COLLEGE "OF "DENTISTRY OF CALIFORNIA j OPTICAL PROJECTION OPTICAL PROJECTION A TREATISE ON THE USE OF THE LANTERN IN EXHIBITION AND SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATION BY LEWIS WEIGHT AUTHOR OF ' LIGHT : A COURSE OF EXPERIMENTAL OPTICS ' WITH 243 ILLUSTRATIONS FOURTH EDITION FIFTH IMPRESSION REVISED BY RUSSELL S. WRIGHT LONGMANS, GKEEN, AND CO, 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1906 •R All rights reserved PREFACE A.BOUT the year 1851 there was placed at my disposal a Lantern, of a character very unusual (at that time) for any boy of my age to possess a share in ; in fact it was one of Carpenter and Westley's * Phantasmagoria ' lanterns, unrivalled at that period of transparent sheets and sperm -oil. The result was that Optical Projection, in its various forms, has been with me more or less a hobby ever since ; less followed for some years during which pursuits of a more open-air character,1 for sufficiently serious reasons, engaged more of my attention, but never abandoned, and again and again returned to with renewed interest. Mere slides of course came first, but I soon discovered for myself that things could be pro- jected as well as pictures ; and for a long time past I have found much relaxation from my literary work, in reducing various optical and other physical experiments to conditions which enable an audience to behold them upon a screen, and in devising contrivances for making the beautiful phenomena of Polarised Light more spec- tacularly imposing. Since the publication of a little 1 Poultry-breeding. iv OPTICAL PROJECTION work treating Physical Optics from this point of view, ample evidence has been furnished that others have felt strongly the same fascination as myself in this class of experiments. The preparation of the following pages, as a treatise upon the more general use and manipulation of the Lantern through its entire range, in a manner that may suggest proper arrangements even where want of space or my own lack of detailed experience may prevent specific treatment, was not spontaneous on my part, but waa suggested to me by Mr. Herbert C. Newton. During years past I have spent very many hours associated with him — many of them actually in his company- engaged in contriving, perfecting, testing, or adjusting scientific optical apparatus ; often for myself, but more frequently for the use of others, and especially of colleges and public institutions. He was good enough to suggest on many occasions that a practical treatise from my pen, and embodying the results of my experience, would be of service ; in fact he has urged the task upon me with some persistence. Whether or not I have been able to add anything of value to such handbooks as were previously obtainable, must be left to the reader's judg- ment. But that is the real origin of this work; and it is best to state it frankly, because it will naturally account for such description as will be found hereafter of apparatus — microscopic and polariscopic in particular —which was worked out to the best of my ability with a primary view to being constructed by the firm which Mr. Newton represents, from whom I have received PREFACE v much kindness and assiduous care in my own personal requirements of this kind. Such apparatus, to express it briefly, is described here not as their apparatus, but as being in greater or less degree my apparatus, by contrivance, or selection, or modification, or personal connection with it in some way or other, even when not (as frequently the case) planned in the first instance for my own use. , But while it is best to state this quite simply, it will I trust be found that, beyond what thus became unavoidable as forming part of that very experience which is the basis of the whole, the subject has been treated so as to be of most use to all, and without any prejudice to other optical workshops of well-known character with which I do not happen to have been brought into the same personal contact. Except a very few articles or details which may be patented in various quarters, and which are well known to the trade and readily obtainable from the various manufacturers, the apparatus and arrangements here described are free to all. It is perfectly open to any reader to have them constructed by whom he chooses, with any improvements he can suggest ; while it is equally open to any optician to construct them as excellently, and sell them as cheaply — or the other way if he prefers — as he possibly can. I need only add to this explanation, that in the following pages the first person singular has been pur- posely adopted, as more simple and less really egotistic in a book of such necessarily strong individuality, than any vi OPTICAL PROJECTION other style would have been ; and that the frequent use of italics is not for emphasis in the usual sense, but chiefly as the easiest way of marking points it is desirable to distinguish with some clearness. I have to thank Messrs. Macmillan & Co. for permis- sion to use the greater part of the illustrations to my previous work, entitled ' Light : a Course of Experimental Optics,' and also the publishers of Professor Weinhold's ' Physikalische Demonstrationen ' (Leipzig) and Dr. Stein's ' Die Optische Projektionskunst ' (Halle) for many illustrations from those works. Most of the others are original ; but a few have also been taken from Ganot's ' Elements of Physics,' Prof. Forbes's ' Lectures on Electricity,' some articles by Mr. G. M. Hopkins in the ' Scientific American,' and Prof. Dolbear's * Art of Pro- jecting' (Boston). The very few experiments taken or adapted from the latter work, are owing to the fact that it is written with especial reference to projections with the heliostat, which is almost useless in this country. Many such arrangements I have found unsuitable for ordinary lantern use ; but where sunlight is available, Prof. Dolbear's treatise may be consulted with advan- tage. My grateful acknowledgments are finally due to my old friend and correspondent, the Eev. P. E. Sleeman, for reading the proofs of the last twelve experimental chapters, during which process several suggestions and additions of value have also found their way into those pages. LONDON : October 31, 1890. PBEFACE TO THE FOUKTH EDITION THE third edition of this book being exhausted, it was thought advisable to make some revision and to write a fresh Appendix, with a view to bringing it up to date. The Author was accordingly preparing to take the work in hand, and had already discussed with me as to the main points of the alterations, when, on December 16, 1905, his energetic and useful life was cut short by a fatal railway accident at Saltford, in Somerset. Many and widespread have been the expressions of sympathy with his family in their bereavement. From literally all over the world have come letters testifying to the respect in which he was held and to the loss which workers in many branches of science feel at his death. To me, his son and the companion and sharer in much of his experimental work, the loss is not only that of a revered and honoured father, but also that of a guide and adviser in much of my own scientific work. a viii OPTICAL PROJECTION It is under these sad circumstances that I have taken up the pen in order that, as nearly as possible, the fourth edition should be presented to the public as it would have been had the Author been spared to revise it. So far as possible I have preferred to leave my father's original work untouched, a few paragraphs slightly altered and a footnote here and there comprise all the alterations that have been made, and the bulk of the work has consisted in writing a new and fairly voluminous Appendix describing many of the more modern optical instruments. In doing so I have followed, so far as possible, my father's plan of including no instruments or experiments that I cannot speak of from practical experience. With hardly an exception every paragraph in the new Appendix has been written from my own personal knowledge. In a work of this class, dealing as it does with the easiest and most convenient way of handling apparatus, to do otherwise would be dangerous and unwise, and this must be my apology if omission has been made of any new appliances which should have been included. KUSSELL S. WEIGHT. June 1906. CONTENTS C HAPTER PAG a L 1 II. THE PARTS OF A LANTERN . . 13 III. THE EADIANT . 34 IV. THE LIME-LIGHT . . 42 V. PREPARATION OF GASES . 73 VI. COMPRESSED GASES , . 82 VII. THE OXY-ETHER AND OXY-CARBON LlGHTS . . 91 VIII. LANTERNS AND THEIR MANIPULATION . . 101 IX. SCREENS AND OTHER LANTERN ACCESSORIES . . 124 X. SLIDES, CARRIERS, AND EFFECTS . . 136 XI. ACCESSORY INSTRUMENTS . 145 XII. APPARATUS FOR SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATION . . 153 XIII. THE PROJECTION MICROSCOPE . 179 XIV. DEMONSTRATIONS OF APPARATUS, AND IN ME- CHANICAL AND MOLECULAR PHYSICS . . . 212 XV. PHYSIOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATION . 230 XVI. . 241 XVII. SOUND . 247 XVIII. LIGHT : EEFLECTION, EEFRACTION, DISPERSION, AND COLOUR 274 XIX. THE SPECTRUM 304 XX. -INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 321 XXI. LANTERN POLARISING APPARATUS .... 338 XXII. POLARISED LIGHT 349 XXIII. HEAT 385 XXIV. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY 394 XXV. SCIENTIFIC DIAGRAMS 411 APPENDIX ...,..,.. 417 INDEX ..... . 441 NOTE For the most recent information respecting various matters connected with Optical Projection, see Appendix at the end of the book. OPTICAL PEOJEGTION CHAPTER I ON PROJECTION 1. Definition. — Projection, in the optical sense and in this book, is the production of a picture or image — usually a magnified image — upon some kind of screen or visible plane, generally by means of a lens. The image may be that of a picture, or of some solid object or piece of apparatus. It is manifest that the excellence of the projection — that is, the brightness and distinctness of the picture on the screen — must depend upon many practical conditions, which are to be treated of in these pages. But first of all it is essential that the nature of the problem itself be really understood, if the best result is to be obtained with the apparatus at our disposal. 2. Image not formed by the Lens. — The reader would probably gather from most of the treatises upon optics, that the image on the screen which he has to produce is formed by the lens ; but that is not true, except in a very secondary sense. The first and cardinal truth for an intelligently successful demonstrator to grasp, is the fact that all power of really forming ' an image resides in those rays of light themselves by which any object is visible to us. Starting with, and here taking for granted without need- 2 OPTICAL PROJECTION less discussion, the almost self-evident fact that objects are visible by means of rays of light which they either emit of themselves (as in a gas -flame) or reflect back from some other luminous source (as in an object lighted up by the gas-flame), all we need assume here is that these rays are sent out in straight lines, in all directions which are open in space, continuing to travel in straight lines so long as they traverse the same medium, as the air, for instance. This is a familiar fact of experience, as shown by sunbeams or rays from the lantern. Now it is the fact that every ray which thus proceeds from any point of any object, really forms an image of that point of the object upon any surface on which it falls; and it should be clearly understood that if the mere bare rays of light, by themselves alone, had not this power of forming images which is here affirmed, all the lenses in the world could never do it. Not being very self-evident, this fact should be realised by experiment. 3. All Rays form Images. — As the reader will possess a lantern of some sort, this will afford the readiest demonstra- tion. Place a slide in the stage, choosing one which has some well-marked and large features, and is tolerably trans- parent in the rest, and throw the image on the screen as usual ; such as is seen every day, and which is supposed to be formed by the lens in front of the lantern. We now take that lens out, and there certainly appears to be no image upon the screen, though the rays from the illuminated slide stream out to it in plenty, and the screen is lighted up well enough, and there may be signs of colour if it is a coloured slide. But let us consider a moment. The rays of light can go now from every point of the slide alike, to any one point on the screen ; therefore what we see now at any point on the screen will be the total of these superposed images, of all the points in the slide, from which no one stands out particularly. But we can stop all that easily. Cover over the empty brass front with a sheet of tinfoil, and in the centre of this prick a hole ON PROJECTION with a large pin. It is different directly. Because all the rays are straight lines, only the small bundle of rays which the pinhole allows to pass from one point of the slide, can now get to any one point on the screen, and no others can get there. Simply to secure this is all that has been done ; but now it is quite another story, and it will be seen that the bare rays of light, without any lens, do form an image of the slide plainly enough. It will be found that the light will have to be drawn back somewhat from its usual position in the lantern to get the best effect, and especially to make the edges of the picture visible clearly. The reason for this will appear in § 6. It will be under- stood at once how the rays crossing at the pinhole, as in fig. 1, go from the bottom of the slide to the top of the screen, and from the right to the left, so that the image must be in- verted, and we have to place the slide upside down in the lan- tern to make the image come right. And it will also be seen how and why the relative size of the image on the screen depends upon the ratio between the distance of the object, o, from the pinhole, A (fig. 1), and that of the screen-image, I, from the same point. The image before us is but dim, because so few rays can pass through the pinhole to form it.1 Prick four more holes at equal distances, half-an-inch out from the central hole. i With a mixing jet, an ordinary landscape slide can be made clearly visible on a 12-feet disc, and with a blow-through jet 8 or 9 feet. With oil- lamps a somewhat smaller disc must suffice if the image is to be seen dis- B2 FIG. 1 4 OPTICAL PROJECTION With each we get another image, and it will be seen how they confuse each other ; while if we stop all the others each one is distinct, and each of the last four is outside, on the screen, that from the central hole. It will now be understood instantly, that if we could bend in the rays which form the four outside images, so that they would fall exactly on the same spot as the central image, we should have again but one and a distinct image, but five times as bright as from one pinhole. 4. Use of the Focussing Lens. — To do this is the sole operation of the focussing lens, in a lantern or any other form of projecting apparatus. We can bend rays of light easily, by sending them at an angle through the surface of some other medium of greater (or less) density than the air ; and the greater the angle at which the ray strikes the denser medium, the more it is bent ; the amount of ' refraction ' at lifferent angles being connected by a simple law which need not be discussed here. We only need to remem- ber, that on entering the denser medium the ray is bent in towards the perpendicular, and in leaving the denser me- dium away from it. If, then, we have a piece of glass with inclined faces, called a prism (fig. 2), to whose faces the dotted lines N.I and N E are perpen- diculars or * normals,' 1 the ray s i will be bent towards the normal, to the path i E, and on leaving the prism will be similarly bent away from E N to E R. Thus it is permanently bent in, or rofracted, towards the thick side of the prism. 1 All angles in optics are reckoned from the perpendiculars or normals, not from the surfaces themselves. ON PROJECTION 5 A convex or focussing lens must act in the same way, because it is a piece (or combination of pieces) of glass formed so as to be thickest in the middle, the faces gradually becoming more and more inclined till they go off to an edge. It is a circular prism, of gradually-increasing inclination towards its edges. If we place such a lens in a beam of parallel rays, as from the sun, it is easy to see what must happen. The centre ray, striking the glass perpendicularly, proceeds straight on unrefracted. The next outer rays, meeting the glass at a small angle, are a little bent in towards the centre or thickest part. Then rays farther out from the centre are — more, bent in, because they strike the surfaces at a greater angle ; and FlG<3 so the whole beam of rays meet practically in one point, F (fig. 3), which is the ' focus ' for parallel rays, or ' principal focus.' This is the well-known phenomenon of a burning-glass. v Take the converse, however ; if the rays diverge from the luminous point F at this focus of the lens, they are refracted just the same, being converted into parallel rays. Suppose, however, that the rays diverge from a point, /, farther away FlQ. 4 from the lens than its principal focus, F (fig. 4). What must happen then is, obviously, that all the rays diverging from the point / will be bent in so as to meet again in some other point, Fa, on the other side of the lens, which point must have 6 OPTICAL PROJECTION some fixed distance related to the other distance, according to the refractive power of the glass. It is accordingly called the conjugate focus of the point/. Here we have exactly what we wanted to get — a brighter image. To make it more clear, take both the slide and the condensers also out of the lantern, leaving only the perforated tinfoil with its five holes, and let the object be the light in the lantern itself, because its images will be both brighter, and will stand out obviously apart upon the screen. Now take a lens ! in the hand, and hold it close to the tinfoil. At once the outside images will be bent in towards the centre one, and a position will be readily found in which all are exactly made to fall on one spot. Finding that position, and placing the lens there, is ' focussing ' the lens. This image is obviously five times as bright as the original one, and if now the lens can be supported in that position, we may prick any number of holes, and break away the tinfoil altogether, and it makes no difference except to further brighten the image ; because in the same way all the images formed by every ray are bent in to the same point, and unite their brightness .in one. This is the only action of a projecting lens. People talk, and even write, as if it formed the image, or inverted the image ; but it does nothing of the kind. The rays themselves form the images ; and their crossing at the place where the lens is, inverts the image ; and all the lens does is to bend into one spot the rays (forming images) which fall upon its surface, and so to combine countless faint and jumbled images into one bright and clear one. That is the true nature of Optical Projection. This much being experimentally realised, several very important principles at once become clear. First of all, it 1 This lens must be of somewhat longer focus than the distance from the light to the tinfoil, or the light must be pushed up to the front so as to malca ihat distance less than the lens focus. ON PROJECTION 7 will be seen that for any given distance of the lens from the slide or object, there can be but one distance from the screen which will properly unite all the ray-images in one. Hence, if we want to produce images under various conditions, or of various sizes, it becomes necessary to have several focussing lenses. Further consideration and experiment will establish the fact that, with a fixed object and a fixed screen, there are two positions in which the lens will pro- duce an image, the focal distances being the same in each case, only reversed. The lens may be near the object, and produce an enlarged image ; or nearer the screen, and produce a diminished image. We have the first case when a photo- graphic lens is used in a lantern : the second case when the same lens is used in a camera. In almost all cases it is the first kind of focussing which is used in projection. Secondly, it is plain that the distinctness of the projection will depend upon the perfection with which the lens bends in all the ray-images to precisely one spot. Unfortunately, it will be found that a simple lens, made of one piece of glass, does not perform its office perfectly. The different colours — be they evident, or only as existing in white light — are not refracted alike, the blue rays being bent in to a shorter focus than the red ones : this is called the ' chromatic ' aberration. And the rays striking the edges of the lens are also bent in to rather a shorter focus than those passing through its centre : this is called its ' spherical ' aberration. Also, the outer parts of the image tend to a shorter focus than the centre part : another form of spherical aberration. Where great distinct- ness of image is necessary, as in a lantern for exhibiting views or diagrams, we have to correct these faults by constructing compound lenses made of different kinds of glass, with or without air-spaces between. We may also use a diaphragm or limiting stop, cutting off the worst of the marginal rays, which is often done in lanterns. But in most experimental projections, where only broad features have to be made visible, 8 OPTICAL PROJECTION simple lenses answer every purpose, and are preferable because they stop less light ; some being lost at every piece of glass by reflection from its surfaces, and by absorption in its substance. For, in the third place, it will be manifest that the brightness of a projection must depend upon utilising in our final image a sufficient number of luminous rays. If we regard the rays proceeding from an object as equally luminous in every direction, the number of rays collected must obviously depend solely upon the size of the lens, and its distance from the object when focally adjusted : the brightness of the image will, however, further depend upon the screen-distance. By a very simple and obvious law, the light falling on a lens must diminish as the square of its distance from the object; and that on the screen, in the inverse ratio of the surface of the lens and that of the superficies covered by the rays on the screen ; both depending, as we have already seen, upon the focus of the lens. Hence comes the utility of large lenses, which are highly advantageous for many physical experiments in projection, as we shall see. But it by no means follows that a large lens will give more luminous results in every case ; for the result depends upon collecting an adequate number of luminous rays, and it is by no means to be taken for granted that the rays emitted from an object are equally luminous in all directions : it may rather be the case that all which are luminous enough to afford us much help towards our final image, are confined to a very limited range. To understand this is the last essential point in the problem of projection. 5. Use of a Condenser. — We have already had a proof and example of this. When we first removed the lens and pricked a hole in the tinfoil, the margin of the image of the slide was not illuminated, and we had to draw back the light considerably from its usual position before we could make it so. The slide itself was amply illuminated, we know, for with the lens the image ON PROJECTION g was all that could be desired. The fact must be, therefore, that the more luminous rays from the edge of the slide, while they fell upon and got through the lens, did not get through the pinhole until we drew back the light. Let us investigate this further. With the slide in the lantern, leave the lens in its place ; but this time remove the condensers instead. The slide itself is now very nearly as brightly illuminated as before ; but only the centre of the picture is at all bright upon the screen, and we have again the dark margin, all the more striking by contrast with the bright centre. Considering this, we begin to understand the state of the case. Our slide is very greatly transparent. (It is not wholly so, or there could be no picture of it, nor FIG. 5 could we see it.) Now, any imperfectly transparent object scatters light falling upon it, and in this way sends out some rays in all directions open in space. But the greater part of the luminous rays which strike on it do go straight on from the light in the lantern, or continue diverging ; and as regards far the greater part of the luminous rays, therefore, the case stands as in fig. 5. Those passing from the radiant, B, through the outer part of the slide, s, pass outside the lens, L, and give no light to the final image ; the lens only picks up from the margin of the slide the few comparatively dim ' scattered ' rays. On the other hand, a central cone of bright direct rays does get to the lens, L, and forms a good image of the central portion of the slide. The properties of a lens already indicated, suggested long to OPTICAL PROJECTION ago the remedy for this, in the shape of a * condenser ' — viz., a lens used in this case merely to bend in the illuminating rays, till they are brought to strike within a given area, or as nearly so as possible. Taking the same case as before, suppose we place immediately after the slide, s, a large convex lens, 0 (fig. 6), which more than covers it. If this lens is of suitable focus, the outer part of the luminous cone, which before diverged uselessly in the directions B A, R B, is bent in so as to pass through the focussing lens, L. The consequence is that there is now a bright image of the whole of the slide. This is not the best position for the condenser, because it both impairs the sharpness of the image (which has in a FIG. 6 manner to be focussed through it) and it leaves the slide so near and exposed to the heat of the light. But it is men- tioned first, because it actually was the position first given to the condenser, and still used in those ' toy ' lanterns which are copied by toy-makers from generation to generation ; and still more, because it shows us that the common view of the function of a condenser is a mistake. It is usually stated in books upon this subject that this function is to ' condense ' the greatest number of luminous rays upon the slide. That is not so at all ; this object could be obtained, as in the above arrangement, by placing the slide itself near enough to the source of light. It is not to condense rays upon the slide, but to converge the luminous rays so that they shall pass ON PROJECTION ii through the focussing lens ; and to understand this is most necessary to any successful projection which may be the least out of the beaten track. We shall see hereafter that, for want of understanding this, even slides and diagrams are often badly shown, and unnecessary expense is often incurred. This understood, however, it is obvious that a much better arrangement in several respects must be to interpose the condensing lens between the slide or object and the light, as in fig. 7. The otherwise wasted divergent rays E A and E B are still bent in so as to pass through the focussing lens, L ; but a large part of the heat is borne by the lens c, and the slide or apparatus so far shielded ; and the focussing lens, L, ,8 FIG. 7 has no distorting medium between it and the object. This, therefore, is the arrangement now always used in instruments of a serious kind. 6. Management of the Rays. — We now understand exactly why the margin of our slide in the first experiment was not illuminated upon the screen, until the light was drawn back from its usual position. There was a condenser, and the rays were sufficiently converged to pass through the lens — say a circle of two inches diameter — in the usual manner. But they were not sufficiently converged for any appreciable rays passing through the margin of the slide, to pass through the small central pinhole. By drawing back the light, they were 12 OPTICAL PROJECTION made more convergent so as to do this. We thus learn that for a successful projection, especially of apparatus, the position of the condenser relative to both the light and the object, and to the focussing lens, is almost as important as that of the latter ; and may have to be varied materially, according to any of these circumstances. All the parts of the optical system must be so arranged that (1) as many rays as possible may be made to pass through or fall upon the slide or object ; and (2) also pass through the projecting lens. But it is further necessary that the rays should not be more converged than will cause them to pass through the lens. For lastly, we can hardly help seeing that the rays proceeding in fig. 7 from the slide s to the projecting lens L, must be considered in a double character. From the focussing or projecting point of view, they must be regarded as bundles of image-forming rays diverging from every point of the slide s to the surface of the lens L. On the other hand, from the illuminating point of view, we must regard them as converging bundles of rays proceeding from the condenser c to the lens L. It is natural to suppose that this dual character might lead to some want of sharpness or definition in the focussed image. In ordinary lantern arrangements, and in exhibiting slides, this is not sensibly the case, because any ray from each point in the slide, to any point on the lens, forms an image on the same spot of the screen ; and thus the luminous rays are identical with the chief image-forming rays. But in movable projecting arrangements, the matter is of the greatest im- portance. Thus, the light might be so drawn back from the condensers as for all the rays to pass through the slide, and then actually converge and cross before entering the focussing lens.1 All the light would then still pass through the lens, and would reach the screen in some form or other ; but such violent crossing would blurr the image and spoil the even 1 I have seen this mistake made repeatedly in physical demonstration, especially with the electric light. ON PROJECTION 13 illumination of the ' disc ' (or lighted area) on the screen. And in microscopic projection, where definition in the image is so much more severely tested, it often becomes necessary practically to ' focus ' the light itself upon the object, in order that the rays diverging again from that focus as from a new point, and the image-forming rays from the object itself, may practically coincide. Such are the elementary principles and conditions of Optical Projection. Simple as they may seem, for want solely of a due understanding of them, many demonstrators never half develop the powers of their apparatus. This does not apply only to so-called itinerant lecturers ; for I have repeatedly seen polarisation and other physical phenomena projected, with the most elaborate electric -light apparatus, at what are considered the very head-quarters and principal arenas of scientific exposition, in a manner inferior to what I had been accustomed to obtain with only oxy-hydrogen illumination. These principles are the essential key to the whole of what follows; and both excellence of apparatus, and success in using it, depend upon their being thoroughly grasped, in the first place by the optician, and in the second place by the operator who uses the apparatus which the other has con- structed. CHAPTER II THE PABTS OF A LANTEEN A LANTEEN is an optical apparatus so arranged, with all its parts approximately fixed in their places, that pictures or apparatus can be exhibited on a screen with the least and most convenient manipulation. In this place we will consider only the exhibition lantern, for the projection of slides or diagrams, leaving other apparatus for separate consideration in a chapter devoted to experimental lanterns. M OPTICAL PROJECTION 7. Parts of a lantern.— The diagram (fig. 8) of one of the simplest forms of lantern, once general, but now generally confined to mere toy instruments conveniently represents the es- sential parts, which we will con- sider singly. These are (1) the light L, which may or may not be supplemented by a reflecting mirror M. This, as it is the original source from which all illumination is derived, while the word * light ' may need to be used in other senses, it will Fia* 8 be convenient to distinguish as the radiant ; and as it forms no part of the lantern itself, and various kinds of radiants are often employed in turn in the same lantern (as when an experiment is worked out in a small way with a lamp, and afterwards publicly performed by the oxy- hydrogen light), we will postpone it for treatment separately, and pass on here to other details. These are (2) the lantern- body B, with its chimney or heat-vent. (3) The condenser c. (4) The stage for slides or diagrams, s. (5) The focussing lens, objective, or power, p. All improvements in lanterns relate to one or other of these parts. 8. The Body. — This has two purposes : 1, to support and keep in due relation the other parts ; and 2, to prevent any light not utilised in the projection from scattering about the room and impairing the effect. Japanned tin or sheet iron is the simplest and cheapest material, and when economy is an object, will really perform as well as anything else, provided the optical parts of the apparatus are equally good. Thus, a tin bi-unial will do all that the most expensive body can ; or an experimental lantern made in this cheap way for a science school, will come short in no part of the demonstration, and may be within reach when a more expensive one would not THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 15 be so. But besides the want of appearance, there is the ob- jection to a simple metal body that it becomes very hot, and may manifest this fact very suddenly and unpleasantly when any manipulation is necessary. For this reason all the better lantern bodies are made of wood, lined with an iron or tin casing supported at a small distance from the wood, so as to keep the outer body cool. The shape of a single lantern body may vary a great deal, and has some connection with the radiant employed. With Argand lamps (either gas or oil), which require a tall glass chimney, a body is still employed (almost of necessity) rather tall in proportion; and the earlier lime-light lanterns were similarly made, from custom. But the introduction of tho Sciopticon form of lamp caused a revolution in the form of body also. There being no wick chimney, the tall chimney of the flame chamber was attached to the lamp itself, and the body of the lantern was lowered. All lanterns of the edge- wick class are now made with low bodies ; and the same are found ample for the lime-light. The wood of the body should be perfectly plain and sound in grain, old and well-seasoned. Any ' ornamentation * is out of place, as will be remarked upon again. Where exhibitions may have to be made in various places, it is of some importance to have a door on both sides of the lantern. Most people work from the right side (as the lantern faces the screen), but this is not always possible, especially with experiments. In all lanterns used with the lime-light, each door should be furnished with a sight-hole glazed with dark blue glass, through which the state of the lime can be examined without dazzling the eye. For a lantern used only with paraffin oil, sight-holes are useless, the flame being examined through a sight-hole at the back of the lamp. The back of the body also demands a word. For Argands, it is closed in entirely. For paraffin lamps it needs little con- sideration, the lamp itself being closed in, with the exception 16 OPTICAL PROJECTION of the small blue sight-hole. For the lime-light, there ig usually a perpendicular slot sufficient for the passage back and forward of the tray-pin which carries the jets (figured in Chapter IV.) and enlarged at the bottom for the jet itself, and for the tray. Usually little light comes through these open- ings ; but with a powerful light it is unpleasant, and mars the effect. When this is found to be the case, two small brass eyes should be screwed into the back, near the top corners, into which drop the two ends of a wire bent as in fig. 9. On this semicircular wire is hung, by small rings or a broad hem, a curtain of black cloth, which quite stops the stray light, while allowing the jets to be got at readily. The top and chimney also claim a word. Paraffin lanterns have open tops, but, if also used for lime-light, a cover mus^ be provided. Argands need a tall chimney ; but for lime-light lanterns such have quite gone out, and a short cowl on a bulged top is generally used, as shown in the tri-unial figured on page 119. If this has to be packed inside the lantern, it is very dan- gerous to the condensers, unless carefully wrapped in cloth ; therefore, if the lantern-box will not contain it in situ, the cowl should be so tapered that it will drop upside down into its flange or socket, which can also be reversed on the top of the lantern. It is very much better to make the top (always of sheet iron) flat, and the top of its quite shallow cowl also flat. This saves space and manipulation to begin with, but has a more important advantage. In experimental work it is often necessary to warm fluids and objects, and the flat heated top offers a convenient means for doing this. Even in slide exhibition, every exhibitor knows the difficulty en- countered from ' dew ' upon his slides on a cold and foggy night. Such a flat top offers to him, also, a handy means of THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 17 warming his slides. If the plate itself is too hot to lay them upon, they can be readily supported on three small slabs of wood or cork. Opticians have long been behindhand in this respect, and such a low flat top has only to be known to be universally approved of. In the United States, lanterns are sometimes made with no rigid body at all. One such which was purchased there, and used in this country by the late Mr. E. A. Proctor for his lectures, had for its base a light metal quadrangle supported on four short pillars at the corners. The front alone, carrying the lenses, was hinged to this, and a light body fitted on the base behind like the tilt of a waggon. Another common American plan (shown hereafter in Chapter XII.), is to hinge the front to the base in the same way as just described, to add two light pillars behind, on which and the front is supported a sheet-iron top, and to form the sides of black cloth curtains. The arrangement may occasionally be useful for its lightness, and for packing into a small space ; but so far I have met with none who liked it in this country, in comparison with the more solid English bodies. 9. The Condenser. — The use of this has been explained. A single lens is, however, only used in toy lanterns. The object is to take up as wide an angular pencil of rays from the radiant as possible, and send them through the objective. A single lens, to do this, must be of such thickness as to lose much light by absorption ; and moreover the chromatic and spherical aberration would be excessive. The use of two or more lenses accomplishes the object with a moderate thick- ness of glass, and also allows a large part of the aberrations to be corrected. Fig. 10 shows the principal forms of double condensers which have been used. Two double convex lenses, c, were used by Messrs. Carpenter & Westley in the early phantas- magoria lanterns, and for many years afterwards, till very lately, in the electric lanterns of M. Duboscq. They aro C 18 OPTICAL PROJECTION abandoned now, because the aberrations are very imperfectly corrected, and there is loss oi light by reflection at the edges, the curve increasing the angle of incidence. The two meniscus lenses of D were better, but never came into general use, being superseded by F, a meniscus and double convex, with the meniscus towards the radiant. This is known as the Herschel condenser, being in general form modelled on a burning-glass designed by Sir John Herschel, and was long reputed to be free from spherical aberration, though it was afterwards discovered that this supposition was due to an error in calculation. As a burning-glass, however, such a pair does give exceedingly good results ; and, correspondingly, is excellently adapted for converting the light from a luminous Fro. 10 point into a parallel beam. The light from a lantern has however to be converged, except in optical experiments ; and therefore this condenser is not so superior for lantern use ; but it does well for lanterns used with the lime-light alone, and is largely employed for such ; for larger radiants, like lamps, it is not well adapted. Its best form is that devised by Gravett, shown at a, where the meniscus next the light is made rather smaller, and the second lens is of flatter curve on the inner face. Optically, this is a very good condenser for the lime-light, its principal defect being that the bulging front prevents slides being brought up close to the margin, and hence somewhat diminishes the size which can be illumi- nated by a condenser of given diameter. THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 19 The condenser at E, consisting of two plano-convex lenses, was also used by Herschel, was adopted by Mr. Marcy for his Sciopticon lamp, and is the best form for all large and hot radiants. Such lamps have to be placed at a greater distance from the condensers to avoid cracking them, and are generally used with short focus objectives ; the two cones of light being thus more alike in angle, two such lenses represent pretty well the optical conditions. When properly modified, this form is equally adapted for the lime-light, and is now the most usual condenser found in good lanterns. 10. Correction of the Condenser.— For oil lanterns the plain form shown at E, of two similar lenses, cannot be improved. Optically, it would be better that the lens next the lamp should be rather deeper in curve, but the great heat makes this undesirable. With the lime-light it is different, and in considering the very best form, it is well to understand the principles upon which the correction of aberrations depends. This has been very familiarly explained in the diagram, fig. 11, by Mr. Eobert Bow. Here D E re- presents the upper half of a plano-convex lens, the faint line h e the outline of a double convex lens in contact with it, and de a meniscus lens of the same focus. Consider now the different effect of these two latter upon the spherical aberrations, due to the fact that the marginal rays are brought to a shorter or closer focus than the central rays. It is quite plain that the focus F of the central rays, A A, will be almost exactly the same in the two arrangements — we may practically consider that a fixed point. But with the marginal rays, B B, it is different. Tracing the top one, B D, let us suppose that the lens h re- 02 20 OPTICAL PROJECTION fracts it to /2: then the distance between F and /2 repre- sents the aberration of the D h combination. But, owing to the curvature, away from the lens D, of the meniscus d, the marginal ray passes through d nearer the centre than through h, and consequently its second refraction by such a lens is less on that account ; the same ray also passes through the meniscus at a less angle of incidence, which in another way also reduces the second refraction. Consequently, the marginal focus is lengthened, and the aberration is reduced to the distance from P to /. The main factor in this correction is the bending away from each other at the margins of the two lenses, which is obtained equally in the double piano form, and explains its superiority to the two double convex lenses, c, fig. 10. But it will be evident that the other condition, of ' minimum devia- tion ' at the margin, is only ap- proximated to when the curves or thicknesses of the lenses are in some proportion to the foci on each side of the condenser (i.e. the position of the radiant, and the position of its image on the other side of the condenser). Hence, for a lime-light condenser, the lens next the radiant should be of considerably deeper curve, the two lenses taking the form of fig. 12 rather than of E in fig. 10. Then the spherical aberration F/ will also be comparatively smaller. A thicker lens, however, is more in danger of cracking from the heat ; therefore, as it will be obvious that a somewhat smaller diameter at d d will collect all the bundle of diverging rays which can reach the second lens, D, this fact should be taken advantage of, in order to reduce its thickness while keeping the deeper curve (see fig. 13). All things considered, I regard this as practically the best THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 21 model for a lantern condenser. Some opticians — including Mr. Dallmeyer — prefer to make the lens next the slide a ' crossed ' lens ; but practically there is no advantage in this, and it (slightly) diminishes the size of the slide which a given condenser will cover, as already indicated. There remains to consider the chromatic aberration ; for of course the margin of a lens acts precisely like a prism, and makes the different colours diverge into a spectrum, as is easily seen by experiment. Now these diverging rays from the first lens, falling on the second lens, are by it more or less converged, like any other rays diverging at the same angle. The amount of this convergence is greater, the farther the rays are allowed to proceed before convergence by the second lens ; the conjugate foci are altered in relation to each other, as in other cases. Hence there is one particular distance at which the differently- coloured rays dispersed by the first lens are made approximately parallel by the second lens for a given posi- tion of the radiant ; and at this distance between the lenses, the condenser becomes very nearly achromatic, only the nar- rowest line of colour being visible at the extreme edge of the illuminated disc. The exact posi- tion is a matter of experiment or calculation for a given glass ; but practically, in a condenser of the kind here described, the clear dis- tance between the lenses is usually between a quarter and three- eighths of an inch for a four-inch condenser. Such a condenser is shown in fig. 13, and will work " pm 13 exceedingly well through a wide range of foci. For constant long-focus work — say with objec- tives over ten inches focus — the second lens may be a ' crossed' lens, with the deepest curve insid.e, but for all-round work, two planes will be found best, as the slide may be brought close 2i OPTICAL PROJECTION up. For much long-focus work, an extra condenser (also of longer focus), gives the best result. For all usual exhibition purposes the ordinary double-piano, with the lenses in contact, answers very well ; and it is only for sharp detail in the best class of photographic slides, or when it is desirable to utilise the field as far as possible up to the very edge of the disc— as in square or cushion slides — that such optical refinements acquire importance. 11, Practical Points in Condensers. — Condensers are usually made of crown glass, density about 1*516. This answers perfectly for ordinary purposes ; but for the highest glass of modern exhibitions, which have to cover large screens of twenty to thirty feet diameter, sometimes at great distances, it is objectionable, as the green colour absorbs light which can ill be spared in such circumstances. Chance's ' optical ' flints, of course, leave nothing to be desired in this respect, but condensers so made are very expensive ; in some cases, however, they are worth while, as the glass is both more colourless, and the lenses are thinner for the same focus. A more common flint would answer practical purposes, and it is desirable that some colourless glass should be introduced if possible, rather than green crown. This need not make them so very much more expensive ; for while ' optical ' flint must be homogeneous, and is usually wanted dense, for a condenser, a perceptible amount of stria is of little practical importance, and density is not required, only colourlessness. It is utterly useless to pay the cost of optical perfection in a condenser for any ordinary purposes. A perceptible bubble in the lens next the slide, however, would be a defect of importance, probably showing as a black spot. It is very likely that many purchasers would reject a colourless lens with perceptible striae, rather than a crown lens which showed none ; nevertheless there can be no question that the first would be the better condenser, unless the striae were excessive. The point most commercial condensers chiefly fail in, THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 23 however, is that the lenses are not ground thin at the edges ; nearly all lantern -makers being far too careless in this respect. Not only is a needlessly thick lens much more likely to crack, and more absorbent of light, but it is distinctly worse in optical performance. The lenses should be ground to as nearly knife-edges as possible, being only just edged down for fixing into their cells. Both lenses should be mounted so loosely in their brass cells, that they can be turned round with the fingers, else they may crack merely from expansion when heated, and they often become hotter than the hand can bear. Holes must be pierced in the margin of the cell, to allow of the escape of the aqueous vapour which always forms when the lantern is first lit. Only the back lens ever cracks from heat alone. If the crack be irregular, the lens must be replaced ; but it often happens that the crack is quite straight across a diameter, in which case the cracked lens will answer perfectly well if the crack is arranged perpendicularly, and the operator may feel certain that his lens will never crack again. 12. Size of Condensers. — The best general size of con- densers is 4 inches diameter next the slide. The standard size of slides is 8J inches square, and 4 inches will cover 1 cushion ' slides on such square of glass. Of course a diameter of 3^ inches is ample for the usual circular slides, which give a disc of 3 inches diameter. If it is desired to cover square slides of three inches, as the corners are never absolutely square, it is better to have 4| inches diameter than 4| inches, because practically only a certain angle of light can be taken up from the radiant, and the larger surface this is spread over, the more it is diluted, so that for the usual size of slides, less light is passed through them by a large condenser than a small one. Theoretically any angle might be taken up by a condenser, but practically it is limited ; first by the thickness of the glass, which would both crack, and lose as much light by absorption as was gained in angle ; and also 24 OPTICAL PROJECTION by such loss from reflection at the edges of the first lens, owing to the high angle of incidence, that the edge of the disc would be less illuminated than the centre. Practically the angular pencil is thus limited to somewhere from 65° to 70° in lanterns for exhibiting slides. 18. Triple Condensers. — Condensers of three and even four lenses have been used, especially in America. Theoretically, they admit of more perfect correction for aberrations, and a larger angle of light ; but this is complicated by the number of extra reflecting surfaces. I have perfectly satisfied myself, that for exhibition lanterns they afford no gain whatever. For large condensers, as five inches and over, and where the light is to be condensed upon a small surface, as for the projection microscope, they are of advantage, and allow us to use a pencil of 90°. Such a condenser will be described in connection with the instrument just named. 14, The Slide-stage. — Little need be said here about this. For a single lantern only used to exhibit simple slides and diagrams, it does not matter much how it is constructed. When, however, experiments may have to be made in the stage — as in a chemical tank, and for some ' effects ' with slides — as the ascent of a balloon, it is important that the stage be open at the top, with the exception of the pillars needful to carry the objective mount. Also, for anything like general work, it is important that while the spring pressure-plate allows the slide to be inserted easily, for which purpose the edges should be carefully turned back to a smooth curve, the slide should be held firmly when in place. If it be not so, the working of any mechanism, as the handle of a chromatrope, may move the slide about in a very unpleasant manner. Both these requirements should be attended to, even in a cheap lantern of japanned tin. 15. The Objective. — This is the lens directly employed in the projection. A simple lens is never now used except in toy lanterns, and for physical experiments, the latter for reasons THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 2$ which have been already mentioned in § 4. When hand- painted slides only were in use with oil lamps, two simple meniscus lenses combined gave fair results, because there was no detail sharp and colourless enough to manifest optical defects ; but photographic slides and diagrams make con- spicuous either chromatic fringes, or distortion of figure. Practically, achromatic lenses only are now used in lanterns. They may be of four kinds. (a) The simple achromatic lens, or lens composed of one convex crown c, corrected by a concave of flint F, usually of the plano-convex total form, as shown at A, fig. 14. TLislens FIG. 14.— Single Achromatic Objectives is employed with its convex surface towards the slide s. If the plane face is turned to the slide, the definition is sharper in the centre of the field, but falls off rapidly at the margin ; and the image is also formed on a hollow curved surface instead of on a plane. By reversing the lens a little is sacri- ficed at the centre, but the picture is better and more uniform over the rest. A lens cannot, however, be made of this con- struction of short focus, say 4J to 7 inches, which will give a good image. It may be well to explain here the principal errors which have to be corrected in the objective. As regards a condenser, it has already been seen that the most noticeable result of spherical aberration is to bring the marginal rays to a shorter *6 OPTICAL PROJECTION focus than the central rays. But when we use a simple lens to form an image, there are other results from this. Eeferring to fig. 15, it will be seen that the image mm of the arrow M M is really brought to its focus upon a concave surface instead of FIG. 15. — Spherical Aberration a plane ; or conversely, the diagram or picture m rn must be drawn upon a concave surface to produce a flat image MM, an expedient actually employed in early solar microscopes. FIG. 16.