The Wyandottes. | _ Silver, Golden, White, Buff and Black. pt! a a > Bogen 5 a tag “aj NA Photo-Chromotype Engraving Co., Phila. WHITE WYANDOTTES TO DATE Cockere) and Pullet in First Prize Pen at the Boston Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Exhibition, January. 1898, as bred, owned and exhibited by Arthur G. Duston, Marlboro, Mass. Copyrighted January Ist, 1899, by the Reliable Foultry Journal Publishing Company, Quincy, Ill. ORIGINAL AMERICAN PRODUCTIONS. (ro oS STANDARD-BRED WYANDOTTES, Silver Laced, Golden Laced, White, Buff and Black. THEIR PRACTICAL QUALITIES; THE STANDARD - REQUIREMENTS; HOW TO JUDGE THEM; HOW TO BREED AND MATE FOR BEST RESULTS... . . CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE BEST KNOWN AND MOST EXPERT BREEDERS AND JUDGES IN AMERICA. JU) Joby Se AE EU Sa ise Gish Bp PRICE FIFTY CENTS. PUBLISHED BY THE RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY, QUINCY, ILLINOIS. TWoO COPIES REVEILVED, Library, of Congresg bhs Office of the is JAN 25) 1900), Register of Copyrightal:''* DIRECTORY OF 93820 RELIABLE WYANDOTTE BREEDERS. 7 he THE back pages of this book will be found a directory of the best known America breeders of one or more varieties of the Wyandottes. The breeders whose names and business announcements are printed therein are up-to-date and reliable. They are the kind of men readers of this book will find it safe and profitable to patronize when they wish to buy stock or eggs. Every breeder whose name appears in the list is believed by us to be square- dealing. Fraternally, RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL PUBLISHING Co, SECOND COPY, 9 SQ Neuwas ~A.19 oO: COPYRIGHTED BY RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL PUBLISHING Co., DECEMBER 165, 1899. SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES. Some General Advice to Beginners—Inbreeding—Standard Requirements. Discussed Section by Section— Shape and Correct Marking of Feathers Illustrated by Original Charts—Method of Judging or Scoring—How to Cut for Defects. BY THEO. HEWES, JUDGE AND BREEDER, TRENTON, MISSOURI. N TAKING up the Wyandottes to give them a thorough and complete write-up, I realize the importance of the undertaking, and its value to the amateur as an educator and to the professional breeder as a work of reference. My aim is to describe the different varieties of this popular fowl, just as I understand them and as I believe the present standard intends all breeders to understand them; also by illustrations and explanations, to make the matter of scoring more clearly understood by all, and to make the selecting of show birds and breeders less a matter of guess work. The standard of 1898 has but few changes from the standard of 1893. To the few changes that have been made I will call special attention when the sections that are affected by the changes are under consideration. The illustrations in this book, so far as feathers are con- cerned, are, with a few exceptions, made from photographs from the varieties under discussion, and are just such feath- ers as are found by the judges at all big shows, and I believe are the best ever shown in book form. There is a Sameness, to a certain extent, about some of them, but by paying close attention to the defects you will find they all enter largely into a proper understanding of the breed. Like will produce like, is an old saying, but it does not hold good in poultry breeding every time, nor any great number of times. If we were to mate a male to a female that was in every way his equal in breeding, we might with good reason look for like to produce like; but where we mate males and females together with no regard for the breeding back of them we will in nine cases out of ten meet with disappointment. It is seldom if ever that we meet with two birds that are just alike in all sections. They may look much alike from outside appearances, put on close inspection you will find one inferior to the other. And so long as outside crosses are continually resorted-to we shall always find this varying difference. Why do wild birds look so near alike that it is next to impossible. to tell, one from another? Look to nature for an answer. It is a case of a survival of the fittest and the very closest kind of inbreeding. We also can, by judicious inbreeding, using nothing in our yards but the very cream of our flocks in shape, health, and color, come to that point in a few years where a majority of our birds will look as much alike as wild birds do, both in shape and color. The loose, careless breeding that is followed by so many cannot possibly lead to permanent good. It is true we will get some good specimens from almost any kind of mating, but the few good cnes are just as liable to breed poor birds as good, for there is too much poor blood in their make-up to hold out when bred with mates that have only a Shallow foundation with which to start. To be successful in poultry breeding we must at all times have a definite object or ideal in view and must follow it up with careful matings and a close attention to details until we establish something we can look to as a secure foundation. It is not necessary to raise a great quantity of anything to be called a success in any line of fancy stock breeding, but we must produce quality, and quality once produced must have a foundation upon which we may build again and again. How often we meet an amateur in the show room with a string of birds he has purchased, or has raised from eggs purchased from some old and careful breeder, and hear him tell all the secrets of breeding and the way, the only way, to make it a success! Watch the same breeder the next year, or after he has mated his own flock, and note the results. You will not only find the ribbons on the other coops, but you will see him doing a lot of quiet thinking and not nearly so much talking as the year before. ‘This is how successful breeders are made. Judicious Inbreeding. The question of inbreeding is an important one. It can only be understood by a careful study of nature and of nature’s laws. That we can go too far with it, is absolutely certain, but how many have done so? Few, very few, indeed. Many claim they have when they have not gone half far enough. The facts are that bad results from other causes are many times charged to inbreeding, and for this very reason I say, study nature. Often breeders will use some especially finely marked bird, but undeveloped in size and vigor, and because he breeds a lot of weak chicks, inbreed- ing is blamed as the cause. If left in a wild state no mate would have chosen this undersized weakling until he could hold his own with the best that came along. In other words, the poor little hen with less than twelve months of life has learned more of nature’s laws than men of mature age. To make clear the value of inbreeding so that amateurs may see how far they may go with no bad results, I will point to a case with which I am well acquainted, where a breeder of Barred Plymouth Rocks introduced new blood in his flock only once in twelve years, and came near ruining his flock by doing so! He was winning every year while inbreeding and his birds were making a record for him in the yards of the best breeders in the country at the heads of their flocks. Do not understand that he was mating brothers and sisters together every time, although this was done many times, but he was breeding birds directly related all the time, and I give you my word that ten and eleven- pound cockerels were no uncommon sight in his yards. My honest opinion is that with plenty of room to handle . a flock right, a strain of birds can be bred in line for fifty years without bad results. The Future of Poultry Culture. Breeding poultry for fun is one thing; breeding it as a source of profit sufficient to furnish a living for a family is quite another matter. If we are in the business for pleasure alone we can afford to spend money liberally, and to give to our fowls every luxury they may want, and no account need The Hewes CHART . Cory RIGKTED Led y Tenens REL ABLE “Poulley Journ STANDARD WYANDOTTE SHAPE—MALE. Chart No, I Copyrighted Hewes’ Chart, Designed Expressly for this Book by Franklane L, Sewell, showing Standard Wyan- dotte Male Shape (all Varieties); also Standard Striping and Lacing for the Different Sections (Hackle, Breast, Wing, Fluff, etc.) of Silver and Golden Wyandotte Males. THE WYANDOTTES. be kept of the expense. We may have fine houses and expensive runs, and keep our poultry plant so it is really an ornament to the place, but when you look to poultry for profit the case is different. You want good, comfortable houses—they are essential, and the more room you give fowls in their runs means just so much money saved in food and general care. But fine houses, with gable roofs, and Queen Anne windows are entirely out of place and of no more value to you than French plate mirrors would be. The hen does not know how to appreciate them, and it is better she should not. What she wants are warm, comfortable quarters, and the cheapest way to furnish them is a point you should study if you would save money. I can remember, and it was not so very long ago, either, when the number of people in this country who made their entire living from the breeding of fancy poultry was very small. But to-day if all the people who depend on the fancy side of poultry culture for a living were mustered together they would make a fair-sized army. I know of some poultry plants where five men are employed the year around, and of quite a number where from one to three men find steady employment, and this does not include market poultry plants, where several in the west, east and south have as high as twenty men on the pay roll. With the steady in- crease in the business, there is plenty of room in this line of work for any intelligent, pains-taking man or woman who will engage in it and plan and strive for profits as they would in any other line of business. Do not expect that an investment of a few dollars will make you rich in a year. Do not begin at the top and go down, but invest cautiously at first, learn the business, then make your larger invest- ments and you will reap your reward. As for myself, I do not claim perfection, neither do I think I have learned it all. I am watching at every turn for new and better methods of breeding, and I take advan- tage of every opportunity that is offered. When I find breeders who have made a success of handling one or more varieties of poultry, and who show by their stock that they are working along lines of genuine improvement, I make it a point to get every bit of information from them I can, and in that way am enabled to not only help myself but those with whom I come in contact. This is not my country, nor your country, but our country, and it is our duty to help one another, and tc strive to make it what it should be, the grandest, the most progressive country on earth. I will now take up the varieties of Wyandottes and handle them in sections as we do in the show room, begin- ning with the Silver Wyandotte male. As the shape of all varieties is alike, the shape as illustrated and described for this variety (see chart, No. 1) will answer for all. The charts here used to show ideal outlines for the Silver Wyan- dottes will do for all varieties of Wyandottes. The outline for the female is taken from a living specimen of the white variety, a bird owned by Mr. Arthur G. Duston, of Marlboro, Mass., one that was in his first prize pen of White Wyan- dottes at the late Boston show. Symmetry, or Typical Carriage. In scoring a Wyandotte this section is valued at eight points, and if found perfect it would mean an ideal bird in every sense of the word, so far as typical shape is concerned. BEyery section must not alone be perfect of itself, but must be so joined to every other section that the entire outline is perfectly symmetrical and typical of the breed. In chart No. 1 is shown such a specimen, or at least as near one as any artist can delineate perfection. I am sure it is one that comes as near the proper shape of the breed, as described by the standard, as any ever made. I offer this as my ideal of shape in a Wyandotte male, and while it may not suit the eyes of all critics, I should be willing to pass such a speci- men without a cut in symmetry, if any breeder were lucky enough to produce one. The fault usually found in this section of the male is a poor joining together of the different sections, the specimen having a “thrown-together” look, as we-call it. The sec- tions of the body that go to make up symmetry are usually good of themselves, not perfect, but good for a living speci- men—but they are so joined together that the symmetrical outline or breed type is broken, and the bird receives a severer cut than the sections alone would indicate. There is an old song that has been sung by Mr. Felch and others for years, to the effect that symmetry is a two- edged sword which cuts a specimen twice. This is sprung on the judges at nearly every show and the claim is made that if such and such a bird had not been cut on symmetry he would have won first. The exhibitor might just as well make the claim that if he had not been cut at all he would have scored one hundred points. There is just as much sense in one claim as in the other. The facts are simply these: The American Poultry Association set aside eight of the one hundred points for symmetry, and the man who consistently cuts this section is cutting on the basis of eight points for symmetry and is making out a score card that means something to the amateur and professional breeder alike. I claim that a judge who ignores this section in scor- ing is not posted on what the standard aims to teach. He is only allowing ninety-two points for perfection instead of one hundred and his footing up should be on that basis. If this were practiced during just one show you would see where these judges stand, and there would be such a fall that others would be glad to let the American Poultry Association rule instead of setting themselves up as the Great I Am. A judge has no more right to ignore symmetry than he has to ignore comb, wings, or any other section. The breeder who wants an intelligent idea of a proper score card should figure the symmetry cuts solely on a basis of eight points. When your bird loses one point in this section he is one-eighth bad. If he loses two points he is one-fourth bad, while if he loses one-half point he is only one-sixteenth bad. This same rule should be carefully studied in all sec- tions, and thus you will soon find what per cent of perfection you have attained in any and all sections. However, in many of the sections you must figure on both shape and color and note what per cent is allowed for both. In scoring symmetry if the specimen is too narrow and fails to round out in breast, back, and body, with a neck and tail too long, as is usually the case with these narrow birds, the cut should be from two to three and one-half points, according to the degree. Where the specimen is good in breast, tail and neck, but shows a back and body a trifle too long, the cut is one-half. If the specimen is good in all other sections except breast, and this section shows too flat, and fails to round out, the cut is from one-half to one. Where the neck and tail are too long and the tail is carried too high, with the neck straight and the hackle short, failing at junction with back, the cut is from one- half to one and one-half. Where the legs are too long, or stand too close together, giving the bird a stilty appearance, the cut is one-half to one. There are several minor defects that detract from the symmetrical outlines of a specimen, which are discounted by good judges, but I think those here described will be sufficient to give the amateur an intelli- gent idea of.measuring defects in this section. Standard Weights. The standard weights for all varieties of Wyandottes are the same and are as follows: For cocks, eight and one- THE WYANDOTTES. half pounds; for cockerels, seven and one-half pounds; for s, SIX and one-half pounds; for pullets, five and one-half nds. The standard gives no credit for overweight, but t is always best to have your birds a trifle overweight at exhibition time, as they in- variably lose a few ounces When cooped for exhibition, and any loss under the stan- ard weights will be _ dis- counted, and these are points thrown away. In scoring this FIG. 1 section, the discount is two points for every pound, or in that ratio. For example, a bird that is one pound short of Standard weight would be cut two points; if one-half pound short it would be cut one point, if one-quarter pound short it would be cut one-half point and if two pounds short, four points, and so on. . — Condition. Condition is valued at six points, and all that goes to make up a perfectly healthy specimen is considered when Scoring this section. If the bird is roupy, or shows signs of swelled head, or has watery eyes, the cut is from one-half to one. If feathers are broken or dirty, the cut is from one- quarter to one. If the legs are scaly, one-half to one. If the comb or wattles are torn from fighting, one-half to one. Frosted combs are usually cut in this section and a check mark made on the score card to show in what section con- dition was cut. This check mark should always be made on the card for the benefit of breeders who might chance to be away from the show. For example, the bird might be cut one point on condition, and the following sections be at fault: Legs slightly scaly, and wattles torn, etc. In such cases both the legs and wattles should have a check mark the same as condition, so that breeders may know just what sections the judge considered defective. It will not be necessary to call up this section again in the female of the Silvers, nor in connection with any of the other varieties, as the foregoing will answer the purpose for all. The Wyandotte or Rose Comb. The comb is without doubt one of the most important of the fancy sections of a Wyandotte. Commercially it has no value, and to a commercial buyer it will not make one cent’s worth of cifference whether the specimen has an ideal comb or a lump of meat on his head. But with fanciers it is vastly different; they will hardly accept as a gift a speci- men with a comb like Fig. 3, while a bird otherwise good and showing a comb like chart No. 1 would be doubled in value, This section is valued at eight points, and to be perfect must be, “Rose, low, firm on the head, top oval in shape and its surface covered with small points or corrugations, the former preferred, terminating in a small spike at. the rear; the entire comb and spike curving slightly to con- form to the shape of the skull.” In chart No.1 is shown - . 2 an ideal comb, one that fits "i tis standard description to the letter. Such combs are scarce, but we do meet with them once in a while, combs that are almost as good as the one shown in drawing. By careful breeding we can in time reach a point where poor combs will be equal to the good ones now. In Fig. 1 is shown a comb that is good in shape and out- line. At one time this comb was much admired, but it lacks Las es os FIG. 2 8 SS eee the corrugated points that make a comb so handsome. This style is now nearly extinct, except on an occasional female. Such a comb as Wig. 1 should be discounted one point, Fig. 2 shows a comb that has several objections, First, it is too narrow and is too high in the center. It also runs on a straight line until it reaches the back of the head and then falls off suddenly. The corrugated points are un- even—in fact this comb is a trifle wrong in every way. Still it is not a bad comb to fl} look at, and is one we often fil} meet in the show room. Such fp j a comb should be discounted one and one-half points, In Fig. 3 we have a comb that is but a poor excuse at best and it will produce only ‘ poor combs so long as you ae breed from it. It is hollow in the center and falls all over the head. It forms a lump behind, then winds up with a make- shift of a spike that barely saves the bird from disqualifica- tion. To score this comb properly it Should be cut one point for being locse on the head, one-half point for being too wide, one-half point for poor corrugations, one and one- half points for the hollow through the center and one-_ half point for shape of spike. In Fig. 4 is shown a comb that is very good except the natural absence of spike, which, under the new stan- dard, is a disqualification. This comb I had drawn to Show the breeders what to guard against, as this is a new rule in the standard and breeders must be careful in making up their show pens, as this comb will throw the specimen out all together. In Fig. 5 is shown a neat comb, resembling in many respects the comb on chart No. 1, but this comb is too nar- row, and is shown here as a guide to breeders, as birds with combs of this character will almost invariably throw a per cent of single combs in their offspring. It you have a bird of otherwise extra merit, but with a comb of this kind, be very careful to what style of bird you mate it, as careless mating here may give you no end of trouble. ‘Eyes of Wyandottes. FIG. 4. The standard scale of points does not make a separate column for eyes; they are included in the head section. But in scoring the specimen it has been found to be to the inter- est of breeders to make a sep- arate line on the card so that they may know for what this section is cut. The standard says in the description of eyes, “A bright bay in color.” This color of eyes is an important matter, and it is to the best interest of the breed that we watch them very closely, for weak or pale eyes are a sure indication of a weak constitution, and the stronger and clearer in color you can get them the better for the breed and your individual strain. In scoring thse head section the eyes are an important part, but I will score them here ‘separately from the head FIG. 5. _dotte ear lobes usually pass as perfect. The defects THE WYANDOTTES. Se re eS proper, and will not refer to them while on head. If slightly off in color but still showing a good trace of bay the cut is one-half. If pearl in color, or, as I dub it, “dead fish” in color, the cut is one and one-half. If one eye is good and the other one pearl, the cut is one. If one eye is blind, cut one. If the eye has run out, leaving a hollow, sunken scar, the cut is one and one-half, one for loss of eye and one- half for off shape of head. Head of the Wyandotte. This section is valued at six points; it is seldom found defective. But in order to put the amateur right I will describe a few of the defects that are sometimes found. The head should be short with a proad crown; the face should be bright red in color, and the plumage a silvery white, with narrow centers of black. If head is too long or too narrow the cut is one-half to one. Tf the plumage shows = = SZ (i WA oy BGs K\ ZZ WAN FIG. 7—SHORT HACKLE FEATHER any other color than silvery white the cut is one-half to one. If the beak is too long or fails in a nice curve the cut ig one-half. If the beak is solid, or is black or yellow, the cut is one-half. Wattles and Ear Lobes. Here is a section that has given the breeders consider- able trouble, especially the ear lobes. Ten years ago it was next to impossible to get a really good red lobe in both males and females, and for a long time there was little or no improvement in this section. The standard at that time disqualified a specimen for ear lobes that were more than one-third white. Many valuable breeding birds were thrown out and fanciers became almost discouraged. Poul- try judges could not agree on the proper amount of white to allow, and sometimes a bird would pass under one judge with a cut of one-half or one, only to be dis- qualified by another judge. This of course made lots of discord and hard feelings, but at the revision meet- ing held at Chicago in 1893, Mr. J. H. Drevenstedt, Mr. Ira Keller and the writer suggested to the associa- tion that they let this breed go through for five years and only disqualify for a solid white lobe. Many objected to this move, claiming we were going backward instead of for- ward, but we carried our point, and to-day they can all see the wisdom of it, for it gave the breeders a little leeway in this section to help out other more important Sections, and we to-day have not only gotten rid of the white lobes, but have made greater improvements in every way than was then thought possible. j This section is valued at six points. In shape, Wyan- in shape ‘that do show up at times are uneven length of wattles in “i wrinkled or males, and wattles torn by fighting. Where wattles are uneven in length, the cut is one-half to one. ‘This is not a natural defect and has no effect on the breeding qualities of the specimen. In color the lobes should be red. Where they show a trace of white the cut is one-half. If half or more of the lobes are white the cut is from one and one-half to two and one-half, according to the degree. Weck of the Wyandotte. This section is valued at ten points, which are divided four for shape and six for color. The shape of the neck is _ying around it. usually good, except at limes the specimen is discounted on account of the feathers not being fully developed, thus mak- ing a break at junction with back and spoiling the nice con- cave sweep so much admired by fanciers. There is one phrase that may as well be explained here, as amateurs will find it in almost every section in this breed when they refer to their standards. The words are “medium in length.” Medium as applied to this breed, would be an average between two extremes, for instance, the neck would be a medium between a Game and a Cochin. A Wyandotte is naturally on the blocky order, not so much as a Cochin Bantam, but enough to be termed in poultry parlance, a medium. In the color of the neck section we have one of the very hardest things to get right. In fact, in any section where black and white are the predominating colors, and the feathers grow long, we will always experience more or less trouble in keeping them free from sunburn or copper color. The under-color of the hackle should be a dark slate, that is the downy part of the feather next to the skin. The knitted portion of the feather should be a silvery white with a clear black stripe through the center of the feather coming to a point near the extremity, the white to be clear and distinct and running entirely around the edge of the feather, making a black feather neatly and completely laced with white. We refer you to the chart No. 1, where you will see just such feathers as I have described, and you will see them on this picture in just such positions as you should find them on the living specimen. Fig. 7 shows a good feather with the exception of the white shaft, and it should be discounted one-half point. Fig. 8 shows a feather that is quite often met in this variety and one of which it is hard to get rid. It shows the white shaft in the same pro- portion as Fig. 7, but fails in the nice white edging so much admired, and it makes the neck look smuity with a black Such a feather should be discounted twe points, as it is useless in the breeding pen and is a disgrace | Bi FIG. 8-SHORT HACKLE FEATHER. in the show room. In scoring this section we usually find more or less trouble with the under-color, especially if the surface color is good. Many claim that the white shaft in the feather would be a benefit to the breed. I am slow to believe this, as I have found some specimens that were perfect on surface still holding the strong under-color £o the skin. And if one man can breed them that way there is no excuse for the rest of us not doing as well. Where the feathers are good at the end and show a nice white edging, but lack in under-color, say one-half the length of the feathers, the cut would be three-fourths; if only a trace of white at the base of hackle, the cut would be one-fourth. Where feathers are good, except at the tip and then the black pushes through the white at tip of feather, the cut is one-half. In Fig. 9 is shown a feather that conforms so nearly to the standard that a judge could pass it as being perfect. There is a trace of white in the shaft, but taken all in all it is as good as any we have found. The under-color did not show well in the photograph owing to the light. In the original the under-color was good. THE WYANDOTTES. FIG. 9. FIG. 10. HACKLE FEATHERS—SILVER WYANDOTTE MALE, The Back. This section, in all the American classes, has a valuation of ten points in the standard of 1898. The two points that are added to the back are taken from the body and fluff, and the last named section will in the future have a valuation of six points instead of eight, The back is the keystone of the Structure, and without a good one on your male bird you are far from perfec- tion, no matter how good the rest of the sections may be. It is of great im- portance in both male and female, but more so in the male. This section is subdivided on shape and color, five points being given to each. In shape it should be SHORT, BROAD AND FLAT AT THE SHOULDERS, saddle BROAD AND FULL. I put this in capitals so it will make a little more im- pression on the reader, for I consider this section the most important one in any breed. Look at chart No. 1 and see this section, then read the standard again, and you will soon get the right idea and be able to make the proper selection 10 in mating up your pens, fect. There are many color of the bac breeders as to wh back, and the proper w man holds to one idea, and the others ideas, all working for the same end on and all more or le as the only proper I do think that we shou line and see if we do not finally co point, and then in buying from one not only help the breed, but help our have made it a point to get the Opi breeders I meet on this important s IT am giving instruction that meets t I feel confident that one long pull America on top again, fer it is a wel our English cousins have excelled u The surface color of the Silvery white, with the black through in the saddle. dark: slate; the knitted portion of the FIG, 1I—BACK OR SADDLE FEATHER— It is next to impossible to set them just right in color, that is, absolutely per- reasons for this failure in the Ks of both males and females, but the most important one is the difference of opinion among at really constitutes a standard ay to mate to produce it. One to some other different lines, SS mixing the blood of the different matings together to produce it. I do not wish to pose one to give instructions, neither do I think I am more capable than many others, but ld all work together on one me to the right another we shall Selves as well. I nions of the best, ubject, and I fee] heir approval and together will put l-known fact that S so far, male’s back should be a stripes slightly showing The under-color should be feather should WYANDOTTE MALE, THE WYANDOTTES. be black with a narrow edging of white running entirely around the outer edge of feather similar to that of the hackle, with the exception of center of feather, which should have a narrow white center in the form of a diamond, see Fig. 11. By referring to the chart you will see those feath- ers just as they grow on the living specimen, and in what proportion the size of the diamond centers are at different parts of the saddle. In Figs. 12, 13 and 14 are shown three defective feathers. such as are met in every show, and which are hard to breed out. Fig. 12 is very good on the surface, but is too. light underneath, and shows a white under-color. This kind of a back should be cut one point. Fig. 14 is better under- neath, but fails on the outer edge and in the diamond shaped center, feathers like this give the bird a kind of smutty Fig. 12. Fig. 13. Tail of the Wyandotte. The tail is valued at eight points, four for shape and four for color. In color it should be black with no trace of white in the tail proper. In scoring this section the color euts are easily understood, as you should cut for white in such proportion as it appears; if solid white the cut will be four, if half white the cut will be two, and if one-fourth white the cut will be one. In shape the tail should be well developed, well spread at the base, and of medium length. Here again you find the word medium, but as this has been explained in the neck section it will not be necessary to go over it again. By being well spread at the base the tail carries out the full outline of the broad back, and with the tail coverts long and well developed makes the nice concave sweep from middle of back to end of tail, as Shown in chart 4 2 B zZ 2 ¢ h zi Z Z DEFECTIVE BACK FEATHERS—WYANDOTTE MALE. appearance on the surface and should be discounted one point. Fig. 13 is a blurred feather, both on surface and underneath, and is one that should be guarded against at all times. The white and black mingle and give the feather a sort of brown cast underneath, and a mossy color on the surface. Such a back should be discounted two points. In regard to shape, if the back is too long the cut is from one- half to one and one-half; if too narrow or pinched, giving the specimen a narrow consumptive look when viewed from the top, the cut is from one to two points, according to the degree. If itis roached in the center the cut is one, if scant in saddle the cut is one-half to one. No. 1. The sickles should extend over the end of tail and curve nicely over the top, as shown in the chart. Such tails are scarce indeed, but they are just what you want, and when you get them you invariably get the broad, short back so much admired. In Figs. 15 and 16 are shown two defective tails. Those like Fig. 15 are quite often met in the show room, but we are glad to say that such tails as Fig. 16 are seldom seen and they will soon be a thing of the past. Fig. 15 is too high and not well spread, and the sickles are too long and too straight. Such a tail should be discounted one and one-half points. Fig. 16 is what is termed a squirrel tail, as it is 11 THE WYANDOTTES. i past the perpendicular line and is supported by the Arriec x~ack. Such a tail is an abomination, and it should be cut vo d one-half points. The Wings. A pitfall was placed in this section by the framers of the old standard, that has brought much disappointment to the breeders of both Silver and Golden Wyandotte males. In many cases the wording could not be un- derstood by some of our up-to-date breeders. Turn- ing to your old standard you will find in the de- seription of wing coverts the following: ‘““‘Upper web black, lower web white with a narrow black stripe along the edge which widen as it approaches the tip, forming a double spangled bar across the wing.” A doubled spangled bar across the wing! Just think what kind of a job we are asking nature to perform when we demand any thing of this kind. We are asking nature to spangle a wing, and lace a back, breast and body. In other words we are asking nature to work against herself. The standard of 1898 has eliminated the word spangle and the description of the feather that formed the spangle, and it bas inserted the word laced and described a laced feather. Now look again at chart No. 1. Here every feather that is shown has the lacing, and by adding the second row of feathers to the bar (it is omitted here in order to show the whole length of the feather) you will have as fine a barred wing as was ever seen and at the same time you will be following nature. With this chart before you it is unneces- sary to go much into details, and I shall oniy describe this section in such parts as are not shown here. 15—TAIL TOO HIGH. Not well spread.) FIG. FIG. 16—SHOWING SQUIRREL TAIL. I call your attention to Figs. 17 and 18. These are old cuts used in a former work on this breed, and I shall not consider any part of them except the wing bow and flights. The bow is sometimes called the shoulder. This part of the wing should be silvery white and free from brass and _ sunburn, and the white should run down to the wing bar and break even across the entire wing. The flights should wing be black on the upper web and white on the lower web, see Fig. 1%. In Fig. 17 is shown a wing with the white running across the shaft and showing in that part of the feather that should be black. Such a wing should be dis- In Fig. 19 is shown a feather that has the white on the extreme upper edge of the feather, and like counted one point. 12 et a ree es oS Ee Pee eh Fig. 17 it should be cut one point. Tf the feathers that form the bar are not distinctly laced and fail in showing the bar as described, the cut is from one-half to one and one-half. If the shoulders are mixed with black or copper, and tail in the white as shown in the cuts, the cut is from one to two points. In Fig. 20 is shown one of the old style spangled bars. It should be discounted one point. Breast of the Wyandotte. Here is another important section, especially as we claim much for this breed as a market fowl. It is valued by the standard at ten points and is divided, five for shape and five for color. In shape it should be broad, deep and well rounded; in color, black, the feathers having large white S iiiuuyee FIG. 17—WYANDOTTE WING—SHOWING DEFECT OF WHITE IN FLIGHTS. centers and dark slate under-color. In the chart you will find both the color and the shape as referred to in the standard description. This chart might be just a trifle deeper in front of the thighs and improve the shape some, but it is so near right’ that I-will not attempt to improve it. In scoring the shape we pay particular attention to this section, and it is cut as severely, if not more severely, than any other section of the body. If the breast is teo narrow or too flat, the cut is from one-half to two; if the breast is wedge-shaped, failing to show the nicely rounded out appearance, the cut is from one-half to one and one-half, according to the degree. The breast boue is usually cut in this section, although it properly belongs to the body, but inasmuch as it is usually cut here I will call attention to it now and omit it in the body section. If the breast bone is slightly turned at the FIG, 18—WING OF WYANDOTTE MALE—SHOWING CORRECT BLACK AND WHITE IN FLIGHTS. end the cut is one-half; if crooked so as to turn the entire front, the cut is from one to two. The feathers should be black with white centers, the centers large, following the form of the feathers and free from any outside white edging. The chart shows these feathers just as they should be with the right proportion of white and black. One of the common defects in this section THE WYANDOTTES. is a frosting on the outside of the black, and smali cres- centic markings up near the throat. Fig. 21 shows one of the defective feathers quite oflen met in the show room. It should be cut one point. If a white edging appears on the outside of the black lacing the cut is one point. There is another defect that is quite common in this breed, even among the best laced birds, namely, a wide band of white down where the breast joins the body, caused by the feath- ers failing to lace up properly. When this defect appears it should — receive a cut of from one-half to one 8 Ni and one-half points. : Body and Fluff. SS This has been rather an unim- portant section and it was seldom cut for color or shape, but the new standard calls for a male bird laced ‘on the thighs and following well round under the vent. So it will in the future be considered of consid- : erable importance, for in order to get good lacing on other sections it is of importance that we get every feather laced as perfectly as possible. By referring to the chart you will see that the male in both the silver and golden varieties is destined to be a much handsomer bird than formerly, and the breeder who has been giving this body lacing attention will reap a bene- AN AW FIG. 20—WHITE FEATHER SHOWING OLD STYLE SPANGLED BARS. fit by the improvement called for by the new standard. In shape the bird should be deep in body and wide, deep enough to give the specimen a rounded out appearance, and broad enough to give plenty of room between the thighs. FIG. 19—FLIGHT FEATHER FROM MALE—SHOWING DEFECTIVE If the specimen is narrow or contracted, the cut is from one-half to one and one-half; if shallow, not extending well down, the cut is from one-half tc one. If the reathers faii to lace up properly and show only an occasional laced feather the cut is one point; if the tacing is crescentic in shape, or the feathers show an outside lacing cf white, the cut is one. If no lacing appears on the is one and one-half. 5 body or fluff the cut WHITE ON EXTREME UPPER EDGE. Legs and Toes. in looking at the chart one will think the legs on the specimen are too large, and not in proportion, but those legs were made to represert a large, well-balanced bird, and to my eye they are one of its chief charms. When I can get a good sized bone in the leg of my Wyandotte I am sure of getting a strong, vigorous bird, and I consider it of vast importance that we breed entirely away from the small Leghorn style of shank that has become quite common in our Wyandotte families. : The thighs should stand well apart; and show up strong, with an abundance of meat on them. If narrow and con- tracted the cut is one point; if standing too close together the cut is one-half point; if the toes are crooked or de- formed the cut is from one-half to one and one-half. If the thighs are not laced as shown in the chart, but show only a dark slate color the cut is one point, if partly laced one-half point. If the shanks are spotted or shade to willow the cut is from one-hali to two. Remember that any trace of feathers or down on shanks or toes disqualifies the specimen. FIG. 2I—DEFECTIVE BREAST FEATHER. SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE—FEMALE. I present in connection with this description of the Wyandotte female a chart that for correct standard color of the silver variety has never been equaled. In shape this chart does not suit me so well as that of the male, because this cut is a little too long, in fact it is a trifle overdrawn. But should you get as good a living specimen you need have no fear of not being among the winners in the best of com- pany. This chart was made from a sketch of the first prize White Wyandotte pullet at Bostcn, owned and bred by Mr. Mr. Arthur G. Duston, of Marlboro, Mass. It not only represents the correct standard color, but it is the color you can depend on in the silver variety to give you first-class exhibition females if good judgment is used in the selection of the male. In Wyandottes, as well as in most of the other varieties, the males are ihe more valuable so far as a money consideration is concerned. But in producing first-class 13 exhibition specimens of either the silver or golden varieties, it is considered by breeders to be more of an honor to get the females right, in fact, a breeder who gets in the money class with his females at the big shows, is indeed a lucky exhibitor. In scoring the female here I shall omit the golden variety, as the same color is called for in both the silver and golden, with the exception of substituting the word gold for silver. Our aim is to make this book plain and easily understood without going any further into minute detail that is absolutely necessary. For this reason I have adopted the form of questions and answers, which I feel will take the place of leng descriptions and be of more practical value to the reader. I will now ask you to turn to chart No. 2 and study it carefully. Remember the color here illustrated is consid- ered perfect, and it is so shown on each section that you can os COPYRIGHTED BY THE REWABLE PovLTRY COuRNAL. 