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I Al A COMPLETE IN 42 PARTS. 50 CENTS. | Our Living Ward; mene Gr, VV OOD’S Peewee AT rt ISTORY OF ANIMATE CREATION. REVISED AND ADAPTED T0 pV eee ZOOLOGY, BY JOSEPH “By HOLDER, M-D:; Fellow of the New York Academy of Nciences ; Member of the Society of Naturalists, H. U. 8.; Member of the American Ornithologists’ Union; Curator of Vertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park, New York. FULLY ILLUSTRATED WITH SCIENTIFIC ACCURACY. VOL. I. NE VW Y © ERK : Se LEMAR HESS. eo COPYRIGHT, 1885, BY SELMAR HESS. TO 00 ain) ain) — Ne <2 See ORT EM, Pg a ae f ELECTROTYPED BY f PRINTED BY 47% smira & McDovea Jos MG D. G. F. CLASS as — 5 aN be NEW YORK__ NEW YORK s Ww Its, a. ex ca SoA Daim - 3 esi Pees Ome IN OT i. HE original text of the Rev. Dr. Wood’s Work on Natural History, well known as the most fascinating collection of description and anecdote ever published, was most wisely selected as a basis of a new issue, entitled ‘‘Our Living World.” With the original text the writer has no connection, excepting so far as relates to American animals. Where the latter are treated the subject matter is revised, the latest information is added in full, and the classification and nomenclature now most approved is adopted. The ‘‘Compendium of Generic Distinctions,’ at the end of each volume, determines the classification adopted for the original work by the author. Besides this, we introduce at the end of each volume a table of classification, embracing the latest and best approved views, as applied to American Zoology. Thus, the reader finds, in addition to the charming descriptive text of Dr. Wood, instructive modern views of Zoology of peculiar service to the student. The classification adopted by the writer for the American subjects, is as follows :— For the Mammals, Prof. Flower, of London Zoological Society ; for Birds, Robert Ridg- way; Nomenclature of Birds of North America, Smithsonian Publication. Works of Dr. Coues and Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway have been freely utilized. For Fishes and Reptiles, the works of Jordan and Gilbert have proved of great service, well-nigh indispensable. The Invertebrate Animals having during the last ten years received especial attention from officers of the U. 8. Fish Commission, we have availed ourselves of their valuable publications and Yearly Reports. The immense amount of original work done by Prof. Verrill and his assistants in the Commission, and the exceptional opportunities for such work accorded natn- ralists by the courtesy of Prof. Baird, Chief of the Commission, are highly appreciated. For the very liberal use made of the above-mentioned works, the editor of this edition would express his grateful acknowledgments. J. B. H. Vou. I, ni is ‘lige pale G0? to rest lanimito oth 7 athe sd de nowondt law oval aie, oo tia ecw Inidildny to sttiewia Baw & tq ace t e gadvitlers Wtheitinaal senor ait im: a tne ¥? motvad on afin cael veins aan eb Olse ulsati: deans we Di to) Oh WATE tees deeb iain ee aa Tithe ait “tsi Kitisisat no meer aT rs lene Ghaot jooteiie add bepoets sped) pl Alginiecincionnd, Ob F : 2 ; a a Yen won cugelor ied lve —iitentbeahetii Bae Sab eb lathe’ si métanbiak ae ‘i atgoha ab hover od) codoriwed nrioy doen Tit Dam oot te ‘amebioaliel) aiyeesth to nrtthaxynm) * | ott tc capital we nil) agian lite alt eet Peller lotigiv wilt 10) dviqohe ook we ~wole bevontje tel bie tone atl -qittanddiy siitinsitieeel) to olds 4 unulor s riche gales ofl} oh oot ahe at alia bow oi! } wadl -ruatea’ sands “ved, of taaheie off Ot osiyees tellowes Sa palo ol iwaly aiteitrbtocwreddnl baove At 1a ; -ewollol ee ef stodfiine sedtworhk of i tothe Wit yd Ketqute moitesiinals oft “bi yedofl AlwiA sol > qelien@:lnoieoioght abhmal. Qo vereiTT Jew! alee. ad 2 roe AU lw mh V¥i not esticGr' |) sethoetid heath dia Ws nil i” eee weno) fealty vihatt aad ead vowuhtl bee: dawont ieel hee - wre tere Ws trea, ated totiie hen oabwal to adtor nit yeglngont Sng elute Sidicia ad bur dite beak tren cmabtaendy Lukyages Levviicinn woney cnt teal add aorto imine aul nhanintA servbibereat ait : Samad ae vibedasey atdmiia’y hud Wn evwleeud fallen esas oe w xxokeaeer il2 ‘ill ext tn : ste Gren <1 tei"t qs neal show Iaighuy Io dean) vetparntl aft abv ‘fea Yi : ante Babrinvai FV Koos 20) sania rao g® famabiresee nh lt ingen rit wt. stinatyfiels fobadornin “Likud ete nbatarent edi ie fait) syste Sere ‘yw sgostiteny oak Set hing moititee aig. ditbe ad? actin bowntinnt-wede ott to @han dap Tell erie ali alerted ied wig asa (itatiig rit aaron’ Baer , 7% 2 at 4 hy fe awe Sat @ ae Je deve dala Owl dy In the present Voluine I have endeavored to carry out, on a more extended scale, the principle which has been partially indicated in several of my smaller works; namely, to present to the reader the outlines of zoologic knowledge in a form that shall be readily comprehended, while it is as intrinsically valuable as if it were couched in the most repellent vocabulary of conventional technicalities. In acting thus, an author must voluntarily abnegate the veneration which attaches itself to those who are the accredited pos- sessors of abstruse learning, and must content himself with the satisfaction of having achieved the task which has been placed in his hands. In accordance with this principle, the technical language of scientific zoology has been carefully avoided, and Hnglish names have been employed wherever practicable in the place of Greek or Latin appellatives. The body of the work has been studiously preserved in a simple and readable form, and the more strictly scientific portions have been removed to the ‘‘ Compendium of Generic Distinctions” at the end of the volume. In this Compendium the reader will find a brief notice of the various characteristics which are employed by our best systematic naturalists, such as Owen, Gray, Van der Hoeven, and others, for the purpose of separating the different genera from each other ; and by its aid he will be enabled to place every animal in that position which it is at present supposed to occupy. Even in that Compendium simplicity of diction has been maintained. For example, the word “five-toed” has been substituted for ‘* pentedac- tylous ;” “pointed” for “‘acuminate;” ‘“‘ringed” for “annulate ;” together with innumerable similar instances which need no separate mention. Owing to the inordinate use of pseudo-classical phraseology, the fascinating study of animal life has been too long considered as a profession or a science restricted to a favored few, and interdicted to the many until they have undergone a long apprenticeship to its preliminary formule. So deeply rooted is this idea, that the popular notion of a scientific man is of one who possesses a fund of words, and not of one who has gathered a mass of ideas. There is really not the least reason why any one of ordinary capa- bilities and moderate memory should not be acquainted with the general outlines of zoology, and possess some knowledge of the representative animals, which serve as types of each group, tribe, or family ; for when relieved of the cumbersome diction with which it is embarrassed, the study of animal life can be brought within the comprehension of all who care to examine the myriad varieties of form and color with which the Almighty clothes His living poems. The true object of Zoology is not, as some appear to fancy, to arrange, to number, and to ticket animals in a formal inventory, but to make the study an inquiry