— Distortions of Image The curved image maybe more or less ' flattened,' as it is called, by adopting a meniscus form for the lens, as shown in fig. 14 by the various achromatics B, c, E. But we are now confronted with another result of aberration, in the form of the THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 27 image. In fig. 16 let s represent the slide, a true image of which we wish to produce. Then B represents what is called the * barrel ' distortion, the usual distortion of a single lens. If we correct this merely for flatness of field, which is the easiest and most obvious error to correct, we usually get the figure ewer-corrected, producing the ' hour-glass ' distortion denoted by H. Either distortion, if perceptible, is simply intolerable in architectural subjects, lines of type, or diagrams which may contain straight lines or circles. The correction of these various errors in lenses of moderate focus is a task of no little difficulty. The chromatic correc tion is a comparatively simple affair, needing simply a certain proportion, depending on the dispersions of the glasses, between the convexity of the crown and concavity of the flint ; and the object of various ' figures ' for the curves, as in A, B, c, E, (fig. 14) is to correct the spherical aberrations. The forms given in fig. 14 have all been at one time or other used for photographic purposes. They all need a stop or diaphragm on the side farthest from the slide, and c is probably the best of them ; but no single achromatic lens is capable of perfect correction for anything like short foci. (b) Double or triple achromatic lenses. — With foci of ten inches and over, however, the spherical aberration is much less, and these lenses then perform very well, and are in common use for long-focus work. Two or even three of such long-focus lenses combined, make better short-focus lenses than single achromatics of such short focus ; and hence it is very common to furnish a lantern with three achromatic lenses of graduated long foci, ranging from nine or ten up to eighteen or twenty inches, which by combining different pairs, or the whole three, will give fair results throughout the whole range. This result will depend upon the quality and figure of course, for of these ' triple sets,' as they are called, there are both bad, middling, and good. The only way to be sure is to have a trial, which a good optician will always afford. 28 OPTICAL PROJECTION (c) Triplet achromatics have also been used. D in fig. 14 shows a triplet devised by Dallmeyer which is said to answer very well. But a more usual form, made sometimes in France, is that shown in fig. 17, a concave of flint being used between two convex lenses as in the preceding, but the whole lens assuming a double convex form. Some of these lenses perform exceedingly well. They were used a great deal by Mr. Dancer for his lanterns, and I possess a pair of them, 6-inches focus, whose performance can hardly be distinguished from that of the best of the construction next to be described. They appear to me to combine flatness of field, evenness and sharpness of definition, and ortho-symmetry of image, in a greater degree than any other single lenses, and I think it is to be desired that more attention should be directed to this construction for long-focus work. My pair of 6-inch lenses have a clear diameter of If inch, and require a 1-inch stop placed about 2^ inches in front to produce their best effect. In this position the stop cuts off scarcely any rays of serious importance, and the image of a slide of printed matter is exceedingly good. For lenses of 9-inches focus and upwards, no stop whatever would be required, and such lenses would be much cheaper, and pass more light than double combinations. (d) Double combination lenses are, however, most used in the best lanterns for short and moderate foci, ranging, say, from 4J to 8 inches. The type always employed is that well- known as the Petzval combination, shown in fig. 18, and in many lanterns quarter-plate photographic lenses are used for the shorter foci, and half-plate lenses for the longer. The pick of a dozen or so of such lenses will leave little to be desired; but generally a lot as imported from France by opticians is very unequal in excellence, and most of these lenses require a stop at s, which loses a great deal of light. THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 29 These photographic lenses have however the advantage, that very often by unscrewing the double lens at the back, and substituting for it the front lens reversed, or with its convex side to the slide, a very good long-focus single lens is obtained of the (a) kind. The best lantern-makers have lately, taking this photo- graphic lens as a basis, worked out by screen tests improved curves for lantern use only. Such are sent out in the highest class lanterns. These lenses reverse the two single lenses F, c, of the Petzval system (fig. 18), need no stop whatever, and give FIG. 18— Double Combination magnificent definition ; but, as a rule, they are not corrected for photography, and the single lens can rarely be used satis- factorily. It only remains to combine these points with the other excellent qualities already attained ; and there is little doubt that the growing use of enlarging lanterns, or adapta- tion of the lantern to photography direct, with the aid of the new optical glasses now made in Germany, will enable this crown- ing perfection to be obtained, at least in all lenses of 6-inches focus and upwards. With lenses of 4^ inches focus, used chiefly for paraffin oil lanterns in small rooms, to exhibit through a transparent sheet, a perfect image of a slide 3 inches 30 OPTICAL PROJECTION diameter is a task of tremendous optical difficulty, and the wonder is that such approximation to it has been attained. 16. Focus and Diameter of Objectives. — The proper focus of an objective of course depends upon the size of disc which is required to be covered by a slide at a given distance, and the range of foci suitable in a set of objectives, will depend upon the range of work, or variety in size of rooms, it is intended to provide for. This is dealt with in detail in Chapter VIII. Here it is only necessary to mention the matter in connection with the diameter of objectives. We have seen that brilliance of image depends upon sending the rays collected on the FIG. 19. — Scattering of Rays object through the objective, and we know that only from a radiant point could the rays be alike converged into a given area at different distances from the condenser. With, say, a luminous spot of f -inch diameter, the light cannot be con- verged save into an image, proportionate in size to the conjugate focus of convergence, as shown in fig. 19. Hence, while all the light can easily be converged into a small lens at a few inches from the slide, at twelve inches it is another matter : the body of rays must spread out more, and require a larger lens to utilise them in the image. Besides this, a certain amount of the rays are irregularly ' scattered ' by the THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 31 slide itself, and these scattered rays also diverge more with the greater distance. This is the chief reason why more light is required in working a long way from the screen ; though light is also perceptibly absorbed by the atmosphere, especially if it is at all a damp night. Hence it is an important question, how far this loss of light from long focus must be provided for. Some makers recommend several sets of double -combination objectives of very large diameter, at a cost of 9Z. to 10£. apiece ! After investigating the matter carefully, both in theory and practice, I have not the slightest hesitation in saying that such costly lenses are a sheer waste of money, of absolutely no benefit to anyone but the seller of the apparatus. Assuming the back conjugate focus of the condenser to be 4 inches (i.e. about 8 inches from the back of the condenser) and the radiant to be |-inch in diameter, nearly all the effective rays can be condensed into an objective of 2-inches diameter, up to 9 inches from the face of the front lens of the condenser. This gives a focus for a double combination of, say, 10 inches, within which there is no need of greater diameter, and no benefit from it. Beyond that a 2-inch lens will begin to lose light, but 2J-inches diameter will carry the same result up to 13 inches ; and it is only when we reach distances of 15 inches and upwards that 3-inch lenses are of any real advantage. For such long foci, however, the ' double combination ' is quite unnecessary, as with care in selection, single achromatics can be obtained, which will give quite as good images with far less weight and expense ; and perfection should rather be sought in improving this class of lenses, especially in the triplet form described a page or two back ; which will also pass more light than the double form at these long ranges. A ' double-combination ' lens of average focus — say 6 to 8 inches — and of most excellent quality, such as will give perfect definition without any stop, is now obtainable for so moderate a sum as II, 10s., including the rack-work mount. 32 OPTICAL PROJECTION I have seen such lenses most carefully tested against the most expensive of similar focus, without any perceptible difference being discernible. 17. Testing Lenses. — It is no use to ' test ' a lens upon an ordinary slide, for anything beyond definition and flatness of field. These points can be seen by the image of any good photograph, but the ' figure ' may be quite distorted. The very best test is a cushion- slide covered all over, to the corners, by lines of type sharply photographed, or by black lines ruled in squares. A lens which gives an image of this sensibly alike in focus all over, and the lines or squares straight, especially towards the corners of the cushion, has every needful quality for projection, though the photographer must, of course, look for his special requirements in addition. 18. The Objective Mount, — A lantern only meant to be used at one focus needs no consideration in this respect ; into the nozzle of the lantern will slide stiffly a tube of the proper length, into the end of which will screw a rack-and-pinion mount carrying the objective. Practically, all such lanterns are made alike. The travelling exhibitor, however, often needs a very wide range of focus, perhaps from 4J inches up to 20 inches, or more. To give him this, three methods have been adopted. The first is to fit the front of the lantern with what are termed telescopic draws, as shown in the tri-unial lantern on p. 119, into the front of which the objective rack-mount screws. No plan has been more usual than this ; and if the draws are of first-class workmanship, and fit tightly, it works well for a greater or less time. It is, however, very difficult to pull such draws out, and at least one leading lantern optician has found it desirable to insert a pair of strong metal handles into the front draw, in order to give more strength to the pull. Sooner or later, however, the draws are apt to wear a little loose, and then the front end sinks out of the true optic axis under the weight of the objective. THE PARTS OF A LANTERN 33 A second plan consists in fitting separate draws, each, with rack-and-pinion. This is known as the ' triple- rack ' front, and the racks remove the difficulty in pulling the front out for use. Of the rest I am not so sure, my experience of racked tubes in general being, that with regular use stiff ones either wear loose, or * grind ' and set fast. I have, however, had no actual experience of these fronts themselves, and have seen a letter which, after four seasons' use, speaks of them in very high terms. The third plan, which I regard as the only good one, is rigid, simple, and the cheapest and lightest of all. It consists in somewhat lengthening the lantern nozzle A and tube B sliding into it, so as to give there alone an adjustment of Pia. 20.— Lantern Front three inches. Into the outer end of the tube B screws a diminishing screw- collar or adapter c, into which again, for all moderate foci, is screwed the rack-work mount D. This racked mount does not, however, carry the objective directly, but is only a casing, into which the different objectives, mounted in simple smooth tubes, are fitted to slide. This gives another sliding adjustment of three inches. Thus the original mount alone, even if the shortest and longest focus are double combinations, will give a range of focus from six to twelve inches, which will cover the needs of the great mass of exhibitors ; with a single achromatic lens it practically becomes over thirteen inches. If, however, very long focus is required, the adapter c is removed, and in its place is screwed a lengthening adapter (fig. 21) of any required D 34 OPTICAL PROJECTION length, which is best as a single tube, but may be a double sliding one as shown in the figure. In the first case the whole .7 ^ is perfectly rigid, and per- fectly simple ; and lengthening tubes may either be ordered with the original apparatus, r~ or, if suddenly called for by FIG 21— Ada ter some extraordinary occasion, could be fitted in all large towns in a few hours, by any working optician worthy of the name. This method of construction is being gradually adopted by most of the lantern-makers who really have much experi- ence with the instrument. CHAPTER III THE RADIANT THE qualities desired in the radiant are brilliance and \\hiteness of light, and that this light be concentrated into as small a space as possible. The perfect radiant would be an intensely luminous point, which would give the most equal illumination and the best definition. The radiants used in practice by no means come up to this ideal. They comprise (1) fatty oil lamps, (2) petroleum oil lamps, (8) gas-burners, (4) the lime-light in its various forms, and (5) the electric light. 19. Fatty Oil Lamps.— Except in small toy lanterns, it is seldom we now find these lamps employed ; but for many years they were the only radiants used at all, even in public exhibitions of dissolving views. With hand-painted trans- parent slides they did good work, too ; giving usually discs of eight feet diameter on transparent screens. They will not THE RAD give such a disc with modern phoi are still used to some extent, on accoul freedom from risk of fire. Only such lanterns for the navy ; and they are usefuf where things become dry like tinder. Some can also be generally obtained when nothing else hence these lamps are sent out to missionaries. Such lamps are of two kinds : viz. with the cistern beneath, as part of the lamp, and with a separate cistern ; but the wick arrangement is, with little modification, similar in both. This is what is known as a ' solarised ' Argand, external and internal metal cones concentrating an upward current of air upon both inside and outside of the wick, so as to give intensity to the light. The oil may be either sperm, or colza, or olive, and greater whiteness and solidity of flame is generally obtained if camphor is dissolved in it. Fluid oil can be used alike in either form of lamp ; but when the cistern is beneath, so as to keep hot while burning, either tallow or solid paraffin will also burn excellently if first melted. The last— solid paraffin so melted — I think gives the best light of all, but it may not burn equally well in all lamps. Such solid fatty matter cannot of course be used in cistern lamps, like fig. 22, which are now most usual. The glass chimneys of these lamps must be pretty tall, and are tapered towards the top. There is little difficulty in getting a light of about twenty- eight candles with these lamps ; and as the flame is trans parent, this can be increased to about thirty-five candles by using a reflector, which is always done. This must not be parabolic, but circular, the centre of curvature being the flame itself ; the rays are then reflected back in the same path, and go to the condenser just as if emitted by the radiant. The D2 FIG. 22 36 OPTICAL PROJECTION power of a reflector entirely depends upon this, and upon the reflector taking up enough rays to illuminate to the edge of the condenser. To get a good light, the glass chimney and the reflector (best of silvered glass) must be polished bright. A rather loose or woolly wick must be used (the hard wicks used in petroleum Argands will not answer for fatty oil), and, if new, carefully dried before a hot fire, or in the oven, before use. Several hours must be allowed for the oil to soak up in a new wick, and always the lamp is better for warming before the fire, previous to use. Lastly, after trimming anew wick, light the lamp and let it burn several minutes ; then blow it out. It can now be trimmed really clean and smooth, as it could not be before. When finally lit, let it burn a minute or so moderately, and then turn up as high as possible without smoking. 20. Petroleum Oil Lamps. — Paraffin or petroleum oil could be, and was, burnt in some of the preceding lamps, but there was little gained by it, and the first real advance in illumination was made by Mr. L. Marcy, of Philadelphia, in the lamp (and lantern) introduced into England by Mr. Woodbury under the name of the Sciopticon. In this lamp two flat wicks, about two inches wide, were placed with their edges towards the condenser, outer flat cone-pieces directing the air upon the flames, and driving them very close together. The heat of each flame intensifies its neighbour, and the result is a very brilliant light, very ' solid ' also, owing to the depth of wick behind it. The Sciopticon two-wick lamp was found equal to 60 or even 70 candles, and gave a really good disc of 9 feet with photographic slides. Its chief fault is, that the space between the wicks generally manifests itself as a rather darker streak up the centre of the screen. Partly to avoid this, and partly to get more light, a third wick was soon suggested. This was stated by Mr. Marcy to be inferior to the double wick ; but general experience has not THE RADIANT 37 borne this out, and three-wicked lamps, giving a light of 80 to 90 candles, are of all forms the most popular. Four and even five wicks have since been introduced by different makers, with slight variations in the arrangement of the wicks, some placing four wicks parallel, II 1 1, and others in W form. By these means a light of even 110. candles has been reached, and for some purposes these lamps are useful ; but the heat is intense, and the light does not increase in the proportion of oil burnt. Also, with every wick the difficulty increases of getting the lamp to burn steadily ; and the three - wick is generally pre- ferred, unless the utmost light is really necessary. A three-wick lamp is shown in fig. 23. Mr. Marcy's general plan has been practically followed filHJ^Kfflf fBX1 W JU' B in all, the wicks A (here shown parallel) being placed in the middle of a rather large flame-cham- ber, roughly shaped like a cylinder, with its end to the condenser. A tall chimney (usually made in two lengths) fits on over the open- ing in the top, to ensure a good draught. The ends of the flame chamber are closed by a glass in front and a reflector behind with a coloured sight hole in the centre. Each wick has its own milled head as shown at B, and at the other end of the rectangular cistern beneath is a screw cap for filling with oil.1 1 A few alterations in the construction of oil lamps have been made since the above paragraph was written. For details the reader is referred to the appendix at the end of fche book, — B. S. W *T)3 FIG. 23.— Refulgent Lamp 38 OPTICAL PROJECTION With more light the heat was greatly increased, and for some time it was found very difficult to prevent constant cracking of the glasses in front of the flame-chamber. In the Sciopticon, this glass was removed to a good distance and the heat was less : but the triple lamps were constantly cracking, until the introduction of what were for many years known as the Newton patents. The first of these consisted in making apertures in the front of the top of the flame-chamber, between the glass and the chimney. So far from letting hot air out, as many supposed, the strong draught drew cold air down, and kept the glass cool enough to prevent cracking, except in rare instances. Mr. Newton's later improvement was, however, the most effectual, and consisted in heating the originally flat squares of crown glass in iron tubes, till they took the curve of the tube, and then annealing them. This allows the glass to spring or curl with the heat, and I believe no such glass has been known to crack, whereas no annealing was found to absolutely prevent the breakage of flat glasses. To ensure a good light with these lamps, of whatever make, the following directions must be attended to. The wicks should in most lamps be put in new about seven inches long. Each wick must be fed in and pressed a little, while the milled head belonging to it is turned backwards, or to the left, when the ratchet will catch the wick and draw it down into place. As in the preceding case, the wicks must always be carefully dried. Trim off as evenly as possible with sharp scissors. The next thing is to unscrew the cap at the front end of the cistern, and fill this with oil. I mention this, because I have received actual proof that persons have positively lit these lamps and expected them to burn with no oil at all ! The quantity is generally about three quarters of a pint for three wicks, and a pint for four ; but the cistern should be filled nearly up. The common trash often sold as 1 paraffin oil ' should not be used ; much of it is not safe in any lamp, and none of it gives a good light ; what are known as THE RADIANT 39 best 'refined' or best 'crystal' oils at the shops, or the higher- priced ' safety ' oils, are what must be employed. The least quantity spilled will of course cause un- pleasant smell. The top or flame-chamber may be lifted up by the hinge, as shown in the figure, and the wicks lighted so soon as they are saturated with oil, not before : it is better if this be done inside the lantern, as the chimney (drawn out to its full length) can then be at once placed upon its seat. In most lanterns the lamp is fitted by the makers to push in from the back as far as it will go, but a little room to adjust to and fro is an advantage. A most important point is that the lamp should be thus lighted, and the flames turned up to about an inch only in height, about ten minutes before it is really wanted : without this precaution a steady flame cannot be had, and countless failures are traceable to neglect of it. When the whole lamp has thus become hot, the outer flames may be gently turned up first, then the centre one or pair, so raising the flames slowly till four or five inches in height, with the centre rather the highest. If either flame smokes at the top of the chimney, it must be slightly turned down again ; and there will be trouble from unsteadiness in this way un- less that preliminary burning be attended to which I have described. Broadly speaking, the rule is to keep the flames as high as they can go without smoking, the outer ones rather the lowest ; and if gradually warmed and adjusted as here directed, they will remain steady with little trouble. After use once, the wicks should be smoothed before lighting again, by rubbing off the superfluous charred part with the finger or a bit of linen. Only occasionally may a little trimming with scissors be necessary, and a set of wicks will last a good while. After every time of using, all superfluous oil must be poured back into the tin, or it will gradually diffuse itself all over the surfaces of the lamp, and it will be impossible to avoid offensive smell. Of course the glass in front of the flame-chamber, which is loose for removal in all lamps, will always be kept clean. 40 OPTICAL PROJECTION 21. Gas Burners. — A great deal of class demonstration may be done, and views well exhibited on a disc of seven feet diameter, with an Argand gas-burner ; and it is a very great convenience thus to be able to get to work, or to decide the details of a projection, with only a flexible tube from some gas-supply (for supply see § 27). A Silber, or Sugg's London Argand, will give a light of about twenty candles with London, and twenty- eight with cannel gas. This may be in- creased to about thirty and thirty- eight candles by the use of an adjusted reflector, as described under Oil Lamps, § 19. A Welsbach incandescent burner also gives pretty good results, but is awkward on account of the great depth of the burner beneath the radiant portion. It is rather superior to an Argand in equality of intensity, an Argand flame being most luminous at the edges, where the flame is seen edgeways. For this latter reason an Argand burner is no use in microscopic experiments, even on a small scale, there being two extra- luminous edges to the flame, an inch apart. 22. The Lime Light. — The radiant in most common use for public exhibitions will be the subject of separate chapters ; but a few words may be added about 23. The Electric Light.— Of this three forms are available. The arc, the ordinary incandescent filament, and the Nernst lamp. The Arc, Lamp. — This is the most powerful of all illumi- nants for lantern work, and the radiant being extremely small and concentrated, the greatest perfection of optical projection is obtainable by means of it. Up to a few years ago the use of such lamps was chiefly confined to large instruments such as described in Chapter XII., and the lamps themselves were large and expensive ; but the tremendous developments in electric lighting have caused a corresponding increase in the application of the electric arc to lantern work, and the result has been the introduction of small arc lamps suitable for any lantern of ordinary size, and THE RADIANT 41 in lecture halls and institutions all over the country such electric lanterns are now to be found. A fuller description of these lamps and their management will be found in the appendix at the end of the book. The Incandescent Filament Lamp. — This has for some years been applied to the ordinary slide lantern, and where the electric current is laid on is a very convenient and handy radiant. The ordinary loop filament diffuses the radiating part too much, and is also too feebly luminous, but the Edison and Swan Company have brought out a lamp in which the carbon is bent into a close grating, covering a space of about half an inch square, which is perfectly suitable for the purpose. This lamp is supplied complete with reflector, etc., with a fitting to clamp on to any limelight tray, for about forty- two shillings, and has been consider- ably used where current heavy enough for an arc lamp is not available. The current required is from three to six amperes, and a light of 50 to 100 candle-power is obtainable. Of late years, however, these lamps have been practically superseded by The Nernst Lamp.— This is really also an incandescent lamp the filament taking the form of one, two, or three straight rods and the vacuum bulbs being entirely dispensed with. The light does not compare with the electric arc as the size of the radiant is too large for really critical definition, but these lamps do mark a very great improvement on the above-mentioned incandescent lamps; and as they can be connected to any ordinary lamp socket in connection with the ordinary house -lighting mains, and can be used with alternating or continuous current indifferently, they are being extensively employed for ordinary lantern demonstrations.1 1 For fuller details of Nernst lamps the reader is referred to the Appendix.— B. S. W. 42 OPTICAL PROJECTION CHAPTER IV THE LIME-LIGHT IN one or other of its various forms, the lime-light is far more largely employed than any other for serious lantern-work of all kinds, and is only likely to be superseded by such advances in electric lighting as may make an electric current avail- able in public buildings generally, without burdening the lecturer with the provision of generating apparatus. It is cheap, easily managed, and perfectly free from danger when its principles and methods are understood. Till very recently, it was the almost universal practice to use the oxygen from a gas-bag under pressure, and this method is and will be still so general, that it is convenient to begin with it. 24. Gas-Bags. — These are of three kinds. A thin kind, made of jeanet treated with india-rubber solution, has scarcely any wear, and even for low pressure such are bad economy. Much better are those usually known as ' best black twill,' and generally used. It pays best to purchase these for all forms of the low-pressure jet; and if of thick make, which can be judged by the thickness at the edges, they are pretty durable even under heavy weights. But the best of all are made of sheet india-rubber, cemented between two fabrics. These are the most expensive, but wear so long, that for anything like hard wear they are far the most economical in the end. As india-rubber ' perishes ' in time, however, for only occasional use it may be better to use the cheaper black twill, and when necessary procure another. When a bag leaks, so long as the leaks are circumscribed and definite, it may be patched so as to last a considerable time longer. At india-rubber shops, a shilling tin can be purchased of ' india-rubber solution,' which is principally the THE LIME-LIGHT 43 gum dissolved in naphtha. Having procured a piece of thin waterproof — the kind of which nursing aprons are made — and cut a piece to cover the leaky place with a good margin, the solution is smeared all over one side of it, and over the space on the bag it is to cover. It must be left for half an hour to two hours, until it has become very sticky or ' tacky,' when the patch is applied, all air worked smoothly out, and the patch then left under a heavy weight, with a soft cloth collected into a pad between, to equalise and apply the pressure. The leak can generally be found by the smell, if the bag is filled with house-gas and pressure applied. Definite leaks can be stopped in this way, especially such as may be caused by mischievous boys sticking pins into a bag ; but when they get numerous it is a sign that the india- rubber is worn out generally. The cubic content of a wedge-shaped bag is of course found by multiplying its three dimensions and taking half the product ; but the bulging of the bag when full, will add from one to two feet more. A size 3x2x2 feet will keep all ordinary jets going in a bi-unial lantern for two hours, but is not sufficient for the powerful jets presently described. To be certain there is plenty of gas is a very great comfort ; and to be uncertain, very much the other thing. Gas should never be kept in a bag any length of time. Oxygen acts rapidly upon the material ; but independently of this, no gas can remain pure, owing to that wonderful process of diffusion through the material which physicists call osmosis. A bag filled with perfectly pure oxygen, will contain a portion of air in some hours' time, and any bag tight in the morning is perceptibly slackened by night. Supposing gas to be left over one night, to any amount, there is no reason, if con- venient, why it should not be kept, and merely filled up for the next night ; but beyond this gas should never be kept, or the light will be perceptibly affected. keep best in a moderate temperature, both cold 44 OPTICAL PROJECTION heat being injurious. I believe they wear out chiefly by the opening and shutting in turn at the creases, where leaks nearly always first occur. Hence they keep better, if con- venient, laid flat between their boards, than if folded up, which makes extra creases to wear out. If they have to be folded to go on a shelf, as is usually the case, they should be folded once only as loosely as possible, the sides being tucked properly in. The taps should be left open. Whenever bags are stiif with cold, they should be softened by gentle warmth before use ; the creases will rapidly wear through in a har- dened bag. The very large and heavy taps used by some makers are to be avoided, as are nozzles with a projecting rim on the end. A moderate nozzle, with fluting all round, either the same diameter or gently increasing back from the tip, is best. Most taps are, however, smaller than they should be in the bore. Few are more than j- inch in aperture, and they manifestly ought to be the same as the rubber tubing. This is a point really needing the attention of manufacturers. Lock taps are made, to prevent accidental or wanton turning of the tap in transit. It would be much simpler to have a plain lever on the plug, instead of a thumb-piece, the lever being set parallel to the nozzle when the tap is closed. Then it could be simply bound round with the nozzle by some string, and would be safe. If there is no way of securing the tap, it is best to take a piece of rubber tubing which strains tightly on the nozzle, double over the end and tie tightly, so as to make an outside stopper, which is slipped on. Such precautions are only needed, of course, when full bags have to be taken about. With a bag full of oxygen, the next step is to force this out with some regularity of pressure, to do which the bag is placed between a pair of pressure boards, the top one of which is loaded with weights. In all forms of the lime-light with only one bag filled with oxygen, pretty much the same THE LIME-LIGHT 45 pattern is used, as shown in fig. 26, which speaks for itself. It is only necessary to say, in case a pair of boards is home- made, that the pair must not come closer at the hinges than half-an-inch apart, to allow for the thick- ness of the bag when flattened. If this is not attended to, the boards will not shut, or use the last por- tion of the gas. In FlQ> 26_Bag in use case of an emergency, a bag has been ere now laid on the floor, and a black-board, or the ends of a couple of reversed forms, hinged down to the floor by two pairs of staples or hooks driven into floor and board respectively. 25. Tubing. — The best soft grey or red vulcanised tubing should be used; common harsh grey, or cheap red, spoils very soon. Tubing with spiral wire inside must be scrupu- lously avoided ; the wire soon rusts, breaks, and chokes and perforates the tubing. There should be a clear ^ bore for oxy-calcium jets, and not less than f for high-pressure jets. The ordinary ' stout ' thickness answers, but successive coilings after use generally twist and kink it up after a bit, especially the red. For anything like regular use, therefore, the cheapest in the end is good soft tubing of best quality and double thick- ness. Fig. 27 is an exact section of what I use. It is more than double the price of the common tube, owing to the weight of material ; but there is immense wear in it, it never kinks, and it may be slipped on a nozzle in any posi- tion without choking the bore at a bend. 27 Occasional extra long lengths of tubing are joined up by slipping the shorter pieces over the ends of a few inches of brass tube. All such pipes and nozzles should 46 OPTICAL PROJECTION make a tight fit with the tubing ; but if there is any doubt about this, small strong vulcanised rings (of which the Ian - ternist should always have some in his box) will make all secure. It is a better plan, however, for a travelling operator to carry some yards of cornpo gas-pipe for bringing up distant supplies of gas. 26. The Oxy-Spirit Jet.— All forms of the lime-light in which oxygen alone is used under pressure, are generally called the * oxy-calcium ' light. Of this there are two main forms. The first is where a fine jet of oxygen is blown through the flame of some volatile fluid, usually methylated spirit. This form of the lime-light was invented by Lieut. Drurnmond in 1826, and was formerly largely used, but is now chiefly em- ployed in country villages where gas is still unprocur- able. The present usual form of this jet is shown in fig. 28, where a cistern A B outside the lan- tern, adjustable on a rod by a clamp - FIG. 28.— Spirit Jet J screw P, feeds the alcohol to a small circular wick, through the flame of which, almost non-luminous in itself, the oxygen is blown by a nipple c, pierced with a very small bore, on to a cylinder of lime D, which can be rotated on a spindle E, and adjusted at different distances from the flame. G is the stopcock to control the oxygen from o. A very good light, equal to a disc of twelve to fifteen feet in diameter, can be obtained in this way, pro- vided the jet be adjusted as described (see § 28) a little farther on. If the cistern is arranged, as it generally is, outside, where it cannot be dangerously heated, no possible accident can occur with this jet except by upsetting the fluid. All the surplus should be invariably poured bad is closed. Mr. S. Highley used to insist on the ing a double flat wick turned edgeways to the or cut nearly to the slant of the latter, and the separated, so that the oxygen blew up a little slanting trougn* of wick. I was never convinced of the benefit of this, and the ordinary jet is good enough for any of the places where it is ever used. I do, however, believe that gain follows the adoption of Lieut. Drummond's original form of lime. He always used a small spherical ball, about f inch in diameter, supported on a platinum wire. Heat is wasted on a large mass, which is utilised in incandescence when concentrated on a smaller frag- ment ; and the small balls will bear very well for the requisite time the action of this weakest form of the lime-light. What are called soft limes give the best light, and with average jets this may be taken as equal to about 120 standard candles. It is rarely less than 100, and I have known it coaxed to nearly 150 candles. For the use of this jet with two lanterns, see Dissolving Views, § 56. 27. The Oxy-gas Jet— This is often called the ' oxy-cal- cium 'jet, and also the ' safety ' jet, or the ' blow- through ' jet. None of these names are distinctive, and I prefer that chosen, as indicating that oxygen is used with * gas ' from the ordinary meter supply. The flow of house gas must be pretty free, and it seldom answers simply to slip the end of a rubber tube over the nipple of a common burner. In many halls there is a nozzle provided somewhere, specially for such purposes. If not, the nipple of a burner FiG. 29.— Gas Nozzles 48 OPTICAL PROTECTION is unscrewed with a pair of gas-pliers, when a gas-nozzle of one or the other pattern shown in fig. 29 (each of them being provided in both standard sizes of screw-thread) can be screwed in or on in a moment, and will give a good supply, with a nice descending start for the rubber-tube. A gas-flame being provided in this way, a jet of oxygen is then blown either through its centre, or across it. This jet must, therefore, have two gas-tubes, and be controlled by two taps. The oxy-gas jet is used in four forms, the principles of which are shown in fig. 30. That marked A is most usual, a small stream of oxygen being blown through the centre of the flame from an open tube of gas, which it will be convenient to call ' hydrogen ' henceforth. No explosive mixture can n Fm. 30.— Oxy-gas Jets take place with this jet, but when the oxygen has been turned off for a little time, the hydrogen may creep down the oxygen orifice a little, and cause a slight ' snap,' if the oxygen is turned on again suddenly. Very gradual turning on of the oxygen will avoid this, or a very small quantity of oxygen left on will do so. The B form is the same, except that the oxygen terminates £ inch or more below the top edge of the hydrogen tube. Hence there is a little better mixture, and rather more light. This form is, however, a little more apt to ' snap ' out the light, if, after being off some time, it is turned on suddenly. A small supply of oxygen left on, or an oxygen « bye-pass ' (see § 58), is almost necessary to avoid this with certainty. The general form of both these jets is shown in fig. 31, but the lime-turn- THE LIME-LIGHT 49 ing movements described under the mixed jet are often ap- plied to them. The c form is less common. Here the hydrogen flame comes from an open perpendicular nozzle, and the oxygen is blown across it. This form of jet gives larger wings of hy- drogen flame outside the jet which plays upon the lime, and consequently heats the lantern more ; but it is impossible to ' snap ' it, as the hydrogen cannot get down the oxygen tube. In the D form, a dome with a smaller orifice contracts the hydrogen flame, through which the oxygen is blown. The FIG. 31. — Oxy-gas Jet consequence is a better mixture, a smaller flame, and when properly adjusted a better light ; but this form, like A and B, is liable to ' snap ' unless the oxygen has a bye-pass. Perhaps it can hardly be called absolutely a ' safety ' jet, as it mani- festly approaches somewhat to the ' mixed ' character. It is barely conceivable that under some conditions a mixture might occur sufficient to cause a violent snap ; but I never heard of such an accident occurring. This is probably the form that an experienced operator would prefer to use, for its more contracted flame and better light. The best form for a novice is c. * E 50 OPTICAL PROJECTION 28. Adjusting Oxy-gas Jets, — These forms of jet will easily give 200 candles, and with care have reached 250 candles, and more. In many cases, however, they never give what they might for want of a proper adjustment, which is a matter of more nicety with them than with mixed-gas jets. The same remark applies to oxy-spirit jets, and the adjustment is practically the same in both cases. The most general error is to use too much weight on the bag. It seems considered the correct tiling to put on a 56-lb. weight in any case, but in many instances 28 Ibs., or only a few Ibs. beyond, will give a better light, and the too fast rush of the oxygen through the gently-emitted hydrogen actually cools the lime. The distance of the lime from the jet is also all-important. These points cannot be adjusted in the lantern, as every change in position there affects the optical adjustments also, and thus disguises the result as regards brilliance. The jet should therefore be taken out of the lantern, and placed so that its naked illuminating effect upon the screen or a wall can be seen. Then experiments should be deliberately made : first as to oxygen, and then as to the distance of the lime from the orifices. This will probably not differ much either way from half an inch ; but it will be found that an eighth of an inch will make a great difference. At each change in distance, however-, 3t may be found that a different flow of the gases gives a better light at that distance ; and it has to be ascertained what distance, properly adjusted by tap and pressure for its proper flow of gas, gives the best light. That is the adjustment for this particular jet, and, once made, is made once for all. It is, therefore, worth while to take trouble over it. What are sold as ' soft ' limes are best for oxy-gas as well as spirit jets, but ' excelsiors ' do also very well. The lime is little acted upon by the comparatively moderate heat, and a lime-spindle which can be turned by a milled-head underneath, as in fig. 81, will answer if economy is desired. But any of THE LI ME- LIGHT 51 the lime- turning movements presently described can be applied to them. The jets next treated of can, with care, be also used as oxy-gas jets, as by-and-by mentioned. 29. The Mixed-gas Jet— This term is often abbreviated into ' mixed ' jet, and signifies that the two gases are actually mixed in proper proportions before combustion at the orifice ; for in this jet there is but one, to which both gases in a mixed state are conveyed. It gives the most powerful and whitest light, in a smaller space ; and is easily reduced to any degree desired ; and for the same amount of light, uses less gas. It is, therefore, the form used in first-class lantern exhibitions, and gives far the most brilliant results in optical and physical experiments, while for high microscopic powers it is indis- pensable. There is a widespread notion that it is ' liable to explosion,' which has been partly fostered by the errors of opticians, and their mistaken so-called ' safety ' arrangements. But the conditions of safety are now well understood ; and while it is not a jet to be trusted — if, indeed, any jet ought to be — to the manipulation of clodhoppers, schoolboys, or absolute novices, with those who understand it the mixed jet is the most simple to manage and easy to control of any, and perfectly safe. Both gases have to be used under approximately equal pressure, and the first arrangement employed was to mix pure hydrogen and oxygen, in the proper combining proportions, in one vessel, expelling the mixed gas through a minute orifice. It is often stated that this method gives the most brilliant light. That is a total mistake. No light was ever obtained in those days nearly equal to what is obtained now ; while the mistake led to a series of explosions which it was impossible to prevent with any certainty, and which gave the mixed-jet a bad character. Mr. Newman used a nipple of one-eightieth of an inch bore with success for some time ; but directly he changed it for one slightly larger— about K2 5-2 OPTICAL PROJECTION one-sixtieth of an inch — his reservoir burst like a bomb. Hemming packed a tube with fine wires, on Davy's principle; and a series of layers of fine wire gauze was also tried ; finally the gases were bubbled through a water-chamber. Sooner or later the gases thus mixed exploded through them all. As a matter of fact, the gases are, not burnt in a jet in their combining proportions, when properly adjusted by the taps for the most brilliant light ; nor is the available heat developed what was once supposed. The heat-energy liberated by the combination of H2 and 0 into water, can be calculated easily ; but no sooner is water formed, than a considerable portion of that energy is absorbed in again dissociating it. A certain amount of mechanical current, conveying the gases to a certain distance away from the orifice, may and does, therefore, increase the effective heat, as does a certain amount of external free hydrogen flame, which aids in the same object of carrying the water away in vapour. Even now it is almost impossible to burn either pure hydrogen or carburetted hydrogen (house-gas), and oxygen, in their combining proportions, without explosion, though with modern apparatus this latter will be only the * snap ' of a small and harmless explosion in the jet-chamber itself. Take any mixed jet, and gradually turn on the oxygen ; almost invariably, just as the surplus flame of the hydrogen is absorbed, the jet will snap and go out. Before this, the light will have diminished considerably ; and it will be found that the most brilliant light is always obtained with a con- siderable surplus of the hydrogen. That surplus is greater as the bore of the nipple is larger ; and those manuals are wrong which state that the gases are burnt ' in equal volumes.' With large orifices, nearly ten feet of house-gas may be required for eight feet of oxygen, and it will be found that at the best light there is always a loose flame of hydrogen playing about the lime. With this increase of hydrogen from THE LIME-LIGHT 53 the larger bore, the distance of the lime must also be in- creased, to get the best result ; so that whereas a small bore may do best with the lime almost close to the metal, a large bore may require a clear space of an eighth of an inch (or a quarter of an inch measured in the oblique line of the jet) from the centre of the orifice to the lime. The first step to safety was therefore to store the two gases in separate bags, when the quantities could be adjusted according to the light itself. The mixture ,at the back of the nipple became, while the light was better, far less explosive ; so that a moderate speed of exit would prevent a ' pass-back ' of the flame. Explosions at once became rarer, and confined to accidents or carelessness. For instance, it was usual in those expensive days of chemicals, to keep unused gas in the bags ; and if any bag should be filled up with the wrong gas, it is easy to fancy the result. Even recently a fatal explo- sion at a theatre was traced to this cause. A mistake of this kind is inexcusable ; and if the reader cannot trust himself never to make such, he should not meddle with oxygen in bags at all. The two bags may be of different colours, or, if both are black, the tap of the hydrogen-bag should be coloured, or a large H and 0 should be painted on the bags. Another danger was found from the liability to unequal pressure on two bags, as it was usual to place each in a pair of pressure-boards like fig. 26. Fire-irons and fenders were often used as weights, or a lad might be asked to sit upon the top board. Hence there was a danger of the gas under greatest pressure, sent to the nipple faster than it could escape, being driven back so as to gradually mix with the other gas under less pressure. Every alteration of the weight on a bag was thus a precarious experiment, and occasional explosions were practical proofs of the necessity to start with the bags about equally full, and under equal pressure, and to keep them so to the end. For the pressure of gas differs a great deal as the bag gradually discharges, and it is of im- 54 OPTICAL PROJECTION portance that the reader should understand this, and the terms in which pressure is described. Pressure is stated as so many • inches ' ; meaning of water. This is measured very simply by what is called a U-tube, shown in fig. 32. A glass tube is bent into U form, deep enough to measure any pressure likely to be met with — say eighteen inches from the top to the bend. One end is corked, with a bit of tube passing through the cork on which can be stretched a vulcanised tube from the bag ; and a scale of inches is drawn between the legs of the U, measured from a zero-line across the centre. Water is poured in at the open end till it stands level at the zero-line. Then the tap from the bag is opened, and the pressure sends down the water in that arm of the U, driving it up the other by an equal amount ; and the difference of levels is the pressure of the gas. House-gas in London is generally rather under two inches, i.e. it drives the water down 1 inch on one side, and up the other. A gas-bag of 36 x 24 x 24 size, under 1 cwt. pressure, when drum-tight, may have almost any pres- sure, as the tension of the bag is added ; but when this is gone off after a few minutes, the pressure is usually about 9 inches ; when the bag is about three-quarters empty, this is generally gone down to about 4^ or 5 inches. It will show the kind of danger to be guarded against, to describe the only explosion — a very slight one— which ever happened to myself, almost at the beginning of many years' use of the mixed jet. I was using up half a bag of oxygen in determining a ticklish experiment, and had filled the coal-gas bag considerably too full in proportion, so that it was quite one third full when the oxygen was nearly ex- hausted. Absorbed in the experiment, I did not notice that the board was practically ' down ' upon the flattened oxygen THE LIME-LIGHT 55 bag, and unconsciously kept balancing the decrease of oxygen by turning off the hydrogen tap, to keep at its best the waning light, when — bang ! There was an explosion almost as loud as a pistol-shot in the nearly empty oxygen bag, rolling off the weights on to the floor, and tearing the boards apart at the hinges. There being hardly any oxygen pressure to resist, the hydrogen had gradually forced itself back into the last few cubic inches of oxygen ; and as there was hardly any back- pressure at the nipple to resist a * pass-back,' the result was the explosion. Owing to the small quantity in the bag, no other damage was done, the bag itself not being injured, and being often used afterwards; it expanded enough without rupture, only the hinges giving way from the suddenness of the shock. Lesson. — Never work a bag down quite empty with the mixed jet. Observe how low the boards come down when empty, and always leave off while there is an inch or two to spare. Also, so soon as you have to be frequently turning off the tap of one of the gases at the jei to restore a fast de- creasing light, it is a proof that the pressure is diminishing rapidly in the other bag ; if you go on, mixture may occur, and it is time to stop. With decently competent management in other respects, this is the grand rule of safety, but I have never seen it stated in any lantern manual. 