I > MBL/WHOI 0 0301 004bhM7 0 NATK >NAL ACADEMY OF SCIKNC'KS. Volume VIII. FOURTH MEMOIR. OPHIURA BREVISPINA. 79 As my name appears upon the title-page of this memoir, it is proper for me to state that my share in the work has been that of the instructor under whose direction the work has been done. The discovery that this Ophiuran is of peculiar interest and that it is unusually favorable for the study of the problems of the morphology of Echiuoderms, was made by Dr. Grave; and the results which are here detailed are his work. W. K. BKOOKS. 80 CONTENTS. Page. 1. Introduction 83 2. Historical sketch 84 3. Distribution and habits 84 4. Physiological notes 85 5. Early stages 87 6. Sta're "A.'' Origin of the anterior enterocreles 87 7. Stage "B." Origin of the liydrocirle 88 8. Sta^e "C." Closing of the blastopore and formation of the mouth 89 9. Sta"e "D." Eolation of the hydrocu'le completed 9G 10. Stage "E." Second pair tentacles formed 92 11. Stage "F." luvagiuatiun of the nervous system 94 12. Stage " G." Degeneration in the larval organ begun 95 13- Stage "H." Formation of subucural sinus 96 11. Relation of the larva to adult 96 15. Larva of Antedon rogacea and Ophiura brevispiua compared 98 16. Literature cited 98 17. 1 Ascription of figures 99 81 OPHIURA BREVISPINA. By W. K. BROOKS and OASWELL GRAVE. INTRODUCTION. During the summer of 1808 it was my privilege to occupy the table of the Johns Hopkins University in the United States Fish Commission laboratory at Woods Hole, and while here I rediscovered the peculiar Ophitiran larva, which was first found and figured by KROHN (7). Finding the larva? he described in the open sea KROHN did not know to what species they belonged ; but the larvre, the development of which is the subject of the greater part of this paper, came from eggs laid m aquaria by Ophlura brevispina. It is not likely that the same species of Ophitiran occurs both at Funchal, where KROHN did his work, and also at North Falmouth, where my material was obtained, but it is very probable that species belonging to the genus Ophiura have similar larval forms. Among Echinoderms, where a direct development from the larva to adult occurs, that is, without the usual highly specialized intermediate pelagic larva, we usually have to do with a species which in some manner takes care of its brood; but in O. brevispina the larv;e are free swimming, they being provided with a well developed locomotor apparatus, yet the usual Ophiurid pluteus larva is as completely omitted as it is from the life history of the viviparous Amphiilir«c<'«, which was given to it in 1865 by THEODORE LYMAN (8). In his earlier works LYMAN distinguished between <>. oUi'iin-n and 0. brevispina, but in his ChaUeniji'r report on the 0)>hiitri, and in this tangle the ophiuraus live, together with a great variety of crustaceans, molusks, and worms. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OK SCIENCES. 85 The usual color of the species is an olive green, with darker bunds on the, arms and sometimes with a clouded disk. Through the blending of their colors with the seaweed the ophiurans are greatly protected from their enemies, and it is difficult, even when looking for them, to see them among the seaweed so long as they do not move. It is quite common to find a small Amphipod crustacean clinging to the arms of dredged specimens, and from the structure of the crustacean it is probable that the two species live together commensally. What benefit either animal can derive from the association it is difficult to see. One pair of the thoracic legs of the crustacean is so modified as to form a structure beauti- fully adapted for clinging to the round ophiuran arms. The last segment but one of each of this pair of legs is Y-shaped. At the end of one arm of the Y is attached a movable segment, the end segment of the leg, which when shut down upon the end of the other arm of the Y incloses a triangular space in which the ophiuran arm is held. The body of the crustacean is colored and banded in such a manner as to simulate closely the color and banding of the ophiuran arms. When placed in aquaria with their host, the crustaceans cling to the ophiuran arms until the water becomes depleted of oxygen, when they leave the arms and swim about the edge of the dish apparently much alarmed. In examining the stomachs of the ophiurans one finds bits of other animals, such as crustacean appendages and the skeletons of young horseshoe crabs. From this it is probable that the crea- tures are scavengers, since an active crustacean would hardly be captured by so slow and poorly armed an animal as an ophiuran. None were ever observed to eat anything when kept in the laboratory, and it is quite out of the question to observe them in their natural habitat, since they are nocturnal animals remaining hidden during the day. The ophiurans were first examined for sexual elements early in June, and at that time the eggs were very large but. adhered closely together in the gonads. The sperm appeared to be fully formed but were nonmotile. From this time on until the middle of August the species was regularly watched and exam- ined, and on July 16 the first ripe eggs and sperm were obtained. A great number of specimens had that day been dredged and placed in aquaria dishes of fresh, filtered sea water. One