into the Life-nature, and not only an investigation of the lifeless organism. I must not, however, be understood to disparage the outward form, thing of clay though it be. For what wondrous clay it is, and how marvellous the continuous miracle by which the dust of earth is transmuted into the glowing colors and graceful forms which we most imper- fectly endeavor to preserve after the soul has departed therefrom. It is a great thing to be acquainted with the material framework of any creature, but it is a far greater to know something of the principle which gave animation to that structure. The former, indeed, is the consequence of the latter. The lion, for example, is not predaceous because it possesses fangs, talons, strength, and activity; on the contrary, it Vou. I. yi PREFACE. possesses these qualities because its inmost nature is predaceous, and it needs these appliances to enable it to carry out the innate principle of its being ; so that the truest description of the lion is that which treats of the animating spirit, and not only of the outward form. In accordance with this principle, it has been my endeayor to make the work rather anecdotal and vital than merely anatomical and scientific. The object of a true zoologist is to search into the essential nature of every being, to investigate, according to his individual capacity, the reason why it should have been placed on earth, and to give his personal service to his Divine Master in developing that nature in the best manner and to the fullest extent. ‘ What do we know of Man from the dissecting room? Of Man, the warrior, the statesman, the poet, or the saint? In the lifeless corpse there are no records of the burning thoughts, the hopes, loves, and fears that once animated that now passive form, and which constituted the very essence of the being. Every nerve, fibre, and particle in the dead bodies of the king and the beggar, the poet and the boor, the saint and the sensualist, may be separately traced, and anatomically they shall all be alike, for neither of the individuals is there, and on the dissecting table lies only the cast-off attire that the spirit no longer needs. What can an artist learn, even of the outward form of Man, if he lives only in the dissecting room, and studies the human frome merely through the medium of scalpel and scissors? He may, indeed, obtain an accurate muscular outline, but it will be an outline of a cold and rigid corpse, suggestive only of the charnel-house, and devoid of the soft and rounded. form, the delicate tinting, and breathing grace which invest the living human frame. A feeling eye will always discover whether an artist has painted even his details of attire from a lay figure instead of depicting the raiment as it rests upon and droops from the breathing form of a living model; for such robes are not raiment, but a shroud. So it is with the animal kingdom. The zoologist will never comprehend the nature of any creature by the most careful investi- gation of its interior structure or the closest inspection of its stuffed skin, for the material structure tells little of the vital nature, and the stuffed skin is but the lay figure stiffly fitted with its own cast coat. The true study of Zoology is of more importance than is generally conceived, for although “the proper study of mankind is Man,” it is impossible for us to comprehend the loftiness and grandeur of humanity, or even its individual and physical nature, without possessing some knowledge of the earlier forms of God’s animated organizations. We must follow the order of creation, and as far as our perceptions will permit, begin where the Creator began. We shall then find that no animal leads an isolated existence, for the minutest atom of animated life which