Livres donnés en 1912 4 !a Bibliotheque du Conservatoire botanique de Genéve par M. WILLIAM BARBEY. 2 ‘ ‘ ge ‘ Fe ov: i SE on Gant 4 7 _ DUPLICATA DE LA BIBLIOTHEQUE DU CONSERVA*® “= BOTANIQUE DE GENEVE VENDU EN 1922 THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. CONTAINING THE ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA By HARRY BOLUS, F.L.S. WitTH THIRTY-SIX PLATES, PARTLY COLOURED. LIS? ARY cesy WORE A> CA N CAPE TOWN: PUBLISHED BY Pie SOCIETY. —_ 1888. CONTENTS. a, el PREFACE IntRopuctIion- . General Peaks on thd Order . The Cape Peninsula ce ‘ . Orchids in relation to the Flora of the Pariineila ad . Comparison with the Orchid Flora of other Countries . Distribution of Genera and Species ... vi. Elevation above the Sea-level vu. Colour and Odour of the Flowers vin. Fertilisation of the Flowers ... tx. Period of Flowering : : CuieF CoLLectTors oF ORCHIDS ON THE Cse oe BrBuioGRAPHY OF SouTH-AFRICAN ORCHIDS Tre I. EKpmenpre® » Ll. Vannes [55 EEE Neovenmas] » LV. OpxurypdEx [,, V. CypripepEs] Key To THE GENERA Liparis EULOPHIA BartHoLina Houorarix ... SatyRium Disa Disperis Corycium Preryeoprum CERATANDRA : ea : Nove RESPECTING ee s Hersartum Errors and Omissions InpEx Puates 1 to 86. 228. 101 102 108 104 111 112 117 134 174 179 183 189 194 195 197 - ‘? THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. LONDON : PRINTED BY WEST, NEWMAN AND co., HATTON GARDEN, E.¢. AUG 7- 1923 LIS ARY NEW YORK BOTANICAL >a vs PREFACE. —__—_4—_"—<—_ Tuis is an attempt to describe the Orchids growing on the Peninsula of the Cape of Good Hope; to give their names and synonyms; to arrange them as far as possible in groups; to adduce the stations where they have been found, and their further distribution so far as known. To this is added a list of collectors ; and of books and papers already published upon the subject of South-African Orchidology. I regret that it does not go further; and that I have been unable to clothe these dry bones with living flesh and blood, and exhibit the life-history of some of the complex and curious organisms here enumerated. Such as the work is, it has occupied a great part of the leisure time in an active business life during several years. I can only hope that I may have made it easier for those who may come after me, and who, freed from the work of the systematist, may find themselves stimulated to the more agreeable task of patiently watching the operations and discovering the secrets of Nature. But, incomplete as the work is, it is not entirely my own, and could not have been accomplished without the help of others. First must be acknowledged the unstinted aid of the authorities of that splendid institution of which all English- men are justly proud, the Royal Gardens and Herbarium at Kew; especially of Mr. N. E. Brown, A.L.8., a member of its staff, who, in the most liberal manner, has placed at my disposal the results of his valuable, and as yet unpublished work upon the Orchids of Thunberg’s herbarium ; also of Prof. Oxtver, F.R.S., who has most kindly, during my absence from England, superintended the passing of the plates through the press. Next, amongst friends at the Cape, I must express my hearty thanks to Prof. A. Bopxin, M.A., whose enthusi- astic pleasure in botanical excursions, and success in the Vili PREFAOE, discovery of new Orchids, are equalled by his readiness to make fresh observations, and furnish new material, so that his name will be found frequently mentioned in these pages; also to Prof. MacOwan, B.A., F.L.S., who has assisted me with living plants, and duplicate specimens from the Cape Govern- ment Herbarium under his charge; to Dr. Marnotu, who has helped me in various ways, and has been the first observer of several Orchids on the Cape Peninsula; and lastly, to Mr. RussELL Hauuack, of Port Elizabeth, who has sent me several specimens from that neighbourhood, which have aided in eluci- dating those of our district. I take this opportunity of respectfully soliciting from friends of Natural History, known and unknown, contri- butions of living specimens of native Orchids from any part of South Africa, in aid of further study, and with the view of preparing an account of all the species south of the tropic. Considerable numbers of species are only known to science, and therefore imperfectly known, from dried specimens, while it is certain that many novelties yet remain to be discovered. Several species have never been found since THUNBERG’s, BurcHewu’s and Drece’s time, and only exist in few, or even single and imperfect specimens. Such are Disa bracteata, D. porrecta, D. excelsa, D. telipogonis, D. gladioliflora ; Pachites appressa, from the top of the Swellendam Mt.; Forficaria graminifolia, from Du Toit’s Kloof; Coryciwm vestitum, from Piquetberg; and many others. The parcel post now affords great facilities for transmission, and with moderately careful packing Orchids will keep their freshness for several days. Any such parcels addressed to me, ‘“‘ Sherwood, Kenilworth, near Cape Town,” will be most gratefully received, and the expense of postage will be gladly returned. see Kew, October, 1888. INTRODUCTION. ————— I.—GenrraL Remarks ON THE ORDER. Tue Order Orcume is one of the most natural and sharply- defined amongst flowering plants, containing about 5000 known species, the most numerous amongst Monocotyledons, and the third largest (after Composirrm and Lecumios#) of all Phanerogams. It is dis- tributed over almost the whole globe, most abundantly in the tropics, and is rare only on the highest mountains, in extreme Arctic and Antarctic regions, or in some of the nearly rainless desert tracts of the globe. It is most nearly allied to the Order Scrramive# (best known at the Cape by the beautiful Strelitziee of the southern coast districts); and has also affinities, though more remote, with the Order Inmrm. Orchids are distinguished from all other plants by four chief characters :—(1) By the consolidation of the stamens and pistil into a common mass, which is called the column; (2) by the suppression of all the anthers (normally six), except one, in the vast majority of the Order, or except two in Cypripediez ; (3) by the peculiar condition and arrangement of its pollen and the anther which contains it; (4) by the very general development of one of the petals (the lip, or labellum) in an excessive degree, or different or unusual form. To these may be added, ‘great variety of habit and diversity of station ; the immense variety of its peculiar and highly-specialized flowers; and the un- usually large number of seeds produced in one capsule.” * While it is often extremely difficult for the inexperienced botanist to understand the true nature of the peculiarities of the flowers of Orchids, yet their characters are so distinctly marked that a very short acquaintance enables the beginner to recognise an Orchid when he sees one. The extreme irregularity and variety in the structure and position of the floral organs of this Order led to a close investigation of their homologies by Robert Brown, Lindley, and Darwin. The following are the conclusions arrived at by the last-named, after a laborious * Herm. Miiller, ‘On the Fertilisation of Flowers.’ 76 INTRODUCTION. examination, in which he traced all the spiral vessels longitudinally upwards from the ovary, as stated in greater detail in his celebrated work on ‘ The Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilised by Insects,’ ed. 2 (1882), p. 235, et seg. Darwin’s remarks are illustrated by a figure, which I have copied below. Odd sepal. la = =— 1 fe) Side petal..__ _ Side petal. s r Oy, me) ss “ op 4 bo oO a Side sepal.-“~ “>.. Side sepal. Labellum or lip. SECTION or THE FrLowerR or AN OrcHID. (From Darwin.) The little circles show the position of the spiral vessels. ss. Stigmas; §,, stigma modified into a,,@,. Rudimentary anthers of the in- the rostellum. ner whorl (fertile in Cypripedium) A,. Fertile anther of the outer whorl; generally forming the clinandrium ; A,,A,, anthers of the same whorl a,, third anther of the same whorl, combined with the lower petal when present, forming the front of forming the labellum. the column. (Norr.—In most Orchids the odd sepal is posticous, that is, situate behind the rest of the flower, and next to the axis of growth. This is owing to a twist in the ovary which takes place during growth, and sometimes untwists after maturity. But in all the Satyria, in one section of Disa, and in some other Cape Orchids, the position is exactly reversed; that is, the ovary is never twisted, and the odd sepal and lip are then in their normal position, viz., anticous and posticous, respectively.) “The fifteen little circles represent so many groups of spiral vessels, in every case traced down to one of the six large ovarian groups. They alternate in five whorls, as represented; but I have not attempted to give the actual distances at which they stand apart. In order to guide the eye the three central groups running to the three pistils are connected by a triangle.” (Darwin, ib.) INTRODUCTION. 77 An Orchid-flower properly, therefore, consists of fifteen organs arranged in five whorls or circles. Beginning from the outside there are: (1st whorl) 8 sepals; (2nd whorl) 3 petals, of which one is called the lip ; (8rd whorl) 38 anthers, one only of which is fertile in most Orchids ; (4th whorl) 8 stamens, which are undeveloped in all Orchids, excepting in Cypripediew, where two are fertile; (5th whorl) 3 pistils. In most Orchids the two suppressed stamens of the onter whorl are continued into the lip, and there appear as lobes, wings, calli, fringes, or other appendages; and this view of the nature of the lip explains its large size, its frequently-tripartite form, and especially the manner of its coherence to the column, unlike that of other petals. Of the sup- pressed anthers of the inner whorl, two often appear as papille, auricles, or tubercles (as in many of the Cape Dis and Satyria), while the third is absorbed into the face of the column. Of the three stigmas, two are usually confluent (yet often distinctly separated in the Cape genera, Disperis, Corycium, Pterygodium, and Ceratandra), and the third is modified into the rostellum. No such organ as the last- named exists in any other group of plants. Its function is to secrete viscid matter for the purpose of attaching the pollen-masses to an insect’s body, and, though homologically a stigma, it has lost the capacity of being penetrated by the pollen-tubes. ‘‘ There is every reason to believe that the whole of this upper stigma, and not merely a part, has been converted into the rostellum ; for there are plenty of cases of two stigmas, but not one of three stigmatic surfaces being present in those Orchids which have a rostellum. On the other hand, in Cypripedium and Apostasia, which are destitute of a rostellum, the stigmatic surface is trifid’’ (ib. p. 248). In concluding this portion of his subject Darwin observes :—-‘‘ It is interesting to look at one of the magnificent exotic species, or indeed at one of our humblest forms, and observe how profoundly it has been modified, as compared with all ordinary flowers,—with its great labellum, formed of one petal and two petaloid stamens,—with its singular pollen-masses, hereafter to be referred to,—with its column formed of seven cohering organs, of which three alone perform their proper function, namely, one anther and two generally