization; and whereas it is oxpedioiit to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore. His Majesty, by and with the advice and cou- .sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, '

enacts as follows:

1. The said corporation may and is hereby authorized to^°^^«^to provide bv by-law. or by-laws, passed by and \vith the assent 'loo.ooo by of two-thirds of the members of the council of said corpora- <iebenture8. tion, representing at least one-half of the total equalized assessment of said county, for the borrowincr. upon the issue or issues of debentures, of a sum or snms not exceeding in the aggregate $100,000 to provide for tlio corporation's


share of the fost, charges, damages and expenses incurred in and incidental to the ere(;tion of a concrete and steel bridge (colloquially known as Cninmings Bridge), situate upon and across the Rideau River, and connecting the easterly part of Rideau Street, in the Cvity of Ottawa, with the westerly part of Main Street in the Town of Eastview, at a point where said river forms the bonndary line bntwpon fho rnnnfv of Oarleton and the City of Ottawa.

Son*of"*' ^' ^^^ debentures issued under the authority of said by- debentures. j^w or by-law8 and substantially complying with the pro- visions of the said by-law or by-laws under which the same are issued, shall be legal, valid and binding upon, the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof, and it shall not bo necessary for the purchaser of any of the said debentures to enquire into the validity of the by-law or by-laws under the Ruthority of which they are issued.

Terms of payment.

3. The said debfntures shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum, payable yearly or half- yearlv, as mav be provided by by-law or by-laws of the cor- poration, and shall be pavable within fortv years from the date of issue thereof in such amounts respectively, not less than $100.00. that the affsrreffate amount pavable for prin- cipal and interest in each year shall be equal as nearly a? mav be to the amount so pavable for pnur-ipal and interest in each of the other years of the said period.

tion of ^^' 4- The said corporation may, for the purposes herein debentures, mentioned, raise money bv way of loan on the said deben- tures, or sell or dispose of the said debentures from time to time as may be deemed expedient.

ofpro^c^eds ^- All moneys realized and received by the corporation turM^®°" from the sale, pledge or hvrtothecation of anv of said de- bentures, shall be first applied in or towards the purposes hereinbefore mentioned, and all moneys raised as herein provided for the purpose of reduction or pavment of said debentures, shall not be used or applied for anv other pur- poses until the said debentures shall have been fully re- deemed and paid.

By-laws G. Anv bv-law to be passed under the provisions of thi=

repealed Act shall not be repealed until the debt oreated under the satisfied. bv-law, including interest and principal, 'shall be fully paid and satisfied.

SpecUl rate.

7. Raid comoration shaTf. in addition to aT! other -rates to be levied in each vear. lew and apportion annuallv amonp^st the local municipalities of the County of Carleton. acf»ordin<r to the latest equalized assessment from time to


time, a further amount sufficienj; to pay the amount falling due annually for principal and interest, in respect of de- bentures issued under a by-law or by-laws purporting to bo passed pursuant to this Act.

8. It shall not be necessary to obtain the assent of the^^^^J^*^^ electors of the said County of Carleton to the passing of any not ^^^^ by-law which shall be passed under the provisions of this

Act, or to observe the formalities in relation to the passing-

of bv-laws prescribed by The Municipal Act or amendments Rev. stat.,

thereto. ' "• i^^-

9. Any provisions in the Acts respecting municipal insti- inconsistent tutions in the Province of Ontario which are, or may be not to inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall not apply *^^ ^'

to the by-law or by-laws to be passed under the provisions of this Act, and no irregularity in the form of the said debentures or any of them authorized to be issued by this Ant. or the by-law or by-laws authorizing the issue thereof, shall render the same invalid or illegal or be allowed a? aineguiaii- defenc^ to any action brought against the corporation for the invalidate, recovery of the amount of the said debentures, or any or either of them, or any part thereof, and the purchaser or holder thereof shall not be bound to enquire as to the neces- sity of passing such by-laws or of the issue of such debentures, or as to the application of the proceeds thereof.

10. This Act may be cited as Tie County of (7aHe^on short title. Dehenhirc Act, 1919.



<»iS o


0 OS r*-


o W


to ft 5. ?i.


CO fcO

2 (^ ^ 93 CO CS

O^ P^ CLj

5* 5* 5*

(J? .CP5 crq


co ?o o >-t »-«■ h-'






O »



9 5*

Oq 1-4

CO ^


O El 50


-\'c>. 22. 1919.


An Act to confirm By-law No. 451 of the Village of Grimsby.

WITKIiEAS the Corporation of the Village of Grimsby Preamble. has, by petition, represented that certain expendi- tures were necessarily incurred by the said corporation dur- ing the year 1916 over and above the estimate adopted by the council of said corporation, and on which the tax rates were struck, beini»' the sums of $5,180.05 due to the corpora- tion of the County of Lincoln, and the sum of $4,801 owinij; to the Bank of Hamilton for money borrowed from the said hank to 7)rovide for the current expenditure of the said Villai!:e of Grimsby, and the sum of $2,000 owing to the Water Works Commission of the said Village of Grimsby; and that the said sums are still owing and unpaid; and that it would be unduly oppressive to the ratepayers of the said Villaee of Grimsby to pav these amounts and all outstanrling liabilities of the said Village of Grimsby at one time, in addition to the meeting of the necessary annual expenses of the corporation, and therefore said council, on the twenty- first day of January. 1919, passed By-law 'No. 451 to provide for the issue of $15,000 of debentures for the purpose of paying the said» debts; and by its petition the said corpora- tion has asked that said by-law be confirmed and validated; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. By-law ^o. 451 of the Corporation of the Village of "y-i^w <lrimsby, sot out in Schedule "A" to this Act, being a borrow by-law to provide for the issue of debentures of the Village JiyK,!- of Grimsby, for the sum of $15,000, required by the saxd^llS^^.^a. village, is hereby confirmed and declared legal, valid and binding upon the said Municipal Corporation of the said Village of Grimsby and the ratepayers thereof.


conflrma- 2. All debentures to be issued under the said by-law.

tlon of

deb^ntureB. when 80 issued, are herein' declared to be legal, valid and biirdin^ ujjon the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof, and it shall not be necessary for the purchaser of any of the said debentures to inquire into the proceedings relating to the passing of the said by-law, or the issue of such de- bentures.


By-I^w No. 451, of the Village of Girimsby. being a by-law to provide for the issue of debentures of the Village of Grimsby for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars (|15,000) required by the said Village of Grimsby.

Whereas during the year 1916 the Municipal Council of the Vil- lage of Grimsby allowed the amount due for the year 1916 to the Municipal Corporation of the County of Lincoln to remain unpaid and expended the moneys levied for this purpose for the current expenditure of the Village of Grimsby;

And whereas the said sum due to the Municipal Corporation of the County of Lincoln by the Village of Grimsby for the year 1916 is still owing and in arrears and now amounts with interest to the sum of $5,180.05;

And whereas during the said year 1916 the Municipal Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grimsby did borrow from the Bank of Hamilton by by-law, certain sums to provide for the current expenditure of the said Village of Grimsby;

And whereas in the year 1916 the Council of the said Village of Grimsby did not levy sufficient moneys for the repayment to the Bank of Hamilton for the full amount of said loans and there is now due and owing by way of loan borrowed in the year 1916 from the Bank of Hamilton by the said Village of Grimsby, the sum of $4,801;

And whereas in addition to the above-mentioned sums there were other liabilities of the said Village of Grimsby outstanding includ- ing the sum of $2,000 due and owing to the Water Works Commis- sion of the said Village of Girimsby for the payment of which said sums the Council of the said Village of Grimsl^' did not levy sufficient moneys;

And whereas it would be unduly oppressive to the ratepayers of the said Village of Grimsby to pay all the outstanding liabilities of the said village at one time in addition to the meeting of the necessary annual expenses of the said corporation;

And whereas the Municipal Council of the Village of Grimsby deem it expedient to issue debentures for the sum of $15,000 to provide moneys for the payments of the amounts above-mentioned;

And whereas it is desirable to issue the debentures at one time and to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of fifteen years, being the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and in- terest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable in each of the other fourteen years of the said period as shown by Sch^edule "A" hereunto annexed;

And whereas the total amount required to be raised annually by the said municipality by special rate for the paying of the said debt and interest, as hereinafter provided, is $1,544.44; 22

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Village of Grimsby, according to the last revised assessment roll is ?976,374;

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said municipality exclusive of local improvement is $116,809.49, of which no part either principal or interest is in arrears;

Now, therefore, the Municipal Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the Village of Grimsby enacts as follows:

1. The Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grimsby shall issue debentures of the said village to the amount of $15,000 as aforesaid, in sums of not less than $100 each on the date of the confirmation of this by-law by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, which debentures shall each be dated on the day of the issue thereof and shall be payable within fifteen years thereafter on the date of the issue thereof, in each of the years in the amount shown on the said Schedule " A " at Grimsby, Ontario.

SCHEDULE " A." Xo. of

Debenture. Principal Interest. Amount.

1 $644 44 $900 00 $1,544 44

2 683 12 86132 1,544 44

3 724 09 820 35 1.544 44

4 767 56 776 88 1,544 44 .

5 813 59 730 85 1,544 44

6. . 862 40 682 04 1,544 44

7 914 15 630 29 1,544 44

8 969 00 575 44 1.544 44

9. "1,027 24 517 20 1.544 44

10 1,088 77 455 67 1.544 44 '

11 1,154 10 390 34 1,544 44

12 .... 1,223 34 32110 1,544 44

13 1,296 64 247 80 1.544 44

14 1,374 54 169 90 1.544 44

15 1,457 02 87 42 1,544 44

$15,000 00

2. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Village of Grimsby, or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign same and by the treasurer thereof and the village clerk shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the said munici- pality.

3. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable yearly at the Bank of Hamilton on the date of the issue thereof and each and every year during the cur- rency thereof.

4. There shall be raised annually by special rate, on all the rate- able property in said Village of Grimsby, the sum of $1,544.44 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each year of the said fifteen years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as shown on Schedule " A " hereunto annexed.

5. This by-law shall not come Into force unless and until It is confirmed and validated by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario and on the said Legislative Assembly passing such an Act which shall confirm and validate this by-law. This by-law shall come Into force on the date It receives the assent of the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario.

Passed In open council this 2l8t day of January, 1919.

Chas. T. Parreix. Reeve. (Seal.)

W. B. Russ. Clerk. 22

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No. 22. 1919.


An Act to confirm By-law No. 452 of the Village of Grimsby.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Grimsby Preamble, has, by petition, represented that certain expendi- tures were necessarily incurred by the said corporation dur^ ing the year 1916 over and above the estimate adopted by the council of said corporation, and on which the tax rates were struck, J^^being the sums of $5,180.05 due to the cor- l)oration of the County of Lincoln, and the sum of $4,852.73 owing to the Bank of Hamilton for money borrowed from the said bank to provide for the current expenditure of the said Village of Grimsby; and the sum of $2,000 owing to the Water Works Commission of the said Village of Grimsby; ;iii(l tliat the said sums are still owing and unpaid; and that, during the year 1919, there was transferred from iho current account of the said corporation the sum of $2,200 the credit of the overdraft for the year 1916, which sum is required by the said corporation for the pay- ment of debts incurred during the year 1918; and that, during the years 1916 and 1917 grants were made by the said corporation for jiatriotic purposes to the amoimt of $1,736.53, and that no special rate was levied for such l»ur])oses;''''^ and that it would be unduly oppressive to the ratepayers of the said Village of Grimsby to pay these amounts and all outstanding liabilities of the said Village of (irimsby at one time, in addition to the meeting of the neces- sary annual expenses of the corporation, and therefore said council, on the chili I h day of April, 1919, passed By-law No. .'ti'>2 to provide for the issue of $15,000 of debentures for the purpose of i)aying the said debts; and hy its petition the said ' orporatiim has asked that said by-law be confirmed and ^ alidated ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :



No. 462 to borrow 116,000 to pay noat- inflTdebt conflrmed.


1. By-law No. Jt^.i of the Corporation of the Village of Grimsby, set out in Schedule " A " to this Act, being a by-law to provide for the issue of debentures of the Village of Grimsby, for the sum of $15,000, required by the said village, is hereby confirmed and declared legal, valid and binding upon the said Municipal Corporation of the said Village of Grimsby and the ratepayers thereof.

conflrmar 2. All debentures to be issued under the said by-law,

debentures, when 80 issuod, are hereby declared to be legal, valid and binding upon the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof, and it shall not be necessary for the purchaser of any of the said debentures to inquire into the proceedings relating to the passing of the said by-law, or the issue of such de- bentures.



By-law No. 452, of the Village of Grimsby, being a by-law to provide for the issue of debentures of the Village of Grimsby for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) required by the said Village of Grimsby.

Whereas during the year 1916 the Municipal Council of the Vil- lage of Grimsby allowed the amount due for the year 1916 to the Municipal Corijoration of the County of Lincoln to remain unpaid and expended the moneys levied for this purpose for the current expenditure of the Village of Grimsby;

And whereas the said sum due to the Municipal Corporation of the County of Lincoln by the Village of Grimsby for the year 1916 is still owing and in arrears and now amounts with interest to the sum of $5,180.05;

And whereas during the said year 1916 the Municipal Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grimsby did borrow from the Bank of Hamilton by by-law, certain sums to provide for the current expenditure of the said Village of Grimsby;

And whereas in the year 1916 the Council of the said Village of Grimsby did not levy sufficient moneys for the repayment to the Bank of Hamilton for the full amount of said loans and there is now due and owing by way of loan borrowed in the year 1916 from the Bank of Hamilton by the said Village of Grimsby, the sum of $4,852.73;

And whereas in addition to the above-mentioned sums there were other liabilities of the said Village of Grimsby outstanding includ- ing th^ sum of $2,000 due and owing to the Water Works Commis- sion of- the said Village of Grimsby for the payment of which said sums the Council of the said Village of Grimsby did not levy sufficient moneys;

And whereas, during the year 1918, there was transferred from the current account of the Corporation of the Village of Grtmsby and applied in reduction of the overdraft for the year 1916 the sum of $2,200, which said transfer was made by the said Coropration under pressure from the Bank of Hamilton and the said sum of $2,200 is now required for the purpose of paying the liabilities in- curred by the said Municipal Corporation in the year 1918;

And whereas, in the year 1916, the Corporation of the Village of Grimsby did grant the sum of $945.64 and in the year 1917 a further sum of $790.89, making a total of $1,736.53 for patriotic purposes for which said sums no special rate was struck and no debentures issued and the said sum is now required to pay existing liabilities of the said municipal corporation;

And whereas it would be unduly oppressive to the ratepayers of the said Village of Grimsby to pay all the outstanding liabilities of the said village at one time in addition to the meeting of the necessary annual expenses of the said corporation;

And whereas the Municipal Council of the Village of Grimsby deem it expedient to issue debentures for the sum of $15,000 to provide moneys for the payments of the amounts above^nentioned;

And whereas the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grimsby did, on the twenty-first day of January, 1919, enact By-law No. 451 of the Village of Grimsby to provide for tho issue of debentures for the sum of $15,000, repayable by yearly sums during the period of tifteen years as therein stated;

And whereas the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board have given

direction to the said coriwration to issue debentures at one time and

to make the principal of the said debt repayable by yearly suma

during the period of ten years, said yearly sums being of such re-


spective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and Interest shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable in each of the other nine years of the said period as shown in Schedule "A" hereunto annexed;

And whereas the total amount required to be raised aDQually by I he said niunlcli«ility by s|)ecial rate for the paying of the said debt and interest, as hereinafter provided, is ?2,038.02;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateabU^ property of the Village of Grimsby, according to the last revised assessment roll is $!)76,374;

And wliereas tlie amount of tlie existing del>enture debt of the said municipality exclusive of local improvement is $llfi,809.49, of which no part either principal or Interest is In arrears;

Now, therefore, the Municipal Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the Village of Grimsby enacts as follows:

1. That By-law No. 451 of the Village of Grimsby be and the same is hereby repealed.

2. The Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grimsby shall issue debentures of the said village to the amount of $1S,0(K) as aforesaid, in sums of not less than $100 each on the date of the confirmation of this by-law by the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, which debentures shall each be dated on the day of the issue thereof, and shall be payable within ten years thereafter on the date of the issue thereof, in each of the years in the amount shown on the said Schedule " A " at Grimsby, Ontario.

SCHEDULE " A." No. of «■

Debenture. Interest. Principal. Amount. '

1 $900 00 $1,138 02 $2,038 02

2 831 72 1,206 30 2,038 02

3 759 35 1,278 67 2.038 02

4.^ 682 62 1,355 40 2,038 02

5 60130 1,436 72 2,038 02

6 515 09 1,522 93 2,038 02

7 423 71 1,614 31 2.038 02

8 326 86 1,711 16 2,038 02

9 224 19 1,813 83 2,0S8 02

10 115 36 1,922 66 2,038 02

3. Eiach debenture shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Village of Grimsby, or by some other person authorized by by-law to sign same and by the treasurer thereof and the village clerk shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the said munici- pality.

4. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable yearly at the Bank of Hamilton on the date of the issue thereof and each and every year during the cur- rency thereof.

5. There shall be raised annually by special rate, on all the rate- able property in said Village of Grimsby, the sum of $2,038.02 for the purpose of paying the amount due in each year of the said ten years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt as shown on Schedule " A " hereunto annexed.

6. This by-law shall not come into force unless and until it is confirmed and validated by an Act of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario and on the said Legislative Assembly passing such an Act which shall confirm and validate this by-law. This by-law shall come into force on the date it receives the assent of the Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario.

Passed in open council this 8th day of Aipril, 1919.

CuAS. T. Farrell, Reeve.

(Seal.) 22

W. B. Rubs, Clerk.







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No. 23. 1919.


An Act respecting the Town of Dundas

WJlI^:iiKAS the Corporation of the Town of Dundas has, Preamble by petition, represented that the Water Commissioners of the Town of JJiindas have represented to the said Corpora- tion that the water mains in the said town are in many cases Jaid along property, the owners of whi«h do not tal^e water or pay anything to the revenue of the water works or the sinking funds or interest on the debentures issued by the nmuicipality therefor, although such properties are increased in value thereby, and that in consequence thereof the rev- enue derived from the general water rates is less than it otherwise should be and that there is now no effective way of charging any unpaid special rates against the properties benefited by mains and have requested the council to obtain legislation to authorize the Water Commissioners to levy and collect the rate upon all properties fronting on streets, lanes and, alleys along which water mains are laid, and to provide that all special rates shall be a lien on all properties served with mains and with the right of distress and sale of said lands as in the case of taxes in arrears and unpaid, and the said council request that such legislation be granted, and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Subject to section 2, the Water Commissioners of thcSpec^iai^ Town of Dundas shall have power by by-law, to be passed rates <m by them, to levy and charge a special rate upon the several ing or ' lands, lots or parts of lots, whether occupied or vacant, ^a""'"*^' fronting or abutting upon all streets, lanes and alleys in the said municipality upon which water mains, from which the commissioners are willing to supply water, are laid, which special rates shall be an annual rate according to the front- age of the said lands, lots or parts of lots, which rate shall not exceed five cents per foot for such <",-,.. itin-o^ and may, by by-law of the Water Commissioner hanged from



time to time as the commissioners may detennine, and the said commissioners may provide an equitable mode of assess- ing corner lots, triangular and other irregularly shaped pieces of land or lands unfit for biiilding purposes where the commissioners deem it inequitable to assess the full frontage ©n any street, provided the special rate hereinbefore mentioned shall not be chargeable upon any occupied lands, lots, or parts of lots, where the owner or occui)ant of said lands, lots or parts of lots is a user of the water supj)lied for said lands, saving and excepting that the special rate above mentioned shall be chargeable on all frontage of any one owner or occu})ant in excess of fifty feet, whether such excess is occupied or vacant.

Approval 2. Tlio bv-lavv for the said special rate shall not be finally

"nhv"iaw'. I'assed by the commissioners until it has been submitted to

and received the approval of a majority of all the members

of the Miinicipal (Council of the said Town of Dimdns at a

regularly called meeting thereof.

Measure- 3. The iuld Water ('(juimissioners, by by-law to be passed

n-ontage. by them, shall also have power to employ such person as they think proi)er to make the measurements of frontage for the purpose hereof, in cases where the frontage of the lands, lots or parts of lots have not, in the judgment of the commis- sioners, been properly set out in the assessment roll, and to fix the compensation of the said person.

Time for 4. The said special rate shall be payable at the time ur

and'"^"* times during each year, fixed by the Water Commissioners

couection for payment thereof, and until paid shall be a lien and

rate. charge upon the lands, tenements, lots or parts of lots against

which the same are charged or assessed, and arrears of such

special rates may, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per

cent, per annum from the time of default in payment be

collected in the same manner and by the same officials and

by the same process as arrears of taxes are collected under

Rev. Stat, the provisions of The Assessment Act, and all rates and

rents that may be received by the Town Treasurer or other

officers of the said town, under the above provisions, shall be

paid to the said Water Commissioners.



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No. 24. 1919.


An Act respecting the Town of Dundas.

WHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation Preamble. of rlie Town of Dundas, hereinafter called the cor- |)oration, has, by petition, represented that it is desirable til at certain by-laws set forth in Schedule " A " and Schedule '■ 1! " hereto, anli the debentures issued or to be issued there-, under, and the rates levied or to be levied for the payment of the said debentures, should be validated and confirmed ; and whereas the said corporation has prayed that an Act may be passed for the above purpose ; and whereas no op- position has been offered to the said petition; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, (uiacts as follows :

1. i3y-law No. 837, set forth in Schedule " A " hereto, By-iaw is hereby confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and bind-.^°o>^t in ing upon the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof, fonflrnied.

2. (1) By-law No. 802 of the Corporation of the TownBy-iaw "f Dundas, set forth in Schedule "B" hereto, as amended set out in_ by said By-law No. 837, is confirmed and declared to be confirmed, legal, valid and binding upon the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof.

(2) The rates imposed by and to be levied under the saidconfirma- i)y-law for the payment of the debentures authorized thereby rales"^ and the interest thereon are also confirmed and declared to be valid and binding upon the Corporation of the Town of Dundas and the ratepayers thereof.

3. All debentures issued or to be issued or purporting toconflrma- 1)0 issued under the said By-law No. 802, as amended, are dSntureR onfirmed and declared to be valid and binding upon the Corporation of the Town of Dundas, and it shall not be Mocesaary for the purchaser of such debentures to inquire into the validity of the proceedings relating to the issue of the same or to see to the application of the purchase money therefor. 24


By-law No. 837, to Amend By-j.aw No. 802.

Whereas on the first day of January. 1917. a by-law to provide for borrowing $55,995.50 for the construction of trunk sewers on private lands to connect with a sanitary sewage system and sewage disposal works; to pay for the land on wlilch said sewage disposal works are to be erected; and the cost of arbitration; engineer's fees; legal expenses and other incidental expenses in connection with such construction was submitted to the electors of the Town of Uundas and received a majority of 116 of the votes polled, and on the eighth day of January. 1917. the said by-law was finally passed by the Council of the said town;

And whereas the said by-law contains a paragraph numbered six wlilcli reads as follows:

" Notwithstanding anything In this by-law hereinbefore con- tained, none of the debentures shall be issued nor shall any of the work be proceeded with until six months after the war is ended and peace declared."

And whereas Great Britain and her allies have been victorious in the said war, and have acceded to the request of the enemy and granted an armistice;

And whereas there remain only the terms of peace to be decided upon at a conference to be held, and which conference may not conclude its labours until some months hence;

And whereas it is the unanimous opinion of the Dominion, Trovincial and municipal authorities that, pending the return of normal industrial conditions, it is advisable that all work of a public nature, which has been held up in order that the Empire's whole resources might be employed in bringing the war to a satisfactory and speedy conclusion, should be proceeded with as rapidly as possible;

And whereas the Town of I^undas is in urgent need of a sanitary sewage system;

Be it therefore resolved that the said paragraph number six in said by-law number 802 be rescinded and the construction of a sanitary sewage system for the Town of Dundas be proceeded with.

Passed this third day of February. A.D. 1919.

S. J. Len.naku, Mayor. JoHx S. Fry, Clerk.


By-law Numbek 802.

To provide for borrowing $55,995.50 for the construction of trunk sewers on private lands to connect with a sanitary sewage system and sewage disposal works, for the construction of sewage disposal works, to pay for the land on Which said sewage disposal work? are to be erected, and the costs of arbitration, engineer's fees, legal expenses and other incidental expenses in connection with such construction ;

Whereas it is desirable that trunk sewers should be constructed in certain parts of the town to connect with a sanitary sewage 24

system and sewage disposal works, and provision made for payment of the construction of said trunk sewers and sewage disposal works and for the land required for the erection thereon of said disposal works, and- to pay the costs of arbitration and the fees of engineers, legal expenses- and other incidental expenses in connection with such construction;

And whereas it is desirable that the said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by T. Aird Murray and T". Lowes, civil engineers, and on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and which have been approved by the Provincial Board of Health;

And whereas in order to raise the said sum of $55,995.50 it will be necessary to issue debentures of the Town of Dundas for the said sum as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt to be created by this by-law), the proceeds of said debentures to be applied to the said purpose and no other;

And whereas It is desirable that all of the said debentures should be issued at one time, and the principal of said debt made repayable by yearly sums during the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of such debt s'hall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable in each of the other years of said period;

And whereas the total amount required by The Municipal Act to be raised annually by special rate for paying said debt and interest is $3,852.78;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Dundas according to the last revised assessment roll there- of is $2,169,300.00;

And Whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of said town is $183,934.76. whereof neither principal or interest is in arrear;

Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Dundas enacts as follows:

1. That it shall be lawful for the Corporation of the Town of Dundas to raise by way of loan the sum of $55,995.50 to provide for the construction of trunk sewers on private lands to connect with a sanitary sewage system and sewage disposal works in the said town, for the construction of sewage disposal works, to pay for the land on which said sewage disposal works are to be erected and costs of arbitration, engineer's fees, legal expenses and other incidental expenses in connection with such construction.

2. The said debentures shall all be issiied at one time, shall be dated on the day of their issue, shall be made payable within thirty years of their issue at the office of the Treasurer of the said Town of Dundas, shall be for the amounts hereinafter named in the column headed "principal," and shall respectively become payable on the days hereinafter named.

3. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the Town of Dundas or by some other person authorized by by-law so to do, and by the Treasurer of the Town, and the Clerk shall attadi thereto the corporate seal of the municipality.

4. The said debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five and one half per cent, per annum, payable half yearly at the office of the Treasurer on the first days of May and November in eacli and every year during the currency thereof, and shall have attached


to them coupons for the amount of said interest, which said coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer, and his signature to them may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved.

6. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateable property in the Town of Dundas the sum of $3,852.78, for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and interest in respect of the said debt, as follows:

Year. Principal. Interest.

1&19, November 1st $773 03 $3,079 75

1920, November 1st 815 55 3,037 23

1921, November 1st 860 42 2,992 36

1922, November 1st 907 76 2,945 03

1923, November 1st 957 68 2,895 10

1924, November Ist 1,010 35 2,842 43

1926, November Ist 1,065 90 2,786 88

1926, November 1st 1,124 53 2,728 25

1927, November 1st 1,186 39 2,666 39

1928, November Ist 1,25164 2,60114

1929, November 1st 1,320 47 2,532 31

1930, November Ist 1,393 09 2,459 69

1931, November 1st 1,469 72 2,383 06

1932, November 1st 1,550 56 2,302 23

1933, November 1st 1,635 83 2,216 95

1934, .November 1st 1,725 80 2,126 98

1935, November 1st 1,820 71 3,032 07

1936, November 1st 1,920 85 1,93193

1937, November 1st 2,026 50 1,826 28

1938, November 1st t 2,137 95 1,714 83

1939, November 1st 2,255 54 1,597 24

1940, November 1st 2,379 59 1,473 19

1941, November 1st 2,510 47 1,342 31

1942, November 1st 2,648 54 1,204 24

1943, November 1st 2,794 21 1,058 57

1944, November 1st 2,947 89 904 89

1945, November 1st 3,110 02 742 76

1946, November 1st 3,28107 57171

1947, November 1st 3,46153 39125

1948, November 1st 3,651 93 200 85

Notwithstanding anything in this by-law hereinbefore contained, none of the debentures shall be issued nor shall any of the work be proceeded with until six months after the war is ended and peace declared.

Passed this eighth day of January, A.D. 1917.

Chas. E. EficKSON, Mayor. John S. Fry, Clerk.



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No. 24. 191t).


An Act respecting the Town of Dundas.

WHJ':PvEAS the Municipal Council of the Corporation ^'"«^"''^'* of the Town of Dundas, hereinafter called the cor- jjoration, has. l»y petition, represented that it is desirable that certain by-laws set forth* in Schedule '*' A " and Schedule " B ' hereto, and the debentures issued or to be issued there- under, and the rates levied or to be levied for the payment of the said debentures, should be validated and confirmed; and whereas the said corporation has ])rayed that an Act may be passed for the above purpose ; and whereas no o])- position has been offered to the said ])etition; and whereas ir is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. By-law No. 837. set forth in Schedule "A" hereto, gy-ig^3^ is hcrebv confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and bind- «et out in

' 1 -1 .• Til . .1 (• Sched. "A"

mg u])nu tlir >;\\t\ corpfd'ation and the ratepayers tliereot. oonfirmed.

2.— (]) By-law No. 802 of the Corporation of the Towng^.'^t^g of Dundas, set forth in Schedule " B " hereto, as amended |®hcd.'^''B" by said By-law No. 837, is^ confirmed and declared to be confirmed. legal, valid and binding ui)oii the said corporation and the ratepayers thereof.

(2) The rates imposed by and to be levied under the said coniu ma- by-law for the ])ayment of the debentures authorized thereby rates, and the interest thereon are also confirmed and declared to be valid and binding upon the Corj)oration of the Town of Dundas and the ratepayers thereof.

3. (J) All debentures issued or to be issued or purnortin2;Ji°«''''j"^" to be issued under the said l>v-iaw No. SO-J. n^ ainended. a re debentures, confirmed and declared to be valid and bindini! npon the Corporation of the Town of Dundas. and it shall not be nwessary for tlu? purchaser of such debentures to inquire into the validity of the proceedings relating to the issue of the same or to see to the application of the purchase money therefor.

1^^(2) The debentures may be issued at any time within 'wo vear.<8 after the passing of this .•\ct.'*'?5!^

24 i


Bt-ulw No. 887, to AiCKifD Bt-i-aw No. 802.

Whereas on the first day of January, 1917, a by-law to provide for borrowing $55,995.50 for the construction of trunk sewers on private lands to connect with a sanitary sewage system and sewage disposal works; to pay for the land on wblch said sewage disposal works are to be erected; and the cost of arbitration; engineer's fees; legal expenses and other Incidental expenses in connection with such construction was submitted to the electors of the Town of Dundas and received a majority of 118 of the votes polled, and on the eighth day of January, 1917. the said by-law was finally passed by the Council of the said town;

And whereas the said by-law contains a paragraph numbered six which reads as follows:

" Notwithstanding anything in this by-law hereinbefore con- tained, none of the debentures shall be Issued nor tehall any of the work be proceeded with until six months after the war la ended and peace declared."

And whereas Great Britain and her allies have been victorious In the said war, and have acceded to the request of the enemy and granted an armistice;

And whereas there remain only the terms of peace to be decided upon at a conference to be held, and which conference may not conclude Its labours until some months hence;

And whereas It Is the unanimous opinion of the Dominion, Provincial and municipal authorities that, pending the return of normal industrial conditions, it Is advisable that all work of a public nature, which has been held up in order that the Empire's whole, resources might be employed In bringing the war to a satisfactory and speedy conclusion, sbould be proceeded with as rapidly as possible;

And whereas the Town of Dundas is in urgent need of a sanitary sewage system;

Be It therefore resolved that the said paragraph number six in said by-law number 802 be rescinded and the construction of a sanitary sewage system for the Town of Dundas be proceeded with.

Passed this third day of February, A.D. 1919.

S. J. Lbnn.\rd, Mayor. John S. Pbt. Clerk.


By-law Number 802.

To provide for borrowing $55,996.50 for the construction of trunk sewers on private lands to connect with a sanitary sewage sypteir and sewage disposal works, for the construction of sewage disposal works, to pay for the land on wliich said sewage disposal work- are to be erected, and the costs of arbitration, engineer's fees, legal expenses and other incidental expenses in connection with such construction ;

"Wlhereaa it Is desirable that trunk sewers should be constructeil In certain parts of the town to connect with a sanitary sewagp


ysteni and sewage disposal works, and provision made for payment i)i the construction of said trunk sewers and sewage disposal works and for the land required for the erection thereon of said disposal works, and to pay the costs of arbitration and the fees of engineers, legal expenses and other Incidental expenses in connection with such construction;

And whereas it is desirable tliat the said work shall be done in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by T. Aird Murray and T'. Lowes, civil engineers, and on file in the office of the Town Clerk, and which have been approved by the Provincial Board of Health;

And whereas in order to raise the said sum of $55,995.50 it will be necessary to issue debentures of the Town of Dundas for the said sum as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt to be created by this by-law), the proceeds of said debentures to !)e applied to the said purpose and no other;

And whereas it is desirable that all of the said debentures should be issued at one time, and the principal of said debt made repayable by yearly sums during the currency of the said debentures, said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest In respect of such debt shall be as nearly as possible equal to the amount payable in each of the other years of said period;

And whereas the total amount required by The Municipal Act to be raised annually by special rate for paying said debt and interest ;< ?3,852.78;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the Town of Dundas according to the last revised assessment roll there- "f is $2,169,3&0.00;

And wliereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of said town is $183,934.76, whereof neither principal or interest is in urrear;

Therefore the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Dundas enacts as follows:

1. That it shall be lawful for the Corporation of the Town of Ufundas to raise by way of loan the sum of $55,995.50 to provide for the construction of trunk sewers on private lands to connect with a sanitary sewage system and sewage disposal works in the said town, for the construction of sewage disposal works, to pay for the land on which said sewage disposal works are to be erected and costs of arbitration, engineer's fees, legal expenses and other Incidental expenses in connection with such construction.

2. The said debentures shall all be issued at one time, shall be dated on the day of their issue, shall be made payable within thirty years of their issue at the office of the Treasurer of the said Town of Dundas, shall be for the amounts hereinafter named in the column headed " principal," and shall respectively become payable on the days hereinafter named.

3. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the Town of Dundas or by some other person authorized by by-law so to do, and by the Treasurer of the Town, and the Clerk shall attach thereto the corporate seal of the municipality.

4. The said debentures shall bear Interest at the rate of five and one half per cent.' per annum, payable half yearly at the office of thft Treasurer on the flrstodays of May and November in each and every year during the currency thereof, and shall have attached


to them coupons for the amount of said interest, wlilch said coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer, and his signature to them may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved.

5. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annually by special rate on all the rateaiile property in the Town of Uundas the sum of $3,852.78. for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for principal and Interest In respect of the said debt, as follows:

Year. Principal. Interest.

1»19, November 1st $773 03 $3,079 75

1920, November 1st 815 55 3,037 23

1921, November 1st P60 42 2,992 36

1922, November 1st 907 75 2,945 03

1923, November 1st 957 68 2,895 10

1924, November Ist 1,010 35 2,842 43

1925, November Ist 1,065 90 2,786 88

1926, November 1st 1,124 53 2,728 25

1927, November 1st 1.186 39 2,666 39

1928, November Ist 1,251 64 2,601 14

1929, November Ist 1,320 47 2,532 31

1930, November 1st 1,393 09 2,459 69

1931, November 1st 1,469 72 2,383 06

1932, November 1st 1,550 55 2,302 23

1933, November 1st 1,635 83 2,216 95

1934, November 1st 1,725 80 2,126 98

1935, November 1st 1,820 71 3,032 07

1936, November Ist 1,920 85 1,931 93

1937, November 1st 2,026 50 1,826 28

1938, November 1st 2,137 95 1,714 83

1939, November 1st 2,255 54 1,597 24

1940, November 1st 2,379 59 1,473 19

1941, November 1st 2,510 47 1,342 31

1942, November 1st 2.648 54 1,204 24

1943, November 1st 2,794 21 1,058 57

1944, November 1st 2,947 89 904 89

1945, November 1st 3,110 02 742 76

1946, November 1st 3,28107 57171

1947, November 1st 3,461 53 391 25

1948, November 1st 3,651 93 200 85

Notwithstanding anything in this by-law hereinbefore contained, none of the debentures shall be issued nor s'hall any of the work be proceeded with until six months after the war is ended and peace declared.

Passed this eighth day of January, A.D. 1917.

Chas. E. Dicksox, Mayor. John S. Frt, Clerk.




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Ko. 25. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Toronto.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Toronto has, ^'^''"'^^'• by petition, prayed for special legislation in respect of the several matters hereinafter set forth ; and whereas the said corporation undertook to extend Teranlay Street at a width of 86 feet, between College Street and Davenport Road, and to extend Applegrove Avenue, between Ashdalo Avenue and Coxwell Avenue, as local improvements; and whereas it was deemed inexpedient to complete the said works, and the same have been abandoned ; and whereas it is expedient to provide for the expenditure made upon the said works before their abandonment ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- eent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The council of the said corporation mav, without sub-Ppw«rto

T/^i" IT borrow

mitting the same to the electors qualihed to vote on by-laws J244,063 for for the creation of debts, pass a by-law or by-laws for the of Terauiay issue of Toronto Consolidated Loan Debentures to raiwse the Jlj; ^i^^^gyg sum of $244,003 to discharge the indebtedness of $217,835, Ave. created for the purpose of extending Terauiay Street at a width of 8G feet, between Collie Street and Davenport Road, and the indebtedness of $26,228 created for the purpose of extending Applegrove Avenue, between Ashdale Avenue and Coxwell Avenue, said works having been undertaken as local improvements and abandoned after the expenditure of the said sum.s.

2. By-laws of the said corporation, when passed by the [ion ^T"*' council thereof, shall be legal, valid and binding upon al^bv^jawsto parties, to cover the cost of the following local improvement be parsed, works, namely:


Term of Rate of Total

Works. Debenture. Interest. Cost.

Extension of Cleveland Street, from Merton Street to Davis- ville Avenue 20 yrs. 5V4% J12.822 10

Widening of Kingston Road, from Balsam Avenue to Sil- ver Birch Avenue 10 yrs. 5%% 3.313 97

Sewer on Queen Street, from Pape Avenue to Leslie Street 10 yrs. 5V4% 62.425 2')

Pavement on Danforth Avenue

west of Broadview Avenue.. 10 yrs. 5V6% 15,lTo 17

Widening of Morton Road, from lane 1st west of Oak- crest Avenue to Danforth Avenue 10 yrs. SV^'/c 3,644 8.'.

Extension of Duplex Avenue, . from the north limit of Chap- lin Crescent to the north limit of Lot 6, Plan 306 20 yrs. 5W/o 18,367 48

Extension of Duplex Avenue, from south limit of Plan 1809 produced west to Glenmore Avenue 20 yrs. 5V2% 164,962 V>

Total $280,770 98

Confirnm- 3. All by-luws passcd in substantial coiui'lianrc witli ilic

by-laws and provisions o'i the foregoing sections and all (Iclx'iitnre-- debentures, jgg^^p^j qj. ^q \^^ issiicd in piirsiianco tlieroof. and all rale- levied under siieli by-laws shall be Icual. \alid and bindinir. and no irregularity in the form of any of the debentures issued under the authority of this Act, or in any ]»y-la\v authorizing the issue thereof, shall render the >;nii(' invalid. or be allowed as a defence to any action aiiainst the corpora- tion of the City of Toronto for the reecix cry of the amount thereof or interest thereon, or any part thereof.



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^"0. 26. 1919.


An Act to Incorporate the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

TT T HEREAS it is desirable to facilitate and provide for Preamble

th^ prevention of cruelty to animals and their pro- tection and relief therefrom as hereinafter provided ; and whereas The Right Reverend James F. Sweeny, Lord Bishop of Toronto ; The Reverend Rabbi Solomon Jacobs ; Robert Gregory, Police Inspector ; J. J. Kelso, J. M. Wilson, T. M. Barry, W. W. Canham and John J. Dixon, all of the City of Toronto, Esquires, by their petition, have prayed for an Act of incorporation under the name of The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for the said pur- poses ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Right Reverend James F. Sweeny, Lord BisKop {"J^*""''*'''"" of Toronto, The Reyerend Rabbi Solomon Jacobs, Robert Gregory, Police Inspector, J. J. Kelso, J. M. Wilson, T. M. Barry, W. W. Canham and John J. Dixon, Esquires, all of

the City of Toronto, and all ])er8ous who shall hereafter be- come members thereof as hereinafter provided, shall be and they are hereby created a body politic and cor[)orate under the name of The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

2. Any three or more of the persons named in section Icaiiingr may summon the first meeting of the society by a public notice meSi to ])e signed by them and inserted in one or more newspapers I'liblishecl in the City of Toronto, and such meeting shall I'c held in the said City of Toronto at such time and place as the persons signing such notice shall thereby appoint,




MembejM of Society.

3. TIm ^;ii(l x.cictv shall consist of all persons who shall contribiiu? lo lUv luiids thereof according to the rules ami regulations of the society, and for the i)iirpo8e of holding th» first meeting and all other j>reliminary meetings prior to the; adoption of a constitntion, shall consist of all persons wh'» shall have subscribed and paid a sum of not less than twD dollars to sikIi fimd.

cotiHtitution. 4. 'i'hc society may make and adopt such constitution. KKuintions. rules and regulations not contrary to law as it may dfOTii necessary for the control and management of its affairs.


.\('llllil'illg luiid, etc.

lOrectlon of buildings.


General puiposes.

Inspectors and agents to have power of constables.

5. The society shall have power to:

(a) .\iM]iiir(' ;iih1 IidM :is purchasers, donees. de\

i<v !c-:iici- :>]■ ill liny other capacity any iutcrc-; in lands and tenements, accept, receive and hol<! any gifts, devises, bequests or subscription.^^, either of real or personal estate; grant, lea.«< . bargain, mortgage, sell, assign or otherwise di- pose of any such lands or tenements or personal estate as in its opinion may be necessary and proper for its purposes, provided that the land which may be so acquired and held by the society shall not exceed an annual value of $5,000 :

(6) Erect, construct, equip and maintain any building or works which it may deem necessary or con- venient for the purposes of the society ;

(c) Form and establish branch societies and take over

and establish as such any existing society or association having similar objects in whole or in part with the society, and in all cases subject to such conditions and regulations as the society may deem expedient;

(d) Do all such other matters 'and things as it may

deem necessary for carrying out its purposes.

6. For the purpose of the enforcement of any Act for the

prevention of cruelty to animals, any inspector or agent of the society shall have the power of a constable in any mimicip- ality or district in Ontario, and the society shall be entitled to the assistance of all magistrates, Crown attorneys, sheriff?, constables and police officers in and for the enforcement of such statutes.

Responsi- bility for acts of tiffloers.

7. The society or any branch society shall not be responsible for any wrongful act done by any of its officers, inspector.- or agents, unless the same has been previously authorized oi- subsequently ratified by such society or its governing body.



8. The society shall not be responsible for any debts Responsi- liabilities or acts contracted, done or permitted by any branch debts, etc. society or its officers, nor shall any branch society be re- sponsible for any debts, liabilities or acts contracted, done

or permitted by the society or its officers or any other branch society or its officers.

9. If there is reasonable ground to believe that an animal ^i" fPi^'."^^ i.s impotinded, yarded, or confined without necessary food, attention water or attention for more than fifteen consecutive hours, impounded any inspector or agent of the society may enter into and°' *^°"^"®*^' open any place in^ which such animal is impounded, yarded

or confined, and supply it with necessary food, water and attention, as long as it remains there, or may, if deemed necessary, remove such animal, and shall not be liable for such entry or removal and may recover from the owner of the animal the necessary expense of such food and attention. Provided, however, that the owner or custodian of the animal, if kiiown, shall be forthwith notified of such action.

10. Any inspector or agent of the society or other peace Forcible officer or constable may at any time force an entrance into p"e'j^ises'' any building, erection, enclosure, car, truck, vehicle or vessel !?y 'j '^®'^' in which he has reasonable grounds for supposing that any animals, animal is being ill-treated or neglected and may remove there- from any such animal.

11. (1) If any inspector or agent of the society has taking naxiiiablc grounds for supposing that an animal is being ill-ofanimai treated or neglected, he may take possession of it in any *'"®^'^'^- place for the purpose of having it examined by a veterinary surgeon.

(2) If the owner can be conveniently found, he shall be notified of the time and place of such examination.

(3) If, in the judgment of the veterinary surgeon, the Destruction animal has been neglected or cruelly treated, the inspector** ^" '"^ " or agent, with or without the consent of the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof, may forthwith destroy it,

or may place it under proper and sufficient care and treatment and keep it under such care and treatment for a period not exceeding thirty days during which time the owner shall have access to and the use of such animal, with the consent HTid approval of the veterinary surgeon.

(4) The owner of the animal shall be held liable for thei'''i''mtyof food, care and treatment of it, and the society shall have aexpeln-ses! lien on it for the cost of all provisions, care and treatment supplied by the society. 26

I'ower to MrOI linliniil.

(5) If the owner of the animal neglects or refuses to pay for Hueh food, care and treatment within five days after boin; notified, or if the owner, after due enquiry, cannot be found, the society may sell or dispose of the animal and reimburse itself out of the proceeds, paying the balance to the owner of said animal or to the person entitled thereto.

Kxemption 12. The land and buildings of the society shall be exempt from"''*'^^ from taxation except as to local improvements so long as taxation. ^jj^ game are so occupied and used for the purpose of the association.



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So. 26. 1919.


An Act to Incorporate the Ontaiio Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

WHKREAS it is desirable to facilitate and provide forpieambie. the prevention of cruelty to animals and their ])ro- tection and relief therefrom as hereinafter provided; and whereas The Right Reverend James F. Sweeny, Lord Bishop of Toronto; The Reverend Rabbi Solomon Jacobs; Robert Gregory, Police Inspector ; J. J. Kelso, J. M. Wilson, T. M. Barry, W. W. (^anham and John J. Dixon, all of the City of Toronto, Esquires, by their petition, have prayed for an Act of incorporation under the name of The Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for the said pur- poses; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Right Reverend James F. Sweeny. Lord Bishop [|;,^;;">'"'"»- of Toronto. The Reverend Rabbi Solomon Jacobs, Robert Gregory. Police Inspector. J. J. Kelso, J. M. Wilgon, T. M. Barry. W. W. Canham and John J. Dixon, Esquires, all of

the City of Toronto, and all persons who shall hereafter be- come members thereof as hereinafter provided, shall be and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate under the name of The Ontario Societf for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

2. Any three or more of the persons named in section l<'iiiiinK may summon the first meeting of the society by a public notice meet?n». to be signed by them and inserted in one or more newspapers published in the City of Toronto, and such meeting shall

he held in the said City of Toronto at such time and place the persons signing such notice shall thereby appoint.


M«wi'b«r» 3. The said soriety shall conflist of all penwnB who Bball

contribute to the funds thereof according to the mlee and regulations of the society, and for the purpose of holding the first meeting and all other preliminary mcetingfi prior to thq adoption of a constitution, shall consist of all persons who shall have subscribed and paid a sum of not lees than two dollars to such fund.

Constitution, 4 "Yhe society mav mal<e and adopt such constitution.

rules and , , , ' . " i i

regulations, ruics and regulations not contrary to law as it may deem necessary for the control and management of its affairs.


Acquiring land, etc.

Erection of buildings.


Qeneral purposes.

Inspectors and ag«ntB to have power of constables.

Supplying of food and attention to animals impounded or confined.

5. The society shall have power to:

(a) Acquire and hold as purchasers, donees, devisees or legatees or in any other capacity any interest in lands and tenements, accept, receive and hold any gifts, devises, bequests or subscriptions, either of real or personal estate; grant, lease, bargain, mortgage, sell, assi^ or otherwise dis- pose of any such lands or tenements or personal estate as may be necessar\' and proper f(fr its purposes, provided that the Iniul which may be so acquired, ]\c]<\ ">uJ nsrrf hv the society shall not exceed an annual value of $5,000;

(h) Erect, construct, equip and maintain any building or works which it may deem necessary or con- venient for the purposes of the society ;

(c) Form and establish branch societies and take over

and establish as such any existing society or association having similar objects in whole or in part with the society, and in all cases subject to such conditions and regulations as the society may deem expedient;

(d) Do all such other matters and things as it mn^

deem necessary for carrying out its purposes.

6. For the purpose of th(^ enforcement of ^^the pro- vision of this or any other^J^ Act for the prevention of cruelty to animals, any inspector or agent of the society shall have the power of a constable in any municip- ality or district in Ontario, and the society shall be entitled to the assistance of all constables and police officers.

T. Tf there is reasonable in'onnd to believe that an animal is impounded, yarded, or confined without necessary food, water or attention for more than fifteen consecutive hours, any inspector or agent of the society may enter into and open any place in which such animal is impounded, yarded

or confined, and supply it with necessary food, water and attention, as long as it remains there, or may, if deemed necessary, remove such animal, and shall not be liable for such entry or removal and may recover from the owner of the animal the necessary expense of such food and attention. Provided, however, that the owner or custodian of the animal, if known, shall be forthwith notified of such action.

8. Any inspectui' or ai^eiit «)!' the society or other peace fnj'ry'iifto officer or constable may at any time force an entrance ii^to p^^'"^^®!'^ any building, erection, enclosure, ear, truck, vehicle or vessel tion of in which he has reasonable grounds for supposing that any animal is being ill-treated or neglected and may remove there- from any such animal.

9. ( 1) If any inspector or agent of the society has Taking


reasonable grounds for supposing that an animal is being ill- of animal treated or neglected, he may take possession of it in any *'®**®<^- place for the purpose of having it examined by a veterinary surgeon.

(2) If the owner can be conveniently found, he shall bo notified of the time and place of such examination.

(3) If, in the judgment of the veterinary surgeon, the Destruction animal has been neglected or cruelly treated, the inspector

or agent, with or without the consent of the owner or person entitled to the possession thereof, may 1^^ with the approval of the veterinary surgeon"^'^ forthwith destroy it, or may place it under proper and sufficient care and treatment and keep it under such care and treatment for a period not exceeding thirty days during which time the owner shall have access to and the use of such animal, with the consent and approval of the veterinary surgeon.

(4) The owner of any suck animal shall be held liable forT^'abiutyof

^ ^ i> ^ owner for

the food, care and treatment of it, and the society shall have a<'xpfnsps.

lien on it for the cost of all provisions, care and treatment

supplied by the society.

(5) If the owner of the animal neglects or refuses to P«y snTanimjii for such food, care and treatment within five days after Ixiii' notified, or if the owner, after duo enquiry, cannot be found.

the society may sell or dispose of the animal and reimburse itself out of the proceeds, paying the balance to the owner of said aniniHl or to the person entitled thereto.

10. T\w land and buildings of the society shall be exempt ''V'*"li'i'°"

'^ . ■' 'of propprtv

from taxation except for local improvements and school pur- from

poses 80 long as the sam^ are held, used and occupied for the

purposes of the society. 26


Application H. Except as herein otherwise provided, the provisions stJtuti"!*** of The Morlmniit and ChnrHahle Uses Act shall apply except "" that it shall not Ih' necessary to sell anv land now or here-

after acquired which is actually and bona fide held, used and occn])ic(l fr>r the purposes of the society.


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No. 27. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Hamilton.

WHEREAS the (Corporation of the City of Ila mil ton Preamble, has by petition prayed for special legislatidu in respect of the several matters hereinafter set forth and whereas the City Corporation has asked for authority lo pass by-laws, without submitting the same to the electors, qualified to vote on by-lav^^s for the creation of debts for the following purposes, namely: (a) To provide $15,000 for the completion of the filling in of Sherman Inlet between the Toronto-Hamilton and ]^uifalo Railway Belt Line and the Grand Trunk Railway (Northern and North Western Di- vision) ; (/;) To provide $7,000 amount expended in coiu])le- ting the west-end sewage disposal works; [O '\o i)rovido $300,000 for improvements to the City Hospital, llaiion Street, and for the erection and etpiipment of Xurses' ilonic for Mount ]Iamilton Hospital; and for authority to lay <Mit, construct, complete, 0(|uip and oj)erate a railway from a point on the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Railway in Lot No. 29, Concession No. 4, of the Township of Saltfleet in the City of Hamilton, in a northerly direction through the said township to a point on the GLrand Trunk Railway, Northern and North Western Division, in Lot No. 29 or Lot No. 30, Broken Front Concession of said township, and to construct, maintain and oi)erate a line of railway from a point at or near Red Hill to a point at or near Burlington Junction on the (irand Trunk Railway and from a point at or near the junction of this lino with the Grand Trunk Rail- way main line, east of the City of Hamilton, to a point at or near the Hamilton Cemetery and to construct, maintain and operate any other lines within a radius of fifteen miles from the centre of the city, and for the necessary authority to form a terminal company and construct and operate ter- minals in said city, and to ct)nstruct yards for cars and enter into agreements with railway companies for running rights; and that the council of the said corporation be empowered to pass by-laws, with the assent of the qualified electors for the issue of debentures to raise the amounts required for the

above purposes; and also for authoritv to pass a by-law 27

niilli'ii'i/iiiii' tlic Ciiv C -■:•-■ " ion to eiiici- into a proi-OM-*! ;iui(M!iciii IkMwccii tl, i iiment "\ t!i<' Dnmiiiioii ol

(iinailii. liic Wir.ivA ol' i-un ,,ii"ii of tin- ('i;v M ' n

;i||r| flic ( '(.r|.(.r;ililill nl lllC ( ilV ot' ilailliltiill I' ^

.■iv<-i idii of an aiMiti.tiial Ici'lmiral mIkki! iiiii; in i!.i llaniilinn: antl wlicrc.i- il i. cxju'dicnl In uraiil liic prayur of ilic .-ai'l pc: ilinn :

1 'rii(M'ef()i-('. Hi.. Majc-tv. Iiy aii<l with \\u' -mI-I'-i- ;inil cuii- y.vwl ol' the Lc-isia! i\'(' A.--.-cmMv of the i'l'iAincc of Ontario, enacts as follows:

Power to borrow money for certain purposes without assent of electors.

1. 'I'lic ('oiincll ol' the Corporation of the City of liainil- loii iiia\ wilhoul siihniittiiii;' tlio same to tlic ''I

to x'olc on l)\-hi\\s for tlic ci'cation of (h , s

anlhol•i''.ill^• the i--i;c nf dciicni iii'e-^ for the followiiiu' amount ~ and puri)o>es, namely :

(a) To provide $15,000 for the comi '

ing; in of Sherman Inlet berwt en mr ior.ii;"- Hamilton and Buffalo liailwav licit LiiK^ and the Grand Trnnk Railway ( .\"itliern and North Western Division) ;

(h) To provide $7,000 amount exiicinlcd in coinpletini: the west-end sewage disposal \V(n'ks ;

(c) To provide $300,000 for improvement- to the City Hospital, Barton Street, and for the erect ion and equipment of Nurses' Home for Mount Hamil- ton. Hospital ;

and for such purj^oses to issue debentures of the said cor- poration of not less than $100 each, the principal to be pay- able in twenty years at the furthest from the time or times when such debentures are issued, and to raise and levy annu- ally by special rate on the rateable property in the said municipality such sum or sums as may be necessary for pay- ment of the said debts and interest. The debentures to be issued under the by-law passed under this section may bear interest payable yearly or half-yearly, and at such rates as the council of the said corporation may determine.

Power to 2. The Corporation of the City of Hamilton may lay out.

and operate construct, complete, equip and operate a railway from a

brL^ch lines point on the Toronto, Hamilton and Buffalo Bail way in Lot

of railway, -^^y^ 29, Concession No. 4, of the Township of Saltfleet in

the City of Hamilton, in a northerly direction throusch the

said township to a point on the Grand Trunk Railway,

Northern and North Western Division, in Lot No. 29 or



i Lot No. 30, broken front concession of said township, and may construct, maintain and operate a line of railway from a point at or near Red Hill to a point at or near Burlington Junction on the Graiid Trunk Railway and from a point at or near the junction of this line with the Grand Trunk Railway main line, east of the City of Hamilton, to a point at or near the Hamilton Cemetery and may construct, main- tain and operate any other lines within a radius of fifteen miles from the centre of the city, and may construct, main- tain and operate railway terminals in said city, and construct yards for cars within or without the city, and enter into aii;reements with railway companies for running rights ; and the council of the said corporation may ])ass by-laws, with the assent of the qualified electors for the issue of debentures to raise the amounts required for the above purposes.

3. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Hamil- Power to ton may pass a by-law authorizing the city corj)oration to agreement enter into a proposed agreement between the Government of^j**?^"" the Dominion of Canada, the Board of Education of the City Government of Hamilton and the Corporation of the City of Hamilton of technical respecting the erection of an additional technical school unit^*^^"°^" ill the Citv of Hamilton.


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No. 27. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Hamilton.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the ('itv of Hamilton preambu. has by petition jirayed for special legislation in respei-t of the several matters hereinafter set forth and whereas the City Corporation has asked for authority to [)a3s by-laws, without submitting the same to the electors, (jualifief] to vote on by-laws for the creation of debts for the » following purposes, namely: (a) To pravide $15,000 for the completion of the filling in of Sherman Inlet between the Toronto-Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Belt Line and the (jrand Trunk Railway (Northern and North Western Di- vision) ; (6) To provide $7,000 amount expended in comple- ting the west-end sewage disposal works; (c) To provide $300,000 for improvements to the City Hospital, Barton Street, and for the erection and equipment of Nurses' Home for Mount Hamilton Hospital ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Council of the Corporation of the City of Hamil- Power to ton may without submitting the same to the electors qualified money for to vote on by-laws for the creation of debts, pass by-laws purifoses authorizing the issue of debentures for the following f^nionnts^^ggnt^of and purposes, namely : electors.

(a) To provide $15,000 for the completion of the fill- ing in of Sherman Inlet between the Toronto- Hamilton and Buffalo Railway Belt Lino and the Grand Trunk Railway (Northern and North Western Division) ;

(6) To provide $7,000 amount expended in completing the west-end sewage disposal works ;




(r) '\\, |)iovi(jo $;100,00() for improvements to the Cit;^- IIosi)iral. Harton Street, and for the ereetion and e(]ni|tment of Xnr.'^f's' TTonio for Mount Hamil- ton Hospital ;

and I'di- >ii(li piiiposes to issue debenlnres of the said cor- poration of not les« tlian $100 each, the principal to be pay- alilc ill twonty \<-.iv< :it the fnrthest from the time or times

wIk'ii ~ih-li .jcliciihii'f- ;irf> issued, and to raise ;iiid levy annu- ally by .spo(i:il i;i'( mh tho rateable property in tho said municipality -\u-\i -nm .ir sums as may be necessary for |.:iy ment of ihc -.lid dclii- iiml interest. The deboniurcs to be - issued ijiulcr the liy-law passed under this se<*tion may bear interest i)ayablo yearly or half-yearly, and at such rates as flic council of tho said corporation maV determine.

Power to ^^2. (1) The Hvdro-Electric Power Commission of

construct ^- ..,.,'

andoperntc Ontario IS authorized to survey, lay out. construct, build.

('(|iti|) and operate a railway:

(a) From a point on the Toronto. Hamilton and I>iiifalo Railway at or near Tied Hill, in the Township of Saltfleet, in the <",,unty of Went- witi'iii. in ;i northerly dire<'tion ;ind :ici'oss the lI:inii!loii Ileach and Burliniiton ncjicji. to .i p'lim ,ii (.f near Burlington .Innciion. on tin- (ir.ind Tnink Railway; and

(h) From a point at or near the junction of tlie said ))roj)osed line of railway with the main line of the Grand Trunk Railway east of the City of Hamilton, westerly .through the Township of Saltfleet and the City of Hamilton, to a jK)int at or near the present line of the Toronto, Ham- ilton and Buffalo TJailway, at or near the Hamil- ton cemetery, and construct railwnv vards, sid- inu>. terminals and othei- I'ncili railway

ti;itiic iind the exchange of trainc with other i-ai]\vay>. and to enter into agreement? with rail- way coiiiiiaiiies for I'uniiiii:^' rii:) ' 'le line< ot" railway authorized by this >i »,,<•,,, "V over the lines of such railway companies.

(2) The municipal corporation of the City of Hamilton

may enter into an agreeihent with the Hydro-Eleetric Power

(Vmmissi'on of Ontario for the construction, equipment and

o|)eration of the said railways and other works, or any af

them, by The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario.

at the cost and on behalf of the corporation of the City of

Hamilton, and the aereement mav provide for the incorpora- 27


tiou of the railways and works authorized to be constructed by subsection 1, in a system of radial railways hereafter to be constructed by the Commission under. T^e Hydro-Electi-ic Raihuay Act, lOlJf, and in the event of the incorporation of the said railways and works or any part thereof in any such radial railway system, any sums which may have been paid by the corporation of the City of Hamilton, to the Com- mission for the construction of railways and works or any part thereof authorized by subsection 1, may be reimbursed to the City of Hamilton or shall be allowed for and credited to the City of Hamilton on account of any sums for which it may become liable on account of such radial railway system.

(3) The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario shall nave and may exercise for the purposes ^et out in sub- section 1, all the rights, powers and privileges which it has and may exercise for the construction and o])eration of a railway under the provisions of The Hydro-EIcetric Ttaihrtiy .\rf. 1914, and amendments thereto.

(4) The Council of the Corporation of the City of Ham- ilton may pass by-laws, with the assent of the qualified elec- tors, for the issue of debentures to raise the amounts (if any) required for the above purposes. *'^^E





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'No. 28. 1919.


An Act respecting the Sudbury-Copper Cliff Sub- urban Electric Railway Company.

WHEREAS the Sudbury-Copper Clitf Suburban Elec- P''^^^^^^^- trie Railway Company was incorporated by an Act passed in the second year of the reign of His Majesty King George V, chapter 149, and entituled Ari Act to Incorpor- ate the Sudbury-Copper Cliff Suburban Electric Railway Company, and was by said Act authorized to construct a railway as tlieroin described; and whereas tlio company Ims by its petiiidii represented that the com]);iiiy Iki- cunstiMicicl and is iKtw (ipcrniinu' 7.0 miles of the r:iil\\;iy iiiithori/cd oy the said Ad nl' iiicorpnijition, and that iikji'c t'a])ital is re- quired to pru\'i(l(^ fuitliei' ('(piipment for the said railway; and whereas the eompaiiy has further represented by that petition that the capital stock of the company cannot be sold for its par value, and the company has no power to sell its stock at a discount; and whereas the com])any has by its said petition prayed that the said Act of incor[)oration be amended to provide for an increase of tlic ('ai)ital stock of the com[)any, and to permit the sale of the niii-^sued erdiiiarv shares of the cniiiiianv at a discount; and w lieicas ii i- expedient Id urant the jirayer of the said peiliiiin:

Tlierelnre. His Majesty, by and with tlio advice and con- seiit of the Legislaii\e Assembly of the Pidxinrc of Ontario <'nacta as follows:

1. Section t; uf the Act passed in the second year of His 14*9^8: e"'*" Majesty's reign, chaptered 149, and entituled /l?i Act /o fn^^rease^of hirorporate the Sudbury-Copper Cliff Suburban Electricc^v^^i^^ Uiiilioay Company is amended, by striking out the char-**"^"*" iicter and figures " $2.';0.000 " at the end .d' the said section and inserting in lieu thereof tlie <'haraciei- and fiuures " $500,000."


2 Geo. V, c. 149. 8. 6, amended.

Power to sell shareH at discount.

3. 'I'ho said section 6 is further amended by adding the following as subsection (2):

(2) The company may sell the unissued ordinary shares of its capital stock at such discount and upon such terms and conditions as the share- holders may from time to time authorize; pro- vided, however, that any authorization of the sale of unissued ordinary shares shall be given at a meeting of the shareholders expressly called by the directors for that purpose, upon at least ten days' notice, and shall be sanctioned by the vote, in person or by proxy, of shareholders who hold at least two-thirds of the subscribed stock of the company.








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28. 1919.


An Act respecting the Sudbury-Copper Cliff Sub- urban Electric Railway Company.


HEKEAS the Sudburv-Copper Clitt" Suburban Elec- ^'■*^'"^^^- trie Railway Comj3aiiy was incorporated by an Act I'lissed in the second year of the reign of His Majesty King

•-»rge Y, chaptered 149, tmd entituled An Act to Incorpor- tlie Sudbury-Copper Cliff Suhurhan Elednc Railway

nipany, and was by said Act authorized to construct a railway as therein (le?>cribed ; and whereas the company has ' by its petition represented that the company has constructed .111(1 is now operating 7.9 miles of the railway authorized by tbe said Act of incorporation, and that more capital is re- quired to provide further equipment for the said railway ; and whereas the company has further represented by that petition that tlie capital stock of the company cannot bo sold for its i)ar value, and the company has no power to sell its

ck at a discount; and whereas the company has by its -aid petition prayed that the said Act of incorporation be amended to j)rovide for an increase of the capital stock of the com))any, and to ])ermit the sale of the unissued ordinary ■^^'.n-es of the company at a discount; l^^and whereas by an

r pas.'i^d in the fourth year of the reign of His Majesty King George V, chaptered l^r., the time for the commence- Mifut and completion of the said railway authorized by the

1 Act was extended for a period of one and five years

[>ectively; and Avhereas the company has by its said peti-

M prayed that the time for the completion of the said rail- way be further extended ;*'^fel and whereas it is expedient to "^ nt the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- * iL of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario enacts as follows:

r .Section »> <if the Act passed in the setrond year of His f 4^8.' 6^' *^'

Majesty's reign, chaptered 149, and entituled An Act ^o*™®^®^^^

Tnrorporate the Sudbury-Copper Cliff Svburhan Electric c&pit&i

Rfiilway Com,pany is amended, by striking out tho char-" 28

2 (Ho. V, ( 149. B. 9, amended.

Power to sell shares at dlHcount.

Time for




acter and figures " $250,000 " at the end of the said sectioi and irisertinj^ in lien thereof the character and figure '' $500,000."

2. Tlio f<-d'u\ Hfction 0 is further amended by adding thi following as subsection (2):



int m

The company may sell the unissued ojn shares of it.s capital stock at such discoun ujjon .such terms and conditions as the share holders may from time to time authorize; p^ vided, however, that any authorization of t] sale of unissued ordinary shares shall l>e givei at a meeting of the shareholders expressly calle< by the directors for that purpose, upon at leaf ten days' notice, and shall be sanctioned by tlH vote, in persort or by proxy, of shareholders v% hold at least two-thirds of the siib.<cribed stol of the comj)any.

Notwithstanding anything contained in The OntarU J?<iihraij Act, the r.iilway authorized l.v the said Act. pasaet in the second year of the reign of His Majesty King the Fifth, chaptered. 149, as amended by an Act passed in foui-th year of the reign of His Majesty King George Fifth, clinptcrcd 125. nnd ])y this Act, shall be compl within three ve:ii-s iiftei- tlie passing of this Act, and if railway is not com]:)letcd and ]>ut in o[H>ration within thrS years from tlu- ])assing of this Act, then the powers grantee to the compai»y by the said Acts and by this Act shall cea* and 1)0 null and void as respects so much of the railway m then remains uncompleted.'"^!










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No. 29. 1919.


An Act Respecting the City of London.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of London has, Preamble, by its petition, represented that on the sixth day ot December, A.D. 1918, a certain by-hiw, being By-law No. 5817 of the City of London, was passed by the council of the said city for submitting to the electors the question as to whether or not they were in favor of an application being made to the Legislature to pass an Act with respect to the method of election, number and tenure of office of the mem- bers of the council, the election of the mayor and the manage- ment by the council of certain of the public utilities, and for other purposes as therein set forth; and whereas the said by-law was duly submitted to the electors of the City of London on the first day of January, A.D. 1919, and the said electors, by a majority of votes, voted in favor of the applica- tion described in the said by-law ; and whereas the Council of the Corporation of the (^ity of London is desirous of carrying into effect the provisions of the said by-law for the municipal government of the City of London ; and whereas the corpora- tion of the City of London has prayed for special legislation in respect of the matters hereinafter set forth ; and whereas it is desirable that By-laws Nos. 5844 and 5843 of the Cor- poration of the City of London should be confirmed ; and whereas the said corporation has asked for authority to issue debentures to the amount of $161,000, to cover the cost of certain works and improvements of an urgent and necessary character, and the sum of $200,000 to erect a building for a City Hall ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore. His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- -^1 nt of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario enacts as follows:

1. After the 31^t day of December. A.D. 1919 the pro- Application vision.s of sections 1 to 8, inclusive, of this Act, shall ar>r>^^ i toTar?dof to the Municipal Corporation of the City of London, and in certain Acta 29


so far as tlie provisions of tliis Act shall alter, vary or change the ])rovision8 of The MunirljHil Act, The Public Parks Act. The Pnhlic Ijiljrurij Art, The Board of Education Act, The London Water tvorhs Art, and amending Acts, The City of London Acts, or any of them, or any other Act in respect of the civic government within tlio (Mty of l.nndoTi, the pro* visions of tliis Act shall prevail.


of (^>unc and term


tioii il

3. Vov the year 11)20 and thereafter the <-oiincil of the Corporation of the V'lty of London shall he composed of. a mayor and t\v(?nty commissioners, four of whom shall Iwr called Works Commissioners, four Finance Commissioners, four Education Commissioners, four Health Commissioners, and four Public Utility Commissioners, and the mayor, and the said commissioners shall be elected by a general vote of the municipal electors of the said city. Of the said four Works Commissioners, four Finance Commissioners, four Education Commissioners, four Health Commissioners, and four Public Utilities Commissioners, the two commissioner.? of each of the said five commissions who shall obtain the highest luiniber of votes at the election held for the year 1920 shall hold office for a term of two years, and the two com- missioners of each of the said commissions who shall obtain the next highest numlcr <>\' votes shall hold office for a term of one year ; and in each year thereafter two of the said four commissioners of each of the said five commissions herein- before named, shall be elected by a general vote of the said electors, and shall hold office for a term of two ^'<^a^5. Provided, that in the event of the election by acclamation of all of the commissioners for the year 1920, the two commis- sioners of each of the said five commissions having the highest assessment in the City of London, according to thc^ last revised assessment roll, shall hold office for a term of two years and each of the two commissioners of each of the said five commissions having the next highest assessment as aforesaid, shall hold office for a term of one year.

Election of Mayor.

3. The mayor shall be annually elected by a general vote of the said electors, and shall be a member of all the commis- sions hereinbefore named.

Election of members of Council for 1920.

Rev. Stat, c. 192.

4. The election of the said mayor, four Works Commis- sioners, four Finance Commissioners, four Education Com- missioners, four Health Commissioners, and four Public Utilities Commissioners for the year 1920, shall be held and conducted in accordance with the provisions of The Muni- cipal Act for the election of aldermen, excepting that all nominations of candidates for office shall be in writing, shall give residence and occupation of the candidate and shall con- tain the candidate's statement of willingness to accept the 29


nomination, signed by him, and shall be signed by twenty or more municipal electors and shall be filed with the city clerk at any time during office hours within one week immediately preceding twelve o'clock noon of the 22nd day of December, excepting when the 22nd day of December shall fall on a Sunday, when the time shall be one week preceding twelve ./clock noon on the 23rd day of December. Each of the said live commissions shall be elected by separate ballot. Pro- \ided, however, that the qualifications for members of the I'lducational Comm-issiou shall be as determined by the pro- \ isions of The Board of Education Act, and the Separate School Board shall elect one member to act with the said i*]ducation Commission with all the powers conferred upon such representative by The Separate Schools Act, The Board of Kdacation Act or Th& Public Libraries Act or other Acts with respect to representation on the Board of Education.

5. In the event of the death, resignation or removal from Pining 'ftice for any cause under the provisions of The MunicipaV^^^^^^^^'

. 1 ct of any Works Commissioner, Finance Commissioner, I'Mucation Commissioner, Health Commissioner, or Public rtilities (Commissioner during his term of office, the candi- date at the last preceding election ha^dng the next highest number of votes shall be declared elected a commissioner I'f tlie Board of Commissioners in which the vacancy has been created, for the unexpired term of the person so dying, re- signing or Ixiiii: removed from office; provided, that in case I ft' tlu! candidates at the last preceding election having been elected by acclamation, or there was a tie vote, the vacancy -o created shall ])e filled by the election of another commis- -ioner b>' the council for the unexpired term of office of the aid sommissioner so dying, resigning, or Joeing removed from office.

6. lij)on the organization of the coimcil, the Board of Dissolution I\ducation, the Public Library Board, the Public Utilities Boards^ etc. < 'ommission of the City of London, the Board of Health

and the Hospital Trust shall be dissolved, and the said several boards shall have no further authority or power in respect '•f the utilities, works and commissions, powers or duties heretofore under their charge, respectively, under any act of the Province of Ontario; but any officer or employee em- l»loyed by any of the said boards in or about the construction '•r management of the said utilities shall be continued in '►(Bee until removed by the council, unless his engagement ooner terminates.

7. The council of the Corj)oration of the City of London ^°^®^^p,j -hall have tlir> authority and absolute control of the estimates, »"<! com-


he tax rail, the determining and decision as to various

works and the expenditure to be undertaken, and the deter- 29

mining of the appropriation and policies of all the commis- sions and the ]ia8sinp; of all by-laws required by The Muni- ripnl Arl. The Works Commissioners shall have the admin- istrative coiitii'I of all matters and powers as authorized by '/'he Municipal Art with respect to streets, bridges, sewers, and all other local im])rovement works, the garbage depart- ment, suburban roads and any other matter referred to them bv the council, but shall incur no expenditure whatever, without tirst having the approval and authority therefor from the council. The Finance Commissioners shall have admin- istrative control of all matters and powers as authorized by 2'he Mmiici'pal Act with respect to city property, printing, administration of justice, exhibitions, fire departments, licenses, legislation, railway matters, the market, franchise (piestions, industrial and reception matters, and any other matter referred to them by the council, but shall incur no expenditure whatever without first having the approval and authority therefor from the council. The Educational Com- missiouers shall have the administrative control of the public, high, and industrial schools, public library, recommendations with respect to the appointment of governors and senators, and the making of grants to the Western University, and generally of all educational matters as authorized by the several Educational Acts, and The Pnhlic Library Act, but shall incur no expenditure whatever, without first having the approval and authority therefor from the council. The Health Commissioners shall have the administrative control of Victoria Hospital, all health matters and all cases of charity as authorized or directed by the Act respecting the General Hospital of the City of London and amending Acts, The Public Health Act, and all other Acts relating thereto, but shall incur jio expenditure whatever, without first having the approval and authority therefor, from the council. The Public. Utilities Commissioners shall have the administrative control of all matters connected- with street lighting, the dis- tribution of power, light and water and shall have all the powers and duties of the Public Utilities Commission of the City of London, as authorized under the London Waterworks Act and amending Acts, The City of London Acts, and the several Utilities Acts, municipal fuel yard and such other utilities as may be referred to them by the council, but shall incur no expenditure whatever, without first having the approval and authority therefor from the council.

8. The commissions and council to be elected for the year 1920, in the manner aforesaid, and thereafter, shall possess and exercise all the powers and rights of the said council and commissions in section 7 hereof mentioned.

borTow*° ^- (^) The Corporation of the City of London may pass

$50,000 for a by-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $50,000 storm \q } J y •*- }

sewers. ^*

Exercise of powers.

and may issue debentures therefor for any period not exceed- ing thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, as the council of the said corporation may determine, to pay for the construction of storm sewers in the City of London, in the city proper.

(2) The Corporation of the City of London may pass a ^^t.^" *"""«». hy-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $50,000 and may issue debentures therefor for any period not exceed- ing thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, as the council of the said corporation may determine, to pay for the construction of a storm sewer system in west London.

10. The Corporation of the City of London may pass a boi^ow^° by-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $36,000 f(i]-$36,ooo for the Public Utilities Commission of the City of London, and

may issue debentures therefor for any period not exceeding- thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, as the council of the said corporation may determine, to pay for , certain necessary extensions and additions to the waterworks pumping plant and distribution system of the City of London.

11. The Corporation of the City of London may pass a Power to by-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $25,000 for $25,000 for the Public Utilities Commission of the City of London, andfighU)?ant. may issue debentures therefor for any period not exceeding

thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, as the council of the said corporation may determine, to pay for certain necessary extensions and additions to the distribu- tion system of the electric light plant of the City of London.

12. The Corporation of the City of London may pass a Power to by-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $200,000, and $2oo?o^o for may issue debentures therefor for any period not exceeding cuyhaii°'^ thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such

rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, aS the council of the said corporation may determine, to pay for the erection of a building on the site of the building on th( north side of Dundas Street, now occupied as a city hall, in the said city, to be used as a city hall.

13. Tt shall not be necessary that any of the by-laws for the Qfli^ctoln purposes mentioned in the next four preceding sections not required, shall be submitted to, or receive the assent of, the electors



of the said city. Imt nil the other |)in\ isions of The Mux Arl, ulilch are aj)j»licablc and which are not incon.si.-i. m with the j)rovisions of this Act, shall apply to the nai<i by-laws.

Irregularity i

In form not ^4^ -^^ irrcuiihui ty in the form of any of the debentuiv iiiv mIiIm!.. issued under the authority of this Act, or of any by-law

authorizing the issue thereof, shall render the same invalifl.

or be allowed as a defence to any action against the Corp.!;!

tidii (>{ the City of London foi- tlic i-o<'(i\(ry of rlic ainoimi Lliercof, or interest thereon, or any pan iherei'f.

nv-i:iw 15. By-law No. 5844 of the Corporation of the City ol

('o'nn'rmed. Loudou, passcd on the 20th day of January,. A.l). IIMI),

being a by-law to provide for borrowing $100,000 for the

purpose of erecting the Western University ^Todical School,

is confirmed and declared to be leual. valid and binding.

B-v-iaw 16. By-law No. .5848 of the Corporation of tho ( iv of

confirmed. Loudou, passcd ou the 20th (hiy (if danuary, A.l). I'lj'.'. being a by-law to provide for borrowing $50,000 for tho purpose of purchasing lands within the City of London for industrial sites, is confirmed and declared to be 'legal, valid and binding; and the Corporation of the City of London \>^ hereby authorized and empowered to purchase lands within the said City of London for industrial sites, and to sell tho same from time to time at such prices and upon such term- as to the council of the said corporation may, from tinu' t.) time, seem fit.

Proceeds of 17. Jt is hereby declared that the proceeds of the mort- mortgage to ^'^gc from The London and South-Eastern Railway ( Vmijiany of sinking to the Corporation of the City of London, received li\ 1.'


said corporation, forms part of the sinking funds of the -; corporation.

Short title. 18. This Act may be known and cited as The City of London Act, 1919.


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No. 29. 1919.


An Act Respecting the City of London.

WHEREAS tlic Corporation of the City of London linspieambie. prayed for s])e('ial legislation in respoct of tlie niattcM-s lu'roinafter set forth; and whereas it is desirable that By- laws Nos. 5844 and 5843 of the Corporation of the City of London should be confirmed; and whereas the said corpora- tion has asked for authority to issue debentures to the amount of $101,000, to cover the cost of certain works and improve- ments of an urgent and necessary character, and the sum of $200,000 to erect a building for a City Hall ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said ixtition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of, Ontario, enacts as follows: '

1. (1 ) The Corporation of the City of London may j>ii«"^J,';;,!pj;^^'' ;i by-law to borrow, and mav borrow, the sum of $50,000 ^'^o.'*"" r<"- ;ind may issue debentures thorctor tor any period not exceed- Bcwers. ing thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum, as the council of the said corporation may determine, to ])a\' for the construction of storm sewers in the City of Lender,, in the city proper.

(2) The Corporation of the (Uty of London may pass uUobcuturos. Ity-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $50,000 and may issue debentures therefor for any period not exceed- ing thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent, per annum. ^

as the council of the said corjioration may determine, to pay for the construction of a storm .sewer system in west London.

2 nil yi <• 1 /!• !• X 1 Power to

. I he ( orporation ot the ( ity ot London may pass abonow

by-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $36,000 forwatVi'wni'i<s,

the Public Utilities Commission of the City of London, and



may issue debentures therefor for any period not- ezoeedin;: thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at su<li rate of interest not exceeding six pj-r cent, per annum, as the council of the said corporation may determine, to pay for certain necessary extensions and additions to the waterwork.- pumping plant and distribution system of the City of London.

F'uvver to borrow $25,000 for electric ligrht plant.

3. The ('()rp()rati(»ii of the City of London may pass a by-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum of $25,000 for the Public Utilities Commission of the City of London, and may issue debentures therefor for any period not exceeding thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six per cent: per annum, as the council of the said corporation may determine, to pay for certain necessary extensions and additions to the distribu- tion system of the electric light plant of the City of London.

Power to borrow 1200.000 for erection of city hall.

4. The Coryx>rati()n of the City of London, Id^with the assent of the electors qualified to vote on money by-law^ may pass a by-law to borrow, and may borrow, the sum <>i $200,000. and may issue debentures therefor for any ])eriod not exceeding thirty years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest not exceeding six |>er cent, per annum, as the council of the said corjwration may determine, to pay for the erection of a building on the site of the build- ing on the north side oi Dundas Street, now occupied as a city hall, in the said city, to be nsed as a city halL

Assent of



5. Tt shall not be necessary that any of the by-laws for the t requifed. purposes mentioned in the next four preceding sections I shall be submitted to, or receive the assent of, the electors | of the said city, but all the other provisions of The Municipal Act, which are applicable and which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall apply to the said by-laws.

Irregularity in form not to invalidate.

By-law No. 5844 confirmed.

6. I^o irregularity in the form of any of the debentures issued under the authority of this Act, or of any by-law authorizing the issue thereof, shall render the same invalid, or be allowed as a defence to any action against the Corpora- tion of the City of London for the recovery of the amount thereof, or interest thereon, or any part thereof.

7. By-law No. 5844 of the Corporation of the City of London, passed on the 20th day of January. A.D. 1919. being a by-law to provide for borrowing $100,000 for the purpose of erecting the Western University Medical School, is confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding.



8. By-law 'No. 5843 of the Corporation of the City ofg>;;i|w^ London, passed on the 20th day of January, A.D. 1919. confirmed, being a by-law to provide for Joorrowing $50,000 for the ^

purpose of purchasing lands within the City of London for industrial sites, is confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding; and the Corporation of the City of London is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase lands within" the said City of London for industrial sites, and to sell the same from time to time at such prices and upon such terms as to the council of the said corporation may, from time to rime, seem fit, J^^provided that no land sliall be sold by the -aid corporation for less than the ra>\ of if to tlie said cor- poration.'

9. It is hereby declared tliat the proceeds of the mort-j;'"^^^^"^ gage from The London and South-Eastern Eailway Company ^^J^^^f^^^.^ '"^ to the Corporation of the City of London, received by the of sinking said corporation, forms part of the sinking funds of the said corporation.

10. This Act may be known and cited as Thr ('Hi/ o/^'^^''^ ^*^"'- London Act, 1919.


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No. 30. 1919.


An Act respecting the Township of York.

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the sixth year of tlieP'«^"">»^^ reign of His Majesty King George V, chapter 100, the Municipal Council of the Township of York was em- powered to pass by-laws to construct, maintain and operate systems of waterworks over any defined sections or areas of the said township and for the other purposes set out in the said Act; and whereas the said corporation has, by its petition, prayed for the passing of an Act to amend the aforesaid Act; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 5 of An Act respecting the Township of Yorh,^^QQ-^\ passed in the sixth year of the reign of His Majesty, Kiii<faniended. George V, chaptered 100, is amended by adding thereto the following words:

Provided that it shall not be necessary to obtain the approval of The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board to any by-laws passed under the provi- sions of The Local Improvement Act, pursuant to clauses (c) and (d) of section 1 of this Act or to any debentures issued In pmsiiiinco thereof.

Unless specially provided by by-law of the said cor- Join o^

r mains reet

poration, the putting down of water mains or service pi pes ^j^'^^^ on any streets laid out on a registered plan or on land used "o<^ to bo as a highway and the assessing of the costs of such water assumption, mains or service pipes against the lands fronting and abntt-wayLf^" ing thereon and the collection of the rates therefor, shall not be deemed an assumption of the said streets or lands as highways of the municipality.


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No. 30. 1919.


An Act respecting the Township of York.

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the sixth year of the^'^^'"'^'^- reign of His Majesty King George V, chapter 100, he Mnnicipal Council of the Township of York was em- powered to pass by-laws to construct, maintain and operate systems of waterworks over any defined sections or areas of the said township and for the other purposes set out ill the said Act; and whereas the said corporation has, by ils petition, prayefl for the passing of an Act to amend the aforesaid Act; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, r-nacts as follows:

1. Section 5 of An Act reapecting the Townslil}) of ForZr,6Geo. v, passed in the sixth year of the reign of His Majesty, Kinga'mended. (reorge V. chaptered 100, is amended by adding thereto the following words :

Provided that i( shall not be necessary to obtain the approval of The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board to any by-laws passed under the provi- sions of The Local Improvement Act, pursuant to clauses (c) and {d) of section 1 of this Act or to any debentures issued in pursiKnicc thereof.

|^^2. The said Act is amended by adding the following as section 4<i:-

I^^4rr. The putting down of water mains, service pipes, ^"^"ng

hydrants, stopcocks, or other appliances by the water mains

•J +• X / 1 1 i. on street

said corporation on any streets laid out on anottobo registered plan or on land used as a highwayflllTmJtT.In iind the jusscsrsing of the costs of such^ays*'^ water mains, service pipes, hydrants, stopcocks or other appliances against the lauds fronting and abutting thereon and the collection of the rates therefor, shall not be deemed an assumption of the said streets or lands highways of the municipality. ~



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No. 31. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Gait.

WHEEEAS the Corporation of the City of Gait ha8, by Preamble. its petition, represented that it has, by a by-law nurn- bered 1.532 of said city, duly passed after it had been ap- proved by a majority of the electors, ])rovided for the issue of debentures to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars " ($15,000,00), bearing interest at five and one-half per cent, per annum, and payable in fifteen annual instalments dur- ing the fifteen years next after the time when the same are issued, for the purpose of providing a Soldiers' Memorial Home in the City of Gait, to be known as " The Gait Soldiers' Memorial Home," and by the said by-law has authorized the execution on behalf of the city of an agreement with the Gait branch of the Great War Veterans' Associa- tion, setting forth the terms on which the moneys to be realized by the sale of such debentures should be disbursed by the city and the said memorial home held by tlie said .\s80ciation ; and whereas the said corporation has, by its petition, prayed for an Act ratifying and confirming tlie said by-law and the said agreement ; and whereas it is ex- pedioTit to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacta as follows :

1. By-law No. 1532 of the City of Gait, aullimizine theNo.'KL>. to issue of debentures to provide a Soldiers' Ar(iiiori;il Homei^i'n^.'X .'

,•1 /->(• /• n 1 11 /. 115,000 tor

m the I ity of dnlt and the execution of an agreement be-So'diers' tween the r'itv ,,f Gait and the Gait branch of the Great Home.' Jt... War Veterans' Association, setting forth the terms on which *^°"*' '""'*''• the moneys to be realized by the sale of such debentures shall be disbursed and the said memorial home held by the said association, as passed by the council of the Corporation of the City of Gait on the third day of February, 1919, and set out in Schedule "1 " to this Act is hereby confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon the Cor- poration of the City of Gait and the ratepayers thereof and 31

the agreement referred to as Schedule " A " of the said by-law shall, when executed by the parties thereto, be legal, \alid and binding upon the Corporation of the City of Gait and. the ratepayers thereof and upon the Gait branch of the Great War Veterans' Association.

conflrma- ^- '^^® debentures issued or to be issued under the said

debentures bv-law hv th(> said City of Gait and the rates and assess- nionts to lie mnde and <'oller;ted for the purpose of meeting the pnyniciiN in lie iiiado in respect of the said debentures as pr<i\ i(l('<l tor ill ilir ;iiil by-law are hereby declared to be legal. \;i]i(l aihl hiniliim- ii|,>()n the corporation.


Hy-L.\w No, 1532 OF THE City of Gaj.t.

To authorize the issue of debentures for the sum of $15,000, to be used to provide a Soldiers' Memorial Home in the City of Gait.

Whereas it is proposed to provide a home for returned soldiers to be located in the City of Gait and to be known as " The Gait Soldiers' Memorial Home";

And whereas it is desirable for the City of Gait to issue deben- tures for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars bearing interest at the rate of five and a half per cent, per annum, which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law;

And whereas it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of fifteen years of such amounts respectively that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount so payable for principal and interest in each of the other years;

And whereas it will be necessary to raise annually the sura of $ during a period of fifteen years to pay the said yearly

sums of principal and interest as they become due.

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the municipality according to the last revised 'assessment roll Ir $7,632,561.00:

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the corporation (exclusive of local Improvement debentures secured by special rates or assessments) is $1,036,754.71, and no part of the principal or interest is in arrear;

Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Gait enacts as follows:

1. That for the purpose aforesaid there shall be borrowed the sum of $15,000 and debentures shall be Issued therefor In sums of not less than $100 each, bearing Interest at the rate of five and a half per cent, per annum and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of tbe Interest.

2. The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the date on which this by-law is passed and




$825 00

$1,494 39

788 19

1,494 39

749 35

1,494 39

708 37

1,494 39

665 14

1,494 39

619 53

1,494 39

571 43

1,494 39

520 65

1.494 39

467 10

1,494 39

410 59

1,494 39

350 99

1,494 39

288 10

1,494 39

221 75

1,494 39

151 75

1,494 39

77 91

1,494 39

may bear any date within audi two years and shall be payable in (Ifteen annual instalments during the fifteen years next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of the principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as follows:

No. Principal.

1 $669 39

2 706 20

3 •• 745 04

4 786 02

5 829 25

6 874 86

7 922 96

8 973 74

9 1,027 29

10 1.083 80

11 1,143 40

12 1,206 29

13 1,272 64

14 1,342 64

15 1,416 48

3. The debentures as to both principal and interest shall be pay- able in gold and may be payable at any place or places in Canada or the United States.

4. The debentures shall be signed by the mayor and treasurer of the said corporation and shall be sealed with the corporate seal of the said corporation. The interest coupons attached to the said debentures shall be signed by the treasurer of the said corporation and his signature may be printed, stamped, lithographed or en- graved.

5. During fifteen years, the currency of the debentures, the sum of $1,494.39 shall b^ raised annually for the payment of the said debt and Interest and shall be levied and raised annually by a special rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all I he rateable i)roperty in the municipality at the pnme time and in the same manner as other rates.

6. The money realized by the sale of such debentures shall be used for file purpose aforesaid and for no other purpose.

7. The said debentures may contain any clause providing for the registration thereof authorized by any statute relating to muni- cipal debentures in force at the time of the issue thereof.

8. The mayor and clerk of the municipality are hereby authorized to sign and execute the agreement between the municipality and the Great War Veterans' Association hereto annexed as Sched- ule " A," and the clerk is hereby authorized to affix the corporate seal of the municipality thereto, and said agreement shall form part of this by-law and be effective and binding upon the city corporation after its execution as if it formed a part of this by-law.

9. This by-law shall not take effect unless and until fho s;\i(l association has become Incorporated and qualified to hold real estate and enter into binding agreements in Its corporate name.

Finally passed this day of , 1918.




sen Hint./: .1."

Memorundum of agreement made in duplicate this day of

, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen,


The Great War Veterans Association, Gait Branch, hereinafter called the " Association " of the first part,


The Municipal Corporation of the City of Gait, hereinafter called the " Coi-poration " of the second part.

Whereas the said Association is desirous of providing a home for returned soldiers who have been 'honourably discharged and wno, prior to their having enlisted or having been drafted, were or who may become residents of Gait, and the Corporation has agreed to Issue its debentures for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars and apply the moneys realized by the sale thereof for the purpose of providing such a home.

Now this agreement wltnesseth:

1. That the said Association will, before the first day of , 1920, purchase or erect and furnish a home for returned soldiers at a cost approximating $15,000.

2. That the said Home shall be situated within the limits of the Corporation of the City of Gait and shall be called " The Gait Soldiers' Memorial Home " and shall be for the benefit of returned soldiers from Gait, or who may become residents of Gait, who have been honourably discharged.

3. That the said Association may select the property to be used for such home and may build, enlarge, repair and furnish a premises suitable for the purpose aforesaid, but shall not expend thereon any sum in excess of the sum realized from the sale of such debentures unless such sum in excess is assured from sources other than the corporation.

1. That the property .shall be conveyed to and until said Home is completed and furnished shall be held by the Corporation, which will disburse tlie sum realized by the sale of such debentures in payment of the property on the order of the A.ssociation, provided the value of the property will warrant such disbursements.

5. That on tiie said Home being completed and furnished ready for occupation and fit for the purpose for which it is intended and it being shown that it is free from all lien or charge or liability thereto, the Corporation will convey the property to the Association, or to trustees for the Association, subject to the provisos and conditions hereinafter mentioned.

6. That the property shall be held in trust by the Great War Veterans Association, or its successors, as a home for returned soldiers from Gait, or who may become residents of Gait, who have been honourably discharged.

7. That the property shall at all times be kept in repair and suitable for the purpose aforesaid.

8. That the property shall not be sold nor shall it be mortgaged or encumbered by any lien or charge.

9. Should the property not be kept in repair and in good condi- tion and not be so managed as to be suited for the purpose of a soldiers' home, or should it not be used for that purpose for a period of six months It shall without move revert to the corpora- tion.

10. That the property shall be exempt from taxation except for school taxes and local improvement rafes for a period of years.




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Legii 191i





Bill 32. 1919.


An Act respecting the Cit}^ of Guelph.

WMI^liKAS tlie Corporation of the City of Guelph has. Preamble, bv its petition, represented that in order to place the said corporation in the same position as other municipal corporations under the provisions of The Municipal Act with respect to annual rates of taxation it is desiix)us of having repealed that part of section 11, 1 Edward VII, chapter 53, which prohibits the council of said corporation to assess, levy or collect in any one year on the whole rate- able proi>erty within the said city, a rate higher in the aggregate than fifteen mills on the dollar on the assessed value thereof, exclusive of school and local improvement rates; and whereas it has also represented by the said peti- , tion that an agreement was entered into between the Muni- cipiil Corfjoratioii of the City of Guelph, the Municipal Cor- poration (.f the Township of Guelph and the Lord Bisho]") of Niagara and the Rector and Church Wardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, with reference to the management by a commission of the Guelj)h cemetery, and that it is deemed proper and expedient by the j)arties thereto that the Slid agreement should be validated and confirmed with such powers and provisions as may be necessary in the premises; and whereas it is also represented that the watermains in the said city are in many cases laid along properties, the owners of which do not take water or pay anything to the revenue of the waterworks or the sinking funds or interest on the debentures issued by the municipality therefor, although such properties are iticrcasofl in value Ihoreby, and that in consequence thereof the -cncral waw r lalcs are higher than they otherwise would be, and that there is now no effective way of charging any unpaid special rates against the pro- perties benefited by watermains, and that it desires legisla- tion to authorize the council of the said corporation to levy and collect a special rate upon all properties fronting on streets, lanes and alleys upon which watermains are laid, and to provide that all special rates shall be a lien on all pro- perties served with mains and with the right of distress and •^ale of said lands as in the case of taxes in arrear and im-



paid ; and whereas it is also represented 'that the Board ol Light and Heat Commissioners of the City of Guelph have represented to the said council that the gas mains in the said city are in many cases laid along properties, the owners of which do not take gas or pay anything to the revenue of the gas works or sinking funds or interest on the deben- tures issued by the municipality therefor, although such ])roperties are increased in value thereby, and that in con- sequence thereof the general gas rates are higher than they otherwise would be, and that there is now no effective way of charging any unpaid special rates against the properties benefited by mains and it desires legislation to authorize the said Board of Light and Heat Commissioners to levy and collect a special rate upon all properties fronting on streets, lanes and alleys u])on which gas mains are laid, and to provide that all special rates shall be a lien on all pro- perties served with mains and with the right of distress and sale of said lands as in the case of taxes in arrear and unpaid; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:,

1 Edw. VII, c. 53. «. 11, repealed.

1. Section 11 of The Guelph Debt Consolidation Act, 1901, I Edward VII, chapter 53, is repealed and the follow- ing enacted in lieu thereof:

11. The amount set forth in Schedule " A " hereof shall be a first charge on the rates to be levied annually by the council of the Municipal Cor- poration of the City of Guelph.

Agreement re manage- ment of Guelph Cemetery by Com- mission confirmed.

2. The agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph, the jMunicipal Corjioration of the Town- ship of Guelph and the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Church Wardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, dated December 14th, 1918, a copy of which agreement is set out in Schedule " A " to this Act, is hereby validated and confirmed.

ti'on 0?°^^^ 3. The commission referred to in the said agreement may

commission, be established in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein and uix>n such establishment shall be a body corporate and politic under the name of The Guelph Cemetery Commission, and shall have all the powers and privileges and be subject to all the terms and conditions mentioned in the said agreement.


i »

4. The Cemetery Act shall apply to The Guelph Cemetery ^^^ppy^at ion Commission and the trustees thereof and to the lands held stat.. c. 26i. from time to time for cemetery purposes by the said commis- sion, save as is herein otherwise specially enacted.

5. Upon the establishment of the said commission and ^'^gfg^jj''i^ without any conveyance or assignment, there shall be vested '■"'^"""'^sio"- in it for its purposes all the estate and interest of the parties

to the said agreement in all funds, securities, money, chat- tels, personal property, toofls and appliances preferred to therein then held by them in connection with the said cem- etery or cemetery lands.

6. The conditions, stipulations and provisions contained X.^P^"'^^

1 i T-v 1 /■ "^ terms

in a certain conveyance dated December 26th, 1853, fromof con- one William Clark, referred to in the said agreement to the of certain .Municipality of the Town of Guelph and the Municipality ^^"**^' of the Township of Guelph and in a certain other conveyance dated Doceniber 2()th, 1858. from the said William Clark to the Right Reverend John Lord Bishop of Toronto, of the said cemetery lands in so far as they are at variance with the ])rovisions of the said agreement, shall be null and void and of no effect.

7. The councils of the Corporation of the City of Guelphr^a^tfto^ and the Corporation of the Township of Guelph shall levy '"g®®^' ^^^;^ iind collect annually upon the taxable ])roperty subject to commission. taxation for general purposes of all persons, firms or cor- porations in the said municipalities assessed as public school supporters in the annual assessment rolls of the respective municipalities such sums as may be required by the com- mission for its purposes and shall pay the same to the treasurer of the commission from time to time as may Ibe required by the commission. The sum to be required annu- ally by the commission from the said municipalities shall

not exceed $2,000 and shall be provided by the City of Cuelph and Township of Guelph in proportion to the Pro- testant population of the respective municipalities as de- termined as aforesaid by the said assessment rolls.

8. n) Subject to subsection 2 hereof, the council of?Pe<=**'

the City of Guelph shall have power, by by-law to be passed land

by it, to levy and charge a special rate upon the several o^abi'tfinfr

lands, lots or parts, of lots, whether occupied or vacant, ^"akis!^'^

fronting or abutting upon all streets, lanes and alleys in the

said municipality upon which water mains from which the

city is willing to supply water are laid, which special rate

shall be an annual rate according to the frontage of the said

lands, lots or parts of lots, which rate shall not exceed five

rents per foot for such frontage, subject to the same discount


for prompt payment as shall bo allo\v<il in respect of ordin- ary water rates for domostic use, and may, by by-law of the council, be changed from time to time as the council may determine; and the said council may provide an equitable mode of assessing corner lots, triangular and other irregu- larly shaped pieces of land or lands unfit for building pur- poses where the council deems it inequitable to assees the full frontage thereof, or to assess at as high a rate as other land fronting on any street; provided that if the sum, rate or rent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of water shall be less than such special rate for the same period, the corporation shall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the sum, rate or rent so charged on account of the said special rate authorized in this section, and provided also that if the sum, rate or rent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of water shall, for the same period be greater than, or equal to, the said special rate, the corpora- tion shall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the amount of said special rate on account of the said sum, rate or charge.

Measure- ment of frontages.

(2) The engineer for the time being of the Corporation of the City of Guelpli shall make the measurements of the frontages for the purposes hereof, in cases where the front- ages of the lands, lots or parts of lots have not, in the judgment of the council, been properly set out in the city assessment roll.

fpe^da!"*"^ (3) The said special rate shall be payable at the time or rate. times during the year, fixed by the council for payment

thereof, and until paid shall be a lien and charge upon the lands, tenements, lots or parts of lots against which the same are charged or assessed, and arrears of such special rates may, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the time of default in payment, be levied and collected in like manner as municipal rates and taxes are collectable.

Special rate on land fronting or abutting on gas mains.

9. (1) Subject to subsection 2 hereof, the Board of Light and Heat Commissioners of the City of Guelph shall have power, by by-law to be passed by it, to levy and charge a special rate upon the several lands, lots or parts of lots, whether occupied or vacant, fronting or abutting upon all streets, lanes and alleys in the said municipality upon which gas mains from which the Board of Light and Heat Com- missioners is willing to supply gas are laid, which special rate shall be an annual rate according to the frontage of the said lands, lots or parts of lots, which rate shall not exceed five cents per foot for such frontage, subject to the same discount for prompt payment as shall be allowed in respect-


of ordinary gas rates for domestic use, and may, by by-law of the said board, be changed from time to time as the com- missioners may determine; and that the said board may provide an equitable mode of assessing corner lots, triangular and other irregularly shaped pieces of land or lands unfit for building purposes where the board deems it inequitable to assess the full frontage thereof, or to assess at as high a rate as other land fronting on any street; provided that if the sum, rate or rent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of gas shall be less than such special rate for the same period, the said board shall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the sum, rate or rent so charged on account of the said special rate authorized in this section, and provided also that if the sum, rate or rent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of gas shall, for the same j)eriod be greater than, or equal to, the said special rate, the said board shall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the amount of said special rate on account of the said sum, rate or charge.

I (2) The by-law for the said special rate shall not be^PP^ovai^ finally passed by the said board until it has been submitted to by-law. to and received the approval of the majority of all the members of the municipal council of the said city at a regular meeting thereof.

(8) The said IJoard of Li,<;lii and Heat Commissioners, Measure- by by-law Im 111- ])assc(l hy it, shall also have power to employ frontages, such person ;is tlioy think j)r()per to make the measuremenrs of frontages for the purposes hereof, in cases where the frontages of lands, lots or parts of lots have not, in thd judgment of the said board, been properly set out in the city assessment roil, and to fix the compensation of the said" person.

(4) The said special rate shall be payable at the time Payment and times during each year, fixed by the said board for pay- rate^^*^ '* ment thereof, and until paid shall be a lien and charge upon the lands, tenements, lots or parts of lots against which the same are charged or assessed, and arrears of such special rates may. with Inforcst thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per aiiiiuiii. fidiii the time of default in payment, be levied and (•dIIccU'cI in like manner as municipal taxes and rates are recoverable.



Meniorundum of agreement made in quadruplicate tliig 14th dH> of December, 1918,

Retween :

The Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph, hereinafter called " the City," of the first part;

The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Guelph, herein- after called ".the Township," of the second part,


The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, hereinafter called the parties of the third part.

Whereas the city and the township own the cemetery lands in the Township of Guelph. known as The Guelpli Union Cemetery, and more particularly described in schedule hereunto annexed marked " A " and the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Niagara owns the cemetery lands adjacent to the said Guelph Union Ceme- tery more particularly described in schedule hereunto annexed marked " B," subject to the uses and upon the trusts that the same are to be used as and for a cemetery belonging to St. George's Church, Guelph;

And whereas the said cemetery lands were conveyed to the city and township, and to the predecessor in title of the said lx)rd Bishop respectively by two certain conveyances dated 26th Decem- ber, 18r)3, made by William Clark, late of the Town of Guelph, in the County of Wellington, Esquire, deceased, subject to the pro- visions and conditions set out in the said conveyance;

And whereas by an arrangement with the Rector and Church- wardens of St. George's Church, Guelph. the city and township obtained a conveyance to them of the land more particularly de- scribed in schedule hereto annexed marked " C " which conveyance is dated the fifth day of January, 1901, and is from Peter Gokey and wife to the said city and township, and on which land is a spring of water;

And whereas by an agreement dated the 26th day of March, 1904, made between the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph. and the said city and township, the said rector and churchwardens agreed to pay (and have since paid) one-third of the total cost of securing the said spring and land and erecting a windmill and tanks for the purpose of supplying water to the said cemeteries and of erecting the tie-rails and posts outside the fence of the said cemeteries, and in consideration whereof the said rector and churchwardens and their successors were declared to be owners of one undivided third of said land, mill, tank and apparatus;

And whereas it has been agreed between the parties hereto that all the said cemetery lands shall be maintained and managed by a commission to be created for the purpose of managing, and main- taining the said cemetery lands as one cemetery as hereinafter set out.

Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth that in consideration of the premises, and of the mutual agreements of the parties hereto herein contained, they, the said parties hereto, do hereby covenant and agree each with the other of them as follows:


1. A cemetery commission shall be created for the purpose of maintaining and managing the said cemetery lands as qne ceme- tery to be called The Guelph Cemetery as hereinafter set out, and the said commission shall consist of six (6) members of whom two (2) shall be appointed by the Council of the City of Guelph, two (2) by the Council of the Township of Guelph, and two (2) by a joint meeting of the Incumbents and Churchwardens of all the churches of the Church of England in Canada, which are or here- after may be situated within the boundaries of the City or Town- ship of Guelph. Such joint meeting shall be called by the Church- wardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, by written notice mailed at least three days previously to the others entitled to attend such meeting, at which four shall constitute a quorum. No member of The Roman Catholic Church or of the Church of England in Canada shall be eligible for appointment to said commission by the Council of the City or of the Township of Guelph. The mem- bers of the said commission shall hold office for three years, but shall be eligible for reappointment. The said commission shall be a corporation by the name of The Guelph Cemetery Commission, which shall have the management and control of the said cemetery and of all land, money, and personal property in connection there- with. The commission shall be capable of receiving and taking from any person or body corporate by grant, gift, devise or other- wise, any real or personal property whatsoever for the use, sup- port, or purposes of the corporation and without license in mort- main and all persons and bodies corporate shall have full and. un- restricted right and power to give, grant, devise and bequeath to the corporation any real or personal property whatsoever.

2. It is the intention that after the appointment of the said commission the whole of the said cemetery lands described in schedules hereto annexed and marked " A," " B," and " C " re- spectively shall be managed and maintained as one cemetery to be called The Guelph Cemetery except in regard to the interment of members of the Church of England and their friends and relatives as hereinafter set out, and the Rector and Churchwardens of St.

. George's Church, Guelph, shall be forever freed from all payments referred to in said agreement dated March 26th, 1904.

3. At the time this agreement becomes operative by the said commission taking over the management of the said cemetery as hereinbefore set out, there shall be transferred, assigned to. and vested in the said commission all funds, securities, moneys, chat- tels and personal property then belonging to the parties of the first and second parts in connection with the said cemetery lands and the moneys of the said St. George's Church now in hand in connection with the said St. George's Cemetery amounting to ?490 40 and all tools and appliances and all further moneys, if any. of the said St. George's Church, which shall at the time the said airreement becomes operative as aforesaid be in hand in connection with the said St. George's Cemetery.

4. The said cemetery and all the real and personal property, revenues, expenditures, business and affairs in connection there- with. Including the making of rules and regulations tliereof. shall be under the government and management of the said commission.

5. It is understood and agreed that no persons other than mem- bers of the Church of England shall be interred in that part of the said cemetery now known as St. George's Cemetery and de- scribed in Schedule " B " hereto annexed except with the per- mission in writing of the Incumbent and Churchwardens of St. George's Church. Guelph. excent that all members of the Church of England now owninc lots or plots in the said St. George's Cemetery, or who may hereafter acquire lots or plots therein, and the friends and relatives of such members, may be interred in the said St. George's Cemetery, but all interments therein whatsoever



Rball be made according to the rite8 of the Church of England in Canada and no other rites, ministrations or services shall at any time \.liaf«oever be permitted therein except with the consent in writing of the Incumbent and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Quelpb.

6. In case the cemetery landw now known as St. George's Ceme- tery and more particularly described in schedule hereto annexed marked " B " shall at any future time not afford room therein for further interments or for the sale of any more lots or plots, and in case the said commission sliall have purchased or otherwise acquired lands other than those more particularly described in said schedules and for the purpose of Interments therein free of any or all restrictions set out in regard to interments in that part of the said cemetery now known as St. George's Cemetery and which are set out in paragraph five (5) hereof, it shall be the duty of said commission if and when requested by the members thereof appointed by such joint meeting to forthwith purchase or acquire further and suitable land equal in area to one-fourth of the lands so purchased or acquired and such lands shall be conse- crated and set apart as said St. George's Cemetery has been con- secrated and set apart and shall be subject to all. the restrictions contained in said paragraph numbered five (5) hereof as if it had always formed part of said St. George's Cemetery, and so on from time to time as the lands which become become subject to the restrictions of paragraph numbered five (5) hereof no longer afford room therein for further interments or for the sale of any more lots or plots.

7. The said commission shall have power to ask for and shall be entitled to receive an annual appropriation for the maintenance and upkeep of the said cemetery from the city and the township, but not exceeding the annual sum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars to be provided by the city and township respectively in proportion to the Protestant population of the city and the township respect- ively from time to time, the said appropriation to be collected by taxation from the Protestant ratepayers of the city and township in the proportion aforesaid.

8. The moneys in the hands of any person or corporation for the purpose of expending the same or the interest thereon upon that part of the said cemetery now known as St. George's Cemetery, or upon any part thereof or upon any lots, plots or graves therein, may be handed over to the said commission which shall expend the same, or invest the principal and expend the interest thereon, as nearly as possible in accordance with the intentions of the respective donors.

9. The moneys in the hands of The Gnelnh Union Cemetery Com- mittee for perpetual unkeeti shall be expended for special care and attention as may be decided by the said commission to the burial plots of those parties who have contributed to the said fund.

10. The conditiort'?. stirviilntinns pnfl nrovisions container! In flip conveyances from the said William Clark of the said cemetery land? liereinhefore mentioned in so far ps thev are at variance with the provisions of this agreement shall be niill and void and of no effect.

11. flave as aforesaid it shall be the duty of the said commission to maVe no distinction or discrimination whatsoever by way of exnenditnre of money or otherw^ise. in the ranintenance. imnrnve- ment an*^ manaeement of the said cemeterv to he kno^-n as The Guelnh Cemetery bet-ween the part or narts thereof which shall he suhlect to the restrictions contained in narasrranh nnmbered five (5) hereof, and any other nart or narts used or to be used for the nurnose of interments therein hut not subject to said restric- tions, and all parts of said cemetery used or to be used for the



purpose of interments therein shall be maintained, improved and managed alike without any distinction or discrimination whatso- ever save always as hereinbefore provided, and any of the parties hereto, or their respective successors, shall have the right, without l)rejudice to any other rights they might otherwise have, to com- mence action or suit in the Supreme Court of Ontario against the said commission to compel it to rectify any said distinction or dis- crimination complained of, and upon proof thereof the said court shall order or adjudge that the said commission shall rectify such distinction or discrimination if and so far as possible and in order to carry into effect the true intent and meaning of this agreement, and in the same or in a separate action or suit which may be brought by any of the parties hereto, or their successors, against the said commission it shall be the duty of the said court upon proof of a breach by the commission of any of the terms or condi- tions of this agreement to make any order or pronounce any judg- ment it shall deem meet in order to carry out the true intent and meaning of this agreement and to remedy the breach if and as far MS possible.

12. A special Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario .shall be obtained for the purpose of validating this agreement and effectuating the intention thereof, and if such Act be not passed on or before the thirtieth day of June, 1920, this agreement shall he null and void and of no effect.


13. The said commission shall have all the rights and powers conferred upon the owner of a cemetery by The Cemetery Art

fR.S.O., Cap. 261).

In witness whereof the mayor and clerk of the city and the reeve and clerk of the township have hereunto set their hands and affixed the corporate seals of the said corporations and the parties of the third part have hereunto set their hands and seals.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of

(Sgd.) L. M. SWATZE.

as to execution by the City of Guelph.

(Sgd.) John L. Cartkr

as to execution by the Town- ship of Guelph.

(Sgd.) ETdward Renwick.

as to execution by The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Niagara.

(Sgd.) Henry Howitt

as to execution by the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph.

John Neustead, Mayor.

(Sgd.) T. J. Moore. City Clerk.

(Sgd.) H. D. Cameron, Reeve.

(Sgd.) Wm. Laxdlaw,

City Clerk.

(Sgd.) Wtluam Niagara.

(Sgd.) G. F. Sewel. (Seal.) Rector of St. George's Church. Guelph.

(Sgd.) F. Graessui-. (Seal.)

(Sgd.) W. H. Jones. (Seal.)

Churchwardens of St. George's

Church, Guelph.

Schedule " A " referred to in the annexed agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph. of the first patt. the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Guelph, of the second part, and The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, of the third part.



All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises with the appurtenances situate, lying and being in the Township of Guelph, In the County of Wellington, and being composed of the north-westerly part of lots numbers thirty-one and thirty-two in Division " A " of the Township of Guelph aforesaid and con- taining by admeasurement thirty acres of land be the same more or less; and which said parcel or tract of land may be better known and described as follows, that is to say: Commencing at the dis- tance of twelve chains and fifty links from the northerly angle of said lot number thirty-two on a course therefrom of south forty- live degrees west thence continuing the same course (south forty- five degrees west) eleven chains seventy-six links to a stake; thence south forty-five degrees east sixteen chains fifty links to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees east twenty-four chains twenty-six links more or less to the Woolwich Road; thence north forty-five degrees west eight chains fifty links to a stake; thence south forty-five degrees west eight chains fifty links to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees west eight chains fifty links to a stake; thence south forty-five degrees west twelve chains fifty links to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees west eight chains more or less to the place of beginning.

Schedule " B " referred to in the annexed agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph, of the first part, the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Guelph, of the second part, and The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Churchwardens of St, George's Church, Guelph, of the third part

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises with the appurtenances situate, lying and being in the Township of Guelph, in the County of Wellington aforesaid, being composed of the northerly part of lots numbers thirty-one and thirty-two in Division " A " of the said Township of Guelph, containing by ad- measurement ten acres of land be the same more or less and butted and bounded and otherwise known as follows, that is to say: Commecing at the northerly angle of the said lot number thirty- two thence south forty-five degrees west twelve chains fifty links to a stake thence south forty-five degrees east eight chains to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees east twelve chains fifty links more or less to the Woolwich Road, thence north forty-five degrees west eight chains more or less to the place of beginning, containing ten acres of land be the same more or less as aforesaid.

Schedule " C " referred to in the annexed agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph, of the first part, the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Guelph, of the second part, and The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, of the third part.

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises in the Township of Guelph, in the County of Wellington, being part of lot number thirty-three in Division " A " in the Township afore- said more particularly described in the conveyance thereof from Peter Gokey and wife to the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Guelph and dated the 5th January, 1901.




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Bill 32. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Guelph.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Giielph has, Preamble, by its petition, represented that in order to place the said corporation in the same position as other municipal corporations nnder the provisions of The Municipal Act with respect to annual rates of taxation it is desirous of having repealed that part of section 11, 1 Edward VII, chapter 53, which prohibits the council of said corporation to assess, levy or collect in any one year on the whole rate- able property Avithin the said city, a rate higher in the aggregate than fifteen mills on the dollar on the assessed value thereof, exclusive of school and local improvement rates; and whereas it has also represented by the said peti- tion that an agreement was entered into between the Muni- '•i[)al Corporation of the City of Guelph, the Municipal Cor- |)oration of the Township of Guelph and the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Church Wardens of St. f forge's Churcli. Cnolph, with reference to the management l).y a commission of the Guelph cemetery, and that it is deemed proper and expedient by the parties thereto that the said agreement should be validated and confirmed with such powers and provisions as may be necessary in the premises ; mid whereas it is also represented that the watermains in the said city are in many cases laid along properties, the owners of which do not take water or pay anything to the revenue "t the waterworks or the' sinking funds or interest on the debentures issued bv the municipality therefor, although such properties are increased in value thereby, and that in 'Msequence thereof the genera)] water rates are higher than tlicy otherwise would be, and that there is now no effective way of charging any unpaid special rates against the pro- perties benefited by watermains, and that it desires legisla- (ion to authorize the council of the said corporation to levy :irul collect a special rate upon all properties fronting on streets, JaiH^ and alleys upon which watermains are laid, and to provide that all special rates shall be a lien on all pro- I'Tties served with mains and with the right of distress and silo of said lands .is in flu* cMse of taxes in arrear and un-


paid ; and whereas it is also rej)resented that the Board oi Light and Heat Commissioners of the City of Guelph have represented to the said ronncil that the gas mains in the said city are in many cases hiid along properties, the owners of which do not take gas or pay anything to the revennc of the gas works or sinking funds or interest on tiie deben- tnres issued hy tJK; iniinicipality thc^refor, although such properties arc increased in value thereby, antl that in eon- seipienco therecd' the general gas rates are higher than they otherwise woiiM l)c, and (hat tliere is n<»w no effec^tive way of charging any unpaid sprvial rates against the properties benefited by mains and it desires legislation to authorize the said Board id" i^ight and Heat (Vunmissioners to levy and eollect a special rate u[)on all |)ropertie8 fronting on streets, lanes and alleys u\)ou which gas mains are laid, and to provide that all sptx-ial rates shall be a lien on all pro pertics served with nniins jind with the right of distress and sale of said lands ,i in tlic fjisc >>\' taxes in arrear and nn])iiid; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:;

1 Edw. VIT. c. 53, s. 11, repealed.

1. Section 11 of The (htelpli Dehi Consolidation Act.

100 J, T Edward VH. chaptci' :..".. i~ i(>pf;ilf'd :ind the follow- ing enacted in lien thereof:

11. The amount set forth in vSchedule "A" hereof shall be a first charge on the rates to be levied annually by the council of the Municipal .Cor-

y>oration of the City of Cnelph.

Agreement re manage- ment of (lUelph Cemetery by Com- mission confirmed.

2. The agreement between the Municipal Corporation f>f the City of Guelph. the Municipal Corporation of the Town- ship of Guelph and the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Bector and Church Wardens of St. George's Church, Guelpb, dated December 14tb, 1918. a copy of which agreement is set out in Schedule " A " to this Act, is hereby validated and confirmed.

tion of*^''* 3. The commission referred to in the said agreement may

commission, be established in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions set forth therein and upon such establishment shall be a body corporate and politic under the name of TIh^ Guelph Cemetery Commission, and shall have all the power.< and privileges and be subject to all the terms and conditions mentioned in the said agreement.


4. The Cemetery Act shall apply to The Guelph Cemetery A^ppijcat ion Commission and the trustees thereof and to the lands heldstat., c. 26i. from time to time for cemetery purposes by the said commis-

>iuii. s;i\c as is herein otherwise specially enacted.

5. .Upon the establishment of the said commission and ^'^'^Pg^J'^y without any conveyance ov assignment, there shall be vested t'«"""'s^'0'i- in it for its purposes all the estate and interest of the parties

In the said agreement in all funds, securities, money, chat- tels, personal ])roj>ortv, tools and appliancjes referred to therein then held by them in connection with the said cem- etery or cemetery lands.

6. 'j'JK' (•((iidiliiiiis. slinulaliniis uinl itrovisions contained Variance

or tcrrns

ill a certain conveyance dated December 26th, 1853, fromofcon- oiio William (Mark, referred to in the said agTeement to thcof cert^ain ^.Municipality of tlie Town of Guelph and the Municipality ^^"'^^' of the 'I'ownship of (luelph and in :i cci'tain other conveyance .hired DcH-enibor 2Gth, 18.^).'',, fn.in I he said William Clark I.I the Kight Reverend -John Lord Hishop of Toronto, of the said cemetery lands in so far as they are at variance with the provisions of the said agreement, shall be null and void ,iiid of no effect.

7. The councils of the ( Corporal i.)n of the City of Guelphfa'irto' and the Corporation of the Township of Guelph shall levy"^eetex-

1 11 II 1 11 1 penses of

and collect annually upon the taxable property subject to commission ta.xation for general pur]K)se8 of all persons U^^in the said i.iiniicij)alitics who an- i*rotcstant rate])ayers and on that part of such taxable property of firms and corjwrations in the said M miicipalities as is not entered, rated and assessed for the purjjose of Separate Schools in the annual assessment rolls of. the rcs])cctive municipalities'''^^Il such sums as may ho. rc- (|iiired by the commission for its jjurposcs niid -hull pay the same to the treasurer of the coiuiuission from time to tijne as nuiy be re(piired l)y the commission. The sum to be iv.|uired annually by the commission from tlu; said munici- jtalities shall not ex(;eed $2,000 and shall be provided by the City of (luelph and Township of Guelph in pro]>ortion to the Protestant j>opidation of the respective municipalities as dc- Icruii 11(^1 as afoi-e^^aid by the said assessment rolls.

8, (J) Sid)je('t to sid)section, 2 iicreof, the council o^fate'^on' I 1m; (^itv of Guelph shall have power, by by-law to be passed land l»y It. to levy and charge a special rate upon the several or abutting lands, lots or parts of lots, whether occupied or vacant, ^ains^'^' fronting or abutting upon all streets, lanes and alleys in the said municipality upon which water mains from which the ^ity is willing to .supply water are laid, which .speciarrate li.ill be an annual rate according to the frontage of the said


lands, lots or parts of lots, which rate shall not exceed five cents per foot for such frontage, subject to the same discount for prompt payment as shall be allowed in respect of ordin- ary water rates for domestic use, and maj, by by-law of the council, be changed from time to time as the council may determine; and the said council may provide an equitable mode of assessing corner lots, triangular and other irregu- larly shaped pieces of land or lands unfit for building pur- poses where the council deems it inequitable to assess the full frontage thereof, or to assess at as high a rate as other land fronting on any street; provided that if the sum, rate or rent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of water shall ho less tlmn such special rate for the same period, the loi |Kii;iti(iii sliall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the sura, rate or rent so charged on account of the said special rate authorized in this section, and provided also that if the sum, rate or rent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of water shall, for the same period be greater than, or equal to, the said special rate, the corpora- tion shall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the amount of said special rate on account of the said sum, rate or charge.

Measure- ment of frontajres.

(2) The engineer for the time being of the Corporation of the City of Guelph shall make the measurements of the frontages for the purposes hereof, in cases where the front- ages of the lands, lots or parts of lots have not, in the judgment of the coiuicil, been proi)erly set out in the city assessment roll.

Paym«nt of



(3) The said special rate shall be payable at the time or times during the year, fixed by the council for payment thereof, and until paid shall be a lien and charge upon the lands, tenements, lots or parts of lots against which the same are charged or assessed, and arrears of such special rates may, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the time of default in payment, be levied and collected in like manner as municipal, rates and taxes are collectable.

Special rate on land frontlnsr or abutting on gas mains.

to subsection 2 hereof, the Board of mmissioners of the City of Guelph shall

9.— (1) Subject Light and Hent ( '(

have power, bv 1)\ law to be passed by it, to levy and charge a special rate uimh iIh several lands, lots or parts of lots. whether occupied or vacant, fronting or abutting upon all streets, lanes and alleys in the said municipality upon which gas mains from which the Board of Light and Heat Com- missioners is willing to supply gas are laid, which special rate shall be an annual rate according to the frontage of the said lands, lots or parts of lots, which rate shall not exceed


five cents per foot for such frontage, subject to the same discount for prompt payment as shall be allowed in respect of ordinary gas rates for domestic use, and may, by by-law of the said board, be changed from time to time as the com- missioners may determine; and that the said board may provide an equitable mode of assessing corner lots, triangular and other irregularly shaped pieces of land or lands unfit for building purposes where the board deems it inequitable to assess the full frontage thereof, or to assess at as high a rate as other land fronting on any street; provided that if the sum, rate or i-ent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of gas shall be less than such special rate for the same period, the said board shall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the sum, rate or rent so charged on ' account of the said special rate authorized in this section, and provided also that if the sum, rate or rent charged to the owner or occupant for the use of gas shall, for the same period be greater than, or equal to, the said special rate, the said board shall remit or allow to such owner or occupant the amount of said special rate on account of the said sum, rate or charge.


(2) The by-law for the said special rate shall not boo^^oSncii finally passed by the said board until it has been submitted ^'y"^*^- to and received the ai)proval of the majority of all the members of the municipal council of the said city at a regular meeting thereof.

(3) The said Board of Light and Heat Commissioners, ^1^^'^^- by by-law U* be passed by it, shall also have power to employ frontages, such person as they think proper to make the measurements

of frontages for the piiiposes hereof, in cases 'where the frontages of lands, lots or parts of lots have not, in the judgment of the said board, been ])roperly set out tin the city assessment roll, and to fix the compensation of the said" person.

(4) The said spe<Mal rate shall be payable at the time Payment and times during each year, fixed by the said board for pay nte.^^ ^ ment thereof, and until paid shall be a lien and charge upon

the lands, tenements, lots or jiarts of lots against which the same are charged or assesse<^l, aud arrears of such special rates may, with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the time of default in payment, be levied and collected in like manner as municipal taxes and rates are recoverable.



Memorandum of agreement made in quadruplii :iti this titli da> of December, 1918,

Between :

'I'll.' \iiiiii' iiiiil ( 'i<i|ii.r-;ition of the Ciiv of Ciit'lpli. lM'r«'iiiafter called/ lilt: i;iti,' «i the lirst part;

The MuniPipnl Torporation of the Township of Guelph, herein- after callid 'iiii' Towiisliip," of the second part,


The KiKht lO-vcnMid tli.' kt'ctor .iiul ( 'imi rhu aid'ii lifrriiiarici- ( alli'il I lie pai I ii

,orii I!i. lii/|, ii!' \ia: I)!' St. I ii'oi -I' ,- ( ii

oi' I III- third i>ar(.

ai'.i ainl tht* Ml II, (liii'Iph.

WliiM-cas liic rit\ and the township o . the 'i'.iwii.siiip oi (iii'lph, know II as Tiic and more i»ait icuiaily described in s( h marked "A" and llic Right Reverend the

II tJK' (■(•ii!('t(,'i\' lands in

(iucdph I'nion ( 'cniftiM.w

I'dule hereunto annexed

[.ord Bishop of Niagara

owns tlie cemetery lands adjacent to liic said Guelph Union Ceme- tery more particularly described in s( litdiile hereunto annexed marked " B," subject to the uses and mion the trusts that tlio same are to be used as and for a cemetery heloiiKinn to St. Ccoilm's Church, Guelph;

And whereas the said cemetery lands were conveyed to the city and township, and to tlie predecessor in title of the said Ix)rd Bishop respectively by two certain conveyances dated 2fitii np<pni- ber, 18'.;^, madi- h\ William ('lark, late of the Town of C the County of \\ cllini;t(in, Ksquire, deceased, subject to ; .

visions and conditions set out in the said conveyance:

And whereas by an arrangement with the Rector and Church- wardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, the city and township obtained a conveyance to them of the land more particularly de- scribed in schedule hereto annexed marked " C " which conveyance is dated the fifth day of January, 1901, and. is from IVter (lokcy and wife to the said city and township, and on which land is a spring of water;

And whereas by an agreement dated the 26th day of Mardi. 1904. made between the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, and the said city and township, the said rector and churchwardens agreed to pay (and have since paid) one-third of the total cost of securing the said spring and land and erectin.si a windmill and tanks for the purpose of supplying water to the said cemeteries and of ere<'ting the tie-rails and posts outside the fence of the said cemeteries, and in consideration \vlicr<-of tiie said rector and churchwardens and theif sn( lessors were (h'( hired to be owners of one undivided third of said land, mil!, ianl< and apparatus;

And whereas it has been agreed between the parties hereto that all the said cemetery lands shall be maintained and managed by a commission to be created for the purpose of managing, and main- taining the said cemetery lands as one cemetery as hereinafter set out.

Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth that in consideration of the premises, and of the mutual agreements of the parties hereto herein contained, they, the said parties hereto, do hereby covenant and agree each with the other of them as follows:


1. A cemetery commission shall be created for the purpose of maintaining and managing the said cemetery lands as one ceme- tery to be called The Guelph Cemetery as hereinafter set out, and the said commission shall consist of six (6) members of whom two (2) shall be appointed by the Council of the City of Guelph, two (2) by the Council of the Township of Guelph, and two (2) by a joint meeting of tlie Incumbents and Churchwardens of all the churches of the Church of England in Canada, which are or here- after may be situated within the boundaries of the City or Town- .^hip of Guelph. Such joint meeting shall be called by the Church- wardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, by written notice mailed at least three days previously to the others entitled to attend such meeting, at which four shall constitute a quorum. No member of The Roman Catholic Church or of the Church of England in Canada shall be eligible for appointment to said commission by the Council of the <Mty or of the Township of Guelph. The mem- bers of the said commission shall hold office for three years, but shall be eligible for reappointment. The said commission shall be a corporation by the name of The Guelph Cemeteiy Commission, which shall have the management and control of the said cemetery and of all land, money, and personal property in connection there- with. The commission shall be capable of receiving and taking irom any person or body corporate by grant, gift, devise or other- wise, any real or personal property whatsoever for the use, sup- port, or purposes of the corporation and .without license in mort- main and all persons and bodies corporate shall have full and un- restricted right and power to give, grant, devise and bequeath to the corporation any real or personal property whatsoever.

2. It is the intention that after the appointment of the said commission the whole of the said cemetery lands described in schedules hereto annexed and marked " A," " B," and " C " re- spectively shall be managed and maintained as one cemetery to be called The Guelph Cemetery except in regard to the interment of mem'bers of the Church of England and their friends and relatives as hereinafter set out, and the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, shall be forever freed from all payments referred to in said agreement dated March 26th, 1904.

3. At the time this agreement becomes operative by the said Commission taking over the management of the said cemetery as hereinbefore set out. there shall be transferred, assigned to, and vested in the said commission all funds, securities, moneys, cihat- tels and personal property then belonging to the parties of the first and second parts in connection with the said cemetery lands and the moneys of the said St. George's Church now in hand in f'onnection with the said St. George's Cemetery amounting to .S490 40 and all tools and anpliances and all further moneys, if any, of the said St. George's Church, which shall at the time the said a'-'reement becomes operative as aforesaid be in hand in connection with the said St. George's Cemetery.

4. The said cemetery and all the real and i)ersonal property, revenues, expenditures, business and affairs In connection there- with, including the making of rules and regulations thereof, shall be under the government and management of the said commission.

5. It is understood and agreed that no persons other than mem- bers of the Church of England shall be interred in that part of the said cemetery now known as St. George's Cemetery and de- scribed in Schedule "R" hereto annexed except with the per- mission in writing of the Incumbent and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, except that all members of the Church of England now owning lots or plots In the said St. George's Cemetery, or who may hereafter acquire lots or plots therein, and the friends and relatives of such members, may be interred In the said St. George's Cemetery, but all Interments therein whatsoever



Bliall be made according to the rites of the Church of England in Canada and no other rites, mlnlstratlonB or services shall at any time whatsoever be permitted therein except with the consent in writing of the Incumbent and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph.

6. In case the cemetery lands now known as St. George's Ceme- tery and more particularly described in schedule hereto annexed marked " B " shall at any future time not afford room therein for further interments or for the sale of any more lots or plots, and in case the said commission shall have purchased or otherwise acquired lands other than those more particularly described In said schedules and for the purpose of interments therein free of any or all restrictions set out in regard to interments in that part of the said cemetery now known as St. George's Cemetery and which are set out in paragraijh five (5) hereof, it shall be the duty of said commission if and when requested by the members thereof appointed by sufli loint meeting to forthwith purcliase or acquire further and suitable land equal in area to one-fourth of the lands so purchased or acquired and such lands shall be conse- crated and set apart as said St. George's Cemetery has been con- secrated and set apart and shall be subject to all the restrictions contained in said paragraph numbered five (5) hereof as if it had always formed part of said St. George's Cemetery, and so on from time to time as the lands which become become subject to the restrictions of paragra'ph numbered five (5) hereof no longer afford room therein for further interments or for the sale of any more lots or plots.

7. The said commission sliall have power to ask for and shall be entitled to receive an annual appropriation for tlie maintenance and upkeep of the said cemetery from the city and the township, but not exceeding the annual sum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars to be provided by the city and township respectively in proportion to the Protestant population of the city and the to'vnship respect- ively from time to time, the said appropriation to be collected by taxation from the Protestant ratepayers of the city and township in the proportion aforesaid.

8. The moneys in the hands of any person or corporation for the purpose of expending the same or the interest thereon upon that part of the said cemetery now known as St. George's Cemetery, or upon any part thereof or upon any lots, plots or graves therein, may be handed over to the said commission which shall expend the same, or invest the principal and expend the interest thereon, as nearly as possible in accordance with the intentions of the respective donors.

9. The moneys in the hands of The Guelph Union Cemetery Coni- tnittee for perpetual upkeep shall be expended for special care and attention as may be decided by the said commission to the burial plots of those parties" who have contributed to the said fund.

10. The conditions, stipulations and provisions contained in the conveyances from the said William Clark of the said cemetery lands hereinbefore mentioned in so far as they are at variance with the provisions^of this agreement sliall he null and void and of no effect.