God has enfranchised with an individual existence, forms, though independent in itself, an integral and necessary portion of His ever-changing yet eternal organic universe. ° Hence every being which draws the breath of life forms a part of one universal family, bound together by the ties of a common creaturehood. And as being ourselves members of that living and breathing family, we learn to view with clearer eyes and more reverent hearts those beings which, although less godlike than ourselves in their physical or moral natures, demand for that very reason our kindliest sympathies and most indulgent care. For we, being made in the image of God, are to them the visible representations of that Divine Being who gave the Sabbath alike for man and beast, and who takes even the sparrows under His personal protection. Vou. 1. CON THN TS. PAGE INTRODUCTION. 1 Order QUADRUMANA; on THE MONKEY TRIBE. 13 Family Stm1aD# : Gorilla—Troglodytes Gorilla ..........cce ec ee cece ecee 15 Orang-Outang—Simia satyrus 23 Siamang—Siamanga syndactyla.... cece eee e ee 28 Gibbons—Aylobates. .........c cece cece cece ee eecueues 30 COLO DUS GOOG US ie ara cinis ais =isiercrarslesole sie einselehere « afore ows 36 Miarcaques—Macacus. .. 2... cccececccccccescececvecces +h Baboons— Cynocephalus........cccecececcceceeeeececs 55 Family CeBip : American Monkeys........ lately isis ites far aiotate ietagallstean(o 72 Family LemuriDz : Lemurs—Lemur ........+.00005 ln sfafalefofelotslelelsie ole l=jaieiae 92 Family GALEOPITHECIDE : Colugo— G@aleopithecus volitans...........0..+4- siete 101 Order CHEIROPTERA ; on WING-HANDED ANIMALS. 102 Vampire Bat— Vampyrus spectrum...........-0.2e00e 104 . Great Horseshoe Bat—/hinolophus ferrum equinum.. 107 Flying Fox—Pteropus rubricollis........ 000. eeeeeees . 112 Order FER A. Family FELD; OR THE CAT TRIBE............ dodeessouds 116 MOE I70). = oddeoodonddacad coos cudsoodocacsnadsacede 117 CUED: TBI RGY ES (alelalalelalniatalelntcsleinlala(elanialelalalste|atelelatals cle iclniste 130 Leopards—Leopardus ..........0.eecesceeeececeecees 187 OE A21 os eSgone ~ coo eanc can scace scooq sas eessaome. 158 Family VIVERRID& : Hyenas—Hyenda.........+.- eveee Civets—Proteles Genetts—Genetta .... 2... cc cece cece cece cece ee eeee cog iter? Ichneumon—AHerpestes.......2022csee eee eeceececeece 189 Family Canty ; OR THE DoG TRIBE ...........-..2-.0ee eee 198 Domesticated Dogs—Canis familiaris.............++. 200 DWV TL DO Car 88 aia wie ore are dain lala eynlat elu whetutee ofcicvoiolsfateleix« 255 WWW OLY es —— Oct aa eratlcteleimatelcielnl=lsieleiem sicieisielelelnieleieicistelelieisle 260 Woxe8— Vulpes... 00sec eee cncencesces pagudiasooosg0d . 267 Family MusTELIDZ ; OR THE WEASEL TRIBE Polecat—Putorius ......2.22eeeee. ee Weasels— Mustela. ...-..--++2--seeeee Ratels—Wellivora ... Skunk—Mephitis............ 5 Bad ger—Meles..0. 00 .ceccveweraeeweee eens hah opetetada i's «2 303 Otters—LUra .., cr eveveyersseeres marreresyie= sietoreieicvore 305 ! Vou. I, BEAR A MIDY — USED Ati scrote < alo cits ais ”% ; Sub-Family HysTRICINA : Porcupine—Hystriz cristata ........0eseeesceccceeces 469 Sub-Family CERCOLABINA : Urson—Frethizon dorsatum. .....cccceccccceccceseces 471 Coendoo—Cercolabes urchensilis ......00cccececcecees 473 Sub-Family SUBUNGULATA : Agouti—Dasyprocta aguti......ccccccccccecececceces 474 Dusky Paca—Coalogenys pacd......ccccecececcceceees 476 Capybara—Hydrocherrus capybard......c.ceeceeceees 477 Guinea Pig—Cavia apered........cccsccccccesscevece 478 Family Lerorm#%; Hares: Biare—Lepus Hh des o.6.o0 5600 cecedihan hwplasweweele «. 479 Family Jersoiww2 ; Sub-Family Cunxcri0a : Chincilla—Chincilla laniger......0.0+000+ cbcaes . Lagotis—Lagotis Cuviert....,... issep epi chevweceueus 485 Vor. L. CONTENTS. Sub-Family Drersa : a Spring Haas—Pedetes caffer..... 