week later a great number of adults were again brought in and placed under the same conditions as those which had spawned in the laboratory the week before, but this time very few eggs were obtained, and all subsequent attempts to get the ophiurans to spawn were unsuccessful. From this it would seem that the breeding season is extremely short.1 The time of day at which spawning occurred corresponds well with the time at which I have. noted it to take place in Ophiophilus aculeata and Ophiocoma echiiitttti, that is, between s and 10 o'clock p.. m. PHYSIOLOGICAL NOTES. The locomotor movements of an ophiurid, upon a casual observation, seem to consist of an uncoordinated writhing and twisting not calculated to bring the creature to food or a place of safety except by chance; but a more careful study shows them to be the result of an orderly and nicely coordinated mechanism. The rapid strides which characterize the movements of a brittle star are in strong contrast 1 During the summer of 1899, after this paper had gone to press, my experience with the species was very dif- ferent from the above. Specimens brought into the laboratory early in June threw eggs and sperm, but the eggs, after passing through the early segmentation stages, ceased to develop. The eggs were probably immature, and were spawned only because of the bad condition of the water in the aquaria, but spawning always occurred early in the evening at the time when it would have, occurred under normal conditions. Why unripe eggs should develop at all, or why eggs mature enough to begin their development should not be mature enough to complete it, is ail interesting question. This phenomenon was repeated every few days until July 26, when about one-fourth the number of eggs spawned developed into normal larvn-. This is ten days Inter than the date when eggs became mature at Woods lloll. From the fact that the water is much warmer at Beaufort than at Woods lloll one would expect to find the spawning season earlier at the latter place. 10396 li 86 MEMOIES OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. with the slow creeping movements of a starfish or sea-urchin, the difference being due to the employment of different locomotor mechanisms in the two cases; the starfish and sea-urchin depending entirely upon their tube feet and spines while in the ophiurids, the arms themselves are the efficient locomotor organs, they being used much as we use our arms in swimming. The arm of au ophiurid consists of u large number of segments, each of which contains a central calcarious ossicle. The calcarious ossicles of adjacent segments articulate witli each other like the vertebne of the spinal column, and are joined together by two pairs of muscles in such a manner that motion is possible in all directions. This mechanism is aided in producing the locomotion of the creature not only by the arm spines, where they are present, but by the foot tentacles. These latter organs, which are the homologues of the tube feet of other echinoderms, have been previously regarded as having given up their locomotor function entirely, but I shall show further on that this is not true in the genus Opliiiini. The experiments I carried on last summer on the movements of ophiurans resulted in little that is new, but on account of the confirmation my notes and photographs give to I'UEYERS' work (11) on the same subject, it has been thought advisable to publish them. In the usual method of progression one arm precedes, it taking no other part, apparently, than to point out the way; the two arms adjacent to and behind the anterior arm make the stroke; the remaining arms are dragged behind, acting as a rudder. Fio. 1. Fiii. 2. Flu. 3. Flu. 4. FIG. 5. No preference as to which arm should precede could be found in au adult ophiuran, each arm being equally capable of going before, making the stroke, or following behind. If greater speed is needed, for example, to get away from a strong stimulus, the arm which precedes may also take part in the stroke, its contractions being made simultaneously with those of the side arms. This added force, if produced repeatedly on one side, would soon change the course of progression, but this difficulty is overcome by au alternation of the stroke of the preced- ing arm, first on one side, then on the other (text fig. -). In a third method of normal locomotion the arms are arranged as is seen in text tig. f>, in which only one arm follows, acting as the rudder. This leaves two pairs of arms for the stroke, but the anterior pair is usually most vigorous in its contractions. Since no physiological differentiation into anterior, posterior, or lateral parts is to be found in ophiurids, the creatures are under no necessity of turning the body when a change in the direction of progression is to be made. The arm which finds itself pointing in the new direction to be traveled takes the lead, although it may have been either lateral or posterior in position in the previous movements. As has been mentioned before, the foot tentacles aid in making the strokes of the arms efficient in propelling the body. After a stroke has been made, while the arms are being drawn forward and extended for a new stroke, the tentacles can be seen moving actively about, but as the arms come to rest for the backward movement the tentacles are thrust down against the substratum and cease to move. The tentacles thus n't themselves into the inequalities of the surface and afford fixed points for the arms to pull against. The tentacles of the posterior arms act in the same way, and are efficient in preventing the force of the stroke being lost in side motion. In ophiurans with long arm spines these latter structures may perform the function just described for the foot tentacles, but iu the genus Ophiura the arm spines are very minute and closely applied to the sides of the arms. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 87 It is interesting to note the wonderful coordination of locomotor movements immediately following tlie amputation of three of the arms. In this case if the. nerve ring has been uninjured one of the remaining arms takes up the part of guiding and balancing, while the other strokes first on one side then on the other (text flgs. 3 and 4). When the central nerve ring is cut at any point the coordination in movement is impaired, and when cut in h' ve places, between the arms, it is lost entirely. When placed on its aboral surface an opliiuran quickly turns over. The method used is quite definite; two adjacent arms straighten out so that together they form a straight line. On these arms as an axis the body revolves, being pushed over by the three remaining arms, but mostly by the median one of the three. EARLY STAGES. The mature eggs are opaque and vary in color from an olive greoi to an orange yellow. Those of the same individual, however, are constant in their coloration. Until quite well developed the larva' retain the color which was on the eggs at the time they were laid. For echinoderms the eggs are very large, being 0.3 millimeter in diameter. Soon after they are fertilized the eggs throw off two membranes, the first of which is much thicker than the second. When first laid and during their early development the eggs float, but when their cilia are formed the larv;e are able to swim below the surface. As I did not know that any special interest would be, found in the life history of the species, I did not carefully observe the early stages while living, nor preserve material for future study, and as I have stated elsewhere, all later attempts to get other material were unsuccessful. This makes it necessary to begin this paper with the description of a late gastrnla in which the first pair of enterocreles have already begun to form as lateral pouches from, the anterior free end of the archeiiteron (figs. 1-3). Larv;e in this stage of development will be designated as "A." STAGE " A," 36 HOURS OLD. (Figures 1, 2, ami 3.) At the age of 36 hours the larvae swim actively, they being uniformly covered -with cilia (fig. 1). The shape of the larva? is an oval, the length being to the shorter diameter as 2 is to 1. The animal or anterior pole is slightly more pointed than the posterior vegetative one. The ventral surface is distinguished by the presence of the blastopore, which latter has been pushed from its posterior position to a ventral one by the rapid growth of the ectoderm of the dorsal surface of the larva. An apical plate of taller cells is present at the anterior end, but I could not see that the cilia at this point were any longer than those which cover the other parts of the larva (fig. 3, ap). From the blastopore, through which its cavity opens to the exterior, a large archenteron projects forward into the blastociele. The remainder of the blastocaile, not taken up by the archenteron or its pouches, is filled with a close network of mesenchyme cells. This meseuchyme tissue is shown in fig. 3, mes, which is a longitudinal sagittal section of "A." From the auterior free end of the archenteron a large pouch is in process of being cut oil'. This pouch projects to the right and left as horn-like processes, which latter are to be considered the rudiments of the right and left auterior euterocojles (fig. 2, aer and ael). As to the method of gastrulation 1 can not at present speak from observation on larva? in which it is just taking place, but from a study of the stage now under consideration some idea can be gotten as to how it has proceeded. In figs. 1 and 3 we see a cellular plug (cp) protruding from the blastopore and also extending far into the archenteric cavity. In some cases it extends even into the enteroccele pouch. The contour of this cellular mass is ragged, which is also true of both the outer and inner surfaces of the wall of the archenteron and the inner surface of the ectoderm. These facts seem to indicate that gastrulation does not take place by invagination, as is usual in eehiuoderuis, but that the larva before gastrulatiou is a solid, plaiiula-like affair, and later the 88 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. archenteron is formed by a splitting away of the central core. Ill the same way the plug of cells is probably formed by the hollowing out of the solid archenterou. Beside their ragged outline the walls of the larva have another peculiarity in their structure, for, judging by the number and position of the nuclei, they are from two to three cells in thickness (fig. 3). Cell walls are not distinguishable in any stage of development. STAGE " B," 42 HOURS OLD. (Figures 4 and 5.) According to BURY (2) the hydrocoele