11. Save as aforesaid it shall be the duty of the said commission to make no distinction or discrimination whatsoever by way of expenditure of money' or otherwise, in the maintenance, improve- ment and management of the said cemetery to be kno" n as The Guelph Cemetery between the part or parts thereof which shall he subject to the restrictions contained in paragraph numbered five (5) hereof, and any other part or parts used or to be used for the purpose of Interments therein but not subject to said restric- tions, and all parts of said cemeterv used or to be used for the


purpose of interments therein shall be maintained, improved and managed alike without any distinction or discrimination whatso- ever save always as hereinbefore provided, and any of the parties hereto, or their respective successors, shall have the right, without prejudice to any other rights they might otherwise have, to com- mence action or suit in the Supreme Court of Ontario against the said commission to compel it to rectify any said distinction or dis- f^rimination complained of, and upon proof thereof the said court shall order or adjudge that the said commission shall rectify such distinction or discrimination if and so far as possible and in order to carry into elTect the true intent and meaning of this agreement, and in the same or in a separate action or suit which may be brought by any of the parties hereto, or their successors, against the said commission it shall he the duty of the said court upon proof of a breach by the commission of any of the terms or condi- tions of this agreement to make any order or pronounce any judg- ment it shall deem meet in order to carry out the true intent and meaning of this agreement and to remedy the breach if and as far as possible.

12. A special Act of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario shall be obtained for the purpose of validating this agreement and effectuating the intention thereof, and if such Act be not passed on or before the thirtieth day of June, 1920, this agreement shall be null and void and of no effect.

13. The said commission shall have all the rights and powers <'onferred upon the owner of a cemetery by The Cemetery Act

(R.S.O., Cap. 261).

In witness whereof the mayor and clerk of the city and the reeve and clerk of the township have hereunto set their hands and affixed the corporate seals of the said corporations and the parties of the third part have hereunto set their hands and seals.

Signed, sealed and delivered In the presence of

(Sgd.) L. M. SwAYZK.

as to execution by the City of Guelph.

(Sgd.) John L. CAifrin

as to execution by the Town- ship of Guelph.

CSgd.") FJdward Rknwtck.

as to execution by The Right Reverend The Lord Bishop of Niagara.

(Sgd.) Henry Howitt

as to execution by the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph.

John Neustead, Mayor.

(Sgd.) T. J. Moore, City Clerk.

(Sgd.) H. D. Cameron, Reeve.

(Sgd.) Wm. Laidlaw,

City Clerk.

(Sgd.) William Niagara.

(Sgd.) G. F. Sewel. (Seal.) Rector of St. George's Church, Guelph.

(Sgd.) F. Graessui.. (Seal.)

(Sgd.) W. H. Jones. (Seal.)

Churchwardens of St. George's

Church, Guelph.

Schedule " A " referred to in the annexed agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph. of the first part, the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Guelph, of the second part, and The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, of the third part.



All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises with the appurtenances situate, lying and being in the Township of Guelph, in the County of Wellington, and being composed of the north-westerly part of lots numbers tliirty-one and thirty-two In Division " A " of tiie Township of Guelph aforesaid and con- taining i)y admeasurement thirty acres of land be the same more or less; and which said parcel or tract of land may he better known and described as folh>w.s, that is to say: Commencing at the dis- tance of twelve cliains and fifty Units from the northerly angle of said lot number thirty-two on a course tlierefrom of soutii forty- five degrees west thence continuing the same course (south forty- flve degrees west) eleven chains seventy-six links to a. stake; thence south forty-five degrees east sixteen chains fifty links to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees east twenty-four chains twenty-six links more or less to the Woolwidi Road; thence north forty-five degrees west eight chains fifty links to a stake: thence south forty-five degrees west eight chains fifty links to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees west eight chains fifty links to a stake; tlience south forty-five degrees west twelve chains fifty links to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees west eight chains more or less to the place of beginning.

Schedule " B " referred to in the annexed agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the (Mty of Ciiiclph, of the first part, the Municil>al Corporation of the Townslii?) of Guelph, of tlic second part, and The Iliglit Reverend tlie Lord Bishop of Niagara and tlie Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, of the third part.

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises with the appurtenances situate, lying and being in the Township of Guelph, in the County of Wellington aforesaid, being composed of the northerly part of lots numbers thirty-one and thirty-two in Division " A " of the said Townsliip of Guelph, containing by ad- measurement ten acres of land be the same more or less and butted and bounded and otherwise known as follows, that is to say: Commecing at the northerly angle of the said lot number thirty- two thence south forty-five degrees west twelve chains fifty link^ to a stake thence south forty-five degrees east eight chains to a stake; thence north forty-five degrees east twelve chains fifty links more or less to the Woolwich Road, thence north forty-five degree- west eight chains more or less to the place of l)eginning, containin;^ ten acres of land be the same more or less as aforesaid.

Schedule " C " referred to in tlie annexed agreement between the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph, of the first part, the Municipal Coriwration of the Township of Guelph, of the second part, and The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of Niagara and the Rector and Churchwardens of St. George's Church, Guelph, of the third part.

All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises in the Township of Guelph, in the County of Wellington, being pan of lot number thirty-three in Division " A " in the Township afore- said more particularly described in the conveyance thereof from Peter Gokey and wife to the Municipal Corporation of the City of Guelph and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Guelph and dated the 5th January, 1901.


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No. 33. 1919.


An Act respecting Brunner Mond, Canada, Limited.

WHEREAS Brunner Mond, Canada, Limited, a com- P'eambie. pany incorporated by Letters Patent under The Com- panies Act, Revised Statutes of Canada, 1906, chapter 79, lias, by its petition, prayed that it be enacted as hereinafter set forth ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition in order to enable the said company to transport its goods from one part of its property to the other across the 2nd Concession Road in the Township of Anderdon :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Brunner Mond, Canada, Limited, may construct, inain-^^'j^^^[^;^^*'°" tain and operate a private tramway for the conveyance oft'-amway merchandise, goods and chattels from the Indian Stone

Quarry Reserve to the Detroit River, crossing the 2nd Con- cession Road in the Township of Anderdon at or near a point ten feet north of the southern limit of the said Indian Stone Quarry Reserve, being in the rear of lots 6 and 7 in the first concession of the Township of Anderdon and in front of parts of lots 2 and 3 in the 2nd concession of the said township.

2. The company shall comply with the provisions and|^Y85?s*259. conditions specified in section 259 of The Ontario Railway^^^^^^y- Act, and shall in the operation of the said tramway be

subject to the jurisdiction and order of the Ontario and Nfunicipal Railway Board.

3. By-law I^o. 617 of the Township of Anderdon, which "/towhsMp is set out in Schedule " A " hereto, is hereby confirmed. co.^"rmed.°"




By-Law No. 617.

A by-law to authorize Brunner Mond, Canada, Limited, to con- struct, maintain and operate a tramway across the Second Concession Road In the Township of Anderdon at or near a point ten feet north of the southern limit of the Indian Stone Quarry Reserve, being in the rear of lots 6 and 7 In the first concession and in front of parts of lots 2 and 3 in the second concession of the said township.

Whereas by their charter of incorporation, Brunner Mond, Can- ada, Limited, are authorized and empowered to construct, maintain and operate tramways for the conveyance of merchandise, goods and chattels;

And whereas the said Brunner Mond, Canada, Limited, are owners of the Indian Stone Quarry Reserve, partly in the first concession and partly in the second concession of the Township of Anderdon. in the County of Essex, and desire to construct, main- tain and operate a tramway at rail level across the second con- cession of said township, connecting the two portions of their property aforesaid;

And whereas the said Brunner Mond, Canada, Limited, have applied to the Municipal Council of the Township of Anderdon for their consent to the construction, maintenance and operation of the said tramway:

The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Anderdon enacts as follows:

1. The consent of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Anderdon is hereby given to the construction, maintenance and operation by Brunner Mond, Canada, Limited, of a tramway at rail level across the Second Concession Road of the said Township at or near a point ten feet north of the southern limit of the Indian Stone Quarry Reserve.

Provided always that the consent hereby granted is subject to the provisions of section 259 of The Ontario Railway Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, chapter 185, and the provisions contained in the said section are hereby Incorporated in this by-law and shall apply to the said tramway in the same manner as if they had been set out herein.

Passed this 22nd day of February, 1919.

A. C. Mailuhjx, Clerk. Raymond Rocheleau, Reeve.




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Xo. 34. 1919.


An Act respecting the Hospital for Sick Children and the estate of John Ross Robertson, deceased.

WHEREAS Tohn Robinson Robinson, Irving Earle^reami^ie- Robertson, Douglas Sinclair Robertson, Jessie Eliza- beth Robertson and Alfred Taylor Chadwick, the executors and trustees of the estate of John Ross Robertson, deceased, and the Hospital for Sick Children have, by their petition, prayed that it be enacte<:l as hereinafter set forth ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative x\ssembly, of tho Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 2 of the Act passed in the fifth year of thesoeo. v, reign of His Majesty, chaptered 89, being The Hospital for^^^l'nded. Sich Children Act, 1915, is amended by striking out the

word "eight" in the fourth line thereof and substituting the word " twelve " therefor.

2. Section 8 of the said Act is hereby auiended by ^^i*il"^"f mended ing out the word " eight " in the fifth line thereof and substituting the word "twelve" therefor.

3. Section 9 of the said Act is hereby repealed, and thc^-^ , ^

- n . -I T T c ' repealed.

following substituted thereior:

9. In case anv trustee fails to attend the regular meet- yacancy

"' in OITiCG

ings of the board for six consecutive months owing to a majority of the trustees shall have powei; tofrom"*^^ declare a vacancy in the Board of Trustees, and"^®^^'"^"- in case of the exercise of the aforesaid power or in case of the death or resignation of any trustee the vacancy so created shall bo filled at a regular meeting by a majority of the remain- ing trustees present at such meeting, the name of the proposed trustee being sent to each trustee one week prior to the meeting at which such

new trustee is to be appointed. 84

Agreement 4. The agreement between the Hospital for Sick Children

hoMpUai and John liobinson Robinson, Irving Earle Robertson, Doug-

ccutor«of las Sincl.iir I^)hor^soll. Jos«io Elizabeth Robertson and

j?lhnlioL A^fvvd laxlni ( li;i(|\\i(k. tli< ( xmitors and truRtees of the

Robertson c^fn tc df .1 .,liii Km-- I uihcri-nii, i1ccc;i-(m|. .Intel .! ;iiiii;irv '.ti|i.

conflrmed. .... .111 » •• 1

UJll), a <-o\i\ 111 wliii'li I- -<i "111 ;i- Srlicdiilc '•A iiercio,

is hereby ralilicil. ciMitiniicil ;iiiil ilcclarci! Icjial, valid ami

l»iii(]rii<: on all partic- nllrrtcd thereby.

69 V. c. 121. 5. Cliaptci' 1 L' 1 lit ill"- Ari passod in the tit'iv-nimh \.'ar


of her late Majc-tv'- rciizii i- licreliy repealed.


This agreement made the 9th day of January, 1919.

Between :

The Hospital for Sick Children, hereinafter called the Hospital, of the first part;


John Robinson Robinson. Irving Earle Robertson, Douglas Sinclair Robertson, Jessie Elizabeth Robertson and Alfred Tay- lor Chadwick, executors and Trustees of the estate of .Tohn Ross Robertson, deceased, hereinafter call the Trustees, of the second part.

Whereas by a resolution of the Board of Trustees of the hospital bearing even date herewith, the hospital consented to the trustees paying the succession duty payable in resnect of the estate of the late John Ross Robertson out of the residue of said estate to the intent that the beneficiaries named in said will liable to pay succession duty should receive their bequests free and clear of succession duty.

And whereas the trustees have requested the hospital to execute this agreement.

Now, therefore, this agreement witnesseth as follows:

1. In consideration of the premises and of the sum of one dollar now paid by the trustees to the hospital (the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged), the hospital doth hereby consent to the trustees paying all succession duty as aforesaid out of the residue of said estate, and doth hereby remise, release and forever discharge the trustees of and from all manner of actions, causes of action, accounts, claims and demands whatsoever which the hospital can. shall or may have for or by reason of the payment by the trustees of the succession duty out of the residue of the said estate, the Intention being that all such succession duty shall be deemed to form part of and be paid as testamentary and administration ex- penses of the said estate.

2. This agreement and everything herein contained shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upoh the parties hereto and their successors and assigns respectively.


3. This agreement is conditional on its being approved by the Legislature of the Province of Ontario.

In witness whereof the hospital hath hereunto affixed its cor- porate seal under the hands of its proper officers in that behalf.

Signed, sealed and delivered Ednd. B. Osleb,

in the presence of Chairman.

(Seal) Burton Hoixand,

Secretary-Treasurer. John Robinson Robinson. Ibving E. Robertson. D. S. Robertson. Jessie Elizabeth Robertson. (Seal) Alfred T. Chadwiok.



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No. 35. 1919.


An Act respecting the Burnt River Bridge, in the Township of Somerville.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of Somer- Preamble, ville has, by its petition, shown that the bridge across the Burnt River on the Bobcaygeon Road, in the said Town- ship of Somerville, at the Village of Kinmount, is on a deviation of the Bobcaygeon Road, which is the boundary road between the counties of Victoria and Peterborough, to the northern boundary of the said counties and thereafter the boundary line between townships in the Provisional County of Haliburton, originally part of the said counties, and owing to physical difficulties or obstructions existing on the boundary line between the said counties, the said deviation does not return to the said boundary line until it cross^ into the County of Haliburton, and the said bridge is used very largely by the inhabitants of the County of Peter- borough, and has prayed that the said bridge be declared to be a bridge on the boundary line between the said counties for the purposes of sections 452 and 458 of The Municipal Act; and whereas upon a reference to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board the said board has found the facts as set out in the said petition and has reported that the said bridge is a bridge on a deviation of the boundary line be- tween the Counties of Victoria and Peterboro and has other- wise reported in favour of the said petition ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The bridge across the Burnt River on the Bobcaygeon Mainten- Road at the Village of Kinmount, in the Township of Somer-gu^p® ° Rjyer ville, is hereby declared to be a bridge on a deviation of the^''*^*^®- boundary line between the counties of Victoria and Peter- borough within the meaning of sections 452 and 458 of The MiinicipaJ Art, and shall be maintained or erected, as the case may be, by the corporations of the Counties of Victoria and Peterborough, and in the same manner and to the like extent as though the said bridge wore on the actual boundary

line between the said counties. 36

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No. 36. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Brantford.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Brantford preambu has, by its petition, prayed for special legislation m respect of the several matters hereinafter set forth; and whereas The Municipal Act, section 101, subsection 1, pro- vides that the polls at municipal elections shall be open at every polling place at nine o'clock in the forenoon and shall be kept open until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same .day; and by subsection 2 provides that the council of the city may, by by-law passed before the 15th day of IN'ovember in any year, extend the time for keenine: open the polls until seven o'clock in the afternoon ; and whereas, owing to the largely increased number of voters upon the voters' list ol the polling subdivisions within the City of Brantford it was deemed necessary to keep the polls open until seven o'clock in the afternoon at the annual municipal elections for the year 1919; and whereas By-law TSTo. 1498 of the Corpora- tion of the Citv of Brantford was passed for such purpose on the twenty-third day of December, 1918, and by inad- vertancf such by-law was not passed before the fifteenth day of IN'ovember as renuired ; and whereas the Corporation of the City of Brantford desires power to appoint three addi- tional members to the Board of Park Management for the Citv of Brantford, so that such board will copcict of three additional members; and whereas the Corp'tntidii of the City of Brantford desires power to appoint three additional members to the Board of Health for the Citv of Brantford, so that such board shall consist of three additional members ; and whereas the cost of sanitary sewers and of storm sewers in the City of Brantford has been provided for heretofore by levying a uniform frontage rate of ten cents per lineal foot upon the property liable to be assessed therefor during Ihe period of twenty years under the provisions of chanter 48 of the Acts passed in the fifth year of the reign of His Afajesty King George the Fifth, and the said sum, owing to the increased cost of labour and materials and the increased rate of interest, has become insufficient to

provide the cost thereof; and whereas it is desirable to 36

provide a maximum rate for sanitar)' and storm sewers in the City of Brantford to be levied during a uniform period ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :


No. 1498 conflrmed.

Board of Park Man- aBement, Rev. Stat., c. 203.

1. By-law No. 1498 of the Corporation of the City of Brantford is hereby validated and confirmed and the election of the mayor, and members of the council of the City of Brantford for the year I'M.* is hereby validated and con- firmed, and all acts, matters and things which shall be done, iriade and performed by the Municipal Council of the City of Brantford, elected for the year 1919 and which shall be in accordance with the powers and authority of a municipal council duly elected, are hereby validated and confirmed.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of The Public Parks Act, it shall be lawful for the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the City of Brantford, on the nomination of the* head of the municipality, to appoint nine other persons to be members of the Board of Park Management for the City of Brantford.

Member of local Board of Health, Rev. Stat., V. 218.

3. Notwithstanding the provisions of The Public Health Act, it shall be lawful for the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the City of Brantford to appoint annually six resident ratepayers te be members of the local Board of Health. ' '

Frontage rates for main and t-anftary 8ewer.s.

Frontage rates for main and -storm sewers.

4. Every owner of property which is drained into any of the main sewers in the City of Brantford, and every owner of property in the City of Brantford in front of which a sanitary sewer is constructed as a local improve- ment shall pay a maximum tax of per foot frontage on each assessable foot frontage of his property, such amount shall be paid in twenty equal annual instalments of a maximum of twenty cents each per foot frontage, being a sum sufficient to pay both interest and sinking fund for that amount, and said instalments shall be payable at the same time as ordinary taxes are payable in said city, but the city treasurer may commute the said pa^Tnents for a payment in cash as in the case of other local improvements.

5. Every owner of property which is drained into any ol the main sewers of the City of Brantford, and every owner of property in the City of Brantford in front of which a storm sewer is constructed as a local improvement shall pay


a maximum tax of per foot frontage on

each assessable foot frontage of his property, such amount shall be paid in twenty equal annual instalments of a maxi- mum of twenty cents each per foot frontage, being a sum sufficient to pay both interest and sinking fund for that amount, and said instalments shall be payable at the same time as ordinary taxes are payable in the City of Brantford, but the city treasurer may commute the said payments for a payment in cash as in the case of other local improvements.

6. Any person or persons or corporation desirous of con- Frontage necting his or their property with any sanitary or storm property sewer for which the proj^erty has not been assessed shall beconnec- assessed the same frontage tax as if the sewer were con-gg^^lj.^''^^ structed in front of said property and payments shall be

made at the same time and in the same manner and for a like number of years as the payments in respect of property in front of which the sanitary or storm sewer is constructed.

7. Any property assessed for the privilege of connecting Exemption with a sanitary or storm sewer shall be exempt from any rates, assessment for a like sewer constructed on the street in front

of said property.

8. That the cost of any sanitary or storm sewer in excess corpora-

. . t ■, p . ■, 1 -^ tlon s share. .

of the total amount assessed thereior, m accordance with the foregoing provisions, shall be borne by the Corporatipn of the City of Brantford at large.

9. It shall be lawful for the Municipal Council of the^„ien^. Corporation of the City of Brantford to pass a by-law or"^*}^^^^ by-laws to amend its by-laws respecting sanitary and storm sewers in accordance with the foregoing provisions.







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03 OS

No. 37. 1919.


An Act incorporating the Town of York.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the Township of York i'^«a'«t)ie. has, hy petition, represented that the township has a f)opiilation of about 35,000, and that it is steadily increasing; that the southern portion of the said township, which lies alonp: the northern limit of the City of Toronto is closely built up and is entirely urban and contains a large number of manufacturing industries, which employ many hundreds of workmen, while the north portion of the said municipality is almost entirely a farming community and the inhabitants arc interested in rural occupations and pursuits; that owing to its location, the southern part of the township drains naturally through the City of Toronto to Lake Ontario, and that the City of Toronto has refused to allow the said township to connect its sewers with those of the City of To- ronto, thus causing a condition which is exceedingly danger- ous to the health of the inhabitants of that portion of the township: and whereas it has further been represented that the Board of Education of the City of Toronto has erected schools in the said township without the consent of the town- ship school bonrds. which has caused friction and dissatis- fnctiou because nupils residinjr in the toAvnship are not allowed to attend these schools; and whereas it is desirable in the interests of public health nnd convenience that systems of water works, seworaffe nnd liG'htinar should be established for the southern portion of the township in which the northern portion is not interested : nnd wherens it has been found thnt there is nreat difficulty in enualizinff the value of the urban land and the farmin«r land in the said' townshin; and whereas the value of the whole rateable property in the said tn^vusbip. accordinf to the last lY'vised assessment roll, is .t24.oof;.5T<>.00: and whereas it is believed that the jjeneral interests of the township as a whole, as well as of the southerly nart thereof, would be better served and the enforcement of law and order more systematically and efficiently earned out if the southern poT^inn of the said townshio was incorporated as a tovtm ; and whereas the said township has. by its petition.


Inoorpora- tioti of Town of York.


prayed that an Act may be passed for that purpose; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative A^^frnbly of the Province of Ontario,

enacts as follows:

, ' i

1. The inhabitants of the land in the said Township ot York, hereinafter described as follows: All those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of York in the County of York, and more particularly described as follows:

(a) Commencing at a point in the centre line of the ITumber Kiver where the same intersects the northerly limit of the City of Toronto: thence northerly along the centre line of the said Humber River through its windings to a point where it intersects the southerly limit of the Town of Weston ; thence easterly along the southerly limit of the said To^vn of Weston to a point being the intersection thereof by the lands of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company; thence southerly along the westerlv limit of the paid lands of the Canadian Pacific "Railway Company to the intersection there- of by the northerlv limit of lot 2 in the 4tb concession of the Townf?hip of York west of Yonge Street; thence easterly alonff the northerly boundary of lot 2 in the 4th concession; lot 2 in the third concession, lot 2 in the 2nd concession and lot 2 in the first concession, all west of Yonge Street in the Township of York to the westerly limit of tlie City of To- ronto : thence southerly alonff the westerlv limit of the City of Toronto to the southerly limit of the Township of York : thence westerlv and southerly along the northerly and west- erly limits of the Citv of Toronto to the northerly limit of the Lake Shore Road : tbence westerly alonir the northerly limit of the City of Toronto to tbe place of becrinning:

(h^ Commencing at the soutb-east ancrle of the said Town- ship of York; thence westerly along the sontherlv limit of the said townshin to a point where the same intersect*? the easterly boundary" of the City of Toronto : thence northerlv flloncr the westerly limit of the To-^-nship of York to a point where the same intersects the extension westerly of the centre Tine of l\foore Avenue: thence easterly along the said centre line of l\foore Avenue to and across Pawiew Avenue : thence easterly and northerlv following the southerly and easterly boundaries of the To-wn of Teaside to a point two hundred feet ^200 ft.') north of Eelinton Avenue: thence easterly alons: a line runnincr paraTfel with and two hundred feet ('200 ft.) north of "Eglington Avenue to the eastern boundary of the 37

Township of York; thence southerly along the easterly boundary of the Township of York to the place of beginning ; are hereby constituted a corporation or body politic under the name of " The Corporation of the Town of York," separate and apart from the Township of York.

2. The council of the said town shall consist of a mayor, councu— a reeve, three deputy reeves and five councillors who shall priT^'" be elected by general vote.

3. The clerk of the Township of York is hereby appointed ^jflcer"and the returning officer for the first election, and he shall hold first

a meeting for the nomination of candidates for the offices of mayor, reeve, deputy reeves and councillors at such time and place as may be fixed by by-law of the Township of York, and in case of his absence the electors present shall choose from among themselves a chairman to officiate who shall have all the powers and duties of a returning officer, as prescribed by The Municipal Act with respect to towns.

4. The qualification of electors and of candidates for theQuaiiflca- office of mayor, reeve, deputy reeve, councillor, shall be theoandWates. same as that prescribed by The Municipal Act with respect

to towns.

5. The land comprised in the said town is hereby detached i^etach- from the Township of York and the town shall form a land from separate and independent municipality.


6. Save as. in this Act otherwise expressly provided, all ^PP^catJon the provisions of The Municipal Act or any other general stat, c. 192. Act applicable to to\vn8, shall apply to the said town to the

same extent as if the said town had been incorporated under the provisions of The Municipal Act.

7. The provisions of The Municipal Act as to the adjust- Adjust- ment of assets and liabilities and as to matters consequent ass" ts* and upon the formation of new corporations, shall apply as if the"^*^"'^'^''' said land had been incorporated as a village instead of as a


8. All by-laws and municipal regulations which are inn.v-iaws force in the Township of York shall continue and be infions.**"^'*" force as if they had been passed by the Corporation of the Town of York and shall extend to and have full effect within the limits of the town hereby incorporated until the same shall have been repealed by the council of the said town.


KxpenneHof 9. Tho ex|>en8e8 incurred in obtaining this Act and of fur- nishing any documents, copies of papers, writings, deeds or other matters whatsoever required by the council or other- wise, shall be borne by the said town and paid by it to any persons wlio may be entitled thereto.

ment'of '" ^^- N^of withstanding anything contained in this Act, the

tHx<>H. Township of York may levy, collect and retain and use for its

own purposes all taxes levied or assessed or in procesa of being levied or assessed against any of the lands within the limits of the said town to the end of 1919, as fully and effectually as if this Act had not been passed, but all arrears of taxes on lands within the limits of the said town shall be lianded over to the said town for its use and benefit.

ASHfllt of


11. (1) It shall be the duty of the council of the Town- ship of York to pass a by-law within two months after the passing of this Act, providing for the submission to the muni; cipal electors within the proposed limits of the said town of the following question : " Are you in favour of the incorpora- tion of the Town of York as provided by Act of the Legis- lature?" and if a majority of those voting vote in the affirma- tive in answer to the question, this Act shall come into force on the first day of the month next following the submission of the question.

(2) !N'otice of the submission of the question shall be published once a week for three weeks in two newspapers piihlishod in the City of Toronto.





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Xo. 38. 15>1'.>.


An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

WlJlvKEAS the ('urporariuii ol" the City of Ottawa lias,'''*'^'"'''^- l)y its jK'titioii. prayed that special l(\aislatioii he (mi- aeted in reaard to tlie matters hereinafter set fortli : and whci'eas it is eN|'edieiit, !<• i:raiil th<' jiravci- nf tli(> said I'eiition:

Therefore. His ^lajesty, hy and with tlie advice and eon nt of "tlie Legis enacts as follows

nt of "the Legislative A.sseitibly of the Province of Ontario.

1. Tin) council of the said corporation inav provide byPowerio

' . . ' Dorrow

liN'-hiws. to he iiasscd with(Hit ol)taiiiini:' the assent thereto money for

1 1 ,-1 1 /• I 11 certain

ot the electors ot the said city, tor horrowmu upon dehen-pmuoses tnres, bearing interest at such rate or rates as the council assent'ot may determine, and payable within twenty (20 ) years f rom y^y,^^°Jg. the date thereof, of sums of monev not exceeding the follow-'^^"'^"';^'^,

payable in

ing. for the specified purposes: 20 yeart<.

(a) $5,000 to i)rovidc for additional exociiditiires upon the Soldiers" TToine, beyond thos(> ]n*eviously authorized ;

(h) $35,000 to provide for altering and iinin-oving the pavement, walks mid np]ironches of the Banlc Street Snbway :

•■(c) $6,500 to provide for the repaving of Pcoley's Bridge;

(d) $5,000 to provide for altering and iimiroving tla^

Carnegie Library Building:

(e) $4,000 to provide for the loss by discount on the

sale of the debentures issued under By-laws lumbers 4530, 4549, 4547. 4585, 4543, 4540. 4538, 4530. and 4542 : 38

Power to borrow money for certain F)urposes without assent of electors on de- bentures payable in 30 years.

(/) $20,000 to provide for constructing and improving weigh-houses, and for the purchase and erection of weighing machines ;

(g) $5,000 to provide for expenditures upon the De- tontion Home, in excess of those previously authorized ;

(//) $125,000 to provide ior the constrnction and fur- nishing of two (2) public bathinjr houses and lavatories, with branch library- accommodation;

(i) $70,000 for making payment of the mortgage to the Independent Order of Foresters, upon the Lansdowne Park premises;

(_;') $28,000 for for making payment of the mortgage to the Edinburgh Life AssuraiK-o rompany npoTi the Lansdowne Park premises :

(k) $10,000 for an additional building and for fur- nishings for the Isolation Hospital.

2. The council of tlic said corporation may provide by by-law, to be passed without obtaining the assent of the electors of the said city thereto, for borrowing upon deben- tures, bearing interest at such rate or rates as the council may determine, and payable within thirty f30) years from the date thereof, of sums of money not exceeding the follow- ing, for the specified purposes:

(a) $9,500 to provide for the cost of the septic tank site in excess of the amount authorized by sec- tion 2 of chapter 85 of the Acts of the vear 1916;

(h) $10,000 to provide for the cost of completing the Pretoria Avenue Bridge:

(c) $50,000 m addition to the provision made by clause (h) of section 2 of chapter 72 of the Acts of 1918, to provide for the corporation's share of the cost of constructinsr a new bridge across the Ttideau Piver at the easterly terminus of Pideau Street:

(ff) $75,000 in addition to the amount authorized bv By-law l*Tumber 4494. to provide for the con- struction of a new bridge over the Pideau Pivor at St. Patrick Street:

(c) $100,000 to [)ruvido for the oost of now buildings, and equipment for the City of Ottawa Sana- torium, ost:il)lisli(Ml ]»y cliapter 117 of tlio Acts of 1909;

(/) $150,000 to provide for the purchase of additional lands for improving and extending the By Ward Market, and for erecting market buildings thereon.

3. 'I'he council of the said corporation may provide l^>y ^^o,?J'.o^*° by-laws, to be ))assed without obtaininc; the assent of themoney

' *"' i'or cGrttiin

electors therein, loi- borrowing upon debentures. l)earing grants

, , , 1 j^i •^ 1 i 1 without

interest at such rate as the council may detenmue. ana pay-assent of able within ton ( 10 ) years from the date thereof, the sum of ^^g^iJentui^es $18,000, in order t.) inakc payment of grants of: loyearV

(a) $5,000 to the Knights of Columbus, for the pur- pose of erecting Catholic Army Huts;

(h) $10,000 to the Governing Council of the Salvation Army in Canada, towards its work in j)roviding hospital accommodation, comfort?; and assistance for Soldiers of the Canadian I'.xpeditionary Force and tlieir dependents ;

(e) $3,000 to the /iniii^t ^^■(iei■a^K)n (»f ('nnada l..\v;ir(ls its work of assisting destitute Jews in Pak\stine.

4. The council of the said corporation may ]>rovide by Power to by-laws, to be i)assed without obtaining the assent thereto of money the electors of the said city, for borrowing upon debentures, p^urpos^^*" l>earing interest at such rate or rates as the coun<*il may (^^^'assent'of temiine. and parable within thirty (80) years from their electors on date of issue, of sums of monev not exceeding the following, payable in

/. ,1 .£• 1 '30 years.

tor the specined purposes:

id] :i;:;(), 0(1(1 |,, |ir,,\i(|c (nv the (■<,>[ <A' cniisti'iiri inn- water main extensions ami new water sci'vicc-^. during the years 1918 and 1919;

(6) $45.(1(10 tn complete the construction of tiie Over- land Water Supply System;

(c) $40,000 to provide for the cost of ])urchasing and

iTisI ailing water meters.

5. For the payment of the del)t and interest rei>reseu ted Debts by the debentures to be issued under the authority of theunder immediately picc, din- section hereof, tin ic shall be annu-to*toe°" '^

ally raised by iIk poration duritii! fbe cnnviicy ^l' the ^'^i*^ of water

88 rates.

r. (leo. V. <•. 63. S.l, ainende<l.

(lel>eiituros, with the authority (;onforrc3d upon the corpora- tiou in and by the A<'t passed in the thirty-fifth year of the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, Chaptered 80, and entituled An Act for the Construction of Waterworks for the City of Ottaiua, from the water rates, a sum sufficient to dineharge the said debt and interest when and as the same shall respectively l>ecome due, such sum to be in addition to the money required to be raised to moot the rharges of main-' tonunce and the cost of renewals in vuwnwX'um with the said waterworks and for the payment of the principal and interest of all debts heretofore authorized to be contracted for the purj)oses of the said water rates, but if at any time the moneys accruing from the said water rates shall prove in- sufficient for the purposes aforesaid, then, when and so often as the said deficiency shall occur, there shall be raised, levied jiikI colloi'ted by the said corporation, by a special rate upon the ass(?8sable ])ro])orty of the said corporation, according to the then hisr. re\is<'d assessment v>M tliereof, a sum sufficient to make good such deficiency.

6. Clause («) of Section 1 of chapter 63 of the Acts passed in the tiftli year of the reign of His Majesty King GeH>rge V, intituled An Act rcspccthifj the City of Ottawa. as amended by Section 12 of ('hai>ter 70 of the Act passed in the seventh year of His said Majesty, is further amended by inserting in the fourth line after the word " gromids " llie words " jind otiiei- biiildiniis."

Construc- tion of certain tile sewer us a local improve- ment.

7. (.1) Tlic coiincil (if ilic said coriioialion may provide by by-law, to be ])assed under the provisions of The Local 1 m pro cement Act, for constructing, and for assessing and levying the cost ol a tile sewer under that j^ortion of Glen Avenue which lies between Cayuga Street and the westerly limit of Lot dumber 41, Glen Avenue, notwithstanding that the estimated lifetime of the existing local improvement sewer on Glen Avenue has not yet exjMred.

Corpora- tion's share.

Power to



for Fire




(2) The corporation may assume and i>ay. annually, out of its general funds, all sums that remain to be raised under the provisions of By-law Xumber 3286, assessed and levied against the lots abutting on the said portion of Glen Avenue.

8. (1) The council of the said c<^rporation may provide by by-law, to be passed without obtaining the assent of the electors thereto, for raising upon debentures, bearing interest at such rate as the council may determine, and payable at the expiration of ten (10) years from their date of issue, the sum of $80,000 for the purpose of creating a Fire In- surance Reserve Fund.


(2) A special rate shall be levied in each year during the^pe^ciai currency of the said debentures, upon all the rateable prop- erty in the niiinicipality, suificient to pay the interest upon, and to provide for a sinl<ini>' fnnd to retire, the said deben- tures at their maturity.

['■l) Whenever and so often as any huilding or structure Sale of belonging to the corporation, or the contents or furnishings to meet thereof, is destroyed or damaged by lire, the council may, '^'"^ ^°^^®^" by resolution, ]>rovide for the sale of the whole, or such part of the said issue of debentures as is requisite to reimburse the corporation for the loss sustained, and for the j>ayment of the amount realized by the sale of such debentures, to the treasurer of the c()r])orati<tn for the uses thereof.

(4) The treasurer of the corporation shall invest, frominvestment time to time, during the lifetime of the said debentures, thOof specfai *" am«mnt of the special annual rate levied for interest and""^^®- sinking puri)oses. in such securities as a trustee is by law authorized to invest trust money in, and may from time to time, vary and sell the said securities for the purpose of, ptircliasing other trust securities, and shall kee]) a special account showing the amount and nature of all such invest- ments and the total amount at the credit of the said fund.

O. The coniicil of the said corj)oration, u))on tlie appli- By-laws jiijiiu of Hot less ihiiu three-fourths (%) in numbei- (vf theeiosingof occupiers n\' -hops within the municipality, belonging to the*^""^^" class to which such application relates, may provide by by- law, to be ])assed and to take effect as provided by section 84 (d' T/ic Fdctorij, Shop aud Office BuUding Art, for requiring all shops within the municipality belonging to the class specified in the api>lication to be closed, and to remain closed, on each and every day of the week, during the period of the year, and at the times and hours mentioned in the applica- tion, between -ix ( <») o'clock in the afternoon of any day and five (5) o'('1m(1< in the forenoon of the next following lawful (lav.


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No. 38. 1919.


An Act respecting the City of Ottawa.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Ottawa has,^^^^"^^^^- l>y its petition, prayed that special legislation be en- acted in regard to the matters hereinafter set forth ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said Petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. The council of the said corporation mav i)rovide bv Power to by-laws, to be passed without obtaining the assent thereto money for of the electors of the said city, for borrowing ujion deben-pu'i-^ses tiires, bearing interest at such rate or rates as the council ^^Jggn^of may determine, and payable within twenty (20) years f I'om e^ctojrs^ the date thereof, of sums of money not exceeding the follow-bentures

- ,, -n 1 ' payable in

Mig. for the spocihed purposes: 20 years.

(a) $.5,000 to provide for additional expenditures upon the Soldiers' Home, beyond those previously authorized;

(h) $35,000 to provide for altering and improving the pavement, walks and approaches of the Bank Street Subway ;

((■) $5,000 to provide for altering and improving the Carnegie Library "Building;

(d) $4,000 to provide for the loss by discount on the sale of the debentures issued under By-laws Numbers 4530, 4549, 4547, 4585, 4543, 4546, 4538, 4539, and 4542 ;

(fl) $-20,00(» to provide for constructing and improving weigh-houses, and for the purchase and erection of weighing machines ;



(f) $5,000 to provide for expenditures upon the De- tention Homo, in excess of those previously authorized ;

(fj) $125,000 to provide for the ronstniction and fnr- iiishin^ of two (2) public hathing houses an<l lavatorif's, with branch library acfomniodatioii :

(h) $70,000 for makiiiir pay incut of the niortpape to the Independent Order of Forestx^rs. upon tli< Lansdowno T*nrls promises;

( i) $28,000 for iiiakinir payjiicnt of the mortgajre to the Edinbnrj^h Life Assurance romyiany upon the Lnnsdowiio Park ])reniises;

( j) $10,000 for an iidditional l)uildinfr and for fnr- nishiujsrs for the Isolation Hos]iital.

(1-) $150,000 to ])rovi.1c for the ])nrchase of additional lands for iiiiiii<i\ iiiii' and cxtcndin": the By Ward Market, and for erecting; market buildinirs thereon.

Power to borrow money for certain I>urposes without assent of electors on de- bentures payable In 30 years.

2. The council of the said corporation may provide bv bv-law. to be passed without obtaiuiinr the assent of the electors of the said citv ili(M'eln, for li<inu\viuir upon deben- tures, bearinc: interest at such rate or rates as the council tnav determine, and i^avablo within thirty (W) vears from the date thereof, of sums of money not cxceedincr the follow- iuin:. for the specified purposes:

(a) $9,500 to provide for the cost of the septic tauk site in excess of the amount authorized by sec- tion 2 of chaT^ter 85 of the Acts of the year 1916;

(h) $10,000 to provide for the cost of completinsr the Pretoria Avenue Pridsre:

(r) $50,000 in addition to the provision made by clause ('h^ of section 2 of chanter 72 of the A etc o^^ 1918. to nrovide for the corooration's choTc of the cost of constriTctinsr a new bridge across the Pideau Piver at the easterly terminus of Pideau Street ;

(d) $75,000 in addition to the amount authorized bv Py-law TTnmber 4494. to provide for the con- struction of a new bridge o\ ot- the Pideau Pivor at St. Patrick- Street ; 18


(c) $100,000 to [)r(>\ Ide lor the coat of now buildings, and equipment for the City of Ottawa Sana- torium, establishod by chapter 117 of the Acts of 1909;

3. I'ho council of the said corporation may provide by power to

by-laws, to be passed without obtaining the assent of the {^"^j'^'^^y

electors thereto, for borrowing upon debentures, bearing for (pertain

interest at such rat« as the council may determine, and pay- without

able within ten (10) years from the date thereof, the sum ot electors on

$18,000, in order to make payment of grants of: plyabie'hT

10 years.

(a.) $5,000 to the Ivnights of Columbus, for the pur- pose of erecting Catholic Army Huts;

{b) $10,000 to the Governing Council of the Salvation Army in Canada, towards its work in providing hospital accommodation, comforts and assistance for Soldiers of the Canadian Expeditionary Force and their dependents;

(f) $3,000 to the Zionist Federation of Canada towards its work of assisting destitute Jews in Palestine.

4. The council of the said corporation may provide bv„

^Y 1 1-1 1 1 ', Power to

iby-laws, to bo passed without obtaining the assent thereto of borrow the electors of the said city, for borrowing upon debentures,for certain bearing interest at such rate or rates as the council may de-^"thout^ termine, and payable within thirty (30) years from their gfg^jfj"',.^^,^ date of issue, of sums of monev not exceeding the following debentures

.' o »' payable in

tor the specified purposes:

(a) $30,000 to provide for the cost of constructing water main extensions and new water service -, during the years 1918 and 1919;

(h) $45,000 to complete the construction of the Over- land Wafer Supply System;

(c) $40,000 to provide for the (•<»st of [uirchasing ;ni(l installing water meters.

30 years.

5. For the payment of the ddit and int('ro>l rcspresentcd by the debentures to be issued under the authority of the immediately ])receding section herertf, there shall be annu- ally raised by the corporation during the currency of the said debentures, witii the authority conferred upon the corpora- tion in and by the x\ct passed in the thirty-fifth year of the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, Chaptered 80, and entituled An Act for the ('onstnidion of Waterworks

for the Citif of Ottaina, from the water rates, a sum sufficient 38

Debts incurred under section 5 to be paid out of water rates.

S Geo. V. C. 63, S.l. amended.

to discharge the said debt and interest when and an ili< .im. sliall respectively hecomo dne, such sum to be in addition to the inonfty r('<|nired lo be raised to meet the charges of main- tenance and the cost of renewals in connection with the said waterworks and for the payment of the principal and interest of all debts heretofore authorized to be contracted for the purposes of the said water rates, but if at any time the moneys accruing from the .said water rates shall j)rove in- sufficient for the puriKWcs aforesaid, then, when and so often as the said deficiency shall occur, there shall be raised, levied and collected by tlie said corporation, by ji sj»oe'ij»l r:it<' upon the assessable property of the said corporation, accordinfr to the then last revised assessment n»]| (lieio't". n tnm -ntlicicnt to make good such deficiency.

6. Clause (a) of Section 1 of chapter 63 of the Acts passed in the fifth year of the reign of His Majesty King George V, intituled An Act respecting the City of Ottawa, as amended by Section 12 of Chapter 79 of the Act passed in the seventhj year of His said Majesty, is further amended by inserting in the fourth line after the word " grounds " the words " and other buildings."

Construc- tion of certain tile sewer as a local Improve- ment.

7. (1) The council of the said corporation may provide by by-law, to be passed under the provisions of The Local Improvement Act, for constructing, and for assessing and levying the <*ost ol a tile sewer under that portion of Glen Avenue which lies between Cayuga Street and the westerly limit of Lot Number 41, Glen Avenue, notwithstanding that the estimated lifetime of the existing local iin])rovemeMt sewer on Glen Avenue has not yet expired.

Corpora- tion's .share.

(2) The corporation may a.-^sume and pay, annually, out of its general funds, all sums that remain to be raised under the provisions of By-law Number 3286, assessed and levied against the lots abutting on the said portion of Glen Avenue.

Power to



for Fire




8. (1) The council of the said corporation may provide by by-law, to be passed without obtaining the assent of the electors thereto, for raising \\\K)n debentures, bearing interest at such rate as the council may determine, and i):iy;i1)lc :il the expiration of ten (10) years from their date of issue, the sum of $80,000 for the purpose of creating a Fire In- surance Reserve Fund.

Special rate.

(2) A special rate shall be levied in each year during the currency of the said debentures, upon all the rateable prop- erty in the municipality, sufficient to pay the interest upon, and to provide for a sinking fund to retire, the said deben- tures at their maturity.


(.']) Whenever and sq often as anj building or structure Sai^eof^^^^ l)elonging to the cor))oration, or the contents or furnishings to meet thereof, is destroyed or damaged by tire, the council may, by resolution, provide for the sale of the whole, or such ]iart of the said issue of debentures as is requisite to reimburse the corporation for the loss sustained, and for the payment of the amount realized by the sale of such debentures, to the treasurer of the corporation for the uses thereof.

(4) The treasurer of the corporation shall invest, frominvestment

of DrocGGds

time to time, during llie lil'etiiiie of the said debentures, theof special amount of the -pccinl ;iiiiiii;il rale levied for interest and'^* *' sinking purjioses, in such securities as a trustee is by law anthori/ed to invest trust money in, and may from time to time vary and sell ilie >aid securities for the purpose of, purchasing other trust securities, and shall keep a special account showing the amount and nature of all such invest- ments and tlic total amount at the credit of the said fund.

O. The council of the said corporation, upon the appli- By-laws cation of not less than three-fourths (%) in number of the closing of fx'cupiers of shops within the municipality, belonging to the^ °^^' class to which such application relates, may provide by by- law, to be passed and to take effect as ]>rovided by section 84 of TJie Factory, Shop and Office Building Act, for requiring all shops within the municipality belonging to the class specified in the application to be closed, and to remain closed, on each aiul o\qy\ day of tlie week, during the period of the year, ^jnd at the times and hours mentioned in the applica- tion, between six ((1) o'clock in the afternoon of any day and five (5) o'clock in the forenoon of the next following lawful dav.

10, Xotwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in The Assessment Act, The Municipal Act, or in any other Act, the Council of the said Corporation may provide by by-law to be passed after the same has been submitted to and approved of by the electors of the said City qualified to \ ote on money by-laws that all buildings and parts of bnild- iiigs, structures, machinery and fixtures erected or placed upon, in, over, under or afiixed to land, and all incomes as defined by clause (e) of section 2 of The Assessment Act and all business assessments as defined by section 10 of the said Act shall be exemi)t(^d for purposes of taxation except for uater rates, and school purposes, for the year next following I lie coming into force of such by-law for a sum equal to I wen ty- five per cent, of the assessed value thereof; for the ( cond year following the coming into force of such by-law lor a sum equal to fifty per cent, of the assessed value thereof; and for the third year following the coming into force of such



by-law for a sura equal to soventy-fivo per cent, of the assessed value thereof; and from and aftor the expiration of the third year following the coming into force of such by- law all tjixos and rates of tlio said ('orporation oxropt for water rates and school purj)oses sliall lie levied and rated upon the assessed value of land only exclusive of all buildings, parts of buildings, structures, machinery and fixtures erected or [daced, upon, in, over, under or affixed to land and the said corporation may with the like approval rej^eal any such by-law, but such repealing by-law shall not take effect until the first day of January of the vt ;ii' following the year in which it is passed.


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No. 39. . . 1919.


An Act respecting the Township of Tav and the Village of Port McNicoll.

WHEIi^EAS tli(> ^rimicipal Corporations of the Town-T'e^'"'>i«- slii]) of Tay and the Vilhige of Port McNicoll have, hy petition, represented that in pursuance of the provisions of The Assessment Act, the warden- and treasurer of the County of Sinicoe sold certain lands in the said county in the years of 1915, 191G, 1917 and 1918 for arrears of taxes ; and that the said Municipal Corporations of the Township of Tay and the Village of Port McNicoll became the purchasers of said lands at said tax sales ; and whereas rlie cosf to the said corporations of obtaining deeds to the said lands in the manner prescribed by The Assessment Act would be very great and a burden to the said corporations (twing to the large number of lots so ])urchased ; and whereas flie said corporations have prayed that the said warden and treasurer of the said County of Simcoe be empowcicd iind required to convey to them the said lands in the manner hereinafter set forth; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by mid with the ii(!\iic uikI <m.ii-

Dulics mT

-ont of the Legislative Assemblv of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows: „...,..i..„


1. The warden and treasurer of the County of Simcoe aroa^to hereby requited and empowered, notwithstanding any pra-t^x'^gai'es. vision to the contrary contained in The Assessment Act: ^^^95^*^*"

(a) To execute and deliver in duplicate to the said!^J;^i"'" "^ Municipal Corporations of the Township of Tay Jij^^^^'^^^^'^'^^^^^ and the Village of Port McNicoll, respectively, with, tax deeds of all lands sold for arrears of taxes in the Township of Tay and the Village of Port McNiooll in and during the years 1915, 1916. 1917, and 1918, and purchased at tax sales by either of the said municipal corporations as set



Incluuion in one deed of all land purchased by Township of Tay.

out in Schedule " A " hereto, without making or causing to be made search in the Registry OflBco and in the SheriflF's Office, as required by subsection (1) of section 171 of The Assessment Act, and without sending the notices mentioned in subsection (2) of section 171 of The Assess- ment Act]

(h) To include in ono deed all the lanfls sold or to be conveyed to the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Tay, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (7) of section 171 of The Assess- ment Act;


Inclusion in one deed of all land purchased by Village of Port McNicoll.

(c) To include in one deed all the lands sold or to be conveyed to the "Municipal Corporation of tlio Village of Port McNicoll, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (7) of section 171 of The Assessment Act.




Title to lands vested In corpora- tion.

2. The said tax deeds, when so executed and delivered,

shall ho valid and binding to all intents and purposes.

3. The lands conveyed by such deeds shall from the execution and delivery thereof be vested in fee simple, free from all encumbrances, in the municipal corporation to

which the same are eoincvc] In- siidi tax deeds.




Part I.

The descriptions of lands purchased by the Municipality of the ('orporation of the Township of Tay at the tax sales of the County of Simcoe for the years 1915, 1916, 1917, and 1918.

1915 Tax Salk.

Plan 529— Lots 23, 24, 89, 90, 103, 104, 105, 106.

Plan 540— Lots 16, 18, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 61, 83, 94, 115, 116, 185, 200, 206, 208, 210, 255..

Plan 544— Lots 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83.

1916 Tax Sai.k (Deeds not yet given. Searches not Made).

Plan 540— Lots 5, 21, 25, 26, 41, 45. 46, 54, 73, 73, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 85«r 86, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 122, 1^3, 124, 125, 126. 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 164, 165, 166, 166, 167, 169, 172, 173, 203, 204, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228,' 235, 236, 237, 238, 239.

Plan 569— Lots 837, 877, 878, 895, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 1091, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1235, 1239, 1362, 1386.

Plan 584— Ix)ts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 235, 236, 237, 238. 239, 240, I'll, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 2^1, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258. 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 479, 480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486. 487. 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501. 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, C D R F G H K.

1917 Tax S.u-k (Deeds not yet given, Searches not Made).

Plan 540— Lots 36. 55. 56. 97, 98. 105. 106. 109, 110, 111. 112, 135, 136, 141, 142. 153, 154, 155, 156, 179, 180, 181, 187, 205, 242, 243, 244, 247, 248, 249, 250.

Plan 569— Lots 898, 907, 927, 928, 929, 930, 937, 938, 1005, 1006, 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1358. 1359, 1372, 1373, 1480.' ir,20, 1521.

1918 Tax S.\i>k (Deeds not yet given. Searches not Made).

Plan 540— Lots 47, 48, 66, 77, 89, 92, 99, 121, 134, 137, 138. 139, 140, 148, 149, 150. 168. 188, 197, 201, 202, 217, 218, 219, 229, 230, 231, 232, 241, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260. 263. 264.

Plan 544— Lots 120. 127, 128, 129, 130. 131. 132, 134, 135, 136, 165, 166, ir,7, 168, 169. 170. 171. 172, 173, 174. 191, 197, 229, 297, 316, 317, 344.

Plan 558— Lots 22, 23. 24. 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, -.2, .-.3, 54s 55, 56, 57, 58. 59. 64. 85, 86, 87, 88, 200, 214, 215, 216. 217, ■18, 242, 243. 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, _':.7, 297.

i'lan 569— Lots 811, 812. 813, 814, 878, 893, 895, 905, 906, 952, 953. 1048, 1052, 1167. 1234, 1257. 1401, 1478, 1479. 1483. 1484. 1529, 1530.

Part II.

List of lands punhasod liy the Municipality of the Village of Port McNicoll at the tax .sales of the Tonnty pf Simcoe Tor tlie years 1916, 1917 and 1918. 39

not'cin Ai litli; Tax Saijc (Deeds not yet Received):

Plan 540— Lota 5, 21, 25, 26, 41, 45, 46, 54, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84. 85, 86. 100, 101. 102, 103. 104, 122, 123, 124, 125. 126, 127. 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 183, 164, 165, 166. 167, 169, 172, 173, 203, 204, 220, 221, 222. 223. 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239.

Plan 569— Lots 837. 877, 878, 895. 899. 900, 901, 902. 903, 904. 1091, 1168, 1169, 1170. 1171, 1235, 1239, 1362, 1386.

Plan 584— Lots 1 to 50, 235 to 274, 459 to 513, Blocks C D E F G H K.

BotKiHT AT 1917 Tax Sale (Deeds not yet Received):

Plan 540— Ivots 36, 55. 56, 97, 98. 105. 106. 109. 110, 111, 112, 135, 136. 141. 142. 153. 154, 155, 156, 179. 180, 181, 187, 205, 242, 243. 244, 247. 248. 249, 250.

Plan 569— Lots 898, 907. 927, 928, 929, 930, 937, 938, 1005. 1006. 1340, 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1358, 1359, 1372, 1373, 1480, 1520, 1521.

Bought at 1918 Tax Sale (Deeds not yet Received):

Plan 540— Lots 47, 48. 66. 77. 89. 92. 99, 121, 134. 137. 138. 139. 140. 148, 149. 150, 168, 188, 197< 201. 202. 217. 218, 219, 229. 230, 231, 232. 241. 256, 257. 258, 259, 260, 263, 264.

Plan 544— Lots 120, 127, 128. 129. 130. 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 165. 166. 167. 168, 169, 170, 171. 172. 173, 174, 191. 197. 229. 297, 316. 317, 344.

Plan 558— Lots 22, 23, 24, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48. 49, 51, 52. 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. 58. 59, 64, 85. 86, 87. 88, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218. 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256. 257, 297.

Plan 569— Lots 811, 812. 813, 814. 878, 893, 895, 905, 906, 952, 953, 1048, 1052, 1167, 1234, 1257, 1402, 1401, 1478. 1479, 1483. 1484. 1492. 1529, 1530.





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No. 39. 1919.


An Act respecting the Township of Tay and the Village of Port iMcNicoll.

WHEREAS the Municipal Corporations of the Town- pj.g^j„ijjg ship of Tay and the Village of Port McNicoll have, by petition, represented that in pursuance of the provisions of The Assessment Act, the warden and treasurer of the County of Simcoe sold certain lands in the said county in the years of 1915, 1916, 191Y and 1918 for arrears of taxes ; and that the said Municipal Corporations of the Township of Tay and the Village of Port McNicoll became the purchasers of said lands at said tax sales; and whereas the cost to the said corporations of obtaining deeds to the said lands in the manner prescribed by The Assessment Act would be very great and a burden to the said corporations owing to the large number of lots so purchased ; and whereas the said corporations have prayed that the said warden and treasurer of the said County of Simcoe be empowered and required to convey to them the said lands in the manner hereinafter set forth ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, TTis Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

Duties of

1. The warden and treasurer of the Oounty of Simcoe are^^^^J"^^" hereby required and empowered, notwithstanding any pro- treasurer vision to tiu' contrarv contained in Tlic Assessrncnf -l'"/, certain r^or The Rcjidry Art or any other Acti^^^l ReVlS..

c. 195.

{a) To execute and deliver in duplicate to the saidsearches

Municipal Corporations of the Township of TaynSuces

and the Village of Port McNicoll, respectively, JJf^P^"^®^

tax deeds of all lands sold for arrears of taxes

in the Township of Tay and the Village of Port

McNicoll in and during the years 1915, 1916,

1917, and 1918, and purchased at tax sales by

either of the said municipal corporations as set 89

out in Sche<luk' '"A" hereto, I^^or which shall hereafter be sold and so purchased upon payment of the fees as follows For the searches in th<' Registry Office! and in the SherifFs office, as - {|uired by subseirtion (1) of section 171 of The Assessment Act the Rejristrars shall be pai<l and accept a fee of Tic for each lot searched and the sheriff shall be paid and accept a fee of '{<><• for each person in re8})ect to whoni a search i> made in the sheriff's office. The County 'Frciisurcr shall be i)aid and acc('|)t for the Notices i'('(]nir('d bv subsoctioti (SI) (»f Section 171 of Tlic Assessment Ad ■.\\\<\ fm- the posiniic and all other services rendered 1>\ hini inchidini: the deed a fee of 50c in lien of the fees and postage mentioned in the said section 1 7 1 ."'c^l

Inclusion in one deed of an land Durehased by Township t»r Tay.

{!)) To include in one deed all the lands sold, to he sold or to be conveyed to the ^funicipal Coriniration of tile Township of Tay. nothwithstandinjr the in'oxisions of subsection (7) of section 171 of 77/ (' . I ssessment Act ;

Incluision in one deed of all land purchased by Village of Port McNlcoll.


deeds confirmed.

Title to lands vested in corpora- tion.

(r) To iiKdndc in one deed all the lands sold, to he sold | or to be convoyed to the Municipal Corporation of the Villaire of Port McT^icoll, uotwithstiindinir

the provision^ of siiliscction (7) "f -crtioii l7l ol Til r A sses»nir7il Arl.

2. The said tax deeds, when so executed and delivered, shall be valid and bindinii to all intents and purposes.

3. The lands conveyed by such deeds shall from the execution and delivery thereof be vested in fee simple, free from all encumbrances, in the municipal corporation to which the same are conveyed by such tax deeds.




Part I.

The descriptions of lands purchased by the Municipality of the Corporation of the Township of Tay at the tax sales of the County of Simcoe for the years 1915, 1916, 1917, and 1918.

1915 Tax Sale.

Plan 529— Lots 23, 24, 89, 90. 103, 104, 105, 106.

Plan 540— Lots 16, 18, 27, 28, 29. 34, 35, 61, 83. 94, 115, 116, 185. 200, 206, 208, 210, 255.

Plan 544— Lots 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83.

1916 Tax R.u.k (Deeds not yet given, Searches not Made).

Plan 540~Lots 5, 21, 25, 26, 41, 45, 46, 54, 73, 73, 76. 78, 79, 80, 81, 84. 85. 86. 100, 101. 102. 103. 104. 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 164, 165. 166, 166, 167, 169, 172, 173, 203, 204, 220, 221, 225, 2.24. 225, 226, 227, 228, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239.

Plan .'i69— Lots 837, 877, 878, 895, 899, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904, 1091, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1171, 1235, 1239, 1362, 1386.

Plan 584— Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37. 38. 39, 40. 41, 42, 43, 44, 45. 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241. 242. 243, 244, 245, 246. 247, 248. 249, 250. 251, 252, 253. 254, 255. 256. 257, 258, 259, 260. 261, 262, 263, 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270, 271. 272, 273. 274. 459. 460, 461, 462, 463, 464. 465, 466, 467, 468, 469. 470,' 471, 472. 473, 474, 475, 476. 477. 478. 479, 480, 481, 482. 483, 484. 485 486. 487, 488. 489. 490, 491. 492. 493. 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500'. 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, C D E F G H K.

1917 Tax Sxlk (Deeds not yet given. Searches not Made).

Plan 540— Lots 36, 55, 56. 97, 98, 105, 106, 109, 110, 111. 112, 135. 136, 141, 142. 153, 154, 155, 156, 179, 180, 181, 187, 205, 242, 243. 244, 247. 248, 249, 250.

Plan 569— Lots 898. 907, 927, 928, 929. 930. 937. 938. 1005. 1006. 1340. 1341, 1342, 1343, 1344. 1345, 1346, 1358^ 1359. 1372, 1373, 1480. 1520, 1521.

1918 Tax Sale (Deeds not yet given. Searches not Made).

Plan 540— Lots 47, 48, 66, 77. 89, 92, 99, 121. 134, 137, 138. 139, 140, 148, 149, 150. 168. 183, 197, 201. 202, 217. 218. 219. 229, 230, 231, 232, 241, 256, 257, 258. 259. 260. 263, 264.

Plan 544— Lots 120. 127, 128, 129. 130, 131, 132, 134. 135, 136, 165, 166. 167. 168. 169, 170, 171. 172, 173, 174, 191, 197, 229, 297, 316, 317. 344.

Plan 558— Lots 22, 23. 24, 35, 36. 37, 38, 44. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52. 53, 54. 55, 56. 57. 58, 59. 64. 85. 86. 87. 88, 200, 214, 215. 216. 217.. 218, 242. 243. 244, 245. 246. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252, 253, 254, 255, 256. 257 297.

Plan 569— Ivots 811. 812. 813, 814, 878, 893, 895, 905, 906, 952, 953. 1048. 1052, 1167, 1234, 1257. 1401. 1478. 1479, 1483, 1484, 1529, 1530.

Pabt II.

List of lands purchased by the Municipality of the Village of Port McNicoU at the tax sales of the County of Simcoe for the years 1916. 1917 and 1918. 89

BoiTQHT AT 1916 Tax Sai.k (Deeds not yet Received):

Plan 640—1^18 5, 21, 25, 26, 41, 45, 46, 54, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 86, 86. 100, 101. 102. 103. 104. 122, 123, 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130, 131. 132, 133, 164. 165, 166. 167, 169, 172, 173, 203, 204. 220, 221. 222. 223. 224. 22r), 226. 227. 228. 235, 236, 237, 238, 239.

Plan 569— Lots 837. 877, 878, 895, 899. 900, 901, 902. 903. 904, 1091. 1168, 1169, 1170. 1171, 1235, 1239, 1362, 1386.

Plan 584— Lots 1 to 50, 235 to 274, 459 to 513, Blocks C D E F Q H K.

Bought at 1917 Tax Sale (Deeds not yet Received):

Plan 540— Ix)ts 36. 55. 56, 97, 98. 105. 106. 109, 110, 111. 112, 135. 136. 141, 142, 153, 154, 155, 156, 179, 180, 181, 187, 205, 242. 243. 244, 247. 248. 249. 250.

Plan 569— Lots 898, 907, 927, 928. 929, 930, 937, 938, 1005, 1006, 1340. 1341. 1342. 1343, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1358, 1359, 1372. 1373, 1480, 1520, 1521.

Bought at 1918 Tax Sale (Deeds not yet Received):

Plan 540— Lots 47, 48. 66, 77. 89, 92, 99, 121, 134, 137, 138, 139. 140. 148, 149, 150, 168, 188, 197, 201. 202, 217, 218, 219, 229, 230, 231, 232, 241. 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264.

Plan 544— Lots 120, 127, 128, 129. 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 165, 166, 167. 168, 169. 170, 171, 172. 173, 174. 191. 197. 229, 297. 316. 317, 344.

Plan 558— Lots 22, 23, 24, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 45, 46, 47. 48. 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57. 58. 59, 64, 85, 86, 87, 88, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256. 257, 297.

Plan 569— Lots 811, 812. 813. 814, 878, 893, 895, 905, 906, 952, 953. 1048, 10.^2, 1167, 1234, 1257. 1402, 1401. 1478, 1479, 1483, 1484, 1492. 1529, 1530.


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Xo. 40. 1910.


An Act respecting the Town of VValkerville.

WHEREAS tlie .Miinieipal Corporation of the Town of^'"^^"^^'"- Walkerville and the Townships of Sandwich East and Sandwich South have, bv petition, represented that by Orders-in-Council dated the 28th day of July, 1915, the 10th day of May, 191G. and the 16th ^day of "^March, 1917, a lioard of Trustees (hereinafter referred to as the commis- sion) was appointed, in pursuance of section 20 of The Oiiiario Ilighwaijs Act for a road known as the Walker Road, from the vicinity of the Town of Walkerville to a point on the Talbot Road in the County of Essex, known as Oldcastle; and whereas the agreement set out in Schedule " A " hereto, with respect to the said road was entered into l)etween His Majesty, represented therein by the Honour- able Findlay George Macdiarmid, Minister of Public High- ways, and the Municipal Corporations of the Town of Walk- erville and the Townships of Sandwich East and Sandwich South ; and whereas in pursuance of the said agreement the commission proceeded with the said work and has constructed the portion thereof l^etween the Third Concession Road in the Township of Sandwich East and the Townline Road be- tween the Townships of Sandwich East and Sandwich South to the satisfaction of the ^finister; and whereas by Order- in-Council, dated the 2nd day of December, 1918, the said road was denominat<^d a " main road " under the said Act ; and whereas the said Municipal Corporations have, by their petition in that behalf, prayed for an Act to validate the said agreement and the acts of the commission, and to confer such additional powers as may be found necessary to enable the commission to carry on and complete the work as pro- vided by the said agreement, and to authorize the contribu- tion by the Province of Ontario toward the cost of the work, of an amount not exceeding forty per cent. (40 per cent.) thereof, and not exceeding for the whole work the sum of $;jO,r)00.00 ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the pniycr of the said petition :

Therefore, His Mafcstv, bv ;iiul witli ihr iidvlcc mid con 40 ' "^ '

sent of the Legislative Assouiblv of tlu- rrovjnre of Ontario, enacts as follows:

«ionSe" ^- '^^^^ commission is hereby do(!lared tu be ii Board of

clared to Triistecs, dulv appointed under the provisions of section 20

be Board i- mi J-\ i ' ri i i< i'i

of TruMteeM. of Ihe Omano Jliff/nrays Act, and is hereby empowered to (•arr\' on and <'onii)]ete the .8ai<l Main Road as provided by the said a^eemont, and the said Act, and amendments thereto.

Orders-ln- Cuuncll and agree- ment uonflrmed.

2. Tlie said Orders-in-Coimci! and the said agreement set forth in Schedule " A " to this Act, to the full extent of the provisions thereof, and to the extent that any of the said provisions requires the authority or sanction of tlio Le^'sla- ture of Ontario to make them valid, are hen-Ky authorized^ validated and confirmed.

3. The acts of the commission in the premises are hereby

Acts of

conflrmcd*?" N'alidated and confirmed

byProv-' ^' "^^^^ Lieutenant-Govemor in Council may direct the

ince to pajTnent to the commission from time to time, out of the

fund set apart under The Highway Improvement Act, of a sum equal to 40 per cent, of the cost of the construction of the said Main Road.


Special rate to meet

excess over estimated cost.

Rev. Stat, c. 193.

5. In the event of the amounts to be contributed by the said Municipal Corporations and the Province of Ontario being found insufficient to complete the work, the balance re- quired for that purpose shall be raised, levied and collected in the municipalities in which the work is constructed, by a special rate upon the properties benefited by the work, 9r fronting thereon, under the provisions of The Local Im- provement Act, and the commission may apportion between the said townships the amounts to be so raised by them respectively.



This agreement made in quadruplicate this seventeenth day of August. A.D. 1918. Between:

His Majesty the King, represented herein and for the purposes hereof by the Honourable Flndlay George Macdiarmid, Minister of Public Highways of the Province of Ontario, hereinafter called the "Governor," of the first part;


The Municipal Corporation of the Town of Walkerville, in the County of Essex, hereinafter called the " Town," of the second part;

The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Sandwich East, hereinafter called " Sandwich East." of the third part; and

The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Sandwich South, hereinafter calletl " Sandwich South," of the fourth part.

Whereas it is proposed to construct a concrete or other permanent pavement on what is known as the " Walker Road " and deviations thereof from the present terminus of the concrete pavement at the Third Concession in the Township of Sandw^ich East southerly to the Talbot Road at Oldcastle, a distance of four and one-half miles, more or less.

And whereas it is estimated that the total cost of the construction of the pavement will amount to the sum of $76,000 or thereabouts.

And whereas it is proposed that the cost of the work shall he borne as follows:

By a contribution from the Town of Walkerville. .$30,000

By.a contribution from Sandwich East of 3,000

By a contribution from Sandwich South of 6,000

And a contribution from the Government of

Forty per cent, of the cost of the work.

Now, therefore, it is agreed by and between the several parties hereto:

1. That the commission appointed by Order-in-Council, dated the 28th day of July, 1915. for that purpose shall, as soon as may be after the execution of this agreement, proceed with the construction of said pavement.

2. That the specifications for the construction of the pavement shall be subject to the approval of the Minister of Public Highways for the Province of Ontario, and the work of construction shall at all times be subject to inspection and approval by the said Minister of Public Highways for the Province of Ontario.

3. That the location of tlie road upon which the pavement- is to he constructed shall be such as will avoid dangerous turns and rail- way crossings and no turn or curve shall have a radius of less than :'.oo feet.

4. That the parties he>*eto will contribute to the cost of the con- struction of the said pavement, as hereinbefore recited, and will pass all necessary by-laws and issue all necessary documents to enable them to procure and pay over to the commission their re-


spective contributions to the cost of tlie construction of the said pavement as hereinbefore recited, and carry out the said Order-in- Council and this agreement and will make application to the Legis- lature of the Province of Ontario at its next ensuing session for all legislation necessary to validate this agreement and the acts of the commission and confer such additional powers as may be found necessary to enable the commission to carry on the work as provided by this agreement, together with such legislation as may be necessary to validate the by-laws and resolutions of the parties of the second, third and fourth parts hereto respectively, and to authorize the contribution by the Province of Ontario towards the cost of the work of an amount not exceeding thirty thousand five hundred dollars ($30;500.(M».


5. That in the event of the amounts to be contributed as afore- said, being found insufficient to complete the work, the balance re- quired for that purpose shall be raised, levied and collected in the municipalities in which the pavement is constructed, by a special rate upon the properties benefited by the work or fronting thereon, under the provisions of The Local Iviprovevient Act, the commission to apportion among the municipalities the amounts to be raised by them respectively.


6. That the said pavement shall be maintained and kept in repair by the commission at the cost of the Town of Walkerville and of Sandwich East and Sandwich South in such proportions as may be determined by the commission subject to the approval of the Min- ister of Public Highways of Ontario.

In witness whereof the Honourable Findlay George Macdiarmid has hereunto set his hand and seal of office and the municipal cor- poration parties hereto have caused the corporations' seal of each of them respectively to be hereunto affixed by the hands of the mayor and clerk of the town and of the respective reeves and clerks of Sandwich East and Sandwich South.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered ) in the presence of ]



May(yr. A. E. Cock,




Maubice Renaud,


F. G. Belleperche,

,. Clerk.



John Webster,

Reeve. John McAuliffe.

Clerk. F. G. Macdiarmid, (Seal)




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No. 41. 1919.


An Act to amend the Act to Enable the Town of Oshawa to Withdraw from the Jurisdiction of the Council of the County of Ontario.

WIIKRKAS by an Act i)asse.l in the Otli year of the^"*""*^* reign of King George the Fifth, chaptered 84, pro- vision was in M fie to enable the Town of Oshawa to withdraw from the juiixliction of the County of Ontario; and whereas all the ])roceediiigs necessary to enable the Town of Oshawa to withdraw from the said county have not been taken, and the council of the said county has, by its petition, represented that through inadvertance there was no provision made in the said Act, as finally passed, for the pa^inent by the Town of Oshawa for its share of the county debt, although the Bill, as presented to the Assembly by the said town, did contain such provision ; and whereas the said county has also repre- sented that sinco the passing of the said Act, large expendi- tures have been made by the county in contributing to the Canadian War Patriotic Fund, and in and about the purchase of machinery and for labour upon county highways leading into Oshawa, under by-laws passed, with the support of the reeve and deputy reeves of the said town; and whereas the said county has prayed that the said Act, before being put in force, should be amended, so that justice may be done by the said town in the said and other matters hereinafter men- tioned ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, hy and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Section 3 of the Act, passed in the 6th year of the « Geo. v. reign of His Majesty, King George the Fifth, chaptered 84, amended', is hereby amended by adding thereto the following sub- section : f ^.

(2) From and after the separation of the said townf^^^fy°^ from the county, the said town shall pay its j"st J«bt ^


by town

c a no. V,

f. S4. 8. 4, ;i?iiended.

6 Geo. V. c. 84. s. 7. amended.

6 Geo. V. c. 84, s. 8. amended.

6 Geo. V, c. 84, s. 9, repealed.

Applica- tion of certain sections of Rev. Stat, c. 192.


and proper share of the county debt at the 'late of such separation, and also its just and proper share of all the debts incurred in making grants to the Canadian Patriotic Fund and other pur- purposes within the meaning of the Act, chap- tered 37, George V, and also its share of the monies expended and to be expended in the pur*, chase of machinery and for labour in improvinjj highways of the said county under the Ontario County Highway System, the Ontario Connty Provincial Highway and the Provincial Hit^li- Way, as set forth in the various Acts of thii| province relating to the said highways respectn ively, and that as to the building and maintaining of bridges in the county, the said town shall iq| all respects be as liable for the same as if n«| separation had taken place from the county.

2. Section 4 of the said Act is amended by striking out all the words after the words " be in proportion to the," ia tiie fifth and sixth lines, and inserting in lieu thereof the following words, " in proportion to the population of the said town and county according to the last census of the said town and county."

3. Section 7 of the said Act is amended by striking out all

the words in the said section after the word third line thereof.


in the

4. Section 8 of the said Act is amended by striking ou' all the words thereof after the words " shall be based on/ in the fifth line, and inserting in lieu thereof the following words, " the proportionate number of inhabitants in the sai( town to the number of inhabitants in the remaining part o: the said, county at the date of the last census of the sai( town and county."

5. Section 9 of the said Act is hereby repealed.

6. The provisions of sections 379, 380. 381 and 384 o The Municipal Act shall be taken into consideration by th arbitrators in making their award between ihe said town an' the said county, and that each of the said parties shall n spectively pay all the charges connected ^^•ith coroners' ir quests, constables' fees, witness fees and disbursements ii curred in the administration of justice, arising within the sai Town of Oshawa, and within the remaining part of tli County of Ontario.


7. In adjusting matters between the town and county, Matters the said arbitrators shall have power to consider and award considered as to the following matters : The agreement heretofore made trators. between the county, the town and the Ontario Children's

Aid Society as to aid to the said society and its shelter at Oshawa, and the reduction of the amount to be paid by the said county during the time the agreement is in force to the extent of the town's share of the taxes for the same, which would have been paid but for the withdrawal of the town from the county. The said arbitrators shall also consider the amount to be allowed the county for the use of the County House of Kefuge for the poor of the Town of Oshawa.

8. The councils of the said town and coimty may, upon ^gS'^l^^"*^ the next equalization of county assessment rolls, agree upf>^i^*'^'\o^wn

a fixed sum as the equalized assessment of the Town of as to Oshawa for years, and thereafter the said councils for county

may agree upon a fixed sum as the equalized assessment Qf p"'*p°^^^- the said town for a further term of years, and the

making of such agreement as to a fixed assessment for the Town of Oshawa shall not impair the right of the said town at the expiration of the period or periods for which such fixed sum was made, to take all or any proceedings necessary to enable the said Town of Oshawa to withdraw from the said County of Ontario, as is provided by this Act.

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N^o. 41. 1919.


An Act to amend the Act to Enable tlie Town of Oshawa to Withdraw from the Jurisdiction of the Council of the County of Ontario.

WHEKKA8 by an Act passed in the <;tli voar of tlie^''*^'"^'* reiiin of Kin^ (ieorge \'. cluiptcnMi "^1. provij;ion was made to enable the Town of Osliaw;i in withdraw from the jurisdiction of the Council of the County of On- tario; and whereas all the proceedings necessary to enable the said Town of Oshawa to withdraw from the jurisdiction of the said Council of tlie C^ounty of Ontario, as aforesaid, have not been taken ; and whereas since the passinnj of the said Act the relative positions of the said Town and County have been altered, and the County has j)rayed that the said Act be amended; and whereas it is expedient lo irrant the Prayer of the said Petition.

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- -cnt of the Legislative Assembly of the Piox incc .d' Ontario enacts as follows:

1. Section o of the said Act passed in the Sixth year ^'f^^l^g^g- the reign of His Majesty King George V. Chapter(;d ''S4" amended. is hereby amended by inserting the words * IJei:isti\ Ollice" after the word ''honse" in the third line lliereuf, ami by inserting the w<.nls ^'lugistry Ollice" after the w^id "MiDn-e" in the ninth line tliercuf. and by slrilsin'j not the \\(.i<l "only"' in the twentieth line thereof, an<l by addini: the following Sul)-Section8 thereto:

(2) Until separation from the County is completed the share of liability of the Town to pay its share of thcdebtto (\)uiity debt and the costs, charges and exix'usesby town referred to In Section '\ hereof shall remain unaltered, and from and after the separation <d' the said Town from the said (\>unty. if such separation takes fplace on or before the :'. 1st day i^\' DrcriiilK I-. 1010, said Town shall pay its share nr |U(i|inrtic'n of the balance of the debenture debt 41

6 Geo. V.

.-. SI. s. S, amended.

of the CVounty remaining unpaid at the time of said separation, as the same existed on the Ist day of March, 1910, and in addition thereto its share or proportion of th(! balance remaining; unpaid at tho time (»f said sej)aration of sncli Slim not exceeding f$ 10,000, as may l>e borrowed by the County in 1919 for the puriKwes of good roads and bridges in connection with the County Road Systx'Hi, and its share or j)roiK)rtion of the costs, charges and expenses referred to in Sub- section 1, of Section *J hereof, and if sei)aration of Town from County is completed after the Jit 1st of I)ecemlx>r, 11)19, and the del>enture in- debtedness of the (^qunty is increased after said last mentioned date, the Town shall, in addition to the amounts pav'able as above pay its share or projwrtion of the jrmonnt by which such de- benture indebted iH of ilic County is increased subse(|U('i)t to the ;il.si (if l)ec(!mber, 1919, and before separation of the Town from the County is completed.

(■)) Tile ('jiiii'iifs iiiid cNj cii.-.cs ot' wlijcli tlif Town sbiiJI bear and pay its share oi" proportion, as afore- said, shall be the net charges and expenses after deducting from such charges and expenses all receipts by the Comity from any source on such accounts.

2. Section 8 of said Act. is hereby amended l»y striking out of said Section all words between the word "from" in the first liiie thereof and the word '^made" in the second line thereof and substituting the following words therefor:

"the •27tli day of Ai)ril, 191G, and quimpiennially there- after a new agreement or award shall be."

6 Geo. V.

c. 84. s. 9, repealed.

3. Section 9 of the said Act is hereby rejK'alcd and the following enacted in lieu thereof:

After the withdrawal of the Town from the County, the County roads and bridges outside the Town shall bo the sole and exclusive projx-rty of the County and the roads and bridges within the Town shall become the exclusive pro}>ertv of the Town, but notwithstanding the withdrawal of the Town from the County the Town shall retain and con- tinue to have the same right, title and interest in all other County pro]>erty in common with the said County, as said Town possessed before such withdrawal, subject nevertheless to the provisions

of Sub-section 1 of Section 3 of this Act 41


4. The said Act is further amended bv addiiiii; the follow- ^ Geo. v.

, . o c. 84,

nig section thereto: amended.

(11) The Councils of the said Town and County niay at any time agree upon a tixcd sum as the equalized assessment of the Town of 0§hawa for a term of not more than five years, and thereafter the said Councils may agree upon a fixed sum as the C(puilized assessment <>f the said Town foi- a further term of not mure than tive years, and the making of such agreement as to fixed assess- ment for the Town of Oshawa shall not impair the right of the said I'owu at the expiration of the period or periods for wliich sucli fixed sum was made, to take all or any proceedings neces- sary to enal)]e the said Town of Oshawa to with- draw from the said Count}- of Ontario, as is pro- vided by this Act.


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Xn. 42. 1JM9.


An Act respecting the 'fown of Bowmanville.

WHFCRKAS the Corporation of flic 'I'owil of IJowillilli- Preamble, villc lias l)v pctirion prayed for special Iciii-latioii ill i-cspcct of rlic matters hereinafter set forth: and whereas hiiiics n. -McCiill, late of the Citv of Washinuton. in tlie District of ('olnnii)ia, in the I'nitcd States of America, died ill May. 1008, at Washinuton afore-aid. having- ))re\'ionsly, oil the sixth day of October. I'.HX;, made his last will, which was by the Supreme ('mirt of the rnitod States of Aincriia admitted to iirnluite on tjie se\'ente<'ntli day <d" An^iisi. l!M»,s. and in and li\' -aid will llio sni,] deceased did de\-isc to his ^vife. dane .Mcdill. all his real estate, to he n.-ed and (Mijoyed hy his ~;iid \\ ifc for the term of her lite, and after her death difl dovhse the said real estate to the ( Mrporation of the Town of Bo\\^nanville; and whereas the sai<l real estate c(»n- -isted of two parcels of land in the said City of Wasliincton, on one of which there wa>< and is an office bnildinff and on tlie other a residence: and whereas ni the tim/e of the death "f the said testator there \vfi>- and now is a mortaaire encnni- hrance existin<>' en «a'd T*eal estate, or the main portioii of same, created hv the sj,h] testator, of $100,000, and it i--

-tin';it(«.l th.i! -,;,! r'-d estate is worth $200,000: and M-l. (>)•(>■!- th" -''d .T:Mi" "^rcCill diwl on tlu> thIrteiMith da^• of ^'•"cmhcr 1010- ;ii.i'I whereas leii'al nm^sti"n.; Inn'c arisen iii fhr. anid Di-'rict ,,f Cplunihifi in connection with the rijjht of nli*en« and nnrti^idnrlv an -ilien innnicinal eornoratioTi to hold and sell and mnl<e ornod title to real estate in the said "nistrict of folnmhifl and wherens for the nnrnose of real- iVinfi" on "aid renl estnt*^ ond mnlvimr Cfood title to same, the miortornoree or holders of thr» mortirao'e in said mortiracre en-

•nmhrance mentioned hnvo -threatened to and may for the onrnose of realizin"' on =aid niortcraire and malcini? jjood title fci cinid real e«tate in n nnrcha'^er. exercise the nower of sale in said morto-an'e contained »nd sell said veal estate: and ^rhevnn.s the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville has hv it<5 petition praved that an \ct mav he na^<ed nhudn"- if in a position fo protec^t itself in ca«e of <«nch ^ah" hy said

mortgagee, as hereinafter indicated; and wIk icii- it pedient to grant the prayer of the said petition ;

IS cx-

Therefore, His Majesty, by and \vith the advice and con- sent of the L^islative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

Appointment of person or corporation In United States to purchase, mortgage and bold land de- vised to town.

Bond of indemnity by town to appointee.

1. The Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville is hereby invested with i>ower and authority to and may appoint and authorize a citizen ox citizens of the United States of Amiorica. or a corporation deriving its charter of incorpora- tion in the United States of America, and by said charter having power and authority to purchase, hold, sell and give title to real estate in the said l~)istrict of Tolumbia. to pur- chase said real estate in said District of ("olnmbia, so devised to the town by the will of the said James TT. McOill de- ceased, or any part of same, and to mortgage same to secure any part of the purchase money, and to hold and sell said real estate at the will and pleasure of the said Corporation of the Town of Bo\VTnanvil]e, on such term« mid (^niwlifinrii* as to said corporation may seem proper.

2. The Corporation of the Town ' of Bowmanville is further invested with power and authority to and may give to said citizen or citizens of the TTnited Stat^ of America, or corporation so appointed and authorized by it to purchase said real estate, its bond of indemnity to proteet said partv, parties or corporation against loss, charges or expenses in connection with the purchase and mortgajsrinir and holding and selling said real estate, or it mav aT>Tilv to a jruaranty company to give such a bond of indemnity to said party, parties or corporation so purchasinsr as aforesaid, and <rWc to the said guaranty company the bond of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville to indemnify the said cruarantv company against loss in connection with its said bond : and in either case the bond of the said Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville shall be effective and bindinir when it is authorized by a by-law of the corporation of the said town enacted by the council of said town, and said bond is sisrned by the m^ayor and clerk and sealed with the "eal of the said corporation.

byby"aw*°* ^' '^^ ^^^^ appointment referred to in section 1 shall be made under a by-law of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville, duly passed by the council of said town.

4. The Corporation of the Town of Bo^vmanville may pass a by-law to borrow, and may borrow such moneys as

Power to


money with-

of electors, the council of said town in its discretion may think proper



to meet and pay such a sum or sums as said council may think necessary to meet the purchase price of said real estate at a sale of same which may be brought about by the mort- gagee referred to, and legal expenses incurred thereabout and the expenses and charges of its appointee to purchase said real estate, and may borrow said moneys on its pro- missory note or notes and renew said notes from time to time as it may think proper ; and may pass a by-law to raise said moneys by the issue of debentures therefor for any period not exceeding ten years from the date of the issue thereof, and at such rate of interest ^not exceeding six per cent. ])cv annum, as the council of the said corporation may deter- mine; the said debentures to be issued on the ]>lan that the payments for principal and interest in each year shall be the same amount in each year during the currency of said debentures.

5. It shall not be neeessarv that tho bv-lnw* which mav-'^^t"^°^ .

. ^ electors not

he passed for the pnrposes mentioned in ^eciion i hereof required.

.<hall be submitted to or r( ceivo the assent of the electors of

the said to^vn, but all the other ])rovisions of The Mvniripal

Act \Yhich are applicable and which are not inconsistent with

the provisions of \\\\^ Aet shall apply to the said bydaw^.

6. T^o irregularity in th(^ form of any of the promissory ^^^^'^^0' notes or any of the debentures issued under the authority of invalidate, this Act. or of any by-law authorizing the issue thereof, shall render the same invalid or be allowed as a defence to n^^y

iction against the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanvillo i'or the recovery of the amount thereof, or. interest thereon, or my part thereof.

7. Tn calculatinii' the anioiin) <d' the indebieilne-s of the^^^'^^j^^^ -ai<l corporation for the purpose of ascertaining if tlie liniifpower. of its borrowing power has been reached, any debentures issued under the authority of this Act shall not be reckoned

MS part of such indebtedness, but shall be excluded in coin- i.iifjiH^ fhe same.



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No. 43. 1919.


An Act respecting the Town of Oshawa.

WHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Preamble. Oshawa has, by petition, represented that By-law No. 56Y of the said corporation was ratified and confirmed by chapter 86 of the Acts passed in the sixth year of the reign of His late Majesty, King Edward VIT ; that the said by- law provided that where sewers were constructed as local improvements, the abutting properties should pay a capital f'harge of eighty-five cents per foot frontage in thirty equal annual instalments of five cents per foot frontage ; that owing to advances in the general rate of interest it is impossible to repay the said capital charge of eighty-five cents per foot and interest by an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage during a period of thirty years; that since the said by-law was ratified and confirmed by the said Act an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage during the period of thirty years has been assessed against abutting properties to pay for sewers constructed in the said town as local im- provements; that it is desirable in respect of sewers here- after to be constructed in the said town as local improve- ments that the abutting properties should be assessed and pay an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage during a period of thirty years ; that it is accordingly necessary to repeal the said By-law No. 56Y and so much of the said statute as refers to said by-law and that authority be given to the said town to pav for sewers hereafter to be constructed on the said basis, and that if the said annual rate of five rents per foot frontacre during a period of thirty years should produce more than the actual cost of any sewer, the •surplus should be used by the said town for general sewerage purposes ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer

"f the said petition:

laf""""""' '

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the T>efirislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as followa: «



No."5*67and ^' l^.v-law Xo. jK)? of the Town of OshawE, passed the 6Bdw.vn. i«th dav -i Mnich, 1904, and all provisions of chapter 86 repealed. of the A<i> pji-sc'd in the sixth year of the reign of His

late Majcsiv. I\ing Edward VII, relating thereto, be and

the same are hereby repealed.

ppT"foot'"'* 2. Notwithstanding anything contained in The Local Im- clJnstrucUon /''■'' ''^'^'^^^^ ^^^' ^^ ^".V othcr Act, it shall bo lawful for the 'u v*stat' ^'<^>rj)oration of the Town of Oshawa, when constructing any c. 19*3. " sewer as a local improvement work and borrowing money tliorofor^liy tlic Issue of debontures, to charge lands abutting directly on said sewer an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage for a period of thirty years to pay and in full satisfaction of the owners' share of the cost of such sewer and the interest thereon. The remainder of the cost of such sewer shall be borne by the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa at large, and the said corporation shall in each year during said period of thirty years impose, levy and raise such sum as may be necessary to meet the corporation's share of the said cost and interest thereon by a rate sufficient therefor, on all the ratcablo pioiMity in the said corporation, and it shall not be necessary for any by-law authorizing the issue of debentures to pay for any sewer constructed as a local improvement to set out by recital or otherwise the amonnt of the corporation or property owners' .share of the cost of such work, nor to set out or provide any specific sum to be raised to meet the corporation's share of the cost of any such work and the interest thereon. TIk- <nid Town of Oshawa may pass a by-law for the purpose- said in the form set out in Schedule " A " to this Act, or to the like eifect, and any and every such by-law shall be legal, valid and binding upon the said Town of Oshawa.

Form of by-law.

pitfs'from'^' ^- Tf in respect of any sewer constructed in the said Cer- rates^for P^'^'^tion of the Town of Oshawa as a local improvement, the Kenerai said annual rate of five cents per foot frontaije imposed for

purposes. i r ^i i i i -i i

a period oi thirty years against the lands abutting .m aii\ such shall produce more than the actual cost of any such sewer, the surplus over and above the actual cost shall be used by the town for general sewerage purposes as the council of the said town may from time to time direct.

4. Every by-law passed by the Town of Oshawa pursuant debentures. '^'^ <^bis Act, and all assessments and rates authorized and made thereunder, and all debentures issued pursuant thereto, shall be legal, valid and binding upon the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa. and it shall not be necessary for any purchaser of any such debentures to enquire into the pro- ceedings taken in connection with such by-law or the work authorized thereby, or the assessments made thereunder.

Conflrma- tion of





By-Law No. .

Being a by-law to provide for the borrowing of $ upon debentures to pay for sewers constructed as local improve- ments.

Whereas pursuant to Construction By-law No. , passed the

day of , a sewer has been

constructed on the following streets, at a total cost of $ and a special assessment roll in respect of the owners' portion of the cost of said Work has been duly made and certified;

And whereas the estimated lifetime of the said work is thirty years;

And whereas the said work has been approved by the Provincial Board of Health;

And whereas it is necessary to borrow the sum of $ on the credit of the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa at large and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of per cent per annum, which is the amount of the a&bt intended to be created by this by-law;

And whereas it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of thirty years of such amounts respectively that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount so payable for principal and interest in each of the other years, and to meet said annual payments it will be necessary to raise annually the sum of $ ;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll,

is $ ;

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the corporation, exclusive of local improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments, is | , and no part of the principal

or interest is in arrear;

Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa enacts as follows:

1. That for the purposes aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the credit of the corporation at large the sum of $ , and de- bentures shall be issued therefor bearing interest at the rate of

per cent, per annum and having coupons attached thereto for the ijayment of the interest.

2. The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date within said two years, and shall be payable in thirty annual instalments during the thirty years next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as shewn in the schedule attached to this by-law.

3. The debentures as to both principal and interest may be made payable at any place or places in Canada or elsewhere. The said debentures shall be signed by the mayor and treasurer and sealed with the Corporate Seal of the said town. The interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by the treasurer whose signature may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved,


4. During the thirty years, the currency of the said debentures, the sum of | shall be raised annually for the payment

of the said debt and Interest as follows:

An equal annual special rate of five 'cents per foot frontage is hereby imposed upon the lands entered in the said special aaeess- ment roll according to the assessed frontage thereof over and above ^ all other rates and taxes, which said special rate shall be collected

{ annually by the collector of taxes for the corporation at the same

time and in, the same manner as other rates, and such further amount as may be necessary to provide the said annual sum of $ shall be levied and raised annually by a special

rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all the rate- able property in the municipality at the same time and in the same manner as other rates.

The amount of the loan authorized by this by-law may be con- solidated with the amount of any loans authorized by any other local improvement by-laws. .

Passed in council this day of 19 .

Mayor. Clerk.


Total annual Year. Principal. Interest. payment.




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N (9


No. 43. 1919.


An Act respecting the Town of Oshawa.

WHEREAS the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Preamble. Oshawa has, by ]:)etition, represented that By-law No. 567 of the said corporation was ratified and confirmed by chapter 86 of the Acts passed in the sixth year of the reign of His late Majesty, King Edward VTT ; that the said by- law provided that where sewers were constructed as local Improvements, the abutting properties should pay a capital charge of eighty-five cents per foot frontage in thirty equal annual instalments of five cents per foot frontage ; that owing to advances in the general rate of interest it is impossible to repay the said capital charge of eighty-five cents per foot and interest by an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage during a period of thirty years; that since the said by-law was ratified and confirmed by the said Act an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage during the ]ieriod of thirty years has been assessed against abutting properties to pay for sewers constructed in the said town as local im- provements ; that it is desir.ible in respect of sewers here- after to be constructed in the said town as local improves tnents that the abutting properties should be assessed and pay an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage during a period of thirty years; that it is accordingly necessary to repeal the said "By-law No, 567 and so much of the said statute as refers to said by-law and that authority be given to the said town to pay for sewers hereafter to be constructed on the said basis, and that if the said annual rate of five cents per foot frontage during a period of thirty years should produce more than the actual cost of any sewer, the surplus should be used by the said town for general sewerage purposes : and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

T^ierefore, TTis Majesty, by and with the advico and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:


By-law No. 567 and 6 Edw. VII, c. 86, repealed.

1. By-law No. 567 of the Town of Oshawa, passed the , 18th day of March, 1904, and all provisions of chapter 86 | of the Acts passed in the sixth year of the reign of His late Majesty, King Edward VII, relating thereto, be andj the same are hereby repealed.

2. Notwithstanding anything contained in The Local lmr\

Annual rate per foot

construct'ion ^'"'^^^^^^ ^(^^> ^^ ^^Y Other Act, it shall be lawful for the

of sewers, Uev. Stat, c. 193.

Torporation of the Town of Oshawa, when constructing any sewer as a local improvement work and borrowing money therefor by the issue of debentures, to charge lands abutting directly on said sewer or benefited thereby an annual rate of five cents per foot frontage for a period of thirty years to pay and in full satisfaction of the owners' share of the cost of such .^cwer and the interest thereon. The remainder of the cost of such sewer shall be borne bv the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa at large, and the said corporation shall in pach year during said period of thirty years impose, levy and raise; such sum as may be necessary to meet the corporation's share ' of the said cost and interest thereon by a rate sufficient therefor, on all the rateable property in the said corporation. ;: and it shall not be necessary for any by-law authorizing' the issue of debentures to pay for any sewer constructed as a local improvement to set out by recital or otherwise ( the amount of the corporation or property owners* share of > the cost of such work, nor to set out or provide any specific sum to be raised to meet the corporation's share of the; cost of any such work and the interest tbereon. Thp said| Town of Oshawa may pass a bv-law for the purposes afore-t said in the form set out in Schedule " A " to tbis Act. or> to the like effect, and any and every such by-law shall be legal, valid and binding upon the said Town of Oshawa.

3. Tf in respect of any sewer constructed in the said Cor- poration of the Town of Oshawa as a local improvement, i^e^ said annual rate of five cents per foot frontagre imposed for; a period of thirty years against the lands abuttinfi: on orJ. benefited by any such sewer shall produce more than the(] actual cost of anv such sewer, the surplus over and above thei; actual cost shall be used bv the town for general seweragOjt: purposes as the council of the said town may from time \m^ time direct. »

tionof 4. "Every by-law passed by the Town of Oshawa pursuant

debenturea. ^0 this Act, and all assessments and rates authorized and. made thereunder, and all debentures issued pursuant thereto, shall be lesral. valid and binding upon the Corporation ofv the Town of Oshawa. and it shall not be necessary for an"V^ purchaser of anv such debentures to enquire into the VT<m ceedincrs taken in connection with such by-law or the worV authorized therebv, or the assessments made thereunder. 48

Form of by-law.

Use of sur- plus from frontage rates for general purposes.



By-Law No. .

Being a by-law to provide for the borrowing of $ upon debentures to pay for sewers constructed as local improve- ments.

Whereas pursuant to Construction By-law No. , passed the

day of , , a sewer has been

constructed on the following streets, at a total cost of $ ,

and a special assessment roll in respect of the owners' portion of

the cost of said work has been duly made and certified;

And whereas the estimated lifetime of the said work is thirty years;

And whereas the said work has been approved by the* Provincial Board of Health;

And whereas it is necessary to borrow the sum of $ on the credit of the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa at large and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of per cent per annum, which is the amount of the Jebt intended to be created by this by-law;

And whereas it is expedient to make the principal of the said debt repayable in yearly sums during the period of thirty years of such amounts respectively that the aggregate amount payable for principal and interest in each year shall be equal as nearly as may be to the amount so payable for principal and interest in each of the other years, and to meet said annual payments it will be necessary to raise annually the sum of $ ;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll, is I ;

And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the corporation, exclusive of local improvement debts secured by special rates or assessments, is $ , and no part of the principal

I or interest is in arrear;

Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oshawa enacts as follows:

1. That for the purposes aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the credit of the corporation at large the sum of $ , and de- bentures shall be issued therefor bearing interest at the rate of

per cent, per annum and having coupons attached thereto for the payment of the interest.

2. The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two years after the day on which this by-law is passed, and may bear any date within said two years, and shall be payable in thirty annual instalments during the thirty years next after the time when the same are issued, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be as shewn in the schedule attached to this by-law.

3. The debentures as to both principal and interest may be made j payable at any place or places in Canada or elsewhere. The said

debentures shall be signed by the mayor and treasurer and sealed with the Corporate Seal of the said town. The interest coupons attached thereto shall be signed by the treasurer whose signature may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved.


4. During the thirty yt^ars, the currency of the said debentures, the sum of $ shall be raised annually for the payment

of the said debt and interest as follows:

An equal annual special rate of five cents per foot frontage is hereby imposed upon the lands entered in the said special assess- ment roll according to the assessed frontage thereof over and above all other rates and taxes, which said special rate shall be collected annually by the collector of taxes for the corporation at the same time and in the same manner as Qther rates, and such further amount as may be necessary to provide the said annual sum of I shall be levied and raised annually by a special

rate sufficient therefor over and above all other rates on all the rate- able property in the municipality at the same time and in the same manner as other rates.

The amount of the loan authorized by this by-law may be con- solidated with the amount of any loans authorized by any other local improvement by-laws. .

Passed in council this day of 19 .

Mayor. Clerk.


Total annual Year. Principal. Interest. payment.





<0 fO ZD


















t— 1


CO £*

^o. 44. 1919.


An Act respecting the Ottawa Civic Hospital.

WHEREAS tine Corporation of the City of Ottawa has, I'leambie. by its petition, represented that there is need for the establishment and maintenanee in the said city of a new tjeneral civic hospital, to provide better and more adequate accommodation for the reception, care and treatment of [)ersons suffering from disease or accident ; and whereas the said corporation has, by its said petition, further represented tliat the establishment of a new s^eneral civic hospital in the -aid city will result in the Board of Directors of the County )f Carleton General Protestant Hospital and of the vSt. F-itke's General Hospital, and of the Ottawa Maternity Hos- pital, respectively, diseontinuinp; the maintenance of their present hospitals, and that the said hospitals are prepared, as soon as the said corporation shall have erected and fur- nished its proposed hospital, t^ make over to the said cor- poration all their property, both real and personal, furnish- ings, endowments and equipment; and whereas the said cor- poration has, by its petition, shown that it will be in the interests of the health and well-being of the citizens and inhabitants of the City of Ottawa to have the work, hitherto f^arried on by the said hospitals, centralized and carried on by a single board of management, and that economies in management and operation will be thereby attained ; and whereas the said petitioners have, by their petition, further -hown that it will be necessary for such purpose to raise upon lebentures of the corporation a sum not exceeding $1,500,000 for the purpose of acquiring a site for, and for erecting, such civic hospital, and for equipping and furnishing the same: and whereas the said corporation has prayed that an Act be passed for the purposes aforesaid ; and whereas it is ex- pedient to grant the prayer of_the^ said petition: _ _

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:


Short tUle.

1. This Act may be cited as The City of Ottawa Hospital Act.

Power to acquire 8lte for and erect hoHpital.


tlon o land.

2, The Corporation of the City of Ottawa may acquire, by gift, purchase or expropriation, all such lands as it may deem necessary, within the limits of the said city, as a site for a civic hospital, and may erect, equip, furnish and main- tain a hospital thereon.

3. (1) The corporation may, without the consent of the owner thereof, or of any person interested therein, enter upon, take, use and expropriate all such lands as it may deem iiofcssary for the purposes of the hospital, making due com- pensation to the owners and occupiers thereof, and to all ])ersons having any interest therein, and may pass all such hy-laws as may he necessary for such purpose.



Rev. Stat.,

c. 192.

(2) The provisions of The Miiniripal Act, as to the tak- ing of land hv expropriation, and as to making compensation therefor, and as to 'the manner of determining and payinc the compensation, shall apply in all cases in which the said corporation shall exercise the powers conferred by this section.

Power to




assent of





4. (1) The said corporation may provide by by-law, to

be passed without obtaining the assent of the electors of the said city thereto, for borrowing upon debentures of the corporation, for the purpose of acquiring land for. and for erecting, equipping and furnishing the said hospital, such sum or sums of money as it may deem requisite, not exceed- ing in all $1,500,000.

(2) All such debentures shall be made payable within thirty (30) years, at latest, from their date of issue.

of'^Rev* °° (3) Everv such by-law shall comply with the provisions s.^288.*'" ^^^' ^^ section 288 of The Municipal Act. and the principal and the interest due in respect of the debentures issued there- under shall be made payable as provided by the said section.

Contribu- tion by Province.

Rev. Stat., c. 300.

5. (1) The Treasurer of Ontario, with the authority of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, from any money appropriated for that purpose, pay annually to the Board of Trustees of the said hospital such sum as it may be deemed to be entitled to under the provisions of The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Act.

R«v. Stat, (2) Section 19 of the said Act shall not apply to tihe said

C. , S. 19, t . J ' ' ' M -w »^ -

not ito apply, nospital.




6.— (1) The Board of Control of the said corporation o'"""^*'^ shall annually prepare and certify to the council for its expenditure, consideration, in like manner, and with the authority con- ferred by section 213 of The Municipal Act, an esti- mate of the proposed expenditure to be made in connection with the said hospital, for the then current year.

(2) The said council shall in each year assess and levy, special rate on the whole rateable property within the municipality, ^xpenduure. a sum sufficient to provide for the expenditures set out in

such estimate.

(3) The sum required for such purposes may be raised Non-appii- annually, notwithstanding that it may as a consequence, ifev°st°at.. become necessary for the said corporation to assess and levy^- ^^^' ^' ^^'- a higher rate than that authorized by section 297 of The MumcipaZ Act.

(4) No expenditure, contract, purchase of supplies or ma- Provision terial for, or in connection with, the maintenance of thetSre^not"^*' said hospital shall be made, unless the same has bef>n pro-g°^j^|^gg^' vided for by the estimate or by a special or supplementary estimate certified by the said Board of Control to the said council, without a two-thirds vote of the council authcrizing

such appropriation or expenditure.

7. ( 1 ) The management and control of the said hospital, Board of including the power of making all appointments to the staff *^'"^'^®®^- thereof, shall be vested in, and exercised by a board of nine ( !) ) trustees, of whom the mayor for the time being of the said city shall be one; two (2) shall be appointed annually by the Board of Control of the said city from the members thereof, and six (6) shall be appointed by the council of the said corporation, upon the nomination of the Board of Control.

(2) The council shall not, in the absence of the nomina-Appoint- tion of the Board of Control, as provided by the next pre-truste*eon ceding subsection, appoint any person a trustee of the said vote of '^'^^ hospital without a two-thirds (2/3) vote. council.

(3) Except as provided in subsection 1 of this section, Members no member of the council shall be appointed a trustee of us trustees, the said hospital.

(4) The mayor and the two trustees appointed by tli^^^ayo^an^i^ Board of (control, from the members thereof, shall cease as trustees. to be trustees upon vacating the office of mayor and member

"f the Board of Control respectively.


•r.'imof (5) The trustees appointed by the council shall hold

!!'i!pointeeH "ffi^'t? ^OT three (3) years, and until their successors are "' ''ouncii. chosen.

Time for ap- (0) All trustees appointed in the place of trustees whose pointment. j^^^^ ^f^^,^ jj^g expired, shall be appointed in the month of

January, in the year in which such office became vacant. ii.'-npi>pint- /7^ \ trustee whose term of office has expired shall be

m«nt of •..111' 1

trustee. eligible for re-election.

Member of staff ineligible.

I'Mlllngof vacancies.


(8) No member of the staff of the hospital shall be eligible to be a trustee thereof.

(9) Whenever a vacancy upon the Board of Trustees oc- curs by reason of the death, resignation, or disqualification of the occupant thereof, or from other like cause, it shall l)e filled by the body possessing the power to appoint, in the manner provided by subsection one of this section, and the person appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the trustee whose place he is appointed to fill.

(10) Five (5) members shall constitute a quorum of the Board of Trustees.

of site*°" ^' "^^^ Board of Trustees shall select the land required

as a site for the hospital, and shall report to council the location and area of the lands proposed to be acquired and the estimated cost thereof, and in the absence of such report no land or interest therein shall be acquired or purchased by the council.

m°anl°e^"^ 9. The Board of Trustees shall have control over, and mentofand the custody of, all the property, both real and personal, belonging to, or used in connection with, the hospital, but the title to, and ownership of, the same shall be vested in the corporation.

title to property

Supervision lO. The Board of Trustees shall have supervision over

oi cr6ctioni

otc, of the work of erecting, furnishing and equipping the hospital,

and over the performance of all contracts let by the council in connection therewith.


Power to acquire land., etc., by gift, devise, etc.

11. The corporation shall be capable of receiving and taking from any person or body corporate, by grant, gift, devise or otherwise, any land or interest in land, and any goods, chattels or effects, for the use, support and purposes of the hospital, and without license in mortmain, and all persons and bodies corporate shall have full and unrestricted right and power to give, grant and bequeath to the corpora- tion any land, or interest therein, and any goods, chattels or effects for such use, support or purpose.


12. That certain agreement between the corporation, of certain the one part, and the Board of Directors of the County of coiXmed. Carleton General Protestant Hospital, the Board of Direc- tors of the St. Luke's General Hospital, and the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Maternity Hospital, of the other part, set out in Schedule "A" hereto, is hereby ratified and confirmed, and declared to be binding upon the several par- ties thereto, according to its true intent and meaning, and the said parties are hereby respectively granted all such |)owers as may be necessary for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions thereof.

X3. All gifts, trusts, bequests, devises and grants of real Gifts, I »r personal property, or of the income or proceeds thereof, to certain heretofore or hereafter expressed by any person in his deed w°hTn*^*^ or will, to be made, given or conveyed to the County of Carle- ^fj?/^*^ ton General Protestant Hospital, to the St. Luke's General Revises, etc.. Hospital, or to the Ottawa Maternity Hospital, respectively, shall, insofar as the same shall not have vested in possession, or been carried into effect at the date of this Act, in the absence of an expressed intention to the contrary, set out in such deed or will, be construed as though the same had been expressed to be made to the 'Corporation of the City of Ottawa, for the purposes of the hospital established by this Act.

14. The hospital shall not be required to receive or treat communic- any person suffering from any communicable disease, notice diseases, of which is by The Public Health Act, or by the regulations as to*^*°" thereunder required to be placarded. c^Yis^*^^*^"

15. The corporation shall be entitled to recover from all charges for jiersons receiving treatment therein, other than those who

are unable through poverty to pay for the necessary attend- ance, the amount expended in providing such medical at- tendance, medicine, nurses and other assistance and neces- saries, and may enforce payment by suit.

I r'

16. The corporation may admit to the hospital indigent Treatment sick persons resident outside of the limits of the City ofsiVk^*^^"^ Ottawa, but within Ontario, and in such case the corporation ^!|^f^"jfg of the municipality of which such indigent person was, at""tside the time of his admission, resident, shall be liable to pay to

the Board of Trustees of the hospital, the charges for his treatment and the amount expended in providing him with medical attendance, medicine, nurses and other assistance and necessaries, and in case of his death while within the liospital, shall also be liable for his burial expenses, to an amount not exceeding $25.



Agreement 17. ( 1 ) The corporation may a^r(^» with any other muni- municumr cipal Corporation in Ontario for the payment by the latter for an'nua°""<^^ a flxed annual grant in lieu of its liability for the mainten- grants. ^l^^.Q indigent patients admitted from such municipality.

Notice to be sent to municipal- ity liable for Indigent r)atlpiit.

When patient deemed to be resident of other muni- cipality.

(2) Where no such agreement has been entered into, and an indigent person residing elsewhere in Ontario than within the City of Ottawa, is admitted as a patient to the hospital, a written or printed notice shall be sent by, or on behalf of, the superintendent of the hospital, by registered post, to the clerk of the municipality of which an indigent patient represents himself as being a resident, to the effect that such person has been admitted to the hospital, and giving such particulars as may be ascertainable to enable the clerk to identify him.

(3) Unless the clerk of such municipality, within four- teen days after the mailing of such notice, notifies the super- intendent of the hospital by registered post, that such patient is not a resident of that municipality, he shall be deemed to be a resident of it.


discharge i^) Upon the discharge or death of a patient who was,

or death of qj. unJer subscction (3) is deemed to have been at the tiipe

non-resident ,.. \/ « ,.,. ^ r\

indigent of his admission a resident of a municipality within Ontario, other than the City of Ottawa, the superintendent of the hospital shall give notice thereof by registered post to the clerk of such municipality, and shall furnish a statement of the claim of the corporation, in respect of such patient, and such municipality shall be liable for, and shall pay the amount of such claim, and in default of payment the amount thereof, together with all costs incurred or allowed in respect thereof, may be collected by suit, brought by the corporation in any court of competent jurisdiction.

(5) Upon payment by the corporation of the expenses incurred for the treatment or burial of a patient, such patient or his executors or administrators shall be liable for the amount so paid as for a debt due to the corporation, and such amount may be collected by the corporation, as provided by subsection 4 of this section.

Liability of patient or his executors.

Amount of charge for indigent patients.

18. The corporation may charge against, and collect from any other municipal corporation, its account for the mainten- ance and treatment of indigent patients in the hospital, at such rate or rates as it may from time to time fix by by-law, not exceeding $ per day.

over'^o"' ^^' ^-^) ^^^ moneys received by the Board o^ Trustees

treasurer of or by the Superintendent of the hospital, for the uses thereof,

corporation j. i- i i ii i -j

of money trom any person or corporation whomsoever, shall be paid by^trustees over, during the month within which such moneys were re- intendent. reived, to the treasurer of the corporation, who shall deposit

the same in a special account to be kept in the name of the corporation, in a chartered bank in the City of Ottawa, and such moneys shall be kept separate and distinct from all other moneys belonging to the corporation.

(2) All cheques drawn upon the said account shall be cheques on signed by the treasurer, and by the auditor, of the corporation, ^^*^°""'- and by a member of the Board of Control.

20. The corporation shall have full power to make, amend By-iaws, and repeal all by-laws, rules and regulations, not inconsistent latkms.^^"" with the provisions of this Act, necessary or convenient for the purpose of acquiring lands, and erecting buildings for the hospital, and for selling and mortgaging, or otherwise disposing of the same, as occasion may require ; for acquir- ing all furnishings, equipment and property, both real and personal, which may be required for the purposes of, or in connection with, the hospital, and for the sale or other dis- ])osal thereof, when no longer required for such purposes : and for entering into all such arrangements, agreements and contracts with any person, corporation or municipality, that may be necessary or convenient for the purposes of exercising the powers conferred by this Act or any of them ; and for making appointments 'to the staff of the hospital, and for (employing officers, servants and others for the purposes there- of, and for fixing their respective salaries and terms of em- ployment, and for providing for the suspension and dismissal of the members of such staff, amd of such officers and servants.


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specting the Ottawa Hospital.

ssion, 14th Legislatu George V, 1919.

l-i M h-i





l-A h-^ h-i


CO ?o <X>



No. 44. 1919.


An Act respecting the Ottawa Civic Hospital.

WHEREAS the Corporation of the City of Ottawa has, P'-eambie. by its petition, shown that there is need for the estab- lishment and maintenance in the said city of a new general rivic hospital, to provide better and more adequate accom- modation for the reception, care and treatment of the sick; that the establishment of such hospital will result in the Directors of the County of Carleton General Protestant Hospital, the St. Luke's General Hospital, and the Ottawa Maternity Hospital, respectively, discontinuing the mainten- ance of their present hospitals, and that, in such event, the said hospitals are prepared to make over to the said Cor- poration all the property, both real and personal, furnishings, endowments and equipment that they severally possess ; and whereas the said corporation has, by its petition, shown that it will be to the advantage of the citizens and inhabitants of the City of Ottawa to have the work, hitherto carried on by the said hospitals, centralized under the control of the said corporation, and that economies in management and opera- tion will be thereby attained; and whereas the said corpora- tion has, by its petition, further shown that it will be neces- sary for it to raise upon debentures of the corporation a sum not exceeding $1,500,000 for the purpose of acquiring a site for, and for erecting, such civic hospital, find for equip- ping and furnishing the same; iuid whereas the said corpora- tion and the said hospitals have, respectively, prayed that it may be enacted as hereinafter set forth ; and whereas it is f^xpedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follow^ :

1. This Act may be cited as The Ottawa Civic Hospital Short title. Act.



Power to acquire Mite for and erect hospital.

2. The Corj>oration of the City of C)ttawa may acquire, by pi ft, purchasp or cxjjropriation, all such lands as it may doom ucjcessarv, within the limits of the said city, as a site for a civic hospital, and may erect, equip, furnish and main- tain a ho8pit;il tlicrfon.

Expropria- tion of land.

3. (1) The corporation may, without the consent of the owner thereof, or of any person interested therein, enter upon, take, use and expropriate all such lands as it may deem necessary for the jMirposes of such hospital, makinjr due compensation to the owners and occuj)iers thereof, and to all [)er8on8 having nny interest therein, and may j>a8S all such by-laws as may be necessary for such pur{)08e.


Rev. Stat c. 192.

Application ( ^ ) The provisions of The Municipul Ad, as to the taking

of land by exprnjiriation, ;nid :is to making compensation therefor, and ;is lo ilic iiuiiuicr nf determining and paying the com|)ensatioii, shall ap|)ly in all cases in which the .said corporati»»ii shall exercise the powers conferred by tbi- see- tion.

Power to




assent of


4. (1) Tile said eorporarion may provide by by-law, to be j>assed witliDiit dlitaiiiina' the assent of the electors of the said city thereto, for l)orrowing upon debentures of the corporation, for the purpose of ac(]uiring land for, and for erecting, equipping and furnishing the said hospital, such sum or sums of money as it may deem requisite, not exceed- ing in all $1,500,000.




(2) All such debentures shall be made payable within thirty ('30) years, at latest, from their date of issue.

^fPgy°^"°" (3) Every such by-law shall comply with the i)rovisions of static- 192, section 288 of The Municipal Acf, and the principal and the interest due in resj)ect of the debentures issued thereunder shall be made ]iava})le as jirovided by the said section.

Estimates 5.— ( 1 ) The lioard of Control of the corporation .shall.

expenditure, on or before the 31st day of ]\Iarch in each year. ])repare and certify to tlie ((Miinil for its consideration an estimate of the expenditures i>roposed to be made in connection with the hospital during the year.

of'^Rev^stTt., (-) The provisions of subsection (2) of section 213 of

s'2i3'(2) "^''^ Municipal Act shall a])ply to such estimates, and to all

proceedings had or taken in connection therewith.

fo m^t'^*^^ ^^^ T^® council of the said corporation shall, in each year,* expenditure, assess and levy, by a special rate on the whole rateable pro-



])erty within the minncij):ility. a sum sufficient to provide for such of the expenditures set out in the estimate, or in a special or su])plementarv estimate as are approved by the council, notwithstandiiiu' that siich rate may increase the aggregate annual rates to Itc lev icd aii<l (•(illcctcd in ilic said city beyond the limit tixod by section -'1)7 of The M luiiiiixil A d.

6. (1) The manniromont and control of the hospital, in Board of eluding the ])o\ver of iiiakinu- all appoint incuts to the staff thereof, shall be vested in, and exercised bv, a board of nine (9) trustees, constituted as follovi's: the mayor of the said city shall cx-officio be a member of such board; two members thereof shall be ai)i)ointed annually by the council of the said corporation from the members thereof, ujion the nomina- ii(»n (d' the Board (^f Contnd, and tlic iw-inainini: >i.\ iiiisho shall be ajjiioitited by the counidl ujioii ilie nomination of the -aid Board of Control, from the latepayers of the said city, and shall Indd office as ])rovided by subsection 5 of this section.

(2) The council shall not, in the absence of the nomina- Appoint- tion of the l^oard of (^ontrol, as provided by the next pre- trustee on ceding subsection, appoint anv person a trustee of the said vote of "^ hospital withont a two-thirds '( J ) vote. CouncU.

(•>) Kxcept as jirovidcd in subsection ( 1 ) of this ^tM-tion. ^^^^^^''^^jj no member of the council shall be appointed a trustef? of the as trustees, hospital.

'iM 1 ,1 . i J. 'ill- ii Mayor and

(4) 1 he mayor and the two trustees appointed Iroin the controUers

members of the c<uincil shall cease to be trustees at i he ,.,,,]''« t'u«tees.

of the year for which they were elected nniyor and members

«tf council resfiectively, or at siudi earlier date as they may

cease to be members of tlie council.

( ."» ) Tlie l(M'm of olli<-e ol the six trustees apiiointed t'roui Term of 1 /• 1 I •, -111 1 ^- / 1 1 office of

the rate|)ayers of tlie said city, as |)roviae(l l)v suosciction ( 1 ) appointees of tliis section, shall, in tlu^ first instance, be regulated as ° -<*""*' l*ollow<: two of su(di trustees desi;riialed by ciumcil shall hold iilijce until the end ()f the lii>i year after the year of their appointuK'ut ; two of such trustees, designated in like inanner. shall hold office until the end of tli(» second year after the year of their appointment, and the remaining two shall hold office until the end of the third year after the year of their apj»ointment ; and the council shall, thereafter, so often as the office of a trustee, who is mii a ineinber of the council, becomes vacant, elect a successor thereto, who shall hold otlice for a term of three years, and until his successor is apjiointed. 44

Time for ap- pointment.




(G) All trustees, other than those appointed mem the first Board of Trustees, shall be appointed in the mtHim of January in each year in which an appointment is to be made.

(7) A trustee whose term of office has expired shall be eligible for re-election.

of*Bt8iff'^ (8) No member of the staff of the hospital shall be eligible

Ineligible, to be a trustee thereof.



( :> ) \\"!iciicMr, I'lwiii ;iii\ raii.-c. the office of an appointed trustee hcconics vacfini pi-ior to the expiration of his term of office, the council shall, without unnecessary delay, and in the mannc r |ii(\i(li il hy subsections (1) or (2) of this section, appoint a .->ucces.sur, so as to keep the membership of the said board up to the full number of nine (9), and the person so appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the trustee whose place he is appointed to fill.

Quorum. (10) Four members shall constitute a quorum of the Board

of Trustees.

Selection of site.

7. The Board of Trustees shall select the land required as a site for the hospital, and shall report to the council the location and area of the lands proposed to be acquired and the estimated cost thereof, and in the absence of such report, duly approved by council, no land or interest therein shall be acquired or purchased by the council.

ooT^oration ^" "^^^ Board of Trustees shall be a corporation under the name of '' The Trustees of the Ottawa Civic Hospital,"

Supervision ^. (1) The Board of Trii>i<'(-~ shall have charge of, and etct'^of*^ °^' supervision over, the work of erecting, furnishing and equip- hospitai. pjjjg ^-j^Q hospital, and over the performance of all contracts let by the council in connection therewith.

(Control and manage- ment or property.

(2) The said board shall have control over, and the custody of, all property, both real and personal, belonging to, or used in connection with, the hospital, and shall have power to sell or otherwise dispose of personal property to an amount not exceeding $1,000.00 at one time, when no longer required for the purposes of the hospital.

Power to (3) The said board may from time to time purchase sup-

supplies, etc.plies and may engage and pay officers, servants and work- engage men, for the purposes of the hospital, and may make all such officers, etc. expenditures and enter in all such contracts and agreements as may be necessary or convenient for such purposes, provided 44

that no purchase of supplies, contract, agreement or expendi- ture shall be made, or entered into, unless money shall have been appropriated by the council and be available for such purpose.*

10. The Corporation of the City of Ottavea and the Board Power to of Trustees shall be respectively capable of receiving and land./ltc., taking from any person or body corporate, by grant, gif t, devfse!'etc. devise or otherwise, any land or interest in land, and any personal property, for the use, support and purposes of the hospital, and without license in mortmain, and all persons

and bodies corporate shall have full and unrestricted right and power to give, grant and bequeath to the corporation and to the Board of Trustees any land, or interest therein, and any personal property, for such use, support or purpose.

11. That certain agreement between the corporation of the certain City of Ottawa, of the one part, and the Directors of the confirmed. County of Carleton General Protestant Hospital, the St. Luke's General Hospital, and the Ottawa Maternity Hos- pital, of the other part, set out in Schedule " A " hereto, is hereby ratified and confirmed, and declared to be binding

upon the several parties thereto, according to its true intent and meatiing, and the said parties are hereby respect i\'e I y granted all such powers as may be necessary or convenient for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions thereof.

12. All gifts, trusts, bequests, devises, and i>rants of real^^^^s,

or personal property, or of the income or proceeds thereof, to certain heretofore or hereafter expressed by any person in his deedw°he^n ^^ or will, to be made, given or conveyed to the Directors of gfft™^ the County of Carleton General Protestaui iro-pital, to the ^ ® ^f^^?- ®*^- St. Luke's General Hospital, or to the Ottawa Maternity Hospital, respectively, shall, insofar as the same shall not have vested in possession, or been carried into effect :il tli(> date of this Act, in the absence of an expressed intenlidii to the contrary, set out in such deed or will, be construed as though the same had been expressed to be made to the Cor- j)oration of the City of Ottawa, for the purposes of the hospital established by this Act, and shall be paid over. ii:ranted or conveyed, by the executor, trustee or other person or corporation charged with the, duty of carrying into effect '>r administering such deed or will to the Board of Trustee.-^, whose receipt shall be a suffici(>nt discharge thereof.

13. The Board of Trustees shall be entitled to recover uabuity from a patient other than one who is unable, by reason of °J,Pfj,^'®"' jioverty, to pay for the same, the charges fixed by the board «^®°"*°''^- for treatment in the hospital, and in case of his death while within the hospital, his executor or administrator shall be

liable for his burial expenses. 44




14. ( 1) 'J'lip Hoard of Truatees may, from time to time, municKr enter into an ji^reement with any Municipal Corjwration in

corporations 'V . ,. . i ^i i ^^ _ r xi _j 1

for annual grants.

'Ontario, for the payment by the latter of a fixed annual grant to the Board, for any term of years not exwe'ding five, for the maintenance and treatment of indigent patients to be admitted from such municipality, and every such Corpora- tion is hereby authorized to enter into such agreement with the Board and to provide for and pay such grant.

Noticeof (2) Within thirty days after the dat( ii|m.ii which an in-

"wi*nKthe digent ]):iti< lit. vvlio was, or under subsection 4 of section 25>

^esS^foT of The llosinlal ami Cliarilnhle Inslihtfions AH, is deemed

non-resident^^ have been, iit the lime of his admission. ;i resident of a indlgrent , . ,, , , r r\

patient. inunicipality witlim Ontario, other than ilic (ity (it Ottawa, was admitted to the hospital, and at intcivnls of not more than three iimiitli- i hereafter, the Superintendent of the hos- pital shall forward, by registered i>08t, addressed to the clerk of such municipality, a statement of the amount owing to the hospital in respect of such patient, and such municipality shall be liable for, and shall ])ay such amount within thirty days thereafter, and in default of payment, such amount, together with all costs incurred or allowed in respect thereof, may be collected by suit, to be brought by, or in«the name of, the Board of Trustees against such municipality, in any court of competent jurisdiction; and the sui^erinteiulent shall in like manner uive notice to such clerk upon the dis- charge or death of siieh ])atient, and shall at such time furnish a final statement of the claim of the hospital.

Deposit of money received

15. ( 1) All iiiouevs received by the Board of Trustees or by the superintondent of the hos]utal, for the uses thereof, oriuper-^" ^^''*" ^*^' deposited in a special account, to be kept in the name of the Board of Trustees, in a chartered bank in the City of Ottawa.

intendent In special account.

Cheques on account.

(2) All cheques drawn upon the said account shall be signed by such officer or officers as the Board of Trustees may designate and appoint for that ])urpo.se.

Annual audit of accounts and books.

(3) The city auditor of the corporation shall andir annu- ally, and at such other tinjes as he iiiav lie direered by the council, the books of account, and the expi iiditnre- and rc^ ceipts of the hospital, and he shall pre])are and snlnnir to the corporation in the month of January in each ye;ir a report, showing the receipts and expenditures made by, or on behalf of, the hospital, during the ]>receding year, and the assets and liabilities of the hospital. The city auditor shall also report to the council upon any expenditures made by the Board of Trustees, contrary to law, or contrary to the pro-


visfons of this Act, and he shall super\ise and determine, from tinje to time, the methods of bookkeeping and account- iiii;' to be employed in connection with the hospital.

lO. The Board of Trustees may, subject to the approval By-iaws, of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, enact by-laws and j^^fo^g®^"' regulations for the management of the hospital, and subject to th(3 provisions of subsection 8 of section 9, shall have power to fix all salaries and wages to bo ]>nid to the medical and other superintendents thereof, and Im their assistants and clerks, and to all othei* officers and servants of the Board.

17. Mxcept iiisot'ai- a^ tlicv may bo inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, the provisions of The Hospitals and CJiuritable Institutions Act shall apply to, and govern, the said hospital, and the Board of Trustees thereof, respe(;tively.




TbU Agreement made In quadruplicate the tenth day of March, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen,


The Directors of the County of Carleton General Protestant Hospital, the St. Luke's General Hospital, and the Ottawa Maternity Hospital, hereinftftfr railed the Hospitals of t>io ftrct part,


The Municipal Corporation of the City of Ottawa, hereinafter called the Corporation of the second part.

Whereas the present hospital a<Tommodation in the City of Ottawa is not adequate to the needs thereof;

And whereas the h.ospitals have petitioned the corporation to undertake the erection and maintenance of a modern five hundred bed hospital, the hospitals offering in their said petition to turn over to the corporation, subject to their respective liabilities, all their real and personal property, present and future, and of every nature and kind whatsoever;

And whereas the parties hereto are now joining in an application to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for the granting of all necessary powers to the applicants to carry out the arrangements as hereinbefore mentioned;

And whereas the parties hereto have agreed as hereinbefore set forth ;

Now, therefore, fche parties hereto mutually covenant and agree las follows:

(1) The corporation hereby undertakes to use its best endeavours to obtain the necessary authority to permit of the erection and maintenance of a five hundred t)ed hospital to carry out the func- tions and work hitherto exercised and performed by the hospitals.

(2) The hospitals hereby covenant and agree with the corporation that in the event of the corporation acquiring a suitable site for and erecting and equipping thereon a modern five hundred bed hospital, and in the further event of the corporation making pro- vision for carrying oh for the future the work hitherto performed by all of the hospitals, then and in such event they will severally grant and convey to the corporation, subject only to the payment of their outstanding obligations and liabilities, if any, all their real and personal property whether now in possession or subsequently acquired, and including all legacies, devises and bequests which may now or hereafter be received by them from any person or corporation, to have and to hold the same unto and to the uses of the corporation.



This agreement shall cease to be binding upon hospitals should the corporation fail to provide such hospital on or before the thirty- first day of December^ one thousand nine hundred and twenty-one.

In witness whereof, the parties hereto ihave hereunto respectively affixed their corporate seals attested by the hands of their officers duly authorized in that behalf.


A. W. Fleck, President.


RoBT Gill, Vice-President.




H. Geetbxide Fleck, VicerPresident.


Bess Campbell Bakber, Rec. Secretary,


Habold Fisheb, Mayor.

[Seal.] f^OBMAN H. H. Lett, Clerk.








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1^0. 45. 1919.


An Act respecting the Central Canada Exhibition Association.

WHEREAS The Central Canada Exhibition Association preamble, has, by its Petition, represented that it is desirable that an Act should l)e passed to make certain changes re- specting the membership of the Association and the Board of Directors thereof; and whereas it is expedient to grant the l)rayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Section 4 of the Act passed in the riCiv-PnsI year ofs^y, c. 79. the reign of Her late Majesty Qneen Victoriii. (•hii])i('red 'J^^^^'e^g jg^j being an Act to incorporate The Central Canada Exhibition Association, as enacted by section 2 of chapter 85 of the Acts passed in the fifth year of the reign of His^lajesty King ^Joorge V, is repealed, and the following substituted therefor:

4. (1) The membership of the said association shall beggctiong

divided into three sections as follows : membership.

(a) The City Council section ;

(6) The ^Manufacturi!i\s, M,ercliants'. Liberal Arts and Miscellaneous section : imd

(c) The Agricultural section ;

(2) Exclusive of life members, not more than 180 per-^. ,^ .

,,, , , /.I •• Limit or

eons shall be members of the association at anynumber one time, of whom not more than 60 shall bebers. members of any section.

(3) The city council section shall consist of the mayor^j^ council

and the members of the council of the City of section- Ottawa, the city clerk, the > it\ . iigineer, the city posed. 45

solicitor, the city architect, the medical officer of health, the assessment commission! i In chief of the fire department, the city treasurer, the city auditor, the chief constable, the city collector, the chairman of the Local Board of Health of the City of Ottawa, the superintendent of the Ottawa Hydro-Electric Commission, the superintendent of Lansdowne Park, the mayor of the City of Hull, and such other heads of departments of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa and rate- pavers of the said city, not oxceedinp 00 in all. as the council of tlio corporation may ])y resolu- tion fi'oiii linic lo time apjw>iiit nn-niliors cf ilu section.

Manufac- turers, merchants, etc., aectlon how t-(ini]>(>sec1.

Agricul- tural

.section how composed.


(4) The manufacturers, merchants. IIIm iil mts and miscellaneous section shall cou.sist of tlio presi- dent and two memhers of the Board of Trade of the City of Ottawa, the president and nine mem- bers of the Betail Merchants' Association of Canada, Ottawa branch, the president and eipht members of the Hetail Grocers' Association of the City of Ottawa, two members of each of the following bodies: The Wholesale Grocers' As- sociation of Ottawa, the Commercial Travellers' Association of Ottawa, the Allied Trades and Labour Association of Ottawa, the Ottawa Motor Club, the Canadian Club of Ottawa, the "Rotary Club of Ottawa, the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, the the Canadian Manufacturers' Accoeiation : the chairman and one other member of the Ottawa Public School Board, and one member of each of the followincr bodies: The Ottawa Poman Catholic Slenarate School Board, the Ottawa Col- lesriate Institute Board, the Ottawa Motor Boat Association, the Great tVar Veterans' Association of Ottawa, the Civil Service .^Rsociation of Ottawa, the Canadian Lumbermen's Associa- tion, the "Eastern Canada Passeuirer Association, and one representative nnr»ointed bv the pro- prietors of The Off mm Jnvrnnl. Thr Offnirn Ciiizev and Le Drnif newspaper.

The agricultural section shall cousist of tbo Deputy Minister of .\crriculture for Can- ada, the Dominion Live Stock Commis- sioner, the Dominion Veterinarv Director- General, the Dominiop Dairv Commissioner, the Dominion Seed Commissioner, an officer of the Dominion Experimental Parm appointed by



the Director thereof, the Warden of the C-oimty of Carleton ; two members from each of the fol- lowing bodies: The Canadian Swine Breeders' Association, the Canadian Sheep Breeders' As- sociation, ilic !)oiiiinion Shorthorn Breeders' As- sociation, the Canadian Ayrshire Breeders' Association, the Clydesdale Horse xlssociation of Canada, the Holstein-Friesan Association of Can- ada and the Ottawa Poultry x^ssociation ; one member from each of the following bodies: The Central Canada Veterinary Association, the Canadian Kennel Club, the Ottawa Kennel Club, the Eastern Ontario Poultry Association, the Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society, the Canadian Hackney Horse Society, the Canadian Pony Society, the Canadian Shire Horse Assor ciation, the Ottawa Hunt Club, the Ottawa Driv- ing (^lub, the Connaught Park Jockey Club, the Canadian Standard Bred Horse Society. iIk; Canadian Aberdeen Angus Association, I lie Canadian Hereford Breeders' Association, the Canadian Jersey C^attlc ('liib. ilic Douiinioii Cattle Breeders' Association, the Ontario Shee]) Brec^ders' Association, the Ottawa Pigeon Fan- ciers' Association, the Ottawa Horticultural So- ciety, the Ontario Vegetable Growers' Associa- tion, the Ontario Beekeepers' Association, the Eastern Ontario Dairyman's Association, thq (■anadian Giirnsev Breeders' Association, the French Canadian Cattle Breeders' Association, the C^inadian Bed Polled Association, the French Canadian H<>t'.><o Breeders' Association, the Can- adian Belgiiiii i>i;il't Horse Breeders' Associa- tion, the Canadiau Brown Swiss Association, the Canadian Goat Society, the Ontario Berk- shire Association, the Ontario Yorkshire Asso- ciation, the Eastern Canada Live Stock Union, the Canadian Xational Live Stock Council, the (lencral Breeders' Association of the Province of Quebec, and the Canadian National Live Stock Records.

(6) Whenever it is in tiiis section provided that one orNomina- more men^bers of any body shall be a member "le^bers. of any of the sections into which the Association is divided, such body (other than the city council or an educational board), shall name and ap- point such members at the annual meeting there- of, and notice of such appointment, and of the names and addresses of the members appointed,

Term of office of member.


signed by the president and secretary of sueli body, shall be deli^vered or mailed to the asso- ciation at its head office in the City of Ottawa, not later than the third Wednesday of January in each year.

Every person appointed a member of the associa- tion by any of the bodies named in subsections 4 and 5 of this section shall continue to be a member until notice of the appointment of his successor is given as provided by subsection 6 of this section.

FaUure of body to appoint membef.

Admittance of other members by directors.

(8) In the event of any such body failing to appoint

a representative in any year, and to give notice thereof as provided by subsiection (6) of this section, the .board of directors of the association may by resolution suspend or cancel the re])re- sentation of such body. The decision of the said board shall be final upon any question raised as to the regularity or sufficiency of the appoint- ment or notice of appointment of any member.