2.20. seeeeeeeceees --. 486 Gerboa—Dipus cegyptius.........2.eeeeeeeeeeee so nAcs Eo! Sub-Family Myoxina ; DorMIceE : Loire—Myorus glis......cc.2ceccecceces sovccccccees 488 Common Dormouse—Muscardinus avellanarius...... . 489 Sub-Family ScroRINAa : Taguan—Pleromys petaurista........seeeeeceeceecees 491 Assapan—Sciuroplerus volucella.........s.eeeeeeeeeee 492 Black Squirrel—Sciwrus niger. .........+eeeeeeeeeeeee 4938 Chipmuck—Tamias Lysteri........0.02.0eee cece eens 494 Prairie Dog—Cynomys ludovicianus .......-.+-++++++ 496 Hood’s Marmot—Spermophilus Hoodii.............+- 498 Bobac—Arctomys bobac.......++++++ SobSscogesSsecc54 499 Family ASPALACIDZ ; MOLE RATS...........0000- eee eee eee 501 Slepez—Spalax lyphlus. ...0.00-00eceeceecee eee ences 502 Canada Pouched Rat—Geomys bursarius...........++ 564 Order UNGULATA; CATTLE, SHEEP, Ero. 507 Tribe Bovina ; Sub-Tribe BOVES : Domestic Ox— Boss onc sae a n'a lense soins anne teeeiaiels 508 Zebu—Bos indicus .......0.2-eeeeeecereeeees soo075 -. 512 Buffalo—Bos bubalus.........seceeecececcescecee wee. O14 Gatr— B08) Gurus. a. . ~ <= otintenisinivielnin so =\n\oiemeseiiels -- 517 Bison—Bos americanus.........eeeccerceseccecsccces 518 Yak—Bos grumniens..... 22-0 0.0sc-+ocnncncscccceone 520 Musk Ox—Ovibos moschatus....c..0.eceeceeeeeeeeees 521 Musk Sheep—Ovibos moschatus........++sssseeeeeeee 523 Sub-Tribe ANTILOPEZ ; Antelopes ..........+.+--++- Sondano. 523 Gazelle—Gazella Gorcds... 12.2.2 ccce cece ceeeeeenecees 524 Spring-Bok—Antilope euchore.......+++0eeeeeeeeeeeee 526 Chouka—Tetracerus quadricornis......c.ceesceeeeees 527 Duyker-Bok—Cephalophus mergens......++0+2+s00-0+ 528 Kookam—Oryx Gazelld ......0-.2c0eeeeeeee aaagsaa0¢ 529 Cabrit—Antilocapra americand,...-....0eeeeeeeeeeee 532 Gnoo—Conmochetes (GN. oc: a: 01s\c =\<\n/0\e\e/«\s\e sisi lenin sini isie 534 Hartebeest—Bibalis cada, ... 1. .eseeccececeeeeeecs 5385 Bubale—Alcephalus bubalis........ccceceesecececeves 535 Sasin—Antilope bozoartica...........+++- oh ones bs ania .. 586 Kainsi—Oreotragus saltatrix..........eeceeeeeseenees 538 Madoqua—Weotragus saltianus. .......0ceeeeeececeeee 538 Natal Bush Buck—Cephalophus natalensis. ........... 539 Sub-Tribe CAPRE ; GOATS AND SHEEP: Jemlah Goat—Hemitragus jemlaicus. ......0..ceeeeees 543 WDEX— Oar WOE a erietenonteieieeis eee varelch steve eteister 544 Angora Goat—Capra hireus angorensis...........++ .. 546 Sub-Tribe OVER : Sheep—Ovis aries........20eee2e++ Argali—Caprovis Argali..... Aoudad—Ammotragus tragelaphus........22s0-000e -. 558 Tribe GIRAFFINA; Giraffes...... pialaistatalalafelsia)p'sicinielsietele aerate 556 Tribe CERVINA ; Deer......e.eeccccceces dsc boanaietiohe iietstslais 558 Sub-Tribe ALCEX : Blk—Alce americanus ...ccccccececcccccsescccccescese OOD Sub-Tribe RANGERINE DEER : Reindeer—Rangifer tarandus..... Sub-Tribe Rustwe DEER : < Axis Deer—Asis maculata,........+.+. CONTENTS. rs PAGE PAGE Sub- Tribe CAPREOLINE DEER : Sub-Family RHINOOERINA : Roebuck—Capreolus capreerd.......6.++ pusouescocoss 567 Rnmoceros! 617 Carjacou—Cariacus virginianus ........0eecceee neces 569 Hyrax—Hyraz abyssinicus.......0.ccceceececeeveeess 622 Tribe MoscHINA : Musk Deer—Moschus moschiferus..........0. cece ees 571 Kanchil—Tragylus pygm@eus. 0.22.60 ccee cee cence eee 572 Tribe CAMELINA : r PATTEM CO AIAG lerctetetatote roofers (elaterelaiorarstalle/els statela\sie(ars(ejoieletare)aisi« 573 Bactrian Camel—Camelus bactrianus........--.0.2005 576 Liama—Auchenia lama... .....c.0ccecccenseeceences 577 Family Equip : Horses—HQui......ee. cece eeees 581 Ass—Hquus asinus Family ELEPHANTID A, ....... 2020.02 eee ee cece reece eee c ec eee 597 Sub-Family ELEPHANTINE : Asiatic Elephant—Zlephas indicus........-..