Be resats a Ore PR PERE eG. steebeles Piette soya ryt three > ote ak JITHOLOGICAL BIOGRAPHY. — ORNITHOLOGICAL BIOGRAPHY, OR AN ACCOUNT OF THE HABITS OF THE BIRDS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ACCOMPANIED BY DESCRIPTIONS OF THE OBJECTS REPRESENTED IN THE WORK ENTITLED BIRDS OF AMERICA, TOGETHER WITH AN ACCOUNT OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS OF MANY OF THE SPECIES, ILLUSTRATED BY ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. BY JOHN JAMES AUDUBON, F.R.SS.L.&E. FELLOW OF THE LINNEAN AND ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON ; MEMBER OF THE LYCEUM OF NEW YORK, OF THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF PARIS, THE WERNERIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, HONORAKY MEMBER OF THE SOCIETY OF NATURAL HISTORY OF MANCHESTER, AND OF THE SCOTTISH ACADEMY OF PAINTING, SCULPTURE, AND ARCHITECTURE 5 MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, OF THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AT PHILADELPHIA, OF THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETIES OF BOSTON, OF CHARLESTON IN SOUTH CAROLINA, THE QUEBEC LITERARY AND HISTORI- CAL SOCIETY, THE ORNITHOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, &c. &c. EDINBURGH : ADAM & CHARLES BLACK, EDINBURGH; LONGMAN, ORME, BROWN, GREEN & LONGMANS, LONDON ; R. HAVELL, ENGRAVER, 77. OXFORD STREET, LONDON; ALEXANDER HILL, EDINBURGH ; AND GEORGE SMITH, LIVERPOOL. MDCCCXXXVITI. PRINTED BY NEILL AND CO., OLD FISHMARKET, EDINBURGH- INTRODUCTION. THREE years have nearly elapsed since | had the pleasure of presenting you with the third volume of my “ Ornithological Biography,” and about twelve since the first fasciculus of my “ Tllustrations of the Birds of America” was submitted to your inspection. This work, comprising four hundred and thirty-five plates, and one thousand and sixty-five figures, was finished on the 20th of June 1838, without the continuity of its execution having been broken for a single day, and the numbers having been delivered with exemplary regularity; for all which I am indebted to my friend and Engraver, Mr Robert HavEL. Once more surrounded by all the members of my dear family, en- joying the countenance of numerous friends who have never deserted me, and possessing a competent share of all that can render life agreeable, I look up with gratitude to the Supreme Being, and feel that I am happy. The adventures and vicissitudes which have fallen to my lot, instead of tending to diminish the fervid enthusiasm of my nature, have imparted a toughness to my bodily constitution, naturally strong, and to my mind, naturally buoyant, an elasticity, such as to assure me that, though somewhat old, vi INTRODUCTION. and considerably denuded in the frontal region, I could yet perform on foot a journey of any length, were I sure that I should thereby add materially to our knowledge of the ever- interesting creatures which have for so long a time occupied my thoughts by day, and filled my dreams with pleasant images. Nay, Reader, had I a new lease of life presented to me, I should chuse for it the very occupations in which I have been engaged. And, Reader, the life which I have led has been in some respects a singular one. Think of a person intent on such pursuits as mine have been, aroused at early dawn from his rude couch on the alder-fringed brook of seme northern val- ley, or in the midst of some yet unexplored forest of the west, or perhaps on the soft and warm sands of the Florida shores, and listening to the pleasing melodies of songsters innumer- able, saluting the magnificent orb from whose radiant in- fluence the creatures of many worlds receive life and light. Refreshed and reinvigorated by healthful rest, he starts upon his feet, gathers up his store of curiosities, buckles on his knapsack, shoulders his trusty firelock, says a kind word to his faithful dog, and recommences his pursuit of zoological knowledge. Now the morning is spent, and a squirrel or a trout afford him a repast. Should the day be warm, he re- poses for a time under the shade of some tree. The wood- land choristers again burst forth into song, and he starts anew, to wander wherever his fancy may direct him, or the objects of his search may lead him in pursuit. When evening ap- proaches, and the birds are seen betaking themselves to their retreats, he looks for some place of safety, erects his shed of green boughs, kindles his fire, prepares his meal, and as the INTRODUCTION. vii Widgeon or Blue-winged Teal, or perhaps the breast of a Turkey, or a steak of venison, sends its delicious perfumes abroad, he enters into his parchment-bound journal the re- markable incidents and facts that have occurred in the course of the day. Darkness has now drawn her sable curtain over the scene, his repast is finished, and kneeling on the earth he raises his soul to Heaven, grateful for the protection that has been granted to him and the sense of the Divine presence in this solitary place. Then wishing a cordial good night to all the dear friends at home, THE AMERICAN WOODSMAN wraps himself up in his blanket, and closing his eyes, soon falls into that comfortable sleep which never fails him on such occa- sions. ' Since I last parted from you, my exertions have been un- remitted, and my rambles extended as far as circumstances al- lowed, for I have been ever anxious to render the fourth and concluding volume of my Illustrations as worthy of your ap- probation as | could. Whether I have added to our know- ledge of the birds which constantly reside within the limits of the United States and their Territories, or periodic™ lly visit us from the South, it is yours tosay. That I have left undone much that might have been accomplished by an abler student of Na- ture, is doubtless quite true; but that any would have prose- cuted the study of our numerous feathered denizens with more good will or more sincere desire to obtain facts and rectify er- rors, would, I think, be difficult to prove If my “ Birds of America,” and *‘ Ornithological Biography,” are looked upon by you as having contributed in some degree to the improve- ment of our knowlege of these my favourite objects of obser- vation, and as likely to stimulate other and perhaps more suc- Viii INTRODUCTION. cessful students to perfect it, I shall rest satisfied with my labours. Having hitherto given you some account of the occurrences that have taken place during the time intervening between the appearance of one volume and that of another, I again re- sume the subject, hoping that what I have now to say may prove not less interesting to a friend like you. When I last left Edinburgh, I proceeded to London, full of the desire to re- visit my native land before concluding my work. It was my wish to cross the Continent of America, gaze on the ma- jestic wilds of the Rocky Mountains, wander along the green valleys of the Oregon, and search the shores of the Pacific Ocean and a portion of North California; but circumstances denied me the pleasure anticipated. However, here we are on the way to the metropolis of England; we have already passed through Newcastle, York, Leeds, and Manchester, and are just about to alight in the Main Street of Sheffield. The gentleman who meets me at the coach door, is Joun HeEp- PENSTALL, Eisq., well known to me by correspondence, but not personally until now. Arrived here according to appointment, we shake hands, and in a few minutes are beneath his most hospitable roof, and in the midst of his family and friends. The expectations which we had formed, so far from being dis- appointed, were more than gratified, for this sincere and ho- nourable man is distinguished, not less by liberality of senti- ment than by a generosity commensurate with the goodness of his heart. In these respects every member of his family is a counterpart of himself; and, such being our hosts, you may judge how agreeable to us was our stay in Sheffield. It was while enjoying the hospitality of this excellent friend, that we INTRODUCTION. ix became acquainted with EBENEZER ELLiot, Esq. and subse- quently with JonarHan BraMMELL, Esq. from whom we have since received many acts of kindness. Stopping afterwards at Derby, we saw our relations there, and on arriving in Lon- don were kindly welcomed by my brother-in-law, ALEXANDER Gorpon, Esq., and soon established ourselves in a house in Wimpole Street. I now again enjoyed the society of our numerous friends, and had the pleasure of seeing my work proceed apace. One day Mr Rosert Have i informed me, that a gentleman, a Fellow of the Royal Society, residing not far from us, in the same street, had subscribed for the Birds of America. The gentleman called to see me; my wife and myself, were introduced to his lady, and the several members of his ami- able family, and our intimacy and friendship have ever since increased. This excellent friend of mine is a surgeon of the highest merit. Long before I left England for America, he took charge of my wife’s precarious health; and when we parted at the coach that took my son, Joun Woopuouse, and myself, to Portsmouth, he promised to watch over her. When I again reached my house in Wimpole Street, after an absence of a year, he was the first friend to greet me with a cordial wel- come. Were I to mention the many occasions on which he has aided me by his advice and superior knowledge of the world, you would be pleased to find so much disinterestedness in human nature. His professional aid too, valuable as it has proved to us, and productive of much inconvenience to him, has been rendered without reward, for I could never succeed in inducing him to consider us his patients, although for up- wards of two years he never passed a day without seeing my x INTRODUCTION. wife. But why should | say more? This fine specimen of | human nature, eminent for every virtue, this kind and ge- nerous friend, is BENJAMIN PHiLiies, Esq. Having been long anxious to introduce into America se- veral species of European birds, which I thought might thrive with us, { purchased about an hundred individuals of that delightful songster, the Sky Lark, fifty Starlings, and several Jays and Wood Pigeons, intending to set them loose in the Western States. Putting them in ample cages, accompanied with a store of food for the voyage, I had them sent on board in the London Docks; but on our reaching Portsmouth by land, we heard that the weather had been very bad in the Channel, and that our birds had suffered severely. The news, to my vexation, proved true; many of the birds had died ; and, although our passage to New York was pleasant as well as speedy, very few were landed, so that my hopes were en- tirely disappointed. On the Ist of August 1836, we went on board the fine American Packet Ship, the Gladiator, commanded by Tuomas Britton, Esq. and proceeded on our voyage, which proved agreeable. On arriving at New York, we soon reached the house of my good friend and brother-in-law NicHotas BrEr- THouD, Esq. Leaving my son there, I proceeded almost imme- diately to Boston, where, under the roof of my generous friend Dr Grorce C. Suarruck, I enjoyed life for a while. My friend Dr GrorGE PARKMAN was absent, and I missed him much. Here, through the kindness of Dr Suarruck, [I procured two subscribers, and formed acquaintance with THomas M. Brewer, Esq., from whom I have received may valuable services, which you will find mentioned in the proper places. Pushing on to INTRODUCTION. xi Salem I formed some acquaintances there, and procured seve- ral subscribers; then returned to Boston, and, as fortune would have it, heard of the arrival of THomas Nutratt, Esq., the well-known zoologist, botanist, and mineralogist, who had performed a journey over the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean, accompanied by our mutual friend Jonn Kirk Town- SEND, Esq., M.D. Mr Nurrati generously gave me of his orni- thological treasures all that was new, and inscribed in my journal the observations which he had maderespecting the habits and distribution of all the new and rare species which were unknown to me. All this information you will find in the dif- ferent articles to which it refers, and you will allow that while it proves his zeal for the furtherance of science, it manifests the generosity of his noble nature. Dr Townsenp’s collection was at Philadelphia; my anxiety to examine his specimens was extreme; and | therefore, bid- ding farewell to my Boston friends, hurried off to New York, where, in a week, I added eighteen names to my list of sub- scribers, in obtaining which I was materially aided by my brother-in-law. Once more my son and [ reached Philadel- phia, where at once we placed ourselves under the roof of my ever staunch and true friend RicHarp Haran, Esq., M. D., with whom we remained several weeks. Soon after my ar- rival, I called on my learned friend Dr CHaries PICKERING, formed the desired acquaintance of an enthusiastic young orni- thologist, James TrRuDEAU, Esq., and met my firm friend Ep- warD Harris, Esq. Having obtained access to the collection sent by Dr Tewnsenp, I turned over and over the new and rare species; but he was absent at Fort Vancouver, on the shores of the Columbia River; THomas Nurraut had not yet come xii INTRODUCTION. from Boston, and loud murmurs were uttered by the soi- disant friends of science, who objected to my seeing, much less portraying and describing those valuable relics of birds, many of which had not yet been introduced into our Fauna. The traveller’s appetite is much increased by the knowledge of the distance which he has to tramp before he can obtain a meal ; and with me the desire of obtaining the specimens in ques- tion increased in proportion to the difficulties that presented themselves. Having ascertained the names of the persons best able or most willing to assist me on this occasion, and aided by Tuomas Nurratt, who had now arrived, Drs PicKERING, Haran, S. G. Morton, Secretary to the Academy of Natural Sciences, M‘Murrriez, TrupEav, and above all my friend Epwarp Harris, who offered to pay for them with the view of presenting them to me, I at length succeeded. It was agreed that I might purchase duplicates, provided the specific names agreed upon by Mr Nurratt and myself were published in Dr TownsENp’s name. This latter part of the affair was perfectly congenial to my feelings, as I have seldom cared much about priority in the naming of species. I therefore paid for the skins which I received, and have now published such as proved to be new, according to my promise. But, let me assure you, Reader, that seldom, if ever in my life, have I felt more disgusted with the conduct of any opponents of mine, than I was with the unfriendly boasters of their zeal for the advancement of ornithological science, who at the time existed in the fair city of Philadelphia. From Philadelphia | bent my course toward Baltimore, where I spent a few days. Before leaving the former city, my good friend Epwarp Harris had promised to join us at INTRODUCTION. xiii Charleston, for the purpose of accompanying us along the western coast of the Floridas, and the Gulf of Mexico, at least as far as Galveston Island in Texas. On reaching the city of Washington, I presented myself to the Honourable Levi Wooppury, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, a gentleman of learning, long friendly towards me, who at once assured me that he would, if possible, grant me one of our Revenue Cutters, for my intended voyage. The war, which was at that time raging between the Seminole Indians and the citizens of Florida tended strongly to frus- trate my wishes, as every disposable vessel of the class under the Secretary of the Treasury was engaged on the coast of the Peninsula. I called on President ANDREW Jackson, from whom, since 1819, I have received peculiar facilities, and who assured me of his wish to grant my request. My son and I dined with him on that day sans fagon, both of us in the un- dress best suited to practical students of nature. And here I may inform you, that I have seldom eaten of a better Wild Turkey than the one which graced his table, and which had been procured not many miles distant from our centre of poli- tical intercourse. I also had the pleasure of seeing my ex- cellent friend, Colonel J. J. Abert, of the U. S. Topographi- cal Department, the Honourable J. R. Pornsert, and the Se- cretary of the Navy, to whom I then recommended several American naturalists as worthy of being engaged on any na- val expedition of discovery. We now proceeded towards Charleston in South Carolina, travelling the latter part of the way on one of the most extra- ordinary rail-roads in the world, and reached in safety the house of my worthy friend the Reverend Joun Bacumay, D. D. a INTRODUCTION. It was indeed a happy meeting! Here I opened the box con- taining Dr Townsenp’s precious series of birds, and while waiting the arrival of Mr Harris, drew upwards of seventy figures of the species which I had procured at Philadelphia, assisted in the finishing of the' plants, branches of trees, and flowers, which accompany these figures, by my friend’s sister- in-law Miss M. Martin, to whom I now again offer my most sincere thanks. While here I received the agreeable mtelli- gence of my having been elected a Member of the Ornitholo- gical Society of London. Epwarp Harris jomed me, but the Revenue Cutter had not made its appearance ; and time becoming precious, on ac- count of the approach of spring, we bid adieu to all at Charles- ton, and pushed for New Orleans, where, I was informed by Government letters, I should meet with a vessel. On reach- ing Augusta in Georgia, I called on Dr Wray, who: pro- mised to forward to mea number of plants for my noble friend Lord RavenswortH, who has received them in good order. After several days of severe travelling, we ar- rived at Montgomery in Alabama, and meeting there with a steam-boat bound to Mobile, secured our passage. Next day we arrived there, and spent two days in examining the neighbourhood ; after which we proceeded to Pensacola, where I felt proud to find a harbour commodious enough to contain a fleet sufficient to repel the attacks of any naval force brought against the United States. Here I made the long-sought-for acquaintance of Mr Innerariry, to whom I had letters from my friend ALEXANDER Gorpon, Esq., and who introduced us to all who were likely to forward our views. The next morn- ing he accompanied us on board the United States’ frigate, the INTRODUCTION. XV Constellation, and presented us to Commodore Daas, to whom I had letters of introduction from our government. This polite and gallant officer received us all with great kindness, and, after reading my letters, assured me that as soon as a cutter could be spared, it should be at my service, and that the information would be transmitted to me through the me- dium of the Collector of Customs at Mobile or New Orleans. After searching the country around Pensacola, we returned to Mobile, and proceeded to New Orleans in a steamer, by way of the great lakes. Having previously received the most pressing invitation from my friend James GrimsHaw, Esq., my son and I went at once to his house, where we were treated with all the kind- ness to be expected from a true English gentleman. I had the pleasure of renewing my acquaintance with Ex-Governor Roman, and several members of his most amiable family, among whom was Mr ZarinevE. From that gentleman I received much valuable information respecting some of our birds, as well as from my long-known acquaintance, the great sportsman Mr Louis Apam. Here also I for the last time met with good M. Le Suzur, well known to the world of science as a zoologist of great merit, and with whom I first became acquainted at Philadelphia in 1824. He, alas! is now no more. Having called on Mr BREEDLOVE, Collector of Customs for New Orleans, and presented to him my letters from the Honour- able Levi Wooppury, he at once assured me that the Revenue Cutter the Campbell, would be at my disposal in a very few days. But the service, or other circumstances, did not allow the arrival of that vessel at New Orleans until late in March, Xvi INTRODUCTION. and at a time when, apprehensive that our intended voyage might be frustrated, we were all “crest-fallen.” Time, however, passed on, and one morning I was gladdened by being called upon by the Commander of the Campbell, and still more upon recognising in him the Lieutenant and Pilot of the Marion, or Lady of the Green Mantle, so frequently mentioned in the former volumes of these Ornithological Biographs. I knew that NapPoLeon CosTE was a true sea-fowl. He assured me of the excellence of his vessel, and gay and happy were we all when we removed on board the tight little sea-boat, of scarcely more than sixty tons burden. Proceeding down the Missis- sippi, we sailed through its south-west Pass, where we were joined by a vessel of eight tons, as a tender for our excursions along the shores. It was commanded by Captain WinL1aAM Taytor, now, I believe, a Commodore in the Texian service, a gentleman who has seen much of the world, an excellent companion, and a good hunter and fisher. Of our various excursions, whether by water or by land, between the mouths of the Mississippi and the point at which we returned, a detailed account would prove tedious and fa- tiguing ; for what interest can there be in the relation of our wading through mud for whole days, exposed to the scorching heat, and continually annoyed by myriads of insects? We reached the Bay of Galveston on the 24th of April 1837, and ransacked not only the island of that name, but all those in that celebrated inlet of the Mexican Gulf, which we thought worthy of our attention. It was a curious circumstance to me, that, being on board of the first American armed vessel in the United States’ Service that had entered the Bay, the fort of Galveston returned the salute of twenty-six fires from the INTRODUCTION. xvii ereat gun of the Campbell; and almost equally so when I re- ceived a visit from the Secretary of the Navy of the infant Republic of Texas, with a written invitation to proceed to the seat of Government, the newly founded city of Houston, dis- tant from our anchorage about eighty miles. Toward this place the Campbell proceeded about twenty miles, when, meeting with a bar, on which there is not more than about four feet of water at full tide, she again came to anchor. At this place, which is called Red-Fish Bar, on the 9th of May, my friend Epwarp Harris, Captain Coste, and five sailors took the gig, while the Crusader, our tender, took the Secre- tary of the Texian Navy, M. Fisner, Esq., a Mr Warp, my son, and myself. We crossed a large but shallow bay with a fair wind, and proceeding rapidly, passed the lately founded town of New Washington, and soon afterwards several plan- tations, the sight of all which afforded us much pleasure, as contrasted with the low salt-marshes and flat lands along the shores of the Mexican Bay, among which we had so long wandered. About noon we entered Buffalo Bayou, near the mouth of the San Jacinto River, almost opposite the cele- brated battle-ground. Ducks of various species, Ibises, Wild Turkeys, and many other birds, were seen in great numbers, and we proceeded smoothly over the then turbid waters of the Bayou, until we reached a comfortable house, where we spent the night, after previously examining several miles of the country around. The Secretary of the Texian Navy being anxious to reach the seat of his government, we started in the gig of the Camp- bell, although the rain, which had commenced in the night, was falling in torrents, and the waters of the Bayou, which b XViii INTRODUCTION. the day before were still, now rushed at a rapid rate toward. the Gulf. About two o’clock in the afternoon, we reached Houston, completely drenched, and were soon afterwards in- troduced to the President General Houston, who received us kindly, and offered us horses and men to assist us in our re- searches. The town was crowded with hundreds of Indians, only a few of whom were sober. Although here and there eroups of great interest to the painter might be seen, their howlings and gesticulations were by no means pleasing. The beautiful level plain on the margin of which Houston is situ- ated, was covered with water ankle deep. Having seen all that was thought interesting, and offered the President as well as all the officers of his Staff my best thanks, we returned to our yawl, and floating on the accumulated waters, flew as it were down the stream. Several days were afterwards spent in rambling as much as possible over the country, and among other places, we visited the battle-ground of San Jacinto, where we saw scattered the remains of numerous individuals de- stroyed in that bloody fray. On our way towards “ Red-Fish Bar,” we stopped two days at the hospitable mansion of Colonel James Morean, who re- ceived us in the most friendly manner. This spot, possessing a fine extent of woodland, surrounded by vast prairies, orna- mented with numerous detached groves, reminded us of some of the beautiful parks of England. There, among other rari- ties, we procured a fine specimen of the climbing Rattle-snake with recurved fangs, which, along with several others of the same kind, is now in my possession. On the 18th of May, we bade adieu to the Texas, amid the salutes of the several armed Texian vessels at Galveston, and INTRODUCTION. XIX were soon on the broad waters of the Gulf of Mexico. We had as passenger Mr Crawrorp, the British Consul at Tam- pico; and after a pleasant voyage, anchored on the 24th with- in the south-west Pass of the Mississippi. After visiting Cap- tain Taytor and his family at the Balize, we were towed by a steamer to New Orleans, where we arrived on the 27th. Here I had the gratification of meeting with my youngest brother-in-law, WILLIAM G. BAKEWELL, Esq. of Louisville, Ken- tucky, as well as with his amiable wife, neither of whom I had seen for several years. The commercial revolution which had taken place during our absence, prompted us to proceed at once to the eastward, and bidding farewell to our friends, I and my son set out for Charleston by way of Mobile, whence we crossed the country in a cart with the United States’ mail-bags, where- on, in lieu of downy beds and pillows, our bones rested in cramped positions during the night, whilst by day we had ample opportunities of walking over miserable roads, through an almost uncultivated country, and with very indifferent fare. On reaching Montgomery, however, we met with a good coach, and moved more rapidly toward our destination. My friend Epwarp Harris had parted from us, at New Orleans, and gone up the Mississippi to secure for me a col- lection of preserved Reptiles and other objects; but, after a more pleasant journey than ours, by way of Mobile, Pensacola, and the level country between the latter and Augusta in Georgia, joined us again at the house of our friend Dr Bacu- MAN, where we arrived on the 5th of June. And here, good- natured Reader, let me say to you, that the friendship which had so long subsisted between that reverend gentleman and xx INTRODUCTION, myself, became still more cemented by the marriage of his eldest daughter to my youngest son. In the course of our long journeys through woods and over plains, and of our sinuous sailings along the many bays, creeks or bayous, which we visited on this expedition, not- withstanding all our exertions and constant anxiety, we did not discover a single bird not previously known. However, the enterprise proved exceedingly interesting to my com- panions and myself, and I trust its results will be found to possess some value in your eyes also, for, as you will perceive, it has enabled me to speak with more confidence on the mi- gratory movements of a good number of species which visit us from southern climes during the breeding season. It also enables me to define more accurately than I could otherwise have done, the geographical distribution of most of those which at various times make their appearance in the different sections of the United States, and other portions of North America. Leaving Charleston, we reached Norfolk by a steamer, af- ter a short passage of thirty-eight hours, and proceeded at once to Washington, where I presented myself to the Presi- dent of the United States, Martin Van Buren, to whom I had letters from my amiable and celebrated friend, WasHine- TON Irvine, Esq., and offered my best thanks to the heads of the several departments, and my various friends. We then passed rapidly through Baltimore and Philadelphia, my wish being to reach New York as soon as possible. There I re- mained a fortnight, while my son and daughter-in-law visited the Falls of Niagara. They having returned, we embarked, on the 16th of July 1837, on board the American packet-ship, INTRODUCTION. xxi the England, commanded by Rosert Waite, Esq., for Liver- pool, where, seventeen days after, we were safely landed. Here we quickly paid our respects to the RaTupones, the CuorLeEys, and other friends, to whom bidding adieu at the same time, we proceeded to join my family in London, where, on the 7th of August, we once more met all together. I found the publication of the ‘‘ Birds of America” in a sa- tisfactory state of progression, but received the disagreeable intelligence that a great number of my British patrons had discontinued their subscriptions, and that most of those who still received the numbers as they came out, were desirous of seeing the work finished in Eighty Numbers, as I had at first anticipated. On this account, | found myself obliged to intro- duce, and in some instances to crowd, a number of species into one and the same plate, in order to try to meet the wishes of those who had by their subscriptions in some measure as- sisted me in the publication of that work, This, however, I did in such a manner as seemed best to accord with the affi- nities of the species. But, Reader, Dr Townsenp meantime returned to Philadelphia, after an absence of about four years, and with a second collection, containing several rare and new birds, which, after meeting with the same difficulties as on the former occasion, in consequence of the opposition of various en- lightened persons at Philadelphia, although Dr TownsENpD was extremely desirous that every thing new or rare belonging to our Fauna should be given to me, I received only a few weeks before closing the engraving of my plates. A few others did not reach me until several days after. What was I to do? Why, Reader, to publish them to be sure; for this I should have done, to the best of my power, even if every subscriber in xxii INTRODUCTION. Europe had refused to take them. What! said I, shall the. last volume of the “ Birds of America” be now closed, at a time when new species are in my hands? No! And in spite of threats from this quarter and that, that such and such per- sons would discontinue their subscriptions (which indeed they have done, and refused to take the few numbers that would have rendered their copies complete), my wish to do all that was in my power has been accomplished :—AlIl Dr TownsEnn’s species, as well as some received through different channels, have been published. To that enthusiastic naturalist and ex- cellent friend I am also deeply indebted for the valuable notes which he has forwarded to me through my friend Epwarp Harris. I had the gratification of receiving at London a diplo- ma from the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec ; and since then have been favoured with a list of the birds which have been observed in the environs of that city, by W1LL1AM SHEPPARD, Esq., his lady, and son, for which I offer them my most sincere thanks. I am also much indebted to the mem- bers of the Council of the Zoological Society of London, who have never ceased to furnish me with whatever American specimens their valuable museum contains, allowing me to take them to my house. I am farther indebted to my excel- lent and generous friend Professor J. T. Henstow of Cambridge for the continuance of his most kind services to me. Nor must I here omit mentioning the efficient aid I have received from THomas DurHAM WetR, Esq. of Boghead, in the county of Linlithgow, and Mr Macpurr Carrra®, Preserver of Animals in Edinburgh, who have kindly procured for me many speci- INTRODUCTION. xxiii mens of British birds for comparison with such of our Ame- rican species as seemed to be identical. For several years past I have felt a great desire to place before the world an account of the digestive organs of our various birds. With this view I have, at a great expense, ob- tained specimens preserved entire in spirits. In collecting them I have received the most effectual aid from several of my American friends, residing in different parts of the country ; and in particular from the Rev. Dr BacuMman of Charleston in South Carolina, Colonel TaroporE ANDERSON of Baltimore, Dr Ricuarp Haran of Philadelphia, Dr THomas M. Brewer of Boston in Massachusetts, Taomas M‘Cuttocu, Esq. of Pictou in Nova Scotia; ALEXANDER GorpoN, Esq. of London, who wrote to Havannah for Flamingoes; Jean CHartranp, Esq. who sent me a pair of these birds from Matanzas in Cuba; and from Captain Napoteon Coste of the United States’ Revenue Service. Besides the valuable contributions of these friends, to whom my warmest thanks are due, a vast number of specimens were pro- cured by the members of my several parties, in Labrador, in Texas, and in various parts of the United States, as well as many purchased from Mr Warp of New York. An account. of the digestive organs and trachea of these, generally concise, but occasionally of considerable length, you will find under the articles to which they refer, in the present volume. These anatomical descriptions, as well as the sketches by which they are sometimes illustrated, have been executed by my learned friend Witt1am Maccitiivray, who in the most agreeable manner consented to undertake the labour, by no means small, of such a task, and to whom those who are interested in the progress of Ornithological science, as well as myself, must xxiv : INTRODUCTION. therefore feel indebted. These details I had resolved to pre-. sent to you, because I have thought that no perfect knowledge of the affinities of species can be obtained until their internal organization is known. I believe the time to be fast approach- ing when much of the results obtained from the inspection of the exterior alone will be laid aside : when museums filled with stuffed skins will be considered insufficient to afford a know- ledge of birds; and when the student will go forth not only to observe the habits and haunts of animals, but to procure spe- cimens of them to be carefully dissected. When I commenced the present volume, I expected that it should contain descriptions of all the species represented in the fourth volume of my Illustrations; but, on proceeding, I found that, even without Episodes, which I have been obliged to exclude, in order to make room for anatomical notices, of more interest to the scientific reader, I could not include more than the usual number of one hundred species. In the fifth and concluding volume, the printing of which has already be- gun, you will find Descriptions of upwards of a hundred spe- cies, many of which are new to science, together with Lists illustrative of the geographical distribution of birds, an Ap- pendix containing additions and corrections, and, finally, a Synopsis of the Birds of North America, methodically ar- ranged, with generic and specific characters. JOHN J. AUDUBON. Epinsuren, Ist November 1838. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Canvass-back Duck, . Dusky Duck, Bartramian Sandpiper, . Turnstone, . ‘Purple Gallinule, Great Northern Diver or Loon, Blue Heron, Tell-Tale Godwit, Common Tern, Spotted Sandpiper, American White Pelican, . Long-tailed Duck, Blue-winged Teal, ; Black-headed or Laughing Gull, Knot or Ash-coloured Sandpiper, Anhinga or Snake-Bird, Surf Duck,. . . American Avoset, Least Tern, Little Sandpiper, Roseate Spoonbill, Red-headed Duck, : Black Skimmer or Razor-billed Shearwater, \ Bonapartian Gull, Buffel-headed Duck, Common Gannet, VOL, IV. Fuligula valisneriana, Anas obscura, . Totanus Bartramius, Strepsilas Interpres, Gallinula martinica, Colymbus glacialis, Ardea cerulea, Totanus melanoleucus, Sterna Hirundo, . Totanus macularius, Pelecanus americanus, . Fuligula glacials, Anas discors, . Larus Atricilla, . Tringa islandica, Plotus Anhinga, . Fuligula perspicillata, Recurvirostra americana, Sterna minuta, Tringa pusilla, Platalea Ajaja, Fuligula Ferina, . . Rhynchops nigra, Larus Bonapartit, Fuligula Albeola, Sula bassana, . 103 111 118 130 136 161 168 175 180 188 198 203 212 217 222 XxVi TABLE OF CONTENTS. Shoveller Duck, Black-necked Stilt, . Yellow-breasted Rail, American Ring-Plover, Goosander, Pied Duck, Green Heron, Black-bellied Plover, Red-breasted Snipe, Yellow-crowned Heron, American Bittern, Brewer’s Duck, Little Guillemot, Least Petrel, Great Auk, Golden-eye Duck, Ruddy Duck, . Long-legged Sandpiper, American Widgeon, Black-throated Diver, Smew, or White Nun, Gadwall Duck, Least Water-Rail, Rocky-Mountain Plover, Great Cinereous Owl, Black-shouldered Hawk, Chestnut-backed Titmouse, Black-cap Titmouse, Chestnut-crowned Titmouse, . Louisiana Tanager, Scarlet Tanager, Macgillivray’s Finch, Marsh Hawk, Common Magpie, Pine Grosbeak, Arkansaw Flycatcher, . Swallow-tailed Flycatcher, Say’s Flycatcher, Anas clypeata, Himantopus nigricollis, Rallus noveboracensis, Charadrius semipalmatus, Mergus Merganser, . Fuligula labradora, . Ardea virescens, Charadrius helveticus, Scolopax noveboracensis, Ardea violacea, Ardea minor, Anas Breweri, Uria Alle, . Thalassidroma pelagica, Alca impennis, Fuligula Clangula, Fuligula rubida, Tringa Himantopus, Anas americana, Colymbus arcticus, Mergus Albellus, Anas strepera, Rallus jamaicensis, Charadrius montanus, Strix cinerea, Falco dispar, . Parus rufescens, Parus atricapillus, Parus minimus, Tanagra ludoviciana, Tanagra rubra, Fringilla Macgillivraii, Falco cyaneus, Corvus Pica, . Pyrrhula Enucleator, Musicapa verticalis, Musicapa forficata, . Musicapa Saya, 241 | 24:7 251 256 26] 271 274 280 285 290 296 302 304 310 316 318 326 332 337 345 350 353 359 362 364 367 | 371 - 374 382 . ooo 388 394 396 408 414 422 426 428 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Winter Wren, Rock Wren, Dusky Grous, : Yellow-billed Magpie, . Steller’s Jay, Ultramarine Jay, Clarke’s Nutcracker, Bohemian Chatterer, White-winged Crossbill, Lapland Longspur, Iceland or Jer Falcon, . Band-tailed Pigeon, Rock Grous, : Mountain Mocking Bird, Varied Thrush, American Dipper, Cock of the Plains, - Common Buzzard, Evening Grosbeak, Black-headed Grosbeak, Sharp-shinned or Slate-coloured Hawk, Lesser Redpoll, Trumpeter Swan, Scolopaceous Courlan, Hawk Owl, , : Biainceked Humming Bird, Tengmalm’s Owl, Snow Goose, : Sharp-tailed Grous, . Long-eared Owl, Black-throated Bunting, Bank Swallow or Sand Martin, Rough-winged Swallow, Violet-green Swallow, . Great American Egret, Glossy Ibis, Troglodytes hyemalis, Troglodytes obsoletus, Tetrao obscurus, Corvus Nuttalli, Corvus Stelleri, Corvus ultramarinus, Nucifraga columbiana, Bombycilla garrula, Loxia leucoptera, Emberiza lapponica, Falco islandicus, Columba faseiata, Tetrao rupestris, Turdus montanus, Turdus nevius, Cinclus americanus, Tetrao Urophasianus, Falco Buteo, Fringilla vespertina, Fringilla melanocephala, Falco fuscus, Fringilla Linaria, Cygnus Buccinator, Aramus scolopaceus, Strix funerea, Trochilus rufus, Strix Tengmalmi, Anser hyperboreus, Tetrao Phasianellus, Strix Otus, Emberiza americana, HMirundo riparia, Hirundo serripennis, Hirundo thalassina, Ardea Egretta, Ibis Falcinellus, OHO OND ot S$ eo w eee El dll ne op CF WN — © po No =| = = —- OO ON DD 22. boww dow pw vo Oman of CO 30. ew © oo Co Co e OG OG Ww OMNI Da Pw NH ( exxvills ) LIST OF ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. . Stomach and proventriculus of Plotus Anhinga, . Trachea and stomach of Platalea Ajaja, . Stomach and proventriculus of Rhynchops nigra, . Stomach, proventriculus, and intestine of Sula alba, One-third size, . Stomach and cesophagus of Ardea virescens, Stomach and proventriculus of Charadrius helveticus, . Stomach and proventriculus of Scolopax noveboracensis, . Digestive organs of Ardea minor, : . Digestive organs of Uria Alle, : : . Stomach and proventriculus of Uria Alle opened, . Cloaca and cceca of Uria Alle, . Digestive organs of Thalassidroma pelagica, . Stomach, proventriculus, and duodenum of 7) ialabehcin eas pelagica, . Stomach and intestines of Thalassidroma pelagica, . Digestive organs and inferior larynx of Anas americana, . Digestive organs and part of trachea of Anas strepera, . Digestive organs of Parus atricapillus, . Digestive Organs of Tanagra rubra, . Digestive Organs of Falco cyaneus, — Digestive Organs of Pyrrhula Enucleator, . Another view of the same, : . Digestive Organs of Muscicapa verticalis, . Digestive Organs of Troglodytes hyemalis, . Digestive Organs of Loxia leucoptera, . Digestive Organs of Falco islandicus, . Digestive Organs of Falco fuscus, . Digestive organs of Aramus scolopaceus, Digestive organs of Strix funerea, . Ceca and cloaca of Strix funerea, 2. Aperture of ear of Strix funerea, . External ear of Strix Otus, . Coeca and cloaca of Strix Otus, . Digestive organs of Hmberiza americana, ; ; . Tail of Hirundo riparia, . Tail of Hirundo serripennis, . Part of outer primary of Hirundo serripennis, . Coecum and cloaca of Ardea Egretta, ° : . Digestive Organs of Pelecanus Americanus, . One-third size, . Sternum of Pelecanus Americanus, Page 99 Rather less than half size, 102 Full size, 159 Half size, Full size, Full size, 197 211 239 279 285 289 301 307 307 307 314 314 Half s:ze, Full size, Full size, 314 343 358 381 393 407 420 420 425 442 471 478 529 549 554 554 554 578 578 583 595 595 595 606 ORNITHOLOGICAL BIOGRAPHY. CANVASS-BACK DUCK. FULIGULA VALISNERIANA, STEPHENS. PLATE CCCI. Mate anp FEMALE. TuE range of the celebrated Duck with the history of which I com- mence the fourth volume of my Biographs, may be considered as limited on the one hand by the mouths of the Mississippi, and on the other by the Hudson or North River. Beyond the latter it is rarely seen at any season on our eastern coasts ; and this circumstance, conjoined with its being now and then observed on the upper waters of our Western Dis- tricts, and its breeding in great numbers on the borders of Bear River, which flows into the salt lake of Timpanajoz in upper California, as well as in the marshes and along the banks of streams in many parts of the Rocky Mountains, induces me to believe that the individuals of this species, instead of progeeding along the shores, pass overland towards their breeding grounds, however far northward they may be situated. According to Dr Ricuarpson, it breeds in all parts of the Fur-Coun- tries, from the 50th parallel to their most northern limits. While in our Atlantic Districts, it is found in much greater num- bers on the Chesapeake and the streams that flow into it, than any where else. Indeed it is not more than twenty years since its regular appearance and sojourn on the waters of the Southern States has been observed or at least acknowledged. Although at New Orleans, where it goes by the name of Canard Cheval, it has been known to the oldest duck-shooters now alive, from their earliest recollection, it is not more than about fifteen years since it began to rise, from a very low price to two dollars the pair, at which it sold during my visit in March 1837. VOL. Iv. A 2 CANVASS-BACK DUCK. This enhancement of its value I look upon as having arisen from the preference given to it by the epicures of our Middle Districts, who have strangely lauded it as superior to every other duck in the world. This alleged pre-eminence has indeed become so deeply impressed on the minds of many of our Southerns, that they have on various occa- sions procured the transportation of numbers of Canvass-backs from | Baltimore to Charleston in South Carolina, and even to Savannah in Georgia, although this species is by no means uncommon within a few miles of the latter city, as well as on the Great Santee River. I well remember that on my pointing out to a friend, now alas dead, several dozens of these birds in the market of Savannah, he would scarcely be- lieve that I was not mistaken, and assured me that they were looked upon as being poor, dry, and very fishy, in short not half so good as Mallards, or Blue-winged Teals. With this I cordially agreed, for there, at that season, they are not better than represented. I found this species in considerable numbers on and about the nu- merous inlets and rivers of East Florida; but did not see a single indi- vidual on the Gulf of St Lawrence, along the coast of Labrador, or on that of Newfoundland. It arrives in the neighbourhood of New Orleans from the 20th of October to the end of December, coming in flocks of eight or twelve, probably the members of a single family, and, unlike many other species, keeping in small groups during winter. At the approach of spring however they flock together, and about the first of April depart in large, bodies. During their stay, they are wont to alight on wet prairies and muddy ponds in all open places, feeding on the seeds of various plants, of which may be particularized the wild oat and the water lily. According to ALExANDER WILsow, who first described this species, their arrival in autumn in the Middle Districts takes place about the 15th of October ; but more recent writers say, that “ unless the weather to the north has been severe, the Canvass-back rarely appears till the middle of November.” With this I fully agree, being con- vinced that their journeys to and from their breeding places are per- formed across the country. Were this perfectly ascertained, it would prove that this species, unlike most other ducks, instead of removing farther southward in autumn and winter, takes what may be called a lateral march toward our Eastern Districts, in which it remains until the weather has become too cold for its constitution, when it is CANVASS-BACK DUCK. 3 forced a second time to migrate, and betake itself to warmer parts of the country, where it continues during the rest of the winter. The flight of this species, although resembling that of our larger sea-ducks in having the appearance of being rather laboured, is strong, rapid, at times very elevated, and well sustained. It swims deeply, es- pecially when under apprehension of danger, and this probably the better to enable it to escape by diving, at which it is almost as ex- pert as our sea or diving ducks. But although its speed on the water is considerable, it moves rather heavily on land. Its food varies, ac- cording to the season and locality. The plant named Valisnerta, on which it is said to feed when on the head waters of the Chesapeake, is not found equally abundant in other parts, and even there is at times so reduced in quantity, that this duck and several other species which are equally fond of it, are obliged to have recourse to fishes, tadpoles, water-lizards, leeches, snails, and mollusca, as well as such seeds as they can meet with; all which have been in greater or less quantity found in their stomach. Nothing is known of its manners during the breeding season; and we are equally ignorant of the changes of plumage which, like other species, it may undergo at that period. As I have not had very good opportunities of making myself ac- quainted with the modes in which the Canvass-backs are obtained for the markets, I here present an account of duck-shooting on the waters of the Chesapeake, published some years ago in the “ Cabinet of Natu- ral History,” and of which a copy has been transmitted to me by its author, Dr J. J. Suarpxess, of Philadelphia, to whom, for this and other marks of attention, I offer my best thanks. “The Chesapeake Bay, with its tributary streams, has, from its discovery, been known as the greatest resort of water-fowl in the United States. This has depended on the profusion of their food, which is accessible on the immense flats or shoals that are found near the mouth of the Susquehanna, along the entire length of North-East and Elk Rivers, and on the shores of the bay and connecting streams, as far south as York and James Rivers. “The quantity of fowl of late years has been decidedly less than in times gone by; and I have met with persons who have assured me that the number has decreased one-half in the last fifteen years. This change has arisen, most probably, from the vast increase in their de- B2 4 CANVASS-BACK DUCK. struction, from the greater number of persons who now make a busi- ness or pleasure of this sport, as well as the constant disturbance they | meet with on many of their feeding grounds, which induces them to distribute themselves more widely, and forsake their usual haunts. *“« As early as the first and second weeks in October, the smaller ducks, as the Buffel-head, Anas Albeola ; South-southerly, A. glacialis ; and the Ruddy or Heavy-tailed Duck, A. rubidus, begin to shew them- selves in the upper part of the hay; and by the last of the month, the Black-head, A. Marila; Widgeon or Bald-pate, A. Americana; Red- head, A. Ferina; and the Goose, A. Canadensis, appear, and rapidly distribute themselves down the bay. The Canvass-back, A. Valisneria, and the Swan, Cygnus Americanus, rarely, unless the weather to the. north has been severe, appear in quantities till the middle of Novem- ber, All these fowl, when first arrived, are thin and tasteless, from their privation during their migration, and perhaps preparatory ar- rangements, and require some days at least of undisturbed repose, to give them that peculiar flavour for which some of them are so cele- brated. During the low tides succeeding their arrival, the birds sit on the flats far from the shores, and rarely rise to the wing unless dis- turbed ; but when the spring-tides render the water too deep for feed- ing, they commence their career, and pass down the bay in the morn- ing, and return in the evening. Most of these fowl feed on the same grass, which grows abundantly on the shallows in the bay and adjacent waters, and has been called duck-grass, Valisnerta Americana. It grows from six to eighteen inches in length, and is readily pulled up by the root. Persons who have closely observed these ducks while feeding, say that the Canvass-back and Black-head dive and pull the grass from the ground, and feed on the’roots, and that the Red-head and Bald- pate then consume the leaves. Indeed, although the Bald-pate is a much smaller bird than the Canvass-back, it has been seen to rob the latter, immediately on its return from ander the water, of all its spoil. ‘* All these larger ducks are found together when feeding, but se- parate when on the wing. That they feed on the same grass, is evi- dent from the similarity of flavour ; and those most accustomed to the article have a difficulty in deciding on the kind of duck from the taste. Indeed, the Bald-pate is generally preferred by residents. ** By the middle of December, particularly if the weather has been a little severe, the fowl of every kind have become so fat, that I have CANVASS-BACK DUCK. 5 seen Canvass-backs burst open in the breast in falling on the water ; and spending less time in feeding, they pass up and down the bay from river to river, in their morning and evening flights, giving, at certain localities, great opportunities for destruction. They pursue, even in their short passages, very much the order of their migratory movements, flying in a line, or baseless triangle; and when the wind blows on the potnts which may lie on their course, the sportsman has great chances of success. These points or courses of the ducks are materially affected by the winds, for they avoid, if possible, an approach to the shore ; but when a strong breeze sets them on these projections