(9) The directors of the association may by by-law

admit to membership in the association such number of representatives of other bodies or such other persons as they may see fit, and shall in such case assign the same to one or other of the sections lettered (b) and (c)' in subsection (1) of this section, provided that in no case shall the number of members attached to any such section be increased beyond 00, exclusive of life members.

Classes of



5 Geo. V. c. 85, s. 4, repealed.

(10) Such ])ersoii> ;is arc now, or as may hereafter l>c aj^pointed life members of the association pur- suant to by-law ])assed by the board of directors, shall be divided into two classes, as follows all life meml)ers who reside in the City of Ottawa shall be members of the section lettered (h) in subsection (1) of this section, and all life mem- bers who reside elsewhere than in the City of Ottawa, shall be members of the section lettered (c) in the said subsection.

2. Section 9 of the said Act incorporating the Central Canada Exhibition Association, as enacted by section 4 of chapter 85 of the Acts passed in the fifth year of the reign of His Majesty King George V, is repealed, and the follow- ing substituted therefor: 45

9. (1) The board of directoi*s shall consist of 25 persons. Constitu- The mayor and seven other members of the board of Council of the City of Ottawa, to be named and appointed by such council at its inaugural meet- ing in each year shall be directors; the sections lettered (6) and (c) in subsection (1) of section 4 of this Act, shall each elect in each year at the annual general meeting of the association eight directors by a plurality of the votes of the members of such section present in person and voting, and the. Warden of the County of Carle- ton for the time being shall be a director of the association.

(2) The directors shall immediately after such annual J^^^^J^s" °^

election, elect from among the members of the board, a president and two vice-presidents. The president, vice-presidents and directors shall con- tinue in office for one year, and until their suc- cessors are appointed. If any vacancy at any time occurs by death, resignation or otherwise, on the board of directors or in the office of president or vice-president, the remaining direc- tors shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of some member of the association, who shall hold office for the remainder of the year for which his predecessor in office was appointed.

(3) The association may at its annual general meeting Honorary

. , -1 ' -i it.* 1 I, members.

appoint such ])ersons as it thinks proper, honor- ary directors of the association, but such honor- ary directors shaW not have the right to vote at or to take part at the meetings of the board of directors.




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Reading, Reading. Reading,



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Central ociation.

Legislatu] 1919.

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t25 O

No. 45. 1919.


An Act respecting the Central Canada Exhibition Association.

WHEREAS The Central Canada Exhibition Association Preamble, has, by its Petition, represented that it is desirable that an Act should be passed to make certain changes re- specting the membership of the Association and the Board of Directors thereof; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Section 4 of the Act passed in the fifty-first year of 51 v, c. 79, the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, chaptered T9. repealed, being an Act to incorporate The Central Canada Exhibition Association, as enacted by section 2 of chapter 85 of the Acts passed in the fifth year of the reign of His Majesty King Ooorge V, is repealed, and the following substituted therefor:

4. (1) The membership of the said association shall besections

divided into three sections as follows : membershiD


(a) The City Council section ;

(h) The Manufacturers, Merchants, Liberal Arts and Miscellaneous section ; and

(c) The Agricultural section ;

(2)1^^ Exclusive of such persons as may from time to^imw' time be admitted to membership of the associa-o^^^e™- tion, pursuant to by-law passed by the Board of Directors,*^^^ not more than 180 persons shall be members of the association at any one time, of whom not more than 60 shall be members of any section.


city council section how com- posed.

(3) The city council section shall consist of the mayor and the members of the council of the City of Ottawa, the city clerk, the city engineer, the city solicitor, the city architect, the medical officer of health, the assessment commissioner, the chief of the fire department, the city treasurer, the city auditor, the chief constable, the city collector, the chairman of the Local Board of Health of the City of Ottawa, the superintendent of the Ottawa Hydro-Electric Commission, the superintendent of Lansdowne Park, the mayor of the City of Hull, and such other heads of departments of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa and rate- payers of the said city, not exceeding 60 in all, as the council of the corporation may by resolu- tion from time to time appoint members of the section.

Manufac- turers, merchants, etc., aectlon how composed.


(4) The manufacturers, merchants, liberal arts and miscellaneous section shall consist of the presi- dent and two members of the Board of Trade of the City of Ottawa, the president and nine mem- bers of the Retail Merchants' Association of Canada, Ottawa branch, the president and eight members of the Retail Grocers' Association of the City of Ottawa, two members of each of the following bodies:— The Wholesale Grocers' As- sociation of Ottawa, the Commercial Travellers' Association of Ottawa, the Allied Trades and Labour Association of Ottawa, the Ottawa Motor Club, the Canadian Club of Ottawa, the Rotary Club of Ottawa, the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa, the the Canadian Manufacturers' Association ; the chairman and one other member of the Ottawa Public School Board, and one member of each of the following bodies: The Ottawa Roman Catholic Separate School Board, the Ottawa Col- l^ate Institute Board, the Ottawa Motor Boat Association, the Great War Veterans' Association of Ottawa, the Civil Service Association of Ottawa, the Canadian Lumbermen's Associa- tion, the Eastern Canada Passengrr Association, and one representativp appointed by the pro- prietors of Thp OHarnn Jovrnol. Thr Ottawa Citizen and Le Droit newspaper, il^^together .with such other persons resident in the City of Ottawa as may from time to time be admitted to membership of the Association, pursuant to by- law passed by the Board of Directors, provided that no officer or servant of the Government of


Canada, or of the Government of Ontario, hold- ing office in, or attached to, the Department of Agriculture of such Government respectively, shall be a member of such section. '^^E

(5) The agricultural section shall consist of the ^^^'j*'"'' Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Can-section—

^ how

ada, U^^the Deputy Minister of Agriculture forcomposed. Ontario, the Superintendent of Ontario Agricul- tural Societies,'''^^ the Dominion Live Stock Commissioner, the Dominion Veterinary Direc- tor-General, the Dominion Dairy Commissioner, the Dominion Seed Commissioner, an officer of the Dominion Experimental Farm appointed by the Director thereof, the Warden of the County of Carleton ; two members from each of the fol- lowing bodies: The Canadian Swine Breeders' Association, the Canadian Sheep Breeders' As- sociation, the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders' As- sociation, the Canadian Ayrshire Breeders' Association, the Clydesdale Horse Association of ^ Canada, the Holstein-Friesan Association of Can- ' ada and the Ottawa l^oultry Association ; one member from eacli of the following bodies:


The Ontario Association of Fairs and Exhibitions,'^^ the Central Canada Vet- erinary Association, the Canadian Kennel Club, the Ottawa Kennel Club, the East- ern Ontario Poultry Association, the Can- adian Thoroughl)rcd Horse Society, the Canadian Hackney Horse Society, the Canadian Pony Society, the Canadian Shire Horse Assor ciation, the Ottawa Hunt (liib, the Ottawa Driv- ing Club, the Coniiaiight Park Jockey ('liil>, (he Canadian Standard Pired Horse Society, the Canadian Aberdeen Angus Assm-iation, tlie Canadian Hereford Breeders' Association, the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club, the Dominion Cattle Breeders' Association, the Ontario Sheoj) PrtH'ders' Association, the Ottawa Pigeon Eaii- ciers' Association, the Ottawa Horticultural So- ciety, the Ontario Vegetable (irowers' Associa- tion, the Ontario l>eekee])er8' Association, the Eastern Ontario Dairyman's Association, the Canadian Gurnsey Breeders' Association, the French Canadian Cattle Breeders' Association, the Canadian Bed Polled Association, the Frencli Ci^nadian Horse Breeders' Association, the Can- adian Belgian Draft Horse Breeders' Associa- tion, the Canadian Brown Swiss Association,

the Canadian Goat Society, the Ontario Berk- shire Association, the Ontario Yorkshire Asso- ciation, the Eastern Canada Live Stock Union, the Canadian National Live Stock Council, tin General Breedors' Association of the Province ot Quebec, and tho Canadian National Live Stock Records, K^ together with such other person.-^ resident elsewhere than in the City of Ottawa, and such servants and officers of the Government of Canada, and of the Government of Ontario, holding, office in, or attached to, the Department of Agriculture of such Government respectively as are bona fide engaged in the pursuit of agricul- ture, and as may from time to time be admitted to membership, pursuant to by-law, passed by the Board of Directors.'

Nomina- tion of members.

(0) Whenever it is in this section provided that one or more men^bers of any body shall be a member of any of the sections into which the Association is divided, such body (other than the city council or an educational board), shall name and ap- point such members at the annual meeting there- of, and notice of such appointment, and of the names and addresses of the members appointed, signed by the president and secretary of such body, shall be deli^vered or mailed to the asso- ciation at its head office in the City of Ottawa, not later than the third Wednesday of January in each year.

Term of office of member.

(7) Every person appointed a member of the associa- tion by any of the bodies named in subsections 4 and 5 of this section shall continue to be a member until notice of the appointment of his successor is given as provided by subsection 6 of this section.

Failure of body to appoint member.

(8) In the event of any such body failing to appoint a representative in any year, and to give notice thereof as provided by subsection (6) of this section, the board of directors of the association may by resolution suspend or cancel the repre- sentation of such body. The decision of the said board shall be final upon any question raised as to the regularity or sufficiency of the appoint- ment or notice of appointment of aiTy member.


(9) The directors of the association may by hy-law ^^^^^^^^ admit to membership in the association such jpe^^.^^ers

, '^ . ,• 1 1 T by directors.

number oi representatives oi other bodies or such other persons as they may see fit, and shall in such case assign the same to one or other of the sections lettered (h) and (c) in subsection (1) of this section, provided that in no case shall the number of members attached to any such section be increased bevond (U), exclusive of U^^such persons as may from time to time be admitted to membership of the association, pur- suant to by-lavs^ passed by the Board of Directors. '"^B

Classes of

(10) Such persons as are now, or as may hereafter be J^^^^^jj^j.^ appointed life members of the association pur- suant to by-law passed by the board of directors, shall be divided into two classes, as follows all life members who reside in the City of Ottawa shall be members of the section lettered (&) in subsection (1) of this section, and all life mem- bers who reside elsewhere than in the City of Ottawa, shall be members of the section lettered (c) in the said subsection.

f^^(ll) The Board of Dirfctors of the Association may from time to time provide, by by-law, that such persons as shall pay the fees prescribed by such by-law, may be admitted to membership thereof, either for life, or from year to year, and all such members shall be assigned to one or other of the sections lettered (h) and (r) in subsection (1) of this section, in the manner provided bv sub- sections (4J and (.5).

(12) Should any question arise as to the residence of any life or annual member of the Association, or as to whether such member is, or is not, an officer or servant of the Dominion or Provincial Gov- ernment, holding office in or attached to the De- partment of Agriculture of such Ooverament, re- spectively, such question shall be determined by the Board of Directors of the Association, whose determination, expressed by a resolution thereof, shall be final. '"^S

5 Geo. V,

2. Se<!tion 9 of the said Act incorporating the ^ Antral ^^p^f^^' Canada Exhibition Association, as enacted by section 4 of chapter 85 of the Acts passed in the fiftli year of the reign of His Majesty King George V, is repealed, and the follow- ing substituted therefor: 45


C!onatltu- tlon of board of dlrectora.

9. (1) The board of directors shall consist of 25 persons. The mayor and seven other members of the ('oinu'il of tho (Mty of Ottawa, or of the Associoiion, to bo named Jind a|)pointe<l by HUfli i'oiiiK'il at its inaugural meet- ing in each year shall be directors; the sections lettered (6) and (c) in subsection (1) of section 4 of this Act, shall each elect in each year at the annual general meeting of the association eight directors by a plurality of the votes of the members of such section present in person and voting, and the Warden of the County of Carle- ton for the time being shall be a director of the association.

Election of offlcers.

(2) The directors shall immediately after such annual election, elect from among the members of the board, a president aud two vice-presidents. The president, vice-presidents and directors shall con- tinue in oflB.ce for one year, and until their suc- cessors are appointed. If any vacancy at any time occurs by death, resignation or otherwise, on the board of directors or in the office of president or vice-president, the remaining direc- tors shall fill such vacancy by the appointment of some member of the association, who shall hold office for the remainder of the year for which his predecessor in oflSce was appointed.

Honorary members.

(3) The association may at its annual general meeting appoint such persons as it thinks proper, honor- ary directors of the association, but such honor- ary directors shall not have the right to vote at or to take part at the meetings of the board of directors.


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No. 46. 1919.


An Act to authorize the City of Ottawa to acquire the Ottawa Electric Railway.

WJIIIKI^AS the Corporation of the ( iiv of Ottawa lias Preamble, presented a Petition praying that it should be enacted as hereinafter set forth, and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with ilic iulvicc ;iii<] con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of thr Pi'o\ ince *>i' Ontario, ' ;i;uN as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The OUaiva Cilij hJlcclricshovtutie. Railway Act.

3. (1) The Corporation of th(; Oitv of Ofhiwii ninv. l,v ■■"rciiase. l»v-Iaw, ]")assed with the assent ot ilic <'lccii>r> (|ii;iiitiiMi in t-noc. Ry.

\..t(' Mil lllnll('\- !>V-!h\\>. |il'<>\ii!c |(i|- lllc jill l'i'li;i>c 1»V lllc cnl--

|Hii';)tioii. at siieh i)ri('c aiul ii|>mii -iicli tcrin^ mid cdii'lit i"ii- ;i- limy be agreed \\]><>\\ luMwrcn the i'nr|ior;ii inn ;iiim ilic nwiicrs thereof, of the ritiiils. iuici'c-^N. I r;nicliI-(-. rnlliii!^ -tMf!<. plant, equipmoni ;iiul tlic I'cnl imd |Mi'-nii;il prnpci'lv ■;' III'- ' Htawa Electrir Kniiwax < 'niii|ia!i\ .

(2) No by-law or agreement for tlie purpose >|»( fiticd i n ^YeiTcVors subsection (1) of this section, shall b(^ executed li\. or I)0 binding upon, tlu' corpoi-ation. mitil it lia- hocn lirst siil)- mitted to. and a|i[»i-n\c,i nf Kv. ilic olciMniv-, ,>\ tlic -.aid cilx'. qualified to vote nti iiioii<'_\ liv-law-. in llir iiiaiiii''r |M'n\iilc(| }>y The Municipal Act.


('■V) The by-law submitted tt> tbc clcciors under tlie jum whathy-

visions of this S^tion, shnll -^'itlior -<■! .nit in full the |'in|M,>(>(|{o^contaln.

aereeraent of purchase. ><r a -\iinp-.i~ .,r ii. wliidi ~li;ill Hjif'ir'y the property to be ])iirclia~rd, ilic prirc in !„■ paid for it, and the terras of payment.


Power* of (4) Should a majority of the electors voting upon such aMentof by-law approve thereof, the by-law and the terms of said electors. agreement shall be deemed to have been assented to by th* electors, and the corporation may, thereupon

(a) Finally pass the by-law;

(h) Execute the agreement; and

(c) Borrow upon debentures of the corporation, and pay over to the Ottawa Electric TJailway Ck)m- pany such sum as may be agreed upon as the purchase price of the said railway. '

(5) In lieu of borrowing upon debentures such amount as may be necessary to make payment of the purchase price, the corporation may make payment thereof by issuing and delivering to the Ottawa Electric Railway ( onipany, de- bentures of the corporation of a like par value.

Debentures (6) The debentures issued as provided either bv subsection able. 4 or by subsection 5 of this section, may be made payabl<

in any manner authorized by The Municipal Act, and Avithin thirty (30) years, at latest, from their date of issue, and may bear interest at such rate or rates as to the corporation may seem proper, and it shall not be necessary to submit any by-law or by-laws passed in connection therewith to the electors for their assent, or that their assent should be given thereto.

Payment in deben- tures.

Assumption 3. Subjcct to the provisious of subsection (2) of section

of liabilities i.i ' j.* j. 3

of company. 2, the corporation may agree to assume, and may assume, as ])art of the purchase price of the said railway, the out- standing liabilities of the Ottawa Electric Railway Company, and for such purpose may make, execute and deliver all such by-laws, contracts, agreements, assurances and docu- ments as may be necessary or convenient.





4. The corporation may secure any money borrowed upon debentures under the authority conferred by this Act, by a mortgage or charge upon the whole, or any part, of the rail- way acquired by it, and upon all property used in connection therewith, and upon the income and revenues derived there- from, and it shall not be necessary that any by-law or by- laws passed for such purpose shall be submitted to the elec- tors for their assent, or that their assent should be given thereto. Every such mortgage or charge may contain any provisions, terms and conditions which the corporation may deem expedient.




5. From and after such i)urcliaso, the corporation shall P°'^ers of have, and may exercise, all the rights, powers and privileges purchase, which were possessed, or might have been exercised, by the ( )ttawa Electric Eailway Company, and also all snch rights, [lowers and privileges as the corporation would possess and might exercise, if the railway had been undertaken and conptructed by the corporation.

6.— (1) Should the corporation acquire, under the auth- ^lanage- lity conferred by this Act, the electric railway owned and railway. I erated by the Ottawa Electric Railway Company, the con- 1 trol. management and operation of such railway, and of all ' extensions and additions thereto, thereafter made, and of all property, real and personal, used in connection with the work- I ing thereof, shall vest in, and be exercised by, the Hydro- ^ Electric Commission of the City of Ottawa, as constituted liv by-law of the corporation, and such commission is hereby authorized and empowered to control, manage and operate 'I the same.

(2) The members of the said commission shall be entitled receive such salaries as the said corporation may, by by-

i law, provide.

(3) Except insofar as otherwise provided by this Act, rlu

I provisions of The Puhlic Utilities Act applicable thereto, '^ shall apply to, and govern, the said commission.

7.— (1) In the event of the corporation serving noticcNoticeby upon the Ottawa Electric Eailway Company at any timefnteifuon ior to August 13th, 1023, of its intention' to assume tbe ^!;^^^^{[]« "wnership of so much of the said railway as is situate in the un<|er pro- Province of Ontario, and of the real and personal property agreement. i used in connection with the working thereof, under the pro- 'isions of that certain agreement, dated June 28th, 1803, id made between the corporation of the one part and the J! Ottawa City Passenger Railway Company, and the Ottawa Electric Street Railway Company, of the other part, and set "lit as Schedule " A " to chapter 76 of the Acts of the Legis- , latnre passed at the session thereof, held in the fifty-seventh vrar of the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, the rporation may provide by by-law, that the Hydro-Electric p t ommisftion of the City of Ottawa shall have charge of, and supervision over, the proceedings to be taken by the corpora- tion by way of arbitration to determine the value thereof, as provided by the said agreement.

(2) Should the corporation give the notice 8])ecified i^if^ue'rieben- subsection 1 of this section, it may, at any time within onetures. year prior to August 13th, 1023, provide by by-law, to be 4fi

passed wiili tli( assent of the electors entitled to vote <>n mont'v liv laws, for raising upon debenturea such sum as it inay (Iccm to be necessary in order to make provision for paying tho uraount which may be found by the arbitrators fo he tho value of so much of the said railway as it situate in the Province of Ontario, and of all the real and personal ])roperty in the said province used in connection with the working thereof, and may with the like assent, provide by by-law for raising such amount as it may be necessary for the .corporation to pay into court, or to the company, upon taking possession of the said railway, under the terms of any order-by a Judge of the Supreme Court of Ontario, pur- suant to the provisions of the said agreement

Term of tiebentiires.

AppUcation of Abitra- tion Act.

(■)) Any debentures issued under the authority conferred hy this sec'tion may be made payable in any manner auth- orized by The Municipal Act, and within thirty (30) years, at latest, from their date of issue, and may bear interest at such rate or rates as to the corporation may seem proper.

8, The provision in the said agreement, dated the 26th day of June, 1893, by which the parties thereto agreed that the amount to be paid the Ottiawa Electric Railway Company by the corporation for so much of the said railway as is situate in the Province of Ontario, and for all the real and personal property in the said province used in connection with the working thereof, should be determined by arbitra- tion, shall bo construed to mean that the said arbitration shall proceed under the provisions of The Arhit ration. Act. ;iii(l iIkii tile arbitrators appointed upon the -aid arbitration should he a|)pointed as provided by, and should exercise, in respect of the said arbitration, the powers conferred by the said Act.









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:N'o. 47. 1919.


An Act respecting the Morrisburg and Ottawa Electric Railway Company.

WHEREAS the Morrishnrg and Ottawa Electric Eail-Preambie. way Oompanv was incorporated by an Act passed in rhe 8th year of His late Majesty's reign, chaptered 130, as amended by an Act passed in the 9th year of His late Majesty's reism. chaptered 136. and as further amended by an Act passed in the 10th year of His late Majesty's reign, chaptered 145, and as further amended by an Act passed in the 2Tid year of the reign of His Majesty Xing George the Fifth, chaptered 142, and as further amended by an Act passed in the 5th year of the reisrn of His Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 120. for the pnrpose of con- structing and operating an electric railway between the points set out in the said Aets; and whereas the said com- pany has. bv its petition, prayed that the time for the com- pletion of its undertaking be extended ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition:

Therefore, His Majesty, bv and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, f^nncts as follows:

1. T^Totwithstanding anyj:hins: contained in Tlip On/ano Extension Railway Arf. the railway, authorized by the said Actfor com- passed in the eighth year of His late Majesty's reign, cbap-^'®"°"' tcred 130. as amended bv an Act passed in the ninth year of His late Majesty's reign, chaptered 136, and as further amended by an Act passed in the tenth year of His late Majesty's reicm. chaptered 145. and as further amended by an Act passed in the second year of the reign of His Majesty King Georce the Fifth, chaptered 142. and as further amended by an Act passed in the fifth year of the reign of His Majesty King George the Fifth, chaptered 120, and by this Act shall bn completed within five years after the


passing of this Act; and if the railway is not completed and put in operation within fivp years from the passing of this Act, then the powers granted to the company hy the said Acts and hy this Act shall cease and he null and void as respects so much of the railway as then remains un- completed.








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\-. 48. V3V.).


An Act to Provide for a Referendum Upon Certain Questions.

HIS MAJESTY, bv ajid with the advice and oons^jut of tlic l.eiiislative Assemhly of the Pvovinee of Ontario. nacfs as follows:

i. 'riii> An iiiiiv 1«' (-11(^1 ;i< T/ic Tcmpcrcnri' f ! r fncii/hi m niiovt tau A'/. 1019.

2. Scctiun J47 of 37/r Onlariu Temperance Acf and <(h,*- « Geo. v.


V. 50.

49 of The Ontario Temperance Amemlmenl .Ic/. IOt7.n.u7.

ire repealed, and tho followinii suhstitnted therefor: repealed.

147.- (1) Oil sllcli d;i\ ;i> shall 1)0 fixed 1)V l)roclllinil-Que.stion.s

. ' to l>6

tion of the Lieutonant-Ciovernor in Council theresubmitte<i shall he snhniitted to the vote of the eloctors ot'*^*^*^***'"''- Ontario in tlie manner provided hv law. with re- speet to voting at the election of members to serve in the .\s.semhly. the tVdlowing (piestions:

Yes. Xo.

1. Are yon in favour of the repeal of the

Ontario Temperance Act ^

2. Are yon in favour of the sale of light

heer containing not more than two and fifty-one one hundredths jx'r cent, alcohol weight measure throtigh Government ageneies and amendments to the Ontario Tem- |)eranee .\ct to permit sneh sale?

rj. ;\re you in favour <d' the -;ilc (.f light beer containing not more than two and fifty-onc one hundredth^ per


cfut. alcohol wciffhr iii<ii.-iii«' in 4<tati<lar(l hotels iij local mnni<'ii»- alitics that h,v a majority voto favour such .sale and ainciidiaeut.s to The Ontario Tempernnre Acf to permit such sale ?

Arc von in fa von r of the sale of spiritnons and malt liipiors thronj:;h (Jovornment aj;encies and amendments to llic Ontario

Tcmprninrr Art to permit snch •: sale i .

Lists of voters to be used.

Who may vote.

(2) 'I'lu' li.st.s of voter.-^ to \h; u.sud at tltc vuiinj^- nj/mi siheh qnestions shall he the last lists of voter- prepared and certified nndcr The Ontario Ela- iion Act. V.)1S, and amendments thereto, an<l the persons qualified to vote npon the said qne- tions shall he the jiersons <pialified to vote at tlir election of a member to serve in the Assemhlv.

Voter to vote on 'each question.

(3) Everv voter shall vote on everv one of the .-;ai<l qnestions. otherwise his entire ballot .shall \n void and shall l)e rejected.

Return of result of - vote.

Regula- tions and directions.

(4) The retnvnini! fitliccr iipiioiiited U<v ciit-li clcciural

district shall make his return to the Clerk of the Crown in (^hancerv. .showin.ii the number of votes polled npon every question in each muni- cipality in such electoral district, and u])on the receipt of the last of such returns the Clerk oi the Crown in Chancery shall make the return to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council and .•'hall give notice thereof in the Ontario Gazette, show- ing the number of votes polled in Ontario for the affirmative and negative of each of the said questions submitted.

(5) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may from

time to time, by Order-in-( 'oiincil. uixe -uch dir- ection- ,:"d make >ni'li r(i:iilaiiiin- a> ina\- a)' peaj- to liini to be nec('s>aiy id carry .mi the ]»ro visions of this vseotion, and fm- the guidance of returning officers and other j)ersons charged \\\x\\ the duty of taking the vote, and may by such directions or regulations modify or alter any of the provisions applicable to the taking of the vote when conijdiance therewith appears to be incon-



YCiiiciil and iiiipracticalilc. and niav make due ])i'()\i>i()U \\<v ('ii'(Miiiisraii<H'> which may arise and which are not ]>n>vid(Nl lor or conroniphitod h_v this section.

((}) Th(> forms to 1)(" used at tho takinu of the vote iipoiiporms. the (|nesii(m^ in l-e -nhmilted under this Act shall he rhe same as nearly as may l)e as ihe fornix u>c<\ al an election li> ihe As-emhly. hilt sueh t'tlrm-^ may he modiiicd and altered to eom- j)]y with tho |»r<tvisions of this or any ro<>\ilation made t heron nder. *

(7) The fees and expf ii-e- to he alhiwed to returnin£r Fees and ro 11 n- I i- i.- "^ expenses.

ofhcers and othei- (ithcers am! -erx'ants tor ser-

\iees |)erforrn(Ml nn(hM- lhi> M'ciidn. and tlie ex- penses incurred in carrviuii' ont tlie pro\i-ions of this Si'ctinii shall h(^ payahle in the same man- ^

ner, and -hall he -iihjeci id the -ame prn\i>ions as to tlu' issue of accouiitahle warrant- and \]\o amlitimi' and eeiMii'yinii of accounts a- in ilu^

case of ice> ami e.\|iense> under The < ))ihino ^ „, ^ ' Rev. Stat..

FJrrlhni Ail. The Otihuio Eh'choii Act. lUlS. c..9,

8 Oeo. \^

and aniciidmeni- 1 herelo. c. 3.

(H) Tf the retnrns mad(» hv the Clerh of the Crown in^'^fctof .

... inajorit.v iii

Chancerx -Imw thai ihe UKMoritv (it the voters affirmative

, 1 .• ' ,■ 1 V on first

votmii:' th'-renii Ndied m la\our o| ilie allirmatnc question.

to the fir~t (lue-tiou. Tin' ()iil(tn(i Triti jx'niiK e

Ad shall he i-opealed. ami <uch repeal shall take

etl'ect on -uch date as may he ti.xed hy the Lien-

tciiant-( io\ ci'iior in ('ouncil hy proclamation, and

U]»(»n the date lix<'d hy the pi-ocdamation of the

i>ientenant-( !o\crnor in ('ouncil. 77/e Lii/iior

Licrnsi A'l a> amended prioi' to rhe passing' ol

The Orilnrio '/'rm jifrnncr A'/, shall he I'evivod

and shall !»<■ in force in ()ntario. and all hy-laws

and I'euulalioiis ma<le thei'eunder. includina' any

by-law- and rciiulatioii- pa--ed or made nmier

section P'!7 of the .\ct. ^r an\' pr<i\isIon lor which

the -aid -ection was -uh-! it utcij. -hall he in t'oi'i-e

and -hall lia\c eiTect until altered m' inodilied

h\- lawful authority, as it' Thr <hilnrii> 'r<'iiijj<r-

II iirr . I 1 1 had not hecn pa--ed.

CO I It' the -aid rciiiru- -hall -how that a nuii(H'ii\- of Majority in . 1 r !• I nnirniativ.'

the \'otei'- volmi; tnci'con v., ted in la\'our ot t lie on sci-nna ,,• I 1 -I'll (int'.'^t ion,

atririnatnc to the -eciunl ipu'-inui. iii:hi heer a-

hereinafter detined. -hall he ,-ohl hy >ale.> aiion 48

<•!<•« ostJibliKlicd l»v ilic |{<.;n<l ot |.i(«ii>r ('ttm iniMsioruTs tor Oiitnrio siil>i«'ct to kik-Ii r<'^nl;t tious as the Ilonnl, with (Ih* a])pr(>vHl of t)i< l.ioiitoiumt-(Jovonir»r in Coiiiwil may from tiiiK to tiuio pro.s<'riho. rospoctin^ such >silc. imytliiiiL' in this Ant to th<' contrarv notwithstandiiiL'.

Majority in :iillrinsitlve on third


Issue of Ucensejs lor llKht beer to standard tiotels in iniinlolpa ti- tles having majority io nfflrmati\ c.

TiOcal option by- laws as to sale of light lirer in standaifl hotels.

(10) if siu'h rotnnis shall siiow tluit a niiijority ot lin- voters votinp: thoroon votod in favour of th«' af-* firmativo to the third (pii-stion. lirniisog may Ik» issued hy tlie Fi<»ard of License CommissionerH for Ontario under and snl)je<M to sneli rejiula- lions as tiie Hoard may. with tiie ap|)roval of the I.ient(iiaiit-(iov('rnor in ("onncii from time to time )>rescrihe, aiithori/injr tlic sah* of lijrht heer, a< licreiiiafier (hMine<l. in stainlai'd hotels in any imnii<'ij>ality wiurc a majority of the voters vot- \uu: ther<>on sliall have voted in favonr of the aftirmativo to tlie third «iiiestion.

f 1 1 ) If siicli ictuiii shall shitw iliat a majority of the voters votiiio thereon voted in favonr of tlie affir- mative to the third (incstion. then at any time after the 'Hst day of Decemher, 1021. hy-laws may ])e snlimittcd to the electors of any. mnni- eipality in the manner and snhjeet to the con- ditions preseril)od hy section l->7 and the foljow- injr sections of llic Liquor License Act, chapter •Ji:. of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, respectin<^ the submission of local option hy-laws and the rejx-al thereof, and the said sections shall for the purposes oi' this sub.seetion Ikj deemed to be n'vived and shall apply rnu- tafis mufandis, but the by-law to be submitte<l under this subseotion.—


(a) In the e;i-o of a mnnieipality in which li- censes have not been issued for the sale of light boer in standard hotels shall l>e a by- law authori/inu the sale of litrht beer in duly licensed standard hotels in the muni- cipality; or

(h) Tn the case of a municii>aliTy in which li- censes have been issued for the sale of li2:ht luer in standard hotels shall he a by-law prohibitinii- the sale of lijiht beer in duly licensed standard hotels in the municipality,

and if a majority of the voters voting upon

a by-law siihniittcd under clause (a) approves of the same, licenses may he issued by the Board under and subjec^t to sucli regulations as the Board may with the approval of the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council from time to time ))rescribe, authorizing- the sale of light beer in standard hotels in the municipality, anything in this Act to the contrary notwithstandinj?, and if a majority of the voters voting upon a by-law submitted nnder clause (h) approves of the same, such by-law shall come into foi*ce and take effect as from the 1st day of May next after the passing thennif. and any licenses here- tofore issued by the Hoard authorizing the sale of light beer in standard hotels in such muni- cipality shall niH)ii said date he rc\(»k('(l and cancelled.

I 1-1 It' tlic -aiil iviui-ii- shall show that a inaioi'itv ,yf ^lajority in , . ... affirmative

tlie vorei's votmc there<^)n voted m tavour ot the on fourth

ffi,• i. i.1 i- .1 !• question,

rmative to the fourth (piestion, hquor or

liquors as defined in this Act shall be sold by salas agencies establitjhed by the Board of License Commissioners for Ontario, subject to such regulations as the Board, with the ap])roval of the Lieutenant-riovernor in Council may from liiiic u, liiiic |>rc>('ribe respecting such sale, any- thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstand- ing.


(]•)) For the purposes of this section, "light beer '' "Li«ht be«r" shall mean and include beer and any other malt ^'"^^"'"^ liquor containing not more than t^vo and fifty- one one hundredths per cent, alcohol weight mea- sure in accordance with the alcoholo-metric taWes prepared W J^ir t?dirard Tliorpe.







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No. 49. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Temperance Act.


IS MAJKSTY', by and with the advice and consent- ol" tlie Legislative Assembly of the l^roviiice nl Ontario.

enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as "The Ontario Temperance^^^"^^ fti'^- Amendment Act. 1010."

2. The Board may buy liquors, and may sell such liquors to^j^^, ';„• '^-^ Mich persons as may lawfully purchase the same. liquors.

3. (1) The Board may purchase, actjuive and take overj^^o:'^'^^;^;!' the stock of liquor owned hj each of the vendors licensed tostocks^or sell liquor under The Ontario Temperance Act or being in or vendors. -Upon the licensed premises of each of the said \endors.

f'i) Each of the said vendors shall upon re(|iic>t in writing _^n^^<"^tm.v deliver to the Board a correct inventory or statement of thecience as stock of liquors on hand held by him. including any liquor furni.-iu-d pnrehased prior to the delivery of such recpiest and in actnal '^ ^•^"'" '"• transit at the time, together with a statement of the prices paid for each item of liquor mentioned in snch statement, and in every case in which such liquor has been purchased subject to a discount or rebate or nllowa nco of any kind the same .<hnll })e correcflv cot forth in snch statement. The cost of freight and trn'ispori;!! idii. if piiid Ii\- ilic liccn-ci'. ~li;ill lie added to the price jinid for snch liquors, and deemed to lie \y,\v\ of the |)ur base jiriee of such liquors. Should tliete l.e any |>art of the stock on hand the value of which cannot Iw deiei mined i- aforesaid, such other method of fixing its value shall be adopted as mav be mntnally airreed on bv the vendor and tlie Board, Such inventory or statement shall be verified by a Statutory declaration of the licensee.

(^^ The Board mav acquire anv p\-istinc: lea«e of the^"^'^''"" licensed premises or mav lease such premises and mav enterieases of into possession thereof and oecnpv the same, or the noarfl mavpremisn.'i. 49


without acquiring a lease of the demised premiseB, enter into

f)08ses8ion tliereof and occupy the same for such time as mav be necessarv to ac<|uire other prcriiipoH. paying a reasonable rent for the said licensed premises.

Pure have of flxturen

(4) The Board may jjurchase any necessary fixtures or

menL*'"*'' other eijuipment used by the vendor in carrying on such business at a price to be either mutually agreed on or de- termined l)y valiiMtioti of an ;ip|)rais('r to 1h^ iijirced upon.

Notice of Intention to I)urchase.

(5) If at any time the Board shall desirie to purchase or accpiire the whole or any part of the liquors in the hands of, on order by or in transit to a licensed vendor and the fixtures, fiirnitin-e and equipment or any part of the same used by the vendor upon the licensed premises, it shall, with the ajiproval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, give notice to the vendor of its intention to purchase or acquire the same, and thereafter the Board may take immediate possession of all liijuors i]i tlie liceii-ed premises, jind shall without delay pro- ceed to make an inventory of the same and shall pay the pur- chase money therefor so soon as the price to be paid therefor has been ascertained.

Hoard not (6) Notwithstanding any thing herein contained the Board purchase, shall not be required to purchase any liquors, fixtures, equip- ment or other pro])erty not deemed desirable l)v rhe Board.

of office.

i.e°''sifed S "*• The Board may with the consent of the Attorney-Gen- ^^^>mce^^^ ^'^'^^ *^'^*^ ^^^ ™^.^ institute or defend proceedings in any Court, of law or otherwise in the name of "The Board of License Commissioners for Ontario" as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes as though such Board were in- corporated under such name or title and no such pi-oceedine' shall be taken against or in the names of the members of the Board, and no such proceedings shall abate by reason of any change in the membership of the Board by death, resignation or otherwise, but such ]>roceedings mny be cou tinned as though such changes h;id not been made.

Power to



5. (1) The Board may, with the consent of the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council, lease any building, lands and premises in Ontario which may be necessars' for the proper conduct of the undertaking and business authorized by this Act.

Head office and sales agencies.

(2) The Board may establish and maintain a chief or head office in the City of Toronto and may, with the ap- proval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, appoint such officers, clerks, servants and workmen as may be necessary for the management and conduct of the Business of the Board and shall also, with such approval, fix the salary and remuneration

1m Ik- !>ai<l t(i >iicl] ortieers, clerks, servants and workmen. The lloaiil -liall ai-o. with the approval of the Lieutenant- ( ..,\. 1 lu-r ill ( 'Miuici!. est;ablish such sales agencies in the City '•I Toidiiro and ai -iich other places in the Province as may iif liccnied nece--ar\ . and may employ such persons as may be iKM-cssarv to carn-v on the business of the Board at such a^ciK'ies.

I '■'>) The Board shall alpo establish and maintain a central central warehouse or warehouses for the receipt of liquors in quanti- ties and rill' disti'ihnt i(»n of die same to -ales ai>eii(dcs.

6. The Board mav, with the approval of the Lieutenant- Rui^s and

.," , 11 1 regrulatinns.

(io\('nior 111 ( oniu'il. make nilc~ and iciinlations rcspccrini^ :

(1 ) The coiidnci of rhe l)nsiii(>^ of the l)oard and its agencies.

( i' ) The hnyiiii:' li(|iiois lo he supplied lo snch ai^eiudes

I '■'• I The hours during which siudi agencies shall remain open.

( i) 'Idle proper aeeountiug for of ihe moneys received at such agencies.

( ■> i The making of inventories of the stock of liquor on hand from time to time.

( tl ) Tile (piality of the liquor supplied to the public on niedica] prescriptions and the prices to be

i-ha rged therefor.

( 7 ) Siicji oilier purposes as may 1)e deemed ueeossarv or expedient.

'' ' I ) Idle Board shall keep such hooks of account and^^^'^fjiJ'fin,, diall from time to time he re([iiii-ed hy the Minister "''■'"''''■ or ilie l.ieiiieiianl-( ioxci Mer in ('onncil and -hall cause to he entered ilurein all -"ni^ i,f iiioim'\- i'eeei\cd and paid onl h\' die ll.iiii'd ;iti<l (if tile -e\ci'al purposes \'ny whieh | he same ar(^ reeeiv eil ;i nd [la id oiit.

(1^ TIm r.iiard -hall also on or Ixd'ore the lii'-t da\ of^'""','' lelii-i;ar' iti e;ieli \e;ir make to the Ministei- an annual repori

laiiilm; -iieh infoianation as ihe Miiiisier may from lime

lo I ime t'CMpi i i-e or ilireet.

8. d ]\i' r.oiif.i nia\ h\ re-e|iitii'n exiend the i|iii'aiio!i of anx i:\i, usiun

' i'-iii-e till' ;iii\ lime iini I'.ceed ! ii'j one month from' '^' ^'


I lie tiist <la} of -Ma}', I5M'.), whicli tlit* P>oai{| may deem iicN'Cssary to prevent iiieonvenienee to the public ]>eri(ling th< carrying into vWtH-t ot any oj" (he jtrovisions of this A<*t.

I'lMvisi..!! 9^ '}'),(. Lientenant-Cioverimr in (Jonncil may from time to

for I mills. _ _ •/ ^

iimc set a))art »>iu <>} iho C onsolidatcd iCcvenne i''nnd such sums as may lie r('(|iiircd fur I lie |)nr)N>8es set fortii in this Act and tlic sums so set aj>art shall form a special fund to l)e known as "Tlio License ( 'ommissi(»ners' JSpe<'ial I'lind," out of uliicli iiiiiy i)c |p;ii(l troiii lime to liiiic siu-li sums as mav Itv ; necessary loi- ilic imrposcs of this Act; sncli paymentfi shall he made upon warrants issued by the Board and ap- piovcd \)\ the .Minister, and such aj)j)ruval shall l)e sufficient aiitliority to the Provincial Treasurer to issue (cheques for .>^uch payments.

AixiH. 10. The accounts <»f the lioard rclalixe lo the oiHraii.-iir-

authorized under sections 2, •) and ."> hen'of. shall upon the direction of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council be from time to time and at least once in every year audited hy the auditor for Ontario, oi- such other iiudiioi- m- iikIumi^ as nniy be named in ihe direction ol the Tieutenaut-Ciovernor in Council, and the costs and expenses of such audits shall be I fixed by the IJoard with ihc appi'o\al ol the Lieutenant-

(iovernor in Council, and shall be i>ayable by the JJoard as |)art of the cost of administration of the Board.

.,_ . i. i ^^

i!"ai'i 11. The Board shall have a seal upon which shall be

inscribed the words "The lioard of License Commissioners for Ontario," and all leases, agreements and other documents ~ retinirinu' to \)v executed by the l>oard shall bo sealed with I he seal ni ih( Hoaid and signed by the Chairman and Secre- tary of the lioard. and when so executed shall be binding upon I he Board.

Payment 12. The chairman and each member of the Hoard mav Ik-

of ohair- . . . ,

man and \)i\\d sui'li auuual sums for these services as mav from time to

members '. , , i i. /-^ ' /-^ -i

of jioani. lime b(> determined by the J^ieutenant-Ciovernor m Council

and such <inns -ball fnvn^ I'miT of the expenses of the Board.

porated" 13. This Act shall be read with and as part of The

v.'\\Vo.*^" ^fiihirio Tern pc ranee Ac( and any of the provisions of that

Act inconsistent with the provisions of this Act .^shall be

(boomed to be repealed.

50. s. 45. 14. Section 4.') of The (hihirlo TciH/icidiire .1/7 is

Seal of


amended by striking (^ut all the words after the figures "4U" in the tenth line to the word "bu.'siness" in the seventeen) li line and inserting instead thereof the words "nor shall it prevent a distiller celling alcohol to a wholesale druggist."


l.>. 8iil>.sf<'tiun U of section 20 of The (Jiilaiio '/'(/;</>»<■/•- 7 gou. y.^ ance Amendment Ad, J917, is amended b.v substitiiring the subs! 9. word "gives" for the word "given" in the third line. amenaed.


16. Subsection 1 of section ."il of The OiUari-o Temper- & Geo. v. fince Act is amended hy adding at the end of the first line of ameiufo,!.' (Uause (6) of said section as enacted by section 11 of The On- tario Temperance Amendment Act, 1918, the words "Clause

(a) of."

17. Section ala of The Onturio TemiMranie Act as en-s Geo. v. acted by section 12 of The Ontario Temperance Amendment amei'i<fe.i. ' Act, lOlSj is repealed and the following siibstitntod therefor:

51a. Every duly qualified medical practitioner actually yuan my engaged in the practice of his profession may not- which °may withstanding anything in The Ontario 'if ewipe^- medfca\ '*"^ ance Act, liave in his possession for purelly piactitioner. medicinal purposes such quantity of liquor not exceeding ten gallons at anv one time, as mav be prescribed by Order in (\>nueil, and such licpior may be kept in the i)ri\ar(' dwelling house nt >.-A\d practitioner or in his office or dispensary.

18. The Ontario Temperance Act is amended by adding g Geo. v, thereto the following sections : ^numi. .i

51if> (1) Anv medical prescription for liquor presented Medical

to any per.son entitled to sell liqUor with the oh- tions-iiow- ject of procuring the same may be retained bywith iVv such person before supplying such liquor for such ^■^"^^*^' time as may be necessary to enable the person to M'hora sucli prescription is presented to ascertain wliether the same was signed by the medical prac- titioner by whom it purports to be si^ied and whether it is in other respects bona fide.

I i' ) Hit appears that the prescription mentioned in the where

preceding subsection was not signed by the prac-not"^u!se«V*"" t.itioner by whom it purports to be signed, or was'"'"'' '^'''" obtained irregularly, or was being used for the purpose of securing liquor for a person for whom such liquor was not intended, the per.son pivseiit- ing such prescription shall be liable to arrest without a warrant by any inspector, constable or officer exercising jurisdiction under The Ontario Temperance Act and may bo brought before a magistral'' for attempting to oLt.'iin litpior il- legally.




li (iOK.




.; (;.■(.. V. c. 50. s. 01. subs. 2, ;ini<'niit»(l.

I , i M I i t a t i u 1 1

(i Gei^. V, c. 50, s. 121. .subs. 4, amended.

Quarterly returns by manufac- turers pur- chasing alcohol.

7 Geo. V. c. 50, s. 52, subs. 6, lepealed.

Duration of moratorium.

Prohibition in circula- tion of i>rice lists of liquor.

(3) Any person charged under the preceding subeec-

tion with attempting to obtain liquor illegally shall on conviction therefor incur the i)enaltic8 provided by section 59 of The Ontario Temper- ance Act.

(4) Any person who by any improper means obtains

a medical prescription for liquor and any per- son who uses or attempts to use. either himself <ior l)y or through any other jiersou, any such pre- scription or any prescription for li<pio which he is not lawfully entitled to use, whether im- properly obtained or not, and any person know- inj^ly acting on behalf of any jhtsou iKToinhe- foro mentioned, or who sells or gives to any other person any prescription for liquor however ob- tained, shall 1)0 guilty of an ofi'encc against this Act and shall on conviction incur the penal- ties provided by Section 59 of the said Act

19. Subsection 2 of sex-tion (ll of 'J'/ir Ontario Temperance . I cl is amended by striking out the words "thirty days" in the Ihird line and substituting therefor the words "three mMiths."

20. Subsection 4 of section \'1\ of The Ontario Teimper- ance Act is amended my striking out the words "every month" in the second line and inserting instead thereof the words "the months of January, April, July and October," and by striking out the words "calendar month" in the fourth line and substituting therefor the words '"three months."

21. Subsection 6 of section 52 of The Ontario Temper- ance Amendment Act, 1911, as amended by section 13 of

The Ontario Temperance Art, 1918, is roj^enled and the fol- lowing substituted therefor:

(6) This section shall have effect during the year 1919 and until the close of the session of the Xegisla- ture next following.

22. i^o person whether licensed or unlicensed acting either by himself, his clerk, servant or agent and no person as such clerk, servant or agent shall within Ontario, print, ]>ublish, or distribute either publicly or privately any circular or any newspaper containing a price list of intoxicating liquor used for beverage purposes however described, or any announcement however expref^sed having for its object the solicitation within Ontario of orders for such liquor, and no person within Ontario shall bv any other means whatever solicit such orders. Every person who violates this section or any part thereof or allows such violation to be committed or continued shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence against The Ontario Temperance Act and shall incur the penalties provided by section 58 of the said Act

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Xo. 60. ' 1919.


An Act to provide for the Erection of Dwelling


WHEREAS the Government of the Dominion of Canada preamble. - has made provision for lending money for twenty years with interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum to the Provinces of Canada for the purpose of promoting the erection of dwelling houses; and whereas the Province of Ontario desires to borrow from the Dominion of Canada a portion of the fund for the purpose of lending the same to municipal corporations to promote the erection of dwelling liouses throughout Ontario; and whereas the Province of Ontario also desires to borrow from any person such further sums as may be deemed necessary for the purposes of this Act:

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Ontario Housing ^c^, short title. 2.97.9.

2. This Act shall apply to any local municipality the Application <<>uii('il of which passes a by-law declaring that it shall apply. *^^ '^'^'•

3. Tn this Act,— llltX^-

(a) " f commission " shall mean a Housing Commission "Commis- appointed by a municipal corporation for the' ])urposes of this Act;

(h) "Company" shall meali a company incorporated" ^o'^pany" under The Housing Accommodation Act ; c. 220.

(c) " Director " shall mean the Director of the Bureau "Director." of Municipal Affairs, or such other person or body as may bo designated by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council; 50

I'ower til borrow Trom thf I toiiiiiiloii.

(d) " House " shall include all necessary improvement- and conveniences.

4. The I,I( uteiijint-Clovernor in Council, for the purposes of tlii- Ai 1. other than loans to farmers as provided by H(!ction 1^5, ina.v from time to time borrow from the Dominion of (Canada such sum of money as the Dominion of Canada may he willing to lend to it, payable within a period n«'i exfoeding twenty years from the date of the loan, and bearing interest at the rate of 5 por cont. por annum, payable half- yearly.

Power to 5. (1) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, for the pur-

frdin any poses of tlils Act, may also from time to time borrow from person. ^^^ person other than the Dominion of Canada such further sums of money as he may deem necessary.

(2) The money so borrowed shall be payable within a period not exceeding twenty years, and shall bear interes* at such rate as may be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

6. The money borrowed under sections 4 and 5 shall be charged upon the Consolidated Eevenue Fund of Ontario.



to form

part of '^' _ -

Consolidated and shall be paid into and form part of that fund

Revenue ^ *•


Loans by 7, The Lieuteuant-Govemor in Council may from time to

to Municipal time lend to a municipal corporation the full cost of the land Corpora- acquired and the houses erected by its commission under the provisions of this Act, as fixed and determined by the director, and all money required to enable its commission to make the loans provided for by sections 12 and 13 and pay- ment on account of such loans shall be made by the province to the corporation from time to time during the progress of the work on estimates furnished by the commission to and approved by the director.

?n rnoney°" ®- ^^ P^^* ^^ *^^ money borrowed from the Dominion of Jo^^wed Canada shall be applied in making loans to farmers, provided


Power of Municipal Corpora- tions to borrow without asserit of electors.

Limit of borrowing IKJwers not affected.

for by section 13.

9. (1) A municipal corporation, for the purposes of this Act may, without obtaining the assent of the electors, pass by-laws from time to time for borrowing from the Province of Ontario such money as the director may approve of, and may issue debentures for the payment of the money borrowed.

(2) Any money borrowed by a municipal corporation under the provisions of this Act shall not be counted in ascer- taining whether the limit of its borrowing powers has been reached under any general or special Act. 60

10. (1) The council shall, by the by-law declaring that ^ppoin^*- this Act shall apply or by another by-law forthwith appoint Housing a commission to be known as the Housing Commission of the (naming the municipality) for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act.

,(2) Such commission shall be a body corporate and shall ^^^^^^^^ be composed of the head of the council for the time being and two or four persons resident in the municipality who are not members of the council.

(3) The members of the commission, other than the head'r^'\"i "^ of the council, shall hold office for two years and until their successors are appointed, except that in making the first apj)ointment the council shall designate one of the two members or two of the four members, as the case may be,

who shall hold office for one year.

(4) Tn a city having a population of not less than 100,000 over*ioo,ooo. the commission may be composed of five persons resident

in the municipality who are not members of the council, and in making the first appointment the council shall designate two of such persons who shall hold office for one year, and three who shall hold office for three years.

(5) Tn the case of a vacancy in the office of a member ^^^^"'^'^" before the expiration of his term, the council shall appoint

a person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.

(6) The members of the commission may be paid such ^^^^^J^^^^ salary or other remuneration as the council may think proper tion. and shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(7) The commission shall elect a chairman and a vice- ^/Jgl.'"'"*"' chairman, who shall preside at all meetings of the commis- chairman, sion in the absence of the chairman.

(8) The clerk, assessment commissioner, assessor, treas-omcers'^^ nrer. architect, engineer and other officers of the municipal- gutfgg'" ity shall, at the request of the commission, do and perform

all such duties under this Act as they would do and perform for the council in the like case if the carrying out of the pro- visions of this Act had been conferred on the council.

(0) The money borrowed from the province by the cor-out^of*" poration shall be paid out by the treasurer of the corporation Measurer. on the certificate or order of the commission.

10a. The council may, by the by-law appointing the^^^^tof^ commission, or by another by-law, with the approval of the commission. 50

Erection of dwelling hou-tfe8 tor certain perHons.

director, limit the jwwers of the commission to any one or more of the purposes set out in sections 11, 12 and 13,

11. (1) A commission may erect on land acquired by it, within the limits of the municipality, and any company may erect on land accpiired by it in any municipality to which this Act applies, dwelling-houses of a class suitable for the accommodation of persons who have been on active s(?rvice during the present war with the naval or military forces of Great Britain or her allies, and who are residents of Ontario, and working men and working women and men and women of moderate means.

Limit of cost.

(2) Except as provided by subsection (3), the cost of any house .shall not exceed $2,500 and the cost of the house and the land on which it is erected .shall not exceed $3,000.

When limit may be exceeded.

(3) 111 })articular cases or in any [mrlicular municipality, with the a])])roval of the director, the cost of a house may exceed $2,500, but shall not exceed $3,000, and the cost of a house and the land on which it is erected may exceed $3,000 but shall not exceed $3,600.

Loans by 12. (1) A commission may, with the approval of the

m SSI . jj[j.g(>^Qj.^ make loans for the purposes of this Act, to

To com- panies.

i'o private persons owning land.

To other



To soldiers who have been on active service.

(a) A company for not more than 85 per cent, of the actual value of the land and houses as deter- mined by the director ;

(h) A private person who desires to erect a house for his own occupation on land owned by him to the full cost of the house and the limitations contained in subsections 2 and 3 of section 11 shall not apply so far as the value of the land is concerned;

(c) A private person who desires to erect a house for

his own occupation on land owned by the com- ' mission to the full cost of the house if he pays in cash the value of the land or 10 per cent, of the value of the land and of the cost of the house or gives security approved of by the commission and the director for such payment in cash ;

(d) A person who has been on active service during

the present war with the naval or military forces of Great Britain or her allies, or the widow of such a person, or the widowed mother of such a person in case such person is deceased, who is a resident of Ontario, and desires to erect a


house for his or her own occupation on land owned by the commission, to the full cost of the house.

13. (1) The Lieutenant-GoveiTior in Council, on the J-oj^J^j^^^/ recommendation of the director and a commission with theandcom-

11 (• 1 mission

approval of the director may make loans to a farmer who to farmers, desires to erect a dwelling-house on his farm for the occupa- tion of any married man cm])loyed l\y him as a farmer, to the full value of the house.

(2) The provisions of this Act respecting loans by ^ of^^ther'^'^" commission shall applv, mutatis mutandis, to a loan made piovisions

. of Act

under subsection 1, except that a mortgage on the farm or part of it may, with the a])proval of the director, be taken as security for the loan.

14. (1) 'No lojiii iii;ido by a commission shall be made^Oj^^^j^y^j^ uijon anv land or house not situate within the municipality limited

.',.-, ... i. J ^ ' to land

Tor which the commission is appointed. in muni-


(2) Payments on account of such loans shall be made tOQ^^^^fJJj^^j the company or person by the commission from time to

time during the progress of the work on estimates furnished to and approved by the commission.

(3) A person to whom a loan is made shall become ato°bec^me j)urchaser from the commission under an agreement of sale^P^jy^alfle. for the amount of the loan in the case of an owner and for ^^2* °^ the amount of the loan and value of the land in other cases,

and for that purpose the owner shall convey to the commis- sion such part of his land as may bo required by the com- , mission.

15. The building scheme of a commission or company, {^p/}^°j^'|^ °^ including the location of the land, the laying out of it and scheme, the .subdivision of it into lots, the position of the houses to director, be erected on it and the plans and specifications of them sliall be subject to the approval of the director.

I IB. (1) Houses erected by a commission or a company Persons to may be sold by it to any person mentioned in section 11. house* may and the same shall bo sold under an agreement, the form of and°'* which shall bo approved by the director and which shall *'°"***"°"*- [»r<>\ ido, among other things, for

I (a) Payment of an amount in each month, estimated Monthly by the director as sufficient to pay the purchase ^*^"^*" "" money and interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum at the end of twenty years from the date of sale;


Interest on arrears.

Payment of whole purchase money.

Cancellation of aKree- ments.

Assign- ment of agreement.


(b) Payment of interest on arrears at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum;

(c) Payment at the option of the purchaser of the whole or any part of the purchase money at any time during the term of the agreement;

(d) Cancellation of the agreement on default being made in any payment if the default continues for three months;

(e) Right of the purchaser before default and with the consent of the commission or company, or of the director, to assign the agreement;

and the agreement shall contain covenants by the purchaser to keep the house in repair and to pay taxes, local improve- ment rates and insurance.

(2) The director shall cause to be printed and sent to any commission or company, on request, a sufficient number of blank forms of agreement of sale for its use, and no charge shall be made against a purchaser for the completion and execution of them.

of^Rev*st*a"t ^'^) "^^^ provisions of section 48 of The Registry Act as c. 124, s. 48. 'to the registration of mortgages endorsed " not to be recorded

in full," shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to agreements for

sale made under this Act.

Director to provide forms of aB:reement of sale.

Sales to be at actual cost with added per- centage in case of company.

17. All houses sold by a commission shall be sold at actual cost as determined by the director, and houses sold by a company shall be sold at actual cost so determined, with an additional percentage so determined to cover a reasonable remuneration to the company.

Prohibition against renting except with lease of director.

18. (1) A house erected or purchased under the pro- visions of this Act shall not be rented or leased by a com- mission or company except with the approval of the director or by a purchaser or a person who has built it out of money borrowed from a commission, except with the approval of the commission or company as the case may be, and of the dir- ector, and any lease, agreement for lease or to rent made without such approval shall be null and void.

(2) This section shall not apply where the purchase money or the loan has been paid in full.

Enforcing 19. (1) For the purposc of enforcing payment of the of monthly monthly instalments due under an agreement of sale, and of



entering into possession after default, a commission or com- pany shall have all the remedies which a landlord has against a tenant under The Landlord and Tenant Act, and the pur-Rev.^stat.. t'haser shall be deemed a tenant to the commission or*^' company.

(2) Where default has been made in any payment uii<i®i"^';7^^|°'^ an agreement of sale, and the default continues for three forcible months and the purchaser refuses to give up possession to'^°^®^^^°"- the commission or company, the director, on the application of the commission or company, may, by order, authorize and require any constable, with such assistance as he may need, to enter on and take possession of the premises for and on behalf of the commission or company.

20. (1) A loan made by the province to a municipal Repayments

ini -I'l- ^ J. J- of loans

corporation shall be repaid withm a period not exceeding to municipal twenty years from its date and shall bear interest at the^^''^'""^ '*'"^' rate of 5 per cent, per annum payable yearly.

(2) Such loan shall be repaid in equal monthly iiistal- Eguai^^ ments by the commission to the Treasurer of Ontario, com- instalments, mencing one month after the houses are completed, and shall

be of the same amount as is required to be paid by a p\ir- chaser from the commission under an agreement of sale and interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, shall be charged and payable on all monthly instalments in arrear.

(3) As collateral security for the payment of the loan, Debentures

. . rn as collateral

the corporation shall issue and deposit with the Treasurer security. ' of Ontario its debentures for the amount of the loan payable within a period not exceeding twenty years, and bearing interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, payable yearly, and if the commission makes default in payment of any monthly instalment, the Treasurer of Ontario may sell or otherwise dispose of so much of such debentures as may be necessary to pay the instalment.

(4) Where a company or person pays to the commission case of any amount in excess of the monthly instalments, the excess fjf exces-s^ shall be forthwith paid to the Treasurer of Ontario and bt^ ^nsTaiments applied in payment of the loan made to the corporation.

(5) A separate account shall be kept of any money bor-^^P*^^J^

rowed to make loans to farmers, as provided by section 13.


21. (1) A loan made to a company shall bear interest Repayment at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, and shall be repaid to com^panies. the commission during a period not exceeding twenty years in equal monthly instalments, commencing one month after 50


the houses are (•omf)leted, and shall be of the same amount as is re(|uired to be paid to the company by a purchaser under an a^reomciit for sale and interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum shall be charircd and payable on all monthly instalments in arrear.

MortRage nn collaterni security.

(2) As collateral security for the payment of such loans and of the monthly instalments, the company shall give to the commission a first mortgage on all the land and houses owned by it, payable within a period not exceeding twenty years from the date of the loan and bearing interest at 6 per cent. er annum, payable yearly.

mortgage! ° ('^) The terms and conditions of the mortgage shall b' approved by the director.

Cfl. s ft of

payments (4) Where a person pays to a company any amount in

moluhly^ ° excess of the monthly instalments then payable, 85 per cent. instalments, ^f g^^^^j^ exccss shall be forthwith paid by the company to the

commission and shall be applied on the loan made to the


Power to _ _ / \ A

acquire and ^^. (1) A commission or a Company may acquire bv

expropriate ^ J.^ . \ . 1 -i ,. '

lapd. purchase or otherwise, or enter on and expropriate land for

the purposes of this Act.

arbitrators (2) The Compensation to be paid for any land expropri- compensai"^ ated shall be determined by a board of arbitrators, com- ''°"- posed of three persons appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor

in Council, of whom the director shall be one.

Procedure governing arbitration.

(3) The board may determine the compensation to be paid for the land expropriated in a summary manner upon seven days' notice in writing, served upon the owner or other person interested in the land, and on the commission or com- pany expropriating it, and after hearing what is alleged by all parties, and without hearing any other evidence unless the board decides to do so, may forthwith make their award and the award so made shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal.

Service of notice.

(4) Where the residence of any owner or person inter- ested is unknown the board may direct the notice to be served upon him in such manner as it may deem best, or where any owner or person interested resides out of Ontario the notice may be served by registered letter post addressed to him at his place of residence and shall be deemed to be served when in the ordinary course of the post the letter would reach its destination.



(5) Tlie comi)eusatioii to be paid for the land expropri-Amount of ated shall be the amount which the board determines is its fair market value and nothing shall be allowed by reason of the land being available for the purposes of this Act or for any increase in value ])>' reason of the commission or (•omi)any contenn)lating the construction of houses on it or providing better means of access or transportation thereto or by reason of the fact that the land is being expropriated.

(G) In determining the compensation to be paid, theseverance board shall take into consideration the relative benefit or°^'^"*^" injury occasioned by the severance of the land of any person.

(7) The board may, if it thinks proper, retain the services Valuator, of a valuator for the purpose of assisting it in fixing the amount of the compensation.

(8) Where a commission or a company desires to use, hj'nd Ic-^ for the purposes of this Act, any land acquired by gift or ^jy^^^ ^'^' purchase, or already owned by the municipal corporation or^neady company, the board shall fix the value of such land.

(d) Except as otherwise herein provided, the provisions c^Vq^^^'^^' of The Municipal Act as to expropriation and compensation shall mutatis mutandis apply.

23. ^N"© loan shall be made to any person, nor shall any saies ami house bo sold or rented to any person, nor shall any agree- to^BHUsii^ ment for sale be assigned to any person, under the provisions "'^"''■'^^"*'''" of this Act, who is not a British subject.

24. The provisions of The Bureau of Municipal Affairs ^Y^'l'^'"-.*'-^'^" Amendment Act, 1919, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to Act.

this Act.

25. d) The director may make rules and regulations [^gufations. for the i>urpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, and the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make such additional provisions as he may deem necessary for carrying r>^^{ the objects of this Ac't.

(2) The rules and regulations and additional provisions ''"''''^'"*'""- shall be j)ublishr'd in the Ontario Gazette.

26. Any by-law heretofore passed by a municipal corpora- [^<;|^*»^!|. tion which is in su])stantial confonnity with the provisions contiiiDid. of this Act, is confirmed and declared to bo legal, valid and binding.





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No. 50. 1919.


An Act to provide for the Erection of Dwelling


WIIKREAS the Government of the Dominion of Canada Preamble. lias made provision for lending money for twenty years with interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum to the Provinces of Canada for the purpose of promoting the erection of dwelling houses; and whereas the Province of Ontario desires to borrow from the Dominion of Canada a portion of the fund for the purpose of lending the same to municipal corporations to promote the erection of dwelling houses throughout Ontario; and whereas the Province of Ontario also desires to borrow from any ])erson such further suiiis as may be dceuicd necessary for the i)urposes of this Act:

riicrefore. His ^[ajesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of OntariO; enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Oiihtrio Housing Act, Short uuv. 1919.

2. This Act shall apply to any local municipality theAppii(at:..ii conncil of which passes a bv-lnw declaring that it shall ap]ily. ""^ ^' '

3. In this Act - lllfX'-

(a) " Commission " shall mean a Housing Commission "Coromi«- appointed by a municipal corporation for the' purposes of this Act;

(6) "Company" shall mean a comi)any incorporated "Company. under The Housing Accommodation Act ; c. 220.

(c) " Director " shall mean the Director of the Bureau "Director." of Municipal Affairs, or such other person or body 88 may be designated by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council;


House." (d) " lIon.se '' shall include all necessary imp^oveInent^

and conveniences.

power to borrow from lh»' Doinitilon.

Power to borrow from any person.

4, I li(> I.ioutonant-Governor in Council, for the purj" . of tliis Act, otluM- than loans to fanners as provided in .soction 13, niav from time to time borrow from the Dominion of (/anada such sum of money as the Dominion of Canad:t may bo willinji^ to lend to it, payable within a period not e.xceeding twenty years from the date of the loan, and bearing interest at tlic rate of 5 per cent, per annum, payable half- yearly.

5. (1) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, for the pur- poses of this Act, may also from time to time borrow from any person other than the Dominion of Canada such further

Slims of iiKinoy as ho may deem necessary.

(2) The monoy so borrowed shall be payable within a period not o.xcteedin^ twenty years, and shall bear intere.'Jt at such rate as may be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

borrowed ^- Thc money borrowed under sections 4 and 5 shall be

parrof^ eharged u})on the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario. Consolidated and shall be paid into and form part of that fund.

Fievenue ' '■


Loans by 7. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may from time to

i rovincG

to Municipal time lend to a municipal corporation the full cost of the land tio'n.°'^^ acquired and the houses erected by its commission under the provisions of this Act, as fixed and determined by the director, and all money required to enable its commission to make the loans provided for by sections 12 and 13 and pay- ment on account of such loans shall be made by the province to the corporation from time to time during the progress of the work on estimates furnished by the commission to and approved by the director.

Sf money''" ®- '^^ P^^t ^i the money borrowed from the Dominion of from ^^^ Canada shall be applied in making loans to farmers, provided Dominion, for by section 1.3,

Power of Municipal Corpora- tions to borrow without assent of electors.

Limit of borrowing powers not affected.

9. (1) A municipal corporation, for the purposes of this Act may, without obtaining the assent of the electors. paPS by-laws from time to time for borrowing from the Province of Ontario such money as the director may approve of, and may issue debentures for the payment of the money borrowed.

(2) Any money borrowed by a municipal corporation under the provisions of this Act shall not be counted in asccr taining whether the limit of its borrowing powers has been reached under any general or special Act,


10. (1) The counei] shall, by the by-law declaring thatAppomt- liis Act shall apply or by another by-law forthwith appoint Housing a commission to be known as the Housing Commission of the ""^"^ (naming the municipality) for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act.

(2) Such commission shall be a body corporate and shall How

^ ■' I. t M c 1 1 composed.

be composed of the head of the couhcil for the time being and two or four persons resident in the municipality who arc not members of the council.

(3) The members of the commission, other than the head Term of of the council, shall hold office for two years and until their successors are appointed, except that in making the first ippointment the council ^hall designate one of the two iiiombera or two of the four members, as the case may be,

who shall hold office for one year.

(4) Tn a city having a po|)nlati()n of not less than 100,000 ^ygjl^^^QQ^j^^, he commission may be composed of five persons resident

ill tiie municipality who ar<^ not members of the council, who -hall hold <)ffice for five years and until their successors are ippointed except that in making the first appointment tlie •ouncil shall designate one who shall liohl office for one year, lue who shall liold otHc<> foi- two yeai's, one who shall hold ollicc tor three years, one who shall hold olHce for foiiv years. ind one who shall hidd ollice fur li\'e yeai's,

ff)) Tn the case of a vacancy in the office of a member vncnnoips. before the expiration of his term, the council shall appoint a person to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term.

(fi) The members of the commission may be paid such salary or

,1-eim; tlon.

-alary or other remuneration as the council may think proper j.'®'"""^''^"

ind shall be eligible for re-appointment.

(7) The commission shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman,

Ice- hair man.

•hairman, who shall preside at all meetings of the commis-^'*'^

ion in the absence of the chairman.

(S) The coinniission shall have a corijorate seal and ill agr(x^ments of sale, conveyances and other documents diall bo executed by the chairman, vice-chairnian and by he secretary under the corporate seal, but wliere by ovei'- -ight the seal has not been affiNe<l, it may be affixed ai any !ini(^ afterwards, and. when .so affi.xed the agreement of sale, "onveyance or other document shall bo as valid and effectnal 1^ if it had been originally seale<l.


Municipal otDcerM to perform dutlex.

Payment out of money by treasurer.

I.lmltof riowers of rommtsslon.

Kreotion of dwelling: liouses for lertaln persons.

Limit of cost.

When limit may be exceeded.

Loans by commission.

To com- panies.

To private persons owning land.

(1>) riic clerk, as.>i(w«inent coiimiissioiu'r. assessor, tr< iirer, architect, engineer and other officers of the municip ity shall, at the request of the commission, do and perfor all such duties under this Act as they would do and perfor for the council in the like case if the carrying out of the pr visions of this Act had been conferred on the council.

(10) The nioriey borrowed from tiie province by the poration shall be paid out by the treasurer of the corporal on the certificate or order of the comraission-

(11) The trea.surer siiall keep separate* accounts of nilonev lioriowed hv rlic eorporation or loaned by the c< mission..

10a. The council may, by the by-law appointing commission, or by another by-law, with the approval of director, limit the powers of the commission to any one c more of the purposes set out in sections 11, 12 and 13.

11. (1) A commission may erect on land acquired b it, within the limits of the municipality, and any compan may erect on land ac<piircd by it in any municipality t which this Act applies, dwelling-houses of a class suitabl i'ov the accommodation of persons who have been on activ s(irvice during the present war with the naval or militar forces of Great Britain or her allies, and who are resident of Ontario, and working men and working women and me and women of moderate means.

(2) Except as provided by subsection (3), the cost o any house 8liall not exceed $2,500 and the cost of the hous and the land on which it is erected shall not exceed $3,000.

(3) In particular cases or in any particular municipality with the approval of the director, the cost of a house ma; exceed $2,500, but shall not exceed $3,000, and the cost o a house and the land on which it is erected may exceed $3,001 but shall not exceed $3,600.

12. (1) A commission may, with the approval of tb

director, make loans for the purposes of this Act, to

(a) A company for not more than 85 per cent, of thi

actual value of the land and houses as deter mined by the director;

(b) A private person who desires to erect a house foi

his own occupation on land OAvned by him U

the full cost of the house and the limitation

contained in subsections 2 and 3 of section 13

shall not apply so far as the value of the lane

is concerned; 60

(c) A private person who desires to erect a house for^o^oth^er

his own occupation on land owned by the com- persons, mission to the full cost of the house if he pays in cash the value of the land or 10 per cent, of the value of the land and of the cost of the house or gives security approved of by the commission and the director for such payment in cash ;

(d) A person who has been on active service during to soldiers

the present war with the naval or military forces ^J^^'^'^^^®

(tf Great Britain ov Tier Allies, if ho rosidos inacti%-e

, . service, the munic'ii)alit\- and did so reside at the tune

of his cnlistiuciit, and, whore ho has died, iiis

widow and hi> t'atlior or widowo<l mlothor. if

they reside in the mnnicipality, and who desires

to erect a house for liis or her own oeeupatioii

oil bind owned hy rlie coiimii^-sioii. to tlie fnll

cost of the liouse.

(2) Tlie commissi on may, if it thinks ])ro])er, require any , |iersoii to furnish any seeuriry, or make any paynieiii or (•oiiij)ly with any eonditiidi in addition to tliose set onl in siihsection 1.

13. ( 1 ) 'Phe Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on thcLoansby recomineudation of the director and a commission with thej^i'^'^iV",",',*: a!)i)roval of the director mav make loans to a farmer whoT"*?^'^"

1 1 IT 1 ' 1 p /• 1 to farinor.s.

desires to erect a dwell mg-house on his farm lor the occupa- tion of any married son and of any married mian enii)l(tye<l hy him as a fanner, to the full value of the house.

(2) The provisions of this Act respecting loans by aAni)iieation commission shall apply, mutatis imdandis, to a loan Tiiade*^^^|^g®,^j^j^ under subsection ], except that a mortgage on the farm orof Act. j)art of it may, with the approval of the director, be taken as security for the loan.

14. (1) Ij^o loan made by a commission shall be madcLoansby npon any land or house not situate within the municipality {j^^gjj''''"" for whieli the commission is appointed. to land

* ' In muni-


(2) Payments on account of such loans shall be made to payments the company or person by the commission from time to°"*^^°""^ time during the progress of the work on estimates furnished to and approved by the commission.

('>) A person to whom a loan is made shall become a Borrower pnrehasoR from the commission under an agreement of saleft'*p,m*haler for the amount of the loan in the case of an owner and forJlJJ.'Jft'o'V^''*'''" tlie amount of the 1' .m ;nid value of the land in other cases. •"'«^'«-



and for that ])urpo8e the owner shall convey to the commis- Hion snoh part of his land ns may ho roqiiirod by tho mm mission.

Apiirovul of btiildlnK scheme, etc., by director.

Persons to whom

liouseA mny Ite Rold and condHion.s.

15. Tho buildinp: c<^lionio of a commission or company, iiiclndinp: the location of tlio land, the laying ont of it and the subdivision of it into lots, the position of the houses to i)c erected on it and the plans and specifications of them .shall be snbjor-l to tlic approvnl of the director.

I 16. (1) Houses erected by a commission or a company may be sold by it to any person mentioned in section 11. and the same shall be sold under an agreement, the form of which shall bo approved by the director and which shall provide, among other things, for

Monthly juiyinents.

(a) Payment of an amount in each month, estimated by the director as sufficient to pay the purchase money and interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum at the end of twenty years from the date of sale;

Inteie-l ;il Tfais.

1'ay lliellt (<f whole purrliast^ mi>n.>y.

Ojiiicellatioii of fiKree- nif nts.

(h) Taynient of interest on arrears at the rate of f) per cent, per annum;

(c) Payment at the option of the purchaser of the whole or any ]iart of the purchase money at any time during the term of the agreement;

{//) Power to ciiiicel the iiiii-ccmont on default boinjj: made in any j^ayment if the default continues for three months;

A.ssign- ment of iiRteement.

(e) Right of the purchaser before default and with the consent of the commission or company, or of the director, to assign the agreement ;

and the agreement shall contain covenants by the purchaser to keep the house in repair and to pay taxes, local improve- ment rates and insurance.

Director (2) The director shall cause to be printed and sent to anv

to provide . . . «» . -i ",.

forms of commission or company, on request, a sufficient number of ofslle!*"*^ blank forms of agreement of sale for its use, and no charge

shall be made against a purchaser for the completion and

execution of them.

Application ,_v _„ . . « . » „,, _,

of Rev. Stat., (d) Ihe provisious of section 48 of The Registry Act as to the registration of mortgages endorsed " not to be recorded in full," shall apply^ mutatis mutandis, to agreements for sale made under this Act.


17. All houses sold bv a commission or companv sliall be^f^^*°**® •^ , 111- *' actual

sold at actual cost as determined bv the director. cost with

added per- centage in

18.— (1) A house erected or purchased under the pro- company. \isions of this Act shall not be rented or leased by a com- Prohibition mission or company except with the approval of the director j!f,^jjjf^ or by a purchaser or a person who has built it out of money ^^^^p^ with borrowed from a commission, except with the approval of the director, commission or company as the case may be, and of the dir- ector, and any lease, agreement for lease or to rent made without such approval shall be null and void.

(2) This section shall not apply where the purchase money or the loan has been paid in full.

19. (1) For the purpose of enforcing payment of the Enforcing monthlv instalments due under an agreement of sale, and of of monthly

, . , Ti. J r li. Instalment.

putering into possession aiter deiault, a commission or com- pany shall have all the remedies which a landlord has against a tenant under The Landlord and Teiiant Act, and the pwi'-c'l^'s'^'''^ ' chaser shall be deemed a tenant to the commission or company.

(2) Where default has been made in any payineiU under fortaki


an agreement of sale, and the default continues for threCp^ggg'^^JjQ,^

months and the purchaser refuses to give up possession to

the commission or company, the director, on the application

of the commission or company, may, by order, authorize

and require any constable, with such assistance as he may

need, to enter on and take possession of the premises for

and on behalf of the commission or company.

20. (1) A loan made by the province to a municipal o/i'oan.s^"'^^ corporation shall be repaid within a period not exceeding po,.p""j/t"i'^"/j twenty years from its date and shall bear interest at the late of T) per cent, per annum payable yearly.

(2) Such loan .=;hall be repaid in equal monthly instal- monthly inents by the commission to the Treasurer of Ontario, com- *"^*^' ""'"'■" inoTK'inir one inonlli sifter a date fixed l)v the director, and -liall be of the same; amount as is roipiired to be paid by a itnrchaser from the commission under an agreement of sale and interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, shall be barged and payable on all monthly instalments in arrear.

(^) As collateral security for the payment of the loaii.?s^JX"terai the corporation shall issue and deposit with the Treasurer "'^^"'•^y- "f Ontario its debentures for the amount of the loan payable within a period not exceedinir twenty years, and bearing

interest at the talc '.f :^ prr ((nt. per annum, payable yearlv. 50


and if the coininitiaion makes dofaiill iu payment of anv monthly instalment, the Treasurer of Ontario may sell or otherwise dispose of so much of such debentures as may be necessary to pay the instalment.

payments ('^) Where a ft>m[)any or person pays to the commission

In excess j^^y aniouiit in excess of the monthly instalments, the excess

or montnly , ,, , /. i i i i rn r £-\ i i

Instalments, shall be forthwith paid to the ireasurer of Ontario and be applied in payment of the loan made to the corporation.

accounts. (5) A Separate account shall be kept of any money bor-

rowed to make loans to farmers, as provided by section 155.

ofToa^'sVo^ 21. (1) A loan made to a company shall bear interest companies, at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum, and shall be repaid to the commission during a i)eriod not exceeding twenty years in equal monthly instalments, commencing one month after a (late fixed l)y the dinctor. and shall he nf tlie sjiine amount as is required to be paid to the company by a purchaser under an agreement for sale and interest at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum shall be charged and payable on all monthly instalments in arrear.

Mortgaife as collateral

(2) As secui-ity for the paynif'iit of sncli lt»an< and

ecurity. ,,f the monthly instalmeiir<, the conipaiiy shall irive to the

coinmissioii a first morti>aiie on all the laii<l and houses owned

1»\- it witli respect in wliidi lliC' I<i;ui i> iiiniN-. |!;iy:ili!c within a period iioi cxcccilinu iwciiiy years Iroui tlic dale "f the loan and heariuu iiilcrcsi at ."> ]ier cent. ])er aiiiiiiiii.

Condition of mortgage.

(3) The terms and coiiditioiis of the mortua.iic -hall he on fornils api>roved l»y the director.

payments (4) Where a person pays to a company any amount in

mon'twy^ excess of the monthly instalments then payable, 85 per cent.

in excess of monthly

Instalments, ^f ^xxch. exccss shall be forthwith paid by the company to the commission and shall be applied on the loan made to the company.

Powerto 22.; (1) A commission or a companv ma\. uiih the an-

ii.coui'r6 And ' i.

expropriate proval of the dirccfoi', acquire by ])iiivhase or othcr\\i-» . or enter on and expropriate land for the jinrposes of thi- Ai-t.

Board of (2) The Compensation to be paid for any land expropri-

fo deV^/mine ated shall be determined by a sole arbitrator or by a board

t\^?^^^^ of arbitrators, composed of three i>ersons a])pointed by the

Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and a sole arbitrator shall

be deemed a board for the purposes of this section.


(3) The board may determine the compensation to be paid ^'■°'^®^H*'® for the land expropriated in a summary manner upon seven arbitration, days' notice in writing, served upon the owner or other

person interested in the land, and on the commission or com- pany expropriating it, and after hearing what is alleged by all parties, and without hearing any other evidence unless the board decides to do so, may forthwith make their award and the award so made shall be final and shall not be subject to appeal.

(4) The compensation to be paid for tho land ex])ropri- Amount of ated shall be the amount which the board determines is jtg'^'^'^P®"^^ fair market value and nothing shall be allowed by reason

of the land being available for the purposes of this Act or for any increase in value by reason of the commission or company contemplating the construction of houses on it or providing better means of access or transportation thereto or by reason of the fact that the land is being expropriated.

(.')) In determining the compensation to be paid, the severance board shall take into consideration the relative benefit or"^'^"**- injury occasioned by the severance of the land of any person.

I 'i) The board may, if it thinks proper, retain the services valuator, of a valuator for the purpose of assisting it in fixing the amount of the compensation.

(7) Where a comiriission or a company desires to use, land

Value of


for the purposes of this Act, any land acquired by gift or^}jj'*Q^ ^^ purchase, or already owned by the municipal corporation or^'^^^dy •ompany, the board shall fix the value of such land.

(8) Except as otherwise herein provided, the provisions C.T92. ^ ' nf The Municipal Act as to expropriation and compensation <hall mutatis mutandis apply.

23. Xo loan shall be made to any person, nor shall anv?^'^^^"<'

1 1-1J ,. 3 J. ' 1-11 ' loans only

house be sold or rented to any person, nor shall any agree- to British ment for sale be assigned to any person, under the provisionv*^^"*'^®*'**' of this Act, who is not a British subject.

24. Cl) The Lieutenant-Governor in roiincil may. from time to time, upon tho reoommcndation of the director, ap- point one or more experts or pi i-mh, li:i\inu technical or «nepial knowledge to assist the director, and such officers, flerks and servants as the director may require for carrving out the pronsions of flii- .\<f.

(2) The salaries, remuneration and travelling expenses of all such exports or persons having technical or special know-


ledgo and of all officers, clerks and sen'ants, and all per- . appointed or em^3l<»ye<I for the piirjX)8e!S of this Act, and all i'xix^naes incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Act shull ho paid out (»f any inonev ap|)r<tpriate<l by the Legisla- ture for tluit j)in-|»<)s('.

Rules ail. I 25. (1) Tlic director may, with the approval of the

J.ieutouant-Govcrnor in Council, make rules and rc^ulafioni^ for the purpose of carrying otit the provisions of this Act.


Publication. (2) The rulc^ and ro;;uliilioii~ -hall l.e ]tHl»li-lie<l in (lie Ontario Gazette.

Certain 36. Auy bv-luw heretofore passed by a municipal corpora-

conflrmed. tion which 18 in substantial conformity with the provisions

of this Act, is confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and



27. The by-law making this Act ai)i>ly and appointing a commission mav be according to Fonn ''A" to this Act.


28. This Act sliall come into force forthwith on tlie pass- ing of it.




By-law to be passed by a Muxicipal Cocxcil to bring Muxicipauty

UNDER " The Ontario Holsinc; Act. 1919," and to appoint

A Hoi'siNG Commission.

By-law Xo. . .

The Municipal Council of the of follows:

hereby enacts as

1. The provisions of The Ontario Housing Act, HU'.i, shall apply apply to this municipality.

2. The head of the council of this municipality for the time being, and and

are hereby appointed a commission, to be known as " The Housing Commission of the Municipality of the

'of ," for the purpose of

carrying out the provisions of the said Act, and such commission shall be a body corporate.

3. The said

shall hold office for one year and the said

shall hold office for two years, and thereafter the members of the commission, other than the head of the council, shall hold office for two years.

4. Each appointed member of said commission shall hold office until his successor is appointed.

(If the members of the commission are to be paid a salary, or other remuneration, add a clause providing for same.)

Passed tbfs

day of

, 1919. Mai/or (or Reeve).

Clerk. [Seal of Corporation.!

Xotk.— When passed a certified copy of this by-law should be forwarded to the director.




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No. 51.



An Act to amend The Bureau of Municipal Affairs Act.

HIS .MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontari' enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Bureau of Municipal ^^'^^^^ ^^^^^■ Affairs ximendment Act, 1910.

2, Section 5 of The Bureau of Municipal Affairs Act isc.^fl's.^ repealed, and the following substituted therefor :


5. (1) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may ap-j^^ppo'^^*- point an officer to be known as the Director of '^'''ector. the Bureau of Municipal Affairs.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this or any director other Act, the Director may be a member of the member of Ontario Railway and Municipal J3oard, and in Mun. Bd. such event shall be paid his salary as such member in addition to his salary as director.

3. The Bureau of Municipal Affairs Act is further am-^^io'^- ended by adding thereto the following as section 11a:


TTiav APPolnt- "^'^^ ment of

11a. (1) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council

from time to time, upon the request of the Dir-experrs by ector, appoint either permanently or temporarily in council, one or more experts or persons having technical or special knowledge to assist the director.

(2) There shall bo attached to the bureau such experts, General engineers, inspectors, auditors, accountants, offi-d°r^c[or cers, clerks, stenocrraphors. messengers and ser- omcera a"nd vants as the Diio i' i, with ilio approval of the^/'tj^*"*^^ Lieutenant-Governor in Council may from timel^P'"?^'".' "'

, , ,.. ' . , , I^leut.-Qov.

to time appoint, and the Director may, witli tlic in council, approval of the Lieutenant-Govci imr in ("(uhk il, dismiss any of them;



Power to retain Hervicea of other ppi-itonH.

(3) The Director shall have power from time to time to appoint or direct any person or persons other than a member of the staff of the bureau, to perform any services required in connection with the bureau, and every such person shall be paid such sum for services and expenses as the Direc- tor may recommend.

Payment of salaries, travelllnK expenses, etc.

(4) The salaries or remuneration and travelling ex- penses of all such experts or persons having technical or special knowledge, of the members of the staff of the bureau, and of all other ap- pointees, and all expenses of the bureau, inci- dental to the carrying out of this Act, shall be paid monthly out of money appropriated by the Loffislatnrc for that purpose.









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No. 51. 1919.


An Act to amend The Bureau of Municipal Affairs Act.

IS MAJESTY, by aiid with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontaii


enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Bureau of Municipal ^^^^^ ^'^'®- Affairs Amendment Act, 1919.

2. 77/ r /liireaii of Afunicipal Affairs Ad is aiiuMidcd I'Vc/jf^g^'^ iiddiliU llicrcto tllC followiliii- as scclioii ~yi : repealed.

.">. {ti) Xoiwiilistandino- anythiuii' contaiiicd in this <>i' maybe'' any (►tlicr Act, the DiVoctor may 1k' a humiiIxm- <> f S';^["^®y'; ^^ the Ontario. Ifailway and Mnnicii)al lioard, andM""-Bd. in snch event shall be paid his sahiry as such nK»ml»er in additiini t<» his <ahiry as director.

3. This Act -hall conic into force f^irthwith on the )»assini:- of it.


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No. 52. 1919.


An Act to establish a Department of Labour.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Department of Labour ^^°^^^^^^^- Act, 1919.

2. The Trades and Labour Branch, established under the 1^^^ ^"^ Trades and Labour Branch Act, shall hereafter be a separ- Branch to ate department of the public service, to be known as thomentf^'^*^' Department of Labour inider the direction and control of a member of the Execmi\c Council to be designated by the^^l^-"^- Lieutenant-Governor in (onnci]. -

3. Wherever in 77/r 'J'niJrs mnl /jihour Branch Act, oroepart- ;iny of the Acts rorciicd id ilictcin, or in the amendments "tftuteii ' ll)(;reto, reference is lumlr in ilic 'rradcs and Labour Branch/'^'" '"''"'■''• the same shall be taken iu I'clVr and ;ipplv in ilic 1 )c]>ai'lineiit

of Labour.

4. The superlidcntlciit of the Trades and Labour Branchsuper- sliall hereafter be known as the Deputy Minister of Labour, to*be*^^"' and wherever in any Act, duties are imposed or authority ^Pj^'y^. or powers are conferred upon the superintendent, such duties shall be performed and such authority and powers

may be exercised by the Deputy Minister.


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An Act to amend The Separate Schools Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of _ the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario.

Fenacts as follows:

1. Subsection 6 of section 75 of The Separate S chools new stat., lAct is amended by substituting for the word " void'' in tbesk^gf'^' '^' sixth line thereof," the word " valid." amended.


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No. 54. 1919.


An Act to amend The Fire Marshals Act.

HrS MAJESTY, bv and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. enacts as follows:

1. This Act mn.v be cited as The Fire Marshals Amend- ^^^^^ t'^'e nirnt Act, 1919.

2. Section 3 of The Fire Marshals Act is amended by add- J- J'f^j;^''

iliU thf'lctM rlic fallowing subsection : amended.

1'/ Thcic -li;ill l)c ;iii otliccr Id be kiiowii ;i.s the Deputy ^?P_"^i' Fire Marshal, who shall be appointed by the Marsimi Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and shall act in the stead of the Fire Marshal in the absence of, or during- the illness or incapacity of the Fire ^larshal, or in the rase of a vacancy in the office, and who, when so acting, shall have all the power and authority of the Fire ^farshal under this Act or any other Act of Ontario, and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties under this Act or any other Act for the prevention or investigation of fire or the pro- tection of life and jiroperty from fire as the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council may deoni oxpodiont and as mav be prescribed b\ ilu- k iziilni in-.

4 Geo. V, c. 41. s. 3

3. Sill. >(•<■! hni -2 oi' section 3 of The Fin Mhis/kiIs Act <2) am- is amended b^' inserting the word '"district" 1h fnr, tjie words District " Deputy Fire Marshals." rfre"^^


4. Subsection 3 of section 3 of The Fire Ma}'slials Act^fuo.v, i- amended by striking out all the words therein after the (j)*.'^. "^ word " necessary " in the third line, and substituting: therefor ^Muied. the words " for carrying out and enforcing the provisions

of this or any other Act of Ontario relating to the i)revention

;itid investigation of fire, and of the regulations." ofucersnnd

^ ® i(s.<il»tantB.


A Geo. V, c. 41, n. 3 (4) am- ended.

5. Subsection 4 of gection 3 of The Fire Marshals Ad, nmondcd by section 2 of Thr, Fire Marshals Amendment A 1017, is roponlod atif] fho fallowing substituted thcrofor:

HuiurieB. (4) The Firo ^Marshal, ])eputy Fire Marshal and dis-

trict Deputy Firo Marshals and other officers, <'lerk8 and servants shall receive such salaries or other remunerations as shall 1m; fixed by the Liontoiianf-Governor in Onimpll :

Salaries and expenscB, liow pay- . able.

(5) The salaries and other remunerations referred

in subsection 4, and the expenses incurred .ji investigations and in the exercise of the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon the offi- cers mentioned in subsection 4, and upon as- sistants to the Fire Marshal or other persons in the prevention or investigation of fires, and generally all expenses incurred in carrying out the provisions of this Act or the regulations shall be payable out of such moneys as may be appropriated by the Legislature for salaries and expenses under this Act;

Grant to Fire Pre- vention As- sociation.

(6) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct the payment out of the appropriation made by the Legislature for salaries and expenses in con- nection with this Act of a grant to any associa- tion or league or society incorporated for the purpose of fire prevention, and such grant may be subject to sucb terms and conditions as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may deem proper.

4 Geo. V, 6. Clauses a and h of section 4 of The Fire Marshals Act ^ciause's^A ^^re amended by striking out the words " and Deputy Fire ende^"^'" Marshals " where they occur in the said clauses and insert- Re ui tio ^^S ^^ ^^^^^ thereof the words " Deputy Fire Marshal and dis- as duties trict Deputy Fire Marshals."

and forms.

4 Geo. V, c. 41, s. 12. amended.

Attendance of witness- es.

7. Section 12 of The Fire Marshals Act is amended by striking out the words " Deputy Fire Marshals " and in- serting in lieu thereof the words " Deputy Fire Marshal and district Deputy Fire Marshals."

4Geo. V. 8. Section 13 of The Fire Marshals Act is amended by

amended^' Striking out the words " or a Deputy Firo Marshal " in the Eviden sccond line, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " Deputy and witness Fire Marshal or district Deputy Fire Marshal."

fees. 54

9. Clause a of section 14 of TJ^ Fire Marshals Act is •» Geo. v.

. c. 41 s 14

amended bv striking out the words "Fire Marshal" in the clause' a' first line, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " Fire ]^^ar- ^Q>^"^^<^- shal or any officer appointed under this Act." offlcers^^'"^

10. Clause c of section 14 of The Fire Marshals Act istTuJu. amended by striking out the words "or a Deputy Fire Mar- Clause c shal " in the second and third lines and inserting in lieu thereof the words " Deputy Fire ^farshal or district Deputv Refusing to Fire Marshal." " '^ lllV^^-


11. Section 16a of The Firr Marshals Act as enacted \ ^f".,'^;^

e. 41, s. 16 a

by section 11 of The Fire Marshals Anwiidincnt Act, 79i7, 7Geo. y. is amended by striking out the words " Deputy Fire Mar- amen<re'ci. shal " where they occur in the said section and inserting in lieu thereof the words "district Defmty Fire Marshal." f"oTofflc°e"

12. Section 5 of The Fire Marshals Act is repealed and c.*^t°s^5 the following substituted therefor: v repealed.

5. Subject to the regulations and for the prevention and dLues and investigation of fire, it shall be the dutv of ^^ ^''^^,

1 TT ^r 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 " Marshal

the lire Marshal, and he shall have power


('«) Whenever he has reason to believe that the by^jaw-s.^ council of a municipality has not passed a by-law under the authority of any of the ' sections of The Municipal Act relating to

the prevention of fire or protection of life and property therefrom, or that any such ^^^^ ^^^^ by-law which has been passed by a muni- c. 192, cipal council is not complete or is not being enforced, to confer with members or officers of such council and to assist them as far as may be expedient and practicable in pre- paring, improving and enforcing such by- law;

(h) To require the <'hief of the fire department Requiring of a municipality or any other person who '*'*'^"^^'""^^ may be designated as an assistant of the Fire Marshal to assist in the enforcement of any such by-law ;

(c) To disseminate information and advice as to Propagantia the prevention of fire by means of public prevenUon. meetings, newspaper articles, exhibitions and moving picture films and otherwise as he may consider advisahlo;


AHni»tlnK lucul organ- izations for flie pro veil - tloii.

Examining premises.

Ordering re- moval of combustible material, etc.

Records of fires.

(d) To assist in the formation of local associa- tions or leagues and to co-operate with any body of persons interested in developing and j)romoting the principles and practices of fire prevention;

(6)Upun cuinplaiut ot auv j,cT.son having an in- terest in any adjacent or neighboring build- ing or property, or without such complaint, enter into and upon ail buildings and pre- mises for the purpose of examination, taking with him, if necessary, a peace officer or such other assistance as he may deem proper ;

(/) Whenever he shall find in any building or upon any premises combustible material or conditions dangerous to the safety of such building or premises or which is so situated as to endanger other property, order such combustible material to be removed, or such dangerous cond(itions to be remedied by the owner or occupant of such building or premises;

(g) To keep a record of every fire re[K)rted to him with such facts, statistics and circum- stances as may be required by the regula- tions; ' '

Investiga- tion of fires.

(h) To investigate the cause, origin and cir- cumstances of any fire so re|X)rted to him . and so far as it is possible determine Avhether it was the result of carelessness or


Report to Crown At- torney where of- fences su- spected.

Willi lioldiiig payment of insurance money.


(^) To report to the Crown Attorney of the proper county or district the facts found upon the evidence in any case in which he has reason to suj^pose that loss by fire has been occa^oned by criminal negligence or design or in which he deems an offence has been committed against the provisions of this Act;

(y) Whenever he may deem it advisable in the public interest to order*the withholding of insurance money which may become pay- able by reason of any fire for a period not exceeding 60 days from the occurrence of fire pending an investigation of the cause and circumstances of the fire.

13. Subsection 1 of section 7 of The Fire Ma);shals Actl^^l°Jj is amended bv addina: thereto the following: ^H*!"'

" and it shall be the duty of every assistant to the Fire^u^-^: o^^l^^^ Marshal to act under his direction in carrying- out the provisions of this Act."

14. Section Gc of The Fire Marshals Ad as amended byc.?rs.\'c. section 5 of The Fire Marshals Amendment Ad, 1917, is«""e"ded. amended by adding- thereto the following- words:

" and in carrying out the provisions of this Act relating Employment to the prevention of fire and in the exercise andandprofes- performance of the powers and duties of the Fire||°"^nc*e^" Marshal and other officers under the provisions of this Act and the regulations."

4 Geo. V,

15. Subsection 1 of section 14 of The Fire Marshals Ad c. 4i. s. i4. is amended by inserting after clause c therein the following ended, clause:

(d) Refuses or neglects to obey or carry out the i»-^'ce to^^' structions or directions of the Fire Marshal oroiders of


Deputy Fire Marshal or of a district Deputyjviarshai. Fire Marshal given under the authority of this Act.

16. Section 16 of The Fire Marshals Ad is ro])caled and4 Geo. v. the following substituted therefor: repealed^*'

10. (1) Subject to the regulations the Fire Marshal inspection or a district Deputy Fire ^NCarshal or an assistant °nd"prem"'' or inspector may. u])on the (*om|»1aiut of any'^^^- person interested, or when he deems it necessary so to do, without such complaint, inspect all buildings and ])remises within his jurisdiction, and for such ])urpose may at all reasonable hours enter into and iij)on such buildings and premises for the purpose of examination, taking with him if necessary, a peace officer or such other assist- ance as he may deem proper;

(2) If, uj)on such inspection, it is found that a build- Orders on ing or other structure is for want of proper j-g. '"si^eotion. |)air or by reason of age and dilapidated con- dition or any other cause espeeially liable to fire, or is so situated as to endanger other i)uilding8 or property, or so occupied tliat fire would en- danger persons or property therein, or that there are in or upon the buildings or j)remises com- bustible or explosive materials or conditions dan- gerous-to the safety of such buildings or pre- mises or to adjoining property, the officer making such inspection may order



(a) 1 li( removal of such buildiugs or the mak- ing of such striiciiirnl repairs or alterations tlipn'in :

A iii'»'i»l to l''iro Mai- Hlial from fiider ol'

8Ul)('I iliM.ltl

Appeal from Fire Mar- shal to county judge.

(h) J be removal of such combustible or c.\})lo- sive material, or the removal of anything that" may constitute a fire menace.

(3) If the occupant or owner of any such buildings or

premises deems himself aggrieved by any order made by an officer other than the Fire Marshal made under this section^ then in case the order is made under clause a of the next preceding subsection, the ])erson aggHeved may 'appeal within ten days from the making of the order to the Fire Marshal, who shall examine such order and affirm, modify or revoke the same and cause a copy of his decision to be served upon the party appealing.

(4) If the party appealing is dissatisfied with the de-

cision of the Fire Marshal, he may within five days after the service of such decision, apply by way of originating notice according to the prac- tice of the court,, to the judge of the County or District Court of the county or district in which the property is situate, for an order modifying or revoking the order or extending the time for compliance therewith, and the Judge, upon such application, may affirm, modify or revoke such order and his decision shall be final.

When ai)- peal to Fire ^Tarshal to be final.

I'enalty for disobedience to order.

Rfv. Stal. c. 90.

(5) In the case of an order made under clause h of this

section by an officer other than the Fire Marshal, the occupant or ow^ner shall have the like right of appeal to the F'ire ]\rai-shal as in the case of of an order made under clause a, and the decision of the Fire Marshal npon such appeal shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to appeal.

(6) Every person who nculcetv or refuses to obey au

order made under this section after the time al- lowed for appeal therefrom has elapsed, shall incur a penalty of not less than $100 per day for everv day during which such default con- tinues, and such penalty shall be recoverable before a Police Magistrate or two or more Just- ices of the Peace under The Ontario Smnmnnj Convictions Act.


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No. 55. 1019.


An Act to amend The Assessment Act.

IS Af AJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of ihc Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontn


<nacts as follows:

1. Clause (7/) of section 2 of The Assessment Act is ^m-f''^:^,f^^l\ riidcd !»\- iii-crtiiiii after tlic word' '' shall," at the end of tlie ''■'"^V ',''') \\v>\ line thereof the words " except as provided m paraiz-rapii t; liereof," and by the addition of the following paragra])h

(». Where the words followinu' occur in sections 1^/ t,, '|i '■' : it m- 4e, both inelnsive. and as aiijilicd to any nmni- cipality in which a by-law |)a--e(l inii'suant to section 4a is for the time beinu in force, wliere- ever elsewhere they occnr in tliis Act or the schednles thereto, they shall be construed in tlie manner hei-einafter mentioned, unless a contra ly intention appears:

(1) "Land," "real pro[)erty " and "real estate" shall include:

(a) Land covered with water;

{h) All mines, minerals, gas, oil,, salt, quar- ries and fossils in and under land,

(2) "Improvements" shall include:

(a) All buildini:-. nv ;iiiy pari of ;iii\ bnild ing, and all strnetures. uiadiiiiei-y and fixtures erected or placed upon, in, over, under or affixed to land ;

(&) All strui-tiire- I'l' li.\|iirc~ ci'ccted oi- placed uj)on. iu. 'i\(i-. utidci' nr allixeil to any highway, i-^ad. sti'cet. lane or


inrii ts'


piiMic pliirc (<]• Water; Imt ii.»t tli*- i(tl| iii;^- -lock n\' Auy j'iiilvvav ; elect lii- rail wav, tiaiiiwav or street rail\va\ ;

(c) All trees ami underwood j^rowini: n|Miii the land.

i:.'V, Sl:it.

2. 21ie Assessment Act is amended by adding

;,i,i;.,',';umi. following sections:

i tliei'el') itie

Ass.-ssiiulil ul' litiiil atKl 1 niprcivr-

111! Ill s.


.* SSCSSlllCtll

uf I'lei-toi s.

rt'tition for .^iil)mission of by-Ill w.

Determina- tion of rates.

Repeal of l)y-law.

4a (1) In anv iiiiiiiiri|.alitv the council <»f \vlii<-li Itx l>v-la\v so provides, there <]iall t'"r tlie piiritosefl of levying taxes or rates be two chisse.s of assess- ments, as follows:

(a) Land;

(b) Improvements, income and business.

(2) There shall in such case-^ lie two rates of taxation, one a liicher rate nii lands, and the other a lower rate on iniiiroxcinents, income and business.

4b No by-law passed pur>nant \<> ihe |iro\isi.>ns r.f sec-: tion Id sliall l)e ert'ecli\-e unless it receives a ma-' joi'ity of tile \ntes of the council on the final passini;' thereof, or unless it receix'e- the a-sent of the ratej)ayers before the final i>as-in<i tliereof.

4c Where a petition signed by at least five jier cent, of the ratepayers of any numicipality is filed with the clerk on or before the first day of December in any year, the council shall submit a by-law such as is referred to in section 4a hereof to the ratepayers at the next ensuing municipal election.

4:d ^Where in any municipality a by-law is adopted pur- suant to the provisions of section 4a hereof, the council shall by by-law determine the relative rates of taxation of two classes of assessment.

4e jtsTo by-law passed pursua-t to the provisions of sec- tion 4a shall be rep<a'ed without the assent of: the ratepayers.




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\(.. 5ti. 1919.


An Act to amend the Vacant Land Cultivation Act.

HIS MAJESTY, lt_v and with the advice ami eonseiit ot tlic Le.irishitixe Assembly of the Province of Onta enacts as follows:

1. Paragraph 1 of section 2 of The Vacant La7id Cidtiva- ^ ^^%\ lion Art is amended by adding after the words " present par. i, " war." ill tlic fifth line, the words " or during the year 1919,*"^^" \vliicli('\-er shall be the longer."

2. j';ir;i-i;i|il! 2 n\' -ecti(,ii i' ef the said Act is amended J/^^I'-^X; by luMiii;^- after, llie words '" present war," in the fifth lino, n-'i"' ^' ' the words or the thirty-first day of December, 1919, which- ever shall be the longer."


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N^o. 57. 1919.


An Act to amend the Employment Agencies Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :—

Section 5 of The Employment Agencies Act, 1917, '\^\!\^°,'^i, amended by inserting therein the following clauses: amended.

(a) Classifying private employment agencies accordingReguia-

to the class of employment to be procured and^ia^s^ying limiting the class of business which may be^f^Pl^y-

. Ill ment

carried on by any employment agency; agencies.

(h) Prohibiting the granting of licenses to any class ^'■ohij'itihg of employment agencies in Ontario. of licenses.





CO to i-k •TT 63 *

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Ml M

Xo. 58. 1919.


All Act to aiiieiul The Factory, Shop And Office Building Act.

IS M A-l I^ST^', iiy and wiili \]iv advice and consent of tlif l-('2i>!af i\(' .\>-('iii!)lv dl' the Province of Ontario.


c'liacts as follow;;

1. This Act iiiav lie cited a* 77/r /•'((rtory. Shop and 0//'Vvs)iort title.

2. 77/r Fiit/iJi-i/. SJio// and Office Biiildinf/ Ad is aniendf^d '^'\y- •'^^:'', 1 V addini;- ihci'do ilic I'ollowing sections : Min.'niir.i.

40a. (1) In this section "camp" shall mean sheltercamp. provided for the lodging of six or more persons employed in gainfnl occupation for a temporary ' purpose and for a period" not exceeding six months.

(2) N'o person shall contract for the employment of, or Authority

employ women or giris in any occupation wnowi)ni.!i during their employment lodge in a camp, unless !!'/;'',, t,.,i. and until a i)ermit has been obtained from the Deputy Minister of Labour authorizing such em- ployment.

(3) Every such permit shall be conditional upon com-(''MHiiti..n

pliance with the regulations made under the" '"""" authority of this section, and the Deputy ]\Iiiil- ter of Labour may cancel or suspend any pcrniii, issued by him under subsection 2 for non-com- pliance willi any such regulation.

(\) The I.iciiK iiant-(i(i\crnor in ('oniudi may iiiaki regii'at i-n- i-e-pecting:

(a) The sa!iitar\ and <^\]\rv ri,ndi I I^ns In lie (>lKci-\cd 111 a camp :


(In I ln' -<':i-i)ii (iiii'iiii: uiiidi ciiiiildx iiiciit ill a (•;iiii|i iiiav lie pciiiiiltiil ,iiiil the liuiir-. of

Iill)iHll' (if WdlllCII ;ili<| i^i fU :

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and uirl- finpldvcil ilirreiii aii<i llic appoiut- liM'iit ami duties ut" ;i ^iiitjdilc iiialfcii and fcnialr -^iipcriiilciidcnl i ii a i-ainp ;

('/ ) I lie IiM'ali<»ii. di'alna'_;c and a ii'a mji nicni of a camp, tlic matci'Ial.^ lo lie ii-c(l imkI ihc (da-^s nt' l.iiildini:s <>y otlici' .-licdtcr tu l»c ])i'(i\'i(]('(l ;

((') The pi'dvi-inn uj' ,1 licaltlit'nl ami siiitaltlc snpjdv (if food ;ind puiV' watci- and the cnii- ditioiis iiiidcr wliicli ilic same -liall Ik- pi'ci>ai'('fl and -m'\C(J ;

( f) \\a<\\\]\<j. t'aidliiics and ixMJdiiii: and lin.,i'im: to !)(' ]»r<i\id('d in smdi camp-.

'.\('fy pci'snii wlio '•mploys women oi' i;irls in a caniji witliont ilie peianil i-e(piired liy -nli-ectioii 2 er wdio i'(d uses oi' neglect- to coinph' witli an\' reii'nlatioii made under the ;inrlioi-irv <,( \]\\< sec- tion, .sjiall incur a penalty of not less than •*:.'."' noi' inor(> than -"l^ l<t<l. and in dcdaiilr of' pa\inent of tlie >aiiie -liall Ke liaMe To impidsoimienr for ri ]H'riod (d !H>I more llian tw(d\'e monrlis.


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Xo. 59. 1919.


An Act to amend The Municipal Adt.

HIS MAJKS'rV. l)y and with the advice aiuj coiisoiit of tlic J.ciiKslativo .Vssoinhly of tlio Province* of Ontario. enacts as follows:

1. Seetion 407 of The Municipal Art is amended by '"idd-Jiggfa^?".' iiii;' thereto the following paragraph: amended.


n.- (d) For the enconragement of the building of Exemption wdi'kiiien's iionses within the municipality hymen's fxi iii|)iliiii siuli houses as the council may deera^°"''^^^' expedient from municipal taxation in whole or in part;

(h) Xo such by-law shall be passed without the assent of three-fifths of the council of the municipality ;

(c) No such by-law shall require the assent of the electors.



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Xo. 60. 1919.


An Act to amend The Motor Vehicles Act.

His MA.I1^S'^^■. l.v and with the advice and consent of ilic Lcizi-lat i\c A--('niMy of the Province (if Ontario. enact- as follows:

1. Subsection 1 of section 4 of The Motor Vehicles Acf^^^f^^' is repealed and the followinii- substituted therefor: . (i) repealed.

4. (1) Ko person whose sole or principal occupation Licenses is the driving of a niofor vehicle for hire, paj^Hwrs! or gain, whether >\\v\\ moior vehicle does or does not belong to him, shall drive a motor vehicle

on a hiiihway unless he is licensed to do so, and no person -liall cni|)loy any one so lo drive a motor vehicle who is not so licensed.

2. Subsection 3 of section 4 of The Motor \''('lil(l('s Act uev.atat, - icpealed and the following substituted therefor: (3) repealed.

(3) A license shall not be issued to a ]>er8on who drives certificate

. 1 1 c 1 11 from one

a motor vehicle tor hire, pav or gain unless hcmemberof files in the office of the Minister of Public SoS?° Works and highways, certificates that he is a fi f J^i^f ^""^ and proper person to be so licensed, having' vc- constable of

-' ' . Y , ' •> ci. ^•^•\ ^ niiunicipality.

gard to his character, physical ntness, ability to drive and knowledge of the rules of the road. One of such certificates touching the applicant's character shall be furnished l»v the chief con- stable of the miiiii'Mjiality in whii'li the appli- cant resides, and one other certificate toucliini: the applicant's physical fitness, ability to <lri\(' and knowledge of the niles of the road .shall be furnished by a mender of the Ontario Motor League appointed for that purpose by the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council and residing in the municipality in which the applicant resides.


R«v. Stat., c. 207. B. 9, amended.

3. Section 9 of The Motor Vehicles Ad as aiuencled hy section of The Molar Vehicles AmendmerU Act of 1017 is further amended by adding thereto the folowing subsc tion :


(6) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations to limit or restrict the candle power of any lighting device on a motor vehicle.

Rev. Stat. 4. (1) Subsection 1 of section 11 of The Motor Vehicles

(■i)°Jmended.^c^ is amended by striking out the word "fifteen" in the third

line and substituting therefor the word " twenty " and by

striking out the word " twenty " in the fourth line and

substituting therefor the words " twenty-five."

Rev. Stat., c. 207,8. 11. amended.

(2) Section 11 of The Motor Vehicles Act is amended b adding thereto the following subsections:

Evidence to



Rate of speed to be maintained for certain distance.

(3) No person nuay be convicted of an offence under

this section upon the opinion of a single witness as to the rate of speed ;

(4) No person may be convicted of an offence under

this section unless it be shown that the rate of speed fixed by this section was exceeded for a distance of one-quarter of a mile, or more, upon any highway outside of a city, town or village, or for a distance of one-eighth of a mile or more, upon any highway within a city, town or village.

Rev. Stat, c. 207,8. 16, amended.

5. Section 16 of The Motor Vehicles Act is amended by adding before the word " approaching " in the second line, the word " knowingly," and by adding before the word " approach " in the eighth line the word " knowingly."


6. Section 23 of The Motor Vehicles Act is amended by

Rev. Stat,

c. 207, 8. 23, , ,. , 1 !• n ^

amended. adding thereto the following subsection:

Application of section.

(2) This section shall not apply in case of a collision between motor vehic]«'< on the highway, or in case of a collision between a motor vehicle and any other vehicle whic-li is being operated on the highway between dusk and dawn and which does not carry a lighted lamp in a conspicuous posi- tion.

T. The Motor Vehicles Act is further amended by adding thereto tlife fblloJwing sectionfl: 60


18a. No person shall let or hire a motor vehicle unless i''ohibi-tion

, 1 1 1 as to letting

the person bv whom such motor vehicle is to be or hiring, driven is a person licensed to diixc a motor vehicle as required by this Act, or is a person to whom a permit has been issued pursuant to section 3 of this Act, or is a person to whom a certificate of competency has ' been issued by the Minister of Public Works and Highways.

186. (1) All persons who buy, sell, wreck or otherwise ^^j[^_^fj^^ deal in second-hand motor vehicles shall keep a vehicles correct record of all motor vehicles bought, sold or sow, etc. wrecked and of such information as will euablc such motor vehicles readily to be identified and such record shall be produced for inspection whenever so required by authority of the Min- ister of Public Works and Highways.

(2) No person shall buy, sell, wreck or otherwise deal as'tS^biyi'ng

with any motor vehicle whereof the serial ^^^iJi^'^^mifer ber or similar identifying mark has been obliter- obliterated, ated or defaced or is not readily recognizable.

(3) Where any motor vehicle is placed in the possession ^tPpi' to

^ ■' . '' ,, *- ,*^ minister as

of any person who buys, sells, wrecks or stores to car stored, motor vehicles and the same remains in his possession for more than two weeks without good reason, such person shall forthwith, upon the expiration of the said period of two weeks make a report thereof to the Minister of Public Works and Highways.








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No. 61. 1919.


An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS M.\JKSTV, l)y and with the advice and consent of the L(^gislativc Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Municipal Art is amended by adding the fol lowing Rev. stat.

as section 89Sr7 : amended.

398a By-laws may be passed by the councils of all municipalities.

1 For. erecting, establishing, equipping and h?,^°^*ciub maintaining, or for granting aid for the f^^^^f^fg*^; erection, establishment, equipment and maintenance of a memorial home or club- house for nursing sisters, officers and men who have been on active service during the present war with the naval or military forces of Great Britain or her Allies, or of a monument, building or structure or a park in commlemoration of officers and men, who have died while on such active service.

(a) The councils of any two or more muni- Agreements, cipalities may enter into an agreement

for carrying out any of the purposes of this paragraph in any one of them ;

(b) Any by-law or agreement 'passed or^j^«^tof^^ made under the authority of this para-r®<i"""^- graph shall not require the assent of

the electors.


Allowances 2. I'or ^raiiiinc: aid to aiiv liiiul «'>ial)lislje»l tor pioviilini; to wldowB . ' .

children. * allowances to widows, children, widoweil mothers, parents,

(leceased persons acting in loco parenfis or dependents of nursing

Hoidiers, sisters, officers and men who resjrlcd in the municipality for

six months prior to enlistment and who died while on active

service during the present war with the naval or militar\

forces of (J rent Britain or lier Allies.

H^unlrs' ^- f'"'' uuikiug grants to nursing sisters, officers and men

who lia\(' i'»'tuni('d from snch active service and who resided ill llic iiiiiiiici |i;i li I \' tiir -ix niMiitli- j)rior ii ''iili-iinciit.

(a) Para;^rii|.lis 2 and shall come into loi'-c on the Hr-t davof July, 1019.


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m. 62.



An Act to amend The Ontario Railway Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows : ,

1. Subsection 2 of section 234 of The Ontario Railway ^<^^^ ^^5^^*234 as amended by section 40 of The Statute Law AinetuhrientBB.i,' Act, 191 Ji, and by section 31 of The Statute Law i Amend- ment Act, 1917, is amended by adding at the end thereof the following :

" Or, subject to subsection 2a, to the London Street Rail- operating way Company in fhc operation of that part of Township of its existing line lyiug in the Townshi]) of Wost-J^^S^JJ^y.^''

minster, west of the west limit Tyondon."

(if the ( 'ilv nf

2. The said section 234 isiamended by adding thereto nicRev-Stat.

. / & C. I8B. 8. 284.

followmg snbsection :

2a. TsTothing in subsection 2 of this section shall entitlecondiuona the London Street Railway Company to run any^^mayVe of their cars on any Sunday in the To\\Ti8hi]i of °p®''**®*'- Westminster, unless and until the said company has received permission from Ithe Council of the Corporation of the City of London and from the Public TTtilities Commission of the City of London by by-laws to run their cars on'Sund^ay, and then only and subject to such terms and conditions as may bo contained in such by-laws, and unless and until the said company has also entered into an agreement or agreenuenta with the said corporation, and the said the Public Utilities Commission of the City of London, to observe the terms 'and condftions of the bv-lawa.


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No. 63. 1919.


An Act to amend The Provincial Parks Act.


IS HkfAJESTY, bv iiiid with the advioe and consent cf the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario,

enacts as follows :

1. Section 29 of The Provincial Parks Act is amjended R^V' s***-- bv adding after the word '' Clancv " in the twentv-sixth 1 ine amended. ' thereof the following words:

''together with all those i)ortions of the Townships of Addition to

T -XT' 1 .• 1 It- 1 1 Algonquin

Lawrence, Aightingale and Airev. which town-p*rJc. ships are adjacent to the southern boundary of the said park, comprised in timber licenses num- Iwrs 114. li:.. 117, no. 122 and 132 issued for the year ending 30th ApriL 1911.

2. This Act shall come into force upon the day upon which o««mn«nce-

1 1 11 1-1-114 I mentofAct.

I lie -^iime sliiill receive the Koval Assent.


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Xu. G4. 1919.


An Act to amend The Mining Act of Ontario.

TT IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consen*: f ouacts as follows:

the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontaii'

1. This Act uiav be cited as The Mining Amendment Short tn\e: Act, 1919.

Rev. Stat..

3. Sub>ection 3 of section 52 of The Mining Act of On-s's.V, lario is amended by inserting after the word "with" in R'y|er^®a^-' the ninth lino tliereof, the words " or borderine; on." ^l""..?!,,

o fnalii on


3. Subsection 3 of section 62 of The Mining Act of On- ^^^;y- stat..

, ... 0. 32, s. 62,

fario is amended by striking out the words "his ISo. 1 post "ss. 3. in the fourth and fifth lines and inserting, in lieu thereof**"*" * * the words " each of the corner jwsts of the said claim," and al.<(» by striking out tlic word "tag" where it occurs in tho^.jjggj„g ninth and tenth lines and inserting in lieu thereof the^^terre-


word " tags " in each case. tiiaim.

4. Subsection 7 of section 78 of The Mining Act o/J^^allTS.' Ontario is amended by inserting after the word " three " in ss. 7,'

the third line, the following words: " or in the case of claims'

taken \\\) for iron ore. or iron pyrites, not more than six." (.onlntlons.

5. Section 78 of The Mimiui Ad of Ontario is nnionded '^ev. stat., by adding thereto the following subsection: .I'mended. '

no.) The actual cost of the survey ut' a mining claim Co.st of in compliance with section 113 or section 114counta8 shall count as labour performed on the said 'yorkinp claim at the rate of $4 per day, but in no case*-"""'^'*^'"'"*- shall more than twenty-five days' labour be so counted.

Rev. Stat.. c. 32, 8. 86.

B, Subsection 1 of section 86 of The Mining Act o/lm«nded. Ontario is amended by striking out the figures " 25 " in the ^^^^<>"^^, last line, and insertinc in lieu thereof the figures "10." mentof ^^ felturf.

Rev. Stat., c 83, 8.109, amended.

Reserva- tion for roads in patents.

7. Section 109 of The Mining Act of Ontario is amende<l hy inserting the word " Kenora " after the word " Algoraa " ill the second line, and by inserting after the word " Matta- wan " in the fifth line the words " excepting where road allowances have alreadv been provided in a survey made or jinthorized by tho Crown."

^V2.S!n3, ^- '"^"bso<*<J^'" 2 of section li;{ of The Minhui AH ,.■

SB- 2. Ovfnrin \<i amcTidod by adding the following words, " Pr<

[^^^[.y,.y ^,\- \'i'l<''l 'lull \\li('i'c two mining claims are shown as havin.'

claim In a coinmon bonndarv in Avholo or in part, the boundary of

unsurveyed .r i. x- ' i i ii

territory. tho pnor .siibsisting claim ^hall govern. '

9. Subsection 1 of section 116 of The Mining Act of Ontario i.s amended by striking out all the words after the word " may" in the third line, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " reduce the area to the prescribed acreage or thereabouts."

10. Rub.section 2 of secti<tn IIG of The M itiiiu/ Art of Ontario is amended by striking out the word " shall " in tbo first line, and inserting in lieu thereof the word "may," also by adding at the end of the said section the words '' or in such other way as the Minister upon report of the Dir- ector of Surveys shall direct."

11. Item ^o. 37 in the Schedule of Fees appended .- the said Act, is amended by striking out the words " pel, claim " and the figures " 25 " in the second linei and by^ iu?erfino- the folowing in lieu thereof. "Per folio (100 words) 10 cents, minimum charge per claim 25 cents."

all'fs.^*"' ^2. Sections 1,^7 to 171 of The Mi'nhig Act of Ontario

167-171, are repealed, and the following substituted therefor :


Rev. Stat.,

c. 32, 8. 116,

ss. 1,








Rev. Stat., c. 32, s. 116, ss. 2, amended.

Manner of reduction.

Rev. Stat., c. 32, sched. amended. Pees for copies from record books.


Interpre- tation, " Qualified, " Author- ized."


156a. In this part " Qualified " or " authorized " mes properly qualified or authorized to perform specified dutic under conditions existing.

Responsibility for the authorization and decisions as to the qualifications of the employees shall rest with the em* ployer or his agent.

Restrictions on employ- ment of children.

157. No boy or girl under the age of fourteen years shall be employed in or about any mine, and no male person under the age of seventeen years shall be employed below ground in any mine. 2 Geo. V, c. 8, s. 17.

158. Except as a stenoerrapher, bookkeeper or in some^'ris"^

1 1 11 T 11 women.

iUiilar capacity, no girl or woman sliall be employ eel at mining work or allowed to be for the purpose of employ- ment at mining work in or about any mine. 2 Geo. V, c. 8, 8. 17.

159. (1) No workman shall remain or be allowed to^^'^^^^o' remain imdergronnd in any mine for more than eight hours under- in any consecutive twenty-four hours, which eight hours ^ shall be reckoned from the time he arrives at his place of work ill the mine until the time he leaves such place, provided, ^'■*'^**°- however, that

(a) a Saturd'ay shift may work longer hours for the purpose of avoiding work on Sunday or chang- ing shift at the end of the week or giving any of the men a part holiday;

(h) the said limit of time shall not apply to a shift boss, pump man, cage-tender, hoistman, or any person engaged solely in surveying or measuring, nor shall it apply in cases of emergency where life or property is in imminent danger, or in any case of repair work, or to any mine where the number of men working in a shift does not '

exceed six.

(2) In this section Interpre- ^ ^ tation.

" Workman " means any person employed underground "Workman/ in a mine who is not tlu^ (uvikm- ni- ;io;eut or an official of the mine;

" Shift " means any body of woAmen whose hours for "Shift." beginning and terminating work in the mine are the same or approximately the same.

(3) Where any question or dispute arises as to the mean- certificate iiig or application of clause (h) of subsection (1), or as to spector. the meaning of " workman," " shift," or " underground,"

the certificate of the Inspector shall be conclusive.

(4) For greater cerlaintv it is hereby declared that sec- Application ..lis 174, 175, I7i), 180 and 181 of this Act shall aj)ply to^'t^o"*""^

ntraventions of this section: provided, however, that a ^®"°^*^'*^- workman shall not be guilty of an offence for failure to re- turn to the surface within the time limited by this section if he proves that without fault on his part he was prevented from returning owing to menus not being nvnilalile for the [>urpo9e. 64

suspeniion ( ., , J,, the eveut of great emergency or grave economic of ■ection. (listiirbancf, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may sus- pend the operation of this section to such an extent and for such period as he deems tit; or as regards any iron mine, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, upon the recom- mendation of the Minister, in like manner suspend the opera- tion of this section in so far as such mine is concerned.

ment"*"*^* (^) '^^^^ section shall come into effect on the first day of January, 1914, in all those parts of the province without county organization, and in the remaining parts of the pro- vince at such time as may be named by the Lieutenant- Governor by his proclamation. .*5-4 Geo. V. <•. 10, s. 1.

Ace Umlt, hoistmen handling m«n.

AK« limit.

ICO. (1) No person under the age of twenty years and no person who has not had at least one month's experience on a reversing hoist shall be allowed to have charge of any hoisting engine by means of which persons are hoisted, lowered or handled in a shaft, or winze at any mine.

(2) No person under the age of eighteen years shall be allowed to have charge of any hoisting engine or hoisting apparatus of any kind at a mine. 2 Ge. .. V, <•. *^. -. 17.

Physical {'^) ^o person who.Kf .sight or hearing i.s detieient or who

hoiatmen.' ^^ Subject to any other inlirmity, mental or bodily, likely to

intei-roi'o wiih the efficient discharge of his diiiie-;. shall hav(

diarye of aiiv lioist.

Penalty for em- ployment of persons contrary to Act.

1(51. Where a <'<nitravention of any of the next preceding four sections tai<es i)lace, the owner or agent of the mine, or both of them, may be proceeded against, jointly or separately, and may be convicted of such offence, but neither the owner or the agent sliall be so convicted if he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or consent, and that he had caused notices of the said sections to be posted up, and to be kept posted up. at some conspicuous place, at or near the entrance to the mining work.

Fencing: of aban- doned or unworked mines.

162. (1) Where a mine has been abandoned or the work therein has been discontinued, the owner -r lessee there- of or any other person interested in the mineral of the mine, shall cause the top of the shaft and all entrances from the surface, as well as all other pits and openings dangerous by reason of their depth, to be and to be kept -ecu rely fenced to the satisfaction of the Tnspectoi\

(2) Every such person who, after notice in writing from the Tnsi)ector fails to comply \vith his directions as to such fencing within the time named in the notice shall be guilty of an offence asrainst this Act.



(3) Where the Inspector finds that any such fencing is required in order to avoid danger to health or property he may cause the work to be done and may pay the costs in- curred out of any moneys provided for the purposes of this Act, and the amount of such costs, with interest thereon, shall be a lien and charge upon the mine or mining work, and no further transfer or other dealings with the mine or mining work shall take place until such amount is paid.

(4) The amount of such costs with interest thereon shall be due from the owner or lessee to the Crown and recoverable at the suit of the Inspector in any court of competent juris- diction.

Inquest to he held in Case of Fatality.

163, (1) The coroner who resides nearest to a mine coroner to wherein or in connection wherewith any fatal accident has in c&s« of occurred, shall forthwith conduct an in(iucst, but if he is in mine. ^ ^* any way in the employment of the owner or lessee of the mine he shall l)e ineligilde to act as coroner, and any other coroner shall, iij)on apj^lication by any person interested, forthwith issue his warrant and conduct snch inquest, ami this section shall be his authority for so doing whether his commission extends to such territory or not. 8 Edw, VIT, c. 21,s. Ifi3.

(2) Tie Inspec^tor and any person authorized to act on his Right of the behalf shall be entitled to be present and to examine or cross- hYs repres°n- cxamine any witness at every inquest held concerning a death p*es'ent°at'^ caused by an accident at a mine, and if the Inspector or*"<i"*st. some one on his behalf is not present, the coroner shall, be- fore proceeding with the evidence, adjourn the inquest and give the Deputy Minister not less than four days' notice of the time and place at which the evidence is to be taken. 0 Edw. VII, c. 17, 8. 1.

Riilefi for Protection of Miners.

HIi. The following rules shall be observed and carried ii**i««^o'' out at every mine except in so far as the Inspector of Mines mines, may deem the same not reasonably applicable.

(1) Mining operations on claims which are not patented T'xomi)tion.s. and mines where less than six men are employed shall be exempted from rules 3, 13, 63, 66, 67, 68.


(2) There shall be maintained a sufficient amount of ven-yentiia- tilation so that the shafts, adits, tunnels, winzes, raises, *'<*"• sumps, levels, 8topes,cro88-cut8, underground stables and other


Sanitary conveni- ence*.

working places of the mine and the travelling roads to and from such working places shall be in a fit state for working and passing therein, and in all portions of a mine, where the natural ventilating current is insufficient, suitable mechanical applijincfw shall be provided and operated.

(3) The manager of a mine shall provide or cause to be provided on the surface and in the underground workings sufficient and suitable sanitary conveniences in accordance with the following rules :

(a) Where the number of persons employed on any shift does not exceed one hundred there shall be one sanitary convenience for every twenty-five persons or proportion thereof ;

(h) Where the number of persons so employed exceeds one hundred there shall be one additional sani- tary convenience for every fifty persons or pro- portion thereof over the first hundred ;

(c) These sanitary conveniences must be kept in a

cleanly manner; must be adequately supplied with chloride of lime, sawdust, fiue ash or other suitable absorbent ; must be removed and cleaned regularly; must be conveniently placed with reference to the number of men employed on the different levels; and must be placed in a well ventilated part of the mine ;

(d) Any person or persons depositing faeces in any

place underground other than in the sanitary conveniences provided, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act.

Site of magazine for explosives.

Care and Use of Explosives.

(4) No magazine for explosives shall be maintained on any mining property except with the written permission of the Inspector of Mines. The site of this magazine and the style of structure shall be subject to the approval of the Inspector. Where possible, the site of the magazine must be distant at least four hundred feet from the mine and works or any public highway. The magazine shall be con- structed of materials and in a manner to insure safety against explosion from any cause, and shall be either so situated as to interpose a hill or rise of ground higher than the magazine between it and the mine and works, or an artificial mound of earth as high as the magazine and situate not more than thirty feet from it shall be so interposed.


(5) Cases containing explosives shall not be opened in the^asM 'or^ magazine, and only iftiplements of wood, brass or copper

shall be used in opening the cases.

(6) After the first ten feet of a'dvance has been made in J'"''"''^ any shaft or winze, all blasting shall be done by means of an eiectrtc

, "^ , . , ' * '^ current.

electric current.

(7) No explosives in excess of a supply for twenty-four und«r- hours shall be stored underground in a working mine, and no Storage of such sftorage place or underground place for thawing ex- ®*p^**^'^®** plosives shall be established without the approval in writing

of the Inspector of Mines, who shall prescribe such conditions in connection therewith as he may deem necessary.

(8) Fuses, blasting-caps and electric detonators shall be storage of kept in a place of safety and shall not, nor shall any article fng^ci-ps,^*^" containing iron or steel, except fixtures, be kept or stored in ®''^-

the same magazine or thawing house with explosives or nearer than 50 feet therefrom.

(9) No naked light shall be taken into any magazine or No naked place where explosives are kept. No person shall smoke in a no person magazine or place where explosives are kept or while hand-^^j^^^f

ling explosives. magazine.

(10) The manager, captain or other officer in charge of a inspection mine shall make a thorough daily inspection of the condition explosives of the explosives in or about the same, and shall make an '" "^ '"*"'• immediate investigation when an act of careless placing or handling of explosives is discovered by or reported to him ;

(a) Any employee who commits a careless act with an offence to explosive or where explosives are stored, or who, to the^*^ * having discovered it, omits or neglects to report J^'^^^^®^^^ immediately such act to an officer in charge of attorney. the mine, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and the officer in charge of the mine shall immediately report such offence to the In- spector or to the Crown Attonioy of the county or district in which the mine is situate.

(11) Nf» building iov tlutwiiii:' explosives iiltovc <• round Thawing .shall bo^nlaintained in connection with any inine o.\('('|)t with ^°"

tlie written permission of the Inspector of Mines. The site of this building and the style of structure and equipment shall 1)0 snbjcct to the appj'oval of the Inspector. The biiibl- ing shall he under the direction of. the niaiuigov or some jwrson authorized by him. The quantitv mI . xplosives



brought into any thawing house at any one time sba]l not exceed tlic requirements of (lie iiiine*t'or a period of twenty- four hours, j)lus the uuiount that it may Ije necessary to have

thjiwinir to maintain that supply.

Thawing (12) In no case shall powder he thawed near an open fire

near open ± \ •^ ii«. , -i i

flreorHteam or fit^am boilor or by direct contact with steam or hot water, forbidden. "«r shall any electrical device for generating heat be allowerl in the same compartment with explosives.




(13) A reliable recording thermometer shall Ix? kept in the room in which explosives are thawed and the record thereof kept, but where the amount of explosives in such thawing nxmi docs not exceed 20<> p(»nnds at any one time, the Inspector of Mines may give permission, in writing, to use a maximum and minimum registering thermometer on con- dition that a daily record of high and low temj>erature be made and kept on file.

(14) In charging hole.s for blasting, no iron or steel tool or rod shall be used, and no iron or steel shall be used in anv

No iron or steel to be used in

holes. hole containing explosives, and no drilling shall be done in

any hole that has been charged or blasted.

?f*mrised (^^) When a workman fires a round of holes he shall.

holes. where possible, count the number of shots exploding. If

there is any report missing, he shall report the same to the mine captain or shift boss. If a missed hole has not been fired at the end of a shift, that fact, together with the location of the hole, shall be reported by the mine captain or shift boss to the mine captain or shift boss in charge of the next relay of worTcmon before work is commencefl bv them.

Lengths of fuses to be used

(16) In no case shall a person return to the place where blasting has been done within four minutes of the time of lighting the fuse. Except in chute-blasting, no fuse .shorter than three feet shall be used in any blasting operation. In case of a supposedly missed hole, where the fuse did not ex- ceed four feet in length, no person shall return within five minutes of lighting the same; where the fuse is between four and eight feet in length, no person shall return within fifteen minutes; where the fuse is longer than eight feet, no person shall return within the number of minutes which are equal to twice the number of feet in the fuse.




(17) In no case shall a workman light the fuse without having a second light placed conveniently close.




(18) Every workman shall, before blasting, give or cause ^^^.^^ to be given due warning in every direction by shouting require<i. "Pire," and shall satisfy himself that all persons have left

the working place except those required to assist him in blasting.

(19) Every workman shall, before blasting, cause all cu-^""^^'"^^ trauces to the place or places where such blasting is to be to places done or where the safety of persons may be endangered bying is to be such blasting, to be effectively guarded, so as to prevent inad-*^""®' vortent access to such place or places while such charges are

being blasted.