80. Double Pressure-Boards. — To resume practical details, the last step to safety was the abolition of all difference in weights by the use of double pressure-boards as shown in fig. 33. By this arrangement one bag is placed over the other, under the same weights, and it no longer matters what these weights are, so long as they are sufficient to keep up pressure. In making these boards, the hinged ends of the two outside ones must be wider apart. The two bags are not placed in contact, because full bags would slip ; but either a middle board, or a piece of stiff sail-cloth is connected to the 56 OPTICAL PROJECTION hinged end, and extends between the boards as shown. They are often made on what is called the * skeleton ' plan, for lightness in travelling ; a mere framework being covered either with a trellis of thin hoop-iron, or with a sacking laced up as old-fashioned bedsteads used to be. Solid boards, however, need not be much heavier, are much cheaper, and for home or at an institution are to be preferred ; in the latter case they should be made with a flat board between. When a piece of canvas is used to separate the bags, it is best to pass a buckled strap round the back of the bags from top to bottom, to pre- FIG. 33. — Double Boards vent them slipping backwards till the bags have flattened out a little, after which there is no tendency to this. A pair with a board between needs no straps. It is necessary to raise the front or hinged ends of the boards considerably wliile the bags are full, or the top will be too steep for the weights to press upon. From this arises a risk, not of explosion, but of a vexatious accident which has been known to occur. The middle board must be nearly level with full bags, as in fig. 34, and it will be seen that in this position the weights w are supported well at c within the THE LIME-LIGHT 57 base-line A B. But when the bags have worked down as in fig. 85, the weights are farther back in proportion, and so far as the back edge of the bottom board is concerned, over- Jiang the base. If this is not provided for, the weights may therefore tip up the whole concern backwards, and roll off, when there will be sudden darkness and a serious fright, though no further accident could happen unless there had been mixture in one of the bags ; if there had, of course the removal of pressure would produce an immediate explosion. I never heard of this latter happening ; but of the other I have, and it is unpleasant enough. The boards must therefore be let down on the floor when A q G A FIG. Fio. 35 the bags are about half emptied, or else the ' base ' must be so lengthened behind the back of the bottom board, as to guard against all danger. It is quite easy to do either. Solid boards are generally made without any separate base, for simplicity, a support being hinged to the front at A, fig. 36, which may be a pair of light legs with a connecting strip. Then a stretcher-bar, s, may be hinged near the back end of the lower board at B, resting on the cross-piece connecting the two legs ; and if a hole in the end of the stretcher drops over a wire pin projecting from the cross-piece, at c, it is impossible for the legs to slip from under the boards. When 58 OPTICAL PROJECTION half empty, the stretcher is lifted off the pin with the toe, and the front end of the board being gently lifted (there is hardly any weight on this end) the legs can be pushed back underneath in the same way, and the front gently lowered on to the ground. Skeleton boards are usually made with a base as in figs. 33 and 37, the legs or support being hinged to the front of this at B, and also to a point some distance back at A, on the under side of the bottom board. When the front is elevated, this arrangement brings the back of the bottom board forward to c, where it is kept from slipping back by iron pegs slipped into a hole at each side. The base extending back to D, pro- vides security against an overturn ; when half empty the pegs w FIG. 36 FIG. 37 are withdrawn by an assistant, and the boards gently lowered and slid back. To get a good light (and it is also an element of safety) fair pressure must be used. On a small screen a sufficient light may often be had with 56 Ibs., adding another towards the close. But for a large disc, a pair of bags 36 x 24 x 24 will require two \ cwts. to begin, and a third to finish with ; and larger bags — say 42x32, for larger orifices, will need three such weights to begin, and a fourth to finish. If gas is no object, even more may be used with gain to the light, but not in proportion. I believe the profitable limit to He, with proper jets, somewhere between 12 and 15 inches pressure. Of course, if jets are used with a lot of so-called THE LIME-LIGHT 59 ' safety packing,' it is impossible to say what pressure may be needed to drive the gas through them. 31. Safety arrangements. — This brings us to the most important point. The one, the sufficient, and the only security for safety with the mixed jet, is the certainty of pure unmixed gases in the bags to start with, and next, a good and fairly equal pressure on both bags, with sufficiently free vent at the nipple of the jet to make sure the gases shall always be flow- ing outwards. This is simple, easily understood, and, when understood, easily carried out. No other safety arrangement can be depended upon, and if it is depended upon, to the pre- judice of proper management in these respects, may be even worse than useless. Self-acting valves which allowed passage outwards, but not back, were soon invented, and are still sold. I am not prepared to say that they are inoperative, for there is evidence that, experimentally, they have prevented ex- plosions which otherwise must have occurred. But such arranged * experiments ' rarely represent the conditions of unforeseen accidents ; and such occurred more than once in spite of these valves. They also obstruct the flow of gas, which is one safeguard. But the real mischief is, that people who use these things usually depend upon them ; and that means real danger. Packings of gauze in the jet are absolutely useless, if the gas behind is in a really explosive condition. The packing of granulated pumice presently described is indeed a real stop to explosion, so long as it is in order ; but it checks pressure materially, and a few ' snaps ' in front of it may so disarrange and alter it by repeated shocks, as to render it useless. With the double pressure-boards, a cool and in- telligent operator ensures that explosive conditions cannot occur, and that alone is true safety. 32. Forms of the Mixed Jet. — This brings us to the forma procurable of the mixed gas jet, its faults and difficulties, and the construction which will give the best results. Daniel's form, one of the first made, resembled the blow-through jet D 60 OPTICAL PROJECTION of fig. 80, except that the outer orifice was contracted to a small aperture. It gave a fair light for those days, and is used now sometimes, but the mixture almost at the very orifice generally causes a whistling when much light is at- tempted. The jet next introduced, and still very often seen, had a plain lime-spindle like fig. 81, but the two gas-tubes were conducted side by side into a chamber, packed with layers of gauze. This gauze is always getting rusty and obstructed, to the detriment of the light, and actual increase of the danger of mixing behind ; and it is unpleasant for both operator and audience to be obliged to be continually opening the lantern door to turn the lime round with the fingers. . 38.— Common Mixed Tap For under the greater heat and stronger blast of the mixed jet, even * hard ' limes are rapidly burnt into holes, or ' pitted ' as it is called ; and a fresh surface must be exposed to it every few minutes, or the blast may be reflected back from the concavity on to the condenser, and crack the lens. Hence a cogged lime-turning movement was speedily introduced, resembling fig. 88, by which the lime can be rotated from the back of the lantern. This is the common trade jet of the present day, and will answer fairly well for small apertures, say up to 1 mm. diameter, if the gauze is removed, or only one piece left in the chamber. The mixing-chamber usually found is however too small for a really powerful light ; and as the circular plate which supports the lime is simply THE LIME-LTGHT 61 rotated by the cog-movement on a screwed pin, It not only has a tendency to stick fast, but it scarcely rises with an entire revolution, and the movement has to be continued for many rapid revolutions to bring a fresh ring of the lime surface into play. Hence a good ' blow- through,' or oxy-gas jet, will often equal the light of such a mixed jet. The performance can be greatly improved by clearing out the gauze to leave a free passage, and attending to the jet as presently described. But more than 350 candles can scarcely be got from such jets, and with this gain in power the inconvenience of adjusting the lime becomes much greater, as it has to be oftener made. A good lime-turning movement should raise the lime sufficiently, at every revolution, to bring the required new zone before the jet. What is called the ' improved ' arrangement amongst London opticians answers fairly well, the cog wheel being made to turn a barrel with a square hole, through which the squared lower end of the lime spindle slides freely, whilst a treble-threaded screw on the upper part works in the brass frame of the combination. The mixing-chamber into which the gas-tubes deliver the gases is also rather larger in these jets, which can often be made to give a very good light, especially by taking out the gauze. If they do not, or if more light is desired, or if, as is often the case, they whistle or roar under good pressure, they must be attended to, and it is always worth while to spend a little trouble over a well-made jet. The tap-plugs should be taken out to see that they are not choked by tallow, as is sometimes the case. Whistling or roaring is generally due to some roughness in the nipple, or end of the tube bearing it. To remove this the nipple should be taken off, and a watchmaker's broach twirled round in it, which will smooth out the bore itself ; and any roughness in the larger bore below, or at the end of the tube, should also be cleaned down with a tapered steel rimer. Filially a steel needle should be taken, rather smaller than the bore, and twirled well between OPTICAL PROJECTION coarse emery cloth pinched upon it with finger and thumb ; this will surround the needle with circular scratches, making it in fact into a fine round file, to be carefully used inside the bore, by which the latter can be made as smooth as glass. This wi 11 in most cases stop the noise. If more light is wanted, we must burn more gas to get it, and the bore may be enlarged with the broach to any size desired, before polishing, if the jet will allow, for it will be found that a certain chamber will only allow of a certain size of bore without noise. In making systematic experiments as to the light possible from the oxy-hydrogen jet, I found, therefore, that it was essential to employ a larger chamber if it was desired to use a really large bore. And with any jet which has a large chamber, let us suppose it is a circular ca- vity J inch in diameter and the same in depth, a large bore may be used. Very likely, however, after all has been done to clear and polish the nipple, there may still be noise, and this is generally due to eddies in the gases caused by the form of the chamber. This will probably be as in fig. 39, and the sharp corners at A B cause the noise. By tapering off these, especially at B, as shown by the same letters in fig. 40, silence will generally be procured, and this is, therefore, the chamber I have adopted for my mixed gas- jets. With it there is no difficulty in employing nipples TV of an inch in bore, beyond which there appears little, if any, gain in light. Such a chamber and nipple will easily reach 700 candles with the photometer, and over 800 has been re- corded. The outside of the nipple, however, also claims attention. FIG. 39 FIG. 40 THE LIME-LIGHT 63 With most of the jets commonly sold it is fair too thick and clumsy at the tip. Such a thick end positively obstructs the light from the lime, and by preventing the smooth access of air to the outside of the flame, it further diminishes the power of the jet. The nipple should, therefore, be carefully tapered down to a thin edge. Small bores up to -^ inch can be tipped with platinum, though this is not necessary ; but with large bores, unless the platinum is carried over \ an inch down, the brass will be melted away from it. For large bores solid plain brass nipples are therefore best. It is well to have at least two nipples of different sizes, and they should screw on so nicely as to be gas-tight without cement, for interchange when desired. After all possible pains, a powerful jet such as above de- scribed, will sometimes ' sing.' In that case it can usually be quieted by dropping a wire ring on the bottom of the chamber, laying on that a disc of perfo- rated zinc cut to fit the chamber, and keeping that down in place by another ring, cut so as to spring tightly. But the best arrangement of all I have found to consist in a few alternations of thin discs pierced as fig. 41, separated by rings, as devised by Mr. Lancaster. With a chamber properly tapered at top and bottom, as shown, this is quiet under any reasonable pressure, and gives aperfect mixture and a powerful light, which can sometimes be pushed as high as 1,000 candles. After exhaustive trial of many experimental chambers most carefully made for me by Messrs. Newton, this is the form I have finally adopted as the best. It must be clearly understood that the object of this packing is not ' safety,' which is never ensured by such means, but solely a quiet and thorough mixture of gas in the chamber. 64 OPTICAL PROJECTION If the empty chamber will work quietly, it is nearly as good. Either is a true safety arrangement, because if by any careless- ness an explosive mixture did occur, it would occur first in the chamber, which would * snap ' the jet out at once. One other pattern of jet deserves mention, i.e. the ' Injector ' jet. This is essentially a mixed-gas jet, the coal gas being supplied from the main. With care, any ordinary mixed jet can be used in this way, and the oxygen being supplied from a compressed cylinder with a good regulator, such a method of working is perfectly safe. Without very great care in adjusting the oxygen tap, however, the jet is liable to snap out, and in any case the light obtained is very little if at all better than with the blow-through form. With the ' Injector ' jet, however, the oxygen blast sucks more coal gas out of the mains, and thereby the necessary pressure is obtained. The greater the pressure of oxygen used, the more coal gas is drawn out to combine with it, and hence it is hardly possible to ' snap ' these jets. The light comes about midway between that given by the - mixed gas and by the blow-through forms. It is sometimes advertised as being equal in power to the mixed, but I have never found it so in practice. To get the best light a higher pressure of oxygen is re- quired than is given by the usual pattern Beard's Regulator, and Mr. Beard constructs a special regulator for use with this jet. The best lime-turning movement, in my opinion, for prac- tical work, of all that have come under my notice, is that shown in fig. 43, which was originally devised by Mr. J. Place. The long steel spindle has a longitudinal groove cut, which slides up or down over a feather in the cog-wheel ; and there is also a long-pitched spiral groove which gives the required motion. To this Mr. Newton has added a small wheel on the manual rod, in which notches are cut at proper intervals. A spring detent bears against these notches, so that the exact spot at which the line should be held is THE LTME-IJGHT 65 felt by an almost imperceptible click. The whole lime is thus traversed in one continuous spiral from top to bottom, each halting-spot on the surface being exactly marked out. The whole jet is shown in proportion, with the further addition of a ' cut-off ' arrangement devised by Mr. A. Pringle, in fig. 65, p. 118. Mr. E. G. Wood has also constructed a jet with a click or check mechanism, so arranged, that when a second revolution of the lime takes place, the places where the jet impinges are half-way between those of the previous revolution. In this Fi<5. 43.— Lime-turning arrangement way less perpendicular motion of the lime becomes necessary. There is another screw motion, with a separate handle, for adjusting the distance of the lime from the jet. The jet itself is packed with gauze, and the tube and nipple are bent like an elbow, which Mr. Wood considers to produce a better mixture of the gases. As will be seen, my experiments — and they have been long and many — have led me to a different conclusion on this point, and moreover such nipples cannot conveniently be employed of different sizes, which is very desirable. The lime-turning movement is, however, ingenious and good, and this jet would doubtless be more widely used F 66 OPTICAL PROJECTION were it not for its cost, which is more than double that of the preceding. Mr. Wood has further applied to his jet a shield or jacket of copper surrounding the lime at a little distance, except a space cut out in front for the play of the jet and for radiation, which he strongly recommends as increasing the light (by confining the heat), keeping the lantern cool, and avoiding cracking of the lenses. There does appear to me a perceptible gain in the two latter points ; but I am unable to trace the least gain in light, and the copper hinders the state of the lime from being seen through the side of the lantern. The shield can be applied to any jet by such as desire it. 33. Attachment and Fixing of Jets. — The figures already given show the principal methods of adjusting and fixing jets in the lantern. Far the most common is a tray of thin sheet-iron or stout tin, as shown in fig. 28, from the back end of which stands up a steel rod, over which the socket of the jet slips and can be secured in any position by a screw. The edges of the tray slide backwards and forwards in guides, so as to draw back the jet to any distance from the condensers. The sliding adjustment has to be rather loose, and with the view of obtaining more accurate motion in the line of the optic axis, many opticians mount the rod on a wooden board of mahogany, as in fig. 81, and I have also seen a jet mounted to slide along tubes. I find that wood, however carefully seasoned, is very uncertain in its behaviour in any but a single or bottom lantern, owing to the heat ; hence, metal plates with dove-tailed edges are better. My own opinion is, how- ever, that the slight amount of freedom or ' play ' in the ordinary tray is, for ordinary work, an advantage, facilitating ready adjustment of the light. I also prefer myself, for common exhibition work, to have no fixing of the jet whatever, beyond one screw to pinch on the rod. Many think differently, and various opticians make their jets with a fork-piece projecting sideways from the front THE LIME-LIGHT 67 end. Then, by having a perpendicular screw fixed in the board or tray, on which two milled flange nuts screw up or down, embracing the fork between them, the front part of the jet can be easily fixed in any position, either perpendicularly or sideways. This can be applied for five shillings to any jet. For those who prefer it, opticians have also fitted jets like a compound slide-rest, with vertical and two horizontal screw movements. These are useful for optical or microscopical work, but for plain lantern-work worse than useless. The clamp-screw of the jet is not, however, put in the right place by most opticians. It is best near the bottom of the socket, instead of near the top, as usual, where the very act of tighten- ing the screw alters the adjustment. At the bottom, tighten- ing the screw has not this effect. I have never found much trouble in fastening the jet with a single screw in the socket. But if there is any, it can be effectually overcome by an expedient pointed out years ago by Mr. Samuel Highley, of filing a flat (fig. 44) on the opposite side of the rod to that on which the screw acts. Just the sharp edges of the flat must, how- ever, be filed off slightly, or they will score the brass socket and hinder adjustment. 34. Inclination of the Nipple. — For slides the nipple should make an angle of 40° to 45° with surface of the lime. For optical work, or for the microscope, where the jet has to be brought nearer the condensers, about 35° is better, or the nipple will cast a shadow on the lower part of the condenser. Both to avoid this, and also because there is a perceptible gain in light, the supporting rod, and consequently the lime, should be inclined forwards about 20° from the perpendicular. This both brings more luminous rays to bear, and takes the nipple gtill more out of the way, and the gain of light is very perceptible. It will be seen that there is a great deal to be attended to F2 68 OPTICAL PROJECTION before we can obtain the greatest illumination the lime-light is capable of affording. These hints are the result of long and sedulous attempts in that direction, with a view especially to microscopic projection. There will remain still what scientific observers term 'personal equation.' With the very same apparatus, two men will not get precisely equal results. I have always found that if unusually fatigued, I could never myself get the same light, by a perceptible quantity. A steady and delicate hand in adjusting the taps has much to do with this, and there are differences in this respect between different people. 35. Limes. — While very soft ' chalk ' limes give rather a better light with oxy-calcium jets, the very hardest are needed for the mixed. ' Nottingham ' and ' Excelsior ' limes are both well known. Both vary somewhat in quality ; the best of both are excellent, but the Excelsiors are apt to crack across under powerful jets. The other does not, but only lately has hard lime like ' Nottingham ' (which really I believe comes from Ireland) been obtainable turned true, and this for some work is essential. 36. Substitutes for Limes.— Many attempts have been made to avoid the turning necessitated by the pitting of the lime. Magnesium oxide made into a paste with water, dried, and then exposed to gradually increasing heat, is said by Dr. Eoux to stand the jet for hours ; but he cannot have used jets of much power, for I find no superiority whatever over lime, though the light is very fair. A mixture of calcium sulphate and magnesium oxide, which has been recommended, is no harder, but I have sometimes thought either this or the former might behave better if silicated by mixing with solution of some silicate instead of water. The only material hitherto used which really stands the jet is zirconium oxide. This was stated many years ago by M. Du Motay to be 'the most luminous' as well as most refractory of all substances, and the statement has been THE LIME-LIGHT 69 repeated by subsequent writers. Were it only true, all diffi- culties would be solved ; but I am sorry to have to dispel such expectations, after frequent and exhaustive experiments, as regards any zirconia hitherto commercially obtainable. My own hopes were high after reading the opinion of the late Dr. Draper of New York,1 that zirconia equalled lime in ' intrinsic brilliancy ; ' but I can only come to the conclusion that neither he nor Continental physicists who have so praised it, ever really knew what a good light is, as I understand it. I have tested three different zirconia samples of English manufacture, and three of Continental (including one from Schuckardt of Gorlitz, stated to be prepared especially for the lantern). The result was the same in all — the light was distinctly reddish in colour, and far inferior to that of a lime cylinder with the same jet. Mr. H. G. Madan was kind enough to test the matter photometrically, with the result that the best of these zirconias only gave a light of 1 : 2*88 compared with lime. I have since ascertained that Du Motay's own pencils really gave about the same results. Zirconia does decidedly better when used in very thin discs, instead of the jet playing on the end of a cylinder; for it is most extraordinary for its non-conducting power, and the most powerful jet will only illuminate a small surface and for a small depth in the pure material. The best substitutes for limes I have been able to obtain by pur- chase are a mixture of zirconia with a small quantity of some other substance— probably alumina — prepared under the superintendence of Dr. Linnemann by Smith and Hamsch, of 4, Stallschreiber-Strasse, Berlin, in discs about | in. in diameter and -^ in. thick, held in platinum capsules mounted at the end of a brass rod. The light is not equal to that of lime, but is very fair, and nearly white. The discs will stand a great deal of work, and are very convenient for many pur- 1 Dr. Draper's own process for purifying zirconia, and his observations on its use, will be found in the American Journal of Science, xiv. 208. 70 OPTICAL PROJECTION poses. They are sold in tlie capsules at 10s. each. For long experiments I have found them very acceptable, in spite of their inferiority in illuminating power. Only very recently, in fact since the above paragraphs (which have been modified in consequence) were actually in type in a more pronounced form, my hopes have been revived. Observing in a paper l by Mr. G. H. Bailey, D.Sc., of Owens College, that his purest zirconias prepared for other purposes, were distinguished by luminosity and a slight bluish tinge in the incandescence, I communicated with him, and he was so kind as to send me three separate samples, weighing 12, 15, and 18 grains respectively. There were difficulties in the manipulation, chiefly from shrinkage when first ignited, which have prevented me (by premature breaking up) from as yet ascertaining the full incandescence of these samples ; but I found them all absolutely free from any trace of silica * glaze,' and satisfied myself completely that the light was in truth perfectly white (if anything slightly bluish) and far superior in quantity to that of any previous zirconias I had obtained. I also proved unmistakably that the incandescence of this material was much superior when the small thin disc is only supported by a thin ring of platinum, to that when the sample was mounted in one of the above-named capsules emptied for the occasion. Such discs, about ^-inch in diameter (more is useless) will each require about 1 gramme or 15 grains of zirconia, previously calcined in the heat of the OH flame itself to complete the shrinkage. Provided therefore that samples of zirconia of approxi- mately equal purity to these can be supplied at any price commercially practicable, the material does hold out hopes. The real difficulty is to entirely get rid of the silica, and these specimens alone, of all I have had, showed no trace of glaze after heating. As already stated, my own experiments are not yet completed, and it remains still to be ascertained how * See Proc. Royal Society, xlvi. 74. THE LI ME- LIGHT 71 far it may be possible to supply such material ; but as the subject has occupied my own attention for years, and has also interested others, I have thought it better to give, however briefly and imperfectly, the very latest information I have regarding it. 37. Management. — We will now suppose the two bags full, and all apparatus ready at hand. The first step is to place the bags in the boards, and it is best to place the oxygen at the bottom. This is the direct opposite of the usual direction, but I am certain of its correctness. It ensures a shade more weight (that of the top bag and board) on the oxygen, and the result is, that if any change in adjustment of the gases does take place unnoticed, it will probably be in the direction of too much oxygen, which will snap the jet, put the light out, and so give notice. Then the weights are placed on, and if necessary tied on, the vulcanised tubes con- nected with the jet-nozzles (dissolving and cut-off taps will be described in Chapter VIII.), and both taps of the jet turned off. Generally the two taps will be different colours, or one will have a hole through the thumb handle ; if not, care should be taken that the same side be always used for the oxygen, in order that the hand may always go to the proper tap by instinct. A lime should now be placed upon the pin, first clearing out the hole from dust by turning a match round in it, and wiping off all loose pow- der by a good rub with the tissue-paper in which it was wrapped. For handling limes, and especially for re- no. 45.— Lime-tongs moving a used-up or cracked one, the lime- tongs shown in fig. 45, made by bending a strip of sheet- brass, will be found very convenient. Both bag-taps are now turned on, and the hydrogen jet- tap may be turned on a little and lighted, giving flame enough 7* OPTICAL PROJECTION to play gently rather more than up the lime, which is to be slowly turned round a minute or so to warm through. Then turn on rather more hydrogen — say about half — and a very little oxygen ; just enough to slightly diminish the flame, and increase the heat, so that the lime is heated red-hot easily The whole lime is again carefully subjected to this heat which is a great security against cracking. More oxygen can now be turned on ; then as much hydrogen as it is intended to use (full, if the extreme light be desired), and finally the oxygen is turned on until the best light is obtained. It will be found that the merest hair's-breadth of adjustment will make a difference, and the taps should, therefore, always be kept nicely fitted, and lubricated with a very little tallow (unsalted) or sperm oil. A powerful jet generally « roars ' till the oxygen is adjusted, but quiets when the two are in pro- portion. The best light is not obtained till the jet has played upon the same spot for half a minute or so ; after that it remains very steady for a couple of minutes. Then, as the cavity deepens, it deteriorates ; and if kept too long on a deep pit, the flame may be reflected back again, and crack the condenser. Some limes will stand many minutes ; and when a box is found very good, it is well to keep it for particular occasions. With the bags in proportion — that is, hydrogen about five volumes to four of oxygen — and equally full, the taps will scarcely need any subsequent alteration ; but if the light does go down a little, the necessary adjustment must be made from time to time. At the close, or if anything goes wrong, let the first thing be to turn off the oxygen ; and cultivate from the first a fixed, invariable habit of doing this. Remember, also, when the bags are half empty, to let down the boards as already described. At the close of all, see that the jet is out and the bag- taps turned off before removing the rubber supply-pipes from the lantern nipples ; else possibly the light might remain long PREPARATION OF GASES 73 enough to ignite the stream of gas, which for a moment would probably be directed towards the lantern. I once knew this happen, and should such a flame reach an oxygen bag with any quantity of gas in it, the result would probably be a combustion of the bag itself so furious as to be almost explosive, and highly dangerous. With care the mixed jet can easily be used with only oxygen in a bag, and gas from the main, instead of employing an oxy-gas jet. In this case the bag must be lightly weighted — only fifty- six pounds being placed on. I often use the jet thus in experiments ; but it should only be thus used by ex- perienced persons. CHAPTER V PBEPARATION OF GASES 88. Hydrogen. — It is unadvisable to make this gas. It has been often stated to give a better light, but careful experiments made at the old Polytechnic proved that this was a delusion, even with similar-sized nipples. No difference could be perceived; and double the quantity of oxygen is needed, besides the expense of the hydrogen. A bag of gas can easily be sent by rail, if necessary ; or a bottle of com- pressed coal-gas, at the present low prices, will be less trouble and cheaper than making pure hydrogen, besides saving half the oxygen. There are also the oxy-spirit jet, and the oxy- ether and oxy-carbon lights (Chapter VII.) to fall back upon. There are however a few out-of-the-way places where it may be necessary to use hydrogen for lack of other materials. A glass bottle may be used as a generator, but a leaden one is more usual. It is furnished with a movable cap, bearing a long tube reaching nearly to the bottom and with a funnel at the top, and a delivery-tube coming from the cap ; the general arrangement resembling an ordinary wash- bottle, or 74 OPTICAL PROJECTION as in fig. 49, which would answer very well with a funnel at the top of the long tube. Care must be taken that the top is air-tight. Into the retort is introduced about half a pound of granulated or scrap zinc, and through the funnel is then poured about a pint of dilute sulphuric acid ; about one part of acid to six or seven of water. This should be previously mixed, to avoid heat in the retort. The gas as it comes over is passed through one wash-bottle (§ 42) about half full of water, as in washing oxygen ; but great care must be taken that all atmospheric air is allowed to escape. To ascertain this, a light is applied to the gas, which should take fire ; but to avoid explosion, a piece of rather fine wire gauze should be bent into a kind of loose cap, and held over the end of the delivery tube. When the gas inflames quietly, the bag is connected up as usual, turning on the tap at the same moment. If the evolution of gas fails before the bag is full, a little more acid may be poured down through the funnel : or if done very gradually the acid may be added from the first in this way. Any metallic zinc left may be preserved for the next occasion. In turning off the bag-tap when full, the very next moment remove the delivery-tube ; but be careful it does not discharge near any light. Should zinc not be obtainable, clean iron filings, or small nails, may be used instead and in the same way. 39. Oxygen. — Till lately oxygen gas was universally pre- pared by every habitual user for his own requirements, and so much is still made from chlorate of potash that it is necessary to describe the best methods of managing that process. It has been stigmatised as dangerous, but is not at all so when properly conducted. There are certain possible dangers, it is true ; but, guarding against these, the operator may proceed with perfect confidence. The only practical method of preparing individual supplies of oxygen consists in heating over a furnace a mixture of potassic chlorate and manganese black oxide ; or in lieu of PREPARATION OF GASES 75 the latter, which only acts mechanically, some use fine washed sand, or even red oxide of iron, to avoid a possible danger lurking in the black colour of the manganese, which has been known to be adulterated with powdered charcoal. Should this be the case, the carbon would probably ignite with the heat, and, burning in the evolving oxygen with explosive violence, produce what may be called a carbon ex- plosion in the retort. A similar explosion once occurred when the manganese had become, not adulterated, but accidentally mixed, with antimony sulphide. From a known source, no dread need be felt ; but in case of doubt a drachm of the mixture should be placed in a dry test-tube and heated over a Bunsen burner. It will always crackle, and a few tiny sparks may be seen ; but if large, and bright sparks appear, or anything like a small explosion be heard, it should be rejected. Any sand or iron oxide, if these are substituted, should be known to be perfectly cleaned. Of the chlorate itself, the common commercial quality is quite pure enough ; but for similar reasons, every parcel purchased should be spread out upon a large sheet of the Times, and any bits of wood or straw carefully picked out, should any such be visible. 40. The Oxygen Retort.— The mixture— of which imme- diately— must be placed in a retort, of which three kinds are sold. First, a copper one, the dearest to buy and the worst to wear of any. Secondly, a conical flat-bottomed one of sheet iron (fig. 46), which is perhaps the most usual, and fairly durable. It should have a safety-tube at the top, in which a cork can be placed, as well as the deli very- tube. This latter should be of a good diameter, as a certain quantity of the powdered manganese is carried up into it by the rapidly evolv- ing gas, and a small tube might choke, when too great a rush of gas might produce a sort of mild confined pressure explosion. The cork in the safety-tube will sufficiently guard against this, blowing out if necessary and letting the gas escape ; and there is no fear if the delivery-tube is examined after every operation, 76 OPTICAL PROJECTION and, if necessary, an iron rod passed right through it, and any manganese that may have collected cleared out. By at- tending to this, I used for years delivery-tubes composed of half-inch gas-pipe, but three-quarters would be a better size, and even this should be examined. FiG. 46. Oxygen Retorts FIG. 47. The third kind of retort is of cast iron, made of various shapes, such as fig. 47. I have also known a small Papiii digester fitted as one. Cast iron is most durable of all, and such are usually fitted with very large delivery-tubes ; but the greater thickness of metal requires more heat. 41. The Mixture and its Use. — Such a retort, with the requisite quantity of mixture, is placed on either a fire, or, what is far better, a Fletcher's ring gas-burner, whose flame can be regulated according to the evolution of gas. The mixture often advised, of two parts chlorate to one of man- ganese, is pretty steady in evolution of gas, but apt to carry much manganese into the delivery-tube. Four parts of chlorate to one is much faster, but requires watching, or the gas will come with a rush and blow out the cork, wasting the oxygen. Till the gas begins to come, the flame may be full on, but directly it begins to come pretty fast, must be turned down considerably, or this * rush ' will ensue. That is the PREPARATION OF GASES 77 difficulty; as with these proportions, if the gas is 'rushing,' and the flame be lowered, the flow does not diminish for a minute or two. Hence the probable behaviour must be anti- cipated, as it were. This needs experience, and the beginner should make his gas cautiously till he has gained it, which will only take him rather more time to fill his bag. Steadi- ness of action can, however, be attained by further adding to the mixture common salt, for which hint I am indebted to Mr. E. Holland. Take, say, Chlorate of potash • . . 2 Ibs. Manganese oxide .... f Ib. Salt ...... 6 ounces. In this mixture the chlorate is to be powdered as well as the other ingredients, and the evolution of gas will answer almost instantly to the lowering of the flame, and thus be under perfect control. This is therefore the mixture I recom- mend : chlorate, 8 parts by weight ; manganese, 2 parts ; salt 1^ parts. When chlorate is used with manganese alone, it must not be powdered, but used in the rough crystals ; and 1 Ib. of the chlorate — the only active ingredient — must be allowed for 4 to 4 \ cubic feet of oxygen. Powdered chlorate, without salt, is liable to cause violent rushes. It may also be noted that finely granulated manganese is better than powdered, as not choking the delivery-tube at all ; but it is seldom easy to procure, and the powder need cause no inconvenience. Using the necessary caution, it often happens that when the charge is about half exhausted the evolution of gas stops for a while, and even the full flame fails to start it again for some minutes. It will resume, however, and during this second stage there is little need of caution for fear of a rush ; the full heat is generally needed to the end. For its thorough manageability, however, I strongly recommend the salt mix- ture. ?8 OPTICAL PROJECTION 42. Purifying the Gas, — Oxygen thus prepare! from commercial chlorate is not fit to pass direct into the bag. It is hot, and must be cooled ; it will contain a great deal of free chlorine, and must be purified, else both bag and brass- work will be rapidly destroyed. And it is very seldom properly purified. Properly purified and dried, new jets and taps should be used half-a-dozen times without any sign of FIG. 48.— Arrangement of Purifier speak green corrosion being visible on the bright brass. I from experience. The hot gas is passed through at least one cooler and purifier, as shown in fig. 48, connecting the delivery-tube of the retort by a piece of vulcanised tubing with the pipe which goes nearly to the bottom of the purifier, and the tube which leaves the top of the purifier, with the gas-bag or the next purifier. Where only one purification is attempted, the whole arrangement is shown in fig. 48, the gas bubbling up through PREPARATION OF GASES 79 the fluid. The tube passing into the purifier should go nearly to the bottom of it, and about two inches from the bottom end should be perforated with six or eight holes about ^ inch diameter, that the gas may enter the water in small streams. Care must be taken to make no mistake about the proper connections, as shown in the figure. Many people pass the gas simply once, through water, in this way. This will cool it but not purify it ; and it also carries it damp into the bag, to the latter's rapid destruction. To absorb the chlorine, sodic carbonate (common washing soda) or potassic carbonate (salt of tartar) may be dissolved in the water, and answers fairly well ; but the way to per- fectly neutralise it is to use caustic soda. With this, the same solution may be used several times, if at home ; the quantity is not very material, using, say, a couple of sticks of the caustic to a Winchester quart bottle. One washing is not, howevei\ enough ; two purifiers are necessary to get really pure gas, connecting the delivery-tube from the first with the entering pipe of the second. Formerly sheet-metal purifiers were used ; but it ia advisable, if not necessary, to see just how fast the gas is coming over, by which the heat under the retort is to be regulated, and hence glass bottles have long been usual. These are generally made as in fig. 48, with screwed caps, through which the entry and delivery-tubes passed. But there are two far better methods. The first is to employ vulcanised ' Woolff ' caps, through whose nipples the brass pipes are passed, and which simply stretch over the open mouths of wide-necked Winchester quarts. These will also act as safety- vents for too great a rush of gas, allowing either some leakage, or blowing off altogether if it were necessary. But the best and handiest fittings of all are made as in fig. 49. Here B is a brass tube about one inch in diameter, closed in at the top, into which closed top the brass entry-pipe (A) is brazed. Into the side, at (c) the delivery nipple, 8o OPTICAL PROJECTION of brass pipe, is also brazed. Over the open bottom end iA of light at right \\ angles to that given by the pulse-motion. Then this rocking motion should be given, backwardsand FlG 120._Pulse Mirror forwards, so that the motion synchronises with the pulse-motion ; when the break in the curve will be seen very fairly represented on the screen. It is true that this break can only be followed for one pulse at a time, and not for many beats together as in a tracing. But there is a general remark to be made here re- specting the true place and value in demonstration of direct projections. Exhibited thus, however roughly, they give a sense of vivid objective reality which can be imparted to a class in no other way, to ' tracings ' prepared by any of the well-known methods, and which should immediately after- wards be projected upon the screen, using the tracings as ordinary scientific diagrams. To obtain such slides, either the revolving blackened cylinder so usual hi tracing apparatus must be displaced for tracing on the flat, which is most 234 OPTICAL PROJECTION easily and simply done in ways too obvious to need descrip- tion ; or films of smoked mica can be bent round the cylinders, and afterwards unrolled and mounted between glass plates. To take the case before us : when the break in the curve has once been shown in actual motion on the screen by the pulse- mirror, and its method of production explained, it will be found that the meaning of the curve in any tracings subse- quently projected will be instantly realised in a degree very desirable. This will be still more the case if the process of tracing be itself projected, which can generally be done, by the ap- FIG. 121.— Double Recording Apparatus paratus devised by Marey. The usual means of transmitting vital movements to the recording style or point need not be described in detail, as it is well known that the two principal methods are the electric current, or Marey 's tambour. By arranging an apparatus as in fig. 121, where the screw d adjusts upon the main pillar an electric receiving apparatus m in electrical connection at c, while the screw e adjusts another recording style actuated at g by the registering tambour n, whose membrane on the top is actuated by the varying pneu- matic pressure conveyed into the receiving tambour by a tube at r, the motion transmitted electrically and pneumatically PHYSIOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATION 235 may be traced upon the same blackened plate by the styles a and b ; and if the plate and styles be adjusted in front of the condensers, and focussed on the screen, the tracings will appear as they are made. In some cases it may be well to attach fine wires carrying small black discs to the ends of a and 6, and to exhibit the motion of these discs upon the screen, before the clockwork tracing is made. By employing the delicately-adjustable tambour devised by Marey for the purpose, as the transmitting instrument in FIG. 122. — Projection of Heart Movement a pneumatic system, or two systems, the movement of the heart may be shown from the outside of the chest upon the screen, or simultaneously with a pulse -tracing. All that is really necessary is to adjust the clock-work movement and the traverse of the tracing point, to the size of the field covered by the condensers of the lantern. As regards the projection itself, it is only needful to secure an evenly illu- minated disc, in the manner described on p. 115, for the focal plane which is to be occupied by the blackened glass. This 236 OPTICAL PROJECTION is accomplished by focussing a plate of glass with a few lines marked upon it, and adjusting the light for this ; and then making every smoked plate occupy the same position as nearly as possible, throughout the series of demonstrations. The movements of the heart have been projected by other methods. The apparatus shown in fig. 122 is extremely simple. A heart freshly taken from the living frog or other animal is embedded in sufficient warmed wax to form a steady base, and laid on the plate a. Above it extends a light lever, fd, FIG. 123.— Czermak's Cardioscops bearing an index-disc, /, at the end, or it may be a style ; this has a very sensitive joint at d i, which can be adjusted length- ways over the heart by the screw g, and this and the other screw g also serve to adjust lever and stand on the pillar m. For some experiments requiring great delicacy, it may be advisable to carefully balance the arm fc, or the somewhat similar arms in fig. 121, so that their weight may not inter- fere with the motion. Between the heart and the lever at c is adjusted a small pillar b of elder pith, with a small point at each ond, which communicates the motion, the lower point PHYSIOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATION 237 being sunk in the heart. The motions of the heart, which can be kept beating rhythmically by well-known methods, are thus readily projected, as shown by the disc on a point at/. The same apparatus projects the contractile movements of pieces of muscle. The plate a is removed, and the arm h arranged above the lever fc d. To a loop on h is fastened one end of the muscle, and to a thread attached to fed the other end ; when the contraction of the muscle will affect the lever as before. Czermak's projecting Cardioscope employs the direct optical Fio. 124.— Action of the Cardioscope method of the reflecting mirror. Small slabs of cork are laid on the pulsating body, so as to receive the motion without loss or suppression by weight, and resting upon these are the horizontal arms of very light levers bent at their pivots some- what like an L, which communicate the angular motion to light thin mirrors. Fig. 123 represents such an apparatus with two slabs and mirrors, one slab being placed on the 238 OPTICAL PROJECTION ventricle of a heart and the other on the auricle. When the auricle is compressed the slab sinks, and so does the mirror, as shown by the dotted lines ; whilst the slab on the ventricle rises and the other mirror is elevated. The optical arrange- ments are as in fig. 124. The focussed parallel pencils from two small apertures on the lantern B fall on the mirrors of the cardioscope c, and are reflected and focussed on the screen T. The spots move in harmony, and one of course represents the systole and the other the diastole of the heart, as the mirrors rise and fall. Contraction of Muscle, which it has already been remarked may be projected by the apparatus shown in fig. 122, may be also demonstrated on the screen by the telegraph of Du Bois-Reymond, the general scheme of which will be seen in fig. 125. On the base gg' the pillar D is fixed, and sup- ports a pair of forceps A, which can slide in and out of the tubular socket or handle B, FIQ. 125.— Muscle Telegraph being fixed at any length by the screw s. The other pillar can be fixed at a movable distance on the base by the screw z. This pillar carries a little pulley from which projects a radial arm a1 carrying at the end the index-disc d. Over the pulley passes a thread, which carries at the end a small capsule or bucket b for weighting, and at the other end has a hook x. One 'end of a frog's muscle properly prepared with its nerve is held in the forceps A, and the hook is passed through the tendo Achillis, the distances are properly adjusted, and the bucket weighted with small shot, so that the slightest con- traction pulls the thread and raises the index-disc in the direction of the arrow. By binding screws at s' and x wires can be connected for applying a galvanic current. By this PHYSIOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATION 239 simple apparatus, making the scale c c' of glass, the different effects, both in kind, and roughly in degree, of continuous, making, breaking, or intermittent currents can be pro- jected. 127. Blood-pressure. — Most experiments of this class can be demonstrated upon the screen, preparatory to exhibiting their tracings in the same manner. Fig. 126 is a general sketch of Ludwig's Kymographion, which makes use of the mercury or u^ube manometer. The normal level of the mercury is da. In the blood-vessel cc is tied a y-shaped end of the short limb of the U-tube, the space between the blood-vessel and the mercury being filled with a solution of sodic bicarbonate to prevent coagulation. To the surface of the mercury in the long limb Ludwig ap- plied floats, bearing at the top an arm / carrying a tracing-point which makes the trace on the blackened plate c as the pres- sure of the blood depresses the mercury in one limb to a variable point a' and of course raises the column in the other tube to b. We have only to remove the clockwork and blackened plate, and if desirable the float and style as well, and place behind the manometer a black board or card with a slit cut in it sufficiently large to display the long tube. The tube and slit being then focussed, the rise and fall of the mercury will distinctly appear upon the screen, either inverted, or correctly if an erecting prism is Fick and Bourdon's instrument, employing a sprii of the mercury column, may be projected witl 128. Electric Currents. — The currents as in muscle or nerve — can be demonstp^d^i the more than one way. In many instances th< itself into the simple projection of a galYanQ^et'er, ing galvanometer may be employed ; p\pjecit«i^ wSo if < j-vj vuo ,-> uj ft FlO. 126.— Ludwig's Kymographion 240 OPTICAL PROJECTION on another part of the screen, and from the other system of a demonstrating bi-unial lantern, the preparation itself, in order to show the arrangements. The time will not, however, be far distant when every medical school and college will possess an adequate projecting microscope ; and with such an instrument these feeble currents may be shown directly by Professor M'Kendrick's modification of Lippmann's capillary electro- meter, which can be easily constructed by any person at all accustomed to scientific manipulation. A piece of narrow and thin glass tube a & is taken, the ends bent up to form small cups, and the middle drawn into a very fine capillary bore. Immersing one end in mercury covered with dilute sulphuric acid, this is so drawn into the tube that a very minute portion of dilute acid is brought into the centre at c between the two columns of mercury, and a platinum wire is introduced into the mercury at each end. To secure a sensitive instrument, perfectly clean glass, FIQ. i27.-capiiiai7 Electrometer acid, and mercury are necessary ; and the slightest air-bubble must be avoided. The instrument is then carefully mounted on a glass slip as a slide for the microscope, and it will be better to lay over the capillary portion a piece of thin cover-glass, and fill the space between, surrounding the tube, with Canada balsam, which optically abolishes the glass tube, and enables the thread of mercury with its break of acid to be sharply focussed. Placing the slide on the stage of the microscope, and connecting the wires with the nerve or muscle through non-polarisable electrodes, after the manner of Du Bois-Rey- mond or otherwise,1 the current will produce a movement, 1 Details of all these arrangements must be sought in some of the numerous text-books devoted to such matters. I have taken several from Professor M'Gregor-Kobertson's Elements of Physiological Physics ; but it is no part of my purpose to describe more than bears upon the projection of them, and may make that portion of the subject intelligible to those whose special business ft is to deal with it. PHYSIOLOGICAL DEMONSTRATION 241 clearly projected on the screen by a power of about 1,200 diameters. I must content myself with these representative experiments in a branch of demonstration witli which I can necessarily have little practical acquaintance ; but they will suffice to indicate to those who are familiar with the subject, the applicability to it of the projection method. That method will be found more and more convenient, by reason of the number who can simultaneously receive the same instruction, the more it is practised. CHAPTER XVI CHEMISTRY OP course the only chemical experiments adapted for public projection are of the qualitative, and most of them of the ' popular ' class. Of that scrupulously accurate quantitative work which forms so large a part of modern chemistry, the lantern can take no cognisance. It can only impart a popu- lar knowledge of those general phenomena which comprise what the majority of people understand as chemistry; but even this has its value as a part of general education, and as giving some intelligent understanding of a great deal that goes on around us. 129. Tanks. — The major part of such experiments may be classed under the general head of 'reactions.' Nearly all of these which give any conspicuous phenomena, are better shown in the lantern, and with the advantage of employing a great deal less weight or bulk of material. The apparatus most frequently required will be some sort of tank, with parallel glass vertical sides, whose contents will exhibit on a small scale the desired reaction, and which takes the place B 242 OPTICAL PROJECTION in the lantern of an ordinary slide or diagram. As these tanks frequently require to be washed clean for other experi- ments, one of the best methods of constructing them is that shown in fig. 128, where a piece of smooth vulcanised tubing bent into a semi-circle, is squeezed between two glass plates by screws through the corners, so as to make a water-tight vessel easily taken to pieces for cleaning, and unaffected by most chemicals. Or the plates may be mounted between outer plates of metal or ebonite, which enables plain or un- perforated pieces of glass to be used. Pieces of thick solid rubber cut to shape may also be used between the plates, but require more pressure and are not so safe. If a little more solidity is desired for the com- pressed tubing, the latter may be filled with fine sand after being screwed up to the proper tension. Such tanks may be of any size and thickness of content, and a sufficiency should be pro- vided for the proposed series of experiments. Or the glass plates may sometimes be more conveniently introduced into some such wooden frame as was shown in fig. Ill, p. 223 ; and the rubber tube then squeezed into place rather tightly, will readily give a water-tight tank, only the glass and rubber coming into contact with the fluid. Occasionally it will be needful to employ tanks made entirely of glass, cemented together, according to the nature of the solution. For aqueous solutions, those sold as zoophyte troughs for microscopic use are convenient, and may be had of almost any desired size ; but for spirituous solutions marine glue must be replaced by other cements, such as are used in FIG. 128.— Tank CHEMISTRY 243 optical prism bottles. Isinglass with a little acetic acid answers very well in most cases. 