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I have to express to the Delegates of the Press and to the kind purchasers of the first volume of this edition my regret for the long but unavoidable delay which has intervened in the completion of the work. That it is completed now I owe to the unstinted and unselfish help of my friend Mr. A. O. Prickard, Fellow of New College. I desired at one time that the volume should appear in our joint names, and had obtained the sanction of the Delegates to this arrange- ment; but we found the difificulties of joint work too great, in view of the impossibility of our being much together; and therefore, although a first draft of the notes on the later Epistles was prepared by Mr. Prickard, I have ultimately rewritten these, and made myself responsible for the whole. At the same time I cannot overstate the help which I have received from him in this part of the volume, and indeed in suggestions and criticisms upon the whole of it.

With respect to the text I have little to add to what I wrote, I hope with proper modesty, in the introduction to Vol. I. Keller's ' Epilegomena,' pub- lished in 1 8 79-1 880, has added to the obligation which he and his colleague have laid upon all students



of Horace in givine them for the first time a clear and

o o

trustworthy conspectus of the evidence of value which is at our command. But it has not produced a general agreement, either with their method of grouping the MSS. in classes or families, or with their particular estimate of the value of Cruquius' Old Blandinian MS. (V) K Cruquius no doubt overestimated its antiquity ; but, on the other hand, the more the question has been sifted the less reason there has appeared to be for doubting the care and bona fides of his testimony, and the more reason for assenting to the general judgment of scholars from Bentley downwards, that we have access in its readings to a text, not necessarily always right, but of unique value as exhibiting a tradition independent of the other MSS.

In addition to the Editors whose help I have acknowledged before, I have of course leant greatly in the Satires on Heindorf (re-edited by Wtlsteman, Leipzig, 1843) and in the First Book of the Epistles on Obbar (Leipzig, 1837). I have made great use of the thoughtful and independent commentary of Schiitz (Berlin, 1883), andhave derived many suggestions from the edition of the Satires by Prof. A. Palmer and that of the Epistles by Prof. Wilkins (Macmillan, 1884 and 1885). I have come also to estimate very highly the compressed but singularly complete and sensible notes

1 I would refer especially to the examination of Keller's conclusions by P. Hoehn ('de codice Bland. antiquissimo,' Jena, 1883) and W. Mewes (the editor of the re-issue of Orelli, ' Ueber den wert des Cod. Bland. vetustissimus,' Berlin, 1882); also to Professor Nettleship, 'Essays in Latin Literature,' p. 188 f.



of Duntzer (Brunswick, 1849). Kiesslings edition came into my hands too late to be of full use. But I have felt again, as I said before, that the editor to whom the student of Horace is most indebted is Bentley ; and I have felt more than before (though he only speaks to us through his text and short preface and a few papers in the Journal of Philology) how strong and trustworthy is the judgment, whether in purely textual questions or in the questions of inter- pretation which cannot be severed from text, of the most Bentleian of English scholars who have touched Horace, the lamented H. A. J. Munro.

May I make two requests of the younger readers whose needs I have had specially in view one, that they will read, both before beginning a Satire or Epistle, and also side by side with it, the analysis which I have prefixed to it and without which the commentary will be incomplete ; the other, that they will not be deluded, by what has seemed the unhappy necessity of employing inverted commas for the double purpose, into mistaking interpretative para- phrase for translation ? The latter I have attempted rarely ; the former is often a convenient and necessary substitute for a long note.

Wellington College, Oct. 1890.

Note. I must apologize here for a misunderstanding which has led to some uncorrected variation in spelling. To harmonize with the rest of the text 'cum' should be read in Sat. I. i. 86, 104, ' baca ' in Sat. 2. 4. 69; 'aspectu,' 'aspicere ' in Sat. 1. 8. 26, 2. 5. 5,2.6.60; ' temptatum' in Sat. 1. 1. 80 ; ' obiciebat ' in Sat. 1.4. 123 ; and ' o ' should be substituted for ' u ' in'avulsos,' 'vultis,' &c. in Sat. 1. 1. 58, 1. 2. 38 and several other places.


(«. = notes, 1. = line.)

Sat. I.

14«. 1. 16 80«. 1. 5 110«. 1. 12«. 1. 32 «. 1.

34 "■ 1-

67 «. 1

for ' one ' read ' me


1. 6.




' Epp. 2. 2.

' So.' 1. 5. ' Panis '

' boat is boarded ' Od. 2. 2. 3 ' ' duumviro '

' dissyll.'

6. 74«. 1. 13. 'board'

115 «. 1. 2. 'Sat. 2. 3. 182'

7. 10, 11 n. 1. 47. 'v. 14'

8. 39«. 1. 4- del. ' and'

9. 22 «. 1. 13. before ' two '

59 "• !■ 9- Xw/)'s

10. 22». 1. 5. MeveXaos



Sat. II.

1. 26 «. 1. 4. ins. kcu before trv£ 60 n. 1. 14. ' Trebatius' words'

2. 23«. 1. 2. for 'will ' read ' well' 29,30«. I.23. for ' patere ' read

' petere ' 35 n. 1. 5. for ' dislikes ' read ' likes ' 45»- H-3,4- 'Od. 1.4. 14, 2. 14. 11' 53 n. 1. 14. for ' so ' read ' he is '

3. Introd. p. 132, 1. 1. after 26 ins. ' Z>.' 7 n. 1. 2. for ' use ' read ' in '

51 n. 1. 11. for ' cause' read ' sense'

and del. the following in-

verted commas 62«. 1. 2. after 'error' add ' of vv.

49,51.' 1. 4. for 33read 53 69 «. 1. 16. for ' which ' read ' whose

name ' 135«. 1. 2. del. ' the ' 195 n. 1. 5. Tlpiajxos


12. 15.


33 n. 1. 7. del. first ' of '

37 n. 1. 5. for 'getting' read ' gather-

ing oV 79 n. 1. 2. 'have' 4«. 1. 1. after 'myself' ins. ' more

Epp. I.

3 n. 1. 2. ' pulsu ' 31 n. 1. 2. 'sarciri '

17 n. 1. 2. for ' which ' read ' what ' 2 2 «. 1. 3. for ' have ' read ' had ' 24«. 1. 13. for 'Quisque' read 'Qui-

que ' 75 n. 1. 2. for ' quest ' read ' guest ' 1 n. omit ' The phrase ' Additional note, 1. 6. for 1S69 read

1880 26 n. 1. 1. for ' first ' read ' final ' 37 n. 1. 31. ' Graios' 31 n. 1. 10. for 23 read 2. 3

Epp. II.

I3S«. 1. 2. for 3 read 5 173«. 11. 51, 52. 'Dossennus'

18 n. 1. 6. ' condicione ' 117«. 1. 5. ' medulla'

1 70 n. 1. 8. for ' servunt ' read ' serunt '

189;; 206 «,

I.4. 1-5-

for ' si ' read ' is ; ' intelligatur '

Ars Poetica.

55 n. 1. 6. ' daedalus' 120;/. 1. 43. del. ' is' 128-135«. 1. *3- 'vindicates' 158«. 'l. 2. for 'ut' read 'et' 221 n. 1. 11. del. 'as' before ' mox: 261, 262 n. 1. 7 .del. ' So'



§ i. Division of the two Books.

It may be taken for certain that the division of the two Books of Satires is a real and chronological division, not merely, like that of the first three books of the Odes, the division for artistic purposes of a collection given to the world together. Such a real division is indi- cated by the very definite epilogue with which the First Book is concluded and the prologue with which the Second Book opens. No doubt something of this effect is given by the placing of Od. 2. 20 and 3. 1, and in a slighter way still by that of Od. 1. 37, 38 and 2.1; but in the case of the Odes there is no mistake when we come to Od. 3. 30 and compare it with 1. 1, that we have in them the true prologue and epilogue to the work as a whole. To make the parallel effective, Book II of the Satires should have an epilogue which would mark not only the close of a Book but the achievement of a full purpose. Sat. II is ended in a manner suitable to the more dramatic character of the Book, not by a conscious epilogue, but by a sketch lighter in tone than the two which precede it, and one which gathers up and puts in more dramatic form some of the chief topics of the book and especially of its earlier part. Amongst Horace's collections of poems it is analogous to the conclusion of the Epodes and of the IVth Book of the Odes, not to that of Sat. I, Odes I— III, or Epp. I. He has his two manners, evidently, of ending a Book : but this does not render it more prob- able that he should have published the two Books of Satires together and ended the first with ' I puer, atque meo citus haec sub- scribe libello,' and the second with 'velut illis Canidia afflasset peior serpentibus Afris.'

But in truth the two Books stand apart from one another widely, both in general form and topics, and also in tone personal and



literary, and in the background of circumstance. In Book I Octa- vianus is mentioned only once and then incidentally as patron of Tigellius. In Book II he is set in the forefront as the person to whom compliments are to be paid and whose protection the * poet may look for l. In Book I the friendship of Maecenas occupies a prominent place, but there is no hint of his most valued gift, the Sabine retreat. In Book II the ' villa ' is the scene of Sat. 3, and the theme of Sat. 6. The peace of his country home has passed into the poefs blood, and the assured position of which it was the outward sign has modified his views of things. In 2. 1 he professes to take up the cudgels on behalf of outspoken Satire, but he meets his critics more than half-way. He is 'cupidus pacis,' and his weapon is to be one of defence only. Whatever of personality there had been in Book I has been yet further toned down in Book II. Horace's literary enemies Tigellius, Fannius, Demetrius, have had their final dismissal in Sat. 1. 10. Though, as we see from his later writings, his judgment on the general question between the ancients and moderns remains what it was, he is no longer concerned to defend himself against detractors who depreciated him by exalting Lucilius ; and accordingly he expresses his debt to his predecessor and his admiration for him without qualification.

§ 2. Date of Book I.

The first Book of the Satires is the first collection of Horace's poems that was given to the world. This would be the natural con- clusion from his words in Sat. 1. 10. 46, where, after assigning dif- ferent kinds of poetry to different contemporary masters, he says of Satire ' Hoc erat experto frustra Varrone Atacino Atque quibusdam aliis melius quod scribere possem.' Some of the Epodes may have been as early in composition as the earliest Satires, but the collected Epodes were not published before the battle of Actium (Epod. 9).

In endeavouring to fix the date of the publication of Sat. I it is of the first importance to fix the time of Horace's introduction to the friendship of Maecenas. Six, if not seven 2, of the ten Satires con- tain references to that friendship. The friendship is fresh, and yet

1 Sat. 2. 1. 11, 19, 84. cenas incidentally on the improvements

2 J- 3) 5. 6, 9, 10. Possibly we by which he had converted the old should add 8, which takes occasion in paupers' burial-ground into handsome laying the scene of Canidia's witcheries gardens.

on the Esquiline to compliment Mae-


has lasted a little while. Horace looks back on its stages (6. 54-62) ; it has stood some tests (3. 63-65) ; people are still curious about it, and yet some are already seeking to profit by it (5 and 9). Now if we can date Sat. 2. 6, Horace gives us in it the means of also dating approximately the commencement of his close relations to Maecenas : for in v. 40 he says

' Septimus octavo propior iam fugerit annus Ex quo Maecenas me coepit habere suorum In numero.' (With the last words cp. Sat. i. 6. 62.)

The expression is not perfectly clear, but this probably means ' It is seven or rather very nearly eight full years since,' etc. There is also the doubt, which always attaches to Roman reckoning, whether this is to be taken exclusively or inclusively, to mean what we should also call - seven years verging on eight,' or what we should rather call ' six verging on seven.' The date of the Satire itself can be fixed within a few months, but not more closely. Three indications of time are given in it. (1) In v. 38 the words ' Imprimat his, cura, Maecenas signa tabellis ' seem to refer to the time of the ' bellum Actiacum ' and the following events, during which Maecenas (in conjunction later with Agrippa) had the charge of affairs in Rome and Italy for Octavianus and bore his signet ring \ (2) In v. 53 Horace represents as one of the questions put to him by persons who credited him with know- ing state secrets, ' numquid de Dacis audisti ? ' The Daci are men- tioned by Dion as offering their services to Octavianus before the battle of Actium, and, on his declining them, to Antony 2 : and it is evident that they continued to be a cause of some anxiety at Rome, for he speaks of Crassus being sent against them in b.c. 30. (3) In v. 55 another question asked of him is, ' militibus promissa Triquetra Praedia Caesar an est Itala tellure daturus ? ' The allo- cation referred to is probably that after Actium, and the moment at which this question would be most in men's mouths would be in the winter of b.c. 31, when Dion reports that so serious a mutiny broke out among the disbanded soldiers, who feared they were to be disappointed of their rewards, that Octavianus had to pay a hasty visit to Italy and provide for the assignment of lands to them :;. Of these dates (1) would suit any time from the middle of b.c. 31 to the return of Octavianus to Rome in 29 : (2) would be, so far as we know, best satisfied in b.c. 31 or 30: (3) points most definitely to the winter of b.c. 31, though the form of reference does not ex-

1 Dion Cassius, 51. 3. introd. to Odes, Books i-iii. 1. § 7-

2 Id. 51. 22. See Od. 3. 6. 13 and 3 Id. 51. 3-5.

B 2


clude the lapse of a little time since the question was actually put. The general conclusion is that when all the doubtful points are given in favour of the earliest date we cannot place earlier than the spring of b.c. 38 the occasion described in Sat. 1. 6. 61, when Maecenas, nine months after Horace's first introduction to him by Virgil and Varius, ' sent for him again and bade him be in the number of his friends.' The date may possibly be a year or two later.

It is characteristic of Horace's change of position between Books I and II that the references to political events and persons, fairly frequent in the later Book, should be almost wholly absent in the earlier. His great anxiety in describing his friendship with Maecenas is to represent it as personal and literary, not political. The fifth Satire, which describes the journey which Horace took with him when he was bound on affairs of state to Brundisium, might be ex- pected to give us just the clue we want : but not a word escapes to indicate the occasion of the mission, and we are reduced to search- ing the pages of Dion for notices of movements which may suit it. It is very doubtful how far their picture of the time is minute or exact enough to enable us to do this with the hope of certain result : but of the occasions which have been suggested the only two which are not excluded by other considerations (see Introd. to Sat. 1. 5) fall one in the autumn of b.c. 38, the other in the spring of 37, either of which will suit the date we obtained from Sat. 2.6.

A literary reference of some importance is in the same direction. The words used of Virgil, Sat. 1. 10. 44, where Horace is speaking of the way in which the main departments of poetry are already occupied by masters with whom he has no mind to compete, ' molle atque facetum Vergilio annuerunt gaudentes rure Camenae,' must mean that Virgil was already known to the world as the author of the Eclogues \ Considerations drawn from the political references of Ecl. 10 show that these were not published before b.c. 37.

The earliest date then at which the composition of the larger part of Sat. I can be placed is the end of b.c. 38. The earliest date which can be assigned for the completion and publication of the Book is in or after b. c. 37. Towards settling the latest possible date the first fixed point is b.c. n, to which there is reference in Sat. 2. 3. 185. If we allow a little time on the one side for Horace's acquaintance with Maecenas to ripen, and to be the subject of public talk, and for the composition of the Satires which refer to it,

] Franke would add Georg. 1, which 1. 1. 114-115, but see notes on that ie thinks Horace is imitating in Sat. place.


and on the other for the settling in the Sabine farm, and the other changes which the Satires of Book II presuppose, the date of b.c. 35 usually assigned for the publication of Book I will seem to be not far wrong.

§ 3. Datc of Book II.

The publication of Book II must on the ground of the references already discussed in Sat. 2. 6 be put after the winter of b.c. 31. If the connection of Caesar with the Parthians in Sat. 2. 1. 15 ' labentis equo . . . volnera Parthi,' and 2. 5. 62 ' iuvenis Parthis horrendus,' be held to refer to the interview of Octavianus with Tiridates during his progress through Asia in b.c. 30 * we must put it some months later. In any case the absence of any allusion to the triple triumph and the closing of the temple of Janus seems to show that the book was published before the year b.c. 29, whether before or after the Epodes cannot be positively determined.

§ 4. Satires 2 and 7 of Book I.

In fixing the general date of the composition of Book I we have omitted three Satires which contain no reference verbal or construc- tive to the acquaintance with Maecenas. Of these Satire 4 has nothing to separate it in tone or topic from its neighbours. It was written at some time after Sat. 2, and when Horace felt it necessary if he published that Satire to apologise for its spirit. Satires 2 and 7 however have features which distinguish them from the rest of the Book. Satire 7 turns on a ludicrous incident which occurred in the proconsular court of Brutus when he was in Asia in the year before the battle of Philippi, and while Horace was in his suite. It culmi- nates in the jest on the name of Rex, in connection with Brutus' political antecedents, 'qui reges consueris tollere.' The play on names is of just the kind in which Roman taste delighted ; and it is quite intelligible that having been one of Horace's first essays in composition, perhaps one which had been shown to Maecenas by Virgil when he ' told him what Horace was like,' the Satire may have been retained, possibly at Maecenas' desire. It is less likely that it should have been composed when Horace had begun to beware of playing with edged tools.

Sat. 2 has other signs of date earlier than that of the bulk of the Book. There is the grossness of tone (never congenial to Horace, but always bearing the look of a concession to a supposed ' operis

1 Dion, 51. 18.


lex l ') to be paralleled only in some of the earlier Epodes. There is more appearance of those liberties taken with persons of position (not merely the thieves, moneylenders, misers, and parasites of later Satires) and of broad references to real scandals, which he professes to defend in Sat. i. 4 and 2. 1, but with apologies which, if we look at any Satire but this one, seem to outrun the needs of the case 2. There is above all the curious tradition of the Scholiasts that under the name of Maltinus (or Malchinus) he was satirizing in v. 25 the personal habit of Maecenas. If this be true it is so completely un- like Horace's bearing towards his friends in high position that it must mean that the Satire was written before his acquaintance with Maecenas commenced, and preserved with Maecenas' assent if not at his desire.

§ 5. Titk and Nature 0/ the Satires.

Horace uses two words to designate his Satires.

1. The only title which he uses within the Satires themselves is Satira. This he employs in Sat. 2. 1. 1 in the singular, to describe the form of composition or its spirit, ' Sunt quibus in satira videar nimis acer.' He is there speaking of himself as the successor of Lucilius, and the word has our modern sense of ' Satire,' the censorious criticism of life and manners of which Lucilius had set the type. In Sat. 2. 6. 1 7 he employs the plural of the separate poems : ' Quid prius illustrem satiris ? ' and it may be noticed that there he has in view another aspect of Satire, familiar also to Lucilius (as he points out in Sat. 2. 1. 30-36), but descending to him from the older ' Satura ' or medley, of Satire namely as a vehicle for autobiographical details and the expression of personal likes as well as dislikes.

2. But it is noticeable that in the Epistles, when he looks back at the Satires and ranks them with his other kinds of composition he drops entirely the term ' Satirae.' His classification is ' Iambi,' ' Carmina,' ' Sermones.' In Epp. 1. 4. 1 the first place where he uses this term, 'sermonum nostrorum candide iudex,'— he is probably speaking of the Satires only ; and so too in Epp. 2. 2. 60, where he

^ ' When anything like it recurs in flinging away his shield at Philippi

Sat. 2. 7 lt is in a place where he is (Od. 2. 7. 10) is due to the similar pro-

dramatizing the licence of the Satur- fession of Alcaeus.

nalia, and possibly caricaturing also the 2 Is not Sat. 2 the one specimen

tone of professed moral lecturers. In the which Horace allowed to be preserved

same way the four lines which disfigure of an earlier type of Satires which had

Sat. 1.5 are due probably toan incidtnt been shown to friends, but which his

m Lucihus' joumey (3. 54) whieh he is own fastidious taste failed finally to

reproducing, much as the story of his approve ?


qualifies it, ' Bioneis sermonibus et sale nigro.' On the other hand in Epp. 2. 1. 250 ' sermones . . . repentes per humum' seems meant to cover the Epistles as well *.

The term had in the first place a self-depreciatory meaning, and is

explained by the words in Sat. 1. 4. 39-48, where he declines the

name of ' poemata ' for his writings, and designates them as ' sermoni

propiora,' comparing them in this respect to Comedy, which is, ' nisi

quod pede certo Differt sermoni, sermo merus.' They were poems,

if poems at all, on the level of common conversation. But it was

a deliberate substitution not only for 'poemata,' but also for the

natural name, which he had at first given, of ' Satirae.' It was meant

to describe the poems as Horace wished them to be regarded, and if

' sermo ' be taken in its common sense of ' talk ' it describes them

very well 2. Whatever else they are, they are imitations of conversa-

tion ' talks,' ' causeries ' imitations of the best talk of a polished

time in its ease, its diversity of topic, its graceful transitions, its

spice of personality, its play of repartee, its irony, its anecdotes, fables,

quotations, allusions 3. But the talk had a definite scope. It was

such talk as Horace indicates in Sat. 2. 6. 71 f., on subjects of the

highest interest, even if treated with a light hand. It was talk on the

art of living. Even literature has an incidental rather than a primary

place in it. He has to make his ' apologia ' both for venturing to

follow Lucilius and for venturing to differ from him ; and this raises the

question, which will occupy so much of his later writings, of the taste

of the day in its unqualified preference of the older writers to the new

classical school to which he attaches himself. He is also at first the

conscious ' freedman's son,' the mark of envious tongues, and he has

to justify his right to ' open his mouth ' as though his ancestors as well

1 The Scholiast's statement is ' Quam- philosophical conversations (cp. ' Socra- vis Satiram esse opus hoc suum Hora- tici sermones' Od. 3. 21. 9) and especi- tius ipse confiteatur, " sunt quibus in ally by Cicero of his Dialogues. Dia- Satira videar nimis acer," tamen proprios logue plays a large part in all Horace's titulos ei voluit accommodasse ; nam hos Satires, and in Book II we have almost priores duos libros Sermonum poste- entirely dramatic scenes in which riores Epistularum inscripsit.' Porph. Horace himself plays no part or a sub- on Sat. 1. 1. 1. This speaks of Horace's sidiary one.

ultimate distinction of titles for the 3 A characteristic feature of conversa-

Satires and Epistles, and is not incon- tion is markedly imitated in the endings

sistent with his coupling the two to- of the Satires, and of the Epistles which

gether under the common title while approach most nearly to this type.

the Epistles were still in process of They end generally abruptly ; but just

composition. Keller's MSS. know of as talk is ended, when the topic threatens

no title for the Satires but 'Sermones,' to become wearisome, with a jest or

and it is the term used by the gram- personal sally, or again with an epi-

marians. gram, fable, or story, which snms up

2 It is just possible that the term the matter and leaves no more to be drew a further colour from its use of said.


as himself had ' had three names V But the talk comes back again always to life and conduct, men's tastes and inconsistencies, the true path of happiness. We have sketches of life in Rome, of different phases of it from the point of view of bystanders, the honest country- man, the Stoic lecturer, the slave, the man of letters at the supper table of the rich upstart; sketches of talk as it shouldn't be, talk about eating and drinking ; sketches of personal and social vices, of avarice and the transparent excuses for it, of censoriousness, of vulgar pushing, of legacy-hunting.

Politics we miss altogether. Political satire belongs to the age before the proscriptions, to the age when power belonged to an oligarchy, cultivated at least enough to read and to be amused, not to the two masters, or the one master, of legions. And Horace was not by nature a politician. He had had an enthusiasm and a disappoint- ment. He never became a turncoat ready at command to bespatter his old party. He was attracted by what promised to be an epoch of order and refinement. The regime of Octavianus meant to him the regime of Maecenas, with Virgil and Varius in the background. On the other hand his most continuous attraction was in moral questions. His standard was not ours ; but he had been brought up well by a manly and virtuous father. He was an acute observer of life, he had good taste, strong sense, a natural shrinking from excess of every kind. The professed teachers of the day seem to have repelled rather than attracted him. The Stoic lecturers survive for us in his gibes at their tediousness and dogmatism and in his caricature of their paradoxical teaching. Epicureanism was recommended to him by having found an exponent in a great poet ; and accordingly, in Sat. I at least, the infiuence of Lucretius dominates his philosophical views as well as his diction and rhythms. But he plays with Epicureanism as he does with Stoicism. His heart is with the 'abnormis sapiens.' He is beginning to feel, what he asserts more roundly in the Epistles, that Homer is a better teacher than any of the schools. He feels, no doubt, another influence in the treatises of Cicero, of whom he was a diligent student, but Cicero again teaches him to be interested in all philosophies, and to bind himself to none.

The term ' Sermones,' then, was part of the flpaveia, natural and assumed, which marks so deeply the Satires as well as the rest of Horace's writings. They were ' talks,' not ' Satires.' He was preaching, but he would preach in the least obtrusive way. He mis- doubts his right to preach. He is always inclined to turn the laugh

1 Juv. S. 5. 127.


upon himself. He would escape more and more into the back- ground and let others seem to speak. He is an interested, amused, hearer and learner, not a Stoic, nor even an Epicurean, dogmatist.

No one interfered with his patent to the title. Persius, who, even when in his Stoic fervour he departs furthest from Horace's spirit, copies his form most closely, gives no name to his own composition. Juvenal, to whom there are no uncertainties, no lights and shades in his confident and ruthless declamation, returned to the name of Satires1.

§ 6. Personal names in the Satires.

If the Satires are imitations of conversation, they have naturally a personal element. Conversation starts from persons and incidents, it prefers concrete instances to abstract descriptions, a flavour of inno- cent malice is not out of place in it, its greatest adornment is the art of telling stories vividly and at the happy moment. As a whole it must be allowed that Horace's writing has this effect in a singular degree after the lapse of nineteen centuries. Even if Nomentanus and Opimius had no life outside his verses, he gives them life enough for his purpose. The interest of going behind what he has told us and seeing how far his characters can be identified with particular persons historically known, lies not so much in any gain of point to the Satire that may be looked for, the persons are too obscure, as well as the results too uncertain, for that, but in the light which it may throw on the methods of the poet, on his personal motives, and on his relations to his contemporaries.

The Scholiasts are prepared in most cases to tell us who each per- son named is. They had access to earlier sources of information 2, and no doubt in some cases they have preserved for us a true tradi- tion. But they evidently blunder. They differ from one another, showing that the tradition itself was unsettled. They betray that they are merely paraphrasing the context, sometimes the context mis- understood. They are not trustworthy on the question on which they had the greatest advantage over us, viz. the question whether a name is borrowed or not from some earlier writer. An instance which

1 Dryden gives the palm to Juvenal purposes. English 'Satire' has always

as a satirist, but he professedly takes had at its heart a personal bitterness

Satire in the narrower sense. When which is entirely absent in Horace.

Fope ' imitates Horace' he copies and The truest representation of his spirit

even improves upon the wit of indi- in English literature is to be found in

\idual lines and passages, but he misses the gentler prose-satire of Steele and

always much of the play, the deli- Addison.

cacy, the inner unity of thought, and 2 See on the Scholiasts, General In-

he puts Horace to very un-Horatian trod. to vol. i. § 2.


seems to combine several of these defects is to be found in their notes

on the ' causa Petilli,' a cause celebre of the time, or one still remem-

bered, to which Horace alludes in Sat. i. 4. 94, and again in 1. 10.

26. In the first passage he gives him the fuller name of Petillius

Capitolinus, and speaks of the charge brought against him as that of

theft, and of his having been acquitted. The Scholiasts write of this

as with perfect knowledge, and say that Petillius was a friend of

Augustus, who had charge of the Capitol, and was accused of having

stolen the crown of Jupiter, but was acquitted by favour of Caesar. It

has been pointed out however, as conclusively discrediting this story,

(1) that a coin has been foundwith a temple on the obverse and the

inscription Petillius Capitolinus, which seems to show that Capitolinus

was a cognomen of the gens Petillia, and traced by them to some

honourable origin ; (2) that the crime of robbing Capitoline Jove of

his crown was proverbial as early as Plautus : see Trin. 1. 2. 46,

Menaechm. 5. 5. 38.

It has been already suggested that in looking for real names a dis-

tinction is probably to be drawn between Horace's earlier Satires

(represented chiefly by Sat. 1.2) and the later ones. In the greater

part of them his purpose was general. He was assailing follies, not

gibbeting individuals \ and we have no indications or traditions of his

having vented personal dislikes by making his enemies ' slide into

verse and hitch . . in a rhyme.' At the same time he enforces his

lessons by anecdotes, and sums up classes in individual names. He

even justifies the method humorously by tracing it to the example of

his good father, who taught him morals in a concrete shape, not by

describing the character he was to aim at or avoid, but by pointing,

as they passed in the street, to one and another as models or warn-

ings (Sat. 1. 4. 105 f.). There are many cases in which we can

imagine no motive for reticence, and in which the particularity of

designation would lose all point if the particulars were not real.

Such names are Sisyphus 2 and Turbo 3 the dwarfs ; Fufius and

Catienus, the actors 4 ; Lepos 5 the dancer ; Horace's neighbours in

his old Apulian home, Flavius 6 the schoolmaster at Venusia, Servius

Oppidius of Canusium7, Ofellus 8, Cervius 9, Arellius10; oddities met

1 \Ye must exclude the bad poets and 2 Sat. 1. 3. 47.

critics with whom he has both a per- 3 Sat. 2. 3. 310.

sonal and a literary quarrel, and whom 4 Sat. 2. 3. 60, 61.

he undoubtedly satirizes by name, Fan- 5 Sat. 2. 6. 72.

nius, Hermogenes Tigellius, Demetrius, 6 Sat. 1. 6. 72.

Furius Bibaculus, also the Stoic lec- 7 Sat. 2. 3. 168.

turers who bored him, Fabius and 8 Sat. 2. 2. 2, etc.

Crispinus. We exclude also the mys- 9 Sat. 2. 6. 77.

terious Canidia. 10 Sat. 2. 6. 78.


on his travels, as Aufidius Luscus, the jack in officeat Fundi1; some of the money-lenders well known about the Forum, and who could hardlystrikeagainatafriendofMaecenas, Nerius, Perilliuswithhis nick- nameof Cicuta2,the 'younger of the Novii,'the sightof whom accounts for the look of pain or the uplifted hand of Marsyas' statue s ; some 'scurrae'; such a scornful list of the scum of society as in Sat. 1.8.39.

There are cases again in which we obviously have allusions to anecdotes or characters which were public property, not meant maliciously, but the employment by way of illustration of what was already in everyone's mouth. Such are for instance Labeo the type of a madman 4, Albucius and his poison, Scaeva and his long- lived mother, Turius the severe judge5. It is possible again that where stories or traits which reflect discredit are given the names may be the veils of known persons more or less transparent to Horace's contemporaries or his immediate circle.

But there are two sources of his anecdotes and of his names, which, though we cannot measure exactly how much is due to each, are certainly answerable for a good many, and which so far as they go show that his purpose was genuinely to illustrate and vivify his moral descriptions, not to give pain or teach the world to sneer.

1. It is certain that many of his stories and instances belong really to the last generation ''. His satirical sketch of Tigellius' character in Sat. 1. 2. and 3 (which in the latter satire he makes typical of his satiric style) relates to one who was already dead. Fausta, 'the daughter of Sulla,'takes at least one scandal of Sat. 1. 2 some years back. Arbuscula the mime-actress, and the son of Aesopus, of whom stories are told in 1. 10. 77 and 2. 3. 239, are persons known to us in Cicero's letters. The reference to Alfenus in 1. 3. 130, whoever be the person, is by the tense of ' erat ' thrown back to a date antecedent to the text. So is the story of Staberius' will in 2. 3. 84 f., with the further indication that the ' epulum arbitrio Arri ' is to be illustrated from an anecdote told by Cicero in Vatin. 12. 30 f7.

1 Sat. 1. 5. 34. 2 Sat. 2. 3. 69, 75. where the whole scene and narrative is

3 Sat. 1. 6. 121. invented. It may be noticed how such

* Sat. 1. 3. 82. a name as Opimius in Sat. 2. 3. 142 has

5 Sat. 2. 1. 47-54. every qualification for such a pnrpose.

6 It will be seen that the same is the It is a good Roman name : it was case in the Epistles. familiar to readers of Lucilius : and its

7 Are not some of the best stories due etymology lends itself to the play in to hisown invention, dramatic renderings the contrast 'pauper Opimius;' cp. ' im- of a general truth ? This was only to mitis Glycerae ' etc. in the Odes. Cp. do on a small scale what he does on a such a story as that of Maenius (clearly large one in all the Satires of Book II, an invented name) in Epp. 1. 15.


2. Some anecdotes and allusions are confessedly due to oldtr poets, and it is certain that the list might be extended if we possessed Lucilius and the Latin dramatists in anything more than fragments. In Sat. 2. 2. 47 Horace refers to Gallonius as having introduced the ' acipenser ' to Roman tables and speaks of the evil as having happened ' haud ita pridem.' But this is from Lucilius, a fragment to the effect being quoted by Cic. de Fin. 2. 8. 24. Three names which are found in Lucilius throw some light on Horace's methods of employing the names he found in his predecessors.

(1) Pacideianus^ . In Lucilius (4.17) he is the 'best gladiator since the beginning of the world.' In Horace Sat. 2. 7. 98 his name is given casually as one of the three gladiators, the rough wall-drawing of whose performance fascinates Davus. If Horace uses a literary name here instead of a contemporary one, where may he not be doing so2?

(2) Maatius. We know of Lucilius' use of the name from Porph. on Hor. Sat. 1. 3. 21, who quotes as from the older poet, ' Maenius columnam cum peteret,' and interprets it by the story that Maenius, when his home was sold over his head, reserved a column of it, thence called ' Maenii columna,' from whence he might see the gladiators. This is evidently a foolish invention to connect Maenius with the column, due to some one who did not know that the ' columna Maenia ' was erected in honour of Maenius, the colleague of Camillus, in b.c. 338. We may suppose rather that in Lucilius there was a play on Maenius (i.e. some spendthrift) ' making for bis own column,' i.e. subjecting himself to the jurisdiction of the ' trium- viri capitales,' who sat by the columna Maenia ; cp. the play in Cic. pro Sest. 8. 18. In any case 'Maenius' is to Horace a name that occurs when he wants one for a good-for-nothing fellow, the ' pot that blackens the kettle' in Sat. 1. 3. 21, the glutton and spendthrift in Epp. 1. 15. 26 f., possibly also the associate of Nomentanus in Sat. 1. 1. 101. (3) Nomentanus is a name which occurs in Horace in four different contexts. In the place just referred to he is with Naevius (or Maenius) the type of a spendthrift. In 1. 8. 11 he stands with ' Pantolabus scurra' as a representative of those who ruin themselves and come to a pauper's burial. The line is repeated in 2. 1. 22 as a specimen of Horace's personal satire. In 2. 3. 175 and 224 he is

1 It is worth noticing that as in the 2. 17. 41 ; ad Q. Fr. 3. 4. 2. case of Gallonius so in that of Pacidei- 2 Caelius, the brigand (1. 4. 69), has

anus there is a double literary reminis- a name found in Lucilius, and the line

cence ; for Cicero draws attention to inwhichit occurs, 'Ut semel in Caelipng-

Lucilius' description of him in De opt. nas te invadere vidi,' makes it possible

genere oratorum, 6. 1 7. Cp. Tusc. Disp. that he was a brigand in Lucilius also.


again a spendthrift, and in the second passage of that Satire a dramatic picture is given of his way of inviting the purveyors of luxury and vice to help him dispose of his fortune. In 2. 8 he is one of Nasidienus' two ' scurrae,' the other being ' Porcius.' We notice there that Nasidienus is evidently a disguised name, if not an invented character, and it is necessary therefore that though the guests are real persons the ' scurrae ' of the host should have fictitious names. That of Porcius can hardly but be explained by ' Ridiculus totas simul absorbere placentas' of his greedy mode of eating. Nomentanus is therefore, as elsewhere, a typical not a personal name. Now Nomentanus occurs in two fragments of Lucilius (2. 6. and 8) as the name of a man whom he is exposing and to whom he wishes ill. Yet the Schol. explains the name in Horace of one L. Cassius Nomen- tanus, who spent 7,000,000 sesterces on his gluttony, and whose cook Dama was hired by Sallustius Crispus. Even if there was such a person, we may yet think it probable that Horace was thinking, not of him, but of the Lucilian Nomentanus.

Horace refers from time to time to characters and scenes of Terence (1. 2. 20, 2. 3. 262 f.), and there is one reference which the Scholiast on A. P. 237 points out to a play of Caecilius l. But for his purpose the mimes and ' togatae 2 ' would be still more appropriate, and that there are references to these in his writings can hardly be doubted.

It should be noticed that the literary use of names from the poets is quite in accordance with his way of using the prose author whom he knew best. ' A doctor' in Sat. 2. 3. 161 is ' Craterus,' the doctor of Cic. ad Att. 12. 13 and 14. The names that supply the dramatic framework of Sat. 2. 2, and 3, and probably4, are from Cicero's letters. It is analogous also to his use of Greek stories (as of Polemon in 2. 3. 254) and of Homeric and tragic personages (2. 3. 132 f. and 187 f.)3.

It has been often pointed out that some of Horace's names are adapted etymologically to the characters they indicate. That in inventing names he should employ this device is natural. It has been a device of satirists and allegorists in all ages, and he has

1 According to a probable emenda- that ' Pyrrhia ' is a wrong reading.

tion of Ribbeck : the text has the irn- 3 Among the phrases which seem to

possible ' Lucilius.' want the explanation of some literary

2 The Schol. explains Epp. i. 13. 14 antecedent are the ' fecunda gens Me- as a reference to a play of Titinius. neni ' of Sat. 2. 3. 287, and the per- As he wrote 'togatae' or comedies plexing ' correctus (or 'corrector ') Bes- of native Roman life it is very probable tius ' of Epp. 1. 15. 37.


traces of it in the nomenclature of the Odes, Phidyle, Lalage, Lyce, Bibuli Consulis, etc, see App. I. of vol. I. But it is not done wholesale nor on any apparent system. One of the most evident instances, ' Pantolabus scurra' (i. 8. n, 2. 1. 22), is very probably, like Nomentanus, a stock name of satire, not Horace's own. Of others, the most certain are Opimius (2. 3. 142), Porcius (2. 8. 23), Novius the upstart (1. 6. 40). The Scholiasts assert that Maltinus in 1. 2. 25 was coined from 'malta,' a word in Lucilius for an effeminate person. Some colour is given by the verses which follow to the connection of Balbinus in 1. 3. 40 with ' balbutire.' The name Canidia in 1. 8, besides being as the Scholiasts say a substitution for Gratidia, may have been itself suggested by ' canus,' and if so, Sagana by ' saga,' though the quantity of the a is different. Other instances have been found in Cupiennius, 1. 2. 36, as from 'cupere'; Avidienus, 2. 2. 56, from ' avidus ' (although here also there is the difference of quantity, and the person described was 'avarus' rather than 'avidus'); Pantilius, 1. 10. 58, from -nav riXkeiv ; Sectanus (a v. 1. for Scetanus in 1. 4. 112) from 'sectari'; Voranus,

1. 8. 39, from 'vorare.' Even when such doubtful instances are included the whole number is a small percentage of Horace's names. In several of the cases the other names used in the same connection have no such colour.

It is not perhaps irrelevant to notice that in the Satires as in the Odes if names are kept occasionally to a given character as Maenius and Nomentanus, some on the other hand are used in a subsequent Satire with no relation to their use in an earlier one. So Albucius 2. 1. 48 and 2. 2. 67, Barrus 1. 6. 30 and 1. 7. 8, Cervius

2. 1. 47 and 2. 6. 77, Naevius 1. 1. 101 and 2. 2. 68, Novius 1. 3. 21, 1. 6. 40 and 121. We may add Scaeva in Sat. 2. 1. 53 and Epp. 1. 17.

§ 7. Order of the Satires in their several books.

The number and nature of the poems to be arranged do not admit of as much thought or variation in their arrangement as appears in that of the Odes, but the principles at the bottom of the arrangement are the same. (i-) It is not chronological. Sat. 1. 1, as we have seen, is subsequent to Sat. 2, if it be not, as many think, the last written in the Book; 1. 7 is perhaps the earliest of all. Sat. 2. 1 again has indications of the latest date to be found in the Book to which it belongs. (2) Each Book has its Satires written or


chosen as prologue and epilogue. (3) For the rest we may trace from time to time either links of thought which attract Satires together or the desire of variety which seems to keep them apart. Of the first, instances are Sat. 1. 2 working out the thought which had come to the front in 1. 1. 101 f. ; 1.4 giving its full significance to 1.3; perhaps 2. 4 matching a sally against the Epicureans with 2. 3 which had laughed at the Stoics. Of the second, the separation of 2. 3 from 2. 7, of 2. 2 from 2. 4, and of that again from 2. 8. There is perhaps a sug- gestion of the irony so often seen in the placing of the Odes in the collocation of Sat. 2. 7, with its coarse slave-humour and its turning of his satiric sting upon himself, after 2. 6, in which his tone has been higher and more didactic than usual : compare the position of Epp. 1. 15, 16, 17.

Omne vafer vitium ridenti Flaccus amico Tangit, et admissus circum praecordia ludit, Callidus excusso populum suspendere naso.





This folly is seen in its extreme form in the hoarder of money. His case, his unreasonableness and the vanity of his excuses, are set out at length, but the Satire begins and ends more generally. Men are always wishing for what they have not, and so they do not enjoy what they have, and when life is over do not feel that they have had their share.

Verses 1-12 state the difhculty generally. The world is a scene of discontent

restlessness every one wishing to be what he is not. (13-41). The absurdity of this is shown by two considerations. 13-22. (a) That if you could imagine men's wishes granted, they would not make

the exchange. The wish is not a real one. 23~4T- (J>) That if you take the great object of wishing and motive of action,

money, every one, whatever his profession, will tell you that he seeks it for an

end give him an assured competence and he looks to retire. He is like the

ant storing for winter. Is he ? The ant when winter comes uses its store and

ceases from work, but the seeker after money never stops while there is a man

left richer than himself. (41-107). Hoiace then proceeds to argue more fully with the man who accumulates

but does not use, partly directly, pai tly imagining and replying to pleas which

he may be supposed to urge for himself. 4 1, 42. What is the pleasure of storing, however large an amount of precious metal,

in the earth ? 43» 44- ' If you once touch the heap it melts away.' But surely it is meant to be

touched. 45~5°- The pleasure is measured not by the size of the store but by the capacity of

enjoyment. However full your barns are you can't eat more than I can. 51. ' It is pleasant to feel that you are drawing from a large store.' 52-60. It makes no difference if the amount we draw is the same. Nay, it does

make a difference in another way. I prefer the clear and quiet little spring to

the dangerous and turbid river. 61, 62. ' Where are we to stop ? A man is estimated by his possessions.' 63-67. It is useless arguing the miser is so wrapt in his self-esteem. If the people

hiss him he will applaud himself. 68-79. You are like Tantalus, thirsting amid water. Money has definite uses

you get none of its pleasures all its pains. 80-83. ' At least money secures help in sickness.' 84-91. You are alienating the love ready formed for you, and which you might so

easily retain. VOL. II. C



92-100. Take care that you do not come to the end of Ummidius.

101, 102. 'So you mean I must turn spendthrift and prodigal.'

103-108. There is something between a miser and a prodigal a happy mean.

109-116. He returns to his original point. Life is spoilt by perpetual discontent

each trying to outdo his neighbour. 11 7-1 19. This is why \ve so rarely see Lucretius' picture of the ' satisfied guest,'

ready to leave the banquet when his time comes and confess that he has

enjoyed it. 120, 121. Enough you will think I have been at Crispinus' stores.

The reference to Lucret. 3. 938 and 960 is made clear in v. 1 19 (see note on that line), but Horace has the whole passage from v. 931 in mind ; v. 957 might serve as the text of this Satire, ' quia semper aves quod abest, praesentia temnis.'

Qui fit, Maecenas, ut nemo quam sibi sortem

Seu ratio dederit seu fors obiecerit illa

Contentus vivat, laudet diversa sequentes ?

' O fortunati mcrcatores ! ' gravis annis

Miles ait multo iam fractus membra labore. 5

Contra mercator, navem iactantibus Austris :

' Militia est potior. Quid enim ? concurritur : horae

Momento cita mors venit aut victoria laeta.'

Agricolam laudat iuris legumque peritus,

1. quam sortem . . . illa= ' sorte illa quam,' the subst. being put with the rel. instead of with the demonstr. See on Epod. 2. 37.

2. dederit . . . obiecerit. The verbs are suited to the substantives. Deliberate choice assigns. Chance casts in one's way : her mode of distribution is after her kind, haphazard. The alternative means ' however they come by their lot,' whether they are responsible for the selection or not. B. reads ' sors,' but it has many miswritings in this Satire. ' Fors,' 'ralio ' is a Ciceronian antithesis, ad Att. 14. 13 ' sed haec fors viderit ea quae talibus in rebus plus quam ratio potest.'

3. laudet, (uucapifa, ' commends,' i. e. not for their qualities but for their lot. From the negative ' nemo ' a posi- tive subject (' unusquisque ') must be understood for ' laudet.' So below, v. 109. For instances in prose see Madv. § 462 b.

diversa sequentes, those who follow another path.

4. gravis annis. Virg. Aen. 9. 246 : cp. Liv. 7. 39 of veterans ' graves aetate.' On both sides Horace makes the moment

of grumbling the moment of feeling the discomfort of the profession. The soldier when years and hard work be- gin to tell on him ; the trader when he is caught by bad weather. For the latter cp. Od. 1. 1. 15, 2. 16. 1.

7. quid enim, ri yap ; Sat. 2. 3. 132. Cp. our elliptical use of ' why,' ' what.' ' Why ! there is the battle shock,' etc.

horae momento, ' in an hour's short space.' Epp. 2. 2. 172 ' puncto mobilis horae.' Cp. Liv. 5. 7 ' horae momento simul aggerem ac vineas . . . incendium hausit.'

9-1 2. Look into the law court. The lawyer when he feels the pinch of his profession, early and late, envies the countryman. The defendant when he has to make a journey from the country to appear in court thinks how much more convenient it would be to live in town.

9. iuris legumque. ' Ius ' is opposed to ' lex ' or ' leges ' in seveial of its senses. It is ' law or ' a body of law.' as opposed to a special enactment. It is used of departments of law, ' ius gentium,' ' ius honorarium,' which did

LIB. I. SAT. i.


Sub galli cantum consultor ubi ostia pulsat.

Ille datis vadibus qui rure extractus in urbem est

Solos felices viventes clamat in urbe.

Cetera de genere hoc, adeo sunt multa, loquacem

Delassare valent Fabium. Ne te morer, audi

Quo rem deducam. Si quis deus, ' En ego,' dicat,

' Iam faciam quod voltis : eris tu, qui modo miles,

Mercator ; tu, consultus modo, rusticus : hinc vos,

Vos hinc mutatis discedite partibus : eia !

Quid statis'? nolint. Atqui licet esse beatis.

Quid causae est merito quin illis Iuppiter ambas




not belong to the Twelve Tables or to the legislative powers of the comitia. It is used for processes of law, ' in ius ire,' ' iure agere.' In such cases as the present (cp. Epp. 1. 16. 41 ' qui consulta patrum qui leges iuraque servat ') the conjunc- tion is intended to express ' law on all its sides.'

10. sub galli cantum, ' at cock- crow,' an exaggeralion, as when Cicero is laughing at the ' htrisconsulti,' pro Mur. 9. 22 ' Vigilas tu de nocte ut tuis consultoribus respondeas, ille (the soldier) ut eo quo intendit ma- ture cum exercitu perveniat ; te gal- lorum, illum buccinarum cantus exsus- citat.'

11. ille, SciktikZs. That poor fellow. datis vadibus, lit. ' having named

sureties.' The person who had done so was bound, ' respondere vadato . . . quod si non fecisset, perdere litem' Sat. 1. 9.


13. cetera de genere hoc, tci aX\a Totai/Ta, a Lucretian formula, 4. 590, etc.

14. Fabium. ' Fabius maximus, Narbonensis, equestri loco natus Pom- peianas pat tes secutus aliquot libros ad Stoicam philosophiam pertinentes con- scripsit ' 1'orph. His name recurs in Sat. 1. 2. 134. He scems to be a Stoical teacher whom Horace is ridi- culing as he does Crispinus in these same Satires.

15. quo rem dedueam. The ' sum of the whole matter,' the conclusions to which what I have said so far has been leading. ' All this desiie of change is unreal. They would not change if they could.'

si quis deus : the thought is re-

peated in Sat. 2. 7. 24 ' Si quis ad illa deus subito te agat usque recuses.'

en ego . . . iam faciam. We need not separate the two clauses grammati- cally. ' See, here am I ! I will,' etc. It is one sentence, but each word gives its own colour to it. ' En ' calls atten- tion to the speaker : ' ego,' the em- phatic pronoun, gives the assurance that the promise can be fulfilled, ' you have the word of a god : ' 'iam,' ' this moment.'

17. consultus, absol. = ' iurisconsul- tus,' as Epp. 2. 2. 87, 159. Heindorf points out that ' rusticus ' is certainly the prcd. It was the lawyer who had wished (v. 8) to be a countryman. The countryman had only wished to live in town .

hine . . . hinc. It is a complete metaphor from the theatre. They are bidden to change their parts and ac- cordingly to change their places on the stage.

18. eia! ' Quick ! ' ' move on.' So Sat. 2. 6. 23 ' Eia, Ne prior officio quis- quam respondeat urge.' It stands after the imperatives as here in Virg. Aen. 9. 38 'Feite citi ferrum, date tela, ascen- dite muros Hostis adest, eia!'

19. nolint. The construction re- turns to a proper apodosis to ' si quis deus . . . dicat ' v. 15, after the intenuption causcd by the momentary continuance of the dramatic form ' quid statis' ?

lieet esse beatis, for the dat. cp. A. P. 372 and see Madv. § 393 c.

20. quid causae. Madv. 285 b. ambas buccas inflet. A comic

deseription of the expression of angcr. The Greek ras yvdOovs <pvo~dy (Derr.




Iratus buccas inflet, neque se fore posthac Tam facilem dicat, votis ut praebeat aurem ? Praetcrea ne sic, ut qui iocularia, ridens Percurram : quamquam ridentem dicere verum Ouid vetat ? ut pueris olim dant crustula blandi Doctores, elementa velint ut discere prima : Sed tamen amoto quaeramus seria ludo : Ille gravem duro terram qui vertit aratro, Perfidus hic caupo, miles nautaeque per omne


de Fals. Leg. 442 ), is used rather of the grimaces of self-importance ; but <pvoav is used in both senses. Plautus (Bacch. 4. 2. 21) has ' sufflari ' of an angry soldier. Cp. perhaps Horace's own expression A. P. 94 ' iratus . . . tumido delitigat ore.'

illis : it is indiffeient whether we con- sider it as a dat. after the anger of ' iratus ' or the expression of anger in ' buccas inflet.'

ambas, like the Greek emphatic dual (as xe'~Pe> ocrae), giving a rhetorical force, although it is one which will not bear pressing logically, as though he could actually puff one cheek without the other.

23. praeterea : another Lucretian formula of transition. He passes, with an apology for his satirical tone, to the second proof of the unreality of the wish for change, namely, that though men of all trades profess to toil for the sake of attaining the power to rest, they are never satisfied to take the rest.

ut qui ioeularia, sc. ' percurrit,' or perhaps some more colourless verb, as •narrat' or ' tractat,' to be supplied from ' percurram.' For the ellipse cp. Sat. 1. 3. 9, 1. 8. 32.

iocularia. Cic. de Leg. 1. 20. 53 ; ioculare istuc quidem et a multis saepe derisum,' sc. a saying of jest, a drollery. Heindorf thinks the word had a definite reference to the badinage of the Atel- lanae, quoting Livy's account of the beginning of stage-plays at Rome (7. 2) ' iuventus . . . inconditis inter se iocularia fundentes versibus.' The quotation however does not establish any technical sense in the word itself. It is not clear what the special lightness of treatment is for which Horace apologizes. Can the dramatic picture, the apparition and

offer of the deity, the tragi-comic anger of Jupiter, be a parody?

24. percurram can hardly be intrans. ' run on to the end,' as Dillr. and others, for as we saw we have to elicit from it a transitive verb in order to govern ' iocularia.' It seems to mean ' pass lightly, rapidly, by.'

25. olim, the indefinite time of similes or fables : Epp. I. 10. 42, 2. 2. 197, and see on Epod. 3. 1.

crustula. Sat. 2. 4. 47, dim. of ' crustum,' small pastry.

blandi, ' coaxing.' Horace is no doubt thinking of Lucrctius' simile 1. 936 foll.

26. elementa, their ' alphabet.' Epp. 1. 1. 27.

27. sed tamen : not introducing the apodosis or leading clause to ' ne sic . . . percurram ' (that is to be looked for in the continuance, in an altered key, of the direct statement, ' Ille gravem,' etc. see on Od. 1. 33. 1), but a con- clusion of the parenthesis ; ' but yet, though satirical humour has its place and use, let us for the moment be grave.'

28. 29. ille . . . hic, SetKTiKws. Cp. v. 11.

gravem duro, for the relation of the epithet, see on Od. 1. 3. 10: the plough had need to be tough if the ground is heavy : cp. also Epod. 5. 30. It is the hard toil of the ploughman which is in point.

perfidus caupo. Cp. Sat. 1. 5. 4 ' cauponibus malignis.' The purpose of the epithet adds to its sting. He is naming in the case of each profession what costs the most toil. The tavern- keeper's hard cheating is set off against the countryman's ploughing, the sol- dier's campaigning, the trader's danger- ous voyages.

LIB. I. SAT. i.


Audaces mare qui currunt, hac mente laborem Sese ferre, senes ut in otia tuta recedant, Aiunt, cum sibi sint congesta cibaria : sicut Parvula, nam exemplo est, magni formica laboris Ore trahit quodcunque potest atque addit acervo, Quem s^truit haud ignara ac non incauta futuri. Ouae, simul inversum contristat Aquarius annum, Non usquam prorepit et illis utitur ante Quaesitis sapiens ; cum te neque fervidus aestus



30. currunt, of sailing, as Virgil's 'vastum trabe currimus aequor.' So Od. 1. 28. 36; Epp. 1. 1. 45, 1. 11. 27.

hae mente : Sat. 2. 2. 90.

32. aiunt. The position of the verb seems to imply that these are their own expressions.

cibaria, used gen. of a soldier's rations or the allowances in kind of other public servants, and so the mean- ing here is ' enough for a bare and measured maintenance ' ; congesta, as Palm. points out, introduces the simili- tude.

33. exemplo, the model, the stock example, as in the Book of Proverbs 6. 6-8, 30. 25, and Virg. G. 1. 186 'inopi metuens formica senectae'; Aen. 4. 402 ' formicae . . . hiemis memores.'

parvula . . . magni laboris recalls the antithesis which pervades the fourth Georgic, ' ingentes animos angusto in pectore versant.'

36. quae. As the editors say='at ea'; cp. ' quod si comminuas ' v. 43. The adversative force is of course in the thought, not in the Pronoun. It is a reply. What the relative does is to make us feel the identity of the subject in the two statements. Horace takes the money-getters on their own ground. They appeal to the example of the ant. This very ant condemns them. There is the same force (whatever be the case or construction of ' quod ') in the ordi- nary use of ' quod si,' ' whereas if,' ' yes, but if: it puts the new conditional statement and the original statement at the same starting-point.

inversum annum. Summer and winter are represented like night and day (Virg. Aen. 2. 250 'vertitur interea caelum ') as two hemispheres which suc- ceed each other. In the winter the lower one has come to the top.

contristat Aquarius. Virg. G. 3. 279 ' pluvio contristat frigore caelum ' ; ib. 304 ' cum frigidus olim Iam cadit extremoque irrorat Aquarius anno.' The sun entered the sign of Aquarius on Jan. 16.

37. usquam, with a verb of motion, as we say ' where ' for ' whither.' Cp. Sat. 2. 7. 30, Epp. 1. 7. 25.

et, after a negative clause ; see on Od. 1. 27. 16 and Epod. 15. 14.

illis, those of which you were speak- ing.

38. sapiens. So I have printed with Orelli, Ritter, DilR, and Munro. Keller gives ' patiens.' The balance of external evidence is nearly even. B. has ' patiens,' which the pseudo-Acron read ' patiens atque contenta.' Cruquius gives 'sapiens' as the reading of all his MSS., and the Comm. Cruq. interpreted it ' prudens, provida.' The schol. of Porph. is so much mutilated as to be valueless in evidence. Keller points out that the same confusion infests the MSS. in Epp. 1. 7. 40. ' Sapiens ' is more in Horace's style, summing up his view of the ant's conduct in the last word, before he proceeds to contrast with it that of her professed imitator ; 'patiens,' although Sat. 2. 6. 91 (' praerupti ne- moris patientem vivere dorso ') and Epp. 1. 17. 13 ('si pranderet olus patienter') show that it might well stand for 'contenta/ would not be as pointed.

fervidus aestus . . . hiems. The expression is at first taken from the case of the ant, ' she rests in winter, you rest never': in ignis, mare, ferrum it is proverbial. See Od. 1. 16. 10, Epp. 1. 1. 46. Orelli quotes Eupolis (Frag. Com. ed. Meinek. 2. p. 487)^ oii -nvp ovSe aiSrjpos ov5i xa^K"s andpyei t*T) <ponav inl dunvov.



Demoveat lucro, neque hiems, ignis, mare, ferrum,

Nil obstet tibi dum ne sit te ditior alter. 40

Ouid iuvat immensum te argenti pondus et auri

Furtim defossa timidum deponere terra?

' Ouod si comminuas vilem redigatur ad assem.'

At ni id fit, quid habet pulchri constructus acervus ?

Milia frumenti tua triverit area centum, 4?

Xon tuus hoc capiet venter plus ac meus : ut si

Reticulum panis venales inter onusto

Fortc vehas humero, nihilo plus accipias quam

Oui nil portarit. Vel dic quid referat intra

Naturae fines viventi, iugera centum an

Mille aret ? ' At suave est ex magno tollere acervo.'

Dum ex parvo nobis tantundem haurire relinquas,

Cur tua plus laudes cumeris granaria nostris?

40. alter, ' any second person ' ; cp. Sat. 1. 5. 33, 42 ; Epp. 1. 6. 32 ; Madv.


42. Orelli points out that the whole

verse is a fuller expression of Sat. 1. 8. 43 ' abdiderint furtim terris ' ; here ' furtim ' is more closely connected with ' defossa,' ' timidum ' with ' deponere.'

43. quod : see on v. 36 ' quae.' ' Ves, but this mass of which you speak if you were once to break in upon it would dwindle to a paltry " as." ' This is the first answer of the hoarder.

44. ni id fit, i. e. ' nisi comminuis.'

45. milia frumenti centum, sc. ' modiorum.'

triverit area, the conditional use without a conditional particle ; cp. Sat.

2. 3. 292. For the expression itself cp. Virg. G. I. 298 ' terit area fruges,' and cp. Sat. 2. 8. 46 ' cella pressit.' Prof. Palmer points out the resemblance of this line to two lines of Lucilius (18. 1 and 2.) ' Milia ducentum frumenti tollis medimnum, vini mille cadum,' ' aeque fruniscor ego ac tu' ; lines which may very possibly come from a similar argument.

46. hoc, ' for that reason.' Sat. 1.

3. 93 ' minus hoc iucundus'; 1. 9. 8; Madv. § 256, obs. 3.

capiet, 'hold'; 'youwill not be able to eat more.'

47. reticulum, a bag made of nett- ing. Cp. Juv. S. 12. 60 ' cum reticulis et pane et ventre lagenae ' ; he is speaking

as Horace is of the things carried on a journey. We may remember the travel- lers' difficulties and niceties about bread, Sat. 1. 5. 89-91, and see on Epp. 1. 15.

venales = ' servos. For the picture of the train of slaves following a great man 011 a journey cp. Sat. 1. 6. 108.

49. referat . . . viventi : ' viventi ' is best explained by Heindorf as not governed by ' referat,' but as a dative of reference, analogous to the dative used with adjectives to signify a person in respect to whom the property exists, as in ' onus grave ferentibus,' ' what does it matter in the eyes of, in respect of, one who lives,' etc. ?

intra naturae flnes : if the wishes and indulgences of life are limited to what nature requires. Yonge quotes Seneca, Epist. 16 'si ad naturam vives nunquam eris pauper ; si ad opiniones nunquam eris dives.' Cp. Hor. Od. 3. i- 25-32.

51. at suave est1. . . acervo. This is the second apology for accumulating.

52. relinquas, still allow, do not prevent.

53. cumeris : cp. Epp. 1. 7. 30 ' in cumeram frumenti.' The Schol. ex- plains ' cumera ' as a box or bin of wickerwork or sometimes of earthen- ware in which corn was kept, also as a vessel of measurement containing five or six ' modii.'

LIB. I. SAT. i.


Ut tibi si sit opus liquidi non amplius urna,

Vel cyatho, et dicas, ' Magno de flumine mallem 55

Quam ex hoc fonticulo tantundem sumere.' Eo fit,

Plenior ut si quos delectet copia iusto,

Cum ripa simul avulsos ferat Aufidus acer.

At qui -tantuli eget quanto est opus, is neque limo

Turbatam haurit aquam, neque vitam amittit in undis. 60

At bona pars hominum decepta cupidine falso

'Nil satis est,' inquit, 'quia tanti quantum habeas sis.'

Quid facias illi ? Iubeas miserum esse libenter

Quatenus id facit : ut quidam memoratur Athenis

Sordidus ac dives, populi contemnere voces 65

Sic solitus : ' Populus me sibilat ; at mihi plaudo

Ipse domi simul ac nummos contemplor in arca.'

54. urna . . . cyatho : both liquid measures ; the ' urna' being 24 sextarii or half an 'amphora,' i. e. a little less than 3 gallons, the ' c^athus' being -^ of the ' sextarius,' ' half a wine-glass.'

55. mallem. ' I could wish if I had the choice.' This is the best supported reading. Some MSS. have ' malim,' and Dill1'. and Munro amongst other editors prefer it. The picture is not so much at the moment of a man choos- ing between offered lots as of cne dis- satisfied with his own. The answer in the next sentence is, ' let him have his choice and it will often end in his ruin.'

56. tantundam, though it be exactly the same qaantity.

eo fit, ' so it comes to pass.' The similitude has passed into a fable.

58. Aufidus acer, 'violens' Od. 3. 30. 10, ' longe sonans' Od. 4. 9. 2, cp. 4. 14. 25 ; the Aufidus stands with Horace generally for a mountain torrent in flood : see vol. i. p. 36.

59. neque limo turbatam, a point added to the original image. The flooding river is muddy as well as dangerous ; ' allegorice sordidos quaes- tus,' Acr. : the dirt which has to be swallowed by one who makes haste to be rich.

61, 62. The third argument of the hoarder.

61. bona pars : cp. A. P. 297 : 'bona pro magna dictum, ut saepe Ennius et alii veteres,' Porph. Lucretius (5. 1025)

and Terence (Eun. 1. 2. 43) have ' bona magnaque pars ' ; Cic. de Or. 2. 3 ' bo- nam partem sermonis.'

cupidine falso, as ' pravi ' Od. 3. 24. 5 1 ; ' mistaken ' : for the gender see on Od. 2. 16. 15.

62. tanti quantum habeas sia. The miser is quoting (it seems) Lucilius (incert. 5. 22, recovered fiom Schol. on Juv. S. 3. 142) 'quantum habeas tan- tum ipse sies tantique habeaiis.' The mood is probably the same as in the oiiginal, 'sis' = ai' eiijs. Heindorf ex- plains it as a return, after ' inquit/ to the orat. obliqua.

63. illi, the man who as the repre- sentalive of the 'bona pars' is sup- posed to have answered 'nil satis est' Bentley would read 'miseram,' so that ' illi ' may refer directly to the ' bona pars.' For the dat. cp. Cic. pro Caec. 11. 30 'quid huic tu homini iacias ? '

64. quatenus, ' inasmuch as,' Od. 3. 24. 30; Sat. 1. 3. 76, 2. 4. 57. Itake the opportunity of correcting a careless misstatement in my first edition on the first of these passages. lt is a fre- quent use in Lucretius ; see Munro on 2. 927.

id facit, sc. ' miser est.' Sat. 1. 4. 79- Such self-dclusion is impenetrable; bring home to him the fact that the world does not estimate him the higher for his wealth, he only falls back on his own approbation.



Tan^al-is a labris sitiens fugientia captat

Flumina Quid rides ? mutato nomine de te

Fabula narratur : congestis undique saccis

Indormis inhians et tamquam parcere sacris

Cogeris aut pictis tamquam gaudere tabellis.

Nescis quo valeat nummus, quem praebeat usum ?

Panis ematur, olus, vini sextarius, adde

Quis humana sibi doleat natura negatis.

An vigilare metu exanimem, noctesque diesque

Formidare malos fures, incendia, servos

Ne te compilent fugientes, hoc iuvat ? Horum

Semper ego optarim pauperrimus esse bonorum.

' At si condoluit tentatum frigore corpus,

Aut alius casus lecto te adfixit, habes qui

Adsideat, fomenta paret, medicum roget ut te



68-79. All the time you are getting none of the pleasure of your wealth, though you get all its inconvenience.

68. Horace begins as in epic vein, (' commendandum est hoc pronuntia- tione ' Acr.,) he is interrupted by a smile from his audilor. Why does he smile ? Very possibly, Heindorfanswers (quoting Cic. Tusc. 1. 6. io ' adeone me delirare censes ut ista credam ? ') at the reference apparently serious to the old-world myth of Tantalus. Ilorace hastens to explain that it is an allegory; myth though it be, change only the name and it is strictly true and of yourself.

71. indormis : cp. Virg. G. 2. 507 ' condit opes alius, defossoque incubat auro'; Aen. 6. 610 ' qui divitiis soli incubuere repertis.'

inhians, keeping even in sleep the look of eager attention.

tamquam saeris : Sat. 2. 3. 110 ' metuensque velut contingere sacrum,' where see note.

72. tabellis, which please no sense but the eye.

72-78. Heindorf pointed out that Horace is probably imitating some lines of Menander (Kvfiepvij rai 1-4) T&p-yvpiov (Tvai, fitipaKiuv, aoi <paiv(Tat | ov rSiv avayfcaiajv Ka9' Tjpipav pvvov | Ttp.fjv ■napaoxtiv bwaruv, apTaiv, d\<piT<vv, \ 6£ovs, (\aiuv, ptfifavos r' aKKov Ttv6s.

74. vini sextarius, about a pint ; a temperate man's allowance. It was

Augustus' maximum ; Suet. Aug. 77.

75. doleat negatis, Sat. 1. 2. 112 ' quid [natura] sit dolitura negatum.'

77. malos fures : the miser holds up his hands at their wickedness.

78. hoc, summing up the previous infinitives ; cp. Sat. 1. 10. 60.

79. bonorum, sc. ' vigilare,' ' formi- dare,' etc. ; it points the irony of the question ' hoc iuvat ' ? is this your idea of pleasure ? For the gen. after ' pauper- rimus' cp. Od. 3. 30. 11 ' pauper aquae,' Sat. 2. 3. 142 ' pauper . . . argenti,' and so 'dives' Epp. 2. 2. 3i,etc.

80-83. The fourth apology for ac- cumulating.

80. condoluit, from ' condolesco,' the inchoative form ; the preposition is intensive : Plaut. Truc. 2. 8. 2 ' mihi de vento miserae condoluit caput.'

tentatum : see on Od. 1. 16. 23.

81. adfixit, 'has nailed you,' ' made you a prisoner,' to your bed. Perhaps a case where (with Bent, Orell., Ritter, Munro) we may prefer the reading of a minority of MSS., the majority, incl. V, reading ' afflixit.' There is a similar variety where there can be little doubt that 'adfigit' is the true reading in Sat. 2. 2. 79 ' adfigit (affligit) humo divinae particulam aurae.' Cp. Seneca, Ep. 67 ' ago gratias senectuti quod me lectulo adfixit.' ' Adfixit ' suits better the whole picture ' assideat,' ' roget ut te suscitet.'

LIB. I. SAT. i.

Suscitet ac gnatis reddat carisque propinquis.' Non uxor salvum te volt, non filius ; omnes Vicini oderunt, noti, pueri atque puellae. Miraris, quum tu argento post omnia ponas, Si nemo praestet quem non merearis amorem? An si cognatos, nullo natura labore Quos tibi dat, retinere velis servareque amicos, Infelix operam perdas, ut si quis asellum In Campo doceat parentem currere frenis? Denique sit finis quaerendi, cumque habeas plus




85. noti, ' acquaintances.' Cic. pro Caelio 2. 3 ' notis ac maioribus natu.' It stands here as a class in the descending scale of intimates below ' vicini.'

pueri atque puellae. Sat. 2. 3. 130 ' Insanum te omnes pueri clamentque puellae.' It has. as Heindorf suggested, the air of a proverbial expression, and perhaps only means like ' old and young,' 'man and maid,' and the like, ' all the world ' ; but compared with Od. 3. 1.4, it may well have the more definite meaning of ' the judgment of the simplest.'

88. an si. This is the reading of B, of Keller's D, E, of ' two Bland,' and it is interpreted by Porph. It is supported by Bentley and of recent editors by Ritter and Macleane. If we accept it the sense is plain. Horace has said, ' Do you wonder at finding that no one pays you the love which you are not earning ' ? He adds an alternative sug- gestion, ' Or can it be that you imagine that, though Nature gave you the love of kin without asking for any toil on your part, it would be a ridiculously impossible task for you to try to keep it ? ' Bentley justifies the taking ' nullo labore ' for ' with no labour to you ' by Sen. Apocolocyntosis 'Sponte sua festinat opus nulloque labore Mollia contorto distendunt stamina fuso,' and id. Epist. 84 ' quod in corpore nostro videmus sine ulla opera facere naturam.' More difficulty is introduced if with Orelli, Dillr., and Munro we read ' At si.' This also has considerable MS. au- thority. It still leaves it open to us to point the sentence as a question (as Munro) and to take it substantially as before. The majority however of those who accept it take the sentence cate- gorically. ' Nay, should you think at

no cost of labour to hold and keep the love of the kin whom nature gives you would be wasting your pains as utterly as one who should try,' etc. Bentley objected to this, (1) the involved order of the words ' natura quos tibi dat ' inter- rupting the construction of 'nullo labore retinere ' (a harshness hardly met by the reference to Sat. 1. 5. 72 and 2. 1. 60. Dillr. would get over the difficulty by taking ' nullo labore ' drro tcoivov with ' dat ' and 'retinere,' but this is beyond Horace's use of that construction), (2) the apparent contradiction of ' nullo labore,' ' operam perdas.' How can you waste your labour if you spend none ? (3) the want of correspondence in the similitude ' si quis asellum,' etc. The difficulty in that case lies with the intractable nature of the material ; but according to this interpretation the diffi- culty in the thing to be illustrated lies with the insufficient trouble of the operator.

90. asellum eurrere. The Comm. Cruq. vouches for the existence of a proverbial expression ' docere asinum currere,' and it has been supposed to be alluded to in Scipio's jest on Ti. Clau- dius Asellus, 'agas asellum et cetera' Cic. de Or. 2. 64. 258 with Wilkins' note.

parentem frenis, as if it was a horse, ' equus frenis, asinus fusti paret.' Diint- zer.

92. denique, ' The sum of my an- swer is.' It is intended to introduce the last word on the general subject of hoarding, although the miser interrupts with yet one more plea, so that there is room (v. 106) for a second 'denique': but Horace is still specially answering the argument that money would secure attention in sickness. The futility of



Pauperiem metuas minus, et finire laborcm Incipias, parto quod avebas, ne facias quod Ummidius quidam : non longa est fabula : dives Ut mctiretur nummos ; ita sordidus ut se Non unquam servo mclius vestiret ; adusque Supremum tempus, ne se penuria victus Opprimerct metuebat. At hunc liberta securi Divisit mcdium, fortissima Tyndaridarum. ' Ouid mi igitur suades? ut vivam Naevius aut sic Ut Nomcntanus ? ' Pergis pugnantia secum



the plea has been exposed. He adds a picture of the end of the miser's friend- less life, niurdered by his venal atten- dant-paramour, not without some kind of approbation from the world.

finis quaerendi : the expression is from Lucilius, fragm. incert. 1.6' Virtus quaerendae rei finem scire modum- que.'

plus answers to ' minus,' ' since you have more [ihan you had] fear penury less [than you did].'

94. ne facias quod, the colourless use of ' facere,' standing, as our ' to do,' for some more definite verb ; see on v. 64 ; ' lest that befall you which befell Ummidius.'

95. Bentley wished to substitute ' qui tam ' for quidam against the MSS., and Palmer iollows him.

96. ut metiretur, to the point of estimating his money by weight instead of by counting a proverbial expression. Cf. Xen. Hellenic. 3. 2. 27 tov Ktyu- p.tvov ptoipvcp uno^eT pr)o~aa9ai to irapa rov -raTpus upyvpiov : ' dives ut metire- tur' would be Horatian, see Sat. 2. 7. 10: but here 'ita' is probably supplied from the second clause.

100. divisit medium. Virg. Aen. 9. 750 ' Et mediam ferro gemina intertem- pora frontem Dividit.'

fortissima Tj ndaridarum, as Bent- ley explains it, lit. ' bravest of the children of Tyndarus' iwith Bentley the ' Tyn- daridarum ' is a masc. form) i. e. a second Clytemnestra yvvaiKos dvSpo- /SovAof iciap. The epithet 'foitissima' thcrefore properly belongs to Clytem- nestra, not to her imitator, but the re- ference to heroic piecedent is mtant to make his fate somewhat ridiculous, as though the worid would smile at it and

think it served him right rather than be indignant at it. lt has been sug- gested that there may have been a further appropriateness in the actual name of the freedwoman (for the story is clearly a real one) a ' Clytemnestra ' or ' Tyndaris.'

101. The miser's last plea, ' What ! you wish me to be a spendthrift.'

vivam Naevius, ' sic ut ' is to be borrowed from the foilowing clause. See on v. 96, and cp. the similar omis- sion of ' ut ' in the second clause in Epod. 1. 34. Naevius (or Nevius) is the reading of the MSS. It was altered to Maenius first by Glareanus, with next to no external grounds, in order to identify the representative of prodigality here with the Maenius of Sat. 1. 3. 21 and Epp. 1. 15. 26, and so Orelli and DilK give it

102. Nomentanus. Cp. Sat. 1. 8. 11, 2. 1. 22, 2. 3. 175, 224, 2. 8. 23, 25, 60. The Seholiasts call him Cassius Nomentanus, 'adeo sine respectu cal- culoium suorum prodigus ut septuagies gulae ac libidini impenderit,' and make him belong to Horace's generation, giving a story that Sallust the historian hired his cook for 100,000 sesterces a year. The form of Acron's note however betrays its little value, ' aliter, Nomen- tanus aut nomen proprium est aut gen- tile de Nomcntana civitale.' In reality the name is from Lucilius (fragm. 2. 4 and 5). See Introd. to Satires, p. 12.

pergis, ' you proceed to set together forehead to forehead things that fight one another,' i.e. to set off against one another, as if there was no neulral third alternative, contradictory oppo- sites.

LIB. I. SAT. i.


Frontibus adversis componere : non ego avarum Ouum veto te fieri vappam iubeo ac nebulonem. Est inter Tanain quiddam socerumque Viselli. Est modus in rebus, sunt certi denique fines, Ouos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum. Illuc unde abii redeo, qui nemo, ut avarus, Se probet, ac potius laudet diversa sequentes, Ouodque aliena capella gerat distentius uber Tabescat, neque se maiori pauperiorum Turbae comparet, hunc atque hunc superare laboret. Sic festinanti semper locupletior obstat, Ut, cum carceribus missos rapit ungula currus,



103. frontibus adversis,afillingout of the metaphor of ' componere,' though in terms which suggest rather a bull- fight, Virg. Aen. 12.716. Lucretius uses the phrase of two clouds meeting, 6. 116.

componere is used of getting up a fight betvveen two gladiators : cp. Sat. 1. 7. 20. Palmer prefers to make it = ' reconcile.'

104. fieri belongs to both clauses. vappam ac nebulonem. Horace

puts the two names together again in Sat. 1. 2. 12. 'Vappa' is properly wine which had lost its fiavour : so Sat. 1. 5. 16, 2. 3. 144. Catullus 28. 5 ap- plies it in special opposition to the name ' Frugi ' (see Ellis in loco) to a man whose character is gone. ' Nebulo ' is a word of Lucilius : 14. 20 ' luci- fugus nebulo ' ; 20. 9 ' nugator ac nebulo.' In the first passage he seems to be alluding to its etymology, ' a skulker.'

105. According to the Scholiasts Horace has put real names (Tanais being a freedman of Maecenas) to a coarse Greek proverb which expresses the alternative of excess and defect.

106. est modus in rebus, i. e. * in omnibus rebus,' ' modus,' ' measure,' ' moderation,' the Greek fxerpiov, fxeaoTrjs. Horace perhaps has in mind the verse of Lucilius quoted on v. 92, where ' modus ' and ' finis ' are brought toge- ther. As the ' denique ' seems to show he is returning to what he said there.

108. qui nemo, ut. This was the reading of V. There is in favour of it (1 that this is ' the point from which

he started,' ' Qui fit Maecenas,' etc. The following words ' laudet diversa se- quentes' show that we are going back to the very question propounded in vv. 1, 2 ; (2) that the accidental omission of ' qui ' will explain ' nemo ut,' and vfor the purpose of avoiding the hiatus) 'nemon ut.' It is hard to see how ' qui ' can have arisen from either of the other readings. The difnculty lies in explaining ' ut avarus.' Can it mean ' Why as the hoarder [ts nof\ so no one is satisfied with himself ' ? Or does the phrase ' se probet,' which alone does not come from vv. 1, 2, lead us back to the special story of the miser at Athens, v. 66 'at mihi plaudo': 'why no one imitates the miser in the story '? Prof. Palmer proposes to understand ' fiat ' betvveen ' qui ' and ' ut,' ' how it comes that,' taking ' nemo avarus ' together, but he gives no example of such an ellipsis.

112. hunc atque hunc, ' one and then another.'

113. sic with ' festinanti ' ; one who is started 011 this race always finds a richer man than himself to compare himself with, just as in a chariot-race each driver's eyes are set on the one before him, not on those he has passed.

114. The resemblance of the com- mencement ' Ut cum carceribus,' fol- lowed by ' Instat equis auriga,' to Virg. G. 1. 512 foll. 'Ut cum carceribus sese effudere quadrigae . . . Fertur equis auriga ' is too great to be accidental. Whether any argument can be drawn from this as to the date of either poem may be doubted. See Prof. Sellar,



Instat equis auriga suos vincentibus, illum Praeteritum temnens extremos inter euntem. Inde fit ut raro qui se vixisse beatum Dicat, et exacto contentus tempore vita Cedat uti conviva satur, reperire queamus. Iam satis est. Ne me Crispini scrinia lippi Compilasse putes, verbum non amplius addam.



Roman Poets Virgil, ch. 5,noteonp. 174. He thinks Virgil was the copyist. For the ' carceres ' see Dict. Ant. s. v. Circus.

115. illum praeteritum, ' that other competitor whom he has passed :' ' il- lum,' perhaps with some sense of con- tempt. ' Extremos inter euntem,' the expression of his contempt, ' as amongst the hindmost in the race.'

119. uti eonviva satur, cp. Epp. 2. 2. 214. It is from Lucret. 3. 938 ' Cur non ut plenus vitae conviva recedis Ae- quo animoque capis securam stulte, qui- etem ' ? and ib. 959 ' nec opinanti mors ad caput astitit ante Quam satur ac plenus possis discedere rerum.' See Munro on the first of these passages. He points out that ' verbum non am- plius addam ' is a verbal echo of another line from this passage, though the sense is different, ' cur amplius addere quaeris ' v. 941 . Notice that Lucretius is tracing the unreadiness to die to the same cause as Horace, ' quia semper aves quod

3- 139» x- 4-

passages we

fluent writer

abest, praesentia temnis.' We have in fact the germ of the Satire.

120. Crispini : Sat. 1. 14, 2. 7. 45. From these gather that he was a (perhaps, as the Scholiasts say, of verses) and a Stoic, and that he had incurred Horace's contempt ; see above on v. 14. There is nothing to be added to this from external sources.

scrinia : Epp. 2. I. 113. Cylindrical cases for rolls of papyrus. It seems to mean here ' the cases (Crispinus is so voluminous that he needs more than one) which contain Crispinus' writings.'

lippi, probably in a moral sense 'purblind': cp. Sat. 1. 3. 25, where it is part of a definite metaphor, and see Conington on Pers. S. 1. 79. Bentley, taking it literally, and thinking that Horace could not ridicule in another an infirmity which attached to himself (Sat. 1. 5. 39, Epp. 1. 1. 29), wished to read ' lippum.'

LIB. I. SAT. 2. 29


a fool's way of avoiding one folly is to fall

into another.

This is the text of the earlier part of the Satire, and, though the thread is not kept perfectly, of the unreadable discussion of vice in which it ends. It is a text on which Horace is fond of dwelling we have already had it in Sat. 1. 101 f.

The general view is no doubt right which makes this a specimen of Horace's earliest attempts at Satire. It is the Satire, which by quoting v. 27 in Sat. I. 4. 92, he makes the typical instance of the personality by which he had roused alarm and enmity. The Scholiasts tell us that the real Maltinus (or Malchinus) of v. 21 was Maecenas. If this tradition is true, it must follow that the Satire was written before Horace had made Maecenas' acquaintance, and that it was by Maecenas' wish that the line was left as it had stood. Such a liberty was certainly never re- peated.

For the Tigellius of v. 3 see introduction to the next Satire.

Ambubaiarum collegia, pharmacopolae,

Mendici, mimae, balatrones, hoc genus omne

Maestum ac sollicitum est cantoris morte Tigelli.

Quippe benignus erat. Contra hic, ne prodigus esse

Dicatur metuens, inopi dare nolit amico, 5

Frigus quo duramque famem propellere possit.

Hunc si perconteris, avi cur atque parentis

Praeclaram ingrata stringat malus ingluvie retn,

Omnia conductis coemens obsonia nummis,

Sordidus atque animi quod parvi nolit haberi, 10

i. Ambubaiarum. The word oc- 2. balatrones, perhaps the same

curs again in a similar connection in word as ' blatero,' and so probably

Suet. Ner. 27 ' ambubaiarum minis- meaning properly 'idle or random

teria.' It is explained by the Scholiasts talkers.' It occurs as the nickname of

as a designation of Syrian women who a ' scurra ' in Sat. 2. 8. 21, etc. Here

played the flute from the Syriac name it seems to designate some class of

of the instrument. Cp. Juv. 3. 62 ' Iam mime-actors.

pridem Syrus in Tiberim defluxit Or- 4. quippe : gives their reason, and

ontes Et linguam etmoreset cum tibicine in their own words. They called him

chordas Vexit.' ' generous.'

collegia, 'guilds,"fraternities,'aterm hic. As ' hunc ' in v. 7 ' an-

used ironically. other.'

pharmacopolae, vendors of drugs. 8. ingrata, 'thankless,' ' insatiable.'

They would have a bad name both as stringat, as a bough is stripped of

quacks and as purveyors of poison leaves.

such a ' pharmacopola circumforaneus ' 9. conductis, ' borrowed/ as Juv. S.

is mentioned as an agent in murder in 11. 46 ' conducta pecunia.' Cic. Clu. 14. 40.


Respondct. Laudatur ab his, culpatur ab illis. Fufidius vappae famam timet ac nebulonis, Divcs agris, dives positis in fenore nummis : Quinas hic capiti mercedes exsecat atque Quanto perditior quisque est tanto acrius urget ; if

Nomina sectatur modo sumpta veste virili Sub patribus duris tironum. ' Maxime,' quis non, 'Iuppiter!' exclamat simul atque audivit? ' At in se Pro quaestu sumptum facit hic' Vix credere possis Quam sibi non sit amicus, ita ut pater ille, Terenti 20

Fabula quem miserum gnato vixisse fugato Inducit, non se peius cruciaverit atque hic. Si quis nunc quaerat, ' Quo res haec pertinet?' illuc : j Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt. Maltinus tunicis demissis ambulat ; est qui 35

11. laudatur ab his, as Tigellius by the street-singers, etc. The point is not that his conduct is variously judged, but that he only attains the praise of one party at the expense of incurring blarae from another. In his dread of being thought mean he becomes extra- vagant.

12. Fufidius, ' avarus quidam fenera- tor' Schol.

vappae ac nebulonis, Sat. i. i. 104.

13. The line recurs in A. P. 421. For positis cp. Epod. 2. 70.

14. quinas mercedes: five interests, i.e. five times the usual interest. This was ' centesimae usurae,' one per cent. per month, or 12 per cent. per annum. This usurer exacted 60 per cent. With the expression cp. ' binae centesimae,' i.e. 24 per cent. Cic. Verr. 2. 3. 71. 165.

capiti exsecat. Porph. explained, ' slices off,' 'deducts fromthecapital/ i.e. in lending the money he deducts at once the first monUYs interest. Orelli and Ritter object to this explanation that it ignores the distributive force of ' quinas,' which ought to imply ' on each occa- sion,' and therefore take it in the more general sense as a stronger form of ' ex- toiquet.' It rejalls Seneca's phrase (Benef. 7. 10) ' snnguinolentas usuras,' 'that draw blood.' ' He draws from his principal, even if it takes a knife to do it, five times the usual intcrest.'

16. nomina sectatur, i. e. he triesto

get their names into his books as bor- rovvers. Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 105 ' cautos no- minibus rectis nummos.'

17. tironum. Thewords ' tiro ' and ' tirocinium ' are used frequently of the moment when a young man exchanged the ' praetexta ' for the ' toga pura ' or ' virilis,' and especially of a ceremony with which the change was accompanied when he was led into the forum by his father, ' deductus in forum tiro ' Suet. Ner. 7.

19. pro, 'in proportion to.'

20. pater ille, Menedemus in the Heautontimorumenus.

24. The key line of the Satire. Cp. the argument in Sat. 1. 1. 101 foll. It is implicitly the Aristotelian doctrine of virtue lying in the mean : see Epp. 1. 18. 9.

25. Maltinus. The MSS. and the Scholiasts are divided between the forms Maltinus (or Malthinus) and Malchinus. Maltinus is said to be de- rived from ' malta,' a Lucilian word for an effeminate person, but Maltinus is a Roman name found in history and in inscriptions. For the traditional refer- ence of the line to Maecenas see Intro- duction and Introd. to the Satires. p. 6. Seneca, Epist. 114. 6. says that it was recorded of Maecenas that he al- ways walked in Rome ' solutis tuni- cis.'

est qui : sc. ' ambulat.'

LIB. I. SAT. 2. 31

Inguen ad obscoenum subductis usque facetus ;

Pastillos Rufillus olet, Gargonius hircum.

Nil medium est. Sunt qui nolint tetigisse nisi illas

Ouarum subsuta talos tegat instita veste ;

Contra alius nullam nisi olenti in fornice stantem. 30

Quidam notus homo cum exiret fornice, ' Macte

Virtute esto,^ inquit sententia dia Catonis,

' Nam simul ac venas inflavit tetra libido

Huc iuvenes aequum est descendere, non alienas

Permolere uxores.' ' Nolim laudarier,' inquit, 35

' Sic me,' mirator cunni Cupiennius albi.

Audire est operae pretium, procedere recte

Qui moechis non vultis, ut omni parte laborent ;

Utque illis multo corrupta dolore voluptas,

Atque haec rara cadat dura inter saepe pericla. 40

Hic se praecipitem tecto dedit ; ille flagellis

Ad mortem caesus ; fugiens hic decidit acrem

Praedonum in turbam ; dedit hic pro corpore nummos ;

Hunc perminxerunt calones ; quin etiam illud

Accidit, ut quidam testes caudamque salacem 45

Demeteret ferro. ' Iure ' omnes ; Galba negabat.

Tutior at quanto merx est in classe secunda,

Libertinarum dico, Sallustius in quas

Non minus insanit quam qui moechatur. At hic si

Qua res, qua ratio suaderet, quaque modeste

Munifico esse licet, vellet bonus atque benignus

Esse, daret quantum satis esset nec sibi damno

Dedecorique foret. Verum hoc se amplectitur uno,

Hoc amat et laudat : ' Matronam nullam ego tango.'

Ut quondam Marsaeus, amator Originis ille, 55

Qui patrium mimae donat fundumque Jaremque,

' Nil fuerit mi,' inquit, 'cum uxoribus unquam alienis.'

Verum est cum mimis, est cum meretricibus, unde

Fama malum gravius quam res trahit. An tibi abunde

Personam satis est, non illud quicquid ubique 60

Officit evitare ? Bonam deperdere famam,

26. facetus : it is his idea of ele- lozenges meant to perfume the breath. gance. The line is quoted in i. 4. 92 as a spcei-

27. pastillos, dim. of ' panis,' of men of Horace's personal salire.


Rem patris oblimare, malum est ubicunque. Quid inter

Est in matrona, ancilla, peccesne togata?

Villius in Fausta Sullae gener, hoc miser uno

Nomine deceptus, poenas dedit usque superque 65

Quam satis est, pugnis caesus ferroque petitus,

Exclusus fore cum Longarenus foret intus.

Huic si mutonis verbis mala tanta videntis

Diceret haec animus : ' Quid vis tibi? numquid ego a te

Magno prognatum deposco consule cunnum 70

Velatumque stola mea cum conferbuit ira ' ?

Quid responderet ? ' Magno patre nata puella est.'

At quanto meliora monet pugnantiaque istis

Dives opis natura suae, tu si modo recte

Dispensare velis ac non fugienda petendis 75

Immiscere. Tuo vitio rerumne labores

Nil referre putas? Quare ne paeniteat te

Desine matronas sectarier, unde laboris

Plus haurire mali est quam ex re decerpere fructus.

Nec magis huic inter niveos viridesque lapillos 80

(Sit licet hoc, Cerinthe, tuum) tenerum est femur aut crus

Rectius, atque etiam melius persaepe togatae est.

Adde huc quod mercem sine fucis gestat, aperte

Quod venale habet ostendit, nec si quid honesti est

Iactat habetque palam, quaerit quo turpia celet. 85

Regibus hic mos est : ubi equos mercantur opertos

Inspiciunt, ne si facies ut saepe decora

Molli fulta pede est emptorem inducat hiantem,

Quod pulchrae clunes, breve quod caput, ardua cervix.

Hoc illi recte : ne corporis optima Lyncei 90

Contemplere oculis, Hypsaea caecior illa

Quae mala sunt spectes. O crus ! o brachia ! Verum

Depugis, nasuta, brevi latere ac pede longo est.

Matronae praeter faciem nil cernere possis,

Cetera, ni Catia est, demissa veste tegentis. 95

Si interdicta petes, vallo circumdata (nam te

Hoc facit insanum), multae tibi tum officient res,

Custodes, lectica, ciniflones, parasitae,

Ad talos stola demissa et circumdata palla,

Plurima quae invideant pure apparere tibi rem. 100

LIB. I. SAT. 2.


Altera nil obstat : Cols tibi paene videre cst

Ut nudam, ne crure malo, ne sit pede turpi ;

Metiri possis oculo latus. An tibi mavis

Insidias fieri pretiumque avellier ante

Quam mercerr^ ostendi ? ' Leporem venator ut alta 105

In nive sectetur, positum sic tangere nolit/

Cantat et apponit : ' Meus est amor huic similis ; nam

Transvolat in medio posita et fugientia captat.'

Hiscine versiculis speras tibi posse dolores

Atque aestus curasque graves e pectore pelli? no

Nonne cupidinibus statuat natura modum quem,

Quid latura sibi quid sit dolitura negatum,

Quaerere plus prodest et inane abscindere soldo?

Num tibi cum fauces urit sitis aurea quaeris

Pocula ? num esuriens fastidis omnia praeter 115

Pavonem rhombumque? Tument tibi cum inguina, num si

Ancilla aut verna est praesto puer impetus in quem

Continuo fiat malis tentigine rumpi?

Non ego : namque parabilem amo venerem facilemque.

Illam, 'Post paulo,' ' Sed pluris,' ' Si exierit vir,' 120

Gallis, hanc Philodemus ait sibi quae neque magno

Stet pretio neque cunctetur cum est iussa venire.

Candida rectaque sit ; munda hactenus ut neque longa

Nec magis alba velit quam dat natura videri.

Haec ubi supposuit dextro corpus mihi laevum 125

Ilia et Egeria est : do nomen quodlibet illi,

Nec vereor ne dum futuo vir rure recurrat,

Ianua frangatur, latret canis, undique magno

Pulsa domus strepitu resonet, vepallida lecto

Desiliat mulier, miseram se conscia clamet, 130

Cruribus haec metuat, doti deprensa, egomet mi.

Discincta tunica fugiendum est ac pede nudo,

Ne nutnmi pereant aut puga aut denique fama.

Deprendi miserum est ; Fabio vel iudice vincam.

VOL. 11.





Horace begins with a satirical picture of Tigellius as the type of a character made up of contradictions and inconsistencies (w. 1-19).

He supposes himself interrupted (v. 19) with the question ' Have ycu no faults of your own ? '

Vv. 20-28. I pretend, he answers, to no infallibility. That is the vice of the censorious in private life. They are blind to their own faults, keen of sight to their neighbours. 29-37. Little fanlts of temper or manner or dress overshadow sterling merits. 38-40. Contrast the lover turning his mistress's defects into beauties. 40-54. If friendship cannot go as far as that, it can imitate a father making the

best of his boy's deformities. 55-66. But we even turn virtues into vices. 66-69. This censoriousness recoils on ourselves for we have our own faults too.

69—75. We need (0 mutual forbearance.

76-79. (2) some discrimination of the relative gravity of faults.

80-95. We see this in other cases. We should think a man mad who crucified

a slave for a peccadillo. Is it not worse to break off a friendship because of

some trifling accident or impropriety ? What are we to do when it comes to

graver offences ? 96-98. The Stoic will tell you that all offences are equal ; but this' doctrine

will not square with life, neither with moral feeling nor with utility, the true

basis of moral distinction. 98-1 1 2. Historically the sense of justice is posterior to the experience of injustice. 113-116. The Stoic is wrong in assuming a natural criterion of right and wrong,

wrong in his conclusion that one breach of law is as bad as another. 1 16-124. We need a just apportionment of punishment to offence. Not that I

fear too great leniency. It is the rule of Draco that we are promised when

the Stoic is king. 124-126. ' When he is king,' do I say? Why, he is king, so he tells us, as he

is everything else that is good. 126-133. A Stoic is supposed to reply, ' You forget Chrysippus' explanation of

the paradox.' 133-142. 'Well,' Horace answers, 'it is a poor sovereignty. It does not

save you from humiliations. No one recognizes it except Crispinus. I shall

leave you your throne, contented for myself to live on terms of mutual for-

bearance with my unphilosophical friends.'

The connection of w. 1-19 with the rest of the poem is not made perfectly clear ; but the comparison in the following Satire, w. 7S_I04> between the inno- cent sallies of Satire, half playful and directed against types rather than per- sons, with the license given to real malignity in private conversation, seems to show that this is the link here also, and the true subject of the Satire.

LIB. I. SAT. 3. 35

The mnsician Tigcllius of this Satire (w. 3-19) and of the last (vv. 1-4) is iden- tified with the Tigellius of Cicero*s letters (ad Att. 13. 49, 50, and 51, ad Fam. 7. 24). He was the nephew (or grandson) of Phamea (named in these letters and ad Att. 9. 9 ; 9. 13, and ad Fam. 9. 16), a rich freedman from Sardinia. He had quarrelled with Cicero because he thought him slack in a cause of Phamea's which the-great orator had undertaken, but was prevented from pleading by the fact that the case of P. Sestius came on the same day. We gather from the letters that he was a favourite of the dictator Caesar. Cicero speaks (to Gallus ad Fam. 7. 14) with contempt of his Sardinian origin, 'hominem pestilenti- orem patria sua.' ' Habes Sardos venales : alium alio nequiorem.' He calls him 'salaconem' (aaKatcoJva), 'a swaggerer,' and speaks of him as ' addictum Calvi Licinii Hipponacteo praeconio.' Porph. (on this Sat. v. 1) has preserved a line of that lampoon, ' Sardi Tigelli putidum caput venit.'

The Scholiasts identify him with the ' Hermogenes Tigellius' of 1. 4. 72, i. 10. 80, the ' Hermogenes' of v. 129 of this Satire and of 1. 9. 25, 1. 10. 18, and the 'Tigellius' of Sat. I. 10. 90. It seems clear however that this was another and a younger person. The Tigellius of Sat. 1. 2. 3 and 1. 3. 4 is already dead. The Hermogenes Tigellius of 1. 4. 72 and 1. 10. 80 is still alive, although Sat. 1. 4 contains internal evidence of having been composed later than Sat. 1. 2 (cp. 1. 2. 27 and 1. 4. 92), and Sat. 1. 10 of having been composed later than Sat. 1. 4 (see 1. 4. 11 and 1. 10. 50). We may add that whereas the elder Tigellius was lampooned by Calvus, Hermogenes Tigellius in Sat. 1. 10. 19 is said to sing Calvus's songs.

Omnibus hoc vitium est cantoribus, inter amicos

Ut nunquam inducant animum cantare rogati,

Iniussi nunquam desistant. Sardus habebat

Ille Tigellius hoc. Caesar, qui cogere posset,

Si peteret per amicitiam patris atque suam non 5

Ouicquam proficeret ; si collibuisset ab ovo

2. eantare, an instance ofthegovem- ' if at any time he asked he would gain ment dno koivov. It follows both ' in- nothing ' ? Cp. the Greek use of dv with ducant animum ' and ' rogati ; ' see on the impft. ansvvering to the relative with Od. 1. 3. 6. the optative, as Soph. Phil. 290 irpbs 5e

3. Sardus. See the quotations in tovO', o ixoi jlaAoi | vevpoo-iraoT)saTpaKTos the introd. to this Satire. Its emphatic avTbs av rd\as | d\v6p.r)v. There is position shows that the epithet is meant none of the force of ' as is (or ' was') not to be contumelious. the case ' which belongs to the regular

habebat hoe. Cic. Phil. 2. 32. 78 'ha- use of the impft. or plpft. subj. in con-

bebat hoc omnino Caesar,' ' this was his ditional sentences. In ' collibuisset '

way.' It is a colloquialism, which is we have the plpft. because the word to

lost if we supply ' vitium.' be dealt with was not ' collibeat ' but

4. qui posset, ' though he could.' ' collibuerit,' the verb never (as Heindorf

5. peteret . . . proficeret. Often remarks") being found in the present. referred to as instances of the impft. for See on Sat. 1. 6. 79.

the plpft. subj. : but is it not rather an amicitiam patris, i. e. of his father

instance of the pure hypothetical ' si by adoption, the dictator C. Julius

petat . . . proficiat,' thrown into a Caesar : for Tigellius' relation to him

past tense, the force of the subj. being see above in introduction to the Satire. not to express a doubt, but to generalize ; 6. ab ovo usque ad mala, i. e. from

f D 2



Usque ad mala citaret, ' Io Bacche ! ' modo summa Voce, modo hac resonat quae chordis quattuor ima. Nil aequale homini fuit 1111 ; saepe velut qui Currebat fugiens hostem, persaepe velut qui Iunonis sacra ferret ; habebat saepe ducentos,


the beginning to the end of the banquet. It began with the 'gustus,' also called ' promulsis,' dishes supposed to whet the appetite, served sometimes imme- diately on leaving the bath. Amongst them are mentioned eggs : Mart. 12. 19. 1 ' In thermis sumit lactucas, ova, la- certum ' ; Plin. Epist. 1. 15 of a supper prepared for himself and one friend, ' Paratae erant lactucae singulae, coch- leae ternae, ova bina.' The apples are part of the dessert, ' mensae secundae.' Mart. 10. 48. 18, at the end of the de- scription of a supper, ' saturis mitia poma dabo.' In the gastronomic lec- ture of Sat. 2. 4, eggs are the first subject treated, v. 1 1 ; apples come at the end, v. 70.

7. citaret. Bentley pronounced the verb impossible, and would substitute ' iteraret,' but it would seem that he had missed the parallel ' paeanem citare,' which has since been quoted from Cic. de Orat. 1. 59. 251. 'Io Bacche ' in this case represents the accusative. ' Citare ' is probably the frequentative of ' cieo ' in the sense of ' ciere vocem, murmur, tinnitum,' etc. Prof. Wilkins it is true reads in that place ' recitaret,' but on ' a priori ' grounds ; and is it certain that ' recitare paeanem ' would be a suitable phrase ? Cicero is speaking of practising the voice in singing.

Io Bacche : the reading is doubtful, the MSS. being divided betvveen ' Bacche' and ' Bacchae.' All the Bland. give ' Bacche,' but the difference between 'e' and ' g ' and that in a proper name, is one on which stress can hardly be laid in MS. testimony. Hymns to Bacchus were called from their first words 'Io/3a«x°« and Ba«xe'3a"Xot (CP- iTjrraiojviaai /cal fiaicxtPaKxov doai Arist. Equ. 408). The lengthening of the short 'e ' is justified by the metrical ictus ; cp. ' Hyla Hyla omne sonaret ' Virg. Ecl. 6. 44. It is possible that the effect of the voice dweiling on the note is imitated. Of recent editors Haupt, Ritter, Holder, and Munro give ' io Bacchae.' No instance of such a cry is quoted except from Eur. Bacchae, as

v. 596, where the Bacchants are person- ages in the drama.

modo summa voce, i. e. now in a low key, novv in a high one : another instance of his changeableness. ' Summa ' = the Greek vira.Tr), ' ima' (' vox acuta' Od. 3. 4. z)=V7)Trl> tne terms used re- spectively for what we should call the lowest and the highest note of the tetra- chord, the designations being apparently given from the position of the strings of an instrument as it was actually handled, not as with us from the parts of the human throat employed in giving the sounds.

8. chordis. It admits of doubt whether this is a dative, ' voce ' then being the note of the human voice, ' now on his " highest " note, now on that which answers "lowest" to the tetrachord'; or an instrumental ablative ' voce ' being the note absolutely, ' the note which sounds " lowest " when you strike the tetrachord.'

9. aequale, ' uniform,' ' equable.' Cp. ' inaequalis ' in describing a similar cha- racter, Sat. 2. 7. 10.

saepe velut qui. The constr. is ' saepe currebat velut qui [curreret] fu- giens hostem, persaepe [incedebat] ve- lut qui Iunonis sacra ferret.' With the ellipsis of a verb to the first ' qui ' cp. Sat. 1. 1. 23. The verb which describes a pai ticular form of movement ('currere') having been transferred from its proper place in the first relative clause to the leading clause makes it necessary to un- derstand a colourless verb or one which describes another kind of movement with the second leading clause. Cp. the zeugma with 'crepat' in Od. 1. 18. 5, 6.

11. Iunonis sacra ferret. ' Kavrj- (pupoi apud Athenas hodieque dicuntur quae sacra in capite portant et sensim incedunt et lento gradu ' Porph. Cp. Sat. 2. 8. 13 'ut Attica virgo Cum sa- cris Cereris procedit,' and Cic. de Off. 1. 36. 131 ' Cavendum est ne tarditatibus utamur in ingressu mollioribus ut pom- parum ferculis similes esse videamur.'

habebat. Bentley read ' alebat,' fol- lowing one MS. which gives ' halebat.'

LIB. I. SAT. 3. 37

Saepe decem servos ; modo reges atque tetrarchas,

Omnia magna loquens ; modo, ' Sit mihi mensa tripes et

Concha salis puri et toga quae defendere frigus

Ouamvis crassa queat.' Decies centena dedisses 15

Huic parco paucis contento, quinque diebus

Nil erat in loculis. Noctes vigilabat ad ipsum

Mane, diem totum stertebat ; nil fuit unquam

Sic impar sibi. Nunc aliquis dicat mihi : ' Quid tu?

Nullane habes vitia?' Immo alia et fortasse minora. 20

Maenius absentem Novium cum carperet, ' Heus tu,'

Ouidam ait, ' ignoras te, an ut ignotum dare nobis

1 2. decem servos. A small house- hold it would seem. The edd. quote Val. Max. 4. 4. 1 1 ' M. Scaurus quantu- lam a patre hereditatem acceperit in primo libro refert eorum quae de vita sua scripsit. At enim sibi decem sola man- cipia totumque censum centum quinque ac triginta milium numorum relictum.' Cp. Horace's own establishment, which he looks on as very modest, ' Cena mi- nistratur pueris tribus' Sat. 1. 6. 116.

reges atque tetrarchas loquens, having their names in his mouth, as though he was intimate with them. Cp. Ul>sses' rebuke of Thersites Hom. II. 2. 250 tw ovk av @aat\fjas ava arofi ixwv ayopevois. For the form the editors compare Cic. ad Att. 9. 2 ' nihil nisi classes et exercitus loquens.' Cp. Epp. I. 7. 84 ' sulcos et vineta crepat mera.'

13. mensa tripes. The shape seems to imply simplicity of fashion, moderate size, and common material. Cp.Martial's ' simplex Delphica ' (12. 66. 7). For the extravagance lavished on tables see Mayor on Juv. Sat. 1. 137. The most costly were ' orbes,' i. e. round slabs or solid sections of the trunks of trees, esp. the ' citrus,' resting on a single foot of ivory.

14. concha salis puri : ' pauperiores in marina concha salem tritum habere solent ' Porph. It may be doubted whether ' concha ' necessarily meant an actual shell ; see Od. 2. 7. 23. The mo- desty of the requirements lies in the short list of his necessaries, a table, a vessel which will hold his salt and keep it clean (cp. Pers. Sat. 3. 25 ' purum et sine labe salinum ' ; a saltcellar is the one piece of ancestral plate in a humble home there and in Od. 2. 16. 14I, and a gown which, however coarse in material,

will keep out the cold. With ' toga quamvis crassa ' contrast ' tenues togae ' Epp. 1. 14. 32.

15. decies centena, sc. 'milia sester- tiorum.' Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 237, 240. It stands for a ' good round sum.' Cp. Juv. S. 10. 335.

dedisses. See on Sat. i. 1. 45.

16. quinque diebus, as Epp. 1. 7. 1, for a short period : Heind. remarks, that we should say ' in a week,' and that it shows that the hebdomadal divi- sion of time had not yet got possession of language.

17. erat for 'esset'; Madv. § 348 c. obs. : but the indicative gives reality, as though it were a thing that often happened.

loeulis, a casket used to carry money and other valuables. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 146, Epp. 2. 1. 175 ; and see Mayor on Juv. S. 1. 89,

19. aliquis. The person supposed is someone who dislikes satire, such as Horace argues with in Sat. r. 4 and 2. 1.

20. immo alia. ' Nay,' I do not im- ply that. I have my faults, but not the special one which I speak of, ' for all I know ' less serious ones. Horace pro- ceeds to contrast satire with the censo- riousness of private life. That does imply self-righteousness.

21. Maenius . . . Novium. Mae- nius is the name of a Lucilian spendthrift. See introd. to the Satires,p. 12. Is Novius here, as in 1 . 6. 1 2 1 , a usurer ; the two extremes blackening one another ? Or is Horace referring to some familiar scene in a play, or to two characters from Lucilius?

carperet, ' was picking to pieces.'

22. dare verba : 'verba' being op- posed to ' res,' mere words, and so = ' to



Verba putas ? ' ' Egomet mi ignosco,' Maenius inquit.

Stultus et improbus hic amor est dignusque notari.

Cum tua pervideas oculis mala lippus inunctis, 25

Cur in amicorum vitiis tam cernis acutum

Quam aut aquila aut serpens Epidaurius ? At tibi contra

Evenit, inquirant vitia ut tua rursus et illi.

Iracundior est paulo, minus aptus acutis

Naribus horum hominum ; rideri possit eo quod 30

Rusticius tonso toga defluit, et male laxus

In pede calceus haeret : at est bonus ut melior vir

cheat;' Ter. Andr. i. 3. 6, Cic. ad Att. 15. 16.

23. ignosco. Horace plays on the etymology. ' Is it that you are blind, or that you think us blind "? ' I shut my own eyes ' ; ' non ignoro sed ignosco.'

24. improbus, dvatSris, the leading idea being, as often, of excess.

amor, the love shown by that answer, i e. ' self-love.'

notari, properly of the censor's mark affixed to the name by way of ignominy, thence metaphorically ; cp. Sat. 1. 4. 5, 106, 1. 6. 14, 2. 7. 8 ; Epp. 1. 17. 15.

25. pervideas. Bentley would read ' praevideas . . . mala,' the former a conj. of Rutgers, confirmed by one or tvvo later MSS., which he interprets in the sense of ■napafiXfTtav in the apposite verses prob- ably of Menander (Meineke, Menandri Reliquiae Incert. 5) ri rdWorptov, dvOpajirt fiaafcavajTare, | icaicbv b£v8op/cus, rb 0' 'totov TTapafiXeTrets ; ' mala ' he joins to ' lippus.' The use however of ' prae- videre' = 'praetervidere,' 'to overlook,' is unsupported. ' Pervideas' has itsnatural sense, ' to look all through,' as Ov. Pont. I. 8. 34 ' Cunctaque mens oculis per- videt illa suis.' For the oxymoron ' pervideas lippus ' cp. (with Bentl.) Od. 3. 7. 21 ' scopulis surdior Icari Voces audit,' Sat. 1. 2. 91 ' Hypsaea caecior . . . spectes.'

inunctis, while they are still smart- ing from the application of the ointment, and so incapable of sight.

27. aquila. Hom. II. 17. 674 Ihar aUrbs, ov pd rk tpaatv \ b£vrarov bepicea- 6at VTTovpavlwv Trerertvwv.

Epidaurius. The snakes of Epi- daurus were probably proverbial in the mouths of Romans, from the story of the snake of Aesculapius brought from Epi- daurus to Rome in B.c. 291, and lodged

on the island in the Tiber.

contra='vicissim,' 'in return.'

29. The Scholiasts have a story that this pictureof the passionate and slovenly man of genius is intended for the poet Virgil. This may rest upon some early tradition, but it is unlikely in itself. Such guesses are easy to make and impossible to disprove. Cp. the identi- fication of the poet Propertius with the ' bore' in Sat. 1. 9.

aptus = ' placens.'

acutis naribus, of delicate perception ; opp. ' obesaenaris ' Epod. 12. Cp. ' em- unctae naris' Sat. 1. 4. 8. The Schol. offers an alternative explanation, taking ' aptus ' as = ' aptus ferendis,' and ' acutis naribus' like ' naribus uti' Epp. 1. 19. 45, ' adunco naso ' Sat. 1. 6. 5, of the grimace of contempt, ' intolerant of criticism.' Bentley, showing that ' acutae nares ' could hardly have this meaning, would alter it to ' aduncis.'

30. horum, ' of our time.' A common usage, Liv. 1. 55 ' horum magnificentiae operum.' Cp.infr. v.6o 'hocgenus vitae.'

eo, ' for the reason,' Sat. 2. 8. 65.

31. rusticius with ' tonso.' Cp. 'cu- ratus inaequali tonsore' Epp. 1. 1. 94.

defiuit, ' hangs,' ' slips from the shoulder.' Cp. Epp. 1. 1. 96 ' toga dissidet impar.' For the great pains taken in adjusting the ' toga ' see Quintil. 11. 3. 137/011.

male with haeret, or dirb /cotvov with ' haeret ' and ' laxus,' as below v. 45. Cp. Ov. A. A. 1. 516 ' Nec vagus in laxa pes tibi pelle natet.'

32. at..at..at. Therepetitionofthe particle ' yet,' ' yet,' ' yet ' givts rhetori- cal emphasis. So ' sed ' in Juv. Sat. 5. 61, 8. 149. For 'at' in this sense, urging a plea in arrest of judgment, cp. Od. 2. 18. 9.

LIB. I. SAT. 3.


Non alius quisquam, at tibi amicus, at ingenium ingens

Inculto latet hoc sub corpore. Denique te ipsum

Concute num qua tibi vitiorum inseverit olim 35

Natura, aut etiam consuetudo mala ; namque

Neglectis urenda filix innascitur agris.

Illuc praevertamur, amatorem quod amicae

Turpia decipiunt caecum vitia, aut etiam ipsa haec

Delectant, veluti Balbinum polypus Hagnae. 40

Vellem in amicitia sic erraremus ; et isti

Errori nomen virtus posuisset honestum.

At pater ut gnati sic nos debemus amici

Si quod sit vitium non fastidire : strabonem

Appellat paetum pater, et pullum male parvus 45

Si cui filius est, ut abortivus fuit olim

35. concute, ' shake,' as a dress, to see if anything is concealed in it. Cp. for the same metaph., though with a different purpose, Virg. Aen. 7. 338 ' fe- cundum concute pectus.' ' Excutere ' is more common in this sense.

37. filix. Virg. G. 2. 1S9 ' filicem curvis invisam pascit aratris.'

38. illuc praevertamur quod, ' let us take refuge in the thought that.'

39. decipiunt : KavOavovai.

40. Balbinum. The Scholiasfs note is ' Luciliana urbanitate usus in transitu amaritudinem aspergit,' but there is no tradition, or conjecture of value, as to the personality of the persons mentioned. The name has been thought to be coined from ' balbus,' used of the baby-talk of lovers ; see below v. 47. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 274; see Prof. Palmer there.

polypus. Horace here and in Epod. 12 lengthens the first syllable, following therein Lucilius (29. 114). It is to be noticed that the word occurs in Greek literature usually in the form ttovKvttovs : see Liddell and Scott, s. v.

Hagnae. The MSS. are divided between this reading and ' Agnae,' but Bentley showed that 'Hagna ' is the form found in inscriptions. It is the Greek dyvrj. ' Libertinam fuisse recte colligas ' Bentley.

42. virtus. See on Od. 2. 2. 19, the personified judgment of the virtuous man.

. 43. at ; 'but at least if that cannot be ' (cp. ' at ' after ' quamvis ' or ' si ' as Virg. G. 4. 20S, 241) : the form

' vellem erraremus ' implies that it is a hopeless wish. If we cannot reach the complete blindness of a lover we may the partiality of a father. There is rather more MS. authority (including B) for ' ac,' but the transition is harsh.

gnati : understand 'si quod sit vitium non fastidit.'

44. strabonem . . . paetum : two terms used to express different degrees of squinting : ' paetus ' expressing the lighter and one which was thought almost a beauty, so much so that it was attributed to Venus. Cic. de N. D. 1. 29. 80 ' Ecquos (deos) si non tam stra- bones at paetulos arbitramur ' ? Varr. quoted by Priscian, p. 6S4 ' de Venere paeta strabam facit.'

44-48. With these lines should be compared Ovid's advice to the lover to make the best of his mistress' defects: ' Nominibus mollire licet mala. Fusca vocetur Nigrior Illyrica cui pice san- guis erit : Si straba sit, Veneri similis : si rava, Minervae : Sit gracilis, macie quae male viva sua est. Dic habilem, quaecunque brevis,' etc. A. A. 2. 657 foll. Both are imitations of Lucr. 4. 1160 foll.

45. pullum, ' a chicken.' It is a diminutive from the same root as ' puer.' It is found as a cognomen. L. Junius Pullus was consul in B. c. 250, and there is a Q. Numitorius Pullus mentioned in Cic. de Inv. 2. 34, de Fin. 5. 22. 62.

male parvus, ' small to a fault ; ' for the use of ' male ' with an adj. see on Od. 1. 17. 25 and Sat. 1. 4. 66.



Sisyphus ; hunc varum distortis cruribus, illum Balbutit scaurum pravis fultum male talis. Parcius hic vivit, frugi dicatur. Ineptus Et iactantior hic paulo est, concinnus amicis Postulat ut videatur. At est truculentior atque Plus aequo liber, simplex fortisque habeatur ; Caldior est, acres inter numeretur. Opinor Haec res et iungit iunctos et servat amicos. At nos virtutes ipsas invertimus, atque Sincerum cupimus vas incrustare. Probus quis Nobiscum vivit, multum demissus homo ; illi


47. Sisyphus: accordingtotheSchol. ' a dwarf ' kept by M. Antony ' intra bipedalem staturam, quem ipse Sisy- phum appellabat ob ingenii callidita- tem.'

48. balbutit, ' calls fondly his " Va- rus," his "Scaurus."' The point seems to be not only that these were mild adjectives to describe the deformity, but also that they were adjectives which give a certain heroic character to it as recalling the names of distinguished Roman families.

49. ineptus describes a man wanting in tact. Cp. Cicero's definition de Or. 2. 4. 17, which Horace has possibly in mind, 'qui aut tempus quid postulet non videt, aut plura loquitur, aut se ostentat, aut denique in aliquo genere aut ineoncinnus aut multus est, ineptus esse dicitur,' where ' plura loquitur aut se ostentat ' recalls ' iactantior ' in this place.

50. concinnus seems here to mean ' witty,' ' good company.' Cp. ' asperi- tas inconcinna' in Epp. 1. 18. 6.

amicis, best taken after 'videatur,' ' claims to be thought by his friends,' etc. Others take 'concinnus amicis ' together and render 'postulat ut videatur,' ' is wishing to be thought,' etc. i. e. ' this is his way of trying to make himself agreeable ; ' but we are not dealing with the motives of men but with the claims of a friend to kindly construction.

52. simplex answers to ' plus aequo liber,' ' fortis ' to ' truculentior.'

53. caldior, 'hot-headed.' Cic.de Inv. 2. 9. 28 ' idcirco aliquem calidum vocari quod temerario et repentino consilio sit.' For the syncopated form cp. ' soldum ' Sat. 2. 5. 65, ' valdius ' Epp. 1. 9. 6, A. P. 321, and see on Od. 1. 36. 8.

acres, ' men of spirit and energy.' opinor : parenthetical as in Epp. 1. 16. 78, 2. 2. 17.

55. invertimus, 'turn the wrong way upwards,' ' turn into vices.' Orelli il- lustrates from Liv. 22. 12 ' [M. Minucius L. Fabium] pro cunctatore segnem, pro cauto timidum, affingens vicina virtutibus vitia, compellabat.'

56. sincerum vas : Epp. 1. 2. 54. incrustare, ' to cover with a film,'

' to foul.' Porph. quotes from Lucilius (3. 28) ' incrustatus calix.'

57. multum demissus homo ; illi. There is a question of reading and a question of interpretation, not necessarily involved one with the other. The MSS. generally have ' illi ' and the Schol. clearly recognize it, for they interpret ' illi . . . tardo.' The old Bland. however had ' ille,' which Cruquius defends, and he has been followed by Bentley and of recent editors by Ritter, Dillr., Haupt and Munro. Bentley and others of the school which favours conj. emendation, as Haupt, complete the reading by inserting ' ac ' or ' et ' after ' tardo.' Holder gives ' illi.' The question of interpretation is whether in vv. 56-58 ' probus . . . damus ' there is one instance of perversion of character or two. Neither view is irreconcileable with either ' ille ' or ' illi ' ; but ' ille ' has been chiefly defended by those (as Bentley) who uphold the first alternative. He points out that what Horace is illustrat- ing is the disposition ' virtutes ipsas invertere,' not merely to give a blacker colour to failings. The virtues he chooses are ' probitas ' ' prudentia,' ' sim- plicitas.' ' Tarditas ' might not be a great fault, but it is never spoken of as a

LIB. I. SAT. 3.


Tardo cognomen, pingui, damus. Hic fugit omnes Insidias nullique malo latus obdit apertum, Cum genus hoc inter vitae versemur ubi acris Invidia atque vigent ubi crimina ; pro bene sano Ac non incauto fictum astutumque vocamus. Simplicior quis et est, qualem me saepe libenter Obtulerim tibi, Maecenas, ut forte legentem Aut tacitum impellat quovis sermone molestus ; ' Communi sensu plane caret/ inquimus. Eheu, Quam temere in nosmet legem sancimus iniquam !



virtue. On the other hand, although it is true that ' demissus ' is used sometimes in a bad sense, it is used as often in a good sense for ' unassuming,' and is especially connected in this sense with ' probus ' and equivalent terms, as in Cic. de Or. 2. 43. 182 ' ea omnia quae pro- borum, demissorum, non acrium sunt, benevolentiam conciliant' ; pro Mur. 40. 87 ' sit apnd vos modestiae locus, sit demissis hominibus perfugium.' Bent- ley quotes, from Quintilian 6. 5, a sentence in which ' imbecillitas ' is said to be mistaken for ' probitas,' and one from I'lutarch (' Artaxerxes ') in which ntWrjais ( = ' tarditas ') is said to have passed for «jriei/ma (' probitas'). The construction which he supposes of ' multum demissus homo ille,' ' an un- assuming man,' may be paralleled in Od. 4. 9. 51 'non ille . . . timidus.' It is unnecessary to do violence to the MSS. by inserting ' ac ' ; the asyndeton helps the sense of climax. Those who adopt the other view make ' multum demissus homo ' the judgment of the censorious. 'If we have amongst our friends a man of sober worth, he is of a poor spirit ; to another who is slow we give the nickname of stupid.' We may well prefer Bentley's interpretation though following the common reading. With ' multum demissus ' cp. ' multum celer' Sat. 2. 3. 147, ' multum similis' Sat. 2. 5. 92, ' multum dissimiles' Epp. 1. 10. 3, 'multum diversa' Epp. 2. 2. 62.

58. tardo . . . pingui. For the dat. see Madv. § 246, Obs. 2.

59. malo, probably masc.

60. versemur : So V (the other MSS. having ' versetur ') andBentleyargues for it. Whichever reading is adopted ' hoc genusvitae 'will probablyimplyageneral condition of the present time, not any

special risk of the supposed person. For the use of 'hoc' see above on v. 30 ' horum hominum.'

61. pro bene sano. Orelli quotes from Liv. 22. 39 ' sine, timidum pro cauto, tardum pro considerato, imbellem pro perito belli vocent.'

63. simplicior quis et est. ' Et ' couples' simplicior'and' [talis] qualem.' For the position cp. v. 61 and Sat. 1. 6. 65 ' Atqui si vitiis mediocribus ac mea paucis Mendosa est natura.'

libenter obtulerim, ' I should never mind having shownmyself.' Someeditors in criticizing this passage have credited Horace with less than his usual irony.

65. impellat. In the sense of ' dis- turb,' ' call his attention,' much as its frequent use with ' aures ' Virg. G. 4. 349, Pers. Sat. 2. 21 ' Iovis aurem im- pellere.' The reading has been ques- tioned, though the MSS. are unanimous and the glosses of the Schol. ' adloqua- tur,' ' interpellat,' seem to recog- nize it. Bentley proposed 'impediat,' which he supported with great ingenuity, but ' tacitum impediat ' does not seem likely.

66. communi sensu, ' the social sense,' the added sense or tact which comes from livingwith others andwhich fits a man for so living. There is an ex- haustive account of the meanings of ' sensus communis,' both in classical and in later Latin, in Sir W. Hamilton's Notes on Reid (p. 756 foll.). He pointed out that this is its meaning in the present passage as also in Cic. de Or. t. 3. 12, 2. 16. 68, and Juv. Sat. 8. 73. Quintilian (1. 2. 20) gives as a reason for preferring a school education to home education that a boy learns 'sensus communis.' It prevents him from becoming, as we say, an egotist.



Nam vitiis ncmo sine nascitur ; optimus ille est

Oui minimis urgetur. Amicus dulcis ut aequum est

Cum mea compenset vitiis bona ; pluribus hisce 70

(Si modo plura mihi bona sunt) inclinet, amari

Si volet : hac lege in trutina ponetur eadem.

Oui ne tuberibus propriis offendat amicum

Postulat ignoscet verrucis illius ; aequum est

Peccatis veniam poscentem reddere rursus. 75

Denique, quatenus excidi penitus vitium irae

Cetera item nequeunt stultis haerentia, cur non

Ponderibus modulisque suis ratio utitur, ac res

Ut quaeque est ita suppliciis delicta coercet?

Si quis eum servum patinam qui tollere iussus 80

Semesos pisces tepidumque ligurrierit ius

In cruce suffigat, Labeone insanior inter

69. dulcis, 'indulgent'; inf. v. 139: cp. Sat. 1. 4. 135.

70. eum has been taken either as a preposition or as a conjunction. The first seems preferable. As Orelli truly says, ' compensare aliquid cum aliquo,' and ' compensare aliquid aliquo ' do not mean the same thing. The first is to ' vveigh one thing against another,' their comparative weight being as yet undeter- mined. The second is to ' set one thing off against others,' the weight ofthefirst thing being settled, to put something else in the scales which will balance it. We want here the first meaning. With the position of ' cum ' cp. Ov. Fasti 5. 551 ' Ultor ad ipse suos caelo descendit honores,' Madv. § 474, c. obs.

72. hac lege, ' on this condition.'

76. quatenus, Sat. 1. 1. 64, ' since.'

77. stultis, atypoaiv. Horace begins his definite reference to the Stoic doc- trines. He humorously accepts for him- self and the mass of mankind the titie the Stoic would give to all but the perfect man or ' sapiens.' Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 32 ' insanis Et tu stultique prope omnes.'

78. suis, ' its own weights and mea- sures,' such as Reason ought to have reasonable ones. It should not be led away by the indiscriminating judgments of men at large, nor should it (v. 116 foll.> endorse the philosophical folly which makes all offences equal.

79. suppliciis coercet : both words of some severity of punishment ; ' pro-

portion the severity to the true offence' ; for ' coercet' cp. infr. v. 134.

80. tollere, ' to remove from table.'

81. ligurrierit, the desiderative form, ' has been tempted to lick.'

ius is the sauce in which the fish had been served up. Cp. Sat. 2. 4. 38, 62, 2. 8. 45 foll.

82. Labeone. TheScholiasts explain this of M. Antistius Labeo, a ' iuriscon- sultus ' of high distinction, who is ranked by Tacitus (Ann. 3. 75) with Ateius Capito, and mentioned as dying in the same year (a. d. 21), ' duo pacis decora, sed Labeo incorrupta libertate et ob id fama celebratior.' They further assert that it was on account of his free speaking of Augustus that Horace thus gibbets him ' ut gratificetur Augusto.' Bentley pointed out how improbable this is. This Labeo would have been a young man at any date when this Satire could have been composed, and Horace, even if we suppose that he would at any time have espoused Octavianus' quarrels in such an indecent way, was not yet within the future emperor's circle. Weichert suggested, and Estre and Orelli follow him, that they may be right in the person, wrong in the reason, that Labeo as a young man may have become notorious for the excessive punishment of a slave ; but it seems clear that it was the reason and that only which suggested to them the person. Bentley would read ' Labieno,' supposing the reference to be

LIB. I. SAT. 3.


Sanos dicatur. Ouanto hoc furiosius atque

Maius peccatum est ! paulum deliquit amicus,

Quod nisi concedas habeare insuavis : acerbus 85

Odisti et fugis ut Rusonem debitor aeris,

Oui nisi, cum tristes misero venere Kalendae,

Mercedem aut nummos unde unde extricat, amaras

Porrecto iugulo historias captivus ut audit.

Comminxit lectum potus mensave catillum 90

Evandri manibus tritum deiecit, ob hanc rem

to an oratordescribed by the elderSeneca (Praef. ad lib. 5 Controv.) who, from ac- cesses of furious temper, was nicknamed ' Rabienus,' and who slew himself from vexation on the destruction of his books by his enemies. The Scholiast's note, however, seems a snfficient evidence that ' Labeone ' is the correct reading. We are left therefore without the means of explaining the reference.

inter sanos = ' apud sanos,' ' a sanis,' as Livy 6. 34 ' haudquaquam inter id genus contemptor habebatur.' Some edd. have taken ' inter sanos dicatur ' as = ' inter sanos numeretur ' : sometimes putting the mark of a question, 'though madder than Labeo, would he be reckoned among sane persons ? ' (Do- ering) : sometimes categorically, 'he would be madder than Labeo, although reckoned among sane persons.' (Hein- dorf.)

83. hoc, the nom. case ; ' this which follows.'

85. concedas, ' excuse.' In the next Satire (1. 4. 140) it is used in this sense with a dative. A doubthasbeen raised as to the punctuation. The Pseudo- Acron took 'insuavis , acerbus' together, the asyndeton as in v. 58. Of recent editors Orelli and Ritter follow him. Bentley, followed by Dillr., Holder, and Munro, joins ' acerbus odisti.' Ineither case ' acerbus ' is a stage beyond ' in- suavis.'

86. Rusonem. The Schol. add no- thing except that they call him Octavius Ruso. Mayor on Juv. Sat. 3. 9, in his exhaustive note on Recitation, compares a similar story told by Philostratus, the author of the ' Lives of Sophists,' of one Varo, whose debtors were allowed to count attendance at his declamations as a set-off against interest due to him. Polemon, whose biography he is giving,

found the task too severe, ' sprang up, held out his hands and cried (ptpt tovs tvttovs, " bring the writ." ' Macaulay's story of the criminal who chose the galleys in preference to listening to Guicciardini's history, is a descendant of these older jests.

87. tristes Kalendae. See on Epod. 2. 69.

88. mercedem aut nummos, 'inter- est or principal.' The price paid for the use of the money, or the money itself. For ' merces' in this sense see Sat. 1. 2.


unde unde = 'undecunque.' Catull. 67. 27. So ' ubi ubi,' ' quis quis.'

amaras. So ' recitator acerbus ' A.

P- 474-

89. porreeto iugulo, as a con- quered gladiator offering his throat to be cut (Cic. Mil. 11. 31 ' dare iugulum '). For the metaph. cp. (of Horace at the mercy of the bore) ' me sub cultro linquit ' Sat. 1 . 9. 74, and the ' recitator acerbus ' of A. P. 474, who ' tenet occiditque legendo.'

90. catillum. Sat. 2. 4 75, where note the uses of such a vessel.

91. Evandri manibus tritum, i. e. of some absurdly exaggerated antiquity. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 20, where Damasippus is said to have hunted up the brazen foot- pan used by Sisyphus ; also MartiaFs epigram upon the rage for old curiosities (8. 6) ' Archetypis vetuli nihil est odio- sius Eucti . . . Hoc cratereferox commisit praelia Rhaecus Cum Lapithis ; pugna debile cernis opus. Hi duo longaevo censentur Nestore fundi, Pollice de Pylio trita columba nitet.' The Scholiasts explain it of the work of Aulanius Evan- der, an artist contemporary with Horace ; and it is to be noticed that this is one of the places where Porphyrion refers defi-



Aut positum ante mea quia pullum in parte catini

Sustulit esuriens. minus hoc iucundus amicus

Sit mihi? Quid faciam si furtum fecerit, aut si

Prodiderit commissa fide sponsumve negarit ?

Ouis paria esse fere placuit peccata, laborant

Cum ventum ad verum est ; sensus moresque repugnant

Atque ipsa utilitas, iusti prope mater et aequi.

Cum prorepserunt primis animalia terris,


nitely to earlier authorities, 'qui de per- sonis Horatianis scripserunt aiunt,' etc. The identihcationwasnatural andtempt- ing to those towhomthe nameof Evander was familiar as that of a worker in bronze ; but it does not follow that it is right. There is some difficulty as to date. Evan- der is not said to have come to Rome till after the capture of Alexandria in B.C. 30, when he was brought among the captives. The parallels quoted make strongly for the other interpretation. MartiaPs ' Pylio pollice trita ' is very possibly an echo of this place. If we adopted the Scholiast's explanation we must take ' ti itum ' as = ' tomatum ' (Virg. G. 2. 444 'radios trivere rotis'), but with an extension of meaning similar to that with which Virgil uses ' tornus ' in Ecl. 3. 38 of the instrument with which a wooden cup was ornamented with the vine and ivy. The ' catillus ' is doubtless of metal, which might be dinted by a fall, not earthenware which would be destroyed.

92. ante. It is doubtful whether this is to be taken with ' positum,' as a tmesis, ' anteponere ' having its sense, frequent in Plautus, of ' to set before,' ' to place on table ' ; Cicero uses ' ponit ante ' (but for the purpose of emphasis) for 'anteponit' in Off. 3. 17. 71;— or (as Ritter 1 with ' sustulit,' ' has snatched nrst before me.' There is the same uncertainty in Tibull. 1. 1. 13 ' Et quod- cunque mihi pomum novus educat annus, Libatum agricolae ponitur ante deo.'

95. fide : archaic form of dative. See on Od. 3. 7. 4.

sponsum negarit, 'has denied a pledge ; ' said that the pledge which has been given has not been given. ' Spon- dere' is the legal term covering many kinds of engagements.

96. quis, ' quibus,' i. e. the Stoics. Cp. Cic. de Fin. 4. 19. 55, a passage which

the resemblance of expression makes it probable that Horace had in mind. ' Recte facta omniaaequalia,omniapeccataparia esse: quaecum magnificeprimodicivide- rentur, considerata minus probabantur : sensusenim cuiusque et natura rerum at- que ipsa veritas clamat quodammodo non posse adduci ut inter eas res quas Zeno exaequaret nihil interesset.'

fere with ' paria,' ' much on a level.' He takes the general tendency of the Stoic doctrine, guarding himself against the answer that they admitted certain differences. Compare other instances in which a qualifying particle is added to the enunciation of broad doctrines, 'fere' Epp. 1. 6. 9, ' prope ' Sat. 1. 3. 98, 2. 3. 32.

laborant : diropovcri.

97. Horace appeals against the Stoic dogma first to the moral feelings ('sensus moresque ') of mankind ; secondly to public utility. This, he says (following the Epicurean doctrine), is the highest source of our distinction of social right and wrong ; and it is evident that offences are not all equal as judged by that standard. If right and wrong were a dis- tinction of natuie self-evident, the Stoics might have more to say for themselves. His view of the utilitarian origin of all law he supports by a sketch of the origin of society based both in substance and expression on Lucret. 5. 925 foll.

98. iusti et aequi : the double expres- sion means justice of all kinds and de- grees, in rule and in sentiment.

99. prorepserunt . . . animalia. Though speaking of the human race he purposely, in describing their first state of savagery, uses terms which apply to them in common with the animal world.

primis terris, as ' prima tellus ' Sat. 2. 2. 93. He is thinking of the mode of generation described in Lncret. 5. 803 foll.

LIB. I. SAT. 3.


Mutum et turpe pecus, glandem atque cubilia propter Unguibus et pugnis, dein fustibus, atque ita porro Pugnabant armis quae post fabricaverat usus, Donec verba quibus voces sensusque notarent Nominaque invenere ; dehinc absistere bello, Oppida coeperunt munire et ponere leges, Ne quis fur esset, neu latro, neu quis adulter. Nam fuit ante Helenam cunnus teterrima belli Causa, sed ignotis perierunt mortibus illi, Ouos venerem incertam rapientes more ferarum Viribus editior caedebat, ut in grege taurus. Iura inventa metu iniusti fateare necesse est, Tempora si fastosque velis evolvere mundi. Nec natura potest iusto secernere iniquum, Dividit ut bona diversis, fugienda petendis ;




ioo. mutum. et turpe pecus. All the words describe man as not yet dis- tinguished from the lower animals ; ' mutum ' has reference to the invention of language v. 103.

glandem. Lucr. 5. 939, Virg. G. 1. 8, the suitable food of men as imagined in their primeval forests, ' silvestres homi- nes' A. P. 391.

101. ita porro, and so on pro- gressively.

102. usus, ' need.'

103. verba . . . nominaque, A. P. 234, the Greek prjixara Kat uvofiara, a rough classification of parts of speech ; the two standing together for language language with all its apparatus. Language was the first necessary step towards law. Before that, they had felt the inconvenience of unrestrained desires, but had not learnt to classify and name their annoyances (theft, etc). It is evi- dent then, Horace argues, that law is not an original part of our nature but an in- vention slowly attained and for the prac- tical end of restraining the lawlessness of a state of nature.

voces sensusque notarent : ' nota- rent ' is used by a kind of zeugma, ' give meaning to their sounds and expression to their feelings.' It is a variation of ' vocibus sensus notarent,' but the phrase is from Lucr. 5. 1058 ' Pro vario sensu varias res voce notaret.'

106. fur . . . latro. The second adds the idea of violence, so that the line

generally describes the sanctity given to property, life, marriage.

107, 108. For a new setting of the thought of these lines see Od. 4. 9. 25, etc. ' Vixere fortes ante Agamemnona.'

109. incertam, ' lawless.'

110. editior, ' the superior'; &Va£ \. in this sense.

iii. iniusti. The use of the word involves cx hypothesi an anachronism, but it helps to make the point clearer. Horace argues that there is no trans- cendental, preexistent, ' ius ' or ' iustum.' They are afterthoughts, resorted to for the purpose of stamping a state of things which existed before them and the vexa- tions of which had been felt. Certain actions were inconvenient men in- vented 'iura,' and stamped those actions as 'iniusta.' Notice the Lucretian phrase ' fateare necesse est.'

112. tempora fastosque : the two words mark the points in history which are here relevant dates and orderly succession. It is a question of chron- ology, which ofthe two came first, ' ius' or ' iniustum.'

113. nec . . . nec, ' as not,' ' so not.' As the line that separates the just and un- just is not one of nature's drawing, so philosophy will not persuade us that it is a hard and fast line, admitting no shades or varieties on either side of it.

114. bona, dyaOd, ' things advantage- ous,' not in a moral sense.



Nec vincet ratio hoc, tantundem ut peccet idemque 115

Qui teneros caules alieni fregerit horti

Et qui nocturnus sacra divum legerit. Adsit

Regula peccatis quae poenas irroget aequas,

Ne scutica dignum horribili sectere flagello.

Nam ut ferula caedas meritum maiora subire 120

Verbera non vereor, cum dicas esse pares res

Furta latrociniis, et magnis parva mineris

Falce recisurum simili te, si tibi regnum

Permittant homines. Si dives, qui sapiens est,

Et sutor bonus et solus formosus et est rex, 125

115. vincet. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 225. A Lucretian use, 5. 735 ' ratione docere et vincere verbis ' ; but it is found in Cicero, as pro Clu. 44. 124; so ' evinco ' Sat. 2. 3- 250.

116. fregerit. Cp. 'fragili myrto,' ' easily plucked,' Od. 3. 23. 16. The in- stances were probably proverbial, as Plutarch (Solon. 17) says of Draco's laws, that the same penalty, death, was fixed rofs \axava Kktyaoiv and tois Upoavkois.

117. noeturnus. Epod. 16. 51 ; Madv. § 300, obs. 2.

saera legerit : ' legere ' is used by Lucilius in the sense of 'to steal.' The meaning remains in the adj. ' sacrilegus.'

119. scutica, 'a leather thong,' an instrumeat like the ' ferula,' of school punishment, ' si quos Orbilius ferula scuticaque cecidit ' Dom. Marsus apud Sen. gramm. 9.

flagello. Sat. 1. 2. 41 ' flagellis Ad mortem caesus ' Epod. 4. 1 1 ' sectus flagellis.' It was the extreme instru- ment of punishment. Cic. pro Rab. 4. 12 contrasts it by climax with 'virgae.'

120. ferula, the stem of the vap6r}£ or giant fennel, used as a cane. See Mayor's note on Juv. Sat. 1. 15.

ut caedas non vereor, ' as for your striking with a cane one who de- serves to suffer severe punishment, I have no fears of that.' The separation of ' ut caedas ' from ' vereor,' and the fact that it precedes instead of following, soften the departure from the usual rule which would have required 'ne' instead of ' ut.' The construction is as though ' illud ' explained by ' ut caedas ' were the obj. of ' vereor.' Cp. Liv. 28. 22 'nihil

minus quam ut egredi moenibus auderent timeri poterat.' Mr. Haskins (Journal of Philology vol. 7. p. 263) has, how- ever, proposed to take ' ut ' in its usual sense : T have no fear of your not [even] punishing with the rod,' etc, i.e. I am not afraid of your letting off altogether ; and this may be right.

121. cum dieas, ' when you say,' in orat. obl., as it qualifies the clause that follows ' non vereor ; ' ' when you hold that doctrine of the equality of offences, I well understand that it means a levelling up, not down ; a doctrine of severity, not laxity.'

122. furta, latrociniis, (cp. 106) theft with, or without, violence.

magnis, dat. after ' simili ' ; in exact language it would be ' ei falci qua magna recisurus sis.'

123. falce, ' pruning-hook.'

124 foll. Having put into the mouth of the Stoic the profession of what he would do if he were made king, Horace takes the occasion which he has made to laugh at a second Stoic paradox that the wise man is a king ! see notes on Od. 3. 2. 17-20, 4. 9. 39; Epp. 1. 1. 107). The Scholiasts quote from Luci- lius (inc. 134) 'nondum etiam qui haec omnia habebit, Formosus, dives, liber, rex solus feretur ? ' a passage which it seems clear Horace has in view.

dives. Cicero i^Paradox 6) discusses the Stoic paradox 'solum sapientem esse divitem.' Cp. id. ad Fam. 7. 16.

125. sutor bonus, an ad invidiam illustration of the doctrine that the ideal wise man is the master of every art.

LIB. I. SAT. 3.


Cur optas quod habes ? ' Non nosti quid pater,' inquit, 1 Chrysippus dicat : Sapiens crepidas sibi nunquam Nec soleas fecit, sutor tamen est sapiens.' ' Oui ? ' * Ut quamvis tacet Hermogenes cantor tamen atque Optimus est modulator ; ut Alfenus vafer, omni Abiecto instrumento artis clausaque taberna, Tonsor erat, sapiens operis sic optimus omnis Est opifex solus, sic rex.' Vellunt tibi barbam Lascivi pueri ; quos tu nisi fuste coerces Urgeris turba circum te stante miserque Rumperis et latras, magnorum maxime regum. Ne longum faciam : dum tu quadrante lavatum Rex ibis neque te quisquam stipator ineptum Praeter Crispinum sectabitur, et mihi dulces



126. pater, in the sense in which Cic. (N. D. 2. 9. 33) calls Zeno ' Stoi- corum pater.' It is a Stoic speaking.

127. Chrysippus : Sat. 2. 3. 44, 2. 3. 287; Epp. 1. 2. 4; the second founder of Stoicism ; el fxrj r)v Xpvcmmos ovk av r\v 2roa, Diog. Laert. 7. 183. He was born at Soli in Cilicia, B. C. 280, and died in 207.

crepidas, soleas, the Greek and the Roman slippers.

128. sapiens : the subj. repeated and in the emphatic place is meant to be characteristic. The Stoic is for ever talking of the ' sapiens.'

129. Hermogenes : see introd. to this Satire.

130. Alfenus. There is an Alfenus Varus, a ' iurisconsultus ' of eminence, of whose legal writings there are ex- cerpts in the Digest. The Scholiasts on this place say that Horace is speaking of him, that he was a native of Cremona and practised there as a 'tonsor' (acc. to one MS.) or as a ' sutor ' (acc. to the others"), that he removed to Rome and became the pupil of Servius Sulpicius, and eventually famous in the law. Whether the identification is right there is nothing to show.

132. tonsor. This was the original reading of V, and it is supported by one MS. of Acron's note. Other MSS. have ' sutor.' Bentley argues strongly for ' tonsor,' on the ground that Horace's thesis is that the wise man is a cobbler ; he is illustrating this from other arts,

that of the singer and the barber. It would be dull to take an instance of the very art in question ; ' tonsor ' is given by Munro and Ritter.

133. vellunt, perh. with Heindorf ' are plucking ' all the time that you are declaiming on the royalty of the wise man.

barbam : affected by philosophers ; vSat. 2. 3. 35 ' sapientem pascere bar- bam,' Juv. Sat. 14. 12 'barbatos . . magis- tros.'

134. fuste, also appropriate ; cp. Apul. Inst. 11. 8 ' qui pallio, baculoque, et baxeis, et hircino barbitio philoso- phiam fingeret.'

136. rumperis (sc. ' ira ') et latras : the picture of impotent rage, with allu- sion to the title 'Cynic'; cp. Epp. I. 17. 18 ' mordacem Cynicum.'

137. quadrante, the customary price at the public baths, cp. Sen. Epist. 86 ' balneum res quadrantaria.'

135. stipator, the proper term for one of a royal suite.

139. Crispinum: Sat. 1. 1. 120.

et, answered by ' que ' in v. 141. This passage is quoted by Madv. on Cic. de Fin. 5. 22. 64'quis est quin intelligat et eos qui fecerint dignitatis splendore ductos immemores fuisse utilitatum suarum, nosque cum ea laudemus nulla alia re nisi honestate duci.' He holds them as rare instances of a careless junc- ture of clauses.

dulees, supr. v. 69.


Ignoscent si quid peccaro stultus amici, 140

Inque vicem illorum patiar delicta libenter, Privatusque magis vivam te rege beatus.

140. stultus : not being a philosopher.



It should be noticed that Horace in v. 71 foll. expressly repudiates the idea of publishing his Satires. He composes thera for his own pleasure and profit, and only reads them to friends, and when pressed to do so.

With this Satire should be compared Sat. 1. 3. and 2. 1.

Verses 1-7. Satire in Lucilius' hands came straight from the great comic poets

of Greece, who, when they saw a rogue, had no scruple in painting him as

such. The spirit is identical, the metre only changed. 7-13. In spite of high merits he failed in point of form, from thinking of quantity

rather than quality. I3-21- That is the mistake of people like Crispinus, not mine. 21-38. Yet this does not secure me popularity. Poetasters, like Fannius, have

fame, but I have not ventured to publish, and I have not the courage to recite.

Why is Satire unpopular ? Because so many people know that its shafts may

fairly be aimed at them. They accuse the poet of trading on the weaknesses

of his friends. 3S-56. Hear my reply. Let me say first that they do me too great honour if they

call me a 'poet.' I do not claim the name. It is an old question whether

comedy is poetry. Its language is the language of common life : 56-62. its passion the passion of common life. Take to pieces a line of Ennius,

and the fragments are the fragments of a poet. Do the same for Lucilius,

and you have nothing that marks the poet. 63-65- But we will leave this question, and ask again why Satire is looked on so

jealously. 65-78. You suggest that my trade is that of the informer. I might answer that it

is the guilty, not the innocent, who dread even the informer. But I am very

unlike an informer. I seek no publicity, even in days when no place is sacred

from recitations. 78-79. You say I take pleasure in giving pain. 79-91. You must ask my friends about that. True malignity is to be found in the

gossip of private life. But you who are so much on the look out for malignity

listen with pleasure to the illnatured buffoonery of the supper table.

LIB. I. SAT. 4.


91-103. You see rancour in my playful and general Satire, and yourself defend an

old friend who is under a eloud in such a way as without sneering to teach

the world to sneer. 103-129. My Satire contains nothing of that sort. It is only a following out of

the method by which my excellent father taught me morals by examples. 129-139. I have carried on the practice in my own self-training. My Satires are

notes of it. 139-end. At worst it is an innocent weakness; you must pardon it. If you do

not, beware lest we poets come in force, for there is a host of us, and convert

you against your will into a poet like ourselves.

EUPOLIS atque Cratinus Aristophanesque poetae,

Atque alii quorum comoedia prisca virorum est,

Si quis erat dignus describi quod malus ac fur,

Quod moechus foret aut sicarius aut alioqui

Famosus, multa cum libertate notabant. 5

Hinc omnis pendet Lucilius, hosce secutus

Mutatis tantum pedibus numerisque, facetus,

Emunctae naris, durus componere versus.

Nam fuit hoc vitiosus : in hora saepe ducentos,

1. These three are put together by Quintilian (10. i. 6-0 as the most famous names of the ' comoedia vetus ' (as con- trasted, according to the Alexandrine classification, with the Middle and New). Horace possibly recognizes the division by the use of the term ' vetus comoedia ' in A. P. 281. ' Prisca ' here and in Sat. 1. 10. 16 has probably no such technical sense. Cp. ' priscus ' ofCratinushimself in Epp. 1. 19. 1. At thesame time there is no doubt the feeling that comedy ' in early days ' was more personal and free- spoken than it became afterwards. This is the point of the passage in A. P. 281 foll.

2. virorum,withemphasis, 'true men' (justas 'poetae' in v. 1 is emphatic, 'true poets'). Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 247 ' Vergilius Variusque poetae.' Cp. perhaps Lucr. 3. 372 'Democriti quod sancta viri sententia ponit.' There is special reference to the manliness of their freedom. So Sat. 1. 10. 16 ' Illi scripta quibus comoedia prisca viris est.' That line also illus- trates the constr. of the gen. in agree- ment with the relative instead of the antecedent, for which see on Epod. 2.


3. describi. Epp. 2. 1. 154, A. P. 18 'pluvius describitur arcus.' It seems to be a metaph. from drawing, ' deline- ated.'


5. famosus. Od. 3. 3. 26«. notabant, Sat. 1. 3. 24 n.

6. hinc, ' from them.' Od. 3. 17. 2. So ' unde ' Sat. 1. 6. 12.

7. pedibus numerisque. A general description of ' metre/ ' feet ' and their rhythmical disposition. Lucilius adopt- ed (though not universallyj the Hexa- meter.

faeetus, 'witty,' as Cicero calls Aristophanes ' facetissimus poeta veteris comoediae' Leg. 2. 15. 37.

8. emunctae naris. The expression is repeated, perhaps imitated by Phaedr. 3. 3. 14 'Aesopus naris emunctae senex.' Quintilian uses ' emunctus,' speaking of the Attic writers (12. 10. 17) as 'limati et emuncti.' Cp. ' nares acutae ' Sat. I- 3- 3°> ' of keen perception.'

durus componere. Explained by Sat. 1. 10. 1 ' Nempe incomposito dixi pede currere versus Lucili ' and ib. v. 58 ' Versiculos . . . magis factos et euntes Mollius ' : ' harsh in the construction of his verse : ' ' durus ' as ' poeta durissimus ' Cic. ad Att. 14. 20. 3. In A. P. 446 we have ' duros versus.' For the infin. see App. II to vol. i. p. 380.

9. hoc, ' in this that follows,' viz. his rapidity of composition. With this picture cp. tbe boast of Horace's inlerlocutor in Sat. i. 9. 23 'quis me scribere plures Aut citius possit versus ? '



Ut magnum, versus dictabat stans pede in uno. Cum flueret lutulentus erat quod tollere velles ; Garrulus atque piger scribendi ferre laborem, Scribendi recte : nam ut multum, nil moror. Ecce, Crispinus minimo me provocat : ' Accipe, si vis, Accipiam tabulas ; detur nobis locus, hora, Custodes ; videamus uter plus scribere possit.' Di bene fecerunt inopis me quodque pusilli Finxerunt animi, raro et perpauca loquentis :



io. dictabat, Epp. 2. 1. 110, as to

an amanuensis ; but it takes its place side by side with ' scribere ' (see w. 12, 13), as a verb describing literary com- position, without speeial consideration at the moment of the method used.

stans pede in uno : probably ex- plained as a proverbial expression mean- ing ' as an easy thing,' something that you could do without needing both feet. Schutz illustrates by Terence's ' manibus pedibusque obnixe facturum ' Andr. 1. 1. 134, and Prof. Palmer still more ap- positely from Quintil. 12. 9. 18 'in his actionibus omni, ut agricolae dicunt, pede standum est.'

11. cum flueret, 'as he flowed along in a muddy stream;' for metaph. cp. Od. 4. 2. 5-8.

tollere, as ' tollenda ' in Sat. 1. 10. 50, ' to remove.' The Scholiasts took these words strangely, making ' cum ' = 'although,' and ' tollere' = ' excipere, et pro tuis habere.' Heindorf and Ritter follow them. Orelli points out how incongruously this verse would be placed if, as this interpretation implies, it con- tains praise. Quintilian's interpretation settles the point if it was doubtful, 10. 1. 94 ' Ego ab Horatio dissentio qui Lu- cilium fluere lutulentum et esse aliquid quod tollere possis putat.'

12. piger ferre. App. II. vol. i., p. 380.

13. ut multum, sc. 'scriberet,' ' for his writing a quantity I care not at all.' ' Nil moror ' more commonly is followed by acc. and inf.

14. Crispinus : cp. on Sat. 1. 1. 120. minimo me provocat. Poiph. ex-

plains this by a proverbial expression, ' minimo digito provocare,' which he vouches for as existent in his own time (' solemus dicere ') with the meaning ' to challenge contemptuously;' 'cum

volumus quem intelligi tantum valere minimo digito quantum alium viribus.' Acr. repeats this, but adds the alter- native explanation, ' Minimo provocare dicuntur hi qui in sponsione in laying a wager) plus ipsi promittunt quam exi- gant ab adversario,' so that the constr. would be as ' sponsione provocare,' and the sense ' offers e»e long odds.' It would seem, in spite of the definiteness of their statements, that both Seholiasts weie feeling their way to an explanation of a difficult phrase, and in that case we can hardly be more confident. No fresh light has been thrown on it. Bentley wished to read ' nummo ' for ' minimo ' (a confusion of writing found elsewhere), ' would lay me a sesterce,' i. e. (as he explains) such a sum as his poverty allows.

15. accipiam. The older MSS. are divided between this reading and 'Accipe iam ' as though Crispinus were becoming more and more urgent. V. had ' acci- piam.'

1 7. inopis quodque pusilli = ' quod inopis pusillique,' etc. See note on Od. 1. 30. 6. There is a good note on the subject in Dissen's Tibullus on 1. 1. 51.

inopis, of want of ideas.

pusilli, of want of spirit, so that perhaps they answer in inverse order to ' raro,' ' perpauca ; ' he rarely finds the spirit to speak, and when he does he finds little to say. The constr. which attaches loquentis to animi (Lam- binus and Bentley wished against the MSS. to read 'loquentem') may be compared as a more prosaic form of the same trope with Od. 4. 9. 34-44, note on v. 39. For the qualitative gen. after finxerunt me, an extension of its use vvith ' sum,' cp. Sat. 2. 8. 84 'redis mutatae frontis.'

LIB. I. SAT. 4.



At tu conclusas hircinis follibus auras,

Usque laborantes dum ferrum molliat ignis,

Ut mavis imitare. Beatus Fannius ultro

Delatis capsis et imagine ; cum mea nemo

Scripta legat vulgo recitare timentis ob hanc rem,

Quod sunt quos genus hoc minime iuvat, utpote plures

Culpari dignos. Ouemvis media elige turba : 25

Aut ob avaritiam aut misera ambitione laborat.

Hic nuptarum insanit amoribus, hic puerorum ;

Hunc capit argenti splendor ; stupet Albius aere ;

expresses both

The metaph. is

5. 10 and Juv. S.

19. The similitude windiness and length. lmitated by Pers. Sat. 7. ili.

21. beatus. Cp. Epp. 2. 2. 108 ' quicquid scripsere beati,' of the happi- ness of self-satisfaction.

Fannius : ' ineptus Fannius Hermo- genis . . conviva Tigelli ' Sat. 1. 10. 80. He is not mentioned othervvise in extant Roman literature. The Scholiasts call him 'Quadratus,' which wasa cognomen in the gens Fannia. Acr. says he wrote Satire, which is against the point of this passage, for Horace is saying that he is himself less popular than Fannius because he writes Satire. The meaning of the fol- lowing words can only be guessed. The Schol. offer us several guesses, some evidently wrong, as that the senate presented Fannius with his bust and some book-cases ; or that his heirs sent his bust and book-cases to some public library; but Fannius surely was alive in Sat. 1. 10. ultro should mean that the act, whatever it was, was one of his own self- sufficiency. When Pollio founded out of the spoils of his Illyrian campaign the first public library in Rome, he put into it ' imagines ' of the great authors, but admitted Varro alone of living writers (Plin. N. H. 7. 31). Pollio's campaign and triumph were in B. c/39. It is possible therefore that the reference is to some story of Fannius having volunteered for the same honour. Or it may mean that he presented his bust and books to private libraries. For ' imagines ' in private libraries see Mayor on Juv. S. 7. 29.

22. capsis : cases put to the same use as ' scrinia ' (see on Sat. 1. 1. 120), but apparently the smaller. Sat. 1. 10. 63, Epp. 2. 1. 268.

mea . . timentis. Madv. § 297 a.

nemo legat . . . recitare timentis. Cp. vv. 71-74. They arenot published and are not read to mixed audiences.

24. genus hoc, sc. Satire.

sunt quos iuvat. See on Od. 1. 1.3.

utpote plures, ws irkuovs ovras rovs ijroyov a£iovs. An attraction, more Greek than Latin, of the causal clause ' quippe cum plures culpari digni sint ' into apposition to the pronoun ' sunt quos.' These ' some ' are, or be- long to, the majority who know that they deserve the satirist's lash.

25. elige. The text is doubtful. 'Three Bland ' had ' eripe,' ' one ' (the special reading of V. is not given) ' elige.' Some good MSS. have ' erue.' Acron's schol. ' de medio populo producito ' gives no clear indication.

26. ob avaritiam. 'Laborare ob * is a constr. not found elsewhere. Bentley would therefore read ' ab avaritia,' which has since been found in a single MS. There is some MS. authority for another change, ' miser ' for ' misera,' i. e. ' miser ob avaritiam aut ambitione.' ' Labo- rare ' is used absolutely, so that there is no inherent impropriety in the constr. ' laborare ob avaritiam.' Any harshness is softened by the distance and the inter- vention of a second construction. Orelli and Dill1'. quote to show that the varia- tion between ' ob ' with accusative, and an ablative in the same sentence is common though in the cases which they quote some difference of relation can be detected in the two clauses.

28. argenti. Epp. 1. 6. 17 'argen- tum, et marmor vetus aeraque et artes." Cp. Od. 4. 11. 6 ; Epp. 1. 16. 76, 2. 2. 181 ; of works of art in silver, plate, etc. see Mayor on Juv. S. 1. 76-

stupet. Sat. 2. 7. 95 ' Pausiaca tor-

E 2



Hic mutat merces surgente a sole ad eum quo Vespertina tepet regio, quin per mala praeceps 30

Fertur uti pulvis collectus turbine, ne quid Summa deperdat metuens aut ampliet ut rem : Omnes hi metuunt versus, odere poetas. ' Faenum habet in cornu ; longe fuge : dummodo risum Excutiat sibi non hic cuiquam parcet amico ; 35

Et quodcunque semel chartis illeverit omnes Gestiet a furno redeuntes scire lacuque Et pueros et anus.' Agedum, pauca accipe' contra. Primum ego me illorum deOferim quibus esse poetas Excerpam numero : nequevenin^coriclitdere versum 40

neque sfN^ui putes hunc

Dixeris esse satis Sermoni propiora,


rioat/utf nos s$ poetam.

2. 508

pes, insane tabella,' Virg. G. ' Hic stupet attonitus rostris.'

Albius, whose son is beggared by this extravagance, v. 109. That the name belonged to Horace's friend, the poet Tibullus (Od. 1. 33 and Epp. 1. 4) who of course is not meant, is perhaps a proof that it is not taken at haphazard, but would have to a reader definite associations with some person either in real life or in previous literature.

29. The ' mercator,' the standing ex- ample of a man who ' makes haste to be rich.' With this descr. cp. ' per mala praeceps,' etc. Epp. 1. 1. 45, 46.

31. fertur, as though he were run away with. Virg. G. 1. 514 ' Fertur equis auriga.'

32. ut.like 'nequid,' after 'metuens,' ' lest he lose . . . or fail in increasing . . .'

33. They hate the poet because they are afraid of what he writes.

34. Porph. vouches for its having been a custom in his time to wam passers-by against a dangerous bull by fastening a wisp of hay to its horns. A metaph. allusion to the same practice is found in Plutarch, Vita Crassi. For the satirist as an angry bull cp. Epod. 6. 1 1 ' in malos asperrimus Parata tollo cornua.'

35. excutiat, ' succeed in raising ; ' 'excutere lacrimas.' Ter. Heaut. 1. 1. 115. sibi, dat. commodi.

36. illeverit. The expression seems to imply haste and carelessness. He will not even be at the pains to think

carefully of what he writes.

37. furno . . . lacuque. ' The bake- house fjuv. S. 7. 4) and the tank.' Agrippa had made 700 such ' lacus,' reservoirs filled from the aqueducts.

39. primum : the second question, though not formally introduced by ' deinde,' begins at v. 64.

poetas : so the MSS. It was altered to ' poetis ' by Bentley on the authority of Comm. Cruq., who on Sat. 1. 6. 25 supports ' tribuno ' by quoting ' dederim quibus esse poetis.' Both constructions are possible. though perhaps the dative is more in Horace's way; cp. Sat. 1. 1. 19 ' licet esse beatis,' 1. 2. 51; ' muni- fico esse licet,' A. P. 372 ' medio- cribus esse poetis non di non homines non concessere columnae.'

40. concludere, as ' pedibus quid claudere senis,' Sat. 1. 10. 59, ' pedibus claudere verba ' Sat. 2. 1. 28. ' To round off,' ' to make the feet fit in exactly.'

41. dixeris. 'You are not likely to say,' Madv. § 550 b and 370.

42. sermoni, as often in Cicero, ' or- dinary conversation,' see inf. v. 48. With the whole passage cp. Cic. Orat. 20. 67 ' video visum esse nonnullis Platonis et Democriti locutionem etsi absit a versu tamen quod incitatius feratur et clarissi- mis verborum luminibus utatur potius poema putandam quam comicorum poetarum, apud quos, nisi quod versiculi sunt nihil aliud quotidiani dissimile sermonis.'

LIB. I. SAT. 4-


Ingenium cui sit, cui mens divinior atque os

Magna sonaturum, des nominis huius honorem.

Idcirco quidam comoedia necne poema

Esset quaesivere, quod acer spiritus ac vis

Nec verbis nec rebus inest, nisi quod pede certo

Differt sermoni, sermo merus. 'At pater ardens

Saevit, quod meretrice nepos insanus amica

Filius uxorem grandi cum dote recuset,

Ebrius et, magnum quod dedecus, ambulet ante

Noctem cum facibus.' Numquid Pomponius istis

Audiret leviora, pater si viveret ? Ergo

Non satis est puris versum perscribere verbis,

Quem si dissolvas, quivis stomachetur eodem



43. ingenium. The native gift ; cp. its contrast with ' ars ' A. P. 295. What particular gift, must be settled by the context, but it is specially used for the gift of the poet imagination, fancy ; cp. A. P. 323 ' Grais ingenium Grais dedit ore rotundo Musa loqui.' Horace claims it for himself, Od. 2. 18. 9.

mens divinior, ' inspiration,' as something which raises him above the ordinary condition of human intelli- gence. The poet is ' divino quodam spiritu inflatus ' Cic. Arch. 8. 18. One who has this inspiration is said ' spirare ;' see the expression of v. 46 and note on Od. 2. 16. 38 ; cp. also Od. 4. 6. 29.

os magna sonaturum, i.e. a corres- pondent diction ; cp. Virg. G. 3. 294 'magno nunc ore sonandum.' For the use of ' os' cp. Od. 4. 2. 8, A. P. 94, 323.

45. quidam,the ' nonnulli ' of Cicero, 1. c. Heind. points out that the reason given applies to the new comedy of manners, Menander and his Latin imita- tors, not to the old Attic comedy.

46. acer spiritus, fire of inspiration.

47. rebus : a wide word for the matter as opposed to the diction, including Aristotle's Sidvota, 'sententia,' 'thought,' as well as nvOos, ' fabula,' ' plot ; ' cp. A. P. 89 ' res comica,' 322 ' versus inopes rerum.' Cp. with Orell. Quintil. 10. 1. 27 ' ab his [poetis] et in rebus spiritus, et in verbis sublimitas . . . petitur.'

pede certo, i. e. laws of rhythm, fixed succession of quantities. So ' tem- pora certa ' v. 58.

48. at, etc, an interruption, answered

The cases imagined are common-

in v. 52. ' Surely there is fire in the

scenes where a father storms at his son,'


places of Latin comedy

49. meretrice, for the relation of the ablative cp. Od. 3. 5. 6 'turpis mari- tus coniuge barbara.' nepos, Epod.

i- 34-

51. Persius seems to have this among other passages in view, 5. 163 ' an siccis dedecus obstem Cognatis? an rem patriam rumore sinistro . . . frangam, dum Chrysidis udas Ebrius ante fores exstincta cum face canto ? ' So that the ' faces ' would be the ' funalia ' of Od. 3. 26. 7, and the picture of a tipsy serenade.

52. Horace answers, ' After all, this is only the language of passion in real life : for poetry we want not metre only but poetical diction ; no one would mis- take Ennius for prose even if you de- stroyed the metre.'

52. Pomponius may be a real person whose circumstances would be known to the readers. Or he may be the person in comedy alluded to ; ' pater si viveret ' in that case meaning ' if it were a father in real life,' opp. ' perso- natus pater ' v. 56.

54. puris, ' plain,' ' unadorned ; ' see Bentley on A. P. 99. Quintilian, 8. 3. 14, recommends, as the suitable style for cases heard in private or before a small bench, 'purussermo et dissimilis curae.' Cp. the use of ' purum ' with ' argentum,' ' not chased.' It translates \pik6s Arist. Poet. 1. 7.



Ouo personatus pactor pater. His, ego quae nunc.

Olim quae scripsit Lucilius, eripias si

Tempora certa modosque, et quod prius ordine verbum est

Posterius facias, praeponens ultima primis,

Non, ut si solvas ' Postquam Discordia tetra 60

Belli ferratos postes portasque refregit,'

Invenias etiam disiecti membra poetae.

Hactenus haec : alias iustum sit necne poema,

Nunc illud tantum quaeram, meritone tibi sit

Suspectum genus hoc scribendi. Sulcius acer 65

Ambulat et Caprius, rauci male cumque libellis,

Magnus uterque timor latronibus ; at bene si quis

Et vivat puris manibus contemnat utrumque.

Ut sis tu similis Caeli Birrique latronum,

Non ego sim Capri neque Sulci ; cur metuas me? 70

56. personatus, adj. from ' persona,' wearing a mask ; ' the father on the stage.'

58. tempora certa modosque. The adj. belongs to both subst. Cp. the equivalent ' pedibus numerisque ' of v. 7, ' regularity in quantities and rhythm.'

60. The Schol. here and Servius on Virg. Aen. 7. 622 ' Belli ferratos rupit Saturnia postes ' attribute these verses to Ennius.

62. etiam vvith disiecti ; ' in our case you would not recognise, as you would in the case of Ennius, the limbs, even though you had dismembered him, of a poet.'

63. iustum, ' proper,' ' legitimate.' The subj. is ' genus hoc scribendi.'

65. Sulcius . . . Caprius, ' delatores et causidici ' Porph. Neither appellation can be strictly accurate, as the use of ' delator ' for an informer is post-Augus- tan and ' causidicus ' is a term of the civil not criminal courts. It is usually supposed that the persons meant are professional accusers (such as are called ' quadruplatores ' Cic. Div. in Caec. 7. 24 et al.) Ritter prefers to think of the ' apparitores ' of the aediles, i. e. police officers. The names here may possibly be literary. Caelius occurs in Lucil. 30. 117, and in a context (' ut semel in Caeli pugnas te invadere vidi '), which is not unsuitable to a ' latro.'

acer, as ' canis acer,' ' of keen scent.' Perhaps Horace has actually in mind

the comparison of accusers to watch- dogs, which is in view in Epod. 6, and which forms the subject of an elaborate paragraph in Cic. pro Rosc. Am. 20. 55-57, a passage which well illustrates the view that the class here spoken of are men who made a trade of accusation.

66. rauci male, ' valde,' Schol., the adverb intensifying the unpleasant signi- fication of the adj. See on Od. 1. 17. 25. Perhaps ' with ill omened croak.' Tbey are hoarse with bawling in court.

libellis, notes of the case, deposi- tions, or other documents which the accusers would carry into court, as Juv. of the ' causidicus,' Sat. 7. 107 ' comites in fasce libelli.'

69. ut, concessive, ' even suppose that ; ' Madv. § 440 a, obs. 4.

70-73. The moods in this passage have caused considerable discussion. ' Sim ' has been altered (as by Heind. and Orelli) to ' sum.' On the other hand Bentley, following some inferior MSS. of Lambinus, would read ' recitem.' Orelli is unwilling to allow the general potential use 'modeste affirmantis' of the present subjunctive. He therefore alters ' sim,' and makes ' habeat ' opta- tive. If we keep ' sim ' it is possible either to make it the apodosis to ' ut sis,' 'even though you be like Caelius I need not be like Caprius,' or perhaps better (with Lambinus) to make it a further supposition in the concessive clause, the apodosis being ' cur metuas

LIB. I. SAT. 4.


Nulla taberna meos habeat neque pila libellos, Quis manus insudet vulgi Hermogenisque Tigelli. Nec recito cuiquam nisi amicis, idque coactus, Non ubivis coramve quibuslibet. In medio qui Scripta foro recitent sunt multi quique lavantes: Suave locus voci resonat conclusus. Inanes Hoc iuvat, haud illud quaerentes, num sine sensu, Tempore num faciant alieno. ' Laedere gaudes,' Inquit, ' et hoc studio pravus facis.' Unde petitum Hoc in me iacis? Est auctor quis denique eorum Vixi cum quibus? Absentem qui rodit amicum ;



me ' ? ' If you had clean hands you might laugh at the informers, but sup- posing that you are like Caelius, while / am not like Caprius, why should you fear me'? The mutual opposition of the two clauses under ' ut ' is expressed by the emphatic ' tu sis,' ' non ego sim,' ' you are, I am not.' ' Habeat ' is potential. We are still feeling the hypo- thetical construction of ' ut sis,' etc. ' It does not follow that my writing should lie in any bookseller's shop.' To make it optative renders the transition to ' nec recito ' impossible, as Bentley felt. You can pass from a modified statement to an unmodified one, but a wish and a fact cannot be connected by ' nec.'

71. taberna . . . pila : cp. A. P. 374 ; variously explained of a pillar erected opposite a shop and of shops under arcades, such as are common in Italian towns now (see Burn's Rome and The Campagna, p. 90). The pillar opposite the shop would be used both as a support for an additional stall for exposing the wares, ' armaria quae apud pilas sunt ' Porph., and for hanging advertisements and specimens : cp. Mart. 1.118. 10 'Con- tra Caesaris est forum taberna Scriptis postibus hinc et inde totis Omnes ut cito perFegas poetas,' ib. 7. 61. 5 'nulla catenatis pila est praecincta lagenis.'

72. Hermogenis Tigelli, Sat. I. 3. 129, 1. 9. 25, 1. 10. 18, 80, 90; see Introd. to Sat. 1. 3. He is the represent- ative of the foppish and effeminate taste of the day in music and poetry. So that Horace says ' I do not mean to court popularity either with the crowd or with the would-be critics whose taste I value no higher.'

73. reeito : absol. as in Juv. S. 3. 9

' Augusto recitantes mense poetas.' Bentley, thinking euiquam inert, would read ' quicquam,' with very slight MS. authority.

75. lavantes, asMartial, 3. 44. 12, of the egotistical poet, ' in thermas fugio : sonas ad aurem.'

76. suave, etc, an iionical excuse, imagined for them. ' It is such a good room for sound.' The edd. compare Sen. Epist. 56 speaking of the noise en- dured by one who lodges near a bath ; ' adice illum cui vox sua in balneo placet.'

inanes, ' frivolous,' a Lucretian use, 1. 639 etc. This is the comment on the excuse.

77. sensu : cp. the use of ' sensus com- munis ' Sat. 1. 3. 66.

79. inquit, sc. 'aliquis,' of an imaginedanswer, evenwhenthepassageis generally m the second person ; so Sat. 2. 2. 99. It is a prose usage. Bentley quotes Cic. pro Clu. 34. 92 and pro Flacc.

23- 55- , , ,

studio, with faeis ; ' with zeal. As

Cicero ' studio accusare ' Rosc. Am. 32.

pravus : as we say ' from a crook in yournature.' So Sat. 2. 7. 71 ' quae belua ruptis Cum semel effugit reddit se prava catenis.'

80. quis, ' aliquis,' as Sat. I. 3. 63. denique : the same use as in an or-

dinary climax, though, as not unfre- quently, there are only two steps in the ascent. Cp. Epp.^2. 127.

81-103. Horace first gives a picture of the malignity of disposition. Then, in the light of this, he contrasts with his own comments on his neighbours, first the readily-conceded licence of the jester at the banquet, then the in- uendoes of a ' candid friend.'



Qui non dcfcndit alio culpante ; solutos

Qui captat risus hominum famamque dicacis ;

Fingere qui non visa potest ; commissa tacere

Qui nequit ; hic niger est, hunc tu, Romane, caveto. 85

Saepe tribus lectis videas cenare quaternos,

E quibus unus amet quavis aspergere cunctos

Praeter eum qui praebet aquam ; post hunc quoque potus,

Condita cum verax aperit praecordia Liber.

Hic tibi comis et urbanus liberque videtur, 90

Infesto nigris. Ego si risi quod ineptus

Pastillos Rufillus olet, Gargonius hircum,

Lividus et mordax videor tibi ? Mentio si quae

De Capitolini furtis iniecta Petilli

82. defendit : for the lengthened syllable cp. Sat. i. 5. 90 ' soleat,' 1. 9. 21 ' subiit,' 2. 1.82 ' condiderit,' 2. 2. 47 ' erat,' 2. 3. 187 ' velit,' 2. 3. 260 ' agit;' see on Od. 1. 3. 36.

85. niger, ' malignant. ' Compare the use of /«A.as ; see Liddell and Scott.

Romane. The emphatic ' tu ' calls attention to the import of the name. ' Tu qui vere Romanus sis.'

86. quaternos, four on each ' lectus.' It looks as if three, the number com- monly found in the references of litera- ture, was the limit only in the more luxurious society. On the other side five is spoken ofas an excessive number, Cic in Pis. 27. 67 ' Graeci stipati, qnini in lectulis.' The contrast ot numbers, ' quaternos ' ' unus,' seems to mean ' some one in a large party.'

87. amet. The reading of V, against the vulg. ' avet.' The subjunctive is more fitting in what technically is a relative clause in the orat. obl. dependent on ' videas,' and substantially is the most important statement in the sen- tence : the less important additions, ' qui praebet,' ' cum aperit ' may stand in the indic, see Madv. § 369. For ' amet ' cp. Sat. I. 10. 60, etc, and see on Od. 2. 3. 10.

quavis, as Catullus (40. 6, 76. 14) used ' qualibet ; ' but by the choice of the designation for ' the host ' in the next line ' qui piaebet aquam,' a reflected force is thrown on ' quavis,' as though it were ' aqua ' that was to be under- stood, 'with water whether clean or foul.'

88. qui praebet aquam. The ex- pression must have come from an tpavos, where the guests brought all but the water ; see Od. 3. 19. 6 ' quis aquam tem- peret ignibus,' and cp. Sat. 2. 2. 69. There seems here to be some play both on the preceding words ' aspergere,' etc, and on the following, ' when he has gone from water to wine.'

post, ' postea.'

91. infesto nigris : though you hate the character described above as ' malig- nant.'

92. From Sat. 1. 2. 27, and standing generally as a type of the personalities of Horace's Satires. Similarly in Sat. 2. 1. 22 he quotes 'Pantolabum scurram Nomentanumque nepotem' from Sat. 1. 8. n.

pastillos (dim. of ' panis '), lozenges, of aromatic substances, used to scent the breath, Mart. 1. 88. 2.

93. lividus, ' spiteful.'

mordax : for the figure cp. Od. 4. 3. 16, Epp. 1. 18. 82, and especially Epod. 6. 15, where ' atro ' = ' livido.'

si quae. So K. and H. after the best MSS. It is Horatian ; see Sat. 1. 6. 10 ' si . . . fors quae mihi monstret.'

94. Capitolini Petilli, Sat. 1. 10. 25 ' cum Dura tibi peragenda rei sit causa Petilli,' the subject of a ' cause celebre ' in Horace's time not elsewhere men- tioned. We should naturally think of some trial ' de peculatu.' The Scholiasts complete the story : ' Fingit se loqui cum quodam qui amicus sit Petillii, amici Caesaris, qui accusatus quod coronam Iovis Capitolini rapuisset

LIB. I. SAT. 4-

Te coram fuerit, defendas ut tuus est mos : ' Me Capitolinus convictore usus amicoque A puero est, causaque mea permulta rogatus Fecit, et incolumis laetor quod vivit in urbe ; Sed tamen admiror, quo pacto iudicium illud Fugerit.' Hic nigrae sucus loliginis, haec est Aerugo mera : quod vitium procul afore chartis Atque animo prius ut si quid promittere de me Possum aliud vere, promitto. Liberius si Dixero quid, si forte iocosius, hoc mihi iuris Cum venia dabis : insuevit pater optimus hoc me, Ut fugerem exemplis vitiorum quaeque notando. Cum me hortaretur, parce, frugaliter, atque Viverem uti contentus eo quod mi ipse parasset : ' Nonne vides Albi ut male vivat filius, utque Baius inops ? Magnum documentum ne patriam rem Perdere quis velit.' A turpi meretricis amore Cum deterreret : ' Scetani dissimilis sis.' Ne sequerer moechas concessa cum venere uti Possem : ' Deprensi non bella est fama Treboni,'





1 10

absolutus est.' ' Cum Capitolio praeesset coronam rapuit. Ex crimine Capito- linus Petillius vocabatur.' The account is discredited by two facts, (1) Capito- linus is known to have been a proper ' cognomen ' in the gens Petillia. (2) The crime of robbing Capitoline Jove of his crown is provcrbial as early as Plautus, Trin. 1. 2. 46, Menaechm. 5. 5. 38. See Introd. to Satires, p. 9. For the inversion of family and gentile name see on Od. 2. 2. 3 ' Crispe Salusti.'

96. amicoque : for the hypermeter, cp. 1. 6. 103 ' peregreve,' Virg. G. 1. 295.

100. nigrae, recalling the ' niger ' of vv. 85, 91. This is blackness itself.

101. aerugo mera. Horaceusesthe expression again A. P. 330 of avarice, ' aerugo et cuia peculi,' fixing the mean- ing here as a ' poisonous canker ' of the mind. Martial's use of theword 10. 33. 5 ' viridi tinctos aerugine versus,' and 2. 61. 4are recollections of thispassage.

102. prius, to go still further back. ut, sc. 'promitto si quid,' etc, 'as

I promise anything else that I can pro- mise with truth.'

104. hoc may be the abl. as in Sat. 2. 2. 109 ' pluribus assuerit mentem,' or a cogn. accus. after the precedent of the double accusative with ' docere,' etc. There is some MS. authority for the reading ' insevit ' which Lambinus com- pleted by the conjectural reading 'mi,' but H. is speaking of his fathers instruc- tion, not of inherited dispositions.

106. notando describes the father's mode of teaching the lesson ; ' branding by means of examples the vices one by one, that I might avoid them.' It has been less satisfactorily taken after 'fugerem ' of Horace's own action, ' ut fugerem ' in that case explaining ' hoc'

109. male vivat, ' has a bad life of it.' Epp. 1. 17. 10, opp. ' bene vivere ; ' see below on v. 138.

Albi filius : see above on v. 28.

110. Baius, 80 K. and H. with the /S best MSS. including the four Bland. The name occurs in inscriptions. Other MSS. give Barrus, Barus, Varus, Balbus, etc. Bentley conj. ' ut qui Tarts ' or A< ' Farris.'

inops, sc ' sit.'



Aiebat. ' Sapiens. vitatu quidque petitu 115

Sit melius, causas reddet tibi : mi satis est si

Traditum ab antiquis morem servare tuamque,

Dum custodis eges, vitam famamque tueri

Incolumem possum ; simul ac duraverit aetas

Membra animumque tuum, nabis sine cortice.' Sic me 120

Formabat puerum dictis ; et sive iubebat

Ut facerem quid : ' Habes auctorem quo facias hoc ; '

Unum ex iudicibus selectis obiiciebat ;

Sive vetabat : ' An hoc inhonestum et inutile factu

Necne sit addubites, flagret rumore malo cum 125

Hic atque ille ? ' Avidos vicinum funus ut aegros

Exanimat, mortisque metu sibi parcere cogit,

Sic teneros animos aliena opprobria saepe

Absterrent vitiis. Ex hoc ego sanus ab illis

Perniciem quaecunque ferunt, mediocribus et quis 130

Ignoscas vitiis teneor. Fortassis et istinc

Largiter abstulerit longa aetas, liber amicus,


115. quid . . . causas, a brachy- logy = ' causas cur hoc vel illud melius sit vitatu petituve.' For the position of ' que' see on Od. I. 30. 6. ' A philosopher will explain to you the grounds of moral choice. My aim is only practical, for myself to keep traditional rules of con- duct ; and for you, to preserve your life and your good name till you are old enough to take care of yourself.'

118. custodis, that is, naiSayajyov. Cp. A. P. 161 and see on Sat. 1. 6. 81. Horace's father discharged the duty him- self.

122. quo, sc. 'auctore;' 'apatternfor so acting.'

123. iudicibus selectis. The ex- pression describes the register (' album ') of ' iudices ' for the ' Quaestiones Per- petuae ' drawn up for the year by the ' Praetor Urbanus.' To be so selected was a proof of respectability. Cic. Clu. 43. 121 ' praetores urbani qui iurati debent optimum quemque in selectos iudices referre.' Ovid uses the expression in a similar way Am. 1.10. 38, Trist. 2. 132.

obiiciebat, ' suggested.'

124. an, to be taken before 'addubi- tes.' ' Can you then doubt ? ' see Madv.

§ 453-

iuhonestum et inutile, offending

against both canons at once of conduct,

'honestum' {rb ica\6v), and 'utile' (to cvpfpipov). Ep. 1.2.3' quid sit pul- chrum. quid turpe ; quid utile, quid non.' Cp. Cic. de Off. 3. 2.

125. flagret, as Cic. commonly, 'fla- grare invidia, infamia,' etc, 'to be in the full glow of,' i.e. to be the conspicuous victim of. Its more simple use is with passions, etc, ' amore ' Epod. 5. 81, ' desiderio,' ' cupidine,' which may be supposed to cause the ' glow ' from within.

126. avidos, sc 'edendi,'as in Od. 3. 23. 4 and Sat. 1. 5. 75, the object of the ' eagemess ' is to be inferred from the con- text; cp. Od. 3. 4. 58, where ' avidus' = ' avidus pugnae.'

aegros, predicative and temporal, ' when they are sick.'

127. sibi parcere. 'to be carefnl of themselves,' as Ep. 1. 7. 11 ' sibi par- cet.'

129. ex hoc, ' thanks to this' to my father's plan of education.

sanus ab. ' Sanus ' may be taken as a more coloured rendering of ' liber,' and taking the construction of that word, or we may compare ' securus ab,' ' metu- ere ab,' of the quarter, i. e. the respect, in which the danger exists.

132. liber, as above, v. spoken.'


; free-

LIB. I. SAT. 4.


Consilium proprium : neque enim, cum lectulus aut me

Porticus excepit, desum mihi : ' Rectius hoc est :

Hoc faciens vivam melius : Sic dulcis amicis 135

Occurram : Hoc quidam non belle : numquid ego illi

Imprudens olim faciam simile ? ' Haec ego mecum

Compressis agito labris ; ubi quid datur oti

Illudo chartis. Hoc est mediocribus illis

Ex vitiis unum ; cui si concedere nolis, 140

Multa poetarum veniat manus auxilio quae

Sit mihi (nam multo plures sumus), ac veluti te

Iudaei cogemus in hanc concedere turbam.

133. lectulus. Suet. Aug. 78 'A cena lucubratoriam se in lecticulam re- cipiebat. Ibi donec residua diurni actus aut omnia aut ex maxima parte confi- ceret. ad multam noctem permanebat in lectum inde trangressus.' So Ovid. Trist. 1. 11. 37 'Non haec in nostris ut quondam scripsimus hortis, Nec, con- suete, meum, lectule, corpus habes.' Horace spent the morning till ten o'clock on his couch, Sat. i. 6. 122.

134. portieus. Ep. 1. 1. 71, of the colonnades, of which there were so many in Rome (a fragment remains of the Porticus Octaviae, see Burn's Rome and The Campagna, p. 308) in which the citizens walked, or were carried in litters (Juv. S. 7. 178), and even drove (ib.

4- 5)-

135. vivam melius. It covers both 'better' and 'more happily;' see above, v. 109, and compare the use of ' bene vivere ' in a quasi-philosophical sense in the Epistles, Epp. 1. 6. 56, 1. 11. 29, 1. 15.45.

137. ' olim,' ' some day,' A. P. 386 ; see on Epod. 3. 1.

139. illudo chartis. The deprecia- tory use of ' ludo ' of a man's own com- positions (as in Sat. 1. 10. 37, see on Od. 1. 32. 2) with the addition ' in chartis.'

Horace is giving a final account of his vvriting of Satire. It is his playful and childlike method of self-rebuke and self- instruction.

141. veniat. It does not seem neces- saryto read 'veniet' against the majority of MSS. The coming is put hypotheti- cally, the result, if they do come, as a certain future.

142. multoplures, a comic exagger- ation (^Prof. Palmer well compares Juv. S. 14. 276 ' plus hominum iam est in pelago,' ' there are more men nowadays at sea than on land '), which serves the purpose of bringing the Satire to a close, suggesting at the same time Horace's familiar ironical plea for writing (Od. 1. 1, Sat. 2. 1. 24 foll.), that he claims the freedom of taste that all others claim. Here it is ' more than half the world vvrite poetry of some kind, and we should make common cause.'

143. Iudaei : the ref. is to their pro- selytizing spirit, S. Matt. 23. 15.

in hanc turbam, sc. 'in manum poet- arum.'

concedere. There is a certain play in keeping the same verb in slightly different senses : ' If you won't yield to us in one way you will have to do so in another.'




The idea of the Satire was from Lucilius. ' Lucilium hac satira aemulatus Horatius iter suum a Roma usque ad Brundisium describens quod et ille in tertio libro fecit, primum a Roma Capuam usque et inde fretum Siciliense.' A few frag- ments of the model exist : for one effect of its influence see note on p. 6.

A chief purpose doubtless of the Satire is to give a picture of the poet's relations to Maecenas, the freedom and absence of servility which characterize them ; the literary circle with which they were shared, the absence, even at a critical moment in state affairs, of any political bearing in the intimacy.

So strongly is this last characteristic reflected in the poem that it lacks any reference to public events by which we might have fixed the occasion and date of the journey.

The only occasion on which we know of an arrangement having been concluded at Brundisium between Octavianus and Antony was the so-called peace of Brundi- sium in E.C. 40 (the occasion of Virgifs 4A Eclogue), when Maecenas represented Octavianus, Pollio Antony, and Cocceius was added as a referee (koivos dfj.cf>oiv Appian, Bell. Civ. 5. 709). This is excluded by the conditions of the case, as Horace was cei tainly not admitted to Maecenas' circle before B. c. 38 ; see Introd. to Satires, pp. 3, 4. It is however alluded to in v. 29, where Maecenas and Cocceius are called ' legati aversos soliti componere amicos.' Kirchner (followed by Franke, Orelli, and Ritter) maintained that the journey belongs to the ' treaty of Tarentum ' in the spring of B. C. 37. Antony came on that occasion to Brundisium, as though that were the place appointed for meeting, but being ill-received by the inhabitants went on to Tarentum, where eventually terms were arranged tlirough the intervention of Octavia, who called in the help of Maecenas and Agrippa as friends of Octavianus (Plut. Ant. 35). There is no further evidence as to any journey of negotiators on behalf of Octavianus to Brundisium, and if they also went on to Tarentum it is not explained why Horace stops the story where he does. Schutz has lately suggested, with great probability, that the reference is to the pre- vious mission of Maecenas to Antony, then probably at Athens, in the autumn of 38 (Appian, B. C. 5. 728). Horace would then have accompanied him to the place of embarcation. It is natural that Maecenas should associate with himself for such a purpose Capito, who was a personal friend of Antony, and Cocceius, who had been previously employed by both sides as an impartial adviser. Cocceius is probably the M. Cocceius Nerva who was consul in B.C. 36, the great-grandfather of the Emperor Nerva. L. Fonteius Capito was ' consul suffectus ' in B. c. 30. We find him immediately after the ' treaty of Tarentum ' in Antony's company, and employed by him to bring Cleopatra to Syria.

1-6. Horace starts with Heliodorus and travels along the Via Appia, the first day to Aricia, the second to Appii Forum, reaching it in the evening.

7-26. The journey is continued through the night by boat along the canal [which had been part of a scheme of Octavianus for draining the Pomptine marshes (see A. P. 65)]. They land late in the morning, and have three miles to climb to Anxur on its cliffs.

27-33. Here the negotiators join them, coming possibly by sea.

LIB. I. SAT. 5. 61

34-38. Starting again they pass through Fnndi, where the chief magistrate is ful- sorae and consequential, and after a long day reach Formiae, where they sleep at a house belonging to Murena, Maecenas' brother-in-law, Capito (who probably also had a ' villa ' there) finding cook and dinner.

39-46. On the fifth day, as they pass through Sinuessa, Plotius Tucca, Virgil, and Varius join them. They sleep at a ' villula,' on the border of Latium and Campania.

47-49. On the sixth day they reach Capua early.

50-70. The seventh night is spent at Cocceius' ' villa ' beyond Caudium. [They are now beginning to cross the Appennines.] Here the amusement of the evening is described, the eneounter of the two ' scurrae.'

71-85. On the eighth day they reach Beneventum in the upper valley of the Vulturnus. [From this point the Via Appia proceeds through Venusia to Tarentum and from thence to Brundisium. Maecenas and his party go by a cross road which diverges from this and makes more directly for the N. coast.] The night is spent at a 'villa' near Trivicum. On the road they have been catching sight of the hill outlines of Horace's old neighbour- hood.

86-93. They have now crossed the pass and descend rapidly (tenth day) to a little town with a name intractable for hexameter verse, and which cannot be identified. The eleventh day takes them to Canusium, where Varius leaves them.

94-end. The twelfth to Rubi, a long stage in bad weather. The thirteenth to Barium. We are now on the coast. The fourteenth and fifteenth to Egnatia and Brundisium.

EGRESSUM magna me accepit Aricia Roma Hospitio modico ; rhetor comes Heliodorus, Graecorum longe doctissimus ; inde Forum Appi,

1. aceopit, ' welcomed,' Sat. 2. 6. 2. Heliodorus : otherwise unknown.

81, Virg.Aen. 3. 78. The verb is specially He has been identified by some with

used with ' hospitio,' as Cic ad Att. a writer on metre much praised by

2.15.4. Some good MSS. have ' exce- Marius Victorinus (fourth cent.) ' inter

pit ; ' cp. Liv. 38. 41 ' postero die Pria- Graecos huiusce artis antistes aut primus

ticus campus eos excepit.' Ifwe retain aut solus.' For another conjectural

'accepit,' the fact that Aricia was the identification see introd. to Od. 3. 19. ' first stopping-place ' is left to ' egres- 3. Graecorum longe doctissimus.

sum . . . Roma,' and the emphasis is laid Some good MSS. have ' linguae,' but

entirely on the contrast ' magna,' ' mo- the Schol. had ' longe ' ; ' linguae ' may

dico,' the exchange of the splendours of have been due to Od. 3. 8. 5 ' docte

Rome for the first experience of a sermones utriusque linguae,' and to

country inn. a sense of hyperbole in ' Graecorum

Aricia. Virg. Aen. 7. 762 foll., Juv.S. longe.' ' Graecorum ' to Horace would

4. 117 (Mayor, n.), Cic. Phil. 3. 6. 15. A be almost equivalent to 'rhetorum et

town sixteen miles from Rome, one mile grammaticorum,' but the hyperbole is

and a half beyond the modern Albano. intended and is playful. Thepresent town ofLariccia, which is on Forum Appi. Cic. ad Att. 2. 10.

the hillj covers the site of the ancient There, as in St. PauPs joumey to Rome

citadel, Aricia itself having lain in the (Acts 28. 15% it is mentioned in con-

valley to which the ' Via Appia' de- junction with ' TresTabernae ' asamong

scended by the 'clivus Aricinus,' the the stopping-places on the Via Appia.

haunt of beggars, Juv. 1. c. and Pers. 6. The ruins still exist at the forty-third

56. milestone from Rome.



Differtum nautis, cauponibus atque malignis. Hoc iter ignavi divisimus, altius ac nos Praecinctis unum : minus est gravis Appia tardis. Hic ego propter aquam, quod erat deterrima, ventri Indico bellum, ccnantes haud animo aequo Exspectans comites. Iam nox inducere terris Umbras et caelo diffundere signa parabat. Tum pueri nautis, pueris convicia nautae Ingerere. ' Huc appelle ! ' 'Trecentos inseris : ohe Iam satis est ! ' Dum aes exigitur, dum mula ligatur, Tota abit hora. Mali culices ranaeque palustres Avertunt somnos, absentem ut cantat amicam Multa prolutus vappa nauta atque viator Certatim. Tandem fessus dormire viator


4. nautis, eauponibus, because it was a stopping-place where travellers embarked on the canal. Strabo 5. 3. 6 describes the canal which ran by the side of the Via Appia through the Pomptine marshes to within a short dis- tance of Tarracina. It was used chiefly for night travelling, the boats being dragged by mules.

malignis : see Sat. 1. 1. 29 n.

5. hoc iter, i. e. the journey from Rome to Appii Forum.

altius praecinctis = ' expeditioribus,' a humorous adaptation of the measure- ment of distance in Hdt. and Thuc. evQSwtp dv5pi, as though all travellers went on foot.

6. minus gravis. Horace speaks, Epp. 1. 17. 53, of the roughness (' sale- bras ') of the road to Brundisium.

tardis : those who take it in short stages.

7. deterrima. ' Hodie quoque in Foro Appii viatores propter aquam quae ibi deterrima est manere vitant ' Porph. The badness of the water is explained by the neighbourhood of the marshes. Notice that the custom of mixing water with wine is so fixed that Horace does not get out of the difficulty by drinking his wine neat, but goes without his supper.

9. comites. Not his own party, for at present Heliodorus alone was with him, but others, possibly who had arrived before, who were to share the boat.

iam nox, etc. The heroic tone of

this verse and the next is meant to heighten by contrast the humour of the Dutch picture which follows, just as the ' Musa velim memores ' of v. 53 intro- duces the vulgar sparring of the clowns.

11. pueri nautis. The scene shifts from the supper room to the landing- place of the canal. ' Pueri ' are the slaves in attendance on travellers, ' nau- tae,' men in charge of the barges in which the journey was made.

12. huc appelle, of a slave hailing a boat.

trecentos inseris. Not an answer to ' huc appelle,' but another utterance distinguished in the babel of voices, of a boatman whose boaty^ boarded by a party larger than it will hold, or larger than was bargained for. ' Tre- centos,' hyperbole for a large number, Od. 2. 14.5, 3. 4. 79.

ohe ! Sat. 2. 5. 96 ' donec ohe iam . . . dixerit.'

14. mali, ' comice vituperantis : ' cp. Sat. 1. 1. 77 n., 'the rascally mosqui- toes.'

15. avertunt, sc. 'venientes;' 'warn them off.'

ut, ' whilst.' Ritter and Munro put a stop at ' somnos,' and connect this clause with the following sentence : ' whilst they are singing . . . there comes at last a hush and the bargeman sees his opportunity.'

16. prolutus. Sat. 2. 4. 26. vappa. Sat. 2. 3. 144.

viator. One of the passengers, as we should say, in the steerage.


LIB. I. SAT. 5.


Incipit, ac missae pastum retinacula mulae Nauta piger saxo religat stertitque supinus. Iamque dies aderat, nil cum procedere lintrem Sentimus, donec cerebrosus prosilit unus Ac mulae nautaeque caput lumbosque saligno Fuste dolat. Quarta vix demum exponimur hora. Ora manusque tua lavimus, Feronia, lympha. Milia tum pransi tria repimus atque subimus Impositum saxis late candentibus Anxur. Huc venturus erat Maecenas optimus atque Cocceius, missi magnis de rebus uterque Legati, aversos soliti componere amicos. Hic oculis ego nigra meis collyria lippus




31. cerebrosus, a word of Lucilins, 15. 18, a.Kp6\o\os.

prosilit, ' leaps ashore.' The canal we must suppose was very narrow, as the bargeman seems to have driven the mule from the boat ; he is now asleep on the bank.

22. saligno : cut for the pnrpose from the willows on the bank.

23. dolat. A comic word, as it seems properly to have been used of ' hewing,' ' trimming ' with an axe.

quarta. As an ' hour ' in the Roman sense was a twelfth part of the time between sunrise and sunset, the meaning of the ' fourth hour ' will vary with the time of year. If the journey was made, as seems likely, near the equinox, it will correspond nearly with the hour between nine and ten of our time. There is the further doubt whether ' at the fourth hour ' means at the beginning of it or at the end of it.

24. tua, Feronia, lympha. A shrine with a grove and fountain at the foot of the hills skirting the Pomptine marsh some three miles from Tarracina. Virgil mentions it in connection with Circeii and Anxur, Aen. 7. 800 ' viridi gaudens Feronia luco.' Feronia was an Italian goddess, who had also a shrine at the ioot of Mount Soracte, Liv. 1. 30.