(20) A workman shall not, where blasting takes place byi;iectric electricity, enter or allow other persons to enter the place to'^brdis- or places where the charges have been fired until he has afte"**^^^'^ disconnected the cables from the blasting battery, or has ^'asting. pulled out and locked .the switches of the blasting circuit.

(21) Immediately before any person conveys explosives in Notice or a shaft by means of machinery he shall give or cause to bo ix'pfolhfes given notice to the hoistman, deckman and cage tender. lequired.

(22) The hoistman shall gently lower or raise the cage or ]0xi)iosivc8 other conveyance containing explosives. No person shallor low"^*"* place in or take out of the shaft conveyance any explosives ^**"^'>'- except under the immediate supervision of the person author- ized by the manager, mine captain or shift boss.

(23) No person authorized to travel with explosives on any Explosives shaft conveyance and to distribute same shall leave any ex-oniy*ilf^* plosive at a station or stopping place, unless in a place pro- pj^a^g'y^l^^ vided for storage of explosives, but he shall personally dc-^*^^*°"s- liver the same to another authorized person.

(24) No person shall take away from a mine any explo- must* not*' sivo without the written iiennission of the manager or of!?® "loved

, , ' . » from mine

such person as may ho antiiorized by the infiniifior to iiivo sncli except by

... written

I)enni8810n. permission

of manager.

(25) A charge which has missed fire shall not be with- charge miss- drawu, but shall b(^ blasted, and no drilling shall be done Le^bfasted! within a distance of ten feet of a missed hole or a cut-off hole containing explosive until it has been blasted.

(26) All drill holes, whether sunk by hand or machinesiseof dnii drills, shall be of sufficient size to admit of the free inser- **°'*"- tion to the bottom of the hole of a stick or cartridge of powder, dynamite or other explosive, without ramming, pounding or pressure. No explosive shall be removed from its original paper container.



Hlastini; of roar.t heaps.

Markinc strength on original



Defective explosives to be reported.

RIastinffon contiguous claims.

(27) No explosive shall be used to blast or break up ore, salamander or other mat<!rial whore by reason of its heated (condition there is any danger or risk of premature explosion of the charge.

(28) No explosive shall be used at any mine, unless there is plainly printed or marked on every original package con- taining such explosive the name and place of business of the manufacturer, and the strength, and the date of its luanu- facture. Every case of supposed defective fuse, detonator or powder shall be reported to the Inspector of Mines, with the name of the manufacturer and the serial number of thf package from which such fuse, detonator or powder was taken.

(20) Where parties working contiguous or adjacent claims or minos disagree as to the time of setting off blasts, either party may appeal to the Inspector, who shall decide upon the time at which blasting operations'thereon may be pei^ fonned, and the decision of the Inspector shall be final and conclusive and shall be observed by them in future blasting operations.

Protection of workmen In drifts.

Protection in Worhing Plaices, Shafts, Winzes, Raises, Etc.

(30) Where a drift extends from a shaft in any direction on a level, a safe passage way and standing room for work- men shall be made on one or both sides of the shaft to afford protection against falling material.

Protection of men while sink- ing shaft.

Fencing of shafts and other open- ings.

Protection of shaft and wlnse openings in levels.

(31) During shaft-sinking operations no work in any other place in the shaft shall be done, nor shall any material or tools be hoisted or lowered from or to any other place in the shaft while men are at work in the bottom of the shaft unless the men so at work be protected from the danger of falling material by a securely constructed coveriner extending over the whole area of the shaft, sufficient closable openings being left in the covering for the passage of men and the bucket or other conveyance used in the sinking opera- tions, or by a substantial rock pentice.

(32) The top of every shaft shall be securely fenced or protected by a gate or guard rail, and every pit or opening dangerous by reason of its depth shall be securely fenced or otherwise protected.

(33) At all shaft and winze openings on every level. » gate or guard rail, not less than three feet or more than four feet above the floor, shall be provided and kept in place except when the cage, skip or bucket is being loaded or unloaded at such level.



(34) Where the enclosing rocks are not safe every adit. T^'"^®!^"*^ tunnel, stope or other working in which work is being carried in shafts on, or persons passing, shall be securely cased, lined or tim- ^ bered, or otherwise made secure.

(35) Every shaft shall be properly timbered, and such tim- bering shall be maintained within a reasonable distance of the bottom of the shaft.

(36) All vertical raises which are to be carried more than Raises


50 feet from the floor of the level shall be divided into at into two least two compartments, one of which shall be maintained ments.'^ as a ladderway and equipped with suitable ladders. The timhoring shall be maintained within a reasonable distance of the back of the raise.

(37) The top of every mill hole in a stope shall, as f ar coveringr as practicable, be kept covered. in stope.

(38) Underground workings, especially shafts, sumps and Unused winzes, which have been in disuse for some time shall be ex- tobe tufted umined befoi-e being again used, in order to ascertain whether ^"'' **^ foul air or otlier dangerous gasCvS have accumulated there, and

only such workmen as may be necessary to make such ex- amination shall be allowed to proceed to such places imtil such places are in a fit state to work or travel in.

HaTidlmg Water.

(39) Every working mine shall be provided with suitable safety from and efficient machinery and appliances for keeping the mine^**®''- free from water, the accumulation or flowing of which might injuriously affect any other mine.

(40) Where there is or may be an accumulation of water Bore holes any working approaching the same shall have bore holes wlfen^*'^^ kept in advance, and such additional precautionary measures *PP''°*?.^*"*

1 11 1 1 11 1 1-11 places likely

shall be taken as may be deemed necessary to obviate the dan- to contain ger of a sudden breaking through of the water. amount of


(41) Every dam or bulkhead shall be designed to resist Location at least five times the estimated maximum pressure at the be shown*^° point of erection, and its location shall be clearly shown on^^^^^,'"® the mine plan filed with the Bureau of Mines annually.


(42) The ladder or passage-way in a shaft or winze shall Foot ladder be separated by a closely boarded partition from the com- in shaft to partment or division of the -haft or winze in which the ma- r^m^'hotst. torial is hoisted.



t>add«rfl In Bhaft.




In steeply



(43) A suitable footway or ladderway shall be provided in every shaft.

(44) In a shaft inclined at over seventy degrees from the horizontal a substantial platform shall be built at intervals not exceeding twenty feet in the ladderway, and thf same shall be closely covered except for an opening large enough to permit the passage of a man's body, and the ladders shall bo so placed as to cover this opening in the platform.

Ladders and

platforms and stair- ways In shafts of a low angle.

(45) In a shaft inclined at less than seventy degrees or more than fifty decrees from the horizontal the ladders may bo continuous, but platforms shall be built at intervals not exceeding twenty feet, and so covered that only an opening large enough for the passage of a man's body is provided. Stairways may be used in a shaft inclined at less than fifty degrees from the horizontal.

Vertical ladders.

(46) No ladder, except an auxiliary ladder used in sink- ing operations, may be fixed in a vertical position.

jiaridraiLs (47) Eveiv ladder shall project at least three feet above

for ladders, j^^^ ])latform, except where strong hand rails are provided.

ronstruc- (48) Evory ladder used shall bo of strong construction:

iidde*Js. shall be securely fastened to the timbering or wall of shaft,

win/0, rniso, or stope, and shall bo maintained in good repair.

(a) The distance between centres of rungs of ladder.-; shall not be greater than twelve inches or less than ten inches, and the spacing of rungs shall not vary more than one-half inch in any particu- lar ladderway ;

(h) In order to give a proper foothold the rungs shall in no case be closer than four inches from the wall of a shaft, winze or raise, or any timber imderneath the ladder.

Wire rope ladders.

When per- sons not to he hoisted.

(49) Wire rope or strands of wire rope shall not be used or allowed to be used for climbing purposes in any mine if they are frayed or have projecting broken wires.

Raising or Lmcering Persons.

(50) No person shall be lowered or hoisted, or allow him- self to be lowered or hoisted, in a shaft, winze or other under- ground opening of a mine:



(a) In a bucket or skip, except that men employed in in buckets

shaft sinking shall be allowed to ascend and descend to and from the nearest level or other place of safety by means of the bucket or skip used for hoisting material, but there shall always be a suitable ladder in the shaft to provide an auxiliary means of escape;

(b) In a cage or skip, except as provided in clause (a) , when aafety

which is not provided with a hood, dogs and not ub^." other safety appliances approved by the Inspec- tor;

(c) In a cage, skip, or bucket that is loaded with tools,

powder, or other material, oxcept for the purpose of handling the same.

(51) Whenever a mine shaft exceeds four hundred feet in safety- vertical depth, a safety cage shall be provided, kept and used ^fts^vti- for lowering and raising men in the shaft, unles^s otherwise J^^p^**^ permitted in writing by the Inspector.

(52) After any stoppage of hoisting for repairs, and after Hoisting stoppage for any other purpose, which shall exceed two hours' p"*^ ^^p* duration, uo person shall be raised or lowered until the cage r»paira. or skip has made one complete trip up and down the working portion of the shaft.

(53) All cages or skips used for lowering or raising men cases or shall be constructed as follows : tJ'g^' ^on''


(a) The hood shall be made of steel plate not less than Hood, three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness;

(h) The cage shall be provided with sheet iron or steel <^in« or side casing not less than one-eighth of an inch in thickness, or with a netting composed of wire not less than one-eighth of an inch in diameter, and with doors made of suitable material ;

(c) The doors shall extend at least five feet above the Doors.

bottom of the cage, and shall be closed when lowering or hoisting men ;

(d) The cage shall have overhead bars so arranged a8ov«rhe«d

to give every man an easy and secure handhold ; Jlindhoida

(e) The safety appliances shall be of sufficient strength safety

to hold the cage or skip with its maximum load at :inv point in the shaft; but the Inspector of 64


Operating chairs by lever.


Mines may give permisfiion, in writing; for hoist- ing, without safety, appliances, in an inclined shaft, if he is satisfied that the equipment is such that a maximum of safety is provided ;

The cage shall not have chairs attached thereto which are operated by a lever through or from the floor of the cage.

Crossheads to be pro- vided with safety appliance.

Shaft Equipment, Etc.

(54) All crossheads shall be provided with a safety ap- pliance so constructed that the crossheads cannot stick in the shaft without also stopping the bucket. Such safety appliance shall be subject to the approval of the Inspector of Mines.

in^^yj^ (^'^) Where steel, timber or other material, being raised

^ki'^^b ^^ lowered in a shaft or winze, projects above the top of the faatened. . bucket, cage or skip, it shall be securely fastened to the top of the conveyance or to the hoisting rope.

Backet to be steadied.

(56) No bucket shall be allowed to leave the top or bottom of any shaft or winze until the workman in charge thereof has steadied it or caused it to be steadied.

nuoket or (57) In a shaft or winze, in the course of sinking, the

be flUed bucket or skip shall not be filled with loose rock or ground SXlm*""*^ above the level of the brim.

Bucket or (58) In a shaft or winze, in the course of sinking, the

stopped nr- bucket or skip shall not be lowered directly to the bottom

fr^mSftom. ^^ t^® shaft if there are men working there, but shall be held

at least fifteen feet above the bottom, and shall remain there

until the signal to lower same has been given by the men

on the bottom.

Method of



(59) In handling material other than in a bucket, cage or skip, care shall be taken that such material is securely and safely fastened to the hoisting rope. A chain sling fastened by means of a grab hook shall not be used. A tim- bei: hitch around a stick of timber shall not be used unless accompanied by an additional half hitch, or other suitable nieans, to prevent timber slipping.

Examina- tion of hoisting equlpmeiut required.


(60) The o^vner or manager of a mine, where a hoisting engine is in use, shall depute some competent person or per- sons whose duty it shall be to examine at least once in each week the sheave wheels, the hoisting rope and the attach-


ments thereof to the drums and to the buckets, cages or skips, the brakes and depth indicators and the buckets, cages and skips and any safety catches attached thereto; the guides and hoisting compartments generally and the signalling arrange- ments ; and the external parts of the hoisting engine,

(61 ) Such owner or manager shall also depute a competent person who shall examine :

(a) at least once in each month the structure of theJi^"*"*'

hoisting ropes with a view to ascertaining thc****^*"- deterioration thereof. For the purposes of this examination the rope must be thoroughly cleansed at points to be selected by said person, who shall note any reduction in the circumference of, and the proportion of wear in, the rope;

(b) at least once a month the safety appliances of the safety

cages or other shaft conveyances, so equipped, to be tested by testing same under load conditions. Such"*^***^' test shall consist of releasing the cage suddenly, in some suitable manner, so that the safety catches shall have opportunity to grip the guides. In case the safety catches do not act satisfactorily the cage or other shaft conveyance shall not be used further for hoisting men until the safety catches have been repaired and been proved to act satisfactorily.

(62) If, on any examination, as is hereinbefore required b*J!|^|j*^*^3 there is discovered any weakness or defect by which the*' one*- safety of persons may be endangered, any such weakness or

defect shall be immediately reported to the owner or man- ager or person in charge, and until such weakness or defect is remedied the hoisting plant shall not be used.

(C)^) Such owner or manager shall keep or cause to be Machinery kept at the mine a book to be termed the Machinery Record Book to be Book, in which shall bo recorded a true report of every such **"'^'^**'' examination as is hereinbefore referred to, <3i'<rned by the person making the examination.

(04) Tn case of hoisting engines there shall bo not less Length than three rounds of roi>e upon the drum when the bucket. ?Iqui^ on cage or skip is at the lowest point in the shaft or winze i^yj} g^,P from which hoisting is eflPected. The end of the rope shall J" •* **»• be properly fastened around the shaft or an arm of the drum.



HolsUnv both men and ma-


(05) In ca8o a hoisting rope is used both for the raising and lowering of men and materials, the weight attached to the rope in the former case, when the bucket, cage or skip is bearing its authorized load shall not exceed eighty-tive per cent, of the maximum weight when the rope is in use for other purposes.




(60) No new hoisting rope shall be used which is not accompanied by a certificate from the manufacturer j^iviug iho following information: Name and address of munufa<- turer <'oil or reel number date of manufacture diameter and circumference of rope in inchesj weight per foot in pounds number of strands class of core number of wires in strand diameter of wires, decimals of an inch breaking stress of steel of which wire is made, in tons per square inch breakinjr load of rope. This certificate or a copy of the same shall be recorded in a book known as the Ro|)c Kccord Book, which shall always be open for iusju'ction by the In- spector of Mines, and which shall contain in addition the following information: Date of purchase length of rope in feet, name of shaft and com))artment in which rope is used date on which put on date of shortening date of recap- ping— date of turning end for end dates of tests after short- ening— breaking load of rope at these tests date when rope was taken off.

Examina- tion at attach- ments.

(67) A hoisting rope newly put on shall have the con- necting attachments, between the bucket, cage or skip and the rope carefully examined by some competent and reliable person authorized by the owner, manager or department head, and shall not be used for ordinary trans]X)rt of persons in any shaft or winze until two complete trips up and down the working portions of such shaft or winze have been made, the bucket, cage or skip bearing its authorized load. The result of such examination shall be recorded in the TJojie Record Book.

Testing portion of rope.

(68) At least once in every six months the hoisting ro]K' shall have a portion not less than six feet in length cut off the lower end. With the exception of the cutting at the end of the first six months the length so cut off shall have the ends adequately fastened with binding wire to prevent the disturb- ance of the strands and shall be sent to a reliable testing laboratory for a breaking test. The certificate of such test shall be kept on file.


(69) At the periodical cutting of the rope the connection between the rope and iiip bucket, cage or skip shall be an- nealed.


(70) Every hoisting rope shall be treated with a suitable ^op^^^ roj3e compound as often as necessary and ai least once in every month.

(71) In no case shall a hoisting rope bo used from which spUced

a defective portion has been cut out and the ends spliced. to be used.

(72) Xo hoisting rope which has ])reviously been in ^^se ^f'^j.^Qp,f in any place beyond the control of the owner or manager "^cessary. shall be put on anew except with the permission of the In- spector of Mines.

(73) The factor of safety of all hoi-riiiii' ropes when newly Faotoi- of installed in shafts less than 2.000 feet in depth shall in no hoisting case be less than six, and in shafts over 2,000 feet in depth ^*"'^' and less than 3,000 feet in depth shall not be less than five.

The factor of safety shall be calculated by dividing the breaking strength of the rope as given in the manufacturer's published tables by the sum of the maximum load to be hoisted plus the total weight of the rope in the shaft when fully let out.

ISTo hoisting rope shall be used for the raising or lowering men when its factor of safety based on its existing strength and dead load shall have fallen below 4.5.

N^o hoisting rop^hall lie iiscil lor the raising or lowering of men when the number of broken wires in one lay of said roT>o exfcvvl* six. or when marked corrosion appears.

(74) Head sheaves shall be of such diameter a.s shall be Head suited to the rope in use.

( 70) N'o person shall travel or be permitted to travel in Hoisting a bucket, cage or skip operated by an engine which is being J"ateriaf simultaneously used for the hoisting of mineral or material, ou'^uJ*^"^'

(^ept as provided for in rule 51 clause (c).


(7^) Hoisting with horse ntid pulley-block is forbidden, with h'orse

and puUey- block.

r77) The connection between the hoisting rope and theconnec- bncket, cage, slcip or other means of conveyance shall be of {wee^n ^ro'pe such a nature that the risk of accidental disconnection is||>^^*'"c'^et. reduced to a minimum.

(7f^) On the drum of every machine used for lowering or .supping raising persons there shall be such flanges or horns, and also, "n "dnfms. if the drum is conical, such other appliances as may be snffifient to prevent the rope or cable from slipping off.



Counter- welghta.

BraJcM required.

(79) Where counterweigliU m. uocd in shafts, the com- partment in which they operate shall be securely enclosed.

(80) Where hoisting is done by means of an engine an ade(]uate brake or brakes shall bo attached to the drum of the hoist and kept in proper working order.

Type of brake.

(81) Such brakes shall be so arranged that, whether the engine is at work or at rest, they can be easily and safely manipulated by the hoistraan when standing at the levers controlling the engine. No hoist used for the raising or lowering of persons, or used in •sinkiuL'- oDfrations. shall be oqnij)p('<l wiili a brako or brakes a

hoistman's foot unless such brake is an auxiliary electrical device. The adjustments of brake or brakes shall be main- tained in such condition that when the normal power of the brake or brakes is applied the brake lever will still have a clearance between itself and the ends of the quadrant in which it works.

Locking gear.

(82) The operating gear of the clutch of the drum shall be provided with locking gear to prevent inadvertent with- drawal of the clutch.

Locking devices.

Brakes to be tested.

(83) Such bolts and other fittings of the drums, brakes and clutches as might be a source of danger in the event of their becoming loosened shall be rendlred secure by means of suitable locking devices.

(84) The operator of a hoisting engine shall not, after going on shift, unclutch a drum of his engine until he has assured himself immediately beforehand, by testing the brake of the drum against the normal starting ]iower of the engine, or in case of an electric hoist against the normal starting current, that the brake is in proper condition to hold the load suspended from said drum.

Friction clutches.




(85) When the hoisting engines are fitted with friction clutches, the operator, after going on shift, shall, when clutching in, test the holding power of the clutch before releasing the brake of the corresponding drum, the brake of the other drum being kept off. In case of a steam or air hoist, the test shall be made against the normal starting power of the engine, and in case of an electric hoist against the normal starting current.

(86) In case of non-reversible steam or air hoists and single-drum electric hoists, not used in balanced hoisting, an adequate auxiliary brake shall be installed on the drum



of the hoist before the same shall be used for hoisting or lowering men, but non-reversible steam or air hoists with throttle-controlled exhaust shall not require such auxiliary brake.

(87) Every hoisting engine shall, in addition to any indicator marks on the rope, be provided with a reliable depth indi- cator, which will clearly and accurately show to the operator at all times:

(1) the position of the bucket, cage or skip; and

(2) at what positions in the shaft a change of gradient

necessitates reduction in speed ;

but this rule shall not apply to hoisting engines used inExemp- sinking operations when the hoistman has an unobstructed view of the landing station and the distance from the landing station to the bottom of the shaft do^ not exceed 300 feet.

(88) In every shaft exceeding 600 feet in depth warning adequate provision shall be made whereby the hoistman is warned of the arrival of the bucket, cage or skip at a point

in the shaft, the distance of which from the top landing place is not less than the equivalent of three revolutions of the drum of the hoisting engine. Such device shall be oper- ated independently of the hoist indicator.


(89) No person shall ride upon or against any loaded carRjaingon in any level, drift or tunnel in or about any mine. ^^^^^ !^sf ^etc. mechanical haulage this shall not apply to train crews.

(90) On every level on which mechanical haulage is em- clearance ployed, a clearance of at least eighteen inches shall be main- ^rs^ and tained between the sides of the level and the cars. f'<*®f °'

Scaling, Escapement Shafts, Etc.

(91) The owner, manager, or other authorized person Examination shall examine daily all parts of the mine where drilling and ^'o^ilf^® g blasting is being carried on ; shall examine at least once a

week the other portions of a mine in which operations are being carried on, such as shafts, winzes, levels, stopes, drifts, crosscuts and raises, in order to ascertain that they are in a safe working condition; shall inspect and scale or cause to



Im' in^pccled and mmhd the i-chjIs ol' iUl stopos or other work iiig jiJuces as oflfii as tlie nature of the ground and of th( work performed noetjssitates; shall provide a scaling i hook, to he kept in the mine olhce, in wliich shall he tu daily all major scaling operations.

BcaUnKbnr (1(2) riie owiu'r or niaMH«»:(M' shiill )>rovido and maintain Kovidwi. an adiKpiatesiipi'lv <it s<:iliiii: I lior e«iuipment

necessary for s<aliiig.

MfeUneM '|'j,(. owiier or nijuiairer shall when iie<'(*ftsarv provide life

to 1)0 Ul^Pll. *

lines for the workmen and it ijhall he the duty of the workman to continually wear such life lines while working in danger ous places.

B«ca,pement ^(j^j Kvery person who has sunk in any mine a vertical or inclined shaft to a greater depth thnn 100 feet, and who has drifted a distance of 200 feet <m more from the shaft and has commenced to stope, shall |'to\ ide and maintain, in addition to tlie hoisting shaft or the opening through which men are let into or out of the mine and the ore is extracted, a separate escapement shaft or opening. Such auxiliary exit shall not he less than 50 feet from the main hoisting shaft and shall not be covered by any intlammable structure. If such an escapement shaft or opening is not in existence at the time that stoping is commenced, work upon it shall be begun as mmhi ;i.- siMMin^; !•> (■..iMnieni't <] idhI sliall be dili- gently prosc'-Mied uiiiil the same is cumpleied and the escape- ment shaft Ol- ojiening shall be conlinued to and connected with the lowest workings in the mine. The escapement shaft or opening shall be of sufficient size to afford an easy passage- way, and shall be jirovided with good and substantial ladders from the deepest workings to the surface. With the excej)- tion of any erection used solely as a shaft-house, no i>erma- uent building, for any ])urpose, shall be erected within fifty feet of the month of a mine, unless iliere is such an auxiliary exit. Xo boiler shall be iiistalled within one hundre<l feet of the collar of an\- sliafi except with ilie written ^lermission of an Inspectoi' of Mines;

pn.viso. Provided that where the timber and wood in the hoisting

shaft of a mine are constantly wet, and in the opinion of the Inspector it is not necessary for the safety of the workmen that the escapement shaft or opening be continued to and connected with the lowest workings, he may in writing so certify, and thereupon sncli requirement shall not apply to such mine, but the Inspector may require any other precantioiis to be taken, which he may deem necessary.


(94) All timber not in use in a mine shall, as soon as Old timber practicable, be t-aken from the mine and shall not be piled removed, up and permitted to decay therein.

(95) All oil and other inflammable material shall beC>u stored in a suitable manner and at a safe distance from any powder magazine, thaw house or shaft house.

(96) Calcium carbide shall be stored on the surface o^lv, s^or|«e o*" in a suitable dry pliace and in its original container. It shall

only be taken into a change house or shaft house in sufiicient quantity for the day's use, and such precautions shall be taken as will ensure its being safely handled. No carbide shall be taken underground oxce])t in watertight containers.


(97) Every working shaft which exceeds fifty feet inSiemaUing. de|)th, unless otherwise jiermitted in writing by the Inspector,

shall be provided' with some suitable means of communicating by distinct and definite signals from the bottom of the shaft and from every level for the time being in work between the surface and the bottom of the shaft, to the hoist room.

(98) All methods of signalling in a mine shall be ])rintod Code^of and posted up in the engine house or hoist house and also at

the top of the shaft and at the entrance of each level.

The following code of mine signals shall be used at every mine:

Codr of Jfiiir Slr/HdJs.

1 bell Stop immediately if in motion.

1 bell Hoist.

2 ])ells Lower.

^ bells Men about to ascend or descend.

The 3-bell signal must be given before men enter the cage. When the hoistman receives this signal. he must not move cage for ten seconds after he has received the balance of the signal. In case he is unable to act within one minute of the time he has received the signal, he shall not move hoist until he receives fresh signal. When the hoistman receives a 3-bell signal he shall remain at his levers until the full signal has been received and the act of hoist- ing or lowering completed. 64


1 bellB

9 bells.

iilusting signal. Engineer must answer by raising bucket, skip or cage a few feet and letting it back slowly, then, one bell, hoist men away from blast.

Danger signal in case of fire or

other danger. Then ring number of station where danger exists.

Spet;ial signals in addition to the al)Ove may be used at any mine, if they have been approved by the In- spector.

signal to be (^99) No person, unless duly authorized, shall give any signal for moving or stopping bucket, cage or skip. No signal shall be given unless the bucket, cage or skip is at the level from which the signal is to be given. No unauthorized per- son shall give any signal, other than the danger signal, or in any way whatsoever interfere with the signalling arrange ments.

riven only Ey author- ised person

Notices to be posted showing number of men per- mitted to ride!

(100) A notice showing clearly the number of persons allowed to ride on, and the weight of materials allowed to be loaded on the cage or skip shall be posted on each landing. The person authorized to give signals will be held responsible for observance of such notice. No person shall offer obstruc- tion to the enforcement of such notice.

RaUlng or casing when required.

Protection from Machinery.

(101) Every fly-wheel, geared-wheel, bull-wheel, pulley or belt, and every opening through which any wheel or belt operates, shall be enclosed with a substantial railing or casing.

Uneven pro- (102) Every key, bolt, set-screw, and every part of any bVcovered. wheel or other revolving machinery which projects unevenly from the surface shall be covered.

Runwaj^. (103) Every runway and staging used for oiling or other

foroiung purposes more than five feet from the floor shall be provided haSd rill. with hand-railing.







(104) Every entrance to any elevator, hatchway or well- hole shall be provided with a suitable trap-door, guard-rail, or automatically closing gate.

(105) Persons engaged in dangerous proximity to moving machinery shall not wear or be allowed to wear loose outer clothing.



(106) Every frog in a rn;i k, ^ ither above or below ground, ^°^g^" on which cars are moved by mechanical power shall have a guard block of wood or iron.

(107) Every locomotive engine, trolley or motor car ^^sed ^^|^'jj®^°- for hauling material, either above or below ground shall be engines, equipped with a gong, bell or whistle, which shall be sounded

when starting and at such other times as warning of danger may be required.

(108) Power-driven grinding wheels shall be provided ^j^*°^°fjj with a hooded guard of sufficient strength to withstand the ^e guarded, shock of a bursting wheel. This guard shall be adjusted

close to the wheel and extend forward, over top of the wheel, to a point at least thirty degrees beyond a vertical line drawn through the centre of tho wheel.

(109) Every counterweight shall be so. situated or cuardod weights' that injury to any person would not be probable should it become detached from its fastenings.

(110) 'No stair shall be built at a greater inclination than stairways, fifty degrees from the horizontal. All stairs shall be pro- vided with a siiLstniifial hand-rail.

(111) Gnard rail^ shall be placed af the ai.jii-oach to '■Jiil- Jt^^jj^k*"^ way tracks, where the view of such tracks is obstnicted. in approaches, one or both directions.


(112) (1) Evorv -team boiler used for ii'eneratinii' sfeani Steam

in or about a mine shall, whether separate or one of a range


(a) have attached to it a proper safetv-val\e. a?il al<<» Safety

a proper .steatu ' :\\\(] wafcT-o-miiie. to show- respectively \]]< ic of sfeani and the liei<>-ht of water in fcach hoih^r:

(b) be inspected bv nn Ontatin (i<i\ (mihu nt Roiler Boiler

J. ' , , f T) -1 T Inspection.

Inspei'tor oi- I oector ot a l-soiler Insur-

anco Pi^vnioa)' ,,. ,. ,ist once in "voim- ti^yelve

inonth-: ;Mid ,( certified cooN-ofllK ^'f the

inspection shall ho foi-warded to thi Inspector

within seven da\-:

(r) h

atriiiK'd Intornallx. a*' fa i" as cleaning.

nu: ho;

<rvui''. 1- th

Mi t'»"»' til' Ml I [I - .



Malatan- ane*.

(2) Every suck boiler, safety-valve, steam-gauge and water-gauge shall bo mnintaiiiod in proper working condition.

DreMinff room.

Dressing Rooms.

( 1 i;>) if niDrc than ten pciMUi.-. hi each shift are onlinarily employed in the mine below ground, sufficient accommoda- tion, including supplies of clean cold and warm water for washing, shall bo providinl above ground near the principal entrance of the mine, and not in the engine room, boiler room, or nearer than fifty feet to the shaft house, for enabling the persons employed in the mine to conveniently dry and change their clothes.

Aid to Injured.

stretchers (111) At e\(;r\ iiiinc :i properly cou.s true ted stretcher

veyanceof shall be kept for the purj)ose of conveying to his place of persoDB. abode any person who may be injured while in rhe discharge of his dutias at the mine.

Supplies for first aid.

(1).")) A supply of artieles suitable for tirst aid >liall be kept accessible at every mine for the treatment of anyone in- jured, including the follownng: antiseiptic gauze, carbolated vaseline, sponges, soap, carbolic acid, tablets of bichloride of mjercury. linseed oil, bandages, towels and a wash basin, or such first-aid service as is required by the Workmen's Com- pensation Board of Ontario.

Antidotes and washes.

(116) At every mine or works where ])oisonous or dijn- gerous compounds, solutions or gases are used or produced there shall be kept in a conspicuous place as near the same as practicable, a sufficient supply of satisfactory antidotes and washes for treating injuries received from .such com- pounds, solutions or gases. Such antidotes and washes shall be properly labelled, and explicit directions for their u.se affixed to the boxes containing them.

Prevention of Dusi.

Removal of dust.

(117) In every mill or plant wlierr. liy reason of dry crushing or otherwise, there is in the air of the building dust in quantity to be injurious to health, suitable apparatus shall be installed for its removal.

Keeping water sup- ply to lay dust

(118) Every dusty place where work is l>eiiiu <arri('d on in a mine shall be adequately supplied at all times with clean water under pressure or other approved appliances for laying the dust caused by drilling or blasting operations.



(119) The times for blastin^^ shall be so fixed that the Time for workmen shall be exposed as little as practicable to dust and smoka


(120) Workmen employed at metallurgical works shall be Shields for supplied with suitable shields and appliances to protect them against as far as possible from being burned with molten material. "'■"*"^-

Sand and Gravel Pits.

(121) In open-pit workings of sand and gravel the method JJ^rbidd^^"*"* of removing material by undermining shall not be allowed.

No vertical working place shall have a height of more than ten feet; where the thickness of material to be excavated ex- ceeds ten feet in depth, the work shall be dono in terraces, or at an angle of safety. This rule shall not apply to pits where the material is excavated' solely by mechanical means.

('122) All hoisting ropes used on cran&s shall be subiect Rules for

^1 1 I'll /• 1 crane ropes.

to the same rules as are laid down lor hoisting ropes at mines.

(123) The owner or manager shall depute some qualified Daily exam- person or persons to examine daily such parts of the cranes cranes" °^ or apparatus pertaining thereto upon the proper working of

which the safety of persons depends. A record of such examinations shall be kept.

(124) Every crane shall be equipped with suitable devices Over- to prevent overwinding. devi^esf

(125) No person under the age of eighteen years shall be Age of allowed to operate an elevator. operator.


(126) No person under the age of eighteen years shall be Age of allowed to operate a crane. operator.

(127) When a hoistway is not enclosed in walls, access Guarding to the hoistway by means of an adjacent stairway, platform *'°*^*''*y- or floor, which is not an authorized landing, shall be pre- vented by means of a partition to a height of at least six feet.

(128) Every entrance to n hoistway shall be provided with Folding a substantial door or doors or gate or gates at least six feet '***'' in height. All folding gates over three feet wide shall have

top and bottom centre braces.

(120) All guide rails for oars and counterweights shall bo Guide of substantial construction, and shall be securely fastened to *"*""■ the sides of hoistway, and the bottom ends shall rest on a secure foundation, and be firmly fixed in that position. 64


Clearance for car.


rv olovator heroai'Ujr iuhtalled a clear space oi not lubj* man ihreo feet shall be provided between the bo^ torn of the hoistway and the lowest point of the car when the car is at its lowest landin/;?, and between the top of the caj- and the sheave when the car is at its top landing, and also between the top of the counterweight and the sheave when the car is at its lowest landing.

(131) Every hoistway landing and place where machinery is erected shall be well lighted.

Protection on elevator.

(^'■'>■2 } Kvoiv elevat<»r on which any ))er8on travels shall be provided with side casing, and shall liii\ c ;t floor or doors ex- tending at least five feet above the bottf^n of elevator, and the top shall be covere(i with suitable proteotivr- roofing.

Safety catchaa

(1133) Every elevator on which any person travels shall be provided with efficient safety catches capable of holding the elevator and twice the maximum load in any position in the hoistway. When the safety catches are operated through shafts, all the levers and safety catches shall be keyed to the shafts.




(134) Every elevator shall be provided with automatic de- vices at the top and bottom of the travel of a car in the hoist- way, so arranged that the car will be stopped before it has travelled two feet above the top landing, or two feet below the bottom landing, and all drum hoists shall, in addition, be fitted with automatic stop motions to prevent overwinding.

Protecting counter- weights.

(13r)) All counterweights shall have their sections strongly bolted together, and sball be so situated "that they cannot fall upon any part of the elevator or machinery, and shall 'be suspended in their guides in such a manner that they will run freely without danger of being detached. Where counter- weights run in the same hoistway as the car they shall be protected with a substantial screen of iron or steel from top of guides to a point fifteen feet below.

Blast Furnaces.

Venuiation. (136) At all fumaces of the hand-filled type the room at tbe furnace top where workmen are engaged shall be ade- quately ventilated, and there shall be provided and main- tained in good order a stairway equipped with hand-rail, from the top of the furnace to the ground level below, af- fording a safe means of exit in case of danger from any cauae.



(KM) Wliciiever it is necessary for a workman to go Protectingr up Qu the bustle pipe for any purpose, he shall first notify the furnace keeper or some other responsible person, whose duty it shall be to remain on watch during the period the workman is engaged on the bustle pipe.

(138) All bustle pipes shall be provided with safe work- Protection ing platforms, equipped with hand'-rails, at least three feet busue six inches in height, and wherever practicable the platform p*p®^- shall not rest directly on the bustle pipe, but be supported

on angle bars, so that the floor plate will not become suffi- ciently hot to cause bums to a workman falling on it. Access to the platform shall be by stairway provided with hand- rails.

(139) Whenever it becomes necessary for a workman to Guarding go on top of the furnace for oiling, cleaning or other duty, ^n^toS^ot he shall notify the foreman or other responsible pei*son, ^"'""^'^*- who shall see that not less than two men go on top for any purpose. It shall be the duty of one workman to act as watcher and to give the alarm to the stock house, cast house,

or bell operator, and render every possible assistance in case of danger from gassing or other causes.

(140) Life lines and belts, in good order, shall be pro- Life nnes. vided and kept in some secure and readily accessible place

for immediate use in case it becomes necessary to rescue a workman from the top rigging, and also for use by any workman whose duties require him to work in an atmos- phere which is liable to become gaseous.

(141) A pro}>er and ndotjuate line of communication bynne^f telephone, gong or other mechanical means shall be main- communica- tained between the furnace top and all other dangerous

places, and the cast house, skip operator's room, or other place where workmen are continuously on duty.

(142) All stairways shall be inclined at an angle not stairways greater than 50 degrees from the horizontal, and provided^'"*'***''®**' with landings or turn-outs, at intervals of 25 feet, so that

it will not be possible for a workman to fall from the to]t to the foundation landing below.

(143) Every foreman shall ])ersonally supervise or ap- Supervision point a competent assistant to supervise any work around ous^^worlc." the furnace involving unusual accidiont hazard, such as work

in gas mains or cleaners, tearing out linings, work in the cast house, about the stoves when blowing in or blowing out, and any work about the bells or stock Hue. He shall also, when the furnace is known to be hanging and liable to slip, see that no workmnn is nllmvod roi top for any purpose.


Inspection of stock piles.




Rescue •.pparatuH.

( 144) Stock piles of ovv, limcistone, coke or other raa- U'rial nhall be iiisixKrted dnily by some authorized |)er8on whose duty it shall l>e to sec that thoy are in a safe working condition.

(14r>) Wlieticver ore becomes frozen m ilie hopper and workmen are required to bar the same into the furnace, a proper piard'-rail .shall Iw provided to prevent workmen slipping on to the bell, and all worknic?- s:<. '^♦"L'aged shfl^^ ^"• equipped with belt and life lint .

( 1 Iti) There shall he maiiitaiiu'd at all blast furnaces in a readily accesaiblo place breatJiing apparatus and portable resuscitating apparatus of approved type, with an adequate supply of oxygen and absor'bent material. There shall always be on duty in each working shift a workman or workmen appointed by the superintendent and trained in the use of the breathing and resuscitating apparatus.




Rules Governing Use of ElectricitT.


Electrical Supply Station mean.s any building, room, or .separate space within which is located electrical supply equipment and which is accessible, as a rule, only to properly qualified persons. This includes generating stations and substations, and generator, storage battery and transformer rooms.

"UtiiiEation Utilization Equipment means equipment, devices, and

Equipment." , . . "' C . , .,. , '. ' ' . ,

connected wiring, which utilize electrical energy for mechani- cal, chemical, lighting, testing, or similar purposes and are

not a part of supply equipment.

•Voltage." Voltage or Volts means the highest effective voltage be-

tween the conductors of the circuit concerned, except that in grounded multiwire circuits, not exceeding 750 volts between outer conductors, it means the highest effective voltage between any wire of the circuif n^^<] tbo oromu],

In ungrounded, low-voltage circuirs. vuiiagc to ground means the voltage of the circuit.

"Grounded.- Grounded means connected to earth or to some extended conducting body which serves instead of earth. This ground connection may be at one or more points.

"Cut-out." Cut-out means any device, such as a fuse or circuit-

breaker, by which the electrical continuity of a conductor may be automatically broken by changes in current or voltage.



Switch means a device for opening or closing or changing 'Switch." tlie connections of a circuit manually. In these rules a switch is always to be understood as 0]>erated manually, un- less otherwise stated-

Disconnector means a switch which is intended to open n^ifor."" a circuit onJy after the load has been thrown off by some other means.

- Re-consti-uction means rei)laiceraent of any portion of an g^u'^f °ion . existing installation by new equipment or construction, but . does not include ordinary maintenance replacements.

Wire Gauge, Brown and Sharpe (B. & S.) is the standard. ^^^* ..

Switchboard means a large single panel or assembly of "Switch- l)anels on which are mounted switches, fuses, busses, and usually instruments, and accessible both in front and in rear. Circuits and machinery of relatively large capacity are con- trolled from such boards.

Fanelboard means a single i>anel containing busses, fuses "Panei- and switches to control lights, and devices of small indi- vidual as well as aggregate capacity, placed in or against a wall or partition and accessible only from the front.

General Rules.

(147) Where electrical apparatus or machinery is used Competent at any mine it shall be in charge of an authprized persoUj charge, who shall be qualified by ex})erience to handle such apparatus or jnachinery. Every person oj^erating or having charge of electrical ap])aratus shall have been instructed in his duty and shall be competent for the work that he is set to do. Repairs, extensions and changes shall be made to existing electrical equi])mont and conductors only by Authorized persons.

148) No person, other than the person authorized by the Supply owner, manager, or superintendent, shall enter an electrica,! to*be°"n- -Mp})ly station or interfere with the workings of any ma- *^*^®^'y[^Q,, •hino, transformer, motor, or api>aratu8 connected there- *^«'' '^®'"8""«- with, and when the authorized person is not present the i]nf>r of such room shall be Vf^t»^ ^or-urolv Irwked.

(149) All electrical equipment shall bo of such construc- tion and so installed and maintained as to reduce the life and quirements. fire hazard as far as practicable.


Iiun>«etlon and


(150) Klot'tricjil fx|iiipmeat shall foinitly with thcso rtih - wIm'Ii placed in .scrvio<', and shall thorcafter be periotlicallv iu«pocte<l and, when necc^ssary, cleaned. Defective e<iui|> ment shall he ])nt in good order or permanently di8<v)nnwte<l. J)efective wirinL'^ shall he repaired or reniovod.

(ir>l) Kle<'trical ntili/ation e(|uipment as well as j^eiicr ating ec]iiij)inent, if enclose<i in a separate room which is in a<^cessiJ»le to unauthorized persons, and when in service i~ under the control of a qualified electrical operator whose . attention is not <listracte<l by other |)rocc^ses, shall be con- sidered as ( III iri'jij supply station etpiipment, and such ex ceptions as are made to the general rules for supply station- shall apply to these installations.

rat"m"of (l''^2) All electrical equipment shall be suitably identified

(-luipnKnt. vvhere necessary for safety. The voltage and intended use shall be shown, where important.

General Grounding Rules.

Circuits to bo Kroumloil.

(If).'}) All circuits not over 150 volts shall be grounded if exposed to leakage from higher voltage circuits either through overhead construction or through transformers having prim- ary voltage exceeding 750 volts. Three-wire single-phase circuits and three-wire direct-current circuits not exceeding •300 volts between onter conductor shall have the neutral grounded.

likiuipitient (154) Electrical equipment shall, when practicable, have

grounded, the cxposcd' nou-current-carrying parts such as frames of

motors, generators, switchboards, cases of transformers, oil

switches and instruments and casings or wiring and conduct-

"Ts jurmanently grounded:

(1) For all equipment over 1.50 volts;

Equipment (2) For all equi])inent where metal parts are within reach runways. of exposed grounded surfaces, suchi as metal frames of other machines, plimibing fixtures, conducting floors or waDs (such as damp wood, concrete or rock underground). Grounded surfaces within 5 feet horizontally of the parts considered, or within 8 feet vertically of the floor shall be considered within reach.

(155) The point at which ground conductor is attached to the equipment or wire runways shall, if practicable, be readily accessible.



("156) The ground conductor shall be of copper or o^^li^r ^*^«J^^ metal which will not corrode excessively under the existing tinuity of conditions and, if practicable, shall be continuous. Ground conductor, connections from circuits shall not be made to jointed piping within buildings, except that water or air piping beyond any point which is liable to disconnection may be used.

( 157),— (a) For groundtng circuits the ground conductors ||.oun^ must have a carrying capacity equal to that of the circuit conductor, and must never be less than ^o. 6 B. and S.

(h) For electrical e<]|uipment the current-carry iug capacity of a ground conductor shall not be less than that provided by a copper wire of the size indicated in the following table. When there is no cut-out protecting the etpiipment, the size of the ground wire will be determined by the design and the operating conditions of the circuit.

Capacity of uearest automatic Required size ground conductor

cut-out. B. and S. gauge.

200 to 500 amperes 4

100to200 " ^ 6

30 to 100 " 10

10 to 30 " 14

In portable cord to portable equipment protected by fuses not greater than tO-arapere capacity, 'No. 16 ground wire mav be used.

(158) Ground conductors shall have mechanical protec- Protecting

T ^ ^ ^• e I \- f ground

tion and insulating guards extending lor a distance ot not wire. less than 8 feet above any ground, platform or floor. Tf attached to buildings ground conductors shall bo sui)ported <-ii insulators and must bo protected by porcelain bushing.* tlinmgh floors, partitions or walls.

( l."»i)) Main water or air lines may be used fur grounds, character provided that connef^tion is made at a point where pipe igO's^o""**- not liable to disconnection for alteration or repairs. Main waiter or air lin(?8 may be substantially l30und together for this purpose, but shall, unless connected to a buried i)iping system of considerable extent, bo connected to ;in artificial ground.

(H!(>) I'lx? ground conneftion to metallic piping system? Method of shall bo made by sweating a ground wire into a lug attached " to a suitable clamp and firmly bolting the clamp to the pipe, after all rust and scale have been removed, or by any other equivalent method.



Artificial frounda.

(101) Artificial gTound.s shall be located, where practi- cable, below the fKjniiaiient moisture level, or failing this at least 8i\ feet deep. Each ground shall present not less than four Hfjunrc foot of surface to the exterior soil. Arcan where ground water level is close to the surffu*'! kIi.-iI] ]>««. ii<(.<] where available.


■•parata cround conductors required.

( 102) (iround eouductors shall be run separatelv to the ground (or to a sufficiently heavy grounding bus or system ground cable which is connected to ground at more than one place) from equipment and circuits of each of the following classes: (1) lightning arresters; (2) secondaries connec- ted to low-voltage lighting or power circuits; (3) secondaries of current and potential transformers and cases of instru- ments on these secondaries; (4) e(]uipment operating in excess of 750 volts; (5) frames of utilization equipniont or wire runways other than covered by item (4).




(Hi.3) Lightning arrester ground connections shall not bo made to the same artificial ground (driven pipe or buried plate) as circuits or e(]|uipment, but shall be well spaced and, where practicable, at least 20 feet from other artificial grounds.

Working Space About' Electrical Equipment.

UtUlsation eQUipment.

(164) (a) Suitable working space shall be provided and maintained about all electrical equipment. Where adjacent to exposed live parts such working spaces shall be so arranged that they will pot be used* as passageways. The working spaces shall, where practicable, have minimum horizontal di- mensions, where adjacent to exposed live parts within 8 feet of the floor, as follows: (1) Parts above 150 volts to ground, if on one side 2.5 feet; if on two sides, 4 feet; (2) parts be- low 150 volts to ground, if on. one side, 1.5 feet; if on two sides, 2.5 feet.

Supply station equipment.

(h) In supply station equipment the following clearances only need be maintained: (1) Parts from 300 up to 750 volts, if on one side, not less than 2.5 feet; if on two sides, not less than 3 feet ; (2) parts above 750 volts, if on one side, not less than 3 feet ; if on two sides, not less than 5 feet.

Guarding or Isolating Live Parts.

(165^) In supply station equipment current-rarryinir parts sball be guarded unless they are maintained at the following distances above floors which may be occupied by persons :



Voltage of Conductors. Elevation in Feet.

300to 750 7

750 to 2,500 7.5

2,500to 7,500 8

7, 500 to 30, 000 9

30.000 to 70,000 10

70,000 to 100,000 12

(166) (a) All exposed current-carrying parts of elec-Guarding tiioal equipment such as bus bars, conductors and terminals carrying operating- at over 150 volts and not isolated by elevation at least eight feel shall, where practicable, be provided with suitable ]>ermanent enclosures or other guards arranged so as to prevent persons or conducting objects from inadvert- ently coming (or being brought) in contact with the parts in question.

(b) Where the current-carrying parts at over 150 volts or in supply stations at over 300 volts, to ground must neces- sarily be exposed (unguarded) within 8 feet, or in supply stations within the limits called for in rule 165, from the floor line all surrounding conducting floors shall be covered with suitable insulating platforms, mats or other insulating de- vices.

(c) Where the current-carrying parts operate at over 7,500 volts, inclosing or barrier guards shall always be provided-, even when insulating mats are also provided.

Stoeaqe Batteeies.

(167) Storage batteries in rooms used also for other pur- poses shall be adequately guarded or enclosed. Means shall* be provided, if necessary, to prevent dangerous accumulation of inriamniable ga.s. Batteries shall be installed in conform- ity with the general rules covering equipment.

Tbansfobmee Rules.

(168) (a) -Secondary circuits of current transformers Protecting shall be provided with means for short-circuiting them which tl?|n«"'"*"' can be readily connected while the primary is energized, and •''"■"'«''■«• which are so arranged as to permit the removal of any instru- ment or other device from such circuits without opening the circuits.

(h) When primaries are above 7,500 volts secondary cir- lits of current and potential transformoi's, unless otherwise adotpiatoly protected from injury or contact of persons, shall be in permanently grounded conduit. 84

34 '

(c) The low-voltage circuit of all instrument transformers shall bo pornianetl.v grounded unloss the circuits are installed and guarded as rcfiuirod for the high-voltapo circuitb of the trans formera.

tion'of"* (1^^) ^il immersed transformers mu-t not be attached

trans. to anv buildinjET not of fireproof construction or mounted on

or above combustible roofs, and if within a building must be in a fireproof compartment suitably drained and ventilated to outdoors, the door openings to be provided with not less than six-inch non-combustible sills.

riTO) Transformer stations must be at least fifty feet distant from other bnildings if not entirely of fireproof con- struction, or if containing over fifty imperial gallons of oil.

LiQHTNiiTG Arrestee Rul-bs.

inacceesibi* flTl) Tf the operating voltage of the circuit exceeds 7R0. rised the lightning arresters shall be made inaccessible to nnauth-

^*"^"- orized persons.

Location. (172) Lightning arresters, when installed inside of build-

ings, shall be located, as far as practicable from all other equipment and from combustible parts of the building.

foir'dW-*"' ClY'S') Lijrbtninir arresters on circuits over T.ROO volts and

connecting, all lightning arresters which may require work to be done

upon them from time to time, shall be so arranged, isolate.

and equipped that they may be readily disconnected from

conductors to which they are connected by air-brake manual


around ri74) Ground wires shall be run as directly as ]>o<5sible

and be of low resistance and ample capacity. Tn no case shall ground wires be less than No. 6 copper wire. Ground conductors for lightning arresters shall not nass through iron or steel conduits unless electrically connected to both ends of such conduits.

non^cmrent (ITRI All non-curreut carrvinsr narts of the arresters shall cj^iDK be grounded, unless effectively isolated bv elevation, or guarded as required for live parts of the voltasre of the cir- cuit to which the arrester is connected, and suitably identi- fied as to that voltage.

iive^rts. ri7fi^ All current-carrvinjr parts of arresters on circuits

above 750 volts, unless effectively isolated bv elevation, shall be adequately guarded to protect persons from inadvertent contact with them, or from injury by arcing. Guardinsr shall complv with rules 166 and 179. 64



(177) (a) rondiictors shall be suitable for the location, pr^t ecu on use and voltaee and each conductor (except neutral conduct-*' «o^- ors, ground wires, and conductors oi circuits, the opening oi

which may cause special hazard by interruption of service or removal of protection), shall be protected against excessive current by suitable automatic cut-out or by the design of the system.

(6) All conductors normally grounded for the protection Cut-outs of persons shall be arranged without automatic cut-outs in- terrupting their conlinuity between the sources of electrical supply and the point at which the ground wire is attached, unless the cut-out opens all the conductors of the system with one operation.

(178) All conductors where not protected by conduit or insulating

. 1 1 1 i^' 1 i i_ conductors.

armouring must have approved insulation and must be mounted on cleats, porcelain knobs or insulators and must be separated from contact with floors, walla or partitions by tubes of incombustible insulating material.

(179) All fixed conductors ojierating at over 300 volts or isolating in supply stations at over 750 volts unless isolated by an ^°" "p^^ors.

ielevatiou of at least eight feet shall be enclosed in grounded letal conduit, grounded metal sheathing or shall be guarded |by ])ermaTient screens or enclosures.

(180) Bare conductors shall be used only for switchboard, ■panelboard or storage-bat eery connections or for electrolytic low-voltage furnaces and similar connections, or for trolley |wire8 and other contact conductors. Except at points where fpermanent ground connections are made such conductors iwithin buildings shall be kept insulated from the ground.

(181) Temj)orarv wiring and equipment, which is not in Temporary [compliance with these rules, may be used, but only when |iinder competent supervision, or protected by suitable barriers [or warning signs while it or neighbouring wiring is alive and [accessible to unauthorized persons.

Fuses, Cut-outs, Switches and Contbollers.

_ (182) All switches, automatic cut-outs. cX)ntrollers, start- "enerai fing rheostats, auto starters and other control devices shall bementof [readily and safely accessible to authorized persons; they shall ''^***^*'*''*


Ik? hu locutwl. lalx'llcd f»r mnrkerl as to afford means of idenii- fvin^ fircMiii> "i" (•i|iii|>iii(ni -ii|»|»lic.l tliroiigh thorn, or wliotluT l\n'\ an? (([xMi or cIomcmI. Tliev shall l>e so installed, whcn^ pnicticahlo, that ihcy cannot he oloswl hy j^ravity and such switches as close hy ^avity shall he provided with a jwopcr slophlock or latch to prevent •,\<"-'\''\outik] closing.

rnqutrol for e<iul|)- inc>nt.

(IH'.]) (a) Suitable switches shall be inserted in all circuit leads to generators, motors, transformers, storage batteries, electric furnaces and similar equipment except be- tween parts or pieces of ai)paratus intended to operate a- i unit.

Kwitches required in feeders.

(h) Suitable switches shall be inserted in all feeder conductors connecting utilization installations to service con- nections from either overhead or underground lines. These switches shall he readily accessible, and as close as practi- cable to the point of connection with the overhead or under- ground lines.

Switches (c) Switches or pine i'iiiiii<'';'f<. -li.ill i-f plnccd iii all

for tem- •. i j . .1 •' 1

porarj- Circuit loads at the point wliore it'iuporarv wiring or por*

able conductors are connected to the ponnaneut wiring.


Capacity (184) («) Switches used otherwise than as disconneo

switci.f . tors shall hnvc n rated capacity such as to insure safe inter- ruption, ai ili( working voltage, of the greatest current which they will be re<iuired to carry continuously, and shall be marked with the cnrrcii't they can safely interrn]it.

Switches (6) All cutrouts, switclii s. ciiciiir breakers and other

vient rup- apparatus used for opening or closing an electric circuit capacity. shall be of such design as to operate safely on the system from which the circuit is energized.

I'Hscon- Dectors.

(c) Disconnectors shall be of suitable voltage and ampere rating for the circuit in which they are installed and shall be aecessiWe only to qualified persons. They shall also be protected by signs warning against opening the switch while carrying current in excess of the safe opening limit.

Locking or



(d) Means shall be provided so that switches controlling apparatus can be locked or blocked in the open position or plainly tagged to prevent careless closing while work is being <lone on the equipment unless all live and moving parts of the e<piipment are in plain sight of the switch. 64


(e) Switches, oontrollers and rheostats shall be so con- Good con- strncted as to make and maintain j^ood contact. Knife quired on switches shall maintain such alignment nnder service con- ditions that they may be closed with a single imhesitating motion.

(/) Unless a switch, operating on a circuit above 750 j^g*^ **'"' volts, makes an air break th^ere shall, if eqnipnienit controlled switches by such switch requires adjustment or repairs while the con- ductors leading to such switch are still alive, be installed between it and the source of energy supply a suitable "feir- break disconnector.

(185)— (a) All manual switches over 150 volts to ground g.^^^J-^J.'^f or in supply stations over 300 volts to ground shall have ^^ switches, suitable casings or guards protecting the operator from dan- ger of contact with current-carrying parts or being burned by arcing at the switch.

(b) All switches interrupting circuits over 750 volts shall J^jY^^JJ^I^ be operated by means of remote control mechanism or be above provided with suitable casings protecting the operator from' danger of contact with current-carrying parts, except as provided in clause e of this rule. The control device for switches shall indicate whether the switches are open or closed.

(c) Switches shall, if practicable, be so connected that<^onnections

to switches

switch blades will not be alive when in the open position.

Where switches, disconnectors, and fuses above 750 working volis are ordinarily guarded by covers or enclosed in separate Ibout^ rooms, but must occasionally be operated without such pro-^^'/Jfe'd'^ teetion, either by removal of the covers or by entrance iiitojbove*^|5o the rooms, adequate working space shall be provided about voita. the live parts, so that the operator will not be required to bring any part of his body within the following horizontal distances :

Voltage of parts. Distance in feet.

750 to 7,500 1

7,500 to 30,000 2

30,000 to 50,000 3

50,000 to 70,000 4

70,000 to 100,000 5

(186) (a) On circuits up to 300 volts to ground, where switch«a fusible cut-outs are not so arranged that they are necessarily placed disconnected from all sources of electrical energy before the fj^afwe ungrounded current-carrying parts can be touched, switches cut-outs, shall always be so placed or arranged th'at opening them will disconnect the fuses from all sources of electrical energy.



ProUetlnc fualble out-out* at>ovft SOO volts.

Fuses In fireproof cAbfnsts.

(b) Fuaible cut-outs above 300 volta to ground shall be in A cabinet or otherwise made inaccessible to all but authorized }>er8ons and switches shall be so placed and ar- ranged that opening tliem will disconnect the fuses from all sources of electrical energy.

li. .-* •' i

(c) All fusible cutouts shall be installed in approved fire-

))roof cabinets.

ot^uftea °' ('^) ^^^ rated capacity of the fuses shall not exceed the allowable carrying capacity of the conductor.

Switch BOAEDs.

Switch- boards to be resdlly accessible.

Switch- boards to be conven- ient for operation.

(187) (a) Switchboards and panelboards shall have all switches arranged so that the means of control are readily accessible to the operator.

(b) Instruments, relays, or other devices requiring read- ing or adjustment shall be so placed that the work can be readily performed from the working space provided.

Location and llght- Ing of switch- boards.

(188) Switchboards shall, where practicable, be so placed that the person operating them will not be endangered by machinery or equipment located near the board. Means for adequate illumination shall be provided.

Protecting against short cir- cuiting on switch- boards.

Guarding current- carrying parts of switch- boards.

(189) Exposed bare parts of different potentials on any switchboard or panelboard shall be as few as practicable and these shall be effectively separated.

(190) (a) All switchboards and panelboards having ex- posed current-carrying parts operating at over 150 volts to ground shall, when practicable, be suitably encased in locked cabinets, screens, or rooms, or other enclosures to make them inaccessible to other than authorized operators. Conducting floors about such boards, and in supply stations about boards having equipment operating at over 300 volts to ground, shall be provided with suitable insulating platforms or mats so placed that no person can inadvertently touch live parts unless standing on the insulating platform or mats.

Switch- boards below 150 volts

accessible to unautho- rised per.sons.

(b) Where switchboards or panelboards at voltages below 150 to ground are accessible to other than authorized opera- tors, they shall, where practicable, be enclosed in cabinets or screens as an effective precaution against accidental short circuit at times when no operation of the board necessitates tiie opening of the cabinet or screen.



Motor Control Devices,

(191)— (a) Manually controlled starters for all D.C. JJ^\^i motors and for all A.C. motors over 5 h.p. shall be so designed **^**^®* and the circuits so arranged that they return autx)matically to the " oflF " position upon the failure of the energy supply, except where the motors and their starting devices are, dur- ing operation, under the supervision of qualifier! persons and equivalent protection is otherwise provided.

(h) Each motor must be protected against excessive over- Protecting load current by cutout or automatic circuit breaker, and against overload device should interrupt the circuit at 50 per cent. °^^^ °* over normal motor-current rating. An auto starter which disconnects all wires of the circuit automatically under over- load when in the running position may be used as circuit breaker.

Illtjminating Supply Stations.

(192) (a) Rooms and spaces shall have good artificial J^^jFg^Jpiy illumination. Arrangement of permanent fixtures and plug stations, receptacles shall be such that the portable cords need not be brought into dangerous proximity of live electrical ap- paratus. All lamps shall be arranged to be controlled, re- placed, or trimmed from readily accessible places.

(b) A separate emergency source of illumination, f rom ^™ YinaT^^ an independent generator, storage battery, lanterns or other for auppiy suitable source, shall bo prnviderl in every station where an attendant is located.

Fire Fighting Appliances.

CI 03) Each room or space where an operator is in attend- JJl^*j^ ance shall be provided with an adequate approved fire ex- appHanc«s- tinguishing appliance, conveniently located and conspicu- ously marked. Any such appliance which has not been ap- proved for use on live parts shall be plainly and conspicu- ously marked with a warning to that efi^ect whenever placed in rooms containing exposed live parts over 300 volts to ground.

PowBER Magazines and Thaws.

104) (a) All electric wiring in |)owder magazines and^^jjjj**" thaws shall be installed in rigid condiiit with screwed, "o****!***" waterproof joints, and such fonrlnit shall be pcrninnontly grounded.

(b) The SAvitchM and fuses for lighting, heating or tele- Switches

phone circuits for powder magazines or thaws shall ho in-out«id« of

-owd«r anil and thaw*.

stalled in a locked fireproof cabinet on the outside of themamwin««



BlMtrlo hMitinc

of powder thaws.

liiiildin^. The fuses for power used shall be such that they will iiilcrrupt the current at 25 per cent, over the normal load. I'lKses for lighting circuits shall not exceed 10-ampere capacity.

(c) Where wat* r is the medium used for distribution of electrically generated heat for powder thaws the radiation pipes must be iicnnaiiciitlv ^^roimded. If wire or grid tvpc heatoi*8 are used iIh^.v shall Ix; installed in a fireproof com- partment or box, .sej)arate from the room in which explosives are thawed.


curreiJt- carrylngr parts of Hsrhting fixtures.

Portable conductors exposed to Injury.

Style of portable lamps permitted.

XiGHTiNG Fixtures.

(195) (a) Electric fixtures, such as lamp sockets and lamj) bases, plugs, receptacles, etc., shall be so installed that no current-carrying parts will normally be exposed externally when these parts are within reach of grounded surfaces (see rule 169). The high-temj^erature current-carrying parts of radiant heaters are exempted.

(h) Portable lamps shall not be connected to circuits operating at over 300 volts to ground.

fl96 (a) In locations where exposed to dampness or mechanical injury, portable conductors shall be of reinforced weatherproof cord, and, Avhen necessary, armoured.

(6) Tn locations where exposed to dampness or mechanical injury, portaible lamps shall have their sockets enclosed in wood or composition handles, through which the conductor shall be carried, and shall have a .substantial wire caire wliich encloses the lamp. A hook for hanging lamp shall be attached either to the cage or to the handle.

Trollbys and Portable Apparatus.

Quarding: trolley or crane coUector wires.

(19Y) (a) Trolley or crane collector wires, whether in- doors or out, shall, where practicable, be elevated at least 8 feet above the rail level and be provided with suitable gnnrds so arranged that persons cannot inadvertently touch the current-carrying parts while in contact with the ground or with conducting material connected to the groimd.

(h) In tunnels or under bins or in similar locations where trolley wires are necessarily less than 8 feet above tie rail level, the operating voltage shall not exceed 300 and the wires shall be efficiently guarded to prevent accidental contact of persons.



(198) Portable and pendant conductors shall not be in- PoutaWe stalled or used on circuits operating at over 300 volts topendant ground, unless they are accessible only to persons authorized'^*'" to approach them. In such cases they shall be of a type suitable t^ the voltage and conditions.

Cranes and Elevators.

(199) (a) Readily accessible means shall be provided Discon- whereby all conductors and equipment located in or on cars tor cal^s or cranes can be disconnected entirely from the source of *"^ cranes, energy at a point as near as possible to the trolley or other current collector.

(b) A circuit breaker or switch, capable of interrupting switch tbo circuit under heavy loads, shall be used unless the cur- "Irs^and" rent collector can be safely removed, under heavy loads, cranes, from the trolley wire.

Telephone Exposed by Supply Lines.

(200) Telephone or other signal apparatus which must i'>jo tec tingr be handled by persons and which is connected to overhead equipment signal circuits exposed by supply lines over 400 volts toby'h'fgh ground must be protected as follows : voltage.

(1) By fuses and arresters;

(2) All exposed non-current-carrying metal parts must

be permanently grounded;

(3) The apparatus shall be installed in such a way that

a person using it will be obliged to stand on a suitably insulated platform, in a suitably in- sulated booth or on other insulating surfaces.

f201) Telephone or signal apparatus which is connected [^»j"te^c^j"K to a line which parallels a supply circuit of high voltage in. signal such a manner as to be exposed to induced voltage shall berxptJ^")!" protected by transformers and shall comply with the re- voiuge*;"'' quirements of Rule 200.

Transmission Lines.

(202) All electrical supply lines and equipment shall tJ^J^^^f^cP^ of suitable design and construction for the service and the tion of conditions under which they arc to be operated, and all lines unes. flhflll be so installed and maintained as to reduce the life haznrd as far as practicable. 64


•upply Hum.

Entrance to buildings.

Clearance rsqulred by aupply line* over railway*.

In under- ground in- ■tallationa switch to be placed at surface.

Conduits required.

Condulta or Insula- tors for llghUng cirottita.

(2015) (Conductors and other current-carrying parts of supply lines shall be so arranged as to provide adequate clearance from the ground or other space generally accees- ible, or shall be provided with guards so as to effectively isolate them from accidental contact by such persons.

(204) Where supply lines over 300 volts to ground are attached to any buildings for entrance they must be per- manently guarded if accessible.

•' } .' ' i

(205) Supply lines carried over railways operated by steam, electric or other motive power and on which standard equipment, such as freight cars, is used .shall have the style of construction and clearances overhead as called for in the rules of the Board of Railway Commissioners of the Domin- ion of Canada. Supply lines crossing over railways on whicli standard equipment is not used and lines crossing over road- way .shall have ample clearance for the operating conditions and shall bo substantially supported.


(206) Except with the written permission of the Chief Inspector of Mines, who shall prescribe such conditions as he may deem fit:

(a) ^o motor over 750 volts to ground shall be used underground ;

(6) The voltage supply for electrical traction under- ground shall not exceed 300 ;

(c) !N"o electrical energy higher than 750 volts to ground shall be transmitted underground.

(207) Where electrical energy is taken underground pro- vision shall be made that the current can be cut off. on the surface, close to the point where it is led underffround. The cut-off switch or switches shall be situated in a separate locked building or compartment, and same shall be acce.ssiblo only to an authorized person or persons.

(208) All cables over 300 volts transmitting power under ground shall be armoured or enclosed in standard conduit and substantially supported.

(209) Wires carrying not over 300 volts to ground for lighting and signal circuits shall either be in stand- ard conduits or casings, or suspended from and securely tied to porcelain or glass insulators, so that they do not touch any timbering or metal. On no account shall staples be used.


(210) The armouring or casing of cables, mentioned inO")unding the two next preceding rules, shall be bonded together so as

to be electrically continuous, and shall be connected at some point or paints to a satisfactory ground.

(211) All rules governing grounding of electrical appa- Method of ratus in general work shall apply equally to underground *f^°""^*°» work.

(212) All "proper precautions shall be taken to prevent Precautions electric signal or telephone wires, whether insulated or not, s?gna?an(i ccmiing into contact with other electrical conductors. wires^°"^

I (213) (a) Electricity from lighting or power cables using shall not be used for firing shots, except when a special firing for^flring" plug or switch is provided which plug or switch shall be**^°*^- placed in a fixed locked box, and shall only be accessible to the authorized shot firer.

(6) The firing cables or wires shall not be connected to connection this box until immediately before they are required for the nection.^°" firing of shots, and shall be disconnected immediately after the shots are fired.

(c) The firing cables or wires used for firing shots at Firing one working place shall not be used for firing shots ,iu another ^working place until all proper precautions have been taken to insure that such firing cables or wires have not any elec- trical connection with the loads from the first working place.

(214) When shot-firing cables or wires are used in the precaution* vicinity of power or lighting cables, sufficient precautions gho"t-flrfng shall be taken to prevent the shot-firing cables or wires com- *'*^^**- ing in contact with the lighting or power cables.

Rules Qovbrnino Electric Hoists.

(215) All electric hoists fitted with mechanically operated brakes shall be so installed that:

(a) The brakes will come on automatically the moment Automatic the power supply fails; brake*.

(h) Tn case of a heavy overload, such as would be circuit caused by the shaft conveyance leaving the rails or becoming jammed in the shaft, a circuit breaker will cut off the power and thus allow the brakes to come into play;


Ov*rivlnd dcvlre.

(r) A .siiiiulilc «Mii\Mn<l (1«;\ icx;, which can be set to ♦ingugc shaft conveyniKro at any point in the head-frame, will <Mit off the current, in case of an (tverwiiul past tliis jMjint, and thus allow the brakes to come into play. In default of a de\'ice of this nature the lioiat shall bo e<"juipi)ed with some other form of satisfactory and dej>endable overwind device. Such devices shall be tested out by the hoist man at least once a shift;

BraluB operated by mechani- cal meana.

(d) The brakes shall, on failure of the i)ower supply, be put into play by mechanical means, prefer- ably gravity, and shall in no case be operated by an auxiliary electric current.

(21G) When the Inspector has cause to believe that the shaft conveyance operated by any electric hoist is being over- loaded he shall have tho power to order a tost to be made.


continuinj? (217) Notwithstanding j^nything contained in these rules.

certain auv electrical plant or apparatus installed or in use, on or

appliances, i^pf^^pj, |^],f» ^YSit dav of January, 1920, may be continued in

use, unless tho Inspector shall otherwise direct.


lo 1'kopebty.

Wilful damage.

(218) No person shall wilfully damage, or without proper authority remove or render usclt^ss, any fencing, casing, lin- ing, guide, means of signalling, signal, cover, chain, flange, horn, brake, indicator, ladder, platform, st^am-gauge, water- gauge, safety-valve, electrical equipment or other appliance or tiling ])rovided in any mine in compliance with this Act.


under"the (^19) No person under the influence of or carrying in-

influenceof toxicating liquor shall enter any mine or be in the proximity

of any working place on the surface or near any machinery

in motion.

or carry- ing liquor,

Duty of ofUcialB to know Mining Act.

(220) It shall be the duty of every manager, superinten- dent, mine captain, shift boss and every person in charge of workmen, explosives, machinery or electrical apparatus in or about a mine to know such of these rules as affect the work in which he is engaged.



(221 ) There shall alwavs be enforced and observed by the^^"'"'"*''

^ ^ , , ^' . , , •' duty as to

owner and the agent ot a mine, and by every manager, use and tare.

superintendent, contractor, captain, foreman, workman and

oflier |)erson engaged in or about the mine, such care and

precaution for the avoidance of accident or injury to any

|)erson in or about the mine as the particular circumstances

of the case require; and the machinery, plant, appliances

and equipment and the manner of carrying on operations

shall always, and according to the particular circumstances

of the case, conform to the strictest considerations of safety.

(222) An abstract of the rules and regulations contained ^j|^'"actoj in this Act, authorized by the Chief Inspector of Mines, posted, shall be posted up in suitable places at the mine or works

where the same can be conveniently read and the owner or agent of the mine shall maintain such abstract, duly posted, and the removal or destruction of the same shall be an offence against this Act.

Payment of Wages.

165. (1) No wages shall be paid to any person em- prohibition ployed in or about any mine to which this part applies at orof wag^aat witiiin any tavern, shop or place where spirits, wine, beer g"u"^j, or other 8|)irituous or fermented liquors are sold or kept for sale, or within any office, garden, or place belonging or contiguous thereto or occupied therewith.

(2) Every person who contravenes or permits any person penalty, to contravene this section shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and in the event of any such contravention by any [)er8on whomsoever the owner and agent of the mine in respect of which the wages were paid shall also each bo guilty of an offence against this Act, unless he proves that he had taken all reasonable means to prevent such contravention by ])ublishing and to the best of his power enforcing the provisions of this section. 8 Edw. VII, c. 21, s. 165.

166. In mining operations no person or company shall, LJc«n8ees without right or authority, cause damage or injury to thoageothfr" holder of any other mining property by throwing earth, clay. *^***'"" .stones, or mining material thereon, or by causing or allowing water which may be pumped or bailed or which may flow from ji nuining claim or other mining property of such |)ers()ii. to flow into or uf)on such other mining property, and the offender in addition t() any civil liability shall incur a penalty of not more than $10 for every day such damage <ir injury continues, and in default of payment of the pen- alty and costs, may he imprisoned for any period not ex- ceeding one month.



Party WaT-L.

Party walla, i(\'7..-^(\) ITnl^Hi^ il,, .uncr** :urrt^' fn r?i4nr-n«r> f]iore- thlckni>«>n.r . , .' . .

\s II il. Ill :ill iiiililli:' II

;i(| jdiiiiiiL' pn>|MM-l if. ;i I'.irl'v v.^ii, <v,ii iecl Uilck

(iM-iii^'- ,-c\('ii aiiil one halt' I'rcl oil < . , ' '>). to tho USe

(if which the a< I j"i II iiiuc owners shall Ix- cntitl*- i.

Use In common.

(2) The owners shall !-<• futitled to use such part.\ wall in common as roadway for all pnr])os<>s. an'l sixli n.adway shall not be obstructed bv tli.- tlm.wintr <.t" -oil, n.-k i-r other material thereon, or in anv Mth(r wav. and any person obstructing the same in acMiilon to any civil liability shall incur a penalty of not moK than $10 for every day such obstruction continues.

with*""*"' (^) ^^y ®"^^^ adjoining owners may, in any case, apply to the Commissioner, who may make an order dispensing with such party wall or roadway, or providing for tho work- ing of any material therein, or otherwise, as he may deem just. 8 Edw. VTI, c. 21, s. 167.

Accidents oauaing death or serious injury.







Over- winding.

Breakage in cables.

Inriish of water.

Notice of Accidknts.

ItiH. (1) Where, in or about any mine, whether above

or below ground, any accidMit occurs which causes loss of life to any person employed in or ahour the mine, the owner agent, niaiiaiivi- oi- sii|)erlnt('ndent of the ininc sliall inmu- diately noiit\. In telephone or telegraph, the Deputy Afin- ister of Minos.

(2) Where, in or about any mine, whether above or below ground, any accident o<( iir< which causes fracture or dis- location of any of the bones oi the body, or any other serious personal injury, to any person employed in or about the mine, tho owner, agent, manager or superintendent of the mine shall within three days next after the accident send notice in writing to the Inspector of Mines resident in that district on the form prescribed for such purpose.

" Serious personal injury " shall mean such an injury as in the opinion of the attending physician may result in the injured person being incapacitated for work for at least seven days.

(3) Where in or about any mine;

(a) Any case of overwdnding a skip or cage;

(6) Any breakage of a rope or cable used for hoisting;

(c) Any inrush of water from old workings or other- wise;


(d) Any outbreak of fire below ground ; or Sround'^'^

(e) Any premature or unexpected explosion occurs, Explosions.

whether or not loss of life or personal injury is caused there- iJ,^p^ctor by, the owner, agent, manager, or superintendent shall, within twenty-four hours next after the occurrence, send notice in writing to the Inspector resident in the district and shall furnish such particulars in respect thereof as may assist the Inspector in making inquiry into the circum- stances.

169. Where mining operations have been commenced Nouce of ujwn any mine, claim, location or works or where such connection operations have been discontinued, or where such o]>era-^orkin/of tions have been recommenced after an abandonm^ent "^i" re™pect^of " discontinuance for a period exceeding two months, or where "^ officers, any change is made in the name of a mine or in the name of the owner or agent thereof, or in the officers of any incor- porated company which i.«? the owner thereof, the owner or asrent of such mine, claim, location or works shall give notice thereof to the Deputy ^finister Avithin two months after such abandonment, discontinuance, recommencement or change, and if such notice is not given the owner or agent shall be cniiltv of an offence against this Act. 8 Edw. VTT, c. 21. s. 169.

Statistic Ai. Hbttirns. 170. (1) ^or the purpose of their tabulation under the statistical

. - 1 -.r* 1 r returns by

instructions of the Minister the owner or agent ot every owners and

mine, quarry or other works to which this Act applies shall, ^ines. °

on or before the ir)th day of January in every year, send to

the Bureau of Mines a correct return for the year which

onded on the Slst day of December next preceding, .showing

the number of person;* ordinarily employed below and above

irround respectively, and distinguishing the different elasses

and ages of the persons so em|>loyed whose hours of labour

are regulated by this Act. the average rate of wages of each

flass and the total amount of wasfes paid during the year,

the quantity in standard weisrht of the mineral dressed, and

of the undre*'sed mineral which has been sold, treated or

used during such year, and the value or estimated value

thereof, and such other particulars as the Minister may bv

regulation prescribe.

CH) Tbe owner or ncrent of every metalliferous mine shall, J^teriy*"^ if required, make a similar return for the month or quarter returns, at fhr* end of each month or quarter oT the calendar year.

64 '


Plana to be

f produced on napActlon of mine.

Penalty. (3) Every owner or agent of a mine, quarry or other

works who fails to comply with this section, or makes any return which is to his knowledge false in any particular, sliall be guilty of an offence against this Act. 8 Edw. VI I, c. 21, 8. 170!

Plans of Wobkino.

171. (1) On any examination or inspection of a mine the owner shall, if required, produce to the Inspector, or to any other person authorized by the Minister or Deputy Minister an accurate plan and sections of the workings of the same.

■uSwiuent (^) -^^^ 1^^^" ^"'^ sections shall show the workings of the proffress on mine Up to within six months of the time of the examination or inspection, and the owner sitall, if required hv the Inspec- tor or other authorized person, cause to be marked on the plan the progress of the workings of the mine up to the time of the examination or inspection, and shall also permit him to take a copy or tracing thereof.

Plan of working mines to be filed.

(3) An accurate plan on a scale of not more than 50 feet to the in^'h of every working mine in which levels, crosscuts or other openings have been driven from any shaft, adit or tunnel, "and of every mine consisting of a tunnel or shaft fifty feet or more in length shall be made and a certified copy filed in the Bureau of Mines on or before the 31st day of January in each year, showing the workings of the mine up to and including the 31 st day of December next preceding.

(4) Before a mine or any part of a mine is abandoned, closed down or otherwise rendered inaccessible, all under- ground plans and sections shall be brought up to date and a certified copy filed in the Bureau of Mines.

Failure to (5) Failure on the part of the owner or agent of the mine

furnish ^ ^ ^ , .^, ^ . , ^ , . i n i

plans. to comply with any provision oi this section shall be an

offence against this Act

Plane to be treated aa confi- dential.


(6) Every such plan shall be treated as confidential in- formation for the use of the officers of the Bureau of Klines, and shall not be exhibited nor shall any information con- tained therein be imparted to any person except with the written permission of the owner or agent of the mine. 8 Edw. VII, c. 21, s. 171 ; 2 Geo. V, c. 8, s. 22.

(7) Every owner or agent of a mine, quarry or other works who fails to comply with this section, or makes any return which is to his knowledge false in any particular, shall be gnilty of an offence against this Act. 8 Edw, VII, c. 21, 8. 170.


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No. 65.



An Act respecting the Boundaries of the Electoral Districts and Registry Divisions of Fort William and Port Arthur.

HTS MAJESTY, bv and with the advice and consent of the Le(j:islative Assembly of tlic Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The Fori Will him muJ /'o,-/ Short tiUe. ArfJnir Boundaricfi Act. 1910.

2.— (1) The para^rraph nnmbered 17 in Schedule '' n"l^f°-^' of The Representation Act, bein^ Chapter 4 of the Acts|^^®^^^^- pa?se<l in the fonrtli year of His Majesty's reicn, is amendctl by striking out all the words therein after the word " from " in the eleventh line doAvn to and including the word " less " in the fifteenth line and substituting therefor the following words: "the south-east angle of the Grand Trunk Pacific Boundaries Block 1; thence sonth astronomically to the said i*outh-east^'jJJ|.^[°o*' angle; thence east'along the north honndary of the 'T'<^'^^'^i^l^ip^?iinBm of Forbes and the production thereof."

(2) The paragraph numbered 63 in the said schedule ipl^Jf*^' amended by striking out nil the words therein after the word sohea. b. " from " in the eighteenth line down to and includins: the word "les«5" in the twenty-second line and insertinff in lien thereof the words " the sonth-enst nngle of the (Irnnd Trunk Pacific Plock 1: thence eonth fl«tronomicallv to the <5nidof south-east angle; thence east alone the north boundnry of the °^ ^^ ^^' Toimship of Forbes and the production thereof."

3. 'N'otwithstandinir anvthinir contained in The T^eni'^fry ot reKiBtry Art as amended hv section 22 of The Tfenifntry Amevrtmpnt^^i^Q°^^


WIS. the boundaries of the reiristrv divisions of Fort 5^""^'",J^"''

Port Arthur.

William and Port .\rthur respectively shnll be nnd be deemed Rev. stat to have been from the 1st dnv of ^fni'eh. 1014. the hpu ud a riesd«o. v. c. 27 of the electoral districts of Fort William and Port Arthur respectively as set out in Schedule " "B " to The Hepreffentn- tinn Art as amended by section 2 of this Act.

4. TTiis Act shall eome into force upon the day upon which m°n?of"Act. the «ame shall receive the Poval Assent.






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]^o. 66.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS !N[AJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of tho Legislative Assembly of tlio Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Paragraph 12 of section 300 of The Municipal ^cfRev. stat., is amended b}' striking out all the words after " sen'ants "s! 399! in the third line of clause {a) and by adding the following amended, clanse:

(6) The council mav provide for the expense incurred ^/p®"^^^

^ . , 1 ' 1 -.111 1 °^ cleaning

in such work by imposing in the by-law author- closets, izing the work or in a separate by-law a fixed fee or graded fees ^;H•vi^12■ according "to tli<' different kind of promises served, time involved in service and such other matters as the council consider applicable, and snch fees shall be rated and assessed against the lands in respect of which such services are rendered in the collector's roll on the municipality and collected and re- covered in like manner as municipal taxes.



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No. 67.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS AIAJKSTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative As<('mbly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

Section 472 of The Municipal Act is amended by addingRev. stat.. thereto the following subsection : g- l^f'


(7) The council may, in any by-law closing a street, closing

provide that the same shall only be closed for^jj^^'^^i^^mj^j. vehicular traffic and not for pedestrian traffic ort^^^

1 1 /• 1 . -Only-

vice versa, and may provide for the erection of barricades to enforce the due observance thereof. This shall apply to a by-law to close a street in course of passing but not yet finally 'passed.


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N'o. 68.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Section 78 of The Municipal Act is amended by insert- Rev. stat., ing after the word "clerk," in subsection (1), the words s'. 78?' "or such person as the council may ap{X)int to act in the *'"®"^®**" absence of the clerk through illness or otherwise."

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Xw. tiO. 1910.


An Act to amend The Public Health Act.

HIS ^lAJESTV. l»_v and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, laets as follows:

1. The Public Health Arl is nnuMidcd Iw adding thereto^^g'ig^*^*-

:'i(' following; section: amended.

104rt. The nninicij;al conn<'il of a city or town whichRf^n j,' 'i"« has established a pnblic slanghter lioiisc or meat as to abattoir, as provided by the ])reccding section, anTkuiing. may provide, by by-law for prohibiting the sale i\nd the offering or exposing for sale for food for man, within such city or town, of the carcass jMDrtion or meat product of any animal which has not h(Hm insiiected, approved and slaughtered at„

Proviso ns

•such slaughter house or abattoir; Provided thatcanned such by-law shall not api)ly so as to prevent the^°*'''* ^' sale or offering or exposing for sale, within such city or town, of the meat or carcass, portion or niciit iiindnct of any animal,

(a) Which has been inspected and approved under the provisions of The Meat and Canned Foods Act (6-7 Edw. VI T, Domin- ion) and amendments thereto; or,

(h) Which has been imported into Canada under such regulations (if any) as*may be imposed under the authority of any Act passed by the Parliament of Canada ; or,

( (■) Whi<'h has been canned, cured, salted or packed elsewhere than within such city or town, if the requirements of clause (a) or (b) have been complied with; or,

(d) Which has been slaughtered outside such city, or town, if such meat or carcass, together with the head, heart, lungs and liver of such animal held by their natural attachments have been inspected and approved at such abattoir or at any place designated in the by-law, previously to such carcass or meat being offered or exposed for sale in such citv or town.


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No. 70.



An Act to Amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontnr^ enacts as follov^'s :

1. Section 17 of The Municipal Ad is amended by addingRev. stat, thereto the following subsection: s. nf'


In the case of a village which is a summer resort, the Annexation said board may annex territory which in its tory to " opinion is reasonable in view of the circnm-^ ^^^' stances even if the addition may increase the area over that prescribed* by section 14.







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No. 71.



An Act to provide for the establishment of the Office of PubHc Trustee.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. 'J'lii.-v Aft may be cited a.- 'J'lic Onlnrlo Piihlic '/'///.s/ct' Short title. Act.

Crown Ahm i,\isri;A i lo.x and Es('Iikatp:i) 1']s ta iks.

2. The Cruicn Adnilnidmlloii of Edatcs Act, is amciidecUiev. stat..

c 73

by substituting for the words "Attorney-General of Ontario "amended. and "Attorney-General " wherever the same occur in the said Act. the words " Public Trustee."

3. Sub.'jection 1 of section 2 of The Esrheafs Arf isRev. stat.

c. 104. .s. 2,

anjendod by .strikiiiir otit tlie words "Attorney -(Jeneral " iusiibs. i, the fo)irth line and siili-titntinii- tlierefor the w(»r(ls " I'nblic*'"^'" '^' ' Trustee."

Ol<M''t( lAI, ( 'o.M M ri TKi;.

4. (J) Se(rtu)n of I he Pri.son.s (UnI /'iihlir ( ha n firs iip.v.fitat.

/ /• i , . 1 1 c. 301. s. 6.

fvsfirwfinn Art is re|tcaled. repealed.

(2) Sections nr> to 40 of The TfospHnJs for the Tnmur Art ;iro amended by striking out the word "Inspector" wlier- ever it occurs therein and substituting .therefor the words " Public Trustee."


(3) All the rights, powers, duties, obligations, money or estates under the sections referned to in subsection 2 or under anything done in pursuance thereof which are vested in the fnspector of Prisons and Public Tharities or belong to him either by his name of office or in his corporate capacity, shall upon the coming into force of this Act become vested in and shail belong to the Public Trustee.


Rev. .Stat, c. 295, ss. 36-46. amended.

Powers, etc., of Inspector as official committee transferred to Public Trustee.

5 Geo. V. c. 2S. anietid«d.

DuUfH «)f Attorney. Qeneral and

guardian t ran Bf erred to Public Trustee.

Charities Accountino.

5. The, ChariticH Accounting Act, 1015, is amended by striking out, tlio words "Attorney-General or official guard- ian," and the words "Attorney-General, or by the official puardiaii," and tho words "Attorney-General or of the official jriiardian." nnd tho words "Government or to the official pfiiardian " wherever they occur in the said Act and amend- ments thereto, and substituting therefor the words " Public Trustee."

Public Trustee.

men^ot^^' 6.— (1) There shall be established the office of Public office. Trustee.

Jo^rporttion (2) Thc Public Trustee shall be a corporation sole under sole. []^^i name with a perpetual succes.'^ion and an official seal.

and may sue and be sued under the above name in the same

manner as any other corporation sole.

General 7. (1) TTntil another appointmient is made as herein-

appofn"-*^" after provided, the Attorney-General of Ontario shall ex ment made. ^^^{0 be the Public Trustee.

Qualifica- tion.


(2) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint n member of the Par of Ontario, to be the Public Trustee, and may appoint such persons as officer?, clerics and servant? in the office of the public truster, n? mav be necessary for the purposes of this Act.

(^) The salarie? or other remuneration of the Public Trustee and of the officers, cleric? and servants in his office, shall be fixed bv the Lieutenant-Governor in Council and may be navable out of such monevs as mav be appropriated bv the Leffislature for that purpose, or out of anv fund established under this Act. a? the Lientenant-GovemoT mav from time to timte direct.

to"eilcheated ^' ^^ addition to the duties imposed upon him bv Thr estates. Crown Admmisfrafion of TJatntps Art and TJip Chnritim Accountino Act. 1915. as amended bv this Act, it shall bo the duty of the Public Trustee to malce enouiries from time to time as to propertv which has escheated, or becomie for- feited for anv cause to the Crown, or in which the Crown as represented by the Province of Ontario, mav be interested, and all persons shall furnish to tho Public Trustee such in- formation as he may require, and in default of so dolmr .shall be liable to a penalty not exceeding $100.



9. Vnv tlio jtnrposc^ of aiiv ciiuuirv under section S, thePowersin,

I) 1 )• T 1111 111 ' 1-1 1 conductinu

1 lltillc 1 fU-tcc, -iiiill ji;i\c ;||| the pi-wci'S wluch niav be con- enquiry.

ferred upon a ('<iiiiiiii--inii(i- miilfr The Pnhlic I'Juquiries Rev stait. Act. . "• 18-

10. The Public Trustee m;i\ . \\ irli his consent in writing, Acting as )e appointed hv a ]»er~nn or court, to act as executor or ad-or adminis-

niinistrator, in ihc -aiuo manner and with the same rights/'"''***"" l)ii\V(r>. .Ill lies and liabilities as an executor or administrator ill otiier cases, but it shall not be necessary for the Public Trustee to give security for the discharge of his duties as executor or administrator.

11. (1) The Pijblic Trustee, by that name or by other ^cce^ptance ;?ufficient description with his consent in writing, may betionof appointed to bo trustee of any will or settlement or other instrument creating a trust or duty, and may be so appointed whether the will or settlement or other instrument creating the trust or duty was made or came into operation before or after the passing of this Act, and either ais an original or as a now tni-^foe, or as an additional trustee, in the same manner iiinl liv rlie same person or court as if he were a private irn-icc, with tlii- addition that though the trustees originally appointed were two or more, the Public Trustee may be appointed sole trustee.

(2) Where the Public Trustee has been appoin,'ted aRetij-ement trustee of any tin4. the co-trustee may retire from the trusttrustee. in accordance wiili .-cciion 3 of The Trustee Act, notwith- standlnir that there are not more than two trustees, andRev. stat. without such consent as is required by that section. °" ^^^"

12. Su])jcci to the regulations, the Public Trustee may Employ- employ solicitors, bankers, accountants, brokers and such soUcitors. other persons as he may consider necessary. ^^^'

13. (1) Thero shall be a charge in respect of the duties Pees and

1 chsirfiros for

of Public Tnistco by way of percentage or otherwise, as ralay support of be {)rcs<Til)c«l liy the ni:ii hit ions, and such fees shall be col-"'^''*-"' lected aii'l acounted for by such ]>ersons, and in such tnannor, and shall bo paid to such account as the regulations

iii;i\- 'lirect.

(2) Any expenses which might be retained or paid out of J*J>«2J|» trust property, if the Public Trustee were a private trustee, to^be^^^ shall bo ' ;iii.l paid, and fees shall be retained and

|)aid in In ' m itmoi'. and in addition to such expenses.


KearrunicP- nii>nt of ret'M H<> HH to make oftlco icelf- Huni'ortlnK

14. (1) Tho f<Hs payable in the office of the Public

'I'nistj'r- shall 1k' arraii^nl from time to tiim^ as far a< }>og- sible, MO as to |M'o<Iiic4' an aiinnal umoiint Hufficieiit to dig- ••har^e the sahirica atnl nihor expenses incidental to the office of Public Triifitee, and siibject to the regulations, may in- (•lud<» such .sun»H as may from tiraie to time be determine<l, for the purpose of forming an assurance fund against loss under this Act.


(2) The regulations may provide for the payment into a separate bank account of all moneys received for fees, charges and expenses in the office of Public Trustee to the credit of a special fund, and for the payment out of such fjind of the salaries or other remuneration, and the expenses of the Public Trustee and the officers, clerks and servants in his office.

JMoney received under Rev. .Stat. c. 73.

. (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in The Crown Adminisfraflon of Estates Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may direct that moneys coming to the hands of the Public Trustee under that Act or any part of the .same, shall li(5 placed to the credit of the special fund and applied to the |)urpos('s (»f subsection 2.

Payment over of balances.

(4) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may from time to time direct the payment into the Consolidated Revenue Fund ot' iiiiv biiliuice at tlio credit of the said fund.

Mainei of (.,) Pavmcuts luto and out of the said fund shall be made

paying into . ' , , , ,. ,

and out of m sncli luaiincr and sul)iect to such conditions as mav be fund. -1 1 ^1 1 I.''

l)rescril)C(i in tlio regulations.

Consoli- dated Revenue to be liable for losses.

15. All sums reipiii'cd to discharge any liability which the Public Trustee, if he were a private trustee, would be per- sonally liable to discharge, shall be made good out of the Consolidated Revenue P'und. except where the liability is oiie to which neither the Public Trustee or any of his officers has in any way contributed, and which he or any of his officers could, by the exercise of reasonable diligence, have avoided, in which case the Public Trustee shall not. nor shall the Consolidated Revenue Fund, be subject to any liability.

Charitable 1®. The Public Trustee mav accept and administer anv tr^u^sts"*'"'' charitable or public trust.

17. The Lieutenant-Governor in Coimcil may make regu- lations:


(a) respecting the ofRee of Public Trustee, and pre- Regulations, scribing the trusts or duties lie is authorized to accept or undertake, and the security, if any, to be given by the Public Trustee and his officers ;

(h) for fixing the fees and charges in the office of the Public Trustee and the application and disposal of the same ;

(c) the transfer to and from the Public Trustee of any

property ;

(d) the accounts to be kept and the auditing thereof;

(e) for the establishment of an assurance fund by the

payment of fees on the business of the office of the Public Trustee, for the purpose of meeting any losses for which the office of Public Trustee may be liable;

(/) for constituting a committee or board for the super- vision of the investments or other dealings with property, by the Public Trustee, and for pro- viding for the remuneration by fees, or other- wise, of the members of such committee ;

(fl) generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.

18. This Act shall come into force on a day to be named commence- liv flic Lieutonant-Govcnior bv his Proclamation. Act.


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Xo. 72. . 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Voters' Lists Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Ontario Voters' Lists Act, Chapter 6 of thoRev. stat. lt<'vised Statutes of Ontario, is amended by inserting' afteram;n^ed. section 24 the following sections :

24a. Provided that if an election, plebiscite or referen-Members dum is held under and by virtue of this Actvottngiii within the Province of Ontario after the current^^ere^"^* year's voters' lists have been made up and certi-"*'?)*" tied, every member of the Canadian Expedi-^rom lists, tionary Force ordinarily domiciled in Ontnrio. whose name is not on such list, by reason of \u- absence from Ontario on active service at the time of the last yoters' list where he ordinarily resides was compiled as aforesaid, shall never- theless have the right to vote at any election, plebiscite or referendum, notwithstanding the fact that his name is not on the voters' list for his polling subdivision, on production to the Deputy Tleturning Officer in charge of such polling place of his honourable discharge from the Canadian Expeditionary Force at a date subsequent to the certification of the said voters' list; or, if he has not been so discharged, on making oath or affirmation in the form in the Schedule to this Act to the effect that he is still a member of the Cnnadian ExperHtionary Force: that he has not yet been discharged and that his name is not gn the voters' list for liis polling subdivision by reason of his absence on active military service with the Canadian Expedition- ary Force at the time the said voters' list "was compiled ;



i^n*ity'o»' 24/>. Kvery rctiirnin;:; officer, deputy returning officer

t-irardint and poll clerk shall give effect to the intent of

the next preceding secAuni, under penalty of ii fine not lesn than $20 and not exceeding $100, on conviction before a magistrate for refusing to allow such soldier to record his vote in any elecfioii. i>lobi-rito or referendum as aforesaid.


I. A <. B of the

of In the Ooiinty of in the Prov- ince of Ontario, declare:

(1) That I am a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force and returned to Canada on the 191 .

(2) That I have examined the Voters' List of Polling Subdivision

where I ordinarily reside, and find that my name Is

not on the list of voters for the said polling subdivision.

(3) That the reason that my name ia not on such Voters' List Is because of my absence from Ontario with the Canadian Expedition- ary Force.

(4) That I have not , yet been discharged from the Canadian Ex- peditionary Force and am a duly (nialified elector and am properly entitled to vote at this (election, plebiscite or referendum).

Declared before me at



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No. 73.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS ^IA.7P]STV. by ami willi the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Municipal Act is amended by adding the follow- ing as section 410a :

Rev. Stat., c. 192, amended.

410a. By-laws may be passed by the councils of towns Location of having a population of not less than 5,000 for ^p^^^^^I^*^ the purposes set out in paragraph 1 of 'section R^^ 'sees. 410 as amended by section 1 1 of The Mnnicipdl Amendment Act, 1918.



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T^o. 74.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 413 of The Municipal Act is amended byRev. stat., striking out the words "separated towns and townis in n nor- amended^ ^^' ganized territory " and substituting therefor the word " towns " and by adding the following clause:

{d) A by-law of a county passed under this paragrapli licensing shall not have force in a town which has passed second-hand a by-law for a similar purpose. ^ ""^^


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y... 7.". 1919.


An Act to amend The Surrogate Courts Act.

HIS MA-.I I^ST^', liv ;iii(| with the :i(l\ ire iiiid (•(.n-ciil («t' the Legislative AsseniMy of the Pri)\iuc'e of ()iitiiri<i, eiiiiets as follows:

1. Section •i'.' "t 7'Ar Surroiinlc ('aiirls Ad i^ aiiieiidetl ^^g^2' s^^eV l»y adding thereto the follo\vini>- as subsectious l-'J, 14, 15 amended, and 16.

(l-'j) On anv pruccedinii- under this section the .Judge Appncation

,•*,.. ^ » . 11 ^°'" order

on the application oi any party interested and allowing: who is desirous of having at the hearing of the application or the adjudication on the claim the testimony of any person or persons residing out of OniiiriM. includinii tlic ;ipplicant or any of the interested parties, may order the issue of a Conmiission out of and under the Seal of the Court to a Commissioner to take the evidence of such person or persons.

(14) In case it is made to apjK-ar to the dudgo that aJudgemay

material and necessary witness, re-dding in On- order tario, is sick, aged or infirm or is about to leave ^PJ^ra*'^^ Ontario and that his attendance as a witness can- ^^ take

, , testimony,

not 1)0 procured the .Judge may make an oni(M'

appointing a suitable per^^on to take his tt^sti-

mony dn bene esse and provide to whom notice

of such examination is to he given.

(15) The parties interested shall have the right to issue Right to

subpoenas out of the court (before th(» •T«idge^»«\J'jfQ^jy^^ of which proceedings under this sei-tion are out of pending) to enforce the attendance of witnesses within Ontario to give evidence on any ]>rooeed- ing under this section.



Rule* of 8upr«m« Court shall apply.

( IG) The provisions of the Kulee of the Supreme Court 80 far as the same are applicable shall apply to every application for such commission or order for examination; the issue, execution, enforce- ment and return thereof and the Judge shall have power to award costs of all such proceed- ings according to the tariff in force from tinu to time for like services in county courts.



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No. 76. 1919.


An Act to amend The Municipal Drainage Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with tlie advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection 9 of section 9 of The Municipal Drainage Rev. stat.. Act is amended by adding thereto the folldulni: words: (b) amended

" If the engineer is unable to file his report within theTimefor

time specified, the referee on the application of ""engin^en engineer fo» an extension of time, may extend the time for the filing of the report, and shall notify the council of such extension. This pro- vision shall apply to petitions for drainage tiled since the first day of April, 1918."

2, Subsection 10 of section 9 of the said Act is amended Rev. stat.. by adding the words " or referee " after the word " council " (10)^' *' ' in the third line. amended.


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No. 77. 1910.


An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the adviee and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. Snbsection (2) of section 69 of The Municipal A cl c. 192, ^69, is repealed and the foIlowini>' snhstitntod therefor: peaied."

(2) At the nomination meeting, or at any time bofcn-e Resignation five o'clock in the afternoon of the following day. nominated. or, if that day is a holiday, before noon of tlic succeeding day, any person nominated for one or more offices may resign or may elect for which office he is to remain nominated; and in dcfjuilt he shall be deemed to be nominated I'nv tlic <>lHcc for which he was first nominated.

2. Subsection f4) of the said seel ion (V.) of the said Artf.Y^i,^'''^" U hereby amended bv striking out the word "nine" in the*'- ^^ ^.V;

: ' ... ... amendPil.

-fcond line thereof and substituting therefor the wm.! •• ji\ c."

3. Section 73 of the said .\«'f is aniciulcd by sti'ikin<.> out Uov. si.t.. the wor<ls "is a Sunday and in that <'a<e on the following^' 73'' day" in the eighth liiu^ thereof and inserliuu: the followimi''"""" ''"'• words in lien thereof:

"is a Saturday or a Snn<liiy iind in ili;il i ii^c <in llie preceding Friday."

4. Section 400 of the said .Vet is ;ini('nd('<j liv Mldin.' ilic ." ini'. ' ' following thereto as paragraph 2/: ninen'ii.<i.

■Jf. Paragraph 2 of this seciioi, -Imll ;,lso npnlv i.. t(Mi?<./,V'f;"'„"/ion awnintjs, or other siujilar covoi-iniis for bitsinesH*>rnwninsr».

tcntM f*tf*.

purfK)ses ami buiMings for the hoiisinir of motor trnckfl or apparatus used in :in\ tnnk .11:1 •(• bu~iness. Init tlii'- p;ll';iL!l';i|'!i -I'.ill n •! ;ti'l''>' '"



Rev. Stat. c. 192. M. 413, par. 1,

7 Oeo. V, e. 42. H. 16. i-ep«*aled.

.iiiy HiU'h tent, awninji; or iMiiidiii^ Avliit'li \va> (»n t\u' \h{ (lav of May, 1!)1J>, orj-cU'd or ii!*<*<l for any such |iur]KjHe w> Jong it in ii8c<l ji> a building which was on the Ist <lay of April, 1911), erected or ummI for any such purpose so long as it is used as it was used on tiiat day.

5. Paragraph 1 of scnrtion ii'.j of the said Act is iitnciidcd hy iiisriiiiii; the words " jnnk yards " after th<* \v.>r.| >li..|.>" ill thf sffoiid liiir tlii-rvM.f.

6. Chnix {!() nf piiragraph 1 of station I'm,,/ , i ij,, .,,i(l Act is rf'p«':il(M| iuid tin* foUowiiiii; -nil»stitnit«i tlicrcji.r : - -

(a) For the piirp<»s(' of tliis paragraph, a public garage shall include a building or place where motor cars are hired or kept or used for hire or where such cars or gasoline nr oils arc store<l or kept for sale, and a building usc<l iis jiii Mutnin.iliib' repair shoj).

Rev. Stat., c. 192. .s. 464. am«»n(led.

T. Section I<'»1 ,.1' the said Act is aincndc<l

tlitTcto tbc t'(.ll.i\s iiii: ;is siib.i^ection (fi) :

ii\ aMdiiii:

(('*) Where tlic uli-ti'iictioii, cxcaN ;itinii ..r ..pciiiii- ic ferrcil to in subse<*tion (1) i> liicatcd iij)on ])riv- atclv t.wiicd land immediately a«ljaccnt to and apitarciitly forming part of any highway, the corporation may by by-law re<piirc the ownei- of such land, within a time tixed therein, to remove such obstruction or to fence and securely protect such excavation or opening and. in thi- event of such by-law not being complied with within the time fixed therein, the said corpora- tion may enter on such land and remove such obstruction or fence and securely prote<'t such excavation or opening and may it n\< i- tbc ciwi thereof from the owner of the land a- a <1) bi in any court of competent jnrisdicticn.




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No. 78.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS M A.I I'.STW In and with tlic advice and consent of I he Kcaishitive Assiinhlv of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Snhsecfion 2 of .-cctiMn :>:', iA' The Minilriudl Acl i< i. , . aincndc(l hv adding thereto the followino- (dausc: ',-'!'■

((j) Of his being a part owner <>r jniiit owner of vacant

land in respect of vvlii<di taxes are in an-ear- J:^''«'"V.''"" where the conncil of the corporation has hviuaUflca- resolution declared that clause (s) of subsection non-pay- 1 shall not apply so as to dis(|nalifv a joint t'Mv"s?n owner or part owner of any >ii(di xjcani land |^!^'^'j!,'" until after the Ist day of June, 1921.








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No. 79.



An Act to amend The Planning and Develop- ment Act.

HIS ^lAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Proviuce of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 6 of The Plannhuf. and Development Act iSc^l^s^e amended by adding the following subsections thereto : amended!


(6) Any person surveying and subdividing into lotsFeetobe

any land situated within the boundaries of any ^ app*ro vai city shall pay to the treasurer of such city at**^"^*"- the time of the application for the approval of the council thereof a fee of five cents per foot frontage for all land surveyed and subdivided by such plan and fronting upon any highway already existing or laid out upon such plan, and the council may withhold its approval of such plan until payment of the proper fees pay- able hereunder;

(7) In the event of any dispute as to the amount ofp'sputea*^

fees payable under the foregoing subsection, the of fees, same shall be referred to the board, whose deter- mination with relation thereto shall be final and binding.


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All Act respecting the Establishment of Coni- iiiunity Halls and Athletic Fields in Rural Districts.

IS M A.I MS'IA', l>v jiml willi ilic jiiUirr ;iihI coii-cni o llio Lfiiislativo Assnulilx <if the l'ro\ ipcc t<\ ()iil;irit»


(•iin''t< ;i< f'i!!(i\vs :

1. riiis Act iiiiiv Itc cited ;is '/'he ( 'oiinniiiiil 1/ I fulls , I r/, Sliort titu-. /.V/.V.

^. in llllft .\ci, tatlon.

(a) " Minister'' shall mean Minister «•(" A^^rlculiiii'e : •Ministtr."

(/>) *' Keffulations " shall mean rcij-nlations niyde under ''^®8^V,'*" the authority of this Act.

3, (1) T\h' -Minister niav ui'iii! aid to the imiuicinnl <^'"«"t to . ,.„•■. . . ' . township

corporation ot a township tor tlio piir])os<' ot assistinji nifoicom- providini? for a eoinnmnity hall and the estahlisliinent and "n.Vathi<'«U(! lavinir out in connection therewith (d' an athletic li(dd. Imt "*"'*'• sMch irratit shall iK»t exceed an amount equal to twenty-live per cent, of the cost of the huildin^r or of thai part of the huildiiiir desipu'd for a counuunity hall and e\clii-i\i' nf tlic cost of the lands required for huildinus and ji»round>. imr -hall such irratit exceed the sum of $-J.()(K) in any one case.

I l' I I lie Liraiit shall he pavalde niil ut such sums as niavH"w 1 1 1 1 T 1 J" 1 r !• ' l'a>«''l<'-

he appropriated hy tno Lepslature tor the purpose ot aniinji;

in the estahlishment of eommunity halls.

4. All the property aequired for the j)urii<i~(- ,1 tjii- ^''^ vested in shall, except as hereinafter provided, he vested in the iiiuiii-'"^^"''*''^-

.•iiifd c/.riKirMt Till) of tlie towusliip.

5, ( 1 ) I he council ot a townsliip may hy hydaw provide ny-iaws. for the estahlishment of a eommunity hall and athletic ti»dd


ill a<M*(»r(iiiiirc with llic |ii-<>\ i>I(.ii.- iif tlii- Act. ;iiiil for «Mitcr iil^ into Jill ;il:I( cnicni with th*- cMiHicil ..t aii\ ;i<l joJiiiiiL' tiiwiislii|» (If \ill;iiji- loi- the Jtiiiit ii-c (if tlic foiiiiiniiii! V hall ;inil ;ilhlclii' iicM h\ ihi- i iihahi taut- of the iiiiiiii<-i|»alit ic- iij)oii such l( riii- .■l^ to CMiitrihiilii.n i,. ihc c-i of ilic liall ari'l athiefic lirhl ainl to till- iiiaiutciiaiicc thereof mav h.

agreed upon, but iiotw ith-taiKlin;^ aii\ .-iich a.irrff»rnoiii tin aid to be granted mi<h r this Act .-hall not exceed the amount mentioned in section 3.

iKi.eiitures. (2) The Corporation of the townshii* may issue dj-heu tnros for the purposes of subsection 1 in the nianner ]>]■■' vided by The Municipal Act

Board of manage- tnent.

6. (1) Ev^ry community hall and athletic iield e-tal.- lished by the corporation of a township under this Act >ha!l be under the management and control of a board aiii»ninte(l by tlie council r^ the township composed as follows:

(a) Two "^embers of the township council ; and

(6) Five members selected by the council from amongst the officers of the local organizations in the township, not being religious or fraternal organizations, for the use of which hall is estab- lished, and in selecting such representatives the council shall have regard to the contribution l>v each organization to the erection and mainten- ance of the community hall.


(2) The council may fill any vacancy arising on th<" board from among the class of representatives jn \vhicli the vacant'v occurs.

Term of office.

(3) The representatives of the township council shall be appointed annually and shall hold office until their succes- sors are appointed, and every other officer of tlio board shall hold office for two years from the dat« of his apj)'>intnK'nt and ur*\l his successor is appointed.

7. Any municipal corporation entering intd an asnreement laations. "'or the joint use of a community hall and athletic field, and a»iy of the societies or other bodies by which the community hall may be used under the regulations, may make £rrant.< out of any moneys in their hands in aid of the erection and maintenance of a community hall and athletic field estab- lished under this Act.


Aid from local orgran

8. The Minister shall have power to make grants to the Agreements board of trustees of any consolidated school which provides soiidated athletic grounds of satisfactory area, and a community hall boards.

in or in connection with the school, on the same terms as herein set forth, except that such grounds and community halls shall ho managed and conducted under the regulations of the Department of Education, and such property shall be vested in the board of the consolidated school, provided al- ways that the community halls and athletic grounds shall be available for the purposes permitted by the regulations.

9. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, upon the recom- Regulations, uiendation of the ^finister, may make rciiuhitions respecting

the terms and conditions upon which aid may be granted under this Act, the uses to which a community hall may be l)ut, and the accommodation which may be provided therein, and generally for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.

10. This Act shall- come into force and take effect on thecommence- day upon which it shall receive the Royal Assent. Act



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No. 81.



AaAct to amend The Public Schools Act.

His MAJESTY, by and with the advioe and consent of tho Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor

Subsection 2 of section 55 of The Public Schools^^X'af^Kr

C. 266, S. Ob, subs. 2, repealed.


Any ratepayer in a municipality who is a BritishSonof*^* subject and who resides in the municipality, org^^^") in the case of a city, within one mile from thetrusteea. boundaries of the municipality, and who is of the full age of twenty-one years and not dis- qualified, may be elected a public school trustee, and every trustee, except as otherwise herein provided, shall continue in office until his suc- cessor has been elected and a new board organ ized, but no person who is not a British subject shall be elected or competent to act as trustee.

(2) The anieiulniont mientioned in anbse^'tifm 1 sluill takeCpmmenc*-

■" ment of

effect &9 from the Ist day of January, 1919.







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0. 81. 1919.


An Act to amend The Public Schools Act.

HIS ^lAJESTY^, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1.— (1) Subsection 2 of section 55 of The Puhlic 'S'cAoo/sRev stat.

^ ' « . , « C. Zoo, 8. OOt

Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor: subs. 2,

' '^ .__ irepealed.

(2) Any ratepayer in a municipality who is a British^onof^*" subject and who resides in the municipality, or^^^^^j in the case of a city or town, within one mile from^ustees. the boundaries of the municipality, and who is of the full age of twenty-one years and not dis- qualified, may be elected a public school trustee, and every trustee, except as otherwise herein provided, shall continue in office until his suc- cessor has been elected and a new board organ- ized, but no person who is not a British subject shall be elected or competent to act as trustee.

(2) The amendment mentioned in subsection 1 shall takeCommenc*-

f e 1 -1 /•-r ■* rn r^. mentor

Tect as from the 1st day of January, 1919. B«ction.




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No. 82.



An Act . enable Women to he Elected to the


HIS MA.I ^:S'^^'. I.v :nu\ with the ;l.lvi,-c ;iii,l collMMiI nf the L('<iishiii\c As-cinlily of ilic I'rox inct^ of OiiUirio. enacts as follows :

1. This Act may he riicl as Thr WniHri,'.^ .I.s-.sv',,,/;/,/^'^^'-' ii''«- ^ ualijiraHon Act, iOlf).

2. Section 11 of The ()nini'n> J'JIcrlioii Acl i> anieinlcdHev. stat.

c. 8 s. 11

by strikinc: out the word "male" in the first line thereof : amended! and every woman who is of tlie fnll auo of twenty-one yoars-\^'omen and is a British snhjeet by birth or natnralization resident ^^c't^d to in Ontario, who is not disqnalified by The Lefjislafive'^-^- Assemhh/ Act. or by any othor Act. shall bo qnalified to bo nj^^j' s*®^' candidate for election to the Asfiembly.

8. Section 7 of The Legislative Assembly Act ia repealed R«v. fltat, and the following substituted therefor: repealed,'

7. The person qualified to be olectofl nnd to ?it and vote?,^*^J,^°** as members of the Assembly shall be any "ial^Xs*"jSbiJ°' or female persons of the fnll asre of twenty-one yearawho are British snbjects by birth or natn- ralization resident in Ontnrio. and not disquali- fied by this or any othei- A<-t fiMin cIcmIoh to jIh' Assembly.

4. For the purposes of this Act n male person shall not J{*fj"^* „**" be deemed to be a British snbject by natnralization. nnless

he was naturalized prior to the 12th day of April. 1917, or has since become naturalized under section 2 of The Nnfural- jization Arf. 101 14. and

5. For the purposes of thi- Af^f n female person >ha1] bi- „,|'f,"„ ,,,

deemed to be a British subject Bruuh'*"'

I subject. 81


(a) If she was born a British subject and is uninarried, or is married to a British subject and has not become a subject of any foreign power ; or

(6) if she has herself been personally nat\iralized as a British subject and has not since become the subject of a foreign power; or

(c) she has become a British subject by marriage or by the naturalization as a British subject of her parent while she was a minor, and in either caso has done nothing to forfeit or lose her status as a British subject, and has obtained a certific-ato under the signature of a Judge of the Supreme Court or of a County or District Court, under , the seal of the court, certifying that such femal*' person is of the full age of twenty-one years, ha-^ resided in Canada a sufficient length of time and is possessed of all requirements necessary' to entitle her, if unmarried, to become naturalized as a British subject, and that she has taken the oath of allegiance to His Majesty.

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No. 83.



An Act to enable Women to be Elected or ' Appointed to Municipal Offices.

HIS M A.I EST V, bv and wirh the advice and consent of rho Legislative A<-einhly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act limy he cited a-^ I'/ir W'omPn'fi M mi Ir I pal short title. Q tin lifica Hon Act, 1919.

2. Xotwithst-anding anythin<i in any other -\cf (•(^ntained.^onof'^^ a woman may be elected or appointed a membei- of ;i iiinni^y^fj,"p^°j" cipal cotmcil and may sit and vote therein, and may beo*c«- ele<-te<l or appointed to any mnnicipal office, or as a member

of any board, commission or other lx)dy eonstitnted nnder any general or special Act of this Legislature for mnnicipal pnrposes, in the same manner, and on the same terms, and under the same conditions as to qualification and otlierwise, as in tht> case of a man, but where property qualification is rcfpiired for membershij) in a municipal council, or for any office, the (pialification of a woman shall be as owner or tenant in lier own riglit to the anvtuni ^et out in the ]>ro- vision requiring such qualification.


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No. 84. 10 JO.


An Act to render Farmers' Wives and Daughters Eligible as Members of School Boards.

HIS .MAJES'l'Y, bv aiul with the advice and consent of the l^egislativo A>^-nnl)ly of the i'rovince of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act njav he cited as Tlic W'lincii's L'tirnl School Shoi-t t\iU: Hoard Qualification Art. 1919.

2. Snh>ectiun :'> of stvtioii 41» ol' 'I'/ir I'liljlir Sr/iool-^ > ^'^ ^H««^!;''V.. Is repcnled and the frdlowinj; .nnhstituted therefor: subs. 3.

' '^ repealed.

(3) The persons qnalified to he elected trustees shall heQuaiittca- such persons as are British subjects, of the full trustees in a^e of twenty-one year.<, not disqualified under Jecfions. this Act and who are

(a) resident ratepayers or resident farmers' ^«^-2^^^'- «ons within the meanin*? of Thf }fiiniripal Act. or

(h) the wives and daughters of farmers assessed Rev. stat. as owners and actual occupants of farms ^r^thin the meaninp: of Thr Asspssmrnf Art where such wiv(>s and daughters are resident

on faniiB with their husbands or fathers.


and no person not so qnalified shall he elected or competent to act as tmstee. #



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No. 85.



An Act to amend The Public Health Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by. and with tlif advice and consent of the Legislatire Assembly of the Pmx iiHc of Ontsu-io, enacts as follows:

1. Section 2'> of llie J^vhlir lleaUh Arl is amended by^e^^gStat_ addinjof thereto the followinj^ subsection: amended.

(3) A certificate from the clerk of the municipalityReKistration setting forth the cost of the paid conveniences of charge's and a description of the land- npin which theungsan*- same were made may be roistered in the pro])er^n^en°"ej, registry or land titles office against the said lands on proper proof by affidavit of the signature of the said clerk.





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No. 85.




An Act to amend The Public Health Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by niul wifh tlic advice and consent of the Lcu;islative Asscnildv of llio Province of Ontario, ciiacis as follows:

1. beciion 2r> of The Public JlcniUi Act is amended bv^ev-stat

11-1 1 i" II 1 ' ^- 218, s. 2...

auding thereto the lollowmjji; subsection: amended.

('*) A cortificafn fn»iii tlm clerk of tlio iniinicipalitN' Registration setting forth the cost of the said convcniencesof charges and a description of fhc lands upon whicji tboiin'gsanl- same were made shall be registered in the pi'oi)or^^^g*^j,°"'j. registry or land titles office against the said lands on proper proof bv affidavit of the signatnre of the said clerk l^^and upon payment in full of the cost of the said convenrences a like certificate from the city clerk shall be registered and the lands shall thereupon be freed from all liability with reference thereto. "^^E





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No. 86. 1919.


An Act to amend The Local Improvement Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by ami with the a.lvice and consiiil oi the Legishitivo Assembly of the I*im\ ince of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 20 of The Local Improvement Act is amended Rev.^stat. by adding thereto the following as subsection (2) : amended.

(2) In all municipalities where such guarantee is re-^l^j^^,®"*^ quired where any local improvement is under-anceto taken by the corporation and constructed by dayiimpe^r?°° labor, the corporation may assess as part of the^®°"°"°" cost thereof a reasonable allowance to make good any imperfections therein due to materials, workmanship or construction durinp; the life- time thereof as fixed by the rnnii .f Revision, the amount of sut^h allowance to be subject to revision by the Court of Revision;

2. Section 47 of the said Act is amended by inserting afterc. 193. s. 47, the word " therewith " in the second line thereof the follow-*"®"^®^" ing words, namely, " land used as a cemetery or burying ground."


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N^o. 87. 1919.


An Act to amend The Factory, Shop and Office Building Act.

HIS jMAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 52 of The Factory. Shop aiid Office Building ^l^-^^^^^- Act is amended by adding thereto the following subsection : s- ^2,

^ ' amended.

(2a) In a city having a population of 50,000 or over Taking in

(a) !N"o person shall receive for manufacture. S^n/ui

alteration or improvement, any garment, ^^"d."

article of clothing or wearing apparel, or any part thereof or material from which the same are to be made np or completed, nntil he has obtained a permit from the in- spector as hereinafter provided ;

(h) ^NTo person shall let out for manufacture, alteration or improvement, any such gar- ment, article of clothing or wearing ap- parel, or any part thereof, or material from which the same are to be made up or com- pleted, nntil he has ascertained that the person to whom the same is to be let out has received such pennit.



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No. 88. J 93 9.


An Act to amend The Municipal Franchises Act.

HIS M A.I EST V, hy an<1 with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Miimcipal Francliises Act is lierchv amended hyHev. stat. inserting after section 3 thereof the following as section 3a: amended".'

3ff. The conncil of a local municipality shall not grant '^"'>"-''^|'t«i" any franchise upon any highway of the mnni city over cipalitv within a radius of five miles of thcwhen boundary of any city of 200,000 inhabitants '■*^^'"*''^^ and upwards without notice to and the approval and consent of the conncil of such city, expressed by by-law and the assent of the municipal electors of such local municipality as provided by the preceding section.




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No. 89. 1919.


An Act to consolidate and amend The Acts Res- pecting Stationary and Hoisting Engineers.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Stationary and Hoisting ghort title Engineers' Act, 1919,

2. In this Act interpreta-


(a) " B.H.P. " shall mean boiler horse power or the ^ ^"^' equivalent to the evaporation of 34^^ of water per houi^rom and at 212° 15 sq. ft. heating surface for return tubular boilers, 12 sq. ft. heating surface for locomotive type boilers, 10 sq. ft. heating surface for water tube boilers ;

(h) " Board " shall mean the Board of Exjiminor? ap-"Board," pointed as hereinafter provided ;

Tc) " Hoisting plant " shall mean and include a steam "Hoisting boiler, a boiler and steam engine and every part thereof, working at a pressure of twenty pounds or over irrespective of horse power and u^ed for hoisting in structural operations or exca- vating purposes ;

(d) " Minister " shall mean member of the Executive 'Minister-

Council charged by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council with the administrntion of this Act:

(e) " Steam plant " shall mean and include a steam pf •fl^

boiler, a boiler and a steam pugine and every

part thereof and thing ronnoctod therewith or

used with reference to any sunh boiler or engine*

or under the car© of an engineer. "R.S.O. 1914.

c. 170. 89

Exception*. 8. Nothing in this Act shall applv to the operation of anv steam plant having a capacity of legs than fifty horse-power, nor to steam heating plants operating at a pressure of twenty j^onndfl or nnder, nor to the operation of a locomotive engine or a flteamhoat or steamship engine or n hoist at a mino

or quarry, nor to hm'Tprs HRPfl fnr ;)frrifn]tnrnl piiT-rvAcoB

H.R.O. 1914, e. 170

Board of 4. The Lientenant-Govemor in Council may appoint a ^Suutfon hoard of examiners consisting of fhree competent and inde- r,n<i vAWf.r« ppj^^p^^ engineers practioally conversant with the rr h'on of hoilers and the operation of steam plants, av- liolfl office during pleasure and who, snhject to the n^lati mer^ioned in the next following section shall r *' snh.iects in which candidates for certificate of ns stationary or hoisting engineers shall he examined, and shall conduct or provide for and supervise the examination of candidates and report thereon to the Minister. K.S.O. 1014, c. 170.

Regulations *^- ^^^ Lieu ten ant-Govemor in Council, upon the recom- mendation of the Minister, may make regulations for:

(a) The examination of candidates, the granting of certificates, the classifvinff of the holders of these certificates into ^eir respective crades. and the evidence to be furnished by candidates as to previous training or experience and so- briety and good character:

(h) Determining the time of duration of certificates and their renewal:

(r) T'ixin? the fees to be paid bv candidates unon ex- amination and for certificates and their renewal :

(d) Prescribincr the causes for which a certificate may

be revoked, cancelled, or suspended: and for

(e) "Fixing the fees or other remuneration to be paid

to the members and officers of the board. "R.S.O. 1914, c. 170.

Son"?**" ^- No person shall be elisrible for examination unless he

candidates, js a British subject, or has resided in Canada for at least one year. R.S.O. 1914, c 170.

o/quaiim^- ''• C^) ^^ *^^ recommendation of the board and on pay- tion. ment of the prescribed fees, the Minister may issue cer-

tificates of qualifications to stationary or hoisting engineers, and certificates of registration to plant owners.


(2) Subject to the regulations a certificate may be re- Revocation \ oked, cancelled or suspended by the Minister oii the recom- suspension. Miendation of the board at any time.

\^'a) Every stationary or hoisting engineer shall,, during ^eg^^t^^uon the continuance of his certificate, register with the board onof certifi- or before the 1st day of February of each year on a form to he furnished by the board, and any stationary or hoisting (mgineer who fails to do so shall not continue in charge of a steam plant unless by special permission of the board. R.S.O.

l^^l^.C. 170. Particulara

as to plants X T 1 n 1 1 1 1- 11 to be furn-

1^4) It shall be the duty oi all owners ol steam plants toishedby iidvise the board, on a printed form supplied by this branch on application, of the B.H.P. and steam pressure of their plants, on receipt of which, together with the prescribed fee, the Minister will issue a registration certificate. Any change made in the plant subsequent to registration will iiocessitate a re-registration of same.

(5) It shall be the duty of all engineers and firemen whoAnnuaire- como under this Act to report annually to this board on a ^meers and form which will be supplied, the B.H.P. and-ateam preasun; '''"^"^''"' (if the plant which he is operating.

8, A person who ia not the holder of a certificate shall operating not operate or have charge of any steam or hoisting plant eertiocato. uxcept in case of emergency, when he may be employed in operating any steam plant for a period not exceeding thirty !hvh at any one time. R.S.O. 1914, c. 170.

i*. 1'he board at its discretion may grant a provisional Provisional certificate to be good for a period not to exceed one year to° '^ uny person who holds a stationary or hoisting engineers' certificate from the board of examiners or other duly consti- tuted authority of any other province of Canada. R.S.O. 1914, c. 170.

10. The certificates shall at all times be exposed to view certicates in the engine or boiler-room in which the holder thereof is 5?spuyed.''* employed. The registration certificate to be exposed to view

in the engine or boiler-room also. Failure to keep such cer- tificate exposed shall be prima facia evidence of the lack of ,,„aiif;..„f;oT, under this A^t. "R.S.O. 1914, c. 170.

11. This Act shall not apply to firemen, who have had Application k-~.-i than six months' experience, or other workmen acting other per*- under the personal direction or supervision of any engineer enK liolding a certificate under this Act, who is actually in charge of a steam plant, or to the employees of engine builders or


lan ineers.

Mteuiii plaut contractors engaged in installing, setting up or testing a boiler or steam plant. This section shall not apply lo hoisting engineers. R.S.O. 1914, c. 170.

M^nftter* ^^' ^^i' P®r8on who deems himself aggrieved by the de-

from Board, eision of the board may appeal therefrom to the Minister,

upon giving such notice as the Minister may prescribe and

the decision of the Minister shall be final. R.S.O. 1914,

e. 170.

Annual re- 13. Tho board shall on or before the 15th day of Nov-

portof . i%r.. ... 1

Hoard. ember in every year make to the Minister a report in writing for the year ending on the Slst day of October of the previous year, .showing:

(a) The number of certificates granted;

(b) The number of applications for certificates refused

and the causes for refusal ;

(c) The number of certificates revoked, cancelled or

suspended, an.l the causes for the same;

(d) The amount of fees received from candidates or

holders of certificates;

(i'.} Tho muiilxr of lK>ilei'8 registered during the year;

(/) The amount of fees received from plan I owners for registration purposes;

(g) Such other matters as may be directed by the Minister or the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. R.S.O. 1914, c 170.

Right to 14. (a) Any member of the board, on presentation of

premises, authority in writing, signed by the Minister, may enter any premises wherein he has reason to believe there is a steam or hoisting plant and make such inspection as may be neces- sary to determine whether the provisions of the Act are be- ing complied with.

ftft'el^fering' (^) "'^^.^' P^rsou who interferes with or obstructs a mem- ber of the board in the exercise of the powers conferred on him, shall incur a penalty not exceeding $100.

without / \ T-i 'IT.

certificate. (a) Exccpt as pr.ovided m section 8, operates a steam

or hoisting plant as the engineer in charge there- to

of without the certificate required by this Act, or employs or permits any person to operate a steam or hoisting plant as the enj^neer in charge without such certificate ; or

(b) Is guilty of a contravention of subsection 4 of section Y, shall incur a penalty of not less than $10, nor more than $25. R.S'.O. 1914, c. 170.

10. It shall be the duty of the inspectors of factories to factory in- assist in the enforcement of this Act, to report to the board ■''''^*' °^' any violation thereof, and to furnish to the board such in- foimation as they may have as to the conduct and capability of any person holding or applying for a certificate. K.S.O. 1914, e. 170.

17. The penalties provided by this Act shall be recover- J'g®^."*^*!:^^!^ able under The Oniarin Summary Convictions Act. R^v^st

C. 90.

18. The Stationary and Hoisting Engineers' Act '*^i^g^®j^Q.*f J; chapter 170 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1914; the v.,c. 28. and Act passed in the 4th year of His Majesty's I'eign, chaptered 20. b. i7 " 28; and section 17 of The Statute Law Amendment Ad/®^®*^^''- lOlo, are repealed.

19. This Act shall eoine into force on the Ist day of Se™tTf"*^^" .humarv. 1920. * Act.



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No. !M). 1910.


An Act respecting Consolidated Schools.

HIS MAJESTY. 1»\ aiid with the advice and consent of tlie I.ejrislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The Consolidated Schools s\iot\.m\^. A rt, 1919.

2. Section 36 of The Public Schools Act is repealed andJ^^gVe?^^' ' the following substituted therefor : ■• ^^^j^^


16. (1) For the i)urj)08e of establishing and maintain- ^^^""^^^J^"** ing consolidat<'d schools agreements may be sideratton. entered into tMi- the consolidation of school sec- tions, union sclux)l sections or incorporated villages, or union school sections coni]K>sed of portions of townships and incorporated villages or portions of incorporated villages, or for the consolidation of any of these with any of the others.

! 2) Where the council of a township deems it desirable Provisional for the i)urpo8es of facilitating the establishment gcho^o°"° of a consolidated school, that a school section in ^^^t'o"- the township should be divided, the council may, at any time, by by-law, divide such school section into two or more provisional school sections, and for the puriK)se of entering into an agreement under subsection 1, each part of the section so divided shall be deemed a separate school 8e<;tion, but suoh division shall not have effect or apply for any other school purpose until a consolidated school section has been established as provided in this section.


Approval of ratepayers.


( '/ ) I pon the efitabliHliniciit •>( .1 'oiinojidated school section including pnii •i the section 80 divided, tlio council of tiic lownship mav by by-law annex the remaining jxjrtion of the section to any contiguous school section or may constitute it a separate school section.

he agreement shall not he executed or take eflFe*- until the same has been approved by the rat< ])ayer8 of each section, and of any village 01 (inion school section or provisional sdiool sectioi: |t;irtv thereto in the manner folluwiiiL'. that is '-

Apportion- ment and distribution of assets and liabil- ities.


id) In the case of a school section or provisional .school se<^tion or a union school section which does not include an iinMr|»orated vil lage or any part of an incori)orated villagt by a resolution of the ratepayers at a speciitl meeting duly called for that purpose;

(h) Tn the case of a village, by a vote of tli' ratepayere who are public school supporter? in the village, upon a question to be sub- mitted in the manner provided by The Muni cipal Act ;

(c) In the case of a union school section com-

pvi-iiia' ;t I'lu'i <>v :lic wlmlc '<( ;ii\ iM<-(»rp<ir- ated village and a portion of a township

(i) By a resolution of the ratepayers of each school section or portion of a school section included in a union school sec- tion lying in the township, to be passed at a meeting of the ratepayers of the section or portion of the section speci- ally called for that purpose, in the manner provided by this Act with re- spect to public school meetings in rural school sections; and

(ii) By a vote of the ratepayers in the vil- lage or part of a villai!.' included in tho union school section, to be taken in the manner provided by clause h.

(4) The agreement shall provide for tho apportion- ment and distribution of the assets and liabili- ties of the respective boards to be consolidated, and may provide for the levying of a special rate for a term of years in any part of the con- solidated school section, in order to give eflFect


to such apportionment and distribution, or the agreement may provide for such apportionment and distribution and for the fixing of any such special rate by a board of arbitrators, to be com- posed of the inspector, the judge of the county or district court of the county or district, and one person to be named by the council of the local municipality or by the councils of each of the local municipalities in which the consoli- dated school section or any part thereof is situ- ated, and in case the number of arbitrators so chosen is an even number, an additional arbi- trator may be appointed by the Minister.

,}) Where a consolidated school section includes terri-ten-ltory tory lying in two or more townships ire^i^n^^

two or more

(a) the agreement for forming the consolidated school section shall determine what propor- tion of the cost of establishing and main- taining the school shall be borne by each township, or shall provide that s\icli |)ni lii>rtioii shall ho detcrmiiU'il liy the awai'd of the arbitrators mentioned in subsection 2 ; and the same shall Jbe annually raised, lovied and collected upon the pro|)orty liaMc \>< taxation for |)ubli(' school ])ui'- poses in that portion of the consolidated school section lying within the bonndaries

>( \hr

i»\vnsliii»; and


the proportions of the sums to be raised under section 93 for consolidated schools by the corporation of each of the townships interested shall be determined by agree- ment between the corporations of the town- ships, or in default of such agreement, by the board of arbitrators provided for in subsection 3.

(0) Where a (consolidated school section includes adhere

V illftflTO or

village or a portion of a village, the agreement portion of shall determine inciu<>ed.

(a) what proportion of the coet of establishing and maintaining the school shall be borne by the village and by the township or town- siiips, and that the same shall be annnjilly raised, levied and (•ollecte<l by ti»o village aiul li\ i]\c t.iwii-Iiip "I- cacli III" tile lown-



Election of 'trustees where villas Included.

Approval of Minister.

Agreement to be valid after approval.

When to take effect.

->liip- respwtivelv, ii|kiii iIm- |ii(.|»<Tty liable t(» tuxHtion for public .icIkk)! pur|)OseH in I hat portion of the conHolidatcil fU'h^Hil sec- tion lying within the lM>undari<-- ot tli< municipality ;

(b) the proportion of the sums raised under sec- tion 93, which shall be borne by the corpor- ation of the townshij) or of each of the town- ships interested.

Or tiic Mui<'<'nDent shall provide that the matters referred u, ill clauses a and h shall' Im? determined by the

award <»f ilic nrlnfrator- iiniif ioikmI "m siiIkiv- tion 2.