confluent stigmas,—with the third stigma modified into the rostellum and incapable of being fertilised,—and with three of the anthers no longer functionally active, but serving either to protect the pollen of the fertile anther, or to strengthen the column, or existing as mere rudiments, or entirely suppressed. What an amount of modification, cohesion, abortion, and change of function do we here see! Yet, hidden in that column, with its surrounding petals and sepals, we know - that there are fifteen groups of vessels, arranged three within three, in alternate order, which probably have been preserved to the present B 2 78 INTRODUCTION. time from being developed at a very early period of growth, before the shape or existence of any part of the flower is of importance for the well-being of the plant. ‘‘Can we feel satisfied by saying that each Orchid was created, exactly as we now see it, on a certain ‘ideal type’; that the omnipotent Creator, having fixed on one plan for the whole Order, did not depart from this plan; that He, therefore, made the same organ to perform diverse functions,—often of trifling importance compared with their proper function,—converted other organs into mere purposeless rudi- ments, and arranged all as if they had to stand separate, and then made them cohere? Is it not a more simple and intelligible view that all the Orchidee owe what they have in common, to descent from some monocotyledonous plant, which, like so many other plants of the same class, possessed fifteen organs, arranged alternately three within three in five whorls ; and that the now wonderfully-changed structure of the flower is due to a long course of slow modification,—each modification having been preserved which was useful to the plant, during the in- cessant changes to which the organic and inorganic world has been exposed ?”’ (ib. pp. 245, 246). Not only have Orchids attracted attention by the beauty and singularity of their flowers, and by the long-hidden secrets of their structure, but also on account of the wonderful complexity and diversity in the contrivances for their fecundation, which, in the great majority of the Order, is effected solely by the agency of insects, and for the most part appears to be specially designed to ensure cross- fertilisation. There are remarkable exceptions, but the general rule is as above stated. On this subject the student is referred to the classical work of Darwin named above, where it is treated with entrancing interest. II.—Tue Care Penrinsvuna. The Cape Peninsula is a tract of land about 40 miles long, varying in width from about 8 to 11 miles, and connected with the continent by a broad and low sandy isthmus of 11 miles wide. As I have taken it, for this and other purposes, it is bounded by a line drawn 3 miles east and north-east of the main road which runs from Cape Town to Simonstown, and has a total area of 1974 square miles, being thus about one-fourth larger than the Isle of Wight, which contains 155 square miles. A great part of its surface is occupied by a central mountain-range, running north and south from Table Mountain (the highest part, and which attains an elevation of 8562 feet) to the southern extremity at Cape Point. The exposed rocks are, for the most part, sandstone on the moun- tains, with patches of the underlying clay-slate, and also granite; on the low ground are sandy downs of considerable extent. INTRODUCTION. 79 The climate is temperate; the mean annual temperature 61° F. ; frosts on the low ground are rare, and even on the mountain-tops snow is an unusual occurrence and never lies for more than a few hours. The average annual rainfall varies in different localities from 23 to about 60 inches, and two-thirds of it fall during the winter months of May, June, July, and August; the warmth of the summer months being tempered by the prevalent southerly winds of that season. In many respects the climate resembles that of the Riviera. The steep ravines of the mountains are filled with indigenous shrubs or trees, while their sides are in many places dotted with the silver-tree (Leucadendron argenteum) ; at their feet are scattered bushes or copses of imported pines and oak; all else, including the sandy downs of the isthmus, is covered with a heath-like growth of small dull-coloured shrublets, from one to three feet in height, yet not closely, but interspersed with a great variety of herbs, Restiacex, grasses, and bulbous plants. Stretches of grasses, or grass-like plants, occur in a few places where the bushes by continued burning and grazing have been eradicated, but are not common. Surface-water, except for a few months of the rainy season, is deficient, and aquatic plants, though not absolutely wanting, are not abundant either in species or individuals. IJI.—Orcuips In RELATION TO THE FLORA OF THE PENINSULA. The Flora of the Peninsula, so far as yet known, consists of about 1750 species of flowering plants. It will thus be seen that the Order OrcuDE® (of which 102 species are enumerated in this book) occupy, for a Flora of the temperate zone, an extremely high position, viz., fourth (after Composirm, Lecuminosm, and Ericacez), and actually constituting 5°8 per cent. of the whole. The Cape Peninsula forms a portion of the great South-western Region of the Cape, the Flora of which is so remarkably different from that of any other part of Africa, and presents so many striking affinities with that of Southern, and especially South-western, Australia. The Orcuipe®, however, assume a much higher position in respect of number of species, in the Peninsula, than they do in the S.W. Region of the Cape as a whole, the Order only ranking tenth in number in the latter. There is little doubt that they here reach their maximum for South Africa, and are probably even more numerous than in any area of equal extent on the whole continent. As the floral affinity of this Region with Australia has been referred to, it must be added that in respect of the Orcumem of both countries scarcely any relationship is to be traced, and that on the contrary the divergences are considerable. In Australia the tribes Vander and Neottiex chiefly prevail (Ophrydex being restricted to two species) ; while on the Cape Peninsula the Vande are few (six species), the 80 INTRODUCTION. Neottieze completely absent, and the Ophrydex constitute 93 per cent. of all Cape Peninsular Orchids. There are only two genera common to both, viz., Liparis and Eulophia, which, however, are of almost world-wide distribution; and not a single identical species. These divergences would, of course, not be inconsistent with the pro- bability of the ancient genetic connection of the vegetation of Australiaand South-western South Africa (and with the hypothesis of the continuity of the land between them in some remote geological period), especially if the supposition of the comparatively recent development of the Order Orcuive® should hereafter be strengthened by more direct evidence of its truth. We should then infer that the Order had become differentiated in each region at a period much later than the Orders ProrEacem and Restiace®, so distinctively characteristic of both countries, and perhaps subsequent to the submergence of the land which connected them. One of the most marked characteristics of the Order in South Africa, and also, as will be seen, on the Cape Peninsula, is the presence of the Coryciew, regarded by Bentham (in the ‘Genera Plantarum’) as a sub-tribe of the Ophrydex. The structure of the column in this group is often very singular, and presents peculiarities which separate it widely from all other Cape Orchids. One of these is the tendency to a separation of the two stigmas which are most usually confluent. In some species the stigma is merely bilobed; but in others there are two, situate on either side of the column, and widely distant from each other. A second peculiarity is the great degree of cohesion between the lip and the column. The Corycie are almost confined to Southern Africa. Of the four recognised genera, three are strictly so; while of the fourth, Disperis, two-thirds of the species are also thus restricted, the remainder crossing the tropic, with outliers in the Mascarene Islands, and one in India. Of the 46 known South-African species of this sub-tribe, 22 occur on the Cape Peninsula. TV.—Comparison witH THE OrcHtp-FLoRA OF OTHER COUNTRIES. In comparing the Orchid-Flora of the Cape Peninsula with that of other countries we are met by the difficulty of finding regions of about the same size, in the same latitude, and existing under somewhat similar physical conditions. These may be sought in vain; and we can only avail ourselves of instances which approximate in some slight degree to those of the region here treated of. In Montevideo, lying in nearly the same latitude as Cape Town, there are recorded in Gibert’s ‘Knumeratio Plantarum sponte nas- centium in agro Montevidensi’ (Montevideo, 1878) 5 genera and 11 species of Orchids. But, unfortunately, the author gives no information as to the area of the region he has investigated. INTRODUCTION. 81 In the whole of Chili, according to Philippi’s ‘ Catalogus Plantarum Vascularum Chilensium’ (Santiago de Chili, 1881), there are 51038 species of flowering plants, of which 104 are Orchids, belonging to 7 genera. Near Sydney (New South Wales), Mr. Fitzgerald, the author of the splendid work, ‘Australian Orchids’ (Sydney, 1882, &c.), states that ‘within the radius of a mile I have obtained sixty-two species of Orchids, fifty-seven of which were terrestrial—a number that could not, I believe, be equalled in any other part of the world within a similar area”’ (/.c. p. 4). Certainly no such concentration would be found on the Cape Peninsula. It is not stated, however, whether the number would be greatly increased by a further extension of the area; and it may be mentioned that in F'. von Miller’s ‘Systematic Census of Australian Plants’ (Melbourne, 1882) only 252 species, belonging to 46 genera, are enumerated for the whole of Australia; whereas in all extra-Tropical 8. Africa, with an area only one-fifth as large as that of Australia, about 320 species of Orchids are known. In the island of Tasmania there are, according to F. von Miiller’s ‘Systematic Census,’ wt supra, 957 species of flowering plants; and 21 genera with 64 species of Orchids. In the whole of Western Australia, south of the Tropic of Capricorn, there are, according to the same authority (including Supplements of 1885 and 1886), 38272 species of flowering plants; of these 75 are Orchids belonging to 18 genera. Hong-Kong, the well-known island on the coast of China, only 29 square miles in extent, has, according to Bentham’s ‘Flora Hong- kongensis’ (London, 1861), about 1056 flowering plants, of which 36 are Orchids belonging to 27 different genera. Sicily, with an area of 8000 square miles, has, according to Gus- sone’s ‘Flore Siculee Synopsis’ (Naples, 1844), 60 species of Orchids, belonging to 14 genera. Madeira, although it has an area of about 300 square miles, thus larger than the Cape Peninsula, and with a Flora of 710 species of flowering plants (Capt. Norman, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. v. xvii. 83-86), has only 4 species of Orchids. The last-named island is situate about 400 miles from the nearest African coast, and strikingly illustrates the paucity of Orchids in insular Floras which has been pointed out by Hemsley (‘ Report on the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘Challenger”’,’ Botany, vol. i., London, 1885, Introduction, p. 27), who gives a considerable list in evidence, from which I have extracted the above. The islands previously cited are not to be regarded as possessing insular, but rather continental, Floras, being, from a phyto-geographical point of view, merely portions of the great continents near which they are situate. 