25. pransi : the usual midday meal, Sat. 1. 6. 127.

repimus. An expressive word for the pace of carriages being dragged up a hill.

26. Anxur. The old (Volscian) name of Tarracina. It is the point at

which the Volscian hills, and also the Via Appia strike the sea. For its lofty situation see Liv. 5. 12 'alto loco situm,' (although elsewhere (4. 59) he describes it as ' urbs prona in paludes,' ' sloping down to the marsh '), cp. ' praecipites . . . Anxuris arces,' Lucan. 3. 84. For the white rocks Mart. 5. 1. 6 ' candidus Anxur.' Porph. speaks of the city as having descended in his day to the lower level, although there were still remains of building, even of the city walls, on the top of the hill where it stood in Horace's time.

27. huc venturus, probably by sea.

optimus. It has been doubted whether the epithet belongs to Maecenas or to Cocceius. Bentley is doubtless right in taking it with the latter. The same question has been raised at Sat. 1. 10. 82 ' Valgius et probet haec Octa- vius optimus atque Fuscus,' where the rhythm more imperatively than here requires the pause before ' optimus ' for ' atque Fuscus ' would be intolerable. It is also probably true that for Maecenas ' optimus ' would be as Bentley says ' com- pellatio paullo familiarior : ' it is a higher compliment to leave his name without an epithet. ' The worthiest of men ' is then almost an apology for bringing the name of Cocceius into such near relation with that of Maecenas.

29. soliti. As the previous peace of Brundisium had been due to their offices. For Cocceius and for the reference of this verse see above in Introd. to the Satire.

30. hic . . . ego. This is Horace's personal reminiscence of Tanacina, in



Illinerc. Interea Maecenas advenit atque Cocceius Capitoque simul Fonteius, ad unguem Factus homo, Antoni non ut magis alter amicus. Fundos Aufidio Lusco praetore libenter Linquimus, insani ridentes praemia scribae, Praetextam et latum clavum prunaeque vatillum.


contrast with the high affairs with which Maecenas and Cocceius were occupied.

nigra. Celsus (6. 6. 7) distinguishes two kinds of eyesalve, one called ri<ppiov, from its ashy colour. This and v. 49 are the onlyplaceswhere Horace speaks of himself as suffering from this weakness of the eyes, but he speaks as if it would be recognized as characteristic by his friends. Dillr., who thinks that it is only meant as a temporary effect of the night in the marshes, recalls Hannibal's loss of an eye from inflammation in the marshes of the Arno, Liv. 22. 2.

32. Capito Fonteius ; see Introd. to the Satire. For the order of the two

1*1 . names see on Od. 2. 2*3.

ad unguem factus, ' perfect,' in accomplishments and refinement; cp. A. P. 294. The metaphor is explained by Porph. as taken from workers in marble who test the finish of junctures by passing the nail over them. So Pers. S. 1. 64 'per leve severos Effundat iunctura ungues.' There are parallel phrases in Greek (see Liddell and Scott, S. vv. 6Vuf, 6vvxi£eiv, egovvxifciv).

33. non ut magis alter. Cp. Sat. 1. 7. 1 9 ' uti non Compositum [par] melius cum Bitho Bacchius ', 2. 8. 48 'sic convenit ut non Hoc magis ullum aliud.' It may be doubted in such cases whether 'ut' = ' that,' the verb understood being subj., ' to such an extent that no second person is more so,' or ' as,' the verb being indic, ' as no one else is in a greater de- gree.' The comparison of the constr. of v. 41 ' quales neque candidiores Terra tulit ' is in favour of the latter. For the position of ' non ' we may com- pare 'non qui ' in Epp. 1. 15. 28.

34. Fundos, hod. ' Fondi,' a town five miles inland, and halfway (thirteen miles from each) on the Via Appia, be- tween Tanacina and Fcrmiae. The Aufi- dia gens appears from Suet. Calig. 23 to have been native to Fundi, although some members of it attained ofhce at Rome.

praetore. Acrons note is 'prae-

torem pro magistratu dixit, id est deeemviro,' and Heindorf quotes Cic. de Leg. Agr. 2. 34. 92 ' cum venissem Capuam coloniam deductam L. Consi- dio et Sext. Saltio. quemadmodum ipsi loquebantur, praetoribus . . . Nam pri- mum cum ceteris in coloniis duumviri appellentur hi se praetores appellari volebant.' Other details follow, of their making their lictors carry ' fasces ' in- stead of wands, etc. Fundi is named by Festus as one of the ' Praefecturae ' to which the Praetor Urbanus sent yearly a ' Praefectus iuri dicundo,' an officer who stood in the place of ' duumviri ' elected by the people. Aufidius Luscus would be the ' Praefectus.' The more dignified title of ' Praetor ' seems to be given to him in derision, perhaps as assumed by himself, as it was by the ' duumviri ' at Capua. The abl. absol. ' A. L. praetore ' is regular, and ' libenter ' goes closely with it. Fundi was not a place to stay long in during the ' praetorship ' of Aufi- dius.

35. praemia scribae : the preferment which this clerk from Rome has at- tained. Possibly Horace, himself a ' scriba,' knew him at Rome.

36. The 'praetexta/ or 'toga' with purple border, belonged to magistrates at Rome, and even in ' coloniae ' and ' municipia ' (Liv. 34. 7). The ' latus clavus,' or broad purple stripe down the front of the 'tunica' (Sat. 1. 6. 28) was the distinctive mark of the Senatorian order. Whether Aufidius had a right to the ' praetexta ' may be a question. Perhaps he is represented as assuming every possible distinction of dress, law- ful and unlawful. Orelli suggests that his ' latus clavus ' would seern especially ridiculous in the presence of Maecenas, who was contented with the equestrian ' angustus clavus.'

vatillum. So the MSS. spell it rather than ' batillum.' What was the purpose of the ' shovel of hot charcoal ' is a matter of guessing. Porph. speaks of his having it carried to his house from

LIB. I. SAT. 15



In Mamurrarum lassi deinde urbe manemus, Murena praebente domum, Capitone culinam. Postera lux oritur multo gratissima ; namque Plotius et Varius Sinuessae Vergiliusquc Occurrunt, animae quales neque candidiores Terra tulit neque quis me sit devinctior alter. O qui complexus et gaudia quanta fuerunt ! Nil ego contulerim iucundo sanus amico. Proxima Campano ponti quae villula, tectum



the public baths, apparently as a per- quisite. The Comm. Craq. says it was with the view of offering incense ' pro felici hospitum adventu.' In this case his offence would be officiousness as well as self-importance. Various other purposes have been suggested by editors early and late : the heating of branding irons for criminals who came before him, incense for the inauguration of his court ; some have thought that ' fireshovel ' is a contemptuous name for something car- ried before the ' praetor,' perhaps a clumsy imitation of the ' scipio eburneus ' of the consul. It was proposed early to read ' bacillum.' a 'little staff' or 'wand,' which Cruquius supported by reference to the passage quoted above from Cic. de Leg. Agr. 2. 34, where there is men- tion of the ' baculi ' carried before the magistrates of a country town. To suit this ' prunae ' has been further altered to ' pruni,' ' a wand of plum-tree wood.'

37. Mamurrarum urbe. A satirical description, ' the city of Mamurra's family,' as though it would be best known to theworld as the birth-place of one whose wealth and scandals were still in men's thoughts, the favourite of Julius Caesar, Suet. Jul. Caes. 73, 'decoctor Formianus ' of Catull. 41. The place is Formiae (hod. Mola di Gaeta) on the Sinus Caietanus.

38. Murena : see Od. 2. 10, introd., 3. 19. 11. They lodged in the house of Murena, Maecenas' brother-in-law, who it would seem was absent. The supper was provided by Fonteius Capito, one ofthe company, who also may have had a villa at Formiae, or who may have brought cook and materials for the entertainment.

40. Plotius. Plotius Tucca, one of Virgil's two literary executors, Varius


being the other. The three friends come together. Cf. the conjunction in Sat. 1. 10. 81 ' Plotius et Varius Maecenas Vergiliusque.' Horace owed his own acquaintance with Maecenas to Varius and Virgil, Sat. 1. 6. 54.

Varius, see on Od. 1. 6. 1.

Sinuessae, near the modern Mondra- gone. Here the Via Appia turns sharply inland.

41. quales neque candidiores. For constr. see on Epod. 5. 59, and cp. above note on v. 33, ' souls of such sort as have never walked the earth more purely white.'

42. terra tulit. Sat. 2. 2. 93, Virg. Aen. 11. 285.

neque quis : answering not to ' quales,' but to ' neque candidiores;' the subjunctive ' sit ' following ' quis ' = ' tales ut iis,' regularly : ' nor to whom any should be more closely bound than I.'

44. contulerim, potential, Madv. § 350 b ; ' sanus ' involves a condition ' so long as I am in my senses,' as in Sat. 1. 6. 89 ' Nil me paeniteat sanum patris huius.'

45. Campano ponti, a bridge over the Savo (hod. Savone), which here was the boundary of Latium and Campania. It was three miles beyond Sinuessa. There is nothing to indicate whether the ' villula ' was a private house or a public place of reception, whether an inn or a posting-house where travelling ofhcials (' qui reipublicae causa iter faciunt ' Porph.) received such enter- tainment as the ' parochi ' were bound to supply. This was limited, by a 'lex Iulia de repetundis,' to beds, fuel, salt, and fodder for horses ; see Cic. ad Att. 5. 16. The beginning of the prac- tice is described in Liv. 42. 1, and other allusions to it are found in Cic. ad Att.



Praebuit, et parochi quae debent ligna salemque. Hinc muli Capuae clitellas tempore ponunt. Lusum it Maecenas, dormitum ego Vergiliusque ; "Namque pila lippis inimicum et ludere crudis. Hinc nos Coccei recipit plenissima villa, Ouae super est Caudi cauponas. Nunc mihi paucis Sarmenti scurrae pugnam Messique Cicirrhi, Musa, velim memores, et quo patre natus uterque Contulerit lites. Messi clarum genus Osci ; Sarmenti domina exstat : ab his maioribus orti Ad pugnam venere. Prior Sarmentus : ' Equi te Esse feri similem dico.' Ridemus, et ipse


5. 10 and 21. Porph. gives ' copiarii ' as the proper Latin name of these ' parochi.' ' Parochus ' is used in a transferred sense in Sat. 2. 8. 36.

47. tempore, 'in good time,' 'early;' see Kritz on Sall. Jug. 56.

48. lusum, sc. ' pila.' For the game of ball see on Sat. 1. 6. 126. It is noticed that Horace dwells on what shows the individual freedom allowed in Maecenas' circle.

49. lippis : see above on v. 30. Horace had no infirmity which pre- vented him from playing ball at times ; see Sat. 2. 6. 49, where he speaks of playing with Maecenas.

inimicum. Sat. 2. 4. 53.

crudis, ' those suffering from indi- gestion,' Epp. 1. 6. 61. The author of the life of Virgil which bears Dona- tus' name mentions among his ail- ments that ' plerumque stomacho labo- ravit.'

51. super, the meaning is fixed by ' Caudi cauponas ; ' they overshot the usual halting-place, the inns of Cau- dium. It is worth noticing that a large number of good MSS. fall the Bland. included) read 'Claudi,' an illustration of the untrustworthiness of MSS. in the case of proper names ; see on Od. 3. 16. 41, 3. 20. 15. The mistake is later than the scholia of Porph., who has without hesitation ' supra tabernas Caudi oppidi.' It has begun to infect those of the Pseudo-Acron, which has side by side ' Caudium est civitas Sam- nii.' Lucan. ' Ultra Caudinas speravit volnera furcas,' and 'supra Caudi (some MSS. 'Claudi') cuiusdam cauponas.'

nunc mihi paucis, a mock heroic commencement. Cp. Juvenal's intro- duction of the story of the great fish, 4. 34 foll. Horace describes an encounter of wit between two buffoons (much like two jesters of feudal times), one of whom (Sarmentus) is travelling in Mae- cenas' train— the other (Messius) is a native of the neighbouring country (the Oscan language covered Samnium as well as Campania. see Liv. 10. 20), and belongs probably to Cocceius' household.

52. Sarmenti. Juv. S. 5. 3 ' Si potes illa pati quod nec Sarmentus iniquas Caesaris ad mensas nec vilis Galba tulisset,' on which the Scholiast tells us that he was of Etruscan origin, a slave of M. Favonius, who, on the proscription and death of his master, passed into Mae- cenas' possession, and was freed by him ; he became a ' scriba ' and sat in the knights' seats, which exposed him to a prosecution. He fell again eventually to indigence.

Cieirrhi, KiKtppos acc. to Hesychius meant ' a cock.'

54. contulerit lites. a modification of ' conferre certamina,' to suit the wordy fray.

clarum : merely ironical, as ' opicus ' = ' clownish ; ' or with special reference to the combat to come, ' famous in this field;' the ' Atellanae fabulae ' (Liv. 7. 2) originated with them.

Osci may be nom. plur. or gen. sing.

55. domina, sc. the widow of Fa- vonius ; see on v. 52.

LIB. I. SAT. 5.


Messius ' Accipio,' caput et movet. ' O, tua cornu Ni foret exsecto frons,' inquit, ' quid faceres, cum Sic mutilus miniteris ? ' At illi foeda cicatrix Setosam laevi frontem turpaverat oris. Campanum in morbum, in faciem permulta iocatus, Pastorem saltaret uti Cyclopa rogabat : Nil illi larva aut tragicis opus esse cothurnis. Multa Cicirrhus ad haec : Donasset iamne catenam Ex voto Laribus, quaerebat ; scriba quod esset, Nihilo deterius dominae ius esse. Rogabat Denique cur unquam fugisset, cui satis una Farris libra foret, gracili sic tamque pusillo. Prorsus iucunde cenam producimus illam.



58. accipio. Ter. Andr. 5. 4. 48 ' Ch. Dos, Pamphile, est decem talenta. Pam. Accipio,' ' I am satisfied.' ' Be it so.' Mr. Yonge compares Soph. El. 668 (8e£a/j.r]i' to prjOiv.

movet, i.e. as acting the part.

cornu rii foret exsecto, in reference probably to the supposed 'unicorn,' which Pliny N. H. 8. 21 describes as ' asperrima fera reliquo corpore equo similis.'

60. at opposes the true explanation to the humorous one given by Sar- mentus. Cp. Epp. 1. 2. 42.

61. setosam : the picture of his bristly hairs low on the forehead helps the resemblance to the wild horse.

62. Campanum morbum. The Scholiasts were puzzled. The Comm. Cruq. connects it with the verse before, explaining it of warts or excrescences which grew on the forehead, and which when removed would leave a scar. Heindorfs note suggests its probable connection with the jest which follows, through the name given (by Aristotle and Galen) to a similar complaint <Ta.Tvpia.cris. Compare the connection in Epp. 2. 2. 125 of the Satyr and the Cyclops-dance, and notice that Horace kept in mind the etymological connec- tion of 'tragicus ' with Tpayos, ' a goat,' A. P. 220.

63. pastorem Cyclopa, the accu- sative as in Epp. 2. 2. 125. For the nature of these dances see Dict. Ant. s. v. ' Pantomimus.'

64. larva, here of the mask with white


paint and gaping mouth ('personae pallentis hiatus'), which, according to Juvenal (3. 1 75 \ frightened children from a rustic stage.

65. A satirical reference to the prac- tice of dedicating to some god imple- ments that their owner has done with (as the gladiator in Epp. 1. 1. 4, and the lover in Od. 3. 26. 3) ; perhaps specially, as the Scholiasts say, to the custom among freebom youths on attaining manhood of consecrating to the Lares their ' bulla.' Martial has a similar gibe (possibly with reference to this passage), on a man who from slavery had become an ' eques ' : 3. 29 ' Has cum gemina compede dedicat catenas, Saturne, tibi Zoilus annulos priores.' The ' catenae' would imply that he had run away and been sentenced to the ' ergastulum ' to work in chains.

67. nihilo, a disVll., as always/s in Lucret. ; see Munro on Lucret. 1.


68. una farris libra. Heindort points out. from Aul. Gell. 20. 1, that this was by the Twelve Tables the minimum allowance to be made to a debtor in prison. Cato, De R. R. 56, fixes the usual allowance of slaves in the country at from four to five modii a month. This would give as the daily portion about three times what is mentioned here. Slaves it would seem from this ran away on account of bad fare.

70. producimus, so the great ma- jority of MSS. against ' produximus.' Orelli's argument that the present would



Tenclimus hinc recta Beneventum ; ubi sedulus hospes

Paene macros arsit dum turdos versat in igni :

Nam vaga per veterem dilapso flamma culinam

Volcano summum properabat lambere tectum.

Convivas avidos cenam servosque timentes

Tum rapere, atque omnes restinguere velle videres.

Incipit ex illo montes Apulia notos

Ostentare mihi, quos torret Atabulus et quos

Nunquam erepsemus, nisi nos vicina Trivici

Villa recepisset, lacrimoso non sine fumo,

Udos cum foliis ramos urente camino.

Hic ego mendacem stultissimus usque puellam

Ad mediam noctem exspecto : somnus tamen aufert



require 'hanc' rather than 'illam' seems to be answered by v. 77.

71. recta, 'without halts.' This seems to be mentioned because the stage is a short one, twelve miles. Bene- ventum owed to its position on the Appian road much of its historical im- portance, and especially the trinmphal arch in memory of Trajan's Dacian triumph which still adorns it.

hospes, as ' hospitium ' in v. 2 of an innkeeper. The picture is comic ; the bustling host, the roaring fire, the skinny fieldfares.

72. macros. Contrast Epp. I. 15. 41 ' obeso Nil melius turdo;' cp. Sat.

2. 5. 10. The host has got what is reckoncd a dainty, but they are in poor condition.

arsit, set himself (i.e. his house) on fire. As Virg. Aen. 2.311' iam proximus ardet Ucalegon,' Juv. 3. 201 ' Ultimus ardebit.' The confused order of the words ' Paene macros arsit dum turdos versat' may be compared with Sat. 1.

3. 70, 2. 1. 60, 2. 3. 211; and see note on Od. 1. 6. 2. Orelli and Dillr. suggest (perhaps fancifully) that it is in imitation of the scene of confusion de- scribed. For the tense of ' versat ' cp. inf. v. 100 and Sat. 2. 4. 79 ; Epp. 1. 2. 21, 2. 1. 7, 2. 2. 27; A. P. 465 : and see Madv. 336, obs. 2.

73. Note the mock heroic rhythm and phraseology, 'dilapso Volcano,' etc. The firegod slipped abroad amid the old rafters of the kitchen, and the llame on its travels was well nigh wrapping the rooftree.'

75. avidos, timentes. The guests thought of their spoiling dinner the slaves of the blame to be laid at their doors. The other touches are graphic. The first thought is to save the supper, the second to put out the fire. Note also the art which puts ' avidos ' next to ' cenam.'

76. videres, the past tense of ' videas ' = ' videre licebat ; ' see on Sat. 1. 3. 5.

77. notos, the mountains which stood at the head of the waters of his own Aufidus.

78. Atabulus. It is named in Pliny (N. H. 17. 37. 8) as a hot dry wind peculiar to Apulia and destructive to vegetation. Cp. the Vulturnus, a wind which blew on the plains of Apulia, ' torridis siccitate campis ' Liv. 22. 46, and carried clouds of dust in the eyes of the Romans at Cannae.

79. erepsemus, of the slow process of climbing to the top of the pnss. For the form cp. Sat. 1. 9. 73 ' surrexe,' 2. 3. 169 ' divisse,' 2. 3. 273 ' percusti,' 2. 7. 68 ' evasti.'

vicina, constructed as a subst. with gen.

Trivici. ' Trivicum ' is not men- tioned elsewhere. The modern town of Trevico is on the top of a hill ; the farmhouse (' villa') where the travellers found refuge before their final ascent, lay, no doubt, below it in the valley.

80. lacrimoso fumo. A grievance which would try Horace especially, v. 49. They were among the hills now and might need fires for warmth as well as cooking.

LIB. I. SAT. 5.

Intentum Veneri ; tum immundo somnia visu Nocturnam vestem maculant ventremque supinum. Quattuor hinc rapimur viginti et milia rhedis, Mansuri oppidulo quod versu dicere non est, Signis perfacile est : venit vilissima rerum Hic aqua ; sed panis longe pulcherrimus, ultra Callidus ut soleat humeris portare viator ; Nam Canusi lapidosus, aquae non ditior urna Qui locus a forti Diomede est conditus olim. Flentibus hinc Varius discedit maestus amicis.



86. rapimur : they had crossed the pass and their road led down to the Apulian plain.

87. quod versu dicere non est. Ov. Met. 3. 478 ' quod tangere non est,' Virg. G. 4. 447 'neque est te fallere quicquam.' Cp. Sat. 2. 5. 103, Epp. 1. 1. 32. Orelli prefers to understand ' facile ' from the contrasted clause. The whole expression is from Lucilius, 6. 39, whom the Scholiast quotes, ' Servorum est festus dies hic, Quem plane hexametro versu non dicere possis.' The Scholiasts go on to say that the place in question was Equus Tuticus (or Equotuticus). This, however, has been clearly proved to be a mistake. They were misled by a change in the course of the eastern branch of the Via Appia which dates from the reign of Trajan. Equus Tu- ticus was a stage on this Via Traiana, twenty-one miles from Beneventum. Horace and his companions seem to have taken a line to the South of this. To have gone by Trivicum to Equus Tuticus would have been to follow two sides of a triangle. Walckenaer fixes on Asculum, which is about the right distance from Trivicum and on the road which they seem to have travelled, but if we remember that Trivicum would have been unheard of but for this refer- ence, and that the Scholiasts were at fault, it will seem more likely that this ' oppidulum ' is one of which the name has perished.

88. venit vilissima : what is usually the least expensive thing in the world has here to be bought. This is the contrast, not ' vilissima ' and ' pulcher- rimus.'

89. ultra : to further stopping places. For the carrying of bread on a journey see on Sat. 1. 1. 47.

90. soleat. For lengthening of the syllable see on Sat. 1. 4. 82.

91. Canusi, Sat. 1. 10. 30, 2. 3. 16S. Near the south side of the Aufidus, four- teen miles from its mouth. In the im- mediate neighbourhood was the field of Cannae. Before reaching Canusium the old road joined the line of the ' Via Traiana,' so that the travellers are again on a route recognised in the Itineraries.

aquae non ditior urna, agreeing with ' locus ; ' with ' aquae non ditior' cp. the parallel expression in which Horace makes the same complaint of Apulia generally, ' pauper aquae Daunus ' Od. 3. 30. 1 1 (cp. ' siticulosae Apuliae ' Epod. 3. 16). There are still some re- mains of an aqueduct .which is said to have been built some 200 years later, to supply this deficiency, by the wealthy and munificent rhetorician, Atticus Herodes.

urna : the measure of capacity, as in Sat. 1. 1. 54.

92. Bentley (taking 'urna' in v. 91 as a nom.) would eject this line as dull and faulty. He criticizes especially the phrase ' condere locum,' but it may be justified probably (as Heindorf saysx< by the Greek tcri^eiv xwpav, vrjcrov, k.t.A. Orelli thinks point was given to the line by its being an echo of Ennius. who in describing Cannae would have mentioned Canusium. Ritter would lay stress on ' forti,' the fit founder of a ' durum genus,' who can eat gritty bread and drink bad water. For the legend of Diomede's settlement in Apulia see Virg. Aen. 11. 243 foll. Canusium was one of the towns whose foundation was attributed to him, Strab. 6. 283, 284. For its continuous Greek character cp. Sat. 1. 10. 30 'Canusini bilinguis.'


Inde Rubos fessi pervenimus, utpote longum

Carpentes iter et factum corruptius imbri.

Postcra tempestas melior, via peior ad usque

Bari moenia piscosi ; dein Gnatia Lymphis

Iratis exstructa dedit risusque iocosque,

Dum flamma sine thura liquescere limine sacro

Persuadere cupit. Credat Iudaeus Apella,

Non ego : namque deos didici securum agere aevum,

Nec si quid miri faciat natura, deos id

Tristes ex alto caeli demittere tecto.

Brundisium longae finis chartaeque viaeque est.



94. Rubos, hod. Ruvo.

longum iter, thirty Roman miles. This upper road from Beneventum by Brundisium is described by Strabo (6. 282) as not more than a bridle road (fifxioviKT)), the carriage road ( d//a^7y\aros fidWov) passing through Venusia and Tarentum.

95. carpentes = ' quia carpebamus.' See a note of Kritz on Sall. Jug. 10. 2.

corruptius : ' iter ' in this clause is the road itself.

97. Bari piscosi. At Barium the road struck the coast, which thence- forward it follows. Bari is the first important station (seventy-five miles) on the railroad from Brindisi. It is, as it was, a fishing town.

Gnatia, or Egnatia, thiity-seven Roman miles from Barium. The miracle is mentioned by Pliny, N. H. 2. 11 1 ' In Salentino oppido Egnatia imposito ligno in saxum quoddam ibi sacrum protinus flammam exsistere.'

Lymphis iratis, ' under the dis- pleasure of the water-goddesses.' Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 8 'iratis natus paries dis.' Yarro R. R. 1. 1. 6 has 'Lympha' as a water-goddess, and the appellation has been found in inscriptions. The

word is apparently the same as Nympha (cp. Od. 1. 37. 14 ' lymphatam '), an earlier or alternative transliteration from the Greek. For other instances of the change between / and n see Curtius, Etym. 3. 37, Meyer, Vergl. Gr. 1. 65.

99. dum . . . cupit. For tense see supr. on v. 72.

100. Apella, the Roman form of the Greek Apellas or Apelles, as Marsya Sat. 1. 6. 120, etc. It seems to be a special name taken at random for one of a class, as Dama, Davus, etc, a Jewish freedman. The name is fre- quent among ' libertini ' in inscriptions ; three of the name are mentioned in Cicero.

101. namque deos didici, 'I am one of those of whom Lucretius speaks who have learnt his lesson ' (5. 83 and 6. 56) ' bene qui didicere deos securum agere aevum.'

103. tristes, as Mr. Yonge points out, corresponds to ' securum ' v. 101 ; the special lesson which he has unlearnt is that natural phenomena are expres- sions of emotion in the gods. ' Tristes ' is the opp. of ' laeti ' Od. 3. 21. 21.

104. que . . . que : as of the journey so of the story.

LIB. I. SAT. 6. 71



Verses 1-6. Your princely Etruscan lineage does not lead you, Maecenas, to do what many do, despise such humbly born people as me the ' freedman's son.' 7-18. You think if a man is himself free born it matters little what his parents were, and your historical reasoning is sound ; Servius Tullius was not the first of no ancestry who lived honourably and climbed to great position ; on the other hand not ' all the blood of all ' the Valeiii made even the Roman people, for all their worship of ancestry, think Laevinus worth anything. How much sounder should our judging be ! 19-26. It is no doubt all fair in political matters. It serves me right, if I, though a Decius, am rejecled in favour of a Laevinus, or if an Appius as Censor strikes me off the senate. Why can't I be contented with my own place ? But the well born have no monopoly of foolish ambition. You, Tillius, had better have rested without trying to regain your tribune's rank. You were less exposed to envy. 27-44. V\'hen a man gains a public position he makes the world ask about his birth, as a man who sets up as a good-looking fellow makes them pull his features to pieces. ' A slave's son going to order the execution of citizens ' ? ' Nay, Novius my colleague is a rank lower still.' ' That does not make you an aristocrat. Besides he has a stentorian voice, that is his claim on us.' 45-64. To go back to myself. People carped at me as ' a freedman's son ' when I was a military tribune. They do so now because I am admitted to your house. The first perhaps was fair, the second is not. There was no luck about it. It was no chance introduction. Virgil and Varius told you what I was like. When I was introduced to you I was too much abashed to say much, but at least I made no pretensions. I said what was true about my birth and state. You answered little, but nine months after you sent for me and gave me a place in your friendship. I value this because I take it as a compliment not to my birth but to myself. 65-84. At the same time any merits of character that I possess, I am eager to acknowledge, I owe to my father. Poor as he was he insisted on giving me the best education. He brought me to Rome, spared nothing on me, would trust me to no ' custos ' but himself. He guarded me not only from actual evil but from breath of reproach. 85-97. He did not mind if it ended in my coming down to his own trade after all I have not done so, and I owe him all the more credit and thanks. Never in my senses could I be ashamed of such a father. I have no inclination to apologize for him. I would not change him if I could. 98-109. The world may think this madness, but you will perhaps think it a pioof of sense ; for position brings burdens, duties, expenses. Now I may live as I like ; no one will accuse me of meanness as they do Tillius. 110. I am freer than he I walk out alone, amuse myself as I choose ; come


home to my simple supper, go to sleep without care, lie in bed as long as I like, spend the day according to my tastes. This is the life of those who are free from the pain and the burden of ambition a happier life than if my whole family had been quaestors.

Though the Satire is mainly concerned in explaining and defending his own position, it also aims, both in the general picture and in particular turns, at expos- ing that which Horace ranks next to avarice as a vice of Roman society (Sat. 2. 3. 165 f.), 'ambitio,' in the sense both of pretending to, and of seeking, greater position than belongs to you.

NON quia, Maecenas, Lydorum quicquid Etruscos

Incoluit fines nemo generosior est te,

Nec quod avus tibi maternus fuit atque paternus

Olim qui magnis legionibus imperitarent,

Ut plerique solent, naso suspendis adunco 5

Ignotos, ut me libertino patre natum.

Cum referre negas quali sit quisque parente

Natus dum ingenuus, persuades hoc tibi vere,

Ante potestatem Tulli atque ignobilc regnum

1 . Lydorum quicquid, ' of all the Lydians,' etc. Epod. 5. 1 ' deoruin quicquid.' The Lydian origin of the Etrucans is a commonplace with the Latin poets, as Virg. Aen. 2. 7S1, 8. 479, 9. II. The legend is given in Herod. 1. 94 and was discredited by Dionys. Halicarn. I. p. 21 foll. For Maecenas' Etruscan origin see on Od. 1. 1. I, 3. 29. I.

4. legionibus : not in the technical Roman sense, for the reference is to Etruscan not to Roman armies. Cp. VirgiVs use of ' legio ' as in Aen. 8. 605, 9. 368, 10. 120. The rhythm of the verse is from Lucr. 3. 1028 ' magnis qui gentibus imperitarunt.'

5. naso suspendis aduneo. Sat. 2. 8. 64 ' Balatro suspendens omnia naso.' Cp. hvkt7]/A^(iv. 'fhe suggestion that the purpose of curling the nose is to hang on it the object of contempt is a comic touch of Horace's, as Persius recognizes in his repetition of the phrase 1. 118 ' [Flaccus] Callidus excusso populum suspendere naso,' ' with a sly talent for tossing up his nose and catch- ing the public on it ' Conington.

6. ignotos, as in v. 24. The reading of the line is doubtful. The majority of good MSS. have ' aut ' and so K. and H. printed. Their ' D ' (the MS. lost

in the siege of Strasburg) had ' ut,' and this is found as a correction in other MSS. Keller argues ( Epilegomenal strongly for ' ut,' on the ground of sense ; thinking ' aut ut,' ' et ut,' ' aut me ut,' which are given in MSS. of repute, confusions or adaptations due to ' ut ' having been written as a correc- tion over ' aut.' There is also a var- iant in MSS. of value, 'natos' for ' natum.' Professor Palmer reads ex coniectura, ' Ignoto, aut ut me libertino, patre natos,' thinking ' ignotos ' an early corruption which led to all the other alterations.

8. dum ingenuus, ' provided he is free-born,' the limit which Augustus set on admission to his table. Suet. Aug. 74 ' neminem unquam libertinorum adhibitum ab eo cenae, excepto Mena, sed asserto in ingenuitatem.'

vere, ' rightly.'

9. ante potestatem Tulli : the same formula as in Sat. 1. 3. 107 ' fuit ante Helenam.' ' It is an older thing than the standing historic instances, it is a law of life ' : Liv. 4. 3 ' Serv. Tullium . . . captiva Corniculana nalum, patre nullo, matre serva, ingenio, virtute regnum tenuisse,' Juv. S. 8. 259 ' An- cilla natus trabeam et diadema Quirini Et fasces meruit.'

LIB. I. SAT. 6.


Multos sacpe viros nullis maioribus ortos Et vixisse probos, amplis et honoribus auctos ; Contra Laevinum, Valeri genus, unde superbus Tarquinius regno pulsus fugit, unius assis Non unquam pretio pluris licuisse, notante Iudice quo nosti populo, qui stujtus honores



io. nullis maioribus : none that could be named, none who had ' im- agines ; ' so Livy 1. c. ' patre nullo.'

ii. et, with probos, vixisse being common to both clauses.

12. contra. The constr. is con- tinued from ' persuades hoc tibi vere.'

Laevinum. ' Hic P. Valerins [Lae- vinus] adeo foedis et proiectis in omnem turpitudinem moribus vixit ut provehi non potuerit ultra quaestoriam digni- tatem ' Porph. One Valerius Laevinus was distinguished in the war with Pyrrhus, another in the second Punic war, and a third triumphed over the Ligurians in B.c. 175. We are clearly to think here of a man of high lineage who on grounds of personal demerit failed to gain an election.

Valeri, sc. of P. Valerius Publicola the colleague of Brutus.

genus, of a single descendant, as ' Iapeti genus,' Od. 1. 3. 27, ' iuvenis . . . ab alto demissum genus Aenea ' Sat. 2. 5. 63.

unde, for ' a quo,' cp. esp. Od. 2. 12.7, and see on Od. 1. 7. 7 and 1. 12. 17. But this is the instance of its use most nearly of agency, for ' a quo ' rather than ' ex quo.'

superbus : an epithet, not merely a distinguishing ' cognomen.' The ' pride ' of Tarquiu heightens the historic fame of the house which took a leading part in expelling him.

13. pulsus fugit. The reading of V, though there is in one or two good MSS. the variant ' fuit.' Madvig discusses the tense in his Opuscula Academica, ii. p. 224. After showing that 'pulsus fuit ' is an inapplicable form here (mean- ing as it does ' he has been, and at present is in the condition of having been, banished,' for the simple passive aorist we require ' pulsus est '), he explains this as parallel with Virgil's use of the present in relative clauses where the leading verb is in a past tense, as Aen. 2. 275, 9. 266, 361, 11. 172. Cp. Sat. 1. 2. 56, 2. 3. 61, and see Persius' imitation 4. 2

' barbatum hoc crede magistmm Dicere, sorbitio tollit qucm dira cicutae ' with Conington's note.

unius assis . . . licuisse, ' was never estimated at more than the value of a single as.' Cp. Catull. 5. 2 ' Rumores . . . Onines unius aestimemus assis.' ' Pretio ' has also been taken as the abl. of measure, ' was never estimated (on that account) at more by the value of a single as.' But the point is the abso- lutely low value set on him. Horace does not mean to say that birth went for nothing withthe people ; otherwise it would contradict v. 9 ; but that no birth would make up for worthlessness even in the eyes of the worst judges. The expression may be compared with Arist. Equ. 945 toioi noWots tov(3o\gv, ' the many for an obol,' i.e. the worth- less crowd.

14. notante iudice : there is no strict relation between the technical meaning of the two words. The people's adverse judgment involves disgrace as the mark of the Censor would. ' Notare ' is a veib which Horace is fond of using in metaphors ; see on Sat. 1. 3. 24.

15 iudiee cjuo nosti. This con- struction was helped very probably by a flavour of resemblance to the Greek attraction of the relative, but it may be doubted whether there is any real attrac- tion. The instances quoted are all of one kind, and involving an ellipsis which it is at least possible so to supply as to account for the case apart from any attraction. In this case it is not (as Mr. Yonge points outj the equivalent of ' quem nosti ' ; ' quo ' is rather the indirect interrogative, there being substituted for a defining epithet of ' iudice ' the compound clause ' quo, nosti ' = o'iw oTada, ' ajudge, of what kind, you know.' Cp. Sall. Jug. 104 ' con- fecto quo intenderat negotio redit' ; where we may supply the ellipsis as well by writing ' quo confecto redire intenderat ' as ' quod conficere inten- derat ' ; Liv. 1. 29 ' quibus quisque



Saepe dat indignis et famae servit ineptus,

Oui stupet in titulis et imaginibus. Quid oportet

Nos facere a volgo longe longeque remotos?

Namque esto populus Laevino mallet honorem

Ouam Decio mandare novo, censorque moveret

Appius, ingenuo si non essem patre natus :

Vel merito quoniam in propria non pelle quiessem.

Sed fulgente trahit constrictos Gloria curru

Non minus ignotos generosis. Quo tibi, Tilli,

Sumere depositum clavum fierique tribuno?

Invidia accrevit, privato quae minor esset.

Nam ut quisque insanus nigris medium impediit crus


poterat elatis ' = ' elatis iis, quibus elatis quisque poterat [exire].'

17. stupet in. Virg. Aen. 10. 446 ' stupet in Turno.'

titulis to be closely connected with imaginibus, the waxen masks of an- cestry and the names and titles of honour inscribed on tlie presses in which they were kept. ' Let us accept the judg- ment of the world, want of rank is a disqualification a priori for office, in the opinion of people and aristocrats alike ; and not unreasonably ; but the tempta- tion to play the donkey in the fable is too strong for most of us.' The answer to the definite question ' quid oportet nos facere'? would be, ' to show our small esteem for rank more logically and thoroughly.'

18. nos. Maecenas and Horace. Their distance from the crowd is in feeling not in birth. Bentley thinking the expression arrogant would read against the MSS. ' vos.'

longe longeque. Ov. Met. 4. 325, and even in prose, Cic. de Fin. 2. 21. 68.

20. Decio . . . novo : ' one of the devotion of a Decius, if he was at the same time '' homo novus," ' i.e. had had no ancestor who had held a curule office. For the devotion of P. Decius Mus in the great Latin war see Liv. 8. 6. Cp. Virg. G. 2. 169, Juv. S. 8. 254 ' Plebeiae Deciorum animae,' etc.

moveret, sc. ' senatu ' : ' strike from the list of the senate.' Cp. ' movere loco ' Epp. 2. 2. 113, wherethe image is of the censor revising the list of the senate.

21. Appius. The reference is to Appius Claudius Pulcher, censor B.c.50,

who is named as exercising the ofhce with severity by Cic. ad Fam. 8. 14.

22. propria pelle, from the fable of the ass inthe lion's skin. Cp. Sat. 2. 1. 64.

23. trah.it eonstrictos, ' drags a captive bound at her chariot wheels.' The image of the personified love of glory (4>(AoTi/Ji'a) in her triumphal car is repeated in Epp. 2. 1. 177 ' ventoso gloria curru.'

24. An in^tance of this enslavement to the foolish desire of rank.

quo tibi. Madv. § 239 ; see on Epp. 1. 5. 12.

Tilli. The Scholiasts say that the refertnce is to one Tillius. a Pompeian who was removed from the senate by J. Caesar, and who after his death re- sumed his dignities and became a ' tri- bunus militum.' There is nothing to complete or corroborate this account. He appears in v. 107 as a ' praetor.' The laticlave (see on Sat. 1. 5. 36;, like the sandal leathers of v. 27, is part of the senator's distinguishing garb. It has been explained in close connection with ' fieri tribuno ' by reference to Suetonius' statement (Aug. 38) that Augustus al- lowed the sons of senators to wear the laticlave, and on joining the army to be- come at once ' tribuni ' ; but we gather from the context rather that Tillius was of humble birth, and in v. 110 emphasis is laid on the fact of his being a senator. He is represented as resuming his posi- tion both civil and military.

27. ut, from the time when. Od. 4. 4. 42, Epod. 7. 19, Sat. 2. 2. 128.

nigris pellibus. For the senator's shoe see Mayoron Jnv. S. 7. 192. Itwas

LIB. I. SAT. 6.


Pellibus et latum demisit pectore clavum,

Audit continuo : ' Quis homo hic est ? quo patre natus ? '

Ut si qui aegrotet quo morbo Barrus, haberi 30

Et cupiat formosus, eat quacunque, puellis

Iniiciat curam quaerendi singula, quali

Sit facie, sura, quali pede, dente, capillo :

Sic qui promittit cives, urbem sibi curae,

Imperium fore et Italiam, delubra deorum, 35

Ouo patre sit natus, num ignota matre inhonestus,

Omnes mortales curare et quaerere cogit.

' Tunc Syri, Damae, aut Dionysi filius, audes

Deicere de saxo cives aut tradere Cadmo ? '

' At Novius collega gradu post me sedet uno ; 40

Namque est ille, pater quod erat meus.' ' Hoc tibi Paulus

Et Messalla videris ? At hic, si plostra ducenta

Concurrantque foro tria funera, magna sonabit

apparently red (' mulleus '), fastened higher up the leg than other shoes (cp. ' medium impediit crus ') with four slrap« (' corrigiae ' | of black leather, and with a crescent (' luna ' Juv. 1. c) at- tached in front.

31. et. The reading of the best MSS., including 'omnes Ctuq.' It is epexegetic of the clause which precedes the ' same malady as that of Barrus,' being the desire to be thought hand- some. ' Ut,' which Orelli adopts, was a late reading, and intended to make this sense still clearer.

34. promittit, ' undertakes,' i. e. in offering himself for high office.

35. imperium : see on Od. 1.2. 26. Here its conjunction with ' Italiam ' marks its special reference to the foreign dominion, ' provinciae.'

38. Syri, etc. : three familiar names of slaves ; for Damae see on Sat. 2. 5. 18.

39. ' To exercise extreme powers against Roman citizens.' The special powers named are ideal (cp. Lucr. 3. 1029 ' Carcer et horribilis de saxo iactus eorum, Verbera, carnifices '), and we need not ask too particularly what spe- cial magistrate exercised them. Hurl- ing from the Tarpeian rock was still a recognised punishment in certain cases. Tac. Ann. 2. 32, 4. 29, 6. 19.

deicere, a trisyll. See Virg. Ecl. 3. 96 ' reice capellas.' Some MSS. how- ever have ' e ' for ' de.' So Orelli.

tradere Cadmo. ' Cadmus carnifex illo tempore fuisse dicitur' Porph. In answer to the objection taken by some editors that the ' carnifex ' had nuthing to do with Roman citizens, Cic. pro Rab. 411 is quoted, 'tu qui civibus Ro- manis carnificem, qui vincula, adhiberi putis oportere.' There is rather less variety than usual in the MSS. as to a proper name, but the explanation may be a guess. Acr.*has, after a note to the same effect as Porphyrion's, ' tradere, in exilium mittere,' which seems to mean that ' Cadmo ' (or some other word of vvhich it is a corruption) had been taken as the name of a place.

40. Novius can hardly but be a name chosen for its etymology, see p. 14.

gradu sedet. The expression is here figurative, though taken from the dis- tinctions of place in the theatre ; the real difference is explained in the fol- lowing line.

41. hoc = 'ideo,' ' therein,' ' there- fore.' Paulus, Messalla, the names of high aristocratic families.

43. concurrantque . . . vincatque : for the place of ' que ' in each case see on Od. 1. 30. 6. For the noise of a great funeral the editors quote Seneca (de Morte Claudii, p. 681) ' Et erat om- nium formosissimum [Claudii funus] et impensa cura plenum, ut scires deum efferri ; tibicinum, cornicinum, omnisque generis aeneatorum tanta turba, tantus


Comua quod vincatque tubas ; saltem tenet hoc nos.'

Nunc ad me redeo libertino patre natum, 45

Oucm rodunt omnes libertino patre natum,

Nunc quia sim tibi, Maecenas, convictor ; at olim

Ouod mihi pareret legio Romana tribuno.

Dissimile hoc illi est ; quia non ut forsit honorem

Iure mihi invideat quivis ita te quoque amicum, 50

Praesertim cautum dignos assumere, prava

Ambitione procul. Felicem dicere non hoc

Me possum casu quod te sortitus amicum ;

Nulla etenim mihi te fors obtulit : optimus olim

Vergilius, post hunc Varius, dixere quid essem. 55

Ut veni coram singultim pauca locutus,

Infans namque pudor prohibebat plura profari,

Non ego me claro natum patre, non ego circum

Me Satureiano vectari rura caballo,

Sed quod eram narro. Respondes, ut tuus est mos, 60

Pauca : abeo ; et revocas nono post mense iubesque

conventus, ut etiam Claudius audire posset.' With Tersius 3. 103 ' tuba, candelae ' = ' a funeral.'

magna has been taken either with funera, or after sonabit, as Sat. I. 4. 44, Juv. S. 7. 10S ' ipsi magna sonant.' The rhythm is in favour of the latter ; for ' quod ' cp. in either case Sat. 1. 9. 25 ' Invideat quod et Hermogenes ego canto.'

44. tenet hoc, ' he has this hold on us.'

45. nune ad me redeo, a transition from Lucilius (inc. 98 .

46. The words repeated are the words ahvays in their lips : see on Od. 1. 13. *> *• 35- J5 I and compare 2. 20. 5, 6.

47. sim. I followK.and H. and Munro in giving ' sim ' instead of ' sum ' ^Bent. and Orell.). It has much authority, and 'sum' is hard to reconcile with 'pareret.'

convietor : cp. the expression of Au- gustus' letterto Horace, vol. i. p. xxviii.

49. hoc illi, the present case the former one ; ' hoc ' of the nearest in thought, nol of the last mentioned.

forsit, aira£ A.67., a contraction of ' fors sit.' It is common in the fuller form ' forsitan.' A few MSS. have •' forsan,' and the unusual form would doubtless bave been ousted by editors

had it not been quoted by Priscian (p. 10 15) from this place.

52. ambitione procul : ' ambitione relegata ' Sat. 1. 10. 84. There was no thought on either side of bad or de- gradmg modes of gaining favour.

53. sortitus : for the omission of 'sim' cp. Sat. 2. 8. 2 ' dictus ' for ' dictus es.' The ellipsis is more rare with the first and second persons than with the third.

56. singultim: not found elsewhere till Apukius. It seems to mean ' with gasps,' of a stammering utterance ; adv. from ' singultus.' Kitter takes it as a collat. form of ' singillatim.'

57. infans, ' tongue-tied.'

59. Satureiano, i. e. Tarentino. Sa- tuiium was the name of a place or district near Tarentum ; x^Pa ^\r/aiov Tapavros, Stephanus Byzant. (6th cent.). Strabo gives an oracle said to have been received by Phalantus, Sariptiv toi 5<£wa TapavTa Tt -niova Sfjpjv Olnrjaat.

61. abeo . . . revocas. Horace waited patiently for nine months ; the acquaint- ance if lt was to be renewed must be re- newcd by Maecenas. Contrast the conduct sketched by the man who asks for an introduction in Sat. 1. 9. 56-59 ' haud mihi deero/ etc.

LIB. I. SAT. 6.


Esse in amicorum numero. Magnum hoc ego duco

Ouod placui tibi, qui turpi secernis honestum,

Non patre praeclaro, sed vita et pectore puro.

Atqui si vitiis mediocribus ac mea paucis 65

Mcndosa est natura alioqui recta, velut si

Egregio inspersos reprehendas corpore naevos ;

Si neque avaritiam neque sordes nec mala lustra

Obiciet vere quisquam mihi, purus et insons

(Ut me collaudem) si et vivo carus amicis ; 70

Causa fuit pater his, qui macro pauper agello

Noluit in FJavi ludum me mittere, magni

Ouo pueri magnis e centurionibus orti,

Laevo suspensi- loculos tabulamque lacerto,

Ibant octonis referentes Idibus aera : 75

63. turpi . . . honestum. Perh. Epp. 1. 9. 4 ' legentis honesta Neronis,' shows that these are more probably neut. than masc. (as Orelli).

65. atqui. ' But yet,' do not misunder- stand ine. Even when I say that I am proud to owe your friendship to myself, not to my father, I am indirectly ex- pressing my obligation to him, for I owe him ' my own self.'

ac mea paucis : for the hyperbaton cp. Sat. 1. 549 ' pila lippis inimicum et ludere crudi,' and below vv. 69. 70.

68. nec. The reading of V. The vulg. is 'ac,'w!iich Bentley rightly ob- jected to ; 'sordes' (' meanness,' see v. 107) is the opposite vice to ' mala lustra,' ' haunts of debauchery.' Bentl. adopted ' aut,' which Orelli retains.

70. collaudem : perh. in its simplest sense, praise myself too, i. e. as well as my father.

72. Flavi, i. e. the scliool at Ve- nusia.

magni . . . magnis, ' both bigger and grander than I was.'

74. loculos has been taken either as = the ' capsa ' of Juv. Sat. 10. 117 ' quem sequitur custos angustae ver- nula capsae,' of a case containing books, writing materials. etc, or in its more usual sense (see on Sat. 1. 3. 17) of a re- ceptacle for money, here probably for counters. In the former case ' tabula ' will be a writing tablet (cp. SeXrov e<p- cuf/afievot, quoted by Mayor from Philo- stratus). In the latter it must be taken

more closely with 'loculos' as the ' abacus ' or counting boardg on which the counters were to be placed. The two will then describe the implements for the arithmetic lesson ; cp. A. P. 325. The line is repeated Epp. 1. 1. 56. For the construction of the accusative with the passive part. see Madvig, § 237 b.

75. oetonis Idibus aera. There is serious question as to both reading and sense. If we keep the vulgate it is best explained (see Bekker's Gallus, Excursus on ' Education ') of the monthly pay- ments and four months' summer holidays of country schools as contrasted with the yearly payment and full year's school- ing in Rome, ' bringing their fees on the Ides of eight months.' The distributive is used regularly for the cardinal nu- meral with a noun which is plural in form even when singular in sense, as ' bina castra,' etc. In Orelli's explana- tion, ' eight-day Ides,' ' quia Idus in oc- tavum post Nonas diem incidunt,' it is difficult to feel any ground for the dis- tributive. An alternative reading is found in a few good MSS., and is given by Keller, ' octonos Idibus aeris,' where ' aeris ' is equivalent to ' asses,' as in Cic. pro Q. Rosc. 10. 28 ' duodecim aeris.' The distribntive then means 'eight asses on each Ides.' This read- ing seems to be interpreted by Acr. 'nummos pro mercedibus, octonos asses aeris.' On the other hand ihe note of the Comm. Cruq. shows that he found



Scd puerum est ausus Romam portare, docendum Artes quas doceat quivis eques atque senator Semet prognatos. Vestem servosque sequentes, In magno ut populo, si qui vidisset, avita Ex re praeberi sumptus mihi crederet illos. Ipse mihi custos incorruptissimus omnes Circum doctores aderat. Ouid multa? Pudicum, Oui primus virtutis honos, servavit ab omni Non solum facto, verum opprobrio quoque turpi ; Nec timuit sibi ne vitio quis verteret olim Si praeco parvas aut, ut fuit ipse, coactor Mercedes sequerer ; neque ego essem questus Laus illi debetur et a me gratia maior. *

Nil me paeniteat sanum patris huius, eoque


85 at hoc nunc

1 octonis,' and being puzzled by it, got out of the difficulty by treating ' octonis Idibus ' as a hypallage for ' octonos asses Idibus,' ' viraXXayr), hoc est sin- gulis Idibus referebant octonos asses aeris pro mercede scholastica.' This is very possibly the origin of the reading. Some one who held this view indicated it more briefly by writing ' octonos . . . aeris ' as a gloss over ' octonis . . . aera.' The assonance of ' octonos Idibus aeris ' is disagreeable, and one which Horace avoids even in his roughest hexame- ters.

77. artes, branches of knowledge, which Ovid (Pont. 2. 9. 47) calls ' in- genuas artes,' grammar, rhetoric, philo- sophy, etc.

79. in magno ut populo, ' as be- fitted a great city.' At Venusia he might have gone as others carrying his own books, etc. Cp. Virg. Aen. 1. 148 ' magno in populo,' ' in some great city.'

si qui vidisset . . . erederet. Cp. Sat. 1. 3 5-7. The impft. subj. does not deny the hypothesis, but is due to the past time and the general statements : ' any one who saw would (was sure to) believe.' The tense of 'vidisset' is be- cause in present time it would be ' vi- derit ' : believing is subsequent to seeing. Cp. also (with Bentl.) Sat. 2. 3. 93.

avita, of two generations.

81. custos = Traida-yai-yos : see on Sat. 1. 4. 118, and cp. A. P. 161. 239, Juv. S. 7. 218 ; usuallya conlidential slave to watch over a boy, take him to school,

keep him from harm, etc. Horace's father will depute ihe ofhce to none.

83. primus, the first in point of time virtue must begin there.

84. His fathers presence protected him not only from temptation but from scandal : turpi belongs to both sub- stantives.

85. sibi vitio verteret si, a phrase of Latin prose, Cic. Fam. 7. 6. 1, ' reckon it as a fault of his if.' For the case of ' vitio ' see Madv. § 249.

86. praeco : Dict. Ant. s. v. It was a specially despised calling. Juv. S. 7- 5 ' nec foedum alii nec turpe putarent Praecones fieri,' with Mayor's note. Cp. Epod. 4. 12, Sat. 2. 2. 47, Epp. 1. 7. 56, A. P. 419.

coactor, ' collector.' The term was used in several connections. In this case the Suetonian life of Horace fixes its meaning by adding 'exactionum,' i. e. the dues farmed by ' publicani.' See Cic.pro Rab. Post.i 1. 30, from which we learn that a ' coactor ' was allowed one per cent. on his collection.

87. at hoc. I have followed all the editors (including Orelli. Ritter, Dillr., Munro, and Holder) in altering the ' ad ' of the MSS. and Acr. to ' at,' and it is an improvement ; but ' ad hoc ' (' ad haec' Cruq. gives, following ' one Bland.') seems possible : see on Epod. 9. 16 and Epp. 1. 19. 45. In our reading ' hoc ' is ablative, as in v. 41 of the Satire.

89. paeniteat, potcntial : see on Sat.

I. 5- 44-

LIB. I. SAT. 6. 79

Non, ut magna dolo factum negat esse suo pars, 90

Quod non ingenuos habeat clarosque parentes,

Sic me defendam. Longe mea discrepat istis

Et vox et ratio : nam si natura iuberet

A certis annis aevum remeare peractum

Atque alios legere ad fastum quoscunque parentes 95

Optaret sibi quisque, meis contentus honestos

Fascibus et sellis nollem mihi sumere, demens

Iudicio vulgi, sanus fortasse tuo, quod

Nollem onus haud unquam solitus portare molestum.

Nam mihi continuo maior quaerenda foret res, 100

Atque salutandi plures, ducendus et unus

Et comes alter uti ne solus rusve peregreve

Exirem ; plures calones atque caballi

Pascendi, ducenda petorrita. Nunc mihi curto

90. dolo suo, said (by Heind.) to be a juristic use. = ' culpa sua ' ; but perhaps with some play ' that it is not of malice prepense.'

93. ratio, ' sententia ' Porph., opposed to ' vox,' as it often is to ' oratio,' 'what I think as well as what I say.'

94. a certis annis, ' after a fixed period.' ' If life repeated itself in cycles.' Cruquius' note is ' post mille annos ait Plato in Phaedro.'

95. I.e. 'alios legere ad fastum [pa- rentes\ quoscunque parentes optaret sibi quisque.' It has been also punc- tuated so that ' optaret sibi quisque ' should begin the apodosis, ' each would (or ' might ') choose for himself,' 'quos- cunque' going with 'alios legere,''others, whoever they might be,' but this is less simple.

ad fastum, ' to the full of their pride,' as ' ad voluntatem,' ' ad arbitrium,' etc.

96. honestos fascibus. For the ablative cp. above v. 36 ' ignota matre inhonestus.' There is a varia lectio with some little MS. authority, ' honus- tos ' = ' onustos,' strongly supported by Lambinus. But it would not be so suitable. Ennobled ancestry would be a burden (v. 99) to Horace ; he is not concerned to say that the distinction would have been a burden to them.

97. sellis, sc. ' curulibus ' : cp. Epp. 1.6. 53 ' cui libet hic fasces dabit, eripi- etque curule . . . ebur.'

101. salutandi. The early morning levees in great people's homes were a standing vexation in Roman life, Virg. G. 2.462, Juv. S. 3. i26foll., 5. 19 foll., 76 foll. ' Salutare ' was used both of tho^e who paid and those who received the call. See Cic. ad Fam 9. 20 ' mane salutamus domi . . . multos . . . qui me perofficiose observant.' As Horace is here giving a whimsical list of the in- conveniences which would beset him if he were a great man, he is probably using it in this latter sense.

102. rusve peregreve. So with most editors I have given ; but the reading is not quite certain. The mass of MSS. have ' rusve peregre aut,' and Porph. interpreted it ' ordo est rusve aut peregre.' The sound is harsh, but the conjunction ' ve' . . . ' aut ' is possible : see Prop. 2. 1. 23. It is suggested that the hypermetric line (for which cp. Sat. 1. 4. 96) caused the substitution in early copies of ' aut ' for ' ve.'

103. calones, Epp. 1. 14. 42 ; used by Horace apparently for the lower ser- vants in his town establishment.

104. ducenda, a train of them. Contrast Umbricius' household (Juv. S. 3. 10) which ' reda componitur una.'

petorrita, ' four - wheel chariots ' : Epp. 2. 1. 192.

curto, ' cauda curta ' Comm. Cruq. No illustration has been found : unless ' cnrtus equus,' in Prop. 4. 1. 20, means a horse whose tail has been cut off ; see



Ire licet mulo vel si libet usque Tarentum, Mantica cui lumbos onere ulceret atque eques armos Obiciet nemo sordes mihi quas tibi. Tilli, Cum Tiburte via praetorem quinque sequuntur Te pueri lasanum portantes oenophorumque. Hoc ego commodius quam tu, praeclare senator, Milibus atque aliis vivo. Quacunque libido est, Incedo solus ; percontor quanti olus ac far ; Fallacem Circum vespertinumque pererro Saepe Forum ; adsisto divinis ; inde domum me Ad porri et ciceris refero laganique catinum ; Cena ministratur pueris tribus, et lapis albus Pocula cum cyatho duo sustinet ; adstat echinus Vilis, cum patera guttus, Campana supellex. Deinde eo dormitum, non sollicitus mihi quod cras Surgendum sit mane, obeundus Marsya, qui se





Dict. Ant. s. v. Palilia) nor better ex- planation offered.

106. mantica. ' Mantica pera est, sed hoc ex Luciliano illo sumptum est' (Frag. 3. 31) ; ' Mantica cantheri costas gravitate premebat ' (Porph.)

107. Tilli : see above on v. 24.

iii. milibus atque aliis, probnbly neuter, 'in thousandsof otherways.' The more usual expression would be ' mille aliis,' the singular being ordinarily an adjective. the plural always a substantive. It is to be noticed, however, that this is not a case of 'milibus' used with a substantive in agreement. It is rather a peculiarity in the use of ' aliis,' an ad- jective instead of a genitive case, ' thou- sands besides' rather than ' thousands of others' aWai X'A<a5(sinstead of aWwv. The genitive whether it be neut. or masc. is understood.

1 1 3. fallacem Circum, ' because it was the haunt of astrologers and for- tune-tellers,' the ' divini ' of the next verse. Cp. 'de Circo astrologos,' Enn. apud Cic. Divin. 1. 50, 'Si mediocris erit (if the superstitious woman is of midri ing rank) spatium lustrabit utrin- que Jwetarum ii. e. on each side of the " spina " in the Circus et sortes ducet frontemque manuroque Praebebit vati' Juv. S. 6. 582.

vespertinum : Epod. 16. 51. n. In sense both adjectives are meant to qualify both substantives.

115. ciceris, a kind of pulse : Sat. %.%. 3/182, A. P. 249.

lagani, described by the Scholiasts as a thin cake of fine flour served with pepper sauce. It would resemble the modern Italian maccaroni.

116. pueris tribus : see on Sat. 1. 3. 12. For the dative cp. Epp. 1. 19. 3 ' carmina Quae scribuntur aquae potori- bus,' and Madvig, § 250 a.

lapis albus, a slab of white marble serving as a sideboard. Cp. the fumi- ture of Codras, Juv. 3. 203 'urceoli sex Omamentum abaci.'

117. pocula . . . cyatho : for the con- nection of these see Od. 3. 19. 12.

echinus, some vessel of the shape of the sea urchin. The purpose was in doubt in the time of the Scholiasts, ' vas aeneum in quo calices lavantur,' Acr., ' vas salisin modum echini marini' Com. Cruq. With the second explana- tion, cp. 'concha salis ' Sat. 1. 3. 14.

118. cum patera guttus, a flat saucer and a narrow-necked flask (' a guttis guttum appellarunt' Varro). These seem to have been used for libations.

Campana, of Campanian ware : Sat. 2. 3. 144 ' Campana trulla.'

120. obeundus Marsya, ' to visit Marsyas,' i.e. to go to the Forum on law-business. 'Marsya statua erat pro Rostris ad quam solebant homines illi convenire qui inter se lites alque negotia

LIB. I. SAT. 6.


Voltum ferre negat Noviorum posse minoris. Ad quartam iaceo ; post hanc vagor, aut ego lecto Aut scripto quod me tacitum iuvet unguor olivo, Non quo fraudatis immundus Natta lucernis. Ast ubi me fessum sol acrior ire lavatum Admonuit fugio Campum lusumque trigonem.


componebant . . . a statua nomen locus acceperat ' Acr. Cp. Mart. 2. 64 7 ' fora litibus omnia fervent : Ipse potest fieri Marsya causidicus,' i. e. the statue itself may find a voice and join in the plead- ing. Either the face of pain 011 this statue (cp. Juv. S. 9. 1 ' Scire velim quare toties mihi, Naevole tristis Occurris, ceu Marsya victus ') or the uplifted hand (' Marsyas in foro positus . . . qni erecta manu,' etc. Servius on Virg. Aen. 4. 58), is represented satirically by Horace as indicating displeasure at the sight of the younger Novius, a money- lender, according to the Scholiasts. For the form Marsya see on Sat. 1. 5. 100.

122. With this description of Horace's day compare the account which Cicero gives of himself when he professes to have given up active politics, ad Fam. 9. 20 ' Haec est igitur nunc vita nostra, mane salutamus domi multos . . . ubi salutatio defiuxit literis me involvo, aut scribo aut lego. Veniunt etiam qui me audiant . . . Inde corpori omne tempus datur.'

ad. quartam : see on Sat. 1. 5. 23.

iaceo, sc. ' in lectulo lucubratorio ' : see on Sat. 1. 4. 133. Horace would not approve of sleep beyond the first hour ; see Epp. 1. 17. 6, 1. 18. 34. On the other hand he speaks of reading and composing in the early morning, Epp. I. 2. 35, 2. 1. 112.

post hanc vagor. He started some- times earlier, for in Sat. 1. 9. 35 he has been afoot for some time at the end of the third hour.

aut ego lecto (pass. part., not fre- quentative verb as Porph. took it) to be connected with what follows ' I stroll, or when I have read or written for the amusement of my quiet hours, I anoint myself,' i. e. prepare for exercise. ' Lecto, etc' repeats, with explanation, the pre- vious ' ad quartam ' ' post hanc ' : ' ego ' is due to the fact that he is calling special attention to the freedom and variety of his day. Bentley connects ' aut ego iuvet ' with ' vagor,' ' I stroll

VOL. II. 1

after either reading or writing etc.' The list of occupations is then 'iaceo,' ' vagor,' ' unguor,' but is there time before the sun is hot for both the stroll and the game of ball ?

124. fraudatis, the lamps were stinted or robbed. The using of bad oil is a form of petty parsimony familiar in Latin poets, Sat. 2. 2. 59, 2. 3. 125, 2. 4. 50 ; Juv. S. 5. 87 foll., where notice ' olebit lantemam.'

126. lusum trigonem, ' the game of three,' a game of ball. The word ' trigon ' is found elsewhere only in Martial ; there as a subst. denoting either the game (4. 19. 5 ' tepidum trigona,' 7. 72. 9 ' trigone nudo,' i.e. which men stripped to play ; cp. Horace's ' unguor ') or the ball (ib. 12. 83. 3 ' cap- tabit tepidum dextra laevaque trigo- rem'). Horace speaks in Sat. 2. 6. 49 of playing (ball) in the Campus, 011 which the Comm. Cruq. annotates, ' sole- bant Romani in Campo Martio ludere pila trigonali.' Bentley himself sug- gested altering ' lusum ' into ' nudum,' to make it correspond with Mart. 7. 72. 9. Munro, thinking ' trigon ' was the ball itself, would either take ' lusum ' as a participle = ' elusum,' 'cheated,' ' left in the lurch,' or alter it to ' pul- sum.' On the reading see Introduction, vol. i. p. xv. All existing MSS. except g (a Gotha MS. of the I5th century) have ' rabiosi tempora signi,' and this was the text interpreted by all the Scho- liasts. V (which is followed by g) had the text as I have given it in accordance with most editors since Bentley. Keller and Holder, who consistently undervalue the authority of V, have restored 'rabiosi tempora signi.' The origin of the divergence cannot be guessed : Ritter imagines an alteration by the poet's own hand. ' Rabiosi tempora signi ' has been taken both of the heat of noon, ' signi ' = ' solis,' and of the dog days, ' aestivi tempora sicca canis ' Tibull. 1. 4. 6 ; cp. Od. 1. 17. 17 ' caniculae vitabis aestus.' Neither are satisfactory. The first makes the two lines tautological. Ths



Pransus non avide, quantum interpellet inani Ventre diem durare, domesticus otior. Haec est Vita solutorum misera ambitione gravique ; His me consolor victurum suavius ac si Quaestor avus pater atque meus patruusque fuisset.


second is open to Heindorfs complaint that Horace is not giving an account of his day in July and August only : Munvo adds that Horace would not be in Rome in the dog days : and in any case ' rabiosum signum ' for the sun is a strange and un-Horatian phrase.

127. interpellet durare, ' save me from lasting the day out,' i.e. till the ' cena.' The prose construction would

be ' quin,' ' quominus,' or ' ne,' with the subj.

129. misera gravique, ' the pains and burdens of ambition.'

131. quaestor. Henames thelowest office which would have rendered a family ' nobilis ;' ' than if I had as much claim as so many of my neighbours, aye, than if I had twice as much, to be an aristocrat.'



A Personal anecdote from Horace's experience in the short period that he was attached to Brutus' fortunes. Brutus, who was ' Praetor urbanus ' in the year 44, had been promised by Caesar the province of Macedonia, and after a struggle with C. Antonius, who had been actually nominated to it by the Senate, took posses- sion of it at the beginning of B.C. 43. Cassius had in a similar way taken posses- sion of the province of Syria. In the course of this year C. Trebonius, another of the conspirators, who, having been consul in 45, had received the proconsular pro- vince of Asia, was treacherously murdered by Dolabella. This brought both Brutus and Cassius into Asia.

The scene of the story is laid at Clazomenae on the bay of Smyrna, where Brutus is represented as holding a ' conventus' as though he were ' proconsul.'

The story all leads up to the play on the name of ' Rex,' with which it concludes, and which was of a kind which gave especial pleasure to Romans ; but it is told with some humour, and the different types of the two litigants are well marked, the half-Greek trader and money-lender, courtly, fluent, witty, and the country-bred Roman of Praeneste, with his thick skin and heavy-handed sarcasms.

There is no certain indication of the date, but everything points to an early one. The joke on Brutus's act (v. 34), is one most naturally made before his tragical end, and is at any rate one which Horace would have avoided when he had come to Rome and had realized that the world was passing to ' Caesars avenger.' See Introd. to Satires, p. 5.

The Scholiasts have a story that the Satire was written by way of revenge on

LIB. I. SAT. 7.


Rupilius Rex, who had been one of those who, in jealousy of Horace's rank as tribune, taunted him with his parentage (Sat. 1. 6. 40).

PROSCRTPTI Regis Rupili pus atque venenum

Hybrida quo pacto sit Persius ultus, opinor

Omnibus et lippis notum et tonsoribus esse.

Persius hic permagna negotia dives habebat

Clazomenis, etiam lites cum Rege molestas, 5

Durus homo atque odio qui posset vincere Regem,

Confidens tumidusque, adeo sermonis amari,

Sisennas, Barros ut equis praecurreret albis.

Ad Regem redeo. Postquam nihil inter utrumque

t. Proscripti Regis. The play on his name begins with the first line in this juxtaposition, ' that outlawed King,' as though he were another Tarquin.

pus atque venenum, metaphorically of ' foul and venomous ' utterance. Lu- ciHus had possibly used the word in the same sense, fr. 15. 13. Nothing is known of Rupilius Rex but what Horace tells us. The Scholiasts iden- tify him unwarrantably with P. Ru- pilius ' magister publicanorum ' in Bithynia, mentioned in Cic. ad Fam. 13. 9. 2. A misunderstanding of ' Pro- scripti ' (which means probably pro- scribed by the Triumvirs) leads them to describe him as ' a civibus Praenestinis in exilium missus.'

2. hybrida, ' mongrel,' or ' half- bred': ' patre Asiatico matre Romana' Schol. for literal use cp. Plin. N. H. 1. 79 ' in nullo genere aeque (atque in suibus) facilis mixtura cum fero, qualiter natos antiqui hybridas vocabant ' : for metaph. cp. Suet. Aug. 19 ' Asinii Epicadi ex gente Parthina hybridae,' Mart. 8. 22. 2.

3. lippis et tonsoribus = hearers and purveyors of gossip. Cp. Plautus, Amphit. 4. 1. 5, of places where loun- gers would be looked for, ' in medicinis, in tonstrinis . . . sum defessus quaesi- tando.' The point of the line is, ' all the world knows the story perhaps I may tell it again.'

6. odio, in a passive sense as in Ter. Hec. 1. 2. 48 ' tundendo atque odio,' of offensive language and manner.

7. confidens,a word whichbyCicero's time (Tusc. 3. 7. 14) had acquired a


bad meaning, ' bold,' 'audacious.' In Plautus it is used in a good sense.

tumidus, ' blustering.' Cp. A. P. 94 ' Iratus . . . tumido delitigat ore.' Many MSS. add ' que,' but it was want- ing in V.

8. Sisennas, Barros, ' such men as Sisenna and Barras,' names unknown to us in this connection standing in- stances (possibly in Lucilius) of bitter tongues.

equis albis, apparently the same pro- verbial expression as in Plaut. Asin. 2. 2. 13 ' Nam si huic occasioni tempus sese subterduxerit, Nunquam edepol quadrigis albis indipiscet postea.' Two explanations are given by the Schol. (1) 'albis, sc. velocioribus,' according to Homer's AevKuTepot xtovos Belav 5' avk- yLoiaiv 61J.0101, of the horses of Rhesus, 11. 10. 437, imitated by Vin>il, Aen. 12. 84; (2) 'quasi quadrigis tiiumphalibus,' ' triumphantly,' white horses being used in the triumphal procession. The first is the most likely, as suiting best the use in Plautus.

9. ad Regem. Not an exact expres- sion, for he does not ' come back to Rex ' in the sense of describing him as he has described Persius. The meaning seems rather to be that he passes from the general description of Persius to the special story of his rela- tion to Rex.

postquam, ' when they cannot settle their differences between them ' : the apodosis is lost in the long parenthesis that follows, for when in v. iS we re- sume the direct statement, we begin again as though there was no temporal protasis still pendant.



Convenit, (hoc etenim sunt omnes iure molesti Ouo fortes quibus adversum bellum incidit ; inter Hectora Priamiden animosum atque inter Achillem Ira fuit capitalis ut ultima divideret mors, Non aliam ob causam nisi quod virtus in utroque Summa fuit : duo si discordia vexet inertes, Aut si disparibus bellum incidat, ut Diomedi Cum Lycio Glauco, discedat pigrior ultro Muneribus missis) Bruto praetore tenente ' Ditem Asiam, Rupili et Persi par pugnat, uti non


io, ii. The construction is not cer- tain. (i) Acr. interpreted 'iure' by ' exemplo, pacto, modo, potestate.' If this could be, the sentence would run ' for all [i. e. all combatants] are awk- ward to deal with [apya\foi, xa^fTrot tlai) by that right [i. e. in virtue of that quality] by which brave men are so who meet in single combat.' Heindorf thought to amend this, but hardly does so, by taking the clause ' quibus adversum bellum incidit ' as qualify- ing ' omnes.' It seems clear that ' bel- lum,' both here and in v. 16, has its proper sense of actual combat, and is opposed to civil quarrels. (2) The Comm. Cruq. led the way in making ' molesti ' the subject, and taking ' hoc iure sunt ' as = ' hanc potestatem sibi vin- dicant,' ' all quarrelsome persons have the right which brave men have who meet in single combat,' viz. to fight their quarrels to the death. This has on the whole been the usual interpretation, being followed by Lambinus, Torren- tius, Orelli, Ritter, Yonge, Schutz, and Palmer.

Neither is quite satisfactory. The use of 'iure' in ^i), and the constr. 'hoc iure sunt ' for ' hoc ius habent ' in (2), both want support. Perhaps while ac- ceptingthe first interpretation generally, we had better separate 'hoc ' from ' iure' and take it as the instrum. abl. with ' molesti,' answered to by ' quo/ ' are troublesome by this [quality] ' : 'iure' may then either be taken in its com- mon sense, frequent in Hor., ' rightly,' einoTws, or perhaps as opposed to ' bel- lum,' ' in law,' ' in civil suits : ' cp. its use in ' iure consultus,' ' iure peritus,' and notice that when the threads are taken up in w. 1 8. 24, we have ' in ius acres procurrunt.' For the neuter ' hoc

.. . quo ' compare Sat. 2. 1. 50 ' quo quisque valet,' etc. ' Hoc ' here = ' vir- tute' (v. if). Their courage is their/- weapon which makes them ' molesti ' to their opponents.

11. inter . . . inter, an illogical but a Latin use. Epp. 1. 2. 11 ' Nestor com- ponere lites Peliden festinat et inter Atriden.' Cic. de Am. 25. 95 ' quod in- tersit inter popularem civem et inter con- stantem.' He takes two instances of single combat from the Iliad, that of Hector and Achilles in II. 22, which ends in Hector's death, and that of Glaucus and Diomede in II. 6, which ends in the exchange of armour {xpvcta xa\K(iwv) in which Glaucus has the worst of it. Horace, either from his own view (cp. Epp. 1. 2), or following later tradition, emphasizes the half- comic aspect of this exchange as though it implied surrender on Glaucus' side.

13. ira capitalis. Cp. ' capitale odium ' Cic. de Am. 1. 2.

ultima, i. e. nothing short of ' death.'

15. vexet. Two ' cowards' (for ' in- ertes' cp. Od. 3. 5. 36, 4. 9. 29) do not welcome a quarrel.

17. pigrior. Cp. ' impiger,' the epi- thet of Achilles A. P. 121.

18. missis, ' proffered.' This would be inexact if it were applied directly to Glaucus, for in Homer the proposal of exchange came from Diomede.

praetore tenente. See Introd. ' Praetor' is used loosely of a person who, having been ' praetor,' is goveming a province : see Long's note on Cic. pro Q. Ligario, 1.

19. par gives the connection with what precedes. They were not ' dis- pares,' like Diomede and Glaucus.

LIB. I. SAT. 7.

Compositum melius cum Bitho Bacchius. In ius Acres procurrunt, magnum spectaculum uterque. Persius exponit causam ; ridetur ab omni Conventu ; Jaudat Brutum laudatque cohortem : Solem Asiae Brutum appellat, stellasque salubres Appellat comites, excepto Rege ; canem illum Invisum agricolis sidus venisse. Ruebat Flumen ut hibernum fertur quo rara securis. Tum Praenestinus salso multoque fluenti Expressa arbusto regerit convicia, durus Vindemiator et invictus, cui saepe viator Cessisset magna compellans voce cucullum. At Graecus, postquam est Italo perfusus aceto, Persius exclamat : ' Per magnos, Brute, deos te





uti, consecutive to ' par ' = ' ita par,' ' a pair so vvell matched that,' etc.

20. compositum, sc. ' par.' Some MSS. have ' compositus ' or ' compositi,' both apparently corrections. YYe may understand ' sit ' or better ' pugnet ' ; for ' compositum ' see on Sat. I. 1. 103. ' Bithus et Bacchiusgladiatorum nomina celebrata apud Suetonium Tranquillum sub Augusto ' Acr.

in ius. As ' vocare in ius ' Sat. I. 9. 77, 2. 5. 29, ' rapere' 2. 3. 72.

22. ridetur, best taken impersonally, ' a laugh is raised.'

23. eonventu : ' the court.' ' Con- ventus : was the technical term for the courts held by a proconsul or pro- praetor in the chief towns of a pro- vince.

cohortem. Epp. 1. 3. 6, 1. 8. 14; the staff or personal surrounding of the commander or provincial governor : ' cohors praetoria ' Cic. Verr. 2. 1. 14. They were also called individually ' comites' Epp. 1. 8. 2.

27. fertur quo rara, i. e. in some steep ravine.

28. salso multoque fluenti, ' in an- swer to his copious stream of wit.' With ' multo fluenti ' cp. Virg. Georg. 3. 28. It is a Greek usage, t<j) Tlvdaivi dpaavvo- Htvcx) Kal ttoWw piovTi Dem. de Cor. p. 272. ' Multo,' which is the reading of the best MSS., was restored to the text by Bentley, in the place of ' multum.'

29. expressa arbusto, ' forced, ex- torted, from the vineyard.' Rupilins is like one of his native Italian vine- dressers, hard to sting by taunts, but when he is stung, the master of a sup- ply of retorts which few can stand up against.

30. vindemiator : for the scansion, see Od. 3. 4. 41, 3. 6. 6; Sat. 2. 8. 1 ' ut Nasidieni.'

31. cessisset, 'was likely to have yielded.' The time of the leading clause is really historic, if it were present it would be ' cesserit.'

magna, etc, however loud the voice in which he had called ' cuckoo, cuckoo.' ' Calling cuckoo ' is explained by Pliny, N. H. 18. 66, 'taunting men engaged in dressing their vines by imitating the note of a bird of passage called the cuckoo : for it is held a disgrace that when that bird returns it should find a pruning-hook still at work in the vine.' Cp. the picture in Auson. Mosella, 165 ' inde viator Riparum subiecta terens, hinc navita labens, Probra canunt seris cultoribus.'

32. Note the contrast implied in the emphatic G-raecus, Italo. The characteristics of the Italian's retorts are kept up in perfusus, ' tlrenched,' ' soused,' and aceto, recalling the figure of the ' vindemiator,' the kind of humour coarse and plentiful with which the Romanswere familiar in the ' fabulae Atellanae.'


Oro qui reges consueris tollere, cur non 34

Hunc Regem iugulas? Operum hoc, mihi crede. tuorum est.'

34. qui consueris, ' since you are,' Od. 3. 13. 13 ' fies nobilium tu quoque etc. fontium,' Epp. 1. 9. 13 ' Scribe tui

35. operum. For the gen. see on gregis hunc'



The first, probably, of Horace's attacks on Canidia. See Epod. 5, and especially the introductions to Epod. 17 and Od. 1. 16, and compare Epod. 3. 8 ; Sat. 2. 1. 48, 2. S. 95.

The Scholiasts (on Epod. 3. 8 and on v. 24 of this Satire) say that under the name of Canidia was satirized one Gratidia ' unguentaria Neapolitana.' With this exception we have no exttrnal assistance in reading the riddle of the poems them- selves. We are to imagine a woman whose fascination Horace has felt though he resents it, and which he attributes with more or less of irony to magic. The ludicrous catastrophe of the Satire as well as the mock heroic air which flavours the narrative seem to forbid us to take it quite seriously ; cp. in this respect Od. 1. 16 introd.

The scene of the Satire is the Campus Esquilinus, the plateau from which the several arms of the Esquiline hill are thrust out. It was without the ' agger ' of Servius Tullius and had been used ' as an extensive burial place for the lowest class of people, and a place of execution for criminals.' Cp., besides this Satire, Epod. 5. 99. Sat. 2. 6. 33, Bum's Rome and the Campagna, p. 225. Maecenas had recently become possessor of it and had laid it out in pleasure gardens. He even- tually built a residence there (Od. 3. 29. 10, Epod. 9. 3). The Satire thus becomes the vehicle of a compliment to one who is already Horace's patron. The speaker throughout is Priapus, a rough wooden image of the garden god (Virg. G. 4. noj which has been erected in the new garden. The transformation of the ground is barely complete. There are still ' magna sepulchra,' and bones to be found by scratching the ground. It is still haunted apparently by witches. With the witchcraft of this Sat. cp., besides Epod. 5 and 17, Theoc. Idyll 2, Virg. Ecl. 8, Tibull. Eleg. 1. 2, Ov. Met. 7. 179 foll.

Olim truncus eram ficulnus, inutile lignum, Cum faber, incertus scamnum faceretne Priapum,

1. ficulnus, more usually ' ficulneus,' 2. ne: for the position of the paiticle

the adj. of 'ficula,' dim. of ' ficus.' The see on Od. 1. 30. 6. Note the accumu-

wood of the fig was proverbially value- lated irony, the valueless material, the

less, whence the use of avicivos in the altemative destiny a stool or a god—

sense of worthless, ovkivoi avSpes Theoc. the powerthat decides betweenthem,viz.

1 o. 45 . the carpenter's fancy the single source of

LIB. I. SAT. 8. 87

Maluit esse deum. Deus inde ego furum aviumque

Maxima formido ; nam fures dextra coercet

Obscenoque ruber porrectus ab inguine palus ; 5

Ast importunas volucres in vertice arundo

Terret fixa vetatque novis considere in hortis.

Huc prius angustis eiecta cadavera cellis

Conservus vili portanda locabat in arca.

Hoc miserae plebi stabat commune sepulcrum, 10

Pantolabo scurrae Nomentanoque nepoti :

Mille pedes in fronte, trecentos cippus in agrum

Hic dabat : Heredes monumentum ne sequeretur.

Nunc licet Esquiliis habitare salubribus atque

Aggere in aprico spatiari, quo modo tristes 15

divinity ' and so a god I am.' It may be compared with the more serious irony of Isaiah 44. 10 foll. ' He burneth part thereof in the fire, with the part thereof he eateth flesh . . . and the resi- due thereof he maketh a god.'

4. fures dextra : his hand should be uplifted and hold, as the Schol. says. a club or a sickle, as in Virg. G. 4. 1 10 ' custos furum atque avium cum falce saligna Hellespontiaci servet tutela Priapi.'

6. arundo has been taken, as by Orelli, of a wisp of reeds that would rattle in the wind and so frighten birds ; but the meaning seems to be fixed by Prop. 4. 2. 33 (a poem which has several links with this Satire where Vertumnus describ- ing, like Priapus, the various adornments of his own image, says 'arundine sumpta Fautor plumoso sum deus aucupio;' ' arundo ' being used in a well recognizcd sense of a limed twig.

8. cellis. Cic. Phil. 2. 27. 67 ' servo- rum in cellis.' Every word adds to the sense of ignominy, ' angustis, eiecta : ' mean as are their quarters they are no sooner dead than their ' cadavera ' are tossed out from them ; such burial as they receive they owe only to a fellow slave's compassion ; it is the cheapest bier.

11. ' It is the fate to which the worth- less and the brokendown come.' The line is quoted as a specimen of Horace's personal satire in Sat. 2. 1. 22, but the names are evidently fictitious and literary. ' Xomentanus,' as we have seen on Sat. 1. 1. 103, is the conventional

spendthrift of Satire, a name inherited from Lucilius. Pantolabus is a name coined for the character as the Schol. sees ' quia a multis pecuniam accipiebat inde Pantolabus dictus.'

12. in fronte, in agrum, ' frontage,' 1 depth.' The dimensions are meant liter- ally, but the cippus and its inscrip- tion is probably imaginary and ironical, being borrowed from the provisions of a private buiying-ground and equivalent to saying ' it was the private burying- ground of the very lowest, which no one would rob them of.' They are all technical terms and occur in monumental inscriptions. The last words were in- tended to reserve the ground for the specified purpose ; it was not to pass, like the rest of the pioperty, to the heirs of the original proprietor. They are rnore fully explained in an inscr. preserved by Lambinus, ' ita ne unquam de nomine familiae nostrae exeat hoc monumentum, hoc monumentum heredes non sequitur.'

13. dabat, i. e. ' recorded the gift.' ne sequeretur, the tense because he

is quoting what was the vsupposed) hi- scription.

14. salubribus, pred. = ' salubribus factis.'

15. aggere, prob. the 'agger' of Servius Tullius, from which men would look over the Campus Esquilinus, and which would therefore be now a pleasanter lounge than it had been. Juvenal S. 8. 43 calls it ' ventosus,' the place whither the Romans resorted to catch the wind as well as the sun.

quo, prep. ' in ' is not repeated.



Albis informem spectabant ossibus agrum ; Cum mihi non tantum furesque feraeque suetae Hunc vexare Iocum curae sunt atque labori, Quantum carminibus quae versant atque venenis Humanos animos : has nullo perdere possum Nec prohibere modo, simul ac vaga luna decorum Protulit os, quin ossa legant herbasque nocentes. Vidi egomet nigra succinctam vadere palla Canidiam, pedibus nudis passoque capillo, Cum Sagana maiore ululantem : pallor utrasque Fecerat horrendas adspectu. Scalpere terram Unguibus et pullam divellere mordicus agnam


17. cum. The emphasis on 'mihi' gives it almost the force of ' cum tamen,' ' while yet to me.' To the world at large the Esquiline is now wholesome and pleasant, but its old use has left a legacy which to me is worse than all my other troubles. The witches still haunt it.

ferae, ' lupi et Esquilinae alites ' Epod. 5. 99.

suetae, not merely ' that are wont,' but ' that have been wont, and so in spite of its altered state still haunts the place,' just as the witches themselves who come here still though it is no longer a graveyard. The scansion of ' siietae ' as a trisyll. is Lucretian (1. 60, etc). Cp. Horace's resolution ' siliiae ' Od. 1. 23. 4, Epod. 13. 2, ' miliius ' Epod. 16. 32, Epp. 1. 16. 51.

19. carminibus, sc. 'magicis.' Epod. 5. 71, 17. 4; Virg. Ecl. 8. 69, 70.

venenis. Epod. 5. 62 and 87 ; 17.


31. vaga luna ; Vi-g. Aen. 1. 742 ' errantem lunam.' The epithet is in point because if she stood still there would be no need to wait for her. The witches look for moonlight. Cf. Theoc. 2. 10 dAAd SeAdia <f>aive koXov, Epod. 5. 45 ' Nox et Diana quae silentium regis Arcana cum fiunt sacra,' Virg. Aen. 4. 513.

decorum os : cp. Virg. G. 4. 232 ' Taygete simul os terris ostendit hones- tum,' Aen. 8. 589 ' Lucifer . . . Extulit os sacrum caelo.'

22. ossa legant. Epod. 5. 23, 17.


23. vidi egomet. ' Habent hi versus

aliquid tragicae descriptionis 11 1 illi

Vergilii (Aen. 3. 623) Vidi egomet duo de numero cum corpora nostro,' Comm. Cruq.

nigra, as the lamb sacrificed in v. 27 is ' pulla.'

succinctam answers to 'expedita ' in Epod. 5. 25, ' girt up for work.' Cp. its use Virg. Aen. 6. 555, 12. 401.

24. pedibus nudis. So Medea in Ov. Met. 7. 183 ' Nuda pedem, nudos humeris infusa capillos.'

25. maiore. Our doubts as to the meaning are as old as the Scholiast. Porph. quoting by name Helenius Acron says that Sagana was a freedwoman of Pompeius (al. Pomponius), a senator who was proscribed by the triumvirs. No such note is found in the Acronian scholia as we have them. He adds that the term ' maiore ' implies either that she had a younger sister, or that there was another Sagana at the same time ' minorem hac vel aetate vel natalibus vel censu.' Acr., in a note which is in some confusion, gives the same variety of meanings to ' maiore,' but adds ' aut maiore quam fuit ipsa Cani- dia.' If we interpret without assistance this seems the more likely. There still remains the doubt whether it means ' the elder ' or ' the greater,' i. e. 'the more powerful witch ; ' or does ' altum caliendrum,' v. 48, suggest the physical sense, ' taller ? '

utrasque. For the irregularity of the plural see Madv. § 495, obs. 2, Virg. Aen. 5. 233.

27. unguibus : see Epod. 5. 47 n.

pullam : see on v. 23, Ov. Met. 7. 244. Aeneas(Virg.Aen. 6. 249) sacrifices

LIB. I. SAT. 8.


Coeperunt ; cruor in fossam confusus, ut inde

Manes elicerent, animas responsa daturas.

Lanea et effigies erat, altera cerea : maior

Lanea, quae poenis compesceret inferiorem ;

Cerea suppliciter stabat servilibus ut quae

Iam peritura modis. Hecaten vocat altera, saevam

Altera Tisiphonen ; serpentes atque videres

Infernas errare canes, Lunamque rubentem

Ne foret his testis post magna latere sepulcra.

Mentior at si quid merdis caput inquiner albis

Corvorum, atque in me veniat mictum atque cacatum

Iulius et fragilis Pediatia furque Voranus.

Singula quid memorem ? quo pacto alterna loquentes

Umbrae cum Sagana resonarent triste et acutum,



a black-fleeced lamb to Night, 'the mother of the Eumenides, and her mighty sister,' Earth.

28. confusus, ' poured together, into the trench.' He describes the process of vfKvojxavTfia Hom. Od. II. 23 foll. Spirits of the dead are invoked to tell Canidia the destiny of her lover.

30. The two fij^ures indicate respect- ively Canidia and her lover. In all poetical descriptions of magic rites it is necessary to the effect of mystcry to leave much to the imagination. Effigies of the person to be affected appear in Virg. Ecl. 8. 75, Aen. 4. 508, a waxen image in Ov. Her. 6. 91 ' [Medea] Devovet absentes, simulacraque cerea (sc. Iasonis) fingit, Et miserum tenues in iecur urget acus.' The meaning of the wax is obvious, and is explained in Theoc. 2. 28 dis tov- tov tuv Kapov eyw o~vv oalpovt tclkcv I ths tclkoiO' vit' epcuTos 6 Mvvdtos avTiKa Ai\- <pis, and by Virg. 1. c. The special mean- ing of the wool as representing Canidia is not so clear. According to Festus (Paulus) s.v. ' Laneae ' it was the custom at the Compitalia to distribute little figures or dolls of wool, and the reason given is that the Lares were supposed to be 'animae hominum reductae in nume- rum deorum.' This may be connected.

maior quae. ' One of wool, the larger of the two, that it might, etc'

32. servilibus modis : 'gravissimis verberibus,' Acr. Cp. Liv. 32. 38 ' in servilem modum lacerati atque extorti.' Others, as Dillr. punctuate so as to con-

nect 'stabat servilibus modis,'but Orelli rightly objects to the rhythm and the awkward double qualification of 'stabat,' ' suppliciter servilibus modis.'

ut quae, sc. 'stant '; forthe ellipsis see Sat. 1. 1. 23, 1. 3. 9. Some good MSS. have ' utque ' which Munro gives.

34. atque couples ' serpentes ' and ' canes.' Eor the hellhounds that ac- company Hecate cp. Virg. Aen. 6. 257 ' visaeque canes ululare per umbram Adventante dea,' where Con. quotes Ap. Rhod. 3. 12 16 ap,<p\ 5e rqv ye (Hecate) 'O^eo? vXaKjj xOovtoi Kvves i-pOtyyovTo.

35. rubentem, blushing to see such sights, not as in Od. 2. 11. 10.

39. fragilis = ' mollis,' ' effeminate.' Pediatia, acc. to the Schol., the con- temptuous designation of one Pediatius, ft»*l a knight of ruined fortune and character.

fur Voranus. The Schol. call him ' libertus Q. Lutatii Catuli,' and tell a story of his robbing a money-changer's table, and hiding the coins in his shoe, giving occasion, when he was discovered, to the witticism of a bystander, ' belle ' inquit ' si te non (KxaKKtvei, hoc est verberibus tanquam aes recudat, alludens ad calceos.' The story was a current one, but it is attached by the Schol. on Juv. S. 13. iii to the ' fugitivus scurra Ca- tulli.'

41. resonarent. Bentley objected to the tense as contrasted with ' abdiderint,' etc, but the action in this one is more continuous. He would read ' resonarint,'


Utque lupi barbam variae cum dente colubrae Abdiderint furtim terris, et imagine cerea Largior arserit ignis, et ut non testis inultus Horruerim voces Furiarum et facta duarum : Nam displosa sonat quantum vesica pepedi Diffissa nate ficus : at illae currere in urbem ; Canidiae dentes, altum Saganae caliendrum Excidere atque herbas atque incantata lacertis' Vincula cum magno risuque iocoque videres.



a form for which he quotes Manilius, and Horaee's ' os magna sonaturum ' Sat. 1. 4. 44.

triste et aeutum. Homer's rpi^tv II. 23. 101, Od. 24. 5, of the ' squeak- ing and gibbering' of ghosts.

42. lupi barbam. It appears from Pliny [N. H. 28. 44 ' Veneficiis rostrum lupi resistere inveteratum aiunt, ob idque villarum portis praefigunt '] that the purpose of this was to protect them against the counter charms of any other sorceress. Cp. Epod. 5. 71.

variae, ' spotted/ as Virg. G. 3. 264 ' variae lynces.'

43. eerea : for the scansion cp. 'ostrea' Sat. 2. 2. 21, and Virgil's use of 'aureus' as a disyll. Aen. 1. 698,

7. 190, 10. 116.

45. Furiarum : see on Epod. 5. 15.


46. displosa, ' burst with a blow.

It is pointed out that Horace is recalling Lucr. 6. 130 ' Nec mirum cum plena animae vesicula parva Saepe ita dat magnum sonitum displosa repente.'

48. caliendrum. The Schol. explain the word as meaning either some head- dress or a wig. They quote a passage of Varro in which it occurs, otherwise it is unknown.

49. lacertis, abl. with ' excidere.' ineantata vincula, ' enchanted love-

knots'; the ' terna licia' and ' Veneris vincula' of Virg. E. 8. 78.

LIB. I. SAT. 9. 91



The sufferings of Horace under the hands of a ' bore ' are the amusing part of the Satire, but they are only the dramatic setting of the true subject. In Sat. 6 he told the story of his own admission to the intimacy of Maecenas, how small a pait he had himself had in it, how natural and consistent with self-respect had been every stage in it. He completes the matter by this contrasted picture of the way in which vulgar and pushing people vainly hoped to gain an entry. The person described is a man of letters (v. 7), but of a type which Horace despised, fluent, vain, and effeminate ^vv. 23-25). His obtuseness and want of tact are displayed in his acts, and he is made to paint with his own lips and in perfect unconscious- ness the meanness of purpose and method which Horace had in view when he said (Sat. 1. 6. 51) that Maecenas was careful ' dignos assumere, prava ambitione procul ' : ' He will miss no opportunity, he will take no refusal, he will bribe the servants, if Horace will help him he will go shares, and together they will oust all rivals.' He was painting by contrast the life in Maecenas' house, aswell as the avenues to it (v. 48). Horace must often have had requests from such people to introduce them to the great patron of literature, and this is his answer to them. His own tact had taught him the lesson which he passes on to a younger geneiation in Epp. 1. 18. 76 ' Qualem commendes etiam atque etiam aspice.'

The occasion imagined for the scene is when Horace is taking his morning stroll ('ad quartam iaceo : post hanc vagor' 1. 6. 122). He is walking, as it chances, on the Sacra Via towards the Foram. When they reach (v. 18) the entrance to it, close by the Temple of Vesta their paths diverge, for his interlocutor was bound for the Forum to appear in a case, and Horace, who had announced that he was going to pay a visit on the other side of the Tiber, would leave the Sacra Via at that point, and turn round the side of the Palatine towards the river.

Horace is probahly dramatizing an imaginary situation, or at least improving some slighter incident ; but attempts have been made to guess the particular person intended. The only noteworthy suggestion is that Propertius is intended (see on Sat. 1. 3. 30, Epp. 2. 2. 100). The dates make this next to impossible. If the Satires were published in B.c. 36 Propertius would, according to the most probable chronology, be only 16. Propertius was admitted to Maecenas' circle probably about the year 30.

Ibam forte via Sacra, sicut meus est mos, Nescio quid meditans nugarum, totus in illis.

1. via Sacra. Epod. 4. 7. the sense here.

sicut meus est mos, with the words totus in illis, ' absorbed in them.'

that follow, ' thinking, as is my wont Epp. 1. 1.11 ' omnis in hoc sum.' Some

when walking ' not with ' ibam,' which MSS. of inferior value insert 'et ' before

would contradict ' forte.' ' totus.' Bentley wished to read ' ut '

2. meditans nugarum. Bothwords after 'ibam'; but in both cases the are used of poetical composition (Epp. asyndeton belongs to the negligent style 2. 2. 71, 76, 141), and this is possibly of familiar narration.



Accurrit quidam notus mihi nomine tantum, Arreptaque manu, ' Ouid agis, dulcissime rerum ? ' ' Suaviter, ut nunc est,' inquam, ' et cupio omnia quae vis.' Cum adsectaretur : ' Num quid vis ? ' occupo. At ille ' Noris nos,' inquit ; ' docti sumus.' Hic ego, ' Pluris Hoc,' inquam, ' mihi eris.' Misere discedere quaerens, Ire modo ocius, interdum consistere, in aurem Dicere nescio quid puero, cum sudor ad imos Manaret talos. ' O te, Bolane, cerebri Felicem ! ' aiebam tacitus, cum quidlibet ille Garriret, vicos, urbem laudaret. Ut illi Nil respondebam, ' Misere cupis,' inquit, ' abire ;


3. accurrit . . . arrepta : both ex- press the vehemence of his affected de- light.

4. quid agis ? ' how are you ? ' Epp. 1.3. 15 ' quid mihi Celsus agit ' ?

dulcissime rerum. For the differ- ence of gender see Madv. § 310, obs. 1 ; cp. Ov. Met. 8. 49 ' pulcherrime rerum ' : ' rerum ' = ' in all the world.' The question has also been taken to be ' quid remm agis ' ? but ' rerum ' in this inert sense could hardly stand at the end of the verse ; and the answer ' nicely ' would be inappropriate.

5. ut nunc est, ' just now.' Orelli is right in noticing that the point of the answer is its conventionality. Horace wishes to get rid of his interlocutor. This bars any deeper meanings in ' ut nunc est,' which would have invited further questioning.

cupio omnia quae vis, a formula of politeness. Plaut. Pers. 5. 1. 14, Rud. 4.4.1.

0. adsectaretur. Note the force of the prep. and of the frequentative verb.

num quid vis, ' can I do anything more for you ' ? a formula of leave-tak- ing. See Plaut. Aul. 2. 1. 53 (Wagners note), and Donatus' note on Ter. Eun. 2. 3. 49 ' abituri ne id dare facerent numquid vis&iceb&nt iis quibuscum con- stitissent.'

occupo, i. e. before he could begin. Epp. 1. 7. 66 ' occupat et salvere iubet prior.'

7. noris nos : taken by Acr. as an answer to ' numquid vis ' ? ' hoc volo (ut) noris nos,' and so Dillr. and

Ritter. Orelli takes it independently, ' you surely know.' This is the best dramatically. It is the part of the speaker to assume mutual acquaintance, asit is Horace's part politely to ignore it. Note the force with this latter pur- pose of the fut. ' eris.' Horace has not known hitherto his literary tastes.

hic, inf. v. 26; Sat. 2. 2. 7, 2. 8. 16.

8. misere, inf. v. 14; it is common in the comic poets for ' vehementer.'

10. puero. Even the master of a modest household (see on Sat. 1. 3. 12, 1. 6. 116) had a slave (' pedisequus ') in attendance on him when he walked out. Horace whispers in his ear as though he had some private business which good manners would compel his perse- cutor to respect.

11. cerebri felicem ; happy in the power of flying into a passion and so cutting such a knot. Horace is fettered by his good breeding. Cp. ' cerebrosus ' Sat. 1. 5. 21; 'cerebrum' is the seat ofthe passion of anger in Plautus, Poen. 3. 2. 25, Bacch. 2. 3. 17. For the gen. cp. Sat. 2. 2.66 ' cultus miser,' Ov. Met. 5. 267 ' Felices studiique locique,' ' in respect of.'

B olanus (from Bola, a town of the Aequi) is the name of a friend of Cicero, ad Fam. 13. 77, and of a Roman governor of Britain. Tac. Ann. 15. 3. The person at whom Horace discharges this Parthian dart is unknown.

14. misere cupis. This is possibly an aside, like Horace's words vv. 28 f., the man's thoughts being put for him into words. But it is more probably intended as a joke, though it is the real

LIB. I. SAT. 9.


Iamdudum video ; sed nil agis ; usque tenebo ; 15

Prosequar hinc quo nunc iter est tibi.' ' Nil opus est te

Circumagi ; quendam volo visere non tibi notum ;

Trans Tiberim longe cubat is prope Caesaris hortos.'

' Nil habeo quod agam et non sum piger : usque sequar te.'

Demitto auriculas, ut iniquae mentis asellus, 20

Cum gravius dorso subiit onus. Incipit ille :

' Si bene me novi non Viscum pluris amicum,

Non Varium facies : nam quis me scribere plures

Aut citius possit versus? quis membra movere

Mollius ? Invideat quod et Hermogenes ego canto.' 25

Interpellandi locus hic erat : ' Est tibi mater,

truth. He is so unconscious of the distastefulness of his company that he has no fear of being taken literally.

16. prosequar : ' I will attend you.' The external evidence is fairly divided between this word and ' persequar : ' 1 1 will follow to the end.' It is a common point of variation in MSS. On internal grounds we may prefer ' prosequar,' the usual word for compli- mentary attendance, as giving a softer tone to the preceding word. The point is the unconsciousness of the interlo- cutor, not his brutality. ' Persequar ' would leave less room for the answer 1 nil opus est te circumagi.' There is a variety also in the punctuation some editors putting a stop at ' prosequar ' or ' persequar,' and marking the following words as a question. This stopping seems to suit best the reading ' perse- quar.'

18. cubat, ' is ill in bed,' as Sat. 2. 3. 289 (cp. Epp. 2. 2. 68). Thereare three reasons given why he should not come too the friend to be visited is unknown to him, he lives a long way off, and he is ill.

Caesaris hortos, on the Ianiculum ; the gardens which the Dictator left by his will to the Roman people : Suet. Jnl. 85.

20. ' I yield sullenly.'

21. subiit. See on Od. 1. 3. 36 and Sat. 1. 4. 82.

onus is acc. as ' subire iugum,' etc.

22. Viscum, one, no doubt, of the two Visci whom Horace names in the next Satire, ('haec utinam Viscorum laudet uterque ' Sat. I. to. 83) among the literary men whose judgmenthe cared

for. There is also Viscus Thurinus (again in the company of Varius) at Nasidienus' supper, Sat. 2. 8. 20. Nothing isknown besides of them. The Scholiasts speak doubtfully, ' optimi poetae,' ' alii dicunt criticos fuisse,' both conjectures from the passages in Horace. They say the father of/two was Vibius Viscus, a rich/'^= knight and a friend of Augustus. Some MSS. of Porph. read in this place 'Fuscum.'

23. Varium. See on Od. 1. 6. 1. Note the nature of the accomplishments on the ground of which he claims to be ranked before Varius he can write verses (not well, but) fluently (cp. the picture of Crispinus in Sat. 1. 4. 13 foll.), he can dance (cp. Sat. 2. 1. 24, and Cic. Mur. 6 ' nemo saltat sobrius, nisi forte insanit '), he can sing better than Hermogenes, Horace's ideal of effeminacy and bad taste ; see Sat. 1 . 4. 72, and introd. to Sat. I. 3.

25. mollius, from Lucr. 4. 789 ' mollia membra movere,' and ib. 980 ; the alliteration is part of Lucretius' art, but it is purposely adopted here to give a mincing tone to the speaker and pour contempt on the accomplishment of which he boasts.

26. est tibi mater ? Orelli thinks that this is only a question of formality, its sole purpose being to interrupt the man's list of accomplishments. Of many suggestions perhaps the best is that like Davus's ' frugi quod satis est Ut vitale putes ' (Sat. 2. 7. 3), it implies that too great perfection is dangerous to life, and that it is therefore ironical. The man, however, is too much wrapt up in himself to perceive the irony.



Cognati, quis te salvo est opus ? ' f Haud naihi quisquam.

Omnes composui.' ' Felices ! nunc ego resto.

Confice ; namque instat fatum mihi triste Sabella

Ouod puero cecinit divina mota anus urna : 30

Hunc neque dira venena nec hosticus auferet ensis

Nec laterum dolor aut tussis, nec tarda podagra ;

Garrulus hunc quando consumet cunque : loquaces

Si sapiat vitet simul atque adoleverit aetas.'

Ventum erat ad Vestae, quarta iam parte diei 35

Praeterita, et casu tunc respondere vadato

27. quis te salvo est opus, as we should say, ' to take care of you.'

haud mihi quisquam ; the purpose of the answer is to put a full stop to the topic which Horace has started.

28. This and what follows to v. 34 is supposed to be said aside, as is clear from its provoking no answer.

30. divina mota urna: all ablatives, though the Schol. took ' mota ' = ' com- mota,' ' excita,' as a nom. For ' mota urna ' cp. Virg. Aen. 6. 432 'Quaesitor Minosurnammovet.' With 'divinaurna,' Bentl. (who, for himself, wished to read ' mota divina anus urna,' making ' divina ' nom.) compares Sil. Ital. 3. 344 'divina- rumquesagacemFlammarum.' The refer- ence is to divination by means of ' sortes,' or written slips dropped in a vessel and drawn or shaken out. They would con- sist of ambiguous sentences which the ' sortilegus' would apply as prophecies to the persons who drew them. Cicero describes it in Div. 2. 41, and speaks of it as an art already discredited. This and other forms of witchcraft would linger among the Sabine hill folk: Epod. 17. 28, with note. The whole picture here is imaginary and burlesque.

31. hosticus, archaic form of 'hos- tilis ' Od. 3. 2. 6 ; cp. ' civicus ' Od. 2. 1. 1. n., Epp. 1. 3. 23.

32. laterumdolor,'pleuritis' Comm. Cruq. Orelli reminds us that Crassns, in Cic. de Orat. 3. 2, dies of ' lateris dolor.'

33. quandocunque, ' whenever that time comes ' ; the construction is ellipti- cal, as with ' quicunque,' 'qualiscunque,' etc. Bentl. quoles Ov. Met. 6. 544 ' Quandocunque mihi poenas dabis,' Trist. 3. 1. 57 ' Quandocunque precor nostro placata parenti, Isdem sub do-

minis aspiciare domus.' For the tmesis see on Od. 1. 6. 3.

35. ad Vestae. Burn (Rome and the Campagna, p. 78) takes this to include the Regia (see on Od. 1. 2. 15, 16^ which stood between the Sacra Via and the actual temple of Vesta, to which it was attached. The two had now reached the Forum, which gives Horace this chance of deliverance. His own route would diverge to the left if he were to make for the Tiber and the Iani- culum.

quarta parte. The third hour was over and the fourth beginning. Law business, according to Martial 4. 8. 2, began with the third, ' Exercet raucos teitia causidicos.'

36. respondere vadato. The plain- tiff in a civil suit when, with the Praetor's leave, he had declared the nature and process of his action, had to give the defendant time to prepare his answer. He called on him therefore ' dare vades,' and was said' vadari reum,' to bind him over to appear. If the de- fendant failed at the appointed time to come into court (' vadimonium sistere,' ' respondere,' or apparently as here ' respondere vadato,' he was said ' vadi- monium deseruisse,' and the plaintiff moved for judgment, ' ut ex edicto bona possidere liceat.' See a case in Cic. pro Quint. 6. ' Vadato ' then is dat. No other instance of the actual phrase is found, ' respondere ' being usually abso- lute. It has been, therefore, proposed by some editors to take ' vadato ' as an abl. absol. like ' auspicato,' etc. Bentley wished to read ' vadatus/which, as he showed, is found in a passive sense.

LIB. I. SAT. 9.


Debebat, quod ni fecisset perdere litem.

' Si me amas/ inquit, ' paulum hic ades.' ' Inteream si .

Aut valeo stare aut novi civilia iura ;

Et propero quo scis.' ' Dubius sum quid faciam,' inquit, 40

' Tene relinquam an rem.' ' Me sodes.' ' Non faciam ' ille ;

Et praecedere coepit. Ego, ut contendere durum est

Cum victore, sequor. ' Maecenas quomodo tecum ? '

Hinc repetit ; ' Paucorum hominum et mentis bene sanae ;

Nemo dexterius fortuna est usus. Haberes 45

Magnum adiutorem, posset qui ferre secundas,

Hunc hominem velles si tradere : dispeream ni

Summosses omnes.' ' Non isto vivimus illic

38. si me amas, 'as you love me/ a formula of earnest request, Cic. ad Att. 5. 1 7, etc. For the hiatus and short- ening of 'me ' cp. Virg. Aen. 6. 507 ' te amice.' Horace has ' cocto num adest' Sat. 2. 2. 28.

ades, a quasi-technical term of those that give help and countenance in court. It appears from such passages as Cic. Rosc. Am. 1 ('ita fit ut adsint propterea quod ofhcium sequuntur, taceant autem quia periculum metuunt') that such countenance did not imply actual ad- vocacy.

39. stare, the meaning is doubtful. (1) Acron took it (of recent editors Ritter follows him) of the physical fatigueof standing in court. (2) Porph. (followed by Macleane) ofstandingstill, waiting. (3) Heind., Orell., and Dill1'. follow Torrentius in taking it for ' to appear in court.' Torrent. quotes from Ulpian for the use of ' stare,' and com- pares the term ' statores ' for the ofhcers of the court. Of these (2) seems to be inadmissible both as involving a ques- tionable use of ' valeo ' and as anticipat- ing the later excuse 'et propero quo scis.'

41. rem : nearly synonymous with 'litem.' Cic. Mur. 12. 27 laughs at the lawyers for not having been able in all these years to settle ' utrum rem an litem dici oporteret.'

44. hinc repetit, 'makes this fresh beginning.'

paueorum hominum, ' choice in his friends.' It was a current phrase : Ter. Eun. 3. 1. 18 'sic homost : perpaucorum hominum,' and in a fragment of Cic. de Fato preserved in Macrob. Sat. 2. 12,

Scipio who has received a sturgeon and is inviting more of his visitors to stop and eat of it than Pontius, who is staying in the house,approves, is remonstratedwith in the words ' vide quid agas, acipenser iste paucorum hominum est.'

45. It has been doubted whether the comparative abl. after 'dexterius ' should be 'eo' (sc. ' Maecenate ') or 'te' (sc. ' Horatio '). The first is rather the more probable. ' Te ' would probably be ex- pressed. Also this strong statement would be inconsistent with the question just asked, ' Maecenas quomodo tecum? ' The suggestion is that Maecenas is so exclusive and so wide awake that Horace will be none the worse for a seconder in his attempts to improve his acquaintance.

46. ferre seeundas. sc. ' partes.' There is the same metaphor Epp. 1. iS. 1 3 ' vel partes mimum tractare secundas,' of an obsequious friend. It is worked out more fully in Cic. Div. in Q. Caec. 25 ' ut in actoribus Graeci fieri videmus saepe illum qui est secundarum aut ter- tiarum partium, cum possit aliquanto clarius dicere quam ipse primarum, mul- tum summittere, ut ille princeps quam maxime excellat, sic faciet Alienus : tibi serviet, tibi lenocinabitur, minus ali- quanto contendet quam potest.'

47. hunc hominem, sc. ' me,' as in Ter. and Plaut. an imitation of the Greek Tof5' dvSpa.

tradere, 'to introduce.' Epp. 1. 9. 3, I. 18. 78.

48. summosses, ' clear from your path ' (as in the usual ' i, lictor, summove turbam '). There is a want of delicacy in the word as well as in the idea which



Quo tu rcre modo ; domus hac nec purior ulla cst

Nec magis his aliena malis ; nil mi officit/ inquam, 50

' Ditior hic aut est quia doctior ; est locus uni

Cuique unus.' ' Magnum narras, vix credibile ! ' ' Atqui

Sic habet.' f Accendis, quare cupiam magis illi

Proximus esse.' ' Velis tantummodo : quae tua virtus,

Expugnabis ; et est qui vinci possit, eoquc 55

Difficiles aditus primos habet.' ' Haud mihi deero :

Muneribus servos corrumpam ; non, hodie si

Exclusus fuero, desistam ; tempora quaeram,

Occurram in triviis ; deducam. Nil sine magno

Vita labore dedit mortalibus.' Haec dum agit, ecce 6o

Fuscus Aristius occurrit, mihi carus et illum

Qui pulchre nosset. Consistimus. ' Unde venis?' et

' Quo tendis ? ' rogat et respondet. Vellere coepi,

provokes Horace's protest. ' Dispe- ream ' is optative ' may I perish ! ' ' Sum- mosses' is potential, ansvvering to an understood condition ' si traderes,' the tense implying the rapidity of the effort, ' you would find at once that you had cleared,' etc. ' Disperenm si ' or ' ni ' does not by itself require a subjunctive to follow. Catull. 92. 2 'dispeream nisi amat.'

50. inquam. This is the reading of all the older MSS. including V. It was restored to the text by Bentley, and is rightly defended by Ritter on the ground that it emphasizes the transition to the personal statement ' nil mi officit,' ' I have no need of the help you offer, there is no scramble for favour there.' Orelli retained ' unquam,' which has com- paratively little authority.

51. uni cuique, for the division cp. Epp. 2. 2. 188 ' mortalis in unum Quodque caput,' A. P. 290. It occurs in prose as Cic. de Or. 25. 92 ' ne in uno quidem quoque.' The words are so separable that it does not reach the license of Sat. 2. 3. 117, etc.

53. sic habet, ovtojs ex*i form of ' sic res se habet ' ; habet' Cic. Mur. 6. 14.

quare. Madv. § 440 b, obs. I ut ob eam rem.'

54. velis tantummodo, ' if you merely wish it ' ; for the conditional use see on Sat. 1. I. 45, Madv. § 442 a, obs. 2.

a shorter so ' bene


quae tua, ' such is your,' etc. Madv. § 446.

55. et adds another reason of hope ; the metaphor, as Orelli points out, is continued.

58. tempora, tcatpovs. Virg. Aen. 4. 423 ' Sola viri molles aditus et tempora noras.'

59. deducam, 'escort to his destina- tion.' It is one of the recognized civilities to greater personagcs. Cic. de Sen. 18 'salutari, appeti, decedi, as- surgi, deduci.' Cp. Cic. Mur. 34.

nil sine magno: he encourages him- self in his small ambition by a heroic yvduix-q : cp. xaXtva tol tcaXa, and Sopho- cles, Electra 945 ttuvov toi x&Pts oi>Siv tvTvxei.

60. haec agit, ' is so occupied ' ; perhaps with the sense of conducting his case pleading, as in Virg. Aen. 445 ' haec inter se . . . agebant Certantes.'

61. Fuscus Aristius : see introd. to Od. 1. 22 and Epp. 1. 10; cp. Sat. 1. 10. 83. For the order of the names see on Od. 2. 2. 3.

62. pulchre. There is, as often, an ironical tinge in the adv. = 'only too well.'

nosset, the subj., because it is Ho- race's thought, not bare fact ; 'who must surely know him.'

unde venis et quo tendis ? a usual formula on meeting ; Sat. 2. 4. 1 ' undc et quo Catius ? '

63. rogat et respondet, he asks me

LIB. I. SAT. 9. 97

Et prensare manu lentissima brachia, nutans,

Distorquens oculos, ut me eriperet. Male salsus 65

Ridcns dissimulare : meum iecur urere bilis.

' Certe nescio quid secreto velle loqui te

Aiebas mecum.' ' Memini bene, sed meliore

Tempore dicam ; hodie tricesima sabbata : vin tu

Curtis Iudaeis oppedere ? ' ' Nulla mihi,' inquam, 70

' Religio est.' ' At mi ; sum paulo infirmior, unus

Multorum : ignosces : alias loquar.' Huncine solem

Tam nigrum surrexe mihi ! Fugit improbus ac me

Sub cultro linquit. Casu venit obvius illi

Adversarius, et : ' Quo tu turpissime ? ' magna 75

and I ask him. The comment of the Schol. is ' eleganter mixtum inter se et confusum sermonem interrogandi re- spondendique expressit.'

64. preusare, 'to grasp with the hand ' is a further step to ' twitching ' (the 'toga') with the fingers. There is a variant ' pressare,' ' to squeeze,' which Orelli adopts. It was possibly read by the Schol., who interpret ' stringere,' ' re- stringere.' On the other hand all Cru- quius' MSS. (i. e. it may be presumed, V) had ' prensare.'

lentissima, pred., the arms gave no sign of feeling.

65. male, ' unkindly.'

66. dissimulare, ' pretends not to notice.'

iecur, Od. i. 13. 4.

69. tricesima sabbata. Much learn- ing and ingenuity have been expended upon these words, but it is probable, as Macleane snggested, that the riddle has no answer. Some words with a mystic sound, but chosen at random, would suit the conditions of the case. If a definite solution is to be looked for, the most likely is that of the Schol., who refer the words to the new moon ; ' sab- bata ' being used generally as the Jewish term for a sacred day, and ' tricesima ' meaning ' on the 30th day ' (Dillr. quotes from Ovid, A. A. 1. 76 ' Cultaque Iudaeo septima sacra Syro,' where ' septima sacra ' = ' seventh-day rites'), the 3oth day of the ' full ' months, the Greek evij /cal via, being the day on which the new moon was watched for ; see Dict. Bibl. s. v. New Moon. Taking the words to mean the 30th Sabbath in the year, they have been variously explained,


(1) of the Passover (so Torrentius), vvhich would fall abottt 30 weeks from the beginning of the Jewish civil year, sc. from Tisri, our Sept. Oct. ; (2) by Orelli, following Roeder and an un- named Biblical scholar, either of the Feast of Tabernacles or of the Great Day of Atonement, each being according to various calculations the 30U1 ' sabbath ' from the first of Nisan, the beginning of the ecclesiastical year, and correspond- ing to our March April. For the ob- servance by superstitious Romans of the Jewish Sabbath see Mayor's note on Juv. S. 14. 96 ' metuentem sabbata patrem.' Cp. also Sat. 2. 3. 291.

7 1 . unus multorum, ' one of the many,' i. e. not exempt from their weak- neases ; so Cicero Brut. 79. 274 '[M. Calidius] non fuit orator unus e multis,' ' an ordinary orator.'

72. huncine, etc. : Sat. 2. 4. 83, 2. 8. 67; Virg. Aen. 1. 37 'Mene incepto desis- tere victam ' ; Madv. § 399. This is Horace's exclamation at the time when he finds Aristius immovable.

73. surrexe. For the contraction cp. on Sat. 1. 5- 79 ' erepsemus.'

improbus, ' ruthlessly.'

74. sub cultro, as a victim with the knife at its throat.

75. adversarius. The legal diffi- culties of this passage are exhaustively discussed in Long's note to Cic. Verr. 2. 3. 15. They turn upon the use of the phrase ' in ius vocare' (here 'rapere'), which seems in legal phraseology to have been restricted to the first appear- ance before the Praetor, before the giving of ' vades,' the remedy after- wards being the loss of the suit and



Inclamat voce ; et ' Licet antestari ? ' Ego vero Oppono auriculam. Rapit in ius ; clamor utrinque ; Undique concursus. Sic me servavit Apollo.

forfeiture of the security. If this is the case, either Horace has used his legal phrases carelessly, or we must suppose the ' adversarius ' to be a different per- son frorn the plaintiff of v. 36. This is in itself unlikely. The formulae of this passage are well illustrated from Plaut. Persa 4. 9. 8, where Saturio is about to prosecute Dordalus for the abduction of his danghter : ' Sa. Age, ambula in ius, leno. Do. quid me in ius vocas ? Sa. illi apud Praetorem dicam : sed ego in ius voco. Do. nonne antestaris? Sa. tuan' ego causa, carnifex, quoiquam mortali libero aures adteram ? '

76. licet antestari ? ' may I call you as a witness ?' i. e. that I have duly sum- moned him ; addressed to Horace. The person so addressed gave his assent by offering the tip of his ear to be touched ; see Plaut. 1. c, and cp. Plin. N. H. 11. 45. 103 ' Est in aure ima memoriae locus quem tangentes antestamur.'

78. Apollo, prob. as the Schol. sug- gest in remembrance of Hom. II. 20. 443 of the rescue of Hector toj/ 5' t£r)pTta£ev 'AttoWoiv (which, as they also notice, had been quoted by Lucilius 6. 40), with the further thought of Apollo as the natural protector of a poet.



Horace has been assailed by the school, of whom Demetrius and Hermogenes Tigellius are the representatives, with contemptuous criticism on his Satire, and especially for his words in Sat. 1. 4 about Lucilius. He replies by repeating and justifying what he said.

Verses 1-19. ' Yes, I did say that Lucilius' verses are rough. Is it not true? I also praised him for the wit and freedom of his satire. The two things are consistent ; you may praise a good mime ; that does not imply that it is perfect poetry. To make people laugh is a merit, but more is wanted brevity, play. and a proper alternation of declamation and irony. These are the characteristics of the great Greek comedians whom Ilermogenes and his school have never read.'

20-30. Horace's assailants are supposed to reply that Lucilius was clever at mingling Greek phrases with Latin. ' That is an easy trick,' he answers ; ' but why do you admire it in poetry more than you would in oratory ' ?

31-49. This offers the transition to himself. ' I too,' he says, ' had the idea of writing wholly in Greek, but I had a dream of what true patriotism would say, " It is too late to write Greek poetry." So while Bibaculus writes his turgid stuff I take my own modest line. I leave comedy to Fundanius,

LIB. I. SAT. 10. 99

tragedy to Pollio, epos to Varius, bucolics to Virgil. Satire seemed what I might try and do better than Varro Atacinus and others, though confessing my inferiority to Lucilius. I don't dispute the garland with him.'

50-71. You say I speak of the 'turbid stream that often carried much rubbish.' Well, do you find nothing to criticize in Homer ? Did not Lucilius in Accius and Ennius ? Why may we not think that Lucilius was too hasty ? Give him all credit as more finished than you wonld expect, than his pre- decessors. Still if he lived now he would find much to correct ; he would be more exacting in his criticism.

72-92. What is to be worth reading must have cost much pains, and not be written for the multitude. You may look to have your poems read in bad schools. That is not my ambition. I am like Arbuscula ; if the front stalls admire, the pit and gallery may be hanged. I care for the approbation of true poets and true critics, not for that of the poetasters and drawing-room critics of the moment.

The verses enclosed in brackcts are found in some of the ioth cent. MSS. (<p \p \ 1 P), but they were absent from Cruquius' Bland. MSS., and were certainly unknown to the Scholiasts, who not only do not comment on them, but evidently found ' Nempe incomposito,' etc. as the opening words of the Satire, ' Respondet his a quibus culpatus fuerat quod Lucilii versus damnasset in satira " Eupolis atque Cratinus," et dicit se non poetam improbasse sed versus,' etc. It is in favour also of the more abrupt commencement that Persius, an imitator of Horace ; begins Sat. 3 with ' Nempe.'

[Luci/i, quam sis mendosus, teste Catone

Defensore tuo, pervincam, qui male factos

Emendare parat versus ; hoc lenius ille,

Quo mclior vir et est longe subtilior illo,

Qui multum puer et loris et funibus udis 5

[i.Catone^apparently^ValeriusCato,' 4. quo melior vir et est, the read-

a ' grammarian ' and poet of the later ing of P ; but the majority of the older

Republic, who is described by Suetonius MSS. read the line unmetrically without

(de grammaticis illustr. 2 and 11) as ' et,' and the variations in others ' adest,'

having read Lucilius in the lecture-room ' hic est, ' ' meliorque vir est,' ' est quo

of Philocomus. Orelli thinks that that vir melior,' indicate that ' et ' is only

passage gave the suggestion of this one conjecture amongst many for reme-

interpolation, the action attributed to dying a fault in the original copy. Cato ' emendare parat versus,' being due illo. In the uncertainty of the author-

to a misapplication of some earlier ship of the verses it may seem idle to

words of Suetonius, who speaks not of guess who this ' grammaticorum equitum

Cato, but of earlier grammarians as doctissimus ' is that is contrasted with

editing and retouching (' diligentius re- Cato. Ritter suggests that the person

tractare') the writings of older poets. imagined is Horace's own teacher Or-

Valerius Cato, acc. to Suetonius, lost bilius, of whom Suetonius says that in

his property whilst still a minor in early life ' in Macedonia . . . equo me-

Sulla's proscriptions, and lived to an ruit.' If this is so we may perhaps

extreme old age. This would render it, imagine further that the severe dis-

though not probable, possible that he cipline of v. 5 is suggested by that which

should be engaged in literary work at has made Orbilius himself famous; see

the date that Horace wrote. EpP- 2- *• 71-

H 2



Exoratus, ut cssct opem qui fcrrc poctis

Antiquis posset contra fastidia nostra,

Grammaticorum cquitum doctissimus. Ut redeam illuc :]

Nempe incomposito dixi pede currere versus

Lucili. Quis tam Lucili fautor inepte est

Ut non hoc fateatur? At idem quod sale multo

Urbem defricuit charta laudatur eadem.

Nec tamen hoc tribuens dederim quoque cetera : nam sic 5

Et Laberi mimos ut pulchra poemata mirer.

Ergo non satis est risu diducere rictum

Auditoris : et est quaedam tamen hic quoque virtus :

Est brevitate opus, ut currat sententia, neu se

Impediat verbis lassas onerantibus aures ; 10

Et sermone opus est modo tristi, saepe iocoso,

Defendente vicem modo rhetoris atque poetae,

Interdum urbani, parcentis viribus atque

Extenuantis eas consulto. Ridiculum acri

Fortius et melius magnas plerumque secat res. 15

6. exoratus : sub. ' est.' Other MSS. have ' exhortatus,' which would be used passively.

8. ut redeam illuc : suggested by Sat. 1. 1. 108 ' Illuc unde abii redeo'; but it is harsher here.]

1. nempe . . . dixi, 'it is true I said.' We are to imagine ourselves as over- hearing part of a conversation. Horace is replying to criticism on what he had said in Sat. I. 4.

incomposito . . . pede : cp. ' pede certo ' Sat. 1.4. 47; 'halting rhythm.' There is possibly some sense of con- tinuity in the metaphor 'pede currere.' What he had actually said was that Lucilius was ' durus componere versus ' Sat. 1. 4. 8.

3. sale multo . . . defricuit. The general sense is imitated by Pers. 1. 114 'secuit Lucilius urbem.' The Schol. is probably right in taking it as a con- tinuous metaphor. His wit was the salt which made the sore places smart. The praise which Horace claims to have given to Lucilius must be looked for in the whole passage, vv. 1-8 of Sat. 1. 4.

4. charta. Sat. 1.5. 104 is used of a single poem.

5. cetera, every other good quality including smooth versification.

The sing.

6. et Laberi mimos, which contain, like Lucilius' satires, plenty of well-ap- plied wit. Laberius is the Roman knight whom Caesar compelled to act his own mimes. The prologue which he spoke on the occasion is given, with the story, in Macrob. Saturn. 2. 7, and has great spirit ; but Cicero is at one with Horace in speaking slightingly of the mimes themselves, ad Fam. 12. 18 'equidem sic iam obdurui ut ludis Caesaris nostri animo aequissimo . . . audirem Laberii et Publii poemata.'

9. brevitate : whereas Lucilius was 'garrulus'; ' erat quod tollere velles'; Sat. 1. 4. 11, 12.

11. tristi, 'serious.'

12. defendente, ' maintaining,' as A. P. 194 ' partes officiumque defendat.' It is a variation of the common ' tueri personam,' 'tueri munus,' etc.

vicem, as 'fungar vice ' A. P. 304, 'place,' ' part.'

rhetoris, one who composes declam- ations.

13. parcentis viribus, a description of irony.

15. plerumque, as usually in Ho- race, ' very often.' Sat. 2. 5. 55 ; Epp. 1. 18. 94, 2. 2. 84 ; A. P. 14, 95.

secat, ' decides,' ' cuts the knots.' Epp. 1. 16. 42 ' multae magnaeque se-

LIB. I. SAT. 10.


Illi scripta quibus comoedia prisca viris est

Hoc stabant, hoc sunt imitandi ; quos neque pulcher

Hermogenes unquam legit neque simius iste

Nil praeter Calvum et doctus cantare Catullum.

' At magnum fecit quod verbis Graeca Latinis

Miscuit.' O seri studiorum ! quine putetis

Difficile et mirum Rhodio quod Pitholeonti


cantur iudice lites.' Cp. Cic. de Or. 2. 58. 236 'odiosas res saepe, quas argu- mentis dilui non facile est, ioco risuque dissolvit.'

16. See note on Sat. 1. 4. 2.

viris is evidently contrasted here with the effeminate taste of the day. For the dative cp. Epp. 1. 19. 3 'scribuntur aquae potoribus,' Madv. § 250 a.

17. stabant. They owed their suc- cess to this. A phrase of the theatre, opp. 'cadere/ (KmirTtiv : Epp. 2. 1. 176 ' cadat an recto stet fabula talo.'

hoc covers the whole description of the excellence of satirical composition, vv. 9-16.

pulcher, said of a fop.

18. Hermogenes : sc. Tigellius. See on Sat. 1. 4. 72 and introd. to Sat. I. 3.

simius : probably, as the Schol. say, the Demetrius of v. 90.

19. This verse is best illustrated by Cicero's ' O poetam egregium, quam- quam ab his cantoribus Euphorionis con- temnitur' ! Tusc. 3. 19. 45, where ' can- toribus,' as ' cantare' here, is of reciting in a sing-song and maudlin tone. Cp. ' plorare ' v. 91. Euphorion of Chalcis was a popular elegiac poet of the Alex- andrine school whom Cicero is there contrasting with the more manly stand- ard of their own Ennius. It is as imi- tators of the Alexandrine poets instead. of the great Greek classics, Homer, Alcaeus, Archilochus, that Horace is here vilipending Calvus and Catullus. He is not just to Catullus, but he is treating him as a representative of the school with which he was always at war. Calvus is C. Licinius Calvus, the orator and poet, a contemporary and close friend of Catullus.

20. ' Surely it was a feat to mingle Greek words in his verses as he did.' An argument imagined for a defender of Lu- cilius, but hardly a serious one. Cp. ' alyiAnroi montes ' in fr. 3. 7. It was a practice of early Latin writing not

entirely dropped in Lucretius (4. 1162, etc), criticized by Cicero, de Off. 1. 31. III ' ut sermone eo debemus uti qui notus est nobis, ne, ut quidam, Graeca verba inculcantes iure optimo irridea- mur ' but allowed by himself freely in the freedom of his letters.

21. seri studiorum : a translation of the Greek oxpijxaQus, of dunces turned pedants. So Aulus Gellius (11. 7), probably in reminiscence of the passage, as he is speaking of the practice of intro- ducing antiquated novel or foreign words, ' est adeo id vitium plerumque serae ernditionis, quam Graeci diptuaOio.i' appellant, ut quod numquam didiceris, diu ignoraveris, cum id scire aliquando coeperis, magni facias quo in loco cun- que et quacunque in re dicere.' Horace adds point to his criticism by setting the example of translating the Greek word.

quine. A usage of the comic dra- matists. See Ter. Ad. 2. 3. 8 ' festi- vum caput ! Qui ne omnia sibi post putavit esse prae meo commodo ? ' ' Qui ' is the nom. plur. of the relative : the interrogative tone added by ' ne ' gives a rhetorical emphasis ' what ? when you think,' etc. Cp. the exclamatory ' ne ' in ' utne ' Sat. 2. 5. 18. It is found, as Bentley says on the passage quoted from Terence,both with the ind. and subj., that is, both with ' qui ' as a simple relative and with causal or other force which affects the mood. For the first see Virg. Aen.10. 673 'Quos ne, nefas, omnes infanda morte reliqui.' In my note on Epod. 1. 7 this place was inadvertently quoted as an instance of the redundant ' ne ' with the interrogative ' qui.'

22. Pitholeonti. Nothing is known of him unless we accept Bentley's inge- nious suggestion, that he is the same as Pitholaus (he compares the double forms of the names TtuuAaos, ItuoKiwv MeVe- Aaos, MeviKtas) mentioned by Suetonius (Jul. 75) as a poetical libeller of Julius Caesar.



Contigit ? ' At sermo lingua concinnus utraque Suavior, ut Chio nota si commixta Falerni est.' Cum versus facias, te ipsum percontor, an et cum Dura tibi peragenda rei sit causa Petilli ? Scilicet oblitus patriaeque patrisque, Latine Cum Pedius causas exsudet Publicola atque

2 5

23. concinnus. In our ignorance of the etymology of this word it is impos- sible to say whether any metaphor is felt. Nonius Marcellus (a grammarian of uncertain date) derives it from ' cin- nus,' the name of a drink, like the Ho- meric kvkzwv, of meal and wine. If this was believed in Horace's time it would suit the similitude of the following verse.

utraque : see on Od. 3. 8. 5.

24. nota : see on Od. 2. 3. 8. ' Chio,' ' Falerni,' a Greek and an Italian wine.

25. ' Is that a principle which you con- fine to the criticism of poetry, or would you apply it also to oratory, and to oratory of a serious kind ? '

te ipsum, ' I press the question home to yourself, give me your own experi- ence.'

26. causa Petilli stands, generally, for a case where much is at stake and where the defence is difhcult : see on Sat. r. 4. 94.

27 foll. ' Donbtless you would forget fatherland and father and prefer, whilst Pedius Publicola and Corvinus spend their strength in pleading in pure Latin, to adulterate your mother speech with foreign words like a double-tongued Canusian.' I have followed Orelli, though with some doubt, in giving ' La- tine.' It is found in some good MSS. (</>, \p, \, 1), although the majority read ' Latini.' Cruquius himself preferred it against all his MSS. as the reading, though not of V, of the marginal anno- tator on V, who wrote ' cum exsudet, id est, cum sudore et omni instantia Latine recitet, Latine proferat.' The scholia of Acr. and Porph. point the same way, though their argument is not quite lo- gical, as they both dwell on the fact that the two orators named were purists in respect of Latin words. As Orelli re- marks, the corruption of ' Latine ' to ' Latini ' to suit ' patris ' is easy to imagine easier than the reverse altera- tion. If with Bentley we read ' Latini ' \ve may either take it as an adj., as

VirgfTs 'genus Latinum' Aen. 1. 6, or (as he prefers) of Latinus (' pater Latinus ' in Virg. Aen. 7. 61, etc), as the eponym- ous ancestor of the Latin speaking race. Cp. in that case, with the whole expres- sion, Od. 3. 5. 10, 11. Latinus' name is not so used anywhere else. With this reading the obvious mode of construct- ing ' intermiscere ' is to suppose a sub- ject 'eos,' sc. ' Pedium et Messallam.' Bentley, to make the sentence run more smoothly, altered ' oblitus ' to ' oblitos ' to agree with this subject and he is followed by Ritter and Munro. I am not sure that it is not open to Orelli's objection that, although ' oblitus patriae,' etc. is in place as forcibly putting the crime of the person addressed, it occu- pies too emphatic a position if it be- comes the hypothetical description not even of what these orators were, but of what the person addressed might prefer them to be.

28. Pedius. . . PublieolaatqueCor- vinus. Corvinus is the M. Valerius Messalla Corvinus of Od. 3. 21. 7 (see introd. to that Ode), Sat. 1. 6. 42, A. P. 371 'diserti Messallae.' Who Pedius was is uncertain. The Scholiasts say that he and Corvinus were brothers. This may be illustrated by, or may be due to, v. 85 ' te, Messalla, tuo cum fratre,' where they annotate ' sc. Publi- cola,' but see on that verse. That the two families were connected is known from Pliny (N. H. 35. 7) who states that Q. Pedius, the nephew of C. Julius Caesar, was married into the family of Messalla. Their grandson was a deaf- mute who, by Messalla's advice, was taught the art of painting. This is all that is known. It has been conjectured, but on no further grounds, that Q. Pe- dius the younger, the father of the deaf- mute, adopted his cousin's son, a brother of Messalla the orator, who therefore became ' Pedius.' Doubt hangs also over the name ' Publicola.' Estre joins it with ' Corvinus,' quoting as parallel ' optimus atque Cocceius ' Sat. 1. 5. 27,

LIB. I. SAT. 10.


Corvinus, patriis intermiscere petita

Verba foris malis, Canusini more bilinguis ? 30

Atque ego cum Graecos facerem, natus mare citra,

Versiculos, vetuit me tali voce Quirinus,

Post mediam noctem visus cum somnia vera:

' In silvam non ligna feras insanius ac si

Magnas Graecorum malis implere catervas.' 35

Turgidus Alpinus iugulat dum Memnona, dumque

Defingit Rheni luteum caput, haec ego ludo,

' optimus atque Fuscus' v. 82 of this Satire. The arguments, which are strong for taking ' optimus' in these cases with the following name, do not apply eqnally here. It is more usually taken with ' Pedius.' Those who believe that the two were brothers sometimes (as Dillr.) take it &Tro koivov with both. Very possibly the additional name is intended to recall the pure Roman descent to which they are true in their native Ro- man speech. The cognomen of Pub- licola belonged to the Valeria gens and so to Messalla. Cp. Virg. Catal. 11 (ad Messallam) 40 ' Messallis Publicolis.' It may have belonged to Pedius either, according to the Scholiasts' theory, as a member by birth of the Valeria gens or, as Estre suggests, on the female side from the Valeria who married Q. Pedius.

30. Canusini . . . bilinguis. The Schol. tells us that both Ennius and Lucilius had given the title ' bilingues ' to the ' Bruttates ' or ' Bruttii,' doubt- less in the same sense, as speaking Greek as well as the native Italian dialect. For Canusium see Sat. 1. 5. 91, 92.

33. cum somnia vera. Mosch. Id. 2. 2 foll. vvictos ore TpiraTov \a\os 'io~Ta- Tat eyyx/Oi 5' i)cjs . . ., evre tcal aTpeKeaiv iroipaiveTai eOvos dveipaiv, Ov. Her. 19. 195 ' sub aurora, iam dormitante lucerna, somnia quo cerni tempore vera solent.'

34. in silvam . . . ligna. The editors recall proverbs of similar import, y\avK es 'A6r)vas, ix^vs els 'EWrjanovTOV. Cp. our ' coals to Newcastle.'

36. turgidus Alpinus. Acr. has a note, ' Vivalium quendam poetam Gal- lum tangit.' Cruquius had suggested for ' Vivalium ' ' rivalem ' ; but Bentley ingeniously altered it to ' Vivaculum,' the form which Acron on Sat. 2. 5. 41 writes for Bibaculum. This key given,

the two passages explain one another. They are both satires on M. Furius Bi- baculus, a poet of the previous genera- tion, whom Quintilian (10. 1. 96) classes with Catullus and Horace as a writer of ' iambi,' and whom Tacitus (Ann. 4. 34) puts with Catullus, as one whose writings, 'referta contumeliis Caesarum,' were still read. 'Gallum'is probably a misunderstanding of ' Alpinus,' as it would hardly be used of his birthplace in Cisalpine Gaul, Cremona. The nick- name ' Alpinus,' ' poet of the Alps,' is due to his verse parodied in Sat. 2. 5. 41 ' Iuppiter hibernas cana nive conspuit Alpes,' or possibly to fuller descriptions in the same vein of Alpine scenes (as the ' Rheni caput ') occurring in the poem on the Gaulish wars (' pragmatia belli Gallici ') which Acron attributes to him. ' Turgidus ' probably means ' bombastic,' though it is tempting to parallel it with ' pingui tentus omaso ' in Sat. 2. 5. His personal habits were part of the tradi- ticn of him ; cp. Pliny N. H. praef. 'qui Bibaculus erat et vocabatur.'

iugulat . . . Memnona, i. e. writes of Achilles slaying Memnon, the subject of the Aethiopis ofArctinus,the cyclic poet. ' Iugulat,' a rough word, of his clownish way of ' despatching ' his hero.

37. defingit luteum caput seems a continuous metaphor ' gives his Rhine a head-piece of brown mud' Conington ; 'defingere ' is a rare word, perhaps one used, as is suggested, of rough, offhand, workmanship. Probably the point lies in Bibaculus having used the epithet 'luteum' of the source of the Rhine. Did he know enough of the upper courses of the Alpine rivers to apply the epithet purposely ? In any case it was prosaic ; but Horace probably figured the source of the Rhine or Rhone as Virgil would have figured it in the hall



Quae ncque in aede sonent certantia iudice Tarpa,

Nec redeant iterum atque iterum spectanda theatris.

Arguta meretrice potes Davoque Chremeta 40

Eludente senem comis garrire libellos

Unus vivorum, Fundani ; Pollio regum

Facta canit pede ter percusso ; forte epos acer

Ut nemo Varius ducit ; molle atque facetum

Vergilio annuerunt gaudentes rure Camenae. 45

of Cyrene, or as he knew his own Ban- dusian spring ' perlucidior vitro.'

ludo. See on Od. i. 32. 2.

38. in aede sonent ; ' in aede Mu- sarum ubi poetae carmina sua recitabant' Porph. See Juv. S. 7. 37, of the poet who recites in a room lent by his patron, ' Musamm et Apollinis aede relicta.' The temple of Apollo Palatinus, which contained figures of the Muses, was not opened till B. c. 28 (see introd. to Od. 1. 31). The only knovvn temple of the Muses before this was the temple ' Her- culis Musarum,' built by M. Fabius Nobilior, the friend of Ennius, in B. C. 187, and restored by L. Marcius Philip- pus, the step-father of Augustus, Burn, p. 311. Pliny (N. H. 34. 10) tells a story of Accius the poet having put a statue, larger than life, of himself ' in Camenarum aede,' which may be a loose designation of this one, or may refer to one not otherwise known. In the time of Livius Andronicus the temple of Minerva on the Aventine was assigned ior meet- ings of the ' collegium poetarum ' (Fest. s. v. Scribae. Val. Mas. 3. 7. 11). These may probably have been transferred later to a temple of the Muses or Camenae.

Tarpa. The critic who presides at these prize recitations is given by the Schol. the additional names ' Sp. Maecius,' which identify him with the ' Maecius' of A. P. 387, andso withthe critic who is named in Cic. ad Fam. 7. 1 as having been in some way made responsible for the plays to be performed in Pompey's theatre in b. c. 55. We know nothing of him from other sources. See on A. P. 1. c.

40. arguta. So Epp. 1. 14. 42 'calo argutus,' of the slave whose wits are sharpened by town life. The names of Davus the slave, and Chremes the old man, are those of the Andria of Terence, though there is no scene which exactly corresponds with that suggested here.

41. comis, probablynom. = 'comiter,'

' so as to please.'

garrire libellos, = to write light comedies of easy talk. Fundanius is not mentioned by Quintilian, nor otherwise known to us. Horace puts the story of Nasidienus' supper, in Sat. 2. 8, into his mouth. For ' garrire ' cp. Sat. 2. 6.


42. Pollio. Od. 2. 1. introd.

regum. Od. 4. 2. 13, the kings of legend.

43. pede ter percusso =' trimetris ' A.P. 252,'the measure withthree beats'; ' pede,' in the same sense as supr. v. 1. It is also taken (as by Orelli and Dill1".) literally ' to three beats of the foot,' i. e. to a metre which is so marked. For ' percusso ' as a technical term see Cic. de Orat. 3. 47. 182 ' sunt insignes per- cussiones eorum numerorum,' i. e. of the iambic and trochaic.

forte, ' manly.'

acer ut nemo, ' with a fire all his own.'

44. ducit. There is no continuous metaphor. Heindorf and others compare the use of ' deducere ' (Sat. 2. 1. 4, etc), ' to spin ' ; but ' ducere epos,' ' versus,' (Ov. Trist. 5. 12. 63), 'carmen' (ib. 1. Ii.i8,etc), are perhaps rather analogous to the uses of ' ducere ' of architecture (Od. 4. 6. 23), of moulding in brass (Epp. 2. 1. 240), or marble (.Virg. Aen. 6. 848). For Varius as the epic poet see Od. 1. 6. 2 'Maeonii carminis alite.'

molle atque facetum, ' smoothness and exquisite finish.' ' Facetum ' is in- terpreted by Quintilian, 6. 3. 20 ' Face- tum quoquenontantum circum ridiculum opinor consistere. Neque hinc diceret facetum carminis genus natura con- cessum esse Vergilio. Dccoris hanc magis et e.xatltae cuiusdam elcgantiae appellationem puto.' Virgil had at this time made public his Eclogues. See Introd. to the Satires, p. 4.

45. annuerunt, Epod. 9. 17 'verter- unt,' Epp. 1. 4. 7 'dederunt.'

LIB. I. SAT. 10.


Hoc erat, experto frustra Varrone Atacino

Atque quibusdam aliis, melius quod scribere possem,

Inventore minor ; neque ego illi detrahere ausim

Haerentem capiti cum multa laude coronam.

At dixi fluere hunc lutulentum, saepe ferentem 50

Plura quidem tollenda relinquendis. Age, quaeso,

Tu nihil in magno doctus reprehendis Homero?

Nil comis tragici mutat Lucilius Acci ?

Non ridet versus Enni gravitate minores,

Cum de se loquitur non ut maiore reprensis ? 55

Ouid vetat et nosmet Lucili scripta legentes

46. hoe repeats the ' haec ' of verse


Varrone Atacino. P. Terentius Varro, called ' Atacinus ' from his birth- place on the river Atax (Aude) in Gallia Narbonensis. His Satires are not men- tioned elsewhere. Quintilian's mention of him (10. 1. 87) recognises the fact that some of his poems did not merit immortality, ' in iis, per quae nomen est assecutus, interpres operis alieni,' with reference no doubt to his Argonautica, a poem frequently referred to by later poets (as Ov. Fast. 2. 439).

47. quibusdam aliis. Macleanejustly remarks that but for this reference we should not have known that Varro had written Satires ; it is not surprising that there were other writers whose names are not preserved.

48. inventore minor. Cp. Sat. 2. I. 74 ' Quicquid sum ego, quamvis Infra Lucili censum ingeniumque,' etc.

49. haerentem, as though it would be unwilling to be removed.

50. at, ' but, you repeat (see on verse 1), I said,' etc. Ritter unnecessarily makes it more directly dramatic by reading ex conj. ' dixti.' The reference is to Sat. 1.4. 11, where see note.

52. doetus, 'are you not learned critic enough to pick some holes, like the Alexandrines, in Homer ' ? For a reference to such criticisms see A. P.


53. eomis : not ironical, but yet an epithet taken from his admirers, as in verse 85, ' for all his graciousness.'

tragici has the force of ' the true tragic poet.'

mutat, ' emendat ' Porph.

Acci. Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 56, A. P. 258, L. Accius, born, according to Jerome, in

B. c. 170. His tragedies are praised and frequently quoted by Cicero. Quin- tilian'sjudgment (10. 1. 97) is ' Tragoe- diae scriptores Accius atque Pacuvius clarissimi gravitate sententiarum, ver- borum pondere, et auctoritate person- arum. Ceterum nitor et summa in excolendis operibus manus magis videri potest temporibus, quam ipsis defuisse.' Porphyrion's comment on this and the following lines is ' Facit autem haec Lucilius cum alias tum vel maxime in tertio libro . . . et nono et decimo.'

54. gravitate : Epp. 2. 1. 59 ; not the abl. of comparison as Orelli takes it, con- structing ' Enni ' airb koivov with ' versus ' and ' gravitate,' ' verses of Ennius, below the dignity of Ennius ' ; but the abl. of respect, as Epp. 2. 1. 183 'virtute et honore minores.' Servius on Virg. Aen. 11. 601 (see Conington, i. 1.) illustrating Virgil's use of the verb ' horreo,' has preserved an instance of Lucilius' criticism of Ennius, ' Est autem versus Ennianus (probably Sat. 3. fr. 6 'Sparsis hastislongis campus splendet ethorret ') vituperatus a Lucilio dicente per irrisio- nem eum debuisse dicere, " horret et alget." '

55. ' Whilst he speaks of himself not as though he were greater than those he criticizes.' cum almost = 'cum tamen.' Heindorf makes this a separate question, understanding a second 'loquitur,' ' when he speaks of himself is it not as one greater than those he criticizes ' ? but Madvig (Opusc. i. p. 106) rightly pointed out that, even if the double ellipsis of ' loquitur ' and of the prep. before ' maiore ' were admitted, the ser.se would be wrong. Horace is arguing that criticism of your predecessors is no proof of disrespect to them.



Quaerere, num illius, num rerum dura negarit Versiculos natura magis factos et euntes Mollius, ac si quis pedibus quid claudere senis, Hoc tantum contentus, amet scripsisse ducentos Ante cibum versus, totidem cenatus ; Etrusci Ouale fuit Cassi rapido ferventius amni Ingenium, capsis quem fama est esse librisque Ambustum propriis ? Fuerit Lucilius, inquam, Comis et urbanus, fuerit limatior idem Quam rudis et Graecis intacti carminis auctor, Quamque poetarum seniorum turba : sed ille, Si foret hoc nostrum fato dilatus in aevum,


57. rerum dura natura. ' Rerum de quibus scripsit ' Acr. ; but possibly ' rerum natura ' has its Lucretian or Ciceronian sense of the total order of things ' some difficulty insuperable whatever had been his individual force and care.' ' Dura ' qualifies ' natura ' as constructedwith 'rerum/notwith 'illius.'

58. magis factos, ' more finished.' Cic. de Orat. 3. 48. 184 ' oratio polita ac facta quodamrnodo.'

59. mollius, ac, ' more smoothly than.' Though putting it in this in- direct way, Horace repeats the charge of Sat. 1. 4. 9 foll., that Lucilius' rough- ness was due to his rapid composition.

pedibus claudere. Sat. 2. 1. 28 ' pedibus verba claudere ' ; and on Sat. I. 4. 40 ' concludere versum.'

60. hoc tantum = ' hac una re ' ; ' this and this only ' repeating the previous infinitive. Cp. Sat. 1. 1. 78. ' Contentus ' is constructed both with an abl. and (jn poetry) with an infin.

61. Etrusci Cassi : a writer other- wise unknown. The Scholiasts identified him with the ' Cassius Parmensis ' of Epp. 1. 4. 3,and all the earlier editors, including even Bentley, followed them. Weichert, who treated the question elaborately (De L. Varii et Cassii Parmensis vita et carminibus Grimae 1836), proved that this must be an error. Even if the two epithets ' Etrusci ' and ' Parmensis ' are not inconsistent as they seem to be, the writer called 'Cassius Parmensis,' according to all testimony, was one of the conspirators against Caesar, and was put to death in Athens by the order of Octavianus after the battle of Actium, some years after the

date to which this Satire is to be referred.

64. fuerit. ' Let it be granted that he was.'

65. comis : see on v. 53. urbanus, juined with ' comis ' in

Sat. 1. 4. 90. It seems to imply some refinement in the humour, as that implies good temper in it.

66. ' Than the creator of a new style of poetry, and one unattempted by the Greeks.' Does this mean (1) than he was, or under the circumstances of his writing could be ? or (2) than some one else, such as the writers of the early Saturnian rhythm? Casaubon taking (2) altered ' rudis et ' to ' Rudius ' so that the line definitely described Ennius. In spite of some harshness of expression the first is the most probable. Both ' Graecis iiitacti carminis ' and ' auctor' are phrases evidently meant to imply the praise of originality which Horace always gives to Lucilius : see v. 48 and cp. Sat. 2. 1. 63. Cp. Quintil. 10. 1. 93 'Satira quidem tota nostra est (Horace's ' Graecis intactum carmen ') in qua primus insignem laudem adeptus Lucilius quosdam ita deditos sibi adhuc habet amatores ut eum non eiusdem modo operis auctoribus sed omnibus poetis praeferre non dubitent.' With ' rudis ' cp. Virg. G. 2. 211 ' rudis campus,' of unworked soil. With ' lima- tior' cp. A. P. 291 ' limae labor.'

68. dilatus, ' postponed,' if he had lived a century later. The reading of this word is very uncertain. A large proportion of the MSS. have the variant ' dilapsus,' which K. and H. print, thinking it to have been the reading of the archetype, but an original mistake for ' delapsus.' There is a similar diffi-

LIB. I. SAT. 10.


Detereret sibi multa, recideret omne quod ultra

Perfectum traheretur, et in versu faciendo 70

Saepe caput scaberet vivos et roderct ungues.

Saepe stilum vcrtas, iterum quae digna legi sint

Scripturus, neque te ut miretur turba labores,

Contentus paucis lectoribus. An tua demens

Vilibus in ludis dictari carmina malis ? 75

Non ego : nam satis est equitem mihi plaudere, ut audax

Contemptis aliis explosa Arbuscula dixit.

Men moveat cimex Pantilius, aut cruciet quod

Vellicet absentem Demetrius, aut quod ineptus

Fannius Hermogenis laedat conviva Tigelli ?

Plotius et Varius, Maecenas Vergiliusque,

Valgius, et probet haec Octavius, optimus atque

Fuscus, et haec utinam Viscorum laudet uterque !


culty in Od. 4. 13. 28, where the MSS. are divided between ' dilapsam,' ' delap- sam,' one (1) reading ' delatam,' and in Epod. 17. i8, where ' relapsus' and ' re- latus' have nearly equal authority. With ' delapsus ' Holder compares Virg. Aen. 2. 377 ' sensit medios delapsus in hostes,' ' if he had strayed into this century.'

69. detereret sibi, the same metaph. as ' limatior,' ' would use the file on him- self freely.'

70. traheretur, 'dragged out,' ' pro- longed.'

faciendo, as ' factos' in v. 58, ' per- fecting.'

71. caput scaberet. The editors quote from a fragment of Varro ' scabens caput novo partu poetico.' The re- mainder of the line is imitated by Pers. Sat. 1. 106, speaking of composition which has caused no effort, ' nec demor- sos sapit ungues.' vivos = 'ad vivum,' ' to the quick.'

72. stilum vertas, of erasing the writing on the wax tablet with the rounded end of the ' stilus.' Cicero has the same expression, ' [Verres] vertit stilum in tabulis suis ' Verr. 2. 2. 41.

75. vilibus in ludis. Horace here, as in Epp. 1. 20. 17, professes to shrink from the fate which Juvenal tells us ^ 7- 225) had befallen his poems of becoming a schoolbook, ' Quot stabant pueri, cum totus decolor esset Flaccus, et haereret nigro fuligo Maroni.'

76. equitem, who occupied the seals of honour. Epod. 4. 15, Epp. 1. 1. 62.

77. contemptis aliis : see on Od. I.


Arbuseula. A ' mima ' whose name

Cicero also has preserved, ad Att. 4. 15

' quaeris mima de Arbuscula, valde pla-

cuit ; ludi magnifici et grati.'

78. men moveat, imitated by Pers. S. 1. 88.

cimex. Hadrian is said (Philostratus, 588) to have tolerated the attacks of a slanderer calling them Sjj^yuara tcupiwv.

Pantilius, an unknown person. Estre thinks his name is invented for its ety- mology, irav tlXKuv, in the sense of ' vellicare.'

80. Fannius: see on Sat. 1. 4. 21.

81. For the conjunction of persons in this line cp. Sat 1. 5. 40 with note.

82. Valgius, to whom Od. 2. 9. (see introd.) is addressed.

Octavius, very possibly the same as the Octavius whose death is the sub- ject of Virg. Catal. 14, in which he is spoken of as a man of letters and a his- torian.

optimus with ' Fuscus.' See on Sat. 1 .

5- 27-

83. Fuscus. Aristius Fuscus ; see

Od. 1. 22, introd., Epp. 1. 10, introd., Sat. 1. 9. 61.

Viscorum uterque : see on Sat. 1. 9. 22.



Ambitione relegata te dicere possum, Pollio, te, Messalla, tuo cum fratre, simulque Vos, Bibule et Servi, simul his te, candide Furni, Complures alios, doctos ego quos et amicos Prudens praetereo ; quibus haec, sunt qualiacunque, Arridere velim, doliturus si placeant spe Deterius nostra. Demetri, teque, Tigelli, Discipularum inter iubeo plorare cathedras.



84. ambitione, in the same sense Tacitus (Hist. 1. 1) speaks of 'ambitio scriptoris ' as one of the corrupting in- fluencesin history, the interested desire to please.

85. Pollio. Od. 2. 1 introd., supr. v. 42.

Messalla: see on v. 28 of this Satire on ' tuo cum fratre,' the Schol. annotate ' Publicola.' This they further interpret, as we have seen, of ' Pedius Publicola ' mentioned in that place. But Messalla had a brother called by Plutarch (Vit. Anton. c. 65, 66), and the epitomizers of Livy (122), Publicola, and by Dion (47. 24) Gellius Publicola, who had been an ally of Brutus and Cassius, but conspired against them, was forgiven on account of their friendship for Messalla, and subsequently commanded a wing of Antony's squadron at Actium. Cp. introd. to Od. 2. 3.

86. Bibule, a certain correction of Heinsius for the reading of all MSS. ' Bibuli.' The corruption was due to ' vos ' and to a misrendering of ' Servi ' as plur. voc, which it could not be. K. and H., who print ' Bibuli ' as the MS. reading, equally denounce it as a blunder. The person intended is supposed to have been the youngest son of the Consul Bibulus (Od. 3. 28. 8), who was still a boy when his father died, and his mother Porcia married M. Brutus. We hear of him as at Athens (and in company with Messalla, Cic. ad Att. 12. 32) in B.C. 45, and sub- sequently at the battle of Philippi with his step-father. This will account for his friendship with Horace. It also seems that he wrote a memoir of M. Brutus (Plutarch, Vit. M. Bruti 1 3 and


Servi, possibly the son of S. Sulpi- cius Lemonia Rufus, the jurist and friend of Cicero, of whose gifts and literary tastes Cicero speaks in letters to his

father, ad Fam. 4. 3, 4, 13. 27; cp. Phil. 9. 3, foll.

candide, Epod. 5. 5, Epp. 1. 4. 1 ; cp. Sat. 1. 5. 41, Epp. 1. 6. 68.

Furni, doubtless the person with re- spect to whom Seneca tells a story (de Benef. 2. 25) of his reconciling Augustus to his father C. Furnius (friend and cor- respondent of Cicero, ad Fam. 10. 25, 26),whohadbeen a supporterof Antony. He was consul in B.c. 17. In the Euseb. Chron. occurs ' Fumii pater et filius clari oratores habentur, quorum filius consu- laris ante patrem moritur.'

88. prudens, ' if I omit any names it is not that I forget them.'

89. spe deterius, ' less than I hope.'

90. Demetri. Nothing is known of him but what can be gathered from the text (cp. v. 18) ; for the omission of ' te ' before ' Demetri ' Bentley compares the omission of the first ' sive ' as in Sat. 2. 8. 16; cp. Od. 1. 3. 16, 1. 6. 19.

91. discipularum, ' mimarumethis- trionum,' Comm. Cruq. ' ingenuarum. quia hoc tempore maximum earum studium adfectandi lyricam disciplinam.' Acr. For the first we may compare the ' mimae ' of Sat. 1. 2. 2, who mourned the deathof theotherTigellius. Forthe latter Orelli compares the picture of Sem- pronia in Sallust, Cat. 25 ' literis Graecis et Latinis dicta, psallere et saltare ele- gantius quam necesse est probae.' Ritter adds the description of women's education, Od. 3. 6. 2ifoll. It may be questioned, however, whether Horace means to depict Demetrius and Tigel- lius as professional singing-masters; or, rather, as we might say, as drawing- room critics, whose auditors would be young ladies lounging on armchairs. Cp. ( Heindorf ) Martial's picture (3. 63. 5 foll.) of the ' bellus homo ' : ' Cantica qui Nili, qui Gaditana susurrat, Qui movet in varios brachia volsa modos: Inter femineas tota qui luce cathedras

LIB. I. SAT. 10. I, puer, atque meo citus haec subscribe libello.


desidet, atque aliqua semper in aure sonat.'

iubeo plorare, nXaUtv KeKtvcv, a form of contemptuous dismissal ; but perhaps also with a play on the words in reference to the whining tone of the poetry which they admire ; see on v. 19.

92. This verse is no doubt rightly taken by Bentley (Praef.) as an epilogue to the first book of the Satires. See

Introduction, p. 1. For the use of ' libellus ' compare the extract from Augustns' letter vol. 1, p. xxviii, ' Pertulit ad me Dionysius libellum tuum.' Horace imagines himself de- livering the Satire to his copying slave ('librarius') to add to the roll just completed of the other nine. It has been also taken, less probably, of the addition of the last taunt as an afterthought to this particular Satire ; so Heindorf.




An apology for Satire, and (as befits the beginning of a Second Book) for Satire that has given offence. It is put in the form of a consultation with a shrewd old lawyer.

Verses 1-5. H. My Satires are criticised sometimes as too fierce, sometimes as too feeble advise me ?

5, 6. T. Give them up.

6, 7. H. The best advice : but how to spend my sleepless nights ?

7-12. T. There are prescriptions for sleeplessness ; but if you must write poetry,

write the praises of Caesar. 1 2-16. H. I wish I could ; but it is not every one who is fitted to describe warlike

enterprises. 17, 18. T. Then describe his civil merits, as Lucilius described Scipio's. 18-20. H When the time comes ; but it needs tact. 21-23. T. It is better than Satire. Your fictitious names only make it worse.

Everyone takes the hits to themselves. 24-34. H- ^ nat can I Other people indulge their tastes. My taste is writing

verses, like Lucilius. They were his perpetual resource, his confidants. His

life is mirrored in them. 34-46. I follow in his train. Like my ancestors set on outpost duty at Venusia,

my weapons are for defence not for offence. I would fain live in peace, but if

any one assail me the town shall hear of it. 47-56. Instinct tells every living thing what is its weapon of self-defence. 57-60. The sum is ; whatever and wherever I am, write I must. 60-62. T. I fear then you will come to trouble with some of your great friends. 62-79. H" Nay, Laelius and Scipio were not offended when Lucilius laid bare

the vices of Metellus and Lupus. He attacked great and small impartially.

Laelius and Scipio were his friends and companions in their leisure. I do not

compare myself to his greatness, but no one can deny that I too have lived

with great men. 79-83. T. Be it so ; let me at least remind you of the law. It is a criminal offence

to write ' mala carmina ' against anyone.

[Horace brings the Satire to an end with the jest he has prepared.] 83-85. H. Ay, but suppose they are ' bona,' and Caesar thinks so : if the Satire

be deserved and the Satirist's own hands clean ?

LIB. II. SAT. i.


86. T. Then the indictment will be quashed in laughter and you will be ac- quitted.

C. Trebatius Testa was a ' iurisconsultus ' of repute, a friend and correspondent of Cicero, who introduced him to Julius Caesar (Cic. ad Fam. 7. 5). The letters (ad Fam. 7. 6-22) are addressed to him, and the Topica is dedicated to him (Top. 1. 1). Cicero's letters to him are familiar, and deal in raillery, as inad Fam. 7. 10, where he rallies him for shrinking from crossing the British channel, though he was a votary of swimming, and in 22, where writing to justify a legal reference which he had made the night before, and which Trebatius had treated contempt- uously, he says ' illuseras heri inter scyphos,' and says that though they had drunk deep he had been himself sober enough on his return home to turn out the passage which he sends. It is supposed that Horace has such traits in view in w. 8, 9. Trebatius is probably dead at the time, and Horace's interest in him is a literary one through Cicero's letters.

SUNT quibus in satira videar nimis acer et ultra

Legem tendere opus ; sine nervis altera quicquid

Composui pars esse putat, similesque meorum

Mille die versus deduci posse. Trebati,

Quid faciam praescribe. ' Quiescas.' Ne faciam, inquis, 5

Omnino versus ? ' Aio.' Peream male si non

1. Sunt quibus videar. The ba- lance is in favour of ' videar ' against ' videor,' especially as Porph. so quotes it on Sat. 1. 1. 1. Either is possible. See on Od. I. 1. 3.

ultra legem . . . opus. Comparing A. P. 135 ' operis lex,' ' legem' is perhaps best taken as meaning in the first place, ' its own proper limits ' ' to make Satire more trenchant and per- sonal than it should be.' But there is probably something of the play with which the Satire ends, where ' mala' is taken by one speaker in a literary, by the other in a legal, sense.

2. tendere, ' to strain.' The meta- phor of a bowstring may be in the back- ground, but it is not clearly felt ; still less is the metaphor kept up (as Dillr. says) in ' sine nervis,' which means ' without sinews,' ' flaccid,' as A. P. 26 ' sectantem levia nervi deficiunt.' Cp. Cicero's use of 'enervatus' and ' ner- vosus ' of style.

altera pars, ' the other half of the world.'

4. deduci, the metaphor from spin- ning, as in Epp. 2. 1. 225 ' tenui deducta poemata filo,' Virg. Ecl. 6. 5 ' deduc- tum carmen/ etc. As Conington sug-

gests, there are several points in the similitude, one or other of which may be prominent. It may be a compli- ment, as expressing the fineness of the work, or a depreciative expression, as here, of its length and thinness.

5. praescribe. If not actually a technical term in this sense, it is a word for authoritative advice generally, and also a word which, with its cognates ' praescriptum,' ' praescriptio ' had tech- nical associations.

quiescas, as in v. 6 ' aio,' the sen- tentious style of the man of wisdom.

ne faciam : not after ' inquis,' which is parenthetical and intended to express surprise, 'Do you say'? ' Can I hear right ' ? but adapted to the construction of the preceding ' quiescas,' of which it is offered as an interpretation, as that is adapted to the construction of Horace's request, the first 'praescribe' suggesting ' praescribo ' and ' praescribis ' in the clauses that follow. ' Ne faciam ' gives a certain play by its likeness to ' quid faciam,' as though Horace said, 'I asked you what to do and you tell me what not to do.'

6. peream si: Sat. 1. 9. 38.



Optimum erat : verum nequeo dormire. ' Ter uncti Transnanto Tiberim somno quibus est opus alto, Irriguumque mero sub noctem corpus habento. Aut si tantus amor scribendi te rapit aude Caesaris invicti res dicere, multa laborum Praemia laturus.' Cupidum, pater optime, vires Deficiunt : neque enim quivis horrentia pilis Agmina nec fracta pereuntes cuspide Gallos


7. optimum erat; see on Od. 1. 37.4. It comes under the first head. ' It is, all the time, though I did not think so ' ; the Greek dp qv.

nequeo dormire. The humour con- sists in the matter-of-fact old lawyer taking this literally and prescribing for physical sleeplessness. Poetical com- position is often spoken of as a natural rival of sleep : Epp. 2. 2. 54 ' Ni dor- mire putem melius quam scribere ver- sus,' Juv. S. 1. 77 ' Quem patitur dor- mire nurus corruptor avarae ' ? The ex- planation is to be found in such expres- sions as Hor. Epp. 2. 1. 112 ' prius orto Sole vigil calamum et chartas et scrinia posco,' Juv. S. 1. 51 ' Venusina digna lucerna,' 7. 27 ' vigilata proelia,' Aus. Epigr. 34. 7 (of ineffective efforts at composition) ' Utilius dormire fuit quam perdere somnum Atque oleum.'

uncti : see Od. 3. 12. 7 n. It is doubt- ful whether the oil is a preliminary of the bathing itself, or implies the exer- cise which precedes it.

ter transnanto. Note the affecta- tion of the imperative form common in laws. Three is the mystical number suitable to magical and to medical pre- scriptions, Epp. i. i. 37, Virg. Ecl. 8. 73. It is to be noticed also that both swimming and deep drinking are sub- jects of humorous allusion in Cicero's extant letters to Trebatius (see Intro- duction to this Satire), so that Horace is giving Trebatius' advice a personal colour.

9. irriguum : cp. ' uvidus,' Od. 2. 19. 1 8; 4. 5. 39. It is the opposite of ' siccus ' Sat. 2. 2. 14. ' Irriguum corpus ' seems a step further, but it goes with such expressions as that commented on upon Od. 2. 2. 14. Cp. Phaedr. Fab. 4. 14. 9 ' irrigatus multo venas nectare.'

10. rapit : Od. 3. 2. 12, Epod. 7. 13. Bentley preferred ' capit/ a reading of

slight authority, as more suitable to Tre- batius.

aude, ' have the courage,' i.e. it is a high undertaking. For this method of giving panegyric under the form of refusing it see Od. 1.6; 2. 12 ; 4. 2.

11. invicti. Horace gives the title to Achilles, Epod. 13. 12 ; to Jupiter, Od. 3. 27. 73.

laborum praemia. Heind., Orelli, and DilK seek to soften the apparent in- delicacy by explaining ' praemia ' either of the worthiness of the subject, or of the praise and popularity to be gained ; but it is simpler to notice that the words are in Trebatius' mouth. He may be supposed without offence to take even a mercenary view of the poet's calling ; but he is specially concerned in pointing by contrast the thanklessness of his pre- sent style of composition. Horace does not profess to look upon the suggestion as having any practical bearing on him- self.

12. pater. Cp. Epp. 1. 6. 54; see on v. 60.

13. neque quivis, a favourite form; Epp. 1. 17. 36, A. P. 263.

14. fracta cuspide ; often explained after the Schol., of a stratagem such as that of Marius, who, according to Plutarch, in the war with the Cimbri substituted a fragile wooden peg for one of the two iron pegs which fastened the head of the ' pilum ' to its shaft, in order that when it struck, the weaker peg breaking and the other bending, the javelin might be doubled on the enemy's shield, and so be difficult to extract and encumber his movements. This however, as seems to be conclusively argued by Funkhaenel (see Orelli's excursus", is too farfetched, special, and technical a reference to be looked for. The alternative seems to be, with him, to suppose ' cuspide ' to be a generic name

LIB. II. SAT. i.


Aut labentis equo describat volnera Parthi.

' Attamen et iustum poteras et scribere fortem,

Scipiadam ut sapiens Lucilius.' Haud mihi deero

Cum res ipsa feret : nisi dextro tempore, Flacci

Verba per attentam non ibunt Cacsaris aurem,

Cui male si palpere recalcitrat undique tutus.

' Ouanto rectius hoc quam tristi laedere versu

Pantolabum scurram Nomentanumque nepotem,

Cum sibi quisque timet, quamquam est intactus, ct odit!'

Ouid faciam ? Saltat Milonius, ut semel icto

Accessit fervor capiti numerusque lucernis. 25


for the Gaul's own special weapon, the javelin or lance, called by Virgil, Aen. 8. 662, 'gaesum,' by Caesar, B. G. I. 26 and Livy, 7. 34, ' matara ' or ' mataris.' The conespondence then is between w. 14 and 15 ; the Gaul is dying, his lance broken, the Parthian when he can no longer sit his horse both contrasted with the unbroken Roman lines brist- ling with their national weapon the ' pilum.'

16. iustum et fortem. The woids recall the ' iustum ac tenacem propositi virum ' of Horace's actual panegyric, Od. 3. 3. 1. Diintzer points out how Horace is in the habit of adding ' fortis ' to other terms of praise ; to ' bonus ' Epp. 1. 9. 13 (cp. Od. 4. 4. 29), to ' sapiens ' Epp. 2. 1. 50, to ' strenuus ' Epp. 1. 7. 46.

poteras. See on v. 7 ' optimum erat,' and cp. A. P. 328 ; ' you need not have done this, you could sing of Augustus' civil virtues.'

17. Scipiadam, inf. v. 72, the acc. ofScipiades or Scipiadas, a GKck foim which Virgil employs (G. 2. 170, Acn. 6. S24); but Horace takes it directly from Lucilius, incert. 57 and II. 14.

sapiens, a touch of iiony in Tre- batius, as it would hint the meaning, ' he knew what was good policy.'

18. res ipsa, the facts of the case, opp. to mere fancy or suggestion (as now) from outside.

feret, as ' natura fcrt,' ' occasio fert,' ' shall prompt.'

dextro tempore : eontrast ' tempore laevo' Sat. 2. 4. 4, and cp. Epp. 1. 13. 3-5, and Epp. 2. 1. 1-4.

19. attentam, predicative, will not find his ear attentive and so gain ad- mittance.


20. male, ' awkwardly.' recalcitrat. Bentl. would read ' re-

calcitret ' in order to complete the con- ditional sentence, but the special apo- dosis to ' si palpere ' is merged in the general statement of his attitude, ' from whichever side you approach him he is on his guard, and has his heels ready.' For an analogous breach of exact cor- respondence cp. Od. 3. 3. 8.

21. tristi, 'sour,' 'illnatuied.' Cp.the use of the word in Od. 1. 16. 9 and 26.

22. From Sat. 1. 8. 1 1, where see note. The verse here stands as a specimen of Horace's personal Satire.

24. quid faciam ? ' What am I to do ? other people follow the bent of their taste. Why may not I ' ? Imitated by Pers. Sat. 1. 8. With the excuse for writing satire as a taste not more un- accountable than others cp. Od. 1. 1. 1, introd.

saltat. He yields to his impulse to the extent of sacrificing Roman decoium, as Cicero says (Mur. 6. 13) ' nemo saltat sobrius nisi forte insanit.' What special personal play there is in the words is beyond our recovery. Porph. calls Mi- lonius ' scurra illorum temporum ' ; but his note shows no source of information beyond this passage, and, in a ' scurra,' to dance on occasion would be no im- propriety, Sat. 1. 5. 63. The passage in Cicero bears witness that such an action, though indecorous, was not un- known in persons of higher station, for he is answering the charge that Murena had danced.

icto. Cp. oTvos ae rpwei /j.e\LT]Sr]i Hom. Od. 21. 293.

25. numerus lucernis : the ' seeing double ' of a drunken man, ' cum iam



Castor gaudct equis, ovo prognatus eodem

Pugnis ; quot capitum vivunt, totidem studiorum

Milia : me pedibus delectat claudere verba

Lucili ritu nostrum melioris utroque.

Ille velut fidis arcana sodalibus olim

Credebat libris, neque, si male cesserat, usquam

Decurrens alio, ncque si bene ; quo fit ut omnis

Votiva pateat veluti descripta tabella

Vita senis. Sequor hunc, Lucanus an Apulus anccps :

vertigine tectum Ambulat et geminis exsurgit mensa lucernis ' Juv. S. 6. 304.

26. No identity of other conditions, not the closeness of twin brothers, car- ries with it identity of taste ; the ref. is

/»Cow to Homer's Kaaropa 6' imrooafiov^Trv^ dyaObv Tlo\v5evK(a II. 3. 237).

27. An adaptation ofTerence's ' Quot homines lot sententiae ' Phorm. 2. 4. 14.

quot capitum. sc. ' milia.'

28. pedibus claudere, Sat. 1. 10. 59. Here, as there, it is a depreciatory phrase for verse making, putting the mechanical part foremost. Cp. ' conclr.- dere versum ' Sat. 1. 4. 40.

29. melioris. The Schol. explain ' censu et natalibus,' but, as Orelli says, it is useless to ask in what respect Lucilius was 'a better man than either' of them. It is a proverbial term. He compares Lucretius' remonstrance with the man who complains of death, 3. 1025 ' Lumina sis oculis etiam bonus Ancu' reliquit Qui melior multis quam tu fuit, improbe, rebus.'

30. A further reason for writing Satires, suggested through Lucilius. It is a vent for feeling, a substitute for a friend's ear into which to pour one's thoughts.

areaua . . . credebat. Cp. the ac- count of Sappho's poetry, Od. 4. 9. 11 ' commissi calores Aeoliae fidibus puellae.'

31. si male cesserat : ' if things had gone ill with him,' a common phrase, esp. in Ovid, and cp. Virg. Aen. 12. 148. The greatest number of MSS. have ' gesserat,' a natural mistake in eopying an uncial MS. As Bentley shows, the absolute use of 'gesserat' without an accusative would be un- paralleled.

usquam, with alio,' ' to any other quarter whatever.' It has better autho- rity than ' unquam,' and has more force.

33. votiva tabella. For the prac- tice common in antiquity, as even now in many countries, of vowing and offering a picture of some escape from danger to the power to whose good offrces the escape is attributed, cp. Od. 1. 5. 13, and see Mayor on Juv. S. 12. 27. Per- haps the ftgure is suggested by ' de- eurrens,' ' flying for refuge.' In any case the ' votive picture' carries the suggestion of life outside literature as a sea, if with calms also with storms. Such a picture at once paints the sea, and proclaims that its subject has reached the shore.

34. seuis. Probably best taken in any case, as in Epp. 2. 1. 55 (of Pacu- vius and Accius), as meaning ' ancient ' ; ' though it belongs to a bygone time, his writings keep a fresh picture of his life.' The other interpretation, ' the old man,' as though the point were his long life, would be excluded on other grounds if the dates in the Chron. Euseb. were trusted, which place his birth in 148 B. c, and his death in 103 ; but Mr. Munro (in Journ. of Philol., vol. 8. p. 214) gave some reasons for thinking that the iirst date should be put twenty years earlier.

sequor hunc. The second is the emphatic word. ' It is he that I am following.'

Lucanus an Apulus anceps : ' an- ceps' is prob. the nom., ' of whom it is doubtful whether,' etc, as ' incertus ' is used in Liv. 30. 35, Sall. Jug. 49. 5, where see Kritz. For the geographical point see on Od. 3. 4. 10. The auto- biographical colour given to these lines is perhaps suggested by the practice just described of Lucilius in painting himself in his Satires ; but the special point of the description is that which I have indicated in the analysis of the Satire. The position of the Venusines is a

LIB. II. SAT. i.


Nam Venusinus arat finem sub utrumque colonus, 35

Missus ad hoc, pulsis, vetus est ut fama Sabellis,

Ouo ne per vacuum Romano incurreret hostis,

Sive quod Apula gens seu quod Lucania bellum

Incuteret violenta. Sed hic stilus haud petet ultro

Ouemquam animantem et me veluti custodiet ensis 4o

Vagina tectus ; quem cur distringere coner

Tutus ab infestis latronibus? O pater et rex

Iuppiter, ut pereat positum rubigine telum,

Nec quisquam noceat cupido mihi pacis ! At ille

Oui me commorit, (melius non tangere, clamo) 45

parable of the literary position of tbeir great son : ' He is a true border man, of fighting stock, ready to do battle to any one who assails the territory he has to guard, from whatever side he comes ; but (he goes on in v. 39) like them it is a defensive post he holds, not an offensive one.'

36. missus ad hoc. The foundation of a colony at Venusia in the third Samnite war, b. c. 291, is mentioned by Velleius 1. 14, and in a fragment of Dion. Halic.

ad hoc ...quone. The use of ' quo ne ' as simply equivalent to ' ne ' or ' ut ne ' belongs acc. to Drager (Hist. Syntax, 2. p. 689) to later Latin. There are, hovv- ever, as he points out, instances where ' quo ' has both a final sense and a de- finite relative sense ; as Liv. 34. 6 ' cau- tum erat quo ne plus auri et argenti facti, quo ne plus signati auri et aeris domi haberemus,' where '.quo' is the comp. abl. after 'plus,' having also the final force of the clause following 'cau- tum erat,' ' we had been warned of a sum beyond which ive mttst uot,' etc. Drager thinks that in this place ' ad hoc ' gives 'quo' this double force ('ad hoc ' is followed by a final ' qui ' in Sat. 2. 6. 42, 2. 8. 25), and compares Ter. Andr. 2. 1. 34 ' efficite qui ( = quomodo) delur tibi : ego id agam mihi qui ne detur.' Prof. G. G. Ramsay (Selections of Tib. and Propert. p. 306) points out that if ' quo ' can be used, ' quo ne ' is the na- tural negative, ' ne ' being substituted for ' non ' after final particles, as always after ' ut,' and as after ' dum ' in Sat. 1. 1. 40 'dum ne te sit ditior alter.' Mr. Prickard suggests that ' quo ne ' had a legal flavour (the earliest quotation that Bentley could find for its wider use is the

Digest 21. 1. 17) as though Horacewere professing (in play as towards Trebatius) to quote some deed of foundation of the colony. Compare the play in Sat. 1. 8. 13. Other ways of taking the words, all very forced, have been suggested by those who doubt the construction. Schiitz takes ' quo ' as = ' ut eo,' 'that in that direction,' etc. Prof. Palmer joins ' quo vacuum,' ' that, if unguarded by him,' etc. K. and H. print ' Quo? Ne,' etc, sc. 'to what purpose? lest,' etc.

Sabellis. Horace uses this name for the country folk of his native district, Sat. 1. 9. 29.

37. Bomano, the sing. for the plur., as in Epod. 7. 6 and 7. It may also be taken, with Bentley, for ' agro Romano.'

38. quod = ' aliquod.'

39. incuteret, a favourite word with Horace, who extends its meaning ' quid negoti ' inf. v. 81, ' pudorem ' Epp. 1. 18. 77' 'desiderium' Epp. 1. 14. 22.

sed hic stilus : the bearing is pointed out on v. 34. The play is helped by the remembrance of the two uses of the ' stilus,' as a pen and a weapon. Cp. Cic. Phil. 2. 14. 34 ' si meus stilus ille fuisset, ut dicitur, non solum unum actum sed totam fabulam con- fecisset. '

42. tutus, 'so long as I am safe.'

43. ut pereat : 'Iuppiter ut Chaly- bum omne genus pereat ' Catull. 66. 48 ; ' ut ' = ' utinam,' as in Virg. Aen. 10. 631.

44. nec, nsed byHorace where stricter prose usage would require ' neve ' ; see on Od. 3. 29. 6.

45. melius, sc. ' erit.' Cp. ' optimum erat,' supr. v. 7. So in a threat, Liv. 3. 48 ' quiesse erit melius.'

I 2



Flebit et insignis tota cantabitur urbe.

Cervius iratus leges minitatur et urnam,

Canidia Albuci quibus est inimica venenum,

Grande malum Turius, si quid se iudice certes.

Ut quo quisque valet suspectos terreat, utque 50

Imperet hoc natura potens, sic collige mecum :

Dente lupus, cornu taurus petit : unde nisi intus

Monstratum ? Scaevae vivacem crede nepoti

Matrem ; nil faciet sceleris pia dextera : mirum,

Ut neque calce lupus quemquam neque dente petit bos : 55

Sed mala tollet anum vitiato melle cicuta.

Ne longum faciam : seu me tranquilla senectus

Exspectat seu Mors atris circumvolat alis,

Dives, inops, Romae, seu fors ita iusserit, exul,

Ouisquis erit vitae scribam color. ' O pucr, ut sis 60

46. flebit, fcXavaerat, as ' cantabi- tur ' recalls the use of v/JtveiaOai, in the sense of ' to be the subject of talk.'

47. Cervius,aninformer. TheComm. Cruq. has ' Cervius Ascanii libertus ca- lumniator accusavit Cn. Calvinum lege de sicariis.' Lambinus read ' Servius,' in which case Horace would take the name from Cicero, ad Q. Fr. 2. 13 ' vereor ne homo teter ac ferus Pola Servius ad accusationem veniat.'

48. Canidia Albuci venenum. The Scholiasts, by the diversity of their explanations, show us that they had no real source of information. They offer us 'Canidia Albuci' ('sub. filia ut, Verg. " Deiphobe Glauci" (Aen. 6. 36) vel uxor, ut Hectoris Andromache ' (Aen. 3. 319) ), or ' Albuci venenum,' which may mean either ' such as Albucius ad- ministered,' or ' such as she administered to Albucius.' Of these the last is the most probable. The identification of Canidia is not needed to readers of Sat. I and the Epodes. The introduction of a second employer of poison overloads the line, and weakens the attack on Horace's great enemy. On the other hand the hint of a special crime and of a companion to the ' Varus' of Epod. 5 is quite in keeping with his treatment of her. ' Albucius ' is a name from Lucilius, inc. 9. Horace uses it again of an old man who is a tyrant to his slaves, Sat. 2. 2. 67.

49. Turius, ' iudex corruptissimus '

Schol. Their attempts at identification are various and not of value.

50. ' That every one uses the weapon with which he is strong to frighten those whom he suspects, and that this is the bidding of nature, whose will is law, join with me in thus inferring.'

51. sic collige. Epp. 2. 1. 129.

52. unde, with monstratum, 'a lesson learnt from whence, if not from within ' ? i. e. from instinct. It has been also taken as = ' quare,' ' wherefore, unless as a lesson learnt from within ' ? but cp. ' unde datum sentis ' Sat. 2. 2. 31. With intus cp. A. P. 108.

54. mirum, a parenthetical holding tip the hands, ' marvellous.' The next line rebukes the wonder by giving the explanation, ' Yes, on the same ground that the wolf does not use his heels nor the bull his teeth.' Schutz compares the place of ' mirum' to that of ' durum ' in Od. 1. 24. 19.

56. vitiato, ' poisoned.'

melle, i. e. the drink of honey and wine ; see Sat. 2. 2. 15, 2. 4. 24.

57. ne longum faciam, Sat. 1. 3. 137 ; so ' ne te morer' Sat. 1. 1. 14.

58. circumvolat, as a dread bird of prey, a touch of poetry.

60. scribam. For the order of the words see on Sat. 1. 5. 72. The unusual collocation seems to give emphasis to the misplaced word, as in the similar instance Sat. 2. 3. 211 'Aiax cum im- meritos occidit, desipit, agnos.'

LIB. II. SAT. i.

1 1

Vitalis metuo, ct maiorum ne quis amicus Frigore te feriat.' Ouid, cum est Lucilius ausus Primus in hunc opcris componere carmina morem, Detrahere et pcllem, nitidus qua quisque per ora Cederet, introrsum turpis, num Laelius aut qui Duxit ab oppressa meritum Karthagine nomen, Ingenio offensi aut laeso doluere Metello Famosisque Lupo cooperto versibus? Atqui


color : Epp. 1. 17. 23.

puer, as Horace himself addresses Trebatius (v. 12) as ' pater.'

ut sis vitalis. For the contrasted constr. ' metuo ut . . . ne ' cp. Sat. 1. 4. 32. ' Vitalis ' as in Sat. 2. 7. 4, ' with much life in you,' 'likely to live.' There is a reference in Trebatius^both (as Schiitz notices) to the alternative named by Horace in v. 58, and also verbally to ' vitae ' in v. 60. Horace has also in mind probably the words of Thetis to Achilles (Hom. II. 18. 95) u/Kvfiopos 5r/ poi TiKos 'iaotai oi ' ayopevus. The gist of the answer is that Horace cannot afford this freedom. He lives on the breath of great patrons. This gives him the opportunity of vindicating the character of his friendship. It leaves him as free as the friendship of Laelius and Africanus left Lucilius.

61. maiorum, in the sense of ' the great,' ' those greater than yourselves,' as in Epp. 1. 17. 2. ' Maiorum quis ami- cus ' may be compared with ' quae vir- ginum barbara ' in Od. 2. 29. 5.

62. frigore, in the first place (as is seen in Persius' imitation 1. 108 'ne maiorum tibi forte Limina frigescant ') of the 'coldness,' i. e. indifference, of offended friends ; but there is also with ' feriat ' the metaphorical sense of Wolsey's* ' a frost, a killing frost.'

63. primus, as ' inventor,' Sat. 10. 48.

64. detrahere pellem, as Epp 16. 45 ' Introrsum turpem, speciosum pelle decora.' As the use of the word ' pellis ' (i. e. the skin of a beast) shows, there is a reference more or less con- scious to a fable, such as the ass and the lion's skin, the fox and the sheep's



skin ; see on Sat. 1. 6. 22.

65. cederet = ' incederet,' an archaic nsage ; ' incedere per ora,' ' to niarch before men's eyes,' Sall. Jug. 31.

Laelius. C. Laelius Sapiens (cp. v. 72), the son of the friend of Africanus maior, the interlocutor in Cicero's de Amicitia.

qui duxit. For this mode of desig- nating Scipio Africanus minor see on Od. 4. 8. 13-20.

67. ingenio offensi, sc. 'sunt?' 'did they find matter of offence in his wit'?

Meteilo. Q. Caecilius Metellus Mace- donicus, a political opponent of Scipio.

68. famosis, ' scandalous,' as in Epp. 1. 19. 31 ' famoso carmine ' of Archilochus' lampoons.

Lupo. The name occurs in several fragments of Lucilius, esp. in a passage quoted in Cic. de Nat. D. i. 23. 64 ' Tu- bulus si Lucius unquam Si Lnpus aut Carbo Neptuni filius, ut ait Lucilms, pu- tasset esse deos, tam periurus aut tam impurus fuisset ' ? The Scholiasts ex- plain the reference of P. Rutilius Lupus, cos. B.C. 90, but Servius on Virg. A. 10. 104 says that Lucilius in the first book of his Satires had represented the gods in council as discussing the death of Lupus, and Lucilius himself accord- ing to the Chron. Euseb. died in B.C. 103. Torrentius suggested that the person intended is L. Cornelius Len- tulus Lupus who was cos. in B.c. 157, and though subsequently convicted ' re- petundarum' was Censor in a later year. cooperto, ' pelted,' ' smothered.' atqui, ' and yet ' it was not merely one or two great offenders that fell under the lash.

The metaphor and its application is more fully worked out in Shakespeare's Sonnet 25 : ' Great prince's favourites their fair leaves spread But as a marigold at the sun's eye

For at a frown they in their glory die.'



Primores populi arripuit populumque tributim, Scilicet uni aequus virtuti atque eius amicis. Quin ubi se a volgo et scena in secreta remorant Virtus Scipiadae et mitis sapientia Laeli, Nugari cum illo et discincti ludere donec Decoqueretur olus soliti. Ouicquid sum ego, quamvis Infra Lucili censum ingeniumque, tamen me Cum magnis vixisse invita fatebitur usque Invidia, et fragili quaerens illidere dentem Offendet solido ; nisi quid tu, docte Trebati, Dissentis. ' Equidem nihil hinc difrindere possum Sed tamen ut monitus caveas, ne forte negoti



69. arripuit, ' laid hands on,' Sat 2. 3. 224; perh. with the Ciceronian asso- ciation of 'arresting,' ' in ius vocandi.'

tributim : cp. Cicero's ' dare specta- cula tributim,' Mur. 34. 72. It balances ' primores :' he struck high and lovv, and he struck far and vvide.

70. Orelli conjectures, not improbably, that the expressions of this verse (in- cluding the use of 'eius') may be Lu- cilius' ovvn.

71. 'Yet not only vvere Scipio and Laelius not offended or frightened, thty made a companion and playmate of Lucilius.'

a volgo et scena, the throng and shovv of public life.

72. virtus Seipiadae : see Od. 1. 3. 36 n., 3. 21. 12.

sapientia : the name of 'sapiens' vvas specially given to him according to Plutarch (Vit. Tib. Gracchi 8) on account of his political moderation or pliability. Cicero (de Am. 2) gives it a vvider reference.

73. discineti, ' in easy undress,' liter- ally and metaphorically ; see on Epod.

1. 34. The Comm. Cruq. gives a pic- ture of Lucilius pursuing Scipio and Laelius round the couches of a triclinium vvith a tvvisted napkin ' quasi ferituius ; ' an illustration or a fictitious expansion of the vvords in vvhich Cicero describes the friends in the country ' incredibiliter repuerascere esse solitos . . . et ad om- nem animi remissionem ludumque de- scendere ' de Or. 2. 6. 10, 11.

74. olus, of their simple fare, Sat.

2. 7. 30; Ep. 1. £. 2, 1. 17. 3 ; cp. Sat. 1. 1. 74.

soliti, sc. ' sunt ' as above, v. 67.

75. censum, as much belovv Lucilius in social rank as in vvit. Lucilius was a Roman knight, of a good family ; his sister vvas grandmother to Pompey.

76. eum magnis : cp. Epp. 1. 20. 25.

77. fragili . . . solido, neuters. There is the hint of a fable, as of the viper and the file.

78. Horace softens the self-assertion of the last lines, by this submission of his sentiments to the judgment of Tre- batius.

79. dimndere, a very doubtful read- ing. Of the Scholiasts, Porph. ex- pressly recognises the vv. 11. ' diffingere,' and ' diffidere.' Acr. gives an inter- pretation of both ' diffingere ' and ' dif- findere.' V. had ' diffindere,' the other Bland. MSS. ' diffingere.' Our existing authorities are divided between these vvords and 'diffidere,' ' diffundere.' If we retain ' diffindere ' we must accept Acron's reference to the formula of the Praetor, apparently in adjourning a trial ' hic dies diffissus esto' : cp. Liv. 9. 38 ' triste omen diem diffidit.' Trebatius then would say ' there is nothing in what you say that needs further thought,' i. e. ' I assent at once' ; but there is no proof that ' diffindere rem ' vvas equally good vvith ' diffindere diem ' ; and though a legal phrase seems wanted, this is not quite the sense we expect. Bentley argues for the alternative ' diffingere ' (p.ccepted by Munro, and by Keller in his Epilegomena, though K. and H. give ' diffindere ') which he interprets, as Acr. ' mutare, infirmare,' in the same sense as in Od. 1. 35. 39, 3. 29. 47, ' to alter.'

80. ut monitus caveas, for constr. see on Od. 4. 9. 1.

LIB. II. SAT. 2. 119

Incutiat tibi quid sanctarum inscitia legum :

Si mala condiderit in quem quis carmina, ius est

Iudiciumque.' Esto, si quis mala ; sed bona si quis

Iudice condiderit laudatus Caesare? si quis

Opprobriis dignum latraverit, integer ipse ? 85

' Solventur risu tabulae, tu missus abibis.'

81. incutiat : see above on v. 39. 84. iudice Caesare,"an abl. absol. ;

82. si mala condiderit. Horace see on Od. 1. 6. 2.

seems to be referring to the actual 85. latraverit, for * allatraverit,' as

words of the XII Tables, for Cicero, de in Epod. 5. 58, Epp. 1. 2. 65. For

Rep. 4. 10. 12 (preserved by Augustine, the implied comparison of a satirist

de Civ. Dei 2. 9) has 'Nostrae duo- to a watchdog see on Epod. 6. 1. decim tabulae cum perpaucas res capite integer, Od. 1. 22. 1.

sanxissent in his quoque sanciendum 86. solventur tabulae. The general

putaverunt si quis occentavisset sive sense is plain, but the figure employed

carmcn condidissel quod infamiam fa- is uncertain. There is an apparent

ceret flagitiumve alteri.' Horace refers reference to the phrase in Quintil. 5.

to the same law in Epp. 2. 1. 153. 10. 67 'Cum risu tota res solvitur.'



Verses 1-16. 'Listen, my friends, to a lecture on plain living' it is not Horace speaking, but Ofellus a plain man, but a philosopher in his way ' listen, but not in a smartly laid out dining-room nor when your bellies are full. Go and hunt, or break a rough horse, or (if you are only fit for such effeminate exercises) have a good game of ball or quoit, and then I defy you to despise plain fare.

16-22. Hunger is the best sauce. The rarest delicacies lose their flavour if appetite is wanting.

22-30. It is, I suppose, useless to protest against the preference of a peacock to a barndoor fowl. It is more costly and appeals to the eye. Even that is ridiculous, for you are not going to eat the smart feathers. But your fancies about food go farther still.

31-39. You think you know whether the pike is caught in the river or in the sea. You like your mullet large (though you must divide it to eat it) and your pike small. Your only principle is to take what is rare and avoid what is natural. That comes from not knowing what it is to be really hungry.

39-44. You say you like to gloat over the big dishfull. One is inclined to call the south wind to taint the glutton's dainties ; but there is no need : boar and turbot lose all their savour when the stomach is tired ; then you prefer herbs.

44-52. Princes and peasants share the taste for eggs and olives. The fact is that it is greatly a matter of fashion. The nastiest dish can be made the vogue.

53-69. There is a great distinction in my judgment between plain living and mean living, for there are faults on both sides. You need not be like Avidienus.


Thcre is a medium betvveen looking after things too sharply and not looking after them at all.

70-81. Now hear the advantages of plain living. First, it means good digestion, and with good digestion comes a free and active mind.

82-88. Next, it leaves a margin for improvement ; for holidays or when health requires it. Luxury has used up all its resources.

89-99. In the good old days delicacies were always reserved for hospitality. Gluttony leads even now to disgrace as well as to ruinous extravagance.

99-1 11. Do yon answer that there is no fear of ruin in your case ; that you have enough to spend on your gluttony ? I answer that there are better uses of money. Relieve the poor, restore temples, give to your country. But have you immunity from human chances? And if change come, who is best fitted to meet it, the man who is accustomed to plain living or the man of luxury ? '

112-136. Ofellus practised what he taught. I knew him when I was a boy as a proprietor where now he pays rent and works hard. He lived plainly then, and when reverses came he applied his philosophy to his own case and taught his sons to do the same.