1853 STANDARD WYANDOTTE SHAPE—FEMALE. Chart No. 2—Copyrighted Hewes’ Chart, Designed Expressly for this Book by Franklane L. Sewell, Showing Standard Wyan- dotte Female Shape (all varieties); also Standard Striping and Lacing for the Different Sections (Hackle, Breast, Wing, Fluff, Etc.) of Silver and Golden Wyandotte Females. 14 THE WYANDOTTES. see at a glance just what kind of color is required in all sections. Do not overlook the important point that you must have as much under-color as shown here if you expect the bird to hold its color and not fade. Question—What do you mean by fading? Answer—In all parti-colored specimens there is a con- stant drain cn the system to supply the coloring matter, and the natural tendency is to grow lighter. If we do not look carefully after our birds when they molt we shall find that the feathers will come in nearly white, or with a crescentic marking instead of a lacing, or as poultrymen term it, they have faded. Q.—How would you avoid this fading? A.—By breeding only from specimens that show a good slate under-color, and whose feathers show a rich metallic luster in the black instead of a dead or dirty brown or black, as is often the case. Q.—Cannot the black be carried too far in mating as well as the white? A.—Yes. There is just as much trouble in one direction as in the other. Q.—How much of each color is correct? A.—What does the chart show? There you see fifty per cent white and fifty per cent black, and that is just what you want. Q.—The chart shows more white than black, does it not? A.—No. The outside of the feather is larger and makes the feathers look that way at a glance, but if you will study them a moment you will see there is as much of one color as the other. Q.—Does this equal proportion of color come in all sections? A.—No, only in the neck, back, breast, body and wing coverts. Q.—How about the tail and wings, what per cent: of color do you want there? A.—The tail proper should be black, the tail coverts black edged with white (see chart). Now do not get mixed up on this description of tail coverts. Notice particularly where the feathers lie that show this white edging. They are not a part of the back or cushion, but form a row of feathers that fit in between the tail and cushion the same as in a Brahma. The wing bow or shoulder is half black and half white the same as the back, but the primaries are black edged with white (see chart), while the secondaries are black on the upper web and white on the lower web—about equally divided in color. Q.—Does not the neck of the female show more black than white? : A.—No. In addition to the white outside lacing (which should run entirely round the lower end of the feathers and not blunt off as is often the case), there is a narrow inside lacing, which the standard allows, and which you must have if you expect to breed well-laced feathers on all sections. Q.—Can you show us some of those laced feathers? A.—Yes. But I shall pass them by for a time and call 'them up in their proper place and fully describe them. I shall now take the bird section by section and give a general idea of the defects and a proper valuation of the same. Symmetry, or typical carriage, weight and condition have been fully described in writing of the males, so it will not be necessary to refer again to them as the cuts are the same in the female as in the male and when defects occur the percentage of discount is the same. The head is the same as that of the male, except it is neater and more in keepirg with the sex. There are some defects shown in the cuts of combs, but I shall pass them now and call attention to them a little later. Comb of the Wyandotte Female. From a fancy point of view there is no section on a Wyandotte of any color that is so uniformly defective in shape as the comb. In ten years of judging I believe I could count on the fingers of one hand all the Wyandotte combs that I have passed as perfect. Breeders are not entirely to blame for this, as we have tried to produce something con- trary to nature in many respects, and it is only in the past few years that our breeders have decided on a type that they are willing to consider proper. From now on we may look for more improvement. I can notice in my own yards that the low, flat comb coming to a point in the rear, is gradu- ally doing away with many of the defects that gave me trouble in the past. From a fancy point of view, there is nothing that adds so much to the beauty of this breed as a well shaped, well balanced comb and I am glad to see the effort that is being put forth to improve this section. The standard description of this section is plain and easy to understand. It is the same as for the male, only the female comb is much smaller. “Rose, low, firm on the head, top oval in shape and the sur- face covered with small points or corrugations, the former preferred, terminating in a small spike at the rear; the entire comb and spike curving slightly to conform to the shape of the skull.” Fig. 1 A shows just such a comb as the standard describes and so does chart No. 2. The head of Fig. 1 A is a little too shallow, that is, not quite deep enough through from top of skull to eyes. You will find this section better illustrated in chart No. 2, in fact, I consider the head in the chart to be the best one Mr. Sewell has ever given us. Fig. 2 A shows a comb and head that are both defective and they are joined to a poorly shaped neck and have as an ornament a poor pair of ear lobes and wat- tles. The head is bullet shaped, with : the lower mandible too short, giving a poor curve to the beak. It should be discounted one point in scoring the head section. The ccmb is un- even and irregular, with a poor spike at the back, and the spike. turns up at the end instead of fol- lowing the shape of the skull. Q.—What would you discount this comb? A.—Two points. Q.—For what defect or defects? A.—One point for the hollow in the center of comb, one- half point for uneven edges and the blunt portion where it terminates in a spike, and one-half point for ill-shaped spike. In Fig. 3 A is shown another form of defect that is often met in this breed and one that if the standard is properly ap- plied makes a severe cut or discount. As is usual in combs of this kind it is carried On a poor shaped head and neck, in fact one follows the other almost as surely as day follows the night. The head is too high at top of skull and falls in front of the eyes, in fact it reminds one of a half-witted brute that only knows enough to eat. Such a FIG. 14. FIG. 3a. 15 THE WYANDOTTES. head should be discounted one point. The comb is too nar- row, has a hollow in front and seems to break in two in the ddle. The front end has a slight showing of points on top, but the back part is smooth and high in the center. mi Q.—wWhat would you discount such a comb? A.—Four points. Q.—Please explain such a heavy cut as that. You are cutting away fifty per cent of the comb when you cut four. A—yYes, I am cutting away fifty per cent and it is a question if I should not cut more. In the first place the comb is one-half out for poor outlines, one out for hollow in the center at front, two out for the break in the middle, and one-half out for smooth surface on top. In Fig. 4 A is shown still another type of head and comb and one that I am glad to say is not so often seen, still we find them once in awhile, so I show it here and give it a valuation. This is what we call a game or snake head, and you will notice that every thing about it is in harmony— long, straight beak, shallow skull, narrow, pinched comb and scant wattles. Such a head should be discounted one and one-half points and should never be used in the breed- ing pens. The comb in Fig.-4 A is one that has done a great deal of harm in the breeding pen, as it is almost sure to produce a lot of single combs. It is hollow in front, is smooth on top and is too long and snaky for its width. Such a comb should be cut two points—one point for being narrow and one point for the hollow in front and curved up spike at rear. With the illustrations of the perfect and defective combs before you I do not believe it will be neces- sary to go further with the description of this section. Wattles and Ear Lobes. This section has been fully described in the discussion of the male, and it will not be necessary to call it up again, as the cuts for defects in one : sex fall just as severely on the other. The Neck of the Wyandotte Female. FIG. 4a. Here is a section that in the female is usually good with the exception of the lac- ing on the lower part of the feathers, which will insist on runuing blunt at the point and showing us a dark, smut- ty ring where it should be sil- very white. This section is valued at ten points and is di- vided, four for shape and six for color. In shape it is al- most invariably good when the specimens are matured. Once in a while we find a few minor defects in shape but not often. Where the neck is too long or gamy the cut is from one-half Where it breaks at the junction of the bacx on account of the feath- of the hackle not being full the cut is one-half. When we find term a bull neck, such as is shown to one. ers what FIG. 22, we 16 in Fig. 2 A the cut is one. In color the neck should be sil- very white, each feather having a black center with a narrow outside white edging running entirely round the lower end of feather, and the standard says it may have a white shafting. You can see the white shafting in chart No. 2. If there were even more of it I should consider it better. In Fig. 22 is shown a feather with a good outside white edging and it is considered a good feather for the center of neck but it fails in under-color. It is one of the defects to which I have before referred and it should be discounted one point. In Fig. 23 is shown a better feather taken from the same part of the neck and one that in justice to the bird could not be discounted. Fig. 24 is another good feather taken from the neck, where that section joins the back. It is one of the best I have found with one exception, the white center is not large enough. I should prefer more white in the shaft of the feather. However, you could not discount this feather by the standard. Back of Wyandotte Female. Here is the most important section in a Wyandotte, not alone in shape, but also in coloi. Unless this section is fairly good you can never hope to make very radical improvements in your breeding. In shape it should be “short, broad and flat at shoulders, slightly cushioned; plumage abundant.” In color it should be ‘“‘under-color dark slate. Web black, with medium white centers; the black to be free from white, outside lacing; the white must be free from black or brown penciling; the black lacing to be sharply defined.” Remember that the instructions to judges compel them to cut one point for white edging in all sections where it appears. . Referring to chart No. 2 you will notice the way these feathers overlap and what a handsome color you get from such a lacing. When you go to the extreme in this section you get a back that resembles the four feathers that are illustrated just back of the laced feathers, and then you have what is. called the open or Sebright lacing. In order to FIG. 23. HACKLE FEATHERS—SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMAEE, THE WYANDOTTES. — get this Sebright lacing you must sacrifice under-color and ' when you do this the first thing you know your color has faded as will hereafter be shown, and you have to go back again to black blood for help. I have no desire to injure the breeding of this Sebright color, but I warn young black, but a kind of dirty brown, and it is offensive to the eye of a fancier. Q.—What would you discount feathers 27 and 29? A.—I should discount feather 27 two points, one point for the brown penciling inside the white and one point for jndistinet color in the black, that is, brown where it should be black. ‘RIGS. 25-26—BACK FEATHERS—SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE. ‘Showing Light Under-color, which should be avoided. fanciers and especially amateurs from going too far with it. It is not standard, and in order to get it you must sacrifice one of your very important breeding points—under-color. It is dangerous for an amateur to experiment. What I say is especially true of the silver variety, as the golden seem to hold their open lacing with less show of fading. This is accounted for in a measure by the fact that the sun does not have the same effect on the ground color of gold as it does on the silver. : aan In shape I should prefer a back a trifle shorter than the one shown in chart No. 2, in fact this breed is one of the shortest for its depth that we have in the standard, and when we get them that way we are getting a standard fowl and one that is strikingly beautiful. I do not know of a single breed that possesses so many good qualities for their weight as the Wyandotte. If a back is too long or too nar- row the cut is from one-half to one and one-half, according to degree. Where the back is deficient in cushion, making it look long and straight, and it fails to make the nice con- . cave sweep so much admired in this breed, the cut is from one to one and one-half. Q.—You spoke of faded feathers in the back. Will you show us some feathers of this kind so we may better under- stand? A.—Yes. I will call your attention to Figs. 26, 27 and 29. In feathers 26 and 29 you see the white has faded out at the edges, making a sort of crescentic or half-moon lacing and in feather 26 notice the light under-color that is almost sure to follow the extreme in mating. It is the color against which I have warned you. Q.—What about feather 27? A.—This is a sample of a mixed feather, such as you will find in these open laced birds. It is neither white nor 17 Q.—What would you discount feather 26? A.—One point, one-half for white under-color and one-half for white running to the edge of the feather at the sides. Q.—What would you discount feather 25? A.—One-half point for light under-color. Q.—What about feather 28? A.—I should pass that feather as perfect, be- cause it has the right per cent of white and black, and is clear cut and distinct. That is the kind of a feather we want on a Wyandotte female’s back. Q.—What would you discount feather 30? A.—If all the feathers in the back were that color I should discount it one point, as there is too much black there, in fact, it is nearing the other extreme. Q.—What would you cut feather 31? A.—I should discount this feather one and one- half points, one point for penciling in the white center and one-half for the light under-color. Feather 31 has about the right per cent of white and black, but the colors are poorly divided and it makes a poor showing when compared to feath- er 28. Q.—Kindly explain about the long feathers up near the tail that are called tail coverts. Can you give us some idea how they should be before we leave this section? A.—First let me call your attention to feathers 32 and 33. Here are two feathers that are both defective and which would receive the same discount though they have different markings. Fig. 32 would be cut one and one-half points for black penciling and too small a center, one point for the penciling and one-half point for the small center. Fig. 33 would be discounted one point for the black penciling, and one-half point for the white running to the edge on the FIGS. 27-28-29—FEATHERS FROM BACK OF SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE. Fig. 27 should be cut for spotches. Fig. 28 may be called perfect. Fig. 29 shows too much white. right hand side. Feathers 34 and 35 are good feathers for this part of the back. They are not quite so well propor- THE WYANDOTTES. feathers, that is, you want more white than black, in fact, you should get just as much white as you can so long as you get the clear outside lacing of black. You will find this is not a hard task so far as the large centers are concerned, but there are many other defects that you must guard against at the same time. One of the worst of these is the outside edging of white, and since the standard cuts one point for it we must do our best to get rid of it if we expect high scores on our laced Wyan- dottes. Another point to consider is this: We have three distinct kinds of feathers in the breasts of our females, and each kind has its own peculiar defects. The first one is the short laced feathers under the throat, which will insist on lacing round like the hackle feathers, and quite often the white will run out to the edges, blurring the feather and making this part of the breast look splotchy. Just such a feather as I mean is shown in Fig. 36, and it should be discounted one point, that is, it should receive this cut if only the short feathers of the upper breast are affected. If the entire breast were like that the cut should be three points. In Fig. 41 is shown a perfect feather for this section and a comparison of the two shows you how important it is to get this section right. As the feathers approach the center of the breast they become longer and broader, and« the centers widen out in proportion to the size of the pceeesr itn] feather. Figures 42, 48 and 44 are three feathers from this part of the breast. Feather 43 is what I FIGS. 30-31—DEFECTIVE BACK FEATHERS—SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE. Fig. 30 should term standard or perfect, and it would pass has too much black. Fig. 31 has black and white poorly divided, without a discount, while feather 42 should receive 7 tioned as they should be, but the black and white are clean cut and I should not discount either of them. Q.—You spoke of the other extreme in color and too dark mating. Wiil you show us a few feathers that will illustrate what you mean? A.—Feathers 36, 37, 38 and 39 show just what you may expect if you carry this dark mating too far. Fig. 39 is only a white shaft and it should be discounted one and one-half points. Feathers 47 and 38 are no gcod at all, as they are neither white nor black, but a mixture of black and brown. When you find a back like this it should be discounted three points. Feather 36 should be dis- counted one and cne-half points, one point for small center and one-half point for pen- ciling inside the white. I believe that I have now explained this section so the amateur can readily under- stand it. By referring to the feathers from time to time you will have no trouble in mat- ing or in selecting your best bird for show. There are several sections almost like the back and I shall not go so deeply into them, but I shall refer to this section from time to time. Breast of Wyandotte Female. This section is also a very important one, and you may consider what was said of the back applies to this section also. There are, however, some defects common in this section that are different from those of the back and in order to give you a clear under- standing of them I will describe them now. You want a clear, open center in the breast FIGS, 32-33—BACK FEATHERS SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE—SHOWING IMPERFECT! MARKINGS, 18 0 ee THE WYANDOTTES. a cut of one point for outside edging of white, and feather 44 a cut of one for the penciling of black in the white. Along the lower part of the breast near the body is found still another form of feather which has its own peculiar markings and defects. These feathers are much longer than the others and the white centers are nearer the outer end of the feathers. It looks as though nature were proud of this lacing and pushed it out where it could be seen to better advantage instead of covering it up, which she would do if the white were in the center of the feathers. Feathers 45 and 46 are taken from the lower part of the breast. Feather 45 is very good and it would pass as standard while feather 46 shows the defect so common in this section, that is, the white runs out at the side, making a kind of half-moon lacing. It should be discounted one point. The shape to be perfect must be broad, deep and well-rounded. Chart No. 2 is perfection in this sec- tion. If the breast is flat or narrow, giving the bird a sort of consumptive look, the cut is from one to two according to degree. If it is not deep enough through from point of back to keel bone the cut is one. If the breast bone is crooked, the cut is from one to one and one-half. This section has in the past had too much impor- tance attached to it by the standard, in fact as many points were allowed to this section as to the back, but at the last revision this was changed and the body was given a valuation of six points and the two points formerly given to it were piaced on the more impor- — — ~ SR tant section of back. In shape it is usually good. However, we sometimes find too narrow a body be- FIGS. 34-35—MEDIUM GOOD BACK FEATHERS--SILVER WYANDOLITE FEMALE. tween the legs and the discount is one point. When the body is too long the cut is one; if scantily feathered, giv- Of this variety, Artist Sewell has done his work so well in ing the specimen a scanty appearance when viewed from be- Chart No. 2 that it is useless for me to go into a lengthy hind, the cut is from one-half to one. The body should be 4escription. Every point in this section is shown to perfec- black or dark slate, with narrow white centers. So should be tion in the chart. There is a perfect wing with every feather the feathers that cover the thighs and that run back into the 4S it should be and just as you will find them on a well- fluff. Feathers 47 and 48 are two good feathers, with the : black and white properly proportioned. As the feathers begin to mix with those of the fluff proper they gradually lose these centers and are a sort of pepper and salt color, or, as we term it, a black powdered with gray. Wings of Wyandotte Female. While this is a very important section in the breeding FIGS. 36-37-38-39— FEATHERS FROM SILVER WYANDOTTE BACK (FEMALE). FIG. 40—DEFECTIVE BREAST FEATHERS—SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE, Showing Result of Extreme Dark Matings. One has too much white; the other too little. 19 THE WYANDOTTES. bred specimen. If you are striving for the laced wing bars on your cockerels, re- ferred to by me in the de- scription of male, you can get them by using just such a wing bar on your females as here illustrated. Remember the flight feather should be black on the upper web, and white on the lower web, see the one feather protruding from the wing. The secondaries are white on the lower web, with the exception of a narrow lacing of black (see cut), and black on the upper web. Should white ERFRCT BREAST FEATHER, SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE. rics. 42-43-4}—FEATHERS FROM,CENTER OF BREAST, SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE. Fig. 43 shows perfect type. appear in the upper web of flight feathers the cut is from one-half to one and one-half. Should black appear in the white of secondaries, making a sort of pepper and salt color, the cut is from one-half to two. Should there be an edging of white on the outside of the wing coverts, or should the centers be penciled with black, the cut is one point. The feathers on the upper part of shoulders are small and grad- ually grow larger as they approach the bar or center of wing. Feather 49 is a feather such as you will find on.the upper part of a wing, while feather 50 is one you will find down near the center of the shoul- der, where Mr. Sewell has just laced the outside edges. Lal Tail of Wyandotte Female. This is an easy section to understand, so far as color is concerned, as the tail proper and greater coverts are (or should be) solid black. Feather 51 is one often met in scoring this variety. It shows, a white lacing at the lower end of the feather and such a tail should be discounted one point. Feather 52 is a defective feather quite often found in the greater It has a dirty brown color and | should be discounted one and one-half points. | coverts. Legs and Toes. Not one time in a hundred is a Wyandotte fe- | male discounted for shape of legs. They are almost invariably good in that respect. The trouble we have is to get them yellow enough without getting the black or green spots which are so characteristic | « of the American class. In color they should be yel- low, and when black or green spots appear on them the cut is from one-half to one and one-half. If FIG, 49—FEATHER FROM UPPER PART OF WING, SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE, the legs are scaly or in bad condition from frosted or miss- ing toes, the cut is from one-half to two. Not one time in a hundred is a Wyandotte female dis- counted for shape of legs. They are almost invariably good in that respect. The trouble we have is to get them yellow enough without getting the black or green spots which are so characteristic of the American class. In color they should be yellow, and when black or green spots appear on them the cut is from one-half to one and one-half. If the legs are scaly or in bad condition from frosted or missing toes, the cut is from one-hal* to two. I believe the ay- erage breeder can form a very good idea of the defects in the silver and golden varieties by a careful perusal of these pages, and I shall not dwell longer on them, but I will take up the question of mating and in as few words as possible give some ideas about the course my judg- ment and experience has taught me is the best to pursue. Mating Wyandottes. First, gcod birds of both sexes can be produced from a single mating, but it is a question if as many good ones can be produced from it as from the double mating. Let it be well understood that no matter how good your matings are you will find more or less poor birds will result from them. My own experience has been that a light hen, that is, a bird FIG. 50—WING FEATHER, NEAR SHOULDER, SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE. FIGS, 45-46-4748—PEATHERS FROM SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE, Nos. 45 and 46 are from breast; 47 and 48 from top of thigh, 20 THE WYANDOTTES. with rather open centers in its feathers, will give me my best pullets if mated to a male whose breast feathers have open centers, but who has a rather dark back. The cockerels SN SS Y FIG. 5I—TAIL COVERT, SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE. Discounted for lacing of white. from this cross have never been quite so good, but I can by mating a dark hen to a medium light colored male get good cockerels with a small per cent of good pullets. A real dark mating will give a good per cent of good males, while the females are of little value. My own experience in mating has convinced me that the best results from a single mating may be expected from a male and a female a trifle apart in color but not extreme. I should select a male with a good shape and.a good eye above all else. Then get a good clear stripe in back and hackle with good diamond centers in the back, and a breast that is at least two shades darker than the female. To this male I should mate a female as much like chart No. 2 in color as I FIG. 52—GREATER TAIL COVERT, SILVER WYANDOTTE FEMALE. The Dirty, Brown Color shown here is a common defect. could find, and as good in shape and comb as possible. I should use for a mating like this, a female with a comb that is a trifle coarse if I expected good males and females both. When I say coarse I do not mean an ill-shaped comb, but a comb a trifle larger than we would want on an exhibi- tion specimen. From such a mating as this you may rea- sonably expect a fair per cent of both males and females. THEO. HEWES. 21 . \ i \ il Ni Si Nat ANG S COPYRISHTED BY THE RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL — STANDARD WYANDOTTE SHAPE—MALE. “A. Composite Ideal From Live Models’— As Submitted by the Reliable Poultry Journal for the Criticisms of Judges and Breeders. 22 WiI@SNDOTTE SHAPE—-MALE. Criticisms of Foremost Poultry Judges and Prominent Breeders on ‘‘Composite Ideal Wyandotte Male Shape, from Live Models,’’ as Drawn by Artist Sewell. HE RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL published in December, 1896, and January, 1897, a pair of draw- ings made by Mr. Franklane L. Sewell, the world’s / greatest poultry artist, showing to the best a of his ability, correct Wyandotte shape, male and female, as required by the American Standard of Perfection. For the benefit of the beginner, permit us to say that all Wyandottes, including the Silver, Golden, White, Buff and Black vari- eties, are required to be alike in shape; hence what is perfect or standard shape for the one variety is also for the other varieties. Exact proofs of these drawings were then sent by the Reliable Poultry Journal to the best-known poultry judges and the foremost Wyandotte breeders of America, with the request that they approve or disapprove of same, according to their interpretation of the standard. Nearly seventy of the judges and breeders favored the Journal with replies. After reading these crit- icisms, Artist Sewell, by previous arrangement, modified his drawings, so that the corrected drawings, shown in this book, more nearly rep- resent the accepted ideas of correct standard shape for Wyandottes than any previously pre- sented. Following are the criticisms of the judges on the drawing of the male, as first submitted: W.S. Russell, Ottumwa, Iowa: “The draw- ing of the male I would accept as ideal with the following alterations: Hackle should be a little more abundant, from the drawing it appears broken, or not developed; the comb extends out on the beak a little too far.” H. S. Babcock, Providence, R. I., judge and breeder: “My criticism upon the male Wyan- dotte illustration can be summed up in three words, not blocky enough. There is too much of the V shape in the figure. This V shape we expect in Langshans, but the Wyandotte has won and retains its reputation upon the block- iness ofits build. Take that away and its repu- tation will be dissipated.” Theo. Hewes, Trenton, Mo., judge and breeder: ‘In regard to the Silver Wyandotte cuts I would say that if Mr. Sewell would place their heads against a solid wall and hit them in the rear with a pile driver he would come nearer to getting my idea of a Wyandotte. Why he wants us to accept as a Wyandotte a bird that is long enough for a Java, I cannot understand. I will ask you to reproduce the cut of the cockerel “Cloyd.” This bird was sketched from life by Mr. Sewell and pronounced by him to be one of the best 23 he ever saw. If that outline pleased him I am at a loss to know why he introduces a bird so much longer in body and back. I would add just a trifle to the lower part of the breast of Cloyd and a few feathers to the neck (where you can see they are missing) and use it as an ideal in prefer- ence to the one Mr. Sewell has given us here. SHON 27 SILVER WYANDOTTE COCKEREL This is the cockerel referred to by Mr. Hewes in his criticism on Mr. Sewell’s ideal cut presented herewith. The bird was bred by Mr. Hewes and sketched from life by Mr. Sewell. “The color is much overdrawn. The standard calls for a bird with a light breast, or large, open centers, growing smaller from front to rear. Those Sebright lacings are not standard and there is nothing in the standard that can be taken to mean that they are. We do not want any doubt about this variety. The standard requirements must be plain as day. This is the Wyandotte section of America. AY yf RY! pp, . MALI) ax fj — COPYRIGHTED BY THE RELIABLE Pourrry JOURNAL oe STANDARD WYANDOTTE SHAPE—MALE Changed to Meet the Criticisms of Judges and Breeders + 24 THE WYANDOTTES. To-day I saw Mr. F. W. Hitchcock score two pullets at 95 points, and there are lots more very near that mark. If the boys down east want hot competition let them bring their birds to some of the large western shows. We might not win, but they would know that they had company.” Charles McClave, New London, Ohio, judge and breeder: “The symmetry of the male is good; comb is good, but a trifle too far over the beak, covering the nostrils; head is good; ear lobes are too small; wattles are all right. Shape of neck is perfect; back is good enough; breast has a true Wyandotte shape; wings are all right; tail is good, but a . trifle long; the shanks are good; middle toe is too long. The general outline is that of a typical ideal Wyandotte male. In this work Mr. Sewell has certainly produced a Wyandotte male reaching very near the 100 point mark. I consider this the greatest drawing Mr. Sewell has executed. This line of work is attracting wide-spread attention.” F. H. Shellabarger, West Liberty, Iowa, judge and breeder: “In most respects the male cut is grand, but we think the back is a trifle long—the standard calls for a short back on a Wyandotte. If the tail were set forward on the back three-eighths of an inch, the back and saddle would then be long enough, and the wing would look longer. We believe it would make the proportions of the cut better, as the body would appear shorter, which is in accord with the standard, which calls for a short body.” F. J. Marshall, Sunnyside, Ga., judge and breeder: “The drawing of the Wyandotte male sent suits me to a dot, and I am not going to find fault with it just for the name of the thing. I like it very much, and I think if we could breed 50 per cent of our stock like it we could make money out of it, the first year anyway.” C. A: Emry, Carthage, Mo., judge and breeder: “Comb is too full in front and is set too far forward on the beak and head. The fluff is too scant.” F. B. Zimmer, Gloversville, N. Y., judge and breeder: “We consider the illustration of the Wyandotte male a good one, and if a breeder could breed them as near perfection in shape as this illustration, his birds would be considered ‘clinkers’ and score ‘well up in the nineties,’ providing the eglor was as good as shape. It seems to me, however, that the comb lies too flat on the base of beak and spreads (like combs we have often seen) over the nostrils. Again, to us, the bird illustrated has the appearance of being narrow be- hind the legs, in other words, that part is not in proportion to the breast and the tail is plenty large for the breed.” D. T. Heimlich, Jacksonville, Ill, judge and breeder: “Mr. Sewell has done himself proud in these Wyandotte drawings. them, but I do not know where to look for them. The two are in perfect harmony and in accord with the best speci- mens met in the show room, and they show what the Wyan- dotte may be bred to.” George O. Brown, Baltimore, Md., judge and breeder: “The male’s tail is too low, comes out of the back too straight. Shape from tail (outline) is too much wedge- shape, fluff is not quite prominent enough. The cut is a trifle too full on the lower breast, legs are too stout for size of cut and a little short; upper part of neck is too thick. To me there is a wrong shape of the tail which I do not seem able to explain.” H. B. Savage, Belton, Texas, judge and breeder: “The Silver Wyandotte male, in my opinion, has very few defects. I should like the eye a little higher in the head; the spike ‘that way that does the bird any justice whatever. Perhaps Wyandotte breeders may find fauits in. 25 of the comb to curve with the neck a little more; ear-lobes to be a little smoother; tail rather more upright, giving the back a shorter appearance. Fluff is too scant, and middle toe too long in proportion to the others. Otherwise the cut suits me.” L. P. Harris, Lincoln, Neb., judge and breeder: “I think the comb is set too far forward, the breast is not deep enough and the tail is carried too low.” A. B. Shaner, Lanark, Ill., judge and breeder: “The Wyandotte male is too long in the back and not quite full enough in lower breast. Thighs and shanks are a trifle long and the fluff should be a little more developed.” G. A. ©. Clarke, LeMars, Iowa, judge and breeder: “There being no shading on beak to represent a dark horn color, the specimen appears to have a clear, yellow beak. There is not quite enough arch to back of neck. A little more concave sweep to the saddle would be an improvement. The breast is rather flat; would look better with a full crop. The fluff is hardly what I should cail full-feathered and well-rounded. The wings are carried a little too high. The tail is not ‘well developed.’ Notwithstanding these com- ments, I consider Mr. Sewell’s ideas of Wyandotte shape good enough ‘to tie up to.’ ”’ J. Y. Bicknell, Buffalo, N. Y., judge and breeder: “I have long since learned that criticism of a cut representing a fowl is one thing, and criticising the living specimen, which it represents, is quite another. We have been so long accustomed to see finely drawn outlines claiming to repre- sent the different breeds, that we look at them from one basis and scrutinize the specimens from another. We often see the outlines as the result of a ‘snap shot,’ and, in such cases, it correctly represents them as they were when the shot was taken; but how very seldom do we get a picture in The bird will not pose in his natural shape, but frequently shows off to such a disadvantage that he looks distorted. The R. P. J. had several such cuts in last winter, which were magnifi- cent misrepresentations of what they were intended to por- tray. Realizing the truth of the above, I will state that the male Wyandotte cut by Mr. Sewell is well executed, as would be expected, but the breast is a little too full; from the point below the neck hackle to the front of the hock, the outline is too much like an arc of a circle. Nearly all of our best cuts have this same fault, only to a greater extent.” D. A. Stoner, Rensselaer, Ind., judge and breeder: “In criticising the Wyandotte cock I would say that the comb extends a trifle too far forward over the beak and should be squared up a trifle in front. Head and neck are good; so are the wings and breast. I should like the tail raised a trifle higher, which would shorten the length of the body, making symmetry perfect.” Arthur G. Duston, Marlboro, Mass., breeder of White Wyandottes: “It seems almest cut of place for me to at- tempt to criticise the work of so eminent an artist as my friend, Mr. Sewell, but as we have honest differences I will do so at your request. Taking the male as a whole it looks sprightly, but a trifle fine and a little too hard feathered in breast and body. The head is nice, but I would make the lower mandible almost twice as thick as shown—it is too slender. Let us shorten the back a little. By adding about the width of one of the sickle feathers to the front of the tail, and raising the line of the back to meet it, not carrying the tail out or up any more, gives it a fullness, thus reliey- ing what I consider a ‘barrel’ look it has. The breast has sufficient fullness, but the body is not deep enough. It is TH EK WYANDOTTES. siven rather a slim appearance. I want a body that reaches well down to the hocks, only we do not want a Brahma, so the hocks must stand out in relief. The thigh, as shown, seems hard. A ‘slick’ male will have soft feathers on the thighs; it gives the bird a stouter appearance. The whole contour of a Wyandotte should convey the idea of stoutness without being a particle dumpy, but striking one as having considerable reserve force. Drop the wing a trifle and you will have an ideal male. If any breeder of Wyandottes could have fifty per cent of his cockerels match it in shape he would almost think the millenium had arrived, and surely he would have a ‘gold mine.’ I believe you will ac- complish a great work through the means of these discus- sions.” Ira C. Keller, Prospect, Ohio, breeder of Golden Wyan- “The cut of the male is very pretty, making a fine The comb is too broad in front and extends over the beak too far. Eye has not a mild enough expres- sion for a Wyandotte. Back about right, looks a little long, but if body were deeper the back would not look so long. Breast should be a little fuller and deeper at point of keel borne. Body should be deeper, or there should be more fluff. Tail not broad encugh; if spread wider it would help con- siderably. Shanks are a trifle short for the size of the bird. Plumage of the bird suits me exactly, just what I like to see, lacing not shafting. One can readily see that there is a vast difference in the plumage of this male and what the old standard called for. The plumage of this bird, I think, meets esent standard requirements, which in a laced Wyan- dottes: looking bird. 2 the pr dotte of any color is very beautiful.” Henry Steinmesch, St. Louis, Mo., breeder of Silver Wyandottes: ‘The comb sets too far forward on beak and should curve a little more to shape of neck. Tail should be shorter and not so flat. It should be at an angle of about forty-five degrees.” A. C. Hawkins, Lancaster, Mass., breeder of Silver and White Wyandottes: “The male is too high on legs and not blocky enough in form. The shape of head, neck, breast, back and tail is good. The fluff should be much fuller. With this change and a shortening of the legs the bird would be very fine in form and style.” A. & E. Tarbox, Yorkville, Ill., breeders of Silver Laced Wyandottes: ‘The cut of Wyandotte cockerel in general would be our ideal. We think it meets the standard require- ments. If we were to make any corrections, we should like to see the breast a little fuller just in front of the thighs and the saddle not quite so high at base of tail.” George H. Pollard, Pawtucket, R. I., breeder of White Wyandottes: “I like the Wyandotte cock very well, but the comb is a trifle full in front and the wattles do not hang straight enough, the edges turn back or fold too much. The saddle is a trifle high and the tail is too long. The breast might be a little deeper and the thighs not quite so promi- nent.” Knapp Brothers, Fabius, N. Y., breeders of White Wyandottes: ‘“‘We consider this a most excellent represen- tation for an ideal male of this breed, which is not only one of the most popular in America, but in the world wherever thoroughbred fowls are raised. We suggest that the comb should be made a little narrower and shortened a very little in front. Wattles should be shortened one-eighth of an inch and well rounded and lightened a bit in the center to get rid of the fold and thick appearance. Now with a light mallet drive the tail into the body three-eighths of an inch. 26 This will widen the body at its intersection with the tail nearly three-eighths of an inch on the side. Fill in the place that is a little deficient where the sickles start. Then lengthen the wing a little and add one-eighth of an inch to lower breast. Lengthen the shanks a little. With these few alterations we have added a pound to the weight of the bird and it gives to the admiring public the most perfect cut of a Wyandotte male ever published.” Gs George W. Brown, Camden, Ark., breeder of Wyan- dottes: “The Wyandotte drawings received and are very good, but not up to our ideal of that grand old American variety. The male bird in head, neck, breast and shanks is perfect. The back should be a little more concave, and the tail should be carried a little higher and be made a shade heavier. Wing is too small and tucked under a little too closely. Saddle feathers should be lengthened and should not be so regular where they come in contact with the wing. The fluif should be heavier.” H. D. Mason & Sons, Fabius, N. Y., breeders of Golden Wyandottes: “The comb sets too far front on the beak; it should not cover more than one-third of the upper part of the beak. ‘the tail should be shortened down tu the second sickle feather. There is not sufficient opening in the fluff at vent. It is a grand cut with many merits and if any one Owns such a bird and is tired of having it around we would appreciate it.” A. Gaiser, Tecumseh, Neb., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “The only fault I find with Mr. Sewell’s ideal Wyandotte male is with the fluff and wattles. There is not quite enough fluff and the wattles seem a trifle large to me. If I could breed such shaped birds I should think I had about reached perfection in shape.” J. I. DeLancey, Elgin, Ill., breeder of Golden and Silver Wyandottes: “I think if there is any improvement to make that his fluff and lower part of breast should be a little fuller. His toes are a little long.” C. E. Kunze, Garden Prairie, Ill., breeder of Golden and Silver Wyandottes: “The comb seems to extend a least bit too far forward on the beak and the top of the comb extends slightly forward cver the root of the comb, causing it to appear too thick just above the beak. His wattles seem rather long as compared with the standard Plymouth Rock male, in fact his whole head is a little coarse. His neck and back are good, his tail, however, is too slanting and the sickles are altogether too long. According to our under- standing of the standard the sickles should gracefully curve over the tail, the ends slightly projecting. In this illustra- tion they curve nearly around the tail, forming a half circle. We are not, as we understand, to criticise the color, but we think if the tail were made black it would make a much bet- ter impression. We notice that the fluff is rather scant and we think it would much improve the looks of the bird if it were made fuller. The wings seem rather small for the size of bird and the shanks rather thin. Taking him as a whole, however, he is a very good illustration of a Silver Wyan- dotte, and we would not mind having a number like him. We think that his breast seems rather full, a little too fuli to conform with our ideal of a Silver Wyandotte. We wish the Reliable and Mr. Sewell a grand and deserved success in this undertaking.” C. W. Nuss & Son, Coloma, Mo., breeders of White and Buff Wyandottes: ‘“‘We think the comb is too full at lower or front end and it extends too far over the beak and is too full in center. Fluff is not full enough. He ought to be THE WYANDOTTES. more circular by an eighth of an inch, tapering to a point each way, in order to compare favorable with some of our very best specimens.” Cc. J. Andruss, Canandaigua, N. Y., breeder of White Wyandottes: “I consider the drawing a very good repre- sentation of the breed and I should pass the male without criticism.” W. A. Irvin, Tecumseh, Neb., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “I think the drawing of Wyandotte male by Mr. Sewell is the best I have ever seen. I consider the outline ‘very nearly meets the standard requirements.” E. G. Roberts, Fort Atkinson, Wis., breeder of Wyan- dottes: ‘Comb is too large and extends too far over the beak. Head and neck too large for the rest of the bird, but I think it would be more appropriate to enlarge the body to match the neck. As it is now, the back and tail appear a trifle long, but if the body were enlarged, or feathering made more profuse, so as to nearly hide the thighs, the apparent length would disappear.” J. A. Ayers, LaPlata, Mo., breeder of Silver Laced Wy- andottes: “I should lengthen the neck of the male Wyan- dotte and narrow it slightly, also raise the tail, making body and fluff a shade deeper in the male bird.” S. T. Jones, Williamsville, Ill., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “I do not think the breast is as deep and full as it should be at point of breast bone. Body and fluff are not deep enough. Otherwise I think it a good cut.” John Torrey, Huntley, Ill., breeder of Golden, Silver and White Wyandottes: “The comb is a trifle too far down on the beak and the tail is not carried high enough to suit me. I should prefer to see him stand a trifle higher on his legs, and there should be a little more fullness to breast. But take him all in all he is a fine bird and the drawing does Mr. Sewell much credit.” C. 8. Mattison, South Shaftsbury, Vt., breeder of Buff Wyandottes: “On the whole the cuts are very good. The principal objection to the male is the length and shape of his tail. It is too much on the Leghorn style—too long and narrow, which takes away from the blocky appearance, which is characteristic of the Wyandotte.” F. A. P. Coburn, Lowell, Mass., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “I think the male bird’s comb is a little too wide in front and it also comes down on the beak too far. The wattles are a little long and heavy.. The neck and back are good, but I would have the lower part of the breast a trifle deeper and fuller. Otherwise the bird is my ideal of true Wyandotte shape.” O. E. Skinner, Columbus, Kan., breeder of Silver Wyan- dottes: “I shall not offer any criticism on the male Wyan- dotte shape. It is fine.” C. A. Clark, Fairport, N. Y., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “My comments on the male Wyandotte are few. Adding one-fourth of an inch to breast would improve it; and that would bring the neck forward that much, and by so doing you would add the same distance to back. Shorten the middle toe, so that it would be in proportion with the others. That shape would suit me much better.”’ D. F. Palmer, Yorkville, Ill., breeder of Silver Wyan- dottes: “The cut of male is very good. I can find little fault with it, but I think it would be nearer perfect if the fluff were a little heavier.” J. D. Hunt, Jackson, Tenn., breeder of Silver and Golden Wyandottes: ‘The cut is fine and I do not see how it could be improved.” Z4 aA iN ~ COPYRIGHTED BY THE RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL - ——— STANDARD WYANDOTTE SHAPE—FEMALE. “A Composite Ideal From Live Models’”—As Submitted by the Reliable Poultry Journal for the Criticisms of Judges and Breeders. 28 WYANDOTTE SHAPE-_RRMALE. Criticisms of Foremost Poultry Judges and Prominent Breeders on ‘‘Composite Ideal Wyandotte Female Shape, from Live Models,’’ as Drawn by Artist Sewell. N the opposite page may be seen Artist Sewell’s conception of standard Wyandotte female shape, in profile. A close inspection of this drawing and @= the same as changed to meet the ideas of his crit- ae ics, will show how truly the drawing as first submitted was a “composite ideal.’”’ Note the similarity of the comments. The majority agree on the same defects, which may be accepted as proof that the majority of breed- ers agree on the main points of the ideal of each breed. All of which is very encouraging to the breeders who believe in the desirability and possibility of an illustrated standard. W. S. Russell, Ottumwa, Iowa, judge and breeder: “Drawing of female is too much on the Plymouth Rock type. It is a trifle long in body, the back is entirely too long and there is too much cushion. The fluff is so abundant as to cause the thigh to appear short. The general outline of the specimen lacks the round, plump appearance of the breed.”’ H. S. Babcock, Providence, R. I., judge and breeder: “The same criticism applies to the female as to the male. She is not blocky enough.” Theo. Hewes, Trenton, Mo., judge and breeder: What Mr. Hewes said about the drawing of the male Wyandotte applies with equal force to the female drawing. Charles McClave, New London, Ohio, judge and breeder: “Symmetry is good. Head is good, beak a little heavy. Comb is perfect; earlobes and wattles good. Neck outlines are faultless. Concave sweep of back is about right except it is a trifle too long when viewed from base of neck to tip of tail. Breast shape is correct according to my idea of a perfect Wyandotte. Wing is faultless. Tail is perfect when viewed alone, however, as stated above, back and tail together are a little too lengthy. Shanks are perfect, but middle toe is too long when compared with length of shank. General outlines form the nearest perfect Wyandotte female ever submitted to the poultry fraternity. What reader of the Reliable has the equal in his yards? Do not all speak at once.” ‘lzistZgal F. H. Shellabarger, West Liberty, Iowa, judge and breeder: ‘The cut of the Wyandotte female is the best I have ever seen and I can find but little fault with it. The comb is set a trifle too far- forward and does not extend quite far enough over the back of the head. The beak is a little long. Other than these minor defects I think it filis the bill quite well.” Cc. A. Emry, Carthage, Mo., judge and breeder: “The head is too small. Comb is too far front on head and beak. The lower breast is not full enough.” F. B. Zimmer, Gloversville, N. Y., judge and breeder: “The hen must be classed as a ‘good one,’ yet there is too much space between base of hackle and root of tail, making her appear too long in back. Body is also a trifle long for a 29 Wyandotte. However, none of us handle very many speci- mens in a season that are nearer perfection in shape than the illustration.” D. T. Heimlich, Jacksonville, IIl., judge and breeder: The lacing on back of female seems coarse, but as this section has been, and still is, the most difficult to breed perfect, this extreme representation will act as an incentive to breeders.” ; George O. Brown, Baltimore, Md., judge and breeder: “The female is too long in back; tail is not quite high enough. There is too much fluff; breast is just a trifle full at the most projecting point. Comb does not run back as far on the head as it should. Legs are too thick. The bird is too long through the body.” I. P: Harris, Lincoln, Neb., judge and breeder: Sale have but one criticism to offer on the female Wyandotte cut. It would suit me better if it showed more depth of breast.” H. B. Savage, Belton, Texas, judge and breeder: “The Wyandotte female cut is an excellent one and, in my opinion, its defects are very few. The eye should be set higher up in head.. The lower part of breast is not full enough. Har-lobes are not smooth enough. Neck needs a little more curve, caused by the head being held a trifle too far forward. The cushion part of the back is too long. Middle toe is entirely too long, being as long as the shank itself.” A. B. Shaner, Lanark, Ill., judge and breeder: “Back too long, appears too much like a Plymouth Rock. Tail, thighs and shanks are a trifle long. It should be a little fuller in lower breast.” G. A. C. Clarke, LeMars, Iowa, judge and breeder: “Though it does not affect the general shape of the speci- men, I should prefer to have the eye with a less wild, nervous expression. There should be some shading on the beak to represent a dark horn color. The breast line should intersect the front line of thigh one-eighth inch lower than the etching shows. The body is too shallow.” J. Y. Bicknell, Buffalo, N. Y., judge and breeder: “The female has the same fault as the male, but in a greater degree. The breast in front of the wing bow is much too fuli. The beak is rather too straight. It looks a litile as if the under mandible were pushing a trifle against the upper one. This fault is slight, however. I like both cuts better than any others of this breed that I have seen.” D. A. Stoner, Rensselaer, Ind., judge and breeder: “I like the shape of the Wyandotte female very much except that the head rises too high above the eye, making the comb stand too near the perpendicular. The face should extend a trifle lower.” Arthur G. Duston, Marlboro, Mass., breeder of White COPYRIGHTED BY THE RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL cle ea 5 44 — STANDARD WYANDOTTE SHAPE—FEMALE. Changed to Meet the Criticisms of Judges and Breeders, 30 TE WYANDOTTE S) Wyandottes: “T would suggest a few changes in the draw- ing of the female sent me. The head is too small for the bird. The treast lacks depth. Carry the line down from the fullest point in quite a liberal sweep to where it comes in conjunction with the line of the thigh. A well developed female will be almost as deep through the breast as through the fluff. I would shorten the back by bringing forward the tail on top a little, at least a quarter of an inch, which makes the tail look a trifle larger and relieves the look of too much length. To change the width of the wing through the center, narrow it up a little. I believe we then would have a model we all would be glad to breed to or to be judged by.” Ira C. Keller, Prospect, Ohio, breeder of Golden Wyan- dottes: ‘“‘Cut of the female represents a very neat, trim Wyandotte, but she does not look quite heavy enough, or I might say not large enough. Head is too small. Beak too large for size of head. Back not cushioned enough and is too much on a straight line. -If breast were a little deeper at point of keel bone the bird would look larger and more in proportion. I can find no fault with the plumage. It is just what we want, but is hard to produce. Breast, wing and back have the same size of lacing; this means uniform ‘lacing throughout. The lacing of shoulders lies in rows, which is not natural. This is a handsome cut and reflects great credit upon Mr. Sewell.” Henry Steinmesch, St. Louis, Mo., breeder of Silver Wy- andottes: “The comb starts too far forward on the beak and it should have a little more curve to shape it to the neck. Tail should be shorter and not so flat—have it at an angle of forty-five degrees.” % A. C. Hawkins, Lancaster, Mass., breeder of Silver and White Wyandoites: “The hen is too long bodied for a Wyandotte. She is too long in back and lacks fullness of breast. The tail is too Jarge and full. Head, neck, fluff and legs are good. The ideal Wyandotte female should be blocky in form with full cushion and fluff.” A. & E. Tarbox, Yorkville, Ill., breeders of Silver Laced Wyandottes: “We have no comments to make on the female Wyandotte shape. We consider it good enough.” George H. Pollard, Pawtucket, R. I., breeder of White Wyandottes: “Hen is not so good:as the male. The back is too long and the saddle is too high. The tail is too high, full and long. There is too much of the body back of the legs. The breast should be deeper and the fluff not quite so heavy. ‘Toes look like scratchers.” George W. Brown, Camden, Ark., breeder of Wyan- dottes: “The female bird’s head is a shade too small and is out of proportion to the body. The comb does not set well on the head, extending too far in front and not far enough behind. Back is too long and should be coupled up just a fraction, with the tail lowered and one or two more feathers added. The right leg has a twisted appearance, making the position of the bird look awkward. Otherwise we consider the drawing good and acceptable as a model.” H. D. Mason & Sons, Fabius, N. Y., breeders of Golden Wyandottes: “Raise the eye and back corner of the mouth one-sixteenth of an inch, dropping the point of beak an equal distance. Lower the back three-sixteenths of an inch, making the lowest point of back about midway between beak and end of tail. Shorten the tail one-half inch, both by setting it farther front on the body and by cutting off a 31 little of. the stiff upper feathers of tail. The five last sil- vered feathers extending out into the tail should not be there. All the cushion feathers have too large open centers. They should be medium in size. Too many silvered feathers show on thigh and fluff. They should have disappeared at the lower line of breast. The back, from base of hackle to lowest point of back, should be flat, and it may be so hol- lowed by the folding of elbow of wing next to back feathers that the hollow will hold a tablespoonful of water. This is an aristocratic hen, and she has gotten into a habit of sniffing up her nose and looking out of the corner of her eyes down upon her less favored neighbors.” Knapp Brothers, Fabius, N. Y., breeders of White Wyandottes: “‘The Wyandotte female is also very per- fect in shape, but to us she has the appearance of being below the standard size, requiring a little more iength, breadth and height to give size. The head is a little too small; comb should be raised in front and extend farther back, at least one-third of its length being back of the eye. The wattles are a trifle too small. Add one-eighth of an inch to the lower breast as in the male. Shanks are a trifle short and middle toe is too long.” A. Gaiser, Tecumseh, Neb., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “T consider the female almost perfect. A little more depth of body in front of thighs would suit me better. In my judgment this is the better of the two Wyandotte drawings.” J. I. DeLancey, Elgin, Ill., breeder of Golden and Silver Wyandottes: ‘The female is a little full in back, also in the breast. The toes are a little long and the white centers are a trifle large, but I shculd like to have a yard of birds that looked as perfect as this pair.” C. E. Kunze, Garden Prairie, Ill., breeder of Golden and White Wyandottes: “I consider the hen to be much nearer ideal shape than the male. Her main defect is too much cushion at base of tail, extending forward nearly to the middle of back. Breast is a little full, and she is very loosely feathered. With these exceptiens she fits our ideal very well.” Cc. J. Andruss, Canandaigua, N. Y., breeder of White Wyandottes: “I should-prefer the neck of the hen to be a trifle longer and the lacing to be a little more distinct about the head. If I were breeding Silvers and had a uniform flock of well-bred birds as good as these drawings represent, I should feel that I had stock of which I could well feel proud.” w. A. Irvin, Tecumseh, Neb., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “Head of female is too small for the size of bird. Tf it were fuller in breast it would be an improvement. I consider it a fine drawing.” J. A. Ayers, LaPlata, Mo., breeder of Silver Laced Wy- andottes: “The female Wyandotte so nearly meets my idea of standard requirements that I can not comment adversely on her except to say that the openings in lacing are too large, making the bird too light in color.” E. G. Roberts, Fort Atkinson, Wis., breeder-of Wyan- dottes: “I think the front half of the bird is too small in proportion to the rest of the bird. Posterior shape good, but the tail is unnatural. It should be shorter and have less spread. Lower part of breast and body should be feathered profusely enough to nearly hide the thighs,” THE WYANDOTTES. S. T. Jones, Williamsville, Ill., breeder of White Wyan- This is a fine cut with the exception of back and idle or cushion, which I think is a trifle long. Otherwise suggestions to offer.” Cc. S. Mattison, South Shaftsbury, Vt., breeder of Buff Wyandottes “The tail of the female is too long and nar- row I notice the artist has followed the standard in draw- ing wide lacings. How much better it would have appeared had he made a narrow black edge such as we find in the best Bantams, such as the artist produced for one of A narrow black edge around a white center is, in my humble opinion, what is wanted to perfect our females.” ¢ nr Cohrich or our Sebright our English journals. Cc. W. Nuss & Son, Coloma, Mo., breeders of White and Buff Wyandottes: ‘The hen is nearer perfection than the male, but I think if she were a little fuller where the hackle eomes down on the back her appearance would be improved.” John Torrey, Huntley, Ill., breeder of Golden, Silver and White Wyandottes: ‘‘The female is my ideal of Wyan- dotte shape, I should prefer to have the breast a little fuller, otherwise it is the best drawing of Wyandotte shape I have ever seen.” F. A. P. Coburn, Lowell, Mass., breeder of White Wyan- “The Wyandotte female shape is not so near my I would have the crown of the head dottes: ideal as the male’s. lower, which would give the head that broad appearance which is desirable, then the comb would not be so perpen- dicular as it is now. The neck is good, but the back is too long and a little too much cushioned. The tail is a little too high and too long. I should have the breast a little fuller, but the fluff is the least bit too full. The toes, especially the middle one, are perhaps a little bit too long. In other points the female is about my ideal and I would not object to any number of white ones as good as she.” O. E. Skinner, Columbus, Kan., breeder of Silver Wyan- dottes: ‘“‘Cut of female is good, but it seems to me that the tail should approach a little nearer a square angle at the top.” C. A. Clark, Fairport, N. Y., breeder of White Wyan- dottes: “The shape of female is a beauty, far superior to the male. I have no comments to make. Allow me to con- gratulate the R. P. J. on the success it is meeting with this series of ideal shapes. The readers should heartily appre- ciate these efforts, as it certainly must bring us all nearer to one mind.” D. F. Palmer, Yorkville, Ill., breeder of Silver Wyan- dottes: ‘“‘Except that I think the female a little long in back I should pronounce her very near perfection.” J. D. Hunt, Jackson, Tenn., breeder of Silver and Golden Wyandottes: “I have no criticisms to offer on the female cut. It is grand,” BE Acaueies Pot FIRST, KANSAS CITY FIRST St Lous = NBT H+ BRED % OWNED GY AE. TARBOX. YORKVILLE, ILL seme, ee SE SILVER WYANDOTTE HEN—BRED AND OWNED BY A, & E, TARBOX, YORKVIULE, ILLINOIS. SICUEIN GS IN Jet Bia/ DIUNKGs The Advent of the Wyandottes—Shape—Proper Surface Color—Different Varieties—Crossing—Breeding. BY T. F. M’GREW, NEW YORK CITY. [Reproduced from a series of articles on this subject, written for the Reliable Poultry Journal. ] ERVING the American Poultry Association as one of a committee to examine into the merit of the then called “American Sebright,’ caused my personal acquaintance with them to begin with the public appearance of our Wyanaottes. One was a Hamburg, another we could not place with satis- - faction, and not until they had begun to show their present form of body did they gain a name or recognition from the association. In their make-up is the Sebright, the Ham- burg, the Brahma and the Cochin. When we contemplate this union of the spangle of the Hamburg and the penciling of the Brahma, no wonder the mossing of the centers shows on our Silver females; and it is not much better for the Goldens that have Partridge Cochin and Brown Leghorn blood with which to contend. This combination gave one of the very hardest problems for the breeder to handle, for the reason that he had to produce on his females a marking of feathers almost unknown to the foundation blood. The first standard called for almost the same color and markings of the present day. Then the breast of male had a medium sized, white center; now it is a large, white cen- ter. In females the first standard called for a small white ~ center for back and a white breast evenly laced with black. See our standard of to-day and contemplate the few changes from the original, and consider cur advancement in ideas in just fifteen years. Our written law is almost the same as was given to the crude original of our present modern Wyandotte. : We say, with emphasis, “The standard calls for so and so Yes, just the same as fifteen years ago. Then we saw specimens score over 90 that to-day we could not endure. Under this description, for fifteen years, have we seen the same gentlemen, year after year, tack tp the same grade of ecard, giving credit at 93. Allowing that the birds have improved each year one-half point, to-day, as we reason, the tack should support one card at least with the perfect mark. But this would bring a union of condemnation upon the head of any who should dare such nonsense. And why? “We have learned by experience that the birds grow better each year.” What is this experience? Some call it com- parison. : I hear my readers saying, “The above has no bearing upon the question of handling our breeding stock.” This may be, but straws show the way the “wind blows.” S$ ” po may the above keep you from tolerating bad shape in any fowl you may select to produce of its kind. Wyandotte Shape. ‘The proper Wyandotte shape is quite as striking as the form of a game cock. What would be our opinion of him who selected an ill-formed game cock as the superior of one of proper form, simply on account of its color. The same 33 rule should guide in the selection of the Wyandotte. Fre- quently we see a finely colored buff fowl of Plymouth Rock shape gain the honors as a Wyandotte. Such a shape should not be allowed to gain the honors either in a show or in the breeding pen. ‘Nothing short of annihilation will satisfy when a white feather is found in a black Wyandotte; but we gaze with approval upon an overgrown Black Hamburg labeled as a first prize Black Wyandotte. We destroy the fine form with true Wyandotte qualities for the one white feather, and proceed to produce a flock of Hamburgs from this winning wonder who has fooled us all with his beautiful color. . The best all-’round Wyandotte to-day is the Silver. Its size is good, its form most perfect, considered from the util- ity standpoint, and its color is the best—not white enough to soil, nor black enough to injure for market purposes. It simply needs continued attention to make it as perfect a show fowl as its cousin, the White. Like all penciled or spangled fowls, it must be line bred with considerable care to free its plumage from the bad markings of the present time. There can be no real reason advanced showing why the Wyandottes, both Silver and Golden, cannot be brought as close to the standard line of perfeetion in color as any barred, penciled or spangled fowl. The laws of reproduc- tion teach us that in white fowls the pureness of the color can be materially injured in a single year by the use of a male having a yellowish cast in plumage. If this slight cast in coler will injure the whole ficck, if a slight creamy cast is so injurious, what may we expect to come to the center color of the plumage of our female Wyandottes unless we use more consideration in our union of colors? Take the one section of the after portion of back of female. How few do we see that have feathers with good centers, free from mossing! We look into pen after pen in our show room and hunt for the ideal back plumage so sel- dom found, and wonder why we make haste so slowly in this direction. Many have cast the breed aside simply on this ground. They say the almost impossible task of clearing the plumage has discouraged them from ever gaining the desired quality. Hive you given your best consideration to these facts in selecting the birds for your breeding pens, or have you over-looked important factors? Proper Surface Color. The so-called “top color’’ of the Silver Wyandotte male should be quite like the Dark Brahma, silvery white in color. Far better not to mate at all than to use males with a brownish gray top color. For years we have struggled to clear the white centers of the back plumage of our females by using males with this smoky top plumage. How often we hear, “The color comes largely from the male, size from the female,” and then we proceed to-clear the backs of our RELIABLE 7°" _ Pov_rry = JOURNAL COpyRIGHT- - - SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES. By SEWELL, NOVEMBER, 1899. Standard Weights—Cock, 84 pounds; hen, 64 pounds; cockerel, 74 pounds; pullet, 54 pounds. Characteristics—Cost of raising to maturity, 70 cents; annual cost of keeping, 80 cents; average egg yield per year, 175; average number of eggs to pound, 9; average constitution, They are good as foragers; can stand confinement; are fine as sitters and good as mothers, Grain and flavor of flesh good. 34 THE WYANDOTTES. females with a male whose saddle plumage is about as black as if smeared with paint, and then wonder the next fall how it happened. Why not this year try just one pen, or better, one male and one female off in a corner somewhere by themselves, the female selected because she is the best Silver Wyandotte you own or can obtain. Mate her to a male just as pure silvery white as a Hamburg, if he can be found. Have him a real Wyandotte in every way and real pure, silvery white, with the clean-cut black stripe in hackle and saddle, the white diamond-shaped center of saddle to be clear and per- fect. Study with care what the diamond saddle centers are for a Silver Wyandotte. Be sure you fully understand them. Go over and over the wording of color demands, study it section by section, and see if there are not some things you did not quite understand, and this may help in gaining the desired end. Only by this close study and care will the much-desired clear cast of plumage be obtained. The many admixtures of blood in the Wyandotte, both Silver and Golden, must continually be at war with each other. The transfer of specimens from one yard to another brings about continued internal disturbances that can only be lessened or controlled by closing out these faults by care- ful breeding. Close family unions only should be allowed. Build up four families of your own and transfer them from cne to another, but never hope to improve the color of your females by using males with the brownish cast in top plum- age. : In Dark Brahmas the best females are bred from males with the light under-color. The best breeding strains of partridge color have the light under-color, and so must the dark under-color of our Wyandottes, both Silver and Golden, be softened considerably to gain the much desired surface color. Black casts its shadow over every color; its influence is self-asserting, and while we can not obliterate itsinfluence over the center markings we can soften and curtail its dom- inating power and with care confine it to its own domain. This process will weaken the under-color, and as this is gained the clear top-color in males will be forthcoming and the clearer centers of the females. The Selection of the Sire. The ideal Silver Wyandotte to be used as a breeding bird should be free from brown or any color save the pure silvery white with black stripe. His color should be as pure and true as that demanded for the exhibition Dark Brahma. Consider for the moment your own matings of last season compared with this. Did those of last year produce as you desired? If not, in what respect did they fail? We feel assured it was the same trouble that all have, mossing of the center of the feathers. Why? Was it from that brownish backed male? If so, have we better colored males this year, or are we still endeavoring to clear up our white center markings with brown? The same conditions hold good with the Golden. The purer and clearer the top color of the male, the better his females will be. Better by far encourage light under-color in your males, especially in the Silver variety, than to con- tinue these dark shadings of surface color on back. Do not become frightened at gray in the under-color, providing it gives you a pure, true silvery white for surface color of back. The same conditions hold control of both Golden and Silver. The same course will improve both, their feather markings being the same. The best handlers of the Golden variety have not only gained the clear golden diamond center in the saddle plumage, but have also the same center in the hackle. These clear centers can also be gained and maintained, with care in mating, in our Silver variety. The theory is advanced that by making the effort ‘to clear the plumage in this way too much white will be the 35 result. No doubt this will be so in some cases, more espe- cially with those who encourage very large white centers on breast, but those who use care and judgment and keep the black in the females bright and pure in surface color and select those for breeding that do not incline to a predomin- ance of white, will gain their desire. Do not try to do this all at once. Do not make the mistake of using males with too much white. The proper males to use are those as clear and clean as possible, that have the distinct black center stripe in both hackle and saddle and that are as free as pos- sible from any show of the dark collar about the neck and dark shading on the back. The Buff Wyandotte. The originators of all of our new buff varieties seem to have striven to obtain a very dark reddish color trimmed with black. The early specimens of all buff varities came to us with black wings, tails and necks. Much hard labor has been expended to obliterate this. The ardent task has been partially overcome in a very short time, when compared with the Cochins that have been scientifically bred so many years and still are not free from these troubles. While in England, Mr. E. P. Shepherd, of Croton Falls, N. Y., made some public statements on buff color, from which we quote the following, as published in an English journal: “In the course of conversation Mr. Shepherd gave it as his opinion that the English Buff Leghorns were much inferior to the American. The English fancier, he thought, had been breeding for too dark a color and consequently many of their specimens come too ruddy on the wing. Said Mr. Shepherd, ‘The pale lemon color is the standard color in America, ground color being as important as the surface.’ ” To these remarks Mr. E. C. Lester Kay, the originator of the Buff Leghorn in England, takes exceptions and contends for the deep orange buff, and terms those who differ with him thus: “TI am sorry to see the ignorant dead set made by some reporters of late at what they are pleased to describe as redness or warmness on wing bow in the case of Buff Leghorn cockerels, this being in reality in most cases merely the extra richness imparted to an orange buff body color by the attendant luster of the part in question, a natural and ineradicable attribute of sex.” No one can equal the tenacity of an Englishman in hold- ing a position that is in the least tenable. But this is the finest excuse for a red wing bow yet presented, “an ineradi- cable attribute of sex.” We call it a curse to the buff varieties. If quoted correctly, Mr. Shepherd’s remarks are to be regretted, just on the issue of our new standard, in which all buff breeds are alike described in color as one even shade of rich golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appearance. It is quite unfortunate to have the whole of England told that we prefer the pale lemon color. Experience has taught me that the better way to handle the buff color is to eradicate as far as possible all black from the females; drive it out, even if white comes to take its place. In so doing the males should at the same time become almost free of any black, other than in the under-tail plum- age. By so doing the surface color becomes very light. It is an easier task to strengthen this than to be rid of the black. To build up the color when pure buff and free from black, mate together your best colored specimens, selecting those showing the best or richest under-color. Continue thus from year to year till you strengthen the color itself by selecting the best. In so doing you secure the rich golden buff in its purity, free from red, black or white shadings. Black Wyandottes. Recently we have seen some Black Wyandottes of more. than usual quality. As we contemplated their general make- up we conceded their value as a fancy fowl, and found they THE WYANDOTTES. were only seven out of a class of 184. So we must consider them as simply the ornamental portion of the Wyandottes. After looking them over carefully we drifted to the coops containing the Sumatras of the most lustrous greenish black, the wings, both web and quill a shiny black, the under-color as dark as night, with beak and legs very dark, almost black in color. The Black Wyandotte must be dis- qualified if shanks are other than black shading into yellow, bottom of feet yellow. For what reason? Like the Sumatra, so few exist that they cut no figure as a market fowl. Why not give them the same chance as the ornamental Sumatra and encourage the black beak and legs and the rich, black plumage, and make them truly a fancy fowl? If pru- dence and judgment could unite in making the Black Wyan- dotte a fowl of most perfect Wyandotte form with a bright, glistening, greenish black plumage and very dark beak and legs, it could be transformed into one of the most attractive of all the black fowls, and become an ornamental variety of the Wyandotte family. White Wyandottes. So much has been written of the albino portion of this breed it will be useless to multiply words regarding them. Study well the color plate in the January, 1899, nuffber of the R. P. J.; consider what is said in their favor illustrative of the same cut. Then turn to page 911 of the same issue and study what we say of white color. The careful consideration of this whole article on color may be of much benefit in the handling of your stock, also in the consideration of future articles on these subjects. What we have said about color must not be taken as absolutely unbending in its results. White fowls have been produced of almost pure plumage, having the yellow leg and beak. Pure black fowls have come to notice with almost yellow beak and legs, but their number compared with the whole is so very small they can only be considered as an accident. We can only claim to have mastered the art of producing standard Wyandottes when we can bring together a class of many hundreds of all colors with their Wyandotte form so nearly alike throughout all the classes as to chal- lenge one to say either variety outclassed the other on shape, and the coloring and markings of each variety so uni- form that one could hardly tell them apart were it not for their leg bands. Then we could say our work on this grand breed of American production had been handled in a credit- able manner. New Information. Since writing the above, I have visited the poultry exhi- bitions at Chicago and Boston. At the former, in conversa- tion with those interested in Silver Wyandottes, my opinion Was strengthened in regard to there being entirely too much shading encouraged upon the backs of the male birds with- out having any attention paid to the facts concerning the proper mating required to clear the back plumage of our females, ds previously stated. ~ At Boston the most perfectly colored female I have ever Seen was shown. Her plumage was black and white—not 36 brownish black, but black and white. Each feather had a clear, perfect center of white, pure and free from mossing. All over her whole body each feather seemed to conform to a regular make-up proportion to its size, the smaller ones just as proportionately centered as the larger ones, making a perfect union of colors. In conversation with Mrs. Comyns Lewer, of London, England, who owns the greatest poultry journal in England, she said: “All your Wyandottes, except the Silvers, excel those we have in England; but the Silvers are not nearly so good as ours. This one pullet” (that I have mentioned above) “is fashioned after our style of English Silver Wyan- dottes in England.” She further said: “The white must be pure white and the black a rich, glossy black; not a dull black, as seen here. She also spoke of the color of males being puite inferior to that of the English birds. It is my purpose to pursue this matter further and to secure, if possible, some feathers from the other side and with them some information concerning the Silver. Wyan- dottes of England. It may be that when the matter is looked into we will find, as with their Barred Rocks, which are so different from our style of breeding as to almost be a dis- tinct variety, that the same is also true of the Silver Wyan- dottes. Bad Effect of Crosses. Before me is a letter, asking whether or not I would advise the writer to attempt to improve the size and quality of his Buff Wyandottes by the use of Buff Cochin females. My answer to this would be decidedly no. The Buff Wyan- dottes have so far advanced as to be almost entirely free from feathers on the legs and from the Cochin form of sad- dle and fluff. Many hundred Buff Wyandottes of high char- neter have been exhibited during the last winter. Rather than resort to the use of Cochin fowls to improve the Wyan- dotte in any particular whatever, it would be far better to Select the very finest specimens in size and shape that can possibly be secured, and from them proceed to produce, selecting for remating the finest Specimens of the year. Look well to size, shape and color. Do not hesitate to pay a good price for a really meritorious bird, for in doing so you will gain at once what you had hoped to gain in three or four years by cross breeding. Surely each year of time is worth to you far more than the cost of a high class specimen could possibly be. English vs. American Wyandottes. Tam also asked whether or not it is a fact that breeders in England have secured better surface color on their Wyan- dottes than we have in this country. I am now in position to state that in size, color and marking, the English people are in advance of us, in both Golden and Silver Wyandottes, with this difference: In the Golden we have the rich, bright, bay color; they have a lighter color, more like buff. In Sil- vers the top color of their male bird