(7) Where a consolidated school se<-t ion includes a village or a portion of a village, the agreement may pro- vide for the election of a member or members of the bojinl of trustees of the consolidated school section by the ratepayers of the village or that por- tion of the village lying within the consolidated school section and for the election of the remain- ing trustees by the ratepayers of that portion of the consolidated school section lying within the township or townships and for the term of office of each of the trustees first elected and their retirement and the election of their successors as far as possible in conformity with the provi- sion-; of subsections 10 and 1 1.

{>>) riic :ii:recin(Mit for consolidation shall not come int.) torcc or take effect until ii has been sub- mit led to and approved by the .Minister, and no application for the establishment of a consoli- dated school shall be considered unless it is re- ceived by the Minister before the 1st day of June in the year in which the ies4)lution approving of the agreement was jMissed.

(9) After the approval of the jigreeniCnt by the Minister.

it shall not be open to (piestion upon the ground that the prm'cdure prescril^ed by this section has not been followed or that there has been any irr<\anlavity or informality in such procedure, or n|Hiii iiiiv other ground whatsoever.

(10) Tpon the approval of the agreement in writing by

the ^Minister the agreement shall tiike effect forth- with, and thereupon the territory included in the agreement shall form a consolidated school sec- tion and the first election of a board of trustees for the consolidated school section shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Minister.


(11) Subjcvi u> ilic icrnis of any agreeimeut euteredE'ection of into under the provisions of subsection 7, there shall be elected for the section a board of trustees to be composed of five members, one of whom shall be elected to hold office from the date of the first election until the date of the annual municipal election held in the next year but one after that in which the consolidation takes place, two of wltoni shall be elected to hold ottice until the date of the next annual niunici[)al election held after the first mentioned date and two of whom shall be elected to hold office until the date of the second annual municipal election after the said first m/entioned.date, and thereafter at every annual municipal election a trustee or trustees shall be elected in place of the retiring* member or members of the board and shall hold office for a term of three years and until his or their successor or successors are elected.

(\2) The election of trustees shall be by ballot and shall atei^t'jof,. be held as nearly as may be in thfe same manner as the election of members of a municipal coun- cil, and the secretary and secretary-treasurer of the board, or, in the case of the first election, a ])erson appointed by the inspector shall be the re- turninir officer for such election and all the pro- visions of this Act applicable to the election of school trustees by ballot shall apply as nearly as may he to the election of trustees under this section.

(13) ri)ou ihe electiou of a board of trustees of a con-Dissoiuti..!!

solidated school section, each of the boards in the boards"*^' territory cr)nsolidated shall be deemed to be dis- solved and all the real and personal property veste<l in each of the said boards shall become vested in the board of trustees of the consoli- dated seliool section, and such board shall be a cori)oration by the name of "" The Board of Trustees of Consolidated School "

(inserting name of scho<il) and shall possess all,^^.\','j'',.*^'|"^'' the powers, and ])erform all the duties and be '>"«"'• subject to all the liabilities conferred and im- posed by this Act on the trustees of public schools.

(14) I'ntil a consolidated school is established. thoManage-

board of trustees of the consolidated > 1 1 "^ec- y^^^^^J*/

ti«m shall have the management and cmitrol of^g^abUwh- each of the schools in the territory coiisolidated.mentof and shall have, and mav exercise and jx>rtorm»chooi 90


DlMpoHlng of school property in iiectlonH

Traii.S'portu- tiori of pupils.

Name of sfhiiol.

Apiiroval e-tc.

To be ileemed I III 111 schools for purposes of county and 'provin- cial ffiants.



with reHj>. ' I t.. overy such school, the powers and diitios theretoforo vestod in the board of public school trustees having tlu- <-<.!ttrr>l ;uid manage- ment of the school.

(15) The board of trustees of a consolidated school, with the approval of the Minister, may sell and dispose of the schoolhouses and other soHjkiI prop- erty in the territory consolidated, and the pro- ceeds thereof shall be applied in accordance with the terms of the aji^reement or award referred t<» in subsection 4.

( I 111 Subject to the R(^ulatioij>. ihc hoard of trustee}^ of a consolidated school section may provide for the conveyance of pupils to and from school and for the cost thereof as part of the cost of main- tenance of the school.

(17) The board of trustees, with the approval of the Minister, may select a name for the school.

( IS) The plans of any consolidated school building and the selection of a site therefor shall in every cast- be subject to the approval of the Minister.

(10) For the purposes of the legislative grant for public and separate school purposes and of rlio lounty grant provided for in section 92 every consoli- dated school shall be deemed to be a rural school.

(20) Regulations may be made in the manner pro- vided by The Department of Education Act, providing

(a) for plans and specifications of consolidated school buildings and outbuildings connected therewith ;

(b) for the number of teachers to be employed and the rooms and other accommodation to be furnished in each school;

(c) for equipment and appliances to be pro- vided in the school;

(d) for the apportionment and payment of any sums appropriate by the Legislature for consolidated school purposes, and the appli- cation thereof to the purchase of a site and the erection of school buildings thereon and the expenses of providing means of trans- portation for pupils to and from school.

(21) Thfi trustees of a consolidated school section at<^ha*rman

^ , . . 1 1 . . of board.

their first meeting and at the hrst meeting in each year thereafter for which an election has been held shall elect a chairman.

(22) The secretary of the board, or in the case of theSainnan"'^ ^ first meeting of the board a person appointed by

the Inspector for that purpose, who shall be a ratepayer in the consolidated school section, shall pres'ide at such election, and in case an equal number of votes shall be given for two or more candidates he shall give a casting vote.

3. Where the boundaries of a school section are extended sl'iulois in so as to include territorv'in which children reside who arOhlvVng*' entitled to attend the school and whose place of resideuee isafeas*'^ ' at a greater distance than three miles bv the nearest high- way from the school, the ^finister may make grants out of

the appropriation for consolidated schools for the transporta- tion of pupils and for the erection of school buildings, where, in the opinion of the Minister, such transportation and school buildings have become necessary by reason of such extension.

4. Where two or more schools have been established in afjon^of *" schohl section and the board of trustees of the section, 1^^ one s^ection resolution, approved of bv the ratepavers at a meotincr speci-

allv r-alled for that purpose, sionifv their desire to establish a centrally located sohool in plaee of the schools theretofore maintained in the section, the Minister mav authorize the establishment of a school in a location approved of bv him and in eonformitv with the reirulations. and mav direct that such school shall, for the purposes of sharino" in anv errant made under the authoritv of section 10 of Tlir Piihlir ^rJinnlft Art as amended bv this .\of. and for the purposes of sharine" in anv countv or township crant made under sections 92 and O.T of TJif PiihJir Srlinnlft Art. be deemed to be n ponsolidated «ehool,

5. Where the eouneil of a township has passed or hereafter school

11 I 1 ^' ^ e ,• -t" r mi T^ tt section nia.v

ttas.'ses ;i ny-law under sMb«ection 1 ot •^(V'tion i' of / /'/■ ' "n/»'"becom6 SfrlinnJs Arf. for the formation of a union school section and gch^i''^*'*^'' the school established or to be ostaTilished in the section '**<^^'""- r<Hiuires the emnlovmont of two or more teachers and it is necessnrv to provide means of transportation for the pupils. •f the school, the "\fini«ter. snbiect to the Heirulations, and iMxm the annlieation of the board of trustee* of iho union ■;<-hool section approved of liv the ratenavers as provided in -Mb«!p<»tion ^ of .section 10 of Thr PvhJir >^rhooJ.9 Arf as MMiwided by thjs Act, may declare the union school section


to be a (•<ni8(>lidatc<l school section, aud tliLieaticr the said ttoctiou Hliall uppiv thereto as if the union' sclux)! section were a consolidated school se<'tion established bv agreement under Mdjsci'iion 1 <tf the saifi section.

Ilev. Slat.. c. 266, «. 96.

ToH II8hi|>

and county Ri-iint to coiisoUdated school.

6, Sc<Mioii !M) ol' The I'lihlir Srhool.s Ail i- repealed and the following substituted therefor:

1)0. 8ubje(;t to the provisions of The Consolidated Schools Act, the provisions of sections 1)2 to 1)4 shall apply to consolidated schools, but the amount of the township p'ant provided for by section l>:j shall not be les.s than the total amount which was paid to tlio lto;i r(1s of trustees of the school sections inchwl' '! ill the consolidated school section before the sections were con.solidated, and if more teach- ers arc employed in the consolidated school than were employed in the school sections, the grant shall be as for a ])rin(ipal teacher for each school consolidated, and as for an assistant teacher for each t-eacher in excess of the number of teachers employed in the sections at the time when con- solidation took place.

7. This .\<M 4va\\

'^ct- day upon wliidi ir re

conic into force and take etlcrt <>n (i(- the Roval Assent.



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P c'


No. 91. 1919.


An Act respecting Compulsory School Attendance.

HTS MAJESTY, by and with tlie advice and eun.^cm of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The School Attendance ^c^^short title. 1919.

2. In this Act— inter-


(a) "Inspector" shall mean inspector of ])uhlic or "inspector.' separate schools;

( h) " Principal " .shall mean head teacher of a pnblic^^rfnc*- or separate school ;

(c) " Rejarnlations " .shall mean regulations made under j'j^®|V.^*'

the authority of The Department of Education Act or of this Act;

(d) " School " .shall mean public or separate school. "School."

3. Every child between eij?ht and fourteen years of ^{?Pf^^ance shall attend school for the full term durinc: which the school required, of the section or municipality in which he resides is open

pach year, unless excused for the reasons hereinafter men- tioned.

4. A person who has received into his house another 0"*^°'

ji'i-i 1 1 t p t ' ' t person In

t'or-son R child under the age of fourteen, who is residentioco A ith him or in his care or legal custody, shall be subject to'^*'^*" the same duty with respect to the instruction of the child during such residence as a parent, and shall be liable to be proceeded against as in the case of a parent if he fails to cause such child to be instructed as required by this Act, but the duty of the parent under this Act shall not be thereby affected or diminished.



When at- tendance excused.

5. (1) A parent, guardian or other person shall not ho liable to any penalty imposed hy this Act in respect of a

Child who Is blind or deaf.

Bnqulrjr by pro- vincial officer.

child if,-

(a) The child in under efficient instniction in reading, spelling, writing, grammar, geography and arith- metio;

(Ji) The cliild i- uii.'ililc Im ;itlcii<l sflmol Itv reason of sickness or other unavoidable cause;

(c) There is no public, or separate school which the

child has the right to attend within two miles measured by the nearest highway from such child's residence, if he is under ten years of age, or within three miles if he is over that age, and transportation is not provided by the school board for the children going to and from the public or separate school of the section or muni- cipality ;

(d) There is not sufficient accommodation in the school

which the child has the right to attend ;

(e) The child has been excused as hereinafter provided

by the school attendance officer, or by a Tustice of the Peace, or by the principal of the public or separate school which the child is entitled to attend; or

(/) The child has passed the university matriculation examination in Arts, or has completed the ex- amination for admission to the normal schools or a conrse which gives him an equivalent standing.

(^) The fact that a child is blind or deaf shall not be deemed an unavoidable cause within the meaning of clause h of .section 5 if the child is a fit subject for admission to the Ontario School for the Blind or the Ontario School for the Deaf.

(8) The provincial school attendance officer may inquire as to the instruction sriven to any child who is not attending school or as to any other reason or excuse for non-attendance of a child at school, and if he deems the inptmctioTi iriven to the child is inadequate, or that there i<s no valid reason why the child should not attend school, he may by order signed hy him, direct that the child shall attend school, and thereafter, and so long as such order remains in force, the

child shall not be excused from school attendance under the provisions of subsection 1 of this section.

6. (1) Except as provided by subsection 2, no child ^^^t of' under the age of fourteen years shall be employed by auy^hudren person during school hours, and any person who employs a^^chooi child in contravention of this section shall incur a penalty not exceeding $200.

(2) Where in the opinion of the school attendance officer ^^ri*^':^^®

/ T - f ^ -nt n 1 ••ici authorizing

qr of a Justice oi the Peace, or of the principal of the employ- school attended by any child, the services of such child :ire required in husbandry, or in urgent and necessary house- liold duties, or for the necessary maintenance of such child or of some person dependent upon him, the school attend- ance officer, Justice of the Peace or principal may by cer- tificate setting forth the reasons therefor, relieve such child I'rom attending school for any period not exceeding six weeks out of each school term so long as such child is required in any occupation stated in the certificate.

7. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint an^'^St'and officer, to be known as the provincial school attendance officer, ^J^^|^^^^j^j

^whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Minister, officer, md subject to the, regulations, to superintend and direct the onrorcenieut of this Act and in that behalf to perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be prescribed by this Act and the regulations.

8, Wilt-re II ;i|.|.i-;u.s (<» llic Mililstci- ihilL ill UllV iei-l'i-Pi;ov^"clal

'. ' . , . . . 1 officer

torv Without muuicipal organization or in uusiirvc'ved terri-actingras tory school trustees are not providing accominodatiou for the children entitled to attend school, or have neglected <>r failed to raise the nocessary funds for the ostablisliment and iiiaintenance of a school, or have in other resj>ects failed toj^^y g^^t loniply with The Puhlic Schools Act and tiio regulations. or<'-2««. that the election of trustees has been neglected and no regular board of trustees is in existent't*. the Minister may l>y commission under his hand authorize and direct the Pro- vincial School Attendance Officer to do all things, and exercise all powers which may be necessary for the establishment and maintenance of a school, the erection of school buildings ami providing accommodations, the opening and conducting of a^®2^'8^*'^* ' school, the assessing and levying of all sums of money re- juired for school purposes, and generally whatever may be required for the puriK^se of establishing, maintaining and <*onducting a school in accordance with I'lir Puhlic Scliools Act and the Regulations, and thereupon the Provincial >^chool Attendance Offioer shall have and mav exercise and ^ ijj^*'**

pcrforju wiili rcijani lo nil imittcrH set torih in the com- mission, all Ibo jtntliority, |)owor8 and duties venial in, and to bo i)erforni< lx>ard of sc-hool trustees under Th-

Pvhlir Schools \. , .,,,1 the Ifoiritlations.

m^toi' ^-—(1) The Board of Education, or public school board,

•Sooi***' *^^ separate school board in every urban municipality shall boards. appoint a school attendance officer or two or more school attendance officers for the enforcement of this Act.

Powers aa«. peace officer.

(2) A school attendance officer shall, for the purpoeee of this Act, be vested with the powers of a peace officer and shall have authority to enter factories, workshops, stores, shops and all other places where children may be employed or congregated and shall perform such services as may be necessary for the enforcement of this Act.

Appoint- ment by township councU.

(3) The council of every township shall appoint a school attendance officer or two or more school attendance officers who shall have the same powers and perform the same dutif- as a school attendance officer in an urban municipality, but the appointment of a school attendance officer by the council of a township shall not affect the powers and duties of a school attendance officer heretofore appointed by the board of public school trustees of a school section or by a rural separate school board.

In unorgan- ized or unsurveyed territory.

( 1 ) The lionrd of school trustees of a .school section in ii-nitory without iniinicipal organization and ;i 1.o;n-d of school trii.stees in nn^ii moved territory may ap] lino]

attendance officer.


(5) The municipality or school corporation appointing a .school attendance officer may make rules not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or the regulations for the direction of such officer.

Notice of appoint- ment.

(6) Notice of every appointment made under this section shall bo given by the appointing body to the provincial school attendance officer and to the inspector, and in case of an ap- pointnicni liy the council of the township, to every public and se|)anito school board of the township.

Women (7) A woman shall be eligible for a]ipointmcnt as a

appointed, school attendance officer.

Monthly report.

(8) Every school attendance officer shall report monthly to the body appointing him and annually to the provincial school attendance officer, according to the form provided by the r^ulations.


(9) A school attendance officer shall perform his duties'^oact

IT n 1 ' -1 1 n n Under in-

under the direction of the inspector, and shall at all times spector carry out the instructions and directions of the provincial v?ncfai*' school attendance officer. ' officer.

10. The clerk of the municipality shall furnish to thecierk to secretary of every public and separate school board in theaecretary municipality the particulars recorded in the book prepared ^ifhffst by the assessor under subsection 1 of section 33 of Thc^^^^^^'^ Assessment Act as to children whose parents or guardians Re^- stat.,

c 195 s 33

are supporters of the schools under the control of the board, ss. i.'

11. Every school attendance officer shall examine into inquiries every case of non-compliance with this Act within his ownnon-at- knowledge or when requested so to do by the inspector, or byan'd^notice ji principal of a school, a teacher, or a ratepayer, and shall ^^^p*'"®"^^- warn children not attending sch(X)l in comi)liaiico with this

Act and their parents and guardians in writing of the c 'ii:-( quences of such non-complianc(*. and shall also give notice in writing to the parents, guardian or other person having tho authority or control of a child between the ages of eight and fourteen years who is not attending school as required by this Aft, to cause the child to attend school forthwitli.

12.— (1) A parent, or guardian or other person having Liability I he cl>arge or control of any child between the ages of eight°^ p^^'"®"*^- and fourteen years, who neglects or refuses to cause such ehild to attend school unless such child is excused from at- tendance as provided by this Act, shall incur a penalty of not less tlian $5 nor more than $20.

(2) The court may, instead of imposing a penalty, re-ReQuiring quire a person convicted of an offence under this section ^^"g^^^"" to give a bond in the penal sum of $100, with one or moreance. sureties to be approved by the court, conditioned that the person convicted shall, after the expiration of five days, ennse the child to attend school as required by this Act.


13. Proceedings against a parent, guardian or other person proceed having the charge or control of a child, or against any other ["ken by person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall beo*"*^*"*- instituted by the school attendance officer.

14. (1) The teacher or tho principal of every public, n^p^^t by

separate and technical sehor»l shall, once in each month of the***^!!-*' ' on non-

school year, report to the school attendance officer of theattendance. municipality or section in which the school is situated, the names, ages and residences of all pupils on the school register who have not attended tho school as required by this Act,


together with such other information as the school attendance officer may require for the enforcement of the pro\iaion« of this Act

Report on (2) Tho teacher or principal as the case may U-. .-hall

forthwith report to the school attendance officer every case of expulsion.

Where there la no school attendance officer.

{'i) Where there is no school attendance officer and a cliild has failed to attend school or has attended so irregularly as in the opinion of the inspector to necessitate special action, the inspector shall notify the parents or guardian of the child of the provisions of this Act.

How non- attendance or Irregular attendance ascer- tained^

(4j T\w non-attondanco or irr^ular attendance of tho child shall be ascertained by the teacher of the school which the child should attend by reference to the school register and to the particulars from the list prepared under subsection I of section 33 of The Assessment Act transmitted by tlie cleric of the municipality to the secretary of the board, and ill. toacher shall report such non-attendance or irr^ilar at- KMidiince to the inspector.

Duty of inspector.

(5) Tt shall be the duty of the inspector, when inspecting every school in his inspectorate, to see that the duties of the school attendance officer are properly performed and that the |U(. visions of subsections 3 and 4 of this section are complied with and to report any breach thereof to the Department of Rduc^tion.

violations of Act by corpora- tions.


15. Where any of the provisions of this Act are violated a cor|Doration, proceedings may be had against every officer or agent of the corporation who is a party to such violation, and such officer or agent shall be subject to the samo penalties as any other person similarly offending.

Penalty for ne- Klecting: to enforce Act

16. Every person and officer charged with the duty of en- forcing any provision of this Act who n^lects to perform the duty imposed upon him shall incur a penalty not exceed- ing $10 for each offence.

Recovery of pen- alties. Rev. Stat., c. 90.

Convic- tions not to be removed.

17. The penalties imposed by this Act shall be recoverable under The Ontario Summary Convictions Act.

18. A conviction or order made in any matter arising under this Act shall not be removed either at the instance of the Crown or of any private person into the Supreme Court


19, Where a person is charged with an offence under thisOi^^^ot

1 M 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 proof of

A<'t m respect to a child who is alleged to be withm the agesaseof of eight and fourteen years and the child appears to the° court to be within such ages the child shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be within such ages unless the contrarj is proved.

20.— (1) Nothinff herein shall bo held to require the childchiwren

or SGDftr£Ll6

(»r a Ixomau Catholic who is a separate school supporter to school attend a public school or to require the child of a public^"^^°^ ^^^' scliool supporter to attend a Roman Catholic separate school.

I 1' I No penalty shall be imposed in respect to the absence ^^^^^^^^ of a child from school on a day regarded as^a holy day by thectaysex cliuivli or religious denomination tq which such child belongs.


21. Regulations may be made in the manner provided byj^eguj^^. Till' Pi'partment of Education Act "^"^-

(") Prescribing the duties and qnalificaticms of the pi'o-^on^^n^*' viucial school attendance officer and of school duties of attendance officers, inspectors, and other officers acting under this Act;

(/') Respecting the notices to be given and the retumsNotices to be made under this Act and. the time and man- returns. ner of giving or making the same ;

' ' ) Prescribing the forms to be used under this Act ; FormB.

'/) Generally for the better carrying out of the pro-Qenerai. visions of this Act.

22. The Truancti Act. being chapter 274 of the Revised Rev. stat. Statutes of Ontario, sections 62 and 63 of The Statute J>a?rarnend- Ainrmlment Act, 19U, and sections 52, 53 and 54 of T^eJJpeiied. fHiihil,' T,nir '\wpi)rl)vpnt Act, W17. aro repealed.

23. This Act .shall come into force and fake effect on fromcommence- Mlid :ifler the 1st dnv of So|.tombor. 1010. mentof Act.





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■-» ■*

No. 91. 1919.


An Act respecting Compulsory School Attendance.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The School Attendance A c^^ short title. 1919.

2. In this Act ^"'f:.


(a) " Inspector " shall mean inspector of |)ubli(' or "inspector.' separate schools;

(h) " Principal " shall mean head teacher of a piiblic''^»'J»»<5'- or separate school ;

(c) " R^p^ilations " shall mean regulations made under ^j^®|"'*' the anthority of The Department of Education Act or of this Act;

(rf) " School " shall mean pnblic or separate school. "School."

3. Every child between eight and fourteen years of ^l^^fendance' shall attend school for the full term during which the school required, of the section or municipality in which he resides is open

each year, unless excused for the reasons hereinafter men- tioned.

4. A person who has received into his house another ^"*^°^„

,',.,, , , .. ,. ., person In

person s child under the age of fourteen, who is residentioco with him or in his care or legal custody, shall be subject to''*'^*'' the same duty with respect to the instruction of the child during such residence as a parent, and shall be liable to be proceeded against as in the case of a parent if he fails to cause such child to be instructed as required by this Act, but the duty of the parent under this Act shall not be thereby iifTected or diminished.



When at- tendance •xcuned.

5. (1) A parent, g:uardiaii or other person shall not be liable to anv potialty imposed by this Act in respect of a child if

(a) The child is under efficient instruction in reading,

spelling, writing, grammar, geography and arith- metio j

(b) The child is unable to attend school by reason of

sickness or other unavoidable cause;

(c) There is no public or separate school which the

child has the right to attend within two miles measured by the nearest highway from such child's residence, if he is under ten years of age, or within three miles if he is over that age, and transportation is not provided by the school board for the children going to and from the public or separate school of tJhe section or muni- cipality ;

(d) There is not sufficient accommodation in the school

which the child has the right to attend ;

(e) The child has been excused as hereinafter provided by the school attendance officer, or by a Justice of the Peace, or by the principal of the public or separate school which the child is entitled to attend: or

Child who l8 bUnd or deaf.

Shiqulry by pro- vincial officer.

(/) The child has passed the university matriculation examination in Arts, or has completed the ex- amination for admission to the normal schools or a course which gives him an equivalent standing.

(2) The fact that ^ cnild is blind or deaf shall not be deemed an unavoidable cause within the meaning of clause h of section 5 if the child is a fit subject for admission to the Ontario School for the Blind or the Ontario School for the Deaf.

(3) The provincial school attendance officer may inquire as to the instruction given to any child who is not attending school or as to any other reason or excuse for non-attendance of a child at school, il^^and as to the c:eneral educational proficiency of such child, and the other circumstances of the case, and may bv order in writing signed by him, determine whether or not the child shall be exempt from school attendance,^"^^ and if he deems the instruction given to the


child is inadequate, or tliat there is no valid reasou why the child should not attend school, he may by such order direct that the child shall attend' school, and thereafter, and so long as such order remains in force, the child shall not be excused from school attendance under the provisions of sub- section 1 of this section.

(4) Where a child over five years of age but under eight has been enrolled as a pupil in a public or separate school, the provisions of this Act shall apply during the school term for which the child is enrolled as if he was of an age between the ages of eight and fourteen. '^^

6. (1) Except as provided by subsection 2, no childSentof' under the age of fourteen years shall be employed by auy^urin^g" person during school hours, and any person who employs a school child in contravention of this section shall incur a penalty not exceeding $20.

(2) Where in the opinion of the school attendance officer certificate

J -r r 1 -n /.i •'■,!•■, authorlzlngr

or 01 a Justice oi the Feace, or of the principal of the employ- school attended by any child, the services of such child™*" ' are required in husbandry, or in urgent and necessary house- hold duties, or for the necessary maintenance of such child or of some person dependent upon him, the school attend- ance officer, Justice of the Peace or principal may by cer- tificate setting forth the reasons therefor, relieve such child from attending school for any period not exceeding six weeks out of each school term so long as such child is required in any occupation stated in the certificate.

7. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint anxppoint- officer, to be known as the provincial school attendance officer, dlft"es of whose duty it shall be, under the direction of the Minister, ^Jncer.*'**' and subject to the regulations, to superintend and direct the enforcement of this Act and in that behalf to perform such duties and exercise such powers as may be prescribed by this

Act and the regulations. ;*

8. Where it appears to the Minister that in any terri-|*j5ice*r"*^''' tory without municipal organization or in unsurveyed terri- acting tory school trustees are not providing accommodation for

the children entitled to attend school, or have neglected or failed to raise the ne(!essary funds for the establishment and maintenance of a school, or have in other respects failed to r^v. stat.. <"oinply with The Public Schools Act and the regulations, or*^-***- that the election of trustees has been neglected and no regular board of trustees is in existence, the Minister may b^' commission under his hand authorize and direct the 2'ro- vincial School Attendance Officer to do all thing:*, and exercise nil powers which may be necessarv for the establishment ami 91

Kev. 8tat., c. 269.

Rev. Stat.

o. se«.

iiiiiiiiiciiiiiMi -1;! -chool, the erection of 8cli< K.I hnildingH and providing' Mcioniniodations, the opening and conducting of a Ht'hool, tin; u.s.it's.sin^ and lovyinpj of all sum.s r»f monev re- quired for school purposes, and p^onerally \vhat(*vfr may U reijuirod for the pnrnoHo of establishin<r, maintaining and condui'tin^ u school in accordance with The Public Schools Act and the Regulations, and thereupon the Provincial School Attendance Officer shall have and may exercise and perform with rcirard to all mwttcrs .'<et forth in the com mission, all tln^ iiiithority, powers and duties vested in, an<i to be performed by a board of .whool fni-ffc- under Th< Public Schools Act and the Regulations.

9. (1) The Board of Education, or public school board. or separate school board in every urhan municipality shall appoint a school attendance officer or two or more school attendance officers for the enforcement of this Act

(2) A school attendance officer shall, for the purposes of this Act, he vested with the powers of a peace officer anrl shall have authority to enter factories, workshops, stores, shops and all other places where children may be employed or congregated and shall perform such services as may be necessary for the enforcement of this Act.

(3) The council of every township shall appoint a school attendance officer or two or more school attendance officer? who shall have the same powers and perform the same duties as a school attendance officer in an urban municipality, but the appointment of a school attendance officer by the council of a township shall not affect the powers and duties of a school attendance officer heretofore appointed by the board of public school trustees of a school section or by a rural separate school board.

ized"o°/*^*" (4) The board of school trustees of a school section in ""^yveyed territory without municipal organization and a board of

school trustees in unsurveyed territory may appoint a school

attendance officer.

Appoini- ment of oflleers of school boards.

Powers asa peace officer.

Appoint- ment by township council.

County oflloer.


11^^(5) Where the council of a county has heretofore a{v pointed a trnant officer under the provisions of The Tnmnrii Act, sucli triuuit officer shall be the school ariciulancc otlicci- for the coiiiiiv. and it shall not be necessarv fur any urban school l)(>ai(l or township council to appoint a sdnxd attend- ance officer for any part of the county in which the officer appointed by the county council acts.""^!

(6) The municipality or school corporation appointing a school attendance officer may make rules not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or the regulations for the direction of such officer. 91

(7) ^Otire of c\<r\ ai»)M>iiiiiiient niadi* under this stvtioiiNotioeof * £Lppoint-

shall be given by the appointing body to the provincial school ment attendance officer and to the inspector, and in case of an ap- pointment by the council of the to%vnship, to every public and separate school board of the township.

(S) A woiium shall \>o ('lieil>le for a ui (ointment as aWomen v ' !~ 11 may be

school attendance officer. appointed.

(5)) Kvci-y schdol attendance officer shall report monthly Monthly to the body appointing him and annually to the provincial school attendance officer, according to the form provided by the regulations.

(H») A schodl attendance officer shall perform his diitic -Toact

. . , ' . under In-

under the direction of the inspector, and shall at all times spector carry out the instructions and directions, of the provincial vincfai'' school attendance officer. °"*^*''-

10. The clerk of the municipality shall furnish to thefJlrMsh* secretary of every public and separate school board in the®*^^®^^^ municipality the particulars recorded in the book preparedwithiist hv the assessor under subsection 1 of section 33 of T/tc under Assessment Act as to children whose parents or guardians^®^5fs*33. are supporters of the schools under the control of the board. **• ^•

11. Every school attendance officer shall examine into^"<J^*''*«» every case of non-compliance with this Act within his ownnon-at- knowledge or when requested so to do by the inspector, or by and notice a priiici)(al of a school, a teacher, or -a ratepayer, and shall^tc?*""*"' warn childnju not attending school in cx)ni])liance with this

Act and their parents and guardians in writing of the conse- fpiciices of such non-compliance, and shall also give notice in writing to the parents, gnardian or other person having the anthority or control of a child bet\veen the ages of eight ami fonrteen years who is not attending school as reqnirod hy this .\ct, to cause the child to attend school forthwith.

12. (1) A parent, or guardian or other person having^^*»^y^^y^ the charge or control of any child between the ages of eight and fourteen years, who n^lects or refuses to cause such child to attend school unless such child is excused from at- tendance as provided by this Act, shall incur a penalty of not less than $5 nor mor^ than $20.

(2) The court may, instead of imposing a penalty, '■^Jondfo"* '[uire a person convicted of an offence under this section attend- to give a bond in the penal sum of $100, with one or more* atireties to be approved by the court, conditioned that the person convicted shall, after the expiration of five days, <ause the child to attend school as required by this Act. 91

Proc««d- Inffa to taken by oflloers.

13. Proceed tist a parent, guardian or ofhf r porson

having the chaige w control of a child, or against any other person violating any of the provisions of this Act shall bo instituted by the school attendance officer.

Report by teacher on non- attendance.

14. (1) The teacher or the principal of every publif, separate and technical school shall, once in each month of the school year, report to the school attendance officer of the municipality or section in which the school is situated, the names, ages and residences of all pupils on the school raster who have not attended the school as required by this Act, together with such other information as the school attendance officer may require for the enforcement of the provisions of this Act.

Report on expulsion.

Where there la no school attendance officer.

(2) Tlio Icarhor or jirincipal as iho case mav \n\ >hall forthwith report to the school attendance officer every case of expulsion.

(3) Where there is no school attendance officer and a child has failed to attend school or has attended so irregularly as in the opinion of the inspector to necessitate special action, the inspector shall notify the parents or guardian of the chil^ of the provisions of this Act.

attendance ascer- tained.

Hownon- (4) The iion-attcndance or irregular attendance of the

or Irregular child shall be ascertained by the teacher of the school which the child should attend by reference to the school register and to the particulars from the list prepared under subsection 1 of section 33 of The Assessment Act transmitted by the clerk of the municipality to the secretary of the board, and the teacher shall report such non-attendance or irregular at- tendance to the inspector.

Duty of inspector.

(5) It shall be the duty of the inspector, when inspecting every school in his inspectorate, to see that the duties of the school attendance officer are properly performed and that the provisions of subsections 3 and 4 of this section are complied with and to report any breach thereof to the Department of Education.

Violations of Act by corpora- tions.

15. Where any of the provisions of this Act are violated by a corporation, proceedings may be had against every officer or agent of the corporation who is a party to such violation, and such officer or agent shall be subject to the same penalties as any other person similarly offending.

Penalty forne- irlectlnf to enforce Act

16. Every person and officer charged with the duty of en- forcing any provision of this Act who neglects to perform the duty imposed upon him shall incur a penalty not exceed- ing $10 for each oifence. 91

17. The penalties imposed by this Act shall be recoverable Recovery under The Ontario Summary Convictions Act. aities.

Rev. Stat., c. 90.

18. A conviction or order made in any matter arising convic- under this Act shall not be removed either at the instance to°be"°' of the Crown or of any private person into the Supreme''®'"°^®^- Court

19. Where a person is charged with an offence under this^jlJJJ^^*^ Act in Inspect to a child who is alleged to be within the agesagre of of eight and fourteen years and the child appears to the court to be within such ages the child shall, for the purposes

of this Act, be deemed to be within such ages unless the contrary is proved.

20. ( 1) Nothing herein shall be held to require the child^?*ge1j7?ate of a Roman Catholic who is a separate school supporter to|^^ooi^^^^^ attend a public school or to require the child of a public school supporter to attend a Roman Catholic separate school.


(2) No penalty shall be imposed in respect to the absence ^^^^^^® of a child from school on a day regarded as a holy day by the<iaya ex- chnrch or religious denomination to. which such child belongs.

21. Regulations may be made in the manner provided by^ons.^*" The Department of Education Act

(a) Prescribing the duties and qualifications of the pro-§^*^^J^' vincial school attendance officer and of school ^uties^of attendance officers, inspectors, and other officers acting under this Act;

{h) Respecting the notices to be given and the returns ^^d'*^^ to be made under this Act and the time and man-^etuma. ner of giving or making the same;

(c) Prescribing the forms to be used under this Act ; FomiB.

{d) Generally for the better carrying out of the pro- General, visions of this Act.

22. The Truancy Act, being chapter 274 of the Revised 5Y7^®J[J;*' Statutes of Ontario, sections 62 and 63 of The Statute Lnw^mena-

\mcndment Act, 10] 4, and sections 52, 53 and 54 of Ti^erepeaied. Sfntufr Law Amendment Act, 1917, are repealed.

23. This Act shall fomo into forco and fake rlT«vi mi fr-'in ;;,'y;;,";V'Ar-t iih! aftor the Jst dav of JnuHnni, I!) JO.


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8 § 3

A... 92.



An Act to regulate the Sale of Shares, Bonds, Debentures and other Securities.

HIS MA.IESTV. l)y and with tlio juhice iukI coiisout «>f the Legislative Assembly of the Province of "Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Thift Act may l)c cited as The Sulr of Slnircs .1 (/.siioit title IUI9.

2. Ill tliis Act,-

Iiitci in'cta- tion.

{(i) " (^ommL.«sion('r " shall mean iMinniiissiniicr nf ",<"""";;i^- shares ;

(h) *'(V)m)>any " shall include corporation, co-i)artiier-" company, ship, syndicate or association of persons incor- porated or unincorporated ;

(r) '^ Prescribed " shall mean prescribi'd by rule- a i id. scribed." regulations made under tlie authority of this Act;

(d) "Shares" shall include stocks, bonds, debentures" Shares." or other securities.

3. The LioutPnant-CTOvernor in Council may appoint any mentor [person as commissioner of shares for the ])urposos of thissi?im^. **"

Act at such salary as may be fixed by him.

4. This Act shall not apply to the sale of any shares which^'Ac

(a) Of or guaranteed by the Dominion of Canada or of or guaranteed by any Province in Canada;

(h) Of any Dominion or F^roviueial Ciovornmentnl Commission ;

•which Act does not apply.



(<?) Ol 111- ;^iiarantee(l \i} anv iininicij)al forporati'iii in C'aiiada ;

(d) Of any school (■(ii-]Mir;iti(iii in < ';i!i;ii!;i :

(e) Secured Ity ami jiaxal'lc out of the |ii'"-i(<l- <^\ an-

rate levied Ii\ ^m', iiiiiiiicl|)iil (■Mr|,,,i;irKiii in Canada on \>v 'natc in tin- iiiiiniiM|iii!it

(/) ()!' any hank in<-or|Mii;it(il iitiilt i' ihc hiw- nf n I >oii)i iiioii of" ( ii iiiiila ;

((/) Antlioi-i/.cd iiv ilic coiiiiiii.^-ioiu'i' to lie .-old «t on any stock cxrlniiiii*' \\lii<-li ha^ liccn ;ii : of by him for the [iiirpoH - ..f tl, ;,.

nor .shall this Act a[»|t!y t" i-Miimi.ici:il |ia|Mr •>]■ un'

of real c>tatc in ('anada \t'<r t^ ;i '■ attcmp'

a |)!c<ii;cc ot' -liai'i'- |iIc(1l;c/| in :j ii and r

|)ni'|(osc of cNiidini; llii~ An n.ii- i)\ ,i f,,injianv ••■

its shares to its exisiiiiu >liai'cliol(iii - imi .n-inal r;i.-li.

Sales 5. (1) With rcs|icct to a C'iin]iany inci.rpMiMtcti liv or

wiiennotin under the antlioi'iiv of the Pai'liaiiicnt of ('aoada of nndcv of^c-ontuiued tho authoritv of the Legislature of ( )!itari'' or shfeaas^*" "Thr Ontario Jmurnnrr Arf or 77/,- l-.rlni I',...,,,..,

poralidns Act, it i^ dechircd that it >hall not In- a \-i..l;it'^^ , of this Act for any such couipany oi' its Mtliccr- "v

or for any person who owns share- in -U'-^ ,,,i,

or attem])t to sell such shai( s when >ncli

sell is not made in the course of couriinu li Mni


What to be (2) The printiuG'. juihlication or ad\ (.-rti^eineni in any deemed ' ^i i i i ^i

sales in the newspaper, mae:azine or other jieriodical. ..r liy any Mflicr

conUnued means of dis]>lay whatsoever, or tlic i>snc. ]>nttini! foi:l!

sivtaiu^^' distribution of any advertisement, circiihir. letter .t oi!,. paper containing any offer to sell ..)• -oliritation to jmrch;: or intimation of the fact of the i-<ne of aiiy of such >han - or solicitation by agents or eini>l(yees or jv-rson- to h-; \ acquire or iii\e~t nione\- in or njton tin -•■.•nr:- shares shall be evidence of an attenqit to >eli in the . ■■ continued and successive acts and in violation ot thi-

Registration 6. Subject to the provisions of thi- .\ct no share> o\ a before%aies company shall be sold or offered for sale in Ontario until ™*^®" the company has been roistered under this Act.

Prohibition 7. ]!To printer, publisher, ncnvspaper projn-ietor or other tdvertising person sba^l print, publish or advcrti.-.' in (Ontario, in any lafe'"fn^°'^ newspaper, magazine or other periodical ]»rinrcd and ]uih- unregistered jigjjQ^ in Ontario, or otherwise in Ontario, issue, put forth company. . i i \

or distribute, any advertisement, circular, letter or other 92

document eontaipiug any offer to sell or solicitation to pur- chase any shares, unless the company whose sliaics are so offered for sale is reuistored under this Act.

Pbocediki i(> Obtain Registration.

8. (1) Any coni])any dosiriuii to he registered, or any statements person desiring to have a company registered, shall pay them'ents^" prescribed fee and shall tile in the office of the commissioner. {i|*^fl/e^ unless the commissioner sees fit to dispense with the filing nijssioneV of the same or any of them

(a) A statement showing in detail the plan n])on which the company proposes to transact or is transact- ing business ;

(h) A copy of all contracts, shares or other instru- ments which the company projioses to make with or sell to its contributors ;

(c) A statement containing its name and head office;

T'T* An itemized account of the ('omj)any's financial condition, and the amount of its property and liabilities,

(c) Such otiier information touching the company's

affairs as llic cominissioncr may t'oriniro;

(/) Tn the ease of a ('o-i)artnership or an unincorporated association, a copy of its articles of co-partner- ship or association, and all other papers ])ertain- ing to its organization ; .

((j) Tn the case of a company not incorjxu nird di- licensed under the laws of Ontario a copy of the law under which it exists or is incor])orated, and also a copy of its charter, articles of incorpora- tion, constitution and by-laws and any amend- ments thereof and all other papers pertaining to its organization.

(2) Such statements and documents shall be yerified byvei-mcation oath in the prescribed form. mcms -tc

(3) When the charter, articles of incori)oration, ^o"stitii- ^^'ijendment tion and by-laws of any such company are filed under this by-laws. Act. any amendment thereof affecting the plan uihui which ahusinoss.

.. 1 . '^1 -i. to he fllwl.

company transacts its business, or its shares, or its name and head office, shall immediately be filed with the commis- 92

itl t ' Mil Jl

-inner I'll' lii- ;i |i|)rM\ ;i I. .'iiMi until tin- -;Mit<- -.'.n- tilcj :iri>l .ii' ;i|(|ii-it\('(l ii\ t lie ionimi--i'in('r ilic )•■ ^|t;ii)\

sliiill lie SllS|i('IKlc'd.

J^ ( I ) l*',\(i-y cnnipiiiiy not iiicni-[wir;ifc(| iiii(i(r ;! ( ;in;Hl;i ")• ()iit;iiiii ur lic('li-f<l iiinlci' '/'In l\ rl rn /' ( 'nrjiiinil inn.s Ad. shall also tile it- wimMi'Ii cnji-cn; ;iM(\ tli:it iictiwiis m;iy Ix* roinini ^'aiiist it, in ili'

Supreme <(ii:ri n\ ()iit;iri«i. l.y the of process on tli'

(•oiiiiiii--lMiier, ;inil sti|iiiliitini:' iiiid aiin'ciiit: that such S< shall ho taken and held, in all courts, to ho as valid aii'l hindini:- a- if sorvieo had hoon mado upon tho company.

Autiu'iiti- I 2) Such consent shall ho anihent i<-atefl ji« iiiav ho cr-

eation. \ ' .1


Notice to (3") Tho cniMini-sioiioi" tnitliuil li alter heiiiL' -"orxed wit!;

t.i sfivift' pl'ocess uikIoi- tlii> -oeti.iii. sliall l ininodia tei \ iintit\ II. > '"""""■"'' company hy mailini:- a copy nf -udi pi'dce-- ad'' '<> liic

company at tiie a(hlro<< of il> liead otiico. apjiearr _ i I'vA

with th(^ connnis^iniier.

,''\"""'' 10. (1) 1 1 shall ho tlio dill >■ nl" tlio enmmissioner to oxam-

iiio the -latomonrs and diH-iiment- -m tiled and i I' denied advis- niriiis :iiiu alilo lie -liall make or cause lu I.e made an oxanilnali"n <>!' ihe '.V^imi|'!,iii>" :iH;iirs nl tho cnnipaii\' at the expense <>\ the a[>|)licant t'^r roiiistralion ami unle--< it appear- t.. liim that t he .•MmpaM\ i insiihcnt <u' that Its artieles nl' irienrporat inn nr a--n,-iat inn. i- cniislitiitiiiii and h\-la\v-. it- plan ut' hii-im--. e.mli-act- and -liaros d(i not cdutain and pi'u\ ido I'm- a fair, jii-t and e.piii ahlo planhir the trarr-actinti ol' hu<ino-s >>v do not pr^ml-e a fair I'clurn mi the -hares lo he (ilfeied I'^v -ale. tho cemnii- siuiiei- shall roui-ioi- the c(.ni[ian\ and ihoreaftor it shall h

lawlul to stdl the shares id' -iicl m|taii\ in ()nlarin; ether

wise the Cdinmissiouor shall refuse lo reui-for the rnmpanv.

.' s t'd'i'iass"" *-' rpon any application, the c..tiimi<sioiior ina\ - of shares. rcui-t r:i t ion in rospoct of aiiv ela- or (da-so< of slian :i < ipany. and o.\(dn<lo llie others thoi'(dVom.

1 •! titu at of II I inn

nil ati- •> \ I r 1

Kistra- ( '< ) It tho commissioner rco'istci-s a com|)any he shall ' a certificate of rciiist ration to tho applicant, and shall reipiost issue a duplicate or duplicaii s thereof mi paynu : the i»rescrihed fee.

S-imcate. ^'^^ ''^'"" .-ortiiicate shall he in the presmdhod torm ; i.

shall state in hohl-facod type that " fhc Cfoiti ' -' S/iincs iltx's no/ rcroiii iiiciul the fniiihasr af <n, - .

I Ins or (1111/ ofJicr company."


(5) Anv reference to the said certificate or to the fact Reference

*" to certifi-

that the company has been registered under this Act con-eate what tained in any prospectus, circular, advertisement or other written document, shall state in bold-faced type in a promi- nent position the following " The registration of this com- pany and the issue of a certificate under T%e Sale of Shares Arf does not constitute or imply a recommendation of the ])urchase of the shares of the said company, and the commis- sioner of shares does not recommend the purchase of any shares of this or any other company."

11. (1) This section shall apply to a company incor-^fPP]J,^^(5J,"" poratod under the laws of the Dominion of Canada or of the Province of Ontario or licensed under The Extra Provincial Corporations Act or T'he Ontario Insurance Act.

(2) Where it is made to appear to the commissioner that Registration the objects of any such company arc the establishment orciassesof undertaking of commercial, manufacturing or industrial on terms and enterprises in Canada, or the development of the n;ifiiral re-'^*'" *^"''" sources of any Province in (^anada, and it has not at the time of ap|)lication for registration yet appeared that the biisinMs the <'omj)any promises a fair return upon its shares, the (commissioner may. if he considers that the company is Di'ganized in good t'aith I'or sucli a purpose and will be man- aged with due consideration for the rights and interests of persons ac(iuiring its shares, grant to it registration upon such terms and conditions as he may think proi)er.

(?>) The terms and (MirKlitiniis wliidi iii;i\ lio ini|ios(>(l niaVj^j^jjIj''*^.',,^^!""' Include the folloNving:— " ' [SlJ.^.,',!!;'-' ''^

(d) l.iiiiitiiig the proportion ot' the pro<*eeds of share.'^ which may be apjilied in organization or j)rclini- inary cx])enses or >other purposes than direct application to the actual objects of the company;

(h) |{ei|iiiring the payment ol' all niomy, consideration for such shares, to a trustee pending payment in of a certain aggregate sum and providing for the bona fide api>lication thereof by means of such trustee and fixing a time within which -ndi :i|'- plication sliall be made;

(c) Retpiiring any person who has subscribed for or underwritten, or to whom has been allotted or to whom it is proposed to allot the whole or part of any issue of the company's shares, to set aside a portion of the proceeds thereof ff»r the actual

object* of the company ; 92 '

(d) Requiring the api>roval of the commissioner to t]j<

selling, mortgaging, charging or leasing of the whole or major parf of the |iro|K'rty and ;i - of the company ;

(e) I'roviding for equality of nghts of invotors of each

class and defining the relative rightM ()f each class of investors ;

(/) Limiting the nominal value of shares which may U- issued for j)ropertv or services or otherwise than for cash ;

(g) Regarding the rendering of accounts and reporting upon affairs of the company to the commissioner as he may require from time to time;

(h) Providing other safeguards of investment by way

of amplification of such terms and conditions or

otherwise as to the commissioner may .seem



anceof**'^ (4) Tu caso of uou-observance of or of departure from any

commkni^s. *^*^ ^he terms or conditions so imjx)se<l tlio commissioner may

NhaVefin '^^tor uotico to the company and lu ;ii in;: what may be said

violation in \^s^ helialf. revoke the registration granted to it. of terms. '^ "

(5) The oflfering to sell shares of any such company in disregard of any of the terms or conditions so imposed, shall be an offence against tliis Act.

FlUngr finan- cial state- ment evei y twelve months.


12, (1) Every registered company shall file with the commissioner at least once in every period of twelve months and at such other times as may be required by the commis- sioner, a statement setting forth in such form as may be pre- scribed, its financial condition and the amount of its assets and liabilities, and furnishing such other information con- cerning its affairs as the commissioner may require.

(2) Each such statement shall be accompanied by the pre- scribed fee.

Failure to file state- ment.

(3) Any company failing to file such statement or failing to file any other or special report herein required within thirty days after the receipt of a request or requisition there- for, shall forfeit its right to continue its business of selling its shares in Ontario.


13. (1) The affairs of everv registered eompauv shall Examination

, 1 . , u^- 1 1 ' , by commis-

be subject to examination by the commissioner at any timesionerof the commissioner may deem it advisable, and the commis-wjmpany. sioner for that purpose shall have all the powers of a com-<?i8.' ^^^'^^ missioner appointed under The Public Inquiries Ad, and the commissioner may order that such company, or any applicant for such examination, shall pay the costs and expenses of such examination as fixed by the commissioner.

(2) Such costs and expenses mav be icroxcnd in thecostsof manner prescribed, and in addition thereto the Taiiure or refusal of any such company to pay such costs and cxikmiscs shall work a revocation of the registration iirantod to ii jiml snch revocation shall be eifectual u])oii notice to that ctloct ]Miblished in the Ontario Gazette.

14. Whenever it is made to ap|)car to the commissioner Revocation

, , - . T ' ... of registra-

tliat the assets oi any registered company are impaired so tion. certain that they do not equal its liabilities, or that it is conducting*^* its business in an unsafe, inecpiitablc or unauthorized manner, or is jeopardizing the interests of the holders of any of its shares, or whenever any such company fails or refuses to file any papers, statements or documents required by this Act, without giving satisfactory reasons therefor, of violates any l>rovision of this Act or of any regulation, decision, order, term or condition made by him, the commissioner may revoke the registration granted to such company and may cause notice of such revocation to be published in the Ontario Gazette, and thereafter no shares of such company shall be sold in Ontario.

15. The commissioner may reinstate any conijiany, theReinstate- registration of which has been revoked or suspended, upon re- company, ceiving evidence satisfactory to him nud u]ion payment of the prescribed fee.

16. (1) Any company (»r person attVcted by any Order ^|j'^'j^'j*'Q^f* or decision of the commissioner shall have a right of api)eal Appeal from therefrom to a noard of Appeal witliiu thirty days after thecommis- date of such order or decision, and the decision of snch board on any appeal sliall bo final and without ap]X»al.

(2) The Lieutenant-Governor une or more Boards of


)vernor in Council may appoint .^.,pointment Appeal, each consisting of three ^fg^^^*""

(3) The notice of aii)>eal shall be filod with the cominis- Notice of •^ioner, who shall thereupon designate the board of a|q)ea1 In-'*'^'^* which the appeal is to be heard and determined.


Security for T],,. |„.|-,~.,ii m|- cMinipaii \ ;i|.|.cii li ii- .sli;i; u.-h

.-■•..ii'. I'T tin- I-,, -I- ,,| ill,. ;tj)jic;il a> niav In- pi c.-cnoinl, ;iii<l in iMM- llic ;i|'|h;iI i^ (li-iiii>,«c(l. the ci.^t- shall he paid (lilt. (»!' swl: -('.•iiiiiv . ntliciwise the^y shall he paid out of the cuiisulidalcd rcvcmii; liuid.

owner'of ^'^ '" ''''"''' ''"" '■•■i^i-^' ''i'li"'" "•' aii\ (•(.nii'aiiv !< rcvnkcl

Kharesafter ,i|- -ii>h(ii(lc(j. an\ i>''r>i(ii who ha> in i;ihm1 t'aiiji a''ii n i rr,! -.i revocation ' , ' . . '

of regis- (iwncr m- li\ w a \ m| ^cciiniN an\ -hare- in -urji cmuip,) tratlon. , . . ' , . '

Id >iic|i rc\ (M'at mil nr .-n.-| iin-i<pn. ina_\ llicrcattcr >cl

<•!• othcrwi-c (hal with tiiciii. nnt u ith-iaiidiiii^ sn<-h : tiuii (If sii>j)i'iisioii.

as 't'u"<i'iH-° ■'■"• 'I'hi' i-.iiiiiiiis.-i(incf >hall ni>t [■(■(|nifc the lii.-cln-ii |-c ,,t'

.secrct*'^^^ ;in\ scci-(^t procOvSS or formula of unv cniiiiianv on the a]i|ili<-a

processor ij,,,, (■,,,. t],,, rci^istfat ion of siicli c mi pa n \ . and -hall ticat all toi'mula or _ ... .

of informa- i n torinat ioii I'ui'iii-hed to or i)i-o(Mif('(l h\- him in conutM-tion tion. -Ill- 1' ■' 1 1 1 1 1 1

witli the liii>in('.-s ol a cnmitanv a- (•nntKicnt lal, and it sliall

not ho di^chixd hv the i-Minnii.-sionci- nnh -- in his opinion

it is in the inlcrcst of the i^cncral IhmIv <,\ -hai'clioldcr- of

th(^ comiianv oi- m the inicrot of the [luhlic licnfraHy tliat

such iiifofinatiini should he disclosed.

l'i;,\.\i, I ii;s AM' l''i:i:s


i^e^'j- Stat. ly. An\ person who \iolat<s an\ pfo\i,-inn of thi- .\ci

slnill iiicui- a ponaltv of not Ic.-- than s^]<»i) ;iii,] n^t ni'U'e than

$10, 000, rtx'o vera hie under I'/ir Unlin'm Su iinitnrij Conrir-

tions Act.

Rules and oa mi -.i ,i ^ c .^

regulations. ^^- ' ''(^ coninii^.-ionei' )na\. with tlie a|iiu"o\al of tlie

Lieiil(Miant-( 'o\-ei-nor in ("onncil. make lailes and ri^uulatiou-

for the purpose of earrviuii" out tlie ])rovisioiis of this .\et and

fixing tlie fees to be paid thereunder.

I^3it6 when

Act to take 21. This Act shall come into force on the

effect. 1 <. ^ ^^ ^

day of 1919.















^ P- Cl-








13- SO


5Q ^O O

t-A t-A )-i

?0 CO ?o


a r-f "J fC

cr O ST


I— 1






N"©. 93.


An Act to^aiiiend The Loan and Trust Corporations Act.

HIS MAfllvSrV, l)v and with tiio advice and consent of the lA'ij;'is];ifi\(' Asspiribly of tlic Province of Onlario, ( nacts as follows :

1. This Act nia.v he cited as The Loan aiul TruM Cor- short title. j'orations Act, I') 19.

2. Section 2 of The Loan and Trad Corporations Act is KeV'i^**^.^ amended by adding theretotho followin<r clause: amendeci. '

la. " Accoiuitant " shall mean a member of thcTii8ti-jjj;^*;J^^^^^*- tute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario or anytng'of. y)erson aj^proved bv the Dominion Mortgage and Investment Association and the Land Mortgage Companies' Association of the Province of On- tario as being a qualified accountant for the purpose of auditing the books and accounts of corporations under this Act.

3. Clause (h) of s'tibsection 2 of section 4 of The ^^0fl^jY84?L^4. and Trust Corporations Act is amended bv striking out thesubs. 2.ci. ft,

. , y ' ^ !• 1 ■/• amenaea.

word competent in the third line thereof. \uciitors.

4. Clause (i) of subsection 2 of section 4 of The Loannev. st&t. and Trust Corporations Act is repealed and the following subs. '2, 'ci.'<, substituted therefor: repealed.

(i) They shall require that there shall be mailed orBy-iawsas » delivered to each shareholder, at least two weeks or Sell vei^

before the annual meeting, a statement, verified "[^tem|)n\ by the auditors, of the assets and liabilities and {^^J^j"^^*' income and expenditure of the Corporation to a date not more than two months before the meet- ing, such statement to be drawn in accordance with the foiTn from time to time pre«:eribed by the Kegifltrar. 98

Rev. SUit. c. 184, a. 7. subs. 1, 4'epealsd.

5. Subsection 1 of secJion 7 of The Loan and Trust Cor porations Act is repealed and the following substituU i therefor :

Prerequl- •ItM to in- corporation.

7. (1) i'or the piirpOHG of incorporation the applicuut shall file with the l{egi«trar an affidavit proving that at least $)i()0,000 of stock has been siil s<!ribod for and taken ii|) borui fide bv at least twenty-fivo responsible subscribers, f-ach of the applicants holding at least ton shares in his own right and to his own use; that in the case of Trust Corporations at least $100,000 and in other cases at least $50,000 of such subscribed stock has been j)aid in cash by the subscribers into a branch in Ontario of some chartered bank of C/anada, in tru.><t for the }»ro|)osed <*orporntioii, free from all liiibility on the part of the pro|to»ied corporation or ;ikiv of the sul>scriber8 lo make repavnient of the same or any part thereof to any person, firm or corporation, and that each subscriber has out of his own raoneV, contributed to the amount so paid in rateably accordinjr to the amount of shares subscribed for bv him.

"T84^s*i7 ^" Section 17 of The Loan and Trust Corporations Act amended. ' is amended by addinc: thereto the followinjr subsection:

Guaranteed investments.

(3) Where moneys are received by a Trust Company under subsection 2,

To be In securities authorized by Rev. Stat, c. 121.

Barmarl^ing: securities.

(a) Such moneys shall be invested only in se- curities nntborizod bv TIip Tninf^p Art:

(h) Securities to the full amount of the moneys so received for investment and jsruaranteed shall be earmarked and set aside as de^nitely pledgeft as security therefor:

Quarterly- return as to securities.

(c) A sworn return shall be made to the "Reffis- trar quarterly on the ]5th day of March. June. September and December, in eacli year, drawn in accordance n'ith the foj-m prevScribed from time to time by the T?p<ri=- trar. showing all such securities as thev stood at the end of the last precediner month and stating that tbjey have been definitely set aside as security for guaranteed invest- ments.


7. Subsection 8 of sec-tiou 2i) of The Loan aiul Trust Cor- Rev. stat.

, , , . , , 1 . c- 184. s. 26,

porations Act is amended by inserting alter the word '* in- subs. 3, struraent " in the iirst line thereof the words "shall state contracts to the rate of interest charged and." ofVnterilt.

Clause (h) of subsection 1 of section 27 of The ^^0(/?i R^g^^tat. Trust Corporations Act is repealed and the following subs. 'i.'ci.

8 and substituted tlierefor:


. (6) Any securities of or guaranteed by the rnittHJbJToa^®"*^ kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the^'^P;^^"^^^^^ Dominion of (Janada or any of the Proviuces-of bonds. CJanada or any , other Government the interest on whose securities has been paid n-ou la rly for the previous ten y5ars ; '

(c) Debentures, bonds. ])aid-up stock and other ■''ecuri-^l*^'^^^]^'®^^, ties, except bills of exchange and promissory conypanies. notes, of any municipal corporation or school corjioration or of any chartered bank or incor- porated comj^any, if such bank or company i> incorporated by Canada, or by any Province of (Jaiinda or by any former Province now forniinii part of Canada.

9. The Lumi mi,/ 'J'liisl ( 'ovpomli()U>< Arl \< muk iidci by ^•^*4f'**" ddiii": tiie followino: section thereio: amended.

■-.In. On and at'tof I lie itoration shall,

.laiiiKirs, l!>'Jn. \\i


Cdl'- Restrlctlona on amount of Invest- ments.

(n) M.xcept as to securities issued or guaranteed ^^^^[^{'^ liv the Government of C^anada or the Govern- }nve.stment

. . . in any one

ment of Ontario, invest money m any one corporation, security or make a total investment in any one corporation including the purchase of its stock or other securities, the lending to it on the security of its debentures, mort- gages or other assets or any part thereof, of more than 15 per cent, of its own ]>aid-in capital stock and reserve funds ;

(h) Make any investment the effect of which will ^*^eed 15 be that such coriioration will hold more per <^e"f- o'

' seen rl ties

than 15 per cent, of the stock and deben-of anycor-

- ' i." i J Poratlon.

tures of any one corporation or incorporated company ;

(c) Invest in the stocks, debentures or funds of Dividend

V ^ ^ ^ J 1 1 paying cor-

any corporation, chartered bank or incor- poratlon*.

porated compauy which has not paid ; dividend of 0 per cent, per annum on ii (•apital stock for the previous three years.

Uev. Stat, c. 184, nrnended.

10. Tkc Luiin and J ru6i ( ui jjuiutiutui Act is ;iii adding thereto the following section :

I aiiiit of amount of Investment in liullcllnKH (or uae of company.

S(hi. A (orporatiou shall not make or undertake any iii vestment or expenditure after the passing of thi Act, under section 29 or section 30, which wi! cause the total amount so invested or expendc" under either of the-said sections to exceed 15 pc; cent, of the paid-up capital and reserve funds o the corporation.

'^tfli^i*!i« 11- Subsection 1 of section 32 of The Loan and Tnui subs. 1. Corporations Act is amended by striking out the words *" ;

amended. , '^ . i i i i . ,, i

Prohibfting loan corporation and a loaning land corporation at tli* foans^on beginning tlieroof and -^Ml><titntiiiir tlicrf'fnr the words " : own shares, corporation."

!•! iV4..s'^i02. 12. Suliscc'liuu i o! sectiuu JOii oi The Luaii and Tru.^^ amended. Corporations Act is amended by adding at the end there- Auditors. |],(, following words *' who sliall bo .Vccountants."

Uev. .Stat, c. 184, 3. 102. amended.

13. Section 102 of The Loan and Trust Corporations A(

is aiiit'iKU'd liv ii'ikiug out siili-crti.it! 1) thereof and suhsti tntiuii' tlie folldwiiig therefor:

Auditor's light of access to books.

) I'vcrv .Viidiini wi ;i ( 'Orporaliou .sliail have tl rii^lii ul" aitti'ss al all- times to the books an accounts, casli, swurities,' do<Mimonts and voucl. ers ofthe Corporation, and shall be entitled t ref|uirc from the iJirector.s and Orticers of li: Corporation such information and explanation ;t he may require.

Checking cash and verifying soouritles.

Report to share- holder.s.

10) It sliall lie the duty of the auditors, once at leas

during their term of otHce, to- chock the ca.sh an verity tlie 'securities of the Oorjwration at tli' ('Intd" Otlice of ilie ( 'oi-|)oration, against t]\ entries in regard thereto in the books of the Cf>r . poration. and. .should thov deem it necessary, i (dicM'k ;tii(] verify in the- same manner the ca-' and securities at any branch or agency.

11) The Auditors shall make report to the sharr



(a) That they have audited the bdoks tm- the year ending 31st December and have veri- fied the cash, bank balances and seoiiritios of tlic Corporation;

(h) That they have examined the statement and that it agrees with the books of the Cor- poration ;

(c) That after due consideration they have formed an independent opinion as to the position of the Corporation ;

((/) i liat with their independent opinion so formed and according to the best of their information and the explanations given them they certify that in their oi>inion the '

statement sets forth fairly and truly the state of the affairs of the Corporation;

(e) That all transactions of the Corporation that have come within their notice have been within the powers of the (Corporation.

14. Section 103 of The Loan and Trust Corporations Act c.^ii, s. io3. is repealed and the following substituted therefor; repealed.

Annual 103/ (1) Every cor|)oratio^ shall once at least in every ^t**®"^*'^*^

year, cause to be pre|)arcd a general statement holders.

of its affairs in the fnrm prescribed by the Reikis

trar from time to time.

To stfl.tG tlmt

(2) Every such statement shall have on the bend it iscor- tlun-eot a |)rinte(l notice in cmispicnons typ(? statement.

stating that the slatenieni ]• the (Corporation.

Ilie sljilenient of





I'-very such statement shall be attested by the signa--i"j* veii- tiirc of the President or Vic(hPresident and the Managing Director or some other principal officer of the Corporation and .shall contain a

, certificate signed by the auditors certifying a-^ provided in section 102.

- ^ To \h< mailet!

A copy of such statement shall be mailed or doliv-o^^«|^'^^^f' *'•' ered to every shareholder of the Corporation at hoiderB. least two weeks before the annual meeting with- out charge.

A copy of such statement shall be mailed or deliv- debenture ered without charge to every debenture holder Jj^JSitonl^


and depositor of the Corporation whose deposit- shall exceed $100, within fifteen days after tli< antuuil meeting has been held.

c*T84^*f 110 ■^^' ►'*^<'*"t'^'" J 1" ^^ 1 1^^ Loan aiid Trust ('urporcUion Arl

ametifled. is iiitKMUJcd l)V Ji(ifiill<r thoT'Ofn tllC f'()||r»\vin;r silli-r'ction :

I'/) In lln; (•ii.>«; <»i ail Kxll'a 1 'i(n jiiriai * oijxtrall" -

the Registrar may accept the staionienf require by subsection 1 as for the then last fiscal year

siw'h corporafion.

16. Subsections 2 and •] of section 110 of The Loan a iff

itev. Stat, c. 1S4. s. 110,

repealed"*' ^' ^'''"*^ Corporations Act are repealed and tlif' fnll..uifH. stituted therefor:

( •.■rtilM'atc (if a iiiiitors on annual statement.

■1 ) Siicli annual statement shall be certified by tiic auditors of the Corporation who shall make an affidavit thereon to the following effect:

(rt) That they have examined the statement an: that it agree>^ witli the books of the r«n poration ;

(^)^That after due consideration they havi formed an independent opinion as to \\>> position (\^ ilic ('Mr]t(ii'iiiion ;

(r) That with their independent opinion ■■" formed and according to the I)Ost of their information and the explanations given them, they certify that in their opinion the statement sets forth fairly and truly the state of the affairs of the Corporation ;

Affidavit of



Time for niingr with, registrar.

{(I) That all transactions of the Corporation

_ that have come within their notice have

been within tlio ]>(»wcrs of the Corporation.

(8) Such annuar statement shall also be proved by the ' affidavit of the President or Vice-President and of the Managing Director, or some other princi- pal officer of the Corporation and shall be accom- panied with a certified copy of a resolution of the directors showing that the same had been adopted by them.

(3a) ^uch annual statement shall be filed with the Registrar on or before the Ist day of March then next ensuing.


(36) On sufficient cause shown and upon payment of Extending the prescribed fee, the Registrar may by writing flung of under his hand and seal before or after the igt *'^**®'"®"'- of March, extend the time for the filing of the statement.

" 17. Subsection 5 of section 110 of The Tj»an and V'/v/.s/^®/. stat Corporations Ad is repealed and the following substitutedss. 5. therefor :

o. Where ifcis made to a)>|)ear to tiic Kcgistrar thai '"'yuiV^g/fn Extra Provincial (Corporation does not borrow case of an monies in Ontario by Xho sale of it>^ bonds, de-vinciai benturos or other s'ecnritios or bv acccptinir de-ti'o'ifnoT bentures or other monies to,- investment •*i"^on°e^'"^ deposit and does not exercise in Ontario any of in Ontario, the powers of iy Trust Corporation other than tlio loaning of money in Ontario, the Registrar may direct that the provisions of this se<'tion shall not ai>nly to such Cor]>oration, in which case snch Corporation shall make such returns and give such information as tbo Registrar sliall from time to time require.

18. The Loan and Trust Corporation.^ Ad is amended by J^^g^^^**- adding thereto the following section : amended.

182a. (1) Everv person who makes anv wilfullv false False stnte-

, . ' . ' j^ . .' i. nients or

or deceptive statement in any account, statement, rotnrii«. return, report or other document respecting tb( affairs of a corporation shall be guilty of aup^^j^^^j^y offence and shall be liable, on conviction thereof, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years ;

^2 ) Everv president, vice- president, director, auditor, Offlcere" manager or other oincer ot a corj^oration. who,

(d^ Pre] tares, signs, approves, or concurs in any such account, statement, return, report or document containius" sncli false or deceptive statement; or,

(6) T^ses the same with intent to deceive or mislead any person ;

shall be held to have wilfully m.'ide such false or deceptive statement, and shall further be resp^ui- sible for all damages sustained by any person in consequence thereof.

('■'>^ Offences under this scition shall be* prosc<'utod JJ^'^f'y"^^*'*''* under The Ontario Summary Convictions .Ir/ <-. bo. before before a Police Magistrate or two Justices of the maHatrate

Vf>aot^ or two



(0 j



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ft) 2 '^

80 » p

a. c- o-


d o



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'ft u-

p a.

No. 93. 1919.


An Act to amend The Loan and Trust Corporations Act.

HIS MAJESTY, l)v aiul with tlie ;i.l\ ici ;iii,l consent, of the Legislative Assembly of ilie Prc)\ iiicc of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The f.<nni tun/ Tnisl rr>/'- siiort title. purations Act, 1919.

2. Section 2 of 21ie Loan and Trust ( uiijoral'nnis Ad. isKev stat. amended by addiiiii* thereto the foUowinii' clause: amended.'

\n. " Acconntaiit " shall mean a member of the Ii^='ti".'j,;^jSJ^"ng^^^. tute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario or anyingof person approved by the Doniinioji Mortcajre and Investments Association and the Land ^^ortgage Companies' Association of the Province of On- tario as being a qnalified accountant for the purpose of auditing the books and acconnts of corporations under this Act.

3. Clause (h) of subsection 2 of section 4 of The '-"""clYs^fs^H. and Tnist Corporations Art is amciuled bv -trikinr oiii iIk-"^u''s- 2,ci. /»,

' ,, . , 1.11. 1 ' r ' amended.

word * competent in the third line thereof. Auditors.

4. Clause (i) of sub?octiou 2 of section 4 of The Loan Rev. atat. and Trust Corporations Art i> repealed and the fol lowing subs. 2. ci.'i. substituted therefor: repealed.

(i) They shall require that there .shall 1m- mailed orBy-iawsa* delivered to each shareholder, at least two weeksor delivery before the annual meeting, a statement, venfied"[,f,e"iJ,*'t by the auditors, of the assets and liabilities nndfi^Jjj'jy^.'j,*- income and expenditure of the Corporation to a date not more than two months before the meet- ing, sneh statement to be drawn in accordance with the form from time to time prescribed l»v the Re^atrar, 08

K«vSi*t. 5. Siilit>ef;tioii I of Herti«»ii 7 of The Lumt nii4 Triisl f.'or

Hubs.'i. ' /loniiioiifi .\<l is rcpcalc*! aiitl tlic fcdlow iii^r iihititiitcd

repcHleii. ,


Preieciul- ■ites to in- corporation.

7.- -( 1 ; V uv liir j)iir|)()jju tii iiicoi-j>(»ruii(jii llic ajjpli' an shall file with the liegistrar an atii(la\ it proving that at least $300,000 of stock has been suh scribed for and taken n)> bona fide by at lea.«i Iwenty-fivo responsible subscribers, each of th< applicants holdinj; at least ten shares in his own right and to bis own use; that in the case of Trust Corporations at least $100,000 au<l in other cases at least $50,000 of such subscribed stock has been |)aid in cash by the subscriber- into a branch in Ontario of sonie chartered bank of (^anada, in trust for the proposed corporation, free from all liability on the part of the proposed corporation or any of the subscribers to mak( repayment of the same or any part thereof t" any person, firm or corporation, and that each subscriber has out of his own money, contribute<l to the amount so ])aid in rateably accordinir to the amount of shares subscribed for bv him.

'*®/<;..^'^*V» ^- Section 17 of The Loan and Trust Corporaiions Act

c. 184, s. 17, . , . ' .

amended. is amended by adding thereto the followinc subsection:

Guaranteed investments.

(3) Where moneys are received by a Trust Company under subsection 2,

To be in securities authorized by Rev. Stat, c. 121.

Earmarking' securities.

(a) Such moneys shall be invested only in se- curities authorized by The Tnisiee Acl :

(h) Securities to the full amount of the moneys so receiA'^ed for investment and aniaranteed shall be earmarked and set aside as definitely pledged as security therefor;

Quarterly return as to securities.

(c) A sworn return shall be made to the Regis- trar quarterly on the 15th day of March, .Tune, September and December, in each year, drawn in accordance with the form prescribed from time to time by the Regis- trar, showing all such securities as they stood at the end of the last preceding month and stating that they have been definitely set aside as security for guaranteed invest- ments.


7. Subsection 8 of section :26 of The Loan aiid Trust Co/-- Rev. stat.

, , , , . ,• , , . c. 184, s. 26,

/'Orations Act is anKMuied bv inserting after the word " in- subs. 3, sfrument " in ihe t^r.■^t line thereof tlie words "shall state contract's to the rate of interest charged and." ofYnterSt.

^. (Hause {h) of subsection 1 of section 27 of TJlc Loan r&v. st&t. and T'nist Corporations Act is repealed and the following subl*'i!cl'b. substituted therefor: repealed.

(b) Any securities of or guaranteed by the ['niUinnvestments

Kingti Great Britain aiul Ireland, the companies.

Dominion oi Canada or any of the Provinces of bonds. Canada or any other Government the intercut on whose securities has been paid regularly for the previous ten years;

(c) Debeiiliirc-. Im iids, j)aid-u]) stock and other sectiri- Securities

, -i, /> 1 , . of banks or

ties, e\(< pi hili< of exchange and pronussoiv companies. notes, of aiiv municipal corporation or school cor])oratioii or of any chartered bank or incor- l)orated company, if such bank or company i- incorporated by Canada, or by any Province of Canada or by any former Province now forniin!: part of Canada.

9. 7'//y; Loan ar ' / Corporations . I r/ is jinu nde^l l)\ lUv. Stat. ;id(lini>' tlu? followi ! ._ on thereto: aiuenlied.

27a ( I )• On and after the 1st of January, 1920, no cor- Restrictions poration shall, ^ ^^SirlT


(a) Except as to securities issued or guaranteed Limit of

/~4 capital

by the Government of Canada or the Govern- in ve.stinent ment of l^^any Province of Canada or by coAnvratlon. a uinnicipal co)'|»orati()n in ilie Province of ( )ntiirio.'''^l invest money in any one security ^r make a total investment in any one corpoiuiion including the |)urchasc ol" its stock or other securities, the lending to it on the .security of its debentures, mort- gages or other assets or any part thereof, of more than 15 per cent, of its own paid-in capital stock and reserve funds ;

(6) Make any investment the effect of which will ^^^Ud ir.

be that ^udi '•<)rr)oration will bold niorepercent. of 1 . - ^ e ,^ I 111 securities

lliaii 1.1 I cr iciit, or uie stock and (lel)en-of any cor- , p •• i. J porntlon.

tures oi any one corporation mi- incorporated company ;


Dividend l>aylnK <■«>*• iMiiattoriN.

[(■) Iincsl in iiH- -uci-.-, (icl»i-r,tiir(^ or funds of flny <'or|)oration, cliarfcnMl 1 m .i

poratod company wliich lias nui j.uiii a dividend of (J per ovut. per annum on its capital stock for tlie previous three years.

(2) This sc;'tioii shall nor api)l\' to an investment in tin- paid u|) Capital Stock of a Trust Company having its head oltico in the Province of Ontario if th- same has hoen authorized hv an order of th' Liontenant-Govemor in Council ii]>on the reoom- niciidation <>f the RojristrHr.

nev. Stat.

c. 1S4.

amended. addlllll Ilicrch

10. T/ir Loan ninl 'I' nisi ('n, ji.inl,, //>

!(' lulldwi Hi: ^<'ci i<>!i> :


Miuit of amount of Investment in huilrlinRS lor use of company.

30a 1. Except as hereinafter provide"! a ( orporation .shall not make or undertake any Investment or expend iniro after the pas.-jin^ of this A<-t. under Section 20 or Section '^0, which will cause the total amount so invested lor expeaided under either of the said sections to exceed !.'» per feiit. of the ])aid-np (•ai)ital and reserve funds of the eor|)nration.

Rev. Stat, c. 184. s. 32, subs. 1, amended. Protiibitins or limiting loans on own shares.

2. Where a ( Orjioration has already Ixuia lide aequired land for the |)urpose of makin"- addirions, alter- ations, oi- i]ii]>iH)venient.- ro otliiM - di- Ituildiim- alreadv owned hy them, or the erection of new hnihliiiiis ther(M)n. the Corjwration may with the a|>|ii-o\al of the Lieutenant-Govern<»r in Council make or undertake investments or expenditures for such purposes exceeding the amount provided foi- in subsection t but the total amount invested and exj^nded by such cor]>oration under either of the said sections 20 or 'M) .shall not in any event exceed 25 per ctMJt. of the paid-up capital and reserve funds of the Cor|K»ration.

11. Subsection 1 of section 32 of The Loan and Trust

Corporalioiis Ad is amended by striking out the words "a loan corporation and a loaning land <-orporation " ai the l)egiunin<i' tliereol" and .-uhstilntiiig thei'cfor tlir w-r.;- "■ a eor))oration."

Rev. Stat. 12. Subsectiou 1 of section 102 of The Loan and Trust

suhs.'i." " Corporations Act is amended by adding at the end thereof Ammors: the following words '*' who shall be Accountants."


13. Section 102 of The Loan and Trust Corporations Acf^^"-- stat- IS amended h\ striking out subsection 9 tlioreot and snltsti-amonded. tnting the following therefor:

(9) Every Auditor of a Corporation shall have the ^j^J^.toj's right of access at all times to the books and access to

"^ , . . , ., , books.

accounts, cash, securities, docninents and vouch- ers of the Corporation, and shall be entitled to require from the J^irectors and OiRcers of the Corporation such inforaiation and explanation as he may require.

riO) It shall be the duty of the auditors, once at least, ^^sl^aS during their term of office, to check the cash and verifying

. ~ . . ' . securities.

verify the securities of the Corporation at the Chief Office of the Corporation, against the entries in regard thereto in the books of the Cor- poration, and, should they deem it necessary, to check and verify in the same manner the cash and securities at any branch or agency.

11) The Auditors shall make report to llie .-luirc- [Report

^ ' to share-

holders, holders.

(a) That they have audited the books for the year ending 31st December and have veri- fied the cash, bank balances and securities of the Corporation ;

(h) That they have examined the statcnient and that it agrees with the books of tlic Cor- poration ;

(c) That after due consideration they have formed an independent opinion as to the position of the Corporation ;

{d) That with their independent opinion so formed and according to the best of their information and the explanations given them they certify that in their opinion the statement sets forth fairly and truly the state of the affairs of the Corporation ;

(fi) That all transactions of the Corporation that have come within their notice have been within the powers of the Corporation.

14. Section 103 of The Loan and Trust Corporations Act^^^^'-sta.t. IS repealed and the following substituted tlierofor: repealed.



Annual Ktatement to ahare-


To Mtate that Jt la cor- poration's statement.

Attesting and veri- fying.

To be mailed or delivered to share- holders.

And to ilfbenture holders and iIeposltor.s.

103. (J ) Kverv coriMM'iifion shall once at least iu every v«:ti. < :ti 'parecl a general statement

of its uliuir.s in iiie lorm prescribed by the Repi- trar from fimn to time.

(2) \-.-.ri\ ,,. ii liiifiiiciit fthall liavtj on the head

tlioreof a printed notice in couspicnoiis type .stating that the statement is the .statomo-nt of the Corporation.

(3) Every such statement shall be attested by the signa-

ture of the President or Vice-President and the Managiui!- Director or some other jirincipal officer '• ilio Corporation and shall contain :i certilicate .si<(ned by the auditors certifying provided in section 102.

(4) A copy of such statement shall be mailed or deliv-

ered to every shareholder of the Cori)oration at least two weeks before the annual meeting with- out charge.'

(5) A copy of such statement shall be mailed or deliv-

ered without charge to every debenture holder resident in Canada and depositor of the Corpora- tion whose deposits shall exceed $100, within 'thirty days after the annual meeting has been held.

?T8"4^8*iio "*"^- ^^tiion 110 of The Loan and Trust Corporation Ad

amended. ' is amended by adding thereto the following subsection :

1. (a) In the case of an Extra Provincial Corporation the Kegistrar may accept the statement required by subsection 1 as for the then last fiscal 3'ear of such corporation.

? mfs^iio. 1^- Subsections 2 and 3 of section 110 of The Loan and repeafed?** ^' ^Vu^^ Corporations Act are repealed and the following sub- stituted therefor:

Certificate of auditors on annual statement.

(2) Such annual statement shall be certified by the auditors of the Corporation who shall make an affidavit thereon to the following effect :

(a) That they have examined the statement and that it agrees with the books of the Cor- poration ;

(6) That after due consideration they have formed an independent opinion as to the position of the Corporation ;


(c) That with their iudependeut opinion so fonned and according to the best of their information and the explanations given them, they certify that in their opinion the statement sets forth fairly and truly the state of the affairs of the Corporation ;

(d) That all transactions of the Corporation that have come within their notice have been within the powers of the Corporation.

(3) Such annual statement shall also be proved by the;^J^^jYj^°^ affidavit of the President or Vice-President and etc. of the Managing Director, or some other princi- pal officer of the Corporation and shall be accom- panied with a certified copy of a resolution of the directors showing that the same had been adopted by them.

(3a) Such annual statement shall be. filed wiili the J,i."ieio.':. Kegistrar on or before the 1st day of M arch registrar, then next ensuing.

(86) On sufficient cause shown and upon pa.^mient of^|^||^^|,"^ the prescribed fee, the Registrar may by writin£r^'|^"&of under his hand and seal, before or after the l^r m of March, extend the time for the filing of the


17. Subsection 5 of section 110 of The Loan owl 7'/ - .J JYm!^ lio. Corporations Act is repealed and the following sub-iinned^^- 6. therefor:

5. Where it is made to ;n.)M;M t,, ii . i '^^r^dTii

Extra Proviii' ' ,n, .wcaseof an

extra pro-

,.,r....f. . ,.,(»,,. , , - , ,|,. vlnclal

, . I irpora-

•!• \^y ;i''''<i't MU'tion not

deposits or other monies for i"^ '"' "i' "< mo'nre^*"*^ ;irtfl fLu's twif <'V(.ivi<fv !», Onfn''i'> ;iii\ , )f In Ontario.

the '• r

ma;, ■''■!!

shall not app1^ .itinn. in wlnVli

case 811' ' *"'': ^.'. -|i;i ' ■': roflirTH

and giv! rmatimi ,, r.'ir shall

from time to time require.

18. Thr /."an 'nidTnis; . ,Uii. n.l, d by Rev SUt

. ,, . . ' C. 184.

II owing section: amended.


False sta/t*-




Officers' liability.

Trial under Rev. Stat, c. 90, before a police magistrate or two Justices.


132o. (1) Every person who makes any wilfuUy false or deceptive statement in any account, statement, return, report or other document respecting the aflPairs of a corporation shall be guilty of an offence and shall bo liable, on conviction thereof, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years;

(2) Every president, vice-president, director, auditor,

manager or other officer of a corporation, who,

(a) Prepares, signs, approves, or concurs in any such account, statement, return, report or document containing such false or deceptive statement ; or,

(h) Uses the same with intent to deceive or mislead any person ;

shall be held to have wilfully made such false or deceptive statement, and shall further be respon- sible for all damages sustained by any person in consequence thereof.

(3) Offences under this section shall be prosecuted

under The Ontario Summary Convictions Act before a Police Magistrate or two Justices of the Peace.

19. Section 136 of The Loan and Trust Corporations Act

is amended bv addiiiir thereto the following- subsection:

(8) Upon the request of the Dominion Mortgage and ■f Investments Association or the Land Mortgage

Companies Association of the Province of Ontario, the Attorney-General shall appoint an examiner as provided under subsection 1 of this section.



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No. 94. 3919.


An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection (1) of section '}1S of The Municipal Artl}'^i\;^^'^*'' is hereby amended by striking out the figures " $100 " inf^^^g^j^gy* the third line thereof, and substituting therefor the figures

" $50."

2. Snbsci.-tion (2) of section ''» 1 ^ "f tbi -.lid Act is hereby Ucv. stat. aiiiciiiicil by strikinii' out the tii^ni.- ■■siiMi"" i^^ tbe fifths' :i]s'<2>,

;iti(] -I'xciiih lliK- ilitivdi' ;iii(l suiisi it li t i III!- ilicrefor |1,(. '"""•'•■'i







CO bo l-i

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5' 5' 5'

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p a.






«> 2








i-i b.


CD u>





No. 96.



An Act to amend the Law relating to Landlord and Tenant.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. (1) Wherever a tenancy from year to year is bere-'^g®„'j[^py***"^- after created by implication of law, it may be terminated a^^^fo^^^^®*'" any time by either party to such tenancy giving to the other party three months' notice in writing of his or her intention to terminate same.

(2) This section shall not apply to tenancies of farm lands uxceptiona. or market gardens.

go Who ii^ro SH3




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y-i- y-i. i-i.





mo. 96.



An Act to amend The Surrogate Courts Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, tiacts as follows:

1. Section 71 of the Surrogate Courts Act is amended ^^^^j l^n"

adding thereto the following subsection:

c. 62,3. 71, amended.

3a. The Judge, on the passing of such accounts, shaUJudge'^on' have inrisdiction to allow payments made forP^ssins

J . . \, '' , accounts.

the past maintenance of infants to the extent which, in his opinion, such payments are proper and just.



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No. 96.



An Act to amend The Surrogate Courts Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section Yl of the Surrogate Courts Act is amended Rev- stat.,

c 62 s, 71

l)y adding thereto the following subsection: amended.'

3a. The Judge, on the passing of such accounts, shall p°^8^«o' have iurisdiction to allow for the past mainten-passing

p . f 7 t , . . . accounts.

ance oi miants to such an extent as in his opinion may he proper and just.







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p <x>

No. 97. 1919.


'^An Act respecting the Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as 2'he Vital Statistics Act, 1919. sf^^rt


2. In this Acl^ uon.'"'"'*^'

(a) ''Cemetery" shall mean any plot of ground in "Cemetery" which bodies of deceased persons are interred ;

(6) " House " shall include a part of a' house and tene- 'House" ment, building, room or dwelling place ;

(c) "Inspector" shall mean the In8pe(*t<a- of Vital ■'"^i^'^^o'"

Statistics (or his deputy or other person author- ized to act) ;

(d) " Municipality " shall not include a county ; ;'-'^.V"*^»p*'-

(e) "Nurse" shall mean that person who attends at "^"''"'

the birth of a child, but shall not menu the at- tending physician ;

(/) " Occupier " shall include the governor, keeper, "0«cupier" warden or superintendent of a gaol, prison, peni- tentiary, lunatic asylum, poor asylum, hospital, industrial home, and house of refuge, and of a public or private charitable institution ;

(g) " Prescribed form " shall mean the form prepared fo^" "'^**"* by the Registrar-General and approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council ; 97


(/') " Kogistrar-General " shall mean that mouiber the Rxwutive Council who for the time l-rinir charged with the adminiRtration of thih

"Under- taker"'

(t) "Undertaker " shall mean aiiy person who engage^ in the burial of the body of a deceased person. R.S.O., 1914.;

(;') " Snb-Re^i8tr;ir " 4iiill momi

Api.ii,_|M-ii 3, This Act shall apply to land- reserved for the Indian

Reserves, which for the purposes hereof shall be deemed territory n<-i

within H TmijnVip>tlifv, T?.S.n,. 1014. p. 40, «. 3.

lDbi)ector, appoint- ment and duties of.

4. The Licutcnunt-Uoveruor in Council nia.v a|)point an Inspector of Vital Statistics whose duty it shall bo to inspoc the registration office and examine the schedules preparcl tinder this Act to see that the entries and reoristrations arc made and completed in a proper manner and in h?gible hand writing. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49, s. 4.

port"of Reg- ^- "^^^ Registrar-General shall annually collate, publish istrar-Gen- and distribute for the use of this Legislature a full report of the births, marriages and deaths of the preceding year, giving such details, statistics and information as the Lieutenant- Governor in Council may deem necessary. R.S.O., 1914. c. 49, 8. 5.

Regruiations. ^. The Lieutenant-Govemor in Council may malfe such regulations as ho may deem necessary for the pur]>ose of obtaining the information required by this Act. R.S.O.. 1914, c. 49, 8. 6.


seaching 7. (1) Any porson shall be entitled at all reas-onable

records with i i j? xi •tic i

Registrar- hours OR payment of the prer?cnbed fee and on signing an application in the prescribed form, to have search made of the record of birth, marriage or death kept in the office of the Registrar-General for any one county or district for not more than three years.

Certificate (2) The Registrar-General shall, when requested, give n tion. certificate of the details of any birth, marriage or death of

which there is a record in his office on payment of the pre- scribed fee.

Effect as evidence.

(3) The certificate shall be prima facie evidence in any court, or in any proceeding before a Justice of the Peace, of the facts certified to be recorded.


(4) The fees to be paid for searches and certificates shall Fees for be prescribed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. E.S.O., and certm- 1914,0.49,8.7. (Amended.) ''^*^^'

8. The Registrar-General shall cause such schedules and^°'^*»*'- forms to be prepared as may be approved by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council in order to obtain correct statistical information, and he shall distribute them to the Division Ilegistrars, and the cost of and incidental thereto and of the listribution thereof shall be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49, s. 8.

9. (1) The Registrar-General shall prepare and igsue^^^*^'""^**^"^- such detailed instructions as may be required to procure the uniform observance of the provisions of this Act and the maintenance of a perfect system of registration; and no

•rms shall be used other than those supplied by the Regis- L lar-General.

(2) The Registrar-General shall examine the forms i*©' ^^ of"*^* ceived monthly from the division registrars, and if any such forms, are incomplete or unsatisfactory he shall require such further information to be supplied as may be necessary to make the record complete and satisfactory. (New.)

10. Every physician, clergyman, nurse, undertaker orgypp^y^ing'^ other person having knowledge of the facts respecting any |^^^^j|^J,°^. birth, marriage or death shall supply personally, or by mail, Qene^'a'

or through the Division Registrar, such infoimation as the

Registrar-General may require, by filling up forms provided

by the Registrar-General, or by adding such particulars as

may be required upon an original certificate, but no certifi-

ate of birth or death after its- acceptance for registration by

Division Registrar, nor any other record made in pursu-

nce of this Act, shall be altered or changed in any respect

xcept by amendments properly dated, signed and witnessed.


11. The Registrar-General shall arrange, bind and per- m"ift"and Manently preserve the forms after the same have been re- Prefer-

, y ' , ,. . . . . . vatlonof

ived from the division registrars in a systematic manner, records, iid shall prepare and maintain an index of births, marriages lud deaths. (New.)

12. (1) Any cemetery company or association, or any5h?ch^may •hnrch or historical society or association, or any corporation RpJilJrlr-*' <<r individual in |>08He88ion of any record of births, marriages o«ner*i. '>r deaths which may be of value in establishing the genealogy*

"f nnv ro-^idf'Tit- in Ontnrio. Trrnv filo «iioh record or n dnly


authenticated transcript thereof with the Registrar-General without charge.

How to be (2) It shall be the duty of the Registrar-General to pr-

dealt with. ^ ' . '' . . ^^ , , *

servo such record or transcript and to make a record or tran- script and to make a record and index thereof, and such record and index shall be open to inspection by the public, subject to such conditions as the Registrar-General may pre- scribe. (New.)

Registration Divisions.

ReglBti-ation (llvlslonH.

13. (1) All territory within Ontario shall be a part of some registration division.

Municipali- ties to be.

(2) Every municipality shall be a r^istration division.

i^norgranized (3) Territory not within a municipality may be attached

tprrltory. ^ ' , . , . ^.

to any existing registration division, or set apart as a regis- tration division, by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49, 9. 9.

Registrars in unorgan- ized terri- tory.

14. Where a registry division is formed of territory not within a municipality the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint a division registrar therefor and may make such regulations as he may deem necessary to secure a correct record of the births, marriages and deaths necnrriug therein. R.S.O., 1914. 0. 49, 9. 10.

Ofik i; AM) Duties of Division Reoistr.\r.

in*Mumc[-^ 15. (1) The clerk of every municipality shall be the paiities. division rcffistrar o^ the same.

Scliedules for division registrars.

(2) The Registrar-General shall supply to every division registrar schedules in the prescribed form upon which the division registrar shall enter the details of every birth, marri- age and death roistered in his office. R.S.O.. 1914, c. 49, s. 11. subs. 1-3.

Schedules of returns how and when to be made up.

( •') ) The division rogivstrar and cverv sub-registrar shall make every schedule in duplicate and on or before the 7th day of each month he shall transmit to the Registrar-General one duplicate of each schedule down to and including the last day of the month next preceding, and the other duplicate .schedule shall be kept by the division registrar on file in his office, and he shall also, on or before the seventh day in each month, transmit to the Registrar-General the original re- turns of everv birth, marriage and death made to him during 97 '


riio month next preceding, and if no birth, marriage or death has bceii registered in any month he shall, on or before the seventh day of the following month, report the fact to the Kegistrar-General on the prescribed form. R.S.O., 1914, ' . 49, s. 11, snbs. 3 amended.

(4) The duplicate schedule shall be bound uj> or otherwise ArranKa- nrranged from time to time by the division registrar in such manner as may be prescribed.

(5) It shall be the duty of the division registrar to keep <^"**^^y- the schedules, forme and documents received by him in a

place of safety, and he shall use all available means to obtain the necessary information for the purpose of completing the records required to be made by him. R.S.O., 1914, e. 49, s. 11, subs. 4-5.

16, If the division registrar has reason to believe that a^j°"ajo^"^ I)irth, marriage or death has taken place within his division ^^^'^trar

I'll I 1 1 11 on non-reg-

vvhich^ has not been registered he shall infoiin the proper istration. person of his duty to register the same, and on the failure of such person t<-> make the r^istration within seven days the division registrar shall forthwith supply the R^istrar- Goneral with such information as he posses^^es with regard In the matter. R.S.O., 101 1. c. 49, s. 11, snbs. 5 amended.

17. ; 1 A division registrar. nj)on application therefor, ^^^*j'^*|^^^,''^ and on [tayment of a fee of twenty-five cents shall give a registrar, certificate in the prc^seribed form as to any one r^istration

not included in any quarterly return made, but shall not give certiflcato any certificate other than such as is authorized by this sec-tion. n,,n .'•• ill Mi.v Ailip|. than the prescribed form.

(2) The division registrar shall be entitled to the fee for^*®' tlie corfifir'ntf. for hi^ own use. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49, s. 12.

IS. (1 ) It one within one year from the registration of grroi^s in"* n birth, marriage or death any of the particulars thereof are ""e^^'stration.

md to be omitted or incorrect it shall be the duty of the proper division registrar upon the error being reported to him within the time aforesaid to enquire into the same, and if satisfied that the entry in incorrect to correct the error according to the fact, entering the correction in the margin, without any alteration of the original entry, and shall note thereon the fact that the correction has been made and the 'Into thereof T? « O., 1914, c. 49, s. 13, subs. 1.

(2) Tf the lomis containing the original entry have been J'^t''J**^J't°*J.n returned to the Registrar-General, the Registrar-General «''o'"»n'»- shall oti evidence satisfactory to him correct the error in the 97

margin of the form as well as in the indexed record thereof without altering flio original entry, and shall note thereon the fact that the correction has been made and the date thereof. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49, s, 13, subs. 2 amended.

SVa^uarto ^^* (^) Every division registrar shall supply free of supply charge, any form required by a person in order to comply of charge, with the provisiouH of this Act.

Division registrar to see to cor- rectness of certifi- cate.

(2) The division registrar shall carefully examine every certificate of birth, marriage or death, in order to ascertain whetlicr or not it has been made out in the prescribed form, and every such certificate of birth, marriage or death shall be written legibly in durable black ink, and nh&\\ not be deemed to be conipletc unless it contains all the items of in- formation called h>y ilierein or satisfactorily accounts for their omission.

Correcting defects.

(3) If a certificate of death is incomplete or unsatisfac- tory it shall be the duty of the division registrar to., call attention to the defects in the return and to withhold the permit for the burial or removal of the body until such defects are corrected.

Numbering registra- tions.

General duty of Division Registrar.

(4) The division registrar shall number consecutively the registration of births, marriages and deaths in three separate series beginning with "No. 1," for the first birth, marriage and death in each calendar year and shall sign his name as division registrar in attestation of the date of the filing in his ofiiee. (New.) ^f^'W "

20. Every division registrar shall be charged with the enforcement of this Act in his regi.stration division under the supervision and direction of the Registrar-General and he shall make an immediate report to the Registrar-General of any violation of this law which comes to his knowledge.

Registration of Births.

medToaf ^^' (^) Every l^ally qualified medical practitioner

practitioner, who attends at the birth of a child shall within twenty-four hours give notice thereof in the prescribed form to the di- vision registrar of the division in which the child was born. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49, s. 14.

physician°in (^) ^^ there is no physician in attendance it shall be the attendance, duty of the nurse in attendance or the occupier of the house in which the child was born, to give notice of the birth in the prescribed form to the division r^strar. (New.)


32. (1) When a child is born registration of the birth^^otoreg- in the prescribed form shall be made with the division regis- trar in the division in which the child was born

(a) by the father if living; or

(b) in ease of inability on the part of the father or if

he is dead, then by the mother if living; or

(c) in case of inability on the part of both parents or

in case both are dead, then by the person stand- ing in the place of the parents of the child ;

(d) if there is no father or mother or other jierson

whose duty it i- to register tlu; birth, by the occu- pier of the house in which the child was born if he has knowledge of the birth, or by the nurse or other person present at the birth. E.S.O., 1 914. c. 49, s. 15, subs. 1 amended.

(2) The registration shall be made within thirty days ^^^^jl^^^^^j^^ after the date of the birth. K.S.O., 1914. c. 49, s. 15, subs. 2.

23. If a living new-bom child is found exposed it sball ^^««|j«^jj«l^'o" be the duty of any person finding such child, and of anynngs. person in whose charsre such child may be placed, to give, to

the best of hU knowledge and belief, to the division reeristrar of the division in which the child is found, within seven days after the findincr of such child, such information of the par- ticulars required to be reioi-istered concemiuir its birth ns the informant pos.sesses. "R.S.O.. 1914, c. 49. s. 17.

24. A person shall not be named in the register as the chfwren!* ^ father of an illecritimate child unless he and the mother renupst in writing that the name be so entered and the di- vision rofristrar shall write the word "illco-itimate" in the

prnpor column. TR.?>.0.. 1914. r. 49. «. 17 amended.

25. Tlie division reeristrar mnv recnstor n birfh at anv Rt-RistmUon

time within otio vcnr nftcr tlm birth nc<'nrred. T?.S.O., 1914, year after

*«, birth,

e. 49. s, IP.

26. The Lieutenant-Governor in Tonncil mav make r^^^- ^f^H^fj^Jl" lations for the reoistration of births which have not been t';*;;,^,"^^'^ reiristered under the foreoroinir nrovision.s of this Act, and of Ontario, for the reuistration of a birth which has taken place while

fhe mother of fho child was temporarilv absent from Ontario or on her wav from some place out of Ontario to csomo lo.'alifv in Ontario. H.R.O., 1914. c 49, s. 19 amended.


nftmB?ftei 27.— (1) Where tlie birth of a child has been rej^iaterod reristration. and the Christian or given name, if anv, by which the child was registered has been changed, or, if the child was regis- tored without a name, the parent or guardian of the child or the person procuring the name to be changed, may deliver to the division registrar a certificate signed by the minister, clergyman or other person who performed the rite of baptism ii]Min which the Christian or given name was changed, or. if I ho child was not baptized, signed by the father, mother ••! ;;uardian of the child procuring the Christian or given name of the child to be chan2:ed, and the division rcgistriir shall upon the receipt of such certificate, make the necessary alter- ation in the margin of the form containing the rrriginal entry nnd in the transcription thereof without making any altera- tion in the original entry and shall also make the same cor- rection in the index regarding such child. "R.S.O.. 1011. c. 49, s. 20, subs, 1 amend wl.

Alteration of name In register.

(9-) Tf the registration has been transyiitted to the Kegis- trar-General. the Registrar-General may make such alteration or addition, and if the certificate cannot be procured from the minister, clergyman or other person who performed the rite of baptism upon which the name of the child was changed or given, the Registrar-General may make anv alteration or addition in the registration of the name of the child upon such evidence as he may deem sufficient. "R.S.O.. 1914, c. 49, s. 20, subs. 2 amended.

Notice of still birth.


Ihiidren!" 28.— fl) A child which is not alive at the moment of

birth shall be deemed to be a still-bom child, and still birth? shall be rearistered as birth =: and as deaths and a certificate of birth and death shall be filed with the division registrar in the prescribed form. ("N'ew.')

(2) The notice of the birth of cfill-bom child shnll con- tain in place of the name of the child the words " still-born."

(3) The medical certificate of the cause of death in the case of a still birth shall be sicrned bv the attendinsr nhvsician, if any, in the prescribed form, and where there is no phv- sician in attendance the still birth shall be treated as a death taking place without medical attendance as provided for in section 35.

wien child ^4) "N'o child which shows "any evidence of life after birth leemed still shall be registered as still-born,

"Rtigistkattott of 'M.\RRTAGES.

i:»utyto report.

29. fl") "Everv person who solemnities a marrias^ shall

renort the same to the division resristrar of the division

within which the marriage was solemnized within thirtv 9T


days thereafter with the particulars required in the pre- scribed foi-m, which form shall be furnished to him by the division registrar, but in the case of a marriage solemnized under the authority of a license or certificate it shall be sufficient to report the same on the form attached to tlie license or certificate. K.S.O., 1914, c. 49, s. 21, subs. 1.

(2) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regu- ^®/"J|ia-"^ lations for the registration of marriages which have ^lot^h^j^^t^fo^l"®'" been registered under the foregoing provisions of this Act. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49^ s. 21, subs. 2.

Registration op Deaths.

30. (1) The body of any person whose death occurs in ^removed'. Ontario shall not be, removed for burial, interment, deposited out'permit. in a vault or tomb, cremated or otherwise disposed of or re- moved from or into any registration division until a pennit for that purpose has been properly issued by the division registrar of the division in which the death occurs, until notice of the death has been filed with him in the prescribed form.

(2) Where the death has occurred out of Ontario, or thej/^'n^tl?,'^'^ burial or other disposition of the bodv is to tnko place in a registration division other than that in which the death ha*: occurred, a certificate, sijrned bv the division resristrar or othej* proper officer of the inuTiicipalitv or T>]nor' in which the death occurred ?hall be suffir>ient authoritv fnr flm bnvinl ot- other disposition of the body.

31. The len-nllv rmalifipd mor^ical nrn^fitioner who waSn^^^cai last in attendnn<^e durin*^ tho illnpss! of nrv percnn shall practitioner. withiTi t won tv-f our hours after ha vincrlcnowlfvlpT of the death

of such person, deliver or transmit t/^ the division reiristrar of the division a notice of the death in the prescribed form. r^'ew.)

f*t% ^SU"" . #11 •i«i J* Duty of oc-

32. Tlie occupier of the house m which a person dies, orcupierof if the occupier he the person who has died, then everv adult '""*" "^^ person rcfidino' in thr» hou-'e in which thr> death trolc plnoe,

"v if the death ha«i not tnVen j<]i^00' within n house, then (^vorv person present nt the death or hnrin.«r Vnowled.<re ef the cir- eumstances of the «ame shall, within twentr-four hours after havinrr f^iH '''nowledire of such death. <rivp notice of the death *^ the refirictrar of the division in the r»re«erihed form.

33. —H^ TVIiere n death has oeeurred and it i" imnrnctie- in diviaion able to reirister the same, hv reason of distance, with tho°j,j^^,„ division re«ristrar of the division in which the death occurred, oc'^u^g!'*^*"'



notice of the death may be given to the nearest division registrar or siih-registrar who, upon the payment of a fee of 25 cents by the applicant, shall register the same in the pre- scribed form and issue a burial ])ermit which shall be sufficient, and such division registrar or sub-registrar shall forward the return to the division r^strar of the division in which the death occurred.

Fee of dlvieion registrar for burial permit.

Deaths In



(2) The division registrar issuing the burial permit shall be entitled to the fee for his own use.

34. Where a death occurs in a camp or mine, before the removal of the body from the camp or mine, or its burial or other disposition, the manager or other person in charge shall. within twenty-four hours after the death, give notice thereof to the division registrar in the prescribed form, and where further particulars of a death occurring in a camp or mine are required hy the division registrar, the same shall be im- mediately furnished by the owner of such CAmp or mine, or other person to the best of his knowledge and belief, (l^ew.)

Where no 35. (1) Where a person has died without medical at-

medlcal at- i.r .i-i-ii. i i -i. ••

tendance at tendance no burial permit shall be issued by a division regis- ** , trar unless and until notice has been given to him by the coroner tbnt be has examined the body and made enquiry into the circumstances of the death as provided by 7^r Cforoner's Acf. or until an inquest has been held and /the coroner ha=! furnished the particulars required in the ■pro- scribed form.

Regulations. (^) "N'otwitbstnndinjr anytbinir eontained in subsection 1. the T^ecristrar-General may make r^ilations providing for the issue of n burial permit where a death has taken place and there bag been no legally qualified medical practitioner in attendance. . ^

Burial permit

Sub-regis- trars.

36. Except as otherwise provided bv this Act a division registrar shall immediately upon registerincr a death, de- liver without charge to any person requirini? the same for the purpose of burial or other disnosition of a body, a burial permit in the prescribed form. "R.S.O.. 1914, c. 49, s. 2B.

37. (1) When ujjon proper representation to the Kegis- trar-General. he is of opinion that in any section of Ontario, the r^stration of deaths for the purpose of burial would be facilitated he may appoint a sub-r^strar for the special purpose of issuing a burial permit upon the pavment by the applicant of a fee of 25 cents.



(2) Tlio siib-r^istrar shall register the death upon aRegistration special form of schedule provided aud shall forthwith trans- registrars, iriit the original form to rhe division r^strar of the division in which the death occurred for registration by him, and the sub-r^istrar shall make monthly returns to the Eegistrar- General in compliance with the provisions of section 11 of (his Act. RS.O., 1914, c. 49, s. 22, subs. 4-5.

38. In the case of the death of an infant the division Registration ^registrar shall not issue a burial permit until he has ascer- fnfarft.

lined the place of bij"th of the child, and if the birth has laken place in the division of which he is registrar, he shall lot issue a burial permit until he is satisfied that the birth ^

las been registered.

30.— (1) A caretaker or owner of a cemetery or burial Caretaker, round, whether public or i)rivate, or a clergyman or other clergyman )erson having charge of a church to which a cemetery or burial with- burial ground is attached shall not permit the interment of *'"*P®'■"""^• flle body of any person in the cemetery or burial ground over rhich he has charge until he has received a burial permit rom the proper division registrar.

(2) Every sueh caretaker, owner, clergyman or other person Returns lall on or before the tenth day of each month in every yearteries. etc . ransmit to the division registrar of the division in which le cemetery or burial ground is situ"&ted, a return in the

)rescribed form of the burials therein during the previous lonth up to and includii^ the last day of the month next

)receding for subsequent transmission to the Eegistrar-

leneral. »

40. ^Tiere there is no person in charge of a cemetery or ^^^^''^re-'^ )urial ground the undertaker or other person in charge of the taker, etc., )urial or other disposition of the body shall write across the

face of the burial permit the words " ISTo person in charge," ind shall append his signature thereto and shall return the Itirial permit so marked to the division registrar of the livision in which the burial took place.

41. Where a birth, marriage or death has not been r^s- Registration »red with the division registrar within one year after such y^^ **"* birth or death took jdace, or such maiTiage was solemnized,

le birth, marriage or death shall not be r^stered thereafter by the division registrar, but the R^istrar-General may pster the same upon being furnished with the retpiirod Information in the prescribed form.



Default by



Penalties and Expenses.

42. If a division registrar neglects to make any return, ruquirod by this Act, he shall bo notified by registered letter of such neglect by the R^istrar-General, and if after notifi- cation, he fails to make such return within ten days the Kegistrar-General may refuse to issue certificate for the pay- ment of the fees due to the division registrar even though the return should be made at a later date, and such division regis- trar shall also incur a penalty of $50. R.S.O., 1914. c 10. s. 30.



false state- ,

ments for ;i ' -i ' reKlstratlon. i

l''.\(r\ |MM'^"ii who wilfully iuuK«-r^ i;ii( iiMiii iniiching any of the yun

il-idl .'I III'

required to enteral under this A incur a penalty

<»l' $r»() ; and a legally qualified medic. i. i-.a* titioner making a false .statement as to the cause of the death ot any person, or representing himself as having been in attendance during the last illness of such person when in fact he has not been (!alled in attendaneo until after the death of such person, shall also he subject to discipline by the Ontario Medical ( \>unei].

Penalty for 44.-^ (1) A person required by this Act to report a birth, not report- luarriafi-o, death or burial to the division resiistrar who negleetf^ to dn so sliall incur a |>enjilt\ ti- SlO.

1 ,- I I ' n

iiy more

■-OTIS th'

•"^^'^'''f-'- ( i' ) I r a rciiirii rciiu'i red li_\- tin-

than I'lic ])(r-nii is made by any "in- " ()ther shall he linhh' to the penalty.

Returns of (o) Sidiscriin]i 2 shall uot apply to a return required tobe SSutioner. made hv a legally qualiiicHi medical practitioner. R.S.O..

1011. (''. 49, s.' 32'.

oth"eVact^s°' "^^^ ^^ pcrson guilty of an act or omission in violation of any of the ])rovisions of this Act for which no other penalty is provided shall incur a penalty of not more than $20. R.S.O.. 1011. <\ 49, s. 33.

or omis- .sions.

Duty of Inspector to Investl- sate.

46. The ins per I or, upon being notified of any violation of this Act. shall make investigation, and where he deems it necessary, or without investigation when directed by the Registrar-General, he shall institute proceedings against any person guilty of any such violation. R.S.O. 1911. * -0. s. 34.

Penalties how recov- ered, Rev Stat., c. 90.

47. The penalties imposed by this Act shall be recover- able under The Ontario Summary Convictions Act. R.S.O. 1914, c. 49, s. 35.



48. The penalties shall be payable one moiety to the in-i'etiaiti^s.

, J , J. .1 T. 1 . 1 , distribution

lormant and one moiety to the municipality m which theof. offence was committed. R.S.O. 1914, c. 49, s. 36.

49. Prosecutions for penalties imposed by this Act shall '''^"^^ ^°'" be commenced withm one year after the offence or default, "^ent of R.S.O. 1914, c. 49, 8. 37.


50. Prosecutions for any penalty imposed by this Act^gecu-**' shall be conducted by the Crown Attorney when instnicted**<»"«-

by the Registrar-General. R.S.O. 1914, c. 49, s. 38.

51. All expenses of prosecutions under this Act not re- Expenses of covered from the offender, and whether or not conviction is obtained, shall be payable by the municipality in which the

offence was alleged to have been committed. R.S.O., 1914, c. 49, 8. 39.

52. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make lations,

re*^u- (^oQ^i^i

'^ Regulations.

(o) Prescribing the forms to be used in carrying out the provisions of this Act;

(h) Respecting the duties of division registrars and sub- registrars and the information and returns to be furnished to the Registrar-General ;

(c) For the registration of births, marriages and deaths

and the issue of certificates of registration by the Registrar-General in cases not otherwise pro- vided for in this Act;

(d) Generally for the better carrying out of the pro-

visions of this Act.


53. (1) Every municipality shall pay annually, on tli© tfon^o^dfvT- first day of February, to the division registrar thereof, asionregis- fee of twenty-five cents for each complete registration of a l)irth, marriage or death returned for the preceding year according to the schedules provided under this Act, on the presentation of the certificate of the Registrar-General to the treasurer of the municipality; but a city or town con- taining more than ten thousand inhabitants may by by-law limit the aggregate compensation allowed to the division registrar.




fr*ct« wfth- ^^^ TeoH shall Ikj paid at the rat«8 set forth in this section outorirenii- to cvery division registrar apjwinted by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council for any registration division not in- cluded within any municipalit}' out of any money appropri- ated for that 'pnr|>ose. R.S.O. 1914, c. 49, s. 40. (Amended.)












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N"o. 98.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontiirio, enacts as follows:

Subsection (2) of section 324 of The Municipal Act isRev. stat., amended bv inserting after the word ''widening" in thes."324'(2). third line thereof the word " protecting." amended.












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No. 99. 1919.


An Act to amend The Load of Vehicles Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of . the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection (1) of section 5 oi The Load of yehiclesl^Q^-^^ Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor: (i)repeared.

(1) All self-propelled vehicles other than traction ^^^^g"; ^^ engines shall be equipped with rubber tires ortir«s. tires of some composition equally resilient;

(la) No vehicle carrying a weight in excess of four tons, including the vehicle, shall be operated upon any such highway at a speed greater than ten miles an hour, and no such vehicle carrying a weight in excess of six tons, including the vehicle, shall be operated upon any such high- way at a greater speed than six miles an hour.



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No. 99. 1919.


An Act to amend The Load of Vehicles Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Load of Vehirhs Act is amended by inserting the 6 Geo. v. following as section 4a: amended.

4a. All self-propelled vehicles other than traction engines Require- shall be equipped with rubber tiros or tires oflVres.^^^ some composition equally resilient.

2. Subsection 1 of section 5 of The Lond of Vchiclefi .Ir/ speed, is amended by striking out all the words in the last four lines and substituting therefor the words " greater than eight miles an hour," but this subsoctiou shall not apply to traction engines.




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No. 100. 1919.


An Act to repeal The Mortgagors' and Purchasers' Relief Act, 1915.


IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of

the Legislative Assembly of tlio Pn (vinco of Ontario,

enacts as follows:


1. Notwithstanding anything contained in The Mori- (/arjor/ and Purchasers Relief Act, 1915, or the subseqnent amendments thereto, the provisions of the said M orfgo{jor.s' when a vt t> and Purchasers' Relief Act, 1915, as amended, shall ccasefi^veVffect. to have effect on and after the first day of July. A. I). li»ll>.|/||°-^'-


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Mortga, Act 19

Legislati 1919.

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No. 101.



An Act relating to Foxes and other Fur-bearing Animals kept in Captivity.

HTS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of tlie Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Every one is gnilty of an offence and" liable to thponprot)erty penalty hereinafter provided who at any time hereafter, ir ^c^'kept''^^' any vart of the Province, without the consent of the owne^-^or breeding

If 1 1 1 /. 1 purposes.

or caretaker ot a ranch or enclosure where loxes or other fur-bearino: animals are kept in captivity for breedin<? pur- poses, shall approach or enter upon the private grounds of the owner or owners of the said animals within a distance of twenty-five yards from the outer fence or enclosure within which the pens or dens of the said animals are located, and upon which said fence or enclosure, notices forbidding tres- passing on the said premises are kept posted, so as to be plainly discernible at the said distance of not less than twenty-five yards.

^Nevertheless, it shall not be an offence for anv neio-hbour- ing proprietor or occupant to apr)roach within such distance to do work required or imposed by law or by municipal by-laws.

2. Any person convicted of an offence a^^ainst section 1 Penalty, of this Act shall be liable to a fine not exceedinir fiftv dollars

nor less than five dollars, and, in default of payment of such fine and the costs, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months nor less than one month.


3. Every one is guilty of an offence and liable to ^li<'fn"ciog'uf^ penalty hereafter provided who at any time hereafter, in where no- any part of the Province, without the consent of the owner

or caretaker of any enclosure within which foxes or other fur-bearing animals are kept for breeding purposes, and on thp outer fence of which enclosure are kept ported notices 101

forbidding trespassing on the premises where the said ani- mals are kept, and plainly discernible at a distance of not less than twenty-five yards therefrom, shall pass within the said fence of such enclosure, or climb over, break or cut through the same, for the j>urp08es of entering the said en closure, or for any other purpose whatever.

Penalty. 4. Any person convicted of an offence against section -

of this Act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one bun dred dollars, nor less tliau fifty dollars, and in default of payment of said liii< mid the costs, to a penalty not exceed- ing six nor liss tliiiii two months.

,K»""8doKs 5. Any <;ii( lakci iii;i\ kill any dog wanderinc in th-

in neighbour i i i i r ' i ' i i <• i ,

hood of neiglihoiirlKxjd <>t any cncln.sun' in which foxes or other fin

ranches. i i "i , , ,, ... ,

bearing aniiuaKs are kept, and there giviii«r tongue or other- wise terrifying such animals, })rovidc(l. however, that the (log so killed is neither luu/./lcd nor accompanied by \\\r owner or l)v a |K'rs<tii havini:- cliarirc or caro of siu'li doo-.

Application ^. I'lic [K'naitics provided l>v this Act .shall be roi-overable of Rev. stat.,^,jj^l^,,. yy,,, Oniano Siunman/ '(Jmivictiam Art.

Commence- ^' This Aft >li;ill conio into forcc on the day upon which mentofAct. it re<'eives the Huval Assent.



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101. 1919.


m Act relating to Foxes and other Fur-bearing Animals kept in Captivity.

HTS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts &s follows:

P^l. Everv (.lie i.> ,iiiiilty of an otVence and liable to ^lle J^^p^^ope^^^^^^^ iKiialtv hereinafter ])rovided who at any time hereafter, in where foxes.

. etc keot

any ])art of the Province, without the consent of the owner for breeding or caretaker of a ranch or enclosure where foxes or other ^"''p°^®*' fur-bearing animals are kept in captivity for breeding- pur- i poses, shall enter upon the ])rivato grounds of the owner or I owners of the said animals where the said animals are located, ;iiid U|K)n which notices forbidding frespa»ising on the -aid vf-mises are kept posted, so as to be plainly diisccrnibK- ai listance of not less than twenty-five yards. Kothing con- ,! uined in this section shall apply to any officer of the Depart- •n<'nt of Game and Fisheries in the (11<<*]iarge of hi:? ^ties.'"''^

2. Any person convicted of an offence against section 1 Penalty.

"f this Act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty dollars , nor less than five dollars, and. in default of payment of such

fine and the costs, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding f three months nor less than one month.

[ 3. Every one is guilty of an offence and liable to the^^^.\®3yf^ [ penalty hereafter provided who at anv time hereafter, inwhereno-

[ . . ' . . , ' . , ttces posted.

^, any part of the Province, without the consent of the owner I or caretaker of any enclosure within which foxes Qr other 1 fur-bearing animals are kept for breeding purposes, and on i the outer fence of which enclosure are kept posted notices forbidding trespassing on the premises where the said ani- }mals are kept, and plainly discernible at a dist-ance of not I leas than twenty-five yards therefrom, shall pass within the I said fence of such eneloflure, or climb over, break or cut I through the same, for the purposes of entering \hc said cu- 101

closure, or for any other piirpoec what-ever.B^Nothiin lained in this aoftion sliall apply to any offic<yr of the l)op;ii ment of Gtiuio and Fisliorios in tho diwrharge of li duties."^^

Penalty. 4. Any person convicted of an oflfence against section

of this Act shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one h\\ dred dollars, nor less than fifty dollars, and in default payment of said fine and the costs, to a ])enalty not exce<' ing six nor less than two months.

I^?""5. Aiiv (•:ii'ct;ikcr may kill any d^- ;li;i! has become a nuisance within the i)ro]M'rty on which loxc- or other fur- Ix^arinii' animals are kej>t. and there gi\ inn tongue or other- \\ i-( i( 1 rilx inu -iich animals, provided. li'>\v(\('r, that the dc^ HO killed is iiciTlier mnz/dcd nor accomj)uuied by the owner or Iiy a j)erson having cliarge or care of such dog.'^'^fcl

oV^Rev^stat ^* ^^^^ penalties provided by this Act shall be recoverable c. 90. under The Ontario Summary Convictions Act.

S'entTf'Act. '^' "^'^'^^ ^^^*t ^^''^^1 ^<^*™c into force on the dav iiim-h which it receives the Royal Assent.










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No. 102. , 1919.


An Act to amend The Mechanics' and Wage Earners' Lien Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection c of Section 2 of 7'he Mechanics' and l^ct^^^Rev. stat. Earners' Lien Act, is hereby amended by striking out all the^- 140, s. 2. words after the word " Furnished " in the sixth line thereof, amended, ilown to and including the tenth line thereof and substituting therefor the following words, " with whose knowledge by himself or his agent."

2. Section 6 of the said Act as amended is further^^v stat..

C. 140. S. 6,

I mended by adding thereto after the word "of," in theamended fourth line thereof, the words, " or who actually manufac-


3. Subsection 1 of section 12 of the said Act is amended ^^j^^q^***- 1)V strikmg out the word "twenty" in the seventh lines- 12a)

t hereof, and substituting the words " thirty-three and one- ■hird."

4. Subsection 2 of section 12 of the said Act is repealed J^^j^o^***' md the following substituted therefor: re^^ \^d

"(2) Where it is established to the satisfaction of the judge or other officer trying the action that the owner, by himself or his agent, knew -or ought to have known that the contract price was in- adequate, the amount to be deducted«under the preceding subsection and in respect of which the person primarily liable shall be liable to the lien holders, shall be calculated upon the actual value of the work, service or materials actu- ally performed or furnished."

5. Subsection 4 of section 12 of the said Act is amended ^•%f***- hy striking out the words and figures thereof up to and in-"-^|jj^^'J>j


Rev. Stat, c. 140. 8. 14 (1). repealed.

Priority of Hen.

eluding $15,000.00, in tlif third lino rlurrnf. and snhptitnt ing therefor the following:

" all payments up to sixty-six and two-thirds per cent.

O. Subsection I of section 14 <>f tlic sni<l Act is r<i"'"'''' and the following substituted thenfur:

" 1. The lien shall have jifiorit.Y. over all judgment-, executions, assignments, attachments, garnish- ments or i('i(M\ ing orders, recovered, issued or made, and ovci- all payments made on or on account of any mortgage or conveyance, after the commencement of the work or service, or after the lirst materials were placed or fur- nished."

7. Section 14 of the .said .\'-t

Rev. Stat.. c. 140, s. 14.

amended. tluicto the following subscctious :

Agreement for purchase of land.

amended bv addimr

"{•2n) Where there i.s an agreenicnt for the purchase of land and the purchase money or part thereof remains unpaid, any lien-claimant may require that an enquiry- be had and a finding made in the action as to the true value of the lands affected by rlic -aid n'^iciincnt at the time ' : the sale thereof and as to the amount unpaid on such true value as so found at the date of the attachment of the first lien; and the seller shall not be deemed a mortgagee for any sum in excess of the amount so found to be remaining unpaid upon such true value.

(26) Where there is an agreemei/t for the purchase of land under w^hich the purchaser is required to erect or construct any building upon the land therein referred to, the seller shall, for the pur- poses of this Act, be deemed an owner as defined in section 2 of this Act.

(•2c) Where the i)roperty in res})ect of any interest in which a right of lien exists is subject to an .agreement for sale, or is under lease, and the purchaser's or lessee's rights in respect thereto are abandoned or forfeited, any lien holder on written notice to the vendor or lessor, within thirty days after the lien holder shall have n^- ceived actual notice of such abandonment or forfeiture, may become subrogated to the rights of such .purchaser or lessee without prejudice to his rights under subsection 2a of this section 102


and the person so subrogated shall have sixty days within which to make any payments or perform any- covenants or conditions which are in default under the agreement of sale or lease as the case may be.

8. Subsection 1 of section 15 of the said Act is amended Rev. stat.. by striking out the words '' twenty per. cent, or fifteen per^- {^^;^j cent, as the case may te," in lines four and five thereof, anda'nended. substituting therefor the wording '^ percentage."

9. Subsectiiiii 1 dl section 1.') of the Act is amended byRev. stat., striking out thi' wuid- •' wage earner" in line three thereof,g J5'^('4) and substitiitinii therefor the word " person.'" amended.

10. JSub-.seetivn - of Section ±1 of tlie .Mechanics' and Rev sut.. Wage Earners' Lien Act is amended by adding after thes.' 22 (2). word '' materials " in the first line thereof the words. ^' inamended. case not otherwise provided for."

ll.~ Section :i2 of the said Act is amended bv addingRev stat..

c 140 s 22

thereto the following sub-sections: amended.

(()) If. within the time mentioned in snb-section 1. ai^''^'"V""'

. . for reglstra-

siiliM-niil !';ietor has i^iven t^ the mWikm' m-. in thction of claim ' . , . , , . . of UenTha.v

case ot a contract which is under the supervisionbe extended of an architect, engineer or other person upoUnionVh^s" whose certificate payments are to be made, to such architect, engineer or other person, notice in writing of the sum owing to such sub-con- tractor by the owner or contractor, as the case may be, the claim for a lien for such sum by such sub-contractor may be registered within seven months after the time nienticned in sul>- section 1 .

(7) If, within the time mentioned in -nh-.section 2,}^^^|^^j^^J any person who furnishes or places any mate-suppned. rials, has given to the owner, or in the case of a contract which fs under the supervision of an architect, engineer or other person on whose cer- tificate payments are to be made, to such archi- tect, engineer or other person, notice in writing , of the sum owing to such person by the owner or by the contractor or by aL^.siih-cnntractor, as the case may be, the claim tor a lien for such sum by such person may Ix icMi.,t,.i('d within seven months after tin 'inn' mcnii ned in sub- section 2.


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No. 103. 1919.


An Act to amend The Northern and Northwestern Ontario Development Acts.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Norfhern and North- ff^'^^^ western Ontario Development Act, 1919.

2. Notwithstanding anything in The Public Service Act, officers ot or in any other statute of Ontario, the Lieutenant-Governor partnients in Council may require any officer or servant employed in ^gned^to*' any department or branch of the public service to perform *2 oeoVc''!'^ in addition to his duties therein such duties under The Northern and Northwestern Ontario Development Acts as

the Minister may from time to time dire<:t, without salary r other remuneration therefor, and the travelling and other expenses of any such officer or servant, while engaged in the j)erformance of his duties under The Northern and Northwestern Ontario Development Acts, shall be and form part of the expenses of the department or branch of the public service to which such officer or servant belongs, and shall be paid out of moneys appropriated by the Legislature for that purpose.

o mi -r /-I /-^ -1 Officers em-

o. ihe Lieutenant-Cxovernor in Council may require any ployed under officer or servant employed in the Northern and North- may be as- western Ontario Development Branch to perform, in addition pe^^m** to his duties therein, such duties in any other department or °*'^®'" ''"''*'■• branch of the public service as tlie Aliuister may from time to time direct, without salary or other remuneration there- tor, and the travelling and other ex|)euaes of any such officer or servant, wliiie engaged in the performance of liis duties ill such other department or brancli of the piil)lic service, hall be and form part of the ex|)en8es under The Northern nul Northwestern Ontario Development Act, and araend- iiH Ills thereto, and shall be paid out of the moneys provided under the said Northern and Northwestern Ontario Develop- in ent Acts for that purpose. 103


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No. 104. 1919.


An Act to amend The Teachers' and Inspectors' Superannuation Act.


TS ^FAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of rlio Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario,

enacts as follows :-

i 1. This Act may be cited as The Teachers and Inspectors' Short

Superannuation Act, 1919.

2. The sub-clause lettered (i) in clause (c) of section 2 of 'c^s^sls^b -; The Teachers' and Inspectors' Superannuation Act is^ic, amended by adding thereto the following words :

" or a certified industrial school or a school or classes "Employed" held in or in connection with any public institu- tion supported in whole or in part by contribu- . tions from the province or from a municipal corporation and defined in the regulations."

3. (1) Section 8 of The Teachers' and Inspectors' Super- "JGe^i.v.. c. annuation Act is amended by adding thereto the following amended, subsection :

(4) Where the salary of a teacher in a school or insti- con^ibuUon tution other than a school which is under the employed control of a board, is paid in part by the Public than by School Board, Separate School Board, or Board "''*'■''''• of Education, and in part by the Board of Man- agers or other authority having the control and management of the school or institution, or is paid wholly by such board of managers, or other authority, subject to the regulations, such teacher shall contribute upon the whole salary so paid to him and as to any portion of hi" salary not payable by a board may make lii- > "iitribution 104

directly to the fund on such terms and condi tions, and at siuli times as ma.v Ix' proscribed b.v the regulations, and tlw (•ontiii.iiii.ing so paid shall bo placed to tlx riclit <,f ili»- inn. I iiml shall be allowed to liim in lixin^ anv all- payable to him uiidci' tlx- |)rM\ isiipns of iln

Commence- (2) This sof'tirm f^hall tnko effort n> from tho 12tli day of section. April, 1917.

l^r'n"''' "*• Subsection 4 of section 11 of TJip TenrhPr-' "»v7 / subs. 4.' apcdors' Snperannuaiion Act i- amciKl'il li'> add

amended. A p ^^ - ^

the tol lowing clauses: Retiringon tfj\ xhe certificate of the legallv (lujilified nu-dical

account of ^ ■' . . in -i ' ^ 11-

iu-heaith. practitioner shall state \vhotner or nnt the d-

ability is likely to be permanent and wlictlior i not there is any prospect of the teacher or in- spector becomino- aeraiii capable of omploymont :

(&) Tho commi.ssion appointed under section 13 m, require a teacher or insjiootor who has he ! granted an annual allo\v:mcc under rhi- -uli-i tion to furnish such evidence from time to rii of his physical condition as the regulations nu; prescribe.

c.^I^s.Xt, 5. Section 17 of The Teachers arid Inspectors Supern,, amended, nuatiou Acf is amended by inserting theroin the following clause :

Regulatlon.s permitting contribu- tions from teachers employed in office of Board or Inspector.

7 Geo. v., c. 58. amended.

(bhh) For permitting a teacher to contribute to tlio fund where such teacher has been omployod ]\v a board and has since such emidoymeni iK-m engaged in the office of the Board of Edu<an<ai of a city or town, or of an inspector, in w^nk which in the opinion of the ^[inister re<}uir ~ the professional qualifications and experience of a teacher, and for providing that a teacher while so engaged shall be deemed to be emj^loyed within the meaning of this Act.



The Teachers' and Ivspectors' Superannucdion Act is ded by adding thereto the following sections:

Receiptor other super- annuation allowance to be evidence of retire- ment.

li^a. A teacher or inspector who has aj^jdiod for and received an annual allowance under sections 106 to 108 of The Piihlic Schools Act, or under any municipal by-law, or from any fund provided hy a board for the superannuation of teachers and



inspectors, shall be conclusively deemed to have retired from the profession and to have ceased to be emj^ojed within the meaning of this Act from the date when the application for such al- lowance or gratuity was first made and accepted.

I57>. A teacher or inspector who, after the granting of J^^*^|j.Jy an allowance made under this Act, enters the|"spector the employment of a board eithor temporarily employed or permanently, shall give notice to the departs anmla^tyon.*" ment of such employment in the manner pre- scribed by the regulations, and in default of so doing shall forfeit any further claim to any benefit under this Act.

7, (1) Kegulations may be made in the manner ]>ro- |^®^"^*!f "^ vided bv The Department of Education Act for the payment pent of ai-

,. in 1 1 11 lowances to

ot an annual allowance to teachers and inspectors who liave teachers not retired from the profession and ceased to be employed before share in ^ the 1st day of January, 1917, out of any sum appropriated^""^' by the Legislature for that purpose, and the regulations may provide

(a) That the application for any such allowance shall

be referred to the commission appointed under section 13 of The Teachers' and Inspectors' Sup- erannuation Act for enquiry and report thereon;

(b) For payment of the allowance by the Minister

upon the report of the commission and prescrib- ing the dates and manner of payment thereof;

(c) As to the length of service, age and other circum-

stances which shall entitle a teacher or inspector to receive any such annual allowance;

(d) As to what proportion such annual allowance shall

bear to the salary earned by the teacher or in- spector at the time of retirement or for any specified period before retirement;

(e) As to the evidence to be furnished by teachers

and inspectors applying for any such annual allowances,

but no teacher or inspector shall be entitled to any allowance

out of such appropriation who is in receipt of any supei*" Rev. suit. c.

annuation or other allowance under The Public Schools Act^^^-

or under The Teachers' and Inspectors' Superannvation /1r/,7 0«o. v.

or from any school board or municipal corporation.

(2) In this section the words "employed," " inspector " w^J{nj;«?. and " teacher " shall respectively have the meaning provided ^},"j'R^®J[^};"' iti The Teachers' and Inspectors' Superarmuation Act, w."











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No. 105. 1919.


An Act to regulate the Practice of Optometry.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with tlie advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Optometry Act, i9i p. short title.

2. In this Act— ?ion.''*""®^'

(a) " Board " shall mean Board of Examiners in"Board." Optometry appointed under the authority of this Act;

(6) " Regulations " shall mean regulations made under "Reguia- the authority of this Act.

3. (1) There shall be a Board known as the Board ofAppoint- Examiners in Optometry which shall be composed of not constitution more than five persons appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor^^ ^^^ ' in Council.

(2) The first members of the Board shall be appointed T«rm of for such terms respectively that an equal number, as far as possible, shall retire annually at the end of two, four and

five years respectively, and thereafter at the expiration of oflSce of any member, his successor shall be appointed for a period of five years.

(3) In the event of a vacancy occurring by the death, Vacandea. resignation or removal from office of any member, the vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term

for which such member was appointed.

(4) A member of the Board may be removed from office JS-om^offlce. at any time for neglect of duty, incompetence or misconduct.

(5) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appointchaixmnn one of the members to be Chairman of the Board and niay|Scr«tary also appoint a Secretary of the Board.


Courses of tralnlnr ;md study.

Academic trainlnir.

4.— (1) The Hoard may make regulations

(a) Prescribing the course of training and education for the practice of optometry and the qualifica- tions of persons to be admitted to registration as optometrists;

(h) Providing for a course of instruction for candi- dates for registration in anv technical school or other institution in Ontario;

Reciprocity with other I'io\ ln«'ps.

(r) For accepting the licenses, certificates or other evi- dence of qMalificntion of persons applying for registration who have been practising, or are qualified to practise optometry in any other Province of the Dominion of Canada :

((]) For fixing the fees payable upon registsration and by candidates for examination and registration and for certificates of registration or exemp- tion ;

Procedure at meet- ings and hearinsof complaints

Duties of


(e) Prescribing the procedure of the Board at its meet-

ings and upon the hearing of a complaint that any person holding a certificate under this Act has been guilty of any violation of the law, or of incompetence or misconduct;

(f) Prescribing the duties of the secretary and staflF

of the P.onvd :

Approval of 4 roRulations.