The lecture (verses i-iii) is pretty clearly meant to be put into the mouth of Ofellus, who is described as an old neighbour of Horace's, and as a representative of the sturdy independence and strong sense of his fellow countrymen the ' pernix Apulus ' (Epod. 2. 41), 'Sabellus' (Sat. 2. 1. 36; Epp. 1. 16. 49), etc. The purpose of the lecture suits the character, but, as in those of Stertinius in Sat. 2. 3 and Davus in Sat. 2. there is little or no attempt to make the style or topics in detail correspond to the speaker. It is a Satire, such as in the First Book would have been in Horace's own mouth, on the luxury and caprices of the day.

It will be noticed (see on v. 114) that Ofellus is supposed to have been dis- possessed of his property at the same time as Horace himself, viz. in B. c. 41, and to have lived on as a tenant under Umbrenus (v. 133), the veteran to whom the land had been assigned. "Whether he is supposed to be alive still does not appear.

It is one of the Satires in wThich Horace seems to have taken the topic and general idea of treatment from Lucilius, who, according to Cicero, de Fin. 2. 8. 24, put a lecture against greediness into the mouth of Laelius. One of the fragments of it quoted by Cicero is referred to in v. 46 ; see note there.

OUAE virtus et quanta, boni, sit vivere parvo

(Nec meus hic sermo est, sed quae praecepit Ofellus

Rusticus, abnormis sapiens, crassaque Minerva,)

1. boni, 'good sirs.' Ofellus' ad- though of no school.' V. had 'abnormi,' dress to some imagined audience of but the mistake is easy (there is a similar neighbours, rather than Horace's own, mistake the other way in some MSS. in in wbich case it would be unlike his verse 1, ' bonis sit ' for ' boni sit'), and usual style. For its use in the sing. the reference which Lambinus first sug- see on Sat. 2. 3. 31. gested to Cic. de Am. 5. 18 ' Nunquam

vivere parvo : Od. 2. 16. 13. ego dicam C. Fabricium, M'. Curium

2. nec meus : a Greek form, ov yap quos sapientes nostri maiores iudicabant tfxbs 6 nvOos dAAd ^aiSpov rovSe ov ad istorum normam fuisse sapientes,' has ^eAAcu Xiyeiv Plat. Sympos. p. 177. a fuller bearing than he noticed, for not

3. abnormis sapiens, 'a philosopher only is Cicero speaking in the same

LIB. II. SAT. 2.


Discite, non inter lances mensasque nitentes Cum stupet insanis acies fulgoribus et cum Acclinis falsis animus meliora recusat, Verum hic impransi mecum disquirite. Cur hoc ? Dicam si potero. Male verum examinat omnis Corruptus iudex. Leporem sectatus equove Lassus ab indomito, vel si Romana fatigat Militia assuetum graecari, seu pila velox Molliter austerum studio fallente laborem, Seu te discus agit, pete cedentem aera disco ; Cum labor extuderit fastidia, siccus, inanis Sperne cibum vilem ; nisi Hymettia mella Falerno Ne biberis diluta. Foris est promus et atrum


sense as Horace, in asserting for the practical wisdom of Roman worthies a claim to the title, in a certain sense, of philosophy, but the use in the following sentence and in the same connection of the phrase ' pingui Minerva ' makes it most probable that Horace had his ac- tual words in mind.

erassa Minerva, 'homelymotherwit.' Cp. A. P. 385 ' invita Minerva.'

4. nitentes ; with both subst. For the extravagant outlay on tables see Mayor on Juv. S. 1. 137. Contrast ad Sat. 1. 3. 13 ' sit mihi mensa tripes.'

5. insanis. The edd. quote Cicero's epithet forClodius' extravagant building at Alba, ' substructionum insanae moles ' Mil. 31. 85.

6. acelinis, in a literal sense in Virg. Aen. 10. 835 ' acclinis trunco'; here metaphorical, as Livy uses ' se acclinare ad ' for ' to incline towards,' 4. 48.

7. impransi. Sat. 2. 3. 257, Epp. 1. 15. 29; 'before breaking your fast.'

8. male verum examinat. For another application of this principle see A. P. 422 f.

9. sectatus, ' after following.'

10. ab. Virg. G. 1. 234 'torrida semper ab igni,' Madv. § 254 obs. 2 ; as we say, ' tired from/ as well as ' tired with '; but there is perhaps the sense of ' coming from,' ' fresh from.'

Eomana militia : the soldierly exer- cises of a Roman i. e. not military exercises proper, but those named in the preceding words, hunting and horse- breaking ; with this comparison of Greek and Roman exercises cp. Od. 3. 24. 54

foll., Epp. 1. 18. 49 foll. For the ' pila " and ' discus 'cp. also Sat. I. 5. 48, A. P. 380, Od. 1. 8. 10 foll.

11. seu pila velox. We have to understand ' te agit/ and also the impera- tive apodosis to answer to ' pete ceden- tem aera disco,' ' play at ball.'

12. studio, sc. ' the spirit of emula- tion,' the interest of the game.

fallente. As Sat. 2.7. 114 ' somno fallere curam.'

13. agit, ' draws,' ' attracts,' as Cic. Arch. 7. 16 'haec studia adolescentiam agunt.'

pete, ' fling the quoit into the yielding air.'

14. cum labor extuderit takes up again the main protasis which was broken off by the alternatives offered, ' vel si,' etc. ' After a day's hunting or riding (or, if you prefer ball or quoits, play ball or quoits), in any case when hard work has given you a healthy appetite, etc'

extuderit, 'eiecerit,' 'excusserit,' Acr.

15. sperne. ' Despise if you can.' nisi Hymettia. Do not drink your

'mulsum' (see on Sat. 2. 1. 56, 2.4. 24) unless the honey is from Hy- mettus Od. 2. 6. 14) and the wine of Falernum.

16. Necessity has the same effect as exercise. If you cannot get relishes. bread and salt will make a dinner.

promus, defined by Plant. Pseud. 2. 2. 14 ' procurator peni.' The difficul- ties supposed are alternatives : the store- room is locked, so that you cannot get what is in it : or the weather is bad, and so the market is empty of fish so that



Defendens pisces hiemat mare : cum sale panis

Latrantem stomachum bene leniet. Unde putas aut

Oui partum ? Non in caro nidore voluptas

Summa sed in te ipso est. Tu pulmentaria quaere

Sudando ; pinguem vitiis albumque neque ostrea

Nec scarus aut poterit peregrina iuvare lagois.

Vix tamen eripiam posito pavone velis quin

Hoc potius quam gallina tergere palatum,

Corruptus vanis rerum, quia veneat auro

Rara avis et picta pandat spectacula cauda ;

Tamquam ad rem attineat quidquam. Num vesceris ista

Quam laudas pluma? Cocto num adest honor idem ?

Carne tamen quamvis distat nil, hac magis illam


the use of ' et ' may perhaps be added to the instances given in Od. 3. 11. 49 of the substitution of a conjunctive for an alternative conjunction.

atrum. Od. 3. 27. 18 'ater Hadiiae sinus.'

18. latrantem : vkaKTovvra, see Lid. and Scott, s. v. So ' iratum ventrem ' Sat. 2. 8. 5.

unde . . . partum, 'a power gained whence think you, or how ? ' ' ' Partum ' stands in apposition to cogn. accus. which would describe the action of the verb ' leniet.'

19. caro nidore, ' the smell of costly cookery.'

20. pulmentaria, 'relishes.' Acr. tells a story that Socrates was asked when walking what he was doing, and answered ' se pulmentaria quaerere,' whichPorph.givesinGreek oipov avvdyoj. Cicero has ' pulpamentum fames ' Tusc. 5. 32. 90, and 'cibi condimentum esse famem ' de Fin. 2. 28. 90, a passage which, from the following reference to Gallonius, (see below verse 47) Horace possibly had in mind. Cp. Epp. 1. 18. 48 ' pulmenta laboribus empta.'

21. pinguem vitiis, v. 77 ' corpus onustum Hesternis vitiis.'

album. Od. 2. 2. 15, of a dropsical patient. So ' pallidus ' inf. v. 76 ; and cp. Persius' imitation 3. 98 ' Turgidus hic epulis atque albo ventre.'

ostrea: a dissyllable ; see on Sat. 1. 8.43.

22. scarus, Epod. 2. 50, a fish of the eastern Mediterranean, rare and costly at Rome. Ennius speaks of it with

affected rapture ' cerebrum Iovis paene supremi ' Heduphagetica 8. It is not identified.

lagois. The comparison of the passage just cited from Epod. 2 would indicate that this is a bird. The Scholiasts ex- plain the name ' avis leporino colore.' lt is suggested that it is the same as an Alpine bird called by Pliny (N. H. 10. 68) ' lagopus,' and said to be so called from having down, like hare's fur, about its feet.

23. eripiam, sc. ' tibi.' The Schol. w/11 explain by ' extorqueam,' ' impe- trabo.'

posito, ' served,' ' sent on table.' Sat.

2. 4. 14, 2. 6. 64, 2. 8. 91 ; A. P. 422. pavone. The peacock is said by

Vano (R. R. 3. 6. 6) to have been first servcd at table in Rome by Hortensius, at his inaugural feast as augur. See Mayor on Juv. S. 1. 143.

24. tergere, as our phrase ' to tickle' : either implies that rather more effort than usual is employed to rouse the sensibility of the palate.

25. vanis rerum. Od. 4. 12. 19 ' amara curarum,' Sat. 2. 8. 83 ' ficta rerum,' A. P. 49 ' abdita rerum.'

28. num. For the hiatns cp. Lucr.

3. 1082 ' Sed dum abest quod avemus.' honor. Epod. 17. 18 n. For the

thought of this verse Horace was pos- sibly indebted to Lucilius ; see fr. 27. 12 ' cocus non curat caudam insignem esse illam (?) si pinguis siet.'

29, 30. The reading is doubtful. Some of the best MSS. have ' patet ' for 'petere'; and so Bentl., Orelli, Munro,

LIB. II. SAT. 2.


Imparibus formis deceptum te petere ! Esto : 30

Unde datum sentis lupus hic Tiberinus an alto

Captus hiet, pontesne inter iactatus an amnis

Ostia sub Tusci ? Laudas, insane, trilibrem

Mullum in singula quem minuas pulmenta necesse est.

Ducit te species video : quo pertinet ergo 35

edit. There is no direct testimony to the reading of V ; g, which follows it on other difncult questions, has ' petere.' The testimony of the Scholiasts is not clear. Porph. favours ' petere,' ' Came tamen hanc magis illa petere te de- ceptum imparibus formis quamvis nihil distet esto.' On the other hand the note which goes by the name of Acr. recognizes ' patet,' ' Sensus est : quam- vis hac carne nihil distet magis illa te patet imparibus formis deceptum,' ' ma- gis, delectaris,' ' illa (al. illam") non dis- tat, inquit, sed ideo petis quia maiorest.' It will be seen that this contains in- consistent interpretations the first sen- tence, taking ' hac carne ' with ' distat ' ; the second supplying ' delectaris ' as Orelli supplies ' vesceris ' ; both how- fz ever exclude ' pjftere ' in that they pro- vide ' magis ' with a verb without it ; the third sentence seems to give a link between the interpretations of Acr. and of Porph., and possibly to have been, through Porph.'s scholion, the origin of the reading ' petere.' On the other hand ' patet ' in Acr. may be due to an inter- pretation of the infinitive. If we read ' petere ' it seems to be necessary to ac- cept alsoeither'hanc' or'illam,'of which the first has the authority of Porph., the latter of several good MSS. ; and it is better to construct ' te petere ' as an exclamation Madv. § 399, not as Porph. took it as following ' esto.' Reading ' patet,' the simplest constr. is Bentley's ' yet in point of flesh there is nothing to choose, in this flesh over that, it is evi- dent that you are beguiled by the differ- ence of outside.' Orelli following Acr. puts a stop at ' illa,' and supposes a very harsh ellipsis, ' yet though there is no difference in the flesh [you eat (ves- ceris)] this in preference to that.' In either case ' hac ' is the peacock's flesh. With the reading ' petere ' 'hac' is that of the common fowl not as the last mentioned, but as the one which the poet is recommending ; cp. the inversion of the usual order in verses 36, 37 ' illis . . . his.'

30. esto, ' be it so.' You may be foolish ; but you have something to say for yourself. If there is no difference to the taste there is to the eye ; but what is the new sense which enables you to distinguish the waters from which a particular fish came.

31. unde datum. Sat. 2. 1. 52 ' unde monstratum.' It differs from Sat. 1. 4. 79 ' unde petitum ' in that the accus. is here cogn., there object. ' Whence comes the faculty by vvhich you per- ceive'?

32. hiet pictures the fish lying with its large mouth open.

pontes inter. This is the traditional description of the feeding ground of the ' lupus.' Lucilius, fr. inc. 50 ' pontes Tiberinus duo inter captus catillo,' Macrob. Sat. 2. 13. So Plin. N. H. 9. 54. What ' inter duo pontes' meant in Lucilius' time is not known. Words- worth (Early Latin, p. 631) explains it as meaning ' off the island.'

iactatus, i. e. by the current, not an ornamental edition. Columel. 8. 16 ' docta palata fastidire docuit fluvialem lupum nisi quemTiberis adverso torrente defatigasset.'

33. Tusci. Od. 3. 7. 28 'Tusco alveo,' Virg. G. 1 . 499 ' Tuscum Ti- berim.'

trilibrem. Plin. N. H. 9. 30 ' [mulli] binas libras ponderis raro admodum exsuperant.' Seneca (Epist. 95) tells a story of one of four pounds ; Juvenal (S. 4. 1 5) of one of six.

34. singula pulmenta, ' separate portions ' in helping the guests. The argument is the same as in Sat. 1. 1. 45 foll. Store is set by the size of the fish ; yet large or small it has to be carved into small pieces before it is eaten.

35. video, like ' esto ' in 30, grants the explanation, ' your eye is pleased,' in order to press the inconsistency ' why then does it dislike in the pike what it dislikes in the mullet ? The Epicurean would possibly have found a good answer.

quo pertinet. Sat. 2. 3. 11 'quorsum



Proceros odisse lupos ? Quia scilicet illis

Maiorem natura modum dedit, his breve pondus.

Ieiunus raro stomachus vclgaria temnit.

1 Porrectum magno magnum spectare catino

Vellem,' ait Harpyiis gula digna rapacibus. At vos. 40

Praesentes Austri. coquite horum obsonia, quamquam

Putet aper rhombusque recens. mala copia quando

Aegrum sollicitat stomachum, cum rapula plenus

Atque acidas mavolt inulas. Necdum omnis abacta

Pauperies epulis regum ; nam vilibus ovis 45

Nigrisque est oleis hodie locus. Haud ita pridem

pertinuit,' ' what is the tendency ? ' and so, what is the principle, the purpose?

36. scilicet, ' I will tell you,' because you like in each case what is unnatural.

illis, sc. ' lupis.'

37. his, sc. ' mullis ' ; see also on vv. 29, 30 ; ' hic' is used of the nearest to the speakers mind even when it was the first mentioned : cp. Epp. 1. 17. 19. The ' mullus ' is here the main subject, as \ve see by his retuming to it in v. 39, without again mentioning it. The ' lupi ' have only been introduced as an illustra- tion of the inconsistency of the reason for liking the mullet large.

38. The edd. generally (adv. Holder) are no doubt right in joining ' raro ieiu- nus,' 'whichseldom feels real hunger'; cp. vv. 14, 15. Acr. mentions and prefers an ingenious variant ' rari,' con- stracted after ' ieiunus,' ' hungry for rarity.'

39. An alternative explanation put into the mouth of the epicure himself. No, it is not fastidiousness, it is pure greediness. ' I should like, if it were only possible, not a three pound mullet, but one that should try the capacity of the hosfs dishes.'

porreetum. Sat. 2. 8. 43.

magno magnum. Perhaps, as Prof. Palmer suggests, there is a mock heroic echo of Homer's fxeyas neyaXaiaTi ; but cp. inf. v. 95, where there is a similar mocking repetition, 'grandes . . . grande,' in satirizing the fancy for size. It is an anticipation of JuvenaPs Satire on the ' spatium admirabile rhombi,' and the dish made to order to match it.

40. Harpyiis. Virg. Aen. 3. aiofoll., a natural type of an appctite insatiable and disgusting.

at. A good instance of the use in an appeal, spoken of on Epod. 5. 1.

41. praesentes, ' potentes ' Schol. Virg. Aen. 9. 404 ' Tu dea tu praesens nostro succurre labori.' They are ad- dressed as divine powers.

coquite, ironically, ' spoil them.' quamquam : ' corripit se, quasi frus- tra austros vocaverit, cum luxuriosis necesse sit suas putere delicias,' Acr.

42. quando. Taken by Orelli and others as causal ; but this throws too much emphasis on the clause introduced by 'cum.' Both conjunctions are tem- poral, ' quando ' giving the occasion ; ' dainties , however fresh, lose their savour when the plenty only worries a wearied stomach ' : ' cum ' adding a circumstance which characterises the same moment. ' a time when it looks rather for stimu- lants.'

43. rapula, with the epithet ' acria Sat. 2. 8. 8, some kind of radishes.

44. inulas, ' amaras ' Sat. 2. 8. 51; cp. Lucr. 2. 430, probably elecampane, Inula Helenium of Linnaeus. The root is edible, and has an acid taste. The Schol. however explain acidas by the fact that they were dressed with vinegar.

necdum omnis, etc. Another illus- tration of the capriciousness of luxury.

45. pauperies, the fare of humble life.

■regum, the rich and great Od. 1.4. 14, 2. 14. 4u

46. nigris. The epithet recalls them to the eye so it has the force of ' the olive that you know, the same plain un- comely olive that the poor eat.'

haud ita pridem ; in Lucilius' days for the reference is to some verses of

LIB. II. SAT. 2.



Galloni praeconis erat acipensere mensa

Infamis. Quid? tunc rhombos minus aequora alebant?

Tutus erat rhombus tutoque ciconia nido

Donec vos auctor docuit praetorius. Ergo 50

Si quis nunc mergos suaves edixerit assos,

Parebit pravi docilis Romana iuvcntus.

Sordidus a tenui victu distabit, Ofello

Iudice ; nam frustra vitium vitaveris illud

Si te alio pravum detorseris. Avidienus, 55

Cui Canis ex vero ductum cognomen adhaeret,

his which are preserved in Cic. de Fin.

2. 8. 24

' O Publi, o gurges Galloni : es homo

miser, inquit ; Cenasti in vita nunquam bene, cum

omnia in ista Consumis squilla atque acipensere cum

decumano.' See above on v. 20. The point is that the standard of luxurious living varies from age to ace. This is notice- ably confirmed by Pliny, N. H. 9. 27, who says that the ' acipenser ' had ceased in his time to be valued.

47. erat. For lengthening of syllable see on Sat. 1. 4. 82.

49. tuto . . . nido, descr. ablative, Madv. § 272, 'the stork found its nest- lings safe.'

50. auetor . . . praetorius. The Scho- liasts give various names in explanatiun Plotius Plancus, Asellius.Sempronius. In one of several contradictory notes Porph. says that the person meant is one Rufus, who had set the fashion of eating young storks, and who, being defeated for the praetorship, was made the object of the following epigram, CiconiarumRufus iste conditor. Hic est duobus elegantior Plancis : Suffragiorum puncta non tulit septem. Ciconiarum po- pulus ultus est mortem.' ' Praetorius,' if the person meant was an unsuccessful candidate for the praetorship, must be ironical ; but the guesses are evidently of little value.

51. edixerit, ' with a praetors au- thority.' Cp. Epp. 1. 19. 10.

mergos, ' divers,' birds of hard and unsavoury flesh.

assos ('ardeo"), roasted or broiled, i.e. cooked in the way that suits only the tenderer and more delicate meats.

52. pravi docilis. The gen. as in

Od. 4. 6. 43 'docilis modorum.' Schutz points out that ' docilis ' answers to ' do- cuit ' in v. 50, as ' edixerit ' answers to ' praetorius.'

Romana iuventus. Orelli notices the irony of using here this heroic title, fre- quent in Ennius, as in Ann. 538 ' optima cum pulcris animis Romana iuventus.'

53. It is not meant in satirizing luxury to recommend meanness.

distabit. The best supported reading is ' distabat ' ; but, in spite of Bentley's sanction, few editors have given it. Rel- ler considers ' distabit ' a necessary emen- dation ; ' distabat ' could hardly mean ' differed in Ofellus' judgment,' which is an English not a Latin idiom, and the following tense ' vitaveris ' excludes the impft. The future leaves open the question whether Ofellus is supposed to be speaking throughout or not. If se (as I have assumed) ' Ofello iudice'= /&*. «s ' me iudice.'

55. alio, ' in another direction ' ; as in Sat. 2. 1. 32.

pravum, proleptic, so as to go crooked.

Avidienus. The following words seem to show that a real person is in- tended. If so, the name is probably fictitious, possibly carrying in it a clue to contemporaries. For the supposed derivation of the name from ' avidus ' see introd. to the Satires, p. 14.

56. Canis. Cf.'canisimmundus'Epp. 1. 2. 26; in reference to the dog as a foul feeder. Possibly the person in- tended had one of his real names from ' Canis,' as Canidius, Caninius, Canius, Canina.

ex vero, no meaningless je?t.

ductum. The reading of V., against the more common ' dictum.' Cf. Sat. 2. 1. 66. So Bentl. and Munro.



Ouinquennes oleas est et silvestria corna,

Ac nisi mutatum parcit defundere vinum, et

Cuius odorem olei nequeas perferre, licebit

Ille repotia natales aliosve dierum

Festos albatus celebret, cornu ipse bilibri

Caulibus instillat, veteris non parcus aceti.

Ouali igitur victu sapiens utetur, et horum

Utrum imitabitur? Hac urget lupus, hac canis, aiunt.

Mundus erit qua non offendat sordibus, atque

In neutram partem cultus miser. Hic neque servis,

Albuci senis exemplo, dum munia didit

Saevus erit ; nec sic ut simplex Naevius unctam

Convivis praebebit aquam ; vitium hoc quoque magnum.

Accipe nunc victus tenuis quae quantaque secum



58. mutatum. Sat. 2. S. 50 ; ' turned to vinegar.'

defundere. Od. 4. 5. 34.

59. cuius odorem olei, i. e. ' oleum cuius odorem.' See on Epod. 2. 37.

licebit. Epod. 15. 19.

60. repotia, ' second drinkings' ; the name, according to one of the Scholiasfs notes, of the day after the wedding, when there was feasting at the bridegroom's house ; according to another of them, of the seventh day, when the bride revisited her parents.

alios dierum. Cp. ' vanis rerum ' supr. v. 25.

61. albatus, with a new or freshly cleaned toga in holiday dress. Cicero in Vatin. 1 3. 31 ' cum ipse epuli dominus albatus esset.' So of the proper dress for visiting a temple, Pers. S. 2. 40.

62. veteris non parcus aceti. A receipt for a miser's salad the oil bad, and even then very carefully measured, the vinegar good (the old is the sourest) and in plenty. As Schutz suggests, it is a parable of the host's character : and the dressing secures that very little of the salad will be eaten. Others take the words as referring back to v. 58, ' aceti ' being substituted napd. irpoa- So/ciav for 'vini'; but this does not give as much point.

64. ' Proverbium est ubi duae res mo- lestae sunt ' Acr. The proverb is adapted to the two characters offered, the ' gula Harpyiis digna,' and the ' canis ' of v. 56.

65. mundus erit. The subj. is ' sapiens.'

qua must be explained with the Scholiasts and Bentley as = ' quatenus,' i. e. ' eatenus ut,' to such an extent as not to offend by signs of meanness.' ' Qua ' was the reading of all the Bland MSS. ' Qui ' has inferior authority. It would have the same sense. ' Qui of- fendit ' or ' offendet ' (which makes the words a definition of ' mundus ') chiefly occupied the text before Bentley, but has little authority. The thought is familiar in Horace. Cp. Od. 2. 10. 6-8, 2. 16. 13-16.

66. in neutram partem, ' in neither direction.'

cultus, ' style of living ' ; cf. Virg. Aen. 3. 591 ' miseranda cultu.' For gen. in ' cultus miser ' see on Sat. 1 . 9. 11.

67. dum mvmia didit, 1. e. notmerely when they have actually offended. ' Di- dere ' is a Lucretian word. Albucius may be the same person who is named in Sat. 2. 1. 48, q. v. ; but there is no- thing to help us. It is a name in Lu- cilius.

68. simplex, of simplicity carried to a fault. He lets his slaves neglect the decencies of hospitality.

unctam, ' greasy,' Sat. 2. 4. 78.

69. praebebit aquam : Sat. 1. 4. 88.

70. tenuis. For the contrast of ' te- nuis ' and ' sordidus ' latent in all this passage cp. Od. 2. 16. 13-16.

LIB. II. SAT. 2.


Afferat. Imprimis valeas bene : nam variae res Ut noceant homini credas, memor illius escae Quae simplex olim tibi sederit ; at simul assis Miscueris elixa, simul conchylia turdis, Dulcia se in bilem vertent stomachoque tumultum Lenta feret pituita. Vides ut pallidus omnis Cena desurgat dubia ? Ouin corpus onustum Hesternis vitiis animum quoque praegravat una, Atque afifigit humo divinae particulam aurae. Altcr ubi dicto citius curata sopori Membra dedit vegetus praescripta ad munia surgit. Hic tamen ad melius poterit transcurrere quondam, Sive diem festum rediens advexerit annus, Seu recreare volet tenuatum corpus, ubique


71. valeas, potential. See on Sat. 1 . 4. 70, and cp. ' credas ' in the next line. variae res, 'variety.'

73. quae simplex sederit, which because it was simple sat well. ' Se- derit ' the opposite of ' tumultnm feret.'

74. miscueris. For the long is cp, Od. 3. 23. 3 'placaris,' 4. 7. 20 'dederis,' ib. 21 'occideris,' Sat. 2. 5. 101 'audieris,' Epp. 1. 6. 40 ' fueris.' In the first four cases, as here, the use is potential and hypothetical ; in the last it is prohibitive, ' ne fueris.' In all other cases in Horace where the quanlity appears it is short, even where (Sat. 1. 4. 41 'ne dixeris') it is the prohibitive use.

75. 76. bilem . . . pituita. Ilorace is using medical language of the day, for with Celsus (4. 12) ' bilis ' and ' pi- tuita ' characterize two disorders which befall the stomach, and Pliny (N. H. 20. 7. 26) speaks of ' lentitia pituitae,' which lcttuce was said to loosen ; but it is not quite our language, and he uses it as a layman and as a poet, so that we must be content with the general purport. The figure of ' tumultum ' is an old one. Cp. Hippocrates^woi^iA^Tpof/)?? voowo-qs, rapax^Tjs ydp, and in another place in the same sense, ra dv6/j.oia OTaatd^tt.

' Pituita ' is probably to be scanned as a trisyllable, since Catullus 23. 17 has the first ' i' long, ' mucusque et mala pituita nasi.' See Mayor on the scansion of ' fortuitus ' in Juv. S. 13. 225.

77. cena dubia. A phrase to which Terence had given currency, Phorm. 2. 1. 28. (342) 'Ph. cena dubia apponitur.

Ge. Quid istuc verbi est? Ph. ubi tu dubites quid sumas potissimum.'

79. affigit humo. Cp. 7]yjoer?7Aof Plat. Phaed. p. 83 D. There is a v. 1. ' af- fiigit,' but here of small authority. See on Sat. 1. 1. 81.

divinae particulam aurae. Cp. Virgil's ' partem divinae mentis' G. 4. 220 and ' aurai simplicis ignem ' Aen. 6. 747. ' Particula ' is a favourite word with Horace. 'Corpus onustum ' is a phrase of Lucretius 3. 113; but in his terms for the spiritual part of man Ho- race is echoing rather his other master, Cicero, and Plato and the Pythagoreans whom he quotes. See especially de Senect. 21. 78 ' audiebam Pythagoram . . . nunquam dubitasse quin ex universa mente delibatos animos habeamus,' Tusc.

1. 26. 63 ' Ergo animus ut ego dico di- vinus est, ut Euripides audet dicere deus; et quidem si deus aut anima aut ignis est, idem animus est.' Pythagoras, according to Diog. Laert. 8. 28, called the soul artvanaa im tov aiOepos . . .dOdva- tov tTreiSrjTtep >cai to d<p' ov aTTiOTiaoTai aQavaTov tOTt.

80. alter, the man of plain living. dicto citius, with curata, the hy-

perbole is less felt because ' dictocitius' was a current phrase. Cp. Virg. Aen. 1. 142, Liv. 23. 47.

82. melius, ' belter fare.'

quondam, ' on occasions.' Cp. Od.

2. 10. 18, Epp. 1. 18. 78.

84. tenuatum, i. q. 'attenuatum.'

Tac. Ann. 15.63' pai vo victu tenuatum.'

ubique. Bentley would read ' ubive '



Accedent anni et tractari mollius aetas Imbecilla volet ; tibi quidnam accedet ad istam Ouam puer et validus praesumis mollitiem, seu Dura valetudo inciderit seu tarda senectus ? Rancidum aprum antiqui laudabant, non quia nasus Illis nullus erat sed credo hac mente, quod hospes Tardius adveniens vitiatum commodius quam Integrum edax dominus consumeret. Hos utinam inter Heroas natum tellus me prima tulisset ! Das aliquid famae quae carmine gratior aurem Occupat humanam : grandes rhombi patinaeque Grande ferunt una cum damno dedecus ; adde Iratum patruum, vicinos, te tibi iniquum, Et frustra mortis cupidum, cum deerit egenti As, laquei pretium. ' Iure,' inquit, ' Trausius istis Iurgatur verbis ; ego vectigalia magna Divitiasque habeo tribus amplas regibus.' Ergo





against the MSS., as suiting better 'sive/ ' seu ' ; but perhaps the change is not quite without point. ' On a chanee holiday or after an illness if so it be, and when growing years ask for more generous treatment.' It is not against this in a poet that in v. 88 he prefers another point of view and couples ill-health and old age under ' sive ' and ' seu.'

88. Note the ' chiasmus ' with which 'dura valetudo ' answers to 'validus,' ' senectus ' to ' puer.'

89. Greediness is inconsistent with true hospitality.

90. liac mente : Sat. 1. 1. 30. Cp. with the passage Juv. S. I. 140 'quanta est gula quae sibi to tos Ponit apros, animal propter convivia natum.'

92. integrum, opp. ' vitiatum.*

93. prima, cp. Sat. 1. 3. 99 ' primis terris,' ' the young world.'

95. occupat. The reading is not cer- tain. V had ' occupet,' and so have many MSS. The subj. is given in K. and H. Keller now supports ' occupat,' which also has the weight of Bentley and Munro. Either would stand, ' quae oc- cupet ' would be ' seeing that it falls on human ears,' etc. ; ' quae occupat ' is per- haps simpler and therefore more likely, ' fame which falls,' etc. ' Das ' is ' you give, I suppose.' Some editors (as

Schiitz") put a question.

grandes, with ' patinae ' as well as 'rhombi': contrast 'modica patella,' Epp. 1. 5. 2. The repetition of ' grandes . . . grande ' is emphatic and gives the idea of proportion ; 'the bigger the dishes and the fish, the bigger the dis- grace as well as the expense.'

96. For damuo see on Od. 3. 5. 27, and cp. Epp. 1. 18. 21, 2. 1. 107.

97. patruum : the ' uncle ' embocied to a Roman the critical or censorious disposilion of a mahs own familv. Cp. Od. 3. 12. 3, Sat. 2. 3. 88, Pers. S. 1. n 'Pertristis quidam patruus censor ma- gister,' Cic. Cael. 11.

99. as, laquei pretium. Perhaps from Plaut. Pseudol. 1. 1. 86 ' Ps. Sed quid de drachma facere vis? C. Res- tim volo mihi emere. Ps. Quam- obrem? C. Qui me faciam pensilem.' The jest became proverbial ; so Lucian, Timon. 20 ovSi 6[3o\ov &are -rrpiaaOai Ppu^ov ia^rjKoTas.

iuquit. For this use of an imaginary interlocutor with no nom. cp. Sat. 1. 4. 79. A few MSS. altered it to ' inquis.'

Trausius. An unknown name, stand- ing for one who is at once poor and ex- travagant. It was a Roman name, as inscriptions show.

LIB. II. SAT. 2.


Quod superat non est melius quo insumere possis ?

Cur eget indignus quisquam, te divite ? Ouare

Templa ruunt antiqua deum ? Cur, improbe, carae

Non aliquid patriae tanto emetiris acervo ? 105

Uni nimirum recte tibi semper erunt res.

O magnus posthac inimicis risus ! Uterne

Ad casus dubios fidet sibi certius ? Hic qui

Pluribus adsuerit mentem corpusque superbum,

An qui contentus parvo metuensque futuri no

In pace ut sapiens aptarit idonea bello ?

Quo magis his credas, puer hunc ego parvus Ofellum

Integris opibus novi non latius usum

Quam nunc accisis. Videas metato in agello

Cum pecore et gnatis fortem mercede colonum, 115

' Non ego,' narrantem, ' temere edi luce profesta

Quicquam praeter olus fumosae cum pede pernae.

103. indignus, ' undeserving,' that is, of poverty. Heind. quotes Cic. Tusc. 4. 20. 46 ' ad calamitates hominum indig- norum ablevandas.'

104. templa ruunt. Cp. Od. 2. 15. 19, 3. 6. 1 f.

106. ' Have you no thought of a pos- sible reverse ? ' V read ' rectae,' which may possibly be right, but this use of adverbs is common. See infr. v. 120 'bene erat,' Sat. 2. 8. 19 ' pulcre fuerit tibi.'

107. risus, as ' iocus' in Sat. 2. 5. 37, ' laughing-stock.'

uteme. See on Epod. 1. 7.

109. superbum, with both substan- tives and proleptically, ' so as to pamper them.'

110. metuens futuri : Od. 3. 19.16, Madv. § 289 a.

112. quo magis his eredas: the purpose not of the thing to be stated but of the stating of it ; as with nega- tive clauses, see on Od. 1. 33. 1 ' ne doleas,' etc.

puer novi usum. Heind. points out an exactly similar construction in Cic. de Sen. 9. 30 ' Ego L. Metellum memini puer.' It seems to be an attrac- tion for ' me puero.'

113. latius : opp. ' angnstius.' Yonge quotes Juv. S. 14. 234 ' indulgent sibi latius '

114. videas .. . narrantem. Horace represents this as Ofellus' habitual lan-


guage since his deprivation of his pro- perty. The time of his deprivation is no doubt B.c. 41 ; for Venusia is specially named (Appian, Bell. Civ. 4. 3) as one of the towns where lands were assigned by the triumvirs to veterans after the battle of Philippi. Horace or his father would have lost his property at the same time.

metato, 'measured off for division.' For the passive use cp. Od. 2. 15. 15 and see on Od. 1. 32. 5, and to the in- stances given there add ' venerata ' in v. 1 24 of this Satire.

115. mercede colonum, i. e. as a tenant working the land himself and paying a ' pensio ' or ' merces ' (Colu- mella, R. R. 3. 7) to his landlord.

fortem. ' a sturdy tiller' of the soil, though tilling land he paid rent for. Virg. G. 3. 28S ' hinc laudem fortes spe- rate coloni.' For the general picture of the dispossessed proprietor or rather ' possessor ' cp. Virg. Ecl. 1 and 9.

116. temere, ' hghtly,' ' without rea- son ' ; a favourite word with Horace.

edi, i.e. ' in old days.' His example is made more relevant to the point of the Satire by making the simplicity of his table the special ground of his in- difference to the blows of fortune.

luce profesta, ' on working days,' Od. 4. 15. 25.

117. pernae. Cp. Mart. 10. 4S. 17 ' cenisque tribus iam perna superstes.'




Ac mihi seu longum post tempus venerat hospes,

Sive operum vacuo gratus conviva per imbrem

Vicinus, bene erat non piscibus urbe petitis,

Sed pullo atque haedo ; tum pensilis uva secundas

Et nux ornabat mensas cum duplice ficu.

Post hoc ludus erat culpa potare magistra,

Ac venerata Ceres, ita culmo surgeret alto,

Explicuit vino contractae seria frontis.

Saeviat atque novos moveat Fortuna tumultus ;

Ouantum hinc imminuet ? Ouanto aut ego parcius aut vos,

O pueri, nituistis ut huc novus incola venit ?

Nam propriae telluris herum natura neque illum

Nec me nec quemquam statuit : nos expulit ille ;

Illum aut nequities aut vafri inscitia iuris,

Postremum expeilet certe vivacior heres.



119. operum vacuo, explained by ' per imbrem,' on a day of enforced idle- ness. ' Frigidus agricolam si quando continet imber ' Virg. G. 1. 259, though Virgil points out that the said husband- man need not be altogether idle at such times. For the gen. cp. ' operum solu- tis' Od. 3. 17. 16.

120. bene erat, ' we made merry'; cp. Sat. 2. 8. 4 ' fuerit melius,' id. 19 ' pulcre fuerit,' and above v. 82 ' ad melius transcurrere.' For these ' dapes inemptae ' added to the supper on occa- sions cp. Epod. 2. 48 foll. and the poem of Martial (10. 48) above referred to.

121. pensilis, ' hung,' i.e. ' to dry as raisins ' ; cp. Sat. 2. 4. 72.

seeundas mensas, ' the second conrse.' ' Alteris mensis ' Od. 4. 5. 31, ' mensis secundis ' Virg. G. 2. 101.

122. duplice, ' bifida.' Schol. 'split,' probably to dry.

123. eulpa magistra. Porph. ex- plains these words by ' libere, sine archi- posia,' without. that is, a ' magister ' or ' arbiter bibendi.' His explanation sug- gests, though it does not say, that 'culpa' had some known technical sense. Va- rious attempts have been made to guess at one ; as that it refers to some game of forfi-its where the (pleasant) penalty was to diink a cup of wine. The form ' culpa magistra ' is then dictated by the figure of the ' magister bibendi,' 'to drink when [not a formal president of the feast but] a breach of rules (sc. a forfeit)

bade us.' That some sense of the infor- mality and freedom of the drinking is at the bottom of the expression is likely from Horace's description of his own table (Sat. 2. 6. 68), where each guest drinks as he likes, ' solutus legibus in- sanis.' Bentley, di^satisfied with all suggestions, would alter 'culpa' to 'cupa,' i.e. ' copa,' 'a tavern mistress,' and many other emendations have been suggested. Perhaps they all lose the force of ' ludus erat,' which seems hardly to describe simple drinking.

124. venerata, addressed with the prayer ' so might she rise.' ' Venerata ' pass. as in Virg. Aen. 3. 460, see on ' metato ' supr. v. 114.

ita, so, as the prayer or libation was duly offered a formula of prayer, as ' sic* in Od. 1. 3. 1.

surgeret, the prayer ' surgas ' quoted in orat. obl.

125. explicuit, Od. 3. 29. 14 ' solli- citam explicuere frontem.'

127. hinc, 'from our present con- dition.'

128. nituistis, of being in good case, as ' nitidus ' Epp. 1. 4. 15.

ut, ' from the time when,' Od. 4. 4. 42, Epod. 7. 19, Sat. 1. 6. 27.

129. propriae, pred. ' as true pro- perty '; cp. the use of the word in v. 134 and Od. 2. 2. 22, Sat. 2. 6. 5.

131. vafri iuris, of the law with its subtleties. Cp. ' ius anceps ' Sat. 2. 5.


LIB. II. SAT. 3. 131

Nunc ager Umbrcni sub nomine, nuper Ofelli

Dictus, erit nulli proprius, sed cedet in usum

Nunc mihi nunc alii. Ouocirca vivite fortes 135

Fortiaque adversis opponite pectora rebus.'

1 34. cedet in usum. With this germ of all is in Lucretius ' Vitaque wliole passage on the limited sense of mancipio nulli datur omnibus usu ' 3. property cp. Epp. 2. 2. 158 foll. The 971. Cp. also Epp. 1. 12. 4 n.



The Satire is based on the Stoic paradox that every one but the wise man is mad (oti vds d<ppcuv ^aivtjai, see Cicero's 4th Paradox), which Horace treats after his wont, laughing with others at it, but using it as a weapon with which, without departing from his habitual irony, he can strike at practical follies.

The bulk of the Satire is put into the mouth of Stertinius, a lecturer of the day (like Crispinus of Book I), whom in Epp. i. 12. 20 Horace, makes, but in a ban- tering tone, the representative of Stoic philosophy. He is otherwise unknown to us. The Scholiasts say his works filled 220 volumes.

Damasippus (like Trebatius in Sat. 2. 1) is a character in Cicero's Epistles, in which he appears as a clever go-between in the purchase of estates and works of art (Cic. ad Att. 12. 29 and 33, ad Fam. 7. 23; cp. vv. 20-26 of this Satire). Horace represents him (whether with any historical foundation or not, we cannot say) as having been ruined and on the point of suicide. Stertinius meets him on the Pons Fabricius and saves him from this folly by preaching to him the Stoic doctrine that all men save the true philosopher are mad alike he need not be ashamed ; let his misfortunes be as ridiculous and his conduct as foolish as possible, he has all the world as companions in his folly. This is set out at length in a discourse which, as is usual with Horace, loses after a time its vital connection with the scene. The dramatic tone is resumed at v. 296, and Horace ends the Satire by good-humouredly turning the laugh against himself.

This Satire should be compared throughout with Sat. 2. 7, which deals in a similar way with another Paradox.

Verses 1-16. Damasippus rallies Horace for his fastidiousness and laziness in com-

position. 16-18. ' Excellent advice,' says Horace, ' my philosopher. How do you know me

so vvell ? '

K 2


/ D 18-26/' Since I lost my own business, I have made up for it by minding that of everybody else. I was known as the great connoisseur, and dealer in everything, from antiquities to houses and gardens.' 26, 27. H. ' 1 know, and I wondered how you got rid of that madness.' 27-30. D. ' As others do the madness only changed its place.' 31. Horace makes a light answer, and Damasippus goes on more seriously to iay down the truth that has explained life to him, and so reconciled him to it. 31-76. 'I was going to drown myself for shame ; but Stertinius saved me from that folly, and bade me become a philosopher, by explaining to me that I was no worse than others only one more madman in a mad world. Everybody is mad but the true philosopher. It is only a choice of follies. Some are afraid where no fear is others are not afraid where they should be. Dama- sippus is mad on buying old statues Is not the money-lender mad who sup- plies him with means to do it? ' 77-81. All passions are equally signs of madness ambition avarice extrava-

gance supeistition. 82-157. Avarice first. Staberius bade his heirs engrave on his tomb the amount of the fortune he had left. That seemed to him the one solid title to fame. That is a madness which matches Aristippus, who flung away his money in the desert. Money is of value, but only to use. Avarice is not thought mad- ness, merely because it is so common. Why do you hoard ? For fear you come to poverty? Your petty economies do not affect the result. On the other hand if you can live on so little, why commit such criines in order to get more? See the picture of the wealthy miser Opimius, dying of starvation for fear of the cost of a rice pudding. 158-222. Is the man who spends his life on ambition less mad? Servius Oppidius of Canusium, when he was afraid of signs of avarice in one son and extrava- gance in another, not only forbade them either to increase or diminish their patrimony, but specially forbade either to accept a public office, as sure to lead to waste of mon;y on the vain attempt to ape the wealthy. Poor Ajax was mad when he slaughtered the sheep was not Agamemnon, when for fame and power he slew his daughter ? 2 25-280. The extravagant spending on hixury. Look at the types of the spend- thrift : Nomentanus, the moment he has inheriled a fortune, summoning all the ministers of his pleasure and 'in effect) dividing it between them ' You deserve it more than I ' : the son of Aesopus melting a valuable pearl to drink : the sons of Arrius breakfasting on nightingales. If a grown-up man took to childish sports all would put him down as mad. Are not the follies of love as childish ? the changes of mood the silly omens the baby-talk and it ends in murder and suicide. 281-295. Superstition the old man who used to ask the gods to give him im- munity from death ' one was such an easy favour ' ; the mother who vows that if her boy is saved from a fever he shall do something which is sure to give him another. 296-299. ' You see Stertinius armed me well and anyone who calls me a madman

now will get as good as he gave.' 300-326. H. ' You are a perfect Stoic so tell me what is my madness I do not see it.'

D. ' Madmen never do.' H. ' Be it so, but tell me.'

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


D. ' You are given to building, aping your betters, like the frog that would be as large as an ox. You write poetry you have a bad temper you live beyond your means you are always fancying yourself in love.'

H. ' Enough ! we are both madmen ; but the greater should have some mercy on the smaller.'

' SlC raro scribis, ut toto non quater anno

Membranam poscas, scriptorum quaeque retexens,

Iratus tibi quod vini somnique benignus

Nil dignum sermone canas. Quid fiet ? At ipsis

Saturnalibus huc fugisti. Sobrius ergo

Dic aliquid dignum promissis : incipe. Nil est :

Culpantur frustra calami, immeritusque laborat

Iratis natus paries dis atque poetis.

Atqui voltus erat multa et praeclara minantis

Si vacuum tepido cepisset villula tecto.


1. Sic. The reading is doubtful ; the balance a little in favour of ' si.' On the other hand only some of the MSS. which give ' si ' give ' scribes,' which seems necessary if it is to be a regular conditional sentence, ' si scribes . . . quid fiet ? ' But ' si ' and ' sic ' are so fre- quently interchanged (cp. Od. 1. 16. 8 and Epp. 2. 2. 175, where ' sic ' is cer- tain, yet ' si ' is found in the best MSS.) that weight must be given to the sense, and this is surely for ' sic' The condi- tional sentence would be ill-balanced, and on the other side the direct assault in the opening words has more spirit. With 'sic' = 'tam' cp. Sat. 1. 5. 69 ' gracili sic tamque pusillo.' For the lengthened vowel in scribis see 011 Od. 1. 3. 36.

2. membranam : the parchment is here evidently for making a ' fair copy.' Horace does not ask for the parchment, because he is for ever rubbing out again whathe writes on his 'tabulae' (Epp. 2. 2. 110), ' saepe stilum vertens' (Sat. 1. 10. 72), in the metaphor he uses here (' retexens '), treating it like Penelope's web. ' Membrana ' is used in the same sense in A. P. 389. He is perhaps, un- der cover of Damasippus' charges, sug- gesting the true reason of the scantiness of production of which his friends so often complained, viz. his fastidiousness of taste.

4. dignum sermone, \6yov a£tov, but with the more definite meaning of

' deserving to be talked of,' ' Romana venire in ora ' Epp. 1. 3. 9.

at, so Bentley after V, and most edi- tors follovv him, though K. and H. give ' Ab.' ' At,' as usual, introduces an imagined answer, ' You reply that, so far from being the man of pleasure I de- scribe, you have taken refuge in your country-home from the revelry of the Saturnalia in Rome. Well then you have no excuse for not composing begin. Nothing comes, only excuses.'

5. With fugisti Saturnalibus, cp. Juv. S. 7. 96 ' vinum toto nescire De- cembri,' of the industrious poet.

6. dic, of poetical composition, as usual in the Odes ; see Od. 1. 32. 3 n.,

3- 25- 7-

dignum promissis : A. P. 138. ^ 7. calami. Cp. the expansion of this hs* Pers. S. 3. 10-20.

8. The unhappy wall suffers at the hands of the poet in the throes of com- position : cp. Pers. S. 1. 106 of poetry that has cost no effort, ' nec pluteum caedit.' For ' natus ' see on Od. 1. 27. 1.

iratis dis : Sat. 1. 5. 98. 'Poetis' comes as a comic vapa rrpoaSoKiav.

9. minantis : Epp. 1. 8. 3 ' multa et praeelara minantem ' ; like the Greek anu\tiv, ' of loud or boastful pro- mising.'

10. si cepisset : not quite the same as the ' temporal ' use of ' si ' (see 011 Epp. 1. 7. 10), for here he speaks of a



Quorsum pertinuit stipare Platona Menandro,

Eupolin, Archilochum, comites educere tantos?

Invidiam placare paras virtute relicta ?

Contemnere miser ; vitanda est improba Siren

Desidia, aut quicquid vita meiiore parasti

Ponendum aequo animo.' Di te, Damasippe, deaeque

Verum ob consilium donent tonsore. Sed unde

Tam bene me nosti ? ' Postquam omnis res mea Ianum

Ad medium fracta est aliena negotia curo,

Excussus propriis. Olim nam quaerere amabam

Quo vafer ille pedes lavisset Sisyphus aere,


condition. ' Cepisset ' in the orat. recta would have been ' ceperit.'

vacuum : Od. i. 32. j.

tepido, because it is winter.

11. pertinuit : Sat. 2. 2. 35. Menandro : ablative ; ' to squeeze

Plato by putting Menander on the top of him.' The literature which Horace is imagined as taking with him is what would give material and spirit for writing Satire. Plato, probably the philosopher (cp. A. P. 310 ' Socraticae chartae'), as a treasury of character and moral ideas it has however been taken also for Plato the comic poet ; Menander, as the representative of Greek comedy ; and the lampoons of Archilochus, the earliest type of poetical attack and caricature. It should be remembered also that the composition of the Epodes, in which Archilochus was directly the model, apparently was going on at the same time as that of the Second Book of Satires.

12. tantos, ' so bulky,' Schol., prob- ably rather as Heind., Orell., etc. ' such great men.' It helps the human meta- phor of ' comites educere.'

13. 14. ' Is your reason the odium which your Satire brought on you, and which you would appease by ceasing to champion virtue ? You will only be despised.'

14. Siren: Hom.Od. 12. 39f., treated as an allegory of seductive pleasure, as in Epp. 1. 2. 23.

15. quiequid parasti, i.e. the con- sideration which you enjoy.

16. ponendum = ' deponendum,' Epp. 1. 10. 31.

17. verum : 'true' advice is that which corresponds to the facts of the case.

tonsore. The long beard was af- fected by philosophers (Sat. 1. 3. 133, infr. v. 35). Horace treats it as an in- convenience which Damasippus would fain get rid of. The ' tonsor ' would trim it.

18. Ianum medium. The expres- sion occurs twice in Cicero (de Off. 2. 25. 90, Phil. 6. 5. 15) and in both cases of the place where monetary business was transacted. Horace (.Epp. 1. 1. 54") has ' Ianus summus ab imo.' The exact meaning is not certain. The Scholiasts' notes are a combination of inconsistent explanations. Bentley, followed by Dyer (Dict. Geog. s. v. Rome) takes ' Ianus ' to have been the name of a street, possibly a covered way or arcade, near the Forum. ' Summus ab imo ' meaning ' from end to end,' and ' medius Ianus ' the middle of this arcade. Bum (Rome and Campagna, p. 105) thinks the reference is to arches (perhaps simi- lar to the Tanus Quadrifrons ' still stand- ing in the Velabrum) on one side of the Forum, used for the transaction of busi- ness. Livy (46. 27) speaks of Fulvius Flaccus, as censor, undertaking amongst other works 'forum porticibustabemisque claudendum et Ianos tres faciendos.' The passage is mutilated, and it is un- certain in what town these works were executed, but if, as seems probable, it was a provincial town, it is still of im- portance, as the public works of pro- vincial towns were usually imitations of Rome. Cicero (de N. D. 2. 27. 67) ex- plains * Iani ' as = ' transitiones per- viae,' and Livy (2. 49) gives the name to the arch of a city gate.

21. A hyperbolical description of ' old curiosities,' the TTocaviinrip used by Si- syphus. The reference (as has been

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Quid sculptum infabre, quid fusum durius esset ; Callidus huic signo ponebam milia centum ; Hortos egregiasque domos mercarier unus Cum lucro noram ; unde frequentia Mercuriale Imposuere mihi cognomen compita.' Novi, Et miror morbi purgatum te illius. ' Atqui Emovit veterem mire novus, ut solet in cor

2 5

pointed out) is probably a literary one to the KcovTofiafjLuv o~tcd<j>7] xa^-/n7^c'7"or> mentioned in a fragment of the Sisyphus of Aeschylus. We notice also that Sisyphus was the mythical founder of Corinth, the home of brass work ; cp. Sat. I. 3. 90 ' Evandri manibus tritum,' and see note there.

vafer : «spSioTos . . . avbpwv Hom. II. 6. 153.

22. ' The artistic merit of marble sculptures and bronzes.'

durius, the opposite of Virgil's 'excu- dent . . . moilius aera' Aen. 6. 847; cp. A.P. 33 'molles imitabitur aerecapillos.'

23. ponebarn, 'fixed.' callidus, 'asa connoisseur.'

24. mercarier : this archaic form of the infin. occurs in Od. 4. 11. 8 ; Sat. 1. 2. 35, 78, 104, 2. 8. 67 ; Epp. 2. 1. 94, 2. 2. 148, 151.

unus, ' as no one else,' Epp. 1. 9. 1.

25. Mercuriale cognomen. Cru- quius speaks of one MS. as reading ' Mercurialem,' Torrentius of one or two as reading ' Mercurialis,' Lambinus of several as reading ' Mercuriali,' which latter reading has been adopted by many editors, including Prof. Palmer. They seem however to be all interpretative emendations. ' Mercuriale cognomen ' has been variously understood. The Comm. Cruq. (followed by Lambinus and of recent editors, Heindorf, Orelli, Ritter, Schutz) took it as meaning ' the nick-name of " Mercurius." ' Acr., in- terpreting it more generally, by ' a nick- name related to Mercurius ' (the god of gain), understood some name such as ' cerdo ' («epSos). Porph. seems to take it as practically identical in sense with the other readings, ' a nick-name from Mercurius ; ' meaning the ' nick-name Mercurialis : ' ' Mercurialis ' would not be immediately connected with the ' col- legium ' called ' Mercuriales ' at Rome, but would mean ' a favourite of Mer- cury,' just as Horace calls poets from another function of Mercury's ' viri Mer-

curiales ' Od. 2. 17. 29. This is followed by Ascensius among older editors, by Dillr. and Macleane among recent ones.

26. compita ('peto'^, broad spaces where several streets met. They are possibly named only as places where men meet and talk, as in Sat. 2. 6. 50 ' a Rostris manat per compita rumor,' but the Scholiast explains it probably of the auctions which took place com- monly in such places. Cicero ^de Leg. Agr. 1. 3. 7) speaks of an auction held ' in atriis auctionariis' instead of ' in triviis aut compitis ' as a hole-and-corner proceeding. Damasippus was known to the frequenters of auctions as the most skilful of purchasers.

27. morbi purgatum, a Greek gen. cp. ' sceleris purus ' ; Od. 1. 22. 1 ; Livy uses it 37. 28. 1.

atqui introduces Damasippus' an- swer as Sat. 1. 9. 52 and frequently.

28. mire answers ' miror ' ; ' it is a marvel but it is as happens in physical maladies also.' Doubts have been en- tertained what the new malady is, but the differences are not as deep as some editors represent. The Scholiasts ex- plain it of the Stoic philosophy, and so Ritter, saying that Damasippus would accommodate his language to Horace, ' what you would call a new malady.' It is pointed out as against this that Stoicism has not yet been named. But, though not his philosophy, it is his philo- sophising, his readiness to lecture others, to meddle in other people's business (v. 19). Damasippuswill not allow even of himself the uncorrected phrase ' morbi purgatum.' For him, as for all but the true philosopher, it was only a question of one mental malady or another. When Horace (v. 31 ) by his light answer seems to be missing his drift he presses the lesson home, ' I fear you mistake me ' (' de te fabula narratur ') ' yozc are mad also and well nigh all the world.'

cor, ' the stomach,' as icapdia : see below, v. 161.



Traiecto lateris miseri capitisve dolore,

Ut lethargicus hic cum fit pugil et medicum urget.' 30

Dum ne quid simile huic, esto ut libet. ' O bone, ne te

Frustrere, insanis et tu stultique prope omnes,

Si quid Stertinius veri crepat, unde ego mira

Descripsi docilis praecepta haec, tempore quo me

Solatus iussit sapientem pascere barbam 35

Atque a Fabricio non tristem ponte reverti.

Nam male re gesta cum vellem mittere operto

Me capite in flumen, dexter stetit et, Cave faxis

29. traiecto : acc. to Porph. a tech- nical word (Gr. ne8i.OTaa6ai, niraaTaais) for the shifting of disease from one organ to another.

miseri, ' aching.' Orelli quotes Plaut. Poen. 5. 2. 43 ' miseram buccam.' Cp. Sat. 1. 9. 32 ' laterum dolor,' where the Scholiasts annotate ' pleuritis.'

30. ut cum, to be taken together,

&)S OTf.

lethargicus cum fit pugil, etc, where he passes suddenly from the ' lethargus,' which Celsus defines as ' marcor et paene expugnabilis dormi- endi necessitas,' to 'phrenesis,' in which ' difficilior somnus, prompta ad omnem audaciam mens est ' Cels. 3. 20. For a picture of a ' lethargicus ' see below, v. 142 f.

hic, otiKTiicws, ' yonder ' ; cp. v. 23 ' huie.'

31. esto, 'let it be'; ut libet echoes the ' ut solet,' ' ut cum.' Horace feigns to take Damasippus literally, and to ex- pect to be assaulted himself.

o bone, w 'yade, Sat. 2. 6. 51 : the voc. alone 16. 95, Epp. 2. 2. 37, in ear- nest or affectedly earnest appeals. See also in plur. Sat. 2. 2. 1.

ne frustrere : as is usual in Horace, not an imperative, but a final clause, ' that you may not deceive youiself (let me tell you) you also are mad.' See on Od. 1. 33. 1.

32. et tu, ' you also.'

prope omnes, as the Greek ox<odv a-navTts, an habitual softening of a sweeping statement ; see on Sat. 1. 3. 96. With this di>course should be read Cicero's rendering of the Stoic paradox, ori nas acppcvv paiveTai Parad. 4.

33. Stertinius : see Introd. crepat : see on Od. 1. 18. 5. Add

Epp. 1. 7. 84, Plaut. Mil. G. 3. 1. ;.6,

of the man who would talk law at a dinner-table, and Lucr. z. 1168 of the man who always harps on the good old times ; ' if there is any truth in what is always on Stertinius' tongue.'

unde, from whose lips ; see on Sat. 1. 6. 12.

35. sapientem paseere barbam, ' to grow the beard of wisdom' ; forthe beard as belonging to philosophers see on Sat.

i- 3- 133-

pascere, as Virg. Aen. 7. 391 ' sa- crum tibi pascere crinem.'

36. Fabricio ponte : the bridge (Ponte di quattro Capij which still exists between the island and the old Campus Martius. It was built (Dion Cass. 37. 45) B.c. 62. An inscription on it says that it was built by ' L. Fabri- cius, curator viarum.'

37. male re gesta : for the phrase and its correlative ' bene rem gerere ' see infr. v. 74. With this picture cp. Liv. 4. 12 ' multi ex plebe, spe amissa, . . . capitibus obvolutis se in Tiberim praecipitaverunt.'

operto capite, as in the passage of Livy just cited. It was the familiar attitude of meeting death. Socrates covers his head in Plato's Phaedo, Caesar in Suetonius, Jul., 82, Decius in Liv. 8.9.

38. dexter, ' on the right,' and so with good omen, as a good genius. Virg. Aen. 8. 302, to Hercules : ' Dexter adi.'

cave. The last syllable is shortened in the conversational style, as infr. v. 177, Epp. 1. 13. 19. It is long in Epod. 6. 11, so 'vide' in Pers. Sat. 1. 108. The constr. ' cave laxis,' without a nega- tive particle, is found in Cicero as ' cave putes,' ' mind you do not think,' ad Fam. 10. 12. 1.

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Te quicquam indignum ; pudor, inquit, te malus angit,

Insanos qui inter vereare insanus haberi. 4o

Primum nam inquiram quid sit furere : hoc si erit in te

Solo, nil verbi, pereas quin fortiter, addam.

Quem mala stultitia et quemcunque inscitia veri

Caecum agit, insanum Chrysippi porticus et grex

Autumat. Haec populos, haec magnos formula reges 45

Excepto sapiente tenet. Nunc accipe, quare

Desipiant omnes aeque ac tu, qui tibi nomen

Insano posuere. Velut silvis, ubi passim

Palantes error certo de tramite pellit,

llle sinistrorsum, hic dextrorsum abit : unus utrique 50

Error, sed variis illudit partibus ; hoc te

Crede modo insanum. nihilo ut sapientior ille,

Oui te deridet, caudam trahat. Est genus unum

39. pudor malus. The expression recurs in Epp. i. 16. 24: 'rnalus,' as infr. vv. 43 and 78, is of the consequences, ' mischievous.'

angit, ' tortures ' ; the pain must be extreme to have such a result.

40. insanos inter, ' in a world of madmen.'

41. primum inquiram. The Stoic begins, in character, with a definition.

42. nil verbi : the gen. of an adj. is more usual ; but cp. Plaut. Bacch. 4. 8. 18 ' nihil lucri.'

pereas quin, ' to pievent your dy- ing.'

43. et quemcunque, as Ritter points out, is a stronger statement than that of the first clause, ' et ' having, as often, the force of ' and indeed,' so that it is not necessary to supply ' cunque ' with the first ' quem.'

44. caeeum. The essence of mad- ness is the not seeing where you are going.

Chrysippi, infr. v. 287, Sat. 1. 3. 127, Epp. 1. 2. 4.

porticus, aroa Trot/clkt], in which Zeno and his successors taught, and from which the sect was named.

grex : not as it is in Epp. 1. 4. 16 ' Epicuri de grege,' with a special colour on it from the context, but in the general sense in which it is used in Epp. 1. 9. 13, ' the Portico and all its com- pany.'

45. autumat, ' affirmat,' Acr. It is

a frequent word in Plautus, occurring once in Terence, Horace, Catullus.

formula . . . tenet. Ritter seems right in explnining this as a legal phrase ; ' this definition attaches.' He quotes from Cic.de Off. 3.14. 60, where ' formula ' and ' definitio ' are used convertibly of the legal definition of an offence.

populos . . . reges : of number and rank ; whole peoples, and from the pea- sant to the prince, there is only one exception.

48. passim palantes. These words put shortly what is in the following words more fully described in its pro- cess : ' as in a forest ; when men lose their way they miss the path, one on one side, another on the other.'

51. variis partibus, ' on different sides.'

hoc modo : usually taken as = ' sic,' answering to 'velut'; ' ut ' then intro- ducing a consequential clause. It is per- haps better to let the ' sic ' which should answer to ' velut ' be understood, and take ' hoc modo . . . ut ' together in the sense of ' ita ut,' as limiting the scope of ' crede te insanum,' ' to this extent,' ' in such a eSSse,*** only, that.'

53. caudam trahat. According to the Scholiast a proverbial expression for being a fool without knowing it : 'solent pueri nescientibus caudam suspendere ' ; the tail he explains to be a sheep's tail. The man who laughs at you for having a tail tied to you, has one himself.



Stultitiae nihilum metuenda timentis, ut ignes,

Ut rupes fluviosque in campo obstare queratur ; 55

Alterum et huic varum et nihilo sapientius ignes

Per medios fluviosque ruentis. Clamet amica

Mater, honesta soror, cum cognatis pater, uxor :

' Hic fossa est ingens, hic rupes maxima, serva ! '

Non magis audierit quam Fufius ebrius olim, 60

Cum Ilionam edormit, Catienis mille ducentis,

' Mater, te appello ! ' clamantibus. Huic ego volgus

Errori similem cunctum insanire docebo.

53-62. ' It is foolish to fear where there is nothing to fear, as you did when you would have killed yourself to avoid the ridicule of men as foolish as your- self ; but it is equally foolish to ignore real obstacles and dangers.'

54. nihilum, as an adv. with ' me- tuenda.' So below v. 210.

timentis. It is difficult to say whether this agrees with ' stultitiae,' a personal subj. being supplied for ' queratur,' or whether the masc. gen. should be under- stood with it.

56. varum, a coloured equivalent to ' dissimile,' and taking the same con- struction (dative") ; by the word ' varum ' Horace implies that both are deformi- ties. It is like two legs, equally crooked, though they are bent in different direc- tions.

ignes. For the metaphorical use of ' ignes,' ' rupes,' etc. cp. Sat. i. I. 39, Epp. 1. 1. 46. He is speaking of the headlong pursuit of the objects of de- sire.

57. clamet. For the omission of any conditional or concessive particle see on Sat. 1. 1. 45, Epp. 1. 1. 28.

amica mater, ' melius est sic accipi, ut sit ex Graeco tractum, (£1X77 ix-qrrjp, quam per se, amica, perse deinde, mater, quia mentionem uxoris facit in sequen- tibus' Poiph. Each of the first two relations has an epithet indicating its special claim on him 'honesta' = ' de- serving respect' ; ' cum cognatis' serves the same purpose with the last two, ' with all his kith and kin.' For Horace's way of varying a list by the use of ' cum ' see below v. 229, and cp. Sat. 1. 10. 85, Epp. 1. 6. 17, 2. 1. 5, A. P.


60. The allusion is to an incident which occurred in the acting of the

Ilioneof Pacuvius,a play to which Cicero refers more than once, and from which he quotes the same words (Tusc. Disp. 1. 44. 106, Acad. 2. 27. 88, pro Sest. 59. 1 26). Ilione, the daughter of Priam and the wife of Polymnestor, had in this ver- sion of the story substituted her brother Polydorus (see Virg. Aen. 3. 49 foll. for her son Deiphilus. Deiphilus has been killed under this error by his father, and his shade rises and calls on his mother Ilione, ' Mater, te appello, quae curam somno suspensam levas, Neque te mei miseret, surge et repete natum.' Fufius, who is acting the part of Ilione, seems to have gone really to sleep, and not to have been waked by the appeals of Catienus who acted Dei- philus.

61. cum . . . edormit, as ' cum prae- cipitat ' inf. v. 277, and as the common use of ' dum ' with the pres. of a past action.

Ilionam edormit = acts to the full, over-acts, the part of the sleeping Ilione.

mille ducentis : perhapsas the double of ' sescenti ' (as that is of ' trecenti,' cp. Od. 2. 14. 5) for an indefinitely large number. ' Sleeps, though not one Ca- tienus but twelve hundred shout at him !' The picture is of the audience entering into the joke and taking up Catienus' appeal in the vain endeavour to waken Fulius.

62. huic errori. ' Errori ' takes us back to 'error^' ' This mode of going^f astray ' is the second alternative of vv.

i-^3-62, viz. the pursuit of ends and in- dulgence of passions without heed of the difficulties and dangers.

63. similem, sc. 'errorem,' the cogn. accus. after ' insanire,' as in Epp. 1. 1. 101.

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Insanit veteres statuas Damasippus emendo : Integer est mentis Damasippi creditor ? Esto ! Accipe quod nunquam reddas mihi, si tibi dicam, Tune insanus eris si acceperis? an magis excors Reiecta praeda quam praesens Mercurius fert ? ' Scribe decem a Nerio ; non est satis : adde Cicutae Nodosi tabulas centum, mille adde catenas :

64, 65. insanit . . . ereditor. These are the two judgments of the supposed opponent which Stertinius, after ironi- cally allowing them (esto!\ proceeds to show to be inconsistent with one another.

integer mentis, as ' integer vitae ' Od. 1. 22. 1.

66-76. Stertinius propounds a di- lemma : he personates the ' creditor Damasippi,' and imagines two alterna- tive forms under which he may offer his loan to his insolvent borrower. He may say at once ' Take it and don't repay it.' In that case surely Dama- sippus is not mad if he assents. Or he may demand bonds and securities, which are as useless as the attempts to bind Proteus. In that case he is at least the madder of the two.

66. aecipe quod nunquam reddas = ' accipe hoc ea conditione ut non reddas.'

67. excors : Epp. 1. 1. 25, ' sense- less.'

68. Mercurius : see on v. 25. The Greeks called a windfall or lucky ven- ture kpixaTov.

69-71. The general sense, as explained on v. 66, is clear ; but even the Scho- liasts were in doubt as to the technical terms and the significance of the names.

69. scribe decem a Nerio. Either ' Enter (on the debtor side of your ac- count) ten (sestertia?) from Nerius,' or ' Sign ten bonds ('tabulas' understood from the next clause) of Nerius's.' Diintzer quotes Cic. Att. 16. 7 ' Antonii edictum legi a Bruto,' as meaning ' after Brutus,' i.e. in his style. If this were so it would suit, but query whether it does not mean ' received from Brutus.' In either case Nerius must not be taken to be a real party to the transaction. but to be the stern money-lender, (oras Profs. Palmer and Maguire suggest, banker, through whom the money was to be

~advanced),,(wki€k the ' creditor Dama-

sippi' is supposed to use in order to make his debtor understand the terms on which he stands ; ' Understand that you are borrowing as from (or through) Nerius.' Persius (2. J.4'1 takes the name of Nerius from this place, and the Scho- liast explains that he was ' fenerator notissimus.' As between the two expla- nations of the ellipsis with ' decem,' both offered by the Scholiast, it is difficult to choose. A satisfactory parallel for the ellipsis of ' sestertia ' is quoted by Bent- ley (on Epp. 2. 1. 105) from the Digest 12. c. 40 ' L. Titius scripsi me acce- pisse a P. Maevio quindecim mutua,' the formula of a note of hand. On the other hand, it is difficult to separate ' decem ' entirely from ' centum ' and ' mille,' as that explanation compels us to do. ' Decem tabulas ' is not literal any more than ' centum tabulas.' It is an attempt to give to degrees of intensity a numerical expression : ' Sign ten times over, a hundred times over, binding agreements.'

non est satis. If ' scribe decem a Nerio ' is, as seems prjjbable, in the mouth of the supposed ' creditor,' the words that follow are Stertinius* com- ment, urging him on to more precau- tions, but telling him beforehand that they are all idle. ' Cicuta ' (see inf. v. 175) has the air of a nick-name (see below on v. 75), ' fenerator qui propter asperitatem et amaritudinem cognomi- natus est ' Schol.

70. nodosi, ' with his knots.' The association seems twofold : (1) with the use of ' nodus' of tangled and intricate pointsoflaw ('iuris nodos'Juv. S. 8.50); (2) with the use of legal subtleties for purposes of constraint and oppression. Cp. Lucretius' frequent use of ' nodus,' ' nodi religionum,' etc. Notice that this word seems to suggest the metaphor of ' catenas,' and the full figure of Proteus and the attempts to bind him.



Effugiet tamen haec sceleratus vincula Proteus.

Cum rapies in ius malis ridentem alienis,

Fiet aper, modo avis, modo saxum et cum volet arbor.'

Si male rem gerere insani est, contra bene sani,

Putidius multo cerebrum est, mihi crede, Perelli, 75

Dictantis quod tu nunquam rescribere possis.

Audire atque togam iubeo componere, quisquis

Ambitione mala aut argenti pallet amore,

Quisquis luxuria tristive superstitione

Aut alio mentis morbo calet ; huc propius me, So

Dum doceo insanire omnes, vos ordine adite.

71. Proteus, the sea-god, as de- scribed in Hom. Odyss. 4. 485 and Virg. Georg. 4. 387 foll. He would only give oracles when he was bound, but when men tried to bind him he eluded them by changing into a thou- sand shapes.

72. malis ridentem alienis. There can hardly but be some relation to Homers ■yva.6iJ.oiai yeXoiaiv aWoTpioiaiv Odyss. 22. 345, though how close an one it is difhcult to say. Eustathius in loc. tells us that the words had passed into a proverb, and proverbs, especially in another language, are constantly mis- used. It is possible that Horace, re- mincled of the Odyssey by the image of Proteus, recalls the vvords and pur- posely gives them a quasi-comic adap- tation. It is possible again that they occur to him as a blank form of expres- sion without their context, as ' cui bono' occurred to Byron, and he puts his own meaning to them (see his use of a Greek proveib in v. 276;. What the actual meaning put on them is, is not certain. It may be his disguises, ' laughing from behind strange masks,' or it may be with a play on ' aes alienum,' of the debtor's complete indebtedness, ' laugh- ing as though even his cheeks were borrowed (and so need not be spared).'

74. bene, sc. ' gerere.'

75. putidius, as we speak of ' addled brains.'

Perelli : this and not ' Perilli ' is the spelling of the MSS. ' Perellius ' is identified by the Acr. with the ' Cicuta ' of v. 69. It may be so. In any case the name is here given to the ' creditor ' of whom we are speak- ing, so that it is ' a Perellius/ i. e. ' a moneylender.'

76. dictantis . . . reseribere : the correlatives from two sides of scribe in v. 69. The money-ltnder/rar?77v.r the formula of the bond, the borrower writes and signs it, and should by and by cancel it, write it off, by repayment of the money borrowed.

tu. Stertinius is again addressing Damasippus.

77 foll. Here Stertinius' discourse takes a larger sweep, as he fancies him- self addressing an audience. It is in appearance brought within the frame- work of the Satire in v. 296, but we are hardly intended actually to picture Stertinius as delivering it to Damasippus on the biidge. See what I have said of Ofellus's sermon in introd. to Sat. 2. 2.

77. togam eomponere. The Schol. explain it of the respect due to a teacher. They also notice the vcntpov TtpuTtpnv. It is like VirgiPs 'moriamur et in media arma ruamus ' Aen. 2. 353, etc, the order not of chronology of fact but of prominence in thought.

78. ambitione mala : Sat. 2. 6. 18 ; cp. the epithets ' misera gravique ' Sat. 1. 6. 129.

pal]et, as ' morbo calet,' the language of medicine.

81. Some question has been raised as to the punctuation. Heindorf puts the stop at ' vos,' Prof. Palmer at ' or- dine,' in order to indicate that 'omnts' is not ' all men ' but ' you all,' the classes of ' stulti ' who have been al- ready named ; but even if we stop at ' omnes,' as on rhythmical grounds it seems well to do, we naturally under- stand ' vos ' as a subj. to ' insanire.'

ordine adite, as to an oracle rather than a lecturer. For a somewhat simila mixture of figures cp. Od. 3. 1. 1 foll.

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Danda est ellebori multo pars maxima avaris ;

Nescio an Anticyram ratio illis clestinet omnem.

Heredes Staberi summam incidere sepulcro :

Ni sic fecissent gladiatorum dare centum 85

Damnati populo paria atque epulum arbitrio Arri,

Frumenti quantum metit Africa. ' Sive ego prave

Seu recte hoc volui, ne sis patruus mihi.' Credo

Hoc Staberi prudentem animum vidisse. ' Quid ergo

Sensit cum summam patrimoni insculpere saxo 90

Heredes voluit ?' Ouoad vixit credidit ingens

82. ellebori, ' hellebore ' (Helleborus orientalis, Linnaeus) was held a specific for mental maladies, Plin. N. H. 25. 5.

pars maxima : as to those whose madness is the maddest.

83. nescio an, ' I am pretty sure.' Antieyvam omnem, ' the whole store

of Anticyia ' ; see below v. 166 and A. P. 300 ' tribus Anticyris caput insanabile.' The Anticyra where Strabo tells us the best hellebore grew, and there was a ' cure ' for madness. was in Phocis on the ' Crissaeus sinus ' ; see A. P. 1. c.

84. summam. sc. ' hereditatis.' Sta- berius is quoted r.s an extreme instance of the value attached to money ; he cared for the posthumous reputatiun of having had it.

85. centumparia : ahundred pairs of gladiators would be an unusually large number.

86. damnati : a proper legal use for an obligation imposed by the terms of a will ; the phrase used would be ' damnas esto dare . . .'

epulum, ' a funeral feast.'

arbitrio Arri, ' such as Arrius would order ' : the reference is to a famous funeral feast which Q. Arrius (Cic. in Vatin. 12 foll.1 had given in honour of his father. Cicero speaks of ' many thousands ' having been entertained at it.

87. frumenti, a third obligation, viz. a ' frumentatio ' or general dis- tribution of corn. The hyperbolical description of the amount is like Od.

1. 1. 10 ' quicquid de Libycis verritur areis.' Bentley, offended at the asyn- deton, proposed to read in v. 81 ' Arri et.' Heindorf proposes ' Fru- menti et.'

88. ne sis patruus mihi, ' do not come the uncle over me ' ; see on Sat.

2. 2. 97. These words are suggested

as Staberius' answer to any one of his heirs who criticised his conditions. Ster- tinius goes on to throw his shield over Staberius ; he was acting with foresight and consistency.

ne sis. This is one of the exceptions allowed by Madv. (Opusc. 2. p. 105J to the rule that in prohibitions ad- dressed to a definite person writers of the classical age used the perf. subj. not the pres. subj. Mr. Postgate in the Journal of Philology (vol. 18, p. 326) suggests that ' ne sis patruus,' though apparcntly addressed to a definite person, is the application in a particular in- stance of aproverbialsayinglike Cicero's ' actum ne agas ' ad Att. 9. iS. 3, of which Madv. 1. c. gives thatexplanation. But see on Sat. 2. 5. 17.

89. hoc . . . vidisse. Orelli, Ditnt- zer, and others throw the emphasis on prudentem ; ' I imagine in making this provision Staberius showed a far?eeing mind.' Without raising the question whether ' vidisse ' could be so used by Horace, this seems forbidden by the relative places of ' hoc ' and ' pruden- tem.' The emphasis must surely be on the first of the two. It may be still doubted what ' hoc ' refers to. Hein- dorf takes it of the attitude of the heirs which has been assumed in Staberius' words. Perhaps it may be better taken of the explanation to follow in vv. 94 f. ' This I imagine is what Staberius looked forward to.' An interlocutor is supposed to interrupt with ' Quid ergo sensit,' etc. ' What do you mean he perceived?' ' sensit,' heing an echo of 'vidisse': for'ergo' in an impatient ques- tion, cutting short or implying doubt of what has just been said, cp. v. 156.

91. quoad, a monosyllable, asalways in Lucretius : so ' prout ' Sat. 2. 6. 67.



Pauperiem vitium et cavit nihil acrius, ut si Forte minus locuples uno quadrante perisset Ipse videretur sibi nequior : omnis enim res, Virtus, fama, decus, divina humanaque pulchris Divitiis parent ; quas qui construxerit ille Clarus erit, fortis, iustus. Sapiensne ? Etiam ; et rex, Et quicquid volet. Hoc veluti virtute paratum Speravit magnae laudi fore. Quid simile isti Graecus Aristippus ? qui servos proicere aurum



92. ut, 'so that.'

93. perisset . . . videretur. The tenses are proper : ' videretur,' because it is in strict sequence to ' credidit,' etc, ' so that he seemed to himself a worse man ' being equivalent to ' so that it seemed to him that he would be a worse man ' ' futurus ' might have been added to ' nequior1 : ' perisset,' because it stands for ' perierit ' thrown into past time in the orat. obl. ' Periret,' which divides the MSS.j would not be wrong ; but the plpft is more exact, as the being (or being thought) a worse man is the sen- tence which is imagined as following the crime of dying a poorer one : cp. (with Bentl.) the relation of 'vidisset' to ' cre- deret ' in Sat. 1 . 6. 79. Prof. Palmers criticism, that ' periret ' is right because if the man had been already dead he would have known nothing of the mat- ter, ties Horace to a logical point of view which would have been strange to him. It is like Aristotle's famous criticism on Solon's saying that no one should be counted happy till he was dead (Eth. N. 1. 11). Horace would have erred with Solon and Sophocles, not have been right with Aristotle.

94. nequior = ' abiectior ' : ' quia tanti quantum habeas sis ' Sat. 1. 1. 62 (Orelli) : but perhaps a moral sense is felt, as it is the conclusion which he drew from his faulty premiss that poverty was a moral vice.

omnis enim res, etc. Stertinius ironically adopts Staberius' premiss.

95. pulchris, a transl. of «aAos : cp. Epp. 1. 2. 30 ' pulchrum fuit in medios dormire dies,' and VirgiFs 'pulchrumque mori succurrit in armis,' of types of honour.

96. parent, ' are the subjects of ; wealth is the sovereign. Cp. Epp. 1.

1. 53 ' quaerenda pecunia primum est : Virtus post nummos.' He inverts the true Stoic doctrine ' virtuti omnia parent ' Sall. Cat. 2. 7.

construxerit, ' raised a pile.' Cp. Sat. 1. 1. 44 ' quid habet pulchri con- structus acervus ? ' Some good MSS. have ' contraxerit.'

97. sapiensne ? Stertinius asks and answers the question himself, as also in w. 89, 90, and below in vv. 99-102, vv. 158 foll. Heindorf points out that it is an imitation of the Stoic style, quoting Cic. Paradox 1 'Cato, perfectus mea sententia Stoicus . . . minutis inter- rogatiunculis quasi punctis quod pro- posuit efficit.' Stertinius (as Prof. Palmer points out) is ironically invert- ing (see on v. 96) his own true view. Contrast Sat. 1. 3. 124, where the ' sapiens ' is said to be 'dives ' and ' rex.'

etiam, ' even so ' ; the nearest equi- valent to our ' yes/ as in Cicero : see especially Acad. 4. 32 ' aut "etiam" aut " non " respondere.'

98. hoc, sc. wealth. Here we have Staberius' true motive. To have pos- sessed wealth was a proof of virtue, and, if the fact was remembered, a security for fame.

99. quid simile, sc. ' fecit,' not as Orelli = ' quam dissimile ! ' The thought though thrown into the rhetorical form of questions is ' the point of vievv of Stabe- rius and Aristippus is the same. Neither is more or less mad than the other. Neither understood the true use of wealth.'

100. Aristippus : Epp. 1. 1. 18, 1. 17. 14 foll. ; the founder of the Cyrenaic school, the predecessors of the Epi- cureans. The story which Horace tells is to be found in Diog. Laert. 2. 77. Horace lays the scene of it in Libya,

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


In media iussit Libya, quia tardius irent

Propter onus segnes. Uter est insanior horum ?

Nil agit exemplum, litem quod lite resolvit.

Si quis emat citharas, emptas comportet in unum,

Nec studio citharae nec Musae deditus ulli ; 105

Si scalpra et formas non sutor, nautica vela

Aversus mercaturis ; delirus et amens

Undique dicatur merito. Oui discrepat istis

Oui nummos aurumque recondit, nescius uti

Compositis, metuensque velut contingere sacrum ? 110

Si quis ad ingentem frumenti semper acervum

Porrectus vigilet cum longo fuste, neque illinc

Audeat esuriens dominus contingere gTanum,

Ac potius foliis parcus vescatur amaris ;

Si positis intus Chii veterisque Falerni 115

Mille cadis nihil est, tercentum milibus acre

Potet acetum ; age, si et stramentis incubet, unde-

i. e. in a jonrney to or from Cyrene. ' Graecus ' = ' in the Greek story,' but perhaps it is dramatic and depreciatory, as though Cyrenaicism (and Epicurean- ism) were Greek, Stoicism the Roman school. Stertinius is hitting hard the founder of the school of thought most opposed to his own.

103. It is of no use to set up Staberius against Aristippus or Aristippus against Staberius. Each is open to criticism in turn. You have only substituted one question for another. Take examples from some other art ; it will be seen at once that a man who accumulates implements and then does not use them is thought a madman.

104. emat . . . emptas, ' buy, and after buying pile them on a heap.' For the eftect of the repetition Orelli quotes Virg. Aen. 6. 420 ' offam Obiicit ; ille . . . Corripit obiectam,' Ov. Met. 9. 74 ' (Hydram) domui domitamque peregi.'

105. nee Musae. If he were fond of music at all he might have some con- ceivable use for the instruments, even if he could not play them himself.

106. formas, ' a shoemaker's last.' non sutor, ' one who is not a


108. undique, ' on all hands,' i.e. by every one ; see on Od. 1. 7. 7.

qui, 'how,' as Sat. 1. 1. 1. 110. eompositis, ' after he has stored them ' ; ' componere opes ' Virg. Aen. 8.

velut. To complete the sentence ' contingere ' must be understood before it, ' fearing to touch them as to touch what is sacred'; cp. Sat. 1. 1. 71 ' tam- quam parcere sacris Cogeris,' a parallel for the position of ' velut ' as well as for the thought.

iii. acervum. The picture is (as Ritter points out) of corn just thrashed out on the ' area,' which its owner watches himself till it is sold or carried home.

113. esuriens dominus, ■' though hungry and the master of it.'

eontingere. Repeated from v. 110 in order to point the similitude.

114. parcus, absol. ' as a miser.'

115. Chii . . . Falerni, ' of the best Greek and Italian wines ' ; cp. Sat. 1. 10. 24.

117. aeetum, 'wine turned sour.'

age, si. So Cic. Phil. 5. 11. 27 ' Age, si paruerit,' 'Nay, if he disobey,' etc.

stramentis, ' a straw bed.'

unde-Oetoginta. For the division between the two verses cp. Epp. 2. 2. 93 ' circum-Spectemus,' A. P. 424 ' inter-Noscere,' Porph. (on Epp. 2. 2. 93) speaks of it as a licence copied from



Octoginta annos natus, cui stragula vestis,

Blattarum ac tinearum epulae, putrescat in arca :

Nimirum insanus paucis videatur, eo quod

Maxima pars hominum morbo iactatur eodem.

Filius aut etiam haec libertus ut ebibat heres,

Dis inimice senex, custodis ? Ne tibi desit ?

Quantulum enim summae curtabit quisque dierum,

Ungere si caules oleo meliore caputque

Coeperis impexa foedum porrigine? Ouare,

Si quidvis satis est, periuras, surripis, aufers

Undique ? Tun sanus ? Populum si caedere saxis

Incipias servosque tuos quos aere pararis,

Insanum te omnes pueri clamentque puellae :

Cum laqueo uxorem interimis matremque veneno

Incolumi capite es. Quid enim, neque tu hoc facis Argis


l :■


Lucilius. The apparent exactness, 'but one short of eighty,' gives verisimili- tude.

118. stragula, fem. adj. etymologically not differing from ' stramentum.' but by usage of luxurious rugs and coverlels.

120. nimirum : Fpp. 1. 9. 1 ; ' no doubt,' 'of course,' a particle of irony : this can be the only reason, but it is a sufficient one.

121. iactatur, as ' calet ' and ' pallet ' in vv. 78, 80. Avarice is a fever in which a large part of mankind toss. For ' maxima pars ' cp. A. P. 24.

122. 123. Two questions suggesting possible motives for the misers craving, thefirst evidentlyironical, and sufnciently answered by stating it, the second re- futed by the question in 124-126.

122. Gp. Od. 2. 14. 25 foll. ' Absu- met heres Caecuba dignior,' etc.

123. dis inimice : dtoh ex^P6'-

ne tibi desit, ' for fear you should yourself want.'

124. enim : as ynp, so often, asking for a justification of the previous words. ' Why, how small a sum will be each day's deduction from your capital ? '

125. oleo meliore. See on Sat. 1. 6. 124,2.2.59.

127. si quidvis satis est, ' if you justify your thrift by saying that your wants are very small.'

surripis, aufers, ' illud clanculum, hoc vi ' Orelli.

128. populum, etc. If you threw

stones at passers-by, or at your own slaves (those who are nothing to you or those who are your own chattels), you would be hooted as a madman. Are you sane when you murder outright your nearest and dearest (to get their money) ?

130. clamentque. For the position of 'que,' see on Od. 1. 30. 6, and cp. below, vv. 157 and 182.

132-141. These linesare perhaps best taken by Bentley, making ' incolumi capite es ' an afhrmalive stalement, ironically intended. ' Quid enim ' (see on Sat. 1. 1. 7) imaginesan objection or hesitating assent, and proceeds to con- firm the statement : ' Why, you are not at Argos (in old heroic days, and in the land of tragedy) but at Rome, and you do not use a sword as poor mad Orestes did, (but some more deliberate imple- ment of death) ' : the points being that the differences given are 110 differences, or, if they are, are against the modern mur- derer, and that Orestes was allowed to have been out of his mind. The re- mainder (' for you surely do not believe that the Furies and the madness came after his crime, they were its cause ; his after performances, when the poets recog- nise his madness, were quite tame and respectable ') is quite in Horaces own vein of playfully rationalizing poetical legends, but it is also possibly (as Kitter thinks) an imitation of the treatment of myths by the Stoic lecturers.

LIB. II. SAT. 3. 145

Nec ferro ut demens genitricem occidis Orestes.

An tu reris eum occisa insanisse parente,

Ac non ante malis dementem actum Furiis quam 135

In matris iugulo ferrum tepefecit acutum ?

Ouin ex quo est habitus male tutae mentis Orestes

Nil sane fecit quod tu reprehendere possis :

Non Pyladen ferro violare aususve sororem

Electram, tantum maledicit utrique vocando 140

Hanc Furiam, hunc aliud iussit quod splendida bilis.

Pauper Opimius argenti positi intus et auri,

Qui Veientanum festis potare diebus

Campana solitus trulla vappamque profestis,

Ouondam lethargo grandi est oppressus, ut heres 145

Iam circum loculos et claves laetus ovansque

135. ac non : Epp. 1. 10. 46, 2. 2. 143, where Orelli points out from *be Hand. Turs. I. p. 473, that it is used rather than ' nec ' where there is a direct opposition between the negative and the positive definition, in cases, that is, where 'non' might stand alone, ' this, not that.'

malis : perh. with an ironical touch, ' those naughty Furies ' (see on Sat. 1.5. 14 ; cp. Sat. 1. 1. 77). So ' ferrum tepe- fecit,' an imitation of the Homeric realism (as Virgil, ' hasta . . . tepe- facta cerebro ' Aen. 9. 418). They intro- duce the semi-comic conclusion of the passage.

137. male tutae, ' unsound.' Bent- ley showed that 'tutus'was a recognized medical term.

1 39. aususve. See above v. 1 30 and on Od. 1. 30. 6.

141. Furiam. As in Eur. Or. 264 fxtQts' fx'C ovaa ruiv ifxuiv 'Kpivvwv | aiaov fi 6\fxa(eis chs Pa\r)S us Taprapov. No such abuse of Pylades is found in any extant tragedy.

splendida bilis. Horace seems to be playingwith medical language, madness being attributed to a special condition of the bile (see A. P. 301 'O ego laevus, Qui purgor bilem sub verni tem- poris horam,' and Epp. 2. 2. I37icalled LieAayxoXia (whence our 'melancholy ') ' atra bilis ' (Cels. 2. 1.), and this again being described as having a special glittering appearance, fxi\atva x°^V o-ri\- irvoripa avrov rov ai'paros lariv woirep


Kal fj Ik rr)s vacpas 6a\arrrjs aa<pa\ros Galen, de causis Symptomatum 2. 50. Persius imitating Horace, butalsotrans- lating another Greek epithet, va\wdrjs, speaks of ' vitrea bilis ' 3. 8.

142. pauper argenti positi intus : the gen. as in ' pauperrimus bonorum ' Sat. 1. 1. 79, ' dives rerum ' Epp. 2. 2. 31 : the words ' positi intus,' ' though there was store of it in his house,' turn it into an oxymoron = ' magnas inter opes inops ' Od. 3. 16. 28. The name ' Opimius ' although it is found in Luci- lius, and though it is a familiar Roman name, is evidently used here in conscious- ness of itsetymological meaning,forming an oxymoron with ' pauper,' as ' immitis Glycerae ' in Od. 1. 33. 2, etc. See on the whole subject pp. 11, 14.

143. Veientanum, a poor wine ; in Pers. S. 5. 147 ' Veientanum rubellum,' and Mart. 1. 104. 9.

144. Campana. Sat. 1. 6. 118, of Horace's own dinner-service, ' Campana supellex.'

trulla (dim. of ' trua'), a small dip- ping-ladle usually of silver, or gold. Martial (9. 97. 1) talks of stealing a ' trulla ' as we of stealing spoons.

vappam : Sat. 1. 5. 16; ' spoiled wine'; described by Plin. N. H. 14. 25. 20 ' vitium mustoquibusdam in locis iterum sponte fervere : qua calamitate deperit sapor, vappaeque accipit no- men.'

145. lethargo. See above on v. 30.



Curreret. Hunc medicus multum celer atque fidelis

Excitat hoc pacto : mensam poni iubet atque

Effundi saccos nummorum, accedere plures

Ad numerandum ; hominem sic erigit ; addit et illud : 150

c Ni tua custodis, avidus iam haec auferet heres.'

'Menvivo?' ' Ut vivas igitur, vigila : hoc age.' 'Quidvis?'

1 Deficient inopem venae te ni cibus atque

Ingens accedit stomacho fultura ruenti.

Tu cessas? Agedum, sume hoc ptisanarium oryzae.' 155

'Quanti emptae?' ' Parvo.' ' Quanti ergo?' ' Octussibus.'

'Eheu! Ouid refert morbo an furtis pereamque rapinis ? ' Quisnam igitur sanus ? Qui non stultus. Quid avarus ? Stultus et insanus. Quid, si quis non sit avarus, Continuo sanus? Minime. ' Cur, Stoice ? ' Dicam. 160

Non est cardiacus (Craterum dixisse putato) Hic aeger : recte est igitur surgetque? Negabit, Quod latus aut renes morbo temptentur acuto.

147. multum celer. See on Sat. 1. 3. 57 ' multum demissus.' ' Celer,' of readiness of resource.

150. illud, of what follows. Sat. 2. 5. 70.

151. avidus heres. Od. 4. 7. 19.

152. vigila, ' keep yourself awake.' hoc age, ' give all your attention.'

Epp. 1. 6. 31, 1. 18. 88. It is the Roman sacrificial formula ; cp. Lucr.

1. 4( (Munro's note), 4. 969.

153. inopem, ' for lack of support.' venae. Celsus uses the phrase ' venae

conciderunt ' for ' the pulse is lowered.' Seneca, probably from this passage, writes ' vino fulcire venas cadentes ' Epist. 95. 22.

154. ingens. The doctor represents the support required as something ex- ceptional and enormous, in order to persuade the patient to face the extrava- gxnce of a basin of rice gruel.

fultura. The metaphor from a house in danger of collapsing ; cp. Lucret.

2. 1140 ' fulcire cibus,' 4. 867 ' Prop- terea capitur cibus ut suffulciat artus,' and Seneca as quoted in the last note.

155. ptisanarium, itriiravapiov, a dimin., the correl. of ' ingens.'

156. emptae, sc. ' oryzae,' continuing

the construction. ' What did the rice cost ? ' The ' ptisanarium ' could be made at home.

158. Stertinius is preparing to pass to those suffering ' ambitione mala' (v. 78), but he first insists again that there are different forms of ' stultitia,' but that all 'stulti' are also mad. On the arguments by short questions see on v. 97.

160. continuo, ' then and there.'

161. cardiacus : Juv. S. 5. 38; suf- fering from a complaint of the stomach ; see above 011 v. 28.

Craterum : another name fiom Cicero's letters ; he is the physician whom Atticus consults, Cic. ad Att. 12. 13. 1, 12. 14. 4. To Persius (from Horace) it has become the conventional name for a doctor, 3. 65.

162. recte est, ' is he well ? ' So in Cic. ad Att. 14. 16.

163. With the substitution of 'si' for ' quod,' and the indic. for the subj., this verse occurs again in Epp. 1. 6. 28.

latus : Sat. 1. 9. 32.

temptentur. Od. 1. 16. 23. The subj. has the best MS. authority, includ- ing ' Bland. omnes.' The reason is given as from Craterus' mouth.

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Non est periurus neque sordidus : immolet aequis

Hic porcum Laribus : verum ambitiosus et audax : 165

Naviget Anticyram. Quid enim differt, barathrone

Dones quicquid habes an nunquam utare paratis ?

Servius Oppidius Canusi duo praedia, dives

Antiquo censu, gnatis divisse duobus

Fertur et hoc moriens pueris dixisse vocatis 170

Ad lectum : ' Postquam te talos, Aule, nucesque

Ferre sinu laxo, donare et ludere vidi,

Te, Tiberi, numerare, cavis abscondere tristem ;

Extimui ne vos ageret vesania discors,

Tu Nomentanum, tu ne sequerere Cicutam. 175

Quare per divos oratus uterque Penates,

Tu cave ne minuas, tu ne maius facias id

Quod satis esse putat pater et natura coercet.

Praeterea ne vos titillet gloria, iure

Iurando obstringam ambo : uter aedilis fueritve 1S0

165. porcum Laribus. As a thanks- giving for his immunity from these vices.

audax, ' reckless.' The argument is narrowing to the ' ambitiosus,' but it has not yet completely done so. He is viewed here and for some time to come as in a way the opposite (' dum vitant stulti vitia in contraria currunt ') of the ' avarus,' the man who, instead of hoard- ing his money, flings it away recklessly on the objects of ambition.

166. naviget Anticyram, clet him sail for Anticyra,' i.e. to be treated with hellebore ; cp. vv. 82, 83.

168. Canusi : see Sat. 1. 5. 91, 1. 10. 30. We are in Horace's own neigh- bourhood in Apulia. Cp. Ofellus in the last Satire.

169. antiquo censu, ' as incomes were reckoned in old days.'

divisse. For the contraction see on Sat. 1. 5. 79.

171. talos nucesque, 'a boy's play- things.' Suetonius speaking of Augustus ' animi laxandi causa . . . modo talis . . . nucibusque ludebat cum pueris minutis ' ; 'nucibus relictis ' Pers. S. 1. 10. For ' tali ' see on Od. 1.4. 18.

172. ludere, sub. ' iis,' ' to play with them,' that is, to gamble, the winner taking the loser's, as Bentley shows ; he wished to read 'perdere,' bufludere'

gives the same sense.

173. tristem, ' sour.'

174. vesania discors, 'two different kinds of madness.' The MSS. are divided between 'vesania' and 'insania.' If the latter is read this line must be added to the instances quoted on Sat. 1. 4. 82, of a short vowel lengthened 'in arsi.' It may be noticed that Horace exhausts in this Satire the designations of madness,' insanus,' 'demens,' 'amens,' ' delirus,' ' furiosus,' ' commotus,' ' cer- ritns,' ' desipere.'

175. Nomentanum. The Lucilian name for a spendthrift ; see on Sat. 1. 1. 102, and in this Satire v. 224.

Cicutam, above v. 69.

176. divos Penates : Epp. 1. 7. 94.

178. coercet, ' what nature limits,' means what does not exceed the require- ments of nature ; the needs of luxury are artificial. Cp. Sat. 1. 1. 49 ' intra Naturae fines viventi.'

179. titillet. A word of Lucretius (2.429) and Cicero (de Fin. 1. 11. 39).

180. aedilis . . . praetor. Ritter points out that the two offices named are those which entailed the expense of ' munera,' the charge of the public ' ludi.' Sterlinius is still connecting ambition with extravagance.

fueritve ; see above on v. 1 30.




Vestrum praetor, is intestabilis et sacer esto. In cicere atque faba bona tu perdasque lupinis, Latus ut in Circo spatiere et aeneus ut stes, Nudus agris, nudus nummis, insane, paternis ; Scilicet ut plausus quos fert Agrippa feras tu, Astuta ingenuum volpes imitata leonem.' Ne quis humasse velit Aiacem, Atrida, vetas cur?


181. intestabilis et sacer, ' out- lavved and accursed.' Two distinct legal expressions put together to indi- cate the extreme of disgrace : the first signifying incapability of giving witness in court or bequeathing property ; the second the position of a man who has violated a ' lex sacrata,' and thereby forfeited all rights of life and goods to the divine powers offended. Prof. Pal- mer notices that ' is . . . esto ' is meant to be the formula of the oath imposed, and quotes appositely Plaut. Mil. G. 5. 21-24 ' Py. Iuro per Iovem et Mavor- tem me nociturum nemini. Pl. Quid si non faxis ? Py. Ut vivam semper intes- tabilis.'

182. cieere . . . faba . . . lupinis, different kinds of pulse. ' Cicer ' occurs in Horace's own fare, Sat. 1. 6. 115, and as the fare of the humbler part of an audience in a Roman theatre in A. P. 249. These are supposed to be thrown to the populace to be scrambled for, as at the Floralia in Pers. S. p. 176 ' cicer ingere large Rixanti populo.' They are not mentioned as a type of the largest expenditure on such objects, but of the smaller acts of largesse, which are yet enough to ruin those who with small fortunes try to rival the great and wealthy in the race of bribery.

tu. Either of the sons ; the contrast is not now between the two, but between either of themand Agiippa, seeon v. 185.

183. latus spatiere : for the literal sense cp. Epod. 4. 8 ' cum bis trium ulnarum toga,' with note thereon. Bent- ley quoted passages to show that it had acquired also a metaphorical sense of walking proudly, with an air and osten- tation, as Sen. Epist. 76 of actors, ' lati (there is a v. 1. ' elati ') incesserunt et cothurnati,' etc.

in Cireo. The aedile might take a turn in the circus to be recognized and complimented on his liberality.

aeneus stes, ' have a statue of bronze ' ; cp. ' levi de marmore tota . . .

stabis ' Virg. Ecl. 7. 31, and see on Od. 4. 1. 20 ' ponet marmoream,' Epp. 2. 1. 265 ' proponi cereus.' So frequently Xo.\kovv riva iordvai, as Demosth. Lept.


184. insane, the keynote of the Sa- tire ; but, as with ' vesania ' in v. 174, the point is the natural way in which the charge comes from the lips of Op- pidius.

185. Agrippa : see introd. to Ode 1. 6. He was Aedile in B.c. 33, and discharged the office with great mag- nificence, Dion 49. 43, Plin. N. H. 36. 24. 15. This allusion gives us a date before which the Satire could not have been written.

186. ' Quia quod leo viribus hoc volpes astutia agit ' Acr. No fable is found to which this is a definite refe- rence, but Horace frequently uses in a proverbial way the raw material of fables.

187-223. Ambition as leading to other crimes. The instance taken is that of Agamemnon sacrificing Iphigenia to effect his political purpose (N.B. that this is a scene vividly drawn, though used for another purpose, in Lucretius 1). The bearing of the act is exhibited in a supposed dialogue between Aga- memnon and an unknown speaker, who expresses the vievvs of the Stoic Ster- tinius. The idea of this is suggested no doubt by some Greek dramatic scene, as that in the Ajax of Sophocles, in which Menelaus forbids Teucer to bury his brother Ajax (see note on v. 204). The unknown Stoic pleads the cause of Ajax by showing that though he vvas admittedly mad in slaughtering the cat- tle, Agamemnon was at least as mad in sacrificing his daughter. The dialogue ends at 207. In the remaining lines the lesson is dravvn, and, though Stertinius seems still to be addressing Agamem- non, the application shows more visibly through the allegory.

187. ne quis humasse velit, an

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


' Rex sum.' Nil ultra quaero plebeius. ' Et aequam

Rem imperito ; ac si cui videor non iustus, inulto

Dicere quod sentit permitto.' Maxime regum,

Di tibi dent capta classem reducere Troia !

Ergo consulere et mox respondere licebit ?

' Consule.' Cur Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus,

Putescit toties servatis clarus Achivis,

Gaudeat ut populus Priami Priamusque inhumato,

Per quem tot iuvenes patrio caruere sepulcro ?

' Mille ovium insanus morti dedit, inclitum Ulixen

Et Menelaum una mecum se occidere clamans.'

Tu cum pro vitula statuis dulcem Aulide natam



old legal formula ; see on Od. 3. 4. 51. For the quantity of the last syll. of ' velit ' see on Sat. 1.4. 82. The position of ' cur ' by itself after the fact has been positively stated, ' you forbid why? ' emphasizes the question. So again Sat. 2. 9. 104.

188. quaero. V had 'quaere,' and Cruquius and Bentley strongly defend it. (If accepted it would be a parallel for ' io Bacche' in Sat. 1. 3. 7.) The Schol. however distinctly recognise ' quaero,' and as against Bentley it may be argued that ihe vulg. gives a smoother and more dramatic course to the dialogue. Agamemnon seems at first curtly to refuse discussion. The Stoic ironically bows acquiescence. The king goes on to finish his sentence, and explains that he bases his act on reason as well as will, and that he is prepared to argue the question. The Stoic is delighted, but hardly able to believe that a king means to listen to reason.

et joins the clause to rex sum, not to the following ae.

191. An echo of Hom. II. 1. 18 vplv /xev 9tol 5oiev . . . | etcirepaai TIpiap.010 iroktv, ev 5' oticab" ineaOai.

reducere (or 'redducere') is the reading of all the best MSS. It is found with the first syllable long four times in Lucretius. Some edito^s, on the advo- cacy of Eentley, havereceived 'deducere,' which Orelli interprets on the analogy of 'decedere de provincia,' i.e. ' domum redire.'

192. consulere . . . licebit? the formula with which the consultation of a ' iurisconsultus ' was opened i^Cic. pro Mur. 13. 28); as 'respondere' is

for the counsel's advice. Part of the humour consists in the burlesque ming- ling of tecbnicalities of Roman life with Homeric echoes. It is doubted whe- ther both verbs are meant to belong to the Stoic, ' to put questions and pre- sently to assume the counsel myself and advise you/ or the second to Agamem- non, ' shall we be allowed to have a regular consultation, I asking and you replying ? ' ' Mox ' has most force in the first way. Cp. also Sat. 1. 9. 63 ' rogat et respondet.'

193. ab Achille secundus, 'second to Achilles' as Virg. Ecl. 5. 49 ' alter ab illo.' The rank of Ajax is from Hom. II. 2. 768 avopwv av pey' dp.aros erjv Te\ap.wvios Aias, \ 6<pp' 'Ax'A.6t/y p:-q- viev 6 yap tioKv (pepraros r\ev. Cp. Soph. Aj. 1339.

194. putescit, a coarse word, but probably due to the Homeric -nv9erai (as II. 4. 395, Od. 1. 162). The form ' putesco ' with the first syll. long is found in the best MSS. of Lucretius, 3. 871.

195. gaudeat ut, of a result so evi- dent that it seems like a purpose. The line is a transl. of Hom. II. 1. 255 (though of a diffeient matter) 77 nev yrj9r)aai Hpiap.os Xlpidp.016 re iraiSes.

197, 198. The answer of Agamemnon.

197. mille ovium. Horace in every other place prefers the constr. of ' mille ' in the sing. as an adjective. Cicero has both constructions.

insanus. The word falls first from Agamemnon's own lips, and so leads to the retort which gives the whole story its relevance.

199. pro vitula natam. Noticehow



Ante aras spargisque mola caput, improbe, salsa, 200

Rectum animi servas? 'Quorsum?' Insanus quid enim Aiax

Fecit cum stravit ferro pecus? Abstinuit vim

Uxore et gnato ; mala multa precatus Atridis,

Non ille aut Teucrum aut ipsum violavit Ulixen.

' Verum ego, ut haerentes adverso litore naves 205

Eriperem, prudens placavi sanguine divos.'

Nempe tuo, furiose. ' Meo, sed non furiosus.'

Oui species alias veri scelerisque tumultu

their acts are paralleled. Ajax mistook the sheep for his comrades. Agamem- non treats his daughter as a heifer.

200. mola salsa, the salted grains of spelt strewed on a victim before it was sacrificed. Cp. Virg. Aen. 2. 133 'salsae fruges.' It is a question whether (as the poets assume) the Roman practice of using salt was also a Greek one.

201. rectum animi = ' rectum ani- mum.' Heindorf quotes Ennius in Cic. de Sen. 6 ' mentes rectae quae stare solebant,' opp. to ' dementes.' Cp. the use of upOus, and the phrase ' stas animo ' below, v. 213.

quorsum ? The Scholiasts had this reading (unless Porph. had ' quorum'), for they are puzzled by it, and give various explanations. If it is to stand the explanation of the Comm. Cruq. seems the best ' sc. tendis ? quid vis ? loquitur Agamemnon ' ; so, at fuller length, in Sat. 2. 7. 21 'Non dices hodie quorsum haec tam putida tendunt ? ' No exact parallel is found for the abbre- viation. Holder and Prof. Palmer accept Bothe's ingenious emendation, ' Rectum animi servas cursum ' ?

insanus, ' the madman, as you call him.'

quid fecit cum stravit, 'what did his crime come to vvhen he butchered the sheep ? ' For the indic. perf. in this use see Drager, Hist. Syntax. vol. 2.

P- 557-

202. abstinuit vim uxore. Orelli

quotes Ov. Met. 8. 751 ' ferrum Trio- peius illa Abstinuit.'

203. uxore et gnato. Tecmessa and Eurysaces.

204. non ille : cp. ' ille non,' etc. Od. 4. 6. 13 oxik tKttvus yt.

Teucrum. Ritter points out that in the Ajax of Sophocles Teucer is absent, and does not return until after his bro-

ther's death. Horace therefore is either forgetful of this, or is following through- out some other drama on the subject.

ipsum TJlixen, even Ulysses his mortal enemy.

205. adverso, 'the facing shore,' i.e. the shore that faced the enemy— the Greek shore.

206. prudens, i. e. quite knowing what I was about. It is an answer to the charge of madness. Cp. v. 89.

207. nempe. For this use of ' nempe,' where a speaker ironically completes the sentence of another, cp. Epp. 1. 16. 75 n.

208. Bentley's description of this line perhaps still holds good, ' locus lubri- cus, quem nullus interpretum non at- tigit, nullus dubium adhuc et incertum non reliquit.' For the reading, the large preponderance of MS. authority must be allowed to be in favour of veri as against ' veris.' V acc. to Cruquius had ' veris ' and the annotation ' contrarias veritati,' but it had also (as have other good MSS. which read 'veris') the unintelligible ' celeris,' and there were signs of the j having been transferred from the beginning of the later word to the end of the earlier. With the read- ing 'veri' the simplest explanation, if it can stand, is that given by Heindorf, who makes ' veri scelerisque ' gen. after 'species,' and ' alias veri scelerisque ' = ' alias veri, alias sceleris' (no complete parallel for this is quoted), ' differing ideas, now of right, now of wrong, mixed up in confusion.' ' Species ' are ' ideas/ but with the metaphor of sight not yet lost, ' images,' ' visions.' Cp. A. P. 25 'decipimur specie recti ' ; 'veri' is used for ' moral right,' as in Epp. 1. 12. 23 ; cp. v. 312 of this Satire. Orelli and Rilter give ' veris,' the constr. then being ' species alias veris,' ' ideas at




Permixtas capiet, commotus habebitur, atque

Stultitiane erret nihilum distabit an ira.

Aiax immeritos cum occidit desipit agnos :

Cum prudens scelus ob titulos admittis inanes,

Stas animo, et purum est vitio tibi, cum tumidum est, cor ?

Si quis lectica nitidam gestare amet agnam,

Huic vestem, ut gnatae, paret ancillas, paret aurum,

Rufam aut Posillam appellet fortique marito

Destinet uxorem ; interdicto huic omne adimat ius

Praetor, et ad sanos abeat tutela propinquos.

Quid ? si quis gnatam pro muta devovet agna

Integer est animi? Ne dixeris. Ergo ubi prava

Stultitia, hic summa est insania ; qui sceleratus,



variance with true ones,' the abl. after ' alias,' as ' alium sapiente bonoque ' Epp. 1. 16. 20, etc. For ' tumultu,' whether taken by itself or (as with this last reading) with ' sceleris,' compare Od. 2. 16. 10 'miseros tumultus men- tis.' In any case the general meaning is that a confusion of moral ideas, how- ever caused, is a sign of madness. This is most pointedly expressed (if the Latin will bear the sense) by the reading which makes ' veri scelerisque ' answer to one another. It isnot the falsity of Agamem- non's ideas, but the confusion in them of good ends and bad means, which is stigmatized.

209. commotus, as below, v. 278. Pliny has ' mentes commotas' N. H. 36. 40. 21,' upset,' 'unhinged.' Cp. the use of ' concussa' below, v. 295.

210. nihilum, adverbially, as above,

▼• 54-

2ii. desipit, ' has lost his wits.' For the position of this word see on Sat. 2. 1. 60 ' Quisquiserit vitae, scribam, color.'

212. prudens, Agamemnon's own word, v. 206.

ob titulos inanes. For ' titulos' cp. Od. 4. 14. 4, honorary inscriptions on monuments, etc. For the useof Roman phrases of Agamemnon see on v. 192 ; but in these last lines it is more con- tinuous, and indicates that the allegory is being lost in the application.

213. vitio, in its more general sense, ' flaw.'

tumidum : cp. Epp. 1. 1. 36 'Laudis amore tumes.'

cor : the seat here both of intelligence

(as in Lucret. 4. 53 ' hebeti cognoscere corde ') and of passion. Horace recalls, though he does not use, the word ' ve- cordia,' of madness.

216. Eufam aut Posillam, as Bent- ley notices, common female names (so found in inscriptions), not pet names. The madman is supposed to treat a lamb as a girl, just as Agamemnon had treated a girl as a lamb.

217. interdicto. Horace alludes in Epp. 1. 1. 102 (' Nec medici credis nec curatoris egere A praetore dati') to the same legal process of depriving an in- sane person by the Praetor's ' inter- dictum ' of the control of his property, and putting him under the guardian- ship (' tutela ' or ' curatio ') of rela- tions.

220. integer animi : see above, v. 61 ' integer mentis.'

ne dixeris, ' Do not say so.' With these words Agamemnon is finally dis- missed, and the general conclusion of his story is drawn, ' Ergo,' etc. For the quantity of ' dixeris ' see on Sat. 2. 2.


prava : which makes a man go wrong.

220-223. Not three types or grades of madness, but three modes of describ- ing such acts as those of Agamemnon (and, it is suggested, of all men of am- bition). From each point of view the sentence of madness in the highest de- gree is affixed to them. The climax is attained by putting last the motive, the desire for fame, as in itself, apart from acts, the proof and result of frenzy.



Et furiosus erit ; quem cepit vitrea fama,

Hunc circumtonuit gaudens Bellona cruentis.

Nunc age luxuriam et Nomentanum arripe mecum :

Vincet enim stultos ratio insanire nepotes. 225

Hic simul accepit patrimoni mille talenta,

Edicit piscator uti, pomarius, auceps,

Unguentarius ac Tusci turba impia vici,

Cum scurris fartor, cum Velabro omne macellum,

Mane domum veniant. Quid tum? Venere frequentes. 230

222. vitrea, ' with her glitter.' This is more likely than the other alternative offered by the Schol. ' vel fragilis.'

223. circumtonuit, has made him enPpovTTjTos. For the worship of Bel- lona and the frenzy inspired by it see Mayor's note on Juv. S. 4. 123 ' ut fana- ticus oestro Percussus, Bellona, tuo,' which explains ' gaudens cruentis.' His votaries gashed themselves, like the priests of Baal (' quos sectis Bellona lacertis Saeva movet' Lucan. 1. 565). ' The votary of fame has caught a frenzy which, like that of Bellona, leads to cruel and bloody acts.' It should be remembered that this picture of ambi- tion is drawn by one who had lived through the proscriptions and other horrors of the civil wars. For a some- what similar comparison of the effects of passion and of the frenzy of inspira- tion cp. Od. 1. 16. 5-9.

224-280. Stertinius proceeds to ar- raign as madmen the extravagant ; the description narrowing itself presently to one special form and cause of extrava- gance, viz. ' meretricum amores.'

arripe : see on Sat. 2. 1. 69.

225. vincet ratio : Sat. 1. 3. 115 (vvith ' ut ' and subj.), see note there. Cp. 'evincet ' below, v. 250.

stultos, closely with ' insanire'; come under the class of ' stulti,' and therefore are mad.

226. hic : not necessarily Nomenta- nus, which, as we have seen (on v. 175% is a conventional name, but 5tiKTiicui>, a specimen of the class.

simul = ' simul ac,' Od. 1. 12. 27, 3.

4- 37-

227. edicit, issues his notices, in lordly style ; an official word belonging to consuls, praetors, tribunes. Cp. Sat. 2. 2. 51, Epp. 1. 19. 10.

piscator, auceps, ' dealers in fish

and game ' ; but, as it seems from v. 234, their procurers also. The requirements are all for a banquet.

228. Tusci vici, a street leading from the Forum Romanum into the Velabrum. It was a street of shops. In the satirical list of spots of bad re- pute in Rome (Plaut. Curc. 4. 1. 21) its characteristic is that ' ibi sunt homines qui ipsi se venditant.' It was afterwards called the ' vicus Turarius,' and is very probably the street ' vendentem tus et odores,' etc. of Epp. 2.1. 269. Cp. also Epp. 1. 20. 1 n. See Burn's Rome and Campagna, p. 277.

229. fartor : variously explained as ' poulterer,' ' sausage seller,' or ' profes- sional cook.' The last, which is given by the Pseudo-Acron, would suit the po- sition of the word best. If he were con- cerned with the purveying of the provi- sions we do not see why he should come by himself after the ' scurrae.' With this interpretation there is some point in coupling the seasoner of the dishes and the seasoners of the talk.

Velabro, in the low ground be- tween the Capitoline, the Palatine, and the river. Plautus 1. c. describes its trades, ' In Velabro vel pistorem, vel lanium vel aruspicem, Vel qui ipsi vortant, vel qui alii subvorsentur prae- beant.' The Comm. Cruq. says ' In Velabro prostabant omnia quae ad victus rationem et delicias pertinebant.'

macellum. Ter. Eun. 2. 2. 24 ' ad macellum ubi adventamus, Concurrunt laeti mi obviam cupedinarii omnes ; Ce- tarii, lanii, coqui, fartores, piscatores, aucupes, Quibus et re salva et perdita profueram et prosum saepe.'

230. venere frequentes : the anti- thesis is ' they came in numbers, one was the spokesman.'

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Verba facit leno : ' Ouicquid mihi, quicquid et horum

Cuique domi est, id crede tuum et vel nunc pete vel cras.'

Accipe quid contra iuvenis responderit aequus:

' In nive Lucana dormis ocreatus ut aprum

Cenem ego ; tu pisces hiberno ex aequore verris. 235

Segnis ego, indignus qui tantum possideam : aufer:

Sume tibi decies ; tibi tantumdem ; tibi triplex

Unde uxor media currit de nocte vocata.'

Filius Aesopi detractam ex aure Metellae,

Scilicet ut decies solidum absorberet, aceto 240

Diluit insignem bacam : qui sanior ac si

Illud idem in rapidum flumen iaceretve cloacam?

Ouinti progenies Arri, par nobile fratrum,

Nequitia et nugis pravorum et amore gemellum,

Luscinias soliti impenso prandere coemptas, 245

233. aequus, 'just and generous.' The irony is the same as in Sat. I. 2. 4 ' quippe benignus erat.'

234. in nive dormis : cp. Od. 1. 1. 25-28. Bentley wished to read ' Tu ' for ' In.' An emphatic ' Tu ' is omitted in a similar way in v. 212.

Lucana : ' Lucanus aper ' Sat. 2. 8. 6.

235. verris, with a sweep-net, (Tayrjvrj, ' everriculum,' a word used metaphori- cally by Cicero, who applies it to Verres plundering his province, Verr. 2. 4. 24. There is an alternative reading (given by Hokler) ' vellis,' of consider- able MS. authority and interpreted by the Pseudo-Acr., though he adds ' alii verris.' The Blandinian MSS. all had ' verris.' ' Vellis ' must imply catching with a line. ' Hiberno ex aequore ' would be hyperbolical. Orelli questions the use of ' vellere,' and no parallel is quoted.

236. tantum. ' all this fortune.'

237. deeies, i.e. ' centena milia ses- tertiorum,' ' a million.'

239. filius Aesopi. The story of this mad freak is repeated by Pliny N. H. 9. 59. 35 (at the same time with the story of Cleopatra and the pearl ), with the addition that, having swallowed the pearl himself, he provided one each for his guests also. Aesopus is the famous tragic actor, the friend of Cicero ; see on Epp. 2. 1. 82. Pliny gives the name of the young man as ' Clodius.' Valerius Maximus (9. 1. 2) speaks of him as

' non solum perditae sed etiam furiosae luxuriae.' ' Metella ' is not identified, nor is it essential to the story. It is an in- genious conjecture, accepted by many editors, that she was the Caecilia Me- tella who was divorced by P. Corn. Lentulus Spinther, and with whom Dola- bella, Cicero's son-in-law, intrigued. Prof. Palmer suggests that Cicero's ' Filius Aesopi ' (he notices the verbal coincidence) ' me excruciat ' (ad Att. *3- J5- 3) was connected with these in- trigues.

240. solidum, sc. ' integrum,' Acr. 'decies ' (see above, v. 237) being treated as a neut. subst., ' a million entire at one gulp ' ; so Martial 4. 37.4 'tricies soldum.'

241. bacam, 'a pearl.' The pearl to the Roman jeweller occupied the place of the diamond in modern times.

qui : above on v. 108.

242. iaceretve : above on v. 130.

243. Nothing is known of the bro- thers. They would seem to be sons of the Arrius mentioned above in v. 86.

par, ' a well-matched pair ' ; see on Sat. 1. 7. 19.

244. gemellum : cp. Epp. 1. 10. 3. Cicero has ' geminum in scelere par ' Phil. 11. 1. 2.

245. luscinias. Their proper plea- sure is for the ear, as that of the pearl was for the eye, not for the taste. The two stories are parallel not only as cases of insane exLravagance, but of extra-



Quorsum abeant? Sani ut creta, an carbone notati? Aedificare casas, plostello adiungere mures, Ludere par impar, equitare in arundine longa, Si qucm delectet barbatum, amentia verset. Si puerilius his ratio esse evincet amare, Nec quicquam differre utrumne in pulvere, trimus Quale prius, ludas opus, an meretricis amore Sollicitus plores, quaero, faciasne quod olim Mutatus Polemon ? ponas insignia morbi, Fasciolas, cubital, focalia, potus ut ille



vagance directed by the caprice which delights in contravening natural dis- tinctions.

impenso : in prose ' impenso pretio,' ' at large cost.'

prandere : no distinction is probably intended between the ' prandium ' or early meal, and ' cena ' the later, as though an extravagant luncheon were worse than an extravagant dinner. Cp. Epp. 1. 17. 13, A. P. 340.

eoemptas : Sat. 1. 2. 9.

246. ' Into which class shall they go ? Marked with chalk as sane men or with charcoal (as insane) ? ' See on Od. 1. 36. 10. The expression ' with chalk or charcoal ' is of course prover- bial ; cp. Pers. Sat. 5. 108 ' Illa prius creta mox haec carbone notasti ? ' Some doubt overhangs the reading of ' sani ut,' vaiiants being ' sani aut,' ' sani an,' ' sani.' If it is to be displaced, it should be rather in favour of the last, the read- ing of two of the Blandinian MSS., than in favour of Bentley's conj. ' sanin,' i.e. ' sanine.' ' Notandi ' has been adopted by some editors, but against the great weight of MSS.

247-280. He turns to the madness of foolish attachments, connected with the last as another cause of extrava- gance.

247. aedificare casas : the first of a series of childish amusements. It is probably taken up again in ' in pulvere . . . ludas opus ' v. 251, and therefore means castle-building on the sand, <&s ore tis xf/dp:a9ov nais dyxi Oa\doorjs, | os t' errel ovv rroirjor) dOvpfxaTa vrjirterjoiv, \ aif/ avns ovvtxlve iroolv Kal \epolv dOvpwv Hom. II. 15.363. Had Roman children boxes of bricks ?

248. ludere par im.pa,T dpTid£eiv, Arist. Plutus 816. It was played vvith

' tali ' or with coins or counters which could be held in the hand (sometimes walnuts, Nux Eleg. 79), one holding, the other guessing whether the number was odd or even.

equitare in arundine : a recognised child's play. So Plutarch's Apoph- thegm. I.aconica of Agesilaus 1,70) fxtKpois Tois rraiSiois Kakapiov nepifiefirjKWS ixiorrep 'irrrrov oikoi ovverrai^ev.

249. amentia verset, ' it must be madness turning his head' : no one could doubt it.

250. ratio evincet, as 'vincet' above, v. 2*2 5.

amare, absol. Epp. 2. 1. 171.

251. utrumne : Sat. 2. 6. 73. So in direct question Epod. i. 7, where see note.

252. ludas opus : referring back chiefly to ' aedificare casas ' ; ' opus ' being specially used of building opera- tions, fortifications, etc. For ' ludere ' with accus. for doing things in play cp. Virg. G. 4. 565 ' carmina qui lusi.'

254. Polemon. The story of the re- form of Polemon was a commonplace. It is told, amongst other places, in Lucian, Bis Accus. 16, 17. He heard Xenocrates lecturing as he passed his school, entered, was changed by what he heard, and eventually succeeded to his chair.

255. fasciolas : some kindofstock- ings.

cubital, a pillow for the elbow to rest on at banquets.

focalia, ' a scarf for the neck.' They are called here 'insignia morbi,' as badges of luxury and extravagance, additions to tlie ordinary dress which only the effeminate and luxurious would wear. Cp. Quintil. II. 3. 144 'Pallio- lum, sicut iascias,quibus crura vestiuntur,

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Dicitur ex collo furtim carpsisse coronas, Postquam est impransi correptus voce magistri ? Porrigis irato puero cum poma recusat : ' Sume, catelle ! ' negat : si non des, optet : amator Exclusus qui distat, agit ubi secum, eat an non, Ouo rediturus erat non arcessitus, et haeret Invisis foribus ? ' Nec nunc, cum me vocet ultro, Accedam ? an potius mediter finire dolores ? Exclusit ; revocat : redeam ? Non si obsecret.' Ecce Servus non paulo sapientior : ' O here, quae res Nec modum habet neque consilium ratione modoque Tractari non volt. In amore haec sunt mala, bellum, Pax rursum : haec si quis tempestatis prope ritu Mobilia et caeca fiuitantia sorte laboret Reddere certa sibi, nihilo plus explicet ac si Insanire paret certa ratione modoque.' Quid, cum Picenis excerpens semina pomis




et focalia . . . sola excusare potest vale- tudo.'

256. coronas. For he was returning from a revel when the incident occurred.

257. impransi : cp. Sat. 2. 2. 7 ; ' still fasting.'

258 foll. The lover is like a child in his capriciousness, wanting what is refused.

259. catelle : a term of endearment. Plaut. Asin. 3. 3. 103 'igitur me ana- ticulam, columbam, vel catellum.'

260-271. Horace is recalling, almost verbally, the scene at the beginning of the Eunuchus of Terence, where Phaedria is debating with Parmeno whether he shall go back to Thais, who has sum- moned him after excluding him from her presence. Ter. Eun. act 1. sc. 1 ' Fh. Quid igitur faciam ? non eam ? ne nunc quidem Quom arcessor ultro ? an potius ita

me comparem, Non perpeti meretricum contume-

lias? Exclusit : revocat : redeam ? non, si me obsecret. Par. Here, quae res in se neque con- silium neque modum Habet ullum, eam consilio regere

non potes. In amore haec omnia insunt vitia : iniuriae.

Suspiciones, inimicitiae, induciae, Bellum, pax rursum : incerta haec

si tu postules Ratione cei to facere, nilo plus agas, Quam si des operam ut cum ratione insanias.' Cp. the picture in Epod. 11. Persius imitates Hoiace in 5. 161 foll.

260. agit. For the lengthening of syll. see on Sat. 1. 4. 82.

261. To the place whither, when he was not invited, he was meaning to return.

262. invisis foribus : 'adnonamicos heu ! mihi postes et heu ! Limina dura ' Epod. 11. 31.

nec nunc. The equivalent of Ter- ence's ' ne nunc quidem.' It must therefore be considered as a single in- stance in Horace of the use of ' nec,' for ' ne-quidem,' which became afterwards established. See Madv. on Cic. de Fin. 1. 11. 39, and excurs. iii. Bentl. defends ' ne-nunc ' (in the same sense), which has less support in the MSS., and which Madv. shows to be wrong.

265. servus : Parmeno.

26S. tempestatis ritu. Od. 3. 29. 33 ' Cetera fluminis Ritu feruntur ' ; ' as a storm rises and falls again.'

270. explicet : ' disentangle,' ' re- duce to order.'

272. quid cum: Sat. 2. I. 62, like



Gaudes si cameram percusti forte, penes te es ?

Ouid, cum balba feris annoso verba palato,

Aedificante casas qui sanior ? Adde cruorem 275

Stultitiae atque ignem gladio scrutare. Modo, inquam,

Hellade percussa Marius cum praecipitat se

Cerritus fuit, an commotae crimine mentis

Absolves hominem et sceleris damnabis eundem

Ex more imponens cognata vocabula rebus ? 280

Libertinus erat, qui circum compita siccus

' quid, si,'etc, Epp. i. 19. 12 ' quid, qui,' etc. Epp. 2. 1. 40, with argumentative questions enforcing or refuting what had been said.

Picenis is an ' epitheton ornans.' The best apples came from Picenum, Sat. 2. 4. 70.

273. cameram, ' the arched roof.' He is describing an amusement of lovers shooting apple-pips from between their thumb and finger at the ceiling, to see whether their love was returned, the omen being favourable when they hit.

For percusti see on Sat. 1. 5. 79 and 2. 7. 68 'evasti.'

penes te, ' under your own control,' i. e. ' sane.'

274. feris : interpreted by Persius' imitation (1. 35) ' tenero supplantat verba palato ' ; ' trip up your lisping words against an old man's palate.' Cp. ' balbutit ' Sat. 1. 3. 48 ; and see on the name ' Balbinus ' ib. 40. He is speak- ing of the mincing baby-talk of lovers. In an old man it is a proof of second childhood.

annoso palato. Cp. the frequent hypallage in the Odes ' adulteros crines ' 1. 15. 20, etc.

273-280. Love leads not only to childishness but also sometimes to deeds of violence.

275. cruorem, 'blood' = ' deeds of blood.'

adde means, suppose them added, what will your judgment then be of my proposition ?

276. ignem gladio scrutare. A translation of the Pythagorean proverb nvp /xaxaipq p.f) o/caXtveiv. It is given, amongst other places, in Diog. Laert. 8. 18, and is explained by bvvarwv vpyfjv nal olSovvra Ovfiuv fj.fi Kivtiv. Possibly ixaxaipa. meant originally a cook's knife ;

and the saying was equivalent to ' do not make a hot fire hotter.' But like the other proverbs it had probably various turns given to it. Horace possibly mis- translates, at any rate gives his own application of it. Cp. his use of -yvad- fj.otai yehoiwv aWorpioiaiv in v. 72 of the Satire. Cp. also his reference to another Pythagorean proverb in Sat. 2. 6.63.

modo, 'just now.' Heindorf put the stop at the end of the line, taking ' modo, inquam ' with the preceding words, and Keller (Epilegomena) advocates this punctuation ; but ' inquam' has little force in that place.

277. Nothing is known of this story of love, murder, and suicide, but what Horace tells us.

P^or cum praeeipitat cp. above, v. 61 ' cum edormit.' For the form of suicide cp. Od. 3. 27. 61 foll., and the story of Sappho's leap.

278. commotae mentis : see on v. 209.

2S0. ex more, 'as men so often do.'

cognata vocabula, i. e. ' scelus ' and ' commota mens' are names which, though not the same, are first cousins to one another the distinction is without a difference.

281-295. The superstitious. The in- stances are a freedman who hoped by prayers to escape the universal debt of mortality ; and a mother, who, in her anxiety for her boy's recovery from an ague, vows that if he gets well he shall do that which is sure to bring the illness back in a worse form.

281. circum compita : see on v. 26. Here the ' compita ' are named as places where there were altars to the ' Lares compitales.'

siccus. He had not drunk ; the ex- planation of his folly did not lie there.

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Lautis mane senex manibus currebat et, ' Unum

Quid tam magnum ? ' addens, ' unum me surpite morti,

Dis etenim facile est ! ' orabat ; sanus utrisque

Auribus atque oculis ; mentem, nisi litigiosus,

Exciperet dominus cum venderet. Hoc quoque volgus

Chrysippus ponet fecunda in gente Meneni.

' Iuppiter, ingentes qui das adimisque dolores,'

Mater ait pueri menses iam quinque cubantis,

1 Frigida si puerum quartana reliquerit, illo

Mane die quo tu indicis ieiunia nudus

In Tiberi stabit.' Casus medicusve levarit

Aegrum ex praecipiti, mater delira necabit

In gelida fixum ripa febrimque reducet ;

Quone malo mentem concussa ? Timore deorum.

Haec mihi Stertinius, sapientum octavus, amico

Arma dedit, posthac ne compellarer inultus.




2S2. lautis manibus, a ritual pro- priety. The edd. quote from II. 6. 266 XfP°i °" dvLTTToiffiv Ail Xeijieiv atOova olvov | a^oixai.

283. quid tam magnum? He puts what is the essence of the impossibility, the fact that it would be the breach of a universal law, as though it were the convincing proof of its easiness ' it is such a small concession.'

surpite, for ' surripile ' ; see on Od. 4. 13. 20 ' surpuerat.' So in Virg. Aen. 8. 274 ' porgo ' for ' porrigo,' and in com- mon use ' snrgo ' for ' surrigo.'

2S5. nisi litigiosus, ' unless he wished for a law-suit.' For the practice of warranting a slave when sold, and specifying his defects, see Epp. 2. 2. 1- 19. The verb ' excipere ' is used there (v. 16) as here. The figure is specially applicable here as the person spoken of is a ' libertinus.' ' Were he still a slave, and being sold, his master would,' etc.

286. volgus, i. e. the superstitious, for there are plenty of them.

287. Chrysippus. The Stoic's text- book ; see above on v. 44, Sat. 1. 3. 127.

Meneni. There is no evidence but the text. The ' gens Meneni ' must mean lunatics ; but why, the Scholiasts knew no more than we. It is very pos- sibly a literary reference ; see p. 13.

289. cubantis, ' who has been keep- ing his bed ' ; see on Sat. 1. 9. 18.

290. quartana : an ague whose fits

return at intervals of four days.

291. quo tu indicis ieiunia. The referenceis, as is usual when superstitious observance is in question, to the adop- tion of Jewish practices. The division of time by weeks, and the naming of the seven days after the sun, moon, and five planets, though not adopted civilly till the time of Theodosius, was known to the Romans at this time, and is the snb- ject of occasional allusion. The ' dies Iovis,' therefore, is our Thursday ; but the fast on the fifth day was not a Roman but a Jewish practice, one of the inter- polated ' two fastings in the week ' of St. Luke 18. Cp. Tibullus 1. 3. 18 'Saturni sacram me tenuisse diem,' where 'Saturni dies ' is the Jewish sabbath. On the whole subject see Hare's article on the ' Days of the week ' in vol. 1. of the Philological Journal 1832.

292. levarit : for the omission of ' si ' see on Sat. 1. 1. 45 ; ' have lifted him from the brink.' ' In praecipiti ' is used for ' in mortal peril ' by Celsus the me- dical writer, 2. 6.

294. flxum, ' by planting him.'

295. quone. For the redundant ' ne ' see on Epod. 1. 7.

timore deorum, SeiatSaiixoviq.

296. sapientum oetavus : one who deserved to be ranked next to the famous seven sages of Greece.

297. eompellarer, ' be called names' ; Sat. 1. 7. 31.



Dixerit insanum qui me totidem audiet atque

Respicere ignoto discet pendentia tergo.'

Stoice, post damnum sic vendas omnia pluris, 300

Oua me stultitia, quoniam non est genus unum,

Insanire putas? Ego nam videor mihi sanus.

' Quid, caput abscissum manibus cum portat Agave

Nati infelicis, sibi tum furiosa videtur ! '

Stultum me fateor, liceat concedere veris, 305

Atque etiam insanum ; tantum hoc edissere, quo me

Aegrotare putes animi vitio ? ' Accipe : primum

Aedificas, hoc est, longos imitaris ab imo

Ad summum totus moduli bipedalis, et idem

Corpore maiorem rides Turbonis in armis 310

Spiritum et incessum : qui ridiculus minus illo ?

An quodcunque facit Maecenas te quoque verum est

Tantum dissimilem et tanto certare minorem ?

298. totidem, neut. plur., a word for every one of his.

299. ignoto, 'ofwhich he knows so little.' The reference is to the fable of the two wallets, ' Peras imposuit Iuppiter nobis duas ; Propriis repletam vitiis post tergum dedit : Alienis ante pectus sus- pendit gravem,' Phaedr. 4. 10.

300. Stoice : Horace addressing Damasippus, who has so amply proved his acquaintance with the principles of Stoicism, goes back to the sentence pronounced on him in v. 32 ' insanis et tu,' and asks his critic to define the form of madness which he imputes to him.

sic : see on Od. 1.3. 1 ; 'as you answer me this question.'

pluris : ' at better profit ' than you did before your bankruptcy. Horace forgets or ignores the fact that Damasippus has given up the trade.

3°3j 3°4- The reply of Damasippus : ' Of course you do. The strongest evidence does not convince mad people that they are mad.'

Agave, holding in her hands the head of her son Pentheus, whom she has tom to pieces in her liacchic frenzy, is a pic- ture from the Bacchae of Euripides, a play which attracted Horace ; see on Od. 2. 19 passim.

303. manibus. The more picturesque and forcible reading of V, restored to the text by Bentley as against ' demens.'

2. 149

on his

«This people,

Kpara 8' aOXtov | orrep Aa&ovo~a Tvyxavd l"lTrIP X(P°^V Eur. Bacch. n 37.

305. veris, neut. as ' pravorum ' v. 244, ' totidem ' v. 298 ; ' let me give in to truth.'

306. edissere. Virg. Aen. 'haec edissere vera roganti.'

308. aedificas : no doubt, Sabine estate.

hoc est, longos imitaris, means, you ape full-grown though you are a dwarf ; ' a figure, but in playful allusion to the fact that he was really ' corporis exigui ' Epp. 1. 20. 24. See Augustus' jests on the subject in his letters to the poet in the extracts from the Suetonian life of Horace given in the Introd to vol. 1.

309. moduli bipedalis. Suetonius mentions a dwarf actually ' bipedali minor ' Aug. 43.

310. corpore maiorem, 'too big for his body ' : cp. ' onus corpore parvo maius' Epp. 1. 17. 40, ' maiores pennas nido ' Epp. 1. 20. 21.

Turbonis, according to Scholiasts a gladiator of small size but great courage.

312. verum, ' right,' above v. 208; Epp. 1. 1. 11, 1. 7. 98, 1. 12. 23.

te, sc. ' facere.'

313. tantum, the reading of V; most other MSS. having ' tanto,' an accommodation to the ' tanto ' which follows. As Bentley shows, ' tanto,'

LIB. II. SAT. 3.


Absentis ranae pullis vituli pede pressis,

Unus ubi effugit, matri denarrat, ut ingens 315

Bellua cognatos eliserit. Illa rogare

Quantane? num tantum, sufflans se, magna fuisset?

" Maior dimidio." " Num tanto ? " Cum magis atque

Se magis inflaret, " Non si te ruperis," inquit,

" Par eris." Haec a te non multum abludit imago. 320

Adde poemata nunc, hoc est, oleum adde camino ;

Quae si quis sanus fecit sanus facis et tu.

Non dico horrendam rabiem.' Iam desine. ' Cultum

Maiorem censu.' Teneas, Damasippe, tuis te.

' Mille puellarum, puerorum mille furores.' 325

O maior tandem parcas, insane, minori ?

though right with the comparative, would not be suitable with the posi- tive. ' Tantum ' on the other hand is Horatian : cp. Epp. 1. 10. 3 ' mul- tum dissimiles,' inf. v. 317 ' tantum magna.'

certare, best taken (with Bentley) after minorem, as Virgil's ' cantare pares ' E. 7. 5, to be added to instances of the inf. after an adj. in vol. 1. App. 2. § 2.

314. The fable of the Frog and the Ox freely retold by Horace. It is to be found Phaedr. 1. 24, Babrius 28.

317. quantane : see above on v. 295 ('quone?') and Epod. 1. 7.

fuisset : the questions of the mother frog are indirect, the answers of the young frog direct.

318. maior dimidio, ' half as big again.' Bentley felt strongly the im- propriety of the answer, and proposed, though hesitatingly, ' pernimio.' Ritter divides the words ' maior ' ' Dimidio ? num tanto ? ' To others the incapacity

of the young frog to measure size will seem part of the picture.

320. abludit, ana£ \ty.

321. oleum adde camino : 'to throw oil on the fire ' is a proverb in all languages for to make bad worse.

322. quae si quis sanus fecit. Poetry has always been attributed to fiavia. Cp. A. P. 296.

323. horrendam rabiem : a playful exaggeration of what he attributes to himself in Epp. 1. 20. 25 ' Irasci celerem tamen ut placabilis essem.'

eultum: Sat. 2. 2. 66; style of living.

324. censu, ' income,' Od. 2. 15. 13. teneas tuis te, ' keep to your

own business, leave me alone ' : perhaps a reference to Damasippus' confession v. 19 ' aliena negotia curo.'

326. maior . . . insane. Diintzer points out the way in which ' insane ' comes irapa trpoaooKiav to spoil what had seemed to be a compliment and a surrender.




Horace meets Catius hurrying home to arrange his notes of a gastronomical lecture which he has just heard. When pressed to name the lecturer he makes a mystery of it, but he gives the heads of the lecture (i-io).

It comprised hints on choosing eggs (11-14), cabbage (15, 16), on dressing a fowl hastily so as to be tender (17-20), on choosing mushrooms (20, 2i\ on the wholesomeness of certain articles of diet (21-29), ^he season and locality of various shellfish (30-34), the importance of studying sauces (35-39), subtle points with respect to the condition and age of various animals, fish, and birds (40-46), the error of concentrating attenlion on one thing in a banquet and forgetting others equally important (47-50), the treatment of different wines (51-57), and the way to keep a drinker in taste for his wine (58-62), the com- position of the ' simple ' and 'double' sauce (63-69), the choice of apples and grapes for dessert (70-72), the garnishing of the table (73-75), size of dishes, tricks of slaves, importance of cleanliness in arrangements (76-87).

The Satire ends with Horace's expressions of admiration and earnest entreaty to be taken where such lore and secrets of happiness were to be learnt (88-95).

Who was Catius, and what is his relation to the gastronomic lecture of which he is the mouthpiece ? It can hardly be a name which carried no associations, for the drama would lack point.

1. The Scholiasts give us a complete answer and one which meets fairly the conditions. They say (1) that Catius was an Epicurean who had written a treatise 'de Remm Natura et de summo bono' ; (2) that in this Satire Horace is playing with the Epicureans as in the last he played with the Stoics.

It is a striking confirmation of this statement that (as they do not say) a Catius is named in one of Cicero's letters (ad Fam. 15. 16). He is rallying Cassius on his Epicurean tenets, and quotes jestingly a use of the term ' spectra ' by ' Catius Insuber Epicureus qui nuper est mortuus.' If this is the person meant the dramatic framework of this Satire will turn, as does that of the first and of the third Satire in this book, on a character from Cicero's Epistles.

Some such play as the Scholiasts suggest suits well enough with Horace's attitude towards rival philosophies, with his principle of placing his poems (whether Satires, Epistles, or Odes) as companion or contrasted pictures, and possibly with hints in the Satire itself *. We need not make this relation between Catius and the discourse on cookery very close. Horace's primary purpose was probably to laugh at people who made gastronomy into a science and professed to know better than their neighbours how to cook a chicken or arrange a dinner table (cp. the play of Sat. 2. 8). It occurred to him to give a further point to the Satire by its framing and placing, much as he gives a point to the idyllic

* It is difficult to know how much one reads into a poem when once a theory of its purpose is conceived, but whatever hints of play there are seem to point in this direction. Catius i v. 3 speaks of the lecture as a philosophy : that he does not name Epicurus may be dramatic. Horace in v. 95 welcomes the teaching as an art of living, not only of dining, ' vitae praecepta beatae,' and parodies the famous words of Lucretius, as though to suggest that it is a new ' De Rerum Natura' that we have been listening to. Add the reference to the attitude of the ' sapiens' in the presence of these problems (v. 44), the criticism of a previous teacher (v. 24*1, the affectation of such terms as 'praecepta,' ' quaesita,' 'ingenium,' ' natura,' ' ratio.'

LIB. II. SAT. 4. 161

praises of country life in Epod. 2 by putting them into the mouth of the ' fenerator Alfius.' He chooses for the purpose an Epicurean of the last generation, knovvn to him chiefly, perhaps only, as having been laughed at by Cicero.

2. Both Acr. and the Comm. Cruq., though giving the theory just stated at the beginning of the Satire, and referring to it again on v. 88, have a note on v. 47, which, unless it is corrupt, must belong to a rival tradition as to the person of Catius and the point of the Satire. In its fullest form it runs 'Irridet eum quod de opere pistorio in suo libro scribit de se ipso: Haec primus invenit et cognovit Catius Miltiades.' Nothing else is known of such a work or person. Orelli, who leans to this explanation, imagines him to have been a freedman of Cicero's Catius.

3. A third view was suggested by Manso, and is advocated warmly by Prof. Palmer. It is that Catius is a pseudonym intended thinly to veil the name of C. Matius, the correspondent of Cicero (see especially ad Fam. 11. 27 and 28), and the friend of Julius Caesar and of Augustus. Columella tells us that he wrote a book on the art of cookery, divided into three parts, which were called severally Coquus, Cetarius, Salgamarius. Pliny speaks of his having given his name to an apple (N. H. 15. 14).

In any case the humour of the Satire probably consisted mainly in the mixture of truisms and paradoxes on the subject, and in the introduction of authority in a matter where each man should be allowed his own taste. Orelli well compares Sat. 2. 2. 51 ' Si quis nunc mergos suaves edixerit assos Parebit pravi docilis Romana iuventus.'

Notice also that the topics follow the usual course of a Roman supper ' ab ovo ad mala' (Sat. 1. 3. 6).

Unde et quo Catius ? ' Non est mihi tempus aventi

Ponere signa novis praeceptis, qualia vincent

Pythagoran Anytique reum doctumque Platona.'

Peccatum fateor, cum te sic tempore laevo

Interpellarim ; sed des veniam bonus oro. 5

Ouod si interciderit tibi nunc aliquid, repetes mox,

Sive est naturae hoc sive artis, mirus utroque.

1. Unde et quo : more fully in Sat. the field. The rival reading in point I. 9. 62 'unde venis et quo tendis ' ? of MS. authority is ' vincunt.' Bentley's

non est tempus, i. e. I have no time ' vincant ' has less support. He quotes

to stop and talk to you, for I am in a Epp. 1.4. 3 ' scribere quod Cassi Par-

hurry ^aventi), etc. mensis opuscula vincat,' but that is not

2. ponere signa, a doubtful phrase, a case where definite prophecy would possibly only = Cicero's 'consignare lit- be in point.

teris,' ' to put into writing'; but also 3. Anyti reum. Socrates was ac-

explained with some probability of the cused by Meletus, Lycon, and Anytus. symbols of some ' memoria technica,' 4. eum, ' since,' ' in that.' such as is described in Cic. de Orat. 2. laevo : contrast Sat. 2. 1. 18 ' dextro

86-88. 351 f. This suits well with the tempore ' ; ' tempore laevo ' explains

assurance expressed in vv. 6, 7, that ' sic,' or we may take ' sic laevo ' to-

Catius' memory is excellent, both natural gether, as ' sic raro ' Sat. 2. 3. 1. and artifi.cial. 6. repetes, ' you will recover it.'

vincent : the reading of V adopted 7. hoc, the power of remembering.

by Ritter and Munro. The new philo- artis, of the art of mnemonics ; see

sopher will drive the old masters from on v. 2.

f VOL. II. M



' Ouin id erat curae quo pacto cuncta tenerem, Utpote res tenues tenui sermone peractas.' Ede hominis nomen, simul et Romanus an hospes. ' Ipsa memor praecepta canam, celabitur auctor. Longa quibus facies ovis erit illa memento, Ut suci melioris et ut magis alba rotundis, Ponere ; namque marem cohibent callosa vitellum. Caule suburbano qui siccis crevit in agris Dulcior ; irriguo nihil est elutius horto. Si vespertinus subito te oppresserit hospes, Ne gallina malum responset dura palato, Doctus eris vivam mixto mersare Falerno ; Hoc teneram faciet. Pratensibus optima fungis




S. Calius is mollified by the com- pliment, and enters into the thought. ' Ay, that is what I vvas thinking of, how to keep in my mind every single word, for indeed they were nice points, and handled throughout in nice style.'

9. utpote : Sat. 1. 4. 24, 1. 5. 94, A. P. 206.

tenues, XfWTas, opp. to what is coarse and common; see on Od. 2. 16.


10. ede : Sat. 2. 5. 61. The word is nsed of oracles, of persons who speak with authority, etc.

simul et, a common combination in prose ; ' at the same time also.' ' Ro- manus [ne sit] an hospes.'

1 1 . canam, answers ' ede ' ; of ora- cular utterance, Sat. 1. 9. 30.

celabitur auetor : a part of the play, but beyond our guessing.

12. ovis : see on Sat. 1. 3. 7 ' ab ovo usque ad mala.' The eggs come first in the lecture, as first served in the feast.

13. suci, ' flavour,' as explained by Plin. N. H. 10. 74. 52 'quae oblonga sint ova gratioris saporis putat Ho- ratius Flaccus.'

alba : the epithet probably refers to the white as it looks when cooked it is whiter. It is otherwise taken of the yolk and white together ' pale-coloured.' But why should that be a merit ? Heind. reads ' alma,' a conj. of Bentley's.

14. ponere, ' to serve'; see on Sat. 2. 2. 23.

namque : it is implied that the yolk of an egg which would hatch a cock- bird is fuller flavoured. Columella [8. 5. 11) and Pliny (1. c.) agree with

Horace that the longer eggs produce the cocks, the rounder ones hens ; Aristotle (Hist. Anim. 6. 2. 2) states the fact the other way.

callosa: either the white is firmer, or, possibly, the skin which encloses the yolk is stronger.

15. suburbano : the market gardens near Rome would be more carefully irrigated, probably more richly manured. Pliny's statement (N. H. 1. 9. 41) coin- cides, ' humor fimusque si defuere maior saporis gratia est, si abundavere laetior fertilitas.'

16. elutius, 'more watery,' 'tasteless.' horto, i. e. the contents of a garden.

17. vespertinus hospes. Cp. Epod. 16. 51 ' vespertinus . . . ursus,'Sat. 2.6. 100 ' nocturni.'

oppresserit, ' have surprised you.'

18. malum, adverbially. Cp. ' ca- net indoctum ' Epp. 2. 2. 9; ' malum responset ' ' makes unkind answer,' ' dis- appoints.' It is not quite the same use as ' responsare ' without an adv. in Sat. 2. 7. 85 and 103, Epp. 1. 1. 68.

palato, ' the taste,' as below, v. 46.

19. doetus cris. The tense corre- sponds to ' si oppresserit,' ' you will know what to do.'

mixto Palerno. Grammatically rather an absol. than a local abl., to mix Falemian and drown the fowl ; the commoner element is taken for granted. Bentley read ex mera coni. ' musto,' and is followed by Heindorf and Palmer ; ' mersare ' probably, as he took it, = ' mersando occidere.'

20. pratensibus : as contrasted with those of the woods.

LIB. II. SAT. 4.


Natura cst ; aliis male creditur. Ule salubres Aestates peraget qui nigris prandia moris Finiet, ante gravem quae legerit arbore solem. Aufidius forti miscebat mella Falerno, Mendose, quoniam vacuis committere venis Nil nisi lene decet ; leni praecordia mulso Prolueris melius. Si dura morabitur alvus, Mitulus et viles pellent obstantia conchae Et lapathi brevis herba, sed albo non sine Coo. Lubrica nascentes implent conchylia lunae ; Sed non omne mare est generosae fertile testae. Murice Baiano melior Lucrina peloris, Ostrea Circeiis, Miseno oriuntur echini, Pectinibus patulis iactat se molle Tarentum. Nec sibi cenarum quivis temere arroget artem,



21. male ereditur. Virg. Ecl. 3. 94 ' non bene ripae Creditur.'

23. ante gravem solem, ' before the sun is hot on them.'

24. Aufidius. It is suggested that this may be the M. Aufidius Lurco mentioned by Pliny (N. H. 10. 23. 20) as having made a large fortune by setting the example of fattening pea- cocks for sale.

miscebat, i. e. in making the ' mul- sum ' or drink of honey and wine ; cp. Sat. 2. 1. 56, 2. 2. 15. With ' forti ' cp. the epithets ' severi Falerni ' Od. 1. 27 9, ' ardentis' Od. 2. II. 19.

25. venis : see note on Od. 2. 2. 14.

26. leni : the emphatic word, opp. ' forti ' v. 24.

27. prolueris : Sat. i. 5. 16, Virg. Aen. 1. 739 ' pleno se proluit auro.'

28. The statements of the lecturer are in accord with the medical doctrines of Celsus, 2. 29 ' Alvum movent .... lapathum .... cochleae, ostrea, pelo- rides, echini, musculi, et omnes fere conchulae . . . vinum dulce vel sal- sum.'

mitulus. Schiitz points out the force of ' et,' adding the genus, ' the mussel and shell-fish generally.' Cp. Sat. 2. 7. 36 ' Mulvius et scurrae,' Mulvius being a ' scurra ' himself.

29. lapathi ' herba lapathi prata amantis ' Epod. 2. 57; ' sorrel.'

Coo, wine of Cos (Sat. 2. 8. 9, and see on Od. 4. 13. 13). Coan wine, ac-


cording to Pliny, was much mixed with salt water, and the mixture called Leu- cocoum, N. H. 14. 10. 8.

30 lubrica. The epithet probably refers to their look and to the way they slip over the tongue The juxtaposition of 'lubrica Coa' Pers. S. 5. 135, looks like a remembrance of this place, and may possibly show that he was speak- ing of Coan wine, and took ' lubrica ' (as the Scholiast takes it here) in the general sense of this passage, as ' alvum solventia ' ; see Conington in loc. The fancy that the shell-fish varied with the phases of the moon is found in Lucilius, fr. inc. 21. 46 ' Luna alit ostrea et implet echinos.'

31. generosae, ofgood kinds ; used of wine, Epp. 1. 15. 18.

32. The 'murex' (an edible purple mussel) every one gets from Baiae ; the ' peloris ' (or giant mussel) ' is even better, provided it comes from the Lu- crine lake.'

33. Circeiis : the promontory in La- tium ; cp. Juv. S. 4. 140 ' Circeiis nata forent, an Lucrinum ad saxum Rutu- pinove edita fundo Ostrea, callebat primo deprendere morsu."

Miseno : the promontory which ter- minates on the north a/i the bay of Naples.

35-37. nec . . . nec, ' nor,' . . . ' nor,' two qualifications to be added to the one natned in vv. 31-34. Your shell- fish must come from the right places, and you must not forget that it is of the



Non prius exacta tenui ratione saporum. Nec satis est cara pisces averrere mensa Ignarum quibus est ius aptius et quibus assis Languidus in cubitum iam se conviva reponet. Umber et iligna nutritus glande rotundas Curvat aper lances carnem vitantis inertem ; Nam Laurens malus est, ulvis et arundine pinguis. Vinea summittit capreas non semper edules. Fecundae leporis sapiens sectabitur armos.


utmost importance to understand how to flavour and how to dress.

35. arroget, potential, not hortative.

36. exacta, 'thoroughly studied.' See Conington 011 Virg. Aen. 4. 475 ' tempus secum ipsa modumque Exigit.'

termi, ' subtle,' ' nice,' see on v. 9.

37. averrere. The verb describes the indiscriminate purchase, taking whatever there was, at whatever price. Perhaps there is a sense of metaphor

~* tl- from the sweepnet ' getting^every kind ' ; see on Sat. 2. 3. 235. 'Averrere' was the reading of V, and was interpreted by Porph. ' abstrahere, auferre.' Orelli gives ' avertere ' with some good MSS., interpreting it ' to appropriate to him- self (as VirgiPs ' avertere praedas ' Aen. 10. 78, etc).

mensa, the market-stall 011 which the fish was exposed.

3S. ignarum, with the subj. of ' aver- rere,' ' while ignorant what had better be stewed and what broiled.'

ius, the sauce in which the stewed fish was served. The edd. quote from Varro, R. R. 3. 9 the pun ' in ius vocat pisces coquus.'

quibus est . . . reponet : to be added to the few cases such as Virg. Aen. 6. 614 ' ne quaere doceri . . . quae forma viros fortunave mersit,' where the clas- sical poets seem to adopt the ante- classical usage of an indic. in indirect questions. See Drager, Hist. Syntax 2. p. 474, Madv. § 356, obs. 3.

assis : see on Sat. 2. 2. 51. For a fish so dressed see Sat. 2. 8. 29.

39. in cubitum se reponet. Ritter seems first to have urged that these words should express the return to a position of repose. Cp. ' cubito re- manete pre.-so ' Od. 1. 27. 8. We are to picture the guests (see Dict. Ant. s. v. ' triclinium') as leaning forward over the

table with both arms free in eating, and in the intervals resting on the left elbow. The sentence then must mean ' which when broiled the gue.-.t will eat till he is tired, and only then replace himself on his elbow : ' ' quibus assis ' may be taken as an abl. absol., or directly with ' languidus.' The Scholiasts' way of taking it, still maintained by Schutz, Orelli, and others, is ' for which when broiled the tired guest (cp. ' marcens potor ' of v. 58) will at once place him- self again on his elbow.' They imagine, that is, that he is lying back on the cushion, and that he rouses himself again for the appelizing dish. This is excellent if the picture of his attitudes is right.

40-43. ' As with fish, so with game ; think of the place it comes from, and so of the food on which it has fattened a boar from the oak forests of Umbria, not from the marshes of Laurentum : the roe that has fed in vineyards is at times less good eating.'

41. vitantis, after lanees. inertem, ' flavourless.'

42. Laurens. Cp. Virg. Aen. 10. 708 ' aper, . . . quem . . . defendit . . . palus Laurentia, silva pastus arundinea.'

43. summittit, ' supplies.'

44. feeundae : the reading of V, rightly defended by Eentley against 'fecundi,' which was an alteration due to the fact that ' lepus ' is usually mas- culine, but in this case the feminine gender is appropriate. The line has been best understood by Ritter. It is another refinement of taste parallel to that of the last line. The epithet ' fe- cundae ' cannot be, as Orelli is content to think, otiose. It must contain the point. The Scholiasls no doubt ex- plain it rightly ' quia dicuntur semper praegnantes esse lepores,' with reference

LIB. II. SAT. 4.


Piscibus atque avibus quae natura et foret aetas, 45

Ante meum nulli patuit quaesita palatum.

Sunt quorum ingenium nova tantum crustula promit.

Nequaquam satis in re una consumere curam;

Ut si quis solum hoc, mala ne sint vina, laboret,

Ouali perfundat pisces securus olivo. 50

Massica si caelo suppones vina sereno

Nocturna si quid crassi est tenuabitur aura,

Et decedet odor nervis inimicus ; at illa

Integrum perdunt lino vitiata saporem.

Surrentina vafer qui miscet faece Falerna 55

Vina columbino limum bene colligit ovo,

Quatenus ima petit volvens aliena vitellus.

probably to the belief in their super- fetation (Pliny N. H. 8. 55). It means therefore a female hare, and is meant probably to limit and give (though without explaining) the reason of the wise man's preference of the shoulders. For a gastronomical refinement turning on a similar point see Sat. 2. 8. 43 : see also 2. 8. 89. To make ' fecundae ' otiose and throw the stress of the pre- cept on the choice of the part of the animal only, is to lose the key of the passage which lies in vv. 45, 46. It professes to contain original observa- tions ' de natura,' about the physical conditions, of shell-fish, boars, roedeer, hares. The lecturer contents himself with suggesting, without proving, that he has in store other observations of the same kind ' de natura aut aetate ' of fish and birds. Nole also that there is both in v. 43 and 44 an air of mys- tery affected, of truth only partially re- vealed.

sapiens, ' the pbilosopher.' The word is in the spirit of vv. 2, 3; cp. ' inge- nium ' v. 47.

45. quae natura : not absolutely,but in reference to their fitness for table ; but the language is as if he were a new Aristotle, ' palatum,' coming almost Trapa TrpoaSofciav, at the end.

47-50. ' The philosopher must take a large view, not narrow himself to a single corner of his subject.' This is an apology for the apparently miscel- laneous character of the precepts ; vv. 49, 50 also give a rough summary of the

passage to follow, v. 49 referring to vv. 51-62, v. 50 to vv. 63-69.

47- crustula, ' pastry' ; see on Sat. 1. 1. 25.

48. satis, sc. ' est.'

consumere, 'to use it all,' 'use it


50. securus, with the indirect ques-

tion. So Od. 1. 26. 6, Epp. 2. 1. 176.

51. Put your Massic wine in the open air to tone it down. Do not strain it or you will spoil the flavour. Surrentine wine should be mixed with the lees of Falernian, and then cleared with a pigeon's egg.

53. odor nervis inimicus. Cp. VirgiFs description of a potent wine 'temptatura pedes ' G. 2. 94. The in- toxicating effect is here attributed to the smell.

illa, sc. ' Massica vina.'

55. Surrentina, from Surrentum at the south end of the bay of Naples. Pliny names the wine as ' concalescen- tibus probatum propter tenuitatem ' N. H. 14. 8. 1. It is to be fortified with the hardened sediment of the stronger Falernian. This is a mode of treatment described by Columella (12. 30) ' sumito faecem vini boni et panes facito et in sole arefacito . . . postea terito et pondo quadrantem amphoris singulis infricato.'

vafer, ' as a connoisseur.'

57. quatenus, ' inasmuch as.' See on Sat. 1. 1. 64.

aliena, 'all foreignmntter;' the float- ing particles called ' limum ' in v. 26.



Tostis marcentem squillis recreabis et Afra

Potorem cochlea ; nam lactuca innatat acri

Post vinum stomacho ; perna magis ac magis hillis 60

Flagitat immorsus refici ; quin omnia malit

Quaecunque immundis fervent allata popinis.

Est operae pretium duplicis pernoscere iuris

Naturam. Simplex e dulci constat olivo,

Quod pingui miscere mero muriaque decebit, 65

Non alia quam qua Byzantia putuit orca.

58-62. ' If the fault is not in the wine but in the drinker, you rnust keep hiin up to the mark with salt and piquant dishes.' Heseems to be speaking of the later courses. A salad of ' lactuca,' ' lettuce,' was the traditional end of a Roman supper. Cp. Mart. 13. 14 ' Clau- dere quae cenas lactuca solebat avorum, Dicmihi, curnostras inchoat illadapes'? The lecturer takes sides against the old fashion.

58. marcentem, ' flagging.' squillis, ' prawns.' Sat. 2. 8. 42.

59. innatat, i.e. remains undigested; Pliny N. H. 23. 22. 1 ' dulce (vinum) stomacho innatat, austerum facilius con- coquitur.'

61. immorsus, participle = ' vellica- tus,' ' excitatus.' Cp. ' qualia lassum Pervellunt stomachum ' Sat. 2. 8. 9. ' It entreats to be freshened by the sharp sting rather of dried ham, rather of sau- sages.' Lambinus followed a few MSS. in separating the words ' in morsus,' comparing Virgifs 'reficitque in proelia ' Aen. 11. 731 ; but the only sense that can be put on them is ' to be freshened to a new appetite.' But ' in morsus ' is a strange phrase Bentley asks 'an sto- machus dentes habet? ' and the end in question is not to renew the appetite for eating but for drinking. Doderlein and Dill1'. of recent editors accept it. Bentl. would read ' immorsis.'

61, 62. ' To a cold salad the stomach would prefer even the coarse dishes of the cookshops, provided they were hot and savoury.'

popinis: illustrated byMart. 1. 42. 9, quoted by Bentley, ' Quod fumantia qui tomacla raucus Circumfert tepidis co- quus popinis.' ' Popinis ' is probably tb,erethe portableovensof street-hawkers, and it may be so here. Otherwise the abl. had better be taken as local, ' all

that is served hot and hot in the cook- shops.'

63-69. The use of oil and other in- gredients in the sauce or pickle served with fish. See above v. 50.

63. est operae pretium. Perhaps theie is a mock heroic reminiscence of Ennius. Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 229.

duplicis, either in direct opposition to ' siroplex/ but in that case there is some liltle awkwardness in the sense, as there are more ingredients than two named in the fuller sauce, or (as Bentley, Orelli and others) = of two kinds— the 'simplex,' which follows, being one of the two the 'compound' being de- scribed, but not characterizcd in a single adjective.

65. This line begins the description of the compound sauce. Bentley's dif- ficulty, that in this way the oil is used twice, as the basis and as the last in- gredient added in vv. 68, 69, does not seem serious : 65 and 66 describe the materials oil, wine, and brine : 67-69 describe the process and order; ' hoc ' is the mixture of the ' merum ' and ' muria,' which are to be well mingled ((confusum'Ni,boiled with chopped herbs, sprinkled with saffron, stood to cool, and then to have the best oil added. Cp. the account of the ' ius mixtum ' in Sat. 2. 8. 45-53.

pingui, ' rich and sugary.'

66. ' Of the kind of which a Byzantine jar has reeked.'

putuit, ' putesco ' (see Sat. 2. 3. 194). Byzantium was the centre of the thunny fishery. The ' muria ' spoken of seems to have been a preparation of the roe and other parts of the thunny, salted and kept. So ' garum ' (Sat. 2. 8.46) from the ' scomber.' They are analogous to our caviare.

LIB. II. SAT. 4.


Hoc ubi confusum sectis inferbuit herbis

Corycioque croco sparsum stetit, insuper addes

Pressa Venafranae quod bacca remisit olivae.

Picenis cedunt pomis Tiburtia suco ;

Nam facie praestant. Venucula convenit ollis ;

Rectius Albanam fumo duraveris uvam.

Hanc ego cum malis, ego faecem primus et allec,

Primus et invenior piper album cum sale nigro

Incretum puris circumposuisse catillis.

Immane est vitium dare milia terna macello



67. sectis herbis. Some such herbs as are narned in Sat. 2. S. 51. It is an abl. absol. adding a circumstance to the mixture and the boiling.

68. Corycio, from Corycus in Cilicia.

69. Venafranae : see onOd. 2. 6. 15. remisit: Sat. 2. 8. 53.

70. We have got now to the dessert, ' ab ovo usque ad mala ' Sat. 1. 3.

6. For the apples of Picenum see Sat. 2. 3. 272, of Tibur cp. Od. 1.

7. 14.

suco, 'flavour, above v. 13.

71. Venucula. Understand 'uva' from the next clause. It is the name of the kind of grape not apparently local. The word is written variously— ' veniaila ' (so in best MSS. of Fliny, who gives the same remark, N. H. 14. 4. 2), ' vennuncula,' etc.

convenit ollis, ' suits the preserving jars.'

72-87. The speaker claims for him- self the introduction of these smoke- dried Alban grapes at des-ert. This sng- gests some other original devices of his own, for putting within reach of all guests condiments and provocatives of appetite. This again suggests the im- portance of attention to the accessories of a banquet especially cleanliness of table, dinner service, floor, hangings, etc.

73. hanc, after ' circumposuisse,' or rather, some simple verb meaning ' to have served.'

faecem et allec = ' allec, faecula Coa' Sat. 2. 8. 9 n. The invention seems to be leaving them on the table during the meal.

74. invenior, i. e. those who investi- gate it find that I was the first, etc, as though a history of the art were being

written. This was the reading of V, and is generally given. Some good MSS. have ' inveni,' and others ' in- ventor,' both perhaps due to scholia such as Acron's ' primus inveni ut allec condito misceretur.' It is a place where the verb to 'invent' and its cognates corne naturally to the fore when one is thinking of the general purport, and not noticing the possibility of con- fusion.

piperalbumeumsalenigro. Horace, or the lecturer, is pleased with the ver- bal contrast of colour ; and the epithets given, being the opposile of what would be generally expected, give the idea of special refinements of taste. White pepper is described by Pliny as the seed at an earlier stage than the black, and as being less pungent (N. H. 12. 14. 7). Black salt seems to refer to the method of its preparation, ibid. 31. 40. 7.

75. incretum, from ' incerno,' ' sifted into them.' Notice that all the epithets are directed (1) to make the most of the invention : it may be a small matter, but there are great refinements in it : (2) to lead to the following remarks on the importance of attending to mi- nute details.

puris (like ' album ' and 'nigro'), an epithet for the eye (see on Od. 2. 7. 21), leads specially to what is to be said on scrupulous cleanliness. Cp. Od. 2.16. 13 n.

catillis, the dim. of 'catinus ; see Sat. 1. 3. 92. It seems to stand here for little salt-cellars.

76. immane vitium. A playful ex- aggeration.

maeello, where the fish itself was bought, Sat. 2. 3. 229, and in this Satire v. 37 ' cara mensa.'



Angustoque vagos pisces urgere catino.

Magna movet stomacho fastidia, seu puer unctis

Tractavit calicem manibus dum furta ligurrit ;

Sive gravis veteri craterae limus adhaesit. 80

Vilibus in scopis, in mappis, in scobe quantus

Consistit sumptus? Neglectis flagitium ingens.

Ten lapides varios lutulenta radere palma

Et Tyrias dare circum inluta toralia vestes,

Oblitum quanto curam sumptumque minorem 85

Haec habeant, tanto reprehendi iustius illis

Quae nisi divitibus nequeant contingere mensis ? '

Docte Cati, per amicitiam divosque rogatus,

Ducere me auditum, perges quocunque, memento.

Nam quamvis memori referas mihi pectore cuncta, 90

Non tamen interpres tantundem iuveris. Adde

Voltum habitumque hominis, quem tu vidisse beatus

Non magni pendis, quia contigit ; at mihi cura

77. angusto vagos. The verbal an- tithesis is to express the incongruity. To come more closely, it may be doubted whether 'vagos' describes the look of the fish 'sprawling,' 'all abroad,' on the dish too small for it, or (as though he gave a slightly ludicrous reason) its previous habits, with the sea to roam in, now cooped up where it could not lie at length. Cp. the picture in Sat. 2. 8. 42 ' squillas inter murena natantes In patina porrecta.'

79. dum : depends on ' unctis,' ' which feas become greasy whilst,' etc. Cp. the slave in Sat. i. 3. 80 ' patinam qui tollere iussus Semesos pisces tepidumque ligur- rierit ius.'

80. gravis : prob. as Orelli, ' offen- sive.'

veteri : like the epithets in vv. 83, 84 ' varios,' 'Tyrias,' to emphasize the in- consistency ; an old and valuable mixing- bowl ; but left uncleaned.

limus, ' dried sediment.'

81. scopis, from ' scopa,' ' brooms.' mappis. Here apparenlly napkins

for the waiters. In Sat. 2. 8. 63 and Epp. 1. 5. 22 they are for the guests.

seobe. Mayor on Juv. Sat. 14. 67 shows that the sawdust (sometimes coloured and perfumed, sometimes of precious material) was slrewn on the

floor and remained there during the feast.

quantus, ' how great is it'? i. e. ' is it a large one ' ?

82. negleetis, abl. absol., sr.pply 'est.'

83. ten . . . radere. See on Sat. 1.9. 72 ' hunceine solem Tam nigrum surrexe mihi'? 2. 8. 66.

lapides varios, the tessellated pave- ment.

palma, a broom of palm-leaves.

84. inluta toralia: Epp. I. 5- 22 ' ne turpe toral ne sordida mappa Cor- ruget nares.' ' Toralia ' are of some washing material thrown over or round the permanent covers of richer stuff.

For vestes, of the covers of couches, see Sat. 2. 3. 118, 2. 6. 103, 106.

86. reprehendi, ' they are complain- ed of ' ; a short way of saying 'every carelessness about them is complained of/

88-95. Horace retums to the mystery of v. 11, 'YVho can the great teacher be ? The best reporter will not make up for him. I must see him and learn the secrets of a happy life.'

89. perges quocunque, ' whither- soever it be that you will go,' i. e. to hear some more such lectures.

91. interpres, ' being only a re- porter.'

LIB. II. SAT. 5. 169

Non mediocris inest, fontes ut adire remotos

Atque haurire queam vitae praecepta beatae. 95

94. From Lucretius 1. 927 'iuvat lecture by speaking of it as though it integros accedere fontes Atque haurire,' were whatthe Epicurean philosophy was etc. Ile makes fun of the culinary to Lucretius.



This practice is touched in passing in Epp. 1. 1. 77. It is described in Cicero, Paradox 5. 2 ' An eorum servitus dubia est, qui cupiditate peculii nullam con- ditionem recusant durissimae servitutis ? Hereditatis spes quid iniquitatis in ser- viendo non suscipit ? quem nutum locupletis orbi senis non observat ? Loquitur ad voluntatem : quidquid denunciatum sit, facit : assectatur, assidet, muneratur.' The 'orbitas' which was the temptation to it belongs to that disinclination to marriage and its responsibilities which was a marked feature of Roman life. See notes on Od. 4. 7. 19, C. S. 18-20.

The satiiical description of the arts of a ' captator ' (v. 57) is thrown into the form of a burlesque continuation of the dialogue between Ulysses and the shade of Tiresias in Odyss. 1 1 .

It starts with Tiresias' prophecy in v. 114 foll.

oipl /cafcws veiai oAecras diro rrdvTas eraipovs, vrjos err' dWorplrjs' drjeis 5' ev irrjfxaTa o'Ikw dvopas vrrepcpid\ovs 01 toi fiioTov KareSovai.

Verses 1-3. Ulysscs. ' One more thing, Tiresias; you should tell me how to re-

trieve my lost fortunes. Why do you laugh ? ' 3-5. Tircsias. ' Is it not enough for a man of your renown that you shall get safe

home ? ' 5-8. Ulysses. ' The good part of your prophecy is no doubt trne ; but so is the

bad, and I am to arrive at home stripped of all I have, and find my stores

plundered by the suitors. What is a man without substance, even if he be a

king or a hero ? ' 9, 10. Tircsias. ' It is a simple case, and may be prescribed for simply. What

you dread is " pauperies " ; listen, and hear how to become " dives." 10-17. Make up to some rich old man. If a delicacy is given to you, send it on

to him the best produce of your farm ; he must come before the household

gods. Whatever his character and antecedents, never refuse to walk with him

and give him the place of honour.' 18-22. Ulysscs. ' The place of honour to Dama ! That is to belie all I ever was.'

Tiresias. ' Very well, then you must be content to go without wealth.'

Ulysses. ' I submit ; I have borne worse than this only tell me, prophet, how

to amass wealth.' 23-26. Tiresias. ' I have told you already. Turn legacy-hunter ; don't be easily

discouraged if one or another escapes you.


27-44. If a case is being heard in the forum, and one party is a rich man without

children, ask nothing more— espouse his cause address him by his praeno-

men make him go home and nurse himself, and leave his case in your hands ;

stick to it through midsummer or midwinter. Your assiduity and energy will

attract attention and open the way to other ventures. 45-50. Look also for a rich man with one sickly heir. It is really a safer game

than one evidently without heirs. 51-55. If you are offered a will to read, refuse it steadily; yet in pntting it

from you manage to catch a side glance at the second line on the fhst page ;

see if your name is there, and alone or with others. 55-59. There are many slips. A Coranus will often outwit a Nasica.' 58. Ulysses. ' What can you mean ? Are you jesting with me?' 59-60. Tiresias. ' Do not laugh at my prophecies. They are as true as all

prophecy.' 61. Ulysses. ' Explain.' 62-69. Tiresias. ' It is a tale of the days of Aeneas' great descend;int. Nasica will

give his daughter to Coranus in the hope of a legacy which shall free him from

debt. Coranus will hand him his will to read ; after much refusal Nasica will

take it and find himself disappointed. 70-S3. My further instructions. If your patron is under the nrie of some dis-

honest dependents, make up to them. Humour his own tastes. S4-SS. Be warned by the story of the old woman of Thebes, who was determined

to slip through her heirs' fingers after her death as she had not done so while

alive. S9-91. There are dangers on both sides : too little zeal and too much,loquacity

and silence. 91-98. Play the obsequious slave of the stage watch your patron's needs and

whims. 99-1x6. Do not drop your attentions when he is dead and you find yourself left

with a quarter of his property. Gain credit by show of your feeling. 107-109. Make up to one of your coheirs. 109-110. But Proserpine summons me I must away.'

HOC quoque, Tiresia, praeter narrata petenti Responde, quibus amissas reparare queam res Artibus atque modis. Quid rides ? 'Iamne doloso Non satis est Ithacam revehi patriosque penates Adspicere ? ' O nulli quicquam mentite, vides ut 5

1. praeter narrata. As we have for Ulysses iroXvTpoitos, iroXvLirjTis. It is

seen, it is supposed to be a con- probably, as Heind. takes it, the third

tinuation of the conversation in Odyss. person 'to a man of craft.' Tiresias

11. So the 'amissas res ' in v. 2 affects surprise that a man of such re-

refer to the prophecy of v. 114 quoted source should show such lack of self-

above. dependence.

3. quid rides ? He sees a smile on 5. nulli quicquam mentite : perhaps

Tiresias' face. Tiresias proceeds to ex- in remembrance of the description of

plain it. Tiresias in Soph. Antig. 1092 emard-

iam, 77877, ' Is this what we have come tieaOa ... //77 7rci7roT' avrov xpevbos es

to?' iru\iv XaKetv, Oed. R. 298 fxdvTiv . . .

doloso, a trans. of Homer's epithets w | TaXrjOh efnre<pvKev dvOpwnwv fxdvw.

LIB. II. SAT. 5.


Nudus inopsque domum redcam, te vate, neque illic Aut apotheca procis intacta est aut pecus ; atqui Et genus et virtus nisi cum re vilior alga est. ' Ouando pauperiem, missis ambagibus, horres, Accipe qua ratione queas ditescere. Turdus Sive aliud privum dabitur tibi, devolet illuc Res ubi magna nitct domino sene ; dulcia poma Et quoscunque feret cultus tibi fundus honores Ante Larem gustet venerabilior Lare dives ; Qui quamvis periurus erit, sine gente, cruentus Sanguine fraterno, fugitivus, ne tamen illi Tu comes exterior si postulet ire recuses.'


6. te vate, Epod. 16.66; 'according to your prophecy ' ; i. e. in Odyss. 11.


7. apotheca, 'storeroom,' and especi- ally the room upstairs, and often con- nected with the chimney, where wine was stored. See on Od. 3. 8. 11, 3. 21.7, 3. 28. 7 (k is called there 'horreum'). Cp. Cic. Phil. 2. 27. 67.

8. vilior alga, a proverbial com- parison. Virg. Ecl. 7. 42 ' proiecta vilior alga': cp. Od. 3. 17. 10 ' alga inutili.'

9. missis ambagibus. These words are best taken neither (as the Schol. followed by Orelli, but against tl.e natural order) with ' accipe,' nor (as Heind.) with ' horres,' but with the whole sentence : ' Let us use plainness of speech.' It apologizes for the blunt- ness of describing what Ulysses dreads as ' pauperies,' and what he seeks as 'ditesctre.' These words occupy the emphatic places. ' Pauperies ' has in Horace's langunge almost a technical sense; see on Od. 1. 1. iS, Epp. 1. 1.45. The word transfers the question from the heroic age to the age of the poet. 'The complaint is the very one so dreaded in our Koman society, the prescription may well be the same which it adopts.'

10. turdus, ' obeso Nil melius lurdo ' Epp. 1. 15. 41 . For the om. of ' sive ' before'turdus'see on Od. 1.3. 16, 1.6. 19.

11. privum (Epp. 1. 1. 93), to be taken with dabitur, for ' your own pecu- liar eating.' It is a phrase of Lucilius.

devolet : a humorous adaptation to the first-named present.

12. poma. Cp. Epp. 1. 1. 78 'suntqui Frustis et pomis viduas venentur avaras.'

13. honores : see on Od. 1. 17. 16

' ruris honorum,' i. e. fruit, flowers, etc.

14. anteLarem,i.e.the LaresKurales, who guarded the interests of the husband- man, and to whom offerings were made of his produce. See an excellent note by Prof. G. G. Ramsay on Tibullus 1. 1. 20. ' Consuetudo fuit ut rerum primitias Laribus ponerent ' Porph.

15. sine gente : either because he is of servile origin or because he hasbecome ' capite deminutus.'

16. fugitivus, one who has never even, legitimately, obtained his freedom ; cp. Sat. 1. 5. 66.

17. exterior, i. e. as the Schol. explains, ' on the left side,' which is that on which a walker is more defenceless. To take the left hand of a companion was called 'latus claudere' Juv. S. 3. 131, or, as here, ' tegere ' ; cp. Suet. Claud. 24, where it is used of an act of con- descension of Claudius towards his friend Plautius. Eutropius, relating the same incident, uses the phrase ' laevus ince- deret.' Ovid has the correlative ' interior ' in speaking of two men walking lo- gether, Fast. 5. 67.

si postulet : not ' ask you to take that position,' but 'ask you to walk abroad with him.' If he asked it would be assumed that he did so as the supeiior.

ne recuses. See note on Sat. 2. 3. 88. This is, if the text is sound, an instance of the pres. subj. in prohibition which does not admit, as possibly that does, of being explained away. Those who, on such grounds, are ready to alter texts may perhaps accept the reading of the St. Gall MS. (<t) ' non,' comparing v. 91 of this Satire ' non sileas ' ; but it seems safer to allow that Iiorace, who has




2 5

Utne tegam spurco Damae latus? Haud ita Troiae

Me gessi certans semper melioribus. ' Ergo

Pauper eris.' Fortem hoc animum tolerarc iubebo ;

Et quondam maiora tuli. Tu protinus unde

Divitias aerisque ruam dic, augur, acervos.

' Dixi equidem et dico : captes astutus ubique

Testamenta senum, neu, si vafer unus et alter

Insidiatorem praeroso fugerit hamo,

Aut spem deponas aut artem illusus omittas.

Magna minorve foro si res certabitur olim,

Vivet uter locuples sine natis, improbus, ultro

Oui meliorem audax vocet in ius, illius esto

Defensor ; fama civem causaque priorem 30

Sperne, domi si natus erit fecundave coniux.

" Quinte," puta, aut " Publi," (gaudent praenomine molles

Auriculae) " tibi me virtus tua fecit amicum ;

Ius anceps novi, causas defendere possum ;

Eripiet quivis oculos citius mihi, quam te 35

Contemptum cassa nuce pauperct ; haec mea cura est,

Plautus and Terence at his finger tips, returned, at least in this instance, to a freeclom habitual with them, as he does in Sat. 2.4. 38, in the case of the indic. in an indirect question. See also note on v. S9 of this Satire.

18. utne tegam. Madv. § 353, obs. It is an analogous constr. to the in- dignant use of the infinitive with a ques- tion, as in Sat. 2. 4. 83. Cp. also the exclamatory use of ' ne ' (/ qui ne ') in Sat. 1. 10. 21.

Damae, inf. v. 101 ; a frequent name with Horace for a slave : Sat. 1. 6. 38, 2. 7. 54 ; cp. Fers. S. 5. 78. It is said to be an abbreviation of ' Demetrius.'

19. melioribus : prob. asProf Palmer suggests, a Homeric echo, Kpdooooiv J<pi (j.ax(oBai II. 21. 4S6, etc.

20. tolerare iubebo. etc. afterHomer's Ttr\a0i 5?) KpaoiTj' ical /a v Tipov aAAo ttot' (tXtjs Odyss. 20. 18.

22. ruam, of making a heap, as in Virg. Aen. 11. 211 ' coniusa ruebant ossa focis.'

augur, the Roman equivalent of fxavTts. See on Od. 1. 2. 32.

25. praeroso hamo, ' having bitten the bait off the hook ' ; having accepted your presents without being induced by

them to alter his will.

27. res certabitur. Cp. Sat. 2. 1. 49 ' si quid certes.' The cogn. accus. has become the subject of the verb in the passive.

28. uter, the rel. of which ' illius ' is the antecedent, 'whichever of the two .... take his side.'

improbus answers to ' fama priorem,' and so is to be repeated from the follow- ing words, ' though he be disreputable, though,' etc.

ultro, ' wantonly,' ' with no case.'

32. puta, ' suppose,' ' let us say.' It is parenthetical.

gaudent praenomine. The slave on manumission received a ' praenomen.' To be addressed by it would be a plea- sure at once as a sign of familiarity and as sinking the old name with its associa- tions. Cp. Pers. S. 5. 7S ' Verterit hunc dominus, momento turbinis exit Marcus Dama, papae ! Marco spondente recusas Credere tu nummos? Marco sub iudice palles ? Marcus dixit, ita est,' etc.

molles, ' sensitive.'

34. ius anceps, ' the law with its am- biguities.' Cp. 'vafri iuris' Sat. 2. 2. 131.

36. contemptum : ' despise you and rob you.'

LIB. II. SAT. 5.


Ne quid tu perdas neu sis iocus." Ire domum atque

Pelliculam curare iube ; fi cognitor ipse,

Persta atque obdura, seu rubra Canicula findet

Infantes statuas, seu pingui tentus omaso

Furius hibernas cana nive conspuet Alpes.

Nonne vides, aliquis cubito stantem prope tangens

Inquiet, ut patiens, ut amicis aptus, ut acer ?

Plures adnabunt thunni et cetaria crescent.

Si cui praeterea validus male filius in re

Praeclara sublatus aletur, ne manifestum

Caelibis obsequium nudet te, leniter in spem

Adrepe officiosus, ut et scribare secundus



cassa nuce, ' a nutshell.' The great preponderance of MSS., including all the Bland., read ' quassa.' I venture to retain ' cassa ' with Orelli and Munro, as it seems to be purely a question of spelling, and the MSS. of Plautus (who has ' cassa nux' Ps. I. 3. 137, ' cassa glans ' Rud. 5. 2. 37) give 'cassa.'' However spelt, it seems not to be con- nected with ' quatio ' but to be the adj. which Cicerouses(Tusc. D. 5. 41. 119) as a syn. for 'inanis,' which Virgil (Aen. 2. 85, etc.) constructs with an abl. and which we know in the compound ' in- cassum.'

37. iocus, 'an object of mirth,' as ' risus' in Sat. 2. 2. 107.

38. pelliculam curare. So 'cutem curare ' Epp. 1. 2. 29, 1. 4. 15. It is a more orless contemptuous expression for ' making oneself comfortable.' Observ- ing the distinction, noted on Epod. 1 7. 22, between ' pellis ' and ' cutis ' as well as the diminutive, we may take the ex- pression here as containing an additional shade of contempt (' his precious hide').

cognitor : in the technical sense, the fully authorized representative of one of the parties to a suit.

39. seu . . . seu. The ridiculous description of the heat of summer, ' splitting the poor dumb statues,' is evidently (as Heind. pointed out) a parody, very possibly from the same tasteless poet as the following descrip- tion of the cold of winter.

40. pingui tentus omaso : Epp. 1. 15. 34 ' patinas cenabat omasi ' ; as though the coarseness of taste in his metaphors were connected with coarse- ness of taste in his feeding.

41. Furius. See on Sat. 1. 10. 36. The Scholiasts' note on this place is ' Furius Vivaculus (Bibaculus) in prag- matia (Trpnyixareia, ' a narrative poem') belli Gallici, Iuppiter hibernas cana nive conspuit Alpes ' ; a line which Quintilian (8. 6. 17) quotes, without naming the author, as an instance of a harsh meta- phor.

42. Those who see you will notice to one another your zeal for your friend, and you will catch some more rich fools to make your prey.

prope, with ' stantem,' ' his next neighbour.'

cubito tangens, ' nudging.' Pers. S. 4. 34 ' est prope te ignotus cubito qui tangat.'

43. amicis aptus, ' at his friends' disposal.'

44. Cp. Epp. 1. 1. 79 ' excipiantque senes quos in vivaria mittant.' It is to be noticed how Horace plays round the metaphor suggested by the habitual phrases ' captare testamenta' (v. 24), ' captator ' (v. 57).

45. validus male, as 'male sanos ' Epp. 1. 19. 3. Notice the antithesis expressing the advantage on both sides, ' a sickly heir,' ' a splendid property.'

46. sublatus aletur, ' shall have been born and be being reared.'

47. caelibis, the ' locuples sine natis ' of v. 28, the obj. gen. after ' obsequium.'

nudet te, ' expose your purpose.' Sat. 2. 8. 74.

48. officiosus : by the fulness of your attentions.

48, 49. ut et . . . et. Difficulty has been felt in the sharp distinction between



Heres et, si quis casus puerum egerit Orco,

In vacuum venias : perraro haec alea fallit. 50

Oui testamentum tradet tibi cunque legendum,

Abnuere et tabulas a te removere memento.

Sic tamen ut limis rapias quid prima secundo

Cera velit versu ; solus multisne coheres,

Veloci percurre oculo. Plerumque recoctus 55

Scriba ex quinqueviro corvum deludet hiantem,

Captatorque dabit risus Nasica Corano.'

Num furis? an prudens ludis me obscura canendo?

' O Laertiade, quicquid dicam aut erit aut non :

Divinare etenim magnus mihi donat Apollo.' 60

Ouid tamen ista velit sibi fabula, si licet, ede.

' Tempore quo iuvenis Parthis horrendus, ab alto

the two clauses which the repetition of ' et ' implies, for ' heres secundus ' seems to mean what was legally called ' heres substitutus,' i.e. a person named to receive the inheritance in default of the first-named heir (• institutus '). Heind., noticing that a few MSS. give ' ut ' without ' et,' wished to read for ' ut et ' ' uti,' the second clause then only ex- plaining the first. Very probably how- ever Schiitz is right in taking the two clau^es of two distinct wills, the suppo- sition being that the sickly boy dies before his father and the legacy-hunter fills the gap, by being made first heir in a fresh will.

49. Orco : for dat. see on Od. i. 24. 18.

50. alea. It is a hazard, a playing for chances, as contrasted with the simpler process of making up in the first instance to a childless man, but it is a hazard that seldom disappoints.

51. quicunque, (as often) = ' when- ever any one.'

53. limis, sc. 'oculis,' 'by a side glance.'

prima cera, which Juvenal (S. 4. 19) calls ' praecipua cera ' ; the will is sup- posed to be written on several waxed tablets.

secundo versu, ' the second line ' ; the first would contain the testator's name. It is implied that the second would contain the name of the legatee.

55. plerumque, ' very often.' See on Sat. 1. 10. 15.

recoctus scriba ex quinqueviro. A commissioner who has gone into the melting pot and come out as a clerk. Cicero uses ' quinquevir ' as the title of one of the humblest of public officers, Acad. Prior. 2. 44 ' neminem consulem praetorem imperatorem, nescio an ne quinquevirum quidem quenquam nisi sapientem.' Acommission of five, perhaps the one intended, had charge of the night police. The purpose of the description is not apparent. Possibly, as some editors think, it means that he was a man whose antecedents made it unlikely that he should be taken in. But it may be only personal, and beyond our power (as indeed the story is) wholly to unriddle.

56. corvum hiantem. The raven in Aesop's fable ( Phaedr. 1. 13) opened its mouth at the fox's flattery to sing and dropped the cheese. Horace is referring to this fable, but as nsually is the case with his reference to fables, to a single point in it.

59. It seems clear that Horace is parodying the ambiguous utterance of an ancient oracle. ' Iocatur in ambigua responsa ' Schol. The words might mean to Tiresias ' will be ; if so I have said) or will not be (if so I have said),' but they would also bear and were meant to bear the safe meaning ' either will be or will not be.'

62. iuvenis. Od. 1. 2. 41 n.

alto : Od. 3. 4. 37 n. Cp. Virg. Aen. 6. 500 ' genus alto a sanguine Teucri.'

LIB. II. SAT. 5. 175

Demissum genus Aenea, tcllure marique

Magnus erit, forti nubet procera Corano

Filia Nasicae metuentis reddere soldum. 65

Tum gener hoc faciet : tabulas socero dabit atque

Ut legat orabit ; multum Nasica negatas

Accipiet tandem et tacitus leget, invenietque

Nil sibi legatum praeter plorare suisque.

Illud ad haec iubco : mulier si forte dolosa 70

Libertusve senem delirum temperet, illis

Accedas socius ; laudes, lauderis ut absens.

Adiuvat hoc quoque ; sed vincit longe prius ipsum

Expugnare caput. Scribet mala carmina vecors :

Laudato. Scortator erit : cave te roget ; ultro 75

Penelopam facilis potiori trade.' Putasne?

Perduci poterit tam frugi tamque pudica,

Ouem nequiere proci recto depeliere cursu?

'Venit enim magnum donandi parca iuventus,

Nec tantum Veneris, quantum studiosa culinae. 80

Sic tibi Penelope frugi est, qui si semel uno

De sene gustarit tecum partita lucellum,

Ut canis a corio nunquam absterrebitur uncto.

Me sene quod dicam factum est : anus improba Thebis

63. demissum : Virg. G. 3. 35 'de- 67. multum, as Epp. 1. 3. 15 ' mon-

missaeque ab Iove gentis,' id. Aen. 1. 288. itus multumque monendus.'

genus, of a single descendant, as 69. praeter plorare, x^V'* T0"

' Valeri genus' Sat. 1. 6. 12. Cp. Od. 1. icXaUiv. It may be doubted whether

3. 27, and Virg. Aen. 6. 500, just quoted. ' praeter ' is used here as a preposition,

65. metuentis : shrinking from as the infinitive being treated as an

from something to be avoidedif possible. accusative in government after it, or

soldum, his debt in full, as Cicero, rather as an adv. = ' praeterquam ' ; see

Rab. Post. 17. 46 ' ita bona veneant ut Madv. § 172. III. obs. 2.

solidum cuique solvatur.' Some edd. suisque. Even his daughter has got

imagine the debt to be money bor- nothing by the sacrifice.

rowed of Coranus, which he hopes to 70. illud : Sat. 2. 3. 1 50 n.

be excused, in return for his daughter; 71. delirum, ' doting,' as usually in

others think of him as generally in- Cicero, ' senex ' de Or. 2. 18. 75, ' anus '

debted and hoping for a legacy to de Div. 2. 68. 142, Tusc. D. 1. 21. 48.

put him straight. The story and per- temperet, ' rule.'

sonages are apparently familiar (notice 84. me sene. Prof. Palmer points

e.g. the epilhet ' procera,' which adds out the play by which Tiresias, speaking

nothing to the scene as an ideal one) as a shade, is made to refer back to his

and needed no explanation. In his old age in the actual way that a living

wider circle of readers Horace is content person says ' me puero,' etc. He speaks

to leave much to the imagination, which in character and lays the scene of the

will fill in the details variously. For story at Thebes. The edd. show that

the syncopated form ' soldum ' see on Od. Roman jurisprudence discouraged foolish

1. 36. 8. and malicious instructions as to the



Ex testamento sic est elata: cadaver Unctum oleo largo nudis humeris tulit heres, Scilicet elabi si posset mortua ; credo Ouod nimium institerat viventi. Cautus adito : Neu desis operae neve immoderatus abundes. Difficilem et morosum offendet garrulus ; ultro Non etiam sileas. Davus sis comicus atque Stes capite obstipo, multum similis metuenti. Obsequio grassare ; mone, si increbruit aura, Cautus uti velet carum caput ; extrahe turba Oppositis humeris ; aurem substringe loquaci. Importunus amat laudari ; donec Ohe ! iam Ad caelum manibus sublatis dixerit, urge,




testator's sepulture ; but this indicates that such instructions were not uncom- mon. Whether the present story is more than a caricature we cannot pro- nounce.

improba, dvaiSrjs.

87. scilicet, explaining her motive in the condition.

si, 'to see if she could.' There was a variant in V, ' ut sic,' possible, but more likely to be a gloss than ' si.'

89. neu desis . . . neve abundes. It is possible to take these as final or interpretative clauses after the previous imperative, but it is simpler to take them independently. See on v. 17 of this Satire.

abundes is used absolutely, but an abl. or gen. of respect can be supplied in sense from ' operae,' ' be unmeasured and overfiowing in your zeal.'

90. difficilem : A. P. 1 73. morosum : Od. 1. 9. 18 'morosa

canities,' ' moody.' Cicero couples the two adjectives, Orat. 29.

ultro, sc. ' quam ut garrulitatem vites.'

91. non sileas. The form of the advice is softened to a potential ; but here as in the somewhat similar cases with the third person (Epp. 1. 18. 72, Virg. G. 3. 140, Aen. 12. 78 ; see Wag- ner's note there, and cp. Drager, Hist. Syntax 1. p. 2 86), there is a speeial em- phasis on the negative giving it a stronger fbrce of contrast. 'Be cautious, etc, . . . but this does not mean that you will go into the other extreme and be silent.'

Davus comicus : 'the Davus (i.e. the

slave) of the comic stage.' So ' comicus ' Cic. Rosc. Am. 16. 47. Cp. 'tragicus Telephus ' A. P. 95. Davus is the name of Horace's own slave in Sat. 7, who is there represented (except during the Sa- turnalia) as ' multum similis metuenti ' ; see vv. 1,2. We do not know of any reference to a special comedy.

92. capite obstipo, 'benthead.' Pers. S. 3. 80 ' obstipo capite et figentes lumine terram.'

multum, with ' similis,' as ' multum dissimiles ' Epp. 1. 10. 3.

93. grassare, ' proceed,' ' make your approaches,' as frequently in Livy, ' iure non vi grassari ' 3. 44, etc.

increbruit : ' has freshened.' Cic. ad Fam. 7. 20. 3 ' ventus increbrescit/ Virg. A. 3. 530 ' crebrescunt aurae.'