++++++5+ 599 Sub-Family TAPIRINA; Tapirs............2.0220005 ceeeees 606 American Tapir—TZapirus terrestris. ........-.-++++++ 607 Sub-Family Sura ; SWINE: Se SULe é sca osocdoooss onSaoc oco0 canon DoSoooOSneS Emgalla—Phacocherus africanus Peccary—Dicotyles torquatus Sub-Family HipPpopoTaMIna : ET WO POLATNUB cetctetelstelafeic/elefelsiclatc\clerateisleietaisiaictels cisterersiere 62: Order EDENTATA ; ARMADILLOS, ANT-EATERS, ETC. 626 Sub-Family MANINA : Phatagin—Manis longicaudata...........2sseeeeeeeee 627 Sub-Family DASYPINA : > Armadillo—Dasypus sexcinctus........cceceeeeeeeeeee 628 Apara—Tatusia tricincta,.......0.0..2.00eceseeee cane 629 Sub-Family MYRMECOPHAGINA : Aard Vark—Orycteropus capensis. ......2+0+000000000e Tamandua—WUyrmecophaga tetradactyla Family BRADYPID& ; SLOTH: Two-Toed Sloth—Cholepus didactylus...........+0005 636 Family ORNITHORHYNCINA ; MONOTREMES : Mullingong—Ornithorhynchus paradoxus .........+... 637 Echidna—Zechidna hystrix. ... 0... cece cece cece cece eee 639 Vou, & ——t ee eS Oe ILLUSTRATIONS. ILLUSTRATIONS PRINTED IN COLORS. PAGE InTHE Seana atocte beste ccebcouocoondude 150 Aswail, or Sloth Bear ................. 326 Common Seals Sea DION no sasisnixiee nisin coin’ Harvest Mouse. PAGE ROFCUpING meee sieteecieietreetecteteei ieee 470 Chillingham Cattle.................... 508 WWallachian‘Sheep:..0-2-<2.c<.cecssnee 550 Stag, or Red Deer IRD OCELOBs ope opesetate)-t-laisiatela)-ielele ere es/eteriers FULL-PAGE WOOD ENGRAVINGS. PAGE Gelli, Sago nonpemosunoagnosoemoacoD = aki} OhimpANZeel= 2. sels ie clseieeiass = elal= sis = 20 [Li@ a coodosebonpeDDO BOR EHBSraupacnod 116 WISE oan sbasnaascocoseecpaooosuacdod 134 Lai a be ote eso paoougpSeoedecsosesongs 138 PAGE Frontispiece. CGI coogesaccancuapocoon 18 OMnMpANZee «(a \clctee scl eyeeele as
  • = = Q Sooty Mangabey 44 IMA CAGUEB a gio ccc aaceecnce eens see 45 Rhesus, or Bhunder Monkey.......---- 47 Magot, or Barbary Ape..........--. -- 49 Black Macaque. .............--.------- 51 Pig-Tailed Macaque.......-.......---- 52 WiEMO OO) Sasa becusesoussodondceonoode 54 SAPO DISH 2,2 cist ciatatesicicete wnietw ctstels miele relm 56 2G HV a a oy A St 57 (ChEGHTET 5a GeananaaoobSboDeSueenco aos 58 Blgek Macaquey ns. 222s002cesuiecte sla ste 60 ES ADIOO DIE! ee ese lesuet ona a) esto elas shat aie otetate fai =leiets 65 Mendrills a aacsacae fe cctcscnes ae de diee hot 68 SYA seyaara asia sista dism ete belerao atolelicte croelateta vel NOHARIE CS oc wcrc nia sat oi ein alt te ieleiots 73 @aaitam wey acs yd cee ccs tees wdiciaidrewtarere 74 INVA TKGy seen goin aor ereic ore datelel aeieteisjalcletreare vis) Howling Monkeys.........-...-++-+00- 81 Capucin Monkeys............-+2++-0+- Post ote te tepsroretalny cd nat ctoyattceroreiclat dioicicy ofaicteluiete PCC MCC acral Seal aiat ad slot areinivio) el atolsfaluie =) SEAT oe eee Dene OC UECULOEOOODOE Blacks Marke ws 9-12 ose eratieyeereiere oe Cuxio, or Bearded Saki............-..- Night Monkey, or Douroucouli........ Vol. I, PAGE Brown Bear..........++ Shale rete 312 | Moose, or Elk Polar Bear Rede Deer neeracisar clear cnisrrceiesiestriiec Kangaroo’ cece-csoese Fallow Deer. Sipe aie ovate etapa ee (Roebucky.jsase ce eis (OPTHTIGe Ae asp S acs bee de ass TOO e SaaSe DAUW os cclssiscencene ae eter e ees cet Apiatic BMlephant..~ <<<(j2. 2-2-2 = oe --ne 600 African Mlephant: 2502.22. jc eae et aes 604 WW Glory cccdedodno dos dad! obouncds 610 African’ WHinocerOBwe- ..-5 11 a= 620 15 bis) 810) a0 OVEN asnedonaoneanagsnencaDoe 624 Tamanoir, or Great Ant-Eater......... 632 Ai, or Three-Toed Sloth .............. 636 HXT. PAGE PAGE Group of Marmosets..........-.