is much purer and clearer than with us. The females are also better penciled. In shape, like all other English birds, they are bred more to ' Cochin type and with more Cochin fluff than we have on our birds, T. F. WGREW,. WMASEENIG FOR BEST RESULT s: Overweight Birds not Desirable—Shape and Then Color to be Considered—Points Wanted in Breeders— It is Essential to Retain the Identity of the Young Stock. BY HENRY STEINMESCH, ST. LOUIS, MO. *ERHAPS a good way to start this article would be to repeat what I have so often seen in print, that is, “To breed poultry successfully one must have a fancy for the business.” Not only this, but " one must have patience and must be willing to study. The progressive breeder of to-day is not satisfied in producing just as good as he had last year; he wants some- thing better. ; If one goes into the poultry business he must expect mistakes and disappointments and they must be overcome. None of us is infallible. We are more apt to learn by our but I should rather have a trio. If I had plenty of money I should buy a pen of one male and five or six females. I should consider the shape or symmetry of the birds of decid- edly the most importance, and color of neck, breast or back would be a secondary consideration. In Silver Wyandottes I consider the male bird more than half of the flock, and for that reason I should be careful to have him as good as possible. I want a cockerel to weigh seven and one-half pounds or a cock eight and one-half pounds, and I prefer a half pound less rather than that much more. As a rule, heavier than standard birds are less Under the Beak, Throat. Lower. ~ Still Lower. Down Between the Thighs. Lower Breast. BREAST FEATHERS OF SILVER WYANDOTTE COCKEREL, “EDGEHILL,”’ ~ Owned by Henry Steinmesch, St. Louis, Mo. early reverses than we are by our successes. I have been fairly successful with Silver Wyandottes having had them for thirteen years. I have made mistakes and do not pre- tend to know it all now, but I do know that, if I were to start over again, I should start nearer right than I did thir- teen years ago. I should start with one breed, and that breed would be the Silver Wyandotte. ; I should try to get the best with which to make a start. If my means were limited I should be satisfied with a pair, 37 shapely. He should be of a square, blocky build, with legs well set apart; a broad breast, full and round; a broad back, short and flat at the shoulders, and a medium sized tail well spread. The comb should be medium, curving to the shape of the neck, coming to a spike point, and all well serrated. Next I look for color. I want a breast well laced, and the centers must be white and clear, and must extend from un- der the beak down to between the thighs—note illustration. Right here, however, we are liable to have trouble unless ee Ss TS gy, = - "97. => SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES TO DATE. As Bred by Mr. Henry Steinmesch, formerly of Sutter, now of St, Louis, Mo, 38 DEB AND OA IES: we see to it that the lacing is free from frosty edging, which is a grayish tinge on the outside of the black lacing. This frosty edging is a serious fault, and the last standard very wisely instructs a cut of not less than one point in each sec- tion where it appears. If the breast is free from this blem- ish in the male bird it is not likely to show up in any other section. The wing of a Silver Wyandotte is one of its strongest points. A really good wing is hard to find. The white in the flights and secondaries is usually good, but the black is too often mottled. I want the wing bows silver white and the upper web of the coverts black, the lower web white with a narrow stripe along the edge which widens as it ap- proaches the tip forming a double bar of laced feathers across the wing. I have given a great deal of space to the male bird as I consider him the foundation of any strain, and I believe that the most of our improvement in the Sil- ver Wyandotte must come through that source. On the female side I want full standard weight, five and one-half pounds for pullets and six and one-half pounds for hens. broad back that is very slightly cushioned. The breast must be well laced with good sized, open centers. As a rule there is very little trouble in getting pullets very good in this respect, but unless well bred, this lacing, after the first molt, will become faint and will fail to go all around the feather. This trouble invariably crops out where the under- color is gray or white. I should be careful to use only fe- males that were good in dark slate under-color, and should also prefer to have the fluff slate color, although not neces- sarily as dark as in the breast. I want the back of a pullet to show centers as white as those in the breast and the lac- ing must be as clear. With this, however, I must have dark under-color, and I should rather use a female with smaller centers and good under-color than one with large open cen- ters and light under-color. In this view I am going against some of the theorists, but I know that light under-colored females will not wear and the big open centers unless backed up by dark slate color, are only for to-day. They must be broad and full in the breast with a ° I want the ear-lobes red and the eyes bright bay. The standard allows some white in ear-lobes and also permits eyes other than bright bay, yet by a little care we can breed these sections as they should be. While it is a pleasure to note the good points of our birds, yet we should not overlook the poor ones, and it is a good general rule to avoid mating birds where both the male and female are weak in the same sections. Two poor combs are not going to produce one good comb. Two pairs of pearl or blue eyes will not produce one pair of good, bright, bay eyes. On the contrary, such matings will bring forth worse combs and poorer eyes. If, however, one or the other is good in comb and eye then we may look for an improve- ment, especially if the bird possessing these good points is the stronger and more vigorous of the two. With the advantage that the Silver Wyandotte has, of beauty and general usefulness combined, it is bound to be- come more popular from year to year. It is to-day the fore- most all-purpose fowl in England, and there is no reason why it should not be in this country. They are as easy to breed as any other fowl notwithstanding parti-color. While discussion is deep and earnest as to the proper shade of buff or the color of Barred Rocks, the pencilings of this breed or that, the Silver Wyandotte fanciers are working in harmony, knowing that where they want white, they want white, and where they want black they do not want any other color. In conclusion I offer another suggestion, and it is, try to retain the identity of the young stock. If you are so sit- uated that you cannot do this with all your birds, do it with part of them. If you succeed in raising some extra good birds it is worth the trouble to know the parent stock. Know what kind of matings will produce the good ones and on the other hand do away with the matings that produced the poor ones. In this way we can soon establish a strain of birds that will breed true to name and which will be uni- form. This after all is decidedly preferable to producing extremes—part very good, part very poor—the latter as a rule largely predominating. ; HENRY STEINMESCH. SINGLE OR STANDARD MATING. ACH season, in all breeds and varieties of fancy poultry, there are a number of faulty specimens thrown from the best matings. It should be and is the aim of every thorough fancier and breeder Liat to eradicate the faults from his or her flock, and in order to do so it requires a knowledge of the breed and variety he or she is breeding. Nor is that all. It requires study, the careful selection of the breeding stock and watchful attention to the young, if we would succeed. I shall give in the following my method of mating Silver Wyandottes. In them we have the oldest and one of the best of the Wyandotte family, a bird that is fit for both farmer and fancier. As am utility fowl it is the equal of any, and as a bird on which the fancier can exercise his knowledge and science of breeding, it is unexceled. While the Silvers are not so hard to breed to standard requirements as some think, still there are a few bad fea- tures that one must get out of one’s strain before he can hope for much success. In the male birds, splashy breasts and brassy or smutty backs must be avoided. In the female we must fight against smutty or mossy backs and white on the edge of the feathers. I mention the above named faults in particular, as they have been the hardest things for me to contend with successfully. I have learned many things about the Silvers, the past ten or twelve years, from exper- lence. In the selection of a breeding pen of Silver Wyandottes, from which I expected both cockerels and pullets (and that is the only way I mate them), I should select the best shaped birds with the best markings I could find. The females 39 should be well laced on the breast, back, wings and fluff, and the black must be of a good quality. The feathers must be free from outside edging of white and black spots or moss in the centers of the feathers. The lacing should be sharply defined and the colors clear. I want well-balanced speci- mens, not those that are extra good in some points and very poor in others, but birds that would receive about the same proportionate discount in each color section. To these females I should mate a well-shaped cockerel or cock, a good-sized, broad-backed, blocky fellow, with a fine comb not too large or coarse, good eyes, clear neck, good wings, good wing bars, good clear back nicely edged with clear white and with a small white center in the feathers. The breast ought to have a clear white center in each feather, which should be free from white on the edge. The centers in the breast feathers should not be so large as those in the feathers of the female. The under-color of the male must be good throughout, and the tail must be a greenish black and well spread. The defects found in the females should be offset as nearly as possible by good points in the male. By the selection of the best birds from such a mating as breeders, season after season, and by not introducing too much new blood, the result would be a large per cent of finely marked birds. I think the demand for number one Silver Wyandottes is increasing. I have always found a ready sale for first- class birds during the past eight years. I have shown my birds throughout the central and southern parts of the United States, winning many premiums and I have never been defeated on cockerel but twice. K. S. TRIMBLE, North Middleton, Ky. A SUCCESSFUL WOMAN FANCIER. and Substantial Reward for Those Who Produce First-Class Silver Wyandottes—Care, Feeding and Selection of Breeding Stock. BY MRS. GEORGE_M. HANLY, BREEDER, HOOPESTON, ILI. * EXPERIENCE in handling Silver Laced Wyan- dottes is one of ups and downs with the emphasis upon the latter, and I believe any one who has ever bred them will concede that my experience is his experience. It is my honest conviction that the Silvers are the hardest of any of the Wyandottes to breed, but there is glory enough in them when one produces the right results to abundantly repay one for his trouble and worry, to say nothing of the self-satisfaction one reaps as a personal reward. In times gone by it was my opinion that the good ones just happened to come along with the poor ones, but experience has taught me that you can put almost any kind of feathers on your birds that you desire. Two years ago I had some very nicely laced wing barred hens and they bred me a very few laced wing barred cock- erels. I took one of the best of these cockerels and bred him back to the same pen of hens which produced him. As a result this year I have some of the very finest laced cock- erels I have ever seen. They are laced everywhere, even the black shanks having a distinct lacing. I have always paid so much attention to the combs of my chickens that I have escaped the troubles incident to neglecting that section. But I do not intend to lose sight of this important feature in the future, just to get the feathers all right, as, in my opinion, nothing mars the beauty of the Wyandotte tribe as a great, wide comb does. It took me a long while to find out that I must breed only the best to get the best and that there is nothing that retrogrades in breeding so rapidly as poultry. So one year when I made up my breeding pens I found to my dismay that I only had seven hens and one cockerel that fitted the standard I held. Before that I thought any thing would do. At first I was much discouraged, but taking the old maxim y | about little acorns and gigantic oaks as an assurance of ulti- mate success, both as to quality and quantity, I got down to work. Some one has said that a rat by gnawing through a dyke could drown a nation. From that small pen I secured ‘an.extraordinary fine lot of chicks, and they were the begin- ning, the starting point of the success that has been meted out to me since. I like the Wyandottes best because they acknowledge no peers as winter layers. They furnish eggs at a time when we desire eggs the most, both because of their fresh- ness and the stiff-market prices. As table fowls they stand far above all others. As sitters they display the wisdom of Solomon and as mothers their solicitude for their young is indicative of a superior order of intelligence than the animal kingdom is supposed to possess. One winter I placed two pens, one of Wyandottes and the other of Light Brah- mas, side by side. I fed both pens the same rations, green cut bone, bran, mash, wheat, corn and oats. The Brahmas did not produce an egg until in March, while from the Wy- andottes I secured more eggs than my family could use. In the winter I feed my hens millet in the morning, hot mash at noon and grain at night. I give them the millet in clean cut straw and clover and it does me a world of good to go into my hen house on a cold winter morning and see how the birds are working and singing for their breakfast. The eggs I gather at noon more than repay me for the little trouble and attention I devote to them. To beginners I will say, do not get discouraged if you do not get show birds at first, but put your shoulder to the wheel and breed only your best and in time your efforts will triumph. With best wishes for the success of all en- gaged in raising or in anyway connected with poultry, I am, Yours truly, : MRS. GEORGE M. HANLY. PRACTICES DOUBLE MATING. After breeding the Barred Plymouth Rocks for seven- teen years, I decided to try the Silver Laced Wyandottes. 1 had always admired their beauty and I knew their laying qualities were fully equal to the Barred Plymouth Rocks, while for table use there is none better. I began exhibiting this breed five years ago, and have always won my share. I would say to the beginner in mating up his yards, that in my experience it kas been easier to raise high-scoring pullets than it is to raise cockerels that score well up in the nineties. Care should be taken not to mate a cockerel with a dark, well-laced hackle to a pullet with a dark hackle, as the offspring will be smutty. A cockerel for cockerel breeding should have a light, well-laced hackle and saddle, free from splashing, with an open laced breast and fluff, and good Wyandotte shape. Look well to the shape of the comb and be sure it is good. D. F. PALMER, Yorkville, Ill. 40 ORIGIN OF THE WYANDOTTE. A Utility Fowl—Advocate of Single Mating System—The National Wyandotte Club. BY H. J. GOETTE, BREEDER, ST. PAUL, MINN. HE Silver Laced Wyandotte is a purely American production, its origin not being clouded in obscur- ity as is the case with so many preeds. We have some records dating back thirty years or more which enable us to say where and by whom this grand breed was produced from birds which were the result of crossing other birds varying greatly in plumage and char- acteristics. Away back in the sixties a Mr. John P. Ray, of New York state, was breeding fowls called Sebright Cochins, which were the result of a cross ketween Sebright Bantams and a buff fowl called “Chittagong.” The following year this cross was bred to a cross produced by a Silver Spangled Hamburg and Dark Brahmas. The object the breeders had in view evidently was to produce 1 laced bird, but up to this time they. had not been very successful, as the lacing was - too indistinct. It is claimed a black fowl was next intro- duced in the crossing which proved to be a good experiment, the result being a more distinct and permanent lacing. And so was given to the world one of the grandest fowls in ex- istence—the Silver Laced Wyandotte. In 1876 this breed was presented to the American Poul- try Association for admission to the standard, but a contro- versy arose over what this new breed should be called. There were almost aS Many NaMes presented as there were breeders, of whom there were quite a number by this time. They were called Columbias, Eurekas, Excelsiors, Ameri- can, Sebright. Hambletonions, etc. There was also a diver- sity of opinion in regard to the comb; some favored single, others rose, and still others were strong champions of the pea comb. To finally settle all dispute and difficulties the American Poultry. Association appointed a committee to decide on a name and also to prepare a standard for the breed, but the committee failed to make a report, so the nondescript had to wait till 1883, when it was admitted to the standard under the name of Silver Laced Wyandotte. Mr. Fred A. Houdlett, an enthusiastic fancier and admirer of the breed, suggested the name which was adopted. Mr. J. K. Felch prepared the first standard for the breed which was also approved by the American Poultry Association and which, with but a few minor changes, is still the standard in vogue to-day. A General Utility Fowl. The value of the Silver Wyandotte as a utility fowl can not be questioned. As egg-producers they certainly hold their own, being strong rivals of the non-sitting varieties in that respect. As a table fowl they are unexcelled. The plump carcass which is of medium weight, makes them very desirable for the market. Their flesh has not the coarse grain nor have they the heavy frame of bone of the larger breeds. Utility is the Wyandotte’s strong claim, which is conceded by all who have given them a fair trial with proper care and food. As a sitter the Wyandotte hen will perform her work faithfully. They are not so persistent as some other breeds, but when allowed to sit, they are steady sit- produce standard chicks of both sexes. 41 ters, very few deserting their nests. This is certainly a de- sirable qualification. As mothers they are the peers of any. They are gentle and docile, which is an important point, as the young chicks are influenced to a great extent by the ac- tion of the mother hen; a nervous and “crazy” hen will invariably raise a wild lot of chicks. In singing the praises of the Wyandotte it is not my wish to decry other breeds. Every breed has some advan- tages over all others. Get the kind that suits your fancy and with proper care they will pay you for your labor. If you have not the proper time to devote to them nor interest enough in them to give them the care they need, my advice is let chickens alone, as they will only be an expense to you. Advocates Single Mating. To mate our birds in order to insure success in produc- ing winners, is of course the main task of the fancier. There are some breeders who lately have resorted to the fad called double mating as the shortest road to success. Why this is done I am at a loss to know. My experience of thirteen years in breeding and exhibiting the Silver Wyandotte has demonstrated to my satisfaction the folly of such a course. I consider it radically wrong and not at all necessary, in fact an injury to the breed. If persisted in to any great extent it will take us a long time to eradicate the evil effects. A standard-bred male mated to a standard-bred female will I know this to be a fact. I will not go into details for the proper mating of Silver Laced Wyandottes as the prospectus submitted by Mr. Theo. Hewes is so complete that any further remarks from me would be superfluous. National Wyandotte Club. Before closing this article I cannot refrain from calling attention to the National Wyandctte Club, which certainly deserves the encouragement and support of every lover of the Wyandotte. This is an age of advancement, and organ- ization with co-operation are two main features of the age. What does it all mean? Why is this the spirit of the times? Because men see that organization can accomplish what the individual can not; they realize that in union there is strength. This is also true of the poultry business. The im- portance of organization has already been appreciated by a great number of poultry breeders who have formed them- selves into specialty clubs and thus are better able to create a greater interest in their favorites. Although these spe- cialty clubs are still in their infancy, their influence has certainly brought out an increased exhibit at our shows, thereby making their fowls popular and creating new breed- ers to whom the poultry business must look for its mainte- nance. Now what are the breeders of Wyandottes doing to keep their birds in the front rank? Collectively they have done but very little, so I appeal to all Wyandotte breeders it matters not where they reside, each to send in his name and dollar to the secretary and be enrolled as a member, thereby helping the cause along H. J. GOETTH. *p22yjO swnrwarsg jeisadg pur jsuq ye Zurury ‘sug G6 ° $6 “HERI ‘EZ 9} Lf Asenurl ‘syodeauury ye ‘q>]aq “yy *] JapuN pasosg ‘SSHALLOGNVAA GaOVT UAATIS AO Nad ATP 2+ pee ay ale > nr [I y f Swe C4 at aot = rn cen Ht E> 4 Ae q ti ty), ee ay MAMBUNG*SILV BR WYANDOTEES: Wyandottes are Hardy, Quick Growers—They Mature Early and are Good Layers—What Points are Hard to Get—How to Mate to Produce High Grade Silvers. BY THEO. E. F. HOLZHAUSER, BREEDER, COLUMBIA, S. C. T™ MAY look like presumption for me to write on this subject in a book of this kind while there are so many more able than I to write about this most excellent breed. But having attained some success and thereby a certain amount of reputa- tion, I have been asked to contribute a short article. No better all-purpose fowl exists to-lay than the varie- ties that comprise the Wyandotte family. They are hardy, good growers, mature early, and when properly treated are layers in generous numbers of nice large eggs. These qual- ities fill the requirements of the market poultryman. Now for the fancier. The Wyandotte family is divided into a number of different varieties, thereby giving the fancier a wide selection to find a bird suited to his needs. In solid colors we have the Whites, the Blacks and the Buffs, all of them having their strong admirers, the first and last more especially filling the wants of the market poultryman. For the true fancier who intends to make his pets a study, there is no breed or variety that gives greater oppor- tunities than do the different laced varieties of Wyandottes. Of these the oldest are the Silvers, in fact they are the oldest of any of the Wyandottes. They are beyond doubt, when properly bred and in good condition, a beautiful fowl, their feathering being a dense black with silvery white, the white under the present standard being required to slightly pre- dominate. They are bred quite extensively and have reached a very high mark of excellence, but in order to pro- duce them in their highest type, a great deal of study must be expended. ‘Some of the hardest points to get in males are, a good laced breast and clear, silvery hackle, back and saddle. The males are generally too dark in breast, not having large enough white centers in the feathers. The saddle and often the lower part of the hackle do not show the glossy black stripe with narrow white center and pure edging of white, having instead the colors mixed, which gives a brownish appearance, and the backs too often are yellow instead of pure white. In females the breast is not so hard to get right, but the feathering on the back gives more trouble, either by having the white centers too small, or these centers not white but mossy, which detracts so much from their beauty. Now, in order to get good offspring we must only use the very best specimens as breeders, never using a mossy- backed female. Mate with your best females a male with as nearly perfect hackle and saddle, and as white a back as possible. You may then in a short time be able to produce good backs on your birds. As to breast you need not dis- card a male that shows white centers of a small size. Be sure that he possesses good, clear centers even in a small degree, and that the black is pure and without the white edging to feathers. The females should have extra large, clear centers on the breast, the black being very dense and also without the white edging. By mating only such birds for a few years, provided they are of the proper shape, we may hope to see a hackle and saddle on our Silvers such as we see on a good dark Brahma. 43 My Favorites—The Silvers. As all of the different varieties of this breed have in common the same characteristics and good qualities, I will devote a few lines to my favorites, the Silvers. In the first place, the Wyandottes are as hearty as can be from their earliest existence to a good old age, and the only thing a prospective beginner needs to keep in mind is to get his stock, either as eggs for hatching or fowls, from some reliable breeder who keeps his stock in the best of health. Such stock and eggs are usually vigorous and cal- culated to give good results in the hands of the buyer. Right here it may be well to state that cheapness is not always a sure sign of poor stock, neither do high prices in all cases insure the best. But I would advise the buyer if possible to visit some of the poultry shows, get acquainted with the breeders and buy from the one who seems most to appeal to his liking. A good beginning is half the battle, first, be- cause it will increase your interest in your fowls, if they are really good ones, and secondly, it will at once make cus- tomers of your immediate neighbors if they see you have something good. When so started in the poultry business it will be very necessary that the beginner be a subscriber to some few good poultry publications and earnestly study them. Such books as are on the market that treat of his breed, also should be in the hands of the beginner, and most of all he must have the American Standard of Perfection. Supposing a beginner to have complied with these rules, he is now ready to start in the business. In mating Silver Wyandottes much care must be exer- cised. Select a male that is squarely built, not too large, but as vigorous as possible, with good comb, not too large, short, but nicely curved neck having a fine colored hackle which should be of medium length and each feather should be glossy black with a small white center, the whole to be finished with white. The breast feathers should have clear white centers, but they need not be extremely large. I am of the opinion that if the white centers are about one-third of the whole, it is better for breeding purposes than if they are larger. The back should be broad, of medium length and silvery white, the saddle and tail coverts being colored the same as the hackle. The wings should be carried well up, giving the back a broad appearance. They should be well folded and showing if possible a double white bar through the black. The tail should be pure, glossy black and rather small, considering the size of the bird, ‘and it must not be carried too high. The body should be full and rounded, the feathers being black with small, white centers. The fluff should be abundant enough to give a full appear- ance, and should be black with a frosting of white. The legs should be medium in length and stout and as near orange color as possible; feet and toes same color as legs and the toes rather long. With such a male mate females that have heads rather small but flat, with a small, nicely shaped comb; good bay eyes same as male; in color, silvery gray, not so light as the male; neck short, well curved, with an abundance of hackle which should be rather short, the feathers showing more black than in the males. The black must be glossy and each feather edged with white, giving the whole a silvery gray appearance. The breast should be very full and rounded and the centers large—say covering about two-thirds of the The back should be glossy black, with good-sized white centers, about half white and half black until the saddle and tail coverts are reached. These may be the same as the breast—the centers about two-thirds of the whole feather. The wings should show the medium white centers in lines running across, and should be well folded. The tail should be rather small and carried rather low and should whole. THE WYANDOTTES. be glossy black. The body should be very full and round and show white centers of medium size. The fluff is the same as in the male and very abundant. Legs and toes should be stout and of as good an orange color as possible. The color of the legs of hens is seldom as good as the males. With such a mating, if these females have good size, vigor and health and you do your duty and keep them in health, you can rest assured that you will raise some chicks that will stand the test of hot competition and yet come out on top. Such at least has been my experience, and I am sure that if the beginner will start right, apply the above rules and do his duty by his chicks, he will be successful likewise. THEO. E. F. HOLZHAUSER. ENGLISH WYANDOTTES TN AMERICAS How Some English Birds Were Handled by the Importer to Produce Good Results—Faults and Virtues of the English Silvers. BY P. H. GOSSARD, BREEDER, MISSOURI VALLEY, IOWA. ELATING my experience in importing and breeding the English Silvers, will be the best way in which I can give a clear and concise view of them from my standpoint. My attention was first called to their merits as bred in Eng- land, by article which appeared in the Reliable Poultry Journal. This contribution was from a fancier whom I knew to be truthful and through his influence I was led to import three pullets and one cockerel. ) These birds arrived here March 28, 1898, having been sixteen days making the journey. They came in fairly good condition, excepting that they were nearly famished for ' water, due, in my opinion, to carelessness upon the part of the express messengers in this country. I am informed that birds making the ocean voyage unaccompanied, are shipped in stock vessels and have the best of care and attention. All charges, such as feed, attendant and ocean carriage, are prepaid by the shipper, but from New York or Boston they come collect on delivery. Should I import again I should do so in October or November for the following reasons: The English hatching season is about six weeks earlier than ours and the birds are mature by October. Consequently they would become acclimated and ready for business the following spring. The first clutch of eggs laid by my hens did not hatch well, due, no doubt, to the change of climate and food. My first impression of this stock was a mixture of sur- prise and regret. I was surprised at their wonderful lacing, which was far better than I had expected to see. It seemed to me no artist’s brush could improve upon what nature had done for these birds, but, alas, no matter how much we ad- mire nice lacing there are other attributes of the Wyandotte family which are essential and which were entirely lacking in this cockerel. Aside from his plumage no fancier could tell to what breed he belonged. The females, however, more nearly represented Wyandotte shape as bred here. At a glance I knew they would be a failure if bred as imported, so the English cockerel was mated to domes- tic females and a native cockerel to the English females. 44 The result was a success. Do not understand me to say every chick hatched was a prize winner. Far from it. Dis- qualifications cropped out thick and fast. Many pure white chicks were hatched. About ten per cent came with single combs and a like number with feathered legs, but there were enough good ones to amply repay me for my trouble and ex- pense. Right here let me say for the benefit of those expecting to import, I would put all my money in either males or females, but I would not get both. You cannot hope to succeed here breeding the English Silvers pure. It would be an useless expenditure, unless you have money to “throw at the birds,’ and want to breed both ways as I did. My preference would be for females. However, this is only a matter of opinion. I am convinced the English lose sight of everything but lacing and in order to get this they make some very radical matings. I have often been asked the question, “What blood do you think they use to produce their Silvers?” My answer is, “Light Brahma.” - The feathered legs and white birds indicate this to me, also the very large size and shape. I had cockerels which weighed in November over nine pounds, and I could trace in a few of them Light Brahma shape. The cockerels breed less true to the American standard than do the pullets. The more noticeable defects are poor hackle, saddle and under-color. The hackle and saddle lack the distinct black stripe in the center of the feather. The surface color may be good, but it is more apt to look smutty. Where we find the black stripe in the hackle of domestic males the English have a clouded appearance. I should compare it to a Barred Plymouth Rock with indistinct bar- ring—the white and black mingle. The under-color of the English birds is too light. You ask how I would mate this English stock for best results? To produce exhibition females I would select a native male or female of typical shape and breed to the opposite sex of English stock. This cross ought to and will greatly improve our Silvers. If a native male is bred to THE WYANDOTTYES. English females do not use a black breasted: male. Some breeders advise this, but do not listen to them. We are striving to produce open laced birds. How, I ask, can we hope to succeed without having the white somewhere from which to draw. My experience has been such that when I want good pullets I use a light male every time. How would I produce up-to-date standard males? Well, there you have me. I do not know. It is a hit or miss game. I am in the experimental stage now, but I have learned nothing definite as yet. I am inclined to the opin- ion, however, that we will have to practice single matings and then we may fail. Too much white is required to pro- duce the open laced breast, fluff and shank, not to have it appear in under-color of hackle and saddle. So far as I am concerned I should like to breed standard birds, but if I cannot then I prefer to take my chances in the show room with a male bird having almost perfect lacing on wing, breast, fluff and thigh, though he be faulty as I have indi- cated. Why am I so particular to detail the faults of English stock? Well, we hear so much lately about English Silvers that many an American may be induced to give up hardly earned money for this stock, expecting to get something like “the picture on the wall.” For this reason I dwell upon their faults as I find them. On the other hand, I find many virtues and I would not be without this blood for twice what it cost me—about $150. With good horse sense and a little head work one ought in three years to have them breed uniformly good birds, having eliminated most of the dis- qualifications that first came. I have thus far been able to retain the English or Sebright lacing and I have improved their shape. What is nicer than a well laced Silver Wyandotte? I have a certain pullet in mind now. Take her in your hands; examine her closely. Notice what grand centers on wing, back and cushion. See the lustrous black lacing. Is she not a “thing of beauty and a joy forever?” Who would not work three years to produce such a bird? ‘ P. H. GOSSARD. Vi YAN EDOT RES, TN: FNGLAN DPD. Winners at the Greatest English Poultry Show—English Standard for Wyandottes—Reported by a Prominent American Poultry Judge. BY SHARPE BUTTERFIELD, LONDON, ONT., CAN. [From Mr. Butterfield’s report of Crystal Palace, London, Eng., Poultry Show, in Reliable Poultry Journal, February, 1898. ] SPENT quite a little time among the Silvers, for they were a great surprise to me. I wish to say iF that the English are a long way ahead of us in Sil- ! ver cocks. Wyandotte cocks, Golden or Silver, numbered ten, all the winners being Silvers. The Wyandottes were judged by the Rev. Mr. Comberholme, Clayton, LeMoors, Lancashire, a celebrated breeder of Silver Wyandottes who won first, second and third at the Dairy Show in October on Silver Wyandotte cockerel. He judged them satisfactorily to every one. - : 3 First prize cock was a very large bird, not as good shape as we would like, but the breast, fluff and thighs were more perfect in lacing than we ever saw on a Silver Sebright, but much heavier than Sebright lacing, just as much heavier as the proportionate sizes of the two breeds. And it was strong enough in black so that it showed quite a greenish lustre. He was not so good in neck, hackle and saddle as our best American birds, but his breast! You could scarcely look at any other part of the bird. It was far beyond any Wyandotte breeder’s dreams. Second cock was a grand shaped Wyan- dotte with grand comb and much better in neck and saddle. . Though very even right up to the beak in lacing, there was not strength enough in the black to give any lustre or sheen. Third was another grand one, just as perfect nearly as the first prize cock, but it was not so large. In fact, there was only one breast such as we are used to seeing in our country, and of course he helped wonderfully in the class to show the contrast between the good ones and the middling ones. There were six hens, first going to Mr. T. C. Heath. I ‘asked him to take her out of the coop to let me examine her, and though it was against the rules he obliged me. She was clear in every center all over and was just heavy enough in lacing so that you could see every feather’s clean, white cer- ter, and the lacing went out as clean and distinct to the end of her fluff and right under her body and down her thighs to the hock joints. She was grand in flights, good in neck, and larger in size than we often see. Second was very large in centers, but lacing was not quite so even. Third was not through the molt and her legs were quite pale yellow and she was a little frosted on breast, but really had a grand wing and cushion. The whole six hens were fine. In cockerels the Silvers did not compete with the Gol- dens. Twenty Silver cockerels faced the judge, and first and cup went to T. C. Heath, also the second. The cup winner was the bird I spoke of in my last. One could not wish for a more evenly laced breast. It ran up to the beak and down to the end of the fluff, and down his thighs right to the hock. He had nicely laced bars. Hackle and saddle not so good as one would wish, but he had grand flights. Second was also fine in breast color, but a little too dark in neck and saddle. Third, nice neck, neat comb, fairly good breast, nice wing. Ten of the ceckerels had grandly marked breasts. The pullets numbered nineteen. Tirst, cup and second stood just as they did at the Dairy, when Mr. Heath sold the second prize pullet for $90 and gave $125 to own her again. Third is a little darker than the two preceding, but is a right good pullet. The marking being heavier spoils the openness and clearness of her marking and easily places her behind the other two. If she had been as large as the other two pullets she would have looked more open and it would have been a hard tussle. You could easily say there were ten out of the nineteen that were really good pullets. You could 45 ; THE WYANDOTTES. searely see any of the white frosting on the edge of the feathers which is so prevalent with us, especially when we get the clean and very often when we do not zet the large, clean centers, the frosting is very visible. The English breeders deserve great credit for their Silver Wyan- dottes. They set cut with the birds they got from America to make them have open, clear, large centers, and they suc- white centers One of the wrongs that kept the Americans back was the standard requirement demanding spangle bars, for I am sure it is impossible to breed grandly laced birds from birds that have any spangling blood about them. I hope the new standard requirements will be in accordance with the laws of nature, and then the Americans will soon have a much better and surer way of breeding grand Silver Wyandottes than heretofore. [Note—The new standard has done away KB S. @a* 57, PRIZE-WINNING SILVER LACED WYANDOTTES, AS BRED AND EXHIBITED IN ENGLAND, 1896. (Sketched from Life.) with the spangle bars.