95. substringe. Itisdoubtfulwhether the expression is litcral, of the actual attitude of a hearer who is rather deaf or fears to miss a word, holding the ear with his hand below it, or metaphorical, as Quintil. 10. 5. 4 ' effusa substringere,' ' hold your ear fast,' i. e. do not allow your attention to wander ; ' subiunge, patienter audi ' Schol.

96. importunus amat : ' is eager in season and out of season.'

Ohe. Pers. S. 1. 23 ' dicas cute per- ditus, Ohe ! ' The fuller phrase is ' Ohe iam satis est ' Sat. 1. 5. 12. Orelli and others make ' ohe iam ! ' the exclamation ; but the quotation from Persius makes for ' ohe ! ' ' Iam ' then qualifies 'dixerit ' ; ' till he already shall lift his hands to heaven and cry " hold !";

LIB. II. SAT. 5.


Crescentem tumidis infla sermonibus utrem.

Cum te servitio longo curaque levarit,

Et certum vigilans, Quartae SIT PARTIS Ulixes, 100

Audieris, HERES : ' Ergo nunc Dama sodalis

Nusquam est? Unde mihi tam fortem tamque fidelem ? '

Sparge subinde, et, si paulum potes, illacrimare : est

Gaudia prodentem voltum celare. Sepulcrum

Permissum arbitrio sine sordibus exstrue ; funus 105

Egregie factum laudet vicinia. Si quis

Forte coheredum senior male tussiet, huic tu

Dic, ex parte tua seu fundi sive domus sit

Emptor, gaudentem nummo te addicere. Sed me

Imperiosa trahit Proserpina ; vive valeque.' 110

98. utrem : the more you see the bladder swell. ply the more the bellows of flattery. Cp. a similar metaphor in Sat. 1.4 19.

100. certum vigilans. With the cer- tainty that you are not dreaming. Ovid has the opposite, ' incertum vigilans ' Her. 10. 9.

quartae partis : the technical phrase would be ' ex quadrante.'

101. audieris, for the long Is see on Sat. 2. 2. 74.

ergo : Od. i. 24. 5. Dama : so he has called the rich man in v. iS.

102. nusquam est. In Greek it would be ovtcer' kariv. Cicero, Tusc. D. 1. 6. 11 (of the dead) ' ubi ergo sunt, quos miseros dicis ?...'' Ego vero nus- quam esse illos puto.' ' Igitur ne esse quidem.' ' Prorsus isto modo.'

unde tam fortem : for the ellipse cp. Sat. 2. 7. 116 ' unde mihi lapidem? '

103. sparge subinde : Virg. Aen.

2. 98 ' spargere voces in volgum ' ; ' let fall froni time to time ' such utterances as the two just given.

illaerimare, imper. deponent.

est, e£eoTi : Epod. 17. 25, Epp. 1. 1. 32.

105. permissum arbitrio,'if it is left to your discretion.'

108. sit emptor, ' should he wish to be a purchaser.'

1 09. nummo te addicere, ' that you gladly knock it down to him for a ses- terce,' i. e. make it his at a nominal price. Cic. pro Rab. Post. 17. 45 ' Ec- quis est qui bona C. Rabirii Postumi nummo sestertio sibi addici velit ? '

110. imperiosa, ewaivrj Xlepoe<pvveia. ' Saeva' Od. 1. 28. 20. It is Persephone who sends and withdraws the shades that visit Ulysses in Odyss. 11. vv. 47, 213, 226, 385, etc.

vive valeque, a Roman farewell ; Epp. 1. 6. 67.






Verses 1-5. In my Sabine farm I have got just what I longed for ; and more than

that, I have nothing more to ask for. 6-15. My prayers are the acceptable prayers of honesty, soberness, and content-

ment. 16-19. Here then is the first theme for my satiric muse, my happy mountain home,

and the contrast with the vexations and dangers of the city. 20-26. Janus, god of the morning as of all beginnings, let us record a day in

Rome from its beginning. First you summon me in hot haste, in any weather,

to give surety for a friend. 27-31. YVhen that dangerous business is over I have to fight my way through the

streets. ' What are you about,' cries angrily one whom I have jostled, ' in such

a hurry to keep an engagement again with Maecenas ? ' 32-39. Ay, there is the sweetening of town life to me, but I cannot even go to

Maecenas' house in peace. As I get near it one waylays me to remind me

that Roscius claims my attendance in the Forum to-morrovv. Another that the

scribes want me to-day. Another desires Maecenas' signature and I must

get it for him. If I promise to do my best he thinks I am putting him off. 40-49. That is the way with my friendship for Maecenas. All these (nearly) eight

years it has been misunderstood, the object of remark and of envy. 50-58. I am catechized about state secrets, and thought a wonderful man for not

revealing what I do not know. 59-67. So a day is wasted in Rome. YVhat wonder if I sigh for the country, for

my books, my siesta, my simple supper : 67-76. amongst friends and home-bred slaves, no ceremony, no gossip, but talk

on things of moment, the nature of happiness, the grounds of friendship, the

end of life. 77-1 11. My neighbour, Cervius, has always one of his simple stories which just

hits the point. For instance, if any one is rash enough to speak admiringly

of the wealth of Arellius, he will tell the fable of the town mouse and the

country mouse.

The Satire is of great importance in fixing the chronology of Horace's life and writings. If it can be dated itself it fixes (v. 40) the date of his admission to Maecenas' intimacy, and so gives a starting-point for dating most of the Satires of Book I. Three indications of date seem to be given in the Satire, in vv. 38 and 55, 56. For their full discussion see Introduction to the Satires, pp. 2-4.

HOC erat in votis : modus agri non ita magnns, Hortus ubi et tecto vicinus iugis aquae fons

1. Hoe : this that follows, ' modus modus agri : Juv. S. 14. 172.

agri,' etc. non ita magnus, ' not so very large,'

erat in votis, was a subject of my i. e. ' of moderate size.'

prayers. Cf. Epp. 1. 11. 5 ' venit in 2. iugis, with ' aquae,' as Epp. 1.

votum.' Persius has ' erat in voto ' 3. 49. 15. 16.

LIB. II. SAT. 6.


Et paulum silvae super his foret. Auctius atque

Di melius fecere. Bene est. Nil amplius oro,

Maia nate, nisi ut propria haec mihi munera faxis. 5

Si neque maiorem feci ratione mala rem

Nec sum facturus vitio culpave minorem ;

Si veneror stultus nihil horum : ' O si angulus illc

Proximus accedat qui nunc denormat agellum !

O si urnam argenti fors quae mihi monstret, ut illi 10

Thesauro invento qui mercenarius agrum

Illum ipsum mercatus aravit, dives amico

Hercule ! ' ; si quod adest gratum iuvat, hac prece te oro :

Pingue pecus domino facias et cetera praeter

3. paulum silvae. Cf. Od. 3. 16. 29. Schiitz reminds us of his words ' Scrip- torum chorus omnis amat nemus ' Epp. 2. 2. 77 ; cp. Od. 1. 1. 30.

super his, ' besides these.'

4. bene est, ' I am content.' It is used with a dat. in Od. 3. 16. 43, Epp. 1. 1. 89.

5. Maia nate. Mercury is the luck- bringer. We are not to think here of the special ground on which Horace claimed his patronage, somewhat latcr, as the god of the lyre ; Od. 2. 7. 13, 2. 17. 29.

propria, ' my own,' in the sense that they are not to be taken away again : so Od. 2. 2. 22, Virg. Ecl. 7. 31 ' Si pro- prium hoc fuerit.'

6. si. ' If, as is the case,' the apodosis being in v. 13 ' hac prece te oro' ; a form used in prayers ; cp. Od. 3. 18. 1-5.

7. vitio culpave : ' culpa ' includes errors in judgment. Ov. Trist. 4. 1. 24 ' Et culpam in facto, non scelus, esse meo.'

8. veneror nihil horum. ' Veneror,' in the sense of ' to offer prayers,' is used (1) most commonly, with obj. accus. of the deity addressed, as in Virg. G. 1. 338 ' in primis venerare deos.' (2) With both an obj. accus. and an 'ut-' clause, or jussive or optative subj. or a cogn. accus. of the prayer or wish, as Plaut. Aul. prol. 8 ' venerans me ut id servarem sibi,' Virg. A. 3. 33 ' Nymphas venerabar agrestes Rite secundarent visus ' ; cp. Hor. Sat. 2. 2. 124, Caecin. apud Cic. Fam. 6. 7. 2 ' Multa deos venerati sint contra suam salutem.' Cp. Hor. C. S. 49 n. (3) As here, with a


cogn. accus. only. The sense of 'to pray,' ' to express a wish,' seems to have been (cp. the instances from Plautus in Forc.) historically prior to that of ' to reverence,' as it is etymologically the original one, if the root is the same as that of ' Venus ' (' desire ').

stultus, with 'veneror,' so that it falls nnder the negative of ' nihil,' ' I offer no snch foolish prayer.'

9. denormat, spoils its regularity.

10. illi qui mereenarius, an in- stance of the attraction of which Horace is fond ; cp. Sat. 2. 2. 59 ' Cuius odorem olei nequeas perferre,' and see on Epod. 2. 37 ' to the hired labourer who,' etc. Horace seems to be referring to some well-known story. We are reminded of the parable of the treasure hid in a field of St. Matt. 13. 44. With the wish cp. Persius' imitation, 2. 10 'O si Sub rastro crepet argenti mihi seria, dextro Her- cule ' ! which passage see Conington's note) also illustrates the reference to Hercules as the giver of treasure- trove. For this see the full note of Ramsay's on Plautus' Mostellaria, 4. 3. 45. Mommsen (Rom. Hist. B. I. ch. 12) thinks there was a confusion of the Greek Heracles with the Sabellian Herculus or Hercules, the god of the homestead and so of property generally.

13. quod adest : Od. 3. 29 32. It is questioned, but it is difficult to decide, whether 'gratum' is the acc. masc. or the nom. neut. ' Iuvat ' is used abso- lutely in v. 32.

14. pingue, with a play on its sense of 'stupid;' Sat. 1. 3. 38, Epp. 2. 1. 267.



Ingenium, utque soles custos mihi maximus adsis. Ergo ubi me in montes et in arcem ex urbe removi, Quid prius illustrem satiris musaque pedestri ? Nec mala me ambitio perdit nec plumbeus Auster Autumnusque gravis, Libitinae quaestus acerbae. Matutine pater, seu, Iane, libentius audis, Unde homines operum primos vitaeque laborcs Instituunt, sic dis placitum, tu carminis esto Principium. Romae sponsorem me rapis : ' Eia, Ne prior officio quisquam respondeat, urge.' Sive Aquilo radit terras seu bruma nivalem Interiore diem gyro trahit, ire necesse est.



16. in montes et in arcem : see Od. 2. 6. 22 n., my mountainstrongbold, safe retreat.

17. satiris : Sat. 2. 1. 1. See Introd. to Satires, p. 0.

musa pedestri : see on Od. 2. 12. 9, and cp. A. P. 95 ; and with the de- scription ofhis Satires as ' prose-poetry ' cp. Sat. 1. 4. 42, 48 ' sermoni propiora,' ' nisi quod certo Sermoni differt, sermo merus,' and Epp. 2. 1. 250 ' sermones . . . repentes per humum.'

18. ambitio, the pretentious and pushing life of the city. Horace speaks here as if in Rome he could not keep quite clear of it. In Sat. 1. 6. 129 he classes himself as one ' solutorum misera ambitione gravique.' Orelli quotes ()vid's pretty line, Met. 11. 765 ' Se- cretos montes et inambitiosa colebat Rura.'

plumbeus Auster : of the depressir.g effect of the scirocco : Od. 2. 14. 16.

19. Libitinae : Od. 3. 30. 7, Epp. 2. 1. 49, the goddess who presides over the funeral rites, so that the sense is the same as Epp. 1. 7. 5 ' fieus prima calorque Dissignatorem decorat lictoribus atris.'

quaestus, ' a source of gain to.'

20. The commencement is mock heroic. He proceeds ' illustrare ruris felicitatem ' by painting the troubles of life in Rome. The form is as Virg. Ecl. 3. 60 ' ab Iove principium,' Theoc. 17. 1 iic Aius dpxajfj.eo6a, Arat. Phaen. 1 !* Aids 6p\wp.ia9a : cp. Od. I. 12. 13.

matutine pater, ' sire, god of the morning.' The Roman conception of Ianus as the god of beginnings, en- trances, undertakings, is described in Ovid, Fast. 1. 63 foll. He was wor-

shipped at the beginning of the year, the month, the day.

Iane, audis. For the use of ' audire,' like the Gr. aKovttv, in the sense of ' to be named,' cp. Sat. 2. 7. 101, Epp. 1. 7. 38, 1. 16. 17. For the vocative ' Iane ' cp. Od. 2. 20. 6n. ' quem vocas, dilecte." It is the actual addrcss which the god would ' hear.' It is helped by the pre- ceding vocative as though it were ' vel Iane, si id libentius audis.'

21. unde = ' a quo,' Od. 1. 12. 17 n.

23. sponsorem. So in the list of distractions for a poet in Rome, Epp. 2. 2.67 ' Hic sponsum vocat.' Ianus is said to ' hurry him off to be surety for a friend,' with the meaning that this is the first occupation of his morning.

eia . . . urge, the words with which Ianus presses him. For ' eia ' cp. Sat. 1. 1. 18 n.

24. urge. We are not to understand a personal object ; the true parallel of the use (as Schiitz points out) is the con- struction ' urgere opus,' ' to push 011 a work ' ; for ' opus ' is substituted the obj.-clause ' ne prior . . . quisquam,' etc, ' be instant that none be before you,' etc. Cp. Od. 2. iS. 10 n.

omcio respondeat, as Cic. ' officio satisfacere,' to fulfil an expected service.

25. ' However cold the wfnd or dark the mornings.'

26. interiore . . . gyro : a smaller circle, the arc traversed apparently by the sun growing smaller from day to day.

trahit, best taken with the Seholiasts as = ' breviorem facit,' 'contrahit'; cp. Lucr. 6. 967 ' coria et carnem trahit et conducit in unum.' It is also explained of making the day come slowly.

LIB. II. SAT. 6.


Postmodo quod mi obsit clare certumquc locuto,

Luctandum in turba et facienda iniuria tardis.

' Ouid vis, insane, et quas res agis?' improbus urget

Iratis precibus ; ' tu pulses omne quod obstat,

Ad Maecenatem memori si mente recurras ? '

Hoc iuvat et melli est ; non mentiar. At simul atras

Ventum est Esquilias aliena negotia centum

Per caput et circa saliunt latus. ' Ante secundam


27. postmodo quod mi obsit, ' to my own harm presently,' i. e. if my friend, for whom I have given security, plays false. ' Postmodo ' has been also taken with ' luctandum,' ' presently,' i.e. as I go home from court ; but cp. Od. 1. 28. 31 ' nocitnram postmodo te natis.'

clare certumque. Palmer suggests very probably that these words were part of the formula in which the ' sponsor ' was called upon to give his pledge.

29. quid vis, insane. The words of the ' tardus ' whom Horace has elbowed. Most of the best MSS. have ' Quid tibi vis,' which makes the line unmetrical. Bentley pointed out that this rather than ' quid vis ' was the usual phrase (cp. especially Propert. *• 5- 3 ' Quid tibi vis, insane?' and Pers. S. 5. 143 ' quo deinde, insane, ruis? quo ? Quid tibi vis ? '). He therefore wished to accept it, and to emend the verse by reading ' quam rem ' for ' quas res,' quoting many instances of ' quam rem agis ' from the comic writers. It is of course quite possible on the other side that the fact that ' quid tibi vis ' was the commoner phrase led to the early corruplion. Several MSS., read- ing ' quid tibi vis,' otherwise emend the line, some omitting ' agis,' others omit- ting ' et/ and putting ' insane ' after ' agis.'

30. preeibus, i.e. ' imprecations.' Epod. 5. 86 ; cp. Sat. 2. 3. 203 ' mala multa precati,' 2. 7. 36 ' non referenda precati.'

tu pulses. Best taken as a further remonstrance of the ' improbus,' the ' un- reasonable ' fellow who does not like to be jostled by a man in a hurry. Horace in his self-consciousness imagines him to know where he is going. Grammatically it is a regular conditional sentence. ' Is this the principle, the accepted condi- tion, that if you, sir ("tu"), are in a

hurry to get to Maecenas' house, where you rememberan engagement,you would elbow anything or anybody that was in your way ? '

31. recurras. Schiitz well compares 'revocant' in Od. 4. 1. 8. The ' re- ' implies that Maecenas' house is his habitual resort. With the whole pic- ture of the man in a hurry, making his way by jostling, cp. Plaut. Capt. 4. 2. 11 foll. ' Eminor interminorque, ne quis mihi obstiterit obviam, Nisi qui sat diu vixisse sese homo arbilrabitur : Nam qui obstiterit ore sistet,' etc.

32. hoc : these visits to Maecenas. ' They are, I will confess it, a sweetening of town life ; but I can't even pay them in peace. My very friendship with Maecenas is a source of fresh worries.'

atras, from the old use of the place before Maecenas built his palace and laid out the gardens ; see Sat. 1. 8, in- trod. The epithet is complained of as out of keeping here ; but it seems pur- posed, and to refer to what follows : ' something of the old gloomy associa- tions still hangs about it.'

34. per caput, ' over head and ears.' The use of ' per ' as in Catull. 1 7. 9 ' per caput pedesque.'

circa latus, ' in front and on flank.' The metaphor of saliunt is doubtful : of a hailstorm ? of waves (Ritter) ? of a swarm of troublesome insects ? It has been questioned whether the lines that follow describe requests which Horace remembers (so Orelli, who takes ' per caput' as 'through myhead'), orwhich are urged by messengers vvho waylay him near Maecenas' door. A strong argument for the latter view is the re- petition of ' orabant,' which has a defi- nite point if two independent messages are reported, both harping on the same troublesome string, but is un-Horatian if he is speaking himself. If they are in the mouth of messengers the



Roscius orabat sibi adesses ad Puteal cras.' 35

' De re communi scribae magna atque nova te

Orabant hodie meminisses, Ouinte, reverti.'

' Imprimat his, cura, Maecenas signa tabellis.'

Dixeris, ' Experiar : ' ' Si vis, potes,' addit et instat.

Septimus octavo propior iam fugerit annus 40

Ex quo Maecenas me coepit habere suorum

In numero ; dumtaxat ad hoc, quem tollere rheda

Vellet iter faciens et cui concredere nugas

Hoc genus : ' Hora quota est? Thrax est Gallina Syro par?

tense of ' orabat,' ' orabant,' is the epis- tolary imperfect (Madv. § 345J used also in messages, as Ter. Eun. 3. 3. 26 ' Thais maxumo te orabat opere ut cras redires.'

ante seeundam . . . adesses ad Pu- teal. Cp. the parallel quoted from Cic. pro Quintio 6. 25 ' necessarios . . . corrogat ut ad tabulam Sestiam sibi adsint hora secunda postridie.' ' Tabula Sestia ' is not mentioned elsewhere, though ' tabula Valeria ' occurs in similar connections in Cic. pro Vatin. 9. 2 1 and ad Fam. 14. 2. They are variously ex- plained as bankers' counters where money would be paid or accounts veri- fied, and as the localities of courts for the settlement of money questions. A similar doubt, as old as the Scholiasts, besets the meaning of ' puteal ' ; ' locus Romae ad quem veniebant feneratores ; alii dicunt : in quo tribunal solebat esse Praetoris' Acr. It cannot therefore be certainly determined whether Horace's unknown friend Roscius has asked his eountenance in court (for ' adesset ' in this sense cp. Sat. r. 9. 38) or his pre- sence or guarantee at a banker's. On 'puteal' see further on Epp. I. 19. 8.

36. re communi. The ' scribae,' clerks in public offices, were organized in ' decuriae.' Cicero calls them collec- tively ' ordo' in Verr. Act. 2. 3. 79. 183 Horace had held a clerkship in the quaestor's office. ' Communi ' naturally means ' common to them and you' ; but this would not necessarily imply that Horace was still engaged as a ' scriba.' His interest in these affairs would still be taken for granted by the ' scribae,' though from his own point of view he classes them amongst ' aliena ne- sotia.'

37. Quinte. Orelli bases on this use of the ' praenomen ' his chief argu- ment for these being soliloquies. He thinks a messenger would not have been so familiar ; but perhaps this is answered by Ritter ; the scribes address Horacs as an old colleague ; the message may well be brought by one of the order. This is the only place where Horace's ' praenomen ' is named in his writings.

reverti : to come back from the Es- quiline to the Forum.

38. imprimat signa. It is a highly probable inference from these words that Maecenas was at the time of the writing of the Satire in the position described in Dion 51.3, having charge of affairs at home during Augustus' absence from Italy, and bearing his signet ring; see Introd. to the Satires,

P- 3-

39. dixeris, the subj. of supposi- tion, the second person generalizing, as though Horace's experience were not peculiar; ' if one says.'

40. septimus oetavo propior iam fugerit, ' the seventh year, already nearing the eighth, will soon be gone,' i.e. it is now seven, or more nearly eight years since, etc. For the bearing and difficulties of this line see Introd. to the Satires, p. 3.

42. dumtaxat ad hoc, ' at least to this extent,' the extent defined by the relative clause ' quem tollere vellet,' etc.

44. hoc genus. Madv. § 237, c. obs. 3.

Thrax : Epp. 1. 18. 36: a gla- diator armed with Thracian buckler and short sword. A ' Thrax ' was usually coupled with a ' mirmillo.' G-allina, a nickname, perhaps of a Gaul, and Syrus are proper names.

LIB. II. SAT. 6. 183

Matutina parum cautos iam frigora mordent ; ' 45

Et quae rimosa bene deponuntur in aure.

Per totum hoc tempus subiectior in diem et horam

Invidiae noster. Ludos spectaverat una,

Luserat in campo : Fortunae filius ! omnes.

Frigidus a Rostris manat per compita rumor : 50

Quicunque obvius est me consulit : : O bone, nam te

Scire deos quoniam propius contingis oportet ;

Numquid de Dacis audisti ? ' Nil equidem. ' Ut tu

Semper eris derisor!' At omnes di exagitent me

Si quicquam. ' Quid, militibus promissa Triquetra 55

Praedia Caesar an est Itala tellure daturus?'

Iurantem me scire nihil mirantur ut unum

Scilicet egregii mortalerrt altique silenti.

Perditur haec inter misero lux non sine votis:

45. mordent : so of heat, Epp. i.


46. rimosa, ' leaky ' : Ter. Eun. i. 2. 25 ' plenus rimarum sum, hac atque illac perfluo ' ; ' things which may be safely talked of to the most indiscreet.' Cp. Epp. 1. 18. 70 ' Nec retinent patulae commissa fideliter aures.'

48. noster, ' our friend,' i. e. I my- self, dvijp o5e, a colloquialism found from time to time in Plautus, as Rud. 4. 7.19' minume istuc faciet noster Dae- mones,' where Daemones is speaking. Bentley first perceived the meaning. Previous editors had punctuated at ' In- vidiae,' attaching ' noster ' to the follow- ing sentence only, and interpreting it either of Maecenas or of Horace, the words being put into the mouth of the jealous critics.

speetaverat : he carries on the third person from 'noster.' For the plpft. indic. of a case supposed cp. Epp. 2. 2. 151. Bentley from a fevv secondary MSS. read ' spectaverit,' and from still fewer ' luserit,' and theyare accepted by many recent edd.

una, i. e. with Maecenas.

49. Fortunae filius : ourfigure would be ' Fortune's favourite.' Sophocles' irals TvXi]s Oed. R. 1080 is hardly relevant.

50. frigidus, i. e. alarming. manat, the indic. of a supposition :

see above on v. 48.

a Rostris per compita: the rumour would start from the centre of Roman

life, and spread through the lesser gather- ing places. For 'compita' see on Sat. 2. 3. 26.

51. O bone : infra v. 95, Sat. 2. 3. 31, Epp. 2. 2. 37.

52. deos, as the fountain-head of knowledge.

53. Dacis. For the bearing of this question see p. 3.

ut : an exclamation, as Sat. 2. 8. 62 ' ut semper gaudes'; cp. Od. 1. 11. 3 n. ' ut melius.'

55. si quiequam, sc. 'aiidivi.'

quid ? a fresh question, perhaps a fresh questioner.

Triquetra. Lucr. 1. 717 ' triquetris terrarum in oris,' of the three-cornered island ' Trinacria,' Sicily. The reference is probably to the assignment of lands to the soldiers after the ' bellum Actia- cum.' See Introd. to the Satires, p. 3.

57. unum, one above all others ; the only one that deserves to be so styled. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 24, Epp. 1. 9. 1. This is analogous to the use of ' unus ' with the superlative, ' iustissimus unus Qui fuit e Teucris ' Virg. A. 2. 426. It is distinct from the instances sometimes quoted to illustrate it, ' unus caprimulgus' Catull. 22. 10, ' unus paterfamilias ' Cic. de Or. 1. 29. 32. See notes of Ellis and of Wilkins on these places. That use is inclusive, ' one of the class,' this is exclusive, ' the one and only one.'

59. perditur, 'is wasted.' The only instance in good Latin of the pres. pass.



O rus, quando ego te adspiciam ? quandoque licebit Nunc veterum libris, nunc somno et inertibus horis, Ducere sollicitae iucunda oblivia vitae ? O quando faba Pythagorae cognata simulque Uncta satis pingui ponentur oluscula lardo? O noctes cenaeque deum ! quibus ipse meique Ante Larem proprium vescor vernasque procaces Pasco libatis dapibus. Prout cuique libido est Siccat inaequales calices conviva, solutus Legibus insanis, seu quis capit acria fortis Pocula seu modicis uvescit laetius. Ergo



of ' perdo.' On which account Lachmann would alter it, suggesting ' porgitur,' others 'proditur.'

votis : illustrated in the aspirations of vv. 60-65.

61. veterum libris. What books they would be we may see in Sat. 2. 3. 11, Epp. 1. 2. 1.

somno: Od. 1. 1. 20, Epp. 1. 14. 35-

62. dueere: Od. 1. 17. 21. The metaphor is evidently from the ' waters of Lethe.'

oblivia, the draughts that make us forget.

vitae, the gen. obj.

63. faba Pythagorae cognata. For the allusion cp. Epp. 1. 12. 21 n., and Juv. S. 15. 173. 'Pythagoras cunctis ani- malibus abstinuit qui Tanquam homine, et ventri indulsit non omne legumen,' with Mayor's exhaustive note. The reference is to the Pythagorean proverb Kvapasv 6.Trix(o9at Diog. Laert. 8. 18. It is one of a series of short rules on diet, some of vvhich were generally in- terpreted literally, some as metaphors. Cicero mentions it (de Div. 1. 30. 62) ' Pythagoricis interdictum ne faba vesce- rentur,' and explains it ' quod habet inflationem magnam is cibus, tranquilli- tati mentis quaerentis vera contrariam.' Many other fanciful reasons are given. The ground given in the text, connecting it with the doctrine of metempsychosis, as though in eating a bean you might be unconsciously eating a kinsman, whether it be an original jest of Horace's or not, suits well with the tone of amused interest with which he habitually refers to the Pythagorean school. See introd. to Od. 1. 28, and cp. also his treatment of an- other Pythagorean proverb in Sat. 2. 3.

276. The immediate purpose of the allusion in this place is to give a hu- morous exaltation to the vegetable which Horace appreciates : Pythagoras honoured it in one way : Horace honours it in another.

64. satis, with uncta. For the dish cp. Sat. 2. 2. 116 ' olus fumosae cum pede pernae.'

65. mei, the guests ; hiseasy relation to whom he describes in the following verses.

66. procaces, ' saucy.' He is paint- ing the freedom and homeliness of his establishment. Cp. the similar scene in Epod. 2. 65 'Positosque vernas . . . Cir- cum renidentes Lares.'

67. libatis (Virg. Aen. 5. 92 ' Liba- vitque dapes '), ' tasted,' i. e. from the masters table, and vvith plenty still left for the slaves. The vvord denotes the moderation of the meal.

prout, a monosyll., as 'quoad ' Sat. 2. 3. 91.

68. inaequales, i. e. mixed in differ- ent proportions, as explained in the fol- lovving line. See on Od. 3. 19. n.

solutus legibus insanis : see on Sat. 2. 2. 123.

70. uvescit. Cp. the adj. ' uvidus ' in Od. 2. 19. 18, 4. 5. 39.

ergo, ' and so ' ; as in Epod. 2. 9, there is slight illative force. The free- dom to talk of vvhat is interesting is part and parcel of the absence of other foolish conventionalities. With the pic- ture of the conversation on high matters vvhich gives its flavour to the simple feast cp. the vvords of Lucilius quoted by Cic. de Fin. 2. 8. 24 ' Condito sermone bono,' evidently in the same connection.

LIB. II. SAT. 6.


Sermo oritur, non de villis domibusve alienis,

Nec male necne Lepos saltet ; sed quod magis ad nos

Pertinet et nescire malum est agitamus : utrumne

Divitiis homines an sint virtute beati ;

Quidve ad amicitias, usus rectumne, trahat nos ;

Et quae sit natura boni summumque quid eius.

Cervius haec inter vicinus garrit aniles

Ex re fabellas. Si quis nam laudat Arelli

Sollicitas ignarus opes, sic incipit : ' Olim

Rusticus urbanum murem mus paupere fertur

Accepisse cavo, veterem vetus hospes amicum,

Asper et attentus quaesitis, ut tamen artum

Solveret hospitiis animum. Quid multa? neque ille

Sepositi ciceris nec longae invidit avenae,

Aridum et ore ferens acinum semesaque lardi

Frusta dedit, cupiens varia fastidia cena

Vincere tangentis male singula dente superbo ;

Cum pater ipse domus palea porrectus in horna



71. de villis . . . alienis, i. e. topics of envy, as the following line represents those of frivolity.

72. Lepos : according to the Schol. the name or nickname of a famous ' mimus' of the day, so named ' quod molliter saltaret et eloqueretur.'

73. neseire malum est. We might without harm be ignorant of the merits and demerits of a dancer.

utrumne : see on Sat. 2. 3. 251. 75. usus : to xpVaifM0V-

77. Cervius . . . Arelli, names of neighbours. The name ' Cervius ' occurs in a wholly different connection in Sat. 2. 1.47.

garrit, of light and easy talk. Cp. Sat. 1. 10. 41.

78. ex re : stories ' of the nursery,' but redeemed from triviality by their being exactly ' to the point.'

79. sollicitas ignarus : exactly the collocation of adjectives which we notice in the Odes. See on Od. 1.3. 10 ' fragilem truci.'

olim, ' once upon a time,' the for- mula of a fable, Epp. 1. 1. 73.

80. rusticus urbanum murem mus : the pairing of the words and the re- petition say rather happily ' it is only a story of mice, but the essential difference is the same as if they had been men.'

82. asper : perhaps likeVirgiPs 'as- per victu ' Aen. 8. 31S, ' faring roughly.' The mouse of the country is painted as like a countryman ; cp. ' durus attentus- que ' Epp. 1. 7. 90.

ut = ' ita ut,' a qualification of the two adjectives, 'not but that he unbent occa- sionally.'

83. hospitiis, acts of hospitality, the abl.

ille, a mouse of his character : for the use of ' ille ' cp. Od. 4. 9. 51, Sat. 2. 3. 204.

84. sepositi, ' choice.'

longae. prob. (as Palmer) of the shape of the grain of oats. It is then in contrast with the round pea. The ban- quet is described from the point of view of the mouse, vvho pictures his dainties to the eye as well as the taste, as the human epicure does. For Horace's way of suggesting a contrast by an epithet with one of the two subjects, see on Od.

2; 3- 3- 4- 46> 3-. *3- 7, 4- 4- /o. The gen. of respect is Greek ; ovoe ti o~e XPV I o-WoTpiojv (pdovtiiv Hom. Od. 18. 18 : see on Ode 2. 9. 17.

87. male with tangentis, ' just touching,' of his languid and fastidious air.

88. palea horna, threshed out straw fresh from the threshing-floor. Horace




Esset ador loliumque, dapis meliora relinquens.

Tandem urbanus ad hunc : " Ouid te iuvat," inquit, "amice,

Praerupti nemoris patientem vivere dorso ? 91

Vis tu homines urbemque feris praeponere silvis?

Carpe viam, mihi crede, comes ; terrestria quando

Mortales animas vivunt sortita, neque ulla est

Aut magno aut parvo leti fuga : quo, bone, circa,

Dum licet in rebus iucundis vive beatus ;

Vive memor quam sis aevi brevis." Haec ubi dicta

Agrestem pepulere, domo levis exsilit ; inde

Ambo propositum peragunt iter, urbis aventes

Moenia nocturni subrepere. Iamque tenebat

Nox medium caeli spatium, cum ponit uterque

In locupiete domo vestigia, rubro ubi cocco

Tincta super iectos canderet vestis eburnos,

Multaque de magna superessent fercula cena,

Quae procul exstructis inerant hesterna canistris.

Ergo ubi purpurea porrectum in veste locavit

Agrestem, veluti succinctus cursitat hospes



is preparing the contrast of his seat in the town-house ; v. 106.

89. ador = ' far, ' ' speit,' a harder and coarser grain. Ritter suggests that he is finding grains of this in the imper- fectly threshed ears.

lolium, darnel, the ' tares ' of the Parable, which would be cut with the corn and left unthreshed on the floor.

90. ad hune : not unlike the use in Epod. 9. 17 ; ' at the sight of him,' ' in reply to him.'

91. patientem, absol., as Sat. 2. 5. 43, but with more sense of a life of hardship : as in Virg. Ecl. 10. 52 ' in silvis inter spelaea ferarum Malle pati.'

92. vis tu, 'surely you will.' Bentley was the first to point out (on this place) the idiomatic force ' orantis, hortantis, flagitantis, iubentis,' which belongs to this form, as contrasted with ' vin tu ' (Sat. 1. 9. 69, which he unnecessarily altered), which only asks a question. Cp. Juv. S. 5. 74 ' Vis tu consuetis audax conviva canistris Impleri, panisque tui novisse colorem; ' ' have the goodness, please, bold guest,' &c.

93. mihi crede, ' trust my advice.' quando, ' since,' the townmouse

preaches the Epicurean lesson.

95. quo, bone, circa. A tmesis not found elsewhere. For ' bone ' see Sat. 2. 3. 31 n., and this Satire v. 51.

98. pepulere, 'struck,' 'impressed,' a Ciceronian use.

100. noeturni, ' while it was still night.' For the adj. cp. Sat. 1. 3. 117, and ' vespertinus ' in Epod. 16. 51, Sat. 2. 4. 17.

iamque tenebat. Notice the Epic form, and cp. Sat. 1. 5. 9.

103. canderet, 'glowed.' It is a poetical extension of the use of the word of fire and things glowing from heat : ' lamna candente ' Epp. 1. 15. 36. The subj. is due to the causal force of ' ubi,' explaining ' locuplete.' We re- turn to the indicative in ' quae . . . inerat,' which states that there actually were such remains.

vestis, of the covers of furniture. See on Sat. 2. 4. 84.

105. procul, ' hard by.' It expresses separation, but not necessarily distance. Cp. Epp. 1. 7. 32 ; and see Conington's note on Virg. A. 10. 835.

hesterna, of yesterday's feast.

107. veluti suceinctus. Like a waiter with his tunic girt up. Sat. 2. 8. 10 ' alte cinctus.'

LIB. II. SAT. 6.


Continuatque dapcs nec non verniliter ipsis Fungitur officiis, praelambens omne quod affert. Ille cubans gaudet mutata sorte bonisque Rebus agit laetum convivam, cum subito ingens Valvarum strepitus lectis excussit utrumque. Currere per totum pavidi conclave, magisque Exanimes trepiclare simul domus alta Molossis Personuit canibus. Tum rusticus : " Haud mihi vita Est opus hac," ait, " et valeas ; me silva cavusque Tutus ab insidiis tenui solabitur ervo."



108. continuat dapes : course after course without pause.

ipsis officiis, ' plays to the life the part of a homebrcd slave, even in his attentions, by licking every dish before he serves it ' ; possibly with a reference lo the ' praegustator,' an institution in- troduced by Augustus from Eastern courts, but ccrtainly with reference to the habits of slaves noticed in Sat. 1. 3. 81, 2. 4. 29.

112. valvarum strepitus : the noise of opening doors indicates that the household is awakened and the servants coming to clear the ' triclinium.'

114. simul = ' simul ac.' The bark-

ing of the watchdogs, who are disiurbed by the movements, adds to the alarm of the mice.

Molossis : Epod. 6. 5,Virg.G. 3. 405. Mayor (in a long and interesting note on Juv. S. 15. 7) remarks on the noticeable absence in this fable (as in Greek and Roman life generally) of the cat.

115. haud. The emphatic negative, with ' mihi ' ; ' whatever you may think.'

116. et, ' and so.' See on Od. 2. 2. 11. Schiitz prints it, et 'valeas,' ' et' introducing his second utterance.

me solabitur, ' will satisfy my needs.' Cp. Virg. G. 1. 159 ' Concussaque famem in silvis solabere quercu.'




A DIALOGUE during the Saturnalia between Horace and his slave Davus.

Verses 1-5. D. ' If I could only have my turn at fault finding.' II. ' Is that Davus ' ?

D. ' Yes, Davus, not a bad bargain to his master, for all his faults.' H. ' Well, use the licence of the Saturnalia, and say your say.' 6-20. Davus starts off in the style in which Horace represents a Stoic lecturer as declaiming, with stock instances to illustrate his picture of life.

' Mankind is divided into those who are consistent in their vices, and those who hover between vice and virtue.

' Priscus was an instance of the last, Volanerius of the first, and his life was the less miserable of the two.' 21-45. Horace interrupts. ' What a long preamble, what does it all refer to'? D. ' To you/ II. ' How, villain'?

D. ' You praise moderation but don't practise it. You praise the country when you are in town the town when you are in the country. If you are not asked out to dinner, it isall ' ' a dinner of herbs." If an invitation comes rather late you are in a fuss and fury to be gone. The poor parasite who meant to sup with you goes away disappointed, but he sees through you, and is more honest than you are. Nay, I, your slave, am more of a philosopher than you. Don't frown at me ; listen to the lessons which I picked up from the porter at Crispinus' lecture-room.' 46-71. Davus then begins again with a coarse declamatory comparison, evidently (from vv. 53, 54 ' proiectis insignibus, annulo equestri . . . prodis ex iudice Dama ') not addressed personally to Horace, between the vices of slaves and those of their masters, to the disadvantage of the latter, as worse and leading to a more hopeless slavery. 72-94. He supposes Horace to protest : 'non sum moechus ' ; but brushes the excuse aside with the Stoic doctrine that abstinence from vice from secondary motives is no true abstinence. (Cp. Epp. 1. 16. 46 f.) ' You are a slave whom no manumission can free. I am at most your deputy slave or your fellow slave. No one is free, but the wise man, who is master of himself. That is not the position of one who is at the beck and call of a mistress. 95-101. ' So you share your slave's other faults. He loiters to look at pictures (after his degree), so do you : though they call you a man of taste for it, while they call him a lazy fellow. 102-111. ' He likes a smoking cake ; your virtue is not proof against a good supper. If he gets a thrashing, you get a fit of indigestion. It is as bad to sell your estates to feed your gluttony, as for a slave to exchange his master's " strigil " for a bunch of grapes. [Davus is getting away from Horace again.]

LIB. II. SAT. 7. 189

111-115. ' N.iy, you are a runaway, for you are always trying to escape yourself and give the slip to care ; but you are caught again, as a slave might be.'

116-118. This last sally is supposed to exhaust Horace's patience, and after one more thrust Davus is driven away by the threat that he shall be sent to the Sabine farm.

It is a companion Satire to the third of this Book. The substantial part of both is in the playfttl 11 se of a Stoic paradox as a text for a discourse on the follies of men. In both Horace turns the laugh against himself, Damasippus there, Davus here, charging him with his own faults and especially with the two, laziness (Sat. 3) and changeableness (Sat. 7), to which he professes to plead guilty in Epp. 1. 8. 10- 1 2. In the third Satire the thesis taken is the one dealt with in Cicero's Paradox, 4 oti 7ra? d'</>p<w /laivtrai, in this one Cicero's Paradox, 5 oti p.6vos 6 aocpus tXevOipos /cal irds d(ppwv bovkos. There are signs in both that Horace was familiar with Cicero's expositions of the text. The setting in each case is dramatic, the para- dox being pressed on Horace in Sat. 3 by the bankrupt virtuoso, who has himself been saved from suicide by discovering that he was no more mad than most men in this Satire being put into the concrete form of a slave's claim, urged with the freedom of a licensed moment, to be as good as his master. In neither Satire is the dramatic purpose kept perfectly ; when the Stoic teaching is reached the style becomes declamatory and imitative of the lecturer, and the particular occasion is for the moment forgotten.

The Bland. MSS. had this Satire (as liave some good extant MSS.) written continuously with the preceding one— evidently amistake ; but it bears witness to a true instinct of the close relation between this Satire and its predecessors. Bentley explains ' iamdudum ausculto' in v. 1 of Davus having heard Horace declaim Sat. 6, and feeling stirred to answer it. This is probably put too narrowly ; but the position of the Satire in relation to Sat. 6, when compared with thatof Sat. 3 to Sat. 2, and its position in relation to the Book in view of its manifest reference to both the directly didactic Satires (cp. vv. 22, 23 with Sat. 2. 2. 89-93, as well as v. 28 with Sat. 6) make it clear that one purpose is to lighten with his habitual irony any tone of assumption that might be felt in the preceding Satires. ' Who am I to lecture others? Tbey may very well return it in kind.'

It should be noticed that it is irony, though the irony be a veil of real modesty. Not to speak of the graver charges which he seems to countenance against himself, his love for the country which he appears here, for fear of having spoken too en- thusiastically about it in Sat. 6, to undervalue as a mere phase of feeling, was deep and true ; see Epp. 1. 10. 2 and 14. He contrasts his own constancy in respect of it with his bailiffs changeableness, Epp. 1. 14. 14-26.

' Iamdudum ausculto et cupiens tibi dicere servus Pauca reformido.' Davusne ? ' Ita, Davus, amicum

1 . Iamdudum ausculto, ' I have The opposition between ' ausculto ' and

been all this time listening.' Bentley ' dicere ' forbids Heindorfs interpreta-

asks, ' to what ' ? and answers, ' to the tion of ' ausculto,' in the technical sense

reading of the preceding Satire.' Davus of ' wait at the door,' after Plaut. Truc.

being supposed to have overheard it and I. 2. I ' ad fores auscultato.' to wish to take the conceit out of its 2. Davusne? 'isthat Davus?' forbids

author ; but see Introduction. The scene Macleane's view that Horace has been

is a fragment. Davus, accustomed to giving Davus good advice. listen, claims for once to be listened to. ita, 'just so,' 'yes,' a colloquial use.



Mancipium domino et frugi quod sit satis, hoc est Ut vitale putes.' Age, libertate Decembri, Ouando ita maiores voluerunt, utere ; narra. ' Pars hominum vitiis gaudet constanter et urget Propositum ; pars multa natat, modo recta capessens, Interdum pravis obnoxia. Saepe notatus Cum tribus anellis, modo laeva Priscus inani, Vixit inaequalis, clavum ut mutaret in horas, Aedibus ex magnis subito se conderet, unde Mundior exiret vix libertinus honeste; Iam moechus Romae, iam mallet doctus Athenis Vivere, Vertumnis, quotquot sunt, natus iniquis.


3. frugi : ' servus frugi ' Cic. Clu. 16. 47 ; ' honest,' ' serviceable.'

4. ut vitale putes : that you need not fearhis being' too good to live' ; accord- ing to the proverbialsaying in Menander, fr. 4. 105 bv ol Oeol <pihovo~iv utto9vt)ok(i


ut explains 'quod sit satis' as qualify- ing the preceding adjectives. Cp. Sat. 2. 6. 82. For 'vitale' cp. Sat. 2. I. 62.

libertate Decembri. The Saturn- alia were a remembrance of tlie golden age men were equal again. ' Saturn- alibus tota servis licentia permittitur ' Macrob. Saturn. 1.7/ nios traditus illinc Iste ut cum dominis famuli epulentur ibidem ' Accius quoted ibid.

6. Notice that there is no attempt to make Davus speak in character. He begins at once with a Stoic apophtbegm, illustrated by stock instances after the manner of Satire. Priscus and Vola- nerius are not persons within his own cognizance.

7. natat, of one who is ' at sea,' who has no solid ground under him. Cicero usesit de Nat. Deorum 3. 24. 62, but the figure is there helped by the jest of de- riving the name ' Neptunus a natando,' ' magis tu mihi natare visus es quam ipse Neptunus.'

8. notatus : see on Sat. 1. 3. 24, 1. 6. 14 ; ' noticed' and by way of criti- cism.

9. cum, ' as being with,' ' as wearing.' Three rings are spoken of as an extreme number. In later times Martial's fop ' Senos . . . omnibus digitis gerit ' 11. 59, and Seneca, Nat. Quaest. 7. 31 says ' exornamus anulis digitos : in omni ar-

ticulo gemma disponitur.' The original Roman practice (for those who had the ' ius anuli ') was to wear one signet ring of iron.

laeva, the hand for rings, ' usus an- ulorum exemptus dexterae quae multuni negotiorum gerit, in laevam [relegaba- tur] quae otiosior est ' Ateius Capito apud Macrob. Saturn. 7. 13.

10. inaequalis. Compare the pic- ture of Tigellius' ' inconsistencies,' 'Nil aequale homini fuit illi ' Sat. 1. 3. 9.

ut, after the adj., as though ' tam ' had preceded it. See on Sat. 1. 1. 95.

clavum mutaret : now the senators laticlave, now the equestrian angusti- clave.

in boras. ' from hour to hour'; ' mutatur in horas ' A. P. 160. Cp. Od. 2. 13. 14, A. P. 60.

11. From a grand house he would plunge suddenly into quarters from which a freedman of any refinement would be ashamed to be seen emerging.

13. doctus. It is with some hesita- tionthat I print 'doctus,'against'doctor,' the reading of the oldest MSS. (including the ' Bland.') and of the Comm. Cruq., who annotates 'dicitur enim Priscus ora- toriam docuisse.' The corruption, if it is a corruption, is an early one. There is respectable authority for ' doctus,' which is accepted by all recent editors except Dill1'. Bentley printed ' doctus,' though in his note he holds the balance even betvveen the two readings, ' nescire con- tenti erimus.' ' Doctus ' is the rnore natural antithesis the'man of learning,' against the ' man of loose pleasures.'

14. ' Born under the evil influence of

LIB. II. SAT. 7.



Scurra Volanerius, postquam illi iusta cheragra

Contudit articulos, qui pro se tollcret atque

Mittcret in phimum talos, mcrcede diurna

Conductum pavit ; quanto constantior isdem

In vitiis, tanto levius miser ac prior illo,

Oui iam contento, iam laxo fune laborat/

Non dices hodie, quorsum haec tam putida tendant,

Furcifer ? ' Ad te, inquam.' Ouo pacto, pessime ? ' Laudas

Fortunam et mores antiquae plebis, et idem

Si quis ad illa deus subito te agat usque recuses,

Aut quia non sentis quod clamas rectius esse, 25

Aut quia non firmus rectum defendis, et haeres

Nequicquam caeno cupiens evellere plantam.

Vertumnus in all his thousand shapes.' Ovid calls Vertumnus ' conveniens di- versis iste figuris . . . deus ' Fast. 6. 341, and describes at length, in Met. 14. 642 foll., his metamorphoses when he was wooing Pomona. He was in origin the god of the changing year, generalized as the god of change. He has made Priscus as changeable as himself. 15. iusta, ' well earned.'

17. phimum. The Greek name for a dice-box ; whether of precisely the same kind as the ' fritillus ' is a moot question. The Scholiasts differ. See Mayor's note on Juv. S. 14. 5.

18. isdem. A large number of good MSS. have 'idem.'

19. levius miser : perhaps with some feeling of the use fcommon in Plautus) of 'miser'for 'sick.' Cp.Cicero's' leviter aegrotare.'

19, 20. Few lines of Horace have been more vexed by copyists. The va- riants are, in v. 19. (a) 'ac prior ille ' ; (b) ' ac prior illo ' ; (c) ' acrior ille' ; (d) ' acriorillo.' Inv. 20 (a) 'iam ... quam'; (b) ' tam . . quam ' ; (c) ' iam . . iam.'

Of these in v. 19, the reading of strongest external authority is ' acrior ille,'whichwas in three of theBlandinian MSS. and was interpreted by Acr. ' Ac prior,' however, which was in the fourth Bland., and is found in good extant MSS., is not like an emendation. It is easier to imagine the obliteration of ' p ' in some archetype. The hesitation be- tween ' ille ' and ' illo,' and the varia- tions of v. 20 seem due to differcnt, and

some awkward, attempts to make sense of the lines. ' Iam . . iam ' was inter- preted by Acr. ' iam " modo " intelle- gendum = modo laxo, modo con- tento.' As given in the text, the lines present no difnculty. ' Prior ' has the sense of ' better,' ' in a better position,' as in Epp. 1. 1. 88. If ' ille ' is read ' ac ' must be taken as following the comparatives ' levius' and 'prior' in the sense of 'the first mentioned,' i.e. Priscus, an awkwardly prosaic ex- pression.

20. eontento . . . laxo fune. The metaphor is perhaps from a ship. The danger may be either from straining the rope too tight or from letting it swing too loose. Cp. the metaphor from a similar subject in Od. 3. 10. 10.

21. hodie, ' must I wait all day with- out your telling me what all this stale stuff comes to ' ?

22. fureifer. One who has worn or deserves to wear the ' furca,' an instru- ment of servile punishment a yoke in the shape of a V, which was put over the neck and the arms being fastened along it.

23. The reference seems to be to Sat. 2. 2. 89-93.

24. si quis deus: Sat. 1. 1. 15. 25-27. Either because it is all talk,

not your genuine feeling, or because with right purposes you have not the energy to carry them out.

27. Cp. the Greek proverbial expres- sion, as in Aesch. Cho. 669 i£<u KOfxi^aiv . . . irqXov TTuSa.



Romae rus optas, absentem rusticus urbem

Tollis ad astra levis. Si nusquam es forte vocatus

Ad cenam laudas securum olus ac, velut usquam 30

Vinctus eas, ita te felicem dicis amasque

Ouod nusquam tibi sit potandum. Iusserit ad se

Maecenas serum sub lumina prima venire

Convivam : " Nemon oleum feret ocius ? Ecquis

Audit ? " cum magno blateras clamore fugisque. 35

Mulvius et scurrae tibi non referenda precati

Discedunt. " Etenim fateor me," dixerit ille,

" Duci ventre levem, nasum nidore supinor,

Imbecillus, iners, si quid vis adde popino.

Tu, cum sis quod ego et fortassis nequior, ultro 40

Insectere velut melior verbisque decoris

28. In this and the following verses there is of course primarily reference to Sat. 2. 6. 60 foll. For the charge of inconstancy in his preference of town and country, cp. Epp. 1. 8. 12.

absentem, of the place from which one is absent; cp. Epp. 1. 11. 21.

30. velut usquam vinctus eas, ita. ' Ita ' is to be taken before ' velut'; ' just as though you went anywhere in chains,' i. e. on compulsion. For ' usquam eas ' see on Sat. 1. 1. 37 and cp. Epp. 1. 7.


31. amasque, 'hug yourself,' i. e. are

pleased with yourself. The comm. quote Cic. ad Att. 4. 16 ' in eo me valde amo.'

33. serum convivam. Evidently, of a guest invited late, to fill up a vacancy.

sub lumina prima, about the light- ing of the lamps ; Epp. 2. 2. 98.

34. oleum. Doubtless for the lamp to light him through the dark streets. On this see Juv. S. 3. 285 foll., with Mayor's note. The Scholiast took it of the anointing at the time of the bath, 'ut lotus et unctus abeat cenatum '; but this would imply an earlier hour and more leisurely start.

feret. Holder gave ' fert ' in his text (1869,, but Keller has returned in his Epilegomena to ' feret,' the reading of the Bland. MSS.

35. fugis, ' you are off.' The reading is doubtful. V had ' furis.' Acr. in- terprets ' fugis ' ' expressit velocitatem hominis festinantis ad cenam.' Holder

points out that ' furit ' is a corruption of 'fugit' in Epp. 2. 2. 75. Prof. Palmer quotes for ' fugis,' Plaut. Asin. 2. 2. 113 ' quasi tunm officium facis ergo ac fugis? ' Poen. 1. 3. 17 ' Mi. propera atque abi. Ag. fugio. Mi. meum est istuc magis officium quam tuum'; where there is allusion to the ' fuga ' of slaves. In the same way he thinks there is irony in putting the word into Davus' mouth of his master.

36. Mulvius. An unknown name. et adds the genus, ' Mulvius and (other) parasites.' See on Sat. 2. 4. 28. These professional diners-out have come to share Horace's meal and they have to go away supperless.

precati = ' imprecati'; Sat. 2. 3. 203, 2. 6. 30.

non referenda, ' not meant to be re- peated to you.'

37. dixerit ille, sc. 'Muivius.' Davus imagines what the lesser parasite may have said of the greater : the only differ- ence is that Mulvius avows his motives more honestly than Ilorace.

38. supinor. For the quasi-middle use Schiitz compares ' purgor bilem ' A. P. 302. The verb describes the opening of the nostril and laying back of the head in snuffing up the savoury smell.

40. tu, ' you, sir.' Cp. with the pro- noun and the whole constr. Sat. 2. 6.


41. insectere, i. e. in the satires

which assail glnttony and laugh at parasites.

LIB. II. SAT. 7. 193

Obvolvas vitium ? " Ouid, si me stultior ipso

Ouingentis empto drachmis deprenderis ? Aufer

Me vultu terrere ; manum stomachumque teneto,

Dum quae Crispini docuit me ianitor edo. 45

Te coniux aliena capit, meretricula Davum :

Peccat uter nostrum cruce dignius ? Acris ubi me

Natura intendit, sub clara nuda lucerna

Ouaecunque excepit turgentis verbera caudae,

Clunibus aut agitavit equum lasciva supinum, 50

Dimittit neque famosum neque sollicitum ne

Ditior aut formae melioris meiat eodem.

Tu cum proiectis insignibus, anulo equestri

Romanoque habitu, prodis ex iudice Dama

Turpis, odoratum caput obscurante lacerna, 55

Non es quod simulas ? Metuens induceris atque

Altercante libidinibus tremis ossa pavore.

Quid refert uri virgis, ferroque necari

Auctoratus eas, an turpi clausus in arca,

Ouo te demisit peccati conscia herilis, 60

Contractum genibus tangas caput? Estne marito

Matronae peccantis in ambo iusta potestas?

In corruptorem vel iustior. Illa tamen se

Non habitu mutatve loco, peccatve superne.

Cum te formidet mulier neque credat amanti, 65

Ibis sub furcam prudens, dominoque furenti

Committes rem omnem et vitam et cum corpore famam.

Evasti : credo metues doctusque cavebis :

42. me ipso. Davus begins to speak 45. Crispini : see on Sat. 1. 1. 120. himself, contrasting himself in these ianitor. The doorkeeper has picked words with Mulvius. up fragments of the master's lectures

43. quingentis draehmis : ' a fair and retails them to men of his own class. price for a good ordinary slave ' Dict. It is not the actual teaching of Cris- Ant. s.v. ' Servus.' It was almost equiva- pinus nor of his ' ianitor,' but a lecture lent to £18 of our money. For a higher by Davus to Ilorace a la Crispinus, as price ol a slave see Epp. 2. 2. 5. A reported by his ' ianitor.' We need not foreign slave assesses his value in Greek imagine it to be too appropriate at coinage. every turn to Horace. There ought to be

aufer terrere, an inhn. substituted some Stoic commonplace in it. Some

for the usual accusative after ' anfer ' = should be evidently inappropriate, and

'lay aside,' ' cease.' ' Aufer lacrimas ' under cover of this there should be some

Lucr. 3. 955, ' nugas ' Plaut. Truc. 4. sly hits at his actual or reputed cha-

4. 8, etc. racter.




Quaeres quando iterum paveas iterumque perire

Possis, o toties servus ! Ouae belua ruptis, 70

Cum semel effugit, reddit se prava catenis ?

Non sum moechus, ais. Neque ego hercule fur ubi vasa

Praetereo sapiens argentea : tolle periclum,

Iam vaga prosiliet frenis natura remotis.

Tune mihi dominus, rerum imperiis hominumque 75

Tot tantisque minor, quem ter vindicta quaterque

Imposita haud unquam misera formidine privet ?

Adde super, dictis quod non levius valeat : nam

Sive vicarius est qui servo paret, uti mos

Vester ait, seu conservus, tibi quid sum ego? Nempe 80

Tu mihi qui imperitas alii servis miser atque

Duceris ut nervis alienis mobile lignum.

Quisnam igitur liber? Sapiens sibi qui imperiosus,

76. minor, ^ttoiv, ' at the mercy of.' vindieta : the rod with which a slave was touched in the legal form of manumission ; see Pers. Sat. 5. 75-88, and ib. 124, 125.

77- formidine : first a slave's fear of a master; bu in interpretation, the fear which, acconling to the Stoic, was in- separable from desire, and which was the essence of the ' slavery ' of the un- emancipated soul; see Epp. 1. 16. 65 ' qui cupiet metuet quoque : porro Qui metuens vivit liber mihi non erit un- quam.'

78. super : best taken (with Bentl.) as = ' insuper ' (cp. Epp. 2. 2. 33), ' dictis ' being the abl. of comparison after ' le- vius.'

nam : to our usage, redundant ; as yap often is, where it justifies the asser- tion that something will be said by saying it.

79. viearius : a slave was allowed to purchase out of his ' peculium ' a slave to himself to do his work. This deputy was called ' vicarins ' : see Mart. 2. 18. 7, where a metaphorical use of the custom is made similar to this one.

80. vester. Davus speaks of the habits of the Roman world as standing himself, as a slave, outside of it.

nempe, ' I will tell you'; used with some irony where the speaker after asking a question answers it himself : see inf. v. 107, and Epp. 1. 10. 22.

81. alii. The sing. has the better

authority (incl. V) as against 'aliis.' It is true that, when interpreted.the ' other master' means his passions ; but in ' alii servis ' we are still within the metaphor, and a slave had one master, not several.

82. alienis: 'outside yourself,' 'which another will pull.' Persius has the same figure with reminiscence of this place, 5. 127 ' servitium acre Te nihil impel- lit, nec quicquam extrinsecus intrat Quod nervos agitet ' : see Conington's note there. Bentley quotes the description of marionettes from Apuleius, de Mund. p. 125 ' illi qui in ligneolis hominum figuris gestus movent, quando filum membri quod agitari solet traxerint torquebitur cervix, nutabit caput, oculi vibiabunt, totus videbitur vivere.' Bent- ley asked how the material of the pup- pets was in point, and wished to accept the conj. 'signum' for 'lignum'; but Orelli rightly answers that ' lignum ' is intentionally contemptuous, ' a block of wood,' which owes any movement or simulation of life entirely to the show- man's strings.

83. sibi qui : the balance of MSS. (incl. V) is for ' sibi que ' ; the sense is for ' qui,' which is read by Bentl., Orelli, Ritter, Keller 1 Epilegomena, Holder has ' que '), and Munro ; ' sapiens ' is more forcible as the single answer to the question ' who ? ' ' The philosopher of the Stoics,' the other words give thejustification of the answer. ' Sibi im- periosus,' iyKparrjs : ' qui imperat sibi.



Quem ncque pauperies neque mors neque vincula torrent,

Responsare cupidinibus, contemnere honores 85

Fortis, et in se ipso totus, teres, atque rotundus,

Externi ne quid valeat per leve morari,

In quem manca ruit semper fortuna. Potesne

Ex his ut proprium quid noscere ? Ouinque talenta

Poscit te mulier, vexat foribusque repulsum 90

Perfundit gelida, rursus vocat : eripe turpi

Colla iugo ; ' Liber, liber sum,' dic age. Non quis ;

Urget enim dominus mentem non lenis et acres

Subiectat lasso stimulos versatque negantem.

Vel cum Pausiaca torpes, insane, tabella, 95

Qui peccas minus atque ego, cum Fulvi Rutubaeque

Aut Pacideiani contento poplite miror

qni se habet in potestate ' Sen. de Benef. 5- 7-

85. responsare : inf. v. 103, Epp. 1. 1. 68 ; in the sense of ' to liave always an answer for,' not ' to acquiesce at once in.'

86. fortis, with infin., as Od. 1. 37. 26.

in se ipso totus : explained by Cicero's words in Parad. 2 ' qui totus aptus est ex sese, qui in se uno possit omnia ' ; ' self-contained,' avrapKTjs.

teres, atque rotundus, ' smoothed and rounded.' The Stoic similitude of a sphere for the mind of the wise man seems to include the idea of perfection (the sphere being the most perfect figure) and of independence of external things, the surface presenting no angles or fiat surface to give lodging to alien matter, as explained in the next line. Ausonius imitates the passage Idyll. 16. 1 ' Vir bonus et sapiens . . . Iudex ipse sui totum se explorat ad unguem ; Quid proceres vanique ferat quid opinio volgi Securus, mundi instar habens teres at- que rotundus Externae ne quid labis per levia sidat.'

88. manca : she has lost her usual means of taking hold of him.

89. ut proprium, ' as belonging to you.'

89-101. Both in particular expres- sions and in the order of the topics it is evident that Horace has in view Cicero's declamation in Parad.5 'An ille mihi libcr

videatur cui mulier imperat ? cui leges imponit, praescribit, iubet, vetat, quod videtur ? qui nihil imperanti negare po- test, nihil recusare audet ? Poscit ? dan- dum est Vocat ? veniendum Eicit ? abeundum Minatur ? extimescendum . . . Pari stultitia sunt quos signa, quos tabulae, quos Corinthia opera, quos aedificia magnifica magno opere de- lectant.' Cp. also Sat. 2. 3. 259 foll., and the picture which Horace professes to give of himself when he turns the sting of his iambic verse on himself in Epod. 11.

94. ' Goads you sharply when you are weary, and tugs at your mouth when you jib.'

95. Pausiaca : Pausias of Sicyon, a painter of the same age as Apelles, about B. C. 360-330.

torpes : a stronger form of the same figure as ' stupet Albius aere ' Sat. I. 4. 28, so tKir\7]TTea0ai. Cp. the expression when there is no sting of satire, ' sus- pendit picta voltum mentemque tabella ' Epp. 2. 1. 97.

96. Fidvi Rutubaeque . . . Paei- deiani : names of gladiators. The third is certainly from Lucilius, who speaks often as ' optimus multo Post homines natos gladiator qui fuit unus ' fr. 4. 11; a passage referred to several times by Cicero, as in Tusc. D. 4. 21. 48. See Introd. to the Satires, p. 12.

97. contento poplite. It is a doubt as old as the Scholiasts whether these words describe the attitude of the

O 2



Proelia rubrica picta aut carbone, velut si Re vera pugnent, feriant, vitentque moventes Arma viri ? Nequam et cessator Davus ; at ipse Subtilis veterum iudex et callidus audis. Nil ego si ducor libo fumante : tibi ingens Virtus atque animus cenis responsat opimis Obsequium ventris mihi perniciosius est cur ? Tergo plector enim. Oui tu impunitior illa Ouae parvo sumi nequeunt obsonia captas ? Nempe inamarescunt epulae sine fine petitae. Illusique pedes vitiosum ferre recusant Corpus. An hic peccat, sub noctem qui puer uvam Furtiva mutat strigili : qui praedia vendit, Nil servile gulae parens habet ? Adde, quod idem Non horam tecum esse potes, non otia recte Ponere, teque ipsum vitas, fugitivus et erro, Iam vino quaerens, iam somno fallere curam :




gladiators as drawn, or of the spectator standing on tiptoe to get a better view of the drawing. There is force in the argument of Schiitz, who takes them as grammatically qualifying ' picta,' that we want some characteristics of the drawing in order to explain ' velut si re vera pugnent.' Horace means to de- scribe the exaggerated drawing which would mark such rough work. 98. rubrica, red ochre.

100. cessator, ' an idle fellow '; Epp. 2. 2. 14.

101. callidus : Sat. 2. 3. 23. audis: Sat. 2. 6. 20.

102. nil ego. ' Nihil esse ' is a Ciceronian phrase, as Div. in Q. Caecil. 14, in the sense of 'to be worthless,' ' nequam esse.'

103. responsat : see above on v.


104. For the position of ' cur ' making the question more emphatic see on Sat. 2. 3. 187.

105. enim gives the reason why the question may be asked. At first sight it may seem that gluttony does harm me most, for I suffer for it on my back ; but is your punishment less ?

qui : not ' why ? ' but ' how ? ' as is clear in Persius' imitation, 5. 130 ' si intus et in iecore aegro Nascantur do-

mini, qui tu impunitior exis ? ' etc.

107. nempe : see above on v. 80.

108. illusi, ' made fools of.' Cp. Virgil's figure, Georg. 2. 94 'temptatura pedes.'

109. hic qui puer : Sat. 1. 4. 2, 1. 10. 16 ; Epod. 2. 37 n.

110. mutat : used with an accus. of that which is taken in exchange ; see on Od. 1. 17. 2. The 'strigil' was an instrument of bone or metal used to scrape the skin after bathing. It stands for a thing of little value, that will be scarcely missed.

qui praedla vendit : ' who sells his estate ' : gulae parens, though it is placed so as to construct with nil ser- vile habet ? belongs also in sense to ' praedia vendit.' Cp. Epp. 1. 15. 32, Juv. S. 1. 138 ' una comedunt patrimonia mensa.'

112. tecum esse potes, ' can bear your own company.' Sen. Epist. 10 'non invenio cum quo te malim esse quam tecum.' Horace has in mind in the following words, Lucr. 3. 1053 foll., esp. v. 1068 ' hoc se quisque modo fugit.'

113. ponere, ' to lay out,' ' employ,' frequent in Cic. with ' tempus,' ' diem,' and the like.

LIB. II. SAT. 8.


Frustra ; nam comes atra premit sequiturque fugacem.' 115, Unde mihi lapidem ? ' Ouorsum est opus ? ' Unde sa-

gittas? ' Aut insanit homo aut versus facit.' ' Ocius hinc te Ni rapis, accedes opera agro nona Sabino.'

115. Cp. Od. 2. 16. 22, 3. 1. 40.

116. unde mihi lapidem. For the ellipsis cp. Sat. 2. 5. 102.

unde sagittas ? Ritter suggests that Davus, in spite of his assumed uncon- sciousness of Horace's purpose in de- siring a stone, is edging away out of his reach.

117. aut insanit. ' He is either mad or ^what is next door to it) com- posing verses.' Davus recognizes the rhythm in Horace's words. With this

sally cp. the comic explanation of the fate of the unhappy poet in A. P. 470, etc. ' nec satis apparet cur versus factitet.'

118. It is the standing threat to slaves in the comic dramatists that they shall be transferred to the ' familia rus- tica'; sent to harder work and fewer pleasures in the country. Plaut. Most. 1. 1. 18 ' Augebis ruri numerum ' ; see Prof. Ramsay's excursus to the Mostel- laria ' on slave punishmcnts.'



A sketch of a supper given to Maecenas by a man of wealth without taste or breeding. Horace puts the description of it into the mouth of Fundanius, the comic poet, of whom he speaks with admiration in Sat. 1. 10. 40 : but it represents, no doubt, many entertainments at which he had himself suffered and been amused.

Three men of letters have been invited as appropriate guests to meet Maecenas, Fundanius himself, Viscus (see on v. 20), and Varius. Tlie rest of the company consists of the chief guest with two ' umbrae ' (vv. 21, 22) whom he has brought, and two ' scurrae,' ' Nomentanus,' and ' Porcius,' who are habitual frequenters of the host's table.

The host is called Nasidienus Rufus (vv. 1, 75, 84, and 58) doubtless a fictitious name. A conjecture of Lambinus identifies the person so disguised with Salvidienus Rufus, who had been advanced by Augustus ' ex infima fortuna ' (Suet. Aug. 66), and who was put to death by him for conspiracy against his interests in B. C. 40. In that case the Satire would be written some years after his death. Nasidienus was itself a Roman name and occurs in Martial

7- 54-

What is satirized is the vulgarity of the man. He has literary men to meet Maecenas, but he can talk of nothing but the dishes. He is full of the gas-


tronomic art, but the results are shown in paradoxes, not in perfection. There is display and yet meanness (cp. A. P. 374, 375). The sketches of the four ' scurrae ' are drawn in a few strokes. Vibidius the hard drinker and Balatro the buffoon, both presuming on their relation to the great man to quiz or patronize the host. Nomentanus and Porcius (for their names see on v. 23) playing to Nasidienus, and making the most of their own supper. It will be noticed that Maecenas is not mentioned.

The affectation of gastronomic preciseness in this Satire will be compared with the fourth Satire. It is perhaps meant as a specimen of the kind of talk at supper-tables which moved Horace's spleen, and which he laughed at more elaborately in that Satire.

Verses 1-5. H. 'How did you enjoy Nasidienus' supper? I heard you were there.' F. 'Vastly.'

//. ' Tell me the order of proceedings.' 6-9. F. ' First there came a wild boar, and our host told us all about it ; where

it came from, and when it was killed. It was garnished with salad and things

of piquant flavour. 10-17. ' Then a bustling page wiped the maple table with a purple cloth, while

another gathered up the fragments, when enter a solemn procession, an

Indian slave carrying Caecuban wine, a Greek slave with Chian. The

host asked Maecenas if he would prefer Alban or Falernian ; both were in

the house.' 18, 19. H. ' Alas for the sorrows of wealth ! But who were your party ? ' 20-25. F. ' On one couch myself, Viscus, and Varius; on the next Maecenas and

his two " umbrae," Servilius Balatro and Vibidius ; on the third the host

in the middle, Nomentanus on one side of him, Porcius on the other. Nomen-

tanus was so placed in order to point out to Maecenas the secrets of the

banquet. 25~33- ' Most of us were hopelessly puzzled, as I soon found. Meanwhile the host

lectured us on the proper time to pick apples. You must ask him what the

reasons were. 33-41. ' Vibidius, determined to take out his revenge, asked for larger cups, which

made our host turn pale. He dislikes hard drinkers, probably because

their tongues are too free, or their palates too dull. At the suggestion all

filled the new cups except the two parasites of the house. 42-53. ' Then came a lamprey in a big dish garnished with shrimp sauce. The

host told us of its condition and how the sauce was composed. 54-74. ' At this moment the awning fell on the table with clouds of dust, frighten-

ing us all. The host put down his head and cried. Nomentanus consoled him.

The more courteous guests tried to stifle their laughter. Balatro, with mock

sympathy, tried to encourage him. 75-78. ' Nasidienus rose and left us, and we fell to whispering.' 79, 80. H. ' What sport ; and what was the next scene ? ' 80-95./". 'Vibidius calling again for wine ; the company finding excuse for

laughter. Presently Nasidienus comes back with his self-possession restored,

more slaves bearing a huge charger filled with divers delicacies, not bad

in themselves, but rendered unendurable by the host's discourse upon them.

We avenged ourselves by going away without tasting them.'

LIB. II. SAT. 8.


Orelli, who is in accord with most authorities, arranges the ' triclinium ' thus :

imus locus sive consularis

mcdhis summiis



Servilius Balatro







medius lcctus




Maecenas occupied the place of honour. The only departure from usual practice is that noticed by Horace in v. 23, viz. that Nasidienus put Nomentanus in his own place next to the chief guest as more able than himself to do the honours of the table.

Ut Nasidieni iuvit te cena beati ?

Natn mihi quaerenti convivam dictus here illic

De medio potare die. ' Sic ut mihi nunquam

In vita fuerit melius.' Dic, si grave non est,

Ouae prima iratum ventrem placaverit esca. 5

' In primis Lucanus aper ; leni fuit Austro

1. Ut. In a question, as in Epp. 1. 3. 12. As we learn from v. 19 Horace is addressing his friend Fundanius, Sat. 1. 10. 40.

Nasidieni. For the scansion (cp. below, vv. 75, 84), the second ' i' being treated as a ' y,' see Sat. 1.7. 30 ' vin- demiator.' In this case it apparently has the effect, as in Od. 3. 4. 41 ' con- silium/ 3. 6. 6 ' principium,' of lengthen- ing the preceding vowel» for Martial 7. 54. 11 has ' Nasidiene, tibi ' as the end of a pentameter.

beati, with a tinge of irony, ' for- tune's favourite.'

2. dictus. The omission of ' es ' is less common than that of ' est,' but it occurs in Virgil, Aen. 1. 237 ' pollicitus,' 5. 687 'exosus,' 10. 827 ' laetatus.' There and here some editors would write ' pol- licitu's,' ' dictu's,' etc.

3. de medio die : cp. Epp. 1. 14. 34 'media de luce ' ; not ' from noon,' but as ' de nocte ' Epp. 1. 2. 32, ' media de nocte ' Epp. 1. 7. 88, ' before the

period of midday is over ' ; see note on ' de die ' Epod. 13. 4. The reference is to what Cicero calls ' tempestivum convivium,' a banquet which begins be- foie the usual hour ; see 011 Epp. 1. 7. 71.

4. fuerit melius, 'I enjoyed myself/; so inf. v. 1 9 ' pulchre fuerit ' ; cp. Sat. 2. 2. 120 ' bene erat.'

dic. There is some doubt between this reading and ' da.' The weight of MSS. (mcluding all of Cruq.) is for ' dic' The Comm. Cruq. read and interpreted 'da.' Bentley thinks it an emendation of a copyist who remein- bered Virg. E. 1. 19 'iste deus qui sit, da, Tityre, nobis.' Orelli gives ' da,' and Keller argues for it.

5. placaverit : cp. Sat. 2. 2. 18 ' Latrantem stomachum bene leniet. '

6. Lucanus : Sat. 2. 3. 234.

leni Austro : see Sat. 2. 2. 41. The point apparently is the vulgarity of the host iu discoursing on the dishes pre- sented, and his affectation of gastro- nomic precision. The boar was from




Captus, ut aiebat cenae pater ; acria circum Rapula, lactucae, radices, qualia lassum Fervellunt stomachum, siser, allec, faecula Coa. His ubi sublatis puer alte cinctus acernam Gausape purpureo mensam pertersit, et alter Sublegit quodcunque iaceret inutile quodque Posset cenantes offendere ; ut Attica virgo Cum sacris Cereris procedit fuscus Hydaspes Caecuba vina ferens, Alcon Chium maris expers. Hic herus : Albanum, Maecenas, sive Falernum Te magis appositis delectat, habemus utrumque.' Divitias miseras ! Sed quis cenantibus una, Fundani, pulchre fuerit tibi, nosse laboro. ' Summus ego et prope me Viscus Thurinus et infra




the forests of Lucania, not from the lowlands (see on Sat. 2. 4. 40-43). It had been killed when there was a south wind, but not a strong scirocco. We are probably going wrong in thinking (with Gesner) of irony, as though the boar was really tainted, and Nasidienus was making the best of it.

7. cenae pater : cp. ' pater domus ' Sat. 2. 6. 88.

circum, garnishing the table. A comparison with Sat. 2. 4. 73 n. makes it appear that putting these stimulants and condiments on the table through the meal was a recent affectation.

8. rapula : Sat. 2. 2. 43.

9. siser, ' skirwort,' a plant of which the root was pickled and eaten.

allee : Sat. 2. 4. 73. faecula, the dim. of ' faex.' It is used by Lucr. 2. 430.

10. alte cinctus, as was the fashion ; ' ex alticinctis unus atriensibus ' Phaedr. 2. 5. 11; so below v. 70 ' praecincti.' It gives the idea of ' active,' ' bustling ' : cp. ' altius ac nos praecinctis ' Sat. 1 . 5. 5, and Sat. 1. 8. 23 ' succinctam.'

acernam. Much store was set by the material and beauty of the tables ; see on Sat. 2. 2. 4, Mayor on Juv. S. 1. 137: the favourite wood being the ' citrus.' Maple is named by Pliny, N. H. 16. 20, as an inferior material ' citro secundum.' It would seem that the humour consisted in the pretentious care taken of a second-rate table.

11. gausape. Hor. is imitating Ln- cilius (20. 1) 'Purpureo tersit tum latas

gausape mensas.

13. ut Attica virgo : like a Kavrjfpopos in the rites of Demeter or Athene : cp. Sat. 1. 3. 9 ' velut qui Iunonis sacra ferret.' The pompous dignity of these slaves is contrasted with the fussy activity of the preceding ones : each is equally inappropiiate.

15. maris expers : ov TeOaXarra}- ixkvov Athen. 1. p. 32 ; brine was mingled with Greek wines both for the sake of the taste and for whole- someness. This is the simplest ex- planation, and it suits Persius' imitation 5. 39 ; see Coningtous note. Why the usual treatment has been omitted is not clear. It may be a ' fad ' of Nasidienus, or he may wish to make the wine less drinkable. Various other suggestions have been made, as (1) that 'maris expers ' means ' home-made,' a Greek wine ' that never crossed the sea'; (2) that, as Casaubon took it in Persius, ' maris ' is from ' mas,' ' tliat has lost its strength,' ' insipid.'

16. The host offers what he does not expect to be accepted ; shows off his cellar and spares it. 'Sive' is omitted before ' Albanum ' ; see on Od. 1. 3. 16.

18. divitias miseras. Horace's comment. ' What a miserable exhibi- tion of wealth of the " beatus Nasi- dienus," ostentation with meanness.'

1 9. pulchre fuerit : see above on v. 4. laboro : Epp. 1. 3. 20.

20. summus ego. For the placing of the guests see introd.

Viscus Thurinus, i. e. of Thurii ^Od.

LIB. II. SAT. 8.


Si memini Varius ; cum Servilio Balatrone Vibidius, quas Maecenas adduxerat umbras. Nomentanus erat super ipsum, Porcius infra Ridiculus totas simul absorbere placentas ; Nomentanus ad hoc, qui si quid forte lateret Indice monstraret digito : nam cetera turba, Nos, inquam, cenamus aves, conchylia, pisces, Longe dissimilem noto celantia succum ; Ut vel continuo patuit, cum passeris atque Ingustata mihi porrexerat ilia rhombi. Post hoc me docuit melimela rubere minorem Ad lunam delecta. Quid hoc intersit ab ipso Audieris melius. Tum Vibidius Balatroni :


3. 9. 14), on the west side of the Taren- tine gulf. From his juxtaposition here, as in Sat. 1. 10, with Varius and Fundanius, he is probably one of the two Visci named in Sat. 1. 10. 83.


6. 1 n., Sat.

Sat. 1. 2. 2 nickname =

It would 'jester' or


vin- see


21. Varius 1. 5. 40, etc.

Balatrone : seem to be a 'buffoon.'

Servilio, to be scanned as a syllable : see on Sat. 1. 7. 30 ' demiator ' ; the first ' i ' is long : Juv. S. 10. 319.

22. umbras : Epp. 1. 5. 2S ; invited guests brought in the suite of some guest of distinction.

23. Nomentanus and Porcius are the parasites of the host.

ipsum, Nasidienus. As explained in the introduction, Nomentanus occu- pied the place usually belonging to the host. The reason is given in v. 25, for ' ad hoc ' goes back to ' erat super ipsum.' He was put there as knowing more about cookery than Nasidienus, to point out the features of the banquet to Maecenas. The names are chosen each with a malicious purpose, Nomen- tanus recalling the ' spendthrift ' of Sat.

1. 1. 102 (see note there), 1. 8. 11,

2. 1. 22, 2. 3. 175, 224; Porcius as suiting his greediness.

24. ridiculus absorbere : vol. 1, App. 2.

simul. The MSS. vary between 'si- mul ' and ' semel.' Either makes sense ; ' totas simul ' or ' semel (' at one mouthful ') absorbere.' There isa doubt

also between absorbere and ' obsor- bere.'

26. indiee digito, the forefinger.

cetera turba, the rest of us, besides Maecenas.

28. celantia adds to the force of dissimilem noto ; the look gave no indication of the taste.

29. passeris, a flat fish compared by Plin. N. H. 9. 36 to the ' rhombus.' Bentley would read for 'atque' ' assi et,' which Lambinus had found in some MSS., of what age it is not said. Heind. follows him.

ut vel continuo patuit. Prof. Palmer proposes to give more point to this by taking 'ingustata' to mean 'without tasting,' i.e. the strangeness of the flavour became apparent to an earlier sense ; but this is perhaps broader humour than Horace intends. The un- initiated wanted a guide, for neither the look of the dishes nor their previous experience prepared them for the mani- fold surprises. Fundanius learned this early when he was handed this dish ' which he had never tasted before.' The words are carefully chosen to em- phasize the novelty of the cookery and avoid any expression either of approval or disapproval.

30. porrexerat. The subj. is the host.

31. melimela, ' honey apples,' ' dul- cibus aut certent quae melimela favis ' Mart. 1. 44. 4 ; a special kind of sweet apple.

minorem ad lunam, by moonlight, and when the moon was waning.



': Nos nisi damnose bibimus moriemur inulti : "

Et calices poscit maiores. Vertere pallor 35

Tum parochi faciem nil sic metuentis ut acres

Potores, vel quod male dicunt liberius vel

Fervida quod subtile exsurdant vina palatum.

Invertunt Allifanis vinaria tota

Vibidius Balatroque, secutis omnibus ; imi 40

Convivae lecti nihilum nocuere lagenis.

Affertur squillas inter muraena natantes

In patina porrecta. Sub hoc herus : "Haec gravida," inquit,

" Capta est, deterior post partum carne futura.

His mixtum ius est : oleo quod prima Venafri 45

Pressit cella ; garo de succis piscis Hiberi ;

Vino quinquenni, verum citra mare nato,

Dum coquitur cocto Chium sic convenit, ut non

Hoc magis ullum aliud ; pipere albo, non sine aceto,

34. damnose, 'ruinously,' so as to drink him ' out of house and home.'

moriemur inulti, an epic parody.

35. calices maiores : not apparently an unusual liberty for guests to take, at some period at any rate. The edd. quote Cic. Verr. 2. 1. 26. 66 ' poscunt maioribus poculis.'

vertere : see on Epod. 4. 9.

36. parochi : see on Sat. 1. 5. 46. Its application here to the host has an air of slang.

37. vel . . . vel. Reasons suggested ironically, the true one being that he would spare his cellar, as Nomentanus and Porcius were aware, v. 41 ; but they are illustrations also of his own style of making rather transparent excuses.

39. Allifanis, the dat. after inver- tunt. Allifae was a town in the valley of the Vulturnus on the frontier of Cam- pania and Samnium, 'ubi fictiles et la- tiores calices fiebant ' Comm. Cruq.

40. imi convivae lecti, i.e. Nomen- tanus and Porcius ; see on v. 37, and cp. Epp. 1. 18. 10 n. ' imi derisor lecti.'

42. squiUas : Sat. 2. 4. 58. muraena : Juv. S. 5. 99 ; a fish greatly

prized by the Romans; see Mayor's note there.

natantes, i. e. in the sauce which Nasidienus describes in v. 45 foll.

43. porrecta: Sat. 2.2.39. Contrast Sat. 2. 4. 77 ' Angustoque vagos pisces

urgere catino.'

sub hoc : Epod. 5. 83 ' sub haec,' Epp. 2. 2. 34 ' sub hoc tempus.'

gravida, before spawning. For simi- lar gastronomic refinements see Sat. 2. 4. 44 n.

45. his, of these ingredients. For the composition of this sauce see Sat. 2. 4. 63 foll.

prima, usually, and perhaps rightly, taken for ' at its first pressing,' Co- lumella telling us that the olives were pressed three times, the quality of the oil being best at the first. The Schol. says ' optima."

Venafri : Od. 2. 6. 16, Sat. 2. 4. 69.

46. cella = ' cella olearia,' the store or garner in which the olives were housed, and in which the presses stood. ' Cella pressit ' as 'area triverit' Sat. 1.

i- 45-

garo. ' Garum ' was a preparation

of the roe of the ' scomber ' or mackerel.

The best came (according to Plin. N. H.

31. 43) from New Carthaqe in Spain,

thence called here ' piscis Hiberi ' ; see

Sat. 2. 4. 66 n.

47. citra mare nato, i. e. Italian ; cp. Sat. 1. 10. 31 'natus mare citra.'

48. cocto, an abl. abs. Italian wine is to be stirred in while the sauce is simmering ; when it is ready for use Chian is to be added.

LIB. II. SAT. 8.


Quod Methymnaeam vitio mutaverit uvam.

Erucas virides, inulas ego primus amaras

Monstravi incoquere, inlutos Curtillus echinos,

Ut melius muria quod testa marina remittat."

Interea suspensa graves aulaea ruinas

In patinam fecere, trahentia pulveris atri 55

Quantum non Aquilo Campanis excitat agris.

Nos maius veriti postquam nihil esse pericli

Sensimus erigimur. Rufus posito capite, ut si

Filius immaturus obisset, fiere. Quis esset

Finis ni sapiens sic Nomentanus amicum 60

Tolleret : " Heu, Fortuna, quis est crudelior in nos

Te deus ? Ut semper gaudes illudere rebus

Humanis ! " Varius mappa compescere risum

Vix poterat. Balatro suspendens omnia naso,

" Haec est conditio vivendi," aiebat, " eoque 65

Responsura tuo nunquam est par fama labori.

Tene ut ego accipiar laute torquerier omni

Sollicitudine districtum, ne panis adustus,

2. 44


50. Vinegar made from Lesbian wine. mutaverit : Sat. 2. 2. 58.

51. erucas . . . inulas (Sat. 2. ' acidae '). The herbs to be so are not named in Sat. 2. 4. 67 ' ubi con- fusum sectis inferbuit herbis.'

52. inlutos, and so with the salt water still in them.

53. ut melius, etc, ' as something, better than fish pickle, which the sea shell-fish of itself yields ' : ' quod ' = ' id quod,' ' id ' resuming ' inlutos echinos,' which was equivalent to ' sea urchins with their brine.' For ' muria ' see on Sat. 2. 4. 66. It was not mere brine, so

the reading of some but MSS., would be hard to

Sat. 2. 4. 69, Epp. 2. I.

that ' quam, not the best explain. remittat


54. aulaea, as this passage shows, an awning between the roof and the table. The dust would lodge upon it ; see on Od. 3. 29. 15, and Conington on Virg. Aen. 1. 697.

57. maius : ' ruinam domus metu- entes' Comm. Cruq.

58. erigimur, metaph. ' recover our- selves ' ; so ' tolleret' v. 61.

Rufus, i. e. Nasidienus.

62. ut semper : Sat. 2. 6. 53 ' ut tu Semper eris derisor.' Nomentanus con- soles him by representing his calamity as part of the common lot of humanity.

illudere : cp. Od. 3. 29. 49 ' Fortuna saevo laeta negotio et Ludum insolen- tem ludere pertinax.'

63. mappa : see on Sat. 2. 4. 81. Varius stuffs his napkin in his mouth.

64. suspendens omnia naso, ' who has a sneer for everything ' ; see on Sat. 1. 6. 5 'naso suspendis adunco.'

65. eo: Sat. 1.3. 30; ' for that reason.'

67. tene : for construction see on Sat. 1. 9. 72, 2. 4. 83, Madv. § 399. There is irony in ' tene . . . ut ego,' Balatro making the most of the difference be- tween Nasidienus and himself, and yet professing to suppose that the entertain- ment was for the sake of himself.

68. adustus, ' scorched,' ' overbaked.' On the nicety of the Romans in respect to the quality of bread cp. Sat. 1. 1. 47, 1. 5. 89 foll., and especially Juv. S. 5. 67 foll. with Mayor's notes. Orelli thinks that the several points touched are supposed to be blots in Nasidienus' entertainment. But the overbaking of the bread is a detail which must, if it were real, be obvious, and Nasidienus



Ne male conditum ius apponatur, ut omnes

Praecincti recte pueri comptique ministrent !

Adde hos praeterea casus, aulaea ruant si

Ut modo ; si patinam pede lapsus frangat agaso.

Sed convivatoris uti ducis ingenium res

Adversae nudare solent, celare secundae."

Nasidienus ad haec : " Tibi di quaecunque preceris

Commoda dent ! Ita vir bonus es convivaque comis."

Et soleas poscit. Tum in lecto quoque videres

Stridere secreta divisos aure susurros.'

Nullos his mallem ludos spectasse ; sed illa

Redde age quae deinceps risisti. ' Vibidius dum

Quaerit de pueris num sit quoque fracta lagena,

Quod sibi poscenti non dantur pocula, dumque

Ridetur fictis rerum Balatrone secundo,

Nasidiene, redis mutatae frontis, ut arte

Emendaturus fortunam ; deinde secuti

Mazonomo pueri magno discerpta ferentes

Membra gruis sparsi sale multo, non sine farre ;

/ 0


could in that case hardly be obtuse cnough to take the speech as kindly meant. The 'sneer' of Balatro con- sists in the profession of sympathy which he does not feel, and in his encourage- ment of the host to new efforts which he expects to be as ludicrous in their results as the former ones.

69. ne male conditum refers to Nasidienus' account of the thought he has bestowed on the sauce, v. 45 foll., as the next verse refers to the actual dress of the waiters, v. 1 o.

72. ut modo, 'as they did just now.'

agaso, lit. a stable-boy. Here prob- ably and in Pers. 5. 76 for a clownish slave. We are not to think with Heind. that Nasidienus has actually brought his groom in to wait.

77. soleas : Sat. 1. 3. 128, Epp. 1. 13. 15; slippers worn indoors. The guests lay with their feet bare (cp. the story in St. Luke vii. 37, 38). When they moved they resumed the ' soleae.' Plaut. Truc. 2. 4. 1 2 ' cedo soleas mihi,' when Dinarchus rises from table, ibid. 16, when he sits down again, ' deme soleas.' Cp. Mostell. 2. 1. 37 with Ramsay's note.

78. Notice the imitation of whisper- ing in the accumulated sibilants.

81. quoque, with the sentence, ' whe- ther the wine-jar had been broken as well,' i. e. besides the accident of the awning.

83. fictis rerum : see on Sat. 2. 2. 25 ' vanis rerum'; ' pretended jests,' to conceal the fact that they were really laughing at their host and his shifts.

secundo, 'strenue adiuvante,' the metaphor from ' vento secundo,' ' Balatro filling our sails.'

84. Nasidiene. The vocative is mock heroic, after Homer's Ou5e aeOev, MeveKae, Oeol na.fca.pes XeKdOovTO, etc.

redis mutatae frontis, an extension of the common use of the gen. of quality with ' sum ' ; see on Sat. 1. 4. 17.

arte, from Ter. Ad. 4. 7. 23 ' illud, quod cecidit forte, id arte ut corrigas.'

86. mazonomo. Properly a trencher for serving barley - cakes (/«i£a) on (Athen. 4. § 31, p. 149). Here it is used for a large dish on which was collected this medley of delicacies.

87. gruis sparsi. It is noticed that ' grus ' is in all other places feminine, ' anser ' masc. (The reading ' albae '

LIB. II. SAT. 8.


Pinguibus et ficis pastum iecur anseris albae

Et leporum avulsos, ut multo suavius, armos,

Ouam si cum lumbis quis edit ; tum pectore adusto 90

Vidimus et merulas poni et sine clune palumbes,

Suaves res, si non causas narraret earum et

Naturas dominus ; quem nos sic fugimus ulti,

Ut nihil omnino gustaremus, velut illis

Canidia afflasset peior serpentibus Afris.' 95

here is that of V.) It is very pos- sibly intended to indicate that Nasi- dienus called attention to the sex of the birds, cp. v. 43 ; so he spoke of the diet on which the goose had been fat- tened, of its colour, of the part chosen of the hare. See on this last Sat. 2. 4. 44.

90. edit : subj. as Epod. 3. 3. pectore adusto (see above v. 68).

This, as ' sine clune,' seems to have been a drawback or peculiarity. In spite of these Fundanius says the dishes were not bad if the host would have let them be eaten in peace without his lectures upon them.

91. vidimus, as v. 94 shows, em- phatic : ' we saw but did not taste.'

92. causas, naturas : wordsthat sug- gest a philosophy of the table. ' Rerum

causas ' Virg. G. 2. 450, ' rerum na- turam' Lucr. 1. 21, etc. Cp. the similar play in Sat. 2. 4.

95. peior serpentibus. For the poisonousness of the serpent's breatli the edd. quote Colum. 8. 5. 18 'ca- vendum ne a serpentibus afflentur [pulli] quorum odor tam pestilens est ut in- terimat universos.'

Afris : ' Mauris anguibus ' Od. 3. 10. 18. For Canidia as a witch see introd. to Epod. 5 and 17, Sat. 1. 8. She is introduced here as a sort of refrain, a literary reminiscence i the words are still in Fundanius' mouth, but he is made in effect to say ' I am speaking Horace's feelings'), like the ' Tityre, te patulae,' which ends Virgil's Ecl. 10 as an echo of the 'Tityre, tu patulae ' of Ecl. 1. 1.




Date qf the Book.

The Second Book of Satires and the Epodes were published between the years 31 and 30 b.c. The three Books of the Odes occupy the next seven years of Horace's life and were published, as seems almost certain (see vol. 1. p. 2), in b. c. 23. He may have written some of the Epistles before that time, but all which can be dated fall into the years between 23 and 20 (or 19 at the latest).

Epp. 1. 13 refers no doubt to the presentation of the Odes to Augustus, though there are difficulties as to the occasion contem- plated; 1. 19 is polemical against critics of the Odes and Epodes : these would most naturally have been written soon after b. c. 23. Tibullus, who died in B. c. 19 or soon afterwards, was still living when 1. 4 was written. For more exact dating, 1. .3 is addressed to Florus, who is at the time accompanying the future emperor Tiberius in his progress into Armenia, i. e. it is composed in b. c. 20. Epistles 8, 9 and 1 1 have possibly links with the same event. Epistle 18 is fixed to the same year by the words 'Sub duce, qui templis Parthorum signa refigit,' an evident reference to the restora- tion by the Parthians of the standards taken at Charrae, which was an incident in that progress. In 12. 26-28 this event is again referred to and with it another which causes a little more difficulty :

' Cantaber Agrippae, Claudi virtute Neronis Armenius cecidit ; ius imperiumque Phraates Caesaris accepit genibus minor.'

The first words have to do with the final conquest of the Can- tabrians by Agrippa, which appears from Dion C. 54. 11 to hr.-/e


been begun and completed in b. c. 19 (see introd. to Odes I— III.

I. § 6). '

On the other hand, in Epist. 20, where Horace is apparently in- tending to date the Book as well as his own life, he says that he completed his forty-fourth December (the month of his birth) in the year when Lollius was consul. This was in b. c. 21. It is a natural mode of dating if it means ' last December ' a less natural one if another birthday has already passed. We are driven therefore to choose between supposing that Agrippa achieved his victory over the Cantabri or some parts of it in b. c. 20, in spite of Dion Cassius' words, or that Horace's desire to link Lollius' name with the conclusion of his book has led him to date it by the year before the one last expired.

Title and natnre of the Epistles.

Horace once uses the word 'Epistula,' in Epp. 2. 2. 22, possibly, but not certainly, in the sense of a poetical epistle. In Epp. 2. 1. 250 he seems to include the Epistles of the First Book with the Satires under the common title of 'Sermones1.' Otherwise we have no direct evidence what title he intended them to bear. The MSS. all call them ' Epistulae,' and the Scholiasts say that the title was given to them by Horace himself.

They are ' Epistulae ' in varying senses. Some have not only the form, but a definite purpose at the moment and such as finds natural expression in a letter enquiries about absent friends, as in Ep. 3 ; an invitation, as in Ep. 5 ; the introduction of a friend, as in Ep. 9 ; desire for information about a watering-place, as in Ep. 15. To these we may add, as short and purely personal in their tone, Epp. 4, 8 and 12. It is hard again to draw a fixed line between these and such Epistles as 7, 10 and n, where, though a larger and general subject is in view, the person addressed and the oc- casion are never wholly lost. But the epistolary introduction and conclusion tend by degrees to become merely an excuse for the moralizing which intervenes, till, as in Epp. 1 and 6, the only relic left of the letter is the vocative case which begins it, just as ' Qui fit, Maecenas ? ' or ' Vel quia, Maecenas,' begins a Satire. It is of course possible to underrate the personal element which is really

1 They are probably also included is said that Augustus ' post Sermones in the title ' Sermones ' in the Suetonian lectos ' complained that none was ad- life of Horace (vol. i. p. xxix), where it dressed to him.


present in the composition of any particular Epistle. But Horace . meant us, we may be sure, to see this element in the Epistle itself, not to depend upon tradition for it.

It must be added that the Epistolary form becomes in some cases a matter of play as when he makes a professed letter to his bailiff the vehicle for the humorous expression of his own love of the country and dislike of restlessness (Ep. 14); when he puts an apology to Augustus into the form of a letter sent after the mes- senger who is supposed to be carrying to him a volume of poems (Ep. 13); or when he addresses to his own Book of collected Epistles the confidences and anticipations which he means for his world-wide audience-to-be (Ep. 20).

In calling his Epistles ' Sermones ' he is expressing the continuity in substance, and even in form, which unites the most important of them, those for the sake of which the book was written, to the Satires. Their subject is the same, that which always interested him most deeply, the art of life. It runs into the same topics, the folly of avarice, the wisdom of enjoying instead of wishing, the charm of country life, of moderate tastes, of contentment. He fingers amusedly, as before, the paradoxes of philosophers, and puts even more confidently his view that more is to be learnt from common sense and from the poets than in the schools. The style is the same the free and unrhetorical style of the best conversation, playful and serious by turns, lighted up by wit, good humour, touches of poetry. It still cuts an argument short with an anecdote or a fable. There is the same tendency to use an individual name where a class is meant, and in doing so to mix indiscriminately names of the day with literary or even mythological reminis- cences l. The epistolary form is in truth as much a dramatic adaptation as the form of dialogue adopted in Book II of the Satires. As Acron remarks, it is conversation still, conversation with the absent instead of conversation held or overheard, with the present : ' Epistulis enim ad absentes loquimur, sermone cum prae- sentibus2.' In speaking of the Satires we noticed the influence

1 'A gladiator' is Veianius, i. 4; Lucullus 6. 40 f., Philippus 7. 46 f.,

'a man of keen vision,' Lynceus (the Eutrapelus 18. 31 f., belong to persons

Argonaut), 1. 28; ' an athlete,' Glycon, of a former generation.

1. 30. Maenius is, as in the Satires, the 2 Cp. Augustus' words in complain-

glutton and spendthrift in 15. 26. See ing that Horace has addressed none of

the note on Bestius, ib. 37. It should his ' Sermones ' to him : ' irasci me tibi

be noticed also, as illustrating what is scito quod non in plerisque eiusmodi

said on p. 11, that the anecdotes of scriptis mecum potissimum loquaris'



which Horace felt both in respect of form and matter from the philosophical dialogues of Cicero. It cannot be doubted that his Epistles in the same way are infiuenced by Cicero's Letters.

The differences between the Epistles and Satires are analogous to the differences between the later Satires and the earlier.

Life is passing on and has brought to him, if not strong health, the means of taking care of himself, ease, interests, and content- ment. He spends his autumn in the Sabine valley, his winter by the sea, returns to Rome with the swallows, and stays there only as long as he feels disposed. His acquaintance among the congenial part of Roman society has grown. He has a recognised position as a man of letters. There are still critics who in public decry his Odes and Epodes, but they read and admire them in private, and they pay him the flattery of foolish imitation. He has no real disposition to quarrel with them. We see him in one light which is always an amiable one. His correspondents are greatly among the younger generation of literary men. He is interested in their work, he has their confidence, and can speak at once honestly and kindly with no false affectation either of superiority or of equality.

If his views of life are richer and more mature than in the Satires, his expression of them is more perfect. We feel the training of the seven years given to lyric composition. There is more ease and music in the verse more touches of imagination in the language. He has reached the perfection of his own style and the most finished grace of which Latin writing is capable.

Order of the Epistles.

It has been already pointed out (vol. i. p. 8) how exactly the arrangement of the Epistles in this Book corresponds in one im- portant particular with that of the Odes of the first three Books the first Epistle and the last but one being addressed, as Ode i. i and 2. 29, to Maecenas, the last place in each case being reserved for the poet's own pride at the accomplishment of his task. We may trace occasionally in the order of the rest of the Epistles some of the same principles which seemed to dictate the order of the Odes and, in a less marked degree, of the Satires. Ep. 2 seems to follow Ep. 1 as an immediate putting into practice of the purposes an- nounced in it. Epp. 17, 18 are put together as dealing with one subject in a way that might be less easily perceived if they were apart, at the same time the two are put at some distance from Ep. 6,


closely though that is connected with them, lest too great attention should seem to be drawn to the matter. In the same way Epp. 13 and 19, which speak of his own poems, are separated. I have pointed out in the introd. to Ep. 16 how the ironical conclusion of Ep. 15 is made to form, quite in Horace's manner, an introduction to one of the most serious and high-toned of his Epistles. The effect of irony is increased by the sequence which puts Ep. 17, with its tone (however it be explained) of cynicism, immediately after Ep. 16.

r 2

Epistulis ad absentes loquimur, sermone cum praesentibus.





The Epistle is written for its place. It is the dedication to Maecenas of the First Book of the Epistles, and it is an apology (i) for his change of style from the Odes to the Epistles; (2) for the subject-matter of his new compositions. He has outgrown the power and taste for lyric poetry. His soul is set now on attain- ing a philosophy of life. He has not done so ; but short of that, he would make the most of such eclectic and elementary fragments of truth as he has made his own. It is his own mind and life that he professes to be thinking of ; but it is implied that his compositions will reflect his new tastes.

Verses 1-6. You have every claim on me, Maecenas, and I have always acknow-

ledged it ; but what you ask of me now is to shut the door of the training

school again on a gladiator who has earned his discharge. 7-9. I am for turning a horse out to grass in time, before he breaks down. 10-12. So now I am laying down lyric poetry as one of my playthings. I am

thinking now of philosophy, with a practical aim. 13-19. Do not suppose that this means that I have a system cut and dried. I am

still an eclectic. At one time I think myself a Stoic, at another I relapse into

Epicureanism. 20-26. I am impatient for the day when I may accomplish the most serious work

of life by attaining a true philosophical scheme. 27. Meanwhile I would guide and comfort myselfwith such rudimentary lessons

as these. 28-32. A little is better than nothing especially in a medicinal art. 33-40. There is no passion that does not admit of mitigation if the patient will

submit to treatment. 41-47. Humble and negative as this is, it is the first necessary step to virtue and

wisdom. If only men were as eager to escape wrong desires as they are to

escape poverty ! 49-31. On all analogy they should be so; for the prize offered is greater, the

effort required less, for virtue is to gold as gold is to silver. 52-56. Unfortunately the opposite doctrine is preached by the business world of

Rome and learnt eagerly by all classes. 57-64. The arrangements of social rank go the same way. Your place depends

on your money. How much better our boys could teach us with their

nursery jingle ' Rex eris si recte facies.' That is sounder than the law of Otho. 68, 69. Vvhich is the better adviser, one who says, ' Make money without regard to

the means,' or one who says (and teaches you how to do it), ' Stand up like

a man and face fortune ' ?



70-75. If the world were to ask me why I do not acquiesce in its judgments, I

should answer, first, in the words of the old fable, that I will not enter its

den because I never see that any who do so come out again. 76-80. Secondly, that it is difhcult to imitate when even where men are agreed 011

the end they differ greatly as to the means : where in the scale of disgrace

am I to stop? Si-90. nay, when no one man has the same taste for an hour together. 91-93. In this matter of capriciousness there is no difference of rank. The poor

follow the rich : 94-105. I am as bad as others ; but though you are ready to laugh at incongruities

of dress and habit, you do not notice incongruities of mind and life : or if you

do, you think them such common forms of madness as not to call either for

cure or for restraint. 106-108. What is the conclusion? what but the sum of all the Stoic paradoxes?

All the world is sick, except the philosopher he never, except when he has

a cold.

Note the accumulated irony of the ending. (1) Who am I, to preach? I am hitting myself as hard as any one. (2) What does my preaching come to ? Am I not assuming the very Stoic tone at which I am always laughing ?

Prima dicte mihi, summa dicende Camena, Spectatum satis et donatum iam rude quaeris, Maecenas, iterum antiquo me includere ludo. Non eadem est aetas, non mens. Veianius armis '^H^

1. Prima dicte, after Homer's kv aol /xiv \t]£oj, aeo 5' dp^o/xai II. 9. 97, Virg. Ecl. 8. 11 (to Pollio) 'a te principium, tibi desinet.' There is reference of course to the place which Maecenas oc- cupies in Horace's previously published collections of poems, Epod. 1, Od. 1. 1, Sat. 1. 1. For 'dicere' in the sense of ' cantu praedicare ' see on Od. 1. 12. 13. Note the careful order. First the ad- dress, which means, ' you have infinite claims on me, and you know that I have never failed to acknowledge them ' ; then the circumstance which should exempt Horace from the present request, ' I bave already earned and received my discharge ' ; then the fact that Maecenas is actually making the request, and the true nature of the request the vocative, which gives the tone of remonstrance, being put between these. Then follows in language free from metaphor, but directly answering the ' iterum antiquo,' the reason why what was possible before is not possible now.

2. speetatum, 'approved,'like 'rude' and ' ludo,' a technical term of the gladiator's life. ' Tesserae ' have been fonnd with the inscription ' SP. ' which

are supposed to have been presented to gladiators as marks of popular ap- proval.

rude, the gladiator's wooden sword used for praclice and given to the retir- ing gladiator as a symbol of his dis- charge. Cic. Phil. 2. 29. 74 ' tam bonus gladiator rudem tam cito ? ' Ovid, per- haps remembering that Horace has the metaph. of literary effort, Ov. Trist. 4. 8. 34 ' Me quoque donari iam rude tem- pus erat.' Cp. Juv. S. 7. 171 ' Ergo sibi dabit ipse rudem.'

3. ludo, 'the gladiator's training school.'

4. mens, ' inclination.' The words imply that the one has changed with the other.

Veianius : evidently a retired gladiator of note. The Scholiasts say that his arms were dedicated at a temple of Her- cules at Fundi (in Latium). For the practice of dedicating to some deity the implements of a discarded craft see on Od. 3. 26. 3. Hercules is a natural god for a gladiator to honour in this way ; and the Scholiasts' note may point to some special connection of Veianius with Fundi and so with a temple there. No





Herculis ad postem fixis latet abditus agro, 5

Ne populum extrema toties exoret arena.

Est mihi purgatam crebro qui personet aurem :

' Solve senescentem mature sanus equum, ne

Peccet ad extremum ridendus et ilia ducat.'

Nunc itaque et versus et cetera ludicra pono, 10

Quid verum atque decens, curo et rogo et omnis in hoc sum ;

Condo et compono quae mox depromere possim.

Ac ne forte roges quo me duce, quo lare tuter,

proof is alleged of any more specific relation between gladiators and the worship of Hercules beyond Vitruvius' injunction (i. 7% quoted by Orelli, that temples of Hercules should be built near gymnasia,amphitheatres, or (asatRome) the Circus.

5. abditus : Od. 3. 4. 38, of retired veterans, ' abdidit oppidis.' But here with ' latet ' there is a stronger sense of hiding ; ' he hides himself out of sight in the country.' So Cicero of his retire- ment from public life, de Off. 3. 1. 3 ' abdimus nos quantum licet et soli sumus.'

6. The idea seems to be that if he were tempted or forced back into the arena he would have each time again to win his discharge by appeal to the people. He wishes to have done with it once for all.

extrema arena, ' from the arena's edge,' i. e. approaching the parapet round the arena behind which the most distinguished spectators sat. The ex- planation given of populum exoret is that of Acron, who vouches for the fact that gladiators obtained their 'rudis' in this way. Some editors interpret it of his being defeated and having to appeal for his life; cp. Juv. S. 3. 36 ' verso pol- lice volgus Quem iubet occidunt popu- lariter.' It is more difhcult however to give in this way a satisfactory mean- ing to toties ; and the chance of end- ing with a breakdown seems to be kept as a last consideration for the following verses and a different similitude.

7. est mihi : as Orelli interprets, an inwaid monitor. Cp. with him Pers. S. 5. 96 'Stat contra ratio et se- cretam garrit in aurem Ne liceat facere,' etc.

purgatam. It is a double statement ; that there is such a monitor and that the poet's ear is open to listen. Cp.

' auriculae collecta sorde dolentes ' Epp.

i- 2. 53-

8. mature sanus, ' be wise in time and loose,' etc.

9. ilia dueat : the tired horse which stands 'straining his flanks' in the effort to get breath.

10. et cetera ludiera, ' among my other playthings.' Cp. Epp. 2. 2. 55 'Singula de nobis anni praedantur euntes: Eripuere iocos, Venerem, convivia, lu- dum ; Tendunt extorquere poemata.'

pono, sc. ' depono.'

1 1. quid verum, sc. ' sit.' ' Verum ' and 'decens' are two descriptions of moral right, both from philosophical language of the day. For ' verum ' in the sense of true to a moral standard cp. Sat. 2. 3. 208, 312 ; Epp. 1. 7. 98, 1. 12. 23 ; Virg. Aen. 12. 694 ' me verius unum Pro vobis foedus luere.'

decens, acc. to Ciceio's definition (Off. 1. 27. 93") the equivalent of ' hones- tum ' and of the Greek Trpi-nov.

omnis in hoc sum : Sat. 1. 9. 2 ' totus in illis.'

12. condo, of storing material. compono, of setting it in order. depromere, a continuation of the

metapbor, 'to bring out of the store ' for use. He is accumulating or digesting principles of practical philosophy for his own guidance.

13. ne roges, ' to forestall yonr ask- ing ' ; the negative purpose of the state- meiit made in v. 14 foll. See on Od.

1. 33. 1, and cp. Epp. 1. 16. 1, 1. 19. 26,

2. 1. 208.

quo duce : ' dux ' was nsed both of a leader in war and of the chief of a philosophical school. See Munro on Lucr. 1. 638.

lare, a variation of the frequent use of ' familia' and ' domus ' (Od. 1. 29. 14) for such a school.

me tuter : the verb is best adapted


Nullius addictus iurare in verba magistri,

Ouo me cunque rapit tempestas, deferor hospes. Nunc agilis fio et mersor civilibus undis, Virtutis verae custos rigidusque satelles ; Nunc in Aristippi furtim praccepta relabor, *- Et mihi res, non me rebus subiungere conor


Ut nox longa quibus mentitur amica, diesque 20

Longa videtur opus debentibus, ut piger annus

Pupillis quos dura premit custodia matrum ;

Sic mihi tarda fluunt ingrataque tempora, quae spem

Consiliumque morantur agendi naviter id quod

to the metaphor of the last of the two substantives.

14. addictus : properly of a debtor who has been by sentence of court given over for the time as slave to his creditor ; then used metaphorically, as Cic. Tusc. 2. 2. 5 ' qui certis quibusdam desti- natisque sententiis addicti et consecrati sunt.'

iurare in verba. Cp. Epod. 15. 4 ' in verba iurabas mea ' ; to swear after a formula dictated. It was specially used of the military oath of allegiance, as in Liv. 28. 29 ' in verba P. Scipionis iu- rarunt.' Here however the reference is to the oath of obedience taken by those who engaged themselves as gladiators ; ' magistri ' being a title of the ' lanista ' or trainer of a gladiatorial school (Cic. de Or. 3. 23. 86 'magister Samni- tium '). See Mayor on Juv. S. 1 1. 8 ' leges et regia verba lanistae,' and cp. Hor. Sat. 2. 7. 58 ' uri, virgis ferroque necari, Auctoratus.' ' Addictus ' here takes the place of ' auctoratus ' (' having hired himself out '). The inf. in both cases is of the class discussed in Appendix 2 2) of vol. 1.

15. deferor hospes, and claim hospitality.' is a natural one, but Prior. 2. 8 ' ad quamcunque sunt ciplinam quasi tempestate delati.'

16. agilis : Epp. I. 18. 90 ' agilem gnavumque'; 'a man of action.' Cicero, de Fin. 3. 20. 68, quotes Chrysippus as teaching the Stoic doctrine that the wise man should take part in public life, ' velit gerere et administrare rempub- licam.'

civilibus undis : Epp. 2. 2. 84 ' re- rum fluctibus in mediis.'

I come to land

The metaphor

cp. Cic. Acad.


1 7. verae : trne to its standard, not lowered to suit men's weakness.

custos rigidusque satelles. 'Rigi- dus ' belongs to both substantives and is outside the metaphor, describing other- wise the strictness of the true Stoic : ' custos,' ' satelles,' as though Virtue were a sovereign.

18. Aristippi : Sat. 2. 3. 100, Epp. 1. 17. 14, 23 ; the founder of the Cyrenaic school, who ' voluptatem finem esse voluerunt ' Cic. Acad. Prior. 42. 131.

furtim relabor, as though he was ashamed of it. Horace does not paint this eclecticism as an ideal. He is in search of a philosophical system. This hesitation is a proof that he has not attained it.

19. ' Try to make things serve me, not myself serve them.' A general de- scription of his own attitude towards external things in his Epicurean mo- ments. He finds the principles of his life in his own inclinations, not in rules, claims, relations outside himself.

21. opus debentibus, ' whose work is a matter of debt.' A man who is working for his own pleasure or advant- age finds the day too short.

22. pupillis . . . custodia. The former is a technical word, the latter not. The boys are orphans and therefore ' pupilli,' 'wards' of some guardian, 'tutor,' appointed under the father's will. They live still w ith their mother and are therefore under her control, in fact, though not in law, as a woman could not be a ' tutor '.

dura, ' irksome.'

24. id quod, etc. , i. e. the obtaining of fixed principles of conduct.



Aeque pauperibus prodest, locupletibus aeque, Aeque neglectum pueris senibusque nocebit.^ Restat ut his ego me ipse regam solerque elementis. Non pqssis oculo quantum contendere Lynceus,

Non tamen idcirco contemnas lippus inungi ; Nec quia desperes invicti membra Glyconis, Nodosa corpus nolis prohibere cheragra. Est quadam prodire tenus, si non datur ultra. Fervet avaritia miseroque cupidine pectus

2 5

25, 26. prodest . . . noeebit. The future adds ' by and by, though it may not seem so at the moment/ and it suits the comparison in its clause between successive stages of life. The young see no evil results, but they vvill follow equally.

27. restat : till I attain to the system, I must do what I can with so much of the alphabet of philosophy as I have learnt.

his : such as are exemplified in the rest of the Epistle.

ego me ipse emphasizes again that his aim is practical and personal. He is not going to mount the professor's chair.

regam solerque : the practical aims of moral philosophy, guidance in con- duct, and the attainment of content and tranquillity.

2S-31. These lines contain an apo- logy. ' Little is better than nothing.' They also offer a first example of the ' elementa ' of philosophical common- place of which he speaks.

28. non possis : see on Sat. 1. 1. 45. The omission of the concessive or con- ditional particle, that is, the return to co-ordinate construction, has the effect of contrasting more forcibly the possible hypothesis and the impossible conclu- sion which might wrongly be drawn from it. Notice that in usingthe second person henceforth in the Epistle (at least until v. 95), Horace has in view not Maecenas. but an imaginary dispu- tant or object of hfs teaching. See note on Epp. 1. 16. 41-43.

oculo contendere : lit. to make an effort with the eye, as Cic. Lig. 3. 6 'voce contendere.' Bentley, following Lambinus, with small MS. authority, reads and argues for ' oculos,' though allowing that both constructions are

lawful. The position of ' contendere ' makes it the inf. not after ' possis,' but after ' potuit ' or ' potuisset,' in the rel. clause.

Lyneeus : one of the Argonauts, famous for keenness of sight. Pind. Nem. 10. 62 Keivov -yap enixOoviwv -nav- Tcav jiver' b^vTarov 6/xp.a.

29. lippus inungi : Sat. I. 5. 30.

30. Glyconis. Lessing pointed out that a famous athlete, Glycon of Per- gamum, is the object of an epigram by Antipater of Thessalonica, a contempor- ary, as appears, ofHorace. Otherwisehis name is unknown, and as early as Acron the conjecture ' Milonis ' had been sub- stituted in some copies. Curiously, Milo is the name in the sentence which is quoted from Epictetus, and which pos- sibly was suggested by this passage : ov5e yap MiAwv eaojxai, Kal 6p.ws ovx dp.e\w tov aw/xaTos' ov5e Kpotaos, dAA.' oiiws oxjk apieXw T7?s KT-qaews.

31. cheragra : Sat. 2. 7. 16.

32. est, e£eon. Sat. 2. 5. 103. quadam . . . tenus. The tmesis as

in Virg. Aen. 5. 603 ' Hac celebrata tenus.' ' Quadam ' is one of the many true readings received into the text of Horace by Cruquius on the testimony of V. It had been conjecturally re- stored by Lambinus, but has since been found in most of the best MSS. The earlier readings were ' quodam ' and ' quoddam.' The latter made no sense, the former is contrary to the usual formation of adverbial compounds of ' tenus,' which have the fem. abl. as ' hactenus,' ' aliquatenus.'

33. fervet. Perhaps, ' is fevered,' the metaphor being continuous in this and the two following lines. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 79 ' luxuria . . . aut alio mentis morbo calet.' Otherwise we should take it as Cicero's ' fervet ferturque



Sunt verba et voces quibus hunc lenire dolorem Possis et magnam morbi deponere partem. Laudis amore tumes ; sunt certa piacula quae te Ter pure lecto poterunt recreare libello. Invidus, iracundus, iners, vinosus, amator, Nemo adeo ferus est ut non mitescere possit, Si modo culturae patientem commodet aurem. Virtus est vitium fugere et sapientia prima Stultitia caruisse. Vides quae maxima credis Esse mala, exiguum censum turpemque repulsam, Ouanto devites animi capitisque labore. Impiger extremos curris mercator ad Indos Per mare pauperiem fugiens, per saxa

4o 45

avaritia' pro Quint. 11. 38, or Ovid's ' tumida fervebat ab ira ' Met. 2. 602 ; ' is in a ferment.' For the indicative of hypothesis cp. inf. v. 58 and 87.

misero : Sat. 1. 4. 26 ' ob avaritiam aut misera ambitione laborat,' ib. 1. 6. 129.

eupidine : a larger word than ' avaritia,' including all the ways of desiting instead of enjoying, of which that is (to Horace) the standing instance. See introd. to Sat. I. I. Cp. the phrase ' inops cupido ' in Epp. 1. 18. 98. For the gender of ' cupido ' see on Od. 2. 16. 15.

34. verba et voces : perhaps with remembrance of Eur. Hipp. 478 elolv 8' tircphal Kal Kvyoi OtktcTrjpici' | (pavr)- oerai ti Trjafie (pdpp.aKov voaov, where eircvSai would answer to ' voces,' Kuyot to ' verba.' The teachings of philosophy are likened to the spells of the iarpo-


36. laudis amore : ambition stands next to avarice, as in Sat. 1. 4. 26, 2. 3. 179 foll. ; Epp. 2. 2. 205.

tumes, as Sat. 2. 3. 213. The choice of the figure is due to the windy, un- substantial, chaiacter of the objects of ambition, ' inani ambitione' Epp. 2. 2. 206. But it is also another medical word, ambition is as a dropsy.

piaeula : continuing the figure of ancient medicine, which mixed the arts of the physician and of the seer.

37. ter : see note on Sat. 2. 1. 7. pure, as Orelli explains it = dyvws,

KaOapws. So, with a similar mixture of medical and religious import. Plin. N. H.

, per lgnes

mare paupenem

... n>|/




caste pureque col-

22. 10


libello. The word covers both the philosophical treatise and the book of magic formulae to which it is likened.

41. virtus. We are probably, as is usual with Horace, to understand ' prima ' from the second substantive. ' It is a first step in virtue to avoid vice, as it is the first step in wisdom to have got rid of folly.' He is still apologiz- ing for the elementary and negative character of the wisdom which is to come.

43. censum . . . repulsam. These follow the order of the two vices of which he has spoken, avarice and ambition.

turpem : cp. Od. 3. 2. 17 ' repulsae . . . sordidae.'

44. animi capitisque labore. A difficulty was early felt in the apparent contrast of ' animi ' and ' capitis.' Our opposition of ' heart ' and ' head ' is not to be thought of. The true explana- tion is probably indicated in the early glosses which have in some MSS. crept into the text as substitutes for ' la- bore,' (1) ' dolore,' i.e. 'labor' means ' pain' rather than 'effort'; (2) 'periclo,' i. e. ' labor ' is used with something of a zeugma, ' capitis labore ' having rather the sense of ' riskto life.'

46. per mare . . . per saxa, per ignes. The enumeration is proverbial and metaphorical, though it begins with a danger which may be understood literally. Cp. Sat. 1. 1. 38, 2. 3. 54. With the general picture of the trader cp. Od. 3. 24. 36 foll.



Ne cures ea, quae stulte miraris et optas,

Discere et audire, et meliori crcdere non vis?

Quis circum pagos et circum compita pugnax

Magna coronari contemnat Olympia, cui spes, 50

Cui sit condicio dulcis sine pulvere palmae?

Vilius argentum est auro, virtutibus aurum.

' O cives, cives, quaerenda pecunia primum est ;

Virtus post nummos : ' haec Ianus summus ab imo

Prodocet, haec recinunt iuvenes dictata senesque, 55

Laevo suspensi loculos tabulamque lacerto.

. -7"' i- r vv<v''

Est animus tibi, sunt mores et lingua ndesque ;


47. ne cures : the negative purpose of ' discere,' etc, ' to save yourself irom caring for,' etc.

48. meliori : cp. Epp. i. 2. 68 ' te melioribus offer.'

49-51. These lines enforce by an illus- tration the appeal of vv. 47, 48. Com- pare the prize in the two cases and the effort required. It is as though a hack prize-fighter were offered a garland at Olympia without having to fight for it.

50. coronari Olympia, a Graecism : OTi<pavovadai 'OkxifjLiria, as Ennius ' vicit Olumpia,' quoted by Cic. de Sen. 5. 13.

52. vilius, etc. This is the inter- pretation of the preceding question. ' Virtue is the prize offered, and that is as much more valuable than gold, which you are seeking at such cost, as gold itself is more valuable than silver. But (he goes on) here is the difficulty : this doctrine which seems to me so clear is the very opposite of the doctrine which all the world preaches and repeats.'

54. Ianus summus ab imo. As to the exact meaning of this phrase see on Sat. 2. 3. iS ' Ianum ad medium.' In any case it means, generally, the head- quarters of the busine^s of money-mak- ing.

55. prodocet, an ana£ \ey. It seems to answer to 'recinunt dictata'; ' deals forth asfrom the teacher's chair.' ' Prae- docet/ ' perdocet/ each found in a few MSS. of inferior value, are emendations of a rare vvord.

recinunt dictata : Epp. 1. 18. 13 ' saevo dictata magistro Reddere ' (cp. Sat. 1. 10. 75), of lessons taught orally and repeated in sing-song by the class.

56. The line is repeated from Sat. 1. 6. 74, where see note. It seems here

to emphasize ' senes' ironically. ' Yes, the old, in this matter, are as true schoolboys as those whom I used to see and whom I described tripping to sjhool at Venusia.' Similar repelitions of a line with a purpose occur between Sat. 1. 2. 27 and Sat. 1. 4. 92 ; Sat. 1. 8. 11 and Sat. 2. 1. 22 ; apparently without a pur- pose between Sat. 1. 2. 13 and A. P. 421 ; Sat. 2. 3. 163 and Epp. 1. 6. 28; and, though the reading is questioned, Epp. 1. 14. 34 and Epp. 1. 18. 91. It is also a usage found in the Odes under both circumstances. Cp. Od. 1. 19. 1 vvith 4. 1. 5 ; and Od. 3. 21. 20 vvith 4. 8. 33.

57, 58. The great majority of editors since Cruquius place these lines in this order, and there is some MS. authority for it, including Holder's E and g. Bentley, who argues strongly for it, sup- poses 57 to have been at some time omitted and wrongly replaced. He points out that in one of his MSS. (that beionging to Magdalen College, Oxford) it is inserted after v. 61.

If 58 is to be put before 57, we must imagine it to be a reply of the money- seeker, answering to that made in Sat. 1. 1. 62 ' Nil satis est (inquit) quia tanti quantum habeas sis.' ' Nay, the world is right, not you, for I am still some way off the income which carries with it respectability.' But this is a serious break in an otherwise orderly series of thought. Putting 57 before 58 vve find Horace still pursuing his statement that the world puts money before merit. That is the lesson taught on 'Change. That is the lesson (so vv. 57-59 run) of our social distinctions.

57. est, ' suppose you Jiave.'

animus ; here ' gifts of mind,' which

2 20


Sed quadringentis sex septem milia desunt ; Plebs eris. At pueri ludentes, ' Rex eris,' aiunt, ' Si recte facies.' Hic murus aeneus esto, Nil conscire sibi, nulla pallescere culpa. Roscia, dic sodes, melior lex an puerorum est Nenia, quae regnum recte facientibus offert, Et maribus Curiis et decantata Camillis? Isne tibi melius suadet qui, rem facias, rem, Si possis recte, si non, quocunque modo rem, Ut propius spectes lacrimosa poemata Pupi,


in the similar Od. 2. 18. 9 is ' ingeni vena.'

lingua fides. Some relation is to be felt between these. Contrast Plaut. M. G. 2. 2. 35 ' os habeat, linguam, perfidiam.'

58. sed. There is a v. 1. ' si ' in some good MSS. (incl. the Queen's Coll. MS.), followed in the early editions, which placed this line before 57; but the weight of evidence is for ' sed,' and ' si ' was perhaps an emendation in- tended to smooth the transition when the verses were read in that order.

quadringentis, the 'equestris summa' of A. P. 383, a fortune of 400,000 ses- terces.

ses septem, ' six or seven,' a collo- quial use. Ter. Eun. 2. 3. 40 ' his mensibus sex septem,' Cic. ad Att. 10. 8 ' sex septem diebus.'

59. plebs for ' plebeius.' Prof. Wil- kins points out the Homeric parallel, dTjfxov tovra, i. e. one of the people, II. 12. 213. ' Plebs ' is used with its usual Horatian meaning of ' the people ' in a depreciatory sense, ' one of the crowd.'

at. Horace's answer to the judgment of the world.

60. si recte facies. The Scholiast gives the full line of the ' nenia,' a trochaic tetrameter catal. , ' Rex eris si recte facies, si non facies, non eris,' and the same verse is quoted as a proverb by Isidore of Seville (beginningoi yth cent.) in his Origines (9. 3. 4). What mean- ing the boys gave to 'recte facere,' whether ' to play well ' or ' to keep the rules ' is a matter of guessing. Horace is concerned with the words, and the connection into which ' rex ' and ' recte facere ' are brought. Plato (Theaetetus, p. 146) alludes to a Greek game of ball in which the worst player was called

ovos, the best @afft\evs.

hic : for the attraction of the pronoun see Madv. § 316.

murus aeneus, i. e. a perfect protec- tion. See on Od. 3. 3. 65.

61. sibi : an indefinite subject being understood to ' conscire.' Wilkins points out a similar instance in Cic. de Nat. D. 1. 30. 84, where we have 'sibi' (altered by some edd. to ' tibi ') ' displi- cere,' although thesentence is addressed, as here, to tbe second person.

62. Roscia lex. See on Epod. 4. 15. It is taken as the type of an estimate of rank based upon money.

sodes : Sat. 1. 9. 41.

63. nenia : see on Od. 3. 28. 16 ; 'refrain,' ' nursery rhyme.' Phaedrus depreciatingly calls his fables (3. prol. 10) ' viles neniae.'

64. maribus : A. P. 402 ' mares animos.'

Curiis . . . Camillis : Od. 1. 12. 41, 42 ; for the plural see on ibid. 37. Virgil has ' Camillos ' G. 2. 169.

decantata. See on Od. 1. 33. 3. Here we have only the idea of repeti- tion, from generation to generation.

65. rem . . . rem . . . rem, of the one thing preached in season and out of season, ' money, money, money.' Cp. a slighter instance of such repetition Epod. 14. 6.

67. propius, i. e. in the seats which the 'lex Roscia' appropriated to the knights.

lacrimosa, ' doleful.' Nothing is known of Pupius but what the Scholiasts tell us, viz. that he wrote tragedies and that the following epigram was composed on him, they say, by himself, ' Flebunt amici et bene noti mortem meam : Nam populus in me vivo lacrimavit satis.'



An qui Fortunae te responsare superbae '.<*<■**,

Liberum et erectum praesens hortatur et aptat ?

Quodsi me populus Romanus forte roget, cur 70

Non ut porticibus sic iudiciis fruar isdem,

Nec sequar aut fugiam quae diligit ipse vel odit,

Olim quod volpes aegroto cauta leoni

Respondit referam : ' Quia me vestigia terrent,

Omnia te adversum spectantia, nulla retrorsum.' 75

Belua multorum es capitum. Nam quid sequar aut quem?

Pars hominum gestit conducere publica, sunt qui

Frustis et pomis viduas venentur avaras,

Excipiantque senes quos in vivaria mittant ;

Multis occulto crescit res fenore. Verum 80

68. responsare : see on Sat. 2. 7. 85.

69. ereetum. Orelli compares Cic. Deiot. 13. 36 ' magno animo et erecto est, nec unquam succumbet inimicis, ne fortunae quidem.'

praesens : much as it is used of divini- ties, ' with ready help,' ' in hour of need ' ; it goes with both verbs : he not only advises but helps you to keep the advice.

aptat. A few good MSS. (incl. Regin.) ' optat.' There is the reverse mistake in Epp. 1. 6. 55, some old MSS. reading ' adapta.'

71. portieibus : see Sat. 1.4. 134 n.

fruar : not only use, but ' use with pleasure.'

73. olim, as in Sat. 2. 6. 79, the ' once upon a time ' of a fable. Cp. Epp. 1.3. 1 8. It is an Aesopean fable. Porph. tells us that Lucilius had used it, and some of the lines in which he did so have been pieced together in his frag- ments, 30. 80 foll. ed. Miiller, cp. esp. vv. 86, 87 ' Quid sibi volt, quare fit ut introversus et ad te Spectent atque ferant vestigia se omnia prorsus ? '

76. belua multorum capitum. Horace dwells on the figure of the fable and gives another aspect to it. The world which bids me imitate it is well represented as a beast a beast.like those of legend, with many heads.

77-80. We are passing from the charge brought against the world, of a wrong standard, to that of inconstancy, but this is not donewith logical accuracy, and the instances given of variety of taste in different people belong still to

the old subject, being limited to various ways, including the most questionable ones, of making money.

77- eonducere publica, ' to take pub- lic contracts.' The phrase seems to cover contracts both for the farming of the revenue (cp. 'publicis male redemptis' Cic. Q. Erat. 1. 1. 11) and for woiks to be executed for the state. It is possible that Horace is thinking of various grades of dignity in such contracts (cp. JuvenaFs ' Quis facile est aedem conduceie, flu- mina, portus, Siccandam eluviem,' etc. 3. 30), but the main irony lies in the verb ' gestit,' ' is greedy to,' and in the juxtaposition of the calling of the ' pub- licanus ' with that of the legacy-hunter and the money-lender, as though the difference were one of taste.

78. frustis : Perhaps acontemptuous term ; ' scraps,' ' broken meat,' of such presents as the 'turdus' of Sat. 2. 5. 10. Most editors have preferred the reading ' crustis ' (' cakes,' ' pastry ' ; cp. the dim. 'crustula' in Sat. 1. I. 25), which Cruquius and Lambinus found in some of their MSS. and which has the authority of 0- (the St. Gall MS.).

pomis : Sat. 2. 5. 12. venentur . . . excipiant : Od. 3. 12. 1 2 ' excipere aprum.'

79. vivaria, of catching wild game and turning them into preserves. Cp. the similar metaphor of catching fish and putting them in fishponds, Sat. 2. 5, 44.

80. occulto. It is difficult to choose between the interpietations 'secret,' i.e. unlawful, and therefore not arranged in public, and ' the interest that grows, men



Esto aliis alios rebus studiisque teneri : Idem eadem possunt horam durare probantes? ' Nullus in orbe sinus Bais praelucet amoenis,' Si dixit dives, lacus et mare sentit amorem Festinantis heri ; cui si vitiosa libido Fecerit auspicium, cras ferramenta Teanum Tolletis, fabri. Lectus genialis in aula est Nil ait esse prjus, melius nil caelibe vita ; Si non est, iurat bene solis esse maritis.



Ouo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo ?

Ouid pauper ? Ride : mutat cenacula, lectos,

Balnea, tonsores, conducto navigio aeque

Nauseat ac locuples quem ducit priva triremis.

Si curatus inaequali tonsore capillos

Occurri, rides ; si forte subucula pexae ><**-. ^c) 95

know not how,' after Od. i. 12. 45 ' crescit occulto velut arbor aevo.' In the latter case the epithet would suggest the idea of an ' unearned increment,' and so of an invidious mode of monev-makinaf.

84. lacus et mare : the Lucrine lake and the sea outside the bar. The rich proprietor disturbs both by his buildmg. Cp. on the subject Od. 2. 18. 19-22,

3- 1. 33-4°> 3- 24- i-4-

sentit, in a bad sense, ' feels the effects of,' ' smarts for.'

85. libido, ' fancy,' 'caprice.'

86. fecerit auspicium : ' facere au- spicium ' is said of the birds or other appearances that give the omen.

Teanum, i. e. from the seaside to an inland town. Teanum called 'Sidicinum,' to distinguish it from the town of the same name in Apulia, was a town of Campania on the Via Latina between Cales and Casinnm.

87. lectus ganialis : the bed dedicated to the genius (called ' lectus adversus' Prop. 4. 11. 85) which stood in the ' atrium ' of a house where a married couple lived.

est : see above on vv. 33, 58.

89. bene esse : Od. 2. 16. 43.

90. Protea : see on Sat. 2. 3. 71.

91. quid pauper P A reply of the rich man to Horace's arraignment. Perhaps, as Cruquius suggests, it is meant to be the answer of Maecenas himself. Horace hastens to answer that the same charge of inconstancy

holds against all, against himself. It is the commencement of the ironical con- clusion. For the meaning of ' pauper ' see on Od. 1. 1. 18. It covers, as we see, a man in Horace's own station.

cenacula : by usage, of the hired garrets of the poor. See Mayor on Juv. S. 10. 18.

92. conducto navigio : though he has to hire the boat, he goes to sea and is sick just as much as the rich man who has his own trireme.

93. priva triremis : see on Od. 2. 16. 21-24 and 3. 1. 37 foll.

94. inaequali tonsore, an abl. absol. (see on Od. 1.6. 1). The point is not a general air of untidiness but the par- ticular incongruities the hair trimmed unevenly on the two sides, a new outer tunic and an old inner one, a ' toga ' that sits unequally on the two shoulders. Maecenas' eye is especially quick for the want of harmony in any such external matters, yet he is blind to greater internal inconsistencies. At the same time the passage would seem tp imply that Horace actually laid himself open to such criticisms, and therefore increases the probability that in Sat. 1. 3. 31 foll. he is thinking of himself.

95. occurri. The omission of the pronoun or any emphatic mark of a change of subject or person addressed supports Cruquius' view, that the refer- ence to Horace himself has begun in the preceding lines.




Trita subest tunicae vel si toga dissidet impar,

Rides : quid mea cum pugnat sententia secum,

Ouod petiit spernit, repetit quod nuper omisit,

Aestuat et vitae disconvenit ordine toto,

Diruit, aedificat, mutat quadrata rotundis?

Insanire putas sollemnia me neque rides,

Ncc medici credis nec curatoris egere

A praetore dati, rerum tutela mearum

Cum sis et prave sectum stomacheris ob unguem

De te pendentis, te respicientis amici.

Ad summam : sapiens uno minor est Iove, dives,

Liber, honoratus, pulcher, rex denique regum ;

Praecipue sanus, nisi cum pituita molesta est. '


subucula : acc. to Varro (fragm. pre- served by Nonius) this was a second tunic worn under the other.

pexae, of wool still fresh, with the nap on. Cp. Mart. 2. 58. 1 ' Pexatus pulcre rides mea, Zoile, trita.'

96. dissidet impar, corresponds to 'toga defluit ' in Sat. I. 3. 31.

99. asstuat, sways to and fro like the tide.

disconvenit : Epp. 1. 14. 18. ordine toto : his life is a succession of incongruities.

100. diruit, aedificat. Horace makes the Stoic in Sat. 2. 3. 307 laugh at him for spending money in building.

mutat quadrata : probably a pro- verbial expression for fanciful altera- tions, based, as Lambinus suggested, on the story told of Agesilaus (see Plutarch, Ap. Laconica, Agesilai 27) that on seeing in Asia square beams used in the roof of a house he asked if trees in that country were square, and being told that they were round, said, ' then if trees grew square would you make your beams round ? ' Some modest alterations in his Sabine villa would be enough to give occasion to his ovvn ironical laughter at his own expense.

101. sollemnia, as the Schol. ex- plains it, ' pro consuetudine cunctorum,' one more madman in a mad world ; the doctrine of Sat. 2. 3. For the use of ' sollemnis' cp. Epp. 1. 18. 49, 2. 1. 103; for the cogn. acc. with ' insanire ' see Sat. 2. 3. 63.

102. curatoris : see note on Sat. 2. 3. 217.

103. rerum tutela, etc, ' though you take such responsibility for me, and are so sensitive for my reputation, and thongh your lightest word has such weight with me.'

106. ad summam : cp. his way of bringing a discussion to a close in Sat. *■ 3- J37 ' Ne longum faciam.' He sums up in this ironical way his whole moral lecture. ' You see what I have been saying. It is the old story. The true object of desire is "wisdom," the " wise man" is all that the Stoics have called him that I have often laughed at them for calling him.' See note on Sat. 1. 3. 124 foll.

108. praecipue, 'above all,' 'as a chief distinction.'

sanus, ' sound,' i.e. primarily. as opp. to 'insanus' (v. 101), but the double meaning suggests the playful qualifica- tion, 'except when he has a bad cold.' Orelli shows by quotations that among the later Stoics at least the question was common how far such minor physical infirmities deduct from the perfect happiness of the wise man. It is pos- sible that there is a playful reference to a medico-philosophical doctiine that ' pituita' (see on Sat. 2. 2. 75) clouded the intellect. Cp. Plin. N. H. 20. 7. 26 ' [lactucae] lentitiam pituitae digerunt atque ut aliqui tradiderunt, sensus pur- gant ' with Pers. S. 2. 57 ' Somnia pituita . . . purgatissima ' ; see Coning- ton's note there.

For the scansion of ' pituita ' see on Sat. 2. 2. 75.






Verses 1-4. I have been re-reading my Homer, Lollius. He is a better teacher of

morals than your Stoics and Academics. 5-8. The whole story is full of the follies both of the few and of the many. 9-16. Antenor and Nestor, in the Iliad, are the philosophers, going to the root of

the matter, showing the way of safety, composing foolish quarrels. Paris,

Achilles, and Agamemnon are the ' madmen ' of common life, refusing to be

saved, driven headlong by desire or anger. The many suffer for the sins of the

few. Life and its follies are the same in both camps. 17-31. So in the Odyssey, Ulysses is the philosopher, studying life, thinking for

others, proof against adversity, deaf to the Sirens and to Circe, while his

comrades fall victims to them. We find our part in the ciphers of the story,

the suitors, the courtiers of Alcinous, prodigals, fops, and loungers. 32-39. This is the bane of life. Wake up, show in a good cause something of the

energy which robbers show in a bad. Laziness will avenge itself in the

case of moral health as of physical. 40-43. Do not procrastinate. Time waits for no man. 44, 45. You plead excuses. You are busy on legitimate objects of desire. 46-54. Be it so, but set a limit to these. Remember that wealth to be enjoyed

presupposes health to enjoy, health of mind as well as body. 55-62. Pleasure is often bought too dear. Avarice is perpetual poverty. Envy

is a torment. Anger is a temporary insanity. 62-67. These can all be tamed if you treat the mind as you treat your horse and

your dog break it in early. 67-70. Listen to me while you are young. Early lessons are long retained. 70, 71. But, whether you listen or not, I shall go my own pace.

This Epistle is to be read with the First. It is an instance of the rudimentary philosophy, the thoughts on life and morals, which Horace represents himself then as storing. They are brought out now for the benefit of a young man. Homer's poems are only the text and excuse, a link, it may be, between Lollius' old studies and new needs. But we see elsewhere (see on Epp. 1. 16. 73) that Horace was in- clined as he read the Greek poets to find for himself moral applications of their legends.

The ' Lollius ' of this Epistle and (we may suppose) of the Eighteenth is a young man who in the later Epistle is spoken of as having served under Augustus in the Cantabrian campaign, B.c. 25, 24. He is possibly the son of the M. Lollius to whom Od. 4. 9 is addressed.

Various theories have been held as to the meaning of the appellation ' Maxime ' given to him in v. 1. It has been taken (1) as = 'natu maxime,' as though there were several brothers. One brother is mentioned in Epp. 1. 18. 63. Cp. ' O maior iuvenum ' A. P. 366. This is Orellfs view, but it has been pointed out that there is no authority for the use of ' maxime ' by itself in the sense of ' eldest.' (2) As either iiterally or playfully = ' illustrious,' the former by those who with the Scholiasts take the Epistle to be addressed to M. Lollius who was consul in B.c. 21 ; among



these is Ritter. The latter by those who think it to be addressed to a boy. (3) As a cognomen. This is no new theory, having been held by Scaliger, but it has gained general belief since Meineke's advocacy of it. There is no trustworthy evidence of the cognomen borne by M. Lollius, the consul of B. c. 21. Under the Republic the only cognomen found in the gens Lollia is Palicanus. A grand- daughter of his is called ' Lollia Paullina,' and this has been supposed to indicate that the cognomen was Paullinus. But the whole question of cognomina at this period is very obscure. A 'Lollius Maximus ' is found in an inscription, but of a much later date. Keller compares Ovid's address (ex Pont. 2. 8. 2 and 3. 5. 6) ' Maxime Cotta ' to the son of Messalla, the orator, who had been adopted into the Aurelia gens, and bore apparently both the cognomen which belonged to it, and that of Maximus, an old cognomen in the Valeria gens, to which by birth he be- longed.

v. w

ti BM

TROIANI belli scriptorem, Maxime Lolli,

Dum tu declamas Romae Praeneste relegi ;

Oui quid sit pulchrum, quid turpe, quid utile, quid non,

Planius ac melius Chrysippo et Crantore dicit

Cur ita crediderim nisi quid te distinet audi.

Fabula, qua Paridis propter narratur amorem

Graecia Barbariae lento collisa duello,

Stultorum regum et populorum continet aestus.

>.*. |»-r»-y


-•> *r

1. Maxime Lolli. Taking'Maxime' as a cognomen (see introd.), notice the inversion of the two names, as in Od. 2. 2. 3 ' Crispe Salusti,' where see n.

2. deelamas, of a young man practis- ing the art of speaking under the guid- ance of a ' rhetor.' Cicero describes himself as doing so Brut. 90. 310 ' commentabar declamitans (sic enim loquuntur) saepe cum M. Piceno et cum Q. Pompeio aut cum aliquo quotidie ; ' see Mayor on Juv. S. 7. 150.

Praeneste, a haunt of Horace ; see Od. 3. 4. 23 n. It does not follow that he possessed a house there.

3. pulehrum . . . utile : /caXov, Xp-qaifxov. The two tests of action according to Cic. de Off. I. 3. 10.

4. planius. The Bland. MSS. seem here to have had the worse reading ' plenius.' The Pseudo-Acron had ' planius,' which he interprets by 'aper- tius,' the Comm. Cruq. by ' manifestius.' ' Plenius ' would involve an unnecessary paradox, as Chrysippus and Crantor are both spoken of as most voluminous writers. For Chrysippus the Stoic see on Sat. 1. 3. 126. Crantor was an Aca- demic, ' Legimus omnes Crantoris veteris Academici de luctu ' Cic. Academ. Prior. 2. 136, ' Crantor ille qui in nostra

VOL. II. (

Academia vel inprimis fuit nobilis ' id. Tusc. D. 3. 6. 12. Diog. Laert. (4. 24) speaks of him as having written a book of virofx.vrjfj.ara, which contained 30,000 lines.

5. crediderim. For the tense cp. Od.

3- 5- 1

distinet : the reading of the best MSS., including the Bland., as against ' detinet.'

7. Barbariae : cp. Od. 2.4.9' Bar- barae postquam cecidere turmae,' and Epod. 9. 6. The Roman poets intro- duce into their language about the Tro- jan war the post-Homeric distinction of Greeks and fiapfiapoi, so that ' barbari ' becomes the equivalent of Trojan or Phrygian ; see Conington on Virg. Aen. 2. 504.

duello. Horace affects this archaic form Od. 3. 5. 38, 3. 14. iS, 4. 15.8; Epp. 2. 1. 254, 2. 2. 98. Notice, with Orelli, the effect of the sonorous verse with its heroic tone, in contrast with the preceding line, in emphasizing the inadequacy of the cause and the serious- ness of the result.

8. stultorum. In the philosophical sense, as opposed to the ' sapiens.' Antenor and Nestor are the philoso- phers.




Antenor censet belli praecidere causam :

Quid Paris ? Ut salvus regnet vivatque beatus

Cogi posse negat. Nestor componere lites

Inter Peliden festinat et inter Atriden ;

Hunc amor, ira quidem communiter urit utrumque.

Quicquid delirant reges plectuntur Achivi.

Seditione, dolis, scelere atque libidine et ira

Uiacos intra muros peccatur et extra.

Rursus quid virtus et quid sapicntia possit

Utile proposuit nobis exemplar Ulixen,

Oui domitor Troiae multorum providus urbes

Et mores hominum inspexit, latumque per aequor,

Dum sibi, dum sociis reditum parat, aspera multa

Pertulit, adversis rerum immersabilis undis.

Sirenum voces et Circae pocula nosti ;

Quae si cum sociis stultus cupidusque bibisset,

Sub domina meretrice fuisset turpis et excors

Vixisset canis immundus vel amica luto sus.

Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati,




i .


9. Antenor. The reference is to II. 7. 347 foll. Cp. also Liv. 1. 1 ' duo- bus Aeneae Antenorique . . . quia pacis redclendaeque Helenae auctores semper fuerunt, omne ius belli Achivos abstin- uisse.'

10. quicl Paris ? II. 7. 357 foll. ' 'AvTrjvop oi) fx\v ovKir' kp.01 cfnXa ravr' dyopfvas, k.t.X. Horace puts theresult of Paris' answer into his mouth as though he had actually foreseen and chosen it. Bentley, not allowing suffi- ciently for the irony, argues strongly for the reading of inferior authority, ' Quod Paris,' ' quod ' being the accusative after ' cogi.'

11. Nestor : II. 1. 254 foll.

1 2. inter . . . inter. For this idiom see on Sat. 1. 7. 11.

1 3. hunc : sc. Agamemnon.

14. plectuntur : Sat. 2. 7. 105 ' tergo plector.'

15. atque, not coordinated with et but a kling to seelere its two motives, ' crime, and the lust and anger from which it springs.'

19-22. A free translation of the first five lines of the Odyssey, of part of which he gives another version in A. P. 141, 142, dvdpa pot tvvine, Movoa,

TToXvTponov, bs paXa jroXXd | TrXayx^Vt

klTil TpOtTjS hpOV TTToXliOpOV iTTipCTe' \ TToXXwV 5' dvOpUlTTCVV tfiiV aorea Kal voov eyvcu, | iroWa 5' o j iv ttovtcu irdOiv d\jia ov icard Ov^ibv \ dpvvpavos tjv Ti ^vxrjv Kal vuotov iraipcvv.

23. Sirenum : Odyss. 12. 39 foll. and 166 foll.

Cireae pocula : Odyss. 10. 230 foll. Horace recurs to the story of the crew of Ulysses in Epp. 1. 6. 64 foll.

24. stultus cupidusque. He per- haps means to suggest that the pu/Xv with which by Hermes' advice Ulysses had fortified himself bcfore he drank of Ciree's cup, represents temperance, with which the cup of pleasure becomes harmless. He did not drink ' in foolish greediness.'

25. turpis et excprs, ' shamed and witless.' Lambinus suggests that the words are an echo of Homer's kokov Kal dvfjvopa Od. 10. 301. For 'excors' see Sat. 2. 3. 67.

26. immundus . . . amica luto seem to suggest a moral interpretation of the story.

27. nos numerus sumus. Ulysses is the one in the thousand ; we are the nine hundred and ninety-nine,



Sponsi Pcnelopae, nebulones, Alcinoique In cute curanda plus aequo operata iuventus, Cui pulchrum fuit in medios dormire dies et Ad strepitum citharae f cessatum ducere curam. Ut iugulent hominem surgunt de nocte latrones : Ut te ipsum serves non expergisceris ? Atqui


nulli Dido's

1. 104.

the apiOfius, itpu(iaT aAAws, dpupoprjs 1'evijo-fxevoi of Arist. Nub. 1203, where the succeeding designations explain the first : men without individuality, who can only be spoken of in the mass.

fruges consumere nati, ' fit for no task higher than to eat their share of eartlvs fruits ' ; an adaptation of the Homeric fipoTwv ot dpovpr/s Kaprrov (Sovoiv. For ' nati ' with the inf. see App. 2 of vol. 1. § 2.

28. sponsi. Cp. quondam flexere mariti ' of suitors, Aen. 4. 35.

nebulones : see on Sat. 1. It is a further designation of 'sponsi,' giving the application by a familiar phrase of Roman town life, answering to the description of ' Alcinoi inventus,' ' good-for-naught suitors of Penelope.'

Alcinoi iuventus, the young cour- tiers of Alcinous, as he describes them in Odyss. 8. 248 ahl 5' r)piv Sais re (jnArj Kidapis T6 XOpoi re | iipard t' e£rjpoifid KotTpd Tt deppd Kal eiivai. Cp. Epp. I. 15. 24 ' Pinguis ut inde domum possim Phaeaxque reverti.'

29. cute curanda : Epp. 1. 4. 15 'bene curata cute,' Sat. 2. 5. 3S ' pelli- culam curare ' ; ' in keeping their skin sleek.'

30. in medios dormire dies. This belongs to the life of a lazy young Roman (cp. Pers. Sat. 3 passim), not the actual Homeric picture.

31. fcessatum ducere curam. So editors usually print, even those who, as Munro, do not believe Horace to have written it. If vve accept it, it will probably mean ' to beguile care into stopping.' Any objection to the phrase itself is not to the supine after ' ducere,' which is abundantly supported by Sat. 2. 4. 89 'auditum ducere,' but to the fanciful character of the expression, which has nothing in Homer to account for it, and is unlike Horace's style. But although the majority of Ihe older MSS. give this reading, all Cruquius' BlandinianMSS. had ' somnum ' instead of ' curam, ' and this Keller considers the

reading generally of his ' second class ' of MSS. The scholium of Acr. in its later partexplains ' cessatum curam,' but Bentley argues that the first annotation, ' quia adhibemus sonitum citharae ac lyrae ut facilius sopiamur ' belongs to an earlier reading of ' somnum.' The Bland. MSS. seem to have had ' cessa- tum,' which with ' somnum ' has no meaning, and so have the other MSS. Bentley, building in part on the reading of some early editions ' cessantum,' pro- posed to complete the sense by altering ' cessatum ' to ' cessantem,' and he is followed by Haupt, Meineke, and others. Munro (Journ. of Philology, vol. 9. p. 217) proposes ' recreatum,' ' to pro- long sleep restored at the sound of the lyre.' Bentley takes ' cessantem ' in the same sense as Od. 3. 28. 8 'cessantem amphoram,' ' to tempt sleep when it is coy.' The parallel will be Od. 3. 1. 20 ' Non avium citharaeque cantus Somnum reducent.' The problem can hardly be said to be solved : but there is great force in Bentley's argument that the context both before and after is in favour of some reading which makes sense of 'somnum.' The young Phaea- cians are not painted as burdened with care which needs beguiling, and we need to emphasize in every way, and to end with, the charge of excessive sleep, as it is the text of the moral lecture which follows. With ' curam ' the connection of 32 foll. is harsh.

32. hominem. Orelli follows a few MSS. in reading 'homines.' Keller shows that, besides the great preponder- ance of authority, the usual phrase for ' murder ' was ' hominem occidere,' as in Epp. 1. 16. 48.

de nocte, ' while it is still night.' See on 'de die ' Epod. 13. 4.

33. te ipsum. We must not sup- pose these lessor.s to be pressed home directly to Lollius. As in the last Epistle, Horace addresses an imaginary person, some young ' Phaeacian ' of Roman society.




Si noles sanus, curres hydropicus ; et ni

Posces ante diem librum cum lumine, si non 35

Intendes animum studiis et rebus honestis,

Invidia vel amore vigil torquebere. Nam cur

Ouae laedunt oculos festinas demere, si quid

Est animum, differs curandi tempus in annum ?

Dimidium facti qui coepit habet ; sapere aude ; 40

Incipe. Qui recte vivendi prorogat horam

Rusticus exspectat dum defiuat amnis ; at ille

Labitur et labetur in omne volubilis aevum.

Quaeritur argentum puerisque beata creandis

Uxor, et incultae pacantur vomere silvae : 45

Quod satis est cui contingit nihil amplius optet.

34. et couples two statements, tlie one of which is the illustration and analogue of the other. ' As if you will not take exercise while you are well you will have to do so to cure an illness ; so if you will not wake to study and honour- able effort, you will wake to suffer the torture of bad passions.' For the use of ' et ' cp. ' neque, nec ' Od. 3. 5. 27 n. Some good MSS. have ' nolis ' and ' cures,' and Bentley prefers this reading, understanding ' expergisci,' but the Bland. had ' curres,' and the Scholiasts interpret it.

39. est : sc. 'edit.'

in annum : Epp. 1. 11. 23; 'till next year,' i.e. indefinitely.

40. dimidium, etc. A Greek pro- verb, apxv ^ rot flpuvv iravTos.

41. recte vivendi : Epp. 1. 6. 29, 1. 8. 4, 1. 16. 17, 2. 2. 213.

42. rusticus exspeetat 'is as the countryman waiting for the river to run by,' i. e. acts as though he thought time would stop for him. One of Horace's fables remembered or invented. It is not found elsewhere.

43. volubilis : Od. 4. 1. 40. Notice the imitative rhythm of the verse de- scribing the unbroken course of the sliding water.

44 foll. Excuses imagined for him who postpones his self-reformation. He is busy for the moment getting money, or a wife, or biinging an estate into order. (Cp. the excuses in the Parable of the Guests.) Horace allows them, but gives cautions. Such desires must

be limited to what is enough. They must not be allowed to degenerate into unsatisfied cravings. Moral health is necessary to any enjoyment.

44. beata. Perhaps best taken as by the Scholiasts ('partn felix '), and as by Ritter, closely with ' pueris creandis.' The two lines seem meant to describe a man's aims from his own point of view, and the irony (which Orelli and others imagine) of the juxtaposition, ' a rich wife to bear children,' would be out of place.

45. pacantur, ' are in process of being tamed.' Other things must wait till the urgent task is accomplished. The metaphor implies both the bene- ficence of the work and the struggle in- volved. It is better taken, with Orelli and earlier editors, of forest land re- claimed, a metaphor from the civilizing progress of Roman arms (cp. ' mitiget ' Epp. 2. 2. 186), than with Ritter and Dillr (after Lachmann on Lucret. 5. 1 203^1 in the more literal sense of clear- ing the country of wild beasts (as Manil. 4. 1S2 ' pacare metu silvas'). The in- terpretation is given by ' incultae' on the one side and ' vomere ' on the other. Cp. the picture of the breaking up of woodland in Virg. G. 2. 207-211. Orelli's quotation of id. v. 239 ' ea [terra] nec mansuescit arando ' is tempt- ing, but not fully in point, for there. as in Lucret. 5. 136S, which Virgil had in mind, the ideas put together are of taming wild animals and exchanging wild growths for cultivatgd.



Non domus et fundus, non aeris acervus et auri

Aegroto domini deduxit corpore febres,

Non animo curas. Valeat possessor oportet,

Si comportatis rebus bene cogitat uti.

Oui cupit aut metuit, iuvat illum sic domus et res

Ut lippum pictae tabulae, fomenta podagram,

Auriculas citharae collecta sorde dolentes.

Sincerum est nisi vas, quodcunque infundis acescit.

Sperne voluptates : nocet empta dolore voluptas.

Semper avarus eget : certum voto pete finem.

Invidus alterius macrescit rebus opimis :

Invidia Siculi non invenere tyranni

Maius tormentum. Qui non moderabitur irae

Infectum volet esse dolor quod suaserit et mens,

Dum poenas odio per vim festinat inulto.

Ira furor brevis est : animum rege, qui nisi paret

Imperat ; hunc frenis, hunc tu compesce catena.

Fingit equum tenera docilem cervice magister




47. Orelli points out that the three things named, ' domus,' ' fundus,' ' aeris acervus,' answer, in varied order, to the three objects of desire nientioned in vv.

44- 45-

47-49. non . . . non. Another illustration or argument from analogy. As they do not restore bodily health, so they do not mental.

48. deduxit. The aoristic use. This line is an echo of Lucret. 2. 34, where the general sense is the same, ' Nec calidae citius decedunt corpore febres,' etc. Cp. Od. 3. 1. 41 foll.

49. valeat. Health isa condition of enjoyment. Cp. the emphatic position of ' valido ' in Od. 1. 31. 17.

51. sic ut, i. e. no more than.

52. fomenta. Usually explained since Diintzer by Seneca de Prov. 9. 4, which speaks of 'fomenta subinde mutata ' as a means practised by the luxurious of keeping the feet warm, hot flannels or the like. The argument is ' if the organs of sense are diseased, that which ordinarily gives pleasure to them ceases to do so.' \Vhat gives pleasurable warmth to a healthy foot will give pain rather than pleasure to an inflamed one. If ' fomenta ' were ex- plained of applications used to relieve

the gout, there would be no parallel to the other cases.

54. sincerum, ' clean,' Sat. 1. 3. 56. For the thought of the line cp. Lucr. 6. 1 7 ' Intellegit ibi vitium vas efficere ipsum Omniaque illius vitio corrumpier intus,'where the meaning is the same as here, that till the heart is clean no plea- sure can be enjoyed.

55 foll. Precepts towards the moral health of which he has been speaking.

56. voto has been taken both as an abl. closely with pete, ' aim your wishes at a fixed point,' and as a dative, ' find a definite limit to your wishing ' ; cp. ' sit finis quaerendi ' Sat. 1. 1. 92.

58. Siculi tyranni, as Phalaris with his brazen bull.

60. dolor, ' soreness.'

mens : what kind of ' feeling ' is ex- plained in the following line which defines the occasions ' in his hurry to satisfy his vengeful hatred.'

61. festinat : cp. Horace's use of ' properare ' with accus., Od. 3. 24. 62, Epp. 1. 3. 28.

63. tu : see on Od. 1. 9. 16; and cp. Epp. 1. 11. 22.

64 foll. ' It is possible if you begin in time.'

64. tenera cervice : abl. with ' doci-



Ire viam qua monstret eques ; venaticus, ex quo Tempore cervinam pellem latravit in aula, Militat in silvis catulus. Nunc adbibe puro Pectore verba puer, nunc te melioribus offer. Ouo semel est imbuta recens servabit odorem Testa diu. Ouodsi cessas aut strenuus anteis, Nec tardum opperior nec praecedentibus insto.


lem,' 'vvhile he learns the lesson easily because his neck is tender.'

65. ire feels the constr. both of ' fin- git ' = ' docet ' and of ' docilem.'

venaticus : pred. ' The hound who does service in the forest has been a hunter from the day when he barked at a stuffed stag's hide in the yard.'

67. puro pectore : perh. = while the heart is still a /caBapiJs iriVaf .

68. puer, ' in boyhood.' Iftheword is meant to characteiize Lollius cp. Epp. 1. 18. 55 ' puer . . . Cantabrica bella tulisti.' That would be two or three years previously. But possibly, as so often in the Epistles, it is an imaginary auditor rather than Lollius whom Horace is addressing.

melioribus : see Epp. I. 1. 48 ' meliori credere.'

69. See note on Od. 1. 20. 2, Quin- tilian 1. 1. 5 (putting together in mean- ing this line and Od. 3. 5. 27) ' natura tenacissimi sumus eorum quae rudibus annis percepimus, ut sapor quo nova imbuas durat, nec lanarum colores qui- bus simplex ille candor mutatus est elui possunt.'

70-71. The point of this seems to be the ironical assurarice that his preaching is not too earnest. ' You must take what I have said or leave it. If you try to throw me off I shall make no efforts to keep pace with you.' Cp., for the figure, Sat. 1. 9. 9, of one trying to get rid of a companion, ' Ire modo ocius, interdum consistere,' etc. ; and for the use of ' praecedere ' id. v. 42.

LIB. I. EPIST. 3. 231



Verses 1-6. I WANT to know all about the progress of Tibcrius' journey, and quite

as much about the literary occupntion of his staff. 7, 8. Who is to write the panegyric of the reign ? 9-14. What is Titius about, that brave imitator of Pindar ? his pfomising lyrics ;

or tragedy which lends itself too easilyto rant ? 15-20. What of Celsus ? I hope he is remembering the warning to avoid too

much imitation. 21-29. And yourself, on which of your many interests are yott busy ? You have

great gifts and have cultivated them. Distinction is assured to you if yott aie

seeking it, in oratory, in legal knowledge, in poetry. If you wottld take the

right course yott might attain the still greater happiness of the philosophe1-.

That is the true end of life. 30-36. One more question. How do you stand with Munatius ? Do you value

him as you should ? or is the quarrel imperfectly made up ? Farewell. I am looking anxiously for the return of both of you.

The Epistle is addressed to Julius Florus, to whom Horace addresses also the second Epistle of Book II. See introd. to that Epistle.

Florus is probably identified with the Florus who is named by the elder Seneca (Controv. 4. 25) as a pupil in oratory of M. Porcius Latro, a famous ' rhetor ' of Augustus' time and by Qttintilian 10. 3. 14 as ' in eloquentia Galliarttm, quoniam ibi demum eam exercuit, princeps ' (cp. v. 23 of this Epistle). The Scholiasts say ' Hic Flortts fuit Satirarum scriptor, cuius sunt electae ex Ennio Lucilio Varrone cet.' This has been explained to mean that he published selections (Pliny uses the word ' electa ' in this sense Epp. 8.21) from these older poets, perhaps modernized (see introd. to Sat. 1. 10).

He, with other young men of literary tastes, is in the suite of the Emperor's elder stepson Tiberius, who has been sent on a mission by Augttstus to the East, in the year B. c. 20, to place Tigranes on the throne of Armenia.

Iuli FLORE, quibus terrarum militet oris Claudius Augusti privignus, scire laboro. Thracane vos Hebrusque nivali compede vinctus, An freta vicinas inter currentia turres,

2. Claudius. Tiberius Claudius grandsons of the Emperor, were still

Nero, the elder of Livia's sons, and the alive.

future Emperor Tiberius. Horace calls scire laboro : Sat 2.8. 19 ; ' I am

him ' Claudius,' Od. 4. 14. 29, Epp. 1. anxious to know.'

9. 1, 'Claudius Nero,' Epp. 1. 12. 26, 3. Thraca : for the form cp. Virg.

' Nero ' Epp. 1. 8. 2, 2. 2. 1, ' maior Aen. 1 2. 335 ' gemit ultima puls^ Thraca/u-

Neionum ' Od. 4. 14. 4. pedum.'

privignus. He did not become 4. turres. V had ' terras,' and Tent-

Augustus' son by adoption till E. C. 3. ley defends it ; but the Scholiasts all

At this time C. and L. Caesar, the interpret ' turres,' sc. ' Hertis et Lean-



An pingues Asiae campi collesque morantur?

Quid studiosa cohors operum struit ? Hoc quoque curo.

Ouis sibi res gestas Augusti scribere sumit?

Bella quis et paces Iongum diffundit in aevum ?

Quid Titius, Romana brevi venturus in ora?

Pindarici fontis qui non expalluit haustus,

Fastidire lacus et rivos ausus apertos.

Ut valet? ut meminit nostri? Fidibusne Latinis

Thcbanos aptare modos studet auspice Musa,

An tragica desaevit et ampullatur in arte?


dri,' Porph. The tower of Hero is frequently spoken of, and Strabo, 13. 1. 22, speaks of a tower on the opposite coast from which the passage between Abydos and Sestos was made.

6. studiosa, used absolutely = ' litte- rata ' Comm. Cruq. ' Operum ' follows ' quid.'

cohors, 'suite': see on Sat. 1. 7.


hoc, the question which precedes. ' Mind you do not omit what is to me the most interesting part.'

7. seribere sumit. For constr. cp. Od. 1. 12. 1, and see vol. 1. App. 2. § 1.

scribere, probably of poetry ; see on Od. 1.6. 1.

8. bella et paces. Either ' how he made war and peace,' the plur. as in- Sall. Jug. 31. 20 'cum regna, provinciae, leges, iura, iudicia, bella atque paces . . . penes paucos erant,' where see Kritz's note; or as in Epp. 2. 1. 103 'bonae paces,' ' times of war and times of peace.' The first is perhaps most likely, as there is no doubt special reference to the mission of high politics on which Tiberius was travelling.

diffund.it. A metaphor of space transf. to time ; the pres. in the sense ' is to spread.'

9. Titius. Nothing is known of him but what may be inferred from the text. The Comm. Cruq. identifies him with the Septimius of Od. 2. 6. 1 and Epp. 1. 9. 1 ; but this can hardly be right, as both Titius and Septimius are gentile names, which are not cumulated. We gather from the text that he had ventured on the task, from which Horace in Od. 4. 2. 1 foll. professes to shrink, of writing Latin lyrics in imitation of Pindar, and that he wrote tragedies.

venturus in ora : soon to be on the

lips of all in Rome. Prop. 3. 9. 32 ' venies tu quoque in ora virum,' and Virgil ' volitare per ora ' G. 3. 9, ' ferri per ora' Aen. 12. 235.

10. Pindarici fontis : 'to drink of the fountain of Pindar,' must mean, in the first place, to seek the source of in- spiration in Pindar ('Thebanos modos' v. 13), and in Pindar directly, not in imi- tations in which his fresh stream stag- nates or runs thinly ('lacus et vivos'). Mr. Prickard suggests with some prob- ability that Horace had in mind also Pindar's own expression for what is ori- ginal as against what is borrowed, which Quintilian has preserved (10. 1. 109) ' non pluvias (ut ait Pindarus) aquas colligit [Cicero] sed vivo gurgite exun- dat.'

12. ut valet? Sat. 2. 8. 1.

13. Thebanos, i. e. of Pindar, the Theban.

auspice Musa, as Virg. has ' dis auspicibus ' Aen. 4. 45.

14. desaevit, ' storms.' The prep. as in ' decertare ' Od. 1. 3. 13.

ampullatur. ' Ampullor ' is a verb coined perhaps by Horace from ' am- pulla ' in the sense in which it is used in A. P. 97 'proiicit ampullas.' The two words evidently mean the using of florid or bombastic language. Porph. explains them as adaptations of the Greek \r)Kvdos and \t]kv6'l^(iv, quot- ing \tjkv6uos Movaa from Callimachus. Acr. and the Comm. Cruq. on the other hand, without suggestinga Greek origin, explain them from the shape of the 'ampulla' (dim. of 'amphora'\ ' in- flata' Acr., 'ventricosa' Comm. Cr. If these explanations are to be combined, as has been very generally assumed, it will follow that Horace either con- sciously or unconsciously put a tum on



Ouid mihi Celsus agit? monitus multumque monendus Privatas ut quaerat opes, et tangere vitet Scripta Palatinus quaecunque recepit Apollo, Ne, si forte suas repetitum venerit olim Grex avium, plumas, moveat cornicula risum Furtivis nudata coloribus. Ipse quid audes ? Quae circumvolitas agilis thyma ? Non tibi parvum Ingenium, non incultum est et turpiter hirtum. Seu linguam causis acuis, seu civica iura Respondere paras, seu condis amabile carmen, Prima feres hederae victricis praemia. Quodsi



2 5

the phrase which did not originally be- long to it : for the true explanation of \T)icv6os seems to be given in the passage usnally quoted from Cicero, ad Att. I. 14 ' Totum hunc locum quem ego varie meis orationibus . . . soleo pingere de flamma, de ferro (nosti illas \tjkv9ovs) valde gra- viter pertrahit, ' where it is clear that he takes it to mean ' a paint-pot ' ; cp. ad Att. 2. 1 ' Aristotelia pigmenta.' It is however equally likely that Horace thought only of the Greek \r)Kv6i£uv, and that ' ampullatur' means 'uses the paint-pot,' ' lays the colour on thick.' This is Ritter's view and that of Prof. Wilkins.

15. quid agit? As in Sat. 1.9.4 ' How is Celsus ' ?

mihi, dat. ethicus, ' tell me,' ' I wish to know.' Celsus is probably to be identified with the Celsus Albinovanus to whom Epp. 1. 8 is addressed.

16. privatas opes, wealth that he can call his own.

1 7. Palatinus Apollo. The temple of Apollo on the Palatine dedicated by Augustus in b.c. 28, attached to which was the famous library. See Od. 1. 31, introd.

18. olim, 'oneday'; see Epp. 1. 1. 73.

19. grex avium. The form of the fable in Horace corresponds with that of the late Greek collection of Aesop's fables (Fab. 78). In the earlier version of Babrius and Phaedrus the jackdaw dresses himself in peacock's feathers only.

cornieula: a word not found else- where. It answers to Ko\ot6s, 'gracu- lus,' in the Greek fables and in Phae-

drus ; but the diminutive is playful, ' poor little crow.' Orelli rightly warns us that we are not to think of Horace as charging Celsus with what we under- stand by ' plagiarism.' That he em- ploys such a fable in writing of a friend shows that he has no idea that any moral stigma can be imagined. He is rather urging originality on a young writer. What he charges imitators with (Epp. 1. 19. 19 foll.) is servility rather than dishonesty.

21. agilis, ' on your nimble wing.' The point, as explained by the follow- ing lines, is his versatility.

thyma. For the metaphor rather differently applied see Od. 4. 2. 27.

22. turpiter : to the husbandman's disgrace.

hirtum : opp. ' nitentia culta,' ' bram- blegrown.'

23. linguam acuis. The metaphor is in Cicero; Brut. 97. 331 'tu illuc veneras unus qui non linguam modo acuisses exercitatione dicendi.'

causis is the dat, ' for pleading.' eivica iura respondere. Cicero uses the phrase ' ius respondere ' (de Leg. 1. 4. 12, de Orat. 1. 45. 198, see Wilkins' note) of the ' iurisconsultus ' giving advice on questions of law. ' Ci- vica iura ' is the poetical variation of the technical ' ius civile.' For ' civicus ' see on Od. 2. 1. 1.

24. amabile, as he calls the ' chori vatum ' ' amabiles ' in Od. 4. 3. 14.

25. hederae victricis : the ivy pro- perly belongs only to the poet (see on Od. 1. 1. 29). The epithet 'victricis' (scarcely appropriate to the poet's ivy crown, which was rather a sign of his


Frigida curarum fomcnta relinquere posses,

Ouo te caclestis sapientia duceret ircs.

Hoc opus, hoc studium parvi properemus et ampli,

Si patriae volumus, si nobis vivere cari.

Debes hoc etiam rescribere, sit tibi curae ;,«a^

Ouantae conveniat Munatius. An male sarta

Gratia ncquicquam coit et rescinditur, ac vos

Scu calidus sanguis seu rerum inscitia vexat

Indomita cervice feros ? Ubicunque locorum

Vivitis, indigni fraternum rumpere foedus,

Pascitur in vestrum reditum votiva iuvenca.



dedication to Bacchus than of his van- quishing other poets) helps here to the generalizing of the words to cover the prizes of other learned pursuits.

26. frigida curarum fomenta. This phrase has been much discussed, but it seems to be simply explained by the Ciceronian use of the metaphor, ' haec sunt solacia, haec fomenta summorum dolorum' Tusc. D. 2. 24. 59, and by Ho- race's own ' Fomenta volnus nil malum levantia' Epod. 11. 25, where the last words answer to the general epithet ' frigida.' The sense will thcn be ' You are sure to win distinction, if that is your aim, in oratory, jurisprudence, poetry. You might attain to the more celestial heights to which philosophy conducts, if you wonld discard the ano- dynes to care which have not the first condition of comfort.' How close the application, what the special career of Florus, what the anodynes with which he sought to mitigate them, whether wealth, luxury, the objtcts of ambition, or the like, we have no materials for guess- ing. Generally we may compare for the figure Fpp. 1. 2. 47 foll., Od. 3. 1. 41 foll. In the ' caelestis sapientia ' and the figure of ' duceret, ires,' we have, perhaps a distant echo of Lucret. 2. 7 ioll. ' Edita doctrina sapientum, templa serena,' etc.

28. hoc opus : the task of attaining the true philosophical mind : ' quod Aeque pauperibus prodest locupletibus aeque, Aeque neglectum pueris seni- busque nocebit' Epp. 1. 1. 24. For ' properemus ' see Epp. 1. 2. 61 n.

29. nobis cari : cp. ' Quid minuat

curas, quid te tibi reddat amicum ' Epp. 1. 18. 101, where ' quid minuat curas ' answers to ' fomenta curarum' of this passage.

30. sit. This is the reading of the best MSS., including all the Bland., and was interpreted by Porph. (' deest an'). Orelli and Ritter follow Bentley in preferring ' si,' though it has little au- thority, Orelli as the ' lectio difncilior'; Ritter thinking that ' si ' was turned to 'sit' by the sequence of ' tibi.' With either reading a direct question begins with ' an male.'

31 foll. ' Or does your broken friend- ship, like a wound ill-stitched, close to no purpose and tear open again ; and do you suffer still, in the fierceness of untamed necks, be it from hot blood or from ignorance of life ' ?

31. sarta. The edd. show that both ' sarcitfri and ' coire ' are medical terms for the artificial and natural processes of closing a wound.

32. ac. So the best MSS. Orelli fol- lows the early editions (^before Bentley) in reading ' at,' marking the question at ' rescinditur ? ' For ' gratia coit et rescinditur' cp. Epp. 1. 18.41 ' gratia dissiluit.'

33. seu . . . seu seems the certain reading, though many good MSS., in- cluding all the Bland., had ' heu . . . heu.' Acron interprets ' seu.'

35. indigni rumpere. Orelli and Dillr. point out that this is an inaccu- rate expression, being = ' quos indign m est, non decet, rumpere,' after the mo 'el of the Greek idiom with <x£<oj, ditcaios, and the like.





Albius to whom I owe thanks for your fair judgment of my Satires, I wonder what you are doing at your country house writing your excellent verses, or stroll- ing in the forest, gaining health and meditating like a philosopher ? You are a happy man with all the gifts outward and inward. Mind you keep to the true Epicurean creed, as, if you will come to see me, you will find that I do.

A comparison with Od. 1. 33, which is also addressed to the poet Tibullus, suggests that the enumeration of his : dvantages and the exhortation to imitate Horace's philosophy of life have a definite personal purpose.

The contemporary epitaph on Tibullus by Domitius Marsus seems to imply that he died about the same time as Virgil (' Te quoque Vergilio comitem non aequa, Tibulle, Mors iuvenem campos misit in Elysios '), i. e. in B.c. 19 or 18, a date which will allow this Epistle to fall within the same limit with the others vvhich can be dated, i. e. before B.C. 19.

Albi, nostrorum sermonum candide iudex, Ouid nunc te dicam facere in regione Pedana ? Scribere quod Cassi Parmensis opuscula vincat, An tacitum silvas inter reptare salubres,


1. sermonum. For Horace's use of this term see Introd. to the Satires, p. 6. It is impossible to prove that Tibullus had not seen privately some of Horace's ' Sermones ' of the new Epis- tolary type, but the term must mean here in the first instance the Satires : cp. the address 'candide Furni ' Sat. 1. 10. 86, where he is contrasting fair and un- fair criticism on his Satires. It was there that he had been hurt and was sen- sitive : the tone of his Epistles was not provocative of censure.

2. regione Pedana. For 'regio' cp. Epp. 1. 15. 2. Pedum, a town whieh in Horace's time was in decay, if it had not already ceased to exist, is described by the Scholiasts as betvveen Tibur and Praeneste, and this agrees with the no- tice of it in Liv. 8. 13. The site is iden- tified by Burn (Rome and Campagna, p. 388) with that of the modern village of Gallicano. Caesar had a villa in its neighbourhood : Cic. ad Att. 9. 18. The locality of Tibullus' property is not named elsewhere.

3. Cassi Parmensis. See note on Sat. 1. 10. 61 for the strong arguments

agninst the Scholiasts' identification of this person with the ' Etruscus Cassius,' the fluent and bad writer whose funeral pile was formed of his own books. The natural interpretation of the present passage requires that the standard by which Horace tries the poems of Tibul- lus should be one which in the judgment of both would imply a compliment. The Pseudo-Acron (^whose evidence however is damaged by the above men- tioned confusion ofpersons) says of Cas- sius Parmensis ' hic aliquot generibus stilum exercuit : inter quae opera ele- giaca et epigrammata eius laudantur.'

opuseula. There is perhaps some slight depreciatory meaning in the dimi- nutive, as when Horace uses it of his own Odes in Epp. 1. 19. 35. It is used in Plin. Epp. 8. 21 as the usual term for the separate poems which compose a book, ' liber opusculis varius.'

4. taeitum carries the idea of quiet uninterrupted thought, as in Sat. I. 3. 65, 1. 6. 123.

silvas inter. Theedd. quote Tib. 4. 13. 9 (not however certainly a poem of Tibullus) ' Sicego secretis possum bene



Curantem quicquid dignum sapiente bonoque est? Non tu corpus eras sine pectore. Di tibi formam, Di tibi divitias dederunt artemque fruendi. Quid voveat dulci nutricula maius alumno, Oui sapere et fari possit quae sentiat, et cui Gratia, fama, valetudo contingat abunde, Et mundus victus non deficiente crumena? Inter spem curamque, timores inter et iras, Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum : Grata superveniet quae non sperabitur hora. Me pinguem et nitidum bene curata cute vises Cum ridere voles Epicuri de grege porcum.



vivere silvis, Qua nulla humano sit via trita pede.'

reptare, of leisurely strolling.

6. eras. The time is explained by the emphasis laid in v. 2 on 'nunc.' Horace's ground for being sure that Tibullus is now either busy on good poetry or living as a philosopher, is his previous knowledge of him. See note on Od. 1. 37. 4. This instance comes under (2). ' I thought so when I knew you aiid I was right.'

pectore, used as ' cor,' ' animus.' Ovid has ' rudis et sine pectore ' Met. 13. 290.

formam. In two lives of the poet prefixed to MSS. of his poems he is de- scribed as ' insignis forma.'

7. divitias : the word, as Dissen re- remarks in his introd. to Tibullus, is explained in v. 11 by ' mundus victus non deficiente crumena,' and so recon- ciled to what Tibullus himself repeatedly says of his circumstances. He speaks of having a reduced estate, small but sufficient : 'paupertas' 1. 1. 5, ' compo- sito securus acervo Despiciam dites de- spiciamque famem' 1. 1. 77, but ' riches ' is a relative term.

dederunt : Epod. 9. 17 ' verterunt,' Sat. i. 10. 45 'annuerunt.' Some MSS. have 'dederant.'

8. voveat, in the sense of ' to pray for,' as ' votum ' frequently.

nutricula. For a foster-mother's prayers cp. Pers. Sat. 2. 37 ' Ego nu- trici non mando vota,' etc.

9. qui. The constr. is quite straight- forward. ' What more should a fond foster-mother desire for a dear child who already can,' etc. ? This was missed,

and some comparative constr. after ' maius ' looked for ; and the result was the variant 'quam,' which with the inter- polation ' ut ' before ' possit ' occupied the early edifions. Some good MSS. have ' quin.'

sapere et fari. Obbar recalls Thuc. 2. 60 yvwvai t( t<x Seovra Kal ip^iTjvivaai ravTa.

11. mundus : illustrated by Od. 3. 29. 14, Sat. 2. 2. 65, and the opposite ' pauperies, immunda domus ' Epp. 2.2. 199.

12. inter, etc, ' in a world of ; ' where others, who are not philosophers are tossed by divers passions, do you hold fast the secret of tranquillity.

13. omnem crede. Another version of such precepts as ' Quem fors dierum cunque dabit, lucro Appone' Od. I. 9. 14, and ' carpe diem quam minimum credula postero ' Od. I. n. 8.

14. superveniet : come as a welcome surprise.

15. me, in its emphatic position points the argument, ' I practise what I preach ' ; at the same time when speaking of himself Horace with his usual irony puts Epicureanism in a playful aspect

pinguem, an actual feature in Horace's case acc. to the Suetonian life, ' habitu corporis brevis fuit atque obesus.'

nitidum : Sat. 2. 2. 128.

curata cute : Epp. 1. 2. 29.

16. grege : Sat. 2. 3. 45. A usnal metaphor for a ' school ' of philosophy, but here it is intended to suit, and as Prof. Wilkins says to lighten i^by the fact that it is an habitual figure), the meta- phor of ' porcum.' ' Epicurus' sty ' would turn play into earnest.

LIB. I. EPIST. 5. 237



See introduction to Od. 4. 7.

An invitation to a modest entertainment at the poet's house on the night before Caesar's birthday. The tone and topics are very like those of the Odes.

If you do not mind a simple entertainment, Torquatus, I shall expect you at sunset. I will get you what vvine I can : if that is not to your liking, you must send better. All is ready and in best trim in your honour. Leave money-making and ambition. To-morrow is a holiday, so we can sit all night if we like. The only use of fortune is to enjoy it. I am in the humour for merriment. Wine is nature's best gift. My business is to see that all is neat and clean, and that the company is well chosen. I shall have Butra and Septimius and, I hope, Sabinus. There is room for you to bring some guests, but remember the drawbacks of too large a party. Your business is to say how many you wish them to be, and then to slip away from your business and come.

Sl potes Archiacis conviva recumbere lectis,

Nec modica cenare times olus omne patella,

Supremo te sole domi, Torquate, manebo.

Vina bibes iterum Tauro diffusa palustres

Inter Minturnas Sinuessanumque Petrinum. 5

1. potes. For 'posse' in the sense both places he is matching some modesty of TXrjvai see on Od. 3. 11. 30, Epod. in the cups or dishes with the modesty 9. 14- of their contents. Is it of make and

Arehiacis. ' Archias faber fuit vilium material ? or of size ? For the latter

lectorum ' Acr. The adj. as ' Pausiacus ' cp. Sat. 2. 2. Q5 'grandes rhombi pati-

from ' Pausias ' Sat. 2. 7. 95. As naeque Grande ferunt una cum damno

another instance of furniture of a special dedecus ' and 2. 8. 35 ' calices poscit

make being known by the maker's name maiores.'

is quoted Aul. Gell. 12. 2 ' Soterici olus omne, 'a mess of vegetables.'

lectis.' Horace's couches were not as We need not suppose that the supper

in great houses ' rubro ubi cocco Tincta consisted entirely of this. super lectos canderet vestis eburnos ' 3. supremo sole. Cp. ' sub lumina

(Sat. 2.6. io2"),buttheywerefromaknown prima ' Sat. 2. 7. 33, of" the hour of

maker, and the tone implies that he is Maecenas' supper.

modestly proud of them. Some MSS. 4. iterum Tauro, i. e. ' consule.' T.

had 'Archaicis,' which has been taken Statilius Taurus was consul (iterum)

as a Latin form of apxaiKoTs, but such a with Augustus in B. C. 26. use of a Greek word is not Horatian, and diffusa. Juv. S. 5. 30 ' Ipse capillato

in all words of similar form (as ' Achai- diffusum consule potat ' ; as we should

cus' Od. 4. 3. 5) the antepenultimate 'a' say, ' bottled,' transferred from the

is long as in the Greek. The Comm. ' dolium ' to the ' amphorae.' Thiswas

Cruq. who read ' Archaicis,' explained it only done with the better wines which

of the name of the maker. would keep. See note on Epod. 2. 47.

2. modiea. Cp. Od. 1. 20. 1 ' Vile 5. Petrinum. ' Petrinus mons est potabis modicis Sabinum Cantharis.' In Sinuessae imminens vel ager Sinuessae



Si melius quid habes arcesse vel impcrium fer. Iamdudum splendet focus et tibi munda supellex. Mitte leves spes et certamina divitiarum Et Moschi causam : cras nato Caesare festus Dat veniam somnumque dies ; impune licebit Aestivam sermone benigno tendcre noctem. Ouo mihi fortunam, si non conceditur uti? Parcus ob heredis curam nimiumque severus Adsidet insano. Potare et spargere flores


vicinus' Comm. Cruq., ' vicus olim et locus in agro Falerno ' Acr. Horace defines the locality, but more cannot be known. ' Between Minturnae (at tlie mouth of the Liris) and Sinuessa ' (a dozen miles eastward along the coast) would be in the near neighbourhood of the Mons Massicus.

6. arcesse, ' send for it,' i.e. bid it be brought from your own house to mine.

imperium fer : ' patere me regem esse convivii ' Comm. Cruq. ; ' submit to my ordering.'

7. splendetfocus, both ofthehearth, cleaned for the occasion, and the ' reni- dentes Lares ' (Epod. 2. 65 n.) by it.

8. leves : they seem trifles to-day. certamina divitiarum, ' wealth with

its rivalries.' ' Noli curare de divitiis quibus certamus anteire ditiores ' Schol. Cp. Sat. i. 1. 113 foll.

9. Moschi causam. Some famous cau.-e in which Torquatus was engaged. The Scholiast says that Moschus was a ' rhetor ' from Pergamum who was tried for poisoning.

nato Caesare. Suetonius (Aug. 57) says ' equites Romani natalem eius sponte atque consensu biduo semper celebraverunt.' and Horace's supper- party the night before seems to have the same purpose.

10. veniam somnumque : licence for holiday and for longer sleep than usual, so that we need not fear a late revel to-night.

11. aestivam. The word is used with some latitude, for Augustus' birlh- day was A. D. ix Kal. Oct. (Sept. 23). This has been felt to be a serious diffi- culty and various modes of escape have been sought. (1) Meineke, Haupt, and Munro, iollowing one or two later MSS., read ' Festivam.' This is objected to,

apart from its small authority, on the ground that the antithesis ' festus dies,' ' festivam noctem ' is cold and not Hora- tian. (2) Others suppose it to be the birthday of Julius Caesar (July 12) or (Ritter) of Gaius Caesar the elder son of Julia and Agrippa, who was born in the summer of B.c. 20. ' Caesar ' is used without further designation for C. Jul. Caesar in Od. 1. 2. 44 and Sat. 1. 9. 18, but in both cases the context makes the use of it clear. Everywhere else it is the name of Augustus and can hardly but be so here.

12. fortunam. It is difficult to decide between ' fortunam ' and ' fortuna ' ; good MSS. are divided. The Bland. had ' for- tuna ' : but the exchange of ' a ' ( = ' am ') and ' a ' is easy. The schol. of Acron ' ad quid mihi dederunt dii fortunam,' though not conclusive, points to his having found ' fortunam.' On the possibility of the ablative in this constr. see Con- ington on Virg. Aen. 4. 98 ' quo nunc certamine tanto?' The evidence for it is doubtful. On the other hand the accusative is amply supported not only in cases (as Ov. Am. 2. 19. 7 ' Quo mihi fortunam quae nunquam fallere curet '?), where a similar doubt of reading might arise. but in such cases as ibid. 3. 7. 49 ' Quo mihi foi tunae tantum ? quo regna sine usu ? ' where the metre excludes the ablative. Cp. for a somewhat similar ellipsis with the accus. Sat. 2. 5. 102 ' unde mihi tam fortem ? ' 2. 7. 1 16 ' unde mihi lapidem ? '

13. ob heredis curam. Forthe feel- ing cp. Od. 2. 3. 19, 2. 14. 25, 4. 7. 19, with the notes on those passages.

14. adsidet : as we say, ' is next door to ' ; a metaph. use not found elsewhere ; though the opposite, ' dissideo,' is com- mon.

spargere flores. Od. 3. 19. 22





Incipiam, patiarque vel inconsultus haberi. Quid non ebrietas dissignat ? Operta recludit, Spes iubet esse ratas, ad proelia trudit inertem ; Sollicitis animis onus eximit, addocet artes. Fecundi calices quem non fecere disertum ? Contracta quem non in paupertate solutum ? Haec ego procurare et idoneus imperor et non Invitus, ne turpe toral, ne sordida mappa Corruget nares, ne non et cantharus et lanx



' sparge rosas.' It is not certain which is described, whether strewing the table with flowers, or pelting one another with them.

15. inconsultus, 'a madcap.' So ' furere ' Od. 2. 7. 28, ' insanire iuvat ' 3. 19. 18, 'desipere'4. 12. 28.

patiar haberi : for constr. cp. Epp. I. 16. 30 'Si pateris sapiens vocari.' It is a Grecism going beyond the prose use, which would require ' me ' with the accus. of the complemental adj.

16. dissignat. This, as against ' de- signat,' is the reading of all the best MSS. So also ' dissignatorem ' in Epp. I. 7- 6. ' Di^signare ' was in any case a rare vvord, and its meanings have been made more uncertain by the frequent con- fusion with ' designare.' This confusion is as old as the schol. on Horace. Acr. and Porph. apparently had ' dissignat,' the Comm.Cruq/defignat.' Threemean- ings have been traced in ' dissignare ' : (1) ' to stamp apart,' so ' to order the distinct parts of something.' Thisshould be the meaning in ' dissignator,' the ' un- dertaker, or master of the ceremonies at a funeral ' : (2) ' to stamp differently,' so ' to do something at once marked and strange.' This is the interpretation which Nonius and Donatus put on Ter. Adelph. 82 'quicl dissignavit,' (but the reading is very doubtful both in Terence and in Non. and in Donat.) : (3) 'to un- seal ' (cp. the use of ' discludere,' ' to un- close,' as in Virg. Aen.12. 782), so ' to di- vulge,' ' to reveal.' Porph. took it here in thiss?nse = 'aperit.' Acr. hesitates; 'ape- rit vel confundit,' the latter interpretation approximating to (2). Prof. Nettleship, in an artiole on the word in the Journal of Philology, vol. 10, p. 206 f., perhaps unnece-^sarily, would make the use in (2) a modification of (3). He interprets it here by, ' of what miracles is not in- toxication capable ? ' Schiitz still pie-

fers, and perhaps rightly, ' designat.' The word would have a mpa npoaooiciav force, attributing purpose to that which is usually thought the cause of random action. He well compares Aristophanes' adjective : Oivovyap evpoisdv tl irpatcTiicu}- Tfpov ; | upqs ; cnav mvtvcnv avOpamoi, tot6 | irKovTovai, SiairpaTTOvai, vikuiolv bucas, | evStiifiovovcnv, &)<p(\ovai tovs <pi\ovs Eq. 91 f.

operta recludit. Cp. in the stanzas parallel to this passage (Od. 3. 21. 13- 20), ' sapientium Curas et arcanum iocoso Consilium retegis Lyaeo.' He is not speaking of the betrayal of secrets, but of sharing and so lightening the burden of them.

17. spes iubet esse ratas, ' bids hope be fast ' Con., gives it substance and confidence.

inertem : see on Od. 3. 5. 36.

18. addoeet : airag \ey. (unless 'addo- cti' be read, which is verydoubtful, inCic. Clu. 36), 'teaches new arts.' Cp. the correlative 'addisco' freq. in Cic, as de Sen. 8. 26 ' quotidie aliquid addi- scentem senem fieii.'

19. fecundi : besttaken (with Ritter, Schutz) as ' fertilizing,' ' life-giving.' A metaphor is suggested, wine is to the intellect what water is to the parched soil. Orelli prefers ' flowing,' ' ever re- plenished.' There is a v. 1. with some authority, ' facundi,' but the tautology of ' facundi disertum ' has little point.

21. ego, opp. to ' tu ' in v. 30. ' This in my part.'

imperor, 'I am under orders,' i. e. from himself. A rare instance of a personal passive for a verb which governs a dative. So ' invideor ' A. P. 56. So Virg. ' credor ' Aen. 2. 247 'non unquam credita Teucris.'

22. toral : see on Sat. 2. 4. 84. mappa : Sat. 2. 4. 81, 2. 8. 63.

23. corruget nares. Quintilian (11.



Ostendat tibi te, ne fidos inter amicos Sit qui dicta foras eliminet, ut coeat par Iungaturque pari. Butram tibi Septiciumque, Et nisi cena prior potiorque puella Sabinum Detinet, adsumam : locus est et pluribus umbris Sed nimis arta premunt olidae convivia caprae. Tu quotus esse velis rescribe, et rebus omissis Atria servantem postico falle clientem.


3. 80) quotes this in illustrating the use and abuse of gestures and grimaces, adding ' naribus derisus conteinptus, fastidium significari solet.'

25. dicta eliminet. The edd. quote the Greek proverb preserved by Martial I. 28. 7 A"ffw fWTjHOva avfiiruTrjv.

par pari : in allusion perhaps to the Greek proverb u/ioiov dfioiq).

coeat, of the choice of the company :

26. iungatur, of its assortmentat table.

27. cena prior: ' prior,' as in Epp. 1. 1. 88, 'better.' The tautology of which Orelli complains in this rendering is removed by the fact that ' prior poti- orque ' is a common conjunction ; here the two are apportioned betvveen the two substantives. It is also taken for ' an

earlier invitation ' (Orelli) or ' a supper at an earlier hour' (Schiitz).

28. adsumam, a certain reading, though the meaningless ' ad summam ' got possession of all the MSS. except Keller's E.

umbris : see on Sat. 2. 8. 22; here guests whom Torquatus might bring with him.

29. premunt caprae, ' when a party is too crowded a flock of goats is dis- agreeably near.'

30. quotus, ' one of how many.'

31. atria servantem, ' waiting in the hall.' Sen. de Brev. Vitae 14.7 'quam multi per refertum clientibus atrium prodire vitabunt et per obscuros aedium aditus profugient.'

LIB. I. EPIST. 6. 241



' CHOOSE your "summum bonum " and having chosen itpursue it with thorough- ness and consistency? One who says this has his own idea of the true ' summum bonum,' and the illustrations of his principle in the case of ideals other than this must be in some degree ironical.

Verses 1, 2. Assume the ' summum bonum ' to be the drapa£ia of the Epicureans. 3-16. Then, see all that follows from this and remember (17-27) how the absurdity

of overestimating sublunary things is pointed by the instability of human life. 28-31. So with all ideals. You are energetic in trying to cure a pain in your side

or back. Be the same in moral things. If virtue is the one road to happiness, make any sacrifices for her. 31-48. If on the contrary there is no standard but a material one, then pursue with

energy material wealth. 49~55- If the objects of ambition give happiness, spare no pains on them. 56-64. If good eating, then take the shortest roads to that. 65, 66. If love and mirth, think of nothing else than them. 67, 68. These are my principles, Numicius ; tell me frankly if you have any better


Note that the phrases which give the connection are v. 2 ' facere et servare beatum,' v. 29 'recte vivere,' v. 47 ' facere et servare beatum,' v. 49 ' fortu-

natum praestat,' v. 56 ' bene vivit,' v. 66 ' vivas in ' all expressions of the

' summum bonum ' or ideal of life.

In speaking of the philosophical idea of arapa£ia identified with dOavpaaria (see onv. 1), vv. 1-27, the key-words are ' admirari ' v. 1, ' miratur' v. 9, ' mirare ' v. 18, ' mirabilis ' v. 24.

We have no clue to the identity of Numicius. The Scholiasts are silent about him.

NiL admirari prope res est una, Numici, Solaque, quae possit facere et servare beatum. Hunc solem et stellas et decedentia certis

1. Nil admirari : cp. Strabo's words prope, ' is perhaps the one and only

(1. 3. 21) ttjv dOavpaaTiav fjv iipvu thing.' See on Sat. 2.3.32 ' stultique

ATjpu/cptTos Kal ol 6\\oi <piXoao(poi -ndvTts ; prope omnes,' and cp. A. P. 432 ' faciunt

irapaKtiTai yap tw dOapjiu Kai drapdx<i> prope plura.'

mi dvacnXTjKTai, and Cicero, de Fin. una solaque. Cicero prefers ' unus

5. 29. 87 ' Id enim ille [Democritus] solus' without the conjunction, and uses

summum bonum tvOvpiav et saepe dOap- it frequently. ' Una,' = ' praecipua.'