of the land, they are compelled to pass within shot, and often over the land itself. ‘In the Susquehanna and Elk rivers, there are few of these points for sheoting, and there success depends on approaching them while on their feeding grounds. After leaving the eastern point at the mouth of the Susquehanna and Turkey Point, the western side of the Elk River, which are both moderately good for flying shooting, the first place of much celebrity is the Narrows, between Spesutic Island and the western shore. These narrows are about three miles in length, and from three to five hundred yards in breadth. By the middle of November, the Canvass-backs in particular, begin to feed in this passage, and the en- trance and outlet, as well as many intermediate spots, become very successful stations. A few miles further down the western shore is Taylor’s Island, which is situated at the mouth of the Rumney, and Abbey Island at the mouth of Bush River, which are both celebrated for ducks, as well as swans and geese. These are the most northerly points where large fowl are met with, and projecting out between deep coves, where immense numbers of these birds feed, they possess great advantages. The south point of Bush River, or Legoe’s Point, and Robbin’s and Rickett’s Points near Gunpowder River, are fruitful localities. Immediately at the mouth of this river is situated Carroll’s Island, which has long been known as a great shooting ground, and is in the rentage of a company at a high rate. Maxwell's Point, as well as some others up this and other rivers, and even further down the bay, are good places, but less celebrated than those I have mentioned. Most of these points are let out as shooting grounds to companies and individuals, and they are esteemed so valuable that intruders are se- verely treated. “It has been ascertained that disturbing the fowl on the feeding flats 6 CANVASS-BACK DUCK. is followed in most cases by their forsaking those haunts, and seeking others ; hence, in the rivers leading to the bay near flying points, they — are never annoyed by boat-shooting, either by night or day, and al- though the discharge of guns from the shore may arouse them for a time, they soon return; whereas a boat or sail in chase a few times, will make them forsake a favourite spot for days. ‘“ From the great number of ducks that are seen in all directions, one would suppose that there could be no doubt of success at any one of the points in the course of flight; but whilst they have such cor- rect vision as to distance, and wide range of space, unless attending circumstances are favourable, a sportsman may be days without a pro- mising shot. From the western side of the bay, and it is there the best grounds are found, the southerly winds are the most favourable ; and, if a high tide is attended by a smart frost and mild south wind, or even calm morning, the number of birds set in motion becomes incon- ceivable, and they approach the points so closely, that even a mode- rately good shot can procure from fifty to one hundred ducks a-day. This has often occurred, and I have seen eight fat Canvass-backs killed at one discharge into a flock, from a small gun. “ To a stranger visiting these waters, the innumerable ducks, feeding in beds of thousands, or filling the air with their careering, with the great numbers of beautiful white swans resting near the shores, like banks of driven snow, might induce him to suppose that the facilities for their destruction were equal to their profusion, and that with so large an object in view, a sportsman could scarcely miss his aim, But, when he considers the great thickness of their covering, the ve- locity of their flight, the rapidity and duration of their diving, and the great influence that circumstances of wind and weather have on the chances of success, it becomes a matter of wonder how so many are destroyed. “The usual mode of taking these birds has been, till recently, by shoot- ing them from the points during their flight, or from the land or boats, on their feeding grounds, or by toling, as it is strangely termed, an operation by which the ducks are sometimes induced to approach with- in a few feet of the shore, from a distance often of several hundred yards. A spot is usually selected where the birds have not been much disturbed, and where they feed at three or four hundred yards from, and can approach to within forty or fifty yards of the shore, as they CANVASS-BACK DUCK. 7 will never come nearer than they can swim freely. The higher the tides, and the calmer the day, the better, for they feed closer to the shores and see more distinctly. Most persons on these waters have a race of small white or liver-coloured dogs, which they familiarly call the toler breed, but which appear to be the ordinary poodle. These dogs are extremely playful, and are taught to run up and down the shore, in sight of the ducks, either by the motion of the hand, or by throwing chips from side to side. They soon become perfectly ac- quainted with their business, and as they discover the ducks approach- ing them, make their jumps less high till they almost crawl on the ground, to prevent the birds discovering what the object of their curio- sity may be. This disposition to examine rarities has been taken ad- vantage of by using a red or black handkerchief by day, and a white one by night in toling, or even by gently plashing the water on the shore. The nearest ducks soon notice the strange appearance, raise their heads, gaze intently for a moment, and then push for the shore, followed by the rest. On many occasions, I have seen thousands of them swimming in a solid mass direct to the object ; and by removing the dog farther into the grass, they have been brought within fifteen feet of the bank. When they have approached to about thirty or forty yards, their curiosity is generally satisfied, and after swimming up and down for a few seconds, they retrograde to their former station. The moment to shoot is while they present their sides, and forty or fifty ducks have often been killed by a small gun. The Black-heads toll the most readily, then the Red-heads, next the Canvass-backs, and the Bald- pates rarely. This also is the ratio of their approach to the points in flying, although, if the Canvass-back has determined on his direction, few circumstances will change his course. The total absence of cover or precaution against exposure to sight, or even a large fire, will not turn these birds aside on such occasions. In flying-shooting, the Bald- pates are a great nuisance, for they are so shy that they not only avoid the points themselves, but by their whistling and confusion of flight at such times, alarm others. ‘‘ Simple as it may appear to shoot with suecess into a solid mass of ducks sitting on the water at forty or fifty yards’ distance, yet when you recollect that youare placed nearly level with the surface, the object opposed to you, even though composed of hundreds of individuals, may be in appearance but a few feet in width. To give, therefore, the best 8 CANVASS-BACK DUCK. promise of success, old duckers recommend that the nearest duck should be in perfect relief above the sight, whatever the size of the column, to avoid the common result of over-shooting. The correctness of this principle I saw illustrated in an instance in which I had toled to within a space of from forty to seventy yards off the shore, a bed of certainly hundreds of ducks. Twenty yards beyond the outside birds of the dense mass, were five Black-heads, one of which was alone killed out of the whole number, by a deliberate aim into the middle of the large flock from a rest, by a heavy well-proved duck-gun. *“‘ Before I leave the subject of sitting-shooting, I will mention an oc- currence that took place in Bush River, a few years since. A man whose house was situated near the bank, on rising early one morning, observed that the river had frozen, except an open space of ten or twelve feet in diameter, about eighty yards from the shore, nearly opposite his house. The spot was full of ducks, and with a heavy gun he fired into it. Many were killed, and those that flew soon returned, and were again and again shot at, till, fearful that he was injuring those already his own, he ceased the massacre, and brought on shore ninety- two ducks, most of which were Canvass-backs. “To prevent the dogs, whilst toling, from running in, they are not allowed to go into the water to bring out the ducks, but another breed of large dogs of the Newfoundland and water-spaniel mixture are em- ployed. These animals, whilst toling is in progression, or at a point, take apparently as much interest in success as the sportsman himself. During a flight, their eyes are incessantly occupied in watching the di- rection from whence the birds come; and I have frequently seen them indicate by their manner, the approach of a flock so distant that the human eye would have overlooked it. As the ducks come on, the dog lies down, but still closely observing them, and the moment the dis- charge occurs, jumps up to see the effect. If a duck falls dead, they plunge to bring it; but many of them wait to see how he falls, and whither he swims, and they seem to be as aware as the gunner, of the improbability of capture, and will not make the attempt, knowing from experience that a bird merely winged will generally save himself by swimming and diving. These dogs usually bring one duck at a time out of the water; but a real Newfoundland, who was with me and my company this autumn, was seen on several occasions to swim twenty yards further, and take a second in the mouth to carry on shore. The CANVASS-BACK DUCK. fe) indefatigability and ambition of these animals are remarkable, and a gentleman informed me he had known his dog bring, in the space of one hour, twenty Canvass-backs and three Swans from the water, when the weather was so severe that the animal was covered with icicles, and to prevent his freezing he took his great-coat to envelope him. Some dogs will dive a considerable distance after a duck, but a crippled Canvass-back or Black-head, will swim so far under the water, that they can rarely be caught by the dog; and it often has been observed, that the moment one of these ducks, if merely winged, reaches the surface, he passes under, and however calm, cannot be seen again. To give an idea of the extreme rapidity with which a duck can dive, I will re- late an occurrence which was noticed by myself, and a similar one was _ observed by another of the party the same day. A male South-souther- ( ly was shot at in the water by a percussion-gun, and after escaping the ( shot by diving, commenced his flight. When about forty yards from the boat, he had acquired an elevation of a foot or more from the sur- face. A second percussion-gun was discharged, and he dived from the wing at the flash, and though the spot of entrance was covered by the shot, soon rose unharmed and flew. ‘“* Canvass-backs, when wounded on the streams near the bay, instantly direct their course for it, and there nestle among the grass on the shores till cured, or destroyed by eagles, hawks, gulls, foxes, or other vermin, that are constantly on the search. If adead Canvass-back be not soon secured, it becomes a prey to the gulls, which rarely touch any other kind. I have seen severe contests take place between crippled Can- vass-backs and Gulls ; and although a pounce or two generally prevents further resistance, sometimes they are driven off. If the bird is re- markably savoury, the gull makes such a noise, that others are soon collected, when possession is determined by courage or strength. “ Another mode of taking Ducks consistsin placing gilling-nets under water on the feeding-grounds, and when they dive for food, their head and wings become entangled in the meshes, and they are drowned. This plan, though successful at first, soon drives the bird from these places; and in some cases, a few applications have entirely prevented their return for some weeks. Paddling upon them in the night or day produces the same effect, and although practised to some extent on Bush River is highly disapproved of by persons shooting from points. For the last three years a man has been occupied on this stream with 10 CANVASS-BACK DUCK. a gun of great size, fixed on a swivel in a boat, and the destruction of game on their feeding-flats has been immense ; but so unpopular is the plan, that many schemes have been privately proposed of destroying his boat and gun, and he has been fired at with balls so often that his expeditions are at present confined to the night. Sailing with a stiff breeze upon the geese and swans, or throwing rifle-balls from the shore into their beds, is sometimes successful. “ Moonlight shooting has not been a general practice, but as these birds are in motion during light nights, they could readily be brought within range by “ honking” them when flying. This sound is very perfectly imitated at Egg Harbour; and I have seen geese drawn at a right angle from their course by this note. They can indeed be made to hover over the spot, and if a captive bird was employed, the success would become certain. “‘ Notwithstanding the apparent facilities that are offered of success, the amusement of duck-shooting is probably one ef the most exposing to cold and wet, and those who undertake its enjoyment without a courage “ screwed to the sticking-point,” will soon discover that “ to one good a thousand ills oppose.” It is indeed no parlour sport, for after creeping through mud and mire, often for hundreds of yards, to be at last disappointed, and stand exposed on points to the “ pelting rain or more than freezing cold,” for hours, without even the pro- mise of a shot, would try the patience of even Franxuin’s “ glo- rious nibbler.” It is, however, replete with excitement and charm, and to one who can enter on the pleasure, with a system formed for polar cold, and a spirit to endure “ the weary toil of many a stormy day,” it will yield a harvest of health and delight, that the “ roamer of the woods” can rarely enjoy.” Although this far-famed bird was named by its discoverer after the plant Valisneria Americana, on which it partially feeds when on fresh-water, its subsistence is by no means dependent upon that species, which indeed is not extensively distributed, but is chiefly derived from the grass-wrack or Eel-grass, Zostera marina, which is very abundant on the shallows and flats along the whole sea-coast. Its flesh seems to me not generally much superior to that of the Pochard or Red-head, which often mingles in the same flocks; and both species are very fre- quently promiscuously sold in the markets as Canvass-backs. In the Plate are represented two Males anda Female. In the back CANVASS-BACK DUCK. 11 ground is a view of Baltimore, which I have had great pleasure in in- troducing, on account of the hospitality which I have there experien- ced, and the generosity of its inhabitants, who, on the occasion of a quantity of my plates having been destroyed by the mob during an outburst of political feeling, indemnified me for the loss. Furicuta VatisneRta, Bonap. Synops. of Birds of the United States, p. 392. Anas Vatisnenia, Wils, Amer. Ornith, vol. viii. p. 103. pl. 70. fig. 5. Furicuta VauLisnERia, Richards. and Swains. Fauna Bor. Amer. iv. Part II. p. 450. Canvass-BaCKED Duck, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 430. Adult Male. Plate CCCI. Fig. 1, 2. Bill as long as the head, deeper than broad at the base, the margins parallel, slightly dilated towards the end, which is rounded, the fron- tal angles rather narrow and pointed. Upper mandible with the dor- sal line at first straight and declinate, then slightly concave, direct for a short space near the tip, where it is incurved, the ridge broad and concave at the base, narrowed at the middle, enlarged and convex at the end, the sides nearly erect and concave at the base, becoming an- teriorly more and more declinate and convex, the edges curved up- wards, with.about 50 lamelle, the unguis small and oblong. Nostrils submedial, linear-oblong, rather large, pervious, near the ridge, in an oblong depression covered with soft membrane. Lower mandible flat- tened, being but slightly convex, with the angle very long and rather narrow, the dorsal line very short and straight, the erect edges with about 55 inferior and 105 superior lamellz, the unguis obovato-elliptical. Head rather large, compressed, convex above. Eyes small. Neck of moderate length, rather thick. Body full, depressed. Wings small. Feet very short, strong, placed rather far behind; tarsus very short, compressed, anteriorly with narrow scutella continuous with those of the middle toe, and having another series commencing half-way down and continuous with those of the outer toe, the rest reticulated with angular scales. Hind toe small, with an inner expanded margin or web; middle toe nearly double the length of the tarsus, outer a little shorter. Claws small, compressed, that of the first toe very small and curved, of the third toe larger and more expanded than the rest. Plumage dense, soft, blended. Feathers of the upper part of the 12 CANVASS-BACK DUCK. head small and rather compact, of the rest of the head and neck small, blended, and glossy. Wings shortish, narrow, pointed; primary quills strong, tapering, the first longest, the second almost as long, the rest rapidly diminishing ; secondary quills broad and rounded, the inner elongated and tapering. Tail very short, much rounded, or wedge- shaped, of fourteen feathers. Bill black, with a tinge of green. Iris bright carmine. Upper part of the head, and a space along the base of the bill dusky ; a small transverse band of white on what is called the chin; the rest of the head, and the neck all round, for more than half its length, of a rich brownish-red. A broad belt of brownish-black occupies the lower part of the neck, and the fore part of the body, of which the posterior part is of the same colour, more extended on the back than under the tail. Back and scapulars white or greyish-white, very minutely tra- versed by undulating black lines ; wing-coverts similar but darker. Alular feathers greyish-brown. Primary quills brownish-black, tinged with grey towards the base; the shaft brown. Secondaries ash-grey, whitish, and undulated with dark grey towards the end; five of them also having a narrow stripe of black along their outer margin. Tail brownish-grey, towards the end ash-grey. The lower parts white, the sides and abdomen marked with fine undulating grey lines, of which there are faint traces on most of the other feathers. The feet are greyish-blue tinged with yellow. Length to end of tail 22 inches, to end of wings 20, to end of claws 25; extent of wings 33; wing, from flexure, 93; tail 219; bill along the back, measured from the tip of the frontal process to the end of the unguis, 3; lower mandible along the edge 2,4 ; tarsus 1}; first toe ;6, its claw 75,; middle toe 219, its claw ,,; outer toe searcely shorter; inner, 74 shorter. Weight 33 lb. Adult Female. Plate CCCI. Fig. 2. The Female has the bill coloured as in the male; the iris reddish- brown ; the feet lead-grey ; the upper parts greyish-brown ; the top of the head darker, its anterior part light reddish; the chin whitish; the neck greyish-brown, as are the sides and abdomen; the breast white ; wing-coverts brownish-grey ; primary quills greyish- brown, dusky at the end; secondary quills ash-grey, five of the inner with an external black margin, the innermost greyish-brown like the CANVASS-BACK DUCK. 13 back, and with some of the scapulars faintly undulated with darker. Tail greyish-brown, paler at the end; axillars and smaller under wing-coverts white, as in the male. Length to end of tail, 20} inches, to end of wings 183, to end of claws, 231; extent of wings, 302: wing from flexure, 93. Weigh 22 lb. This species is very closely allied to the Pochard, or Red-headed Duck, Fuligula Ferina, but is much larger, and differs in having the bill proportionally higher at the base, and less dilated towards the end. The colours are also generally similar, but present differences. The upper parts of the Canvass-back are much whiter than those of the Pochard ; the head of the former is dusky above, of the latter uni- form with the neck; and the white spot on the chin is wanting in the Pochard. The Digestive and Respiratory Organs of a male shot near Balti- more present the following characters. The upper mandible is broadly and deeply concave. The tongue, which is thick and fleshy, as in other ducks, is 2,4, inches long, its sides parallel, slightly sloping, and furnished with two series of bristly fila- ments; its base with numerous straight conical papilla directed back- wards, its upper surface marked with a broad median groove, the lower flat, its extremity formed by a thin semi-circular appendage, a quarter of an inch in length. The cesophagus passes along the right side of the neck, for six inches has a diameter of ,5, then dilates to ;%, so as to form a slight crop, again contracts as it enters the thorax, and in ter- minating forms the proventriculus, which is 12 inches in length, with oblong glandules, generally a twelfth of an inch in length. The stomach is a very large and powerful gizzard, of a broadly elliptical form, with extremely thick lateral muscles, the left being 1} in thickness, the right }2, the tendons large and strong. The transverse diameter of the gizzard is 213 inches, the longitudinal, from the cardiac orifice to the bulge of the inferior muscle, 274. Its cuticular lining is of very dense texture, and rugous; the grinding plates opposite the lateral . muscles about half a twelfth thick, and slightly rugous. The intestine, which is 5 feet 9 inches in length, first forms in the usual manner the duodenal fold, at the distance of 5 inches from the pylorus, encloses the pancreas, receives the biliary ducts, and passing under the right lobe 14 CANVASS-BACK DUCK. of the liver, proceeds backward beneath the kidneys, is convoluted in several large folds, and finally from above the stomach, passes in a di- rect course to the anus. Its coats are thick, its inner surface villous, and its diameter is considerable, being in the first part of the duodenum ;;, then for two feet from ;5, to ;4, enlarged again to ,8,, and so con- tinuing to the rectum, which is 6 inches long, 4 inch in diameter, and ends in an enlargement or cloaca, about an inch in diameter. The coeca, which commence at the distance of 6 inches from the anus, are 8 inches long, slender, 4, in diameter for 3 inches, afterwards about 55,, with the extremity obtuse. The cesophagus and stomach contained young shoots of Zostera marina, and in the latter were numerous par- ticles of quartz. The trachea, when moderately extended, measures 10 inches in length, and is furnished with strong lateral or contractor muscles, a pair of cleido-tracheal, and a pair of more slender sterno-tracheal. Its diameter at the upper part is 44 twelfths, it gradually contracts to 33 twelfths, enlarges to 44 twelfths, and at the distance of 7} inches from the upper extremity, forms a dilatation about an inch in length, and 7, in its greatest diameter, but composed of distinct rings, then con- tracts to #;, and ends in a bony and membranous expansion, forming on the left side an irregular thin disk, convex towards the right, and flattened towards the left where it is membranous. The expansions of the trachea are thus similar to those of the Red-breasted Mergan- ser, but of less extent; the rings are of equal breadth on both sides, but alternately overlap each other, one side being partially concealed by the corresponding sides of those above and below it, while the other stands exposed. The lower larnyx is formed of ten united rings, together with the bony and membranous expansion described. The tracheal rings, rather broad and osseous, are 118; the half-rings of the bronchi about 16. . ( 15) DUSKY DUCK. ANAS OBSCURA, GMEL. PLATE CCCII. Mate anp Femate. Tus species, which is known in all parts of the United States by the name of ‘“‘ Black Duck,” extends its migrations from the Straits of Belle Isle, on the coast of Labrador, to the province of Texas. Strange as the fact may appear, it breeds in both these countries, as well as in many of the intermediate districts. On the 10th of May 1833, I found it breeding along the marshy edges of inland pools, near the Bay of Fundy, and, on Whitehead Island in the same bay, saw several young birds of the same species, which, although apparently not more than a week old, were extremely active both on land and in the water. On the 30th of April 1837, my son discovered a nest on Galveston Island, in Texas. It was formed of grass and feathers, the eggs eight in num- ber, lying on the former, surrounded with the down and some feathers of the bird, to the height of about three inches. The internal diame- ter of the nest was about six inches, and its walls were nearly three in thickness. The female was sitting, but flew off in silence as he ap- proached. ‘The situation selected was a clump of tall slender grass, on a rather sandy ridge, more than a hundred yards from the nearest wa- ter, but surrounded by partially dried salt-marshes. On the same island, in the course of several successive days, we saw many of these ducks, which, by their actions, shewed that they also had nests. I may here state my belief, that the Gadwall, Blue-winged Teal, Green- winged Teal, Mallard, American Widgeon, and Spoon-billed Duck, all breed in that country, as I observed them there late in May, when they were evidently paired. How far this fact may harmonize with the theories of writers respecting the migration of birds in general, is more than I can at present stop to consider. I have found the Black Duck breeding on lakes near the Mississippi, as far up as its confluence with the Ohio, as well as in Pennsylvania and New Jersey; and every one acquainted with its habits will tell you, that it rears its young in all the Eastern States intervening between that last mentioned and the St 16 DUSKY DUCK. Lawrence, and is of not less frequent occurrence along the margins of » all our great lakes. It is even found on the Columbia River, and on the streams of the Rocky Mountains ; but as Dr Ricuarpson has not mentioned his having observed it in Hudson’s Bay or farther north, we may suppose that it does not visit those countries. On arriving in Labrador, on the 17th June 1833, we found the Dusky Ducks in the act of incubation, but for nearly a month after, met with no young birds, which induced me to suppose that this species does not reach that country at so early a period as many others, but lingers behind so as to be nearly four weeks later than some of them. At the end of four weeks after our arrival, all the females we met with had young broods, which they led about the fresh-water ponds, and along their margins, either in search of food, or to secure them from danger. None of these broods exceeded seven or eight in number, and, at this early period of their life, we found them covered with long soft down of a deep brown colour. When alarmed they would dive with great celerity several times in succession, but soon became fatigued, made for the shore, ran a few feet from the water, and squatted among the grass, where they were easily caught either by some of our party, or by the Gulls, which are constantly on the look-out for such dainty food. At other times, as soon as the mother apprehends danger, she calls her young around her, when the little things form themselves into a line in her wake, and carefully follow her in all her movements. If a Hawk or a Gull make a plunge towards them, she utters a loud ery of alarm, and then runs as it were along the surface of the water, when the young dive as quick as lightning, and do not rise again until they find them- selves among the weeds or the rocks along the shores. When they thus dive, they separate and pursue different directions, and on reach- ing the land lie close among the herbage until assured, by the well- known voice of their parent, that the danger is over. If they have often been disturbed in one pond, their anxious mother leads them overland to another; but she never, I believe, conducts them to the open sea, until they are able to fly. The young grow with remarkable rapidity, for, by the middle of August, they almost equal their parents in size; and their apprehension of danger keeps pace with their growth, for at the period of their southward migration, which takes place in the beginning of September, they are as wild and as ‘cunning as the oldest and most experienced of their species. Eac brood migrates DUSKY DUCK. 17 separately ; and the old males, which abandoned the females when in- cubation commenced, set out in groups of eight or ten. Indeed, it is not common to see birds of this species assemble in such flocks as their relatives the Mallards, although they at times associate with almost all the fresh-water Ducks. The males, on leaving the females, join together in small bands, and retire into the interior of the marshes, where they remain until their moult is completed. My young friend Cootzpex brought me a pair shot on the 4th of July, in Labrador, in so ragged a state that very few feathers remained even on the wings. On his approaching them, they skimmed over the surface of the water with such rapidity, that when shot at they seemed as if flying away. On examining these individuals I found them to be sterile, and I am of opinion that those which are prolific moult at a later period, nature thus giving more protracted vigour to those which have charge of a young brood. I think, Reader, you will be of the same opinion, when I have told you, that on the 5th of July I found some which had young, and which were still in full plumage, and others, that were broodless, almost des- titute of feathers. As many of the nests found in Labrador differed from the one mentioned above, I will give you an account of them. In several in- stances, we found them imbedded in the deep moss, at the distance of a few feet or yards from the water. They were composed of a great quantity of dry grass and other vegetable substances ; and the eggs were always placed directly on this bed without the intervention of the down and feathers, which, however, surrounded them, and which, as I observed, the bird always uses to cover them when she is about to leave the nest for a time. Should she be deprived of her eggs, she goes in search of a male, and lays another set; but unless a robbery of this kind happens, she raises only a single brood in the season. But although this is the case in Labrador, I was assured that this species rears two broods yearly in Texas, although, having been but a short time in that country, I cannot vouch for the truth of this assertion. The eggs are two inches and a quarter in length, one inch and five-eighths in breadth, shaped like those of the domestic fowl, with a smooth surface, and of a uniform yellowish-white colour, like that of ivory tarnished by long exposure. The young, like those of the Mallard, acquire the full beauty of their spring plumage before the season of reproduction VOL. LY. B 18 DUSKY DUCK. commences, but exhibit none of the curious changes which that species undergoes. | Although the Dusky Duck is often seen on salt-water bays or inlets, it resembles the Mallard in its habits, being fond of swampy marshes, rice-fields, and the shady margins of our rivers, during the whole of its stay in such portions of the Southern States as it is known to breed in. ‘They are equally voracious, and may sometimes be seen with their crops so protruded as to destroy the natural elegance of their form. They devour, with the greatest eagerness, water-lizards, young frogs and toads, tadpoles, all sorts of insects, acorns, beech-nuts, and every kind of grain that they can obtain. They also, at times, seize on small quadrupeds, gobble up earth-worms and leeches, and when in salt water, feed on shell-fish. When on the water, they often pro- cure their food by immersing their head and neck, and, like the Mal- lard, sift the produce of muddy pools. Like that species also, they will descend in a spiral manner from on high, to alight under an oak or a beech, when they have discovered the mast to be abundant. Shy and vigilant, they are with difficulty approached by the gunner, unless under cover or on horseback, or in what sportsmen call floats, or shallow boats made for the purpose of procuring water-fowl. They are, however, easily caught in traps set on the margins of the waters to which they resort, and baited with Indian corn, rice, or other grain. They may also be enticed to wheel round, and even alight, by imitating their notes, which, in both sexes, seem to me almost precisely to re- semble those of the Mallard. From that species, indeed, they scarcely differ in external form, excepting in wanting the curiously recurved feathers of the tail, which Nature, as if clearly to distinguish the two species, had purposely omitted in them. The flight of this Duck, which, in as far as I know,‘is peculiar to America, is powerful, rapid, and as sustained as that of the Mallard. While travelling by day they may be distinguished from that species by the whiteness of their lower wing-coverts, which form a strong contrast to the deep tints of the rest of their plumage, and which I have attempt- ed to represent in the figure of the female birdin my plate. Their pro- gress through the air, when at full speed, must, I think, be at the rate of more than a mile in a minute, or about seventy miles in an hour. When about to alight, they descend with double rapidity, causing a strong rustling sound by the weight of their compact body and the DUSKY DUCK. 19 rapid movements of their pointed wings. When alarmed by a shot or otherwise, they rise off their feet by a single powerful spring, fly di- rectly upwards for eight or ten yards, and then proceed in a straight line. Now, if you are an expert hand, is the moment to touch your trigger, and if you delay, be sure your shot will fall short. As it is attached to particular feeding grounds, and returns to them until greatly molested, you may, by secreting yourself within shooting distance, anticipate a good result; for even although shot at, it will reappear several times in succession in the course of a few hours, un- less it has been wounded. The gunners in the vicinity of Boston, in Massachusetts, who kill great numbers of these birds, on account of the high price obtained for them in the fine market of that beautiful and hospitable city, procure them in the following manner :-—They keep live decoy-ducks of the Mallard kind, which they take with them in their floats or boats. On arriving at a place which they know to be suitable, they push or haul their boat into some small nook, and con- ceal it among the grass or rushes. Then they place their decoys, one in front of their ambush, the rest on either side, each having a line at- tached to one of its feet, with a stone at the other end, by which it is kept as if riding at anchor. One of the birds is retained in the boat, where the gunner lies concealed, and in cold weather amply covered with thick and heavy clothing. No sooner is all m order, than the decoy- ducks, should some wild birds appear, sound their loud call-notes, anxious as they feel to be delivered from their sad bondage. Should this fail to produce the desired effect of drawing the wild ducks near, the poor bird in the boat is pinched on the rump, when it immediately calls aloud; those at anchor respond, and the joint clamour attracts the travellers, who now check their onward speed, wheel several times over the spot, and at last alight. The gunner seldom waits long for a shot, and often kills fifteen or twenty of the Black Ducks at a single discharge of his huge piece, which is not unfrequently charged with as much as a quarter of a pound of powder and three quarters of a pound of shot ! The Black Ducks generally appear in the sound of Long Island in September or October, but in very cold weather proceed southward ; while those which breed in Texas, as I have been informed, remain there all the year. At their first arrival they betake themselves to the fresh-water ponds, and soon become fat, when they afford excel- B2 20 DUSKY DUCK. lent eating; but when the ponds are covered with ice, and they are forced to betake themselves to estuaries or inlets of the sea, their flesh becomes less juicy and assumes a fishy flavour. During con- tinued frost they collect into larger bodies than at any other time, a flock once alighted seeming to attract others, until at last hundreds of them meet, especially in the dawn and towards sunset. ‘The larger the flock however, the more difficult it is to approach it, for many sentinels are seen on the look-out, while the rest are asleep or feeding along the shores Unlike the “ Sea Ducks,” this species does not ride at anchor, as it were, during its hours of repose. My friend, the Reverend Dr Joun Bacuman, assures me that this bird, which some years ago was rather scarce in South Carolina, is now becoming quite abundant in that state, where, during autumn and winter, it resorts to the rice fields. After feeding a few weeks on the seeds it becomes fat, juicy, and tender. He adds that the farther in- land, the more plentifully does it occur, which may be owing to the many steamers that ply on the rivers along the sea coast, where very few are to be seen. They are however followed in their retreats, and shot in great numbers, so that the markets of Charleston are now amply supplied with them. He also informs me that he has known hybrid broods produced by a male of this species and the common domestic duck ; and that he had three of these hybrid females, the eggs of all of which were productive. The young birds were larger than either of their parents, but although they laid eggs in the course of the follow- ing spring, not one of these proved impregnated. He further states that he procured three nests of the Dusky Duck in the State of New York. The young of this species, in the early part of autumn, afford de- licious eating, and, in my estimation, are much uperior in this respect to the more celebrated Canvass-back Duck. That the species should not before now have been brought into a state of perfect domestica- tion, only indicates our reluctance unnecessarily to augment the com- forts which have been so bountifully accorded by Nature to the inhabi- tants of our happy country. In our eastern markets the price of these pirds is from a dollar to a dollar and fifty cents the pair. They are dearer at New Orleans, but much cheaper in the States of Ohio and Kentucky, where they are still more abundant. Their feathers are elastic, and as valuable as those of any other species. DUSKY DUCK. 21 I have represented a pair of these birds procured in the full per- fection of their plumage. Anas opscura, Lath. Synops. i. p. 545.—Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of the United States, p. 384. Dusxy Duck, Anas osscura, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. viii. p. 141. pl. 72. fig. 5. Dusxy Ducx, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 392. Adult Male. Plate CCCII. Fig. 1. Bill about the length of the head, higher than broad at the base, depressed and widened towards the end, rounded at the tip. Upper mandible with the dorsal line sloping and a little concave, the ridge at the base broad and flat, towards the end broadly convex, as are the sides, the edges soft and thin, the marginal lamella about forty on each side; the unguis obovate, curved, abrupt at the end. Nasal groove elliptical, sub-basal, filled by the soft membrane of the bill; nostrils sub-basal, placed near the ridge, longitudinal, elliptical, pervious. Lower mandible slightly curved upwards, flattened, with the angle very long, narrow, and rather pointed, the lamellz about sixty. Head of moderate size, oblong, compressed; neck rather long and slender ; body full, depressed. Feet short, stout, placed a little behind the centre of the body; legs bare a little above the joint; tarsus short, a little compressed, anteriorly with small scutella, externally of which is a series continuous with those of the outer toe, laterally and behind with reticulated angular scales. Hind toe extremely small, with a very narrow membrane ; third toe longest, fourth a little shorter, but longer than the second ; the scutella of the second and third oblique, of the outer transverse ; the three anterior toes connected by reticulated membranes, the outer with a thick margin, the inner with the margin extended into a slightly lobed web. Claws small, arched, compressed, rather obtuse, that of the middle toe much larger, with a dilated, thin edge. Plumage dense, soft, and elastic ; on the head and neck the feathers linear-oblong, on the other parts in general broad and rounded. Wings of moderate breadth and length, acute; primaries narrow and taper- ing, the second longest, the first very little shorter ; secondaries broad, curved inwards, the inner elongated and tapering. Tail short, much rounded, of eighteen acute feathers, none of which are reserved. 22 DUSKY DUCK. Bill yellowish-green, the unguis dusky. Iris dark brown. Feet orange-red, the webs dusky. The upper part of the head is glossy brownish-black, the feathers margined with light brown ; the sides of the head and a band over the eye are light greyish-brown, with longi- tudinal dusky streaks; the middle of the neck is similar, but more dusky. The general colour is blackish-brown, a little paler beneath, all the feathers margined with pale reddish-brown. The wing-coverts are greyish-dusky, with a faint tinge of green; the ends of the secondary coverts velvet-black. Primaries and their coverts blackish-brown, with the shafts brown; secondaries darker; the speculum is green, blue, violet, or amethyst purple, according to the light in which it is viewed, bounded by velvet-black, the feathers also tipped with a narrow line of white. The whole under surface of the wing, and the axillaries, white. Length to end of tail 244 inches, to end of claws 26; extent of wings 381; bill 2,4, along the back ; wing from flexure 114; tail 4,4 ; tarsus 154; middle toe 2,3, its claw 4; ; first toe ;5, its claw %- Weight 3 lb. Adult Female. Plate CCCII. Fig. 2. The female, which is somewhat smaller, resembles the male in co- lour, but is more brown, and has the speculum of the same tints, but without the white terminal line. Length to end of tail 22 inches, to end of wings 21%, to end of claws 22; wing from flexure 101; extent of wings 34} ; tarsus 2, mid- dle toe and claw 24; hind toe and claw 75. In this species, the number of feathers in the tail is eighteen, al- though it has been represented as sixteen. In form and proportions the Dusky Duck is very closely allied to the Mallard. The following account of the digestive and respiratory organs is obtained from the ex- amination of an adult male. On the upper mandible are 43 lamelle; on the lower, 85 in the upper, and 56 in the lower series. The tongue is 1,, inch long, with the sides parallel and furnished with a double row of filaments, nume- rous small conical papille at the base, a median groove on the upper surface, and a thin rounded appendage, a twelfth and a half in length at the tip. The aperture of the glottis is 7,4, long, with very nume- DUSKY DUCK. 23 rous minute papille behind. ‘The cesophagus 12 inches long, of a uni- form diameter of ;4,, until near the lower part of the neck, where it enlarges to 78, again contracts as it enters the thorax, ending in the proventriculus, which is 1} long, with numerous oblong glandules, about a twelfth in length. Gizzard obliquely elliptical, 2} inches across, 1,8, in length, its lateral muscles extremely large, the left }¢ in thickness, the right ,%; their tendons large and strong; the lower muscle moderately thick; the cuticular lining firm and rugous, the grinding surfaces nearly smooth. The intestine, which is 5 feet 74 inches long, is slender and nearly uniform in diameter, measuring ;5 across in the duodenal portion, 3, in the rest of its extent; the rectum 33 inches long, dilated into a globular cloaca 1 inch in length, and of nearly the same diameter. The ceca are 6} long, }4 in diameter for 2 inches of their length, enlarged to ,% in the rest of their extent, and terminating in an obtuse extremity. The trachea, moderately extended, is 10 inches long. Its lateral or contractor muscles are strong, and it is furnished with a pair of cleido tracheals, and a pair of sterno-tracheals. The number of rings is 136, besides 12 united rings forming a large inferior larynx, which has a transversely oblong bony expansion, forming on the left side a bulging and rounded sac. There are 28 bronchial half rings on the right side, 26 on the left. (2449 BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. ToTANUS BARTRAMIUS, TEMM. PLATE CCCIII. Mater anp FEMate. Tue Bartramian Sandpiper is the most truly terrestrial of its tribe with which I am acquainted. It is even more inclined, at all seasons, to keep away from the water, than the Kildeer Plover, which may of- ten be seen wading in shallow pools, or searching along the sandy or muddy margins of the shores of the sea, or of fresh-water lakes and streams. Although not unfrequently met with in the vicinity of such places, it never ventures to wade into them; and yet the form and length of its legs and feet would naturally induce a person not ac- quainted with its habits to consider it as a wading bird. The dry upland plains of those sections of Louisiana called Opel- lousas and Attacapas, are amply peopled with this species in early spring, as well as in autumn. They arrive there from the vast prairies of Texas and Mexico, where they spend the winter, in the beginning of March, or about the period of the first appearance of the Martins, Hirundo purpurea, and return about the first of August. They are equally abundant on all the western prairies on either side of the Mis- souri, where, however, they arrive about a month later than in Loui- siana, whence they disperse over the United States, reaching the middle districts early in May, and the State of Maine by the middle of that month, or about the same period at which they are seen in Indiana, Kentucky, and Ohio. Some proceed as far north as the plains adjoin- ing the Saskatchewan River, where Dr Ricnarpson met with this spe - cies in the month of May. It has been supposed that the Bartramian Sandpiper never forms large flocks, but this is not correct, for in the neighbourhood of New Orleans, where it is called the “* Papabote,” it usually arrives in great bands in spring, and is met with on the open plains and large grassy savannahs, where it generally remains about two weeks, though sometimes indi- viduals may be seen as late as the 15th of May. I have observed the same circumstances on our western prairies, but have thought that they were afterwards obliged to separate into small flocks, or even into BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. 25 pairs, as soon as they are ready to seek proper places for breeding in, for I have seldom found more than two pairs with nests or young in the same field or piece of ground. On their first arrival, they are ge- nerally thin, but on their return southward, in the beginning of Au- gust, when they tarry in Louisiana until the first of October, they are fat and juicy. I have observed, that in spring, when they are poor, they are usually much less shy than in autumn, when they are exceed- ingly wary and difficult of approach; but this general observation is not without exceptions, and the difference, I think, depends on the nature . of the localities in which they happen to be found at either period. When on newly ploughed fields, which they are fond of frequenting, they see a person at a greater distance than when they are searching for food among the slender grasses of the plains. I have also thought that the size of the flocks may depend upon similar contingencies, for this bird is by no means fond of the society of man. Like the Spotted Sandpiper, Totanus macularius, they not unfre- quently alight on fences, trees, and out-houses ; but whether in such situations or on the ground, they seldom settle without raising both wings upright to their full extent, and uttering their loud and pro- longed, but pleasing notes. ‘They run with great activity, stop sud- denly, and vibrate their body once or twice. When earnestly followed by the sportsman, they lower their heads in the manner of Witson’s Plover, and the species called the Piping, and run off rapidly, or squat, according to the urgency of the occasion. At other times, they par- tially extend their wings, run a few steps as if about to fly, and then cunningly move off sideways, and conceal themselves among the grass, or behind a clod. You are not unfrequently rendered aware of your being within sight of them, by unexpectedly hearing their plaintive and mellow notes, a circumstance, however, which I always concluded to be indicative of the wariness of their disposition, for although you have just heard those well-known cries, yet, on searching for the bird, you nowhere see it, for the cunning creature has slipped away and hid itself. When wounded in the wing, they run to a ereat distance, and are rarely found. Like all experienced travellers, they appear to accommodate them- selves to circumstances as regards their food, for in Louisiana, they feed on cantharides and other coleopterous insects ; in Massachusetts on grasshoppers, on which my friend Nurraut says, they soon grow very 26 BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. fat ; in the Carolinas on crickets and other insects, as well as the seeds: of the crab-grass, Digitaria sanguinaria ; and in the barrens of Ken- tucky they often pick the strawberries. Those which feed much on cantharides, require to be very carefully cleaned, otherwise persons eating them are liable to suffer severely. Several gentlemen of New Orleans have assured me, that they have seen persons at dinner ob- liged to leave the room at once, under such circumstances, which can- not well be described here. When flavoured. with the ripe strawber- ries, on which they have fed, their flesh is truly delicious. This species performs its migrations by night as well as by day. - Its flight is rather swift and well sustained. While travelling, it ge- nerally flies so high as to be beyond reach of the gun: but if the wea- ther be cloudy, or if it blow hard, it flies lower, and may easily be shot. It generally proceeds in straggling bands, and moves along with con- tinuous easy beats of the wings, but sails, as it were, when about to alight, as well as during the love season. As long ago as 1805 and 1806, I observed this species win Sih in the meadows and green-fields of my plantation of Millgrove, near the banks of Perkioming Creek. Since then, I have known of its rearing broods in different parts of Pennsylvania, in the State of New York, and in various districts to the eastward as far as the confines of Maine ; but I did not find it in Newfoundland or Labrador ; and I have reason to believe that it does not breed to the south of Maryland. My friend, the Rev. Dr Bacuman, has informed me that the Bar- tramian Sandpipermakes its appearance in South Carolina aboutthe 15th of July, the hottest period of the year, in considerable numbers, be- takes itself at once to the high grassy lands, and there remains about a month. He considers it to be then on its return from the north, and states that it is very fat and affords delicious food. His manner of shoot- ing them is, to ride in a chair or gig over the fields which they frequent, or along the roads in their neighbourhood, by which means they can be approached near enough to enable the sportsman to shoot with al- most a certainty of success, as the bird rises out of the grass. If one attempts to get near them on foot, they rise at too great a distance, then sweep in circles over the spot, and alight a considerable way off. They are seldom met with there in flocks of more than four or five in- dividuals. I have found the eggs of this bird laid on the bare earth, in a hollow BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. 