-+++-+ G0) || times sconsopesecnooAudonD GosoDAnEDHOO 149 PINCH sc. seaketwcns ccm mcriaeh eee eee ON | PY OMANONG I rmterteiclerel-tetasietartsieieiniclere) 152 Marksman | <:0 rosette ote ntslarctetarevols ele jniers 2) | Pree DLE Cait aratai< > clea «/nrs sivabs sisisis cieiecsie 152 Ritted|Lemurspeeec as eaceee nesta OS iOcelotesee cect cen vowel ae serves 153 Ring-Tniled Lemur...-........---+-0.« (ell WETEhy ano ononodadcinion somes cdododno as 155 Propithece, or Diadem Lemur......... Slender Morisss- soso ssc foe cscs ee Kukang, or Slow-Paced Loris.......... Ord pbampas\ Cate ctacscieccnectines cee LY AlN @gluiG hh ocosenca dens cpossosce -. 98 | Egyptian Cat WLC Stra aerate = setectaii cies wmtenrarnt= WV OMERLIC IO aibereretere oyevayayataleleteiaiel aie oratories = 162 Manx Cat and Angola Cat (GlithiascosbyacencsecassaqesSsonpeUOasG Caracaleeete seein isciasce a ereeiaar WING-HANDED ANIMALS. European Lynx Group of Water Bats.............-.... 40g | Southern Lynx...........-------+++-+- Skeleton ofsBaty 7. cocser= sass eeiae cere 103 | Canada Lynx ..........-.--. JOEOMOE RG 170 VAMIDIFGLDAt aoe ce crcea sok RtEe 104 | Booted Lynx... 20.0... 0s sees esses ees 17 Great Horseshoe Bat..............--. 107 Whetahiacccemecceseecose anes ets sts 172 Banbastelles sje). <= tei: seisieeeetisaaie Long-Eared Bat. HYENAS, CIVETS, GENETTS, AND Noctule, or Great Bat................. 111 ICHNEUMONS. Edible Kalong........-+- -+++-++++++- 113 | Striped or Crested Hyena........... . 176 Hair of Indian Bat .........---.+.+++-- dil’ BrownlHyena.Js.)eeeeeecnas so eeeee- 177 Spotted Hyena, or Tiger Wolf......... 178 FELINES. [sired | Wiolfi,\ Sos, cs ccteene Se osteo Jaws and Teeth of Lion.....-.... sane 10) | [KEM Giisoop ona ncosnonacucscobodocuoudees Glaw of bion..-2--.-- AADeb le pacraaie aictoctie vee eters isialel=iciaie(oeiata i=! Monpue oflionsyas.\sccciee echoes IDETI Reno aodeacicodeo Cecadner souoccne on South African Lion LGM toy es cogeedoo. paceageuduor Ube Blotched Genett. .. Caxomixle ss hesce tase fete he ms wletate! Solu eiente Banded Mungous Garangan........--.-----2--+ essences Urva, or Crab-Eating Ichneumon.. ... 190 Ichneumon 191 MOODgUS .... se ee cere eee e ese rere ee eee LIST OF iluJSTRATIONS. xu INSECT-EATING ANIMALS. Meerkat.......cceseeceececeseeeeeneee ae Zenick ... 2000-220 ve eeee sees Molo: jcaccceeeee ceeeeer rane. ene 338 Mampalon ......------- Cape Chrysochlore, or r Changeable Mole 343 Masked Paguma Radiate Mole, or Star-Nosed Mole ..... 344 Luwack ........+++eeee ees Tupaia-Tana ...........0.. eee eee esses : Musang............0ce ee eee sere eececees Elephant Shrew.........---+ Erd Shrew and Sondeli Agouta, or Solenodon..... Buansuah..........-----+- Dassen eee Thibet Dog......#------ Hedgehog..........+++s00+ Great Danish Dog..... STANTECs sec nleties sissies eaeeeeeereet 36% Greyhound ..........- Irish Greyhound...... KANGAROOS, OPOSSUMS, Etc. Italian Greyhound...........+.+..seee awe aes : Nevfounaland Dog cue Saucer ray Esquimaux BORE tee ~~ | Koala, or Australian Bear.. Pomeranian Dog ROA SHacbesdssavoda anc 211 TPEOICG ERG ee ee Bee Spe Seer ~ | Young Kangaroo ia its Mother’s Pouch 378 St. Bernard’s Dog Whallabec (TTI EE SAS osoeeaenn goondecsesoSsedasues WOnIDAE sei csssateelettere 2 bene Long-Nosed Bandicoot 2 aaa See coat GHARCKOPUR. ce ee ee ene sinensis nintels nibielain PS Tasmanian Wolf iN cae at Tasmanian Devil.. BAB et SacoeenoDencoscaOroocooS AG Je peneet Doe Crab-Eatine Opossum..........++..06 . 396 2 emcees Yapock Opossum .........--..es+eceee 397 Shepherd's Dog......--.-.++++++2++--+ SEALS, WHALES, Ero. Ae ea Sine cee cietaes cinicle meiniefolers\aiais Sea Leopard Crested Seal Boarhound Skeleton and Teeth of Common Seal... 407 BROUL-DOS wo ness =3 0 ane eC eaae Harp Seal, or Atak............0..00008 408 Mastiff......-.