does not have the same origin in all the groups- of echinoderms. lie found that it originates in the crinoids, sea-urchins, and starfishes from the left anterior enteroctele, but in the ophiurids it grows out from the anterior end of the left posterior enterocoile. This observation, which BURY records with apparent hesitation, I can completely confirm, as will be seen in the description and figures of UB." Externally the appearance is the same as in "A," but the internal structures have undergone a great change. The anterior pouches, the cavities of which in "A" were connected both with each other and with the cavity of the archenteron, are now separate and distinct. The connection between these structures still continues, however, in their fused walls. The left pouch is a little larger than the right and lies behind and to the left of the latter (fig. 4, ael). Just below the anterior pouches there is to be found a third pouch, which is growing out from the left side and anterior end of the archenteron (fig. 4, hy). It protrudes anteriorly and partially covers the two anterior enterocujles. The cavity of this pouch, which is the rudiment of the hydroco'le, is in wide communication with the archenteron. From the wall forming the convex sides of the hydroco?le there are, even at this early stage in its formation, five outgrowths which are the beginnings of the radial canals of the adult ophiuran (fig. 4. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). The whole hydrocujle is curving round to the right to encircle the o?sophagus, which latter is making its first appearance in this stage as a shallow but definite pit in the central part of the ventral ectodermal wall (fig. 4, oe). To avoid confusion the hydroccele was spoken of above as arising from the archenteron, but, as will be seen in the transverse section (tig. 5), taken in a plane posterior to the origin of the hydroriL'le, a differentiation is taking place in the archenteron which enables us to distinguish in it the rudiments of two structures, the posterior enterocceles and the stomach. By a longitudinal circular furrow the archenteron is being cut horizontally into a large ventral pouch, the posterior enterocceles (pe) and a smaller dorsal one, the stomach (s). This stomach rudiment bends around the posterior end of the posterior euteroccele and opens to the exterior through the blastopore (fig- 4). It is from the left side and anterior end of the ventral pouch that the hydrociele grows out, hence the confirmation of BURY'S statement that it arises from the left posterior enterocffile in ophiurids. In most I'chiuoderms the posterior euterocoales originate as paired structures, and if the statements of BURY and McBRiDE are correct, that the left posterior eiiteroctele of the larva forms the hypogastric body cavity of the adult, and the right posterior enterocit-le goes to form the epigastric ccelom, then, according to this, the large ventral pouch, which I regard as the fused right and left posterior enteroctples, really represents the left only, because it takes no part in the formation of the epigastric body cavity of the adult ophiurid, but, with the left, does pass directly into the hypogastric. The origin of the epigastric enterocojle is discussed in the description of Stage " C," in which its rudiment is first found over the stomach. My reason for regarding the ventral pouch of " B " as the fused right and left posterior entero- cieles, is that at the time of its origin it is symmetrically disposed on either side of the plane of larval bilateral symmetry. MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. 89 GOTO (5), too, has shown that the hypogastric enteroco'le in the starfishes is not formed from the left alone, but in it are to be found the left and the greater part of the right posterior entero- cu-les. The cellular plug of cells, which in "A'' tills the archenteric cavity, becomes divided by the furrow which separates the archenterou into enteroecele and stomach and a part of it becomes inclosed iu the cavities of each of these structures (fig. 5, cp). STACK "C," 48 Horns OLD. (Figures 6, 7, and 8.) The external form of the larva, which in this series of embryos is six hours older than "B," has been changed by the appearance of two lateral thickenings of the, ectoderm a little posterior to the median transverse plane (tig. 0). The blastopore, which in "15" was open to the exterior, has closed, leaving no trace of its former position. The mouth and oesophagus, which existed iu "B" only as a shallow ectodermal pit, now have the form of a deep, hollow tube (figs. 0 and 7, m and oe), which projects vertically inward until it passes through the hydroco'le and beyond the posterior enterocoe.le, when it curves back under the latter to fuse with the anterior wall of the stomach. The stomach and posterior enteroccele are still iu open communication, as in "B,'1 but the furrow in "C" has deepened, and the process by which the two structures are being separated is almost complete (fig. 7). Although the walls of the (esophagus and stomach are fused, their cavities are still separate. This condition renders it easy to see just what part is played by the ectoderm in the formation of the alimentary canal, the entire cesophageal cavity being surrounded by ectoderm. In "B" the hydroccele