82 INTRODUCTION. The following summary of the foregoing facts affords good evidence of the richness of the Cape Peninsula in Orchids, and shows that it is only surpassed, if indeed it be surpassed, by some portions of Australia :— Area in Total square Flowering ORCHIDS. Lat. miles. Plants. Genera. Species. Cape Peninsula ee wis. ss 34785 197 about 1750 10 102 Montevideo .. .. «2 «- 34° S. not stated. ae 5 11 eee sf oe os «6s. 20°—S0TR = 5103 7 104 Western Australia (Extra-trop.) 23°—35° S. -- 3272 18 75 Sydney (spot near).. .. .. 34° 8. 3 Be 23 62 Tasmania., .. «2 «+ «+ 41°—438°§. 24,000 957 21 64 [ELS GAC BO Sear 22° 'N. 29 1056 27 36 Picky eee se) es ce fe) oe 37°38 NOOUO a8 14 60 WE So) 55. ooo 33 Ne 600 710 Ae 4 V.—Disrrisution oF GENERA AND SPECIES. Of the ten genera represented on the Peninsula, four, viz., Bartho- lina, Corycium, Pterygodium, and Ceratandra, are exclusively confined to South Africa, Holothrix, Disa, Satyrium, and Disperis attain their maximum in South Africa, but have outliers in other parts of Africa, and the Mascarene Islands,—besides one species of each of the two last-named in the Indian Peninsula. Lastly, Liparis and Eulophia are very widely distributed over almost the whole globe. The distribution of the species is, however, much more restricted. Out of the 102 recorded on the Peninsula, only one as yet has been even said to be found beyond Southern Africa, viz., Liparis Capensis, which was thought by Dr. Hooker to have been discovered by Mann on the Cameroons Mountain,* where some other typical Cape plants have also been detected. Of the remainder— 1 extends northward into Namaqualand (Karroo Region). 52 extend eastward and northward within the Western Province (South-western Region). 15 extend eastward through the last-named districts into the Sub- Tropical Region. 33 have not yet been recorded beyond the limits of the Cape Peninsula. The last number will, however, doubtless be reduced as botanical exploration, hitherto very incomplete, is further extended. * The locality given is ‘‘ Cameroons Mountain, alt. 6.00—7000 ft. (Frt. Dec.)— A small species, in fruit only, but clearly the same as L. Capensis.”—Dr. J. D. Hooker, in ‘ Journal of the Linnean Society,’ vol. vii. (1864), p. 218.—I have seen Mann’s specimens, which certainly greatly resemble those of L. Capensis, but cannot regard the identification as sufficiently certain in the absence of flowers. INTRODUCTION. 83 VI.—ILEVATION ABOVE THE SEA-LEVEL. Most of the species are confined either to the mountains, or to the ‘‘Flats,” as the low, sandy downs of the isthmus are termed; but a considerable number nevertheless enjoy a wide range of elevation. For convenience they may be broadly divided into three groups, as follows :— I.—Species which do not ascend the mountains to a greater elevation than 500 feet. Kulophia cochlearis. Bartholina pectinata. Holothrix Mundtii. Satyrium emarcidum, §S. marginatum, §S. Hallackii, S. bracteatum, var. lineatum. Disa emula, D. barbata, D. venusta, D. lugens, D. cernua, D. flexuosa, D. bifida. Disperis secunda. Corycium bicolorum, C. orobanchoides. Pterygodium cruciferum, P. Volucris, P. alatum. Total, 20 species. II.—Species which do not descend into the plain to a lower elevation than 500 feet. (The numbers indicate the observed height, or, where two numbers are given, the range in feet, above the level of the sea, approximately.) Eulophia tristis, 1200; EK. tabularis, 1400-23800; E. aculeata, 1500-8550; KE. ustulata, 1200. Holothrix condensata, 2800; H. gracilis (height not recorded) ; H. parvifolia, 2400. Satyrium rhynchanthum, 1100-3000; §. ochroleucum, 1500; S. foliosum, 3300; §S. lupulinum, 500-1200; S. ligulatum, 2500; §. bicallosum, 600-2500; §. Lindleyanum, 800; S. bracteatum var. nanum, 800; §. saxicolum, 1000-2400; S. striatum, 1200. Disa longicornu, 2100-8000 ; D. maculata, 1200-1600 ; D. uniflora, 1100-8300; D. ocellata, 3800; D. tenuicornis, 2500; D. tabu- laris, 2500-3300; D. obtusa, 800-2400; D. cylindrica, 2400- 3500; D. lineata, 2700; D. racemosa, 800-2500; D. venosa, 2400; D. tenuifolia, 800-2500; D. patens, 1100-1300; D. Harveiana, 1500-2500; OD. glandulosa, 1600-3000; D. vaginata, 1400-2500; D. rosea, 1400-8300; D. Richardiana, 2500-8400; D. Bodkini, 2300-8000; D. melaleuca, 1300- 8300; D. atricapilla, 1800; D. fasciata, 1500-2700; D. grami- 84 INTRODUCTION. nifolia, 1200-3500; D. purpurascens, 800-1100; D. ferruginea, 1800-8500; D. pygmea, 1300; D. ophrydea, 1400-2500 ; D. affinis, 1400-2500; D. reticulata, 2000-2800; D. torta, 2000; D. inflexa, 2500-3550; D. obliqua, 1000-2300 ; D. clavigera (height not recorded). Disperis paludosa, —2500. Corycium bifidum (height not recorded). Pterygodium platypetalum, 1800; P. acutifolium, 1400-3500; P. carnosum, 1800-8550. Ceratandra bicolor, 1800-2400; C. Harveiana, 2400; C. globosa, 3000 ; C. parviflora (height not recorded), Total, 59 species. II1.—Species which are found growing above, and also below, an elevation of 500 feet. Liparis Capensis, 50-2500. Kulophia lamellata, 50-1400. Bartholina Ethele, 150-1000. Holothrix squamulosa, 50-2500; H. villosa, 50-2400. Satyrium carneum, 100-800; §. candidum, 50-2400; S. bicorne, 50-2500; S. coriifolium, 50-700; S. odorum, 50-2500. Disa cornuta, 50-8550 ; D. tenella (height not recorded) ; D. tenuis, 100-1400; D. multiflora, 100-600; D. micrantha, 50-3550 ; D. rufescens, 100-8300. Disperis capensis, 50-8500; D. cucullata, 200-800; D. villosa, 50-600. Corycium excisum, 50-800. Pterygodium catholicum, 50-800; P. caffrum, 200-800. Ceratandra chloroleuca, 50-8500. Total, 23 species. From the foregoing it will be seen that certain species have a very considerable vertical range; fifteen enjoying a range of from 2000 to 3000 feet, and six species a range of more than 3000 feet. This peculiarity is shared in common with many other flowering-plants on the same spot, and is doubtless due to the equability of the temperature and of the moisture of the atmosphere of the Peninsula at different elevations, owing to its close proximity on nearly every side to the sea. It stands in marked contrast to the results of differences of elevation on the mountains a short distance inland. VII.—Cotour anp Opour oF THE FLOWERS. The colours of the flowers of Orchids play an important part, as is well known, in the economy of their fertilisation. Blue and red INTRODUCTION. 85 flowers have been supposed to be the most attractive colours to insects; yellow and green less so; while white flowers are probably most visited by night-moths. It is not always easy to define accurately and briefly the colours of Cape Orchids, since they are often variously combined in the same flower. I have endeavoured to arrange them in groups as to their predominant colours, with the following results :— GEOR ie eiic cesses 9 species. Weollow | .........600......00ne 3, en MSPOWT ci ics occ ssc 5 eee. ee Bae PGO 22s Ai Sivcisccd ss eass. ee ae Blue and blue-purple ......... 2”), WRG 20 .5...652. 00.0.0... io)", Liparis has green flowers; Eulophia, brown, yellow, and white ; Bartholina, purple and white; Satyrium, all colours named above, except blue; Disa, all the colours named above; Disperis, red, yellow, and green; Corycium, yellow and white; Pterygodium, yellow and purple; Ceratandra, yellow, white, and red. With respect to the odours exhaled by the different species, it is noticeable that, speaking generally, those of red hues are the least fragrant; those with white flowers most so. The scent of some (chiefly species with yellow flowers, as Corycium orobanchoides, Pterygodiwn catholicum, &c.) is often heavy and unpleasant. VIIL.—Ferrinisation oF THE FLOWERS. The fact that a vast number of Orchids, if not the great majority of species, are fertilised by insect agency only, has already been mentioned. I have not observed the actual process in any Peninsular species, although it is certain that a large number are so fertilised. M. Peringuey, an able and experienced entomologist, who has resided several years in Cape Town, has informed me that he has never captured or seen any insect with the pollinia of an orchid adhering to it. I add, however, a few notes made upon specimens gathered, which show evidences of the removal of pollinia by insects, or of fertilised capsules. Bartholina pectinata.—The method of fertilisation of this species is very similar to that of Orchis mascula, as described by Darwin, and is a useful illustration for beginners in the study of Cape Orchids. The process may be readily understood if a fine-pointed pencil be introduced into the throat of the flower, and then withdrawn. It will be observed that the pollinia adhere by the viscid glands, and stand upright upon the pencil-point, making a right angle with it, exactly as they would do upon the head of any insect seeking to rifle the flower of its honey. 86 INTRODUCTION. But in this position the pollinia would be useless, since they could never reach the stigma, as may easily be seen if the observer immediately attempts to re-introduce the pollinia on the pencil; but in from two to three seconds the caudicles or stalks of the pollen-masses become bent forward, through an arc of 90 degrees, into a line with the pencil, which, if then re-introduced, will carry the pollen-masses exactly on to the viscid stigma, and some of the grains of the former will adhere to it so as to fertilise it. This delay, before the caudicles bend forward, probably prevents the fertilisation of a flower by its own pollen, and, the insect then flying to another flower, affords the probability of cross-fertilisation, which Darwin has shown to be generally so advantageous to plants. In the case of Orchis mascula, the bending did not take place until after an interval averaging thirty seconds. Robert Brown had previously pointed out another arrangement, which is common amongst the tribe Ophrydex :—‘ The stigma is very viscid, but not so viscid as, when touched by a pollinium, to pull the whole off an insect’s head, or off a pencil, yet sufficiently viscid to break the elastic threads by which the packets of pollen-grains are tied together, and leave some of them on the stigma. Hence a pollinium attached to an insect or to a pencil can be applied to many stigmas, and will fertilise all.” (Darwin, ‘ On the various contrivances by which Orchids are fertilised by Insects,’ 2nd ed., p. 18.) The process here described is, in its main features, that most common in all the Ophrydee. It may, however, be even more plainly seen in some of the larger Disas and Satyriums than in this species. Disperis Capensis.—In September, 1884, I examined 100 flowers of this species, and found that 13 had been visited by insects, of which only 7 had been fertilised. The details were as follows :— Both pollinia in situ ...... 88 stigma pollinated ......... 1 One pollinium removed... 2 rs Pm doko er 2 Both pollinia removed ... 