27 scooped out to the depth of about an inch and a half, near the roots of a tuft of rank grass, in the middle of a meadow, and seen some nests of the same species formed of loosely arranged grasses, and placed al- most beneath low bushes growing on poor elevated ridges, furnished with ascanty vegetation. I have also heard my esteemed young friend, JoHn Trupeav, state that he had discovered one on a high part of the bank of the Delaware River. When disturbed while on its nest, but unobserved, it runs thirty or forty yards, and then flies off as if severely wounded. Should it have young, its attempts to decoy you away are quite enough to induce you to desist from harassing it. The eggs measure an inch and five and a half eighths, by an inch and a quarter in their greatest breadth. In form they resemble those of Totanus macularius, being broadly rounded atone end, andrather pointed at the other; their surface smooth ; their ground colour dull greyish-yellow, with numerous spots of light purple and reddish-brown. They are placed in the nest in the same manner as those of the Spotted Sandpiper, that is, with the smaller ends together, which is also the case with those of the Tell-tale Godwit, Wilson’s Plover, and the Kildeer Plover. The young, which run about immediately after exclusion, grow rapidly, and in about a month are able to use their wings, after which, they and their parents gradually, and according to the temperature of the season, move southward. In Massachusetts, and to the eastward of that state, this species is best known by the name of “Upland Plover,” and in some other dis- tricts itis named the Field Plover. The drawing from which the plate was engraved was taken from individuals shot near Bayou Sara, in the State of Mississippi. Toranus Bartramtius, Ch. Bonap., Synopsis of Birds of the United States, p. 262. Tries Bartrramia, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. vii. p. 63. pl. 59. fig. 2. Bartramian TarrteER, WVuttall, Manual, vol. i. p. 169. Toranus Bartramtivs, Richards. and Swains. Fauna Bor. Amer. vol. ii- p. 391._ Adult Male. Plate CCCIII. Fig. 1. Bill a little longer than the head, slender, straight, slightly defected at the end. Upper mandible with the dorsal line straight, the ridge convex, the sides grooved beyond the middle, afterwards convex, the edges inflected, the tips a little deflected, and tapering to an obtuse 28 BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER point. Nostrils sub-basal, lateral, linear, pervious, nearer the edge than the dorsal line. Lower mandible, with the angle very narrow and elon- gated, beyond it the outline slightly convex, the sides sloping outwards and concave until the middle, afterwards flattened, the edges sharp, the point very narrow. Head rather small, convex above, compressed. Neck of moderate length, slender. Body rather slender. Feet long and slender; tibia bare for about half its length, scutellate before and behind; tarsus long, slender, having before and behind numerous scutella, the narrow lateral spaces with very small oblong scales. Toes slender, the first very short, the second much shorter than the fourth, the third and fourth connected at the base by a web; the scutella numerous; claws small, compressed, slightly arched, rather blunt. Plumage soft, on the neck and lower parts, blended; on the upper rather distinct. Wings rather long, acute, narrow; primaries taper- ing, and rounded, the first longest, the second a little shorter, the rest rapidly graduated; secondaries obliquely rounded, the inner elongated and tapering. Tail of moderate length, much rounded, of twelve ra- ther narrow feathers. Bill yellowish -green, the tip dusky, the edges towards the base yellow. Iris dark hazel. Legs and tarsi light yellowish-grey, toes rather darker, claws brownish-black. Upper part of the head dark brown, with a median pale yellowish-brown line, the margins of the feathers also of that colour, which prevails along the sides of the head and the back of the neck, which are streaked with dusky; the eye sur- rounded with yellowish-white. Throat yellowish white, without spots ; fore-part and sides of the neck, with a portion of the breast and sides of the body, cream-coloured, with dusky lines, which gradually become arrow-shaped on the breast, forming a double transverse band ; the fea- thers on the sides barred; the rest of the lower parts yellowish-white, the lower tail-coverts rich cream-coloured. Axillar feathers and lower wing-coverts white, banded with brownish-black. On the upper parts the feathers are dark brown, glossed with green, with rich cream-colour- ed margins; the rump darker. On the margins of the scapulars, with- in the pale edge, is a series of dusky spots, which towards the end be- come continuous. Alula, primary coverts, and primary quills, blackish- brown, the inner webs crossed by white bands, until about an inch from the end, the shaft of the first quill white, those of the rest dusky. BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. 29 Y Secondaries greyish-brown, their outer margins pale brown, with dusky spots; the inner darker. The two middle feathers of the tail are dark olive, tinged with grey, transversely barred with black, the last bar ar- row-shaped, the margins light cream-colour: the next feather on each side lighter, and tinged with yellowish-red; the rest gradually lighter, the outer white, all barred with black. Length to end of tail 124 inches, to end of wings 11}, to end of claws 133; extent of wings 22; wing from flexure 7; tail 33; bare part of tibia ~,; tarsus 1 43, first toe ;4, its claw 1,4,; middle-toe 1, its claw 24, ; bill along the ridge 1,4,; along the edge of lower man- dible 13,. Weight 6 oz. Female. Plate CCCIII. Fig. 2. The female is a little larger, and weighs 7 oz., but resembles the male in colour. The individual of which the weight is here given was very fat, but I have never met with any that weighed three-fourths of a pound, as described by Wutson ! Length to end of tail 13 inches, to end of claws 14, extent of wings 223. In an adult bird of this species, the tongue measures seven-twelfths of an inch in length, and is sagittate at the base, with conical papilla, of which the outermost is much larger, then contracted, being deeper than broad, and tapering to a very acute compressed point. Aperture of the glottis ,% long, with numerous papille behind, the middle two largest. The cesophagus is 5} inches long, of uniform diameter, measur- ing about ,*°, across, and passing along the right side of the neck, along with the trachea. Proventriculus oblong, ,8, in diameter, its glandules extremely numerous, oblong, half a twelfth in length. The stomach is a strong gizzard of an oblong form; an inch and a twelfth long, nine- twelfths in breadth, its lateral muscles of moderate thickness, the right 12> the left 73, the central tendons oblong, 3, in diameter. The cu- ticular lining is tough, of moderate thickness, longitudinally rugous, the grinding plates scarcely thicker than the rest. The intestine is 18 inches long, its diameter generally 34. The rectum 2! inches long ; the ceca 2,%,, very slender, their greatest diameter being only 14; the cloaca globular, about 4 inch in diameter. The stomach was filled with remains of grasshoppers, of a deep red colour, with which the 30 BARTRAMIAN SANDPIPER. inner coat was tinged, together with the head of a Libellula. No gra-_ vel or other hard substances. The trachea moderately extended is 3}$ inches long, its transverse diameter 24, diminishing to 33. The rings are unossified and ex- tremely thin, 105 in number; the contractor or lateral muscles feeble ; the inferior larynx simple, with a single pair of tracheali-bronchiales, and the usual sterno-tracheales ; the bronchi of about 15 half-rings. This individual presented a very remarkable accumulation of fat over the abdominal and pectoral muscles, and especially about the furcula. @ sale) TURNSTONE. STREPSILAS INTERPRES, ILLIGER. PLATE CCCIV. Apbutt 1n SUMMER anD WINTER. Turis bird, which, in its full vernal dress, is one of the most beauti- ful of its family, is found along the southern coasts of the United States during winter, from North Carolina to the mouth of the Sabine River, in considerable numbers, although perhaps as many travel at that season into Texas and Mexico, where I observed it on its journey eastward, from the beginning of April to the end of May 1837. I pro- cured many specimens in the course of my rambles along the shores of the Florida Keys, and in the neighbourhood of St Augustine, and have met with it in May and June, as well as in September and October, in almost every part of our maritime shores, from Maine to Maryland. On the coast of Labrador I looked for it in vain, although Dr Ricx- ARDSON mentions their arrival at their breeding quarters on the shores of Hudson’s Bay and the Arctic Sea up to the seventy-fifth parallel. In spring the Turnstone is rarely met with in flocks exceeding five or six individuals, but often associates with other species, such as the Knot, the Red-backed Sandpiper, and the Tringa subarquata. To- wards the end of autumn, however, they collect into large flocks, and so continue during the winter. I have never seen it on the margins of rivers or lakes, but always on the shores of the sea, although it prefers those of the extensive inlets so numerous on our coasts. At times it rambles to considerable distances from the beach, for I have found it on rocky islands thirty miles from the main- land ; and on two occasions, whilst crossing the Atlantic, I saw several flocks near the Great Banks flying swiftly, and rather close to the water around the ships, after which they shot off toward the south-west, and in a few minutes were out of sight. It seems to be a hardy bird, for some of them remain in our Eastern Districts until severe frost pre- vails. Having seen some, in the beginning of June, and in superb plumage, on the high grounds of the Island of Grand Mannan, in the Bay of Fundy, I supposed that they bred there, although none of my party succeeded in discovering their nests. Indeed the young, as I 32 TURNSTONE. have been informed, are obtained there, and along the coast of Maine, in the latter part of July. I have found this bird much more shy when in company with other species than when in flocks by itself, when it appears to suspect no danger from man. Many instances of this seeming inattention have occurred to me, among others the following:—When I was on the island of Galveston in Texas, my friend Epwarp Harkxts, my son, and some others of our party, had shot four deer, which the sailors had brought to our little camp near the shore. Feeling myself rather fa~ tigued, I did not return to the bushes with the rest, who went in search of more venison for our numerous crew, but proposed, with the assist- ance of one of the sailors, to skin the deer. After each animal was stripped of its hide, and deprived of its head and feet, which were thrown away, the sailor and I took it to the water and washed it. To my surprise, I observed four Turnstones directly in our way to the water. They merely ran to a little distance out of our course, and on our returning, came back immediately to the same place ; this they did four different times, and, after we were done, they remained busily _ engaged in searching for food. None of them was more than fifteen or twenty yards distant, and I was delighted to see the ingenuity with which they turned over the oyster-shells, clods of mud, and other small bodies left exposed by the retiring tide. Whenever the object was not too large, the bird bent its legs to half their length, placed its bill beneath it, and with a sudden quick jerk of the head pushed it off, when it quickly picked up the food which was thus exposed to view, and walked deliberately to the next shell to perform the same opera- tion. In several instances, when the clusters of oyster-shells or clods of mud were too heavy to be removed in the ordinary way, they would use not only the bill and head, but also the breast, pushing the object with all their strength, and reminding me of the labour which I have undergone in turning over a large turtle. Among the sea-weeds that had been cast on the shore, they used only the bill, tossing the garbage from side to side, with a dexterity extremely pleasant to behold. In this manner, I saw these four Turnstones examine almost every part of the shore along a space of from thirty to forty yards ; after which I drove them away, that our hunters might not kill them on their return. On another occasion, when in company with Mr Harris, and on the same island I witnessed the salve pleasing proceeding, several TURNSTONE. 33 Turnstones being engaged in searching for food in precisely the same manner. At other times, and especially when in the neighbourhood of St Augustine, in East Florida, I used to amuse myself with watching these birds on the racoon-oyster banks, using my glass for the purpose. I observed that they would search for such oysters as had been killed by the heat of the sun, and pick out their flesh precisely in the man- ner of our Common Oyster-catcher, Hamatopus palliatus, while they would strike at such small bivalves as had thin shells, and break them, as I afterwards ascertained, by walking to the spot. While on the Florida coast, near Cape Sable, I shot one in the month of May, that had its stomach filled with those beautiful shells, which, on account of their resemblance to grains of rice, are commonly named rice-shells. I have always looked upon the Turnstone, while at its avocations, as a species very nearly allied to the Oyster-catcher ; and, although it certainly differs in some particulars, were I to place it in a position determined by its affinities, I should remove it at once from the Tringa family. Its mode of searching for food around pebbles and other ob- jects, the comparative strength of its legs, its retiring disposition, and its loud whistling notes while on wing, will, I think, prove at some period that what I have ventured to advance may be in accordance with the only true system, by which I mean Nature’s own system, could one be so fortunate as to understand it. While this species remains in the United States, although its resi- dence is protracted to many months, very few individuals are met with in as complete plumage as the one represented in my plate with the wings fully extended; for out of a vast number of specimens procured from the beginning of March to the end of May, or from August to May, I have scarcely found two to correspond precisely in their markings. For this reason, no doubt exists in my mind that this species, as well as the Knot and several others, loses its rich summer plumage soon after the breeding season, when the oldest become scarcely distinguish- able from the young. In the spring months, however, I have observed that they gradually improve in beauty, and acquire full-coloured fea- thers in patches on the upper and lower surfaces of the body, in the _same manner as the Knot, the Red-breasted Snipe, the Godwits, and several other species. According to Mr Hewitson, the eggs are four in number, rather suddenly pointed towards the smaller end, generally an inch and four and a half eighths in length, an inch and one and a half VOL, IV. c 34 TURNSTONE. eighths in their greatest breadth, their ground colour pale yellowish-. green, marked with irregular patches and streaks of brownish-red, and a few lines of black. My drawing of the Turnstones represented in the plate was made at Philadelphia, in the end of May 1824; and the beautiful specimen exhibited in the act of flying, I procured near Camden, while in the agreeable company of my talented friend Lr Surur, who, alas! is now no more. I have not observed any remarkable difference m the plumage of the sexes at any season of the year. The males I have generally found to be somewhat larger than the females, which, as is well known, is not the case in the Tringa family. My worthy friend, Dr Bacuman, once had a bird of this species alive. It had recovered from a slight wound in the wing, when he presented it to a lady, a friend of his and mine, who fed it on boiled rice, and bread soaked in milk, of both of which it was very fond. It continued in.a state of captivity upwards of a year, but was at last killed by accident. It had become perfectly gentle, would eat from the hand of its kind mistress, frequently bathed in a basin placed near it for the purpose, and never attempted to escape, although left quite at liberty to do so. : Trinca intERPRES, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol i. p. 248.—Lath. Ind. Orn. vol. ii. p. 738- TRINGA MORINELLA, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 249. TuRNSTONE, TRINGA INTERPRES, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. vii. p. 32. pl. 57. fig. 1- Srrepsrias cotiaris, Temm. Man. d’Ornith, part ii. p. 553. Srrepsitas InreRPRES, Ch. Bonap. Synopsis of Birds of the United States, 299. TurnsTone or Sea-DoTTEREL, Wuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 30. Adult Male in Summer. Plate CCCIV. Fig. 1. Bill a little shorter than the head, rather stout, compressed, taper- ing, straightish, being recurvate in a slight degree. Upper mandible with the dorsal line very slightly concave, the nasal groove extending to the middle, the sides beyond it sloping, the tip depressed and blunt- ed. Nostrils sub-basal linear-oblong, pervious. Lower mandible with the angle short, the dorsal line ascending and slightly convex, the sides convex, the edges sharp, the tip depressed and blunted. Head small, ovate ; eyes of moderate size. Neck of ordinary length. TURNSTONE. 85 Body rather full. Feet of moderate length, stout; tibia bare at the lower part, and covered with reticulated scales ; tarsus roundish, with numerous broad anterior scutella; toes four, the first very small, and placed higher than the rest; the anterior toes free to the base, dis- tinctly margined on both edges, the inner toe a little shorter than the outer, the third or middle toe considerably longer ; claws rather small, arcuate, compressed, blunted. Plumage full, soft, rather dense, and glossy ; feathers on the hind neck blended, and rather narrow, on the other parts ovate. Wings long, pointed, of moderate breadth: primaries with strong shafts, ra- ther broad, narrowed towards the end, the first longest, the rest rapidly decreasing ; outer secondaries incurved, obliquely rounded; inner elon- gated, one of them extending to half an inch of the tip of the longest primary, when the wing is closed. ‘Tail rather short, slightly rounded, of twelve moderately broad, rounded feathers. Bill black. Ivris hazel. Feet deep orange red, claws black. Plu- mage variegated with white, black, brown, and red. Upper parts of the head and nape streaked with black and reddish-white ; a broad band of white crosses the forehead, passes over the eyes, and down the sides of the neck, the hind-part of which is reddish-white faintly mottled with dusky ; a frontal band of black curves downwards before the eye, enclosing a white patch on the lore, and meeting another black band glossed with blue, which proceeds down the neck, from the base of the lower mandible, enlarging behind the ear, covering the whole anterior part of the neck, and passing along the shoulder over the scapulars; the throat, hind part of the back, the outer scapulars, upper tail-coverts, and the under parts of the body and wings, white. Anterior smaller wing-coverts dusky, the rest bright chestnut or brownish-orange, as are the outer webs of the inner tertiaries; alula, primary coverts, outer secondary coverts and quills blackish-brown, their inner webs becoming white towards the base; a broad band of white extends across the wing, including the bases of the primary quills, excepting the outer four, and the ends of the secondary coverts ; the shafts of the primaries white. Tail white, with a broad blackish-brown bar towards the end, broader in the middle, the tips white. A dusky band crosses the rump. Length to end of tail 9 inches, to end of wings 83, to end of claws 10; extent of wings 182; along the ridge 9,4,, along the edge of lower mandible +4; wing from flexure 67;; tail 2;4; tarsus +3; hind toe c2 36 TURNSTONE. aa nea, ; : 73» its claw 4; middle toe 39, its claw 34. Average weight of three . specimens 33 oz. Male in winter. Plate CCCIV. Fig. 2. — In winter, the throat, lower parts, middle of the back, upper tail- coverts, and band across the wing, are white, as in summer; the tail, and quills, are also similarly coloured, but the inner secondaries are des- titute of red, of which there are no traces on the upper parts, they be-- ing of a dark greyish-brown colour, the feathers tipped or margined with paler; the outer edges of the outer scapulars, and some of the smaller wing-coverts, white ; on the sides and fore part of the neck the feathers blackish, with white shafts. Individuals vary much according to age and sex, as well in size as in colour, scarcely two in summer plumage being found exactly similar. In a male bird, the tongue is £4 of an inch in length, sagittate and papillate at the base, concave above, narrow, and tapering to the point. The cesophagus is 4} inches long, inclines to the right, is rather nar- row, and uniform, its diameter #. Proventriculus oblong, .8, in length, iz In breadth, its glandules cylindrical. Stomach oblong, }} in length, its cuticular lining very tough and hard, with broad longitudinal rug, its lateral muscles moderately large. Intestine 17} inches long, slen- der, varying in diameter from ?4 to 74; rectum 13; ceca 1,8, 44 in diameter at the commencement, ;4 toward the end; cloaca globular. The trachea is 3} inches long, 2, in breadth, contracts to ; ; its lateral muscles very thin ; sterno-tracheal slender, a pair of tracheali- bronchial muscles. The rings are very thin and unossified, 104 in number. Bronchi of moderate length, with about 15 half rings. In a female, the oesophagus is 4} inches long, the intestine 18. In both individuals, the stomach contained fragments of shells, and claws of very small crabs: which were also found in the intestine, although there more comminuted. sari) PURPLE GALLINULE. GALLINULA MARTINICA, LaTH. PLATE CCCV. Mate. Reaber, although you may think it strange, I candidly assure you that I have experienced a thousand times more pleasure while looking at the Purple Gallinule flirting its tail while gaily moving over the broad leaves of the water-lily, than I have ever done while silently sitting in the corner of a crowded apartment, gazing on the fiutterings of gaudy fans and the wavings of flowing plumes. Would that I were once more extended on some green grassy couch, in my native Louisiana, or that I lay concealed under some beautiful tree, over- hanging the dark bayou, on whose waters the bird of beauty is wont to display its graceful movements, and the rich hues of its glossy plumage! Methinks I now see the charming creature gliding sylph- like over the leaves that cover the lake, with the aid of her lengthened toes, so admirably adapted for the purpose, and seeking the mate, who, devotedly attached as he is, has absented himself, perhaps in search of some secluded spot in which to place their nest. Now he comes, gracefully dividing the waters of the tranquil pool, his frontal crest glowing with the brightest azure. Look at his wings, how elegantly they are spread and obliquely raised; see how his expanded tail strikes the water; and mark the movements of his head, which is al- ternately thrown backward and forward, as if he were congratulating his mate on their happy meeting. Now both birds walk along cling- ing to the stems and blades, their voices clearly disclosing their mutual feelings of delight, and they retire to some concealed place on the near- est shore, where we lose sight of them for a time. Now, side by side, they look for the most secure spot among the tall rushes that border the lake, and there they will soon form a nest, removed alike from danger to be dreaded from the inhabitants of the land as of the water. On the thick mass of withered leaves are deposited the precious eggs, from which in time emerge the dusky younglings, that presently betake themselves to the water, over which 38 PURPLE GALLINULE. they wander, guided by their affectionate parent, until it becomes ex- pedient for the party to disperse. The Purple Gallinule is a constant resident in the United States, although peculiar to their southern districts, where I have met with it at all seasons. It is in the Floridas, the lower parts of Alabama, and among the broad marshes bordering the Gulf of Mexico, in Lower Louisiana, that I have observed its habits. Beyond the Carolinas eastward, it is only met with as an accidental straggler. It never, I believe, ascends the Mississippi beyond Memphis, where indeed it is but rarely seen; but between Natchez and the mouths of the great river, it is abundant on all the retired bayous and small lakes. The southern portions of Georgia are also furnished with it; but in South Carolina it is rare. Proceeding southwestward along the Gulf of Mexico, I have found it as far as Texas, where it breeds, as well as in Louisiana, where I observed it coming from the south in May 1837. Having studied the habits of this bird under every advantage in Louisiana, and especially in the neighbourhood of New Orleans, and the mouths of the Mississippi, I will now, good Reader, place before you the results of my observation. In the summer months, the Purple Gallinules remove with their broods to the prairies or large savannahs bordering the bayous or lakes on which they have bred, and remain in those places, which are generally covered with thick and tall grass, until the beginning of September, when the vegetation having been dried up by the intense heat and drought, neither food nor sufficient concealment can be obtained. The young birds usually abandon these plains first, and while the colour of their plumage is still green, instead of purplish-blue, which tint, however, is assumed before the return of spring. During all this while, its notes are as frequently heard as during the breeding season. They resemble the delicate whistling sounds of the Blue-winged Teal during its residence with us. At this season also its flesh is best, although it never equals that of the Fresh- water Marsh-hen, Rallus elegans, or of the Sora Rail, Rallus carolinus. On the approach of winter, all the Purple Gallinules leave the sa- vannahs, and betake themselves to the immediate vicinity of ponds, bayous, or rivers, where through experience they become shy, vigilant, and cunning. ‘They seldom remove from one place to another, or tra- vel at all, unless by night, although in sequestered parts they feed both on land and on the water by day. PURPLE GALLINULE. 39 The Purple Gallinule breeds at a remarkably early period of the year. I have found young birds in their jetty down clothing in Fe- bruary, and they have been observed in the same month by the keepers of the lighthouse at the south-west Pass of the Mississippi, at Key West, and in other places. The parent birds are sometimes so very intent on saving their young, as to suffer themselves to be caught. At this period their calls are almost incessantly heard during the whole night, and are elicited during the day by any musical or remarkable noise. The nest is generally placed among a kind of rushes that are green at all seasons, round, very pithy, rarely more than five feet high, and grow more along the margins of ponds than in the water itself. The birds gather many of them, and fasten them at the height of two or three feet, and there the nest is placed. It is composed of the most delicate rushes, whether green or withered, and is quite as sub- stantial as that of the Common Gallinule, flattish, having an internal dia- meter of eight or ten inches, while the entire breadth is about fifteen. The eggs, which are from five to seven, rarely more, are very simi- lar to those of the Common Gallinule, being of a light greyish-yellow, spotted with blackish-brown. The young are at first quite black, and covered with down. They are fully fledged by the first of June, when, as I have said, they and their parents remove to the wet savannahs in the neighbourhood. The jerking motions of the tail of this bird, whenever it is disturbed, or attracted by any remarkable object, are very quick, and so often re- peated as to have a curious appearance. It runs with great speed, and dives with equal address, often moving off under water with nothing but the bill above. The lightness and ease with which it walks on the floating plants are surprising, for in proceeding they scarcely produce any perceptible disturbance of the water. When swimming in full se- curity, they move buoyantly and gracefully, throwing the head forward at every propelling motion of the feet. The flight of this species is less swift than that of the Common Gallinule, or of the Rails, unless when it is travelling far, when it flies high, and advances in a direct course by continued flappings ; but when it is in its breeding or feeding grounds, its flight is slow and short, seldom exceeding thirty or forty yards, and with the legs hanging down ; and it alights among the herbage with its wings spread upwards in the manner of the Rails. It often alights 40 PURPLE GALLINULE. on the low branches of trees and bushes growing over the water, and walks lightly and gracefully over them. It is seldom that more than one Purple Gallinule is shot at a time, unless in the beginning of the love season, when the male and female are apt to swim or walk close together. The male at this period is said to be able to inflate the frontal plate while strutting, but I have never been fortunate enough to observe this. The Purple Gallinule not unfrequently alights on ships at sea. While at the Island of Galveston, on the 26th of April, I was offered several live individuals by the officers of the Boston frigate, which they had caught on board. My friend Joun Bacuman once received three specimens that had been caught three hundred miles from land, one of them having come through the cabin window. He also obtained from the Hon. Mr Pornser a fine specimen caught on board, on the Santee River, in South Carolina, in May. It is easily kept alive if fed with bread soaked in milk; and on this food I have known several that re- mained in good health for years. In Louisiana, where it is called Rale Bleu, its flesh is not held in much estimation, but is used by the ne- groes for making gombo. My friend Bacuman considers this species as rather scarce in South Carolina and Georgia, but states that it breeds there, as he has occa- sionally observed pairs on the head waters or preserves of rice planta- tions during summer, but never met with any in winter. The extreme limit of its range eastward is the neighbourhood of Boston, where a few individuals have been procured. I think I may safely tell you that the figure of the Purple Gallinule exhibited in the plate, is the first ever published from a drawing taken from Nature ! Furica martinica, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 259. GaLLinuLa martinica, Lath. Ind Ornith. p. 769.—Ch. Bonaparte, Synops. p. 336. GALLINULA PorPHYRIO, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. ix. p. 67. pl. 73. fig. 2. PurpLE GaLuinuce, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 221. Adult Male in Spring. Plate CCCV. Bill as long as the head, nearly straight, stout, deep, compressed, ta- pering. Upper mandible with a soft ovate plate at the base extending over a great part of the head, the dorsal line beyond this plate straight- PURPLE GALLINULE. 41 ish and slightly declinate as far as the middle, then arcuato-declinate, the ridge gradually narrowed until over the nostrils. afterwards consi- derably widened, the sides nearly erect, the edges sharp, the notch obsolete. Nasal groove extending nearly to the middle of the bill, broad ; nostrils sub-medial, lateral, oblong, direct, pervious. Lower mandible with the angle rather long and narrow, the sides nearly erect and slightly concave, the dorsal line beyond the angle ascending, straight, the edges sharp and direct, the tip narrowed, rather sharp. Head small, oblong, compressed. Eyes of moderate size. Body much compressed. Feet large, long; tibia bare a considerable way above the joint, and reticulated ; tarsus long, stout, compressed, ante- riorly covered with very broad scutella, laterally and posteriorly with two series of broad scutella, between which on the posterior edge is a series of very minute scales; hind toe comparatively small, middle toe longest, and much longer than the tarsus, fourth longer than second ; toes free, slender, compressed, with numerous broad scutella above, obliquely flattened beneath, marginate; claws very long, slender, slightly arched, much compressed, tapering to a very acute point. Plumage blended, firm, glossy, the feathers ovato-oblong, broad at the end. Wings rather long, broad, rather concave ; ovula large : pri- maries incurvate, broad, third longest, second a twelfth of an inch shorter, fourth two-twelfths shorter than second, which exceeds the first by eleven-twelfths ; secondaries broad and grounded. Tail short, much rounded, of twelve rather weak, rounded feathers, which but slightly exceed the lower coverts. Frontal plate ultramarine blue; bill bright carmine, tipped with bright yellow. Iris bright carmine ; margins of eyelids white. Tarsi, toes, and claws bright yellow. Head, fore part of neck, and breast rich purplish-blue ; abdomen and feathers of legs dusky ; sides green ; low- er wing-coverts light green; sides of the neck light purplish-blue, sha- ded into verdigris and brownish-green above; the fore part of the back verdigris-green, shaded with olivaceous ; the hind part and upper tail-coverts olivaceous ; the coverts and outer webs of the quills green- ish-blue, the inner webs clove-brown ; tail-feathers olivaceous. Length to end of tail 133 inches, to end of wings 134, to end of claws 18; extent of wings 211; bill along the ridge, including frontal plate 2; edge of lower mandible 13 ; tarsus 23 ; hind toe 1, its claw +$ ; middle toe 274, its claw 7%. 42 PURPLE GALLINULE. Weight of one individual 73 0z., of another 84, both males; of a fourth 7 oz.; of a fifth 54; and of a sixth only 43. | The female is somewhat smaller, but similar to the male, the frontal plate is less extended, and the tints of the plumage a little less vivid. The young are at first covered with black down. When fledged they are olivaceous on the upper parts, dull purple beneath; the bill dull green. After the first moult, the bill is light carmine, greenish- yellow at the end, the head dark purple; the plumage coloured as above described, but less brilliant, the tarsi and toes greenish-yellow. In a male bird, the tongue is 10 twelfths of an inch long, sagittate at the base, with conical papille, of which the outer are larger, slightly concave above, horny towards the end, which is thin, rather obtuse, and lacerated. On the middle line of the roof of the mouth anteriorly is a row of large blunt papilla, behind which are two rows; aperture of poste- rior nares linear. (Esophagus 7 inches long, of moderate width, its great- est diameter, at the lower part of the neck, where it isa little dilated, 8 twelfths. Proventriculus 1,4 long; its glandules 1,4, long. Sto- mach a large and powerful gizzard, broadly elliptical, 1} inch long, 1,4 broad, its lateral muscles large, the tendons covering nearly their whole surface, the left muscles 1 inch think, the right 7, the cuticular lining moderately rugous. Intestine 21 inches long, from 7; to 7% in diame- ter. Rectum 23 inches; ceca 2, their diameter ;% towards the end. Trachea, moderately extended, 5} inches long, its greatest breadth 34,, its least 1,4. Its rings 130, very slender, unossified, collapsed, and owing to their narrowness in the middle line before and behind, seeming as if broken there ; bronchi with 15 half-rings. The contrac- tor muscles moderate, the sterno-tracheal slender ; a pair of muscles on the lower larynx, from the lower rings of the trachea to the membrane over the first bronchial ring. In the mouth was a small frog, in the pharynx two, in the cesopha- gus two more, a large piece of root, numerous fragments of insects, and a leach, the frogs 24 inches long. In the gizzard were seeds, and — fragments of white fleshy roots. ( 43°) GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. ~ CoLYMBUS GLACIALIS, LINN. PLATE CCCVI. Aputr Mate anp Youne MAte. Tue Loon, as this interesting species of Diver is generally called in the United States, is a strong, active, and vigilant bird. When it has acquired its perfect plumage, which is not altered in colour at any successive moult, it is really a beautiful creature; and the student of Nature who has opportunities of observing its habits, cannot fail to de- rive much pleasure from watching it as it pursues its avocations. View it as it buoyantly swims over the heaving billows of the Atlantic, or as it glides along deeply immersed, when apprehensive of danger, on the placid lake, on the grassy islet of which its nest is placed; calcu- late, if you can, the speed of its flight, as it shoots across the sky ; mark the many plunges it performs in quest of its finny food, or in eluding its enemies ; list to the loud and plaintive notes which it issues, either to announce its safety to its mate, or to invite some traveller of its race to alight, and find repose and food; follow the anxious and careful mother-bird, as she leads about her precious charge ; and you will not count your labour lost, for you will have watched the ways of one of the wondrous creations of unlimited Power and unerring Wis- dom. You will find pleasure too in admiring the glossy tints of its head and neck, and the singular regularity of the unnumbered spots by which its dusky back and wings are checkered. I have met with the Great Diver, in winter, on all the water- courses of the United States, whence, however, it departs when the cold becomes extreme, and the surface is converted into an impene- trable sheet of ice. I have seen it also along the whole of our Atlan- tic coast, from Maine to the extremity of Florida, and from thence to the mouths of the Mississippi, and the shores of Texas, about Galves- ton Island, where some individuals in the plumage characteristic of the second moult, were observed in the course of my late expedition, in the month of April 1837. Indeed, as is the case with most other species of migrating birds, the young remove farther south that the old indi- 44 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. viduals, which are better able to withstand the cold and tempests of the wintry season. | The migratory movements of this bird seem to be differently ma- naged in the spring and autumn. In the latter case, a great number of young Loons are seen to alight on the head waters of our great streams, on which, without much exertion, being aided by the current, they float along, diving at intervals in pursuit of the numerous fishes, as they proceed toward milder climes. The few old birds which, at a later date, appear on the same water-courses, frequently take to wing, and shorten their way by flying at a considerable elevation directly across the great bends or peninsulas. These modes of travelling are also adopted by those which advance along the Atlantic coasts, where, indeed, the birds have the double advantage of meeting with food and obtaining repose, on the rivers and on the sea. I think, however, that this maritime course is followed only by such of the Loons as have bred in the more immediate vicinity of the coast. But whether you are in the interior, or on the coast, it is seldom that you see at a time more than one Loon travelling at this season; whereas, in spring, they proceed in pairs, the male taking the lead, as is easily ascertained by observing that the bird in the rear is the smallest. Although its wings are rather small, its flight is strong and rapid, so that it is enabled to traverse a large extent of country on wing. When travelling, or even when only raised from its nest, it moves through the air with all the swiftness of the other species of its tribe, generally passing directly from one point to another, however distant it may be. Its long transits are at times performed at so great an ele- vation, that its form can scarcely be distinguished, and yet, even then, in calm weather, the noise of its wings striking the air comes distinctly on your ear. I have seen them thus, on their way towards Labrador, passing over the head waters of the Bay of Fundy, to cross the Gulf of St Lawrence. Whenever it chances to alight on the water, in the course of its long journeys, it almost immediately dives, as if to taste the water, and judge whether it contains food suited to its appetite. On emerging, and after haying somewhat raised the fore part of its body, shaken its wings, and by a strong shiver rearranged its plumage, it emits its loud echoing call-note, to induce, perchance, some travel- ler of its tribe to alight for awhile, that they may communicate to each other their experience of the past, or their hopes of the future. There GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. 45 is an absurd notion, entertained by persons unacquainted with the na- ture of this bird, that its plaintive cries are a sure indication of vio- lent storms. Sailors, in particular, are ever apt to consider these call- notes as portentous. In the course of a voyage from Charleston to the Florida Keys, in May 1832, I several times saw and heard Loons tra- velling eastward; but, notwithstanding all the dire forebodings of the crew, who believed that a hurricane was at hand, our passage was ex- ceedingly pleasant. Although I have heard the notes of the Loon in rainy and blowy weather, yet I never heard them so frequent or so loud, both by day and by night, as on the Ohio, during that delightful and peculiarly American autumnal season called the Indian Summer ; when, although not so much as a cloud was seen for weeks, I have fre- quently observed the passing birds checking their flight, or heard the murmuring plash which they produced on alighting upon the placid water, to rest and refresh themselves. Another strange notion, not deserving of credit, although you will find it gravely announced in books, is that, when the Loon is breeding, it will dart down suddenly from the air, and alight securely in its nest. I have never witnessed such a procedure, although I have closely watched, from under cover, at least twenty pairs. On such occasions I have seen the incubating bird pass over the dear spot several times in succession, gradually rounding and descending so as at last to alight obliquely on the water, which it always did at a considerable distance from the nest, and did not approach it until after glancing around and listening attentively, as if to assure itself that it was not watched, when it would swim to the shore, and resume its ofiice. The Loon breeds in various parts of the United States, from Mary- land to Maine. I have ascertained that it nestles in the former of these States, on the Susquehannah river, as well as in the districts between Kentucky and Canada, and on our great lakes. Dr Rictarpson states that it is found breeding as far north as the 70th degree of latitude. The situation and form of the nest differ according to circumstances. Some of those which breed in the State of Maine, place it on the hil- locks of weeds and mud prepared by the musk-rat, on the edges of the lakes, or at some distance from them among the rushes. Other nests, found on the head-waters of the Wabash River, were situated on the mud, amid the rank weeds, more than ten yards from the water. Authors have said that only one pair breed on a lake; but I have found 46 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. three pairs, with their nests, on a pond not exceeding a quarter of a mile in length, in the State of Maine. One that I saw after the young had left it, on Cayuga Lake, in 1824, was almost afloat, and rudely at- tached to the rushes, more than forty yards from the land, though its base was laid on the bottom, the water being eight or nine inches deep. Others examined in Labrador were placed on dry land, several yards from the water, and raised to the height of nearly a foot above the decayed moss on which they were laid. But, in cases when the nest was found at any distance from the water, we discovered a well- beaten path leading to it, and very much resembling those made by the Beaver, to which the hunters give the name of “ crawls.” The nest, wherever placed, is bulky, and formed of the vegetable substances found in the immediate vicinity, such as fresh or withered grasses and herbaceous plants. The internal part, or the true nest, which is rarely less than a foot, and is sometimes fifteen inches, in diameter, is raised upon the external or inferior mass, to the height of seven or eight inches. Such was one found on the 5th July 1835, in Labrador, and which was placed within three yards of the edge of a considerable pond of limpid water, supposed to have been produced by the melt- ing of the snow, and upwards of a mile distant from the sea. Of the many nests which I have examined, I have found more containing three than two eggs, and I am confident that the former number is that which more frequently occurs, although many European, and some American writers, who probably never saw a nest of this bird, allege the contrary. The eggs average three inches and three quarters in length, by two inches and a quarter in their greatest breadth, and thus are considerably elongated, being particularly narrowed from the bulge to the smaller end, which is rather pointed. They are of a dull green- ish-ochry tint, rather indistinctly marked with spots of dark umber, which are more numerous toward the larger extremity. The weight of two of these eggs, containing young nearly ready to emerge, was ten ounces and a half. In Maine the Loon lays fully a month earlier than in Labrador, and about the same period as on the Wabash. On approaching the female while sitting on her eggs, I assured my- self that she incubates with her body laid flat upon them, in the same way as the Domestic Duck, and that, on perceiving the intruder, she squats close, and so remains until he is almost over her, when she springs up with great force, and makes at once for the water, in a GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. 47 scrambling and sliding manner, pushing herself along the ground. On gaining the water, she dives at once, emerges at a great distance, and very rarely suffers herself to be approached within gunshot. Some- times they swim so deeply immersed as scarcely to be perceptible, and keep as much as possible among the rushes and other water plants. When the eggs are on the eve of being hatched, the mother, when dis- turbed, often cries loudly and dismally for some time, but seldom flies off. At other times, when I found the eggs to have been recently laid, the bird, on reaching the water, and diving, swam lightly, flapping its wings, drank once or twice, and moved about at a respectful distance. On such occasions, should you persist in watching it, it rises on wing and flies off. Should you not mark the spot in which the nest is, but leave it to go in pursuit of the bird, you may search for hours before finding it, for the path leading from the water to it is generally covered over by the herbage. Once while approaching a spot in which I knew a Loon to be engaged in forming her nest, I was disappointed at not finding her at work: her keen sense of hearing had apprised her of my purpose, and cunningly must she have slipped away, for, on finding her absent, although I had not heard any noise, I happened to look toward the water, and there she was, gliding off in the quiet manner usual on such occasions. The young of the Loon are covered at birth with a kind of black stiff down, and in a day or two after are led to the water by their mother. They swim and dive extremely well even at this early stage of their existence, and after being fed by regurgitation for about a fort- night, receive portions of fish, aquatic insects, and small reptiles, until they are able to maintain themselves. During this period, grey feathers appear among the down of the back and belly, and the black quill- feathers of the wings and tail gradually elongate. They, are generally very fat, and so clumsy as to be easily caught on land, if their retreat to the water be cut off. But should you miss your opportunity, and the birds succeed in gaining the liquid element, into which they drop like so many Terrapins, you will be astonished to see them as it were run over the water with extreme celerity, leaving behind them a dis- tinct furrow. This power of traversing the surface of the water is possessed not only by the young and old of this species, but by all other kinds of swimmers, including even Gallinules and Coots. When 48 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. the young are well able to fly, the mother entices them to remove from the pond or lake on which they have been bred, and leads them on wing to the nearest part of the sea, after which she leaves them to shift for themselves. Now and then, after this period, the end of August or be- ginning of September, I have still seen the young of a brood, two or three in number, continuing together until they were induced to travel southward, when they generally set out singly. Having given you a figure of a young bird, taken in October 1819 from a specimen obtained on the Ohio, I will not here trouble you with its description, but merely state that the young undergo their first moult in December, when they are seen singularly patched with por- tions of new plumage beautifully speckled with white, on a bed of al- most uniform ash-brown. I was told, while in the State of Maine, that if the young were caught soon after being hatched, and before they had been in the water, they would, if thrown into it, immediately follow a paddled canoe anywhere ; but, as I have not myself made the experiment, I cannot speak of this as a fact. Although it has been generally asserted that Loons cannot walk or run in an efficient manner, I feel assured that on emergency the case is very different. An instance which occurred to my youngest son, JouN Woopunouse, who accompanied me to Labrador, may here be related. One day, when he was in pursuit of some King Ducks, a Loon chanced to fly immediately over him within-shooting distance of his enormous double-barrelled gun. The moment was propitious, and on firing he was glad to see the bird fall broken-winged on the bare granitic rocks. As if perfectly aware of its danger, it immediately rose erect on its feet, and inclining its body slightly forward, ran ot, stumbled, rose again, and getting along in this manner actually reach- ed the water before my son, who is by no means slow of foot. The space traversed was fully an hundred yards, and the water to an equal distance was not more than ankle-deep. The bird and its pursuer ran swiftly through the water, and just as both reached a sudden break about four feet in depth, the Loon, which had been wounded elsewhere than in the wing, expired and floated at the disposal of its enemy, who brought it on board the Ripley; when I entered this anecdote in my journal. These birds are so very strong and hardy that some of the old ones remain in Maine and Massachusetts until all the fresh waters are GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. 