130. Test-tubes. — Very often a small test-tube answers all purposes as well as any tank, besides being cleaner and using less material. The rather flattened form of test-tube sometimes available is, for obvious reasons, better than circu- lar tubes ; but even in the latter any ordinary reaction can be exhibited perfectly well. 131. Experiments. — It is perfectly useless to attempt a list of experiments in detail, but a few representatives may be given, with one or two practical hints. In precipitations it will usually be found expedient to employ solutions more than usually diluted, as the faintest opacity is projected on the screen with a conspicuousness that would hardly be credited without trial. Suppose, for instance, we want to exhibit the precipitation of silver from solution of its nitrate by hydrochloric acid. It will be found that this is better shown by a weak solution of one, two, or three grains per ounce ; and anyone who has never before attempted this method will be astonished at the apparently dense masses of cloud which will be formed in such a solution, by a single drop of the acid introduced at the tip of a glass rod. In reactions involving liberation of gas the same remarks apply. Minute bubbles are so magnified, and appear so black upon the screen, that solutions adapted for giving what would be called very slight reactions, or often a mere trace, give the best results. This fact makes the lantern method peculiarly useful for exhibiting reactions involving the more expensive chemicals. Such an experiment as the formation of calcium carbonate by blowing carbonic acid into clear lime-water, is very much more impressive projected, than when shown in any other way. The usual test-reactions are very readily shown, in tanks of litmus or other test solutions ; but these are better made pretty strong, in contradiction to the preceding, in order to 244 OPTICAL PROJECTION give sufficient colour on the screen, which is the chief thing to be studied, and will depend upon the thickness of the tank : hence a tank of proportionate thickness enables any strength of solution to be used which may be suitable to the reaction. There is also room for ingenuity, in so arranging an experi- ment as to give the reactions in an attractive or striking manner. Thus, a tank may be filled with the well-known infusion of red cabbage, the top of the tank being long enough to extend all along the diameter of the condensers. Then, if we add a drop or two of potass solution at one end, of alum solution in the centre, and hydrochloric acid at the other end, the purple, green, and crimson colours will appear simultaneously. The reactions formed by adding potassic ferrocyanide to salts of iron, copper, bismuth, &c., are very impressive. Most of them are better shown with dilute solutions than the fore- going. Electric reactions are easily shown by filling a tank with sodium sulphate, coloured with cabbage or litmus, which pro- jects as a blue solution. If the terminals of a small battery are then introduced, the acid and alkaline reactions will appear at the poles. The action of heat upon salts of cobalt is prettily shown in the lantern by coating a glass plate with a saturated solution of the chloride in a solution of gelatine. The rosy tint will gradually change to a blue in the heat of the lantern. This may be varied by using with the plate a photographic slide, which if judiciously chosen will give a curious apparent change from day to moonlight ; or if a design be sketched with a weaker solution, the gradual visibility of the so-called sympa^ thetic inks can be readily exhibited. The main facts of popular ' domestic chemistry ' are readily demonstrated. Bleaching, for instance, may be illustrated by filling a tank with a solution of indigo in dilute sulphuric acid, and projecting the tank upon the screen. By adding a solution of calcium chloride, the colour will gradually disappear. CHEMISTRY 245 Antiseptic operations may be illustrated by a tank filled with sewage water, concentrated and rendered darker, if necessary, by evaporation. To this may be added a strong solution of potassic permanganate ; when the gradual clearing of the tank will be conspicuously shown. The difference between pure and ' hard ' waters can be demonstrated by showing that the ' hard ' water, on adding certain reagents, gives precipitates which are not formed in distilled. If the water contains much lime, a crystal of oxalic acid may be tied to a thread and dipped into it, when distinct opaque threads of calcium oxalate will stream from the crystal, not apparent when distilled water is used. In all tank projections the same pains should be taken to get an evenly -illuminated disc, and by the same methods, as described in Chapter XIV. And any chemical apparatus or appliances may be readily projected, either by the focussing lens, or by the shadow method as described in that chapter. 132. Larger and Vertical Projections. — Some experiments and reactions are required to be shown upon a large scale, or on a more considerable flat surface of solution as a field. For such cases Professor Ferguson has given the arrangement in fig. 129, which enables vertical projections to be made with scarcely any addition besides the lantern itself, to apparatus which every chemical demonstrator has constantly at hand. The diagram almost explains itself. The lantern and radiant are so arranged that a somewhat diverging beam proceeds from the final lens, L, of the condenser. This is received on a mirror, M, adjustable at an angle of 45°, at the end of an arm sliding, and fixed by a screw, on the stem of a chemical retort-stand. Above it is arranged a large retort-ring holding a spherically -shaped glass dish ss, containing the fluid, and above is adjusted the small vessel containing the reagent, with a drop- ping-tube. The focussing lens — from the lantern itself, or otherwise — fits into a ring above at i, and a second smaller mirror in reflects the rays to the screen. The glass vessel s s 246 OPTICAL PROJECTION must be chosen so that the under surface may form a lens of suitable focus to act as its own condenser, and give proper con- vergence to the cone of rays. On this the excellence of the projection will chiefly depend, as will be understood from pre- ceding chapters ; any further remarks it is to be hoped will be unnecessary, except that a sheet of blackened card should be interposed between the apparatus and the screen, so as to protect the latter from all scattered light. This last is the only objection to the arrangement, but is not great if the condenser beam, mirror, £c., are carefully adjusted. If however it be at hand, pro- jections of this kind are better shown, and more quickly adjusted, with a vertical at- tachment, in cells resembling fig. 117. Any demonstrator will be able from these hints to elaborate any number of ex- periments according to his own requirements. The chief point is to ascertain by trial on the screen the most effective strength for his various solu- tions. The phenomena of crystallisation, &c., belong to a previous chapter, and those of electro-decomposition will be touched upon later. 133. Photography. — The formation, development, and fixing of a photographic image is rather an attractive lantern . 129 — Vertical Projection CHEMISTRY 247 demonstration, and easily carried out by anyone practically ex- perienced in photography. A developing glass tank must be provided of proper size, and the plate cut small enough to dip easily into it. This plate should be a chloride plate and not a bromide, which is too opaque, while the chloride plate is also so much less sensitive as to be more manageable. A suitable negative being provided, and superposed in a proper frame upon the chloride plate, may be exposed in the parallel beam from the condensers, time 5 to 15 seconds, according to the power of the jet. The developing tank is then placed in the stage, with a plate of ruby glass between it and the condensers, and a plate of glass with some black diagram being placed in it, in the position the photographic plate will occupy, is focussed. This being withdrawn, the plate is taken from the frame and placed in the tank, upside down of course. The developing fluid, previously arranged for instant use, is then poured in, rather a weak preparation being used. Ferrous oxalate is best, as its own red colour will allow the ruby plate to be then withdrawn and so allow more light to pass. The image will then gradually appear, and when of the desired strength, the plate can be washed and replaced in another tank of fixing solution, which will show the film gradually getting clear. If a tank be provided with waste-pipe and tap, the same may be employed throughout the whole operation. CHAPTER XVII SOUND A LABGE number of experiments in acoustics are of necessity incapable of projection : those for instance which depend entirely upon the hearing, cannot be demonstrated by another sense. But so far as it is desired to show that the phenomena 248 OPTICAL PROJECTION depend upon motions, and especially rhythmical vibrations, they are for the most part capable of being thus demonstrated. In some cases projection is upon the whole less effective than the direct observation of large apparatus, but may enable the phenomena to be shown with smaller and less expensive apparatus : in others there is perhaps little choice : in others projection is distinctly superior, or may be the only method practically available. 134. Wave Motion.— The best method of showing the nature of the motion of the particles of air in a sound-wave, is to project it by what is usually called a Crova's disc, constructed as follows. A cir- cular transparent plate 13 to 18 inches diameter is so mounted on an axle that it can be rotated with one of its hori- zontal radii across the condenser- field, and the radial portion there focussed as a slide. The plate is blackened, and in the centre is struck a circle 6 to 8 mm. diameter, which is divided into twelve divi- sions, as fig. 181. Taking a scale divided into, say, eighths of an inch (it may range from one-twelfth to one-eighth accord- ing to size), take a radius of from 2 to 3 inches, and strike a circle through the varnish, from one of the divisions on fig. 131, cutting a pretty bold transparent line (too fine a scratch will not be bold enough upon the screen). Extend the compasses FIG. 130.— Orovs's disc SOUND 249 another division of the scale— be it one-twelfth or one-eighth — and strike another circle from the next point on the little divided circle. Extend another division of the scale, and strike from the next point of the circle in the same direction, and so on round and round fig. 131, extending radius each time, till the disc is filled, which will require going round fig. 131 two 01 three times. In using this disc, when finished and mounted, a cap or plate is placed on the lantern with a horizontal slit A B, and inspection will show how the revolution of the disc with its eccentric circles, over such a slit, will represent by the motion of bright dots focussed upon the screen the successive condensations and FIG.ISI expansions in a series of aerial waves. 135. Bells and Liquids,— The fact that a sounding bell is in a state of vibration, is best projected by adjusting a thin goblet in the field of the lantern, with a small pith ball hung from a wire stand so as just to touch it. On now drawing a violin bow across the edge of the goblet, the enlarged image of the ball will be seen to be thrown away by the vibrating glass. The thinnest glasses should be chosen for all acoustic ex- periments. About 3 inches across is the best average size.1 To ensure steadiness, a good plan is to cut off the feet, and cement the stems into solid blocks about three inches square and one inch deep, cast in lead or type-metal. This is easily done with plaster of Paris mixed with a little powdered char- coal, made up with gum-water. Fixed in such heavy feet, all the phenomena are more easily obtained. The nodes of a bell are best shown by the ripples in con- 1 For ripple phenomena next mentioned, some pains should be taken to get good glasses. At any shop where high-class ware is sold, a certain num- ber should be selected of various shapes, which are thinnest and seem to ring most clearly. Then, by experiment before a window, those which give ripples best and most readily are easily selected. As a rule quite different glasses will give the best results with different liquids like mercury, water, and alcohol 250 OPTICAL PROJECTION tained liquid. These may be projected in various ways. If a thin and pretty shallow bell-glass can be found, about 5 inches diameter, on a short leg or foot, the latter may be cemented to the centre of a massive plate of glass, and placed on the vertical attachment. The field lens should be removed from the latter, as the bell when filled with liquid will form its own converging lens. The bell being filled with the liquid selected — water, alcohol, ether, or carbon di-sulphide— the surface is focussed by a scrap of paper thrown on it and after- wards removed, and the bell excited by a violin bow, or in many cases the finger rubbed with resin will suffice. In this case the fluid must be clear. But on the whole reflected images are preferable. Fig. 132 shows a very simple arrangement, pro- vided a ceiling, or any kind of overhead screen can be utilised for the image. Slightly diverging rays are reflected downwards from the nozzle of the lantern or optical front N, by the plane mirror A, arranged so as not to scatter the light beyond the surface of the liquid in the goblet or glass c, and the reflected rays are focussed (for the surface of the liquid) upon the ceiling or screen D. Instead of rays from the nozzle N, the parallel or slightly convergent beam from condensers may be employed. In this case the best effect is produced by employing water blackened with writing ink, so that rays reflected from the surface alone may be utilised. A violin bow is neither neces- sary nor desirable, being far too energetic ; the resined fore- finger dipped in the water is ample, and the nodes will follow FIG. 132 SOUND 251 Its motions round the circle. With a glass carefully selected, very fine effects are obtainable in this way. With a suitable glass, circular ripples of quite another character, but of great beauty, may often be obtained by pressing the finger very hard upon the rim while drawn round sloiuly, so as to produce a * groaning ' kind of note. And with somo glasses (see note on page 241)) very similar ripples to these last, but more evanescent, may be produced by tapping some particular point on the goblet or its stem with a metal rod. For a perpendicular screen, the easiest arrangement is the apparatus shown in fig. 142. The funnel and its frame are withdrawn, and the glass in its square metal foot substituted, arranged for height so that the surface of the fluid occupies the position usually taken by the phoneidoscopic film. The vibrations in mercury, with a suitable glass, are very fine when projected by this method. For this heavy liquid a bow is sometimes advisable, and only certain glasses will vibrate readily when so heavily weighted. 136. Trevelyan's Rocker,— The vibrations producing the note of this apparatus are easily projected by cementing a small mirror on the face — it should not however be too small. A small parallel pencil of light is focussed on the screen, either from such an apparatus as was shown in fig. 95, or the rays being made parallel from the condensers, a small aperture may be placed in the stage of the optical front, and focussed by the lenses of that arrangement. The rocker may then be arranged so that the mirror meets the pencil at an angle of nearly 45°, throwing the pencil upwards, whence it is re-reflected by the adjustable plane mirror to the screen. The motionless spot will, when the rocker is in action, be drawn out into a line of light ; and by turning the plane mirror side- ways, this will further be analysed into a sinuous line, making the individual vibrations visible. 187. Vibrating Rods.— All the leading phenomena of these are easily projected, konig's apparatus for showing 252 OPTICAL PROJECTION longitudinal vibrations in a metal rod fixed at its centre, by the repulsion of an ivory ball suspended so as to touch the end, may either be projected entire by the shadow method, or the end of the rod and the ball only may be focussed in the field of the condensers. Another method is to show the action of a glass strip whilst under strain, upon polarised light, as described in § 209, page 362. The transverse vibrations of rods are easily projected by their shadows alone. For all rod experiments, I have found it most convenient to screw a small parallel vice upon a piece of blackened board, which by a slot and thumb-screw can be adjusted at any height upon another piece of blackened wood furnished with a foot. In such a vice, rods can be fixed at any height, or angle, whether to project their shadows, or beads or mirrors on their ends. A slender knitting-needle projecting 3 to 4 inches will give a very good fan-like shadow when ' sprung ' in the field of the condensers and focussed ; or the shadow method will equally answer for larger rods. Nodes and segments are well illustrated by a long piece — say two feet — of very thin steel, such as clock- spring, slightly loaded at the tip. This being very flexible will show divisions readily when tapped and ' stopped ' at proper intervals ; and the motion being slow, is easily followed on the screen when projected by the shadow method. But the superposition of harmonic vibrations upon the fundamental is best projected by Wheatstone's kaleidophonic apparatus. A straight steel wire about 1 mm. or less in diameter, and projecting 8 or 10 inches from the vice, in a nearly horizontal direction, I have found best. To the top is attached a silvered bead about £ to f-inch diameter, by Prout's elastic glue or otherwise.1 The bead is adjusted to 1 The larger the bead, the larger the spot ; but I find this size gives the best results. As I have had some trouble in finding suitable beads, it may bo well to state that they can generally be obtained of theatrical costumiers, such as are found round Covent Garden. Enough of the end of the rod to go SOUXD 253 the height of the optic axis, and the rays from the condensers slightly converged so as to be condensed into the space that will be occupied by the transverse vibrations of the bead, which must never leave the illuminated area, but otherwise the more light is condensed upon it the better ; an area 2 inches diameter is about the thing. The beam may be managed in several ways. The lantern may be deflected parallel with the screen, or a little more, so that the rays fall nearly at right angles upon the rod, which must always be pointed to the screen ; or the light may be thrown back nearly straight towards the end of the rod by the plane mirror ; the object focussed upon the screen with the loose lens being the luminous spot reflected by the spherical bead, this will be equally bright, and the apparent motion the same, either way. The surplus light should, however, be stopped by a black screen if convenient. The rod may now be bowed near its base with a violin bow well resined, or struck at various points with a wooden stick ; and by either method all possible varieties of beautiful harmonic scrolls will appear rippling over the screen in lines of light. 138. Tuning-Forks.— The vibration of a common c 256 fork is easily projected in shadow upon the screen. Or it can be impressively shown by focussing in the field of the lantern a small glass filled with water to the brim. On striking the fork, and touching the surface of the water with both vibrating prongs, water will be splashed off in both directions, pro- ducing much more effect on the screen than would be supposed. Employing sympathetic vibrations excited by another fork in unison, the vibration of a fork can be projected by the simple arrangement shown in fig. 133, consisting of a rect- angular wooden framework on which is reversed (i.e. the fork through the bead, should be heated in a Bunsen burner, and bent at right angles, and the bead fastened on this portion with the glue. This applies to all the rods subsequently mentioned. 254 OPTICAL PROJECTION downwards) the resonance -box of a fork mounted in the usual manner. The top of the frame has an aperture to allow the fork to come through. A smooth spherical ball of pith or light cork, varnished, is hung as in the figure from an eye at the side, and the frame adjusted so that the ball barely touches the fork, which is focussed on the screen. On now sounding another fork in unison, also mounted on a resonance-box, the fork, focussed will be thrown into vibration, and the ball will be driven away as shown on the screen. (For conditions of success see next paragraph.) 139. Doppler's Principle. — By the same simple means Doppler's principle or law (that the colour in light, or the pitch in sound, depending solely on the frequency of the periodical impulses falling upon eye or ear, pitch is height- ened when a vibrat- ing body approaches, and falls when it recedes) can be de- monstrated, pro- vided the necessary conditions of ac- curacy be attended to. These have been well described by Professor A. M. Mayer.1 He found c forks of 256 vibrations the most suitable, and provided two in exact unison, a third fork of 254 giving two inferior beats, and 1 See American Journal of Science, April 1872. FNJ. 133 SOUND 255 a fourth of 258 giving two superior beats. The essential point is exactness in the tuning of these forks and their cases. It was found quite insufficient to tune two forks in apparent unison, as one has the power to some extent of coercing the other to its own note. The only effectual plan was found to be, tuning both forks so as to give the same number of beats per minute with another slightly different, which can easily be done. The boxes can of course be tuned by measurement. With forks thus tuned, and turning the open ends of the cases towards each other, one fork will excite the other and throw the ball off, when as much as GO feet apart. The ball should be 5 or 6 mm. in diameter, smoothly fashioned out of cork, and varnished, which gives it more ' life.' It is suspended by a fine silk thread, and pains taken to suspend it accurately, so that however it may revolve by torsion, it may hang nicely against the fork. The frame should also be fixed steadily. Nothing more need be said as to the effect of unisonal vibrations ; and the illustrations of Doppler's principle will almost suggest themselves. a. Taking the unisonal fork, and walking steadily up with it from a distance (Prof. Mayer detached the fork from case, striking it, and then placing it on case for the resonance ; but it may be more convenient to keep it on the case, and excite with a bow), the approach is sufficient to so destroy unison that the fork in the lantern does not respond until the demon- strator stops. The same in receding. b. Taking the 254 fork and exciting at some distance, there is no response. There is still none when slowly walking. But on swinging the fork and case towards the lantern with approximately the right velocity — between 8 and 9 feet per second for 2 beats difference — the fork responds and the ball flies off. c. A backward swing produces the same effects with the 258 fork. 140. Lissajous' Method. — Ever since it was devised by 256 OPTICAL PROJECTION that ingenious physicist, the optical method of M. Lissajous for observing the vibrations of a fork has been preferred where possible. The simplest arrangement is shown in fig. 134, where a small aperture is placed in the stage of the optical front, and the rays from the condensers being made parallel, the aperture is focussed on the screen, giving a very nearly parallel pencil of light ending in a sharp spot. This proceeds from the nozzle N, and is reflected from a small mirror A attached to a prong of the fork, the other prong being similarly loaded. The reflected ray is re-reflected back to the screen by the plane -mirror B, when the spot should be re- focussed to allow for the extra distance from A to B, which blurs the original image (this re-fo- cussing, or else an allowance for extra distance caused by reflections, should always be attended to in this class of experiments). On now exciting the fork, the spot is drawn out into a line of light ; and if then the plane-mirror B be slightly turned in its socket (which is better than holding it in the hand) the line is drawn out into ripples CD, showing the single vibrations separately. Very fair ripples may be projected in this way. But they will be much more brilliant if the pencil attachment (fig, 95) be employed, whereby much more light is sent through a small aperture on the front. This aperture is then focussed by a loose lens. But the best use of this focussing lens demands some consideration, according to the circumstances, FIG. 134.— Lissajons' Method SOUND 257 and still more so in projecting compound figures to be pre- sently described. 141. Management of Acoustic Pencils of Rays.— -When the light is brilliant and the pencil nearly parallel before focussing, as from an electric lantern, it is generally more con- venient to first focus the spot on the screen, and then adjust the forks or other vibrating apparatus beyond the lens, or between it and the screen. There will be abundance of light, more room for adjusting apparatus, and the figure will be projected of the greatest size, which with forks is desirable. But in projecting reeds as presently described, the greatest size may be undesirable ; or light may be deficient. In the latter case, more light can be passed through a small aperture by somewhat converging the rays upon it, which diverge again. Suppose we use a pencil thus diverging somewhat from a £ inch aperture (indeed there is always considerable ' scattering ' when any but the arc-light is employed) and we are employing mirrors f inch diameter, which is a good average size. It is possible to bring the mirror of the first reed up near the aperture, so that it receives the entire pencil, and even the second mirror loses little of it ; and even if the plane-mirror has to be used in addition to ' analyse ' the result — as in showing ' beats ' — there will be room for all this within the conjugate focus of a suitable lens, let us suppose one of 6 in. diameter and 14 to 18 inches focus. The focus- sing lens is thus placed beyond the apparatus, and next the screen. In such a case the result may be more brilliant thug arranged. But there is a point to be remembered. The reflected pen- cils diverge by the vibration of the mirrors ; and the focussing Inns acts upon these divergencies the same as upon others. The effect is to reduce the size of the figure on the screen ; which may be either an advantage, or disadvantage. If the lens focussed the actual vibrating mirror, there would be no figure at all, focussed in this way ; but inasmuch as the lens 258 OPTICAL PROJECTION focusses the aperture, some way behind the mirrors, the effect on the size of the figure is intermediate, and variable. The figure is least converged or shrunk when the vibrating mirrors are as far as possible from the aperture and nearest the lens ; it is smallest under the contrary conditions. It is also less reduced, the longer the focus of the lens. It will be seen that this choice of method gives a large amount of control over the scale of the figure. It will also easily appear, that for the second method a large lens of long focus is best ; but that for the first, a smaller lens of moderate focus is better, as it converges the pencil upon the mirrors before the rays have scattered so much. 142. Lissajous' Figures. — The compound figures produced by two sets of vibrations have always had a strong fascination for both demonstrators and students ; but they are seldom seen well projected except with large and expensive apparatus. I therefore give some space to simpler and inexpensive devices, while a word or two may suffice for the more elaborate. Two large electrically-mounted forks, one with adjustable weights for varying the pitch, and both furnished with mirrors, will of course produce all the phenomena with facility, and need no explanation. Plain forks are best made large, with prongs not less than 12 inches long and f to 1 inch wide. They can be made inexpensively by bending up bars of rolled steel, any precise note being immaterial. One should have two hollow sliding blocks of metal with set-screws, to adjust for various intervals, and these must both be of the same weight. As mirrors, silvered circles of micro-glass may be used, balanced of course on the other prong, unless similar mirrors are attached to both. The most convenient method of mounting such plain forks, so as to be excited by a violoncello bow (the best method) is the simple wooden frame adopted by Prof. Weinhold (fig. 185). The rectangular frame BE is slotted on the top and side, to adjust and fit by the screws b b the blocks SOUND 259 in which the forks are inserted. The course of the incident pencil oa between the mirrors s{ and s2 will be seen from the diagram, any adjustment being easily made before tightening the screws, by either turning the perpendicular fork a little on its axis, or moving the horizontal one in its slot. Another block and slot k is provided for using both forks perpen- FiG. 135.— Mounting for Two Forks dicularly, the block k taking one out of the line of the other. It will be seen that with this arrangement both forks can be readily bowed by assistants, and will be firmly held. A very simple apparatus is shown in fig. 186, as made by Miller, of Innsbruck, from a design by Prof. Pfaundler. Two flat steel springs, P F, are mounted in a manner that needs no further explanation than the diagram, one being adjustable in position, and having a sliding weight. Both are furnished with mirrors. The springs may be bowefl, or are readily set in motion 82 260 OPTICAL PROJECTION by twitching with the finger. As far as regards the projection, this is cheap and efficient, but is not audible ; it has the advantage, however, of producing the figure by motions of the same kind as a couple of forks. For projecting the figure only, the ap- paratus shown in fig. 137 has been devised by Pfaundler, who de- scribed it in the ' Pro- ceedings ' of the Vienna Academy (of Sciences) and figures it in his * Lehrbuch der Physik.' Fl0-136 The vibration of two springs s, s', set rect- angularly to each other, one variable by a weight, L, is given to two discs, D D', with slots which also cross at right angles. The spot of light where they cross, evidently moves in a path com- pounded of the two motions. The discs are arranged in front of the condensers, the spot being focussed as an ordinary dia- gram, and the springs twitched. Stohrer has constructed a more complicated apparatus for giving the same motions to two discs by a wheel and gearing, methods of which will FIG. 137 SOUND 261 suggest themselves ; and Miller of Innsbruck has constructed a machine in which two discs are rotated, partially overlap- ping each other, each with a white circle cut excentrically in black varnish, the idea being essentially the same. The principle of the harmonograph has also been applied to trace the figures by two pendulums on a smoked glass in the stage of the lantern, and such an instrument can be obtained of any optician. Coming back to vibrating mirrors and a pencil of light, Professor Dolbear describes an arrangement he has adapted to a horizontal whirling-table, in which two friction- wheels rolling on opposite edges of the disc, by cranks fitted to them, actuate two mirrors mounted on rocking-pivots, over opposite sides of the re- volving table. Mr. G. M. Hopkins, of a, New York, uses two mirrors, each of which is mounted as at M on the middle part of two parallel strained wires, A B, in the manner first used for other purposes by Professor 0. Rood. Two such wires will impart to a mirror good vibration, if properly strained, and the period may be varied by attaching another wire, a b, with loads at the ends w w (fig. 138) to the back of the mirrors, so that it can be varied in angle (as c d), such an alteration altering the period of vibration. One pair of wires is of course strained vertically and the other pair horizontally, in parallel planes. Such an apparatus is easily constructed ; but it is very difficult to get exact ratios with it, and difficult to arrange for the pencil oi light to ' clear ' both pairs of wires. But by far the best, most effective, and most comprehensive 262 OPTICAL PROJECTION apparatus is one of reeds mounted with mirrors, as shown in fig. 139, which I was able to arrange for Messrs. Newton & Co. with the help of Mr. G. Neilson in the speaking part of the apparatus, it being particularly difficult to make any range of reed-notes vibrate on a closed box of conve- PlG. 139. — Lissajous' Apparatus of Reeds nient size.1 I at last partially overcame the difficulty by supplying the boxes with wind through short rubber tubes of large diameter, from large intermediate wind-chests 1 I feel bound to state that the idea of this construction was not mine. It was suggested to me entirely by seeing such a reed apparatus named, in a catalogue of the apparatus to be sold of Mr. Thomas Harrison of Manchester. Mr. Harrison having left England, I could learn nothing whatever about the arrangement, except that it had been constructed by Dr. Mann, to whom there- fore the first design of such is due. Long after, when my own was completed, and much time and experiment de novo had overcome the chief difficulty by quite different means, I succeeded in discovering a description of the ap- paratus of Dr. James Dixon Mann in Proc. Manchester Lit. and Phil. Soc. xvii. 91. It was not, however, capable of exhibiting beats, or other scroll figures ; one reed-box being fixed horizontally. SOUND 263 which form the base of the apparatus ; after which Mr. Neilson succeeded in bringing the speaking-boxes into small and compact form.1 The wind is supplied to these chests (two divisions of one box) by a Y-tube with a stopcock on each fork, the trunk of the Y being connected with the bellows. Each short rubber tube is furnished with a pinch- cock. The reeds are severally mounted upon identical bevelled wooden slides, so that any note slides into dovetails, and forms for the time the front of its box ; and each is mounted with a mirror of silvered glass, f-inch diameter, attached to its free end by a small pillar of cork. After being fitted with mirrors (which load them), the reeds are fairly tuned — excessive accuracy is not required (see g hereafter). The reed-boxes are adjustable round vertical axes coincident with the vertical diameters of the mirrors, whether the boxes are in the horizontal or perpendicular position. One retains a perpendicular position; the other can either be similarly placed, or fixed in a horizontal position rectangularly to it, being clamped in either by a screw. As regards the action of the apparatus, if it be confined solely to Lissajous' figures, the pencil of light might be reflected direct to the screen from the second mirror, as from a pair of forks. But being desirous of projecting open * scrolls ' also, after Tyndall's method, and especially in the case of ' beats,' I adopted the arrangement shown in plan in fig. 140, Omitting all details of focussing, the pencil of light from the lantern L is reflected from the mirror on the first reed-box, E, to that on the second, E E, and is thence reflected 1 Dr. Mann's arrangement was quite different. He used much larger boxes or speaking-chambers, with open apertures for the supply of wind. The supply-tube came direct from the bellows, with a nozzle at the end contracted to about one-third the size of the hole in the reed-box, and ending with a free space of half an inch between this nozzle and the hole in the box. Had I found his arrangement described earlier, I should probably have adopted both it, and the ingenious inventor's conclusion that it was indispensable ; as it is I prefer (perhaps naturally) the smaller boxes as more easily adjusted, and the closed supply as more certain and using less wind. 264 OPTICAL PROJECTION to the plane-mirror M, which can be revolved on the perpen- dicular pivot P. Thence it is reflected in the direction of the screen at s, and it will be manifest that a slight revolution of M opens out the scroll. This arrangement also enables us to combine any two sets of vibrations in harmonic addition, as well as rectangularly. Eectangularly an octave gives the well-known 8-figure ; but if both reed-boxes are fixed perpendicularly and a scroll opened out by rotating the mirror M, the harmonic combination is ex- ceedingly instructive, as is also the optical representation of any slight departure from unison, or any other intervals. RR FIG. 140.— Plan of Apparatus Such an apparatus is far the best for the projection of compound figures, being superior to the most expensive forks in many respects. For its efficiency, it is also far the cheapest. It possesses the following advantages, which are not found in combination in any other apparatus so far as I know. (a] It projects with ease all compound figures and scrolls. To project beats, all that is necessary is to fix the reed-box EE (fig. 140), perpendicularly, the same as the other, insert a second reed in unison with E, and having tuned (see g below) rotate the mirror M, to give the scroll. When scrolls are not wanted the mirror M is simply left unmoved. SOUND 265 (b) All the notes are audible ; more so than with forks. (c) Any note within the speaking range of the boxes can be added at any time for a few shillings. (d) Any interval can be changed for any other (so far as notes are provided) in half-a-dozen seconds. A complete set would comprise a lower c (for tenths and twelfths), two c's (for unisons and beats), and the diatonic scale from c to c.1 A convenient * small ' set would be the four notes of the common chord, with a duplicate of the lower c. This will give unison and beats, third, fourth, fifth, and octave.2 (e) There is absolutely no trouble in manipulation. Any- one blowing the bellows, and having adjusted the pencil of rays once for all, the demonstrator has only to substitute notes as required, and manipulate a pinch-cock. If the pencil is awkward to manage, a black card with a circular aperture may be interposed between the first mirror and lantern, to confine it within bounds. The mirrors are so near each other, that little light is lost, and the projection is brilliant. (/) The angular motion being great, the figure is on a large and bold scale. (g) Most important of all : the notes can be tuned in operation, with the greatest nicety. There is no tiresome tuning, or loading with wax. The pitch varies with the wind-pressure^ within more than sufficient limits, and the hand on one or other of the pinch-cocks on the tubes will either keep any phase of the figure ' steady,' or cause it to pass through the transitional forms with any rapidity desired. With this apparatus, Lissajous' figures become a delight- fully easy and effective projection. 1 For audibility, however, a range of notes from G to G is better than C to c, and this scale was therefore adopted. 2 We have some hopes of still further simplifying the apparatus by making one of the reeds variable in pitch by a rack-work ; but the experiments on that point are not concluded at the date of this. 266 OPTICAL PROJECTION 143. Kaleidophonic Figures. — The usual Lissajous' fig- ares, but not beats, can be projected by Wheatstone'a kaleidophonic method. There are three ways of preparing rods in order to produce them. The most certain, and the best where frequent demonstrations are in view, is to prepare rectangular steel rods, which vibrate in the requisite propor- tions. Square steel about 2mm. square is always procurable, as also is rectangular steel about TV x J inch in section. By filing down these and mounting each with a bead, all the intervals can readily be obtained. Secondly, a piece of thin round rod may have several inches at the top end bent back into a loop, like a lady's hair-pin. Cementing a bead on to the bend at the tip, by screwing in the vice so that variable lengths of the longer stem project, various figures will be obtained ; but they are not so true as by the previous and following method. Thirdly, a straight piece of rathe: thick clock-spring or similar steel is prepared, so that about six inches at the tip may have its section at right angles to the remainder, which should be some sixteen inches long. This may be done by cutting the steel in two, and making a saw-cut half an inch down the middle of the long piece, into which notch the other piece fits and is brazed ; or the steel may be heated red-hot in a Bunsen burner just at that point, and twisted sharply round at right angles with a pair of pliers. The top end should be somewhat tapered, and tipped with either a bead, or a segment of a hollow sphere of bur- nished aluminium, which will give bolder projections. By nipping the longer stem in the vice at various points, which can be marked, all the intervals can be produced ; either with a bow, or by striking the rod, they may be shown either with or without ha,rmonic vibrations superposed. 144. Vibrations of Strings.— For showing the various loops described by a string at different points, there is no method to equal Tyndall's, of employing a thin ribbon of planished silver or other metal — aluminium would now be the SOUND 267 best — and illuminating the whole by the lantern beam sent along the string at a small angle. For a multitude of figures a very thin and narrow ribbon rather closely twisted will be best ; for fewer and more distinct figures, a broader one with only a few twists. A large fork is almost indispensable for such experiments, but may be quite a rough one, as before described. An electrical fork is of course much the best and most convenient, and may be obtained for about 51. Very good figures may however be also displayed by employing the covered string of a violoncello, on which silvered beads are strung, mounted on a sonometer and vibrated with a bow. (Covered strings give much larger figures, not being so tightly strained.) Any single bead can be projected ; and I have found it quite possible to project in this way the figure described by the G string of a violin ; but the effect is hardly worth the time taken in arranging the experiment. 145. Harmonics, and Melde's Experiments. — These ex- periments are certainly best shown direct, on a large scale, with an electrical fork, and using strings either steeped in fluorescent solution, in violet light from the lantern, or what is still better, painted with Balmain's phosphorescent paint. Or the shadow method may be employed, when the arcs and nodes will be enlarged. But it may be useful to know that they can be demonstrated by projection with quite small and inexpensive apparatus, using a common c fork of 256 vibra- tions, or the G above it, and a cord of fine sewing-silk only 6 inches long from point to point, exciting the fork with a bow. I have found the best practical limits of weight to be between 10 and 80 grains for this small scale. A much more convenient apparatus could easily be constructed in which, instead of using weights, the other end of the silk should be attached to a helical spring, the tension of which could be varied as required by a lever. Quite a small fork — say c 256 — could even be fitted in this way to act electrically, bringing 268 OPTICAL PROJECTION all within a few inches compass, upon one base, at a very small expense. 146. Vibrations in Air, Membranes, and Plates. — Any membrane which is pretty transparent, vibrated in any manner so as to show the nodal lines by powder strewn on its surface, can be projected in the vertical attachment or lantern. Goldbeaters' skin is clear, but the wrinkles in it project as lines, and on the whole, varnished vegetable parch- ment answers best ; unless it be a very thin film of mica, which is flat, thin, quite transparent, and best of all. The vibration of a membrane covering a capsule into which sound is conveyed by a tube, may be shown in several ways. The simplest is to adjust the capsule so that the membrane stands in a vertical plane, and to hang against it a light pith ball. The ball will be thrown away when the membrane vibrates, and this can easily be projected. A more elegant method is what Professor Dolbear has called the opeidoscope. The membrane may be stretched over one end of a mere pasteboard tube, into the other end of which notes are spoken or sung. To its centre is cemented a small mirror of silvered micro-glass. This receives a pencil of rays from the lantern, which after reflection is focussed as a spot upon the screen as usual. Upon singing into the tube the spot will describe a figure, which may possibly take any of the Lissajous forms, though this is rare except as to the circle or oval. Sometimes the mirror will not happen to be placed ' happily ' on the membrane to show figures ; in that case, pressure near the edge of the membrane with the end of a knife, will probably so shift the nodes and vibrating portions as to remedy this. For my own use, I have devised an instrument which is very handy in such experiments. A brass tube about 4 inches long and 2 inches diameter is tapered to an inch at one end to receive strained over it a rubber speaking-tube, at the other end of which is a mouth- piece ; and to its centre is attached a stud, by which it is fixed SOUND 269 horizontally in one of the sockets of a pillar-stand, so as to be adjusted at the height of the optic axis of the lantern. On the large open end, fit any of several short brass tubes, over which are strained membranes of very thin rubber, held by elastic bands catching in grooves cut round the ends of these short tubes. On these membranes mirrors are cemented ; and by stretching the rubber a little one side or the other, or by changing one of these caps for another, a good position is sure to be readily obtained. This is a very simple, easy, and elegant experiment. 147. Manometric Flames.— Another method is by Konig's manometric flames, which are projected easily, and better seen in some respects than by direct vision. They can be projected even by the simple apparatus usually sold, with capsule and revolving mirror upon one base-board ; in which case the focussing lens must be of long focus, and stand between the re- volving mirror and the screen. The lantern itself has no place in this experiment, the flame only being focussed ; and it is necessary that this be enclosed in an opaque chimney of some kind, only open towards the mirror, in order that the screen and room may be as dark as possible. I have got fair results this way ; and if more bril- liance be required, it is easily ob- tained by ' enriching ' the gas, passing it through benzoline, or over naphthalene heated by a Bunsen burner in the albo- carbon manner. The flame will be very greatly brightened by this expedient. But it is very much better to have the capsule and jet FIG. 141 270 OPTICAL PROJECTION mounted independently as in fig. 141, KK being the capsule, a the sound tube, b the gas-tube, and c the flame. This must be shaded in all but the one direction as before, and the focussing lens brought next to it, whilst the revolving mirror comes on the other side of the lens. The flame is thus shielded from the draught of the revolving mirror, and this latter receives the rays in a more favourable manner. The gain in brilliance is very marked, and with ' enriched ' gas very fine projections will be obtained. With a revolving mirror of double the usual height — in fact sufficiently tall to embrace the usual three flames on an organ-pipe for showing nodes, the projection method has an advantage over the direct. Using a focussing lens for each flame, '«ihe lenses may be easily adjusted to somewhat converge the images, so that they may be brought as close together upon the screen for comparison as may be desired. A concave spherical mirror of about three feet focus, rotated on a vertical axis, will also give detached images, but the revolving mirror is cheaper and more convenient. The best and most brilliant method of all, however, is that devised by Mr. C. V. Boys, who projects such phenomena through a circle of lenses fixed round the edge of a revolving disc. Sensitive flames are easily projected in the same way with enriched gas. Tyndall's sensitive smoke-jets are very effective projected by the shad6w method — much more so than viewed direct, the smoke-shadows being very distinct upon the screen. 148. The Phoneidoscope. — Mr. Sedley Taylor's phoneido- scopic figures may be projected in various ways. A soap-film may be taken up even on the end of a lamp-chimney, and if arranged so as to be projected, will show figures under the influence of sonorous vibration. Or the ordinary phoneidoscope may be used, reflecting a converging beam from the condensers down upon the film by the plane mirror, and focussing upon SOUND 271 the ceiling or an overhead screen. But a better and more complete apparatus is one which Mr. C. Darker arranged for me, as shown in fig. 142. The figure almost speaks for itself. The plates, with apertures of various shapes which carry the films, and which before use are blackened, heated, and then coated thinly with solid paraffin, are laid upon the mouth of a funnel, whose narrow end has an elbow over which is strained the speaking- tube, the whole being arranged in a sim- ple frame which can be inserted in, or removed from, a sort of box open at one side. The edge of the funnel is pierced with apertures to allow air to escape from under the film. By slots in a board at the back,two'in- clined plane mir- rors are adjust- able in position, and can also be turned on axes. The nearly parallel beam from the condensers, falling on the first mirror, is reflected down upon the film ; from this it is reflected again to the second mirror, and thence reflected out in a horizontal direc- tion, where is adjusted the focussing lens, which focusses the film upon the screen. Thus the whole works direct towards the ordinary screen, and can all be adjusted before a lecture, which FI3L 142.— Lantern Phoneidoscope 272 OPTICAL PROJECTION is a great advantage. Sometimes a black card or other screen may need to be adjusted at the side next the screen, to prevent any but the reflected rays which form the image from passing the apparatus ; this will suggest itself. The mouth- piece I have found it advisable to construct as in the section (fig. 143), with a membrane of thin india-rubber across it. TKis does not interfere with the true sound vibrations, while it prevents the film from being prematurely rup- tured by any actual blast of air which might result from unskilful management of the voice. Recipes for the solution will be found in Chapter XX., and a good film will often last a quarter of an hour. Besides the usual apertures, a hexagonal one should be provided ; for these about two inches in diameter is a good size. The beautiful figures, and the gradual change in colour, make this one of the most fascinating of all lantern experiments. Withdrawing the funnel and laying larger plates with apertures and films upon the box itself, beautiful figures may also be obtained by exciting a tuning-fork, and simply holding the open end of the resonance-box towards the open side of the box under the film. These figures are very powerful in their vortex motions, and perfectly stable. A cornet blown towards the box under such a film will also excite powerful vibrations. A thin film of mica stretched on a frame and dusted with lycopodium, and placed instead of the soap-film, will also show very strong nodal lines. As already remarked, the same apparatus is very handy for exhibiting surface ripples, or in fact any bright surface projection by reflected light. 149. Chladni's Figures. — These may be projected in several ways by the aid of the vertical attachment, using of course plates of glass, with ground and polished edges, (a) A Pia. 143 SOUND 273 plate held at the centre may be arranged so that one quad- rant of it projects into the field and is projected, (b) A smaller plate may be clamped in the centre, at the end of an arm projecting from outside the field, (c) The figures may be formed apart and then projected whole, (d) A plate held at one edge may be vibrated in the field, by a bow, or by a string attached to it and rubbed with resined fingers, or by a resined string drawn through an aperture in the centre. (e) Or vibration may be communicated to it from some other vibrating apparatus in any of the recognised ways. (/) Or on one corner of a large plate may be cemented a ring of rubber, within which water is poured an eighth of an inch deep — a favourite experiment of Professor Morton. When the plate is bowed, a beautiful network of waves will be pro- jected. 150. Columns of Air.— Kundt's dust- figures, showing the nodes and segments of air in a glass tube, may be formed in any way and then projected, or the tube may be placed in the field of the vertical attachment and the dust shown in vibration. A very convenient method is to plug one end of a tuba, and insert a short whistle of appropriate pitch into a cork in the other. Any of Mach's experiments may be projected in the same way. Square tubes cemented together of flat glass plates are worth the trouble of construction, the figures being so much more accurately focussed upon the flat glass. The projection of tracings upon smoked glass from tuning- forks, membranes, &c., is so obvious and simple as to require no more than mention. 274 OPTICAL PROJECTION CHAPTEK XVIII LIGHT I EEFLECTTON, REFRACTION, DISPERSION, AND COLOUR THE phenomena of Light not only lend themselves most readily of all to demonstration by the lantern, but in studying them we best acquire a mastery of the various manipulations of beams and pencils of light required in the demonstration of other subjects. For this reason, the demonstrator in other departments, though he may not himself desire to perform purely optical experiments, will do well to read and understand what is said respecting their details and methods, for the sake of the hints which these may give him in handling his tools. 151. Kays of Light. — The image-forming power of rays of light, the inversion of images, and the relation of the size of the image to the distance from the aperture or lens by which it is formed, cannot be better shown than by the experiments described in Chapter I., pp. 2, 3. That rays are really reflected from ordinary bodies may be easily shown by removing everything from the nozzle of the lantern, and receiving the full parallel beam, or still better a slightly divergent beam, at an angle of about 45°, on a large piece of card, on which is pasted red surf ace -paper with a * dead ' surface. On holding another white card as a screen some little way off, it will be seen that a strong red light is thrown upon this by the reflected rays ; and other colours will display similar effects. The colours should be as rich and ' full-bodied ' as possible but a glossy surface should be avoided, that it may be clear the effect is produced solely by scattered reflection. 152. Scattered Reflection.— That we only see things, not LIGHT: REFLECTION 275 light, and only see them by scattered reflection, may be shown by the simple experiment represented in fig. 144. A confec- tioner's glass jar A, about six inches diameter, is covered with a flat glass plate B, after dropping in a bit of smoking brown paper which has been dipped in a solution of saltpetre. The plane-reflector c is adjusted to throw down the whole beam from the lantern (either crossed from the objective as drawn, or the parallel beam may be used). A cloudy light fills the jar. Taking off the plate and blowing the smoke out, dark Fia. 144.