(fj) Oenerally for the better cnrrving out of the provi- sions of this Act.

(2) The Pegiilntioiis ?ball not come into force or take effect until they have been approved by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council and such approval has been published in the Onfario CtnzHfe.


Admission to regl.stra- tion.

5. The Board shall provide a register which shall be kept by the Secr(>tarv. and in which shall be entered the name, address and qualification of every person registered as an optometrist in Ontario.

^. Every person who. after the first day of July, 1919, files with the Secretary of the Board an application, veri- fied by oath or by statutory declaration, stating therein that the applicant is more than twenty-one years of age, is of good moral character, and ]">ossesses the qualifications as to

ireneral education, training and experience prescribed by 105


the liegulations, may be admitted to examination by tlie Board as to his qualifications for the practice of optometry, and upon passing swch. examination sliall be registered by the Board as possessing the qualifications required by this Act, and shall receive from the Board a certificate of such registration.

7. (1) Every person who, on or before such date aspr^actis^nc may be fixed by the Regulations, makes application to the^^^^'j"* ^^ Board in the prescribed form, may be granted a certificatoAct. of exemption from registration under this Act, and the Sec- retary of the Board shall enter in a book, to be kept for that purpose, the name of every person applying for such certificate, with the address at which he resides, and the address at which he carries on business.

(2) The certificate of exemption may be granted upon Certificate proof to the satisfaction of the Board that the applicant tion.

(a) was carrying on business as an optometrist or

optician in Ontario at the time of the passing of this Act;

(b) is a British subject by birth or naturalization ;

(c) is of good character;

(d) possesses such education and technical qualifica-

tions as may be prescribed by the Regulations.

8. Every person selling or fitting glasses shall deliver t**ofb"iiof*'" *.d*'h customer or person fitted, a bill of purchase which p»"-^»iase of

I shall contain the signature, post office address and ])lace offrames.

! business of the person supplying the glasses, together with a specification of the lenses and frames or mountings sup- plied, and the prices charged therefor, and, in the case of a person holding a certificate under this .\ct. the numl)er of hi.s certificate of registration or exemption.

9. d) "Where the Board is satisfied that anv person, P«»hii^itinK

' , , ' ' . order, rcvo-

whether or not he is the holder of a certificate under thiscationof Act, has been guilty of illegal practices, incompetency, inebriety, fraud or misrepresentation, the Board may pro- hibit such person from practising or carrying on business as an optometrist or optician and may revoke any certificate granted to him, but before the issue of such prohibition or the revocation of such certificate, the person charged shall be given notice in writing of the charge or charges against him and shall have an opportunity of being publiely heard

and pr^ucing testimony on his own behalf. lOi

R».in«ute- (3) Where a prohibition has been issued or a certificate "** ' has been revoked, the person charged may, after ninety days,

apply to have the prohibition removed or the certificate re granted, and the Board may remove the prohibition or re grant the certificate upon the payment of such fees as may be fixed by the Kegulations.


Use of certain titles, etc.

10. (1) Every person, not being the holder of a certifi- cate under this Act, who after the 15th day of July, 1919

(a) Appends to his name the term " optometrist " or " optician," or any abbreviation thereof, or wil- fully and falsely pretends to be, or wilfully and falsely takes or uses any name, title, addition, abbreviation or description implied or calcu- lated to lead people to believe that he is, or is recognized by law as, an optometrist or optician, or that he is registered or possesses a certificate under this Act; or

Practlalngr while pro- hibited.

(6) Having been prohibited from practising optometry practises the same during the existence of such prohibition; or

Peddling. (c) Sells, or fits, or supplies glasses by going from

house to house or from place to place, or in any other manner than from a permanent place of business, and notwithstanding that he is the ^holder of a municipal license as a peddler or transient trader;

shall be guilty of an offence and shall incur a penalty of not more than $100 nor less than $10.

^"rov**'^" (2) The Ontario Summary Convictions Act and amend- stat c. 90. ments thereto shall apply to offences under this Act.

Exceptions as to medl-

tumenfc*' legally qualified medical practitioners.

11. ISTothing in this Act shall be construed to apply to


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No. 106. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Highways Act, 1915.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, (uiacts as follows :

1. Se<ition 12 of The Ontario Hiffhirai/s .\(l. I!)t'>. i~5G©o. v. c. amended bv addinc: thereto the following: amended.

(1) *' l*iovided, however, that the consent of the coun-

cil of the city contributing U) the cost of con- struction ^of any such roads or portions thereof shall be obtained as to the amount of expendi- ture thereon each year."

(2) In no case shall a citv having 200,000 inhabi-city of

, . .. J X t -i. 200.000 not

tants or over he required to contribute any j>or-nabiefor tjon of the cost of construction or of main ten- yond count y ance of any work carried out under the supervi-**^""*'*'"^- sion of a commission created under this Act beyond the boundaries of the county 'within which such city is situated.

2. Section 13 of the said Act is amended by inserting atsow. v. c. 3 commencement thereof the following words, namely: amended.

" Subject tx> the provisions of the preceding section."



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No. 107. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Highways Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The Ontario Highway s^^''''^^^^^'' Amendment Act, 1919.

2. Subsection 2 of section'7 of The Ontario Iliyhicaysi^^tL^.auhs. Act as enacted by 7 George V, chapter 18, section 2, is 2. repealed- repealed and the following inserted in lieu thereof:

. . Designation

(2) When any work of the Department is carried on of

elsewhere than at the seat of Government, the t ion to which Minister may appoint such officers, clerks, ser- ch^g^eabie. vants and labourers as he may deem necessary, and may fix their salaries or other rcnninoration and give directions as to the aj)i>roi)nation against which the same shall be charged, and such salary or other remuneration shall be j)ayal»le out of such appro])riation accordingly.

5 Geo. V, c.

3. Subsection 1 of section 11 of The Ontario Hir/hiraij.sl^\^lYi) Act, 1915, is amended by striking oift the word " three'' in amended. the last line and inserting the word " six " in lieu tlu rcnf.

4. Subsection 1 of section 16 of The Ontario Ulqh ways h Oeo.v.c. Act, 1915, is amended by striking out the words "but thcgui)B.* Ji'), total amount to be contributed by the Province shall not *"^®"**®<*- exceed $4,000 per mile of road within the suburban area,"

in the fifth, sixth and seventh lines thereof.

5. Section 16 of The Ontario Highways Act is amended iTfa^iY' ^'^ by adding the following thereto: amended

(4) Any suburban road or portion thereof may be^«"*»g*t>n« designated a " Provincial Coimty lioad " in pur- road

r i' fto i? mi. TT- 1 r Provincial

suance of section 28 of The Highway /m/>rore- county road.


UK III .\(l, ami when m deeignated expenditure t licit oil lor coimtructicMi and for maintenance and repair shall Ik* l)onic by tlio fonnty, city or town and tlie Province in tho I»^OIM^rt^on8 of twenty jior cent, by the county, twenty jier cent. I>y tlio city or town, and sixty per cout. bv tho I'lovince.

5 Geo. V, c. 17,8.28. subM. { 1 ), amended.

O, Subsection I of section 28 of TJie Onlario lli()hiraijs Act, 1015, li aniendetl by strikiner out the words " and in no case exceeding $4,000 per mile " in tho fourth line thereof, and such atncnduK'ut sjiall be dcenied to bnvc been in forf<? and to ha\<' liikcn circct ns IVom the first (l.i\ of Jannarw 1918.

SGeo.v. 7. Subsection ]«. of section 37 of The Oniario Iligh-

subs.^n^J), ii'<t'!js Act, 1016, is amended by adding after the word, amended. " f^^^^^ " j^ the fourth line the words " any Provincial High- way or."

5 Geo. V. c. 17.8.38, repealed.

8. The Ontario Highways Act, 1015, is amended by adding thereto the following sections :

Special instruction in respect to highways.

37a. The Minister of Public Works and Highways may arrange for special instruction or publicity in respect to highway improvement, and the cost of such service, including travelling and other ex- penses incidental thereto, or such part thereof as the Minister may approve, shall be payable out of any funds appropriated by this Legislature for the special instruction of superintendents.



from drains





37&. Notwithstanding the provisions of any other Ai . no earth, ^ebris, or excavated material from a drain constructed, improved or repaired under the provisions of The Municipal Drainage Act or The Ditches and Watercourses Act, shall be deposited within the travelled portion of any township road or within the limits of any county road or main road or Provincial highway without express permission in writing so to do from the council, board of trustees, or Department re- sponsible for the maintenance of such road or highway.

LiOcaJ muni- cipalities may

construct sidewalks.

37c. (1) The council of a local municipality may con- struct a sidewalk on a county road, Provincial hip:hway or a road or highway under the control of a board, special commission or other author-



ity, but no such work shall be undertaken without the consent in writing first had and obtained of the county council. Department of Public High- ways, board, special commission or other au- thority having control of the said road or high- way.

(2) The cost of any sidewalk constructed on a county provided.

road, Provincial highway, or a road or high- way under the control of a board, 8j)ecial com- mission or other authority, may be met out of the general funds of the local municipality, or out of funds of the authority having control of the said road or highway, or the work may be un- dertaken as a local improvement to which the provisions of The Local Improvement Act shall apply.

(3) A local municipality when constructing a sidewalk JjJ^^tJ'"" '

on a road or highway under the provisions of^o^^^^JJ^g this section shall conform to any requirements,andbe ^^ regulations or conditions imposed by the au- for damages, thority responsible for or having control of the said road or highway, and shall be responsible for any injury or damage arising from the con- struction or presence of such walk on the road or highway.





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Xo. 108.



An Act to amend The Provincial Highway Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The Provincial Highway Short title. Amendment Act, 1919. ^

2. Section 9 oi The Provincial High way Act is amended 7 Geo. v.. c. by adding the following thereto: amended.

(2) When land is to be or has been purchased or acquired Filing "land

by the Minister under any of the powers con- fakhig^iand. f erred by this Act, along- or adjacent to or in the vicinity of a Provincial Highway, the lands so acquired may be shown on a plan of the highway marked " Land Plan," signed by the Minister or by the Deputy ]Minister and doposite<l in the proper Kegistry Office, and such plan shall be of full effect in establishing the ownership of such lands by Ontario under any of the provisions of this Act or of The Onturio Public Worhs Act.

(3) A "Land Plan" dei^sited in any Registry Officc;Jf"}^;;3'"^"t

as in the next preceding subsection [trnvidcd mayP'^n. be amended upon the authority ot the Minister or Dei)uty ^rinister from time to time, or another plan may be substituted therefor u|)on like au- thority, for the purpose of showing additional lands purchased or acquired, or for the purpose of indicating thereori lands sol<J or disposed of by the Minister.

3. Sul)8ection 8 of section 12 of The Provincial ^^tV/^*-^ ?|°;\^ way Act is amended by striking out the words " where Mt«ub«. 8 the time of being assumed as a Provincial Highway any load is a county road maintained or repaired by the cor- poration of a county" in the first, 8e<*on<l and third lines thereof, and by inserting the words " in whole or in part "

illor the word "apportioned" in the gixth linr ili(i('<«t' .hk! 108


such amendment shall be deenied to have been in force and to have taken effect as from the first day of January, 1918.

i6°8°iy" *^' ^- Section IG of The Provincial Highway Act is amended amended. by adding thereto the fallowing:

Alternative routes dur- Iner work: on roads.

7 Geo. v.. c. 16. s 21. amended.

(li) While the construction, repair or improvement of a Provincial Highway or any work authorized by this Act is in progress on a Provincial Highway, the Department may provide and keep in repair a reasonable alternative route or routes for traffic, including a municipal highway, or may enter into an agreement with the council of any municipality, or may make a grant to any muni- cipality for that purpose, and any expenditure or grant under this section shall be apportioned as a part of the cost of the work in progress on ^ the Provincial Highway by reason of which the

alternative route is necessary.

5. Section 21 of The Provincial Highway Act is amended by adding the following thereto :

Cutting trees, etc., on Provin- cial High- way.

(4) No person, corporation or commission shall injure, destroy, cut or prune any tree within the limits of a Provincial Highway without the consent of the Department first had and obtained, and any sums received in compensation for trees so in- jured, destroyed, cut or pruned, shall be pay- able to the Department.

JgGeo-gy- c- 6. Section 24 of The Provincial Highway Act is amended amended. by adding the following thereto :

Consent to closing of road con- necting with Provincial Highway.

(2) A municipality shall not close or divert any road or road allowance enterijig or touching upon or giving access to a Provincial Highway without the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council uix)n the report of the Minister.

i6?s°'2y' ^' '^' Section 26 of The Provincial Highway Act is amended amended. i)y adding the following thereto :

Application of fines.


Notwithstanding anything in any other Act con- tained, all fines and penalties recovered for offences committed on any Provincial Highway under this Act, The Motor Vehicles Act, or The Load of Vehicles Act, and the fees to which any constable acting thereunder is entitled shall, when collected, belong to and be paid to the Depart- ment.




The- Provincial Highway Act is amended by adding

7 G«o. v.. c.

16. amended.

thereto the following section :

37. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may enter into

an agreement with the Governor in Council, ora/toappu-^ with any member of His Majesty's Privy ^^J\?,^pfai Council for Canada acting for and on behalf of subsidies, the Governor in Council, for the application to the cost of any work under this Act, of such subsidy or subsidies, or any part of suck subsidy or subsidies as may be appropriated for highway improvement by the Parliament of Canada, and the Minister may vary the proportionate amounts to be paid by Ontario and by municipalities under this Act, by reason of such subsidy or subsidies, and may vary the conditions under which payment shall be made for consitruction, repair or maintenance, in consequence of such agreement.


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Xo. 109. 1919.


An Act respecting Proof of Death of Soldiers and Sailors While on Active Service.

HIS MAJESTY', by aud wiih the aUvice ainl etiiiseul ol' the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontni'i enaetvS as follows :

1. This Act may be cited a> llic Soh/icis' and Sailors'^^^"^^ '"'' Prnnf of Death Act 1919.

2, The production of a (('riiricaic in writing signed byWhattobe the Adjutant General, Acting Adjutant General, or Director ficient proof of the Record Office at Militia Headquarters, Ottawa, stating"

that the person named in such certificate was a member of the Canadian Expeditionary Force, and that he has been officially reported as having died, killed in action, died of wounds, or presumed to bo dead, shall be sufficient proof of the death of such person for any pur^xtse to which the auth- ority of the Legislature of Ontario extends.


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No. 110. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Telephone Act, 1918.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and oont^cnt of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as " The Ontario Teleplione'^^^ort title. Ad, 1919.

2. Section 18 of The Ontario Telephone Act, 1918, is3*i^a°i8'^ amended by adding at the end thereof the words, " bnt guch*""®"^®*^- by-law shall not be valid until approved by the board."

3. Section 39 of the said Act is amended by adding at|j<^o^v, c. the end thereof the words, " bnt the foregoing shall not ren-amended. der a Commissioner ineligible to be appointed Secretary or Treasurer or Secretary-Treasurer of a telephone system at

a salary to be fixed by the Commissioners for such system.''

4. Section 67 of the said Act is amended by striking outfi^g^'jT^'*^" the words " in the municipality/' in the seventh line, and*'"^"^®*^- inserting in lieu thereof the words " under the jurisdiction

of the Council of such County, Village, Township or other municipality."


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Xo. 111. 1919.


An Act respecting the Law Society of Upper


HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, nacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Law Society Act, ipi 9. short title.

2. Where any person has served- in the Canadian Expe- shortening iitionary Force, or in the Imperial Expeditionary Forces, gun'^ry'per-

or in the Naval Forces in the late war, and is in good stand- ^°'^*YiV^ed ing, or has been discharged in good standing. The Law'nwar. -^'>ciety of TJpi>er Canada, notwithstanding anything con-

lined in The La-w Society Act, The Barristers' Act, The "solicitors' Act, may, in its discretion, by resolution of the

ionchers in Convocation assembled, shorten the period for vvhich such person would otherwise be required to stand upon the books of the Society before being called to the Bar.

3. ISTotwithstandwig anything contained in the said shortening J^^tatutes, or in the Articles of Clerkship by which an articled service

lork is bound to serve, the Society may, in like manner, articles. iiid in such cases, in its discretion, shorten the time of ser-

ice under such Articles, and any such resolution shall be i complete discharge of such articled clerk from the obliga-

ions of such Articles for any time in excess of such short-

ued period.

4. Notwithstanding anything in the said Statutes, thePermuinir

1 o . -1.1 1 ^ e ^\ £ articles for

?^aid Society may in like manner authorize such of the aiore-shortened said persons as they may deem proper who were not articled before joining any such Forces, to enter into Articles of Clerkship for such shortened period as they may deem proper in each case.




O rants to patriotic funds con- firmed.

5. The Benchers may make such rules as the^ iiiu> .,.1 necessary for the better carrying of this Act into ffTect,

B. All grants heretofore made to The Canadian Tatriotic Fund, to the British Red Cross Society and the Navy^ League by the Law Society of Upper Canada, are declared to be legal and valid, and are hereby confirmed.

mentTf"''*" i '^- ^his Act shall come into force and take effect from Act. and after the day of the date of the assent of the Lieutenant-

Governor thereto.



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\.. lli\ 1019.


An Act to amend The Private Detectives' Act.

HIS -MAJESTY, bv ;iii(l with the advico and con-ciit of the Ix'gislative Asscinhly of tlie Pi-oviiicc <>[' Oulaiio. ciuK'ts as t'ulJows:

1. (1) Ev(M-v corporariou licen-cd mi(h'r The I'l iidle-}^.^^^ /,,,•'..'■, . . . . return o

I Select I res' Art shall, within tiiteen davs after the nassiiii>;incor- of this Act, make out and send to the Provincial Secretary a)?ency. a sunimarv, verilied as hereinafter re<]uired, containing as of the 81st day of December next preceding, con-ectly stated, the following ])articnlars :

(a) The corjwrate name of the corporation ;

(h) The manner in which the corporation is incor- porated, whether by Special Act, m- by Letters Patent, and the date thereof;

(c) The names, residence and post office addresses of

the president, secretary and treasurer of tlie cor- poration; ^ '

(d) The name, residence and post office addre.s.s of

each of the directors of the corporation ;

(e) The date upon which the last annnal meeting of

the corporation was held ;

< (/) The place of the head officje, pving street and num- ber when possible ;

(7) The amount of the capital of the corporation and the number of .«ihares into which if is divided :

(h) The number of .shares subscribed for and allotted : lU

( ' ) I Ik- II II mix !• of shares, if any, issued as fully paid- iij» shares as cHuisidcration for any transfer of assets, good will or otherwise; if tihuc ;ir<' ><i issued, thiff" fact to be stated:

(;') The ainoiint of calls made on each share;

( /,• ) Tlic tola] ninoniit of r-alls receiver! ;

( I TIm lotal amount of shares forfeited;

(///) The total ainount of shares issued as )>refer«'iii-c sliaij's and tjie rate of dividend thereon;

(//) 'I'lio total ainotiiit )>aid oti su<'h shares:

sinue- {-) '»> tJi(' <'fi^<^ "t Ji <•' rj'niaiioii haviiin- share capital, the

nst^of!^~ summary shall also contain a list, aljihahctically arranged. (if the ])orsons who, on the 81st day of Deeemher next pre- (•('•liiii!', were shareholders of the eom|)anv, and the resideiiees aiid post-office address of each such person; the numhcr of shares held by each; and the aiiionnt, if any, unpaid thereon.

Postingof (3) A duplicate of snch summary with the affidavit of

office"*" verification shall he posted up in a conspicuous position on the lieail office d' the corporation, and may be inspected by any shareholder or creditor of the. corporation : and the com- pany shall keep the same so posted nntil another nummary is posted u]) nuder the provisions of this Act.

Verifying (0 The sumnuirv of every corporation shall he verified

return.s. j^^. ,|j^, affidavit of the president and secretary, and if ther«- are no such officers, or they, or either, of them, ar^, or is. at the ))roper time out of Ontario or otherwise unable to make the same,- by the affidavit of the president or secretary aTid ono of the directors, or two of the directors, as the case iiiny r(N|iilre. and if the president or secretary does not make or join in the affidavit the reason therefor .«hall be stated ill tlip snltstituted affidavit.

Penalty. (T) ) Jf a corjwratiion makes default in complying with the

provisions of this section, the corporation shall incur a penalty of $20 for every day durini:- Avliich the defanlt con- tinues, and every director, manager or secretary of the corporation, who wilfully authorizes or permits such defanlt, shall incur the like penalty, but such penalties shall be recoverable only by action at the suit of the Crown, or of a l>rivate person suing on his own behalf with the written consent of the Attorney General.


(7) Every company shall make a return to the Provincial ^^turns to Secretary from time to time, as the same shall occur, of alltoPro- changes among the directors, and shall incur a penalty, secretary, not exceeding $20, for every contravention of this section.

(8) The same fees shall he paid upon the filing of the said summary as the case of filing of the annual summary^^^^- of the affairs of a corporation under The Ontario Companies' Act.

2. On and after the 1st day of January, 1920, every per- son desiring to continue in the business of a private detective Renewal of shall be required to make an application for a renewal of his license on or before the 1st day of April in every year, subject to the requirements of section 3 of the said Act, as in the case of the application for an original license, and such application shall be accompanied by the summary re- quired by section 1 of this Act containing the particulars therein required as of the 31st day of December next pre- ceding the date of such application for a renewal and all the provisions of section 1 of this Act shall apply thereto.


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Vo. 113. IDIM.


An Act to amend The County Judges Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act inay be cited as The (Jowihj Judges .1,7, short title.


2. Section 5 of The Count ii J udaes Arl is repealed aiidnev. stat..

c 58 s 5

the followiiio- substituted therefor:-- repeaiwi.'

'>. A junior judge may be ap|)ointed for each of tlieJu"5^^' Counties ctf York and Wentworth.

3. The repeal of the said section shall not affect :mv saving as tppointnient of a lunior ludffe heretofore made. ments.

' " lieietofore


4. TJie Caunfi/ Judf/r.s Art is amended by addiuir thereto Rev. stat..

lie following sections: amended.

20. (1) The IJeutenaut-Governor in (V»uii<-il ina.Voimty order that any two or more counties in Ontariodi.stnots. shall form a county court district for the pur- poses of this Act, and that the district so formed shall be erected and cstabli.shed as from a day to be named by the Lieutenant-Covernor by his proclamation in the Ontario Gazette.

(2) Any district so formed may from time to time bciieartanife- dissolved, re-established, altered or re-arranged districts, by the Lieutcnant-Oovernor in Council, and the dissolution, re-establishment, alteration or re- arrangement shall take effect from a day to be named by proclamation in the Ontario Oazette.


Holding courts in


Annual meeting for assignment of duties.

Judges to perform duties assigned.

21. After the erection of a county court district, the

several county courts, courts of general sessions, division courts, courts for the hearing of appeals and complaints under The Aasessmeni Act or The Voters' Lists Act, and all other courts which a county judge may hold in each county shall be held by the judges, including the junior judges in the district, in rotation so far as may be practicable in view of the respective general length of service and strength of the other judges, and the special duties assigned to junior judges as well as in view of other offices, if any, held by any "•' t!ic judges, and all other circumstances.

22. The judges in each county court district shall meet

together at least once in every year, and the judges present or a majority of them, shall ar- range and appoint which of the said courts in the district shall be held by each of the judges of the district throughout the ensuing year, and what other judicial work each shall discharge in the respective counties of the district through- out the year.

23. Every judge to whom any duty is assigned at such meeting shall perform the duty so assigned to him. and if he is. by reafon of illness or other cauf=ie, unable to perform the samo. he shall so far as possible, arrange to have the duty per- formed by another person competent by law in that behalf.

Absence or Illness of Judge.

24. Where by reason of the absen^p nr illness of n judge, or from any other can^o. it i?! impossible for the arrangement's made at such meeting to be carried out with respect to any duty be- belonging to a county court judge, the judges of the district shall see that the deficiency is supplied by some other person competent by law in that behalf, and shall forthwith com- municate what they do therein to the Secretary of the Province.

Jxidge to have juris- diction throughout district.

25. The judge of any county forming part of the dis- trict may exercise and perform in any part of 5 the district any power or dutv assigned to the judge of a county ^'ourt by any statute of On- tario or any judicial act affecting the courts or


business of the county of which his commission designates him as judge, and being within the legislative authority of Ontario.

26. Where a vacancy occurs in the ottice of the judgevl^ncy of the county court in any county included inbus^ne^"** a county court district, and the Lieutenant-^o^** "ot

. Wiirrflnt new

(Governor declares that, owing to the lack of appointment, suihcient business, it is unnecessary that the vacancy should be tilled, the remaining judges in the district shall arrange for the performance of the du^es of the judge of the* county court of the county in which the vacancy occurs by one of themselves or by some other person com- petent by law in that behalf, and every judge or other person so acting shall have the like powers, and shall perform the like duties as a judge or other person competent by law in that behalf appointed or authorized for that purpose may exercise and perform under any statute of On- tario in the county in which the vacancy has occurred.

5. (1) Except as to any judge of the county courts of Annual he Counties of York, Wentworth, Middlesex and Carletdi. to county vho holds office at the time of the commencement of tin judges. ' " Vet, there shall be paid to the judge of every county and

district court, and where there are more judges than one.

to the senior judge of the county or district court and to

ach of the junior judges in the County of York, and the unior judge in the County of Wentworth, an annual a'llow- luce of $1, ()()(» |)ayable monthly, and the said allowance

-liall be payable ont of fuid chargeable upon tlie Con.'^oli dated

lirncnue Fund.

(2) In the County of York there shall bo parable to thcAmountof

1 111' ' n- .1 ,• !• ^1 .aUowance

-enior judge holding otnce at the time oi the commencementto present f this Act, an annual allowance of $2,600. and to each ofJe?^*in**' he junior judges in the naid county holding office at the gaid*'"""^'®-''- late, an annual allowance of $1,600; in the County of Went- \orth there shall be payable to the .-senior judge holding tlice at the said date, an annualallowance of $1..''>0'0. and the junior judge holding office at the said date, an annual allowance of $1,000; in the County of. Mi'ddlesex there shall '>f' payable to the senior judge holding office at the ^a'\(\ date. n annual allowance of $1,300. and to the junior judge lolding office at the said date an annual allowjuu-e of $1,000; iiid in the County of Carleton there .^ball be payable t<i the ^>nior judge holding office at the said <l;i'. m annual allow- ince of $1,.'>00, and to the junior judge holdintr office at the 118

said date, au annual allowance of $1,000, and the said allow- ances shall be payable monthly out of the (Consolidated Revenue Fund.

{ (a) Upon any judge mentioned in this subsection ceas- ing to hold office his successor, if any, shall be entitled only to the annual allowance provided for in subsection 1.

Judges not to receive fees.

Exceptioiis as to arbi- trators, etc.

(3) The said annual sum shall be in lieu of all fees and allowances payable to the judge of a county of district court for any services j)erformed by him under any Act of this Legislature inchiding fees as Judge o^ the Surrogate Court iind as Local Master of the Supreme Court, and where 8U(;h fees are payable by the parties to any proceedings before the judge, or upon any order or certificate made or given by him, they shall hereafter be payable in law stamps and shall form part of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, and except as hereinafter provided, the judge of a county or district court shall not be entitled to receive any fees whatever under any Act of this Legislature.

(4) Nothing in the foregoing subsections shall apply to or affect the payment of any allowance or fees to the judge of a county or district court with respect to any office which may be lawfully held by him in addition to his office as judge, to which any annual allowance or salary may be attached, or in the performance of his duties as an arbitra- tor or referee under The Municipal Act, The Public Works Act, The Ontario Railway Act, The Arhit7'ation Act, or any other statute designating him by his name of office as an arbitrator or referee.

as'to'junioi ^'^) '^^^ foregoiiig provisions of this section shall not judges. apply to junior judges except those to whom an annual allowance is payable under subsection 1 and subsection 2.

TraveUing (6) Nothing in this section contained shall affect or ore- expenses not ^ ^^ ^ ^ ' I f ■!••

atTected. vcnt the payment to the .ludge of a county or district court of his travelling or other expenses when called upon to per- form any duty outside the county or district town of the count V or district.





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Xo. 114. VJV.}.


All Act respecting the Ontario West Shore Rail- way Company.

W.HEKKAS by an Act passed in the second year of thci*r«a™^^«- reign of His late Majesty, King Edward VII, chap- re^ 78, the Huron, Bruce and Grey Electric Kail way mipany was incorporated for the purpose of constructing , ..lid operating an electric railway from the Town of Goderich I along the route set forth in the said Act ; and whereas the I name of the said railway company was, by an Act i)assed in the third year of the reigTi of His said late ^raje>;ty, cha])- red 98, changed to the Ontario West Shore Electric Railway > onii)any. and again by an Act passed in the ninth year of the reign of His said late Majesty, chaptered l^JO, to the fe Ontario West Shore Railway Company; and whereas the *iine limited for the completion of the construction of lh(^ lid railway as originally provided for by the said fir.-( mentioned Act was, by an Act passed in the sixth year of the reign of His said late Majesty, chaptered 11.'^, ext<'iid<'il lo the fourteenth day of May, 1910, and the originnl Ad of incorporation was also thereby revive<l: aiul whcroiis by an Act passed in the eighth year of the reign of His s;iid late Majesty, chaptered 135, the time for the completion of the said railway was further extended U) the fourteenth day of April, 1912 ; and whereas it appears that the (^)rporations of the Town of Goderich, the Township of Ashfield, the Town of Kincardine and the Township of Huron have guaranteed to the holders thereof the due payment of the bonds of tlie 1 said the Ontario West Shore Railway Company to the extent of $400,000 together with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent, per annum payable half-yearly ; and whereas it further appears that the said railway company has made default in the completion of the said railway and in the operation of the same, and also in the payment of the in- terest upon the said bonds so guaranteed as aforesaid ; and whereas the said municipal corporations have since and in- cluding the year 1912 paid to the holders thereof, the interest upon the said bonds at the rate aforesaid ; and whereas by 118

an Act passed in the third year of the reign of His Majesty J King George V, chaptered 135, the franchise and all the property, rights and privileges of the said railway company were vested in Thomas Stothers, in trust for the corpora- tions of the said guaranteeing municipalities, but subject to the rights of creditor? and the bond-holders and the trustees for the bond-holders of the said railway company; and whereas by an Act passed in the fourth year of the reign of Tlis Majesty King George V, chaptered 122, the time for completing the said railway was extended for four years from the passing of said Act, and authority was given to sell and dispose of the assets of the said company with the ap- ])roval of the Ontario and Municipal Board; and whereas the said Thomas Stothers, the trustee appointed under said chapter 122, by and with the approval and consent of said board did dispose of the assets of the said company and there is now in the hands of the Toronto General Trusts CorpoTR tion, in trust for the bond-holders, creditors and shareholders, the sum of $135,000 or thereabouts, bearing interest at thei rate of four and one-half per cent. ; and whereas the bonds issued by the said railway amounted to the sum of $000,000 of which $400,000 was guaranteed by the Corporations of Goderich Town, Ashfield, Huron Township and the Town of Kincardine, and the balance $200,000 unguaranteed, but both sums were secured by a mortgage or trust deed executed by the said railway company to the said trust company on certain terms and conditions as are therein set forth: and whereas $20,000 of the said unguaranteed bonds are in the hands of the said trustee. $20,000 are held by the Standard Bank of Canada, and $160,000 were not sold or disposed of and their whereabmit are unknown ; and whereas the said corporations are desirous of in the meantime having the said monies invested so as to secure the best return therefrom and that the interest so secured may be applied in reducing the annual payments which said corporations were oblisred tr? make or to form a sinking fund to meet the said bonds when thev mature.

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the L^slative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows::

Cancellation 1. The said Rum of $160,000 and $20,000 held by tl ^ undisposed Said trustee of said unsecured bonds not disposed of by thr of bonds. g^j^ railway company are hereby declared to be cancelled and void and the said trnst company "hall not in future treat them as secured by the mortgage or trust deed.


2. Thomas Stothers, the trustee appointed under chapter trustee 135 of George V aforesaid, shall have power and authority purchases to enter into an agreement with the Standard Bank ofunsecured Canada, or whoever may be the owner thereof, for the pur-^**"^®"

hase of tne $20,000) of the said unsecured bonds held by it iid to pay for same out of the said smri of $135,000 held y said trust corporations, and in the event .of his being unable to do so that the holder or holders of the said bonds shall be entitled to receive a pro rata share of the net amount f interest which will from time to time be secured from the iivestment and re-investment of the said fund, and to a ro rata share with the secured bonds when the said fund is eing distributed.

3. The said trustee shall submit to the Ontario Railway AUowance

to trustG6

and Municipal Board an account of all his dealings and for services transactions on behalf of the said railway, and in taking saidaccomfts!^ i -count the board shall allow him such disbursements as in s discretion have been properly incurred, together with uasonable compensation for his pains, care and trouble in and about the execution of the said trust.

4. The said trustee shall be at liberty to enter into auAppHcation Lireemeut with the said trust company, or any other person, of assets

iCrsons or corporations, for the investment of the said fiinds°''"*"^^^'-

derived from the sale of the said assets or any other fund-

I' assets of the said railway; at stich a rate of interest as

iiistees may invest in, in such swurities and on such terms

lid conditions as may be mutually agreed on, the said funds

fo be kept so invested until the bonds outstanding and secured

!»y the said mortgage or trust deed shall niatun?, whereupon

;iid funds shall be by said trust (•oni|)any a}>plied pro rata

1 reducing the said $400,000 worth of guaranteed and

J 0.000 worth of uiiguaranteed bonds,

5. Half-yearly there shall be paid to the said ^ "I'lxjriitions^^J'jJ^JJj*^ nfGoderich, Ashfield, Huron and Kincardine and the holders 'rom in-

V6fitrn©nt to

of the said $20,000 unguaranteed bonds the net in teres t'guaran tors

secured from the said investment of the said funds in pro^ ita proportion to the amount of the guarantees executed y said corjwrations and the said $20,000 unguaranteed

bonds so that each shall receive an e<]ual proportion thereof

based on said liability and bonds so held.

j B. The powers conferred by this Act on the said trustee nninic"paii- fihall not be exercised without the consent and approval of*'^^^*'^,^

I the Municipal Councils of the Towns of Goderich and '^•"■frJ^fee'*' cardine aijd the Townships of Ashfield and Huron, and in ^ the event of all of the said parties failing to agree flic


«)uesti()U involved nn\y be subiaitted to the tJntario Kailway and Municipal IJoard for adjudication, whose decision shall

li(' final.

Powers of






Trust conrjpany's obligation where funds not In- vested with It.

7, The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board shall in:i i such orders and give such directions, either for the payment of commissions and expenses in handling said funds or for thf protection thereof and the rights and interests of all jx sons interested in the said railway as bond-holders, creditors, shareholders or otherwise as the board shall deem necessarv or expedient to do or cause to be done so as to give full eff' ' to the terms of this or any Act dealing with said railway. In the interests of all parties concerned, compliance with such orders or (lii( ctions shall be a condition precedent -(•('iiriiii;' llic approval of the board.

8, In the event of the said funds not being invested with the said trust company or under it« control, the securities, and, if sold, the proceed.^, shall be held and the interest re- ceived by it and disbursed in manner aforesaid, the remun- eration for such services to be fixed by said board ; the said trust company not to be in any way liable for such invest- ments or collections beyond the amount of money it actually receives.

9. All Acts inconsistent with the* provisions of this

Repeal of

!"ovis!ois"' arc liereby repealed







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:N"o. 114. 1919.


An Act respecting the Ontario West Shore Rail- way Company.

WHEREAS by an Act passed in the second year of the^reambie. reign of His late Majesty, King Edward VIT, chap- tered 78, the Bhiron, Bruce and Grey Electric Railway Company was incorporated for the purpose of constructing and operating an electric railway from the Town of Goderich along the ronte set forth in the said Act ; and whereas the uamo of the said railway company was, by an Act passed in the third year of the reign of His said late Majesty, chap- tered 08, changed to the Ontario West Shore Electric Railway Company, and again by an Act passed in the ninth year of the reign of His said late Majesty, chaptered 139, to tlio Ontario West Shore Railway Company ; and whereas the time limited for the completion of the construction of the said railway as originally provided for by the said fir-^t mentioned Act was, by an Act passed in the sixth year of the reign of His said late Majesty, chnptorod IIH, oxtcudod to the fourteenth day of ^Tny. 10)0. mid tlic (trii;iii;il Act of incorporation was also thoroby rcxived ; and wlicrcas by an Act passed in the eighth year of Iho reign of His said late Majesty, chaptered If^T), the time for the couipletiou of the said railway was further extended to Ibn fonrteenfh day of Aphil, 1912; and whereas it appears Ibat tlio Corporations of the Town of Goderich, the Township of Ashfield, the Town of Kincardine and the Township of Huron have guaranteed to the holders thereof the due payment of the bonds of the said the Ontario West Shore Railway Company to the extent of $400,000 together with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent, per annum payable half-yearly; and whereas it further appears that the said railway company has made default In the completion of the said railway and in the operation of the same, and also in the payment of the in- terest upon the said bonds so guaranteed as aforesaid : and whereas the said municipal corporations have .since and in- cluding the year 1912 paid to the holders thereof, the intere<<t upon the said bonds at the rate aforesaid: and whereas by


an Act passed in the third year of the reign of His Majesty King George V, chaptered 135, the franchise and all the property, rights and privileges of the said railway company were vested in Thomas Stothers, in trust for the corpora- tions of the said gnaranteoing municipalities, but subject to fho rights of creditors and the bond-holders and the trustees for the bond-holflors of the said railway cx>mpany; and whereas by an Act passed in the fourth year of the reign of I] is Majesty King Ooorgo V, chaptered 122, the time for completing the said railway was extended for four years from the passing of said Act, and authority was given to sell and dispose of the assets of the said company with the ap- proval of tlje Ontario and Municipal Board ; and whereas tho said Thomas Stothers, the trustee appointed under said chapter 122, by and with the approval and consent of said board did dispose of the assets of the said company and there is now in the hands of the Toronto General Trusts Corpora- tion, in trust for the bond-holders, creditors and shareholders, tlio sum of $135,000 or thereabouts, bearing interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent. ; and whereas the; bonds issued by the said railway amounted to the sum of $600,000 of which $400,000 was guaranteed by the Corporations of Goderich -Town, Ashfield, Huron Township and the Town of Kincardine, and the balance $200,000 unguaranteed, hut both sums were secured by a mortgage or trust deed executed by the said railway company to the said trust company on certain terms and conditions as are therein set forth : and whereas $20,000 of the said unsruaranteed bonds are in the hands of the said trustee, $20,000 are held bv the Standard Bank of Canada, and $160,000 were not sold or disposed of and their whereabout are unlmown: and whereas the said corporations are desirous of in the meantime havinfr the said monies invested so as to secure the best return therefrom and that the interest so secured may be applied in reducing the annual payments which said corporations were obliged tri make or to form a sinking fund to meet the said bonds when they mature.

Therefore. His Maiesty. bv and with the advice and con- sent of the L^slative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. enacts as follows:

ofce?}^"'*" 1. The said sum of $160,000 and $20,000 held by the

of blfifas^®** said trustee of said unsecured bonds not disposed of by the

said railway company are hereby declared to be cancelled

and void and the said trust company shall not in future

treat them as secured by the morteage or trust deed.


. 2. Thomas Stothers, the trustee appointed under cliapterTrustee^^ 135 of George V aforesaid, shallhave power and authority purchases I^^subject to the approval of the Ontario Railway andunsecured Municipal Board"^^ to enter into an agreement with^°^^*^ the Standard Bank of Canada, or whoever may be the owner thereof, for the purchase of the $20,00Q of the said unsecured bonds held by it and to pay for same out of the said sum of $135,000 held by said trust corporations, and in the event of his being unable to do so that the holder or holders of the said bonds shall be entitled to receive a pro rata share of the net amount of interest which will from time to time be secured from the investment and re-investment of the said fund, and to a -pro rata share with the secured bonds when the said fund is being distributed. a^^Provided, however, that the said bank, or the holder or holders of the said $20,000 of bonds, before being allowed to rank on the said fund or any part thereof, shall prove to the .satisfaction of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board that it, he or they has a bona fide title thereto, paid full face value therefor to or for or on account of the said railway com- pany, and if less than the face value has been paid or allowed therefor, shall only be entitled to rank for the amount of such bona fide advance. "^^S

3. The said trustee shall submit to the Ontario Railway Allowance and Municipal Board an account of all his dealings aii J f or servicea transactions on behalf of the said railway, and in taking saidonpassinsr


account the board shall allow him such disbursements as in its discretion have been properly incurred, together with reasonable compensation for his pains, care and trouble in and about the execution of the said trust, B^^all of which, including the legal costs, charges and expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the handling and preservation of said fund, shall be paid by the said trust company on the order of the said tlio Ontario Railway and Municipal Board."^^

4. The said trustee shall be at liberty to enter into an Application agreement with the said trust company, or any other person, of Siaet**** persons or corporations, for the investment of the said funds®^**""*^" derived from the sale of the said assets or any other funds

or assets of the said railway, at such a rate of interest a,s trustees may invest in, in such securities and on such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreed on, the said funds to be kept so invested until the bonds outstanding and secured by the said mortgage or trust deed shall mature, whereupon said funds shall be by said trust company applied pro rata in reducing the said $400,000 worth of guaranteed and $20,000 worth of unguaranteed bonds.


Payment of Income from In

of bonds.

5. Half-yearly there shall bo paid to the said Corporations of Goderich, Ashfield, Huron and Kincardine and the holders iSlVTntors** 0^ ^^6 8^^*^ $20,000 unguaranteed bonds the net interest* secured from tho said investment of the said funds in pro rata proportion to ihe amount of the guarantees executed by said cor[)orations and the said $20,000 ungiiaranl<'<'f] bonds 80 that each shall receive an equal proi)ortion then "i based on said liability and bonds so held.

Consent of munlclpaH- ties to exercise powers of trustee.

O. The powers conferred by this Act on the said trustee shall not bo oxereised without the consent and approval of tho Municipal Councils of the Towns of Goderich and Kin- cardine and the Townships of Ashfield and Huron, and in the event of all of the said parties failing to agree the (piostion involved may be submitted to the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board for adjudication, whose decision shall bo final.

Powers of






Trust oompany'.s obligation where funds not in- vested with it.

7. The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board shall make such orders and give such directions, either for the payment of commissions and expenses in handling said funds or for the protection thereof and the rights and interests of all per- sons interested in the said railway as bond-holders, creditors, shareholders or otherwise as the board shall deem necessary or- expedient to do or cause to be done so as to give full effect to the terms of this or any Act dealing with said railway. In the interests of all parties concerned, compliance with such orders or directions shall be a condition precedent to securing the approval of the board.

8. Tn the event of the said funds not being invested with the said trust company or under its control, the securities, and, if sold, the proceeds, shall be held and the interest re- ceived by it and disbursed in manner aforesaid, the remun- eration for such services to be fixed by said board ; the said trust company not to be in any way liable for such invest- ments or collections beyond the amount of money it actually receives.

9. All Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act

Repeal of

Inconsistent ■, ^ t ^

provisions, are hereby repealed




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^o. 115. 1919.


An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJ KSTV, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 413 of The Muriicipal Act is hereby amended Rev. stat, by adding as clause («!) to paragraph 1 thereof the follow-g" 413;

ing clause : amended.

(al ) Every person nsing a conveyance for the purpose covered by this section, either on his account or as agent or servant of another person, persons or corporation, shall ta1\0 out a license.



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No. 116. 1919.


An Act to amend The Horticultural Societies Act.

HIS .MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Aci may l)e cited as The Horticultural Societies sh„nth\o. Arnendment Act, 1919.

2. Subsection 2 of so<ti.iii i; ni The I / orticultjiral Sorieties^^'^-^^*^' Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor: repeaioii.

6.— (2) Where a city has a population of over 1 00,000, 5^J»j«^^ two societies may l)e organized; where ovcv""^'^'"- 200,000, three societies may l)e organized; but in such case none of the societies shall be entitled to receive an annual grant of more than $700.

3.— (1) Clause (e) n\ .rr.ilon 7 of The Horticulhimn^'-^^M.. Societies Act is amended by striking out the word '' Janu-«L«.' ary " in the second line thereof and substituting therefor"™ the word " April." '

(2) Clause (g) of section 7 of The Horticu/hinil Societies^^^^- Act is amended by striking out the word ''nine" in the'*, third line theret)f and substituting therefor the word " ten " and by adding after the word *' directors'' in the third line the words^" five to be elected for two years and five for one year, and thereafter five auTmally foi- l\v<> years.

4. (i) Subsection 1 of section U) ol The HorticuUural^Ji^^l- noneties Act is amended by strikiiiir out the words '' first (i).«nn«n.i«i,

-I'vcri days of November" in ilic mvmii.I line ilhrcd' and siiitniitiiting therefor the word-^ '" niiitli to titiccnib *\u\< ••!■ 'January, inclusive."



?78^"n. ^-^ Siil»c.iioii 4 of section 10 of The HorticuH

(4), ani.n.i.,! Societies All is amended by striking out the words '• m seven davs of November" in the second line thereof and substituting therefor the words '' week from the 9th to the ITitFi davs of January, inclusive" and by striking out the \vf)rd8 "31st day of Decrember " in the fourth line thereof ,111(1 -iil»--i itiititii:; therefor the words "first day of Marcli."

Rer.stat.. 5. Subscction 1 of section 12 of The Horticultural

('i),ainendfid. Societies Act is amended by striking out the word "Febru- ary " in the third line thereof and substituting therefor the word " March."





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No. 117. 1919.


j^j An Act to regulate the Purchase of Cream.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of tlie Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Cream Purchases ^t-^, short tuie. 1919.

2. All cream i>iircha>;('(l for sale, shipment or inannfac-oreamtobe Hire shall be purchased on the basl^ of its butter fat content. J'^/confent*"

3. ( \ ) In determining the fat content of cream supplied 2^p'«"'<"" to a factory the sample of cream taken for testing shall be weighed into a test bottle officially stamped and shall weigh

i) or 18 grams.


(2) Every person who makes a Babcock test of milk orM«nnerof cream supplied to a factory shall proceed in accordance with ' °'' the official method and shall observe the details of making and reading the test as set forth in Bulletin No. 266 of the Ontario Department of Agriculture or last revised edition of the same.

{'->) When requested by the producer in ad\iin(e the pur- Bample for •baser shall place any siMXjific sample :il llie dispovnl ..f the'*^ *" "'■ producer for purposes of re-test.

4: Any person who violates any provision of this Act orp„n,ity. who falsifi(>< in any way or over-reads or under-rcads the liabcoek test shall ujhiu summary conviction thereof Ihj liable to a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $50.


aeguiMionH. 5 po,. tJi^ purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act or any section of this Act according to their true intent, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recom- mendation of the Minister of Apiculture, may make such regulations as may be deemed necessary, advisable or con- venient, and may impose penalties for the violation thereof, and such regulations shall have the same force and effort as if incorporated herein.

Penalties to be recoverable under Rev. Stat., c. 90.

6. The penalties imposed by or under the authority of this Act shall be recoverable under The Oiilnrin Summary Convictions Act.


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No. 118. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Railway Act.

HIS ^rA.rES'^^^ i.v mui wiiii iii,- iKbicc and r. the JvCgislativc Assoiililv o!' llu' ri-oviiu-c oi' > 'iii;irio. oil acts as follows:

1, Section 260a of The Ontario lia'dway Aci is amoiKk-d g Geo. v, by insertina; between the word "service" at the end of thca'eoa!^"*' seventh lino thereof, and the word " in " at the beginnins; of*™®"^®**- the eiirhth line thereof, the following: "or to comply with any regnlation contained in any by-law of a nninici]ial cor- poration, or to comply with any order or direction of an onginoer of a mnnici]>a] corporation given undci- llio pro- visions of anv bv-Liw of a municipal corporntinn/'


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Xo. 119. 1919.



An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

IS i\rAJESTy, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, acts as follows:

Siih^c-tion (1) of section 230 of The Municipal Act is^«7- ^*»*-',^

,,,.,. ■, ,, , <■• 192, 8. 230

amended by striking ont the word annnally in the second d) amended. 'irie and by inserting before the word "collectors" in the ■ond line the following words: "shall annually appoint - many."



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No. 120. 1919.


An Act to amend The School Sites Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of tlie Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 4 of The School Sites Act is hereby repealed. Rer. sut..

c. 277, 8. 4 repealed.

2. Section 11 of the said Act is amended by addingRev. stat. thereto the following words : amended.

" together with what they shall determine to be a fair compensation for having the school site located within 100 yards of an orchard, garden, pleasure ground or dwelling house."



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No. 121. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Highways Act (1915)

HrS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection 1 of section 10 of The Ontario llifjhwayfiSQeo.Y, Ad, 1915, is amended by striking out the article or word (■i)';roended. " a" in the ninth line thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the words " an annual."


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\... 122. 19J9.


An Act to amend The Toll Roads Act.

HTS TklAJEST^'. hy ;iii(l with the advico and cnii-t'iit of ,, the Legislative A^^elllbh of the J^roviiiee of Ontario,

enacts as follows:

1. P;iii 11 of The Toll Boads Act is amended by insert- Rev. stat..

'• ,• T/» ii i? 11 ' c. 210, s. 76,

Mini: ;i- -•• tion Toa the lOllowmg: amended.

76rt. The council of any city in (»r ;i(]j;iccnt t.. a '•""iiily |,'|[;y,"J;'^^',^, wliich has iiiiriatcd, m- piMpoM'- to. ni' iii;i\- '" pmchas,'

j ^ ...... ' ' , , "i-fX|.iiopri-

: rhcrcatlci'. luirialc |iimccci|iiio>. inhici- the oro-ationof

,• , 1 , 1-11 ton road.s.

M \isions or tills ^lari. tdi- the j)urclia~c nr c.xpro-

\ priation of any toll n.ad or toll roads and the

>! abolition of tolls, may j»a-- a In-law or l)v-law<

i and execnte an ao-reement or aiirccmciii- for ihc

\: purpose of under takinij to contribute or repay,

j or providiuiT the moneys for contributing: or re-

f paying- to the county, any part or proportion of

the cost, charg:es and expenses of acquiring by purchase oi- expropriation of such toll road or '; toll road>. the alxilition of toll- and incidental

; ])iiT]io>('-, ;(ii(l \\lici-(^ aii\- such liydaw has re-

ceivcil the a---o!i! ot' iwo-ihirds of the iii(Mnh<'V< of the r\\\ '•.iiiii.-1 1. it -jiall Hot Ik- iiccr-.-;i ry lo sub- mit the same lo tiic ch'i'tor- of ihc cit\-.





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No. 123. 1919.


Ah Act to amend The Highway Improvement Act

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advieo and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the J^rovince of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection 2 of section 4 of The Highway Improve- ^^^ g^^ mc7it Act is amended by inserting after the word " purchase "<• 40. "• ■* ' in the second line thereof the words " or expropriation."

2. Section 25 oi'The^ Highway Improvement Act isRev. st»t., amended by inserting after the word " highway " in the first^'^^^^J'^^'*' lino thereof the words " or toll road " and by inserting after

tlie word " is " in the second line thereof the words " or is to

lie, ;ts-umc(l, jjiirchased, expropriated."


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No. 124. ini'i


An Act to revise and amend The College of Art Act.

HrS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and (•nii>;(.iir of tho Legishitive Assembly of the rrovinee of Oniari". enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The CoIIcajc of Aii Arf, /.o/ry.siiwt titu-.

2. In this Act— interpretation.

(a) "College" shall mean Ontario ('..llciie of Art: ^'°"''««-

(h) "Council" shall mean the ("onncil of the OntavioCouncii. College of Art constituted as hereinafter pro- vided.

3. IMio College of Art, heretofore established al the rityCoiiegrof ah of Toronto under the j^roA'isions of Hie Act passed in the

second year of His ^fajesty's reign, chapter 70. sludl be continued as the Ontario College of .\rl.

4. The pur|)oses of the College, shall be— ^^'^""'^

(a) The training of students' in the fine arts. in<'l"dingj^"j'jj|)j',','*^'*jlj'^ drawing, painting, design, modelling, and sculp- ture, and in all branches of the applied arts in the more artistic trades and manufactures: and

(h) The training of teachers in the fine and a pplicd"** '""'"'" arts.

5. The control and management of the collcnre shall con-*^""*"-

tinue to be vested in the council as a body corporate by the ■name of The Council of the Ontario Collecre of Arts.

6.--(l) The present members of the council shall holdTermof oWo,. ofRce until the Ist day of October. 1010. _ .^

' (2) The council shall thereafter be composed' ns follows :JJ^»*/'""' 124

Who to ap- point membort.

(a) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall appoint twelve members; and

Certain bodiei to appoint one member each.

Term of office.


(fe) The Art Museum, the Ontario Society of Artists, the Graphic Arts Society, the Applied Art Society, the Ontario Association of Architects, the Toronto Camera Club, the Womens' Art Association, the Canadian National Exhibition, the Trades and Labour Council of the City of Toronto, the Canadian Manufacturers' Associa- tion, and the Senate of the University of To- ronto shall each appoint one member.

(3) The members of the council appointed under this Act shall hold office until the 1st day of October, 1924, and until their successors are appointed.

(4) In case a vacancy occur.'; amon^ the members pro- vided for under clause a of subsection 2, the council may, by petition to be presented through the Minister, request the appointment of some person to fill the vacancy.

(5) Where a vacancy occurs amonsrst the member? ap- pointed under clause h of i^ubsection 2, the same shall be filled by the body or association who appointed the member whose seat has become vacant.

If'^mbc^'flii- CB") Every person appointed to fill n vacanr'v shall bold

ing vacancy, q^qq for tbo remainder of the term for which the member

whose seat be i? appointed to fill was appointed.

Kblence^"* ^'^^ ^^ ^ member of the council abpont= bim^olf from three conse(^utive meetinxrs without beincr authorized bv reso- lution, entered upon the minutes, he shall /po fnrtn vacate his seat.


Failure to appoint repre- sentatives.

7. Tf a corporation or association whose representation is provided for in subp^ection 2 of section fi. doe«! not avail itself of the risrht to malce an appointment or fill a vacancv after notifi'cation tberpof bv the conpcil. or if anv such corporation or association ceases to exist, the members of the council then in ofl'icp mav elect other representative^ of art intere«!ts in their place and stead who are not members of anv cor- poration or a^ociation whoise representation is provided for in subsection 2 of section 6.

Dates when appointments to be mado.

8. The first appointments to the council to be made under this Act shaTI be made before the I't dav of October. 101^.' and thereafter appointment shall be made durinsr the month of September in everv vear commencin? with the vear 1?*24. 1»4


9. The first meeting of the Council appointed under this F>r« meeting Act shall be called by the present Council for the purposes"' ^°*"""'' of organization and to conduct the regular business of the College, and notice of the meeting shall be given at least five

days prior thereto by registered post to each member ap- pointed under subsection 2 of section 6.

10. The Council shall meet at least four times in every Meetings, year, and one of such meetings, to be called the annual meet- ing, shall be held in the month of November, upon such date

as may be fixed by the by-laws of the Council.

11. Seven members of the Council shall form a quorum. Quorum.

12. The Council shall elect at its annual meeting fromofficen. among its members a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and an Honorary Treasurer.

13. The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, who to shall preside at all meetings, and if neither the Chairman or Vice-Chairman is present, the members present shall choose

a Chairman of the meeting from among themselves.

14. The Council shall have the control and governmeutcontroi of of the College and shall appoint a principal, staif and ser-*"* ***" vants, and shall fix their remunerations and deiermine their duties.

15. The Principal of the College shall be tfie chief execu-Princip»i to tive officer, and subject to the regulations 6f the Counciltire officer, shall control the organization and management of the College.

16. At its annual meeting the Council shall appoint f orcouncu to the ensuing year one or more auditors, who shall be char- torn, tered accountants, and whose duties shall be to examine all books, accounts and vouchers of the Council and report on

them at the next annual meeting.

17. Subject to the by-laws of the Council determiningoipiomai «nd the courses of study and examinations, the Council may

confer upon students of the College the diploma of "Asso- ciate of the Ontario College of Art," and the right to affix the letters A.O.C.A. after their names and may also issue other certificates of proficiency as may be provided for by the by-laws.

18. The College may be affiliated with the University of JJ"-;'";'^'''*'' Toronto and in that case may make such arrangements as

may be considered expedient for the use of common in<'f ruc- tion and the granting of a d^ree or d^ees. 122

ArronKemonts \f) '|'|,,. ('oiiiicil uiav arrange with the Department of

Willi Depart ,, , . ,x 'j- i i-

inetit of Kdi. I'.diu'utioii (»t Oiitano tor courses and examinations for teaehers of art and supervisors of art infttrnctors in the -rji.k.ls of tlie Province.

Bv laws.

Date of nil! I ing8.

rrnrcdurf .

20. 'I'Im' (Oimcil may make bv-laws providing? for:

( (() I lie dates ;it which meeting shall be held;

(])) the conduct of meetings and the establishment of cnmruittccs :md the conduct of their business;

Coursesof (c) proscribing the courses of Stndv ;md f'\;nriin;ifif.n ,'iTid

study. fees. ^j^^ ^^^ payable by students;

Diplomas. (^^~) regulations for the awarding of diplomas and other

♦•ertificates of the College;

Scholarships (e) thc establishment of scholarships and the exhibition tVons*^of\vork. of the work of the students, and generally to do all things

necessary for carrviiiii,' out the true ohieff and intent of the


Grants from 21. The Corporation of anv municipality mav make

iiuini<Mi)iilities. . 1 <• , .11 ,• ' 1 N -1 /•

grants in aid ot the ( ollege ot such sums as the council ot the mnnici]iality may deem expedient, and may make pro- vision for the raaintenanco of pupils at the College who rejiide in or are the children of vc-idoiits nf tlic municipality.

I'owersto 22. The Council may purchase, acquire, take by gift,

of property, dcvise or bequest and hold such real and personal property

as it may deem necessary for the purposes of the College,

and may mortgage, sell and otherwise dispose of the same

as occasion may require.

Rex. Stat.. c. 284, re- pealed.

^^^len to

take effect.

23. The ('ollr;/r of Art Arl. 1)eino ('hn])rer 2«4 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1014, is repealed.

24. Tliis \rt -li.ill couie into force and take eflFect u])on | ilic day upon which it receive.-; the TJoyal Assent.



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I No. 125. I'.UO.


An Act to repeal The Provincial War Tax Act


enacts as follows

IS ^lAJESTY. bv and with the advice and consent of the I>egislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario,

1. 21ie Provincial War Tax Acl and all anicndnu'iit^s Geo. v.

c. Z, re-

t hereto are herebv repealed. peaied.




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iSTo. 126. 1919.


An Act to amend The Municipal Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, nacts as follows:

1. Section 3Y2 of The Municipal Act is amended by Rev. stat. c adding the followinff subsection: Snded^

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in subsections^"^***

1 and 2 of this section, the councils of any two <»"'"*^ house

, . . •' end gaol,

or more counties may enter into an agreement

whereby one of such counties shall provide and

maintain a county court-house and county gaol

for the use of each and all of such counties.

2. Section 379 is amended by adding thereto the follow- fj*2%^879 *^'

ing subsections: amended.

(5) In the case of the grouping of several counties liability of

^ J '^ici •! county for

under section 1 hereof, each county respectively erection and shall bear its proportion of the costs and ex- of*court *"*^* penses in connection with the erection and main- **°""«' **<^- tenance of a court-house and goal ;

(6) If such counties are unable to agree as to the-AjWtration.

amount to be contributed by each, the same shall be determined by arbitration.







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No. 127. 1939.


An Act to amend The Theatres Jand JCinemato-

graphs Act.

Hthe Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, IS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of enacts as follows:—

1. Subsection 1 of section 4 of The Theatres and Cine- Rev. stat. c. matographs Act is amended by adding thereto the following (d 'amended, words :

" And to permit ol* prohibit the exhibition of any film or slide in any theatre in Ontario; and the Treasurer of Ontario may from time to time ap- point temporary members of the Board ol' Censors."

2. Section 10 of the snid A.'t is nmondcd by addinp: thorc- Rev. stat. o.

!(j the following words:— amended.

" Except on Saturday of each week and on public and legal holidays, between the hours of 0 a.m. and fi p,m., during which hours a matron to be remun- erated by the exhibitor shall be engaged in each theatre whose duty it shall be to supervise the conduct of sut'h children and of adults toward them while in siuli theatre, the appointment of such matron to he sanctioned in such manner as the Tl-easurer of Ontario may ijiuect; and the Treasurer of Ontario rii;t\ :ii auy theatre iu \\'\-> diBCi'etion dispense with the attendance tt\' n matron."

3. The Theatres II nd CinewaJotfntphs Art is ii\iiend«'d by ?3Yim^nd!i.« udding thereto the following section.'*:

10. At every theatre in Ontario llie National .Xntheni shall be played at the conclusion of each per- formance; '

20. The council of a municipal corporation may pass by-laws pfohibiting the erection of any theatre within two hundred feet of a church or place of worship.


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Fo. 128. 1919.


An Act to amend The Mechanics' and Wage Earners' Lien Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:


1. Subsection 4 of set^tion 8 uf The Mecliamcs and Httf/e*^|°-^' Earners' Lien Act, as enacted by section 4 of chai)ter 29, ofrepes the Acts passed in the 8th year of His Majesty's reign, is


«. 4,





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Xo. 129. 1919.


An Act respecting the Testing of Seed.

HIS .yAJESTV, by and with tlie advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, 11 acts as follows:


1. This Act may be cited as The Seed Testing Act. short title.

2. It shall uoi 1)0 lawful lor any dealer or agent to sell^gfs^j"^*^^^,, liarter or exchange any variety of wheat, oats, barley, rye,^«8ted.

1 tuck wheat, field peas, field beans or potatoes for seed pur- poses, nnless and until the variety so offered for sale has been grown experimentally by the Ontario or Dominion I)o|>artment of Agriculture for at least three years.

3. Any such dealer (»r agent offering any variety of such<^«rtiflcate ! ed for sale shall be rcfpiired to show a certificate signed

by such person as may be designated by the Minister, getting forth the fact that such variety has been so grown, and stat- in ir. further, the results of the experiment.

4. Any person who violates any provision of this Act Penalty. liall then, upon summary conviction thereof, be liable to a

l-cnalty of not less than .$10 nor more than $.50.

5. Penalties imposed by or under the authority of thiSo('^]^"y*gt°J| ^ Act shall be recoverable under The Ontario Summary Con-^-^^-

r'lclhins Act.




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No. lao. 1010.


An Act to amend The Public Schools Act.

HIS MAJESTY, bv and with the advice and onnscnt (•: the Legislative Assembly of the Province of OiitniMo. enacts as follows:

1. Subsection 2 of section 09 of The Puhllr SrIiooJs Aflf-^X'^^y' is repealed. (2)'repea'iwi

2. Section 3 of section 00 of the said Act is amended l)vRev.sut inserting after the word " suspend " in tbe second lino thereof (S) amemi the words " or dismiss."

3, Subsection 4 of section 09 is amended bv inserting after Rev. stat. <•. the word "suspension" in the second line thereof, the words (4)'a*^enrtefi " or dismissal," and bv striking out all the words in the said subsection after the word "therefor" in the fourth line thereof.





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Xo. 131. 19^9


An Act to amend The Workmen's Compensation


HIS ]MAJESTY, bv and with the advice and consent of the Legislative AsscitiMv of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Worhnens Covipensa Hon ii.\xortm\e

Act, 1919.

2. The clause lettered {p) in subsection 1 ^of section 2j^|°^"^2' of The Workmen's Compensation Act, as amended by sub-"- i*ci- p. se(;tion 2 of section 1 of chapter 24 of the Statutes of' 1915, *'"*"'*^*^' and by subsection 1 of section 4 of chapter 34 of the Statutes

of 1917, is further amended by striking out the words " orBxception a j)ersou engaged in clerical work and not exposed to thc^,*°o}.k'''' hazards incident to the nature of the work carried on inamendeti. the emplo^Tnent."'

3. Section 8 of The Workmeiis Compensation Act isc. 26. ii. 8. nniended by adding thereto the following subsection : amended.

(3) No resident of an enemy country, or of a eountry enemies not voluntarily withdrawn from alliance with th<'*^J^^p|*g^^. British Empire during the Great War, or of ation. country in default of establishing peaceful and harmonious relations with the British Empire, shall be entitled to compensation under this Act.

4 Geo. V,

3. (1) Subsections 1, 2 and 4 of section 10 of The Worh-c. 26. s. lo.

88. 1 *

mens Compensation Act are repealed and the following snb-andi. sfituted therefor:— "'*•*'*''•

(1) The workmen of a contractor or sub-contractor cx-Empioyera ecuting any work in or tor the pur|)08es ot an in-tractor*. dustry under Part I of this Act, carried on by another person, in this section referred to as the principal, shall be deemed to be the workmen of the principal unless and until such contractor 181

Right of principal employer to iflmburse- ment from contractor.

or sub-contractor is, in respect of such work, assessed, or added and assessed, as the case may be, as an employer in Schedule 1. or, in cases where such contractor or sub-contractor is, in respect of such work, individually liable for pay- ment of compensation, unless and until the Board finds and declares that the responsibility of such contractor or sub-contractor is sufficient protec- tion to his workmen for the benefits ])rovided for by the Act;

(2) Where ;i princijtnl lias madr payment of assess- ment of foiniMMi-alinii or furnished medical aid wliicli liut for suh.swtidii 1 ho \v<»iild not have been liable to pay oV furnish, he shall be entitled to reimbursement from the contractor or sub- contractor to such extent as the Board finds such contractor or sub-contractor would have been liable.

5 Geo. V, c. 24, s. 5. ss. 5 amended.

Kigiit of indemnity.

(21)) Subsection r> of section 1(» of 77/« Workmen's Com- pensation Act, as re-enacted by section 5 of chapter 24 of the Statutes of 1915, is amended by strikinj^ out the words " pay compensation or contribute to the accident fund under thi.s sei'tion he shall be entitled to be indemnified by any person who should have paid the same," and snbstitntiuii; therefor the words "make payment to the Board under subsection 3 lie shall be entitled to be indemnified by any person who should have made such payment and shall be entitled to with- hold out of any indebtedness due to such j^erson a sufficient amount to answer the same."

4 Geo. V, c. 25, s. 33, ss. 1 amended.

Scale of compen- t»ation.

4. (1) Subsection 1 of section 33 of The Workmen's (Compensation Art is amended as follows:-—

(a) By substituting "$30" for ''$20" in paragraph (h) of the said subsection ;

(b) By substituting " $30 " for " $20," " $7.50 " for " $5," and " $G0 " for " $40 " in paragraph (c) of the said subsection, as amended by subsection 1 of section 6 of chapter 34 of the Statutes of 1917;

(c) By substituting "$60" for (d) of the said subsection.

•$40" in parag^raph

c.^I^'s^'s, (2) Subsection 2 of the said section 33 is amended by add-

amend d ^^^ ^* ^^® ^"^ ^*^ subscction 2 of the said section, as amended by section 14 (h) of chapter 24 of the Statutes of 1915, 131

the following words " and in any ease nnder the said clanso compensation may be made wholly or partly in a Inmp sum or by such form of payment as the Board in the eircnm- stances deems most suitable."

(3) The said section 33 is amended l)v adding the follow- '♦^f^-Xr,

, . . o C. 26, «. 33

ing subsection: amended.

(6) Subsection 5 shall not reduce the monthly payment minimum to a widow or invalid husband lower than $20, monthly nor, except so far as may be necessary to prevent t*odS>*d- the tx>tal monthly payment to all dependants from*"*"- exceeding $40, shall it reduce the monthly i)ay- ment for a child, where there is also a de|)endent widow or invalid husband, lower than $5, or the monthly payment to or for a child, where the sole dependants are children or where the dependent widow or invalid husband has died, lower than $10.

5. The Worhmens C'ompensation Act is amended by add-*9|°-^' ing the following sections:— amended.

43flr. The Board, for the purpose of enabling the work-g*^™J{J*Jl'f man to obtain an artificial limb, or in any othertionfor case where it deems it proper, may, at any time or times, make or direct partial commutation or lump sum payment of his compensation, or other- wise alter the form of payment, as in the circum- stances seems most for his advantage;

13/>. Where anv person entitled to compensation isDjversion

1 ' -1 i' ^ / 1 ^ °f compen

lound, u])on evidence satista<'torv to the noard. nation for to be living an immoral or improper life, the<^,fduoT.'^ l>oard may, for such period as seems proper, dis- continue payment of compensation to such per- son, or divert such compensation in whole or in part to any member or members of the family of such person who are in need or to any other dependant ^r (b i>endants ot' the deceased work- man.

6. (1) Subsection 1 of section 44a of '/'lie -Wo dm ni' si* ^•^"^'^'^ Compensntion Act. as enacted by section 0 of chapter 34 of"'"*'"''*''!- tlie Statutes of 1917, is amended by striking out the words

. . T , 1 <• 11 i" ii. J* Mealoal

*' during the period ot one niontli from the date ot the ctis-AM.

.iliilily " in tlic f.nirlli and liftli lines tlu'reof.

(■2) I'lie said section 44^ is further aniende<l by addingJ°J%^i the following subsection: amendi-a.


Duty of employer as to

furnishing: injured workmen with trans- portation.

4 Geo. V. c. 25. amended.

Application for stated rase by way of appeal from Hoard.

Time for making ap- plication.

Trans- mission of application and report to Govern- ment.

Notice to applicant.

(10a) Every employer shall at his own expense fur- nish to any workman injured in his employment, who is in ne(;d of if, immediate conveyance and transportation to a hosjiital, or to a physician, or to the workman's lioiiie, and any employer fail- ing so to do shall he linlilt , l>y order of the hoard, to pay for such couveyance and trannportatioii as may bo ])rocured by the workman or hy anyone for him. or a.s may be provided by the Hoard.

7. llw Workmen s t-ompeusul Km Ad is amended by add- ing thereto the following sections:

()2a. (1) Notwithstanding anything in section (»0 or elsewhere in this Act contained, any |»arty dis- satisfied with a de<i>loii (,i- ruling of the Board upon any (piestion of law or jurisdiction which is of general importance may mak(; applicatioi: as hereinafter provided to the Lieutenant-Gover- nor in Council to submit a stated case upon such question of law or jurisdiction for the opinion of the First Divisional Court of the ApjxjUatt Division of the Suju-ome Court of Ontario, and the Lieutenant-Govcriini- in Council may, if he deems it expedient, submit such stated ease to such court.

(2) Application in writing for such .'Stated case setting

forth tlie question which it is sought to have sub- mitted and the reasons against the decision or ruling of the Board shall, within fifteen days after the rendering of such decision or ruling, be filed with the secretary of the Board.

(3) The Board, after the filing of such application, shall

with the utmost des])atch transmit the same to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, together with a report thereon, including its findings of fact and reasons for decision if any have been made or given or are deemed desirable, but the Board may before making such transmission or report rehear or reconsider the question sought to be submitted or the matter, question, or thing ill or ill resj^ect of which the same has arisen ;

(4) Upon such transmission the secretary of the Board

shall forthwith give notice thereof to the appli- cant by registered letter addressed to him at the post office address given in such ap])licalion. or if no address is given therein at such post office address as the secretary ascertains or believes to be his address ; 181

(5) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council mav fljive suchi^eP''esenta-

^ ^ T . , , , tionof

directions as he deems proper as to the rep re- parties, sentation upon the application or before the court of the parties or interests concerned, and as to the expense of such representation ;

(6) The court shall, upon the submission to it of anyHearing

such question, hear and determine the same asdetermina- speedily as possible and in priority to other cases "ourtf on the list, and remit the matter to the Board with the opinion of the court thereon, and such opinion shall be final and binding and shall not be subject to appeal ;


(7) The court in reachino; its decision, shall be governed p^j^^jipj^g

by the same principles ' and considerations assove^io*"* apply to the Board, including the provisions of subsection 4 of section CO, as enacted by section 10 of chapter 84 of the Statutes of 19lV;

(8) No costs shall be awarded in or in connection with.,

^ ^ T . N** costs.

such stated case or application ;

626. In the application of the last preceding section, ^r^at to be but without affecting the generality thereof in^yl^^^^s respect to other matters, the following shall beoffact. deemed to be questions of fact :

(a) Whether injury l»y accident has arisen out of and in the course of the employment ;

(b) The existence, degree, or duration of dis- ability resulting from any injury ;

(c) The amount of average earnings or the de- gree of diminution of earning capacity;

(d) The existence of depcndancy or whether a person is a member of the family;

(e) Whether any industry, employment, or em- ployee is within the scope of Part I of this Act or the class to which ailv industry or employment should be assigned.

8. Subsection 1 of section 7."> ,,{' The Wnrkmctis (^■ompen-^^^-^^^ sation Act is amended by substituting for the words " orss- 1 Schedule 2 " at the end of subsection 1 the words '' but no withdrawal or exclusion under the authority of thig sub-drawing m- section shall have the effect of excluding any industry fromfj'o*^'''^'' Schedule 2." ' classes.


4 Geo. V, c. 25. a. 75 amended.


of workman.

(2) The said section 75 is amended by adding the follow- ing subsection:

(4) Any workman in any industry excluded under the authority of subsection 1 may notify the secretary of the Jioard that ho desires such industry to bo included in Schedule J, and such notice upon re- ceipt thereof by the secretary shall have the same effect as a notice of election t inm the employer.

4 Geo. V, c. 25, 8. 78, ss. 4, amended.

Conse- quencesof default In furnishing state- ments.

9. Subsection 4 of section 78 of The WorhmenH Com- pensation Act, as amended by section 7 of chapter 31 of the Statutes of 1916, is further amended by adding at the end thereof the following words, " and default or delay in fur- nishing any such statement or insufficiency of estimate of ex- penditure for wages shall also render the employer liable to pay an additional percentage of assessment or to pay interest, as fixed by the Board."

4 Geo V, c. 25, s. 96, ss. 3, amended.

10. Subsection 3 of section 96 of The Worhmens Com- pensation Act is amended by substituting for the words " as is " in the second line thereof, the words " and liability as are."

4 Geo. V, c. 25, s. 99, ss. 1, amended.

11. Subsection 1 of section 99 of The Workmen's Com- pensation Act, as amended by section 29 of chapter 24 of the Statutes of 1915, is further amended by inserting after the word " wages " in the third line thereof the words " or which necessitates medical aid."

4 Geo. V, c. 25, s. 105, amended.

Application of Part IT.

12. Section 105 of the said Act, as amended by section 31 of chapter 24 of the Statutes of 1915, is further amended by striking out the words " and persons engaged in clerical work and not exposed to the hazards incident to the nature of the work carried on in the employment," in the fourth, fifth, and sixth lines thereof.

4 Geo V, c. 25. s. 109, amended.

13. Section 109 of the said Act is amended by substitut- ing for the words " farm labourers or " the words '* the in- dustry of farming or to."

Commence- ment of Act.

14. Sections 1 and 12 of this Act shall take effect on the first day of January, 1920, and section 2, except as to any payment of compensation already actually made, shall take effect as if enacted on the first day of January, 1915.


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No. 132. . 1919.


An Act to amend The Bread Sales Act.

HIS MAJESTY, bj and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. That subsection 1 of section 4 of The Bread Sales -^ct^,^22^^B\' is amended by inserting the words " Sixteen ounces " aftera^ended. the word " weighing," in the third line thereof.


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No. 138. 1919.


[:An Act to amend The Veterinary College Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the' Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Veterinary C allege shortuue. Amendment Act.

2. Section 7 of The Veterinary College Act is amended Rev. stat.. by adding the following subsections:— amended^'

(2) Subsection 1 shall apply only to such students as^ppi^ca-

. ^^ ,' . -XT 1 -. tlonof

may have registered prior to JNovember 1st, as. i. 1916;

(3) Eveiy student registering after said date shall? j^jo^'for^"

upon the successful comj)letion of the course of degree of study, and upon passing the prescribed examinq^i tions, and upon satisfactory compliance with the rules and regulations of the college, be granted a diploma by the University of Toronto, con- ferring the title and degree B.V.Sc, the posses- sion of which shall admit him to all the privi- leges, rights and standing of a Bachelor of Veterinary Scienca





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No. 134.



An Act respecting the Branding of Live Stock.

HIS ]\rAJp]STY, hy and with tlie advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Brand Act. short title.

2. In this Act,— - Interpreta-


(a) "Minister" shall mean Minister of Agriculture Minister. for Ontario;

(h) " Stock " .shall mean and include any horse, head*'^*"'^**^- of cattle and sheep ;

(c) " Brand " shall mean and include any letter, sign or Brand, numeral or combination of the same recorded as allotted.

3. (1) Upon complying with this Act and paying theRecord ^ees set forth in the 'Schedule hereto, any owner of stock'' rand.s.

lay record with the Minister any brand, which shall not ^exceed three characters, which shall be in such form or com- )ination as may be approved by the Minister.

(2) A Kiand so allotted shall not be good for a longer Renewal of sriod than three years unless it is renewed by the owner. ^'"^nd

(3) Any owner shall be entitled to transfer the ownershipTrnnHforof j^f any brand to any party upon applying to the Minister and

implying with the requirements laid down by the Minister effect such transfer.

4. (1) Upon the recording in the books of the Depart-^'^'j^^'^j^,*®^. lent of Agriculture of any allotment or transfer of a ])rand. le person in whose name the same is last recorded shall be- )me the owner of the brand and of all the rights thereof 184

and therein, and shall be entitled to a certificate of the allot- ment or transfer and of the recorded entry of the same, and the production of such certificate shall be prima facie evi- '^ence of the ownership of such certificate without any further proof of the signature of the officer or other person signing the certificate.

Right to (2) In case any owner under this Act forfeits his right

to ownership of brand, the said brand shall not be allotte4 to any person for a period of at least three years.

Record of



5. The Director of the Live Stock Branch of the Depart- ment of Agriculture shall be recorder of brands and shall receive applications, keep a record of all brands allotted and make transfers and cancellations in accordance with the terms of this Act.

List of brands may published.




O. The Minister may cause to be published from timr- t^ time a complete list of the brands recorded under this Act.

7. The Minister may prescribe any forms or make any further regulations necessary for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.

8. Every person who,

(a) Improperly and wrongfully brands or causes to be branded any stock with a brand which has been recorded as required by this Act or the regula- tions, and which has not been cancelled there- under; or,

(h) Brands or causes to be branded with his own brand any stock of which he is not the owner without the authority of the owner;

(c) Defaces, obliterates or otherwise renders illegible, or causes to be defaced, obliterated or otherwise rendered illegible any brand upon stock ; shall be guilty of an offence and shall incur a penalty not exceeding $200, to be recoverable under The Ontario Sum- mary Convictions Act.


Tariff of Fees.

On application of allotment of a brand $5.00

Fee for continuation of brand for a period of three years 2.00

On application for change in the record of a brand 1.00

On every transfer of a recorded brand 1.00

For every search of the brand record 1.00

For every certified extract from the brand record 1.00



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No. 135.



An Act to amend The Dog Tax and Sheep Protection Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 16 of The Dog Tax and Sheep Projection ^c^Rgy gtat.. is amended by adding at the beginning thereof the words^-^^^^^^i^- " subject to the provisions of subsection 2," and by adding the following as subsection 2 :

(2) The council of a township in unorganized terri- Liability tory may by by-law passed with the assent of thetion°'^''°'* municipal electors provide that the corporation shall be liable for com])ensation to the full amount of the damage sustained by reason of sheep being killed or injured while running at large upon any highway or unenclosed land.


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Xo. 136. 1919.


An Act to amend the Acts relating to Public Institutions.

H18 MAJEtSTV, hy and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, (,'nacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Public fii.itilulio)is Amendment Act, 1-919.

2. Section -i of llie Hospitals for the Insane Act is re- Rev. stat., pealed, and the following substituted therefor: repeai^.^'

4. Such hospital shall be called " The Ontario Hospital, Toronto," or " The Ontario Hospital, London," or as the case may be.

3. The Prisons and Public Charities Inspection Act is Rev. stat., amended by striking out the words " Hospital for the In-amended, sane " wherever the same ap])ear, and inserting in lieu thereof

the words *' Ontario Hospital."

4. The Reception Hospitals for the Insane Act is amended & Geo. v, by striking out the words '' for Insane " wherever the sameamended. appear following the words " Reception Hospital."

5. The ffospital for Epile)>(i<s Art is iuncnded by strik-40eov. ing out the words " Hospital for Epileptics " wherever theamended. same appear and inserting in lieu thereof the words " On- tario Hospital, Woodstock."

6. Section 2 of The Hospitals and Charitable Institutions Rev. st&t.. Act is amended by adding the following clause: amended.*

"(e) For every Home for Incurables a per diem rate fixed from time to time by the Lieutenant-Gov- ernor in Council upon the basis of the number of days' actuaLtreatment and stay of each patient

admitted to or being within the Home." 136

"^onn'^^'^^^- 7. Section G of The Jlospitals and CliarUable Imlitutions

C. oVi), JU. 0. '., 11**

amended. Ad is amended by Htriking out subsection ^2 and substituting therefor, the following:

Whu to be deemed paying patients.

(2) Every person admitted to or being within such hos- pital 'who ])a,ys. or for whom there is paid to such hospital irom any source other than the public funds or money of Ontario or of a muni- cipal corporation, a weekly sum in excess of .$8.Y5 shall 1)(! deemed a pjivinn (.atietit. This subsection shall have effect ;i- tVnm the liMh djiv of April. 10 lY.

Rev. Stat. 8. Subsection 1 of secjtion 2^. of The Hospifah and Char- s'.IS^ss. 1, itdhle TmfUvfions Act is amended by inserting at the end amended. t},ereof the following words:

" But where such indigent is at the time of admission an inmate of any county institution or any institu- tion managed, maintained or controlled by the corporation of the county, that corporation shall be liable for such charges and expenses."

^mf***' ^- The Andrew Mercer Reformatory Act is amended liv amended. '.,(](] ing- thereto the following section:

23. Where an inmate at any time after admission is reported by the physician of the reformatory as being mental defective and unable, for this reason, to take care of herself, if discharged from tte reformatory, such inmate may be trans- ferred to a suitable institution for care and training, under warrant signed by the inspector and the Inspector of Feeble-Minded.

Rev. Stat, c. 290, K. 4, re- pealed.

Approval of site and plans of house of refuge.

10. Section 4 of The Houses of Refuge Act is hereby repealed, and the following substituted therefor:

4. A House of Refuge shall not be erected until the site and |)lans of the buildings have been ap- proved in writing by one of such inspectors, an( no change in the site, or no feale or disposal oi any portion thereof and no structural alteration in the building shall be made until the like approval has been given.

?m^?i4. ^^- Section 14 of The District Houses of Refuge Act

a*nend«d. jg amended by striking out the words *' at the rate of 7 cents,

per day " in the third line thereof and substituting therefor



the words " at a per diem rate fixed from time to time by the Lieutenant-Governor in Conneil."

12. Subsection 1 of section 16 of The Sanatoria for Con-^^^^^^^^' suniptives Act is amended by striking out the words " a sum«- 16, ss. i. at the rate of not exceeding $3.50 per week for each patient," in the sixth line thereof and substituting therefor the words, '' a per diem rate fixed from time to time by the Lieutenant- Governor in roiincil, upon the basis of the number of days' actual treatment and stay of each patient admitted to or be- ing within the hospital."





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^0. 137. 1919.


An Act to revise and amend The Act respecting the Survey of Land.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The Survci/,s Act, /y 7.9. Short title. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 1.

2. No siirvev of land for the ])iirpose of establish inii", de- validity

,. . , . , ., . ',/ . , , ^ , of surveys,

nnmg, locating or describing any liinit, bonndarv or angle

whatsoever in any to\vnshi]>. city, town, village, concession, section, block, gore, reserve, common, lot, mining claim, mining location or other parcel of land shall be valid unless performed by an Ontario Land Surveyor, and the plan, field notes or other records of any such survey shall be inadmiss- ible as evidence in any court of law unless such survey has been perfomed by an Ontario Linu] Surveyor. R.S.O. lit] I. c. 166, s. 44. (Amended.)

3. In this Act, * Deflnitlons.

(a) "Department" shall mean Dt^partinein of LjukIs.

Forests and IMines;

(b) " Minister " shall mean Minister of Lands, For-

ests and -Mines;

(r^ "Surveyor" shall mean Ontario [.and Snryeyor;

(d) " Regular Lot" .shall mean a lot the boundaries of which conform to that particiil.n- s\-;teni of sur- vey in which such lot occurs ;

(r) " Unbroken Lot" shall mean a regular lot the area

of which i.s not diminished or increased by any

natural or physical features shown on the

original plan. (New) ; 187


if) " Undisputed Angle" shall nioau an angle of a lot at which an original post, original monument or other original mark intended to define such angle Htill exists or at which the position of the original post or monument can be established by satis- factory evidence. {New) ;

(r/) The true bearing of a line shall bo the as tronom it- bearing of the same.

Repeal. Section 3.5, chapter 1«6 of the Revised Statutes, 1914,

and chapter 27 of the Acts passed in the 4th year, and chapter 29 of the Acts passed in the Hth year of His Majesty's reign are repealed.

Boundary 4. All boundary or division lines l^ally established, and toforeestab- ascertained under the authority of any Ordinance or Acts firmed. heretofore in force shall remain good and valid and all other

Acts or things legally done and performed nnder the au- thority of snch Ordinances or Acts, or any of them, and in conformity to the provisions thereof, shall remain good and valid notwithstanding the repeal of anv snch Ordinance or Act. RS.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 3.

Procedure of Surveyor.

Field notes.



Surveyor to procure a stamped standard measure of leoffth.

5. Every snn^eyor shall mal<e and preserve exact and regular field notes of all his surveys and shall also keep a proper record or index of all such field notes and shall exhibit or give copies of the same to any person concerned for a reasonable charge. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 45. ( Am- ended.")

O. Cl"^ The Secretary-Treasurer of the Association of Ontario Land Surveyors shall, by the standard measure of length deposited with the department and under such in- struction^ as he from time to time receive? from the council of the association, examine, test and «?tamp each standard measure of length for the surveyor who brings the same for examination: and for each standard measure so examined, tested and stamped, shall receive a sum. not less than $1 .nor more than $2 as the council may by by-law deter- mine. E.S.O. 1914, c. 166. s. 4.

(2) Every admitted and practising surveyor shall procure and shall cause to be examined, corrcfted, tested and stamped or otherwise certified by the secretary-treasurer a standard measure of length, under the penalty of the forfeiture of his license or certificate, and shall as often as may be necessary verify by such standard measure the length of his measuring 117

tapes and chains, and shall also verify in the proper manner the accuracy of his other surveying; instruments. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 4. (Amended.)'

7. A surveyor mav re<iuire anv chainnan or other assist- Chainman's ant in his employ, before he commences his duties as such, to take an oath to act as such justly and exactly according to the best of his judgment and ability and to render a true account of such duties to the surveyor by whom he is em- ployed, which oath such surveyor employing such chainman or assistant is hereby authorized and required to administer whenever the same may be necessary. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 5. (Amended.)

8. (1) A survevor and his dulv authorized assistants When land

, . , ' -. » , . . surveyors

when engaged m the performance of the duties of his pro- may pass

* over privat6

fession, may pass over, measure along and ascertain the lands, bearing of any line or limit whatsoever and for such purposes may pass over the lands of any person whomsoever, doing no actual damage to the property of such person. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 6. (Amended.)

(2) For the purpose of obtaining any measurements necessary to a proper and satisfactory performance of the duties of his profession, a surveyor and his duly authorized assistants shall have the right of entry to any building at a time suitable to the rightful occupant of such building and shall also have the right of entry to any mine or other prem- ises for a similar purpose. (New.)

(3) Any person who interferes with or obstructs a sur- veyor in the exercise of the powers conferred by subsection 1 and 2 shall incur a penalty not exceeding $100 recoverable under The Ontario Summary Convictions Act. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 6.

O. (1) For better ascertaining the original limits of Administra- any township, concession, range, lot, mining claim, mining ^'°j1,gby location or other parcel of land, every surveyor may when surveyor, necessary administer an oath to any person whom he ex- amines concerning any boundary, post or monument or any original land mark, line limit or angle of any township, con- cession, range, lot, mining claim, mining location or other parcel of land which such surveyor is employed to survey. (Amended.)

(2) The evidence taken by the surveyor shall be reduced Hvid«nc«. to writing and shall be read over to and be signed by thef^^*"*"» person giving the same, or, if he cannot write, such person do^'f"- shall acknowledge it as correct before two witnesses, who, as well as the surveyor, shall sign the same. 187

^i\i]^K {■'>) '\1\(' cviilcticc, and nny document or plans prepared

<iociinients. niid swoin Im liv ;i surveyor as correct with reference to any survey liy him ])(;rformcd, may bo filed and kept in tlu- ref^istry ottico of the ronistrv division, or in the office of land titles for tlio district in which the land to which the same relates i> ~i mated, subject to be produced thereafter in evidences in any court.

*>es. (4) The fee for receiving and filing the same shall be

twonty-five cents ; and the expense of filing shall be borne by I ho parties in the same manner as the other expenses of til survey. U.H.O. 1014, c. 106, s. 46.

foTecu^re ^^ ^^^ Whoro a survey, u' i.. in doiil.t ;i^ \<> the irne

evidence hounchirx oi' limit of auv township, citv, town, villatre, con- l)y subpoena. . . i i i ' ' i . .

cession, -((tion. block, gore, reserve, common, lot, mmniir claim, mi II I III; Incation or parcel or tract of land which he is employed to survey and has reason to believe that any person is possessed of any imjiortant infonnation touchinir snch boundary or limit, or of any writing, plan or document tending to establish the true position of such boundary or limit, then if snch person being tendered his reasonable ex- penses does ii(»t w illingly appear before and be examined by such surveyor, or does not willingly produce to him such writing, plan or document, a judge of a county or district coiirt, upon the a])plieation of such surveyor or the person employing him, aeeornpanied by an affidavir or solemn de- claration of tli(^ facts on which the application i- founded, may orch'r a subpoena to issue commanding such person to appear before tlie surveyor at a time and place to be men- tioned in tile snl)|)oena and to bring with him any writing. |>lan or document mentioned or referred to therein. Ti.S.f). 1014, c. Ifi6, .s. 7.

Service of (2) The subpoona shall bo served on the person named

therein by delivering a copy thereof to him, or by leaving the same for him with some grown-up person at his residence, exhibiting to him or to such grown-up person the oricrinal. "R.S.O. 1014. e. Ififi, s. 8.

Penalty (;]) Tf the per-on commanded to appear bv tlie subpoena

1 or (lis- .... II. I

oheyinR. after being paid liis reasonable expenses, or haviim \hv -anic tendered to him. refuses or neglects to appear before the sur- veyor, at the time and place appointed in the subpoena, or to produce snch writing, plan or document (if any) therein mentioned or referred to, or to give such evidence or in- formation as he may ]x>ssess touching the boundary or limit in question, the person so summoned shall be guilty of a contempt of the court out of which the subpoena issued, and an attachment may be issued against him' by order of the 1«7

court, and he may be punished accordingly, by fine or im- jtrisonment, or both, in the discretion of the court. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 9.

11. (1) All boundary lines of townships, cities, towns, J^^fj*"jfjjig ;ind villages, all concession lines, governing points, and ^^1 ^h"a"^to'"be^' boimdarv lines or concessions, sections, blocks, gores, reserves, deemed, mining claims, mining locations and commons, and all side lines and limits of lots surveyed and all trees marked in lieu of |)osts and all })osts or monuments, marked, placed, or |)lanted at the front or rear angles of any lots or parcels of land, under the authority of the Executive Government of the late Province of Quebec or of Tipper Canada, or of Canada, or under the authority of the Executive Government of Ontario, or the ^linister, shall be the true and unalterable l)onndaries of all and every such townships, cities, towns, original villages, concessions, sections, blocks, gores, reserves, mining'Sfo^numents. claims, mining locations, commons and lots or parcels of land respectively, whether the same upon admeasurement be found to contain the exact width or depth or more or less than the exact width or depth shown on the original plan and field notes or mentioned or expressed in any letters patent, grant or other instrument in respect of such township, city, town, village, concession, section, block, reserve, mining claim, mining location, common, lot or parcel of land. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 16.

(2) In every township, city, town or village, concession, Road section, block, gore, reserve, mining claim, mining location, ^J^^^^^^^®-' common, lot or parcel of land or any ])art thereof which has«»o°sdedi- been surveyed under the authority mentioned in this section,

all allowances for any road, street, lane or common, laid oi't in the original survey of such city, township, town or village, concession, section, block, gore, reserve, mining claim, mining location, common, lot or parcel of land, or any part thereof. Monument.s shall bo public highways and commons; and all posts org^rv'ey'ttf' monumenjts placed or planted in the original survey to desig-*^*'^*''"- nate or define any such allowance for road, street, lane or i'onmioii. .=hall designate or define the true and unalterable boundaries of everv such road, street, lane or commcm. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166. s. 19. (A welded.)

(3) Every surveyor employed to make a survey in any such township, city, town, village, concession, section, block, gore, reserve, mining; claim, mining location, common, lot or parcel of land surveyed originally under the authority re- ferred to in this section, shall be governed by the provisions set out in this Act for a survey in a township. R.S.C). 1 0 I 1 , c. 166. s. 19. (Amended.)


unBurveyed 12. Where a tovvnsbip, (raot or block of land, the whole

IatkIs , ,

granted In or any part of which has not been surveyed, has been or is subse- f^rantcd by the Crown, the first survey made under the

surveyed by authority of the owner of any unsurvoy^ part thereof shall grantees. j^^^.g ^^le samo force and effect as if made under the authority mentioned in section 12 and all allowances for roads, streotj?, lanes and commons surveyed in such township, tract oj block of land and laid down on the plans of such survey thereof, shall be public highways, roads, streets, lanes and commons, and all lines run and marked in such survey, and all posts or monuments planted or placed in such survey to define any allowance for road, street, lane or common, concession, sec- tion, block, gore, parcel or lot of land, shall define the true and unalterable lines and boundaries of such allowances for road, street, lane or concession, section, block, gore, common, parcel, or lot of land; and every surveyor employed to make a survey in such township, tract or block of land, shall be governed by the provisions laid down in this Act for surveys in townships surveyed under the authority referred to in the next preceding section. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 20. (Amended.)

Re-surveys of surveyed territory under Registry or Land Titles Art.

13. (1) Where any city, town, village, lot, mining claim, mining location or part thereof, or any parcel or tract of land has been or may be surveyed and laid out and a plan thereof made ty a company or individual in accordance with the provisions of the Registry Act or the Land Titles Act, all lines or fimits shown thereon and the courses thereof given in such survey and laid down on the plans thereof and all posts or monuments placed or planted in the first survey of such city, town, village, or part thereof, or parcel of tract of land, to designate or define any allowances for road, street or lane, or any commons, lot, block or parcel of land, shall designate and define the true and unalterable lines and boundaries thereof respectively. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, 8. 44. (Amended.)

(2) Subject to the provisions of the Registry Act and the AUowances Land Titles Act, as to the amendment or alteration of plans, faiYoufby ^H allowances for roads, streets, lanes or commons, surveyed in any such city, town, village, lot, mining claim, mining location or any parcel or tract of land or any part thereof, which has been or may be surveyed and laid out by com- panies or individuals and laid down on the plans thereof shall be public highways, streets, lanes and commons. (Amended.)

private owners.

10 Edw. VII, c. 60

(3) Where a surveyor is employed to establish or re-estab- or?g?aaf °' lish the boundaries of any road, street, lane, common, lot.

survey to be foUowed.


block or parcel of land shown on any such plan, he shall follow the method adopted in making the original survey as shown on the plan or field notes and shall give proportionate dimensions to each lot shown thereon where the original stakes defining the angles of such lot cannot be found or their position satisfactorily established.

(4) Where under subsection 2 an allowance for a road, ^o^J°^^J<^® street or lane laid down upon a plan is a public highway when closed but the municipal corporation has not assumed it for public to adjoin- use, and the allowance or any part thereof is closed by an ^ ^"^'^^ alteration of the plan under The Registry Act, The Land^^^J'^Q Titles Act or other provisions *in that behalf, the allowance,

or part thereof so closed shall belong to the owners of the c. ^2*8°' ^' land abutting thereon.

(5) Where several parcels of land having different owners How

Tin 1 <• 1 -1 T owners of

abut on the allowance or part thereof, so closed, the owner of abutting each parcel shall be entitled to that part of the allowance so take, closed on which his land abuts to the middle line of the allowance, and where there are several owners of an abutting parcel, each shall be entitled to the like estate or interest in such part as he has in the parcel of land abutting thereon.

(6) When any part of the allowance so closed is abutted ^i^^jince on one side by another road, street or lane or by a stream, *^""®|^o"

•' ^ •' , one slue by

river or other body of water over which the public haveastream. rights of navigation or of floating logs, the whole width of such part shall belong to the owners whose lands abut thereon opposite such street, stream, river or water.

(7) The division line between two adioining parcels pro- Division

11 1 . 1 1-1 !• ft t in' line between

dnced to the middle line of the closed allowance or across adjoining such allowance in cases coming within subsection fi shall be^"^'^'^® ^' the division line between the parts of the closed allowance to which the owners of such parcels are respectively entitled.

(8) When there is an incumbrance on a parcel of landincum-

1. 11 /•ii'i ,,branceto

abutting on the allowance or part thereof so closed, it shall extend to extend through and include the part thereof to which the closed, owner of such parcel becomes entitled under this section. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 44.

14. (1) Everv* angle of the exterior boundary of a sulv ^Tonuments

- ' ,1-1 . . ' , . on suDfllvls-

*]ivision plan of an original township lot, 'mining location, ion plans, mining claim or part thereof prepared for the purpose ot rciristration in accordance with the provisions of the /?cr/j>// //calculating AH, or the Land THIm Arf shall be defined in the f^urvcylit^^J'^t °" thereof by a monument; such monument to be composed of.f^n*','''^'"-



Material of (^a) Stono or reinforced concrete 6 inches square at the

top, 8 inches square at the base and not less than 4 feet in lengtli, to be planted at least 3 feet 0 inches below the surface;

(6) Iron bar 1 inch sciiiare, 4 feet long to be driven at least 3 feet 6 inches below the surface ;

(c) In the case of solid, rock, 1 inch iron belt 6 inches long cemented or leaded into the rock to a depth of 4 inches.

(2) All bearings shown on -the plan of any such survey .shall be referred to one course .in the boundary thereof, such course being designated on the plan as the reference line, and the course of such reference line shall be determined by astronomic observation or other satisfactory method.

(3) One such monument shall be placed at one angle of each street intersection shown on any plan prepared for the purpose of registration.

Certificate (4) The surveyor shall indicate on such plan the position ion jian!^^^" ^^^^ form of any such monuments planted in accordance with this section, and shall certify that the plan is prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Surveys Act.

Municipal Surveys.

Municipal survey of township boundary.

Municipal survey of side road or conces- sion Hnes.

15. Where the council of a county deems it advisable that monuments of stone or other durable material should be placed on the boundary or boundaries of any to^vnship or townships situate therein such council may apply to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to cause a survey to be made and such monuments placed under the direction and order of the minister and such council shall cause the sura requisite to defray the expenses to be incurred, or the proportion thereof payable by the ratepayers of any township or con- cession, to be levied on them, in the same manner as any sum required for any other local purposes authorized bv by-law may be levied.' E.S.O. 1914, c. 166, ss. 10, 11 and 12. (Amended.)

IB. (1) Whereas in several townships, some of the con- cession road lines and side road lines or parts of the conces- sion road lines and side road lines were not run in the original survey and the survey of some of the concession road lines and side road lines or parts of the concession road lines and side road lines have been obliterated, and owing to the want of such lines the inhabitants of such concessions are subject 187


to serious inconvenience, therefore the municipal council of (lie townshii) in which such lines are situated shall, on appli- cation of one-half the resident land owners aifected thereby, or upon its own motion without such application, apply to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to cause any such line to be surveyed and to be marked by monuments of stone or ofliei- (Inraltle iiuitdial- under tlie direction and order of the minister, in the manner ]u-escribed in this Act, at the cost of such owners. (Amended.)

(2) The township council shall cause to be laid before ith?w*bo*r*ne. an estimate of the sum requisite to defray the expenses to

be incurred in order that the same may be levied on the owners affected thereby in proportion to the benefit received, in the same manner as any sum required for any other pur- pose authorized by law mny be levied, or such council may without a previous estimate levy on such owners in such pro- portions the amount of the expense when the same shall have been incurred and ascertained and the certificates of the minister certifying the amount of such expense shall be conclusive.

(3) Where an application is made by a township council Payment upon its own motion, such council if it deems the application Municipal to be in the j)ublic interest in assisting to determine the^'^"^*'- boundaries or limits of any public road or liigliuay (n- the

.like may pay out of the general funds of the townshij) either the whole of the expense or such part thereof as the council niiiv deem proper and in the event of the council payina: only |>art of the expense out of the general funds, the council may order that the remainder of the expense be levied on such owners in proportion to the benefit received. R.S.O. 1014, c. 100. s. 13. (Amended.)

17. (1) Where th(> municipal council of juiy townshipMunicipai city, town, or village adopts a resolution on application offotTines! one-half the resident land owners to be affected thereby, or upon its own motion, that it is desirable to place stone or other durable monuments at the front or at the rear, or at front and rear angles of any lot or lots in any such township, city, town, village, concession, section, block, gore, lot, min- ing claim, mining location, common, or parcel of land re- ferred to in sections 12, 13 and 14 of this Act, such council '^hall apply to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council in the -nme manner as is provided bv the next preceding section to cause a sun'ev to be made and such monuments to be placed under the authority of the minister. (Amended.)

(2) The cost of such survey shall be def raved in thoCoitof Mill f tt CI r\ "urvey.

manner prescribed by the next preceding sects 'n h.S.n. how tobe 1914,c. 166,8. 14. ' '>^'*^''-



Confirma- tion of Hurvey.

Municipal treasurer to pay in first in- stance.

Determina- tion of lost or obliter- ated lot angles.

18. (1 ) The iiiiiiKstcr shall ii|)jH»iiit a .>iir\c\oi- to make any biicli >iii\(v Imi- whicli application has been made to tho Lioutciiaiit-Goveriior in Conncil as provided in the next three preceding sections and on the return in triplicate of the j)lanH and fielci notes of such survey to the minister, he shall cause a notice thereof to be published once in each week for four consecutive weeks in a newspaper published in the county or district town of the county or district in which the lands lie, and shall specify in the notice a day not less than ten days after the hist juihlication on wli|ch the report of the survey will bo considered and the parties affected thereby heard and on the hcariiiii- the minislcr may either confirm the sun'ey or (iircci -iicli ;iiii('iHlliiciits n\- (•(iiTcctimis !<► he iii.nh' ;i- lie shall deem just, and shall contirni the survey <o amended or corrected, and the lines or parts of the lines so surveyed and marked ami Uu monuments so jdanted shall thereafter define and desionatc such corners, ^overnina: points or offsets or smdi ends of concessions or side road lines or such concession or side roads or parts of concession or side roads or such front or rear auiflos of lots, to all intents and purposes and the order of the minister confinnina; the survey shall be final and conclusive upon all persons and shall not be (piestioned in any court, and the plan and field notes shall have the same force and effect as an original plan and field notes. K.S.O. 1014, c. 166, s. 13. (Amended.)

(2) One copy of such ]dan and field m-tr - (,r ;iii\ -nch survey so confirmed shall be filed by the minister in the Ivegistry Office or Office of Land Titles for the district in which the land is situate. (New.)

19. All expenses incurred in making any survey and l)lacing any monument under the provisions of sections 16, 17, 18 and 19, shall be paid by the treasurer of the munici- pality which made the annlication for the survey to the sur- \eyor making the survey, on the certificate and order of the minister. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 15. (A7ne)lded.)

Ee Sukvp]ys of Surveyed Territory.

20. (1) Where a snrveyoi' is i'(M|nii'C(l In (-t;ilili~]i i'ny any purpose a front angle of any lot in any cnncrssion inid the original post or monument marking the sanu^ cniiiiMt I'c found, he shall obtain the best evidence that the nature of the case admits of respecting the position of such post or monument, but if the same cannot be satisfactorily estal)- lished. then the surveyor shall measure the true distance be- tween the two nearest undisputed angles of lots on the con- cession line, one being on either side of the angle which it is required to establish and shall establish such angle by 137


dividing such distance proportionately as intended in the

original survey.

(2) Where that part of the concession line on which suchDetermina- anglo is situated has become obliterated, the same shall bcobnterated established by drawing a straight line between the two f.""^*-"^'^" nearest places where the same can be ascertained or deter- mined, one being on either side of the angle which it is roipiired to establish.

(o) Where a surveyor is required to establish for any oi^mg^^tp^ iHiinose a front angle of any lot on a township boundary 1**^"!^*p

, , . . , ^ •' 1 , boundary.

;iii(i the original ])ost or nionumcnf marking me same can- iKit be found, he shall obtaiu the l)est evidence that the nature of llic fiij^o iKhiiil^ of i'('-^|io<'tliig tlic im^ifion of such |i(>st «»i- iiuiiiiiiiiciii, 1)111 if lilt' satiit' ciiniiol 1)(' satisfactorily established, then the surveyor shall measure nndisputed iuigles of lots oil the township boundary, one being on either side (vf the ;iiiglc which it Js required lo establish and shall (st;il)lisli such angle by dividing such distance proportion- ately as intended in the original survey.

( I ) Where that part of the township boundary on which Best evi-

>iiili ;iii-le is situnted has become obliterated, the same shalldoubii" lie est;iML'^lied \>\ drnwiug ;i stniiglit line between the t.wo ^^°^|q^°""

lic;ii'o-t |il;ii-cs wlicfc llic s;iiiic ciiii lie :iscert ;i i liecl or delcl' milled. Miie l)(Miig oil either side of the angle which it is re- '|H i red lo eslnlillsli.

(5) In the original sur\ev of jiny lownshi|i. wliei'c ^'^u>\•o ijiiiii one row (d' |)osis, iiioimnieiits or marks was |)laiited or made on the coiiccssioii line, and a [lost. inonunient or mark marking the angle of a lot is l<t-t and the position thereof <-a]iiioi 1.0 satisfactorily ascertained. aii\ -iieli post, monu- meiii nr mark found still standing or the position of which ran lie -ati-t'aetoiil\ deterniincd on the opposite side of the '■i.tM-e- Imii rn;id aljowaiiee. '.hall constitute the be.-t e\idence a> i.i ilie po-iii(i!i (if ihc post, nionnment (W mark which is lost, aiid if iin -.iicli po-t. iiionnnieiit or mark can he found ur -I. ;i-rcrlaiiied oil the iippd-^ite side ot' the eniicession road :illowaiiee and the po-itioii ot'a po-t. moniinieiit or mark on the eenil'e line o|' ihe (•oiie(--;ioii line e:iii he -o delernii nod, ihen nidi po^i. monument or marl: on the eenire line shall he ihe hesi evidence foi' the purpose (►t' estahlishing the post w hi ell is lost.

(('>) Provided thai snhseetions 1 and 3 in this section p^^^^ij,^

diall not applv lo th(> front angles of lots directly or I iidi reet l\ all'ected hy the pro\ isions of section 20. (NcuK)




Whole concession line oblit- erated or not run.

Governing lines.

(7) Provided also that angles of lots^ that ran be estab- lished in accordanco with the provisions of sef;tion 26 of this Act, and subsections '^ and 4 of this section shall be undis- puted angles for the purpose of subsection 1 of this section. {New.)

(8) Where a surveyor is called upon to establish as a whole or in part a concession line that has been completely obliterated or was not run in the original sun'ey, he shall establish the same so as to give the lots in each of the adja- cent concessions a depth proportionate to that intended ir the original survey. R.S.O. 1914, c. IGG, ss. 13 and 42.

21. ( I ) i{.\c('|ii ;!.-. |iiu. idcd ill -iibsections 2 and .'* <»f this section, the division or side lines between lots in any concession in any township other than those townships sur- veyed into sections under the authority of an Order-in-Coun- cil dated 27th day of March, 1829, and subsequent orders, shall be run.




If so intended on the same astronomic course as the boundary line of the concession at that end from which the lots are numbered, and if not so in- tended, or such boundary were not run in the original survey, or is wholly broken by, a lake, river or other natural boundary, then on the same astronomic course as the boundary line at the other end of the concession if so intended ;

Jf not intended to be run on the same course as the boundary line at either end of the concession, such division or side lines shall be run, if s<» intended, at such angle with the boundary lin(^ at that end of the concession from which the lots are numbered as shown on the plan and field notes of record in the Department, and if not so intended or if such end be wholly bounded by a lake, river or other natural boundary, or was not run in the original survey, then at such angle

with the boundary line at the other end of the concession as is shown on such plan and field notes if so intended;

If neither of such boundaries of the concession wero run in the original survey or if the concession is wholly bounded at both ends by a lake, river or other natural boundary then such division or side lines shall be run at such angle with the course of the line in front of the concession as is stated in such plan and field notes, or if parts of the



line in front of the concession have been run on different courses as shown on such plan and field notes, then at such angles with the course of each of those parts, as is stated in the plan and field notes. RS.O. 1914, c. 166, ss. 21, 22, 23 and 24. (Amended.)

(2) If any division or side line between lots, or proof where divis- line intended to be on the same course as the division or sideline has lines between lots, was drawn in the original survey in any between concession in any such township bounded at both ends by a^°^^'

lake, river or other natural boundary, or in which the line at neither end of the concession was run in the original survey, the division or side lines between the lots therein shall be run on the same course as such division or side or proof line. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 25.

(3) When two or more such division or side lines or proof when more

,• T .^ ^ J' ^ than one

lines were drawn m the original survey oi such concession, such line so bounded, that division or side line or proof line which orf^naV* is nearest to the boundary of the concession from which the^"*"^*^'- lots are numbered shall govern the course of the division or side lines of all the lots in such concession between the bound- ary of the concession from which the lots are numbered, and the next division or side line or proof line drawn in the original survey; and such last-mentioned line or proof line shall govern the course of the division or side lines of all the lots up to the next division or side line or proof line drawn in the original survey or to ilic boundary of the con- cession towards which the lots are numbered as the case mav be. RS.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 26.

(4) If in any concession in any such township coming within the provisions of paragraphs a and h of sub- section 1 of this section, such division or side line or proof line were run in the original survey, it shall govern the course of the division or side lines in such concession on that side of such proof line which is farthest from that end of the con- cession which is intended to govern the course of tlio division or side lines in such concession.

22. d) Except as j)ro\ ided in subsection 2, in iill those J^**^""*"

townships which in the original survey were divided intoBoy®'""**^ ^ /-v 1 /-~< ' •! 1 1 1 town-

sections, agreeably to an Order-in-Council bearing date theshipsia

27th day of March, 1829, or subsequent orders the division

or side lines between the lots in all concessions, in any section

or block, shall be governed by the boundary lines of such

section or block, in like manner as the division or side lines

in townships originally surveyed before that day are gov-p^yj^

erned by the boundary lines of the concession in which the




lots are situated. Provided that in those sections or blocks the governing boundaries of which are broken by lakes or rivers in such a way that the course thereof cannot accurately be determined on the ground a surveyor when called upon to run any side line in a concession in such section or block, shall run such side line on the astronomical course of such side line as shown on the original plan and field notes thereof, of record in the Department. (Amended.)

Exceptions. (2) The side lines between all lots in all townships in the Districts of Muskoka and Parry Sound ; all townships in the District of Nipissing which lie South of the Mattawan River and the Trout Lake; and the Township of Mattawan in that District; all townships in the provisional County of Hali- burton; the Townships of Dalton, Digby and Longford, in the County of Victoria; the Townships of Galway, Cavendish, Anstruther and Chandos in the County of Peterborough ; the Townships of Tudor, (irimsthorp, Wollaston, Limerick, Cashel, Faraday, Dunganuon, Mayo, Herschell, Monteagle, Carlow, McClure, Wicklow and Bangor, in the County of Hastings; the Townships of Anglesea, Efl&ngham, Abiuger and Denbigh, in the County of Lennox and Addington; the Townships of Barrie, South Canonto and North Canonto, in the County of Frontenac, and the Townships of Brougham, Grattan, Wilberforce, Alice, Mattawachan, Griffith, Sebasto- pol. South Algona, North Algona, Fraser, Richards, Hagarty, Brudenell, Lyndoch, Raglan, Radeliffe, Sherwood, Burns and Jones, in the County of Renfrew, shall be run on the astro- nomic course stated in the plan and field notes of the original survey of record on the Department, but nothing in this snl)- section shall affect the sidp lines of any lot in any concession in any section or block in which any side line was run before the first day of July, 1897. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 27.

(3) Every surveyor shall on the 31st day of December in

Surveyor s \ / •/ *^ ^ *^

return to each year, make to the clerk of the township a return, Form 1, of all lines run by him in such township under the provision of subsection 2 of this section. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 28.

township clerk.

Governing ^^- Where a surveyor is cnlU'd tijinii ii» dotermine tho det^ermine*° astronomic coursc of any governing line for the purpose of the course of running any side line or other division line in any concession or section, he shall determine the astronomic course of the straight line joining the front and rear ends of such governing line, and shall run such side or other line on such .astronomic course or at an angle therewith, in accordance with the pro- visions laid down in this Act in that behalf, and where a division or side line is to be run, at an angle with the front line or any part of the front line of any concessions, the ends



of such front line or part thereof shall be joined as above provided, for the purpose of laying off such angle.

24. The front of 'eacJi ( Murc^siou in any township whereWMat only a single row of posts has been planted on the concession deemed the lines, and the lands have been described in whole lots, shall concession be that boundary of the concession which is nearest to the^sfnlie^row boundary of the township from which the concessions thereof "fa^^g*^^ are numbered; and where the line in front of any such con- cession was not run in the original survey, the division or side lines of the lots in such concession shall be run from theif conces- angles of lots on the front line of the concession in the rearnotrun. thereof to the depth of the concession that is to the centre of the space contained between the lines in front of the adjacent concessions, if the concessions were intended in the original survey to be of an equal depth, or, if they were not so in- tended, then to the proportionate depth intended in the orig- inal survey as shown on the plan and field notes thereof of. record in the Dojiartnient, having due regard to any allowance for a road made in the original survey; and a straight line joining the extremities of the division or side lines of any lot in such concession so drawn shall be the true boundary of that end of the lot which was not run in the original survey. K.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 33.

25. (1^ In those townships in which any concession isBroken wholly bounded in front by a river or lake or other natural cessans"* boundary where no posts or other boundary marks were planted or made in the original survey on the bank of such river or lake or natural boundary to regulate the widths in front of the lots in the broken front concessions, the division or sidf' lines of the lots in such broken front concessions shall be drawn from the angles of lots on the concession line in rear thereof to the river, lake or natural boundary in front.

(2) Where any concession is bounded in front at either end, in part, though not wholly, by a river, lake or other natural boundary, and no posts or other boundary marks were |)lanted or made in the original survey on the bank of such river, lake or natural boundary to regulate the widths of the lots broken thereby, the division or side lines of such broken lots shall be drawn to the lake, river or other natural bound- .

ary in front from points on the rear of the concession deter- mined by dividing proportionately as intended in the original survey the distance between the end of the concession and the intersection of the last whole lot line of the original survey with the rear of the concession. Provided that where such end of the concession is wholly bounded by a lake, river or other natural boundary ajid no measurement was made in the original survey along the rear of the concession to the lake. 137


river or other natural boundary, the surveyor shall determine tlio points from which the side lines of such lots shall be drawn by measuring along the rear lines the widths of the lots as originally intended from the intersection of the last whole lot line. K.S.O. MM 1. <■. 166, s. 34. (Amended.)

(>i) Similarly where a concession is bounded partly in front by a lake, river or other natural boundary and where such lake, river or other natural boundary does not extend to either end of the concession, the points from which the lot lines in that i)art of the concession so bounded shall be run, shall be detc^rmined by dividing proportionately as shown on the original plan and field notes the distance between the intersections of the last Avliole lot line on either side of such lake, river, or other natural boundary with the rear line of the concession. (New.) ,

Concession^ 26, ( 1 ) Jn those townships in which the concessions have with double ^ . ' . . ,

fronts. l)een surveyed with double fronts that is, with |X>sts or

monuments placed or planted on both sides of the allowances for road between the concessions, and the lands have been described in half lots, the division or side lines between such half lots shall be drawn from the posts pr monuments at both ends of the lot lines to the centre of the concession, and each end of such lot shall be the front of its respective half of such lot and a straight line joining the extremities of- the division or side lines of any half lot in such concession, so drawn, shall be the true boundary of that end of the half lot which was not run in the original survey. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 35.

(2) Where a double front concession is not of the full depth, the division or side lines shall be drawn from the })osts or monuments at both ends thereof, to the centre of the concession as provided in the next preceding section, without reference to the manner in which the lot or parts of lots in such concession were described for patent. "R.S.O. 1914. c. 166, s. 35.

Alternate 27. In those townships in which each alternate conces-

concessions. ^-^^ |-^^ ^^^^^ -^^^ been run in the original survey, but with

double fronts, the division or side lines shall be drawn from the posts or monuments on each side of such alternate con- cession lines to the depth of a concession that is, to the centre of the space contained between such alternate conces- sion lines, if the concessions were intended in the original survey to be of an equal depth or if they were not so in- tended, then to a depth proportionate with that intended in the original survey, as shown on the plan and field notes



thereof of record in the Department ; and each alternate con- cession line shall be the front of each of the two concessions abutting thereon. E.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 37.

28. Where the front of any concession or half concession Broken in any township surveyed with double fronts is wholly or in township part broken by a lake, river, or other natural boundary, the^ateeon^'^' rear boundary of the adjacent concession or half concession "^^*°'^^" or part of the concession or half concession shall be estab- lished by giving to such adjacei^,^ concession or half conces- sion or part of concession or half concession, its regular depth or the depth shown on the original plan and field notes. E.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 43. (Amended.)

29. (1) In anv township that has been surveyed or mav Aliquot

"^ *■' Darts

hereafter be surveyed into sections or blocks agreeably to an section Order-in-Council dated the 27th day of March, 1829, or sub-^^^^®""* sequent orders, the division line between the halves of any unbroken regular lot where intended to run from front to rear shall be a line drawn on the same course as it is required to run any side line of such lot which was not run in the original survey from a point on the front of said lot midway between the front angles thereof and the division line between the halves of any such lot where intended to run from side line to side line across the lot shall be a straight line joining the midway points on the side lines thereof and in dividing any such lot into quarters or other aliquot parts the same methods shall be adopted, but the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to any such lot the whole or part of which has been patented before the 24th day of March, 1911. E.S.O. 1914, o. 166, s. 31. (Amended.)

(2) Except as provided in subsection 1 of this section and-^"*!"^*- in section 29 of this Act, every patent, grant or instrument purporting to be for any aliquot part of any concession, block, gore, common, lot or parcel of land in any township, city.

town or village shall be construed to be a grant of such aliquot ^^ ^^ part of the quantity the same may contain, whether such aliquot quantity be more or less than that expressed in such patent, town»hipB. grant or instrument. E.S.O. 1014. c. 166, s. 18. (Amended.) ***'•

(3) Where in any survey of Orown lands made under the authority of the Minister, any lot or other subdivision bor- dering upon a lake or river is given an acreage covering only the land area, such lot or other subdivision shall include the land area only, and not any land covered by the water of such lake or river.



Location of section corners.

Where un- disputed points more than 20 chains apart.

(4) Subsection 2 shall not affect the rights, if any, of any person where such rights have heretofore been determined by a courf of competent jurisdiction.

30. ( I ) Wiicro the concession line in. front of two ad- jacent sections or blocks in any township heretofore or here- aft4?r surveyed into sections or blocks under the authority of an Order-in-Council dated the 27tli day of March, 1829, or subsecpient orders, is shown on the ])lan and field notes to be on the same astronomical course, and in one and the same straight "line ;inrl the sidejines between such sections or blocks and between the adjacent section or blocks on the opposite side of such concession line as shown on the plan and field notes to be on the same astronomic course and on tli(> same straight line, and the position of the original monument marking the adjacent corners of such section or block cannot be satisfactoi-ily ascertained, the surveyor shall connect the nearest nndis])nted points on the concession line in fi-'iiit (iT siicli srctioiis (If l»]ncks liy ;i straight line and join tlie nearest nndispijted points on the side line between the sections or blocks, and the intersection of these two lines shall be the angle of the adjacent sections or blocks. Pro- vided that the undisputed points on the side line to be con- nected are not more than twenty chains apart, and that one of them is on either side of the concession line. If such nn- dispnted points on the side line are more than twenty chains npnrf. the surveyor shall then establish the angle of the sections or blocks by dividing proportionately, as intended in the original survey, the distance between the two nearest undisputed angles or lots on the concession line in front of siich sections or blocks, and the point so ascertained shall be the angle of the sections or blocks. Amended.

(2) Where the concession line in front of two such ad- jacent sections or blocks, is shown on the plan and field notes to be on the same astronomic course and in the same straight line, and the side lines between such adjacent sections or blocks, and the adjacent sections or blocks on the opposite side of the concession line are shown on the plan and field notes not to be on the same astronomic course or not in one and the same straight line, and the post or post« defining the adjacent angles of such adjacent sections or blocks can- not be found nor the position thereof satisfactorily estab- lished and the side lines obliterated in ^lu-li Tiunmor t1i:it they cannot be accurately determined, the surveyor- shall determine the position of the angles that are lost by division in the same proportion as is shown on the plan or field notes of the distance between the nearest angles of lots on the concession line that can be satisfactorily established, one being on either side of the angles that are lost. 1'37


(3) Wliere the concession line in front of two such ad-Wihere jacent sections or blocks is shown on the plan and field notes line not not to be in the same astronomic course or not in one and to be the same straight line and the side lines between such ad-^^'"^'^*^*^" jacent sections or blocks and the adjacent sections or blocks

on the opposite side of such concession line are shown on the plan and field notes to be on the same astronomic course and in the same straight line and the post or posts defining the adjacent angles of such sections or blocks cannot bo found, nor the position thereof satisfactorily established, and the concession line obliterated, the surveyor shall determine the position of the angles that are lost by division, in the same proportion as shown in the plan and field notes of the distance between the other angles on such side lines of such adjacent sections or blocks.

(4) Where both the concession lines in front of the ad- jaf'ent sections or blocks and the side lines between such adjacent sections or blocks and between the adjacent sections or blocks on the opposite side of the concession line have been obliterated in such manner that they cannot be accur- ately determined and the post or posts marking the adjacent angles of such sections or blocks cannot be found or their position satisfactorily established, the surveyor shall apply to the Minister, who shall instruct him how to proceed and the angle determined in accordance with the instructions of the ^linister shall be the true and unalterable angle of such sections or blocks.

(5) Provided that the angle of a section that can be de- termined in accordance with the provision of this section sliall be an undisputed angle for the purpose of this section.

(()) Provided that the provisions of this section shall not apply to any angle of a section ro-established prior to the 24th* Hay of Marfh, 1011. (Nevr.) P.S.O. 1914, c. IfifJ, s. 2?..

31. W'Ikmc :i ('n»wii icitciit, ui'iiut or ollici- insi nniicMl JiasAs to lands I ,. 11, I 1- I I In adjoining

l»een issued tor several lots or pjiiiils ot laud in concessions concessions

.... , , ,1 . , ,• I- -i i* II 1 i included in

adjoining each other, the sides lines or hunts ol tlio lots or the same parcels of land therein mentioned shall cominenco at the^'""*- front angles of such lots or parcels of land respectively and -hall be run as hereinafter provided, and shall not continue oil in a straight line through several concessions, that is to -ay, each lot or parcel of land shall be surveyed And bounded according t<^ the provisions of this Act, independently of the other lots or parcels mentioned in the same patent, grant or instrument. R.S.O. 1014, c. Ififi, s. 38.



Former surveys In the Rainy River District adapted.

Reduction of width of road allowances.

Re-surveys In town- ships on Dominion land system.

Special Ke-sukveys.

32. (1) Except us ill thin stxitioii is provided, the sur- veys made under instructious from the Department of the interior of Canada, of certain townships in the Rainy River District the lots immediately uj)on the bank of Rainy River liaving a width of 10 chains fronting tire river and a vary- ing depth, and the remaining lands so surveyed being sub- divided into sections one mile square, and quarter sections of one hundred and sixty acres, with road allowances around each section are hereby adopted and legalized.

(2) The road allowances on the townships in the District of Rainy River, surveyed under instructions from the De- partment of Interior of Canada, shall be and are hereby declared to be one chain in width, such chain allowance to be that lying immediately north and east respectively of the lines of survey run upon the ground in the original sun'ey.

(3) The strips of land formerly forming part of the road allowances shall be detached therefrom and attached to and form part of the quarter sections or lots, as the case may be, immediately adjoining the strips of land on the East and North thereof.

(4) The quarter section post or lot posts intended to define on the ground the limits of the quarter sections or lots in such townshi])s shall continue to be the governing points, not- withstanding the addition hereby made to the respective quarter sections and lets. R.8.0.'l914, c. VQ6, s. 30.

33. Where a surveyor is employed to run any boundary line of, or any dividing line or limit between any sections, quarter sections, or other aliquot parts of any section in any township in the Rainy River District subdivided into sec- tions, in accordance with the Dominion land system of sur- vey or in any of the following townships and parts of town- ships in the Districts of Algoma and Thunder Bay, namely, Rutherford, Salter, Victoria, illl that portion of Shedden south of the fourth concession, the townships of Spragge, Esten, ThdiupMiii. nil that portion of Patton south of the third concession, the Township of Thessalon, Lefroy, Rose, Laird, Meredith, Macdonald, Tarentorus, Aweres, Van- Koughnet, Aw^enge, Xorah, Pennefather, Fenwick, sections 31 to 36, both inclusive, of the Township of Haviland, the Townships of Tilley, Parke, Prince, Dennis, Kars, Fisher, Palmer, Herrick, Ryan, Blake, Crooks, Pardee, Mclntyre, Macgregor, McTavish, Homer and Byron, and the post or monument planted, erected or marked in the original survey to define the corner of any such section, quarter section or 187


other aliquot part cannot be found, the surveyor shall obtain the best evidence that the nature of the case admits of re- specting such post or monument; but if the position of the same cannot be satisfactorily so ascertained, he shall proceed as follows : "

(a) If the lost post or monument is that of a township

comer, he shall report the circumstances to the Minister who shall instruct him how to proceed ;

(b) If the lost post or monument is that of a section

or quarter section corner on the boundary line of a township, he shall renew the same by join- ing the nearest original blazes quarter section or section corners on such boundary by a straight line and shall give to each section or quarter section a breadth proportionate to that shown on the original plan and field notes thereof, of record in the Department, having first taken into account and made due allowance for any roads shown on the plan and field notes ;

(c) If the lost post or monument is that of a section

corner in the interior of a township he shall re- new the same by intersecting the straight lines adjoining the nearest original blazes or original quarter section or section corners on the adjoin- ing intersecting section boundaries; and where the nearest section corner on any side of the lost post or monument is on a township boundary and that post or monument and also the inter- vening quarter section posts or monuments are lost, and there are no original blazes between such corners, the surveyor shall first renew the posts monuments on the section corner or corners on such township boundary in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding clause;

(d) If the lost post or monument is that of a quarter

section comer in the interior of a township, he shall renew the same by joining the nearest orig- inal blazes or adjacent section corners deter- mined, if necessary, as hereinbefore provided, and shall give to each of the adjacent quarter sections a breadth proportionate to that shown on the original plan anr] field notes;

(e) In laying out interior boundaries of half sections or

of quarter sections he shall connect the opposite



quarter section comers determined, if necessary, as hereinbefore provided, by straight lines ;

(/) In laying out interior boundaries of other aliquot parts of any section he shall give to each aliquot part its proportionate share of breadth and in- terior depth and connect the resulting terminal points by straight lines. R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, 8. 32.

Township 34. (1) Where a surveyor is called uix)n to establish anv sidelines front or rear angle or side line of a lot in any township in surveyed* the original survey of which the side lines onlj- of the lots were surveyed and in which the concession lines were not survej'ed and the original monuments defining the position angles*''^^^** of such angles or side line cannot be found nor the location of Tots. Qf tiig same be satisfactorily ascertained, the surveyor shall measure the true distance between the two nearest undisputed angles of lots on such side lines, one being on either side of the angle which it is desired to establish and shall divide such distance into the number of lots that the same cont-ained in the original survey, making due allowance for any road or roads and giving to each lot its proportionate share of depth, as shown on the original plan and field notes, and shall plant such posts or monuments as he may be required to plant at the lot angles so ascertained and straight lines join- ing the front angles or the rear angles of a lot so ascertaine<l shall be the true boundaries of those ends of the lot which were not surveyed in the original survey. "R.S.O. 1914, c. 166, s. 32. (Amended.)

To establish (2) Where in any such township a surveyor is called upon to establish any side line or part thereof run in the original survey that'has become obliterated, he shall join by a straight line or lines the places where such side line can be satisfac- torily ascertained and where such line is obliterated at either end, he shall establish such end by such measurement only along the township boundary or base line in the manner in which such measurement was made in the original survey, as shown on the plan and field notes.

Repealed. 35. Chapter 160 of the Revised SiatiiK's. Ilil4, and

chapter 27 of the Acts passed in the 4th year, and chap- ter 29 of the Acts passed in the fifth year, of His ^fajesty';* reign, are repealed.

36. This Act shall come into force and take effect ui>on receiving the Royal assent.


side lines

Township of County of . . .



Section 23 (3).

Surveyor's Return.

I hereby certify that the foregoing lot lines In the above township were run by me during the year ending December 31st, 19 , under the provisions of The Surveys Act.

Ldne between Concession Date . .

Lot and lot , etc., etc.

Dated at , this day of , 19

A. B.,

Ontario Land Surveyor.

1 Geo. V, c. 42, Form 1.


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Ko. 138. 1919.


An Act to authorize the Lieutenant-Governoi in Council to Guarantee the Payment of Certain Debentures.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the adviec and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Dehenlvres G'wa/tt/i/ee^^o'"'^ ^'"«- Act, 1919.

2. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may autliorizc the Authority Treasurer of Ontario to guarantee the payment, on liclmlfcenafn^"'*^*^ of Ontario, of the debentures issued or to be issued under: debentures.

(a) By-laws Nos. 122 (as amended by By-law No. 167). Jf^Trsdaie-

141 (as amended by By-law Xo.^ 168). 169 andj^ho"'^^^ 170 of the Corporation of the Township of Tis- dale, providing for the borrowing of sums totaling fifty-eight thousand dollars ($58,000) upon debentures for school sections numbers \ and 2 in the said township, pursuant to the pro- visions of The Piihlir Schools Act and Tht' Municipal Act.

(b) By-law 'No. 178 of the Corporation of the Town-JJ'5',';^^',^_

ship of Tisdale. intituled " A bv-law to pro- isolation

. i - . . 1 - , ' i J 11 hospitals.

Vide for raising the sum or ten fnoupann dollars ($10,000) by way of loan upon the security of debentures of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Tisdale for the purposes of defray- ing the expenses in connection with the estab- lishment and maintenance of isolation hospitals."

(c) By-law No. 4 of the Board of Trustees of t^'^jj"^**^*^*""

Roman Catholic Separate School for the TnwiiR.c. separ- of Timmins. intituled " .\ bv-law providing iav"^^ f^'^^ooiB. 188

the issue of separate school debenturei to the amount of fifteen tUoiisand dollars ($15,060) for the purpose of completing the construction oi^a Roman Catholic separate school in the Town of Timmins."

Town of



(d) By-law No. 134 of tlic Town of Mathcsoii, intituled " A by-law to provide for the borrowing of thirty-one thousand five hundred dollars ($31,500) upon debentures to pay for the con- struction of a sewerage system."

Town of Matheson.

Form of guarantee.

(e) By-law No. 115 of the Town of Matheson, as amended by By-law No. 116 of the said town, authorizing the issne of debentures to the amount of forty thousand dollar? ("$40,000), bearing in- terest at the rate of -ix pfi- cent, per annum, and payable in thirty equal annual instalments of principal and interest : and by By-law No. 117 of the said Town of Matbosou. autliori/.inir the issue of debentures to the amount of $40,000. pay- able on the 6th day of May. 1023. pending the sale of and secured bv the hypothecation of the debentures authorized by said By-law No. 11.^. as amended by said By-law No. 11f>: provided that the total liability of the Province of On- tario, under its .sruarantee of said debentures, shall not be effective beyond an aggregate prin- cipal amount of forty thousand dollars ('$40,000 and Interest at a rate not exceeding seven per cent, per annum.

3. The form of guarantee and the manner of its execu- tion shall be determined by the Lieutenant-CTOvernor in Oouncil.

8 Geo. V, c. 20, s. 66, repealed.

4. Section fi6 of TTte Statute Tajw Amendment Act. 1918, is hereby repealed.



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No. 139.



An Act to amend The Devolution of Estates Act.

HrS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Dcvohdion of ^s<af«sShort title. Act, 1919.