10 Eh SO Me Eee 4 The pollinia cannot be removed by the wind, or by a blow. The viscid dise of the pollinary glands appeared to be wanting in adhesive- ness. In this species and in several others which I examined, the caudicle, which may be said to extend the whole length of the pollinium, becomes strongly revolute in less than a second after withdrawal from the cell, in such manner that the granules (which are disposed in a secund order along each margin) stand out at a wide angle, and are then well adapted for striking the stigma when approaching it from very different directions. This is shown, as to another species, in Plate 19, fig. 6, though less forcibly, because the sranules and the curve are both smaller in that than in the present INTRODUCTION. 87 species. This arrangement is most probably correlated with the habits of the insect which effects its fertilisation. Ihave never been fortunate enough to find the insect, which may be some night-moth, though the colour of the flower is rather dingy, and it has very little scent. On the other hand, I have failed to find any nectar in its galea, or in the pouches of its side sepals; it may, however, be present in the surface- tissues. Whatever the method, it appears sufficiently effective, since it is a common plant, appearing very regularly every year, the individuals mostly scattered, but sometimes growing closer together and in some abundance along mountain streams. Disperis villosa.—The fertilisation of the flowers in this species appears to be but slightly more frequent than in D. Capensis. I examined 108 flowers gathered on 16th, 17th, and 18th Sept., 1884. Of these 28 had been visited by insects, and 8 had been fertilised. The following exhibits the details :— Both pollinia in situ ...... 81 stigmas pollinated ......... 6 One pollinium removed... 17 ol Be Pet SEs che i Both pollinia removed ... 5 J eee eee 1 Pterygodium catholicum.—In Sept., 1884, I examined 55 flowers from 16 different plants. Of these 16 had been visited by insects, 15 had one or both pollinia removed, while 5 had been fertilised. There are, however, grounds for suspecting that some Orchids have, perhaps by the dying-out of the species of insect which is alone fitted to effect fertilisation, ceased, or are gradually ceasing, to perpetuate themselves by seed, and are now propagated by new annual tubers only. This was suggested by a writer in ‘Trimen’s Journal of Botany,’ vol. v. (1876), p. 251, in regard to the Orchids of Australia, which, he thinks, may be ‘in a special condition, inasmuch as energy is now being directed towards vegetative as opposed to sexually reproductive existence. This is evinced by the wonderful development of tubers and roots, some of which latter organs, we believe, may possibly be found to be modified leaves.” So long ago as 1863, Mr. Roland Trimen, F.R.S., contributed to the Linnean Society a note on this subject, so far as it is illustrated by the life-history of Disa grandiflora, which was published in the ‘ Lin- nean Society’s Journal’ (Bot.), vol. vii. (1864), p. 144, with an excellent drawing. He observes :—‘‘ When I examined the plants, most of the flowers were partially withered; but in the greater number, even in those quite withered, both pollinia were still in their cases; in not one instance had both been removed ; but in several flowers one had been carried away. In some of the withered flowers the pollinia protruded 88 INTRODUCTION. from the anther-case; and in a few instances the upper sepal, in curling inwards, had touched the disc, and had drawn out the pollinium ; but I saw no case in which the pollen-grains had thus reached the stigma. Considering how well-stored the nectary is with honey, it is surprising that the flowers are not more regularly visited ; but as the nectar fills the lower part alone of the nectary, only insects with a long proboscis could reach it; and perhaps the larger moths are rare at the elevation at which this plant grows. The remarkably brilliant colours, however, of the flower probably indicate that it is attractive to some day-flying Hymenopterous or Lepidopterous insect. However this may be, the infrequency with which the pollen-masses are removed offers a nearly parallel case to that described by Mr. Darwin, of the extremely imperfect fertilisation of the Ophrys muscifera in England.’ Mr. Trimen has since informed me that he had never found any trace of insect agency. I have never seen a matured seed-vessel, nor been able to detect any insect employed in its fertilisation. On its native mountains it has a wide range of altitude, grows vigorously in dense masses, or at least several together, being apparently propagated exclusively by the formation of new tubers, and isolated plants (such as might be expected if it seeded freely) are rarely to be seen. Considering the brilliant colour of the flowers these facts are remarkable, and seem to point to the extinction of the insect by which this species was originally fertilised. If we seek still further for the cause of such extinction, the suggestion might be hazarded that it may be due to repeated bush-fires which, some observers think, may have been prevalent for a period long prior to the advent of Europeans in South Africa, and have played a very important part in the modification both of animals and plants in this region. The preceding remarks under this head show little more than our ignorance of the processes of fertilisation of the Peninsular Orchids generally, or of what species are propagated by tubers exclusively. The latter are probably extremely few in number, since in Satyrium and Disa, our two largest genera, most of the species bear seed abundantly. The field of investigation is large and deeply interesting, and will afford a rich harvest of results to those who may have the time and patience to labour in it. IX.—Periop or FLowerinc. The majority of the species flower in spring and early summer ; yet there is no month (excepting, perhaps, April, in some unfavourable year) in which some Orchid may not be found in flower on the Peninsula. Beginning in April, sometimes even before the first INTRODUCTION. 89 winter rains, Disa tenuis may be gathered near the Kenilworth race- course, though its thin spikes of greenish flowers are by no means easy to discover. In the same month I have gathered Liparis Capensis on the southern slopes of Table Mountain, and in May near Rondebosch. Both these continue flowering in various stations until June; they are succeeded in July by Disperis Capensis, scattered every- where over the Flats. All the foregoing have green or dull-coloured flowers, produced at the season when, bright as it often is between the rains, there is not less certainly the minimum of sunshine. A note of brighter colour is struck when Satyrium coriifolium, with its orange flowers, begins to stud the Flats in the latter part of July; and when Disa obliqua appears on the sandy slopes of Muizenberg. In August these are joined by Satyriwn odorum; and then come on rapidly Disperis villosa and D. cucullata, Pterygodium catholicum, Corycium orobanchoides, &ec. In October probably the maximum is reached ; but November and December are still rich on the mountains, though the Orchids on the Flats have by that time disappeared. After December the number rapidly diminishes, yet the peerless Disa uniflora is in its glory on the rivulets of Table Mountain in February. The last to linger are the lovely blue Disa graminifolia and the flame-coloured D. ferruginea, which may often be found until late in March. The three last named are the brilliant product of the unclouded summer sun ; and with them Nature gloriously closes, as in a gorgeous and many-coloured sunset, the splendid array of these beauties of the floral year. 90 CHIEF COLLECTORS OF ORCHIDS ON THE CAPE PENINSULA. (LIVING COLLECTORS EXCLUDED). Aver, Johann Andreas: b. Stollberg, 1711; d. Swellendam, Cape of Good Hope, subsequent to 1805. Arrived at the Cape in 1747. Became superintendent of the Dutch East India Company’s Garden near Cape Town. He made considerable collections, which fell chiefly into the hands of the Burmanns of Amsterdam. A portion was pur- chased at the Cape by one Michiel Grubb, a Swedish merchant returning from China to Stockholm, who handed them over to Pehr Jonas Berg. The latter described from them, in 1767, a number of new genera and species, including the celebrated Disa uniflora, which Auge was thus probably the first to introduce to the knowledge of Europeans. He was subsequently, for a time, guide and companion both of Thunberg and Masson. Berets, C. W. A collector who resided in Cape Town in the early part of this century. Died prior to 1826 (see Schlectendal in ‘Linnea,’ vol. 1. (1826) p. 250). His collections are in the Berlin Herbarium, Bowie, James: b. ; d. 1869. A gardener from Kew. Arrived at the Cape in 1817; returned to England in 1823. Again returned to the Cape in 1827, where he remained until his death. His collections do not appear to have been numerous or important. Burcuertt William James: b. 1781; d. 1868. Arrived at the Cape in 1810, as a traveller of independent means. He remained in South Africa until 1815, and during the interval made journeys extending beyond Kuruman northward and to the mouth of the Fish River eastward. His specimens were excellently preserved, and their value enhanced by the Geographical Catalogue, in which the dates and stations of collection were carefully registered. He ascended Table Mountain more than once, and several orchids of the Peninsula were first discovered by him. A few were named by him in manuscript and adopted by Lindley, but Burchell did not himself publish any descriptions of Orchids. Drege, Johann Francis: b. Altona ; d. Altona, 1881. Arrived at the Cape in 1826, for the purpose of making general collections in natural history, but chiefly of plants, for sale. During eight years he CHIEF COLLECTORS OF ORCHIDS 91 made the most extensive and systematic journeys which have ever been effected throughout South Africa, reaching to Port Natal on the east, and to the mouth of the Orange River on the west. His collection of plants was enormous, and in this respect his work has never been equalled. They included many Orchids from the Peninsula, of which those new to science were described by Lindley. Ecxton, Christian Friedrich: b. Apenrade, Schleswig-Holstein, 1795; d. Cape Town, 1868. Arrived at the Cape in 1823: travelled extensively throughout South Africa for many years, collecting plants for sale, for the most part in conjunction with Zeyher. Their Orchids were worked by Dr. Sonder, of Hamburg. Harvey, William Henry: b. near Limerick, 1811; d. Torquay, 1866. Arrived in the Colony in 1885; collected only in the Western Districts, and for the most part near Cape Town. His Orchids were partly described by Lindley. He was a botanist of European reputation, and an acute observer. He made drawings of plants and taught himself lithography while in Cape Town, for the purpose of publishing them. Krauss, Ferdinand: Arrived in the Colony in 1888 and travelled for two years in the western and eastern coast districts and in Natal. He does not seem to have discovered any novelties, but his collections were numbered and distributed. Masson, Francis: b. Aberdeen, 1741; d. Montreal, 1805. Was an under gardener at Kew. First visited the Cape in 1772, and returned in 1775 ; again arrived in the Colony in 1786 and remained until 1795.