49 frozen, first leaving the quiet lakes and ponds, then the slow streams, and lastly the turbulent pools below waterfalls, which latter they do not quit until they are overhung by icicles and deserted of fish. On the other hand, this species returns northward at a later period than most others that breed in high latitudes. I have witnessed the arrival of some on the coast of Labrador, after they had crossed the Gulf of St Lawrence, as late as the 20th of June, after which they had scarce- ly four months to seek out a breeding place, lay their eggs, hatch and rear their young, and with them remove southward, before the rigour of winter commenced. The Great Northern Diver is a heavy-bodied bird, and generally swims rather deep in the water, more especially if apprehensive of im- mediate danger, when scarcely more than two inches in height of its back can be seen above the surface. As its body is more flattened than that of the Cormorant, this circumstance might seem to favour the action in question ; but other species less depressed exhibit the same peculiarity ; and I have thought that in all of these the internal structure alone can account for this peculiar faculty. With the exception of that most expert of all divers, the Anhinga, and the Great Auk, the Loon is perhaps the most accomplished. Whether it be fishing in deep water amid rolling billows, or engaged in eluding its foes, it disappears beneath the surface so suddenly, re- mains so long in the water, and rises at so extraordinary a distance, of- ten in a direction quite the reverse of that supposed to be followed by it, that your eyes become wearied in searching for it, and you renounce the wish of procuring it out of sheer vexation. At least, this has very frequently happened to me; nay, I have at times abandoned the chase when the bird was so severely wounded as to be obliged to dive imme- diately beside my boat, and had it not died of exhaustion and floated near enough to be seized by me, I felt as if I could not have pulled my oars any longer, and was willing to admit that I was outdone by a Loon. In Labrador, where these birds were abundant, my son JOHN one day shot at one on wing, which fell upon the water to appearance quite dead, and remained on its back motionless until we had leisurely rowed to it, when a sailor put out his hand to take it up. The Loon, however, to our surprise, suddenly sprung up, and dived, and while we stood amazed, watching its appearance, we saw it come up at the dis- VOL. IV. D 50 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. tance of about an hundred yards, shake its head, and disgorge a quan- tity of fish mixed with blood: on which it dived again, and seemed lost to us. We rowed however to the spot in all haste, and the mo- ment it rose, sent another shot after it, which terminated its career. On examining it afterwards, we found it quite riddled by the heavy shot. If ever so slightly wounded, the Loon prefers diving to flying off, and all your endeavours to kill it are almost sure to prove unavailing: You may shoot at it under such circumstances, but you will lose both your time and your ammunition. Its keenness of sight defies the best percussion-locked gun, for it is generally deep in the water before the shot reaches the spot where it has been. When fatigued with diving in the ordinary manner, it will sink backwards, like a Grebe or a Frog, make for some concealed spot among the rushes, and there lie until your eyes ache with searching, and your stomach admonishes you of the propriety of retiring. Loons are now and then caught in fishermen’s nets, and are soon drowned. I have also caught them with hooks fastened to lines laid across the Ohio, but on no such occasion have I taken the bird alive. A method of shooting these birds, which I have often practised, and which was several times successfully employed by our Labrador party, may here be related. On seeing a Loon on the water, at whatever distance, the sportsman immediately places himself under the nearest cover on the shore, and remains there as carefully concealed as possible. A few minutes are allowed to pass, to give the wary and sharp-sighted bird all due confidence ; during which time the gun, charged with large shot, is laid in a convenient position. The gunner then takes his cap or pocket-handkerchief, which if brightly coloured is so much the better, and raising it in one hand, waves it three or four times, and then sud- denly conceals it. The bird commonly detects the signal at once, . and, probably imagining the object thus exhibited to be one of its own species, gradually advances, emitting its love-notes, which resemble a coarse laugh, as it proceeds. The sportsman imitates these notes, making them loud and yet somewhat mellow, waving his cap or ker- chief at the same time, and this he continues to do at intervals. The Loon, in order to arrive more quickly, dives, perhaps rises within fifty yards of him, and calling less loudly, advances with considerable caution. He shews the signal less frequently, imitates the notes of GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. 51 the bird more faintly, and carefully keeps himself concealed, until the Loon, having approached within twenty or even ten paces, dives and on emerging raises itself up to shake its wings, when off goes the shot, and the deluded bird floats dead on the water. Many species of Ducks are procured in nearly the same manner. The male Turkey, in the gobbling season, and the Stag in autumn. may also be drawn within shot by the same means. I once “ tolled” two Loons with my hat from a distance of nearly half a mile, and although they were at one time so near to me that I could clearly perceive the colour of their eyes, I had no sure opportunity of firing at them, as it was in the pairing season, and they never once dived, or raised their wings to flap them, so that, knowing the extreme agility with which they disappear when they have seen a gun snap, I judged it useless to shoot. Until my visit to La- brador I had supposed, agreeably to the common belief, that the Loons always repose at night on the water, which, however, I have since as- sured myself they rarely if ever do. Colonel Monracu, than whom none has written more correctly on the habits of the birds of Great Britain, having procured a wounded Loon, placed it in a pond, and observed the manner in which it made its way under the surface of the water. “In swimming and diving,” he re- marks, ‘ only the legs are used and not the wings, as in the Guillemot and Auk tribes, and by their position so far behind, and their little de- viation from the line of the body, the bird is enabled to propel itself in the water with great velocity, in a straight line, as well as turn with astonishing quickness.” This I have no doubt was the case with the individual observed ; but that this is not the usual mode of proceeding of the species is equally true. Having myself seen Loons pass and repass under boats, at the distance of several feet from the surface, and propel themselves both with their feet, and their half-extended wings, I am inclined to believe that when not wounded, and when pursuing their prey, they usually employ all the limbs. My friend Tuomas Nurraxt, who kept one for some time, gives the following account of its manners while in his possession. ‘“ A young bird of this kind which I obtained in the Salt Marsh at Chelsea Beach, and transferred to a fish-pond, made a good deal of plaint, and would sometimes wander out of his more natural element, and hide and bask in the grass. On these occasions he lay very still until nearly ap- proached, and then slid into the pond and uttered his usual plaint. p2 52 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. When out ata distance he made the same cautious efforts to hide, and would commonly defend himself in great anger, by darting at the in- truder, and striking powerfully with his dagger-like bill. This bird, with a pink-coloured iris-like albinos, appeared to suffer from the glare of broad day-light, and was inclined to hide from its effects, but be- came very active towards the dusk of the evening. The pupil of the eye in this individual, like that of nocturnal animals, appeared indeed dilatable ; and the one in question often put down his head and eyes into the water to observe the situation of his prey. This bird was a most expert and indefatigable diver, and remained down sometimes for several minutes, often swimming under water, and as it were flying with the velocity of an arrow in the air. Though at length inclining to become docile, and shewing no alarm when visited, it constantly betrayed its wandering habits, and every night was found to have waddled to some hiding place, where it seemed to prefer hunger to the loss of liberty, and never could be restrained from exercising its instinct to move onwards to some secure or more suitable asylum.” The same valued friend has corroborated the result of my observa- tions respecting the number of eggs usually laid by this species, by stating as follows: “* About the 11th of June, through the kindness of Dr J. W. Harris, I received three eggs, which had been taken from the nest of a Loon, made in a hummock, or elevated grassy hillock, at Sebago Pond, in New Hampshire.” The range of this species is immense. It occurs on the waters that fall into the Pacific Ocean, and has been observed on the Colum- bia River. In the Fur Countries it is plentiful; and, as I have al- ready stated, it breeds in many parts of the United States. It is found equally in Europe, and the northern parts of Asia. In all these countries it moves southward on the approach of winter, and returns when the mild weather commences in spring. _ Unlike the Cormorant, the Loon usually swallows its food under the water, unless when it happens to bring up a shell-fish or a crusta- ceous animal, which it munches for a while before it swallows it. Fishes of numerous kinds, aquatic insects, water-lizards, frogs, and leeches, have been found by me in its stomach, in which there is also generally much coarse gravel, and sometimes the roots of fresh- water plants. Although the flesh of the Loon is not very palatable, being tough, GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. 53 rank, and dark coloured, I have seen it much relished by many lovers of good-living, especially at Boston, where it was not unfrequently served almost raw at the table of the house where I boarded. A female bird particularly examined by me presented the following appearances. From the point of the bill to the end of the tail it mea- sured 34 inches ; to the claws 41; the extended wings were 71; the bill measured 5 inches along the gape; the breadth of the body was 8 inches, its depth only four ; the wings were 2 inches shorter than the tail; and the weight was 10 lb. 11 oz. avoirdupois. The first primary was longest. The trachea, which was even and flattened, being in diameter about 3 of an inch by 3 inch, was 16 inches long. The eggs werenumerous. The gizzard was moderate, and contained many large pebbles. The intestines were 7 feet long, and about the same size as a Swan’s quill. Every bone and sinew was strong and tough. The tongue resembled in shape and size that of the Ivory-billed Wood- pecker. The bones of the wing and leg were almost solid, the cavity for the marrow being very small. All the bones of this specimen were presented to Mr Yuomas Attis, of the Friend’s Retreat, near York. My friend Captain James Criark Ross, of the Royal Navy of England, once placed at my disposal a specimen of the Loon procured in a very high latitude, and which, having closely inspected it, I found to differ from the one represented in the plate, only in having the point of the bill slightly elevated or recurved, and of a fine yellow tint. Dr RicHarpson informed me that, on one of his arduous north- ern journeys, he saw a very large and handsomely crested Diver, which, although somewhat prematurely, I propose honouring with the name of Colymbus Richardsoni. Cortymgus exaciaxis, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 221. Adult.—Lath. Ind. Ornith. p- 799. Cotymsus Immer, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol.i. p. 222. Young.—Lath. Ind, Ornith. p. 800. Corymsus exraciatis, Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of United States, p. 420, Great Norruern Diver or Loon, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. ix. pl. 74, fig. 3. CotymsBus exactatis, Richards. and Swains. Fauna Bor. Amer. vol. ii. p. 474. Loon, or Great Nortuern Diver, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 513. Adult Male. Plate CCCVI. Fig. 1. Bill as long as the head, straight, stout, much compressed, tapering 54 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. to a point. Upper mandible with the dorsal line descending and slightly convex towards the end, the ridge convex, narrowed towards the point, the sides convex beyond the nostrils, the edges sharp and considerably inflected, the tip narrow and sharpish. Nasal groove short, nostrils basal, linear, direct, pervious. Lower mandible with the angle ex- tremely narrow, and extending beyond the middle, the dorsal line straight and sloping upwards to the point, the ridge convex and nar- row, the edges sharp and involute ; the tip attenuated. Head of moderate size, oblong, narrowed before. Neck rather long and thick. Eyes of moderate size. Body elongated, much de- pressed, of an elliptical form viewed from above. Wings small. Feet short, rather large, placed very far back; tibia almost entirely con- cealed ; tarsus short, exceedingly compressed, sharp-edged before and behind, covered all over with reticulated angular scales ; hind toe ex- tremely small, connected with the second by a very small membrane ; the anterior toes united by articulated membranes, the fourth or outer longest, the third a little shorter, the second considerably shorter than the third, all covered above with very numerous narrow scutella, the second toe with a free two-lobed membrane ; claws very small, depres- sed, blunt. Plumage short and dense; of the head and neck very short, and blended ; of the lower parts blended, short, with slight gloss; of the upper compact, glossy; the feathers in general oblong, those of the upper parts with the extremity abrupt. Wings proportionally very small and narrow, curved ; primaries strong, tapering, the first longest, the second almost as long, the rest rapidly graduated ; secondaries broad, and rounded. Tail extremely short, rounded, of twenty feathers. Bill black. Iris deep bright red. Feet, tarsi, and toes, of a livid greyish-blue, their inner sides tinged with pale yellowish flesh-colour ; claws black, lighter at the base ; webs brownish-black, lighter in the middle. Head and neck dark greenish-blue, with purple reflections. On the throat a small transverse patch of white, longitudinally striated with dusky ; about the middle of the neck, two large patches of the same, separated in front to the distance of an inch, behind continuous, but when the feathers are laid close, appearing as if separated by a longitudinal dark band about half an inch in breadth. The under parts glossy white, excepting the feathers on the sides under the wing, which are black, each with two, three, or four elliptical white spots, a faint GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. : 55 dusky band across the vent, the lower tail-coverts, which are brownish- black tipped with white, and the axillar feathers and larger wing-co- verts, which have a dusky streak along the middle. The sides of the neck at its lower part are longitudinally’streaked with black and white, there being twe oblong spots of the latter on each feather towards the end. ‘The upper parts are glossy black, variegated with spots of white in regular transverse slightly-curved lines having the convexity back- wards. These spots vary in form and size, being small and roundish towards the neck and sides, larger and somewhat four-sided along the middle of the back: largest and rectangular on the scapulars, very small and roundish on the hind part of the back and tail-coverts. The upper part of the wing is similar, with smallish spots; the alula and quill brownish-black, a few of the inner secondaries only having two white spots at their extremity. Tail brownish-black, paler at the tip. Aduit Male. Adult Male. Young. Length to the end of tail, 3 322 36 311 Bee ean ee ee Uae ota aaines claws, : 391 402 36 Jeg ei eeawe As Gace aa sese) WILieSR ; dl — 29% 2 cg LS a pea carpal joint, 163 _ 163 Extent of wings, ? : ; 572 52 54i Wing from flexure, . ‘ : 15} — 142 Depth of body, : i : aa 6 — Breadth, A : é ; et 91 wuld Bill along the ridge, s ; — 3y5 — Gape-line, : : 4 : _ 45 — Tarsus, 4 ; : ; = 375 — Hind toe, 2 ] é F — 93 — Its claw, ! 3 f : — 72: — Outer toe and claw, s ‘ — 4} — Middle toe, : : 3 : — 4 a Inner, ... 2 4 : : — 37% - Tail: : : : i — 2975 — Wing from flexure, : : —_— 143 — Weight, 5 : 8% 84 9 The female is generally smaller, but in all other respects resembles the male. Weight 10 Ib. 11 oz. 56 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. Young in winter. Plate CCCVI. Fig. 2. Bill pale yellowish-green, the ridge and tip of the upper mandible dusky. Iris brown. Feet dusky externally, pale yellowish flesh-co- lour internally, webs dusky, but yellow in the middle. Claws yellow- ish-brown. All the upper parts are of a uniform dark greyish-brown, each feather margined with lighter, the lower parts white; the sides of the neck at the lower part whitish, streaked with dusky ; the sides dusky, without spots. Towards spring the eye assumes a redder tint, and the plumage of the upper parts gradually becomes spotted with white ; and when the moult is completed about the end of summer, the plumage is as in the adult, although the tints are improved at each successive moult for se- veral years. A fine male killed at Boston, 34 inches in length, with an alar ex- tent of 56, presents the following characters. There is a general layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue, and the skin is very tenacious. The external aperture of the ear roundish, very small, having a diameter of only 2 lines. The tongue is 2 inches 1 line in length, fleshy, as high as broad, slightly concave and longitudinally grooved above, ta- pering to a horny point. On the palate are 6 rows of papillae; the posterior aperture of the nares is linear 23 inches in length. The aperture of the glottis is } an inch long, with numerous papille along its sides and behind. The pharynx is extremely dilatable, as is the cesophagus, which is 17 inches long, passes along the right side of the neck, together with the trachea, and when distended has an average diameter of 23 inches, but on entering the thorax contracts to 12. The structure of the cesophagus in birds may be very conveniently examined in this species, the different layers being remarkably deve- loped in it. Properly speaking, it has only two coats,—the outer mus- cular, its external layer composed of transverse or circular fibres, the internal of equally distinct longitudinal fibres, which are not straight, but irregularly undulated. The inner, or mucous coat, when con- tracted falls into longitudinal plaits. The proventriculus is 23 inches long, the glandules large, roundish, simple, and disposed in a conti- nuous belt. Over this part, the transverse muscular fibres are remark- ably developed. The right lobe of the liver is 53 inches long, the left lobe 54. The heart is very large, of a broadly conical form, 3 GREAT NORTHERN DIVER OR LOON. 57 inches long, 2% inches in breadth. The stomach is three inches long, 21 in breadth, of an elliptical form, a little compressed ; its lateral muscles 9 lines in thickness, and composed of strong large fasciculi ; the tendons 14 inch in diameter; the cuticular lining thick, its up- per and lower parts marked with strong longitudinal ridges having numerous transverse fissures; the grinding surfaces irregularly wrinkle ', with a deep fissure down the middle of each. The pylorus is 8 lines in diameter when distended, and is destitute of valve, but has a strong prominent rim. In the stomach were remains of fishes, and some pebbles, chiefly quartz, the largest 4 lines long. The intestine measures 6 feet 6 inches in length, and varies in diameter from 8 to 6 lines. The rectum is 33 inches long, the cloaca extremely large, forming a cavity about 3 inches in diameter. The czeca are 1} inch long, cylindrical, rounded at the extremity; one of them 7 lines, the other 9 lines, in diameter. The trachea, when moderately extended, measures 133 inches in length, inconsiderably depressed, its transverse diameter at the upper part 92 lines, at the lower 64 lines ; the rings cartilaginous, of mo- derate breadth, uniform, with a contraction in the middle before and behind, their number 134, the four lowest united. The bronchi are composed of about 20 narrow cartilaginous half rings. The contractor muscles are very broad but thin, their fibres irregularly disposed in front; they become thicker and narrower toward the lower part, and are continued beyond the sterno-tracheal muscles, which come off from the 20th ring from the inferior larynx, to the membrane between the last tracheal and first bronchial ring. ( 38 ) BLUE HERON. ARDEA C@RULEA, Linn. PLATE CCCVII. Aputr Mate ann Youns. Atone with a few other Herons, this is, comparatively speaking, confined within narrow limits along our southern coast in winter. It occurs, however, in most parts of the Floridas, where it is a constant resident, and whence, at the approach of summer, vast multitudes are seen proceeding northward, in search of suitable places in which they may rear their young in security. Many, however, go south- ward, beyond the limits of the United States, and proceed coastwise to Texas and Mexico to spend the winter, especially the younger birds, when still in that singular white plumage which differs so much from that of the young of every other known species of this genus, except that of the Reddish Egret ( A, rufescens). At New Orleans, where it arrives at the same period, both from Mexico and the Flori- das, its first appearance in spring is about the beginning of March; at which time also multitudes leave the Floridas on their way east- ward, to settle in Georgia, the Carolinas, and other States farther east, as far as Long Island in that of New York. Beyond this, I believe, no birds of the species have been met with. They rarely, if ever, proceed far inland, or leave the shores of our large rivers and estuaries. On the Mississippi, the swamps and lakes on the borders of which are so well adapted to the habits of these birds, few indivi- duals are ever seen above Natchez. About the beginning of Sep- tember, by which time the young are able to shift for themselves, they return southward. When in the Floridas, during winter, I observed that the Blue Herons associated with other species, particularly the White Heron, Ardea alba, and the Louisiana Heron, Ardea Ludoviciana, all of which were in the habit of roosting together in the thick evergreen low bushes that cover the central parts of the islands along the coast. ‘Their passage to and from their feeding places, is as regular as the rising and setting of the sun, and, unless frequently disturbed, they BLUE HERON. 59 betake themselves every night to the same locality, and almost to the same spot. In the morning, they rise with one accord from the roosts on which they have been standing all night on one leg, the other drawn up among the feathers of the abdomen, their neck retracted, and their head and bill buried beneath their scapulars. On emerging from their retreats, they at once proceed to some distant place in search of food, and spend the day principally on the head waters of the rivers, and the fresh-water lakes of the interior, giving a decided preference to the soft mud banks, where small crabs or fiddlers are abundant, on which they feed greedily, when the inland ponds have been dried up, and consequently no longer supply them with such fishes as they are wont to feed upon. There, and at this season, Reader, you may see this graceful Heron, quietly and in silence walking along the margins of the water, with an elegance and grace which can never fail to please you. Each regularly- timed step is lightly measured, while the keen eye of the bird seeks for and watches the equally cautious movements of the objects towards which it advances with all imaginable care. When at a proper dis- tance, it darts forth its bill with astonishing celerity, to pierce and se- cure its prey; and this it does with so much precision, that, while watching some at a distance with a glass, I rarely observed an instance of failure. If fish is plentiful, on the shallows near the shore, when it has caught one, it immediately swallows it, and runs briskly through the water, striking here and there, and thus capturing several in suc- cession. Two or three dashes of this sort, afford sufficient nourish- -ment for several hours, and when the bird has obtained enough it re- tires to some quiet place, and remains there in an attitude of repose until its hunger returns. During this period of rest, however, it is as watchful as ever, and on hearing the least noise, or perceiving the slight- est appearance of danger, spreads its wings, and flies off to some other place, sometimes to a very distant one. About an hour before sunset, they are again seen anxiously searching for food. When at length sa- tisfied, they rise simultaneously from all parts of the marsh, or shore, arrange themselves into loose bodies, and ascending to the height of fifty or sixty yards in the air, fly in a straight course towards their roosting place. I saw very few of these birds during the winter, on or near the river St John in Florida; but on several occasions met 60 BLUE HERON. with some on small ponds in the pine barrens, at a considerable dis- ance from any large stream, whither they had been attracted by the great number of frogs. The flight of the Blue Heron is rather swifter than that of the Egret, Ardea candidissima, and considerably more so than that of the Great Blue Heron, Ardea Herodias, but very similar to that of the Louisiana Heron, Ardea Ludoviciana. When the bird is travelling,the motion is performed by flappings in quick succession, which rapidly propel it in a direct line, until it is about to alight, when it descends in circular sailings of considerable extent towards the spot selected. During strong adverse winds, they fly low, and in a continuous line, passing at the necessary distance from the shores to avoid danger, whether at an early or a late hour of the day. I recollect that once, on such an occasion, when, on the 15th of March, I was in company with my friend Joun Bacumay, I saw a large flock about sunset arising from across the river, and circling over a large pond, eight miles distant from Charleston. So cautious were they, that although the flock was composed of several hundred indi- viduals, we could not manage to get so much as a chance of killing one. I have been surprised to see how soon the Blue Herons become shy after reaching the districts to which they remove for the purpose of breeding from their great rendezvous the Floridas, where I never experienced any difficulty in procuring as many as I wished. In Loui- siana, on the other hand, I have found them equally vigilant on their first arrival. On several occasions, when I had placed myself under cover, to shoot at some, while on their way to their roosts or to their feeding grounds, I found it necessary to shift from one place to ano- ther, for if one of them had been fired at and had fallen ina particular place, all that were in its company took care not to pass again near it, but when coming up diverged several hundred yards, and increased their speed until past, when they would assume their more leisurely flappings. In South Carolina, where they are very shy on their arrival, I have seen them fly off on hearing the very distant report of a gun, and alight on the tops of the tallest trees, where they would congre- gate in hundreds, and whence they would again fly off on the least ap- prehension of danger. But when once these Herons have chosen a place to nestle in, or reached one in which they bred the preceding year, they become so tame as to allow you to shoot as many as you are dis- posed to have. BLUE HERON. 61 While on Cayo Island, in the Gulf of Mexico, on the 10th of April 1837, I observed large flocks of the Blue and Green Herons, Ardea cerulea and A. virescens, arriving from the westward about the middle of the day. They flew at a considerable height, and came down like so many hawks, to alight on the low bushes growing around the se- questered ponds; and this without any other noise than the rustling of their wings as they glided through the air towards the spot on which they at once alighted. There they remained until sunset, when they all flew off, so that none were seen there next day. This shews that although these species migrate both by day and night, they are quite diurnal during the period of their residence in any section of the coun- try which they may have chosen for a season. It is more than pro- bable that it has been from want of personal knowledge of the habits of these birds, that authors have asserted that all Herons are noctur- nally inclined. This certainly is by no means the case, although they find it advantageous to travel by night during their migrations, which is a remarkable circumstance as opposed to their ordinary habits. In the instance above mentioned, I found the birds remarkably gentle, which was probably owing to fatigue. The Blue Heron breeds earlier or later according to the tempera- ture of the district to which it resorts for that purpose, and therefore earlier in Florida, where, however, considerable numbers remain, during the whole year than in other parts of the United States. Thus I have found them in the southern parts of that country, sitting on their eggs, on the Ist of March, fully a month earlier than in the vicinity of Bayou Sara, on the Mississippi, where they are as much in advance of those which betake themselves, in very small numbers indeed, to our Middle Districts, in which they rarely begin to breed before the fifteenth of May. The situations which they choose for their nests are exceedingly varied. I have found them sitting on their eggs on the Florida Keys, and on the islands in the Bay of Galveston, in Texas, in nests placed amidst and upon the most tangled cactuses, so abundant on those cu- rious isles, on the latter of which the climbing Rattlesnake often gorges itself with the eggs of this and other species of Heron, as well as with their unfledged young. In the Lower parts of Louisiana, it breeds on low bushes of the water-willow, as it also does in South Carolina; whereas, on the islands on the coast of New Jersey, and 62 BLUE HERON. even on the mainland of that State, it places its nest on the branches of the cedar and other suitable trees. Wherever you find its breeding place, you may expect to see other birds in company with it, for like all other species, excepting perhaps the Louisiana Heron, it rarely ob- jects to admit into its society the Night Heron, the Yellow-crowned Heron, or the White Egret. The heronries of the southern portions of the United States are often of such extraordinary size as to astonish the passing traveller. I confess that I myself might have been as sceptical on this point as some who, having been accustomed to find in all places the Heron to be a solitary bird, cannot be prevailed on to believe the contrary, had I not seen with my own eyes the vast multitudes of individuals of dif- ferent species breeding together in peace in certain favourable locali- ties. Such persons may be excused from giving that credit to my ac- count of the Passenger Pigeon which posterity will, I trust, accord to it. The nest of the Blue Heron, wherever situated, is loosely formed of dry sticks, sometimes intermixed with green leaves of various trees, and with grass or moss, according as these materials happen to be plentiful in the neighbourhood. It is nearly flat, and can. scarcely be said to have a regular lining. Sometimes you see a solitary nest fixed on a cactus, a bush, or a tree; but a little beyond this you may observe from six to ten, placed almost as closely together as you would have put them had you measured out the space necessary for containing them. Some are seen low over the water, while others are placed high ; for, like the rest of its tribe, this species is rather fond of placing its tene- ment over or near the liquid element. The eggs are usually three, rarely four; and I have never found a nest of this species containing five eggs, as is stated by Wi1son, who, pro- bably found a nest of the Green Heron containing that number among others of the present species. ‘They measure an inch and three quar- ters in length, by an inch and a quarter in breadth, being about the size of those of Ardea candidissima, though rather more elongated, and precisely of the same colour. The young bird is at first almost destitute of feathers, but scantily covered with yellowish-white down. When fully fledged, its bill and legs are greenish-black, and its plumage pure white, or slightly BLUE HERON. 63 tinged with cream-colour, the tips of the three outer primaries light greyish-blue. Of this colour the bird remains until the breeding sea- son, when, however, some individuals exhibit a few straggling pale blue feathers. When they have entered on their second year, these young birds become spotted with deeper blue on some parts of the body, or on the head and neck, thus appearing singularly patched with that colour and pure white, the former increasing with the age of the bird in so remarkable a manner, that you may see specimens of these birds with portions even of the pendant feathers of their head or shoul-. ders so marked. And these are produced by full moultings, by which T mean the unexpected appearance, as it were, of feathers growing out of the skin of the bird coloured entirely blue, as is the case in many of our land birds. In all these stages of plumage, and from the first spring after birth, the young birds breed with others, as is equally the case with Ardea rufescens. You may see a pure white individual paired with one of a full blue colour, or with one patched with blue and white. The young, after leaving their parents, remain separate from the old birds until the next breeding season. At no period can the young of this species be confounded with, or mistaken for that of the Ardea can- didissima, by a person really acquainted with these birds, for the Blue Heron is not only larger than the latter, but the very colour of its feet and legs is perfectly distinctive. Indeed, during the time when the young Blue Heron is quite white (excepting on the tips of the outer primaries), it would be easier to confound it with the young of the Reddish Egret, Ardea rufescens, than with that of any other, were the feathers. of its hind head and neck of the same curious curled appear- ance as those of that species. My friend Joun Bacuman informs me, that in South Carolina, this species not unfrequently breeds in the company of the Louisiana He- ron, the nests and eggs of which, he adds, are very similar. He has specimens of these birds in all the different stages which I have de- seribed. At New Orleans, the Blue Herons, during the transition of their plumage from white to blue, are called “ Egrettes folles,” or foolish Egrets, on account of their unusual tameness. My friend Bacumawn and I, shot, on the 6th and 9th of April, several specimens spotted with blue feathers, and having their crests and trains similarly mixed, although of full length ; but in most of the specimens obtained, 64 BLUE HERON. the white was still prevalent. I have shot some in Louisiana, in au- tumn, in the same curious dress. This species, though larger than the Snowy Heron, Ardea candidis- sima, is considerably inferior to it in courage ; and I was much amused as well as surprised, when at Galveston Bay, on the 24th of April 1837, to see one of that species alight near a Purple Heron, attack it, and pursue it as far as I could follow them with my eyes. When the Blue Herons are on the sea-coast they not unfrequently repose on the large mud or sand bars, at some distance from the adjacent marshes ; but they generally prefer roosting on trees or bushes, when there are any in their neighbourhood. The Creoles of Louisiana not unfrequently eat the flesh of this species, and although they by no means consider it equal to that of the Night Heron, some of them have assured me that it is not bad food. Like other birds of this family, they become larger with age, and the male is usually somewhat superior in size to the female ; but, with this exception, no difference can be perceived in the external appearance of the sexes. ARDEA c@RULEA Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. 1. p. 238.—Lath. Ind. Ornith. vol. it. p. 689. ARDEA C@RULEA, Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis, p. 300. Biur Heron, Arprea ceruLEA, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. vii. p. 117. pl. 62. fig. 3. Adult. Brus Heron, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 58. Adult Male in full plumage. Plate CCCVI. Fig. 1. Bill much longer than the head, rather slender, very slightly decurved, compressed, tapering to apoint. Upper mandible with the dorsal line nearly straight for two-thirds of its length, then slightly decurved, the ridge convex, broad at the base, gradually narrowed to the point; a groove from the base to near the end, the sides convex beneath, the edges thin and sharp, with a slight notch close to the tips. _ Nostrils basal, linear, longitudinal, with a membrane above and behind. Lower mandible with the angle extremely narrow and elongated, the dorsal line beyond it ascending and almost straight, the sides sloping outwards, and flattened, the edges sharp and slightly inflected, the tip acumi- nate. Head rather small, oblong, compressed. Neck very long and slen- der. Body slender and compressed. Feet very long; tibia elongated, BLUE HERON. 65 its lower half bare, very slender, covered all round with angular scales, of which the posterior are large ; tarsus elongated, slender, compressed, anteriorly covered with numerous broad scutella, laterally and behind with angular scales. Toes long, slender, with numerous broad scutella above, flattened and reticularly granulate beneath. Claws rather long, arched, compressed, acute, that of hind toe much larger and more curved, the inner edge of that of the third finely and regularly pectinate. Space between the bill and eye, and around the latter, bare. Plu- mage soft, thin, and blended. Feathers of the upper and hind part of the head very long, linear, with loose barbs; of the sides of the neck loose and inclined obliquely backwards, of its lower part much elonga- ted, narrow, and tapering to a point; of the middle of the back extremely long, linear, acuminate, their tips projecting about five inches beyond the tail. Wings long, and very broad ; primaries broad, tapering, and rounded, the first, second and third almost equal, the latter being only a twelfth of an inch longer; secondaries broad and rounded ; some of the inner only half an inch shorter than the longest primary, when the wing is closed. Tail very short, small, even, of twelve rather weak feathers. Bill ultramarine blue at the base, gradually shaded into black to- wards the point ; the bare space between it and the eye, as well as the edges of the eyelids, ultramarine. Iris pale yellow. Legs, tarsi, toes, and claws, black. Head and neck of a rich deep purple, inclining to vinaceous; the lower part of the neck and all the other parts deep greyish-blue, the edges of the feathers lighter. Length to end of tail 244 inches, to end of wings 25, to end of elon- gated dorsal feathers 26, to end of claws 302 ; wing from flexure ES tail 43%; extent of wings 42; bill along the ridge 3y4;, along the edge of lower mandible 4; bare part of tibia 234 ; tarsus 3, ; first toe 11. its claw 7%; middle toe 23, its claw 74. Weight 1 lb. The female is similar to the male, but smaller. Weight 11 oz. The young are at first sparely covered with yellowish-white down. When a fortnight old, the bill is yellow, with the tips greenish-black ; the feet greenish-yellow, the claws dusky, with the tips greyish-yellow. The general colour of the plumage is pure white, but the down which tips the feathers of the head is brownish-white; two of the alular feathers are tinged with dull bluish-grey, and the outer seven or eight pri- maries are broadly margined on both sides to the length of about an VOL. IV. E 66 BLUE HERON. inch and a half with the same colour of a deeper tint, the extreme tip. -white. When fully fledged, the bare parts at the base of the bill, and the basal half of the upper mandible, are light greenish-blue, the rest black ; the lower mandible yellow, with a patch of black, an inch and a quarter in length on each side at the end. Legs, tarsi, and toes greenish-blue, the sides yellowish; claws dusky. The feathers of the head are slightly elongated ; those of the back are also elongated, but much broader and shorter than in the adult. The feathers on the upper part of the head are of a faint bluish-grey; and the alular feathers and eight outer primaries are tinged with the same colour. At this period, the length to the end of the tail is 22 inches, to end of claws 283; bill along the ridge 27; wing from flexure 11; tail 4,%. In November, when the moult is advanced. The bill is black, dull blue at the base. The feet are nearly black, as are the claws. The occipital feathers are now two inches and a half in length, and some of the dorsal feathers extend as far as the tips of the wings ; those of the lower part of the neck have also a length of about three inches. The general colour of the plumage is white; the upper part of the head, the hind neck, back, anterior edge of the wing, and outer pri- maries at the end, of a faint bluish-grey tint; some of the elongated feathers of the back darker. Length to end of tail 22 inches; to end of claws 294; bill 3; wing from flexure 114. A year old. Bill nearly as in the adult; feet bluish-black, the plumage is white, with the upper parts pale greyish-blue as in Novem- ber, but the whole interspersed with numerous feathers of a deep greyish-blue, similar to that of the adult; the primaries and tail being still white. Length to end of tail 23; ; extent of wings 323; bill 33. Weight 9 oz. At the age of a year the bird propagates, so that individuals in the white, mottled, or blue plumage, may be seen breeding together. When only a few weeks old, the serrature of the claw of the mid- dle toe is scarcely perceptible, exhibiting merely faint indications of points upon a very slight margin. This margin enlarges, and when the bird is completely fledged the serratures are perfectly formed. BLUE HERON. 67 In this bird, as in most other Herons, the crura of the lower mandible are thin, flexible, and elastic, the angle filled by an elastic membrane covered by the skin. The tongue is | inch long, sagittate at the base, tapering to a point. The roof of the mouth has a median prominent ridge, and two lateral lines; the palate is convex ; the pos- terior aperture of the nares 10 lines in length. The pharynx may be dilated to 13 inch; the cesophagus, which is 12 inches long, is when dilated 10 lines in diameter at its upper part, and gradually contracts to 7 lines; at the curvature of the neck it lies directly behind, having passed down on the left side, along with the trachea. Its walls are extremely thin, contrasting in this respect with the cesophagus of the Great Northern Diver and other swimming piscivorous birds. The proventriculus is 1 inch long, its glandules cylindrical, and extreme- ly slender. The stomach seems as if it merely formed a basal sac to the cesophagus, its muscles being extremely thin, its tendons cireu- lar and half an inch in diameter; cuticular lining soft. ‘The intes- tine is long and very narrow, 5 feet 10 inches in length, 2 lines in diameter at the upper part, 1} near the rectum, which is 23 inches long, with a diameter of 43 lines, and terminates in a nipple-like cecum, projecting 3 lines beyond the entrance of the small intestine, but having no appearance of the two lateral appendages usually called ceca. In this respect, the Blue Heron agrees with others of the same family. ‘The cloaca is about an inch in length and breadth. The trachea, when extended, is 83 inches long. The rings 170 in number, are osseous and circular, so that the organ preserves its eylindrical form under all circumstances. They are, like those of all Herons, of equal breadth on both sides, not broad on one side and narrow on the other, as has been represented. The contractor muscles are very slender, as are the sterno-tracheal; the former send down a slip on each side to the first bronchial ring. The diameter of the trachea is 2 lines at the upper part, 13 at the lower. The bronchi are short, wide, conical, of about 13 half rings. The right lobe of the liver is 21 inches long, the left lobe 13; the heart 1} in length, 8 lines broad, of an oblong conical form. The sto- mach contained remains of insects and crustaceous animals, together with a few seeds. ( 68 ) TELL-TALE GODWIT. TOTANUS MELANOLEUCUS, VIEILL. PLATE CCCVIII. Mate ann FEemate. Ir is my opinion that they who have given so much importance to the cry of this bird, as to believe it to be mainly instrumental in en- suring the safety of other species, and in particular of Ducks, have called in the aid of their imagination to increase the interest of what requires no such illustration. A person unacquainted with this God- wit would believe, on reading its history as recorded in books, that the safety of these birds depends on the friendly warning of their long- billed and long-tongued neighbour. And yet it is at no season more noisy or more vigilant than the Kildeer Plover, nor ever half so much so as the Semipalmated species, the reiterated vociferations of which are so annoying. It is true that the Tell-tale is quite loquacious enough; nay, you, Reader, and I, may admit that it is a cunning and watchful bird, ever willing to admonish you or me, or any other per- son whom it may observe advancing towards it with no good intent, that it has all along watched us. But then, when one has observed the habits of this bird for a considerable time, in different situations, and when no other feathered creatures are in sight, he will be con- vinced that the Tell-tale merely intends by its cries to preserve itself, and not generously to warn others of their danger. So you may safely banish from your mind the apprehension, which the reading of books may have caused, that duck-shooting in the marshes of our Middle Dis- tricts, is as hopeless a pursuit as “ a wild goose chase.” The Tell-tale Godwit has a great range in the United States, where, indeed, I have found it in almost every district, and at all sea- sons. It spends the winter along the shores of our estuaries, rivers, and ponds, and in the rice-fields, from Maryland to Mexico. It is abundant then in South Carolina, the Floridas, and along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, as far as Texas, where I found it in consider- able numbers and paired, in the months of April and May, along with the Yellow-shank Snipe, Totanus flavipes. It is also met with in spring and autumn over the whole interior of the country, and I have Se TELL-TALE GODWIT. 69 found it quite abundant at those seasons along the entire length of the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri rivers, as well as on the Arkansas. They congregate in great numbers in the inland marshes of Florida, and along its rivers, during the winter. I found them near Eastport, in the State of Maine, on the 11th of May 1833; and on the coast of Labrador, on the 18th of June of the same year. In Newfound- land, on the 11th of August, the young were equal in size to their parents, and being extremely fat, tender, and juicy, afforded excellent eating. In general, however, these birds are thin and have a fishy taste. In the State of Maine and the province of New Brunswick, the Tell-tale is known by the name of “ Humility,” which, however, is an appellation that ill accords with its vociferous habits. ‘lhe Creoles > of New Orleans call it “ Clou-clou ;” and were these syllables ra- pidly enunciated from two to five times in succession, the sounds would have some resemblance to the usual notes of the species. When these Godwits arrive in the vicinity of New Orleans about the middle of March, they appear in considerable flocks. They retire, however, in the beginning of May, and return about the first of July, from which time they continue there until the end of autumn, some indeed remaining all winter. It seems, that at the period of their disappearance at New Orleans, they retire to the vast marshes near the sea-shore, and there breed, for I have found them abundant near the passes or mouths of the Mississippi in pairs, on the first of April, when the air is warmer than in the interior. They are said to breed in the marshes along the coast of New Jersey, where, according to Wilson, they arrive early in April, and continue until November. It is a curious fact that the Tell-tale Godwit, as well as some other birds of similar habits, is of very rare occurrence along the shores ot Massa- chusetts and Maine. This, however, seems to be accounted for by the absence there of the large spongy marshes, to which these birds are fond of resorting. Although found in the vicinity of both salt and fresh water, at all seasons, it usually prefers the latter, and the spots which appear to be best adapted to its nature are ponds of which the water is shallow and the shores muddy, so that they can waik and wade at ease upon them. Wherever such ponds occur, whether in plantations or in the interior of forests, or on extensive savannahs or prairies, there you will find them actively employed, wading so far into the water as to 70 TELL-TALE GODWIT. seem as if they were swimming. If just alighted after ever so short a flight, they hold their wings upright for a considerable time, as if doubtful of not having obtained good footing. Closing their wings, they then move nimbly about the pool, and are seen catching small fishes, insects, worms, or snails, which they do with rapidity and a considerable degree of grace, for their steps are light, and the ba- lancing or vibratory motion of their body, while their head is gently moved backwards and forwards, is very pleasing to the eye. I have often observed these birds on large logs floating on the Mississippi, and moving gently with the current, and this sometimes in company with the Snowy Heron, Ardea candidissima, or the Ame- rican Crow, Corvus Americanus. In such situations, they procure shrimps and the fry of fishes. In autumn, they are extremely prone to betake themselves to the margins of our most sequestered lakes in the interior of Louisiana and Kentucky, where the summer heat has left exposed great flats of soft sandy mud abounding with food suited to their appetite, and where they are much less likely to be disturbed than when on the marshes on the sea-shore, or on the margins of ri- vers. When they have been some time in the salt-marshes, and have eaten indiscriminately small shell-fish, worms, and fry, they acquire a disagreeable fishy taste, and being at the same time time less fat, are scarcely fit for the table. They are social birds, and frequently mingle with other waders, as well as with the smaller ducks, such as the Blue- winged and Green-winged Teals. In the salt-marshes they associate with Curlews, Willets, and other species, with which they live in peace, and on the watchfulness of which they depend quite as much as on their own. The flight of the Tell-tale Godwit, or “ Great Yellow-Shank,” as it is generally named in the Western Country, is swift, at times ele- vated, and, when necessary, sustained. They pass through the air with their necks and legs stretched to their full length, and roam over the places which they select several times before they alight, emitting their well-known and easily imitated whistling notes, should any sus- picious object be in sight, or if they are anxious to receive the answer of some of their own tribe that have already alighted. At such times, any person who can imitate their cries can easily check their flight, and in a few moments induce them to pass or to alight within shooting distance. This 1 have not unfrequently succeeded in doing, ® TELL-TALE GODWIT. 