2. Subsection 7 of section 13 of The Dovolution of 8 Geo. v. Estates Act, as enacted by section 22 of The Statute i>a?(; repekfeii. ' Amendment Act, 1918, is repealed, and the following- sub- stituted :

(7) Notwithstanding anythini; lonraiiicd in subsection Real prop- 1 hereof, real property, devolving by reason ofveit until" any will which has not been proved or registered yjj^*®"^i|^^ or by reason of any intestacy in respect of which stat.. c. 24. letters of administration have not been granted, shall not vest at the expiration of three years after the death of the deceased in the persons beneficially entitled thereto under such will or intestacy or their assigns as in that subsection provided unless and until a statement similar to that required by section 11 of The Succession Duty Ac! has been filed either with the Treas- urer of Ontario or with the Registrar of the Surrogate Court of the county or district where the deceased had his fixed i)lace of abode or where such real property or j)art thereof is situ- ate, and, unless with the eotisent in writing of the Treasurer ol" <)iii;irio nv n\ -nmc one authorized by him to con.seiit. no d(!ed, con- veyance, assignment or other document or in- strument purporting in inii\(v. transfer or

assign such real proper! \ -hall lie registered with 139

the [Registrar of Deeds or Officer of Land Titles of the county or district where such real pro- perty or part thereof is situate, unless accom- panied by a certificate of the R^istrar of the Surrogate Court of the county or district where the deceased had his fixed place of abode, or where such real property or part thereof sis situate, showing that a statement similar to that required by section 11 of The Succession Duty Act has been filed with him, and such certificate shall be deposited with the Registrar of Deeds or Officer of Land Titles.




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No. 140. 1919.


An Act to contirm Agreements between the Cana- dian Bankers Association and His Majesty, the King.

WHEREAS owing to the urgent necessity for increased Prea,mbie. food pix)duction in the Province of Ontario, it was deemed desirable in the public interests to arrange for ad- vances to bona fide farmers in the Province of Ontario for the purpose of buying seed grain, for the seasons of 1917 and 1918 ; and whereas His Majesty, the King, represented by the Honourable Thomas W. McGrarry, Treasurer lof the Province of Ontario, entered into contracts with the Canadian Bankers Assocfation, copies of which are set out in Schedule "A'' to this Act providing for loans to homi fide farmres in tlie Province of Ontario for the purpose of buying, seed for the seasons of 1917 and 1918; and whereas it is expedient that the said contracts should be confirmed and the G-overnment of Ontario should be authorized and onipowercd to comijletc and carry ont the said contracts;

Therefore His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Atssembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Orain Loans Act. sn^''' ^'t'**

2. The Agreement dated the 9th day of May 1917^ andAgr.. n.. m the Agreement dated the 15th day of March, 1918, hetween1l?i]'Jia^ ' His Majesty, the King, represented therein by the Honour- {§J5^,'^/;y»'' able Thomas W. McGarry, Treasurer of the Province of On- firmed, tario and the Canadian Bankers Association, which Agree- ments are set out in Schedule "A" of this Act are hereby confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon

the parties thereto.

3. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council is hereby author- Autho^J^<y ized and empowered to do all and every act, matter and thingagrreement''. requisite or necessary or deemed advisable to be done in order

to complete and carry out the said contracts and all and every [jroviso and stipulation therein contained purporting to be made by or on behalf of His Majesty, the King. 140

AcTMiutnt entered into this ninth day of May, X.tJ. 191T.

Between :

His MajeBty the King represented by the Honourable Thomae W. McGarry, Treasurer of the Province of Ontario of the first part,


The Canadian Baulters Asso(tiation, lierein referred to as tlic " Association " of the second part.

Witnesseth as follows:


1. Tliis agreement is entered into by the contracting parties in in view of the urgent necessity for increased food production In the Province of Ontario.

2. The Association agrees that so far as lies in its powers, it will arrange that all banks, members of the Association doing business in the Province of Ontario, will favourably entertain and consider applications from bona fide farmers in the Province of Ontario for loans for the purpose of buying seed for the season of 1917, subject nevertheless to the following terms and conditions, that is to say:

{(t) There shall be no obligation upon any banlc to grant loans indiscriminately or to grant any particular loan, it being under- stood, however, that reasonable precaution being exercised, loans will not be confined to applicants who own their own lands or are otherwise in such financial position that they would ordinarily be entitled to credit, but will include tenant farmers, and that» dutj regard will be had to the present situation and the' necessity for increased crop production. Provided, however, that such loans shall not be knowingly made to those persons in Ontario who have already received* loans from the Settlers Loan Commlsgioner fpr the purchase of seed. ,

(&) Loans entitled to the benefit of this agreement may be made up to and including the Ist day of July. 1917, shall not exceed the sum of Two hundred dollars ($200) to any one applicant, and shall be repayable with interest at the rate of six per cent. (B9^c) per annum not later than the Ist day of November, 1917.

(c) Every bank making a loan pursuant to this agreement shall take from the borrower a promissory note in ordinary form and shall also take security in writing in accordance with the pro- visions of the Act of the Dominion Parliament. 1915, amending the Bank Act, 5 Geo. V, can. 1. which said security may be in the form set forth in Schedule "A" to this agreement or to the like effect and may also take such other security, if any, as in the judgment of such bank is reasonably available.

3. Every bank making loans pursuant to this agreement will use Its ordinary machinerv for collection thereof, at and after maturity and will reasonably adopt all ordinary means for collection thereof, but shall not be responsible for any failure to collect same.

4. Every bank claiming the benefit of this agreement with respect to loans shall within ten davs after making each loan advise the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer thereof by letter addressed to him at his oflSce in the Parliament Buildings. Toronto, stating the name and address of each borrower and the amount of the loan: and shall make a return to the Honourable, the Provincial Trea- surer, on or after the 20th day of November, 1917. and before the close of business on the 1st day of December. 1917. of all loans made pursuant to this agreement, upon which at the date of such return any amount shall remain outstanding and unpaid.


5. Banks having made returns in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding paragraph will be entitled to make a further return to the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer, of all loans made pursuant to this agreement upon which on the 1st day of March, 1918, there shall remain outstanding and unpaid any amount due either in respect to principal or interest, and of all costs and expenses reasonably incurred in endeavoring to collect the same; and subject to audit and correction the aggregate amount stated in such return as then due to the bank making the same in respect to the said loans, interest and costs, shall be the amount to be repaid to such bank by the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer, in accordance with the provisions of this, agreement.

6. In consideration of tliis agreement on the part of the Associa- tion and in consideration of the making of the said loans in accord- ance therewith by banks, members of the Association, His Majesty the King, represented by the Honourable Thomas W. McGarry^ Provincial Treasurer, hereby agrees with the Association and with each and every bank, member of the Association, which shall make any loan in pursuance thereof that such banks shall be and are hereby guaranteed and indemnified against loss, costs or expenses in connection therewith and that His Majesty will cause to be paid out of the revenue of the Province of Ontario, the amount of any loss, costs or expenses incurred by such bank in respect of any such loan, provided always that the return hereinbefore required shall have been duly made in accordance with the provisions hereof.

7. After payment of all loss made in connectio|i with loans in respect of which any bank is entitled to the benefit of this agree- ment, such bank shall thereafter hold the note representing such loans and all security taken in respect thereof for the benefit of His Majesty, and shall thereafter deal therewith as the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer shall from time to time direct.

8. And it is further declared and agreed that the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer, executing this agreement on behalf of His Majesty the King, represents also the Government of the Prov- ince of Ontario, and undertakes and agrees on the part of the Gov- ernment that legislation will be introduced, and if possible passed at the next session of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, confirming this agreement and authorizing payment out of the revenues of Ontario, all such amounts of money as shall be required to be paid for the purpose of carrying out this agreement.

In witness whereof this agreement has been signed and sealed by the said, the Honourable Thomas W. McGarry and has been executed by the Canadian Bankers Association under its corporate seal and the signatures of its proper ofllcers in that behalf.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered In the presence of

(Sgd.) Thomas W. McGarry.

Treasurer of Ontario. As to execution by

Hov Thom \s W. MoGabrt,

(Sgd.) Fi-oKENCE Mason.


Wisness to signature of the President of " The Can- adian Bankers Associa- tion."

(Sgd.) E. L. Pkask, President. (Sgd.) Hknry T. Ross. 140


Not exceed- The uuderBigned having applied for an advance and having repre- ing $200. sented that the money advanced will be used for the purpose of buying seed for the season 1917 and, will not be used for any other purpose or to repay any debt, and that the undersigned has not obtained a loan for seed from any other bank, person or corpora- tion or from the Settlers Loan Commissioner.

Describe the ^^ consideration of the advance of

iiiiisor dollars made by the Bank


SnT'^**^^ for which the said banks hold the following bills or notes:

And Inasmuch as the said advance was made on the representation that seed si'ain or other seed required for the crop of 1917 would be purchased with the said advance and would be sown upon land in the Province of Ontario, situated and being

The seed grain purchased and the crop grown from the grain so aown upon the land aforesaid and the seed other than grain so sown upon the said land and the crop grown therefrom and the grain thrashed from the said seed and other crop as aforesaid are hereby assigned to the said l>ank as security for the payment, on or before ttic 1st day of N'ovenihor. 1917. of tlie said advance, (ognther with interest thereon at the rate of t! i)er ceni. per annum from the day of tiic <late hereof.

Tills si'"urify is ;;iveii iiiidcr tlu; provisions of sui)scrtioiis s to IL', incliisivf. of section SS oT tlic l^atik Act and i>urBUunt to tliis ugi>-t' meiit and !.■; subject to the provisions of the said .Act.

Hated at 1917.


Agreement entered into this fifteentli day of March, A.D. 1818.

Betw^n :

His Majesty the King represented by the Honourable Thomaa W. McGkirry, Treasurer of the Province of Ontario of the first part,


The Canadian Bankers Association, herein referred to as the " Association " of the second part. Witnesseth as follows:

1. This agreement is entered into by the contracting parties in view of the urgent necessity for increased food production In the Province of Ontario.

2. This Association agrees that all banks, members of the Associa- tion doing business in the Province of Ontario, will favourably entertain and consider applications from bona fide farmers in the Province of Ontario for loans for the purpose of buying seed for the season of 1918, subject nevertheless to the following terms and conditions, that is to say:

(a) There shall be no obligation upon any bank to grant loans indiscriminately or to grant any particular loan, it being under stood, however, that reasonable precaution being exercised, loans will not be confined to applicants who own their own lands or are otherwise in such financial position that they would ordinarily be entitled to credit, but will include tenant farmers, and that due regard will be had to the present situation and the necessity for increased crop production. Provided, however, that such loans shall not be knowingly made to those persons In Ontario who have already received loans from the Settlers Loan Commissioner for the purchase of seed.

(6) lA>a.ns (entitled to the benefit of this agreement may be made up to and Including the 1st day of July, 1918, shall not exceed (lie sum of Two hundred dollars ($200) to any one applicant, and shall be repayable with interest at the rate of six per cent. (S'/r) per annum not later than the 1st day of November, 1918.

(r) Kvery bank making a loan pur.suant to thii< agreement sliall take from the borrower a promls.sory note in ordinary form and shall also take .security in writing In ac<'ordanfe with the pro- visions of the Act of the Dominion Parliament, 191.'>, amending the llank Act, Geo. V. cap. 1, which .said security may be In the form set forth in S<'hedule " A " to this agreement or to the like effect and may also take such other security. If any, as In the judgment of such bank is reasonably available.

3. ETvery bank making loans pursuant to this agreement will use its ordinary machinery for collection thereof, at and after maturity and will reasonably adopt all ordinary means for collection thereof, but shall not be responsible»for failure to collect the same.

4. Every bank claiming the benefit of this agreement ^w 1th respect to loans shall within ten days after making each loan advise the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer thereof by letter addressed to him at his office in the Parliament Buildings. Toronto, stating the name and address of each borrower and the amount of the loan; and shall make a return to the Honourable, the Provincial Trea- surer, on or after the 20th day of November, 1918, and before the close of business on the last day of December, 1918 of all loans made pursuant to this agreement, upon which at the date of such return anv amount shall remain outstanding and unpaid.


5. Banks having made returrts in accordance with the provisions of the next preceding paragraph will be entitled to malce a further return to the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer, of all loans made pursuant to this agreement upon which on the 1st day of March, 1919, there shall remain outstanding and unpaid any amount due either in respect to principal or interest, and of all costs and expenses reasonably incurred in endeavoring to collect the same; and subject to audit and correction the aggregate amount stated In such return a's then due to the bank making the same in respect to the said loans, interest and costs, shall be the amount to be repaid to such bank by the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer, in accordance with the provisions of this agreement.

6. In consideration of this agreement on the part of the Associa- tion and in consideration of tTie making of the said loans in accord- ance therewith by banks, members of the Association, His Majesty the King, represented by the Honourable Thomas W. McGarry Provincial Treasurer, hereby agrees with the Association and with each and every bank, member of the Association, which shall make any loan in pursuance thereof that such banks shall be and are hereby guaranteed and indemnified against any loss, costs or expenses in connection therewith and that His Majesty will cause to be paid out of the revenue of the Province of Ontario, the amount of any loss, costs or expenses incurred by any such bank in respect of any such loan, provided always that the return hereinbefore required shall have been duly made in accordance with the provisions hereol.

' 7. After payment of all loss made in connection with loans in respect of which any bank is entitled to the benefit of this agree- ment, such bank. shall thereafter hold the notes representing such loans and all security taken in respect thereof for the benefit of His Majesty, and siiall thereafter deal therewith as the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer shall from time to time direct.

8. And it is further declared and agreed that the Honourable, the Provincial Treasurer, executing this agreement on behalf of His Majesty the King, represents also the Government of the Prov- ince of Ontario, and undertakes and agrees on the part of the Gov- ernment that legislation will be introduced, and if possible passed at the next session of the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, confirming this agreement and authorizing payment out of the revenues of Ontario, all such amounts of money as shall be required to be paid for the purpose of cari-ying out this agreement.

In witness whereof this agreement has been signed and sealed by the said, the Honourable Thomas W. McGarry and has' been executed by the Canadian Bankers Association under its corporate seal and the signatures of its proper officers in that behalf.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered «

in the presence of



Not»xceed- The undersigned having applied for an advance and having r©pre- iriK $200. gented that the money advanced will be used for the purpose of buying seed for the season 1917 and will not be used for any other purpose or to repay any debt, and that the undersigned has not obtained a loan for seed from any other bank, person or corpora- tion or from the Settlers Loan Commissioner.

Describe the In consideration of the advance of

bills Of dollars made by the Bank.


Describe the land.



which the

said banks hold the




notes :


And inasmuch as the said advance was made on the representation that seed grain or other seed required for the crop of 1917 would be purchased with the said advance and would be sown upon land in the Province of Ontario, situated and being

The seed grain purchased and the crop grown from the grain so sown upon the land aforesaid and the seed other than grain so sown upon the said land and the crop grown therefrom and the graFn thrashed from the said seed and other crop as aforesaid are hereby assigned to the said bank as security for the payment, on or before the 1st day of November, 1918, of the said advance, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum from the day of the date hereof.

This security is given under the provisions of subsections 8 to 12, inclusive, of section 88 of the Bank Act and pursuant to this agree- ment and is subject to the provisions of the said Act.

Dated at 1918.



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Xo. J 41. 1019.


An Act to amend The Succession Duty Act.

HIS ^lAJESTV, by and willi tlie advico and oou.'^ciit of the Legislative Assembly of the Pi'ovincc of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Clause {In 111' .-uit-cciion 2 of section 7 of 77/r >'//r>4 Geo. v,

Tr\ . C. 10, .S. 5,

cession Didy Act, as enacted by section 5 of The tiucccssionvev>e&.U(\. ])uty Act, 191Jf. js re]>ealed. juid thp followin,^' substituted therefor jr—

(&) (I) Any property t^kc^n rts a domtiQ mortis causa. ^„°^i.^

(2) Any prupeiiy lakcn under a disposition operatini^

or purpwitiut- to operate as an immediate giff inter vivos, whether hy way of transfer, deli v. ery, declaration of trust or otlie^rwisc. ninde since the first day of Tuly. 180*2.

(3) Anv property taken under anv t'it'i wlicncver inadccJiits where

of which actual and t)oiia jiae possession and en-and enjoy- joyment shall not have been itssnnicd bv 'he},"Jj"pj,^j,"j;'', donee immediately npon the liift and thcmcloi-- ward retained to the entire exclusion of the donor or of any benefit to him. whether vc^Inn- tary or by contract oi- otherwise, except as here- inafter mentioned.

2. Subsection 8 of section 7 of The Successicm Duti/ .Ir/J ';;;• ^- as enacted by .section 6 of The Success^ion Duty Aet, 1 9 IJf .rt>peR\«^a. and amended by section 2 of the Act passed in the eighth year of His Majesty's reign, chapter 6. is repealed, and the following substituted therefor:

(3) Notwithstanding anything herein contained, no dutyKxcnM-tions. shall be payable in respect of any property (of which actual and honu fide possession and enjoyment .shall have been assumed by the donee immediately upon the gift and thenee- 141

forward retained to t^ie entire exclusion of tiie donor or of any benefit to him, whether voluntarily or Tay contract or otherwise) .

Property transfer]ed to certain relatives more than three years before deatli

Gifts inter vivos to $500

(a) Given more than three years before the death of the donor to the father, mother, child, son-in- law or daughter-in-law of the donor, to the valiu or amount of $20,000 in the aggregate, to tli' persons named in this subsection; or

(h) (iiven by the donor in his lifetime and not exceed- ing in value the sum of $500 in the ease of any one donee: or

Property transferred for considoi ation.

(c) Actually and bona fide transferred for a considera- tion in money or money's Worth paid to the transferor for his own use and benefit, exce])t to the extent, if any, to which the value of the property transferred exceeds that of the consid- eration so paid.




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Xo. 142. . 1919.


An Act to amend The Trustee Act.

HIS MAJESTY, In- and with the advice and consent of tlie Legislative As.^eniblv of the Province of Ontario^ I iiacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Trustee Ad, 1919. short title.

2. Subsection 1 of section 28 of The Trustee Act is re-Rev. stat., iMitlcd and the following substituted therefor: IJ^^'^-^^'

'^ ss. 1, re-


28. (1) A Trustee having money in his hands whichPowerto it is his duty, or which it is in his discretion moneys In"" to invest at interest, may invest tlie same in thesecinues. debentures, bonds, stock or other securities of, or guaranteed by, tlic Government of the Dominion of Panada, or of or anarant(M>(] liv any Province of (^anada. nr of' the ( Joxcnininit of (ho I iMloil K'iiiiidoni, nr nl an\ foloiix' oi- ilcpcndoncy iliorcnf, (ir of any municipal or scfiDoI corporation in ('aiuida. i>r umiranteod by any municipal coi'poration in Canada, oi' so- cured by or payable out of rates or (axes levied under the authority of the Govei-nmcnl of any Province '>f Paiuida ^n proj)erty situated in such Province and collectable by or through the municipality in which such property is situ- ated, in the same manner and with flic same rights of enforcing payment, as in the case of genera] municipal taxes in sncli municipality, or in securities which are n first charge on land held in foe simple in Ontario, Manitoba, Sas- katchewan, Alberta or British Columbia, when such investments are in other respects reason- able and proper.





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No. 143. 1919.


The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1919.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as fallows:

1. The Art Museum of Toronto, incorporated by chapterc.^29^name 129, 3 Edward VII, shall hereafter be known as The Art?JTheArt

' ' Museum or

Gallery of Toronto. Toronto


2. To remove doubts it is hereby enacted that the Order of Rev. stat.,' the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, made on the 12th dayiVi-councu' of September, A.D. 1918, providing that all lands and water JJ.^'^'l'riofg in Lake Erie within one mile of the shore of Pelee Island ^l^^^'^o^^

1 T ^ r ^ ••!• Ti ^ mile of Shore

be proclaimed as part oi said municipality under the auth-of Peiee ority of section 15 of chapter 3 of the Revised Statutes, 19l4,i^nsaid be confirmed, and the said Order is declared to be within the^nflr^iiie^'.'*^ powers conferred by the above section and to have been and to be good, valid and binding.

3. The Legislative Assembly Act is amended by addingRev. stat., thereto the following section : amended.

74. (1) Where a committee of the Assembly is anth- AUowajnce orized to meet during the interval between thcofcom- two Sessions of the Assembly there shall be pay-^ttfn| able to every member of the committee the sum||^]^,®n'^ of $10 per diem for every day upon which he is absent from his home in going to, attending at, and returning from meetings of the committee, the said allowance to be payable upon the certifi- cate of the chairman of the committee out of such moneys as may be appropriated for mis- cellaneous expenses of Legislation.

(2) This section shall apply to any committee \<rhich was appointed at the Session held in the year 1918, and the allowance payable to the members


of aiiv such eoiiiiiiittee sliall be payable out of the moneys so appropriated for the current fiscal vear.

4. Notwithstanding anything contained in The AgricuUural

The East Slmcoe Agri- cultural Societies Act, the society known as '* The East Simcoe Agri- Society de- , . ~

Glared to be cultural Societv," is herein- declared to be an agricultural societ"y ^^^ society and to have all the rights and privileges of an agri- statl^^l?; cultural society under that Act.

The Lennox 5. Xotwithstandiiig anything contained in TJie Agricultural Society de- Societies Act, the society known as "The Lennox Agricul- AgHc'uitu'rai t^^al Society " is hereby declared to be an agricultural so- unde^r Rev c^^ty and to have all the rights and privileges of an agricul- stat., C.47. tural. society under that Act.

c^Te s*83' ^* ^^c^^'o^i ^'^ of ^^'^ Judicature Act is amended by striking amended.' out the words " as to office hours during vacations" in the first and second lines of the section.

Rev. Stat.. C..66, s. 98, ss. 5, repeal«d.

Rev. Stat., c. 59, s. 9, amended.

7. Subsection 5 of section 98 of The Judicature Act is re- pealed.

8. Section 9 of The (Juunty Courts Act is amended by

striking out the words " as to office hour:

duriuff vacations "

iu the first and second lines of the section.

Rev. Stat., c. 82, s. 11, amended.

9. Section 11 of The Ahsconding Debtors' Act is amended by striking out of the fourth, fifth and sixth lines the words " It shall bo paid at the rate of $1 for each day actually required for and occupied in making the inventory and appraisment.''

Rev. Stat., c. 88 s. 32. ( 8 Geo. V. c. 20, s. 20), amended.

10. Subsection 2 of section 32 of The Police Magistrates' A ct, as amended by section 20 of chapter 20, 8 George V. is amended by striking out all the words after the figures " 1894 " in the fifth line thereof, and substituting therefor the following words : " or to the police magistrates of the cities of Kingston, London and Brantford now in office."

11, Subsection 2 of section 14 of The Crown Attorneys' Act, as enacted by subsection 2 of section 23 of chapter 21,4

Rev. Stat., C.91, s. 14, (4 Geo. V,

s's.^2),^ ^^' George V, is amended by adding at the end thereof the fol- amended. lowing words : " or in the case of a district by the province."

Rev. Stat., c. 96, s. 11, amended.

12. Section 11 of The Administration of Justice Expenses Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

Allowance to constables and others for special services.

11. (1) Where, in the opinion of the Crown Attorney, special services, not covered by the ordinary tariff, are necessary for the detection of crime 143


or the capture of a person who is believed to have committed a crime of a serious character, he may authorize and direct any constable or other person to perform such service, and shall certify upon the account to be rendered by the constable or other person what he deems a reason- able allowance to be paid to the person employed, and the amount so certified shall be paid to such person by the county;

^2) The Crown Attorney mav direct the Treasurer of Advances to

V / 1 " ' 1 constables,

the county to advance to the constable or otheretc. forex-

, 1 J? xi penses in

person such sum as he may name lor the purpose performing of paying the reasonable and necessary ex penses ^^^^g^' ^*'"" incurred or to be incurred by such constable or other person in the performance of such special services, and the treasurer of the county shall pay such sum, upon the written order of the Crown Attorney, and shall deduct the amoimt thereof from the subsequently certified account of the constable or other person employed ;

(3) This section shall not apply to services in a city^fPSlf*'""

or separated town for which there is a staff ofs^''^'^"- salaried police officers, and no allowance shall in any other case be made under subsection 1 to any salaried constable or other officer, unless he is entitled to receive for his own use, in ad- dition to his salary, the fees earned by him;

(4) This section shall apply mutatis mutandis to dis-in^^^t""'^^^-

tricts without county organizations, and the treasurer of Ihe district shall pay or advance the amount certified or directed by the Crown At- torney in the same manner as the treasurer of the county is required to do by subsections 1 and 2.

13. Section 37 of The Wills Act, as enacted by section 27R72()ffl*37 of The Statute Law Amendment Act, lOlJf, is repealed, ft"<^^*?,®°; Y;. the following section substituted therefor: repealed.

37. Whore any person, being a child or other issue orJJ^^IJI'yf*"'' the brother or sister of the testator to whom certain other

.J.J relatives

any real estate or personal estate is devised omot to lapne bequeathed, for any estate or interest not deter- tieauirniift- minal)le at or before the death of such person, {ilJI*"^'^. dies in the life-time of the testator either l>cfore or after tho making of the will, leaving issue, 143

and any of the issue of such person are living at the time of the death of the testator, such devise or bequest shall not lapse but shall take effect as if the death of such person had hap- pened immediately after the death of the test- ator, unless a contrary intention appears by the will.

Rev. Stat, c. 124, 8. 34, ss. 7, re- pealed.

W^hat may •be registered before patent.

14. Subsection 7 of section 34 of The Registry Act is re- pealed, and the following substituted therefor:

Rev. Stat., c. 124, s. 56. ss. 4, amended.

Rev. Stat., c. 124. s. 88. ss. 11. amended.

(7) Except mortgages, incumbrances or liens, made or given by the original nominee of the Crown, or by any person through whom a person, obtain- ing a grant of land from the Crown, derived title, no instrument affecting land that has not been granted by the Crown shall be registered.

15. Subsection 4 of section 56 of The Registry Act is amended by inserting after the word " Ontario," in the second line thereof, the following words : " or of some one authorized by him to consent."

16. Subsection 11 of section 88 of The Registry Act is amended by striking out the word " plan " in the third line thereof, and substituting therefor the word " plans," and by inserting after the word " land," in the fourth line thereof, the following : " with each of the lots as shown on such new plan numbered or lettered in such a manner that the same may be readily identified."

Rev. Stat., c. 124, s. 88, 83. 14, amended.

Rev. Stat., c. 161, s. 5, amended.

Rev. Stat., c. 161. amended.

17. Subsection 14 of section 88 of The Registry Act is amended by adding thereto the words " and where the costs and expenses are directed to be borne by the municipality, the judge may by his order direct repayment of the same to the municipality by the levy of a special rate by assessment on all the lots included in the plan."

18. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 5 of The Ontario Medical Act, the members of the present Council of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario are hereby continued in office for a period of one year in addition to the extra period of one year provided for by The Statute Law Amendment Act, 1918, section 26, and as if they had been originally elected or appointed as the case may be for the period of six years.

19. The Ontario Medical Act is amended by adding thereto (he following section:


32a, (1) In the cases mentioned in subsection 1 of Suspension

Ox rcirls-

section 31, the council, instead of directing thetration. erasure from the register of the name of any per- son, may direct that the registration of such per- son be suspended for such period as the council may deem proper, and during the period of such suspension it shall be unlawful for the person suspended to engage in the practice of medicine in Ontario, and he shall during the said period be deemed to be unregistered ;

(2) If such person engages in the practice of medicinepractising

during the period of such suspension, he shall depended.

incur the penalty provided by section 47 of this


(3) Sections 33 to 37 shall apply to the suspending of -Application

J ^i, £ X' L' of other

any person under the provisions oi this section provisions in the same manner as to the erasing from thepension. register of the name of any person.

20. Section 28 oi The Ontario Land Surveyors' Act is^Ygg^***- amended by adding thereto the following subsection : s- 28. '

" amended.

(3) Any person, being a British subject and a citizen of the Province of Ontario prior to the 4th August, 1914, and who has enlisted and been engaged in active war service, may present him- self for examination to practice after serving under articles to a practising surveyor for such period of time as the board may deem necessary after considering his experience or training in surveying or engineering prior to or during such enlistment.

21. Subsection 4 of section 105 of The Ontario Insurancef^^^^^^- Act is repealed, and the following substituted therefor: |8^4^'


(4). An auditor shall hold office until the next general Termor meeting of the corporation and shall be eligiblcaud^uor. to re-appointment.

22. The Ontario Insurance Act is amended by adding Rev^stat., the following section: amended.

194a.— (1) Statutory (Condition 15 shall apply to notices under Statutory Condition 11, and the tender under Statutory Condition 11 may be by money, post-office order, postal note or cheque, payable at par, certified by a chartered bank 143

dnu'^ business in the province, enctlosed in the registt'red letter with theTiotice.

(2) In ease the notice is sent by registered letter the seven days fixed by Statutory Condition 11 shall commence to run from the day following the receipt of the registered letter at the post office to which said letter is addressed.

Rev. Stat., c. 186, s. 12, amended.

Member of Board may be Director of the Bureau of Municipal Affairs.

.23. Section 12 of The Ontario Railway and Municipal Board Act is amended by adding thereto the following as subsection (2) :

(2) Provided that, notwithstanding anything enacted or implied by this or any other Act, one member of the board may be Director of the Bureau of Municipal Affairs, and in such case may be paid as director the salary voted for that office out of the appropriation for the Bureau of Muni- cipal Affairs in addition to his salary as a mem- ber of the board.

Rev. Stat.. c. 202, s. 12, ss. 1, amended.

24. Subsection 1 of section 12 of The Public Libraries Act is amended by striking out the word '*tvvo-thirds" in the seventh line thereof and substituting therefor the words, " a majority," and by striking out the words '* three-fourths of a mill in the dollar " at the end thereof, and substituting therefor tlic words, " one mill in the dollar."

Rev. staU

c. 202, s. 12, ss. 2, amended.

25. Subsection 2 of section 12 of The Public Libraries A ct is amended by striking out the words " shall not levy " in the second line, and substituting therefor the words, '' shall not be required to levy," and by adding at the end of the said subsection the words, " but the total amount of the rates to be levied in such city may be increased by the council if it thinks proper to an amount not exceeding in the whole one- half of one mill in the dollar."

?^2o'2??i2, ^^- Subsection 3 of section 12 of The Public Libraries Act

ss. 3, is amended by adding at the end thereof the words, '* but the

council of the township may upon the petition of a majority

of the ratepayers in the police village, increase the said rate

to an amount not exceeding in the whole one mill in the



Rev. Stat.. 27. Scctiou 12 of The Public lAhraries Act is amended by arnended^^' adding at the end thereof the following subsection:

(11) Notwithstanding anything contained in this sec- tion contained in this section, the council of any municipal corporation which, prior to the 1st day 143

of January, 1917, had entered into or become a party to any agreement or arrangement with any person to expend not less than a stated sum for public library maintenance in consideration of receiving a gift or contribution towards the estab- lishment or maintenance of a public library, may assess, levy or collect in each year a public lib- rary rate sufficient to provide the moneys neces- sary to carry out the terms of such arrangement or agreement.

28.— (1) Subsection 2 of section 13 of The Public Health^^:f- stat..

c. 218

Act shall be deemed to be and have been from the 26th day ofs.' 13. ss.2. March, 1018, repealed, and the provisions of section 2 of*^®^^^®^" The Public Health Act, 1918, substituted therefor.

(2) Subsection 1 shall come into force upon the day upon 8 Geo. v. which the same shall receive the Royal assent. ^' '^' '

29. Subsection 1 of section 5 of The Milk Act is amended^®22i^^5* by striking out all the words after the word "than" in the^s. i- , ' fourth line thereof and substituting therefor the following:

" three and one quarter (3.25) per cent, of milk fat, and not less than eight and one half (8.50) per cent, of milk solids, other than fat."

30. Section 4 of The Veteruiary College Act is amended by^^g^-g^^* adding the words "a principal emeritus" after the word^mended. ' " principal '^ in the second line thereof.

* 31.— (1) Subsection 2 of section 6 of The Hospitals an^J^oo^i^i;

Charitable Institutions Act is repealed, and the followingss. 2/^

substituted therefor:

.) (2) Every person admitted to or being within any suchj^ho r^^>^ hospital who pays, or for whom there is paidpayiiur to such hospital from any source other than the public funds or money of the province, or of a municipal corporation, a weekly sum in excess of $8.75 shall be deemed a paying patient;

(2) Subsection 1 shall have effect as from the 12th dayS^J^

of April, 1917. retroactive.

32. Notwithstanding anything contained in section 14 of J'^J^^^ The Mortgagors and Purchasers Relief Act, 1915, or in sec-c 22. tion 3 of the Act passed in the sixth year of His Majesty's reign, chapter 27, or in section 59 of the Act passed in the seventh year of His Majesty's reign, chapter 27, or in section 3 of the Act passed in the eighth year of His Majesty's reign, 143

6 Geo. V, c. 37. amended.


chapter 20, all the other provisions of the said Act shall continue in force and have effect until the expiration of thirty days from the close of the next session of the L^isla- ture to be held hereafter.

33. The Act to Authorize and Confirm Grants hy Muni- cipal Corporcdions for Patriotic Purposes is amended by adding the following as section 5a :

5a. (1) To remove doubts it is declared that a grant by a municipal corporation to any fund, organiza- tion or body for the purposes of furnishing aid, assistance or comforts to officers or men while on active service during the present war with the naval or military forces of Great Britain or of any of Great Britain's allies, or after their dis- charge from such active service and to the wives, children and dependent relatives of such officers and men is and always has been within the true intent and meaning of and authorized by the provisions of this Act;

(2) Subsection 1 shall apply only to grants made by

by-laws heretofore

(a) Finally passed and not repealed or quashed ;

(h) Finally passed but repealed or quashed;

(c) Introduced and read a first time but aband- oned;

and by-laws \vithin clause (a) are confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding and in the cases covered by clauses (&) and (c) the council may pass a new by-law making a grant of the same amount as was mentioned in the original by-law and such new by-law when passed shall be legal, valid and binding;

(3) Nothing in this section contained shall apply to or

affect the costs in any action or other proceeding now pending, but such costs shall be awarded and disposed of and be taxable and payable in the same manner as if this section had not" been passed ;

(4) No member of a municipal council who voted for any such grant shall incur or be deemed to have



incurred any pertoiial liability bv reason of surh vote, anything in The Munkii>al Acl or any other Act to the contrary notwithstanding;

i ■> ) This .secti(»ii sliall cumc into force and take effect immediately on the jtassing of it, and llic Act In Authorize and Confirm (Iranta hi/ Mnnirlpal ('or-

liora/ioiis for Palriolir r^irjioscs AvA\ he rei>ealcd on, from and after the first day of June, lOll*.

34. Section r> of The Deparhitcnl of .[(/rirnKurc Arl . lU r, ,-, Geo. v. is amended hy striking ont the words " Connnissioner of^^'^ndeff. Agricultnrc " in the second line of subsection 1. in the tirst

line of subsection 2 and in the first line of sid)seetion .'>. and substituting- the words "Agricultural Commissioner" in- stead thereof in each case.

35. Section To of The Shihile Lmr Aniendineni Aci^ lUlS. is amended by adding thereto the following subsections:

(7) Xotwithstanding anything contained in this section

or in any by-law heretofore or hereafter passed c. 20?s. to. under subsection 1, and notwithstanding that the^^®***^^^- same instrument may be registered or entered more than once, or that more than one instru- ment may be registered or entered for securing the same sum of money, or that any such in- strument or instruments may he* registered or entered in more than one registry office or land titles office, or in a registry office and land titles office, the tax imposed by any such by-law shall be payable once only in respect of any one trans- p^y^*,^^,^'*^ action for securing money hy Avay of mortgageonce only, or charge, or by mortgage and charge, and shall be payable upon delivering to the registrar, or lodging in the land titles office the first instru- ment registered or lodged in such transaction;

(8) Where an instrument purports to be executed con-

currently with or as collateral security to a mort-_ , ^ gajore or charjie already reifistered, the registrarcoUaterai or master shall register or enter such concurrent or collateral instrument without reqniring the payment of the tax ;

ro) Where lands upon which a -nni <d' nmney is .-ci-nred are registered under The 1,'ind Tillrs \il. ;ind other lands upon which the same sum of i^^^neyj^^jj'oj^^j^o^ is secured are subject to The Registry Act, and when receipt

,, . , . *' . ^ 1 1 J J J for payment

the instruments arc registered or loagoa and on prior appear to he executed as part of the same trans- •j'^fJi^^^i^^*' action for securing such sum of money, and it



Tax not to be collected on assign- ment of lease as collateral security.

Tax not to be collected on renewal except as to additional amount.

Tax not to lie collected on amount required to payoff prior mortgage.


of tax


lands In




appears by the production of the receipt of the master or registrar that the tax has been paid upon the registering or lodging of one of such instruments, tiie master or registrar shall not re- quire any further ])ayment of tlie tax before registering or entering the instrument delivered . to him;

(10) Where any sum of money is charged upon free-

hold lands and lease-hold lands, and a mortgage or assignment of the lease is registered or lodged as security in addition to and separately from the mortgage or charge upon the free-hold lands, and the person delivering the mortgage or charge to the registrar or master produces a receipt for payment of the tax upon the registration of any other mortgage or charge or assignment, given as security for the same sum, the registrar or master shall receive and register or enter the mortgage, charge or assignment without requir- ing the payment of the tax ;

(11) Where a mortgage or charge recites that it is

given as a renewal of a mortgage or charge already registered, no tax shall be payable upon the registration of such renewal mortgage or * charge, except to the extent by which the amount secured by such renewal, mortgage or charge ex- ceeds the amount secured by the original mort- gage or charge, but the registrar or master, be- fore registering or entering such renewal, mort- gage or charge, may require such further proof of the facts as he may deem necessary ;

(12) Where a mortgage or charge recites that it is

given to secure moneys, a portion of which moneys is required to pay off a prior mortgage or charge already registered, no tax shall be pay- able upon the registration of such mortgage or charge except to the extent by which the amount secured by such mortgage or charge exceeds the amount required to pay off the prior mortgage or charge, but the registrar or master, before regis- tering or entering such new mortgage or charge, may require such further proof of the facts he may deem necessary ;



Where the lands upon which any sum of money is charged are partly in one registry division and partly in another, or parts of the lands are regis- tered under The Land Titles Act, and parts are


subject to The Registry Act, the registrar or master receiving the tax shall retain the per- centage mentioned in subsection 3, and shall pay over to the registrar or master in whose office any mortgage or charge is subsequently regis- tered or entered for securing the same sum of money, such proportion of the percentage as may be agreed upon between them, and in case of disagreement, the amount to be paid shall bo determined by the Inspector of Registry Offices ;

(14) Where the right of the registrar or master to re- Proceedings quire the payment of the tax under this section disputed, or any portion thereof, is disputed, by the person .. registering or lodging a mortgage or charge, the

tax may be paid under protest, and the registrar or master shall give a receipt in writing signed by him, for the amount paid, and shall state that the same has been received subject to protest. and shall thereupon refer the matter to the deci- sion of the Inspector of Registry Offices, who may order the refund of the tax or any portion thereof to the person paying the same.

36. Item 11 in the Constables' Tariff, being Schedule "C"8 Geo. v.

to chapter 25, 8 George V, is amended bv adding at the end schedule 'c.' thereof:— ^"^^"'''^•

" In the case of constables attending a trial at a place other than where such constable resides, railway fares and reasonable hotel and other travelling- expenses shall bo allowed in addition to the above."

37. Item 11 to the ( 'on.stables' Tariff, being Schedule "D"8Q«o_yj; . to chapter 25, 8 George^ \ . is amended by inserting atter theuie"D,"^ word "fee'' in the first line thereof the following words i*"^®"

" and expenses."

38. Section 1 of The Birds Protection Act, 1918, is|<Jf°-V' amended by adding at the end of clause (&) the word " or "amended, and the following clause:

(r;) Does any act which is prohibited by, or neglects to refuses to do any act required by any regulation.

39. Sections (3, 6, 8, 18, 19, 23, 28, 32 and 33) of this Act shall come into force and take effect from and after the day of the date of the assent of the Lieutenant-Governor thereto.


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No. 144. 1919.


An Act for raising Money on the Credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council is hereby author-Loan of ized to raise by way of loan a sum of money not exceeding^}j*J'^°^,'^^^ Ten million dollars ($10,000,000), for alf or any of the^ purposes following, that is to say: for the public service,

for works carried on by commissioners on behalf of Ontario, for the covering of any debt of Ontario on open account, for paying any floating indebtedness of Ontario, and for the carrying on of the public works authorized by the Legis- lature.

2. The aforesaid sum of money may be borrowed forTerms of any term or terms not exceeding forty years, at such rate °*""

as may be fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, and shall be raised upon^the credit of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Ontario, and shall be chargeable thereupon,

3. The Lieutenant-Governor in Coiuieil iii;iy direct thatKxemption the securities issued for the loan authorized h\ this Acttion. shall be free from any or all provincial taxes, succession

duties and impositions whatsoever.

4. The Lieutenant-Ggvernor in (Council may provide forginkini? a special sinking fund with respect to the issue herein author-^""**- ized, and such sinking fund may be at a greater rate than

the one-half of one per centum per annum on the amount of such debentures or stock, as specified in sub.^oction 2 of section 4 of The Provincial Loans Act






















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No. 145. 1919.


An Act to amend The Wills Act.

L-f 18 ]\[AJESTY, by and with the advice and eonsciit of ■■■ •■• the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 14 of The Wills Act is amended by addingRev. s ,t.. thereto the following subsection: amended!^'

(•2) Any such soldier, mariner or seaman shall be'^^^'^'"®"- 1111 c tary cap-

deemed to have been oi testamentary capacity acity of

and to have been capable of making a valid dis-saiior" ^'

•position by his will of any of his l>i'opertya^minor^

whether real or personal, notwithstanding that he

was at the time of the execution of his will under

the age of twenty-one year,-,.

























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No. 146. 1919.


An Act to amend The Libel and Slander Act.

TJ TS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of •»■ •»• the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 2, of The Lihel and Slander Act is hereby Rev. stat.. amended by adding thereto as Subsection 2 : amended'.

(2) Reports of Writs issues, judgments entered or other proceedings taken in any Court of Justice or of Bills of Sale, Chattel Mortgages, Assignments for Benefit of Creditors, Conditional Sale of Lien "Agreements filed in any public office in pur- suance of any Statute in that behalf, shall bo deemed to be public news and intelligence and the publication thereof in any newspaper shall be deemed to be for the public benefit notwithstand- ing that such publication is made in pursuance of a contract for valuable consideration to supply information to the person or i)ersons to whom such publication is made.

2. Siiliscviiuii 1 of section 11 of tlic s:ii(i .\.-t jv lierebyRev. Htat..

. , c. 71. .s. n amended by inserting after the woiH 'pHK-eedings in tne(i)

r i.u T ii r ii 1 amended.

fourth line tnoreot, the words:

"and in an accurate report of Writs issued, judgments entered or other proceedings taken in any Court of Justice or of any Bill of Sale, Chattel Mort- gage, Assignment for Benefit of Creditors, Con- ditional Sale or Lien Agreement filed in any public office in pursuance of any Statute in that behalf."

3. Section 11 of the said Act is further antiended by re-R^^v- «t««j. numbering subsection 2 and subsection 3 by adding thereto asa'mended. ' Subsection 2, the following:


(2) Fht' publication by any person, whose ordinary business includes the supplying of information as to the financial and business standing and credit of other persons, of any matter in answer to an inquiry in pursuance of a contract for valuable consideration to supply information to the penson by whom inquiry is made, shall be deemed to be privileged; provided the matter published is relevant to the subject of the inquiry and the manner and extent of the publication do not exceed what is reasonably sufficient for the occasion.



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No. 14Y. 1913.


An Act to amend The Surrogate Courts Act.

HJ8 MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of "the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 35 of The Surrogate Courts Act is amended by adding thereto the following subsection:

(2) Where upon the application for probate of the Will of any soldier, mariner, or seaman who was on active military or naval service at the time of the execution of the Will, it appears that the wit- nesses, or either of them, are dead or arc incom- petent, or that the whereabouts of the witnesses, or either of them, are unknown, the Judge of the Surrogate Court to whom such application is made, may accept such evidence as he may con- sider satisfactory as to the validity and proper execution of such Will notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in the rules or regula- tions of the Surrogate Court to the contrary.


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Ko. 148. 1919.


An Act to amend The Department of Education


HTS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:—

1. Notwithstanding anything in The Department of Edu- cation Act contained, the office of Superintendent of Ediica-supe^rin- tion is hereby abolished. Edu^uon






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No. 149. 1919.


An ^Act to amend The Municipal Drainage Act

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Subsection 7 of section 9 of The Municipal Drainage-Rev.st&t. Act is amended by striking ont the word " ten " in the sixth^;^*^*^)^ line and snbstitut'ing therefor the word " thirty." amended.




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No. 150. 1919.


An Act to amend The Motor Vehicles Act.

HIS MAeTESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section G of The Motor Vehicles Act is amended l)y?1,^-7^i*c' adding the following subsections: amended.

(la) Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with a noise^u'^®jg^ muffler, and no contrivance for releasing such muffler shall be attached to the motor vehicle so that it may be operated from any seat in the vehicle ;

(lb) Every motor vehicle shall be equipped with aMirror. mirror securely attached to it and placed in such a position as to afford the driver of such motor vehicle, while driving or operating the vehicle, a clear view of the roadway in the rear or of any vehicle approaching from the rear.

2. Subsection 1 of section 11 of The Motor Vehicles ActfYdi^^n is repealed and the following substituted therefor: (b.

'^ repealed.

1. No motor vehicle shall be driven upon any highway^*^°' within a city, town, village or police village at a greater rate of speed than twenty miles per hour ; nor upon any highway outside of a city, town, village or police village at a greater rate of speed than 2.5 miles per hour, nor at a street inter- section or curve where the driver of the vehicle has not a clear view of approaching traffic at a greater rate of speed than 10 miles in a city, town, village or police village, or 12M: miles outside a city, town, village or police village, but the council of a city, town or village may by by-law set apart any highway or any part thereof


on which motor vehicles may be driven at a greater rate of speed for the purpose of testing the same, and may pass by-laws for regulating and governing the use of any such highway or part thereof for such purpose.

Rev. Stat. 3_ Subsection 1 of section 24 of The Moior Vehicles Act a ^* d&d ^^ amended by inserting after the word and figure " section

y " in the second line the words and figures, " subsection 2

of section 11."

Rev. Stat, c. 20t, amended.

Reward on


of person




4. The Motor Vehicles Act is amended by adding the following as section 35 :

35. By-laws may be passed by the councils of all munir cipalities for paying, on the conviction of the offender and on the order of the judge or police magistrate before whom the conviction is had, a reward of not less than twenty dollars to any person who pursues and apprehends, or causes to be apprehended, any person stealing a motor vehicle within the municipality ;

Amount payable.

{a) The amount payable shall be in the discre- tion of the judge or police magistrate, but shall not exceed the amount fixed by the by-law.




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No. 151. 1919.


An Act to amend The Factory, Shop and Office Building Act.

HIS MAJESTY', Itv and with tlie advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 84 of The Factory, Shop ami OiJice Buildingc. 229, b. 84, Art is amended by adding the following as subsection (4a) : amended.

(4a) If an api)lication is presented fo such council ^^°^'^^jj praying for the passing of a by-law requiring the Saturday closing of all shbps within the municipality be- during July tween the hours of one of the clock in the after- "*^^ ' noon and twelve of the clock midnight of each Saturday during the months of July and August, and if the council is satisfied that such applica- tion is signed by not less than two-thirds in number of all the occupiers of shops within the municipality, the council may by a vote of two- thirds of all the members pass a by-law requiring all shops in the municipality to be closed during July and August at the fhno^ and hours men- tioned in the application.

.2. Subsections 9 and 10 of section 84 of the said Act areRev. stat. amended by inserting after the word and figure " subsection g.s^^g'a^di'o 4 " wherever they occur the word and figure " or 4a." amended.


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^^o. 152. 1919.


An Act to amend The Upper Canada College Act.

HIS MAJEST"^', l)v ;iii(l with the advice and (MUl^('lll (.f the l>egislati\e Assembly of the Province of Ontario, (Miactti as foHows:

1. The Upper CamuJa College Ael is amended by adding^^o's'fi^s^ib.

tluTcto the following section: amended.

J0(/. Land whicli has l)oen sold or otherwise disposed ()f-\j'fe8«ment , or land

l)v thf ( o||('<i(> t(i aiiv |)ersoii m- ('((rixn-iition who«"id by

li:i> llic liiilit to ic -ell tlio s;mi('. iintwjtli-iaiiding ihiit llic ( 'ollege retains, or has ;ic(|iiii-c(l oi- Ix'cii given ;iii\ intercut thonMii (inehuliii^ any i-iglii of user or estate, legal or (M|iiitiilile ) and not- withstanding anything contained in swtion 10 or the amendments thereto, shall he assessable in the same way as if the interoi of tlie.f-ollcgc^ was held by some person other than the College and the interest of any person other than the College in snch land shall he snbject to the charge thereon given by section 01 of The Assessment Act and shall be liable to lie soM midf r the pro- visions of that Act for arrears of taxes accnird against the land.




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'No. 153. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Voters' Lists Act.


ouacts as follows

IS MAJESTY, l>y ;iii(l with the lulvico and consent «»f the Lc<>islative AsscmlyU of tlic Province^ of Ontario.

1. Pai'aiiraph G of sec-tion 28 of 'J'lic Onldrm \'nl<rs IasU^'^'-^' ■^'•''

. . .. C. 6, 8. io.

Act is amended by striking out the word " fiv( " ;it tlie coni-par. 6, niencement of the said iiaraiirajtli and substituting therefor the word " ten."


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No. 154. 1 !>]'.►.


An Act to Confirm an Agreement between the Toronto Conservatory of Music and Gov- ernors of the University of Toronto.

HIS MA.IKS'1"\'. l)v and wiili rlic luhirc aixl cnn-ciil of the Legislative Assembly of the Pni\iiicr of nmniin. piiacts as follows:

1. The ])arties to the ajLri'wnneiit between the Toronto Con- University servatory of Music, therein and herein called the "Conserva-servatory tory " of the first part, and the Governor.^; of the l' ni vers! ty to enter' ' of Toronto, therein and herein called the " T^niversity,'' of|J|^**''**" the second part, a copy of which forms the schcdnle to this

Act, are hereby respectively authorized to make and execute the same, and when executed the said agreement is hereby ratified and confirmed, and declared to be valid and binding upon the parties, and the bondholders therein named, who may sign the said agreernent, and the parties are hereby re- spectively authorized to carry out the terms thereof.

2. The transfers, assignments and conveyances and gn a r- Transfers, antees to be executed in pursuance of the said agreement arcexecuted hereby confirmed and declared to be valid and binding. y°a\ui.

3. Th(! Governors of the TTniversity of Toronto shall ^>a^'<^^powered all necessary powers for the purpose of carrvina- out the 8aidtoc»"y

. ' T . . , . , - out the

agreement, according to its true intent and meaning, ana lor agreement, the future management and operation of the undertaking of the conservatory, and for continuing the corjioration of the (conservatory and operating and managing its undertaking in the name of the corporation as a going concern.


This agreeiuent made the day of , A.D. 1919.

Between :

The Toronto Conservatory of Music, a Corporation having its Head Office In the City of Toronto, incorporated under The Ontario Companies Act, without share capital, by letters Patent dated 5th July, 1910, liereinafter called the 'Ton servatory,"

Of the First Part,


The Hoard of Governors of (lie I iiiversity of Torontu. hereinafter called the " ITniversity,"

Of the Second Part.

Whereas the Conservatory was incorporated to promote the cul tivation of the science of music and to give instruction therein, and for the other purposes set out in its charter of incorporation ;

And whereas for the purposes of its undertaking, the Conserva- tory acquired the property and the effects mentioned or referred to in the first part of the Schedule hereto annexed, and is now carrying on its undertaking upon said premises;

And whereas in connection with the acquisition of said property and the carrying on of its undertaking, the Conservatory madp nn issue of bonds, amounting in all to the sum of $184,800. and secured the same by Trust Instrument dated .January 1st. 1011. which is duly registered in the Registry Division of East Toronto as Number 49127-T;

And whereas there are now outstanding bonds of the ae

amounting to the said sum of $184,800. and a certain special issue amounting to the sum of $100,000. has begn pledered to the Dominion Bank as security for loans, which has since been paid off but these said bonds are still in the hands of the said Dominion Bank avail- able as security for further loans which have not yet been made;

And whereas the property described in the Schedule hereto, or narts of if. Is sublert to a mnrtcrafie datf'd the 21st day of Februarv. 191?. to the Trustees of the Toronto Oeneral Burvinc Grounds, and registered in the Registry Division of East Toronto as No. 4C937-P. on which the nrincinal unpaid is SI 9.000. and also to another mort- gage dated the 27th day of April. 1914. to the Guardian Trust Comnanv. T<imlted. and registered in the said Reeistrv Division as No. 14125-0. on which the principal unpaid is $12,000

And whereas thn ConFervatory, believins: that it would advance the cultivation of thp science of music and be in the public interests If the ownershln. management and control of the undertaking now carried on by the Conservatory were- vested in the University, and with the approval of the maiority of its members and of its bond- holders, offered the same to the Fnlverslty, and the XTnlversity agreed to take over the same on the terms and conditions herein set out.

Now this agreement wltnesseth:

1. For the considerations herein contained the Conservatory wU]. as soon as this agreement takes effect, request its members to transfer to the University all their rights and Interests as such 154



members, and respectively to execute and deliver to the University, or to such Trustees therefor as the University may designate, such formal and separate transfers of their respective rights and in- terests as members of the Conservatory as may be required in order to vest in the University or in such Trustees the entire membership of the Conservatory, and the control thereof through such membership.

2. The Conservatory will, as soon as this agreement takes effect, request its Board of Governors to execute and deliver to the University resignations of their positions as Governors, in order that a new Board, nominated by the University, may be duly elected, such resignations to be used by the University at such meetings and at such times as may be found convenient to carry oot the intentions of the resignations and the appointment of the new Board.

3. The Conservatory will, as soon as this agreement takes effect, and at such time and in such manner as the University may decide, whether before or after the appointment of the new Board of Directors, execute and deliver to the University or to Trustees nominated by the University, deeds, assignments, and conveyances of the properties and effects mentioned or referred to in the Schedule hereto, so that the same may become vested in the University or such Trustees, in fee simple, and as the absolute owners thereof, free from all encumbrances except those set out in tlie second part of the Schedule hereto.

4. The University hereby assumes the liabilities of the Conserva- tory set out in the second part of the Schedule hereto, and will guarantee to such of the bondholders respectively as sign this agreement as hereinafter provided payment of the principal and interest of their said respective bonds from time to time, as ami when the same become payable. When the liability to the Dominion Bank, for which bonds are held in pledge, has been discharged, the bonds i)ledged shall become the property of the University.

0. Any of the bondholders may sign this agreement and thereby become parties hereto, and when this agreement has been signed by bondholders holding bonds of not less than 51 per cent, of the entire outstanding bonds and when transfers from members constituting not less than CI per cent, of the entire membership of the Conserva- tory have been made under clause one hereof, any bondholder may present to the Bursar of the University his bonds to have endorsed thereon the guarantee of the University in the form set out in the third part of the Schedule hereto, or to the like effect, and such guarantee shall be endorsed thereon and signed on behalf of the University by the Chairman, VIce-Chairman or Acting Chairman or Vice-chairman of the Board of Governors of the University, and by the said Bursar.

0. As it is believed that it will be in the public Interests were the undertaking of the Conservatory carried on as a going concern in the name of and by means of the Corporation of the Conservatory though controlled and managed by the University, It Is hereby declared that It Is the intention of the University to continue the Corporation of the Conservatory and to operate and manage Its undertaking in the name of the Corporation as a going concern but this declaration of Intention shall not limit the rights an<l powers of the University now or hereafter existing under which i.t may decide to make changes and to promote the cultivation of the science of musk; and and carry out the other objects of the Conservatory In different ways. The University shall be free to make such arrangements with the Conservatory. Its successors and assigns. In relation to the carrying out of Its objects as the Unlver slty may from time to time deem best. The Unlver^ly agrees that separate accounts shall, from time to time, be kept of the assets and liabilities relating to or connected with the carrying out of 164

the intention of tliis clause, and that the assets or tbeir proceeds, and any net profits which may result from the operations shall be used only in connection with the purposes aforesaid, and not for other purposes of the Unlvertlty.

7. The Government of Ontario shall be requested by the University on its own behalf, and on behalf of the other parties hereto, to promote the passing of an Act of the Legislature of Ontario confirming this agreement, and all transfers, assign- ments and conveyances and guarantees executed in pursuance hereof, and authorizing the University and the parties hereto to carry out the same according to its true intent and meaning, and conferring upon the University such powers with reference to the same, and to the future management and operation of the undertaking of the Conservatory as the University and the Governors may decide.

8. This agreement shall take effect after it is authorized or confirmed by Act of the Legislature of Ontario and not before. In the meantime, the Conservatory agrees to carry on its undertaking In the usual course, and not to incur liabilities other than In the ordinary course of business, save and except what may be incurred in carrying out the plan mentioned in the eighth paragraph hereof. And the Conservatory agrees ifot to pay or distribute any monies or assets to or among its members by way of dividend or otherwise.

9. Unless on or before the expiration of six months after this agreement takes effect as aforesaid transfers from members con- stituting not less than 67 per cent, of the entire membership of the Conservatory liave been made under clause one of this agree- ment, and unless bondholders holding bonds of not less than 51 per cent, of the entire outstanding bonds have signed this agree- ment and presented their bonds for guarantee under clause five hereof, the University or the Conservatory may at any time there- after withdraw from this agreement at the expiration of thirty days' written notice, of the intention to withdraw, given by one to the other, and at the expiration of such thirty days' notice this agreement shall cease and become void, but during such thirty days transfers from members may be made and bondholders may sign and present bonds for guarantee, and the deficiencies may be thereby made up and thereupon this agreement shall continue in force.

In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their seals under the hands of their proper officers respectively.

Signed. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of:


Schedule referred to in the annexed agreement dated day

of , 1919, between The Toronto Conservatory of

Music and the Board of Governors of the University of Toronto.


All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Toronto, in the County of York and more particularly described as follows, that is to say:

Firstly: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of laud' situate lying and being in the City of Toronto, in the County of York, being composed of the easterly portion of, Lot Number Three situate on the south side of College Street as represented on a plan of the survey of a range of lots fronting on the said street, being a part of Park Lot Number Twelve, prepared by J. G. Chewett, P.L.S., dated 2'6th day of June, 1831, and filed in the Registry Office for said city, and which said parcel may be more particularly described as follows, that is to say: Commencing on tlie southerly limit of the said street at a stone monument planted at the north-easterly angle of said Lot Number Three; thence westerly along the southerly limit of said street one hundred and eleven feet six and one-half inches to the centre of the westerly gate post of gateway leading into the premises; thence southerly parallel to the easterly limit of said Lot Three a distance of two hundred and nine feet two inches to the southerly boundary there- of; thence easterly following said southern boundary one hundred and eleven feet six and one-half inches, more or less, to the westerly limit of Queen Street Avenue; thence northerly along the westerly limit of said Avenue two hundred and nine feet two inches, more or less, to the place of beginning.

Secondly: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying and being in the City of Toronto, in the County of York and Province of Ontario, containing by ad- measurement 19.351 square feet, be the same more or less, being compo.sed of the westerly portion of Lot Number Three situate on tho south side of College Street according to a plan of part of Park Lot Number Twelve prepared by J. G. Chewett, P.L.S., dated 26tli .Tune. 18«1. and filed in the Registry Office for the said City of Toronto as Number One, and which said parcel or tract of land and premises may be more particularly known and described as follows, that is to say: Commencing at a point in the southerly limit of said Street, which is distant one hundred and eleven feet six and one-half inches westerly, measured along said limit of the said Street from a stone monument planted at the north-easterly angle of the said Lot Number Three; thence southerly parallel to the easterly limit of the said Lot Number Three a distance of two hundred and nine feet two Inches to the southerly boundary there of; thence westerly along the southerly boundary of the said Lot ninety-two feet five and one-half inches to the fence defining the easterly boundary of the premises formerly owned by the Honour- able J. B. Robinson; thence northerly following the said fence defining the said boundary of the said premises two hundred and nine feet two Inches to the southerly limit of the said College Street; thence easterly along the said limit of the said Street ninety-two feet two inches to the place of beginning.

Thirdly: All and singular those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of Toronto, in the County of York, more fiully described as follows, that Is to say. being that part of Ix)t " F " on the north side of Orde Street as shown on plan numbered forty nine (49) registered In the Kaatern Division of the Registry Office for the said City of Toronto, more particularly described as follows: 154

(o) Commencing at the Intersection of the north side of Ord< Street with the west side of Queen Street College Avenue, formerly called ColleKe Avenue, then west along the north side of Orde Street seventy-eight feet and six inches (78 ft. 6 in.), more or less.

to a point where the said northerly limit of Orde Street is iri - '

by the production southerly of the centre line of the par- between the briclt house erected on the land hereby desi ;...- the house attached thereto on the westerly side thereof; t northerly along the said centre line of the partition \v:i!i .u, production on the said centre line and the pi one hundred and seventy feet (170 ft.), more or 1' i

limit of the property owned by the said party ol liie second pari thence easterly along the southerly limit of the fiald property ( ' the said party of the second part seventy-eight feet six ii' (78 ft. 6 in.), more or less, to the westerly 'limit of said t^ Street Avenue, formerly called College Avenue; thence soutlierl. along the westerly boundary of said Avenue one hundred and seventy feet (170 ft.), more or less, to the place of beginning.

(b) Commencing at a point in the northerly limit of Ordt- Street at the distance of one hundred and forty-five feet six inches, more or less, measured westerly along said northerly limit from the westerly limit of Queen Street College Avenue; thence north sixteen degrees, west one hundred and nineteen feet three inches (119 ft. 3 in.), more or less, to where a stake has been planted at the distance of fifty feet (50 ft.), measured southerly from the southerly limit of the property formerly owned by the late Wliliani Paterson; thence westerly parallel to said southerly limit sixty one feet (61 ft.), more or less, to the line of a board fence on the westerly limit of the herein described property; thence north four teen degrees thirty minutes west fifty feet (50 ft.), more or less, to the southerly limit of the property formerly owned by the late William Paterson; thence north seventy-four degrees east one hundred and twenty-seven feet seven inches (127 ft. 7 in.), more or less, along tlie said southerly limit of the said Paterson's land to a point in the said southerly limit where the same is inter- sected by the production northerly of the centre line of the parti tion wall between the brick house built on the property herein described and that built on the property to the east thereof; thence soutlierly in a straight line to the centre line of the said partition wall at the rear of and between the said brick hou.ses; then still southerly along the centre line of the partition wall and the pro- duction thereof southerly to the northerly limit of Orde Street; thence westerly along said northerly limit sixty-seven feet (67 ft.), more or less, to the place of beginning; subject to a right of way heretofore granted to William Munro, his heirs and assigns, from Orde Street over the westerly eight feet six inches (8 ft. 6 in.) of the above-described lands to the depth of one hundred and nine- teen feet (119 ft.).

Fourthly: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the City of "foronto. in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part of Lot " F " east of Murray Street according to a plan of Park Lot Number Twelve, and registered in the Registry Office for the City of Toronto as Number 55, and which said parcel or tract of land and premises may be more particularly known and described as follows, that is to sayt Commencing at a point on the north limit of Orde Street distant one hundred and forty-five feet six inches (145 ft. 6 in.) westerly from University Avenue, formerly called Queen Street College Avenue; thence westerly along the said north limit of Orde Street sixty feet one inch (60 ft. 1 in.); thence northerly parallel to the westerly limit of University Avenue one hundred and nineteen feet three inches (119 ft. 3 in.) to the lands described in Parcel 3 (&) herein; thetice easterly parallel to the north limit of Orde Street sixty feet one inch (60 ft. 1 in.); thence southerly parallel to the west limit of University Avenue one hun- dred and nineteen feet three inches (119 ft. 3 in.) to the place of beginning. 164

And all other lands and premises belonging to the Conservatory on the south-west corner of College Street and University Avenue, together with the whole of the assets, real and personal, of the Conservatory, and the whole undertaking thereof, including the good-will of the same, and also all franchises, rights, privileges, powers, immunities and other corporate and other privileges now held or enjoyed by the said Conservatory.

All furniture, muscial instruments and general equipment used by the Conservatory and owned by them, and now situated in their buildings.



1. The said mortgages for $19,000 and $12,000 nipiitioiipd in the said annexed agreement.

2. Any amounts due the bondholders referred to In the annext-fi agreement.


3. Amounts due teachers who by the usual custom are paid off at the close of every ten week term.


Form ok Gttarantek.

For valuable consideration the Board of Governors of the I'liiM sity of Toronto hereby guarantee to the holder of the within bond, for the time being, the due payment of the principal thereof on the date when, under the terms thereof, and of the option given to the Conservatory by said bond and the Trust Deed securing the the same, the principal will become due. and of the interest there- on at the rate of two per cent, per annum as the same matures.

This guarantee shall enure to the benefit of the present holder of this bond, and of any future holder thereof for the time being.

Signed on behalf of the Board of Governors, the Chairman Vice- Chairman or Acting Vice-Chairman and Bursar

Dated this day of . AD. 1»19.



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No. 155.


1 1> 1 !).

An Act respecting Industrial Refuges for Fcniaks.


JS MA'Il'^STV. l)v jiimI willi tlic inlvicc :iii«l cniisciil ni' tlie Legislative x\sscmbly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

Short titl.

Interpiflii- tion.


1. This Act niav bo cited as 77/c Fcmnlcs Itefuijcs Art.

2. In tliis Act,

" IjltliKstrial Kefiiirc " shall niciui an institution for ilic care of females, designated bv the Lieutenant' Governor in Council as an iii-tlniiii>n t^ which females may be committed under this Act;

" Inspector " shall me^n the inspector designated by the"ln«pector.' Minister under The Prisons and PuhHf^ Chari- ties Inspeciion Act, to whom is assigned the duty of inspecting institutions under this Act;

"Minister" shall mean the member of the c\c(Mttivc"MiniHtfr." council charged for the time Immul; with ibt- ad- ministration of this Act ;

" Tndge " sliall inclnde Judge of the Supreme Court, "judge." Judge of a County or District (omt. ami a Police Magistrate. (Neir.)

"Superintendent" shall mean nuition ,,v utlier person "8u|>er in - in charge of an industrial refuge. 3-4 Geo. V, c. 79, 9. 2.

3. (1) Anv female between the ages of fifteen andctommit- » 1 I'll 1 1 1 ment of

thirtv-nve voars. 'sentenced or liable to l»e «entcncfH) to iin-femHi*'< to

11*1 1 •.! 1 1nduiitrlal

prisonment in ;i < inmon gaol by a judge, ni:i\ I'e <Minmnte«i refuges.

to an Tndii<Mi;il K'ctuge for an indefinite period not eM-eeding two vears. K'.S.CX, cap. 289. ( hnciulrd.) 16S

And of Inmates of industrial Hohools.

(2) All iiim,ii< of an Industrial School for <>iil- mav i>e transferif <l "n warrant signed by the Inspector to an indus- trial Rel'ugr, tliero to be detained for the unexpired portion of the term of imprisonment to which she was t5entenced or committed. R.S.O., 1914, cap. 289.

Religion of (3\ Jfo Protestaiit female shall be committed or trans- f(;ri-ed under this Act to a Roman (Jatholie institution and IK) Hoinaii ( 'iitliolic foinalo shall be eoniniiftd ^^r tiiui^ff-rn-.I to a Proi<-!.iiii iii.-iitiition. R.S.O., 1911. <-a\>. l'

Release 4. (\) 'I'lic Iii-ihti. .c iii:i\ ;ii anv liiuc'

of inmates ' . •'

onparole. on p^ir^'ic <.| ;iii\ | iri--iifi' iijm.ii such coiidr

deemed proper. {i\ew.)

r,!c|- the I'CUmm'

Re- taking Inmates on breach of conditions of parole.

(2) Evciv laiMlo {^ranted to a ]>ri8oner shall be condi- tional wIumIut .so t'X|)ressed or not and a person who fails to observe the conditions of parole may be taken into custody on warrant :?igned by the Iiispe<'tor of Prisons and Public Charities and luiiy bo returnefl to the Industrial Rcfnfr,.. (New.)

"onXct°*^ 'i^) ^ correct record of the conduct of llic Im.i.it.^ of the Industrial Refusre shall be kept with a vie rmittinir

any inmate to l)o rclca^erl on jiarole by the iiis]ii i-r. n.S.O.. 1914, cap. 289.

byljrder^of ^- T'lif T^i<'"tciinnt-Govemor may at any time order that olfv^eV^ni??**' '^^y !'<'i"^">' \\'1"» li=is been committefl or transferred to an

Industrial Refime shall be discharceri. 3-4 Geo. A', r. 79.

8. 6.

Transfer to Ami* t-.i i^ i

gaol or o. The mi]>ector mav direct the removal of anv inmate

le orma ory.^i^^ prove? uumaun2reable or ineorricnble from an Industrial Refuire to a eommou eraol or to the Andrew "M"ereer Ontario Reformatory for Females. 3-4 Oeo. V". c. 79. ^. fi.

Female bailiff to make


T. Any female bailiff to whom the warrant of the rx^lice maeristrate or the inspector is directed mav convev to the Tudustrinl Refuire named in the warrant the pcv-..^^ TTimed therein and deliver her to the superintendent. V,

c. 79, s. 7.

Ilcap^d"'^® °^ 8. An inmate who escapes from an Industrial Refuare mav inmates. y^^ acrain arrested without anv warrant bv anv peace officer and returned to the Refusre. 8-4 Oeo. Y. c. 79, «. S.

Uon'^f"'*' 9. (•[) A le«rallv nnalified medical practitioner liaviu-

custody.'" ^^e ^^^^ <^f ^^f health of the inmates of an Industrial Refuire shall examine all inmates within three davs after their ad- 159


mission lo ilic Iiofiiiic and cvt'rv six nioinlis ihorojjfter. ( Xew.)

(2 The su])oriiifoii(loiit shall forward to tlic inspei'lor, thc'^*''""^»*« medical practitioner's il-ports of every inmate within three forwarded days after the exaniination as i>res('ril)e«l l»y snl.section -| t«>'"»P*''=t«''- (New.)


10.- ( 1) The Lieutenant-Governor in Cwiincil niav an-.

11 1 ,• 1 ^ Appolnt-

j)i»iiit a hoard comprised or thi*ee persons as follows: Tliomentof

1 i 1 II I (• 1 !• 1 . aboard.

inspwtor and two le<ialiy (lualificd mtHlica] ])ractiti oners.

{■2\ I'hc liMar.l -hall review tindin^s of ilu' medical i)rac- powers of litionei- a- pi'.Ai.lcd for in se<'. 9 and for .-m-li pnrposes may ^''^ ''°'^'"''- examine inmates and shall have access to all insiiimional records pertaining to the persons brought luMoic ilicm.

(3) The board may make such recommendations to the^oardmay

, ..i . II . , <• . , make recom-

inspector with respe<'t to all inmates examined a-j aforesaid mendations as may be deemed proper. inspector.

(4) The ins])ector, upon recommendation of the board J^|p«^^°^,p,

may direct the removal of any feeble-minded inmate to the'nmates

TTo^pital for Foeble-Minded. for feeble-


(Til I he inspc^'tor U|M">n re<'onnnendation of ihe boarcH"-''"®'''"'' ,

. ^ ' . . ^ may transfer

iii:i\' d I reel I lie removal ot an\' inmate who is >iincrini;' from 'nniate.s

II- 1 I ,• . ' to *

X'cncrcal disca-c \>> a lio>jiil:i! \i>v \n-nurr iiTatment. general


(G) The corporation of the municij)ality in which an in-^'^iinten- mate transferred to an hospital receivini: aid was at the time of commitment resident, shall be liable for the maintenance of the said inmate and the provisions of the JfospUaJ and (■hariiable Iiistilntiuns Act with res))e«'t \n maintenance are hereby made ai)plical)le thereto.

11.— (1) No inmate shall be discharged from an Tndiis-i'f«{^;;|;?^g trial Refuge if she has sy|)hilitic or other venereal disease ^^'ifJifi'"'^'"''^

is -iitrciiiii;: from anv contagious or inf(<n>!i- diseases or haseertaJn any acnic or dangerous illness, but --he shall remain in the Indii-n-ial Refuge until a leirally (|nalilied medical practi- liiMicr (,ii ilic -lalf <d' iIic RcfiiLic liivi'- :i writicn ccri i tir'aic that such inmate has siitHcicntly re<*o\ cred trom flic disease <»r illness to l)e di.scharge<l : and any inmate remaining from any such cause in the Industrial Refuge -hall continue to be under its discipline and control. .")-4 (!<■<•. \'. c. 7-V -^ "

.„ ri.i 1 1 II ,• it- Medical

(2) 1 he superintendent shall forward to the uispi' i.,i i MeprMtltion-

medical practitioner's reports of all persons delainetl. as pnt-tobefor- vide<l for in the foregoing section, onco every thirty days. gj^,jjpj^ (New,) »««••


12. riju .-ujM'riiilcudt'at tjhail I'urwanl lu the iuspector all


to be I- J' 1 I . . ^ . ...

irti wanUii wuri'aiits providint' lor the admission of any inmate withm

to ltv<pi»rtor. , I v I 1 / \^ N

I luce <lavs ot such admission. (Aew.)

13. \u j)er.son shall he admitted to an Industrial Refuge

No one to be

?xi^pton ''•'^*'t'l>l «'>! warrant signed by a jud^'o or transfer warrant

warrnnt. # si<»li('(l Itv the inspec'tor. (New.)

Refuges to be

14. I^ory liulustrial Kefuge shall be a House of Correc- correcuon ''"" ''"' '''^' P"»"P^5>o «»f J'l'isoii.s (i)ul Reformatories Act of Canada. R.8.0,, 1914, cap. 289. sec. 12.

Regula- tions.

15. X(» liv-hiws or regiilatinns of the trustees or other liovt'iiiiiig h(Mlv having the c-tmtrol or management of an In- dustrial Kefuge for the government management and discip- line of such institution or as to maintenance, employment, classification, instruction, correction, |)unishment and reward of persons detained therein shall be in writing and no such by-law shall li;i\c \'>vci- m' ciicri mile-- ami until approved by the Lieiitciiaiii ( io\('i-iinr in (onncii npon the report of the iiisj)e(^tor.

Who may be com- mitted.

16. (Ij An\ [K'l.^cMi juay bring Ix'fore a judge any female under the age of thirty-tive years who (Si'ir)

(<i'\ ]< found begging or receiving alms or being in any -treet or public place for the purj)0.se of begging or receiving alms;

ib) is an habitual drunkard or by reason of other vices

i> leadinu an idle and dis-ohite life.

Enquiry to be made.

(2) A'o formal information shall be roijuisite but the judge shall have ibe person brought before hiui and shall in the |»resenco of such [terson lake evidence in writing under oath, of tho facts charged and vshall make reasonable enquiry into

the ti-ulli f]i('i-(>or. (Xrir.)

Hearings ('{) The judo:o shall hear all ca>es coniinii- before him

in private. i ,i i-' i / \- \

under tin? soc^tiou m private. (.\r/r.)

to°industHai ^^^ ^^ ^^^ J^^^^G is satisfied on enquiry that it is expedient

refuge. to deal with such person under this Act instead of committing

her to a gaol or reformatory, he may commit such person to

an Industrial Refuge for an indefinite period not exceeding

two years. {New.)

depos?fions ^^ '^^^ judgc shall deliver to the person having the forwarded t'-^et'ution of the warrant the dopo«ition« taken by him or a

cortiHed copy thereof, which depositions or copy shall be delivered to the s\iperintendent or officer- receivinir ^nch person into the Industrial Reformatory. (Ncn-. )

18. Any parent or guardian may bring before a judge j5ardian°' any female under the age of twenty-one yciir- wlio proves ^a^gj'be^ unmanageable or incorrigible and the judge may jn-oceed as^®*"®^"^^^ provided in sees. 16 and 17.

19. The Female Refuges Arf, being chapter 289 of TAp Repealed. Revised Sfatutes of Ontario, is repealed.





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S2{ P


Xo. 156. 1919.


An Act to Amend The Marriage Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of tlie Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as llie Mnnidge Law .Imc/j/^^ Short title. nienf Arf, 1919.

2.— ( 1) Snbsection 1 of section 15 of The Maniaf/e Act isc.^is^^''^' amended by adding after the word *' consent " in the third l-^ln^p^^; lino the words '' in writing," and by adding after the w'ord c<^««"t io "required" in the fifth line the words 'Mo be obtained of minor from the father, mother or guardian." eighteen.

(2) Subsection 2 ul the said section 15 is amended bye. i48. adding after the word '' consent " in the first line, the wordsamended. *' in writing " and by adding at the end of the subsection

the following words: " and the evidence of the facts neces- sary to satisfy the issuer or deputy issuer shall l>e taken down in writing and nut in the form of a sworn declaration. P'""«*"f*'o"

~ ' .of evWenco

to which declaration shall be attached a properly authenti-of con^«nt. cated certificate of birth, all of which shall be forwarded to the Registrar-General."

(3) Subsection 3 of the said section 15 is amended byjY«?*** ' adding at the end thereof the words " and the evidence f^f JmJnded. the facts necessary to satisfy the issuer or deputy issuer •'*'i"ll Evidence bo taken down in writing and put in the form of a sworn raquJred declaration, to which declaration shall be attached a properly connent authenticated certificate of birth, all of which shall be ff)r-b5"|{ivl»n. warded to the Registrar-General."


(4) Subsection 4 of the said section 15 is amended l>v J«^.^»*"'- adding after the word " consent " in the first line the words ■•^J^^n^ " in writing," and by adding after the word " required " in

the first lino the words " to be obtained as aforesaid," and by adding at the end of the siib'-oftion the following words;


Where parents not renl- <lent In Ontario

Uev. Stat., c. 148. H. 16, amended.


certiflcatf of hirth of party



U' CVKlcllCf


nfit-.-iii\ i<

Slil-I\ tilt-

issMcr or deputy issuer shall be takou <l<»\vn in writing and put in the form of* a sworn declaration, to which declaration shall he attached a |»r<)perl,v authenticated certificate of birtli. all of which shall he forwarded to the llegistrar-CJencral.'"

( ."> ) ScclidM I ."( oi Tilt' MdKii'ii/f Arl is aUM'tidcd \>\ ;uhl- iiiir thereto the fnllowini: >ul»scciiuii :

( .'» ) Where such cttHseut in writiiii: i> U(ces-iir\

<»htaine»i as recpiired l)y tlu' i»recediuii suhserMmn-, *4' this section, the jtarty (ir parties uud<T the aire of eighteen years ai)plying for a license (»r certificate shall produce and tile with the issuer or (leptity issuer of inarria«re licenses, a properly authenticated certificate of hirth which shall he forwarded iii due course to the Kenistrnr- Cieneral,

It.-*- Stat. <: 14 8. anionded.

I'.'iiaUy f(i



or .soleinn-





Rev. Stat., c. 148. s. 19 (5). amended. Production of certifi- cate of birth.

3. 77/c MiinitKic .\(l is niiiciide*! hy adiliuL: thereto iIm folIowiiiLi >(•(■! loll : - -

1 <■>/>. If any issiiei- or deputy issiu-r of marriage liceu.-c- or certificates issues a license or certificate fur a marriage contrary to any of the provisions of th. said sections 15 and Hi. or if any clergyman minister of the gospel ur other person having the right to s<»leninize a marriage, solemnizes any niai'i-iage without such license, certificate or puh- lication of hanus as re<piired hv this Act, or sol- enmi/.es any marriage hetween parties, one or hoth of whom is or are under the age of eigliteen years, without the consent in writing of the ])areiit or guardian, as recpiired hy section l."» or any other ])rovision of this Act. he or they shall forfeit and ]>ay f(n- every such oflFencc a sum of $2,000. and .shall also V)o liable to im- prisonment for any term not exceeding twelve months and not less than three months, and the uiariMage of any ^ndi person or j)ersons under the age of eighteen years without such consent shall he absolutely null and void to all intents and ])urposes.

4. {>ub.«iection .". of section 10 of TJte Jfarriage Act is am- ended by adding thereto the f<^llowing words, " to be obtained from the panMit or guardian " after the word *' re(]uired '' in the third line, and by adding at the end thereof the words. ■* and a ])roperly authenticated certiticate of birth -hall al>.. be produced and annexed to the said affidavit.''


5.— (1) Subsection 1 uf section .'.i; ot The Marriage Act^^^^^^*^' is auioudcd bv addiiii*" after the word "' intermarry'' in the8-36(i).

II- 'i It 1 1- i" 11 1 amended.

seventh line, the words, such torm ot marriage shall be ab- solutely null and void to all intents and purposes and," andDeci;ii:.ii..ii by adding at the end thereof the following words, '' and that®' ,""|.','^'^,.. such form of marriage was and is a))solutely null and void to all intents and purposes."

(2) Subsection 3 of the said se('ti(m '>(» is amended bye. 148. adding after the word ''ceremony" the words ''but in all amended, other ca.ses, subject to the i)rovisions of this Act, the Supreme ^T^'^^" Court shall l»c Ixtnud to grant the relict" asked for." !.'!^","'""

6. Se«-tioii :!7 ot" The Marruujc Ad is aiiiciHicd by adding !;• thereto the following subsection: amended!^'

((?) If either |>aitv fails, negic<i> oi- refuses to giveCJourt nm.v evidence in support of their ca.*^e the action may where proceed and a judgment, declaration or adjudi-faiHo* cation shall be made or given upon the evidence f'^^^^pj, submitted by either the plaint iff or defendant.

7. 'j"li(> aiiiciiiliii('iii> made liv >('ciioii- .". nnd C. nt' ilii~ .\ci Appncaiion 1 11 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 !• .-1 of amend-

sliall ap])ly to and govern all the rights and rciuedics ol fhementsto

l)arties in all actions and legal |M'oceediugs already commenced proceedings, and now pending and being carried on in the Supreme Court or on any ai)])eal therefrom, or that may at any time hereafter be commenced, for a declaration and adjudication in accord- ance with the provisions of .section 15 and .-section '{(t and the f«»llo\vinir sc«'tir>)is of Tlw Marnnqc Arl.


2 ^


2"^ I'

2i 5- !^

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O o



--0 --^ -^


73 _



An Act to amend The Toronto and Hamilton Highway Commission Act.

ILJ IS MAJES'l'V. l>v and with the luh it:e ami <-onseut of -*• -*■ tlic I,o.i>is]ativo Asscinhly of the Province of Ontario.

ciiMcis a.s follow??:

1. 8nbse<:-tiou 9 of section 18 of The Toronto and //ami/-:. Geo. v.

/nil /lifj/iinii/ Coiinnission Acl. as enacted bv (> Geo. V.^Vs! "' ""' c. l<i. s. :.. and amended hy S CJeo. V. e. 18. s. 10. is fnrther*'"*'"''^'**- amended by strikin<i- out all the words after the word " road- way " in the fifth line and inserting in lieu thereof the follow- inii' words. " inclndiiii: the shares to be borne both by the ]*n>\ ince of Ontario and by the municipal corporations or any (if tliciii of the cost of

((I.) Acquiring hy ])nrchase or expropriation any land, riirhts or easements;

(//) Moviiiii the tracks of any electric railway or street railway;

i '■) The replacement. re<-iiiistrni'ii<(ii. iiihiriicnicnt or alteration of bridges ;is piov idfl liy section 11, and the approaches thereto ;

and also including the cost of constructing any work under an agreement made in pursuance of section 24 and for all

simis Ixirrowcfl may fn>m time to time i<sne debenfun's."

2. S.<ti..ii 10 of The 'Toronto mul l/>tiniUoii Highway ^om-^ "jj|'^^|j, inission Act, as enacted by G Geo. V, c. 16, s. 6, and amended a m»i»dc«i. by 7 Geo. V, c. 10, s. 0^ and by 8 Geo. V, c. 18, 8. 11, is

fiii-ih<M- ani<nd«'d bv ;tddinir the follf>wiii«r as subsection (8a) :

( S// ) riic hi('iit«'nant-(iov« rnor in (oniu'il niav dire<'t8uni»pay- that anv sum pavanle l»v the ( nmnus»ion as Usfund for im- share ol the '■'<~\ "I iii"\iiii^ th.' iiM-'k- n\ anv of htRhwjivK. 157

street railway or electric railway and of grading and (»tlicr work incidental to or made necessary ])y such removal or of the cost of constructing, re])lacing, reconstructing, (mlarging or altering any bridge njxm the roadway, or of the cost of construction of an entrance to the City of Ham- ilton or any sum payalile hy the Commission under any order of tlie Ontario Railway and .^^unieipal Board shall l)e paid out of the funds appropriated for the improvement of j)ublic highways by section 15 of Hie Jfir/hwai/ Improve- ment Act,

3, Subsection

6 Geo. V.

v.. 18, s. 21,

^^■^' J/diiiilton Ilicfhivaii ('oiiiml.s.sl

amended. n i i i i r . . ,,

out all the words tlierein after the word commission in

of .section i* I of 77<e Toronto and oil .\rl is amended by striking

tlie fourth line.

5 Geo. y, 4.. Section 21 of Tlie Toronto and llanidtoii liujka'aii

amended.' Commission Act, as amended by 8 Geo. V, c. 18, s. 12 and 13, is further amende.! \>y adding the following as sub- section 8 :

Power to Issue fJcbeii- tuies for 40 years for certain works.

Where the wnik i- the widening of llie Highway as provided by subsection 8 of section 1), or the replacement, reconstruction, enlargement or alterati'on of any bridge as provided by subsec- tion 1 of section 11, the municipal corporation liable may issue debentures ])ayable in not more than forty years from the date thereof for the purpose of providing for the cost and the in- terest thereon, and any such by-law shall be in accordance with the provisions of The Municipal Act or The Local Improvem^^ni Act, as the case may he, except that it shall not be necessary to obtain the assent of the electors thereto.

5 Geo. V. c. 18, amended.

5. The Toronto and Hamilton Highway Commission Act is amended by adding the following as section 19a:

Special rate according to as.sessed value.

19a. (1) Where a municipal corporation is author- ized under any provision of this Act to levy a special rale under The Local Improvement Act, such special rate may be levied upon the land fibutting directly on the work or immediately benefited by the work, according to its assessed value, instead of a special rate per foot frontage as provided by The Local Improvement Act.


(2) The council slial! (lcr< iiiiin.' wluir laiul (.thor thaiiApportion- ^ -' _ _ ... ment oi cost,

that abutting directly on the work i.>; iinnic<li-

ately lu-nefited by the work and shall ai)i)orti<«n

the cost in the manner jtrovided \<\ -(•[inn- l'T.

28 and 29 of The Local Impron'mcnt AvI. and

except as to the levyinji; of the special rate as

set out in subsection 1 the provisions of V'Ac

Local Jmprovcmrnf Art shall ap|>ly.


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No. 158, li)H>.


An Act to amend the School Laws.

TJ IS ^lAJESTY. bv aud witJi the advice and eonsent of •*■ ■*• the Legislative Assemhly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act mav l)e cited a? Ilw Sdionl Lmr A nKin/ninif^i^ori utu-. Act, 1919.

2. Section 6 of Tlie Department of Education Act is amended bv inserting therein the following clanscs:

{n) Subject to the Ivcuiihuions, to apportion and \)ix\ out of anv niunev appropriated for that purpose grants for classes established under Thr Auxiliary Classes Acl and amendments thereto:

(m) To appoint officers for the purpose of medical and dental inspection in public and separate schools throughout Ontario and to prt^^cribe the duties of such officers, and to fix ;ind \r,\\ their salaries, and to pay the travelling mikI mhcr exj)en-es of such officei*s and the expenses incidental l.t medical and dental inspe<-tion in public ;ind separate schools throughout Ontario,

3. The clause lettered m-2 in subsection 1 ^i swtion fi of The Department of Edv<<ilinn Act as aniende<l by section 2 of The School Lairs Amendment Act. WIS. is amended by striking out the words " travelling, living and other ex- penses" in the second and third lines, and inserting in lieu thereof the words " travelling and other exjMMises and su<*h per diem allowance as may be fixed by the Minister for living expenses."

4. The Department of Education Act is amended by add- ing thereto the following section :

6a. Notwithstanding anything in this Act or in any other Act contained, the Minister may, in his discretion, grant,

(a) a temporary certiricuto of qualilifutiou as a toachor to any person who, although not a British subject, has applied for nat-tiral izatioii and whose a7)plication for natural ization is pending, where tho Minister deems tho employment of such person neces sary fi^v <iuvl})l rcMs'>ji«: or

(h) a eerlitnale of (|iiuliti(;ution as a teacher of French, Italian or Spanish to any person who is not a British subject and who pos- sesses the other (pialifications prescribed by the Regulations and who has served in th(? military or naval forces of Great Britain or MTiy of lier Allien durinir tlie On-nt War.

5. Sections 7 and 8 of 'I'ln- Pe/^MiHiiient of Educatian Act are repealed.

6. (1) The Department of Education Act is amended by adding thereto the following section:

College of Educatioti.

8a (1) The Minister, with the approval of the Lioitenant-Governor in Council, may estab- lish and conduct a College of Education for the professional training and instruction of teachers and for that purpose may,

(a) Acquire by purchase or otherwise, or appro- priate any lands, buildings or other real or personal property which he may deem neces- sary ;

(6) Establish, erect and maintain all buildings, and provide such equipment, plans and appliances as he mny deom expedient:

(c) Appoint officers, professors, instructors and teachers for the College ;

(d) Provide for the affiliation of the College with any Fniversity or enter into arrange- ments for the use of any primar}- or second- ary school for practice teaching purjK)ses or for the services of teachers in any secondary school as lecturei-s or instructors in the college ;


(e) 1 'ri,-! rilic ill.' course of training and stiidv

toy -iihlciii- ;i!t(Mi(]iiiii- siicli ('(illco:e;

(/i <irant diplomas, certifit ait- or other evi- dences of proficiency to riie students, teachers and ijraduates of such College;

(g) Generally, with the approval of the Lieu- tenant-(Jovernor in (Council, do all such things and enter into all such agreements and arrana-oments as may he deemed advis- al)lc for estahlinhing, maintaining, equip- ping, fiiniisliini: and condnciing any such college.

(2) The expenses of establishing a College, the acquiring of pro^perty, plans, appliances and equipment therefor, the salaries of the officers, professors, instructors, teachers and servants of the College and the maintenance thereof shall be payable out of such moneys as may be appro- pfriated by the Legislature for the i)nr|>oses of the College of Education.

(2) Snhscciiim 2 of section 4 of 77/r Di'itiirltncni of Education Arl 1- amended by insertiui:' at'tor ihc words "normal school> '" in the second lino iho WMid- •• ihc (^oll^e of "Rdnr-ation.''

Arncndmpntft to Piihlir Srhools Art.

7. Subsection 2 of section 7 of The Public Schools Arl is amended by inserting after the word '' engaged " at the end of tlio rliird line ilio words "and evew day upon which a school is dosed under the provisions of 77/' J'uhlic Ifralth Act or the Regulations of the Department >>\ IMncation."

8. Subsection 6 of section 1.5 of The Puhlir Srhoi,ls Art as enacted by section 41 of The Sfatvh l.n>r Amendment Act, 1917, is amended by strinking out the figures "21" in the last lino and «nbatitutinir therefor the fi<j»ire« " 22."

9. The clause lettered a in sidwwtion 20 of 77<<' Puhlir Schools Act as amended by section 50 of Thr Sintute Law Amendmeni .\<l . i '>!.!,. and by section 42 •>( Tin Statute l^aw Amendmrut Arl. If>r:. is repeah-d and the tollMwinii- ^ubHti- tufed theref oi- :


(a) A union arhocA section may include any of the follow iiiti. namely, an organized township or .iii\ [>;ij I tlu'ieof, or two or more organized town- ships or parts thereof; an unorganized township or any part thereof, or two or more unorganized townships or parts thereof, unsurveyed territory, and a town or village, and the union school sec- tion may be altered or dissolved, and in such ease the petition of the ratepayers for the part of the uni<»n school section not included in an urban municipality or organized township, shall be presented to the Inspector.

10. Subsections 1 ;m.l -J ,>\ Mvii..,, 23 of The Public Schools: Act are ropoalcl ;uui tlir toilowing substituted there- for:

(1) WIhmc it'iriiuiv which it is proposed to form into a union school section, or which it is proposed to alter or dissolve, comprises an organ- ized (M- unorganized township or any part thereof, and an urban municipality, or lies in more than one county or in a district, the Board, or any five ratepayers in the union school section or territory concerned, (»r any insi)ector or in- spectors, may at any time apj)eal to the Minister from any award made by arbitrators for or against the formation, alteration or dissolution of such section, or against the refusal or neglect of the council or councils concerned to appoint arbitrators or for the dissolution or nltor;itioii of any existing union school section.

(2) The Minister may in his discretion alter, determine or confinn such award, or where no award has been made he may ap|xiint not more than three arbitrators who shall have all the powers of arbitrators ap|>ointed under section 21, and a decision of n nmjority of them ^h^]\ be final and conclii-iv c

11, Subsection 4 of section 47 of The PuhJir Schools Ad is re|)eiile(l and the following sui)stituted therefor:

(4) Nothing herein contained shall be taken or deemed to limit or affect the power of the council of any municipality in making grants for the purposes of public schools within the municipality, and the council of any munici- pality may make grants as it may deem expe- dient for such purposes, and mav assess, lev\ 158

and collect the sums required to pay the same bv general rate upon all taxable property of pnbli.- school supj>orters in the municipality.

(4a) The purposes for which the rate men- tioned in subsection 4 may be raised shall in- clude, but shall not be deemed to be limited to the establislnnent and maintenance of school cor- porations, aiding- new or weak schools, or con- tinuation schools or fifth classes in the muni- cipality, or the supplementing of teachers' salaries i>v rctiriuir nllowances.

12. Where in an urban municipality there are persons entered on the assessment roll as public school supporters and there is no public sch<x)l to which public school rates levied by the council of the municipality can be applied, there shall be assessed, levied, and collected annually upon the property of all persons assessed as public school sup- porters in such urban municipality, a rate equal to the aver- age public school rate levied in the county for boards of public school trustees of villages, and of towns not separated from the county and of school sections, and the moneys so raised shall be set apart or invested by the council of the municipality in the manner provided by section 309 of The Municipal Act.

13. Subsection 1 of section TtO of The Public Schools Acl as enacted by sei^tion 2 of the Act passed in the eighth year of His ^lajesty's reign, chapter 52, is amended by adding at the end thereof the words '' but no ratepayer or farmer's son shall be entitled to vote at an election of public school trustees in any rural schord section, or upon any school question who is not a British subject."

14, Subsection 4 of section 62 of The Public Schools Act is rejienled and the following substituted therefor:

(4) In a city having a popnlfltion of 20,000 or over, and until a resolution has been passed Milder subsection 1 in n city having a population of less than 20,000, and in a town, the trusttn*^ shall continue to bo elected by wards notwith- standing that aldermen and members of the <'oun- cil are electerl l)y general vote and not Ity wards.

15, Subsection 2 of section .'>2 of The lliqh SchooU Act is amended by adding as the commencement thereof the word<» *' Every day upon which a school is dosed under the pro- visions of the Public /feallh Ad or iindor the Regulations

of The Department of Education." 168


16. Subsection 2 of section 01 of The Separate Schools Act is Hmende<l l).v adding at tlie commencement thereof the words *' K\ery dav u|)on whicli a sch(X)l is dosed under the provisions of The Public Health Act or under the Ttq^jlations of the Department of Education."

17. Section 5 of The School Sites Art is junended by add- ing thereto tlic fnlldwin^- subsectiouH:

(2) The Board of Education for a city may acquire In- purchase or otherwise, or may expro- j)riat^' land in the townsliip for tlie ])iirpose8 of a school site where such land adjoins a road forming a boundary road l)etwf'C!! ^Im' '-''^ '"'d the township.

(3) Where a Board of Education expropriates land under the provisions of subsection 2, such land shall not be exempt fn>m taxation by the township, but the corporation of the township and the Board of Education may agree upon a fixed annual sum to l>e paid as taxes upon the said land, or in case of disagreement the amount shall be determined by the Judge of the County Court.

18, (1) For the purjx>ses of election of school trustees only, and for no other purpose

(a) That part composed of the Town of Cobalt and a portion of the municipality within the limits of the Corporation of the Town of Cobalt, shall be deemed to be a school section, separated and apart from that part of the said union school section lying within the limits of the Township of Coleman, and the Trnstccs t.> he iAoo\oi] tliore- from a separate board:

(6) That part of the said Union School section ]!^um- ber one, lying within the limits of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Coleman, shall be deemed to be a school section separated and apart from that part of the said union school section lying within the limits of the Town of Cobalt, and the trustees to be elected therefrom a separate board.

(2) The board of trustees of the said union school section

shall be composed of six trustees, of which number there shall

be four trustees elected from that part of the said union

school section lying within the limits of the Corporation of


the Town of Cobalt and two trustees elected from that part of the said union school section l.yin^ within the limits of the Corporation of the Township of Coleman.

(3) Each of the said trustees, except as otherwise provided in The Public Schools Act shall continue in office for two years or until his successor has been elected and the new board organized.

(4) Three trustees shall be elected annually, two from that part of the said union school section lyin<r within the limits of the Corporation of ilir 'I'own ..f Cobalt, nnd one from that part of the said union sclux)l section lyinjr within the limits of the Corporation of the Township of Coleman.

(5) The said Public School Board of ( ol>ali and ('(.lenian Union School Section Number One may, by resolution of which written notice shall be given to the respective (^lerks of the Corporations of the Town of Cobalt and the Townshij^ of Coleman, on or before the first d^y of October in any year, require the election of school trustees for such board to ])e held by ballot on the same days as municijval councillors or aldermen of the municipality from which they are to be elected, are elected, as the case may be.

(6) Such board may in a like niannrr discontinue the use of the ballot on ffivinc notice in writiuir to the said clerks, to that effect, at the time hereinbefore mentioned, and thereafter the elections shall be conduct^.] !h provided in section 60 of The Public Schools Act.

(7) Tf such board re(|uires elections to be held by ballot and elections are so held, no chan^ shall Ix- made in the mode of conductinj? such election for a ]ieriod of three year?, and should the mode of condiiftinjr ele<'tions by ballot be discontinued at any time then the provisions of scetion HO of The Public Schools Act, shall apply for ji ]M'riod of tlirec years at least after such discontinuance.

(s) If iiotiec is n;iven ncinirinfj the ehn'tion t«> lie held by ballot such election shall thereafter l)e held at the same tinu* and place and by the same returning officer or officers and conducted in the same manner as the miinicij)al nominations and elections of aldermen or <*ouncillors of the municipality from which the said trnslees are to be ele<'ted. and the pro- visions of The Mimici/ial Act res|>e<'lin.ir th<' time and manner of holding the ekvtion, indnding the mode of rrn-eiving nom- inations for office, and the resigiujtions of |>ersons nominatetl. vacancies and declarations of qualification and office, shall miitnfis vndancHs applv to the said elections. 158


(9) A separate set of ballot i)ajM?r.s .shall bo prepared bj the clerks of the respective mnnicifmlities from which the said trustees are to be elected for each of the wards or polling subdivisions of tho municipalitv or that part of the muni- cipality from which the trustees are to Im elected, containing tho names of the candidates in the same form mutaljti mutandis as those used for councillors or aldermen and no ballot shall be delivered to any person who is entered on tlic list of voters as a separate school supporter.

(10) The present trustees shall, subject to the provisions of The Public SchooU Act he deemed to have been duly elected, four from that part of the said union school section lying within the limits of the ( orjwration of the Town of Cobalt, and two from that part of the said union sc'hool sec- tion lying within the limifs of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Coleman, and the three trustees whose term of office expires with the j^resent year, shall retire, and thret^ trustees shall be elected in their stead in the manner above provided, and the other three shall continue in offine until the expira- tion of the present term of office.


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I— I

Xo. 159. ^ 1919.


An Act to amend 1 he Ontario Game and Fisheries Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with tlio advice and consent oi' the Legislative Assembly of the Pronnce of Ontario. onacts as follows:

1. I'his Act may be cited as The Ontario Game ands^on title. rislicries Act, 1919.

2. 'I'lie clause lettered i in sei'tion 8 of The Ontario G'amrR«v- su<.

c 262 s S

'du/ Fisheries Act is amended by striking out the word amended. ' " settlers " in the first line and substituting therefor the wordKxtmption "fanners/* and by striking out the word ''settler" in the°''"""^'"'' sixth line ;m<l substitiiring therefor the word " farmer/'

3. Subsection 2 of section 9 of The Ontario Game an<iJK«,'*i*« Fisheries Act, as amended by s(vtion 3() of The Slnfiiic /^a/r amended. Amendm-ent Act, 1917, is repealed and the following: suH- siitiited thei-efor:

( L' 1 \(i iMi^uii sliiill Inint or trap an v fur-bearing animal Hunting or

II <i -t r !• •• trapping

except under tiie authority ot a license (o* perm 1 1 . wttbout but this shall not apply to the hunting or trap """*<• ping of foxes or wolvtw, nor to a fanner or lii> sons trapping upon the lands of studi fanmr animals other than lieaver and otter.

4. ( 1) The clause lettered a in subsection 1 of section 10R«^.stat.

^ ('. .62, « t ",

of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Act is amended by gtrik-«ub». i. ci. o. ing out tin- words *' 1st (hiv of November fo lhe 1.'»lh day uf N'ovembcr " and inserting in lieti thereof the word- '* r»tli diiy fo^^eerU**" of November to the 20fh day of Xovemlui."

(2) TIk; clause lettered h in the said subsection is amended open Mason

liy striking out the words " Ist day of November to the l.'ith^te.

ijiiy of Xovember." and inserting in lieu thereof the words

'• .Mb (lav of November to the 20th dav of November.*' 159 ' *

uev. Slat. 5. 'I'l)e clause lettered g in subsection 1 of section 10 of

Hubs^'i? ^"' 77/f Oniario Game and Fisheries Ad, as amended by section repealed. .y ^^^ 'j^j^^ Ontario Came ami Fixhe'rien Ad. lUfS. U rcp«'aiod aiul the following substituted tberefor:

open season for wild goose.

Itev. Stat, c. 262, s. 10, amended.

Plover, snipe, etc.

Rev. Stat, c. 262, 8. 11, sutxs. 5, amended.

Permit rtxiuired for sale of un prime .skins.

Rev. Stat, c. 262. amended.

(t/) Any wild goose except from the Ist day of Septem- l)er to the 15th day of December in any year, both days inclusite.

6. Tlie clause lettered it of the said section 10 as amended l)_v sot'tion 2 of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Act, 1916, is amended by striking out the words and figures " 15th day of September/' and substituting therefor the words and figures '^ 1st day of September."

7:- Subsection 5 of section 11 of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Act is amended by adding at the end thereof the following words: "but unprime skins so taken shall not be offerod for sale or barter except under the authority of a permit issued by the Deputy Minister, and the fur dealer possessing such skins must hold the permit so issued and forward same to the Department when applying for permit to ship out of the Province or to dress or tan the skins."

8. The Ontario Game and Fishei'ies Act is amended bv adding thereto the following sections :

FUR dresser's and TANNEB's LICENSE.

License required for tanniner. dressing skins, etc.

llo.. (1) ^o person shall engage in, carry on, or be concerned in tanning, dressing, plucking, dyeing, or in any way undertake to dress, tan, ])luck, or treat any raw or un- dressed skin or pelt of fur-bearing animals upon which a royalty may be levied l)y the Government, except under the authority of a license issued by the Deputy Minister for the current year.

i^ni^Iofo^^ (2) The licensee shall on the last day of each month dur- mg the year for which the license is issued make a return of the number of skins or pelts of each kind upon which a royalty may be levied by the Government, and which he has treated, as well as the name and address of every person, for- warding or delivering such skins.

Records to be kept by licensee.

(3) The holder of any such license shall keep a book in

which he shall enter the date of the receipt of such skins or

]5elts and the name and address of any person from whom he

has received them to be so treated, t-anned. jducked, dressed

or d^'ed, which bo<»k shall be open to the inspection of the

Deputy ^Minister and officers of the Department, and shall be 159

kept iutact for one year after the expiry of the license during the currency of which such work was performed, and shall be available for examination during s\ich period, wliether a new license has or has not been obtained.

(4) All fur di-essers or tanners shall report immediately Pjf^P;^*^° to the Department of Game and Fisheries all furs or P^ts receded received without a x>ermit accompanying snch furs or peltspermit. showing that royalty has been paid and authorizing the dressing thereof.


1 1/^ it shall Ix- unlawful fur any person or persons to 8hip,r^^^?g'Pj^."]^j^' to anv point outside the Province, or attomjit to take or ship '""• ftc- ^

•^ ^ . 1 1 T^ . I 11- shipped out

to any point outside the 1 rovmce, any raw ov undressed skinsof Ontario, or pelts of fisher, martin, mink, or muskrat, or other skins or pelts upon which a royalty may be levied by the Govern- ment, or to have such skins or pelts dressed or plucked, or treated in any way, without first. having obtained a permit from the Department upon the payment of royalty on each and every skin or pelt as follows: fisher $1, martin 50 cents, mink 25 cents, and muskrat 3 cents, but such royalties shall not apply to pelts imported from outside of the Province if they are accompanied liv ;in affidavit [iiovin-- tlicir place <.f origin to the .sntisfaction >>\' the Departnicni.

9. Subsection 3 of section 13 of The Ontario Gatne a/wiJVe's^s^Vs. Fisheries Act, as amended by section 13 of The Ontario Ga^^^^^nl'^^ and Fisheries Act, 191 S, is amended by striking out *^<^i^un,,,erof words " two deer " in the second line and substituting there- deer which for the words " one deer." uken.

10. Subsection 1 of section 21 of The Ontario Game nndc.m.».i\. Fisheries Act, as amended by section 14 of The Ontario Gametep^\^. and Fisheries Act, 19 IG, is repealed and the following sub- stituted therefor:

, I'eiKonB

(1) No person employed in any lumber camp or m con- j-ni pjoy^ nection with the construction or maintenance ofctr., notto any railway or public work shall have in his pofl-armw session in the vicinity of such lumber camp, rail- way, or other public work, any gim or other fire- arms, except as may be authorized by special licefDse.

11. Section S9a of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Act,^*^^f)^\^^^

as amended l>v -.cch,.!! :, of The Ont<i f /•'/.vA^t/V.s «")••'' jiprt.


yU/., /0/<<?. is amended l.v addincr thei . .; I-: .■v,.,.t.mkin«


tlw* ^^kiuH of inii>l\i;it t:iI.<Mi ill in<'<»r.laii<-t* witli siiltscctinn* :• and •$ nf s(»<'ri(>ii I 1."'

?''h2^h"40 ^^- ' ''*' <*'»"-<' Ifttond h in siiliscction 1 «if .section of Hubs.'i. 'I'ffc Ontario dame and Fisherien Act U amcndod hy strikin.i:

rimondpd. out tho words " llconso issued " and snl>stitutinp: therefor tin- words *' porniit issticd l>y tlio Dopnty Mini<t<-r."

uov. Stat. 13. Subsection 'A of section 4(> of T}ie Ontario (iumc and

Kubs's"" **'' I'ixhci'iis Ail i> ;nnondod l)v ad<linp: at the end thereof the aiiu-rided. words: •iipdii the j)r('niisos or lands specified in jiennits

is<n( (I tor lii'cciliiii: |)iir|>ONCs.""

P.ev. Stat. 14. SllhsccliMii 4 n (' m-M 'mii 11 <A 'I'ln (),,'n,- ',

subHr'4? ' I'lsln'rics .1(7, as amciulcil hy siilhscction 1 «d' .section 20 <»1 repealed. 'jf^^ Ontario (hnnr and Fis'lierifis Amendment Act, lOjn, i> reix'aled and the followin«>: substituted therefor:

nieedingr permits.

(4 ) Tlic .Minister may urant to any j>er.son engaged boiui fidf in the business of breeding game animals and birds a penult to buy and .sell game animals and birds bred or procured l^ona fide for breedinii pur- [)oses at any time, and to sell the skins of any such animals or l)irds during the regular open s( axin and after the payment of the royalty upon all skins subject thereto.

Uev. Stat. 15. Suli.-cctioll ."> lit' -^rction 41 of 7'Ar f > lihii/'i, (iiliil'- 'tll'l

c. 262 s. 41, , . .

subs. 5,' ' Fisheries A (I . a- anicnded by section 11 ot The Ontario Game repea ^^^^^ Fisheri(s Ail. lOIJf, is repealed and the following substi-

tuted therefor:

Fiir-trader'8 Hoense.

(.')) Xo jx'rson shall engage in. or carry on, or be con- cerned in trading, buying or selling fur-bearing animals, or skins, or pelts there«^f, or the skin- or pelts of protected animals except under the authoritr of a license.

Rev. Stat.

c. 2G2, 8. 44,

repealed. r ishencs A el i

16. Snbs<'ctiou 1 of section 44 of The Ontariv Game and

r<'|)ealcd and the following substituted there- for:—

Manner of iTuirklng paclcages of fraine, flsh. etc.



All receptacles, including bags, boxes, baskets, crates, packages and parcels of every kind in which the skins of fur-bearing animals or the skins or pelts of protected animals, game or fish are packed for transportation shall be marked in such a manner as to give a list and description of the contents, and tlie name and address of the consignee and consiamor.

17. riio clause lettered a in section 49 of The Ontario Rev. st^t.

dame and Fisheries Acl is amended by striking out the words ci*"' ■' '**• and fiirims " Kitli day of January" and iuserting in Hou^'"*"<^**^-

rlioroof rlic woi'ds •• :;ist .hiv of March."'

18. The elanse lettered d in stx'tion 49 of The OntaTiofV'^2%^\g. (lame and Fisheries Act, as amended by subsection 2 of seo-<'i"<''j[j, . tion (5 of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Amendment Act,

Un.'i, and amended by section 9 of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Act, 10 IS. is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

I'/) Aiiv wrson to biiv oi- m'11 skins of fur-bearing Fee for animals, or ])rotect('d aiiiiiiaU. and the fee for license, such liceii-^o shall !>.• .$10 in the case of any person who is ;i Uritish sid)ject and resident in Ontario, and in the case of a person wlio i> not resident in Ontario, or wlio is not a liriri<h subject, $25.

19. Section 40 of VV/c On/dilo (Kiiiii (Hid Fisheries ,ic<c. 26*2, 8.49, i> further amended by adding the following clause:

(e) Any person engaged in the business of dressing, and curers" plucking, dyeing, tanning, or other process of"^®"*®" curing skins of fur-bearing or protected animals, and the fee for the same shall be $10.

30. Section 62 of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Act^^^^^^^^

is amended by adding at the end thereof the words: " but all*™*"^**^- such apix)intments shall expire annually on the 3l8t day of 1 )ecember."

21. Subsection 2 of section 62 of The Ontario Game an4^Vg2??«2.

Fisheries Act is amended by inserting the words " i°ip<59ed ^^^y^^l^^ and collected " after the word " fines " in the third line.

22. The clause lettered a of section 65 of The Ontario c. iit. b. is. Game and Fisheries Act, as amended by subsection 2 of 80C-r«i^ied. tion 32 of The Ontario Game and Fisheries Amendment Act,

lOIO. is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

(a) Every person who commits an otfence against thisJff^JeRS'^ Act in respect of deer, moose, n'indeer, caril)ou,^^J«'^;;vf,lt'n or beaver,, otter, or other fur-bearing animal or Jjr-j«jLrin» the skins or pelts thereof upon which a roj-altT may be levied, shall for each such offence incur ^ a pennltv of not less than $20 imr more than


23. This Act shall come into force and take effect on theS*,ntTf"vct.

(lav upon which it receives the Roval assent. 159

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No. IGl. ISHt)


An Act to amend The Assessment Act and otiiei Acts in connection therewith.

TjIS MAJESTY hv nml with the advice Jiiid consent <>f •*• -*• the Leg-islative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Parai^raph 2 uf sectioji .") of 'ilif A\st',s6iii( iil Ad i>Kev. sut. amended bv addino; the following: as clansc (a) : par. 2'.


(a) Where land is ac(|iiired for the purpose of a cenie- terv or bnrving ground, but is not immediately ro(]uired for such ]>urpose it shall not be entitled to exemption from taxation under this paragraph until it has been enclosed and actually and bona fide required, used and occupied for the inter- ment of the dead.

2. Para^rai»h 15 of .section ."• uf I'hr As.scsfnuciil Ad isuev. sut. amended by striking out the word- " ;iiid the income of anyparfiB?' ^' |>erson in such na\al or military service on full pay or other- '^'"®""*®*'- wise on actual service " in the 4th. ."itU and flth lines.

3. Parai»rai)h 20 >>( -cclion .'. of TJir Assrssnirnl Acf isRev. stat. , , ' c. 196. B. 5.

amended par. 20,


(a) "By striking out the figures $1,500 in the 4th line and substituting therefor the figures $1,700;

(h) P>y striking out the figures $1,200 iu the fith lino and .substituting therefor the figures $1,400;


(r) "Ry striking out the figures $600 in the 14th line and substituting therefor the figures $700;

(d) By striking out the figures $400 in the 15th line

and substituting therefor the figures $500;

(e) By striking out all the words in the said paragraph

after the word " securities " in the 19th line and 161

substitutinfr therefor the words " if such income doee not exceed $800 and the income of such person from all somvos does not exceed $1,500."

so that the parapra])h will then read as follows:

20. The aminiil inconu- (l«;rivc(l (n.iw personal earnings (•r'from anv pension, irratiiitv, or rofirine: allowance in rcp- ])Oct of personal servictes bv any per8«»ii aasewsable directly in respect of income under this Act to the amount of $1,700 where such y)erson is resident in a city or town, or to the amount of $1,400 where such person is resident in any other municipality, if such person is a householder in the munici- pality and assessed as such, or heinjr the head of a family occupies with his family any portion of a dwelling house, although not assessed therefor, and the annual income de- rived from personal earninsrs or from any pension, gratuity or retiring allowance in respect of personal services of every ])erson not heing such householder or head of a family to the amount of $700 where he is resident in a city or town, and to the amount of $500 where he resident in any other municipality, and the income of any person derived from any investment, or from money on deposit in any hank or other financial institution or loaned upon mortgages, promis- sory notes or other securities if such income does not exf»e*»d $800, and the income of such person from all <?ources does not o^oon(\ $1,500.

^m^S'6, ^- "Paragraph 21 of section n of TJip A.%<ir.9fimpnf Act is

"^^^'Hla nmended hv nddinc after the word* "real e^state " in the amenaea. _ _. . t //■•/-. •««

rirst line the words " m Ontario."

Rev. Stat, c. 19B,s. 10 (1). amended.

Rev. Stat c. 195. 8. 14, amended.

5. Clauses (a) and (h) of suhsoction .1 of section 10 of The A.9ftPfismpnf Arf are suspended until such time as they may he declared to he in force hv proclamatiou of the T.ieu- tenant-Oovernor in Council.

O. Section 14 of Tl^p Afif^a^xiDPnt Arf i= amended hv in- serting the following as snhsection la:

riflt) To remove douhts it i* herehy declared that the receipts of a telephone com pan v from long dis- tance husine«s or calls in a municipality or policp village are and always have heen liahle to assess- ment under the provision" of suhspotion 1 in such municipality or police village.

c.m, 8. 17, '^- S^e^^tion 17 of Tfip Assessmpnf Art is amended bv add- amended. \J^„ af^gj. ^jj^ ^^^j "assessors" in the 8rd line the words " of any municipality."

e.*m, 8*18. ®- Section 18 of The Af^sesswevt Art U amended hv in- amended, sertine the following as snhsection (la^ :—


(la) The return to he made l>y a person as to income shall be in the form prescribed by the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council and such form shall be published in the Ontario Gazette.

9. VoYBi -2 HioiitioiK'd ill -(.(Mioii 18 of The Assessment Actiuv.at&t. is amended by striking out that part headed "" Return to be^inended**" delivered by all per>on.-i as to their income " but not includ- ing the aihdavit at rhc cud.

10. Subsection 1 of section 1!) of Tlw Assessment -4 r/ ][^-V ^tat.

' C. 1*5, 8.

IS amended bv adding ai the (mkI ihcrcol' the following i* <!)> , '^ amended.

clause :

(a) Dividends in this subsection shall include interest

on hond>^. <loh('n lures or other «ocnritie9.

11. ( 1 ) Section 2') of The Assess^menl A (I i- anicnded Rev. stat. , . .• 1 X- 11 1 .• ^'- '95. 8. 25.

by inserting the tollo\vini»- suhsoction:— amended.

(la) A farmer's dauohtcr shall have the same riijht as fa-^me'-'s A ^ 1 1 1 11 1 daughter.

a farmer s son to be entered on the roll under the provisions of this se<-tion nnd "" farmer's daughter '' shall mean daughter «>r daughters, stepdaughter or stopdaughtei's of the full age of twenty-one years not otherwi.se entitled to be entered on the voters' list.

(2) llie Municipal Art is amended by adding thr f..l1n\v-R«v.^st»t. insr as section Tifia:-- amended.

(."(tia) The j)rovjsions of this Act relating to a ^'""'"♦''''•^dauKhter. son shall apply to a farmer's daughter.

(3) Section <> of The \'ulers' Li,sts A'l i^ ;nnen<led hvR«v. sut. iiddiiu? the followintj as snh^^ctioii (Oa) :- amended.

(Oa) In the case ol' a jK'rson being a fanner's daughtorf^h'te* I he clerk shall insert op)>osite Hor name in the proj)er column the words "Farmer's daughter" or the letters " F. D."

12. The Assessment Art is amended hv ii.Ming '•'("JVii?***" following as section 40a:-- amended.

40a. (1) Theeouueil of a city, town or vilhiiic may with Provinion the assent of the electors (pialifie<l to vote onSeSJpUon money by-laws pass a by-law providing that ta xes °[,Sj^«"/rom and rates, except for schmd purpose^, on dwelling »"«"<>" houses assessed for not more than $4,000 shall

bo levietl and im|K)scd on such percentage of the assexscd value as may be thought projHjr but not

on a less |)f'rccriraj;c ilian tlip following:

(a) On dwelling houscf* assessed at not more than $2,000 on not loss than '.(» per font, of thr assessed value;

{b) On ilwelling lioUnt-^ un.-i'.-acd ai uoi nunv than $2,500 on not less than 60 per cent. of the assessed value;

{(■) On (Iwclliiiii iiouses assessed at not more than $8.0()(> on not less than 70 per cent, of the assessed value;

(//) On dwelling houses asse.-^sed at not more than $8,500 on not less than SO per <'ent.

of the asses<('il \:iln<- :

Power of township.

(p) On (Iwcllinii- Ikmiscs a.-;.sor>.sed at not more than $4. (Mid ,,ii II I less than 00 per cent, of th<- assessed value.

(■2) The council of n lownslnp shall have the .«arae |K)wer a< is .set out in subsection 1 and in addition the bv-law may in the case of farms extend and apply to all buildings used for famiiiiii' purposes.

Exemption of dweUlng houses of men on active service overseas.

(3) The conncil of any local mimicipaliiy may witliout the asseiii of ilie electors pass a by-law exempting from taxa- tion except for local improvements and school purposes for a ]>eriod not exceeding 10 years dwelling houses asses.<ed at not more than $8,000 owned and occupied by officers or men who have been on active service overseas during the present war with the naval or military forces of Great Britain or Great Britain's Allies.

Exemption from poll tax.

(4) The council of any bx-al nniuicipality may without the assent of the electors pass a by-law exempting such officers and men for a period not exceeding 10 years from the pay- ment of any tax levied or imposed under the pronsions of section 4 of The Statute Labour Act as amended by 6 Geo. V, c. 42, s. 1, and as further amended by 7 Greo. V, c. 46, s. 1, and 8 Geo. V, c. 35, s. 1, and the council of a township may without the assent of the electors pass a by-law exempt- ing for a period not exceeding 10 years such officers and men from the performance of the one day of statute labour men-


m section

'^^^^^^^e Statute Labovr Act

(5) ^' Dwell iiii>- houses" for the purposes of this seetion interpreta- -iiall not include an apartment or tenement house or a hotel or a building erected or altered for the purpose of providing two or more separate suites or set> of i(X)ms for separate occupation by one or more person^;.

13. Section 44 of Tlif Asi^essuwnl Ad is aiucudcd bv^*j^-j.®^*^^_ addiuii" the following as suhse(»tion 4: amended.

(4j A'otwithstandiuj; anvthiuii contaiued iu this sec-^^ssessment 1 •' /• 1 » 1 ofstruc-

tion or any otJicr section of this Act the struc-tures, rail*.

tiires, substructures, suptn-structures, rails, ties.o/eiectri^ poles and wires of an electric railway, shall bc'^*"**^* liable to assessment and taxation in the same manner and to the same extent as those of a steam railway are under the provisions of sec- tion 47 and not otherwise.

14. Section l.'x/ ul The As.sc.s-sjiicnt .1(7. as enacted by^'ij-j^^'^-g^ ^ (<i-'>. y . cap. 20, sec. 39, is amended by adding at the be- *'"•"*' ^<'- ginning- of subsection (2) the words " Subject to the provi- sions of subsection f;!)" nud bv adding tbe following as sub- section (3) :

(3 ) ^^'utwitlK-luuding anything contiiined in this section J^"|^^njg^

or in paragraph 7 of section 5, anv restaurants. «^J;«<'^_, ' ^ , 1 1 1 "^ •! municipal

merrv-go-rounds and switch-back railways car-®iectrJc

*^ •- ntil wfty

ried on in connection with an electric railway owned, leased or operated by or for a municipal corporation or vested in or controlled by a com- mission on behalf of a municipaf corporation, shall be assessable.

15. SubscH'tinii ;; ,.t -(ciion i'.i (.1 The Assesfftnent Art is^^^-s***-

C. I»0,

amended bv adding at the end thereof the following, '* but«- (3),

.- ,. r 1 1 1- amende*!.

the council of a city or town may pass a hy-law providing that the notice may be sei^t by registered letter post. a<Mi-c.-.s<'d Id his residence or |)bice of business.''

16. Ki.rni li nicnlioncd in >cction 4'.» ><i Thr . l.>cs<'.wm€w/ Rev. Stat. Acl is amended by adding after the column liead(»d '* Scho<il Form's. >ii|)porter,*'' a column beaded. *' I>riti.><h .subject or .\lien.***

and the assessor shall denote in such column whether the person a.s.sessed is a British .•<ubje<'t or an alien by the inser- tion of tlic letters " P».S." oi- ''.\.." a<-cordiiu; to the fact.

17. Subsection 2 of section !M> of The AssfHttmrnl A<l i^R«^v.^8tat ri'lK-alcd and the following substituted therefor: m'* ^l«d'


Prep«.raition ( l' ) .\ nl \vi I li-i .-iiiil mi; ;iii;- I hi hl: ^ mtwi iif(| m -iii.-cci inn

tor's roll. I 1 1 "I' 111 I'Ik' I'uhlir SfliiK/ls nv Srjiiinil.

\(ls. lllc ciMIIIcll fit ;lll\ flt\' ciC NiWIl

ii\ hiw |iru\i(|c ili;it ihc r|(-rk -li:i!l ~'-l (|ia\ii iIh' iiiiiiic ill illll ol (•\ci'v |.<'r,-i.ii ;i^^, ..,(■, I iiiid ilic ;i<s('~sc(| value of ill- i-c;il |ini|i('ii\. iiixnMi- liii-i iii>> ;iii(| 1 iirtiiiic, ;!-. j~'-('rt;ii iicil iitlcr ilu- tiinil revision dl ilic ii--<---ini-iii mil. .umI ll|l|((l•^it(■

SUOll JlS-CSScd \:illlc lie -li;ill -ri .|ii\\li in ;i Collinili fill- thill |iii|-|ni,-c the t'p!;i! ;iiii'.iilii \<>V

which ihc |ic!'-(in I- cliiii-Lii-iilih' \'>v ;ill -uiii- or- dered to he h-', ic(| \,\ ihi' -;iii| I'ltiliicil nr -i-lionl boards fur the |iiir|)(isc> rhficdt'.

c^TsB^^*' ^^- ►^wbsection (1) of section 128 of The Assessment A' I

s. 128(1). is amended l>v strikini; mui tlic fdHowin:!- words. " tile -nrh amended. i- i ' >

lists and aiiv sucli nicjuorandiuii in hi.- uiticc lor |iiih!ic u-c,

and shall furnish forthwitli lo the assessor of the mnnii-i-

f)iilitv (If tlie iniuiici));ilitv is one whose ofHeer> h;i\c power

t(t sell hmd- for ;irreiirs (^f taxes, or in other i-ise^ to the

coiiiitv treasurer). ;i true c'lpx' of the same, I'er^iiied to li\

him, under the >e;il of tlie coriioration.'' and liv -uh-titittin-

therefor the fr)nowinii-, "■trutismit >uch lisi> ;iiid ;iiiy >neh

memorandnm forthwith to tlie ire;isurer of tlie niiini<-i]iality

('if the muuicipnlity is one who-c officer- li;ivc power to >ell

hinds lor arrears of taxes, or in other e;i.-e- :o ;he '•ouiity

treasnrer), and the treasnrer in either case shall attadi the

seal of the corporation to snch li>t- and Pile tlie sante in hi-

office for public use."

for ^deduc- 1^- Where . a person has subscribed for and has been

of°"ncome^^ allotted any part of a War Tvoan issue of the Government of

from Canada and in order to make the i)avmeiit< fallinn- due from

Dominion ~

War Loan him ujiou such alloimeiii has In.rrowed money or recei\ed oi- been credited with ad\aiices from anv bank or person he shall be assessable upon his income from the bonds allotted to him for such an amount only as will eipial the amount by which such income exceeds the interest ]>nvable by him to such bank or person on the money so borrowed or the advances so re- ceived or credited.

This section shall be read and construed as if it had been passed on the \>t day of Oecn-'niber. 1918.

Short title. 20. This Act tnay be cited as The Assrssme7}f A)nenff- mcnl Arl. 1919.






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No. 1G2. 1«H!)


An Act respecting the School Attend- ance of Adolescents.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative" Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The A'lnlrsrml School M- Ivndan^e Act.

2. In this Act.—

(a) ** Adolescent '' shall mean a person of either se\ who is not more than eighteen years of aj^e, and who is exempted from school attendance under The School Attendance Act:

(h) "Minister* shall mean Minister of Edncation;

(c) " Regulations " shall mean regulations made under

the authority of The Department of Education Act or of this Act. .1-4 Ceo. V. c. 7-'.. <. -2.

(d) " School " shall mean a scIhm)! urgani/e<l under

The Public Schools Act, The Separate Schools Act, The Consolidated Schools Act, Tha Cov- tinuation Schools Act, The High Schools Art or The Industrial Education Act.

3. (1) Every adolescent between fourt^iMi and sixteen years of age shall attend school for the full time during which the .schools of the municipality in which he resides arc open each year unless exciTscd for the rea<5oii« ber(>inafter mentioned.

(2) The obligation to attend school under this aection shall not apply to any adolescent if

(a) Ho is unable to attend school by reason of flicknosp. infirmity, or other physical defi . ( :



(h) He is employed on the authority of a home permit or of an employment certificate a^ horeinafter provided ;

(r) TTo lias passed the iiiatriciiliition cxaminatioti of an approved university or has completed, to the satisfaction of the Dopartnient of Education, a course of study which may be regarded as the ( (piivalent of the requirements of such examina- tion, or

(d) He is in attendance at some other educational institution approved hy the Minister.

4, (1) Wliore, in the opinion of the school attendance officer, the services of an adolescent between fourteen and sixteen years of apre are required in an^ permitted occupa- tion in or about the home of his parent or ^ardian. he may be fiTanted by an attendance offic<^r, on the written ap- plication of his parent or omardian. a home. permit to engage in such services.

(2) Where, in the opinion of the school attendance oflRcer. the services of an adolescent between fourteen and sixteen years of ajre are required in «omo permitted irainfnl occupa- tion for the necessary maintenance of cnch adolescent or some person denendent upon him. be mav be <rranted bv an attendance officer, on the written applirtfltion of his parent or irunrdinn. nn employment certificate to encraire in such services.

5, TTo adolescent hetween fourteen and sixteen vears of HTc shall be emnloved hv anv ner^ori dnrinrr the hours from ^ a.m. to B p.m.. unles? he holds a home nermit. or an emnlov- ment certificate, as provided for in sectiop 4- of this Act.

B. "Rverv adolescent between fourteen and sixteen vears of aire who holds either a home permit or an emplovment certifi- cate, shall attend part-time courses of instrnetion, approved bv the IVTini.ster. for an affflrrefirate of at least 400 hours each year, distrihnted as reirards time<! and seasons a= mav host suit the circumstances of each loealitv. when such part-time fonrses of instruction are estahlished in the municipality in which he is employecl.

7. ("[) "Fpless excused for reasons hereinafter mentioned, everv adolescent between sixteen and eicrhteeri vears of a*re shall attend part-time courses of instruction, approved bv the Minister, for an acrffreffate of at least J^?0 hours eaeh vear. distributed as r^ards times and seasons as may suit the cir- cumstances of each localitv, when such courses of instruction


are estahli-^liod in tlic inimicipality in wliidi lii- resides or i-s eraplo\(Hl.

( iM 'I'lic oMii^aiiMii tn Mitcnd jiart-linic cdiirM- of in^itrnc- tioii uihlcr thi> xTiioii >li;ill not ap|>ly to any adolesi-cnt it'

(a) Ho i< nmiMc to attend <\u']\ ooiir~e> i>v reason of

sicklies-, iiiti ruiity. or ()tlief |>li\sir;il iiefe<'l;

(h) He has })a-sed the iiiatriciilati<Mi e\;!iiiin:iti<'ti of an approved university ni' ha, conipleted. !<■ iln' >aii- faction of the De))arinieiii ot' I-Miicaiinn. a fonr-c of study whieli may he reiiarded a- rhr e(pii\al ent of the requirenn^nts of -iich iNaininati<ui ;

(c) He is in full-time attendance at a juiblic i'V a

separate school, a high school, a university, oi other school apjirovod hv the Minister;

(d) He is shown to the satisfaction of the pid)]i(' school

inspector in the municipality in whicdi he re- sides to have been, up to the age of sixt(vn. under full-time instruction in ;i school i-ecoii-nizcd hy the Departmeni of Education a> ctlicient. or under snitable and efficient full-tinie in-iructinn in some other manner.

8. No adfde-ceiit heiween >i\it(ii and eiiihteen y^ ago in a niiinici|)ali iy in which part time (•<,l^•-c-^ ot' ii tion appro\'cd hy ihc Mini-tcr are mainiai ue.i -hall ployed by an_\' per-on nnh'-- he lathi- either a -.-hooi ,ii:, mission card nr a -chooj niiisirai ion rard to he i<>iii'(l as pi'ovided in the regulations.

9. On and after such date as may be fixed by the Lieuten- anl^ Jo\ (^rner h\' j)ro<dainalion. e\'ery tirhan innnicii>ality with a population of 5,000 and over shall, and any other municipality or school section may, through the authoritiea hereinafter named, establish and maintain part-time courses ot' instrnetion for the education of adolescents between four- teen and eighteen years of age.

10. The -idijec!- of tlio -..•M'-c-, ,if -tudy t'or adoIes<-fnl> -hall he -.•'oi-ied I'rom ih ^-rihed hv ili.- heparinu'tit ot' Kdiicalioii t'or iho |tiiniM- .oio -eparale -chool- ; thf hinh -rhooj- : ihe ari. i iidn-i ria I. and teelinical -.'hools and chi--e«; I he <-Mnimeri-ia! Ir 'l-aiid t hi' '■om!i!rr''!al di'partnients

o|' the \\'\'j:\\ -cho,,;- ! the at.' riru I ; ii ra ! and hou-'-hoI,!

-cieiicc dcparl ini-iit- in hiL'l: -i-|iooj-.

11.- {]] .'NMhiocM to ihe reL'iilatioii- ''tlw I >epa rt men! .,f

[•',|n<';i^ i, ,• iihlic and -eoar:ifc

Mcliools respect ivcl v. sliiill Ix- provided bv and shall be under lli(« (•(Hilrol oi tiio Itoards of said schools, and t\u»>c in the continiiatioii schools and the hitrl» schools shall be provided by aiul shall bo under the conti-ol of the boards of said schools,

{■2) W li( lo schools or classes have been established under section 4 of I'hc JiuJiislrial Eduraiion Art, the courses of study for adolescents engaged in trades or in industrial or manufacturing occupations, shall be |»rovided by and shall l»c under the control of ilie advisory industrial committee.

(3) In a municipality where there is a commercial high school or u commercial department in a high school, the courses for adolescents engaged in commercial occupations -hall 1)0 provided by and shall be under the control of the advisory commorcinl committee.

12. Classes providing part-time courses of instruction for adolescents shall bo in session for the same number of days in each year as the high schools of the province, and such classes shall not open before S a.m. nor close later than .") p.m.

13. The ])art-timj3 courses for instruction for adolescents shall be subject to such inspection as the Minister may prescribe.

14. The employment of any adolescent who is under an obligation under this Act to attend part-time courses of in- struction shall be suspended on any day when his attendance at such courses is required, not only during the period for which he is re(]nir(>d to attend the courses, but also for such additional time as is necessary for him to travel to or fmni the school where instruction is given.

15. The time spent by an adolescent in attendance at part- time courses of instruction shall be reckoned as a part of the number of hours jx?r day or per week that such adolesceni may be lawfully employed.