* Made many journeys, collected living plants, seeds and dried specimens; also made some excellent drawings of Peninsular and other Cape Orchids, now preserved in the British Museum, South Kensington. Was the companion of Thunberg on one of the latter’s journeys. OupEnBuRG, D.: b. ; d. 1774. A Swedish private soldier, who accompanied Masson as a servant during part of his stay at the Cape, and made considerable botanical collections. Parpg, Karl W. Ludwig, M.D.: b. Hamburg, 1808; d. Cape Town, 1862. Was for some time Colonial Botanist. Collected plants chiefly in the western districts, and especially about Cape Town, but did not publish any descriptions of Cape Orchids. Sparrman, Andreas: b. 1748; d. 1820. A Swede. Arrived at the Cape in March, 1772, and soon made several excursions in company with his compatriot Thunberg. Captain Cook’s expedition with the Forsters on board, arriving in November of the same year, he joined them and sailed in the ‘ Resolution’ for New Zealand, &c., returning with them in March, 1775. In July he undertook an extensive journey into the interior and returned with large collections in April, 1776. * Britten in ‘Journal of Botany,’ vol. xxii. (1884), pp. 114—123. © 92 OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. Tuunserc, Carl Pehr, M.D.: b. Jénképing in Sweden, 1748; d. Upsala, 1828. The ‘‘ Father of Cape Botany.” Arrived at the Cape in 1772, and spent three years in travelling and assiduously collecting. The Orchids, the greater part of which were new to science and in- cluded many from the Cape Peninsula, were partly described by himself, but the greater part by Swartz, about the year 1800. Verreaux, the Younger. Arrived at the Cape in 1827 and remained until 1829, exploring especially the Cape Peninsula, after- wards visiting other parts of the Colony. His specimens are in the Lessertian Herbarium. Wricut, C.S.: b. Connecticut, U.S.A., 1811; d. 1885. Arrived at Simon’s Bay, in Ringgold’s U. 8. North Pacific Exploring Expe- dition, in 1853. Remained six weeks, and made a large collection of plants in the neighbourhood, including several Orchids. ZevHER, Karl Ludwig Philip: b. Dillenberg, Germany, 1799; d. Cape Town, 1858. Arrived at the Cape in 1828, and travelled over a considerable part of South Africa, reaching northward as far as the Magaliesbergen. He collected in company with C. F. Ecklon, for sale. Their Orchids were described by Dr. Sonder. 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-AFRICAN ORCHIDS. AnpreEws, Henry C. Botanists’ Repository, &c. London, 1799-1811. 10 vols. 4to, 664 col. plates, with corresponding text.—Contains but very few South-African Orchids. Bauer, Franz, see Linpuey. Beretius, Petrus Jonas: b. 1780; d. 1790. Descriptiones Plantarum e Capite Bone Spei. Holmiez, 1767. 8vo, 860 pp., 5 plates.—Describes the genus Disa and the species D, uniflora (D. grandiflora, Linneus fil.). Bouuvs, Harry. Notes on some Cape Orchids, in Journal of Linnean Society (Bot.), vol. xix. (1882), pp. 233-238. List of Published Species of Cape Orchidee, /. ¢., pp. 385-347. Contributions to South-African Botany, Orchidee, /.c., vol. xx. (1884), pp. 467-488. Ditto, Part 2, with additional notes by N. E. Brown, A.L.§., l.c., Vol. xxii. (1885), pp. 65-80, with plate.-—The two latter papers describe several new species of Orchids. Brown, Robert: b. 1773; d. 1858. Hortus Kewensis, ed. 2. London. 8vo. Vol. v. (1813).—Describes several species. Brown, N. E. Terrestrial Orchids of South Africa, in the Gardeners’ Chronicle, vol. xxiv. (1885), pp. 135, 231, 307, 831, 402. Buxsaum, Johann Christian: b. 16938; d. 1730. Plantarum minus cognitarum, CenturiaI., II. Petropoli, 1728, 4to; Cent. IIL., ib., 1729, 4to.—The last century contains figures of several Cape Orchids, which, though poorly executed, appear to be the earliest on record. Curtis, William: b. 1746; d. 1799. The Botanical Magazine, &c. London, 1787-1887. 118 vols. large 8vo, 6972 col. plates, with text; still continuing.—Contains a considerable number of figures of South-African Orchids. co 2 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-AFRICAN ORCHIDS. Drice, Johann Francis: d. 1881. Zwei Pflanzengeographische Documente von J. I. Drége, nebst einer Hinleitung von Dr. E. Meyer, Prof. in Kénigsberg (Besondere Beigabe zur Flora, 1843. Band 2). No imprint or date. Printed as a supplement to the botanical journal ‘Flora.’ Regensburg, 1848. 8vo, 230 pp., with map.—There are no new species described, but valuable records of stations of Orchids on the Peninsula and elsewhere. Epwarps, Sydenham. The Botanical Register, &&. London, 1815-1847, 33 vols. 8vo, 2702 col. plates, with text.—Contains a few Cape Orchids. Harvey, William Henry: b. 1811; d. 1866. The Genera of South-African Plants arranged according to the Natural System. Cape Town, 1838. 8vo, pp. i.—lxvi., 1-429. Second edition, edited by J. D. Hooker, M.D. Cape Town and London, 1868. 8vo, pp. 1-12, i.—li., 1-483. Thesaurus Capensis, or, Illustrations of the South-African Flora, being figures and brief descriptions of South-African plants, selected from the Dublin University Herbarium. Vol. i. Dublin, 1859. 8vo, pp. 68, plates 1-100. Vol. u1., 2b. 1863. 8vo, pp. 68, plates 101-200.—Contain several plates of Peninsular Orchids. See also, Notes upon Cape Orchidacese, in Hooker’s Lond. Journal of Botany, vol. i. London, 1842. Pp. 14-18. Jacquin, Nicolaus Joseph: b. 1727; d. 1817. Plantarum rariorum horti Cesarei Schonbrunnensis descriptiones et icones. Vienne, 1797-1804. 4 vols. folio, 500 plates.—Con- tains on t. 179 a fine figure of Satyriwn.ochroleucum under the name of Orchis bicornis. JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND THE Arts. Edited at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. London, 8vo. Various dates. “Of the Three Species of the Natural Order Orchidex repre- sented in Plate VI.,” in vol. iv. (1818), pp. 199-206. “Select Orchidez from the Cape of Good Hope,” in vol. v. (1818), pp. 104-105, Plate I. ‘«‘ Ditto,” continued, in vol. vi. (1819), pp. 44-46, Plate I. ‘* Ditto,’ continued, in vol. vil. (1820), pp. 221-222, Plate III. *« Ditto,” continued, in vol. ix. (1820), pp. 810-811, Plate IV. An introductory statement in the first paper quoted above from this now rare work (Brit. Mus. Libr.) explains that Francis Masson, while at the Cape of Good Hope, ‘‘unexpectedly met with, among the Dutch soldiers who then guarded that colony, an artist of great skill as a designer of the objects of Natural History,’ and that he had formed a considerable portfolio of coloured drawings. Of these the Editor adds, ‘‘it has been allowed us to make use of such as might suit this Journal.’”’ The concluding statement in the last paper attributes this permission to Sir Joseph Banks; and it appears that what must be the originals of these drawings are now BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-AFRICAN ORCHIDS. 95 preserved with others (all being attributed to Masson) in the Natural History Department of the British Museum. No name is attached to the papers above enumerated, and only one new species is described, viz., Disa graminifolia, also without a name. Lindley (Gen. and Sp. Orch. 363) attributes this name to Ker, and, as he was a contemporary of Ker, and the latter published other botanical papers in the same Journal, no doubt the authorship may safely be attributed to him. The plates, though a little rough (being amongst the early attempts at lithography in England), and with- out analyses, are excellent pictures of the plants. They include the following :— Vol. IV., Plate VL., fig. 1. ‘‘ Disa grandiflora, Linneus f. . * Bartholina burmanniana. . “Disa spathulata, Swartz. ‘“‘ Disa porrecta, Swartz. . ‘*Disperis secunda, Swartz. . **Disperis Capensis, Swartz. ‘“« Corycium bicolor, Swartz. ‘“‘ Disa graminifolia. . Pterygodium catholicum, Swartz. . ‘*Disperis cucullata, Swartz. . ** Disperis villosa, Swartz. . “ Satyrium bracteatum, Thunberg. . Pterygodium alatum, Swartz. ‘“‘ Corycium orobanchoides, Swartz. . “ Pterygodium inversum, Swartz. ‘« Pterygodium Volucris, Swartz.” pa, Ves Elone I., fig. eels Elate. I, fie. », VIII., Plate III., fig. i. Le, Plate LV ., fig. bo oo bo or op po Fo POR Oo DO [Ker, John Bellenden]. See Journau or SctencE AND THE ARTS. Of Three Species of the Natural Order Orchidew, from the Journal of Science and the Arts. London, 1817. 4to, pp. 1-8, plate.—This is a separate reprint of the first of the series of articles entered above under the name of the above Journal. The plate is a reproduction of the octavo form, although entirely re-drawn. As to the ascription of these papers to Ker, see the article referred to; the probability is strengthened by the fact of the initials I. B. K. being engraved at the foot of this 4to plate. It is curious that, though this professes to be a reprint, it is dated 1817, while the vol. iv. of the Journal of Science in which it appeared is dated 1818. Pritzel in his first edition ascribed this paper to R. Brown, but in the subsequent edition it appears to be entirely withdrawn. Krauss, Ferdinand. Beitrige zur Flora des Cap- und Natal-landes. Regensburg, 1846. 8vo, pp. 215, 2 tab. (An off-print from the ‘ Flora’ for 1844-1846.)—Contains records of collection of certain Orchids on the Peninsula which have not been found by other collectors. Linptey, John: b. 1799; d. 1865. Collectanea Botanica; or figures and botanical illustrations of rare and curious exotic plants. London, 1821. Folio, 41 plates. —One Cape species, t. 31. 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-AFRICAN ORCHIDS. The Genera and Species of Orchidaceous Plants. London, 1830-40. 8vo, pp. xvili., 553.—Indispensable to the study of South- African Orchids ; contains many new species. Illustrations of Orchidaceous Plants, by Franz Bauer, with notes and prefatory remarks by J. Lindley. London, 1830-88. 4to, Pref. (2 pp.); Pref. remarks (i.-xiv.); Plates 1-15 (Fructifi- cation), with as many leaves of text; Plates 1-20 (Genera), with as many leaves of text.—Four South-African Orchids are amongst the magnificent drawings in this now very rare work. Notes on the Cape Orchidacez of Drége, in Hooker’s Companion to the Botanical Magazine, vol. u. London, 1835-86. 8vo, pp. 200-210.—More than forty species of South-African Orchids are described. On Four New Species of Cape Orchidaces, in Annals of Natural History, vol. iv. London, 1840, p. 314. Notes upon Cape Orchidacez, in Hooker’s London Journal of Botany, vol. i. London, 1842. 8vo, pp. 14-18. Linnzvs, Carl: b. 1707; d. 1778. Species Plantarum, &c. Stockholm, 1753. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 1200, pref.,and index. 2nd edition, enlarged, Stockholm, 1762-3. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 1684, pref., and index. 8rd edition, Vienna, 1764. 2 vols. 8vo, pp. 1682. 4th edition, edited by Willdenow, Berlin, 1797-1830. 6 vols. 8vo.—The three latter editions contain descriptions of several species. Systema Vegetabilium, &., ed. 18. Gdéttingen, 1774. 8vo, pp. vi., 844. Supplementum, &c., by Linneus the younger, Brunswick, 1781. 8vo, pp. 467, pref. Jb., ed. 16, edited by K. Sprengel. 4 vols. 8vo. Gittingen, 1825-28. Ameenitates Academice, &. Stockholm & Leipsic, 1749-1779. 7 vols. 8vo.—The 6th vol. (1764) contains Cape species. Loppiers, Conrad. The Botanical Cabinet, &c. London, 1818-1833. 20 vols. small 4to, 2000 plates, plain or coloured, with corresponding text. Only a single figure of a South-African Orchid appears in this work. ReicuHensacu, Heinrich G., the younger. Orchidiographische Beitrige in ‘ Linnea,’ vol. xix. Halle, 1847. 