71 when they were, at the commencement of my calls, almost half a mile distant. Nay, I have sometimes seen them so gentle, that on my killing several in a flock, the rest would only remove a few yards. I have always found that the cries of this bird were louder and more frequent during the period of its breeding, when scarcely any birds were in the vicinity. I therefore conclude that its cries are then more intended to draw you from the spot where its nest is concealed, than for any other purpose, as on such occasions the bird either moves off on foot, or flies away and alights at a short distance from the place where its treasure lies. When in Labrador, I found these birds breeding, two or three pairs together, in the delightful quiet valleys bounded by rugged hills of considerable height, and watered by limpid brooks. These val- leys exhibit, in June and July, the richest verdure, luxuriant grasses of various species growing here and there in separate beds many yards in extent, while the intervening spaces, which are comparatively bare, are of that boggy nature so congenial to the habits of these species. In one of those pleasing retreats my son found a pair of Tell-tales, in the month of June, both of which were procured. The female was found to contain a full-formed egg, and some more of the size of peas. The eggs are four, pyriform, 2} inches long, 14! in their greatest breadth, pale greenish-yellow, marked with blotches of umber and pale purplish-grey. The plumage of this bird has a very different appearance in autumn and winter from that which it presents at the approach of the breeding season. This has led some students of Nature in the United States to suppose, that there exist two nearly allied species; but this, I am confident, is not the case. The female is larger than the male, but only in a slight degree. Dr RicHarpson has found this species on the Saskatchewan and Dr Townsenp on the Columbia River. ToraNnus MELANOLEUCUS, Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of United States, p. 324. TEeLL-TALE Gopwit or Snipe, Scolopax vociferus, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. vii. p. 57, pl. 58, fig. 5. TELL-TALE, or GREATER YELLOW-Suanks, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 148. ToraNnus vociFEeRusS, TELL-TaLE, Richards. and Swains. Faun. Bor. Amer. vol. ii. p- 389. 72 TELL-TALE GODWIT. Adult male. Plate CCCVIII. Fig 1. Bill much longer than the head, very slender, subcylindrical, straight, flexible, compressed at the base, the point rather depressed and obtuse. Upper mandible with the dorsal line straight, the ridge convex, broader at the base beyond the nostrils blended with the sides, which are con- vex, the edges thick, with a groove running their whole length, the tip slightly deflected. Lower mandible with the angle very long and narrow, the dorsal line straight, the sides convex, with aslight groove in their basal half, the sides convex, the edges grooved longitudinally, the tip narrow. Nasal groove long and narrow, extending to nearly half the length of the bill; nostrils basal, linear, direct, pervious. Head of moderate size, oblong, compressed, eyes large. Neck ra- ther long and slender. Body slender. Feet very long and slender; tibia bare for half its length, scutellate before and behind, tarsus compressed, also scutellate before and behind ; hind toe very small and elevated ; fore toes of moderate length, very slender, connected at the base by webs, of which the outer is larger; second or inner toe con- siderably shorter than fourth, which is in a similar degree exceeded by the third ; all covered with numerous scutella above, flattened beneath, and marginate. Claws small, slightly arched, much compressed, rather obtuse, that of the middle toe much larger, with the inner edge dilated. Plumage soft and blended, on the fore part of the head very short. Wings long, narrow, pointed; primaries narrow and tapering, first longest, second a little shorter, the rest rapidly graduated ; secondaries short, broad, incurved, obliquely rounded, the inner elongated and ta- pering. Tail short, doubly emarginate in a slight degree, of twelve rounded feathers. Bill black, tinged with bluish-grey at the base. Iris dark brown. Feet bright yellow, claws brownish-black. Upper part of the head, lores, cheeks, and the neck all round, excepting the throat, streaked with brownish-black, on a white ground, tinged with grey on the head and hind neck; the throat, breast, and abdomen, are pure white, the sides and lower tail-coverts barred with brownish-black, as are the axillar feathers and lower wing-coverts, the lower surface of the pri- maries light grey, their shafts white. The upper parts generally are black, glossed with green, each feather margined with white triangu- lar spots. The hind part of the rump and the upper tail-coverts white, barred with dusky. ‘The anterior smaller wing-coverts, alula, TELL-TALE GODWIT. 73 primary coverts, and primary quills, brownish-black, without spots ; shaft of first primary white, of the rest brown. ‘Tail-feathers white, with numerous bands of dark greyish-brown, the middle six feathers more or less of a light brownish-grey toward the end, the bars not ex- tending over their central part, their tips white. Length to end of tail 14 inches, to end of wings 14, to end of claws 16; extent of wings 243; bill along the ridge 272, along the edge of the lower mandible 2,5, wing from flexure 8,4 ; tail 374 ; bare part of tibia 1}; tarsus 2,4; hind toe and claw #4; middle toe and claw 1%. Weight 6 oz. Aduit Femaie. Plate CCCVIII. Fig. 2. The female resembles the male. Length to end of tail 13%, to end of wings 143, to end of claws 17%; extent of wings 253. Weight 63 oz. Both sexes become darker on the upper parts, at the approach of spring. ‘This dark colour disappears after their autumnal moult. The tongue is 13% inch in length, slender, sagittate and papillate at the base, triangular, tapering toa fine point. On the roof of the mouth are two rows of large blunt papille directed backwards; the edges of the mandibles are thick and grooved; the posterior aperture of the nares linear, ;°, long. The cesophagus, 6} inches in length, passes along the right side of the neck, and has a diameter of ,°, of an inch in its upper part, but is dilated to yz before it enters the thorax. The proventriculus is oblong, ;*; in length, its glandules oblong. The sto- mach is oblong, 1,4, inch in length, 75 in breadth, its lateral muscles of moderate size, the tendons ,%, in diameter, the cuticular lining hard, with large longitudinal ruge, and of a deep red colour. The intes- tine 2 feet 8 inches long, varying in diameter from 74 to x4. The rec- tum 1,%, inch long ; the ceca 4 inches ;z long, of an oblong form, with the extremity rounded, their diameter 7}. In another individual, the cesophagus is 6} inches long; the sto- mach 1,3; the intestine 2 feet 3 inches ; the rectum 1;%,,the cxcea 47, their diameter 4. The trachea, 4,8, inches long, ?4 in diameter above, ;4 below; of 120 unossified rings; its contractor muscles feeble, the sterno-tracheal moderate; a single pair of inferior laryngeal; the bronchial rings about 15. ( 74) COMMON TERN. STERNA HirunpDo, Linn. PLATE CCCIX. Anbutr. AurHoucn the Prince of Musicnano has thought that the bird named the Common Tern in America, differs from that bearing the same name in Europe, and has in consequence changed its appellation to that of Wilson’s Tern, I am of opinion that no difference exists between the Common Terns of the two Continents. The cry of both is besides precisely similar, so that with me there is no doubt what- ever as to their identity. Experience has shewn me that the mark- ings or white spots on the primary quills of Gulls, at one time assumed as a criterion by which species might be distinguished, cannot in the least be depended on, varying, as they always do, in individuals of the same species, at almost each successive moult. Then why, Reader, should not Terns exhibit analogous changes? The fact is, they do so; and it is almost impossible, on closely inspecting a dozen or more specimens procured at the same period, in either country, to find two individuals exactly corresponding in every particular. Some have the bill almost entirely black, while others have it more or less red and black, and tipped with yellow. The length of the tail-feathers, that of the tarsus, and the size of the inter-digital membranes, are all found to differ in some degree, if minutely compared. If species are to be founded on such slight differences, an ample field is open to those who are ambitious of being discoverers. At all events, I cannot help remarking here, that it seems to me improper to impose new names on objects, until it is proved by undeniable facts that they present permanent differences. I have observed this species along the Atlantic coast of North America, from Galveston Island in Texas to the Straits of Belle Isle on the coast of Labrador, both in spring and in early autumn. But when on the islands in Galveston Bay, in the month of April, I saw only a few arriving there from the west ; whereas, in the beginning of May great numbers arrived there from the east, settled at once, and commenced breeding. I felt eonvinced that the numbers which came — ae COMMON TERN. 75 from the direction of the Floridas were much greater than those which arrived from the westward, and judged it probable that vast numbers had at the same time left the Peninsula on their way northward. Should other travellers observe the same or similar phenomena at the season mentioned, it will be proved that this species does not extend its autumnal migration so far as several others, which I observed ar- riving at Galveston Island from the south-west, for example, the Least Tern, Sterna minuta, the Cayenne 'Tern, St. cayana, and the Black Tern, St. nigra. The Common Tern commences breeding on the coast of our Middle Districts about the 5th of May. On my voyage to Labrador, I found its eggs on the islands in the Gulf of St Lawrence, and especially on the Magdalene Islands, which I visited on the 11th of that month. On the 18th I saw them in great abundance in the neighbourhood of American Harbour, on the coast of Labrador, where thousands of Terns were plunging headlong after shrimps all round us. In that country, their eggs were deposited among the short grass, and the places which they occupied were but slightly scratched; whereas on the Magdalene Islands, where they breed on sandy ridges, slight hol- lows were scooped out, as is generally the case along the eastern coast of the United States. Their sojourn in Labrador is of short dura- tion ; and when we were at Newfoundland, on the 14th of August, multitudes were already passing southward. At the same period con- siderable numbers pass by an inland route from the Canadas, and all our great lakes, travelling along the Ohio and Mississippi. While re- siding at Henderson, and afterwards at Cincinnati, I had ample op- portunities of watching their movements in the month of September. And yet, you will think it strange, that, during their vernal migration, I never saw one ascend any of these rivers or the streams connected with them. Perhaps the inferior temperature of the waters, compared with those of the ocean, in the early spring months, may induce them to abandon their route at that season. In autumn, on the contrary, when these rivers are heated and reduced in size, the Terns may find in them an abundant supply of the fry of various fishes. It would thus appear, being corroborated by other observations which I have made relative to migration, that species whose range is extensive, are determined in their movements by a genial temperature and an abun- dant supply of food. 76 COMMON TERN. With an easy and buoyant flight, the Tern visits the whole of our indented coasts, with the intention of procuring food, or of rearing its young, amidst all the comforts and enjoyments which kind Nature has provided for it. Full of agreeable sensations, the mated pair glide along side by side, as gaily as ever glided bridegroom and bride. The air is warm, the sky of the purest azure, and in every nook the glit- tering fry tempts them to satiate their appetite. Here, dancing in the sunshine, with noisy mirth, the vast congregation spreads over the sandy shores, where, from immemorial time, the species has taken up its temporary abode. They all alight, and with minced steps, and tails carefully raised so as not to be injured by the sand, the different pairs move about, renew their caresses, and scoop out a little cavity in the soil. If you come again in a few days, you will find the place co- vered with eggs. There they lie, three in each hollow, beautifully spotted and pointed; and as they receive heat enough from the sun, the birds have left them until evening. But not absent are they from the cherished spot, for they have seen you, and now they all fly up screaming. Although unable to drive you away, they seem most an- xiously to urge your departure by every entreaty they can devise ; just as you would do, were your family endangered by some creature as much stronger than yourself as you are superior to them. Humanity fills your heart, you feel for them as a parent feels, and you willingly abandon the place. The eggs are soon hatched; the young in due time follow their parents, who, not considering their pleasant labour ended when they are able to fly, feed them on wing in the manner of swallows, until they are quite capable of procuring their subsistence themselves. So soon as this is the case, the young birds fly off in bands, to seek on distant shores, and in sunny climes, the plentiful food which the ocean yields. The nest of the Common ‘Tern is, as I have said, a mere hollow made in the loose sand of some island or mainland beach, scantily tufted with wiry grass, or strewed with sea-weeds. Their eggs never exceed three in number; their average length is 1 inch 53 eighths, their breadth 14 inch. They vary greatly in their markings, as is the case with those of all the smaller species of this family ; but their ground colour is generally pale yellowish-green, blotched and spotted with brownish-black and purplish-grey or neutral tint. The young, which are fed with small fishes, shrimps, and insects, COMMON TERN. 77 separate from the old birds when fully fledged, and do not again asso- ciate with them until the following spring, when both are found breed- ing in the same places. It seems quite curious to see these young birds in winter, during boisterous weather, throwing themselves into the remotest parts of estuaries, and even visiting salt-water ponds at some distance from the sea, as I have often seen them do at Charleston, in South Carolina, when accompanied by my friend the Rev. Dr Bacuman. ‘Their plumage is then so very different from that of the old birds, that one might readily believe them to be of another spe- cies, did he not observe that their mode of flying and their notes are the same. Not less strange is it, that on such occasions none of the old birds are to be seen in the place, they having remained, braving the fury of the tempest, on the outer harbours. In the be- ginning of winter, young birds also sometimes ascend the Mississippi as far as Natchez; and in the same manner betake themselves to all the large lakes bordering the Gulf of Mexico. There, as well as else- where, you see them plunge into the water, and instantaneously secure their prey, rise as quickly, and dash into another spot hard by, when- ever food happens to be abundant. I have many times seen the Common Tern suddenly fly up and come close over a man or a dog, without the least apparent provoca- tion, indeed when far distant from its nest, and then pass and repass repeatedly within a few yards, emitting a plaintive cry, as if its eggs or young were in the immediate vicinity. At other times, when the birds were yet distant from their young, and carrying fish in their bills, they would, on seeing a man, round to, drop their food, and perform the same evolutions. I, however, know nothing more remarkable of this species of Tern, than that it should breed, as I know from per- sonal observation to be the case, along the whole of our Atlantic coast, in suitable places, from Texas to Labrador. When travelling in stormy weather, they skim over the surface of the water, moving rapidly and close together ; whereas in fine weather, they rise high, and proceed in a straggling manner. Now and then I have seen them alight among Tringas of different species, as well as among Razor-billed Shearwaters, on outward sand beaches. 78 COMMON TERN. Sterna Hirvunno, Linn. Syst. Nat., vol. i. p.227.—Lath. Ind. Ornith., vol. ii. p. 807. —Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of the United States, 354.—Richards. and Swains. Fauna Bor. Amer. vol. ii. p. 412. Great TERN, SteRNA Hirunvo, Wils. Amer. Ornith., vol. viii. p. 76, pl. 60, fig. 1. Great or Common TERN, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 271. Adult Male. Plate CCCIX. Bill about the same length as the head, rather slender, compressed, nearly straight, tapering to a narrow point. Upper mandible with the dorsal line slightly arched, the ridge rather broad and convex at the base, narrow towards the end, the sides sloping, convex towards the end, the edges sharp and inflected, the tip very slender. Nasal groove rather long, and with a faint groove and ridge extending obliquely to the edge of the mandible; nostrils sub-basal, linear, direct, pervious. Lower mandible with the angle very narrow, extending beyond the middle, the dorsal line straight, the sides ascending and convex, the edges sharp and inflected, the tip very acute. Head of moderate size, oblong; neck of moderate length; body * very slender. Feet very small; tibia bare for a considerable space ; tarsus very short, slender, compressed, covered anteriorly with twenty- two small seutella, laterally and behind with reticular scales ; toes very small, slender, the first extremely small, the third longest, the fourth considerably shorter, the second shorter than the fourth in the same proportion ; the anterior toes connected by reticulated webs, which are deeply coneave at their margin. Claws arched, compressed, that of the hind toe smallest, of the middle by much the largest, and having the inner edge thin and dilated. Plumage soft, close, blended, very short on the fore part of the head; the feathers, in general, broad and rounded; wings very long, narrow, and pointed; primary quills tapering to a rounded point, slightly curved inwards, the first longest, the rest rapidly graduated ; secondary quills short, broad incurved, obliquely rounded, the imner more tapering. Tail long, very deeply forked, of twelve feathers, of which the outer are tapering, the middle short and rounded. Bill bright coral-red, black towards the end, the tip light yellow; inside of mouth reddish-orange ; eye hazel. Feet coral-red, lighter than the bill; claws brownish-black. Upper part of the head, and the hind neck half-way down, deep black, the anterior part tinged with brown, the posterior with blue. The sides of the head, the fore COMMON TERN. 79 neck, and all the lower parts, white, with a slight tinge of greyish- blue on the breast. Back, scapulars, and wings, light greyish-blue, the edges of the wings, the rump, and upper tail-coverts, white, slightly tinged with grey. First primary, with the outer web deep black, the shaft white, on the inner web a greyish-black band running along the shaft, narrow at the base, and widening so as to occupy the whole breadth of the web for an inch at the end, where it is hoary. The next five have the outer web, and a varying portion of the inner, in nearly their whole length hoary, but at the same time with a dusky Shade, which becomes more apparent at the ends; the rest of the quills are like the back, but margined and tipped with white. Tail- feathers with the inner webs white, the outer webs of the colour of the back, paler on the middle feathers, gradually deepening outwards, and on the outer feathers dark or blackish-grey. Length to end of tail 16 inches, to the fork of the tail 11, to end of wings 153, to end of claws 11}; extent of wings 31!; wing from ' flexure 11;%; tail to end of lateral feathers 7;4, to fork 375; bare part of tibia 74; tarsus 73; hind toe and claw 3, middle toe and claw 1,y. Weight 5 oz. The female is similar to the male, but rather smaller. In some instances I have seen a small portion of the forehead white. Length to end of tail 15 inches, to the fork 113, to end of wings 153, to end of elaws 11; extent of wings 301; wing from flexure 10}. Weight 5 oz. The young in their first plumage, have the bill dull greenish-black, with the tip yellowish ; the feet greenish-yellow. In winter, the bill is black, with the base pale orange, and the tip yellowish ; the feet orange-yellow. The colours are as in the adult, the forehead white, the rest of the head dusky, the upper parts 7 ll the feathers slightly margined with lighter. Length to end of tail 123, to the fork 11; to end of wings 14, to end of claws 103; extent of wings 29}; wing from flexure 8}. America and British specimens present no essential differences when compared in considerable numbers. The outer web of the la- teral tail-feather is blackish-grey, and the inner webs of the tail-feathers are white in all the specimens collected for comparison. The tarsus in American specimens varies in length from 9 to 103 twelfths, and the 80 COMMON TERN. claw of the middle toe from 23 to 43 twelfths; but similar differences are observed in the British birds. The tongue is 1; inch long, sagittate and papillate at the base, very slender, tapering, the point slit, the upper surface a little concave, the lower horny towards the end. Aperture of posterior nares linear, 9 twelfths long. Palate with a middle and two lateral ridges. Eso- phagus 6 inches long, extremely wide, its average diameter on the neck 7 twelfths, within the thorax 11 twelfths. The stomach is mus- cular, 1 inch long, the lateral muscles not distinguishable, the fasciculi of fibres being disposed as in the rapacious birds; the central tendi- nous spaces 3 twelfths in diameter; the cuticular lining strong, with broad longitudinal rug. The contents of the stomach, fishes. 'The proventriculus 1 inch long. Intestine 1 foot 7 inches long, of mo- derate diameter, convoluted, varying from 23 twelfths to 21 twelfths. Rectum 1 inch long. Coca 5 twelfths long, with a diameter of } of a twelfth. The trachea is 31 inches long, 23 twelfths in breadth above, 13 twelfth below; its rings 103, feeble and unossified; the lateral mus- cles extremely slender; there are sterno-tracheal muscles, but none besides. Bronchial half-rings about 18. ( weet, beginning high and gradually declining into a somewhat plain- tive tone. As the season advances, our little lively marine wanderers often trace the streams some distance into the interior, resting usually in fresh meadows among the grass, sometimes even near the house, and I have seen their eggs laid in a strawberry bed; and the young and old, pleased with their allowed protection, familiarly fed, and probed the margin of the adjoining duck-pond, for their usual fare of worms oe SPOTTED SANDPIPER. 83 and insects. They have the very frequent habit of balancing or wagging the tail, in which even the young join as soon as they are fledged. From the middle to the close of May, the pairs, seceding from their companions, seek out a place for their nest, which is always in a dry open field of grass or grain, sometimes in the seclu- sion and shade of a field of maize, but most commonly in a dry pas- ture, contiguous to the sea shore; and. in some of the solitary and small sea islands, several pairs sometimes nestle near to each other, in the immediate vicinity of the noisy nurseries of the quailing Terns. On being flushed from her eggs, the female goes off without uttering any complaint ; but when surprised with her young, she practises all the arts of dissimulation common to many other birds, fluttering in the path, as if badly wounded, and generally proceeds in this way so far as to deceive a dog, and cause it to overlook the brood, for whose pro- tection these instinctive arts are practised; nor are the young without their artful instinct, for on hearing the reiterated cries of their parents, they scatter about, and squatting still in the withered grass, almost exactly their colour, it is with careful search very difficult to discover them, so that in nine times out of ten, they would be overlooked, and only be endangered by the tread, which they would endure sooner than be- tray their cautious retreat. “ At a later period the shores and marshes resound with the quick, clear, and oft-repeated note of peet weet, peet weet, followed up by a plaintive call on the young, of peet, peet, peet? peet? If this is not answered by the scattered brood, a reiterated weet, "weet, ’weet, ‘wait, *wait, is heard, the voice dropping on the final syllables. The whole marsh and the shores at times echo to this loud, lively, and solicitous call of the affectionate parents for their brood. The cry, of course, is most frequent toward evening, when the little family, separated by the necessity of scattering themselves over the ground in quest of food, are again desirous of reassembling to roost. The young, as soon as hatched, run about the grass, and utter from the first a weak plaintive peep, at length more frequent and audible; and an imitation of the whistle of peet weet, is almost sure to meet with an answer from the sympathizing broods, which now throng our marshes. When the note appears to be answered, the parents hurry, and repeat their call with great quickness. Young and old, previous to their departure, fre- quent the sea shores, like most of the species, but never associate with F2 34 SPOTTED SANDPIPER. other kinds, nor become gregarious, living always in families till the time of their departure, which usually occurs about the middle of October.” My esteemed friend THomas Maccu.tocu of Pictou, Nova Scotia, having transmitted to me a curious account of the attachment of one of these birds to her eggs, I here insert it with pleasure. ‘ Being on an excursion to the Hardwood Heights, which rise to the west of Pictou, my attention was attracted by the warble of a little bird, which appeared to me entirely new, and which proceeded from a small thicket a short way off. Whilst crossing an intervening meadow, I acciden- tally raised a Spotted Sandpiper from its nest, and having marked the spot I hastened forwards ; but the shyness of the object of my pursuit rendered all my efforts unavailing, and returning to the nest which I had just left, I expected to find it still unoccupied; but the Sandpiper had again resumed her place, and left it with great reluctance, on my near approach. The nest contained four eggs, which I determined to remove on my return at night, and for the purpose of preventing the bird sitting again upon them, I placed a number of stones in a slant- ing position over the nest, and so close that it was impossible for the bird to get into it. On my return in the evening, however, I observed the little creature rise from beside the stones apparently in greater trepidation than ever, and more anxious to draw me away by the exhi- bition of all those little arts which they practise for this purpose. On examining the spot I was very much surprised to find that the poor thing had not only hollowed out a new nest, but had actually succeed- ed in abstracting two eggs from the other nest. How the bird had contrived to remove the eggs I cannot conceive, as the stones remained unaltered. This attachment to its nest and eggs appeared to me more singular as the bird had just commenced incubation, the eggs exhibit- ing very little appearance of the young.” In addition to the observations of THomas Nurta.t, I must in- form you that this species is often observed to alight on the branches of trees hanging over water-courses, on which they walk deliberately, and with their usual delicate elegance of gait, and balancing of both body and tail. ‘They are also wont to alight more frequently on the rails and stakes of fences, or on walls. I have seen them on the tops of hay-stacks, where they seemed to be engaged in pursuing insects. On several occasions I have found their nests in orchards of both © peach and apple trees, at a considerable distance from water, the SPOTTED SANDPIPER. 85 use of which, indeed, they do not appear to require much during the progress of incubation, or the first weeks after hatching their young, when I have seen them rambling in search of food over large open fields of sweet potatoes and other vegetables, in the neighbourhood of some of our cities. While these birds are flying, in the love season, the points of their wings are considerably bent down, and they propel themselves by strong and decided beats, supporting themselves afterwards by slow tremulous. motions of their pinions, to the distance of some yards, when they re- peat the strong beats, and thus continue until they realight, uttering all the while their well-known notes, so accurately described by my friend NutTatt. In the autumnal months, along the shores of La Belle Riviere, I have often with much delight watched the movements of these birds, when I have been surprised to see the pertinacity with which, after the first frosts, they would pursue their migration down the stream, for on attempting to make them fly the other way, they would rise, sometimes to the height of twenty yards, and flying over head or along the river, proceed downwards, although at any other time they would exhibit no such propensity. They run along the shores, and through shallow water, with great nimbleness ; and while courting, the male struts before the female, with depressed wings, spreading out his tail and trailing it along the ground, in the manner of the Migratory and Rufous Thrushes. The young become very fat in autumn, and afford delicious eating, for as they feed much on worms, aquatic insects, and small mol- lusea, their flesh seldom has a fishy taste. The male and female are alike, and almost equal in size. The young differ from the old until the approach of winter, when, with the exception of their being rather smaller, no difference can be perceived. This species occurs also in Europe, and a few individuals have been shot in England, 86 SPOTTED SANDPIPER. Toranus macuLarius, Zemm. Man. d’Ornith. part ii. p. 656.—Ch. Bonaparte, Sy- nopsis of Birds of United States, p. 325. SpottTep Sanprirer, Trinea macuLanria, Wils. Amer. Ornith. pl. 59. fig. 1. Srortrep TaTLer or Peet WEE T, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 162. Adult Male. Plate CCCX. Fig. 1. Bill a little longer than the head, very slender, subcylindrical, straight, flexible, compressed, the point rather obtuse. Upper man- dible with the dorsal line straight, the ridge convex, broader at the base, slightly depressed towards the end, the sides sloping, towards the end convex, the edges sharp, the tip slightly deflected. Nasal groove extending over three-fourths of the length of the bill; nostrils basal, linear, pervious. Lower mandible with the angle very long and extremely narrow, the dorsal line straight, the sides grooved at the base, convex towards the end. Head small, oblong. Eyesrather large. Neck of moderate length. Body rather slender. Feet rather long and slender ; tibia bare nearly half its length, scutellate before and behind ; tarsus also scutellate be- fore and behind; hind toe very small and elevated; fore toes rather long, very slender, connected by basal webs, of which the outer is much larger ; second toe considerably shorter than fourth ; all flat beneath, and marginate. Claws small, slightly arched, much compressed, ra- ther sharp, that of the middle toe much larger, with the inner edge considerably dilated. Plumage very soft, blended, on the fore part of the head very short. Wings long, narrow, pointed ; primaries rather narrow and tapering, first longest, the rest rapidly graduated ; secondaries short, broad, in- curved, obliquely rounded, the inner elongated and tapering. Tail of moderate length, much rounded, of twelve rounded feathers. Bill greenish-olive above, yellow beneath, the point of both man- dibles black. Eye hazel. Feet pale yellowish flesh-colour, claws black. All the upper parts shining deep brownish-olive, the head longitudi- nally streaked, the back transversely barred, with black. A line from the bill to the eye and beyond it white, another beneath it dusky. All the lower parts white, marked with numerous brownish-black spots, smaller on the throat, largest and roundish on the breast and sides. Axillary feathers pure white, lower wing-coverts white mottled with dusky. Quills brownish-black, glossed with green, the elongated in- SPOTTED SANDPIPER. 87 ner secondaries like the back ; the primaries slightly tipped with white, the secondaries, excepting the inner, more distinctly so, the white forming on them a conspicuous band. Four middle tail-feathers like the back, with a band of black at the end, the tip white ; the next pair on each side similar, with the white tip larger; the next barred with dusky on the outer web ; the lateral feather with the outer web white similarly barred. Length to end of tail 8 inches, to end of wings 73, to end of claws $1; extent of wings 13%; wing from flexure 47; tail 2; bill along the ridge 1; tarsus 1% ; hind toe and claw #5 ; middle toe and claw 1,2. Female. Plate CCCX. Fig. 2. There is hardly any difference between the sexes. The young in winter have the bill black at the end, dusky olive above, yellow beneath; the feet yellowish flesh-colour. The lower parts are brownish-white, without spots; the upper of the same brown- ish-olive as in the adult, but the head and hind neck destitute of streaks, and the rest with narrower and more numerous dusky bars. The tongue is 10 twelfths long, slender, tapering to a point, grooved above, sagittate and papillate at the base. The roof of the mouth with a single row of papillz, posteriorly divided into two series. Cisophagus 3 inches and 8 twelfths long, its diameter 2 twelfths, and nearly uniform. Proventriculus 3 inch long, 33 twelfths in diameter. Stomach elliptical, 83 twelfths long, 63 twelfths in breadth; its lateral muscles strong, the tendinous spaces oblong; the cuticular lining with large longitudi- nal ruge, and of adeepred colour. The contents of the stomach in this individual were remains of marine insects, and quartz sand. Intestine 10 inches long, its diameter varying from 1} twelfth to 1 twelfth: it enlarges near the rectum to 2 twelfths. Rectum 1 inch and 1 twelfth; coeca 1 inch and 1 twelfth, their diameter 4 of a twelfth. The trachea is 2 inches and 8 twelfths long, its diameter from 2 twelfths to 1 twelfth ; its rings 105, feeble and unossified. The late- ral muscles extremely feeble ; sterno-tracheals moderate ; a single pair of inferior laryngeal muscles. ( 88 ) AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. PELECANUS AMERICANUS. PLATE CCCXI. Anpurttr Mate. I FEEL great pleasure, good Reader, in assuring you, that our White Pelican, which has hitherto been considered the same as that found in Europe, is quite different. In consequence of this discovery, I have honoured it with the name of my beloved country, over the mighty streams of which, may this splendid bird wander free and unmolested to the most distant times, as it has already done from the misty ages of unknown antiquity. In Dr Ricuarvson’s Introduction to the second volume of the Fauna Boreali-Americana, we are informed, that the Pelecanus Onocro- talus (which is the bird now named P. Americanus) flies in dense flocks all the summer in the fur countries. At page 472, the same in- trepid traveller says, that ‘“ Pelicans are numerous in the interior of the fur countries up to the sixty-first parallel ; but they seldom come within two hundred miles of Hudson’s Bay. They deposit their eggs usually on rocky islands, on the brink of cascades, where they can scarcely be approached ; but they are otherwise by no means shy birds.” My learned friend also speaks of the ‘‘ long thin bony process seen on the upper mandible of the bill of this species ;” and although neither he nor Mr Swarnson pointed out the actual differences otherwise exist- ing between this and the European species, he states that no such ap- pearance has been described as occurring on the bills of the White Pe- licans of the old Continent. When, somewhat more than thirty years ago, I first removed to Kentucky, Pelicans of this species were frequently seen by me on the sand-bars of the Ohio, and on the rock-bound waters of the rapids of that majestic river, situated, as you well know, between Louisville and Shippingport. Nay when, a few years afterwards, I established myself at Henderson, the White Pelicans were so abundant that I of- ten killed several at a shot, on a well known sand-bar, which protects Canoe Creek Island. During those delightful days of my early man- hood, how often have I watched them with delight! Methinks in- AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. 89 deed, Reader, those days have returned to me, as if to enable me the better once more to read the scattered notes contained in my often- searched journals. Ranged along the margins of the sand-bar, in broken array, stand a hundred heavy-bodied Pelicans. Gorgeous tints, all autumnal, en- rich the foliage of every tree around, the reflection of which, like fragments of the rainbow, seems to fill the very depths of the placid and almost sleeping waters of the Ohio. The subdued and ruddy beams of the orb of day assure me that the Indian summer has com- menced, that happy season of unrivalled loveliness and serenity, sym- bolic of autumnal life, which to every enthusiastic lover of nature must be the purest and calmest period of his career. Pluming them- selves, the gorged Pelicans patiently wait the return of hunger. Should one chance to gape, all, as if by sympathy, in succession open their long and broad mandibles, yawning lazily and Iudicrously. Now, the whole length of their largest quills is passed through the bill, until at length their apparel is as beautifully trimmed as if the party were to figure at aroute. But mark, the red beams of the set- ting sun tinge the tall tops of the forest trees ; the birds experience the cravings of hunger, and to satisfy them they must now labour. Clumsily do they rise on their columnar legs, and heavily waddle to the water. But now, how changed do they seem! Lightly do they float, as they marshal themselves, and extend their line, and now their broad paddle-like feet propel them onwards. In yonder nook, the small fry are dancing in the quiet water, perhaps in their own manner bidding farewell to the orb of day, perhaps seeking something for their supper. Thousands there are, all gay, and the very manner of their mirth, causing the waters to sparkle, invites their foes to ad- vance toward the shoal. And now the Pelicans, aware of the facul- ties of their scaly prey, at once spread out their broad wings, press closely forward with powerful strokes of their feet, drive the little fishes toward the shallow shore, and then, with their enormous pouches spread like so many bag-nets, scoop them out and devour them in thousands. How strange it is, Reader, that birds of this species should be found breeding in the Fur Countries, at about the same period when they are to be found on the waters of the inland bays of the Mexican Gulf! On the 2d of April 1837, I met with these birds in abundance at 90 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. the south-west entrance or mouth of the Mississippi, and afterwards saw them in the course of the same season, in almost every inlet, bay, or river, as I advanced toward Texas, where I found some of them in the Bay of Galveston, on the Ist of May. Nay, while on the Island of Grande Terre, I was assured by Mr Anpry, a sugar-planter, who has resided there for some years, that he had observed White Pelicans along the shores every month of the year. Can it be, that in this species of bird, as in many others, barren individuals should remain in sections of countries altogether forsaken by those which are repro- ductive? The latter, we know, travel to the Rocky Mountains and the Fur Countries of the north, and there breed. Or do some of these birds, as well as of certain species of our ducks, remain and repro- duce in those southern localities, induced to do so by some organic or instinctive peculiarity ? Ah, Reader, how little do we yet know of the wonderful combinations of Nature’s arrangements, to render every individual of her creation comfortable and happy under all the cir- cumstances in which they may be placed ! My friend Jonn BacuMan, in a note to me, says that “ this bird is now more rare on our coast than it was thirty years ago; for I have heard it stated that it formerly bred on the sand banks of our Bird Islands. I saw a flock on the Bird Banks off Bull’s Island, on the 1st day of July 1814, when I procured two full-plumaged old birds, and was under the impression that they had laid eggs on one of those banks, but the latter had the day previous to my visit been overflowed by a spring tide, accompanied with heavy wind.” A single pair of our White Pelicans were procured not far from Philadelphia, on the Delaware or Schuylkill, ten or twelve years ago. These were the only birds of this kind that, I believe, were ever ob- served in our Middle Districts, where even the Brown Pelican, Pelecanus Jfuscus, is never seen. Nor have I heard that an individual of either species has ever been met with on any part of the shores of our Eastern States. From these facts, it may be concluded that the White Pelicans reach the Fur Countries of Hudson’s Bay by inland journeys, and mostly by passing along our great western rivers in the spring months, as they are also wont. to do, though with less rapid ~ movements, in autumn. Reader, I have thought a thousand times perhaps that the present state of migration of many of our birds, is in a manner artificial, and ~— a + We % AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. 91 that a portion of the myriads of Ducks, Geese, and other kinds, which leave our Southern Districts every spring for higher latitudes, were formerly in the habit of remaining and breeding im every section of the country that was found to be favourable for that purpose. It seems to me that it is now on account of the difficulties they meet with, from the constantly increasing numbers of our hostile species, that these creatures are urged to proceed towards wild and uninhabited parts of the world, where they find that security from molestation necessary to enable them to rear their innocent progeny, but which is now de- nied them in countries once their own. The White American Pelican never descends from on wing upon its prey, as is the habit of the Brown Pelican ; and, although on many occasions it fishes in the manner above described, it varies its mode according to circumstances, such as a feeling of security, or the acci- dental meeting with shoals of fishes in such shallows as the birds can well compass. ‘They never dive for their food, but only thrust their head into the waters as far as their neck can reach, and withdraw it as soon as they have caught something, or have missed it, for their head is seldom out of sight more than half a minute at a time. When they are upon rivers, they usually feed along the margin of the water, though, I believe, mostly in swimming depth, when they proceed with greater celerity than when on the sand. While thus swimming, you see their necks extended, with their upper mandible only above the water, the lower being laterally extended, and ready to receive what- ever fish or other food may chance to come into the net-like apparatus attached to it. As this species is often seen along the sea shores searching for food, as well as on fresh water, I will give you a description of its manners there. While on the Island of Barataria in April 1837, I gne afternoon observed a number of White Pelicans in company with a flock of the Brown species, all at work, searching for food, the Brown in the manner already described, the White in the following. They all swam against the wind and current, with their wings partially ex- tended, and the neck stretched out, the upper mandible alone appear- ing above the surface, while the lower must have been used as a scoop- net, as I saw it raised from time to time, and brought to meet the up- per, when the whole bill immediately fell to a perpendicular position, the water was allowed to run out, and the bill being again raised up- 92 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. wards, the fish was swallowed. After thus swimming for about an_ hundred yards in an extended line, and parallel to cach other, they would rise on wing, wheel about, and realight at the place where their fishing had commenced, when they would repeat the same actions. They kept farther from the shore than the Brown Pelicans, and in deeper water, though at times one of the latter would dive after fish close to some of them, without their shewing the least degree of: enmity to- wards each other. I continued watching them more than an hour, concealed among a large quantity of drifted logs, until their fishing was finished, when they all, White and Brown together, flew off to the lee of another island, no doubt to spend the night there, for these birds are altogether diurnal. When gorged, they retire to the shores, to small islands in bays or rivers, or sit on logs floating in shallow water, at a good distance from the beach; in all which situations they are prone to lie down, or stand closely together. Being anxious, when on my last expedition, to procure several speci- mens of these birds for the purpose of presenting you with an account of their anatomical structure, I requested all on board our vessel to shoot them on.all occasions; but no birds having been procured, I was ob- liged to set out with a “ select party” for the purpose. Having heard some of the sailors say that large flocks of White Pelicans had been seen on the inner islets of Barataria Bay, within the island called Grande Terre, we had a boat manned, and my friend Epwarp Harris, my son, and myself, went off in search of them. After a while we saw large flocks of these birds on some grounded logs, but found that it was no easy matter to get near them, on account of the shallowness of the bay, the water being scarcely two feet in depth for upwards of half a mile about us. Quietly, and with all possible care, we neared a flock ; and strange it was for me to be once more within shooting distance of White Pelicans. It would no doubt be a very interesting sight to you, were you to mark the gravity and sedateness of some hundreds of these Pelicans, closely huddled together on a heap of stranded logs, or a small bank of racoon oysters. They were lying on their breasts, but as we neared them they all arose deliberately to their full height. Some, gently sliding from the logs, swam off towards the nearest flock, as unapprehensive of danger as if they had been a mile distant. But now their bright eyes were distinctly visible to us, our guns, AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. 93 charged with buckshot, were in readiness, and my son was lying in the bow of the boat waiting for the signal. “Fire!”—The report is instantly heard, the affrighted birds spread their wings and hurry away, leaving behind three of their companions floating on the water. Another shot from a different gun brought down a fourth from on wing; and as a few were scampering off wounded, we gave chase, and soon placed all our prizes in the after sheets. About a quarter of a mile farther on, we killed two, and pursued several that were severely wounded in the wing, but they escaped, for they swam off so rapidly that we could not propel our boat with sufficient force amidst the tortuous shallows. The Pelicans appeared tame, if not almost stupid; and at one place, where there were about sixty on an immense log, could we have gone twenty yards nearer, we might have killed eight or ten at a single discharge. But we had already a full cargo, and therefore returned to the vessel, on the decks of which the wounded birds were allowed to roam at large. We found these Pelicans hard to kill, and some which were perforated with buckshot did not expire until eight or ten minutes after they were fired at. A wonderful instance of this tenacity of life was to be seen on board a schooner then at anchor in the harbour. A Pelican had been grazed on the hind part of the head with an ounce ball from a musket, and yet five days afterwards it was apparently convalescent, and had become quite gentle. When wounded, they swim rather sluggishly, and do not attempt to dive, or even to bite, like the Brown Pelicans, | although they are twice as large, and proportionally stronger. After being shot at, they are perfectly silent, but when alighted they utter a hollow guttural sound somewhat resembling that produced by blow- ing through the bung-hole of a cask. The White Pelicans appear almost inactive during the greater part of the day, fishing only soon after sunrise, and again about an hour before sunset; though at times the whole flock will mount high in the air, and perform extended gyrations in the manner of the Hoop- ing Crane, Wood Ibis, and Vultures. These movements are probably performed for the purpose of assisting their digestion, and of airing themselves, in the higher and cooler regions of the atmosphere. Whilst on the ground, they at times spread their wings to the breeze, or to the rays of the sun; but this act is much more rarely performed by them than by the Brown Pelicans. When walking, they seem ex- ceedingly awkward, and like many cowardly individuals of our own 94 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. species, are apt to snap at objects which they appear to know perfectly | to be so far superior to them as to disdain taking notice of them. Their usual manner of flight is precisely similar to that of our Brown species. It is said byauthors that the White Pelican can alight on trees; but I have never seen a single instance of its doing so. I am of opi- nion that the ridge projecting from the upper mandible increases in size as the bird grows older, and that it uses that apparatus as a means of defence or of attack, when engaged with its rivals in the love- season. The number of small fishes destroyed by a single bird of this spe- cies may appear to you, as it did to me, quite extraordinary. While I was at General Hzernanvez’s plantation in East Florida, one of them chanced to pass close over the house of my generous host, and was brought dead to the ground. It was not a mature bird; but apparently about eighteen months old. On opening it, we found in its stomach several hundreds of fishes, of the size of what are usually called minnows. Among the many which I have at different times exa- mined, I never found one containing fishes as large as those commonly swallowed by the Brown species, which, in my opinion, is more likely to secure a large fish by plunging upon it from on wing, than a bird which must swim after its prey. This beautiful species,—for, Reader, it is truly beautiful, and you would say so were you to pick it up in all the natural cleanness of its plumage, from the surface of the water,—carries its crest broadly ex- panded, as if divided into two parts from the centre of the head. The brightness of its eyes seemed to me to rival that of the purest diamond ; and in the love season, or the spring of the year, the orange-red colour of its legs and feet, as well as of the pouch and bill, is wonderfully en- riched, being as represented in my plate, while during the autumnal months these parts are pale. Its flesh is rank, fishy, and nauseous, and therefore quite unfit for food, unless in cases of extreme necessity. The idea that these birds are easily caught when gorged with fish, is quite incorrect, for when approached, on such an occasion, they throw up their food, as Vultures are wont to do. I regret exceedingly that I cannot say any thing respecting their nests, eggs, or young, as I have not been in the countries in which they are said to breed. AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. 