— Scattered Reflection spaces appear, showing that where no solid particles reflect light to the eye, we see nothing. Or the jar may be filled with clear water, which is also nearly invisible ; but on stirring in a teaspoonful of milk, the same lambent light illuminates the whole room. The black particles of soot> equally with the white (or supposed to be white) particles of milk, reflect white light. 153. Law of Reflection. — This is simply demonstrated with the plane-mirror A B, arranged as in fig. 145 near the nozzle T2 276 OPTICAL PROJECTION Fia 145 N of the lantern. A wire pointer c is easily affixed to the centre of one side of the mirror by sticking it in a piece of cork E, which has a groove cut in one side, by which it is attached to the mir- N ror. Letting the beam from a hori- zontal slit in the optical stage strike the centre, it will be readily seen that if it impinges at right angles it is reflected back ; but that at any other angle, the angle (measured from the normal or perpendicular, as indicated by the pointer) of the reflected ray is equal to that of the incident ray. A whiff of smoke near the mirror will show the beam brightly if required. 154. Use of Parallel Beams.— This experiment being an example of a large class, in which we want a distinct pencil or beam of light, it is well to consider the various methods of manipulation in order to produce it. The figure shows the simplest, which will answer for many experiments, but not for all. A horizontal slit is here placed in the stage of the optical front. This slit may be of black card, or in zinc or brass, or in a disc of thin metal fixed by a spring wire in one of the wooden frames used for polariscope slides, the standard size for all slides used in the optical front being 4x2^ inches. Or an ' adjustable slit ' made to fit the stage may be used. For this experiment a broad slit should be used, not less than 3 mm. wide. A beam so produced is not parallel, but sufficiently so for many purposes. With the electric light, or a good mixed jet, it is better to remove the objective, place a slit or aperture on the front of the open nozzle, and use the ' parallel beam ' through this. LIGHT: REFLECTION 277 With the arc this will be very sharp and clear. Parallelism is of course obtained by pushing the arc-light or the lime forward into the principal focus of the condensers ; or with a Duboscq lantern by pushing in the condensers so that the arc is in their focus. The lime-light does not give such an accurately parallel beam, owing to the greater size of the radiant ; there is more or less divergence from the aperture, so that nothing like a sharp circular spot (in the case of a circular pencil) would appear on the screen. Should the nozzle in work have an ordinary slide stage behind it, then by placing in this also (whether it be the stage of the optical front or the ordinary stage of the lantern) a slit, or circular aperture, as the case may be, rather larger than that on the front of the nozzle, the pencil will be sharpened considerably, and rendered very nearly parallel. We may call this the sharpened parallel beam. But the mere parallel beam is not sufficient for all cases. When a figure has to be produced on the screen by the motion of a luminous spot, that spot must be sharp and denned, if the figure is to be so. Circular pencils are always employed in these cases, and should first be rendered approximately parallel, by adjusting the light in the focus of the condensers. If then the detached focussing lens be adjusted to focus the aperture on the screen, we have all the necessary conditions. The beam itself is as nearly parallel as can be, and the little light that is scattered by divergence is brought back and utilised by the lens, and all sharply focussed. The long-focus lens, if one is at command, usually produces the best results. We will call this arrangement the focussed parallel beam. An arrangement for greatly increasing the brilliance of such smaller beams and pencils has been shown in fig. 95, p. 173. 155. Angular Motion Doubled by Reflection. — It will readily be seen on being pointed out, that any angle through which the mirror is turned is doubled by the angular motion 278 OPTICAL PROJECTION of the beam of light, which also acts as a very long pointer working without weight or friction. Experiments to illus- trate this will be found under ' Sound ' (§§ 136, 140, 146), and ' Physiology ' (§ 126). It is also illustrated in any experi- ment with the reflecting galvanometer. 156. Reflected Images. — The images produced by multiple reflection between parallel surfaces may be illustrated by focussing a small aperture or narrow slit upon the screen, and interposing a very thick piece of plate -glass in the path of the rays at a considerable obliquity. Eeflection between inclined surfaces is best illustrated by the Lantern Kaleidoscope (see fig. 76, p. 146). The nature of a virtual image of an object, appearing to send out rays as if it were a real object, is well shown by turning the lantern somewhat away from the screen, placing a slide in the ordinary stage, and withdrawing the objective front from the nozzle. Near the front of the nozzle adjust the plane-mirror so as to reflect the rays to the screen, and in their path interpose the loose focussing lens, a long-focus one being most convenient. The slide will be focussed on the screen quite distinctly, as if it were really situated behind the mirror. 157. Refraction. — This is best exhibited by a rectangular tank, partly made of tin, with the two sides and one end made of glass, and covered with a piece of tin in which a few slits are cut in different places. The tank should be two inches between the sides, and about 12 inches square is enough for an ordinary room, but for a large hall 18 inches is better. The sides should either have circles blacked out as shown in fig. 146, or tin sides may be cut out, so as to support the glass.1 The tank is filled exactly to the centre of the circle with water. To show the course of the rays there are two methods, (a) In the water may be stirred a very little milk or a very little eosin or other fluorescent dye ; and the air 1 The circle is chiefly to illustrate the usual diagram explaining Snell's law. LIGHT: REFRACTION 279 space above may be filled with a whiff or two of smoke ; or, (b) a piece of white card or painted tin leaned a little slanting against the farthest side, will answer the same purpose and avoid scattering any light. Arrange the lantern with a horizontal slit on the nozzle N, and parallel beam alone if the tank is brought close for a single experiment ; but it is often more convenient to have it farther away, when the focussed beam should be employed. By the plane-mirror adjusted on its stand behind the tank, the beam may be first thrown down perpendicularly ; then through a slit at F near the end of the tank, when it will be seen that the ray is bent down or re- fracted ; and finally by tilting the lantern a little behind, the rays may be sent into the tank through the glass end at B, just above the water, when it will be seen to be far more bent down, to c. In both cases the reflected portion of the rays will also be seen. 158. Total Reflection. — By having a slit in the bottom of the tank covered with a piece of glass, the rays may be easily sent up from water into air, when it will be seen that the rays are then refracted away from the perpendicular, the ray in either case being exactly reversible. The arrangement will be very similar to that shown in fig. 147, which depicts the apparatus adjusted to demonstrate total reflection. By tilting the bottom reflector the curiously instantaneous character of the transition from transmission to total reflection within the water, is readily shown. A beautiful experiment in total reflection is known as the FIG. 146.— Refraction z8o OPTICAL PROJECTION 'luminous cascade,' depending on the fact that if we can send a nearly parallel beam of light ' end on ' into a stream of ... water as it issues II . from a horizontal orifice, it is reflected "" from side to side, except as regards small dust particles, which apparently convert the stream into one of living fire. In front of the open nozzle some sort of close vessel must be arranged, transparent at the back and with the issuing orifice in front, while there must be FIG. 147 FIG. 148. — Cascade another orifice by which to keep the vessel supplied with water LIGHT: REFRACTION 281 under pressure. A two-necked glass receiver, as shown in fig. 148, will answer very well, blacked all over except for a circle of four inches diameter opposite one orifice. This is supported as at A. The orifice is a short piece of glass tube fixed in cork, upon which the light will be condensed. Several feet higher the supply of water must be placed (a bucket will suffice) connected with the receiver by the tube B, and the receiver is filled. On withdrawing a cork from the glass tube at the orifice, the water will issue in a smooth stream, when the radiant can be adjusted to give the best effect. Various colours can be imparted to the stream by placing different coloured glasses in the slide stage of the lantern. Instead of this primitive apparatus, a vessel of tin, with one glass side to go against the lantern flange, and an orifice opposite, may be constructed. Such a vessel will be supported more steadily, and the light can be more prc cisely adjusted through a plane glass ; while the pencil attachment shown in fig. 95 may be used to give more brilliance. 159. Prisms and Lenses. — The permanent deviation of a ray or beam of light by a prism is best shown by placing a small aperture in black card or metal in the stage and focussing on the screen (or a hole in the plate of aper- tures focussed by the loose lens will do equally well), and interposing in the path of the rays a thin prism, often called a wedge prism, which will show no conspicuous colour. Such a prism may be made by cementing a wedge-shaped glass cell, and filling FIG. 1 4 J.— Spectrum 282 OPTICAL PROJECTION it with water. A trough of this kind is very convenient for absorption experiments also. That lenses bend rays of light in the same way may be shown, by passing the same beam of light through the edge of a large lens, and also by the experiments described in Chapter I. 160. Dispersion. — With a glass prism of 60°, or a pris- matic bottle filled with carbon disulphide, colour phenomena become conspicuous, while the deviation of the rays is far greater. The simplest arrangement for projecting the spec- trum is shown in fig. 149. A slit (from 1 to 3 mm. wide) is placed in the optical front, and focussed on the screen. The prism is placed just beyond where the rays cross, when the image of the slit will be greatly turned aside, and converted into a spectrum. Note on Deflected Projections.— Fig. 149 only gives the essential apparatus. The lantern may be turned aside on a bare table, and the prism-stand adjusted thereon in its place. But in this class of experiments, which include also reflected rays (as those from a soap -film later on), it is on the whole most convenient to employ such an arrangement as fig. 99, where the slit is first focussed on the screen, then the prism placed in position, and finally the whole arrangement, including the lantern, rotated until the spectrum comes again upon the screen. In this particular case all the apparatus would still be in the optic axis of the lantern ; but often a focussing lens has to be placed on one side of this, e.g. to focus the soap-film (fig. 179, p. 327). In this case the sliding cross-piece c D, of fig. 99, affords all the necessary accommodation. Another way of producing the spectrum is to project parallel rays through a vertical slit on the open front of the nozzle, the objective being removed ; and to focus it with the loose lens. Which plan is adopted will often depend upon the manner in which the lantern was left arranged from any preceding ex- periment—a consideration which will often vary precise details. LIGHT: DISPERSION 283 With regard to the width of the slit, as the spectrum may be regarded as an infinite number of images of it, differently de- flected according to their colours, thenarroiver the slit the purer the spectrum, especially at a small screen distance. But with the simpler experiments a wide slit gives much more brilliance, without any obvious confusion at a good screen distance (which spreads out the colours more), and as much as 6 mm. wide may sometimes be employed with advantage. 161. Minimum Deviation. — It will be found that there is one position of the prism which refracts the rays least, called the position of minimum deviation. This is the proper position for the prism. Now and then, however, it may be desirable to turn the prism more round in order to get the greater length of spectrum thus produced. 162. Different Colours Differently Refracted.— Newton's two experiments to prove this are both striking, and both easy. For the first, we place a short slit— say a square aper- ture 3 mm. long each side in the stage, and project its spectrum in the ordinary way, with a prism bottle. Behind this, we adjust at the proper height the glass prism with its refracting edge horizontal, screening stray rays if necessary by a black card pierced with an aperture. The rays are now again deflected either up or down, according to the position of the glass prism ; and as this is moved along in the rays of the spectrum from the first prism, from the red end, it will be seen that the rays are refracted more and more as we get towards the blue end. Newton's other experiment is particularly elegant, depend- ing on the fact that if each colour has its own degree of refrangibility, it must also have its own angle of total re- flexion ; violet rays being (because more refrangible) totally reflected at an angle which allows red rays to pass. To per- form it with the lantern we arrange as in fig. 150, removing the objective, and placing a perpendicular slit at N, on the front of the nozzle. Through this we send a sharpened lS4 OPTICAL PROJECTION parallel beam (p. 277). The figure is a ground-plan of the apparatus. As close to the nozzle as convenient are a pair of right-angled prisms, P and p2, their hypotenuses or reflecting sides together, and kept close by a rubber band round them near each end ; but a film of air must be preserved between them, which a morsel of tissue-paper will secure if needful. In the paths of both direct and reflected rays are two focussing PIG. 150.— Newton's Experiment lenses F and F, adjusted so as to focus the slit N, and beyond each of these is a prism bottle B or B2, adjusted to give a spectrum. They are shown as throwing these on two separate screens at right angles to each other, s s and s s, but it has lately been suggested to me l that by turning the prism B the other way, both spectra would be thrown upon the one screen 1 By Mr. John Cox, M.A. LIGHT: COLOUR 285 s s. All being adjusted, the double prism, p and p2, is turned round the perpendicular axis till all the rays pass through to the prism B, which throws its spectrum as usual. Let them now be very slowly turned in the direction of the hands of a watch. Then, just as the film of air arrives at the ' critical angle,' as it is called, the violet rays being totally reflected leave the spectrum s s and appear at s s. On continuing to turn, all the colours in succession do the same. The fact that lenses disperse light in the same way, convex lenses bringing blue rays to a nearer focus than red rays, is very readily demonstrated by placing in the stage a piece of black card with two apertures pretty close together in a horizontal line, one covered with deep red, and the other with blue gelatine, and focussing the parallel beam sent through them by the top edge of the loose lens. The two images will not both focus on the screen at the same time, or at the same level. 163. Composition of White Light. Colour a Shadow, or Suppression. — These two connected facts may be shown by numerous experi ments. Arrange as N A \ for the simple spec- " trum, but not deflect- ing the lantern from the screen. The prism A being duly placed before the nozzle N, or in front of the loose lens if that is employed, place in front of it a second prism, or: bottle B, with its refracting angle turned the other way. This second prism gathers up again all the coloured rays, and recomposes a white image of the slit on s. If we now introduce a black card c at one side (the second prism being placed as far from the first as will gather up all the rays, and the card kept close to the second one), we suppress, or stop off part of the colours, and the image of the slit at once becomes 286 OPTICAL PROJECTION a coloured one. This also illustrates the important fact, that prism analysis will always give us the correct composition of whatever light there is passing through the prism. If instead of the card, a thin prism ground to a fine edge is used, the intercepted portion of the rays will be simply de- flected, instead of suppressed, and a second image of the slit, complementary in colour to the other, will appear by its side upon the screen. A more obvious and mechanically simple method is to provide seven small pieces of looking-glass, each about 2 inches long by J inch wide, mounting them with wax on small wooden feet. These are to be arranged on a piece of blackened board A, supported by a stand, and so arranged that the row together, at some little distance from the prism p, about covers the whole width of the spectrum-band at that spot. Each mirror is then adjusted to throw its strip of colour on the same spot on the screen s. On taking away one or more mirrors, and so suppressing any of the colours, again we get colour, whereas all the colours gave white. A better method of recompounding the colours is to use a cylindrical lens, which can easily be so adjusted between the prism and screen as to focus the slit again in an image which appears sharp and white. The cylindrical lens should be rather long in focus, from 10 to 15 inches, to produce a good effect ; the usual short-focus cylindrical lenses make the slit appear much too broad. A large cylindrical jar full of warm water (else moisture will condense upon it), may be FIG. 155 LIGHT: COLOUR 287 made to answer, but a lens is best. A coloured image, or, with a wedge-prism, two complementary images, may be produced as before. But if a large convex lens — say 6 inches diameter and 14 or 15 inches in focus — forms part of the available apparatus, it will answer just as well as a cylindrical lens. The top and bottom of the lens may be screened with black card so as to leave a horizontal stripe 2 inches deep, all across the centre ; but even this is not necessary, as the rays from the prism will only strike the centre. With this lens exactly the same ex- periments may be performed. Another method is adopted by Pro- fessors Eli Blake and Ogden Eood, the coloured rays from the prism being re- ceived at a distance of three feet or more upon a strip of the thinnest silvered glass procurable, about 18 inches long by 3 inches wide. This can be flexed by the hands so as to re- unite the colours in a white reflected image ; or the plate may be bent in a simple frame by a screw ; or a cylindrical mirror may be employed such as is used for producing caricature images. The next two methods depend upon persistence of vision, any impression upon the retina remaining for nearly half-a- second (the eighth of a second so often mentioned does not nearly represent the fact with most people). The rays from the prism p (fig. 153) are received on the plane-reflector B, in its vertical socket, in which the mirror must move easily. FIG. 153. — Rocking spectrum 288 OPTICAL PROJECTION Then a rocking motion is given, and as this motion becomes more rapid, the spectrum becomes white over all the middle portion. If the hand is unable to rock the reflector .with sufficient rapidity, a stand may be employed which will im- part the motion mechanically by a short arm from a multi- plying wheel. A most instructive experiment is that so well known as ' Newton's disc.' A circular card which can be rapidly rotated on its centre is painted in sectors with the principal hues of the spectrum in their due proportions, either in one sector of each colour, or several sets, fig. 154 showing the disc painted in four sets. This is arranged facing the lantern, and all the light from the nozzle is made to just cover the disc and no more, the lantern being so placed that the audience can see the face of the disc. When this is rapidly rotated, it appears white.1 Newton's disc no. 154 FrG.i55 can also be obtained as a transparent slide for the ordinary stage of the lantern, the cost of the latter arrange- ment with the wheelwork being about 12s. Qd. If now sectors of black paper are fastened, with drawing- pins, on the card disc, or gum on the glass, so as to cover up any of the colours, by so suppressing these again we get colour. Or we may rotate just in front of the nozzle of the 1 If the colours are not properly painted, of course the white will not be perfect, and a disc should always be tested before purchase, or at least before use. But a beautiful white can be got by this method, and it is the brighter the more brilliant the colours. It is true the disc often appears a poor grey as usually shown, by the general light of the room ; since each portion of it can only reflect at most about one-eighth of the spectrum ; hence the grey, which is merely a deficiency of light. But by keeping the room dark, and concen- trating a bright light on the disc, with a good one the white is all that can be desired, LIGHT: COLOUR 289 lantern another card, in which are cut two radial slots as in fig. 155, so that the slots cross the nozzle and let flashes of light through intermittently. Cover the nozzle itself with a similar slot, taking care of course that the slots come just where the rays cross from the objective. Then while the Newtonian disc is rapidly rotated, let the other intercepting disc also be rotated, at first slowly. The flashes by degrees, as their speed increases, will not allow all the colours to mingle their impressions during each, and so the disc will appear coloured, till at last it will stand out almost distinctly in its real colours From all these experiments it will be readily shown and as readily understood, that for a ' pure ' spectrum we must employ a narrow slit. The narrowest slit give*} its own spectrum. That a broad slit gives many overlapping spectra, is demonstrated by using, instead of a single slit, a double slit arranged as in fig. 156. At top and bottom there will be a comparatively pure spectrum ; but over the greater portion of the band the two will overlap, diluting the colours by mixture ; the two slits here may be FIG. 156 regarded as the edges of a single wide slit. 164. The Rainbow. — The way in which a rainbow is produced by the prismatic dispersion of each rain-drop was shown by Antonio de Dominis, in an experiment easily adapted to the lantern. A glass bulb blown on a small tube, and from \\ to 2 inches in diameter, is filled either with water, or with some other fluid of higher dispersion, or a glass ball ground and polished would do, to represent our spherical rain-drop. This bulb B is placed in a Bunsen holder c, in front of the lantern, which must be turned towards the spectators. The objective is removed, and the parallel beam sent through a circular diaphragm with an aperture the same diameter as the bulb; and surrounding the nozzle, or at least the beam, is a screen of white card or u 290 OPTICAL PROJECTION paper s, with a similar aperture cut in that. It must not be forgotten to adjust a small black screen behind the bulb B, to prevent any direct rays from incommoding the audience and spoiling the effect. By the refraction, reflection, and disper- sion of the bulb, a prismatic circle B will be formed upon the screen,1 and it will be evident that wherever a colour — say blue Fia. 157.— Rainbow Experiments — reaches the screen, an eye whose pupil was at that spot, or in its precise direction, would see blue from that particular drop of rain represented by the bulb. 165. Variation in Dispersive Power.—This may be shown 1 This experiment cannot be performed with less than the lime-light ; but if any difficulty be found with that, it will be easily surmounted by using the focuased parallel beam (p. 277) and the attachment described on p. 173. LIGHT: COLOUR 291 Fio. 158. — Trough prisms by what is called a polyprism, of glasses ranging from crown to double-dense flint ; but a cheaper and equally effective apparatus can be obtained of glass plates cemented together as in fig. 158, the outer strips, forming a V of about 60°, being about 6 inches long by 2 inches wide. They may be ceni( nted together with marine glue, in which case water, salt and water, and sugar of lead and water, will give considerable differences in disper- sion ; but by using glue or isinglass mixed with bichro- mate of potash or chrome alum, and then exposed well to sunlight so as to become insoluble, they may be filled with water, any medium solution, and carbon disulphide, or monobromonaphthalene, which is equally dispersive and less volatile. 166. Achromatism, and Compound Prisms. — That refrac- tion and dispersion are not necessarily proportional, is very readily shown by a prism of dense flint glass, of an angle which exactly neutralises the colour produced by the trough of water, when its refracting angle is placed the reverse way, or at the top. It will be seen that there is still left a very considerable amount of refraction. It will be evident that the reverse may also be done, and the refraction might be neutralised while still leaving prismatic dispersion ; and both phenomena are excellently illustrated by a very convenient apparatus devised by Professor Weinhold and shown in fig. 159, of one third the real size, fig. 160 giving the details more clearly. One of the rods on the stand carries by the screw k a flint-glass prism of 20° angle, and the other by another screw Jc two crown-glass prisms of about 26° and 45° 292 OPTICAL PROJECTION (the exact angles of course depend upon the glasses employed). When the flint glass prism is used with the thick crown glass prism, as at A in fig. 160, the apparatus gives refraction with achromatism ; when the thin crown is used with the flint, as at B in fig. 160, there is dispersion with an undeflected beam. Black screens s can be adjusted to stop off any stray parts of the beam ; or if it be desired, by adjusting one prism FIG. 159 Fm. 160 half of its height higher than the other, the effect of each prism separately, and of the combination, and of the unde- flected beam, can be shown together, this arrangement being shown at c, fig. 160. More simply, a pair of small prisms to show achromatism, as made for the Science and Art Department, and sold for 5s., may be simply bound round with a rubber ring and stood LIGHT: COLOUR 293 on end in the patli of the beam, the effects of each prism singly being first shown. Compound fluid prisms are very useful for many experi- ments with the spectrum. Fig. 161 is the usual form, the space B being filled with carbon disulphide, or monobromo- naphthalene, or phenyl-thiocarbimide, and the ends G, of light crown glass. Similar prisms of smaller size may be PIG. 161 FIG. 162 constructed with the new highly- dispersive Schott glass instead of fluid ; and such a prism fixed in a mount at the crossing of the rays from the optical objective, is exceedingly con- venient for many purposes. Another useful compound prism may be made on the general principle of fig. 162, a single crown prism of light glass, G, separating two cells B of dispersive fluid : such a prism may be made of nearly double the disper- sion of a prism bottle, with only the deviation of one, and Fio. 163.— Wernicke's Prism with much less loss of light ; or it may be made like Thollon's, with one cell of fluid only, of greater angle. The most generally useful in projection is a direct prism, which for all simple and rough experiments saves deflecting the lantern. Another improved form of direct prism for projection is shown in fig. 163, as constructed by Messrs. E. & J. Beck for Professor S. P. Thompson, according to a method suggestsd by Wernicke. Cinnamic ether has the same mean refractive 294 OPTICAL PROJECTION index as one of the new Jena glasses, but is widely different for the blue and red ends of the spectrum. A prism is there- fore constructed by placing a very wide-angled prism F of the glass, in a cell of cinnamic ether c c, closed by rectangular glass plates. The yellow ray is undeflected, but the red rays B and violet rays v are dispersed by the second face of the prism F as well as by the first, as shown in the diagram. This prism gives very great dispersion, and much better definition than carbon disulphide, while the rectangular ends are an advantage. The cost of one not quite 4 inches long is about 61. 10s. 167. Transparency Reciprocal with Reflection and Re- fraction.— It is interesting to show by experiment that in proportion as we abolish reflection and refraction, by approxi- mating the refractive indices of the portions of a mass, and of the surrounding medium, it becomes more transparent, or less visible. A screen of blotting-paper may be arranged between two lanterns, one on each side, and a portion of it either wetted or oiled. It will be seen that the treated portion appears darker, or reflects less light, to a spectator on the same side as the lantern illuminating it ; while if this be darkened and the screen illuminated on the other side, the same portion appears brighter, because the light passes through instead of being reflected. If we arrange a screen of thin paper with a grease-spot of two inches diameter in the centre, between the rays from the bare radiant in the lantern and the most powerful gas-flame or oil lamp that can be pro- cured, adjusting positions and distances so that the audience can see when the surface appears evenly illuminated, we shall have an experimental demonstration of Bunsen's photo- meter. An elegant experiment with a mass of powdered glass will make this still more clear. A bottle must be prepared like a prism bottle, but with parallel sides ; or a fair result may be got with one of the scent-bottles ground and polished to two LIGHT: COLOUR 295 parallel flat sides, such as may be bought for a few pence almost anywhere. Either is nearly filled with coarsely powdered glass. For the bottle with plane sides it does not matter what this glass is, if homogeneous ; with the other bottles, it is best to purchase one or two others of the same make, and having heated one nearly red-hot and quenched it in cold water, to pound it up. The powdered glass sold ready-made, generally varies too much in density for this experiment. This powdered glass, in the cell or bottle, is of course opaque to the beam from the lantern. The bottle is now to be filled with a fluid of the same refractive index as the powdered glass. This is easily prepared by mixing in the required proportion benzol (which is less dense than glass) and carbon disulphide (which is more so). This is done by trial and error, and when the required density is obtained (if the powdered glass is reasonably uniform in character) the bottle appears clear, or at least transparent. This, however, is not all. It has been shown how dispersion varies in different substances. Owing to this, the refractive index can only be brought precisely the same, for one colour of the spectrum. We therefore place a rather wide slit on the lantern nozzle, and focus its image on the screen ; then interpose the cell filled with the glass and fluid. The image will now be seen, still sharp for the colour which happens to be exactly corrected — let us suppose a green slit may appear on the screen — while the rest of the spectrum will be diffused round this in a nebulous haze, of the complementary colour to that of the slit. 168. Anomalous Dispersion.— The remarkably anomalous proportions dispersion sometimes assumes can be illustrated on the screen ; but after further experience resulting in occa- sional failure, I am bound to confess that with the lime-light the experiment is hazardous and difficult. I formerly described the use of a prism bottle in a trough with parallel sides, but this is too uncertain to be trusted, and I have abandoned it. I 296 OPTICAL PROJECTION find the best arrangement to be as shown in fig. 164, a glass trough such as is used for aquatic animals under the micro- scope, having two thin glass plates A c, B c, cemented with great care, so that there may be no leakage, but that no surplus cement may hinder the fluid filling the ' knife-edges ' at the ends, c, of the end cells. On the outside of the cell over c a stripe must be very carefully blacked, of the exact width that will cover the cemented ends of the glass partitions, so as to leave exposed the extreme * knife-edges ' of the cells, and no more. A slit being placed on the nozzle (the optical front not being used) and a parallel beam- sent through it, is focussed on the screen ; and just where the rays are most concentrated, the cell is placed with the side c to the lens, shading one of the end cells with a card, C* and letting the rays pass through the other up to the edge. The whole cell is FIG. 164 filled with alcohol, and with a pipette are dropped into the end cells, drop by drop, a few drops of saturated solution of fuchsine in the same alcohol. It will be evident that the alcohol cell A c u exactly neutralises the refraction and dispersion of the alcohol in the other cells ; but as the fuchsine is added the colours separate from the slit, red coming between blue and yellow. If the solution is too strong, only red passes : if too dilute, there is no visible dispersion. The use of the double cell is, that if the first be made too saturated, the other may be tried ; and for the same reason it is well so to adjust the glass partitions, as shown in the figure, which is the actual size, that the two may be of somewhat different angles, as 25° and 35°. The most brilliant jet should be employed, in order to work through as much as possible of the fuchsine, the effect being chiefly produced at the thinnest part of the cell. Often the LIGHT: COLOUR 297 effect can be coaxed out of an apparent failure, by simply covering up, not only the other cell, but the thicker part of the one employed, so as to diminish the preponderance of red light which passes through, and may drown the much fainter blue and yellow. Success in the experiment depends chiefly upon a brilliant light, exact and clean finish of the cells, and the proper amount of fuchsine. 169. Subjective nature of Colour Sensation. — The most striking proof of this is an experiment shown in fig. 165, which depends upon fatiguing the retina with any given colour-sensation. The nerves when thus fatigued becoming less responsive, and this being equiva- lent to some sup- pression of that par- ticular colour, pro- duces the sensation of its complemen- tary, though the screen may be white. Eemoving all but the condensers, hold over the open nozzle N a black card pierced with a circular aperture which, focussed by the lens F, gives a disc of 18 or 24 inches diameter upon the screen. In ths centre of the bright disc insert a drawing-pin as a mark, and let the spectators fix their eyes on this steadily while 30 is slowly counted — then suddenly remove the card, lighting up the whole screen. The retina being fatigued over the region of the previously bright disc, that spot will appear darker than the rest of the screen. This done, merely to explain the principle of the experi- ment, it is repeated with a coloured disc, holding a piece of red glass together with the card over the nozzle, and bringing FIG. 165.— Subjective Colours 298 OPTICAL PROJECTION both away together ; the result of retinal fatigue is now a green disc when the screen is lit up— if the glass be blue, the result is an apparently yellow spot. Instead of the open nozzle and loose lens, the aperture and may be inserted in the ordinary stage of a lantern with the objective on ; in that case the stage-spring should be held back, in order that the card and glass may be withdrawn instantaneously and without dragging. A more beautiful experiment is to project the spec- trum itself on the screen, through a disulphide prism. A rather wide slit should be employed (brilliance more than purity being required) and the 80 must be counted deliberately, so as to give the full time. Also, at the word the nozzle should be covered over, and the gas in the room turned up, the lantern light itself being often rather too brilliant. The complementary spectrum will then appear upon the screen. Any light — even an Argand burner — will perform these instructive experiments ; but it may be well to remark that in every audience there will be a percentage who do not perceive the phenomena, either from colour-blindness, or from unusual endurance of their nervous system, or from not keeping the eye steadily fixed on the index spot, since it is essential that the image on the retina remains fixed in the same place. Contrast deceives sensation in' the same way. Arrange a powerful gas-burner (only one) or it may be a less brilliant lantern (as a gas or oil-lantern, used with an oxy-hydrogen one) rather nearer the screen than the lantern, and con- siderably to one side. Throw on the screen a strong light from the experimental lantern, with a coloured glass in the stage or held over the nozzle. After a few seconds hold rods, or a card with pattern-apertures cut in it, in the coloured rays. Where the shadows fall, the screen is free from coloured light, and is illuminated by fainter white light from the other source. But the shadows will appear by contrast strongly tinged of the complementary colour. LIGHT: COLOUR 299 170. Absorption Colours. — The only real standard of colour being the composition of its spectrum, many most instructive experiments may be made to show that natural colours are caused by the suppression of certain colours through absorption by the molecules of the substance. The most con- venient arrangement is that in fig. 166, the objective of the lantern being removed and replaced by a perpendicular slit, either adjustable in brass, or it may be cut in a cap of black card. (We shall simply speak of the slit on the nozzle in future.) Through this the light is sent ' parallel,' and focussed by the loose lens F, beyond which is the prism p throwing the spec- trum B c. Over half the slit a coloured glass may be held — suppose a deep red. It will be seen that more or less of the spectrum is cut out or obstructed, as from c to A, and that the glass is only transparent to the red rays. The light is no brighter in the red, and therefore no other light is turned into red ; it is simply that the other colours are cut out from the full spectrum. Other coloured glasses will show the same thing ; and it will be observed that some glasses cut out bands in the spectrum. Very instructive pieces of various colours can be selected with a small pocket spectroscope, and these glasses will show by their composition how mixed most colours really are, as we find them, and how different is a really pure coloured light, of a definite refrangibility, from the light reflected or transmitted by ordinary pigments or other coloured substances, which is FIG. 166. -Absorption 300 OPTICAL PROJECTION shown by the prism to be generally of a most composite character. Another experiment may be made. Go up to within a yard or two of the screen, and hold up a large piece of coloured glass in the rays. It will be seen that in some rays it casts a perfectly black shadow — it is opaque to light of that colour — but in other rays it is more or less transparent. With more colouring matter, absorption increases, and it is instructive to prepare a few cells of wedge shape, or wider one end than the other, and fill them with coloured solutions. Placed as in fig. 166, it will be found that often the apparent colour changes when a thicker cell is used ; a colour only slightly obstructed by a thin layer, being completely obstructed by a thicker layer. These experiments may be varied ad libitum. That the surf ace -colours of bodies are largely transparent colours, or remainders left after other colours have been absorbed by a layer of the surface molecules, is shown similarly, by holding large flowers with good masses of colour in the rays of the spectrum ; or the coloured prints sold with floral magazines will answer very well. Each colour, in some rays, will appear bright and natural ; in others dull grey, and in others black. The monochromatic lights mentioned further on have the same effect. 171. Transmitted and Reflected Colours. — Surface colours are, however, not all due to transparency, and hence there is sometimes a great difference between the colours a substance reflects and transmits. This is specially true of metallic and semi-metallic bodies, and may be shown by a film of gold-leaf mounted as a slide. It appears green by transmitted light. Deflect the lantern parallel with the screen, condense all the light from the condensers through the open nozzle on its surface, at an angle of 45°, l and focus the reflecting surface with the loose lens, and it is yellow. The aniline dyes used for 1 Exactly as the soap-film, fig. 179, p. 827. LIGHT: COLOUR 301 red ink, poured over glass, dried, and treated in the same wayt are red by transmitted light, mostly yellow-green by reflected light. Thin silver deposited on glass appears blue by trans- mitted light, though it apparently reflects all the rays. 172. Complementary Colours.— The primary meaning of complementary colours has been illustrated already by the two coloured images of the slit, produced by deflecting part of a spectrum by a wedge-prism, before re-uniting it by a lens into a white image of the slit on the screen (see p. 286). Two complementaries of this kind contain between them the whole spectrum of white light, and may be varied ad libitum by the wedge-prism, and also by using a quartz plate and double-image prism as in Chapter XXII. But much less than the whole spectrum will produce white, which may be shown by cutting out a kind of comb in black card, the teeth and spaces being about half an inch wide. Held in the spectral rays proceeding from the re -uniting lens, this cuts out half of them, but the image of the slit is still white. And it can be shown that even pairs of colours produce white, by re-uniting the spectrum with a lens, either spherical or cylindrical, of not less than 14 inches focus and 6 inches diameter, so as to have the spectrum ' spread ' considerably before re-uniting it on the slit image. Then close up to the lens must be fixed a slip of wood with a deep saw-cut along its top surface, in which black cards with apertures cut in them can be made to stand and be adjusted at pleasure. A slit in the red, one rather wider in the green, and a broad band in the violet, will give a white of three colours. A rather narrow slit in the red, and one double the width in greenish-blue, will give a white of two colours. A narrow slit in orange-yellow (just the red side of the D line) and a rather broad band in full blue, also give white. And the eye is here also deceived, for it cannot distinguish (except in brightness) between these two-colour whites, and that consuming the whole spectrum. Nor can the eye distinguish — as may be shown in the same 302 OPTICAL PROJECTION way — between a blue or a green containing nearly half the spectrum, and a pure blue or green. 178. Composite Colours.— The results of compounding colours have not been what are popularly supposed, blue and yellow, for instance, making white and not green. A great many striking experiments may be made in compounding colours, and especially blue and yellow. Holding a blue glass over the slit as in fig. 166, it will be seen that it transmits blue and green ; a yellow glass transmits yellow and green : green therefore remains when both media are superposed, and it appears that the two produce green as the result of succes- sive subtractions by the blue and yellow. But using good blues and yellows separately, in the stages of a bi-unial, and * allowing the discs to overlap, their addition makes white. Glasses which do this can be found, or the blue may be a cell of neutral or slightly acid copper sulphate ; and the yellow of potash bichromate, or picric acid (both fluids highly poison- ous). The copper and bichromate make, on the other hand, a nearly pure green by absorption ; and a drawing in red and yellow chalk illuminated by this light, appears done in black. On the other hand, a cell filled with a solution of copper oxide in strong ammonia, and one of the bichromate of potash, can be so adjusted in strength, or in thickness of solution by wedge-shaped cells, that one transmits nearly all of the spectrum stopped by the other. These will also give a good white when their separate discs are superposed, but when the cells are superposed, stop all the light, and the screen is nearly dark. The same may be done with a cell of potash permanganate, and a green glass selected by trial ; and there is in Chance's glasses a shade called ' signal green,' which, when superposed on a full red, also practically stops all the rays. Experiment with the spectral colours shows that blue and yellow are more really ' compound ' colours than violet or green. Neither of the latter can be made by compounding LIGHT: COLOUR 303 any pure spectrum colours ; but blue can be compounded (in the manner described in § 172) out of a narrow slit in the green between the b and E lines, and a broad band in the violet over the G line, rather to the violet end. Yellow can be compounded in several ways. With the spectrum colours it is done by rather a wide slit in the red, and a wider slit in the green extending a little to each side of the b and E lines. Another way is to project the spectrum, and from another lantern, or other nozzle of a bi-unial, to throw on it the image of a slit covered with red glass ; this slit being shifted along the spectrum, will find a position over the green which gives a good yellow. Thirdly, Lord Rayleigh superposed on a film of gelatine stained deep blue with litmus (which cuts out yellow and orange), one stained yellow with aurine (which stops blue and violet). The two stop all but green and red, and the result is yellow ; which is remarkable as yet another result of blue and yellow films superposed. A better combina- tion, however, also due to Lord Rayleigh, is a cell of litmus solution, cutting out yellow and orange only as before, and bichromate of potash, which stops blue ; the two allow to pass the green and red, and give a remarkably good yellow, while the colours themselves are so pure, that if a small round aperture be focussed on the screen, the prism will disperse this into two nearly sharp discs, one red and one green. 174. Monochromatic Lights. — These may be obtained fairly pure in many ways. The most convenient yellow is from combustion of sodium. A spirit lamp with a salted wick, or a bead of fused salt in a platinum wire loop in a Bunsen burner, will give a fair light, as will gas or hydrogen passed through a saturated solution of salt. For a large light, for a hall full of people, a quantity of tow with salt well rubbed into it, soaked in methylated spirit, and burnt in a wire basket over a vessel of water, gives a striking effect, all faces appearing black and ghastly. A brighter light is obtained by combustion of the actual metal, as presently mentioned. 304 OPTICAL PROJECTION Glass coloured with copper oxide is pretty pure red. Ammoniated copper gives a fair blue ; but a much better plan is that discovered by Mr. H. G. Madan, of superposing Chance's signal green, which stops all red, on a rich cobalt- blue glass, which transmits little but red and blue. The two only transmit rays between p and G. Green is obtained by superposing blue and yellow glass, or by the copper and bichromate as just described. In all colour experiments, it has to be remembered that deeper tints are needed in proportion to the brilliancy of the light used in the lantern. CHAPTER XIX THE SPECTRUM 175. Continuous Spectra. — The continuous spectrum is easily projected in the manner already described in Chapter XVIII. But when the object is to illustrate the principles of spectrum analysis, it is advisable to pay special attention to several points, which it has not been hitherto necessary to enforce. Always with the arc -light, and generally with the oxy-hydrogen, it is advisable to use two prism-bottles, or else the cinnamic ether direct-prism of high dispersion. A convenient plan is to have the two bottles set, either in a box with open ends, or on a piece of black board, in shallow cavities retaining both at the proper angle of medium devia- tion. In most typical experiments, it is permissible to converge more light upon the slit, by adjusting the latter at the focus of either an ordinary or cylindrical lens. And thirdly, special care must be taken that the spectrum THE SPECTRUM 305 is equally focused upon the screen, from end to end. To all * line ' work of any kind this is particularly essential ; and it is never the case unless the lens is specially adjusted for it. The simplest method is to hold a fine wire across the slit ; and then to adjust the lens for focus, and incline the lens, until the shadow of the wire appears as a black line equally sharp from one end to the other of the spectrum. 176. The Light. — A jet of the most powerful kind should be used, with plenty of pressure and the very best limes. Only thus can respectable results be obtained with the oxy- hydrogen light. The arc -light requires modification. The positive carbon (crater) must be the lower one for spectrum work ; and both carbons should be perpendicular and in line. The Brockie lamp can be used without difficulty, by inserting a wedge- shaped block under it so as to bring the carbons upright ; and the current may be reversed by providing an extra special carbon-holder for the lower pole, which must protrude con- siderably. The lower carbon cannot then feed up to the usual stop, and therefore the focus will have to be adjusted from time to time, by the screw motion of the table. Spec- trum experiments do not, however, require any very great accuracy in focus-keeping ; and most demonstrators prefer a simple hand rack-regulator, moving the two poles in due proportion, and which, with a screw table as described in Chapter XII. will answer all purposes, at a small cost. Such hand-regulators are certainly best for the large excavated carbons presently mentioned, and allow of the length of arc being varied with much greater facility. 177. Simple Absorption. — For solutions, thick glass cells, including some made of a wedge shape, are very convenient, as showing the effect of stronger and stronger absorptions in coloured media. With the two prisms and the spectrum nicely focussed, the definite and local character of colour- absorption may be contrasted with the general absorption X 306 OPTICAL PROJECTION produced by holding a piece of glass more or less smoked in front of the slit. Coloured glasses may of course be used ad libitum. A very small piece of glass containing didymium or erbium, or a small bottle filled with solution of didymium sulphate, held in front of the slit, gives remarkably sharp and charac- teristic absorption lines, though it can be shown by simple projection that the medium appears nearly clear. The analysing power of even absorption spectra, is well illustrated by comparing the absorption of genuine port or claret, with dilute alcohol artificially coloured. A cell filled with diluted healthy blood, and another containing blood poisoned by carbonic dioxide, is another instructive ex- ample. Ordinary vapour-absorption is best shown by heating an ordinary sealed tube of iodine, or by a test-tube filled with nitrous oxide, prepared by pouring nitric acid upon a few bright copper turnings in the tube. There are other vapours which, with a trifle more trouble, give good spectra ; but they are too well known to those specially concerned to need mention here. Most coloured vapours give good phenomena, with more of the line or fluted charactei than is shown by the majority of liquids or solids. 178. Line Spectra.