8vo, pp. 869-879.—Many Cape species. Jb., vol. xx., 1847, pp. 673-696. Ib., vol. xli., 1877, pp. 55, 62 (where two species are described). Icones Flore Germanic et Helvetica, &c., vols. i-xxii. Leip- sic, 1834-1870. 4to, 2800 plates.—In vol. xiii. (1850), p. viii., t. 354, figs. 18-26, 31-34 are notes and analyses of a few Cape species. De Pollinis Orchidearum genesi ac structura, &c. Leipsic, 1852. 4dto, pp. 88.—On p. 81 is a note on the structure of Herschelia calestis, Lindl. (Disa graminifolia, Ker.). Description of Polystachya Ottoniana, in Hamburger Garten- Zeitung, vol. xi., for 1855, p. 249. Description of Calanthe natalensis, in Bonplandia, vol. iv. (1856). Hanover. 4to, p. 322. Orchides. [An enumeration of species] in Walpers Annales BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-AFRICAN ORCHIDS. 97 Botanices Systematice. Leipsic. 7 vols. 8vo, 1848-1868.—Vol. i. (1849), pp. 778-810, and vol. vi. (1861), pp. 167-933, contain several Cape species. Dr. Welwitsch’s Orchideen aus Angola, in ‘Flora’ for 1865. 8vo, pp. 177-191.—Includes some Cape species. Novitiz quedam African, ib. for 1867, pp. 115-118. Orchidew Kalbreyeriane, ib. for 1878, pp. 77-78.—Kalbreyer’s Orchids were from Western Africa; but two species from South- eastern Africa are here described, one of which, from Natal, comes within our limits. Orchidee describuntur, ib. for 1881, pp. 828-330. Die Orchideen des Herbars Thunbergs, tb. for 1883, pp. 459-463. —Discusses the types of this important collection, and describes one new species. Comoren-Orchideen Herrn Leon Humblot’s, ib. for 1885, pp. 535-544. Contains a few species, placed between parentheses, said by the author to belong to ‘‘the South-eastern African Flora,” but of the origin of which no further indication is given. Orchidew describuntur, ib. for 1886, p. 547 (one species). Otia Botanica Hamburgensia. Hamburg, 1878-81. 4to. Fase.i., 1878, pp. 68; fasc. ii., part 1, 1881, pp. 71-119.—Many Cape species. SonpER, Otto Wilhelm. Enumeratio Orchidearum quas in Africa Australi Eixtratropica collegerunt C. F. Ecklon, Dr., et C. Zeyher. In Linnea, vol. xix. Halle, 1847. 8vo, pp. 71-112.---Several new species; important to the Cape student. Vergleichungen der von Ecklon und Zeyher und von Drége gesammelten siidafrikanischen Pflanzen, &c. Jb., vol. xx., pp. 216- 221 (where several new names are published without descriptions). SprENGEL, Kurt: b. 1766; d. 1888. See under Linneus, Systema Vegetabilium, ed. 16, vol. iii., p. 720 et seq. Swartz, Oloff: b. 1760; d. 1818. Dianome Epidendri generis Linn. in Schrader’s ‘ Journal fir die Botanik,’ vol. 11. Gdttingen, 1799. 8vo, pp. 224-225. Afhandlung an Orchidernes Sligter, &c. (Treatise on the Genera of Orchids), in ‘Kongl. Vetenskaps Academiens Nya Handlingar,’ vol. xxi. Stockholm, 1800. 8vo, pp. 115-138, 202-254, with plate. —An English translation of this important paper was published inter alia under the title, ‘ Tracts relative to Botany translated from different languages.’ London, 1885. 8vo, pp. 91, 214 (Libr. Royal Herb. Kew); a note in MS. names the translator as Charles Koenig. Genera et species Orchidearum systematice coordinatarum. In Schrader’s ‘Neues Journal fiir die Botanik,’ vol. i. Gdttingen, 1805. 8vo, pp. 108, 1 plate. TuunserG, Carl P. Travels in Europe, Africa, and Asia. [Translation.] London, 1794-95. 4 vols. 8vo.—References to Peninsular Orchids. 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SOUTH-AFRICAN ORCHIDS. Prodromus Plantarum Capensium, &c. Upsal, 1794-1800. 2 parts, 8vo.—Many Cape Orchids are described in this and the succeeding. Flora Capensis, &c. Upsal, 1807-18. 1 vol. 8vo (fasc. 1-3). Ib., edited by J. A. Schultes. Stuttgard, 1823. 8vo, pp. lxvi., 803. Trimen, Roland, F.R.S. On the Fertilisation of Disa grandiflora, Linn., in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. vii. (1864), pp. 144-147. On the Structure of Bonatea speciosa, Linn. sp., with reference to its fertilisation, in Journ. Linn. Soc., vol. ix. (1867), pp. 156-160. Weate, J. P. Mansel. Notes on the Structure and Fertilisation of the Genus Bonatea, with a special description of a species (6. Darwinii) found at Bed- ford, South Africa, in Journ. Linn. Soe. (Bot.), vol. x. (1869), pp. 470-476. ; Notes on a Species of Disperis found on the Kagaberg, South Africa, in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. xiii. (1873), pp. 42-45. Some Observations on the Fertilisation of Disa macrantha, in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. xiii. (1873), pp. 45-47. Notes on some Species of Habenaria found in South Africa, in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. xi. (1873), pp. 47-48. ORCHIDE A. Trine I. KPIDENDREA. Anther lid-like ; cells distinct. Pollen-masses waxy, usually with- out caudicles or gland. Sus-trine LIPARIEA.— Stem usually pseudo-bulbous. Inflo- rescence terminal. Pollen-masses 4, rarely 8, subequal, crowded, generally free, inappendiculate. 1. Liparis.—Stem (in the Peninsular species) pseudo-bulbous at base. Leaves one or few, contracted into a sheathing petiole. Flowers small, racemose. Trine Il. VANDA Anther lid-like; cells usually confluent. Pollen-masses waxy, mostly attached to a glandular appendage of the rostellum. Sus-rrize HULOPHIEAS.—- Leaves of the pseudo-bulbs plicate- veined. Flowering scapes leafy, or leafless. Lip spurred, gibbous or muticous, at base. 2, Hunops1a.—Sepals and petals nearly equal, free, spreading or subconnivent. Lip spurred, gibbous or muticous, at base. Flowering scapes usually leafless, more rarely leafy. Pol- linia usually attached to a short glandular appendage of the rostellum. Trisz lil. NEQUE z . [Not represented on the Cape Peninsula.] Trine IV. OPHRYDEA. Anther without a lid; cells distinct. Pollen granular; the pollinia terminating in a true caudicle. 100 ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. Sus-trre 1. HABENARIE AS. — Anther erect. Glands of the pollinia nude, or more rarely half-included in the channelled or inflexed lobes of the rostellum. 3. Barrnotina.—Sepals herbaceous, small. Petals narrow, erect. Lip spreading, large, deeply cut or fringed, spurred at base. Anther distant from the stigma; glands of the pollinia 2. Rostellum obsolete. 4. Horoturix.—Flowers small. Sepals herbaceous. Petals longer than the sepals, narrow. Lip small, concave or involute, variously divided, spurred at base. Gland of the pollinia 1, or 2. Rostellum nearly obsolete. Sup-triseE 2. DISH A‘.—Anther reclined, or reflexed on the back of the column, more rarely sub-erect. Stigma large, pseudo-terminal, or distant from the anther and subadnate to the lip. 5. Saryrtum.—Lip posticous, erect, fornicate or galeate, 2-spurred or 2-saccate at base. Anther anticous. Caudicles of the pollinia terminating in two glands, or rarely (in one species) in a single gland. Stigma pseudo-terminal. 6. D1sa.—Odd sepal usually posticous, more rarely anticous, galeate, fornicate, or nearly flat, 1-spurred, 1-saccate, or umbonate towards the base. Lip usually smaller than the sepals, variously shaped, but never galeate or fornicate, muticous at base. Caudicles of the pollinia terminating in one or in two distinct glands. Stigma separate from the anther, lying immediately above the ovary. Sus-tre 8. CORYCIEA.—Odd sepal posticous, more rarely anticous, cohering with the petals into a single galeate, hooded, fornicate, or explanate piece. Lip adnate to the face of the column, usually produced above the junction into a variously-shaped appendage. Cells of the anther usually distant, less commonly (in Disperis only) approximate. Stigma bilobed or bipartite, the lobes separated by the intervening adnate lip; or stigmas 2, distant. 7. Disprris.—Side sepals free, spurred or saceate. Lip appendi- culate. Rostellum produced into cartilaginous arms in front. Anther ascending, the cells approximate. Stigma usually situate on the front face of the column, bilobed, the lobes approximate ; or stigmas two, lateral and distant. 8. Corycrum.—F lowers contracted, somewhat small. Side sepals connate into an anticous lower lip. Lip appendiculate. Stigma posticous, lunate, or bilobed; or stigmas two, lateral and distant. Flowers in dense spikes. OPHRYDE—CYPRIPEDIE®,. 101 9. Prrrycoprum.—Flowers usually expanded, somewhat large. Odd sepal with the cohering petals posticous, usually hood-shaped. Side sepals free. Lip appendiculate. Stigma posticous, hippocrepiform, or bilobed; or stigmas two, lateral and distant. 10. Creratanpra. — Odd sepal forming with the cohering petals a posticous, or more rarely anticous, spreading or reflexed, rarely erect, nearly explanate piece. Side sepals free. Lip appendiculate, or the appendage nearly obsolete. Arms of the rostellum elongated and horn-like, or shorter and dilated laterally, or (in one species) the arms obsolete and the column resembling that of Corycium. Stigma posticous, bilobed; or stigmas two, lateral and distant. TrizzE V. CYPRIPERDIE A. {Not represented in South Africa. ] 102 ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. KEY TO THE GENERA. Anther lid-like. Pollen-masses waxy, without gland. oy 09 * » attached to a rostellary gland. without lid. Pollen granular, attached to a 9 caudicle. Sepals and petals all free from each other. Sepals herbaceous. Flowers solitary; lip deeply fringed....... “a spiked ; lip not fringed. Sepals petaloid. Lip posticous; 2-spurred or 2-saccate. ... Lip mostly anticous, never spurred or saccate. Odd sepal and petals cohering together. Side sepals free. Side sepals spurred or saccaté. ............ » 93 not spurred or saccate. Odd sepal and petals cohering into a hood-shaped erect piece. Odd sepal and petals cohering into a nearly flat and usually reflexed piece. Side sepals connate into an anticous lower lip. Liraris 1. Evutopaia 2. BartTHOLINA 8. Hotorurix 4. Satyrium 5. Disa 6. Dispreris 7. Prerycopium 9, Creratanpra 10. Corycrum 8, ( 108 ) I.—LIPARIS. L. C. Richard, in Memoires du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. vol. iv. (1818), p. 52; Bentham & Hooker f., Gen. Plant. vol. iii. (1888), p. 495 ; H. N. Ridley, Monograph in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. xxii. (1887), pp. 244-297. Sepals and petals all free and spreading, equal and similar, or the petals and dorsal sepal narrower. Lip much broader, united to the column at the base, erect or ascending, entire or indistinctly lobed. Column elongated, incurved, the apex winged. Anther lid-like, ter- minal. Pollen-masses 4, waxy, ovoid, equal in pairs in the two cells, free or slightly united at the apex. — Small terrestrial or epiphytical herbs, the stems sometimes thickened at base into small pseudo-bulbs, with few leaves, and a scape bearing a raceme of small greenish or purplish flowers. (Name from Asrapos, fat or shining, in allusion to the smooth or unctuous leaves). Distrisution. — Mr. H. N. Ridley’s Monograph (loc. cit.) enume- rates 110 species, spread over the warmer and temperate regions of the world. There are two other 8.-African species—L. Bowkeri, Harvey, from Grahamstown to Natal; and L. Gerrardi, Reichenbach f., Natal. 1. Liparis Capensis, Lindley, in Annals of Natural History, vol. ii. (1840), p. 314.