95 PELEcanus AMERICANUS. Adult Male. Plate CCCXI. Bill a little more than thrice the length of the head, rather slender, almost straight, depressed. Upper mandible linear, depressed, convex at the base, gradually flattened and a little enlarged to near the end, when it again narrows, and terminates in a hooked point. The ridge is broad and convex at the base, becomes gradually narrowed and flat- tened beyond the middle, is elevated into a thin crest about an inch high, of a fibrous structure, and about three inches in length (in some specimens as much as five inches) which is continued forwards of less elevation to the extent of an inch farther. The ridge of the mandible is then narrow and flat, and terminates in the unguis, which is oblong, slightly carinate above, curved, obtuse, concave beneath. The edges are very sharp and a little involute ; the lower surface of the mandible has a median slender sharp ridge, on each side of which, at the dis- tance of a quarter of an inch is a stronger ridge having a groove in its whole length; the sides then slope upwards to the incurved margin, and in this latter space is received the edge of the other mandible. Lower mandible having its crura separated, very slender, elastic, and meeting only at the very extremity, so that the angle or interspace may be described as extremely long, occupying in fact the whole length of the bill excepting four-twelfths of an inch at the end ; for two-thirds of its length from the base, the lower mandible is broader than the up- per, which is owing to the crura lying obliquely, but beyond the crest it is narrower ; the extremely short dorsal line ascending, convex, the edges inflected, sharp, and longitudinally grooved. To the lower man- dible, in place of the skin or membrane filling up the angle in most other birds, is appended a vast sac seven inches in depth opposite the base of the bill, and extending down the throat about eight inches, so that its length from the tip of the lower mandible is twenty-one and a half inches, It is formed of the skin, which is thin, transparent, elastic, ru- gous, highly vascular, and capable of being expanded like a net, supported by the elastic mandibles to the breadth of nine and a half inches. Head small, oblong; neck long, stout ; body full, rather flattened. Feet short and very stout; tibia bare at its lower part, covered all round with small scales ; tarsus short, very stout, compressed, covered all round with hexagonal seales, of which the anterior are much larger ; 96 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN, toes in the same plane, all connected by reticulated webs, the first shortest, the second an inch shorter than the fourth, which is consider- ably longer than the third, scaly at the base, scutellate over the rest of their extent. Claws short, strong, curved, rather blunt, that of the middle toe with a sharp pectinate inner edge. Feathers of the head and neck exceedingly small, slender, and of a downy texture, those on 'the fore part of the head a little more com- pact; on the nape they are elongated, acuminate, and form a longi- tudinal narrow crest, which runs down the back of the neck. The fea- thers in general are lanceolate, acuminate, and of moderately dense texture ; those at the junction of the neck and breast anteriorly are stiffer and more elongated. Wings very long, rather narrow, rounded ; the humerus and cubitus very long in proportion; primaries much curved ; secondaries rather narrow, also incurved toward the end, the inner extending when the wing is closed far beyond the tips of the pri- maries. Tail short, broad, rounded, of twenty-four feathers, which are broad and abruptly acuminate. Bill bare, space about the eye, and feet, rich bright yellow, becom- ing brighter before their departure for their breeding grounds; claws yellowish-brewn ; tip of the bill brighter than the rest. Iris white, in younger birds dusky. The general colour of the plumage is pure white ; the crest, the elongated feathers on the fore part of the breast, and those near the edge of the cubitus, pale yellow. The alula, primary coverts, and primary quills, black, the shafts white, becoming brownish- black, toward the end. The inner ten secondaries are white, the rest black, more or less tipped with greyish-white, their bases white, that colour more extended on the inner than the outer, the shafts of all the quills white beneath, those of the secondaries tinged with grey. Dimensions of an old male. Length to end of tail 612 inches, to end of wing 612, to end of claws 663, from the point of the bill to the carpal joint 40; extent of wings 103; wing from flexure 243; length of cubitus 15; tail 61; bill along the ridge 133, along the edge of lower mandible 15; breadth of lower mandible at the base 2; bare part of tibia 1; tarsus 4;%; middle toe 44, its claw 3; outer toe 43, its claw 3%; inner toe 3, its claw ;4; hind toe 12, its claw 4. Weight 173 |b. The female is rather less, and in as far as I am warranted by the fi a pe AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. 97 examination of several individuals in stating, is destitute of the horny erest of the upper mandible. A male, shot near Grande Terre, in the Gulf of Mexico, examined. The skin is very thin, but the subcutaneous cellular tissue is extremely developed, forming a thick reticular layer over the whole body. The internal cells are also of vast size, the right hepatic being 43 inches long, the right abdominal 43 by 4; the left abdominal 54 by 4; the elavicular cell is not formed by a single cavity, but of numberless cellules, like those of the subcutaneous tissue. The heart » is trian- gular, pointed, 8 inches long, 2 inches and 10 twelfths in breadth ; the aorta branches at the base, as in other birds, sending off the two trunks which separate into the subclavian and carotid. The lobes of the liver are extremely unequal, the right, 0, being 4 inches in length, and 2} in breadth, while the left, p, is only 2 inches long, and 1; inch broad. The mandibles are entirely covered with skin, of which the subeu- taneous tissue is wanting, the cutis condensed, and the cuticle in large irregular longitudinal plates, leaving the surface somewhat rough and sealy. The crest-like excrescence on the ridge of the upper mandible is not formed of bone, nor otherwise connected with the osseous sur- face, which is smooth and continuous beneath it, than by being placed upon it, like any other part of the skin, and when softened by immer- sion in a liquid may be bent a little to either side. It is composed internally of erect slender plates of a fibrous texture, externally of horny fibres, which are erect on the sides, and longitudinal on the broadened ridge ; these fibres being continuous with the cutis and cu- ticle. ‘The skin of the mandible is continuous with that of the pouch, of which the structure is as follows. Externally there is a layer of cu- ticle, beneath which is the cutis, extremely thin, and with the cuticle thrown into longitudinal rug when contracted. The internal surface is also of cuticle, and beneath it is a layer of cutis. Between these two very thin layers of skin, is interposed an equally thin layer, com- posed of two sets of very slender muscular fibres, separated from each other, and running in two opposite directions. The outer fibres run in fasciculi from the lower and inner edge of the mandible; those from its base pass downwards, those arising more anteriorly pass gradu- VOL. lv. G 98 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. ally more forwards, and spreading out, reach the middle line of the pouch. The inner fibres have the same origin, and pass in a contrary direction, backwards and inwards. From the hyoid bone to the junc- tion of the two crura of the mandible, which takes place almost at the very tip, there extends a thin band of longitudinal muscular fibres, in the centre of which is a cord of elastic tissue. By means of this appa- ratus, the sac is contracted, so as to occupy little space. When the bill is opened, the crura of the lower mandible separate from each other to a considerable extent, by the action of the muscles inserted into their base, this depending upon their oblique position, and the sac isexpanded. The upper mandible is capable of being moved to a con- siderable extent. Below the anterior angle of the eye is asmall sac about 5 twelfths of an inch in length, with an external aperture of 2 twelfths, and filled with a pulpy substance. The nostrils are linear, about 3 twelfths of an inch long, and quite concealed by the wrinkles of the skin. The aperture of the posterior nares 8 twelfths. The tongue is an extremely small, papilliform body, 34 twelfths of an inch long, and 1 twelfth in . diameter. The aperture of the glottis is linear, 8 twelfths in length, destitute of papilla behind. The pharynx is about 23 inches in breadth. The esophagus a, at the commencement, or opposite the tongue, has a diameter of about 6 inches, and contracts until the middle of the neck, where it is 3 inches in width ; at its entrance into the thorax at b it contracts to 14 inch, but is dilatable to 3 ches ; at this part, its inner coat is thrown into very prominent longitudinal ruge. The structure of the cesopha- gus is similar to that of the Loon already described, but its muscular coat is much thinner. On entering the thorax, it again expands to a diameter of 3 inches. Its length from the glottis, exclusive of the pro- ventriculus, is 2 feet. The proventriculus, cd, when not extended, has a diameter of 2 inches, its length being 4 inches and 8 twelfths. It is marked internally with six longitudinal broad ridges, about half an inch in breadth, and separated by grooves; and its cuticular lining is 14 twelfths thick, of a compact but soft texture, elevated into tor- tuous reticulated ridges. The glandules, which are cylindrical, the largest 3 twelfths of an inch long, 3 twelfth in diameter, form a com- plete elongated belt. The muscular coat is also very thick. its inner a AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. 99 layer composed of transverse, its outer of longitudinal fibres, and the greatest thickness of the walls of the proventriculus is about 43 twelfths of an inch. The stomach, e, properly so called, is extremely small, being of a roundish, compressed form, 1} inches in length, and of the same breadth ; its muscular coat composed of slender fasciculi, and not presenting a distinction into lateral and inferior muscles, its inner coat smooth. Appended to it on the right side is a sac f, of a roundish form, 1,%, inch in length, and 14 in breadth, joming it by a contraction, of which the diameter is } inch, and opening directly into G2 100 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. the proventriculus, as well as into the stomach; its walls thin, its © inner surface smooth, with numerous mucous crypts irregularly dis- posed. The pylorus, g, is exceedingly small, 13 twelfths in diameter, with a thickened margin. The duodenum g, i, 7, passes backwards and upwards to the length of 64 inches, returns upon itself enclosing the pancreas, receives the biliary ducts at the distance of 14 inches from the pylorus. ‘The gall- bladder is oblong, 2 inches long, and 10 twelfths broad. The intestine then forms numerous conyolutions, j,4,/, occupying the whole abdo- men, and lying in part over the stomach and proventriculus. Its en- tire length is 10 feet 10 inches. Its diameter varies little, it being at the upper part 5 twelfths of an inch, towards the rectum 34 twelfths. The rectum is 5} inches long, including the cloaca, m, which is glo- bular, and about 24 inches in diameter. The ceeca are 1 inch and 1 twelfth in length, 4 twelfths in diameter, cylindrical, rounded at the end. The muscular coat of the intestine is very strong, the inner vil- lous. One of the testes is 1 inch long, the other 14; their form oblong. In the proventriculus and stomach is a vast accumulation of small lumbrici, about 13 inch in length, and amounting to about 1000. The trachea is 1 foot 10 inches long, a little flattened, } inch in di- ameter throughout, but a little narrower about the middle ; the rings 160, not ossified, excepting the lower. The contractor muscles are very small; as are the sterno-tracheal ; and the inferior larynx is destitute of muscles. The bronchi are large, 5 twelfths in diameter, of 25 half rings. The upper mandible is hollow in its whole extent; but the lateral spaces intervening between the edges of the median bone or ridge and the margins, are filled with a beautiful net-work of bony spicule. The two superior maxillary branches of the fifth pair of nerves, which are very large, being about 1 twelfth of an inch in diameter at the base, run close together along the median line, sending off branches at inter- vals, and extending to the end of the mandible. The lower mandible is also hollow, and similarly reticulated. The inferior maxillary branch, having entered on the inner side at the base, runs in like man- ner along its whole length, and is of the same thickness; by an aper- ture on the outer side near the base, it sends off a branch almost as i i - AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. 101 thick, which runs within the membrane of the gular sac, parallel to the mandible, and about half an inch distant from it, sending off branches at intervals. The sac is plentifully supplied with bloodvessels. The nasal cavity is of an oblong form, 1 inch and 5 twelfths in length, passing obliquely backwards and upwards from the aperture of the posterior nares, and opening externally by curving forwards ; its greatest diameter 5 twelfths, in its lower third 3 twelfths, and so con- tinuing until it expands into the inferior slit-like aperture, which is 8 twelfths long. The cavity of the nose is thus small, and the olfactory nerve, which passes out from the anterior part of the brain, is a slender filament, about 4 of a twelfth in diameter. It runs at first through a bony tube, then passes along the bony septum of the orbits, in contact for a short space with the superior maxillary nerve of the fifth pair, which at its commencement makes a great curve upwards, and crosses the orbit to enter the maxillary cavity, which has no communication with the olfactory. Fig. 2 represents the sternum viewed from before. It is remarkable chiefly for its great breadth and convexity. Its sides, a, b, c, d, are nearly parallel; its posterior margin broad, with two shallow notches, ¢, f, separated by a short conical obtuse median pro- cess. The crest or ridge, 4, 7, is carried forward in front, where it is only, however, of moderate height, and is not continued to the posterior ex- tremity, but terminates at 2, in the most convex part. The coracoid bones, 7, 7, are extremely large, very broad at their lower part, and having a-deep groove and thin elongated process, j, at the upper for the tendon of the pectoralis medius, which raises the wing. The furcula, k, k, 1, is anchylosed with the crest of the sternum, at 4, has its crura moderately stout and much diverging, and its upper extremity very broad and recurvate. The scapula, of which only the anterior process Z, 1, is seen, is small. A sternal apparatus like this indicates a steady and powerful flight, the wings being supported upon a very firm basis, and well separated. The great mass of the pectoral muscle being thrown forward, it acts more directly than in such birds as the Gallinz and Ducks, in which it is placed farther backwards, and although its bulk is not so great as in them, it is more advantageously situated. The sternal apparatus of this Pelican is thus extremely similar to that of the Cormorant, and the American Anhinga, and is also constructed 102 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN. on the same plan as that of the Gannets, although in the latter its body is more elongated. ( 103 ) LONG-TAILED DUCK. FULIGULA GLACIALIS, Bonar. PLATE CCCXII. Mate anp Femate 1n SummMER, Mate 1n WinTER, AND UNFLEDGED YOUNG. In the course of one of my rambles along the borders of a large fresh-water lake, near Bras-d’or in Labrador, on the 28th of July 1833, I was delighted by the sight of several young broods of this species of Duck, all carefully attended to by their anxious and watchful mothers. Not a male bird was on the lake, which was fully two miles distant from the sea, and I concluded that in this species, as in many others, the males abandon the females after incubation has commenced. I watched their motions a good while, searching at the same time for the nests, one of which I was not long in discovering. Although it was quite des- titute of anything bearing the appearance of life, it still contained the down which the mother had plucked from herself for the purpose of keeping her eggs warm. It was placed under an alder bush, among rank weeds, not more than eight or nine feet from the edge of the water, and was formed of rather coarse grass, with an upper layer of finer weeds, which were neatly arranged, while the down filled the bottom of the cavity, now apparently flattened by the long sitting of the bird. The number of young broods in sight induced me to search for more nests, and in about an hour I discovered six more, in one of which I was delighted to find two rotten eggs. They measured 2 inches and 3 long, by 1 broad, were of a uniform pale yellowish-green, and quite smooth. My young companions had, unfortunately for me, walked that morning to Blane Sablon, about thirty miles distant, down the Straits of Belle Isle ; and having no dog to assist me in procuring some of the young ducks, I was obliged to enact the part of one myself, although the thermometer that day was 45° 50’, and the atmosphere felt chilly. I gave chase to the younglings, which made for different parts of the shore, as I followed them up to my middle in the water, while they dived before me like so many Water-witches, the mothers keeping aloof, and sounding their notes of alarm and admonition. I was fortu- 104 LONG-TAILED DUCK. nate enough to procure several of the young birds, and afterwards shot one of the old, which having young much smaller than the rest, was more anxious for their safety, and kept with them within shot. She and the young were afterwards put in rum, to be subsequently exa- mined. I counted eleven broods on the same pond, and Mr Jongs as- sured me that these birds always breed in numbers together, but rarely on the same lake two successive years. Their plumage was ragged, in so far as I could judge, and the individual which I shot was similar. They never dived while in my sight, but seemed constantly to urge their young to do so, and the little things so profited by the advice of their parents, that had they remained in the water, instead of making, after a while, for the land, I believe I should not have succeeded, after all my exertions, in capturing a single one of them. The gentleman above mentioned informed me that the old birds keep the young in the ponds until they are quite able to fly, or until the end of August, when the flocks remove on wing to the sea, and soon after leave the coast, seldom reappearing before the first days of May, or about two weeks before most other kinds of ducks. The little ones which I procured, were as you see them represented in my plate. Those that were larger were of the same colour, and none shewed any feathers on their bodies. Now and then, like all other young ducks, they would skim over the surface of the water with astonishing ra- pidity, emitting a sharp note somewhat resembling the syllables pee, pee, pee, and would then dive with the quickness of thought. When squatted among the moss, they allowed me to take them without ma- king any attempt to escape. The young were put in a tub, and had some soaked biscuit placed near them; but they were all found dead the next morning. ‘The range of this noisy, lively, and beautiful duck, extends along our coast as far south as Texas, and it is also found at the mouth of the Columbia River; but the species is never found on any of our fresh-water courses, and Iam quite confident that Mr Say mistook for it the Pintail Duck, Anas acuta, when he says that he found it on the waters of the Missouri. During all my residence in the neighbour- hood of the Mississippi, and in the course of all my journeys on and along its waters, I never saw one of these birds, or heard of any having occurred on that stream above its confluence with the Gulf of Mexico; whereas the Pintails are extremely abundant there, as well as on the LONG-TAILED DUCK. 105 Missouri, the Ohio, and all our western streams, in spring and autumn. Few Long-tailed Ducks are to be seen in the market of New Orleans, and in fact they are altogether what our gunners usually call “ sea ducks.” - The period of the first appearance of this species in autumn de- pends much on the state of the weather. I have known a difference of a whole month in the Sound, and quite as much in Chesapeake Bay, in both of which it is most abundant in winter, rarely proceeding far- ther south until driven away by extreme cold. Their advance from Labrador and Newfoundland along the coast, until they reach Long Island, is more hurried than afterwards. They arrive in small flocks, which are soon joined by others, and as they are prone to congregate, vast numbers are seen together in winter, when their cacklings, though dif- ferent from those of our frogs in spring, are almost as incessant from sunset untildawn. For my part, I have never perceived any resemblance which their notes bear to the words “* south-southerly,” but think their noisy cries as duckish as those of the Mallard, although sharper and more musical. The best imitation is given by my friend Nurratt, but if you attempt to reduce the syllables to sounds, there is some probability of your at least succeeding in exciting laughter in yourself or others. He says the notes are “ ogh, ough, egh,” and again “ ogh, ogh, ogh, ough, egh,” and adds that they are guttural, and have a ludi- crous drawling tone. Dr Ricnarpson informs us that “ the peculiar cry of this duck is celebrated in the songs of the Canadian voyagers.” This to my mind would imply that the Long-tailed Ducks are seen by these adventurous travellers on the waters of the inland streams, which would appear to be at variance with their usual habits, for unless du- ring the breeding season, they give a decided preference to the sea; and indeed generally keep in deep water. Owing to their reiterated eries these birds are named “ Noisy Ducks ;” but they have various appellations, among others those of “ old wives,” and “ old squaws.” Although, like all sea-ducks, the ‘“‘ Old Wife” swims deeply, it moves with a grace and celerity, which if not superior to those of any of its tribe, are at least equal; and when the weather is rough, and the waters agitated, it raises its tail in the same manner as the Ruddy Duck and Pintail. When advancing in smooth water, its speed is such as to cause a considerable swell before it, such as sea-faring per- sons usually call a “ bone.” Like all others of its tribe, it also pre- 106 LONG-TAILED DUCK. fers swimming against both wind and tide, as then it can sooner take wing if necessary. In calm and pleasant weather, like its congeners, it is fond of throwing its body almost over, and of pluming itself in that position. When on wing, the long feathers of its tail do not seem to aid its progress, any more than in other species. It seldom removes from the north on its way to our Middle Dis- tricts in large flocks ; but at the approach of the breeding season, and after the birds appear to be all paired, they fly northward in long lines, or broad fronts, moving high or low according to the state of the weather, passing at times at a considerable distance from the shores, but flying close to the points of every cape, although they never pass over an isthmus however narrow. Their flight is swift, well sustained, and accompanied with a well-marked whistling of their wings. Being expert divers, it is difficult to kill them on the water; and if you hap- pen to wound one but slightly, I would advise you, Reader, to give up the chase, unless you have hit it while on the ice, in which case you will find that it runs rather awkwardly. Their flesh is none of the best, being dark, generally tough, and to the taste fishy; for which reason they are now-a-days frequently brought to our markets plucked, with the head and feet cut off, and called by the venders by all names excepting old wives, squaws, noisy ducks, or south-southerlies. The food of this species consists chiefly of shell-fish ; but in the stomachs of those killed on fresh water in Labrador, I found small fishes, and a quantity of grass and its roots. From the great number of specimens which I have procured in our Middle Districts in winter, and those which I have seen killed during the love season in the north, I am induced to think that the elongated feathers of the tail of this species scarcely if at all, differ in length at these different periods, although some writers have said that in spring they are much longer than in winter, in which latter season, however, I think the old males differ only in the colour of their plumage from their state in spring. I have obtained male specimens at New York and at Baltimore early in March, when they were already much changed from their appearance in winter; but my friend Bacuman informs me that he has never seen one with any appearance of the summer plu- mage at Charleston in South Carolina, where however, he adds, this species is not common. I have represented two male birds, one in its full spring dress, the LONG-TAILED DUCK. 107 other in that of winter. You will also find in the same plate the first figure ever given of an adult female, accompanied with as many young- lings as I could conveniently introduce. Whtson gave the figure of a young male in the first winter as that of a female. Anas eraciazis, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 203.—Lath. Ind. Ornith. vol. ii. p. 864. Furieuta exactatis, Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis, p. 395. Lone-TaiLeD Ducx, Anas exactaLis, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. viii. p. 93. pl. 70. fig. 1. male, pl. 70. fig. 2. female. Lone-TAILED Duck, Haretpa exactatis, Richardson and Swainson, Fauna Bor. Amer. vol. ii. p. 460. Lone-TaILED Duck, WVuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 453. Adult male in summer. Plate CCCXII. Fig. 1. Bill shorter than the head, higher than broad at the base, gradually depressed toward the end, the sides nearly parallel, the tip rounded. Upper mandible with the basal angles inconspicuous, the dorsal line descending and straight to the unguis, then convex and decurved, the ridge broad and flattened at the base, convex toward the end, the sides sloping and convex, the unguis roundish, the edges membranous, very narrow at the base, enlarged towards the end, with about thirty lamel- lz ending in a projecting point. Nostrils sub-basal, oblong, direct, large, pervious, near the ridge, in an oblong groove with a soft mem- brane. Lower mandible flat, a little curved upwards, the angle very long and narrow, the unguis broad and rounded, the erect edges with about forty direct lamelle. Head oblong, compressed, of moderate size. Eyes of moderate size. Neck rather short. Body compact, rather elongated, and some- what depressed. Feet short, stout, placed rather far behind; tarsus very short, compressed, anteriorly with a series of small scutella, ex- ternally of which are five in a line with the outer toe, the rest reticu- lated with angular scales. Hind toe very small, with a free membrane beneath ; outer toe, which is the longest, almost double the length of the tarsus, middle toe scarcely shorter than outer; anterior toes with numerous narrow scutella, webbed, the margin of the webs concave ; inner toe with a two-lobed expanded margin. Claws small, slightly arched, blunt. Plumage dense, blended, elastic, stiffish ; but soft and glossy on the head; the feathers broad and slightly rounded at the end. Scapulars 108 LONG-TAILED DUCK. elongated, acuminate, the posterior decurved over the wing. Wings shortish, narrow, pointed; primary quills curved, strong, tapering, the second longest, exceeding the first by about one twelfth of an inch, the rest rapidly decreasing ; secondaries broad and rounded, the inner elon- gated and pointed. ‘Tail of fourteen pointed feathers, the outer very short, the middle extremely attenuated and slightly recurved, the in- termediate proportional. Bill black in its basal half, orange-yellow towards the end, the un- guis bluish-grey. Iris bright carmine. Feet light bluish-grey, the webs dusky, claws black. A large oblong greyish-white patch on each side of the head from the bill to behind the ear; the upper part of the head and nape black, that colour being narrowed in front by the en- croachment of the white patches. The neck all round, and anterior half of the breast, of a rich dark chocolate-brown ; the back and wing- coverts brownish-black; the scapulars broadly margined with light reddish-brown ; the quills are of the same chocolate tint as the breast, the secondaries margined externally with lighter, the primaries inter- nally. The middle four feathers of the tail brownish-black, the outer two of these slightly margined with white, all the rest white, but the inner with a longitudinal dusky patch on the outer web. Length to end of tail 23 inches, to end of wings 15, to end of claws 17; extent of wings 293; wing from flexure 94; middle tail-feathers 10, lateral tail-feathers 23 ; bill along the ridge 15%, along the edge of lower mandible 1,8; tarsus 1,4; outer toe and claw 2,5, middle toe and claw 1;%, hind toe and claw 7. Female in summer. Plate CCCXII. Fig. 3. The female is somewhat less than the male, and differs not only in colour, but in the scapulars, which are not elongated, and in the tail, which is short and rounded. The bill and feet are dusky green, the iris yellow. The head is dark greyish-brown, with a patch of greyish-white surrounding the eye, but not extending to the bill; there is a larger patch of the same colour on the side of the neck, the hind part of which is similar to the head, the fore part greyish- brown, the feathers broadly margined with whitish. All the upper parts are of a dark greyish-brown, the two lateral tail-feathers edged with white ; the lower parts white, the feathers under the wings slightly tinged with grey. LONG-TAILED DUCK. 109 Length to end of tail 153 inches, to end of wings 143, to end of claws 16%; extent of wings 26}; wing from flexure 8 ; middle tail- feathers 23%, lateral 2}; bill along the ridge 13%, along the edge of lower mandible 1,°s. Adult male in winter. Plate CCCXII. Fig. 2. The outer half of the bill rich orange-yellow, that colour extending to the base along the ridge, the unguis and the basal half black, as well as the unguis and edges of the lower mandible. The head, neck, the fore part of back and scapulars, white ; the space about the eye pale greyish-red, and a large oblong patch of chocolate brown on the side of the neck. The upper parts, including the four middle tail-feathers, are brownish-black, but the secondary quills tinged with reddish-brown, and having paler margins. The anterior half of the breast chocolate brown, the rest of the lower parts and the four lateral tail-feathers white. Unfledged young. Plate CCCXII. The young when newly excluded are covered with stiffish down. Bill and feet greenish-dusky ; the upper parts chocolate-brown ; a small spot of white under the eye; throat and lower parts whitish, as well as an oblong patch on the cheeks. The young male in winter, that is, after its first moult, has the bill and legs dusky green. The head and half of the neck are whitish ; the upper part of the former and a patch on the side of the latter mottled with brownish-black and chocolate. The upper parts brownish-black, variegated with brownish-red, the still unelongated scapulars chiefly of the latter colour. A broad undefined belt of reddish-brown over the lower fore part of the neck ; the rest of the lower parts greyish-white. Length to end of tail 22 inches; extent of wings 29. The young female in winter is similar to the adult, but with the upper parts paler, the light-coloured patches on the head and neck more dusky, and the lower parts of a less pure white. Adult males, assuming the summer plumage, about April, present a curious intermixture of the variously coloured feathers of the two seasons. 110 LONG-TAILED DUCK. In a male bird, the tongue is 1 inch and 5 twelfths long, papillate at the base,‘fleshy, with two rows of bristles along the edges. There’ are 35 lamellz on each side of the upper, and about 40 on the lower mandible. The cesophagus is 73 inches long, 7 twelfths in diameter at the upper part, towards the lower parts of the neck dilated to 1 inch, and continuing so to the end. The proventriculus is 1 inch 3 twelfths long, its glandules cylindrical and 2 twelfths long. The stomach is a very powerful gizzard, of a roundish form, 13 inch in length, 2 inches and 2 twelfths in breadth ; its tendons large; the right muscle 10 twelfths, the left 11 twelfths in thickness. The cuticular lining is thick, and slightly rugous; the grinding plates thicker and denser. The contents of the stomach are small muscles and particles of quartz, some of which are 3 twelfths in diameter. The intestine is 5 feet 6 inches long, its diameter nearly uniform, about 4 twelfths; the rectum enlarged to 5 twelfths, its length 23 inches. Coceca 4} inches long, 3 twelfths in diameter, their extremity rounded; the cloaca globular, about 9 twelfths in diameter. The trachea, moderately extended, measures 6 inches in length, its breadth at the top 5 twelfths, about the middle 3% twelfths. The number of ordinary rings is 72; at the lower part there are 6 expanded rings which are broad posteriorly and on the sides, but extremely nar- row before ; beyond this is a solid bony expansion of 7 united rings, forming anteriorly a transversely oblong case, having a membrane in front. The contractor muscles are very large, for two inches at the top expanded over the fore part, sending off two cleido-tracheals, then passing down along the edges of the six enlarged rings, and ter- minating on the drum, where the sterno-tracheals come off. CBU BLUE-WINGED TEAL. ANAS DIscors, Linn. PLATE CCCXIII. Mate ann FEMALE. Is it not strange, Reader, that birds which are known to be abun- dant on the Saskatchewan River during the breeding season, and which have been observed as far north as the 57th parallel, should also be found breeding at nearly the same period in Texas? Stranger still it is that species should proceed from certain points, or winter quarters, to both of the above-mentioned regions, without paying any regard to the intermediate districts, which yet seem to be as well adapted for breeding in, as they afford thousands of convenient and secluded loca- lities for that purpose. Yet these facts, and many others connected with Nature’s wonderful arrangements, we may look upon as intended _ to increase the innate desire which every true lover of Nature has to study her beautiful and marvellous works. Having for some years observed such habits exhibited by the Blue- winged Teal and other birds, I have been induced to believe in the existence of what I would term a double sense of migration in many species, acted upon both in spring and in autumn, and giving to them at the latter period, the power as well as the desire of removing from the higher latitudes to opposite or meridional parts, thus to enter into the formation of the Fauna of different countries, from which again they are instigated to return to the place of their nativity, and thence diverge toward new sections of the globe equally adapted to their wants. If these observations should prove not unfounded, we need no longer be surprised to meet in different portions of the world with species which hitherto were supposed to be inhabitants only of far distant shores. The mouths of the Mississippi, surrounded by extensive flat marshes, which are muddy, and in some degree periodically inundated by the overflowings of that great stream, or by the tides of the Mexican Gulf, and having in the winter months a mildness of temperature favourable to almost all our species of Waders and Swimmers, may be looked upon as the great rendezvous of the Blue-winged Teals, which are seen ar- 112 BLUE-WINGED TEAL. riving there coastways, in autumn and the greater part of winter, to meet the multitudes that have travelled across the interior from the north and west. At New Orleans, and during spring, when this bird is in full plumage, it is called by the Creoles of Louisiana ‘“ Sarcelle Printanniere ;” and in autumn, when scarcely an individual can be seen retaining the beauty of its spring plumage, it is known as the “ Sar- b) celle Automniere ;” in consequence of which double appellation, many persons imagine that there are two Blue-winged Teals. They are the first ducks that arrive in that part of the country, frequently making their appearance in the beginning of September, in large flocks, when they are exceedingly fat. ‘They depart, however, when the cold becomes so intense as to form ice; and in this respect they differ from the Green-winged Teals, which brave the coldest weather of that country. ‘Toward the end of February, however, they are as abundant as ever, but they are then poor, although their plu- mage is perfected, and the males are very beautiful. During their stay, they are seen on bayous and ponds, along the banks of the Mis- sissippi, and on the large and muddy sand-bars around, feeding on grasses and their seeds, particularly in autumn, when they are very fond of the wild pimento. Many remain as late as the 15th of May, in company with the Shoveller and Gadwall Ducks, with which they are usually fond of associating. On my reaching the south-western pass of the Mississippi, on the 1st April 1837, I found these birds very abundant there, in full plum- age, and in flocks of various sizes. On the 11th of the same month, when about an hundred miles to the westward, we saw large and dense flocks flying in the same direction. On the 15th, at Derniere Isle, the Blue-wings were very plentiful and gentle. Two days after, they were quite as numerous round Rabbit Island, in the Bay called Cote Blanche ; and on the 26th they were found on all the ponds and salt bayous or inlets of Galveston Island in Texas, as well as on the water-courses of the interior, where I was assured that they bred in great numbers. Though on account of the nature of the localities in which these Teals breed, and which cannot be explored otherwise than in extremely light canoes, or by risking being engulphed in oozy morasses covered with tall grass, we were not so fortunate as to find any of their nests, we could easily judge by their manceuvres both while on wing and on the water, that we were not far from their well-concealed treasures and 7. BLUE-WINGED TEAL. 113 the females which we procured unequivocally exhibited the state of exhaustion common in the course of incubation. During the months of September and October, this species is plenti- ful on the Ohio, and in the whole of the Western Country, through which they pass again in April, but without tarrying. On the other hand, they seem to prolong their stay at this season in our Eastern Dis- tricts more than in autumn; and this is also the case in South Caro- lina, as I learn from the observations of my friend Joun Bacumay, who has seen them mated there as early as February. I have found them in the Boston markets on the 8th of September, but it is very rare to see any of them there in full spring dress. I saw or heard of none when I was in Labrador and Newfoundland ; from which it may be in- ferred that those found in the Fur Countries reach them through the interior. They also occur on the Columbia River. On the 21st of March 1821, I saw many Blue-winged Teals copulating on the Mis- sissippi, a little below Natchez; yet none of these birds have been known to breed in that section of the country. They were at the time mentioned on a sand-bar in company with some American Widgeons, _ which also were similarly employed. The flight of the Blue-winged Teal is extremely rapid and well sustained. Indeed, I have thought that, when travelling, it passes through the air with a speed equal to that of the Passenger Pigeon. When flying in flocks in clear sunny weather, the blue of their wings glistens like polished steel, so as to give them the most lively appear- ance ; and while they are wheeling over the places in which they in- tend to alight, their wings being alternately thrown in the shade and exposed to the bright light, the glowing and varied lustre thus pro- duced, at whatever distance they may be, draws your eyes involun tarily towards them. When advancing against a stiff breeze, they al- ' ternately shew their upper and lower surfaces, and you are struck by the vivid steel-blue of their mantle, which resembles the dancing light of a piece of glass suddenly reflected on a distant object. During their flight, they almost constantly emit their soft lisping note, which they also utter when alighted and under apprehension of danger. I have never observed them travelling in company with other ducks, but have seen them at times passing over the sea at a considerable distance from land. Before alighting, and almost under any circumstances, and in any locality, these Teals pass and repass several times over the place, VOL, Iv. H 114 BLUE-WINGED TEAL. as if to assure themselves of the absence of danger, or, should there be cause of apprehension, to watch until it is over. They swim buoy- antly, and generally in a close body, at times nearly touching each other. Indeed, during their first appearance in autumn, when you are apt to meet with a flock entirely composed of young birds, you may, by using a little care, kill a considerable number at one shot. I was assured by a gunner residing at New Orleans, that as many as one hundred and twenty had been killed by himself at a single discharge ; and I myself saw a friend of mine kill eighty-four by pulling together the triggers of his double-barrelled gun ! The Blue-winged Teal is easily kept in captivity, and soon becomes very docile. In this state it feeds freely on coarse corn meal, and I have no doubt that it could readily be domesticated, in which case, so tender and savoury is its flesh that it would quickly put the merits of the widely celebrated Canvass-backed Duck in the shade. In the course of my stay in East Florida, at General HernanpEz’s, and Mr Butow’s, I have observed this Teal in company with the Red- breasted Snipe, the Tell-tale Godwit, and the Yellow-shank Snipe. I observed the same circumstance in Texas. During the time of their residence on the Delaware River, they feed principally on the seeds of the wild oats, which I also found them to do whilst at Green Bay. I have been assured by persons residing on the island of Cuba, that the Blue-winged Teal is abundant, and breeds there. The old males lose the spring plumage of the head almost entirely during a great portion of the autumn and winter, but it is reassumed sometimes as early as the beginning of January. The young of both sexes in their first plumage resemble the females, but the males ac- quire their full beauty before they are a year old. Anas piscors, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol i. p. 205.—Lath. Ind. Orn. vol. ii. p. 854. BiuE-wincep Treat, Anas piscors, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. viii. p. 74. pl. 68. fig. 4. Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 397. : Anas piscors, Ch. Bonap. Synopsis of Birds of the United States, p. 385. Anas piscors, BLUE-wiNnGED TraL, Richards. and Swains. Fauna Bor, Amer. vol. ii. p- 444. Adult Male. Plate CCCXIII. Fig. 1. es. = BLUE-WINGED TEAL. 115 Bill almost as long as the head, deeper than broad at the base, de- pressed towards the end, its breadth nearly equal in its whole length, being however a little enlarged towards the rounded tip. Upper man- dible with the dorsal line at first sloping, then nearly straight, on the unguis decurved, the ridge broad and flat at the base, suddenly nar- rowed over the nostrils, broader and convex towards the end ; the sides erect at the base, afterwards sloping and convex; the narrow mem- branous margins a little broader towards the end. Nostrils sub-basal, near the ridge, rather small, elliptical, pervious. Lower mandible flattened, straight, with the angle very long and rather narrow, the dorsal line very short, and slightly convex, the sides internally erect, with about a hundred and twenty lamellz. Head of moderate size, oblong, compressed. Neck of moderate length, rather slender. Body full, depressed. Feet short, placed ra- ther far back ; tarsus short, compressed, at its lower part anteriorly with two series of scutella, the rest covered with reticulated angular seales. Toes with numerous scutella above ; first toe very small and with a narrow membrane beneath ; third longest, fourth about a quarter of an inch shorter; the anterior toes united by reticulated webs, of which the outer is deeply sinuate; claws small, curved, compressed, acute, the hind one smaller and more curved, that of the third toe largest, and with the inner margin sharp. Plumage dense, soft, and blended. Feathers of the head and neck, very small and slender, of the back and lower parts in general broad and rounded. Wings of moderate length, rather narrow and acute ; primaries strong, slightly curved, tapering, the first scarcely longer than the second, the rest rapidly decreasing; secondaries broad, the outer obliquely rounded, the inner elongated and acuminate, as are the scapulars. Tail short, rounded and acuminate, of fourteen rather narrow, acuminate feathers. Bill bluish-black. Iris dark hazel. Feet dull yellow, webs dusky, claws brownish-black, with the tips greyish-yellow. Upper part of the head black; a semilunar patch of pure white on the side of the head before the eye, margined before and behind with black. The rest of the head, and the anterior parts of the neck of a deep purplish-blue, with purplish-red reflections; the lower hind neck and fore part of back, brownish-black, glossed with green, each feather with a curved band of pale reddish-buff, and a line or band of the same in the centre ; H2 116 BLUE-WINGED TEAL. the hind part of the back greenish-brown, the feathers edged with paler. The smaller wing-coverts of a rich ultramarine blue, silky with almost metallic lustre. Alula, primary coverts, and primary quills, greyish-brown, edged with pale bluish ; outer secondaries of the same colour, those of the speculum duck-green, changing to blue and bronze, with a narrow line of white along their terminal margin; the inner greenish-black on the outer web, greenish-brown on the inner, with a central line and narrow external margin of pale reddish-buff, the more elongated scapulars similar, but some of them margined with greenish- blue. Secondary coverts brown, with their terminal portion white. Tail-feathers chocolate brown, slightly glossed with green, their mar- gins buffy. The lower parts are pale reddish-orange, shaded on the breast with purplish-red, and thickly spotted with black, the number of roundish or elliptical spots on each feather varying from ten to twenty-five, those on the upper and hind parts of the sides running in- to transverse bars. Axillar feathers, some of the lower wing;coverts, and a patch on the side of the rump pure white; lower tail-coverts brownish-black. Length to end of tail 16 inches, to end of claws 144, to end of wings also 147; extent of wings 314; wing from flexure 7,4, ; tail 33%; bill along the back 13, from frontal process to tip 11; tarsus 1,% ; first toe and claw ;’z ; middle toe and claw 1}$ ; outer toe and claw 1,5. Weight 124 oz. Adult Female. Plate CCCXIII. Fig. 2. Bill greenish-dusky ; iris hazel ; feet of a duller yellow than those of the male, the head and neck are pale dull buff, longitudinally marked — with brownish-black lines, which are broader and darker on the top of the head ; the fore part of the cheeks and the throat whitish, without markings. The upper parts are dark brown, the feathers margined with brownish-white ; the smaller wing-coverts coloured as in the male, but less brilliantly ; no blue on the scapulars, which are also less elon- gated. On the lower parts, the feathers are dusky brown, broadly mar- gined with light brownish-grey, of which there is a streak or spot in the centre. The axillary feathers, and some of the lower wing-coverts are white, but the patch of that colour so conspicuous in the male is wanting. Length to end of tail 15 inches, to end of wings 143, to end of claws BLUE-WINGED TEAL. 117 154; extent of wings 24; wing from flexure 7}; tail 274; bill along the ridge 2,4. Weight 103 oz. The young birds are similar to the female, but paler, and without the green speculum. In a male, the roof of the mouth is deeply concave, with a prominent . middle ridge, on which are a few blunt papille ; on the upper mandible are 50 lamelle, on the lower about 65 below, and 85 above. The tongue, 8 twelfths long, large and fleshy, has two rows of lateral bris- tles. The cesophagus is 83 inches long, 4 twelfths in diameter until the middle of the neck, when it enlarges gradually to half an inch. The proventriculus is 14 inch in length, with oblong glandules. The sto- mach is a strong roundish gizzard, 1 inch and 2 twelfths long, 14 inch broad ; its left muscle 7 twelfths thick, the right 63 twelfths ; its cu- ticular lining or epithelium of moderate thickness and longitudinally rugous. The intestine, 5 feet 1 inch long, varies in diameter from 3 to 2 twelfths ; the cceca are 2 inches 10 twelfths long, cylindrical and rounded, their diameter 3 twelfths ; the cloaca globular. The contents of the stomach were gravel and seeds of plants. The trachea is 6 inches and 2 twelfths long; its diameter at the top 4 twelfths, at the middle 2 twelfths, at the lower part 31 twelfths. The inferior larynx is formed of three or four united rings, and has an irregular roundish bony expansion on the left side. The number of rings of the trachea is 98, of the bronchi about 25. The contractor muscles are large ; cleido-tracheales and sterno-tracheales. ( 118) BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. LARUS ATRICILLA, LINN. PLATE CCCXIV. Mace In sprine, AND YOUNG. Before entering upon the peculiar habits of this Gull, allow me, good-natured Reader, to present you with some general observations on the genus to which it belongs. At the approach of autumn, it frequently happens that the young birds of several species associate together, congregating at times in vast numbers, and especially during low tides, on the outer margins of sand-bars situated in estuaries. 