— These are given with greatest facility by the electric arc. For bright-line spectra, the positive carbon need not be larger than usual, but should have a small hollow made in it ; and the current should be of rather high E.M.F., so that the arc maybe long. The metallic vapour will, however, lengthen the arc considerably. The comparatively dark arc should be brought into the focus of the condensers, when the line spectrum of the metals shown will appear between two continuous spectra thrown by the carbon points. Sodium, lithium, silver, copper, zinc, and thallium are the metals usually employed. If only sodium or lithium lines are desired, they are fairly shown by soaking carbon poles, THE SPECTRUM 307 cleaned by boiling in acid, with solutions of the chloride salts, which are better than the rnetals for small currents. Caution. — In all such experiments as these, or in vaporis- ing metallic sodium in the lantern, even with the oxy-hydrogen flame , care should be taken to cover the condensers with a sheet of thin glass, otherwise particles of melted metal or oxide splutter on to the condenser, and fuse into its surface. Many a condenser has been ruined in this way. The sheet should be curved as in petroleum lamps, to prevent its cracking. By employing salts of the metals, excellent line spectra can be projected with the oxy-hydrogen flame, the most convenient ar- rangement being the lamp shown in fig. 167, devised by Edelmann. It is practically an upright * safety ' jet, a stream of oxygen passing up through the centre of a larger stream of coal-gas, supplied by the taps at H and o. The whole can be raised or lowered by the plate t on the stand or pillar s, and at the top is a nozzle N, on which can be placed a hollow cone, &, of carbon. The inside of this cone is covered with a paste composed of the salt rubbed down smoothly in a mortar with picric acid, ammonia, and alcohol ; as many cones as desired being pre- pared beforehand. This is an excellent method for bright- line spectra, such a burner being easily adjusted in the focus of the condensers, and the coloured flame emerging from the top of the carbon cone being very brilliant. Mr. E. Cleminshaw, F.C.S., improving on Bunsen and Debray, places in the lantern a similar jet, but with a larger I?iCr. 1C7. — Edelmann's Spectrum Burner 308 OPTICAL PROJECTION internal bore J inch diameter for the hydrogen, surrounded by oxygen. Hydrogen is made in a bottle with zinc scraps and dilute hydrochloric acid, tke chloride of sodium, lithium, or calcium being dissolved in the water to saturation; and to assist the rush of gas and carry up more of the spray of the liquid into the flame, either hydrogen or coal-gas is also passed through the liquid by the ordinary wash -hot tie method. When the oxygen is properly adjusted, the lines are pretty bright. Bright lines may also be shown upon the continuous spectrum, by melting the chlorides of the alkalies, upon the surface of a hard lime cylinder, and using this in the ordinary way. The brightest method of projecting the sodium line with PIG. 168. — Combustion Lantern the oxy-hydrogen flame is that adopted by the late Mr. Spottiswoode. A jet for burning the two gases is furnished with a hollow chamber in the course of the hydrogen tube. Into this chamber is introduced some metallic sodium, and the chamber is heated in a Bunsen burner; the gas then carries over with it a copious supply of sodium vapour, which burns with intense brilliance at the orifice of the jet. The lines of some alkaline earths may also be excellently shown by a simple apparatus devised by Prof. Weinhold, and shown in figs. 168 and 169, fig. 168 being a plan one-third the natural size, fig. 169 a perspective view on a smaller scale. The body is a small cubical lantern, with a door at the back fastened by the catch g, and with a nozzle on the front THE SPECTRUM 309 A into which slides a metal tube, enlarging at the front end into a long cone r, and at the back end bearing a plate with a slit s. The cone r is made to extend nearly to the lens which focusses the slit ; the latter being made thus, to slide out, because it will need cleaning pretty frequently. To the door at the back is attached, by a projecting piece, a metal ring, in which can be supported capsules, b, for the burning sub- stances. In using this combustion-lantern, as I venture to term it, it is arranged in front of the ordinary lantern, in the optic axis, with the door open as in the second figure, so that the light from the optical lantern can be passed through the slit s, and enable the latter to be focussed on the screen, with its spectrum all in focus as described in § 175. The optical lantern may then be turned off or removed. The pow- der used is then placed in the capsule 6, in a little heap, a piece of cotton wick about an inch long is stuck perpendicularly into it so as to be half-buried in the powder ; the wick is lighted, and the door shut ; Prof. Wein- hold advises soaking the wick in lead chromate. As soon as the flame reaches the powder it flames up, and gives excellent line-spectra, though for a short time only. Prof. Weinhold recommends the following mixtures as effective. For sodium lines : 3 parts sodium nitrate, 1 part FIG. 169 3io OPTICAL PROJECTION potassium chlorate, 1 part shellac. For calcium : 2 parts chalk, 10 parts potassium chlorate, 3 parts shellac. For strontium : 3 parts strontium nitrate, 1 part potassic chlorate, 1 part shellac. For barium : 3 parts barium nitrate, 1 part potassium chlorate, 1 part shellac. The shellac to be powdered separately from the salts, which are also to be rubbed down to powder, and the two mixed previous to use with a horn or wooden spoon. These methods are superior in effect to the use of glass rods, or sticks soaked in solution ; besides which- the manipu- lation of such sticks in a jet is a very ticklish operation. 179. Reversed Spectrum Lines,— The absorption by vapours of the same rays which they emit, is usually shown by sodium. FKJ. 170.— Reversal of Sodium Line As a dark line depends upon the absorbing vapour being less bright than the light of similar wave-length emitted by the radiant, this experiment, of all others, is shown with marked superiority by the electric arc. Fig. 170 shows the most widely known arrangement, as adopted by Dr. Tyndall, except that two prism-bottles would THE SPECTRUM 311 be used. In front of the slit E through which parallel rays are sent from the condensers, is a Bunsen burner, G, in the flame of which is held an iron or platinum spoon I containing a good pellet of sodium, which should burst into vivid com- bustion with some white vapour, In front of the sodium is arranged a screen s with an aperture, to shade off all direct sodium light from the screen— hence this experiment is not well adapted for a direct prism. The light from the slit has all to pass through the sodium flame before it reaches the FIG. 171.— Reversed Sodium Line lens, L, and a dark line D appears in the orange-yellow of the spectrum. By modifying the arrangement as in fig. 171 (after Miiller), detaching the slit from the front of the lantern and placing the burner B on the opposite side of it from the focussing lens, the lens L and prism p (really two prisms) being as usual, both spectra can be shown together. For introducing by hand another tin screen T between the Bunsen-flame and the condensers, the radiating arc light is cut off from the upper part of the slit, and consequently half the spectrum on 312 OPTICAL PROJECTION the screen shows the radiation n, and the other half the absorption A, from the same sodium flame. But the simplest, easiest, and best method is to produce the vapour between the carbon poles themselves. To do this with certainty, the positive carbon must be considerably larger than usual, and this is another reason for employing a hand-regulating lamp for spectrum experiments ; besides which, the distances have to be adjusted by trial, which is more conveniently done by hand. I doubt if better and more certain reversals have ever been demonstrated than by my long-time friend and correspondent in these matters, the Kev. P. B. Sleeman, of Bristol ; and for sodium the arrangement adopted by him, as shown at A, fig. 172, is probably the best possible. The figure is actual size, the lower carbon being |-inch diameter, with a groove ^-inch wide cut in the end, round a centre of ^-inch diameter. In this groove small pieces of sodium are placed (not too much). As soon as the upper carbon touches the centre, the metal is volatilised. It will be seen at once how and why, by this arrangement, as soon as the arc is struck, the vapour is comparatively cool, and well outside of the incandescent carbon. A very little adjustment of the carbons brings out the reversal conspicuously. The ordinary 1 cup,' as in B of the same figure, will however answer very well, and for more refractory metals like lithium is preferable, the heat of the arc itself being needed to volatilise them. The guiding principle, in reversal experiments, is to get a short arc. If we use carbons as in B, and separate the carbons to give an arc of good length, we get the bright lines and comparatively dull carbon poles ; then, as we lower the A B FIG. 172.— Carbons for Reversals THE SPECTRUM 313 negative carbon and shorten the arc, the bright lines fade and we gradually get dark lines. Weinhold's combustion-lantern, shown in figs. 168, 169, would probably give good dark lines by keeping the door open at the back, and sending the rays from the arc through the flame ; but I have not been able to test it in this way. With the oxy-hydrogen flame, direct reversal is more difficult, and is practically confined to the sodium line. I gave ! the arrangement in fig. 171 for this light, after fairly successful trial ; but I have since found that my success was due almost entirely to the powerful jets employed, and that even with these, such an arrangement cannot be depended upon, the Bunsen-flame being not cool enough in proportion, and so nearly in focus with the slit as to overpower the yellow portion of the radiation spectrum. Mr. E. Cleminshaw was quite justified in some criticism to this effect at the Physical Society,2 and I was very glad to find that his arrangements gave better results than my own. They are as follows. (a) The Bunsen burner and sodium-flame are placed at the focus or crossing point of the lens, where the rays pass through the smallest space, and can be passed through a small flame where the vapour is most dense. The screen is then easily shaded from direct rays, and the sodium-flame is notfocussed on the screen. The latter is the great advantage of this method. A spirit-lamp may be used instead of a Bunsen burner, but with metallic sodium, not with salt. (6) If the sodium-flame is used between the slit and the lens, after vivid combustion has been produced, the Bunsen flame is cooled by passing into it, along with common air, a portion of carbonic dioxide, generated in a bottle as usual, and with two vent-tubes, so that the supply can be graduated, (c) Another plan is to arrange a spirit-lamp with four wicks, with a jet of oxygen in the centre. Using oxygen in the flame, the bright 1 Light: a Course of Experimental Optics. 8 Proc. Physical Society, vii. 53. 3H OPTICAL PROJECTION lines are produced ; then, on shutting it off, the dark band will usually be seen. Such a lamp may also be used between the lime-light and the slit ; but the flame should be as far from the slit as convenient, in order to be out of focus. I have found that the brightness of the radiation spectrum may also be increased by condensing the rays from the condensers upon the slit by means of a lens. Absorption may be clearly projected by other methods. Makers of physical apparatus prepare sealed glass tubes about f -inch diameter (which must be of strong and hard combustion- tube), in which are placed some small portions of clean sodium in an exhausted atmosphere of hydrogen (in order to prevent oxidation of the sodium). If this is carefully heated and held in the rays of the spectrum, it will be found to cast a shadow in the orange rays, but not elsewhere. Sometimes it can be so heated as to show dark lines if held over the slit, but this is rather a doubtful experiment. Or it will cast a shadow in the rays from a Bunsen sodium-flame. Mr. Cleminshaw has devised another pretty experiment of this class. Using any apparatus for producing a brilliant sodium-light in the lantern itself, as recently described, it is adjusted so as to give a bright yellow disc on the screen about five feet in diameter by projection through the con- densers. A Bunsen burner is then adjusted in the lantern near to the condensers (protected by a glass) and the orifice about half an inch above the lower edge of the lenses. On holding a carbon rod, or bunch of asbestos fibre, or other medium impregnated with salt, in the flame, a distinct shadow will be cast upon the screen.1 1 Mr. Sleeman informs me that by an arrangement somewhat similar to this, but using an ordinary incandescent lime to give the spectrum, and using a bunch of asbestos fibre squeezed into the lower end of a glass tube filled with a saturated solution of salt, the brush thus constantly fed being held in the flame in front of the lime, he has obtained sometimes a fair reversal of the D line. I have had no opportunity of trying this method «ince it was suggested to me. THE SPECTRUM 315 Lastly, we may employ Bunsen's well-known apparatus, in which hydrogen is generated by zinc in diluted acid, saturated with sodium chloride, coal-gas being also passed through the liquid to assist effervescence and carry more spray into the exit pipes. One burner is of slit form, and when the supply of air is adjusted gives a hot and bril- liant sheet of incandescent sodium vapour. The other is cylindrical, and has placed over it a conical mantle which checks combustion, and causes a cooler flame, also coloured with sodium. This flame ap- pears nearly black against the brighter one ; and shading both with a metal case or chimney only open in front, both flames are readily pro- jected on the screen by a single lens. 180. The Invisible Spec- trum,— Only one or two key experiments need be men- tioned here for demonstrating the existence of invisible heat-waves beyond the red, and in- visible actinic rays beyond the violet of the spectrum. Caloresccncc is best shown by Tyndall's experiment of passing the invisible heat rays through an opaque solution. The safest of his arrangements with the highly inflammable solution of iodine in carbon disulphide, and which need give rise to no uneasiness, is to employ a box or lantern with an open circular aperture in front, and a reflecting mirror FIG. 173 316 OPTICAL PROJECTION behind the arc-light to throw out a parallel beam. If from the aperture a tube of the same diameter, silvered and polished on the inside, extends for two or three feet, the heat is kept from scattering. (Condensing lenses are unsuitable for this experi- ment, as glass is a powerful absorbent of invisible heat rays.) A thin globular flask with a neck, about 4 inches diameter, is filled with the solution and held in the parallel beam ; at its focus black paper and other substances will be ignited. This method is not very suitable for the oxy-hydrogen light, because the lime does not radiate much heat to the back, where the mirror must be placed. The best method is to hold or adjust the globular flask, of the thinnest glass, five or six inches from the naked lime. It is all the better if a reflecting tube occupy the space between, as it will concen- trate the heat considerably ; and the densest and hardest limes must be used, these being much superior in radiating power. A powerful jet of -j^-inch bore will make the whole lime incandescent, and give enormous heat, which will be quite sufficient at the conjugate focus of the flask. So near the lime, however, I strongly advise the employment of carbon tetra-chloride as the solvent. It does not give an absolutely opaque solution like carbon disulphide, a little violet struggling through ; but this is hardly perceptible, and the solution is not dangerous, as disulphide so close to the lime most certainly is. This will be found a very inexpensive, simple, and effective arrangement. The energy of nearly invisible actinic rays may be shown either by taking a photograph through several blue glasses ; or by exploding (with the usual precautions) at a rather long conjugate focus of the condensers, through similar nearly dark glasses, thin glass bulbs filled with chlorine and hydrogen gases, obtainable from the makers of physical apparatus. Explosion will be prevented by red or yellow glasses, but will at once take place through the blue, even with a good lime -light ; but if there is any difficulty, burning THE SPECTRUM 317 magnesium may be employed. White glass lenses are much superior for these experiments, as with the following. 181. Fluorescence. — Many experiments in Fluorescence, of great beauty, are easily made with the lantern. For those which depend chiefly on the conversion of the invisible rays at the violet end of the spectrum into blue light, it is advisable to have a radiant of high actinic power, such as the arc, or burning magnesium ribbon ; and even then the effect is heightened if a quartz condensing lens and prisms can be employed, as crown glass, and still more carbon disulphide, strongly absorb these rays. Lenses and prisms of fine ' white ' flint, however, also give very good results. A temporary magnesium light can be got with little trouble by passing three ribbons through a brass tube, an assistant watching the combustion through a darkened glass, and feeding the ribbons accordingly by hand. The end of the tube should be in the focus of a large condensing lens, and the whole be fitted up separately, since magnesia makes a great mess in an ordinary lantern. Sulphur burnt in oxygen gives a strong actinic light, and even in air is sufficient for some effects. With any such light, if a sheet of paper or card, washed repeatedly with a saturated solution of quinine sulphate in water acidulated with sulphuric acid, is pinned on the screen so as to cover and extend beyond the visible spectrum thrown through even a glass prism, a visible extension of the violet light will be produced, especially if the brighter part of the spectrum be shaded off to prevent the feeble light being over- powered. A glass tank some inches long, with flat ends, filled with the same solution, will mark the cone of light passing through it from a large lens by a beautiful sky-blue fluorescence. Solution of assculm, or a decoction of horse- chestnut bark, also gives a brilliant blue. The reciprocity of absorption and fluorescent power in the beam is shown by first showing the extension of the visible spectrum as before, and then interposing the tank of quinine ; 3i8 OPTICAL PROJECTION the fluorescent rays, being now taken up in the cell, no longer have the power to excite fluorescence on the screen. This is further illustrated by the fact, that in all tank experiments the fluorescent glow rapidly becomes leebler as the light passes deeper into the fluid, and that in any of the following experi- ments, the fluorescence may be stopped, or nearly so (de- pending upon there being sufficient absorption) by interposing a tank of the same substance in solution. But it is not so with different substances. Thus, if we have a tank of quinine solution, with a fluorescent cone of light traversing it, we stop this fluorescence by interposing another tank of the quinine, which, in becoming fluorescent, robs the beam of the power to similarly affect the second tank. But if we inter- pose a cell of uranine solution, its brilliant green fluorescence does not do so, but the quinine cell is fluorescent as before. Amongst substances which fluoresce well in the electric light or magnesium, are turmeric in castor-oil (green), tinc- ture of stramonium, fustic steeped in alum solution, camwood steeped in castor-oil (this oil, though not fluorescent itself, seems able to excite the property in several other substances) and sesculin. Of the latter a grain in powder should be shaken into a confectioner's jar filled with slightly ammoniated water, placed in the lantern beam : beautiful blue fluorescence will be seen by reflected light. Even a few bruised fragments of horse-chestnut bark thrown on the water will do the same. There are plenty of substances which fluoresce magnifi- cently by the ordinary lime-light, however. Even quinine will show fairly in a tank, with a good jet. A solution of nettle or any other green leaves (chlorophyll) in ether, methylated spirit, or benzol, which is green, fluoresces blood- red. A cube of greenish-yellow uranium glass fluoresces a bright and lovely green. Fluorescein, or any of its deriva- tives, such as eosin, or uranine, fluoresces brilliantly in even gas-light, and it is a beautiful experiment to scatter as much as is ta.ken on the very end of a penknife, on the surface of a THE SPECTRUM 319 large glass jar of slightly ammoniated water, in the rays of the lantern. Beautifully brilliant arborescent green streams descend through the water. Chrysoline does the same, and is perhaps a purer green than the uranine. A few drops of almost any red ink will show the phenomena fairly well. Green, or rather greenish-yellow, is the commonest and strongest fluorescent colour, and for designs painted in it there is ample choice. The best way is to prepare a thick size or thin glue from gelatine, and dissolve fresh some uranine in the fluid. This can be laid on with a broad pen or brush, and then dried, so as to give a little body of colour. Such will shine brilliantly in almost invisible blue light. Barium-platino-cyanide will be equally brilliant, but is far more expensive. Tin's is best rubbed up with gum-water. A substance called thallene by Professor Morton, prepared by him from petroleum residues, has probably the brightest fluorescence, of the same yellow-green. Professor Morton kindly wrote to me that this is best prepared by grinding up with rather thin varnish of gum-damar in benzol. Slight and unknown impurities often impart splendid fluorescence to various organic compounds, which are destitute of it when really pure. Other colours are more difficult to get, and I have not yet obtained any of them brilliant enough to use in designs. In cells, chlorophyll has been already mentioned for red. Magdala rose fluoresces orange-red, but was expensive, and is now almost impossible to obtain, being gone out of fashion, which is capricious as to these aniline colours. The best red I yet know of was brought to my notice by Mr. Sidney Jewsbury, of Manchester, and is a solution of azo-resorufin, (C24 H16 N2 07) in slightly ammoniated alcohol — methylated will do. Little must be used, one grain is enough for a large cell. In this substance the fluorescence is rather masked by the natural colour of the solution being also red; but by treating with bromine, a compound is obtained giving a blue 320 OPTICAL PROJECTION solution, but also a red fluorescence, though rather more dull. Cyanosine (methyl-tetraiodo-fluorescein) Mr. H. G. Madan tells me gives a fine orange fluorescence. It too must be dissolved in alcohol. And Mr. Jewsbury tells me that fifteen parts glacial acetic acid and one part essential oil of pepper- mint, heated to nearly boiling point, give a red fluorescence. Saffron in alcohol fluoresces red-brown. Of blues, the sodium salt of B-naphtholsulphonic acid fluoresces rather more powerfully than quinine. Nearly all the petroleum lubricating oils fluoresce blue more or less, and samples can be found that do so rather powerfully with the lime -light. Such give the strongest blue I know as yet, but not sufficient for designs on paper. The aniido compound of phthalic acid fluoresces a bluish-green, but best in electric or magnesium light. 182. Phosphorescence. — This phenomenon is readily shown by exposing a large sheet of card coated with Balmain's luminous paint to the beams of an electric lantern or burning magnesium, interposing something to cast a distinct profile or shadow. After some 50 or 60 seconds' expo- sure, if the room is darkened, the ex- posed surface will be seen to emit light. A set of tubes containing powders which phosphoresce of different colours can be obtained for about ten shillings ; and if exposed to the same kind of light (the lime-light will practically answer if about 3 minutes' exposure be given, or the tubes may be previ- ously excited by sunlight) will glow with their proper colours when the room is darkened. The connection between phosphorescence and fluorescence e E FIG. 174.— Tyndall's Phos- phoroscope THE SPECTRUM 321 maybe exhibited by Becquerel's phosphoroscope ; but Tyn- dall's apparatus is simpler and more effective. A square box A, shown in plan in fig. 174, is fitted either with an arc lamp or magnesium burner, as already described, at c, and in one side is a perpendicular slot B, all else being closed except a sight-hole for regulation of the light. Outside the slit, on a vertical axis, the wooden cylinder D revolves rapidly, driven by bands E E from a multiplying wheel. The cylinder is painted over with some strongly fluorescent substance. Pro- fessor Tyndall used uranium glass powdered and laid on with gum, but uranine in gelatine is much easier to use, and even more effective. On rotating the cylinder, if there were no persistence of effect, no radiation would be visible, the cylinder being only directly illuminated through the slit ; but owing to the duration of the vibrations set up by this momentary illumination, the whole cylinder glows with the characteristic fluorescent light. CHAPTER XX INTEBFERENCE OF LIGHT 183. Propagation of Waves.— This may be illustrated by revolving the edge of a blackened glass disc, round the edge of which is traced a sinuous wave-line, in front of a coarse grating of perpendicular lines scratched on another piece of blackened glass, after the method of Crova. But a slide which I devised projects the phenomena in a manner both simpler and better. It is shown in fig. 175. The grating A of perpendicular lines scratched (pretty coarsely, and one- sixteenth of an inch apart) on black-varnished glass, is inserted flush with the surface of the slab of wood c which holds the slide together, and which has an aperture cut behind y 322 OPTICAL PROJECTION the grating. In the top and bottom edges of the slide are cut longitudinal grooves, B B, the whole length ; and in these grooves slides a panoramic strip of glass about 18 inches long which is also black-varnished, and has the form of the wave traced boldly through it. On drawing this sliding-piece along, the wave will appear in motion ; and if one or two of the perpendicular scratches be distinguished by extra width, or a wash over it of transparent colour, it can be pointed out upon the screen that every single dot only moves up and down, and that the wave-motion consists in the similar motions of successive dots being a little later in time. I constructed another single -wave slide in another manner, bending a piece of wire round a glass tube into a helix, about |-inch dia- meter and f -inch pitch. Re- moving the core-tube, the straight ends of the wire were then brought in to coincide with the axis of the helix, and the whole mounted in a wooden frame so as to be revolved by a small winch-handle, in an aperture just a little larger than allowed the whole helix to be seen in profile. This being placed in the stage and projected on the screen, on turning the winch an apparently plane wave in "black appears in motion, which may be continued ad libitum. By affixing two or three bits of very fine wire as spurs here and there, or a morsel or two of wax, the purely transverse motion of any given point may be shown in this slide also ; and it may further be used to illustrate the propagation of a circular wave. J84. Interference of Waves. — The slide partly shown in FIG. 176.— Wave Slide INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 323 fig. 175 was however chiefly designed to illustrate inter- ference, which it does in a manner superior to any other. Instead of the one simple wave-glass just described, when demonstrating interference the sliding part is divided into three strips as shown in fig. 176, kept together edge to edge in one plane by a light binding or frame at each end, which is cemented to the two outer strips, but allows the middle one to be moved endways. On one outside strip of blackened glass is cut a wave, and on the other a wave of double the length ; and the middle strip has a wave of each length, as shown in the figure. It is convenient to colour over the long waves red and the short ones blue, with transparent colour. All the waves are first shown in similar phases, pointing out that two vi- brations of the short ones take place in the same time as One Of the PIG. 176.— Interference Slide long ones. Then by drawing along the centre strip half the length of the longer wave, it will be seen how this measured retardation of one pair of waves brings the long (red) waves into opposite phases, whilst the short ones (blue) are still in the same phase. The superposition as well as destruction of vibration may be shown by such a model as is used at the Koyal Institution. A wave is cut in the top of a board standing on edge. Any number of thin rods sliding perpendicularly in the same plane in a light framework, with narrow spaces between, are cut of such a length that, when standing on a flat surface, their tops give a similar wave. When the frame of rods is placed so that the longer rods stand on the hollows in the top of the board, the profile at the top is horizontal, or the wave is 324 OPTICAL PROJECTION destroyed ; but when so placed that crest is superposed on crest, there is a wave of double the height. Every arrange- ment is projected on the screen quite sharply by the shadow method (§ 109). The balls at the top of a Powell's wave apparatus are easily projected in the same way. 185. Thin Films. — The readiest methods of demonstrating the interference of light are by reflection from the two surfaces of thin films. When the lantern is worked upon a table, a small black tray about 12 inches diameter may be partly filled with water, may be laid down in front of it, and the lantern either canted up behind so that the parallel beam from the flange nozzle comes down at an angle upon the water and is thence reflected rather upwards to the screen ; or the long- focus lens may roughly focus the surface upon the screen, being adjusted in the rising reflected rays ; or the beam may be deflected downwards from the nozzle by the plane mirror, and received and re-deflected in their upward path by another plane mirror, the surface being focussed. Then dipping a rod in oil FIG. i77.-Fiim of oxide of turpentine, and letting a drop fall upon the water, it rapidly spreads into a thin film, which produces beautiful colours upon the screen. A wide-mouthed goblet of water may be placed in the phoneidoscope apparatus shown in fig. 142, the surface of the water occupying the place of the soap-film. Only very thin and fresh oil of turpentine will show colours readily in a confined space like the goblet, the glass preventing the spreading of the film sufficiently ; but benzol containing a very small quantity of Canada balsam or turpentine in solution will act very well in such an apparatus. Thin films of oxide show the same phenomena very readily, placing a polished steel plate on a light tripod with a spirit- lamp underneath, in the apparatus shown at fig. 142. If the polished plate is first slightly warmed uniformly, and smeared INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 325 with a film of solid paraffin, then wiped nearly off again, coloured rings will be exhibited more readily. 186. Soap Films. — These offer the most impressive de- monstrations. Plateau's solution is made by dissolving 1 ounce of soda oleate in 40 ounces of distilled water, and mixing this with 30 ounces of Price's best glycerine. This is violently shaken up at intervals for several days, and then filtered clear at as cool a temperature as practicable. When- ever the solution becomes turbid, it must be filtered again, and must always be brilliantly clear for use, and all vessels (such as saucers) made scrupulously clean. In very cold weather, however, the turbidity thus caused may be removed by gently warming the solution and all the vessels used. I think a little Marseilles soap (£ ounce to the above quantity) somewhat toughens this for the variable English climate; and for immediate use a little gelatine added to a small quantity of Plateau mixture will add toughness, but it de- composes, and therefore will not keep. A Eoyal Institution recipe, not nearly so tough, but which is free from streakiness and gives the black effect rapidly, consists of five volumes glycerine and six volumes of a 3 per cent, solution of potash oleate, a ' soft ' soap. I am however indebted to Herr Dahne, of Dresden, for a still handier method, which he has worked out with care, and which allows the solution to be mixed as required, even in a test-tube, from separate ingredients kept in stock. Keep in bottles (1) a saturated solution of soda oleate in distilled water, carefully neutralised and filtered clear in the cold ; (2) distilled water ; (3) Price's best glycerine, tested free from acid. Then the liquid is mixed variously as follows, according to the purpose in view : (a) For greatest toughness or lasting properties (not always desirable, as extreme toughness is apt to produce a ropy or streaky appearance) : take one volume oleate solu- tion, one volume glycerine, and two volumes distilled water. 326 OPTICAL PROJECTION (b) For beautiful coloured bands, quickly developing : one volume oleate, J volume glycerine, and four volumes water. (c) For rapid development of the black spot : one volume oleate, five volumes water, and only a trace of glycerine. To use soap solutions we require a little apparatus, in the shape of wire rings. They are best made of iron, or tinned iron wire, with a stem bent at right angles from the junction, which must be soldered and then smoothed carefully off. Some about 2 inches diameter, as A (fig. 178), are used by nipping the stem horizontally (with the ring turned upwards) in a Bunsen holder as at c : some about 3 inches diameter are in- serted in small wooden feet as at B. Before use the rings should be made hot, and then rubbed with solid paraf- fin, which will run into a thin coating, and prevent the wire from cutting the films. Eings up to 4 or 5 inches diameter, dipped in a saucer of ' tough ' solution and carefully lifted, will take up a film. Bubbles are best blown by a small glass funnel with ground edges, about an inch in diameter, to which is attached a small rubber tube for the mouth. With a tough solution I have blown a bubble over half a yard in diameter ; and if a clean saucer be carefully soaped to the edge, and all froth avoided, a bubble nearly that size may be blown upon the saucer itself. A smaller size is however safer ; and if the parallel beam from the lantern nozzle is deflected downwards upon this and reflected to the screen, fine colour-fringes will appear. If two or three stands, such as B in fig. 178, be FlG. 178.— Rings for Soap Films INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 327 placed in a row, bubbles 9 or 10 inches diameter can be easily placed upon the rings, and the parallel (or slightly divergent) beam being sent through them all, will produce a very fine effect. Flat films produce the best optical phenomena. Taking one up by the apparatus o in fig. 178, the whole arrange- ments are as shown in fig. 179. Here L is the nozzle of an ordinary lantern with the objective on, but the parallel (or rather slightly convergent} beam from the open flange nozzle is better; the rays striking on the soap- film A. The lantern is deflected nearly par- allel with the screen, and the film A stands ' at an angle of 45° with the beam, so as to reflect the rays to the screen, on the way to which they are focussed by the loose lens p.1 Bands of colour speedily ap- pear across the film, & ]*z\ which gradually pass PIG 179 _plat SoapFilm upwards (the image being inverted) as it thins, until at length a yellowish-white, and finally the grey-black appears, after which it soon breaks. 1 This experiment being typical, the arrangements should be noted. On a table, the pieces of apparatus will be simply arranged separately, standing as figured. With a revolving stand and board such as fig. 99, the holder bearing the film A will stand on the longitudinal board ; and the cross-piece c D (fig. 99) being brought to that spot, the lens p will stand on that at the required distance. This general arrangement governs all experiments where focussing has to be done after the deflection of the rays, by reflection or otherwise, hag been effected. H2$ OPTICAL PROJECTION Sometimes the heat of the lantern will destroy the film too rapidly. In that case an alum cell in the slide-stage will remove the difficulty. Horizontal bands being caused by the action of gravitation on the film, if we can make the gradual thinning take a circular form, the bands will become annular. This is effected by a beautiful modification of the experiment often employed by Lord Eayleigh, and which is very easy if any sort of bellows, or weighted bag filled with air, be at hand, to furnish a slight blast. Even the breath will answer, but needs some practice and a thin rubber balloon to steady the pressure. Connected with the air-blast (a gentle one) by rubber tubing is a piece of glass tube drawn into a small but A B FIG. 180.— Rotating Films not capillary orifice : one of the ' fillers ' sold for use with fountain pens answers excellently. This is fixed in another small Bunsen holder, and adjusted so as to direct a blast at a small angle with the surface of the film. Adjusted near the edge as at A (fig. 180) the above is converted into a single whirling vortex, which shows rapid and magnificent gradation of colour : adjusted as at B, a little to one side of the centre, the stream divides into two vortices, in which the play of colour is still more rapid. This experiment never fails to 'bring down the house.' 187. Films of air— Newton's Rings. — Two squares of plate glass, with rounded edges, cleaned and polished, are readily INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 329 worked together till they show beautiful air-films. It is well then to keep them together with spring wooden clips, one at each corner, pinching one corner in the Bunsen holder, and projecting exactly as the soap-film in fig. 179. The slightest additional pinch between finger and thumb alters the colours, thus leading up to Newton's experiment. It is not easy to get a good pair of Newton's rings, which under pressure give true circular figures. The usual three screws are too few, causing distortion ; six screws, with another at the centre of the back glass, give better figures. If the back glass is black, or some dark colour, the effect is better ; the colours not being diluted by the reflected light from its bottom surface. The rings are projected exactly as the soap film. It is most convenient to have a stud projecting from the circular frame, which fits into the socket of one of the pillar- stands. If a wedge-prism (not too thin) be interposed between the focussing lens and the screen, if will be shown that in the deflected image the number of rings is very greatly in- creased on one half of the image. By rapidly interposing in turn a red and a blue glass between the lantern and the glasses, it is shown that the red rings are larger than the blue ones ; but it is better to have a red and blue glass framed so as each to occupy half of the space in an ordinary lantern slide-frame. Holding this as close as possible to the lenses, but so as to allow the reflected rays to escape to the focussing lens, one half the image will exhibit the red and the other the blue rings. It must be rather a light blue glass. Having another pair of glasses, of which the lower one is platinised on the surface (silvering reflects too much light, and overpowers the rings), and adjusting the glasses so that the light from the lantern falls on them at the polarising angle, the reflection from the first or glass surface of the film of air can be totally abolished by placing a Nicol prism 330 OPTICAL PROJECTION on the nozzle of the lantern and turning it into the proper position (see Chapter XXII.) and the disappearance of the rings, though there is light upon the screen, will demonstrate that the reflection from both surfaces is necessary to their production. Finally, the light destroyed by interference can be shown by spectrum analysis of a slit crossing the rings. In blue or red light such a slit would give an appearance like B or n in fig. 181. It has been shown already that in blue light the bands B are closer than in red light, hi which they appear comparatively as at E. If, then, the slit across the rings is dispersed into a spectrum, the largest and smallest rings must be connected by curved lines somewhat as in fig. 181. The ar- rangements for the experiment are shown in fig. FIG. isi 182. The slit may be cut out of black paper and fixed to the front of the glasses, as at L, being illuminated by the parallel beam from the flange nozzle of the lantern N, the slit being focussed by the lens P and dispersed by the prism P as usual. In this case the lantern must be turned quite away from the screen, and the light fall on the lenses very nearly normal, as shown in the figure ; else the incident light will not be able to get down to the film and out again through the slit, owing to the thick glass. An easier way is to place the slit on the nozzle of the lan- tern, with the parallel beam sent through it, and, bringing the glasses as close to it as possible, to focus the reflection of the slit in the glasses. A spectrum will in either case appear, crossed by beautiful parabolic dark bands. A soap film is easily analysed in the same way, using the INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 331 second method described. In this case a fresh film should always be taken up after all arrangements are made, as the bands are most numerous when the film is thickest. They will be seen to shift as the film thins, but care must be taken to avoid a current of air on the film as far as possible. The colours of a film of condensed vapour are readily pro- jected according to Eeade's method. A plate of glass is rubbed with soap, and then nearly cleaned off with a chamois leather; the plate is then adjusted in the Bunsen holder. Then taking a piece of rubber tube about a foot long and | -inch in bore, this is gently breathed or blown through, with the othor end directed against the centre of the soaped side, which is projected like the soap film. Coloured rings will appear on the plate. One precaution is necessary, however: as the experiment depends upon the condensation of the pio 1S2._AnaIysIsotEiDg3 breath by cold, an alum trough must be placed to intercept the heat of the lantern, and the plate must be cold when placed in position. Any piece of tolerably flat iridescent glass may also be projected. That light is destroyed by interference, even with films too thick to exhibit colour, may be shown by analysing the light from a slit, as in the analysis of the soap film, from the film of air between two pieces of plate glass pressed but not rubbed together ; or by carefully splitting a very thin film of mica, and bending it round a blackened convex surface ; the reflection from this will itself give a slit, or rather a line of light, if placed in the parallel beam. The spectrum will be crossed by a number of dark parallel lines ; more and thinner. 33? OPTICAL PROJECTION in proportion to the thickness of the film, thicker and fewer in proportion to its thinness. 188. Thick Plates. — Newton's experiment with a thick concave glass mirror is pretty easily projected with a good light, using a large mirror optically worked on both sides, of 2 to 4 feet focus. This is to be slightly dulled on the surface by laying on a film of milk and water ; milk alone is much too opaque. A radiant point must now be adjusted at the centre of curvature, so that the incident rays are reflected back and focussed in the same point. With the arc light the best plan is to place a rather small aperture on the lantern-nozzle, and converge through it all possible rays from the condensers ; then upon a screen of white card adjusted over the aperture, with a small hole in the centre for the rays to pass through, beautiful interference-rings will be seen, which will be very brilliant if all is adjusted properly. The same plan may be adopted with the oxy-hydrogen light ; or the naked jet may be brought out of the lantern, and adjusted with the incan- descent face to the mirror, and the back to the screen. This latter will thus be shielded from the direct light from the lime, further stopped back by a small circular stop behind it if necessary ; while the rings formed in the air in the plane of the lime can be fairly focussed on the screen, if the light is very brilliant, with a large lens. 189. Fresnel's Prism. — The interference bands from Fresnel's inclined mirrors are practically impossible to project upon a screen. Even with his bi-prism, they are rather difficult with the 0. H. jet, but easier with the arc light. The best arrangement is to use the optical front, with the objective removed and replaced by the plain nozzle, carrying an adjustable perpendicular slit. In the optical stage is placed a cylindrical lens, about 5 niches focus, and 2 inches diameter, mounted in a wooden frame. This is to condense a large amount of light upon the slit, light and lens being so ad- justed that the parallel beam is focussed upon the slit. From INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 333 the slit the light diverges and falls upon the bi-prism, which should for this experiment be about 2 inches square, so as to intercept the whole pencil of light at a convenient distance from the slit. Perpendicular fringes will appear on the screen. Sometimes they appear more plainly by interposing a red glass ; and are made more conspicuous by interposing an achromatic focussing lens between prism and screen, at considerably more than its focal distance from the prism ; the lens then projects the bands in the focal plane of its own conjugate focus. Much depends upon the screen distance, brilliance of the light, and angle and workmanship of the bi-prism. A small angle gives the broadest fringes, and I was only able to obtain visible results with the lime -light by employing a fine prism ground for the purpose by Mr. Ahrens, of very small angle. With this the fringes were amply conspicuous for a good- sized class-room, but would require the arc-light for a large lecture theatre. This is one of the few cases in which an achromatic focussing lens " FlG 188 gives far superior results, the bands being more sharply defined. An achromatic of about 8 inches focus and 3| inches diameter is the most suitable for this particular experiment. A smaller bi-prism, about an inch square, may be obtained for about 5s., and will project visible fringes with the arc light ; but for the 0. H. jet must be used in another way. It may be mounted in a short cell which fits into the nozzle of the optical objective, and will thus divide the image of any object in the stage into two, which cross or overlap each other. That object in this case is a black card 4 x 2£ inches, cut into equal stripes as in fig. 183, or the bright lines may be scraped away on blackened glass. A few slides of different gauges should be prepared, as the best effect is produced by 334 OPTICAL PROJECTION different widths at different distances. On focussing the slits upon the screen, conspicuous colour will be seen where the images overlap, and that these are due to interference is readily shown by covering up half of the bi-prism. 190. Billet's Lenses.— If difficulty be found in procuring a good bi-prism, similar results can be obtained with the arc- light by employing a convex lens cut in half, and the two halves separated by a small distance, filled with a strip of some opaque substance. The section is of course arranged perpendicularly, parallel with the slit. Such a split lens is easily mounted on any sort of stand, and is used in place of the bi-prism. I have not however found it give sufficiently distinct fringes with the lime-light. A lens of about 2 inches diameter and 6 inches focus is perhaps as effective as any. 191. Diffraction.— There is not light sufficient, unless with a powerful arc, to show on the screen the spectra from a single slit ; but gratings, either original or photographed, give fine projections. Of straight-line gratings on glass, copies of Norbert's 3,000 lines to the inch pattern are most generally useful, but the 6,000 also gives fine projections. It is sufficient to place a metal or card slit about 2 mm. wide in the optical stage, and focus on the screen ; then hold the grating in the rays. Two gratings crossed give beautiful crossed spectra, using a small hole instead of a slit. The effect is much brighter if the aperture is used on the open optical front with all the light from the condensers converged upon it as far as possible, or with the attachment shown in fig. 95, and is focussed on the screen by the loose lens. With this aid, the diagonal spectra will be seen, as well as the primary crossed ones. By interposing coloured glasses the spectra may be reduced to coloured images of the slit, the red ones being farthest apart. A circular grating, used in the same way to diffract a small round aperture, gives circular rainbows. I have had INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 335 magnificent gratings cut upon glass by Mr. Clarke, of nearly 3 inches diameter, which project brilliant spectral rings, using a large focussing lens. A piece of coarse perforated zinc held near the grating affords further beautiful pheno- mena. Wire gauze can sometimes be procured fine enough to give perceptible spectra, using a large lens and a piece 6 inches square ; and spectra can often be obtained by diffracting through a piece of the finest cambric, carefully selected, or through the web of the feather of some fowls and birds. Circular halos are produced by diffracting a circular aper- ture through a glass dusted with lycopodium powder, or any similarly small spores ; on one condition. The ' resolution ' of a grating depends upon the number of lines or dots brought into use, and a dusted plate 3 inches diameter will not give distinctly coloured halos on the screen. But plates 6 inches diameter, used with a lens not less, and holding the plate close to the lens, so as to pass the rays through the whole effective surface, give really fine halos. These dusted plates are best prepared by shaking the spores through fine muslin from some little height, upon clean plates which have been washed with water containing a few morsels of gelatine. If gently breathed upon, the spores will be caused slightly to adhere ; and after the surplus has been shaken off, a circular mask of black card should be laid on the surface to preserve from contact, another clean glass plate laid over this as a cover, and the two bound all round with gummed slips of dark paper, like lantern slides. Such plates should be of thick glass, or the pressure of the fingers may bring the plates into contact and spoil the even distribution of the spores. Gratings and dusted plates can be mounted in frames and used on stands if desired, but the hand is practi- cally sufficient. 192. Reflecting Gratings and Striated Surfaces. — An ordinary photographed glass grating will project very fair 336 OPTICAL PROJECTION spectra by reflection ; but much more brilliant spectra are projected if it be silvered, or by gratings ruled on speculum metal. Formerly the best of these were by Mr. Rutherford, of New York, but for years past those ruled by a machine constructed by Prof. H. Rowland have surpassed all others. The gauge of these ranges from 10,000 to 30,000 lines to the inch, the 17,000 gauge being about the best ; and they can be obtained from Mr. W. Brashear, of Philadelphia, of various sizes ; and either ruled on a plane surface, or one slightly concave, so as to give a focus without lenses. The condition of projection is exactly the same as with transparent gratings ; the slit must be focussed on the screen as reflected by the surface, and only diffracted by the ruling. One of those metal buttons con- structed by the late Sir John Barton, and known still as ' Barton's buttons,' whose surface is divided into hexa- gonal or other portions, each of which is ruled with fine lines in a different direction from its neighbours, will yield beautiful projections, the spectra being all arranged in the directions of a six-pointed star. The ' focussed parallel beam ' from a small aperture is intercepted by the grating, which reflects the spectra on the screen. A fine piece of polished mother-of-pearl also gives beauti- ful diffraction colours by reflection, the colours shifting as the plane of the pearl is a little altered in position. The easiest way of doing this is to provide a small tablet of thin blackened wood, D, with a boss, B (fig. 184), on the back, into which is fixed a tube, T, fitting into the sockets of the pillar-stands. The pearl, or any other object, such as a small haliotis shell, is easily held on this by a couple of elastic bands, A peacock- Fio. 184 INTERFERENCE OF LIGHT 337 feather stitched with black thread on a blackened card, can be projected in the same way. The colour of the peacock eye will change as its plane is altered ; but as the colour is uniform and not in spectra, in this case the colour must be produced by a thin film. (I believe a portion of the pearl colour to be of the same character.) The plane is readily shifted by turning the pillar a little ; and the object can be readily rotated in its own plane by turning the tablet round in its socket. 193. Perforated Plates,— Perforated zinc will give interest- ing diffraction phenomena if the light is brilliant. Every gauge procurable should be purchased ; then discs should be cut out and mounted in 4 x 2£ wooden frames, for the optical stage, and spring wires bent circularly will keep them in place. Blackened perforated cards will answer, but the heat is apt to ignite them. Placing one in the stage, and focussing it rather beyond the screen, the interference of the various small pencils of light passing through the apertures in the card will produce coloured effects, rather brilliant a few feet from the nozzle, where they may be shown by holding a sheet of cardboard. Different gauges should be tried for the best results. But still better are produced if another frame and plate be introduced, at a distance varying from J inch to some inches in front of the other, and either the same or some other gauge, which experiment must determine; for every difference in the power of the radiant, and in the screen distance, will determine gauges and distance between the plates which give the best effect. Sometimes a piece of gauze as the front plate will give a good result ; as a rule, the finer gauges of zinc or card give the best, and the coarser of two different plates should be the posterior one. A little adjust- ment of plates and focussing will produce beautiful coloured patterns on the screen, the pencils from the first set of holes being diffracted by the second. If one of the plates is mounted in a rotating frame like fig. 195 (p. 348), and 338 OPTICAL PROJECTION rotated, some very peculiar effects may be produced. In these experiments the light in the lantern should be care- fully adjusted to its best distance from the condensers. Another beautiful method of projecting perforated plates or cards I adapt from Prof. Dolbear's ' Art of Projecting ' with the heliostat. The effect is, indeed, largely due to a strong prismatic dispersion by the edges of the lens ; but the beauty of the result makes the experiment worth a place. The radiant is drawn back in the lantern, so that the rays from the condenser cross in a focus 5 or 6 inches in front of it — about at the end of, or slightly within, the flange-nozzle, answers very well. Adjust in the optic axis another lens of about equal diameter and of deep curve, such as one of the condenser-lenses themselves, at a distance which gives a luminous disc 6 to 10 feet in diameter. Now hold a piece of perforated card or zinc (very coarse is best) in a position easily found, either in front of or behind the second lens ; the result will be most gorgeous chromatic patterns. Instead of a simple plate a revolving Kaleidotrope (p. 144) may be used, when the effect will be magnificent if the zinc is of coarse pattern. As already stated, however, it is only partially due to diffraction. CHAPTER XXI LANTERN POLARISING APPARATUS 194. The Elbow Polariscope. — The simplest and cheapest polariscope for lantern work consists of a bundle of thin glass plates as a polariser, arranged at the back of an elbow, as in fig. 185. The end N of the elbow is made to fit on the flange- nozzle of the lantern, and the elbow is of courss so constructed that nearly parallel light from the condensers entering at N falls upon the glass plates G at the polarising angle of 56°. LANTERN POLARISING APPARATUS 339 FIG. 185 The other end of the elbow at B has a screw-collar, into which screws the B collar of the optical front (fig. 94), with stage, objective, and nozzle. Into this nozzle fits, so as to rotate easily, an analyser, usually a Nicol prism. The whole apparatus is shown in fig. 186, and is commonly known as the lantern polariscope, or elbow polariscope. It is also useful and convenient as a table instrument for many purposes, if a plate of finely- ground glass is fitted into the end which fits into the lantern ; and will perform in a most efficient and satisfac- tory manner all ordinary ex- periments, which do not re- quire the rotation of the polariser, at a very moderate expense. In using this instrument, it is placed on or in the flange- nozzle with the elbow lying horizontally, so that the lantern has to be deflected from the screen ; because the optical portion of the instrument must be preserved in a horizontal direction. To keep it from turning round in the flange from its own weight, there is either a slot *£ffl/ %^ fitting over a pin, ^ /sJO, or a simple bayonet joint. The Nicol prism analyser will per- form all ordinary experiments, but its performance should be examined. A Nicol of proper proportions will, with the objective described in Chapter XII., just ' cover ' (i.e. give a polarised field over) slides of the standard London pattern, z2 186. — Elbow Polariscopo 340 OPTICAL PROJECTION which have a disc If -inch diameter in 4 x 2 \ wooden frames. A shade more may be sometimes covered. Some improvements have lately been made upon the Nicol prism. Prazmowski's prism, as further improved by Messrs. Steeg & Eeuter, is a rectangular parallelepiped, cut from edge to edge instead of from corner to corner (thereby giving a pencil of double the area) and with the section at right angles to the optic axis. This utilises better the two refrac- tive indices, and moreover the joint is made with linseed-oil instead of balsam : the total result being a shorter prism, of wider area and more angular field. It, however, requires more than double the spar, and on account of the work, is about three times the price of a Nicol of similar area. A simpler and cheaper improved prism was devised by Professor S. P. Thompson, and is made by taking an ordinary crystal of spar _7 a very little longer than would / suffice for a Nicol, and cutting the ^^ ~.