Piav appellat, id est animum terrore li- Notice the additional force given by

berum.' MrjStv Oavpafyiv is a precept or dividing 'una'from ' solaque,' and by

a boast attributed to philosophers of the insertion between them of the voca-

several schools, but Horace is likely to tive which asks for special attention. be thinking chiefly of the aTapa£ia of the 3. hunc solem, ' yonder sun.'





Tempora momentis sunt qui formidine nulla Imbuti spectent : quid censes munera terrae, Ouid maris extremos Arabas ditantis et Indos, Ludicra quid, plausus et amici dona Quiritis, Ouo spectanda modo, quo sensu credis et ore? Oui timet his adversa fere miratur eodem Ouo cupiens pacto ; pavor est utrobique molestus. Improvisa simul species exterret utrumque. Gaudeat an doleat, cupiat metuatne, quid ad rem, Si quicquid vidit melius peiusve sua spe Defixis oculis animoque et corpore torpet ?


4. momentis, ' movements,' as in Cic. de Nat. D. 2. 46 ' astra . . . sua momenta sustentant.'

formidine nulla imbuti, ' with no tinge of fear.' The fear meant must be the fear from which Lucretius' poem was written to free mankind. The key seems to be given in the epithet ' certis ' in v. 3. The philosopher does not wonder or fear, because he learns the law.

5. quid eenses . . . quo speetanda modo . . . crodis. The construction is rightly illustrated by Cic. pro Rosc. Am. 17. 49 ' Quid censes hunc ipsum S. Ros- cium, quo studio et qua intelligentia esse in rusticis rebus?', a more lively way of saying ' quo studio, etc. hunc S. Ros- cium esse censes ? ' ' Credis ' only re- peats ' censes.' It is an argument from the greater to the less. If philosophy teaches indifference in the presence of the great celestial movements of the universe, how much more in the pre- sence of things terrestrial.

6. Arabas et Indos : Od. 3. 24. 1.

7. ludicra : either the plur. of ' ludi- crum,' a frequent word in Livy for a show of games, or the neut. plur. of the adj., a move general term than ' ludos,' 'public games and all that concerns them.' We must remember the large space occupied by spectacles in the aims and dreams of a Roman. The words have been punctuated and taken in many ways. Acr. intei prets by ' inania,' but there is nothing to show whether he took it as in apposition or agreement with ' munera,' ' mere playthings,' or with ' plausus,' the latter being a geni- tive, ' empty applause.' The objection to these seems valid that a contemptuous

epithet spoils the rhetorical force of the question, still more when it is affixed to part only of the objects of the sentence.

plausus et dona are to be taken to- gether as both goveming ' Quiritis.'

Quiritis, properly a single Roman citizen (as in Od. 2. 7. 3). Here used collectively for the Romans, as ' Ro- manus ' in A. P. 54; with ' dona Quiritis,' cp. Juv. S. 10. 78 ' qui [populus] dabat olim Imperium, fasces, legiones, omnia.'

9. fere, best taken with eodem, as in Sat. 1. 3. 96 with ' paria,' (see note there ) ' the same or nearly so.'

miratur : he breaks the rule ( nil ad- mirari.' It is well translated by Prof. Wilkins ' overesteems.'

10. cupiens, ' the man who desires them.'

pavor, in the sense of Virgil's ' pavor pulsans' G. 3. 106, A. 5. 138, 'the flutter of excitement.' ' There is the flutter of heart which is painful in either case, so soon as a sight that was not looked for amazes the one and the other.'

11. exterret is u-ed much as in Virg. A. II, 806 ' exterritus Arruns Laetitia mixtoque metu,' of the amazement of strong emotion. There seems no need, in spite of Lachmann's authority (on Lucr. 4. 1022, where he adopted the same verb), to accept the conj. of Jacobs (Lect. Venus.) ' externat ' (a verb analogous in formation and sense to ' consternare ').

12. The same fourfold division of emotions as Virg. A. 6. 733.

13. spe, ' expectation.'

14. ' Eyes are riveted, and heart and limbs alike spellbound.' With ' torpet ' cp. Sat. 2. 7. 95 n.



Insani sapiens nomen ferat, aequus iniqui, 15

Ultra quam satis est virtutem si petat ipsam.

I nunc, argentum et marmor vetus aeraque et artes

Suspice, cum gemmis Tyrios mirare colores;

Gaude quod spectant oculi te mille loquentem ;

Navus mane forum et vespertinus pete tectum, 20

Ne plus frumenti dotalibus emetat agris

Mutus et (indignum, quod sit peioribus ortus)

Hic tibi sit potius quam tu mirabilis illi.

Ouicquid sub terra est in apricum proferet aetas;^":

Defodiet condetque nitentia. Cum bene notum 25

Porticus Agrippae et via te conspexerit Appi,

Ire tamen restat Numa quo devenit et Ancus.

15, 16. The sentiment is that of Cic. Tusc. D. 4. 29. 62 ' Omnium philosopho- rum una ratio est medendi, ut nihil, quale sit illud, quod perturbet animum, sed de ipsa sit perturbatione dicendum . . . etiam si virtutis ipsius vehementior ap- petitus sit, eadem sit omnibus ad deter- rendum adhibenda oratio.'

17. inunc. An ironical exhortation to do whre& in the face of what has been said ('nunc') is ridiculous, Epp. 2. 2. 76. Cp. Virg. A. 7. 425 ' I nunc, ingratis offer te, irrise, periclis,' Juv. S. 12. 57 'I nunc et ventis animam com- mitte.' For ' i ' without ' nunc ' Juv. S. 10. 166 ' i, demens curre per Alpes.' For 'nunc' without 'i' Virg. E. i. 74 ' Insere nunc, Melibaee piros,' ' with this before you,' as Conington renders it.

argentum: see on Sat. 1. 4. 28. artes : Od. 4. 8. 5, Epp. 2. 1. 203; 1 works of art.'

18. suspiee : the opp. of ' despice.' mirare, again the key word, vv. 1,

9> 23-

cum gemmis colores : Virg. G. 2. 506 ' Ut gemma bibat et Sarrano dor- miat ostro.'

20. vespertinus, adj., for adv. of time : Sat. 2.4. 1 7 ' Si vespertinus subito te opprtsserit hospes.' ' Vespertinus ' implies industry, as business stopped generally soon after noon.

21. ne plus : ' that you may gain by your own exertions as large an estate as Mutus, who excites your envy, gained by a fortunate marriage.' He might have said only ' that you may gain a large estate,' but the additional purpose

of thereby cutting out Mutus shows still further the standard by which the wealth-seeker judges things, the ideal (note the word ' mirabilis ') which he sets before himself.

22. Mutus, an unknown person. Bentley showed that the name is found in inscriptions. Previous editors havk altered ' Mutus et ' to ' Mucius,' with some MS. support, but to the injury of the grammar.

indignum : a parenthetical charac- terising of the action, like ' nefas ' in Epod. 16. 14, Virg. A. 8. 688. Tt is less usual to append, as here, a justifying clause ' quod,' etc.

24. in apricum, ' into the sunshine,' as ' nitentia,' ' those that are in the light.'

25. defodiet condetque, ' will hide underground.' The generations of men pass as other things that grow of earth. This is the thought which condemns such idealizing of wealth. The edd. com- pare for the expression Soph. Aj. 646 airavO 6 paKpos KuvapldptrjTos XP°V0S \ (pvei t a.57]\a Kal (pavevra KpvTrreTai.

bene notum, ' a familiar sight.'

26. porticus Agrippae : see on Sat. 1. 4. 134. The colonnade here mentioned is taken to be the Porticus Neptuni erected by Agrippa in B. c. 27, and adorned with paintings representing the story of the Argonauts a memorial of . his own naval victories.

via Appi : in Epod. 4. 14, the up- start displaying his wealth, ' Appiam mannis terit.'

27. Numa quo devenit et Ancus,

R 2



Si latus aut renes morbo temptantur acuto

Ouaere fugam morbi. Vis recte vivere : quis non ?

Si virtus hoc una potest dare, fortis omissis 30

Hoc age deliciis. Virtutem verba putas et

Lucum ligna : cave ne portus occupet alter,

Ne Cibyratica, ne Bithyna negotia perdas ;

Mille talenta rotundentur, totidem altera, porro et

Tertia succedant et quae pars quadrat acervum.. 35

Scilicet uxorem cum dote fidemque et amicos

Et genus et formam regina Pecunia donat,

'the best and greatest of kings.' See on Od. 4. 7. 17, Lucr. 3. 1025.

28. si latus, etc. This verse, sub- stituting ' cum ' for ' si,' and the subj. for the ind., occurs in Sat. 2. 3. 163 ; see note there. The original text ' nil ad- mirari ' is now exhausted, and he turns to other conceptions of the ' summum bonum,' putting betvveen the two parts of the Epistle the principle which gives it its true thread. This is expressed in a figurative form : ' If you are ill you would take some pains to be well.' The relation between the two members of the analogical comparison is ex- pressed, in the absence of conjunctions, by assimilating the form of sentences, two imperatives, as though he said ' when I bid you choose your ideal and pursue it with spirit, it is only as though I bade you do what you would do without my bidding, namely, try to get well if you were ill.'

29. recte vivere, ' to guide your life aright,' ' to follow the true end whatever it is.' See on Epp. 1. 2. 41.

quis non ? ' All men have their ideal.'

30. omissis delieiis, for they belong to another ideal, pleasure.

31. hoc age, ' to business ! ' ' give your whole attention,' Sat. 2. 3. 152, Epp. 1. 18. 88.

virtutem verba putas. This an- swers not to ' vis recte vivere,' but to ' si virtus hoc una potest dare.' We may mark it as a question, or take it as a supposition. The reference is probably to Brutus' last words, 3i tXtjhov apfTrj, \6yos dp' t)0~6' , «yo/ ere | ws epyov fjOKovv. See note on Od. 2. 7. 11, and cp. Epp. 1. 17. 41 ' Aut virtus nomen inane est Aut,' etc. Bentl. preferred ' putes,' which is in some good

MSS.,asmoremodest: 'you maypossibly think.'

' Are you a man who takes a purely matenal account of everything, who thinks virtue a thing to talk of but of no substantial existence, who thinks a sacred grove so many yards of timber ; seek then with vigour the ideal which suits your view, namely, material wealth.'

33. Cibyratiea. Cibyra was a town in the south of Phrygia, on the borders of Caria and Lycia. It gave its name to one of the largest ' conventus ' in Roman Asia Minor, that one, namely, of which Laodicea was the chief tovvn. Strabo, 13.4. 17, speaks of an iron trade at Cibyra. Bp. Lightfoot (Introd. to Ep. to Colossians, ' Churches of the Lycus ') thinks that the phrase ' Ciby- ratica negotia ' refers rather to the trade of Laodicea.

Bithyna : Od. 3. 7. 3 ' Thyna merce beatum.'

perdas, i. e. if any one forestals you.

34. rotundentur, ' rotundo ' and ' corrotundo ' are used for ' to make up a round sum.'

35. quae pars quadrat, ' the fourth thousand which makes the heap four times the original.' The MSS. vary between 'quadrat' and 'quadret'; either can stand.

36. scilicet : ironical, and marking that the sentiment is not Horace's but that of the votary of wealth ; ' of course, you know.'

fidem : cp. Juv. S. 3. 143 ' Quantum quisque sua nummorum servat in arca, Tantum habet et fidei.'

37. et genus et formam. Schiitz seems right in saying that there is a parody of the Stoic paradoxes of the perfection of the wise man, ' liber honoratus pulcher rex denique regum.'



Ac bene nummatum decorat Suadcla Venusque.

Mancipiis locuples eget aeris Cappadocum rex :

Ne fueris hic tu. Chlamydes Lucullus, ut aiunt, 40

Si posset centum scenae praebere rogatus,

' Oui possum tot?' ait ; 'tamen et quaeram et quot habebo

Mittam:' post paulo scribit sibi milia quinque

Esse domi chlamydum ; partem vel tolleret omnes.

Exilis domus est ubi non et multa supersunt 45

Et dominum fallunt et prosunt furibus. Ergo,

Si res sola potest facere et servare beatum,

Hoc primus repetas opus, hoc postremus omittas.

Si fortunatum species et gratia praestat,

Mercemur servum qui dictet nomina, laevum 50

Oui fodicet latus et cogat trans pondera dextram

38. bene nummatum. A phrase found in Cicero, de leg. Agr. 2. 22. 54 ' adolescens non minus bene nummatus quam bene capillatus.'

Suadela, Tleidcu. The man of money is the man who is listened to, the man who is loved.

39. The king of the Cappadocians and Luculhis are instances, the former of failure, the latter of success, in com- plying with the precept to do what you do thoroughly. Cicero, speaking of Ariobarzanes, king of Cappadocia (pre- decessor of Archelaus, who was king at this time), writes ' nullum aerarium nul- lum vectigal habet . . . nihil illo regno spoliatius, nihil rege egentius ' ad Att. 6. 1 , ' erat rex perpauper ' id. 6. 3. The Roman slavemarket was flooded with Cappadocian slaves. ' The king sends us many slaves but cannot pay his tribute ; Lucullus was truly royal in his magnificence.' The story of Lucullus is repeated by Plutarch in his life of him.

40. ne fueris hic, ' do not answer to this picture.' Cp. Epp. 1. 15. 42 ' hic ego sum.' For the long syllable 'fueris' see on Sat. 2. 2. 74.

chlamydes, the Greek soldier's cloak, here wanted for a pageant on the stage. Cp. Epp. 1. 1. 190.

44. tolleret, the subj. is the praetor or the person giving the show.

46. fallunt, ' are forgotten by,' as by Lucullus in this instance.

47. facere et servare beatum. The repetition from v. 1 is meant to show

the connection. The phrase is varied in v. 49 ' fortunatum praestat.' We are passing in review various ideals.

49. species, ' display,' ' splendour.' Epp. 2. 2. 203. The edd. quote Cic. Pis. 11. 24 'magnum nomen est, magna species . . . consulis.'

50. qui dictet : what was called a ' nomenclator.'

laevum, as the slave would walk on the left side ; see on Sat. 2. 5. 17. A little doubt hangs over the reading. The mass of MSS. (including the Bland.) having 'saevum,' which makes no sense. Keller's E gives ' laevum.' Ritter reads ' servum ' with some slight MS. au- thority, but the repetition has no intel- ligible force.

51. trans pondera. A phrase which has not been certainlyexplained. (i)The Comm. Cruq. and Acron explain ' pon- dera ' as the high stepping-stones (such as are to be seen in Pompeii) by which people crossed from the raised path on one side of the street to that on the other ; ' to stretch half across the street.' There is no other ground for thinking that ' pondera ' was a technical name for these stepping-stones, and it may be a guess as baseless as others. It has been taken in several other ways, as (2) ' across the counter,' of shaking hands with tradesmen in a ' taberna ' opening on the street, 'pondera' being the weights used in scales. This view is taken by Orelli, Keller, and Schiitz. (3) ' Beyond your balance,' ' at risk of tumbling down' Con. This was suggested



Porrigere: 'Hic multum in Fabia valet, ille Velina ;

Cui libet hic fasces dabit eripietque curule

Cui volet importunus ebur.' Frater, Pater, adde ;

Ut cuique est aetas, ita quemque facetus adopta. 55

Si bene qui cenat bene vivit, lucet, eamus

Ouo duc t gula, piscemur, venemur, ut olim

Gargilius, qui mane plagas, venabula, servos

Differtum transire forum populumque iubebat,

Unus ut e multis populo spectante referret 60

Emptum mulus aprum. Crudi tumidique lavemur,

Ouid deceat, quid non, obliti, Caerite cera

Digni, remigium vitiosum Ithacensis Ulixei,

Cui potior patria fuit interdicta voluptas.

Si, Mimnermus uti censet, sine amore iocisque 65

by Gesner and is supported by Lachmann on Lucret. 6. 574. It is given by Ritter. (4) It has lately been explained of weighted tassels attached to the dress in order to make it sit properly, such as are represented in monuments, and such as have been found in Etruscan tombs (Dennis, Cities and Cemeteries of Etru- ria, vol. 2. p. 515). It is difficult how- ever to see how, if this is the sense, it adds anything to the picture.

52. Fabia . . . Velina, sc. ' tiibu.' Horace apparently takes two names of tribes at random. Pers. 5. 73, probably in imitation of him, has 'Velina.'

53. hic, not the ' hic ' of v. 52, but a third citizen. Some good MSS. (in- cluding Regin.) have ' is,' which Bentley defencis.

54. importunus,witheripiet,'rough- ly,' ' ruthlessly ; ' see on Od. 4. 13. 9.

frater : so Juv. S. 5. 135, Virro to Trebius, when his fortune has come to him, ' Vis, frater, ab ipsis Ilibus?' See Mayors note.

55. facetus, ' blande et comiter ' Orell. The quotations for this use are from Plautus and Terence.

56. lucet : ' let us start at daybreak and prepare for our feast.'

57. piscemur, venemur. ' Let us go fishing and hunting, not in the way that involves manly exercise, but after Gar- gilius' easy fashion.' The story is sug- gested by the metaphorical use of ' venemur,' and adds nothing to it.

60. populo. The repetition means the same people that saw him go out.

61. crudi : used both of undigested food and persons in a state of indiges- tion. See Sat. 1. 5. 49. For the practice spoken of cp. Pers. Sat. 3. 98 ' Tunndus hic epulis atque albo ventre lavatur,' etc, Juv. S. 1.142 'Poenatamen praesens, cum tu deponis amictus Turgidus et crudum pavonem in balnea portas.' See Mayor's note there.

62. quid deceat. Theie must be no back-glances at ideals you have for- sworn.

Caerite cera digni, ' worthy of the register of Caere.' This phrase, which does not occur elsewhere, is explained by the Scholiasts and byA. Gellius 16.13 to be the equivalent of ' qui in aerarios referantur,' that is, to be reduced to the condition of ' civitas sine suffragio,' ' dis- franchised.' The origin of the phrase is traced by Gellius to the story told in Liv. 5. 40 f., of the services rendered by Caere to Rome during the Gallic inva- sion and its consequent reward of an honorary citizenship, by the Scholiasts to the occasion of the later rebellion of Caere (Liv. 7. 20) when the citizen- ship originally given was limited in this way as a punishment. The matter is discussed by Madv. Opusc. vol. 1. p. 240.

63. remigium Ulixei : cp. the in- terpretation of this story in Epp. I. 2. 23 f.

64. interdieta voluptas. With par- ticular reference perhaps to the slaughter of the cattle of the Sun, Hom. Od. 12. 271 f.

65. Mimnermus, of Colophon, an

LIB. I. EPIST. 7. 247

Nil est iucundum, vivas in amore iocisque. Vive, vale. Si quid novisti rectius istis Candidus imperti ; si non, his utere mecum.

elegiac poet of the time of Solon. See Numicius they become in v. 68 ' his' in

Epp. 2. 2. 101 ; cp. frag. 1 (Bergk) relation to himself and Numicius to-

ris S( fiios, 71 81 Tfp-nvuv drtp xpva*rl'i gether. ' Istis ' is to be referred, not to

'A<ppoStT7]s ; | TiOvalrjv ore p.01 prjKtTL the advice of Mimnermus (as Pope per-

TavTa /xe\oi k.t.X. haps took it in his imitation of the

67. vive, vale : see on Sat. 2. 5. 110. Epistle), but to the whole tenor of the

istis, ' what I have given you ' : hav- Epistle. ing been identified thus in relation to



Verses 1-9. I TALKED of a few days in the country, Maecenas, and it has proved

to mean all August. But as you would excuse me if I were ill, so you must

excuse me for shunning what makes me ill. 10-13. Rome in autumn is deadly ; and if the winter is cold, I must go to the

sea-coast ; so yo.i must not look for me till the spring. 14-19. Your generosity to me has not been that of the Calabrian host who presses

on his guest pears that are so plentiful that what he refuses goes to the pigs. 20-24. True generosity chooses worthy objects, but gives what it values. I hope

I am not unworthy of your bounty. 25-28. What fails me is youthful health and vigour, ahd that you cannot restore

to me. 29-34. If any one says ' you have surrendered your liberty, and can only regain

it in the same way as the vixen who got into the corn-bin when she had an

empty stomach,' I take him at his word. 35, 36. I quite mean what I say, and really prefer liberty to wealth. 37-43. It is not that I am discontented or ungrateful ; but you would see that

I could cheerfully return all you gave me, and answer as Telemachus

answered when horses which he could never use were offered to him. 44, 45. What I want now is not the grandeur of Rome but the leisure and peace

of the country. 46-98. The story of Philippus and Volteius is a warning to the givers and receivers

of patronage. The latter should be wise in time and draw back as soon as

they find that the offered improvement of their position is no improve-

ment. The measure which suits one man will not suit another.

The Epistle is a picture of patronage as it should be and as it shotdd not be. It is implied in the idea of such a poem as well as asserted in words in it, that Maecenas' patronage has been of the former kind, such as was honourable both to patron and to poet. The Epistle, therefore, ranges itself with Sat. I. 5, 6, and 9, which describe and defend Horace's relation to Maecenas.



The story of Philippus and Volteius gives a picture to be contrasted with that of Maecenas and Horace. It is patronage based on no intellectual sympathy or real benevolence, but on caprice and a selfish desire for amusement. It has the effect for the time of breaking down the sturdy independence and destroying the contented simplicity of Volteius. It puts him into two false positions first as guest at a table where he does not understand the proprieties, then in a country life for which he has no taste or aptitude.

The story is cleverly imitated, in its outward aspect, by Swift in his ' Address to the Earl of Oxford,' though a different turn is given to it ; his own banishment to the deanery of St. Patrick's being the analogue to Volteius' settlement in a Sabine farm.

OUINQUE dies tibi pollicitus me rure futurum, Sextilem totum mendax desideror. Atqui, Si me vivere vis sanum recteque valentem, Ouam mihi das aegro, dabis aegrotare timenti, Maecenas, veniam, dum ficus prima calorque Dissignatorem decorat lictoribus atris, Dum pueris omnis pater et matercula pallet, Officiosaque sedulitas et opella forensis Adducit febres et testamenta resignat. Ouodsi bruma nives Albanis illinet agris, Ad mare descendet vates tuus et sibi parcet Contractusque leget : te, dulcis amice, reviset


i. Quinque dies : proverbial for a short time ; Sat. i. 3. 16. It is the equivalent of our 'a week,' and indi- cates that the hebdomadal division of time had not yet taken hold of lan- guage.

2. Sextilem : Epp. 1. II. 19, the month that was subsequently named after Augustus.

mendax : of breaking a promise ; Od. 3. 1. 30.

3. sanum recteque valentem : Epp.

1. 16. 21. It is an habitual combina- tion, ' sani sunt ac valentes ' Cic. Acad.

2. 7. 19.

4. das...dabis, 'now'... 'all through the unhealthy month of September (,Epp. 1. 16. 16) which is just coming.'

6. dissignatorem : see on Epp. 1. 5. 16. Seneca, Benef. 6. 38, joins ' dis- signatores et libitinarios,' the latter being the attendants here called ' lic- tores atri.'

7. matercula : a fond mother.

8. officiosa sedulitas : constant oc- cupation in paying attention to the great or to friends. Cp. Sat. 2. 5. 48,

6. 23 f., Epp. 2. 2. 67 f. These pas- sages illustrate also the ' petty business of the Forum,' the duties, that is, of ' sponsores,' ' advocati,' ' testes.'

9. resignat, ' breaks their seals,' by causing the death of the testator.

10. quodsi. For the quasi-tem- poral use of ' si' see Virg. A. 5. 64 ' si nona diem mortalibus almum Aurora extulerit,' and Catull. 14. 17 ' si lux- erit.' It seems to have been idiomatic, having arisen (see Conington and Ellis i. 1.) from a ' modest or religious way of speaking of a future event.'

Albanis agris : the slopes of the Alban hills.

illinet : perhaps a painter's word ; the first ' touches ' of snow.

11. vates tuus. Horace throws on Maecenas the responsibility of the title ' vates.' Cp. Od. 1. 1. 35 ' si me lyricis vatibus inseres.'

12. contractus. The phrases that seem to explain the word best are Vir- gil 's ' contracto frigore pigrae ' of the bees, G. 4. 259, and Phaedr. 4. 23. 12 of a fly, ' mori contractam cum te co-



Cum Zephyris, si concedes, et hirundine prima.

Non quo more piris vesci Calaber iubet hospes

Tu me fecisti locupletem. 'Vescere sodes.'

' Iam satis est.' ' At tu quantum vis tolle.' ' Benigne.'

' Non invisa feres pueris munuscula parvis.'

' Tam teneor dono, quam si dimittar onustus.'

' Ut libet ; haec porcis hodie comedenda relinques.'

Prodigus et stultus donat quae spernit et odit ;

Haec seges ingratos tulit et feret omnibus annis.

Vir bonus et sapiens dignis ait esse paratus,

Nec tamen ignorat quid distent aera lupinis :

Dignum praestabo me etiam pro laude merentis.




gunt frigora.' Horace likens himself to creatures that feel and shrink from the cold. Orelli takes it as painting hisactual attitude ; 'zusammengekauert,' as Lucian's fTri>cacv(pws dfupl tt)v k&- fiivov, ' crouching ' or ' huddled at the stove.' But the word is bald in such a sense, and the touch too comic.

leget carries with it the sense of ' stay indoors,' ' stay on my couch,' Sat. 1. 6. 122.

13. The zephyrs and the swallows go together as the representatives of return- ing spring in Virg. G. 4. 305 ' Hoc geritur Zephyris primum impellentibus undas . . . ante Garrula quam tignis nidum suspendat hirundo.'

15. sodes : Sat. 1. 9. 41 ; Epp. 1. 1. 62, 1. 16. 31; A. P. 438.

16. benigne, inf. v. 62 : sub. 'facis' or ' dicis,' a phrase of common life. Cicero has ' benigne ac liberaliter,' ' you are kind and generous' in Verr. 2. 3. 85. In these two passages of Horace it has the idiomatic forcc of refusal, 'no, thank you.'

18. tam teneor : ' I am as much obliged.'

20. prodigus et stultus : one per- son, not two. ' Prodigus ' is opposed to ' bonus,' the really generous who count the cost of what they give and yet give it. Seneca paraphrases (Epist. 120) 'mentitur prodigus liberalem, cum multum intersit utrum quis daresciat an servare nesciat. Multi sunt qui non donant sed proiiciunt.'

21. haee seges : ' land sown in this way.'

tulit et feret : Od. 2. 13. 9 ' rapuit

rapietque,' 4. 2. 38 ' donavere nec da- bunt.'

22. dignis ait esse paratus. For the constr. cp. Od. 3-. 27. 73 (the first interpretation given) ' uxor invicti Iovis esse nescis.' The same Grecism is found in Catull. 4. 1 ' Phaselus ille . . . ait fuisse navium celerrimus.' The Virgilian uses of the idiom usually cited (A. 2. 277, 5. 372) are less certain. ' Dignis ' is masc. and dat, ' those who deserve it,' 'paratus' being taken, like Irofftoj, with dat. in the sense of ' ready to help.' It has also been explained as the neut. abl. ' ready with worthy gifts ' ; but this sacrifices the evident corre- spondence with ' dignum ' in v. 24.

23. aera lupinis, ' the difference be- tween real and sham money,' i. e. be- tween valuable and valueless gifts. Lu- pine seeds were used for money on the stage, and for counters in playing games. Cp. Plaut. Poen. 3. 2. 20 ' Ag. agite, in- spicite, aurum est. Co. profecto, spec- tatores, comicum : macerato hoc pin- gues fiunt auro in barbaria boves.'

24. dignum pro laude merentis : ' qualem tua de me merentis postulat laus atque virtus ' Obbar. ' Dignus ' is absol. as ' dignis' in v. 22. 'Pro laude' adds the determining standard. Cp. Lucret. 5. 1 ' Quis potis est dignum pollenti pectore carmen Condere, pro rerum maiestate hisque repertis ? Quisve valet verbis tantum, qui fingere laudes Pro meritis eius possit ? ' ' Worthy I will show myself too, to match the renown of my benefactor.' For ' merentis ' absol. cp. Virg. Aen.6. 664 ' Quifque sui me- mores alios fecere merendo.' The



Ouodsi me noles usquam discedere, reddes Forte latus, nigros angusta fronte capillos, Reddes dulce loqui, reddes ridere decorum, et Inter vina fugam Cinarae maerere protervae. Forte per angustam tenuis volpecula rimam Repserat in cumeram frumenti, pastaque rursus Ire foras pleno tendebat corpore frustra ; Cui mustela procul, ' Si vis,' ait, ' effugere istinc, Macra cavum repetes artum, quem macra subisti.' Hac ego si compellor imagine, cuncta resigno ;



thought, though not the exact expression, is paiallel to Epp. 2. 1. 245 ' At neque dedecorant tua de se iudicia atque Munera, quae multa dantis cum laude tulerunt Dilecti tibi Vergilius Variusque poetae.'

25. usquam discedere : see on Sat. i- i- 37, 2. 7. 30.

26. latus : chest, lungs : ' Si ventri bene, si lateri, pedibusque tuis est ' Epp.

1. 12. 5.

nigros angusta fronte capillos : see on Od. 1. 33. 5 'tenui fronte,' and cp. Plin. Epp. 3. 6. 2 ' rari et cedentes capilli, lata frons.' Horace was now 'praecanus' Epp. 1. 20. 24, and, it is here implied, becoming bald.

27. dulce loqui, ridere : cp. 'dulce ridentem, dulce loquentem' Od. 1. 22. 23, ' canet indoctum sed dulce' Epp.

2. 2.9; ' dulce ' means, so as to charm others.

28. Some lover's play is described. Orelli takes inter vina as qualifying both fugam and maerere. In any case ' protervae ' implies that the flight is playful, and the position of 'maerere' implies that the mourning is not serious. Eor ' Cinara ' cp. Od. 4. 1. 4, 4. 13. 21 ; Epp. 1. 14. 33 ; and see in App. I. of vol. 1. ' on the unknown names in the Odes.' Here, as in all the other places where the name occurs, it is to recall an epoch in the poet's life.

29. forte, like ' olim,' a wonted par- ticle in beginning a fable.

volpecula. This is the reading of all MSS. and Schol. Bentley would read ' nitedula,' ' a shrew - mouse,' ex conj., arguing that a fox does not and cannot eat corn, and that all the cir- cumstances suitan animal much smaller and more accustomed to human dwell-

ing-places. He shows from St. Jerome (ad Salvinum) that a similar fable ex- isted in which a mouse plays the part : ' docet et Aesopi fabula plenum muris ventrem per angustum foramen egredi non valere.' On the other hand the fable, both in Babrius (Fab. 86) and in the later Aesopean collections, makes it a fox, but changes the bin of corn to a hole or a larder with meat and bread, and the weasel to a second fox. At- tempts have been made to save Horace's credit in the second way by accepting the reading of some inferior MSS. ' ca- meram,' and interpreting (Dacier) ' ca- meram frumenti ' as ' a granary,' where the attraction might be not the grain but pullets and pigeonswho frequented it. Bentley shows that though Columella says ' sedem frumentis optimam quibus- dam videri horreum camera contentum,' ' camera frumenti ' could not have the meaning necessary for this purpose. Lachmann (on Lucr. 3. 10. 14) strongly supports Bentley's conjecture, and it is received into the text by Haupt and translated by such a conservative scholar as Conington. Keller and Munro both condemn it. The latter says ' Bentley's famous " nitedula " for " volpecula " de- serves all praise it is brilliant ; is what Horace ought to have written, but I sadly fear did not write ; not from ignorance probably, but because he had in his thoughts some old-world foxes, whose foxes were not as our foxes.'

30. cumeram : see on Sat. 1. 1. 53.

32. procul, ' hard by': see on Sat. 2. 6. 105.

34. hac si compellor imagine : ' if this figure is used to challenge me ' ; Sat. 1. 7. 31, 2. 3. 297.

resigno : see on Od. 3. 29. 54.



Nec somnum plebis laudo satur altilium, nec Otia divitiis Arabum liberrima muto. Saepe verecundum laudasti, rexque paterque Audisti coram, nec verbo parcius absens : Inspice si possum donata reponere laetus. Haud male Telemachus, proles patientis Ulixei : ' Non est aptus equis Ithace locus, ut neque planis Porrectus spatiis nec multae prodigus herbae ; Atride, magis apta tibi tua dona relinquam.' Parvum parva decent ; mihi iam non regia Roma, Sed vacuum Tibur placet aut imbelle Tarentum. Strenuus et fortis causisque Philippus agendis



35, 36. An enforcement of ' cuncta resigno.' ' I do so sincerely (not merely as an epicure will praise simple living) and with no backward glances, no mind to barter freedom for wealth.'

35. somnum plebis : 'somnus agres- tium Lenis virorum non humiles domos Fastidit ' Od. 3. 1. 21.

satur altilium, ' with fat capon lined ; ' for ' allilis,' ' a fattened fowl,' see Juv. S. 5. 115 with Mayor's note.

36. otia liberrima : such as he de- scribes in Sat. 2. 6. 60 f. Cp. the phrases ' mihi me reddentis agelli ' Od. 1. 14. I, ' mihi vivam' Epp. 1. 18. 107.

divitiis Arabum : Od. 1. 29. 1, 2. 12. 24, 3. 24. 1.

37. ' I have your own testimony that all this is not a cover of discontent. My gratitude has been expressed behind your back as much as to your face.' Cp. the picture of himself in Od. 2. 18. 12 ' nec potentem amicum Largiora flagito, Satis beatus unicis Sabinis.'

rexque paterque. For ' rex ' of a patron cp. Epp. 1. 17. 43 ' Coram rege suo de paupeitate tacentes,' Juv. S. 1. 136, 5. 14 and 161, etc.

38. audisti, 'you have been called.' See on Sat. 2. 6. 20, 2. 7. 101 ; Epp. 1. 16. 17.

39. si possum. Madv. § 451, d. The indicative in this use is not found in prose. Cp. ' visam si domi est ' Ter. Heaut. 1. 1. 118.

40. This reference is to Odyss. 4. 601, where Telemachus refuses the proffered present of Menelaus : 'ittttovs 5' es 'lOaKtjv ovk d£o/j.ai, d\\d ool avraj | evOabe

\ei\poj dyaX/j-a' o~v ydp -neoioio dvdoaeis . . . ev 5' 'WaKT) ovr dp Spofioi evpees ovre ri Keifiwv.

proles, ' the true son ; ' his father's spirit showed itself in the answer.

patientis, a translation of Homer's iro\vr\as. Cf. Epod. 17. 16 ' Laboriosi remiges Ulyssei.'

41. aptus equis : Od. 1. 7. 9; I-tttto- fioros.

42. spatiis, a trans. of Spu/xot : Epp.

1. 14. 9, Virg. G. 1. 513, 3. 202 'maxima campi . . . spatia ; ' ' spaces for racing.'

44. regia Roma, Rome with its regal magnificence. Cp. ' regiae moles ' Od. 2. 15. 1, but there is also perhnps a feeling of the ' Roma princeps urbium ' of Od. 4. 3. 13, ' domina Roma' of Od. 4. 14. 44.

45. vacuum : so ' vacuas Athenas ' Epp. 2. 2. 81.

imbelle. Cp. ' molle Tarentum ' Sat. 2. 4. 34. They are both epithets which to the lover of life in Rome would be epithets of disparagement ; bnt Horace is attracted by the ' emptiness ' which means quiet, and the ' softness ' of a southern climate. For Horace's love of Tibur and Tarentum see Od. 2. 6. 5 foll.

46. strenuus et fortis : see on Sat.

2. 1. 16; this particular conjunction was habitual. This appears not only from their frequent use together, but also from such a passage as Cic. Phil. 2. 32. 78 ' si minus fortem, attamen strenuum,' where it is implied that the two qualities naturally go together. As that passage also shows, ' strenuus ' is of energy, ' fortis ' of courage or resolution. The



Clarus, ab officiis octavam circiter horam

Dum redit, atque Foro nimium distare Carinas

Iam grandis natu queritur, conspexit, ut aiunt,

Adrasum quendam vacua tonsoris in umbra

Cultello proprios purgantem leniter ungues.

' Demetri,' puer hic non laeve iussa Philippi

Accipiebat ' abi, quaere et refer, unde domo, quis,

Cuius fortunae, quo sit patre quove patrono.'

It, redit et narrat, Volteium nomine Menam, 55

Praeconem, tenui censu, sine crimine, notum




description seems to touch the story at several points. In the first place it marks the contrast of the two men, the great man who lifts the little man out of his sphere, the busy man who is struck with the leisureliness of the more homely life. It serves also to explain the forcefulness which Mena was unable to resist, and perhaps to apologize (cp. v. 79) for Philippus' amusing himself in such n. way, ' he had done a good day's work ' it was a freak in an energetic and honourable life. The person meant is L. Marcius Philippus, consul in B.C. 91 , the opponent of the tribune M. Livius Drusus. Cicero characterizes him (de Orat. 3. 1. 4) as ' vehemens et disertus et imprimis fortis ad resistendum.'

47. octavam horam. Forthe mean- ing of ' hora ' see on Sat. 1. 5. 23.

48. Carinae : Virg. Aen. 8. 361 'lautis . . . Carinis;' a fashionable quarter where Philippus may be supposed to have had a house. It was on the Mons Op- pius, the southern spur of the Esquiline, which runs out towards the Arch of Titus. The Sacra Via commenced in the Carinae, and ran through the Forum.

50. adrasum. The main point is the leisurely and contented life of the man. It is in contrast with the busy and strenuous life of Philippus. He is already shaved, the barber has gone away, and he is sitting on at his ease in the shade of the booth.cleaning hisnails, as though he had nothing else to do ( ' leniter ' ). This contrast with himself is represented as the first thing that attracts Philippus to Volteius ; then the picture of the contented, ordered, life of an ' abnormis sapiens,' as described in his messenger's words (w. 55-59), then the character of the man as shown by his blunt refusal of his invitation (62-

64). It is possible that ' adrasum,' like the whole picture, implies also that he isnot a man offashion ; cp. ' tonsa cute,' as a sign of rusticity, Epp. 1. 18. 7.

51. proprios: agranderorlessleisure- ly person would have left this to the ' tonsor.' Plaut. Aul. 2. 4. 33 ' Quin ipsi pridem tonsor ungues dempserat.'

52. Demetri, a Greek slave ; see on Sat. 2. 5. 18.

non laeve, ' very cleverly.'

53. unde domo : Virg. Aen. 8. 114 ' Qui genus ? unde domo ? '

54. quo patre quove patrono : father, if he were free born ; patron, if if he were a freedman ; ' nullo patre natus.' Cp. A. P. 248 ' quibus est pater.'

55. Volteium Menam. It is pointed out that the two names together implied that he was a freedman, Volteius being a Roman gentile name, the name of his 'patronus,' Menas, a Greek name, con- tracted from Menodorus. Bishop Lightfoot, in notes on Coloss. 4. 12, 14, 15, has collected a large number of such contracted names.

56. praeeonem, an auctioneer, as we see from v. 65. Cp. A. P. 419 'praeco ad merces qui turbam cogit emendas.'

notum has been taken separately (Orell.,Dillr. as ' benenotum ' Epp. 1. 6. 2 5 ) or with ' sine crimine' = ' notae probi- tatis ' (Obbar). In either of these cases it will be best to take the infinitives (with Orelli) as in orat. obl. after 'narrat,' not with ' gaudentem,' which has its own constr. with the ablatives. It is perhaps better however with the more recent editors (Ritter, Keller, Munro, Wilkins) to construct 'notum' with the infinitives, ' known to.' Bentley proposed ' sine crimine natum, " of blame- less, respectable, birth,' but with hesita-



Et properare loco et cessare et quaerere et uti,

Gaudentem parvisque sodalibus et lare certo

Et ludis et post decisa negotia Campo.

1 Scitari libet ex ipso quodcunque refers ; dic 60

Ad cenam veniat.' Non sane credere Mena,

Mirari secum tacitus. Quid multa ? ' Benigne,'

Respondet. ' Neget ille mihi?' ' Negat improbus et te

Neglegit aut horret.' Volteium mane Philippus

Vilia vendentem tunicato scruta popello 65

Occupat et salvere iubet prior. Ille Philippo

Excusare laborem et mercenaria vincla,

Quod non mane domum venisset, denique quod non

Providisset eum. ' Sic ignovisse putato

tion, and with the conclusion 'inter- pretes, ut opinor, semper inter se dis- sidebunt.'

57. loco, as ' in loco ' Od. 4. 12. 8, at fitting times. ' Et . . . et ' with ' pro- perare ' and ' quaerere ' standing first in the two pairs implies ' to be busy as well as leisurely, to get as well as to spend.' His present condition is not his constant one, nor the proof of lazi- ness, rather of the good sense which knows how to temper work with en- joyment. For 'cessare' cp. Epp. 1. 10. 46, 2. 2. 183. ' Quaerere ' and ' uti ' are contrasted as in Sat. 1. 1. 38, and both are used absolutely as ' quaerere ' in Sat. 1. 1. 92, 'uti' in Epp. 2. 2. 190.

58. parvis. For ' parvum parva decent ' sup. v. 44.

eerto. Bentley was inclined to ' curto,' which Cruq. found in two of his MSS. (not the Bland.) ; but it is no improvement. The phrases are balanced between his advantages and drawbacks. The modesty of his home may be gathered from that of his companions. He is not like the ' scurra ' in Epp. 1. 15. 28 'vagus, qui non certum praesaepe teneret.'

61. sane : it seems an echo of what he said himself, ' non sane credo ; ' see on Epp. 1. 15. 5.

62. benigne, as above in v. 16.

63. neget. Rather better supported than 'negat;' ' is he to refuse me?' The subj. expresses better the tone of pique, from which the slave takes his cue.

improbus : cp. Sat. 1. 9. 73 ' fugit improbus,' Sat. 2. 5. 84 'anus improba,'

avaiSrjs. The amount ofreal or mock in- dignation implied will vary with each case.

64. neglegit aut horret : the anti- thesis settles the meaning of ' horret ' : Volteius shows either defect or excess of the proper respect. Cp. Epp. 1. 18. II.

65. tunicato. See Mayor's note on Juv. S. 3. 171 ' Pars magna Italiae est . . . in qua Nemo togam sumit nisi mortuus.' The ' toga ' was only worn even in Rome by the well-to-do or on public occasions. Tac. de Orat. 7 ' volgus imperitum et tunicatus hic po- pulus.'

popello : the dimin. of depreciation ; Pers. S. 4. 15, 6. 50, so ' plebecula ' Epp. 2. 1. 186.

66. oceupat, ' surprises.'

67. excusare, with accus. of what is alleged as the excuse, as often in prose, ' valetudinem ' Liv. 6. 22.

mercenaria vincla, the bonds of ' a mercenarius,' i. e. of a person paid for his work. He was not selling his own goods. Cp. Sat. 1. 6. 86 ' si praeco parvas . . . mercedes sequerer.'

68. mane domum, of the 'salutatio ' or early morning visit ; a recognized compliment to a patron or great man ; see inf. v. 75 and on Sat. 1. 6. 101.

69. providisset, seen him first. Ter. Andr. 1. 2. 12 ' Herus est, neque pro- videram,' Plaut. Asin. 2. 4. 44 'non hercle te provideram : quaeso, ne vitio vortas.'

sic . . . si, ' on the sole condition that ' ; Liv. 1. 17 'utcum populusregem iussisset, id sic ratum esset si patres auc- tores fierent.'



Me tibi, si cenas hodie mecum.' ' Ut Hbet.' ' Ergo Post nonam venies ; nunc \, rem strenuus auge.' Ut ventum ad cenam est, dicenda tacenda locutus Tandem dormitum dimittitur. Hic ubi saepe Occultum visus decurrere piscis ad hamum, Mane cliens et iam certus conviva, iubetur Rura suburbana indictis comes ire Latinis. ; Impositus mannis arvum caelumque Sabinum Non cessat laudare. Videt ridetque Philippus, Et sibi dum requiem, dum risus undique quaerit, Dum septem donat sestertia, mutua septem Promittit, persuadet uti mercetur agellum. Mercatur. Ne te longis ambagibus ultra Ouam satis est morer, ex nitido fit rusticus atque





70. ut libet, ' as you please,' a for- mula of careless assent; so in v. 19. It is frequent in Terence as Ad. 2. 2. 33.

72. dicenda tacenda, ' on every topic wise and foolish ' ; the expression is probably from the Greek proverbial prjTa Kal apprjra (as in Dem. de Cor. § 157, Soph. O. C. 1001). Persius 4. 5 imitates the phrase, but describes the oppositecharacter, ' dicenda tacendaque calles,' '■ you know well what should be said and what not.'

74. piscis, ' as a fish ' ; for the figure cp. Sat. 2. 5. 25.

visus, sub. ' est.'

75. mane cliens : see on v. 68. certus, 'a constant daily^juest.'

76. rura has the constr. of ' rus ' without the preposition, as ' domos' has of 'domum ' in Liv. 22. 22 ; see Madv.

§ 233-

indictis Latinis. The ' feriae La- tinae ' were ' conceptivae,' that is, the time of their observance was fixed for the year by the consuls. This is the mean- ing of ' indicere.' They were marked by a ' iustitium,' so thatthe courts being closed, Philippus would be able to take a short holiday. Cicero makes the ' feriae Latinae ' the time of the discus- sion ' De Republica,' at the garden of Scipio (De Rep. 1. 9).

comes. Forthe practice of the great cp. Sat. 1. 6. 102 ' ducendus et unus Et comes alter, uti ne solus rusve pere- greve Exirem.' So Sat. 2. 6. 42, Epp. 1.17. 52.

77. irnpositus mannis, ' mounted in the pony-carriage '; Virg. Aen. 12. 736 ' ccnscendebat equos.' G. 3. 35S ' in- vectus equis.' For ' mannis ' cp. Od. 3. 27. 7, Epod. 4. 14.

arvum caelumque Sabinum . . . laudare, the delight of the townsman at country sights and sensations ; pos- sil >ly also, as Orelli thinks, his ignor- ance, fbr a Sabine farm would not be valued highly. He quotes Catull. 44.

79. sibi requiem. Orelli interprets ' oblectationem et recreationem a foren- sibus negotiis,' and this is the usual rendering ; but it is doubtful whether ' requiem ' could by itself have this force. It is helped however by the con- trast implied in the ' sibi,' emphasized as that is by its position both in its own clause 'per chiasmum' with 'undique.' The person whose case he thought of was not his client but himself, even as what he cared for was a laugh, not for the quarter in which he sought it. Rib- beck (followed by Schiitz) explains it as 'rest from Menas' chatter ' (' non cessat laudare '), but this is not Philip- pus' view : he is amused at the chatter, ' videt ridetque.'

dum . . . dum . . . dum. There is a conversational roughness in the substi- tution of ' dum ' in the first two cases for causal clauses, in the third for a gerundial one.

81. persuadet, 'tries to persuade.'

83. ex nitido, ' from a spruce towns- man.'

ftA^A^» CCca «O


Sulcos et vineta crepat mera ; praeparat ulmos

Immoritur studiis et amore senescit habendi.

Verum ubi oves furto, morbo periere capellae,

Spem mentita seges, bos est enectus arando,

Offensus damnis media de nocte caballum

Arripit iratusque Philippi tendit ad aedes.

Ouem simul aspexit scabrum intonsumque Philippus,

' Durus,' ait, 'Voltei, nimis attentusque videris

Esse mihi/ ' Pol me miserum, patrone, vocares,

Si velles/ inquit, ' verum mihi ponere nomen !

Ouod te per Genium dextramque deosque Penates

Obsecro et obtestor, vitae me redde priori.'

Oui semel aspexit quantum dimissa petitis

Praestent, mature redeat repetatque relicta.

Metiri se quemque suo modulo ac pede verum est





84. erepat, has always on his tongue ; see on Od. 1. 18. 5.

mera : Cic. ad Att. 9. 13 ' mera scelera loqmintur.'

praeparat ulmos, i. e. for the vines to climb on ; see on Epod. 2. 10, and cp. Od. 2. 15. 4.

85. immoritur . . . seneseit, ' kills himself,' 'grows old before his time,' hyperbolical descriptions of his eager industry. For ' sene^cit' cp. Epp. 2. 2. 82.

87. spem mentita. Cp. Od. 3. 1. 30 ' fundus mendax ' and the opposite 'segetis certa fides' 3. 16. 30.

88. media de nocte : see note on Sat. 2. 8. 3 ' de medio die.'

90. scabrum intonsumque. Con- trast ' ex nitido ' v. 83 and the picture in vv. 50, 51.

91. durus : see Epp. 1. 16. 70, and cp. the epithets in Sat. 2. 6. 82 'asper et attentus quaesitis.' For attentus also cp. Epp. 2. 1. 172.

94. quod : cp. Virg. Aen. 2. 141 ' Quod te per superos . . . oro,' id. 6. 323, Lucr. 1. 221. It is the same use as in ' quod si,' ' whereas, if.'

per Genium, sc. 'tuum.' For ' Ge- nius ' see on Od. 3. 17. 14, Epp. 2. 2. 187. It was a common adjuration, though the word has been at times con-

fused with ' ingenium,' as in Ter. Andr. *• 5- 54 ' Quod te ego per dextram hanc oro et Genium tuum,' wheresee Bentley's note.

96-98. Horace's comment on the story.

96. semel. Recent edd. are unani- mous in accepting this reading against ' simul ' which is found in all good MSS., and was found by Cruq. in his Bland. The mistake arose from the copyist's eye or memory carrying him back to v. 90 ' qnem simul aspexit.' ' Semel ' and ' simul ' are confused in other places, as Sat. 2. 8. 24 n.

dimissa, ' what he has let go.'

98. suo modulo ac pede. The figure is explained by Sat. 2. 3. 308, where Horace accuses himself of the folly of aping his betters, ' Aedificas, hoc est, longos imitaris, ab imo Ad summum moduli bipedalis.' Cp. also for the metaph. use of ' modulus ' Sat. 1. 3. 77 ' cur non Ponderibus modulisque suis ratio utitur.'

pede, the foot measure. A pigmy's ' foot ' is a different ' foot ' from that of a giant.

verum est : Sat. 2. 3. 312 ' An quodcunque facit Maecenas te quoque verum est ? ' cp. Epp. 1. 1. 11, 1. 12. 23.




' Greet Celsus for me, my Muse, the friend and secretary of Tiberius. If he asks after me, say that I am in my old way with more intentions than perform- ances, well enough in estate and body, not so well in soul ; unwilling to learn, or take advice, unable to profit by experience or keep a purpose. Ask him how he is, how he stands in favour with prince and staff. If he says "well," first wish him joy, and then in his private ear whisper that he must not let his head be turned by his fortune.'

We can hardly be wrong in thinking the last verse the gist of the Epistle. Horace's half ironical confessions lead up to it. ' You may say worse of me than I wish to suggest of you. I do not listen to my friends ; so I cannot compiain if you do not listen to me.' We may compare the art with which a more tender reproof is conveyed to Virgil in Odes i. 24 (see introd.).

Weichert (poetae Latini, p. 382) would distinguish the 'Celsus Albinovanus' of this Epistle from the 'Celsus ' of 1. 3. 15 f. ; but he is driven to do so by his view that those lines are meant harshly and contemptuously. In default of proof tbey have too many points in common to be separated.

Celso gaudere et bene rem gerere Albinovano

Musa rogata refer, comiti scribaeque Neronis.

Si quaeret quid agam, dic multa et pulchra minantem

Vivere nec recte nec suaviter ; haud quia grando

Contuderit vites oleamque momorderit aestus, 5

Nec quia longinquis armentum aegrotet in agris ;

1. Albinovano. It is the cognomen 3. minantem : cp., both for the also of C. Pedo Albinovanus, the friend verb and for the description of himself, of Ovid. Sat. 2. 3. 9 ' voltus erat multa et prae-

2. rogata, ' as I pray you.' clara minantis.'

refer : deliver as your message. It 4. nec recte nec suaviter. As

is followed by ' gaudere et bene rem Schutz says, ' neither to the Stoic's

gerere,' ' greeting and good wishes.' standard nor to the Epicurean's.' For

Orelli says ' subaud. "me eum iubere.'" ' recte vivere' see on Epp. 1. 2. 41.

Compare the use of \aipeiv in beginning haud quia, etc. My troubles are not

letters. ' Refer ' is a proper equivalent those of the rich proprietor of vineyards

to 'nuntia'; the Muse is to carry to and oliveyards (cp. Od. 3. 1. 29-32) or

Celsus the wishes of Horace. It is not of herds who are driven as the season

therefore necessary to take it with Orelli changes from pasturage to pasturage

as = 'carry back,' as though the letter (cp. Epod. I. 27, 28).

were an answer to a letter from Celsus. 5. momorderit, ' have nipped or

It may be so, but there is nothing to blighted.' ' Mordere ' is used of the

indicate it. effect of cold in Sat. 2. 6. 45 ; of rough

Neronis : see on Epp. 1. 3. 2 and cp. wind, by Martial 8. 14. 2 ' mordeat et

Epp. 2. 2. 1. tenerum fortior aura nemus.'

LIB. I. EPIST. 8. 257

Sed quia mente minus validus quam corpore toto

Nil audire velim, nil discere, quod levet aegrum ;

Fidis offendar medicis, irascar amicis,

Cur me funesto properent arcere veterno ; 10

Ouae nocuere sequar, fugiam quae profore credam ;

Romae Tibur amem ventosus, Tibure Romam.

Post haec ut valeat, quo pacto rem gerat et se,

Ut placeat iuveni percontare, utque cohorti.

Si dicet, ' Recte,' primum gaudere, subinde 15

Praeceptum auriculis hoc instillare memento :

Ut tu fortunam sic nos te, Celse, feremus.

7. mente minus validus quam cor- pore toto. Cp. the prayer in Od. i. 31. 18.

8. audire . . . discere : Epp. i. i. 48.

to. cur properent. The question which in his anger he asks. See note on Od. I. 33. 3, and cp. the constr. of Sat. 2. 2. 124 ' venerata . . . ita snrgeret.'

12. ventosus. Some good MSS. (incl. the Bland.) had ' venturus,' a pos- sible reading and one of some antiquity. It is given by Porph. in a note on Sat. 2. 7. 28. 'Ventosus' was interpreted by the Comm. Cruq. ' inconstans, insta- bilis.' Cp. Epp. 1. 19. 37 'ventosae

plebis.' Note that when Horace is writing with another purpose he says just the opposite of himself, Epp. i. 14. 16.

14. iuveni, a complimentary, not a familiar, term : Od. I. 2. 41, Virg. Ecl.


cohorti : Sat. 1. 7. 23, Epp. 1. 3. 6.

15. gaudere, sc. ' eum iubere.' The ellipsis is like that in v. 1, but it is here helped by the following ' instillare me- mento.' Some more colourless infinitive may be substituted for ' instillare.'

subinde, ' presently.' It is used in another sense in Sat. 2.5. 103.





' Septimius presses me to introduce him to you. He knows, you see, better, and rates higher, than I do, my influence with you. I would fain have excused myself ; but having to choose between the appearance to him of a selfish mock-modesty or to you of a brazen impudence, I chose the less fault. If you can approve of boldness assumed in a friend's behalf, admit Septimius to your circle and believe all good things of him.'

This Epistle is addressed to the young Tiberius himself. The tact and grace of it have commanded universal admiration.

Septimius is doubtless the friend of Od. 2. 6 ' Septimi Gades aditure mecum.' See introd. to that Ode and cp. note on Epp. 1. 3. 9 for the apparently erroneous identification of him by the Comm. Cruq. with the Titius of that Epistle.

SEPTIMIUS, Claudi, nimirum intelligit unus

Quanti me facias. Nam cum rogat et prece cogit

Scilicet ut tibi se laudare et tradere coner,

Dignum mente domoque legentis honesta Neronis,

Munere cum fungi propioris censet amici, 5

Quid possim videt ac novit me valdius ipso.

Multa quidem dixi cur excusatus abirem ;

Sed timui mea ne finxisse minora putarer,

Dissimulator opis propriae, mihi commodus uni.

Sic ego maioris fugiens opprobria culpae 10

Frontis ad urbanae descendi praemia. Quodsi

1. Claudi : see on Epp. 1. 3. 2 honesta, ' all that is honourable.'

' Claudins, Augusti privignus ' ; and cp. The neuter makes the chaiacteristic

Od. 4. 14. 29. more general than the masc. Cp. Sat.

nimirum : see note on Sat. 2. 3. 1. 6. 63 ' turpi secernis honestum.' 120. 5. The subj. of fungi is 'me'subaud.

unus, ' as no one else' ; Sat. 2. 3. 24. 7. multa cur, ' many reasons why.'

3. scilicet. Calling attention in irony 9. dissimulator. ' Dissimulatio ' is to what is going to be said,as though it Cicero's equivalent for Aristotle's eiptu- were something specially absurd. ' Mark veia, the habit of oue who ooKet dpvei- you !' 'think of it ! ' Sat. 2. 2. 36, 2. 3. O0at rd bvapxovra fj eKaTTQi irotetv Eth. 185, 240; Epp. 1. 15. 36. Nic. 4. 3.

tradere, ' tointroduce'; Sat. 1. 9. 47, opis, 'power'; Virg. Aen. 1. 601

Epp. 1. 18. 78. 'non opis est nostrae.'

4. dignum, ' as one worthy.' 11. frontis urbanae, ' town-bred as- mente, of the intellectual standard, surance,' opp. Cicero's ' pudor subrusti-

as the following words are of the moral cus' ad Fam. 5. 12. 1.

standard. descendi ad praemia, rather ' have

Neronis : ' a Nero ' ; see on Od. 4. 4. lowered myself to [claim] the privi-

29. It is the name which recalls the leges ' than ' have entered for the

character of his ancestry. prize.' The parallel to ' descendi ad ' is

LIB. I. EPIST. 10. 259

Depositum laudas ob amici iussa pudorem, Scribe tui gregis hunc et fortem crede bonumque.

to be found in such phrases as Cic. the partitive gen. cp. Od. 3. 13. 13 ' fies

Rep. I. 43 ' senes ad ludum ado- nobilium tu quoque fontium.'

lescentium descendant,' not in such as fortem bonumque. It is a common

'descendat in campum ' Od. 3. 1. n. conjunction in Cicero, as Mil. 2. 4 ; cp.

13. tui gregis. As Cicero uses 'grex ' iustum et fortem ' Sat. 2. 1. 16. The

amicorum ' ad Att. 1. 18. 1, ' gregales ' words imply high praise, for they are

= ' comrades,' ad Fam. 7. 33. 1. For used in Od. 4. 4. 29 of Tiberius himself.



Verses 1-7. Hail to Fuscus, brother of mysoul! parted from me by no single

difference, but that he loves the town while I love the country. 8-1 1. I will tell you why this is I have lost my taste for town delights; I care

now for the bread, not for the honey-cakes. 12-21. If nature is to be our standard of life, and that means first, of choosing

a site for living, what town site can beat the country sheltered winters,

cool summers, fragrant groves and flowers, fresh water ! 22-25. When you build a lown house you try to reproduce these things ; you plant

trees in the peristyle, and choose a site with a country view. Nature re-asserts

herself in spite of your efforts to get rid of her. 26-34. There are spurious imitations in life as well as in upholstery, and a mistake

about them is more mischievous. Such is setting our admiration on wealth.

We prepare for ourselves disappointments. A humble life may be happier

than a grand one. 35-41. The man who increases his desires is like the horse who called in the man

to help him against the stag he has surrendered his freedom. 42, 43. Circumstances are like shoes if they don't fit, they hurt us. 44-48. You, Aristius, will find true philosophy in contentment, and will expect

your friend to do the same. Wealth should be our servant, not our master. 49, 50. I am writing on my Sabine estate behind the temple of Vacuna.

Aristius Fuscus, like Septimius in the last Epistle, is one of Horace's older friends. See Sat. 1. 9. 61, 1. 10. 83; Od. 1. 22 ' Integer vitae ' is addressed to him. See the introd. to that Ode for the continuity of tone between it and this Epistle.

Urbis amatorem Fuscum salvere iubemus Ruris amatores, hac in re scilicet una

1. salvere iubemus : Epp. 1. 7. 66. what Drager (Hist. Syntax i. § 9) calls

It is a formida of greeting in letters as the ' pluralis modestiae.' Cp. Od. 1.

well as by word of mouth, Cic. ad Att. 32. 1.

4. 14. 2. The plural, which in such 2-6. ' Lovers of the country; for in

cases often alternates with the sing., is this one point you must know v\e differ

S %



Multum dissimiles, at cetera paene gemelli Fraternis animis quicquid negat alter et alter Annuimus pariter vetuli notique columbi. Tu nidum servas ; ego laudo ruris amoeni Rivos et musco circumlita saxa nemusque. Quid quaeris ? Vivo et regno simul ista reliqui Ouae vos ad caelum effertis rumore secundo : Utque sacerdotis fugitivus liba recuso ; Pane egeo iam mellitis potiore placentis. Vivere naturae si convenienter oportet, Ponendaeque domo quaerenda est area primum,


much, but in all clse nearly twin brethren with brotherly hearts (when one says " no," the other says " no " too), we nod in time like two old familiar doves.' The punctuation of these lines has been the subject of great difference. I follow Dill1'. and (in the main point) Orelli. Bentleyhasinduced many modern editors (including Munro, Ritter, Keller) to put a strong stop at ' amatores ' and another at 'pariter,' leaving ' vetuli notique co- lumbi ' to begin a new sentence. But the figure of the two old doves on a perch has grown out of the description of the two old friends, ' gemelli,' ' fra- ternis animis,' with the picture suggest- ing 'annuimus pariter.' The metaphor is carried on by a fresh departure in ' tu nidum servas,' etc. ; but there would be little point in the epithet 'noti vetulique,' if the doves belonged wholly to w. 6, 7. In any punctuation and rendering there is something harsh in the change in the meaning of the plural first person from ' I ' in v. 2 to ' you and I ' in v. 5. 2. scilicet is used particularly by Horace (see esp. Od. 1. 37. 30, 2. 14. 9, 4. 8. 5) as in our view it is used here, with adjectives (or participles^ to call special attention, whether in irony or not, to the relation between the adj. and the main statement.

6. One is a stay-at-home, the other ranges far afield for things to admire.

7. circnmlita : perhaps a word of the painter's art, of rocks ' touched,' ' coloured,' with patches of moss or lichen. Cp. ' oblitus ' Epp. 2. 1. 104, illinet ' Epp. 1. 7. 10.

8. quid quaeris ? a colloquial phrase implying ' ask no more,' used either after an explanation, usually a laconic one, has been given, or to bespeak at-

tention to one which is to be given and which must be sufncient. Cp. Cic. ad Att. 1. 14. 7, 1. 16. 4, and 2. 16. 1, with 'Watson's notes.

vivo : ' it is real life' ; @tos /3iwt6s.

regno, ' rex sum' ; ' my mind to me a kingdom is.' Cp. infr. v. 33.

9. vos : ' you, and those who think with you ; you townfolk.'

effertis : the reading of V (supported by a (St. Gallen)) against the majority of MSS. Both phrases are found else- where (' efferte ad caelum ' Cic. ad Fam. 9. 14. 1), though 'ferre' is the more common, Sall. Cat. 53. 1, Jug. 53. 8, Cic. Fam. 10. 26. 2, Lucr. 6. 8.

rumore secundo, ' amid favouring voices,' ' with general assent.' See Con- ington on Virg. Aen. 8. 90 ' iter inceptum celerant rumore secundo.'

10, 11. The 'pleasures' of town are to me what sweet cakes are to the slave who has run away from a priest's house- hold the very things which I am tired of and want to change for more simple and wholesome fare.

10. liba. Defined by Servius on Virg. Aen. 7. 109 as ' placentae de farre, melle, et oleo. sacris aptae.'

12. naturae convenienter. ' Quod summum bonum a Stoicis dicitur conve- nienter naturae vivere ' Cic. de Off 3. 3. 13, 6fio\oyovfxh'0Ji ttj <pvaa.

'Ifthe Stoic principle for living is 'to be applied to the first preliminary for living namely, choosing a place to live in.' There is perhaps a reference to some proverbial order in the needs of life. Cp. Hesiod's oIkov fitv irpwTiOTa, k.t.X/^E. Kal 'H. 405.

13. ponendae domo. The Bland. MSS. had ' ponenda,' but we cannot say whether by a mistake or by a correction

LIB. I. EPIST. 10.


Novistine locum potiorem rure beato ?

Est ubi plus tepeant hiemes, ubi gratior aura 15

Leniat et rabiem Canis et momenta Leonis,

Cum semel accepit Solem furibundus acutum ?

Est ubi divellat somnos minus invida cura?

Deterius Libycis olet aut nitet herba lapillis ?

Purior in vicis aqua tendit rumpere plumbum 20

Quam quae per pronum trepidat cum murmure rivum?

Nempe inter varias nutritur silva columnas,

Laudaturque domus longos quae prospicit agros.

Naturam expelles furca tamen usque recurret,

dne to the unusual form ' domo ' for 'domui.' The abl. might be taken as an abl. absol. ' in placing a house,' but the sense is not so good. The only other instance quoted of ' domo ' dat. is Cato, R. R. 134.

14. beato, ' the charms of the country are allowed. Do you know any town house where they can be bettered ? '

15. tepeant hiemes. Horace has primarilyin mind his own Sabine retreat, for which, in Sat. 2. 3. 10, he claims this merit ' Si vacuum tepido cepisset villula tecto.' Elsewhere he tells us that in the cold of winter he went to the sea, Epp. 1. 7. 10. ' The contrast here is only between town and country. You can't find more means of keeping your- self warm in town than in the country.'

16. momenta. Probably as in Epp. 1. 6. 4 ' movements' ; ' the Lion when he comes round.' It has been also taken as in Sat. t. 1. 8 for a short space of time, ' the Lion's hour,' or for 'influence.'

17. furibundus: Od. 3. 29. 19 ' stella vesani Leonis.' The adj. is predicative, going closely with accepit. It is the sun's heat that causes the mad- ness.

19. Libycis lapillis, tessellated pavement of Numidian marble.

olet : perhaps with reference to the practice of sprinkling the floors with perfumes.

20. tendit rumpere : our momen- tary sympathy is bespoken for the im- prisoned water as though it were a violation of nature. The water brought to Rome by the aqueducts was distri- buted over the city by pipes of lead or earthenware.

22. nempe : for the use of 'nempe' where the speaker after asking a ques-

tion answers it himself with some irony see on Sat. 2. 7. 80. 'I will answer the questions ' you are so far from thinking the gifts of the country worse than those of the town, that your aim in building a town house is to make it as much like a country house as you can.

inter columnas, ' within the peri- style ' ; but with the suggestion that for all the varied tints of the marble columns the eye desired some of nature's columns, some green trees.

nutritur, i. e. ' is grown with care and effort.' For the practice see note on Od. 3. 10. 5, and cp. Tibull. 3. 3. 15 ' nemora in domibus sacros imitantia lucos ; ' see Mayor on Juv. S. 4. 6.

23. domus, 'a town house with a wide country view.' Cp. the view from Maecenas' house on the Esquiline as de- scribed in Od. 3. 29. 6-8.

24. expelles : this is the reading of all the best MSS. including all the Bland., and it is given accordingly by most recent edd. Orelli keeps to 'ex- pellas ' which had general possession of the text before Bentley. With the sub- junctive the constr. will be as in Od. 4. 4. 65 ' Luctere : multa proruet integrum Cum laude victorem.' ' Turn out (or "try to turn out"), if you will,' etc. With the future it seems an instance of the omission of the conditional particle : see on Sat. 1. 1. 45. This use is more common with the fut. perfect (as there) than with the future simple. ' Furca expellere ' is a proverbial expression. Cic. ad Att. 16. 2. 4 ' quoniam furcilla extrudimus,' Catull. 105. 2 ' Musae furcillis praecipitem eiciunt.' So in Greek Siicpavois wOeiv Lucian, Tim. 12. Cp. Arist. Pax 637 dacpois uidtlv [k(- Kpa-yp.aoiv~\ .



Et mala perrumpet furtim fastidia victrix. Non qui Sidonio contendere callidus ostro Nescit Aquinatem potantia vellera fucum Certius accipiet damnum propiusque medullis, Quam qui non poterit vero distinguere falsum. Ouem res plus nimio delectavere secundae, Mutatae quatient. Si quid mirabere pones Invitus. Fuge magna : licet sub paupere tecto Reges et regnum vita praecurrere amicos. Cervus equum pugna melior communibus herbis Pellebat, donec minor in certamine longo Imploravit opes hominis frenumque recepit ; Sed postquam victor violens discessit ab hoste Non equitem dorso, non frenum depulit ore.




25. fastidia. Cp. the use of 'fasti- diosus' in Od. 3. 1. 37, 3. 29. 9 ; Epod. J7- 73 °f disgusts and cravings that are against nature. V had ' vestigia,' which must be a mistake. The Comm. Cruq. interprets ' fastidia ' by ' super- biam.' Some good MSS. have the intermediate reading ' fastigia,' which being meaningless (though Torrentius explains it of nature shut out froin the doois returning obstinately ('mala'j over the ' rooftops ') would be wrongly corrected to ' vestigia.'

26 foll. The preference of town to country has been brought round to seem a hollow and illogical fancy, belied even by those who gratify it. ' Yet,' Horace goes on, ' in matters of life we need the power of distinguishing shams from realities more than we do in buying purple stuffs.'

26. contendere eallidus, ' to com- pare skilfully,' i.e. so as to distinguish them. Cp. the use of ' callidus' Sat. 2. 3. 23 ' as a connoisseur.' We do not know from other sources anything of this manufacture of purple at Aqui- num.

28. propius medullis : as Eur. Hipp. 255 'irpos aKpbv pvt\uv <ppevujv : of that which touches us deeply.

30, 31. Two instances to show that false judgments in matters of life are followed with immediate and inevitable penalties.

30. plus nimio : see note on Od. 1. 18. 15.

31. quatient. In the same sense as Od. 3. 3. 4 ' mente quatit solida.'

si quid mirabere. The doctrine of Epp. 1. 6. 1, etc.

pones = ' depones' Sat. 2. 3. 16.

32. fuge magna. The over-estima- tion of 'grandeur' (cp. the thought in Od. 3. 29. 9-16) is clearly connected by Horace with the preference of town life to country life.

33. reges, as types, conventionally, of grand and happy living. ' Persarum vigui rege beatior ' Od. 3. 9. 4, ' Regum aequabat opes animis ' Virg. G. 4. 132.

34. cervus equum. This is the fable told at length by Aristotle (Rhet. 2. 20) as an illustration of the term A070S or ' fable.' It is attributed by him to the poet Stesichorus, who is said to have addressed it to the people of Himera in order to dissuade them from putting Phalaris into supreme power. It is given with some variations by Phaedrus 4. 4, a boar being substituted for the stag.

37. victor violens. This is the reading of all the MSS. except that E reverses the order, ' violens victor.' Bentley suspected a corruption, and Haupt's ingenious suggestion, ' victo ri- dens,' has seemed to several recent edi- tors (incl. Munro and Wilkinsj suffi- ciently probable to be adopted into the text. Keller and Schiitz adhere to the MSS. If we keep ' violens ' it is not an epithet of ' victor ' but a separate pre- dicative qualification. It answers to ' improbus ' in the application of the fable. The horse was ' violens,' ' force- ful,' ' for carrying things by force.' He was successful in doing so, but found he had sacrihced what was more valuable.

LIB. I. EPIST. 10.


Sic qui pauperiem veritus potiore metallis Libertate caret, dominum vehit improbus atque Serviet aeternum, quia parvo nesciet uti. Cui non conveniet sua res, ut calceus olim, Si pede maior erit subvertet, si minor uret. Laetus sorte tua vives sapienter, Aristi, Nec me dimittes incastigatum ubi plura Cogere quam satis est ac non cessare videbor. Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique, Tortum digna sequi potius quam ducere funem. Haec tibi dictabam post fanum putre Vacunae, Excepto quod non simul esses cetera laetus.




39. metallis : prob. like ' lamna ' in Od. 2. 2. 4, the word is meant to emphasize the purely material concep- tion of wealth.

40. improbus : see the note on ' vio- lens' in v. 37; dvaidrji, for his un- conscionable greed.

41. nesciet : the time corresponds to serviet. The two pictures are two sides of the same thing. He will always be a slave because he will never be contented.

42. 43. Circumstances are like shoes they must be fitted to the person, not the person to them otherwise they are sure to give trouble.

42. olim: Sat. i. I. 25, Epod. 3. 1 ' adverbium usitatum in fabellis et ex- emplis ' Orell. It may refer to some actual fable of an ill-fitting shoe.

43. uret, ' gall.'

44. ' You, Aristius, I know, will be content, and so will live like a philo- sopher.'

46. cessare, ' to take holidays'; Epp. 1. 7. 57, 2. 2. 183. For 'ac non ' see on Sat. 2. 3. 135.

48. The purport of the metaphor is clear ; but the source of it is uncertain. It has been taken of an animal dragged by a rope, of a barge, of a school-boys' ' tug of war.' In all of these ' toitum ' is (as in Virg. Aen. 4. 575 ' Festinare fugam, tortosque incidere funes ') an epithet without special force. Its em- phatic position is perhaps against this and in favour of the view (supported by Schiitz) that the reference is to awindlass or pulley (cp. Od. 3. 10. 10, which seems to refer to a similar machine) ; ' tortum ' will then refer to the turning of the rope in the process of hauling, and go with ' sequi,' not with ' ducere,' ' to be at the

command of the machine and follow the rope when it turns on the pulley, not command it and draw the rope from it as it will.'

49. dictabam : the Epistolary im- perfect, Madv. § 341.

post fanum putre Vacunae. From all the evidence we judge (1) that Va- cuna was the name of a Sabine goddess ; (2) that the Romans were very doubtful with which of their deities to identify her ; (3) that one identification was with Victoria, and that this was adopted by Vespasian, the emperor of Sabine origin, who, as an inscription shows, rebuilt a ruined temple to Victoria at the vil- lage now called Rocca Giovane, close to Hoiace's farm ; (4) that the name was often connected by the Romans with ' vacare,' ' vacuus,' and played upon as meaning the goddess of ' holiday ' or ' laziness.' Fea quotes Auson. Epist. 4. 99 ' Totam trado tibi simul Vacunam,' and an inscr. ' Qui legis haec divae bona verba precare Vacunae Nunc saltem vacuo donet ut esse mihi.' The words have been used as a chief argument for placing the site of Horace's villa where there is some old terracing im- mediately above the village of Rocca Giovane, instead of in the place pre- viously pointed out somewhat further up the valley. It is doubtful, however, whether they prove anything. See ad- ditional note to Epp. 1. 16. ' Post ' may be used loosely and mean only that in going to the villa you passed the temple, and the main object probably is not to give a topographical definition but (as in the quotations just given) a play on the name of Vacuna, ' in holiday- land.'





Verses 1-10. You have been visiting all the famous and beautiful places on the coast of Asia. Well, what do you think of them ? Do you think Rome beats them all ? or have you a hankering for one of the towns of Attalus' old kingdom ? or have you an enthusiasm for even Lebedus as an alternative to further travelling on the sea ?

11-20. But travelling is not the business of life. It is good for those who are sick. in mind or body. Those who are not do not need it, and should be content to praise the sights of foreign lands but spend their lives at home.

21-30. Enjoy what you have. Our modern restlessness does not diminish care. What we need is a well-balanced mind.

The occasion is a visit of Bullatins to places of interest on the coast of Asia Minor, places of which Horace speaks with the air of one who has himself seen them (see on Sat. 1. 7). Bullatius is apparently to be thought of as still in the East (see on v. 21), perhaps as having written a letter, to which this is an answer, with some travellers raptures on the beautiful places he is visiting. The substance of the Epistle is an indictment of foreign travel as a form of the restles?ness of the age. The feeling which finds definite expression here is to be traced in many passages of the Odes. It is part of the motive of Od. 1. 3 Horace wishes Virgil a happy voyage, but ' non invidet, miratur magis : ' of Od. 1. 7 he agrees with Plancus that Rhodes and Mytilene do not make up for banishment from Tibur, even though he preaches for the occasion patience under it : of Od. 2. 6 ' Septi- mius' friendship would stand the strain of any travel, but may it not be put to such a strain ! " Sit modus lasso maris et viarum." It is more plainly put in Od. 2. 16. 18 foll., which should be specially compared with this Epistle.

Nothing is known of Bullatius. It is possible that he visited the East in the train of Tiberius : see introd. to Epp. 1. 3.

OuiD tibi visa Chios, Bullati, notaque Lesbos, Quid concinna Samos, quid Croesi regia Sardis, Smyrna quid et Colophon, maiora minorave fama ?

1. Quidtibi visa Chios. Tho phraoo ' What thought you of Chios?' so Cicero, ' quid tibi videor' ad Div. 9. 21. 2 ; so in Greek ri aoi (jtaivtrai 0 vedviatcos ; Plat. Charm. 4, etc. Cp. also ' Lebedus quid sit,' infr. v. 7.

2. concinna, ' trim,' ' pretty.' It must be meant of the city rather than the island.

Sardis represents the Greek 'Sapoets (the form is noted as a plural by Pris- cian, 7. 17. 85): regia is therefore in apposition 'Croesus' royal home.'

3. maiora minorave fama. For

the difficulties of text and interpretation which encompass these words see note at the end of the Epistle. With our reading and punctuation they are per- haps best taken as the qualification, in the first place, of 'Smyrna et Colophon,' ' places greater, or it may be less, than the world thinks them,' but as intended to be carried back in sense to the places characterized before, and to convey a hint of depreciation— the tone of a tra- veller who has himself outgrown some



Cunctane prae Campo et Tiberino flumine sordent ? An venit in votum Attalicis ex urbibus una, An Lebedum laudas odio maris atque viarum ? ' Scis Lebedus quid sit ; Gabiis desertior atque Fidcnis vicus ; tamen illic vivere vellem, Oblitusque meorum obliviscendus et illis Neptunum procul e terra spectare furentem.' Sed neque qui Capua Romam petit imbre lutoque Aspersus volet in caupona vivere ; nec qui



illusions. They lead the way, therefore, in feeling to the qnestion of v. 4, even if they are not to be connected with it grammatically as by Orelli and Dill1'.

4. sordent prae seems to mean ' pale before,' ' in comparison with ' ; Epp. 1. 18. 18.

5. venit in votum : see note on ' esse in votis ' Sat. 2. 6. 1.

Attalicis urbibus. The splendid legacy of the last of the Attali (see on Od. 1. 1. 12, 2. 18. 4) had so struck the imagination of Ilorace, if not of his countrymen generally, that 'Attalicus' carries with it here, besides having its proper sense of ' belonging to the old kingdom of the Attali' [\n other words, to the Roman province of Asia 1 the ad- ditional idea of princely wealth and luxury.

6. Lebedum. Lebedus, fifteen miles N.W. of Colophon on the Caystrius Sinus, had been one of the twelve cities of Ionia, but about B.c. 300 was nearly desolated by Lysimachus, who tran sferred the population to Ephesus. It seems to stand here for some place in which only a tired traveller^s caprice could lind at- traction.

odio maris atqueviarum: as Od. 2. 6. 7 ' lasso maris et viarum.'

7-10. These lines seem to be rightly treated by the Scholiasts as an imagined apology of Bullatius for his strange preference : ' I do not deny that it is a very dull place, but I could live there for ever rather than go to sea again.' It has been said that such a fragment of unexpected dialogue belongs rather to the style of the Satires than that of the Epistles, but any harshness is much lessened by noticing that the lines are a dramatic illustration of the words that precede, ' odio maris atque viarum.' Per- haps we may compare Epp. 1. 15. 11 where ' Quo tendis/ etc, is an illustra-

tive expansion of ' praeteragendus eqmis.' Cp. also Epp. 1. 16. 31 and 41, A. P.


7. Gabiis . . . atque Fidenis. The two names stand together in Virg. Aen. 6. 773 among the list of Latin towns. In Juv. S. 10. 100 they stand, after Horace, as representatives of places which have come down in the world. Cp. the epithet ' simplicibus Gabiis ' Juv. S. 3. 192. In Epp. 1. 15. 9 Gabii is spoken of as an unfashionable water- ing-place. Cp. Juv. S. 7. 4.

9. Imitated by Pope ' Eloisa to Abel- ard,' 206 ' The world forgetting, by the world forgot.'

10. liullatius is meant to recall the famous Epicurean pleasure described by Lucr. 2. 1 ' Suave mari magno turban- tibus aequora ventis E terra alterius mag- num spectare laborem.' If Lebedus can give no other pleasure it can give that.

11. sed neque. This is Horace's repiy, ' What you describe is very well as a passing feeling the result of cir- cumstances of the moment it is not a principle to build your life on.'

neque . . . nec . . . nec perhaps are meant to recall some formula of the schools (cp. Plin. Epp. 2. 20 ' suffieiunt duae fabulae, an scholastica lege tertiam poscis?') which required three instances but the third instance is so like the actual case proposed that the construc- tion resembles Od. 3. 5. 27 foll. 'neque amissos colores Lana refert medicata fuco, Nec vera virtus, quum semel ex- cidit, Curat reponi deterioribus,' where see note.

imbre lutoque aspersus, 'drenched with rain and bespattered with mud."

12. caupona : the inn is relatively comfortable ; but it is not home.

vivere, ' to spend his life.'




Frigus collegit, furnos et balnea laudat Ut fortunatam plene praestantia vitam. Nec si te validus iactaverit Auster in alto, Idcirco navem trans Aegaeum mare vendas. Incolumi Rhodos et Mytilene pulchra facit quod Paenula solstitio, campestre nivalibus auris, Per brumam Tiberis, Sextili mense caminus. Dum licet ac voltum servat Fortuna benignum, Romae laudetur Samos et Chios et Rhodos absens. Tu quamcunque deus tibi fortunaverit horam Grata sume manu, neu dulcia differ in annum, Ut quocunque loco fueris vixisse libenter



13. frigus collegit : so ' sitim col- ligere' Ov. Met. 5. 446 ; cp. Virg. G. 3. 327. Possibly a poetical variation of the prose use of ' contrahere '; 'has got chilled through.'

furnos et balnea : he would like to warm himself, but he does not therefore place the sum of happiness in having access to ovens (as a baker), or hot water (as a bathman). For 'furnos' see on Sat. 1. 4. 37.

15. nec : ' so neither,' etc.

16. vendas, i. e. with the idea of staying there for your life.

17. incolumi. Editors question whether this means sound in health or in sense : ' mentis sanae ' Schol. Surely no exact interpretation is to be given. It answers to and applies in the widest sense to the drenching of v. 11, the chill ofv. 13, the tossing of v. 15. Remedies are for the sick. If you want to travel, there is unsoundness somewhere. No doubt in the end the disease is to be traced to the mind.

Rhodos et Mytilene : an echo of Od. 1.7. 1. They stand here for foreign travel generally.

facit quod : does the same service as, 110 more service than.

18. paenula: a woollen cloak worn in rainy weather, see Mayor on Juv. S. 5. 79 ' multo stillaret paenula nimbo.'

solstitio, ' midsummer,' as in Virg. E. 7. 47, G. 1. 100.

campestre. For the adj. cp. A. P. 379 ' campestribus armis.' The neut. sing. was used of a light apron or drawers worn in exercises of the Campus Mar- tius.

19. Tiberis, i.e. for bathing. Sextili : see on Epp. 1. 7. 2. caminus : Sat. 1. 5. 81.

20. dum licet : with a glance at the chances of Roman life. ' The time may come when you may have no choice.' The banished Ovid imitates the line, Trist. 1.5. 27 ' Dum iuvat et voltu ridet Fortuna sereno.'

21. Romae laudetur. The emphasis on ' laudetur ' is the same as on VirgiPs (G. 2. 413) 'Laudato ingentia rura : exiguum colito.' Cp. also the force put upon ' contemplere ' in Od. 3. 29. 7, ' look [wistfullyj at, without going to them.' 'Romae' might mean ' stay at Rome and praise,' etc, or ' come back to Rome and praise,' etc. The latter is probably the sense : see introduction to the Epistle. Notice that the three places have all been named in the Epistle, so that this is the summing up.

absens : as an epithet of the place from which one is absent ; see Sat. 2. 7. 28.

22. tu, as always, the note of en- treaty : Od. 1.9. 16, 1. 11. 1 ; Sat. 1. 4. 85 ; Epp. 1. 2. 63.

quameunque . . . horam. The tone of Od. 3. 8. 27 ' Dona praesentis rape laetus horae ' and 3. 29. 29. As in Od. 2. 16. 18-25 he identifies the restlessness which makes men travel for pleasure with the vice which he is always assail- ing of not making the most of pleasures which they have.

23. dulcia : your pleasant things, i.e. the enjoyment of them.

in annum: see Epp. 1. 2. 39.

24. libenter : ' as though life were


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LIB. I. EPIST. n. 267

Te dicas ; nam si ratio et prudentia curas, 25

Non locus effusi late maris arbiter aufert,

Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.

Strenua nos exercet inertia : navibus atque

Ouadrigis petimus bene vivere. Quod petis hic est,

Est Ulubris, animus si te non deficit aequus. 30


worth living,' as ' cenare libenter,' ' to dine with appetite ' ; cp. Cic. ad Fam. 9. 19. 1. It is possible however that ' libenter ' is to be taken with ' dicas ' and ' vixisse ' absolutely, ' that you have really lived,' as in Od. 3. 29. 43.

26. effusi late maris : ' a broad surface of sea.'

arbiter. Cp. Epod. 5. 50 ; Od. 3. 20. ir, 1. 3. 15, 2. 7. 25. These passages give the stages in the use of ' arbiter.' (1) ' The witness,' as frequently in Cicero ; (2) the impartial bystander act- ing as umpire ; (3) the judge with power to pronounce effective sentence, ' po- nere seu tollere.' The present use is perhaps nearest to (2), the image being of sitting on high and overlooking the sea with its tumults. There is a refer- ence, no doubt, back to v. 10, Bulla- tius' defence of Lebedus, so that a stormy sea is specially in view.

27. See on Od. 2. 16. 19 (cp. also Epp. 1. 14. 12, 13). Horace hadperhaps in mind Aesch. in Ctes. 78 ov tov rpoirov d\Ka tov tottov fiovov iAtTT]\\a£tv, or Cic. pro Quintio 3. 12 ' fit magna mu- tatio loci non ingenii.'

28. strenua nos exercet inertia : travelling is 'working hard at doing nothing.'

navibus atque quadrigis : to be taken literally ; ' by means of locomo- tion.'

29. bene vivere : a happy life, the ideal of life ; Epp. 1. 6. 56.

30. Ulubris : a town near the Pomp- tine marshes. Juvenal (S. 10. 101) calls it ' vacuae,' classing it with Gabii and Fidenae, in reminiscence therefore of this Satire. Cicero jests about it in a letter to Trebatius (ad Fam. 7. 18), calling its citizens ' little frogs.'

animus aequus: Epp. 1. 18. 112.

Additional Note on Verse 3.

Maiora minorave fama. Doubt hangs over both the reading and the meaning. The earliest editors, followed by Bentley without comment, gave 'minorane.' This is not found in any tenth cent. MSS. Holder gives 'ne' as the reading of Regin., but this has ' ue ' as has been verified. E has ' minoraque.' Holder in the edition of the text (1869) gave 'ne,' but his colleague Keller in the Epilegomena /%o (1869-) has returned to 've' as the original and right reading. It is given by Orell., Dillr., Ritter, Munro, Schiitz, Wilkins. If ' ne ' were read we must point the verse as containing two questions : ' What of Symrna and Colophon ? Are they greater or less than their repute ? ' It is doubtful however (apart from external evidence for the reading) whether the intrusion of a fresh question does not injure the sense. The meaning of the four times repeated ' quid [tibi visa] ? ' is given in the three alternative questions of vv. 4, 5, 6. Horace's interest is not in the new light which a traveller has to throw on places he has visited, but in the traveller's own frame of mind : ' Has he had the good sense to feel that home was the best place after all ? or has he, for one or another of a traveller's reasons, been fascinated by any of them ? ' If we read ' ve,' some uncertainty is left as to the punc- tuation and sense. (1) It would be possible (if the consideration just alleged does not bar it) still to put the two notes of interrogation and translate, not ' are they



Frigus collegit, furnos et balnea laudat Ut fortunatam plene praestantia vitam. Nec si te validus iactaverit Auster in alto, Idcirco navem trans Aegaeum mare vendas. Incolumi Rhodos et Mytilene pulchra facit quod Paenula solstitio, campestre nivalibus auris, Per brumam Tiberis, Sextili mense caminus. Dum licet ac voltum servat Fortuna benignum, Romae laudetur Samos et Chios et Rhodos absens. Tu quamcunque deus tibi fortunaverit horam Grata sume manu, neu dulcia differ in annum, Ut quocunque loco fueris vixisse libenter



13. frigus coUegit : so ' sitim col- ligere' Ov. Met. 5. 446 ; cp. Virg. G. 3. 327. Possibly a poetical variation of the prose use of ' contrahere ' ; ' has got chilled through.'

furnos et balnea : he would like to warm himself, but he does not therefore place the sum of happiness in having access to ovens (as a baker), or hot water (as a bathman). For ' furnos ' see on Sat. 1. 4. 37.

15. nec : ' so neither,' etc.

16. vendas, i. e. with the idea of staying there for your life.

17. incolumi. Editors question whether this means sound in health or in sense : ' mentis sanae ' Schol. Surely no exact interpretation is to be given. It answers to and applies in the widest sense to the drenching of v. n,the chill of v. 13, the tossing of v. 15. Remedies are for the sick. If you want to travel, there is unsoundness someivhere. No doubt in the end the disease is to be traced to the mind.

Khodos et Mytilene : an echo of Od. 1.7. 1. They stand here for foreign travel generally.

facit quod : does the same service as, 110 more service than.

18. paenula: a woollen cloak wom in rainy weather, see Mayor on Juv. S. 5. 79 ' multo stillaret paenula nimbo.'

solstitio, ' midsummer,' as in Virg. E. 7. 47, G. 1. 100.

campestre. For the adj. cp. A. P. 379 ' campestribus armis.' The neut. sing. was used of a light apron or drawers worn in exercises of the Campus Mar- tius.

19. Tiberis, i.e. for bathing. Sextili : see on Epp. 1. 7. 2. caminus : Sat. 1. 5. 81.

20. dum licet : with a glance at the chances of Roman life. ' The time may come when you may have no choice.' The banished Ovid imitates the line, Trist. 1.5. 27 ' Dum iuvat et voltu ridet Fortuna sereno.'

2 1 . Romae laudetur. The emphasis on ' laudetur ' is the same as on VirgiFs (G. 2. 413) ' Laudato ingentia rura : exiguum colito.' Cp. also the force put upon ' contemplere ' in Od. 3. 29. 7, ' look [wistfullyj at, without going to them.' ' Romae ' might mean ' stay at Rome and praise,' etc, or ' come back to Rome and praise,' etc. The latter is probably the sense : see introduction to the Epistle. Notice that the three places have all been named in the Epistle, so that this is the summing up.

absens : as an epithet of the place from which one is absent ; see Sat. 2. 7. 28.

22. tu, as always, the note of en- treaty : Od. 1.9. 16, 1. 11. 1 ; Sat. 1. 4. 85 ; Epp. 1. 2. 63.

quameunque . . . horam. The tone of Od. 3. 8. 27 ' Dona praesentis rape laetus horae ' and 3. 29. 29. As in Od. 2. 16. 18-25 he identifies the restlessness which makes men travel for pleasure with the vice which he is always assail- ing of not making the most of pleasures which they have.

23. dulcia : your pleasant things, i.e. the enjoyment of them.

in annum: see Epp. 1. 2. 39.

24. libenter : ' as though life were

LIB. I. EPIST. ii. 267

Te dicas ; nam si ratio et prudentia curas, 25

Non locus effusi late maris arbiter aufert,

Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.

Strenua nos exercet inertia : navibus atque

Ouadrigis petimus bene vivere. Quod petis hic est,

Est Ulubris, animus si te non deficit aequus. 30

worth living,' as ' cenare libenter,' ' to 27. See on Od. 2. 16. 19 fcp. also

dine with appetite'; cp. Cic. ad Fam. Epp. 1. 14. 12, 13). Horace had perhaps

9. 19. 1. It is possible however that in mind Aesch. in Ctes. 78 ov tov rpotrov

' libenter ' is to be taken with ' dicas ' aWa tov tottov povov ntT-q\\a£tv, or

and ' vixisse ' absolutely, ' that you have Cic. pro Quintio 3. 12 ' fit magna mu-

really lived,' as in Od. 3. 29. 43. tatio loci non ingenii.'

26. effusi late maris : ' a broad 28. strenua nos exercet inertia :

surface of sea.' travelling is 'working hard at doing

arbiter. Cp. Epod. 5. 50 ; Od. 3. 20. nothing.'

11, 1. 3. 15, 2. 7. 25. These passages navibus atque quadrigis : to be

give the stages in the use of ' arbiter.' taken literally ; ' by means of locomo-

(1) ' The witness,' as frequently in tion.'

Cicero ; (2) the impartial bystander act- 29. bene vivere : a happy life, the

ing as umpire ; (3) the judge with power ideal of life ; Epp. 1. 6. 56.

to pronounce effective sentence, ' po- 30. Ulubris : a town near the Pomp-

nere seu tollere.' The present use is tine marshes. Juvenal (S. 10. 101) calls

perhaps nearest to (2), the image being it ' vacuae,' classing it with Gabii and

of sitting on high and overlooking the Fidenae, in reminiscence therefore of

sea with its tumults. There is a refer- this Satire. Cicero jests about it in a

ence, no doubt, back to v. 10, Bulla- letter to Trebatius (ad Fam. 7. 18),

tius' defence of Lebedus, so that a calling its citizens ' little frogs.'

stormy sea is specially in view. animus aequus : Epp. 1. 18. 112.

Additional Note on Verse 3.

Maiora minorave fama. Doubt hangs over both the reading and the meaning. The earliest editors, followed by Bentley without comment, gave 'minorane.' This is not found in any tenth cent. MSS. Holder gives 'ne' as the reading of Regin., but this has ' ue' as has been verified. E has ' minoraque.' Holder in the edition of the text (1869) gave 'ne,' but his colleague Keller in the Epilegomena /%o (1869-) has returned to ' ve ' as the original and right reading. It is given by Orell., DilK, Ritter, Munro, Schiitz, Wilkins. If ' ne ' were read we must point the verse as containing two questions : ' What of Symrna and Colophon ? Are they greater or less than their repute ? ' It is doubtful however (apart from external evidence for the reading) whether the intrusion of a fresh question does not injure the sense. The meaning of the four times repeated ' quid [tibi visa] ? ' is given in the three alternative questions of vv. 4, 5, 6. Horace's interest is not in the new light which a traveller has to throw on places he has visited, but in the traveller's own frame of mind : ' Has he had the good sense to feel that home was the best place after all? or has he, for one or another of a traveller's reasons, been fascinated by any of them ? ' If we read ' ve,' some uncertainty is left as to the punc- tuation and sense. (1) It would be possible (if the consideration just alleged does not bar it) still to put the two notes of interrogation and translate, not ' are they


greater or less,' etc, as though 've' could be used in alternative interrogation, but ' are they either greater or less ? ' i. e. ' are they just what the world says, or either greater or (" ve") less? ' (2) Keller with the same punctuation understands a repeated ' Quid ' : ' what of Smyrna and Colophon ? [what] of towns greater or less in repute ? ' ' fama ' being in this rendering an abl. not of comparison but of the ' part concerned.' (3) Orelli and Dillr. remove the stop at ' fama,' con- necting the words ' maiora,' etc. with the following line : ' Be they greater or less than their repute, do all alike pale before the Campus and Tiber stream ? ' In this interpretation also ' fama ' may be taken for ' in repute,' instead of ' than their repute.' (4) Schiitz removes the question at 'Colophon,' retains it at'fama?' The words ' maiora . . . fama ' then become the qualification grammatically of ' Smyrna et Colophon,' answering to the more special epithets which have been given to Chios and Lesbos, Samos and Sardis. ' What of Smyrna and Colophon, greater places or (it may be) smaller than the world thinks them ? ' This is the view, substantially, taken in the note.



This Epistle brings together the Iccius of Od. 1. 29 and the Pompeius Grosphus of Od. 2. 16. The purpose is in the first instance personal— to intro- duce Grosphus to Iccius, who is acting as ' procurator ' in charge of Agrippa's Sicilian estates. It is to be noticed that Grosphus seems when the Ode (see vv. 33-37) was written to have been a wealthy proprietor in Sicily. He is now returning to the island, and is in a position, we know not how, in which Iccius may be able to help him.

The Epistle also implies that Iccius has complained (either in a letter to Hoiace or otherwise) that he is managing the estate of another rather Ihan an independent property of his own. The poet rallies him gently for this (vv. 1-16), turning his remonstrance into compliments on the simple life which no increase of wealth would affect (w. 7-11 \ and the maintenance of high philosophical interests in a post where there was so much to foster a greed of gain (vv. 12-20). From this he passes lightly (v. 21) to the introduction and commendation of Grosphus ^vv. 22-24}. The Epistle ends with some lines (vv. 25-29), of which the professed purpose is to give the news from Rome, but which, if we suppose such an Epistle to be written for a larger circle of readers, associate with it the names, in a climax, of Agrippa, Tiberius, Augustus, and fiood the picture as with the light of a returning golden age.

The last lines should also incidentally fix the date of the Epistle. With respect to the difficulty caused by the reference to Agrippa's conquest of the Cantabri see general Introd. to the Epistles, p. 208.

LIB. I. EPIST. 12.


FRUCTIBUS Agrippae Siculis quos colligis, Icci,

Si recte frueris, non est ut copia maior

Ab Iove donari possit tibi. Tolle querelas ;

Pauper enim non est cui rerum suppetit usus.

Si ventri bene, si lateri est pedibusque tuis, nil

Divitiae poterunt regales addere maius.

Si forte in medio positorum abstemius herbis

Vivis et urtica, sic vives protinus, ut te

Confestim liquidus Fortunae rivus inauret ;

1. Fructibus quos colligis. ' Fruc- tus ' is used for ' produce ' of all sorts. Iccius is a ' procurator ' (see Cic. de Or. 1. 58. 249 with Wilkins' note) or man- ager of the estate of a non-resident proprietor, with a ' vilicus ' or ' vilici ' under him. Agrippa (see on Od. 1. 6 introd.) has estates in Sicily, acquired possibly (as Ritter suggests) either after the battle of Naulochus on the Sicilian coast, when he defeated Sextus Pom- peius, or in B. c. 21, when Augustus summoned him to Sicily and gave him the hand of Julia, Dion C. 54. 6.

2. si recte frueris. It is assumed that one who collected the produce lived on the produce. There is probably a play on ' fructibus . . . frueris,' ' if you enjoy what is meant to be enjoyed ' ; 'recte,' ' as you should,' possibly in the literal sense ' as the law allows you,' certainly in the moral sense, ' as philo- sophy bids you.'

non est ut : Od. 3. 1. 9 ' est ut.'

3. tolle : ' away with,' ' a truce to ' (Conington). Epod. 16. 39 ' muliebrem tollite luctum.'

4. cui rerum suppetit usus : ' who has the full use of property.' Horace is thinking all through of the juridical term ' ususfructus ' (see vv. 1, 2), ' If you enjoy as you should what by its very name tells you it was meant to be en- joyed, it is a true " ususfructus," and that, as any lawyer will tell you, is as good as possession.' Cp. Epp. 1. 2. 160 ' Qui te pascit ager, tuus est,' etc, a philosophical view which there he re- inforces by the legal principle that ' usus ' for a certain term actually con- veyed possession. Cp. also Sat. 2. 2.


5. si ventri, etc. Horace is perhaps thinking of Solon's apophthegm, fr. 24 io6v toi ttKovtovoiv otoj ttoKvs apyvpos

kOTi | Kai xpvobs /calyrjs irvpotyopov TTt5ia,\ 'ittttoi #' fjpdovoi re, Koi w /xova TavTa ttol- peOTi | yaorpi Te Kal ir\(vpfis Kai nooiv a/3pa TraQeiv.

For lateri cp. Sat. 1. 9. 32, 2. 3. 163 ; Epp. 1. 6. 28.

pedibus : i. e. if you are free from the gout.

7-9. The compliments tolccius begin with a certain archness (conveyed by the hypothetical form ' si forte,' ' if to put a case,' and by the hyperbolical ' herbis et urtica') as though they were half jest; then the tone becomes graver andunmis- takeably sincere. They are lightened again in w. 19-21 by the half bantering spirit always roused in Horace by the differences and paradoxes of philoso- phers.

7. in medio positorum abstemius. Lambinus seemstohave been the first to suggest the interpretation which has thenceforth been usually given to these words, viz. ' temperate in respect of the simplest luxuries,' ' abstemius ' being con^tructed with the gen. as ' abstinens ' in Od. 4. 9. 37. ' In medio posita ' is an habitual phrase (Sat. 1. 1. 108 ' Trans- volat in medio posita et fugientia captat ') for ' things accessible to all': cp. 'ex medio' Epp. 2. 1. 168 n.

8. urtica : the common nettle. So Persius, perh. remembering this passage, ' mihi festa luce coquatur Urtica ' 6. 69. Pliny i^N. H. 21. 55) speaks of the young shoots in spring as pleasant eating.

sic vives protinus, 'you will con- tinue so to live.' For ' protinus ' see Virg. Aen. 9. 339 ' felix si protinus illum Aequasset nocti ludum.'

ut, 'even supposing that' ; see on Epod. 1. 21.

9. confestim : ' in a moment.' Fortunae rivus. Fortune is looked

on as a Pactolus (' Tibique Pactolus



Vel quia naturam mutare pecunia nescit,

Vel quia cuncta putas una virtute minora.

Miramur si Democriti pecus edit agellos

Cultaque, dum peregre est animus sine corpore velox ;

Cum tu inter scabiem tantam et contagia lucri

Nil parvum sapias et adhuc sublimia cures :

Quae mare compescant causae, quid temperet annum,

Stellae sponte sua iussaene vagentur et errent,

Quid premat obscurum lunae, quid proferat orbem,



fluat' Epod. 15. 20) which ' culta . . . irrigat auro ' Virg. Aen. 10. 142. ' In- auro ' is used figuratively of a person in Cic. ad Fam. 7. 13. 1 ' te malle a Caesare consuli quam inaurari.'

10. vel . . . vel. Iccius may take his choice between the reasons. Both apply to him. His simplicity of taste belongs both to his nature and to his ideal of life.

naturam : a man's nature. Cp. Epod. 4. 6 ' Fortuna non mutat genus.'

11. una: Epp. 1. 7. 30; contrasted with ' cuncta.' Everything else in one scale, virtue in the other.

1 2-14 foll. miramur . . . cum tu/ we marvel . . . and that though you,' etc. Iccius is a greater marve! than Demo- critus. The latter lost himself to his own concerns in his philosophical dreaming. The former has kept all his philosophical interest though immersed in business and its temptations. Demo- critus.the Eleatic philosopher, of Abdera. Epp. 2. 1. 194, A. P. 297. He is in Cicero a stock instance of absorption in philosophy, de Fin. 5. 29. 87 ' ut quam minime animus a cogitationibus abdu- ceretur patrimonium neglexit, agros deseruit incultos.' Cp. D. Tusc. 5. 39.

13. peregre est, ' is on its travels.' Cp. Od. 1. 28. 5 ' animoque rotundum Percurrisse polum,' and Plato's picture (Theaetet. p. 173 E.) of the philosopher whose body only ev rfj ttu\€l kutcli xai emorjpei, ij 5e Sidvota . . . rravTaxfi <pepe- rai.

velox : of the swiftness of thought ; cp. Od. 3. 25. 3.

14. scabiem et contagia, as the Comm. Crvtq. says = ' scabiem conta- giosam ' ; lueri goes with the two subst. together. Cicero uses ' scabies '

of the easily excited desire of pleasure, Le?g. i. 17. 47. ' Among so many itching palms.'

15. nil parvum sapias. It is diffi- cult to find an exact parallel for this use. Is it ' act the " sapiens," philo- sophize, on lofty themes,' a coloured synonym for ' cogites ' with reference to the uses of <ppoveiv, twivoeiv, etc. ? Or can it mean ' have no mean tastes ? ' There are uses that come near this. Cp. A. P. 212 ' Indoctus quid enim saperet !' and Cicero's play on the word ' cui cor sapiat, ei non sapiat palatum ' Fin. 2. 8. 24. For ' nil parvum ' cp. Od. 2. 25. 17.

adhuc : ' as you did in old days.' Cp. Od. 1. 29, introd. and vv. 13, 14.

sublimia eures : not without refer- ence to the phrase used seriously as well as in jest of Greek physical philosophers, Tcx pierecvpa <ppovTi^eiv. See Riddell on Plat. Apol. 18 B. With the physical problems which follow cp. Virg. G. 2. 475 foll., Prop. 3. 5. 25 foll.

16. quae mare compescant causae. Virg. 1. c. v. 479 ' qua vi maria alta tumescant Obicibus ruptis rursusque in se ipsa residant.'

temperet : Od. 1. 12. 15.

17. sponte sua iussaene. A poetical statement (resembling that in Od. 1. 34) of the question at issue between the Stoics and Epicnreans, as to the presence or absence of Divine Will as a factor in the universe.

vagentur et errent : this combina- tion is common in Cicero in the sense of 'wandering at large' ; cp. de Or. 1. 48. 209 'ne vagari et errare cogatur oratio,' Acad. Prior. 2. 20. 66 'eo fit ut eorum et vagar latius,' and in the same con- nection as this of the planets) de Rep. 1. 14. 22 'stellarum quae errantes et quasi vagae nominarentur.'

18. obscurum, predicatively with

LIB. I. EPIST. 12.


Quid velit et possit rerum concordia discors, Empedocles an Stertinium deliret acumen. Verum seu pisces seu porrum et caepe trucidas Utere Pompeio Grospho, et si quid petet ultro Defer; nil Grosphus nisi verum orabit et aequum. Vilis amicorum est annona bonis ubi quid deest. Ne tamen ignores quo sit Romana loco res : Cantaber Agrippae, Claudi virtute Neronis



premat 'hides in darkness.' It is prob- ably of the monthly changes of the moon (Prop. 1. c. v. 27 ' unde coactis Cornibus in plenam menstrua luna redit') rather than of eclipses.

19. quid velit et possit, ' the pur- pose and effects.'

concordia discors, ' harmony in dis- cord.' The reference is to the two KLvfjcreaJS dpxai, veiKos Kal tpiXia, to which Empedocles (Arist. Metaphys. 1. 4) traced the origin of things. Cp. Cic. de Am. 7. 24 ' quae in rerum natura totoque mundo constarent quaeque moverentur ea contrahere amicitiam, dis- siparediscordiam ' with Dr. Reid's notes. For the oxymoron cp. ' strenua inertia ' in the last Epistle. The phrase recurs in later writers as Ov. Met. I. 433 ' discors concordia foetibus apta est.'

20. Empedocles, of Agrigentum, A. P. 465. He wrote a long poem in hexametersonNature, fragmentsofwhich remain. Lucretius speaks of it with enthusiasm (1. 717 foll.) and looked on it as his model.

Stertinium aeumen. For the ad- jectival use of the gentile name, ' Ster- tinium ' = ' Stertinianum,' cp. ' Sulpiciis horreis' Od. 4. 12. 18. It is an exten- sion of the practice in prose, which is limited (acc. to Madv. § 189), when the name is used of an individual, to public and official relations and undertakings, ' leges Iuliae,' ' via Appia ' and the like. Cp. the similar liberty taken with tribal names, ' Marsus aper ' and individual names 'Romula gens' see on Od. 1. 15. 10. For Stertinius see introd. to Sat. 2. 3. Like the ' sapientum octavus ' of that Satire (v. 296) this treatment of him as the representative of Stoicism is in jest.

deliret : Epp. 1. 2. 14. This strong word is used prob. in reference to the charges of madnessflung about so freely by Stoic teachers on which that Satire

turns, ' or whether it is the philosopher who calls us all crazed who is crazed himself.'

21. The tone of banter begun in the last line is continued in this.

verum, ov 0' ovv, ' to turn to the practical matter.' ' Whatever be your position in philosophy or the principles which you draw from it for your table (referring back to vv. 7, 8\ whether it allows you as a Stoic to eat fish, or, as a truePythagorean,makesyoufeel it almost murder to eat a vegetable . . .'

pisces. It is doubtful whether fish are named as a luxury (this was perhaps the Scholiasfsunderstanding of it ; ' seu laute sive parce vivis ') or as specially forbidden to Pythagoreans ; Athenaeus, p. 161 ol irv9ayopi£ovTts -yap ws dKovoptev j ovt o\pov koGiovoiv, ovt aX\' ovSe ev | 'ipipv^ov.

porrum et caepe trucidas, imitated by Juv. S. 15. 9 ' Porrum et caepe nefas violare et frangere morsu.' For Horace's jests on the vegetarianism of Pythago- reans see on Sat. 2. 6. 63.

22. utere, as in Epp. 1. 17. 2 and 14, sc. ' familiariter ' ; ' make a friend of.'

Pompeio Grospho : see introd. to Od. 2. 15.

ultro, ' readily,' as though you had thought of it first.

23. verum : Epp. 1. 7. 98, as Schiitz suggests, perhaps here as a touch of philosophical jargon, the word that Iccius himself might be supposed to use.

24. ' Friends are cheap in the market when good men are lacking something,' 1. e. to do a service (as you may now do) to a good man is an easy way of gaining a friend. It is a rendering of Socrates' saying (Xen. Mem. 2. 10. 4) oi p-kvToi dya6ol oiKovopiot, orav t<j ttoWov atiov piKpov k£rj irpiaoOai tot( (paol Sttv tvvei- o9ar vvv 5e Sid ra vpdynaTa evcvvoTaTovs eOTi tpiKovs d~ya9ovs KTr)oao9at.



Armenius ceciclit ; ius imperiumque Phraates Caesaris accepit genibus minor ; aurea fruges Italiae pleno defundit Copia cornu.

26. For the fimk defeat of the Canta- bri by Agrippa see Dion C. 54. II, Introd. to Odes B. I-III. 1. § 6 ; cp. Od. 14. 41. For the question of the date here implied, as betvveen b. c. 20 and 19, see Introd. to the Epistles, p. 208.

Claudi Neronis, sc. Tiberius : Epp. 1. 3. 2 n. For the event referred to see introd. to that Epistle.

27. ius imperiumque aecepit, ' has submitted to Caesar's imperial rule.' With the phrase cp. ' dat iura ' Virg. G. 4. 562, ' in ius ac ditionem recipere' Liv. 21. 61, 'in ditionem imperiumque concedere' id. 29. .29, ' imperia accipere ' id. 25. 9.

28. genibus minor : lit. 'humbled in respect of his knees,' humbled to the point of kneeling, 'genibus supplex posi- tis ' Ov. Met. 3. 240. Orelli, Diintzer and Dillr. prefer to take 'genibus' with ' Caesaris,' making the phrase = ' sub- missus ad genua Caesaris.' The event thus described is the restoration by the

Parlhians of the standards of Charrae, which was another incident of Tiberius' progress into Armenia, Suet. Tib. 9. ' The line of Horace Epp. 1. 12. 28 alludes to coins struck at this period in which we see the figure of a trousered Parthian presenting the Emperor with a standard or in some cases a bow' Meri- vale, vol. iv. p. 173. Cp. Epp. 1. iS. 56, Od. 4. 15.6, and Tacitus' words Ann. 2. 1 ' Phraates cuncta venerantium officia ad Augustum verterat' vvith Furneaux'.>> note.

aurea. Cp. Od. 4. 2. 40. A good harvest is the occasion of the poetical suggestion of a return of the golden age of peace and plentv. Cp. Od. 4. 15. 5, C. S. 60.

29. defundit : the reading of ' omn. Bland.' as against ' defudit.' The present seems to date the letter in harvest time.

Copia cornu : Od. 1. 17. 16, C. S. 60.

LIB. I. EPIST. 13. 273



This professes to be a letter addressed to one Vinius Asina who is conveying some poems of Horace to the Emperor : the letter is supposed to be sent after the messenger to reiterate instructions already given as to the care and tact to be observed in discharging his commission.

lt seems obvious that it is an ' Epistle ' in form only : being analogous in this respect to Epp. 1. 20, for it is intended primarily for Augustus, to whom it offers a jesting apology for any untimeliness in the poet's presentation of his poems. It is a dramatic rendering of the caution in approaching Caesar which he recognizes as necessary in Sat. 2. 1. 18-20, and of the apologetic tone with which he addresses the Emperor directly in Epp. 2. 1. 1-4. Much of the point and of the imagery of the Epistle lies in the play on the family nanie of the messenger, a play in which the Romans delighted, and which seems not to have been neeessarily offensive to those who bore the name.

For further questions as to personality of Vinius, the nature of the ' carmina ' of v. 1 7, and of the circumstances imagined, see the additional note at the end of the Epistle.

The Epistle should be compared with the poem (5. 6) in which Marlial begs Parthenius to introduce his book unobtrusively to Domitian's notice.

1-5. 'Let me repeat the orders I gave you on starting. You are to give Augustus

my poems at the right moment, not bore him with them. 6-9. Refuse the commission at once rather than discharge it so as to recall your

family name of Asina. 10-15. An ass's strength by all means in overcoming the difnculties of the errand ;

but once arrived you have still to watch your opportunity for presenting the

book, and for that you want grace and tact. 16-19. Don't tell any one your errand. Now away with you, and have a care of


Ut proficiscentem docui te saepe diuque, Augusto reddes signata volumina, Vini, Si validus, si laetus erit, si denique poscet ; Ne studio nostri pecces odiumque libellis

2. reddes : ausualword of delivering fancies of a valetudinaiian : Suet. Aug. a letler, a message, etc. Cp. Od. 1. 3. 80-83, Merivale, 4. p. 358 note.

7. The fut. for the imperative, Madv. si poseet : cp. Mart. 1. c. v. 16 foll.

§ 384, obs. ' Nec porrexeris ista, sed teneto Sic tan-

signata, i. e. without breaking the quam nihil offeras agasque. Si novi

seal ; they are for Augustus' eye alone. doininum novem soroium Ultro pur-

3. si validus, si laetus. Cp. the pureum petet libellum.'

dangers described in Epp. 2. I. 220 4. ne peeees: the negative purpose of

' cum tibi librum Sollicito damus aut the restrictive conditions ; ' then and then fesso.' Augustus had the habits and only, lest,' etc.




Scdulus importes opera vehemente minister. Si te forte meae gravis uret sarcina chartae, Abicito potius quam quo perferre iuberis Clitellas ferus impingas, Asinaeque paternum Cognomen vertas in risum et fabula fias. Viribus uteris per clivos, flumina, lamas. Victor propositi simul ac perveneris illuc, Sic positum servabis onus, ne forte sub ala Fasciculum portes librorum ut rusticus agnum, Ut vinosa glomus furtivae Pyrrhia lanae,


5. sedulus : so 'sedulitas' Epp. 2. 1. 260. ' Opera vehemente' and ' sedulus minister' = 'sedulo ministerio,' are to be taken in close conjunction. They add, under different grammatical forms, two descriptions of the manner in which the verb importes operates ; ' excessive zeal ' and ' officious service.'

6. uret : Epp. 1. 10. 43.

7. abicito, ' fling it away on the road rather than dash it down in ill- temper at your journey's end,'i. e. throw up your commission at once rather than discharge it unwillingly and awkwardly.

8. Asinae : see introd. and additional note. The ass with Horace is always the type of clownishness and ill-temper, Sat. 1. 1. 90, 1. 9. 20; Epp. 1. 20. 15, 2. 1. 199.

9. fabula fias : ' fabula quanta fui ' Epod. 11. 8.

10. viribus uteris. ' There is a place for energy ; namely, on the way; when you come into the presence what is needed is grace and tact.' The figure is still that of the ass.

lamas, ' pools,' ' sloughs.' ' Lacunas maiores continentes aquam caelestem : Ennius: Silvarum saltus latebras lamas- que lutosas ' Acr. The word is noticed by Festus s. v. ' lacuna,' but is other- wise unknown in Latin.

11. victor propositi, ' when you have won your purpose.' Cp. ' voti compos ' A. P. 76, and the Greek use of ty/tparrjs with gen.

illuc, ' to your journey's end.' It is vaguely designated, as in v. 7 ' quo per- ferre iuberis.'

12. sic ne : A. P. 151, 152. positum, usually taken, as by Orelli,

closely with servabis, as though it were ' sic pones et servabis,' as beginning the description of the way in which the

books are to be held in the Emperor's presence. If this were so it is hard to see why the word ' onus ' should be u.-ed, and changed immediately to ' fas- ciculum librorum.' Is it not better to look on ' sic positum servabis onus ' as the words in which, addressing Vinius in his proper person, he resumes, nnd passes from, the preceding image, which then wholly vanishes ? We mnst not have any suspicion of an ass carrying a parcel ' sub ala.' ' Sic ' goes with 'servabis': ' positum ' is ' laid aside.' ' When you have landed your burden your task is not done, you will then keep charge of it, not in the awkward way in which a man holds a parctl when he doesn't quite know what to do with it'

13-15. ut . . . ut . . . ut. These three illustrations (see on Epp. 1. 11. 11) are from familiar sights that have moved to laughter in real life or on the stage, but they seem to touch different grounds of awkwardness as though what you carried was hard to hold ; as though you were ashamed of it, trying uselessly to hide it ; as though you were yourself a clown going into company above you.

14. glomus, 'a ball of wool'; see Lach. and Munro on Lucr. on 1. 360. The word occurs there with a long pen- ultima. Bentley restored it to the text here as against ' glomos.'

Pyrrhia. According to the Scholiast she was a character in a play of Titinius. The form of the name is very possibly corrupt, as Lachmann (on Lucr. 6. 971) points out that it is not a proper female name either in Greek or Latin. The MSS. of Porph. have ' Purria,' and K. and H. quote from an inscription 'Purreius ' as a Roman name.

LIB. I. EPIST. 13.

Ut cum pillcolo soleas conviva tribulis. Ne vulgo narres te sudavisse ferendo Carmina, quae possint oculos auresque morari Caesaris, oratus multa prece nitere porro. Vade, vale, cave ne titubes mandataque frangas.


As Titinius is said to have written ' togatae,' a Roman name would be more suitable than a Greek one. Rib- beck conj. 'Proclia' (for 'Procilia').

15. eonviva tribulis, i. e. one going to be entertained as a tribesman, not as an equal, but as a humbler member of the tribe whom the rich man patronizes. He is to be seen going to the great house, not in a litter, nor even with a slave, but carrying himself his felt cap for his return at night, and the slippers (see on Sat. 2. 8. 77) which he will put on when he enters the house and takes off his sandals.

16. ne narres. There is some ques- tion as to the constr. It is perhaps best (with Schiitz) to make ' ne ' dependent

on ' oratus.' ' Push steadily on your journey, remembering my earnest request (cp. ' rogata ' in Epp. 1. 8. 2) that you will not tell all the world,' etc. Others (as Orelli, Dillr.) make 'ne narres ' a separate imperative (see on Sat. 2. 5. 1 7) and explain ' oratus ' ' though pressed [by people to tell them].'

17. morari : A. P. 321.

19. cave : see on Sat. 2. 3. 38.

titubes . . . frangas. There seems to be a return to something of the figure of v. 9 foll., and there is a jest on the brittle goods which were entrusted to Vinius. ' Push on, nor stop for ques- tions. Now goodbye. But pray don't trip and smash the poetry.' Conington.

Additional Note.

We may suppose that Horace has given us as much light on the circumstances of the poem as was sufhcient in his judgment for its proper appreciation. If we would push further, several points are uncertain :

(1) The personof themessenger. Horacecallshim Vinius (or 'Vinnius'; the MSS. of Horace are in favour of the latter ; the MSS. of Tacitus and inscriptions in favour of the former as the Roman gentile name) and speaks of Asina' as his father's ' cognomen.' The Pseudo-Acron and Comm. Cruq. call him 'C. (' Caninius' some MSS. give) Vinnius Fronto' ; Porph. 'Vinnius Asella.' The heading of the Epistle in the MSS. is more often ' ad Vinnium Asellam ' (or ' Asellum ') than ' Asinam.'

Both ' Asina ' and ' Asellus ' were well-known ' cognomina'; the former in the family of the Scipiones (see the story in Macrob. Sat. 1. 6. 28), the latter in the Annia and the Claudia gens. The jest on the name was a time-honoured one, for Cicero (de Or. 2. 64. 258) quotes it as having been made by Scipio Africanus Min. against Ti. Claudius Asellus. There is nothing else to connect the cognomen either of Asina or Asellus with the gens Vinia, of which the first member who became famous is the T. Vinius of Tac. Hist. 1 passim.

What relation are we to imagine Vinius as holding to Horace or to the Emperor ? The notion that he was a ' tabellarius ' or slave courier is excluded by v. 8, which

T 2


implies that he had a ' pater' and was therefore ' ingenuus.' Others have thought of him as one of Horace's neighbours, employed by him to carry his parcel from his country house to Rome. Is the Emperor however to be supposed to be in Rome ? If so, it has been suggested that the Sosii (Epp. i. 20. 2) who would have prepared the copy, would be the more natural agents in its delivery ; also that the imagery of a journey ' per clivos, flumina, lamas,' even if it be in part at least metaphorical, seems less appropriate to such a short and well-beaten road as that from Tibur to Rome. If the Emperor was abroad, as we know him to have been from B.c. 22 to 19, Vinius may have been anyone in Rome who was going to Sicily, Samos, or some other place where the Court at the moment was. (2) The nature of the 'carmina' of v. 17. What was Horace sending or professing to send? The usual answer has been, thefirst three books of the Odes; and there is much probability to be alleged for it, in respect of the importance of the occasion supposed, of Horace's usual employment of the term ' carmina ' when applied to his own writings *, of the plural ' libellis ' v. 4 (contrast ' libello ' of the first book of Satires, Sat. 1. 10. 92), 'fasciculum librorum' v. 13, and getierally of the date to which the Epistle is then referred. If, however, any more particular date is sought, difficulties arise. The Odes, we have every reason to believe, were given to the world in B.C. 23. Augustus did not leave Rome for Sicily and the East before the middle of b. c. 22. Are we to imagine, then, that Horace's Odes were unknown to him for some months after their publication ? or are we to look upon this as a formal presentation of a book which the poet already knew to be approved of? Must we fall back on the theory of a mission from the Sabine villa to Rome ? or should we remember how fragmentary is our knowledge of the Emperor's movements, whether in Italy or outside of it ?

* 'Carmina' is Horace's word for his Odes when contrasted with the ' Iambi' and 'Sermones,' Epp. 2. 2. 59 ; cp. Epp. 2. 1. 250, 258. At the same time ' carmen ' is used (Sat. 1. 10. 66 and 75, 2. 1. 63) of Lucilius' Satires, and therefore might presumably be used of Horace's own. Its use in Sat. 2. 6. 22 is part of the mock-heroic language adopted for the moment.

LIB. I. EPIST. 14. 277



The Epistle professes to be addressed to his 'vilicus' or slave-bailiff, whom he had promoted from his town household to the charge of his country house and farm with its eight slaves (Sat. 2. 7. 1 18), but who hankers still after city life.

Under cover of a comparison between his own tastes and the bailiff s, he justifies his love of country life (cp. Sat. 2. 6, Epp. 1. 16, etc), and preaches his habitual ser- inon against restlessness and the desire of change.

Verses 1-5. Bailiff of the farm which I love and you despise, let us see whether my

moralizing is as good as your farming. 6-10. I am longing to get into the country, as much as you to get away from it to

town. 11, 12. That on the face of it is folly on both sides. 14-17. There is however this difference, that you change continually, always

disliking what you have. My preference is constant. 18-30. The fact is ourtastesare different. Whatyou think unredeemed barrenness,

I think beauty. You complain that you miss all the pleasures of the city, and

yet have constant work. 31. What is the dividing line between us? 32-39. It is true that I also loved and became town life, but times have changed,

and I have recognized this. The true inconsistency would have been not to do

so. In the country I am free from envy and ill-will, so busy at my fieldwork

that my neighbours are amused. 40-42. You are seeking to go back to a lot which a city drudge is sharp enough to

see to be much worse than your present one. 43, 44. Ox would wear horse's trappings, horse do ox's work. My advice is, let

each keep to that which he understands.

VlLICE silvarum et mihi me reddentis agelli, Ouem tu fastidis habitatum quinque focis et

1. Vilice. The duties of a 'vilicus' me feel myself again' Con. Cp. ' vivo

are described in Cato, de R. R. 5. 1 ; et regno,' etc, Epp. 1. 10. 8, ' Me

a slave whose heart was in town plea- quotiens reficit . . . Digentia ' Epp. 1. 18.

sures would not have satisfied them : 104.

' Ne sit ambulator, sobrius siet semper, agelli : a favourite word with Horace,

ad cenam ne quo eat, familiam exerceat, sometimes in a depreciatory sense (as

consideret quae dominus imperaverit Sat. 1. 6. 71). Here it carries the

fiant. Ne plus censeat sapere se quam double feeling— at once the ' snug do-

dominum,1 etc. Columella 1. 8. 1 warns main1 (cp. Sat. 2. 6. 9) as it is to

a landowner against selecting one whose the poet, and the 'poor little farm ' as

accomplishments and tastes are of the the bailiff contemptuously calls it. city. 2. habitatum quinque focis. The

silvarum : Od. 3. 16. 29, Sat. 2. Scholiasts all treat 'habitatum' as a

6. 3. proper past participle (' aliquando J Acr.,

mihi me reddentis, ' which makes ' olim ' Porph.) and explain it as de-



Ouinque bonos solitum Variam dimittere patres, Certemus spinas animone ego fortius an tu Evellas agro, et melior sit Horatius an res. Me quamvis Lamiae pietas et cura moratur Fratrem maerentis, rapto de fratre dolentis Insolabiliter, tamen istuc mens animusque Fert et amat spatiis obstantia rumpere claustra.

scribing the occupation of Horace's do- main before it came into his hands ' though it has been the dwelling-place of five households,' etc. They explain ' patres ' in the next line by ' senatores,' meaning probably ' decuriones ' or members of the municipal council of Varia. This view is espoused fully by Dill1". Ritter and Obbar follow it in respect of the time of ' habitatum.' On the other hand Orelli takes ' habitatum ' as a quasi-present part. (' though it is the dwelling-place'j, explaining ' patres' by ' patres-familiarum,' and supposing them to have been ' fortes mercede coloni' (Sat. 2. 2. 115), free tenants working parts of Horace's estate and sharing the produce with him or paying rent. The eight slaves of Sat. 2. 6. ti8 must then have been occupied with what we might call the ' home farm.' The strongest arguments in favour of Orelli's view is the omission of the temporal adverb which the Scholiasts supply, and which seems needed for clearness. Against it may be said (1) that it makes the estate ' habitatum quinque focis,' something different from the estate otherwise spoken of, for which the ' vilicus ' is responsible : ' agelli quem fastidis habitatum ' becomes ' the little farm which you despise, though [part of] it is the dwelling-place of five households.' (2) That there is more ap- priateness in Horace's telling the ' vili- cus ' a piece of the earlier history of the land now in his occupation, than a fact which was as well known to one as to the other.

3. Variam : hod. Vico Varo, in the valley of the Anio, where the Licenza

joins it. If the ' patres ' are ' heads of households,' not ' decuriones,' they may be supposed to visit Varia as their market town.

4. certemus. Notice that the chal- lenge gives a playful air to the Epistle also that it implies a compliment to the bailiff 's energy in farming. Surely Orelli misreads it in thinking that the suggestion is that he is lazy in weed- ing.

spinas : for the metaphor cp. Epp. 2. 2. 212, also Sat. 1. 3. 35. For the posi- tion of ne cp. Epp. 2. 2. 65.

5. melior, ' in better condition.' res, ' his property.' There are to be

two comparisons, between the energy of their respective work and its success.

6. For Lamia see introd. to Odes 1. 26 and 3. 17. There is nothing to prove or disprove their identity.

rnoratur, ' keeps me awhile in town.' The feeling of this reference to Lamia's sorrow and Horace's sympathy, though it would be rather incongruous in a letter actually intended for the ' vilicus,' is natural and appropriate if we look on the Epistle as intended rather for the eyes of the poet's friends *.

S. istuc, ' to where you are,' sc. to the country ; so ' istic ' in v. 37.

mens animusque : the accumulation seems to mean ' every impulse of my soul.' Cp. the frequent phrase ' animus

and so ' mens tulit ' Stat. cp. ' mens ' = inclination,

Theb. 4. Epp. 1.


753 1.4.

9. amat: see on Od. 2. 3. 15.

spatiis obstantia claustra, ' the doors that bar its course ' ; ' claustra ' = ' carceres'; see Sat. 1. 1. 114.

* Dr. Verrall, in his 'Studies in Horace,' has an ingenious chapter in which he argues that the Lamia of this Epistle and the two Odes is none other than the ' vilicus ' _ himself, the name being here substituted for the personal pronoun, as ' Horatius ' for 'ego'in the pre- ceding line. It follows that 'moratur' and ' istuc fert ' must mean ' hinders me from' and'drives me to ' the discussion to follow. This is in itself an objection to the view. The words are singularly unlike Horace's usual ironical way of entering upon a philosophical lecture. There is also the same difficulty which weighs against the reading ' Pulliae ' in Od. 3. 4. 10, the un- iikelihood of such a personal detail in the poet's life having escaped notice in early times. It also makes the 'vilicus' a much more important person in the Epistle than on our theory he is.

LIB. I. EPIST. 14.


Rure ego viventem, tu dicis in urbe beatum. Cui placet alterius, sua nimirum est odio sors. Stultus uterque locum immeritum causatur inique : In culpa est animus, qui se non effugit unquam. Tu mediastinus tacita prece rura petebas, Nunc urbem et ludos et balnea vilicus optas ; Me constare mihi scis, et discedere tristem Ouandocunque trahunt invisa negotia Romam. Non eadem miramur ; eo disconvenit inter Meque et te : nam quae deserta et inhospita tesqua Credis, amoena vocat mecum qui sentit, et odit Ouae tu pulchra putas. Fornix tibi et uncta popina Incutiunt urbis desiderium, video, et quod Angulus iste feret piper et thus ocius uva, Nec vicina subest vinum piaebere taberna Quae possit tibi, nec meretrix tibicina, cuius





11. nimirum, 'ofcourse.' ' The phi- losophical account of the matter is per- fectly clear. We are both " stulti " ; the fault does not lie in the place.' Horace puts himself on a level with the bailiff, but proceeds immediately to point out the difference between them.

13. Cp. Od. 2. 16. 19.

animus : cp. v. 4. This is one of the ' spinae.'

14. mediastinus, 'a common drudge.' The Scholiasts made it a hybrid word, as though from 'medius' and darv ('astu' is found in Terence, etc.) in order to find in it the idea of ' in the city ' which the place seemed to requiie but tbe word does not convey this in itself. In Lucilius 15. 30 it is used of a ' vilicus.' Here the contrast with ' vili- cus ' and the nature of the two wishes give the necessary sense.

tacita, ' which you did not dare utter.'

16. See note on Epp. 1. 8. 12.

1 7. invisa negotia : cp. the picture in Sat. 2. 6. 20-59.

18. non eadem miramur, ' we have different ideals.' See the use of ' mirari ' in Epp. 1. 6.

diseonvenit : Epp. 1. 1. 99. It is here impersonal.

19. inhospita tesqua. A quotation from Lucilius (2. 31) ; ' tesqua ' is inter- preted by 1'orph. ' loca aspera et silves-

tria,' by Acr. ' loca deserta ac difficilia,' and said by the latter to have been a Sabine word.

20. amoena vocat : ' Hae latebrae dulces, etiam, si credis, amoenae,' of his farm, Epp. 1. 16. 15.

21. uncta. It is doubtful whether this means ' greasy,' as in Sat. 2. 4. 78 ('manus') and 2. 2. 68 (' aqua ') or ' savoury,' as in Epp. 1. 15. 44, A. P. 422.

22. incutiunt, ' cause you a thrill' of desire. It is used generally of terror and other painful emotions ; see on Sat. 2. 1.39.

video : parenthetically,' I understand,' 'I read your motives' ; so Sat. 1. 9. 15, 2. 2. 35.

et quod, ' and the fact that ' ; adding further subjects to ' incutiunt.'

23. angulus iste. The words seem to be an imagined quotation of what the ' vilicus ' himself has said : and either ' angulus ' is used here in a de- preciatory sense (contrast Od. 2. 6. 14), ' this out-of-the-way place,' or else it is an answer supposed to have been given to Horace, ' the corner you speak of some sunny corner which had been pointed out as fit to try vines in will grow pepper and spices as soon as the grape.'

24. taberna, the farm lay too far off a high road.




Ad strepitum salias terrae gravis : et tamen urges Iampridem non tacta ligonibus arva bovemque Disiunctum curas et strictis frondibus exples ; Addit opus pigro rivus, si decidit imber, Multa mole docendus aprico parcere prato. Nunc age, quid nostrum concentum dividat audi. Quem tenues decuere togae nitidique capilli, Ouem scis immunem Cinarae placuisse rapaci, Ouem bibulum liquidi media de luce Falerni, Cena brevis iuvat et prope rivum somnus in herba. Nec lusisse pudet, sed non incidere ludum. Non istic obliquo oculo mea commoda quisquam Limat, non odio obscuro morsuque venenat ;


26. terrae : the dative after gravis.

et tamen. These words are best taken as a continuation of the supposed complaints of the bailiff. He has none of the pleasures often found even in the country, ' and yet ' he has plenty of work. This view gives more meaning to ' iam- pridem non tacta ' ; we need not look too carefully for justificatory reasons— it is partofhisgrumbling ' the ground seems as if it had not been dug for years.' Note also, possibly, with Schiitz that a slight verbal play is carried on from ' terrae gravis ' to ' urges arva ' : you can't make the ground feel in one way (cp. the feeling of the rustic taking out his revenge in Od. 3. 18. 15 ' Gaudet in- visam pepulisse terram Ter pede fossor'), but you have to make it feel, at your own cost in another. The verses have also been taken (by Conington) as though Horace were commenting on his tasks (ironically) as a set-off to his dul- ness, ' and yet time need not hang heavy on your hands.' This does not lead as well to the change in v. 31.

28. disiunctum. The bailiffs la- bours do not even cease when the ox is unyoked ; cp. the feeling of Od. 3. 6.


strictis frondibus : \ irg. E. 9. 60

' agricolae stringunt frondes' ; cp. Epp.

1. 16. 9, 10.

29. pigro, ' if you feel lazy.' The rain which brings a holiday from other farming work (Virg. G. I. 259, cp. Sat.

2. 2. 119) brings you fresh toils. The verse shows that Horace had some meadow land reaching down to the

' Digentia.' For the metaphor of do- cendus cp. A. P. 68.

31. nune age : a Lncretian formula of transition ; see on Epp. 2. 1. 214. This fresh start suits very well with the view that we have been listening since v. 19 to the bailiffs views.

concentum dividat, prevents our singing the same tune.

32. tenues : contrast ' toga quamvis crassa ' Sat. 1. 3. 15.

nitidi capilli : Od. 2. 7. 7.

33. immunem, ' thoughempty-hand- ed ' ; Od. 4. 12. 23, and see on Od. 3. 23. 17.

Cinarae : Epp. 1. 7. 28 n. The con- trast between the epithets in these two passages and Od. 4. 1. 4 possibly imply that she died in the interval ; see App. 1. to vol. 1 ' On the unknown names in the Odes.'

34. liquidi, ' well cleared'; Od. I.II. 6, Sat. 2. 4. 55.

media de luce : see on Sat. 2. 8. 3.

35. cena brevis : cp. ' mensae bre- vis'*A. P. 198.

36. lusisse : for the sense of ' ludere ' cp. Epp. 2. 2. 56, 142, 214. The state- ment is general ; the shame is not in having played, but in not putting a limit to the play. For ' incidere ' cp. Virg. E. 9. 14 ' novas incidere lites.'

37. istic : as ' istuc ' in v. 8.

38. limat, lit. ' files down.' Cp. the somewhat similar metaphor of ' de- terere ' Od. 1. 6. 12. Lachmann ^on Lucret. 3. 11) suggested that there is a play on ' limi oculi ' (see Sat. 2. 5. 73), ' sidelong glances.'

LIB. I. EPIST. 14.


Rident vicini glebas et saxa moventem.

Cum servis urbana diaria rodere mavis : 40

Horum tu in numerum voto ruis ; invidet usum

Lignorum et pecoris tibi calo argutus et horti.

Optat ephippia bos, piger optat arare caballus ;

Quam scit uterque libens censebo exerceat artem.

3. 16 ' dente minus 42. ealo argutus._ For 'calo' see


morsu : Od. 4 mordeor invido.'

venenat, the ' tooth ' of envy ' poi- sons ' what it nibbles ; so ' atro dente ' Epod. 6. 15.

39. rident, ' smile at.' The emphasis is not on their laughter but 011 the energy in his nevv occupations which is measured by it. ' I dig and gather stones till my neighbours are quite amused.' The essence is ' I am thoroughly con- tented with the change of life.'

40. As Porph. says ' Tu vero ' must be supplied. Its absence is compensated for by the ' tu ' of the next line. Cp. the omission of ' ego ' in Epp. 1 . 17. 21.

urbana diaria : the measuredrations of city slaves icp. Sat. 1. 5. 68) are compared with the free use of field and garden produce which the bailiff en- joys.

rodere, of tough morsels.

41. horum : emphatic, as was ' cum servis.' ' This is the company into whose number your prayers bear you amain.'

voto : cp. 'prece ' in v. 14.

on Sat 1. 6. 103. For 'argutus' Sat. 1. 10. 40.

43. One of Horace's fables com- pressed into a sentence.

piger is best taken (as Bentl.) with caballus. There is no point in mak- ing the motive the same in both cases. Human 1 estlessness has many. If lazi- ness were at the bottom of the ox's de- sire of change the ' trappings ' would hardly be the point named in the horse's condition as that which attracts him.

44. Horace is thinking of the Greek proverb tpooi ns rjv tnaoTos tlStir) T*xvrlv (Arist. Vesp. 1431) or of Ci- cero's rendering of it, Tusc. D. 1. 18. 41 ' bene illo Graecorum proverbio prae- cipitur : quam quisque norit artem, in hac se exerceat.'

libens : pred. ' ply his own trade and be happy withal.'

censebo, ' if ox and horse refer the matter to my arbitration I shall answer them with the proverb.'




This is one of the Epistles which carry on their face rnore of the occasion and purpose of a true letler. Horace writes to Vala as one well acquainted with the coast in that part of Italy to ask about Velia and Salemum as winter resorts ; ex- plaining by the way why he is not going as usual to Baiae : ' It is not my fault, but that of Antonius Musa, who has put me on the cold water treatment : yet, no doubt, I am looked upon at Baiae as a traitor and renegade.' The questions which he asks (with this interpolated explanation in vv. 2-13) last until v. 25. The remainder of the Epistle is occupied with an ironical apology for the incon- sistency between these particular enquiries as to the luxuries to be had at the southern watering-places and the tone of contented Stoicism with which his friends at this time were familiar. ' You see after all I am like Maenius, a philosopher when I must be so, a bon-vivant when I can ' (vv. 26-46;. This turn of the P^pistle has been prepared for by the parenthesis (vv. 16-21), in which he explains that he asks about the water rather than the wine of the country, not that he means to drink water, but because, although at home at his farm he can drink anything, at the seaside he wants something better than ' vin du pays.'

Missing the connection of thonght, some of the best MSS. divide the Epistle, be- ginning a new one at v. 26 (see introd. to Ode 1. 7).

Of the Vala of this Epistle, called Numonius Vala in the heading given in several MSS., we know nothing certainly. The name of Q. Numonius Vala has been found in an inscription * at Paestum half-way, that is, between Salernum and Velia. We gather from the Epistle that he was well acquainted with both places, and from v. 46, probably, that he had a handsome country house in the neighbourhood. One Numonius Vala met an inglorious death in the German campaign of a.d. 9 under Varus, but there is r.othing to identify the two.

We may note in the Epistle the recurrence to the topic of his own inconsistency, especially in respect of his love of simplicity and pretensions to philosophy. He is conscious that such charges are made against him, and he meets thein sometimes with denial, sometimes with playful and half-ironical confessions. We must not be misled by these. or suppose that he really attributes to himself the same motives as to Maenius. His true answer is little more than ' there is a time for every- thing.' In the last Epistle he preached that inconsistency was sometimes the truest consistency.

Ouae sit hiems Veliae, quod caelum, Vala, Salerni, Ouorum hominum regio et qualis via, (nam mihi Baias

1. hiems : for Horace's practice of as Salernum (now Salerno) is some

spending the autumn at his farm and twenty-five miles north of it. The

going to the sea forthe winter see Epp. latter was within the borders of Cam-

I. 7. 10. Probably Epp. 1. 10. 15 im- pania, the former was in Lucania {see

plies that this was not invariable. v. 21).

Veliae, the Greek 'E\«'a, on the coast 2. qualis via, ' what the road is like ' ;

some twenty-five miles south of Paestum, a question always of mterest in Horace.

* Corpus Inscr., vol. x. no. 481.




Musa supervacuas Antonius, et tamcn illis

Me facit invisum, gelida cum perluor unda

Per medium frigus. Sane murteta relinqui,

Dictaque cessantem nervis elidere morbum

Sulphura contemni, vicus gemit, invidus aegris,

Oui caput et stomachum supponere fontibus audent

Clusinis Gabiosque petunt et frigida rura.

Mutandus locus est et deversoria nota

Praeteragendus equus. ' Quo tendis ? Non mihi Cumas

Est iter aut Baias,' laeva stomachosus habena


nam introduces a long parenthesis, the indirect questions being resumed at v. 14. There is a similar parenthesis introduced by 'nam' in vv. 16-21.

3. Musa Antonius. The freedman- physician who cured Augustus in B.C. 23 of an illness by the cold water treat- ment, Suet. Aug. 59 and 81, DionC. 53. 30. This proves nothing as to the date of Horace's adopting a like treatment, but it suits well with the date which is otherwise assigned to the Epistles of this book. For the order of the two names see on Od. 2. 2. 3.

supervacuas. Baiae was resorted to for its sulphur vapour baths. Horace being put on cold water would find no use in it beyond other watering places.

et tamen, ' and yet,' i. e. though it is the doctor's fiat, not my fancy, and though I am told that their specialty is of no use for my case. The passage well hits off the way that the whole population of a health-resort, officials and visitors alike, espouse its cause as a point of personal honour, and look on any one who undervalues its treatment or goes elsewhere as guilty of a grave delinquency.

5. sane, ' really.' The word which the champions of Baiae would use in beginning their indignant outburst ; cp. its use iu Epp. 1. 7. 61, A. P. 418.

murteta. Celsus 2. 17 describes the treatment ; the myrtle woods are the lo- cality : ' naturalium sudationum ubi a terra profusus vapor aedificio includi- tur, sicut super Baias in murtetis.'

6. nervis elidere. ' Elidere ' seems to have been a technical medical word, for the ' dislodgement ' of a malady,

Cels. 2. 15. The malady seems to be rheumatism.

9. Clusinis, of, or near, Clusium in Etruria. There is no other allusion to them nor any trace of medicinal springs there. It has been thought that the reference is to some baths twelve miles south of Clusium, at a place now called S. Casciano di Bagni.

Gabiosque : see on Epp. 1. 11. 7, with the qnotation from Juv. S. 10. 100 ' Bal- neolum Gabiis.' We learn froni this place that it was a place of cold bath- ing. It is to be noted that Horace does not say nor even imply that he went himself to Cltisium or Gabii. They are named as specimens of the rival estab- lishments whose names stunk in the nostrils of the votaries of Baiae. He had ' frigida rura ' in his Sabine hills, and cold water which he pronounces medicinal for head and stomach ; see Epp. 1. 16. 14.

10. mutandus locus est, pursues the explanation which was broken off in v. 5 lo picture the annoyance of the people of Baiae. The result of Musa's advice is that I must change my desti- nation, not take as usual the turning to Baiae, but continue the road toward Salernum.

deversoria nota : 'the inns he (i. e. the horse) knows,' acc. after ' praeter- agendus.' They are the inns on the road between Baiae and the place where the Appian Way was left ; the horse as- sociates the turning with the baiting- places to which it led.

11. quo tendis? part of the im- patient rider's address to the horse who from old habit is turning off to the right.



Dicet eques ; sed equi frenato est auris in ore). Maior utrum populum frumenti copia pascat ; Collectosne bibant imbres puteosne perennes Iugis aquae ; (nam vina nihil moror illius orae ; Rure meo possum quidvis perferre patique ; Ad mare cum veni, generosum et lene requiro, Quod curas abigat, quod cum spe divite manet In venas animumque meum, quod verba ministret, Ouod me Lucanae iuvenem commendet amicae). Tractus uter plures lepores, uter educet apros, Utra magis pisces et echinos aequora celent, Pinguis ut inde domum possim Phaeaxque reverti, Scribere te nobis, tibi nos accredere par est. Maenius, ut rebus maternis atque paternis Fortiter absumptis urbanus coepit haberi,



1 3. sed equi, ' but it is the tug of the rein, not the words, that the horse un- derstands.' ' Equis ' which Bentley (fol- lowed by Munro and Wilkins) adopts against the best MSS., makes this a general statement, and so loses point.

14. Horace begins his catechism with necessaries, bread and water, and pas^es on to luxuries. Note that bread and water were the two things about which he was most particular in his picture of the journey to Brundisium, Sat. 1. 5. 7 and 88-91.

frumenti eopia will imply cheapness and choice.

15. perennes, wells fed by springs, opposed to the intermittent supply of tanks of rainwater.

16. iugis. V had ' dulcis,' as have a few other MSS. But we want an epithet which will point the contrast with ' collectos imbres,' as ' dulcis ' does not. Keller suggests that the reading was due to a reminiscence of Virg. G. 2.


nihil moror. ' I do not stop to ask aliout'; with obj. acc. as here Epp. 2. 1. 264, with obj. clause Sat. 1. 4. 13. He does not trouble to ask the relative value of the nalive wines of the district ; none had any name. His practice at the sea is to bring or buy better wines.

17. quidvis : more general and so more forcible than ' quodvis,' sc. ' vinum.'

perferre patique : perhaps the

strength of the expression implies that it requires some philosophy even in Sabine air.

iS. Perhaps this seaside regime is implied in the ' sibi parcet ' of Epp. 1. 7. 11. Note the contrast between his mode of life, Epp. 1. 7. 12 'contractus leget,' and Epp. 1. 14. 39 'glebas et saxa moventem.'

With the description of what he looks for from the more generous wine cp. Epp. 1. 5. 16 foll.

20. venas : see note on Od. 2. 2. 14.

21. Lucanae : so he is thinking chiefly of Velia ; see on v. 1.

iuvenem, predicative ; 'make me young and give me grace in the eyes,' etc.

22. apros : cp. 'Lucanus aper' Sat. 2. 8.7.

23. echinos : Sat. 2. 4. 33.

24. Phaeax. One of the 'Alcinoi iuventus' of Epp. 1. 2. 28. It is this apparent recantation of so much of his philosophy which leads directly to the ironical apology of the remainder of the Epistle. As the Scholiast puts it, ' quia de se ut luxurioso locutus erat subicit de Maenio fabulam.'

2^. aecredere, ' to give full credence to.'"


27. fortiter, ' {jallantly,' ' with spirit

Maenius : Sat. 1. 3. 21. fortiter, ' gallantly,' ; said ironically. urbanus : Catull. 22. 2 ' dicax uibanus,' ' a wit.'


LIB. I. EPIST. 15.


Scurra vagus non qui certum praesepe teneret, Impransus non qui civem dinosceret hoste, Ouaelibet in quemvis opprobria fingere saevus, Pernicies et tempestas barathrumque macelli, Ouicquid quaesierat ventri donabat avaro. Hic ubi nequitiae fautoribus et timidis nil Aut paulum abstulerat, patinas cenabat omasi Vilis et agninae, tribus ursis quod satis esset ; Scilicet ut ventres lamna candente nepotum Diceret urendos, correctus Bestius. Idem



28. 'A parasite at large, not one to keep to one crib, not one when he wanted a dinner to distinguish be- tween countryman and foeman.' For the order of non qui cp. Sat. 1. 5. 33.

praesepe : the metaphor is an old one of a parasite, Plaut. Curc. 2. 1. 13, as though he were an animal looking only for a belly full.

29. impransus : Sat. 2. 2. 7, 2. 3.


civem hoste : not to be taken in too

literal a sense ; all distinctions were ob-

literatcd, even that which to a Roman

would last longest.

dinoseeret, with abl., as Epp. 2. 2.


30. fingere saevus : App. 2. to vol. 1.

31. He swept the market clean like a hurricane, swallowed its contents like a bottomless pit. The accumulated figures are abundantly illustrated from the comic poets, as Plaut. Capt. 4. 3. 3 ' Quanta pernis pestis veniet, quanta labes larido,' Alexis apud Athen. 8. 21 eicvtcpias Karatyiaas . . . | els ti)v dyopav roinpov Trpui/j.evos oixtTai | <p4poJV dnav to \r)<]>6ev. Plaut. Curc. I. 2. 28 ' Age effunde haec cito in barathrum.'

32. donabat. Of the two readings offered by the MSS., this and 'donarat,' this, which is the reading of the majo- rity, is the most pleasing ; but it is quite possible that Bentley was right in think- ing that ' donarat' of the Bland. MSS. was a mistake for ' donaret,' and that this was the original reading : the sent- ence is then continuous, ' donaret ' being in the same constr. as 'teneret,' ' dinos- ceret ' after ' qui,' and the apodosis be- ginning with v. 33, the subject being repeated in ' hic ' because of the length of the protasis.

33. ' Those who encouraged his

wicked wit, or feared it.' It is not necessary to this sense that timidis should be taken as partly governing the gen. as Dill1'., quoting A. P. 28 ' timi- dus procellae.'

34. paulum abstulerat, ' had got little spoil.'

patinas, ' plate after plate.' omasi : Sat. 2. 5. 40.

35. agninae. Lamb is seldom spoken of as an article of food, never, it secms, as a delicacy. In the passage quoted by the edd. from Plaut. Capt. 4. 2 38 Ergastulus is speaking of the frauds of the market, of selling stale fish for fresh, etc, and he charges the butchers with selling the meat of an old ram as though it were young wether mutton, and so (apparently) of passing off lamb at twice its proper price as mutton, ' dupla agninam danunt.'

vilis seems to go with both substan- tives.

36. scilicet ut. For the force of 'scilicet' before the consecutive ' ut,' calling attention to the length to which his change of tone was carried, see on Epp. 1.9. 3.

lamna candente. For ' lamna ' see on Od. 2. 2. 2. Red-hot plates of metal are mentioned frequently as in- struments of torture, as Lucr. 3. 1017, Cic. in Verr. 5. 16. 163 ' ardentes la- minae, ceterique cruciatus.'

nepotum, i. e. of those who wasted money on gluttony.

37. correctus Bestius. The expla- nation of the words, whether we keep to the text of the MSS. which only give the choice of ' correctus ' or ' correptus,' or accept the emendation of Lambinus, ' corrector,' must equally be a matter of conjecture : for the clue to the reference to Pestius is lost. Very possibly he was



Quicquid erat nactus praedae maioris ubi omne

Verterat in fumum et cinerem, ' Non hercule miror,'

Aiebat, 'si qui comedunt bona, cum sit obeso 40

Nil melius turdo, nil volva pulchrius ampla.'

Nimirum hic ego sum ; nam tuta et parvula laudo

Cum res deficiunt, satis inter vilia fortis ;

Verum ubi quid melius contingit et unctius, idem

Vos sapere et solos aio bene vivere, quorum 45

Conspicitur nitidis fundata pecunia villis.

a character in Lucilius. If we keep ' correctus ' it may mean either ' like a reformed Bestius/Bestiusbeingsupposed to be a glutton or spendthrift who changed his tone, or ' a very Bestius now that he is reformed,' Bestius being as Acr. suggested a man of stern fruga- lity. If we accept ' corrector ' it will mean ' a very Bestius in his zeal for re- form ' ; but we have still to supply from our imagination, what there is no evi- dence of, that Bestius was a preacher of good morals in actual life or in some Satire or play. Bentley shows that ' corrector ' was a common term, and was used both with a gen. as in Epp. 2. t. 129, and abscl. as in Ter. Adelph. 4. 7. 24, but we cannot say that ' correctus ' or ' correptus' (cp. Sat. 2. 3. 257 of just such a reformed character ' correptus voce magistri ') is impossible. Persius' use of the name ; 6. 37 ' Bestius urguet Doct- ores Gj^iios ') apparently for a general censor would suit the reading ' correc- tor ' very well, but the language which is likened to that of Bestius is censorious enough to explain the reference without his being actually called ' corrector.'

38. quiequid : here equivalent to ' si quid.'

39. in fumum : the words must be metaphorical ; ' any plunder he got was treated as the plunder of a captured city.' Nothing was kept, everything devastated ; cp. the metaphor of v. 31. Such metaphors are not very clearly realized, and there may be a half con- scious suggestion of the kitchen altar on which his gains were consumed.

40. comedunt, ' put down their throats.' Cic. has the word with the same mixture of literal and metaphori- cal meaning, ' utrum ego tibi patrimo- nium eripni, Gelli, an tu comedisti ? ' pro Sest. 52. III.

obeso turdo. A fieldfare is the titbit to be sent to the rich man by the legacy-hunter, Sat. 2. 5. 10. Cp. the ' macros turdos ' of Sat. 1. 5. 72.

41. volva, sc. ' suilla.' Juv. S. 11.81 ' calidae sapiat quid volva popinae.'

melius . . . putehrius : words which in his short-lived reformation he learnt to use of moral excellencies : for ' pul- cher' in that sense see Epp. 1. 2. 3 and 30-

42. nimirum : the particle empha- sizes the explanation of this long para- ble, but, as often, it has in it a suggestion of irony.

hic, ' the man so pictured ' ; see Epp.

I. 6. 40.

tuta et parvula : cp. Od. 2. 10. 6 and the context, and the spiritof Od. 2. 18; 3. 16; Sat. 2. 2. The question (as Orelli points out^ is widened beyond the matter of eating and drinking. Horace is giving a playful account of his alternation of Epicureanism and Stoi- cism.

43. fortis : in the sense of Sat. 2. 2. 115 and 135, 136.

44. melius et unetius. The table recurs, but here rather as a figure. Cp. ' impransi mecum disquirite' with the context Sat. 2. 2. 7. For ' unctius ' see on Ep. 1. 14. 21, and cp. Epp. 1. 17. 12.

45. ' That you are the only philoso- phers, and alone have the secret of life.'

bene vivere : cp. Epp. 1. 6. 56, 1.

II. 29.

46. fundata. A metaphorical use, but with a half literal sense given to it by its coniunction with ' villis,' 'with a solid foundation in trim country houses.' It seems clear that there is an implied contrast between the smartness of Vala's country house in south Italy and the roughness of the poet's own humble quarters in the Sabine valley.

LIB. I. EPIST. 16. 287



Verses 1-16. You ask abont the produce of my farm, but seem hardly to under-

stand its nature. It is in the heart of the hills, but for such a situation it has

all possible advantages a sunny aspect, good climate, surprising richness of

woodland fruit, and foliage, fresh water.

It is to me a paradise of beauty and snfety even in September. 17-24. And now of yourself. I hope you too have found the secret of life.

We are all congratulating you on your good fortune and rightly ; provided

you are taking your measure of your happiness not from our words, but

from your own feelings and from philosophy.

Trae happiness belongs only to the wise and good. Are you that ? 25-31. If the world tells you so, do not believe it at once, any more than you

would if it told you that you were a second Augustus. 31-40. No doubt all feel pleasure in being called good and wise.

But we must remember that those who give titles can take them away. Are

we to feel pain when they destroy our character ? Such pleasure and such pain

are alike proofs that we are not yet good and wise. 40. For what, to go back, do you mcan by a ' good man ' ? 41-43. The stock answer is ' the man of respectability, who breaks no law, whose

word is a bond, whose testimony is trusted.' 44, 45. Nay, that is ontside only. He may be a villain underneath. 46-49. Negatives do not constitute goodness, even in a slave.

The truly good man is good from love of virtue. 50-56. True goodness implies motive as well as act. The pretender to goodness

is often kept straight by fear of punishment. 57-62. But his true desire is not to be good but to seem good, in order that he

may the better gratify his love of gain. 63-6S. There is the true motive, and that makes the man who feels it a slave. 69-72. You may make a useful shepherd of him, or ploughman, or trader, but not

a philosopher. 73-79. The truly wise and good man is like Dionysus in the play. He fears no

one, wants nothing, can never lose his liberty, for he has in his own hands

the key of liberty.

It is characteristic of Horace's irony that an Epistle in which, more than in most, he assumes the tone of a Stoic and mounts the professor's pulpit, follows one in which he has described himself as a second Maenius.

Who Quintius was, and to what extent he was meant to take home the lecture, we cannot tell. It may be the ' Quintius Hirpinus,' to whom Horace addresses counsels in a very different vein in Od. 2. II. It is to be said however that the total ignorance which is presumed in him of the poet's country house does not point to a friend of long standing, and that the tone of v. 17 foll , if it does not require, certainly suits well with, a friend young in years towards whom congratu- lations on some early success may not unbecomingly be followed up, by an eldcr, with some good advice. \Ye need not imitatc some editors in drawing out in



detail dcfects of Quintius' character to suit thc turns of the poefs lecture. Its personal bearing is probabJy salisfied with ' \ve are all calling you happy, only remember what the Stoics tell us happiness really means.' We havc seen in Epp. i. i that Horace passes from a personal address to professorial argument with an imagined interlocutor withuut indicating thc point oftransition (see note on vv. 41- 43 of this Epistle). It is to be noticed that in the present Epistle he touches in succession on many current Stoic doctrines, and wilh sympathy, not putting in front, as is usual with him, their paradoxical form. See notes on vv. 33, 55, 65, 79.

The connection between the description of the Sabinc farm and the discussion on standards of happiness and goodncss which follows is not strongly marked. We are meant probably to feel something of the easy inconsequence of a letter, the early part finding its immediate explanation in some questions that Quintius may be supposed to have asked. The point of actual conneetion is made in v. 17 by ' Tu recte vivis ? ' which implies that the sum of the picturc given in the preced- ing lines has been ' ego recte vivo.' The retirement and simple pleasures in which he paints himself as finding health and contcntmcnt are a fitting introduction to the remainder of the letter in which he is to argue that happiness cannot be separated from goodness, and that they both are to be sought within us, not without us.

Ne perconteris fundus meus. optime Ouinti.

Arvo pascat herum an bacis opulentet olivae..

Pomisne an pratis an amicta vitibus ulmo,

Scribetur tibi forma loquaciter et situs agri.

Continui montes, ni dissocientur opaca 5

1. N"e pereonteris, ' to forestall your asking.' See on Epp. i. i. 13, Od. 1. 33. 1. ' Perconteris ' means ' ask particu- larly,' ' repeatedly ' ; the tone is as though Quintius has asked.

2. opulentet, a word not found else- where. It is equivalent to ' bacarum copia donet ' rather than ' bacis divitem reddat ' ; so that although ' paseat ' is specially suitable to corn-growing land we are not to think of a climax, as though oliveyards were spoken of as making rich, while cornland only tinds a maintenance for its owner. 'Opulentet,' or some verb more colourless still, under- stood for it, has to do duty with the ablatives of the following line. It is to be noticed (with Wilkins) that the alternatives are not mutually exclusive. Where vines were grown as now in Italy on trees corn would be sown between them.

3. an pratis. The MSS. are divided b.4ween 'an' and ' et,' which Orelli gives. The sense is rather for ' an.' There is no reason that a farm should not be divided between orchard and meadow ; but the two are not so near akin as would be implied by coupling

them in the question.

amicta vitibus ulmo : the process described by the more poetical metaphor of the marriage of vine and elm in Od. 2. 15. 4, 4. 5. 30 ; Epod. 2. 9. Cp. Epp. 1. 7. 84.

4. forma seems to have been a tech- nical word (Varro, R. R. 1. 6 for the charaeter of an estate, the general lie of the ground, whether arable, pasture-land, woodland, etc.

loquaeiter, i. e. with all an owner's fond garrulity. Obbar compares Pliny's words of his Tusculan estate (Epp. 5. 6) ' aceipe temperiem caeli, regionis situm, villae amoenitatem, quae et tibi auditu et mihi relatu iucunda erunt.'

5. eontinui montes, ni dissocientur. With ' continui montes ' we understand ' sunt ' rather than ' sint.' It is one of the cases that come under Madv. § 348 b. Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 108 'ultro si taceas laudant.' ' Imagine a mass of hills unbroken, were it not parted by a valley.'

opaca, ' shaded,'probably by trees, as in Od. 3. 4. 51, for the following line excludes the idea that the sides of the vallev shut the sun out.

LIB. I. EPIST. 16.


Valle, sed ut veniens dextrum latus aspiciat Sol, Laevum discedens curru fugiente vaporet. Temperiem laudes. Quid, si rubicunda benigni Corna vepres et pruna ferant ? si quercus et ilex Multa fruge pecus multa dominum iuvet umbra ? Dicas adductum propius frondere Tarentum. Fons etiam rivo dare nomen idoneus, ut nec Frigidior Thracam nec purior ambiat Hebrus, Infirmo capiti fiuit utilis, utilis alvo. Hae latebrae dulces, etiam, si credis, amoenae, Incolumem tibi me praestant Septembribus horis.



6. sed ut, etc. : a qualification not of ' opaca,' which is not an epithet which would seem to convey blame and need explaining away, but of the whole some- what unpromising description. It is a valley buried among the hills, but one so favourably placed as to catch the earliest and the latest sunshine. As the valley runs from N. to S. it is clear that if it was in the sunshine in the morning and evening a fortiori would it be so during the day. This consideration has been lost sight of by many commen- tators.

dextrum . . . laevum : the right and left as you look down the valley. Keller accepts, on the authority of few MSS., the reading in v. 5 ' si ' instead of ' ni.' This would alter the framework of the sentence. ' Continui montes si dissocientur opaca valle ' then becomes fhe protasis, ' temperiem laudes ' the apodosis. The result is an awkwardly balanced and un-Horatian sentence. And, though Keller dissents, the Scho- liasts' notes show them all to have read 'ni.'

7. curru fugiente. Cp. Od. 3. 6. 44. vaporet either merely ' warms,' a

sense it has in Columella 2. 15. 6 ' glebae solibus aestivis vaporatae,' or of the fiickering mist caused by heat. In either case cp. the use of ' vapor ' in Epod.

3- 15-

8. temperiem : the tempering of the air, high and yet warm. Cp. ' Utrumque rege temperante caelitum' Epod. 16. 56.

si ferant. ' Supposing they were to bear,' i.e. supposing you were to find that they do bear.

11. dieas : not the direct apodosis to ' si ftrant,' for that is contained in ' quid.'


' Why, you would say that the rich vege- tation of S. Italy had been brought to our doors.'

12. fons : Od. 3. 16. 29, Sat. 2. 6. 2. On the question whether this is the ' Fons Bandusiae ' see introd. to Od.

3- 13-

dare nomen idoneus : for the inf. see App. 2. vol. 1. ' Idoneus dare ' does not necessarily imply that it did give its name to a river. If that were the case it must have been named ' Digentia.' In any case it was a confluent. Cp. Epp. 1. 18. 104 ' gelidus Digentia rivus.'

ut, in such a way that (i. e. with the additional qualification) that it is as cool and as pure as the Hebrus. For the use cp. A. P. 3.

13. ambiat : not quite properly used of a river which does not flow round but through. It is meant to describe a winding course. The Hebrus (' hiemis sodalis' Od. 1. 25. II, ' nivali compede vinctus ' Epp. 1. 3. 3), the river of the Bacchants (Od. 3. 25. 10), of Orpheus (Virg. G. 4. 524), is idealized here, and the comparison gives to the Sabine farm the associations of a poetic dreamland.

14. capiti . . . alvo : cp. Epp. 1. 15. 8 ' Qui caput et stomachum supponere fontibus audent.' He is speaking of cold ' douches.'

15. dulces . . . amoenae, 'attractive to me,' ' lovely in themselves.' ' Amoe- nus ' is used by Horace of ' Baiae ' Epp. 1. 1. 83, of ' Surrentum ' Epp. 1. 17. 52, in the mouths of admirers of those places, of the airs and streams of Elysium Od. 3. 4. 7, of places idealized by poetic fancy A. P. 17, or by affection as Epp. 1. 14. 20 and here.

16. tibi. Notice how the touch of




Tu rccte vivis si curas esse quod audis. Iactamus iampridem omnis te Roma beatum ; Sed vereor ne cui de te plus quam tibi credas, Neve putes alium sapiente bonoque beatum, Neu si te populus sanum recteque valentem Dictitet, occultam febrem sub tempus edendi Dissimules, donec manibus tremor incidat unctis. Stultorum incurata pudor malus ulcera celat. Si quis bella tibi terra pugnata marique Dicat et his verbis vacuas permulceat aures,



feeling in this ' ethical dative ' softens the transition to the question of Quintius' own life. It is not so much ' This is how I live ; how do you?' as though Horace held up his own example broadly to Quintius, as rather ' So I live, and so, what I know you care for very much, my health and happiness are secured. What of your own ? '

Septembribus horis : the unhealthy season ; Sat. 2. 6. 19, Epp. 1. 7. 5.

17. reete vivis : a phrase of Stoic import which gives the keynote of what follows. It includes the having found the true ideal and the following it, and it implies happiness, Epp. I. 2. 41, 1. 6. 29, 1. 8. 4, 2. 2. 213.

esse qnod audis, ' to be what you are said to be.' For the sense of ' audis ' cp. Sat. 2. 6. 20, 2. 7. 101 ; Epp. 1. 7. 38. Horace is of course referring to the con- trast of Soneiv and eivat, ' esse ' and ' videri ' or ' haberi,' which was a commonplace with philosophers (asCic. Off. 2. 12. 43, Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 39), and in what follows he will make that his text, but at present his standing-point is what the world is actually saying of Quintius, ' we are calling you a happy man. This is indeed to fulfil the ideal of life, if you are taking care to be what we call you. But see that you do not only take our word for it, and remember that happiness presupposes wisdom and goodness.'

18. iactamus, ' have on our lips.' iampridem : happiness is one step on

the road to ' recte vivere,' and that step has been already taken.

20. alium sapiente : the abl. with alium,' as Epp. 2. 1. 240 'alius Ly- sippo,' and, if ' veris ' be read there, Sat. 2. 3. 208.

21. neu si populus, etc, the third fear is put figuratively ; ' or be taking the popular voice for your happiness against your own consciousness, which would be as absurd as to take it on the question whether you have a fever or not, and so go to a feast only to find the ague- shaking come on you in the middle of it.'

sanum recteque valentem : Epp. 1 .

si dictitet : ' if they say it often enough.'

22. occultam : pred. with ' dissimu- les' ; ' hide and pretend not to feel it.'

23. unctis, ' already in the dish.' This reminds us that the Romans ate with their fingers. Ov. A. A. 3. 755 ' Carpe cibos digitis ; est quidam gestus edendi : Ora nec immunda tota perunge manu.'

24. stultorum, the emphatic word, the opposite of ' sapiente ' in v. 20. ' And that is not at all like a philosopher, to hide your sores instead of getting them cured.'

pudor malus : cp. ' pudens prave' A. P. 88 ; ' false shame,' i.e. shame which mistakes ils object.

25-31. ' You would detect the falseness at once if people used language of you in military and political matters which would be applicable pnly to an Augustus ; why not when in moral ones they use language which is applicable only to the ideal sage ? '

25. tibi: it is doubted whether the dat. is to be taken with pugnata or with dicat. Either is possible and makes good sense, the former is perhaps best.

26. vacuas : at leisure, when you attend to him. Lucr. 1. 45 ' vacuas aures . . . adhibe.'

LIB. I. EPIST. 16.


' Tene magis salvum populus velit an populum tu, Servct in ambiguo qui consulit et tibi ct urbi Iuppiter,' Augusti laudes agnoscere possis : Cum pateris sapiens emendatusque vocari, Respondesne tuo, dic sodes, nomine ? ' Nempe Vir bonus et prudens dici delector ego ac tu.' Qui dedit hoc hodie cras, si volet, auferet, ut si Detulerit fasces indigno, detrahet idem. ' Pone, meum est : ' inquit. Pono tristisque recedo. Idem si clamet furem, neget esse pudicum,


27. The Scholiasts tell us that this is a quotation from the ' Panegyricus in Caesarem Augustum ' of the poet Varius ; see on Od. 1. 6. 1. It will be noticed how skilfully Horace introduces by the way, in a letter which is to be published, a compliment to Augustus.

30. pateris sapiens vocari ; for constr. see on Epp. 1. 5. 15.

sapiens emendatusque : ' the flaw- less wise man ' ; the ' qne ' is due only to the Latinusage, which does not generally allow adjectives to be accumulated with- out a copulative conjunction. Madv. § 300, obs. 5.

31. respondesne tuo nomine. ' When you allow yourself to be called so, do you virtually claim the title ? ' This must be the sense. The phrase is possibly suggested from the ' respondere ad nomina ' of a Roman levy (Liv. 3. 41, etc). If so, the technical phrase is slightly varied according to Horace's wont (see on Od. 2. 4. 24, etc). But ' respondere vocatus ' is a recognized phrase, with no such special references (see Cic de Or. 3. 49. 191) and ' tuo nomine,' ' on your account,' ' as though the name belonged to you,' may be an addition modelled on such phrases as ' mihi tuo nomine gratulabantur ' Cic. Phil. 1. 12. 30. This is one of the in- stances sometimes alleged of ' ne ' for ' nonne ' ; i. e. where the answer expected is 'yes'; but see on Epp. 1. 17. 38. There is here, as there, an ironical effect in the more indefinite form of interroga- tion. For ' sodes ' see Sat. 1. 9. 41, Epp. 1. 1. 62.

nempe, a supposed reply, assenting, but putting the statement in a way that explains and justifies it, and with a touch of irony.

32. vir bonus et prudens seems a


synonym for the ' vir bonus et sapiens ' of v. 73 ; cp. Epp. 1. 7. 22 with A. P. 445.

dici delector: to be added to the instances of the extended use of the com- plementary infinitive in Append. 2 to vol. 1.

ego ac tu, ' I as well as you.' We are all alike in this respect.

33. qui, sc. ' populus.' This is Horace's rejoinder. ' Those who give can take away.' He has perhaps in view the paradox in which the Stoic clothed his assertion of the inalienable dignity of virtue, ' the wise man is always king,' and the Roman version which he so often gives to it, ' the wise man holds an office not bestowed or taken away " ar- bitrio popularis aurae" ' ; see on Od. 3. 2. 17, 4. 9. 39. Orelli is also doubtless right in suggesting that Horace has in mind Lucr. 3. 995 ' Sisyphus in vita quoque nobis ante oculos est, Qui petere a populo fasces saevasque secures Imbibit et semper victus tristisque recedit.'

34. detrahet : a comparison of Od. 3. 2. 17 shows that we need not ask with some editors whether Horace is referring to that rarely exercised power of ' abro- gatio imperii.' He is speaking popu- larly, and ' detrahet ' is sufficiently explained of his being rejected for the next office sought or even of not being elected at all. Cp. Epp. 1. 6. 53 ' eripietque curule Cui volet importunus ebur.'

35. pone, meum est : ' pone'= ' de- pone.' Bentley pointed out that the object is not ' fasces,' which would raise difficulties as to ' meum,' but the same as ' hoc ' of v. 33, viz. the name of ' good and wise.'

36. ' If it was to go further, and not only refuse a good name but give a bad




Contendat laqueo collum pressisse paternum ;

Mordear opprobriis falsis mutemque colores?

Falsus honor iuvat et mendax infamia terret 39

Quem nisi mendosum et medicandum? Vir bonus est quis?

' Qui consulta patrum, qui leges iuraque servat,

Ouo multae magnaeque secantur iudice lites,

Quo res sponsore et quo causae teste tenentur.'

Sed videt hunc omnis domus et vicinia tota

one.' ' Idem ' is best taken of the same subject as before, viz. ' populns.' Bentley put a slightly different turn on the sen- tence by changing the question at the end of v. 38 to a fullstop and making ' idem ' = ' ego.'

clamet : ' should raise the hue and cry.' ' Me esse ' has to be understood with furem.

37. ' To strangle your father ' is with Horace a proverb for crime of the deepest dye, Od. 2. 13. 5, Epod. 3. 1.

38. eolores. Bentl. explains of going red and then white, and compares Prop. 1. 15. 39 ' multos pallere colores,' ' to turn white of different shades.' Some MSS. have 'colorem,' which Schiitz adopts.

40. mendosum : with definite re- ference back to ' emendatus ' in v. 30.

medieandum: ' in need oftreatment.' For the metaphor cp. vv. 21-24, which are perhaps actually in view. Cp. also Epp. 1. 8. 7-10. A false reading ' men- dacem,' corrected by Bentl., had crept into some good MSS., and was given by the earlier edd.

vir bonus est quis ? The argument takes a fresh start. Dependence on the world's praise has been deprecated on the ground that if you accept its praise you must accept its blame the one may be as false as the other. He now attacks it on another ground. ' It is based on appearance only. What do they mean by a " vir bonus " ? The answer only covers outvvard respectability. The man whom the world calls " bonus " may be known in his home and even in his neighbourhood as a rogue.'

41-43. This, like vv. 31, 32, is the answer of the person whom Horace is addressing. On the face of the Epistle this is Quintius, but the personal refer- ence to himself has passed away, and though the second person is still used it indicates only an imaginary interlocutor. For Horace's practice in the matter see

the note on Epp. 1. 1. 28.

' Bonus ' was used in many conven- tional senses, as e. g. by Cicero for ' men of our side,' ' sound politicians,' and lent itself easily to ironical applications. Cp. Cic. Att. 9. 12. 3 ' Praetores ius dicunt, aediles ludos parant, viri boni usuras perscribunt.' Horace is not throwing any doubt on the reality of goodness, but pointing out the limited senses in which the term is popularly used.

We may compare on the whole Cic. de Off. 3. 19. 77 for the story of Fim- bria's refusal to arbitrate on the ques- tion whether M. Lutatius Spinther was a ' vir bonus ' on the ground that this turned on matters beyond observa- tion.

41. The whole line means one who keeps within the four corners of law in all its forms and aspects. ' Patrum consulta ' is variation of the technical ' senatus consulta.' For leges iuraque see on Sat. 1. 1.9.

42. quo iudiee seeantur, i. e. such a person as, whether by the agreement of the two parties or by appointment of the ' praetor,' will be set to decide grave civil suits. ' Secantur ' is a popular or a poetical, not a technical term, Sat. 1. 10. 15.

43. Money is safe when he is the security, a cause when he is the witness. There is some zeugma in the use of tenentur, which is an habitual phrase for winning a cause, as Cic. pro Caec. 24. 67 ' Scaevolam dixisti causam apud centumviros non tenuisse.'

The reading quo res sponsore rests solely on V as quoted by Cruquius, all extant MSS. having ' responsore.' It has been accepted by all recent editors except Ritter. K. and H. give it, but, in accordance with their depreciating view of V, prefer to consider it a con- jectural emendation of Cruquius.

44. vicinia : Sat. 2. 5. 106, Epp. 1. 17. 62.

LIB. I. EPIST. 16.


Introrsum turpem, speciosum pelle decora. 45

' Nec furtum feci nec fugi,' si mihi dicat

Servus, ' Habes pretium, loris non ureris,' aio.

' Non hominem occidi.' ' Non pasces in cruce corvos.'

' Sum bonus et frugi.' Renuit negitatque Sabellus :

Cautus enim metuit foveam lupus accipiterque

Suspectos laqueos et opertum miluus hamum.

Oderunt peccare boni virtutis amore ;

Tu nihil admittes in te formidine poenae :

Sit spes fallendi, miscebis sacra profanis.

Nam de mille fabae modiis cum surripis unum, 55

Damnum est non facinus mihi pacto lenius isto.

Vir bonus, omne forum quem spectat et omne tribunal,

Quandocunque deos vel porco vel bove placat,

Iane pater ! clare, clare cum dixit, Apollo !

pelle deeora : where many of



45. speciosum on Sat. 2. 1. 64, words recur.

46-49. ' Freedom from some gross faults is not moral perfection.'

46. dicat. The greatmajority of MSS. have the subj., Regin. nearly alone the ind.,which Bentl. and Munro follow. It is however impossible to clear away these irregular hypothetical correspondences from Horace. Cp.Od. 3. 3. 7 'illabatur . . . ferient.' Epp.2.1. io8'sitaceas,laudant.' 'Aio,' ' my answer is,' is substituted for ' my answer would be.' See Madv. § 348. b.

47. ureris Epod. 4. 3.

49. frugi : slave ' ; Sat. 2


cp. ' peruste funibus :

the proper virtue of a

7-3- rightly restored to the text by Bentl. from V. It is really the reading of the best MSS., though many have 'negat atque.' The frequentative has its proper force, ' shakes his head and says no ! no ! no ! '

Sabellus, ' one of us Sabines,' i. e. ' a farmer of the plain, hard-headed sort.'

50, 51. 'Such a man is only like beasts and birds of prey and greedy tishes, checked not by conscience but by fear of unseen snares.' Notice that, in Horace's manner (see on Od. 4. 9. 29 f.), the words necessary to the full idea, ' cautus,' ' suspectos,' ' opertum,' are dis- tributed betvveen the clauses.

51. miluus : a trisyll. See on Epod.

16. 32.

53. tu: see above on vv. 41-43. admittes in te. ' Ea in te admisisti

quae,'etc. Cic. Phil. 2. 19. 47.

54. miscebis sacra profanis, i. e. ' you will knovv no distinction of right and wrong.' Cp. A. P. 396, where it is said to have been the work of wisdom ' secernere sacra profanis.'

55. nam justifies not what has been said but the implied thought, ' and what good is such limitation of your wrong- doing ? Wickedness is a matter of qualily not quantity.' Horace is falling into the language with which a Stoic would support the paradox ('that all offences are equal ') in which he expressed this truth. Whether he has the paradox actually in view is doubtful. The figure used is suggested by the dialogue with a slave in vv. 46-49.

fabae : the sing. as a collective noun : so in Ennius, Ann. 545 ' perque fabam repunt.'

57. vir bonus, etc. This ' good man' of vv. 41-43, the ideal of respectability to all who see him offering surety at the bankers or giving evidence before the praetor's chair.

58. placat : see on Od. 1. 36. 2. vel porco vel bove : ' whether with

a smaller or a larger offering.'

59. Compare with this passage the imkation in Persius S. 2.8. For Iane pater cp. Sat. 2. 6. 20.



Labra movet metuens audiri : ' Pulchra Laverna, 60

Da mihi fallere, da iusto sanctoque videri,

Noctem peccatis et fraudibus obice nubem.'

Qui melior servo, qui liberior sit avarus,

In triviis fixum cum se demittit ob assem,

Non video ; nam qui cupiet metuet quoque ; porro, 65

Oui metuens vivet, liber mihi non erit unquam.

Perdidit arma, locum virtutis deseruit, qui

Semper in augenda festinat et obruitur re.

Vendere cum possis captivum occidere noli ;

Serviet utiliter : sine pascat durus aretque, 70

Naviget ac mediis hiemet mercator in undis ;

Annonae prosit ; portet frumenta penusque.

Vir bonus et sapiens audebit dicere : ' Pentheu,

60. Laverna : the goddess of thieves and impostors.

61. iusto sanctoque videri,restored to the text by Bentley for ' iustum sanc- tumque,' found in many MSS. V had the dative. For the constr. cp. Sat. i. i. 19, Madv. § 393.

63 foll. The connection is through the motive suggested for the secret wrong-doing in vv. 60-62, ' Laverna,' ' fraudibus.' ' This man a " vir bonus" ! vvhy he is a slave to the vulgarest of desires and fears.'

64. Imitated by Persius 5. 11 1 'Inque luto fixum possis transcendere nummum.' The Scholiast there explains that it was a trick of Roman boys to fasten a coin to the pavement in order to see who would stoop to pick it up. If this is doubted we must take fixum in the sense of ' sticking,' i. e. in the mud, which is more possible with ' in luto ' than witli ' in triviis.'

65. qui cupiet metuet quoque. Cp. Epp. 1. 6. 9. foll. ; also Epp. 1. 2. 51, 2. 2. 156. We are handling here commonplaces of Stoic teaching.

66. mihi, ' in my judgment.'

67. perdidit arma. He is a piipa-


locum virtutis deseruit. The gen. gives the matter of the allegory. He was a soldier in virtue's army ; but not (as the true 'virbonus ') a good soldier, but one who deserted his post. ' Locum ' as Virgil's ' loca iussa tenere ' Aen. 10. 238. Orelli quotes Dem. Olynth. 3. § 36

. . ttjs Ta£eo)?


TrapaxdJpnv dp€Tr)s.

68. obruitur : a Ciceronian figure ' obruimur ambitione et foro ' de Or. 1. 21. 94, ' obrui tanquam fluctu in magnitudine negotii ' ad Qu. Fr. 1. 1. 3. For in re augenda cp. Epp. 1. 7. 71.

69-73. Horace, following up the figure of the runaway soldier, apo- strophizes his imagined captor. ' He is a born slave keep him set him to shepherd or to plough, or do your bid- ding on the sea.' In plain language, ' of snch stuff are made not " viri boni " or philosophers, but those who pursue the menial and money-making profes- sions.' The ' mercator/ as usual, is the type of eager pursuit of wealth ; see especially Od. 3. 24. 40 n. and Epp. 1. 1. 45 foll. Note the philosophical con- tempt for industrial life.

70. durus. Cp. Epp. 1. 7. 91. It ansvvers in its own clause to ' mediis hiemet in undis ' in the next ' the man will shrink from no toil.'

72. annonae prosit, ' help to cheapen corn ' by taking part in its importation. It is a contemptuous allowance that the trader is of some benefit to the com- munity.

penus : defined by Cic. de N. D. 2. 27. 68 ' est enim omne quo vescuntur homines penus.' Horace's use of the word as a neuter is noticed by Priscian. Virgil makes it masc. in Aen. 1. 703-

73. vir bonus et sapiens. We

LIB. I. EPIST. 16.


Rector Thebarum, quid me perferre patique

Indignum coges?' 'Adimam bona.' ' Nempe pecus, rem,

Lectos, argentum : tollas licet.' ' In manicis et

Compedibus saevo te sub custode tenebo.'

' Ipse deus, simul atque volam, me solvet.' Opinor

Hoc sentit, ' Moriar.' Mors ultima linea rerum est.


have at last the serious answer to the question of v. 40 ; but it grows out of a direct comparison with the picture last given of the pretender to goodness with his real heart in riches as a slavc. ' The true " vir bonus " is the man independ- ent of favour or disfavour of wealth or poverty able to command freedom even in a prison.' "With the spirit of the description cp. Od. 3. 3. 1-8.

This is thrown into the form of a paraphrase of the dialogue between Dionysus and Pentheus in Euripides, Bacch. 492 foll. AI. e'i<p' oti -naOeiv 5er ri fie rb Setvbv

epyctaet ; IIE. rrpwTov ptev afipbv $6ot pv\ov TC/tw

aeOev. AI. iepbs 6 nXoKaptos' tw 6ew 5' avrbv

Tpefpo). IIE. eireiTa 6vpaov rovoe irapados

Xepolv. AI. avTus pt drpaipov' TovSe Atovvaov

(popcv. IIE. elpnTaioi t evSov awpta abv <pv\a£-

optev. AI. Kvaet fi 6 Saiptwv avrbs otov eyw

Qekw, k.t.K. The feeling of the god's replies is well kept in Horace's lines, but there is much freedom in the reproduction, especially in the substitution for the ' lock of hair ' and the ' thyrsus ' of the luxuries which the Roman man of wealth values, the closing of the dialogue with the answer of Dionysus, that he can have his release at will, and the turn which Horace gives to this answer (see note on v. 78). We notice here, as in Epp. 1. 2, how Horace read the Greek poets with the inclina-

tion to give allegorical and moral ap- plications to their legends.

74. reetor Thebarum : an addition to the Greek. The feeling is ' for all your greatness.' Cp. in Od. 3. 3. 3 (the passage cited as parallel in general sense to this) ' voltus instantis tyranni.'

For perferre patique cp. Epp. 1. 15.


75. nempe, ' to wit,' ' I understand,' introducing an ironical completion of the interlocutor's sentence. Cp. Sat. 2.

3. 207 'placavi sanguine divos.' 'Nempe tuo.'

76. leetos : couchesof costly material and make. In Juvenal's time they were made of tortoise-shell (Juv. S. 11. 94) and precious metals.

argentum: Epp. 1. 16. 17, Sat. 1.

4. 28 n.

78. opinor. Cp. 'credo,' in an in- terpretation,' Sat. 2. 2. 90. Horace has stopped the dialogue at the place that suits him, and the interpretation which he puts on the words is also arbitrary, and one which could hardly suit the actual speeches. Dionysus' freedom is recovered in the play by his exercise of divine power.

79. mors ultima linea rerum est. Horace's comment (not Dionysus').

linea, probably from the figure of a racecourse, to which life is constantly compared. Cp. Cic. Tusc. D. 1. 18. 15 ' nunc video calcem ad quam cum sit decursum nihil sit praeterea pertimes- cendum,' also the use of fpap.fj.Ti KaicSiv Eur. Fr. 174, fiiov id. Electr. 945. Notice how the Stoic teaching as to suicide is here sanctioned.



The ' Sabine valley ' in which Horace's estate lay can be certainly identified, though the exact spot on which his house stood is still doubtful.

Seven miles above Tivoli in the Anio valley, on the road to Subiaco (i.e. on the ancient ' via Valeria,' a few miles before the point at which the ' via Sublacensis ' diverged from it), stands the little town of Vico Varo, the Varia of Epp. i. 14. 3. Here there opens from the left a side valley, running directly from north to south. In this valley, near its junction with that of the Anio and beyond the stream, is seen at some height the village of Cantalupo-Bardella, or, as it is called in the Italian Staff Map, Mandela, for it has been conclusively identified with Horace's Mandela ' rugosus frigore pagus' (Epp. 1. 18. 104). The valley is that of the Digentia (Epp. 1. 18. 104), a name which survives in the form of Licenza, and is given both to a village which did not exist in Horace's day, or his ' vilicus ' would have found the tavern life which he so much missed (Epp. 1. 14. 24), and to the stream in its lower course : higher up it is known as the Maricella. At Vico Varo a road turns off up the Licenza valley, keeping at some height on the western side, and in three miles reaches the little village of Rocca Giovane. It was here that a few years ago an inscription was found recording the restoration by Vespasian of a temple of Victory. This is held with great probability to have been the ' fanum putre Vacunae' of Epp. 1. 10. 49. Vespasian was of Sabine origin, having been born at Reate, and it is natural that he should have restored the temples of Sabine deities, and especially

1 The chief references to the villa in cussions of the site will be found in a

Horace are Od. 1. 17. 1-12, 3. 1. 47, 3. letter of G. Dennis in Milman's Horace,

16. 25-37, (possibly 3. 13); Sat. 2.6. in the introduction to Didofs Horace

1-3 ; Epp. 1. 10. 49, 1. 14 passim, 1. (Paris, 1855) and in Burn's Rome and

16. 1-16, 1. 18. 104-110. Recent dis- the Campagna, pp. 430, 431.


OodoTcL Uruversiry Press.

4 The heiqhts are giverutn. Englzshfeetabove Sea.Le.ve~L.


of one who, as we learn, was worshipped at Reate and who, as Acron tells us from Varro, was according to one view identified with the Roman ' Victoria.' Of the other names which we have in Horace ' Ustica cubans' (Od. 1. 17. 11) possibly still survives in the name La Rustica, said to be given to some part of the valley ; but peasants are so willing to recognize names which travellers suggest that such discoveries are to be received with caution. Two names are given of hills or forests, 'Lucretilis' Od. 1. 17. 1, 'Haedilia' ibid. 9. The latter has left no discoverable trace. The former is possibly found in an altered form in the Liber Pontificalis, in a record of a donation by the Emperor Constantine to a church on the via Labicana, where an estate is described as ' possessio in territorio Sabinensi quae cognominatur "ad duas Casas " sub monte Lucretio.' The name ' ad duas Casas ' is supposed to survive in the chapel of the Madonna della Casa on the hill side beyond Rocca Giovane. The Mons Lucretius or Lucretilis will be the high ground behind it, but it still may be either some minor point immediately at its back or the whole mass of hills between the valley and the Campagna, of which the highest point is called in some maps Gennaro, in others Monte Zappi. This point is 4165 English feet above the sea, and is visible to a great distance. The nearer tops are from 600 to 800 feet lower. When the valley was identified, about the middle of the i8th century \ the site selected as that of Horace's villa was that marked A in the annexed plan. There are some remains of an ancient dwelling-house, 'a scattered fragment or two of columns of travertine or a small piece of mosaic,' and it is said that the fioors of six chambers were uncovered, but covered again with the earth, as nothing of value was found2. All sub- sequent visitors and topographers took this for the site till the question was reopened (1855) by M. Noel des Vergers and Cavaliere Rosa, the Roman explorer, who examined the valley together and put forward the claims of a rival site (that marked B) just behind Rocca Giovane, where some terracing is noticed. Their arguments for this situation are (1) that it answers more exactly the description of ' post fanum putre Vacunae.' But any place higher up the valley than the temple might fairly be so described, especially as the pur- pose of the expression is pretty certainly not topographical, but humorous, being equivalent to ' in holiday land ' (see note on Epp.

1 The arguments for the valley and de Sanctis, 1761, and by the abbe the special site are given in books Capmartin de Chaupy, 1769. printed at Rorne by the abbe Domenico 2 Mr. Dennis' letter.


1. 10. 49) ; (2) that it is in close proximity to a spring of water which theyjheld to be the Bandusian Fountain (see introd to Od. 3. 13) and the ' iugis aquae fons ' of Sat. 2. 6. 2. The distance however is greater than the account recognizes. I visited the valley some years ago' and walked from Rocca Giovane to the older site, passing the spring, and I could not satisfy myself that there was much difference between its distance from one site and the other.

LIB. I. EPIST. 17. 299



Verses 1-5. You do not need the advice of such a humble and incxpericnced

person as I am as to the way to live with the great, but take it for what it is

worth. 6-12. If it be true that quiet and freedom are what you care for, the question will

not arise you will give up ' society ' once and for all. There is something

to be said for that course ; but if you have hungry relations and like a good

dinner yourself, it is natural to make up to the great. Nor is that wrong. 13-17. The Cynic gibes at the Cyrenaic ; but the Cyrenaic has his answer. 17-32. Neither is wholly independent, but the view of Diogenes is the narrower

and least practical of the two. 33-36. The great glories of life are for the chosen few. To win the favour of

these chiefs of mankind is another grade of distinction, and it is not for every-

one any more than the first. 37-42. Some are deterred from trying by fear of failure. But here, as elsewhere, it

is not true virtue (i. e. manliness) to give up for want of trying. Only remember,

when you have found your patron, two golden rules. 43-5 t. 1. Never ask ; you will gct more and rouse less envy. 52-62. 2. Never gramble ; your real troubles will gain more credence if you have

not bored people with trifling ones.

Porph. treats Epp. 17 and 18 as one continuous Epistle, and all the Scholiasts make Scaeva and Lollius the same person. Both are evidently mistakes, but they mean that the early critics perceived that the two Epistles were meant to be read in close connection with each other. They deal with one subject, the reverse of that treated in Epp. 1. 7. That spoke of the relation of a patron to his protege these of the relation of the protege to his patron. When the two Epistles are taken to- gether they deal pretty fully with the subject. We see the matter from the patron's side, the greed and pushing of one dependent, the servility of another, the clumsy attempts of a third to assert independence by being rude and disobliging. We see also the natural shrinking of many men from a questionable and difficult position. We read between the lines Horace's advice on the whole about it : ' Keep out of it if you can bear yourself naturally and with selfrespect while you are in it. Re- member the higher ends and pleasures of life, and be content (as I have been) to make your escape early into a modest competence.'

But there are great differences between the two Epistles. The spirit of Ep. 1 7 seems at least half satirical. The humility of the beginning from such a master in the art of pleasing the great (Ep. 1. 20. 29) is overdone forcomplete seriousness ; the motives suggested in w. 11, 12 are too broadly put, the tone of ' aut virtusn omen inane est ' (v. 41) recalls too nearly the irony of Ep. 6 ; the two golden rules which end the Epistle, as though they contained the whole art of which v. 2 promised to speak, are too like an intentional bathos.

Scaeva is an unknown person. Is he a young man with whom Horace is on friendly terms and in whose particular case the apparent satire has a playful turn beyond our guessing ? Or is he a shadow ? Is it really a Satire under the form



of an Epistle ? In any case the literary effect is dramatically to represent a class of aspirants, irresolute at first and half ashamed of being patronized, yet driven to it by greediness and the importunity of relatives, and in danger when they enter on it of turning out beggars and grumblers ?

Quamvis, Scaeva, satis per te tibi consulis, et scis

Ouo tandem pacto deceat maioribus uti,

Disce, docendus adhuc, quae censet amiculus, ut si

Caecus iter monstrare velit ; tamen aspice si quid

Et nos, quod cures proprium fecisse, loquamur. 5

Si te grata quies et primam somnus in horam

Delectat, si te pulvis strepitusque rotarum,

Si laedit caupona, Ferentinum ire iubebo.

Nam neque divitibus contingunt gaudia solis,

Nec vixit male, qui natus moriensque fefellit.

Si prodesse tuis pauloque benignius ipsum

Te tractare voles, accedes siccus ad unctum.


2. tandem. The particle often used in direct questions to give emphasis is here kept in the indirect question. With Orelli and Diintzer we may take it to imply that the question is a difficult one.

maioribus 'thegreat' thosegreater than yourself, as in Sat. 2. 1. 61. They are called ' potentes amici ' in Epp. 1. 18. 44, ' potentiores ' in Epod. 2. 8.

uti, sc. 'familiariter,' as invv. 13,14; see on Epp. 1. 12. 22.

3. docendus adhuc, ' who still needs plenty of schooling himself.'

amieulus : the diminutive of depre- ciation, ' a humble friend.' Possibly there is reference to ' maioribus,' a friend who is not one of the great, but as small as yourself. But it is all ironical ; see introd.

4. tamen : in spite of these draw- backs to the value of his advice.

5. et nos, ' even such as I.' cures, ' you may take the trouble.' fecisse : for the perf. inf. see on Od.

3. 4. 51, and cp. Epp. 1. 18. 59.

6. primam in horam. For one who hasa patron to please must be up before daybreak to call at hishouse: ' sollicitus ne Tota salutatrix iam turba peregerit orbem Sideribus dubiis ' Juv. S. 5. 20, ' si curet nocte togatus Currere ' ib. 3. 127. Cp. Epp. 1. 7. 68 and 75, 2. 1. 104, and Martial 4. 8. 1 ' Prima salutantes atque altera continet hora.' For the meaning of 'prima hora' see on Sat. I. 5. 23.

7. pulvis strepitusque rotarum. Obbar well compares the Nnx Elegia 89 (of the walnut planted in the coun- try) ' Non hominum strepitus audit, non illa rotarum : Non a vicina pulverulenta via est.'

8. caupona : i.e. the noise of taverns in the streets of Rome.

Ferentinum : i. e. a quiet country town. Two places of the name are known, one on the Via Latina, forty- eight miles from Rome, in the country of the Hernici, which the Comm. Craq. understands to be meant, the other in Etruria.

The gist of the line is ' If you are sincere in saying that the claims of society bore you, shake them off, but do it thoroughly, go quite into the country.'

10. vixit male : the opp. of 'bene vivere ' Epp. 1. 6. 56.

natusmoriensquefefellit, 'has been born and died unknown ' : an imitation of the use of KavOavtiv with the part. Cp. Od. 3. 16. 20. Plutarch quotes as an Epicurean precept \a6e Piwffas. Cp. Ov. Trist. 3. 4. 25 'bene qui latuit, bene vixit,' and the ' fallentis semita vitae ' of the next Epistle, v. 103.

11. benignius ipsum tractare : cp. ' tractari mollius ' Sat. 2. 2. 85.

12. sicous ad unctum. The Scho- liast gives, no doubt, the sense, ' sc. pauper ad opulentum,' and generally the figure employed is clear; but it is doubtful

LIB. I. EPIST. 17.