—Ed.] The spangle bars have been a great curse and have discouraged many a Wyandotte breeder who has quit in disgust because good ones never came to him who used cocks such as the standard required. I do not want your readers to be led away by some saying, ‘‘O, Silver sebright lacing—we don’t want it.” The English birds are much heavier laced than any Sebright ever was. It is just heavy enough to keep a fancier looking and looking, and every look fills you with pleasure, just as a beautiful picture does. As to price, Mr. Spencer told me that at the show fie had refused £25 ($125) for the second prize cock. I heard the Silver and Golden Wyandotte breeders talking more pounds for a good bird than we talk dollars. English Standard for Wyandottes. So that your readers can see the Wyandotte Club stan- dard I herewith give you a copy, revised by the Wyandotte 46 Club, 1894: Male, comb eight points, rose, prim and even on the head, full of fine work, low and square at front, taper- ing towards the spike which should follow the curve of the neck. Head, five points, short, and head plumage silvery white; face, bright red; beak, horn color shading into or tipped with yellow; eyes, bright bay. Ear-lobes and wattles, eight points, bright red, medium length, fine in texture. Neck, six points, well arched with full hackle, plumage sil- very white with clear black stripe through center. Breast, fourteen points, full and round; plumage, web white with deep black lacing from throat to back of thighs, showing green lustre; under-color dark slate. Keel bone straight. Back, fourteen points, broad and short, color silver white free from yellow or straw color; saddle full and broad, rising with concave sweep to tail; hackle plumage same as neck. . Tail, seven points, well developed, spread at base, true tail feathers carried rather up- right, sickles of medium length, true tail feathers, sickles and coverts black, showing green lustre. Wings, twelve points, medium size, nicely folded to the side; wing bow silvery white, shoulder tops laced with black, coverts heavily laced, forming at least two well de- fined bars; secondaries black on inner and wide white lac- ing on outer web; primaries, or flights, black on inner and broadly laced with white on outer edge. Fluff, six points, full and abundant, black or dark slate powdered with grey. Legs, six points, thighs of medium length well coy- ered with soft webless feath- ers, color black or dark slate powdered with grey; shanks medium length, strong but fine in bone, color bright yel- low; toes straight, well spread, color same as shanks. General characteristics—sym- metry, size and condition re- sembling a Brahma. Carriage very graceful and well bal- anced. Adults eight and one- half pounds, cockerels seven pounds. Females: Comb eight points, same as male except- ing size. Head five points, same as male excepting size. Ear- lobes and wattles eight points, same as male. Neck six points, medium length, short, full hackle, color same as male. Breast fourteen points, full and round, plumage, under-color dark siate. Web white, with deep regular black lacing showing green lustre. Keel bone straight. Back four- teen points, short and wide at shoulder, color and ‘lacing | same as breast. ‘Tail seven points, well spread at base, color black showing green lustre, coverts black with white cen- ters. Wings twelve points, medium size, nicely folded to the side, color and lacing same as breast; secondaries and primaries same as male. Fluff six points, same as male. Legs six points, same as male. General characteristics same as male. Hens six and a half pounds. Pullets five pounds. The points of Golden Laced Wyandottes are the same as the Silver Laced, substituting for the silver a rich golden ground color. They have made such great strides that in oe i Wed 1 Wy alll soa is 4] : { { ! LE et U =a : —~ THE WYANDOTTES. fluff and thighs they will have it read, “Centers on the fluff like breast, and on thighs continuing the lacing to the hock joint.” sf Please note serious defects for which birds should be passed or left out. Males and females: Any feathers on shanks or toes; permanent white or yellow in the ear-lobes, covering more than one-third of their surface; combs other than rose, or falling over on one side, or so large as to ob- struct the sight; wry tails; deformed beaks; crooked backs; shanks other than yellow in color, except cocks and hens, which may shade to light straw-color; feathers other than white in any part of the plumage in the white variety, and white in tail or any conspicuous spotting or peppering on ground of feathers in Silvers or Goldens. Disqualifications: Any fraudulent drawing of feathers, dyeing, dressing or trimming. Golden Wyandottes are in still greater favor than the Silvers. Thirty-six cockerels on exhibition. They follow their ideas as to breast marking, and one could never. breed nor see more evenly laced breasts, the lacing going out to the end of the fluff and down to the hock joint. About the only fault they find is that they can not get them yet with good striped neck hackle and saddle, though the first prize cockerel was fairly well striped. The ground color or edg- ing on hackle and saddle is too yellow, a fault we often see in America. Thirty-six cockerels competing in one class show in how much favor they are held in England. There were thirty-two Golden pullets shown. The first prize pullet was grand, rich in ground color, one of the high- est types of golden bay. She was not as evenly laced as the Silvers and was not as well laced as some we See on our side of the water, still she would rank pretty high on our side. Second was not so brilliant in bottom color, but very uni- form in ground color and I think a little better laced than first prize bird. Third was a rather small pullet, probably the evenest in lacing, but she was not so sound in bottom color as the other two and not clear enough in bars and wing end. Balance of class were pretty good had the three win- ners been away. The seven White Wyandotte cocks or cockerels (they competed together) were not as good as we find at the New York Show, where all the giants meet. First and cup was a very nice shaped bird, but serrations on comb were very large and not so nice a shaped comb as one would wish; still I thought him the best of his class take him all in all. Hens or pullets, fifteen in number. First, a nice white White Wyandotte hen with a grand Wyandotte head and very good comb. She will look better when her tail is more developed. She was hardly through the molt. Second, a very good shaped hen with nice color. We noticed quite a little down between her toes, but that does not disqualify in England, though it is a serious objection. I think we in America have been too severe in disqualifying for this fault, as often much inferior birds in every particular have had to win over those which happened to have down that it would almost take a microscope to find. Third, good shape and color, but not quite as fit as the other two placed over her. ' “Any other variety of Wyandottes” takes in the Buff, Cuckoo or those like the Barred Plymouth Rock, Partridge and Buff Laced. They made an entry of twenty-one cocks or cockerels. First went to a very nice Buff; second to the Cuckoo; third, Buff, a very sound tailed bird, but he was quite narrow in body shape. Hens or pullets, twenty in mumber. First, a very nice, even Buff pullet, very sound in color. Second, a Buff laced pullet which was really a grand khaped Wyandotte. The breast lacing was not so perfect as in the other parts of her body. Third was of a very nice, even buff color. Wyandottes make quite a show when 200 of them are at one exhibition. S. BUTTERFIELD. —— RELIABLE = POULTRY 6 Sor. JOURNAL: Z pa COPYRIGHTED - 199. BEG cc Cy Zoo GOLDEN WYANDOTTES. By SEWELL, AUGUST, 1899. In characteristics, shape, standard requirements and plumage the Golden Wyandottes are similar to the Silver Wyandottes, (see page 34), except that where the ground color of the Silvers is white, in the Goldens it is a golden bay. The improvement in the Golden Wyandottes during the past few years has been most pronounced, some breeders of the variety show- ing specimens so fine that they{can almost be compared with the work of a first class artist with a brush, They are worthy of their name, “The Beauty Breed,” 48 _ Simply wonderful. iin BAGOED EN: AC kD WYANDOTTES. ILVER WYANDOTTE breeders find it rather humiliating to be obliged to admit that the breeders of the golden variety are ahead of us from a fancy point of view, but such is the case, and we might just as well admit it and then look for the cause. There is no getting around the fact, the Golden Wyandotte breeders are not only producing individuals that excel the Silvers, but they are able so to mate their pens that a greater per cent of good birds are bred therefrom. While we wish to give full credit to all fanciers who make improvements, we wish to call attention to the fact that Golden Wyandottes are easy to breed as compared with the Silvers. One would think at first glance that a Golden Wyandotte, which is the counterpart of a Silver Wyandotte, except in color, would be just as hard to breed, but the fact remains, the old heads learned it long ago, that the hardest color in the world to get right is the color on which the sun has the most effect. In the Silvers variety we have just such a color. It is the hardest to produce and one of the very hardest to hold after we get it. The golden color of the Golden Wyandotte is less affected by the sun than the color of any of the other members of the Wyandotte family. For this reason it is one of the first to show a decided improve- ment in fancy markings. We do not wish to be understood as claiming that there is no great amount of patience or skill required to breed Golden Wyandottes. Far from it. They are one of the hardest of the parti-colored varieties to get right, but they are not so hard as the Silvers. The marked improvement in this variety of Wyandottes in the past few years is astonishing, and its promoters may well feel proud of the record it has made as a fancy fowl. In the past few years I have handled specimens that were The markings were so fine that one could in justice compare them with the work of some first- class artist with a brush. This is true of both male and female, but more especially of the male. Where we find the most trouble is in the color of the back and breast of the female, and this trouble is brought about by the same cause as a hen, you have a faded under-color with a mixed sur- face color that makes her good for nothing but to eat, as she is no longer fit to breed. I admire open centers on our Wyandottes, both Silver and Golden, but I want it on the surface in such feathers as are shown on the chart, which are just such feathers as are winning in Hngland and other foreign countries where color breeding is farther along than in America. The markings of our females simply follow nature and if we go to her for our ideas we seldom go wrong. The markings on the breast are larger than on any other section and they gradually grow smaller as they approach the tail. In the standard description of them and in the cuts we have had made, we have tried to conform to that rule. When we ‘try to reverse nature’s ideas, we get a big white center in the that is holding the Silvers back, which is, mating birds to-. gether whose breeding for years has been on different lines. I hope for the good of the Golden and Silver varieties that the feathering as shown on the charts may become a fixed standard in the breeding of these popular fowls, so that we may all have a fixed purpose in our mind when we make our matings, and not go on guessing forever. I have tried to give you some ideas, especially about the back of a Wyan- dotte, which if put in practice will be to the best interests of the breed. Time will prove it. The Wyandotte is not a Sebright. That fact every breeder must have firmly fixed in his mind. They not only differ in markings, but also in the formation of the feathers. If you will take the trouble to compare a feather from the back of your best Wyandotte female with one from the back of your best Se- bright, you will find that the Wyandotte feather has a dif- ferent form and more closely resembles a Hamburg feather than a Sebright. Importance of Under-color. It is my honest opinion that it is impossible to produce a strain of birds that will last three years without a good per cent of dark slate in the under-color. You must have black in the blood or you cannot lace your birds with it. When you try to put Sebright lacing on all sections you simply run out of coloring matter and when the bird molts 49 cushion of our pullets, and the next season we get a back that is a disgrace to the name of Wyandotte. In-addition to this, we get a white under-color that crops out in the wing primaries and the roots of the tail in females, and we get a broad white band on the breast of our cockerels. Where we gain in one section we lose in three others, and it seems to me we would better try to improve along other and safer lines. The Golden Wyandotte breeders have produced some very fine open centered birds, but they are no more hand- some than a bird with medium centers that are clean cut and clear. ; We sometimes make a fad a hobby-horse to ride down hill and this has been the case with the open laced Wyan- dottes. The New York show has had much to do with this and comparison judging has played no small part in en- couraging this color fad, not alone as regards Wyandottes, but all varieties of fancy fowls. We favor comparison only so far as it conforms strictly to the standard. When it leaves the standard and allow three and four-pound birds to win prizes as has been done, then we say, you would bet- ter get back to the score card as soon as possible. The color cuts for the Golden variety are just the same as for the Silver, using a ground color of silver in one vari- ety and a ground color of golden in the other. In shape they are a fac-simile of the Silvers, or should be, and what we have said of the shape of the Silvers refers just as forcibly to the Goldens. The points that I would advise amateurs to guard against in making a selection of this breed are as follows: First, see that the markings are clear cut and that the under-color is good, not white or gold. In females be careful of the outside edging of gold which is so frequent in the laced varieties. See that the inside of the feather is clear and not specked or flecked with black. In mating your birds, try to mate a male and female that have the same kind of markings and whose golden centers are as near the same size as possible. Note—Mr. Ira Keller has given us one of the best arti- cles ever written on the Golden variety. His illustrations are up-to-date. He is one of the best breeders of this vari- ety in America, and his open laced birds are much admired by fanciers of the Goldens wherever shown, but still I warn the amateur against too open centers. Remember your ex- perience, no matter how intelligent you may be, is very lim- ited, compared to that of a man who has been in the busi- ness seventeen years. He can make a mating produce fine specimens where the amateur would only make a poor show- ing. The fifty per cent color rule as illustrated in the chart is safer for the amateur to try to produce, and many such birds can be found in Mr, Keller’s yards. THEO. HEWES, . : id ‘ d aZzItg e e Bs e 4S 1) F S42 yea tT 008 P1}X2 jo s 03495 por dary ‘ FIOUE pu pe rs pt pu Jesa3D30) 2yopurd Uapjory easels A P a) gd 23800 | BUIMO US: I 24} Ey 50 Ge aIGOEDE IN WY AN DOT FPES: A Beautifully Marked Variety—Superior for Table Purposes—Good Layers—Their Origin—Standard Requirements in Lacing of Feathers—Reproduction of Feathers from Live Specimens, with Comments Thereon—How to Mate to Produce Standard Colored Birds—Introducing New Blood—Judicious Inbreeding Necessary. BY IRA C. KELLER, PROSPECT, OHIO. N WRITING of one of America’s most beautiful productions in poultry, it is not our intention to go into a lengthy account of its origin, for most of the breeders of to-day are familiar with this subject. There are a number of families of the Goldens. The most successful was the Winnebago strain, originated by the late Joseph McKeen, whose name will live in the history of this variety of fowls. In 1880 Mr. McKeen crossed the Winnebago fowl with the Silver Wyandotte to produce the Golden. He crossed and recrossed the offspring with the Silver until there was but one-fourth of the Winnebago blood remaining. So the Golden Wyandotte of to-day has but one-fourth to one- eighth of the Winnebago blood left. The Winnebago fowl was a large black-red bird, somewhat the shape of the Wy- andotte, with rose comb, red lobes and yellow legs. The plumage of the male was much the same as that of the Part- ridge Cochin, while the hen resembled the Malay Game hen. Other strains were made by using the larger Wyandotte as the foundation, crossing with Partridge Cochins, Golden Hamburgs or Brown Leghorns for the desired end. As soon as the McKeen Goldens were put upon the market the own- ers of the other crosses soon learned that their birds were inferior. They drew blood from the fountain head, so to speak, and continued to cross the large Winnebago strain, until now the different types do not vary to a great extent. Our experience in breeding them dates back to 1882, and we have watched the different strains with much interest. The crossing with the Silver Wyandotte gave the Golden new blood and vigor. It is a hardy fowl, with flesh of the finest quality, probably not equaled by any other fowl except the Indian Game. Its skin is as yellow as gold. As an all- the-year-round layer, it has few equals and not many super- iors. As to the number of eggs laid during the year, we have personally known of egg contests where the Golden Wyandotte excelled the Plymouth Rock. Not only have we made this test, but we know of other breeders who have put flocks of the two breeds under the same treatment and con- ditions and got the same results as we did. A breeder in the south recently wrote to us that his Golden Wyandottes had outlaid his Brown Leghorns under like conditions. Claims to Utility, as Well as Beauty. It has been claimed by their admirers that the Golden Wyandotte is one of America’s greatest general purpose fowls. Add to their usefulness their beauty, and you have an ideal fowl. Where can be found a fowl that carries so beautiful a plumage upon so useful a form? The female has a deep, rich golden color with almost every feather richly laced with black; while in the male, the color runs from rich gold to a peacock green, nearly as brilliant as the latter. This combination of fancy plumage on a Wyandotte form produces an ideal fowl. The Wyandotte shape is strictly its 51 own, no other fowl having a shape like it. The broad, full, round breast, the broad back, the deep body, the short, wide- spread tail, and short legs with heavy thighs combine to make the Wyandotte a meaty fowl throughout. We know of but one breed that carries so much breast meat. We said fourteen years ago that in due time the Golden Wyandotte would become popular the world over. We had shipped them to ten different foreign countries. To-day they are popular in Europe as well as in this country—in fact, are bred nearly the world over, and there are more of them being sent abroad now than ever before. In England the Wyandotte is one of the most popular breeds. Different Varieties of Wyandottes. The Wyandotte breed is divided into a number of sub- varieties, the Silver and Golden Laced, Buff Laced, Violette Laced, White, Black, Buff, Golden and Silver Penciled and Columbian. So if one admires the Wyandotte form, he can suit his taste as to color. How many of these different colors will stand and become popular we are not able to say. Some may go to the wall. We sometimes think the Wyandotte should have been bred as a laced fowl, and we think it would have been better for the breed, as the original was laced. However, there is room for them all. The more varieties, the more breeders; the more breeders, the more and better poultry shows, more and better poultry journals and more trade in general. The Golden variety furnished the founda- tion for the Violette Laced, Buff Laced, Buff and Partridge or Golden Penciled, as it is called. The Wyandotte does well and yields good returns under good care, in close confinement or with free range. The Golden variety is well adapted to the city breeder, for it does not show the dirt or soot so much as its lighter cousins. Though it does well in confinement, it, however, likes free range, as does all-poultry. I think I never saw a fowl that, if given its liberty, would range so far away as the Golden. It is not an uncommon thing for them to range nearly one- half mile away from their sleeping quarters in search of insects. We all know that the more a fowl ranges, the bet- ter it does. They mature and feather rapidly and are ready for the table at an early age. Pleasure in Breeding for Fancy Points. The Goldens are an interesting and fascinating variety to breed, as there are so many fancy points to breed for. Anyone who breeds laced fowls knows what he has to look after to make a success of it. The careful and watchful breeder never feeds his chicks that he does not notice their progress in growth and the new plumage appearing. He will note the laced wing coverts of the little cockerels; will watch the first lacing to see whether the gold color is good. Then the rich color and striping of the neck and back ap- pear. He keeps close watch on the breast to see the beauti- ful lacings coming. They appear at three weeks old to three months, and improve till the bird is eight to ten months old. When a breeder sees one of his cockerels developing a nice, clean striped neck and back, with correct wing and a well laced wing bar, with breast of large, open center lacing to suit his eye, a good form and good head points, he will watch that youngster with an intense interest. He will give him every care, and the following winter the bird will be heard of in the show room. He watches the development of the pullets with the same interest. First the lacing appears upon the wing shoulders, then the lacing that forms the wing bars next appears, while he awaits with more interest the lacing of lf this comes clear laced, free from A clear Next the back and cushion. mossing, he knows that he has a promising bird. laced back usually carries good lacing on the wings. SS ASS PROSPECT - OHIO THE WYANDOTTES. THE BEAUTY BREED—GOLDEN WYANDOTTE MALE, he notes the lacing of the breast, and keeps a close watch of the breast and cushion, for these two sections are apt to get poorer. The cushion is liable to become mossy, and the lacing of the breast is liable to grow weaker. If all sections hold good and improve until the chick is eight months old and the bird has the proper lacing of the right sized centers, with the correct, deep, rich, golden bay color, good form and head points, she will be a winner. There is more interest in producing the correct lacing upon the different varieties of the Laced Wyandotte than upon the Sebright or Polish, for the two latter varieties have been bred so many years that one rarely sees a specimen that is not well laced. Not so in the Wyandotte. It contin- ually throws a good per cent of pullets that are not prime in lacing. Some have mossing, while others show weak lacing of breast. The Golden has always been a profitable fowl for 52 the fancier. Good specimens have been in heavy demand— in fact, the demand at good prices has been in excess of the supply. It is no uncommon thing for a faney Golden Wyan- dotte to sell all the way from $5 to $100, and large numbers exchange hands at good prices each year. THE MALE. We next take up the male and shall endeavor to clearly indicate the faults and the good points as they, now exist in this variety of beautiful and prolific standard-bred fowl. There is something very attractive about the Golden Wyan- dotte male. In him we have the beautiful, compact form and the strength and sprightliness of a medium-weight fowl. They are not as slaw of motion nor as sluggish as the heavy Asiatic. A ten-pound Wyandotte male is active, steps lightly, is very proud in his bearing. His crow is not shrill like that of a Leghorn, nor dull and heavy like that of a Brahma or Cochin, but has a rich, full, mellow tone that is pleasing to the ear. It is a sound good for a man to hear when he awakes at early morn. It speaks to him of health, strength, vigor, and seems to say, “It is time the work of to-day was under way.” Shape of Male. All breeders of standard poul- try rightly consider shape to be one of the most important points, as serving the utility value of the breed or variety and adding much to the beauty of it. A Wyandotte male perfect in shape is not often seen, and the same is naturally true of all other varieties. Perfection is a very difficult thing to attain. The Golden Wyandotte is rapidly im- proving in shape, and to-day a per- son may see a goodly number that approach perfection in shape. There is a diversity of opinion among breeders as to the correct Wyandotte male shape. Notice the cut of “‘Major 8th,’ a Golden Wy- andotte. The shape of this male is good. He stands for the general type that pleases the writer, with some exceptions. The comb is a little low, is too flat upon the head and is a trifle wide, although, as the drawing shows, this comb is really a good one. The head is also good; it is short, with the required broad skull, not long, narrow and “snaky” in appearance. The eye is bright. The wattles are ‘of me- dium length and well rounded. The neck is not long and scantily feathered, but is of medium length, is well arched; showing vigor, and is abundantly feathered. i This male bird, as shown in the etching, is good in back shape, a section that is often faulty by being too narrow and too straight from center of back to tail. Notice particularly in the drawing the broad, strong back and the full concave sweep to tail. The breast of this bird shows up full, broad, round and is carried well down—a valuable utility feature of the bird, for the meat is there. Avoid, in your breeding birds, flat- ness and narrowness in breast, both in males and females. The tail is one of the most beautiful sections of a Wyan- dotte. It should be only of medium length, V-shaped, with abundant coyverts and lesser sickles, The Wyandotte tail THE WYANDOTTES. ; should not be pinched and fiat, as frequently seen, but well spread apart and reasonably full. This section has been hard to produce and control in the Golden Wyandottes, and too few of our breeders have given close enough attention to it. It does not matter how good a bird is in other re- spects, if it carries a poor tail. This detracts greatly from his beauty. The body of the Wyandotte male should be of medium length and abundantly feathered. The thighs should be strong and well meated; shanks straight, stout, of medium length and set well apart—the width of your hand. . Plumage of Male. We present herewith two half-tone engravings, showing photographic reproductions of actual feathers plucked from two exhibition Golden Wyandotte males, prize . lacing of these feathers, also the bright clearness of the out- side lacing of the hackie, back and saddle feathers. Note also the perfect evenness of the under-color of all these feathers. : Feather No. 1 on this plate, a hackle feather, shows what I call a laced feather, something like that of the Polish. The inside center follows evenly on either side of the shaft and stops at the right place, that is, does not extend through the black lacing. This gives us a far more beautiful feather than the standard description (see Plate II) and every breeder of experience knows that he cannot produce the large, open centers on the. females by using males of the style of neck hackle shown on Plate II. Laced Wyandottes, with Golden and Silver, have a tendency toward the laced neck, and to-day some strains produce a neck plumage nearer like Plate I than like Plate Il. The Standard of Mae Plate II—Showing Photographic Reproduction of Feathers Plucked from a 2-Year-Old Golden Wyandotte Cock. winners at the great New York show. The feathers demon- strate what has been produced in this variety on single spec- imens. They are not presented as perfect feathers, though some of them are practically so. They were reduced in size about two-fifths by the artist, and while the engravings of feathers are the best we have seen to date, they do not do the originals full justice. A lustrous, greenish black and a soft golden bay make a combination that is extremely diffi- cult to photograph, and still harder to represent in plain black and white. In these feather plates the gold centers and lacing do not show up as clear cut and even as in the originals, but they will do very well in illustrat- ing our meaning and in showing the progress that has been made. Plate I shows eleven feathers from a Golden Wyandotte cockerel. These feathers are pretty near our ideal, though not quite standard. Note the perfect striping and perfect 53 Perfection should be changed in this section so as to allow for this center inside of the striping. A number of breeders have bred for this for several years. They know that they can not produce standard-laced females if they use the solid striping in neck and back of the male. Next let it be observed that the bird from which the feathers shown in Plate I were plucked was laced in all sec- tions. Feathers No. 2 were taken from the upper and lower breast. These are nearly perfect. The centers are not quite perfectly carried, with reference to the shape of the feathers, but such feathers the breeders call good. No. 3 is a wing covert that forms the wing bar. This feather is full laced. The Golden Wyandotte, ever since its origin, has had a ten- dency toward breeding these laced wing coverts, and rightly, for this is one of the main sections in controlling lacing. A spangled bar has the tendency to throw (that is, to breed) spangles, or spangling in the females. Note carefully the THE WYANDOTTES. laced bar of the male presented on page 62. The more even we can have the feathers that form this bar, the better. Feather No. 4 is from the shoulder, and is practically perfect. Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 are back and saddle feathers. These may be pronounced perfect, according to our stan- dard. The camera has not brought out clearly the striping of these feathers. The stripes in Nos. 6, T and 8 end at the proper place, with the gold edging extending entirely around the stripe at the points of the feathers, and the inside center —what the standard calls a diamond—runs down in the striping to a needle point, so fine the naked eye can hardly see it, and the same with the black striping. The engray- ings cannot be expected to bring these fine lines out in their natural distinctness. I ask breeders of this variety to note particularly feather This is one of the last feathers of the side, what I No. 8. Bs iyi A Wy a yh iy, aye ELIDA, OWNEDSY «© + + ea IRA C KELLER* ~ PRISPECT «0: GOLDEN WYANDOTTE PULLET ‘‘ FASHION,’’? A PRIZE-WINNER AT NEW YORK. call a lower side hanger. Look your cockerels over to see how many feathers you can find like this one, showing equal striping. You will find large numbers with scarcely any striping on these lower feathers. Many breeders never think of this lower striping. I have called attention to it many times. Even most of our judges overlook it. These feathers, when striped, add great beauty to the bird, and belong to the saddle, which the standard requires to be striped. No. 9 shows a very pretty feather selected from the fluff. No. 10 is one of the bird’s tail coverts. These tail coverts are usually black, but the reader will observe that this one is Jaced. Such feathers add beauty to the bird, and a male that carries well-laced tail coverts will transmit, to a degree, this lacing to the coverts of the female, an important sec- tion, while if the male’s tail coverts are solid black you may expect very small centers, or none at all, on the female. 54 As I said before, Plate I represents my ideal plum- age for a Golden Wyandotte male, both in lacing and as showing a breeding bird of the kind that will produce fe- males (either Golden or Silver) with open centers all over; also males with elegant striping and breasts well laced, hav- ing large centers. The standard of 1893 made a wonderful step forward when it called for a lighter colored Wyandotte, that is, a narrower laced one. The “black crows,” as we would now call them, were once considered to be good, but the tendency toward open centers and lighter colored birds has been present ever since I first knew anything about the Goldens, or their Silver cousins. When it is the natural tendency of a breed or variety to become more beautiful, certainly the standard should be changed to accord with it. Plate II shows six feathers selected from a cock bird two years old. Note the evenness of the undercolor in all sec- tions. Feather No. 1 is from the neck. This feather is very evenly striped, but the strip- ing is carried too far down through the gol- den edging, otherwise it is perfect. No. 2 is taken from the saddle or back and is a per- fect feather. Observe the striping and the center of this feather. No. 3 is a shoulder covert, clear in color, not of a black or smoky color. No. 5 is taken from the center © of the breast. This feather is not as good as it should be. The center is too straight and small, and is not true with respect to the shape of the feather. No. 6 is a wing covert, forming the bar. The lacing of the feather is not true enough and breaks over the shaft. No. 4 is selected from the fluff and is, in our estimation, a perfect feather. It adds much to the beauty of the fowl, and every breeder who knows his business wants the fluff and legs well laced. The Laced Wyandottes still have some faults as to fancy points, but the last five years have witnessed a greater improvement in them than was expected. The best breed- ers of them have made great progress. The old-time smuttiness of neck, hackle and sad- dle feathers is not now seen so often; they bs are much cleaner, in fact, one may now see many specimens at our shows with almost perfect necks. Golden males are now often seen whose breasts are laced from the throat down past the thighs, in fact, such birds are now com- paratively easy to produce. Very few now come with spangling on the lower breast, unless mated too light. The comb is to-day probably the most faulty section on Wyandottes, although there has been a rapid and marked improvement here. In your matings avoid a too large and too broad comb, and have the combs of males and females as even and shapely as possible. However, the male Wyandotte has been wonderfully improved, especially in shape, in gold color and in lacings. We now see far fewer smutty necks, the right depth of gold color has been reached in both sexes, white in ear-lobes has almost entirely disappeared, and stubs on the shanks— which were very common in the variety’s early history— are seldom seen now. It is astonishing what careful, systematic and intelli- gent breeding will accomplish in the course of ten years. Let those who can recollect the crude specimens of only thirteen years ago, place them, in the mind’s eye, alongside of the best specimens of the breed as they exist to-day, and THE WYANDOTTES. ponder on and take new courage from the wonderful con- trast. It is indeed a fascinating work. GOLDEN WYANDOTTE FEMALE. It is difficult for one to say which is the more beautiful, the male or female Golden Wyandotte, as both possess great beauty. Certainly one can find beauty enough in the female to satisfy the eye of the most ardent fancier. She has a shape differing from that of any other breed of fowl. Her head should be short, deep and medium broad, with bay eyes, red ear-lobes, wattles of medium length and a rose comb that is low, of medium width, curving with the shape of the head and terminating with a neat, small spike. The neck should be broad and full, of medium length and well arched. The back should be short with a gentle rise and cushion. We like to see the breast quite full, broad, deep, TITT.,, maha sn Vi i ig : Dr. ee well-rounded, and the keel bone carried well down between the legs. Thighs should be short, stout and well meated. Body and fluff well developed. ‘Tail, short, well spread like the letter V and carried a little upward. Here we have an almost ideal fowl in shape, for utility as well as for beauty. The Golden Wyandotte has been known to lay as many as 200 eggs in a year, and this from a breed that carries a weight of from six to eight pounds for the female, and eight to ten for the male, with a quantity of flesh that but few breeds equal, fairly entitles them to rank high as a general purpose fowl. The pullets develop quickly and begin to lay at an early age. Plumage of Female. She has a style of plumage that is hard to produce in correct color and markings, like that of several other parti- colored fowls. The standard Golden hen or pullet of to-day 55 is very attractive to the eye, with her large, open, golden bay centers, laced with rich greenish-black. The lacing varies greatly, and a person often sees breeders who use birds with the small centers, the feathers on the back only shafted or striped with bay, showing no lacing at all. The breeder who has persevered in breeding for open centers has been well paid. It is nature, for ever since I have known the laced Wyandotte I have found that its tendency is to breed to larger centers. There was a “dark-bird” fad some years ago, and most people wanted dark Wyandottes. As a result a great injury was done to the breed. This affected the Silvers more than it did the Goldens. Some people still want them dark. One of our old judges claims that the dark birds are the best. The trouble lies here: Some six years ago the standard first called for a lighter Wyandotte and it has now become a Plate IlI—Showing Seven Excellent Feathers Plucked from a Grand Golden Wyandotte Hen. general demand. Some of the breeders were slow to “catch on” and got left. To change a breed or variety, from dark to light in lacing, can not be done in a year or two. The breeders who have always been breeding for medium cen- ters, and have, of late years, increased or enlarged them, have reaped a rich harvest. Every loving fancier of the Wyandotte prefers the open lacing, as shown on the hen Fashion, presented on page 54. . (See also her feathers in Plate IJ.) This hen had no moss- ing and was full laced all over. Mr. Sewell’s sketch of her is quite good. Her shape was not the best. Her tail should be carried a little higher, her cushion should be more abund- ant, and the breast should be more full. Her comb is straight, where it should curve with shape of head. Other- wise I like her. The plumage of this grand hen is shown in Plate III. uay, sulmMoys— Al eq 3 EEG TE iy ae THE WYANDOTTES. These feathers were plucked when she was two years old. The engraver has reduced the size of the feathers about one- third. z : Feather No. 1 is a hackle, nearly perfect. No. 2 is taken from the breast and is good enough. Nos. 3 and 4 are from the wing. These are excellent, though at the end of feather No. 4 you will note it does not carry the shape of the center as well as does No. 3, it is a little too pointed. No. 5 isa back feather taken from between the shoulders. This is good. No. 6 is a cushion feather. In lacing, shape of feather and center I call No. 6 perfect. No. 7 is a cushion or lesser tail covert. Note how perfect this center is. It may be seen that this center is perfectly clear. Also note the deep, uniform under-color shown in all these sections. The lacing of this hen is carried well back in the fluff and the greater part of the fluff is laced, a valuable point in a breeder. A hen with so uniformly good plumage is not often seen. Pullets are now often produced with this uni- form and open lacing, but comparatively few of them molt in as clear laced hens. They usually come out of the molt with clear breasts and wings, but seldem with a clear back and cushion. If clear in cushion the breast lacing has prob- ably run out. We next take up Plate IV. Here we have ten feathers selected from a pullet with very narrow lacing. All these feathers are from the one bird. Of course they are not all perfect. The size of these has also been reduced about one- third or a little more. The reader will notice that the width of these lacings is quite uniform in all sections, and I know you will agree with me that this looks much better than would be the case were the centers only one-half as large. Feather No. 1 is a neck hackle. It is very good, but has the inside center, like that described in the male, page 53. Here is what I like, and I know from experience that this kind of lower hackle feathers are extremely necessary to produce pullets with plumage like that shown in Plate IV. I should like the standard to allow these inside centers. They may be either large or small, just so the outside black stripe is sharp, clean cut and black, and the golden edging is clear as in the plate, where you will note the stripe ends at the proper place. There is no outside gold edging on this pullet. Feather No. 2 is a lower breast feather, and No. 3 an upper breast feather, near the throat. No. 3 is perfect, while in No. 2 the center is a little more on one side of shaft than on the other. Nos. 5, 6 and 7 are from the wings. These are perfect, or what we would call such. The color of the lacing is an intense greenish-black, with no edging, no mossing. No. 7 is from the fore part of the wing, No. 5 is from the center, and No. 6 is from the second row that forms the two bars. With centers of this size or larger, one will find that each center on the bird shows to splendid advantage, and the two rows of bars will be distinctly seen. With this size centers one sees about three-fifths of gold or white, and two- fifths of black. No. 8 is taken from the back, between the shoulders, and is a good one, still it is not quite perfect. No. 9 is a real gem. How could it be better? Here is a good feather to carry in one’s eye. It is really a “gold standard.” No. 10 is a tail covert, and very good, still the center at the end should be carried farther down and conform with the shape of the end of the feather. In this female we have the happy medium, each section the same in depth of lacing, which makes the bird look uni- form in all sections. Here we have a Wyandotte of surpass- ing beauty. Put this plumage on a fairly perfect form and you have a bird that will win in very fast company, one that is worthy of the name, the Beauty Breed. I wish to speak here of lacing more particularly than of the shape. T hope some day to be able to produce these cen- ters with the ends broader, more like our best Sebrights. The centers are now too sharp in both the Golden and Silver Wyandottes. We have these broad centers in the Buff Laced Wyandottes. Note again Feather No. 2 in Plate IV. If the sharp point to this feather were not there and the outside lacing were not so heavy at the end, but were as narrow as the side lacing, would it not be pretty? These large, round-end centers can be produced. We know one Silver Wyandotte breeder who has accomplished it, and the lacings on the wings does not overlap so much, but looks more like rings. While our best show pullets look like perfect birds, indeed they are not yet near perfect. There is still a vast amount of room for improvement. How I wish they bred as true as the Sebrights! Think of the Wyandotte being scored at present as high as the best Sebrights! They are all scored too high. I do not believe there is a Sebright in America that will honestly score over 95 points. 