communicates with the posterior enteroccele by a wide opening, and at the same point in " C " the two structures are still in communication, but the connection has been narrowed down to a small tube (fig. 7, he). Beside this connection with the posterior euterocoele, a second tube has been formed, joining the left anterior enterocoale with the hydroccele (fig. 7, st). This new tube, which is the rudiment of the stone canal, enters the hydrociele at the same point with the tube connecting the latter with the posterior enteroccele. The left anterior enterocoele lies to the left of the oesophagus, and dorsal to the left half of the hydrocnele (figs. 6 and 7, ael). It is to be noted that, although we now have a larva possessing both hydrocu-le and stone canal, there has been as yet no pore canal formed. This is a marked reversal in the sequence of the formation of these structures from what might be expected from the order of their appearance in other known echinoderms, the pore canal arising usually before the formation of the hydroccele, while the-stone canal appears much later than either. Returning to the hydroctele, we find it a horseshoe-shaped structure astride the oesophagus (tigs. G and 7, hy). The bulging areas which are to form the radial canals of the adult are much longer and more regular in size than in "B." The radial pouch, which lies to the right of the oesophagus and at the end of the right horn of the horseshoe, will hereafter be spoken of as radial canal 1, since it arises from that part of the hydroccele which was first to bud out from the posterior euterocoele. The other radial canals, passing to the left over the oesophagus, will be designated as 2, 3, 4, and 5. Radial canal 5 lies in this stage over the opening of the stone canal. The rotation of the hydrocoele around the oesophagus from its original left position, which was begun in "B," has continued to such an extent in "C" that half of it lies to the right of the median sagittal plane of the larva and half to the left. Radial canal 3 lies in this plane and points directly toward the anterior end of the larva (fig. 6). With its rotation the hydroccele also moves bodily toward the posterior end of the larva, carrying with it the (esophagus. The cesophagus, coming in contact with the anterior wall of the united posterior enterocceles, causes the latter to be pushed iu at the point of contact. As the process continues, those parts of the posterior enteiociples lying on either side of this in-pushing area are forced to How forward around the oesophagus and under the hydroccele; thus we have 90 MEMOIRS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. the posterior enterocu'les becoming horseshoe-shaped, the two horns of which lie under the horns of the hydrocu'le (tigs, f! and 7, he and hy). Lying dorsal to the stomach we find a small enteroco-le which was not present in "B," or if present, not in this position. It is the rndimeut of the body cavity, which in the adult lies aboral to the stomach and which has been recently appropriately termed the epigastric euterocu-le (figs. fl and 7, ee). As to the origin of this structure I have no direct observations to give, but certain facts have led me to believe that it is formed from the right anterior enterowele. These facts may be summed upas follows: In "15" no epigastric enterocu'le exists, but the two anterior en terocoeles (fig. 4, aer and ael) he side by side anterior to the stomach and the posterior enterocu'les. In " C " (figs. 0 and 7, ee) an epigastric pouch, equal in size to the right anterior enterocn-le of "B" is to be found, but by the side of the (esophagus only the left anterior enteroccele remains (figs. 6 and 7, ael). During the six hours which intervene between " B" and "C" it seems hardly possible that a complete formation of the epigastric enterocu'le should have taken place or that there should have been time for the complete degeneration and disappearance of the right anterior pouch; sufficient time may have elapsed, however, for the migration of the right anterior enterocodle to a position behind the stomach. Against such an interpretation as the above there is the fact that in no other case has the epigastric enterocu'le been observed to take its origin from the right anterior pouch. It has been described as arising from the right posterior enterocu'le, however, as has been referred to before, in all the groups by BURY, and his observations have been corroborated by both Me BRIDE and GOTO in the starfishes. STAGE "D," GO HOURS OLD. (Figures 9-14.) The changes which have taken place in "C" to produce "D" are very marked. The cilia have disappeared, except in four transverse rings or bands, three of which extend entirely around the body of the larva. The third ring, counting from the anterior end, is inter- rupted by the aboral disk on the ventral surface. This third ciliated ring first appears on the lateral bulges, which were described in "C," and the fourth ring appears on a second pair of lateral bulges which originate behind the first pair near the posterior end of the larva. The shape of the larva is no longer oval, but the posterior end has widened laterally and become somewhat dorso ventrally compressed (fig. 9). The anterior end has not changed in shape and may be thought of as forming the handle of the