—Glabrous, 2-4 inches high; stem thickened below the soil into an ovate, whitish pseudo-bulb, having the withered bulb of the previous year attached; leaves usually two, lying flat on the ground, ovate, subacute, thick, leathery, with depressed veins, shining above, 1-23 inches long (luxuriant specimens show smaller third and fourth leaves); raceme 10-830 flowered, the rhachis angular from the decurrent, lanceolate bracts, which are shorter than the ovaries; flowers spreading, about 4 inch long; side sepals oblong, oblique, 2 lines long; back sepal longer, with recurved margins, all reflexed ; petals linear, margins recurved, 3 lines long; lip oblong, with raised sides, somewhat saddle-shaped, fleshy, obsoletely 3-lobed at the apex, about 14 line long; column oblong-cuneate, thick, shorter than the lip; capsule terete, about 8 lines long, including the pedicel. Sturmia capensis, Sonder, in ‘ Linnea,’ vol. xix. (1847), p. 71. Has. In heathy sandy places on the Cape Flats, near Rondebosch; hills behind Simon’s Town, 800 feet; mountain sides, Table Mountain, 2500 feet; fl. April—June. Herb. Norm. Austr.-Afr., 151; Zeyher, 3887; Bolus, 4598. —Extends eastward to the Hottentot’s Holland range of mountains. There are specimens, in fruit only, in the Kew Herbarium, collected by Mann on the Cameroon Mt., at one time regarded by Dr. J. D. Hooker as identical with this species; but this is certainly doubtful. The flowers are greenish, becoming yellow as they wither. The 104 ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. species is interesting, as being the only one of the large tribe Epidendree found within our limits. It does not seem to be common ; and the only place where I have found it in any abundance is on the sandy ridge due west of Simon’s Town. Pratt 22.—Fig. 1, flower viewed laterally; 2, column; 3, pollen-masses: all enlarged. 2.— EULOPHIA. R. Brown, in Bot. Register, vol. vii. (1821), sub t. 573, and ib. vol. vil. (1822), t. 586. — Orthochilus, Hochstetter in A. Richard, Flor. Abyss. vol. ii. (1851), p. 284. Liissochilus, R. Brown, in Bot. Reg. vol. vil. (1821) sub t. 578. Cyrtopera, Lindley, Gen. and Sp. Orch. (1833), p. 189. Sepals and petals nearly equal, free, and spreading or subcon- nivent; or the side sepals sometimes adnate to the base of the column; or the petals larger and more coloured than the sepals. Lip free or shortly adnate to the base of the column, produced at base into a spur or pouch, or muticous, usually three-lobed, the side lobes involute round the column, or spreading, or reflexed, the terminal lobe mostly broader and bi-lobed, or entire, the upper surface marked with crested or bearded veins, or by two or more calli, or smooth. Column erect, semi-terete, rounded, or the front angles acute or winged, sometimes produced at base into a projecting foot or chin. Pollen-masses 4, in pairs, or 2, ovoid, waxy, usually attached by a short pseudo-caudicle to the flat, transverse gland of the rostellum.— Terrestrial herbs with stems often thickened into pseudo-bulbs at the base. Leaves usually narrow with raised veins, or plicate, those of the flowering stems mostly reduced to sheathing scales. Inflorescence terminal, leafy below, or on leafless radical scapes; sometimes branched above. (Name from ev, well, and acgos, a crest, in allusion to the crested lip of the species on which the genus was founded). The satisfactory location of certain South-African Orchids into the genera Kulophia, Lissochilus, Cyrtopera, and Cymbidium, was for a long time a great difficulty to students. After repeated efforts to reconcile apparent anomalies, the matter was submitted to the author- ities at Kew, and Sir J. D. Hooker, Prof. Oliver, and Mr. N. E. Brown considered it fully. Since it concerns a number of other species with which I am wholly or in part unacquainted, and therefore unable to form a competent judgment; and since, moreover, their opinion must possess great value, I am glad to be allowed to quote their views as follows :— “Ist. It is quite clear that Cymbidium tabulare, C. ustulatum, C. aculeatum (syn. C. pedicellatum, Sw. non Reichb. f.), and C. Buchanani EULOPHIA. 105 (syn. C. pedicellatum, Reichb. f. non Sw.), must be removed from the genus Cymbidium. — 2nd. That these in a body must go with the group described under the name Cyrtopera.—3rd. That the genus Cyrtopodium has been wrongly united with Cyrtopera by Bentham, and should be kept distinct, the genus appearing to be a perfectly natural group and confined to America.—4th. That there appears to be no character by which Cyrtopera can be separated from Lissochilus. Lindley described Cyrtopera as being ecalearate, but C. plantaginea has a spur +inch long. C. /lava has a very distinct and large pouch, and in everything but colour has almost exactly the appearance of Lisso- chilus arenarius, Lindley, and cannot possibly be generically separated from it; and the other species of Cyrtopera have a more or less decided spur, pouch, or chin to the lip, formed partly by the foot of the column, partly by the lip, with various intermediate grades.— 5th. That there appear to be no good grounds for separating Lisso- chilus from Eulophia; the character of the broad petals as a dis- tinctive mark of Lissochilus breaks down, and the character of an uncrested lip, upon which Brown founded the genus Lissochilus, equally so. The question then arises, which genus should take pre- cedence, since both names were published in October, 1821 (see Bot. Reg. t. 573), where in the text it is spelt Hulophus, and was altered at t. 686 to Eulophia. The genus Eulophia has the largest number of species, and the adoption of this name would perhaps involve least change; besides which, Lissochilus is unsuited as referrmg to a smooth lip, while most of the species have a crest on the lip. The result of all this then is that Cyrtopera should be separated from Cyrtopodium and, together with Lissochilus, united to Kulophia, under which genus they might be grouped in a series gradually passing from the typical and distinctly-spurred Eulophias to the short-chinned and spurless plants put in Cyrtopera. This, as it appears to us, will then form a very natural genus, uniform in habit and not differing much in general floral structure.” In accordance with the foregoing opinions I have, in describing the genus, united with it the genera Lissochilus, Orthochilus, and Cyrtopera; have again included the old species HH. aculeata of Sprengel ; and have also referred to it Cymbidium tabulare, Swartz, and C. ustulatum, mihi. Distrisution.—The genus is a large one, with probably over 100 species, spread chiefly over the warmer regions of the Old World, and largely African. There are about 40 species belonging to the eastern coast region of South Africa, between Port Hlizabeth and Zululand. 106 ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. KEY TO THE SPECIES. Lip spurred or saccate at base. Lip three-lobed. Capsnle spherical ......3..esseseameemenes KK. spymrocarra 1. Capsule ovoid; sepals 5-6 lines long... Hi. rristis 2. Capsule cylindrical; sepals 7-8 lineslong EH. Lamextiata 3. Lip undivided ; sepals 2-3 lines long......... KE. cocuuearis 4. Lip not spurred or saccate. Flowers large, expanded, yellow ............... KH, rapunaris 5. Flowers small, connivent, nearly white ...... I. ACULEATA 6. Flowers small, very dark coloured ............ Ii. usTULATA {f A. Lip spurred or saccate at base. 1. Eulophia spherocarpa, Sonder, in Linnea, vol. xix. (1847), p. 74.—“ Robust, 2-8 ft. high. Leaves ensiform, equitant, rigid, half as long as the terminal branched scape, the lower more than a foot long and an inch wide; spike branched, a foot long, branches erect- spreading, 10-20-flowered; flowers nodding; bracts acuminate, as long as the pedicel, which is 7-8 lines long ; sepals and petals oblong- lanceolate, acute, the former 7 lines long; lip 3-lobed, cuneate at base, the side lobes short, the intermediate oblong, obtuse, crisped at the margin, all the veins crested with lacerate processes ; spur short, inflated ; capsule spherical, ribbed, pendulous, as long as the pedicel.” Has. “In sandy places of the Cape Flats, near Wynberg. February.” Licklon & Zeyher’s collection.—Extends also to “ Saldanha Bay.” I do not know this species, and quote from Sonder, who adds that the flowers are “larger than in LH, tristis,” and that “the petals are marked with two dark purple spots above the base.” It must come very near to /. lamellata in floral characters, but the capsule is described as spherical, whereas in the latter it appears to be generally cylindrical. 2. Eulophia tristis, Sprengel, in Syst. Veg. vol. iii. (1826), 720.— Glabrous, 1} ft. high; leaves as in HM. lamellata; panicle branched, spreading, with acuminate sub-persistent bracts; sepals narrow-lan- ceolate, acute, slightly spreading, about 5 lines long ; petals nearly as long, obtuse ; lip nearly as in H. lamellata; capsule ovoid, with three prominent ribs. Satyrium triste, Linneus the younger, Suppl. to Syst. Veg. (1781), p. 402. Limodorum triste, Thunberg, Prodr. Plant. Capens. (1794), p. 4. EULOPHIA. 107 Has. Eastern mountain sides on the Cape Peninsula, above Klassenbosch, &c,, 1200 ft., frequent; fl. Dec. — Jan.; Bolus, 4779; Simon’s Town, MacGillivray, 471. —Extends eastward to Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown (MacOwan, 1220; Eckl. & Zey., 285; Burchell, 3984, 4213, 7038). 3. Eulophia lamellata, Lindley, Gen. and Sp. Orch. (1833), p. 184. — Glabrous, 1-14 ft. high; leaves sword-shaped, acuminate, minutely serrulate, rigid, nerved, erect or somewhat spreading, shorter than the simple or branched, distantly leafy scape; flowers distant, spreading, at length deflexed, pedicels slender, 4-1 in. long; bracts acuminate ; sepals and petals nearly uniform, oblong, the sepals sub- acute, petals blunter, slightly spreading, about 7 lines long; lip cuneate in outline, 8-lobed, side lobes obtuse, middle lobe dilated and upturned, crisped, the apex nearly truncate, its length traversed on the upper surface by about seven parallel crested lines, spur bilobed, blunt, the whole about 9 lines long ; operculum with 2 blunt spread- ing horns nearly its own length ; pollinia sessile on an oblong entire hyaline gland; capsule cylindrical, deeply ribbed, about 1 in. long, crowned by the persistent withered perianth. Has. Sandy flats near Rondebosch, and the lower mountain-tops of the Cape Peninsula up to 1400 ft.; fl. Oct.—Nov.; Herb. Norm. Austr.-Afr., 152; Zeyher, 1590; Bolus, 4558.— Extends eastward to Riversdale district (Burchell, 7072). Flowers brown, except the upper surface of the lip, which is creamy white, with rosy tints at base and on the side lobes. Nearest to E. tristis, to which the flowers are very similar but larger, and the sepals and petals broader in proportion to their length (Lindley says the lip is ‘‘ very different,” but I have not found it so), the panicle less spreading; the capsule different. It occurs somewhat frequently, and flowers regularly every year. PuatE 22.—Fig. 4, flower viewed laterally ; 5, column front view; 6, operculum, from behind; 7, pollinarium,—all variously magnified. 4. Eulophia cochlearis, Lindley, in Comp. Bot. Mag. vol. iu. (1836), p. 202.