5 The greatest fault of the laced Wyandotte is the mossing of the centers. This is very hard to work out. A pullet may be free from mossing her first year, but when she is two years old she may not have a clear center on her. But not many do as poorly as this. They usually molt in with at least a clear breast and clear wings. It is slow work breeding this defect out, but time will work wonders. The hens that show the clearest centers should always be kept as breeders. Spangling has disappeared fast, combs have been greatly improved, and so has the shape of the female. The type does not now vary so much. Especially in the Goldens this short, blocky shape was seldom seen a few years ago. The Golden formerly was longer in body, had more length of leg, and was a larger and coarser fowl than the Silver, but to-day one sees Goldens with the true Wyandotte shape, and we see a great many more of them each year. MATING GOLDEN WYANDOTTES. The art of breeding is a great study and an intensely interesting one. While one gains much from experience— which is really the best teacher—still the amateur gets many points from reading that it would take him years to learn from experience, though perhaps the teachings of the latter are less easily forgotten. I may say that what I know about Golden Wyandottes I have learned chiefly from expe- rience; but I realize that could some one have told me twelve years ago exactly how to mate, I should have made a great deal more money. I am in the poultry business, like most others, for what I get out of it, and I find it as profita- ble as many other lines of business. Fancy poultry can be made to pay, and pay well, and I know of no better paying varities than the Wyandottes. Like other breeds, they must be well mated to produce best results, and no good birds need be expected from poor matings. Stock that has been well mated and bred in line for a number of years, though not of the highest grade, will, if properly mated, produce a good per cent of very fancy birds. Blood will tell, and will show its good qualities as well as bad. On the other hand, an excellent mating of carelessly bred stock can not be depended on to reproduce itself. Too many persons in the poultry business think they must introduce new blood from a different strain each year, and so go backward instead of forward, because nearly every breeder’s birds differ some in type and plumage. When these different types are crossed some of the offspring resemble the male, some the female, and some resemble neither. Then such breeders generally get a male from another type to mate with the pullets of the several types, and the next season they have nothing good, scarcely any two chicks resembling each other. This is my 57 - If you get what you want from a reliable breeder and who breeds large advice: who has a well established strain, numbers, buy your new blood of him. He probably under- stands breeding much better than you and he does not inbreed enough to injure his stock. If he is honest he will not furnish you stock that is too closely related. I would not give a cent for a specimen for breeding purposes, no matter how fine it is, if it had not been inbred, for it will Inbreeding is a great factor in the horses, cattle, hogs or seldom reproduce itself. suecess of the fancier of poultry, sheep. inbreeding. The height of perfection can not be reached without The type of inbred stock will be easily seen in THE WYANDOTTES. most of the Golden Wyandotte breeders do not understand what golden bay means. Some think it is a light shade of gold, others think it a chestnut or red. It is a color hard to describe. If you should take an eighteen karat gold and mix red with it, you could get the color, though of course it would all depend on how much red you added. Golden bay, as I understand it, is a dark rich gold, but not bay. We see bay in its perfection in the horse family. Most of the Golden Wyandottes that judges usually call prime in color are too dark a gold or bay, or too red. And here I might say that if judges paid enough attention to color in this breed they would not score so high. I have often noticed them scoring. —~ a o77 FIRST PRIZES AT CHICAGS 1899» FIRST PRIZES AT NEW YORK 1899: RED AND OWNED By Isiah (Go Intiey Qc? c PROSPECT;OHIO- —- PRIZE-WINNING GOLDEN WYANDOTTES. First Cock at Chicago and New York, 1899, its get. If you see a nice flock of birds that closely resemble each other, ask the breeder if he inbreeds, and he will tell you that he does. I do not advocate inbreeding Golden Wyadottes closer than, say, first cousins. Some breeds will stand more and closer inbreeding than others, but never, if possible to avoid it, breed a male and female that have the same faults. Color. There are many points in breeding Golden Wyandottes to be considered. First, I will speak of color. I find that 58 First Pullet at New York, 1898 and First Hen at Chicago, 1899, There will be, for instance, a row of ten cockerels the sad- dles of which are clear and well striped, but each of a differ- ent shade of gold. Seldom will one be cut for color, while usually there is but one in the class that should be pro- nounced perfect in the color of that section. To Produce Proper Color and Markings. If your females are too red or bay, you should use a male that has a light, even, rich gold color. This will . lighten the color in the offspring. But never try to produce the desired change of color in one season, for you can not THE WYANDOTTES. establish a medium color from two extremes in one Cross. The deep red or chestnut color of the breed is more deeply seated in the male than in the female. And these deep col- ors are necessary to keep up a good golden bay. If the males are too red, select those females that have the light, mellow gold color and a golden bay male, or if you have not such use a male of the red color. This will produce pullets approaching near the golden bay. Mate these pullets to a deep, rich, golden bay male and you should get the proper shade of color in a few specimens at least. In breeding for open centers of cushion you will lose the depth of breast lacing of the female. To produce these large centers select your females that have them and select both male and female, the better and prettier will be the dark slate under-color, which may be mixed with gold or buff. This is another very important point in breeding. Look after the wing bar of the male to see whether it is well laced. It should be, for it plays a very important part in the lacing of the female. If the secondaries of both male and female are well laced, so much the better. Produce all the fluff lacing you can on both sexes, just so the lacing is black. A laced fluff is much prettier than one powdered with gold and black. We produce many specimens in which nearly every feather of the thighs is laced clear down to the shanks. Look at the tail filling, I call it, the feathers that fill in between the tail behind. If these be laced, so much the better. The more the short tail coverts of the male are not too large centers, with the plumage in neck, back, wing and saddle like that shown in cock- erel plumage in Plate No. I. Such a mating should produce a fair per cent of pullets with good sized centers all over, and nice, very open- laced cockerels. In producing a good, strongly laced male use cockerels from above mating on fairly heavily laced females. If the females are too open, so as to grow quite weak in breast, use a male that is quite as strongly marked as plumage of cock in Plate No. II. Some of the pullets will be quite well laced all over of a rather heavy nature. These, if mated to a male with plumage like that of cockerel in Plate No. I, will produce some pullets up to the standard requirements in lacing, and from this mating you will get a good per cent of standard marked cockerels. To produce pullets with clear, open centers all over, a fair per cent of which will not molt into clear-centered hens, use a male with plum- age in each section like cockerel plumage in Plate No. I, and keep it up year after year and you will accomplish it. Remember by breeding Wyandottes heavily laced you do not get clear- centered hens. You must breed open-centered pullets to molt into clear-laced hens. You have Many sections to look after and improve in both male and female. If you have a bird that has one or two sections quite perfect and is fairly good in other sections, use it, and you will stamp your stock. It is best to always select the males for breeding that have the best aver- age plumage, color, shape and comb. Then mate to females of the proper width of lacing. One, to be successful with the breed, should be pre- pared to make many matings, for if you have ten females you wish to mate with a male, it is not likely that over two to four will mate with him well. You would better only mate one or two properly than the whole ten improperly. You will have much better birds at the end of the season. If they are not well mated you can not get very many good chicks. It is hard to get of any fancy breed a dozen females to match a male exactly. Some think small matings are very expensive, but I assure you, if mated right they pay. I should advise breeders to pay more attention to thigh, and leg lacing. Have them weil laced, as they are one of the most beautiful sections. Breed for them. I like to see the lacing commence at the throat and run past the thighs without a break. We have produced lacing on a male’s legs every center of which was nearly a quarter of an inch wide, and fluff or thigh lacing seven-eighths of an inch wide. On females we have had it half an inch wide. Bear in mind that the richer the gold of the shafts of a male that has a strong, well-laced breast with show. 59 FIRST PRIZE GOLDEN WYANDOTTE COCK, NEW YORK, 1898. This Golden Laced Wyandotte Cock, bred and owned by Jesse A. Moon, of New London, Conn., was winner of first and Gold Special in his class at the 1898 New York laced the better, especially the lower ones, for these play an important part in producing the large open tail coverts of the pullets. Try to produce all the plumage of the breed laced, except the male tail feathers, the sickles, hangers, and the fluffy portion of the rear part of the fowl. This lacing can be produced as I have said and shown. It is not theory, as we have accomplished it. We have produced lacing of the fluff of both sexes in goodly numbers to almost the size of the breast lacing. I may say here that I have devoted almost my entire time for over thirteen years to this fowl and I have accomplished a great deal in the way of improvements in all sections. Breeding will accomplish wonders. It is my aim to help others to produce better Wyandottes and more of them, to create more breeders and to bring the different types closer together. I wish to say here again that by pro- ducing a bird with lacing in all sections we will have a fowl approached by none in beauty. IRA 'C. KELLER. THE, BEAC TY Bre mp: The Qualities that Should be Found in Line-bred Stock to Produce Exhibition Specimens. BY FRED G. MASON, FABIUS, N. Y., SUCCESSOR TO H. D: MASON & SONS. ORTUNATELY, while the breeding of high- class exhibition Golden Wyandottes is a sci- ence that requires thought and study, at the same time it is both pleasant and profitable. As a variety they have been before the public for about twelve years and are fast gaining in popular- ity. The American fancy has had the extreme dark and also has been threatened with the extreme light or Sebright Golden Wyandottes, but has settled down to a medium col- ored Golden Wyandotte, as now described in the American Standard of Perfection. We have bred the Golden Wyan- dottes as a specialty since their first introduction, and have found them to be great layers and grand for table use, besides being the most handsome fowl in existence. We are strong advocates of line breeding and have prac- ticed the same for many years. We produce both males and females from the same mating and believe it to be the only correct way to establish a reliable strain. In selecting your breeding stock, first consider the qualities that should be found in all Wyandottes, namely: good Wyandotte shape, yellow legs, good size, bay eyes, and a good comb. Form an opinion as to the relative values of the qualities found in your Golden Wyandottes and seek each year to breed out the most serious defect with as many of the remaining defects as possible. You may think it advisable to sacrifice a little in comb, or size, cr perhaps a little in shape in a few specimens, in order to stamp in your stock something fine in feather markings, which the others do not possess. If your stock reaches standard weight at maturity without the aid of surplus fat, be content and do not seek to add to their size, as it will rob them to a great extent of two of the most important qualities that should characterize the Wyandotte, namely, egg production and early maturity. If your stock is undersized and you wish to retain them on account of fine feather markings, do not try to remedy the defect in size in one season by procuring an extra large male, but try to accomplish the desired end in two or three matings. In females choose those that are as near to standard requirements as possible. Aim to have the golden center in each feather from one-half to two-thirds of the width of each feather, and also to conform to the shape of the web of the feather. The widest centered feathers should be found on the breast, and gradually decrease in width as they approach the tail. Strive to have the lacing on the end of each feather no wider than on the side. In selecting your male see that he is not defective in body under-color. Remember the wing bar and have it well laced, as it plays an important part in the production of fine pullets. Have the centers of the feathers that form -the wing bar or wing coverts of a deep bay color with a lacing of glossy black. In the saddle feathers have the inside center of each feather of a deep golden bay, laced with black, the whole to be fringed with golden bay. In the hackle we prefer a golden shaft dividing the black center in equal parts, the same to be fringed with golden bay. The center of each feather in a 60 male’s breast should not be over two-thirds of its width, and even a little less than one-half of the width of the feather if you are troubled to confine the golden centers in the female’s breast. Strive to have each feather from throat to thighs with a golden bay center, the same to be laced with lustrous black and sharply defined. We prefer tail-coverts with rich golden bay centers of about one-half their width, also gol- den shafts to the sickle feathers, and a golden bay center in thigh feathers of not more than one-half their width. If you wish to deepen the color of the centers in the females, use a male that has deeper color, as he has greater power to transmit color than the female. It has been our experience that the deeper the color of the centers the easier it is to hold the lacing. Do not use a bird with white in the tail, as that is a defect that should have long ago disap- peared. And if a bird shows white in wings, do not use him unless he be excellent in most sections, and poor in none. Learn to discriminate between natural white and white caused by accident or injury. A large percentage of the white found in wings is caused by an injury to the feathers in their early growth, and especially is this so of the white occasionally found on the wing tips. 7 ; He who thinks of breeding fancy fowls, either for pleas- ure or profit, or both, will make no mistake in selecting the Golden Wyandottes. Try to obtain stock from a breeder who has a good reputation, one whose birds have many gen- erations of ancestors of the same blood line to hold and transmit the qualities that they possess. Remember that the degree of excellence that the line bred Golden Wyandotte may attain is largely due to feed and care. If you do not feel able to start with fowls, you can buy eggs and soon have a flock of fowls that will be greatly admired by your friends and neighbors, and cause you to be a life-long friend and champion of the “Beauty Breed.” FRED G. MASON. [Note—Mr. Mason is a strong believer in medium cen- ters on both males and females, and his stock shows that he produces this type of bird in both sexes to a marked degree. He has had the best training along these lines from his father, the late Mi. H. D. Mason, who, during his life, was one of the best posted Golden Wyandotte breeders in Amer- ica. Mr. Mason advocates safe ground for an amateur to follow, and even the old heads, who speculate too far on extremes in color, are only too glad to get this conservative blood to put them back in line. Golden Wyandotte breeders have some advantages over breeders of the Silver variety, as the golden color is not so much affected by the sun. The Golden Wyandotte breeder has advantage also in that he can produce good males and females from the same yard. Mr. H. D. Mason showed the writer cockerels and pullets that were full brothers and sisters and they all possessed the cor- rect shape and color markings to qualify them for show birds. The strong points of the parents were equally repre- sented in both males and females. The same mingling of color in the Silver variety would show cockerels not so well marked as the Goldens, while the pullets would be stronger. We call the reader’s attention to this, as each breed or vari- ety has its own peculiarities in mating and there is much to be learned.—Editor. ] a GE WET hE WAN DOMES: O BREED of fowls of recent origin stands as high in the commercial world as does the White Wy- andotte. Its reputation is not restricted to America, but wherever this fowl has been bred to any extent, it is recognized as the middle weight fowl par excellence for table use. To this quality is added their remarkable egg-producing ability. Under special circumstances a pen of this breed has yielded 210 eggs per bird in one year. Aside from their commercial value they are the fancy fowl which has a greater number of admirers than any other solid colored variety in the American standard. Their handsome white plumage, fine symmetrical outlines, well- developed breasts and thighs, low rose combs and blocky build develop the amateur who breeds them into a fancier. They attract a great many from the outside world to our ever-growing army of poultry enthusiasts. This breed of fowls will in time be recognized as the Plymouth Rock’s greatest rival in every section of the country. The Ameri- can fancier may well feel proud that its origin is strictly American . White Wyandotte Shape. The shane of this variety is the same as that outlined in charts 1 and 2. As you will remember, the female used as a model for chart No. 2 was in reality a White Wyandotte, a winner in the Boston show of 1898. By referring to the chart and the description of the same in the discussion of the silver variety, you will get all the information that is necessary along this line, and I am sure anyone who reads understandingly will be able to make a better selection of his breeding stock. In many parts of the country there will be found birds of this variety that look shorter on their legs than the standard requires and they are often cut by the judges for this apparent defect. If you have a specimen of this kind in your yard, make a careful measurement of this section. You will find as a rule, that your eye has misled you. I have found that White Wyandottes, especially the females, have longer plumage around the thighs and fluff than the other varieties of Wyandottes have and for this reason the birds look a trifle squatty or short on their legs. These ap- parently short-legged birds have as a rule, short backs and deep breasts, and are, in fact, the very birds you want to breed. Do not understand me as favoring a duck leg on a Wyandotte. I want the shank long enough to meet the requirements of the standard as illustrated in the chart, but T caution you to look carefully for the long plumage and see if the bird is in reality as short legged as it appears. In this variety as well as the other varieties of the Wy.- andotte, look well to the shape of the back, for without a good back you can absolutely make no progress toward per- fecting a strain. If the back is good you invariably get other good points which go a long way toward making an ideal fowl. Color of White Wyandottes. The new standard is very severe on the color question and breeders of this variety will have to be very careful in the selection of breeding stock if they expect to pass muster in the show room. Any flecking on a feather will be con- sidered a serious defect, and if shown on more than one feather it disqualifies the specimen. Breeders are spending 61 lots of thought trying to discover how to breed “‘stay white” birds. Some are trying different kinds of food, others keep the birds in the shade and still others advocate sunshine. The fact of the matter is, if you have the color in the blood it is going to crop out sometime, and the only way I know to get rid of it is to breed it out. A breeder with a lot of work and patience can get any bird in show color—so can any woman change the color of her hair, but it is only an artificial color and it will fade. What we want in a white fowl is absolutely white plumage, not yellow or cream, but pure white. It is true that we have only started on color breeding and the faker who has learned the art of changing colors has a big advantage over the honest man who has only nature to help him, but the latter will win in the long run and he will be honored as the trickster can never hope to be. To successfully breed any of the white varieties and place them on exhibition free from sunburn or yellowish east, is a big undertaking. We find just such specimens every winter at our western shows and they are bred that way and have not been artificially bleached into show con- dition. The per cent of these pure white birds is small, we admit, but there are enough of them to show what can be done and to furnish material with which to work. Breed- ers should feel encouraged and should strive still harder. In the west we do not know when to get a bird’s record or when to keep it out of the show room. There is more or less yellow in the new feathers of our very whitest birds. This yellow will show for a time. or in fact, as long as the quill is used to furnish the matter to make the feather. This is what we term the immature life of the feather and the specimen is not in shape to show when its plumage is in this condition. If a specimen is white before molting, it will be white after the molt. All you have to do is to give them time to “color down” as we put it. Sunburn or copper color is a serious defect in a White Wyandotte and in my judg- ment should be discounted as severely as the black flecking. To have a few feathers come with a Slight tracing of black or dead color in the back, neck and wings, is a great disappointment. Still if we will stop to think a minute, we could not expect anything else. The White Wyandotte came from the Silver cross and they certainly have a certain amount of black blocd in them which must come to the sur- face once in a while, but the yellow cast is not inherited from their ancestors and we can surely get rid of it by judic- ious mating. This sunburn appears more prominently in the male and is found on the neck, back and shoulders prin- cipally. It is easy to understand why it should appear on the neck and back, but why it should crop out on the wings is something of a puzzle. The hackle and saddle being com- posed of long feathers, it is hard for nature to supply oil enough to protect the outside from the severe heat of the sun, but the shoulders are composed of short feathers and nature should be able to keep them white. In scoring for this defect, the cuts run from one-half to one and one-half in all sections. Should there be a trace of flecking, the cut will be from one-half to one point more in each section. Should the neck be good on the surface but show a yellow tint underneath, the cut would be one-half point. If the wings are good on the surface, but show yellow quills in the secondaries and flight feathers, the cut is one-half to one, Ny AWS ar WHT, \ Soe RELIABLE “POULTRY- JOURNAL > Of" to PY RIGHT WHITE WYANDOTTES. By SEWELL, NOVEMBER, 1899. Characteristics, shape and standard requirements are substantially the same as those given for the Silvers except that the color of this ispiece, variety is pure white. See color-plate front 62 THE WYANDOTTES. according to the degree. If a bird shows off-color in any section, such as grease or paint or any foreign substance, the cut is one point, and the cut should be made in the con- dition column and the sections affected should be designated with a check mark on the card. Feeding for Color. Feeding to produce a pure white color has-been a serious study with some fanciers, and some have proved that it has an effect in particular cases. Considering my own experi- ence, I say look to nature for your remedy and study nature for the cause and effect. It is reasonable to suppose that a part of the diet of a fowl goes to form the coloring matter of its plumage and we have learned that it is a fact that some foods contain much more of this coloring matter than others. After a feather is grown you can do nothing to change it, that is, it is a finished production and feeding any particular diet cannot change it. But there was a time in the history of the feather when you could have helped na- ture to add a different shade to it. That was the time when the feather was growing and its quill was full of sap. If at that time we had fed for color, being careful not to allow our fowls anything but the whitest kinds of food, we could undoubtedly have helped to make the plumage white, but after the feathers are matured it is too late to remedy the fault, unless we want to pluck the fowl and try it over. If you wish to help the color of your fowls it must be in the molting season, as that is the time and the only time when food can affect the plumage. White Wyandotte Females. What has already been said in regard to the defects in the shape of the Silver and Golden Wyandotte females may properly be applied to the White, Buff and Black varieties. This is true also of the color of the eyes and earlobes, so I will not tire you by repeating it. In discussing the white variety, I shall mention a few of the defects found in the plumage, and shall warn the amateur not to believe his best specimen is pure white until he has carefully examined every section on her for off-colored feathers. I was in a yard of White Wyandottes a few months ago and was told by the owner that he had a flock that he could guarantee were pure white in every section. I asked him if he meant that they were absolutely white without any coloring of any kind. He said they were and that he would give me every bird that he could find with any sign of black or brown in it. “My friend,” I said,‘“you may just as well ship all of them to me, for you have not a bird on your place that is absolutely free from ticking in all sections.” He became indignant and asked me if I thought he was a fraud. “No,” I said, “you are not a fraud, but you do not know as much. about White Wyandottes as you think you do.” He began to catch the birds and run them over carelessly, claiming that they were pure white, but when I began to show him where to look for the off-feathers, he soon learned that he did not have a sin- gle bird that was absolutely white. The White Wyandottes came from sports of the Silver and there is black blood in them, so that it is just as natural for them to throw a few feathers ticked with black as it is for them to grow. It is not an impurity, it is the natural outcropping of that black blood and it will be years before it entirely disappears. I think the present standard is entirely too severe on this variety, and a close application of it will lead to faking and feather pulling on the part of exhibitors. I am sure the judges do the breed an injustice by disqualifying for the trace of flecking so often found in their plumage. If the specimen shows unmistakable signs of foreign color, then debar the bird, but where faint traces of flecking appear, discount them from one-half to one and one-half, according to the degree. The plumage throughout, including the quills, should be pure white and when yellow or straw color appears, the cut is from one-half to one and one-half. This cut refers to every section of the bird, but the discoloration most often appears in the neck, back, wings and tail. The legs and toes are the same as the Silvers and the discount is the same, but there is a defect in the color of legs not so often met in the Silvers. I refer to the pale or white shanks. The shanks should be yellow and when they are pale or light colored the cut is from one-half to two, accord- ing to the degree. THEO. HEWHS. 63 STANDARD-BRED WHITE WYANDOTTES. " and a Keen Rival for Highest Honors as the Best General Purpose Fow!l—Points on Breeding this Beautiful and Useful Variety to Standard Requirements. BY ARTHUR G. DUSTON, BREEDER, MARILBORO; MASS. ERMIT me to set forth in a plain way some thoughts in regard to the mating and breeding of the noble White Wyandotte that may be of value to the readers of this book. The White Wyandottes are true sports or albinos of the Silvers, and were brought out by a number of breeders at about the same time. They were admitted to the standard in 1888 and for some years enjoyed considerable popularity, but later they hardly held their own. I Know when I first began to breed them they were a very small class in our shows. Often the entry of one breeder formed the whole exhibit. It must have been much easier to win then! In 1894, after trying several of the more popular breeds, I at length decided to handle but one variety of one breed, and do my best with that one. Finding that the White Wy- andotte made the best broiler and roaster; that it is of quick growth, standing heavy feed and forcing; that it is an early and prolific layer, docile and exceedingly beautiful withal; in fact, that in my hands it proved to be the best all-round bird of the five kinds I tried, I discarded the others and became a specialist. I have faithfully advertised them and when occasion offered have written about them (as have others) until to-day the White Wyandotte is one of the most popular varieties of standard-bred fowls. Now it is often the largest instead of the smallest class in our shows. They have only to be tried to make friends. In writing of mating it will not be out of place to give a short description of the two birds shown in the frontispiece as being somewhat ideal. The cock is a “stay white” bird and so is the hen. Both have fine heads, rather stout, with a low comb of nice shape which, when chicks, were well- pebbled. Their backs are short, rising to the tail, which should always be short and fairly well spread. The body is deep with a full breast and considerable fluff, and it is set on a pair of stout, yellow legs. Such birds are active and will reproduce themselves in a good percentage of the chicks. Now a few words in regard to the breeding pen. If we could start with a pen of ideal birds it would be quite a sim- ple matter to breed winners, provided, of course, that their parentage was up to standard and the blood of the males and of the females was not antagonistic, hut ‘‘nicked,” as we say. But we have two, three or ten females with Wyandotte shape and only a difference in the carrying of the tail or head, or one’s comb is a trifle hollow, or some one of a hun- dred minor differences is apparent in each bird. Hence we must watch carefully what males we put with these females. It would be difficult for anyone to tell exactly how he puts up two birds, and he cannot always tell why. I think cne of the first considerations is the breast. Try to get a male standing “wide apart” with a generous fullness in breast. Never put a hollow-chested male (which is a bad fault) with females having the same defect. We want the best combs we can get, but never discard a choice breeder on account of the comb unless the defect amounts to a disquali- fication. The eye should be bay and the plumage white. 64 While we are commenting on the plumage, it might be well to state that as the white variety is yet so near to the Silver Wyandotte, it is no wonder that we get some gray in the plumage. I have seen breeders who claim that their stock never has any. If that be so, their birds must get it by in- fection very soon after leaving their owners’ yards. We all get it and there is no use in saying we do not. We are all trying to get away from it. So if you get a bird with some gray in him, do not call the breeder a fraud. If the female is inclined to carry her tail too high, try | to overcome it in the progeny by using a male carrying a low tail, which has as much width or fullness as possible. Never use a male with greenish legs or with green flecks under the scales, because from such a breeder come the green-legged birds. I always soup them. We are all trying for greater weight and I fear we shall Overreach ourselves. Calls come for nine-pound cockerels. Don’t do it! Try to add a little to your weights each year. If you put such large males with undersized females you will lose the shape and compactness so essentially Wyandotte. The best birds I ever raised or saw as regards shape, were those that were nearest standard weight. They are the neat, catchy fellows and they will cover all the claims we make for the Wyandottes. If we keep trying as the demand seems to be to add a pound or two over standard weight, wil! we not lose the early maturing qualities in a great measure? We want a rich yellow leg, and it is almost entirely due to the run the birds have. If free range on a green grass is given them, not one per cent will fail to have as richly col- ored legs as you want. I have tried to mention a few of the first principles of mating, telling something about what we want. Bear in mind to seek to weaken any defect in the female breeders as far as possible by having the same section especially strong in the male, and vice-versa. This rule and a close study of my birds have given me what success I have attained in breeding White Wyandottes. After you have your pen carefully selected and put to- gether, you will be filled with manifold doubts and misgiv- ings, but if you have given to the work the thought and time necessary, you should have faith enough to wait and see the chicks matured before you are discouraged. It is seldom I would advise making any change in a pen during the breed- ing season, especially on the recommendation of an outsider against what has been your best judgment. If the birds “nick” you-win; if they do not, you lose. We have staked a season’s get that we shall win choice specimens from our mating. But it is true that two of a family of children hardly ever look alike. Why, then, should we expect all the get of a pen of beautiful birds to be as good as the parent stock? I firmly believe that it is possible for ninety per cent to come so if we are only judicious in our breeding and make careful records of all matings. I am a convert to this plan, and I propose to test it thoroughly. Your chicks should be culled as closely as possible by EE Wave NID OATES: the time they are eight weeks old, so as to give the others all the room you have, even if you have a hundred acres. Your coop room is growing rapidly less as they mature. You must expect to get culls. Some hatches will be bet- ter than others from the same pen. Is this to be wondered at when one considers the indifference with which this vari- ety has been bred for some years past? A prominent breeder told me that he got a much greater per cent of culls from his White Wyandottes than from his Barred Plymouth Rocks. We are going to overcome this in a few years by selection and methodical breeding. Regarding the importance of keeping a record of mat- ings, I will give an illustration. You may believe that I wish I had kept mine a little closer. I know from what pens the birds reproduced by Mr. Sewell in the colored plate came, that is, I know the father. But in breaking up the pens in the summer I lost track of most of the females that were in that pen. If they were mated to that male again the eggs from those hens would be of almost untold value to me. Fellow-breeders of White Wyandottes, let us take up this matter of keeping accurate records of matings with the determination to carry it through, and then the splendid teachings of Mr. McGrew in the Reliable Poultry Journal will not be in vain and we shall have lifted our prized White Wyandottes to such a stage of perfection that breeders of other varieties will think we have discovered a lost art. As we can truthfully do so, we should always write and speak, as occasions offer themselves, in favor of the White Wyan- dottes. Anyone who takes to breeding this variety of Wyan- dottes will find we are justified in what we say, for our favorites stand ready to verify any statement we may make regarding them. ARTHUR G. DUSTON. IBN iii JD)! TAO) AINE JBI a AVE The Selection of a Breed and Then of a Variety—For the Beginner—Defects Increased by Injudicious Breeding—Ticking of Feathers—Feather Pulling—Stay-White White Wyandottes can be Produced. BY CHAS. G. ARNOLD, 4 OW often are we asked by persons who are about to start in the poultry business, ““What breed would you select if you were I?” This is a ques- [oak tion all beginners should settle for themselves. aN ons You know best what are your likes and dislikes. “We have eleven standard varieties in the American class, all of which are worthy of your attention. The Wyandottes are becoming more popular every year, and I wish to say to those who are about to start that you will make no mis- take in selecting one of the Wyandotte varieties. No beginner should handle or try to breed more than one variety. There is more to learn than you imagine. By the use of the modern incubator and brooder for hatching and caring for the chicks one is enabled to commence al- most any season of the year. The first step a beginner should take in the poultry business is to subscribe for some good poultry paper, such as the Reliable Poultry Journal. The knowledge I have gained from reading that Journal is the cause of my birds being what they are to-day. Hach issue is equal to a year’s experience. I have always had a great love for poultry. In 1872 my uncle, while importing other live stock from England, brought over a trio of Dark Brahmas and presented them to my mother, and it was my lot to care for them. Not know- ing at that time that there were poultry papers to read, our Brahmas soon suffered for the want of new blood, and in the course of about seven years our imported birds were no more. In 1888 I read my first poultry paper and at that time having a home of my own, I began raising White Wyan- dottes. I was quite contented with the birds I then owned for a few years. Soon I purchased the American Standard of Perfection and found my Wyandottes were very defec- tive. I then purchased a choice trio of a noted breeder and commenced anew. In 1895 I made my first exhibit, not for the sole purpose of winning, but for what I could learn. I have bred the White Wyandottes eight years, and each year I get new and better ideas in regard to mating, feeding, housing, etc. BREEDER, LELAND, ILL. I find if I mate birds having the same defects that their progeny will show them to an alarming extent. Where the female is defective select a male that is exceptionally strong in her defective sections, and continue to breed against such defects year after year. Keep constantly in your memory in what particulars your birds have been deficient and mate them so as to correct the defects in the progeny. Every breeder should have in his mind’s eye an ideal fowl of the variety he is breeding. It should be better than anything he has ever seen—a perfect specimen in every section. You may never be able to produce such a bird, but your flock in general will be greatly improved. Choice specimens cannot be produced by a haphazard method of mating. An ideal must be formed and we must breed toward it. The person who is satisfied with what he has produced and is willing to accept it as good enough for him is not a true fancier. A true fancier is one that is always striving to produce better birds. It makes no difference how good the parent stock is, he is always looking for something better and when mating has this object in view—to produce better birds. i When two choice specimens are mated, should you pro- duce two or three that show a marked improvement over the parent stock you have done well. Do not think for a moment that all the pregeny is going to be equal to the parents. You will undoubtedly raise several disqualified birds, for which no one is to blame. The best breeder’s stock is subject to throwing a disqualified specimen occasionally. I have noticed that when I mate birds with combs smaller than medium in size I get a great many single combs, and when I mate them larger than medium I have combs so large that they lop to one side, causing another disqualifica- tion. There is also that ticking in the plumage of the White Wyandotte which most breeders have been very slow to rec- ognize as a serious defect. It is about twenty-seven years since they were originated, and judging by all indications there is about as much of it now as then. This pulling feathers to make a disqualified specimen a star bird, is prac- ticed too much for the good of the breed. In the eight years 65 THE WYANDOTTES. I have been breeding White Wyandottes my foremost object has been to get rid of this ticking. Last season fully seventy- five per cent of all I raised were entirely free from it, and for the last four years I have not bred a bird of my own raising that has shown the least particle of it. It is not so hard to breed out as a great many think. To be sure it takes time, but one’s time is well spent when such a defect is eliminated from one’s strain. The white in the ear-lobes is diminishing very fast, so would this ticking in plumage if the feathers could not be pulled out and the bird improved for the time being. Some breeders advise pulling these col- ored feathers before they mature, and claim that they will come in perfectly white. This may be true, but it will not be of any benefit to the bird as a breeder. With time and careful breeding we will overcome these defects to quite an extent, and I do hope there will be more attention paid to perfecting this breed or any other where such work has been practiced. It is as necessary to have a clear white and a stay-white color on our White Wyandottes as it is for them to have a nice, clear yellow leg. It is the purity of the color that makes them handsome. Weight is also another important point. A great many breeders are using heavy weight male birds to increase the size of the offspring. It should be done on the female side and done very gradually. There is also a tendency to get them two or three pounds heavier than the standard