' Si pranderet olus patienter, regibus uti

Nollet Aristippus.' ' Si sciret regibus uti,

Fastidiret olus qui me notat.' Utrius horum

Verba probes et facta doce, vel iunior audi

Cur sit Aristippi potior sententia ; namque

Mordacem Cynicum sic eludebat, ut aiunt :

' Scurror ego ipse mihi, populo tu ; rectius hoc et

Splendidius multo est. Equus ut me portet, alat rex,

Officium facio : tu poscis vilia, verum

Dante minor, quamvis fers te nullius egentem.'

Omnis Aristippum decuit color et status et res,



whether ' unctum ' is neut. as in A. P. 422, 'as a hungry man to a savoury dinner,' or masc, the epithet being transferred from the fare to the person who partakes of it. ' Siccus ' is most easily explained by Sat. 2. 2. 14. It is possible, however, that it is more closely related to ' unctum,' meaning one who lives on dry food, Cicero's ' aridus victus ' Rosc. Am. 27. 75; cp. £t]po<payeiv.

13-15. The saying of Diogenes and the reply of Aristippus were traditional. Diog. Laert. I. 68 irapidvTa irore avrov ('ApicrTnrnov) \dxava ttXvvcuv Aioyevrjs eOKwxpe Kai <}>rjcnv, Ei ravra efia9es irpoa- cpepeaOai ovk av rvpdvvcov avhds eOepd- neves. 'O 5e, Kal av, eTnev, einep rjoeis avOpwTTOts 6fii\eTv ovk av Xaxova evKvves. For Aristippus see on Epp. 1. 1. 18.

13. pranderet, with accus., as in Sat. 2. 3. 245: so 'cenare' Epp. 2. 2. 168, Sat. 2. 8. 27, etc.

uti : see above on v. 2.

15. qui me notat, 'my censor.' For the metaph. use see on Sat. 1. 3. 24.

16. iunior, ' as the younger ' : i. e. ' I take my privilege of age ' ; see introd.

18. mordacem, 'snappish,' as a cur ; the usual play on the name ' Cynic'

ut aiunt seems to imply that Horace is still following some well-known story of Aristippus ; but his saying is freely paraphrased and adapted to the purpose of the moment. Porph. quotes a Greek proverb (Vttoj fie <pepet, @acri\evs \xe rpttpei.

19. scurror . . . mihi. He begins with the offensive term for the profes- sion (cp. ' scurrantis ' Epp. 1. 18. 2) to be softened (as Porph. points out) to ' officium facio,' ' render my service,'

in v. 21. ' We are both " scurrae," for we gain our sustenance by pleasing some one else; but in my case I am really pleasing myself, for by pleasing my patron I make him please me.'

hoc, ' mv plan ' : see on Sat. 2. 2.


21. facio: for the om. of ' ego see on Epp. 1. 14. 40.

verum. The constr. is ' tu poscis vilia, verum [poscis] dante minor,' ' what you ask is worthless, but in asking it you humble yourself to the giver.' This (or ' verum es ') is the reading of all MSS. of authority, in- cluding all the Bland. Horace fre- quently begins a clause or sentence with ' verum ' at the end of a line and after a stop : Sat. 1. 2. 92 ; Epp. 1. 1. 80, 2. 2. 70, 106 ; A. P. 303. The alternative reading ' rerum' was introduced into the text by Lambinus from some of his MSS. It was accepted without comment by Bentl., and is given by Orelli, Dill1'. and Munro. ' Vilia rerum ' is then constructed as ' abdita rerum ' A. P. 49, 'vanis rerum' Sat. 2. 2. 25, ' fictis rerum ' Sat. 2. 8. 83. Ritter points out that ' rerum ' is wrongly given for ' verum ' by some MSS. in Epp. 2. 2. 45 and 70. He writes ' verums ' for ' verum es.'

22. dante minor. 'However paltry the boon, you at once become the depen- dent of him who supplies it, for all your boast of independence.'

nullius : possibly best taken (with Orelli) as a masc. ' in need of no man,' as suiting ' dante minor.' It is neut. in A. P. 324.

23. color, as Sat. 2. 1. 60 'vitae color.'



Temptantem maiora, fere praesentibus aequum. Contra, quem duplici panno patientia velat, Mirabor, vitae via si conversa decebit. Alter purpureum non exspectabit amictum, Ouidlibet indutus celeberrima per loca vadet, Personamque feret non inconcinnus utramque ; Alter Mileti textam cane peius et angui Vitabit chlamydem, morietur frigore si non Rettuleris pannum. Refer et sine vivat ineptus. Res gerere et captos ostendere civibus hostes Attingit solium Iovis et caelestia temptat : Principibus placuisse viris non ultima laus est. Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum. Sedit qui timuit ne non succederet. Esto!

2 5



24. temptantem: cp. v. 34; lifting his thoughts to.

fere with aequum. Either in the sense of ' tolerably ' or of ' as a rule ' : see note on Sat. 1.3. 96.

25. panno = patcei, a contemptuous term for the Tpifiaiv or coarse cloak of the philosophers.

duplici, because the Cynics wore no undergarment ixiT"JV) but doubled the cloak instead : so Juv. S. 13. 122 ' Stoica dogmata . . . A Cynicis tunica distantia,' i. e. by the presence or ab- sence of a tunic.

patientia : cp. ' patienter' in v. 13 ; 'endurance.' Cic. de Or. 3. 17 ' ab Antisthene, qui patientiam et duritiam in Socratico sermone' maxime adamaret, Cynici.'

27. alter, Aristippus. Horace is following the traditional picture of him, cp. Diog. Laert. 2. 60 5:o irore 2t/jo- Twva, 01 5e TlKaTwva, itpbs olvtov elneiv 2oi p.6vw deooTai /cal x^a/^Sa <popeiv Kal paicos.

29. inconcinnus, 'awkwardly'; Epp. I. 18. 6.

30. Mileti textam : cp. Virg. G.

3. 306 ' quamvis Milesia magno Vellera mutentur Tyrios incocta rubores.'

cane peius et angui, ' a dog or snake ' : see on Od. 3. 11. 49. The expression is doubtless proverbial. Both dog and snake were of unlucky omen to meet; see Od. 3. 27. 2 and 5. ' Peius vitabit' seems, as Wilkins says, an ex- tension of the use in ' peius timet ' Od.

4. 9. 50. The MSS. vary between

' angui ' and ' angue.' Priscian notices the use of ' angui ' in this place.

32. ineptus. Notice how this word gives the final verdict on the impracti- cable Cynic and sets the writer free for his new approach to the subject.

33-42. For the general purport of these lines see the analysis. Some irony is no doubt to be felt in the heroic tone of the commencement, and in the ap- parent reference in vv. 37, 38 to Horace's doctrine (set out in Epp. 1. 6) that men are to be measured not so much by their ideals as by the thoroughness with which they pursue them.

33. res gerere, of warlike enter- prises. The reference is to Augustus ; his triumph B.c. 29 and the successes spoken of in Epp. 1. 12. 26 foll. Tibe- rius was associated in the latter, and it has been suggested that he is included in this reference, and that it is his favour especially which Scaeva is contemplated as seeking.

34. Compare the expression of Od. 3. 3. 10-12, 4. 2. 17, 18. ^

36. A Greek proverb ov iravTos dvSpbs es KoptvOov eaB' 6 tt\ovs, is quoted by Acr. Several explanations are given of the danger originally intended, the pre- valent one being that it meant ' Few have the long purse needed for the expensive vices of Corinth.' In any case the application here is quite general. ' There are pleasures and dignities which are not for everyone.'

37. The tone reminds us of the fami- liar story of Sir W. Raleigh : ' Fain

LIB. I. EPIST. 17.


Ouid, qui pervenit, fecitne viriliter? Atqui

Hic est aut nusquam quod quaerimus. Hic onus horret,

Ut parvis animis et parvo corpore maius : 40

Hic subit et perfert. Aut virtus nomen inane est,

Aut decus et pretium recte petit experiens vir.

Coram rege suo de paupertate tacentes

Plus poscente ferent ; distat sumasne pudenter

An rapias. Atqui rerum caput hoc erat, hic fons. 45

' Indotata mihi soror est, paupercula mater,

Et fundus nec vendibilis nec pascere firmus,'

Oui dicit, clamat, 'Victum date/ Succinit alter:

would I climb, but that I fear to fall.' ' If thy heart fail thee, do not climb at all.'

ne non succederet : the impersonal and absolute use, as Cic. Or. 28. 98 ' si quando minus succedet.'

esto : ' Well.' ' Perhaps he is right.' It is, in short, a repetition of vv. 6-10.

38. 'Tell me, the man who has made his way there, in spite of the obstacles, think you, he has shown manly energy ? ' ' Sedit ' (has stayed at home) and pervenit keep up the figure of v. 36.

feeitne ; see on Epp. 1. 16.31. Both passages may be added to the instances collected by Kiihner on Cic. Tusc. D. 2. 11. 26 of ' ne?' used where we rather expect ' nonne ? ' He points out that it is sometimes used, in a similar way, for 'num' ; the explanation in both cases being (as with apa for ap cv) that the question is purposely put as if it were an open one, with the effect (as in other cases of ironical Kitottjs ■) of giving stronger, not weaker, emphasis to the true nature of the answer expected. See also Heindorf on Sat. 2. 7. 61, and Mayor on Juv. S. 10. 28. Cp. also the use of 'ecquid sentis ? ' in Epp. 1. 18. 82.

39. hic, sc. ' in viriliter faciendo.' quod quaerimus. He is speaking

of the quest on which he supposes him- self and the readers of his Epistles to be engaged (see Epp. 1. 1. 24-26, etc), viz. for the true principle of life.

41. aut virtus nomen : cp. Epp.

I. 6. 31 'virtutem verba putas.' Horace seems to be arguing or playing on the etymology of ' virtus ' as he does in other places. Cp. notes on Epod. 15.

II, 16. 39. ' What is "virtus" if it is not " viriliter facere," if it is not the quality of the " experiens vir " ? '

42. reete petit, ' is rightly seeking,' deserving.

experiens vir, 6 Tretpwfievos (es Tpoiav neipajftevoi -qvdov 'Ax<u°i Theoc. 15. 61) ; cp. Cic. Clu. 8. 23 'vir fortis et ex- periens ' ; enterprising. But there is an emphasis here on vir,' ' one who tries as a man should.' See note on v. 41.

43 foll. Horace turns abruptly to some practical precepts for keeping a patron's favour ; the two chosen must be intended to contrast satirically with Scaeva's pre- viously supposed scruples.

rege suo. For ' rex ' of a patron cp. Epp. 1. 7. 37. Munro follows Bentl. in reading ' sua,' but on slight MS. authority.

45. atqui, etc. ' Yet this was the very fount and source of everything,' i.e. the very essence of the whole business with which we started was to get all you can.

hoc goes back to ' plus poscente ferent,' the intervening words being parenthetical.

erat. The impft. refers to the time when the motives of seeking a patron were considered, i. e. in vv. 11, 12. It is hardly idiomatic in the sense of the note on Od. 1. 37. 4.

46. indotata. The father is dead and the brother feels it a disgrace that he cannot provide a dower. The edd. quote Plaut. Trin. 3. 2. 63.

paupercula : the diminutive expresses pity, as ' misellus.'

47. A farm which we can neither sell nor live by. For pascere firmus see App. 2. vol. 1.

48. clamat, 'Victum date,' is like a common beggar ; the thought is kept up in the next line.



' Et mihi ! ' Dividuo findctur munere quadra. Sed tacitus pasci si posset corvus, haberet Plus dapis et rixae multo minus invidiaeque. Brundisium comes aut Surrentum ductus amoenum, Oui queritur salebras et acerbum frigus et imbres, Aut cistam effractam et subducta viatica plorat, Nota refert meretricis acumina, saepe catellam, Saepe periscelidem raptam sibi fientis, uti mox Nulla fides damnis verisque doloribus adsit. Nec semel irrisus triviis attollere curat Fracto crure planum, licet illi plurima manet Lacrima, per sanctum iuratus dicat Osirim : ' Credite non ludo ; crudeles, tollite claudum.' ' Quaere peregrinum,' vicinia rauca reclamat.



49. et niihi ! I have followed K. and H. and Schiitz in their punctu- ation, which seems to have been that of both Acr. and Porph. If the whole line be made the cry of the second beggar there is a difficulty in the future tense, as there seems no point in the tone of command (cp. Epp. 1. 13. 2) which it conveys. With our reading, the inter- pretation of Acr. is substantially right, ' dimidium accipiet, dum impudenter petendoetiamaliumad eadempetitionem accendit.' ' The gift will be divided and you will get your share ; but you might get more and that more pleasantly if you didn't ask.'

50. Possibly another reference (see Sat. 2. 5. 56 with note) to the fable of the Fox and the Raven, touching, as there, only the single point that the Raven by opening its mouth lost its prize ; but it is possible also that Horace has in view, or is inventing for the occasion, a fable more completely ap- posite.

52. Brundisium comes, as Horace himself, Sat. 1. 5. As the port of em- barkation for Greece and the East it would be a common object of expedi- tions.

Surrentum. Sorrento,at the southern extremity of the Bay of Naples. In the two following lines Horace touches the minor annoyances of each of the two journeys. For those of the road to Brundisium, which involved crossingthe Appennines, see Sat. 1. 5. 80 n., 95,

96. A traveller to Surrentum could hardly complain of the road, but finds other grievances in the pilfering of his luggage.

55. refert, 'is repeating.' Porph. refers to Plaut. Truc. 1. 1. 31, where a lover complains of his mistress's greed and artifices.

catellam, 'catenulam,' a little chain, Liv. 29. 31. The same word is found in Mart. 14. 198. 1 as a fem. dim. of ' catulus,' a little puppy.

56. periscelidem, ' an anklet ' ; 'au- reum cruris vinculum ' Comm. Cruq.

59. planum. tt\6.vov, 'avagabond,' or ' an impostor'; the word is found as naturalized even in prose Cic. Clu. 26. 72.

60. dieat : under the constr. of ' licet,' repeated in thought.

Osirim. Compare the oath of the perjurer in Juv. S. 13. 92 ' Decernat quodcunque volet de corpore nostro Isis, et irato feriat mea lumina sistro.' The supeistitious at Rome affected foreign and especially Egyptian cults, and such an oath would be more impressive than one of Roman habit. So Martial 8. 81. 1-4 ' Non per mystica sacra Dindymenes, Nec per Niliacae bovem iuvencae, Nullos denique per deos deasque Iurat Gellia : sed per uniones.'

61. tollite : cp. the cry of the man who has fallen into a pitfall, A. P. 458.

62. quaere peregrinum. It seems, from Quintilian 6. 3. 9S, that there was

LIB. I. EPIST. 18. 305

a proverbial saying ' tollat qui non rauca, not, as the Comm. Cruq. (foll.

novit.' by Orelli), ' ad ravim,' ' till they are

vicinia (as in Sat. 2. 5. 106, Epp. 1. hoarse,' which gives an unnecessarily

16. 44) = ' vicini' the opposite of ' peie- ludierous touch: but 'haishly,' 'roughly,'

grinum ' ; those who know his tricks too their tone expressing their absence of

well. sympathy.



Verses 1-9. You are sure, Lollius, to avoid one extreme, that of the mere parasite.

You will have to beware of the other, that of the man who shows his indepen-

dence by rudeness. 10- 14. The one flatters and echoes his patron. 1 5-20. The other quarrels about trifles, blusters about the most insignificant ques-

tions of gossip. 21-36. A patron hates and avoids a dependent who has extravagant tastes, who is

greedy of money, who is not content with his station. If he does not hate

him he reads him a lesson. ' Vice is a luxury permissible only to the rich.

Dress modestly and don't imitate me.' It is good advice. Smart clothes

have ruined many a man, as Eutrapelus knew. 37, 38. You will remember th t your patron's secrets are his own property.

You will not pry into them ; if he entiust you with one you will keep it

sacredly. 39, 40. So in the matter of tastes. You will not flout his tastes in words, nor

in practice show that you want to write verses when he wants to go

hunting. 41-44. This is how Zethus and Amphion fell out, till Amphion put away his

lyre. 44-57. Get up and go out with him. It is fine exercise, an^1 you are an adept in

manly exercises. You have begun early with some hard campaigning. 58-66. You are even fond of military sports at your own country house. If you

meet his tastes he will meet yours. 67-71. For more particular advice ; be cautious in talking of his affairs. 72-75. Don't set your heart on one of his slaves. 76-85. Be very careful whom you introduce, and if you make a mistake and

introduce an unvvorthy man, be prompt to acknowledge it, that you may have

the power to protect the worthy, when he is attacked, as you may be yourself,

by the tongue of slander. 85-88. You see there are risks in cultivating a great friend. You must take care

lest all your labour be wasted. 89-95. Y°u must accommodate your moods to his ; remember that shyness is sure

to be misconstrued.



96-1 1 2. But through it all do not lose sight of the true ends of life. Think whether after all the peace of a private life is not the happiest thing. Think of me in my Sabine valley with my books, my modest competence, and my contented mind.

On the general subject of the Epislle and its relation to Ep. 17 see the intro- duction to that Epistle. The subject of a dependent's behaviour is continued, but in a different vein ; this time in a letter which has, in part at least, close relations to the circumstances of Lollius. It is not a needy man making up to a patron for a dinner and for the benefit of his relations (Ep. 17. 2i\ but a man born in good position. The Epistle speaks (w. 60-64) °f h's fathers estate, and he is probably the Lollius of Ep. 2, and the son of the Lollius who was consul in b. c. 21 (Ep. 20. 28). He is thought of as entering the friendship not of some merely rich patron, but of a 'potens amicus,' a man high in the political world, with secrets of importance which his protege must respect and keep (vv. 37, 38 and 6S-70). The Epistle, however, is not free from difficulties. The dangers against which Lollius is warned in w. 21-36 and 72-75 seem ill suited to the kind of character pre- sumed in the rest of the poem ; and, taking the Epistle as a whole, and supposing that Lollius had really attached himself to some one of high position in the Court circle, it is not easy to believe that its immediate publication can have been agree- able either to patron or protege. This last supposition, however, is not necessary. Tbe conditions of the case are satisfied if Lollius, a young literary friend of the poet, was contemplating the acceptance of such an office as that which Augustus himself offered to Horace, or that which Celsus holds in Ep. 8 ; and if Horace wrote to him, perhaps at his request, sketching the duties and dangers of a private secretary in a great house. Part of the lecture may have been evidently playful, and the issue of the Epistle may have been that Lollius declined the office.

lt is to be noticed that any disrespect to Lollius is out of the question, supposing him to be the person we imagine. It seems also that the Epistle was written in b. c. 20 (see on v. 56 and introd. to the Epistles, p. 207), and published therefore within a few months.

Sl bene te novi, metues, liberrime Lolli,

Scurrantis speciem praebere, professus amicum.

Ut matrona meretrici dispar erit atque

Discolor, infido scurrae distabit amicus.

Est huic diversum vitio vitium prope maius, 5

1. Si bene te novi. ' I am sure from correspond to difference of kind (cp. my knowledge of you.' An habitual use of ' dispar ' in Epod. 7. 12). Cp. the phrase : Sat. 1.9. 22 ' si bene me novi,' comparison of bought love and true Sen. Epp. 16. 6 'iam ab initio si bene te affection in Od. 1. 35. 25-28.

novi circumspicies.' 4. distabit, with dat., as Od.4. 9. 29,

metues : Od. 2. 2. 7 n. Epp. 1. 7. 23 ; cp. ' diversum huic vitio '

liberrime Lolli, ' my frankest Lol- in the following verse, and see Madv.

lius.' Cp. ' liber amicus ' Sat. 1. 4. 132 ; 247 b, obs. 3.

the epithet explains the ' si bene te novi.' 5. e st, 'iari. ' There is something the

Horace's fear for him is on the side, not very opposite of this vice, ytt a vicealso

of subservience, but of too ' brusque ' in- (the collocation " vitio vitium " implies

dependence. " both are vices " ; cp. " viro vir " Od. 3.

2. scurrantis : see Epp. I. 17. 19. 1.5 n.), and perhaps (cp. use of " prope "

3. dispar . . . atque diseolor, the in v. 28, Epp. 1. 6. 1, A. P. 432) a greater difference of tint, i. e. tone (cp. ' vitae one.'

color' Sat. 2. 1. 60, Epp. 1. 7. 23), will

LIB. I. EPIST. 18.


Asperitas agrestis et inconcinna gravisque, Quae se commendat tonsa cute, dentibus atris, Dum volt libertas dici mera veraque virtus. Virtus est medium vitiorum et utrimque reductum. Alter in obsequium plus aequo pronus et imi Derisor lecti sic nutum divitis horret, Sic iterat voces et verba cadentia tollit, Ut puerum saevo credas dictata magistro Reddere vel partes mimum tractare secundas. Alter rixatur de lana saepe caprina,



6. inconcinna, ' awkward ' ; Epp. 1. 17. 29, but cp. also the opposite ' con- cinnus ' Sat. 1. 3. 50.

gravis, * forbidding,' ' disagreeable.' So Cic. de Rep. 1. 43 ' senes ad ludum adolescentium descendant ne sint iis odiosi ac graves.'

7. tonsa cute : perh. ' with skin like a stubble-field.' ' Tondere crinem ' meant to clip or trim the hair, and was opposed to 'radere,' to shave the skin clean. ' Tondere cutem ' (an equally permissible phrase, for they said ' tondere prata ' (Virg. G. 1. 290), as well as ' segetes,' ' giamina') must imply close clipping. clipping as a field is shorn so as to leave mere stubble. Such close cropping of the hair belonged apparently to those who lived or affected to live roughly, slaves of the less refined class (' de grege sordidaque villa Tonsos, horridulos, rudes ' Mart. 10. 98. 8), Stoic philofophers (though they wore the beard long) ' detonsa iuventus ' Pers. 3. 54. Cp. note on Epp. 1. 7. 50 ' ad- rasum.'

dentibus atris : another affected sign of neglect of appearances. Theophras- tus gives among the characteristics of the fii/cpoipi\vTijj.os that ' he has his hair cut frequently and keeps his teeth white.'

8. dum volt, ' desiring all the while.' This form is specially used by Horace in assigning motives for actions that are described. Epp. 1. 2. 21 ' dum parat,' 1. 7 79 ' dum quaerit,' A. P. 250 ' dum vitat,' 465 'dum cupit.'

9. The antithetical position ' virtus. . . virtus,' etc, gives the connection. ' It poses as virtue whereas virtue lies no more in one extreme than in the other.'

medium vitiorum. The doctrine of Aristotle that virtue lies in a mean IxeaoTTjs Svo KaKitvv ttjs /xtv Kad' virtp-


0o\r)v, ttjs Se Kar tWtixpiv Eth. N. 2. 6. See on Sat. 1. 2. 24.

utrimque reduetum : kept carefully back from both extremes. ' Utrimque remotum ' is a phrase in Lucr. 5. 839, though in a different connection.

10. alter, sc. the 'scurra.'

imi derisor lecti : a jester to be found on the ' lowest' couch, i. e. acc. to Sat. 2. 8. 40 the couch on which the entertainer himself reelined with his own hench- men ; ' derisor ' is illustrated by Sat. 1 . 4. S7, 88.

12. verba cadentia tollit, ' picks up every word he lets drop ' ; ' temere prolata suscipit pro mirandis ' Acr. There is perhaps (as Schiitz suggests) the metaphor felt of crumbs falling from the table and picked up by the dogs.

13. saevo : a master like Orbilius, Epp. 2. 1. 70, of whom he is afraid.

dictata reddere : an habitual phrase of repeating a lesson ; ' ista quasi dictata redduntur' Cic. de N. D. 1. 26. 72 ; see on Epp. 1. 1. 55.

14. partes mimum tractare se- cundas, ' a mime-actor,' because his imitation is so exaggerated and the- atrical ; ' playing the second part,' be- cause it was the duty of the SivTtpa- 'ywvloTTjs or actor ' secundarum partium ' to play in every way to the lead of the first actor. This is a frequent source of mctaphor and similitude, as in Cic Div. in Q. Caec. 15. 48 ' ut in actoribus Graecis fieri videmus saepe illum qui est se- cundarum aut tertiarum partium, cum possit aliquanto clarius dicere quam ip-e primarum, multum summittere ut ille princtps quam maxime excellat, sic faciet Alienus : tibi serviet, tibi lenoci- nabitur.'

15. alter, the client who affects in- dependence.



Propugnat nugis armatus: ' Scilicet ut non Sit mihi prima fides, et vere quod placet ut non Acriter elatrem ! Pretium aetas altera sordet.' Ambigitur quid enim? Castor sciat an Dolichos plus ; Brundisium Minuci melius via ducat an Appi.


de lana caprina : a proverbial expres- sion for an absurd subject of argument, as the Greek Trtpl ovov oki3,s n&xeoOcu, but the source of the proverb is not known. The Scholiasts agree that it is a proverb, but give various explanations. ' Some- thing valueless,' but goats' hair was not valueless ; ' something nonexistent,' a colour is given to this by the fact that one of Livy's prodigies is the birth of a ' capra lanata.' Porph. gives an alternative suggestion that the question fought over was the name, whether goats' hair could properly be called ' lana.'

16. propugnat nugis armatus,'does battle for trifles in full armour.' It has been questioned whether ' nugis ' is to be takenasabl. with 'armatus,'or with 'pro- pugnat ' (either as a dative, acc. to the use in later Latin, or as an abl. as though it were ' pugnat pro nugis '). There can be little doubt the latter is right. The illustrations given in the following lines are not (as they should be if ' nugis armatus ' were the last words left on our ears) of futile arguments employed, but of the spirit of the strife, the triviality of subject being supposed. It is the emphasis on ' propugnat ' and ' armatus,' substituted for the tame ' rixatur,' which forms the climax and justifies the asyn- deton between vv. 15, 16; 'nugis' merely repeats the ' de lana caprina ' of the line before in a less emphatic form, the emphasis being laid here on the spirit not the occasion of the fight.

seilicet ut non sit. The same constr. as Sat. 2. 5. 18 ' utne tegam ? ' Madv. § 358 obs. ' Scilicet ' adds irony to the indignant question. Note that, though not in this particular use, ' scilicet ut' is a frequent combination. Some editors, with less force, sub- stitute a comma for a question at ' elatrem,' and construct ' ut sit' ' ut elatrem ' after ' pretium,' ' is a mean price for my not being trusted,' etc.

18. elatrem : as we say of unre- strained speech, ' openmouthed.'

aetas altera : cp. ' ter aevo functus ' Od. 2. 9. 1 3 ; ' life a second time over ' ;

ei Ktv 1x01 VTT0OTa.tr) Qeos ctvTos j yfjpas arro£voas Ofjoeiv vkov fjfiwovra Hom. II. 9. 445.

19. sciat plus, 'has the more skill ' ; the phrase suits the view that the pair are gladiators, better than that they are actois. The Scholiasts offer the two alternatives.

Dolichos. I follow Munro in re- taining what became after Cruquius the usual text, though the evidence for it is not convincing. All Keller's good MSS. except e (the Einsiedeln MS. ) have ' Docilis,' and this is found in the text of all scholia. ' 3 of the Bland ' (,this probably does not mean V) had, as e has, ' Dolicis,' and Cruquius found ' Dolichos ' in three others of his MSS. The Greek name (bo\ixos = 'longus ') is rather the more likely in itself ; and if we believe Cruquius' testimony as to the reading of his MSS. (Keller, as usual, dnubts him), 'Dolichos' seems more likeiy to have been the original text than an emendation.

20. Minuci via. This cannot be identified with any certainty. The only other mention of a ' via Minucia ' is iu Cic. ad Att. 9. 6, where he describes six cohorts as moving by it from Alba to join Vibius Curius, Caesar's partisan. If this is the Alba by the Lacus Fucinus, as is generally thought, the 'via Mi- nucia ' would seem to be a part of the ' via Valeria,' which led across the Ap- pennines from Tibur by Alba Fucentia and Corfinium to the Adriatic at the mouth of the Aternus. It would here strike into the coast road, and so a traveller might reach Brundisium ; but the route is a strange one to take from Rome to that port. Mr. Bunbury (Dict. Geog. 2. p. 1289 a) suggests that Horace's ' via Minucia ' was the road from Beneventum through Canu- sium to Brundisium, which Strabo de- scribes as an altemative to the ' via Appia ' proper, which went round by Tarentum ^see inirod. to Sat. 1. 5). This would suit the present passage perfecily, but there is no further evi- dence in its favour.

LIB. I. EPIST. 18.


Quem damnosa Venus, quem praeceps alea nudat, Gloria quem supra vires et vestit et ungit, Quem tenet argenti sitis importuna famesque, Quem paupertatis pudor et fuga, dives amicus, Saepe decem vitiis instructior, odit et horret : Aut si non odit, regit ac veluti pia mater Plus quam se sapere et virtutibus esse priorem Volt, et ait prope vera : ' Meae (contendere noli) Stultitiam patiuntur opes ; tibi parvula res est : Arta decet sanum comitem toga ; desine mecum Certare.' Eutrapelus cuicunque nocere volebat



21 foll. We pass to another point, ' whatever his own habits a patron hates extravagance in his dependent.'

21. damnosa, as in Epp. 2. 1. 107; from the special use of ' damnum ' for waste of money, Od. 3. 5. 27, Sat. 2. 2.95.

praeceps : such an epithet does not bear too rigid and logical examination. It is appropriate in several senses ; a poet feels the appropriateness, but does not analyze them and limit his meaning to one of them. Dicing is ' headlong ' because it is a passion which makes men forget everything else, because it leads over a precipice of ruin, etc. Cp. ' periculosae aleae ' Od. 2. 1. 6, though there the dice are metaphorical.

22. gloria, subjectively, as is usual in Horace, the love of glory glory as a motive ; and, as is also usual, in the meaner sense, vainglory, vanity, Od. 1. 18. 15; Sat. 1. 6. 23, 2. 3. 179; Epp. 2. 1. 177.

supra vires vestit, Juv. S. 3. 180, of the same subject, of extravagance of dress, ' supra vires habitus nitor.' Cp. his phrase ibid ' ambitiosa paupertate,' ' pretentious poverty.'

23. argenti, in the more common sense of ' money,' not (as Schiitz) ' silver- plate ' as in Epp. 1.6. 17, etc. Cp. ' auri sacra fames ' Virg. Aen. 3. 57. Schiitz complains of the tautology of the two lines if this sense is given to ' argenti ' ; but greed of money and the shamefaced dread of the appearance ofnarrow means are sufficiently distinct.

25. decem vitiis instructior, the abl. of measure, ' more accomplished by ten vices ' than himself.

26. regit, i. e. ' corrigit,' 'schools,' ' lectures.'

28. prope vera. The rich man's words (Horace says with a cynical turn) are ' not very wide of the truth.' Vice is a luxury allowed only to the rich.

contendere noli, ' do not try to match me.' Cp. the fable of the Frog and the Ox in Sat. 2. 2. 312 foll.

30. arta toga : for a broad toga as a mark of ostentation see on Epod. 4. 8 ' trium ulnarum toga/ and on Sat. 2. 3- 183.

comitem : when he is walking with his patron.

31-36. This is not, as Ritter, a con- tinuation of the patron's speech, but Horace's comment upon it. ' It was good advice especially the "arta toga" Eutrapelus well knew that the best way to ruin a man was to give him a set of smart clothes.'

31. Eutrapelus has been usually supposed, since Lambinus suggested it, to be the Volumnius to whom Cicero addressed two letters, ad Fam. 7. 32 and 33, whom in ad Fam. 9. 26. 2 he calls ' Volumnius Eutrapelus,' and who is, as that epistle shows, the same as Eutra- pelus the ' collusor ' of M. Antonius, whose mistress Cytheris hadbeen ; Phil.

2. 8. 20, 24. 58, 13. 2£. It is impos- /#. sible to disprove the ldentification, but beyond the fact that Volumnius cur- rently bore the name of Eutrapelus, and as the first ofthe letters referred to seems to imply from his wit, there is nothing to connect him with Horace's anecdote. There is an interesting history of the word (vTpav(Kia in Trench's Synonyms of the New Test. pt. 1. from its treat- ment in Arist. Eth. N. 4. 8 as the excel- lent mean between /3a;^nA.ox<a and dypoi- nia, ' wit that keeps the exact measure of refinement,' to its treatment by St.



Vestimenta dabat pretiosa : 'beatus enim iam Cum pulchris tunicis sumet nova consilia et spes, Dormiet in lucem, scorto postponet honestum Officium, nummos alienos pascet, ad imum Thrax erit aut olitoris aget mercede caballum.' Arcanum neque tu scrutaberis illius unquam, Commissumque teges et vino tortus et ira ; Nec tua laudabis studia aut aliena reprendes, Nec cum venari volet ille, poemata panges. Gratia sic fratrum geminorum, Amphionis atque



Paul, Eph. 5. 4 as the companion of aiaxpoTyjs Kai /xojpo\oyia among ra ovk avrfKovra. The definition vvhich comes nearest to the signification of Eutrapelus here is perhaps that of Aristotle, where he is describing the characteristics of the young in Rhet. 2. 1 2 77 yap tvTpawtXia Tie-nai.otvpitvq vjipis, which seems to give room for practical joking. Cp. the con- duct of Philippus to his jprotege in Epp.

1. 7.

32. dabat. Thestoryis told as of the last generation ; so the impft. in Epp. 1. 15. 26 foll.

beatus, ' in his pride and delight.' The Scholiast rightly points out that these vv. 32-36 ' beatus . . . caballum ' give che thought of Eutrapelus. This explains the future following ' dabat.'

34. dormiet in lucem : Epp. 1. 17.6.

35. nummos alienos pascet. The meaning seems fixed by Pers. S. 5. 149 ' nummos quos hic quincunce modesto nutrieras,' ' your money which you had been nursing with a modest five per cent.' So here ' will feed the capital of others,' i. e. will borrow at heavy interest. For ' nummos ' cp. Sat. 1.3.88. Ithasbeen otherwise taken as if ' nummos alienos ' were the same as ' aes alienum,' ' will let his debts grow large.'

ad imum, ' at the end,' A. P. 196.

36. Thrax : Sat. 2. 6. 44 n. mercede : so ' mercede eolonum' Sat.

2. 2. 115.

37. illius, as ' ille ' in v. 40, the ' patron.' It seems the certain reading, though ' ullius ' is found in nearly all MSS., and had possession of printed texts till Bentley. The link between this precept and the next (w. 39, 40) is that both are warnings against egotism.

neque . . . que. The particles imply

that the two rules are on an equality : ' you will no more forget the first than the second.'

tu is emphatic, as contrasted with ' illius.' If the secret is his you will not on your side pry into it just as if it is trusted to you you will keep it sacredly.

38. vino tortus. For the metaphor of ' vino tortus ' cp. A. P. 435 and Od. 3- 21. 13.

et ira : the anger probably not (as Ritter) of those who wish to learn the secret and threaten angrily if it is withheld ; but of the recipient of the secret, who is tempted by taunts or false stories to lose his balance and betray it.

39. nec . . . nee : as you will not be so egotistical as in words to praise your own pursuits and condemn every- one else's, so in practice you will not show your friend that you think your literary pursuits supcrior to his field sports.

40. panges : a word of Lucretius, 1. 25, 4. 8. It is used again in A. P. 416 ' ego mira poemata pango.' In both places there is a touch of sarcasm in its use, as though it implied some affecta- tion.

41. gratia dissiluit : cp. Epp. I. 3. 32 ' gratia . . . coit et rescinditur.' The story of the two biothers was told in the Antiope of Euripides, which was adapted by Pacuvius. Amphion the player on the lyre (Od. 3. 1 1 . 1 , A. P. 394) quarrelled with Zethus, the shepherd and huntsman, as to the value of music, but yielded for peace and hid his lyre. It will be noticed that there is a compli- ment in the comparison of Lolliusto the more accomplished brother deferring to the rougher one.

LIB. I. EPIST. 18.


Zethi, dissiluit, donec suspecta severo Conticuit lyra. Fraternis cessisse putatur Moribus Amphion : tu cede potentis amici Lenibus imperiis, quotiensque educet in agros Aetolis onerata plagis iumenta canesque, Surge et inhumanae senium depone Camenae, Cenes ut pariter pulmenta laboribus empta ; Romanis sollemne viris opus, utile famae Vitaeque et membris, praesertim cum valeas et Vel cursu superare canem vel viribus aprum Possis. Adde, virilia quod speciosius arma Non est qui tractet : scis, quo clamore coronae Proelia sustineas campestria ; denique saevam Militiam puer et Cantabrica bella tulisti Sub duce qui templis Parthorum signa refigit Nunc, et si quid abest Italis adiudicat armis.



42. suspecta severo. The epithets quoted as used by Zethus in the Antiope are Movoav , aTOTTOV,aovfi<popov,apyr)v, <pi- Xoivov, xprjfMaTwv aTrjixeXr). Most of the complete lines quoted in editions as frag- ments from the play, are the result of conjectnral piecing together of phrases quoted unmetrically in prose writers.

43. The words are carefully chosen and balanced. ' Amphion gave way (as we are given to believe) to the temper of a brother and equal. You may well yield to the commands so gently laid on you by a powerful friend ' (cp. Sat. 1. 3. 3 ' Caesar, qui cogere posset'). pu- tatur (cp. ' fertur ' Od. 3. 5. 41 with note) throws the responsibility for the story on the legend : ' poets would have us think so.'

46. Aetolis. An instance of what is constant in Virgil, a ' literary ' epithet, not describing any characteristic of the nets which a Roman would use, but reminding the reader of the mythological boar-hunt of Meleager in Calydon. There is some appropriateness here in its use in addressing a man of letters. It seems to say ' there are precedents for such sports in your own poets.'

47. surge : sc. trom your ' lectus lncubratorius'; cp. Sat. 1.4. 133, 1. 6.122.

senium, 'moroseness' ; Pers. S. 1. 26 ' en pallor seniumque,' of a poet ; see Conington's note. Cp. also ' senectus ' Epod. 13. 5.

48. pariter, with the whole sentence, ' side by side with your friend.'

pulmenta, ' relishes,' as ' pulmen- taria' in the similar texpression, Sat. 2. 2. 20.

49. Romanis sollemne viris opus : an accus. in apposition to the action generally described in vv. 47, 48 of which the purport is 'go hunting.' For the sense cp. Od. 3. 24. 54 foll., Sat. 2. 2. 10 ' Komana militia.' In ' Romanis viris ' there is a suggestion that verse- writing is after all an effeminate pursuit, fitter for Greeks than Romans.

52. virilia arma : for ' arma ' cp. Od. I. 8. 10 n., A. P. 379, where also ' corona ' for the ring of spectators occurs.

55. Cantabrica bella : as the next line shows, not the campaign of Agrippa in b.c. 20 (Epp. 1. 12. 6), buttheexpedi- tion nominally headed by Augustus in B. C. 25 ; see introd. to Odes 1-3. I. § 6, and cp. Od. 3. 14.

56. refigit, ' is taking down'; cp. ' signa Punicis adfixa delubris ' Od. 3. 5. 18, and ' clipeo relixo' Od. 1. 28. 11. The reference is to the recovery from the Parthians of the standards taken at Charrae; see on Epp. 1. 12. 28, Od. 4.

J5- 7- , . ,

57. adiudicat : a technical term lt

seems for adjudging land in dispute. Cic. Oif. 1. 10. 33 ' in medio relictum quod erat populo Romano adiudicavit.'



Ac, ne te retrahas et inexcusabilis absis, Quamvis nil extra numerum fecisse modumque Curas, interdum nugaris rure paterno ; Partitur lintres exercitus ; Actia pugna Te duce per pueros hostili more refertur ; Adversarius est frater, lacus Hadria, donec Alterutrum velox Victoria fronde coronet. Consentire suis studiis qui crediderit te, Fautor utroque tuum laudabit pollice ludum. Protinus ut moneam, si quid monitoris eges tu, Quid, de quoque viro, et cui dicas saepe videto.



Augustus is adding to the empire any corner of the earth which is still outside of it ; an hyperbolical phrase, but describ- ing rather what seemed in progress than particular events which had actually occurred; but cp. Od. 4. 15. 13-16.

Italis, i. q. ' Romanis,' as ibid., and Epp. 2. 1. 2.

58-66. A last argument, and one which illustrates most clearly the strictly personal bearing of the Epistle. ' With all your refinement we have heard that you have a hobby of your own the war-game in which Actium is fought over again 011 your father's lake. Be sure your patron will enter into your amusements, but you must let him feel that you enter into his.'

58. ne te retrahas : for the formula see on Od. 1. 33. 1 ; Epp. 1. 1. 13, 1. 16. 1.

absis, from the hunting-field.

59. extra numerum modumque, literally, ' out of time and tune.' The two words are used together in their literal sense in A. P. 211, in a metaphorical sense (as here) in Epp. 2. 2. 144 ' verae numerosque modosque ediscere vitae ' ; cp. n\r]nn(Xr)s, ' you, though such a purist in matters of propriety, have your own hobby in moments of relaxa- tion.'

curas feeisse : Epp. 1. 17. 5, Od. 3. 4. 51 n.

60. nugaris : Sat. 2. 1. 73, Epp. 2.

i- 93-

61. Lollius is represented as lmitat- ing, on a domestic scale, the public 'naumachiae' : one of these is desciibed in Suet. Jul. Caes. 19, as having been given by Julius Caesar, who made an artificial piece of water for the purpose

by the side of the Tiber. Augustus and several of the emperors are also said to have given these exhibitions, and they became part of the shows of the Circus.

lintres : the pleasure boats, we may suppose, on the piece of water in his father's estate.

Aetia, the poetical form of ' Actiaca,' as in Virg. Aen. 3. 280.

62. pueros : doubtless, slaves.

64. velox, ' till victory hastes to crown.'

65. consentire suis studiis. These two lines refer of course immediately to those which precede : ' If you sympa- thize with his hobby, he will with yours' ; but the words with which they begin refer back also to v. 39, and so serve to close the period.

66. utroque pollice. In Pliny's time we learn that ' premere pollices ' had become a proverb for an expression of favour, N. H. 28. 5. Whether it was so in Horace's cannot be said. Il was derived apparently from the usage of the amphitheatre, where the people, according to Juv. S. 3. 36, signified their pleasure as to the killing or sparing of a gladiator by turning the thumb one way or other.

67. protinus ut moneam, ' to go on with my lecture ' ; an apology.

68. ' What, and of whom, and to whom.' 'Tria dixit : quid dicas, de quo dicas, cui dicas ' Porph. This punctua- tion and interpretation is strongly sup- ported by Bentley, who quotes Cic. in Pis. 31. 75 'Tu quid, tu apud quos, tu de quo dicas, intelligis.' It makes it more clear that the warning is, not to speak rashly of your patron. Ifquo- que ' were taken as the abl. of ' quisque '

LIB. I. EPIST. 18. 313

Percontatorem fugito, nam garrulus idem est,

Nec retinent patulae commissa fideliter aures, 70

Et semel emissum volat irrevocabile verbum.

Non ancilla tuum iecur ulceret ulla puerve

Intra marmoreum venerandi limen amici,

Ne dominus pueri pulchri caraeve puellae

Munere te parvo beet aut incommodus angat. 75

Qualem commendes etiam atque etiam aspice, ne mox

Incutiant aliena tibi peccata pudorem.

Fallimur ct quondam non dignum tradimus : ergo

Ouem sua culpa premet, deceptus omitte tueri,

Ut penitus notum, si temptent crimina, serves 80

Tuterisque tuo fidentem praesidio : qui

Dente Theonino cum circumroditur, ecquid

Ad te post paulo ventura pericula sentis?

Nam tua res agitur, paries cum proximus ardet,

Et neglecta solent incendia sumere vires. 85

the precept would seem rather wide of the special mark.

70. patulae. The metaphor is meant to convey the idea that like a large- mouthed vessel, as it is easy to pour into it, so it is easy to pour out again. Cp. the somewhat similar metaph. ' rimosa . . . aure ' Sat. 2. 6. 46.

71. emissum : A. P. 390 ' nescit vox missa reverti.' There is probably a reminiscence of Homer's en-os <f>vyev tpKos ubovroov II. 4. 350, etc.

72. nonulceret. Por the substitution of ' non ' with the potential for ' ne ' with a jussive subj. see note on Sat. 2. 5. 91. Here notice that ' non ' goes especially with 'ulla,' the separation of the two at the beginning and end of the clause em- phasizes both.

73. marmoreum venerandi. The suggestion of the epithets is that it is like coveting what you see in a temple.

75. beet, in an ironical sense, ' make you a present of the slave and think he has made you a happy man,' as though he had given you all you could expect from him.

ineommodus, if he is disobliging.

76. commendes, ' introduce.' Cp. Horace's own caution in this matter, Epp. 1. 9, 1. 12. For his introduction to Maecenas by Virgil and Varius see Sat. 1. 6. 54.

78. quondam, ' sometimes,' Od. 2.

10. 18, Sat. 2. 2. 82.

tradimus : Epp. 1. 9. 3.

80. ut : perhaps rightly taken by Orelli and Ritter and Schiitz as final. ' Remember that we are liable to make mistakes. Be ready therefore to aban- don one who proves unworthy in order that you may keep your power to pro- tect one who is slanderously attacked.' Dill1". follows the Scholiasts in taking it for 'just as,' followed by a proper hypothetical sentence.

82. dente Theonino, evidently means the ' tongue of slander,' but nothing is known of the origin of the expression. Porph. says, ' Theon quidam illo tem- pore rabiosae dicacitatis fuit,' and the Scholiasts call him ' Luthienus (?) Theon, libertinus,' and tell a story of his offending his patron by the bitterness of his tongue, so that he was turned out of the house.

circumroditur. The metaphor is common, Od. 4. 3. 16 ; Sat. 1. 4. 81, 1. 6. 46 ; Epp. 1. 16. 38, 2. 1. 151.

ecquid sentis : cp. ' ecquid sentitis in quanto contcmptu vivatis' Liv. 4. 3, ' Have you any feeling?' ' surely you have some feeling,' ' for (the next line continues) you ought to have, your own safety is at stake when the fire has reached the wall that adjoins your house.'



Dulcis inexpertis cultura potentis amici : Expertus metuit. Tu, dum tua navis in alto est, Hoc age, ne mutata retrorsum te ferat aura. Oderunt hilarem tristes tristemque iocosi, Sedatum celeres, agilem navumque remissi ; tPotores bibuli media de nocte Falerni Oderunt porrecta negantem pocula, quamvis Nocturnos iures te formidare tepores. Deme supercilio nubem ; plerumque modestus Occupat obscuri speciem, taciturnus acerbi. Inter cuncta leges et percontabere doctos,



86. A reflection on the difficulties suggested in the preceding lines and leading to the exhortation which fol- lows. In 'dulcis inexpertis . . . expertus metuet' has Horace in mind the end of Virg. Ecl. 3 ' et quisquis amores Aut metuet dulces aut experietur amaros? '

87. dum tua navis in alto est, 'as you have embarked on this voyage.'

88. hoc age, ' give all your atten- tion.' Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 152, Epp. 1. 6. 31.

89. Horace returns to the topic of vv. 40 foll. of the necessity of some harmony of humour and taste. show- ing where he thought Lollius likely to fe.il. In vv. 89, 90 he imagines two alternative grounds of difference ; but v. 93 indicates that he expects Lollius to show unreasonable gloom, not un- reasonable mirth.

91. This verse is of very doubtful origin. It is not found in the text of any of Keller's best MSS. except cr (St. Gall, put by him now in the nth cent.). The Scholiasts give no sign of having read it, for the annotation in Comm. Cruq., ' Oderunt, potulenti,' means that ' Oderunt ' stood in the text without a subject, and the annotator was suggesting the one which was to be understood. There is also the objection pointed out by Bentley that ' de nocte ' is used not in the Horatian sense (Epp. 1. 7. 88: cp. 1. 2. 32 and Sat. 2. 8. 3, and see note on Epod. 13. 4) of some- thing which begins before midnight, but in the unclassical sense of that which is prolonged to or past midnight. In the parallel line which Horace, or his inter- polator, is recalling, Epp. 1. 14. 34, untimely drinking is described by ' de

luce.' It must be allowed on the other hand that a subject is badly wanted for 'Oderunt' in v. 92. Keller would have us supply ' porrigentes pocula,' but such an ellipsis following the balanced phrases of vv. 89, 90 does not seem likely. It has been proposed to mend this by ejecting not the whole of v. 91, but from ' bibuli ' to ' oderunt,' reading ' Potores porrecta negantem pocula.' This makes excellent sense, but it is then very hard to account for the double process of corruption, the substitution of a second ' Oderunt ' for ' Potores,' and then the restoration of ' Potores ' with the rest of the interpolated line. If the line be retained ' bibuli ' must be taken as governing 'Falerni,' as in Epp. 1. 14. 34.

93. tepores : a word not found else- where until late Latin for ' feverish- ness.' Orelli would therefore with the authority of one MS. substitute ' va- pores.'

94. plerumque, ' very often ' ; see on Sat. 1. 10. 15.

95. occupat speeiem, ' puts on the guise,' is thought, though he has no claim to be so.

obscuri, ' dark,' 'designing'; ' non aperti, non simplicis, non ingenui, ver- suti potius, obscuri, astuti ' Cic. Off. 3. *3- 57- Cp. the mis-reading of amiable qualities into vices, Sat. 1. 3. 55 foll.

96. inter cuncta, ' through all this.' ' After all, what we have been talking of touches the outside of life only ; you will not forget, I am sure, the more important inside.'

leges et percontabere, sc. the dead and the living.

LIB. I. EPIST. 18.


Qua ratione queas traducere leniter aevum ;

Num te semper inops agitet vexetque cupido,

Num pavor et rerum mediocriter utilium spes;

Virtutem doctrina paret, naturane donet ;

Ouid minuat curas, quid te tibi reddat amicum ;

Ouid pure tranquillet, honos an dulce lucellum,

An secretum iter et fallentis semita vitae.

Me quotiens reficit gelidus Digentia rivus,

Quem Mandela bibit, rugosus frigore pagus,

Quid sentire putas ? quid credis, amice, precari ?

Sit mihi quod nunc est, etiam minus ; et mihi vivam



97- The general question of which the succeeding questions are the ex- pansion.

traducere : a usual word in Cicero, asTusc. D. 3. 11. 25 'hoc quod datum est vitae tranquille placideque traducere.'

98. semper may be taken either with ' inops,' ' desiie always a beggar' (cp. 'semper avarus eget ' Epp. 1. 2. 52 and ' niagnas inter opes inops,' of the man who desires instead of enjoying, Od. 3. 16. 28), or with the verbs. In either case ' agitet ' is probably (as Orelli) deliberative subj., although form- ing also the matter of an indirect ques- tion, ' whether desire must stir and harass,' etc. Lollius is sent to the philosopher, not to ask what he is, but what he ought to be.

99. pavor. It may be doubted whether this is ' fear,' the usual conela- tive in Horace of desire or hope (Epp. 1. 2. 51, 1. 6. 12, 1. 16. 65, etc), or as in Epp. 1. 6. 10 ' the flutter ' of excite- ment, common to either passion.

mediocriter utilium : ' things far short of the "summum bonum." The phrase describes external goods, which the Stoics classed among ddiatpopa, ' in- differentia ' Cic. de Fin. 3. 15. 53.

100. ' If the philosophers answer " no " to the first question, then where is virtue, the alternative ideal, to be looked for ? ' The question is the one so often raised in Plato apa SiSaKrov

fj dpfTTj.

101. 'And in any case what kind of extemal life is most conducive to in- ternal peace, the philosophers' calm ? '

te tibi reddat amieum : Epp. 1. 3. 29, Iva Kal r)fj.iv aiirois <pikoi wpiev Kal tois 9eoh Plat. Kep. p. 621.

102. honos, ' ofhce ' ; 'the life of ambition.'

103. Notice the fuller description and the synipathetic touch of poetry in this line, indicating the poet's preference be- tween the three lives. ' Dulce lucellum ' is a satirical designation, the epithet and the affectionate diminutive describingthe attitude of the lover of gain, not of the writer. For fallentis see on Epp. 1. 17. 10.

104. me. The reference to his own taste suggested in v. 103, is now em- phasized and forms the conclusion of the Epistle.

quotiens refieit. There is a contrast between ' reficit ' and the description of Mandela in the next line. ' Every time I visit my Sabine home which is to me new life (cp. *' mihi me reddentis agelli " Epp. 1. 14. 1, and for Horace's use of the cold water, Epp. 1. 15. 4, 1. 16. 14), though some people might think it merely a bleak spot.'

The names Digentia and Mandela sur- vive in the forms of Licenza and Bardella, the latter a village over-looking the Licenza valley. See additional note to Epp. 1. 16.

107. etiam minus : cp. Sat. 2. 6. 3 'auclius atque Di melius fecere.' Heaven has blest him beyond his prayers.

et mihi vivam, i. e. as my own master. Cp. the picture of the indepen- dence which he claims in Epp. 1. 7. 1-36. Many good MSS. have ' ut,' which Kel- ler gives, as the reading of his class I and II, and as thinking that the words in Porph. ' dummodo vivam quemad- modum volo,' imply that he found ' ut.' It is possible, however, that they are only meant to give the sense, as in any



Quod superest aevi, si quid superesse volunt di ;

Sit bona librorum et provisae frugis in annum

Copia, neu fluitem dubiae spe pendulus horae.

Sed satis est orare Iovem qui ponit et aufert :

Det vitam, det opes, aequum mi animum ipse parabo.


case they do rightly, and that ' ut ' vvas an interpretative emendation. See a similar case in Od. i. 31. 10 ; ' et ' was the reading of ' omn. Bland.' ; it is retained by Orelli, Ritter, Munro, and Schiitz.

iii. sed. Horace feels that his prayers in both cases have gone beyond external things to matters which belong to and depend on himself, and he cor- rects himself. ' It is enough to pray Jove who gives them and takes them away, that he grant life and subsistence a balanced mind I will assure to my- self.' The MSS. are very evenly divided between qui and ' quae.' With the

latter we understand ' ea ' as a direct obj. of orare. There is also a question between ponit and ' donat.' The Bland. had ' ponit.' Keller prefers ' donat,' thinking ' ponit ' an early cor- ruption arising from the confusion of P with D, the intermediate ' ponat ' being found in one MS. {ir) ; on the other hand ' donat ' is a likely gloss on ' ponit.' If ' ponit ' is read, Dr. J. S. Reid (in Wilkins) suggests that the metaphor is of the banquet of life, ' puts before us and snatches lrom us.'

112. aequum animum : Epp. 1. 11. 30.



Imitation, false and true.

Verses 1-11. It is an immemorial commonplace that wine and poetry go fitly

together. If I have repeated this, immediately the foolish crowd of would-be

poets set to drinking deep night and day. 12-20. That is an example of external imitation, which is so easy and which leads

into such follies. 21-25. My imitation has been of a different kind. It has been original in its

choice of models, and in its choice between what should and what should not

be imitated in them. I was the first Latin poet to follow Archilochus, but it

was his measures and his spirit, not his subject or his abuse of his power. 26-31. If you think me slavish in taking his metres, remember that even Sappho

did the same, and Alcaeus, though he departed so far from his subjects and

tone. 32-34. It is Alcaeus that I am proudest of having popularized in Latin. I am

proud of the audience I have found. 35-36. Do you ask why though men read and like my poems in the study, they

yet cry me down out of doors ?

LIB. I. EPIST. 19.


37-40. It is because I will not stoop to the vulgar arts of bribing audiences and

making up to schoolmasters. 41-49. I am met with taunts on my avoiding ' recitation.' My true ground for it

is not believed, but I resist the temptation to quarrel and let them have their


The Epistle is a defence of his Epodes and Odes 1-3, against the criticism of de- tractors. It is addressed to Maecenas, both as the representative of the fair and wise critics, whose judgment he values (Od. 1. 5. 35, Sat. I. 10. 81 foll.), and contrasts with that of the tasteless, and also as the patron and friend (Epp. 1. 1. 1), to whom the first Epistle of the Book and the last but one are inscribed on the same principle that is observed in Od. 1. 1. and 3. 29, the last Epistle being reserved, as Od. 3. 30, for his own anticipations of personal fame.

PRISCO si credis, Maecenas docte, Cratino, Nulla placere diu nec vivere carmina possunt Quae scribuntur aquae potoribus. Ut male sanos Adscripsit Liber Satyris Faunisque poetas, Vina fere dulces oluerunt mane Camenae. Laudibus arguitur vini vinosus Homerus ; Ennius ipse pater nunquam nisi potus ad arma

1. Maecenas docte : Od. 3. 8. 5 ' docte sermonesutriusquelinguae.' The epithet has its immediate place as justifying the learned reference to Crati- nus, ' As you know, as well as I ' ; but it gives also the ground of his appeal to Maecenas on the whole matter, as the critic whose judgment he values most. Cp. Od. 1. 1. 35 ' si me lyricis vatibus inseres,' and the tone of Sat. 1. 10. 78- 87.

Cratino : Sat. 1.4. 1. Aristophanes charges him with intemperance, and Plutarch (Symp. 2. 1) speaks of him as having jested upon it himselfinhis play TlvTivr) (the Flagon). The nearest reference to the passage which Horace had in mind is in the Epigram attri- buted to Nicaenetus Samius (Biunck. vol. I. p. 117) «Jvos roi \apievTi TreKti Tax^s lV7ros Joi5<£* | vSaip oe vivaiv ovSiv av T6K01 ao(j>6v. | TavT e\(~yev, Aiovvae, Kal (irvfev, oi>x ivos &o~kov | KpaTivos, d\\d vavTos wSaiSu.s TtiOov.

2. plaeere : Od. 4. 3. 24. vivere : Od. 1. 32. 3, 4. 9. 11.

3. potoribus, the dative of the agent. Cp. Sat. 1. 10. 16; see Madv. § 250 a.

ut, ' ever since' ; Od. 4. 4. 42. Epod. 7. 19. It carries on the idea of ' prisco.'

' It is a very old story ' ; Bacchus and the Muses, the Father of Greek and the Pather of Roman poetry.

male sanos : and so fitter to be ' en- listed ' arnong Satyrs and Fauns, but, as in the whole passage, there is an ironical self-depreciation in the epithet. It is the worlds view of poets, not their own. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 322, A. P. 295.

4. adscripsit. 'Tanquam in legio- nem suam : nam hoc verbum militare est ' Porph. For the Satyrs cp. Od. 1. 1. 31, 2. 19. 4. The Fauns are their Italian equivalents, A. P. 244, and re- present the inspiration of native Roman poetry. For Bacchus as god of poetry see on Od. 1. 1. 29, Epp. 2. 2. 78.

5. mane. When the steady world is sober ; ' sicci ' Od. 4. 5. 39.

6. arguitur vinosus, ' is convicted as a wine-lover.' Dill'". calls attention to Horace's love of such a collocation as ' vini vinosus ' : cp. Sat. 2. 2. 39, Epp. 1. 18. 5, 89, A. P. 133. The reference is to such passages as II. 6. 261 dvSpl Si KtKf*T]WTi pLtvos p.ffa oivos de£ei, and to the frequent epithets fieXirj^-qs, p.e\i(j>pojv, evr)va>p, k.t.K.

7. pater : so Prop. 4. 3. 3 ' admoram fontibus ora Unde pater sitiens Ennius ante bibit.' Lucretius uses it of his



Prosiluit dicenda. ' Forum putealque Libonis Mandabo siccis, adimam cantare severis:' Hoc simul edixi, non cessavere poetae Nocturno certare mero, putere diurno. Quid, si quis vultu torvo ferus et pede nudo Exiguaeque togae simulet textore Catonem, Virtutemne repraesentet moresque Catonis? Rupit Iarbitam Timagenis aemula lingua,



master Epicurus, 3. 9. Cp. ' pater Aeneas ' Od. 4. 7. 15, ' pater Chry- sippus ' Sat. 1. 3. 126.

arma : vvith reference to his patriotic poem the Annales.

8. puteal Libonis. Burn (Rome and Campagna, p. 86) recognizes two ' putealia ' in the Forum Romanum ; one in the ' comitium,' which is described by Cicero (de Div. 1. 7. 33) as the place where the razor of Attius Navius was buried, and which was close to the original tribunal of the Praetor Urbanus; the other ' puteal Libonis ' or ' Scri- bonianum,' which is placed by the Scholiast on this passage, and on Pers. Sat. 4. 49 ' prope arcum Fabianum,' i. e. at the eastern end of the Forum. They say that this also was by the praetor's tribunal, possibly after its removal by Julius Caesar described by Dion Cass. 43. 49. See however the note on Sat. 1. 6. 35. Tlie passages in which the ' puteal ' is alluded to ( Pers. Sat. 4. 49, Ov. R. A. 561 ' Qui puteal Ianumque timet celeresque Kalendas,' Cic. Sest. 8. 18 ' puteali et feneratorum gregibus innatus'1 point rather to a place of money transactions than to a legal tri- bunal.

9. mandabo. Orelli points out that the future is probably an imitation of the usual form of a praetor's edict, quoting the instances given in Cic. Verr. Act 2. 1. 44 and 45 ' possessionem dabo,' ' hereditatem dabo.'

siccis : Od. 1. 18. 3.

severis: Catull. 27. 5 ' At vos quo libet hine abite, lymphae, Vini pernicies et ad severos Migrate.' For the infin. after adimam see vol. 1. App. 2. § 1.

10. edixi, as a praetor : see the last note, and cp. Sat. 2. 2. 51.

11. certare mero : Od. 4. 1. 31 The rhythm of this line is like that of A. P. 269.

13. exiguae : cp. 'arta' Epp. 1. 18. 30.

textore, the 'tailor' = the ' cut ' of the gown.

Catonem. Cato of Utica, as in Od. 2. 1. 24 : cp. Plutarch's life of him, c. 6 iroXXdfCts S' dvvn68r)TOS kcli d^iTojv eh to Sqixoatov Trpoorjd, and the full description in Lucan 2. 372.

15. An allusion to some story which cannot now be recovered. Timagenes we learn from other sources (Suidas s. v.), to have been a rhetorician of the time at Rome, who was famous for a witty tongue, which gained him, and again in the end lost him, the favour of Augustus. For 'Iarbita' we have nothing but discordant scholia. The name is apparently coined from Iarbas (the name of a king of Numidia men- tioned in Liv. Epit. 89, used by Virgil for the Numidian suitor of Dido in Aen. 4) with the Greek gentile termination -iTtjs. They agree in calling him ' Maurus genere.' One adds that his name vvas Cordus, possibly to be written Codrus. This has suggested the Codrus of Virg. Ecl. 5. 10, 7. 26, assumed, rightly or wrongly, to have been the real name of a poet of the time. The expression in the latter of the two pas- sages ' invidia rumpantur ut ilia Codro ' has been taken as an illustration of ' rupit Iarbitam . . . aemula lingua,' and may possibly have been present to the mind of the Scholiasts vvhen they explain ' rupit ' by ' invidia.' This how- ever will not bear exatnination. Con- ington pointed out that the words in Virgil are put into the mouth of a spiteful rival, not meant to give a true trait of Codrus. And Horace is here talking not of envy but of imitation, sincere but misdirected. The Scholiasts offer an alternative explanation of rupit as used literally of some internal

LIB. I. EPIST. 19.


Dum studet urbanus tenditque disertus haberi. Decipit exemplar vitiis imitabile ; quodsi Pallerem casu biberent exsangue cuminum. O imitatores, servum pecus, ut mihi saepe Bilem, saepe iocum vestri movere tumultus! Libera per vacuum posui vestigia princeps, Non aliena meo pressi pede. Qui sibi fidet Dux reget examen. Parios ego primus iambos Ostendi Latio, numeros animosque secutus Archilochi, non res et agentia verba Lycamben. Ac ne me foliis ideo brevioribus ornes Ouod timui mutare modos et carminis artem, Temperat Archilochi Musam pede mascula Sappho,



strain, caused by trying to imitate Timagenes in the feat of eating and de- claiming at the same time. Connected with the explanation is the curious v. 1. 'cena' for lingua found in at least one good MS. (E). Whatever the story actually was, Weichert seems right in supposing that in ' rupit ' Horace is glancing (after his fashion) at the fable of the frog and ox, ' non si te ruperis, inquit, Par eris ' Sat. 2. 3. 319. He compares Martial 10. 79. 9 of a small man imitating a great one, ' Grandis ut exiguam bos ranam ruperat olim, Sic puto, Torquatus rumpet Otacilium '). The connection of thought requires that the imitation should have been of some extemal trick or mannerism of Tima- genes. More it seems we cannot say.

16. studet . . . tenditque. The separation of the two verbs is not meant to appropriate specially one to one adjective and the other to the other, but to give greater emphasis on the ' aim ' and the 'effort.'

17. decipit : as A. P. 25; ' leads astray.'

vitiis goes with imitabile. ' Easy to imitate in its defects.' Cp. Cic. de Or. 2. 22. 90 ' mulios imitatores saepe cognovi qui aut ea quae facilia sunt aut etiam illa quae insignia ac paene vitiosa consectantur imitando,' Quintilian, re- membering Horace, 'acciditque his, qui quicquid apud illos reperitur, dicendi legem putant, ut deteriora imitentur (id enim est facilius) ac se abunde similes putent,sivitia magnorum consequantur?' 10. 1. 23.

18. exsangue, ' bloodless,' i. e. causing pallor. Cp. Pers. 5. 55 in imi- tation, ' pallentis grana cumini'; Plin. N. H. 20. 14. 159 'cuminum pallorem gignit bibentibus.'

20. tumultus, of fussy, illegitimate, and abortive effort.

21; libera : opp. ' servum.' Note the triple statement of his originality, ' libera,' 'vacuum,' ' princeps.' Horace has in mind Lucr. 1. 925 ' Avia Pieridum peragro loca nullius ante Trita solo.'

22, 23. fidet . . . reget. So V and a majority of other good MSS., as against ' fidit . . . regit.'

23. dux reget examen, ' will be leader and king of the swarm,' i.e. will lead instead of following.

Parios, i. e. the measure of Archi- lochus of Paros, A. P. 79 ; cp. Epod. 14. 7 n.

primus. Horace ignores Catullus' few experiments in the metre.

25. agentia : as ' Diris agam vos' Epod. 5. 89, perhaps with the definite metaphor of hunting, as in Epod. 6. 7.

Lycamben, the father of Neobule, who betrothed her to Archilochus and broke his promise, Epod. 6. 13.

26. ac ne : the negative purpose of the coming statement ; see on Od. 1. 33. 1 ; Epp. 1. 1. 13, 1. 16. 1.

foliis brevioribus, ' minore corona ' Schol.

27. mutare modos. He is thinking perhaps of Lucilius' freer imitation of the Greek comedians, ' mutatis pedibus numerisque ' Sat. 1. 4. 7.

28-31. Some difnculty hangs over



Temperat Alcaeus, sed rebus et ordine dispar, Nec socerum quaerit quem versibus oblinat atris, Nec sponsae laqueum famoso carmine nectit. Hunc ego, non alio dictum prius ore, Latinus Volgavi fidicen; iuvat immemorata ferentem Ingenuis oculisque le^i manibusque teneri. Scire velis mea cur ingratus opuscula lector Laudet ametque domi, premat extra limen iniquus



these lines. Horace is pleading against the charge that he had shown servility in adhering to the metre and poetical form (' carminis artem ') of Archilochus. The Scholiast supposed him to answer, ' Though I did not alter the measures of Archilochus, I mingled with them those of Sappho and Alcaeus, persons of very different tone.' The insuperable objec- tion to this lies, not onlyin the difficulty of sed, which, as Bentley argued, should in that case be rather ' et,' but in the irrelevance of vv. 29-31 ' sed . . . nectit'; for in this interpretation ' Al- caeus ' is not the poet himself but the Alcaic Odes in Horace, and therefore these lines are only a repetition and ex- pansion of what has been already said in v. 25 ' non res et agentia verba I.ycamben.' Bentley first suggested the view which has been geneially taken since, that Horace's answer is, ' I am only doing what Sappho and Alcaeus did before me. They used Archilochus' metres, though they departed (as I do) widely from his subjects and purpose.' The accidental fragments which we possess of Aloaeus and Sappho hardly explain the statement that they employed the metres of Archilochus, but neither are they enongh to show that Horace did not make it.

28. temperat. The metaphor sug- gested is of mixing a cup. Construct ' Archilochi pede . . . Musam (suam).'

mascula : the poetess a match for the poets.

29. rebus et ordine dispar. The general meaning is clear. Alcaeus, thoudi borrowing metres from Archi- lochus, showed his independence in everything else. The exact meaning of ordine ' is less easy to catch. Bentley takes it of metrical arrangement, re- ferring as an exampleto the substitution bv Alcaeus of a Dactylic hexameter for the Iambic trimeter in the couplet

known among Horatian metres as ' Archilochium Im ' (see Index of Metres in vol. 1. App. 3. § 6). This is perhaps inconsistent vvith the purpose of the appeal to Alcaeus and Sappho, namely as precedents for exact imitation of metre combined with freedom ofmatter. If we had the poems referred to, it may be, ' subjects and arrangement ' would explain itself more definitely.

30. quaerit, ' select.' Horace is shocked at the turning of the sting of the lampoons on near relations. His conscience would not be troubled for Canidia and other personal objects of his own Epodes.

atris, ' venomous '; Epod. 6. 15. Cp. the use of 'niger' Sat. 1.4. S5, 100.

31. famoso : Sat. 2. 1. 68.

32. hunc, sc. ' Alcaeum' ; 'he is the model I am most proud of being the first to follow.' Alcaeus is named singly, although the general spirit of the pass- age implies that he has imitated Sappho also, not so much because Catullus had essayed the Sapphic metre (which pos- sibly Horace would have ignored as he has Catullus' iambics, see on v. 24) as because he is thinking chiefly of the in- spiration which he caught from the 'citizen poet ' (Od. 1. 32. 5). There seems a definite reference in w. 33, 34 to the stately political Odes at the be- ginning of Book 3, which he professes to address as ' non prius audita . . . Vir- ginibus puerisque ' Od. 3. 1. 1-4. Thtse are the ' gentle eyes and hands ' of this passage.

Latinus fidicen, as he expresses it later, ' Romanae fidicen lyrae ' Od. 4. 3. 23. Cp. Od. 1. 32. 3, 3. 30. 13.

34. manibus teneri : Sat. 1. 4. 72> Epp. 2. 1. 53.

35. opuscula : see on Epp. 1. 4. 3.

36. premat, ' depreciates' ; Virg. Aen. 11. 402 ' premere arma Latini.' Cp. A. P. 262.

LIB. I. EPIST. 19.


Non ego ventosae plebis suftragia venor Impensis cenarum et tritae munere vestis ; Non ego, nobilium scriptorum auditor et ultor, Grammaticas ambire tribus et pulpita dignor : Hinc illae lacrimae. ' Spissis indigna theatris Scripta pudet recitare et nugis addere pondus,' Si dixi : ' Rides,' ait, ' et Iovis auribus ista Servas ; fidis enim manare poetica mella Te solum, tibi pulcher.' Ad haec ego naribus uti Formido, et luctantis acuto ne secer ungui, ' Displicet iste locus,' clamo, et diludia posco.



37. ventosae: Epp. 1. 8. 12. With the picture cp. Epp. 2. 2. 103, A. P. 420 foll. ; and Persius' imitation 1. 53 foll. ' calidum scis ponere sumen, Scis comitem horridulum trita donare la- cerna,' etc.

39. auditor et ultor, ' who listen to them and give them as good again.' It is said jestingly, as Bentley points out. His account in Sat. 1.4. 73 is ' Non re- cito cuiquam nisi amicis, idque coactus.' These words are the original of Ju- venal's opening burst, ' Semper ego au- ditor tantum, nunquamne reponam?' Cp. also Epp. 2. 2. 105 ' impune legen- tibus.' The ' nobiles scriptores ' are his literary friends Virgil, Varius, etc.

40. 'To canvass the schoolmasters' lecture platforms,' i. e. to pay court to those who expound and criticize poetry and can make or mar the fortunes of a young poet.

tribus : not, as some take it, the pupils, but part of the metaphor of ambire ; ' to canvass the schoolmasters as a candidate would the tribes.' So et pulpita adds no fresh object but indicates what was sought of the ' gram- matici.'

41. hinc illae laerimae, ' there is the true grievance.' A proverbial ex- pression, even where no tears are in- volved; Cic. pro Cael. 25. 61. It comes from Terence, Andr. 1. 1. 126.

spissis theatris : cp. ' spissa sedilia ' A. P. 205. Tacitus de Orat. 13 speaks of Virgil as reciting in a theatre. See Mayor's exhaustive note on Recitation Juv. S. 3. 9. It may be doubted whether theatres proper are intended, or lecture halls, the reciters' ' show-places.'


43. Iovis auribus: i.e. 'Augusti.' Cp. Sat. 2. 6. 52 'deos quoniam propius contingis,' where the tone of jealousy is the same.

44. manare mella. The accus. as ' stillare rorem ' A. P. 429.

45. ad haec : see on Epod. 9. 1 7. naribus uti : interpreted by Pers. I.

40, where he is imitating the passage ' nimis uncis Naribus indulges ' ; that is, ' you are too visibly sneering at us ' ; ' I do not dare to show my resentment too openly.'

46. aeuto ungui : cp. Od. 1. 6. 18. It implies the ferocity of the attack. Cp. Cic. Tusc. 5. 27. 77 ' adolescentium greges Lacedaemone vidimus ipsi incre- dibili contentione certantes pugnis, cal- cibus, unguibus, morsu denique, cum exanimarentur prius quam victos se fa- terentur.'

47. iste locus. Orelli and others take this literally (after the Scholiasts), as the place proposed for recitation, ' I make it seem aquestion of place and time, not an absolute refusal,' but it is better to take it as part of the metaphor of the combatants in the arena. The combat- ant objects to the place or asks for a postponement. Possibly ' locus ' had some closer technical sense as applied to such contests. Cp. Aesch. in Ct. § 207 kv rois yvuviKois aywffiv upare toiis irvKTas irtpl ttJs araoeoos dWrjXovs Stayoovi^oftivovs. The whole line will mean, ' I put the whole question by ; I will not quarrel over it.'

diludia : not found elsewhere. Porph. explains by ' intermissionem vel dila- tionem ludorum.'


Ludus enim genuit trepidum certamen et iram, Ira truces inimicitias et funebre bellum.

48. ludus, with a play onthe double genuit : the aoristic use. Epp. 1. 2.

meaning ; 'contests even in sport breed 48 ' deduxit' ; Madv. § 335 b, obs. 3. heat and passion.'



Verses 1-5. You are longing for the publicity of a booksellers' stall, and have

forgotten the modesty to which I bred you. 5, 6. Well, go, if you will ! Remember there is no coming back. 6-8. You will be sorry when you find what criticism is, and how soon people tire

of you. 9-18. I foretell your fate. In the bloom of novelty you will be liked; then the

vulgar will begin to thumb you ; then you will be forgotten or sent to the

provinces. The last humiliation is to be turned into a schoolbook. 19-28. When you get an audience mind you tell them what I did, what I looked

like, what I was, and when I lived.

It is the epilogue to the Book playful in tone, but recalling, though in an altered form, the proud and confident anticipations of Od. 3. 30. It is with cha- racteristic irony that he describes the widespread fame which he foresees, as some- thing to be dreaded rather than sought. The last ten lines show the pleasure which he really finds in the thought that all the world will be interested to know every detail about him. At the same time he is, no doubt, so far serious in his profession that it is the applause of the few that he most values. Cp. the tone of Sat. 1. 10. 81 foll.

His book, now finished nnd ready for publication, is addressed in terms borrowed in part from the image of a favourite slave anxious to escape from the protec- tion and restraint of his master's house into a naughty world, where he will be made much of at first and wronged and forgotten presently. The figure is lightly handled, not pressed (as by some commentators) into tasteless detail.

On the date given in the concluding lines see introd. to Epistles, Book 1. p. 208.

The device by which the author professes to address to his own book what he wishes to say to the world by way of preface or epilogue, is frequent in the Roman poets, as Ovid, Trist. 1. 1 ; ex Pont. 4. 5 ; Martial 1.4, 2. 1, 3. 2, 4, 5, 8. 1, 10. 104, 11. 1, 12. 3. Such passages often bear traces of remcmbrance of this Epistle.

LIB. I. EPIST. 20.


VERTUMNUM Ianumque, liber, spcctare videris, Scilicct ut prostes Sosiorum pumice mundus. Odisti claves et grata sigilla pudico ; Paucis ostendi gemis et communia laudas, Non ita nutritus. Fuge quo descendere gestis. Non erit emisso reditus tibi. ' Quid miser egi ? Ouid volui?' dices ubi quis te laeserit, et scis In breve te cogi cum plenus languet amator. Ouodsi non odio peccantis desipit augur, Carus eris Romae donec te deserat aetas ; Contrectatus ubi manibus sordescere volgi


1. Vertumnum Ianumque. A sta- tue of Vertumnus stood at the end of the Vicus Tuscus, where it joined the Forum (Propert. 4. 2. 6). It seems to be implied that there were booksellers' stalls in the neighbourhood of it. Janus has been taken here either for the arches in the Forum (see on Sat. 2. 3. 18) or for the temple attributed to Numa, which stood in the Argiletum. This is known to have been a booksellers' quarter ; see especially Mart. 1. 4. 1 (to his own book, in imitation of this Epistle) 'Ar- giletanas mavis habitare tabernas.'

spectare, 'to look wistfully at.'

2. seilieet calls ironical attention to the motive named, 'in order save the mark ! that,' etc, as Sat. 2. 5. 87, Epp. 1. 9. 3.

prostes, be set out for sale on the bookseller's stall.

Sosiorum: A.P.345: 'Sosii illo tem- porefratreserantbibliopolaeceleberrimi' Porph.

pumice mundus. Cp. Catull. 1. 1 ' novum libellum arido modo pumice expolitum,' 22. 8 ' pumice omnia aequata.' Explained by Munro of the smoothing of the edge of the papyrus when rolled up tightly (Criticisms and Elucidations of Catullus, p. 54").

3. claves . . . sigilla. It was a cus- tom to seal as well as lock the cases in which things of especial value were stowed away, as in the master's absence. Cp. Aesch. Agam. 614 of the faithful wife, arjfiavTTjpiov ovdtv oiacpOiipaaav. So Martial (1. 67. 5 foll." to a plagiarist of compositions not yet published, and with a figure perhaps suggested by these lines ' Secreta quaere carmina et rudes cui as Quas novit unus scrinioque signatas Custodit ipse virginis pater chartae.' Cp.

A. P. 388.

4. communia = ' vitam communem,' ' life in public.'

5. non ita nutritus. The book has not been prepared for publication by being generally ' recited.' For Horace's practice see Sat. 1. 4 73.

fuge. The meaning is made clear by MartiaFs imitation 1. 4. 11 ' Aetherias, lascive, cupis, volitare per auras: I, fuge, sed poteras tutior esse domi.' The word specially suits the figure of a slave who contemplates running away : cp. v. 13 ' fugies.'

descendere : see on Od. 3. 1. 11 and cp. ' deferar' Epp. 2. 1. 269.

6. non erit, 'go, remembering the condition on which you go- there is no recalling the step.'

emisso is used in its simple sense (cp. Epp. 1. 18. 71), but with refer- ence also to a technical sense of ' pub- lishing ' a book. See L. & S. s. v.

7. ubi quis, etc, 'when you nieet with hostile ciiticism, orfind that friendly readers tire of you.' et seis follows laeserit rather awkwardly, but the only alternative is to make it an independent sentence, and (as Ritter says) the book is not yet published, and therefore does not ' know.'

8. in breve te cogi : the opposite of ' evolvi ' ; to be rolled up tight and put back in the case.

plenus languet. Cf. 'languidus iam conviva' Sat. 2. 4. 39.

9. ' If my annoyance at your folly does not make me read your future too gloomily.' The irony is obvious.

10 aetas, used here, like wpa, for ' the prime of life.'

1 1 . sordescere : to grow dirty from the thumbingof thevulgar. Cp. Sat. 1.4. 72.

Y 2



Coeperis, aut tineas pasces taciturnus inertes,

Aut fugies Uticam aut vinctus mitteris Ilerdam.

Ridebit monitor non exauditus, ut ille

Qui male parentem in rupes protrusit asellum

Iratus : quis enim invitum servare laboret ?

Hoc quoque te manet, ut pueros elementa docentem

Occupet extremis in vicis balba senectus.

Cum tibi sol tepidus plures admoverit aures,


12, 13. ' You will be left in the book- cases to get wormeaten, or even be sent abroad for provincial readers,' i. e. you will cease to be read by the only public I care for, viz. the 'ingenui' (Epp. 1. 19. 34) of Rome.

12. tineas pasces. Cp. ' Blattarum ac tinearum epulae ' Sat. 2. 3. 119.

taeiturnus, ' your voice will be hushed.'

inertes : the disparaging epithet of the bookworms adds to the sense of the spiritless existence of their victim. It is taken both as ' sluggish ' (Orelli\ and in its etymological sense ' barbarous ' ('sine artibus ') ; see on Epp. 2. 2. 126, A. P. 445. So Schiitz, who compares 'divina opici rodebant carmina mures' Juv. S. 3- 207.

13. fugies . . . vinctus mitteris : he recurs to the figure of a slave. The two places named, Utica near Carthage, and Ilerda (hod. Lerida), stand for second rate towns in Africa and Spain. Note that when he is speaking without suspicion of irony Horace counts the fact that a book is read across the sea a proof of excellence, whether generally (A. P. 345), or in his own case (see Od. 2. 20. 17-20).

14. monitor non exauditus : the poet himself, whose warnings have not been listened to.

ut ille : as the man in the fable. This explains also the tense of pro- trusit. The fable is not found else- where.

16. Cp. A. P. 467.

17, iS. ' The second childhood of the book will be when it becomes a read- ing-book in the schools of low degree.'

17. elementa : Sat. 1. 1. 26.

18. extremis in vicis : schools in the outskirts of the city. It answers to ' vili- bus in ludis ' in the parallel expression, Sat. 1. 10. 75.

balba : the stammering accents of

boys at a reading lesson are likened to old age ' sans teeth.' For the use of poetry in teaching pronunciation see Epp. 2. 1. 126 'Os tenerum pueri bal- bumque poeta figurat.' Juvenal tells us that in his time Horace had become a school-book, 7. 226 ' cnm totus de- color esset Flaccus, et haereret nigro fuligo Maroni.'

19 foll. A last word ; the prophecy of warning is over, and it is taken for granted that the book is to be given to the world. 'When you find an audi- ence tell them something of the author,' says Horace, and gives the book the means of fulfilling his command. The transition to v. 19 is abrupt, and the exact meaning of the verse uncertain. Is Horace speaking of the ' recitation ' of his book when published ? If so, tepidus sol will perhaps be best taken with Ritter for a time of year neither too hot nor too cold for gathering a good audience. Contrast Juvenal's horror of ' Augusto recitantes mense poetas' (S. 3. 9). Or is aures only a figurative expression for readers? So Orelli ; comparing ' tepidus sol ' with MartiaFs ' hora libellorum Decima est, Eupheme, meorum ' (10. 19. 18), i. e. ' my poems will be read after dinner.' Or are we to think of a reader to a group in the streets ? or of men loiter- ing, like Horace (Sat. 1. 6. 113), in the afternoon by booksellers' stalls, and taking up a copy of his book (Wilkins)? A more serious change of meaning is made if with Schiitz we follow the Scholiast in taking the verse and those that follow as a continuation of the picture of Horace as a school-book. The Scholiast interpreted ' tepidus sol' of the time of day, with the odd note that boys are more manageable (' tractabiliores ') in the aftemoon. Modern editors, who follow them, amend this by taking it of the time of year

LIB. I. EPIST. 20.

Me, Hbertino natum patre et in tenui re, Maiores pennas nido extendisse loqueris, Ut quantum generi demas virtutibus addas ; Me primis Urbis belli placuisse domique ; Corporis exigui, praecanum, solibus aptum, Irasci celerem, tamen ut placabilis essem. Forte meum si quis te percontabitur aevum, Me quater undenos sciat implevisse Decembres Collegam Lepidum quo duxit Lollius anno.



when the schools reassemble in larger number after the holidays (see on Sat. 1. 6. 75). This interpretation seems at first sight to give a smoother connec- tion between vv. iS and 19; but there is no true relation between the picture of Horace's compositions used as a school-book, introduced, as it is, as the final indignity that they are to suffer ; and this charge to them to keep alive the memory of his personal character- istics and history. A break is required, for there is a real change of tone in v. 19, and the true purpose of the Epistle asserts itself in distinction from the playful and ironical tone of the earlier part.

20. libertino patre. Cp. Od. 2. 20. 5 and Sat. 1. 6. 45.

tenui re : ibid. 71.

ai. maiores nido. For construction see on Sat. 2.3. 310. With the metaph. cp. Epp. 2. 2. 50 ; with the feeling cp. Od. 3. 30. 12 ' ex humili potens.'

23. primis placuisse : Sat. 2. 1. 76, Epp. 1. 17. 35. The question is raised whether ' belli domique ' qualifies ' pla- cuisse ' or ' primis.' The first is the most natural both in view of rhythm and of construction. It also makes Horace's boast here correspond to the grounds of the jealousy felt towards him of which he complains in Sat. 1. 6. 46 foll. ' Quem rodunt omnes libertino patre natum, Nunc quia sim tibi Mae- cenas, convictor, at olim Quod mihi pareret legio Romana tribuno.'

24. corporis exigui. See for a jest- ing allusion to this characteristic Sat. 1. 3. 308, and the extract from Augustus' letter to him in the Suetonian life, vol. 1. Introd. ' vereri videris ne maiores libelli tui sint quam ipse es,' etc. Cp. also Epp. 1. 4. 15 n.

praecanum : ' ante annos albo ca-

pillo' Porph. The word is not found elsewhere, but this seems certainly the meaning. Horace speaks of 'albescens capillus ' in Od. 3. 14. 25, written some four years before this Epistle (cp. Od. 2. 11. 15). He was at that time forty. We may notice that the expression here is of a general characteristic, ' one who whitened early.'

solibus aptum. Ritter well para- phrases ' aptum ' by ' factum natura,' ' whom nature meant for sunshine,' the plur. as in Epod. 2. 41 'perusta so- libus.'

25. irasci celerem. For the inf. see vol. i. App. 2. § 1. For the character- istic cp. Sat. 2. 3. 323, 2. 7. 35 ; also Od. 1. 16. 22, 3. 9. 23, 3. 14. 27. So perhaps with a fellow feeling Epp. 2. 2. 102 ' genus irritabile vatum.' Doubt- less like the person he describes in Sat. 1. 3. 29, he was open to criticism on this score, and meets it halfway. Cp. Cic. ad Att. 1 . 1 7. 4 ' et irritabiles animos esse optimorum saepe hominum, et eosdem placabiles.'

ut = ' ita ut,' ' with the further char- acteristic that' ; Epp. 1. 16. 6 and 12.

27. Decembres. Horace was born in December. The Suetonian life says ' sexto idus Decembres,' i. e. Dec. 8, B. c. 65.

28. The year indicated is B. c. 21, in which M. Lollius was for some months sole consul, the second place having been kept for Augustus, who declined it. Later in the year Q. Aemilius Le- pidus was elected as his colleague, Dion Cass. 54. 6. On the bearing of these lineson the dateofthe publicationof the Epislles see Introd. p. 208. The exact meaning of duxit has been questioned. The Scholiasts interpret it by ' sortitus est,' as though it were ' sorte duxit.' In that case it is not used technically (for


Lepidus waselected after a contest), but as eAax* might be : ' It was his fortune to have Lepidus as a colleague.' Orelli prefers the simpler explanation that it is used as ' comitem ducere ' of the one who was consul first. Keller holds that ' duxit ' is an early error for ' dixit,' which is the technical phrase used (^as in Liv. 7. 24) when a sole consul nominates a colleague. But apart from the fact that Horace usually avoids ratherthan affects exact technical terms,

the verb does not suit the election of Lepidus as Dion describes it.

The Lollius of this verse cannot be the Lollius of Epistles 2 and 18, who in B. C. 20 was still a young man, but is usually taken to be his father. He is also the friendwhom Horace sowarmly upholds in Od. 4. 9. The two Epistles, then, are due probably to Horace's friendship for the father, and the book ends fitly with the name which is by it to belinkedwith the poet's immortality.


There remain three Epistles (ad Augustum, ad Florum, ad Pisones) which are often classed together as the three Epistles of the Second Book ; an arrangement which derives a prima facie ap- propriateness from their general likeness in topics and scale. The title, however, as applied to the three has no ancient authority. The MSS. and Scholia agree in placing the first two together in their present order and calling them the Second Book. The third Epistle is referred to by Quintilian twice, once as Horace's ' Ars Poetica ',' once as the 'liber de arte poetica2,' and the former title is given to it by Terentius Scaurus (Hadrian's reign) as quoted by Charisius. Charisius himself cites a passage from it as from 'the Epistles.' In the MSS. and Scholia it is a waif and stray placed generally after the Fourth Book of the Odes, less frequently after the Carmen Seculare, once after the Epodes.

Its present position is due to the editors of the middle of the sixteenth century. Cruquius (1578) is the first who calls it the third Epistle of Book 2.

It will be convenient, however, without committing ourselves be- forehand to any theory of their relation, to put together what has to be said on the difhcult question of the date and circumstances of the three Epistles.

The first two give perhaps some indication of having been placed together by Horace as companion poems and in their present order, in the fact that while one is addressed to Augustus, the other, al- though it is addressed to Florus, carries in its first line a compliment to Tiberius. This reminds us of the careful distribution of honour between the Emperor and his step-sons in Book 4 of the Odes ; and the argument is strengthened if, as seems probable, the Epistle

1 Ep. ad Tryph. 2. 2 Inst. 8. 3. 60.


to Florus is the earlier of the two in date of composition. It is quite in accordance with the analogy of that Book that room should be found also for a poem dedicated to private friendship and literary interests, and in which the Emperor has no part. This, however, although meeting some objections which have been taken to the later dating of the Ars Poetica, has clearly no weight in positively determining the question.

i. Epistula ad Aagustum.

The account given us in the Suetonian life of Horace (see vol. i. p. xxix) of the origin of this Epistle fixes no date, but by its asso- ciation of the Epistle with the political Odes of Book 4, as well as by its assumption of Horace's intimacy with the Emperor, it con- nects it with the later years of his life. The references to public events in the opening lines, and in vv. 254-256, are general and belong to no special year. They relate to Augustus' large and un- divided responsibility, to his military achievements, his social legis- lation, to the closing of the temple of Janus, and to the awe which he has inspired in the Parthians l. If a date is to be found in any particular political allusion it would seem to be in v. 16 ' iurandas- que tuum per numen ponimus aras.' Ritter fixed on the erection of an altar at Lyons in B.c. 12 (Suet. Claud. 2). The practice, how- ever, was common in the provinces (Suet. Aug. 59, Dion C. 51. 20). Mommsen (Hermes, xv. p. 103 f.), who has examined with care the date of this Epistle, but pronounces with modesty upon it, prefers to interpret the verse of the association of the ' genius ' of the Emperor with Jupiter and the Dii Penates in the state oath. How early this can be put is uncertain. The admission of the genius Augusti among the Lares by a formal act belongs, he says, to b.c. 7 (the year after Horace's death), but Horace speaks of it as popularly re- cognized in Od. 4. 5. 34. Mommsen thinks traces of this quasi- worship can be found as early as b. c. 12, and feels no difhculty in supposing that Horace is here speaking of it in b.c 13.

More assured ground, but not an exact date, may be found in the

1 The Temple of Janus was closed in restoration of the standards in B. c. 20.

B. C 29 and 25, as well as at a later un- Mommsen thinks that ' Parthis menda-

certain date. It is referred to in Od. 4. cior ' v. 1 1 2 (cp. ' infidi Persae ') implies

15. 9. Octavianus is in Sat. 2. 6. 62 that they were restless in their engage-

' iuvenis Parthis horrendus,' but the ments at some subsequent period or

stronger terms of this Epistle, v. 256, periods, but no date is suggested. belong no doubt to the time after the


relations of the Epistle to Horace's other writings. V. 1 1 1 seems to refer definitely to such expressions as those in Epp. 1. 1. 10, 2. 2. 1 41-144, and to imply that his abstention from lyric composition, which is treated both by himself1 and by his biographer 2 as having lasted some time, had now come to an end. This would, without" going further, limit us to a date not earlier than b. c. 17, when he wrote the Carm. Sec. and very probably its companion Od. 4. 6. There is further a coincidence which can hardly be accidental be- tween the topics of the Carm. Sec. and those which he claims in vv. 132-137 for the Muse of Choral poetry3. There are again notice- able correspondences of topic and of expression between vv. 252- 256 and the political Odes of Book 4. In v. 252 ('arces Montibus impositas ') we seem to have an actual echo of the words ' arces Alpibus impositas ' of Od. 4. 14. 4, which occur in the description of Tiberius' campaign in the Alps in b. c. 15. The general resemblance of the topics suggested in the verse ' Terrarumque situs, et flumina dicere,' etc. to the geographical passages in Od. 4. 4, 5, 14, 15, and the correspondence between the subjects of panegyric in vv. 254-256 and those in Od. 4. 15. 6-9, if they are sufficient to build upon, seem to bring the Epistle down to 13, since the 5th and i5th Odes are connected with Augustus' return in that year from Gaul to Rome after three years' absence. Mommsen sees a reason in this last fact for thinking (as his argument on v. 16 had indicated) that the Epistle was composed in the last months of 13. He argues that if the Em- peror had still been absent there would have been some expression like the ' abes iam nimium diu ' of Od. 4. 5. 2. The necessities of the Epistolary form are satisfied if the Emperor were at Baiae or at Rome while Horace was elsewhere. Vahlen would place it in 14, while Augustus was still in Gaul. In any case it seems that it should have been sent before Book 4 of the Odes was given to the world. The disclaimer of power to celebrate Augustus' exploits in proper poetry (vv. 257-259), though natural to Horace if it occurred within the Odes as an apology for what he is giving (as in Od. 1. 6, 2. 12), or in an Epistle sent before the Odes becomes less suitable if the Odes are already public.

1 Od. 4. 1. 1 ' intermissa diu.' 3 Cp. especially v. 134 ' praesentia

2 'ex longo intervallo.' numina sentit ' with C. S. 61-end.


2. Epistula ad Florum.

This Epistle has only one link with the political history of the time. Florus is apparently (v. i) still, as in Epp. i. 3, absent from Rome and in the suite of Tiberius. Tiberius was in the provinces on several occasions to our knowledge1, possibly on some that we do not knowof, between the year 20 and Horace's death. This fact therefore by itself does not give us any fixed date.

We can bring the matter a little nearer by consideration from the relation of the Epistle to Horace's literary life. It speaks, not inci- dentally, but as its text and starting-point, of his resolution to write no more lyric verse. He has held out, as it seems, hopes to Florus (or to some one behind Florus) that he may depart from that pur- pose, but he is not prepared to do so l With a mixture of irony, but still with evident earnestness, he protests that he has finally aban- doned poetry and taken to what was his first and true love, philo- sophy. The difference in tone in this respect from the Epistle to Augustus is strongly marked. In that he speaks of himself as be- lying his professions and beginning again to write verses. Here he is repeating those professions in their strongest form. At what time could he have so repeated them? Not, certainly, when the Em- peror's wish had overborne his resolution and he had actually begun to compose the Fourth Book of the Odes.

Could he have done so any more at a later date when that Book had been given to the world ? We cannot say that it is impossible, but it is surely improbable. It is not the simple statement of a fact as ' nil scribens ipse ' in A. P. 306. He professes to be giving the reasons why he has given up writing Odes, and the chief reason is the same which he gave in Epp. 1. 1, in lines which must have been in the memory of his readers. If the Epistle is a serious apology for not doing what was expected of him, the ground of his apology has been already cut from under his feet. He throws the reason of his refusal into the form of an autobiographical sketch of the place which poetry had occupied in his life. How incomplete and futile this would have been, if, written in his last years, it had taken no account of the fact that, after urging the same excuses, with no pressing motive such as he describes for writing, he had broken his long silence with the Odes of Book 4 ! We may add that the edge of the compliment to Augustus and his step-sons, which those

1 Suet. Tib. 9. 2 v. 25 ' expectata,' ' mendax.'


Odes convey, would have been turned by this fresh assertion that poetry was a weakness to which his poverty, not his will, conde- scended. The Epistle then may, with some confidence, be placed in the two or three years between the publication of Epp. 1 and the composition of the Carmen Seculare, i.e. between b.c. 20 and 17.

Some difficulty remains in fixing a moment during this period when the condition of Tiberius' absence from Rome is satisfied. Mommsen (1. c.) finds it in b.c. 19 before his return from his pro- gress in the East, which it is assumed took place when Augustus re- turned in that year. There is, no doubt, some awkwardness in bringing it so near to the date of Epp. 1. 3, which belongs to the same expedition, and which seems hardly consistent with what Horace says, at the beginning of the present Epistle, of his having warned Florus before starting that he was no correspondent. There is hardly time to suppose Florus to have returned to Rome and started again. At the same time Mommsen seems to show that Vahlen's supposition that Tiberius was in Gallia Comata in b.c. 18 is unfounded, and that he was not there till 16, which is too late for the other condition of this Epistle. In this uncertainty we must leave the question.

3. Epistula ad Pisones.

The general difficulty of the Ars Poetica, though it has become proverbial \ has been exaggerated, being due in some measure at least to pre-conceived opinions with which the poem obstinately re- fused to be squared : but there is one element of uncertainty about it on which discussion does not seem to bring us nearer to an agree- ment. It is the only one of Horace's poems in respect of which a serious doubt can be said to exist as to the period of his life to which it is to be assigned ; one school of critics placing it in the period of the First Book of the Epistles, i.e. between b. c. 24 and 20, another making it the work of his last years, i.e. between b. c. 12 and 8 2.

In the early centuries the question does not seem to have been raised. No stress can be laid on the place given to the poem in the

1 Dillr. quotes Goethe as saying that B c. 24, in vvhich year, according to the no two people would think alike of it, Eusebian Chronicon, lie died (see on Od. and no single person for ten years I. 24). The ' nil scribens ipse' of v. 306 together. seems to exclude the years (17-13),

2 The mention of Quintilius (v. 438), when lyrical composition had been re- in terms which seem to imply that he sumtd.

was dead, limits it to the period after


MSS. (see above, p. 3 2 7). The Odes always stand before the Epodes ; the Epistles in many MSS. before the Satires. These inversions of the chronological order are traced with great probability to the large use of Horace's writings (a use which dates as early as Juvenal, see Sat. 7. 227) for the purpose of school teaching. The Odes and the Ars Poetica are, for different reasons, the compositions which would be thought most serviceable. The only substantial contribution to the question of date made by the Scholiasts is in Porphyrion's state- ment (of which there is no sign that he perceived the chronological import) that the ' Piso, pater ' of the poem is ' L. Piso custos, id est, praefectus urbis, nam et ipse Piso poeta fuit et studiorum liberalium antistes.' This is the man who was consul in b.c. 15, and whose death Tacitus records in Ann. 6. 10. He died in a.d. 31 at the age of 80. He was born therefore in the year b.c. 49. This will allow of his having had two sons growing up to manhood (' iuvenes ') and capable of literary ambitions within the limits of Horace's life, but it would drive us to the last years of it, b.c. 10-8. Those, there- fore, who argue for an earlier date have to give up this Piso and fall back generally on the suggestion of Cn. Piso, who was consul in b. c. 23. He had been an adherent of Brutus, which gives him a link to Horace. He had a son also named Gnaeus, who was consul in b.c. 7, and who would be the ' maior iuvenum ' of this poem.

When the Ars Poetica was transferred by H. Stephanus and Lambinus to its present place at the end of Horace's works it seems to have been taken for granted that this was its true chronological position. Bentley so places it with very slight discussion. This view has been maintained in this century by Kirchner, Ritter, Dillenburger and Orelli. Franke, on the other hand, leans to the earlier date, and this is the one which has been in most favour with recent critics. The arguments for it have been most fully stated by A. Michaelis x and more recently by Prof. Nettleship 2. Porphyrion's identification of Piso evidently does not settle the question, the Scholiasts being frequently wrong in such cases (see above, p. 9). We are thrown back on internal evidence. This is of three kinds.

1. References to persons. None of these are conclusive either way. The strongest case for the earlier date is the mention of Maecius (v. 389) as the critic to whom, in addition to Horace and his own father, the young Piso is to submit his future poem. If this is the

1 ' Commentationes in honorem Theodori Mommseni,' Berlin, 1887, pp. 420 f.

2 Essays in Latin Literature, pp. 168 f.


same person that is named in Cic. ad Fam. 7. 1, as having had the approval of the plays which should be acted in Pompey's theatre in b.c. 54 (see on Sat. 1. 10. 38), he would have been an old man in B.c. 10-8. But it isclear that there are some loopholes. We cannot be sure that there was not a second Maecius. We need not assume, with some writers on the point, that Cicero's Maecius was a man already in middle life ; the point of the complaint may be that Pompey had trusted such a delicate duty to the immature judgment of a clever young friend. Or Bentley may have been right in his suggestion that Horace means only ' a Maecius,' i. e. a critic like Maecius, as he calls a physician ' Craterus ' ' because Craterus was the physician of Cicero's letters.

2. The management of the Hexameter. This question has been examined very fully by Waltz2, and in some special points by A. Michaelis. That there is a striking change between the Hexa- meter of Horace's earlier and later poems is obvious. It has begun within the Satires, but the great divergence is when we pass from the Satires to the Epistles of Book 1. This is just where the seven years' training of his ear in lyrical composition might be expected to tell and where the influence of Virgil would be likely to have modified that of Lucretius and Lucilius. On the one side there is a marked diminution in some Lucretian liberties and roughnesses, such as the monosyllabic endings (' ridiculus mus '), the quadrisyllabic endings (' libertino patre natum '), broken rhythms at the beginning (' denique quatenus,' ' ille repotia '), the elision of monosyllables. On the other, we can perhaps trace a compensating development of the more Virgilian rhythms which attain variety in a different and more har- monious manner. When these changes are expressed in a tabular form the Ars Poetica is judged to stand more nearly with the Epistles of Book 2 than with those of Book 1 ; but any arguments based on this must be handled very cautiously. The comparison between Book 1 and Book 2 is itself delusive ; for there are probably six years between the two Epistles of Book 2, and the Epistle to Florus is near in date to the Epistles of Book 1. Michaelis also points out with what small figures we are dealing in any such comparison of licenses as between the Epistles. Between the Satires and Epistles the change is great; between one Epistle or set of Epistles and another it is small. Again accident plays a part in such variations ; and in all Horace's poems rhythms change per-

1 Sat. 2. 3. 161.

2 ' Des variations de la langue et de la metrique d'Horace,' Paris, 1881.


ceptibly, even from passage to passage, with the tone and subject, as the carelessness of conversation gives place to continuous narrative, or graver argument l.

3. The relation of the poem to Horacfs other writings. It must be remembered that it is not a composition sui generis, which might find its place in any part of the literary life of a versatile writer. It is an Epistle amongst the Epistles. Its topics, the length and fulness of their treatment, the approach however distant, to the proportions and order of a treatise, raise the presumption that it belongs to the Epistles of the later rather than the earlier period. Is there any positive argument to overbear this presumption? Michaelis finds one in the passage (vv. 48-72) in which Horace claims for the Augustan poets and especially, in word at least, for ' Virgil and Varius ' and for himself, at least as much freedom in enriching the language with new words as had been exercised by Caecilius and Plautus. He thinks the tone too real, strenuous, and militant, to suit a time when the battle must have been over, when the Aeneid had been ten years before the world and Virgil and Varius had become classics. He contrasts it especially in this respect with the lines in the Ep. to Florus (115-121), where this function of the poet is spoken of (and probably with a tacit reference to Virgil) as one that all would recognize and allow. The difficulty cannot be ignored nor fully explained. It can hardly have been a vital ques- tion to Piso. Horace is no doubt dwelling on the point because it was on his own mind and because he felt strongly upon it. But ' Virgil and Varius ' are to him representatives of the classical school of Augustan poetry for which he is always ready to do battle. They are mentioned together in the same way in the Ep. to Augustus v. 247, though that was certainly written some years after their death, and that Epistle gives abundant proof that the publication of the Aeneid had not silenced the controversy or the voice of detraction.

A more serious difficulty, however, lies in the way of the earlier date in the close relation which exists between the topics and language of the Ars Poetica and those of that Epistle. The text of the two is the same : ' failure in poetry is due to an imperfect conception of the nature of poetry as an art.' The following points are among those common to the two Epistles : the comparison of the temperament which the Greeks and Romans severally brought

1 Compare the frequency of mono- to the conscious or unconscious influ- syllabic and quadrisyllabic endings in ence of the Homeric descriptions which the ioth Aeneid, which is due probably Virgil is directly imitating.


to literature ; the indication of the constitutional Roman vice of avarice as tainting literary men and spoiling their work ; the complaint of audiences as inevitably lowering the standard of those who wrote for them ; the vindication (in one case, as suits the place, playful, in the other more unmixedly serious) of the dignity and use of poetry ; the disproportionate share given (however it be explained) to the drama ; the special attack on Plautus ; the use of Choerilus as the type of a poetaster. The more closely the passages in which these occur are compared, the more likely, I believe, it will be thought that the treatment of the topics in the Ars Poetica is the later, as it is the fuller. But if this judgment is distrusted we may still ask which is the most probable, that Horace should have gathered freely from earlier compositions materials for a letter intended primarily to guide a young literary friend, or that when he is bending his energies to write a particularly happy and accept- able Epistle to the Emperor he should take so many of its points from one which he had written ten years before to some compara- tively nameless young friends.

I do not know whether it is fanciful to see some confirmation of the later date in the new attitude which seems to be assumed in the poem towards the moral principles and language of which we heard so much in earlier writings. Sapere aude is the text of Epp. i. 2. Sapere est abiedis utile nugis (i.e. ' flinging away poetry as nothing but an idle amusement') is the conclusion of Epp. 2. 2. Scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons is the motto of the Ars Poetica. In accordance with this change of view the principles which have been maintained in the moral sphere are now shown to have their bearing in literary matters : the virtue of consistency, the falsehood of extremes, the necessity of effort and thoroughness, the danger of falling into one fault from dread of another, the duty of give and take, of weighing merits against faults before you condemn, the valuelessness of a bribed judgment, the folly of the false shame which prefers to acquiesce in mischiefs rather than confess and cure them. Moral phrases have got a new literary application : ' rectum,' 'virtus,' ' vitium,' ' error,' ' quod decet,' ' vir bonus et prudens.' It is as though Horace's two tastes and interests had run at last into one stream. Philosophy is no longer the rival of poetry, but has become her instructress. The study of the ' Socraticae chartae ' has ended in the Rhetoric and Poetic.




A defence of tlie Classical Scliool of Latin Poeiry.

Verses 1-4. You are so busy, with the Roman world on your shoulders, Caesar,

that anything I write to you must be short. 5-17. Like the demigods in your tastes, you are unlike them in this, that men have

recognized you for what you are in your lifetime. 18-27. But your countrymen, thongh they do this justice to you, are incapable

generally of doing justice to contemporaries, from their excessive regard

for the ancients. Every rag of primitive Latinity is treated as an utterance

of the Muses. 28-33. If it be pleaded that of Greek poets the oldest are the best, the answer is

plain : ' Are we the Greeks ? ' 34-49. If it be said that generally poems, iike wine, improve by time, the answer

is : Time is a relative phrase. Where will you draw the line between ancient

and modern ? 50-62. There is a rage for the ancients. We know by heart all the cant epithets

for Ennius and Naevius, Pacuvius and Accius ; in comedy it is Afranius,

Plautus, Caecilius, Terence. This is the orthodox list. 63-68. The admiration is too indiscrirninate.

69-75. I not make a crusade against Livius whom we learned at school, but

neither do I accept him as a perfect model. 76-85. I do not like to see moderns run down merely because they are modern,

and all criticism of ancients treated as profanity. 86-89. This praise of antiquity is inspired by jealousy of contemporaries. 90-92. It is lucky for us that the Greeks had no such dislike of novelty, else we

should not have had the magazine which we have. 93-102. The first use they put their leisure to was to essay first one art, then

another, with the freshness and the inconstancy of a child. 103-107. At Rome we were more serious : domestic duties, morals, (and a little

money-getting , occupied our countrymen in old days. 108-117. Now no doubt the tide has turned and we are all scribbling, young aml

old, fit and unfit. 118-138. Well, there is something to be said after all for poetry. There are

worse madnesses. It has even its uses, in education, as a practical teacher

of philosophy, in religion.



139-155. Poetry began with us in the rough improvisations of Fescennine verse,

so rough that the law had to step in. 156-160. Then came Greek influence, softening and refining, but the old rusticity

did not go at once, if it has gone now. 161-164. !*• was ^a*-e' after the Punic wars, when Roman writers first began to know,

and then to try to imitate, Greek tragedy and comedy. 165-167. They were only too well satisfied with themselves. Their tragedy was

good enough in spirit, but too hasty. 168-176. Comedy was thought easier, but the failure is on this account the more

palpable. Look at Plautus with his coarsely drawn characters and slip-shod

style. That came from writing for money. 1 77-181. Another great difficulty of the dramatic poet is his dependence on his

audience. 182-207. And the audience amongst us, or the most numerous and noisy part of it,

cares for the excitement of spectacles more than for real drama. 208-213. Do not think that I am undervaluing the dramatic art. It is wonderful. 214-218. But give a share of your patronage to other poets also. 219-228. I know it is often our own fault that you do not. We are devoid

of tact, we are impatient of criticism, we are too exacting in our de-

mands. 229-231. Still it is worth while to see what sort of poets are set to celebrate your

great deeds. 232-244. Alexander, though he was particular as to the painters and sculptors

who took his likeness, paid a miserable poetaster for singing of his ex-

ploits. 245-250. You have been wiser in choosing Virgil and Varius, and you know what

the poet can do to immortalize greatness. 250-270. I would sing your deeds myself, if I could. But I am afraid of bringing

you and myself too into contempt.

Horace, taking his pen at the bidding of Augustus, in order to link the Em- peror's name with one of his ' Sermones,' chooses with great tact, as the subject of his Epistle, an apology for the poetry of the Augustan age, for poetry as he, Virgil, and Varius, understood it.

The first eighty-nine lines are occupied in directly attacking the school which decried all contemporary poets in its admiration, real or professed, for the ancients. This leads him in v. 90 to institute a comparison between the history of poetry in Greece and Rome, which is to explain why Roman poetry is only now being brought to perfection. It is the same explanation as that which is given in the Ars Poetica : ' Grais ingenium . . . dedit Musa.' Peace was necessary in either case for the development of literature, but when once that external condition was satisfied, there followed a spontaneous burst of artistic life in a thousand forms. The nature was artistic, and only circumstances restrained it. In Rome, on the contrary, all the original tendencies were prudential and utilitarian. \\ hen poetry came, as it had come now, it came by a sudden reaction, and to people not prepared for it. Then follows, 118 f., a playful passage, with its serious side, in which he pleads even for this new development of uninstructed verse writing. ' It is better than many things, better than the sordid money-getting to which Romans were inclined. It has its use. Poetry is worth something in education and in religion, as you recognized, when you set me to write an ode for the secular games.' Then he sketches (139 f.) the actual course of Latin poetry, its rustic origin, with the coarseness and personal tone which attached to it, the introduction

LIB. II. EPIST. i. 339

late in time of Greek culture, which has been slowly driving out the old taint of rudeness and has not fully done its work yet ; the faults, in spite of their vigour and spirit, of the early writers of tragedy and comedy, in their self sufficiency, haste, and eagerness to rnake money.

Turning from the writers of plays he goes on (v. 177 f.) to arraign the audiences as equally wanting in the artistic spirit. They care for shows, not for good plays or acting. Lastly, after explaining in a few words that in what he says he is not undervaluing the dramatic art, he turns (v. 214 f.) to other kinds of poetry, and asks Augustus' support for them. ' I know,' he says, ' there are many of us who bore you, but there are differences between us, and happily you are not like Alexander, you know a Virgil from a Choerilus. And you will reap your reward. Good poetry is indeed " aere perennius." I would do my part as your poet, if I could, but bad poetry is worse than none.'

The points of the Epistle are

1 . That it is ridiculous to judge poetry by its age not its intrinsic merit.

2. That the conditions of the development of Roman literature had made it certain that perfection would come late.

3. That Augustus' taste is a true one ; that Virgil and Varius, (and it is hinted, Horace), have taken the right way to be classics, and so immortal, in a sense that their predecessors had not.

Cum tot sustineas et tanta negotia solus,

Res Italas armis tuteris, moribus ornes,

Legibus emendes, in publica commoda peccem,

Si longo sermone morer tua tempora, Caesar.

Romulus et Liber pater et cum Castore Pollux, 5

Post ingentia facta deorum in templa recepti,

Dum terras hominumque colunt genus, aspera bella

Componunt, agros assignant, oppida condunt,

2. res Italas. ' Italus ' has now himself to take the name of Romulus.

come to be nearly synonymous with Suet. Aug. 7, Dion C. 53. 16.

'Romanus'; Od. 4. 15. 13, Epp. 1. 18. 6. deorum in templa reeepti, i. e.

57; so that 'res Italae' is 'the Roman who were worshipped as gods.

world.' 7. dum colunt qualifies ' ploravere';

tuteris : Od. 4. 14. 43. so long as they were engaged in their

moribus : with reference to Augustus' beneficent tasks they missed their re-

social reforms. See on Od. 3. 24. 35, ward.

4. 5. 22, where there is the same anti- colunt : in a double sense with its two

thesis of 'mos' and 'lex.' objects, ' make fruitful ' and ' civilize,'

4. morer : as Epp. 1. 13. 17. the first referving especially to Liber and tempora, icaipovs, ' busy moments.' his vine.

5. With the list of demigods and the 8. agros assignant. The institution implied comparison of their civilizing of private property was, according to the labours to those of Augustus cp. Od. writer's point of view, a step in civiliza- 3. 3. 9-15 n. Orelli rightly sees a tion (as here and A. P. 397) or a declen- special purpose in placing the name of sion from the golden age (Virg G. 1. 126 Romulus first, and in immediate juxta- 'ne signare quidem aut partiri limite position with that of Caesar ; ' your great campum Fas erat'). The verb used prototype, the first founder, as you are here was the technical term for the divi- the second founder, of Rome.' He re- sion of public lands. Horace hints, calls the story that Augustus had wished without saying, that Augustus has been

Z 2



Ploravere suis non respondere favorem Speratum meritis. Diram qui contudit hydram Notaque fatali portenta labore subegit, Comperit invidiam supremo fine domari. Urit enim fulgore suo, qui praegravat artes Infra se positas ; exstinctus amabitur idem. Praesenti tibi maturos largimur honores, Iurandasque tuum per numen ponimus aras, Nil oriturum alias, nil ortum tale fatentes. Sed tuus hic populus, sapiens et iustus in uno


repeating all these forms of beneficent labour, encouraging agriculture, civi- li/.ing, restoring peace, settling veteran soldiers on confiscated farmlands, found- ing cities ; cp. the recital of the effects of his rule in Od. 4. 5. 17-32, 4. 15. 4-20, and with this particular phrase cp. Od.

3- 4- 37. 3§-

10. contudit, with his club. For the favourite comparison of Augustus to Hercules see on Od. 3. 3. 9, 3. 14. 1, 4. 5. 36, and cp. Virg. Aen. 6. 802.

11. fatali. It elevates Hercules' labours, and by implication those of Augustus, to describe them as not acci- dental but part of the predestined order of things.

portenta, 'monsters': Od. 1. 22.


1 2 . supremo fine : not by any fresh labour but by the end which admits nothing after it. Cp. ' morte suprema ' Epp. 2. 2. 173 and Ov. Met. 3. 136 ' dicique beatus Ante obitum nemo supremaque funera debet.' With the thought cp. Od. 3. 24. 30-32. ' Invidia,' in the case of Hercules, was the envy of Juno, which according to the legend was appeased by his death.

domari : the verb is chosen in order to suggest the image of envy as the last and greatest monster with which he grappled.

13. praegravat : Sat. 2. 2. 78. As ' urit ' gains its force by suggesting the contrast of what should be. ' scorches,' instead of warming or lighting, so ' prae- gravat ' implies an opp. ' tollit,' ' weighs down,' ' depresses ' instead of lifting.

artes : see note on Od. 4. 15. 12. It is chosen as a very general word, covering art (proper) and the ' arts ' of life ; excellence in any department.

14. exstinctus : the metaphor of 'ful-

gore ' is resumed. ' These suns of glory please not till they set.' Pope.

15. praesenti, ' while still among us.' maturos, ' betimes,' not waiting, as

with the heroes, till you are gone.

16. iurandas. 'Iuro' isused both with an acc. ' numen ' Virg. Aen. 6. 324, ' aras ' Juv. S. 3. 144 (whence the passive 'dis iuranda palus ' Ov. Met. 2.46), and with ' per,' ' per caput hoc iuro ' Virg. Aen. 9. 300. Horace here combines the two constructions.

numen. The question is doubtful between ' numen,' the reading of V and of two MSS. to the concurrent testimony of which Keller attaches high value,viz. E (Munich) and R (Vatican), and ' nomen,' which is lound in the great majority of MSS. ' Numen ' was re- stored to the text by Bentley, who quotes abundantly to show that ' iurare numen ' or ' per numen ' is the usual phrase, and points out that Ovid speaks repeatedly of ' Augustum numen,' ' Caesarcum numen,' etc. It has been accepted by Keller (in his Epilegomena), by Ritter, and by Munro. Orelli, Dillr., and Schiitz prefer ' nomen.' The historical reference is probably to the worship of the ' genius Augusti ' among the Lares. Cp. Od. 4. 5. 34 'et Laribus tuum Miscet numen,' and see general introd. to this Epistle, p. 328.

18. tuus hie populus, ' this same people of thine.' ' Tuus ' at once sums up the attitude of the people which is in question, ' this people so devoted to you though you are still with us,' and gives a point of connection between the address to Augustus and the arraign- ment of the poets contemporaries. Au- gustus is in a sense responsible for them and should hear their failings.

in uno. Is this neut, ' in one point,'



Te nostris ducibus, te Grais anteferendo. Cetera nequaquam simili ratione modoque Aestimat, et nisi quae terris semota suisque Temporibus defuncta videt, fastidit et odit ; Sic fautor veterum, ut tabulas peccare vetantes Ouas bis quinque viri sanxerunt, foedera regum Vel Gabiis vel cum rigidis aequata Sabinis, Pontificum libros, annosa volumina vatum, Dictitet Albano Musas in monte locutas. Si quia Graiorum sunt antiquissima quaeque Scripta vel optima, Romani pensantur eadem



viz. in preferring. etc. ? or masc, agree- ing with te ? Probably the latter. In the former case a comma shoulcl be put at 'uno,' with Orelli, Dill1'., and Keller. The argument for that view is the more complete antithesis which seems to be gained between ' uno ' and ' cetera.' On the other hand it may be said that the greater antithesis, viz. between ' sapiens et iustus,' and ;the character described by 'cetera nequaquam,' etc , is empha- sized by every touch which brings out the largeness of what they grant. This ' uno te,' etc. does : ' though they show wisdom and justice in setting you, you only, before all our own captains, all the captains of Greece.'

20. ratione modoque : cp. Sat. 2. 3. 266 and 271. As that passage shows, not a mere pleonasm, as ' more modo- que ' in Od. 4. 2. 28, but with some sense that the ' principle and method ' are reasonable.

21. suis temporibus defuneta : ' quae sua tempora compleverint ac finierint ' Porph.

23. sic fautor. Horace uses ' sic ' for ' tam ' or ' adeo ' with adjectives, Sat. 1. 3. 19, 1. 5. 69; Epp. 2. 1. 179. So with verbs or participles, Sat. 2. 8.

3, 36, 48-

veterum, neut. ; we have passed from thejudgment of men to that of literature.

tabulas : the XII Tables of the de- cemviri.

25. Gabiis vel cum rigidis aequata Sabinis. For the omission of ' cum ' with the first subst., see on Od. 3. 25. 2. Dionys. Halicarn. (3. 33 and 4. 58) vouches for the existence in his time (the Augustan age) of what professed to be the original treaties of Tullus

Hostilius with the Sabines, and Tar- quinius Superbus with the Gabii.

aequata : a coloured substitution for ' facta'; ' quibus aequabant condiciones ' Acr.

26. pontificum libros : Cic. de Or. 1. 43. 193, where the XII Tables are classed as monuments of antiquity with these ancient rules of ritual.

vatum, ' seers,' not merely poets. The ref. is to such compositions as the ' carmina Marciana,' which Livy de- scribes (25. 12) as having contained a foreshadowing of the battle of Cannae ; see Wordsworth, Fragm. of Anc. Latin, p. 567.

27. dictitet: Epp. 1. 16. 22; ' never tire of saying.'

Albano in monte : as on a Roman Parnassus. It has been suggested that Horace is parodying some such boast as that recorded in Quintilian 10. 1. 99 ' in comoedia maxime claudicamus, licet Varro Musas, Aeli Stilonis sententia, Plautino dicat sermone locuturas fuisse, si Latine loqui vellent.'

28. 'If we argue that because the oldest Greek writers are the best there- fore the oldest Roman writers are so also, we ignore the vast difference be- tween the Greeks and ourselves. We are transferring the characteristics of nuts to olives, and of olives to nnts. We may as soon say that our painting and music and wrestling are better than those of the Greeks.' Horace often dwells on the great gulf set by nature between Greek and Roman genius ; see inf. vv. 93-108, A. P. 323. To refuse to see this and argue as if the same laws governed both is to fly in the face of nature.



Scriptores trutina, non est quod multa loquamur : 30

Nil intra est oleam, nil extra est in nuce duri ;

Venimus ad summum fortunae ; pingimus atque

Psallimus et luctamur Achivis doctius unctis.

Si meliora dies ut vina poemata reddit,

Scire velim, chartis pretium quotus arroget annus. 35

Scriptor abhinc annos centum qui decidit, inter

Perfectos veteresque referri debet, an inter

Viles atque novos? Excludat iurgia finis.

' Est vetus atque probus centum qui perficit annos.'

Ouid, qui deperiit minor uno mense vel anno, 40

Inter quos referendus erit? veteresne poetas,

An quos et praesens et postera respuat aetas?

' Iste quidem veteres inter ponetur honeste,

30. non est quod multa loquamur : there is no need to say much, i. e. the conclusion is obvious.

31. oleam. Bentley would read 'olea,' understanding ' in ' (_as with ' cum ' in v. 25), and Keller approves, though allowing that ' oleam ' was the reading of the archetype, and was found by Porph.

32. ad summum fortunae. ' We have attained all that is possible to human nature ; we can beat the Greeks at their accomplishments.' Achivis doctius unctis shows that this is said with some irony, as though he had added ' as much as we can in our own more solid excellences.'

35. quotus, ' which in the series ? ' the iooth? the 99A? etc. Tacitus in Dial. de Or. 16 puts the same answer into the mouth of Afer, when he is meeting a sweeping assertion of the superiority of ancienl orators.

arroget : the sense of ' to claim,' common in other writers and found in Sat. 2. 4. 35, A. P. 122, seems in this place, as in Od. 4. 14. 40, less appro- priate. We want rather ' to add,' ' to assign further.' This may be an exten- sion of the recognized use, or may come by a different channel from some tech- nical use of ' arrogo.' Orelli suggests the use for formal adoption by a ' lex curiata ' ; Mr. Page the analogy of ' pro- rogare,' ' to grant in extension.'

36. deeidit: Od. 4. 7. 14.

37. Note the mockery in the repeated

coupling ' perfectos veteresque,' ' viles atque novos,' and also in the order in each case, the questioner professing to put the ' perfection ' or ' worthlessness ' as the characteristic which strikes the mind first. This is made evident by the reversal of the order in the answer which is meant to be plain matter of fact, yet equally to assume that age and worth go together.

38. exeludat iurgia finis : let us have a limit to bar disputes, like Vir- gil's landmark, ' Limes agro positus litem ut discerneret arvis' Aen. 12. 897.

41, 42. The questioner here expresses the convertibility of old and good, new and bad, not as before by coupling the terms, but by opposing ' old ' in one clause to a vehement expression for ' bad ' in the other. Bentley seems to have missed this when he wished to read ' probosque ' for poetas. His further reason against the text, viz. the uixoioTekevrov ' poetas,' ' aetas,' is answered by reference to A. P. 99, 100 ; 176, 177.

43. ' Ay, call him old, by favour of the court, who falls a month or e'en a twelvemonth short.' So Conington translates, rightly indicating that (as in v. 39) there is the affectation of a sen- tentious tone as of a judge allowing a point. Cp. the answers of Trebatius in Sat. 2. 1.

honeste. As this is the equivalent to ' Est vetus atque probus ' ot v. 39, ponetur honeste probablymeans'shall



Qui vel mense brevi vel toto est iunior anno.' Utor permisso, caudaeque pilos ut equinae Paulatim vello et demo unum, demo etiam unum, Dum cadat elusus ratione ruentis acervi Qui redit in fastos et virtutem aestimat annis, Miraturque nihil nisi quod Libitina sacravit. Ennius et sapiens et fortis et alter Homerus, Ut critici dicunt, leviter curare videtur Quo promissa cadant et somnia Pythagorea.



have honourable place,' place as 'pro- bus,' not (as Orelli and Ritter) ' shall be placed without discredit to the placer.'

45. caudae pilos ut equinae. Has Horace already begun the definite refe- rence which appears in v. 47 to the logical puzzle attributed by Diog. Laert. (2. 108) to Eubulides, and called, after two illustrations used of it, (paXa- npos or <rajpiTT]s (transl. by Cic. Div. 2. 4. 1 1 ' acervalis ' ; cp. the description in Acad. Pr. 2. 16. 49 ' captiosissimo genere interrogationis utuntur, cum ali- quid minutatim et gradatim additur vel demitur. Sorites hoc vocant, quia acer- vnm efficiunt uno grano ') ? Those who think so imagine that the horse's tail was a recognized form of the illustration called <pa\aKpos, the question of how many hairs are the minimum that makes a tail being substituted for the question how many hairs save a man from being rightly called ' bald.' The two forms of the puzzle would however be then rather awkwardly joined in one sen- tence. It is better perbaps to suppose that ' like single hairs from a horse's tail ' is a separate illustration of his piecemeal destruction of his opponent's argument. Lambinus suggested that Horace had in mind the apologue (at- tributed by Plutarch to Sertorius) of the two men who tried to pluck out a horse's tail, one by a single pull, the other hair by hair.

46. etiam : the evidence for ' etiam ' and ' et item ' is nearly balanced. Bentl. preferred ' et item ' (cp. Lucr. 4. 543). For 'etiam' cp. Pers. S. 6. 58 'Adde etiam unum : Unum etiam,' which may possibly be a reminiscence of this place.

47. cadat elusus. Orelli and others say that the metaph. is of a gladiator ' overthrown by a trick ' : but the words are natural, and would not necessarily

bring any such definite image. In the meantime they are given a new appro- priateness by their relation to the words that follow, as though the imagined heap were represented as slipping away by degrees from under the disputant who rests upon it.

48. in fastos : to see the date before pronouncing a judgment.

49. Libitina : Od. 3. 30. 7, Sat. 2. 6. 19.

50-59. Illustrations of the rage for the ancients, the illogical character of which has been discussed. It is to be remembered throughout that we are not reading Horace's criticisms, but the cant phrases and stock judgments which are to be heard in the literary circles which he is laughing at.

50. Ennius : Od. 4. 8. 20, Epp. 1. 19. 7. The epithets are from the cur- rent language of the day. They rise from a tone which Horace would echo to an hyperbole (' a second Homer ') which he would condemn.

51. leviter curare videtur. These words are rightly interpreted by Porph., as Bentley shows, ' securus iam de pro- ventu laudis suae est Ennius propter quam ante sollicitus fuerat ' ; ' he has attained now such assured fame (as one of the 'ancients,' Horace speaks with some irony) that he can afford to let his own professions and dreams of metempsychosis take their chance of being true or not.' Ennius, so Porph. further explains, in the beginning of the Annals had described a dream of his own in which he was assured that the soul of Homer had reappeared in his person : see note on Pers. S. 6. 10, Ennius, Annal. 15 (Vahlen).

52. Pythagorea. For Horace's tone towards Pythagorean tenets see introd. to Od. 1. 28; and cp. Epod. 15. 21, Sat. 2. 6. 63.



Naevius in manibus non est et mentibus haeret

Paene recens ? Adeo sanctum est vetus omne poema.

Ambigitur quotiens, uter utro sit prior, aufert 55

Pacuvius docti famam senis, Accius alti,

Dicitur Afrani toga convenisse Menandro,

Plautus ad exemplar Siculi properare Epicharmi,

Vincere Caecilius gravitate, Terentius arte.

Hos ediscit et hos arto stipata theatro 60

Spectat Roma potens ; habet hos numeratque poetas

53. ' Nay, is not Naevius, who is still older and more crabbed, read and re- membered by everyone as though he wrote yesterday ? ' Bentley has the credit of restoring sense by putting the question at ' recens.' Ritter alone of modern editors retains the old reading without it.

mentibus haeret : so Cic. Tusc. D. 3. 2. 3 'poetae qui audiuntur, leguntur, ediscuntur et inhaerescunt peniius in mentibus.'

55. In the talk of such literary circles the merits of Pacuvius and Accius are often discussed, but it is only to ask which is the greater poet, and what is the appropriate adjective to characterize each.

56. docti, alti are the cant epithets. Quintilian (jo. I. 97), doubtless with these words in tnind, writes ' virium Accio plus tribuitur ; Pacuvium videi i doctiorem qui esse docti affectant volunt.'

Paeuvius : the nephew of Ennius, lived between B.c. 219 and 129.

Accius was born b. c. 170, and was alive in B.C. 87. They were both tragic poets. For Accius see Sat. 1. 10. 53, A. P. 258.

senis, ' an ancient ' ; see on Sat. 2.

i- 34-

57. dicitur : i. e. this is the talk.

toga. The form of expression is chosen (after the model of ' cothurnus ' for ' tragedy,' etc.) because Afranius wrote ' togatae ' : to say that ' his gown was the very fit of Menander,' is to say that his comedies were of the character and value of Menander's.

58. A line of doubtful meaning. Horace is giving, as in the other cases, not his own judgment, but the too favourable criticism of admirers of Plautus. Orelli explains properare of Plautus' rapidity of dramatic movement

(cp. ' ad eventum festinat ' A. P. 148) ; Ritter, of the quick strides that he makes towards catching up his model. It is possible that ' properare ' is a word which would be used by adverse critics, as Horace himself (see infr. v. 174 foll., where he charges him with too rapid composition) and that his friends are represented as making the best of this by saying that it is an imitation of Epicharmus. Siculi is a touch of learn- ing on the part of the critics, and implies, by identifying him, 'the master.' ' Epi- charmus,' the Dorian comic poet, was born at Cos B. C. 540, but spent his life in Sicily.

59. vincere. The comparison is between Caecilius and Terence, not be- tween them and Plautus.

Caecilius. Caecilius Statius died B.C. 168, two years before the appear- ance of Terence's first play. Cicero (de Opt. Gen. Orat. 1. 2) gives him provisionally (' si cui ita videtur ') the first place as a comic writer.

60-62. hos . . . hos . . . hos, ' these and these only.' ' These are the poets learnt by heart in schools ; these are the dramatists that Romans will crowd into a close theatre to see acted ; this is the complete and final list from the days of Livius Andronicus (the father of Roman literature, who began to exhibit trage- dies in Rome 240 B.c. ) to the present day.'

61. potens, ' this mighty Rome of ours': cp. Od. 4. 3. 13; but here, as Schiitz points out, there is some irony in the epithet. A contrast is suggested between her greatness in other respects and her humble standard in literary taste. Cp. A. P. 289 f. ' Nec virtute foret clarisve potentius armis Quam lingua Latium si non/ etc.



Ad nostrum tempus Livi scriptoris ab aevo. Interdum volgus rectum videt, est ubi peccat. Si veteres ita miratur laudatque poetas Ut nihil anteferat, nihil illis comparet, errat : Si quaedam nimis antique, si pleraque dure Dicere credit eos, ignave multa fatetur, Et sapit et mecum facit et Iove iudicat aequo. Non equidem insector delendaque carmina Livi Esse reor, memini quae plagosum mihi parvo Orbilium dictare ; sed emendata videri Pulchraque et exactis minimum distantia miror ; Inter quae verbum emicuit si forte decorum, et Si versus paulo concinnior unus et alter, Iniuste totum ducit venditque poema. Indignor quicquam reprehendi, non quia crasse



63. reetum videt : bpObv /3\eiret.

est ubi peecat : see on Od. 1. 1. 3. This is possibly an instance where the indicative is preferred on purpose. It is a single blunder of which he speaks.

66. pleraque, ' many,' not neces- sarily ' most,' things : see on the use of ' plerumque ' Sat. 1. 10. 15.

67. ignave, ' dully,' ' without spirit.' This is a worse charge than ' antique ' or ' dure,' and so we pass from ' credit ' to ' fatetur.' This is an answer to Bent- ley's argument in favour of ' cedit,' a reading of little authority.

68. mecum faeit : Lpp. 2. 2. 23 ; 'takes my side.'

Iove iudicat aequo, ' Jove smiles on its judgment,' i. e. it judges wisely. Cp. ' invita Minerva ' A. P. 385 ; ' Iove qui- dem irato fit ut errent homines et deli- rent ' Porph.

69. 'I do not go into the opposite extreme and rail against the ancient writers as fit only to be destroyed.'

Livi. Livius Andronicus, taken as a representative of the early writers. Cicero speaks (Brutus 18. 74) of his Latin Odyssey as a puzzle, ' opus ali- quod Daedali,' and says of his plays that they were ' non satis dignae quae iterum legantur.'

70. plagosum Orbilium. Orbilius was a native of Beneventum, who set up a school in Romein B.c. 63. Suetonius gives a short life of him among the ' illustres grammatici.' With respect to

the epithet he says ' fuit naturae acerbae non modo in antisophistas quos omni sermone laceravit sed etiam in discipulos, ut Horatius significat plagosum eum appellans, ut Domitius Marsus scribens "Si quos Orbilius ferula scuticaque cecidit." ' For other references to Horace's school days see Sat. 1. 6. 76 foll., Epp. 2. 2. 41 foll.

71. dictare : Sat. 1. 10. 71.

72. exactis, ' perfect.'

75. ducit venditque ; the single happy word or neat line passes off the poem. The metaphor of ' vendit ' is common. Cp. Juv. S. 7. 135 ' purpura vendit Causidicum,' ' vendibilis orator ' Cic. Brut. 47. 174. That of ' ducit ' is not so clear. It is usually taken of a gang of slaves for sale, the best pnt in

front, and so making the lot look better than it is, ' ceterorum agmen ducit ' Ritter. Wilkins compares the Ciceronian metaph. ' familiam ducere,' lit. to be tlie foremost of a gang of slaves : see King on Cic. Phil. 5. 11. 30. Bentley felt the difhculty so much that he wished to follow what is probably only a mis- writing of Regin. 'venit,' making 'poema' the subj., 'the whole poem takes in the purchaser and finds a mar- ket.'

76. indignor follows up the feeling of ' iniuste.' ' I feel keenly the injustice that this implies, that modern work should be blamed, not for its faults, but for being modern, that antiquity should



Compositum illepideve putetur, sed quia nuper ; Nec veniam antiquis, sed honorem et praemia posci. Recte necne crocum floresque perambulet Attae Fabula si dubitem, clament periisse pudorem Cuncti paene patres, ea cum reprehendere coner Quae gravis Aesopus, quae doctus Roscius egit : Vel quia nil rectum nisi quod placuit sibi ducunt, Vel quia turpe putant parere minoribus, et quae Imberbi didicere, senes perdenda fateri. Iam Saliare Numae carmen qui laudat, et illud



be held not only (which it may be) an excuse for defects, but a ground of praise and preference in itself.'

crasse, ' of coarse textnre ' : opp. 'tenui filo ' inf. v. 225.

79. crocum floresque, sc. ' scenam . . . ubi flores sparguntur ' Acr. For the sprinkling of essence of saffron on the stage cp. Lucr. 2. 416 ' Et cum scena croco Cilici perfusa recens est,' Martial. 5. 25. 7 'rubro pulpita nimbo Spargere et effuso permaduisse croco.'

recte perambulet : ' to tread the boards without stumbling ' is in the first place an adaptation of the common figurative use of ' stare,' ' cadere,' of theatrical success and failure : cp. vv. 174, 176. A comparison however of that passage makes it probable that the words are meant to hit by the way some special characteristic of Atta's plays. The most obvious explanation is that ' perambu- lare ' (cp. Od. 4. 5. 17 n.), as contrasted with ' percurrere ' in v. 174, implies a pompous style or slowness of move- ment. There are two more far-fetched suggestions, (1) of Porphyrion, that the whole expression refers not to treading the stage, but to a long list of flowers given in a special play named ' Mater- tera,' which is taken as a typical instance of his wordiness ; (2) of Lambinus, that there is a play on the meaning of Atta which is said by Festus (s. v.) to have been a nickname of the poet, and to have meant ' one who walks with a tripping gait ' ; ' qui plantis insistunt et attingunt potius terram quam ambu- lant.'

Attae. T. Quintius Atta, a writer of ' togatae,' died in B.c. 78. A few fragments and the titles of a few of his plays are all that remains of him.

81. patres : probably in the sense of ' senators,' the front row of the audience. Cp. 'centuriae seniorum ' A. P. 342. They representthe orthodoxand middle- aged opinion. Orelli and others take it as in v. 109 = ' seniores.'

82. Aesopus . . . Roscius : the famous actors of Cicero's time ; the for- mer of tragedies (see on Sat. 2. 3. 239) ' summus artifex, et semper partium in republica tam quam in scena optimarum ' Cic. pro Sest. 56. 1 20 ; the latter of comedy. Cicero says of him (de Orat. 1. 28. 130) that his standard of perfec- tion was so high that ' a Roscius in his own line ' had become a proverb for a master in any art. ' Gravis,' ' doctus ' suit these descriptions. They are meant, however, not to give original judgments, but to be the conventional epithets on the lips of the ' patres.' ' Ea quae . . . egit ' is not to be Hmited to the plays of Atta, which indeed Aesopus, if, as seems likely, he was a tragic actor only, would not have acted. It is general ; the ' patres ' take it for granted that Horace's criticism on Atta is only a sample.

84. minoribus : A. P. 174.

85. imberbi. The extant MSS. have ' imberbes,' but V and the Comm. Cruq. had the form ' imberbi ' here, and ' imberbus' in A. P. 161.

86. iam marks a new point in the argument. ' This veneration for anti- quity is only masked spite against con- temporary genius.'

Numae : because the institution of the Salii was traced to Numa, Liv. 1. 20, ' Saliorum carmina vix sacerdotibus suis satis intellecta' Quint. 1. 6. 40. See Wordsworth's Fragm. of Anc. Latin, pp. 562 foll.



Quod mecum ignorat solus volt scire videri,

Ingeniis non ille favet plauditque sepultis,

Nostra sed impugnat, nos nostraque lividus odit.

Ouod si tam Graecis novitas invisa fuisset

Quam nobis, quid nunc esset vetus? aut quid haberet

Quod legeret tereretque viritim publicus usus?

Ut primum positis nugari Graecia bellis

Coepit et in vitium fortuna labier aequa,

Nunc athletarum studiis, nunc arsit equorum,

Marmoris aut eboris fabros aut aeris amavit,

Suspendit picta voltum mentemque tabella,

Nunc tibicinibus, nunc est gavisa tragoedis ;



89. Hvidus : Sat. 1. 4. 93 n.

92. tereret, ' thumb,' ' pore over' ; ' teritur noster ubique liber ' Mart. 8. 3. 8, ' iraiBtiav Kvpov contriveram legendo' Cic. ad Fam. 9. 25. 1.

viritim . . . publieus usus. Orelli is right in seeing in ' publicus usus ' a shadow of legal meaning. The art and literature of the Greeks are a public demesne, not their own private property, but that of all the world, of Romans also. ' Viritim ' adds that each could find in them what suited his taste. It gives the key to the description which tollows of their variety. By a common poetical use the actions of an ' occupier ' are attributed to the abstract ' occupa- tion.'

93. positis bellis. For the expres- sion cp. Virg. Aen. I. 291 ' Aspera tum positis mitescent secula bellis.' What Horace says finds a noticeable illustra- tion in Arist. Pol. 5. 6 (WeHdon's translation) : ' As the increase of wealth afforded them better opportunities of leisure and quickened the moral aspira- tions of their souls, the result was, even before the Persian wars, and still more after them, in the fnll flush of their achievements, that they essayed every kind of education, drawing no line any- where, but making experiments in all directions. Thus the use of the flute among other things was introduced into the educational curriculum.' Horace has probably in his mind particularly the age of Pericles at Athens as having fol- lowed that of the Persian war. This perhaps corresponded roughly in his view with the burst of literary life

which followed the Punic wars at Rome (v. 162 foll.). But his purpose must be remembered : he is not fixing historically the beginning of Greek art and litera- ture, for which purpose his words would be inadequate and misleading. It is the character, not the moment, that is in point. ' As soon as Greece had leisure for such things her energy found vent in a hundred directions at once.'

nugari . . . in vitium labier. The contrast at the moment is with the more manly Roman standard from which ' graecari ' (Sat. 2. 2. 11) was a declen- sion : see on Epp. 1. 18. 49. But, aswe shall see, both in the contrasted descrip- tion of the Roman modes ofusing leisure (vv. 103-107), and when he apologizes (vv. 118 foll.) for their having taken to the pursuit of literature, his tone is half ironical. Literature is his own pursuit, and he is speaking to Augustus, who represents the imperial Roman spirit (Virg. Aen. 6. 847-853). Yet he is not really ashamed of the Muse, and he is conscious that the Emperor has some sympathy with him (Od. 3. 4. 37~4°)-

labier : for the form of inf. see on Sat. 2. 3. 24.

95. He is thinking of the great national games and Pindar's celebration of them : see Od. 4. 2. 17 foll.

97. Cp. with the expression Sat. 2. 7. 95 n. and VirgiFs ' stupet obtutuque haeret defixus in uno ' Aen. 1. 495, of Aeneas gazing on the pictures in the temple.

98. tibicinibus. Cp. the passage quoted on v. 93 from Arist. Pol. 5. 6.



Sub nutrice puella velut si luderet infans,

Ouod cupide petiit mature plena reliquit.

Ouid placet aut odio est quod non mutabile credas?

Hoc paces habuere bonae ventique secundi.

Romae dulce diu fuit et sollemne reclusa

Mane domo vigilare, clienti promere iura,

Cautos nominibus rectis expendere nummos,

Maiores audire, minori dicere, per quae

Crescere res posset, minui damnosa libido.

Mutavit mentem populus levis et calet uno

Scribendi studio ; pueri patresque severi

Fronde comas vincti cenant et carmina dictant.

Ipse ego, qui nullos me adfirmo scribere versus


10 =


ioo. reliquit : the subj. is 'Graecia.' mature, 'quickly.'

101. This verse reads naturally enough as a suraming up of the preceding lines, ' so variable aie the tastes of mankind ! ' Any dimculty that has been felt arises from the fact that v. 102 seems also to sum them up and from a different point of view. Keller follows Lach- mann in thinking that the line was misplaced and should come after v. 107. He finds it so placed in a MS. of value (r, Paris 9345). It would then be the comment beforehand on the change of mind at Rome : ' mutabile ' leading to ' mutavit . . . levis' ; but see on v. 10S.

102. paces, 'times of peace' ; see on Epp. 1. 3. 8.

103. dulee : they asked no other plea- sure.

sollemne : Epp. 1. 18. 49. The word describes the Roman precision and reverence for usage.

reclusa domo : for the purpose of receiving and advising clients ; see on Od. 4. 5. 54, Epp. 1. 5. 31.

105. ' To open the cash-box when security is given and the borrower sol- vent.' 'Cavere pecuniam,' ' to guarantee money,' was (as the edd. show), a current legal phrase. nominibus may be the dat. after expendere, or the modal abl. with cautos. Cp. the use of 'nomina' in Sat. 1. 2. 16. rectis, ' right,' ' suitable,' is a variation for the usual ' bonis ' : cp. the saying of the 'fenerator Alfius ' (quoted Epod. 2 in- trod.) ' vel optima nomina non appel- lando fieri mala.'

106. maiores audire, minori di-

cere, etc. The lines well describe two characteristics of Roman morality, its leaning on family tradition, and its close relation to thrift (note that damnosa means ' ruinous to pocket,' Epp. I. 18. 21), but when read in the light of A. P. 323-332, where there is the same con- trast of the Greek and Roman spirit in respect of fitness for art and litera- ture, we must see some irony in the description. ' " Serious business " which is set up against literature, ends at Rome sooner or later in money-getting or money-saving.'

108. This is the place where it has been proposed to insert v. 10 1 : but it is not needed. To say that all the world changes its tastes would weaken the force of ' populus levis,' the epithet substituted for 'gravis' the traditional Roman characteristic. No one, I sup- pose, will take Horace's description ' au pied de la lettre.'

calet, of a fever. Orelli recalls Lu- cian's description (Quomodo sit conscri- benda historia 1) of the epidemic at Abdera, which began with fever and ended in a rage for spouting tragic verses. Cp. also Juvenal's ' insanabile . . . scribendi cacoethes ' S. 7. 52.

1 10. fronde, ' leaves,' not flowers ; leaves, that is, of bay or ivy, Od. 1. 1. 29, 3. 30. 16.

dictant, i.e. to an amanuensis ; Sat. 1. 4. 10.

111-113. For the arguments based on these lines with regard to the date of the Epistle see p. 329. The reference is clearly to Epp. 1. 1. 10 'versus et cetera ludicra pono.'



Invenior Parthis mendacior, et prius orto

Sole vigil calamum et chartas et scrinia posco.

Navem agere ignarus navis timet ; abrotonum aegro

Non audet nisi qui didicit dare ; quod medicorum est 115

Promittunt medici ; tractant fabrilia fabri :

Scribimus indocti doctique poemata passim.

Hic error tamen et levis haec insania quantas

Virtutes habeat sic collige : vatis avarus

Non temcre est animus ; versus amat, hoc studet unum ;

Detrimenta, fugas servorum, incendia ridet ; 121

Non fraudem socio puerove incogitat ullam

Pupillo ; vivit siliquis et pane secundo ;

Militiae quamquam piger et malus, utilis urbi,

Si das hoc, parvis quoque rebus magna iuvari. 125

Os tenerum pueri balbumque poeta figurat,

Torquet ab obscenis iam nunc sermonibus aurem,

112. Parthis mendacior : Od. 4. 15. 23 ' infidi Persae.'

113. calamum : Sat. 2. 3. 7. scrinia: Sat. 1. 1. 120. What

Horace asks for is the means of writing out fair and storing the verses with which his head is running over.

114 foll. The thoughts recur in A. P. 379 foll.

114. abrotonum, southern-wood, much used in medicine : Plin. N. H.

21. 21. 92.

115. quod medicorum est. Bentl. objecting that this would be a repetition of the instance just given, wished to read ' melicorum,' ' melici,' in the sense of ' musicians.' It has been pointed out that although 'melicus' as an adj. = musical, the only known use of 'melici ' as a subst. is ' lyric poets.' But the repetition is not unnatural where we are passing from the negative to the positive statement ; ' the layman does not venture to give dangerous medicines, it is the doctor who professes medicine, the carpenter who handles tools.'

1 17. indocti doctique : whether we have learnt the art or not.

118-13*. There is some ironyin the way in which Horace first apologizes for poetry as a craze more harmless than many, and then bases his defence of it (forRomans") on utilitarian grounds; its uses in education, its office as a

school of practical philosophy, its ap- plication to ritual.

118. levis haec insania : cp. ' ama- bilis insania' Od. 3. 4. 6, and Sat. 2. 3. 320, where poetry is the final proof of madness.

119. sic collige: Sat. 2. 1. 51.

120. non temere : Sat. 2. 4. 35, Epp. 2. 2. 13 ; ov padiais.

122. incogitat, a-na£ X. Schiitz col- lects from Horace instances of similar compounds, found rarely or never else- where : ' inaestuet ' Epod. 11. 15, 'ine- mori' Epod. 5. 34,'involitant' Od.4. 103, ' insudet ' Sat. 1. 4. 72, ' inamarescunt ' Sat. 2. 7. 107.

123. siliquis stands for ' vegetable food,' (so Pers. S. 3. 55, Juv. S. 11. 58). In this and the following verse Horace is perhaps thinking of himself.

pane secundo : Suet. Oct. 76 of Augustus ' secundarium panem . . . ap- petebat.' Contrast ' niveus mollique siligine factus' Juv. S. 5. 70.

124. militiae : prob. the usual loca- tive, ' in the field ' ; so ' acer militiae ' Tac. Hist. 2. 5.

malus : only in the sense of ' malus miles.'

126. os . . . figurat : the first use of poetry lessons is to train the child's pronunciation : see on Epp. I. 20. 17, 18.

127, 8. iam nunc . . . ruox, Even



Mox etiam pectus praeceptis format amicis, Asperitatis et invidiae corrector et irae ; Recte facta refert, orientia tempora notis Instruit exemplis, inopem solatur et aegrum. Castis cum pueris ignara puella mariti Disceret unde preces, vatem ni Musa dedisset ? Poscit opem chorus et praesentia numina sentit, Caelestes implorat aquas docta prece blandus, Avertit morbos, metuenda pericula pellit, Impetrat et pacem et locupletem frugibus annum. Carmine di superi placantur, carmine Manes. Agricolae prisci, fortes parvoque beati, Condita post frumenta levantes tempore festo Corpus et ipsum animum spe finis dura ferentem, Cum sociis operum pueris et coniuge fida, Tellurem porco, Silvanum lacte piabant,




in those tender years poetry has in a negative and indirect way a moral in- fluence in giving the ear a bias against coarse subjects and ways of speaking ; presently it directly educates the heart by the precepts and examples which it conveys. The particles may be com- pared with Od. 4. 4. 5 foll. 'iam,"mox,' ' nunc,' of the stages in the eaglet's education.

130. orientia tempora. 'Each new time as it arises ' ; the figure, half con- scious, is perhaps that of a star, the antithesis is with notis ; poetry is a link between the generations, preserv- ing the experience of one to be the guide of the next.

131. inopem solatur et aegrum. Ritter is probably right in taking these words as qualified, like ' instruit ' by ' notis exemplis.' The way that poetry is to solace men in distress and sore- ness of hcart, is by showing them illustrious examples of endurance and deliverance. Horace is no doubt at- tributing to the poet the offices usually claimed for the philosopher; but he has told us in Epp. 1. 2 how he discharges those offices.

132 foll. Cp. Od. 1. 21, 4. 6. 29-44, and the whole of the Carm. Sec.

1 34. praesentia numina sentit : cp. Carm. Sec. 57 to the end, and esp.


?3, 74-

135. caelestes aquas : Od. 3. 10. 19.

docta prece blandus : ' winning fa- vour by the prayer which has been taught them ' ; for ' docta ' cp. Od. 4. 6. 43, C. S. 75 ; for ' blandus ' cp. Od. 3. 23. 18.

138. Manes, the 'good powers' of the world below ; see on Epod. S~$. 94.

139 foll. We resume the main sub- ject in a sketch of the growth of Latin poetry from a rustic origin, the traces of which lingered long, yielding gra- dually to Greek influence, which was not brought to bear till late. This proves the unreasonableness of an in- discriminating preference for the ancient poets. Cp. the account of the origin of Latin dramatic poetry given in Virg. Georg. 2. 3S5 foll.

139. fortes parvoque beati : cp. ' fortem colonum ' Sat. 2. 2. 115, and VirgiTs ' patiens operam exiguoque assueta iuventus' Georg. 2. 472.

141. spe finis dura ferentem de- scribes their temper, not at this moment when the end has come, but during the toil that has preceded it.

142. His sons and his wife shared the labour (Sat. 1. 2. 115, Epod. 2. 39) and so share the relaxation.

143. Tellurem : Varro R. R. 1. 1. 4 places first among the gods ' qui



Floribus et vino Genium memorem brevis aevi.

Fescennina per hunc inventa licentia morem 145

Versibus alternis opprobria rustica fudit,

Libertasque recurrentes accepta per annos

Lusit amabiliter, donec iam saevus apertam

In rabiem coepit verti iocus et per honestas

Ire domos impune minax. Doluere cruento 150

Dente lacessiti ; fuit intactis quoque cura

Condicione super communi ; quin etiam lex

Poenaque lata, malo quae nollet carmine quemquam

Describi : vertere modum, formidine fustis

Ad bene dicendum delectandumque redacti. 155

Graecia capta ferum victorem cepit et artes

maxime agricolarum duces sunt' ; Jove and Tellus.

Silvanum : Epod. 2. 22. For the offering of milk Wilkins compares Virg. Ecl. 7. 33, where it is offered to Priapus.

piabant . . . Genium : Od. 3. 17. 14, A. P. 210. The genins, as de- scribed in Epp. 2. 2. 187 foll., was the man's self, so that, translated out of mythological language, this is : ' Said to themselves, crown yourselves with flowers and drink, for tomorrow you die.'

145. Fescennina licentia : cp. Liv. 7. 2, in speaking of the first introduction of regular dramatic representations, ' his- trionibus . . . qui non sicut ante Fescen- nino versu similem incompositum temere ac rudem alternis iaciebant.' The adj. was used in later times of the ribaldry which accompanied the marriage pro- cession : ' Fescennina locutio ' Catull. 61. 120. It was variously derived by ancient scholars from Fescennia, a town of Etruria (Virg. Aen. 7. 695 : cp. the connection of the ' fabulae Atellanae' with Atella) , or from ' fascinum.' See Munro, Criticisms and Elucidations of Catullus, pp. 76 foll., and Nettleship's Earliest Italian Literature, Joumal of Philo- logy, vol. ii. pp. 191 foll.

147. accepta, 'welcomed.' There is an emphasis on recurrentes per annos. It was the grouad of welcome and the wholesome limit ; it came only once a year.

148. lusit amabiliter: the play was innocent.

149. honestas : A. P. 213.

150. ire per domos : toattack houses one after another.

cruento dente : a tooth that drew blood ; for metaph. cp. Epp. 1. 18. 82.

151. intactis : cp. Sat. 2. 1. 23 'sibi quisque timet quamquam est intactus et odit.'

152. super : Od. 3. 8. 17 n., Epp. 2. 2. 24, A. P. 429.

lex : for the law against ' mala car- mina' in the XII Tables see on Sat. 2. 1. 82.

154. describi : Sat. 1. 4. 3. vertere modum, ' changed their


fustis, ' the cudgel,' a natural meta- phor, especially where there is meant to be some satire in the description. Editors however generally suppose a reference to the punishment (so far as we know only a military one inflicted on deserters, etc.) called ' fustuarium ' (Cic. Phil. 3. 6. 14, Liv. 5. 6), which consisted in being beaten to death with cudgels and stones. They point out that in the XII Tables the penalty for libellous verse was death. It is doubtful whether Horace has the detail of the law in mind so accurately.

155. bene dicendum: the meaning is ruled by the contrast with ' malo carmine ' ; ' civil speaking.'

156. G-raecia capta . . . cepit : cp. for the antithesis, though the thought is not the same, Cic. Brut. 73 254 ' quo uno vincebamur a victis Graecis.' Ho- race's points are that the impulse of



Intulit agresti Latio. Sic horridus ille Defluxit numerus Saturnius et grave virus Munditiae pepulere ; sed in longum tamen aevum Manserunt hodieque manent vestigia ruris. Serus enim Graecis admovit acumina chartis, Et post Punica bella quietus quaerere coepit, Ouid Sophocles et Thespis et Aeschylus utile ferrent. Temptavit quoque rem, si digne vertere posset,


culture came from Greece, the con- queror learning from the conquered, that therefore it came late ; that roughness was the original characteristic of Roman literature slowly subdued, and never wholly lost. The point of ' Graecia capta ' is therefore not to fix a date, whether it be the complete conquest of Greece in B.c. 146, or the expulsion of Pyrrhus and the capture of Tarentum in B.c. 275, 272, though both of these were epochs in the conquest and re- conquest.

158. numerus Saturnius: thenative Italian measure, in which Livius An- dronicus wrote his adaptation of the Odyssey and Naevius his poem on the Punic war, but which was driven from the field by the Greek metres introduced by Ennius and later poets. A popular account of it is to be found in the preface to Macaulay's Lays of Ancient Rome. Its irregularity struck those who had become familiar with Greek metres. Many attempts have been made to reduce to metrical law the specimens of the verse which we have, but it is coming to be believed (see Nettleship, Journ. of Phil. ii. p. 184) that (as is perhaps implied in the words of Servius on Virg. G. 2. 385 ' Saturnio metro . . . quod ad rhythmum solum vulgares componere colebant ') it rested on accent, not on quantity. With the epith^t ' horridus ' cp. VirgiTs (1. c.) ' versibus incomptis,' and Ennius' (Ann. 7. 1) ' versibus quos olim Fauni vatesque canebant Cum neque Musarum scopulos quisquam superarat Nec dicti studiosus erat.'

defluxit, ' the stream ran dry ' ; Epp. 1. 2. 42.

virus, 'rankness'; offences against good taste.

160. hodieque manent. As time has not spared to us the writings of

which Horace speaks, we cannot esti- mate the ' rusticity ' of which he com- plains.

161-167. The Scholiasts were no doubt right in taking the subject through- out these lines to be the ' ferus victor ' of v. 156, ' the Roman ' ; the last four would suit perhaps more easily a per- sonal subject, such as Accius or Pacu- vius ; but unless the text is faulty they cannot be separated from the first three, and in these Horace is evidently speak- ing of the people. There is a touch of irony in ' acumina,' ' quid utile,' after the description of their rusticity, the sharpness of their wit set to discover how Aeschylus, etc. could help them (ri

TFpoipjOV (JlfpOl).

162. post Punica bella quietus : when at rest after the wars with Car- thage. Horace is perhaps thinking, so far as he particularized at all, of the period following the second Punic war, from B. c. 201, not taking account of the third, B.c. 146, since an active study of Greek literature went on in the early part of the second century B.c. ; Aul. Gellius (17. 21. 45") quotes from Porcius Licinus the line ' Poenico bello secundo Musa pinnato gradu Intulit se belli- cosam in Romuli gentem feram.'

163. Sophocles et Thespis et Aeschylus. The three names repre- sent Attic tragedy. Thespis is inserted as the traditional founder of it (see A. P. 276), though we are not to suppose that plays of his were studied by the Romans. Euripides, who was their real favourite (Quintil. 10. 1. 68), is omitted, possibly, as Prof. Wilkins says, for his unmetrical name.

164. ' He went on to make essay whether he could worthily translate them.' Schiitz parallels the constr. from Livy 1. 57 ' temptata res est, si capi Ardea posset/ so id. 2. 35.



Et placuit sibi, natura sublimis et acer ; Nam spirat tragicum satis et feliciter audet, Sed turpem putat inscite metuitque lituram. Creditur, ex medio quia res arcessit, habere Sudoris minimum, sed habet comoedia tanto Plus oneris, quanto veniae minus. Aspice, Plautus Quo pacto partes tutetur amantis ephebi, Ut patris attenti, lenonis ut insidiosi ; Quantus sit Dossennus edacibus in parasitis,



165. et placuit sibi. Horace rallies Roman poets on their self-complacency and ignorance of the exacting claims of art.

sublimis. With reference to the meanings of fJHTtojpos (see on Od. 1. 15. 31), ' lifted off the ground ' or ' with head in air ' ; literally, as in A. P. 457 of the poet who walks into a pit-fall, or metaphorically, from eagerness, as here, and in A. P. 165 of the young man ' sublimis cupidusque.' There is a flavour of caricature in the word.

166. spirat tragicum satis. We are meant to feel some bathos in the minimizing adverb ' satis ' after ' spirat tragicum,' ' has the true tragic breath ' or inspiration. See on Od. 2. 16. 38.

feliciter audet, ' is happy in his ventures' another phrase to which the connection gives a suspicion of irony. Was Quintilian remembering the words when (without any irony) he charac- terizes Horace as ' variis figuris et verbis felicissime audax ? '

167. inscite, aTTatoajTws. V had ' inscriptis ' (Dillr. accepts it), but the Scholiasts interpret ' turpem putat in- scite ' by ' stulte erubescit.'

lituram : A. P. 293, and cp. Sat. 1. 10. 72.

168 foll. The comic writers are still more apt to be lazy, thinking their sub- ject excuses them ; but the fact that the subject is within the experience of all makes us less tolerant of carelessness.

168. ex medio : as A. P. 243 ' de medio ' ; ' from common ground ' here = ' from daily life ' ; cp. ' in medio posi- torum,' Epp. 1. 12. 7n.

arcessit. V had ' accessit,' found also in E, but it arose perhaps from the variations between 'arcessit ' and ' ac- cersit.' Acr. read ' accersit.'

171. quo pacto. Porph. explains


' quam indecenter,' and so many editors ; but Schiitz seems right in saying that abuse, all round, of Plautus does not suit the parallel case of tragedy vv. 166, 167. There the judgment was that the Roman writers had spirit and force but lacked industry. ' It was thought,' Horace has said, ' that the re- quirements of comedy were easier, but the truth is that failure there is more fatal because every one can perceive it.' ' Judge for yourselves ' : he goes on ' look at Plautus ; see how he draws his favourite characters ; how he catches the very spirit of droll farce in his greedy parasites yet how hasty and slipshod his style is.' I am taking for granted the second of the two interpretations of 'quantussit Dossennus' discussed below. If the first were adopted we might still give a colourle^s meaningto 'quo pacto,' etc, the mingled praise and blame of ' quantus,' ' quam non adstricto ' would be meant to be carried back in thought upon the case of Plautus from that of Dossennus.

172. attenti, ' careful ' ; with the special meaning of ' close with his money ' : Sat. 2. 6. 82, Epp. 1. 7. 91.

173. quantus sit Dossennus. This verse has caused much difficulty. The traditional explanation is of a writer of ' Atellanae ' of the name of Dossennus. ' How great Dossennus is in his greedy parasites.' This was clearly intended by Porph. and the Comm. Cruq. gives distinctly 'Dossennus Atellanarum scrip- tor,' and the view is still supported by Schiitz as it was by Orelli. The only extraneous references to such a writer that can be quoted are (1) words of Pliny, N. H. 14. 13. (15) in explaining ' mui rhiua,' ' Fabius Dossennus his versi- bus decernit : Mittebam vinum pulchrum, murrhinam : et in Acharistione : Panem et

A a



Quam non adstricto percurrat pulpita socco ;

Gestit enim numnmm in loculos demittere, post hoc

Securus cadat an recto stet fabula talo.

Quem tulit ad scenam ventoso gloria curru

Exanimat lentus spectator, sedulus inflat :

Sic leve, sic parvum est, animum quod laudis avarum

Subruit aut reficit. Valeat res ludicra si me

Palma negata macrum, donata reducit opimum.



polentam vinum murrhinam.' Opponents notice that ' decernit ' is a phrase vvhich suits those who quote verses as well as those who compose them, and that Nonius quotes the Acharistio as a play of Plautus. (2) Seneca's ' inscriptus Dossenni monumento titulus : Hospes resiste et sophiam Dossenni lege ' Epist. 89, which carries us a very little way, as the only question being discussed is whether ' sophia ' was a word used in earlier Latin. Dossennus (or ' Dorsen- nus') was certainly a Roman cognomen, being found on coins of the ' gens Ru- bria.' It probably meant ' humpbacked.' Meanwhile it has been conjectured with some plausibility that the word, which is found in two fragments of Atellanae by Pomponius Bononiensis, and in Festus s. v. ' temetum ' (' Novius in duobus Dossennis,' i. e. ' Novius, the writer of Atellanae, in his play, the two Dossenni '), and restored with more or less probability in several other places, was, like Bucco, Maccus, etc, the name of a standing character in the Atellanae. This explanation is adopted by Ritter, Dillr., and Wilkins. Horace then will be speaking throughout of Plautus, ' how thoroughly in his greedy parasites he reproduces the " Dossennus " of farce.' If we accept Miiller's emendation in Varr. de ling. Lat. 7. 95 ' manducari a quo in Atellanis Dossennum (MSS. ad obsenum^ vocant manducum,' the Dos- senjhs would be the glutton ; but it is not certain, and from the word itself we should rather guess that it belonged to the personal deformity which was traditional in the character, and gave no clue to the character itself.

174. non adstricto socco : cp. Sat. 1. 3. 31 'male laxus calceus ' ; here of the ' sock ' or slipper which was to comedy what the ' cothurnus ' was to tragedy, A. P. 80, 90; in ' slipshod ' style.

percurrat adds ' hasty ' ; cp. ' pi o- perare ' v. 58.

175. nuinmum : the sing. is con- temptuous ; ' he is in such a hurry to drop a coin into his purse that he does not stay to finish his work.'

loeulos : see on Sat. 1. 3. 17.

176. securus : for the constr. see on Sat. 2. 4. 50.

cadat an stet : see on v. 79. ' Stare ' is used frequently of a play succeeding, as Ter. Phorm. prol. 9 ' quum stetit olim nova Actoris opera magis sletisse quam sua.' ' Cadat ' recalls the Greek kK-ni-n- tuv. Cicero puts the two together, but with a more distinct reference to wrest- lers, Orat. 28. 98, of an orator, ' mini- meque in lubrico versabitur et si semel constiterit nunquam cadet.'

recto talo : perhaps from the Greek as Pind. Isthm. 6. 12 6p8a> 'iaraaas Zirl cripvpa), or by Pers. S. 5. 104 ' recto vivere talo.' On the charge against Plautus of writing for money see Sellar, Poets of the Republic, p. 164.

177 foll. Plautushas too little thought of the spectators, others have too much.

177. ventoso gloria curru. The power of glory to carry men away is touched in a still stronger metaphor in Sat. 1. 6. 23 'trahit constrictos gloria curru.' ' Ventoso ' a figure within the figure ; the chariot of glory is 'windy,' because glory itself is as unsubstantial and as variable as the wind. ' Ventosa feret cui gloria fraudem ' Virg. Aen. II. 708.

17S. lentus, 'languid.' sedulus, ' attentive.'

179. laudis avarum : A. P. 324. Note the link in this phrase to the last paragraph. It matches the <pi\oTipt.os against the (ptXoxprjpMTos.

180. valeat res ludicra, i. e. ' that is a reason for not writing for the stage.'

181. reducit : Od. 4. 2. 17 ' Quos Elea domum reducit Palma caelestes.'



Saepe etiam audacem fugat hoc terretque poetam, Ouod numero plures, virtute et honore minores, Indocti stolidique, et depugnare parati Si discordet eques, media inter carmina poscunt Aut ursum aut pugiles ; his nam plebecula gaudet. Verum equitis quoque iam migravit ab aure voluptas Omnis ad incertos oculos et gaudia vana. Ouattuor aut plures aulaea premuntur in horas, Dum fugiunt equitum turmae peditumque catervae ; Mox trahitur manibus regum fortuna retortis, Esseda festinant, pilenta, petorrita, naves, Captivum portatur ebur, captiva Corinthus.



i82foll. ' There is a stronger reason in the bad taste of audiences who care now for nothing but shows.' It will be noticed that Horace has come down to his own time, but the complaint of the preference of rope-dancers and gladia- tors to the drama is as old as Terence. See both prologues to the Hecyra.

182. audacem, ' one who faces the risk just spoken of.' The metaphors pass into one another. ' He is frightened by the " numero plures " and their militant eagerness for spectacles.'

183. For the different views taken by different parts of the house cp. Sat. I. 10. 76 foll., A. P. 113, 248.

184. depugnare, 'to fight to the death ' : Od. 1. 3. 13 n.

185. carmina : here of dramatic poetry, as in A. P. 220.

186. plebecula : the diminutive of contempt, as ' popello' Epp 1. "]. 65.

gaudet : the reading of V, as well as other j>ood MSS., and it stands in the note of Porph. Orelli stands almost alone in reading ' plaudit,' for which there is very little authority, although some good MSS. have ' plaudet.'

188. incertos, ' restless.'

189. aulaea premuntur : A. P. 154; ' the curtain is kept down,' i.e. the per- formance continues. The curtain, as is well known, was drawn upwards, not, as with us, let fall, Virg. G. 3. 25, Ov. Met. 3. 111. What is described is ap- parently military spectacles, processions, etc, introduced into plays, such as Ci- cero desciibcs himself as being bored with ad Fam. 7. 1. 2 ' quid enim delec- tationis habent sescenti muli in Clytem- nestra ? aut in Fquo Troiano catenai um

tria milia ? aut armatura varia pedi- tatus et equitatus in aliqua pugna? quaepopularem admirationem habuerunt delectationem tibi nullam attulissent.' ' Fugiunt,' therefore, in v. 190, possibly describes a battle-scene (as Porph. took it) the subsequent tiiumph being in- troduced by 'mox ' in v. 191. ' Fugiunt ' might also be taken (as ' festinant ' in v. 192) for ' pass rapidly.'

191. trahitur : Od. 4. 2. 34. manibus retortis : Od. 3. 5. 22 n. regum fortuna : a poetical variation ;

what the eye sees is the kings ; but they are to the mind a picture passing before it of the vicissitudes to which kings are liable.

192. esseda, pilenta, petorrita, ' chariots of every shape and kind.' Perhaps this is all that is meant. The Scholiasts treat them as belonging to the different parts of the triumphal pro- cession ; 'esseda' (the war-chariots of the Belgae and Britanni, familiar in Caesar) being those in which the captive princes rode ; the ' pilenta ' (used in processions by Roman matrons, Liv. 5. 25, and to carry sacred vessels, etc, Virg. Aen. 8. 666) for the captive prin- cesses; and 'petorrita' (see on Sat. 1. 6. 104) for their households. Professor Ntttleship has suggested that in these, as in the words that follow, the triumphs over different nations are indicated.

193. eaptiva Corinthus. The anti- thesis with captivum ebur perhaps fixes this to mean ' spoils of Corinthian brass.' Otherwise we might take it of a model or picture such as was fi equently carried in atriumph. Cicero (Pis 25.60) enume- rates ' simulacra oppidorum ' among the




Si foret in terris, rideret Democritus, seu

Diversum confusa genus panthera camelo, 195

Sive elephas albus volgi converteret ora ;

Spectaret populum ludis attentius ipsis,

Ut sibi praebentem nimio spectacula plura ;

Scriptores autem narrare putaret asello

Fabellam surdo. Nam quae pervincere voces 200

Evaluere sonum referunt quem nostra theatra?

Garganum mugire putes nemus aut mare Tuscum,

Tanto cum strepitu ludi spectantur et artes,

Divitiaeque peregrinae, quibus oblitus actor

Cum stetit in scena, concurrit dextera laevae. 205

Dixit adhuc aliquid ? Nil sane. Quid placet ergo?

Lana Tarentino violas imitata veneno.

Ac ne forte putes me, quae facere ipse recusem,

Cum recte tractent alii, laudare maligne ;

features of a triumph, and Livy 37. 59 speaks of Scipio Asiaticus as having so exhibited the ' simulacra ' of 134 towns. Corinth would be named typically as re- calling the richest of Roman triumphs. The Scholiasts offer both explanations.

194. Democritus, the laughing philosopher; see on Epp. 1. 12. 12, A. P. 297. Cp. Juv. S. 10. 28, where he is imagined as laughing at the fantastic pomp of the prnetor's train at the games.

195. diversum genus may be the nom. in apposition, or an acc. con- structed as in Virgil's ' Delphinum caudas utero commissa luporum ' Aen. 3. 428. A camelopard, according to Pliny, N. H. 8. 18. 27, was first seen at Rome in the ' ludi circenses ' given by Julius Caesar.

198. nimio : with plura, ' very much more,' i.e. than the games. It is difh- cult choosing between this reading, and ' mimo ' = ' histrionibus.' ' Nimio ' was read in V, and has the support of Keller's class I and II. ' Mimo ' (which Orelli and Ritter defend) is found in his class III, and was read by Porph. [If ' nimio' is right it settles the question discussed on Od. 1. 18. 15 in favour of taking ' nimio ' there and in similar cases as the abl. of measure ; for here the com- parative abl. to be understood is clearly ' ludis,' and ' nimio ' can only be the abl. of measure.]

199. ' He would think those who take

the trouble to write plays fools for their pains.'

asello surdo. Lambinus remarked that Horace has put together two pro- verbial expressions for wasted labour, 'to speak to the deaf (as Ter. Heaut. 2. 1. 10) and to ' speak to an ass,' ova> ris «Afye fivOov 6 5e t& wra tKivti.

201. evaluere : Virg. Aen. 7. 756. The preposition expresses the effort re- quired. For the noises of the audience cp. A. P. 81.

202. Garganum nemus : Od. 2.9. 7 ' querceta Gargani.'

203. artes, ' works ofart': Od. 4. 8. 5.

204. oblitus, ' bedizened ' : there is a sting in the word, as though the orna- ments were laid on with too coarse a hand.

206. nil sane, ' absolutely nothing ' : Sat. 2. 3. 138.

207. veneno, ' dye '; Virg. G. 2. 265 ; see on Od. 3. 5. 28. The purple dye of Tarentum is praised by Pliny, N. H. 9.

39- 63.

208-210. ne forte putes . . . ille, etc, ' for fear you should think . . . let me say that he,' etc. A Lucretian for- mula 'vLucr. 2. 844, 4. 129) ; cp. Od. 1. 33. 1 n.; Epp. 1. 1. 13, 1. 19. 26.

recusem. The word suggests, but does not prove, that Horace had been pressed to write for the stage.

209. maligne, ' grudgingly ' ; so as to ' damn with faint praise.'



Ille per extentum funem mihi posse videtur

Ire poeta, meum qui pectus inaniter angit,

Irritat, mulcet, falsis terroribus implet,

Ut magus, et modo me Thebis, modo ponit Athenis.

Verum age et his, qui se lectori credere malunt

Ouam spectatoris fastidia ferre superbi,

Curam redde brevem, si munus Apolline dignum

Vis complere libris et vatibus addere calcar,

Ut studio maiore petant Helicona virentem.

Multa quidem nobis facimus mala saepe poetae

(Ut vineta egomet caedam mea), cum tibi librum

Sollicito damus aut fesso ; cum laedimur, unum

Si quis amicorum est ausus reprehendere versum ;

Cum loca iam recitata revolvimus irrevocati ;

Cum lamentamur non apparere labores




210. per extentum funem . . . ire :

a proverb of something very difficult.

211. inaniter, ' by mere illusion ' : a frequent word in Cicero. In ' angit ' ' terroribus ' there is reference to the pity and terror which, according to Aristotle, are the instruments of tragedy.

213. ut magus : asone who ismaster of the ' terrores magici ' Epp. 2. 2. 208.

214. verum age : a formula of trans- ition like Lucretius' frequently repeated ' Nunc age ' ; but Horaoe here goes with Virgil (G. 4. 329, Aen. 7. 429, 12. 832) in joining a second imperative by ' et ' rather than (as Lucretius does, and as he does himself in the case of ' nunc age ' Epp. 1. 14. 31) treating ' age ' as a pure exclamation ' Nunc age quod superest cognosce ' Lucr. 1. 266.

his, ' of whom ' Horace would imply ' I am one.' The personal reference of the last lines, and especially the con- fession of his own taste ' quae facere ipse recusem,' have prepared the way for this transition from those who write for the stage to those who wiite for readers.

215. fastidia ferre superbi : Virg. Ecl. 2. 15 ' superba pati fastidia.'

216. redde, drroSos, ' render,' as due. munus Apolline dignum, i. e. the

Palatine library. See introd. to Od. 1. 31 ; also Epp. 1. 3. 17, 2. 2. 93.

217. addere calcar : as Cicero's ' ad- movere,' ' adhibere calcar ' ad Att. 6. 1, Brut. 56.

218. Helicona virentem: i.e. poetry

with all its charms.

219. multa quidem : concessive an- swering to 229; 'granted that we poets give trouble, and by our own fault, yet it is worth while to spend pains on us.'

220. ut vineta, etc, 'to put the knife to my own vineyard,' i.e. to criticise myself and my friends. The nearest likeness quoted for this proverbial ex- pression is Tibull. 1. 2. 100' quid messes uris acerba tuas ? ' It is in accordance with Horace's habitual irony to include himself in his criticism on the want of taste shown by his contemporaries.

221. sollicito aut fesso. For Ho- race's own care in the matter see Sat. 2. 1. 18, Epp. 1. 13. 3 ' Si validus, si laetns erit, si denique poscet.'

laedimur. For the touchiness of poets under criticism cp. A. P. 438 foll.

223. loca. Cic. and Quintil. always use ' loci ' as the plur. in this literary sense of ' passages.'

revolvimus, ' unroll again,' i.e. to read a second time.

irrevocati : ' revocare ' was used of an actor who is ' encored ' ; as Oic. Sest. 56. 120 ' revocabatur ab universis (Ros- cius) ' ; also of a poet at a ' recitalion ' Arch. 8. 18 'quotiens hunc Archiam vidi revocatum eandem rem dicere commu- tatis verbis atque sententiis.'

224. non apparere, ' are not per- ceived,' ' are not properly recognized.'



Nostros et tenui deducta poemata filo ; Cum speramus eo rem venturam ut, simul atque Carmina rescieris nos fingere, commodus ultro Arcessas et egere vetes et scribere cogas. Sed tamen est operae pretium cognoscere, quales Aedituos habeat belli spectata domique Virtus, indigno non committenda poetae. Gratus Alexandro regi magno fuit ille Choerilus, incultis qui versibus et male natis Rettulit acceptos, regale nomisma, Philippos. Sed veluti tractata notam labemque remittunt Atramenta, fere scriptores carmine foedo Splendida facta linunt. Idem rex ille poema Qui tam ridiculum tam care prodigus emit, Edicto vetuit ne quis se praeter Apellen Pingeret, aut alius Lysippo duceret aera





225. tenui deducta fllo, ' with how tine a thread the poems are spun.' See on Sat. 2. 1. 4.

227. commodus : see on Od. 4. 8. 1.

229. est operae pretium : a formula of transition from Ennius ; see Sat. 2. 4.


230. aedituos. Poets are the Upo<pv- Xaices of the temple raised to the ' virtus Augusti.' Cp. Virg. G. 3. 10 foll.

belli domique, with spectata ; cp. Epp. 1. 20. 23.

232 ille Choerilus : A. P. 357. An epic poet of Iasos in Caria who altached himself to Alexander; to bedistinguished from two other poets who bore the same nanie : (1) an Athenian tragic poet B.C. 523-483, (2) a Samian contemporary and friend of Herodotus who wrote an epic poem on the Peisian war.

233. male natis: the opp. 'benenata,' Od. 4. 4. 36, suggests that this means ' ill bred,' not the children of true poetic spirit. See note on Od. 1.27. 1 and add Sat. 2. 3. 8, A. P. 122, 377. versibus is the dat. after ' rettulit acceptos ' ; ' set down to the credit of his verses,' ' owed to them ' ; a phrase from book-keeping. Ovid imiiates, ' Acceptum refero versibus esse nocens ' Trist. 2. 10.

234. regale nomisma, ' from a king's ovvn mint.' He exalts the price, as we might talk of ' broad gold pieces.'

' Philippi ' bore the name of the great Philip, and were from the time of their coinage the chief gold coin of Greece. It is possible that Horace speaks as knowing the coins and admiring them ; ' pieces worthy of a king.'

235-237. As you cannothandle black fluids without getting stained, so you can hardly have bad poetry written about you without your repntation suf- fering.

235. remittunt : Sat. 2. 4. 69, 2. 8. 53 ; ' produce,' give you in return for handling them.

237. linunt : Epp. 1. 19. 30 ' quem versibus oblinat atris.'

239. edicto. Cicero refers to the same story ad Fam. 5. 12. Plutarch tells us that the best representations of Alexander's person were those of Lysip- pus, whom alone he allowed to take him ; also that Apelles drew him with thunderbolts in his right hand.

240. alius Lysippo, ' another than Lysippus.' Epp. 1. 16. 20 ' alium sapi- ente.'

duceret aera, ' mould the brass,' a slight extension of the more usual constr. of ' ducere ' with an accus. of that which is formed of the metal, as Virg. Aen. 7. 634 ' leves ocreas lento ducunt ar- gento.'



Fortis Alexandri voltum simulantia. Quodsi Iudicium subtile videndis artibus illud Ad libros et ad haec Musarum dona vocares, Boeotum in crasso iurares aere natum. At neque dedecorant tua de se iudicia atque Munera, quae multa dantis cum laude tulerunt, Dilecti tibi Vergilius Variusque poetae ; Nec magis expressi voltus per aenea signa, Ouam per vatis opus mores animique virorum Clarorum apparent. Nec sermones ego mallem Repentes per humum quam res componere gestas, Terrarumque situs et flumina dicere, et arces Montibus impositas, et barbara regna, tuisque Auspiciis totum confecta cluella per orbem,



241. simulantia : A. P. 20.

242. subtile, ' fine,' ' discriminating'; Sat. 2. 7. 101, 2. 8. 38.

videndis artibus. It is hard to say vvhether this is a dative (so Ritter and Schiitz) = 'advidendasartes' or an abl. of the point in which the adjective applies. For ' artes ' see 011 v. 203, and notice that in Od. 4. 8. 5 it is used, as here, of ' works of art ' in special opposition to works of literature.

244. Boeotum, gen. plur. Cp. Juv. S. 10. 50 ' Vervecum in patria crassoque sub aerenasci.' For the proverbial stupidily of the Boeotians, cp. Pind. 01. 6. 152 apxaiov oveioos . . . Boiwrlav vv. It was attributed to the heavy air of their valle}'S and lake basins, and specially contrasted with the Aa/xwpoTaTos aW-fjp (Eur. Med. 829) of Athens. Cp. Cic. de Fato 4. 7 ' Athenis tenue caelum, ex quo acutiores etiam putantur Attici, crassum Thebis itaque pingues Thebani.'

245 foll. ' Your patronage of Vir- gil and Vaiius brings you no such dis- credit.' ' Vergilius Variusque ' are the subjects of ' dedecoiant,' they stand and are also constructed in the relative clause.

246. munera. The Comm. Cruq. annotates that each of these poets had received ' decies,' i.e. a million sesterets, from Augustus.

multa dantis cum laude, ' to the credit of the giver.' They were ' digni pro laude merentis ' Epp. 1. 7. 24.

lngenns expressam et

247. Vergilius Variusque poetae : ' poetae ' = those true poets ; see on Sat. 1. 4. 1. Virgil is coupled with ' Varius,' as in Sat. 1. 5. 40, 1. 6. 55, 1. 10. 44, 81 ; A. P. 55. Virgil was no doubt dead when this was written.

248. expressi : A. P. 33 ' ungues exprimet . . . aere.' With the thought cp. Od. 4. 8. 13 foll. Cicero, pro Arch. 12. 30 ' An cum statuas et imagines, non animoium simulacra sed corporum, studiose multi summi homines relique- rint, consiliorum relinquere ac virtulum nostrarum effigiem non nmlto malle de- bemus summis politam ? '

250. sermones : Epp. I. 4. 1 and 2. 2. 60. Here it covers the Epistles as well as the Satires, see p. 7. ' Sermoni propiora ' Sat. 1. 4. 42. ' Repentes per humum ' answers to Sat. 2. 6. 17 ' Satiris Musaque pedestri.'

252. terrarum situs, ' how lands lie.' We notice how the topics which Horace speaks of here as those which, if he became a court poet, he must handle, are just those of Odes 4, 5, 14, 15 of Book 4. For the bearing of these lines on the date of the Epistle see Introd. p. 329. With their tone cp. Od. 1.6, 2. 12, 4. 2, and Sat. 2. 1. 10-20.

arces montibus impositas : cp. ' arces Alpibus impositas ' Od. 4. 14. 11.

253. tuis auspiciis : see Od. 4. 14. 16,

34 n-



Claustraque custodem pacis cohibentia Ianum,

Et formidatam Parthis te principe Romam,

Si quantum cuperem, possem quoque ; sed neque parvum

Carmen maiestas recipit tua, nec meus audet

Rem temptare pudor quam vires ferre recusent.

Sedulitas autem stulte quem diligit urget,

Praecipue cum se numeris commendat et arte :

Discit enim citius meminitque libentius illud

Ouod quis deridet, quam quod probat et veneratur.

Nil moror officium quod me gravat, ac neque ficto

In peius voltu proponi cereus usquam,

Nec prave factis decorari versibus opto,

Ne rubeam pingui donatus munere, et una

Cum scriptore meo, capsa porrectus operta,




255. Ianum : Od. 4. 15. 9 n.

256. te principe : cp. 'te duce ' in Od. 1. 2. 52. For the Parthians see Epp. 1. 12. 27, 28 n., and introd. to Odes 1-3. 1. § 8.

257. si quantum cuperem, possem quoque : cp. Sat. 2. 1. 12 ' cupidum, pater optime, vires deficiunt.' Porph. quotes as the original a saying of Aristarchus. ' nec se posse scribere quemadmodum vellet, neque velle quem- admodum posset.'

259. ferre recusent : A. P. 39.

260. sedulitas : for the word and for the thought cp. Epp. 1. 13. 5.

261. praecipue eum depends not on ' urget,' but on ' stulte urget ' ; the folly of officious affection is never so appa- rent as when it expresses itself in bad verses, for the worse the verses the better they are remembered, and so the more effectually they bring ridicule on their object.

numeris et arte, ' numbers and their art ' ; a hendiadys.

262. discit : the subject is to be gathered from ' quis ' in the rel. clause.

264. nil moror : Epp. 1. 15. 16. ' A fig) saY I) f°r an attention which an- noys me.' Horace justifies the emperor's supposed dislike for bad panegyric by adopting it as his own. Suetonius speaks of Augustus' anxiety on the point, ' inge- nia seculi sui omnibus modis fovit, reci- tantes et benigne et patienter audiit, nec tantum carmina et historias, sed et orationes et dialogos. Componi tamen

aliquid de se nisi serio et a praestantis- simis offendebatur, admonebatque prae- tores ne paterentur nomen suum com- missionibus (speeches at the beginning of the games) obsolefieri ' Oct. 89.

neque . . . neque, ' I would no more choose to be complimented in bad verse than to be caricatured in wax.' For the use of ' neque . . . neque,' see on Od. 3- 5- 27.

ficto in peius. So Plin. Epist. 5. 10 ' pictores pulchram absolutamque for- mam raro nisi in peius effingunt.' Orelli quotes from Aelian V. H. 4. 4 efc to KpuiTov fitfittaOai, els t6 \upov n\aaai.

265. proponi cereus, ' to be offered for sale in wax ' ; cp. ' aeneus ut stes,' Sat. 2. 3. 1S3, also Od. 4. 1. 183. Masks in wax of deceased ancestors are fre- quently spoken of. No other passage is quoted for this practice as applied to living persons.

267. rubeam, ' blush for shame.'

pingui, ' coarse,' ' stupid,' Sat. 1. 3. 58, 2. 6. 14.

et una etc, ' lest my name share the same fate as his writings.'

capsa porrectus operta : the words are chosen to suggest that the ' box ' in which the copies of the worthless poem are conveyed to the grocers' shops is the coffin in which the hero of the poem goes to be buried in oblivion.

Orelli and Dillr. give 'aperta,' a reading very slightly supported by MSS., thinking that the ' open box ' or ' open coffin ' would imply more contempt.

LIB. II. EPIST. 2. 361

Deferar in vicum vendentem thus et odores

Et piper et quicquid chartis amicitur ineptis. 270

This seems doubtful. The rich were occupied (Sat. 2. 3. 228) by provision

carried in an open bier, ' feretrum,' to shops of all kinds.

the funeral pyre ; the poor were buried 270. Cp. Catull. 95. 7 ' Volusi annales

in coffins, ' vili in arca' Sat. 1. 8. 9. For Paduam morientur ad ipsam Et laxas

'porrectus' of the dead cp. Epod. 10. scombris saepe dabunt tunicas.' Persius

22. Porph. seems to have read ' cor- (1. 43) combines the reminiscence of

reptus.' Catullus and Horace, ' nec scombros

269. vicum : possibly, asmost editors metuentia carmina nec thus.' assume, the ' vicus Tuscns,' which was



1/orace's reasons for rcfusing to write more lyrics.

Verses 1-24. You complain of my not writing to you ; but you are out of court. I told you before you started that you must not expect it.

24, 25. You complain again that I do not send you any lyric poems as you think I promised.

26-54. (J) You forget the history of my writing poetry.

I am like Lucullus' soldier when his pocket was empty he would volunteer for forlorn hopes ; when it was full again he would do so no more. I had a good education at Rome and Athens, and was started on the studies of philosophy. The civil war carried me off in its current, and eventually sent me home a beggar. It was then I began to write poetry : but I am not mad enough to do it now I have a competence.

55—57. (2) Whatever power I had is leaving me.

58-64. (3) You ask for lyric poetry, but others admire Epodes, others Satires. Which is it to be ?

^5~7°- (4) Above all other reasons, how do you think I can possibly write poems at Rome, in the press of duties?

70, 71. You say, ' oh ! you can write in the streets.'

72-80. Canyou? No ; poetry requires quiet, woodland scenes.

81-86. Think of the difference between me and the real student pedant, perhaps you would say.

In this noisy world I cannot stoop to write poetry.

87-105. 'Stoop?' Yes ; because the only way to get such poetry as I could write accepted is to join a cliqne of mutual admiration. I was obliged to do something in this way when I did write ; but do not ask me to go back to it.


106-125. Perhaps you mean, and perhaps it is true, that it is best contentedly

to write bad poetry. Writing good poetry is a very serious business. The

poet has to criticize himself severely. The ease you admire is won by efforts

which cost him torture. 136-140. And is it worth the pains ? To lose one's illusions is not unmixed

gain, as the man at Argos found out. 141-144. But to be serious. It is time to wake up to the true purposes of life.

Poetry must go among other playthings fit only for boys. 145. So I am trying to get by hearl the teachings of philosophy.

[He begins accordingly with single commonplaces on Avarice (the passion

usually attacked first, see Sat. 1. 1), but presently slides into a philosophical

lecture in his own person and in his usual style.] 146-148. If you found a physical thirst growing insatiable you would be alarmed

and go to a doctor. Why are you less anxious about a thirst of the soul ? 149-157. If it was clear a prescription did you no good you would give it up.

The world prescribes getting as a remedy for avarice you find it makes you

no better ; why do you go on with it ? 1 58-181. Cut at the roots of avarice by learning that property itself is a mere

dream. The lawyers tell us ' use confers ownership.' They might go

further : use is ownership, in the only true sense of that word. Real ownership

is barred by the limitations of human life. WThat is the good then of accumu-

lating wealth in all its various forms ? 182-204. I do not value it. If you ask why, I can only say ' it is my idiosyn-

crasy.' I am for enjoying, yet I know how to dravv the line short of extrava-

gance and live in the happy mean. 205-212. You say you are free from avarice. Well, are you free from other

passions too ? It is little to get rid of one if others remain. 213-216. Riyht living is an art. If you have not learnt it it is time to give place

to those who have. If life is a banquet, you have had your share and had

better retire betimes.

The natural explanation of the Epistle is that some fresh and unusual pressure has been put upon Hoiace to induce him to abandon the abstention from further lyric composition which he announced in Epp. 1. 1, possibly by Florus, as repre- senting the younger generation of sympathetic men of letters, po^sibly by Tiberius, through Florus, desiring that celebration of his youthful exploits which a few years later Horace accorded to him. Horace throws into the shape of a letter to Florus his reasons for maintaining his resolve. They are in form to a great extent playful and satirical. The description of the motives which alone drove him to write poetry are not meant to be taken quite literally, thongh he would have us understand that philosophy was genuinely his first love. So the further excuses, which amount pretty much to ' I am not in the mood for lyric verse,' are all put in a paradoxical and humorous way.

' I am too old ' ; but lyric poetry is treated (in the same ironical vein as in Od. 4. 1) as concerned wholly with ' love, banquets, wine.' ' You ask for (Jdes, but others prefer my Epodes or Satires,' as though his success in so many lines made a fresh difhculty in taking again to one. ' Rome is too noisy,' as if he lived always in Rome and could not escape to his Sabine valley. Then comes a satirical pas- sage in which he hits the more popular but less highminded poets of the day, ' success in poetry in these days means the condescending to puff and be puffed ' ; cp. Epp. 1. 19. 35-41. Then a more serious one, in which in describing what poetry

LIB. II. EPIST. 2. 363

in his sense means ('legitimum,' 'according to the laws of true art') the toil anrl fastidious self-criticism that it involves, he seems to be describing, and in glowing and sympathetic words, the methods and achievements of his friend, whether recently dead or still alive— the poet Virgil. Then again an ironical passage. 'The world sees in such a poet how easily and smoothly his verses flow, and little thinks of the agony which theyhave cost the composer. But after all isn't it better to be able contentedly to write bad verses ! But,' and here finally he becomes serious, ' my true reason is that my mind is full of life and its problems. Is not yours also? '

The Epistle will naturally be compared

1. With Epp. 1. 1, which handles the same theme. It will be noticed that any arguments for a later date for this Epistle, based on its language about the poet's advancing years (vv. 55 f.) are answered beforehand by the parallel ' solve senescentem' of Epp. 1. 1. 8. What he says here is very greatly an expanding of the 'non eadem est aetas, non mens' of that Epistle. The change lies (1) in the fuller space given to the arguments against a return to his old pursuit ; which means probably (as has been said) that the question was for some reason, external or internal, becoming a more pressing one to him : (2) in the greater mellowness and confidence with which he sets forth the philosophy of life to which he has attained.

2. With Epp. 1.3. It is one of two instances, besides those addressed to Maecenas, of a second Epistle to the same person ; and it is interesting as illus- trating the reality of the personal element even in the more general Epistles, to trace the identity of the line taken tovvards Florus in the two. It is in both, the young man of letters, to whom Horace speaks naturally and freely on literary topics, assuming the mutual L.terest of cach in the other's pursuits, but to whom he is disposed to hold up divine philosophy as a better medicine of the soul than either literature or the ambitions of practical life.

FLORE, bono claroque fidelis amice Neroni,

Si quis forte velit puerum tibi vendere natum

Tibure vel Gabiis, et tecum sic agat : ' Hic et

Candidus et talos a vertice pulcher ad imos

Fiet eritque tuus nummorum milibus octo, 5

Verna ministeriis ad nutus aptus heriles,

1. The address serves to dedicate the milibus octo : probably a very mo-

Epistle to Tiberius as well as Florus : derate price for a slave of such origin

see introd. p. 327. and capacities ; and if so, it is part of

bono claroque. For the praise of the warning which the purchaser re-

Tiberius see Epp. 1. 9. 4. It belongs ceived that there was a flaw. It is the

to the early part of his life, in which sum which Columella (3. 3) names as

Tacitus describes him as ' egregium vita a fair price for a skilled farm labourer

famaque quoad privatus vel in imperiis (or vine-dresser). Davus in Sat. 2. 7.

sub Augusto vixerat' Ann. 6. 51. 5. 43 speaks of himself, but perhaps in

3. Tibure vel Gabiis. The vendor purposed depreciation, as purchased for

supposed isnot a slave-dealer (see v. I3\ 500 drachmae, which would be about

but a neighbour who can tell you all a quarter of this sum.

about the boy he is selling. 6. ad nutus heriles takes the place

5. fiet eritque, an imitation oflegal of an adj. to ministeriis, ' services at

verbiage, as we might say, ' yours to a masters beck.' have and to hold.'



Litterulis Graecis imbutus, idoneus arti Cuilibet ; argilla quidvis imitaberis uda ; Ouin etiam canet indoctum sed dulce bibenti : Multa fidem promissa levant, ubi plenius aequo Laudat venales qui volt extrudere merces. Res urget me nulla ; meo sum pauper in aere. Nemo hoc mangonum faceret tibi ; non temere a me Ouivis ferret idem. Semel hic cessavit et, ut fit, In scalis latuit metuens pendentis habenae. Des nummos, excepta nihil te si fuga laedit':



7. litterulis Graeeis imbutus. A useful accomplishment, as it fitted him to be a reader ('lector') or copying clerk (' librarius'). Both the diminu- tive and the part. ' imbutus ' (' with a tincture') disparage its amount. It is not the cue of the seller to seem to make much of the slave's merits.