'There you may hear them keeping up an almost incessant cackle, and see them running about. dressing their plumage, or patiently waiting the rising of the waters, on which much desired event taking place, they generally disperse, and fly off to search for food. If disturbed while thus reposing, they shew greater shyness, perhaps, than at any other time, and the loud note of alarm from one of the group soon reaches your ear. Look at them now, Reader, as they simultaneously spread their wings, and after a step or two launch into the air, gradually ascend, and in silence rise to a great height, performing extended gyrations, and advancing toward the open sea. It seldom happens that when one of the larger species is shot, its companions will come to the rescue, as is the case with the smaller, such as the Kittiwake, and the present species. I have thought it remarkable how keenly and aptly Gulls generally discover at once the intentions towards them of individuals of our own species. ‘To the peaceable and industrious fisherman they scarcely pay any regard, whe- ther he drags his heavy net along the shore, or patiently waits until his well-baited hook is gulped below the dancing yet well-anchored bark, over the side of which he leans in constant and anxious expectation. At such a time indeed, if the fisher has had much success, and his boat dis- plays a good store, Gulls will almost assail him like so many beggars, and perhaps receive from him a trifling yet dainty morsel. But, on the op- posite side of the bay, see how carefully and suspiciously the same birds are watching every step of the man who, with a long gun held in a trailing position, tries to approach the flock of sleeping Widgeons. BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. 1i9 Why, not one of the Gulls will go within three times the range of his murderous engine ; and, as if to assure him of their knowledge of his designs, they merely laugh at him from their secure station. When congregated during the love-season, their loquacity has never failed to remind me of the impetuous, unmusical, and yet not unpleas- ant notes of our thieving Red-winged Starlings. But when apart, and at all times excepting the periods of pairing or breeding, or while some of the smaller species are chased by their vigilant enemies the Jagers, they are usually silent birds, especially when on wing. In rainy or squally weather, they skim low over the water, or the land, always against the wind, passing at times within a few feet of the surface. Again, at such times, I have observed Gulls of every species with which I am acquainted, suddenly give a shake or two to their wings, and stop as it were for a moment in their flight, as if they had espied something worthy of their attention below; but, on closely observing them, I have become convinced that such manceuvres were performed only with the view of readjusting their whole plumage, which had perhaps been dis- arranged by a side current of wind. All Gulls are wonderfully tenacious of life. When wounded or closely pursued, they are very apt to disgorge their food, or to sustain themselves against the agonies of death with uncommon vigour. They appear indeed to be possessed of extraordinary powers of respiration, through means of which they revive at the very moment when you might conceive them to have actually reached the last gasp. I have seen cases in which individuals of this tribe, after having been strongly squeezed for several minutes across the body, and after their throats had been crammed with cotton or tow, recovered as soon as the pressure was remitted, and immediately attempted to bite with as much eagerness as when first seized, when, by the by, they are wont to mute, as well as when suddenly surprised and taking to wing. In certain states of the atmosphere, Gulls, as well as other birds, appear much larger than they actually are; and on such occasions, they, of course, seem nearer than you would find them to be; for which reason, I would advise you, Reader, to be on your guard, for you may be strangely misled as to the distance at which you suppose the bird to be, and pull your trigger merely to send your shot into the sand, far short from the Gulls or other light- coloured birds in view. 120 BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. Much confusion appears to exist among authors regarding our Laughing Gull, and this, in my humble opinion, simply because not one of them has studied it, in its native haunts, and at all seasons, since the period when it was briefly characterized by our great master Linnzvs, who, after all that has been said against him, has not yet had his equal. ALEXANDER Witson, who, it seems, knew something of the habits of this bird, thought it however identical with the Larus ridibundus of Europe, as is shewn by the synonymes which he has given. Others,who only examined some dried skins, without knowing so much as the day or even the year in which they had been shot, or their sex, or whether the feathers before them had once belonged to a bird that was breed- ing, or barren, when it was procured, described its remains perhaps well enough for their own purpose, but certainly not with all the accuracy which is necessary to establish once and for ever a distinct species of bird. Others, not at all aware that most Gulls, and the pre- sent species in particular, assume, in the season of pairing, and in a portion of the breeding time, beautiful rosy tints in certain parts of their plumage, which at other periods are pure white, have thought that differences of this sort, joined to those of the differently-sized white spots observable in particular specimens, and not corresponding with the like markings in other birds of the same size and form, more or less observable at different periods on the tips of the quills, were quite sufficient to prove that the young bird, and the breeding bird, and the barren bird, of one and the same species, differed specifically from the old bird, or the winter-plumage bird. But, Reader, let us come to the point at once. At the approach of the breeding season, or, as I like best to term it, the love season, this species becomes first hooded, and the white feathers of its breast, and those of the lower surface of its wings, as- sume arich blush of roseate tint. If the birds procured at that time are several years old and perfect in their powers of reproduction, which is easily ascertained on the spot, their primary quills shew little or no white at their extremities, and their hood descends about three quar- ters of an inch lower on the throat than on the hind part of the head, provided the bird be a male. But should they be barren birds, the hood will be wanting, that portion of their plumage remaining as during win- ter, and although the primaries will be black, or nearly so, each of them BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. 121 will be broadly tipped, or marked at the end, with a white spot, which in some instances will be found to be fully half an inch in size; yet the tail of these birds, as if to prove that they are adults, is as purely white to its extreme tip, as in those that are breeding ; but neither the breast, nor the under wing-coverts, will exhibit the rosy tint of one in the full perfection of its powers. The males of all the Gulls with which I am acquainted, are larger than the females ; and this difference of size is observable in the young birds even before they are fully fledged. In all of these, however, put- ting aside their sex, I have found great differences of size to exist, some- times as much as two inches in length, with proportional differences in the bills, tarsi, and toes ; and this, in specimens procured from one flock of these gulls at a single discharge of the gun, and at different seasons of the year. The colour of their bills too is far from being always alike, be- ing brownish-red in some, purplish or of a‘rich and deep carmine in others. As to the white spots on the extremities of the primary quills of birds of this family, I would have you, Reader, never to consider them as affording essential characters. Nay, if you neglect them al- together, you will save yourself much trouble, as they will only mis- lead you by their interminable changes, and you may see that the spots on one wing are sometimes different in size and number from those on the other wing of the same specimen. [f all this be correct, as I assure you it must be, being the result of numberless observations made in the course of many years, in the very places of resort of our different Gulls, will you not agree with me, Reader, that the difficulty of dis- tinguishing two very nearly allied species must be almost insuperable when one has nothing better than a few dried skins for objects of ob- servation and comparison ? The Black-headed Gull may be said to be a constant resident along the southern coast of the United States, from South Carolina to the Sabine River; and I have found it abundant over all that extent both in winter and in summer, but more especially on the shores and keys of the Floridas, where I found it breeding, as well as on some islands in the Bay of Galveston in Texas. A very great number of these birds however remove, at the approach of spring, towards the Middle and Eastern Districts, along the shores of which they breed in considerable numbers, particularly on those of New Jersey and Long Island, as well 122 BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. as on several islands in the Sound. ‘They constantly evince a dislike to rocky shores, and therefore are seldom seen beyond Massachusetts, in which State indeed they are exceedingly rare. None were observed by any members of my party on the Magdalene Islands, or on the coasts of Labrador or Newfoundland. I never met with any of them on the Mississippi above New Orleans, although they are plentiful in that neighbourhood during winter, and until the breed- ing season commences ; and I think that this species never travels be- yond the influence of the tide-waters of any stream. Wi son, in speak- ing of it, says that it is seen on the newly ploughed fields, and around the houses of the farmers of New Jersey; but the habit of visiting ploughed grounds I have not observed in any one of the American Gulls, although I have frequently noticed it in some of the European species, particularly Larus canus, L. ridibundus, and L. argentatus. At all periods of the year, the Black-headed Gulls keep in flocks formed of many families ; and in the breeding season, or even as soon as their courtships have commenced, they assemble by hundreds of pairs, or even by thousands. At this time they are so clamorous as to stun your ear with their laughing-like cries, though at other seasons they are generally silent, unless when suddenly alarmed, or when chased by the Jager. Their loves are conducted with extreme pom- posity : they strut and bow to the females, throwing their head back- wards, like all other Gulls, although in a less degree and with a less curious motion than Cormorants. You see them first stretching their heads forwards; then with open bill, vibrating tongue, and eyes all glowing, they emit their loud laughing notes, which, in a general sense, resemble those of many other species, though they are not precisely simi- lar to those of any. But before I proceed with my account of their man- ners, I will give you the result of some curious observations which I made on them in Florida. Previously to my visit to that interesting peninsula, I had not un- frequently noticed indications of strong amatory propensities in several species of Gulls, but never to the extent exhibited by the present spe- cies, many of which I saw copulating in the latter part of autumn and in winter, fully three months before the usual time of depositing their eggs in that country. Similar observations were made on Larus argen- tatus, on the coast of Maine, and on Larus marinus, in the Bay of Fundy. Nay, even in Europe I have seen this extraordinary tendency BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. 123 to reproduce out of season, as it were. On some such occasions, when I was at St Augustine, in the month of December, I have observed four or five males of the present species paying their addresses to one female, who received their courtesies with evident welcome. Yet the females in that country did not deposit eggs until the 20th day of April. The most surprising fact of all was, that, although these birds were paired, and copulated regularly, by the Ist of February, not one had acquired the spring or summer plumage, or the dark coloured hood, or the rosy tint of the breast, nor lost the white spots on the tips of their primary quills. This change, however, was apparent by the 5th of March, became daily stronger, and was perfected by the 15th of that month. A few exceptions occurred among the numbers procured at these periods, but the generality of the birds were as above described. Whilst at Great Egg Harbour, in May 1829, shortly after my re- turn from England, I found this species breeding in great numbers on the margins of a vast salt marsh, bordering the sea-shore, though sepa- rated from the Atlantic by a long and narrow island. About sunrise every morning, an immense number of these birds would rise in the air, as if by common consent, and wing their way across the land, pro- bably intent on reaching the lower shores of the Delaware River, or indeed farther towards the head waters of Chesapeake Bay. They formed themselves into long straggling lines, following each other sing- ly, at the distance of a few yards. About an hour before sunset, the same birds were seen returning in an extended front, now all silent, al- though in the morning their cries were incessant, and lasted until they were out of sight. On arriving at the breeding ground, they imme- diately settled upon their nests. Ona few occasions, when it rained and blew hard, the numbers that left the nests were comparatively . few, and those, as I thought, mostly males. Instead of travelling high, as they were wont to do in fair and calm weather, they skimmed closely over the land, contending with the wind with surprising pertinacity, and successfully too. At such times they were also quite silent. I now and then observed some of them whilst on wing, and at a consi- derable height, suddenly check their course, as if to examine some ob- ject below; but on none of these occasions did I see one attempt to alight, for it soon resumed its wonted course, and rejoined its com- panions. Now, Reader, though I am growing old, I yet feel desirous of ac- 124 BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. quiring knowledge regarding the habits of our birds, and should much like to learn from you the reasons why these gulls went off in lines from their breeding grounds, and returned in an extended front? Was it, in the latter case, because they were afraid of passing their nests unknowingly ; or, in the former, under the necessity of follow- ing an experienced leader, who, under the stimulus of an empty maw, readily undertook the office, but who, like many other bon-vivants, be- came in the evening too dull to be of use to his companions ? This species breeds, according to the latitude, from the Ist of March to the middle of June; and I have thought that on the Tortuga Keys, it produced two broods each season. In New Jersey, and far- ther to the eastward, the nest resembles that of the Ring-billed Gull, or Common American Gull, Larus zonorhynchus, being formed of dried sea-weeds, and land plants, two and sometimes three inches high, with a regular rounded cavity, from four and a half to five inches in diame- ter, and an inch and a half in depth. This cavity is formed of finer grasses, placed in a pretty regular circular form. I once found a nest formed as it were of two; that is to say, two pairs had formed a nest of nearly double the ordinary size, and the two birds sat close to each other during rainy weather, but separately, each on its own three eggs. I observed that the males, as well as the females, thus concerned in this new sort of partnership, evinced as much mutual fondness as if they were brothers. On the Tortugas, where these Gulls also breed in abundance, I found their eggs deposited in slight hollows scooped in the sand. Whilst at Galveston, in Texas, I found their nests somewhat less bulky than in the Jerseys, which proved to me how much birds are guided in these matters by differences in atmospheric temperature and locality. I never found more than three eggs in anest. Their average length is two inches and half an eighth, their greatest breadth a trifle more than an inch and a half. They vary somewhat in their general tint, but are usually of a light earthy olive, blotched and spotted with dull reddish-brown and some black, the markings rather more abundant to- wards the larger end. Asan article of food, they are excellent. These gulls are extremely anxious about their eggs, aswell as their young, which are apt to wander away from the nest while yet quite small. They are able to fly at the end of six weeks, and soon after this are abandoned by their parents, when the old and young birds keep apart in flocks a BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. 125 until the following spring, when, I think, the latter nearly attain the plumage of their parents, though they are still smaller, and have the terminal band on the tail. The Black-headed Gull frequently associates with the Razor-billed Shearwater, Rhynchops nigra, in winter; and I can safely say that I have seen more than a thousand of each kind alight on the same points of estuaries and mouths of rivers; the Gulls standing or sitting by them- selves, at no great distance from the Razor-bills. Now and then they would all suddenly rise on wing as if frightened, perform a few evolu- tions in the air, and again settle on the very same spot, still, however, keeping separate. While thus in the company of the Razor-bills, the Gulls are with great difficulty approached, the former being exceed- ingly wary, and almost always rising when a person draws near, the Gulls immediately following them, and the two great flocks making off to some distant point, generally not very accessible. If taken up on being wounded, these gulls are apt to bite severely. If, on being shot at, they fall on the water, they swim fast and lightly, their companions all the while soaring above, and plunging towards them, as if intent on rescuing them. This great sympathy often proves fatal to them, for, if the gunner is inclined, he may shoot them down without any diffi- culty, and the more he kills the more his chances are increased. On the 10th of May 1832, it was my good fortune to be snugly on board the “ Lady of the Green Mantle,” or, in other words, the fine revenue cutter the Marion. The Gulls that laughed whilst our anchors were swiftly descending towards the marvellous productions of the deep, soon had occasion to be sorrowful enough. As they were in great numbers, officers and men, as well as the American Woodsman, gazing upon them from the high decks of the gallant bark, had ample opportunities of observing their motions. ‘They were all busily en- gaged on wing, hovering here and there around the Brown Pelicans, intent on watching their plunges into the water, and all clamorously teasing their best benefactors. As with broadly extended pouch and lower mandible, the Pelican went down headlong, so gracefully fol- lowed the gay rosy-breasted Gull, which, on the brown bird’s emer- ging, alighted nimbly on its very head, and with a gentle stoop in- stantly snatched from the mouth of its purveyor the glittering fry that moment entrapped ! Is this not quite strange, Reader? Aye, truly it is. The sight of 126 BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. these manceuvres rendered me almost frantic with delight. At times, several gulls would attempt to alight on the head of the same Pelican, but finding this impossible, they would at once sustain themselves around it, and snatch every morsel that escaped from the pouch of the great bird. So very dexterous were some of the Gulls at this sport, that I have seen them actually catch a little fish as it leaped from the yet partially open bill of the Pelican. And now, Reader, I will conclude this long article with some fragments from my journals. ‘Tortugas, May 1832.—Whilst here, I often saw the Black-headed Gull of Wilson, sucking the eggs of Sterna fuliginosa, and Sterna stolida. Our sailors assured me that these gulls also eat the young of these two species of Terns when newly hatched. Great Egg Harbour, May 1829.—Like all other gulls, the Larus Atricilla disgorges its food when attacked bya Lestris, or when wounded, or suddenly surprised ; but on all occasions of respite this gull is apt to return to it, and vulture-like to swallow it anew. It differs how- ever from the larger species of gulls, by never, as far as I have ob- served, picking up bivalve shells, for the purpose of letting them fall to break them, and afterwards feed on their contents. On the ground they walk with considerable alertness, and not without a cer- tain degree of elegance, especially during the love season. Whilst floating or swimming on the waiter, they are graceful in a high degree, and when seen, as they oftentimes are, in groups of many pairs, rising with, or sinking amidst the billows, which ever and anon break on the sandy shores of the coast, their alternate appearance brings to the mind of the bystander ideas connected with objects altogether different from the simple yet beautiful Laughing Gull. April 1. 1837.—South-west pass of the Mississippi. L. Aétricilla abundant here at this season, as well as at New Orleans. Saw some floating on logs during a heavy breeze. Not noisy yet, though they and L. zonorhynchus are in full spring dress (the old birds). - Barataria Bay, April 1837.—This species is abundant, following the porpoises, whilst the latter are fishing, and attending on them, as they do on the Brown Pelicans, which I saw here tormented by these birds, as in the Floridas. These Gulls follow the Brown Pelicans to their roosts, and along with them sit on grounded logs, at some dis- tance from the shores, to avoid the attacks of racoons and other car- nivorous animals. BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. 127 Galveston Bay, April 26. 1837.—Black-headed Gulls are not unfre- quently seen hovering over the inner ponds of these islands, as if in search of food. They are now all paired, and very noisy. May 4.—I observed to-day that at the single cry of a Black- headed Gull, all others within hearing at once came towards the caller, and this never failed when any of them had found floating garbage on which to feed. These, as well as all other gulls, pat the water with their feet, their legs being partially extended, whilst assisting them- selves with the bill to pick up any floating food. At this time the whole group emit a more plaintive single note than usual. They come not unfrequently within a few yards of our vessel at anchor, and when the food thrown to them is exhausted, they separate, and at once renew their repeated cries. I observed that the few immature birds among the old ones, were quite silent even when in the company of the adults. When the young are nearly able to fly, they are by no means bad eating. Larus Arriciiia, Linn. Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 225.—Lath. Ind. Ornith. vol. ii. p. 812. —Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of the United States, p. 359. Biack-HEADED GuxiL, Larus ripisunDus, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. ix. p. 89. pl. 74. fig. 4. BLack-HEADED GULL, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 291. Adult Male in spring. Plate CCCXIV. Fig. 1. Bill rather shorter than the head, nearly straight, moderately stout, compressed. Upper mandible with its dorsal outline straight to the middle, then curved and declinate, the ridge convex, the sides rapid- ly sloping, the edges sharp and direct, the tip rather obtuse but sharp- edged. Nasal groove rather long and narrow; nostrils in its fore part, longitudinal, submedial, large, linear-oblong, broader anteriorly, per- vious. Lower mandible with the angle long and pointed, the outline of its crura decurved anteriorly, that of the ridge slightly concave and ascending, the sides erect and nearly flat. Head of moderate size. Neck of ordinary length. Body compact. Feet rather long, stoutish ; tibia bare below for three-fourths of an inch, covered behind with narrow scutella; tarsus compressed, anteriorly covered with numerous curved scutella, laterally with small oblong scales, posteriorly with small scutella. Toes slender, of moderate length, covered above with numerous scutella; first extremely small, 128 BLACK-HEADED, OR LAUGHING GULL. second much shorter than fourth, third two-twelfths of an inch longer than the latter; anterior toes connected by reticulated webs, the outer and inner slightly marginate ; claws small, slightly arched, compressed, thin-edged, that of the middle toe with an expanded inner margin. Plumage close, soft, and blended. Wings very long and pointed ; primaries tapering to a rounded point; first longest, second a twelfth of an inch shorter, the rest rapidly diminishing; secondaries broad, incurvate, and obliquely rounded, the inner straight and more elon- gated. Tail of moderate length, even, of twelve broad, rounded feathers. Bill and feet, as wellas the margin of eyelids, and the inside of the mouth, of a rich deep carmine; claws brownish-black. Iris bluish- black. The head and a portion of the upper part of the neck all round, blackish lead-grey, darker on the upper part of the head and along the posterior margin, which descends lower in front, or to the extent of about two inches and a half from the base of the lower man- dible ; two narrow white bands bordering the upper and lower eyelids. Lower neck all round, the whole lower surface, the rump and tail, pure white ; but the fore part of the neck and the breast, down to the legs, of a beautiful light rosy tint. The back and wings are greyish-blue, with a very slight tinge of purple, excepting a large terminal por- tion of the secondaries, and the tips of the primaries, which are white. The first primary is black, with a tinge of grey on the in- ner web at the base; the second and third similar, with the grey more extended; on the fourth it extends over two-thirds; the fifth is black only for an inch and a half; and on the sixth the black is re- duced to two spots near the end; the other parts and the remaining primaries of the same general colour as the back. Length to end of tail 17 inches, to end of wings 20, to end of claws 17; extent of wings 403; wing from flexure 12}9; tail 5,4; bill along the ridge 111, along the edge of lower mandible 2} ; tarsus 2; hind toe and claw #4, ; middle toe and claw 1,% ; outer toe and claw 13; inner toe and claw 1,%. The female is precisely similar to the male, but considerably smaller. In winter the head is white, the feathers on its upper part and on the nape more or less brownish-grey in their concealed part, that co- lour appearing in slight patches here and there, and especially along ae i nie BLACK-HEADED OR LAUGHING GULL. 129 the posterior margin of the part that is coloured in summer, as well as on a small space before the eye. The rosy tint of the breast disap- pears after the breeding season. In other respects the plumage is as in summer. Young fully fledged. Plate CCCXIV. Fig. 2. Bill, feet, inside of mouth, and edges of eyelids, olivaceous brown. The upper parts are brownish-grey, the feathers edged with paler ; the hind part of the back light bluish-grey ; upper tail-coverts nearly white ; tail pale greyish-blue, with a broad band of brownish-black at the end, the extreme tips narrowly edged with white, the outer margin of the lateral feathers of the same colour. The first four pri- maries are destitute of white at the tip. A smaller patch before the eye, two slight bands on the eyelids, and the throat, greyish-white ; the lower part of the neck brownish-grey, the rest of the lower parts greyish-white, the sides darker, the axillars ash-grey, the lower surface of the wing dusky-grey. In an adult male, the tongue is 14 inch long, slender, tapering, emar- ginate at the base, with minute papilla, the tip horny along the back. The cesophagus is 64 inches long, 5 twelfths in diameter until it enters the thorax, then dilates to 1 inch and 5 twelfths; its walls are extremely thin, its inner coat longitudinally plaited. Proventriculus very short, the belt of oblong glandules being only 7 twelfths in breadth. Sto- mach rather small, oblong, 14 inch long, 10 twelfths broad; its lateral muscles rather thick, the tendons large ; the inner coat thick, horny, and thrown into very prominent longitudinal rugz, its upper margin abrupt, and manifestly not continuous with the inner coat of the pro- ventriculus, as some have supposed the epithelium to be in all birds. In the stomach remains of fishes. Intestines 1 foot 93 inches long, its general diameter 1 inch. Rectum 13 inch; coeca extremely small, 23 twelfths long, 3 twelfth in diameter. Trachea 53 inches long ; its rings 110, extremely thin and feeble ; its diameter at the top 44 twelfths, at the lower part 23 twelfths. The lateral muscles are scarcely perceptible, the sterno-tracheal very slender; the inferior larynx small; the bronchi of moderate length and width, with 25 half-rings. VoL. 1Y. I ( 180 ) KNOT OR ASH-COLOURED SANDPIPER. TRINGA ISLANDICA, Linn. PLATE CCCXV. Apuvut 1n SUMMER AND WINTER. Tue Knot, good Reader, is a handsome and interesting species, whether in its spring or in its winter plumage, and, provided it be young and fat, is always welcome to the palate of the connoisseur in dainties. As to its habits, however, during the breeding season, I am sorry to inform you that I know nothing at all, for in Labrador, whither I went to examine them, I did not find a single individual. I have been in- formed that several students of nature have visited its breeding places ; but why they have given us no information on the subject, seeing that not only you and I, but many persons besides, would be glad to hear about it, is what we cannot account for. I do not wish you to infer from these remarks, that the persons alluded to are the only ones who have neglected to note down on the spot observations which might be interesting and useful. I my- self am very conscious of my own remissness in this respect, and deeply regret the many opportunities of studying nature which have been in a manner lost to me, on account of a temporary supineness which has seized upon me, at the very moment when the objects of my pur- suit were placed within my reach by that bountiful Being to whom we owe all our earthly enjoyments, and all our hopes of that future hap- piness which we strive to merit. I have traced the Knot along the shores of our Atlantic states, from Texas to the entrance of the Bay of Fundy, in the months of April and May, and again in the autumnal months. I have also found it in winter in East Florida, and therefore feel confident that some of the “species do not proceed beyond our southern limits at that season. Whilst on the Bay of Galveston, in Texas, in April 1837, I daily ob- served groups of Knots arriving there, and proceeding eastward, mean- dering along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. In the interior of the United States I never observed one, and for this reason I am in- clined to think that the species moves northward along the coast. But as I did not find any in Nova Scotia, Labrador, or Newfoundland, I KNOT OR ASH-COLOURED SANDPIPER. 131 consider it probable that those which betake themselves to the fur coun- tries, turn off from our Atlantic shores when they have reached the en- trance of the Bay of Fundy. However this may be, it is certain that they reach a very high latitude, and that some stop to breed about Hud- son’s Bay, where Dr RicHarpson found them in summer. On some few occasions I have observed the Knot associating with the Tell-tale Godwit and Semi-palmated Snipe, about a mile from the sea, along the margins of ponds of brackish-water; but such localities seemed in a manner unnatural to them, and it was seldom that more than two or three were seen there. Along the shores, in spring, I have not unfrequently thought that they seemed dull, as if they had lost themselves, for they would allow a person to go very near, and sel- dom took to wing unless induced to do so by companions of other spe- cies, who were better aware of their situation. In autumn, when they at times collect into very large flocks, I have often followed them until I obtained as many as I wished. Witson has so beautifully described their movements at such times, that, although I have often witnessed them myself, I prefer giving his own words. “Tn activity it is superior to the Turnstone ; and traces the flowing and recession of the waves along the sandy beach with great nimble- ness, wading and searching among the loosened particles for its favour- ite food, which is a small thin oval bivalve shell-fish, of a white or pearl-colour, and not larger than the seed of an apple. These usually lie at a short distance below the surface; but in some places are seen at low water in heaps, like masses of wet grain, in quantities of more than a bushel together. During the latter part of summer and autumn, these minute shell-fish constitute the food of almost all those busy flocks that run with such activity along the sands, among the flow- ing and retreating waves. ‘They are universally swallowed whole; but the action of the bird’s stomach, assisted by the shells themselves, soon reduces them to a pulp. Digging for these in the hard sand would be a work of considerable labour, whereas, when the particles are loosened by the flowing of the sea, the birds collect them with great ease and dexterity. It is amusing to observe with what adroitness they follow and elude the tumbling surf, while at the same time they seem wholly intent on collecting their food.” I have however seen the Knot probe the wet sands, on the borders of oozy salt marshes, thrusting in its bill to the feathers on the forehead, i 132 KNOT OR ASH-COLOURED SANDPIPER. and this with the same dexterity as several other species. Its flight is swift, at times rather elevated, and well sustained. At their first ar- rival in autumn, when they are occasionally seen in great numbers in the same flock, their aérial evolutions are very beautiful, for, like our Parrakeet, Passenger Pigeon, Rice-bird, Red-winged Starling, and other birds, they follow each other in their course, with a celerity that seems almost incomprehensible, when the individuals are so near each other that one might suppose it impossible for them to turn and wheel without inter- fering with each other. At such times, their lower and upper parts are alternately seen, the flock exhibiting now a dusky appearance, and again gleaming like a meteor. Many of these young birds continue mottled with dull reddish- orange on their lower parts until the winter is far advanced. 'The old individuals have their whole upper plumage of a uniform grey, and their lower parts white. As those of the first year have their markings at that season handsomer than at any other period of their lives, I have given the figure of one in preference to that of an adult. It has been supposed by some that two different species of Knot occur in the United States, but I am of a different opinion. The di- mensions of birds of this family, as well as of many others, are extremely variable; and, on shooting eight or ten Knots, it would be difficult to find two of them having exactly the same size and proportions. If I add to this the very remarkable changes of plumage exhibited by birds of this family before and after maturity, you will not think it strange that Witson should have mistaken the young of the Knot for a sepa- rate species from the old bird in its spring dress. Indeed, I am obliged to tell you that I have been much puzzled, when, on picking up several of these birds from the same flock, I have found some having longer and thicker bills than others, with as strange a difference in the size of their eyes. These differences I have endeavoured to represent in my plate. My friend Joun Bacuman states, that this species is quite abun- dant in South Carolina, in its autumn and spring migrations, but that he has never seen it there in full plumage. In that country it is called the “« May Bird,” which, however, is a name also given to the Rice Bird. Along the coasts of our Middle District, it is usually known by the name of “* Grey-back.” KNOT OR ASH-COLOURED SANDPIPER. 133 TRINGA ISLANDICA, CANUTUS, CINEREA, GRIsEA, &c. of Linneus and Latham, &c. Trinea istanpica, Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of United States, p. 350. ReEp-BREASTED SANDPIPER, TRincA RuFA, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. vii. p. 43, pl. 57, fig. 5. Summer. AsH-coLourRED SanpprreR, TrinGa cinEREA, Wils. Amer. Ornith. vol. vil. p. 36, pl. 57, fig. 2. Winter. Kwor, or AsH-coLouRED SanpriPER, Nuttall, Manual, vol. il. p. 125. TrinGa CINEREA, Richards. and Swains. Fauna Bor.-Amer. vol. ii. p. 387. Adult Male in Summer. Plate CCCXV. Fig. 1. Bill rather longer than the head, slender, straight, compressed, ta- pering, with the tip a little enlarged and blunt. Upper mandible with the dorsal line straight, and slightly declinate, the ridge narrow and flattened until towards the end, when it becomes considerably broader, the sides sloping, the tip convex above and ending in a blunt point, the edges thick and flattened. Nasal groove extending to near the tip ; nostrils basal, linear, pervious. Lower mandible with the angle long and very narrow, the dorsal line straight, the sides sloping outwards, with a long narrow groove, the tip a little broader, but tapering. Head rather small, oblong, compressed. Eyes of moderate size. Neck of ordinary length. Body rather full. Feet rather long, slender ; tibia bare, a third part’ of its length ; tarsus somewhat compressed, an- teriorly and posteriorly with numerous small scutella; hind toe very small, the rest of moderate length, slender, the fourth slightly longer than the second, the third longest ; all free, broadly marginate, flattened beneath, and with numerous scutella above. Claws small, slightly arched, compressed, rather obtuse, that of the third toe much larger, with the inner edge dilated. Plumage very soft, blended on the head, neck, and lower parts, the feathers rather distinct above. Wings very long and pointed; prima- ries tapering, obtuse, the first longest, the second two-twelfths of an inch shorter, the rest rapidly decreasing ; outer secondaries slightly in- curved, inner elongated, straight and tapering, one of them extending when the wing is closed, to an inch and a quarter from its tip. Tail rather short, nearly even, of twelve rather broad feathers which taper to a broad point. Bill and feet black. Iris dark hazel. Upper part of the head and hind neck light grey, tinged with buff, and longitudinally streaked with dusky ; fore part of back and scapulars, variegated with brownish-black 134 KNOT OR ASH-COLOURED SANDPIPER. and yellowish, and each feather with several spots of the latter and tipped with whitish ; the hind part of the back, rump, and upper tail- coverts, white, barred with black; wing-coverts ash-grey, edged with paler. Alula and primary-coverts brownish-black, tipped with white ; primaries similar, their shafts and the outer margins of all excepting the first three, white, the inner webs towards the base light grey; se- condaries and their coverts grey, margined with white. Tail-feathers ash-grey tinged with brown, and narrowly edged with white. The sides of the head, fore part of neck, breast, and abdomen, rich brown- ish-orange; lower tail-coverts and feathers of the legs, white, each of the former with a central dusky narrow-shaped or elongated spot, axil- laries white barred with dusky ; lower wing-coverts dusky with white margins. Length to end of tail 103 inches, to end of wings 102, to end of claws 113; extent of wings 21; wing from flexure 7; tail 2,4; bill along the ridge 1,4, along the edge of lower mandible 14% ; tarsus 14; hind toe and claw ;4,; middle toe and claw 135. Weight 53 oz. The female is similar to the male, but considerably larger. Length to end of tail 102 inches. Weight 6 ounces. In Winter. Plate CCCXV. Fig. 2. Bill greenish-black, eye of a darker brown. Feet dull yellowish- green ; claws dusky. ‘The upper parts are deep ash-grey, each feather margined with whitish ; feathers of the rump greyish-white, upper tail- coverts white, barred with dusky. The quills and tail feathers as in summer. A band from the bill over the eye to the hind part of head, white; loral space, cheeks, and sides of neck pale grey, streaked with darker ; throat and lower parts in general, white; the sides, axillar fea- thers, and under wing-coverts, barred or spotted with dusky ; lower tail- coverts as in Summer. The young in autumn are of a dull light brownish-grey colour above, each feather having a narrow whitish margin, within which is a dusky line. The fore part and sides of the neck, and the fore part of the breast dull greyish-white, with small dusky-grey longitudinal streaks ; the band over the eye indistinct, the loral space darker. The bill and feet are of a duller tint, and the eye darker, than in the adult in winter. Weight 4; oz. KNOT OR ASH-COLOURED SANDPIPER. 135 On the roof of the mouth is a double series of small blunt papille. The tongue is very slender, 1,4, inch long, emarginate and papillate at the base, channelled above, horny beneath, the point rather acute. The cesophagus is 4% inches long, narrow, its diameter 33 twelfths. The proventriculus is oblong, 53 twelfths in diameter, 9 twelfths long. The stomach is an extremely powerful gizzard, of a roundish form, 1 inch and 5 twelfths long, its greatest breadth 11 inch; the cuticular lining thin, horny, with large longitudinal ruge. The intestine 25 inches long, its average diameter 33 twelfths; cceca cylindrical, 3 twelfths long. The contents of the stomach are fragments of mussels and gravel, with which part of the intestine is also filled. The trachea is 3} inches long, flattened, 2} twelfths broad at the top, diminishing to 2 twelfths; its rings very slender and unossified, 98 in number; the bronchial half-rings about 15. The lateral muscles very thin, the sterno-tracheal slender. ( 186 ) ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. Piotus AndinGaé, Linn. PLATE CCCXVI. Mate ann FEemate. Reaver, the pleasures which I have experienced in the course of this chequered life of mine have been many ;—perhaps many more than would have fallen to my share, had I not, fortunately for me, become a devoted and enthusiastic lover of Nature’s beauteous and wondrous works, which, in truth, I have been from the earliest period to which my recollection extends ; and those who have known me best will not for amoment consider it extravagant in me to say, that among the greatest pleasures I have known, has been that derived from pursuing and faith- fully describing such of our American birds as were previously unknown or but little observed. Many sultry summer days I have passed amidst the most dismal swamps of the secluded woods of Louisiana, watching with anxiety and in silence the curious habits of the Anhinga; the female bird now sitting closely on her eggs, in a nest constructed by herself and se- curely placed on the widely extended branch of the tallest cypress, that, as if by magic planted, stood in the midst of an ample lake, while with keen eyes she watched every motion of the wily Buzzard and cunning Crow, lest either of these cowardly marauders might deprive her of her treasures; the partner of her cares and joys meanwhile, with out- spread wings and fan-like tail, soaring on high, and glancing first anx- iously towards her he loves, then in anger towards one and all of their numerous enemies. In wider and bolder circles he moves, rising higher and still higher, until at length, becoming a mere dusky speck, he al- most vanishes from my sight amidst the expanse of the blue sky; but now, suddenly closing his wings, and rushing downwards like a meteor, I see him instantly alight erect upon the edge of the nest, and com- placently gaze upon his beloved. After some time, about three weeks perhaps, I have found the egg- shells beneath the great cypress tree, cast out of the nest by the intelli- gent and attentive mother, and floating on the green slime of the stagnant pool. Climbing to the nest itself, I have seen the tender young clad in ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 137 down far softer than our sea-island cottons, writhing their slender and tre- mulous necks, and with open mouths and extended pouches seeking, as all infants are wont to seek, the food suited to their delicate frame. Then, retiring to some concealed spot, I have seen the mother arrive with a supply of finely masticated nutriment, compounded of various fishes from the lake, and furnish each of her progeny by regurgitation with its due proportion. Thus, also, I have watched the growth of the younglings, marking their daily progress, which varied according to the changes of temperature and the state of the atmosphere. At length, after waiting many days in succession, I have seen them stand, in an almost erect posture, on a space scarcely large enough to contain them. The parents seemed aware of the condition of their brood, and, affectionate as they still appeared to be, I thought their manner towards them was altered, and I felt grieved. Indeed, sorely grieved I was when, next week, I saw them discharge, as it were, their children, and force them from the nest into the waters that were spread below. It is true that, previous to this, I had seen the young Anhingas trying the power of their wings as they stood upright on the nest, flapping them many mi- nutes at atime; yet, although thus convinced that they were nearly in a state to provide for themselves, it was not without a feeling of des- pondency that I saw them hurled into the air, and alight on the water. But, Reader, Nature in all this had acted beneficially ; and I afterwards found that in thus expelling their young so soon, the old birds had in view to rear another brood in the same spot, before the commencement of unfavourable weather. Many writers have described what they have been pleased to call the habits of the Anhinga; nay, some have presumed to offer com- ments upon them, and to generalize and form theories thereon, or even to inform us gravely and oracularly what they ought to be, when the basis of all their fancies was merely a dried skin and feathers appended. Leaving these ornithologists for the present to amuse themselves in their snug closets, I proceed to detail the real habits of this curious bird, as I have observed and studied them in Nature. The Snake-Bird is a constant resident in the Floridas, and the lower parts of Louisiana, Alabama, and Georgia. Few remain during winter in South Carolina, or in any district to the eastward of that State; but some proceed as far as North Carolina in spring, and breed along the 138 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. coast. I have found it in Texas in the month of May, on the waters of Buffalo Bayou, and the St Jacinto River, where it breeds, and where, as I was told, it spends the winter. It rarely ascends the Mis- sissippi beyond the neighbourhood of Natchez, from which most of the ~ individuals return to the mouths of that great stream, and the nume- rous lakes, ponds, and bayous in its vicinity, where I have observed the species at all seasons, as well as in the Floridas. Being a bird which, by its habits, rarely fails to attract the notice of the most indifferent observer, it has received various names. The Creoles of Louisiana, about New Orleans, and as far up the Mississippi as Pointe Coupé, call it “‘ Bec 4 Lancette,” on account of the form of its bill; whilst at the mouths of the river it bears the name of ‘ Water Crow.” In the southern parts of Florida, it is called the ‘* Grecian Lady,” and in South Carolina it is best known by the name of “ Cor- morant.” Yet in all these parts, it bears also the name of “ Snake- Bird ;” but it is nowhere with us called the ‘ Black-bellied Darter,” which, by the way, could only be with strict propriety applied to the adult male. Those which, on the one hand, ascend the Mississippi, and, on the other, visit the Carolinas, arrive at their several places of resort early in April, in some seasons even in March, and there remain until the beginning of November. Although this bird is occasionally seen in the immediate vicinity of the sea, and at times breeds not far from it, I never met with an individual fishing in salt water. It gives a de- cided preference to rivers, lakes, bayous, or lagoons in the interior, al- ways however in the lowest and most level parts of the country. The more retired and secluded the spot, the more willingly does the Snake- Bird remain about it. Sometimes indeed I have suddenly come on some in such small ponds, which I discovered by mere accident, and in parts of woods so very secluded, that I was taken by surprise on seeing them. The Floridas therefore are peculiarly adapted for this species, as there the torpid waters of the streams, bayous, and lakes, are most abundantly supplied with various species of fish, reptiles, and insects, while the temperature is at all seasons congenial, and their exemption from annoyance almost unparalleled. Wherever similar situations occur in other parts of the Southern States, there the An- hingas are met with in numbers proportioned to the extent of the ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 139 favourable localities. It is very seldom indeed that any are seen on rapid streams, and more especially on clear water, a single instance of such an occurrence being all that I have observed. Wherever you may chance to find this bird, you will perceive that it has not left it- self without the means of escape; you will never find one in a pond or bayou completely enclosed by tall trees, so as to obstruct its passage ; but will observe that it generally prefers ponds or lakes, surrounded by deep and almost impenetrable morasses, and having a few large trees growing out of the water near their centre, from the branches of which they can easily mark the approach of an enemy, and make their escape in good time. Unlike the Fish-hawk and Kings-fisher, the Anhinga however never plunges or dives from an eminence in procuring its prey, although from its habit of occasionally dropping in silence to the water from its perch, for the purpose of afterwards swimming about and diving in the manner of the Cormorant, some writers have been led to believe that it does so. The Black-bellied Darter, all whose names I shall use, for the pur- pose of avoiding irksome repetitions, may be considered as indefinitely gregarious ; by which I mean that you may see eight or more together at times, during winter especially, or only two, as in the breeding sea- son. On a few occasions, whilst in the interior of the southernmost parts of Florida, I saw about thirty individuals on the same lake. While exploring the St John’s River of that country in its whole length, I sometimes saw several hundreds together. I procured a great num- ber on that stream, on the lakes in its neighbourhood, and also on those near the plantation of Mr Buxow, on the eastern side of the Pe- ninsula. I observed that the young Darters, as well as those of the Cormorants, Herons, and many other birds, kept apart from the old individuals, which they however joined in spring, when they had at- tained their full beauty of plumage. The Anhinga is