de- mands. Their respective standard weights are heavy enough. The Wyandottes are considered to be one of the | best general purpose fowls and when we increase their size we prolong their maturity, and when we lengthen their ma- turity we are losing in their useful qualities. CHARLES G, ARNOLD. THE BREEDING OF WHITE WYANDOTTES. With Special Attention to Size, Color and Number of Eggs—A True Breeder Must Combine Utility and Beauty. BY JOHN H. JACKSON, HUDSON, MASS. LTHOUGH numerous articles have been written on White Wyandottes, I do not think too much can be said in favor of this popular variety of —*~ fowls. As bred to-day, they are not perfect, but — no other fowl, in my judgment comes as near being an all-purpose fowl. I have bred poultry for nearly twenty years, always under my own care and management, beginning when a boy, and have found the thoroughbreds the most profitable for practical purposes. I have bred the Leghorns, Minorcas and Plymouth Rocks with good success. They always yielded me a profit, but I was looking for some- thing better, and believe I have found it in the White Wyan- dottes. In laying qualities the White Wyandottes in my hands haye equaled the Leghorns and Minorcas, and they excel them greatly for market or table purposes, while as broilers they are ready for use at any age, of any size required and at seasons when most other breeds would not be in condition. They are at all times free from dark pin feathers, which is the main drawback to the black and parti-color varieties. For roasters weighing from four to five pounds nothing excels the White Wyandottes, and I do not think any other breed equals them. There are cross-bred fowls that give good results for broilers and roasters (as I have found by experience), but it is necessary to go to the trouble to keep full-blood stock on both sides with which to make the first cross each season. The White Wyandottes fill the bill just as well as any cross-bred fowl, and save all this extra work and expense. All varieties of Wyandottes have the full, broad breast, the bulky build and firm flesh which dress well and com- mand the best prices on the market. When I began to breed White Wyandottes they did not lay very large eggs, and the color of the eggs varied greatly from a light colored to a dark brown shell. strains lay large, richly colored brown eggs, and they lay a good many more of them than they used to. They are to- At the present time, however, the best ~ 66 day one of our very best layers, especially in winter time, owing to their rose combs, which do not freeze. The White Wyandotte is a hardy fowl and the chicks are easy to raise. Of course, there are poor strains in this as well as in other varieties. The best strains are produced by the careful breeders, by those who appreciate what is really valuable in a standard-bred fowl and work for it through a. term of years. We have every reason to believe that the White Wyandottes, by intelligent selection and -mating, can be brought to a very high state of perfection and still hold their utility qualities to an unexcelled degree. A number of years ago, when breeding Minorcas, I had a pullet that scored, under three different judges, 95 to 96 points. She began to lay early and laid throughout the win- ter. I could not learn what the laying qualities of her direct ancestors were, but thought this bird a good one with which to start a strain, so I raised all the chicks I could hatch from her eggs and succeeded in getting quite a flock of fine, standard birds having extra laying qualities. It is in this same manner, as a result of my first experi- ment with Minorcas, that I have prosecuted the breeding of White Wyandottes. From the first I have given special attention to the size, color and number of eggs laid by my White Wyandottes, and I find that this breed, the same as others under intelligent management, responds quickly and surely to proper selection and matings. I do not claim that culls will not sometimes turn out to be good layers, as well as the best specimens, but the point is this: Is it not better to breed from birds having good laying qualities and meet- ing standard requirements than to breed from fowls with equally good laying qualities but not meeting standard re- quirements, meaning those of size, shape and shade of color. including other lesser points of beauty, like comb, color of eye, etc.? As a matter of fact there are few breeders of fowls who do not prefer fine-looking birds, even though they insist on having good layers and fine table fowl, Many times I have THE WYANDOTTES. received letters from persons wanting to buy birds, stating that they did not want “show birds,” but nevertheless they would proceed to give a description of a bird, or birds, that would be well calculated to win in any show room, which goes to prove that the standard-bred fowl is the most attrac- tive, even to the mind of the unprofessional. It is true that in breeding for good laying qualities, com- bined with standard requirements, you will have to sacrifice some fine looking specimens, those that are below par as layers. My best success has been gained in raising only as many each year as I could take good care of and in select= ing the best specimens for breeding, selling all culls on the market. If one has plenty of house and yard room it often pays to keep the culls for fall and winter layers, disposing of them the next spring when they become broody, or a little later when they start to molt. They always sell well at that season of the year in our local markets when the people get tired of the frozen stuff that is marketed at that time of the year. In breeding only a comparatively small number, or aS many as you can take proper care of, your chances of greatly improving your flocks both in standard and utility points are increased. In mating White Wyandottes I do not use the large, rangy males to get size. If ' you do this you are sure to get long, lanky cockerels. It is from the females that we get the most even size and best formed males, the blocky built birds, those not above standard weight preferred. For females, I use good layers—specimens from six to seven pounds. I do not want them larger or heavier than this, for big Wyandottes do not lay as well as stan- dard weight fowls. I want my Wyan: dotte females to be “full of business,’’ and they do not need to be an ounce above standard weights for best results. These standard weight birds are the ones that mature the quickest. Still, you are com- pelled to breed a percentage of large birds to meet the demand for breeding stock made by persons who do not appreciate the true value of Wyandottes. I hope they will learn to do so later on. Breeding for good combs is a strong point in White Wyandottes. If a bird is good in every other way, but has ‘a bad comb, it is spoiled to sell for breeding purposes, or for exhibition. I believe in breeding persistently for small, evenly pebbled combs. Even if you breed from a good comb that is too large, vou will get many poor combs. A small comb that is uneven will not look so bad as a big comb that is even. By breeding for medium combs I have had by far the best results in sales, in profits and in satisfied customers. The amateur, I am free to say, will always look for a good comb whether he knows anything about a fowl or not. The best advice I can give the amateur is to learn all he possibly can about the breed or variety in which he is interested. This is his protection. The eyes and lobes are of great importance, with refer- ence to the beauty of White Wyandottes. A rich bay, or red eye, is what is wanted. A pale or white eye gives the bird an unnatural, out-of-condition look and is despised by the true fancier. A male with a weak lobe, that is, one that is inclined to show white at times, is a poor bird to breed. It will show more or less in females according to their condi- tion as layers, but a male should have a strong red lobe at all times. Dec. 1897—Average Score, 95% Points. The surface color and the shape of White Wyandottes are of prime importance. My ideai bird in shape is of blocky build. Pure white color is what is causing much discussion. I much prefer a white bird, but do not believe in sacrificing rich yellow legs, beak and skin for chalk-white feathers. The latter will have a light yellow or lemon colored leg, which will turn almost white before the fowl is two years old. I will not breed from a male that does not have rich yellow legs and beak. I do not kelieve in birds that show brassiness in plumage or yellow in the quills, but there is danger of our breeding them to a point of whiteness where they will have light colored legs, beak and skin. We must compromise somewhere between the-two extremes. Some of the best White Wyandottes at the late Boston show were very white, with good colored legs, excepting one pullet. She was standard in weight and a grand bird in every way, with chalk-white plumage, but she was light in color of legs. With proper care and attention birds with fine yellow legs, beak and skin can be placed on exhibition FIRST PRIZE PEN OF WHITE WYANDOTTES AT AMESBURY, MASS., Bred and Owned by J. H. Jackson, Hudson, Mass. with their plumage snow-white, kut even the best of them are very apt to show more or less of the objectionable yellow cast in surface plumage as the birds grow older and are ex- posed to all kinds of weather. In my opinion it is better to sacrifice color to this extent rather than breed out the good market qualities, viz: yellow legs and skin. In writing this article I have based the statements on facts obtained from my own experience. Although not so large a breeder as many others, I give them my constant study and have been successful with my matings. I think I have produced as many high-class specimens proportion- ately to the number raised, as any other breeder of White Wyandottes who has still held to and improved the utility qualities of the variety. Birds of my breeding have scored to 96 points and a fraction, and won honors in strong com- petition, which is proof enough to my mind that utility and beauty can be combined in the White Wyandotte. I, there- fore, take the ground that the true fancier’s duty to combine the two, sacrificing in the long run neither the one nor the other. I hold that both are essential to true success in producing this or any other popular American variety that has a commercial value. J. H. JACKSON. A PRACTICAL FANCY FOWE. White Wyandottes the Fowls for Amateurs—Their Origin—Pre-eminently the Breed for Broilers— Unexcellied Market Fowl—Comparison with Other Breeds—Early Maturity—Good Layers, Sitters and Mothers—Selection of Breeders. BY RALPH I. DUNLAP, BREEDER, JACKSONVILLE, ILLINOIS. O MUCH has been written about the White Wy- andotte that it seems an almost useless task to endeavor to tell anything new. But if we con- sider for a moment that old saying, ‘““When you get a good thing push it along,” a few remarks will perhaps not be out of place. The theory of the origin of the White Wyandotte which is generally accepted, is that they are sports of the Silvers. And this no doubt accounts for the little gray ticking and the splashes of gray which are found in the plumage of so many specimens. The shape which the standard demands for the Wyan- dotte is one that I consider almost ideal. I hardly think that it could be improved. It is a shape that catches the eye of all, whether it is seen in the show room or on the farm; by the fancier or the utility man. While the standard does not call for Wyandotte shape in Plymouth Rocks, yet 1 have noticed that a Rock with Wyandotte shape presents a very pleasing appearance and is very much admired by a great many people. Why? Because it gives to the bird that full- ness and compactness of form that is possessed by no other breed. It is rather a difficult task to find words with which to describe the Wyandotte shape, although the term “blocky” expresses it about as well as anything. This distinct blocky shape is very striking even when the chick is first hatched and it grows more striking as the bird becomes older. I once heard a person remark, “I do not like some of the fastest race horses because they are so ugly.” Now, if the swiftest racer were also the handsomest animal, he would be greatly admired by all. How is it with the Wyandotte? In my humble opinion they come nearer having an ideal shape than any other breed, and they are not only a handsome fowl but they are business birds from the word “go.” This applies to the whole Wyandotte family, for what is standard shape for one variety is standard shape for all. When it comes to the question of size I will select the American class every time, for the Wyandottes and Ply- mouth Rocks are not so large and clumsy as the fowls of the Asiatic class nor so small and nervous as those of the Medi- terranean, but they are just right—a happy medium. The comb is another splendid feature of the Wyandotte. They have a comb that is low with no high points to freeze; one that has a neat and healthy look, and one that gives to the bird the same pleasing appearance that a nice hat does to a well-dressed man. Any one who keeps fowls during a cold winter can realize the value of such a comb from a utility standpoint and it is not devoid of beauty, either. An- other good feature of the Wyandotte is its clean, yellow, featherless legs. What an advantage it gives them for mar- ket purposes, besides they can run about in all kinds of weather, without carrying a large tract of real estate around on each foot, soiling and breaking their feathers. 68 After noting the excellent characteristics of the Ameri- can class in general and of the Wyandotte family in par- ticular, then comes the task of selecting a variety of this noble breed. There are the Blacks, Buffs, Goldens, Silvers and Whites, named in the order of their popularity, begin- ning with the least popular. I had never seen a White Wy- andotte before I decided to breed them and sent for eggs. Yet I did not merely stumble on a good variety as some people do, for I had read a great deal about their fine quali- ties, both as exhibition specimens and business birds. I also had seen some Silvers and in this way was pleased with - the Wyandotte shape. I should probably have bought Sil- vers, but the males were, in my opinion, very ugly in color, and besides I always had admired a fowl with snow white plumage. It makes such a nice combination with a red comb, bay eyes and clean yellow legs. But some people pre- fer one variety, some another. It is purely a matter of taste and the choice must be made by the person himself. I chose the White Wyandotte, first, because I always admired a white fowl and because I wanted one that was a good layer, a good sitter and mother, and a good market bird, and I believed the White Wyandotte to be unsurpassed as an all-around, general-purpose fowl. Nor have I ever regretted my choice, for I have found the White Wyandotte to be all that a reasonable person could wish. I do not mean that they will lay two eggs per day or are ready for frys at the age of three weeks, nor do they possess any other extraordinary features such as I have seen claimed for some breeds, but if you want a fowl that presents a fine appear- ance in the show room and one that is a business bird from the time it is) hatched, get the White Wyandotte. With the exception of about four years I have raised chickens since I was a lad of five and I have bred common chickens, Black, Buff and Partridge Cochins, Light Brah- mas, Black Langshans, Brown Leghorns and Barred Ply- mouth Rocks. I do not say that I have not been successful with these breeds, but I only wish to state that I discarded them because I have been more guccessful with the White Wyandotte. While the Cochins and Brahmas made good lay- ers and good eating, they could also do their part when it came to the eating question. They were too clumsy and lazy to suit me, and they were always standing around in the way, breaking eggs when sitting, and tramping upon the young chicks. Still my great grandmother, now in her eighty-ninth year, and my grandmother have both been raising Buff Cochins for a long, long time. The Black Lang- shans I found to be splendid winter layers, good sitters and mothers, but their feathered legs and black plumage were against them for market purposes. The Leghorns were too scary and had such nice, large combs for Jack Frost to nip! I will not say any thing against the Barred Rocks, for they belong to the American class, but the Wyandotte shape and DEE WYANDODIES: the Wyandotte comb were what made me give the prefer- ence to the Wyandottes. I have had White Wyandotte pullets lay at the age of one hundred and thirty-two days, but I never try to push them for very early laying, for the little gained does not equal what is lost in size. They will begin to lay, however, along in the fall, and a pullet or hen either, for that matter, that will do this, will lay through the winter when eggs bring such good prices. The energetic Wyandotte will not only lay during the fall and winter, but will keep right on shelling out the eggs during the spring and summer months as well. The Leghorns may be egg-machines, but give me the White Wyandotte for all-around laying. No artificial heat is needed to keep their combs from freezing and to en- courage egg-production. The White Wyandotte is not only a good layer, but she is a good sitter and mother as well. When it comes to the market question, the White Wyandotte stays in the front ranks. What fowl presents a nicer appearance on the mar- ket? The Barred Rocks are claimed to be the best market fowl in existence, but one of the prominent broiler men in the east, says that he kept these two breeds side by side, but finally discarded the Rocks because the Wyandottes were ready for market at an earlier age. This is what he says when it comes to the forcing question: “If you try to raise Rocks and Wyandottes in the same pen, the experiment will prove to you this fact: Your Rocks will go ‘off their legs’ while the deep-breasted, plump-bodied, smooth- skinned; active little Wyandottes take their medicine five times a day and stand straight as matches.” My own experience has been that they grow faster. Then they do not grow by jerks, as some breeds do, that is, they do not grow awhile, stop and take on a coat of feathers and then fill out, but they keep right on growing all the time and are always plump and compact, instead of slim and -loose-jointed. I have found that they stand confinement well in small pens, although if given range they make fine foragers. I will not go into detail in regard to their care and feed- ing; but I should like to mention a few points. Crushed oyster shell, sharp, hard grit, plenty of clean, fresh water, a dust bath (or some means of keeping vermin away), clean, roomy quarters, good feed and common sense in feeding are necessary to successfully produce good, healthy, vigorous stock. If you have fine stock and eggs for sale, judicious advertising and exhibiting, and plenty of perseverance are further requirements for success with poultry. A great many people rush pell-mell into the poultry business with great theories about raising poultry on a large scale, who have almost no practical knowledge of the busi- ness. They intend to keep a great many kinds and to do things just right: They read everything about poultry that they can get and think by this means to be able to cope with any difficulty that may arise, not knowing that many things can only be learned by experience. They see no way for failure to overtake them and (on paper) they count their profits. But do they succeed? Perhaps a small per cent of them do, but it is only when a little common sense has been knocked into their heads (probably at the cost of a great many dollars), in the hard school of experience. And even then it requires nerve and perseverance to stick to it. How much better it would have been if they had started in a small way, learning the details of the business which can only be mastered by experience, and then gradually in- creased as success and practical knowledge warranted. I hardly feel competent to give an outline for breeding the White Wyandotte, but I advise the reading of that splen- did article on “Standard Bred White Wyandottes,” by Mr. Arthur G. Duston, on page 64, reproduced from the Reli- able Poultry Journal. Also the many other excellent arti- cles which have been published in the Reliable about this noble variety. My advice, however, is to throw out all spec- imens with single combs and feathered legs even if there is only a stub. Also discard those with very much white in the ear-lobe. Pick birds with bay eyes, as pearl or gray ones give the bird an unnatural look. Market all those that have green or dark colored legs. Some birds that are closely con- fined have pale colored legs, but if given a good range with plenty of grass, nearly all will have nice yellow legs. Z Breed for good combs. A large, ill-shaped one gives a bird a bad appearance. Low, even, nicely pebbled- combs fitting closely to the head, are what we want. Remember the Wyandotte shape when mating your birds, for, as Mr. T. F. McGrew says, in one of his fine arti- cles on “Science in Breeding,’’ “Shape should come before color, it is shape that makes the breed, color the variety.” Breed for that blocky build. Do this and you can soon tell what good Wyandotte shape is. High, pinched tails, long backs, slim necks, flat breasts, narrowness between the legs, badly shaped heads, large combs, or slim bodies on tall, stilty legs, do not make a blocky, compact bird. And right here let me say, do not use big, rangy males, as such birds never have a nice, compact form and the cockerels from this kind of a mating are generally slim and lanky. Intro- duce or build up the size with the females and keep the shape. Now comes the color question. I do not feel firmty enough settled to give my opinions on this subject yet, but I will say breed for pure white plumage, stay-white plum- age, but do not sacrifice shape for color. The White Wyan- dotte still shows its close relationship to the Silvers by the little gray ticking and gray splashes which appear in the plumage. This is not a disqualification, only a defect and is still a common fault, so do not think the person from whom you bought is dishonest if you receive birds with a little gray in them. Above all, be sure to have good, healthy, vigorous stock with which to start. The best is none too good. I have endeavored to present a few plain facts that I have learned from experience. If I have made any rash or untrue statements no one will be happier to have them cor- rected than I. I have also endeavored to give the breeds - with which I have compared the White Wyandotte, their just dues, for I always dislike to read an article lauding one variety to the skies and running down all others, even if taat article be on White Wyandottes. RALPH I. DUNLAP. 69 BEST BREEDS FOR BROILERS! ‘aluable Points on Broiler Raising by a Man Ii’ho is Successful—The Merits of the Light Brahmas, Leghorn-Brahmas, Wyandotte-Brahmas, Barred and White Rocks and White Wyandottes Set Forth. BY ARTHUR G. DUSTON, BREEDER, MARI,BORO, MASS. AM going to present some hints on broiler rais- ing as exemplified by me on my farm in Marl- boro, Mass. I believe that many lose courage in raising broilers by not obtaining the right stock. Now don’t say, “he is going to blow his own horn,” but wait and see if I do not give each variety that I have tried its dues. First, many take Brahmas. They might do far worse. Let us take the Brahma from the egg and follow it. Mr. Felch says Brahmas are superior for this purpose. Yet, in an argument with an incubator manufacturer, his first and best proved claim is, that they do not hatch as well artifi- cially as eggs from the American or Mediterranean classes. Does it pay to put eggs in machines that will make the chicks cost, on coming into the brooder house, 25 to 50 per cent more than others? Once in the brooder, Brahmas prove very strong as little chicks, but look out for leg-weakness, their heavy bodies proving too much for small legs. ; Again, any one watching chicks raised artificially knows that they will attain their height earlier than those raised with hens. So a Brahma chick has that against it as a broiler, for long legs with feathers on them hurt a fowl in the market. But, properly taken care of, Light Brahmas will prove fairly satisfactory for broilers. As roasters, which subject can not be even touched on in this article, they are choice. : While the Brahma is under consideration it seems well to take up two of the more popular crosses made with them, viz: Leghorn on Brahma and Wyandotte on Brahma. Leghorn on Brahma chicks have some very good points which are: Yellow skin and legs, fairly plump bodies, and they also feather early, but a large proportion of the early cockerels will be so near full blood Leghorn that they would easily be taken for them by a casual observer, and to force them, giving a liberal quantity of meat or ground bone, to- gether with the heat, will develop extremely large combs, which give dressed birds the appearance of their being old —a point against us. Furthermore, the nervous tempera- ment of this cross (taken from the Leghorn) keeps them from making flesh, where other varieties would take on fat. I have run this cross and at fifteen weeks I could not force at least twenty-five per cent of them to weigh more than from one and one-half to one and three-quarters pounds. The Wyandotte-Brahma cross is almost ideal, being hardy, low-combed and not getting “stagy” at an early age, as with the Leghorn cross; but, my dear reader, do,.you know there is something about the feathered leg that is not inviting to the buyer? To see a neat, yellow breasted broiler with a mass of feathers on the legs and feet will detract from its appearance more than one would think, unless he has had the very fastidious market of Boston to cater to. 70 The carcass of this cross is plump and yellow, only a small proportion coming so dark as to have black pin feathers enough to injure the looks. ‘i To leave the Asiatics, we will touch on the Barred and White Plymouth Rocks. The rich yellow legs and bodies of these justly popular fowls, the quick growth, with not enough comb to hurt, give us a broiler hard to beat—one of the worst faults being dark pin feathers in the Barred, which are always somewhat objectionable in a broiler, for the reason they are put on the market at an age when it is impossible to get them all out. I can not go through all the breeds, but will only take up those I have honestly tried. This brings me to the last, to White Wyandottes. To be frank, I will state that J once thought of discarding this breed as not fitted for my busi- ness purposes, but after “summering and wintering” them, I now feel that I would drop all others before I would them. Let us note their faults. The first is that in some birds, more especially those bred for extreme whiteness, you will find they are not yellow-meated. At the same time I have seen the whitest plumaged birds have rich yellow skin, beak and legs. In buying stock look for yellow beak, and as yel- low a leg as you could naturally expect at the time of year you are buying; that is, make allowance for a bird hived up in a yard, with sand to dust in, as it will surely bleach their legs to a flesh color. Another trouble you may have with the Wyandotte, as perhaps you would have with no other breed, is, confining a large number in a small pen, they easily take up feather pulling. I think this is due to the peculiar way in which they feather. Some will grow to weigh one and one-half pounds before they have any but neck and wing feathers. Then the pin feathers start all at once, making the habit easily formed by the “chicken act” of striking one another, or picking off any soft food that may adhere to the feathers. But plenty of green food will obviate that to a great extent, especially should the food be freshly cut clover. Of course it can not be obtained in winter, but well-cured clover rowen can. With care, after this warning, you need have no trou- ble in this direction. Regarding white skin, it may be overcome by the use of the right kind of food, making it yellow enough to suit any one. Now that we have seen the faults of the White Wyan- dottes in their worst light, let me extol their virtues as broilers, for they have many. The eggs being reasonably thin-shelled they hatch as well as any you can get. They mature as laying pullets a full month earlier than Plymouth Rocks, thus giving you eggs for early hatching. Their clean, yellow legs, low combs, white pin feathers, and quick growing qualities, render them the best broilers I can put out. I sold hundreds to dress eight ounces (one-half pound) THE WYANDOTTE this year, and they were as round as a “butter pall;” this being one of their most important merits, that when prop- erly fed they are always ready for market. Again, they will stand all the forcing any bird can. If you try to raise Rocks and Wyandottes in the same pen, the experiment will prove to you this fact: Your Rocks will go “off their legs,’ while the deep-breasted, plump-bodied, smooth-skinned, active little Wyandottes take their medi- cine five times a day and stand as straight as matches. Re- member, it is generally the bird that can stand the greatest amount of food that makes the quickest grown broiler, and must be the bird you should adopt, aS every additional day means additional cost from labor, coal and food. TI have written this article from the market point of view, that is, the sales-counter, as that is where we get our ‘returns. S Now, for one moment let us look at the matter as epi- cures. Take any one of the varieties mentioned above, and the Wyandotte, besides having the extra flesh on breast, as I stated before, caused by the great depth of breast-bone, is as juicy and delicious as any, and, in the opinion of “our folks’’, more so, a dish luscious enough for a king. _ This is my experience briefly set forth. If I have writ- ten anything that will in any way aid my brother poultry- man, I am satisfied. One word in closing. Do not be ina hurry to cross your stock, as no one can make me believe that there is anything gained by crossing, for there is no place that a thoroughbred of some variety will not fill the bill, and once you start to cross where can you stop? The labor and skill of years comes to naught when you destroy the integrity of a breed or strain by crossing. : ARTHUR G. DUSTON. THE WHITE WYANDOTTE. BY EDWARD CRAIG, ALBION, ILL. Among the many varieties of fowls claiming the atten- tion of the general public this noble fowl is coming rapidly, and by its own merits, to the front. The poultry kingdom embraces fowls kept for their beauty, others for their qualities as egg producers, others for their fine quality of flesh, and yet others for their weight WHITE WYANDOTTE COCKEREL, EDWARD I. Bred and Owned by Edward Craig, Albion, Ill 71 alone. Two or more of these qualities are often found in one variety, as the Leghorn family for eggs, flesh and beauty, the Plymouth Rocks for weight and egg producing qualities, and so on through the entire list. Thousands of families cannot afford to keep fowls solely for their beauty, something profitable being the fowl for them. Indeed, the fowl needed for the entire northern part of the United States is a judicious combination of all the desirable qualities. This want is well filled, I claim, by the White Wyandotte. This grand bird, combining beauty with good egg-producing qualities, is establishing a place for itself that from its very nature it is sure to retain. A flock of these birds, with their clear white plumage forming a striking contrast to the bright, yellow beak and legs, and with their neat, close-fitting rose combs, the latter fitting them for the rigor of our northern winters, is a beau- tiful sight. When the fancier goes over his flock, consigning the inevitable culls to the market, or when those who keep poultry for eggs and flesh take their produce to the dealer, the White Wyandotte weighs out in good shape and helps fill the pocketbook of the seller. As a table fowl their blocky bodies, with yellow skin and fine flavor, make a meal to be appreciated by the epicure. : As layers of eggs they rank next to the Leghorn, that queen of layers. Indeed, we have found by experience that during the season of high-priced eggs the White Wyandotte, with its small, rose comb uninjured by frost, will replenish the egg basket when the Leghorn is nursing a frozen comb. Again, it is a well-known fact that many varieties are hard to raise, comparatively few surviving the first few weeks. With a fair chance the White Wyandotte will reach maturity a strong healthy bird. We believe these fowls are the general-purpose fowls of America, a fowl that will soon find a place in every part of the country. EDWARD CRAIG. is OM 4 hil Hh li ity 4 = r e Nive a pny SDF Eien Ty BI Ex SEZ LL ae pag ltces RELIABLE Fi ; POULTRY ie JOVRNAL COPYRIGHT« BUFF WYANDOTTES. By SEWELL, NOVEMBER, 1899. Characteristics, shape and standard requirements are substantially the same as those given for the Silver Laced variety, page 34. The color of the plumage is the only marked difference, this variety showing a beautiful buff color in all sections. 72 . THE BUFF WYANDOTTES. OW we have to consider one variety of the Wy- andotte breed that is in an experimental stage so far as the production of show specimens is concerned. In my opinion they are one of the : best of this family and during my six years’ experience with them they have proven to be excellent layers, sitters and mothers, but we cannot expect them to breed true in color and other fancy points in so short a time. We find exceptionally fine stock here and there over the country. We even have seen solid buff wings and tails on both males and females, but these are not average birds, they are way above the average. The best breeders of the Buffs who are looking for their advancement along the lines of honest improvement, will admit that as yet they have not perfected this variety. We have many obstacles to overcome, perhaps more than are encountered in the preeding of any other puff vari- ety. First, we must overcome about forty per cent of black; then there is more red than yellow in the make-up of the foundation stock of most strains, and white has been introduced to soften the color. About all the buff we have been able to get was from the Cochin cross and in most cases this was from Cochin males with a lot of black in wings and tails. ‘There has also been a direct cross of Golden Wyan- dottes which has helped some sections, but injured others. Some breeders used a Cross of Rhode Island Reds instead of Golden Wyandottes, which in a measure was better, as it did not cause so many black or laced necks. Intelligent breeders in every state are taking up the buff variety and already they have enough good ones to help one another. During the next two years there will be more improvement in Buff Wyandottes than has been made in the past five “years, and it will be accomplished by mating Wyandottes and not by resorting to outside crosses which has been the rule in the past. The standard is very plain on the question of color in this, as it ig in all puff varieties. The color is the same in all —a “rich, golden buff, free from shafting or mealy appear- ance.” It is easy to understand, but hard to produce. In the first place, buff is a made color and not a primary color. When it is produced it is hard to hold unless the breeder is an expert and knows to a certainty the strength of his breeding stock, both male and female. This is where in- breeding, described in another part of this book, holds despotic sway. Without inbreeding one cannot produce good Buffs year after year. One must know the sires and dams of his stock te make sure of success. The man who wins this year, fails next and wins the next is not much encouragement to a Buff amateur. But the man whose advice is worth much to you is the breeder who wins year after year and who can show stock three and four years old that still retains the same elegant buff color that his cockerels and pullets show. There are Messrs. Sharp Brothers, of Oakland Farm, Taunton, Mass., O. L. McCord, of Danville, Ill., and W. W. Browning, of Ogden, Utah, men who win year after year. When such men talk of color breeding, the laymen can learn. I do not claim much for myself, but I do assert that I converse with more of the leading fanciers of this country than any other man y who makes a business of judging fowls. I believe in im- provement and I believe our teachers should be qualified. Seeing a few birds ina number of shows does not teach me so much, but when I go toa leading breeder’s yards and note his matings and he points out his stock in pen after pen, which looks as much alike as the average family of children, then I know I am getting at the heart of the business of breeding fancy stock, and I get information of great value to others. In shape the Buffs should be a fac-simile of the Silvers, and defects in shape must be cut in the same proportion. Remember that in color they must be absolutely buff. Black and white are alike objectionable and will, be cut when the birds are shown in the winter exhibitions. Remember, too, that red is not buff and when your birds are scored by an expert who is not color blind, the red birds will fail to win. Let the motto of every Buff Wyandotte breeder be, “solid buff from comb to tail.” The future of the Buff Wyandottes depends upon their admirers, who cannot afford to miss an opportunity of perfecting them in any particular. Let me utter one warning, however. The utility side, which is so prominent at the present day, must not be allowed to retro- grade in the slightest. THE FEMALE. The Golden Wyandotte breeders claim that the Goldens are ‘the beauty breed,” but any one who sees a Buff Wyan- dotte female that is truly buff must feel that the Buffs are streng rivals for the honor of being called “the beauty breed.” As an all-round fowl for meat and eggs the Buff Wyandotte has no superior in the middle weight class. AS a winter layer she equals the best and as an every-day fowl for the farmer, she cannot be excelled. The fancier will find that it is well worth his time to give them the attention that is required to make this variety a perfect fancy fowl. Asa fancy fowl, they are not yet perfected, as they have only been bred a few years, but the per cent of really first-class specimens that have been exhibited the past year makes one marvel at what has been accomplished, and it is only a mat- ter of a few years when they will be the equal of the oldest buff varieties in America. zy In color they should be a rich golden buff throughout, free from shafting or a mealy appearance, and they should show the same shade of puff in all sections. The descrip- tion of shape, comb, eyes, legs and feet is the same that 1 have given for the other varieties. In mating for color, the main trouble has been to get an even surface with clear wings and tail. The flights of the wings are usually better than the secondaries. The black blood that came through the Golden Wyandotte cross will make itself felt for several seasons. If the wing shows black in the secondaries with clear flights, the cut is from one-half to one point, according to degree. If black shows in both flights and secondaries, the cut is from one to two points. If there is a red bow on the wings showing a sort of pay color, cut it one. If any black appears in hackle, the cut is from one-half to one and one-half, according to de- gree. If the surface color is uneven, that is, if two or more shades of buff appear in the same specimen, the cut is from THE WYANDOTTES, — Se ee one-half to one in all such Sections. If the main tail feath- ers are edged with black at the top and the rest of the feath- are sound, the cut is one-half. If the tail is half black the cut is two, and if the entire tail is black the cut is four. Remember always that you can only cut for defects accord- ing to the number of points set aside for each section, and in order to cut all the points that are allowed one section, the entire section must be wrong. As buff color is the same in all breeds and as the meth- ers ods of producing a good buff color on Cochins will Just as Successfully produce it on Wyandottes, I give here an able article from the pen of W. W. Browning, written expressly for this book. Tam Sure it will be read with interest by the admirers of all buff varieties. After handling Mr, Browning's birds in the show room for several years and personally in- specting his breeding stock on the farm, we feel safe in Say- ing that breeders of new buff varieties will make no mistake if they follow his instructions. THEO. HEWES. BOF FY CGEOR: BY W. Ww. BROWNING, OGDEN, UTAH, \ FTER years of study and experimenting, I think I have discovered the causes of a majority of \f - failures to produce prime buff color. I have ee seen breeders handle this color successfully for years and then §0 wrong at a time when they thought their matings were just right. In disgust they quit the business when they should have studied harder to discover the cause of their troubie. Every article that I have read on mating buff colored chickens is wrong and mis- leading. The writers either advocate fostering red males, or those that have some black in wings and tails. They argue that the black feeds the buff color and adds luster to the plumage and that it is needed because the tendency of all fowls is to lose color. After studying wild fowls for years I am ready to Say that I do not believe it. If it were true all wild fowls would be white, while the fact is, white in wild birds of all kinds is the exception instead of the rule. Buff color is composed principally of the primary color yellow, having added just a little red and white. If yellow, red and white make buff, then why should we add black? It is because we have not learned to mix the three colors first named and we let the buff we have fade to such an extent that we add black to check the fading. If you will mix the three colors named in the right proportion, you will have that soft, rich, pleasing color that has made the buff fowl popular all over the world. I Say emphatically that there is no black used in mixing buff color. Black does not feed buff color, nor does it add any luster to it. It is in fact, a great curse in breeding for buff. It gives you laced necks, black tails, black in the wings, smoky under-color and a muddy surface color. It will not even counteract white, still in spite of all this, we hear breeders who are handling buffs