8. imitaberis, ' the clay is still moist, you will be able to mould it as you like.' A few MSS. have ' imitabitur,' a v. 1. which is noticed and condemned by Acr. It would mean that the slave can, or can be taught, to model in clay, an ingenious, but evidently needless and wrong emendation of some one who did not understand the metaphor. Some MSS. have 'imitabimur,' which Keller considcrs an emendation of ' imitabitur' by a copyist who was feeling his way back lo the true reading. Persius had in mind Horace's metaphorical use of the image in ' udum et molle lutum es,' etc. 3. 23.

9. eanet indoetum sed dulce : for adverbial acc. cp. Epp. 1. 7. 27 ' dulce loqui, ridere decorum.'

dulee bibenti : 'quo tempore faci- liores sumus ad veniam etiam servulis dandam ' Orell.

10. levant : as Comm. Cruq. 'levi- orem faciunt, minuunt.' He suggests that he might promise much more if he had not this lear before his eyes.

11. extrudere seems to mean ' to get rid of,' with the idea that some force is required for the purpose. The unusual meaning helped perhaps to the v. 1. in all the Bland., and in some others of Keller's (Class III.) MSS. 'excludere,' which however is less intelligible. K. shows that 'excludere' is found in mis- take for 'extrudere' in some MSS. of Ter. Hec. 1. 2. 58 and in other places.

12. meo in aere : i. e. not in debt as Cicero opposes ' in suis nummis ' to ' in aere alieno ' Verr. 4. 6. II. For pauper see on Od. 1. 1. 18.

1 3. mangonum, ' the slave-dealers ' ; Juv. S. 11. 147 : see Mayor's note.

14. cessavit, 'was lazy.' Cp. Sat. 2. 7. 100 ' nequam et cessator Davus.'

ut fit, ' as boys will do.' An inno- cent colour is put on it.

15. in scalis. This is taken either with latuit or with pendentis. In the first case the stairs are named as a hidingplace, as in Cic. Mil. 15. 40 and Phil. 2. 9. 21 Clodius is said to have taken refuge ' in scalarum tenebras' ' in scalas tabernae ' ; ' pendentis ' will then mean ' 011 the peg,' i. e. hung up for use and for the waming of the slaves. But possibly the second is best. The boy is supposed really to have run away. To say ' latuit ' is fair, ' he couldn't be found.' ' In scalis latuit ' is too definite a ' sug- gestio falsi.'

16. I follow Bentley, Ritter, and Munro in taking this line as the con- clusion of the seller's speech, ' Put down the money, unless, which I can't think, the exception I have made of his having "run away" troubles you.' laedit is the reading of V, accepted by the same editors, and is perhaps preferable in sense to ' laedat.' The subj., by making it a regular conditional sentence, gives more prominence and possibility to the difficulty. The ind. makes it paren- thetical, an afterthought, and assumes that the drawback named does not ' trouble ' the customer. Orelli, on the other hand, makes ' des [tu] . . . ille ferat ' two parallel clauses of the apo- dosis to ' si quis,' etc, vv. 2, 3. It seems essential that the damaging word ' fuga ' should be actually used by the seller,



Ille ferat pretium poenae sccurus, opinor.

Prudens emisti vitiosum; dicta tibi est lex :

Insequeris tamen hunc et lite moraris iniqua ?

Dixi me pigrum proficiscenti tibi, dixi

Talibus officiis prope mancum, ne mea saevus

Iurgares ad te quod epistula nulla rediret.

Ouid tum profeci mecum facientia iura

Si tamen attemptas? Quereris super hoc etiam, quod

Exspectata tibi non mittam carmina mendax.

Luculli miles collecta viatica multis

Aerumnis, lassus dum noctu stertit, ad assem



even though its effect has been dis- counted by explanations which make it come when used almost as if it were in jest. It is difficult also in this inier- pretation to see any purpose in the con- dition. It is a truism to say 'you would pay the money, if you were satisfied with the terms.' Another objection is that any such double apodosis divided between the purchaser and the vendor ought to be answered to by a division of the lesson of the apologue between Florus and Horace, whereas in the in- terpretation (v. 20 foll.) Horace only is concemed. The whole moral is ' You must not expect more than you were promised.'

excepta. For the use of ' excipere ' and for another reference to the obliga- tion on a vendor of a slave to warn the purchaser of defects see Sat. 2. 3. 286 ' mentem nisi litigiosus Exciperet domi- nus cum venderet.' The law of the que^tion is stated by Cicero in de Off. 3. 17. 71 ' in mancipiorum venditione venditoris fraus omnis excluditur. Qui enim scire debuit de sanitate, de fuga, de furtis, praestat edicto aedilium.' The morality is discussed in de Rep. 3. 19.

18. prudens emisti. Horace adopts the measured tone of counsel advising a would-be litigant, or of a judge dismiss- ing the case.

dicta tibi est lex best taken, after /c Porph., ' cum condi/ione emisti,' 'you were told the conditions of sale.' Orelli thinks it can mean ' you have heard the law,' i. e. ' there is the decision, the couit has done with you.'

19. lite moraris iniqua, your action is ' frivolous and vexatious.'

21. mea, 'on my side.' It stands first in the sentence, to match rediret (which means ' in answer to yours ') at the end of it : see Introduction.

23. mecum facientia : Epp. 2. 1.68. It is a Ciceronian phrase, as Caecin. 28. 79 ' rem et sententiam interdicti mecum facere fatebatur.'

24. attemptas, ' attack,' ' attempt to shake.' It seems also a legal term.

super hoc : perhaps best ' about this,' as Od. 3. 8. 17, 4. 2. 42, C. S. 18 ; Epp. 2. 1. 152; A. P. 429. Orelli takes it, as Sat. 2.6. 3, as ' besides this'; the object clause quod, etc. depending directly on quereris.

25. carmina, sc. lyrical poems, as we see in v. 59 ; see also v. 91 n.

mendax, ' breaking my promise.' Cp. 1. 7. 2.

26. For the abrupt introduction of the apologue cp. Epp. I. 7. 46. Lu- culli miles, a soldier ' serving under Lucullus, in the war against Mithridates' ; see v. 30 ' praesidium regale.' Keller points out that the fixing of this story on one of Lucullus' soldiers corresponds with what Plutarch tells us in his life of Lucullus (ch. 33 and 35), of his un- popularity with his men ; that they would reject his greeting, showing him their empty purses, and bidding him advance alone to dangers from which he alone would grow rich.

viatica must have meant originally equipment or travelling money ; but it seems to be used for a soldier's savings or private purse ; see Tac. Ann. 1. 37. 2.

27. ad assem, to the last 'as '; after the model of ' ad unum.'



Perdiderat ; post hoc vehcmens lupus, et sibi et hosti

Iratus pariter, ieiunis dentibus acer,

Praesidium regale loco deiecit, ut aiunt, 30

Summe munito et multarum divite rerum.

Clarus ob id factum donis ornatur honestis,

Accipit et bis dena super sestertia nummum.

Forte sub hoc tempus castellum evertere praetor

Nescio quod cupiens hortari coepit eundem 35

Verbis quae timido quoque possent addere mentem :

' I, bone, quo virtus tua te vocat, i pede fausto,

Grandia laturus meritorum praemia. Quid stas?'

Post haec ille catus, quantumvis rusticus : ' Ibit,

Ibit co quo vis qui zonam perdidit/ inquit. 40

Romae nutriri mihi contigit, atque doceri

Iratus Graiis quantum nocuisset Achilles.

28. vehemens lupus, ' a very wolf in his fury.' Cp. Virgils simile for a forlorn hope, Aen. 2. 355 ' lupi ceu Rap- tores,' etc.

30. regale : see above on v. 26.

deiecit, ' dislodged,' a military term ; see on Od. 4. 14. 13.

ut aiunt, ' so goes the story ' ; Epp. 1. 6. 40, 1. 7. 49, 1. 17. 18.

32. honestis. ' gifts of honour,' the ' corona muralis,' e. g. as contrasted with the substantial rewards of the following words. V had ' opimis,' apparently a correction or conjectural fiiling up of an accidenlal gap.

33. bis dena. For the distributive in a formula of multiplication see Madv. § 76. 6.

super, adv. ' besides.'

nummum. The original phrase was 1 nummus sestertius,' i. e. the coin that represented two and a half ' asses.' The gen. plur. would be ' sestertiorum num- morum.' In this expression 'sestertia' = ' milia sestertiorum ; ' ' nummum ' ( = 'nummorum')remainsunaltered. The force of the addition is, as we might say, ' in hard coin.'

34. sub hoc tempus, ' immediately after this ' ; Epod. 5. 83, Sat. 2. 8. 43.

praetor: in the old sense of ' military commander.'

36. addere mentem : a variation of the usual ' addei e aninmm ' or ' animos.' It is perhaps rather ' to find the coward intelligence,' or ' presence of mind,' than

' courage.' Virgil's 'demittunt mentes ' Aen. 12. 609, though usually quoted. is hardlyaparallel ; ' mentes ' are there the souls whose courage is lowered, not the courage itself.

37. bone : Sat. 2. 3. 31 n.

38. quid stas : Sat. 1. 1. 19 ' quid statis ? '

39. catus : Od. 1. 10. 3 n. quantumvis : used here like 'quam-

vis ' : ' though as boorish as you please. ' ibit, ibit eo quo vis. The man echoes the general's ' i . . . quo,' ' Go, say you? he will go, go where you will.' This line is the original of Ju venaFs ' ad caelum, iusseris. ibit ' S. 3. 78.

40. zonam : the belt with a pouch for money, or with money sewn into it. So, in Juv. S. 14. 297, the shipwrecked sailor, ' zonam laeva morsuque tenebit ? ' £<jjvt] is translated ' purse ' in St. Matt. 10. 9.

41 foll. The application of the story ' My life was running on other lines. I had the education of a man of means, at Rome and Athens, and was started in the tastes that really suited me, of philosophy. This was broken off by the civil war, which made me a soldier and then a beggar. It was poverty that made me write verses. But that motive is now removed.'

41. Komae. For his being brought to Rome for his education see Sat. 1. 6. 72.

42. iratus . . . Achilles. For the



Adiecere bonae paulo plus artis Athenae, Scilicet ut vellem curvo dinoscere rectum, Atque inter silvas Academi quaerere verum. Dura sed emovere loco me tempora grato, Civilisque rudem belli tulit aestus in arma Caesaris Augusti non responsura lacertis. Unde simul primum me dimisere Philippi, Decisis humilem pennis inopemque paterni Et laris et fundi, paupertas impulit audax, Ut versus facerem : sed quod non desit habentem Quae poterunt unquam satis expurgare cicutae,


place of Homer in Roman education see Quintil. i. 8. 5 ' optime institutum est ut ab Homero [_et Vergilio] lectio inciperet,' Plin. Epp. 2. 14. 2 ' in foro pueros a centumviralibus causis auspi- cari ut ab Homero in scholis.'

43. bonae with Athenae ; a touch of affectionate retrospect, ' my "alma mater." '

paulo plus artis, 'a little further skill.' He implies that philosophy was an advance upon mere literary study.

44. vellem. The MSS. vary between ' vellem,' ' possim,' and ' possem.' Keller finds the most authority for the first, the least for the last. ' Possim ' would hardly stand. Munro and Ritter give ' possem.' There is force in the argu- ment that ' vellem ' is at first sight the harder reading, and the least likely to have been due to an emender. It is Horace's purposed substitution for ' pos- sem.' It is a lesson that he has not learnt perfectly yet, only to wish to learn it.

curvo . . . rectum. Cp. Pers. S. 3. 52 ' curvos deprendere mores,' 4. 11 ' rectum discernis ubi inter Curva subit,' 5. 38 'intortos extendit regula mores.' It is an extension of the original meta- phor which spoke of right conduct as a straight course (' rectum ') ; the prose word is ' pravus.' For ' dinoscere ' with abl. see Epp. 1. 15. 29 n.

45. inter silvas Academi : the gar- den, named from the hero Academus, where Plato and his successors taught. Brutus, and doubtless Horace, actually attended the lectures of Theonmestus the academic. He is speaking however generally of his philosophical studies.

47. It is best to join civilis aestus and rudem belli, with the lattcr cp.

' rudis agminum ' Od. 3. 2.9. With the metaphor of tulit aestus cp. Od. 2. 7. 15, 16 ' Te rursus in bellum resorbens Unda fretis tulit aestuosis.'

48. responsura, ' to be a match for.' Notice that he says nothing of the merits of the cause (see on Od. 2. 7. 11). His compliment to the emperor is that it was an idle enterprise ; the arms were as playthings to the ' thews ' of Caesar. The double title (only here in Horace, cp. Virg. Aen. 6. 73, 8. 678) emphasizes this ; it is a way of saying ' Caesar, the master of the world.'

lacertis, the metaph. from wrestling, as Cic. ad Fam. 4. 7. 2 ' pngnabamus . . . lacertis et viribus quibus pares non eramus.'

49. simul primum, a rare combi- nation. Cicero has ' simulac primum ' Verr. 2. 1. 13. 3.

dimisere, ' gave me my discharge.' unde ' ab armis.' Horace gave up the cause, though some of his friends followed the fortunes of Sextus Pom- peius ; see Od. 2. 7.

50. decisis pennis. For the metaph. cp. Epp. 1. 20. 21, and more closely Cic. ad Att. 4. 2. 5 'iidem illi qui mihi pinnas inciderant volunt easdem renasci.' The note of Porph. is ' significat se pro- scriptum esse.' His estate at Venusia was no doubt forfeited.

52. quod non desit habentem. It would seem from Juvenal S. 7- 62 ' satur est cum dicit Horatius Evoe ! ' that he did not take Horace's account of his motives in writing poetry too literally.

53. cicutas, the plur. of quantity. It was used as a cooling drug, and so might be supposed to cure madness, which theancientstracedto fulnessof bile and heat of blood. Cp. Pers. S. 5. 144



Ni melius dormire putem quam scribere versus?

Singula de nobis anni praedantur euntes ; 55

Eripuere iocos, Venerem, convivia, ludum ;

Tendunt extorquere poemata ; quid faciam vis ?

Denique non omnes eadem mirantur amantque :

Carmine tu gaudes, hic delectatur iambis,

Ille Bioneis sermonibus et sale nigro. 60

Tres mihi convivae prope dissentire videntur.

Poscentes vario multum diversa palato.

Quid dem ? quid non dem ? renuis tu, quod iubet alter ;

Ouod petis, id sane est invisum acidumque duobus.

Praeter cetera me Romaene poemata censes 65

' calido sub pectore maseula bilis Intum- uit quod non extinxerit urna cicutae.' Cp. A. P. 301 ' O ego laevus, Qui purgor bilcm sub verni temporis horam. Non alius faceret meliora poemata.'

54. melius dormire . . . quam seri- bere. For the alternative cp. Sat. 2. I. 7.

55. An abrupt passage to another ground for not composing. With the thought cp. Virg. E. 9. 51, where excuse is being given for not singing ' omnia fert aetas, animum quoque.'

57. tendunt extorquere : thepower is not gone yet, but it is the next thing to go. For the inf. see vol. 1. App. 2.

quid faciam vis : ' what would you have medo?' i. e. ' it is a natural pro- cess. How do you think I can resist it?

58. denique : ' and if there was any- thing to do there is this remaining diffi- culty, that you can't agree what kind of poetry you wish from me. ' Denique ' finishes the series so far, though other reasons follow in v. 65 foll. ; cp. Lucret. 1. 301, and see on Sat. 1. 1. 92.

59. carmine : see on v. 25. iambis. Horace's own name for his

Epodes : see on Epod. 14. 7, and cp. Epp. 1. 19. 23, also Od. 1. 16. 2.

60. Bioneis sermonibus. As the epithet implies, this means the Satires (cp. Epp. 1. 4. 1). The Epistles are lost to sight, as though ex hypothesi they were no satisfaction of Florus' desire. Bion Borysthenites, a Scythian by birth, was a philosopher and wit at Athens in the third century B. C. He was a Cynic at one time, a Cyrenaic at another, and lastly a pupil of Theophrastus the Peri-

patetic. Horace is concerned with him not as a philosopher but as the re- puted author of many pungent sayings, some of which are preserved by Diog. Laert. 4. 46. Cp. Cic. Tusc. D. 3. 26. 62. sale nigro : literally, in Sat. 2. 4. 74, of a strong and coarse salt, here meta- phorical of coarse and biting wit. Cp. the use of 'niger' in Sat. 1. 4. 85, 91. As he looks back at them Horace clearly shows that he prefers the ' Attic salt ' of his Epistles to the coarser strain of his earlier Satires.

61, 62. A metaphorical statement of the same fact. ' Give me any three guests (thesmallest pos^ible party according to the saying that a party should not be less than the number of the Graces nor larger than that of the Muses), it is not too much to say (' prope ') that I may expect each to have a taste for different fare.'

62. multum diversa : see on Sat. 1. 3. 57 'multum demissus.'

65. praeter cetera, ' above all other reasons.'

me Romaene. The position of ' ne ' with a word emphatic but not the first in the sentence is anteclassical. See in- stances quuted by L. and S. from Plautus. Horace means by adopling it here to give special emphasis to ' me ' as well as to ' Romae.' It would be in prose ' Ego Romae poemata ? ' ' Do you think I am the man, Rome the place, to write poems ? ' then he explains first that Rome is not the place and he not the man, vv. 66-86 ; then he explains that he is speaking of fine poetry (note the emphatic repetition of ' poema ' iu v. 109) not verses such as passed in the mutual admiration cliques of the day.



Scribere posse inter tot curas totque labores ? Hic sponsum vocat, hic auditum scripta relictis Omnibus officiis ; cubat hic in colle Ouirini, Hic extremo in Aventino, visendus uterque ; Intervalla vides humane commoda. Verum Purae sunt plateae, nihil ut meditantibus obstet. Festinat calidus mulis gerulisque redemptor, Torquet nunc lapidem, nunc ingens machina tignum, Tristia robustis luctantur funera plaustris, Hac rabiosa fugit canis, hac lutulenta ruit sus : I nunc et versus tecum meditare canoros. Scriptorum chorus omnis amat nemus et fugit urbem, Rite cliens Bacchi somno gaudentis et umbra :



67. For the list of occupations at Rome cp. Sat. 2.6. 28 foll., beginning with ' Romae sponsorem me rapis.'

auditum scripta : to listen to ' reci- tations.'

68. cubat, ' is ill in bed ' ; Sat. 1. 9. 18.

70. humane commoda : ironically, ' nicely convenient.' So Acron explains, ' probe.' The adv. is used like emdKws or fitTpiajs. Keller defends a conj. of Frbhlich ' haut sane,' comparing Ter. Ad. 5. 2. 8 ' Edepol comissatorem haud sane commodum.' But it is unneces- sary.

verum introduces the obj. of an interlocutor real or supposed. Cp. Sat.

2. 3. 205.

71. purae, 'clear,' i. e. of obstacles ; ' you can compose as you walk ' : Virg. Aen. 12. 771 ' puro ut possent concur- rere campo.'

meditantibus : inf. v. 76 and see on Sat. 1. 9. 2.

72. Horace rejoins, 'are the streets clear indeed ? ' With this account of the ' strepitus Romae ' compare Juv. S.

3. 239-266. The route from the Aven- tine to the Quirinal would lie across the Forum and through the busiest part of Rome.

calidus, 'in hot haste,' ' impetuously.' redemptor, ' the contractor for build- ing,' as in Od. 3. 1. 35, where ' cum famulis ' answers to the gerulis here. Cp. also Epp. 1. 1. 86. The ablatives are instrumental or modal, explaining how he ' calidus festinat.'

74. The ' golden ' line marks the mock heroic vein.

robustis, ' of solid timber.' Cp. Sat. 1. 6. 42 ' si plaustra ducenta Concurrant- que foro tria funera.'

75. rabiosa eanis. Rabies and hydro- phobia were well known at Rome. Celsus (5. 27. 2) gives directions for the treatment of a bite.

76. i nune : an ironical challenge. See on Epp. 1. 6. 17.

meditare : supr. v. 71. The accus. as in Sat. 1. 9. 2, q. v., and Virg. Ecl. 1.2' musam meditaris.'

77» 78- The lines express Fforace's own feeling. The explanation here, where he is writing 'sermoni propiora,' and half in irony, is a prosaic one. Ffe gives elsewhere more imaginative rea- sons. See on Od. 4. 3. 10, and cp. Od.

1. 1. 30, 3. 4. 5 foll. Compare also VirgiFs choice, G. 2. 4^5 ' Rura mihi et rigui placeant in vallibus amnes,' etc, and the comment on it in Tac. Dial. 12, 13 ' nemora vero et luci tantam mihi adferunt voluptatem, ut inter praecipuos carminum fructus nnmerem, quod nec in strepitu, nec sedente ante ostium liti- gatore nec inter sordes ac lacrimas reorum componuntur, sed secedit animus in loca pura atque innocentia fruiturque sedi- bus sacris,' etc.

77. scriptorum : limited by the con- text to poets, as in Epp. 1. 19. 39,

2. 1. 30, 36; A. P. 120, 136. urbem : some MSS. have ' urbes.'

78. rite cliens Bacchi : in due imi- tation of their patron Bacchus, who has the same tastes. Cp. Epp. 1. 19. 4, Od. 1. 1. 29 n., and the spirit of Od. 3. 25 ' quo me, Bacche, rapis,' etc.





Tu me inter strepitus nocturnos atque diurnos

Vis canere et contracta sequi vestigia vatum ? 80

Ingenium sibi quod vacuas desumpsit Athenas,

Et studiis annos septem dedit insenuitque

Libris et curis, statua taciturnius exit

Plerumque et risu populum quatit ; hic ego rerum

Fluctibus in mediis et tempestatibus urbis 85

Verba lyrae motura sonum connectere digner ?

Frater erat Romae consulti rhetor, ut alter

79. tu me repeats the emphatic ' me ' of v. 65. See note there.

80. contraeta, ' narrow,' difficult to tread in, and so requiring the undivided attention which in the pre-occupation of town life cannot be given. Cp. Prop. 3. 1. 14 ' non datur ad musascurrere lata via.' Of the readings offered this seems the most probable, but the text was un- certain in the Scholiasts' time. Porph. gives ' contracta ' as a v. 1., reading him- self with the majority of MSS. ' con- tacta.' This Dill1'. accepts, taking it closely with ' sequi,' to ' follow and tread in.' Schiitz complains with reason that if this were the meaning it should have been ' secutum contingere.' V had ' cantata ' with the note ' ab aliis prius dicta,' which cannot stand. Bentley would read ' non tacta,' i. e. which others have not trodden in ; and there have been many other conjec- tures.

81-86. The connection of these lines is not perfectly clear. Perhaps it is ' think of the difference between the trained genius and me. He perhaps overdoes it, becomes a pedant and misanthrope. But I, in the very oppo- site of his peaceful life, how can I try to write lyric poetry if I have any self- respect left ? ' There is a tone of satire in the description of the scholar's train- ing which has suggested that Horace is hitting some rival poet.

81. vacuas : so ' vacuum Tibur ' Epp. I. 7. 45 ; opposed in this point to busy and crowded Rome.

82. septem. No reason is given for the selection of ' seven.' It seems to imply something much beyond the usual time allowed for an educational resi- dence at Athens.

insenuit : cp. Epp. 1. 7. 85 ' im- moritur studiis et amore senescit ha-


83. curis : limited by the words that accompany it, books and the cares they bring with them. He is thinking of composition. Some MSS. have 'Curii,' which Porph. read and took with ' statua,' imagining Curius to have been a man of special taciturnity.

statua taciturnius : Sat. 2. 5. 40 ' infantes statuas.'

exit, i. e. whenever he goes out into the world.

84. plerumque, 'very often.' See on Sat. 1. 10. 15.

hic : at Rome, not at Athens. ego : I, not the recluse scholar.

85. Cp. Epp. 1. 1. 16 ' mersor civili- bus undis.'

86. ' To string together words which shall wake the lyre to music,' i. e. to compose lyric poetry. Cp. Od. 4. 9. 4 ' verba loquor socianda chordis.'

digner, ' deign.' He implies that self-respect prevents him. The word introduces an unexpected note. So far as what has gone before has prepared us, we should have looked rather for ' coner,' which has been actually substi- tuted in some MSS. The additional colour of ' digner ' is due to what fol- lows, to which the word is a link. There is only one condition on which verse written in this hubbub can gain praise, and that is the humiliating con- dition of joining a mutual admiration clique.

87. frater erat : the story which is to illustrate such cliques is introduced abruptly, as that in v. 26.

consulti, i.e. ' iurisconsulti' : Sat. 1. 1. 17, and inf. v. 159.

ut alter . . . audiret. On what does ' ut ' depend ? In all cases which have been quoted as parallels from Horace himself, as Sat. 1. 1. 95, 1. 7. 13, Epp. 1.



Alterius sermone meros audiret honores, Gracchus ut hic illi, foret f huic ut Mucius ille, Oui minus argutos vexat furor iste poetas ? Carmina compono, hic elegos. ' Mirabile visu


16. 12, there is an adjective present, the ' ut ' clause measuring or limiting its applicability, ' [tam] dives ut metiretur nummos,' ' [ita] idoneus ut nec frigidior Thracam . . . ambiat Hebrus.' If the text is sound, (and the MSS. are unani- mous and the Scholiasts read as we do,) we must suppose that such an adjective is latent in ' frater,' not that ' frater ' is merely metaphorical (like ' fraternis animis' in Epp. 1. 10.4), but that it carries the sense of a 'brother indeed.' This is helped by its emphatic position. ' There were at Rome a lawyer and a rhetorician, such brothers that vvhen one spoke the other heard nothing but com- pliments.' Heinsius was the first to complain of the construction and to suggest emendation. Bentley took up the challenge and would read ' Pactus erat Romae consulto rhetor.' Meineke suggested that a line had dropped out and proposed ' Frater erat Romae con- sulti rhetor ut[erque Allerius laudum sic admirator ut] alter Alterius,' etc. Schiitz suggests the easier alteration of ' Fautor ' (an Horatian word, see Sat. I. 10. 2 ; Epp. 1. 15. 33, 1. 18. 66, 2. 1. 23) for ' Frater.' Prof. Palmer (ap. Wilkins) 'auctor erat consulto.' In face of the early evidence to the text it does not seem a case for conjectural emenda- tion.

89. Gracchus, ' a Gracchus.' Both the brothers were speakers. Cicero (Brut. 33. 124) specially praises Gaius.

Mueius, i.e. ' a great lawyer.' There were three of the family who attained great distinction as ' iurisconsulti.' (1) P. Mucius Scaevola consul in 133 ; (2) a cousin, Q. Mucius Scaevola called ' Augur,' consul in 117, an interlocutor in Cicero's 'de Amicitia'; (3) Q. Mucius Scaevola, son of (i\ and, like his father, ' pontifex maximus,' consul in 95. From the fact that Cicero (Biut. 39. 145) speaks of a case in which Crassus 'eloquentium iuris peritissimus,' and Scaevola (i. e. no. 3) ' iuris pei itorum eloquentissimus,' were matched against one another, Bentley suggested that in this line we should read ' Crassus ' for ' Gracchus.'

f huic . . . ille. All the extant MSS. have ' hic . . . illi ' in both clauses. This is not absolutely impossible. Either ' hic . . . hic ' or ' illi . . . ±11 i ' alone for ' the one . . . the other,' ' to the one . . . to the other,' would be usual, but the repetition of 'hic illi ' wheie the two pronouns change places has not been paralleled. In spite of this Ritter re- tains the reading and Keller showssome tenderness towards it. If Horace can be conceived as writing it he may have meant to emphasize the monotony of the shuttlecock compliments. The altera- tion is however slight and the reading of the MSS. (cp. a similar case in Epod. 4. 8 ' ter ' for ' trium ') may have arisen from the mistaken expansion of an abbrevia- tion. ' Huic . . . ille ' is said to be due to the edition of ' Iohannes Britanni- cus,' Venet. 1516. It was adopted by Lambinus, and advocated by Bentley, and thenceforward has been generally given.

90. qui minus, ' in what way less ? ' Sat. 2. 3. 311, 2. 7. 96 ; *are not poets attacked by just the same madness ? '

argutos : Ud. 4. 6. 25, the epithet is playful 'our songsters.'

91. carmina compono. ' Carmina ' are lyrical poems, as we see from v. 99 ' discedo Alcaeus.' Horace playfully takes his own share in the charge. Is he laying the indictment against the writers oi ekgies more seriously and with a special person in view? Torrentius first pointed out that the name of ' the Roman Callimachus ' (v. 100) was one which is actually claimed for himself by Propertius, and this clue has been fol- lovved by editors, Ritter espeoially, who see in the passage an elaborate attack on that poet. For a full statement of the evidence in this passage of a reference to Propertius see Postgate's Introd. to his Select Elegies of Properlius. Propertius was a member of Maecenas' literary circle and therefore must have been well known to Horace, who nevertheless never names him. If this view is correct, Horace will say ' we poets laud one another. We use extravagant terms in speaking of one anothei^s poems. We

B b 2



Caelatumque novem Musis opus!' Aspice primum, Ouanto cum fastu, quanto molimine circum- Spectemus vacuam Romanis vatibus aedem ! Mox etiam, si forte vacas, sequere et procul audi, Quid ferat et quare sibi nectat uterque coronam. Caedimur et totidem plagis consumimus hostem Lento Samnites ad lumina prima duello. Discedo Alcaeus puncto illius ; ille meo quis ? Quis nisi Callimachus ? Si plus adposcere visus, Fit Mimnermus et optivo cognomine crescit. Multa fero, ut placem genus irritabile vatum, Cum scribo et supplex populi suffragia capto ; Idem, finitis studiis et mente recepta,



strut about the Palatine library and choose places for our books and busts. If you get near enough to listen you may hear Propertius calling me an Alcaeus, and [if he does that unlikely thing] I will call him, not only, as he calls him- self, a Callimachus, but even a Mim- nermus, to his heart's content.'

mirabile visu, etc. : an exclamation which each poet is supposed to make on reading the poems of the other.

92. Musis is the dat. after the pass. part. ' a piece of fine graving from the Muses' hands.' With the fig. cp. that of A. P. 441 ' rnale tornatos incudi reddere versus.' Bentley wished to take the words with the following lines, in appo- sition to ' aedem,' so that as they stand they would mean ' ornamented with the nine Muses carvedin relief ; but he would also alter eaelatum to ' sacratum.' For the division of circum-Speetemus cp. A. P. 424 ' inter-Noscere.'

94. vacuam Eomauis vatibus ae- dem, ' the temple with its vacant room for Roman bards,' i. e. the Palatine temple and library (Epp. 1. 3. 17, Od. 1. 31). The library is ready and vvell stocked with Greek poetry. Latin con- tribntions are slow to come in, and those poets who are admitted think much of the compliment.

95. si forte vacas : ' it is not worth interrupting serious business for.'

procul : not coming too near.

97, 9S. ' We belabour one another, and with thwack for thwack wear out the foe, in long drawn out duel, very Samnites, till the lights come.' Whnt is described is a duel of insincere criticism

and compliments between the two poets who read their compositions to one another (see v. 105) all day : ' ad lumina prima,' compared with Sat. 2. 7. 33 ' sub lumina prima venire convivam,' will mean ' till supper time.' The Scholiasts were in doubt as to the meaning of ' Samnites ' ; of the two views which they offer the most commonly adopted is that it refers to the class of gladiators who bore that name from appearing in Sam- nite arms (Liv. 9. 40, Cic. Tusc. D. 2. 17. 41, de Or. 2. 8. 325, pro Sest. 64. 134). They were ordinarily matched (see the last reference) with a ' provocator.' If this is so, the meaning seems to be that the two critics, though pretending to fight, were as a pair of gladiators both of whom are armed for defence rather than offence. The other view is that Horace had in view some lines of Ennius with respect to the stubborn resistance of the Samnites to Rome. The Scholiasts quote a line ' Bellum aequis manibus nox intempesta diremit.' ' The poets fight [though in their case it is a sham fight] as the Samnites in Ennius till the lights of evening.'

99. discedo : of coming away from a battle ; ' discessit victor' Epp. 1. 10. 37.

puncto : A. P. 343.

IOI. Mimnermus : Epp. 1. 6. 65.

crescit, ' grows greater and greater.'

102-105. ' When I am writing poetry myself I am obliged to submit to this sort of thing, but now I have done with it let me keep quite clear of it.'

104. mente recepta : for it is assumed that poets are mad, Epp. 2. 1. 118.



Obturem patulas impune legentibus aures. Ridentur mala qui componunt carmina ; verum Gaudent scribentes et se venerantur, et ultro, Si taceas, laudant quicquid scripsere beati. At qui legitimum cupiet fecisse poema, Cum tabulis animum censoris sumet honesti ; Audebit, quaecunque parum splendoris habebunt Et sine pondere erunt et honore indigna feruntur, Verba movere loco, quamvis invita recedant Et versentur adhuc t intra penetralia Vestae.



105. impune : best taken with legen- tibus. ' Let me novv close my open ears and allow them to read without fear of reprisals.' Cp. Epp. I. 19. 40 ' auditor et ultor,' Juv. S. 1. 3 ' impune ergo mihi recitaverit ille togatas ? '

106 foll. The poetaster is laughed at, but heenjoys his ovvn work and thinks it admirable. The man who aims at true poetical work is of different stuff, and he has a serious task before him.

108. si taceas : Madv. § 348 ; cp. Epp. 1. 16. 5. It is not the proper protasis to ' laudant ' but to a suppressed ' laud- ent ' which may be mentally supplied with ' ultro.' ' They habitually praise [and vvould praise] on their ovvn ac- count if you should hold your tongue.'

beati, vvith laudant, but kept till last to gain more point, ' happy people ! ' With the picture cp. Catull. 22. 14 ' Idem [Suffenus] infaceto est infacetior rure, Simul poemata attigit, neque idem unquam Aeque est beatus ac poema cum scribit : Tam gaudet in se tamque se ipse miratur.'

109. legitimum : true to the laws of art. Cp. A. P. 274 'legitimum sonnm.'

fecisse : for the tense see Od. 3. 4. 51 ; the desire is not to compose but to have composed, to leave behind you a poem.

1 10. cum tabulis, ' vvith his writing tablets,' i. e. for the purpose of composi- tion.

censorishonesti : the special function of the Censor which Horace has in view is that of revising the lists of the Senate and the equites with the purpose of striking out unworthy members ; a func- tion which Augustus (Suet. Aug. 36) had revived. The idea is carried out in many of the phrases that follovv, e. g. ' splendoris,' ' honore indigna,' 'movere loco,' ' invita recedant.' The tiue poet will be as careful in admitting a word to

a place in his writings as aconscientious censor in admitting a claim to the senate. Dr. Johnson, as is well known, happily transfers these lines, in his quotation of them on the title page of his dictionary, from the poet maintaining the purity of his own diction to the lexicographer doing the same for a language.

iii. splendoris : frequently used by Cicero of the ' lustre ' belonging to the senatorian or equestrian order or their members.

112. sine pondere : A. P. 320. feruntur. I follow Ritter and Munro

in giving the reading of the best MSS. instead of ' ferentur,' which has been more generally adopted. Keller prints ' feruntur,' but considers it a mistake of the archetype ; but a mistake is more likely to have been made the other way. If we accept it there isa purposed change of time ; ' habebunt ' and ' erunt ' describe the future results which the censor fore- sees, ' they will, if left there, seem dull or unimpressive by and bye ' : ' feruntur ' describes a present fact, ' or are [now] considered unworthy of the dignity.' The censor would in his decision give some weight to current popular opinion.

113. movere loco : a technical term. Liv. 39. 42 ' senalorio loco movit.' Cp. Sat. 1. 6. 20 ' Censorque moveret Appius.'

invita recedant : from their place in the poem.

114. versentur intra penetralia Vestae. The editors generally give ' intra,' but this is a conjecture, all the MSS. having ' inter,' which does not seem an impossible expression. Keller, vvho retains it, explains ' penetralia ' as = ' sacra penetralia,' the emblems and relics preserved in the shrine. The phrase as a whole is a difficult one. Porph. explains it by ' domi,' ' lictt in animo nostro versentur,' in the poet's



Obscurata diu populo bonus eruet atque Proferet in lucem speciosa vocabula rerum, Ouae priscis memorata Catonibus atque Cethegis Nunc situs informis premit et deserta vetustas ; Adsciscet nova, quae genitor produxerit usus. Vehemens et liquidus puroque simillimus amni Fundet opes Latiumque beabit divite lingua ; Luxuriantia compescet, nimis aspera sano Levabit cultu, virtute carentia tollet, Ludentis speciem dabit et torquebitur, ut qui



affections. Orelli thinks that it is the poefs home, which, as he is ' musarum sacerdos,' has a special sanctity, and which till it is published is the poem's home. Ritter interprets of taking sanc- tuary in the temple of Vesta ; but there is no proof of this usage. Keller ex- plains ' versentur adhuc inter penetralia ' to mean ' cling to their place as genuine relics.' He suggests also, and there is perhaps more help in this, that the phrase is a quotation or adaptation from Ennius or some other elder poet. It may be noticed that the alliteration ' versentur,' ' Vestae,' suits well such an origin. The key in that case is lost, and the exact interpretation can only be matter of conjecture. Possibly, as has been suggested to me, the words mean ' the innermost shrine of Rome's. true lite' i. e. as we might say ' the sanctum of the Latin language,' ' the select circle of genuine Latin words.'

115. populo, dat. with obseurata diu ; ' long lost to the people's view.'

116. speeiosa, opp. ' quae parum splendoris habent ' v. 1 1 1. For the word cp. A. P. 144, 319.

vocabula rerum, ' designations of things,' i. e. words ; so ' rerum nomina ' A. P. 57. Cp. Sat. 2. 3. 280 ' imponens . . . vocabula rebus.' They are called ' vocabula' alone in A. P. 71.

117. Catonibus atque Cethegis, ' such men as Cato ^the Censor, consul in B.c. 195 ; cp. ' lingua Catonis ' A. P. 56) ; ' and Cethegus ' (consul in 204, the orator

/<v called by Ennius ' suadae medulli '); cp. both for the reference and for the plural ' cinctutis non exaudita Cethegis ' A. P. 50). For the plur. see also on Od. 1. «. 37-

118. situs : the only instance in Horace of its Virgilian sense of ' disuse,' 1 inaction.' Such disuse, in the case of

words, is ' informis,' in that it makes them uncouth to unaccustomed ears.

119. adsciscet : a return to the figure of the Censor ; ' will place on the rolls.'

usus : A. P. 71.

120. vehemens et liquidus: 'strong and yet clear.' Contrast the description of Lucilius, Sat. 1. 4. 10 ' cum flueret lutulentus ' ; but Horace is speaking here of diction only or chiefly. ' Vehemens ' is scanned as a disyllable (cp. 'nihilo' Sat. 1. 5. 67), but that it was written as a trisyll. is shovvn by the emendations introduced in several MSS., ' Et vehe- mens,' ' Hic vehemens,' etc.

122. luxuriantia compeseet: the metaph. from pruning : ' ramos com- pesce fluentis ' Virg. G. 2. 370. He speaks of a too florid diction. Cp. per- haps A. P. 447 ' ambitiosa recidet Or- namenta,' and see note there.

sano : i. e. not overdone ; for some- times ' sectantem levia nervi Deficiunt animiqne ' A. P. 26.

123. virtute carentia tollet : those which have no merit in them neitherthe force which leadsto redundancy nor that which conceals itself behind roughness; he removes. Orelli and Dillr. do not improve the sense by taking this of a gardener, ' lifting ' the weaker shoots from the ground.

124. et, 'and yet ' (cp. ' ac ' in Od. 3. 28. 6). The meaning seems to be ' he will seem to you to move with the ease of one at play, but really he will be putting force on himself, just as the ease of a stage dancer, who takes first the agile part and then the heavy part, is the result of effort and training. Cp. Pope's imitation

' But ease of writing flows from ait not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance.'


Nunc Satyrum, nunc agrestem Cyclopa movetur. Praetulerim scriptor delirus inersque videri, Dum mea delectent mala me vel denique fallant, Ouam sapere et ringi. Fuit haud ignobilis Argis, Oui se credebat miros audire tragoedos, In vacuo laetus sessor plausorque theatro ; Cetera qui vitae servaret munia recto More, bonus sane vicinus, amabilis hospes, Comis in uxorem, posset qui ignoscere servis Et signo laeso non insanire lagenae, Posset qui rupem et puteum vitare patentem. Hic ubi cognatorum opibus curisque refectus Expulit elleboro morbum bilemque meraco, Et redit ad sese : ' Pol me occidistis, amici, Non servastis,' ait, ' cui sic extorta voluptas Et demptus per vim mentis gratissimus error.' Nimirum sapere est abiectis utile nugis,

375 125




In this picture, drawn with a sympa- thetic hand, of the poet who spares no pains to make his poetry conform to the rules of his art (' legitimum fecisse poema '), who chooses his language with such nicety, whose verse is like a strong clear stream, carrying fertility where it flows, who wins by such labour the appearance of ease, Horace is drawing the ideal of the elassical school of Latin poetry, but his thoughts must be specially of the master, probably just lost, his friend Virgil.

125. Satyriun : cp. Od. 1. 1. 31 ' Nympharumque leves cum Satyris chori,' Virg. E. 5. 73 ' Saltantes Satyros imitabitur.'

Cyclopa : cp. Sat. 1. 5. 63 ' Pasto- rem saltaret uti Cyclopa rogabat.' This illustrates also movetur with the accus.

126-148. No doubt if the choice were open I should like to take my place with the poets who admire themselves on such easy terms. Any process of disillusion is painful, as the man of Argos found ; but (he goes on) the time for such illusions is past.

Munro and Keller put a question at ' ringi,' which would slightly alter the connection. ' Am I to prefer?' etc.

126. iners : cp. A. P. 446 ' versus inertes,' very possibly, as the Scholiasts

say, the word is used in both cases in its etymological sense = ' arte carens (see also on Epp. 1. 20. 12), but it may only mean ' spiritless,' ' dull ' : for such a metaphorical use cp. Sat. 2. 2. 41 ' car- nem inertem,' of ' flavourless ' meat. ' Delirus ' is ' doting,' ' silly.' Cp. its uses in Sat. 2. 7. 107, 293, 2. 3. 71.

128. sapere et ringi : to be a phi- losopher with his Cynic (snarling) tone [instead of the poet with his genial self-complacency]. The words are here metaphorical, only meant to describe the pain of disillusion ; but the phrase is taken up in v. 141.

131. qui servaret, 'the sort of man to keep,' etc.

133. posset qui ignoscere servis : these are marks of sanity. Cp. Sat. 1. 3. 80 f., where ferocity towards slaves is a sign of madness.

135. rupem, puteum : obvious dan- gers ; Sat. 2. 3. 55, A. P. 459.

137. elleboro : see on Sat. 2. 3. 82.

bilem, as a cause of madness : A. P. 302.

meraco, 'undiluted.' Persius S. 4. 16 imitates, 'Anticyras melior sorbere meracas.'

141. sapere, with ref. to v. 128. 'The truth is it is profitable to turn philosopher, but in a graver sense than before; not merely to understand the



Et tempestivum pueris concedere ludum ; Ac non verba sequi fidibus modulanda Latinis, Sed verae numerosque modosque ediscere vitae. Ouocirca mecum loquor haec tacitusque recordor Si tibi nulla sitim finiret copia lymphae, Narrares medicis ; quod quanto plura parasti Tanto plura cupis, nulline faterier audes ? Si volnus tibi monstrata radice vel herba Non fieret levius, fugeres radice vel herba Proficiente nihil curarier. Audieras, cui Rem di donarent illi decedere pravam Stultitiam ; et cum sis nihilo sapientior ex quo Plenior es, tamen uteris monitoribus isdem? At si divitiae prudentem reddere possent,




laws of poetry, but to fling away poetry with all other modes of trifling, and set to the serions business of life.'

nugis : Epp. 1. 1. 10 ' versus et ce- tera ludicra.'

142. pueris, dat. both with ' tempes- tivum ' and ' concedere ' ; to leave to boys the play that is seasonable for them ' ; a good instance of the so-called d-nb koivov construction ; see on Od. 1. 3-6.

143. ac non : Sat. 2. 3. 135 n., Epp. 1. 10. 46.

verba sequi. Orelli compares Plat. Gorg. 489 B bvopiara drjptvetv : cp. A. P. 240 ' ex noto fictum carmen sequar ' : with ' verba fidibus modulanda ' : cp. Od. 4. 9. 4 ' verba . . . socianda chordis,' but ' fidibus ' is here the abl. of the instr. by which the words are to be set in rhythm.

144. numerosque niodosque : see on Epp. 1. 18. 59.

145. mecum loquor . . . recordor. The figure is that of ' ediscere ' con- tinued. He would ' get by heart ' the methods of reducing life to time and tune. To that end, if Florus were to come and see him, he would hear him ' saying over to himself,' not tags of verse in the making, but what he can remember of the commonplaces of his philosophical teachers. This is the description of the remainder of the Epistle. It is Horace's way of talking to himself, a sermon to Florus only at secondhand.

147. medieis. analogy between

The maxims and arguments which he recalls are the ' elementa ' of Epp. 1. I. 27, the store of rudimentary philo- sophy which he there represents himself as accumulating for his own use. Ava- rice is as usual (see Sat. i. 1) the typical vice first attacked.

146. tibi, not Florus : see the last note.

The argument from the medicine of the body and of the soul is frequent : see Ep. 1. 1. 33 foll. Cp. the hint of Florus' own ailments in Epp. 1. 3. 26. For the folly of not dealing with first symptoms and being frank with your doctor see Epp. 1. 2. 33 f., 1. 16. 21 f. For the special comparison of avarice to the dropsy cp. Od. 2. 2. 13 f.

148. faterier. For the form see on Sat. 2. 3. 24.

149. monstrata, ' prescribed,' a tech- nical word of medicine ; see Mayor on Juv. S. 10. 363.

151. curarier : to be further treated ; for the form see above v. 148.

audieras : suppose you had heard. For the tense and mood cp. Sat. 2.6. 48 ' spectaverat,' ' luserat.' Orelli explains ' a volgo ' ; it is the world's teaching that, wealth once attained, desire will moderate and virtue be easy ; the philo- sopher knows better.

153. stultitiam, i. e. the special manifestation of fully, viz. avarice : so too sapientior.



Si cupidum timidumque minus te, nempe ruberes, Viveret in terris te si quis avarior uno. Si proprium est quod quis libra mercatus et aere est. Ouaedam, si credis consultis, mancipat usus ; Oui te pascit ager tuus est, et vilicus Orbi, Cum segetes occat tibi mox frumenta daturas, Te dominum sentit. Das nummos, accipis uvam, Pullos, ova, cadum temeti : nempe modo isto Paulatim mercaris agrum, fortasse trecentis Aut etiam supra nummorum milibus emptum. Quid refert vivas numerato nuper an olim ? Emptor Aricini quondam, Veientis et arvi,



156. eupidum timidumque : Epp. 1. 2. 51, 1. 6. 9.

nempe, here ' in apodosi,' it empha- sizes the ' reductio ad absurdum ' ; if wealth could do all this,why your blnshes would be needed for being too little anxious, not too greatly, about wealth.

158 f. Lucretius 3. 971 had used the legal distinction between ' mancipium,' perfect ownership, and ' usus,' occupa- palion, enjoyment, to illustrate the tenure of life, 'Vitaque mancipio nulli datur, omnibus usu.' Horace, in Sat. 2.2. 129-1 35,applies the same thought to the tenure of property : ' property can- not be of longer tenure than liie itself ' ; we can have the ' usus ' of it, but ' pro- prium' is a wrong word to use. This thought is worked out more fully here, but Horace calls into use another technicality of the Roman law, namely, the principle of ' usucapio,' viz. that uninterrupted possession for a limited time gave absolute ownership. ' All ownership,' he says, as in the former case, ' is limited by the conditions of human life ' ; but he adds ' limited ownership is as good as unlimited,' and he interprets ' usus ' (perhaps as in Epp. 1. 12. 1-4 in the light of the further technical term ' usus fractus ') to mean enjoyment. ' If you get the fruits of the field, the field is yours to all intents and purposes, in the only sense in which anything can be said to be yours.'

158. libra et aere. Tn the formal act of ' mancipatio,' or the transference of 'res mancipi,' one of the witnesses held a pair of scales and the purchaser touched them with a coin of bronze,

which he then gave to the vendor. This archaic custom is described by Gaius, Inst. 1. 119.

mereatus . . . est : the reading of the majority of the better MSS. includ- ing V. Many edd. prefer ' mercatur.'

159. quaedam : not ' some kinds of property,' for there is no distinction contemplated between 'res mancipi' and ' res nec mancipi,' and the principle of ' usucapio ' applied to both, but ' property sometimes.'

eonsultis : i.e. ' iurisconsultis,' as in v. 87 and Sat. 1. 1. 17.

160. Orbi, some unknown rich pro- prietor.

161. daturas : the reading of the Bland., and more pointed than ' daturus ' which K. and H. prefer.

163. nempe modo isto, ' why, you see, in that way.' It emphasizes the point at which, by the argument, the collective ' agrum ' is substituted for the detailed products of the ' ager.'

166. You count out the price in suc- cessive yearly payments to the bailiff. Orbius counted it out once for all. What is the difference ?

167. The converse of the proposition in vv. 163-165. That was ' the man who buys the produce virtually buys, and so owns, the field.' This is ' the man who bought the field, however long ago, virtually buys the produce he consumes from it.'

quondam: to be taken closely with emptor ; ' the sometime purchaser.' Horace is fond of using verbal substan- tives in the place of parliciples or rela- tive clauses. Dill1'. compares 'late tyrannus' Od. 3. 17. 9, ' prope victor'



Emptum cenat olus, quamvis aliter putat ; emptis Sub noctem gelidam lignis calefactat aenum ; Sed vocat usque suum, qua populus adsita certis Limitibus vicina refugit iurgia ; tamquam Sit proprium quicquam, puncto quod mobilis horae Nunc prece, nunc pretio, nunc vi, nunc morte suprema Permutet dominos et cedat in altera iura. Sic quia perpetuus nulli datur usus, et heres Heredem alterius velut unda supervenit undam, Ouid vici prosunt aut horrea ? quidve Calabris Saltibus adiecti Lucani, si metit Orcus Grandia cum parvis, non exorabilis auro ? Gemmas, marmor, ebur, Tyrrhena sigilla, tabellas, Argentum, vestes Gaetulo murice tinctas,




Od. 4. 6. 3. It must be confessed that the best MSS. (including Bland.) give ' quoniam,' which K. and H. accord- ingly print. It is a possible reading, though it is prosaic, and unlike Horace, and goes awkwardly with the following ' quamvis,' ' sed.'

170. usque, local, with qua ; all the way to where, etc.

qua populus, etc. : the best illus- tration is Varro, R. R. 1. 15 ' Praeterea sine saeptis fines praedii, sationis, notis arborum tutiores fiunt, ne familiae rix- entur cum vicinis, ac limites ex litibus iudicem quaerant, serVunt alii circum pinos, alii cupressos, alii ulmos.' In Virg. Aen. 12. 898 a stone is placed for the same purpose, ' Limes agro posi- tus, litem ut discemeret arvis.'

adsita limitibus, ' planted along the bounds.'

certis is pred., ' so as to make them sure.'

171. refugit: both verb and tense have displeased some edd. Bentley would read, with some slight MS. au- thority, ' refigit,' which he interprets as i.q. ' resolvit.' It is not unnatural to attribute to the tree the 'shiinking' from quarrels which is the motive of their planting; the perfect is probably regular : ever since the poplars were planted their quarrels have ceased ; this is expressed by saying ihat the ' poplars planted there have shrank from quar- rels ' ; others (as Schiitz) explain it as parallel to Virgil's ' meminisse horret luctuque refugit ' Aen. 2. 12.

vicina lurgia

vicmorum lurgia.

172. tamquam sit proprium quic- quam : for the thought cp. Sat. 2. 2. 129 and 134.

puneto horae : Sat. 1. 1. 7 ' horae momento.'

173. prece . . . pretio : the allitera- tion tempts Ovid also, Fast. 2. 805 ' nec prece nec pretio.'

morte suprema : cp. ' supremo fine' Epp. 2.1. 52 ; ' by Death if by nothing before.'

1 74. cedat, ' pass.'

in altera iura : a modification of ' in alterius ius,' that being an equiva- lent of ' in alterius potestatem.'

176. alterius : rieir follows one who was heir of yet another ; three genera- tions are gone as waves one after another. Bentl. would read 'alternis' = 'invicem,' but it is truly remarked it is not a case of reciprocity but of succession.

177. vici, ' estates.' Cic. ad Fam. 14. 1. 5 ' sentis te vicum venditurum.'

Calabris . . . Lucani : Epod. 1. 27. 28.

180. With the whole line cp. Epp. 1. 6. 17.

Tyrrhena sigilia : little images of the gods in bronze, of Tuscan work- manship. Tertull. Apol. 25 ' ingenia Tuscorum fingendis simulacris urbem inundaverunt.'

181. argentum : silver plate, as Epp. 1. 16. 76 and elsewhere.

Gaetulo murice : Od. 2. 16. 35 ' Afro murice.'



Sunt qui non habeant, est qui non curat habere. Cur alter fratrum cessare et ludere et ungui Praeferat Herodis palmetis pinguibus, alter Dives et impoitunus ad umbram lucis ab ortu Silvestrem flammis et ferro mitiget agrum, Scit Genius, natale comes qui temperat astrum, Naturae deus humanae, mortalis in unum Ouodque caput, voltu mutabilis, albus et ater. Utar, et ex modico quantum res poscet acervo Tollam, nec metuam quid de me iudicet heres, Quod non plura datis invenerit ; et tamen idem Scire volam, quantum simplex hilarisque nepoti Discrepet et quantum discordet parcus avaro.


182. est qui non eurat. It seems clear that the contrast is intended to mark the greater certainty of an indi- vidual case ; ' I know one who cares not.' For the grammatical difference of the two constructions see on Od. 1. 1. 3, and compare Epp. 2. 1. 63. Horace must mean himself, rather than (as Orelli and Schiitz) the ' sapiens.' It is characteristic that he goes on ' If you ask, why ? I can't tell you, except that men are differently constituted.'

183. alter fratrum : one even of two brothers, whose antecedents seem so entirely the same. Cp. Sat. 2. 1. 26 ' Castor gaudet equis ; ovo prognatus eodem Pugnis.'

cessare : Epp. 1. 7. 57, 1. 10. 46 n. ungui : Od. 2. 11. 17, Epp. 1. 18. 22.

184. Herodis palmetis : i.e. to the richest and most profitable estate. The famous palm-groves of Jericho were granted by Antony to Cleopatra, and farmed for her by Herod the Great (Joseph. Bell. Jud. 1. 18). Very pro- bably they became his own property. He had a palace there (Strabo 16. 44).

185. dives et importunus : rich and yet busy in season and out of season ; cp. Virgil's ' labor improbus.'

186. mitiget : so ' pacantur ' Epp. 1. 2. 45 n. ; ' flammis et ferro,' though literal of burning and ploughing, yet have a shadow of the same metaphorical reference to the civilizing progress of Roman arms.

187. Genius ; see on Od. 3. 17. 15,

Epp. 2. 1. 144. No Roman writer de- scribes the idea of the Genius so clearly as Horace; it is born with the man, and so makes the influence of the natal hour what it is ; it rules his life, and is the one and only divine power that touches it ; it dies with him ; it is in every respect what he is. It is the idea of the man's self projected from himself and divinized. What makes a man what he is ? When Horace answers ' that is a secret known only to the Genius,' he in effect says ' his self is an ultimate fact ; he is what he is ; there is no accounting for the infinite vai ieties of human nature.'

188. in unum quodque caput : the ' in ' of reckoning, ' for ' or ' with ' each single life. For the division of ' unum- quodque ' between the two lines see on Sat. 1. 9. 51, and cp. A. P. 290.

189. albus et ater : carrying on voltu mutabilis, ' whatever be his hue ' ; the words are proverbial : cp. Cic. Phil. 2. 16. 41 'jsrqui albus aterne fuerit ignoras,' i. e. ' one of whom you know nothing.' So Catull. 93. 2 ' nec scire utrum sis albus an ater homo.'

190. utar: absolute(as Epp. 1. 7. 57) andemphatic, ofxpJycisopposedto^T^o-is. So Persius S. 6. 22 'utar ego, utar.'

192. datis : those I have given (i. e. bequeathed) to him. Poiph. took it less simply, ' than what he has given to me'; cp. Sat. 2. 5 : but this is to introduce an idea alien to the context.

193. scire volam, 'I shall wish to remember.'




Distat enim spargas tua prodigus an neque sumptum 195

Invitus facias neque plura parare labores,

Ac potius, puer ut festis Quinquatribus olim,

Exiguo gratoque fruaris tempore raptim.

Pauperies immunda domus procul absit : ego, utrum

Nave ferar magna an parva, ferar unus et idem. 200

Non agimur tumidis velis aquilone secundo ;

Non tamcn adversis aetatem ducimus austris,

Viribus, ingenio, specie, virtute, loco. re,

Extremi primorum, extremis usque priores.

Non es avarus : abi. Quid, cetera iam simul isto 205

195. There is a difference fthough the miser thinks there is none) between lavish extravagance and the reasonable view of wealth, which, as it does not let a man grudge every penny that he spends, so does not make him toil ever to get more, but allows hirn to enjoy a holiday as well as a schoolboy.

197. Quinquatribus : properly ' the fifth day after [the Ides] ' ; the name given to the short spring holidays, which began on March 19 : see Mayors note on Juv. S. 10. 115.

olim : Sat. I. 1. 25.

198. raptim : cp. ' rapiamus occa- sionem ' Epod. 13. 3.

199-200. ' Provided I escape poverty in the sense of squalor, I should be as happy to sail in small ships as in a big one.' The last words are meta- phorical, and the figure is kept up in the next two lines.

199. domus. The reading cannot be considered certain ; ' domus ' is the reading of the majority of good MSS., and though it is not necessary it makes good sense. Horace is thinking of the opposite extreme to the luxurious fur- nishing of vv. 180 f. But several good MSS. omit the word, leaving the line unmetrical. Some transpose the words ' procul domus ' (' domus immunda ' is then in opposition to 'pauperies,' but the sense is heavy, and Horace would hardly deprecate ' pauperies ' in this absolute way). Bentley, on the au- thority of one undated MS., would read ' procul procul ' ; but this is rightly condemned as too rhetorical for the place. It is possible, as Orelli and Dillr. suggest, that the facts point (as in Od. 4. 6. 17) to the eaily loss of the true word, its place being diversely

filled, but by conjectures.

utrum . . . an : substituted for 'sive,' ' seu,' as though the answering clause were (as it is in sense) 'it makes no difference.' The only parallel quoted is from Ov. Rem. Am. 797 ' Daunius an Libycis bulbus tibi missus ab oris, An veniat Megaris, noxius omnis erit.' It may be compared to the elliptical use of ' an,' as ' iure an iniuria ' Liv. 2. 54, though possibly that is rather a direct question ' rightly, or was it wrongly ? ' see Driiger, Hist. Syntax

2. § 468 A. a. a.

201. The figure of the ship is con- tinued, though we pass from its size to the weather it meets.

201, 202. As the last two verses were of his wishes. so these are of the facts. ' Though I do not run with bellying sail before the wind of fortune, I yet am not passing my life in buffeting wtfh gales ot adversity.'

203. specie : Epp. 1. 6. 49.

205. abi : properly a formula of dis- missal, and thence as an exclamation common in the dramatists with varying shades of meaning, angry, playful, or even expressive of satisfaction. Cp. Ter. Adelph. 220, 564, 620, 703, 765. Here it has the last sense, as in 1. c. 564 (4. 2. 25 ' Laudo, Ctesipho, patrissas : abi, virum te iudico'), ' that will do,' ' so far so good.'

quid? As though the speaker has waited, but waited in vain, for a further disclaimer.

cetera isto cum vitio. Cp. Sat. 2.

3. 159 ' Quid, si quis non sit avarus, Continuo sanus ? ' The same three pas- sions avarice, ambition, superstition, are there ranged in the same position.



Cum vitio fugere ? Caret tibi pectus inani Ambitione ? Caret mortis formidine et ira ? Somnia, terrores magicos, miracula, sagas, Nocturnos lemures portentaque Thessala rides ? Natales grate numeras ? Ignoscis amicis ? Lenior et melior fis accedente senecta ? Ouid te exempta iuvat spinis de pluribus una ? Vivere si recte nescis, decede peritis. Lusisti satis, edisti satis atque bibisti : Tempus abire tibi est, ne potum largius aequo Rideat et pulset lasciva decentius aetas.

2 [O


206. fugere. Many of the best MSS. (including the Bland.) give ' fnge rite,' and Porph. possibly read the same, for his note ' sic prommtiandum est ut in- telligrftur non fugisse alia vitia' seems more needed in that case. Bentley's last judgment was in favour of this reading. Keller, thinking with all recent editors, that it was an error, ingeniously traces it to an original blunder of ' fugerunt,' this corrected to ' fugere,' but the ' e ' so written above as to be taken by a fresh blunder as an addition instead of a sub- stitution, and the reading then deter- mined by an unhappy remembrance of v. 78 of this Epistle, ' fugit urbes Rite cliens Bacchi,' the copyist taking ' rite' there to belong to ' fugit.'

207. formidine et ira. Schiitz seems right in taking these words to- gether as both belonging to ' mortis,' ' terror and anger at death.' He shows that the use of 'ira' with an obj. geni- tive is common (as Liv. 1. 5 ' ob iram praedae amissae ') ; and for the idea he refers to Lucret. 3. 1045 ' Tu vero du- bitabis et indignabere obire.' Temper, generally, is named in vv. 210, 211.

208. terrores magicos. Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 212 ' falsis terroribus implet, Ut magus.'

sagas : Od. 1. 27. 21.

209. lemures : Pers. S. 5. 185 'tum nigri lemures.'

Thessala. Thessaly was the land of sorcery ; Od. 1. 27. 22, Epod. 5. 21. 45.

210. grate. ' with gratitude ' (' lucro apponens ' Od. 1. q. 14), ' for what you have had, not with repining that the

end is so much nearer.'

212. quid te iuvat, ' What does it profit you? ' ' Iuvat ' is used of medical help C. S. 63 ' qui salutari iuvat arte fessos.' ' Levat,' which is given by many edd. besides Bent, has slight MS. authority, the chief being that it is sup- posed to have been the reading of three of the Bland. MSS. (this, according to Cruquius' mode of indication, does not imply V). Ritter, however, shows that Cruquius' note by 110 means makes it certain that he found ' levat ' in those MSS. His words refer to the punctua- tion, not to the verb : ' sic habent cod. Bland. tres per interrogationis notam : quasi dicat, una spina de pluribus ex- emta, nimirum avaritia, me levat mi- nime.' He is justifying the repeated note of interrogation at 'quid?' and at 'una?' and pointing out that this is equivalent to a negative ' minime ' ; ' le- vat ' may possibly be a natural slip of his own. Keller and Munro have ' iuvat.' For ' spinis ' cp. Epp. 1. 14. 4 ' spinas animo . . . evellas,' the metaphor from weeding ground.

213. vivere recte : see on Epp. 1. 2. 4, 1. 6. 29, 1. 16. 17.

deeede : with dat. ' make room for.'

214. For the piclure of the ' conviva satur,' who should know when to retire from the banquet, see Sat. 1. 1. 119. The reference in both places is to Lucret. 3. 938.

216. laseiva decentius, ' in whom play is more becoming ' ; the picture of Od. 3. 15.


On the difficult questions of the date of the ' Epistula ad Pisones,' of the persons to whom it was addressed, and of its relation to Horace's other writings, what I had to say has been said in the general Introduction to the three larger and literary Epistles, pp. 331 f. As was there noticed the earliest titles by which we find it called are ' Ars Poetica * ' and ' Liber de Arte Poetica,' by both of which names it is quoted by Quintilian. These were natural titles to be given to it by those who were already using it as a school-book which served the double purpose of a master-piece of literature and a manual of literary knowledge. They serve also well to characterize a poem of which the chief doctrine is that poetry is an art and must be treated as an art : but we may feel pretty sure that Horace, who shrank so sensitively from anything like pretension or pedantry, would not have given any sanction to such a title. In any case it is, as it was also called in early times 2, an Epistle, not a treatise in verse (like ' L'Art Poetique ' of Boileau), but a letter in verse, with an immediate and personal as well as a literary purpose.

The address to the Pisones, father and sons, is not conventional or complimentary, but has a vital relation to the course of the poem, The appellations change and take colour from the context: 'Pisones,' ' pater et nati patre digni,' ' O Pompilius sanguis.' The places where a name or other personal appeal occurs are always either where the chief points of the Epistle are to be enforced, as the necessity of unity in conception (v. 6), the danger of laziness in Roman poets (v. 291), the valuelessness of mediocre poetry (v. 360), or where Horace is evidently sweetening, after his wont, advice which he wishes to press (as in v. 22), or where there are other indications that some definite purpose, conceived or imagined, is in view (as in

1 Cicero uses ' ars ' as a term for a 7-177 ' artem scindens Theodori.' ' methodical treatise,' as on Rhetoric, 2 By Charisius (fourth or fifth cent). de lMn. 3. 1. 4, de Inv. 1.6; cp. Juv. S.


vv. 225, 386). We can distinguish the different relation which the three persons addressed hold towards the Epistle. The father figures rather as the critic on whom the young writer may lean, and who will enforce Horace's teaching, than as a poet or learner himself at the presenttime. The younger son is only included as making upthe literary family. But as the poem goes on it becomes clear that the elder son is the person for whom the advice is intended, ' O maior iuvenum, quamvis et voce paterna Fingeris ad rectum et per te sapis,' etc, and that he is imagined as having not only literary ambitions, but definite poetical schemes.

Horace is putting on paper an old poet's advice to a young aspirant. He does not discourage him, but he would enlist him, if he is to be a poet, as a recruit in the severe and classical school. In an age of scribblers he must give time to accumulate materials, time to understand his business ; he must subject his work to honest and rigorous criticism ; he must be slow to give it to the world.

We may distinguish perhaps three parts of the poem : but they pass naturally into one another, and a single thread binds them together in the repeated doctrine, that poetry is an art and as an art has rules, and supposes previous instruction and patient effort.

Vv. 1-11S deal with general principles of poetry, unity of concep- tion, choice of words, style of diction.

Vv. 119-284. When from diction he passes to characters it soon becomes evident that, for some reason unexplained, he has dramatic poetry specially in view ; and various points are touched in relation to it, some larger, some smaller ; but the leading principle through- out is that the best Greek practice is to be the rule.

Vv. 285-end. So we go back to what is applicable to all kinds of poetry ; the comparison of the Greek and Roman temperament, the two aims of poetry, the necessity of excellence, the poet's high call- ing, the need of training, the folly of wilfulness.

Something of the same disproportion in the space given to the drama has been noticed in the Ep. ad Augustum. There it has been probably explained by the fact that dramatic writing had become popular again in the Augustan period. But the phenomenon is more marked in the Ars Poetica. It not only has more than its share : it is the only kind of poetry specifically dealt with, and we find upon it detailed and practical rules. It is difficult not to think that the explanation lies in the line which the young Piso's literary ambition was taking. He was planning or writing a play. How closely Horace is touching his plans it seems impossible to define.


Is he advising him (vv. 128 f.) to take an Homeric subject, or justify- ing him in doing so ? Is he implying (vv. 234 f.) that Piso includes in his purpose a Satyric drama? These doubts are not more than those which remain in Epp. 1. 18, as to whether Lollius is actually the dependent of some great man or is only contemplating such a position. We do not exclude in either case the literary purpose. Horace writes not without consciousness of a larger audience. His Epistle has its close relation to Piso's circumstances ; but in writing it, as in publishing it, he is thinking also of the general circumstances of Roman poetry, and adding another chapter to his apologia for the aims and methods of the school which he admired and to which he belonged.

Another interesting question, which has been often debated, is the extent and nature of Horace's indebtedness to particular writers, Greek or Latin, for the materials of his criticism. Porphyrion tells us that Horace, in the Ars Poetica, ' has put together precepts of Neoptolemus of Parium, not all, but the most important ' ; and he carries out this view into some detail in the earlier part of the poem by giving Greek names to succeeding ' precepts,' as vv. 1-9 mpl

aKoXavdlas, V. 28 Trepl tvT(i{;ias, etC.

A. Michaelis, who published in 1857 an exhaustive dissertation on the subject \ has again in the later treatise 2, from which I have quoted before, well characterized this statement, if it is to be inter- preted at all literally, as 'impossible and contradictory both of the idea of an Horatian Epistle and of the whole tendency of Horace's poetry3.' Porphyrion may have noticed some points of resemblance between Horace's treatment of the subject and that of Neoptolemus, and it is

1 'De auctoribus quos Horatius in in the way of such an explanation, we libro de Aite Poetica secutus esse vide- may notice that it is thought necessary atur'Mohr, Kiel, 1857. to make vv. 24-31 one of the para-

2 In the 'Commentationesin honorem phrased texts. These verses have, as T. Mommseni,' Berlin, 1877. much as anylines in the Epistle, Horace's

3 Itwill beseen that I cannot accept the own stamp both on form and sub-tance. suggestionlatelymadebyProf. Nettleship There is all the artifice vvith which he (Essays in Roman Literature, p. 174 f.) knows how to make advice palatable that the framework of the poem is given the personal appeal, the assoeiation of by a series of lexts froma Greek treatise himself with those whom he lectures ; paraphrased and then commented upon. ' we are beguiled,' and of them with The transitions seem to me tobe natural himself. ' most of zts poets.' And the and like those of Horace's other writ- substance is theapplication to literature ings ; the gaps and difficulties not to be of the doctrine. so habitual in his moral different from those which belong to an writings, that follies arise from inaitistic Epistle ; the poem on the whole not to attempts to avoid their opposites, the be desultory, but to have a distinctly text of Sat. 1. 2. The same doctrine is marked thread of continuous purpose. to be detected in his warnings to the As an extreme instance of the difficulties vvriter of Satyric drama, vv. 230 f.



possible that they may have been due to direct imitation, but on the one hand Horace's poem is an Epistle, with the links of thought, the proportion of topics, the personal purpose, which belong to an Epistle, on the other hand we may be sure that in criticism, as in philosophy, he put himself into the hands of no single master, ' nullius addictus iurare in verba.' His eye throughout is primarily on Roman poetry, not on Greek. He has his own purpose, which could not be Neoptolemus's, and everything contributes to that. He is bringing to bear on a literary question the same shrewd judgment and the same standing principles which he has applied in other poems to moral questions. A large part of Michaelis' treatise is taken up with disproving propositions which would now scarcely be advanced, as that the Epistle was built upon Plato's Phaedrus or Aristotle's Poetics. The same general answer holds towards these as is made to Porphyrion's statement about Neoptolemus, with the additional weight given by the fact that in these cases we have the works which he is said to have taken as his guides, and can measure exactly his debt to them. But some debt there is. The figure with which the poem opens is most probably due to a remembrance of Plat. Phaedr., and the parallelisms, both in thought and expression, between Horace and the Poetics, though they are always accom- panied by divergences which show that he is writing independently, are yet probably too close not to imply some memory of the text of Aristotle \ In one passage (vv. 161-174) we seem to find not slavish imitation, but full remembrance of some chapters in the Rhetoric.

1 See cspecially the notes on w. Si, S2, 128, 144, 148, 191-193, 195.


Verses 1-5. You expect a picture to represent something real : not incongruous

and impossible combinations. 6-13. The same rule binds a poet. What he conceives (i. e. whether as a whole

or in detail^ must be possible and whole. 14-23. This rule is violated by the ' purple patch ' system. Your beauties must

be relevant. Remember always your purpose and its conditions. 24-31. Blunders in this matter proceed from the common failing, the incapacity

to avoid one mistake without falling into its opposite. One wants art even

to escape faults. 32-37. It is the same in sculpture. It is easier to work up some details than to

conceive a whole. But it is as in the human face : a crooked nose spoils the

effect of good eyes and hair. 38-41. The key lies in choosing a subject within your powers. Once do that

and you will not fail either in finding plenty to say or in power to arrange it. 42-45. By arrangement I mean knowing when to say a thing, when to omit or

postpone it, the power to pick and choose. 46-72. That must be exercised in respect of diction. It is a very happy knack

to make an old word new by a skilful conjunction. You may also invent

words if it be necessary ; but it must be in moderation, and you will do well

to go to Greek as your well-spring. The old poets invented words, why may

not modern ? Words, like other human things, have their day, and pass

and change. 73-88. The different t}'pes of poetry have been marked out by the Greek masters,

and stamped with their appropriate metres, and we must keep to them. 89-118. So generally with respect to the style of diction. The comic and the

tragic are distinct, though of course to a certain extent each borrows the tone

of the other. This is owing to the larger law that emotion is only stirred

by emotion, and the language must correspond to the emotion. Respect

must be had too to the characters who are speaking. 1 19-127. In respect of characters you may follow tradition or invent. In either

case you have your law. Traditional characters must keep their traditional

features. Newly invented ones must be consistent with their own idea. 128-135. Real originality in dealing with common things is so difficult that you

are doing better to dramatize some of the Homeric story than to start a new

plot. There is room for originality still within these limits, in the choice of

your subject and in the freedom of your imitation. 136—152. Imitate Homer in the modesty of your beginning, in avoiding lengthy ,

and prosaic introductions, in consistency of story.

C C 2


153—178. The first point an andience cares for is a real discrimination of the

characterislics of human nature in each of the stages of life. These must be

well studied. 179-188. They must then be set out in action, not in narrative ; but this not

carried to the extent of producing revolting or marvellous scenes on the

stage. 189-192. Five acts, no more and no less. A 'deus ex machina ' only when the

occasion really requires it. Three characters only on the stage at once. 193-201. On the other hand the Chorus must be treated as an integral part of the

drama. Its business is to help on the action, and specially to take the moral

and religious side in it. 202-219. The lyrical part of the drama was simpler in old days. As audiences

have become more mixed the music became more elaborate, the diction more

stilted, the tone more oracular. 220-239. (In the same way) the desire to interest a miscellaneous audience led

to adding the Satyric drama to tragedy. But moderation and tact are

necessary. Tragic characters must not be lowered in the following Satyric

drama. Neither need they rant. Tragedy has its proper dignity ; so has

the Satyric drama itself. It is not tragedy, but neither is it comedy. 240-243. Do not look for an original story, only for freshness of treatment. 244-250. The chorus of satyrs must keep from low and coarse language : think

of the better not of the worse part of your audience. 251-269. Metre. Avoid the gieat fault of the older Roman tragedians, heavy

and spondaic verses. Roman poets have been demoralized by inartistic

audiences. Neither presume on this nor be slavishly afraid of censure, but

steep yourself in Greek models. 270-274. No doubt your ancestors put up with and praised Plautus for his

rhythms as well as his wit ; but they were too indulgent in both points. We

should know the rules of art better. 275-284. The Greeks are the masters : they invented the drama, and perfected it,

tragedy and even comedy, from the too free criticism of the older type to the

more sober and toothless new comerly of manners. 285-294. But our countrymen have imitated every phnse, and have struck out lines

of their own both in tragedy and comedy. Indeed Rome would rival Greece

in literature as in arms were it not for our laziness in perfecting our work. 295-301. This laziness is reduced to a theory. Men undervalue art in comparison

with the native gift, and look on that as the antithesis of common sense. 301-308. As I cannot follow them, I have given up writing poetry myself, but

I am trying to teach others to write it, as a whetstone makes knives cut

though it cannot cut itself. 309-318. Good writing begins in good thinking. Read Plato, understand human life, draw direct from that, and then your characters will speak like living beings. 319-332. Roman audiences give even a disproportionate value to good sentiments and morals, and too little to poetic beauty. This is the result of our vulgavizing practical education. 333-346. There are in truth two aims in poetry, instruction and pleasure. When you would teach remember the importance of brevity ; when you would please remember the importance of verisimilitude. But if you would gratify all your audience you must combine both aims. This is the true classical poetry that lives.


347—359. Do not suppose I expect an impossible perfection, but I draw a dis-

tinction between the bad poet who is occasionally good, and the good poet

who is, if so be, occasionally less good. 360-365. There is in poetry as in painting a difference between aims, between

a sketch and a finished picture. 366-373. Only remember one thing is intolerable in poetry, though allowable in

most things, mediocrity. 374-384. If poetry is not good it is bad, and we are better without it. We

forget this too olten. 385-390. Do you remember it. Do not write unless you are in the vein. What

you write submit to some good critic, and do not be in a hurry to publish it. 391-407. Poetry has had historically a high mission. It is not a thing to be

thought scorn of. 408-415. People ask sometimes which is necessary to a poet, natural gifts or

artistic training. The answer is, both. You need the gift ; but the gift

without training will do no more in this art than in any other. 416-437. You can wrap yourself up in your conceit, or you can buy applause from

interested critics ; but you know how worthless this is and will beware of it.

The poem ends with the picture 438-452. First, of the honest and good critic, such as was Quintilius. 453-476. Secondly, of the self-willed and self-conceited poet.

Humano capiti cervicem pictor equinam Iungere si velit, et varias inducere plumas Undique collatis membris, ut turpiter atrum Desinat in piscem mulier formosa superne,

1-9. In this picture of incongruous and pictures as Virgil's of Scylla (Aen. 3.

impossible conceptions, Horace had 426), and the Triton (Aen. 10. 211

probably in mind Plato's figuie Phaedr. ' Frons hominem praefert, in pristin

p. 264 c d\\d ToSe ye oTp.ai ae <pdvai dv, desinit alvus '), and still more by Lu-

oelv ndvra \6yov watttp (u>ov ovveoTavai cretius' solemn argument (5. 878 f.)

cu/fj.d ti e\ovTa avruv avTov, 0x77-6 firjTe against the possibility of such composite

UKtcpakov elvai fJ-TjTe dirovv d\\d p.eaa Te natures ' ex alienigenis membris com-

«X*'" xal diepa rrpenovT' d\\rj\ois Kal tw pacta ' ; bnt Horace is thinking here not

'6\a> yeypap/xeva. of a monster which poets have imagined,

2. velit : the verb perhaps implies but of an unimaginable one, which yet,

the self-willed fancy of the painter. he would have us think, is no bad

inducere plumas . . . membris, ' to image of the delirious and impossible

clothe with feathers, limbs,' etc, ' mem- conceptions of contemporary poets. bris' being the dat. 3. ut : like ' ita ut,' not of result but

varias : i. e. from different birds, as of an added qualification ; see Fpp. 1.

' undique ' = from every animal ; cp. 16. 12 n.

Od. 1. 16. 14 ' particulam undique De- turpiter : it may be doubted whe-

sectam.' Bentley complained of the ther the adv. qualifies desinat (' have

monster as too monstrous, and seeks ugly ending '), or atrum (' black and

to lessen its monstrosity by substituting ugly '), as ' turpiter hirtum ' Epp. 1. 3.

'formas' for ' plumas.' But the com- 22. This reference does not settle the

pleteness belongs to the satire. The question, for in sense ' turpiter ' there

monster combines the special charac- qualifies ' incultum' as well ; it belongs

teristics of each division of the animal to the sentence. It is a mistake pro-

kingdom, of man, quadrupeds, birds, bably in such a case to suppose that

fishes, even of every species in each. the poet himself would necessarily have

The idea is suggested perhaps by such wished to resolve our doubts certainly.



Spcctatum admissi risum teneatis, amici? 5

Credite, Pisones, isti tabulae fore librum

Persimilem cuius, velut aegri somnia, vanae

Fingentur species, ut nec pes nec caput uni

Reddatur formae. ' Pictoribus atque poetis

Ouidlibet audendi semper fuit aequa potestas.' 10

Scimus, et hanc veniam petimusque damusque vicissim ;

Sed non ut placidis coeant immitia, non ut

Serpentes avibus geminentur, tigribus agni.

Inceptis gravibus plerumque et magna professis

Purpureus, late qui splendeat, unus et alter 15

Adsuitur pannus, cum lucus et ara Dianae

Et properantis aquae per amoenos ambitus agros,

5. spectatum : i. e. to a private view.

8. species : ' images,' ' conceptions.' It is limited presently to the total con- ception, the p.v9os, as we should say ' the plot ' ; but it is here still general ; what- ever is imagined, a character, a scene, a dialogue. Such ' species ' are ' vanae,' nevai, fxaTmai, when they have nothing in reality to answer to them. This, however, as Schiitz points out, is limited by the words that follow. A poet's pictures must often have nothing in the world of prose that answers to them ; what is condemned is so drawing these pictures that they lack not only truth of fact but truth of consistency.

nee pes nec caput : a proverbial expression, like our ' neither head nor tail,' and not to be taken literally. It stands here not for ' no single part,' which would make no sense with uni formae, but for ' no two parts.'

9. reddatur : is made to correspond ; ' reddere ' is ' to give what is due.'

pictoribus atque poetis. This is, as the Pseudo-Acron says, a ' subiectio ' or answer, supposed to be made by some one. ' Surely painters and poets equally have the time honoured privi- lege of unlimited audacity in invention.' The edd. quote Diphilus ap. Athen. 6. I ci/s ol rpaywooi ipaatv, oh e£ovoia \ eoTtv \eyetv anavTa tcat irotetv fiovots, Arist. Metaph. 1.2. io«ard ttjv irapoifiiav TloWa. \pevbovrai aotboi, Lucian, pro Imag. 18 (peihaps in remembrance of Horace) na\atbs ovtos 6 \6yos dvev- Ovvovs etvat nal notrjTas xal ypa<peas.

10. aequa : as Acr. = ' aequalis.' Orelli and Schiitz prefer to take it as ' fair.*

11. petimusque damusque, ' we ask as poets, and give as critics ' Acr.

12, 13. ut placidis coeant immitia, ' that savage mate with tame.' This and the following are a second metaphorical expression (the first being vv. 1-5) for incongruous combinations, such as ig- nore the lines of distinction which Na- ture draws : cp. Epod. 16. 30.

14. Poets begin as though they were in earnest and meant something great ; but the merits of the piece turn out to be two or three good descriptions of scenery. The ' purple patch ' implies that it is stitched on a somewhat dingy garment.

plerumque, ' very often.' See 011 Sat. 1. 10. 15.

16. cum lucus, etc. Horace is hit- ting some particular poems of the day, and the clue is lost to us. ' Diana's grove and altar ' may have been a scene described in unnecessary detail in some ' Iphigenia,' or the Comm. Cruq. may have had grounds for his assertion that the reference is to an altar of Diana Nemorensis at Aricia. Persius alludes to this passage I. 70 ' nec ponere lucum Artifices' ; 'not artistsenoughto describe a grove ' Conington.

17. The smooth and alliterative line, meant to suit the scene it pictures, is either a quotation or a parody of the kind of descriptive passages of which Horace speaks.



Aut flumen Rhenum aut pluvius describitur arcus. Sed nunc non erat his locus. Et fortasse cupressum Scis simulare : quid hoc, si fractis enatat expes Navibus aere dato qui pingitur ? Amphora coepit Institui ; currente rota cur urceus exit ? Denique sit quodvis, simplex dumtaxat et unum. Maxima pars vatum, pater et iuvenes patre digni, Decipimur specie recti : brevis esse laboro, Obscurus fio ; sectantem levia nervi Deficiunt animique ; professus grandia turget ; Serpit humi tutus nimium timidusque procellae ; Oui variare cupit rem prodigaliter unam, Delphinum silvis appingit, fluctibus aprum.



18. flumen Ehenum. For the form of the adj. cp. ' Metaurum flumen' Od. 4. 4. 38.

19. non erat, ' it is not though you thought it was ' ; see on Od. 1. 37. 4.

cupressum. Porph. vouches for a Greek proverb ^77 ti ik Kvirapiaaov OiXets; 'do you want any part of a cypress ? ' which he explains by this passage, as a question supposed to be asked by a painter whose forte lay in drawing a cypress of a man who had escaped shipwreck and wished for a picture of a shipwreck to put as a votive offering in a temple. It seems not im- possible that the ' invisa cupressus ' (Od. 2. 14. 23) is thought of as specially in- appropriate in a picture of escape from death.

20. simulare, ntp.uo9ai : Epp. 2.1. 241.

expes : at the moment which is to be depicted, viz. when he is swimming for his life.

21. aere dato qui pingitur. For the practice of votive pictures cp. Od. 1. 5. 13, Sat. 2. 1. 33 n.

amphora coepit : a metaphor from anothtr art. The difference between the wine-jar and the pitcher is of shape, not material, nor necessarily size. The figure is of those who in a work of art cannot keep steadily in view the pur- pose.

23. sit quodvis. Bentley is clearly right in taking ' quodvis ' as the predi- cate, as against those who took it as subj. ' let what you desire be,' etc. It is, as he says, the conclusion of the

figure of the preceding verse. ' In hea- ven's name let it be what you will a pitcherif soyouchoose provided only it be something simple and one.' Whether to attain this sense it is necessary to alter with him the 'quodvis' of all good MSS. to the slightly supported ' quidvis' is not equally certain. Munro and Ritter retain the reading of the MSS.

24. maxima pars vatum, ' most of us poets.' The mode of expression com- mends Horace's criticisms, certainly as including himself within their effect, and possibly as implying that the Pisos also are among the poets.

25. specie : see on Sat. 1. 3. 208; 'a vision of right.'

26. levia, the opp. of 'aspera.' Poets, in their dread of roughness, polish their lines till they destroy their vigour and spirit.

27. professus grandia : cp. ' magna professis,' v. 14.

28. serpit humi : of one who does not trust his wings for poetic flight : ' sermones . . . Repentes per humum ' Epp. 2. 1. 250. The following words would not be inappropriate to this figure, as stormy winds would be one of the dangers which might frighten the bird from using its wings (cp. Od. 4. 4. 7 ' nimbis remotis '), but in ' tiini- dus procellae ' probably a second figure has come into vievv, viz., of the sailor who hugs the shore ' dum procellas Cautus horresci[t] ' Od. 2. 10. 2.

29. 30. This is the point to which the other illustrations of the law lead up. ' So these ridiculous incongruities



In vitium ducit culpae fuga si caret arte. Aemilium circa ludum faber imus et ungues Exprimet et molles imitabitur aere capillos, Infelix operis summa, quia ponere totum Nesciet. Hunc ego me, si quid componere curem, Non magis esse velim quam naso vivere pravo, Spectandum nigris oculis nigroque capillo. Sumite materiam vestris, qui scribitis, aequam Viribus, et versate diu, quid ferre recusent, Quid valeant humeri. Cui lecta potenter erit res,



of which we have been speaking grow from the desire to give variety which a single thing does not admit of, except by exceeding the bounds of nature (' pro- digaliter').

31. culpae fuga. It is the doctrine of Sat. I. 2. 24 ' Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt,' applied to literary faults. The ' stultitia ' of a poet is ' arte carere.'

arte. Ritter seems right in seeing in this word the key to vv. 32-37 ; ' cut, which means, remember, not merely the power of detail, but the gift of conceiv- ing a whole.'

32. Aemilium ludum. The Scho- liasts tell us that this was a gladiatorial trainingschool,neartheCircusMaximus, erected by Aemilius Lepidus.

faber imus. Whatever we may think of Bentley's reading ' unus,' the case for it is not strong enough to justify us in printing it in the place of ' imus,' which is found in all good MSS. and was read by all the Scholiasts. It was thought puzzling, for Acr. reports some persons as making it a proper name. The ex- planation found in all the Scholiasts is that it is local, and means ' the last,' i. e. at the end of the row of shops. Dillr. still holds this to be the true ex- planation. If we retain the reading, it most probably means ' the humblest arti- ficer.' No exact parallel is quoted, but we may compare ' insignes et imos ' Od. 3. 1. 15 and the uses of ' summus,' as ' summus vir,' ' summus dux.' Bentley interpreted ' unus' (aiter Sat. 1. 10. 42, 2. 5. 24, 2. 6. 57), 'like no one else,' taking it with ' expriniet,' which he thought absolutely required some such quahhcation. It is however in Horace's way to allow the qualification of the first clause to be gathered from ' molles'

in the second. It has also been proposed (Diintzer) to take ' unus,' after Cicero's ' unus paterfamilias ' (de Orat. I. 29. 139), Catullus' 'unus caprimulgus ' (22. 6), as 'an average worker in brass.' The position of ' untis ' seems too emphatic for this use.

' Unus ' and ' imus ' are easy to con- fuse, and are actually confused in MSS., as inf. v. 152 and in Sat. 1. 4. 87. Con- siderations of sense and propriety, there- fore, are of chief importance ; but here also there is room for difference of opinion. 'Faber' seems to me to re- quire qualification more than ' exprimet.' It can hardly mean 'some (undefined) brass-smith ' ; and if a definite person were meant, it would be Horace's own way, as Acron's friends felt, to name him. Whatever be the reading, it seems to be implied that the correct represent- ation of nails and hair was a trick of art easily caught.

33. molles : of the soft curves of hair represented in bronze. Cp. Virg. Aen. 6. 847 ' Excudent alii spirantia mollius aera.'

34. ponere, in the artistic sense, ' to represent,' Od. 4. 8. 8.

35. hunc esse : Epp. 1. 6. 40 ' ne fuens hic tu,' 1. 15. 42 ' hic ego sum.'

36. The illustration gives a playful air, and it adds a point. Even a beauty, if it is out of keeping. only calls attention to the countervailing defects.

37. Cp. Od. 1. 32. 11 'nigris oculis nigroque Crine decorum.'

39. quid ferre recusent. Horace represents himself in Epp. 2. 1. 258 as observing this rule himself, ' nec meus audet Rem temptare pudor quam vires ferre recusent.'

40. potenter : a difficult word. Its ordinary meaning is ' powerfully,' ' ef-



Nec facundia deseret hunc ncc lucidus ordo. Ordinis haec virtus erit et venus, aut ego fallor, Ut iam nunc dicat iam nunc debentia dici, Pleraque differat et praesens in tempus omittat ; Hoc amet, hoc spernat promissi carminis auctor. In verbis etiam tenuis cautusque serendis, Dixeris egregie notum si callida verbum Reddiderit iunctura novum. Si forte necesse est


fectively.' So Quintil. 12. 10. 72 ' dicit utiliter et ad id quod intendit potenter.' Possibly Horace means it so here, ' chosen effectively,' the emphasis being on' lecta,' not on ' potenter,' and the choice of the adv. in this place having a paradoxical force ; ' the place where you must look to make your poem efiective is not, where you think, in the composition, but in the choice of subject.' The Scho- liasts explain it by ' qui legerit id quod praestare possit,' ' secundum quod po- test,' i.e. ' in accordance with his powers.' Porphyrion's special note is ' Potenter, figuravit (i. e. ' he has given a parti- cular colour to the word ') ws el Svvaros,' and this has been followed by most editors. It makes excellent sense. The drawback is the want of a parallel for the use in Latin and of any Greek phrase of which it would seem to be an exact translation. Prof. Wilkins pro- poses to make it the opposite of ' im- potenter ' and equivalent to tyicpaTws, 'with self-restraint.'

41. facundia: cp. v. 311.

ordo. This is the link word between the precept of vv. 38-40 and what has preceded. The lack of unity, ' purple patches,' exaggeration of detail, etc, are failings in order, and the first condition to attaining either something to say or the power to order what you say, is to choose a subject within your capacity. Order is defined in vv. 42-45, and in words which have this retrospective bearing. Then in v. 46 Horace proceeds to his next point, that order has its sphere in respect to diction as well as matter.

42. ordinis. The repetition is em- phatic ; see last note.

venus : v. 320 'Fabula nullius ve- neris ' ; ' charm.'

aut ego fallor : as ' nisi fallor ' in Virg. Aen. 5. 49, etc, 'or' or 'unless (which is impossible) I am mistaken.'

Some good MSS. (as B) have ' haud,' but apparently by a mistake.

43. iam nunc . . . iam nune, ' says at this moment what needs at this mo- ment to be said.'

44. pleraque. His ' facundia ' sug- gests to him a number of things to say ; ' ordo ' requires that ' most of them ' should wait for their fitting time of ut- terance.

45. The words hoc amet, hoc sper- nat are a repetition of the precept of the last two lines, but justified by the stronger colour of the words, ' love despise.' The author of a poem which is to fulfil his promises must have one canon of taste for judging what he writes : ' Does it suit the place?' if so, it is admirable : if not, however beau- tiful in itself, it is here contemptible.

prornissi : Epod. 14. 7. It is in effect equivalent to ' inceptis . . . magna professis,' above v. 14.

Pentley transposed vv. 45 and 46, and he is followed by many editors, including Dill'"., Munro, and Schiitz. Keller in his Epilegomena, though allowing that ' the Archetype' had the order of the Vulg., gives his assent to Bentley's change. There is no hint of disturbance in the MSS. as there is in Epp. 1. 1. 57, 58. The Scholiasts evidently had our present text. Nor is the change necessary. On the other hand we lose by separating ' serendis ' from ' iunctura.' The special point of order in relation to diction which is touched is the power of arrange- ment to gain all the force of novelty without its risks.

46. etiam, as well as in matter. tenuis cautusque. The epithets

touch two points, fineness of sense (see for use of ' tenuis' = ' subtilis ' on Od. 2. 16. 38) and sobriety of judgment.

serendis : of ' connecting/ ' com- bining.'

48. iunctura, ' setting.'



Indiciis monstrare recentibus abdita rerum, Fingere cinctutis non exaudita Cethegis Continget, dabiturque licentia sumpta pudenter ; Et nova fictaque nuper habebunt verba fidem si Graeco fonte cadent, parce detorta. Quid autem Caecilio Plautoque dabit Romanus ademptum Vergilio Varioque ? Ego cur acquirere pauca Si possum invideor, cum lingua Catonis et Enni Sermonem patrium ditaverit et nova rerum Nomina protulerit ? Licuit semperque licebit Signatum praesente nota producere nomen.



49. abdita rerum : for the form see on Sat. 2. 2. 25. They are the ' obscura reperta ' which Lucretius tells us (1. 136) require ' nova verba.'

50. cinctutis Cethegis. For ' Ce- thegis ' see on Epp. 2. 2. 117. The meaning of ' cinctutus ' must be gathered from (r) Ov. Fast. 5. 101 (the only other place where it occurs), where lt describes the Luperci, who are spoken of by Virgil as ' nudi ' ; (2) the parallel ex- pression in Lucan 2. 54 ' Exserti manus vesana Cethegi ' ; (3) Aul. Gellius 7. 1 2, who says that the Romans at first wore the toga only without a tunic, and then ' substrictas et breves tunicas citra hu- merum desinentes.' Porphyrion's note is in accord with this. ' cinctutis . . . quo- niam cinctum est genus tunicae infra pectus aptatae.'

51. sumpta pudenter: cp. Epp. 1. 17. 44 ' sumasne pudenter.' For the proviso cp. Quintil. 6. 5. 71 ' usitatis/<A tutius utimur: nova non sine quodam periculo fingimus.'

52. habebunt fidem. We are close to the metaphor of coinage, which be- comes distinct in v. 59.

53. detorta : ' derivata 'Comm. Cruq. It is a continuous metaphor, viz. that of irrigation. The waters must come from Greek sources, and the sluices must be opened sparingly. Horace allows of but two ways of meeting the demand for more powers of expression ; the first, which he favours and which he prac- tised, namely, to make old words do new service by skilful setting; the second, which he allows if sparingly used, to bring words from the more co- pious Greek. In Sat. 1. 10. 20 f. he

satirizes the inclination of early Roman writers to overdo this liberty.

quid autem. ' Quid' is interr. ' what? ' i. e. ' is there anything which ? ' ' Autem ' is dramatic, as though the opponent were supposed to assent to the general dictum, but to limit it to past genera- tions.

Cicero uses a similar argument as be- tween Greek and Roman writers de Fin. 3. 4. 15 'Si enim Zenoni licuit cum rem aliquam invenisset inusitatam inaudi- tum quoque ei rei nomen imponere cur non liceat Catoni ' (i.e. for the younger Cato, the interlocutor in the dialogue) ; see the whole of the passage.

54. Caeeilio : Epp. 2. 1. 59.

55. Vergilio Varioque : Epp. 2. 1. 247.

It is to be noticed that Macrobius de- fends Virgil from the charge of intro- ducing Greek words (such as ' lychni,' ' ^aedalus,' ' aethra ') showing that he was following older poets, and that he used the license more sparingly than they.

56. invideor for 'invidetur mihi.' Cp. 'imperor' Epp. 1. 5. 21 n.

Catonis: Epp. 2. 2. 117. He names the earliest master of prose and of verse.

59. ' To give to the world words that bear the mintmark of the day.' pro- dueere occurs, in the similar passage Epp. 2. 2. 119. It has not the full me- taphorical colour of the other words, but from its place here it acquires the sense of ' to put in currency.' Bentley's conj. 'procudere ' completes the technical terms at the expense of the completeness of the figure.




Ut silvae foliis pronos mutantur in annos, Prima cadunt : ita verborum vetus interit aetas, Et iuvenum ritu florent modo nata vigentque. Debemur morti nos nostraque ; sive receptus


60-72. The reasonableness and neces- sity of some liberly in the invention of words is enforced by the reflection, in the vein of half playful moralizing com- mon to the Epistles, that language can- not continue in one stay more than hu- man life and its other products. Horace has in mind Homer's similitude ohj -ntp (pvWajy ffvtrj, toit] Se Kal avbpaiv, k.t.X. 11.6. 146.

60. foliis : the abl. of respect.

in annos : 'from yearto year,' as ' in- dies,' 'in horas' (Od. 2. 13. 14, Sat. 2. 7. 10, and inf. v. 160) ; pronos adds ' as they run smoothly, swiftly '; so ' pronos Volvere menses ' Od. 4. 6. 39.

61. prima cadunt, ' those that come first fall.' The two statements about the leaves answer to the two about words, but in the reversed order. The woods get new leaves every year, ' the leaves that came first drop off— so old words die and new ones take their place.' Prof. Nettleship (Essays in Lat. Lit. p. 176) has an ingenious argument to show that the text originally ran ' prima cadunt : nova succrescunt : vetus interit aetas.' The facts he produces are curious, but the difficulties of the existing text seem to have been exaggerated. If the alter- native were accepted a new difficulty would arise ; the words ' ita verborum ' having vanished, there would be nothing to imply that ' vetus interit aetas ' was said of words. It could hardly be so understood. In that case the generation of leaves would become a similitude for the generations of humanity, the appli- cation of the law to language would be postponed till v. 69. This would be very unlike Horace's lightness of hand.

63. debemur : cp. OavaTw iravTes o(pei\6p.€6a Simonides, Frag. 123 Bergk.

63-68. It is natural to a Roman, enforcing the lesson that the works of mortal hands cannot be imperishable, to think of the great operations of Roman engineering. It is natural to Horace to choose operations which are associated with the Emperor or his friends. Nor is it a bad compliment to Augustus, as some have suggested, for the point of naming them is that

they are the extreme instances of mar- vellous and durable human works. No- tice also that the three operations have a special link in that they all display in a particular matter the power of re- versing the conditions of nature : ' land has been turned into sea, water into dry land, running water has been made to find a new channel.' The first instance can hardly but be Agrippa's great work of making the Portus Julius by the union of the Lucrine lake with the Avernian : see Merivale, vol. iii. ch. 27, and cp. Virg. Georg. 2. 161. It stands with Virgil as the single instance of an artificial work to match the great natural features of Italy. Cp. esp. the two lines ' Iulia qua ponto longe sonat unda refuso, Tyrrhenusque fretis immit- titur aestus Avernis.' The last line recalls ' receptus terra Neptunus,' and perhaps the slight conceit which gives a point to the two lines, ' the sea is kept out of the Lucrine while it is admitted to the Avernian,' has also its parallel in Horace's triplet. The other two seem to refer to the draining of the Pomptine marshes, and some turning of the course of the Tiber with the purpose of preventing floods ; but the facts are not known to us. The Scho- liasts assert that the first of these works was executed by Augustus. Plutarch tells us (Jul. Caes. 58) that it had been planned by Julius Caesar ; and the canal through the marshes, by which we find Horace travelling (in Sat. 1. 5), was probably connected with this purpose; but there is no notice in his- tory of the work having been completed. Augustus may well have carried it fur- ther, and we may allow for some exag- geration in Horace's tone about it. In spite of the advocacy of Profs. Nettle- ship and Wilkins, I cannot accept Prel- ler's view (see Orelli's excursus iv.) that Horace is referring to the projects of Julius Caesar, not to works actually executed. The tenses and moods seem unsuitable : the emphatic praise ' regis opus ' is wasted on a dream ; the com- pliment to Augustus is dubious : 'all human works shall perish, even your great father's purposes if they are ever



Terra Neptunus classes aquilonibus arcet,

Regis opus, sterilisve diu palus aptaque remis 65

Vicinas urbes alit et grave sentit aratrum,

Seu cursum mutavit iniquum frugibus amnis

Doctus iter melius, mortalia facta peribunt,

Nedum sermonum stet honos et gratia vivax.

Multa renascentur quae iam cecidere, cadentque 70

Quae nunc sunt in honore vocabula, si volet usus,

Quem penes arbitrium est et ius et norma loquendi.

Res gestae regumque ducumque et tristia bella

Quo scribi possent numero monstravit Homerus.

Versibus impariter iunctis querimonia primum, 75

Post etiam inclusa est voti sententia compos :

carried out, which they have not been ' : and the force of the illustration is greatly diminished by being reduced from an achievement to an unrealized intention.

65. regis opus. Schiitz suggests that Horace has in mind ' the great king,' and what the Romans luoked upon as his half fabulous enterprises ; the canal behind Mount Athos, and the bridging the Hellespont (Juv. S. 10. 173 f.). He notices that Ausonius (Mosell. 287) uses of these exploits of Xerxes the expression ' Regis opus magni ! '

diu palus. This is the reading of all the MSS., and is attested by Servius on Aen. 2. 69 and 4. 107, and by Pris- cian 6. 16. 83, who comment on the unusual quantity. We must imagine therefore, at least, a very early corrup- tion. Holder gave 'palus diu' and spoke of it as an emendation of Gesner ap- proved by Lachmann, but I cannot verify this. It was suggested indepen- dently by Bp. Chr. Wordsworth. Keller has returned in his Epilegomena to the Vulg., thinking the hiatus impermissible. Munro says ' " diu palus " can harcily be right,' but cannot accept ' palus diu' nor Bentley's ' palus prius.'

68. doetus iter melius. Cp. Epp. 1. 14. 29, of the stream by his own farm. ' multa mole docendus apiico par- cere prato.'

69. sermonum, 'language'; theplur., which is unusual in this sense, seems due to the antithesis to ' facta ' ; ' what they say ' opp. to ' what they do.'

71. usus : Epp. 2. 2. 119.

73 f. Horace is passing from words

to diction in the larger sense of style ; and the first principle to be laid down is that each kind of poetry has its ap- propriate style. The kinds of poetry are marked by the metres. The point of transition lies in the contrast between the dependence on fashion varying from age to age, which he has attributed to words, the fixity of metres, i. e. accord- ing to his view, of the types of poetry, as settled once for all by the first masters in each style.

74. numero, ' metre ' : cp. ' numeris ' in Od. 4. 2. 11.

75. impariter, an airog Xey., 'verses unequally yoked,' describes the metre of Elegy as consisting of couplets, but of couplets of long and short.

76. voti sententia compos, ' the sense of granted prayer ' : the position of the man who feels the sentiment is attributed to the sentiment. This is generally explained (as by Orelli) of the elegy of love (tpaiTucr)), as contrasted with that of mourning (dptjvrjn/cT)). But amatory poetiy is not all of ' granted prayers ' ; and in truth love is left as a subject to lyric poetry (v. 85). Horace is thinking rather of the elegiac couplet as the metre of inscriptions, ' exigui elegi,' whether on funeral urns or on votive offerings. The immediate purpose, however, is perhaps not so much to explain the subject of elegy-writing as to connect the popular derivation of the word from % Xeyttv with the cheerful tone of much actual elegiac verse ; ' the complaint [of those that have lost] and the [joyful] feelings of those who have gained their wish.'



Quis tamen exiguos elegos emiserit auctor, Grammatici certant et adhuc sub iudice lis est. Archilochum proprio rabies armavit iambo ; Hunc socci cepere pedem grandesque cothurni, Alternis aptum sermonibus et populares Vincentem strepitus et natum rebus agendis. Musa dedit fidibus divos puerosque deorum Et pugilem victorem et equum certamine primum Et iuvenum curas et libera vina referre. Descriptas servare vices operumque colores Cur ego si nequeo ignoroque, poeta salutor ? Cur nescire pudens prave quam discere malo ? Versibus exponi tragicis res comica non volt ;



77. exiguos : in contrast with the ' perpctuum carmen ' of the heroic mea- sure : but the epithet has a playful force, as if it were hardly worth the fuss of the pedants on the question.

79. Archilochum : Epod. 6. 13, Epp. 1. 19. 25.

proprio : which belongs to him, i. e. which was his invention.

80. socci : Epp. 2. 1.174 and inf. v. 90.

grandes cothurni : Sat. 1. 5. 64, Od. 2. 1. 12, inf. v. 280.

81. 82. The first and last reasons for

the preference of the Iambic in dramatic

poetry are those given by Aristotle, Poet.

4. 18 Af£eoj? fi« ytvopevrji avrfj r) (pvots rb

otKetov uerpov tvpev ptaAtOTayap AeKTiKov

twv perpojv t<j iapPetov eortv. orjuetov

di tovtoV TrAetora -yap iaufieta Aejopttv

ev rfi StaAeKTqj ttj rrpus dAArjAovs (cp. also

Rhet. 3. 8. 4), and Poet. 24. 10 (where

also he is comparing it with the trochaic

tetrameter which it supplanted), to oe

lapP kov Kai rerpdpeTpov KivriTiKa (i. e.

lend themselves to movement, in opposi-

tion to the heroic metre oTaatponarov

Kai b-yKoj^eOTaTov tuv perpojv), rb p.iv

bpxqoTiieuv (ihat is, the trochaic), to Se

irpaKTtKov (the iambic). Cicero repeats

the first, Orat. 36. 189 'magnam partem

ex iambis nostra constat oratio'; cp.

ibid. 57. 191 ' . . . qua de causa [putant]

fieri ut is potissimum propter similitu-

dinem veritatis adhibeatur in fabulis.'

The second leason, that it is more easily

heard over the hum of a large audience,

is illustrated by Schiitz from Cicero's

remark, de Orat. 3. 47. 182, that the ' ictus ' of the iambic [and trochaic] measure is strongly marked, and comes quickly, ' insignes percussiones eorum numerorum et minuti pedes.'

83-85. The first tvvo lines will de- scribe such lyric poetry as Pindar's hymns and ewtviKta (cp. Od. 4. 2. 10. f.), the third, the amatory and convivial lyrics of Alcaeus, Sappho, Anacreon etc.

85. libera : not without special re- ference to curas, as though he con- trasted the lightheartedness of the ban- quet with the young lover's cares ' cares, and the way to forget them,' i. e. ' dulci Lyaeo solvere.'

86. vices, as Wilkins says, are not 'parts,' but successive or correspondent parts ; cp. Od. 4. 7. 3 ' mutat terra vices,' Ov. Met. 15. 23S ' vices pera- gant,' of the various successive forms in which the natural elements appear. As the poetry changes the metres must change, and these changes have been ' marked out ' and must be observed.

colores : inf. v. 236 ' tragico colori ' so more generally of ' style ' of life Sat. 2. 1. 60, Epp. 1. 17. 23.

87. salutor : by the public voice, as Od. 4. 3. 22.

88. pudensprave: cp. Epp. 1. 16. 24 ' pudor malus.'

89. versibus tragieis : a further dis- tinction though tragedy and comedy use the same metre (v. 80) the ' color ' of the verse is wholly different, and must not be confused.



Indignatur item privatis ac prope socco

Dignis carminibus narrari cena Thyestae.

Singula quaeque locum teneant sortita decentem.

Interdum tamen et vocem comoedia tollit,

Iratusque Chremes tumido dclitigat ore ;

Et tragicus plerumque dolet sermone pedestri

Telephus et Peleus, cum pauper et exsul uterque

Proicit ampullas et sesquipedalia verba,

Si curat cor spectantis tetigisse querela.

Non satis est pulchra esse poemata ; dulcia sunto,

Et quocunque volent animum auditoris agunto.

Ut ridentibus arrident, ita flentibus adsunt




90. privatis carminibus, ' strains of common life,' opposed to tragedy which ' regum Facta canit' Sat. 1. 10. 42.

92. decentem : the reading of V and of the Berne MS., rightly de- fended by Bentley. Orelli, Schiitz, and Keller keep ' decenter.' The line sums up what is being said in a maxim ; cp. v. 31.

93. et answers to ' et ' v. 95 ; both comedy and tragedy depart on occasions from their usual tone.

94. Chremes : ' a Chremes,' i. e. an angry father, on the comic stage, as in the following lines ' a Telephus and Peleus,' i. e. a tragic hero in distress. The refer- ence is very probably to Terence's He- autontimorumenos, although Chremes' shortlived abuse of his son Clitipho in the play scarcely answers to the words 'tumido delitigat ore.' Cp. Sat. 1. 4. 4^. There is full reference to a definite scene in the Eunuchus in Sat. 2. 3. 259 f. On the other hand the Chremes of Epod. 2. 33 must belong to some unknown drama.

95. tragicus, ' in tragedy ' ; as ' Davus comicus ' Sat. 2. 5. 91.

plerumque : to be explained by what was said in the last note namely, that he means not only Tele- phus and Peleus but other characters in their situation : ' personas ipsas potius quam certas quasdam fabulas respexit' Orelli.

sermone pedestri : see on Od. 2. 12. 9, and Sat. 2. 6. 17.

96. Telephus : Epod. 178; Aris- tophanes laughs at Euripides (Ach. 428 f.) for the sorry guise in which he dis- played Telephus when he went to beg

of the Greeks that Achilles might cure him of his wound.

Peleus was exiled from Aegina for killing his half brother Phocus, Ov. Met. 11. 268 f. ' fraterno sanguine sontem Ex- pulsumque domo patria Trachinia tellus Accipit,' etc.

97. proicit ampullas, ' throws aside his paint-pots'; see on the use of the verb 'ampullari' Epp. 1. 3. 14.

sesquipedalia, ' a foot and a half long.' Cp. Crates (Meineke. fr. 2) eirt) TpLirrjxV-

98. This line points the connection. This raising of the tone in comedy and dropping it in tragedy are not arbitrary, they are due to the higher law that language must be true to the feeling which is to be represented, and so to be inspired in the spectator.

For tetigisse see on Od. 3. 4. 52.

99. pulchra . . . dulcia : the one adj. of beauty, the other of charm ; the one of satisfying the taste, the other of touching the feelings. Orelli points out thata similardistinction.thoughin amore limiled sphere, is drawn by Dionysius Halicarn. (de Comp. 19) ' between rb uakov and rb r)Sv, where he says that the diction of Thucydides possesses the first quality, that of Xenophon the second, that of Herodotus unites the two.

101 f. As Orelli says 'exponit vim ovnTraQtias.'' Cp. Arist. Rhet. 3. 7. 5 avvofioiorraOti b aKovwv del t<£ naOr/TiKtos XeyovTi.

101. adsunt = ' praesto sunt,' 'wait on,' are ready to sympathize with. There is no need with Orelli to alter to ' ad- flent.'



Humani voltus : si vis me flere, dolendum est Primum ipsi tibi : tunc tua me infortunia laedent, Telephe vel Peleu ; male si mandata loqueris Aut dormitabo aut ridebo. Tristia maestum Voltum verba decent, iratum plena minarum, Ludentem lasciva, severum seria dictu. Format enim natura prius nos intus ad omnem Fortunarum habitum ; iuvat aut impellit ad iram Aut ad humum maerore gravi deducit et angit ; Post effert animi motus interprete lingua. Si dicentis erunt fortunis absona dicta Romani tollent equites peditesque cachinnum. Intererit multum divusne loquatur an heros, Maturusne senex an adhuc fiorente iuventa Fervidus, et matrona potens an sedula nutrix, Mercatorne vagus cultorne virentis agelli, Colchus an Assyrius, Thebis nutritus an Argis. Aut famam sequere aut sibi convenientia finge.




102. humani : emphatic ; faces, which are the faces of men, and therefore have human feelings behind them : ' mentem mortalia tangunt.'

104. male, with mandata. ' If the language put into your mouth is badly conceived,' i. e. if it does not suit the situation and the outward bearing (»XW« Arist. Poet. 17. 1. 2) of the actor. Lambinus took ' male ' with ' loqueris,' but, as Orelli points out, Horace is talking of faults in the com- position, not in the acting. For ' man- data' see inf. v. 176.

108 f. The order ofnatureis first the feeling, whatsoever it be, that outward things call up then the expression in words. It must be the same with the poet in diawing his characters and as- signing speeches to them.

109. iuvat, ' gives pleasure to.'

113. equites peditesque, i. e. the whole audience high and low. The phrase is proverbial, from the old mili- tary classification ' omnes cives Romani equites peditesque ' Liv. 1. 44. Not to be pressed literally here, at the same time it is suggested by the fact that the ' equites ' were actually distinguished by their place in the theatre, and stand with Horace for the more educated part of the audience, Sat. 1. 10. 76, Epp. 2.

1. 187, and inf. v. 248. For a similar adaptation of the old classification of the citizens cp. v. 341 ' Centuriae seni- orum,' etc.

1 1 4 f. The varying ' fortunarum habi- tus ' are enumerated.

114. divusne, 'a god or a demi-god.' Some few MSS. have ' Davusne,' and Porphyrion's schol. shows signs of this reading, but it would not match the other contrasted pairs. The false read- ing arose from a reminiscence of v. 237.

115. maturus: Od. 4. 4. 55 ' matur- osque patres.'

1 16. matrona potens : ' the matron of authority ' is contrasted with the nurse full of petty anxieties and atten- tions, a favourite stage character. Juvenal has ' matrona potens' (i. 69), perhaps with satirical reference to this place.

117. For the contrast cp. Od. 1. 1. 11-18.

118. 'Remember there are distinc- tions even between two barbarians or two Greeks.' Thebes and Argos are chosen as the representative states be- cause of the plays which bring them into contrast, such as the Sept. c. Thebas, but there is no definite reference to actual characters.

119. In assigning these characters you have two courses open; you may



Scriptor honoratum si forte reponis Achillem,

Impiger, iracundus, inexorabilis, acer,

Iura neget sibi nata, nihil non arroget armis.

Sit Medea ferox invictaque, flebilis Ino,

Perfidus Ixion, Io vaga, tristis Orestes.

Si quid inexpertum scenae committis et audes

Personam formare novam, servetur ad imum

Oualis ab incepto processerit, et sibi constet.

Difficile est proprie communia dicere ; tuque



follow tradition, or invent ; but in the latter case there is still the rule of internal consistency.

1 20. scriptor, ' as a writer ' ; ' when you write.' An instance of Horace's use of substantives for participles : so inf. v. 134 ' imitator,' v. 235 ' Satyr- orum scriptor.'

honoratum. Bentley, offended at all the explanations of this word, substi- tuted ex coni. ' Homereum,' ' the Achilles of Homer,' and his conjecture has been accepted by several eminent critics and editors, as Haupt, Meineke, Munro. The Pseudo- Acron writes 'alii exponunt: Reponis, iterum scribis. Siergo Achillem de quo semel Homerus scripsit velis scribere talem debes facere qualem Homerus ostendit.' Bentley contends that this points to their having read ' Homereum.' But if the full note is read it will be more evident than it is in what has been quoted that he is offering an explanation, different from one given before, of 'reponis,' 'again,' he says ' that is. as Homer did before.' All the Scholiasts also have a further note, ' honoratum, inlustrem, honoris plenum.' lt must be clear, therefore, that ' honoratum ' was the only text known to them. Various efforts have been made to explain the epithet as a translalion or alhtsion to some Homeric phrase or view of the character : k\vtos, which has been suggested, is not an epithet ever given to Achilles. He is once SovpucbvTus, a few limes <palSifios, often Sios ; but if it were meant as a translation it must be of some epithet which it would clearly recall, and which belongs markedly to him. Cp. the choice of epithets for Homeric charac- ters in Od. 1. 6 and 15. Ritter thinks that the reference is rather to the ' hon- ouring ' of Achilles as the true subject of the Iliad », ' Iovis consilio et auxilio

honoratum, ut post varias Achivorum clades viro ab Agamemnone contempto iusta fiat satisfactio.' Cp. U. 1. 505 f., 2- 3) J3- 34s> 24. 57, and notice that Horace recalls (Od. 2. 16. 29) that Achilles chose n\ios a<p$iTov (II. 9. 412) in preference to long life. It has been suggested to me that there is something playful in the 'si forte, reponis, honora- tum,' and that the epithet belongs not to the person, but to the literary character ; ' if you are representing once more the time honoured character of Achilles.'

reponis : inf. v. 190 ; ' put on the stage again.'

122. arroget armis, ' claim for arms': see on Epp. 2. 1. 35.

123. Ino, the unhappy daughter of Cadmus and wife of Athamas, who, when her maddened husband had torn one of her children in pieces, flying with the other, Melicerta (Virg. G. 1. 437), flung herself into the sea and became a sea-goddess Glaucothea.

128-135. The connection of thought which we require is, ' the second alter- native which I offered you, namely, to invent your characters, is difficult. You do better to dramatize part of the tale of Troy than to start a wholly new plot ; and do not fear that by taking stock sub- jects you will be debarred from origin- alit) provided you observe certain rnles.' It is difficult not to think that Horace has in mind the substance of Arist. Poet. 9, where Aristotle explains and vindicates the practice of the Greek tra- gediansinchoosingiamiliarmythological stories for their plots. He starts with the distinction between particular truths (/ca0' iKaoTov) ' what Alcibiades did or what happened to him,' and general truths (xa9u\ov), 'what sort of things a person of such and such a sort will probably or necessarily do,' and assigns the first as the sphere of history, the



Rectius Iliacum carmen deducis in actus, Ouam si proferres ignota indictaque primus. Publica materies privati iuris erit, si Non circa vilem patulumque moraberis orbem, Nec verbo verbum curabis reddere fidus


latter of poetry. There is however, he says, a difference in the treatment of them between Comedy and Tragedy. The first invents a plot and assigns names as it happens {ra. rvxovra). The second clings generally to pre-existing and familiar names (ytvofiiva, yvd/pi/ja). [In 'names' he evidently includes the outline of the story.] It gains by this credibility (ro mOavov), i. e. its plot is accepted without qnestions of its possi- bility. He goes on to argue that in accepting these traditional subjects the tragic poet does not cease to be a irotrjTTjs, a creator, an artist. There is room, as he says further in c. 14. § 5, both for invention and for skilful treat- ment of the traditional story.

128. diffieile est proprie eommunia dicere. This is, in the first instance, a general, perhaps a proverbial saying *. ' It is hard to speak of things common in a way of your own.' The ques- tion arises only as to the application of the saying at the moment. It is possible that, as has been suggested in the last note, Horace is glancing at the Aristo- telian distinction of ' truths general ' which are the proper subjects of poetry. In any case, if our view of the whole passage is correct, the special instance of the difficulty spoken of must be sub- stantially that which Orelli explains it to be, namely, that of giving individual shape to common types of human life and character. Many editors feel so strongly the necessity of making ' com- munia ' identical (not in figure only, but in interpretation ) with 'publica materies,' that they are forced to take it of subjects already made public property, such as the story of the Iliad ; Horace being supposed to be enforcing still the teach- ing of the first half of v. 1 19. ' It is so diffiuult to give a new turn to well- known stories, that you had better

give up the attempt and simply copy Homer.' The connected sense of the passage seems to me then to fall to pieces.

tuque rectius. The emphatic per- sonal address, and the mood and tense of ' deducis,' ' proferres ' are all in favour of the view that Piso was actually writ- ing, or purposing to write, a tragedy on some Homeric theme. This suits also with the expression of v. 120 ' si forte reponis,' etc. If it is nol so, we must take ' rectius deducis ' as a short- ened way of saying ' rectius agis si deducis.'

129. deducis, of giving it its full length of acts : for metaph. see on Sat.

2. 1. 4.

131. publica . . . privati iuris. There is a shadow of legal metaphor. Though the subjects have been treated by pre- vious writers, you will still be able to make them your own.

132. orbem. Most naturally ex- plained of the choice of author or story. Horace is contemplating, as always, the recourse of a Roman writer to some Greek model, and he is hardly likely to omit reference to this point, on which he lays such stress elsewhere. ' Go,' he is always saying, ' to the foun- tain heads the really great Greeks Homer, Pindar, Archilochus, Alcaeus, not to the second-rate poets whom it is the fashion to imitate.' So that the ' cheap and obvious round ' will be the equivalent of the ' lacus et rivos apertos,' which he praises Titius for venturing to have a soul above, Epp. 1.

3. 11.

133-152. 'Provided also (1) that you do not attempt translation ; (2) that even in imitation you take sufficient freedom; (3) that you avoid pretentious beginnings. Homer is the example of the true order.'

* Orelli suggests that there was a Greek proverb which is quite likely but none such has been found. The nearest expression in Greek that is quoted is from Hermogenes, the writer on Rhetoric (A. d. 160-180), who, in his treatise rrepi /j.e86&ov SeiforriTOi c. 29, explains how great orators koivo. Aeyo^res Siaporj/uaTa c5ia aurtop rroiovo-ii', ' while uttering commonplaces make them their own.'





Interpres, nec desilies imitator in arctum

Unde pedem proferre pudor vetet aut operis lex. 135

Nec sic incipies ut scriptor cyclicus olim :

' Fortunam Priami cantabo et nobile bellum.'

Quid dignum tanto feret hic promissor hiatu ?

Parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Quanto rectius hic qui nil molitur inepte : 140

' Dic mihi, Musa, virum captae post tempora Troiae

Qui mores hominum multorum vidit et urbes.'

Non fumum ex fulgore, sed ex fumo dare lucem

Cogitat, ut speciosa dehinc miracula promat,

Antiphaten Scyllamque et cum Cyclope Charybdin. 145

134. imitator, ' when you imitate'; see on ' scriptor ' in v. 1 20.

desilies in arctum, i. e. voluntarily put yourselfinto adifnculty. The figure is from the fable of the goat who was persuaded by the fox to leap down into the well, though Horace is concerned only with the goat's part in the story.

135. operis lsx, i.e. the self-imposed conditions of your task.

136. scriptor eyclieus, i. e. one of the lesser poets whose epics, as dealing with the same cycle of legends, were arranged by the Alexandrine critics by the side of the Homeric poems. The particular poet of whom Horace speaks is unknown. It seems possible that he is inventing a typical opening of such a poem. olim lends itself not improperly to a fictitious instance.

137. As compared with the opening of the Odyssey this line is more pre- tentious both in its style cantabo, no- bile (Homer leaves you to find out afterwards that the subject is a striking one), and (which is probably more in Horace's mind) in the breadth of the subject which it announces. Homer is content with a passage from the life of his hero, though that passage will turn out to have plenty of incident. The Cyclic writer promises both a biography and a history. It is the same point as that touched in Aristotle's remark, Poet. 27, that 'ofthe Iliad and of the Odyssey severally a single tragedy only or two at most could be made, whereas of the "Cypria" (a poem of the Cyclns), or of the "Lesser Iliad," more than eight might be made.'

138. promissor : see above v. 14.

139. parturient : a Greek proverb, preserved by Athenaeus 14. 6 wSivev opos, Zevs 8' ((poPttTO, to 5' erfKtv pvv. It stands as a fable in Phaedr. 4. 22. All good MSS. have the future. Bentley altered it to ' parturiunt,' on the autho- rity chiefly of a quotation in Jerome, and most editors have followed him. K. and H. keep the text of the MSS., and Schiitz points out that it rightly follows the tense of ' incipies.' ' If you do, it will be a case of mountains in labour,' etc.

ridiculus mus. Quintilian (8. 3. 19) cites this as an imitation of Virgil's ' exiguus mus ' Georg. 1. 181, pointing out how in each case everything com- bines, the epithet, the singular number, and the unusual monosyllabic ending of the verse, to give the appropriate idea of smallness.

140. molitur, of effort.

141. 142. For another paraphrase of the beginning of the Odyssey see Epp. 1. 2. 19-22.

141. tempora : Od. 1. 21. 11 ' Tro- iana tempora.'

144. speciosa miracula, ' things strikingand marvellous.' Aristotle says, Poet. 24. 8, that even tragedy should contain to Oavfjaarov. Epic poetry is allowed also rb dkoyov, tliat is, com- binations which to the prosaic reason are impossible. Horace is speaking here of ihe scope for interest and imagination which Homer finds within his limited and modestly introduced subject.

145. Antiphaten, king of the Laes- trygones, Odyss. 10. 100 f.

Scyllam,Charybdin: Odyss. 12.81 f. Cyclope : Odyss. 9. 187 f.



Nec reditum Diomedis ab interitu Meleagri, Nec gemino bellum Troianum orditur ab ovo : Semper ad eventum festinat et in medias res Non secus ac notas auditorem rapit, et quae Desperat tractata nitescere posse relinquit ; Atque ita mentitur, sic veris falsa remiscet, Primo ne medium, medio ne discrepet imum. Tu quid ego et populus mecum desideret audi Si plausoris eges aulaea manentis et usque Sessuri donec cantor 'Vos plaudite ' dicat,



146-150. ' Homer knows not only hotv to begin, but where to begin. He goes straight to the point and omits tedious explanations.' Aristotle had spoken of it as one of Homer's special excellences, that he knows what to omit : 'OSvaoeiav yap rroiaiv ovk errolrjaev arravTa oaa ovtoi avvefirj, oiov rrKrjyTjvai fitv iv toj Hapvaaaaj, p.avr)vai oi rrpoa- rroir)aao6at ev toi ayeppw wv oiiSev 6a- Tepov yevopevov avaytcaiov r)v r\ eiKos 6a.T(pov yeveadai, aKKa rrepl pXav npa^iv oiav Keyoipev tt)v ^OSvaaeiav ovvkoTr)- oev, opioiajs Se icai tt)v 'IAidSa Poet. 8. 3.

146. nec . . . nec. 'He no more be- gins a Diomedeia (i. e. would do so if he wrote one a general statement of the practice he avoids put in particular terms which hit some one else) . . . than he (actually) begins his Iliad, etc.' The return of the different heroes from Troy was the subject of several Cyclic poems, tSooTol. Meleager, the unhappy son of Atalanta, was the half brother of Tydeus, Diomede's father.

147. gemino ovo, i. e. from the birth of Helen. For another allusion to the legend of the two eggs cp. Sat. 2. 1. 26.

148. ad eventum festinat, ' he is hastening to the issue' KaTaoTpo<pr)v he has no leisure for irrelevant details.

in medias res. The Homeric man- ner became proverbial. Cic. ad Att. 1. 16. 1 ' Respondebo tibi vorepov rrpuTepov, 'Opr/ptKujs, Quintil. 7. 10. 11 ' ubi ab initiis incipiendum, ubi more Homerico e mediis vel ultimis.'

151. ita . . . sic . . . ne, ' with this reservation,' as often in prose ; so inf. v. 225. ' While he gives his imagina- tion full play, never forgets that funda- mental rule of symmetry with which we started ' so we come back to the doctrine ofvv. 1-23. Horace claims the privilege (v. 10) ' quidlibet audendi,' but

D d 2

with the limit there laid down. The passage usually quoted from Arist. Poet. 24. 9 SeSiSaxe Se paKiOTa Kal tovs d\- \ovs if/evSr) Aeyeiv ws Sei is not relevant. As Hermann explains, he is speaking there not of the poefs invention, but of deception practised by one character in a poem on another, as, in the instance cited from Odyss. 19, by Ulysses and Penelope.

153. V. 152 has designedly repeated the principle which has never been quite out of sight in the first portion of the poem. The emphatic ' Tu, quid ego . . . audi ' is meant to indicate the pas- sage to a second part, more personal and particular, in which Horace lays down for Piso's special benefit some rules for success in drama.

ego et populus mecum : rules which will secure the approval both of the competent critic and of the less com- petent crowd.

154. plausoris : Epp. 2. 2. 130. aulaea manentis, ' waiting out the

curtain' must mean waiting till the cur- tain rises (see Epp. 2. 1. 189 n.) at the end of the piece.

155. cantor. ' Vos plaudite' (or some equivalent words) are found at the end of every complete play of Plautus and Terence, and the practice is fre- quently alluded to in Latin writers as pre- vailing both in comedy and in tragedy (Quintil. 6. 1. 52). W ho spoke them, is a disputed point. Bentley (on Ter. Andr. 5. 6. 17) held that the 'cantor' named here was the flute-player who had accompanied the ' cantica.' Her- mann (Opusc. 1. 302) controverted this, thinking that 'cantor' was the same as 'histrio,' an actor. Prof. Wilkins on this passage shows that the passages of Cicero on which Hermann relied do not prove his point.



Aetatis cuiusquc notandi sunt tibi mores, Mobilibusque decor naturis dandus et annis. Reddere qui voces iam scit puer et pede certo Signat humum, gestit paribus colludere, et iram Colligit ac ponit temere, et mutatur in horas. Imberbus iuvenis tandem custode remoto Gaudet equis canibusque et aprici gramine campi, Cereus in vitium flecti, monitoribus asper, Utilium tardus provisor, prodigus aeris, Sublimis cupidusque et amata relinquere pernix, Conversis studiis aetas animusque virilis Ouaerit opes et amicitias, inservit honori, Commisisse cavet quod mox mutare laboret. Multa senem circumveniunt incommoda, vel quod Quaerit et inventis miser abstinet ac timet uti,




156. notandi, ' to be observed.' 157- As rnen's natures shift quickly, and their years, each must have its fitting character assigned.

deeor. Aristotle's rb apfioTTov Poet. 15. 2. Bentley's objections to naturis, for which hewould substitute 'maturis,' do not allow enough for the poetical colour of the writing.

158. reddere voees : Virg. Aen. I. 409 ' veras audire #t reddere voces,' to speak as well as be spoken to.

159. signat, like 'certo pede,' marks the firmness of the step.

160. in horas : Sat. 2. 7. 10, and see above on v. 60.

161. imberbus. For the form see on Epp. 2. 1. 85.

custode: Sat. 1. 4. 11 8, 1. 6. 81, inf. v. 239.

162. Cf. Ter. Andr. 1. 1. 28 ' Quod plerique omnes faciunt adolescentuli Ut animum ad aliquid studium adiungant, aut equos Alere aut canes ad venan- dum,' etc.

apriei campi: Od. 1. 8. 3, and cp. Epp. 1. 18. 53.

163. cereus flecti. For inf. see vol.

1, App. 2. For the image cp. Epp. 2.

2. 8, and Plat. Legg. p. 633 6ouireias KoXaicucas at . . . tovs 6vp.ol>s p.aXa.TTOV- aai K-qpivovs troiovaiv.

165. sublimis cupidusque : see on Epp. 2. 1. 65 ; ' eager and with strong desires.'

amata relinquere pernix. Like many of the traits which Horace as-

signs, it is paralleled in AristouVs de- scription Rhet. 2. 12 aiptKopoi [ol veoi~\ npbs Tas emOvpias, Kal ocpuSpa p.ev eiri- Ovpovai, Taxicus oe iravovTat.

167. inservit honori, is a slave to office, i. e. to the seeking of office. Cicero's ' honoribus inservire,' de Off. 2. 1. 4, is probably rather ' to the duties of office.'

168. commisisse : forperf. inf. see on Od. 3. 4. 52.

cavet with inf. ' is cautious of com- mitting,' Virg. E. 9. 25. It is to be classed with the cases discussed in vol.

1, App. 2. i,'caveo' being equivaleat to ' timeo.'

169 f. The characteristics of old age, like those of the other stages of life, are given from an external point of view, as they are seen in action or on the stage, not sympathetically from the poet's own experience and reflection unless there is a personal touch in the tone of vv. 175, 176. Contrast Epp. 2. 2. 211. As before, the picture has marked likeness to Aristotle, Rhet. 2. 13. Cp. especially § 7 tta' SeiXol Kal iravTa irpo<pa@r]TiKoi' ivavTioJS yap oiaKeivTai tois veois' KaTe- \pvypkvoi yap eiffiv, oi oi 6epp.oi with the ' timide gelideque ' of v. 171.

vel . . . vel. As Wilkins points out, these particles are not exclusive. Both grounds are meant to be real. Cp. Sat.

2. 8. 37 and inf. v. 288.

170. quaerit : absol. as in Epp. 1. 7- 57 ' et quaerere et uti.'



Vel quod res omnes timide gelideque ministrat, Dilator, spe longus, iners, avidusque futuri, Difficilis, querulus, laudator temporis acti Se puero, castigator censorque minorum. Multa ferunt anni venientes commoda secum, Multa recedentes adimunt. Ne forte seniles Mandentur iuveni partes pueroque viriles ; Semper in adiunctis aevoque morabimur aptis. Aut agitur res in scenis aut acta refertur.


172. spe longus. Often taken (as by Orellil as meaning ' slow in hoping,' a rendering of Aristotle's Svae Ams Rhet. 2. 13. 14. It is questionable however, as Bentley observed, whether the words can bear this sense. They more naturally mean ' patient in hope,' ' content to hope and wait.' They go closely with dila- tor, being the first of three character- istics which accompany and explain the dilatoriness of the old (for it is paradox- ical and needs explanation). It is the opposite of youth, which is impatient, ready for action, fuller of the present than of the future. It does not follow that Horace had not in mind Aristotle's SvaeXrrts, though he may have given it a tum of his own. Bentley wished to read 'spe lentus,' taking it in the sense in which Orelli takes ' spe longus.'

avidus futuri : perhaps to be ex- plained by Aristotle's (pt\6faot Kal fid\- iara eirl tti Te\evTatq r)fj.epq Std to rov drrovTos etvat tt)v err6v/j.iav. So Acr. ' semper senex . . . vivere desiderat.' Bentley wished to alter to ' pavidus.'

173. diffieilis : Sat. 2. 5. 90. querulus : cp. Arist. 1. c. § 15 oSvprtKoi

eiatv tcal ovk evTpdrre\ot oiSe (pt\oye\otot. acti se puero : ' of the world as it went when he was a boy ' : we are meant to hear his own words. Cp. Arist. 1. c. § 12 5taTe\ovat ydp tcL yevo- fieva \eyovres, dvafitfivrfaKOfievoi ydp ■tjSovTai. Horace must have thought of Nestor in Homer. The common mode of quoting the words, as though ' tem- poris acti ' stood by itself for ' of the past,' is doubtful as Latin, and not pos- sible, as it leaves ' se puero ' with no construction.

174. minorum: Epp. 2. 1. 84.

175. venientes . . . recedentes : see on Od. 2. 5. 14. The point of view from which time is regarded changes as we grow older. The young may be said

to count the years as they come, the old as they go. Notice also that Aristotle, in the place that Horace seems to have had in view, tries to fix a point between youth and age, Rhet. 2. 14. 4 aKfxd^ei to fiev aCifia drrd tuiv TptaKovTa Itwv fie\pt tSjv rrevTe koX TptaKOVTa, r) Se ipvx*) rrepl rd evus Seiv rrevTrjKovTa.

176-178. ne forte, etc. Thisisafinal sentence giving, after Horace's manner, the purpose of a statement (cp. Od. 4. 9. 1, Epp. 1. 1. 13, 2. 1. 208, inf. v. 406), but whether it should be connected in this way with the preceding statement or the one that follows is not certain. Bentley (without a note) punctuates for the first and Munro follows him. ' AU this is to prevent your making the mis- take of assigning,' etc. In favour of this is the parallel case of v. 406, q. v. The rhythm is in favour of the more common punctuation, which I bave fol- lowed, making ' morabimur ' the prin- cipal verb. In any case v. 1 78 sums up in a precept the result of vv. 153-177. Cp. the position of v. 23.

177. mandentur partes. It will be understood that, as in v. 104, Horace is speaking not of assigning a part to an actor, but of fitting speeches and actions to a character.

178. morabimur in. It is a question what is the subject, and therefore what is the sense, of ' morabimur.' Is it ' We poets shall keep close to [a more coloured equivalent, as Schiitz, for ' versabimur in '] the correct attributes of the time of life ' ? or, perhaps more likely, ' we the audience [the " ego et populus mecum" of v. 153] shall dwell with pleasure on,



the active use ot ' moror m

v. 321 and its passive use in v. 223.

aevoque : the dative with adiunctis as well as aptis. For the place of que see on Od. 1. 30. 6.

179 f. The question of characters is



Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem, 180

Ouam quae sunt oculis subiecta fidelibus, et quae

Ipse sibi tradit spectator : non tamen intus

Digna geri promes in scenam, multaque tolles

Ex oculis quae mox narret facundia praesens :

Ne pueros coram populo Medea trucidet, 185

Aut humana palam coquat exta nefarius Atreus,

Aut in avem Procne vertatur, Cadmus in anguem.

Ouodcunque ostendis mihi sic, incredulus odi.

Neve minor neu sit quinto productior actu

brought to an end in vv. 176-178, this being indicated (as in v. 152) by the repetition of the chief point which has been urged. We pass to some miscella- neous piactical rules for a writer of plays. What is said of the di^tinction between that which should be represented in action on the stage and that which should be reported by an dyye\os is based exactly 6n the Greek practice.

1 79. in seenis : for the plur. cp. Virg. Aen. 1. 429, 4. 471, where see Coning- ton's note.

1 80. The thought is an old one, and had been enforced by Cicero in his recommendation of a ' memoria technica ' which made use of the eyes, de Or. 2.

87- 356-

demissa: Virg. Aen. 4. 428 ' Cur mea dicta negat duras demittere in aures ? '

181. fidelibus, gives the reason ; we believe our eyes more than our ears. Herod. I. 8 wra ydp Tvy\dvei dv9pwirois iovra dmaroTtpa 6(p9a\fxwv, Sen. Epp. 6. 4 ' homines amplius oculis quam auribus credunt.'

184. prassens, with narret, relates in his presence, i.e. on the stage ; ' the eloquent tongue ' of a messenger or (as Clytemnestra inthe Agamemnon) one of the persons in the play.

185-188. Two classes of actions are named as to be thus kept from the actual view of the spectators; crimes which shock (what Aristotle would call ro pnapov Poet. 14. 7, which he allows, as in the case of Medea's act, only when it is redeemed by -nd9os) and what he calls to repaTwoes, ' the marvellous ' (meta- morphoses and the like), which he for- bids to Tragedy tib. § 2). It is to be noted that Sophocles wrote a ' Tereus ' (to whose story Procne belongs, see Od. 4. 12. 6 n.). Among Euripides' fragments there is a couplet which is

thought to have come from a ' Cadmus ' (fr. 122 Nauck) oiliol SpaKwv poi yiyverai

TO y' TJLitOV | TtKVOV TT(pm\dKr]9l Tw \011TW

■narpi, and which in that case justifies Horace's warning. See Sandys' note on Bacchae 1330.

185. ne : rightly restored from the MSS. by Bentley in place of ' nec' He takes it (as in v. 339) as final, the fol- lowing lines giving illustrations of the purpose of the preceding precept.

188. incredulus odi : the adjective seems to belong most to the second-named class of incidents, the verb to the first.

189. Aristotle discusses (Poet. 8) the proper length of a tragedy, but in rela- tion to the plot, laying down the rule that it must be of sufficient compass to make the catastrophe probable, and not so long as to overtax the memory and lose unity of view (t6 evovvonrov). Hoiace is adopting, perhaps after Alex- andrine critics, a more mechanical measurement. Our knowledge hardly enables us to determine the exact rela- tion of his words to previous Roman practice or phiaseology. A Greek tragedy was divided (Arist. Poet. 12, though this is possibly an interpolated chapter)into npo\oyos, eTreiOuStov, e£o5os, XopiKov, a particular e ire tooStov being the portion of dialogue between two choral odes. Horace uses ' actus' in v. 194 as the Roman equivalent for these divi- sions. The number however of the enetoufria in extant Greek tragedies varies greatly, making with the irp6\oyos and e£oSos as many as eight ' actus ' in some plays, as few as four in others. In the only complete Latin tragedies which we have, those of Seneca, 1 1 orace s rule of a quintuple division is followed, there being four choi al odes. Cicero uses the word ' actus ' frequently with refer- ence (metaphorical) to the divisions of



Fabula, quae posci volt et spectata reponi. Nec deus intersit nisi dignus vindice nodus Inciderit ; nec quarta loqui persona laboret. Actoris partes chorus officiumque virile


plays. In one passage he indicates a triple division*, namely in the letter (ad Q. Fr. 1. 1. 16), in which he urges his brother to make the third and last year of his government, after the example of good poets and careful actors, the best, ' tanquam tertium actum.' This looks like a return to the Aristotelian (triple) division, viz. the -npoKoyos or opening, the erretoiSia or body of the play, and the e£o8os orconclusion. The use of the figure in de Sen. 2. 5 of old age, 'extremum actum tanquam ab inerti poeta esse neglectum,' where only two previous stages, ' pueritia ' and ' adoks- centia ' have been distinguished, points the same way though less decidedly. On the other hand Verr. Act 2. 2. 6. 18 * qualis iste in quarto actu improbitatis futurus esset,' sc. ' in the next act,' three having been just enumerated, looks as if he were using ' actus ' in the Horatian sense and contemplating the fuller number. The division of Roman comedies(in which there are no choruses) into five acts rests on other gtounds, and seems to have been the work, often ar- bitrary, of grammarians. It is first found in the introductions to Terence's plays by Donatus(4th cent.). SeeUssing's Plautus, Prolegomena V.

quinto actu : for ' quam quintum actum,' the accusative of extent with produetior.

190. spectata : K. and H. give ' spec- tanda ' as having the best MS. authority, including that of B. The variation is as old as the Schol. Acr. recognizes it ' spectanda, alii spectata.' The Comm. Cruq. interprets ' spectata ' by ' pro- bata.' The balance of sense is for ' spectata.' At the same time ' spec- tanda reponi ' went temptingly togtther (cp. Sat. 1. 10. 39 ' nec redeant iterum spectanda theatris') if a doubt between the two forms arose. There is the same hesitation of MSS. in the ptace just quoted ; also, as Keller points out, in Epp. 2. 2. 143 between 'modulanda' and ' modulata.'

191. deus, sc. ' ex machina,' d-rrd firjxavfjs, the god appearing in the air by means of the stage lift, in order to solve an otherwise insoluble plot. The device was a favourite one with Euri- pides. Aristotle, with his severe ideas about the plot, was inclined to condemn such solutions altogether as inartistic : Poet. 15. 7 tpavepuv ovv ort tcal ras Kvoets tSjv ptvtiwv avrov Set tov ptvOov ovptPaivetv Kat p.r) worrep ev tt) MrjSeta d-rrb fj.7]xavrjs. He allows supernatural intervention in solvingdifficulties outside the dramatic action of the play, as by revealing things past which the actors do not know or things futnre which they cannot know. But the practice of poets was the other way. Cp. Piato, Crat. p. 425 D worrep 01 TpaywSorrotct enetSdv tj drropwoiv errt Tas ptrjxavds KaTatyevyovot 6eoiis aipovTes, Cic. de Nat D. I. 20. 53 ' ut tragici poetae cum explicare argu- menti exitus non potestis confugitis ad deum.' More illustrations may be seen in Orellfs note.

191. 192. nec . . . nec : pair the pre- cepts. ' Do not overdo either the super- natural or the human element.'

192. Horace is of course speaking of the number of speaking characters who should be on the stage at once, not of the number of actors employed or characters introduced in a play. The introduction of a second actor is ascribed by Aris- totle, Poet. 4. 3, to Aeschylus (dialogue until then having been between theactor and the leader of the chorus), that of the third to Sophocles. This improve- ment was adopted by Aeschylus in his later plays, but no further addition was made. See Haigh's Attic Theatre, p. 200.

laboret : the verb implies misplaced effort.

193. officium virile : ' duty, as well as a man can do it,' is an emphatic repetition of ' actoris pat tes ' and is in contrast to the more languid use of the chorus condemned by Aristotle in the practice of Euripides : Poet. 187 koX

* Donatus' remark cn the Adelph. 3. 1. 1 'tragedia in tria dividitur, expectationem, gesta, exitum' seems to be parallel to the divisions which he recognises for a comedy (argument prefixed to the Andria), into protasis, epitasis, and catastrophe, and to refer to the development of the plot, not a division of acts, being substantially analogous to Aristotle's requirement that a plot (Poet. 7. 3) should have beginning, middle, and end.



Defendat, neu quid medios intercinat actus Ouod non proposito conducat et haereat apte. Ille bonis faveatque et consilietur amice, Et regat iratos et amet peccare timentes ; Ille dapes laudet mensae brevis, ille salubrem Iustitiam legesque et apertis otia portis ; Ille tegat commissa deosque precetur et oret, Ut redeat miseris, abeat fortuna superbis. Tibia non ut nunc orichalco vincta tubaeque



tov \opov 8e eva 8eT vrro\a0eTv twv vrroKpnwi'. Kal piopiov elvai tou 6\ov Kal ovvaywi'i£eo9ai p.r) warrep EvpiTriSr) d\\' warrep '2otpoK\eT. toTs 8e \olttoTs tcL q86p.eva (011) /xaWov tov u.v9ov r) dWrjs Tpaywbias eariv 810 ifi06\ip:a Ka\ovoiv, ■npwTov ap£avros ' Ayd9wvos tov tolovtov. Horace's other rules are not to be found in Aristotle, but they correspond with the character of the chorus as we find it in the Greek tragedies.

194. defendat : Sat. 1. 10. 12.

intercinat actus : as is pointed out on v. 189 ' actus ' is here evidently the rough equivalent of the Greek erreia68ia, including in them the -rrp6\oyos and e£o8os, or dialogue before the first and after the last choric song.

197. peceare timentes is the only reading that has good authority. Bentley objected to it as tautologous after ' bonis faveat,' and as putting an unlikely force on ' amet,' the language of the chorus rather than their feelings being in ques- tion. The words however describe very truly the attitude of the choms (say in the Antigone ', as shrinking from breaches of lavv and propriety and disposed at first to throw cold water on bold resolves. Bentl. proposed ' pacare tumentes,' there being some slight MS. authority to be quoted for both words. Keller would read 'pacare timentes,' but allowing that ' peccare ' was the reading of the arche- type.

198. The chorus is to sing the praise of moderation. So Aesch. Eum. 530 Travrl fieaw to Kpdros 9e6s wrraaev. Cp. Agam. 378, 472.

mensae brevis : so ' cena brevis ' Epp. 1. 14. 35.

199. apertis portis : Od. 3. 5. 23.

200. tegat commissa. Eor the words cp. Epp. 1. 18. 38. Thus Orestes to the chorus in Aesch. Cho. 555 aivw 8e Kpvmeiv rdo8e ovv9r)Kas e/xds, Soph. El.

469, etc. As the choms was constantly present, this reticence was a necessary condition.

deos precetur : Aesch. Cho. 784 and


201. redeat, abeat fortuna. The essence of a tragedy according to Aris- totle is the rrepirreTeia or reversal of conditions (!£ evrvxias eis 8voTv\iav or the opposite). The Chorus is to favour the catastrophe which satisfies the moral sense.

202-219. The discussion on the chorus leads to one on stage music, of which Horace gives an historical sketch, sug- gested possibly by the memory of some Greek treatise ; but see the passages quoted from Cicero and Quintilian on v. 211, and from Pliny in the next note. In some details he seems certainly to pass to Roman practice. He condemns the modern instrumental music as an after- growth alien to the true spirit of the drama. This was a grievance of early date in Greece, as seems from a story told by Athenaeus (14. 8, p. 617) of Pratinas, the predecessor of Aeschylus, who complained that the fluteplayers no longer accompanied the choius but rather the chorus the fluteplayers, and vented hiswrath 011 the musicians in the following 'hyporchema,' ris 6 96pvj5os '68e ; t'l Ta8e rd x°Pi^/xaTa ! T^s vPpis ep.o\ev erri AiovvoLaSa Tro\vrrdraja 9vpLe- \av, k. t.\. \Ve should remember that the ancients always attributed moral effect to any departure from the severity of the older music. Aristotle, who recognizes fj.e\orroLia as an essential part of tragedy, gives no detailed consideration to it.

202. tibia non ut nunc. The mis- chief began in the improvement of the instrument.

orichalco vincta : Virg. Aen. 1 2. 87, Cic. de Off. 3. 23. 92. When used,



Aemula, sed tenuis simplexque foramine pauco Adspirare et adesse choris erat utilis atque Nondum spissa nimis complere sedilia flatu ; Quo sane populus numerabilis, utpote parvus, Et frugi castusque verecundusque coibat. Postquam coepit agros extendere victor et urbes Latior amplecti murus vinoque diurno Placari Genius festis impune diebus, Accessit numerisque modisque licentia maior ;



as here and in Cicero, of a metal of the day it seems to have meant brass. There is an interesting passage in Plin. N. H. 16. 66, in which he describes the treat- ment of reeds for making flutes ' so long as they used simple music,' and their more elaborate process ' postquam vaii- etas accessit et cantus quoque luxuria, apertioribus earum ligulis ad flectendos sonos' ; the difficulty, he says, being such that it was not to be wondered at that people had taken to use silver as better material.

203. foramine pauco, for ' paucis foraminibus,' according to the use of 'multus' see Epod. 2. 31 'multa cane/ Od. 4. 5. 33 ' multa prece,' and see on Od. 1. 7. 8. Acr. quotes Varro as say- ing that the ' tibia ' in old times had four stops, and that he had seen one with that number in the temple of Marsyas.

204. adspirare et adesse : the tvvo verbs are not to be too nicely distin- guished. ' Adspirando adesse,' i. e. ' opitulari,' ' to support by accompani- ment.'

205. spissa sedilia: Epp. 1. 19. 41.

206. sane indicates that we are hear- ing the point of ' nondum spissa nimis ;' the matter is brought home to the character of the audience.

numerabilis, a word not found before Horace, fvapiOfirjTos.

utpote parvus explains not ' numera- bilis ' but ' numerabilis coibat.' The people came in numbers that could be counted because the people itself was small.

207. et frugi, etc. And those who came were of a better class than modem audiences. These adj. also go with ' coibat.' Orelli suggests that castus- que verecundusque implies that the religious origin of the drama was better

remembered. ' Castus ' is used greatly of piety towards the gods, ' castus Aeneas ' C. S. 42, so Virg. Aen. 3. 409 ' Hac casti maneant in religione nepotes.' Cp. ' incestus' inf. v. 472.

20S. victor : the subj. is still ' po- pulus ' ; ' when its conquests were over.' Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 93 foll. and 162. The two expressions ' agros extendere ' and ' latior murus,' imply the growth of population, rustic and urban ; the theatrical audiences then became much larger and more mixed.

urbes : so all MSS. of any value. Bentl. would substitute ' urbem,' but Horace is, in profession at least, sketch- ing the history of the Greek drama as much as the Roman, although the ex- pressions, no doubt, suit better the gradual expansion of Rome, than any known facts in Greek history.

209. vino diurno : Sat. 2. 8. 3 ' de medio potare die.' It refers to what Cicero calls ' tempestiva convivia,' e. g. pro Mur. 6. 13, drinking that began before the proper business hours were over.

210. placari Genius : see on Epp. 2. 1. 144.

impune : ' non contradicente aut lege aut moiibus ' Acr.

211. numerisque modisque, pvOpiots Kcii fieXeo-i. The two together stand for the music. See on Epp. 1. 18. 59.

licentia maior. Cicero complains of the lower standard of the music of the theatre in his time : Leg. 2. 15. 39 ' illud quidem video quae solebant quon- dam compleri severitate iucunda Livianis et Naevianis modis, nunc ut eadem ex- sultent, cervices oculosque pariter cum modorum flexionibus torqueant.' So Quintilian at a later date (1. 10. 31) ' non hanc [musicam] quae nunc in scenis effeminata et impudicis modis fracta non ex parte minima si quid in



Indoctus quid enim saperet liberque laborum Rusticus urbano confusus, turpis honesto ? Sic priscae motumque et luxuriem addidit arti Tibicen traxitque vagus per pulpita vestem ; Sic etiam fidibus voces crevere severis, Et tulit eloquium insolitum facundia praeceps, Utiliumque sagax rerum et divina futuri Sortilegis non discrepuit sententia Delphis.


nobis virilis roboris manebat excidit, sed qua laudes fortium canebantur quaque et ipsi fortes cantbant.'

212. indoctus : cp. the complaint as to the illiteiate audiences in Epp. 2. 1. 183 f. ' indocti, stolidique, etc.'

quid saperet. What taste, discri- mination, should he have ?

liber laborum, that is, out for a holiday, and so looking only for amuse- ment. See below, v. 224. For gen. cp. ' operum solutis ' Od. 3. 17. 16, ' operum vacuo ' Sat. 2. 2. 119.

213. turpis honesto. The distinc- tion is of birth, as the ' plebecula ' and the ' eques ' of the similar Epp. 2. 1. 186, 187, and see also vv. 248, 249. For ' honestus, ' respectable,' cp. Epp. 2. 1. 150.

214. sie . . . sie. This was the secret of these progressive changes, the degra- dation of the audience.

motum et luxuriem. Aristotle (Poet. 26. 1) speaks of it as a sign of debased art in avXijTai to eke out the dramatic force of their music by bodily movement and gesticulation. Cp. also Cicero's words (1. c. on v. 211) of the movements of neck and eyes. The two words may be = ' motus luxuriosos,' and there may be a sense of immodest as well as excessive movement. So. Acr. 'gestum corporis et voluptatem.' Ritter prefers to take both words of the added liveliness and variety of the music. Cp., in that case, ' cantus luxuria ' in the passage of Pliny quoted on v. 202.

215. vagus, as Orelli points out, an ironical word, as though his movements were aimless.

traxit vestem, i. e. the ' syrma ' or trailing (avpw) ' tragic robe.' It is im- plied that the robe itself is noticeable. Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 207.

per pulpita : the expression belongs to the Roman theatre, in which there was no ' orchestra.'

216. voces, ' tones,' as in VirgiFs

'septem discrimina vocum' Aen. 6. 646.

severis : cp. ' severae Musa tragoe- diae ' Od. 2. 1. 9. Plato allowed the lyre in his ideal state (see Rep. 3. p. 399) as the most staid and limited inslrument, while excluding altogether the av\6s as iro\vxop8uTaToi>, i. e. admitting the largest number of tones. For the changes in choral music attributed to Timotheus, who is said to have added the eleventh string to the lyre, already increased by a succession of innovators from the Heplachord of Terpander, see Haigh's Attic Theatre, p. 294. The contrast between the older music of Aeschylus' plays and the newer em- ployed by Euripides is a subject of dis- cussion in Aristophanes' Frogs.

217-219. A clever description of obvious characteristics of the language of a chorus in Greek tragedies, its dithyrambic abruptness of metaphor and its oracular sententiousness. Horace connects them, more playfully perhaps than historically, with the more florid music which invaded the stage. The point seems to be that the diction matched the music in its unnaturalness.

217. eloquium insolitum ; an ironi- cal phrase a diction lofty but strange. alien indeed to that of common life.

praeceps, ' bold,' 'abrupt,' opposed to the gentle flow of sober language ' dicendi genus quod praecipitia pro sublimibus habet ' Quintil. 12. 10. 73. Cp. the description of Pindar's diction Od. 4. 2. 10 ' per audaces nova dithy- rambos Verba devolvit.'

tulit = ' secum attulit,' and so = 'effecit'

218. utiliumque sagax rerum, ' with its wise saws.' With thegenitives cp. ' divina imbrium ' Od. 3. 27. 10 and see Madv. § 289, obs. 1 and 2.

219. non discrepuit, ' struck the very same note as ' that is, they were as obscure and unhelpful as the Delphic oracles.



Carmine qui tragico vilem certavit ob hircum, Mox etiam agrestes Satyros nudavit, et asper Incolumi gravitate iocum tentavit, eo quod Illecebris erat et grata novitate morandus Spectator, functusque sacris et potus et exlex. Verum ita risores, ita commendare dicaces Conveniet Satyros, ita vertere seria ludo, Ne quicunque deus, quicunque adhibebitur heros, Regali conspectus in auro nuper et ostro, Migret in obscuras humili sermone tabernas, Aut, dum vitat humum, nubes et inania captet.


22 :


220-250. Horace passes to the Satyric drama, which, he points out, was from the beginning neaily connected with tragedy, and must not be lowered to the level of comedy. He is keeping to his previous course in treating of it as on ■the Greek stage, and not drawing any marked line between that and the Roman usage ; but it is impossible to give his words their natural meaning without supposing that he contemplates the Satyric drama as a practicable form of Latin literature. Porphyrion (on v. 221) asserts that Pomponius (that is, probably, if his words are meant to explain what Horace had in mind, Pomponius Bononiensis, the writer of Atellanae ; see Macrob. Sat. 1. 10) wrote Satyric plays, naming three, Alalanta, Sisyphus, and Ariadne. Prof. Nettle- ship (Essays in Latin Literature, p. 1 79)> withoutdetinitely acceptingPorphyrion's statement, has pointed out that Diomedes thegrammarian (p. 490) recognizes the ' Graeca Satyrica ' as a form of Latin play holding towards the ' Atellana ' the same relation as a ' tragoedia ' of Pa- cuvius, in which heroic personages ap- pear, to a ' praetextata,' in which the characters are historical and Roman.

220. vilem, 'the cheap prize ' ; the epithet implies ' in those primitive and simple times.' For the fact cp. the inscription on the Parian Marble, 43 [I]t€077 6 Tpdyos [aO\ov] ; see Bentley's Phalaris xi. Horace is 110 doubt follow- ing the etymology commonly given in antiquity to Tpaywdia, but his object is to link the origin of the satyric drama with that of tragedy. This is done as effectually by the more recent view that it was called the ' goat song' from the chorus of goats or satyrs.

221. mox need involve no contradic- tion of Aristotle's statement (Poet. 4. 14) that tragedy itself was originally aarvpiKr) ical bpxqaTiKWTepa, even if it refers to the chronological relations of tragedy and the satyric drama, for Horace might well have in view the separate existence of the latter, which dates from Pratinas, irpwTos eypaipe laTvpovs : but it is equally probable that ae- ' mox,' as ' nuper ' in v. 228, refers to relations between the tragedies and the satyric play at a given performance, the very poet who had been exhibiting a tragedy, 'presently,' on the same boards, exhibited a satyric drama.

nudavit, i. e. brought Satyrs naked on the stage.

222. incolumi gravitate, 'without sacrificing dignily' to be taken closely with asper. It matters not whether we say ' his own dignity ' or ' that of the characters,' for he is spoken of through- out as doing that which he makes his characters do.

224. potus. Wilkins quotes Plat. Legg. 6. p. 775 Triveiv oe ets p-tOrjv oxne dKKoOi vov TTpenei ttXtjv ev Tais tov tuv olvov ouvtos Oeov eoprais.

225. ita . . .ita . . . ita . . . ne, 'with this reservation that . . . not/ etc. ; see on v. 151.

risores . . . dieaces, of mere fun, and of edged sayings. For ' risores ' see on 'scriptor ' v. 120.

226. vertere seria ludo, ' to change grave to gay ' ; ' vertere ' with the construction of ' mutare ' ; see on Od. 1. 17. 2.

228. nuper, i. e. in the tragedy just exhibited.

230. According to Horace's usual doctrine, that the avoidance of one ex-



Effutire leves indigna Tragoedia versus, Ut festis matrona moveri iussa diebus, Intererit Satyris paulum pudibunda protervis. Non ego inornata et dominantia nomina solum Verbaque, Pisones, Satyrorum scriptor amabo ; Nec sic enitar tragico differre colori, Ut nihil intersit Davusne loquatur et audax Pythias emuncto lucrata Simone talentum, An custos famulusque dei Silenus alumni. Ex noto fictum carmen sequar, ut sibi quivis Speret idem, sudet multum frustraque laboret



treme is apt to lead into the other ; see above v. 31.

231 f. Tragedy, sograve and stately in all she does, will find herself a little un- comfortable among saucy satyrs, and therefore the satyrs must not be too saucy.

232. moveri, ' to dance,' as in Epp. 2. 2. 125. 'Sunt enim quaedam sacra in quibus saltant matronae, sicut in sacris Matris deum' Acr. ; see Od. 2. 12 introd. and v. 17.

234. dominantia seems a transla- tion of Kvpia, the Greek term forordinary words in their usual forms and accepta- tion : Arist. Poet. 21.2. The usual Latin phrase was ' propria.'

nomina verbaque : Sat. 1. 3. 103 n.

235 . Satyrorum seriptor, ' if I come to write Satyric dramas.' The Greeks used ~2.a.Tvpoi in the same sense. For ' scriptor' see above on v. 120.

236. colori : above v. 86 n. For dat. see on Epp. 2. 1. 4.

237. Davus, a slave of comedy ; cp. Sat. 2. 5. 91, etc.

et, the reading necessary to the sense, is given by B and was in V, the other good MSS. having ' an.'

23S. Pythias : a character, according to the Scholiasts, in a play of ' Lucilius.' This has been generally considered a mis-writing for Caecilius. emuncto, in the sense of ' cheated,' is a comic word, and very possibly comes from the passage Horace is recalling. If Bentley's conjecture (on A. P. 96) of ' emunxeris ' might stand in thefragment of Caecilius quoted by Cicero de Am. 26. 99 (cp. de Sen. 11. 39 ' ut me hodie ante omnes comicos senes Versaris atque emunxeris lautissime '), we should have probably

what we are in search of ; but it is only a conjecture.

239. Silenus, the father of the Satyrs and the nurse and ■no.ifia-yctiyos (' custos,' see on Sat. I. 6. 81) of the ever youthful Bacchus ; conceived at once as a jovial drunken old man and as a prophet (Virg. Ecl. 6. 31 f.) and philosopher (Cic. Tusc. D. 1. 48. 114) : he was the representative of wisdom concealed under uncouth and unlikely exterior, whence Socrates was likened to him, Plat. Sympos. p. 215, Dict. Biog. s. v. Silenus.

240. ex noto fictum. Is Horace still speaking of the diction of a Satyric drama ? So Acr., followed by Orelli and other editors, on the ground that other\vise he is made to pass from dic- tion to plot and back again to diction in v. 244. But ' fingere carmen ex ' is most naturally interpreted of the plot, and if these verses really referred to the dic- tion, we should have in v. 244 some conjunction to indicate that the precept there given was a limitation of what preceded. That passage stands, as this one does, without a conjunction, be- cause they are both independent of the lines before them. Ritter seems rightly to indicate what differences vv. 244 f. from vv. 225-239. See on v. 244. The difficulty of connection has seemed so great to some editors that they have thought vv. 240-243 to be out of their place. Ribbeck omits them ; but they are in Horace's best style.

sequar: Epp. 1. 2. 143; 'it will be my aim.'

241. Cp. Byron's imitation (Hints from Horace)

Whom nature guides, so writes that every dunce



Ausus idem : tantum series iuncturaque pollet,

Tantum de medio sumptis accedit honoris.

Silvis deducti caveant me iudice Fauni,

Ne velut innati triviis ac paene forenses 245

Aut nimium teneris iuvenentur versibus unquam,

Aut immunda crepent ignominiosaque dicta ;

Offenduntur enim quibus est equus et pater et res,

Nec, si quid fricti ciceris probat et nucis emptor,

Aequis accipiunt animis donantve corona. 250

Syllaba longa brevi subiecta vocatur iambus,

Pes citus ; unde etiam trimetris accrescere iussit

Enraptured thinks to do the thing at

once ; But after inky thumbs and bitten

nails, And twenty scattered quires, the cox- comb fails.' For a similar description of the ' ars celandi artem ' cp. Epp. 2. 2. 124.

242. series iuncturaque : vv. 46, 48 ' in verbis serendis . . . iunctura.' Here the power of making what is old new by its setting, is claimed in relation to the plot as there to the language.

243. de medio sumptis, ' the com- monest materials.' The sentiment is general. Cicero (Or. 49. 163) uses the phrase of ordinary diction as opposed to that of the poet ' exquisita ad sonum.'

244. deducti, sc. ' in scenam.' Fauni : seeonEpp. 1. 19. 4. Horace

is speaking (as Ritter explains, see above on v. 240) of the Chorus of Satyrs, thus completing the account of the Satyric drarna, as he completed that of Tragedy by treating of the Tragic Choius ; and he is speaking, not of their diction, but of their sentiments. They are the wild children of the woods, and (though, perhaps it is implied, a coarse- ness of their own is not out of place) they must not be credited with town vices whether of softness or coarse vul- garity.

245. forenses, sc. dwellers in the heart of the town ; with a depreciatory sense, as Livy's ' forensis factio ' 9. 46. 1 3 : cp. dyopaios.

246. teneris versibus. Yonge re- calls Hotspur's ' mincing poetry.'

iuvenentur : ana£ \ey., and possibly invented by Horace after the analogy of veavieveaGai, ' to talk as young men do.'

247. crepent : see on Od. 1. 18. 5, Sat. 2. 3. 33.

dicta, 'jests.'

248. quibus est equus, sc. 'equites' Sat. 1. 10. 76, Epp. 2. 1. 183, and supr. v. 113.

pater : those who are said ' to have a father ' are ' ingenui' : see on Epp. 1. 7.


249. cieeris, nucis stand for the cheapest food. For ' ciceris ' see Sat. 1. 6. 115 and 2. 3. 183, wherewith 'fabae' and ' lupini ' it is named as given in largesse to gain the votes of the poorer people. fricti goes with both subst., 'friclas nuces ' Plaut. Poen. 1. 2. 111 : ' nuces,' as Orelli says, includes chest- nuts.

250. corona, metaphorical : cp. Epp. 2. 2. 96.

251-269. The purport of this passage is to criticize the laxity of Roman prac- tice in respect of the metre of Tragedy, mainly the Iambic, and to urge the closer study of Greek models. The tone is playful, both in the prosaic gravity of the opening statement, as though from a school ' Prosody,' and in the subse- quent personihcation of the Iambus as a proprietor easy to encroaching neigh- bours.

252. pes citus. The lightness of the measure is the point to be emphasized, as the characteristic which the elder Latin poets failed to understand and repro- duce : the Scholiasts therefore are right in making 'unde etiam ' depend on ' pes citus.' ' The lightness of the " iambus " was felt so strongly that the Iambic senarius was called [not, as in the dac- tylic metre, an " hexameter," but] a tri- meter.' ' Cum,' however, is not ' although,'



Nomen iambeis, cum senos redderet ictus

Primus ad extremum similis sibi. Non ita pridem,

Tardior ut paulo graviorque veniret ad aures, 255

Spondeos stabiles in iura paterna recepit

Commodus et patiens, non ut de sede secunda

Cederet aut quarta socialiter. Hic et in Acci

Nobilibus trimetris apparet rarus, et Enni

In scenam missos cum magno pondere versus 260

Aut operae celeris nimium curaque carentis

Aut ignoratae premit artis crimine turpi.

Non quivis videt immodulata poemata iudex,

Et data Romanis venia est indigna poetis.

Idcircone vager scribamque licenter? an omnes 265

Visuros peccata putem mea, tutus et intra

Spem veniae cautus ? Vitavi denique culpam,

Non laudem merui. Vos exemplaria Graeca

but ' since,' the chief empha<is being not on ' senos,' but on ' primus ad extremum similis.' They were called trimeters because though there were six feet they were all ' iambi.' ' Iambeis ' is probably (as Ritter pointed out) a neut. subst., la/xfietov being the Greek name for an iambic verse (Arist. Ran. 1133, 1204, etc.) ; 'bade the name of tri- meters gather to the iambic verses.' For the imitation of the Greek form cp. Argeo ' Od. 2. 6. 5.

254. I take this not as Prof. Nettle- ship (Essays in Lat. Lit. p. 180) as a proof that Horace is quoting from a writer on metre who lived near the time of the change, but as an evidently hyperbolical way of saying that the idea of the metre was iambic, and that the admission of ' spondees ' was an after- thought. ' 'Tis only the other day that,' etc. There is an affectation of carelessness in the whole passage. He is contrasling (as Prof. Nettleship points out) the tragic senarius with that of Archilochus. Yet this latter, as ancient writers on metre say, and as the extant fragments of his poems prove, admitted ' spondees,' though less frequently than the tragic verse. Horace himself in Epod. 16 wrote pure Iambics, as Catullns had in two poems, and probably they had some Greek precedents : but the picture of an age of pure Iambics is a playful exaggeration.

256. stabiles, opp. ' pes citus.'

257. non ut = 'non ita ut,' 'not on the terms that.'

secunda aut quarta. Horace does not mention the sixth place because even Roman writers respected the rule there.

258. soeialiter, ' as friends might,' anag \ey.

hic, sc. ' iambus ' ; the metaphor is hardly lost yet. He is a rare sight in his own home.

259. nobilibus : the epithet given by his admirers. See 011 Epp. 2. 1. 50.

260. The spondaic rhythm is imita- tive of the verses described.

261. 262. The two faults of which he offers the choice are the two which it is the special object of the Ars Poetica to forestall by pressing on Roman poets the necessity of patient work (cp. w. 293 f., Sat. 1. 10. 72, Epp. 2. 1. 167) and of systematic art. £<> fee esp. vv. 379-382,408-415.

263. A concession. 'I allow that the public ear is obtuse and the result has been an unworthy licence in our poets.'

265-269. ' What then is to be my conclusion. Shall I follow my own caprice ? or shall I credit the public with sharper eyes than they have and then keep safe from their criticism ? That can lead at best to a negative excellence. The true method is to steep yourself in Greek models.'



Noctuma versate manu, versate diurna. At vestri proavi Plautinos et numeros et Laudavere sales : nimium patienter utrumque Ne dicam stulte mirati, si modo ego et vos Scimus inurbanum lepido seponere dicto Legitimumque sonum digitis callemus et aure. Ignotum tragicae genus invenisse Camenae Dicitur et plaustris vexisse poemata Thespis, Ouae canerent agerentque peruncti faecibus ora. Post hunc personae pallaeque repertor honestae



269. See on Epp. 1. 19. 11.

270. vestri proavi. Some inferior MSS. have ' nostri.' Bentley pointed out that ' ve?tri,' besides being better attested, is more suitable in the mouth of the ' libertino patre natus ' addressing Pisos. For Horace's views on Plautus cp. Epp. 2. 1. 170 f.

272. ego et vos. He compliments the Pisos by taking it for granted that their taste is as his, not as that of the rougher critics of the theatre.

273 belongs to the 'sales' of Plautus, 274 to his ' numeri.'

273. seponere, as 'secernere' Sat.

i. 3- "3-

274. digitis: either simply by count- ing or by beating time (cp. ' pollicis ictum' Od. 4. 6. 55, ' pedum et digi- torum ictu intervalla signant ' Quint. 9.

4- 50-

callemus, with accus., as even in Cicero, pro Balbo 14. 32 ' iura calles.'

275 f. The precept to spend nights and days over Greek models leads naturally to a short historical sketch of the suc- cessive masters of the Greek drama.

275. ignotum genus. Bentley (on Phalaris) warned us that this is not ' an unknown kind of tragic poetry,' but ' tragedy, a kind of poetry unknown before.' Thespis, accordingto the Parian Marble (see above on v. 220) was the first to exhibit tragedies. According to Aristotle (as quoted by Themistius Or. 26, p. 382, he is not named in the Poetics) he added the irpoAoyos and firjais, that is, he provided an actor dis- tinct from the i£apxos of the chorus who could speak before the chorus entered, and hold dialogue with the e£apxos afterwards ; in other words he first made tragedy dramatic. In the following

lines Horace seems to have been con- fusing the traditions of tragedy with those of comedy. Thespis no doubt used, if he did not originate, the e\eos, or table, which was the first form of the stage platform. The waggon belongs to comedy, which owed its rudimentary form to the badinage (f£ afx.a£r]s) of the vintage procession. In ' peruncti faeci- bus ' Horace is probably giving a re- ceived etymology of rpvyqjSia (as in v. 220 of rpaycvSia), thename forcomedy; see Arist. Ach. 499, Liddell and Scott s. v., and Bentley's Phalaris. It should be said that Bentley would save Horace's credit in respect of the waggons by reading, ex coni., ' qui ' for ' quae ' in v. 277, so that Thespis would be said to carry his company of players, not his plays.

278. post hune. Aeschylus is with Horace, as with Aristotle, the next name to Thespis in the growth of Tragedy, intermediate writers as Phrynichus being omitted.

With respect to the inventions here assigned to Aeschylus, Horace is at one with Aristotle (apud Themist. 1. c.) as to the stage, otcpipas, ' pulpitum,' an enlargement of the eXeos of Thespis, which went with Aeschylus' addition, which Horace does not mention, of a second actor besides the e£apxos.

The paintcd mask (' persona ') as used on the tragic stage was traced to him, although a simple linen mask to dis- guise the face had been employed by Thespis and others. The tragic dress (' palla,' ovp/jia, see on v. 215: 'hones- tae' = o-efjLvijs) was aLo attributed to him, e£evpe rr)v rrjs aroKfjs evnpirrdav ical oep.\oTT]Ta Athen. p. 21 E ; and the tragic shoe, kfxjidrrjs (Suidas) or KoQopvos.



Aeschylus et modicis instravit pulpita tignis Et docuit magnumque loqui nitique cothurno. Successit vetus his comoedia, non sine multa Laude ; sed in vitium libertas excidit et vim Dignam lege regi ; lex est accepta chorusque Turpiter obticuit sublato iure nocendi. Nil intemptatum nostri liquere poetae, Nec minimum meruere decus vestigia Graeca Ausi deserere et celebrare domestica facta, Vel qui praetextas vel qui docuere togatas. Nec virtute foret clarisve potentius armis Ouam lingua Latium, si non offenderet unum Ouemque poetarum limae labor et mora. Vos, o Pompilius sanguis, carmen reprehendite quod non




280. magnum loqui : to be taken closely with the other points in whicb he raised the dignity of tragedy ; ' lofty utterance' went with the dress which made the actor more splendid, and the buskin which made him taller than common life. There is no touch of ridicule or hostile criticism as in Aris- tophanes' phrases @pv\wp.evos fjaei. pr)p.ara yoptporrayT) Ran. 823 and irvp- ywaas prjpara aep:va ib. IO04.

281. successit . . . his. This, though not true of the origin of Comedy, for Susarion was older than Thespis, is true of its serious development and state- recognition at Athens. Aristotle re- marks that its early history is less known than that of Tragedy oia rb p.r) airovba- £eoOai dpx_r)s Poet. 5. 2. The first certain record of the acting of comedy at Athens is of a play of Magnes in 457 B.C., whereas Aeschylusexhibited in 499. Cratinus (the founder of political comedy, whom Horace would possibly look on as the first writer of the ' old comedy,' cp. I. 4. 1) is said in the Chron. Euseb. to have exhibited from 454 onward.

283. lex est accepta. We learn from Scholiasts on Aristophanes (Ach. 67, 11 49, Av. 1297) that efforts were made to restrain by law the licence of the old comedy by prohibiting the intro- duction of political personages by name (//77 KwpwoeiaOai uvopLaari riva), but these seem to have been only temporarily successful. It was stopped, no doubt,

under the tyranny of the Thirty, and by the end of the Peloponnesian war a change of feeling and taste had taken place which prevented its revival. Cp. the account, itself perhaps hardly his- torical, of the restraint of libellous comedy at Rome, Epp. 2. 1. 147 f.

chorus. The New Comedy had no chorus, but this was due to other causes than any law against personal abuse.

288. praetextas . . . togatas : trage- dies and comedies in which the charac- ters were Roman, and wore a Roman dress, as opposed to ' crepidatae ' and ' palliatae,' which were based on heroic and Greek life. The form ' praetextae ' instead of ' praetextatae ' is found twice in a letter to Cicero from Asinius Pollio (ad Fam. 10. 32). ' Praetextatae ' were written by Naevius (' Clastidius,' ' Ro- mulus'), Pacuvius (' Paulus'), Accius ('Aeneadae,' 'E-rutus'). For the ' to- gatae' of Afranius cp. Epp. 2. 1. 57 n.

docuere, ' exhibited,' after the Greek OLoao/cuv. SoCic.Tusc. D. 4. 29. 63'cum Orestem fabulam doceret Euripides.'

290. unum Quemque. For the di- vision see on Sat. 1. 9. 51, Epp. 2. 2. 188.

292. Pompilius sanguis : imitated by Persius 1. 6i ' vos o patricius snnguis.' The nom. for voc. in solemn address, Madv. § 299, obs. 1. Among the fac- titious genealogies of the time the Calpurnia gens was traced to Calpus, a mythical son of Numa, Plutarch Num. 21. Horace appeals to them as of the



Multa dies et multa litura coercuit atque Praesectum decies non castigavit ad unguem. Ingenium misera quia fortunatius arte Credit et excludit sanos Helicone poetas Democritus, bona pars non ungues ponere curat, Non barbam, secreta petit loca, balnea vitat. Nanciscetur enim pretium nomenque poetae, Si tribus Anticyris caput insanabile nunquam Tonsori Licino commiserit. O ego laevus,



blue blood of Rome to come to the rescue of her credit in the matter of literary industry.

293. litura : Epp. 2. 1. 167, and cp. Sat. 1. 10. 72 'stilum vertas,' and inf. v. 389 ' delere.'

294. ad unguem, as in Sat. 1. 5. 32 : the image from a sculptor or joiner passing his nail over his work to test the perfect smoothness ; Virg. G. 277, Pers. Sat. 1. 64. The question between praesectum, the nail cut close (i.e. to the point where being close to the quick it will be most sensitive), and ' per- fectum' (to be taken proleptically with ' castigavit,' 'till it is perfect'), is dif- ficult to decide. The first is the read- ing of V and B, and is the less obvious word. It is strongly supported by Bentley, and is given by Ritter and Munro. The latter was read by Acr. and the Comm. Cruq., and is preferred by Orelli, Dillr., Schiitz, and Keller. The error was due to abbreviation, and the confusion of f and s : cp. Od. 3. 29. 6, Sat. 1. 1. 2.

295-301. The connection is: ' This want of care arises from that foolish idea that genius is independent of and superior to art, which shows itself in other ways in a disregard of the judg- ment of the world and the decencies of life.'

295. ingenium, ' native gift.' For the contrast of ' ingenium' and ' ars ' see below, v. 408 f.

297. Democritus (of Abdera, see on Epp. 1. 12. 12, 2. 1. 94). He wrote a book nepi iroijjaecvs according to Diog. Laert. 9. 48. Cicero refers to his opi- nion more than once, as de Div. 1. 37. 80 ' negat sine furore Democritus quem- quam poetam magnum esse posse, quod idem dicit Plato :' cp. de Or. 2. 46. 194 ; Plato, as in Ion 5. p. 533, Phaedr. 22. p. 245. Aristotle admits an alter-


native, eixpvovs -q -noirjTiKrj \ariv fj piavi- kov' TovTwv yap 01 p.ev tvTrXaaroi oi St (KffTaTiKoi Poet. 17- 2.

bona pars : see on Sat. 1. 1. 61. For the foolish attempts to simulate inspiration by adopting peculiarities cp. Epp. 1. 19. 10 f.

ungues ponere : Epp. 1. 7. 50.

298. barbam. The philosopher also let his beard grow; Sat. 1. 3. 133, 2. 3. 35. Horace treats it here as an affecta- tion of eccentricity.

balnea : as places where he would meet all the world.

300. tribus Anticyris : cp. Sat. 2. 3. 82 and 166; 'three Anticyras' is a metaphorical, not a literal phrase. It is therefore not to be nsed (as in Dict. Geog. s. v. Anticyra"! as an argument in favour of there being a third Anticyra in Locris in addition to those in Phocis and on the Sinus Maliacus. The one in Phocis is the one which Slrabo (418) describes as the home of hellebore and the place of cure for those who needed it. Stephanus,a late authority > between the 4th and ^th centuries , attributes the same character to the one on the Sinus Maliacus.

301. tonsori Licino. The Scho- liasts identify this man with the Gaulish prisoner, and then freedman of Julius or Augustus, who is with later Latin writers the type of the rich parvenu, and on whom the epigram was written ' Marmoreo Licinus tumulo iacet, at Cato parvo, Pompeius nullo. Quis putet esse deos? ' See Pers. S. 2. 36, Juv. S. 1. 109 (see Mayor's note), 14. 305. It is how- ever generally held to be a mistake ; see Madv. Opusc. Acad. 2. p. 202 f. Horace's Licinus was a barber of the time.

O ego laevns, ' clumsy fellow that I am ! ' Cp. the ironical reasons given for not writing poetry in Epp. 2. 2.



Qui purgor bilem sub verni temporis horam ! Non alius faceret meliora poemata. Verum Nil tanti est. Ergo fungar vice cotis, acutum Reddere quae ferrum valet exsors ipsa secandi ; Munus et ofncium nil scribens ipse docebo, Unde parentur opes, quid alat formetque poetam ; Ouid deceat, quid non ; quo virtus, quo ferat error. Scribendi recte sapere est et principium et fons : Rem tibi Socraticae poterunt ostendere chartae, Verbaque provisam rem non invita sequentur. Qui didicit patriae quid debeat et quid amicis, Quo sit amore parens, quo frater amandus et hospes, Quod sit conscripti, quod iudicis officium, quae Partes in bellum missi ducis, ille profecto Reddere personae scit convenientia cuique. Respicere exemplar vitae morumque iubebo Doctum imitatorem et vivas hinc ducere voces.




The playfulness here has the purpose of softening the transition to the most directly didactic part of the poem.

303. verni temporis. This was ac- cording to the prescription of the faculty : see Celsus 2. 13, of white hellebore, ' neque hieme neque aestate recte datur ; optime vere, tolerabiliter autumno.'

304. nil tanti est, ' it is nothing of importance.' This is the meaning in Cic. ad Att. 2. 13 ' iuratus tibi possum dicere nihil esse tanti.'

cotis : according to Plutarch this trope had been used by Isocrates when he was asked why he taught speaking instead of speaking himself, koi ai dKoval avral /j.tv rtfitlv ov bvvavTai, tov be aibrjpov o£ia Kal Tfir/TiKov -noiovai.

307. opes, ' his resources.'

309. Contrast Epp. 2. 2. 141. These lines seem to give a keynote to the Ars Poetica. It is the reconciliation of the breach, if it was ever a serious one, between Horace's literary and philo- sophical inclinations. He has learnt something as he proposed (Epp. I. I. 11) of ' quid deceat, quid non,' etc, but a poefs digestion turns all matter to poetic use, and his studies at least bear fruit in ' opes, alimenta, informatio,' for other aspirants to poesy. Notice also that this line is the serious answer to

the suggestion, playfully discussed, of Democritus. ' Sound poetry' (' scribendi recte,' cp. Sat. 1. 4. 13 ' scribendi recte, nam ut multum nil moror '), so far from being the product of a crazed brain, has behind it sound thinking, the trained intelligence of the philosopher, at second hand from the study of books (v. 310), and at first hand from the study of life

(v-3i7)- , ,. ,

310. rem : as the next line snows, op- posed to ' verba ' ; ' matter,' ' substance.' Cic. de Or. 3. 31. 125 ' rerum copia ver- borum copiam gignit.'

Soeratieae chartae. An expression from Lucilius 27. 46 ' ubi nunc Socratici charti?' see on Od. 1. 29. 14 ' Socra- ticam domum.' Horace describes him- self as taking Plato with him when he goes into the country ; Sat. 2. 3. 11 ' stipare Platona Menandro.'

312-316. From moral philosophy we gather ideals of men in various relations which we may impersonate in our char- acters for the stage.

314. conscripti. Cicero uses ' Pater conscriptus' for a single senator, Phil. 13. 13. 28 ; but this is the only instance of ' conscriptus ' alone for a senator.

318. doctum : as Orelli, ' qui arti satisfaciat ' ; one who is to pass as a poet who has learnt his business.



Interdum speciosa locis morataque recte Fabula nullius veneris, sine pondere et arte, Valdius oblectat populum meliusque moratur Ouam versus inopes rerum nugaeque canorae. Grais ingenium, Grais dedit ore rotundo Musa loqui, praeter laudem nullius avaris. Romani pueri longis rationibus assem



imitatorem in the senseof Aristotle's /.u/.LrjTTfi, the poet, as ' holding the mirror up to nature.'

vivas ducere voees, i. e. make his characters talk like living persons.

319-323. In fact, for a Roman au- dieuce, it is often this moral side of a play rather than the artistic side which secures success.

319. locis, as in Cicero, for 'locis communibus ' in the rhetorical sense, ' commonplaces,' that is, passagesof rhe- toric (or, as herc, of moral import) which do not belong vitally to the place where they occur, but may be transferred from one composition to another. A play which is ' speciosa locis ' is one in which these moral commonplaces stand in re- lief. So Quintilian recommends Euri- pides to the study of Roman orators as being ' sententiis densus,' full of yvui- (j.ai, sententious commonplaces, which can be brought into a speech as re- quired.

morata, ' supplied with characters.'

320. 'Though without beauty, solid value, or artistic skill.'

322. inopes rerum, ' devoid of sub- stance.' This phrase and the following one are dramntic, such as the moral but inartistic audience would use : compare his use of conventional epithets, for which he does not vouch, in Epp. 2. 1. 50 f., and inf. v. 341.

323-345. ' The Greeks have to the full the artistic mind. The Romans are too practical, as their education shovvs, and for practical life arithmetic pays better than poetry. Poetry has two aims to instruct and to give delight. You may pursue either of these separately. If so, I can only say, if it be preaching, do not let it be long-winded, if it be amuse- ment, do not let it be extravagant. But remember that if you pursue either aim by itself, you only please part even of your present audience. The truly popu- lar poet, popular with all classes and also in all countries and for all time, is

the poet who combines the Greek and the Roman ideal, vvho delights his reader even while he instructs him.'

The compaiison between the Greek and Roman genius will naturally be com- pared with Epp. 2. 1. 93 f. His recog- nition of the strength of the Greek on the artistic side is here more direct, not veiled,asthere,under half-ironical terms, ' nugari,' ' in vitium labier,' etc. ; his criticism of the weakness of the Roman conception of practical life is also more explicit and satirical in tone : but his point is not to praise or blame either in this place, but to hold up to the Roman poet the duty of facing both sides of his duty.

323. ingeriium : the native gift ; what native gift. is understood from the context. The Greeks (Horace is think- ing of the race as a vvhole, not of his contemporaries) have the poetic spirit by nature. They are, as Aristotle would say, (vipveis. A Roman is less favoured and needs more study and effort ; but, alas ! his education drives him in another direction.

ore rotundo : of style ; in smooth, finished, artistic expression ; a transl. of to uTpoyyv\ov, of which the meaning is made clear in Plat. Phaedr. p. 234 E ws tol SeovTa elprjitoTos tov ttoitjtov, ovk eKtivri pcovov, oti ffacpfj Kal ffTpoyyvXa Kal a.Kpi- I3ws iKaffTa tuiv ovo/xcitcov diroTeTop- vevTai : so ' apte et rotunde ' Cic. de Fin. 4. 3. 7. As Wilkins notices, it has nearly the opposite sense to that often given to it in popular quotation.

324. praeter laudem nullius ava- ris : devoted to cpiXoTipiia and no meaner form of covetousness.

325 f. Cp. Plato's remark in admit- ting Arithmetic to his ideal educa- tion, that it is to be studied in the spirit of a philosopher, not of a shop- keeper : tov yvcvpi^eiv 'ivtKa, dAAd /j.r) tov Karrrj\tv(tv Republ. p. 525 ; and his com- plaint, that even those who studied phi- losophy in early youth did so only in

e 2



Discunt in partes centum diducere. ' Dicat

Filius Albini : Si de quincunce remota est

Uncia, quid superat? Poteras dixisse.' ' Triens.' ' Eu !

Rem poteris servare tuam. Redit uncia, quid fit ? '

' Semis.' An haec animos aerugo et cura peculi 330

Cum semel imbuerit, speramus carmina fingi

Posse linenda cedro et levi servanda cupresso ?

Aut prodesse volunt aut delectare poetae,

Aut simul et iucunda et idonea dicere vitae.

Quicquid praecipies esto brevis, ut cito dicta 335

Percipiant animi dociles teneantque fideles ;

the intervals of moneymaking and house- keeping, id. pp. 497, 498.

longis rationibus : ' long sums.'

326. centum, as the edd. point out, stands as a round number, ' into any number of fractional parts'; the Roman mode of computing money, as we soe in the following sketch of an examination in arithmetic, was by the 12 parts of the ' as.'

dicat. The schoolmaster is supposed to call for an answer.

327. Albini : ' feneratoris cuiusdam Rvari' Scholiast. A likely guess, but probably not more.

poteras dixisse. Perhaps better with Schiitz, ' you might have told me [by this time] ' (for ' poteras ' cp. Sat. 2. 1. 16 n., the perf. infin. regular), than with Ritter, etc, ' you used to be able to tell me .' If taken in this latter sense, we should give to the perf. infin. the sense of ' to tell at once.' Bentley would read, with some inferior MSS., ' pote- rat,' the words then beingHorace's, ' sup- pose he could answer, "a third of the as." '

329. redit, ' is put the otherway,' i. e. is added to the original ' quincunx.'

330. an : this is the reading of B. and was in V. The rest of Keller's MSS. have ' Ad,' which is meaningless. In two of the Bland. MSS. Cruquius re- ports ' An ' as having been altered in a second hand to ' At.' It is clear, then, that this was an early mistake in the MSS., and the choice seems to lie be- tween ' An ' and ' At.' Keller prefers the latter, on what. under the circum- stances, seems the slight ground that it is nearest to ' Ad ' ; Schiitz for the more serious reason that there is nothing in the preceding words which justifies a direct question introduced by ' An,' a

use which is limited by Madv. L. G. § 453 to ' supplementary questions' intended to meet an objection, or con- firm a statement, or suggest an answer to a previous question. See also Madv. on Cic. de Fin. 1. 2. 5, where he accepts ' An,' though less well attested, in pre- ference to ' At.' The point is a difficult one. ' An ' in the argumentative sense is used frequently elliptically, the ellipsis being sometimes more obvious and somelimes less. I defer therefore to the authority of B and V, and to the tact in Latin scholarship of Bentley and Munro, and leave ' An.' It must be supposed that the picture of a sordid education, which has just been given, has been virtually equivalent to a pro- nouncement that Roman poetry cannot have the artistic qualities of Greek poetry. The question, then, is supple- mentary, as Madvig requires.

aerugo : see on Sat. 1.4. 101. Here it is a poisonous canker of the mind ; but the figure suggests that it is caught from the handling of rusty coin.

cura peculi : Virg. Ecl. 1. 33. The choice of the phrase is meant to imply a love of money which suits a slave rather than a free man.

332. linenda cedro. The resinous sap of the ' cedrus ' was used to preserve books as well as other things from moths and from decay : Ov. Trist. 3. 1.13' Quod neque sum cedro flavus,' 1. 1. 7 ' nec cedro charta notetur' Pers. S. 1. 42 ' cedro digna locutus.'

cupresso : ' ex cupresso ligno confici solebant capsulae' Comm. Cruq., 'utra- que res odore suo submovit tineas' Acr.

336. dociles . . . fideles, predicative : ' with willing ears and faithful memo- ries.'



Omne supervacuum pleno de pectore manat.

Ficta voluptatis causa sint proxima veris,

Ne quoclcunque velit poscat sibi fabula credi,

Neu pransae Lamiae vivum puerum extrahat alvo. 340

Centuriae seniorum agitant expertia frugis,

Celsi praetereunt austera poemata Ramnes :

Omne tulit punctum qui miscuit utile dulci,

Lectorem delectando pariterque monendo ;

Hic meret aera liber Sosiis ; hic et mare transit 345

Et longum noto scriptori prorogat aevum.

Sunt delicta tamen quibus ignovisse velimus ;

337. ' If your hearer has had enough any further words are wasted and soon forgotten'. Bentley unfottunately took ' pectore ' of the ]ioet's heart (thinking of the use of ' mano ' in Epp. i. 19. 44}, and so found the line dull and suspected interpolation.

supervacuum : Od. 2. 20. 24, Epp.

!•• 15- 3-

338. Horace is not giving the full conditions of poetry which is to please, but a single rule for poetry which aims at pleasing only. Extravagant use of the marvtllous (to T(parcv5es,which Aris- totle Poet. 14. 2 excludes from Tragedy) is a natural fault in imaginative writing which has no moral purpose. He may have special instances in view.

339. ne. The MSS. v.nry between ' ne ' and ' nec,' B having ' nec,' and Cruquius reading it without remark. The source of any such confusion is shown in B which has in the following line N. ' Ne ' is preferred by Bentley as suiting better with 'neu,' and he takes it, no doubt rightly, as in v. 185, q.v., as final, introducing illustrations of the purpose of the precept in v. 338.

velit has better MS. authority than * volet,' and was read by Acr. Keller in his Epilegomena prefers ' volet,' in spite of this. as the most likely to have been altered. Either is suitable.

340. Lamiae. Aa/xia was a Greek bugbear to frighten children, Arist. Vesp. 11 77. Suidas s. v. gives the legend that she was a Libyan queen whose children Here slew from jealousy, and who became a monster preying on the children of others.

pransae implies that Horace is pur- posely making such extravagances rather


341. centuriae seniorum. Forthis metaphorical use of the old Tullian clas- sification cp. v. 113. The ' seniores ' were over 45.

agitant, ' attack,' ' criticize severely ' ; ' agitat rem militarem ' Cic. Mur. 9. 21 ; possibly ' hunt off the stage.'

expertia frugis : as ' austera poe- mata/ in the next line, is their own phrase ; see on v. 322.

342. Ramnes : the first of the three centuries of knights of the original crea- tion, Liv. 1. 13. They seem to stand heie for the young men of old family. The idea of youth comes partly from the epithet ' celsi ' ; cp. ' sublimis ' of a young man, v. 165, and Liv. 7. 16 ' celsi et spe haud dubia feroces in proelium vadunt ' ; but also from the contrast with 'centuriae seniorum,' the humdrum respectability of the one class and the youth of the other being left to be ga- thered in each case from the words that characterize the other members of the comparison.

343. punctum : Epp. 2.2. 99.

345. Sosiis : Epp. 1. 20. 2.

mare transit : see on Epp. 1. 20. 13 and cp. Od. 2. 20. 17-20.

346. prorogat : C. S. 67. longum is pred. = ' ita ut longum fiat.'

347. tamen. The adversative par- ticle is explained not by any single statement that has been made and that needs limiting, but by the general pic- ture of ideal perfection which has been held up to the poet ' though my stand- aid seems so high,' yet, etc.

ignovisse : for the perf. inf. see on Od. 3. 4. 52, and cp. supr. v. 98.




Nam neque chorda sonum reddit quem volt manus et mens,

Poscentique gravem persaepe remittit acutum ;

Nec semper feriet quodcunque minabitur arcus.

Verum ubi plura nitent in carmine non ego paucis

Offendar maculis, quas aut incuria fudit

Aut humana parum cavit natura. Quid ergo est ?

Ut scriptor si peccat idem librarius usque

Ouamvis cst monitus venia caret ; ut citharoedus

Ridctur chorda qui semper oberrat eadem :

Sic mihi qui multum cessat fit Choerilus ille,

Quem bis terque bonum cum risu miror ; et idem

Indignor quandoque bonus dormitat Homerus ;


348-358. 'As we know in other arts, no instrument can be perfectly depended on. There will occur failures. But I shall not be offended at them (if the merits overbalance) whether they pro- ceed from carelessness or from causes, like the failing string, which the poet being human has not provided against. But this does not mean that he may omit alvvays to provide against the same failing.'

350. quodeunque minabitur : the internal accus., cp. Od. 1. 28. 25 ; ' what- ever shall be its threats,' i.e. whenever it is so aimed as to look as if it must strike.

353. quid ergo est, ' what is the conclusion?' i.e. let us understand the limits of our indulgence.

354. scriptor librarius : one of the slaves employed to copy books, of whose negligence Cicero complains, ad Quint. Fr. 3. 5. 6 ' de Latinis [libris] quo me vertam nescio : ita mendose et scri- buntur et veneunt.' Cp. Mart. 2. 8. I ' nocuit librarius illis.'

357. qui multum cessat. Quintilian has 'cesso,' in exactly the same sense, 1. 10. 4 ' oratoris perfecti illius et nulla parte cessantis.' Some metaphor seems to be suggested, as of failing to keep up in a march, or of the lapses of a lazy slave, Epp. 2. 2. 14.

fit Choerilus ille : is put by me on the level of the notorious mediocre poet ; see Epp. 2. 1. 233 f.