—Glabrous, 1-2 ft. high, scape leafy, simple below, racemose-paniculate above ; leaves sword-shaped, equitant, entire, or sometimes minutely serrulate, rigid, nearly erect, 6-8 in. long; the upper reduced to sheathing bracts; panicle 6-8 in. long, with 2 to 4 ascending branches; flowers rather distant and spreading; bracts acute, persistent, much shorter than the flowers; sepals and petals nearly similar and connivent, narrow-ovate, acute or sub-obtuse, about 3 lines long ; lip always posticous and erect, oblong, undivided, concave, crisped, and crenulate, narrowed at the base and produced into a short subspherical spur, the whole about 5 lines long, the limb emarginate, and its inner surface distantly and irregularly crested ; column short and thick, arched and somewhat square in section ; operculum subglobose, without horns ; stigma orbicular, very slightly D 108 ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. depressed; pollinia sessile on a cuneate gland; capsule oblong or elliptical, 6-7 lines long. Has. Sandy downs east of Table Mountain; fl. Nov.; not very frequent; Bolus, 4561.—The species extends eastward to Port Elizabeth and Grahamstown (Zeyher, 1589, 3897; Burchell, 4594, 6177, 6201). The flowers are brownish, the limb of the lip creamy white. The species is easily distinguished from its congeners on the Peninsula by its small flowers and undivided lip, which Lindley calls ‘‘ spoon- shaped’’; the short and thick column is also very characteristic and quite different from that of either of the preceding species. In herbaria it has often been confounded with FE. micrantha, Lindley, which seems to grow only in the Eastern Province. B. Lip muticous at base. 5. Eulophia tabularis.—Glabrous, a foot or more in height, the stem erect, strong, from a creeping scaly root-stock; leaf solitary (or sometimes two), radical, linear-lanceolate, springing from the same sheath as the scape, the upper reduced to swollen amplexicaul acute sheaths; spike laxly or closely 3-10 flowered, the flowers nodding; sepals ovate-oblong, spreading, about 10 lines long; petals oblong, obtuse, apiculate, a little shorter than the sepals; lip 3-lobed, not spurred or saccate at base, the side lobes involute, the middle spreading, crenulate, obtuse, a little shorter than the petals, traversed throughout its length on the upper surface by a ridge which is forked at either end; column curved at base into a short projecting chin; operculum obtuse, without horns ; pollen-masses affixed near their middle to a large oblong gland.—Satyrium tabulare, Linneus the younger, Suppl. (1781), 402; Serapias talularis, Thunberg, Prodr. Plant. Cap. (1794), p. 3; Cymbidium tabulare, Swartz, in Schrader’s Journ. (1799), p. 224; Bolus, in Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), vol. xx. (1884), 471. Has. Shallow moist valleys on the mountains; Table Mountain, above Klassenbosch, 2300 feet; Muizenberg, 1400 feet; flowering in the latter half of December and first half of January; Bolus, 4844. Extends eastward to Swellendam (Burchell, 7358). The flowers are a dull yellow, the ridge on the lip orange-coloured. The species will be easily enough recognised when the orchid-lover has found it. But it is by no means common. Thunberg, who was the first, so far as is known, to collect it, says, in describing the ascent of Table Mountain in 1773, in the middle of January, “ Of the Serapias tabularis we found only one specimen ” (‘ Travels,’ Engl. trans., 1794, vol. i., p. 220). Nor did he find it subsequently; for, in his ‘ Flora Capensis’ (ed. 1823, p. 27), he adds, after the description, ‘‘ Only one specimen has hitherto been found.” Harvey also found a solitary specimen, and marked it “Summit of Table Mountain, very rare; Jan., 1841.’ After that, the EULOPHIA. 109 first record of its collection on the Peninsula was that of my friend Prof. Bodkin, on the Muizenberg, Dec. 18, 1882; and I subsequently found six or eight specimens in the same place, viz., the valley at the head of the ravine leading up from the east end of the mountain. It also occurs sparingly on Table Mountain; and doubtless in unfavour- able seasons it does not appear at all. Besides the Peninsula, the only recorded stations are Hottentot’s Holland Mountains, Zeyher, W. C. Scully; and near Swellendam, Burchell. Prater 1 (Erroneously lettered ‘‘ Cymbidium tabulare”’’). — Fig. 1, parts of the perianth x 14 diameters; 2, bract, labellum and ovary, side view x 2; 3, column, front view; 4, ditto, side view; 5, apex of the column, showing the operculum raised ; 6, pollinarium ; 7, nearly mature capsule: all variously magnified. 6. Eulophia aculeata, Sprengel, in Syst. Veg., vol. ui. (1826), p. 720.—Glabrous, from 3 inches to a foot or more high; root-stalk short, creeping; stem erect, with several linear-lanceolate, acuminate, sheathing bracts; leaves one or two, from the lowest sheath, erect, linear, subrigid, several-nerved, acuminate, as long as, or a little longer than, the scape; spike densely flowered, sometimes subcapitate ; flowers slightly expanded, or more generally connivent, about 4 inch long; sepals oblong-lanceolate, subequal, subacute; petals a little narrower and shorter; lip cuneate in outline, 3-lobed, muticous at base, traversed by two rows of papille from behind, which are longer, and scattered generally over the middle lobe in front; pollinia elliptical, approximate, each attached at base by a short stalk to the flat diaphanous gland of the rostellum. Satyriwm aculeatum, Linneus f., Suppl. (1781), p. 402. Cymbidium aculeatum, Swartz, in Schrader’s Journ., vol. ii. (1799), p. 225. C. pedicellatum, Swtz., l.c., p. 224. Cyrtopera pedicellata, Lindley, Gen. & Sp. Orch., p. 190. Cymbidiwn plicatum, Harvey, in Comp. Bot. Mag., vol. ii. (1836), p. 203; Hook. Icon. Plant., t. 104. -CBuchaneni,Reichenbach-f, in Flora (1881), p. 829. LH. plicata, Bolus, in Journ. Linn. Soe. (Bot.), vol. xix. (1882), p- 386 (excl. syn. in part). Has. Common on Table Mountain, from 2300 ft. up to 3550 ft., fl. Dee.—Jan., Burchell, 653; Bolus, 3900.— Extends eastward through the colony to Natal (MacOwan, 1859, 2129; Burchell, 4571, 7094, &c.). The flowers (of the form on the Peninsula) are cream-coloured. The species varies very much in size, but seems fairly constant in floral characters; in large specimens the leaves become ensiform and plicate. There is nothing whatever to distinguish Harvey’s C. plicatum, quoted above, notwithstanding Lindley’s remarks. How far the species extends eastward, and in how far the lip is modified in the eastern forms, in colour or in shape, are problems awaiting solution. I believe that there is a gradual transition from the western form to a more robust, and more highly-coloured form, which has been called in D2 110 ORCHIDS OF THE CAPE PENINSULA. herbaria Cymbidium pedicellatum, &¢., as above. Specimens gathered by me near Grahamstown, though larger and differently coloured, scarcely appeared to differ in the structure of the flowers from the Peninsular form, which seems to be always more slender, and to have always uniformly cream-coloured flowers. Thunberg’s type specimen of C. pedicellatum is, according to Mr. N. E. Brown, a tall lanky plant, exactly matching my No. 4207, but in everything else agreeing with C’. aculeatum, which, as it occurs on the top of Table Mountain, is usually only 5 or 6 inches high. 7. Eulophia ustulata.—Glabrous, 2-6 inches high; tubers several, cylindrical, thicker at the extremity, sometimes ovate; stem short, erect, leafy; leaves several, linear-lanceolate, rigid, acuminate, sheathing at base, many-nerved, 3-2 inches long; raceme laxly 3-6 flowered ; flowers with connivent, fleshy segments; sepals lanceolate, acute, the lateral subfalcate, 34 lines long; side petals oblong, a little shorter; lip elliptical, bluntly 3-lobed, the terminal lobe larger, rounded, densely papillose above, margined and reflexed, the side lobes obtuse incurved, adnate to the chin of the column, without spur or gibbosity at base, about 4-5 lines long; column semiterete, produced at base into a scoop-like chin, much shorter than the lip; pollinia elliptical, approximate, affixed to the middle of a nearly square diaphanous gland. Cymbidiwn ustulatum, Bolus, in Journ. Linn. Soe. (Bot.), vol. xx. (1884), p. 469. _Has.—In sandy soil in the valley opposite the ‘‘ Farmer Peck’s”’ Hotel, on the Muizenberg Mountain, at about 1200 ft., fl. December, Bolus, 4848; Herb. Norm. Austr.-Afr., 153. In the structure of the flower this comes nearest to FE. aculeata, Sprengel, but the petals are fleshy and of a deep chocolate-colour, almost approaching to black, and the habit is very different. I have only found it on one spot, less than a hundred yards in diameter, where some sixty or eighty plants were growing, in the summer of 1882-83. It may probably also be found hereafter on the mountains between Fish Hoek and Simon's Town, which have not yet been well explored. It may be noted that a few plants of Bartholina Ethela, also a somewhat rare species, were found growing with it. _ Prats 2 (Erroneously lettered “Cymbidium ustulatum”’).—Fig. 1, flower x 4 diameters; 2, sepals and two petals x 4; 3, lip, column, and ovary, side view x 4; 4, lip flattened out x 4; 5, column, front view; 6, pollinarium, front view; 7, ditto, back view; 8, ditto, side view :—magnified. G11 III.—BARTHOLINA. R. Brown, in Aiton’s Hortus Kewensis, 2 ed., vol. v. (1813), p. 194; Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. Plant., vol. iii. (1883), p. 628. (Lathrisia, Swartz. Adnot. Bot. (1829), 49.) Sepals herbaceous, narrow, connate into a semitubular piece at the base, nearly equal, parallel, erect or re-curved. Petals about as long as the sepals and adnate to them at base, narrow, erect. Lip adnate at base to the sepals, and forming with them a tube, the limb wide, spreading, and deeply cut into many linear, fringe-like segments, with an acute spur at the base. Column with its parts distant (not closely combined and contiguous). Anther situate immediately in front of the petals, erect, long, narrow, with the parallel twisted cells on either side of the diaphanous connective; pollinia short, coarsely-grained, with long, rigid caudicles, and oblong glands placed at the throat of the basal tube of the lip. Stigma elliptical, nearly flat, viscid, situate at the apex of the ovary, and entirely separated from the anther by the short tube formed by the base of the sepals and lip. Ovary terete, curved, ribbed, not twisted.— Terrestrial herbs, 1- or very rarely 2-flowered. Leaf solitary, radical, orbicular or reniform, appressed to the soil, eared and sheathing at base. Flowers white to pale violet, sometimes purple beneath. (Named after Thomas Bartholin, a cele- brated Danish anatomist and physiologist.) Distrisution.—The genus is exclusively South African, and consists only of the two species here enumerated :— Petals acuminate, segments of the lip acute, deflexed..1. B. pectinata, », obtuse, segments of the lip knobbed, upturned. . 2. B. Kthele. 1. Bartholina pectinata, R. Brown, in Hort. Kew., 2 ed., vol. v. (1813), p. 194; Bot. Reg. t. 1653. — Slender, erect, 3-4 in. high, all parts excepting the petals, pilose with spreading hairs ; leaf 8-12 lines in diam., somewhat convex above, appearing with the flower; scape slightly curved; bract ovate, cucullate, more than half as long as the ovary; sepals with linear-lanceolate erect segments, 5-6 lines long ; petals lanceolate, faleate, acuminate, 12 times as long as the sepals; lip orbicular or ovate in outline, somewhat 3-lobed, cut into 17-23 linear acuminate decurved segments, the spur about 5 lines long, the whole about 14 in. long; ovary curved, about 8 lines long.—Orchis Burmanniana, Linneus, Sp. Plant., ed. 2 (1763), p. 1834; O. pectinata, Thunberg, Prodr. Pl. Cap. (1794), p.4;