16, (1 ) Every person who

(fl) Em])lovs an adolescent who does not hold either (i) a home ]>ermit or an employment certificate as defined in section 4. or (ii) a school dismission card or a school registration card as defined in section 8 ; or,

(&) Employs an adolescent at any time during which his attendance is by this Act required at part- time courses of instruction ; or,

(c) Employs such adolescent for such a number of hours as with the number of hours during which the

adolescent is required to attend such courses will exceed in any day or week the number of hours during which such adolescent niav he lawfullv so employed; or,

(d) Being a parent ..r unar.liaii of an adolescent, has conduced to or connived at the failure on the part of an adolescent to attend part-time courses of instruction as required under this Act, or suifers or permits such adolescent, through want of proper care or control, to violate any of the obligations <<\' this Act, *

shall in(;ur a penalty not exceeding $;') for the first offence, and in the case of a second or subsequent offence in relation to the same adolescent or another adolescent, shall incur n penalty not exceeding $25.

(2) The penalties imposed by this section shall he re- covorahle under The Summary Conviciif^vs \rf.

17. The school attendance officer in the municipality in which an adolescent is employed may revoke the home per- mit, the employment certificate, or the school registration card of an adolescent who fails to attend part-time cour-^<- of instruction as required by tho ])rovisions of this Aci.

18. For the purpose of enforcing this Act, the school at- tendance officer appointed under The School Attendance Act >hall jierform the duties of the school attendance olHcer named in sections 4 and 17 of this Act, and shall have tin- powers and .shall perform the duties conferred and imposed upon him by T'he Truancy Aci.

10. No penalty sliall he ini|H»>eil in I'eaptvi to the al»sence of an adolescent from any part-time course of instruction cstaMished under this Act on a day regarded as a holy day Ity the church or ndigittus denomination to which tlie ad<>l- e-(;ent belongs.

20. .\hinici|ialities inaiiilaiiiin,i: ^ucli pari-i inie i-iiui>es .-t instruction for adolescents as are a|)proved hy the .Minister .1- to organization, control, location, e(piipment. courses of -tinly, (pialifications of teachers", methods of instruction, con- ditions of admission, employments of pupils, an<l expendi- tures of money, may riveive reimhurseiuent from sums ap- jtropriated by this Legislature for this purpose or for technical or for agricultural education, in amounts and under condi- tions prescribed in the r^ilations.

21. The Adolcscciil >rho<)l Allrnrhlinr \,l. i-\vA\>\i'r 2Tr>

of rho U<'vi8tKl Statuti-s of Ontario. I'Ul. is npc-aU-.l.

22. rin> Act -liiill. rxccitt as othorwifM' specially |.rovi«l<'«l. come into force and take effect on a day to be named by the T.iontonant-Govemor by proclamation.



iO lO t-i (5 fC P




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\'o. 163. 1919


An Act respecting Natural Gas.

"LJIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and (M.nH'iit ..f •*■•■' the L^islative Assembly of the Province cf ()iit;iri... cnactis as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The JSatuml Gas A'l. /.'//y. short title.

2. In this Act: interpreta-


(a) " Minister " shall mean the Mini>ter of Lands, Minister. Forests and Mines;


(h) ''Regulations" shall mean Regulations made Re^uia^'o""- under the authority of this Act,

3. The Minister shall have }>ower aud authority to "'«l^<^'Mj'^i*t"°^ such ordei'i!* and Regulations as he may deem expedient for

(a) The closing and cutting off of the supply '^^guppiy'**"

natural gas to any corporation, company or individual :

(b) The construction or alteration tif any works. Construction

machinery, plant or appliance used in the i)ro- duction, transmission, supply, distribution or consumption of natural gas;

(c) The cutting off of the supply u> consninrrs .U*'"-^^^',"*"""

erallv or to anv class of con.Hunior.*^ in any to con.

, ,'. « % ' 1 1 .• ii Humeri".

locality for such periods or at cuch tiinr- n«< the Minister may deem proper:

(d) The construction, installation, or alteration of ma-Con«truction

chinery. pipe-lines, meters, or such other matters

or things as he may deem proper:

(e) The limiting or restricting any right confcrn-d «rJ^'^«'j;»J|;[^f^j^

purporting to have been conferre<l upon •'*">■ [,°»,^p*\'J;„

person to the use and coasumption of natural ga«

without charge ; 163

Dividliur flolda of production.

Cloainv down work«.


(/) The divieiou of any Held of produftiou or distribu tion between two or more corporations, oom pauies or individuals engaged in the business of producing or (iistributing natnral gas;

(g) The allotting of gas to consumers generally or to any class of consumers or to consumers in any specified district;

(h) The closing down and stopping up of any natural gas well or any works for the production, trans- mission or supply of natural pras :

(i) For requiriujii' returns to be made l)y any company transmitting or distributing natural gas, and for j>rescribing the form of any such return, the par- ticulars to be included therein and the intervals at which such returns shall be made ;

Appointment of offlcers.

Regulatinsr use of gas.

(j) The appointment of such insj^ectors. officers, agents, servants or workmen as may be neces- sary to carry out or enforce any order made under this Act;

(k) For regulating the use of natural gas and for pro- viding for the installation of such appliances as he may deem requisite, by the consumers of natural gas for the purpose of conserving the supply and preventing the waste of natural gas :

Generally. (I) Grenerallv for the better carrying out of the pro-

visions of tihis Act and for conserving the supply of natural gas and for controlling the produc- tion, transmission, distribution, and consump- tion thereof.

Minister may issue Ucenses.

Penal tr.

4.- (1) Licenses may be issued bv the Minister upon such terms, and sub;|ect to such conditions, and upon the payment of such fees a? the Minister may prescribe, to per- sons for boring, prospecting for. producing, transmittinir or distributing natural gas, and no person whether or not he is the holder of a license, lease or permit from any person or authority other than the Minister, shall after the first day of June. 1919, bore or prospect for. produce, transmit or distribute natural gas in Ontario, who is not the holder of a

license from the Minister permitting him so to do.


(2) Every person who contravenes the provisions of sub- section 1 shall "be guilty of an offence and shall incur a penalty not exceeding $1,000 and not less than $100, and in 168

default of payment thereof shall be liable to imprisonment for a period nor exceeding six months, and every day upon which such contravention is committed or continued shall constitute a separate oifence.

5. (1) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council mayAi>Pointment appoint an officer to be known as tlie Commissioner of ■•oner. Xatural Gas who shall be an officer of the Bureau of Minos and who shall, under the direction of the Minister, be charged with the enforcement and administration of this Act.

(2) The Minister may delegate to the Commissioner anycommis- of the powers and, duties which are exercisable by. or im-poweraand posed upon the Minister by set'tion 3 of this Act. «««•«.

6. Every person who: ?«iSStilM*"

(a) Refuses or neglects to obey any order or direction of the Minister made or given under the authority of this Act ; or

(&) Contravenes any regulation made under the authority of this Act ; or

(c) Wastes or causes t(^ be wasted the product of any

natural gas well or works for the production, distribution or supply of natural gas; or

(d) Neglects or refuses to make any return required to

be made to the Minister, or to give the particu- lars required by such return, or makes any false statement in such return; or

(e) Tampers or interferes with any tap, meter, or cut-

off or any matter or thing |)laced, U8e<l, or in- stalled by the Minister or by the Commissioner, or by the officers, agents, servants or workmen of the Bureau of Mines; or

(/) Hinders, delays or obstructs the Minister or the Commissioner or any officer, agent, servant or workman in carrying out the provisions of this Act or any order, direction or Begulation made or given thoreniider.

shall bo guilty of an (•fToncc an«l .shall incur ;i jHUialty not exceeding $1,000 and not less than $1<M>. and shall in default of the payment thereof be liable to injprisonment for a period not exceeding ^ix months.


Application 7. I III- ()ii/a/Ht Sii nnnd ni ( an I'tcl I'liis \rf -liall aiMi]\ V>

of Rev. suit. , .■■ , , . ' '

c. 90. |ii-..-c«Miiii>ii> l(ir otlciicc- iiuder this Aci.

[Jecuionof 8, Xo ac'tinii or other proceeding shall lie againtit tin ( '(•lllllli-^i^Il..^ ,,t Natural Gag or any officer, agent. -<'i\ani <ir wnrkiiiaii im anything doiK'. >>y j>iirf)<.rriii<j '■ i'lii*-

iiii<l<M-, or ill )iiir-ii;iiic»' of the pinv i-ion- ,,\ ii . inn

an appeal shall We t<i tin- Mini-tci- in cNciy -ii<-li ca-f and tin- (lor'i.siori of tli<- .Mini-^tcr rlicrcon shall Im- tinal ami .•on<-lii-ivf and sliall not l.c suKjcd to ajij»cal oi- l(» i-('\ icw h\ an^ '-"nr't.

Powers. 9. In thr <'.\('i'cis(' of the powers eonfeiTcd hy ihi-

.\l Ini-ici- or the Commissioner of Natnral iln^ 1-y himself, or the olliccrs. a£ront-. ■•C'r\anl> or worKincn of ;lic i'.iiroaii ot -Mines or hy any oilier [x i>oii aiiihoi-i/.e<l in the .\liui?itcr or ( 'oininis>ioner, ina\ at an\- time:

(" ) I'jiier uiioii. j)ass over, take up or use any private propcrry or the propertx- of any nnini('ii"al cor j)oratioji or of the (fowti, or any j.»nlilie plaee or hip;h\vay;

(h) ( on>iriiei. insral. lay down and -et ii|> oi- reini'\-,., take np. take down, alter i.iv rejuiir any Work-, plant, niaehiiiery o|- a|i|»lianee n.sed in the pi-o(liiei ion. t ran^inis-ion. -■H|)ply. distriljii tion or consninption of naiiira! -as.

and where any ]iei'son luis refused or iieLileered to do anvthini: ]>rosei'il)((l hy the <^rder of the .M inistcr <,r 1-y ilic !' '.■>\i-.

the .Mini-ter may canse .-neh thiiii: to he done. ,,:, . ... ex- pense-; >o incurred shall. wIkmi eerlitied liy the .Minister in writinu'. siiiiied hy him. he a d( ht Awe Irom snch person i" the (fown and shall he i-eeoverahle with eo-t- 1>\- action in any Court oi' compert'iii jurisdiction.

SGeo.V, 10. V'Ar Xaliiral Has Arl. lUlS, niid -ii1>-ecrioii- i' Im .",

c. 12.

iiudn-ive (d' >ection i' t ot' Tin Mlitih;i Tn.r ,\rl are repealed.

c! 26, s. 24, I'l't sncli repeal shall not affect any reuulaiion ^r ordi-r li< !'

repealed.' tofore made hy the Ontario IJailway and .Mnni(Mpal M-; :

until the Minister -hall, hy any order oi- reiiulation made li\

liim un<ler the authority of this Act. >liall detdare su<-h reiiii-

latioii or order of the said hoard no loniiei' in force.

<'.>inm.=-iioe- H. I'liis .\ct shall come inti> force on the day ujHin whi(di

moil' .\('t.

moiit of , .11) 1

it recei\es tlie lio\al a-sent




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iS^o. 164. 1919^


An Act to amend The Ontario Companies Act.

HIS MAJESTY, hv and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario. ciiacts as follows:

1. This .Vet liiiiy lie i-\\ct\ a- T/ir (f/ihirio ( Oin /j<i iiic.s

Auiendmeul Ad. liiiu.

2. Section 51 ul 77/ < Ontario Companies Act is amended '*«^:'*''«V; ny adaing tnoroto rno following clause: amended.

( (!) The directors mav bv by-law prescribe the period '^/p*"'"

... !• "i or proxy.

01 time immediately preceding any sj)e(*ial or general meeting of fhc sharoholdors within which the instrument ;i|i)Milii!iiio ih,. proxy shall be deposited with ilic coinpaiiy ; pntvidiMl that in no cas<^ .shall such period of time exceed seventy-two hours ini mediately preceding the meeting for which such proxy is to l>e used or acted upon ; and further provided that any period of time so tixed shdW be specified in the Tiotifo r-al1inir tlw meeting.

3. Section .j1» of I'lic Ontario Companlrs \rl is iniM'iiilcd »<«''■,• •'^•»V; liy ;i(|(ling thereto ilic fnllowing clau.se:— nmorKifKi.

(2) The direct<^)rs mav also by by-law prescribe th<"-"i'>"'

* t I'll nufi* I'M

jieriod of time immediately preceding any an«i cIosimk special or general meeting of the .shareholders within which no entry of transfers shall be made in the books of fhe com|)any; provided tiiat in- no ca.t'e shall such ]K»riod of time exc^H'd tw<» weeks immediately preceding aiiv -"icli special or general mwting unless the i»v I;i\\ i> ;i])prov<'<L 'by the T.ieiifenant-riuvernor. mihI the persons entitled In attend and vote or to he representefl by proxy at any such meeting shall l>e the share- holders of record at the time of the closing of

such books. lfi4


Section 0(> of The Ontario dompanies Act is amended

Rev. Stilt..

j.iiu>n<io<i. |,y addijio; after tlif word may ' whore it occurs the second time in tii<' .'^ccond lino of the .><aid wction, the words "sub- ject to the a|)])rova] in the following suhsection mentioned '*

:mfl 1)\' nflflinir tli*^' fnllowiiic: snli-sorf ion :

stock ilivlfl('n<i td have no offect

\ltltil COt)-

llrnuMl by .share-

(2) Xo declanition of stock dividend as aforesaid shall have any effect, unless and until such declara- tion shiill liii\e been confirmed by a vote of th( sharehoklers present or represente<l by proxy at a general meeting duly called /or considering; the same and holding not less than two-third> of the issued cnpitnl stock represented at such meeting.

Rev. Stat.,

c. 178,

amended. thert-to tile t

5, 77/r Onlftrio Com pnnit'^i .\rl i- amended hv .-iddinir

\vi Wis ~i'''l ii 111 :

r'heese and butter, fao- loi ies.

117^. W'liere :i cniiipiiiiy iiH-<)i-]nr;iled t<i establish iii;iiiii;iiii ;iii(l cmikIiici ;i cliecse jiiid l>ntter factor^ and luivinii' ;ni authorized capital of ten thou- and dollars or less, has oomnienced busines- without having complied with the requirement- of sections 112. 114. 11 «5. and 117 of this Act. or any of them, and the Lieutenant-Governor is .satisfied that the non-compliance was due to in- advertence, eri'or or mistake, and that the .said requiremeurs have since been complied \vith a- far as practicable he may grant a certificat* that the said requirements have been sufficiently (•omi)lied with, and such certificate shall relievi the company and the directors from liability under this Act. for uon-compliance with the sai<l requirements.

6, Section 1

Rev. Stat., «, Section 1 :»:!/// of

s. i52'm. amended bv adding at the end thereof the following words:

amended. .. ' ,• ' .-.i. ..^ i .. ..,:.,.i ...i ;„„\ »,. |],

or to cor])orations wirhoiit iiivisions of this Par!."

lliv l)ni(irn) (' itin juiiUL.s Act i^ ving

i;irc capital, snliject to


iS^. 164. 1919.


An Act to amend The Ontario Companies Act.

H]S MA.l l']S ^^ , !iv ;iii<l with the advico and oonsent of rho Lei'islati\(' A-sciiibly of the Province olOniario. enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as 77/r Ontario (n/,, /'Unlrs^ ""'

Ainriu/niriil Arl. lUI'J.

2. Sccrioii ."i 1 ot Tin ( htlnrio ( 'oni panics Ail is amended '-'V ■'^'■'l- liv addinii' therein ilie t'ollowinu' (danse: ;iiii»"n<ipd.

((}_) 'Idle director- iiiav liv h_v-law prescribe tlie peri^ ot lime immeiliaielv preeedinc: nny speidal oi licneral meetini:- of ilie -liare!i(ilder> witiiin which tlio instrument appointini:' ilie proxy .shall he deposited with the (•om])any : pro\ ide.l . that ill no ease sliall such jieriod of time exceed se\'eniy t\\(i homv iiiiinediai(dy preceding i!i> meetim:' l^r wjiich >ii(di proxy i- to he ii>ed or acted iijinii : ;iiid further jii'o\i(hNi thai any period of time <o hx<'d shall lie specified in the notice eallini: the meetinc:.

3. Section oO of 77/c (Inliino ( 'otti I'Unn s \,l i- aiiiendi-' '•' i)y addinii' thereio ihe loHouinti- chin>e:

(2) The directors may also l)y bylaw pri'-cribo flv-''"" •*■ period of time iinmediately preeediin: ;ii, -|)ei'ial oi' i;eiiei'a! iiieeim::' <A the -h.i reh'dder~ within whii'h im entry >,\ liMii-ler- shall lie nnule in the liMnk- nf the (••i|ii|i;iiiy ; pro\ir|ei' iliat in

no c;i-e -hall sn(dl peri'id ol time e\eeed two

week- i iiimediat(dy precedim:' :ie\ -ucli -pcfda!

or i;cner,il liieetim:' mile-- the - appf'Acd

j)\- the i.ieiiteiiMiit ( in\ eriior. and the persen- (Mititled Im ;itlend and Mite ..r to be n'pre-en'i'.i bv prow ;ii an\ -u.h niretiiii: -ball be the holders of reeord .it tln' time of the ido-ii!- ..•

such books, 164


tiCt (tf The Onlnrin ('oinpanies Arl ]- amended

l{fV. Stat.. 4_ ScrtlMli

:.m»'iHi'.-^i'. '■ liy jiddiii- ;it'i. !• the word '' may " where it otu-tirt, tlie second time in ilit -ciund lino of the said section, the words "sub- ject to tlie a|»|>roval in tlie following subsection mentioned " and 1»\' addini:' tlu' fiillnwiiiL'' sid)s<'Ption :

stock fllvldond to have no effect until con- firmed by share- holders.

( ij ) No declaration oi slock dividend a.s aforesaid .shall have any effect, unle.s« and until such declara- tion shall have l>cen confirmed by a vote of the shareholders present or representefl by proxy. at a general nieeting diily called for cojisiderinjn ilir -;iiii( ;ind holding i vo-thirds

<>( tile i>.>iic(| cni»ital sti.. .. , . ,M. -. ■,. .i at .such nice! itiii".

Kev. Stat., c. 178. amended.

5. Tin- Oiihiriu Coiitpanif-f Arl is amend thereto the tallowing section:

l»v addmir

c'liee.se and liutter fac- tories.

Rev. Stat, c. 178, s. 152m, amended.

117'/. Where a (•(iin|)aiiy incorp(»rated to establish maintain and conduct a cheese and butter facto^^ and having an authorized capital of ten thou>- and dollars or less, has commenced busines- witlioiir having complied with the requirement- of sections 112. 114, IIH, and 117 of this Act. or any of them, and the Lieutenaut-( iovernor is sati-tic'l that the noii-compliiince \v;i- due to in- n<l\ci-tciicc. crroi- or iriistakc nnd that the said rc(|iiii-ciii('nls ha\c >ince hcen cm uniilied with a- far as pi-acticable he may grain :i certificate that the said requirements have Uocn sutficiently (■(.niplied with, and such certificate shall relieve the company and the directors from liability under this Act. for noii-coinpliance with the said '^ requirements.

6. Section 152//; of The Ontario Companies Act i> anionded by adding at the end thereof the following words: •• or to corporations without share capital. sul)ject to the jM-ovisions of this Part.''


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No. 165. 191!>.


An Act to amend The Children's Protection Act.


HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advict' and consent of the Legislative Assem'blj of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. 'rile chiu.-c lettcriHi " // " in siil>se<-ti()n 1 of scctinn 2 uev. stut.. of The Children's Protection Act of 'Ontario \> ninciMlcd 1 'V (if^par " h. insertiniT after the word "truant" in the sixtli line fhereof •""'''"'•"' the words " or who violates tlic jirovisions of se<*rion 1<» ^r IT thereof or whose ])arents rofnso to ncrmit tlic su|t|dyin«r of medical or snrp-ical troatnicnr ordered l»y a eoni])orent anthoritv."

2. Subsection 1 of section fi of The Children's Proterfion c. 231*. "' Act of Ontario is amended bv insertinir after the \\'ord "pro- !ln,enu«Hi. vide" in the second line, the words "to the satisfaction of

the Minister " and bv striking out the words " assist in the maintenance thereof" and insertinir in lien there«->f the words " adequately maintain the same to the satisfaction of the Minister."

3. Subsection 8 of se<'tion fi of Thr Children's Profer-r. zih lion Art of Ontario is amended by insertinir at the lv'<rinninirHm.-nde.i. of the subsection the word^ " Snbjech to the provisions of

subsection ;"» of section 0."

4. Subsection 1 of section 12 of The Children's Pro/cr-J.^'^,,';""' tion Art of Ontario is. amended bv strikinir out the fic"''<^JJmenrtVd. " $2.00 " in the fourth line and the word " weekly " in the

fifth line and inserting instead thereof the words " fifty cents a day."

5. Section 16 of The Children's Prnteetwn Art of «-• "«• »• i«.

Ontario is amended by strikinir out the word ten in the

second line thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the word

" twelve." 166

Rev. Stat, c. 231. H. 18 (1), par. (c), amended.

6. Paragraph (c) of subsection 1 of section 18 of The Children's Protection Act of Ontario is amended by insert- ing after the word " circus " in the fourth line thereof the word " theatre."

Kev. Slat. <!. 231. s. 18. (2), amended.

Rev. Stat. c. 231, s. 19 (I ). amended.

Rev. Stat., c. 231, .S.20 (2), amended.

7. Subsection 2 of section 18 of The Children's Proter

linn Arl of Ontario is amended by inserting after the word " ciicii^ '" ill iIm? tliiivl liru; thereof thf^. word " theatre."

8. Sultscction 1 of section lit (jt J Ik: Children's Pioter- liiiii Act of Ontario is amended by inserting after the word " morals " in the eighth line thereof the words " or that ;i child who is a ward of the Ohildren'.s Aid Society or who has been illegitimately removed from the custody of such Society is being concealed or harboured in any such place."

9. Subsection 2 of section 20 of The Children's Prote,

lion Arl nf <)iiliirii' i- .•iiiicikIciI 1)\- >ti-ikintr out the word " penalty " in the rsceund liiU' thereof and substituting the word " fine " and also by striking out the figures " $20.00 " in the second line thereof and inserting the following: " $100.00 01* to imprison for a period of one year or to both fine and imprisonment."




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No. 166. 1919


An Act to amend The Ontario Election Act.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario,

enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Ontario Election Act, 1919.

2. Subsection 2 of section 8 of The Ontario Election Act, 1918, is repealed and the following substituted therefor:

(2) A woman shall be detuned to be a British subject by birth or naturalization within the meaning of this Act so as to entitle her to be entered on. the list of voters and to vote :

{a) If she Avas bom a British subject and is unmarried, or married to a British subject and haa not become a subject of any foreign power; or citi- zen of any foreign state, or

I (6) If she was naturalized as or l>ecamo prior to the 12th day of April, 1917, a British subject, or if she has since become naturalized under section 2 of The Naturalization Act, 19 J 4, and has not since become a subject of any foreign power; or citizen of any foreign state, or

« (c) If she has become a I>ritish snl)j(vt In- marriage, or by the naturalization as a British subject of her parent while she was a minor, and in either case has done nothing to forfeit or lose her status as a British subject, and has obtained a certificate (Form 18) under the sicrnature of a Judge of the Supreme Court, or of a county or District Court under the seal of the Court, certi- fying that she has personally appeared and has satisfied him that she is of the full age nf 166

twenty-one years, hoB resided in Canada a suffi- cient length of time, and is possessed of all re- quirements as would bo necessary to entitle her, if unmarri^, to become naturalized as a British subject, and that she has taken the oath of allegiance to His Majesty, and no woman shall be entitled to be entered on the list of voters or to vote unless so qualified.

3. Section 22 of The Ontario Election Act, 1918, is amended by adding after the word " concession " in the third line the words " post office address."


4. Section 27 of The Ontario Election Act, 1918, is amended by adding thereto the following subsection :

(2) ^Mien the lists of voters prepared by the enumera- tors for the polling subdivisions of an electoral district are printed, the returning officer shall not be required to certify the list for each poll- ing subdivision separately, but may bind up or fasten together all the printed lists for the electoral district and may certify the same as the list of voters for the electoral district for the purposes of this section.

5. Section o-t of The Ontario Election Act, is amended by adding thereto the following subsection:

(10) Where the returning officer deems it necessary so to do he may use the whole or any part of a public school house in the electoral district with- out charge, for the purpose of a polling place or polling places.

6. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in The Ontario Election Act or any amendment thereto, or in The Ontario Election Act, 1918, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may at any time direct that the lists of voters for any electoral district or for all the electoral districts in Ontario shall be prepared, and may appoint a chief enumera- tor for any electoral district who shall have and perform with respect to the preparation of such lists the like power and duties as a returning officer appointed under The Ontario Election Act, and the Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall fix the date upon which the enumerators shall commence to make up the lists of voters required by The Ontario Election Act, 1918. The Chief Enumerator shall be the Returning Officer for the Electoral district at the next ensuing general or bv-election. i66


(2) The lists shall be prepared and revised and certified in the manner provided by The Ontario Election Act, 1918, as amended by this Act, and the provisions of the said Act shall so far as applicable, apply to lists prepared under sub- section 1.

(3) The lists so prepared, and revised and certified shall be the proper lists to 'be used at the election or votin«;"upon any question held next after the certifying of such lists.

(4) Where the preparation of lists under subsection 1 has been ordered before the date fixed for nomination at an election, the date fixed for holding the poll at an election at which such lists may be used, may be any date not less than ^v\in\ days or more tlum fift>--six days after the date fixed for nomination.

7. A'othing in section 6 shall prevent the issue of the writ or the appointment of the nomination day and iMjlling day and the making up of the lists after the day fixed for nomi- nation as provided by The Ontario Election Act, 1918.

The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall, in every case fix the date upon which the enumerators shall commence to make up the lists.

8. Clause c of paragraph 1 of section ;> of Tlic Oularm Election Act, 1918, is repealed and the following substituted therefor :

{c) Has resided in Canada for the twelve months next preceding the day fixed by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council as the day upon which the enumerator shall commence to make up the lists and is on the said day or will be within fifty- six days thereafter of the full age of twenty- one years.

B. (1) Where an election is to be held or a vote is to be taken upon a question to be submitted to the electors not more than one year after the date fixed for holding the poll at a previous election or voting upon a question, the Lieuten- ant-Governor in Council may direct that the lists of voters prepared and certified for use at such first-mentioned elec- tion or voting shall be the lists of voters to be used at the -ubsequent election or voting.

I ' ) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council nuiy. in his dis- cntiioii, direct that the Voters Registration Hoard shall pro- vide for the holding of sittings of revising officers who may 166

be lueiribors of the said Board to be appointed by the Board for the purpose of hearing complaints as to the lists, and in that case the right of appeal or complaint to the revising officer, the powers of the revising officer, and the procedure with respect to complaints, the correction, revision and cer- tification of lists and the attendance of witnesses, shall be the same as nearly as may be as in the case of appeals or complaints to the revising officer upon the preparation of the lists under The Ontario Election Act, 1918.

10. The Ontario Election Act, 1918, is amended by add- ing as Form 13, the form in the Schedule to this Act

11. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may give such directions and make such Regulations as he may deem neces- sary for carrying out the provisions of The Ontario Election Act, 1918, and of this Act, and for the guidance of return- ing officers and other officers and persons charged with any duty under the said Acts, and may by such directions or Kegulations modify or ^Iter any provision when the same appears to be inconvenient or impracticable, and may make due provision for circumstances which are not provided for or contemplated bv this Act.

12. Wliere by any statute of Ontario it is directed that question or questions shall be submitted to the vote of the electors qualified to vote at the election of members to the Assembly :

{a) All the provisions 'by law applicable to the holding of an election to the Assembly, including the appointment of returning officers, and other officials, the preparation of lists of voters and polling lists, the hours of polling, the qualifica- tion and oaths of voters, illegal and corrupt practices and penalties and prosecutions there- for, the manner of preparing the ballot and the marking thereof, the apjx>intment, rights and duties of agents and the manner of counting the votes and making returns thereof shall mutatis mutandis a])ply to the taking of the vote upon any such question.

(h) If the (lay tixed for taking the vote upon such

question is the same day as that upon which

polling takes place at the election of a member

to serve in the Assembly or at the election of

members of a municipal council, the polls for

voting upon such question may 'be held in the

same places and bv the same officers, and at the 166

same time as the polls at the election to the Assembly or municipal election as the case may 'be.

13. The Ontario Election Act, section 54, is amended by adding the following subsection:

(10) The Returning Officer shall have power when necessary to substitute a tent or portable booth for a polling place in any polling subdivision and to set up such tent or booth without charge in any street, lane or vacant lot within such poll- ing subdivision.

14. The Ontario Election Act, 1918, section 64, sub- section 1, is amended by adding the following clauses:

(g) For prescribing notwithstanding anythinir <'oii- tained in section 39, a form of Voters' X..iuf of Complaint to be used in lieu of Form 11, in cities and towns, which form may provide for a separate notice or combined Notices of Cora- plaint as may be directed in the Regulation.


(h) For making further provision if necessary for tak- ing the votes of Railway Employees under the provisions of section 15 of this Act.

15. (1) The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may by order declare that the following subsections of this section shall apply to any electoral district or to any municipality in an electoral district, and thereafter and while the order remains in force polls shall be provided at any election to the Assem'bly or the voting upon any question submitted to the electors of Ontario for receiving the votes of raihvijy employees whose employment is such as to necessitate tin ii- absence from time to time from their ordinary place of resi- dence and who have reason to believe that fhev will be so absent upon the day fixed for polling at sneli . I. . fi,>n npon such question.

(2) For the purpose of enabling such railway employeee to vote, polls shall be held and kept open from nine oVIfvk in the forenoon until five o'clock in the afternoon f>>v ilu- three days, exclusive of Sunday, immediatciv i>r<c(<liiiir the day fixed by proclamation for holding the poll at the ekvtion or voting upon the question.

(3) The Lieutenant-Governor in ( <Min(il shall fix the

number of polls to be so opened in the electoral district or 166


municipality and the Koturniug Officer shall fix the polling places "and shall appoint a Deputy Returning Officer and Poll Clerk to hold each poll.

(4) Notice of the times and places at which polls shall be opened shall be given by the Returning Officer at least one week prior to the first day so fixed by advertisement in a newspaper published in the el/ectoral district or uninicipality and by 'posting up notices at each of the polling places so appointed.

(5) Ballot boxes and ballot papers and a certified Voters' List containing all the printed lists for the electoral district or so many as may be required for the purpose of the poll shall be supplied by the Returning Officer to the Deputy Returning Officer together with j)oll l)ooks, forms of oath and other documents required for the purpose of the polls.

(6) Every person offering himself as a voter at the polling place before being allowed to vote shall be required by the Deputy Returning Officer to make the following declaration, which shall be kept by the Deputy Returning Officer with the other records of the poll :

I, , declare* that I am at present employed by

railway company, and that I expect in the

course of my employment to be absent from my usual place

of residence on the day for holding the jwll at the coming

general or by-election.

Dated at , this day of , 19 .

(Name of Voter)

Witness :

Deputy Returning Officer.

(Y) Any person signing any such declaration knowing that the statements therein are false shall incur a penalty of not less than $25 nor more than $100.

(8) The Poll Clerk shall record in the poll book in the column headed " Remarks " after the name of each person who votes a note that he has signed the declaration above set out.

(9) No person shall be entitled to vote unless his name appears on the last revised voters' list for the electoral district.

(10) The Deputy Returning Officer and every candidate or his agent may require that the voter, before being handed a ballot, take the proper oath to be administered to a voter.

(11) At the close of the poll each day the Deputy Return- ing Officer and any candidate or agent present who desires


to do so shall affix his seal to the ballot box in such a manner that it cannot be opened or any ballot be deposited in it without breaking such seals.

(12) On polling day the Deputy Returning Officer shall in the presence of such candidates and their agents who may be present at the hour fixed for the closing of the poll open the ballot boxes, count the votes and perform all the other duties required of Deputy Returning Officers by The Ontario Election Act, sections 113 to 120, inclusive.

16. Forms 1-A, 2-A and 6 in the Schedule of this Act are substituted respectively for Forms 1-A, Form 2-A, and Form 6 in the Schedule of The Ontario Election Act, 1918.



FouM 13.


(Referred to in Section 8.)

I, , a Judge of the Court hereby certify

that of the City of in the County of ,

not being a British subject by virtue of her birth in Canada or in some other part of the British Empire or by reason of naturaliza- tion in her own right, has personally appeared and has satisfied me that she:

Is of the full age of twenty-one years;

Has resided in Canada a suflBcient length of time;

And is possessed of all qualifications necessary to enable her, if unmarried, to become naturalized as a British subject; and

That she has taken the oath of allegiance to His Majesty.

Given under my hand and the seal of the said Court,

this day of , 19 .

(Seal of Court.)




(Referred to in Section 15.)

Form of Oath to be administered to Voter qualified under Part 1, s. 3, par. 1 and s. 6.

You swear (a) :

1. That you are the person named or intended to be named by the name of in the polling list now shown to you (or where a voter votes on a certificate given under section 88 of The Ontario Election Act, that you are the person named in the certificate now shown to you.)

2. That you are of the full age of twenty-one years In the case of male voter.

3. That you are a British subject by birth or at the option of the voter.

3. That you are a British subject by virtue of your naturaliza- tion before the 12th day of April, 1917 (or by virtue of your natur- alization under section 2 of The Naturalization Act, 191 i) In the case of a female voter.

3. That you are a British subject by birth, and are unmarried (or are married to a British subject) or at the option of the voter.

3. That you are a British subject by virtue of your naturaliza- tion In your own right, before the 12th day of April, 1917 (or by virtue of your naturalization in your own right under section 2 of The yaturalization Act, 191 i). or at the option of the mtrr. 166


3. That you are a British subject by virtue of your iiiarriaKi' to a British subject (oi- by virtue of the naturalization of your parent while you were a minor), and have done nothing to forfeit or lose your status as a British subject and are the holder of a cortifuatr of a Judge given under The Ontario FAevtion .(<■/. /.''/.'', cntitliiiL: you to be entered in the Voters' list and to vote.

4. That you are not a citizen or subject of any forrimi ( .miury.

5. That you have resided within the Dominion of Caiiaihi lor the twelve months next preceding the {h) dav of

, 19 .

6. That you were on tlic said (hiy in sjoo;! laiili a icsidcnt o; and domiciled in the municipality in which this polling sulxiiv ision is situate.

7. That you have resided in this electoral district cuiitinuouslv for the three months next preceding the said day and liavo resided tlierein continuously from the said day, and that yon air now actually resident and domiciled therein (c) (o;- at the option of the toter in the case of a city divided into two or more electoral districts or parts of which are situate in two or more electoral districts.)

7. That you have resided in this municipality < ontiinnuisly for the three months next precedlns: the said day and liavr resided therein continuously from tlic said day and that you hav(> r(<idf>d continuously for the thirty days next preceding the said day in tin-* electoral district, and liave resided therein continuously

said day. ('") (and are now actiniliy ic-i i

domiciled therein.)

8. Tliat yon are not disqualifted from votini: ;:t t'li- election and are entitled to vote at this election and at i!ii- '-.ilinv jjlan-.

ft. That you have not voted Ix't'di"' at this elecfimi. at \h\- <ir at any other polling place.

10. That you have not i'eceivcd an\t!iinK iKir lia n-"' promised you, directly t indirectly, tn indip election, or for loss m liiiic. tiavellinp cmk n or any service whatever connected witli tii;

XoiK. ("I If ;!:" \n\'V is a ;..T-.>;, v.li,. '.'.:■} u\ !;,•,>. ad'.rni it: civil cases, laen foi' ".-w.'ar" .-iih^i ii iit.' ' Mrirnmlv allirui."

(h) The date to be insei-i-'d i- ilir <!ai.> nv^-d i,\ the I.i-ntrran' Governor in Council for ronneeni in^ lo make u]>

(f) In case the voter has been lenipuiai il> .i.-.in i-. ; the following words: "except occasionally or tenii>niarily. or a- a Tn-ni- her of a permanent militia corps enlisted for ^ontinnou- ,- i . or on^service as a memher of tlif .active inihiia nr nn ii navarservic»> with Creat Firitain or her Alii.' hnii ■-• war, or as "a student in attendance at an :>'"'-J

in file Dominion of Canada, that is to say. (/" '")."

ase may be.


10 FORM 2.



(Referred to in SectiOD 16.)

Ordinary Form of Oath to be Administered to Voter in Territory without Municipal Organization.

You swear (a) :

1. That you are the person named or intended to he named by the name of in the polling list now shown to you (or where a voter votes on a certificate given under .section 88 of The Ontario Election Act, that you are the person named In the certificate now shown to you.)

2. That you are of the full age of twenty-one years*— /n the case of a male voter.

3. That you are a British subject by birth or at the option of the voter.

?>. That you are a British subject by virtue of your naturaliza- tion before the 12th day of April, 1917 (or by virtue of your natur- alization under section 2 of The Naturalization Act. 191 'i) In the caftc of a female voter.

3. That you are a British subject by birth, and are unmarried (or are married to a British subject) or at the option of the voter.

3. That you are a British subject by virtue of your naturaliza- tion in your own right, before the 12th day of April, 1917 (or by virtue of your naturalization in your own right under section 2 of The Naturalization Art, I'M)), or at the option of thr mt'-r.

3. That you are a British subject by virtue of your marriage to a British subject (or by virtue of the naturalization of your parent while you were a minor), and have done nothing to forfeit or lose your status as a British subject and are the holder of a certificate of <a Judge given under The Ontario Election Act. 1919. entitling you to be entered in the voters' list and to vote.

4. That you are not a citizen or subject of any foreign country.

5. That you have resided within the Province of Ontario for the nine months next preceding the (&) dav of

19 .

6. That you were on the said day, in good faith, a resident of and domiciled in the territory for which the voters' list was pre- pared, and that you have resided in this electoral district continu- ously from the said date, (e) and that you are now actually resid- ing and domiciled therein.

(Or in the case of a clergyman, or a high or public or separate school teacher voting under section 20 in lieu of paragraph 4.)

6. That you were on the said day, in good faith a resident of and domiciled in the territory for which the voters' l5st was prepared.

(a) That you are a clergyman (or a high or public or separate school teacher, as the case may be) ;

(6) That you are still a resident of Ontario; 166


(c) That you have resided in this electoral district continuously from the said day until within three months next preceding this election ;

(d) That you are not entitled to vote in anv other electoral district

7. That you are not disqualified from voting and are entitled to vote at this election and at this polling place.

8. That you have not voted before at this election, at this or at any other polling place.

9. That you have not received anything nor has anything been promised you, directly or indirectly, to induce you to vote at this

election, or for loss of time, travelling exi)enses. hire of conveyance, or any servJbe whatever connected with this election.

10. And that you have not directly or indirectly paid or promised anything to any person, to induce him to vote or to refrain from voting at this election. So help you God.

Notes. (a) If the voter is a person who may by law afiSrm In civil cases then for " swear " substitute " solemnly affirm."

(b) The date to be inserted is the date fixed for commencing to prepare the list. .

(c) In case the voter has been temporarily absent Insert the fol- lowing words: " except occasionally or temporarily, or as a member of a permanent militia corps enlisted for continuous service, or on service as a member of the active militia, or on military or naval service with Great Britain or her Allies during the present war, or as a student in attendance at an institution of learning in the Dominion of Canada, that is to say (here name institution)," as the case may be.


ONTARIO ELE>CTION ACT, 1918. (Referred to in section 24. subs. 1.)

Form of oath to be administered by enumerator to persons desiring to be entered on the list.

You swear (a) :

1. That your name is

2. Tliat you reside at . (Fill in stn< t number or lot and concession.)

3. That you are of the full age of twenty-one years.

In the case of male voter.

4. That you are a British subject by birth or at the option of the


4. That you are a British subject by virtue of your naturalization before the 12th day of April, 1917 {or by virtue of your naturaliza- tion under section 2 of The ytiturnlization Arl. ini',).

In the case of a female voter. 4. That you are a British subject by birth, and are unmarried (or are married to a British subject) or at the option of the voter.

4. That you are a British subject by virtue of your naturalization in your own right, before the l2th day of April. 1917 (or by ylrtu© of your naturalization In your own right under section 2 of The NaturaUzatlon Act. 19U) or at the option of the voter. 166


4. That you are a British subject by virtue of your marriage to a Hritish subjet't {or by virtue of the naturalization of your parent while you were a minor) and have done nothing to forfeit or lose .\our Htaius as a Hritish subject and are tiie holder of a certificate of a Judge given under The Ontario Election Act, 1919, entitling you to be entered in the voters' list and to vote.

f). That you are not a citizen or subject of any foreign country.

6. That you have resided within the Dominion of Canada for the twelve months next preceding the day of , being the day fixed by the l>ieutenant-Governor in <!ouncil for commencing to make up the lists upon which you desire to be entered.

7. That you were on the said day in good faith a resident of and domiciled in the nuiniripality in which this poling subdivision is situate.' •>

8. That you have resided in this electoral district continuously for the three months next preceding the said day and that you are now actually a resident of and domiciled therein (or at the option of the voter in the case of a city divided into two or more electoral districts or parts of which are situate in two or more electoral districts).

8. That you have resided in this municipality continuously for the three months next preceding the said day, and have resided therein continuously from the said day, and that you have resided continuously for the thirty days next preceding the said day in this electoral district and have resided therein continuously since the said day.)

9. That you are entitled to vote at this election.

NOTK. («.) If the voter is a person who may by law affirm in civil cases then for " swear " substitute " solemnly affirm."

(h) In case the voter has been temporarily absent, insert the fol- lowing words: "except occasionally or temporarily, or as a member of a permanent militia corps enlisted for continuous service, or on service as a member of the active militia, or on military or naval service with Great Britain or her Allies during the present war, or as a student in attendance at an institution of learning In the Domin- ion of Canada that is to say (here name institution)," as the case may be. Or in the case of a person claiming to be qualified under I)ara graph 2 of section 3.

You swear (a) :

1. That your name is

2. That you are a British subject.

3. That you have served (or are serving) in the military (or naval) forces of Great Britain (or Canada, or of any other British possession, naming it, or in the military or naval forces of any of (!r(at Britain's Allies in the present war. naming the forces with which the voter has served or is serving).

4. That at the time when you entered such service you were a lesident of this municipality.

Or at the option of the voter in lieu of paragraph 4

4. That at the time when you entered such service you had no permanent place of residence in Ontario, but were temporarily resi- dent in this municipality.

5. That you are entitled to vote at this election.

jsjoi-K (a) If the voter is a person who may by law affirm in civil cases then for " swear " substitute " solemnly affirm."


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Xo. 167. 1919.


An Act to amend The Highway Improvement Act.

HIS MAJESTr, by and with the advice and consent of. the Legislative xVssenihly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The Iliyhirny /m/>ror<'me/j/^''**'"' ""*"

AmemJment Act, 1919.

2. 'J'lic 5iim <il' -i^:., 000. 0(10 is hereby set apart out of thel5.ooo.ooo Consolidated Revenue Fund to aid in the improvement offorhiKhway public highways, the said sum to bo in addition to any sumrnen't"^* heretofore set apart for the like purpose, and shall be applie<l

as provided by The Ilighwaij Improvement Act and amend- ments thereto, and subject to the same terms and conditions as the sum set apart by that Act, and shall also .be applied as provided by The Ontario Highways Act, and The Pro- vincial Highway Act.

3. Section 3 of The Highway Improvement Act assoeo. v. amended by section 4 of The Highway Improvement /if/, amended'. 1916, and section 4 of The Highrray Improvem£nt Act, 1918, is further amended by striking out the figures

" $4,000,000 " and substituting therefor, the figures " $9,000,000."

4. Section 5 of The Highway Improvement Act is f "i^- J*^*- amended by adding the following thereto: amended!

(6) When no roads or streets as defined in subsection Expjn^i'^jjre 3 remain to be improved or when no such roads of »rant««. or streets exist within the limits of a town, grants made under subsection 1 may be ex- pended upon such other streets or roads or por- tions thereof as the Minister may approve.

5. Section 11 of The Highway Impmremrnt Art iH?*4^;i*Vi: amended by striking out the words '* the authority" in f he '""•n««»«i- '

When ^^^^^ ^^^ thereof hikI j*ul>^tijntiug the words " sect ion 4,"

electoriB w)t '^"^ ^y Jnsertiii}^ after the word " council " in tlie third line KKiuired. thereof the words '* present and voting thereon."

Rev. Stat., c. 40. H.ll. amended.

©. Section 11 "f 77/r // ii/h ir/n/ I m i>i<iniiiriil ,\rf is

amended bv adding therelo the following:

Where two







(2) When two or nion- incinltcis of ;i county council represent one local municipality and do not vote in the same manner for or against a l>y-law pa88ed nnder section 4 of this Act, the equalized assessment of such municipality shall Iw pro- portionately divided in ascertaining the amount of the equalized a.ssessraent repre^sented by roem- hers of the county council nsscntinc: to such by- law.

riev. Stat. ^' Subsection 4 of .section 18 of The /IlrjJnmt/ Impron'-

sVJ.'*"' ^^' """^' -^^' ^^ amended by striking out the word '* Act " in the amended. second line thereof and substituting therefor the word '* section."

r, oeo. V.

c. 14. s. 6. amended. By-law a.s to part of county.

8. Subsection 1 of section 26a of The High way Improve- ment Act, as enacted by section G of The Highway Jmprove- inent Act, 1916. is amended bv striking out the word "four" in the fifth line thereof, and iiy ^uhsriniting therefor the word " two."






io lo l-l

-1 C3

a- a- "^

§ § 2




o o x> •o -o o


3 >— i^

-3 O


O 3 >-< '

o 7^




The Municipal Amendment Act, 1919.

HIS AIAJESTV, l»v and with the advice and coiisi'iit ui the Legislative AsseiuM.v of tlic i'r.iviiicc of Ontario, enacts as follows:

^ 1. Subsection 2 of section ."i.'j of The ,]fiiiiiri/>aJ .\rl ist'^Va/'"^"

amended bv adding- thereto the followin" (dnu>e: ». 53, »«. 2.

" "^ iiinen(l»(I.

(g) Of his being a i)art owner or joint owner of vacaiit f;."^^^*'"^','^*.'" land other than the land in respect of which he ''."""r"'*'

^ iioM For

qualifies in resi)eet of which taxes arc in"o"-pay-

1 MCI 1 '"♦"It of

arrears, wlierc u\e conncil of tlie c(>ri)oratn>n hasiaxeHin bv resolntion declared that cdanse Cs) of .i\ib-ia-e« section 1 shall not apply .-o a> to disiniality a joint owner oi- j>art owner of any sndi \a<-aiit land until after the 1st day of .Inne. 1!>21.

2. Section 58a of The M miiciixil .\<l a> enacted by m< ii.-n 3 of The Mimdciixil Ametvdmeni .\ri, lUlS. is amended by adding after the word •' corporation " in the seventh line the words, " for the management and control of a public jitility as defined by The Public lUiliiips Arf or of an electric rail- way or steam railway."

This amendment shall U; read and -iimd a- il" ii had

been [»as.sed on the 2('»th day of March. r.i|>.

3. Subsection 4 of section 04 of The MiinlrijHil Arl is amended by adding at the end therecd* ihe following words, " and any such bydaw shall remain in force from year t«» year until it is repealed."

4. Section 73 of the said Act is amended by striking out J*i^/***' the words " is a Sunday and in that case on the following*. 78. , ^^ day" in the eighth line thereof and insertinir the following

words in lieu thereof: " is a Sattirda,\ <>r a Snn«lay and in that ca.>e on the preceding Friday/'

1«8 '


Rev. Stat., c. 192, a. 78. amended.

5. Scciioii 7s ol' 'llic Miniicipaf Arl is ameudetl by insert- ing ijfter the word "clerk," in subsection (1), the words " or such person as tlie council may apjxjint to a'-t in the absence of the clerk through illness or otherwise.''

6. Subsection ^5 of section 2]0 of The Municipal Act is amended by striking out the figures *' $1,500 " in the second line and inserting the figures '^ $2,500."

Rev. Stat, 7, Subsection t 1 j of scctiou 280 of The Municipal Act is

m^amended. uuieuded bv striking out the word " annually " in the second

line and by inserting before the word "collectors" in the

second line the following words: "shall annually appoint

as many."

Rev. Srat. c. 192, s. 318 (1), amended.

8. (' 1) Siihsectinii (1) of section ol8 of VV/c Municipal A el i- hereliy niiiciulcd by striking out the figures "$100" in the third lino thereof, and substituting therefor the figures' " $50."

Rev. Stat., c. 192, s. 318 (2), amended.

(2) Subse^'tion { 2) of section 318 of the said Act is hereby amended by striking out the figures "$100" in the fifth and seventh lines thereof and substituting therefor the figures " $50."

Rev. Stat., c. 192, s. 324 (2). amended.

9. Subsection (2) of section 324 of The MnnicipnJ Act is amended by inserting after the word " widening " in the third line thereof the words. " prote<'tiiig from the erosion of streams or water."

Rev. Stat., 10. The Municipal Act is amended by addinir the follow-

amended. ing as section 398a:

398a. By-laws may be passed by the councils of all municipalities.

Memorial homes, club houses, etc., for soldiers.

1. For erecting, establishing, equipping and maintaining, or for granting aid for the erection, establishment, equipment and maintenance of a memorial home or club- house for nursing sisters. ofRoer? and men who have been on active service during the present war with the naval or military forces of Great Britain or her Allies, or of a monument, building or structure or a park in commiemoration of officers and men who have died while on such active service.

(a) The councils of any i\vt» or iii«*re muni- Agreements cipalities may enter into an ai^reenion! for carrvin*]^ out any of the i»urpo.<e.-. «»f this paratrraj>h in any .in<' of them;

2. Witli the assent of rhe cicctors (pialitied to vote on money bv-laws for exempting: from taxation except for local improvements and school i)urposes for a period not exceeding ten years any such memorial home, cluh- house or huildinji' and the lands used in connection therewith;

n. For arantinii- aid to anv fund established for ^"ow-ances

. ,. ,, to widows.

])rovininii' allowances to widows, children. children.

1 ; 1 . 'etc.. of

Widowed iiml licr-. part'ii'.-. pcr^ims ac t in ll deceased ; / 1 1 ,. . * soldiers.

m loco pamitis or dependants of nnrsinjr sisters, officers and men who resided in the municipality for six months prior to en- listment and who died while on active .ser- vice dnrino the present war with the naval or military forces of Cireat Britain or her Allies ;

4. For making «irants to unr-iim sister-. oHirersO-rants to 1 11 1 ■• 1 soldiers.

and men who liaxc returned Iroin such

aeti\i' sei'\ ire and who rr-ided in the iiiuni- cipality for six months prinr to enlistment;

(a) Para^aphs '■'> and I -hall come into force on the tirsi da\ of June. 1010.

11. Paragraph 12 of section J{!Mi of Thr Municipal .Ir/iiev. stat.. is amended hy strikins: out all the words after " servants "Si 399; in the third line of (dause (a) and hy nddinfr the ff>ll<iwinir!'^'";.,Jj;.,, clauses :

(lA The council mav provide for the expense incurred Collection in -iich work by imposing: in the l)v-law author- izing the work or in a separate by-law a fixed fee or graded fees varying aeeording to the dif- ferent kind of premises served, ilir time involved in service and such other matters as the council may consider applicable, and such fees shall be rated and assessed against the lands in resp«'ct of which snch services are rendered in the collector's roll of the municipality and collected and re- covered in like manner as municipal taxes.


((•) The <-.>iiucil iii.iv provide that the <-«»ll<-cn.iii. )•<• uioviii and disposal by the corporation »»t the contents of earth closets or other sanitary chmets throughout tlie whole municipality, or in dctine<i areas of it ^hall be done at the expense of the owners or occupants of the land therein, and for that |)nrpo8e may impose upon such land a spe- cial rate according to its assessed value which shall be collected and recovered in like niannc'r as iimiiicipal taxes.

12.-- ( 1 ) r;ii;im;i|ili :; of section 4()() of The Muiii'i<il Arl is amended l)\ -iiikiiiii out all the words after the

at large" in the ciulith line, down to and inchid



wonl "works" in iln icntli line, jind -iilistitiitini: fjurcioi- the following: "or wiicrc any siicii corporation has und(>r- taken the construction, purchase or acquisition of any such works and it ap])ears that the cost of such construction, purchase or acquisition has exceeded or will exceed the amount already ]>rovided for that purpose, for borrowing such further sums as may be necessary to extend. impro\-o or complete sudi works or the pun-base or acquisition of the same."

(2) The clause lettered h in the said paragrajh i> amended by striking om ilic word '* extensi<ui " in the second line of the said chnise ;iiiil -id)stituting therefor the ''expenditure |ii()]io>e(l lo be made for such exten-i improvement i^v for the eompletiou i>t" siu-h work- r -U'-ii ]iurchnse or ncijuisitiou."

I ^2"s\6, ^^- ^'l«"i-^(' i^i) *»f paragrajdi 4 of se<*tion WiUi of the said

i.'peaied. Act is repealed and the following substituted therefor: -

(a) For the purpose of this paragraph, a iud>lic garage shall include a building or place where motor cars are hired or kept or used for hire or where such cars or gasoline or oils are stored or kept for sale, and a building used as an automobile rej^air sb(»|).

14. Section los of Tlw MmiicipnJ Ad \> anieude<l In- adding the tolldwinu a> pai'agra]i|i ^: -

S^:ET>s Pri;i 11 Asi. axd Donation ot--.

.'^. For purchasing supplies of any or all kinds of

vegetables, seeds and .seed root« and tubers and

donating them to residents of the county on such

terms and conditions as mav be fixed bv the bv-


law for the purpose of promoting and aiding the the production of crops.

(a) This paragraph shall be deemed to have been in force on, from and after the 12th day of April, 1917.

15. Section 4(111 <if rill' s;ii<l Act i> amended by addina: the *^«^- s^»-

c, 192

followinsi' thereto as paragrapli -21 : »'.io\

^ ^ amendeO.

2/. Paragraph 2 of this section shall also apply to tents. "®|!,cl?uo " awnings, or other similar coverings for busine8s"J,|»j*'yj].*^'*' purposes and buildings for the housing of motor trucks or apparatus used in any truck cart^igc business, but this paragraph shall not apply to any such t( iii. awning or building which \\a- on the 1st day of May, 1!>19, erected or u^al for any such purpose so long as it is usetl as a building which was on the Ist day of April. 1919, erected or used for any such purpose so long as it is used as it was tiscd on that day.

16. The Municii>al Ad i> aiiiciuloil 1>\ a<l*liiii: ilic t'njlow- ,.. 192. iiig as section 41(w :

4I()r/. By-laws may be pa.>MHl by thi' coiuu'ils ot cilic-.m,j_,,.t^<,„i and towns having a population of not less than J°|?^J-;^^""*' r).000 for the purposes set out in paragraph 1 of section 410 a?? amended by section 11 oi Thr

Munifi/uil A III' ni/nient Art . I'-'ls.

17. Srt-iioii 4l;5 of Tlir MuniciimJ Art is amended l.\ iu>v. sua.. -Hiking out the words "separated towns ami to\nis in unor-ftm«nd»>d. uanixcd territory " and substituting therefor fbe won!

■• towns '' and bv adding the following cb»Msc>:

(d) A by-law of a <-ounty passed iiinbr this paragraph J-icensinK shall not ha\(' force in a town after the coun<iI g^prond-hnnti of the town has |)a.H.sed a by-law for a simibu"*''*'^''' purpose.

18. Paragraph 1 of section 4 1o of tiu- >aid .\ct is auicndci h.v^ »t»t.. bv inserting the words '' junk yards " after the word " shops" n. 413.'

in the second line thereof. nmendcKl.

19. raragrai)b 1 of section 4in of The }funinpaJ AH '""^^j^'^'Vis. ntneuded by adding after clause (>/) the following clan-. . nd^d.



(al) The by-law may apply to and require every per- son using a vehicle for any of the purposes men- tioned in paragraph 1, either on his account or as the agent or servant of another person, to take out a license ;

(a2) The power of licensing shall not apply to persons engaged in any of the objects mentioned paragraph 1 for patriotic or obftritflhle purposes


Rev. Stat., c. 192, s. 472, amended.

Closing: of street to vehicular traflBc only.

20. Section 4.V> of The Municipal Act is amended by

addincr theret-o tho followine- .midsection:

(2) Tn the rase of a dedicated highway such vesting shall be subject to any rights in the soil reserved by the person who laid out or dedicated the highway.

21, Section 472 of The Municipal Act is amended by

adding thereto the following subsection:

(7) The council may, in any by-law closing a highway provide that the same shall only be closed for vehicular traffic and not for pedestrian traffic or vice versa, and may provide for the erection of barricades to enforce the due observance thereof.





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No. 169. 1919.



An Act to provide for a Ministry of Labour.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advi,-,- aii-l m-iMut of the Legislative Assembly of the ProviiK-e of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Depavtment of Lahotir^^-"''^ ""*'■ Act, 1919.

2, There shall be esta'blished at the seat of Govt iiiiiHiitDega!^tfn«;nt at Toronto a Department of the Public Service tn lu kiKiwn

as the Department of Labour under the direct inn and (-..ntrol of the Minister of La'lx)ur ;ii»]Hiiiited under the iinth<iiit\ of The Executive Council Ad.

INv. Still .

3.— (1) Section 8 of The Execufirr Cnunnl Act \<l''-^ amended by insertiiiLi' tlici'cin after ilic \\<'i-il.- " M ini-;er'"'"'"'''''- of Education" the words "Minister of Labour." of Labour.


(2) Subsection 1 of s<^<-fi(in 1 <if ilie <aid \r\ i^ amended)

bv adding at the end thereol the wnj-d-: annTi.i.,i

" The Minister of Labour $6,000." saiarV.'

Dutlos. etc..

4. Wherever in The Trades and L^iJ^nnr Branch Act ofof TrT.i


any of the Acts referred lo therein ui- in the ainondments^,':'!,';]'"""' tlicreto, reference is made to tlie Tra'N- and l.abiMir llranrh '^•Y'-'- "•■ i r.h(» same shall be taken to relVr and apply tu the I hpart i" !• n im. m incnt of Labour and all tlie pounx and dnii'- <>! ihc 1 i-adi - ninl Labour Hraiieh are Iraii-triTcd tn anJ -hall he vr-i.d in and performed by the Department n{ l.ahniir.

5. Tlie Lieutenant (!n\crnnr in ('nniicij inav apj'nin; ,. Deputy ]\riuister of iaihnnr and >ncli olHciis. derk- ai. •*'''• servants in the 1 )e|>aftinent of l.ahmir a- lie nia\ detni <\ [)e(lient, and 77/c Vnhl'tc Scrricr \(l and aniiinlnicnt- tin rr

to shall apjdy to tlw; I>rpiit\ Mini>t.r nt' l,al>niir an<l \n sncli officers, clerks and ser\ ant-.

6. This Act shall come into forr, nn the day upon whi it receives the Royal assent.







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'No. 170. 1919.


An Act to amend The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, 1914, and to confirm Certain Contracts and By-laws.

"LJ I"^ MAJESTY, by and with tlio advice and conseut «*• X of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of On- tario, ciux'ts iis follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Uydro-Electric Railway

Ail, 1919.

2. Section 9 of The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, 1916, is repealed

3. (1) The by-laws the forms of which are respectively set out in Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" to this Act, and wliicli have been heretofore respectively submitted to the vote of the municipal electors of the municipalities named in the schednk»s t^t the said bv-laws are (le<*lared to have been w) sub- mitted in due compliance with the provisions of The Hydro-

^Electric Railway Act, 1914, and when finally passed by the rounoil of any of the municipalities named in the contracts appended to each of the sai<l bv-laws shall be Icjral, valid and bindinjr upon the corporation and the ratepayers thereof, any- thing in any general or special Act of this Legislature to the j'outrary notwithstanding.

(2) Tt shall be the duty of the council oi mny municipal- ity in which either of such 'by-laws have been approved, or sball hereafter be *ai)proved iby the electors, to finally pass the by-law and give cfTeot to the same.

4. ( 1) The cojitracts s<'t out in Schedule *'.\" and Sclietl- ule "B"_to this Act and purporting to be made respectively between the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario of the First Part, and certain municipal corporations shall be deemed to have 1>een iiiado in piir-^nHiwc of TJik Jfi/Jro- 170

Electric Railway Act, lOlJf, and to comply with the pro- visions thereof, and tlio said contracts shall respectively be legal, valid and binding upon the Commission and upon every niunicipal corporation a party thereto and executing tho .same, anything in the said Act or in any other general or special Act of this Legislature to tl>« <'ontrary notwith- standing.

(2) It shall be the duty of the head and the clerk or treasurer of each of the said municipal corporations party to either of the said contracts to sign the contracts and affix the seal of the corporation hereto forthwith aftcT tho ])assing of the by-law approving of the same, whether the same shall have been so submitted before or after the passing of this Act.

5. The by-laws enumerated iu schedule '"C" to this Aet are confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon the respective corporations named in Schedule "C" and the ratepayers thereof, anything in any general or special Act relating to such corporation to the contrary notwith- standing.

6. Schedule ''B" to The Hydro-Electric Railway Ad, 1916, is amended by adding thereto the following:

By-Jaw ^'o. , 1910, of the Municipal CorjKiraiion

of the Township of Blanshard, to authorize a certain agreement made between the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and other municipal corporations, for the construc- tion, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Arf, lOlJf., and amendments thereto.

7. The by-law referred to in the next ] (receding section is confirmed and declared to be and to have been from the <lay of the passing thereof, legal, valid and binding upon the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Blanshard and the ratepayers thereof, anything in any general or special Act relating to such corporation to the contrary notwith- standins:.

8. The Hydro-Electric Railway Ad. I'.iL'^. i> a mended by adding thereto the following section :


17a (1) Where a municipal corporation has entered into an af^reement with the commission for the construction and operation of a railway under the provisions of this Act, the corporation shall not enter into any agreement or arrangement with, nor grant any honus, license or other in- (]ii((iii('iit TO any railway or transportation com- pany without the written consent of the commis- sion, and where any such coriwration controls or holds shares or stock in a company operating a railway, an electric railway or street railway, the transfer of the control of such company or of -stock or shares therein or securities thereof to any person or cor{X)ration shall he deemed to he an agreement or arrangement within tlio meaning of lliis <('ctii>ii ;


(2) Every ni^Kcnient or arrangeuKMii cntored into by a muuii'ipal corporation in vidhition of subsection 1 shall he null and void.

9. This Act shall come into force and take effect upon ihe day upon which it receives the Royal Assent.




PoKT Crkdit-St. Cati(aiiim:s Skctkin. By-laws to be Ratified by Legislation.

Township. Date Parsed. By-Law No.

Toronto January 8. 1917 862

Trafalgar February 5. 1917 1S8

Nelson March 31, 1919 659

Flamboro E February 6, 1917 619

Barton January 22. 1917 1 .0.',9

Grimsby N February 10. 1917 234

Clinton February 5, 1917 296

Louth February 5, 1917 61ft

Grantham February 12. 1917 :;s7


Grimsby January 11. 1917 417

Bearasville February 2, 1917 419


Oakville January 24. 1917 .'542

Burlington February 2, 1917 320


Hamilton April 8, 1919 2.197

St. Catharines January 22, 1917 3,053

Municipality of the oi-

By-law No.

A by-law to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the of , and other municipal

corporations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, 1914, and aRie:iflinents tliejeto:

Whereas it is expedient that the Corporation of the of and other municipal corporations should

enter into an agreement under T?ic Hjidro-Hlevtric Rnilicay Act. l!>l'i. and amendments thereto, with the Hydro-Electric Power Commis- sion of Ontario, hereinafter called the Commission, for the con- struction, equipment and operation of an electric railway in an.l through the Municipality of the ^ of

I , and certain other municipalities, upon the

terms and conditions and subject to the provisions set forth and contained in the asrejement set out in this by-law, and according to the routes set forth in .scliedule "A" to the said agreement;

And whereas the estimated cost of the work under the said agree ment is $11,360,363; and whereas the portion of the cost of tlic construction and equipment of the line to be borne by the Cor- poration of the Municipality of the of is estimated at $ , as set out in schedule "sB '' to the said agreement, subject to adjustments and apportionment between the corporations by the Commission from time to time, as provided by the said agreement;

And whereas the total amount estimated to be required for the maintenance of the railway, apart from operating expenses, is $152,193 (the operating revenue being estimated at $1,362,000. and operation and maintenance at $722,482);

And whereas the total annual amount estimated to be required, for the period of ten years immediately following the date of the 170


issue of the bonds to be issued under the said agreement, for in- terest on the said bonds is 1568,018; and thereafter, for the next ensuing forty years, the annual amount estimated to be required for sinking fund charges for the retirement of the said bonds is $113,604, and for interest on the said bonds $568,018;

And whereas the portion to be borne by the Municipality of the of of the said annual amounts esti-

mated to be required for maintenance, sinking fund charges and interest is estimated at $ for the first ten years, as afore-

said, and thereafter at $ on the same basis as the portion

of the cost of construction and equipment, as aforesaid, subject to adjustments and apportionment between the corporations by the Commission from time to time as provided by the said agreement;

And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the corporation according to the last revised assessment roll Is $ and the amount of the debenture debt of the corpora-

tion is $ , of which neither principal nor interest is in


And whereas only a portion of the Municipality of the of as enumerated in schedule " C " to the said

agreement, is served by said railway. •I* Therefore, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the of enacts as follows:

1. It shall be lawful for the Corporation of the of

, and the said corporation is hereby authorized to enter into the following agreement with the Hydro-Electric Power Corporation of Ontario and other corporations, the said agreement being hereby incorporated into and forming a part of t]iis by-law, and the and clerk of the corporation are hereby

authorized and directed to execute the said agreement upon behalf of this corporation and to attach the seal of the corporation thereto.

2. Only those duly qualified electors residing in the of

in the district enumerated in schedule " C " of said agreement shall be entitled to vote on the by-law, and any rate required to be levied for payment of debentures or Interest thereon shall be raised, levied and collected from the rateable pro- perty in sufli district only.


This indenture made the day of \n

tlie year of our Lord, one thousand nine liundinl and


'i'ln' Hydro lOlccIiic I'dwci Coiiiiiiissinii of Oiilaiiu ( hereinafter called fhe "Commission") of ttif lir.^t part.


The Municipal Corporations of the Townsliip of Toronto, the Township of Trafalgar, tiie Township of Nelson, the Township of East Flaml)oro, the Township of West Flanilwro. the Town- ship of Barton, the Township of Salttteet. the Township of North Grimsby, the Township of Clinton, the Township of Ix)Uth. the Township of Grantham, the Village of Grimsby, the Village of Beamsville, the Town of Oakvillc. tho Town of nurlinRlnn. the City of Hamilton end the City of St

Whereas nin-nant to The Iludro-Kimnr i;.,uv.,,i .\'i, /.'»/ J. und amendments ili. ih,, the Commission was requested to enquire Into.



examine, Investigate and report upon the cost of construction and operation of an electric railway or railways to be constructed through certain districts in which the corporations are situated, together with the probable revenue that would result from the operation of such railway or railways;

And whereas the Commission has furnished the corporations with such a report showing (1) the total. estimated cost, operating revenue and expenses of the railway or ratlways, and (2) the pro- portion of the capital cost to be borne by each of the corporations as set forth in schedule " B" attached hereto;

And whereas on receipt of the said report the corporation re quested the Commission to construct, equip and operate a system of electric railways (hereinafter called the railway) over the routes laid down in schedule "A"' attached hereto, upon the terms and conditions and in the manner herein set forth;

And whereas the Commission has agreed with the corporations on behalf of the corporations to construct, equip and operate the railway upon the terms and conditions and In the manner herein set forth; but upon the express conditions that the Commission shall not In any way be liable by reason of any error or omission In any estimates, plans or specifications for any financial or other obligation or loss whatsoever by virtue of this agreement or arising out of the performance of the terms thereof;

And whereas the electors of each of the corporations have assented to by-laws authorizing the corporations to enter into this agree- ment with the Commission for the construction, equipment and operation of the railway as laid down In the said schedules, subject to the following terms and conditions;


And whereas the corporations have each issued debentures for the amounts set forth in schedule " B " attached hereto, and have deposited the said debentures with the Commission;

Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth:

1. In consideration of the premises and of the agreements of the corporations herein contained, and subject to-the provisions of the said Act and amendments thereto, the Commission agrees with the corporations respectively:


(a) To construct, equip and operate the railway through the dis- tricts In which the corporations are situate on behalf of the cor- porations;

(b) To construct and operate the railway over the routes laid down in schedule "A";

(c), To issue bonds, as provided in paragraph 3 of this agreement, to cover the cost of constructing and equipping the railway;

id) To furnish as far as possible first-class modern and standard equipment for use on the railway, to operate this equipment so as to give the best service and accommodation possible, having regard to the district served, the type of construction and equipment adopted and all other equitable conditions, and to exercise all due skill and diligence so as to secure the most effective operation and service of the railway consistent with good -management;

(e) To regulate and fix the fares and rates of toll to be collected by the railway for all classes of service;

(/) To utilize the routes and property of the railway for all purposes from which It is possible to obtain a profit;


(g) To combine the property and werks of the railway and the power lines of the Commission where such combination is feasible and may prove economical to both the railway and the users of the power lines;

(h) To permit and obtain interchange of traffic with other rail- ways wherever possible and profitable;

(i) To supply electrical power or energy for operation of the railway at rates consistent with those charged to municipal cor- porations;

ij) To apportion annually tlie capital costs and operating ex- penses of all works, apparatus and plant Used by the railway in common with the Commission's transmission lines in a fair manner, having regard to the service furnished by the expenditure under consideration;

(k) To apply the revenue derived from operation of the railway and any other revenue derived from the undertaking to the pay- ment of operating expenses (including electrical power), the cost of administration, and annual charges for interest and sinking fund on the money invested, and such other deductions as are herein provided for;

(/) To set aside from any revenue thereafter remaining an annual sum for the renewal pf any works belonging in whole or in part to the undertaking;

(m) To pay over annually to the corporations, if deemed advis- able by the Commission in the interests of the undertaking, any surplus that may remain after providing for the items above men- tioned. The division of such surplus between the corporations to be fixed by the Commission on an equitable basis, having regard in the case of each corporation to the capital invested, the service rendered, the comparative benefits derived, and all other like con- ditions;

(«) To take active steps for the purpose of constructing, equip- ping and operating the railway at the earliest possibTe date after the execution of this agreement by the corporations and the deposit of the debentures as called for under clause 2 (&) hereof and to commence operation of each section as soon as possible after Its completion.

(o) To make such extensions to the railway descrilMJd in schedule " A " as may appear advantageous and profitable from time to time.

2. In consideration of the premises and of the agreements herein set forth, each of the corporations for itself, and not one for the other, agrees with the Commission:


(a) To bear its share of the cost of constructing, equipping, oper- ating, maintaining, repairing, renewing and insuring the railway and its property and works as established by the Commission, sub- ject to adjustments and apportionment between the corporatlona by the Commission from time to time;

(b) To issue debentures for the amounts set forth in schedule " H" maturing in fifty years from the date of issue thereof, and payable yearly at the Bank, at Toronto. Ontario. Such debentures shall be deposited with the Commission previous to the issuing of the bonds mentioned above, and may be held or disposed of from time to time by the CommlsBlon. as provided for in clause 4 hereof, in such amounts, at such rates of discount or premium, and on such terms and conditions as the Commission in Its sole discretion shall deem to be in the Interest* of the railway, the pro- ceeds of suci) debentures being used solely for the purposes herein contained. Tlic aninnnl of debentures of cn<h corporation sold or



disposed of from time to time sliall be such proportion as may be fixed by tlie Commission of the total amount of debentures, due re- gard being given to the capital invested, the service rendered, the comparative revenue derived, and all other equitable conditions;


(c) To make no agreement or arrangement with, and to grant no bonus, license or other inducement to any other railway or trans- portation company without the written consent of the K'ommission;

(d) To keep, observe and perform the covenants, provisos and conditions set forth in this agreement intended to be kept and observed and performed by the corporations, and to execute such further or other documents and to pass such by-laws as may be requested by the ('ommission for the purpose of fully effectuating the objects and intent of this agreement;

I (r) To furijish a free ri^ht of way for the railway and for tlie power lines of the Commission over any property of tlie corpora- tions upon being so requested by the Commission, and to execute such conveyance thereof or agreement with regard thereto as may be desired by the Commission.

3. It shall be lawful and the Commission is hereby authorized to create or cause to be created an issue of bonds, and to sell or dis- pose of the same on behalf of the corporations. Such bonds to be charged upon and secured by the railway, and all the assets, rights, privileges, revenues, works, property and effects belonging thereto or held or used in connection with the railway constructed, acquired, operated and maintained by the Commission under this agreement, and to be for tlie total amounts mentioned in schedule " B " hereto attached; provided that the Commission may, upon obtaining the consent as herein defined of the majority of the corporations, in- crease the said bond issue by any amount necessary to cover the capital cost of extending the railway, and may also without such consent increase the said bond issue to cover the cost of additional works or equipment of any kind for use on the railway to an extent not exceeding ten per cent. (10%) of the bonds issued from time to time. In order to meet and pay such bonds and interest as the same becomes due and payable the Commission shall in each year after the expiration of ten years from the date of the issue of the bonds out of the revenue of the railway after payments of operating- expenses (including electrical power) and the cost of administra- tion set aside a sufficient sum to provide a sinking fund for the purpose of redeeming the same at maturity. Debentures issued by the corporations in compliance with clause 2 (b) hereof, shall, to the extent of the par value of any bonds outstanding from time to time, be held or disposed of by the Commission in trust for the holders of such bonds as collateral security for payment thereof, it being understood and agreed that in the event of any increase of the said bond issue each corporation shall, upon the request of the Commission deposit with the Commission additional debentures as described in clause 2 (&) hereof, to be held or disposed of by the Commission as collateral security for such increase of the said bond issue, and that any debentures held by the Commission in excess of the par value of the outstanding bonds from time to time may be held or disposed of by the Commission to secure payment of any deficit arising from the operation of the railway.

4. In the event of the revenue derived from the operation of the undertaking being insufficient in any year to meet the operating expenses (including electrical power), the cost of administration and the annual charges for interest and sinking fund on the bonds, and for the renewal of any works belonging in whole or in part to the railway, such deficit shall be paid to the Commission by the cor- porations upon demand of and in the proportion adjusted by the Commission. In the event of the failure of any corporation to pay its share of such a deficit as adjusted by the Commission, it shall be lawful for the Commission in the manner provided in clause 2



(/)) to dispose of debentures held by the Comniission as security for any such deficit. Any arrears by any corporation shall bear interest at the legal rate.

5. Should any corporation fail to perform any of the obligations to the Commission under this agreement, the Commission may, in addition to all other remedies and without notice, discontinue the service of the railway to such corporation in default until the said obligation has been fulfilled, and no such discontinuance of service shall relieve the corporation in default from the performance of the covenants, provisos and conditions herein contained.

6. In case the Commission shall at any time or times be pre- vented from operating the railway or any part thereof by strike, lockout, riot. fire, invasion, explosion, act of God. or the King's enemies, or any other cause reasonably beyond its control, then the Commission shall not be bound to operate the railway or such part thereof during such time; but the corporations shall not be relieved from any liability or payment under this agreement, and as soon as the cause of such interruption is removed the Commission shall, without any delay, continue full operation of the railway, and each of the corporations shall be prompt and diligent in doing every- thing in its power to remove and overcome any such cause or causes of interruption.

7. It shall be lawful for. and the corporations hereby authorize the Commission to unite the business of the railway with that of any other railway'system operated in whole or in part by the Com- mission, and to exchange equipment and operators from one system to the other, proper provision being made po that each system shall pay its proportionate share of the cost of any equipment used in common.

S If at any time any other municipal corporation applies to the Commission for an extension of the railway into its municipalltv the Commission shall notify the annlicant and the corporations, in writing, of a time and place to hear all representations that mav. be made as to the terms and conditions relating to such pronosed extension. If. on the recommendation of the Commission. #uch ex- tension shall be .authorized, without discrimination in favour of the applicant, as to the cost incurred or to be incurred for or bv rea.son of anv such extension, the Commission may extend the railway unon such terms and conditions as may ai»pear equitable to te Commission.


.\() such apnlication for an extension of lin' railway into any nuinicinalitv the corporation of wluch is not a uarty to this agree- ment shall be granted if it is estimated bv the Commission that the cost of service of the railway to the corporations parties hereto will be thereby increased or the revenue and accommodation be inluri ously affected without the written consont of the majority of the corporations parties hereto.

0. The consent of any corporation re«iuircd under this agreement sliall mean the consent of the council of such corporations, snrh consent being in the form nf a munii ipai hv law du'v passed by the council of the corporation

In I lie Commission shall at least annually, adjust and anporlJon iH'twofMi the corporations tlie cost of construction, couipnicnt. ooeni- tion. interest sinking fund, and also the cost of renewing the property of the railway.

11. Every railway and all the works, nroncrty nnd effects held nnrt used in connection therewith, constructed, acquired, opcated and maintained bv the ComTnfs«»foTi under this nToemenf a"d the said Act shall be vested i" unmission on behalf of the corporn-

tions; but the Comm all be entitled to n ijpn unon the

same for all monev expoiiof-'i hy the Commltslou under this a.«;reo- ment and not repaid. 170


12. Each of the corporations covenants and agrees with the other;

(«) To carry out the agreements and provisions herein contained:

(b) To co-operate by all means in its power at all times with the Commission to create the most favourable conditions for the carrying out of the objects of this agreement and of the said Act. and to increase the revenue of the railway and ensure its success.

13. In tho event of any difference between the corporations the Commission may. upon application, fix a time and place to hear all representations that may be made by the parties, and the Commis- sion shall adjust such differences, and such adjustments shall be final. The Commission shall have all the powers that may be con- ferred upon a commissioner appointed under the Act Respecting Enquiries Concerning Public Matters.


14. This agreement shall continue and extend for a period of fifty

years from the date hereof, and at the expiration thereof be subject to renewal, with the consent of the corporations from time to time for like periods of fifty years, subject to adjustment and re-appor- tionment as herein provided for the purposes of this agreement as tliough the terms hereof had not expired. At the expiration of this agreement the Commission shall determine and adjust the rights of the corporations, having regard to the amounts paid or assumed by them respectively under the terms of this agreement, and such other considerations as may appear equitable to the Commission and are approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

15. It is understood and agreed that the rates Imposed for the share of the cost to be borne by those municipalities listed in schedule "C " attached hereto, shall be imposed unon the rateable property set forth respectively in the said schedule.

16. This agreement shall not come into effect until it has been sanctioned by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

In witness whereof the Commission and the Corporations have respectively affixed their corporate seals and the hands of their proper officers.



Port Credit Hamilton Section:

From a point approximately one mile west of the Village of Port Credit on the projected Toronto-London line it is proposed to parallel the Grand Trunk Railway to a point near Clarkson, thence in a south-westerly direction across the Toronto-Hamilton high- way to the middle of concession 3. thence through the centre of the same concession to the Town of Oakville, at which point the Oak- ville Creek will be crossed in the neighbourhood of Sheddon Avenue. From Oakville the line will strike straight for the Hamilton Radial crossing of the Bronte Creek, from which point it is pro- posed to parallel the Hamilton Radial to Burlington. Through Burlington the line will cross through the town in the neighbour- hood of Wellington Avenue and thence direct to a crossing of the old Des Jardins Canal at Valley Inn.

Hamilton City Section:

Through the City of Hamilton it is proposed to parallel the main line of the Grand Trunk on the west side between the rail- way and the existing highway. Through Harvey Park and Dun- durn Park the line will be south of and as close to the Grand Trunk as possible, and will continue easterly, crossing Barton Street in the neighbourhood of Greig Street, and keeping on the 170


south side of Barton Street to the corner of Tiffany Street, where it will cross Barton and continue in a north-easterly direction across Bay, Park, Murray and McNab Streets, and James Street between Murray and Stuart Streets; thence in the same general direction across Hughson, Mary. Catharine, Ferguson and Welling- ton Streets, at which latter point it turns and follows south of Ferrie Street, across Victoria and Emerald to a point just north of the T.H. & B. Railway spur, which it parallels on the north side to Sherman Avenue. From Sherman Avenue the line bears north- easterly to the south side of the Hamilton and North-Western Railway, which it parallels to the city limits.

Hamilton-St. Catharines Section:

From a point on Kenilworth Avenue of the City of Hamilton, just south of the Hamilton and North-Western Railway, the line turns and bears south-easterly to a point midway between the Grand Trunk Railway station of Stoney Creek and the village of the same name, thence to a point about one-quarter of a mile north of Fruitland, thence at about the same distance north of the Hamilton Stone Road as far as Winona, from which point it will parallel the Grand Trunk on the south side through the Village of Grimsby and as far east as the Grimsby and Clinton town line. From this latter point the line will bear south-easterly to the Village of Beamsville, to a point just north of the Hamilton Stone Road, and thence paralleling same to Jordan Village. From Jordan to the town line between Louth and Granton it i3 proposed to follow in the neiglibourhood of the road allowance between concessions 4 and 5; thence parallel to the road allow- ance between concessions 6 and 7 of the Township of Granton. to a point where it crosses the Grand Trunk Railway; thence south- easterly to a point near Victoria and Permilla Streets; thence along Permilla Street to the west end of the new bridge over the old Welland Canal,


Name of Municipal Corporation.

Total amount of debentures to be issued by respective municipalities for deposit with the Commission under Clause 2 (b).

Township of Toronto $243,087

Township of Trafalgar .')38.735

Township of Nelson 374,812

Township of East Flamboro 266,626

Township of West Flamboro 66.669

Township of Barton aaI'^oI

Township of Saltfleet '?o/n?S

Township of North Grimsby ;:J ,11

Township of Clinton rclran

Township of Louth ''63.595

Township of Grantham info??

Village of Grimsby ci iJi

Village of Beamsville ^mm»

Town of Oakville ;^7c?!

Town of Burlington c Jco

City of Hamilton ill'Hl

City of St. Catharines g-^^'^^"

Total amount of bonds to be issued »nen-,.-..-„ tloned in Clause 3 111.360.363



Name of Municipal (!orp()rati()n:

Made, paHscd and entered this ' 191 .

DiHtrlcts, rateable pro- perty of which shall bear rate levied against the Corpora f ion- day of

Itrrve (Mayor). incrk.


Wkii wii, !'<»i:i' CoinoiiNK. BuiixiKBruG RAinvt. iivi wss n. v.y

it,\IIKIKl> HV LK(1ISI,.\TI(»N.

Townships. Humberstone Crowland Bertie

Villages. Port Colborne Fort Erie Humberstone

Toicns. Welland Bridgeburg

Ihitc, I'lissid. February ;'>, 1!H7

January 8, 1917

January 22, 1917 January 8, 1917 January 15, 1917

January 8, 1917 February 5, 1917


14 of l!il(; 882

9 of 191C 479 58

928 348


By-laic No.

A by-law to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the of . and other

municipal corporations, for the construction, equipment and opera- tion of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, I'JlJh and amendments thereto:

"Whereas it is expedient that the Corporation of the of and other municipal corporations should

enter into an agreement under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, JiUJf, and amendments thereto, with the Hydro-Electric -Power Com- mission of Ontario, hereinafter called the Commission, for the con- struction, equipment and operation of an electric railway in and through the Municipality of the of

and certain other municipalities, upon the terms and conditions and subject to the provisions set forth and contained in the agreement set out in this by-law, and according to the routes set forth in schedule "A" to the said agreement;

And whereas the estimated cost of the work under the said agree- ment is $2,208,716, and whereas the portion of the cost of the con- struction and equipment of the line to be borne iby the corporation of the Municipality of the of is estimated

at $ , as set out in schedule " B " to the said agreement,

subject to adjustments and apportionment between the corporations by the Commission from time to time, as provided by the said agreement ;

And whereas the total amount estimated to be required for the maintenance of the* railway, apart from operating expenses, is $44,3151 (the operating revenue being estimated at $333,000, and operation and maintenance at $204,565; 170


And whereas the total annual amount estimated to be required for the period ot ten years immediately following the date of the issue ot the bonds to be issued under the said agreement for interest on the sa^id bonds is $110,435; and thereafter, for the' next ensuing forty years, the annual amount estimated to be required for sinking fund charges for the retirement of the said .bonds is $92 087 and tor interest on the said bonds, $110,435; ^ ▼-

And whereas the portion to be borne by the Municipality of the , , , °/ of the said annual amounts

estimated to be required tor maintenance, sinking fund charges and interest is estimated at $ for the first ten years as afore-

said, and thereafter at $ on the same basis as the portion

of tiie cost of construction and equipment, as aforesaid, subject to adjustments and apportionment between the corporations by the Commission from time to time as provided by the said agreement;

And whereas the amount ot the whole rateable property of the corporation according to the last revised assessment roll is 5. , and the amount of the debenture debt of the corpora-

'ion is $ , of which neither principal nor interest is In


And whereas only a portion of the Municipality of the of as enumerated in schedule " C " to tiie said

agreement, is served tby said railway.

Therefore, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the of enacts as follows:

1. It shall be lawful for the Corporation of the of

, and the said corporation is hereby authorized to enter into the following agreement with the Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and other corporations, the said agreement being hereby incorporated into and forming a part of this by-law, and the and clerk

of the corporation are hereby authorized and directed to execute the said agreement upon behalf of this corporation and to attach the seal of the corporation thereto.

2. Only those duly qualified property owners in the

of in the district enumerated in schedule "C"

of said agreement shall be entitled to vote on the by-law, and any rate required to, be levied for payment of debentures or interest thereon shall be raised, levied and collected from the rateable property in such district only.


This indenture made the day of in the year of

our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and


The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario (hereinafter called the "Commission") of the First Part,


The Municipal Corporations of the Township of Crowland. the Township of Humberstone, the Township of Bertie, the Village of Humberstone. the Village of Port Colborne. the Village of Fort Erie, the Town of Welland. and the Town of Brldgeburg (hereinafter called the "Corporations") of the Second pari.

Whereas pursuant to the Hydro-Klrvtric Railway Act. /;</). and

amendments thereto the ('ommlsHion was requested to enquire Into

examine, investigate and report upon the cost of <^'"l«'"«^tIon and

operation of an electric railway or railways to be constructed



througli certain districts in whiolj the corporations are situated, together with the probable revenue that would result from the operation of such railway or railways;

And whereas the Commission has furnished the corporations with such a report showing (1) the total estimated cost, operating revenue and expenses of the railway or railways, and (2) the pro- portion of the capital cost to be borne by each of the corporations as set forth in schedule "B" attached hereto;

And whereas on receipt of the said report the corporation requested the Commission to construct, equip and operate a system of electric railways (hereinafter called the railway) over the routes laid down in schedule " A " attached hereto, upon the terms and conditions and in the manner herein set forth;

And whereas the Commission has agreed with the corporations on behalf of the corporations to (-onstruct, equip and operate the rail- way upon the terms and conditions and in the manner herein set lorth; but upon the express conditions that the Commission shall not in any way be liaible by reason of any error or omission in any estimates, plans or specifications for any financial or other obliga- tion or loss whatsoever by virtue of this agreement or arising out of the performance of the terms thereof;

And whereas the electors of each of the corporations have assented to by-laws authorizing the corporations to enter into this agreement with the Commission for the construction, equipment and operation of the railway as laid down in the said schedules, subject to the following terms and conditions;

And whereas the corporations have each Issued debentures for the amounts, set forth in schedule " B " attached hereto, and have deposited the said debentures with the Commission;


Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth:

1. In consideration of the premises and of the agreements of the corporations herein c-ontained, and subject to the provisions of the said Act and amendments thert^to, the Commission agrees with the corporations respectively:

(a) To construct, equip and operate the railway through the districts in which the corporations are situate gn behalf of the corporations ;

(b) To construct and operate the railway over the routes laid down in schedule "A";

(c) To issue bonds, as provided in paragraph 3 of this agreement, to cover the cost of constructing and equipping the railway;

id) To furnish as far as possible first-class modern and standard equipment for use on the railway, to operate this equipment so as to give the best service and accommodation possible, having regard to the district served, the type of construction and equipment adopted and all other equitable conditions, and to exercise all due skill and diligence so as to secure the most effective operation and service of the railway consistent with good management;


(e) To regulate and fix the fares and rates of toll to be collected by the railway for all classes of service;

(/) To utilize the routes and property of the railway for all pur- poses from which It is possible to obtain a profit;

(fir) To combine the property and works of the railway and the power lines of the Commission where such combination is feasible



and may prove economical to both the railway and the users of the power lines;

(^) To permit and obtain interchange of traffic with other rail- ways wherever possible and profitable;

(i) To supply electrical power or energy for operation of the railway at rates consistent with those charged to municipal cor- porations;

(/) To apportion annually the capital costs and operating ex- penses of all works, apparatus and plant used by the railway in common with the Commission's transmission lines in a fair manner. having regard to the service furnished by the expenditure under consideration;

(fc) To apply the revenue derived from operation of the railway and any other revenue derived from the undertaking to the pay- ment of operating expenses (including electrical power), the cost of administration, and annual charges for interest and sinking fund on the money invested, and such other deductions as are herein pro- vided for;

(I) To set aside from any revenue thereafter remaining an annual sum for the renewal of any works belonging In whole or In part to the undertaking;

(m) To pay over annually to the corporations, if deemed advis-' able by the Commission in the interests of the undertaking, any sur- plus that may remain after providing for the items above mentioned. The division of such surplus between the corporations to be fixed by the Commission on an equitable basis, having regard In the case of each corporation to the capital invested, the service rendered, the comparative benefits derived, and all other like conditions;

(n) To take active steps for the purpose of constructing, equip- ping and operating the railway at the earliest possible date after the execution of this agreement by the corporations and the deposit of the debentures as called for under clause 2 (ft) hereof and to com- mence operation of each section as soon as possible after Its completion.

(o) To make such extensions to the railway described In schedule " A " as may appear advantageous and profitable from time to time.

2. In consideration of the premises and of the agreements herein set forth, each of the corporations for Itself, and not one for the other, agrees with the Commission:

(a) To bear its share of the coet of constructing, equipping, oper- ating, maintaining, repairing, renewing and Insuring the railway and Its property and works as established by the Commission, sub- ject to adjustments and apportionment between the corporations by the Commission from time to time:

(ft) To Issue debentures for the amounts set forth in schedule " B" maturing in fifty vears from the date of Issue thereof, and payable yearly at the ' Bank, at Toronto. Ontario. Such

debentures shall be deposited with the CommlHslon previous to the issuing of the bonds mentioned above, and may bo held or disposed of from time to time by the Commission, as provided for in clause 4 hereof in such amounts, at such rates of discount or premium, and on such terms and conditions as the Commission In Its sole dis- cretion shall deem to be In the Interests of the railway, the proceeds of such debentures being used solely for the purposes heroin con- tained. The amount of debentures of each corporation sold or



disposed of from time to lime Hhall be such proportion as may bo fixed by the Commission of the total amount of debentures, due regard being given to the capital invested, the service rendered, the comparative revenue derived, and all other equitable conditions;

((■) To make no agreement or arrangement with, and to grant no bonus, license or other inducement to any other railway or transportation company without the written consent of the Com- mission ;

(d) To keep, observe and perform the covenants, provisos and conditions set forth in this agreement Intended to be kept and observed and performed by the corporations, and to execute such further or other documents and to pass such by-laws as may be requested by the Commission for the purpose of fully effectuating the objects and intent of this agreement:

(e) To furnish a free right of way for the railway and for the power lines of the Commission over any property of the corpora- tions upon being so requested by the Commission, and to execute such conveyance thereof or agreement with regard thereto as may be desired by the Commission.

3. Tt shall be lawful and the Commission is hereby authorized to create or cause to be created an issue of bonds, and to sell or dispose of the same on behalf of the corporations. Such bonds to be charged upon and secured by the railway, and all the assets. Tights, privileges, revenues, works, promertv and effects belonging thereto or held or used in connection with the railway constructed, acquired, operated and maintained by the Commission under this agreement, and to be for the total amounts mentioned in schedule "B" bereto attached; provided that the Commission may, upon obtaining the consent as herein defined of the majority of the cor- porations, increase the said bond issue by any amount necessary to cover the capital cost of extending the railway, and may also without such consent increase the said bond issue to cover the cost of additional works or eauipment of anv kind for use on the railway to an extent not exceeding ten per cent. (lO'^^r) of the bonds issued from time to time. In order to meet and pay such bonds and interest as the same becomes due and payable the Commission shall in each year after the expiration of ten years from the date of the issue of the bonds out of the revenue of the railway after payments of operating expenses (including electrical power) and the cost of administration set aside a sufficient sum to provide a sinking fund for the purpose of redeeming the same at maturity. Debentures issued by the corporations in compliance with clause 2 (h) hereof, shall, to the extent of the par value of any bonds out- standing from time to time, be held or disposed of by the Com- mission in trust for the holders of such bonds as collateral security for payment thereof, it being understood and agreed that in the event of any increase of the said bond issue each corporation shall, upon the request of the Commission, deposit with the Commission additional debentures as described in clause 2 (6) hereof, to be held or disposed of by the Commission as collateral security for such increase of the said bond issue, and that any debentures held by the Commission in excess of the par value of the outstanding bonds from time to time may be held or disposed of by the Com- mission to secure payment of any deficit arising from the opera- lion' of the railway.

4. In the event of the revenue derived from the operation of the undertaking being insufficient in any year to meet the oneratine expenses (including electrical power), the cost of administration and the annual charges for interest and sinking fund on the bonds, and for the renewal of any works belonging in whole or in part to the railway, such deficit shall be paid to the Commission bv the corporations upon demand of and in the proportion adjusted by the



Commission. In the event of the failure of any corporation to pay its share of such a deficit as adjusted by the Commission, it shall be lawful for the Commission in the manner provided in clause 2 (b) to dispose of debentures held by the Commission as security for any such deficit. Any arrears by any corporation shall bear Interest at the legal rate.

5. Should any corporation fail to perform any of the obligations to the Commission under this agreement, the Commission may, In addition to all other remedies and without notice, discontinue the service of the railway to siich corporation in default until the said obligation has been fulfilled, and no such discontinuance of service shall relieve the corporation in default from the performance of the covenants, provisos and conditions herein contained.

? I

6. In case the Commission shall at any time or times be prevented from operating the railway or any part thereof by strike, lockout, riot, fire, invasion, explosion, act of God, or the King's enemies, or any other cause reasonably beyond its control, then the Commission shall not be bound to operate the railway or such part thereof during such time; but the corporations shall not be relieved from any liability or payment under this agreement, and as soon as the cause of such interruption is removed the Commission shall, without any delay, continue full operation of the railway, and each of the corporations shall be prompt and diligent in doing everything in Its power to remove and overcome any such cause or causes of inter- ruption.

7. It shall be lawful for, and the corporations hereby authorize the Commission to unite the business of the railway with that of any other railway system operated in whole or in part by the Com- mission, and to exchange equipment and operators from one system to the other, proper provision being made so that each system shall pay its proportionate share of the cost of any equipment used in common.

8. If at any time any other municipal corporation applies to the Commission for an extension of the railway into its municipality the Commission shall notify the applicant and the corporations, in writing, of a time and place to hear all representations that may lie made as to the terms and conditions relating to such proposed extension. If, on the recommendation of the Commission, such ex- tension shall be authorized, without discrimination In favour of the applicant, as to the cost incurred or to be incurred for or by reason of any such extension, the Commission may extend the railway upon such terms and conditions as may appear equitable to the Commis- sion.

No such application for an extension of the railway Into any municipality the corporation of which is not a party to this agree- ment shall be granted if it is estimated by the Commission that the cost of service of the railway to the corporations parties hereto will be thereby Increased or the revenue and accommodation be injuriously affected without the written consent of the majority of the corporations parties hereto.

9. The consent of any corporation required under this agreement shall mean the consent of the council of such corporations, such consent being in the form of a municipal by-law duly passed by the council of the corporation.

10. The Commission shall, at least annually, adjust and apportion between the corporations the cost of construction, equipment, opera- tion, interest, sinking fund, and also the cost of renewing the pro- perty of the railway.

11. Every railway and all the works, property and effects held and used in connection therewith, constructed, acquired, operated



and maintained by the Commission under this agreement and the said Act shall be vested in the ('ommission on behalf of the cor- porations; but the Commission" shall be entitled to a lien upon the same for all money expended by the Commission under this agree- ment and not repaid.

12. Each of the corporations covenants and agrees with the other:

(a) To <'arry out the agreements and provisions herein con- tained:—

(?)) To co-operate by all means in its power at all times with the Commission to create the most favourable conditions for the carry- ing out of the objects of this agreement and of the said Act, and to increase the revenue of the railway and ensure its success.

13. In the event of any difference between the corporations the Commission may, upon application, fix a time and place to hear all representations that may be made by the parties, and the Com- mission sliall adjust such differences, and such adjustments shall be final. The Commission shall have all the powers that may be conferred upon a commissioner appointed under the Act Respect hig Enquiries Concerning Public Matters.

14. This agreement shall continue and extend for a period of fifty years from the date hereof, and at the expiration thereof be subject to renewal, with the consent of the corporations from time to time for like periods of fifty years, subject to adjustment and re- apportionment as herein provided for the purposes of this agree- ment as though the terms hereof had not expired. At the expira- tion of this agreement the Commission shall determine and adjust the rights of the corporations, having regard to the amounts paid or assumed by them respectively under the terme of this agreement, and such other considerations as may appear etiuitable to the Com- mission and are approved by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

15. It is understood and agreed that the rates imposed for the share of the cost to be born^ by those municipalities listed in schedule "C" attached hereto, shall be imposed upon the rateable property set forth respectively in the said schedule.

16. This agreement shall not come into effect until it has been sanctioned by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.

In witness whereof the Commission and tlie corporations have respectively affixed their corporate seals and the hands of their proper officers.




From East Main Street in Welland it is proposed to run south- ward over South Main Street, thence" to a point east of the Welland Canal at the Michigan Central Railroad bridge, thence along the east bank of the Welland Canal through Humberstone and Port Colborne.

From Port Colborne eastward it is proposed to run midway be- tween the Grand Trunk Railway and Lake Erie, as far as a point south of Sherks, thence in south-easterly direction to the northern limdts of Crystal Beach, thence to a point on the south side of tlie Grand Trunk Railway, a short distance east of Ridgeway, thence following the Grand Trunk Railway on the south side past Crescent



Beach and Erie Beach, thence parallel to the old Huron and Erie right-of-way to Fort Erie.

From Fort Erie northward it Is proposed to run along Niagara

Street as far as the north boundary of Fort Erie, thence along the north side of the Erie and Niagara Railway, thence northward across the Grand Trunk and Michigan Central tracks to a point on

Central Avenue, in the Town of Bridgeburg. f^


Total amount of debentures

Name of Municipal J? ^^'^«"f ^^ respective

Corporation. Municipalities for deposit

with the Commission under Clause 2 (6).

Township of Crowland $203,449

Township of Humberstone 629,755

Township of Bertie 782,666

Village of Humberstone 66,194

Village of Port Colborne 141,297

Village of Fort Erie 128.007

Town of Welland 166,926

Town of Bridgeburg 90,422

Total amount of bonds to be issued, mentioned in

Clause 3 $2,208,716


Name of Municioal Districts, rateable property of

^^^«!otf^„ which shall bear rate levied

Corporation. ^ ^^^j^^^ ^^^ Corporation:

Made, passed and entered this day of , 191 .

Reeve (Mayor) .



By-law No. 479, of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Fort Erie, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Fort Erie and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction. en"ipnient and operation of an elec- tric railway under Thr II mlro Kh-< trir Railway Art. t!H i. and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 58, of the Mu«<!ipal Corporation of the Village of Humberstone, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Cor- poration of the Village of Humberstone and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an elec- tric railway under The JIj/droElectric Railway Act, W1^, and amend- ments thereto.

By-law No. 928, of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Welland, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corpora- tion of the Town of Welland and other municipal corporatlonB. for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway



under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act. I'JI'f, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 348, of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Brldgeburg, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Brldgeburg and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an elec- tric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, nu'f. and amendments thereto.

i By-laws Nos. 3053 and 387, of the Municipal Corporation of the City of St. Catharines, to authorize a certain agreement made be- tween The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the City of St. Catharines and other muni- cipal corporations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hiidro-F.lrchir R<iihca\i Ad. I'.n'i. and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 417, of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grimsby, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grimsby and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, JOl.'i, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 419, of the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Beamsville, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Beamsville and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, lOl-i, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 9 of 1916, of llie Municipal Corporation of the Village of Port Colborne, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Muni- cipal Corporation of the Vijlage of Port Colborne and other muni- cipal corporations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railicay Act, IDt-i, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 542, of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Oakville, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro- Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corpora- tion of the Town of Oakville and other municipal corporations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railicay Act, Wl.'i, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 320, of the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Burlington, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Town of Burlington and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equl^nent and operation of an -elec- tric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, 1914, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 3197, of the Municipal Corporation of the City of Hamilton, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the City of Hamilton and other municipal corpora- tions, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railicay Act, 1914, and amend- ments thereto.



By-law No. 862, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Toronto, to authorize a certain agreement made between the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Toronto and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under the Hydro-Electric liailioay Act, 191!,, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 138, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Trafalgar, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Trafalgar and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an elec- tric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Art, rn ',, and amend- ments thereto.

By-law No. 659, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Nelson, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro- EJlectric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corpora- tion of the Township of Nelson and other municipal corporations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric rail- way under The Hydro-Electric' Railway Art. lf>i',. and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 619, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of East Flamboro, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Muni- cipal Corporation of the Township of East Flamboro and other muni- cipal corporations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, Ufl-i, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 1059, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Barton, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Miinjclpal Corporation of the Township of Barton and othor municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Act, I'JJJi, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 234, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of North Grimsby, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the M»:nl- cipal Corporation of the Township of North Crrlmsby and other municipal corporations, for the construction, equipment and opera- tion of an electric railway under The Hiiilro-Hlr, trie Uiuhr<i>i \<t. J!fl'i, and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 296. of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Clinton, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Clinton and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railuay Act, JiU-i. and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 619, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Louth, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Louth and other municipal cor- porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railuay Act, lOH. and amendments thei*eto.

By-law No. 387, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township

of Grantham, to authorize a certain agreement made between The

Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal

Corporation of the Township of Grantham and other municipal cor-



porations, for the construction, •■iiuipin.'nt and '/)ji'iaii,,ii of an electric railway under The n iiiin, r.h i ti n- uatinaii .\<t, mi',, ami amendments thereto.

Hy-Iaw No. 474, of the Municipal Corporation of th( >

of Humberstone, to authorize a certain agreement made bci .. .. i in,- Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Humberstone and other nuinidpal corporations, for the construction, equipment and oifiaMon of ;in electric railway under The Hydro-Electric Railway Ait. I'.n). an I amendments tliereto.

By-law No. 14, 1916, of the Municipal Corporation of the Townslii,. of Crowland, to authorize a certain agreement made between 'I'h- Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and \\\o. Municipal Corporation of the Township of Crowlaiui and otlu r iniinicipal cor- porations, for the construction, ciinipnicnt and operation of an electric railway under Thr lhi<li<>-i:!rc/, ic i:mlu(ii/ .1'/, I'.n',. and amendments thereto.

By-law No. 882, of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bertie, to authorize a certain agreement made between The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bertie and other municipal cor porations, for the construction, equipment and operation of an electric railway under The Hj/tlro-Electric Ruiluny Act, lUI.'i, and amendments thereto.



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Xo. 171. lj)ir,.


An Act to amend The Power Coniniission Act aiui to Ratify certain Hy-laws and Contracts.

TLT IS MA.JKS'l'V, by and with the advico and consent of •*'•■' the Lei-ishiiivo Assciidtly of the Province of Ontario. eiiiU'ts aj; follows :

1. This Act may l)e ciicd as The I'lncer (■omnn'ssion . I iiiendmeii t . 1 c{, Id I i).

^. I he I'oiiui- ( ' nni hussnni .\<l \> amended hy addin;; after section (ir. a- ( iiactc(l hy The l*oirrr ('oniniissi<in Act, U)IS\ tlie following: section:

'*"'•. The ( "oniiiiissioii. with the ai>l)r(>\ al of tiic I.ifUleii- ant-G(»\ernor in (\)nnci]. may estahlisli a fnml for the ])ayiiicii! tn permanent emphtvees of the (Commission, of sn])erannnation ajid retiring allowances, or of a iiratnity or annual allowance' to the dependants of employees dyinjr wliile in the, service of the (^nnmission. and a fund for ])roviding sick benefits for pennanent employees. and may provide for contributions to such fund by the Commission and by its employees, or for the establishment and support of such fund en- tirely at the cost of the Commission.

ii( . - . The Commission, with the approval of the Lieu- tenant-Governor in Council, may enter into an acrrecraent with the corporation of any munici- pality receiving power from the Commission for inchidinpr permanent employees of any commis- sion established under The Public riililien Ad. or under this Act. for the manajremcnt and con- trol of work- fni ilic distribution of electrical power or energy in the municipality, upon such terms as to the contribution l>y a municipal cor- poration and f)therwi8e as may be deemed ex- pedient.


3. Clause r in section 23 of The Power Commission Act, ns amended l»y section 4 of The Power Commission Act, lOlJ^, and snhsoction ] of section 11 of The Power Commis- sion Art. luir,, i-; rmthor amended by adding after the words " Consul i(lal('(l revenue fund," the words, " and such sums as mav he a[)i)ropriated for tlio establishment and support of any fund established by the Commission for the payment of sujierninuiation or retiring allowances and sick benefits, or either mC iluan, to the i)ermauent employees of the Com- mission.

4. By-law No. 352 of the Corporation of the Village of Chippawa, By-law T^o. 524 of the Corporation of the Village of Sandwich, By-law No. 8 of the Corporation of the Village of Zurich, By-law No. 485 of the Corporation of the Village of Baden, By-law No. 802 of the Township of Markham. covering the Police Village of Unionville; By-law No. 730 of the Township of Caledon, covering the Police Village of Alton; By-laws Nos. 1188 and 1189^ of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke, By-law No. 1097 of the Corpora- tion of the Township of Barton, By-law No. 1363 of the Corporation of the Town of Smith's Falls, By-laws Nos. 629 and 630 of the Corporation of the Township of Ancaster, By-law No. 638 of the Corporation of the Township of East Flamboro, By-law No. 654 of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Brock, By-law No. 552 of the Corporation of the Township of Wilmot, By-law No. 788 of the Corporation of the Township of Oxford East, By-law No. 492 of the Cor- poration of the Township of Nissouri East, By-laws Nos. 982 and 1008 of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan, By-law No. 550, as amended by By-law No. 259 of the Corporation of the Township of West Gwillimbury ; By-law No. 429, as amended by By-law No. 516 of the Cor- poration of the Township of Innisfil, By-law No. 404, as amended by By-law No. 414 of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Essa ; By-law No. 501, as amended by By-law No. 512 of the Corporation of the Township of Tecumseh ; By-law No. 720 of the Corporation of the Township of London, By-laws Nos. 726, 745 and 746 of the Corporation of the Township of Brantford, By-law No. 217 of the Corporation of the Town of Mimico, By-law No. 1014 of the Corporation of the Township of Whitby, By-law No. 7999, as amended by By-law No. 801 S and by By-law No. 8052 of the Corpora- tion of the' City of Toronto, and all debentures issued or to be issued, or purporting to be issued, under any of the said by-laws which authorize the issue of debentures, are con- firmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding upon such corporations and the ratepayers thereof, respectively, and shall not be open to question upon any ground whatsoever, notwithstanding the requirements of The Power Commission


Act^ or the aitu'iulinoiitr; tliorcto. or :mv t»iliir A<-t (tt" this Legi shit lire.

5. The Miii:ici)i;i! Corporation of the Village ot C'liip- pawa, the Municipal Corporation of the Village of Sand- wieli, the ('ori)oration of the Village of Zurieh, the Municipal Corporation of the \'illage of Baden, the Police Village of rnionville. ilie Municipal Corj)oration of the Township of Etobicoke. aiul the Municipal Corporation of the Township of ]^arton, are added as ])arties of the second part of the contract set out in Schedule "A" to Z'Ae Power Commission Act, V.)00 , as varied, confirmed an«l nniende<1 hv the Act passed in tin- iciiili vcar of the reign nt' Hi- l.ati Majesty Kiiiii- lM\\:i!-(l \' I L cliaptcred It!, and liv -.uhsiMiucnr Acts and by this Act. and the said contract shall be binding upon the ])arties tlicrctn respectively I'n'iii. a- i ^ 'ho Village of Chipj)awa, from the 22nd day of January, 1'J19; as to the Village of Sandwich, from the 18th day of February, r.H.">; as to the Village of Zurich from the 4th day of April, 101(5; as to the N'illage of ]>aden from the 2I)th day of August. 1011; as to the Police Village of Unionville from the 2.'ird day of. January. 1010; as to the Township of Etobicoke from the 1st day of April, 1018, and as to the Township of Barton from the 10th day of Septcnilit r. r.M--.

6. The unTues of the -aiil iuunici|i;iliiic- arc addetl to Schedule "i!"" ^1' \\\v .-aiil ronii'a<-t. and >ucli schedule shall be read as (••.nialning the particulars -fi nui in Schedule "A" to this Act.

7. The agreements set out in Schedules ''B,'' "('," "D." ''E," "F," "G," "H," "I," "J," "K," "L," "M," "N," "O," "P," "Q," and "R," between the Village of Xeustadt.

the Village of l^eustadt (Pundiase agreement), the Police Village of Alton, the Townsbij) of l''ast Flandmro, the Town- ship of lir-'ck. the 'rn\vn>lii|i n\ Wilnint. the Ti>\vn>lii|» 'd* East Oxford, the Township of East Ni— nuri. the Township of Vaughan. Ills Majesty the King. i( |itcMnicd herein by the Minister of K.iilways and Canals of Cana.la. the Xational Portland Ceineni C.-mpany, Timited, the Naii-.nal Abra.><ive Company, the Department of Education i^i the Province of Ontario, the Essex County Tight and Power Company, Lim- ited, and the Detroit Edison Company, the Wolverton Mill- ing Company, Limited, the Toronto S»d)urlian Kail way Company, James P)attle, 'and the Canadian Salt Company, Limited, are hereby confirmed and declared to be legal, valid and binding iipnn the parties thereto rcspeclivdv . and .-hall not be open lo (|uestion ujmn any ground wliaiMfcvi-r, not- withstandijig the re<piirements of The I'mni Commission


All. Ill- ;iliicii(|liii III - liici'clii. Ill' ;ili\' iillii r A. : ■■.


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m. 172. 1919.


An Act to amend The Provincial Loans Act.

HIS MAJESTY', l)v and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Section 6 of The Provincial Loans Act is amended by ^^- Stat. adding thereto the following snbsecfion : aVnend'ed!

3. In the event of the loss of any debenture or coupon Q^fJ^*"* for interest on any debenture, the Treasurer of^«^«n^"''«» Ontario may, out of the Consolidated Revenue coupon*. Fund, pay the amount thereof and may take a bond in such amount and in such form as he may deem advisable, indemnifying the Province ^

of Ontario against loss in resjiect of such pay- ments.

2. This Act shall come into force on the day upon which c^mnwnce- it receives the Royal assent. Act.


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Xc. 173. 1919.


An Act to authorize the Corporations of Counties to Enter into certain Agreements for the Settle- ment of Returned Soldiers and Sailors.

HIS MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows :

1. This Act may be cited as The Returned Soldiers' a>ui^*»**'"*""«* Sailors' Land Settlement Act, 1919.

2. The council of any county may by bv-law ajjpoint a Appoint, committee composed of not more than five, nor less than County three persons, one of whom may bo a member of tlie county council and the remaining number of whom sluiH be resi- dents of the county, and may authorize such committee to enter into agreements with the ^linister of Lands, Forests

and Mines for any purpose included in or contemplated by The Returned Soldiers' and Sailors' Land Settlement .4r<,ja|o-V. with respect to soldiers and sailors who, at the time of their enlistment for active military or naval -crx ice with the British forces out of Canada during tlic (Ircal War, were iwsidenta of the county.

3. The council of the county may by by-law grant ""^l^Jj^^^^t*/ sums as the council may deem expedient to be applied by the committee in carrying out the tefms of any such agreement,

and may raise money for the purpose of any such grant by tlie issue of debentures of the county, and it shall not be necessary to obtain the assent of the electors to any such by-law, notwithstanding the provisions of The Mvv}ri}ml Act with respect to money by-laws and nntwitlistainlin^r any other provision of the said Act or of any dthcr i:<ii. lal or special Act.



Terms of 4. Xhe afiTccinciit may include nii uiidertakine: on tin

agreement. /. i i r i i i ,.

j)art 01 the committee to apply any iiinds in its hands for any

of the })nrpo8es included in or contemplate^ by The Up- turned Soldiers' and Sailors' Land Settlement Act, and sucli other terms and conditions as the Minister, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor jji (\)niH'il. may deem rf*(|nislt( .

2Geo. V, c.

V, c. 13. J^he Northern and Northwestern Ontario Development Ad.

read with "' ^ "'" i»v,t^x,a.i u^. i^au >vii,i. ai^.iu^ a ,m. t ^i. j no

^^I^°-^'^-^ lieturned Soldiers' and Sailors' Land Settlement Act, and

mentot^^^' ^- "^^^^ ■'^^^ shall come into force and take effect upon Act. the day upon which it receives the Royal assent.


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No. 174. 1919.


An Act respecting the Exportation of Poplar Pulp Wood.

WHEREAS it appears that there are largo quantitiespreamWe. of poplar pulp wood in the northern and north- western portions of Ontario; and whereas there is no market lip to the present time for such poplar pulp wood in Canada, and it is represented on behalf of the holders of licenses or agreements to cut poplar pulp wood timber that it is impossible to secure sales thereof and that in consequence such holders will suffer great loss if the observance of " The Manufacturing Conditions," as required by section 6 of The Crown Timber Act is insisted upon; and whereas it is expedient that " The Manufacturing (Condition," as defined in Schedule " B " to the said Act should be sus- pended as r^ards poplar pulp wood :

Therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice and con- sent of the Legislative Assembly of tho Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. Thi>i Aft iiiny be cited as The Poplar Pulp Wood Ex port 9\iartntu.

Act. I HI!).

2. The Minister of Lands, Forests imd .Mine- i> aiithor-suBpen«ion ized to suspend the operation of " The Manufacturing Con-facturfn»^ dition " for such period as to him may seem proper so asS??©"***" to permit the exportation of poplar pulp wood during 8UchP<JPj*fpy,p period without incurring the penalties inipoae<l bv the said Schedule " B."

3. This Act shall come into force on the day upon which ck>mmtnc«-

it receives the Roval assent. Act





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Xo. 175. 1919.



The Disqualification Act, 1919.

IS MAJESTY, bv and with the advico and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Prpvintc of Ontario,

enacts as follows :

1. This Act iiijiy be cited as The Pis(jiialificalion ,ir/, Short title.


2. In this Act, iron""""***'

1. "Military Servic.. An'' means 7'Ac MiUianf Scr-^^l^l^y vice Act, 1917, and all Orders and RegnlatibnsAct." made therennder or made ])nrsnant to The War Measures Act, 191 Jf, rolatinir to military service;

2. "Defaulter" means any jxTson uhctluT convicted or not who has been since the beginning of the war, guilty of any of the following offences:

{a) Being liable for service under The Military Service Act was called out and without law- ful excuse failed to report for military ser- vice; or,

(6) being ordered to report for duty or t-.i- medical examination under The Milifarif Service Act, failed to do so; or.

(c) having been called out for senice under The Military Service Art has l)ecn declare<l by competent military authority to be a de- serter after being taken on the strength of a unit of the Canadian Expeditionary Forces or of the Active Militia and has not since so being declared a deserter gone over- seas on active service.



"Public 3. " Ppblic Office " means and includes,


(a) A seat in the Legislative Assembly of On- tario ;

(h) A seat in any Munii'ipal Cunncil or High School, Pnltlic School or Srparalc Sfjiool Board ;

(c) Every office, Legislative, Alunicipal or Edu- cational in the gift of the Crown or on the nomination or api)ointnient of any provin- cial, municipal or school authority or filled hy election.

4. " Treasonable or seditious offences " means and in- cludes treason as defined by the Criminal CWe, violations of section 134 of the Criminal Code, violations of Orders in Council ])assed in })ur- suance of The War Measures Act, li)lJt, and dealing with Espionage, Trading with the Enemy, and Consolidated Orders respecting censorship so far as such last-mentioned Orders prohibit the use of objectionable matter.

person" 3. (1) ^Notwithstanding anything contained in any other

disquaUfled. ^^t, defaulters under The Military Service Act aiid i)er- sons who have been ((uiNicted of treasonable or seditious offences shall for ten years from the ])assing of this Act be disqualified from holding any public office and shall be disqualified and incompetent to vote at an election of a member to serve in the Legislative Assembly or at a muni- cipal election or an election for school trustees or on any question or by-law submitted to the electors or ratepayers.

vio"atin/°'* (^) Tf ^^y person mentioned in this section violates the public offloe. provisions of subsection 1 he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $2,000, or to imprisonment for a period not ex- ceeding six months, or both.

votinff.^^*^ (3) If any person mentioned in this section attempts to vote at an election of a member to serve in the Legislative Assembly or at a municipal election or at an election for school trustee, or on any question or by-law submitted to the electors or ratepayers or attempts to obtain any public office, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding $500 or tr> imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months or ' both.

penalties. °^ (4) The penalties imposed by or under the authority of this Act shall be recoverable under The Ontario Summary Conmctions Act.

Commence- (5) This Act shall come into force and take effect on the mentof ^^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^-^q assent of the Lieutenant-Governor

thereto. 175

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^o. 176. 1919.


An Act respecting Private Forest Reserves.

TXTTIRTiEAS Walter J. Snider, of the Village of Cones- Preamble. VY tuga, ill the County of Waterloo, has proposed to His ^fajestj's Government for the Province of Ontario, to pre- serve in perpetuity as a forest reserve that certain parcel or tract of land lying at the confluence of the Grand and Con- estoga Kiver, and containing forty acres of wooded river flats ; and whereas other persons residing in the valley of the Grand River have expressed a desire to have certain lands ] (reserved in jx'rpetuity for forest reserves.

Therefore. His Alaji .-iv, liy iiiid with the lulvice and con- sent of the Legislative Assemhly of the Province of Ontario, enacts as follows:

1. This Act may be cited as The Private Forest Reserves short titit. Act.

3. In this Act,— Iton*.'"^'*'*'

(a) "Minister" shall mean the Minister of Lands, " **'"'■*«'•.•■ Forests and Mines;

(h) " Owner " shall mean and include any person hav-" Owner." ing any right, title, interest or equity in any land ;

(c) "Private Forest Keserve" shall mean land d^J^JJ^*** clared to be a, private forest reserve under this Reserve." Act.

3. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, on the re- JJ^'»j«"|n»j commendation of the Minister, and with the consent of thepriT»te owner of any land covered with forest or suitable for for- rencrve. estation or rt^forestation, declare such land to be a private forest reserve.


4. Such doclanitioii sluill Ik' registered by such owner iiiUejriBtra- tho projwrty registry (-tiirc lor the division in which such declaration, land is situated.

5. The eifect of such declaration when registered shall Effect of be to constitute such land In perpetuity a private forest reserve.

6. The title and ownershii) of every private forest reserve Title to shall, notwithstanding such declaration, remain in the ownerowner. so consenting, save that such owner and his personal repre- sentatives and successors in title shall he precluded in per- petuity from cutting or reiiin\ in^i ;iiiy trees upon such priv- ate forest reserve, except upon the consent of the Minister; provided such owner may at any time remove dead or fallen wood or trees.

7. The Minister mav, from time to time, arrange for the ■^^''ange-

, . »■. (, .-". ments for

forestation or re-iorestation oi any portion oi private re-forestation

and re- serves, forestation.


8. The Minister mav, by regulation or otherwise, prohibit Projj'^jtins

" ' •' ^ .1 11 cattle from

cattle from being allow^ed to run in the whole or any partrunning of such private forest reserve, and may make such other regulations for the preservation of trees as may be deemed necessary.

9. This Act shall come into force on the day upon which ^^^^j"^*" it receives the Royal assent. " ■'^ct.





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Xu. 177. 1919^


An Act for granting to His Majesty certain sums of money for the Public Service of the financial year ending on the 31st day of October, 1919, and for the Public Service of the financial year ending the 31st day of October, 1920.

^losT (iiJAcioi s S()\-i;i;i:i(;.\ :

WHEREAS it aj)pears by message from His Honour P»*an»*>'e- Sir John' Strathoarii Hendrie, K.(\M.G., (W.O., a (.'oloiiel in the Militia of Canada, Lientenant-Governor of the Province of Ontario, and the estimates accompanying the same, that the snnis hereinafter mentioned in the schednles to this Act are re(]nired to defray certain exjwnses of the pnblic service of this Province, not otherwise provided for. for the financial year ending the Slst day of October, 10 IS), and for the financial year ending the 3l8t day of October. 1920, and for other purposes connected with the public service. May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the King's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, as follows:

1. From and out of the Consolidatetl lievenue V\\m\ of$i8,45»,- this Province, there may be paid and api)lie<l a sum not|rante<i exceeding in the whole Eighteen million four hundred and.nJiJ'Jj'j^siBt fifty-five thousand three Imndred and ninety-two dollars andj^,*^*^*'*'"' sixty-nine cents towards defraying the several cliarges and expenses of the public service of this Province, not otherwise provided for, from the first day of November, 101 8, Jo the thirty-first day of October, 1010, as set forth in Schc<lule

"A" 'to this Act.

2. From and out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund ofiia.SH.- this Province, there may bo paid and applied a sum not«»nt«d exceeding in the whole Thirteen million eight hundre<l «»>'! y^J nTiVio. foiirteen thousand two hundred and fifty-eight dollars and sixt^v-seven cents towards defraying the several charges and expenses of the public service of this Province, not otherwise


provided for, from the first day of October, 1911), to the thirty-first day of October, 1920, as sot forth in Schedule " B '■' to this Act.

Accounts to be laid before Assembly.

3. Accounts in detail of all moneys received on account of this Province during the said financial year 1918-1919 and of all exf>ciiditure» under Schedule "A" of this Act, shall bo laid before the Le^slative Assembly at its first sitting after the completion of the said period ; and accounts ill detail of all moneys received on account of this Province (luring the financial year 1919-1920 and of all cxix'iulitures under Schedule " B " of this Act shall l)e laid before the Legislative Assembly at the first sitting after the completion of the said financial year.

Appropria- tions for 1918-1919 unexpended.

4, Any part of the money under Schedule "A" appropri- ated by this Act out of the Consolidated Revenue, which may be unexpended on the thirty-first day of October, 1919, shall not be expended thereafter, except in the payment of accounts and expenses incurred on or" prior to the said day ; and all balances remaining unexpended after the said date or at such subsequent date as may be fixed by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council under the provisions of The And if Arl shall lapse and be written off.

Appropria- tions for 1919-1920 unexpended, to lapse.

5. Any part of the money under Schedule " B " ap))ropri- ated by this Act out of the Consolidated Bevenue, which may bo unexjwnded on the thirty-first day of October, 1920, shall not be expended thereafter, except in the payment of accounts and expenses incurred on or prior to the .^aid day; and all balances remaining unexpended after the said date or after a date fixed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council as men- tioned in section 4 shall lapse' and be written off.

Accounting for expend! ture.

6. The duo application of all moneys expended under this Act out of the Consolidated Revenue shall be accounted for to His Majesty.

Commence- 7. This Act shall come into force on the dav M\)on which ment of ..,_,,. ^

Act. it receives the Koyal Assent.


Sums granted to His Majesty by this Act ivr the financial year ending on the thirty-first day of October, one thousand nine hundred and nineteen and the! purposes for which they are granted :




To defray the expenses of the several departments at Toronto :

Department of the Prime Min- ister and President of the

Council $10,000 00

Attorney-Generars Department 200 00

Education Department 3,002 70

Lands, Forests and Mines De- partment 5,950 00

Public Works Department... 19,952 60

Department of Public High- ways 20,000 00

Treasury Department 8,000 00

Audit Office 3,000 00

Pi-ovincial Secretary's Depart- ment ; 69,500 00

Department of Agriculture. . . 7,938 00

^liscellaneous .' 325 00

; $147,868 30


To defray ex))eiises of Legislation $23,966 70


To defray expcn-cs of administration of

.Justice' $24,154 75


To defray expenses of:

Public and Separate Schools

Education $553,359 56

Normal and M-uhd Schools,

Toronto 5,111 15

iNTormal and Model Schools,

Ottawa 6,869 23

formal School, London 1,990 68

.Vormal School, Hamilton . . . 2,948 80

.Voruial School. T. forborough. 2,054 23

Xormal ScIkh.I. Si latford. . . . 2,120 06

NTormal School, North Bay... 1,787 02 I*]nglish-French Professional

Training Schools 13,782 20



lli^'h Scli()(.l> iiiid ( 'dllcgiate

Institiitos 2,657 77

Dcpnrtniontiil Liltnirv and

Museum 1,013 75

I'ulilic Lihnirios, Art ScliooLs,

Jlistorical, Literary and

Seiontifio Societies 12,500 00

Technical Kducation 22«,300 00

l*n»viiicial and other , Tniver-

sities 360,750 00

The Ontario Scliool for the

Deaf, Indleville 2,870 26

'I'hc Ontario School for the

Blind, Branfford 2,656 61

Miscelhnicoii^ 11,000 00

$1,209,777 32


To defray expenses of:

Hospital for Insane, Brock-

ville 40,600 00

Hospital for Insane, Hamilton 25,550 00

Hospital for Insane, Kingston 31,000 00

Hospital for Insane, London . . 42,000 00

Hospital for Insane, ]\Iimieo. . 31,300 00

Hospital for Feeble-]\Iinded,

Orillia 35,250 00

Hospital for the Insane, Pene-

tanguishene 12,500 00

Hospital for Insane, Toronto 28,100 00

Hospital for Epileptics, Wood- stock 5,300 00

Ontario Reformatory Indus- tries 494 10

Andrew Mercer Keformatory,

Toronto . .' . 6,950 00

Industrial Farm, Burwash... 1,457 00

Miscellaneous 6,864 60

; ' $267,365 70


To defray expenses of a grant in aid of Agri- cnlture $114,572 1 6






To defray expenses of Colonization and Im- migration $G5,512 00


To defray expenses of a grant in aid of

Hospitals and Charities $283,582 50


To defray expenses of:

Parliament and Departmental

Buildings $27,051 92

Osgoode Hall 2,161 25

^ri^collanoons 717 94

$29,93J J J


To defray expenses of :

I'arliament Buildings $200,000 00

Osgoode Hall '. 17,500

Public Institutions:

Hospital for Insane, Brockville 76,300 00

Hospital for Insane, Hamilton 67,620 00

Hospital for Insane, Kingston 113,000 00

Hospital for Insane, London. . 106.600 00

Hospital for Insane, Mimico. . 87.600 00 Hospital for Feeble-Minded,

Orillia 110,527 95

Ifospital for Insane, Penetan-

guishene 16,000 00

Hospital for Insane, Toronto. . 526,895 19 Hospital for Epileptics, Wood-

8to(;k 127,500 00

Andrew Mercer Beformatory,

Toronto ' 4,000 00

Educational : A^ormal and Model Schools,

Toronto 22,712 28

Normal and Model Schools,

Ottawa «4,650 00

IsTormal School, London 9,250 00



Normal School, Hamilton . . . 9,277 21

Normal School, Peterborough. 13,063 00

Normal School, Stratford 7,600 00

Normal School, North Bay. . . 11,000 00 The Ontario School for the

Deaf, Belleville r>0,000 00

The Ontario School for the

Blind, Brantford 7,500 00

Ontario Agricultural College. . 87,600 00

Ontario Veterinary College. . 2,000 00 Horticultural Experimental

Station, Jordan Harbor . . . 9,533 54

Districts :

Algoma 64,159 84

Kenora 2,620 00

Manitoulin 1,000 00

Muskoka 1,788 58

Nipissing 1,410 00

Parry Sound 2,925 00

Kainy River 3,226 00

Sudbury 65,334 40

Temiskaming 2,960 00

Thunder Bay 59,300 00

Miscellaneous 10,000 00

Total Public Buildings $1,962,453 08


To defray expenses of Public Works $305,010 00


To defray expenses of Construction and

Bepairs $347,322 34



To defray expenses of Department of Public

Highways $28,700 00


To defray oxj^onses of Game and Fisheries. . $44,517 24


To defray expenses of Attomey-Greneral's

Department, Miscellaneous $5,100 00




To defray expenses of Treasury Department,

Miscellaneous ' $37,090 00


To defray expenses of Provincial Secretary's

Department, Miscellaneous $9,163 00


To defray expenses on account of Crown

I^ands $280,071 73


'I'o defray expenses on Account of Refunds. . . $4,614 90


To defray Miscellaneous Expenditures $39,900 00


To defray expenses on account of the Hydin-

Electric Power Commission of Ontario. .$1 l.'.M (1,500 00

THE TEMISKA.MI.\(i AM) -N « >i; 1 11 i:i.-.\ o.\r.\i;iC) IJAILWAY COMMISSION.


To defray expenses on account of the Temis- kaminjj^ and Northern Ontario Railway Commission ".$1,272,219 SO

Total Estimates for Expenditure of 1!M7-

1918 $is,455,392 69


Sums ^riiiit<Ml to His Majesty by this Act for the fiiuiucial year ending on the thirty-first day of ()ctol)cr, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, and the i)urpo8C8 for which they are granted :


To defray the expenses of the several De- partments of Toronto: Lieutenant-Governor's Office . . $5,450 00 . 177


Department of the Prime Min ister and President of tin Council ;;(i.(;l>:> oo

Attorney-CiciK-rars I)('|i;iiiiii('iii ^^..Mio ()()

Education Department ."> I. ().")() 00

Lands, Forests and Mines De- partment •24r».:?4r) oo

Public Works I)ej)iirliiieiit . . . . I I'.'.i.C'.t:. 00

Department of Publi(! Higli-

ways . !)7,000 00

Game and Fisheries Depart- ment 17.27:. 00

Treasury Depiirhneiil !i7.r.:iO 00

Audit Office :;7. i:.0 00

Provincial Secretary's De])art-

ment .'51 )}..'J;5r» 00

Department of Agricnltiire . . . IM.IlTi oo

Miscellaneous 24,250 00

$i.;;oi ji.'.o (Ml


To defray the expenses of Legislation $.')28,T00 00


To defray expenses of Admin isiiat ion of Justice $8 1 !».r,^r, oo


Public und Separate School

Education $2,029,255 00

N'ormal and Model Schools,

Toronto 102,007 00

N'ormal and Model Schools,

Ottawa T2,340 00

ITomial School, London 35,600 00

I^ormal School, Hamilt^)n 32,600 00

N'ormal School, Peterborough. 33,090 00 :t^ormal School, Stratford ..... 33,300 00 Normal School, :N'orth Bay. . . 51,490 00 Engl i sh-Frencli Profess i onal

Training Schools 40.375 00 '

High School and Collegiate In- stitutes \ 165,900 00

Departmental Library and Mu- seum '. 22,850 00

Public Libraries, Art Schools, Historical, Literary and

Scientific Societies '. 101,200 00



Technical Education 383,900 00

Superannuated Public and

High School Teachers 45,150 00

Provincial and other Universi- ties 50,950 00

The Ontario School for the

Deaf, Belleville 103,960 00

The Ontario School for the

Blind, Brantford 83,480 00

Miscellaneous 37,100 00

$3,424,647 00


Ontario Hospital, Brockville. . $238,907 00

Ontario Hospital, Hamilton.. 292,900 00

Ontario Hospital, Kingston. . . 195,100 00

Ontario Hospital, London 285,660 00

Ontario Hospital, Mimico. . . . 181,775 00

Ontario Hospital, Orillia 207,302 00

Ontario Hospital, Penetang-

uishene 102,043 00

Ontario Hospital, Toronto 304,652 00

Reception Hospital, Toronto. . 15,500 00

Ontario Hospital, Woodstock. 71,826 00

Ontario Reformatory 7,000 00

Ontario Reformatory Indus- tries 133,900 00

Mercer Reformatory, Toronto. 65,920 00 Mercer Reformatory Indus- tries 10,000 00

Industrial Farm, Burwash... 166,530 00

Industrial Farm, Fort William 25,000 00

Miscellaneous 63,725 00

$2,367,740 00



To defray expenses of a grant in aid of Agri- culture $1,127,128 00


To defray expenses of Colonization and Immi- gration $160,000 00


To defray expenses of a grant in aid of Hos- pitals and Charities $716,552 82




Government House $17,300 00

Parliament and Departmental

Buildings 223,168 35

Osgoode Hall 38,178 00

Miscellaneous 21,250 00

$299,890 35


To defray expenses of: Parliament and Departmental

Buildings $150,000 00

Osgoode Hall 7,000 00

Public Institutions 159,000 00

Educational G9,750 00

Agriculture 4,000 00

Districts 6,150 00

Miscellaneous 100,000 00

$195,900 00


To defray expenses of Public Works $207,400 00



To defray expenses of Construction and Re- pairs $90,000 00



To defray expenses of Department of Public

Highways $107,620 00


To defray expenses of Game and Fisheries . . $307,200 00


To defray expenses of Attorney-General's De- partment, Miscellaneous . $89,700 00


To defray expenses of Treasury Department,

Miscellaneous " $147,670 00




To defray expenses of Provincial Secretary's

Department, Miscellaneous $338,470 00


To defray expenses on account of Crown

Lands $1,332,100 00


To defray expenses of:

Education $6,500 00

Lands, Forests and Mines 25,000 00

Succession Duty 36,000 00

Miscellaneous 3Y,000 00

$104,500 00


To defray Miscellaneous Expenditure $47,000 00

Total Estimates for Expenditure of 1918-

^g^Q $13,814,258 67






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