358. bis terque. Bentley first pointed out (on Epod. 5. 33, see my note there) the true difference between ' bis terque,' ' t\\ ice and (even) thrice ' and ' bis terve,' ' twice or (at most) thrice.' The first having an amplifying force, and so

making the phrase often (not always) equivalent to ' saepe ' (cp. with Schiitz ' terque quaterque ' Sat. 2. 7. 76, 'ter et quater ' Od. 1. 31. 13); the latter, a minimizing one, reducing it to ' raro.' He was right therefore in 1. c. in preferring ' bis terque,' and the evi- dence of MSS. accumulated since has abundantly confirmed his judgment. In this case he wished, on the autho- rity of one MS. not of the first class, to substitute ' bis terve ' for ' bis terque,' and his reading has since received the weighty support of B. Orelli and Munro follow him. Ritter, Schiitz, and Keller retain ' bis terque ' as the best attested reading. The sense here will be satisfied with either reading. Any contemptuous generosity of concession to the bad poet is overbalanced by the ' indignor quandoque ' of the contrasted clause.

et idem : though at the same time I.

359. quandoque : for ' quandocun- que ' Od. 4. 2. 34. My standard of ex- cellence for Homer is so high that every single declension from it is noted and made much of.

bonus cannot be separated from 'bonum' in the contrasted v. 358. It is not therefore a half respectiul, half familiar designation like 'pater Ennius.' Epp. 1. 19. 7 but has emphasis, and is part of the predication. Choerilus is the bad poet occasionally good. Homer is the good poet occasionally, if so it be, nodding. Quintilian refers to this line in a passage of good sense, 10. 1. 24 ' neque id statim legenti persuasum sit omnia quae magni auctores dixerint ubi- que esse perfecta. Nam et labuntur aliquando, et oneri cedunt, et indulgent



Verum operi longo fas est obrepere somnum. Ut pictura poesis : erit quae si propius stes Te capiat magis, et quaedam si longius abstes. Haec amat obscurum, volet haec sub luce videri, Iudicis argutum quae non formidat acumen ; Haec placuit semel, haec decies repetita placebit. O maior iuvenum, quamvis et voce paterna Fingeris ad rectum et per te sapis, hoc tibi dictum Tolle memor, certis medium et tolerabile rebus Recte concedi. Consultus iuris et actor Causarum mediocris abest virtute diserti Messallae nec scit quantum Cascellius Aulus, Sed tamen in pretio est : mediocribus esse poetis Non homines, non di, non concessere columnae. Ut gratas inter mensas symphonia discors




ingeniorum suorum voluptati et non- nunquam fatigantur : cum Ciceroni dor- mitare interim Demosthenes, Horatio vero etiam Homerus ipse videatur ; summi enim sunt, homines tamen.'

360. verum, like the ' verum ' of v. 351, introduces a statement in quali- fication of the one preceding. Here it is an apology for having aclmilted the possibility of Homers nodding. Horace is labouring to make it clear that vvhat he is claiming is not faultlessness. A great poem must have its duller parts.

361 f. ' So,' he goes on, ' you must allow for differences of scale and pur- pose. Do not expect of "vers d'occa- sion " the kind of excellence you expect in the poet of all time. There is one principle that is what all has led up to Poetry, whatever be its kind must, of its kind, be excellent. Mediocrity is intolerable.'

361. ut pictura poesis. Horace is not comparing the two arts generally (as Plutarch when he quotes Simonides as calling painting ttoitjoiv oiw-nwaav, poetry (wypatpiav KaXovoav, or as Les- sing in the Laokoon), but in the single point that in neither is it fair to ask of the artist more than he professes to give a fresco is not as a miniature.

362. abstes : 'abstare' is not found elsewhere. This led to variations in the MSS.

365. decies : for an indefinite num- ber, as in v. 294.

366. maior iuvenum : the elder of the two sons, who is evidently the per- son for whom the Epistle is really written.

367. tibi adds ' and make it your own.'

368. tolle memor : ' cape dicta me- mor ' Virg. Aen. 6. 377.

certis = ' quibusdam ' ; but the word signifies more definitely that the class spoken of has its limits. Poetry is not one of them.

371. Messallae: seeon Sat. 1. 10. 29. Notice that Messalla and Cascellius an- swer in inverse order to the lawyer and pleader of the preceding lines.

Cascellius Aulus : for the order of the two names see on Qd. 2. 2. 3. He was an eminent jurist, a contemporary of Trebatius (Sat. 2. 1. 78). He lived into the time of Augustus, who offered him the consulship, which he declined.

372. mediocribus esse : for constr. cp. Sat. 1. 1. 19.

373. The climax ending, irapa -npoabo- Kiav, in ' coiumnae,' ' the booksellers' stalls ' (see on Sat. 1. 4. 71), gives a playful turn to the outburst.

374. symphouia discors : more ambitious music than the single singer (Epp. 2. 2. 9) ; but, as the oxymoron is meant to emphasize, if the many voices were not in tune they were not the better for their number. Cic. Verr. 2. 3. 44 of a grand feast, ' cum symphonia caneret.'



Et crassum unguentum et Sardo cum melle papaver 375

Offendunt, poterat duci quia cena sine istis :

Sic animis natum inventumque poema iuvandis,

Si paulum summo decessit vergit ad imum.

Ludere qui nescit campestribus abstinet armis,

Indoctusque pilae discive trochive quiescit, 380

Ne spissae risum tollant impune coronae :

Oui nescit versus tamen audet fingere. Ouidni?

Liber et ingenuus, praesertim census equestrem

Summam nummorum vitioque remotus ab omni.

Tu nihil invita dices faciesve Minerva ; 385

375. Compare the mixture of mean- ness with luxury satirized in Nasidienus' supper, Sat. 2. 8.

Sardo melle. ' Corsicum et Sardum mel pessimi saporis ' Porph. Cp. Virg. Ecl. 7. 41 ' Sardoniis . . . amarior herbis.'

papaver : ' c.andidum, cuius semen tostum in secunda mensa cum melle apud antiquos dabatur' Plin. N. H. 19.


376. duei : so 'producere' Sat. 1. 5. 70 ; there is some idea of ' from be- ginning to end.'

377. animis iuvandis. Horace may be thinking in the argument of Cic. de Orat. 1. 26. 118 ' in eis artibus in quibus non utilitas quaeritur necessaria, sed animi libera quaedam oblectatio, quam diligenter et quam prope fastidiose iudicamus.'

379-384. ' Yet, in spite of this ante- cedent condemnation of second-rate poetry, people treat it as the one art which any one may praotise, whether he understands it or not.' Cp. Epp. 2. 1. 114-117.

379. campestribus armis : see on Od. 1. 8. 12 ; cp. also Epp. 1. 18. 52, 54. Virgil speaks (Georg. 1. j6o) of the ' arma ' of the husbandman.

380. pilae . . . disci . . . trochi : Sat. 1. 5. 48, 2. a. 11, 15; Od. 3. 24, 57. In the last two passages these games are spoken of with contempt, as fit only for Greeks, in comparison with the more manly Roman sports of riding and javelin throwing. Here Horace is taking things as they are without comment, and using the practice of the games only as an illustration.

381. coronae: Epp. 1. 18. 53.

impune, ' freely,' ' without blame ' ; a favourite word with Horace, and used with some freedom : Od. I. 17. 5, 1. 31. 15. 4- 9- 33 5 Epod. 17. 59; Epp. 1. 5. 10, 2. 1. 150, 2. 2. 105 ; A. P. 210.

382. Question is raised as to the punctuation. Bentl., followed by Ritter and Munro, put a comma after ' nescit versus.' It is perhaps better with Dillr. to take it as an instance of the drrd Koivov constr. (see on Od. 1. 3. 6), ' versus fingere ' being the complement of both verbs. The effect is helped, not hindered, by the division of the two words between the two clauses.

quidni, ' why should he not 1 ' It is simpler to treat it as an ironical answer of the poet's than with Orelli to change the subj., and supply ' audeam,' as though the poetaster spoke himself.

383. liber includes the 'libertinus' as well as the ' ingenuus,' ' free-born.'

census equestrem summam : the constr. is found in Cic. Flacc. 32. 80 ' census es . . . centum triginta HS. milia'; for the 'equestris summa' see Epp. 1. 1. 58.

384. vitio remotus ab omni : as ' sine crimine' Epp. 1.7. 56; 'thoroughly respectable.' Horace does not answer the plea which answers itself, but ap- peals to Piso not to act in its spirit.

385. invita Minerva : explained by Cicero de Off. 1. 31. 10 ' nihil decet invita ut aiunt Minerva, id est adver- sante et repugnante Minerva'; see on Sat. 2. 2. 3. It is a repetition of the precept of vv. 38-40 : ' you will not be like the crowd of scribblers, you will consult your capacity before you begin.'



Id tibi iudicium est, ea mens. Si quid tamen olim Scripseris, in Maeci descendat iudicis aures Et patris et nostras, nonumque prematur in annum, Membranis intus positis : delere licebit Ouod non edideris ; nescit vox missa reverti. Silvestres homines sacer interpresque deorum Caedibus et victu foedo deterruit Orpheus, Dictus ob hoc lenire tigres rabidosque leones ; Dictus et Amphion, Thebanae conditor arcis, Saxa movere sono testudinis et prece blanda Ducere quo vellet. Fuit haec sapientia quondam, Publica privatis secernere, sacra profanis,



386. olim, 'some day'; Sat. I. 4. 137, and see on Epod. 3. 1.

387. Maeci iudicis : identified by the Scholiasts with the ' Tarpa iudex ' of Sat. 1. 10. 38; see note there. He stands here for an experienced critic ; ' descendat in aures ' implies at a private reading. This reference to Maecius (see Introd. p. 332) has been used as an argument for the earlier date of the poem. Bentley took the words as not implying that Maecius was still alive ; ' some Maecius as a cntic'

388. nonum prematur in annum. The meaning is well given byQuintilian 10. 4. 2 ' Nec dubium est optimum emendandi genus, si scripta in aliquod tempus reponuntur ut ad ea post inter- vallum velut nova atque aliena redea- mus, ne nobis scripta nostra tanquam recentes fetus blandiantur.' So in his dedicatory letter he says of himself as having followed the advice of Horace, ' qui in arte poetica suadet ne praecipi- tetur editio.' The Scholiasts imagine a reference to the story (Catull. 94. 1) of Cinna's spending nine years on his Zmyrna, but this is not exactly what Horace recommends.

389. membranis : see on Sat. 2. 3. 2 ; parchment was used apparently for the author's ' fair copy.'

390. vox missa: cp. Epp. 1. 20. 6 ' Non erit emisso reditus tibi.'

391-407. 'Poetryhad always a high calling, to civilize, to inspirit, to help and solace ; you need not be ashamed of it.' Cp. the account of the uses of the poet in Epp. 2. 1. 124. The pur- pose now is to reinforce the plea which

he is urging for making the composition of poetry a serious business.

391. silvestres homines. For Ho- race's picture of the savage state cp. Sat. 1. 3. 99 f.

sacer : Acr. quotes Virgil's descrip- tion of Orpheus Aen. 6. 645 ' Threicius longa cum veste sacerdos.'

393. rabidosque : the epithet be- longing to both substantives ; see on Od. 1. 30. 6. ' Rabidos ' is the reading of V and B : the majority of other MSS. have ' rapidos,' which Keller defends. The same question arises in Lucr. 4. 712 ' leones/ 5. 840 ' canes ' ; but Lachmann and Munro read in each case ' rabidi' ; see also Conington on Virg. G. 2. 151.

393-394. dictus . . . dictus, both emphatic. The repeated word links together the two legends, which he rationalizes into expression of the civiliz- ing power of poetry. For Amphion see Od. 3. 11. 2.

395. blanda: cp. Od. 1. 12. 11.

396. fuit haec sapientia. 'They(the poets) were the philosophers of those early times, when philosophy meant the first lessons of civilization.' Cp. Cicero's address to philosophy, Tusc. D. 5. 2. 5 ' Tu urbes peperisti, tu dissipatos homi- nes in societatem vitae convocasti, tu eos inter se primo domiciliis, deinde coniugiis, tum litterarum et vocum com- munione iunxisti, tu inventrix legum, tu magistra morum et disciplinae fuisti.'

397. publica privatis secernere : that is, to institute private property.

sacra profanis : contrast ' miscebis sacra profanis' Epp. 1. 16. 54.



Concubitu prohibere vago, dare iura maritis,

Oppida moliri, leges incidere ligno.

Sic honor et nomen divinis vatibus atque 400

Carminibus venit. Post hos insignis Homerus

Tyrtaeusque mares animos in Martia bella

Versibus exacuit ; dictae per carmina sortes ;

Et vitae monstrata via est ; et gratia regum

Pieriis temptata modis ; ludusque repertus 405

Et longorum operum finis : ne forte pudori

Sit tibi Musa lyrae sollers et cantor Apollo.

Natura fieret laudabile carmen an arte

Quaesitum est : ego nec studium sine divite vena

Nec rude quid prosit video ingenium ; alterius sic 410

Altera poscit opem res et coniurat amice.

Oui studet optatam cursu contingere metam

Multa tulit fecitque puer, sudavit et alsit,

Abstinuit Venere et vino : qui Pythia cantat

Tibicen, didicit prius extimuitque magistrum. 415

398. maritis, ' married persons.'

399. ineidere ligno, i. e. to take the first rude steps towards fixedness of law. For the Athenian wooden tables of laws see Lidd. and Scott, s. vv. Kvpffeis, a£ovts.

400. divinis : pred. ' as divine.'

401. insignis, with post hos. The point is that the poetry of Homer, who ranks only after the mythic semi-divine poets, was also of practical use.

402. Tyrtaeus, who according to the story was sent from Athens to aid the Spartans in the second Messenian wars.

404. vitae monstrata via est : he speaks of didactic poetry as of Hesiod, gnomic poetry as of Solon, Theognis, etc.

gratia regum : as Pindar courted the favour of Hiero, Thero, etc.

405. ludus . . . operum finis, prob- ably with special reference to the drama ; cp. Epp. 2. 1. 139 f.

406. ne forte : probably not an im- perative clause but a final, giving the motive of the preceding recital of the beneficent part played by poetry. 'All this is to prevent your ever being ashamed,' etc. See on v. 176.

408-415. Horace poses the old ques-

tion of the poet ' nascitur ' or ' fit ? ' and solves it in the usual way, that he needs both natural gifts and the training of art ; but as the illustrations show the point to be insisted on is the second. lt was the one which he felt to be most overlooked by his countrymen.

409. vena : see on Od. 2. 18. 10.

410. prosit. This is the reading of all the best MSS. against ' possit,' which was brought into the text by Bentley. The two words are often confused in MSS. (cp. Od. 1. 26. 10, where also Bentl. reads ' possunt '). 'Possit' is, as he says. rather the more pointed.

412 f. Compare St. Paul, 1 Cor. 9. 24 f.

413. puer, ' while slill a boy.' One who aims at success in athletic contests begins his training in early life.

414. Pythia eantat. Thisis variously taken (i) after the construction of ' coro- nari Olympia ' Epp. i. 1. 50, of one who takes part in the contest in flute-playing at the Pythian games; (2) of the Uv- 8av\T)s =\6 rd Uv9ia av\wv (Liddell and Scott, s. v.) or player chosen to play the piece in honour of Apollo's victory over the Python. This last is the Scholiast's explanation.



Nunc satis est dixisse : ' Ego mira poemata pango ;

Occupet extremum scabies ; mihi turpe relinqui,

Et quod non didici sane nescire fateri.'

Ut praeco, ad merces turbam qui cogit emendas,

Assentatores iubet ad lucrum ire poeta 420

Dives agris, dives positis in fenore nummis.

Si vero est unctum qui recte ponere possit

Et spondere levi pro paupere et eripere atris

Litibus implicitum, mirabor si sciet inter-

Noscere mendacem verumque beatus amicum. 425

Tu seu donaris seu quid donare voles cui,

Nolito ad versus tibi factos ducere plenum

Laetitiae ; clamabit enim ' Pulchre ! bene ! recte ! '

Pallescet super his, etiam stillabit amicis

Ex oculis rorem, saliet, tundet pede terram. 430

Ut qui conducti plorant in funere dicunt

416. nunc, ' in these days.' This is the reading of all the better MSS. and the only reading known to the Scholiasts; ' hoc tempore,' Acr. ; ' satis est nostris poetis,' Comrn. Cruq. Bentley would read, with some slender MS. support, ' Nec ' ; he is followed by Orelli and Munro.

417. occupet extremum scabies : 'plague take the last' Con. TheScholiast explains that this was a familiar expres- sion of boys racing in play. For another such ' puerorum nenia ' see Epp. I . i .


418. sane, ironical, 'to confess that

actually I don't know.' See on Epp. 1.

15- 5-

419-437. 'Remember that it is especi-

ally dirncult for a wealthy man who

writes poetry to find critics who will

tell him the truth about his verses.'

421. The same verse occurs in Sat. 1. 2. 13.

422. unctum recte ponere, 'to serve a dainty dinner as it should be served ' ; for 'unctum' see on Epp. 1. 14. 21, 1. 15. 44, 1. 17. 12 ; for 'ponere' cp. Sat. 2. 2. 23, 2. 4. 14, 2. 6. 64, 2. 8. 91. Persius imitates both the whole passage (I. 52 f.) and this phrase ' calidum scis ponere sumen.'

423. levi : 'tenui et egenti ' Acr. atris : the reading of all MSS. of

value and of Acr., who interprets 'noxiis, tristibus'; cp. ' atrae curae ' Od. 4. 11.

35. Bentley's conj. ' artis,' ' the close toils of the law,' is ingenious and suits 'implicitum,' and has been accepted by K. and H. as a correction not ab- solutely necessary of the ' archetype.' Lucr. 5. 11 46 ' arta iura ' woulcl be analogous, though not exactly the same rigure.

424. inter-noscere : for the division cp. Epp. 2. 2. 93.

425. beatus,'happyfellow!' ironical; cp. Epp. 2. 2. 108.

427. tibi factos : cp. 'tibi pugnata ' (if that is the constr.) Epp. i. 16. 25.

429. super his, ' over (i. e. about) these verses.' See on Epp. 2. 2. 24. He will in appearance go through the whole cycle of emotions, of fear, sorrow, joy.

430. saliet. So Persius, of affected enthusiasm at a recitation, i . 82 'Trossu- lus exultat tibi per subsellia,' where Conington quotes Quintil. 2. 2. 12 ' at nunc proni atque succincti ad omnem clausulam non exsurgunt modo verum etiam excurrunt et cum indecora exsul- tatione exclamant.'

431. Horace is imitating Lucilius (27. 18) ' Ut mercede quae conductae fient alieno in funere Praeficae multo et capillos scindunt et clamant magis.' The masc. qui conducti has been suspected, but is to be explained as generalizing the statement beyond the ' praeficae ' or ' hired female mourners.' See Beckcr's Gallus, exc. to sc. xii.



Et faciunt prope plura dolentibus ex animo, sic Derisor vero plus laudatore movetur. Reges dicuntur multis urgere culullis Et torquere mero quem perspexisse laborant, An sit amicitia dignus : si carmina condes Nunquam te fallant animi sub volpe latentes. Quintilio si quid recitares, ' Corrige sodes Hoc,' aiebat, ' et hoc:' melius te posse negares Bis terque expertum frustra, delere iubebat Et male tornatos incudi reddere versus. Si defendere delictum quam vertere malles,



433. derisor : used in Sat. 2. 6. 54 of one who laughs in his sleeve while he says what he does not mean.

434-437. ' They tell us kings want to see a man drunk (" in vino veritas") as well as sober before they feel sure that he is well affected.' It vvould seem as though Horace was going to make the analogy complete by saying ' you have only tried your panegyrist when he is drunk, full of your good dinners and generosity (" inter lances mensasque nitentes Cum stupet insanis acies fulgori- bus" Sat. 2. 2. 4): can you try him, like them, under the opposite condi- tions?' But the exact parallelism, if it was in his mind, is dropped, and he con- cludes with an Aesopean turn, ' if you write verses and some one praises you, look to your fox's motive.'

435. torquere mero : Epp. 1. 8. 38 ' vino tortus.' See on Od. 3. 21. 13.

perspexisse : for tense see on Od.

3- 4- 5i-

436. condes : Epp. 1. 3. 24.

437. animi sub volpe latentes. ' Sub volpe ' is under a cunning exterior. If there is reference to a particular fable the Comm. Ciuq. is no doubt right iri suggesting the Fox and the Crow (Phaedr. 1. 13), for it was the praise of the Crow's looks and the prospective praise of his voice that made him drop the cheese, but the suggestion of a fable which is not dislinctly realized is in Horace's way.

fallant : the reading of B, supported by Acr. ; ' they will not, I am sure, take you in.'

438. Quintilio : see on Od. 1. 24. The tenses here show that he is dead. Cp., witb the picture of him here as the

faithful critic, the characteristics at- tributed to him in the Odes, ' incorrupta fides nudaque veritas.'

si recitares . . . aiebat. Cp. Epp. 1. 16. 46 ' si dicat . . . aio,' and see on Sat. 1. 3. 5 'si peteret.' There is no sense of impossibility or denied con- dition : it is ' si recites,' ' supposing you read,' thrown into past time: the apo- dosis is put unconditionally.

sodes : Sat. 1. 9. 41 ; Epp. 1. 1. 62, 1. 7. 15, 1. 16. 31.

439. negares, i. e. ' si negares.

440. bis terque : see above on v. 358, Epod. 5. 33.

441. male tornatos. Emended m- geniously, but unacceptably, by Bentl. to ' ter natos ' ; ' after three unsuccessful births.' He allows that either the lathe or the anvil by itself is an habitual figure for the production of poetry ; the first of its neat finish (from Aristophanes' ra 81 Topvtvaei Thesm. 54 to Propertius' ' au- gusto versus includere torno ' 2. 25. 43) ; the second of the rougher process of original composition ; see Ov. Trist. 1. 7.29' Ablatum mediis opus est incudi- bus illud, Defuit et scriptis ultima lima meis.' Fea, who has treated this point most elaborately, shows that there is no inherent difficuity, as Bentley thought, in the combination of the two. He proves that metal work was turned. Horace will then say, ' if the turning has been done badly, send the piece of metal back to the fire and hammer, and re- commence the process.' Fea quotes from Symmachus (4U1 cent.) Epp. 1. 4, a complete parallel, ' illa [epigrammata] bono metallo cusa torno exigi nesci- erunt.'

442. vertere, ' to alter.'



Nullum ultra verbum aut operam insumebat inanem

Ouin sine rivali teque et tua solus amares.

Vir bonus et prudens versus reprehendet inertes, 445

Culpabit duros, incomptis allinet atrum

Traverso calamo signum, ambitiosa recidet

Ornamenta, parum claris lucem dare coget,

Arguet ambigue dictum, mutanda notabit,

Fiet Aristarchus ; non dicet : ' Cur ego amicum 450

Offendam in nugis ? ' Hae nugae seria ducent

In mala derisum semel exceptumque sinistre.

Ut mala quem scabies aut morbus regius urget

443. nullum verbum insumebat . . . quin : Sat. 2. 3. 42 ' nil verbi peieas qnin fortiter addam.'

444. sine rivali . . . amares : Cic. ad Q. Fr. 3. 8. 4 ' O dii, quam ineptus ! quam se ipse amans sine rivali ! '

445. vir bonus et prudens : see on Epp. 1. 16. 32. It is characteristic of this Epistle that the moral phrases familiar in the earlier ones have now their application to the composition and criticizing of literary work. See p. 335.

inertes : see on Epp. 1. 20. 12, 2. 2. 126.

446. duros : see on Sat. 1. 4. 8 of Lucilius, ' durus componere versus.'

incomptis : cp. ' incultis ' of Choeri- lus' verses in Epp. 2. 1. 233.

atrum. Not only because the ink was black and the lines scored strongly, but also in the metaphorical sense = ' triste ' as the ' nigrum theta ' of the judges' mark of condemnation, Pers.

4- n-

447. traverso : 'intransversumducto Comm. Cruq. The words are generally explained of a mark similar to that which was placed by critics opposite suspected verses and called from its shape ofitXos, ' alter Aristarchns hos fversiculos] 60(\ifa ' Cic. Fam. 9. 10. See Liddell and Scott, s. v.

ambitiosa. The Scholiasts interpret ' superflua,' in which case the adj. as well as verb would be parallel to ' luxuriantia compescet ' Epp. 2. 2. 102. But Quintilian uses the word of affected ways of appealing to admiration, as 12. 10. 40 ' id esse affectationis et ambi- tiosae in loquendo iactationis,' and 11. 1. 49, of an orator who in pleading a case of life and death uses a florid style with metaphors and tricks of art, ' am-

bitiosum institorem eloquentiae.'

449. arguet, ' convict.'

450. Aristarchus : the great Homeric critic, who lived at Alexandria in the 2nd century B. C. His name has become proverbial. So Cicero in the passage quoted on v. 447. Cp. also ad Att. 1. 14 'meis orationibus quarum tu Aris- tarchus es.'

non : the MSS. are divided between ' non ' and ' nec.' I follow Bentley, Orelli, and Munro.

452. derisum semel exeeptumque sinistre, 'one that has once been fooled (cp. " derisor " v. 433) and given this illstarred reception,' i. e. praised for bad verses. This is the interpretation of the Scholiasts and is that given by Lambinus, and recent editors have re- turned to it. Orelli would take the words of the poet's being laughed down and damned by the public. This however gives a less easy connection with what iollows ; the ' mala ' of this verse are to be found in the picture, which begins in v. 453, of what the habit of writing bad verses unchecked by criticism ends in. This is spoilt by the insertion of a bad reception of his play in the theatre, or of his poem by the public. From Horace's point of view at the moment this would be not a misfortune, but another chance of his salvation.

453-456. ' There is no more chance for him. Mad in selfconceit, he is like a man with some dreaded malady; every man of sense gets out of his way, boys tease him, and fools make his train.'

453. morbus regius, the jaundice. Horace may have supposed it to be in- fectious, or he may mean that the un- natural colour which it causes would frighten people. The name is a tech-



Aut fanaticus error et iracunda Diana,

Vesanum tetigisse timent fugiuntque poetam 455

Oui sapiunt ; agitant pueri incautique sequuntur.

Hic, dum sublimis versus ructatur et errat,

Si veluti merulis intentus decidit auceps

In puteum foveamve, licet, ' Succurrite.' longum

Clamet, ' Io cives ! ' non sit qui tollere curet. 460

Si curet quis opem ferre et demittere funem,

' Oui scis an prudens huc se proiecerit atque

Servari nolit?' dicam, Siculique poetae

Narrabo interitum. Deus immortalis haberi

Dum cupit Empedocles, ardentem frigidus Aetnam 465

Insiluit. Sit ius liceatque perire poetis :

Invitum qui servat idem facit occidenti.

nical one, which Celsus explains (3. 24) by the fact that the patient was treated like a king, ordered luxuries and amuse- ments, everything 'per quae mens ex- hilaretur.'

454. fanaticus : not probably in its original sense, as though he were dis- tinguishing the frenzy of the votaries of Cybele or Bellona (' fanaticus oestro Percussus, Bellona, tuo ' Juv. S. 4. 123), from the frenzy of the ' moonstrack.'

457. sublimis, ' head-in-air' ; see on Epp. 2. 1. 165, and above v. 165. Cp. also Od. I. 1. 36, though there it is not meant as caricature.

458. Cp. the form of madness de- scribed in Sat. 2. 3. 56-60. There is a story in Plat. Theaetet. p. 174 of Thales, in a fit of philosophical abstrac- tion, falling into a well.

459. succurrite : cp. the cry of the lame beggar, Epp. 1. 17. 61.

longum: like Homer's (xaKpbv avrciv, so as to make the voice travel far.

461. si curet quis: the collocation of ' curet ' gives it emphasis and so points the connection with v. 460 ; ' if any one does care.' etc.

462. prudens : knowing what he was about.

proieeerit : the MSS. are divided between this and ' deiecerit,' which K. and H. give.

463. Siculi poetae : Empedocles of Agrigentum in Sicily ; Epp. 1. 12. 20.

464. deus immortalis haberi : a verse of his is quoted, xalPfT'> «7^ 8' vfx/xtv Oius apfipoTos, ovkcti Svtjtos.

465. dum cupit. See on Epp. 1. 18. 8. ardentem frigidus : the verbal con-

trast, common in some poets even in serious passages (as in Sophocles, e. g. Oed. Col. 621 iv ov/xbs (.vdtxiv koi KtKpv/x- fxevos vckvs | ipvxpos rror' avrwv $(p/.ibv at/xa irierai), is here meant in jest. The meaning of ' frigidus ' is less certain. Too much meaning must never be looked for in such contrasts. The Scholiasts refer it to a doctrine of his own, that coldness of blood near the heart was the cause of stupidity. so that it is as they say equivalent to ' stultus.' See Conington on Virg. G. 2. 484 ' Frigidus obstiterit circum praecordia sanguis.' This is however to read too much into the words. Others take it for ' in cold blood,' an unsupported sense of ' fri- gidus.' Diintzer thinks it means merely 'one cold day,' ' to warm himself,' and Schiitz comes to the same conclusion.

466. sit ius. From here to the end is a series of ironical suggestions which Horace represents himself as addressing to one and another who would rescue the poet. ' You should never save a man against his will. It is quite use- less, he is bent on gaining fame at least by his death. This visitation of verse- writing may be the punishment for some mysterious crime. At any rate he is mad, and wants to recite, and you may as well face a bear escaped from his cage. If he catches you he will stick to you like a leech till he has drained your blood.'

467. idem facit oecidenti : the


Nec semcl hoc fecit, nec si retractus erit iam

Fiet homo et ponet famosae mortis amorem.

Nec satis apparet cur versus factitet, utrum 470

Minxerit in patrios cineres, an triste bidental

Moverit incestus : certe furit, ac velut ursus,

Obiectos caveae valuit si frangere clathros,

Indoctum doctumque fugat recitator acerbus ;

Ouem vero arripuit, tenet occiditque legendo, 475

Non missura cutem, nisi plena cruoris, hirudo.

dative with 'idem ' is a Grecism. Lucre- cp. ' dictito ' Epp. i. 16. 22, 2. 1. 27. tius has it 3. 1038 ' eadem aliis'; see 471. bidental : a place which had

Munro i. 1., and cp. Madv. 247 b, obs. been struck by lightning and which

8. This is noticed as the only spondaic became ' sacrum.' hexameter in Horace. triste : Od. 2. 13. 11 ' triste lignum.'

468. iam : ' then and there,' 'when 4.72. moverit, ' disturbed.'

you get to that point'; the use com- incestus : see above on v. 207. Cp.

mented on by Munro on Lucr. 1. 600, Od. 3. 2. 30.

613,2.314,426. 474. indoctum doctumque : Epp.

469. homo : an ordinary human 2.1. 117.

being. 475. occiditque legendo : Epod.

famosae, ' notorions.' 14. 5.

470. factitet : the doubly frequenta- 476. hirudo, ' a very leech, that will tive form means ' with such persistence ' : not,' etc.





(No original heading.) Sce vol. i. p. 405.

Line 6. tabule. 7. egri. uane. 9. Reddantur forme. 10. equa. 11. erasure after scimus. 13. serpentaes. 20. expers. 21. cepit. 24. pater (omitted, added above). 29. last three letters of variare

erased and added above. 34. last three letters of operis erased

and added above. 38. equam. 47. egregiae (originally egregia). 49. rerum et. 50. In cinctutis (the letters nc are erased).

53. cadant. 55. uaroque . . . adquirere. 59. presente. 61. firsta of uetus added above. 63. sterilisque. 72. uis. 78. Gramatici. 80. coturni. 87. sine queo. 89. non uult. 91. caena

tyeste. 94. comedia. 96. Thelephus. 97. Proicit (erasure

between first i and c). 98. curas (altered from curat ?) 101. as- sunt. 102. uultus. 103. ledent. 105. mestum.

106. uultum. 110. merore. 114. second letter of divus erased, a written above. 116. Fevidus (r added above). an matrona

potens (erasure before an). 118. Cholchus. 122. negat(?)

(a partly erased). nichil. 125. scene. 130. si (omitted,

added above). 136. ciclius (second c above). 141. michi.

145. caripdin (erasure between/ and d). 146. reditum (erasure

between e and d). ?n omitted in Meleagri and added above.

152. Primo non medium. 154. aulea. 163. monitoribusque.

168. quod permutare. 181. et que. 182. trahit. 187. cath-

mus. 188. Quodcumque. 190. uult. 195. hereat. 196. que (omitted, erasure after faueat). 202. iuncta tubeque. 204. as-

pirare. 207. cohibat. 208. coepit. 221. satyros (y dotted

throughout). 222. temptavit. 237. nichil . . . an audax.

238. Pithias. 245. pene. 246. umquam. 247. inmunda.

VOL. II. F f


250. donantque. 255. paulum. 258. cederet (erasure of two

letters between e and d). 263. inmodulata. 264. est (omitted, added aboveby alater hand). 268. greca. 275. camene. 277. fecibus. 278. honeste. 279. Aeschinus. 280. coturno. 285. intempta- tum. 287. caelebrare. 289. clarisuae. 291. poearum (r erased and added above). 294. Perfectum decies (the latter word written above an erasure). unguen. 296. elicone. 297. unguis.

300. numquam. 301. leuus. 302. purgo (followed by an

erasure of one letter). 305. exors. 310. socratice . . . carte.

312. patre (/ added above). 319. iocis. 322. nugeque

canore. 326. partis. 328. poterat. heu. 330. ad haec.

332. caedro. 334. iocunda. 336. perciant (pi added above).

339. ne . . . poscet. 340. extrahet. 342. pretereunt . . . ranes. 348. corda. uult. 349. persepe. 350. quodcumque.

356. corda . . . oberret. 357. michi . . . cherilus. 358. terque.

359. domitat (r above). 360. opere in longo. 362. quedam.

371. Mesale . . . Casellius. 373. non homines, non dii. 374. sim- phonia. 376. caena. 381. spisse. 385. nichil. 386. iudi- cium sit. 387. Meci. 392. cedibus. 394. conditor urbis.

396. Dicere (u above). 400. honos. 402. dirceusque.

405. temptata. 410. psit (?). 414. pithia cantet. 416. nunc. 417. relinqui (est omitted). 419. preco. 428. recte bene.

435. laborent (a above). 437. fallent (a above) . . . uulpe.

447. Transuerso. 451. nuges (/ above). 452. dirisum.

455. figiuntque (a above). 456. secuntur. 461. dimittere.

462. Qui sciet. 464. inmortalis. 465. ethnam. 468. facit.

473. clatros. 476. After this line follows the subscription :

Horatii Flacci de Arte Poetica explicit; then (in red ink) Incipit Epodon ad Mecenatem, etc.

Then follow the Epodes and Carmen Saeculare. Then Incipit Sermonum Lib. I ad Mecenatem.



Line 1. mecenas (ut above the line). 2. obicerit (e above).

9. laudat (erasure between a and /). 10. hostia. 16. uultis.

22. prebeat. 23. Preterea. 27. queramus. 29. nauteque.

34. cervo (a added above). 35. haut. 39. Dimoueat . . . hiemps. 40. te (omitted, a added above). 48. nichilo. 54. ut uini si

sit liquidi (uifii by a later hand ?). 55. cyato . . . mallem.

59. tantillo (0 originally /). 62. fis. 65. contempnere.



66. michi.

80. temptatum.

86. cum tu.

91. In campum.

99. at (omitted, added above).

108. nemon ut (qui omitted).

72. et pictis. 74. holus. 79. optarem.

81. afflixit. 83. ac reddat natis. 84. uult.

88. At. 90. perdes (but e in different ink).

95. Umidius. 97. umquam melius servo.

10 1. neuius. 105. ueselli.

115. suis. 116. Preteritum

tempnens. 118. etacto (ex above).

[II.] (No break or heading.)

Line 2. mime. 3. mestum.

been altered). 19. questu.

25. Malchinus. 27. hyrcum. 40. sepe.

43. Predonum hic (omitted). 49. mechatur.

the text in later hand). 51. munificum.

55. marseus. 56. mime. 57. umquam.

(erasure before it). 63. peccesue. 64. sille. uidenti. 73. repugnantiaque. 76. Inmiscere.

78. sectari matronas . . . labores. tuum. 84. ne si quid. 85. querit.

R, no fresh heading. 87. sepe. 90

templare . . . ipsea. 93. Depygis.

14. exigit (but the word has hoc vix. 20. terentii.

101. chois . . . pene between / and d). gene. 119.

124. det. 125

130. Dissiliat.

42. cesus.

at (added in

52. dampno.

60. quicquid

68. muttonis . . .

77. peniteat.

81. Sit licet O cherinthe

86. Large initial

linceis. 91. Con-

96. petes (omitted).

iii. 114. queris.

erasure between non and ego. leuum.

statuit. 113. soldo (erasure

116. rombumque. 118. tenti-

121. filodemus.

127. nec metuo . . . furuo.


Line 3. numquam. 4. cesar. 7. erasure before citaret.

io bache. 8. cordis. 1111 (for quattuor). 9. sepe du-

centes (altered to ducentos). 10. omitted. 12. sepe. 18. um- quam. 21. Menius. 23. menius. 27. Quam ut.

31. taga. 32. heret. 33. ingenium (omitted). 37. filex.

38. prevertamur . . . amice. 39. cecum. 40. agne. 45. pe- tum. 47. Sisiphus. 53. Callidior. 64. mecenas. 65. equum est. 74. ilius. 77. herentia. 79. cohercet. 85. habeare

insanus. 89. istorias. 90. Conminxit.

93. iocundus. 96. Large red capital to Quis.

to paria ?). 98. equi. 99. prerepserunt.

106. Neu quis. 110. cedebat (in omitted).

118. penas. 120. cedas. 127. Crisyppus.

134. coherces.

139. Preter . . . michi. F f 2

92. ante me.

parua (altered

105. caeperunt.

116. hosti.

128. quo.



Line 2. comedia. 9. in ora sepe. 15. dentur nobis locus

et hora. 16. posset. 18. pauca. 19. hyrcinis. 23. uulgo. 25. erue (in erasure, elige above). 34. Fenum. 36. quodcum- que . . . cartis. 37. gestiet (erasure between i and e). 39. poetas 45. comedia. 46. quesivere. 49. seuit. 56. pacto (omitted) 58. uerbum (omitted, erased ?). 59. preponens. 64. queram

65. fulgius (altered from sulcius ?). 68. contempnat. 69. celi

byrrique. 70. fulgi. 77. erasure before iuvat. haut

78. ledere. 79. Inquis. 84. comissa. 87. auet. 88. prebet 92. rufillas holet . . . hyrcum. 93. Si qua. 100. lolliginis

101. Erugo . . . cartis. 103. Possum aliquid. 104. michi

105. insevit. 109. albii ut male uiuat etque (filius omitted)

110. Barus. 114. trebonii. 119. etas. 121. siue uigebat

123. obiciebat. 124. factu (factum). 126. ut egros. 128. ob- probria sepe. 132. etas (letter erased before liber). 134. mihi

(omitted). 137. Inprudens. 138. otii. 139. Incubo cartis

141. auxilioque. 143. Iudei.


Line 3. Grecorum lingue . . . appii. 6. Precinctis. 9. ex-

pectans. 10. celo. 11. conuitia. 15. abensentem cantat.

24. foeronia. 26. Inpositum. 27. mecenas. 30. colliria

lyppus. 31. mecenas. 40. uarus sinuesse uirgiliusque. 44. io- cundo. 47. capue. 48. uirgiliusque. 49. lyppis. 51. michi. 52. pugnas . . . cicerri. 55. extat. 57. feri (first written fieri,

i erased). 60. minitaris. 61. leui. 64. traicis . . . coturnis.

65. cicerrus . . . querebat. 67. Nichilo . . . domine. 70. io-

cunde. 72. igne. 75. cenam. 86. redis. 93. hic

uarus . . . mestus. 97. dehinc gra(tia) lymphis. 100. iudeus.

104. longe carteque uieque est.


Line 1. mecenas lidorum quicquid etruscus. 4. inperitarent.

6. aut me. 10. saepe (sic). 11. multis et honoribus.

12. leuinum. 13. pulsus fuit. 16. seruat. 19. leuino.

24. tulli. 29. audit (originally aut) quis homo hic aut quo

patre natus. 30. egrotet . . . uarrus. 31. Et cupiat.

32. Initiat . . . querendo. 37. cogat. 38. siry dame. 41. paulus. 42. messala . . . plostra. 48. michi. 55. Uirgilius uarus post

hunc. 59. stiriano. 62. magnum ego duco. 64. preclaro.

66. alioquin. 67. insparsos . . . neuos. 68. ac mala

lustra. 70. conlaudem. 74. Leuo. 75. era (aere,

^erased?). 78. senet. 80. preberi . . . michi credidit. 84. ob-



probrio. 87. ad hoc nunc. 89. peniteat ac. 99. haut.

102. peregre aut. 106. aeques. 107. tulli. 108. secuntur.

enophorumque. 111. quacum. 112. Incaedo . . . ac

116. caena. 117. cyato . . . astat. 120. marsia.

Uultum. 124. inmundus. 126. fugio rabiosi tempora signi.




121 131

[VII.] In Rypilium Regem Praenestinum.

Line 8. Sisennas uares. 9. nichil.

17. pulchrior. 20. cum bito bachius.

fluenti. 29. conuitia. 30. sepe.

above). 32. grecus. 34. censueris.

10. sunt (omitted).

28. salso multumque

[i. cuculum (second /

Egloga VIII.

Line 4. cohercet. 6. inportunas. 7. in ortis.

chrum. 11. momentanoque. 13. sequerentur.

19. que. 26. aspectu. 32. ut que. 41. Umbre. . . . sagane. 49. at incantata.

10. sepul-

17. suete.

48. Canidie

[IX.] Egloga X.

Line 3. Occurrit. 6. adsectaretur. 8. querens. 9. otius.

16. Prosequar. nichil opus est te (te in erasure). 18. ortos.

20. inique. 22. non uiscum (in erasure). 23. uarum.

35. ueste. 36. tunc (in erasure). 39. haud noui. 42. pre-

cedere (est omitted). 43. mecenas. 48. summosse omnes

(s added by later hand). 55. expugnabit. 58. queram.

65. pressare. 68. meliori. 69. sabata. 70. cur iudeis

obpedere . . . michi. 72. huncinne. 75. quo turpissime.

76. exclamat.

[X.] Egloga XI.

Lucili . . . illuc (omitted). Line 2. Luci (// in later hand). in- epti est. 5. num sic. 7. deducere. 11. sepe. 12. reh-

toris. 16. comedia. 18. umquam. 27. latini. 28. exu-

dat publicola. 35. grecorum . . . cateruas. 36. mennona.

37. Diffingit. 38. ede. 39. spectata. 45. Uergilio ad-

nuerunt. 46. attacino. 49. Herentem. 52. nichil.

53. accii. 54. minoris. 56. lucilii. 57. querere. 61. cae-

80. ledat. 81. mecenas uirgiliusque. 88. pretereo . . . sint qualia cumque.

natus. 77. arbustula.

86. bibuli. simul is. 89. Adridere.

90. demetrique. 92. hoc. Sermonum Lib. I Expl. Incip. Lib. II.




Line 5. prescribe. 15. describit uulnera. 19. adtentam.

21. ledere. 22. nomentanumue. 34. an apalus (u above).

35. erat. 43. michi. 49. turias (u above). si quis se

iudice certet. 50. atque (u above). 53. sceue. 59. exul.

65. lelius et qui. 66. kartagine. 67. leso . . . metallo.

72. lelii. 74. holus. soliti erant quicquid ego sum. 75. Intra (/ altered to/) lucilii. 77. querens inlidere. 79. diffingere.

80. negotii. S2. uis est. 84. laudatur cesare. 85. Ob-


[II.] Egloga II.

Line 1. bonis. 2. quem. ofellus. 4. nitentis. 5. Ad-

dinis (acclinis above). 7. inpransi. 8. exanimat. 11. ad-

suetum grecari. 13. aigit. 14. extulerit. 15. nisi (omitted).

hymetia. 16. promos (u above). 17. hyemat. 27. perti-

neat quicquam. num (omitted). 29. nichil hac magis illa.

30. te patet. 32. hyet. 35. quid. 38. uulgaria. 40. arpyis. 41. Presentes. 44. mauult. 47. accipensere. 48. rhombus

(0 above). 53. (Large red initial to Sordidus). ofello (letter

erased after_/"). 56. adheret. 60. repotia (letter erased before /). 65. qui. 67. dedit (i above). 68. seuus . . . neuius. 71. Adferat. inprimis. 73. olim (omitted, added above). 74. conchilia.

76. Lencta. 77. Caena desurgit. 79. adfigit . . . aure. 86. in- becilla. 87. mollitiam. 88. ualitudo. 89. non qui (a

above). 96. una (omitted). 99. Aes . . . trauius. 112. puerum. 114. meato (/ above). 116. et diluce. 117. holus. 121. hedo. 126. seuiat. 127. partius. 129. erum. 132. uiuatior heres.

[III.] Egloga IIII.

Line 4. ab ipsis. 7. inmeritusque. 9. uultus. 10. coe-

pisset. uuillulla. 13. placere. 14. Contempnere. est

(omitted). 20. Excusus. 21. Sysiphus. 22. infabre (omitted

and added above). 30. modicum. 33. uerum. 34. precepta. 39. quicquid . . . in quid. 41. erit (omitted). 44. Cecum

. . . crisyppi. 48. tibi. 50. utrisque. 52. nichilo. 54. nichilum. 56. uarium et nilo. 57. fluuioque ruentes. 61. edormiit.

62. uulgum. 68. presens. 71. ptheus. 72. in ius (omitted,

in iura above). 74. et contra. 80. mentis (repeated). 84. se-

pulchro. 86. Damnatii .... arrii. 92. nichil. 93. minus


(omitted, added above). 94. enim omnis. 97. sapiensne etiam

rex. 1 00. Grecus . . . proicere (? r and following letters partly erased). toi. lybia. 102. honus. 103. soluit. 104. cytharas.

105. cytharae . . . muse. 116. nichil. 119. attinearum.

archa. 125. undere. 126. inpexa. 127. peiuras (r above).

129. seruos uetuas (0 above). 132. tu (omitted). 137. tute.

139. pladen (i above); 142. Pauper argenti positi intus et auri

opimius. 143. uegentanum. 145. hores. 149. pluris.

152. uigilia. 153. uene . . . nisibus. 155. tysanarium orice.

156. empte. 162. eger. est (omitted). 166. enim (written

by later hand in erasure). balathrone. 169. diuisisse.

170. dixisse duobus (uocatis above : erasure before dixisse). 171. aule (originally aude ?). 173. tyberi. 178. cohercet. 179. Preterea. 180. edilis. 181. pretor. 183. spatiare (a altered to e).

aut eneus. 188. quero . . . equam. 189. ac sic cui.

194. totiens. 196. sepulchro. 204. ulixem. 205. herentes

. . . nauis. 210. nichilum distabat. 211. inmeritos dum.

212. inanis. 213. vitio (omitted). 215. gnate. 216. pusillam. 219. natam (g above). 221. sceleratus est. 222. coepit.

223. circumtotuit (tonuit above). 226. patrimonii. 239. esopi.

240. exsorberet acoeto. 247. mores (u above). 250. Sic.

251. quicquam. 252. luda (originally lauda?: j added above).

253. quero. 254. palemon. 255. cubitale. 256. carpisse.

257. inpransi. 261. heret. 264. Exclusum. 265. queris

(altered to quae res). 269. ceca. 270. nichilo. 271. certa.

279. dampnabis. 283. Quiddam . . . mortis. 287. Chrisippus.

292. tyberi. medicusque laevarit. 300. dampnum. 303. absci- sum demens cum portat. 309. Assummum. 312. quodcum-

que . . . mecenas. 313. Tanto dissimilem. 316. Belua.

317. tandem sufflans si. 318. num tanto.

[IV.] Catium inducit luxuriosum caenarum precepta


Line 2. uincunt. 3. Anitique. 4. leno. 5. Interpellarem. 8. cure. 9. tenues (omitted). 10. in hospes. 11. Ipse

precepta. 16. elucidius. 21. salubris. 27. precordia.

28. Mitilus. 29. coho. 30. conchilia lune. 33. circeis . . .

moriuntur. 41. inhertem. 43. summittit. 44. Fecundi

. . . saectabitur. 46. quesita. 47. tantum (omitted). 51. sub- pones. 53. neuis (r added above). 55. uafaer . . . fece. 58. marcentes. 59. coclea. 60. illis. 61. inmorsus. 62.

inmundis. 63. iussis (iuris above). 68. Coritioque. 69.

uenefrane . . . oliue. 70. luco. 71. prestant . . . uenuncula.

73. fecem. 75. Concretum . . . catellis (* above). 76. Inmane.

80. cratere . . . adhesit. 92. Uultum. 94. fontis . . . remotes.

95. aurire . . . precepta.



Line i. teresia. 4. paenates. 5. aspicere. 6. que (omitted after inops). 11. primum. 12. siue. 14. lares. 18. dame. 20. Pauperis. 25. preroso . . . amo. 31. gnatus. 32. aut (?) (erased). 33. Auricule. 35. michi. 38. fis. 44. thyni.

47. Celibis. 49. Heres . . . horco. 54. Caera. 56. ex

(omitted) . . . couum (r above). 57. Corona (altered to Co-

rano). 59. lerciade. 60. mihi magnus. 65. nassice.

71. delyrum. 76. Penelopem (altered to ae) . . . potiore. 78. nequiuere. 80. culine. 81. si (omitted, added above). 89. opere . . . inmoderatus. 90. ultra. 95. Obpositis . . . arem. 96. Inportunus. 100. quarte. 102. quamque. 103. in- lacrimare. 104. uultum . . . sepulchrum. 105. extrue. 106. JEgregie . . . uicina (z above).

[VI.] De Quiete agresti.

Line 2. aque. 4. Dii. 5. Maie. 10. ille. 11. mer-

cennarius. 14. preter. 17. inlustrem satyris. 18. me

(omitted, added above). 19. Autumnusque grauis libitine questus

acerbe. 27. quid mihi. 31. mecenatem. 35. Rosscius.

36. scribe. 38. Inprimat . . . mecenas. 41. mecenas.

42. reda. 44. trex . . . siro. 48. Inuidie. 49. fortune.

54. Ad omnes Dii. 56. Predia cesar. 57. nichil . . . et (ut

above). 58. silentii. 60. O rus quando ego aspiciam quando

licebit. 62. iocunda. 63. pithagore. 65. ceneque.

67. ut cuique (erasure before ut). 68. inequales. 70. letius.

72. quod (omitted). 79. olym. 82. quesitis. 84. longe. 86. Frusta (orig. frustra?) . . . cena. 88. in orna. 91. uincere. 93. michi. 95. loeti. bene. 97. eui. 98. domo (omitted, added above) . . . exilit. 102. rubra. 104. caena. 105. esterna. 108. Continuatque nec dapes necnon uernaliter ipsis. 109. prelambens.

[VII.] De iocunditate Decembris mensis et seruili


[The syllables of the word ' licentia ' are written in red capitals at the ends of

lines 2, 3, 4.]

Line 7. capessans. 8. sepe. 9. leua. 12. Munclior.

13. moecus rome. 17. in pirgum. 18. idem. 19. acrior

(the letters ri erased.) ille. 20. iam (omitted before laxo.)

22. laudes. 26. quia (omitted) . . . heres. 27. ceno.

28. Rome. 30. caenam . . . holus. 33. Mecenas. 34. (erasure after fert.) otius. 36. Miluius . . . scurre. 43. dragmis.


45. Dumque . . . oedo. 46. coniunx. 48. incendit.

49. tergentis . . . caude. 52. forme. 55. lacerna (letter

after / erased, a above). 56. quod (omitted). 57. pauere.

60. dimisit . . . erilis. 62. Matrone peccantes. 70. totiens.

73. Pretereo. 76. quater uindicta. 77. haut. priuat(?).

85. contempnere. 86. Fortes. 90. forabusque. 96. rutu-

beque. 97. pacideiani. 103. cenis. 107. epule . . . petite.

108. Inlusique. 110. uenit. 112. horram. 114. querens.

116. michi. 117. Otius.


Line 1. iuuet. 2. querenti. 4. dic. 5. pacauerit.

7. cene. 8. Rappula lactuce . . . lapsum. 9. fecula coha.

10. alter. 11. causape. 15. Cecuba. 16. erus . . . mecenas. 17. adpositis. 21-23. (Si memini . . . portius infra) are omitted.

They are written on the margin at the top of the page. 24. simul. 30. porrexerit. 31. mellimela. 34. dampnose. 40. imis

(but s added). 41. Conuiue . . . nichilum . . . lagaenis. 42. ad- fertur . . . murena. 46. sucis. 48. Dum quoquitur. 49. acoeto. 50. methimneam. 52. inlotos costillus. 53. maria remittet.

54. grauis aulea. 57. nichil. 70. Precincti. 73. dicis.

74. Aduerse. 80. Redde age deinceps (que added above after de). 81. Queris. 82. Quod si . . . dentur. 84. mutate. 87. Mem- bra grauis. 88. albi. 91. palumbas (e above). 92. suavis.

94. nichil. 95. adflasset.




(No heading.)

Line 2. queris. 3. Mecenas. 5. additus (first b erased and

d written above). 6. totiens. 7. michi. purgata . . . aure.

15. cumque. 16. fio (omitted). 17. uere. 18. fustim pre- cepta. 19. michi. 27. his (omitted). 28. linceus. 29. con-

tempnas lyppus. 31. chyragra. 32. quodam. 33. misera-

que (originally miseroque). 34. hunc (omitted). 36. que.

50. contempnat. 53. querenda. 56. Leuo. 57, 58. (trans-

posed). 58. desint. ' 60. aeneus. 62. est (omitted). 67. poe-



muta. 69.

80. foenore. . . . pthea. 96. tunice. 102. aegere.

ab (originally ob).

optat. 72. et fugiam que. 73. uulpes egroto.

84. locus. 88. ait (omitted) . . . celibe. 90. uultus

93. trimemis (re above). 95. Occurro . . . pexe.

97. mecum. 101. puta {s added). sollempnia.

103. pretore . . . merearum. 104. sectum (omitted).


Line 3. quid utile (omitted). 4 tinet (erasure of a letter after first e). conlisa. 8. stulto . . . aestum. uiuet. 19. puides. 20. equor.

rum . . . circe. alcinoyque. 32. hominem. uendi qui recte. uere (for silvae). 53. cythare. 64. aequum.

Plenius . . . chrisippo. 5. de-

6. paris. 7. Grecia . . .

9. precidere. 10. Quod . . .

22. inmersabilis. 23. Sire-

26. inmundus. 28. penelope . . .

iuentus. 31. strepidum cythare.

25. diua 29. equo .

34. cures. 38. ledunt oculum. 41. ui-

42. expectat. 44. Queritur. 45. sol-

46. nichil. 48. febris. 52. picte tabule.

54. est (erased, sit above). acessit. 61. penas.

65. uiam quam. 70. strennuus.


Line 1. horis. 3. uiuali. 4. terres. 9. ticius. . . . desevit. 15. mihi (omitted). 16. querat.

thima. 25. hedere. 29. patrie. 31. Quante .

33. Heu . . . heu. 36. uotica.

14. traica 21. Que . . .

. . numatius.

Line 1. candite. 9. Qum (a above).

6. dii. 10. fame



Dii . . . dederunt (u altered to a). 11. crumina.


Line 2. holes. 4. palustris. 6. ut imperium. 10. in-

pune. 11. erasure before tendere. 12. Quid. (last letter of

fortunam erased). 15. (omitted, but added in margin by first

hand). 17. prelia . . . inhertem. 23. Conruget (n aitered to r)

. . . cantarus. 26. septitiumque. 28. adsummam. 29. acria. 30. scribe (re added above).


Line 6. ditatis (n above). 9. is (an erasure before it). 11. In- prouisa. 17. mamor (r added above). 26. agrippe. 31. putes.


cibiratica . . . bithina. 35. que pars quadret. 40. clamides.



41. 44.




scene prebere. 42. queram . . . habeo (b added above).

clamidum. 49. prestat. 50. seuum. 51. fodiet.

is. 54. inportunus. 58. Gragilius. 62. cerite.

itacensis. ' 64. patrie. 65. minermus. 66. iocundum.



Line 3. Si me uiuere uis recteque uidere ualentem. 4. egro . . .

egrotare. 5. Mecenas . . . colorque. 9. Adducet febris.

10. inlinet. 18. honustus. 19. libat . . . relinqus (e above).

20. quae (q followed by erasure, od above). 21. ingrato. 22.

paratum. 24. prestabo. 28. cinare merere. 29. uul-

pecula. 34. conpellor (second 0 altered to a). 37. Sepe.

38. partius. 40. ulix (is above). 41. itace. 44. rome.

45. inbelle. 51. resecantem. 52. leue. 53. quere . . . quis

(omitted and added by another hand). 55. uulteium. 56. Pre-

conem. 57. querere . . . (et before «tferased). 58. la(re certo) (erasure after la). 61. caenam. 64. uulteium. 67. mer-

cennaria. 70. si cenas hodie mecum me tibi ut libet ego. 71. i (omitted). 72. caenam. 73. sepe. 76. Rara. 84. pre-

parat. 85. Inmoritur. 88. dampnis. 89. edes. 91. uultei. 92. michi. 93. michi.


Line 2. scribeque. 3. queret.

5. contuderit (d erased, added above). ceptum auricolis.

nantem (jtii added above). 12. uenturus. 16. Pre-

[IX.] Ad Claudium Neronem.

Line 6. agnovit (c above). me (omitted and added above). 9. proprie. 10. obprobria. 11. Fontis (r inserted) . . . premia.

[X.] Ad Aristicum Fuscum Grammaticum.

Line 1. intellegit. 3. ad cetera pene. 4. quicquid. 8. queris. 9. fertis. 13. Ponendeque. 15. Est tibi. 17. furibundis.

19. libicis. 25. fastigia. 27. uellare. 28. dampnum.

30. secunde. 31. Mutate. 33. precurrere. 34- aequum.

37. uolens uictor (i above). 38. aequitem. 39. paupertatem

. . . metallo. 46. ac consessare.




Line 2. (second quid omitted). 3. Zmyrna.

. . . pre. 14. prestantia. 16. egeum.

19. tyberis. 20. uultum . . . begnum. 21. samus rhodus. 23. nec (last letter erased, c above).

4. Cunctaque

18. Penula.

. . . chius . . .

Line 3. querellas. 20. Enpedecles. 29. Italie.


4. subpetit. 21. cepe.

12. aedit. 26. claudii.

Line 2. uinni. 3. letus. g. 8. inpingas asineque. 14. pyrria



15. prauum. 27. prahates.

6. forte (repeated). 16. uolgo.


Line 1. Villice . . . michi. 3. bono . . . bariam. 5. Euelles.

7. merentis. 12. inmeritum. 13. umquam. 14. petabas.

15. uillicus. 19. namque. 21. popine. 23. tus . . . una.

25. Quod possit. 32. docuere. 43. ephipia (second/> above).


Line 1. hiemps uelie . . . celum. 2. et (omitted).

16. nichil mor (or above). 18. uenio. 21. amice.

23. caelent. 24. pheaxque. 25. at credere.

coloured initial to Menius. 29. Inpransus.

31. baratrumque. 32. donarat {b above).

35. agnini. 41. pulchius. 42. Nimiy.

12. leua.

22. pluris.

26. Large

30. obprobria.

33. cenabat.


Line 2. baccis. 3. Pomisne et pratis. 7. Leuum descendens. 8. benigne. 11. Dicat. 14. aptus et utilis. 23. Dissimulet.

30. poteris (0 altered to a). 33. aut si. 38. coloris. 43. Quo responsore. 46. michi dicit. 49. negat atque. 53. nichil

. . . pene. 55. subripis. 56. Dampnum. 58. Quandocumque. 59. (Second clare omitted). 61. iustum sanctumque. 63. quo

liberior. 64. dimittit. 73~4- (transposed). 77. seuo.




Line i. sceua. 8. ledet. 14, 15. (transposed). 14. holus.

19. michi. 21. rerum. 28. ioca. 31. clamidem. 32. Ret-

tuleris (second / erased). 33. hostis. 38. peruenerit. 39.

querimus. 44. feriunt. 45. an qui. 46. michi. 49. michi.

53. querit. 55. capellam \p erased and / written over). 57. dampnis . . . assit. 62. reclamet.


8. uult. 9. 17. michi.

Line 2. prebere. partes. 15. sepe 21. dampnosa. 22. unguit.

28. Uult. 31. cuicumque.

37. Archanum . . . ullius umquam. 43. lira. 46. Aetoliis honerata. 63. hadrya. 68. quo uiro.


19. docilis. 24. paupertas.

33. sumit.

38. reges. 49. solemne.

10. equo.

14. ut

74. Ne pueri dominus.

20. numici.

25. Sepe.

36. Trax.

40. pangas.

50. presertim.


fiden est (letter erased after n and .r above) presidio. 82. et quid.

83. sentit. 87. metuet. 91. Omitted (written in margin).

94. tepores. 96. legas. 98. Non te . . . uexeque (/added above). 99. Non pauor. 100. doctrina bona. 103. semina. 104.

quotiens. 108. dii. 109. Spes bona . . . fruges. 110. ne

fluitem. iii. qui donat.


Line 1. mecenas. 4. Ascripsit. 15. iarbitham.

(omitted). 17. prosi. 18. exangue. 19. michi. 28. (Omitted, and added by a later hand in the margin). ceus. 32. latinis. 33. Uulgaui. inmemorata. (omitted). 41. ille. 48. tepidum.

16. que

23. regit.

29. al-

36. premat

Line 2. punice, 20. et tenue re.

[XX.] 7. quid te leserit. 11. uulgi. 15. pdrudit.




Line 5 tinctus. Doctitet. 45. aequine satum. 60. arto. 66. durae. inlepideque. 84. atque. pugnat. 97. uultum. . . . solene.

nomen. graiorum.

8. adsignant 19.

35- 48.




47. elisus. 55. pior aufer. 62. liuii. 63

69. leui.

79. perambulat. 85. Inberbes. 86.


pregrauat. 14. ex-

gragis. 25. cum uel. 27.

cartis . . . adroget. 41. presens.

fastus. 49. nichil. 54. Pene.

56. actius. 58. exembrar.

uulgus. 65. nichil. nichil (61 s).

70. michi. 75. uenitque. 77.

clamant. 82. esopus.

uult. 89. in-

michi. 80. nunne.






nos (omitted). 92. terretque. 93.

100. plena (omitted, added above). 103

106. perque. 112. mendatior. 124.

127. obsenis (c above). 128. preceptis. 131. Instruat. presentia. 135. Caelestis . . . blandos. 137. (second et omitted). 138. carmina. 142. fide. 143. piabunt. 145. Fescennia (n

above). 146. obprobria. 147. recurrentis. 156. Gratia.

159. peperere. 161. grecis . . . carthis. 162. querere. 163.

spoces (Sophocles above) . . . eschylos . . . ferent (r added above). 164. Temtavit (p above) . . . possit. 168. accessit. 169. comedia. 171. ephoebi. 174. astricto. 178. Examinat. 179. Si leue

si paruum est. 180. ac. 189. Quatuor . . . aulea. 196. ele-

phans . . . uulgi. 198. Ut si (bi above) prebentem mimo. 201.

thetra (a above). 205. leua. 218. elichona. 221. ledimur.

222. reprendere. 223. inreuocati. 228. accessas (r above).

234. Retulit . . . philippus (0 above). 239. preter. 240. aere.

241. uoltum. 247. tui . . . uarusque. 259. recusant. 260.

quae diligit urguet. 262. (s of discit erased). 263. Quod si quis. 269. tus.


Line 3. hic est.

7. grecis.

8. imitabitur.

16. nichil

. . . laedat. 20. pignum. 25. Expectata . . . epistola.

27. Aerumpnis lapsus. 28. post haec. 30. Presidium.

33. super (omitted). 43. bone . . . athene. 44. possem.

45. £chademi. 46. Dua. 50. Decisi . . . pinnis. 60. beoneis. 61. michi. 65. Preter. 71. nichil. ut (omitted). 78. bachi.

79. Si me. 87. rethor. 89. Gracchus hic illi foret hic ut

mutius illi. 91. elogos. 99. alteus. 100. Calimachus.

101. minermus. 103. populi supplex. 107. scribentes sed

uenerantur. 111. quaecumque. 112. ferentur. 114. ueste.

123. calentia. 125. agestem. 126. Pretulerim. 134. lagoene.


144. modosque (omitted). 148. mulline. 151. nichil. 153.

nichilo. 155. pridentem. 158. mercaturet ere (erasure before and after ere, i.e. heres ? or ' ere est/ The r of mercatur is ' in rasura.') 159. Quedam. 167. quoniam. 168. caenat holus. 171. iugia. 175. Sed quia. 180. tyrrena . . . tabellis. 181. getulo.

183. ungi. 192. detis. 199. inmunda. 212. iuuat.

(After last line) :



Table of the probable and approximate dates of Horaces works.

[For the grouncls on which these dates are given see the Introductions to the

several books.]

B.C. 65. Birth of Horace.

44. Horace at Athens.

43, 42. Campaign with Brutus.

41. Return to Rome.

38. Introduction to Maecenas. To 35. Composition of Book I of the Satires.

To 31 or beginning of 30. Book II of the Satires, and the Epodes. To 23. Books I-III of the Odes.

23-20 (or 19). Book I of the Epistles.

19. The Epistle to Florus. £T

1 7. The Carmen Seculare.

17-13. Book IV of the Odes.

13. The Epistle to Augustus.

8. Death of Horace.

The Ars Poetica cannot be certainly dated. It is placed either within the same period as the composition of the First Book of Epistles, B.c. 23-19, or, according to the view on the whole favoured in the Introduction vol. 2. p. 331 f), in the last years of Horace's life, B. c. 10-8.

VOL. II. G g


Proper Names.

[Where a name is alluded to but does not occur in the text the name or reference is enclosed in brackets [ ]. For the names ofwines, and of localities in Rome, see under those headings in Index II.]

0. = Odes. C. S. = Carmen Seculare. Epod. = Epodes. E. = Epistles. A. P. = Ars Poetica.

S. =Satires.

ACADEMUS, E. 2. 2. 45.

Accius, S. 1. 10. 53 ; E. 2. 1. 56 ; A. P.

258. Achaemenes, O. 2. 12. 21. Achaemenius, O. 3. 1. 44 ; Epod. 13. 8. Achaicus, O. 1. 15. 35, 4. 3. 5. Acheron, O. 1. 3. 36, 3. 3. 16. Acherontia, O. 3. 4. 14. Achilles, O. [1. 6. 6, 1. 8. 14,] 2. 4. 4,

2. 16. 29, 4. 6. 4; Epod. [13. 12, 17.

8,] 17. 14; S. 1. 7. 12, 2. 3. 193; E.

[1. 2. 12,] 2. 2. 42 ; A. P. 120. See

Pelides. Achivi, O. 3. 3. 27, 4. 6. 18; S. 2. 3.

194; E. 1. 2. 14, 2. 1. 33. Acrisius, O. 3. 16. 5. Acroceraunia, O. 1. 3. 20. Actius, E. 1. 18. 61. Acacus, O. 2. 13. 22, 3. 19. 3, 4. 8. 25. Aefula, O. 3. 29. 6. Aegaeum, O. 2. 16. 2. Aegaeus, O. 3. 29. 63; E. 1. 11. 16. Aelius, O. 3. 17. 1. See Lamia. Aemilius adj.), A. P. 32. Aeneas, O. 4. 6. 23, 4. 7. 15 ; C. S. 42 ;

S. 2. 5. 63. Aeolides, O. 2. 14. 20. Aeolius, O. 2. 13. 24, 3. 30. 13, 4. 3.

12, 4. 9. 12. [Aeolus, O. 1.3. 3.] Aeschylus, E. 2. 1. 163; A. P. 279. Aesopus, S. 2. 3. 239 ; E. 2. 1. 82. Aethiops, O. 3. 6. 14. Aetna, O. 3. 4. 76 ; Epod. 17. 33 ; A. P.

465. Aetolus, E. 1. 18. 46. Afer, Afri, O. 2. 1. 26, 2. 16. 33, 3. 3.

47, 4. 4. 42 ; Epod. 2. 52 ; S. 2. 4.

58, 2. 8. 95.

Afranius, E. 2. 1. 57.

Africa, O. 2. 18. 5, 3. 16. 31, 4. 8. 18 ; S.

2. 3- 87.

Africanus, [O. 4. 8. 18], Epod. 9. 25. Africus, O. 1. 1. 15, 1. 3. 12, 1. 14. 5,

3. 23. 5, 3. 22. 57 ; Epod. 16. 22. Agamemnon, O. 4. 9. 25. See Atrides. Agave, S. 2. 3. 303.

Agrippa,0. 1. 6. introd. ; S. 2. 3. 185 ;

E. 1. 6. 26, 1. 12. 1, 26. Agyieus, O. 4. 6. 28. Aiax, Oilei, O. 1. 15. 19 ; Epod. 10. 14. Telamonius, O. 2. 4. 5 ; S. 2. 3. 187,

193, 201, 211. Albanus, O. 3. 23. 11, 4. 1. 19; C. S.

54; S. 2. 4. 72 ; E. 1. 7. 10, 2. 1. 27. Albinovanus, E. 1. 8. 1. See Celsus. Albinus, A. P. 327. Albius, S. 1.4. 28, 109. Albius (Tibullus), O. 1. 33. 1; E. 1.

4. 1.

Albucius, S. 2. 1. 48, 2. 2. 67.

Albunea, O. 1. 7. 12.

Alcaeus, O. [1. 32. 5]> 2- 13- 27, 4. 9.

7 ; E. 1. 19. 29, 2. 2. 99. Alcides, O. 1. 12. 25. See Hercules. Akinous, E. 1. 2. 28. Alcon, S. 2. 8. 15. Alexander, E. 2. 1. 232, 237, 241. Alexandrea, O. 4. 14. 35. Alfenus, S. 1. 3. 130. Alfius, Epod. 2. 67. Algidus, O. 1. 21. 6, 3. 23. 9, 4. 4. 58 ;

C. S. 69. Allifanus, S. 2. 8. 39. Allobrox, Epod. 16. 6. Alpes, O. 4. 4. 17, 4. 14. 12 ; Epod. 1.

11 ; S. 1. 5. 41. Alpinus, S. 1. 10. 36. See Furius.



Alyattes, O. 3. 16. 41. Amazonius, 0. 4. 4. 20. Amor, O. 3. 12. 4, 3. 27. 68. [Amphiaraus, O. 3. 16. 12.] Arr.phion, O. 3. 11. 2 ; E. 1. 18. 41,44;

A. P. 394. Amyntas, Epod. 12. 18. Anacreon, O. 4. 9. 9 ; Epod. 14. 10. Anchises, O. 4. 15. 31 ; C. S. 50. Ancus, O. 4. 7. 15 ; E. 1. 6. 27. Andromeda, O. 3. 29. 17. Anio, O. 1. 7. 13. Antenor, E. 1. 2. 9.

Anticyra, S. 2. 3. 83, 166 ; A. P. 300. Antilochus, O. 2. 9. 14. Antiochus, O. 3. 6. 36. Antiphates, A. P. 145. Antium, O. 1. 35. 1. Antonius (Iulus), O. 4. 2. 26.

M. (the Triumvir), S. 1.5. 33.

(Musa), E. 1. 15. 3. Anxur, S. 1. 5. 26. Anytus, S. 2. 4. 3. Apella, S. 1. 5. 100. Apelles, E. 2. 1. 239. Apenninus, Epod. 16. 29. Apollinaris, O. 4. 2. 9.

Apollo, O. 1. 2. 32, 1. 7. 3, 28, 1. 10.

12, [1. 16. 6, 1. 21. 2], 1. 31. 1, 2. 10.

20, 3. 4. 64, [4. 6, the whole] ; C. S.

34; Epod. 15.9; S. 1.9. 78, 2. 5.60;

E. 1.3. 17, 1. 16. 59, 2. 1. 216 ; A. P.

407. See also Agyieus, Cynthius,

Phoebus. Appia (via), Epod. 4. 14 ; S. 1. 5. 6. Appius, S. 1. 16. 20 ; Eorum Appi, S.

1. 5. 3; ViaAppi,E. 1. 6. 26, 1. 18.20. Aprilis, O. 4. 11. 16. Apulia, O. 3. 4. 10 ; Epod. 3. 16 ; S. 1.

5. 77. See also Daunias. Apulicus (?), O. 3. 24. 4. Apulus, O. 1. 33. 7, 3. 4. 8, 3. 5. 9, 3.

16. 26, 4. 14. 26 ; Epod. 2. 42 ; S. 2.

1. 34, 38. See also Daunius. Aquarius, S. 1 . 1 . 36. Aqmlo, O. I. 3. 13, 2. 9. 6, 3. 10. 4, 3.

30. 3 ; Epod. 10. 7, 13. 3 ; S. 2. 6.

25, 2. 8. 56 ; A. P. 64. Aquinas, E. 1. 10. 27. Arabes, O. I. 29. 1, 1. 35. 40, 2. 12. 24,

3. 24. 2 ; E. 1. 6.6, 1. 7. 36. Arbuscula. S. 1. 10. 77. Arcadia, O. 4. 12. 12. Archiacus, E. 1. 5. 1. Archilochus, [Epod. 6. 13]; S. 2. 3. 12 ;

E. 1. 19. 25, 28 ; A. P. 79. Archytas, O. 1. 28. 2. Arctos, O. 1. 26. 3, 2. 15. 16. Arcturus, O. 3. 1. 27. Arellius, S. 2.6. 78. Argeus, O. 2. 6. 5.


Argi, S. 2. 3. 132; E. 2. 2. 128; A. P.

118 ; Argos, O. 1. 7.9. Argivus, O. 3. 3. 67, 3. 16. 12. Aigonautae, Epod. 3. 9. Argous, Epod. 16. 57. [Ariadne, O. 2. 19. 13.] Aricia, S. 1. 5. 1. Aricinus, E. 2. 2. 167. Ariminensis, Epod. 5. 42. Aristarchus, A. P. 450. Aristippus, S. 2. 3. 100; E. 1. 1. 18, 1.

17. 14, 23. Aristius Fuscus, O. 1. 22. 4; S. 1. 9.

61, 1. 10. 83 ; E. 1. 10. 1 f. Aristophanes, S. 1. 4. 1. Armenius, O. 2. 9. 4 : E. 1. 12. 27. Arrius, S. 2. 3. 86, 243. Asia, S. 1. 7. 19, 24; E. 1. 3. 5. Asina, E. 1. 13. 8. See Vinius. Assaracus, Epod. 13. 13. Assyrius,6. 2. 11. 16, 3. 4. 32 ; A. P. 118. Asterie, O. 3. 7. 1. Atabulus, S. 1. 5. 78. Athenae, [O. 1. 7. 5] ; S. 1. 1. 64, 2. 7.

13; E. 2. 1. 213, 2. 2. 43, 81. Atlanteus, O. 2. 34. 11. Atlanticus, O. 1. 31. 14. Atlas, O. 1. 10. 1. Atreus, A. P. 186. Atrides, O. 1. 10. 13, 2. 4. 7 ; S. 2. 3.

187, 203; E. 1. 2. 12, 1. 7. 43. Atta, E. 2. 1. 79.

Attalicus, O. 1. 1. 12; E. 1. 11.5. Attalus, O. 2. 18. 5. Atticus, O. 1. 3. 6 ; S. 2. 8. 13. Aufidius, S. 2. 4. 24. Aufidius Luscus, S. 1. 5. 34. Aufidus, O. 3. 30. 10, 4. 9. 2,4. 14. 25 ;

S. 1. 1. 58. Augustus, O. 2. 9. 19, 3. 3. 11, 3. 5. 3,

4. 2. 43,4.4.27; E. 1. 3. 2, 7,1.16. 29,2.2.48. See Caesar. The poems addressed to himareO. 1. 2, 1. 12, 4.

5, 4. 14, 4. 15 ; E. 2. 1. Aulis, S. 2. 3. 109. Aulon, O. 2. 6. 18.

Aulus (son of Servius Oppidius), S. 2. 3.

171. Cascellius, A. P. 371. Auster, O. 2. 14. 16, 3. 3. 4, 3. 27. 22,

4. 14. 21 ; Epod. 10. 4; S. 1. 1. 6, 2. 2. 41, 2. 6. 18, 2. 8. 6 ; E. 1. 11. 15.

Avemalis, Epod. 5. 26.

Avidienus, S. 2. 2. 55.

Babylonius, O. 1. 11. 2.

Bacchae, O. 3. 25. 15.

Bacchius, S. 1 7. 20.

Bacchus, O. 1. 7. 3, 1. 18. 6, [1. 19.

2], 1. 27. 3, 2. 6. 19, 2. 19. 1, 6, 3. 3.

13,3.16. 34.3-25- 1; [Epod. 11. 13];

5. 1.3. 7; E- 2. 2. 78; [A. P. 239].



See also Bassarens, Euius, Lenaeus,

Liber, Lyaeus, Thyoneus. Bactra, O. 3. 29. 28. Baiae, O. 2. 18. 20, 3. 4. 24; E. 1. I.

83, 1. 15. 2, 12. Baianus, S. 2. 4. 32. Baius, S. 1. 4. 110. Balatro. See Servilius. Balbinus, S. 1. 3. 40. Bandusia, 0. 3. 13. 1. Bantinus, O. 3. 4. 15. Barbaria, E. 1. 2. 7. Barine, O. 2. 8. 2. Barium, S. 1. 5. 97. Barrus, S. 1. 6. 33, 1. 7 8. Bassareus, O. 1. 18. 4. Bassus, O. 1. 36. 14. Bathyllus, Epod. 14. 9. Bellerophontes, O. 3. 7. 15, 3. 12. 8, 4.

11. 28. Bellona, S. 2. 3. 223. Beneventum, S. 1. 5. 71. Berecyntius, O. 1. 18. 13, 3. 19. 18, 4.

1. 22. Bestius, E. 1. 15. 37. Bibulus (1), O. 3. 28. 8. Bibulus (2), S. 1. 10. 86. Bioneus, E. 2. 2. 60. Birrius, S. 1. 4. 69. Bistonides, O. 2. 19. 20. Bithus, S. 1. 7. 20. Bithynus, O. 1. 35. 7; E. 1. 6. 33. See

Thynus. Boeotus, E. 2. 1. 244. Bolanus, S. 1. 9. 11. Boreas, O. 3. 24. 38. Bosporus, O. 2. 13. 14, 2. 20. 14, 3. 4.

3°- Breuni, O. 4. 14. 11. Briseis, O. 2. 4. 3. Britanni, O. 1. 21. 15, 1. 35. 30,3.4.

33- 3- 5- 3. 4- H- 48 ; Epod. 7- 1- Brundisium, S. 1. 5. 104; E. 1. 17. 52,

1. 18. 20. Brutus, O. 2. 7. 2 ; S. 1. 7. 18, 33. Bullatius, E. 1. 11. 1, etc. Bupalus, Epod. 6. 24. Butra, E. 1. 5. 26. Byzantius. S. 2. 4. 66. Cadmus, A. P. 187. Cadmus ' carnifex), S. I. 6. 39. Caecilius, E. 2. 1. 59; A. P. 54. Caelius, S. 1.4. 69. Caeres, E. 1. 6. 62. Caesar (C. Iulius), O. 1. 2. 44 ; S. 1. 9.

18. (Octavianus), O. 1. 2.52, 1. 6. 11, 1.

12. 52, 1. 21. 14, 1. 35. 29, 1. 37. 16, 2.9. 19, 2. 12. 10, 3.4. 37, 3. 14, 3. 16, 3. 25. 4, 4. 2. 34, 48, 4. 5. 16, 27, 4. 15-4,17; Epod. i- 3,9- 2,18,37;

S. 1. 3. 4, 2. 1. 11,19, 84! E. 1. 5. 9,

I. 12. 28, 1. 13. 18, 2. 1. 4, 2. 2. 48. See Augustus.

Calaber, O. 1. 33. 16, 3. 16. 33, 4. 8.

20; Epod. 1. 27; E. 1. 7. 14, 2. 2.

177. Calabria, O. I. 31. 5. Calais, O. 3. 9. 14. Calenus, O. 1. 20. 9, 1. 31. 9. Cales, O. 4. 12. 14. Callimachus, E. 2. 2. 100. Calliope, O. 3. 4. 2. Calvus, S. 1. 10. 19. Camena, O. 1. 12. 39, 2. 16. 38, 3. 4. 21,

4. 6. 27, 4. 9. 8 ; C. S. 62 ; S. 1. 10.

45; E. 1. 1. 1, 1. 18. 47, 1. 19. 5;

A. P. 275. Camillus, O. i. 12. 42 ; E. 1. 1. 64. Campanus, S. 1. 5. 45, 62, 1. 6. 118, 2.

3. 144, 2. 8. 56. Canicula, O. 1. 17. 17, 3. 13. 9. Canidia, Epod. 3. 8, 5. 15, 48, 17. 6,

etc. ; S. 1. 8. 24, 48, etc, 2. 1. 48, 2.

8. 95. Canis (the constellation), E. 1. 10. 16. Canis (a nickname), S. 2. 2. 56. Cantaber, O. 2. 6. 2, 2. 11. 1, 3. 8. 22,

4. 14. 41 ; E. 1. 12. 26. Cantabricus, E. 1. 18. 55. Canusinus, S. 1. 10. 30. Canusium, S. 1. 5. 91, 2. 3. 168. Capito. See Fonteius. Capitolinus. See Petillius. Cappadox, E. 1. 6. 39. Capra, O. 3. 7- 6. Capricornus, O. 2. 17. 20. Caprius, S. 1.4. 66.

Capua, Epod. 16. 5 ; S. 1. 5. 47 ; E. 1.

II. 11.

Carpathius, O. I. 35. 8, 4. 5. 10.

Cascellius (Aulus), A. P. 371.

Caspius, O. 2.9. 2.

Cassius (Etruscus\ S. 1. 10. 62.

Cassius (Parmensis), E. 1.4. 3.

Castalia, O. 3. 4. 61.

Castor, [O. 1. 3. 2, 1. 12. 25,] 4. 5. 35,

[4. 8. 31]; Epod. 17. 42, 43; S. 2. 1.

26; E. 2. 1. 5. Castor (a gladiator), E. I. 18. 19. Catia, S. 1. 2. 95. Catienus, S. 2. 3. 61. Catilus, 6. 1. 18. 2. Catius, S. 2. 4. 1, 88, etc. Cato (the Censor), O. 2. 15. 11, 3. 21.

11 ; S. 1. 2. 32; E. 2. 2. 117; A. P. 56.

(of Utica\ O. 1. 12. 35, 2. 1. 24; E. 1. 19. 13.

(Grammaticus\ S. 1. 10. 1 of the interpolated lines.

Catullus, S. 1. 10. 19.

Caucasus, O. 1. 22. 7; Epod. 1. 12.



Caudium, S. i. 5. 51. Cecropius, O. 2. 1. 12, 4. 12. 6. Celsus, E. 1. 3. 15, 1. 8. 2. See Albi-

novanus. Censorinus, O. 4. 8. 2, etc. Centaureus, O. 1. 18. 8. Centaurus, O. 4. 2. 15 ; Epod. 13. 11. Cerberus, O. 2. 13. 34, 2. 19. 29, 3. 11.

17- Ceres, O. 3. 2. 26, 3. 24. 13, 4. 5. 18 ;

C. S. 30; Epod. 16. 43 ; S. 2. 2. 124,

2. 8. 14. Cerinthus, S. 1. 2. 81. Cervius (1), S. 2. 1. 47. Cervius (2), S. 2. 6. 77. Cethegus, E. 2. 2. 117 ; A. P. 50. Ceus, O. 2. 1. 38, 4. 9. 7. Charybdis, O. 1. 27. 19; A. P. 145. Chia, O. 4. 13. 7. Chimaera, O. 1. 27. 24, 2. 17. 13, 4. 2.

16. Chios, E. 1. it. 1, 21. Chloe, O. 1. 23. 1, 3. 7. ic, 3. 9. 6, 9,

19, 3. 26. 12. Chloris (1), O. 2. 5. 18. Chloris (2), O. 3. 15. 8. Choerilus, E. 2. 1. 233 ; A. P. 357. Chremes, Epod. I. 33; S. 1. 10. 40;

A. P. 94. Chrysippus, S. 1.3. 127 ; 2. 3. 44, 287 ;

E. 1. 2. 4. Cibyraticus, E. 1. 6. 33. Cicirrhus Messius, S. 1. 5. 52. Cicuta, S. 2. 3, 69, 175. See Perillius. Cinara, O. 4. 1. 4, 4. 13. 21 ; E. 1. 7. 28,

1. 14- 33-

Ciicaeus, Epod. 1. 30.

Circe, O. 1. 17. 20; Epod. 17. 17; E.

1. 2. 23. Circeii, S. 2. 4. 33. Claudius ( Tiberius Claudius Nero), O.

4. 14. 29; E. 1. 3. 2, 1. 12. 26. Claudius, {atij'.), O. 4. 4. 73. Clazomenae, S. 1. 7. 5. [Cleopatra, O. 1. 37. 7; Epod. 9.

11.] Clio, O. 1. 12. 2. Clusimls, E. 1. 15. 9. Cnidius, O. 2. 5. 20. Cnidus, O. 1. 30. 1, 3. 28. 13. Coceeius (Nerva), S. 1. 5. 28, 50. Cocytus, O. 2. 14. 18. Codrus, O. 3. 19. 1. Colchicus, Epod. 5. 24, 17. 35. Colchis, Epod. 16. 58. Colchus, O. 2. 13. 8, 2. 20. 17, 4. 4. 63 ;

A. P. 118. Colophon, E. 1. 11. 3. Concanus, O. 3. 4. 34. Copia, C. S. 60; E. 1. 12. 29. Coranus, S. 2. 5. 57, 64.

Corinthus, O. 1. 7. 2 ; E. 1. 17. 36, 2. 1.

193- Corvinus, O. 3. 21. 7. See Messalla. Corybantes, O. 1. 16. 8. Corycius, S. 2. 4. 68. Cotiso, O. 3. 8. 18. Cotyttius, Epod. 17. 56. Cous, O. 4. 13. 13 ; Epod. 12. 18 ; S. 1.

2. 101 ; 2. 8. 9. Cragus, O. 1. 21. 8. Crantor, E. 1. 2. 4. Crassus, O. 3. 5. 5. Craterus, S. 2. 3. 161. Cratinus, S. i. 4. i ; E. 1. 19. 1. Creon, Epod. 5. 64. Creta, O. 3. 27. 34 ; Epod. 9. 29. Creticus, 0. 1. 26. 2. Crispinus, S. 1. 1. 120, 1. 3. 139 ; E. 1.

4. 14, 2. 7. 45.

Crispus (Salustius), O. 2. 2. 3, etc.

Croesus, E. 1. 11. 2.

Cumae, E. 1. 15. 11.

Cupido, O. 1. 2. 34, [1. 30. 5, 1. 32. 10],

2. 8. 14, 4. 13. 5 ; Epod. 17. 57. Cupidines, O. 1. 19. 1, 4. 1. 5. Cupiennius, S. 1. 2. 36. Curius, O. 1. 12. 41 ; E. 1. 1. 64. Curtillus, S. 2. 8. 52. Cyclades, O. 1. 14. 20, 3. 28. 14. Cyclops, O. 1. 4. 7 ; S. 1. 5. 63 ; E. 2.

2. 125 ; A. P. 145. Cydonius, O. 4. 9. 17. Cylleneus, Epod. 13. 9. Cynicus, E. 1. 17. 18. Cynthia, O. 3. 28. 12. See Diana. Cynthius, O. 1. 21. 2. See Apollo. Cyprius, O. 1. 1. 13, 3. 29. 60,4. 1. 20. Cyprus, O. 1. 3. 1, 1. 19. 10, 1. 30. 2, 3.

26. 9. Cyrus (the king), O. 2. 2. 17, 3. 29. 27. Cyrus, O. 1. 17. 25, 1. 33. 6. Cytherea, O. 1. 4. 5, 3. 12. 4. Dacus, O. 1. 35. 9, 2. 20. 18, 3. 6. 14, 3.

8. 18 ; S. 2. 6. 53. Daedaleus, O. 2. 20. 13, 4. 2. 2. Daedalus, O. 1. 3. 34- Dama, S. 1. 6. 38, 2. 5. 18, ioi, 2. 7. 54. Damalis, O. 1. 36. 13. Damasippus, S. 2. 3. 16, etc. Damocles, [O. 3. 1. 17]. Danae, O. 3. 16. 1. Danaus, O. 2. 14. 18, 3. 11. 23 f. Danubius, O. 4. 15. 21. See Ister. Dardanus, O. 1. 15. 10, 4. 6. 7. Daunias, O. 1. 22. 14. See Apulia. Daunius, O. 2. I. 34, 4. 6. 27. Daunus, O. 3. 30. 11, 4. 14. 26. Davus, S. 1. 10. 40, 2. 5. 91 ; A. P. 237. Davus (Horace's slave), S. 2. 7. 2, etc December, O. 3. 18. 10; Epod. II, 5;

5. 2. 7. 4; E. 1. 20. 27.



Decius, S. i. 6. 20.

Deiphobus, O. 4. 9. 22.

Delius, O. 3. 4. 64, 4. 3. 6, 4. 6. 33.

Dellius, O. 2 3. 4, etc.

Delmaticus, O. 2. 1. 16.

Delphi, O. 1. 7. 3; A. P. 219.

Delphicus, O. 3. 30. 15.

Delos, O. 1. 21. 10.

Demetrius, S. I. 10. 79, 90.

Demetrius (a slave), E. 1. 7. 52.

Democritus, E. 1. 12. 12, 2. 1. 194;

A. P. 297. Diana, O. [_i. 12. 22], 1. 21. 1, 2. 12. 20,

3.4. 71, [3. 22. 1,4.6. 33], 4.7. 25 ;

C. S 1, 70, 75; Epod. 5. 51, 17. 3;

A. P. 16, 454. See Cynthia. Diespiter, O. 1. 34. 5, 3. 2. 29. Digentia, E. 1. 18. 104. Dindymene, O. 1. 16. 5. Diomedes, S. 1. 5. 92 ; 1. 7. 16 ; A. P.

146. See Tydides. Dionaeus, O. 2. 1. 39. Dionysius, S. 1. 6. 38. Dircaeus, O. 4. 2. 25. Dolichos (al. Docilis), E. 1. 18. 19. Dorius, Epod. 9. 6. Dossennus, E. 2. 1. 173. Drusus, O. 4. 4. 18, 4. 14. 10. Echionius, O. 4. 4. 64. Edoni, O. 2. 7. 27. Egeria, S. 1. 2. 126. Eleus, O. 4. 2. 17.

Empedocles, E. 1. 12. 20 ; A. P. 465. Enceladus, O. 3. 4. 56. Enipeus, O. 3. 7. 23. Ennius, [O. 4. 8. 20] ; S. 1. 10. 54; E.

1. 19. 7, 2. 1. 50; A. P. 56, 259. Eous, O. 1. 35. 31 ; Epod. 2. 51. Ephcsus, O. 1. 7. 2. Epicharmus, E. 2. 1. 58. Epicurus, E. 1. 4. 16. Epidaurius, S. I. 3. 27. Erycina, O. 1. 2. 33. See Venus. Erymanthus, O. 1. 21. 7. Esquilinus, Epod. 5. 100, 17. 58. Etruscus, O. 1 . 2. 14, 3. 29. 35 ; C. S. 38 ;

Epod. 16. 4, 40 ; S. 1. 6. 1, 1. 10. 61. Evander, S. 1. 3. 91. Euias, O. 3. 25. 9. Euius, O. 1. 18. 9, 2. 11. 17. See

Bacchus. Eumenides, O. 2. 13. 36. Eupolis, S. 1. 4. 1, 2. 3. 12. Europe (the continent), O. 3. 3. 47. Europe, O. 3. 27. 25, 57. Eurus, O. 1. 28. 25, 2. 16. 24,3. 17.11,

4. 4. 43. 4. 6. 10 ; Epod. 10. 5, 16. 54. Euterpe, O. 1. 1. 33. Eutrapelus, E. 1. 18. 31. Fabia (tribus), E. 1. 6. 52. Fabius, S. 1. 1. 14, 1. 2. 134.

Fabricius, O. 1. 12. 40. Fabricius, {adj.), S. 2. 3. 36. Falernus, Epod. 4. 13. Fannius, S. 1. 4. 21, 1. 10. 80. Faunus, Fauni, O. 1. 4. 11, 1. 17. 2, 2.

17. 28, 3. 18. 1 ; E. 1. 19. 4; A. P. 244. Fausta, S. 1. 2. 64. Faustitas, O. 4. 5. 18. Favonius, O. 1. 4. 1, 3. 7. 2. Ferentinum, E. 1. 17. 8. Feronia, S. 1. 5. 24. Fescenninus, E. 2. 1. 145. Fidenae, E. 1. 11. 8. P"ides, C. S. 57. Flaccus, Epod. 15. 12 ; S. 2. 1. 18. See

Horatius. Flavius, S. 1. 6. 72. Florus, E. 1. 3. 1, 2. 2. 1. See Iulius

Florus. Folia, Epod. 5. 42.

Fonteius Capito, S. 1. 5. 52. See Capito. Forentum, 0. 3. 4. 16. Formiae, O. 3. 17. 6; [S. I. 5. 37]. Formianus, O. 1. 20. 11. Fors, O. 1.9. 14. Fortuna, O. 1. 34. 15, 1. 35. i, 2. 1. 3,

3. 29. 49, 4. 14. 37 ; S. 2. 2. 126, 2.

6. 49, 2. 8. 61 ; E. 1. 1. 68. Forum Appi, S. 1. 5. 3. Fufidius, S. 1. 2. 12. Fufius, S. 2. 3. 60. Fulvius, S. 2. 7. 96. Fundanius, S. 1. 10. 42, 2. 8. 19, etc. Fundi, S. 1. 5. 34. Furiae, O. 1. 2S. 17 ; S. 1. 8. 45, 2. 3.

135. I41- Furius (Bibaculus), [S. 1. 10. 36], 2. 5.

41. See Alpinus. Furnius, S. 1. 10. 86. Fuscus, Aristius. See Aristius. Gabii, E. 1. 11. 7, 1. 15. 9, 2. 1. 25, 2.


Gades, O. 2. 2. 11, 2. 6. 1.

Gaetulus, O. 1. 23. 10, 2. 20. 15, 3. 20.

2 ; E. 2. 2. 181. Galaesus, O. 2. 6. 10. Galatea, O. 3. 27. 14. Galba, S. 1. 2. 46. Galli, Epod. 9. 18 ; S. 2. 1. 14. Galli (priests of Cybele), S. 1. 2. 121. Gallia, O. 4. 14. 49. Gallicus, O. 1. 8. 6, 3. 16. 35. Gallina, S. 2. 6. 44. Gallonius, S. 2. 2. 47. Ganymedes. [O. 3. 20. 16], 4. 4. 4. Garganus, E. 2. 1. 202. Gargilius, E. 1. 6. 58. Gargonius, S. 1. 2. 27, 1. 4. 92. Geloni, O. 2. 9. 23, 2. 20. 19, 3. 4. 35. Genauni, O. 4. 14. 10. Genitalis, C. S. 16.



Genius, O. 3. 17. 14; E. 1. 7. 94; 2. 1.

144, 2. 2. 187 ; A. P. 210. Germania, O. 4. 5. 26 ; Epod. 16.

7- Geryones, O. 2. 14. 8. Getae, O. 3. 24. 11, 4. 15. 22. Gigantes, 0. 2. 19. 22. Giganteus, O. 3. 1. 7. Glaucus, S. 1. 7. 17. Glycera (1), O. 1. 19. 5, 1. 30. 3, 3. 19.

28. Glycera (2), O. 1. 33. 2. Glycon, E. 1. 1. 30. Gnatia, S. 1. 5. 97. Gnosius, O. 1. 15. 17. Gracchus, E. 2. 2. 89. Graecia, O. 1. 15. 6, 4. 5. 35 ; E. 1. 2. 7,

2. 1. 93, 156.

Graecus, O. 1. 20. 2, 3. 24. 57 ; S. 1. 5.

3, 1. 7. 32, 1. 10. 20, 31, 35, 66, 2. 3. 100; E. 2. 1. 90, 161, 2. 2. 7 ; A. P. 53, 268, 286. z

Graius, O. 2. 4. 4>, 2. 16. 38, 4. 8. 4;

Epod. 10. 12 ; E. 2. 1. 19, 28, 2. 2. 42 ;

A. P. 323. Gratiae, O. 1. 4. 6, 1. 30. 6, 3. 19. 16,

3. 21. 22, 4. 7. 5.

Grosphus (Pompeius), O. 2. 16. 7 ; E.

1. 12. 22.

Gyas, O. 2. 17. 14, 3. 4. 69.

Gyges (1), O. 2. 5. 20.

Gyges (2), O. 3. 7. 5.

Hadria, O. 1. 3. 15, 1. 33. 15, 2. 11. 2,

2. 14. 14, 3. 3. 5, 3. 9. 23, 3. 27. 19 ; E. 1.18. 63.

Hadrianus, O. 1. 16. 4.

Haedilia, O. 1. 17. 9.

Haedus, O. 3. 1. 28.

Haemonia, 0. 1. 37. 20.

Haemus, O. 1. 12. 6.

Hagne, S. 1. 3. 40.

Hannibal, O. 2. 12. 2, 3. 6. 36, 4. 4.

[42], 49, 4. 8. 16 ; Epod. 16. 8. Harpyiae, S. 2. 2. 40. Hasdrubal, O. 4. 4. 38, 72. Hebrus (the riveri, O. 1. 25. 20, 3. 25.

10; E. 1. 3. 3, 1. 16. 13. Hebrus, O. 3. 12. 6. Hecate, S. 1. 8. 33. Hector, O. 2. 4. 10, 4. 9. 22 ; Epod. 17.

12 ; S. 1.7. 12. Hectoreus, O. 3. 3. 28. Helena, Helene, O. 1. 3. 2, 1. 15. 2,

[3- 3- 20, 25], 4. 9. 16 ; Epod. 17. 42 ;

S. 1. 3. 107. Helicon, O. 1. 12. 5; E. 2. 1. 218;

A. P. 296. Heliodorus, S. 1. 5. 2. Hellas, S. 2. 3. 277. Hercules, O. 3. 3. 9, 3. 14. 1, 4. 4. 62,

4. 5. 36, 4. 8. 30; Epod. 3. 17, 17.

31; S. 2. 6. 13; E. 1. 1. 5, [2.1. 10].

See Alcides. Herculeus, O. 1. 3. 36, 2. 12. 6. Hermogenes Tigellius, S. 1. 3. 129, 1.4.

72, 1. 9. 25, 1. 10. 18, 80. See

Tigellius. Herodes, E. 2. 2. 184. Hesperia (i. e. Italy), O. 3. 6. 8, 4. 5.

Hesperia (i. e. Spain), O. 1. 36. 4. Hiber, O. 2. 20. 20. Hiberia, O. 4. 5. 28, 4. 15. 50. Hiberia (in Spain), Epod. 5. 21. Hibericus, Epod. 4. 3. Hiberus, O. 1. 29. 15 ; S. 2. 8. 46. Hippolyte, O. 3. 7. 18. Hippolytus, O. 4. 7. 26. Hipponax, [Epod. 6. 14]. Hirpinus. See Quintius. Hispanus, O. 3. 6. 31, 3. 8. 21, 3. 14. 3. Homerus, O. 4. 9. 6 ; S. 1. 10. 52 ; [E. 1. 2. 1], 1. 19. 6, 2. 1. 50 ; A. P.

74, 359, 40J- Horatius, O. 4. 6. 44; E. 1. 14. 5. See

Flaccus and Quintus. Hyades, O. 1. 3. 14. Hydaspes (the river), O. 1. 22. 8. Hydaspes, S. 2. 8. 14. Hydra, O. 4. 4. 61 ; E. 2. 1. 10. Hylaeus, O. 2. 12. 6. Hymettius, O. 2. 18. 3 ; S. 2. 2. 15. Hymettus, O. 2. 6. 14. Hyperboreus, O. 2. 20. 16. Hypermnestra, [O. 3. n. 35]. Hypsaea, S. 1. 2. 91. Ianus, O. 4. 15. 9; S. 2. 6. 20; E. 1. 16.

59, 1. 20. 1, 2. 1. 255. Iapetus, O. 1. 3. 27. Iapyx, O. 1. 3. 4, 3. 27. 20. Iarbita, E. 1. 19. 15. Iason, Epod. 3. 12. Ibycus, O. 3. 15. 1. Icarius, O. 1. 1. 15, 3. 7. 21. Icarus, O. 2. 20. 13. Iccius, O. 1. 29. 1 ; E. 1. 12. 1, etc. Ida, O. 3. 20. 16. Idaeus, O. 1. 15. 2. Idomeneus, O. 4. 9. 20. Idus, O. 4. 11. 14; Epod. 2. 69; S. 1.

6.75. Ilerda, E. 1. 20. 13. Ilia, O. 1. 2. 17, 3. 9. 8, 4. 8. 22 ; S. 1.

2. 126. Iliacus, O. 1. 15. 36 ; E. 1. 2. 16 ; A. P.

129. Ilios, Ilion, O. 1. 10. 14, 1. 15. 53,3-3-

18, 37, 3- 19- 4, 4- 4- 53, 4- 9- l85

Epod. 10. 13, 14. 14. Iliona, S. 2. 3. 61. Ilithyia, C. S. 14. Ilius, Epod. 17. 11 ; C. S. 37.



lllyricus, O. I. 28. 22.

Inachia, Epod. 11. 6.

Inachus, O. 2. 3. 21, 3. 19. 1.

Indi, O. 1. 12. 56, 4. 14. 42 ; C. S. 56 ;

E. 1. 1. 45, 1. 6. 6. India, O. 3. 24. 2. Indicus, O. 1. 31. 6. Ino, A. P. 123. Io, A. P. 124. Iocus, O. 1. 2. 34. Iolcus, Epod. 5. 21. Ionicus, O. 3. 6. 21 ; Epod. 2. 54. Ionius, Epod. 10. 19. [Iphigenia, S. 2. 3. 199.] Ister, O. 4. 14. 46. See Danubius. Isthmius, O. 4. 3. 3. Italia, O. 1. 37. 16, 3. 5. 40, 4. 14. 44 ;

S. 1. 6. 35; E. 1. 12. 29. See

Hesperia (1). Italus, O. 2. 7. 4, 2. 13. 18, 3. 30. 13,

4. 4. 42, 4. 15. 13; S. 1. 7. 32, 2. 6. 56; E. 1. 18. 57, 2. 1. 2.

Ithaca, S. 2. 5. 4 ; E. 1. 7. 41.

Ithacensis, E. 1.6. 63.

Itys.O. 4. 12. 5.

Iuba, O. 1. 22. 15.

Iudaeus, S. 1. 4. 143, 1. 5. 100, 1. 9.

70. Iugurtha, O. 2. 1. 28. Iugurthinus, Epod. 9. 23. lulius, S. 1. 8. 39.

Iulius Florus, E. 1. 3. 1. See Florus. Iulius (ad/.), O. 1. 12. 47, 4. 15. 22. Iulus Antonius, O. 4. 2. 2. See An-

tonius. Iuno, O. 1. 7. 8, 2. 1. 25, 3. 3. 18, 64,

3. 4. 59 ; S. 1. 3. 11. Iuppiter, O. 1. 1. 25, 1. 2. [2], 19, 30,

1. 3. 40, 1. 10. 5, 1. 11. 4, [1. 12. 13, 49], 1. 16. 12, 1. 21. 4, 1. 22. 20, [1. 24. 3], 1. 28. 9, 29, 1. 32. 14, 2. 6. 18,

2. 7. 17, 2. 10. 16, 2. 17. 22, [2. 19. 21], 3-1-6,64, 3.3.6, 64,3.4.49, 3.5.1,12,

3. 10. 8, 3. 16. 6, 3. 25. 6, 3. 27. 73,

[3- 29- 44]» 4- 4- 4> 74, [4- 6. 22], 4.

5. 29,4. 15.6; C. S. 32, 73; Epod. 2. 29, 5. 8, 9. 3, 10. 18, 13. 2, 16. [56], 63, 17. 69 ; S. 1. 1. 20, 1. 2. 18,

2. 1. 43, 2. 3. 288 ; E. 1. 1. 106, 1. 12.

3, 1. 16. 29, 1. 17. 34, 1. 18. iii, 1. 19. 43, 2. 1. 16, 68. See Diespiter.

Iustitia, O. 1. 24. 6, 2. 17. 16. Iuventas, O. 1. 30. 7. Ixion, O. 3. 11. 21 ; A. P. 124. Kalendae, Epod. 2. 70; S. 1. 3. 87. Karthago, O. 3. 5. 39, 4. 4. 69, 4. 8. 17 ;

Epod. 7. 5, 9. 25 ; S. 2. 1. 66. Labeo, S. 1. 3. 82. Laberius, S. 1. 10. 6. Lacaena, O. 2. 11. 23, 3. 3. 25, 4. 9.


Lacedaemon, O. 1. 7. 10.

Lacedaemonius, O. 3. 5. 56.

Lacon, O. 2. 6. 11 ; Epod. 6. 5.

Laconicus, O. 2. 18. 7.

Laelius, S. 2. 1. 63, 72.

Laertiades, O. 1. 15. 21 ; S. 2. 5. 59.

See Ulixes. Laestrygonius, O. 3. 16. 34. Laevinus, S. 1.6. 12, 19. Lalage, O. 1. 22. 10, 23, 2. 5. 16. Lamia (fem.), A. P. 340. Lamia (masc), O. 1. 26. 8, 1. 36. 7, 3.

17. 2 ; E. 1. 14. 6. See Aelius. Lamus, O. 3. 17. 1. Lanuvinus, O. 3. 27. 3. Laomedon, O. 3. 3. 22. Lapithae, O. 1. 18. 8, 2. 12. 5. Lares, O. 3. 23. 4, 4. 5. 34; Epod,

2. 66; S. 1. 5. 66, 2. 3. 165, 2. 5. 14,

2. 6. 66. Larissa, O. 1. 7. 11. Latinae (Feriae), E. 1. 7. 76. Latine [adv.), S. 1. 10. 27. Latinus, O. 1. 32. 3, 2. 1. 29, 4. 14. 7,

4. 15. 13; Epod. 7. 4; S. 1. 10. 20;

E. 1. 3. 12, 1. 19. 32, 2. 2. 143. Latium, O. 1. 12. 53, 1. 35. 10, 4. 4.

40 ; C. S. 66 ; E. 1. 19. 24, 2. 1. 157,

2. 2. 121 ; A. P. 290. Latona, O. 1. 21. 4, 3. 28. 12, 4. 6. 37. Latous, O. 1. 31. 18. Laurens, S. 2. 4. 42. Laverna, E. 1. 16. 60. Lebedus, E. 1. 11. 6. Leda, O. 1. 12. 23. Lenaeus, O. 3. 25. 19. See Bacchus. Leo, O. 3. 29. 19 ; E. 1. 10. 16. Lepidus, E. 1. 20. 28. Lepos, S. 2. 6. 72. Lesbius, O. 1. 17. 21, 1. 26. 11, 1. 32. 5,

4. 6. 35. Lesbos, E. 1. 11. 1. Lesbous, O. 1. 1. 34. Lethaeus, O. 4. 7. 27 ; Epod. 14. 3. Leuconoe, O. 1. 11. 2, etc. Liber, O. 1. 12. 22, 1. 16. 7, 1. 18.7, 1.

32.9, 2. t9. 7, 3. 8. 7, 3. 21. 21,4.8.

34, 4. 12. 14, 4. 15. 26; S. 1. 4. 89;

E. 1. 19. 4, 2. 1. 5. See Bacchus. Libitina, O. 3. 30. 7; S. 2. 6. 19; E. 2.

1.49. Libo, E. 1. 19. 8. Libra, O. 2. 17. 17. Liburaae, O. 1. 37. 30; Epod. 1. 1. Libya, O. 2. 2. 10; S. 2. 3. 101. Libycus, O. 1. 1. 10; E. 1. 10. 19. Licentia, O. 1. 19. 3. Licinius, O. 2. 10. 1, etc. See Murena. Licinus, A. P. 301. Licymnia, O. 2. 12. 13, 23. Ligurinus, O. 4. 1. 33, 4. 10. 5, etc.



Liparaeus, O. 3. 12. 6.

Liris, O. 1. 31. 7, 3. 17. 8.

Livia, [O. 3. 14. 5].

Livius (Andronicus), E. 2. 1. 62, 69.

Lollius (1), O. 4. 9. 33, etc, E. 1. 20.

28. Lollius (2), E. 1. 2. 1, etc, 1. 18. 1, etc Longarenus, S. 1. 2. 67. Lucania, S. 2. 1. 38. Lucanus, Epod. 1. 28 ; S. 2. 1. 34, 2. 3.

234, 2. 8. 6; E. 1. 15. 21, 2. 2.

178. Luceria, O. 3. 15. 14. Lucilius, S. 1. 4. 6, 57, 1. 10. 1 of the

interpolated lines, 1. 10. 20, 53, 56,64,

2.1. 17, 29, 62, 75.

Lucina, C. S. 15 ; Epod. 5. 6.

Lucretilis, O. 1. 17. 1.

Lucrinus, O. 2. 15. 3; Epod. 2. 49;

S. 2. 4. 32. Lucullus, E. 1. 6. 40, 2. 2. 25. Lupus, S. 2. 1. 68. Lyaeus, O. 1. 7. 22, 3. 21. 16 ; Epod. 9.

38. See Bacchus. Lycaeus, O. !. 17. 2. Lycambes, Epod. 6. 13; E. 1. 19. 25. Lyce, O. 3. 10. 1, etc, 4. 13. 1, etc. Lycia, O. 3. 4. 62. Lycidas, O. 1. 4. 19. Lyciscus, Epod. 11. 24. Lycius, 0. 1. 8. 16. Lycoris, O. 1. 33. 5. Lycurgus, O. 2. 19. 16. Lycus (1), O. 1. 32. 11. Lycus (2), O. 3. 19. 23. Lyde, O. 2. 11. 22, 3. 11. 7, 3. 28. 3. Lydi, S. 1. 6. 1. Lydia, O. 1. 8. 1, 1. 13. 1, 1. 25.8, etc,

3. 9. 7, etc Lydus, O. 4. 15. 30. Lymphae, S. 1. 5. 97. Lynceus (1), [O. 2. 11. 37]. Lynceus (2), S. 1. 2. 90; E. 1. 1. 28. Lysippus, E. 2. 1. 240.

Macedo, O. 3. 16. 14. Maecenas, O. 1. 1. 1, 1. 20. 5, 2. 13. 11, 2. 17. 3, 3. 8. 13, 3. 16. 20, 3. 29. 3,

4. 11. 19; Epod. 1. 4, 3. 20, 9.4, 14. 5; S. 1. 1. 1, 1. 3.64, 1.5.27,31,48,

1. 6. 1, 1. 9. 43, 1. 10. 81, 2. 3. 212,

2. 6. 31, 38,41, 2. 7. 33, 2.8.16,22; E. 1. 1. 3, 1. 7. 5, 1. 19. 1.

Maecius, A. P. 387. See Tarpa. Maenius, S. t. 3. 21 ; E. 1. 15. 26. Maeonius, O. 1.6. 20, 4. 9. 5. Maevius, Epod. 10. 2. Magnessus, O. 3. 7. 18. Maia, O. 1. 2. 43 ; S. 2. 6. 5. Maltinus (Malchinus), S. 1.2. 25. Mamurra, S. 1. 5. 37. Mandela, O. 1. 18. 105.

Manes, O. 1. 4. 16 ; Epod. 5. 94; S. 1. 8. 29; E. 2. 1. 138.

Manlius, O. 3. 21. 1. See Torquatus.

Marcellus, O. 1. 12. 46.

Marica, O. 3. 17. 7.

Marius, S. 2. 3. 277.

Mars, O. [1. 2. 36], 1. 6. 13, 1. 17. 23,

1. 28. 17, 2. 14. 13, 3. 3. 16, 33, 3. 5. 24, 34, 4. 14. 9. Sce Mavors.

Marsaeus, S. 1. 2. 85.

Marsus, O. 1. 1. 28, 2. 20. 18, 3. 5. 9,

3. 14. 18; Epod. 5. 76, 16. 3, 17. 29. Marsya, S. 1. 6. 120. Martialis, O. 1. 17. 9. Martius, O. 3. 7. 26, 3. 8. 1, 4. 1. 39, 4.

14. 17 ; A. P. 402. Massagetae, O. 1. 35. 40. Matinus, O. 1. 28. 3, 4. 2. 27; Epod.

16. 28. Matutinus, S. 2. 6. 20. See Ianus. Maurus, O. 1. 2. 39, 1. 22. 2, 2. 6. 3,

3. 10. 18. Mavors, O. 4. 8. 23. Maximus (1), O. 4. 1. 11. Maximus (2), E. 1. 2. 1. See Lollius. Medea, Epod. 3. 10, 5. 62, [16. 58] ;

A.P. 123,185. Medus, O. 1. 2. 51, 1. 27. 5, 1. 29. 4,

2. 1. 31, 2. 9. 21, 2. 16. 6, 3. 3. 44,

3. 5. 9, 3. S. 19, 4. 14. 42 ; C. S. 54. Megilla, O. 1. 27. 11.

Meleager, A. P. 146.

Melpomene, O. 1. 24. 3, 3. 30. 16, 4. 3. 4.

Memnon, S. 1. 10. 36.

Memphis, O. 3. 26. 10.

Mena (Volteius), E. 1. 7. 55, etc

Menander, S. 2. 3. 11 ; E. 2. 1. 57.

Menas. See introd. to Epode 4.

Menedemus, [S. 1. 2. 20.]

Menelaus, S. 2. 3. 198 ; [E. 1. 7. 43].

Menenius, S. 2. 3. 287.

Mercurialis, O. 2. 17. 29 ; S. 2. 3. 25.

Mercurius, O. [1. 2. 43], 1. 10. 1, 1. 24.

18, 1. 30. 8, 2. 7. 13, 3. 11. 1 ; S. 2.

3. 68, [2. 6. 5]. Meriones, O. 1. 6. 15, 1. 15. 26. Messalla, S. 1. 6. 42, 1. 10. 85 ; A. P.

371. Sce Corvinus, Publicola. Messius, S. 1. 5. 52 f. See Cicirrhus. Metaurus, O. 4. 4. 38. Metella, S. 2. 3. 239. Metellus (1), O. 2. 1. 1. Metellus (2), S. 2. 1. 67. Methymnaeus, S. 2. 8. 50. Miletus, E. 1. 17. 30. Milonius, S. 2. 1. 24. Mimas, O. 3. 4. 53. Mimnermus, E. 1.6. 65, 2. 2. 101. Minerva, O. 3. 3. 23, 3. 12. 5, 4. 6. 13 ;

S. 2. 2. 3 ; A. P. 385. See Pallas. Minos, O. 1. 28. 9, 4. 7. 21.



Mintumae, E. i. 5. 5.

Minucius, E. 1. 18. 20.

Misenum, S. 2. 4. 33.

Molossus, Epod. 6. 5 ; S. 2. 6. 114.

Monaeses, O. 3. 6. 9.

Moschus, E. 1. 5. 9.

Mucius, E. 2. 2. 89.

Mulvius, S. 2. 7. 36.

Munatius, E. I. 3. 31.

Murena, O. 3. 19. 11 ; S. 1. 5. 38. See

Licinius. Musa, O. 1. 6. 10, 1. 17. 14, 1. 26. 1, 1.

32. 9, 2. 1. 9, 37, 2. 10. 19, 2. 12. 13,

3- i- 3, 3- 3- /o, 3- 19- J3, 4- 8- 2§» 4. 9. 21 ; S. I. 5. 53, 2. 3. 105, 2. 6. 17; E. 1. 3. 13, 1. 8. 2, 1. 19. 28, 2.

J- 27> J33» 243, 2- 2- 92 ; A- p-83.

141, 324, 407. See Pieris, Pimplea. Musa (Antonius), E. 1. 15. 3. Mutus, E. 1. 6. 22. Mycenae, O. 1. 7. 9. Mygdonius, O. 2. 12. 22, 3. 16. 41. Myrtale, O. 1. 33. 14. Myrtous, O. 1. 1. 14. Mysi, Epod. 17. 10. Mystes, O. 2. 9. 10. Mytilene, O. 1. 7. 1 ; E. 1. 11. 17. Naevius(i), E. 2. 1. 53. Naevius(2), S. 1. 1. 101. Naevius (3), S. 2. 2. 68. Naiades, O. 3. 25. 44. Nasica, S. 2. 5. 57 f. Nasidienus (Rufus), S. 2. 8. 1. See

Rufus. Natta, S. 1. 6. 124. Neaera, O. 3. 14. 21 ; Epod. 15. 11. Neapolis, Epod. 5. 43. Nearchus, O. 3. 20. 6. Necessitas, O. 1. 35. 17, 3. 1. 14. 3.

24. 6. Neobule, O. 3. 12. 5. Neptunius, Epod. 9. 7. Neptunus, O. [1. 5. 15], 1. 28. 29, 3.

28. 2, 10; Epod. 7. 3, 17. 55; E. 1.

11. 10 ; A. P. 64. Nereides, O. 3. 28. 10. Nereius, Epod. 17. 8. Nereus, O. 1. 15. 5. Nero, E. 1. 8. 2, 1. 9. 4, 1. 12. 26, 2. 2. 1.

See Claudius. Nerones, O. 4. 4. 28, 37, 4. 14. 14. Nessus, Epod. 17. 32. Nestor, O. 1. 15. 22, [2. 9. 13]; E. 1.

2. 11. Nilus, O. 3. 3. 48, 4. 14. 46. Niobeus, O. 4. 6. 1. Niphates, O. 2. 9. 20. Nireus, O. 3. 20. 15 ; Epod. 15. 22. Nomentanus, S. 1. 1. 102, I. 8. 11, 2.

1. 22, 2. 3. 175, 224, 2. 8. 23, 25,


Noricus, O. 1. 16. 9; Epod. 17. 71.

Nothus, O. 3. 15. 11.

Notus, O. 1. 3. 14, 1. 7. 16, 1. 28. 21,

3- 7- 5. 4- 5- 9 > EPod- 9- 31- Novius, S. 1. 3. 21, 1. 6. 40, 121. Numa [O. 1. 2. 15] ; E. 1. 6. 27, 2. 1.

86. See Pompilius. Numantia, O. 2. 12. 1. Numicius, E. 1. 6. 1. Numida, O. 1. 36. 3. Numidae, O. 3. 11. 47. Nymphae, O. 1. 1. 31, 1. 4. 6, 1. 30. 6,

2. 8. 14, 2. 19. 3, 3. 18. I, 3. 27. 30,

4- 7- 5- Occidens, Epod. 1. 13.

[Octavia, O. 3. 14. 7.]

Octavius, S. 1. 10. 82.

Ofellus, Sat. 2. 2. 2, etc.

Olympia, E. 1. 1. 50.

Olympicus, O. 1. 1. 3.

Olympus, O. 1. 12. 58, 3. 4. 52.

Opimius, S. 2. 3. 142.

Oppidius (Servius), S. 2. 3. 168

Opuntius, O. 1. 27. 10.

Orbilius, E. 2. 1. 71.

Orbius, E. 2. 2. 160.

Orcus, O. 1. 28. 10, 2. 3. 24, 2. 18. 30,

34. 3- 4- 75. 3- "• 29> 3- 27- 5°, 4-

1. 24; S. 2. 5. 49; E. 2. 2. 178. Orestes, S. 2. 3. 133, 137 ; A. P. 124. Oricus, O. 3. 7. 5.

Oriens, O. 1. 12. 55.

Origo, S. 1. 2. 55.

Orion, O. 1. 28. 21, 2. 13. 39, 3. 4. 71,

3. 27. 18 ; Epod. 10. 10, 15. 7. Ornytus, O. 3. 9. 14.

Orpheus, O. 1. 12. 8, 1. 24. 13 ; A. P.

392- Oscus, S. 1. 5. 54.

Osiris, E. 1. 17. 60.

Otho (Roscius), Epod. 4. 16.

Pacideianus, S. 2. 7. 97.

Pacorus, O. 3. 6. 9.

Pactolus, Epod. 15. 20.

Pactumeius, Epod. 17. 50.

Pacuvius, E. 2. 1. 56.

Padus, Epod. 16. 28.

Palatinus, O. 5. 65; E. 1. 3. 17.

Palinurus, O. 3. 4. 28.

Pallas, O. I. 6. 15, 1. 7. 5, 1. 12. 20,

i- 15- ", 3- 4- 57; EPod- IO- r3-

See Minerva. [Pan, O. 4. 12. 11.] Panaetius, O. 1. 29. 14. Panthoides, O. 1. 28. 10. Pantilius, S. 1. 10. 78. Pantolabus, S. 1. 8. 11, 2. i. 22. Paphus, O. I. 30. 1, 3. 28. 14. Parcae, O. [2. 3. 15,] 2. 6. 9, 2. 16. 39,

2. 17. 16; C. S. 25; Epod. 13. 15-



Paris, O. [i. 15. I,] 3. 3. [19, 26,] 40;

E. 1. 2. 6, 10. Parius, O. i. 19. 6 ; E. 1. 19. 23. rarmensis. See Cassius. Parrhasius, O. 4. 8. 6. Parthi, O. 1. 12. 53, 1. 19. 12, 2. 13.

18, 3. 2. 3, 4. 5. 25, 4. 15. 7; Epod.

7. 9; S. 2. 1. 15, 2. 5. 62 ; E.

1. 18. 56, 2. 1. 112, 256. See Medi, Persae.

Patareus, O. 3. 4. 64.

Paulus, S. I. 6. 41.

Paulus (Aemilius), O. 1. 12. 38.

Paulus (Fabius) Maximus, O. 4. 1.

10. Pausiacus, S. 2. 7. 95. Pax, C. S. 57. Pedanus, E. 1. 4. 2. Pediatia, S. 1. 8. 39. Pedius, S. 1. 10. 28. Pegasus, O. 1. 27. 24, 4. 11. 27. Peleus, O. 3. 7. 17 ; A. P. 96, 104. Pelides, O. 1. 6. 6 ; E. 1. 2. 12. See

Achilles. Pelignus, O. 3. 19. 8 ; Epod. 17. 60. Pelios, O. 3. 4. 52. Pelops, O. 1. 6. 8, 1. 28. 7, 2. 13. 37 ;

Epod. 17. 65. Penates, O. 2. 4. 15, 3. 23. 19, 3. 27.

49; S. 2. 3. 176; E. 1. 7. 94. Penelope, O. 1. 17. 20, 3. 10. 11 ; S.

2. 5. 76, 81 ; E. 1. 2. 28. Pentheus, O. 2. 19. 14 ; [S. 2. 3. 304] ;

E. 1. 16. 73. Perellius (Cicuta) ; S. 2. 3. 75. See

Cicuta. Pergama, O. 2. 4 12. Persae, O. 1. 2. 22, 1. 21. 15, 3. 5. 4,

3. 9. 4, 4. 15. 23. .SVfi Parthi. Persicus, O. 1. 38. 1.

Persius, S. 1. 7. 2,4, 19.

Petillius, S. 1. 4. 94, 1. 10. 26. See

Capitolinus. Petrinum, E. 1. 5. 5. Pettius, Epod. 11. 1, etc. Phaeax, E. 1. 15. 24. Phaethon, O. 4. 11. 25. Phalanthus, O. 2. 6. 12. Phidyle, O. 3. 23. 2. Philippi, O. 2. 7. 9, 3. 4. 26 ; E. 2. 2.

49- Philippus, the King, O. 3. 16. 14. Philippus, the coin, E. 2. 1. 234. Philippus (L. Marcius), E. 1. 7. 46 f. Philodemus, S. 1. 2. 121. Phocaei, Epod. 16. 17. Phoceus, O. 2. 4. 2. Phoebus, O. 1. 12. 24, 1. 32. 13, 3.

3. 66, 3. 4. 4, 3. 21. 24, 4. 6. 26,

29, 4. 15. 1; C. S. 1, 62, 75. See


Pholoe, O. 1. 33. 7, 9, 2. 5. 17, 3.

15- 7- Phraates, O. 2. 2. 47; E. 1. 12. 27.

Phryges, O. 1. 15. 34.

Phrygia, O. 2. 12. 22.

Phrygius, O. 2. 9. 16, 3. 1. 41.

Phryne, Epod. 14. 16.

Phthius, O. 4. 6. 4.

Phyllis, O. 2. 4. 14, 4. 11. 3.

Picenus, S. 2. 3. 272, 2. 4. 70.

Pieris, O. 4. 3. 18, 4. 8. 20. See Mnsa.

Pierius, O. 3. 4. 40, 3. 10. 15 ; A. P.

.405- Pimplea, O. 1. 26. 9. Sce Musa. Pindaricus, O. 4. 9. 6 ; E. 1. 3. 10. Pindarus, O. 4. 2. 1, 8, [25]. Pindus, O. 1. 12. 6. Pirithous, O. 3. 4. 80, 4. 7. 28. Pisones, A. P. 6, 235, etc. Pitholeon, S. 1. 10. 22. Plancus, O. 1. 7. 19, 3. T4. 28. Plato, S. 2. 3. 11, 2. 4. 3. Plautinus, A. P. 270. Plautus, E. 2. 1. 58, 170; A. P. 54. Pleiades, O. 4. 14. 21. Plotius, S. 1.5. 40, 1. 10. 81. Pluto, O. 2. 14. 7. Plutonius, O. 1. 4. 17. Poenus, O. 1. 12. 38, 2. 2. 11, 2. 12. 3,

2- 13- 15. 3- 5- 34-4- 4-47- Polemon, S. 2. 3. 254. Pollio, O. 2. 1. 14, etc, S. 1. 10, 42,

85. Pollux, O. 3. 3. 9, 3. 29. 64 ; [Epod.

17. 43; S. 2. 1. 26] ; E. 2. 1. 5. Polyhymnia, O. 1. 1. 33. Pompeius (Sextus), [Epod. 9. 7]. Pompeius (Grosphus), E. 1. 12. 22.

See Grosphus. Pompeius, O. 2. 7. 5. Pompilius (Numa), O. 1. 12. 34. Pompilius (adj.), A. P. 292. Pomponius, S. 1.4. 52. Ponticus, O. 1. 14. 11. Porcius, S. 2. 8. 23. Porphyrion, O. 3. 4. 54. Porsena, Epod. 16. 4. Postumus, O. 2. 14. 1. Posilla, S. 2. 3. 216. Praeneste, O. 3. 4. 23 ; E. 1. 2. 2. Praenestinus, S. 1. 7. 28. Priamides, S. 1. 7. 12. Priamus, O. 1. 10. 14, 1. 15. 8, 3. 3. 26,

40, 4. 6. 15 : [Epod. 17. 13] ; S. 2. 3.

195; A. P. 137. Priapus, Epod. 2. 21 ; Sat. 1. 8. 2. Priscus, S. 2. 7. 9. Procne, [O. 4. 12. 6] ; A. P. 187. Proculeius, O. 2. 2. 5. Procyon, O. 3. 29. 18. Proetus, O. 3. 7. 13.



Prometheus, O. [1. 3. 27], 1. 16. 13, 2.

13- 37, 2- J8- 35; Epod. 17. 67. Proserpina, O. 1. 28. 20, 2. 13. 21 ;

Epod. 17. 2; S. 2. 5. 110. Proteus, O. 1. 2. 7 ; S. 2. 3. 71 ; E. 1.

I. 90.

Publicola, S. 1. 10. 28.

Publius, S. 2. 5. 32.

Punicus, O. 3. 5. 18, 3. 6. 34, 2. 1.

162. Pupius, E. 1. 1. 67. Pylades, S. 2. 3. 139. Pylius, O. 1. 15. 22. See Nestor. Pyrrha (1), O. 1. 2. 6. Pyrrha 2 , O. 1. 5. 3. Pyrrhia, E. 1. 13. 14. Pyrrhus (the King of Epirus\ O. 3. 6.

35- Pyrrhus, O. 3. 20. 2. Pythagoras, [O. 1. 28. 13]; Epod. 15.

21 ; S. 2. 4. 3, 2. 6. 63. Pythagoreus, E. 2. 1. 3. Pythias, A. P. 238. Pythius, O. 1. 16. 6; A. P. 414. Quinquatrus, E. 2. 2. 197. Quintilius, O. 1. 24 5, 12 ; A. P. 438.

See Varus. Quintius (Hirpinus), O. 2. 11. 2. Quintius, E. 1. 16. 1, etc. Quintus, S. 2. 6. 37. Horace's own

name. Quintus (an imaginary name1, S. 2. 5.

32. Quirinus, O. 1. 2. 46, 3. 3. 15, 4. 15.

9; Epod. 16. 13; S. 1. 10. 32. See

Romulus. Quiris, O. 2. 7. 3 ; E. 1. 6. 7. Quirites, O. 1. 1. 7, 3. 3. 57, 4. 14. 1. Raetus, O. 4. 4. 17, 4. 14. 15. Ramnes, A. P. 342. Regulus, O. 1. 12. 37, 3. 5. 13. Remus, Epod. 7. 19. Rex (Rupilius), S. 1. 7. i, etc. Rhenus, S. 1. 10. 37 ; A. P. 18. Rhodanus, O. 2. 20. 20. Rhode, O. 3. 19. 27. Rhodius, S. 1. 10. 22. Rhodope, O. 3. 25. 12. Rhodos, O. 1. 7. 1 ; E. 1. 11. 17, 24. Rhoetus, O. 2. 19. 23, 3. 4. 55. Roma, O. 3. 3. 38, 44, 3. 5. 12, 3. 29.

12, 4. 3. 13, 4.4. 37, 4. 14.44; C.

5. 11, 37 ; Epod. 16. 2 ; S. 1. 5. 1, 1.

6. 76, 2. 1. 59, 2. 6. 23, 2. 7. 13, 28; E. 1. 2. 2, 1. 7. 44, 1. 8. 12, 1. 11.

II, 21, 1. 14. 17, 1. 16. iS, 1. 20. 10, 2. 1. 61, 103, 256, 2. 2. 41, 65, 87.

Romanus, O. 3. 6. 2, 3. 9. 8, 4. 3. 23, 4. 4. 46 ; C. S. 66; Epod. 7. 6, 17, 9. 11 ; S. 1. 4. 85, 1. 6. 4S, 2. 1. 37, 2.

2. 10, 52, 2. 4. 10, 2. 7. 54; E. 1. 1. 70, 1. 3. 9, 1. 12. 25, 1. 18. 49, 2. 1. 29, 2. 2. 94 ; A. P. 54, 113, 264, 285,

325- Romulus, O. 1. 12. 33, 2. 15. 10, [3. 3.

41], 4. 8. [22], 24; E. 2. 1. 5. See

Quirinus. Romulus (arfj.), O. 4. 5. 1 ; C. S. 47. Roscius, the actor, E. 2. 1. 82. Roscius, S. 2. 6. 35. Roscius (arfj.), E. 1. 1. 62. Rubi, S. 1. 5. 94. Rufa, S. 2. 3. 216. Rufillus, S. 1. 2. 27, 1. 4. 92. Rufus Nasidienus', S. 2. 8. 58. See

Nasidienus. Ruso, S. 1.3. 86. Rutuba, S. 2. 7. 96. Sabaea, O. 1. 29. 3. Sabbata, S. 1. 9. 69. Sabellus, O. 3. 6. 38; Epod. 17. 28;

S. 1.9. 29, 2. 1. 36 ; E. 1. 16. 49. Sabinus, E. 1. 5. 27. Sabinus (arfj.), O. 1. 9. 7, 1. 22. 9, 2.

18. 14, 3. 1. 47, 3. 4. 22; Epod. 2. 11 ; S. 2. 7. 118; E. 1. 7. 77, 2. 1.

23- Sagana, Epod. 5. 25 ; S. 1. 8. 25, 48. Salaminius, O. 1. 15. 23. Salamis, O. 1.7. 21, 29. Salemum, E. 1. 15. 1. Saliaris, O. 1. 37. 2 ; E. 2. 1. 86. Salius, O. 1. 36. 12, 4. 1. 28. Salustius, O. 2. 2. 3; S. 1. 2. 48. Samius, Epod. 14. 9. Samnites, E. 2. 2. 98. Samos, E. 1. 11. 2, 24. Sappho, O. 2. 13. 25, [4. 9. 12]; E. 1.

19. 28. Sardinia, O. 1. 31. 4. Sardis, E. 1. 11. 2.

Sardus, S. 1. 3. 3; A. P. 375.

Sarmentus, S. 1. 5. 52.

Satureianus, S. 1. 6. 59.

Saturnalia, S. 2. 3. 5.

Saturnius, E. 2. 1. 158.

Saturnus, O. 1. 12. 50, 2. 12. 9, 2. 17.

23- Satyrus, O. 1. 1. 31, 2. 19.4; E. 1. 19. 4, 2. 2. 125; A. P. 221, 226, 233,

235- Scaeva (1), S. 2. 1. 53.

Scaeva (2), E. 1. 17. 1, etc.

Scamander, Epod. 13. 14.

Scaurus, O. 1. 12. 37; S. 1. 3. 48.

Scetanus, S. 1.4. 112.

Scipiadas, S. 2. 1. 17, 72. See Afri-

canus. Scopas, O. 4. 8. 6. Scorpios, O. 2. 17. 17. Scylla, A. P. 145.



Scythae, O. t. 19. 10, [1. 26. 4], 1. 35. 9, 2. 11. 1, 3. 8. 23, 3. 24. 9,4. 5. 25,

4. 14. 42, [4. 15. 24], ; C. S. 55. Scythicus, O. 3. 4. 36.

Semele, O. 1. 19. 2.

Semeleius, O. 1. 17. 22.

September, E. 1. 16. 16.

Septicius, E. 1. 5. 26.

Septimius, O. 2. 6. 1 ; E. 1. 9. 1.

Seres, O. 1. 12. 56, 3. 29. 27, 4. 15.


Sericus, O. I. 29. 9.

Servilius (Balatro), S. 2. 8. 21, 33, 40,


Servius (Sulpicius), S. 1. 10. 86.

Sestius, O. 1. 4. 14.

Sextilis, E. 1. 7. 2, 1. 11. 19.

Sibyllinus, C. S. 5.

Sicanus, Epod. 17. 32.

Siculus, O. 2. 12. 2, 2. 16. 33, 3. I. 18,

3. 4. 28, 4. 4. 44; E. 1. 2. 58, 1. 12.

1, 2. 1. 58 ; A. P. 463. Sidonius, Epod. 16. 59 ; E. 1. 10.

26. Silenus, A. P. 239. Silvanus, O. 3. 29. 23; Epod. 2. 22;

E. 2. 1. 143. Simois. Epod. 13. 14. Simo, A. P. 238. [Simonides, O. 2. 1. 38, 4. 9. 7.] Sinuessa, S. 1.5. 40. Sinuessanus, E. 1. 5. 5. Siren, S. 2. 3. 14; E. 1. 2. 22. Sisenna, S. 1.7- 8. Sisyphus, O. 2. 14. 20; Epod. 17. 68 ;

5. 2. 3. 21.

Sisyphus (a dwarf), S. 1.3. 47.

Sithonii, O. 1. 18. 9, 3. 26. 10.

Smyma, E. 1. 11. 3.

[Socrates, S. 2. 4. 3.]

Socraticus, O. 1. 29. 14; S. 3. 21. 9;

A. P. 310. Sophocles, E. 2. 1. 163. Soracte, O. 1.9. 2. Sosii, E. 1. 20. 2 ; A. P. 345. Spartacus, O. 3. 14. 19; Epod. 16. 5. Stabeiius, E. 1. 3. 84, 89. Stertinius, S. 2. 3. 33, 296. Stertinius (adj.), E. 1. 12. 20. Stesichorus, O. 4. 9. 8 ; [Epod. 17. 44]. Sthenelus, O. 1. 15. 24, 4. 9. 20. Stoicus, Epod. 8. 15 ; S. 2. 3. 160,

300. Stygius, O. 2. 20. 8, 4. 8. 25. Styx, O. 1. 34. 10. Suadela, E. 1. 6. 38. Sulcius, S. 1. 4. 65. Sulla, 1. 2. 64. Sulpicius (adj'.\ O. 4. 12. 18. Surrentum, E. 1. 17. 52. Sybaris, O. 1. 8. 2.

Sygambri, O. 4. 2. 36, 4. 14. 51.

Syrius, O. 2. 7. 8.

Syrtes, O. 1. 22. 5, 2. 6. 3, 2. 20. 15 ;

Epod. 9. 31. Syrus, S. 2. 6. 44. Syrus (adj.), O. 1. 31. 12. Taenarus, O. I. 34. 10. Tanais (the river), O. [3. 4. 36], 3. 10.

1, 3. 29. 28,4. 15. 24. Tanais, S. 1. I. 105. Tantalus, O. [1. 28. 7, 2. 13. 37], 2. 18.

37 ; Epod. 17. 66 ; S. 1. 1. 68. Tarentinus, E. 2. 1. 207. Tarentum, O. 1. 28. 29, [2. 6. 11], 3. 5.

56 ; S. 1. 6. 105, 2. 4. 34 ; E. 1 . 7. 45,

1. 16. 11. Tarpa, S. 1. 10. 38. Tarquinius, 0. 1. 12. 35 ; S. 1. 6. 13. Tartara, O. 1. 28. 10. Tartarus, O. 3. 7. 17. Taurus, E. 1. 5. 4. Teanum, E. 1. 1. 86. Tecmessa, O. 2. 4. 6. Teius, O. 1. 17. 48; Epod. 14. 10. Telamon, O. 2. 4. 5. Telegonus, O. 3. 29. 8. Telemachus, E. 1. 7. 4°- Telephus (King of Mysia), Epod. 17.

8 ; A. P. 96, 104. Telephus, O. 1. 13. 1, 3. 19. 26, 4. 11.

21. Tellus, O. 2. 12. 7; C. S. 29; E. 2. 1.

H3- Tempe, O. 1. 7. 4, 1. 21. 9, 3. 1.

24. Tempestates, Epod. 10. 24. Terentius, S. 1. 2. 20 ; E. 2. 1. 59. Terminalia, Epod. 2. 59. Teucer, O. 1. 7. 21, 27, 1. 15. 24; S. 2.

3. 204. Teucrus, O. 4. 6. 12. Thalia, O. 4. 6. 25. Thaliarchus, O. 1.9. 8. Thebae, O. 1. 7. 3, 4- 4- 64 5 S. 2. 5.

84; E. 1. 16. 74, 2. 1. 213; A. P.

118. Thebanus, O. 1. 19. 2; E. 1. 3. 13;

A. P. 394. Theoninus, E. 1. 18. 82. Theseus, O. 4. 7. 27. Thespis, E. 2. 1. 163 ; A. P. 276. Thessalus, O. 1. 7. 4, I. 10. 15, 1. 27.

21, 2. 4. 10; Epod. 5. 45 ; E. 2. 2.

209. Thetis, O. 1. 8. 14, 4. 6. 6 ; Epod. 13.

12, [16]. Thraca, E. 1. 3. 3, 1. 16. 13. Thrace, O. 2. 16. 5, 3. 25. 11. Thraces, O. 1. 27. 2, 2. 19. 16; Epod.

5. 14. Tbracius, O. 1. 25. 11, 4. 12. 2.



Thrax, S. 2. 6. 44 ; E. 1. 18. 36. Threicius, O. 1. 24. 13, 1. 36. 14; Epod.

13 3-

Thressa, O. 3. 9. 9.

Thurinus, O. 3. 9. 14 ; S. 2. 8. 20.

Thyestes, O. 1. 16. 17 ; A. P. 91.

Thyestcus, Epod. 5. 86.

Thyias, O. 2. 19. 9, 3. 15. 10.

Thynus, O. 3. 7. 3.

Thyoneus, O. 1. 17. 25. See Bacchus.

Tiberinus, O. 3. 12. 7 ; S. 2. 2. 31 ; E. I.

11. 4. Tiberis, O. 1. 2. 13, 1. 8. 8, 1. 29. 12,

2- 3- 18, [3- 7- 28]; S. 1. 9. 18, 2. 1.

8, 2. 3. 292 ; E. 1. 11. 19. Tiberius Claudius Nero. See Claudius

and Nero. Tiberius, S. 2. 3. 173. Tibullus. See Albius. Tibur, O. 1. 7. 21, 1. iS. 2, 2. 6. 5, 3.

4. 23, 3. 29. 6, 4. 2. 31, 4. 3. 10;

E. 1. 7. 45, 1. 8. 12, 2. 2. 3. Tiburnus, O. 1. 7. 13. Tiburs, S. 1. 6. 108, 2. 4. 70. Tiyellius, S. 1. 2. 3, 1. 3. 3. Tigellius (Hermogenes), S. 1. 10. 80, 90.

See Hermogenes. Tigris, O. 4. 14. 46. Tillius, S. 1. 6. 24, 107. Timagenes, E. 1. 19. 15. Tiresias, S. 2. 5. 1, etc. Tiridates, O. 1. 26. 5. Tisiphone, S. 1. 8. 34. Titanes, O. 3. 4. 43. Tithonus, O. 1. 28. 8, 2. 16. 30. Titius, E. 1. 3. 9. Tityos, O. 2. 14. 8, 3. 4. 77, 3. 11. 21,

4. 6. 2.

Torquatus (1), O. 4. 7. 23; E. 1.

5- 3- Torquatus (2), Epod. 13.5. AvManlius. Trausius, S. 2. 2. 99. Trebatius. S. 2. 1. 4, 78. Trebonius, S. 1. 4. 114. Triquetra [tellus], S. 2. 6. 55. Trivicum, S. 1. 5. 79. Troes, O. 4. 6. 15. Troia, O. 1. 8. 14, 1. 10. 15, 2. 4. 12, 3.

3. 60, 61, 4. 6. 3, 4. 15. 31 ; C. S. 41 ;

5. 2. 3. 191, 2. 5. 18 ; E. 1. 2. 19 ; A. P. 141.

Troianus, O. 1. 28. II; E. 1. 2. 1;

A. P. 147. Troicus, O. 1.6. 14, 3. 3. 32. Troilus, O. 2. 9. 16. Tullius, S. 1.6. 9. Tullus (the King>, O. 4. 7. 15. Tullus, O. 3. 8. 12. Turbo, S. 2. 3. 310. Turius. S. 2. 1. 49. Tusculum, [O. 3. 29. 8] ; Epod. 1. 29.

Tuscus, O. 3. 7. 28, 4. 4. 54 ; S. 2. 2.

33; E. 2. 1. 202. Tydides, O. 1. 6. 16, 1. 15. 28. See

Diomedes. Tyndaridae, O. 4. 8. 31 ; S. 1. 1.

100. Tyndaris, O. 1. 17. 10. Typhoeus, O. 3. 4. 53. Tyrius, O. 3. 29. 60; Epod. 12. 21;

S. 2. 4. 84; E. 1. 6. 18. Tyrrhenus, O. 1. 11. 6, 3. 10. 12, 3.

29. 4, 3. 29. 1, 4. 15. 3; E. 2. 2. 180. Tyrtaeus, A. P. 402. Ulixes, O. 1. 6. 7 ; Epod. 16. 60, 17.

16; S. 2. 3. 197, 204, 2. 5. 3, 100;

E. 1. 2. 18, 1. 6. 63, 1. 7. 40, [A. P.

141]. See Laertiades. Ulubrae, E. 1. 11. 30. Umber, S. 2. 4. 40. Umbrenus, S. 2. 2. 133. Ummidius, S. 1. 1. 95. Ustica, O. 1. 17. 11. Utica, E. 1. 20. 13. Vacuna, E. 1. 10. 49. Vala, E. 1. 15. 1, etc. Valerius, S. 1. 6. 12. Valgius, O. 2. 9. 5 ; S. 1. 10. 82. Varia, E. 1. 14. 3. Varius, 0. 1. 6. 1 ; S. 1. 5. 40, 93, 1. 6.

55, 1. 9. 23, 1. 10. 44, 81 ; S. 2. 8.

21, 63; E. 2. 1. 247 ; A. P. 55. Varro (Atacinus), S. 1. 10. 46. Varus, O. 1. 18. 1 : possibly the same

as Quintilius. Varus, Epod. 5. 73. Veia, Epod. 5. 29. Veianius, E. 1. 1. 4. Veiens, E. 2. 2. 167. Velia, E. 1. 15. 1. Velina (tribus), E. 1. 6. 52. Venafranus, O. 3. 5. 55 ; S. 2. 4. 69. Venafrum, O. 2. 6. 16 ; S. 2. 8. 45. Venus, O. [1. 3. 1,] 1. 4. 5, 1. 13. 15,

1. 15. 13, 1. 18. 6, 1. 19. [1,] 9, 1.

27. 14, 1. 30. 1, 1. 32. 9, 1. 33. 10,

13, 2. 7. 25, 2. 8. 13, 3.9. 17, 3. 10.

9> 3- ii- 50, 3- 16. 6, 3. 18.6, 3. 21.

21, 3- 26. 5, 3. 27.67, [3. 28. 13], 4.

1. 1, 4. 6. 21, 4. 10. 1, 4. 11. 15, 4.

15.32; C. S. 50; S. 1.3. 109; E. 1.6.

38, 1. 18. 21. See Cytherea, Erycina. Venusinus, O. 1. 28. 26; S. 2. 1. 35. Vergilius (the poet), O. 1. 3. 6, 1. 24.

10; S. 1. 5. 40, 48 ; 1. 6. 55; 1. 10.

45, 81 ; E. 2. 1. 247; A. P. 55. Vergilius, O. 4. 12. 13. Vertumnus, S. 2. 7. 14; E. 1. 20. 1. Vesta, O. 1. 2. 16, 28, 3. 5. 11 ; S. 1. 9.

35 ; E. 2. 2. 114. Vestales, [O. 3. 30 9]. Vibidius, S. 2. 8. 22, 33, 40, 80.



Villius, S. 1. 2. 64. Vindelici, O. 4. 4. 18, 4. 14. 8. Vinius, E. 1. 13. 2, etc. Viscus, S. 1. 9. 22, 1. 10. 83, 2. 8. 20. Visellius, S. 1. 1. 105. Volanerius, S. 2. 7. 15. Volcanus, O. 1. 4. 8, 3. 4. 59 ; S. 1. 5. 74-

Volteius (Mena), E. 1. 7. 55, 64, 91. Voltur, O. 3. 4. 9.

Voranus, S. 1. 8. 39.

Xanthias, O. 2. 4. 2.

Xanthus, O. 4. 6. 26.

Zephyrus, O. 3. 1. 24, 4. 7. 9 ; E. 1. 7.


Zethus, E. 1. 18. 42.


The more important subjects and words touched in the Notes.

O. =Odes. C. S. = Carmen Seculare. Epod. = Epodes. S. = Satires. E. = Epistles. A. P. = Ars Poetica.

Ablative, O. i. 6. 2, 1. 13. 20, 2. 1. 12, 2. 4. 10, 2. 7. 16, 3. 5. 5, 4. 14. 13 ; S. 1. 4. 49 ; E. 1. 1. 94.

Adjectives, with infinitive, App. 2 to vol. 1.

for temporal adverbs, Epod. 16. 51 ;

5. 1. 3. 117, 2. 4. 17, 2. 6. 100 ; E.

1. 6. 20, 1. 19. 11.

neut. plur. with genitive, O. 2. 1. 23, 4. 4. 76, 4. 12. 19 ; S. 2. 2. 25, 2. 8. 83 5 A. P. 49.

neut. used adverbially, O. 1. 22. 23,

2. 12. 14, 2. 19. 6, 3. 27. 67. Aitemativcs put conjunctively, O. 1. 3.

9, 3. 11. 49 ; Epod. 16. 21. Attraction, O. 4. 14. 7; S. 1. 4. 24, 1.

6. 15, 2. 2. 112.

ab, S. 2. 2. 10, 2. 3. 193.

abdere, O. 3. 4. 38.

abi, E. 2. 2. 205.

abnormis, S. 2. 2. 3.

absens, S. 2. 7. 28 ; E. 1. 11. 21.

abstemius, E. 1. 12. 7.

acervus, E. 2. 1. 47.

actus, A. P. 189.

ad, Epod. 9. 17.

addocere, E. 1. 5. 18.

adiudicare, E. I. 18. 67.

adorea, O. 4. 4. 41.

adrasus, E. r. 7. 50.

adscribere, O. 3. 3. 25 ; E. 1. 19. 4.

aerugo, S. 1.4. 101 ; A. P. 330.

aestuosus, O. 1. 22. 5, 1. 31. 5.

aeternare, O. 4. 14. 5.

alius. O. 1. 3. 4; S. 1. 10. 77.

with abl., E. 1. 16. 20, 2. 1. 240. allaborare, O. 1. 38. 5.

Allcgory, O. 1. 14 introd., I. 15. introd.

and interpretation mixed, O. 1. 35. 19, 2. 2. 1,4. 2. 7, 4. 4. 59.

altus, O. 3. 4. 37.

amare, with following inf., O. 2. 3. 10 n.

ambiguus, O. 1. 7. 29.

ambire, E. 1. 16. 13.

ambitio, S. 1. 6. 52, 1. 10. 84.

ambitiosus, O. I. 36. 20 ; A. P. 447.

ambubaia, S. 1. 2. 1.

amice (pati), O. 3. 2. 1.

amoenus, E. 1. 16. 15 n.

ampulla, ampullari, E. 1. 3. 14 ; A. P.


an, A. P. 330.

anciliorum (gen.), O. 3. 5. 10.

antehac, O. 1. 37. 5.

antestari, S. 1. 9. 76.

apotheca, S. 2. 5. 7. See under Wines.

apprecari, O. 4. 15. 28.

arbiter, E. 1. n. 26 n. ; (bibendi), see

under Wincs. arces, O. 1. 2. 3, 2. 6. 22, 3. 3. 10. ardere, S. 1. 5. 72 ; (with abl.) O. 2. 4.

8, 3- 9- 6. area, O. 1. 9. 18. argentum, S. 1. 4. 28 ; E. 1. 18. 23.

10 n. ; E. 1. ii


arma, O. 1.

A. P. 379- arrogare, E. 1. 1. 35 n. artes, O. 4. 8. 3, 4. 15. 12 ; S. 1. 6. 77 ;

E. 1. 13. 203. assignare, E. 2. 1. 8. astrology, O. 1. 11 passim, 1. 17. 17 f. ;

E. 2. 2. 1S7. at, O. 2. 18. 9 ; Epod. 5. 1 ; S. 1. 3.

32; 1. 5. 60. atqui, O. 1. 23. 9, 5. 5. 49, 3. 7. 9 ;

Epod. 5. 67 ; S. 1. 1. 19, 1. 6. 65, 2.

1. 68, '2. 3. 9, 27, 2. 5. 71 ; E. 1. 2.

33, 1. 7. 2, 1. 17. 3S. 45. attentus, S. 2. 6. 82 ; E. 1. 7. 91, 2. 1.




auctor, O. 1. 2. 36, 1. 28. 14, 3. 5. 46,

3. 17. 5; S. 2. 2. 50. audire, S. 2. 6. 20, 2. 7. 101 ; E. 1. 7.

38, 1. 16. 17. augur, O. 1. 2. 32, 3. 16. 11; Sat. 2.5. 22. aulaea, O. 3. 29. 15; S. 2. 8. 54; E. 2.

1. 189 ; A. P. 154. aut, O. 3. 12. 2, 3. 34. 24. aviaries, O. 3. 1. 20. avidus, O. 3. 4. 58. balatro, S. 1. 2. 2. Cp. S. 2. 8. 21. barbarus, O. 2. 4. 9 ; Epod. 9. 6 : cp. E.

1. 2. 7.

bene esse, O. 3. 16. 43; S. 2. 2. 120,

2. 6. 4 ; E. 1. 1. 89, 1. 12. 5.

bene vivere, O. 2. 16. 13 ; S. 1. 4. 67 ;

E. 1. 6. 56, 1. 11. 29, 1. 15. 45. benigne, E. 1. 7. 16, 62. bidental, A. P. 471. bilis, O. 1. 13. 4; S. 2. 3. 141 ; A. P.

302. bis terque (ve), Epod. 5. 33 ; A. P. 35S,

440. bonus, O. 4. 1. 3 ; A. P. 359 : fortis et bonus, O. 4. 4. 29 : bonus et sapiens (prudens), E. 1. 7. 22, 1. 16. 32 ; A. P. 445 ; conventional and ironical uses, E. 1. 16. 40 : bone, S. 2. 3. 31 : boni, S. 2. 2. 1 : bona pars, O. 4. 2. 46; S. 1. 1. 61 ; A. P. 297. books, copying, A. P. 354.

rolling and finishing, Epod. 14. 8 ;

E. 1. 20. 2. cases for; ' capsae,' S. 1. 4. 22, 1. 10. 63 : ' scrinia,' S. 1. 1. 120 ; E. 2. 1. 113 ; add E. 1. 20. 8. preservation, A. P. 432; add E. 1.

20. 12. booksellers, E. 1. 20. 2 ; A. P. 345 : their shops, S. 1. 4. 71 ; E. 1. 20. 1 ; A. P. 373. libraries, O. 1. 31 introd., 2. 1 in- trod. ; S. 1. 4. 22 ; E. 1. 3. 17, 2. 1.217,2.2.93; add O. 1. 29. 14 ; E. 1. 18. 109. use in schools, S. 1. 10. 75; E. 1.

20. 18, 2. 1. 70. exportation, E. 1. 20. 14 ; A. P.

345- brevis, O. 2. 14. 24 : brevis cena, E. 1.

14. 35: brevis mensa, A. P. 198. Constrnctio anb koivov, O. I. 3. 6, I. 9.

21, I. 15. 15, 2. 11. 12, 3. I. 21, 3.

10. 10; S. 1. 1. 104, 1. 3. 2, 31, 1.

10. 28; A. P. 382. caducus, O. 2. 13. 11, 3. 4. 44. caecus, O. 3. 27. 21. caelebs, O. 2. 15. 4. caementa, O. 3. 1. 35, 3. 24. 3. calo, S. 1. 6. 103; E. 1. 14. 62. campestre, E. 1. 11. 18.

candidus, O. 1. 18. 11.

cantor, A. P. 155.

caput, S. 1. 2. 14 : capitis minor, O. 3.

5.42. carmen. Scc additional note to E. 1. 13. carpere (diem), O. 1. 11. 8. cassa (nux), S. 2. 5. 36. castus, O. 1. 12. 59. caudam trahere, S. 2. 3. 53. celsus, A. P. 342. cereus, O. 1. 13. 2. certare, with dat, O. 2.6. 15; Epod.

2. 20. cessare, E. 1. 7. 57, 1. 10. 46, 2. 2. 14,

2. 2. 183 ; A. P. 357 : cessator, S. 2.

7. 100. ceu, O. 4. 4. 43. cibaria, S. 1. 1. 32.

cicer, S. 1. 6. 115, 2. 3. 182 ; A. P. 249. cinctutus, A. P. 50. circa esse, O. 2. 5. 5. citare, S. 1. 3. 7. citreus, O. 4. 1. 20. civicus, O. 2. 1. 1, 3. 24. 26; E. 1. 3-


clavi (trabales), O. 1. 35. 18.

clicnts, O. 3. 5. 53.

clientae, O. 2. 18. 8.

coactor, S. 1. 6. 86.

cognitor, S. 2. 5. 38.

cohors, S. 1. 7. 23 ; E. 1. 3. 6, 1. S. 14.

collegia, S. 1. 2. 1.

colligere, O. 1. 1. 4; E. 1. 11. 13.

coloiir, contrasts of, O. I. 21. 8, 1. 25.

17, 2. 3.9. columna (metaph.\ O. 1. 35. 14. comicus, S. 2. 5. 91. commodus, O. 3. 19. 12. communis <sensus), S. 1. 3. 66 : com-

munia, A. P. 12 8. compensare, S. 1. 3. 7°- compita, S. 2. 3. 26, 281, 2. 6. 50 ; E.

1. 1. 49.

componere, S. 1. 1. 103, 1. 7. 20. concinnus, S. 1. 3. 50, 1. 10. 23; E. 1.

11. 2. condere (diem), O. 4. 5. 29. condicio, O. 1. 1. 12. conducere, E. 1. 1. 77. confidens, S. 1. 7. 7. conopium, Epod. 9. 16. conscientia, Epod. 5. 29. conscriptus, A. P. 314. consors, O. 3. 24. 60. consultus, O. 1. 34. 3 ; S. 1. 1. 17 ; E.

2. 2. 87, 159.

continens (ripa), O. 2. iS. 22. contractus, E. 1. 7. 12, 2. 2. 80. Contrasts, to express universality, O. 3.

4. 45. to be completed from one another,


H h



O. 2. 3. Q, 3. 4. 46, 3. 13. 7, 4. 4.

10. Cp. S. 2. 6. 84. conventus, S. 1. 7- 23- copia (narium\ O. 2. 15. 6. cor, S. 2. 3. 28, 213. cornua, O. 3. 21. 18. correctus (corrector), E. 1. 15. 37. crepare, O. 1. 18. 5 n. cressa (nota), O. 1. 36. 10. crocus, E. 2. 1. 79. crudus, S. 1. 5. 49; E. 1. 6. 61. cubare, S. 1. 9. 18, 2. 3. 289 ; E. 2. 2.

68. cucullus, S. 1. 7. 31. cum for ' cum tamen,' S. 1. 8. 17, 1. 10.

55- cumera, S. 1. 1. 53 ; E. 1. 7. 30.

cunei, O. 1. 35. 18.

cunque, O. 1. 32. 15.

cupiclo, O. 2. 16. 15.

cur, O. 1. 33. 3; E. 1. 8. 10.

curator, E. 1. 1. 102.

curia, O. 2. 1. 14, 3. 5. 7.

curiosus, Epod. 17. 77.

curriculum, O. 1. 1. 3.

curvus (metaph.), E. 2. 2. 44.

custos, S. 1. 4. 11S, 1. 6. 81 ; A. P. 161,

239- cyclicus, A. P. 136. Dative :

Forms domo, E 1. 10. 13.

fide, S. 1. 3. 25.

Syntax, O. 1. 5. 4, 3. 3. 25, 3. 23. 1;

S. 1. 1. 50, 63. with double constr., O. 3. 27. 7. ethical, E. 1. 3. 15, 1. 16. 16. as complement, S. 1. 1. 19, S. I. 16.

61 ; A. P. 372. of agent with passive verb, S. 1. 10.

16; E. 1. 19. 3. after ' idem,' A. P. 467. after ' distare,' ' diversum,1 etc. O. 4. 9. 29 ; E. 1. 7. 23, 1. 18. 4. Deponents : used passively in parcitiple.

See on O. 1. 32. 5 ; S. 2. 2. 114. Double Queslion (unde quo), O. 3. 27.

37- damnare, with gen., O. 2. 14. 19. damnum, Od. 3. 5. 27 ; S. 2. 2. 96.

damnosus, E. 1. 18. 21, 2. 1. 107. dare ludum, O. 3. 12. 1 : verba, S. 1.

3- 23. de (die, nocte, etc), Epod. 13. 4; S. 2. 8. 3; E. 1. 2. 32, 1. 7. 88, 1. 14.

34- debacchari, O. 3. 3. 55. debere (opus), E. 1. 1. 21: (ludibrium),

O. 1. 14. 16. decantare, O. 1. 33. 3 ; E. 1. 1. 64. decertare, O. 1. 3. 13. decies, S. 1. 3. 15, 2. 3. 237, 240.

declamare, E. 1. 2. 2.

decor, A. P. 157.

dedicare, O. 1. 31. 1.

deducere, S. 2. 1.4.

defingere, S. 1. 10. 37.

deicere, O. 4. 14. 13; E. 2. 2. 30.

demissus, S. 1. 3. 57-

denique, S. 1. 1. 92, 1. 4. 80; E. 2. 2.

58, 127. deproperare, O. 2. 7. 24. derisor, S. 2. 6. 54 ; E. 1. 18. 11 ; A. P.

433- derivatus, O. 3. 6. 19. descendere, O. 3. 1. 11, 3. 21. 7. describere, S. 1. 4. 3; E. 2. I. 54; A.

P. 18. detortus, A. P. 55. devotus, O. 3. 4. 27. dicere, O. 1. 12. 13: dicenda, tacenda,

E. 1. 7. 72. dictare, S. 1. 4. 10, 2. 3. 76; E. 2. 1.

110: dictata, E. 1. 1. 55, 1. 18. 43. diffindere, S. 2. 1. 79. diffingere, O. 1. 35. 39, 3. 29. 47. diludia, E. 1. 19. 47. diota, O. 1.9. 8.

discinctus, Epod. 1. 34; S. 2. 1. 73. discus, O. 1. 8. 11. dissignare, E. 1. 5. 16 : dissignator, E.

1. 7. 6. dissociabilis, O. 1. 3. 22. Dithyramb, O. 2. 19. introd., 2. 25.

introd. dividere, O. 1. 15. 15. docere, A. P. 288: doctus, O. 1. 1. 29. dolare, S. 1. 5. 29. dominans, A. P. 234. domus, opp. ' villa,' O. 2. 3. 17 ; metaph.

O. 1. 29. 14. donec, O. 3. 5. 45. dubia (cena), S. 2. 2. 77. ducere, E. 2. 1. 75, 240. duellum, O. 3. 5. 38, 3. 14. 8, 4. 15. 8;

E. 1. 2. 7, 2. 1. 254, 2. 2. 98. dulcis, A. P. 99. dum, O. 3. 21. 24; S. 1. 5. 72; E. 1.

18. 8. Epithets, correspondent, O. 1. 3. 10, 2. 12. 1 ; S. 1. I. 28, 2. 6. 79.

divided between subjects, but to be

mutually supplied, O. 2. 10. 6-8, 2. 11. 1, 2. 15. 18, 3. 4. 18, 4. 9. 29; C. S. 6; Epod. 5. 37.

belonging only for part of a sentence,

O. 2. 5. 13, 2. 8. 4. E, pronounced as a semivovvel, S. 1.8.

43, 2. 2. 21. ebur, O. 2. 18. 1. echinus, S. 1.6. 117. edicta, O. 4. 15. 22. edit (subj.\ Epod. 3. 3 ; S. 2. 8. 90.



education :

' Grammaticus,' E. 1. 19. 40; A. P.

78. Rhetor, ' declamare, E. 1. 2. 2. Athens, E. 2. 2. 43, 81. Schools :

Schoolmasters, S. I. 6. 72 ; E. 2. 1.71.

lessons, S. 1. 6. 74 ; E. 1. 1.

56 ; A. P. 326 f. See under ' dictare, dictata,' and under ' Books use in schools.'

punishments, S. 1. 3. 119, 120;

E. 2. 2. 197.

holidays, S. 1. 6. 75 ; E. 2. 2.

197. office of ' custos. See s. v. use of poetry in, E. 2. 1. 1 26-131. defects of Roman education, A. P.

32.5 f- eia, S. 1. 1. 18, 2. 6. 25. elementa, S. 1. 1. 26; E. 1. 20. 17. Ellipsis, S. 1. 1. 23, 1. 3. 9, 1. 8. 32, 2.

8. 2. emancipatus, Epod. 9. 12. enavigare, O. 2. 14. 11. equis albis, S. 1. 7- 8. ergo, O. 1. 24. 5 ; S. 2. 5. 101 ; A. P. 353. esseda, E. 2. 1. 192. est (fr. edo), E. 1. 2. 39. et, coupling two descriptions of the

same action, O. 1. 3. 8. after a negative clause, O. 1. 27. 16 ;

Epod. 15. 14; S. 1. 1. 37. et . . . que, S. 1. 3. 139. examen, O. 1. 35. 31 ; Epod, 2. 65. excipere, S. 2. 3. 286 ; E. 2. 2. 16. excors, S. 2. 5. 67; E. 1. 2. 25. exigere, S. 2. 4. 36.

Fulure (' permissive'), 0. 1. 6. 1, 1. 7. 1 Fables, S. 1. 6. 22, 2. 1. 64, 77, 2. 3

186, 299, 3r4f->2- 5. 56, 2. 6. 78 f.

E. 1. 1. 73 f., 1. 3. 19, 1. 7. 29 f., 1

10. 34 f., 42, 1. 14. 43, 1. 16. 45, 1

19. 15, 1. 20. 14; A. P. 402, 437. fabula, O. 1. 4. 16 : (fieri), Epod. 11. 8 ;

E. 1. 13. 9. fabulosus, O. 1. 22. 7, 3. 4. 9. facetus, S. 1. 2. 26, 1. 4. 7, 1. 10.41;

E. 1. 6. 55. facere (' mecum,' etc), E. 2. 1. 68, 2. 2.

23: colourless use, S. 1. 1. 64, 94. fallere (as \avQavsiv), O. 3. 16. 20; E.

1. 17. 10. famosus, O. 3. 3. 26, 3. 15. 3; S. 1. 4.

5, 2. 1. 68; E. 1. 19. 31; A. P. 469. fartor, S. 2. 3. 229. faustitas, O. 4. 5. i8. favere (linguis), O. 3. 1. 1. fere, S. 1. 3. 96. fertur, O. 3. 5. 41, 3. 20. 12.


ferula, S. 1. 3. 120.

finis (Orci), O. 2. 18. 30.

fomenta, Epod. 11. 25; E. 1. 2. 52, 1.

3. 26. frangere (diem), O. 2. 7. 6: (.cervicem',

O. 2. 13. 6 ; Epod. 3. 1. funalia, O. 3. 26. 7. funeratus, O. 3. 8. 7- furnus, S. 1. 4. 37; E. 1. 11. 13. fustis, E. 2. 1. 154. Genitive :

Form fide, O. 3. 7. 4.

Syntax, with adjectives and parti- ciples, O. 3. 6. 17, 3. 17. 16, 3. 30. 11 ; S. 1. 1. 79, 1. 9. 11, 1. 10. 21,

2. 1. 119, 2. 3. 142 ; E. 2. 2. 31. extension of gen. of quality, O. 1. 36.

r3> 3- 9- 7> 4- r- IS; s- r- 3- r7> r- 9. 44, 2. 8. 84. Partitive with interrog. part, O. 1.

38.3- as complement, O. 3. 13. 13; S.

1. 7. 35; E. 1. 9. 13. in apposition to possessive pronoun,

S. 1. 4. 23. of the object of a toast, O. 3. 8. 13,

3. 19. 9.

Greek uses, O. 1. 22. 1, 2. 2. 6, 2. 9.

r7> 3- 27- 69> 3- 30- 12, 4- 9- 37; S. 2. 3. 27, 2. 6. 84; E. 1. 12. 7, 1. 13. 11. gaudia, O. 4. II. 13, 4. 12. 21. genius, O. 3. 17. 14; E. 2. 1. 144, 2. 2.

187 : (Augusti), O. 4. 5. 34. genus (of a single descendant), O. 1. 3. 3 27; S. 1. 6. 12, 2. 5. 63. glomus, E. 1. 13. 14. gloria, O. 1. 18. 5 ; S. 1. 6. 23; E. 1.

18. 22, 2. 1. 177. gradus, O. 1.3. 17. gravis, O. 1. 2. 22.

grex, O. 3. 1. 5 ; S. 2. 3. 44 ; E. 1. 4. 16. grus (gender), S. 2. 8. 87. "Atto^ \ey6fj.tva, O. I. 5. 8, 3. II. IO, 3.

20. 3, 3. 24. 12, 4. 5. 18; Epod. 5.

34; S. 1. 6. 49, 2. 6. 59; E. 1. 1.55;

A. P. 246, 253, 258, 362. *Ev Sid Svoiv, O. 1. 2. 35, 1. 35. 33, 3.

24. 13 ; E. 2. 1. 261. HypaUagc, O. 1. 31. 9, 3. 3- 62. hederae, O. 1. 1. 29 ; E. 1. 3. 25. heirs, the feeling towards, O. 2. 3. 20,

2. 14. 15, 4. 7. 19; S. 2. 3. 122 ; E.

i- 5- r3- hic (hic homo = ego), S. 1. 9. 47: noc age, S. 2. 3. 152 ; E. 1. 6. 31, 1. 18.

88 : hic . . . ille, of the nearest and furthest in thought, S. 1.6. 49, 2. 2.


honoratus, A. P. 120. honores, O. 1. 17. 16.

h 2



hora (season), O. 3. 13. 9.

Horace references to his later life.

(iS** Introd. to vol. 1. pp. xxvi, xxvii.)

Ilis introduction to Maecenas, S. 1.6.

54 f., 2. 6. 40; Introd. to Satires, vol.

2. p. 2 f.

office as ' scriba,' S. 1.5. 35, 2. 6. 36,

37- Sabine Farm. Sce additional note

to E. i. 16. life in Rome, S. I. 6. m {., 2. 6.

20 f. country tastes and occupations, S. 2.

6. 60; E. 1. 14. 35 f., 1. 16. 1 f., 1 .

18. 104 f. seaside, E. 1. 7. 11 f., 1. 15. 1 f. taste in Books, S. 2. 3. 11. hou^ehold in town and country, S.

1. 6. 116, 2. 7. 118.

advances of age, O. 2. 11. 5, 3. 14. 25 ; E. 1. 1. 4, 1. 7. 25, 1. 20. 24,

2. 2. 55. _

characteristics, physical and mental, E. 1.4. 15,1.20. 24; S. 2.3. if.,3o6f., 2. 7 passim; E. 1. 8. 3f., 1. 20. 24 f. hornus, Epod. 2. 47. horrea, O. 4. 12. 18. hosticns, O. 3. 2. 6 ; S. 1. 9. 31. hour, the meaning in Roman reckon-

ing, S. 1. 5. 23. hybrida, S. I. 7. 2. hydrops, O. 2. 2. 13. Imperfecl, idiomatic uses, O. 1. 27. 19, 1. 37. 4; S. 1. 10. 7, 17; A. P. 328. - subj. O. 4. 6. 16; S. 1. 3.-5, 1. 5. 76,

1. 6. 79; A. P.438. Indicative : For snbj.

in hypothetical sent, O. 2. 17. 28, 3.

16. 3; S. 1. 3. 17. in indirect question, S. 2. 4. 38. Cp. E. 1. 7. 39. Infiintive :

Form in -ier, O. 4. 11. S; S. 2. 3.

24; E. 2. 2. 14S, 151. Syntax, complementary with verbs, and after adjectives. Sce App. 2 to vol. 1. Perfect, O. 1. 1. 4, 3. 4. 51, 3. iS. 15,

3. 20. 11. in exclamations. Epod. 11. 11 ; S. 1. 9. 72, 2. 4. 83, 2. 8. 67. I as a semivowel, O. 3. 4. 41, 3. 6. 6 ;

S. 1. 7. 30, 2. 8. 1. i (nunc), E. 1.6. 17, 2. 2. 76. iam (in argument), E. 2. 1. 86. iambi, O. 1. 16. 2 : A. P. 79 ; as name of the Epodes, Epod. 14. 7 ; E. 1. 19. 23, 2. 2. 59. illacrimabilis (act.), O. 2. 14. 6, (pass.) 4. 9. 26.

illaqueare, O. 3. 16. 16.

illinere, E. 1. 7. 10.

illudere, S. 1. 4. 139.

imberbus, E. 2. 1. 85 ; A. P. 161.

immolare, with abl., O. 1.4. 12.

immorsus, S. 2. 4. 61.

immunis, O. 3. 23. 17, 4. 12. 23.

imperium, O. 1. 2. 26; S. 1. 6. 35.

importunus, O. 4. 13. 9; E. 1. 6. 54.

impotens, O. 3. 30. 3.

impransus, S. 2. 2. 7, 2. 3. 257; E. 1.

15. 29. improbus, O. 3. 24. 62 ; Sat. 1. 3. 24,

1. 9. 73, 2. 3. 84; E. 1. 7.63, 1. 10.

40. impune, A. P. 381. imus, A. P. 32. inaequalis, O. 2. 9. 8. incestus, O. 3. 2. 30; A. P. 472. incretus, S. 2. 4. 75. incutere, S. 2. 1. 39. indignus with inf.), E. 1. 3. 35. iners, O. 3. 5. 36; E. 1. 20. 12, 2. 2.

126; A. P. 445. ingenium, S. 1. 4. 43 ; A. P. 295, 40S. inimicare, O. 4. 15. 22. innatare, S. 2. 4. 59. inter, S. 1. 3. S2; inter . . . inter, S. 1.

7. 11 ; E. 1. 2. 11. interdictum, S. 2. 3. 217. interminari, Epod. 5. 39. intestabilis, S. 2. 3. 181. insolens, O. 1. 5. 8. invita (Minerva), A. P. 385. io triumphe, O. 4. 2. 50 ; Epod. 9.

21. iocularia, S. 1. 1. 23. iterare (cursus), O. 1. 34. 4: (aequor) O.

1. 7. 32.

iudices iselecti), S. 1. 4. 123.

ius, opp. lex, S. 1. 1. 9 : peieratum, O.

2. 8. 1.

iuvenis, O. 1. 2. 41 ; E. 1. 8. 14. iuvenari, A. P. 246. Jews, proselytizing, S. 1.4. 143. credulous, S. 1. 5. 100. Jewish sabbath and fasts, S. 1. 9. 69,

2. 3. 291. Kalcnds and Idcs, as pay days, Epod. 2.

69, 90; S. 1. 3. 87, 1. 6. 75. lacus, S. 1. 4. 37. Cp. E. 1. 3. II. laevus, O. 3. 26. 5, 3. 27. 15. laganum, S. 1. 6. 115. languescere (of wine), O. 3. 16. 35 ; so

languidus, O. 3. 21". 8. late (tyrannus), O. 3. 17. 9. latifundia, O. 2. 2. 10. latus, E. 1. 7. 26, 1. 12. 5. lavere, lavare, O. 2. 3. 18, 3. 4. 61, 3.

11. 2. lectulus, S. 1. 4. 133.



lectus (imus, summus\ S. 2. 8. introd. :

(genialis-), E. 1. 1. 87. legio, S. 1. 6. 4.

Lessings Laokoon, O. 1. 35. 19. lethargus, S. 2. 3. 30. lex (opp. to ' mos '), O. 3. 24. 35, 4. 5.

22 : ' lege solutus,' O. 4. 2. 12. ligurrire, S. 1. 3. 81. limare, E. 1. 14. 38. limis (oculis), S. 2. 5. 53. lippus, S. 1. 1. 121. litura, E. 2. 1. 167; A. P. 293. loculi, S. 1. 6. 74. ludere, O. 1. 32. 2. ludicra, E. 1.6. 7. lupini, E. 1. 7. 23. lymphae, S. 1. 5. 97 : lymphatus, O. 1.

37- J4- lyricus, O. 1. 1. 35. maior (for ' magis '), O. 3. 20. 7. male, with adjectives, O. 1.9. 29, 1. 17.

25; S. 1. 3- 3i (?), 45. !• 4-66> 2- 5-

45; E. 1. 19. 3. with 'esse,' O. 2. 10. 17. malis alienis, S. 2. 3. 72. mappa, S. 2. 4. 81, 2. 8. 63; E. 1. 5.

22. maris expers, S. 2. 8. 15. marriage /aws, O. 4. 5. 21 ; C. S. 18. Maironalia, O. 3. 8. 1. mediastinus, E. 1. 14. 14. medicatus, O. 3. 5. 2S. meditari, S. 1. 9. 2 ; E. 2. 2. 71, 76. medius, O. 2. 19. 2S ; E. 1. 12. 7 : me-

dius liquor, O. 3. 3. 46 : mediae res,

A. P. 148. mensae (alterae), O. 4. 5. 31 : (secun-

dae), S. 2. 2. 121. merces (^interest), S. 1. 2. 14, 1. 3. 88 :

rent), S. 2. 2. 115. mereri, E. 1. 7. 24. metuere, with inf. following, O. 2.

2. 7, 3. 11. 10, 4. 5. 20; S. 2. 5.

65. Metcmpsychosis, Od. 1. 28. mtrod. ;

Epod. 15. 21 ; S. 2. 6. 63 ; E. 2. 1. 52. milia (milibus aliis), S. 1. 6. 11 1. miluus. Epod. 16. 32 ; E. 1. 16. 51. minae, O. 3. 1. 37. minari, S. 2. 3. 9; E. 1. 8. 3. minimd provocare, S. 1.4. 14. minor (capitis), O. 3. 5. 42 : (genibus),

E. 1. 12. 28. momentum, S. 1. 1. 8 : momenta, E. 1.

6. 4, 1. 10. 16. monere, O. 3. 7. 20. monstia, O. 1. 2. 6. monumenta (regis), O. 1. 2. 15. mordere, O. 1. 31. 8, 4. 3. 16 ; E. 1.

16. 38; S. 2.6.45; E. 1. S. 5. multum, with adj., O. 1. 25. 5 ; S. 1. 3.

57, 2. 3. 147, 2. 5. 92; E. I. 10.3, 2. 2. 62.

with part, S. 2. 5. 67 ; E. I. 3. 15. multus (multo fluenti), S. 1.9. 28. munditiae, O. 1. 5. 5.

mutare (constr.), O. 1. 17. 2. Nominaiive, for voc, 0. 1. 2. 43 ; A. P. 292.

as complement with infin., O. 3. 27. 73 (?); E- i- 5- *5> *■ 7- 22, 1. 16. 3°-

nam (redundant), S. 2. 7. 78. namcs, inversion of the proper order of Roman names, O. 2. 2. 3.

repetition of, O. 1. 13. 1, 2. 14. 1.

play on, O. 1. 22. 23, 1. 33. 2, 3. 28. 8 ; Epod. 9. 38 ; S. 1. 7 introd., 2. 3. 142 ; E. 1. 13 introd.

appellative (gentile, personal, etc. , used as adj., O. 1. 15. 10; E. 1. 12. 20; A. P. 18.

use of individual names in the plural = ' men like,' etc. Od. 1. 12. 37 ; E. 1. 1. 64, 2. 2. 117; A. P. 50. nares (naribus uti), E. 1. 19. 45 : acutae

nares, S. 1. 3. 30: sing. naris emunc-

tae, S. 1. 4. 8. nasus, aduncus, S. 1.6. 5. natare, S. 2. 7. 7. natus, O. 1. 27. 1 ; S. 2. 3. 8 ; E. 2. 1.

233; A. P. 122, 377. ne (interrogative), position, E. 2. 2. 65.

'for nonne,'E. I. 16. 31, 1. 17.38.

in exclamation, with infin., Epod.

11. 11 ; S. 1. 9. 72, 2. 4. 83, 2. 8. 67:

with ' ut,' S. 2. 5. iS : with relative,

S. 2. 10. 21. with words already interrogative,

in direct interrogation, Epod. 1. 7;

S. 2. 2. 107, 2. 3. 295 : in indirect,

S. 2. 3. 251, 2. 6. 73. ne (negative), introducing the purpose

of following or preceding statement,

O. 1. 33. 1, 4- 9- r ; E- *■ r- x3, 2- i-

208; A. P. 176, etc. neque (nec) . . . neque (nec), O. 3. 5. 27; S. 1. 3.43; E. 1. 11. 11.

for ' neve,' O. 3. 7. 29, 3. 29. 6 ; S. 2. 1. 44.

for 'ne . . . quidem, S. 2. 3. 262.

nebulo, S. 1. 1. 104.

necessitas, O. 1. 35. 17, 3. I. 14, 3-

29. 6. nempe, S. 1. 10. 1, 2. 3. 207, 2. 7. 80,

107; E. 1. 10. 21, 1. 16. 31, 2. 2.

156. nenia, O. 3. 28. 16 ; E. 1. 1. 63. nescias an, O. 2. 4. 13. nescis esse, O. 3. 27. 73. new moon, meaning of, O. 3. 19- 9, 3-

23. 2.



nidus, 0. 3. 4. 14.

niger, S. 1.4. 85.

nil verbi, S. 2. 3. 42.

nimio plus, O. 1. 18. 15, 1. 33. 1 ; E. 1.

10. 30, 2. 1. 198.

nimirum, S. 2. 3. 120; E. 1. 9. 1, 1. 14.

11, 1. 15. 42. nodosus, S. 2. 3. 70.

nomen, O. 3. 21.5; E. 1. 16. 31.

non . . . si, O. 2. 14. 5.

with potential, quasi-hortatively, S.

2. 5. 91. noster, S. 2. 6. 48. nota, O. 2. 3. 8. notare, S. 1. 3. 44, I. 4. 5, 106, 1.6. 14,

2. 7. 8; E. 1. 17. 15- notus, with inf., E. 1.7. 56. novendialis, Epod. 17. 48. numen, O. 3. 10. 8 ; E. 2. 1. 16. numerus, ' time ' (metrical or musical),

sing. E. 2. 1. 158 ; A. P. 74 : metaph.

E. 1. 18. 59 : plur. O. 4. 2. 11 ; S. 1.

4. 7; E. 1. 19. 24, 2. 1. 261 ; A. P.

211, 270 : metaph. E. 2. 2. 144. numeri, of astrologers, O. 1. 11. 3: nu-

merus = 'mere cyphers,' E. 1. 2. 27. nummi alieni, E. 1. 18. 35: nummi =

' interest,' S. 1. 3. 88. nummum sestertia, E. 2. 2. 33. Order ofwords, O. 1. 6. 2 ; S. 1. 5. 72,

2. 1. 60, 2. 3. 211.

Oxymoron, O. 1. 34. 2, 3. 11. 35 ; S. 1.

3. 25, 2. 3. 142 ; E. 1. 11. 28, 1. 12. 19; A. P. 174.

obarmare, O. 4. 4. 21.

olim, O. 4. 4. 5 ; Epod. 3. 1 ; S. 1. 1. 25,

1.4. 137, 2. 6. 79; E. 1. 1. 73, 1. 3.

18, 1. 10. 42, 2. 2. 197; A. P. 386. onyx, O. 4. 12. 17. operatus, 0. 3- 14. 6. operosa (Minerva), O. 3. 12. 5. opimus, O. 4. 4. 51. opinor, S. 1. 3. 53 ; E. 1. 16. 78, 2. 2.

17- opuscula, E. 1. 4. 3, 1. 19. 35. ora, O. 1. 12. 5. orbis, 0. 3. 3. 7; A. P. 132. os, O. 4. 2. 7. Passive, personal of verbs which govern

dative, E. 1. 5. 21 ; A. P. 56. Perfect, aoristic, O. 1. 34. 16, 3. 29. 15 ;

E. 1. 2. 4S, 1. 19. 48.

infin. See Infin. Perf.

Play on zuords, O. 2. 4. 7, 2. 7. 2 ; S. 1.

3. 3. 27; E. 1. 11. 2, 1. 19. 48: on

sound, O. 4. 13. 2. Plural, of quantity, O. 2. 1. 5 ; E. 2. 2.


' modestiae,' E. 1. 10. 1. Prosody, quantity of ' is ' in perf. subj.,

S. 2. 2. 74.

Prosody, quantity of ' cave,' S. 2. 3. 38. scansion of 'quoad,' S. 2. 3. 91 ; ' prout,' S. 2. 6. 67 : ' reducere,' S.

2. 3. 191 : ' pituita,' S. 2. 2. 75 ; E. 1. 1. 108: ' palus,' A. P. 65: 'polypus,' S. 1. 3. 43.

shortening of penult. of perf. 3rd plur., Epod. 9. 17; S. 1. 10. 45; E. 1. 4. 7.

lengthening of short syllables, O. 1.

3. 36, 2. 6. 14, 2. 13. 16, 3. 5. 17, 3. 16. 26, 3. 24. 5 ; S. 1. 3. 7, 1. 5. 90, 1. 9.21, 2. 1. 82, 2. 2. 47, 2. 3. 187, 2. 3. 260.

Hiatus, O. 1. 2S. 24, 3. 14. 11 ;

Epod. 13. 3 ; S. 1. 9. 38, 2. 2. 28.

dfioLoreXevTa., E. 2. 1. 41, 42 ; A. P.

99, 100, 176, 177. division of words between lines, O. 1. 2. 20, 1. 25. 11, 2. 16. 7; S. 2. 3. 117; E. 2. 2. 93: A. P. 424. elision at end of verse, O. 2. 16. 34, 3. 29. 25, 4. 1. 35, 4. 2. 22; C. S. 47; S. 1. 4. 96, 1. 6. 102. paces, E. 1. 3. 8, 2. 1. 102. paetus, S. 1. 3. 45. par, subst, S. 1.7. 19, 2. 3. 243 : par

impar, S. 2. 3. 248. parochus, S. 1. 5. 46, 2. 8. 36. parva, O. 3. 27. I. parturire, O. 4. 5. 26. paucus (sing.), A. P. 205. pauperies, U. 1. 1. 18. pavor, E. 1. 6. 10, 1. iS. 99. pedestris, O. 2. 12.9 ; S. 2. 6. 17; A. P.


pellis, Epod. 17. 22.

penetralia, E. 2. 2. 114.

perambulare, O. 4. 5. 17 ; E. 2. 1. 79.

perditur, S. 2. 6. 59.

permutare, O. 3. 1. 47.

petorritum, S. 1. 6. 104; E. 2. 1. 192.

pharmacopolae, S. 1. 2. 1.

philyra, O. 1. 38. 2.

phimus, S. 2. 7. 17.

pila, S. 1.3. 49, 1. 6. 126.

pilentum, E. 2. 1. 192.

Pindar imitated, O. 3. 4. 69, 4. 4. 18,

22. pius, O. 3. 4. 6, 3. 21. 4. plagiarisjn, E. 1. 3. 19. plagosus, E. 2. 1. 70. plebs, O. 3. 14. 1 ; E. 1. 1. 59. plecti, O. 1. 38. 27. plerumque, S. 1. 10. 15 : pleraque, E. 2.

1.66. plurimus = plurimi, O. 1. 7- 8. plus nimio. See nimio. pondera, E. 1.6. 51. ponere, artistic, 0. 4. 1. 50, 4. 8. S;

A. P. 34 : of putting on table, S. 2.



2. 23, 2.4.14; A. P. 422 : of putting out at interest, Epod. 2. 70; S. 1. 2. 13 ; A. P. 421 : as ' deponere,' S. 2.

3. 16; E. 1. 10.31,1.13. 12, 1. 16. 35. pontifex, O. 3. 23. 12; Epod. 17. 58;

E. 2. 1. 26. popellus, E. 1.7. 65. popina, E. 2. 4. 61. porrigere, O. 3. 16. 39. porticus, S. 1. 4. 134; E. 1. 1. 71. posse, O. 3. 11. 30 ; Epod. 9. 14; E. 1.

5- i- potens, with gen., O. 1. 3. 1, 1. 5. 15,

3. 25. 14. potenter, A. P. 40. praebere (aquam), S. 1.4. 88. praeeanus, E. 1. 20. 24. praeceps, E. 1. 18. 21 ; A. P. 217. praeco, E. 1.7. 56. praefluere, O. 4. 3. 10. praetextae, A. P. 288. premere, O. 1. 31. 9 ; E. 1. 19. 36, 2. 1.

189. pretium (dicere), O. 4. 8. 12. princeps, 0. 1. 2. 50, 1. 21. 14, 4. 14. 6;

E. 2. 1. 256. privatus, O. 1. 37. 31. procul, S. 2. 6. 105 ; E. 1. 7. 32, 2. 2.

95- profanus, O. 3. 1. 1. promus, S. 2. 2. 16. proprie, A. P. 128. Proverbs, S. I. IO. 34,. 2. 2. 64, 2. 3. 53,

276, 321, 2. 6. 63; E. 1. 1. 100, 1.

14. 44, 1. 17. 30, 1. 17. 36, 1. 18. 15,

66; 1. 19. 41. 2. 1. 31, 199, 210, 220;

A. P. 8, 9, 139. pumex, E. 1. 20. 2. punicus, Epod. 9. 27. purpureus, O. 3. 3. 12, 4. 1. 10. purus, S. 1. 4. 54. puteal, S. 2. 6. 35 ; E. 1. 19. 8. quadrare, E. 1.6. 35. quaerere, O. 2. 24. 32, 4. 5. 22. qualis, Epod. 5. 29; S. 1. 5. 41. quandoque, O. 4. 1. 17, 4. 2. 34; A. P.

359- quantus, O. 1. 15. 10: immane, quan-

tum, O. 1. 27. 6. quare, S. 1. 9. 53. quatenus, S. 1. 1. 64. que, position, O. 1. 30. 6, 2. 19. 28;

S. 1. 4. 17, 1. 6. 43, 2. 3. 130.

after negative, O. I. 27. 16, 2. 12. 9.

adding a second designation, O. 3. 4.

43- quicquid, with gen. plur., Epod. 5. I ;

S. 1.6. 1. quid agis? S. 1. 9. 4; E. 1. 3. 15. - causae ? S. 1. 1. 20.

cum? S. 2. 3. 272.

quid enim ? S. 1. 1. 7, 2. 3. 132.

quaeris? E. 1. 10. 8.

quod? O. 2. 18. 23.

visa est? E. 1. 11. 1. quindecimviri, C. S. 7°- quinquatius, E. 2. 2. 197.

quinque (dies), S. 1. 3. 16 ; E. I. 7. 1.

quinquevir, S. 2. 5. 55.

quinta pars, O. 1. 13. 16.

quo?, with accus., E. 1. 5. 12, with inf. ;

5. 1. 6. 24.

quo ne, S. 2. 1. 36.

quod, E. 1. 7. 94.

quodsi, S. 1. 1. 43.

quondam, O. 2. 10. 18; S. 2. 2. 82 ; E.

1. 18. 78. quorsum (ellipt.), S. 2. 3. 201. Relative, subst. in relative clause instead

of antecedent, Epod. 2. 37, 6. 7 ; S.

1. 1. 1, 1. 4. 2, 1. 10. 16, 2. 2. 59, 2.

6. 10.

rabies in dogs, E. 2. 2. 75- Rationalizing of legends, O. 3. 16. 8. ravus, O. 3. 27. 3. recinere, O. 3. 27. 1. Recitation, O. 2. 1. 21 ; S. 1. 4. 23, 73 ; E. 1. 19. 42, 2. 1. 223 ; A. P. 474. redemptor, O. 3. i. 35 ; E. 2. 2. 72. redonare, O. 2. 7. 3, 3. 3. 33. refigere, O. 3. 28. 11 ; E. 1. 18. 56. regius (morbus), A. P. 453. regna (vini), O. 1.4. 18. regnatus (pass.), O. 2. 6. 11, 3. 29. 27. reparare, O. 1. 31. 12, 1. 37. 24. repotia, S. 2. 2. 60. repulsa, O. 3. 2. 17. resciibere, S. 2. 3. 76. resignare, O. 3. 29. 54; E. 1. 7. 9, 1.

7-34- responsa, C. S. 55.

responsare, S. 2. 7. 85, 103 ; E. 1. 1. 68. rex, O. 1. 4. 14, 2. 14. 11 ; E. 1. 7. 37,

1. 10. 33, 1. 17. 43. robustus, O. 3. 16. 2. Rome, localities in.


Aventinus, C. S. 69 ; E. 2. 2. 69. Capitolium, 3. 24. 45, 3. 30. 8, 4.


Esquiliae, Esquilinus campus, S. 1 .

8. 14, introd. 2. 6. 33. agger, S. 1. 8. 15. Palatinus, C. S. 65. Quirini collis, E. 2. 2. 69. Vaticanus, O. 1. 20. 7. (Ianiculum) Caesaris horti, S. 1. 9. 18. Quarters

Carinae, E. 1. 7. 48. Subura, Epod. 5. 58. Velabrum, S. 2. 3. 229.

IXDEX lll.



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verba dare, S. i. 3. 22. verbenae, O. 1. 19. 14. vereor, ut, S. 1. 3. 121. vertere, constr., O. 1. 35. 4 ; A. P. 226.

(ora), Epod. 4. 9 ; S. 2. 8. 35. veras, S. 2. 3. 208, 312; E. 1. I. II,

1. 7. 98, 1. 12. 23.

verum, E. 1. 12. 21, 1. 17. 21 ; E. 2.

2. 70; A. P. 360: verum age, E. 2.

1. 214. viatica, E. 2. 2. 26. viator, O. 3. 4. 32.

vicarius, O. 3. 24. 16 ; S. 2. 7. 79. vices, O. 4. 7. 3 ; A. P. 86 ; vicem (humanam) Epod. 5. 89 : vice, O. 1.

4. 1 ; Epod. 13. 7. viduus, O. 4. 5. 30. vilicus, E. 1. 14. 1.

villa, opp. domus, O. 2. 3. 17.

vin tu, vis tu, S. 1. 9. 69, 2. 6. 92.

vincere, S. 1. 3. 115, 2. 3. 225.

vindicta, S. 2. 7. 76.

viola, O. 3. 10. 14.

viperinus (cruor), O. 1. 8. 9 ; Epod.

3.6. vir, S. 1. 4. 2, 1. 10. 16 : viro vir, O. 3.

1.9. virtus, play on etym., Epod. 15. 11, 16.

39; E. 1. 17.41.

=judgment of virtuous man, O. 2.

2. 19; S. 1. 3. 42.

' Catonis,' O. 3. 21. 12.

vis, O. 4. 8. 9,4. 1 1. 4 ; Epod. 6. 6.

vitreus, O. 1. 17. 20; S. 2. 3. 222.

vocare, O. 2. 20. 6.

volpecula, E. 1. 7- 29.

votive pictures, O. 1. 3. 13 ; S. 2. t. 33;

A. P. 21. vox (summa, ima), S. 1. 3. 8. wealth, forms of Roman, O. 1. 31. 3f.,

3. 16. 33 f. ; Epod. 1. 25 f. ; E. 2. 2. 177 f.

iveek, traces of the seven-day division,

5. 2. 3. 291. See also on S. 1. 3. 16 ; E. 1. 7. 1.

wine, kinds, Greek

Chium, O. 3. 19. 5 ; Epod. 9. 34,

etc. Coum, S. 2. 4. 29. Lesbium, 0. 1. 17. 21 ; Epod. 9. 34.

wine, kinds. Egyptian

Mareoticum, O. 1. 37. 14. Italian

Albanum, O. 4. 11. 2 ; S. 2. 8. 16. Caecubum, Epod. 9. 36. See note

on O. 1. 20. 9. Calenum, O. 1. 31. 9, 4. 12. 14.

See note on O. 1. 20. 9. Falernum, O. 1. 27. 9 ; S. 2. 4. 24.

See note on O. 1. 20. 9. Formianum. See note on O. 1 . 20.9. Massicum, O. 1. 1. 19, etc. ; cp.

note on E. 1. 5. 5. Sabinum, O. 1. 20. 1 ; cp. E. 1. 15.

Surrentinum, S. 2. 4. 55.

Veientanum, S. 2. 3. 143. age, O. 3. 14. 18 f. ; contrast Epod.

2. 47 ; O. 1. 19. 15. dating, O. 1. 20 introd., 3. 21. 1 ;

Epod. 13. 6; E. 1. 5. 3. bottling, ' dolium,' Epod. 2. 47 ;

' diffundere,' E. 1. 5. 4 : ' amphora,'

' cadus.' corking, O. 1. 20. 3, 3. 8. 10. storing, O. 3. 8. II, 3. 28. 7; S. 2.

5-7- mzxing, with water, O. 3. 19. II ; S. 1.5.7.

salt water, S. 2. 8. 15.

other vvine, S. 1. 10. 44.

vessels used for mixing and drink- ing, O. 3. 19. 11 ; S. 1. 6. 117, 2. 8. 35 : ciboria, O. 2. 7. 21 : cantharus,

0. 1. 20. 2.

drinking customs, ' arbiter bibendi,' O. 1. 4. 18, 2. 7. 25 ; S. 2. 2. 123,

2. 6. 68.

toasts, O. 3. 8. 13, 3. 19. 9. writing materials, pen and ink, S. 2.

3. 7; E. 2. 1. 113; A. P. 447. paper, S. 1. 4. 36 ; E. 2. 1. 113. parchment, S. 2. 3. 2 ; A. P. 389. ' stilus,' S. 1. 10. 72, 2. 1. 39. 'tabulae,' S. 1. 4. 15, 2. 5. 53; E. 2.

2. 110. Zeugma, O. 1. 14. 4, 1. 15. 7, 2. 13. 10, 2. 16. 33, 2. 19. 17 ; Epod. 2. 39 ; S.

1. 3. 103 ; E. 1. 16. 42. zona, E. 2. 2. 40.

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PA Horatius Flaccus, Quintus

6393 Opera omnia