now club-shaped larva. The enlarged posterior end of the larva contains all its organs and is the part which will enter directly into the formation of the adult ophiurid. From its homology with the preoral lobe and larval organ ofAsterhm gibbona I have called the anterior end of the larva the larval organ. It disappears with the metamorphosis into the adult form. The larval organ is also homologous with the stalk of the Antedon larva, although in the ophinrid larva it never functions as an attachment organ. When swimming, the larval organ precedes. It is filled with a network of meseuchyme cells (fig. 11, mes). Internally the changes have been even greater than the external ones we have just considered, for it is during this period of development that the rotation and readjustment of organs takes place, which is present in all echinoderins at some stage of their development. The hydroccele, which has begun its rotation about the (esophagus as an axis in "C," has completed it in "D'' and reached its definite position. That part of the hydrocu-le which in "Cr was situated on the left of the plane dividing the larva into bilaterally symmetrical halves, now lies on the right side of the same plane and vice versa. (Compare figs. G and 9.) A revolution of 180° has taken place in the hydroccele since "C," to which if the 180° of rotation be added, which took place up to the time of "C," we have a total rotation of ,'360 ^ in the MEMOIRS OF TUB NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. hydrocn'le. Kadial pouch 1, linally, after having passed around tin- (esophagus, conies to rest at the point where it originated. Kadial pouch 5, it will be. noted, is carried only half as t'a as radial pouch 1, or from its point of origin on the left to a point opposite on the right of th< oesophagus. (Compare tigs, (i and 9, ( 1 ) and (5).) This great amount of rotation seemed so peculiar that I hesitated for some time to believe it, and was led to suppose instead that while the hydrocu-le moved to the right the other organs lying above it rotated an equal amount to the left. The early closure of the blastopore anil the central position of the mouth in the early stages make such a view as the latter seem possible, and as it may suggest itself to those who study figs. C and 7, 1 will give below the points which seem to me, directly or indirectly, to prove that the hydrocu-le revolves under the enterocieles and stomach, rather than that the latter twist over the hydrocu-le: (a) The ectodermal bulges, nearer the posterior end in "C" (tig. C), are the same as those nearer the posterior end of " 1>" (fig. 9), on which the third ciliated band is situated. (b) If the latter view is the correct one then radial canal 3 points toward the same end of the larva in both "C" and "D" (iigs. 0 and 9), but in "C" the end toward which it points is anteriorly directed in swimming and in "D" it points away from the end which precedes. It is hardly thinkable that in any stage in its development the anterior end of a larva should change its physiological function and become the posterior end. (c) By any other view than the one I have adopted the blastopore, or the point where it existed before closing, would be anterior and the larval organ posterior in position. In all known echinoderm larva?, however, the blastopore marks the posterior end, and in all cases where it occurs the larval organ originates from the anterior end of the larva1. (, four pouches of the hypogastric enterocude grow downward, outside the water vascular ring, forcing themselves between the radial canals; a fifth pouch, similar to those just described, is formed from the left anterior enterocci-le in the remaining interradius between radial canals 5 and 1 (figs. 9, 12, 13, and 14, hip 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, and ipax 5-1). These five pouches are the rudiments of the ouler periha-mal ring, which will be more fully considered in the succeeding stages. The stomach, after being entirely cut off from the hypogastric enteroccele, was drawn forward during the rotation of the hydrocoele, and the (esophagus was carried in the opposite direction, so that in " D " the stomach lies almost directly over the u-sopbagus (figs. 8 and 13, oe and s). The partition, which in "C" separated the cavities of these two structures, has disappeared in "D," and the cesophageal cavity opens into that of the stomach. There is present, then, in "D" the definitive alimentary canal of the adult ophinrid. The "cellular mass," which in "U" and "C" was being divided into two parts by the constriction separating the archenteron into enteroccele and stomach, is to be found, in sections of "D," in the cavities of both the above structures (figs. 11, 12, 13, and 14 cp). Lying immediately above, or aboral to, the stomach is to be found the epigastric euteroc <&v .• %v»i si =•- '•' ://,«* ***>€>' Fig. 11. Fie. '.• f.--,:^ •••«>*. :..',-^v Fig. 12. f?ic?% Fig. 9. Fig. 10. Fig. 13. MEMOIRS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. VOLUME VIM. PLATE II. •V. •••-••:•. ••'.• ,,-"•• Pig. 14. Pig. 20. Pig. 21. Pig. 15. Pig. 18. Pig. St. Pig. 16. Pig. 17. K. 33. Pig. 31. Pig. 34. MEMOIRS NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. VOLUME VIII. PLATE III. pig. Fig. 25. Fig. 22. Fie- Fig. 23. Fig. 28. Fig. 50. A,