advocate using black. A few years ago judges cut severely for white and lightly for black in buff fowls. At that time I took a bold stand against this outrage, and I am pleased to say that now judges punish both defects alike. The color to breed for is yellow and you want to get a pure color from the surface down to the skin, quills and all. You will get plenty of red and white without breeding for it, but if you get too much red or white you can breed it out by selection much easier than you can breed out the black, for the reason Ziven, that red and white are used in buff mix- tures and the yellow will mix with and control these colors to a far greater extent than it will black. Look to the under-color for breeding strength. If you get sound surface color, but white under-color, then you have more white than yellow in your mixture, and the result will be that your specimen is not half buff. ae * \ , 74 Select your choicest breeders while the chicks are two to three months old. They will show defects then that may disappear almost if not entirely, later on. Smoky under- color in back and neck will show plainly at this time. It may disappear altogether later on, but it is in the blood and you do not want to breed such specimens, If you purchase matured fowls and they do not breed properly, examine them closely during their molting season and when the new feathers are quite young you will no doubt discover the cause. You cannot depend on your buff matings unless you handle the chicks from the time they are a month old until they are matured, yes, even after they are matured. If white appears in your flock, do not use black to counteract it, as white will appear in any solid black variety nearly as often as it does in some of the buff varieties. You will not find perfect buff color in every section. of any of the new varieties of buffs. Use common sense in your matings, and overcome black, red and white by the use of yellow only. These theory writers have gotten black so firmly fixed in the older buff varieties that the sins of the parents are fastened onto the chickens even unto the “steenth” gen- eration. Some of these theorists who are supposed to be breed- ers, Say that black is the proper thing if you keep it in the wing feathers and the tail so that it does not show from the surface when the fowl is viewed in a natural position. Nurs- ing black where the amateur does not see it is a ten-fold evil, because the black is there and it will crop out in the chicks and very likely cause the amateur to quit in disgust. Be sure that the flight feathers are perfectly clear buff, that there is no black in the neck and that there is as little dark as possible in the flight coverts and tail. color is sound in as many sections as possible, and you will See that the under- | find your fowls gradually improving until they will reach ° perfection in color in all sections. Had I to choose between the two I should rather have a breeder with no black and take the one that had considerable white, until I got the black well bred out of the blood of my strain, unless I was breeding Buff Leghorns. This Buff variety has too much white in it on account of its White Leghorn ancestors, Remember, yellow and black will not mix and produce a pleasing color, while yellow, red and white will mix and give you that beautiful shade called buff. As to the effect of food on color, I have no knowledge. I am not trying to produce my buffs in this way. I believe the proper way is to breed them right and that the food will then have put little, if any effect. W. Ww. BROWNING. BREEDING BUEP WYANDOTIES. A Comparatively New Breed—How to Start—Introducing Foreign Blood—Selling and Exhibiting Stock. BY MRS. J. M. DENISON, BREEDER, ELGIN, ILL. ANY things have to be considered when we breed Buff Wyandottes. First, we must remember that they are comparatively a new breed and there- fore more study is required in mating them than Z in mating the Silvers or other varieties of Wyan- dottes. However, we have been making rapid strides and are in a fair way to overtake them. We claim for the Buffs a place at “the top of the ladder,” and we will not be satisfied until it is assured. That they have qualities most desirable in an all-purpose fowl must be acknowledged by all, and the ‘only question now is how to perfect them. Our greatest trouble arises in the desire to do too much in too short a time. The increased demand for stock and eggs leads us to overlook faults in our breeding stock, and we admit to our yards birds which have good score cards, but which should not be used as breeders if we wish the best results. Therefore, let me say to the beginner, do not con- sider how many birds, but how good ones you can produce. To this end put your money in a trio if you can not afford a pen. To make a start I should much rather put twenty-five dollars ($25) in a trio properly mated than into any other number. Mark the eggs and set those from each hen separately, marking the chickens when hatched so you can tell which hen produces the best stock, both pullets and cockerels. If you find that one hen throws better cockerels than the other, select the best and mate him to pullets from the other hen. Use your old male with pullets, selecting those that are strong in points where he is weak; and mate the hens with a cockerel strong in the sections in which the females are weak. Now you have a good start and unless there is some point in which both are weak you need not introduce new blood and new faults until you have become thoroughly acquainted with the good and bad features of your own strain. You can undo the work of years if not judicious in the introduction of new blood. Having a good foundation the success that follows de- pends greatly upon your love for the work and proper man- agement. The details of the business must be closely watched. Do not trust too much to hired help, for generally their interest is confined to their pay. Know your chickens and let them know you. Care for them as you like to be cared for and they will return your kindness tenfold. Hay- ing good stock and understanding your business, advertise it, selecting for your medium journals that will stand by the right and expose fraud regardless of the cost. Now the bat- tle is half won. The rest depends on your stick-to-it-ive- ness and honorable dealings with your customers. Let them feel that you have their interest in mind as well as your own, and then while you can not satisfy all, you can please the majority, thus making friends as well as customers. Another thing to be remembered is this. If you have been fortunate enough to produce exhibition birds show them. Do not say you have some at home as good or better than some one else has; prove it. Say so’s do not go far and prove nothing. Suppose you do not take first prizes, you have learned how your birds compare with others and wherein they are faulty, thus you are better prepared for the shows another year. Then, too, the association with people interested in poultry helps. I have been successful to quite an extent, I am very proud to say, but it has not been luck, as some suggest. It has come by following the lines that I have advised here. There is still work to do, and we welcome the earnest worker to our ranks. MRS. J. M. DENISON. BOE WAN DOTEBS FOR AMATEURS: BY THEO. HEWES, TRENTON, MISSOURI. HERE is always more or less boom talk and writing about a new variety, and we are often led astray by fairy tales of the great egg pro- duction and elegant table qualities of these new = fangled varieties. A few years ago I was se- verely criticised for writing an article regarding the Buff Wyandottes. At that time I warned the amateur to let them alone until the fanciers had made a standard breed of them, for at that time they were in their early experimental stage and not entitled to the name standard-bred. I have since been complimented by some who at that time censured me. The Buff Wyandottes have now passed the experimental stage, as a utility fowl, and are tc-day one of the very best of the middle weight birds. I have given them considerable attention in the past six years, and I have never handled a variety that I like better nor one that has given better results. They have actually been a surprise to me as winter lay- ers, and I doubt very much if we have a breed in the stan- 75 dard that can beat them. The past winter I had built sev- eral small houses, 4x6, for winter breeding houses. These houses were enclosed in pens 16 feet square, and five females and one male placed in each for the winter. Among the lot of birds so mated were three hens and two pullets of the Buff Wyandottes. These birds were all fed alike, that is the same amount of food was given to each variety in its own pen, and all were fed twice a day. A mash made of bran and oatmeal was fed in the morning, and good wheat was thrown in the litter for the evening meal. During the cold- est weather ever known in this part of the United States, and with snow on the ground almost all the time, those five females laid an average of 77 eggs per month, or a little bet: ter than one egg every two days for each hen. These birds were not forced for eggs, in fact very little care was given them, as we are breeding only for the fancy and made no effort to secure eggs for the market. This rec- ord put me to thinking that t®ere must be some reason for this pen of Buff Wyandottes laying more than my other THE WYANDOTTES. varieties, so I began to look for the cause. In the first place I found that they were better contented and that they made no effort to leave the pens, even though the gate were left open, while other varieties were constantly trying to find a place to get out, and if a gate were left open a minute they would make a break for it. They seemed to be larger than the Silver Wyandottes, but on weighing them I found that they were a few ounces lighter. Why should they look larger, Was the question that next came up, and I found on close inspection that they are dressed warmer. Their plum- age is longer, which gives them the appearance of being larger than either the Whites or Silvers. Here, then, is the whole thing in a nutshell: They have the Cochin cross in them, and it has not only given them a better coat of feathers to protect them from the cold, but has given them a docile, contented disposition, which means much to the breeder who is trying to get every dollar he can out of his fowls from a commercial standpoint. I have no desire to boom this breed to the detriment of others, but I ‘an surely give them a strong endorsement. After six years’ breeding them I am free to say that I do not know of a sin- gle variety that would be a better investment for the ama- teur just starting in, one who wants to handle one variety, and who does not feel like taking up some of the older breeds where there is so much competition, than the Buff Wyandotte. Neither do I know of a variety that would make a better cross on common fowls to increase the egg yield. THEO. HEWES. SECRET OF SUCCESSFUL BRE BD IMG: Danger of Crossing Strains—Selection of Dams Very Important—Careful Attention Necessary from Shell to Maturity: BY M. F. NORRIS, BREEDER, LEXINGTON, KY. NTENSELY interesting is the study of the art of breeding. While we learn much from experi- ence (really our best teacher), still we can learn many things from reading that it would take us years to learn from experience. There are still many secrets concerning the breeding of thoroughbred poultry and one of the chief of these is how shall we mate to produce Buff Wyandottes that shall be of extra merit in A PRIZE-WINNING EUFF WYANDOTTE COCKEREL, BRED AND OWNED BY MR, NORRIS. symmetry and color. The male bird at the head of the breeding pen should be symmetrical in shape, strong and vigorous — and he should be the offspring of a sire excelling in these points. Do not forget that the male bird has the greater influence on the color of the offspring, especially of the cockereis. If fine colored males be desired it is necessary that the sire be of fine color. By mating a good sire to his own progeny the good breeding qualities of the parent bird will be retained in the resulting offspring. Color and other desirable qualities may be in- tensified by judicious inbreeding. It is equally true that if a mistake is made in the selection of the breeding stock undesirable qualities may be repro- duced in an exaggerated form. Many persons en- gaged in raising poultry think that they must in- troduce new blood from a different strain each year, and so they go backward instead of forward. Nearly every breeder’s birds differ in style and plumage. When these types are crossed some of the offspring resemble the male and some resemble neither parent. The second season such breeders usually get a male of a still different type and mate him to the pullets of different types. ‘The result is that they have no good birds among the offspring, hardly any two chicks resembling each other. If you once get what you want from a reliable breeder buy your new blood of him. The dam should possess a strong constitution, prolific laying qualities and large size. We look to the dam to impart size to the progeny. She must be good in color of plumage, legs and beak. The ear-lobes and comb must also receive careful atten- tion. Above all she should be symmetrical in shape. Many times the breeding qualities of the dam are overlooked or underrated, which is a great mistake. . After carefully selecting your Buff Wyandotte pens it is essential that your birds receive proper care and that the progeny be closely watched and carefully tended from the time they leave the shell until they reach full maturity. This is another se- cret in successful breeding that apparently is known to but few breeders. M. F. NORRIS. 78 Live mE BLACK WYAN DOTTES. m=iHiK} Black Wyandottes are the least popular of the Wyandotte family. The color has something to do with their unpopularity, but that is not all. The main trouble is that the breeders of the Blacks have never pushed them as they should. You can not hide a variety of birds and make it popu- lar. You must let the people know that you have it and let them know something of the good qualities of the birds. So far as utility is concerned, there is no variety in the Wyandotte family that leads the Blacks, and they will throw more show specimens than any of the other varieties. In some localities they are shown in sufficient numbers to warrant us in counting them in the varieties of Wyandottes, but in other sections of the country they are practically unknown and the few specimens that are shown are of poor quality and not calculated to attract any one who is looking for some variety to breed. I have discussed plans for bringing this variety more prominently to the front with several leading fanciers, but when the breeders of Black Wyandottes do not bestir them- selves it is hard for us to help them. If they will but make the effort they will find plenty of help in pushing this vari- ety to the front. We need some up-to-date cuts of this breed, either photographs or sketches, also true statements of their good qualities, both as egg and flesh producers. In shape the Black Wyandotte should be the same as Charts 1 and 2. They should be black in color, and must be free from any foreign color. The main trouble found in the color of the Black Wyandotte is the purple barring in neck, back, wings and tail. This is not a disqualification, but it is a serious defect and the new standard cuts one point in every section in which it appears. There is another defect which is quite often overlooked, and that is the color of the feet. The standard says they shall be disqualified if the bottom of the feet is any color other than yellow. This sec- tion is often missed by the judges, and for that reason exhi- bitors get careless about it. It is well to take care of this in time and get just as much yellow in the shanks as possible. The time will come when the standard will call for solid yel- low legs, and the breeder who is careful along these lines now will receive a rich reward then. For defects of shape, comb and other sections, see description of the Silvers, as what is said of them, except in regard to the color, applies to the black varieties as well, and the defects would be discounted in the same proportion. Black Wyandotte Female. This variety being so little known, one seldom sees really good specimens, though the best that have been shown for years were on exhibition at the Chicago Show of 1898, and they seemed to awaken quite an interest. In color the females should be a rich greenish black in all sections. . The shanks should be black, or black shading to willow or yellow; the bottoms of the feet must be yellow. The cut of one point in each section where purple barring appears applies to this breed the same as to any other black fowls, but I have found the Black Wyandottes very free from this defect. Where the purple barring does appear it is usually in the neck, back and wings, and the discount in each see<- tion must be one point. For defects of shape of any section or color of eye, the cuts are the same as in any other variety of Wyandottes. THEO. HEWES. ee Al RIDGE WY AINIDO TEES: So Called from the Resemblance of Their Plumage to That of the Partridge Cochins—They are Wyan- dotte in Shape with Golden Penciled Plumage—Origin—Description. BY W. A. DOOLITTLE, BREEDER, SABETHA, KAN. HE latest addition to the Wyandotte family is the Partridge Wyandotte. They were originated, as were the Goldens, by that true and honest fan- cier, Joseph McKeen, of Omro, Wisconsin. He first introduced them by an article and illustra- tion in the October, 1894, number of the Poultry Monthly, in which he stated that he had been breeding with this ob- ject in view, for a number of years. I had for some years bred the Golden and Buff varieties, getting eggs and stock from Mr. McKeen from time to time, as I believed his to be the best and the original strain of the Goldens. He did not originate any strain of Buffs, but as an honest fancier he endeavored to breed the best, and with his strain I managed to win a lion’s share of prizes at the lead- iug westeri shows. Soon after Mr. McKeen’s death, in 1896, I bought from his widow some of his choicest Goldens and Buffs, including the cock, Major McKeen, which won first for me at the great Mid-Continental and twice at Kansas and Nebraska state shows. I also took up the breeding of his strain of Part- ridge Wyandottes and I now have in my yards a male and female of this variety that came direct from his yards. The female was one of his own raising. In my opinion this beautiful variety has a great future, as the Partridge Wyandottes now breed as true as any of their sister varieties, and in fact are better in symmetry, 77 THE WYANDOTTES. have larger and better bone, are free from feathers on shanks and toes, and all of them have the true Wyandotte comb, bright red ear-lobes and yellow legs. I speak of the McKeen strain. In selecting breeding stock, either male or female, you should first see that they have the true Wyandotte shape, clean yellow legs and bright bay eyes. The ear-lobes and wattles should be bright red, free from white, and above all do not permit in your breeding yards of any variety of Wy- andottes, excepting the white, a bird having white in its plumage, for it will be more abundant in the offspring and once it is introduced it is almost impossible to breed it out. As so much depends on the male bird great care should be taken in his selection. After satisfying yourself that he has the proper symmetry and that he has a good, full saddle rising with a concave sweep to the tail, which should not be too large or carried too high—then see that he has a broad, deep, well-rounded breast, in color greenish-black, free from PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE FEATHERS. Taken from a Yearling Hen, Bred by W. A. Doolittle. brown or red, with a slate under-color. If there is red or brown in the breast of the male bird he will throw pullets in color and markings similar to a Brown Leghorn pullet and brown will predominate in the breast color of his male birds. If possible choose a bird which as a chick had a well-pen- ciled breast like that of the females and which had richly laced coverts. Such a male will produce well-laced females, and if his breast as a matured bird is glossy black free from red or brown, his males will also be properly marked. In this way good males and females are obtained from a single mating. 78 His neck should be short and well-arched with a large flowing hackle, in color red or orange red, with a distinct black stripe extending down each feather and tapering to a point near its extremity. His back should be short, broad and flat at the shoulders—in color dark red. The saddle should be red or orange red with a black stripe down the center of each feather. The fluff should be slightly black; the primaries black on the inner web with a bay edge on the outer web; the secondaries black on the inner web and rich bay on the outer web, terminating with a black end on each feather. The wing coverts should be greenish black with a well-defined bar across the wing when folded. The tail should be black, the sickles being of medium length and glossy black, the tail coverts being a glossy, greenish black and they may be tinged with red. The comb should be of good Wyandotte shape, and I should not sacrifice other good points merely for the sake of the comb so long as it is rose. The best Golden Wyandotte cock as a breeder that I ever saw had a very bad comb. It was large and laid over to one side, but this defect was never transmitted to his off- spring. The females should be as well laced as possible, with a bright red or an orange red hackle having a broad black stripe extending down each feather and tapering to a point near the extremity. The. black stripe in the lower neck feathers should be penciled with reddish brown. The plum- age of the back should be abundant, under-color slate and the web of the feathers reddish brown, distinctly penciled with reddish black, the lines of penciling in all parts of the body conforming as nearly as possible to the shape of the feathers. The breast and body feathers should be marked the same as those of the back, except they should be penciled with black, the lacing to come well up to the throat. The fluff should be reddish brown in color, irregularly penciled with dark brown. The wings. should be of the same color as those of the male, excepting the coverts, which should be the same color and have the same markings as the feathers of the breast. _ The tail should be well spread at the base and black in color, except two or more of the highest main tail feathers, which should be penciled. The tail coverts should be well penciled, similarly to those of the breast. The standard weights are the same for all Wyandotte varieties: Cockerel, seven and one-half pounds; cock, eight and one-half pounds; pullet, five and one-half pounds; hen, six and one-half pounds. I exhibited the Partridge Wyan- dottes last season at Washington, D. C.; Chicago, Ill.; Dav- enport, lowa; Kansas and Nebraska state and other shows. As they are a new variety of Wyandottes I wished to give fanciers an cpportunity to see them. W. A. DOOLITTLE. [Note—It must be remembered that Mr. Doolittle’s re- marks refer only to the McKeen strain. The editor, a num- ber of years ago, saw in Mr. Ezra Cornell’s yards at Ithaca, N. Y., Penciled Wyandottes also called Partridge Wyan- dottes, that Mr. Cornell had produced himself by indepen- dent crosses. Justice requires that we call attention to the fact that there is more than one good strain of Penciled Wyandottes and that some of them are not related to the McKeen strain.—Ed.] DE WVARTETIES OF WYANDOTIES. Reproduced from Report of New York Tenth Annual Show in March, 1899, R. P. J. . In new varieties of Wyandottes, not yet admitted to the standard, were Ira C. Keller’s Buff Laced Wyandottes, the same birds he exhibited at Chicago, and two pairs of Golden Penciled Wyandottes shown by Hzra Cornell, of Ithaca, N. Y. Three years ago last summer when we first visited Mr. Cornell’s poultry farm, we found him at work producing, by different crosses, two new varieties of Wyandottes, viz.: Golden Penciled and Silver Penciled. Last summer when We again visited Valley View Farm, we were surprised at the progress made. At Madison Square Garden our first good opinion of these birds was confirmed. Mr. Cornell’s Golden Penciled Wyandottes are birds of true Wyandotte shape, including featherless legs and rose combs, having Partridge Cochin colored plumage throughout. The speci- mens exhibited by Mr, Cornell, both males and females, were Breast (female). Hackle (male). substantially as good in penciling, striping and color as 91 to 93 point Partridge Cochins. Herewith are presented photographic reproductions of breast and back feathers plucked from the females, and a hackle and a saddle feather (or rear back feather) plucked from the first prize cockerel. Mr. Cornell rejoices in the remarkable progress he has made in bringing these birds to a point of high quality. Another feature of these Golden Penciled Wyandottes is their size and weight. The pullets shown by Mr. Cornell weighed eight to eight and one-fourth pounds each, and the cockerels over ten pounds apiece. Mr. Cornell reports that now after several years’ work with them, they breed quite true. He produced last spring a con- siderable number of birds well suited for breeding purposes. EDITOR. Rear Back (male). SPECIMEN FEATHERS FROM-EZRA CORNELL’S GOLDEN PENCILED WYANDOTTES. Back (female) 79 THE PEINCILED WYAIVDOT TES A Prominent Breeder of These Birds Suggests Permanent Names for the New Varity of Golden and Silver Wyandottes—A Short Description of Them—They will Request Admission to the Next Revised Standard. BY EZRA CORNELI,, BREEDER, ITHACA, N. Y. The time seems at last to have ripened for the friends of Penciled Wyandottes to settle on names for these two new varieties of fowls. I call them Penciled Wyandottes here merely because I know of no other name which covers the two varieties, and not with any intention of forcing the name. : The Penciled Wyandottes consist of two varieties—the Goldens and the Silvers. The former is practically com- pleted, if I may use such an expression—that is to say, they are made, and are, in the hands of some breeders, producing as good specimens and as large a percentage of them as‘are some of the old standard varieties. The Silvers were started at a later date and are, in consequence, not so far advanced, but they are coming and coming fast, and are sufficiently well developed to show what they will be. As a flock the Silvers are, to me, more attractive and showy than the Gol- dens, although the Golden males are more beautiful than the Silver males. It is difficult, however, to predict which of these two varieties will enjoy the greater popularity. The Goldens, as a rule, are larger than the Silvers, but the Gol- dens run above weight, and the Silvers, on the other hand, are the greater layers. It is natural that the Goldens should have fallen heir to the name Partridge as they have taken their color and markings from the Partridge Cochins, and are the only other variety of this plumage, but still this is not a sufficient reason for permanently adopting the name. The men who insist on this name seem to ignore the existence of the sister variety. If the Silvers had been first on the carpet the name Silver Penciled would without doubt have been given them, the same as it now has, for there seems to be no other ap- propriate name for them, and if the Goldens had not fol- lowed too closely on their heels, thus giving the name time to become established, they probably would have taken the name Golden Penciled with but little opposition. In naming a new variety of fowls it is, I think. best to give them the name which most nearly describes or classi- fies them. The name Partridge would not convey any idea to me of the plumage we have if I were not already ac- quainted with the Cochins. The Ruffed Grouse, which is commonly called a Partridge, is far from this color and marking, and I know of no wild bird that is, although there may be. There is, however, a wild bird with a black and white penciling similar to the Silver Penciled Wyandotte female. I have ‘shot these birds in the Adirondack woods, where they are called Black Partridges and sometimes Spruce .Grouse. I am not acquainted with their technical name. One breeder wrote me that he objected to the name “Penciled,”’ as it conveyed the idea of markings similar to those of the Penciled Hamburgs, but the Pencileéd Hamburg feathers are, more strictly speaking, barred, and I doubt if any breeder would once think of a Hamburg feather if talk- ing of penciling, nor would he classify such a feather as a penciled feather. I have written to a number of breeders asking their ov- jections to the names Golden and Silver Penciled, and the above mentioned is the only objection I have received. I have also asked for a suitable name for the Silvers, if the name Partridge is given to the Goldens, but have received no suggestions. If any breeder will give us names for these two varieties which are better than those which Mr. Brack- enbury and I have adopted, you will find us only too willing to fall in line and give up the names we have chosen, but if there is nobody who can suggest better names, not for the one variety, but for both, is it not fair that the other breed- ers should fall in line with us and adopt the names Golden Penciled and Silver Penciled Wyandottes? While on the subject of Penciled Wyandottes I wish to add that I have been requested to draw up a standard tor these two new varieties, to be adopted by the other breeders, but this seems like unnecessary work, as the standard is al- ready fixed for all varieties of Wyandottes, no matter of what color—so that the only thing left to do is to give a description of the plumage, and for this we can refer to the Partridge Cochin standard for a description of the Golden Penciled plumage, and to the Dark Brahma for that of the Silver Penciled. EZRA CORNELL. DIRECTORY OF RELIABLE WYANDOTTE BREEDERS. KNAPP BROTHERS, Fabius, N. Y., breeders of pure white White Wyan- dottes and standard White Leghorns that are sure winners. Correspondence solicited. We can please you. B. G. SMITH, Elmira, N. Y., breeder of White Wyandottes, Rose and Single Comb White Leghorns. Winners at New York, Boston, Hagerstown, Buf- falo, Elmira, ete. Silver cup and many specials. Before purchasing ask for cat- alogue, sent free, and see the handsome shetches made from life by Mr. Sewell and others. ‘B. F. HISLOP, Milford, Tl., breeder of high standard Golden Laced Wyan- dottes. Prize winners wherever shown. Satisfaction guaranteed. JOSEPH WALKER, Westboro, Mass., breeder Toulouse and African Geese, White Wyandottes, White Plymouth Rocks, Pekin Ducks. Breeders and eggs for sale. Westboro Duck Farm. JOHN OLD, Woodbine, Ill., breeder of White Wyandottes exclusively, A. C. Hawkins strain. Stock and eggs for sale at reasonable prices. Correspondence promptly answered. I. S. DONNELL, Mansfield, Ohio, Buff Wyandottes and Plymouth Rocks exclusively. First and second prize win- ners at Hast Liverpool, Mansfield. Score 90 and 93, Helmlich, McClave, judges. Bridge, A. H. M’CLINE, Postmaster, Calla, Ohio, breeder of high scoring White Wyandottes, 92 to 96. Not a bird on the farm under 92. In the last three years competed for thirty-six first premiums, was awarded thirty-four. Eggs $1.50 per 15. Stock and eggs for sale. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. MRS. G. THOMPSON, Prophetstown, Tll.—Silver Laced Wyandottes a special- ty at Sunnyside Poultry Farm. Corres- pondence cheerfully answered. W. P. WHITNEY, Bridgewater, Ohio, For ten years a breeder of S. L. Wyan- dottes. Write me your wants. Will use you white or money refunded. F. M. MUNGER & SONS, DeKalb, II. American Poultry Farm. Twenty-five years experience in mating and breeding White Wyandottes—stay-white strain— Silver Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Leghorns, Bronze Turkeys, Bantams, Belgian Hares, Jersey cattle. Stock and eges for sale. Forty choice breeding pens. C. EH. LULL, Fort Collins, Colo., breed- er of White and Buff Wyandottes. My birds have won many first premiums past eight years at state shows. Whites scoring 92 to 96; Buffs, 91 to 94. Stock for sale. THEO. E. F. HOLZHAUSER, Colum- bia, S. C., Sliver Laced Wyandottes have the record of winning first prizes at shows such as Madison Square Gar- den, New York, Hagerstown, Asheville, N. C.; Spartenburg and Columbia, S. C. Birds for sale at all times. Hggs in sea- son, $3 per 15. Broad River Poultry Yards. W. E. MACK, Woodstock, Vt., breeder of White and Buff Wyandottes. Birds bred for utility and beauty. Best brown egg straln of Whites in America. JOHN R. GARBEE, Billings, Mo., breeder of high class poultry. Golden Wyandottes, White Turkeys, White and Barred Plymouth Rocks. All standard, - first quallty. Circular free. L. H. P. NORTHRUP, Moberly, Mo. White Wyandotte specialist. Winners wherever shown. Eggs $3 per 15. Satis- faction guaranteed. ROWLAND G. BUFFINTON, Fall River, Mass., breeder of Buff Wyan- dottes, Buff Plymouth Rocks, Buff Leg- horns, Buff Cochins and Rhode Island Reds. Also Buff, Black, White and Part- ridge Cochin Bantams. Send for circu- Canton and. lar. L. B. WILLARD, Greeley, Colo., breeder of Buff Wyandottes. Winners in any competition. Choice stock for sale at all times. Write your wants. J. N. YOUNG, Whitfield, IlJ., breeder and exhibitor of high grade White Wy- andottes. Write your wants. If I can’t satisfy you I’ll return your money. : BROOKSIDE FARM, Nelson, Pa., breeder and shipper of all the varieties thoroughbred poultry, especially the White, Black, Golden, Buff and Silver Wyandottes. Write your wants. LUNT & CURTIS, Freeport. Me., breeders of White Wyandottes. We also breed Barred Plymouth Rocks. Eggs $2. Stock for sale. Prices on application. W. L. LONG, Marshfield, Webster Co., Mo., breeder of fine White Wyan- dottes for the pist ten years. Stock and eggs.. Prices reasonable. Circulars on application. CHARLES G. ARNOLD, Leland, I1)., breeder of White Wyandottes exclusive- ly. Send for circular containing half- tones of my prize winners. It’s free. Stock for sale. CLARK & TROLL, Box 225, St. Clairsville. Ohio, breed White Wyan- dottes and S. C. White Leghorns of su- perior quality. Birds of our own breed- ing are always winners wherever shown. Can please you in either stock or eggs. Try us. G. N. Clark, Charles Troll. G. N. KERSTEN, Chilton, Wis., breeder of the pure Duston strain White Wyandottes. Stock always for sale. Eggs in season. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. FRED G. MASON, Fabius, N. Y. Mason’s Golden Wyandottes have won more first prizes during the last ten years than all competitors combined. Fine birds for sale. Eggs from grand matings, $3 per 13. NIAGARA FARM, Ransomville, N. Y. White Wyandottes, Mammoth Pekin Ducks exclusively. Eggs and stock for sale. Manufacturers Niagara Brand Green Cut Clover. Poultry supplies. Circulars. Ww. T. WHITEFORD, Barnard, Mo.— Golden Wyandottes. Winners with scores of 9214 to 95. State your wants. Correspondence promptly answered. RALPH I. DUNLAP, Jacksonville, Tl]. It has ceased to be the question whether the White Wyandotte is a good variety or not, but who has the best. I keep the pure Duston strain direct. L. H. DAVIS, Port Jefferson, N. Y., breeder of Golden Wyandottes, winning prizes wherever shown. At Washington, 1898, Ist cockerel, 1st and 2d pullets; Madison Square, New York City, Ist and 5th pullets, 3d on cockerel; Danbury, Conn., 1899, Ist and 2d cockerels, 3 cock. Stock and eggs for sale. HENRY C. DAVIS, Manager Cum- maquid Poultry Farm, Box 127, Cummaquid, Mass.—White Wyan- dottes. Standard points and utility com- bined. Stock for sale. Eggs, $2 per 13. Circular free. V. CRABTREE, Tiffin, Ohio, the Buif Wyandotte breeder. My stock is a rich golden buff color and have always won prizes wherever shown. Circular free. M. F. NORRIS, Lexington, Ky.—Buff Wyandottes exclusively. Bred in line for ten years. Won first prizes at Illinois State Show, 1898, and Chicago, 1899. Stock and eggs in season for sale. Cir- cular shows record. W. M. LAYSON, Waukesha, Wis., breeder of White Wyandottes exclusive- ly. Duston, Knapp, Hawkins and Mc- Cormick strains. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Stock and eggs. Write me for prices. A. & E. TARBOX, Yorkville, Il1., North Side Poultry Yards. Silver and Buff Wyandottes. Stock for sale at all times. No eggs. Fine illustrated circu- lar. G. H. SUNDERMAN, Beardstown, Tll.—White Wyandottes. Fine, vigorous, farm raised, up-to-date in size and qual- ity. Stock at all times. Eggs in season. MAPLE ROW FARMS, St. Johns- burg, Vt, JV. GC & A. C Underwood, proprietors. Breeders of Silver Laced Wyandottes exclusively; also colored and White Muscovy Ducks. HENRY E. VOIGT. Proprietor The Eureka Poultry Farm, Hamburg, Wis., breeder and Shipper of Partridge Cochins, R. C. B. Leghorns. Barred Ply- mor cKs, Silver Laced and Golden Wy ttes, Black Wyandottes, White Wonder Fowls, Toulouse Geese, Mam- moth Bror Turkeys, Rouen Geese, and White Fantail Pigeons. Eges for hatch- ing and young stock for sale. Write for what you want. Circulars and catalogue free. D. LINCOLN ORR, Orr’s Mills, N. Wi makes White Wyandottes a specialty for utility, eges and meat. Birds that are right up to the standard and farm raised, strong and vigorous. He is also a leader in White Indian Games and Light Brahma Bantams. Should you want anything in the above mentioned varieties write him. No harm done if you don’t buy. Get his catalogue, any- how. J. E. MEYER, Kossuth, Ontario, Can., Breeder of Silver Laced Wyandottes. During the past fourteen years my birds have won more prizes at the leading shows than all others combined. They have the true open-lacing and hold their color. The very best English blood in- troduced. The last importation of twen- ty birds arrived from England in August. A few cockerels of this impor- tation for sale. Cockerels and mated pens that will improve your flocks and Start you right, my specialty. I also breed Buffs and Whites. DR PA. AS HOWLAND, Worcester, Mass., breeder of White Wyandottes that win first prizes in New York and Boston. Write for what you want. K. §. TRIMBLE, North Middletown, Ky. — Silver Wyandottes exclusively. Winners at Cincinnati, Ohio, Pittsburg, Pa., Rock Island, Ill., Covington and Louisville, Ky. Won for customers at Indianapolis, Ind., Waco and Houston, Texas, and many smaller shows and fairs throughout the United States. Stock for sale. THE WYANDOTTES, ARTHUR G. DUSTON, Marlboro, Mass.—I have been a firm advocate of White Wyandottes for some years, be- cause they have been proved the best all-round fowl in existence. T have proved their practical qualities and have had such success in the show room, at such shows as Boston and New York, and in my customers’ hands all over the country, that I ean claim my strain to be at the top. Write for my catalogue before ordering. ——— S. M. STOWELL, Alden, N. Y¥.—Fit- teen years a breeder of Wyandottes, White and Buff. I make a specialty of raising utility and exhibition birds. Write: for particulars. Pear Park Poul- try Yards. FRANK E. WHITE, Marion, Ohio.— White’s Golden Wyandottes have won first prizes at Finley, Toledo, Cleveland, Carey and Chicago under all the leading judges. I have a grand lot of choice ex- hibition birds for sale. Clean open cen- ters, with rich golden color, low combs and correct shape. JOHN W. YATES, Burnett J unction, Wis., breeder of White Wvyandottes (Duston strain), Barred ana White P. Rocks, Buff Cochins, Imperial Pekin Ducks, Hallock and Pollara Strain di- rect. Write for prices. B. A. SHELBY, Webster Groves, Mo., (a suburb of St. Louis), breeder of high class White Wyandottes,. I have suc- ceeded in establishing a stay-white, brown egg, prolific laying strain that I recommend to be as good as any on earth. Satisfaction absolutely guaran- teed. aS eee ae ae W. T. VAN ORDER, Plano, Ill, breeder of blue ribbon S. L. Wyan- dottes, M. B. Turkeys and Pekin Ducks. W. B. DOAK, Russellville, Tenn. — Maplehurst is paying special attention to White Wyandottes—the prince of broilers and show birds. Always plump, lay brown eggs early and often. CHAS. BAXTER, Fremont, Wash., breeder of White Wyandottes, pure, thoroughbred and healthy, first and sec- ond prize. Stock and eggs for sale in season, Correspondence answered promptly. eee He Se C. E. WHITE, Fox Chase, Philadel- phia, Pa.—White Wyandotte specialist, a ee HENRY STEINMESCH, St. Louis, Mo.—‘‘'The Laced Wing Bar’ is found to perfection in the Steinmesch strain of Silver Wyandottes. Stock for sale at all times. Eggs in season, $3 for 13 straight. M. B. BLAUCH, Lebanon, Pa., breeder of White Wyandottes. If you want strictly up-to-date White Wyandottes shall be pleased to hear from you. At the great New York show, February, 1899, in the hottest competition, we won first cock, second and third hens, second cockerel, first and second pullet, with six entries. Booking egg orders now. Lebanon Poultry Yards, IRA C. KELLER, Box 6, Prospect, Ohio, breeder of line bred, up-to-date Golden Laced, Buff Laced and White Wyandottes. Also Sebrights. Large cir- cular. DR. NATHAN W. SANBORN, Wel- lesley Hills, Mass.—Buff Wyandottes. Fine stock. Average for 1899, 200 eggs. $2 per sitting. Breeding birds at fair prices. MRS. J. H. POSTLETHWAIT, Bloom- ington, Ill.—Buff Wyandottes (prize winners). Score, 92% to 94% points, by Hewes and Pierce. Buff to the skin. Birds for sale. Eggs in season. Write me. Satisfaction guaranteed. IRVING CROCKER, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Sixteen years experience with Silver Wyandottes, Buff Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Island Reds, the business fowl of the century. C. R. POWERS & SON, Randolph, Mass., breeders of the Prime Albus strain of White Wyandottes. Winners at the leading shows. Write for circular. MRS. GEORGE M. HANLY, Hoopes- ton, Ill., breder of first-class Silver Wyandottes that have laced wing bars and strong under-color. Eggs and stock for sale at a-. times. WHEN WRITING TO THESE BREEDERS, KINDLY TELL THEM WILERE YOU SAW THEIR ADVERTISEMENT. . I. & N. M. CONNER, Ponca Poultry Yards, Ponca, Neb.—Sllver Laced Wy- andottes exclusively. Symmetry, extra large birds of best breeding and laying qualities possessing the standard wing bow, our specialty. Our birds have practically open range. Stock for sale at all times. Eggs in season. Corres- pondence solicited. Satisfaction guaran- teed, a ees ae