^v/ ends off so as to slant the reverse ) way, at the lines A B, CD (fig. 187). Had the spar been made into a Nicol the joint would have been along the dotted line A D ; but the considerably shortened piece is now cut along B c, the section being thus nearly at right angles to the optic axis (shown by the arrow), as in the Prazmowski. This prism is not so good as the latter, but is simple and easy to make. A complete apparatus should be fitted with analysers showing the various methods of polarising light. A tour- maline is easily mounted in a small cell which rotates in the nozzle of the objective. Some tourmalines exhibit very little appreciable colour upon the screen, but such are unfortunately now becoming very scarce and costly. An analyser of thin glass is easily constructed as in fig. 188, the plates being fixed at the polarising angle in a tube whose end N fits into the nozzler An aperture, E, at the side of the tube enables the LANTERN POLARISING APPARATUS 341 reflected rays to be used as well as the transmitted ; and thus one image may be thrown upon the screen, and the complementary image at the same time upon the ceiling, if there happen to be one. Thin micro-glass is sold at per ounce in \\ x J- size, and twenty-four such plates, selected for flatness, make the best analyser, and will answer very well for a home-made instrument, both images being surprisingly good if the glass is flat. The plates may either be mounted in a round tube, by cutting a cork which fits the tube obliquely at the proper angle, u FIQ 188 and cutting the glasses into ovals round a shape made to the cork section, after which the cork is hollowed through longitudinally into a tube ; or rectangular glasses may be fitted into a square tube, with a round nozzle at the end. A double-image prism should also be provided, unless two are combined in a Huygens apparatus, when one of these will of course suffice. 195. The Nicol Prism Polariscope. — The elbow in- strument has two inconveniences : the polariser is fixed ; and the lantern has to be de- flected, which is awkward, more especially if diagrams are required between the ex- periments. The most perfect Flo 189 instrument is unquestionably that in which the polariser, as well as analyser, consists of a Nicol prism. It was formerly the custom to have two prisms of nearly equal size for polariser and analyser, and such an arrangement is still employed at the Eoyal Institution. As I long ago pointed out, however, hi all ordinary experiments we have to focus the rays by some sort of objective ; and it is mani- fest from fig. 189 that just as many rays get through a smaD 342 OPTICAL PROJECTION prism as a large one (if not too small to transmit the smallest diameter of the pencil). The conveniences in manipulation are so great, while the absorption of light is less, that so far from a large analyser being an advantage, where such are used the screen effects are inferior to those constantly ob- tained by more modern and improved instruments. I add to this, as Professor S. P. Thompson once remarked at the British Association, that it is ' almost a sin ' under present circumstances to throw any large prisms away as analysers, when they are so badly wanted at the other end ! To cover the standard slides, a Nicol is required as polariser not less than 1J inches clear diameter or field, and 2 inches is of course better still. Fig. 190 on the opposite page is a section of a complete apparatus, as I arranged it for my own use. It was constructed for me in the first place by Mr. Darker, and with some slight alterations Messrs. Newton & Co. have since made many instruments after the pattern here shown, which has also been very generally adopted by other opticians, as best fulfilling the requirements of the de- monstrator at the smallest expense compatible with a Nicol polariserj The references will explain the construction, and the external appearance of the portion of the apparatus in front of the polariser is the same as that of the front part of the apparatus shown in fig. 194. The stage aperture should be made large enough to take quite a thick wooden frame, with another frame containing a quarter-wave plate or an even film : sometimes the instrument is made with a separate aperture or stage for a quarter- wave plate, between the ordinary working stage and the polariser. The crystal apparatus can all be removed or added in a few seconds, and I prefer the analyser mounted with differently -sized collars at the two ends, one of which fits the nozzle of F for ordinary work, and the other of which, when pushed in, can be adjusted to the proper position for crystal-ring projections to pass through it. A quarter-wave plate can be inserted if necessary LANTERN POLARISING APPARATUS 343 C *• ™ l&X '3 ' c g a w I! — 's ^ £ 9 £ £ 'S^T,f^araS^:2 !»=§• lillflllf. arm - SS ttmlU ^ B ^"o '.^ «M o a «*«a iSs .'^;gg'»J6Ccu'«p';:i;:;''«po3 I sis ^ § « ill lilil ,il ! -!> Iflja llf | 3|| §-sll Hsl§ s 1|| |l||f |?.|| | III •§^^ •?'aS*I?^'C.^^^i ilififs III ^-3^ |J-S| lljl!f|| jg ft ^ 33^.3^0, •» »q ft ffj(i« 344 OPTICAL PROJECTION between H and K. The whole instrument is about 24 inches long. For convenience at different distances, it is well to have a polariscope fitted with several powers. I have a second back lens of 6-inch focus, as well as the usual 5-inch back lens ; then, by removing the front lens of the power when needed, there will be a range of powers of about 3|, 4, 5, and 6 inches. They are easily adjusted by screwing in a lengthen- ing ring or adapter. Another plan often adopted is to have a concave amplifying lens mounted in front of the instrument, which amplifies the image precisely as described in § 93, Chapter XIII. An alum-cell may be used in the ordinary lantern-stage with this polariscope, but is not really necessary. The glas? caps protecting the Nicol should be removed for a few minutes after lighting up, in order to allow the dew to escape which will at first form on the end surfaces. In ordinary work the stage and power s F is pushed close up to the end of the polariser, and not kept apart from it, as here shown for clearness. Occasionally a tube of fluid may be inserted between the polariser and the stage, then the stage with power is drawn forward sufficiently to allow of this. It is very easy to adapt a low microscopic power to this polariscope, by fitting a tube into the nozzle of F with a slot or slide-stage at the point where the lenses F condense the light into the smallest area. In the other end of this tube slides (for focussing) a power of about two inches, and the analyser. Such a power will exhibit many fine rock sections or ordinary micro slides, which the ordinary 3^-inch power is unable to do. But for anything like real microscopic work, resort must be had to the polarising microscope described in Chapter XIII. Great care should be taken of fine calcite prisms. The ends should be cleansed only with a clean, round-nosed camel- hair brush, often called a * sky-brush ' at artists' shops. If LANTERN POLARISING APPARATUS 345 absolutely necessary to apply chamois leather, it should be a piece of the softest, well beaten till free from dust, carefully washed, and finally cleansed from all soap and grease in alcohol. The polariser should always stand with the balsam- joint perpendicular when the instrument is put away, else the weight of the top piece of spar may produce ' thin film ' colours in the balsam layer. Unfortunately Iceland spar has for some time ceased to be imported, and been very scarce, so that it is doubtful if material could at this moment be found for another large prism, except the two specimen blocks in the British Museum. This has confined opticians to smaller pieces. Mr. Ahrens has constructed an ingenious prism of three pieces as in fig. 191, the arrow showing the optic axis. These form admirable ^, polarisers, and only need spar of half \ the usual length for the same sec- tional area : but every one of several I have tested fails as an analyser, the edge of the wedge producing a percep- tible though faint duplicate image, FIG. isi.- and the latter being distorted. He has constructed also several polarisers of two inches square or more, made in four separate prisms, which have been used by Messrs. Newton & Co. for polariscopes and given satis- faction. I have, I think, tested every prism so made ; and the lines of junction being out of focus were not distinguish- able, while the whole polariser was of less length than width. Unfortunately spar has lately failed even for these prisms, so far as projection instruments (other than microscopes) are concerned, and this has caused attempts at constructing ' direct ' polariscopes in other ways. The most obvious ex- pedient is a bundle of glass plates in a tube as in fig. 188, only larger, using the transmitted light ; but unless so many plates are used as to absorb much light, it is difficult to get 346 OPTICAL PROJECTION a dark field. But all practical purposes have lately been secured by a polariser described by Delezenne, and which gives a field of any size at a very moderate expense. 196. Direct Reflecting Polariscopes.— The principle is simply that of bringing the reflected beam from an elbow polariscope, by another reflection, back into the original direction of the rays from the lantern. It has been applied in practice in two different ways. Mr. Ahrens has constructed a combination shown in fig. 192, where T K is a totally re- flecting prism of glass, so cut that its end faces are normal FIG. 192 FIG. 193 to the horizontal incident, and the emergent rays, which are totally reflected midway at the polarising angle ; then these rays falling on the polariser p of black glass, or two or three thin plates with a black glass at the bottom, also at the polarising angle, are reflected in a horizontal direction into the instrument. This polariser is efficient, but two objections to it are the needless expense of so large a glass prism, and that the absorption in so large a mass is very perceptible. A cheaper and upon the whole better arrangement was adopted by the Kev. P. E. Sleeman. In this the parallel beam is first reflected by the silvered mirror B (fig. 193), and then LANTERN POLARISING APPARATUS 34? re-reflected into a horizontal direction and polarised by the pile P with a black glass at the bottom. This arrange- ment can be made cheaply and readily of any size desired. It will be observed, that while the horizontal direction of the beam from the lantern is preserved in the Delezenne polarisers, it is necessarily deflected several inches to one side of the axis of the flange-nozzle. In the first instruments made on this principle, the beam was brought down below the nozzle ; but this makes the apparatus rather deep, and requires a deep case for packing. To avoid this the polariser FIG. 194.— Direct Reflecting Polariscope was turned sideways ; but that was found awkward, and also necessitated a large case. To meet these objections I advised reversing the polariser so as to deflect the beam upwards, and Messrs. Newton & Co. now construct their instruments as in fig. 194. It will be seen that it is then rendered quite compact, and requires no larger a case than the Nicpl prism polariscope. All the front portion is precisely the same as in the instrument shown in section in fig. 190. Such polarisers are liable to the same objection as the elbow form, not being capable of rotating the polarised beam* This can, however, be effected through a simple expedient suggested by Professor S. P. Thompson. If we cause the po- larised rays to pass through a mica quarter- wave plate (§ 211) 34S OPTICAL PROJECTION whose planes are at an angle of 45° with the plane of polarisa- tion, the beam becomes circularly polarised ; and if in front of this mica plate we place another quarter-wave plate which can be rotated, the beam again becomes plane-polarised in any plane we please, according to the position of the second mica plate. Such an arrangement of two quarter- wave plates can either be mounted in front of the polariser (the second one in a divided circle with four spokes as usual), or a slot may be provided before the slide stage, in which one mica is placed mounted in a frame, and the other in a rotating frame like fig. 195. The 'bright field' produced in this way is as good as that of the Nicol polariser ; but if the two quarter-wave plates are gauged as usual, by the sodium flame, the dark field will show a perceptibly reddish tinge — the ' tint of passage.' This is not pleasant, and I consider it better to choose a mica film very slightly thick, when the little residual colour will be blue, which in the faint light will not appear perceptibly inferior to a true black. 197. The Rotating Frame. — The greater part of sub- sidiary apparatus will be best mentioned as required, but one item should be mentioned here, as in continual use. It is a frame of standard size, in which films or other preparations can be rotated whilst in the slide-stage of the polari- scope. This is effected quite simply by a small pinion gearing into a circular rack ; and the preparations, which are cemented in balsam between two glass discs the same size as those used for slides mounted in wood, are kept from falling out of the brass cell by a spring. Several of these rotators will be found very serviceable, the cost being only about 4s. 6d. each. FlG. 195.— Rotating Frame POLARISED LIGHT 349 CHAPTER XXH POLARISED LIGHT 198. Double Refraction. — This can be demonstrated in a simple rhomb of calcite, by employing the ' focussed parallel beam ' (p. 277) from a pin-hole aperture on the flange- nozzle. The spar ought not to be less than four inches long if the separation is to be easily visible, though its other dimensions may be quite small, such as half an inch in the side. A wider separation is shown by placing an aperture in the stage of the optical front, and a double-image prism on the nozzle, focussing the aperture as small discs upon the screen. 199. Huygens' Experiment. — For this a pair of double- image prisms are mounted somewhat as in fig. 196, N fitting into the nozzle of the optical front, in front of the power. The first prism A is mounted in this tube, the second prism B in a cell which can be rotated easily. The two prisms must be chosen to match, and a slot or stage s should be provided between them. Focus- sing the aperture, the alternate dis- appearance and augmentation of the images will be seen on rotating the front prism. The slit 8 is for the insertion of a film of selenite between the two prisms, which will give tl»:e beautiful phenomena of comple- mentary colours. Inserting rather a larger aperture in the stage, so that the pair of discs somewhat overlap, it will be shown that the two overlapping colours always produce white. It is well to have a small slide in which are mounted two such selenites, one giving a green and red, and the other blue &nd yellow. FlG. 196. — Huygens' Apparatus HO OPTICAL PROJECTION By taking out the front prism and substituting the Nicol prism — all these parts being made to fit, for obvious reasons — one half the phenomena will be suppressed, and the demon- stration analysed and simplified. 200. Tourmalines. — The phenomena of tourmalines are simple and convenient illustrations of the essential phenomena of polarisation. Light brown or neutral tint tourmalines are far the best ; green ones appear coarse and unpleasant. One plate about an inch long and \ inch wide should be cemented with balsam in the centre of a glass disc and mounted in one of the standard wooden frames, and another about f inch long and \ inch wide mounted on another loose disc, to be used in the rotator (fig. 195). These different shapes and sizes exhibit one crystal plate clearly over the other. The two plates are placed together in the stage °f the optical front, and the crystalg fo. FIG. 197.— Tourmaline and Prism -, -, . cussed as an object on the screen : then as the front one is rotated the gradual darkening will be seen, until total extinction is produced when the two are crossed. These phenomena will be simply correlated with those presented by the calcite, by leaving in the stage the rotating tourmaline alone, and placing on the nozzle a single double- image prism. It is better if this be not one of the Huygena pair, but constructed of two pieces of spar after the manner of Wollaston or Rochon, so as to give double the separation (such an arrangement gives too much colour to be desirable for Huygens' experiment). A plate of thin metal should be placed in the stage with the tourmaline, having a round aperture which just clears the rotating crystal and no more; and the discs from this aperture should stand clear from one another on the screen. Let the tourmalines first stand ver- tically, as at A (fig. 197). Then one image will be transparent POLARISED LIGHT 351 and the other black ; but on rotating the crystal, this will reverse as at B ; or it will be also reversed by rotating the prisni to a position at 90° angle with the first. 201. Piles of Glass.— The effect of these is most conveni- ently demonstrated by mounting a pile of from twelve to twenty plates, B c (fig. 198), of the thinnest and most colourless glass that can be procured, in a frame screwed to the edges B c of two triangular pieces of board BCD, which are screwed to a base-board B D, and whose angles are such that a horizontal ray E F striking on the glass, is reflected at the polarising angle to G, while the unreflected portion (i.e. of common light) is trans- mitted to H. The thin glass analyser (fig. 188) would answer the same purpose, but its arrangements cannot be seen in the same way, and moreover it should be used with the present pile. First placing A the glass pile in the position of the figure, the base- boards Don E atable-stand, and the rotating tourmaline F m-Giass pile in the stage of the optical front, it will be shown that when in one position the tourmaline image is black on the screen by transmitted light, and transparent on the ceiling or overhead screen by reflected light; and that rotating the tourmaline 90° reverses this. Rotating the pile 90° (easily done by laying the pile on its side BCD) the images are also reversed. Using an aperture and the double-image prism, in the same way, the pair of discs will be alternately light and dark according to the positions ; and then substituting the Nicol, it will be shown how one half the phenomena are suppressed or turned aside by this piece of apparatus. Finally, substituting the glass analyser (fig. 188) still with the aperture in the stage, it will be seen how the transmitted beam is either reflected or again 35* OPTICAL PROJECTION transmitted, according as the analyser pile or the separate pile vary in position by 90°. In all these demonstrations of the fundamental phenomena of plane polarisation, the polariscope itself has not been employed ; the optical front has sufficed, with the pieces of apparatus described. These are equivalent to a polariscope, and form a convenient method for also illustrating of what that instrument essentially consists, and its various possible forms. 202. Polarised and Common Light.— The best illustra tion of the probable nature of the transverse vibrations of common and polarised light, will be found in the actual pro- jection on the screen, by any of the apparatus described in Chapter XVII., of Lissajous' unison figure in a state of transi- tion, i.e. passing from planes though ellipses into circles, and so back to planes at right angles to the former. Such a transi- tional orbit will represent the probable nature of the vibrations of common light. If, with the reed apparatus, the orbit then be ' steadied ' at any one form, that will be a vivid illustration of either plane, elliptic, or circular polarisation. 203. Interference Colours. — At this stage the polariscope will be arranged for use, and the analyser turned to that position which gives extinction, or what is called the * dark field.' If now the rotating tourmaline be placed in the stage, in two positions the field is still dark ; but directly the tour- maline is placed at all obliquely to the polarised plane, the vibrations of the polarised beam are ' resolved ' into others obliquely inclined to them, so that the tourmaline appears a light image on the field. No other phenomena appear, because, of the two rectangular vibrations into which the original plane is resolved, one is absorbed by the tourmaline. But if a thin slice of a non-absorbent crystal like selenite or mica be placed in the stage, mounted so that its polarising planes are at an angle of 45° with the original polarised plane and that of the analyser, both the re-polarised beams get through, just as in the Huygens experiment, only not appre- POLARISED LIGHT 353 ciably separated, owing to the thinness of the crystal. When these beams, polarised in rectangular planes, are again re- solved by the analyser, we have two similar sets of waves brought into interference, since one set has been retarded more than the other in the slice of crystal. If the retardation does not exceed a few wave-lengths, therefore, we get colour, and this is complementary in positions of the analyser differ- ing by 900.1 It is usual to show this by a selenite giving red and green images, and yellow and blue. The two may be mounted in one slide. That no interference is produced whilst the vibra- tions are in rectangular planes, is shown by removing the analyser. On adding this and rotating, the complementary colours appear. But when the analyser is in an intermediate position, no colour appears, one ray from the selenite being then suppressed by the analyser, and the other transmitted without modification. That the phenomena of interference are essentially similar to those of a thin film (only that in a selenite the retardation is that of the difference of two paths through the film, while in a ' thin film ' one of the rays is retarded by twice the whole thickness, so that the selenite or mica is much thicker than a ' thin film ' producing the same retardation), is best demon- strated by spectrum analysis, just as the Newton's rings and soap film were analysed. A plate of crystal ground concave or convex exhibits Newton's rings, which are readily analysed by placing a slit in a thin plate of metal across the slide in the stage, focussing, and interposing a prism (the compound direct prism is much the handiest for such experiments). The slit across a Newton's ring slide shows precisely the same 1 It must be understood that this work is solely concerned with practical experimental conditions. No attempt is made or intended to explain pheno- mena, or even to show their relations, further than the order of experiments may do so. For some elementary explanation the reader is referred to my treatise on Light : a Course of Experimental Optics, or other systematic treatises on the subject may be consulted. A A 354 • OPTICAL PROJECTION parabolic fringes, and across a plain flat film exhibits straight interference bands crossing the spectrum. And just as the prism showed bands in the spectrum of a film of mica too thick to show any colour, so a slice of selenite or mica 1 mm. to 2 mm. thick will show numerous bands crossing its spectrum, though the image of the slice appears colourless. 204. Coloured Designs. — Since colour depends on thickness of the film, studied variations will of course give corresponding variations of colour. The simplest case is a film of selenite split from common samples ; this is nearly always irregular, and therefore shows variations. The Newton's rings caused by concave grinding have been already referred to. A slice ground into a wedge, of course exhibits straight bands. Many slides can be procured prepared in selenite, exhibiting coloured stars, butterflies, birds, flowers, chameleons, church windows, &c., show- ing complementary colours in different positions of the analyser. I consider mica preparations, however, more really instructive, and many of them can be prepared by the demonstrator himself, as this crystal splits more readily FIG. i99.-Mica Design into even films- They can be Prepared in two ways. Such simple patterns as fig. 199 may have their outlines partially cut through a rather thick sheet of mica, and layers of variable thickness split off and lifted by a fine needle-point. The design will then be displayed in various colours, care being taken to find the polarising axes, and mount the mica so that these stand in the proper position. But a better plan is to split the mica into thin even sheets, and cut out geometrical patterns from these, to be superposed one on another (taking care that the polarising axes of all the superposed micas lie in the same direction, anless purposely differentiated). The films are then cemented on one another between two glass POLARISED LIGHT 355 discs, with dried Canada balsam dissolved in benzol, as used by microscopists. Such designs have clean and sharp edges, and are far neater and more transparent than the former.1 205. Crossed and Superposed Films. — The most instructive mica preparations of this kind are wedges built up of successively narrower strips, first designed and constructed by Mr. C. J. Fox, F.R.M.S., and which I, therefore, have always described as ' Fox wedges.' They are especially valuable as showing the effect of crossed films. If a film gives a colour due to a retardation of say one wave-length (or any other), and a second film of the same thickness be crossed upon it at an angle of 90°, the polarised ray that was most retarded in the first, is least so in the second, and it will be the same as if no film were there. This is well shown by a pair of similar wedges built up of eight steps each. When they are crossed, along the diagonal set of squares each step is crossed by the same thickness, and is therefore black. One of the -wedges is mounted in a rotator, and then produces very various effects according to position, for it will soon be seen that a film mounted in a position to give colour (that is, its planes at 45° with the plane of the polariser) has those planes (or ' axes ' as often called) crossed 90° simply by reversing the side placed next the other wedge. When the wedges are superposed parallel, in one position the gradation 1 The films must be very carefully laid down in superposition in the cold, the balsam being only of a slight creamy consistence, and no air-bubbles being left between the films. The preparation, thus laid down and centred on one glass disc, must then be left for some days to dry, before fresh balsam is placed on the top and the cover-glass applied. This too must be left some days, under a very small weight, to dry round the edges, then baked at not much over 100° F. till hard enough for cleaning. These precautions are necessary to prevent the films from slipping out of place. The mica axis should be scratched on every piece, but these scratches practically disappear when finished, the balsam being so nearly of the same refractive index. For further details of mica work, the reader may refer to my paper on ' Optical Combinations of Crystalline Films ' in Proc. Physical Society, 1883 (reprinted in Phil. Mag, for May 1883), or to my Light, published by Macmillan & Co. AA'2 356 OPTTCAL PROJECTION in thickness is doubled, while in that rotated 180° it is counteracted, and a flat tint is produced equal to the sum of the thickest band and the thinnest ; and if then one wedge be turned over, in one position the whole appears black. The most important and useful preparation is a long wedge built up of twenty-four films each ^ wave thick.1 This gives the first three orders of Newton in £ wave grada- tions. The twelfth band being 1| wave thick, if another plate of mica of uniform 1^ wave thickness be super- posed, with its axes crossed, the twelfth band will appear black on the dark field, and on each side of it will appear, apparently, a wedge resembling the original one, starting from its thin end. Finally, if a slit be inserted in the stage with the wedge, crossing all its films, spectrum analysis through the prism will show exactly what waves are destroyed by interference in each thickness. By having mica or selenite plates of one or more waves, to superpose (the same way) on the Fox wedge, these interference bands may be demonstrated up to any desired order of colours. Various and beautiful phenomena may further be shown on the screen by rotating an uniformly thick mica or selenite plate (commonly called an ' even ' film or superposition film) over some other preparation, because in one position the resultant will equal the sum of the two films, and in another 1 A film by which one of the rays is retarded ^ wave more than the other, is called an ^\ or ^ wave film, and so we have quarter or half- wave, one wave, two waves, &c. This can however only be precisely the case for any one spectral colour at a time, and the adjustment is usually made for the yellow ray, as being brightest and of medium wave-length. Taking then a whole- wave film, or the eighth band in Fox's wedge, one yellow ray is retarded exactly a wave, and the dark field would therefore in monochromatic light give this band perfectly black. But of the red and blue, which are greater and less in wave-length, a very little must be transmitted in white light, and these residuals make the band (or a whole-wave plate) of a dull plum-colour, known as the ' tint of passage,' or transition-tint, between the first and second of Newton's orders. All other thicknesses have similar residuals, which are the same in all interference colours ; these films, and especially the Fox wedge, being the most perfect means of demonstrating them analytically in detail. POLARISED LIGHT 357 position rotated 90° will equal their difference. If the foun- dation be a star of differently coloured points, or with the points arranged with polarising axes in different directions, the result of rotating an even tint superposed will be very different on each. Or such an even film may be rotated over a film ground concave to show Newton's rings. If it equal the thickness at about the middle of the radius, when crossed the ring at that point will be black in the dark field ; and on rotating the film, the rings will change colours in a beautiful manner. The same will be the case with mica preparations built up of concentric squares or circles successively smaller in size (fig. 200). For crossing, superposing, and rotating with other pre- parations, superposition films giving a good red and green, and a good blue and yellow, should be provided ; and also a half- wave plate, which gives the complementary in any case — e.g. the dark field becomes light and the bright field dark, when a half- wave plate is employed. This is ingeniously applied in two selenite designs which are very amusing. In one, the bust of a lady is composed of a nearly half- wave film, with the result that when the analyser is rotated 90° a fair woman is metamorphosed into a dark mulatto ; in the other, the figure of a miller with a sack of flour, becomes apparently a sweep carrying a bag of soot. Home-made preparations should be mounted in their mahogany frames with rather stale putty, in which is mixed a little red powder of some sort. 206. Crystallisations.— Substances which can be crystal- lised in thin films on glass plates, if managed so that the films are of suitable thickness, give magnificent projections. Watery solutions are generally flowed over the discs, and in many cases, e.g. potassic chlorate, a little gum arabic in the 353 OPTICAL PROJECTION solution increases the size of the crystals. When dry, those which do not dissolve in balsam should be covered with another glass cemented down by balsam in benzol, which adds to the transparency. Acetates are generally fugitive, as are some others ; but the vast majority give good results, tartaric acid and salicine being particularly fine. Salicine should be used in saturated solution, with a little alcohol mixed in the water ; the fluid is dried gently over a lamp to a clear amorphous film ; and on more strongly heating this, especially if aided by a few pricks with a sharp needle, the beautiful rosettes with rotating crosses crystallise out. Occa- sional breathing on the film will produce circular ripples. Several others can be treated similarly. Many of the most beautiful crystals for the microscope are too small to show effectively in the polariscope. but are gorgeous objects for the polarising microscope described in Chapter XIII. Another class of beautiful crystallisations are formed by melting the substance between two glass discs, and allowing the film to cool. Such are benzoic acid, cinchonine, santo- nine, succinic acid, cinnamic acid, &c., chiefly more or less organic in character. A splendid variety of beautiful slides are easily prepared from crystallisations. It often proves interesting to an audience to project coarse specimens of the precious stones, compared with imitations in glass. The difference illustrates that between crystalline and non-crystalline bodies. Crystallisation on the screen is a beautiful experiment, easily shown by melting benzoic acid between two glass discs held in a pair of forceps over a spirit lamp, and then quickly placed hot in a frame made for the purpose, and so into the stage. The splendid coloured needles quickly begin to shoot out on the dark field. Another way is to flow a strong solu- tion of urea in gum-water, heated in a test-tube, over a warmed disc, and to place this in the stage, which is held back as open as possible, in order to touch the wet film with POLARISED LIGHT 359 a small crystal held in the end of a tube ; if the conditions are hit rightly, which can only be done after practice, the effect is very fine. In the polarising projection microscope, the best plan is to purchase two or three slides of the fatty acids prepared for this purpose ; they have simply to be gently warmed till the crystals all melt away, and placed on the stage, when they crystallise out again as the slide cools. The same slide can be used dozens of times over with no further treatment. 207. Mineral Sections.— Every one of these can be well exhibited in the polarising projection microscope, but only the coarse-grained specimens are bold enough for the polari- scope. Among those I know to be effective, are the coarse sandstones, granites, perthites, zeolites, cross sections of small stalactites, and labradorite. Some minerals show interesting and extraordinary differences in figure as well as colour, when cut in different planes. Labradorite cut in one direction, shows little but a coloured film ; in another, beautiful straight coloured stripes ; and in a third, beautiful bands of rotational colours (§ 213). One kind of granite (often called * graphic ' granite) resembles ordinary granite cut in one plane, whilst in another it displays marking almost like an Arabic inscription. 208. Organic Substances. — Nearly all substances with definite structure show double refraction when cut into plates or films. For the lantern polariscope, the best objects are plates of thin horn, pieces of thick bladder, and quill. If quills are split up one side, and placed in boiling water, they become soft and can be flattened out ; but a quill pen just as it is, pushed through the stage, will show the phenomena plainly. Where there is fibre in a definite direction, as in a quill, one polarising plane always lies that way, and the other at right angles. Therefore if the quill be placed parallel to or across the polariser, the field remains dark, and the best effect is produced at an angle of 45°, as with crystalline films. 36o OPTICAL PROJECTION Shrimp and prawn shells, and the larger fish scales, make good objects. With the polarising microscope, all the usual organic preparations are available, and starch can be fairly shown even with the oxy-hydrogen light, and excellently with the arc. 209. Strains.— The effects of strain or tension are most easily shown in glass. The usual wooden press frames sold for the purpose exhibit the phenomena distinctly enough, but the pressure is insufficient to do so with the beauty they are capable of. I therefore constructed a frame of solid gun-metal, with a screw turned by a powerful T-key, as in fig. 201, the glass being com- pressed between the convex sur- faces of c and A. To avoid any twisting strain on the polariscope- stage, it is better to have a screw at both ends of the slide, and to use two keys, when one twist balances the other, and more pressure can be put on. The glass should be compressed even to breaking, if possible ; for the most brilliant chromatic fringes are produced under the greatest strain. Before breakage, however, the stage with the press in it should be rotated 45°, in order to exhibit the great difference in the optical results in that position. The same press, arranged as in fig. 202, with a narrower piece of glass resting against two pieces of brass B B as abut- ments, c pressing between them as before, gives the optical FIG. 201 FIG. 202 POLARISED LIGHT 361 effect of strains of another character, resembling that pro- duced by pressure on the centre of a beam. Clear jelly compressed from above in a glass trough, will produce similar effects ; but a simpler experiment is to cut a strip of thin india-rubber about 2 \ inches wide, pass it from side to side through the stage, roll each end round a rod of wood, and then strain the ends apart. The best effect is of course in the 45° position, as the polarising planes are in the direc- tions of greatest and least strain. A simple bar of glass about half an inch square, passed through the stage, can easily be bent with the fingers alone, so as to show coloured fringes upon the screen. Heating a piece of glass from one point, by the local expansion and strain it produces, exhibits the same effects. A disc of glass may be heated in a pair of forceps over a spirit-flame (keeping the flame at the same point only) and placed in the stage ; the dark field will be illuminated by fringes. A better method is to provide a rectangular sheet iron shell open att both ends, and with a square aperture through each of its sides. In this can be placed a square oi thick glass held in a bottom bar of wood, so that the plate stands between the two apertures ; when a nearly red-hot bar of iron can be pushed in to rest on the top edge of the square. Beautiful fringes will appear instantly. In plates of glass highly heated and suddenly chilled round the edges, these effects of strain are permanent and very brilliant. Many shapes are procurable, but the simpler ones of square, circle, oval, and triangle are most instructive ; and the oval particularly so, as illustrating by analogy the phenomena of a bi-axial crystal. Nearly all massive pieces of glass commonly procurable, such as ink-stands, glass stoppers, paper-weights, &c., show these latter phenomena. A section of thick glass tube, ground and polished, rarely fails ; and many optical lenses show a conspicuous black cross, so that the lenses of the polariscope 362 OPTICAL PROJECTION itself need to be very carefully tested. The projection of such a doubly-refracting lens (only too easy to find) illustrates well the necessity for such tests in delicate instruments. The alternate compression and dilatation caused in glass by sonorous vibration, can be readily demonstrated in the polariscope, after the method of Biot. A strip of plate glass about J inch thick, two inches wide, and four to six feet long, is required ; and the sharp edges of this should be rounded or smoothed by a file, or emery-cloth, moistened with turpentine. The strip should be screwed up exactly at the middle, between the two cork-lined jaws of a wooden vice on the tops of a short pillar, so that the strip is horizontal, with its faces in a perpendicular plane. The portion of the polari- scope containing the stage must be drawn forward from the polariser, so as to leave a clear space of about an inch, and through this space, so as not to touch either the front or back part of the instrument, the strip must be adjusted to cross the field, as near the point held in the vice as possible, this being the node of the bar. The polariser and analyser are crossed, for the dark field, at 45°, from their usual position. The other end of the bar is now to be swept between the thumb and fingers holding a wet flannel or other woollen cloth, so that a shrill musical note sounds from the glass. At once light flashes on the screen, and if a chilled glass, or selenite, be placed in the stage and focussed, the colour will change at every note. If the polariser is kept in its usual position the glass strip must cross at an angle of 45° ; but the arrangement described is more convenient. 210. Composition of Vibrations. — The method in which two vibrations in rectangular planes may be compounded into one resultant vibration, can be illustrated on the screen in two ways. One is to project Lissajous' unison figure, by any of the apparatus described in Chapter XVII., showing in suc- cession the plane orbit (converted to another plane orbit at right angles when one of the reeds or forks is altered half a POLARISED LIGHT 363 vibration in phase), the elliptical orbit, and the circle. The other plan is to arrange in front of the condensers a small pendulum apparatus made for the purpose, drawing the figures in white on a slide of glass covered with a film of blue printer's ink. This is projected in action on the screen, so that the eye follows the tracing. Other methods with pen- dulums are plentiful, but cannot be called projections. Having thus shown that rectangular vibrations in the same phase compound into one plane vibration at an angle of 45°, and that difference in phase of half a vibration results in a plane vibration at right angles to this (which in polarisa- tion reverses all chromatic phenomena), also that vibrations differing a quarter- vibration in phase result in a circular orbit, and intermediate differences of phase in elliptical orbits ; that all this is so in the phenomena of polarised light is simply demonstrated. The fourth band in Fox's wedge (§ 205) giving half a wave difference of phase in the two rays, and the second band and sixth band a quarter-wave difference, the matter can be tested, large films of similar thickness being examined in the stage. The half- wave film does reverse the phenomena, changing the bright field to dark, and the dark to light, and causing the complementary colour in any design when it is placed in the stage. The quarter- wave plate also restores light to the dark field, but in a different manner. The analyser cannot now quench the light in any position. The field is always evenly illuminated [experiment], and so far the field might appear to be one of common light. If an aper- ture be placed in the stage with the film, and the double-image prism employed as an analyser [experiment] it will be seen that the two images are always alike in brilliancy. Nevertheless, by placing any selenite or other preparation in the stage after the quarter-wave [experiment], it will be seen that the light is polarised somehow, for the design shows colours, with tints simply differing by a quarter of that one of Newton'a ' orders ' to which it belongs. 364 OPTICAL PROJECTION 211. Quarter- wave Plates. — The light is in fact circularly polarised by the compounding of the two vibrations as they leave the film; and therefore, although the analyser again analyses the circular motion into two rectangular ones, it is quite indifferent at what part of the circular orbit it does so. A mica of this thickness, known as a ' quarter- wave plate,' is therefore in constant use for many experiments in polari- sation. It has been pointed out l that the colour cannot be quite the same all round the revolution of the analyser, except for the homogeneous light to which the thickness is adjusted; and when this is yellow (as usual), in white light a very slight residuum of orange appears in one position, and of bluish-grey in the other, owing to the longer and shorter wave-lengths not being in precisely quarter-wave relations. The direction of the principal axis (that which joins the centres of the two systems of ' brushes ' in mica presently described) should always be marked upon the plate in some way. One way is to make diamond scratches on the edges of the glass discs containing the film, at intervals of 45° ; or the principal axis may be scratched across the diameter of the mica itself before mounting. I prefer the latter, which is quite unnoticeable unless carefully looked for. Such a film, in unmounted discs, can then be used in any position in the rotating frame (fig. 195). But as two definite positions are constantly required in this class of experiments, I prefer to mount two separate plates, each as large as can be inserted in a standard frame, permanently, one with its axis perpen- dicular, and the other at 45°. They can be put into thinner frames this way, and are always ready adjusted, which is convenient when only one stage is provided. The effect of a quarter- wave plate obviously depends upon its axes being at an angle of 45° with the preceding planes of polarisation. It is readily seen that the plate, if placed with 1 See note to p. 856. POLARISED LIGHT 365 its axes parallel to and at right angles with the plane of the polariser, is by itself totally inoperative, the polarised beam passing through in its own plane unobstructed, and therefore unresolved further. But it is very different if there precede the quarter-wave in the stage a selenite or other polarising preparation, in the usual position, the quarter-wave coming after this latter. The plane-polarised beam, let us suppose polarised in a perpendicular plane, is, by the selenite or other preparation, now already ' resolved ' into two planes at right angles to each other, but at 45° angle with the original plane. Therefore the quarter-wave, whose own axes are per- pendicular and horizontal, being at 45° angle with those of the selenite, now again resolves each of these. The demon- strator should get these different actions of a quarter-wave plate thoroughly understood, and must at least understand them himself clearly. It is easily shown that any film whose thickness is an odd number of quarter-waves, gives substantially the same phe- nomena, particularly in homogeneous yellow light. But with increasing thickness the amount of residual colour from all but the yellow waves, increases also. Circular polarisation by reflection from silver, or in a Fresnel's rhomb, can be easily projected, in a manner too obvious to need description, but is not a very effective experi- ment, unless in a complete course of lectures. 212. Eotary Polarisation. — But the effect of a quarter- wave plate coming after some other preparation should be worked out further. The axis of the plate is to be vertical, as just now observed, and it resolves again (into perpendicular and horizontal) the rays which passed through the first crystal plate. For simplicity let this be a simple ' even ' film. Each of the first crystal's sets of vibrations, is now resolved again, separately, into horizontal and perpendicular with a quarter-wave difference of phase. So resolved, one compounds into a circular orbit in one direction, and the 366 OPTICAL PROJECTION other into a circular orbit in the, other direction. [This may be worked out with pendulums, or a pendulum slide.] The analyser deals with these two circular waves always meet- ing, at whatever point it intersects their common circle ; and at that point the two contrary tangential motions destroy each other, and the radial vibration alone is left. This radial vibration will be barred by the analyser, whose plane is at right angles to it ; and thus any homogeneous colour may be cut off, and the field made dark, by some position of the analyser. This is best shown by a sodium-light. But the wave-lengths differ for different colours ; and so it comes to pass that in rotating the analyser, one colour is cut off after the other, and the residuals give in succession, apparently, and more or less perfectly, the different colours of the spectrum. Thus it happens [experiment] that when rotating the analyser, instead of only two complementary colours and two colourless positions, as usual with a plate of selenite, we have in suc- cession all the colours (more or less) in beautiful grada- tion. About one half to two waves for the first crystal gives the best approximation to a complete spectrum of colours. Using a double-image prism as analyser, and an aperture with the two films in the stage of a size to give two over- lapping discs, it will be seen that, through all the gradations, the two discs are always complementary, and make white where they overlap. Still further, since the direction of the circular orbits depends on the relation of the rectangular planes in each plate ; reversing either the foundation -colour plate, or the quarter-wave plate, will reverse the order of colours which appear as the analyser is rotated in any given direction. A plate of mica or selenite cut in half, and mounted with one half reversed, or a quarter- wave plate treated similarly, will demonstrate this. In two positions of the analyser the plate will appear all the same colour ; but as the analyser turns POLARISED LIGHT 367 from these, the colours change, in contrary orders in each half, from one end of the spectrum to the other. 213. Rotational Colour Experiments. — These phenomena open the way to singularly beautiful experiments. If the quarter-wave plate is superposed upon a selenite or mica wedge, the bands of colour will appear to move across the screen.1 Superposed upon the concave selenite, as the analyser rotates the rings expand or contract, with fine effect. If the quarter- wave is used in a rotator, it will be shown that after rotating it 90° the order (expansion or contraction) is reversed. Or if the analyser be kept stationary, and the quarter-wave itself is continuously rotated, the rings alter- nately contract and expand, as the quarter-wave is gradually added to, or subtracted from, the thickness of the rings. The exact nature of what takes place is best shown by spectrum analysis. Placing a slit in the stage with a selenite FIG. 203.— Quarter-wave Preparations or mica thus circularly polarised by the rotational method, and interposing a prism (direct prisms are far the best for these experiments) the colours destroyed by interference appear as dark bands in the spectrum ; and as the analyser rotates, the bands travel along the spectrum. On reversing either quarter- wave film or colour-plate, the direction of this motion reverses. Mr. Fox demonstrated these phenomena by superposing a quarter-wave plate with its axis as at A (fig. 203) on a 1 In all rotational colour experiments it is understood that the quarter- wave comes between the pattern- plate and whichever part of the polarising apparatus is rotated. It will act similarly next the polariser, provided this latter is rotated instead of the analyser. 