altogether a diurnal bird, and, like the Cormorant, is fond of returning to the same roosting place every evening about dusk, unless prevented by molestation. At times I have seen from three to seven alight on the dead top branches of a tall tree, for the purposé of there spending the night ; and this they repeated for several weeks, until on my having killed some of them and wounded others, the rest abandoned the spot, and after several furious contests with a party that 140 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. roosted about two miles off, succeeding in establishing themselves among them. At such times they seldom sit very near each other, as Cormorants do, but keep at a distance of a few feet or yards, accord- ing to the nature of the branches. Whilst asleep, they stand with the body almost erect, but never bend the tarsus so as to apply it in its whole length, as the Cormorant does; they keep their head snugly covered among their scapulars, and at times emit a wheezing sound, which I supposed to be produced by their breathing. In rainy wea- ther they often remain roosted the greater part of the day, and on such occasions they stand erect, with their neck and head stretched up- wards, remaining perfectly motionless, as if to allow the water to glide off their plumage. Now and then, however, they suddenly ruffle their feathers, violently shake themselves, and again compressing their form, resume their singular position. Their disposition to return to the same roosting places is so decided that, when chased from their places of resort, they seldom fail to be- take themselves to them during the day; and in this manner they may easily be procured with some care. Whilst at Mr Butow’s, I was almost daily in the habit of visiting a long, tortuous, bayou, many miles in extent, which at that season (winter) was abundantly sup- plied with Anhingas. ‘There the Otter, the Alligator, and many spe- cies of birds, found an ample supply of food; and as I was constantly watching them, I soon discovered a roosting place of the Snake-Birds, which was a large dead tree. I found it impossible to get near them either by cautiously advancing in the boat, or by creeping among the briars, canes, and tangled palmettoes which profusely covered the banks. I therefore paddled directly to the place, accompanied by my faithful and sagacious Newfoundland dog. At my approach the birds flew off towards the upper parts of the stream, and as I knew that they might remain for hours, I had a boat sent after them with orders to the Negroes to start all that they could see. Dragging up my little bark, I then hid myself among the tangled plants, and, with my eyes bent on the dead tree, and my gun in readiness, I remained until I saw the beautiful bird alight and gaze around to see if all was right. Alas! it was not aware of its danger, but, after a few moments, during which I noted its curious motions, it fell dead into the water, while the re- verberations consequent on the discharge of my gun alarmed the birds ANHINGA OK SNAKE-BIRD. 14] around, and by looking either up or down the bayou I could see many Anhingas speeding away to other parts. My dog, as obedient as the most submissive of servants, never stirred until ordered, when he would walk cautiously into the water, swim up to’ the dead bird, and having brought it to me, lie down gently in his place. In this manner, in the course of one day I procured fourteen of these birds, and wounded se- veral others. I may here at once tell you that all the roosting places of the Anhinga which I have seen were over the water, either on the shore or in the midst of some stagnant pool; and this situation they seem to select because there they can enjoy the first gladdening rays of the morning sun, or bask in the blaze of its noontide splendour, and also observe with greater ease the approach of their enemies, as they betake themselves to it after feeding, and remain there until hunger urges them to fly off. There, trusting to the extraordinary keenness of their beautiful bright eyes in spying the marauding sons of the forest, or the not less dangerous enthusiast, who, probably like yourself, would venture through mud and slime up to his very neck, to get within rifle shot of a bird so remarkable in form and manners, the Anhingas, or “‘ Grecian Ladies,” stand erect, with their wings and tail fully or par- tially spread out in the sunshine, whilst their long slender necks and heads are thrown as it were in every direction by the most curious and sudden jerks and bendings. Their bills are open, and you see that the intense heat of the atmosphere induces them to suffer their gular pouch to hang loosely. What delightful sights and scenes these have been to me, good Reader! With what anxiety have I waded toward these birds, to watch their movements, while at the same time I cooled my over-heated body, and left behind on the shores myriads of hungry sand-flies, gnats, mosquitoes, and ticks, that had annoyed me for hours ! And oh! how great has been my pleasure when, after several failures, I have at last picked up the spotted bird, examined it with care, and then returned to the gloomy shore, to note my observations! Great too is my pleasure in now relating to you the results of my long personal experience, together with that of my excellent friend Dr Bacuman, who has transmitted his observations on this bird to me. Witsoy, I am inclined to think, never saw a live Anhinga; and the notes, furnished by Mr Azsort of Georgia, which he has published, are very far from being correct. In the supplementary volumes of American Ornithology published in Philadelphia, the Editor, who visit- 142 ANHINGA OR SNAKE- BIRD. ed the Floridas, added nothing of importance beyond giving more ac- curate measurements of a single specimen than Witson had given from the stuffed skins from which he made his figures, and which were in the museum of that city. The peculiar form, long wings, and large fan-like tail of the An- hinga, would at once induce a person looking upon it to conclude that it was intended by nature rather for protracted and powerful flight, than for spending as it does more than half of its time by day in the water, where its progress, one might suppose, would be greatly impeded by the amplitude of these parts. Yet how different from such a supposi- tion is the fact? The Anhinga in truth is the very first of all fresh- water divers. With the quickness of thought it disappears beneath the surface, and that so as scarcely to leave a ripple on the spot; and when your anxious eyes seek around for the bird, you are astonished to find it many hundred yards distant, the head perhaps merely above water for a moment; or you may chance to perceive the bill alone gently cutting the water, and producing a line of wake not observable beyond the distance of thirty yards from where you are standing. With habits like these it easily eludes all your efforts to procure it. When shot at while perched, however severely wounded they may be, they fall at once perpendicularly, the bill downward, the wings and tail closed, and then dive and make their way under water to such a distance that they are rarely obtained. Should you, however, see them again, and set out in pursuit, they dive along the shores, attach themselves to roots of trees or plants by the feet, and so remain until life is extinct. When shot dead on the trees, they sometimes cling so firmly to the branches that you must wait some minutes before they fall. The generally received opinion or belief that the Anhinga always swims with its body sunk beneath the surface is quite incorrect; for it does so only when in sight of an enemy, and when under no apprehen- sion of danger it is as buoyant as any other diving bird, such as a Cor- morant, a Merganser, a Grebe, or a Diver. This erroneous opinion has, however, been adopted simply because few persons have watched the bird with sufficient care. When it first observes an enemy, it im- mediately sinks its body deeper, in the manner of the birds just men- tioned, and the nearer the danger approaches, the more does it sink, until at last it swims off with the head and neck only above the sur- face, when these parts, from their form and peculiar sinnous motion, ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 143 somewhat resemble the head and part of the body of a snake. It is in fact from this circumstance that the Anhinga has received the name of Snake-Bird. At such a time, it is seen constantly turning its head from side to side, often opening its bill as if for the purpose of inhaling a larger quantity of air, to enable it the better to dive, and remain under water so long that when it next makes its appearance it is out of your reach. When fishing in a state of security it dives precisely like a Cormorant, returns to the surface as soon as it has procured a fish or other article of food, shakes it, if it is not too large often throws it up into the air, and receiving it conveniently in the bill, swallows it at once, and recommences its search. But I doubt much if it ever seizes on any thing that it cannot thus swallow whole. They have the curious habit of diving under any floating substances, such as parcels of dead weeds or leaves of trees which have accidentally been accumulated by the winds or currents, or even the green slimy substances produced by putrefaction. This habit is continued by the species when in a perfect state of domestication, for I have seen one kept by my friend Joun Bacuman thus diving when within a few feet of a quantity of floating rice-chaff, in one of the tide-ponds in the neighbourhood of Charleston. Like the Common Goose, it invariably depresses its head while swim- ming under a low bridge, or a branch or trunk of a tree hanging over the water. When it swims beneath the surface of the water, it spreads its wings partially, but does not employ them as a means of propul. sion, and keeps its tail always considerably expanded, using the feet as paddles either simultaneously or alternately. The quantity of fish consumed by this bird is astonishing; and what I am about to relate on this subject will appear equally so. One morning Dr Bacuman and I gave to an Anhinga a Black Fish, measur- ing nine and a half inches, by two inches in diameter; and although the head of the fish was considerably larger than its body, and its strong and spinous fins appeared formidable, the bird, which was then about seven months old, swallowed it entire, head foremost. It was in appearance digested in an hour and a half, when the bird swallowed three others of somewhat smaller size. At another time, we placed before it a number of fishes about seven and a half inches long, of which it swallowed nine in succession. It would devour at a meal forty or more fishes about three inches and a half long. On several occasions it was fed on Plaice, when it swallowed some that were four inches 144 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. broad, extending its throat, and compressing them during their descent | into the stomach. It did not appear to relish eels, as it eat all the other sorts first, and kept them to the last; and after having swallow- ed them, it had great difficulty in keeping them down, but, although for a while thwarted, it would renew its efforts, and at length master them. When taken to the tide-pond at the foot of my friend’s garden, it would now and then after diving return to the surface of the water with a cray-fish in its mouth, which it pressed hard and dashed about in its bill, evidently for the purpose of maiming it, before it would attempt to swallow it, and it never caught a fish without bringing it up to sub- ject it to the same operation. While residing near Bayou Sara, in the State of Mississippi, I was in the habit of occasionally visiting some acquaintances residing at Pointe Coupé, nearly opposite the mouth of the bayou. One day, on entering the house of an humble settler close on the western bank of the Mississippi, 1 observed two young Anhingas that had been taken out of a nest containing four, which had been built on a high cypress in alake on the eastern side of the river. They were perfectly tame and gentle, and much attached to their foster-parents, the man and woman of the house, whom they followed wherever they went. They fed with equal willingness on shrimps and fish, and when neither could be had, contented themselves with boiled Indian corn, of which they caught with great ease the grains as they were thrown one by one to them. I was afterwards informed, that when a year old, they were allowed to go to the river and fish for themselves, or to the ponds on either side, and that they regularly returned towards night for the pur- pose of roosting on the top of the house. Both birds were males, and. in time they fought hard battles, but at last each met with a female, which it enticed to the roost on the house-top, where all the four slept at night for a while. Soon after, the females having probably laid their eggs in the woods, they all disappeared, and were never again seen by the persons who related this curious affair. The Anhinga is shy and wary when residing in a densely peo- pled part of the country, which, however, is rarely the case, as I have already mentioned; but when in its favourite secluded and peaceful haunts, where it has seldom or never been molested, it is easily approached and without difficulty procured; nay, sometimes one will remain standing in the same spot and in the same posture, un- ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 145 til you have fired several bullets from your rifle at it. Its mode of fishing is not to plunge from a tree or stump in pursuit of its prey, but to dive while swimming in the manner of Cormorants and many other birds. Indeed, it could very seldom see a fish from above the surface of the turbid waters which it prefers. It moves along the branches of trees rather awkwardly ; but still it walks there, with the aid of its wings, which it extends for that pur- pose, and not unfrequently also using its bill in the manner of a Par- rot. On the land, it walks and even runs with considerable ease, cer- tainly with more expertness than the Cormorant, though much in the same style. But it does not employ its tail to aid it, for, on the con- trary, it carries that organ inclined upwards, and during its progress from one place to another, the movements of its head and neck are con- tinued. These movements, which, as I have said, resemble sudden jerkings of the parts to their full extent, become extremely graceful during the love season, when they are reduced to gentle curvatures. I must not forget to say, that during all these movements, the gular pouch is distended, and the bird emits rough guttural sounds. If they are courting on wing, however, in the manner of Cormorants, Hawks, and many other birds, they emit a whistling note, somewhat resembling that of some of our rapacious birds, and which may be expressed by the syllables ech, eck, eek, the first loudest, and the rest diminishing in strength. When they are on the water, their call-notes so much re- semble the rough grunting cries of the Florida Cormorant, that I have often mistaken them for the latter. The flight of the Anhinga is swift, and at times well sustained ; but like the Cormorants, it has the habit of spreading its wings and tail before it leaves its perch or the surface of the water, thus frequently affording the sportsman a good opportunity of shooting it. When once on wing, they can rise to a vast height, in beautiful gyrations, varied during the love-season by zigzag lines chiefly performed by the male, as he plays around his beloved. At times they quite disappear from the gaze, lost as it were, in the upper regions of the air; and at other times, when much lower, seem to remain suspended in the same spot for several seconds. All this while, and indeed as long as they are flying, their wings are directly extended, their neck stretched to its full length, their tail more or less spread according to the movements VOL. IV. K 146 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. to be performed, being closed when they descend, expanded and de- elined to either side when they mount. During their migratory expe- ditions, they beat their wings at times in the manner of the Cormo- rant, and at other times sail like the Turkey Buzzard and some Hawks, the former mode being more frequently observed when they are passing over an extent of woodland, the latter when over a sheet of water. If disturbed or alarmed, they fly with continuous beats of the wings, and proceed with great velocity. As they find difficulty in leaving their perch without previously expanding their wings, they are also, when about to alight, obliged to use them in supporting their body, until their feet have taken a sufficient hold of the branch on which they de- sire to settle. In this respect, they exactly resemble the Florida Cor- morant. There are facts connected with the habits of birds which might af- ford a pretty good idea of the relative temperatures of different parts of the country during a given season; and those observed with regard to the Anhinga seem to me peculiarly illustrative of this circumstance. I have found the “ Grecian Lady” breeding on St John’s River in East Florida, near Lake George, as early as the 23d of February; having previously seen many of them caressing each other on the waters, and again carrying sticks, fresh twigs, and other matters, to form their nests, and having also shot females with the eggs largely developed. Now, at the same period, perhaps not a single Anhinga is to be seen in the neighbourhood of Natchez, only a few about New Orleans, in the east- ern parts of Georgia, and the middle maritime portions of South Caro- lina. In Louisiana this bird breeds in April or May, and in South Carolina rarely before June, my friend Bacumawn having found eggs, and young just hatched, as late as the 28th of that month. In North Carolina, where only a few pairs breed, it is later by a fortnight. I have already expressed my opinion that birds which thus breed so much earlier in one section of the country than in another, espe- cially when at great distances, may, after producing one or even two broods, in the same year, still have time enough to proceed toward higher latitudes for the purpose of again breeding. Actual observations have moreover satisfied me that individuals of the same species produced in warm latitudes have a stronger disposition toward reproduction than. ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 147 those of more northern climates. This being the case, and most birds endowed with the power of migrating, having a tendency to exercise it, may we not suppose that the pair of Anhingas which bred on the St John’s in February, might be inclined to breed again either in South Carolina or in the neighbourhood of Natchez, several months after. - But, as yet, I have not been able to adduce positive proof of the accu- racy of this opinion. The nest of the Snake-bird is variously placed in different localities ; sometimes in low bushes, and even on the common smilax, not more than eight or ten feet above the water, if the place be secluded, or on the lower or top branches of the highest trees, but always over the water. In Louisiana and the State of Mississippi, where I have seen a goodly number of nests, they were generally placed on very large and tall cypresses, growing out of the central parts of lakes and ponds, or overhanging the borders of lagoons, bayous, or rivers, distant from inhabited places. They are frequently placed singly, but at times amidst hundreds or even thousands of nests of several species of He- rons, especially Ardea alba and A. Herodias, the Great White and Great Blue Herons. As however in all cases the form, size, and com- ponent materials are nearly the same, I will here describe a nest pro- cured for the purpose by my friend Bacuman. It measured fully two feet in diameter, and was of a flattened form, much resembling that of the Florida Cormorant. The first or bottom layer was made of dry sticks of different sizes, some nearly half an inch in diameter, laid crosswise, but in a circular manner. Green branches with leaves on them, of the common myrtle, Myrica cerifera, a quantity of Spanish moss, and some slender roots, formed the upper and in- side layer, which was as solid and compact as that of any nest of the Heron tribe. This nest contained four eggs; another examined on the same day had four young birds; a third only three; and in no in- stance has a nest of the Anhinga been found with either eight eggs, or “ two eggs and six young ones,” as mentioned by Mr Aszort, of Georgia, in his notes transmitted to Wi1soy. Mr Aszott is however correct in saying that this species “ will occupy the same tree for a se- ries of years,” and I have myself known a pair to breed in the same nest three seasons, augmenting and repairing it every succeeding spring, as Cormorants and Herons are wont to do. The eggs average K 2 148 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. two inches and five-eighths in length, by one and a quarter in diame- ter, and are of an elongated oval form, of a dull uniform whitish colour externally, being covered with a chalky substance, beneath which the shell, on being carefully scraped, is of a light blue, precisely resembling in this respect the eggs of the different species of American Cormo- rants with which I am acquainted. The young when about a fortnight old are clad with a uniform buff-coloured down ; their bill is black, their feet yellowish-white, their head and neck nearly naked; and now they resemble young Cormorants, though of a different colour. The wing feathers make their appear- ance through the down, and are dark brown. The birds in the same nest differ as much in size as those of Cormorants, the largest being almost twice the size of the smallest. At this age they are in the habit of raising themselves by placing their bills on the upper part of the nest, or over a branch if convenient, and drawing themselves up by their jaws, which on such occasions they open very widely. This habit is continued by young birds whilst in confinement, and was also observed in the Cor- morant, Phalacrocoraz Carbo, the young of which assisted themselves with their bills while crawling about on the deck of the Ripley. The action is indeed performed by the Anhinga at all periods of its life. At an early age the young utter a low wheezing call, and at times some cries resembling those of the young of the smaller species of Herons. From birth they are fed by regurgitation, which one might suppose an irksome task to the parent birds, as during the act they open their wings and raise their tails. I have not been able to ascertain the pe- riod of incubation, but am sure that the male and the female sit alter- nately, the latter however remaining much longer on the nest. Young Anhingas when approached while in the nest cling tenaciously to it, until seized, and if thrown down, they merely float on the water, and are easily captured. On the contrary, the young Florida Cormorants throw themselves into the water, and dive at once. When they are three weeks old, the quills and tail-feathers grow rapidly, but continue of the same dark-brown colour, and so remain until they are able to fly, when they leave the nest, although they still present a singular motley appearance, the breast and back being buff- coloured, while the wings and tail are nearly black. After the feathers of the wings and tail are nearly fully developed, those of the sides of ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 149 the body and breast become visible through the down, and the bird appears more curiously mottled than before. The young male now as- sumes the colour of the adult female, which it retains until the begin- ning of October, when the breast becomes streaked with dusky ; white spots shew themselves on the back, the black of which becomes more intense, and the crimpings on the two middle feathers of the tail, which have been more or less apparent from the first, are now perfect. By the middle of February, the male is in full plumage, but the eyes have not yet acquired their full colour, being only of a dull reddish-orange. In this respect also two differences are observed between the Anhinga and the Cormorants. The first is the rapid progress of the Anhinga towards maturity of plumage, the other the retaining of its complete dress through the whole of its life, no change taking place in its co- lours at each successive moult. The Cormorants, on the contrary, take three or four years to attain their full dress of the love season, which lasts only during that period of excitement. The progress of the plu- mage in the female Anhinga is as rapid as in the male, and the tints also remain unaltered through each successive moult. Like all other carnivorous and piscivorous birds, the Anhinga can remain days and nights without food, apparently without being much incommoded. When overtaken on being wounded, and especially if brought to the ground, it seems to regard its enemies without fear. On several occasions of this kind, I have seen it watch my approach, or that of my dog, standing as erect as it could under the pain of its wounds, with its head drawn back, its bill open, and its throat swelled with anger until, when at a sure distance, it would dart its head for- ward and give a severe wound. One which had thus struck at my dog’s nose, hung to it until dragged to my feet over a space of thirty paces. When seized by the neck, they scratch severely with their sharp claws, and beat their wings about you with much more vigour than you would suppose they could possess. Having witnessed the singular means employed by this bird in making its escape on sudden emergencies, I will here relate an instance, which evinces a kind of reason. Whilst ascending the St John’s river in East Florida, along with Captain Piercy of the U. S. Navy, our boat was rowed into a circular basin of clear shallow water, having a sandy bottom ; such places being found occasionally in that country, produced by the flowing of springs from the more elevated sandy parts into the muddy rivers and lakes. We 150 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. entered the cove by passing between the branches of low trees, over- hung by others of great height. The first object that attracted my attention was a female Anhinga perched on the opposite side of the cove, and, as I did not wish that it should be shot, we merely advanced towards it, when it began to throw its head about, and watch our motions. The place was small, and the enclosing trees high. Though it might have flown upwards and escaped, it remained perched, but evidently perturbed and apprehensive of danger. When the boat was at a short distance, however, it suddenly threw itself backward, cutting a somerset as it were, and, covered by the branches, darted straight through the tangled forest, and was soon out of sight. Never before nor since have I seen or heard of Anhingas flying through the woods. For the following description of the Snake-bird’s breeding grounds, a few miles distant from Charleston in South Carolina, I am indebted to my friend Jonn Bacuman :—“ On the 28th of June 1837, accom- panied by Dr Witson, Dr Drayton, and Witiiam Ramsay, Esq,, I went to Chisholm Pond, about seven miles from the city, for the pur- pose of seeing the Anhingas while breeding. The day was fine, and in about an hour our horses brought us to the margin of the swamp. We soon discovered a bird flying over us, and making for the upper part of the pond toward a retired place, rendered almost inaccessible in consequence of its being a morass overgrown with vines and rushes. As there was no other way of examining their locality but by water, we hauled ashore a small leaky canoe which we found in the pond, caulked it in the best manner we could, so as to render it not unsafe, although after all we could do to it, we found it still very leaky. It proved uncomfortable enough, and could hold only two persons. So it was agreed that I should proceed in it, accompanied by a servant, who understood well how to paddle it. “The pond is artificial, and such as in this country is called a “ Re- serve.” It is situated at the upper part of rice fields, and is intended to preserve water sufficient, when needed, to irrigate and overflow the rice. It is studded with small islands, covered by a thick growth of a small species of Laurel (Laurus geniculata) and the Black Willow (Salix nigra), all entangled by various species of Smilax and other plants. ‘These were at the time covered with Herons’ nests of several kinds. Farther on the Night Herons also had formed a city. As I proceeded onwards in my search I found the difficulties increasing. ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 151 The water became shallow, the mire deeper and softer, and the boat required the best of management to be propelled along, for now it was retarded by rushes and vines. Enormous live oaks and cypress trees reared their majestic branches towards the pure sky above, covered as they were with dangling masses of Spanish moss, reaching to the very surface of the water, and turning day into night. Alligators of great size wallowed in the mire, or were heard to plunge into it, from the many logs which ever and anon intercepted my progress, while ter- rapins, snakes, and other reptiles swarmed around. My situation was thus not altogether so very pleasant, and the less so as it was necessary for me to destroy as many musquitoes as possible, and guard against being upset in such a truly “ dismal swamp.” We moved extremely slowly, yet advanced, and at last, having reached an open space where the trees were of small size and height, I espied the nest of the Anhinga before me! The female was sitting on it, but on our coming nearer she raised herself by her bill to a branch about one foot above, and there stood with outstretched neck, like a statue. It was cruel thus to disturb her in her own peaceful solitude; but naturalists, alas! seldom consider this long, when the object of their pursuit is in their view and almost within their grasp. Being now within twenty yards of the innocent and interesting creature, I pointed my short rifle towards her, and immediately fired ; but the unsteadiness of the canoe, and perhaps that of a hand not accustomed to this wea- pon, saved her life. She remained in her statue-like posture, the rifle was reloaded, and thrice fired, without touching her; but at last a bullet having cut through the branch on which she stood, she spread her dark pinions, and launching into the air, was soon beyond the reach of my eyes, and I trust of further danger.” The same kind friend having procured eggs and young of this in- teresting bird, I will present you with his observations respecting them. He writes thus:—‘“ I brought home three young Snake-birds, two of which I immediately undertook to raise and domesticate, entrusting the third to the care of one of our mutual friends. I found no difficulty m rearing one of them. The other, by neglect of my servant, died a few weeks afterwards, during a short personal absence. Whilst these two birds were yet in the same cage, it was curious indeed to see the smaller one when hungry incessantly trying to force its bill into the mouth and throat of the other, which, after being thus teased for a short time, 152 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. would open its mouth to suffer the little one to thrust its whole head down the throat of its brother, from which it would receive the fish that the latter had previously swallowed. In this singular manner did the larger bird, which after awhile proved to be a male, continue to act as if the foster-parent of his little sister, which indeed seemed to be thrown upon his protection. The one still in my possession is fed on fish, which it picks up, tosses a few times in the air, and swallows at the first convenient opportunity, that is when the fish falls towards its mouth head foremost. At the onset, when the fish was large, I had it cut into pieces, thinking that the apparent slenderness of the bird’s neck could not expand enough to swallow it whole; but I soon ascertained that this was unnecessary. Fish three times the size of the neck were tossed in the expanded jaws and gobbled at once, and immediately after, the bird would come to my feet, clicking its bill in such an unequivocal man- ner that I never failed to give it more. My pet was tame from the beginning of its captivity, and followed me about the house, the yard, and garden, until I thought it quite troublesome in consequence of its peculiar attachment tome. The one given to our friend was fed on fish and raw beef; but although it grew to its full size, never seemed to thrive as well as the one I had, and finally died of an af- fection causing spasms. This was a female, and although less bright in colour than the adult of the same sex, the two middle feathers of her tail were partially crimped, and her markings were the same. While in the young state I frequently carried it to a pond, believing that it would relish the water, and would improve in health ; but I in- variably found it to scramble towards the shore as soon as possible, as if dreading the element in which it was by nature destined to live. When thrown into the pond, it usually dived at once, but the next in- stant arose to the surface, and swam with all the buoyancy of a com- mon duck. It is a fearless bird, keeping at bay the hens and turkeys in the yard, and never sparing any dog that chances to pass by it, dealing blows right and left with its sharp bill, and occasionally placing itself at the trough where they are fed, to prevent them from taking a morsel! of food till he has tantalized them sufficiently, when he leaves them to share whatever he does not himself relish. “ It was not until my bird was fully fledged that I found it willing or anxious to go to the water, and then, whenever it saw me go to- ward the pond, it accompanied me as far as the gate of the garden, seem- ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 153 ing to say “‘ Pray let me go.” On my opening this gate, it at once followed me waddling along like a duck, and no sooner was it in sight of its favourite element than it immediately let itself in, not with a plunge or a dive, but by dropping from a plank into the stream, where for a while it would swim like a duck, then, dipping its long neck, it would dive for the purpose of procuring fish. The water was clear enough to enable me to see all its movements, and after many various windings it would emerge at the distance of forty or fifty yards. This bird sleeps in the open air during warm nights, perched on the highest bar of the fence, with its head under its wings, placed there from above its back, and in rainy weather it often sits in the same position for nearly the whole day. It appears to be very susceptible of cold, retreating to the kitchen and near the fire, battling with the dogs or the cooks for the most comfortable place on the hearth. Whenever the sun shines, it spreads its wings and tail, rustles its feathers, and seems delighted with our warmest sunny days. When walking and occasionally hop- ping, it does not support itself by the tail, as Cormorants sometimes do. When fishes are presented to it, it seizes and swallows them greedily; but when these cannot be procured, we are forced to feed it on meat, when it opens its mouth, and receives the food placed in it. Occasionally it has spent several days without any food; but in those cases the bird became very troublesome, harassing all around by its in- cessant croakings, and giving blows to the servants, as if to remind them of their neglect. “ Once it made its escape, and flew off about a quarter of a mile into the pond. Some boys happening to be there in a canoe, the bird ap- proached them with open mouth, for it was hungry and wanted food. They seeing such a strange creature pursuing them with a head some- what like that of a snake, took alarm and paddled for the shore; but my bird followed in their wake, and landed as soon as they did. They now fled to the house, where the Anhinga also arrived, and was re- cognised by some members of the family, who sent it back to me; and I, to prevent its farther escape or loss, clipped one of its wings.” I saw the bird above mentioned at my friend’s house at Charles- ton in the winter of 1836, when on my way to the Gulf of Mexico, and had many opportunities of watching its habits. It was killed by a beautiful retriever presented to me by the Kart or Dersy, and its 154 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. death occasioned sorrow both to my friend and myself, as he had given. it to me for the purpose of being sent to that nobleman. Ever since I have been acquainted with the Anhinga, I have thought that in form and habits it is intimately connected with the Cormorants, and was induced to compare their manners. In some re- spects I found them similar, in others different ; but when I discovered that all these birds possess a remarkable peculiarity in the structure of their feathers, I thought that their generic affinity could not be denied. The Anhinga has its body and neck covered with what I would call Jibrous feathers, having a very slender shaft; while its quills and tail- feathers are compact, that is, perfect in structure, strong, and elastic. Now the shafts of all these latter feathers are tubular from their bases to their very extremities, which, in so far as I know, is not the case in any other bird, excepting the Cormorants. They are all very elastic, like those in the tails of our largest Woodpeckers, the shafts of which, however, are filled with a spongy pith, as in all other land-birds, and in all the aquatic species which I have examined, including Divers and Grebes, as well as Plungers, such as Gannets, Kings-fishers, and Fishing Hawks. The quills and tail-feathers of the Cormorants and Anhinga, in short, have the barrel as in other birds, but the shaft hollow, even to the tip, its walls being transparent, and of the same nature as the barrel. Wiutson, who, it is acknowledged, made his figures from stuffed specimens in the Philadelphia Museum, had no positive proof that the bird which he took for a female was one, for he had not seen the An- hinga alive or recently killed. Even his continuator, Mr Orp, pro- cured only males during his visit to the Floridas. But the female which I have represented was proved to be of that sex by dissection, and was examined by myself nineteen years ago near Bayou Sara. Since that time I have had numerous opportunities of satisfying myself as to this point, by examining birds in various stages. The substances which I have found in many individuals of this spe- cies were fishes of various kinds, aquatic insects, crays, leeches, shrimps, tadpoles, eggs of frogs, water-lizards, young alligators, water-snakes, and small terrapins. I never observed any sand or gravel in the sto- mach. On some occasions I found it distended to the utmost, and, as I have already stated, the bird has great powers of digestion. Its ex- crements are voided in a liquid state, and squirted toa considerable dis- tance, as in Cormorants, Hawks, and all birds of prey. ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 155 The flesh of the Anhinga, after the bird is grown, is dark, firm, oily, and unfit for food, with the exception of the smaller pectoral muscles of the female, which are white and delicate. The crimpings of the two middle tail-feathers become more deeply marked during the breed- ing season, especially in the male. When young, the female shews them only in a slight degree, and never has them so decided as the male. Puorus Anuinea, Linn, Syst. Nat., vol. i. p. 218.—Lath. Ind. Ornith., vol. ii. p. 895.—Ch. Bonaparte, Synopsis of Birds of the United States, p. 411. Prorus MELANOGASTER, Lath. Ind. Ornith. vol. ii. p. 895. BLack-BELLIED DarTER, PLotus MELANOGASTER, Wils. Amer. Ornith., vol. ix. p. 75, pl. 74, fig. 1. adult, and p. 82. pl. 74, fig. 2. young. BLAcK-BELLIED Darter, Nuttall, Manual, vol. ii. p. 507. Adult male. Plate CCCXVI. Fig. 1. Bill about twice the length of the head, almost straight, being very slightly recurved, rather slender, compressed, tapering to a fine point. Upper mandible with the dorsal outline slightly declinate, and almost straight, being however somewhat convex, the ridge convex, gradually narrowed, the sides sloping, the edges sharp, and beyond the middle cut into minute slender-pointed serratures, which are directed back- wards; the tips very slender. Lower mandible with the angle very long and narrow, the dorsal line beyond it straight and ascending, the sides sloping slightly outwards, the edges sharp and serrated like those of the upper, the point extremely narrow ; the gape line slightly ascend- ing towards the end. No external nostrils. Head very small, oblong. Neck very long and slender. Body elon- gated and slender. Feet very short and stout. ‘Tibia feathered to the joint. Tarsus very short, roundish, reticulated all over, the scales on the hind part extremely small. ‘Toes all connected by webs; the first of moderate length, the second much longer, the fourth longest and slightly margined externally ; the first toe and the first phalanges of the rest, covered above with transverse series of scales, the rest of their extent scutellate. Claws rather large, very strong, compressed, curved, very acute ; the outer smallest, the third longest, with a deep groove on the inner side, and a narrow thin edge, cut with parallel slits ; those of the first and second toes nearly equal. There is a bare space at the base of the upper mandible, including 156 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. the eye; the skin of the throat is bare and dilated, like that of the Cormorants. The plumage of the head, neck, and body, is close, blended, and of a silky texture; the feathers oblong, rounded, with the filament disunited toward the end. On each side of the neck, from near the eye to half its length, is a series of elongated narrow loose feathers, a few of which are also dispersed over the back of the neck, and which in the breeding season are an inch and a quarter in length. The scapulars, which are very numerous, are elongated, lanceolate, ta- pering to a point, compact, stiffish, elastic, highly glossed, gradually increasing in size backwards, the outer web of the largest, crimped. Wings of moderate length and breadth; primaries strong, firm, consi- derably curved, the third longest, the second almost as long, the first a little shorter than the fourth; the second, third, and fourth cut out on the outer web. Secondaries a little decurved, broad, rounded and acu- minate; the inner elongated, straightish, acuminate, and resembling the posterior scapulars. ‘Tail very long, narrow, of twelve straight feathers having strong shafts, and increasing in breadth from the base to the end, which is rounded and very broad, the two middle feathers have their outer webs curiously marked with transverse alternate ridges and depressions. Upper mandible dusky olive, the edges yellow; lower mandible bright yellow, the edges and tips greenish; bare space about the eye bluish-green ; gular sac bright orange. Iris bright carmine. Tarsi and toes anteriorly dusky olive, the hind parts and webs yellow ; claws brownish-black. The general colour of the head, neck, and body, is glossy blackish-green ; of the scapulars, wings, and tail, glossy bluish- black. The long loose feathers on the neck are purplish-white or pale lilac. The lower part of the neck behind is marked with very nume- rous minute oblong spots of white; which form two broad bands ex- tending backwards, and gradually becoming more elongated, there be- ing one along the centre of each feather including the scapulars. The smaller wing-coverts are similarly marked with broader white spots disposed in regular rows ; the four last of which have merely a central line towards the tip, while the inner has a broad band extending from near the base over the outer half of the inner web, and towards the end including a portion of the outer web; the first row of small coverts, and the secondary coverts are white excepting the portion of the imner web. The five inner elongated secondaries are marked with a narrow ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 157 white band, occupying the inner half of the outer web, from about an inch from their base to the extremity, near-which it includes a part of the inner web. The tail-feathers tipped with a band of brownish-red, fading into white. Length to end of tail 353 inches, to end of wings 304, to end of claws 283, to carpus 174; extent of wings 44; wing from flexure 14; tail 113; bill along the ridge 31, along the edge of lower mandible 373; tarsus 1,4; hind toe 14, its claw ;; second toe 1 5%, its claw i323 third toe 2,%,, its claw ,; fourth toe 243, its claw 54. Weight 33 lb. Adult Female. Plate CCCXVI. Fig. 2. The female has the plumage similar in texture to that of the male, but only a few inconspicuous elongated feathers on the neck. The bill is lighter than in the male, the naked part around the eye darker, the eye and gular sac as in the male; as are the feet. The upper part of the head and the hind neck are dull greenish-brown, lighter at the lower part, the fore part of the neck is pale reddish-brown, tinged with grey, lighter on the throat ; this colour extends over part of the breast, an inch and a half beyond the carpal joint, and terminates abruptly in a transverse band of deep red- dish-chestnut ; the rest of the lower parts as in the male, as are the upper, only the fore part of the back is tinged with brown, and its spots less distinct. Length to end of tail 34 inches, to end of wings 291, to end of claws 273; to carpal joint 161; extent of wings 43. Weight 2 lb. 15 oz. In external appearance and habits, the Snake-bird is very nearly allied to the Cormorants. The structure of the feet is essentially the same in both genera, as is that of the wings and tail, the latter how- ever being more elongated in the Anhinga, in correspondence with the neck. If one might suppose a small Cormorant elongated and attenu- ated, with the feet rather enlarged but shortened, the head dimi- nished in size, and the bill formed more on the model of that of a Heron, being destitute of the distinct. ridge and curved unguis, he would form a pretty correct notion of this bird. Not only is the bill like that of a Heron, but the vertebra of the neck are very similar to those of that family, and form the same abrupt curvatures between the seventh and eighth vertebre. But all the other bones are those 158 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. of the Cormorants and Pelicans. The sternum in particular is almost precisely similar to that of the Crested Cormorant, so that without entering very minutely into its description, no differences could be pointed out. Both mandibles are concave within ; the palate flat, with two longi- tudinal ridges ; the posterior aperture of the nares linear and 9 twelfths long, the anterior or external aperture entirely obliterated. The lower mandible has a distinct oblique joint at about a third of its length, enabling it to be expanded to the extent of an inch and a half. The pouch, which is small, is constructed in the same manner as that of the Pelicans and Cormorants; its muscular fibres running from the lower edge of the mandible downwards and backwards, and a slender muscle passing from the anterior part of the hyoid bone to the junc- tion of the crura of the mandible. The tongue is reduced to a mere oblong knob, 13 twelfth long, and 3 twelfth in height. The aperture of the glottis is 3 twelfths long, with two roundish thin edged flaps be- hind, destitute of papille. There is a small bone appended to the oc- cipital ridge, } inch in length, as in the Cormorants. The cesophagus a 6, is 17 inches long, exceedingly delicate and dilat- able, with external longitudinal fibres, the transverse fibres becoming stronger towards the lower parts. Its diameter when moderately dilated is 13 inch at the top, 1 inch farther down, at its entrance into the tho- rax, 9 twelfths, and finally 14 inch; but it may be dilated to a much greater extent. The proventricular glands, instead of forming a belt at the lower part of the wsophagus, are placed on the right side in the form of a globular sac, about an inch in diameter, communicating with the cesophagus, b, and sto- mach, d. For two inches of the lower part of the cesophagus, 4, or at that part usually occupied by the proventriculus, the transverse muscular fibres are enlarged, and form an abrupt margin beneath ; on the inner surface there are four irregular series of large apertures of gastric glandules or crypts. The proventriculus itself, c, is composed of large crypts of irre- gular form, with very wide apertures, and covered externally with muscular fibres. The stomach, dd, is roundish, about an inch and three quarters in diameter, with two roundish tendinous spaces, ¢, and fasciculi of muscular fibres ; its inner coat thin, soft, and smooth. It opens by an aperture a quarter of an inch in diameter into a small sac, f, precisely similar to that of the Pelican, which has a muscular coat, with a soft even internal membrane, like that of the stomach. The pylorus has a ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. 159 diameter of 2 twelfths, is closed by a semilunar valve or flap, and is sur- rounded by a disk of radiating ruge three-fourths of an inch in diame- ter. The intestine, g 4, is 3 feet 4 inches long, its average diameter 21 twelfths, but only 1 twelfth at its junction with the rectum, which is 31 inches long, 3 twelfths in diameter. The cloaca globular, 14 inch in diameter. There are no ceca properly so called, but a small rounded termination of the rectum 2 twelfths in length as in the Herons. 160 ANHINGA OR SNAKE-BIRD. The subcutaneous cellular tissue is largely developed, and the lon- gitudinal cells on the neck are extremely large, as in Gannets and Herons. The olfactory nerve is of moderate size, and the nasal cavity is a simple compressed sac 4 twelfths in its greatest diameter. The external nares are closed, and there are no supraorbital glands. ‘The external aperture at the ear is circular, and not more than half a twelfth in diameter. The trachea is 133 inches long, much flattened, narrow at the up- per extremity, where it is 21 twelfths in breadth, enlarging gradually to 44 twelfths, and toward the lower larynx contracting to 2} twelfths. The rings are very slender, unossified, and feeble ; their number 230; the bronchial half-rings 25. The contractor muscles moderate ; ster- no-tracheales ; and a pair of inferior muscles going to the last ring. Ina young bird scarcely two days old, and measuring only 32 inches in length, the two most remarkable circumstances observed refer to the nostrils and stomach. The posterior or palatal aperture of the nares is of the same form, and proportional size, as in the adult; the nasal cavity is similar; but there is an external nasal aperture, or nos- tril, on each side, so small as merely to admit the mystachial bristle of a Common Squirrel, The stomach is of enormous size, occupying three-fourths of the cavity of the thorax and abdomen, being 10 twelfths of an inch long, and of an oval shape. The proventriculus is sepa- rated from the stomach and formed into a roundish lobe, as in the old bird; and beside it is the lobe or pouch appended to the stomach, and from which the duodenum comes off. Even at this very early age, the stomach was turgid with a pultaceous mass apparently composed of “macerated fish, without any bones or other hard substances intermixed. Here then we have an instance of external nares in the young of a bird in which they are entirely obliterated in the adult. (