368 OPTICAL PROJECTION geometrical design prepared in mica, the whole cemented down as one slide. Inserted in the stage with the A plate next the polariser, this plate has no effect,1 and the ordinary complementary colours appear ; but with A next the analyser, the rotational colours appear. Mr. Fox's slides were pieced together as a mosaic, the portions being cut out of different thicknesses; but I have produced much better effects by designing patterns which could be built up by successively smaller and smaller films, each laid down in the centre. This construction gives a better gradation of colour in the different parts of the design, and some of the tints thus obtained are magnificent. For use superposed on his wedge, the same gentleman prepared a quarter- wave in two halves as at B, the effect of which is that in the upper and lower halves the colours pass along the wedge in contrary directions. I myself devised what I think are still more beautiful effects, by reversing alternate sectors of the quarter-wave, as at c D E. Either of these superposed on a concave selenite, or on concentric rings or squares of mica, causes simultaneous expansion and contraction of the bands in adjacent sectors. By placing underneath the colour-design an even film in a rotator, and rotating this slowly aa the analyser is rotated, the foundation colours themselves are beautifully varied, as already seen, and the result is a kind of optical chromatrope of great fascination. The eight -sector plate shown at E is most suitable for concentric squares. Or any suitable geometric design (i.e. some kind of eight-pointed or four-pointed star) may be laid down on such a plate as E, and have a single plate A superposed on it ; then if the analyser is rotated it will be as if E were not there ; but if the polariser is rotated, the contrary sector rotations of E will come into play. If E be superposed upon an even colour-film, simple contrary rotations in adjacent sectors will be seen. 1 Unless, as in the preceding note, the analyser be kept stationary and tha polariser is rotated instead. POLARISED LIGHT 369 By superposing upon a colour-film cut into strips which are reversed, a quarter-wave plate also cut into strips reversed, the strips crossing the others at right angles, and blacking out the margins of the preparation, a chess-board pattern can be made without any great difficulty, which shows contrary rotations in adjacent squares. Very beautiful effects are also produced by superposing D on E, or a quarter-wave made in twelve sectors, upon a square of chilled glass,1 in either of its principal positions. I have also constructed a design built up as a kind of circular wedge, the circle being divided into twenty-four sectors, each one in succession being one film thicker than its pre- decessor. When a single quarter-wave is superposed upon this, the result is of course an apparent revolution of the colours round the centre ; but this is still better shown by making the quarter-wave of two con- centric parts with axes reversed as in fig. 204, when the outer portion apparently revolves in the contrary direction to the inner portion. If the cir- cular wedge itself is crossed (as regards axes) upon a preparation of circular rings, or a concave selenite, the result is a series of beautiful black spirals starting from the centre ; and upon these, again, fig. 204 may be superposed. Again, if a sector-plate in its depolarising position (axes at 45°) be placed in the stage as a foundation, and fig. 204 be super- posed, the alternate areas resulting will be black and white in contrast ; and in whatever position the second plate be placed, on rotating the analyser to a corresponding position, this effect will be seen. Hence the operation of Professor S. P. Thompson's quarter-wave rotator for the polarising plane (p. 347). A very instructive method of showing the remarkable differences of result from superposing films in different ways, 1 For details see the paper in Proceedings of the Physical Society already referred to. BB 370 OPTICAL PROJECTION is to prepare two similar double wedges, the thicknesses of mica successively increasing from each end, so that the thickest band is in the centre. The bands should be about iV ^° s\r inch wide, and as long as possible. Crossed, these of course give a very beautiful floor-cloth kind of pattern, with either the colours of the added films, or two diagonals of black squares. On superposing a plate of A, B or c (fig. 203), c being prepared not only with the quadrant sectors as drawn, but another plate with the sectors on lines arranged diagonally, most extraordinary differences in the phenomena will ba observed. The most beautiful of all the mica preparations I have de- vised, however, so far as spectacular effect upon the screen is concerned, are composed of two geometrical designs, each cir- cularly polarised by a quarter-wave film, aud then superposed. The two may be similar, or different ones designed in relation to each other, such as a design composed of straight lines with one composed of circles or curved lines. The first is of course circularly polarised in the ordinary way; but these rotational colours are again resolved, recompounded, and again circularly polarised by the films in the second design ; and the result is a transition and play of colour unrivalled in magnificence, and apparently inscrutable till its components are analysed. This is not all. If every now and then the original polarising plane be rotated a little, the relations of all the axes are altered, and so are the colour variations, until when the polariser stands at 45°, the first of the two patterns (being in the same plane) becomes quite obliterated, and only the second single design is left upon the screen. 214. Quartz Rotation. — A plate of quartz cut transversely to the optic axis exhibits the same rotational change of colour, showing that plane- polarised light is resolved in its interior into two circular waves. The best thickness for an apparently complete range of colours is 1\ mm., which also gives the 'transition-tint' between first and second orders. If an POLARISED LIGHT 371 aperture be placed with the quartz in the stage, and the double image used, the two overlapping discs will always be complementary. 215. Effects of a Revolving Analyser. — By employing an analyser which is swiftly rotated, at the rate of 8 to 10 revolutions per second, as described by Mach and the late Mr. W. Spottiswoode,1 many of the preceding phenomena which are ordinarily exhibited in succession during the revolution of the analyser, can be made to appear on the screen simul- taneously. In Mach's arrangement the light from the polariser, after passing through a stage in which any plate of crystal can be placed, immediately traverses an analysing Nicol, close to whose face either a square aperture or a slit can be attached. The analyser with its aperture occupies one end of a tube revolved by a multiplying wheel, at the other end of which is a prism of glass, to deviate the beam some- what from the optic axis of the instrument. The effect is that, on revolving the tube, what would have been a central spot, by persistence of vision now becomes a ring of light on the screen. In Mr. Spottiswoode's apparatus, for the Nicol and deviating prism is substituted a double-image prism, giving one central image and one considerably deviated, thus giving both the central spot and the ring. Beyond the analyser, in either construction, is a lens to focus the aperture. The radial deviation in both cases is arranged to be in the plane of polarisation of the analyser, and rotates with the latter. If now we use the square aperture alone, focussed on the screen, it is plain that the ring image will be bright at two opposite points of the circumference, and dark at the two 1 Mach's instrument is described in detail in Pogg. Ann. cxlvi. (1875) p. 169 ; and in Miiller-Pouillet's Lehrbuch der PJiysik. Mr. Spottiswoode's is described in Phil. Mag. xlix. (1875) p. 472. There can be little doubt that the latter was constructed, except as to the substitution of the double-image prism, upon a prior brief notice of Mach's which had appeared in the Proc. Vienna Academy, Jan. 4, 1875. B B 2 372 OPTICAL PROJECTION intermediate points where the analyser is crossed. If we place a plate of selenite in the stage, say red and green, we shall have red at two opposite points, green at two opposite intermediate points, and no colour at the four points of 45°, all graduating smoothly. If we use in the stage a quartz cut transversely to the axis, we shall have the rotational colours, as a spectrum round the ring, twice repeated. We have simply what, in the ordinary way, would be successive appearances of the image of the aperture, simultaneously appearing round a ring. Mach further added to his apparatus, next to the deflecting prism, a direct -vision dispersive prism, so placed that its dispersion is also in the plane of polarisation of the analyser ; whilst a slit is attached to the latter, instead of the square aperture. Thus in any given position we have a radial spec- trum, whose violet end should be towards the centre to equalise the fainter light ; and on rotating the whole arrange- ment, we now have as the foundation a circular spectrum, with the violet towards the centre. If we place in the stage a plate of crystal too thick to show colour in the ordinary way — say 1 to 2 mm. thick— our ring spectrum will be con- tinuous in the two azimuths of 45°, but will be crossed by interference bands (appearing on the ring as concentric arcs) along the horizontal and perpendicular diameters, while the dark bands in the one diameter will be opposite the bright coloured bands in the other. Finally, Mach places in the stage a plate of quartz cut transversely to the axis— say 8 mm. thick. We have already seen (§ 214) the gradual passage of the interference bands, on rotating the analyser, along the spectrum of such a plate. With the revolving apparatus it is manifest that this must be translated into a circular spectrum traversed by black bands in the form of beautiful continuous bold spirals. This last experiment is one of peculiar beauty. 216. Bi-quartz Effects.— Crystals of quartz being found POLARISED LIGHT 373 which rotate the colours in opposite directions, if a plate be composed half of one, and half of the other, of the proper thick- ness, it is a very sensitive test of any optical rotation, as the purple transition -tint seen all over in one position of the analyser, changes towards blue in one half and red in the other, on the least rotation. Such is therefore used to demon- strate the rotation of fluids. Another useful and more sensitive bi- quartz preparation is that shown in fig. 205. In the portion B, the wedge B is of say right-handed, and A of left-handed quartz, the effect of which is a black band across the centre where the thicknesses are equal (i.e. in the dark field) and coloured bands on each side. In the half c D the wedges are reversed. The consequence is, that on the least additional rotation in one direction by any substance used with the wedges, or the least rotation of the analyser, the bands move in opposite directions, and the distance the analyser has to be rotated to bring them back, is a measure of the rotation due to the PIQ 2o5.-Bi-quartz wedges substance examined. Plates of quartz may be obtained in which both right- and left-handed crystallisation occurs, and such are very beautiful objects. Amethyst is a quartz crystal with the contrary cry- stals arranged in narrow parallel bands, and such are still more beautiful, but a large one is very difficult to find : one that will cover a standard- sized disc is a gorgeous object. Plates about | inch diameter can be obtained without difficulty. Any clean quartz crystal of good size which is a violet colour, is almost certain to exhibit either amethyst or cross-crystallisation, and should be cut up into polariscope specimens. Other crystals can be obtained which rotate the beam, and most of them in bi-quartz form. They are, however, all 374 OPTICAL PROJECTION small, and really more suitable for the polarising microscope. Cinnabar and periodate of soda are among the best. 217. Mica Registers of Rotation. — It will be obvious that a bi-plate of mica circularly polarised, as previously described, may be used exactly as a bi-quartz. But far more effective as a screen demonstration is a mica preparation devised by Prof. S. P. Thompson, consisting of twenty-four sectors, in each of which the principal axis or polarising plane is radial to the circle. It is obvious that when the analyser is crossed, the horizontal and vertical sectors must show a black cross, while the others show gradual transition towards the full depolarising effect of the film at 45°. Hence the best thick- ness is either half-wave or \\ waves, as this gives the greatest transition from dark to light. With the black cross vertical, if now any substance exerting rotary power be introduced, the cross is conspicuously rotated, showing vividly what Prof. Thompson calls the optical 'torque' or torsion of the beam.1 Of course the rotated cross becomes more or less coloured, owing to the differing rotation of the various colours, but the effect is none the less simply evident. Any large crystallisation showing a ' rose ' with rotating black cross, may be used in a similar manner. 218. Rotation in Fluids. — Many fluids may be used to demonstrate this, in a tube about 20 cm. long and two inches diameter, with flat glass ends screwing on. This tube should be arranged to rest in two supports fixed on a base-board which can be dropped into the polariscope between the l See Proc. Boy. Inst. xii, 474, or Nature xl. 232, 257. PIG. 206.— Thompson's Rotation Register POLARISED LIGHT 375 polariser and the stage s (fig. 190), the latter being drawn forward sufficiently to allow of this. Oil of lemons, which will require about one pound (cost 10s.) to fill such a tube, will exhibit a nearly complete rotational spectrum, like the quartz plate ; and saturated syrup, or oil of turpentine, a very visible change of colours, in the fluid itself. By placing a bi-quartz in the stage, rotation may be shown in plain cells containing only one to two inches of fluid. Tne operation of the saccharometer is easily shown by introducing the bi-quartz or any other apparatus (such as Laurent's semi-circular half-wave plate) and arranging (as can easily be done) that an index shall rotate with the analyser round a divided glass plate in the stage, which is focussed on the screen. The index is first adjusted to zero, and then the degrees of rotation necessary to bring back the bi-quartz to equilibrium after a tube of strong sugar syrup is introduced, can be seen. Also, by having a second tube of half the length, it can be demonstrated that the rotation is proportional to the length of the column of fluid ; and by filling one of two tubes with a one -half dilution, that it is proportional to the strength. 219. Electro-magnetic Rotation. — For lecture purposes this is generally shown with a bar of Faraday's heavy glass, having rectangular polished ends ; other heavy glass has somewhat less effect, and common glass, and many fluids and gases which show the same phenomena, do not do so with sufficient prominence for public demonstration. A bar of Faraday glass three to six inches long, and from half an inch square, will suffice. This should be placed in a circular tube of annealed iron, and if the bar be square, all the vacant space be filled with annealed iron wire, and the whole sur- rounded by an insulated coil of wire. This beinp introduced between the polariser and the stage, and the analyser crossed for dark field, on passing a pretty good current through the coil, light will appear on the screen, It will depend upon the length of glass and the current, whether any perceptible 376 OPTICAL PROJECTION colour is visible ; but with a bi-quartz the effect is generally very evident with a moderate current. Thompson's mica sectors (fig. 200) may also be used. Dr. Kerr's experiment, showing that plane-polarised light is rotated if reflected from the polished pole of a magnet, is too sensitive for successful demonstration, unless with apparatus of the highest class and the arc light. 220. Rotation of Common Light.— If the light employed is powerful enough to exhibit interference -bands on the screen with Fresnel's bi-prism (§ 189) this can be exhibited after the manner of Profs. Abbe and Sohncke. It is only necessary to cover one-half of the bi-prism with a plate of left-handed, and the other with a plate of right-handed quartz, of 1-88 mm. in thickness. This thickness rotates yellow light 45°, and therefore if quartz rotates common light at all, the two interfering rays are brought into orbits differing by 90° in azimuth, when they cannot interfere. It is demonstrated that this is so, because the bands vanish accordingly. 221. Ring and Brushes in Crystals. — For use with the simpler forms of lantern polariscopes, like fig. 186, plates of crystals are cut transversely to their optic axes, and mounted in wooden sliders as repre- FIG. 207. .... _ sented in fig. 207. By having a frame made of the usual 4x2^ size, consisting ol two thin metal plates with a circular aperture in the centres, separated by a strip of wood along the top and bottom edges, and leaving a space for the small slide as a centre strip between, this can be placed in the usual stage, when it will be seen that the plate of crystal (unless it be a circularly-polar- ising one) has no double refraction at all in this direction ; the dark or light field, in the parallel beam of plane-polarised light, remains as it was before the crystal was inserted, POLARISED LIGHT 377 With convergent light it is of course different. For the simpler polariscopes a crystal-stage is provided, which consists of a tubular fitting like fig. 208. One end A fits into the nozzle of the objective, from which the analyser is withdrawn, the latter now fitting into the other end B of this crystal- stage. In the centre at s is a slot or stage with springs, large enough to receive the crystal sliders, which are about an inch wide ; and the stage is so placed that the crystal occupies the spot where the cone of light is of the smallest diameter. With the low convergence from the usual power alone, the convergent (or divergent) light passes through the crystal and analyser straight to the screen, and needs no focussing lens whatever, the fringes appearing simply as shadows. The rings and brushes are shown as perfectly in this simple and inexpensive way, as in any other ; but the choice of s! bi-axial crystals is limited, as only very small angles will allow both systems of rings to be brought into the field together. Practically, only nitre, cerussite,glauberite, and some small-angled adularias are available, on this account ; uni- axials of course are all available. It is customary to pre- pare plates of other bi-axials cut across one, axis, to show one, of the systems of rings ; but beyond one or two, such are of little interest. With the optical arrangements shown in fig. 190, however, any angles up to 60° or 65° can be shown.1 The system of converging lenses c is inserted in the nozzle, and the rays after crossing in their focus and becoming divergent are collected by the second system. This refraction has however been too violent to project defined figures by mere shadow fringes ; and 1 By interposing cedar-oil, as used for homogeneous immersion objectives, between each face of the crystal and the adjacent lenses, larger angles can be collected if deemed necessary. 378 OPTICAL PROJECTION they Lave to be focussed by another power, as they appear at the back of the last lens. All sorts of focal arrangements have been employed, but I prefer that described on p. 343, for the sake of the easy range of foci and scale which it gives. The whole apparatus can be adjusted, and a crystal focussed, in less than a minute, both axes of selenite being easily shown in one field. A great variety of crystals are prepared by Messrs. Dr. Steeg and Keuter, of Homburg vor der Hohe, who practi- cally supply the scientific world with these objects, and from whom a list can be obtained. Their crystals are mounted in plates of cork If inches square. For home-made plates or mica preparations, I myself prefer the usual microscopic 8x1 slips, because stored so easily in the usual racked boxes. But a stage with springs, as shown in fig. 190, will accommo- date all alike with equal facility. In demonstrations, the front optical apparatus is fixed so as to leave about an inch between the two convergent systems ; a crystal is inserted, and then brought up close to the second system by racking out the ordinary focal power. The fringes are then focussed by the rack and pinion on the front.1 Plates of some bi-axial crystals crossed are very fine. Mica is easily prepared thus. There should be at least one specimen of crystals in which the rings for red light are at right angles to those for blue in the same crystal. Such are Brookite — which is however expensive (for a good one) and shows considerable red or orange colour — and the triple tartrate of soda, potash, and ammonia, which is clear. Unfor- tunately it, like many ' soft ' crystals, gradually oxidises when mounted in balsam, and thus becomes cloudy. A mounting 1 If the apparatus is properly adjusted, the crystal figures will be perfectly and evenly illuminated all over the disc. Should either the centre or the margin appear dark, the apparatus is faulty, unless the adjustable field-lens H (fig. 190) has been accidentally placed wrongly whilst varying its position to alter the focal power. Ample margin for all necessary adjustments is pro- vided in my apparatus. With only medium-angled bi-axials, the front lens of the collecting system may often be unscrewed ond removed with advantage, POLARISED LIGHT 379 medium which will preserve these crystals clear is much to be desired. When clear, by placing in the stage gelatines carefully selected to absorb all but the blue and red rays, the two systems of rings can be shown crossed on the screen if the light is brilliant. The axes are shown easily. Airy's Spirals are produced by a right-handed quartz, cut perpendicularly to the optic axis, superposed upon a left-handed one. The two need not be of equal thickness, and plates containing cross-crystallisation will show the spirals naturally, wherever the two forms happen to overlap each other. It ought to be noted, that crystals which can be shown in both forms of polariscope, require to be much thinner for highly convergent light than for the low convergence method. A thick plate of nitre will fill the field, with low convergence ; for high convergence it must be very thin, and the two axes will appear very close together in the centre of the field. Most mica commonly obtainable has an angle of about 45°. Mitscherlich's Experiment, showing that a crystal of selenite, when heated, gradually becomes uni- axial, and with further heat becomes again bi-axial with the axes at right angles to the former direction, is easily demonstrated with the apparatus described. I employ a slide devised for the purpose ; but it is sufficient to procure a strip of brass or copper about 4x1 inches, the same thickness as the crystal, drill and file a hole through the centre which just admits the latter loosely, and bend up rather more than an inch of each end, so that these ends stand well away from the crystal stage like ears, when the strip is held by the springs. Then bend a piece of thin card round one edge, so as to cover both sides of the centre of the strip, and cut through both cards a hole rather smaller than the crystal ; thus the card, as it embraces the brass with the crystal in it, keeps the latter in place. All this being adjusted on the stage, and the rings focussed as usual, a lighted spirit-lamp is taken in hand and applied alternately to the projecting ears. At first a slight mist generally appears, 380 OPTICAL PROJECTION but this soon passes off, and the heat is applied till the desired effect is produced. One crystal will last for many demonstrations . Circularly polarised crystal figures are produced by placing a quarter- wave plate in the ordinary stage. The black brushes then disappear, nebulous lines taking their places ; while the rings are dislocated half a wave in each alternate quadrant. The rings may instead be analysed circularly, by fitting a quarter-wave plate on either side of the focussing-lens, K (fig. 190), with the same results. If the rings be both polarised and analysed circularly, the brushes disappear entirely, and as the analyser is rotated, the quadrants (or halves in bi-axial rings) slide by each other, producing in the two principal positions unbroken rings with no brushes or interruption whatever. If at this point the quarter-wave be rotated with the analyser, the unbroken character of the rings is retained throughout all the rotation ; showing the perfectly circular character of the polarisation. Spiral Figures were discovered by myself,1 in a search after phenomena which should more distinctly show the rela- tion of bi-axial to uni-axial crystals, and of the two axes of a bi- axial to the prismatic axis— or, in short, that the axis of a uni- axial was simply a case of the coincidence of two axes. For obvious reasons this was most likely to be brought about by the two circular waves concerned in rotary polarisation ; and it seemed worth while to seek for such demonstration, since when polarised and analysed circularly, one single axis of a bi-axial gives as unbroken a circle as a uni-axial. I sought for phenomena which might show that each axis of a bi-axial was only one sex, as it were, of a combination, both of which were found in a uni-axial. This is shown by placing in the ordinary stage of the polariscope a quartz plate 7^ mm. thick, and introducing between the crystal and the analyser a 1 See Proceedings of the Physical Society for November 12, 1881, or Phil, Mag. January 1882, POLARISED LIGHT 381 quarter- wave plate. The result is that a plate cut to exhibit one axis only of a bi-axial, shows one spiral figure surrounding this axis. A plate cut to show both axes, exhibits a few turns of a spiral round each axis, after which the two spirals em- brace each other, and proceed concentrically round the whole field. With a low-angled bi-axial cut thin, in highly conver- gent light, the two spirals enwrap each other nearly from the first. And finally, in a uni-axial the two separate spirals are visible, showing that both elements of the bi-axial remain and are combined in what is simply a limiting case. By applying the arrangement to Mitscherlich's experiment with a heated sslenite, the gradual drawing in of the figure, but preservation of the two spirals through all, can be simply demonstrated. A quartz plate alone in highly convergent circularly polarised light, projects a double spiral, as pointed out by Mr. Airy. The above experiments prove that this is owing to its peculiar properties enabling it to show its own spirals as a uni-axial crystal. A column of fluid of adequate rotary power, such as a column of oil of lemons 20 cm. long, employed with a crystal instead of the quartz plate, will exhibit exactly the same phenomena, thus affording proof that the molecular con- stitution of the fluid resembles that of the quartz. The polariscope I have described projects through the column of fluid, crystal, and convergent lenses, &c., brilliantly and with ease. It will be very interesting to point out, that by thus modifying the polarisation in different ways, rays of the same convergence can produce with the same plate of crystal, either rings with brushes, rings dislocated, unbroken rings without any brushes, or spirals. 222. Artificial Crystals. — It has been seen that a plate of crystal circularly polarised, roughly represents the rotary phenomena of quartz. Keusch, by employing a preparation built up of many thin films of mica successively rotated on 382 OPTICAL PROJECTION each other by an aliquot part of a circle, found that all the phenomena of quartz, either in parallel or convergent light, are perfectly reproduced. Such a preparation treated as a crystal gives the crystal fringes of quartz exactly, and two of opposite rotations superposed, give Airy's spirals. Plates of mica of equal thickness crossed at right angles, after Norremberg, as the plates become thinner and more numerous, give a gradual transition in convergent light from bi-axial rings, to the circular rings and four-armed cross of a uni-axial. Two crossed give of course the four rings of a crossed bi-axial ; twenty-four of about J wave thickness, give effects quite undistinguishable from those of a calcite crystal. Plates of mica of various thicknesses crossed in different ways1 give very beautiful and complicated figures in con- vergent light, which may still more be varied by crossing very thin films between much thicker ones, or interposing plates at an angle of 45° to the others. Mica-selenite combinations after Norremberg, built up of elements consisting of two parallel micas, with a selenite between them either parallel or across, these triple ' elements ' being superposed in various ways and number, crossed or parallel, give in highly- convergent light the most beautiful projections. With no geometrical design whatever from the hand of man (except the crossing of films in various ways), the most exquisite coloured patterns are produced by con- vergent polarised light, some of them looking more like the most brilliant designs in squares of Turkey carpet than any- thing elso. 223. Polarisation by Small Particles. — The blue colour and polarisation produced by all reflection of light from sufficiently small particles (as in the sky), may be easily demonstrated by Tyndall's method, a large glass tube with 1 For details of such crossed preparations, see my paper in Proceedings of the Physical Society, entitled ' Optical Combinations of Crystalline Films,1 reprinted in Phil. Mag. May 1883. POLARISED LIGHT 385 flat ends being supported horizontally in front of the polariser, filled with suitable vapour, and the parallel polarised beam sent through it. The particles in the tube then act as analyser, so that the phenomena can be observed by all spectators in a direction approximately at right angles to the tube. In one position of the polariser, light is copiously reflected to such spectators, while it is invisible to anyone looking down upon the tube. When the polariser is rotated 90° the light is extinguished horizontally, but reflected above and below. A better method, however, is to interpose between the polariser and the tube a large plate of selenite or mica, when the tube will glow with the usual colours. Such a tube should not be less than 2^ or 3 inches diameter, and 18 inches long. Professor Tyndall generally preferred, having exhausted the tube, to introduce sufficient nitrite of butyl vapour in air to depress the mercury-gauge -£$ inch, and to add sufficient hydrochloric acid vapour in air to depress the gauge a further J inch. He also employed vapour of carbon disulphide, amyl nitrite, and other compounds. But it is very much easier, and saves the trouble of exhausting and a great deal of rather delicate manipulation with air- tight and expensive apparatus, to employ a whiff of tobacco smoke, which is perfectly effectual. Instead of using the parallel beam from the polariser, very fair results can be had from the Nicol analyser in the nozzle of the optical front, but the polarised beam does not then, of course, fill the tube BO completely. It is however easier and more convenient in every way, to show the phenomena in liquids, which can be conveniently done in a large rectangular glass trough or cell. Far the best method, however, not only for economy and convenience, but for its truly magnificent effect, is one for which I was originally indebted to Mr. John Thomson of Dundee. For this beautiful experiment we require a glass jar with foot, which should be about 2^ inches diameter, and is shown at 384 OPTICAL PROJECTION j, fig. 209. This is filled with the fluid holding small particles in suspension, which may at a pinch be prepared by adding a trace of soap, or even of milk, though both of these give too great coarseness of particles for fine effect. A few drops of a solution of five grains gum mastic, or common resin, in one ounce of alcohol, stirred into the water, answers excellently, as will a few drops of French polish diluted in alcohol; but I have found the finest blue from stirring a teaspoonful of the solution of coal-tar in alcohol sold as Liquor Carbonis Detergens, into hot water. The jar should be clean, and the emulsion filtered into it, to avoid as much as possible ordinary reflection from dust particles. Lord Bayleigh often uses a mixture of ex- tremely dilute so- dium thiosulphate with extremely di- tto. 209 lute hydrochloric acid, a mere trace of each being sufficient. The advantage and disadvantage of this method is, that the effect is progressive, and finally passes beyond the stage of polarisation. However, the jar being filled with the fluid, the plane reflector K is arranged over it at an angle of 45°, so as to throw the light from the polariser N (here shown as the Nicol analyser) down through the jar. Behind are arranged two reflectors M M of plain looking-glass, enclos- ing the jar within an angle of about 100°, which give by reflec- HEAT 385 tion two images of the jar, formed by rays at right angles with those direct from the jar to the spectators. The great advantage of this method is, that the spectators only need to be about the same height as the jar, to receive perfectly polarised light all round; and the complementary effect can always be seen at the same moment in the mirrors, so that when the jar extinguishes direct light, the mirror images are bright. This having been demonstrated, we finally cover the top of the jar with a large quartz plate Q. The jar itself will now glow with all the rotational colours as the polariser is rotated ; differently -coloured images being seen at the same time in the mirrors M, and the whole forming a demonstration of indescribably delicate beauty. It is convenient to have the mirrors hinged together like a book, and to stand both jar and mirrors on a circular piece of board, if no higher support be needed, in order that the whole may be turned to face in succession all sides of the room. CHAPTER XXin HEAT A. NUMBER of experiments showing the effects, nature, and qualitative relations of heat are easily capable of projection. Some specimen examples may suffice. 224. Expansion. — As regards the expansion of solids, Gravesande's ring and the various socket forms of apparatus need no remark. Any ordinary form of pyrometer is readily projected in action by the shadow method (§ 109) ; or a small 0 0 .386 OPTICAL PROJECTION mirror of silvered micro-glass may be cemented to the index, and by it a small parallel beam focussed from an aperture reflected to the screen ; the deflection of the spot, with any decently good instrument, will show the effect even of the warmth of the hand. Or a series of small thermostatic com- pound bars is easily constructed, whose action can be pro- jected in the field of the condensers. In liquids, any thermometer with a transparent scale can be projected, using the erecting prism. That the expansion is due to greater separation of the particles, and lowers the specific gravity, is easily shown by paraffin oil stained with aniline colour, in a U-tube, as in fig. 210. One leg of the tube is surrounded by a much wider tube fitted on by a cork at the bottom. The liquid in both tubes stands at the same level ; but on filling the large tube with boiling water, the levels being in the field of the condensers, it will be seen that the liquid in the heated leg stands considerably higher than in the other. Holding a flask of very thin glass with a very small tube neck, which is filled with coloured liquid, in a larger vessel, and projecting the part showing the level in the tube, on pouring hot water into the outer vessel, the curious effect is produced of a momentary sinking of level, as from & to a (fig. 211) after which the fluid rises as expected, thus showing the expansion of the flask before the liquid itself is heated, and the subsequent superior expansion of the liquid. ^ne expansion of air can be projected in any way, but is perhaps most readily shown by pro- viding a flask with a tube of almost capillary bore, and introducing a drop of any coloured fluid when the air is warm, which will be drawn some way down the tube. On projecting this, any difference of temperature will move HEAT 387 the index fluid. Or a differential thermometer may be projected. FIG. 211 PIG. 212 225. Convection Currents.— The simplest apparatus for projecting currents produced by the lowering of specific gravity, is a mere test-tube held in a Bunsen holder and heated as in fig. 212. If the tube be flattened, the effect will be better still ; or a flattened flask can be similarly pro- jected. To make the currents more visible, a few particles of exceed- ingly fine sawdust from heavy wood may be placed in the water, or particles of blotting- paper rubbed up in a mortar with water ; Mr. H. G. Madan uses a crystal or two of magenta coated with gum-water and o c 2 FIG. 213 388 OPTICAL PROJECTION dropped into the vessel, from which coloured streams will proceed. The little apparatus shown in fig. 213 will both show convection currents, and illustrate their every-day applica- tion to hot-water systems of heating. A few small bubbles or particles of sawdust show the movement well in this apparatus. 226. Evaporation. — Boiling in a small flask is easily pro- jected, and by the well-known apparatus in fig. 214, boiling up a flask of water, which is closed with a cork and then inverted in the field of the lantern, the familiar experi- ment of producing ebullition by the application of cold water, is also shown. The loss of heat in evaporation may be projected either by wrapping the bulb of a thermometer in a piece of- rag moistened with the liquid, or by applying a moistened plate to the face of a thermo- pile, the galvanometer in connection with which is projected direct, or by a re- flected pencil. (See § 240.) 227. Conductivity.— To show the different conducting power of various metals and other substances, nothing more is necessary than to modify the well-known apparatus of Ingenhouz (in which rods of the substances project from a trough filled with boiling water, which heats the inner ends of the rods simultaneously), so that the rods project from the 'bottom of the trough, and their lower ends at least stand in the field of the condensers. Glass balls of equal weight being attached by wax softened with a FIG. 214 HEAT 389 FIG. 215 little tallow to the ends of the rods, will be seen to drop off in succession. They will appear to pass upwards on the screen, unless the erecting prism is used. The conducting power of a metal is projected by construct- ing Despretz' apparatus within the compass of the lantern, as in fig. 215, the bulbs of the thermometers resting at equal distances upon a bar heated at one end. The scales should be of glass. 228. Mechanical and Molecular Motion. — By using a thermo-pile with any suitable galvanometer projection, the heat generated in any body by friction, or in a bullet by per- cussion, or in a closed vessel of air by compression, or the cold produced by rarefaction, can be easily shown. The readiest way of exhibiting the heat of crystallisation is to project the tube of an air-thermometer placed in a vessel of the solution. Badiophony is unfortunately not a projection experiment, though the lantern is used for it ; as the effect is perceived only by an individual observer with the telephone. 229. Specific Heat. — The great differences in this are best projected in the following way. Prepare balls or bullets of equal size, about f inch to 1 inch diameter, of iron, tin, and lead ; the two latter cast in a mould, and the iron prepared in any way ; or zinc will answer instead of iron and can also be cast. Each ball is furnished with a small wire hook or handle. Prepare also a flat cake of soft wax about ^-in. to \- in. thick and say 6x2.^ inches superficies, in a frame formed by bending round a strip of tin or thin brass. The com- position of the soft wax should be about 4 parts by weight of beeswax and 3 parts of tallow, varied a little by experience as required ; and the cake is best formed on the surface of 396 OPTICAL PROJECTION boiling water, and left to get cold. The cake is supported horizontally in the field of the lantern, and a cold bullet laid on its centre is focussed on the screen and then removed. The three bullets to be used are heated in boiling water long enough to be certain they have all acquired the temperature of 212° F. The leaden one is then taken out first by its handle, and after shaking off the water, gently placed on the centre of the wax ; then the tin one similarly laid about 1^ inches from it on one side ; and lastly the iron or zinc one the same distance on the other side — all appearing on the screen. Though much heaviest, the leaden bullet will scarcely sink at all into the wax ; while if the softness and thickness of the plate are well calculated, the tin ball will sink much deeper, and the iron or zinc one will make its way entirely through, and drop into some vessel placed to receive it. The softness of the wax is to be adjusted, according to the exact size of the balls and thickness of the cake, to secure this result. 230. Spheroidal State. — A very shallow silver dish about three inches diameter is supported with its convex side upper- most over an annular Bunsen burner in the field of the lantern, and the burner adjusted to bring the surface to a dull red heat. Taking up in a small sponge some water as hot as the hand will bear, and squeezing out drops to fall upon the hot dish, the rebounding of the drops, like peas, will be clearly projected. Reversing the dish to its usual position, and placing the whole lower, and more in front, the beam may be slightly converged from the condensers and reflected down upon it, and a focussing lens adjusted to focus the object upon the ceiling, or a small overhead screen, at a similar angle. The dish being heated as before, nearly boiling water is dropped into it by degrees from a syringe or pipette, till a fluid drachm or more has collected. The water will become a flattened globule, in ceaseless motion, the edges especially HEAT 391 terming beautiful curves, and the surface breaking into sym- metrical ripples, which the lens will focus on the screen. On turning out the burner the movement will gradually decrease in energy, until suddenly contact is established, and the water bursts into a cloud of steam. Arrange in the field a smaller silver dish about two inches diameter, which has had the bottom carefully flattened for about one inch in the centre, convex side uppermost as in the first experiment. By carefully adjusting a small ring on the end of a wire about 1 mm. above its surface, and heating the basin and in a much less degree the wire, hot water darkened with ink or other dye can be gently delivered from the pipette so as to be held in place by the small ring thus immersed in it. Projection on the screen will then demonstrate that there is a small clear space between the silver and the water, through which the light from the lantern passes. Heating of the water is desirable in these experiments, in order to avoid cold water lowering the temperature of the metal underneath to a point which will not maintain the spheroidal state. 231. Radiant Heat in the Spectrum. — The demonstra- tion of dark heat rays has already been mentioned under Calorcsccnce, in § 180. The quantitative examination of the spectrum demands expensive apparatus in the shape of a complete train of prisms and lenses in rock-salt (which alone will show the real heat maximum in the ultra-red region), and a sensitive thermo-pile of the linear form, guarded by a narrow perpendicular slit. Only the general scheme can be given here in fig. 216, where s is the slit of the lantern through which come parallel rays produced by a rock-salt lens in the lantern itself, A is the salt focussing lens, B the rock-salt prism. Then v B G B representing violet, blue, green, and red rays, the thermo-pile will show the greatest heat at about P, and will cease to give evidence of it at o, nearly as far from B as the violet rays are. For these experiments a 392 OPTICAL PROJECTION sensitive thermopile, and sensitive galvanometer, must be employed. The needle of the latter may either travel over a horizontal glass dial, projected in the vertical attachment, or a pencil from an oscillating mirror may be employed. With glass lenses and a disulphide prism, the demonstra- tion must be comparatively rough. The maximum heat will now be generally found in the red itself, and the galvano- meter with perpendicular glass dial (fig. 220) can be made sensitive enough to project all that can really be shown with such apparatus. It is usual to employ two lanterns or two nozzles, one giving the spectrum in which the thermo-pile is moved, and FIG. 216.— Examining the Spectrum the other projecting the galvanometer movement above it ; if two nozzles are employed on one concentric lantern, this must be so adjusted that the common radiant is at the proper focal distance for each of the two sets of condensers. On the whole, a second lantern for the galvanometer is most con- venient. It is also convenient to have at disposal two galvanometers, one very different from the other as regards sensitiveness. (Also see next section.) 232. Identity of Light and Radiant Heat.— By similarly using a thermo-pile, the double refraction, polarisation, and depolarisation of heat rays are readily shown. If luminous heat rays are employed, the thermo-pile has simply to be HEAT 393 placed in the rays marked out by their luminous effects. If non-luminous rays are to be demonstrated, the positions are first marked from the luminous rays ; after which a cell of iodine dissolved in carbon disulphide or tetra- chloride is interposed, and the thermo-pile introduced into the marked positions, the galvanometer instantly responding. When the polarised ^beam is cut off by the analyser, and the latter is at zero, the introduction of a plate of crystal between the crossed Nicols, at once causes a vigorous movement. In proving electro-magnetic rotation of the dark beam, Prof. Tyndall employed, for the sake of the greater increase of transmission in that position, the two Nicols (or other apparatus) with their polarising planes enclosing an angle of 45° instead of 90°, equilibrating the thermo-pile and bring- ing it to zero for the amount of heat thus transmitted, by placing some other source of heat at the requisite distance from the other face of the pile. Then upon switching on the current, a movement of the galvanometer at once showed the greater amount of heat transmitted by the rotated beam. Using a diffraction grating and slit (as in § 191) with a red glass, and also with the iodine-cell, bands of action and extinction as in the case of light, are readily shown by the thermo-pile. It is just barely possible, with a fine slit on the thermo-pile, to show heat fringes with a Fresnel prism ; but so very difficult and uncertain is a clear result, that I abandoned the experiment with regret. Probably others with more skill in this sort of manipulation, and more opportunities with the arc light than have been possible to me, may have greater success. For such experiments, the radio -micrometer recently perfected by Mr. C. Vernon Boys, on the principle of d'Arsonval's thermo-galvanometer,1 gives both more delicacy in recording small variations of tem- 1 The fundamental principle is the suspension of a thermo-electric closed circuit by a torsion-fibre in a magnetic field. 394 OPTICAL PROJECTION perature, and more precision as regards points of action, than any thermo-pile I can conceive of. This beautiful measuring instrument might also be employed in the preceding experi- ments, but is so delicate, and so rarely available for general lecture purposes, that I must only refer concerning its con- struction and use to the inventor's own description.1 CHAPTER XXIV MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY THE fundamental experiments in magnetism and electricity can be projected in a manner so obvious as not to require any detailed treatment. As a rule the needful preparations will consist simply of reducing the apparatus to a rather small scale, when the projection will take place under the general conditions described in Chapter XIV. Only a few experi- ments need be given here for the sake of illustration, or of various remarks for which they afford occasion, and which may be useful in other instances. 233. Polarity. — A compass needle mounted either upon a small foot, or upon a graduated glass plate, projected with the vertical attachment, will readily show direction, attraction, and repulsion. Two light soft iron wires hung from the same point by silk threads attached to one end of each, in the field of the condensers, as a magnetic pendulum, will also exhibit repulsion. With the glass-bottomed trough filled with water in the vertical attachment, and a number of magnetised steel needles stuck perpendicularly in small cork floats, Prof. Mayer's symmetrical figures, formed by such needles when the pole of 1 Proc. JR. S. xlii. 191, and Phil. Trans, clxxx. 159. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY 395 a magnet is held over the centre of the trough, will be pro- jected on the screen. Magnetic torsion may be projected in the same way, with any form of torsion balance whose graduated dial is of glass. 234. Magnetic Induction. — Clamping an annealed iron rod 3 inches long by the centre in a small Bunsen holder horizontally across the field of the condensers, it will be readily shown that it supports a key, or one or more pieces of iron, at one end, when the other is touched by the pole of a strong magnet. And using iron filings or small bits of wire, it can be shown that induction takes place, though the magnet does not actually touch. Induction by the earth's magnetism is projected by the usual experiment of attracting or repelling the pole of a com- pass needle (placed on the vertical attachment) by the lower end of an iron bar held approximately in the magnetic meridian. Or a dipping-needle may be projected direct, and similarly affected by the end of an iron bar. 235. Magnetic Curves. — These project in the vertical attachment, simply laying a plain sheet of glass over the magnet laid on the face of the condenser, sifting filings upon the glass, and if needful tapping the plate a little. Using a horseshoe magnet, the modifications caused by different armatures between the poles may be shown. Elevating the glass plate sufficiently, duplicate similar poles may be brought up endways under it and the different character of the curves projected : or the lines of force as modified in the neighbour- hood of a space screened by sheets or plates of soft iron may be shown. 236. Dia-magnetism. — Only an electro-magnet will give sufficient power for this class of experiment. A sufficient size for the magnet will be a cross section about J inch square, built up of bent pieces of well-annealed hoop-iron, the total length of each limb about 4 to 6 inches ; or it may be more, as it is quite unnecessary for the lower part of the magnet to 396 OPTICAL PROJECTION be in the field. There should be 1£ inches clear between the two poles, and after all the plates are firmly screwed to- gether and the ends filed fiat for the usual pole-pieces, the magnet is wound until the coils come nearly into contact. With such a magnet, two to four bichromate or Grove cells will give ample power for most experiments, using either small discs, or bars of metal or other substances j inch to 1 inch in length, for projection. The same apparatus may be used to show that a cube or disc of copper suspended between the pole-pieces, and rotated by twisting the thread, is almost immediately stopped as soon as the current is switched on. For experiments on flame and vapours, however, a magnet must be constructed differently, with the limbs much farther apart, in order that the flame or vapour may be introduced beneath the pole-pieces. The vapour of iodine dropped upon a piece of heated metal is easily projected, and the repulsion will be plainly distinguished. It is unnecessary in dia-magnetic projections, that more than the magnetic pole terminals should be seen in the field. The various heaping of liquids, according to their mag- netic character, is fairly visible in profile ; but by turning the magnet so as to lie horizontally on the vertical attachment, the heaping of liquids in a thin watch-glass will be con- spicuously shown by the strong refraction produced at the inclined surfaces. 237. Static Charges. — Most simple phenomena of this character are demonstrated by projecting an electroscope, especially of the gold-leaf kind, as shown in fig. 81. Static induction is readily shown in the same way. All the usual experiments with suspended pith-balls, chimes, feathers, hair, &c., are too obvious to need any explanation. Any apparatus which cannot be reduced to the size of the condensers, or the lens in fig. 106, may generally be projected by the shadow method (§ 109). MAGNETISM AND ELECTRICITY 397 Quantitative measurement is more difficult, but Prof. Mayer has lately used a pendulum electroscope in a form that makes a most sensitive electro- meter. He suspends a gilt pith-ball I cm. radius (built up of small pieces cemented) a distance of 364 cm. from the ceiling, by two silk fibres fastened 52 cm. apart and meeting at the ball, behind which a scale is arranged. A brass ball of the same size is mounted on a glass rod, var- nished while warm with paraffin wax. A force of only one dyne acting on the sus- pended ball deflects it 13-3 mm. ; and charging both balls in contact so as to give the same charge to each, the charge c on either was found in absolute electrostatic units by the formula where D is the distance in cm. between the centres of the balls, and d the deflection from the vertical in cm. When D is over 5£ cm. the law of inverse squares was demonstrated within 1 per Via. siffaX^ mi/<§*' ^ cent; and by using a proof- /^^^/ ^ c^ plane, Coulomb's law of distribution on the pajp^J? a/^iin-<^ drical body was verified with close approximj 398 OPTICAL PROJECTION apparatus is in fact too sensitive for most lecture purposes; but diminishing this by using shorter fibres, and adjusting a hori.-.onlal strip of glass behind the ball. di\ ided as a scale, many useful quantitative experiments may be made ill a very simple ai nanner. The mere fact that, the density of a charge is greater at the ends of a conductor than in the middle may bo shown by Prof. Weinhold's very simple apparatus (tig. kJ17). Four pieces Of paste-board with rounded sides and edges are couivd with tinfoil, and fastened into a box like shape b\ strips of ribbon also covered with foil, or by thick foil itself. To tho middle of one angle are suspended by conducting threads a pan of small pith balls ; and close to the middle of the oppo- site angle are fastened two slicks of sealing' wax as insulating' handles. The whole apparatus is shown at. A. If both handles are so held thai the plates take the form of i:. and t lie apparatus is gi\en a small charge, a little di\ergeitce of the pith-balls will be observed; but if now tho handles be so turned that the plates take the form of c, the divergence will be increased ver\ considerably. The apparatus max be made quite small, but is more effective if the pieces are about six inches square, when it can bo projected by the shadow method (§ 109). L Fiu. 218 288. Static Electrical Stress. — Dr. Kerr's experiments showing by optical methods the state of stress produced by electrical charge in di electrics, are easih projected, tig. '218 b, in-: a .-vneral sketch of the arrangements. Tho rays from the lantern pass through a polarising apparatus, M, and then throu.-rh a glass cell, P. In this cell are arramr> d t\\o copper plates a very small distance apart, say from ^ to J inch, which \GNETISM AXD F.LF.CTRTCITY 399 can bo charged -f and — by connecting with tho coats of aLeydon jar. or the terminals of a Wiinshurst machine. The Space between tlie platert is focussod on I lie sereen by tlie lens D, the rays passing thro. analysing Niool, N. If tho plates arc vertical or horizontal, the Nicola are aet at an i >ut crossed to gi\e (lie dark field. The coll is best filled with carbon disulphido. On charging the plates, the Held at once becomes bright, and if the charge id increased splendid colour-effects are produced, as with glass in a state of mechanical stress described in § '209. With charges HuflicienHy powerful, similar stresa can be shown in glass itself, pierced so that Iho terminals may oomo within a small distance. At o may bo introduced a compensator of quartz to measure the optical elTcct of charges, thomsolvea measured by any sullicicnlly accurate electromotor. ii,T.». Static Discharge. The sparks from ajar or battery, or Winishurst machine, are beat projected by a little apparatus arranged for the fit-Id of the lan- tern, and which needs no descrip- tion beyond tlie diagram in fig. '21!), from Mr. G. M. Hopkins.1 The halls being adjusted for striking distance, arc focussod on tbe screen, and the light then reduced to as low a point as will just barely make tJiem visibk. Tho place of tho image of the discharge spark upon the screen is thus localised, which in this case makes just nil the dillcrem-e. in a scroon demoli- sh ;it mu, and renders it very satisfactory; the form of tho i Tin