- SkeuMiof Walrus... o.scc--msceacanctend ail Bkye Terrier. «on 6-0 econ sein soci ssc Bea Mlephant.s..ccccsaseensesaeceeetee 413 PEUX PI 0-3 oriale we noi io ai eco Reank ion srcccessan aetae ccc eee 416 Bog Dg «= oo onan nla gains eos Sea Bear, or Ursine Seal.............+- 417 LW) su pee BO SEO ORC ae SUES ISI Ge Skull of Greenland Whale ...........+ 421 SACKAL 3 -niencecenee se elo eae sq | Atlantic Right Whale ..............++. 424 Black-Backed Jackal.........---+--++- 25! Hump:Backed Whale ..<¢.09e2) 002 496 g PP Te sWialle yeesistelstascialeleisei-s se oromtareteisiele 427 WOEYES ae ee Lier} Cleanings regovecodscoacescododsS 428 Skeleton of Rorqual.................0 429 Spermaceti Whalc.........--........-- 431 Skull of Spermaceti Whale ............ 482 canara ee a Saiee Piast arses chavoteretoloreictotatle mene ioele ciate a Silver Fox of our Southern States...... 269 Z WPCC WOKS iac cnc co.cc ecinnineic c's sin'am sink 271 | WEASELS, SKUNKS, BADGERS, Ere. Pine Marten 27 Beech Marten ae GNAWING ANIMALS. Bee ear ee pas: pba GA pec. 979 | Black Rat and Brown Rat.............. 451 plaratencasesneseer seen ee «ee seceeees 280 | Barbary Mouse.............+..2+s+ee0e 456 MATIOE fo conto eee nea 981 | Hameter............ wae Guie'd ueiuateisieltale 461 11 Ch Raeaenales Dips, We PRR eee Hegre PRS | aS My soto eles x stats ule clatninleleleleini steam 462 Wonsell-.niccc ct cerca nce serene wpe 985 | Copyu Rat, or Racoonda............-+- 467 Reaat: or oMmineen scinnse cara \nspee ame ae RACOONS, COAITI, Ere. Spring Haas. . ROXDOR ies a cn annes cocks sin cause enone ae 883 | Loire, or Fat Dormouse Kinkajou, or Potto.. .......e0--eeees 336 | Common Dormous« Vanda, or Wah........06. secesscscese BST) LAQUAD vom vivge aceite es « Wsieuincye pemene 491 | Vou. I. paca SABSADAN cnn nine eicivies/o\ele b c)njaiNsinie(emiutaie 492 Baek SQuinrel oni) vsiereean es esis 493 Ohipmachswcereiociscle aie sins etal se sinless Slee 495 rsinies Open eeisemeeeen cscs eee 497 MGOMS MANMDE series eeeeien sols s sels 498 TWN Goss odkgaan eI no caO SOR COgm aE sa* 500 Mole Rat, or Slepez...........--..----- 502 Canada Pouched Rat.................. 504 CATTLE, SHEEP, DEER AND ANTELOPES. LINAS 5 = spasooosagodadadasssasuocb 507 ROR Coreen -lainaleleteistore ciate ata telat 508 . 513 . 521 Gazelle or ccenne nines caesar 524 Spring-BOksecs sncisssineids session 526 Chousingha, or Chouka............---- 527 Duyker-Bok. .-. <6 . 5 osc nce nen coun 528 Gems-Bokeneeaeecieseiisn= cise eee 529 (Ol Ree Soon gdesanaooseoeessosoescen ent 530 American Spring-Buck...............-+ 533 (Cine Ceo gc mcogaasondsdesGsAcodseso wos. 534 Harbebeest 2 mcisnc eo sicle sees 535 Thex, or Steinbock ........ 2.0. --cscen 544 PAT ONE (G Of soreelnte=tainineleele|= = eae 546 SING eeaeaades oossonaoeeaececc cos: 547 Sardinian Mouflon...............020.0- 551 GAGA Sosa apagacsccrsacponoec: s-e6o05—- 552 13a 3 boyy boodapdeoceenasdsonsbosssac7 - 553 AOUG AGH. asec aeuainicelecle se heen . 5d4 Rocky Mountain Goat...............++ 555 Giraffe Grazing upon Level Ground.... 1G Gir eegepeneaneneeesonetofo. boc. 561 (Chm Shes adpadanasconegscssasocoas: 563 PASS DCG ec cerele alate) (aletaseieisiae ae - 568 Carjacou, or Virginian Deer........... 569 Wi) eID Gh) Becnnposogcand Jooonenoce oko 571 Kanchil, or Pigmy Musk Deer......... 572 CAMELS. Bactrian Camel. ............0ccsseaee +. 573 Mita Pa sasise do opp EERO con doprooo= +6 -. 576 Yamma, or Llam’..............ssce00 577 Alpaca, Or Paco... 00... 6... = seenne 578 HORSES, ASSES, Erc. WRarpany.cusscceereece ress wse ers eee IMRIGLEN 28 G5 o Sono gooonasboosodacOs soc 7 - MATA JELOFSB jetjane > aintelsininl-teisisicislelaicaaete tei TRUE oso oacaporgunogeouobpsuOd? Shetland Pony................. LAS SoG ae saa sao doapice: 2 2s005C Dziggetai, or Koulan African Wild ABS. .../<-j<\-05 ses veeteieiate Quagga /AS\ 0) WRBRR OG HOSOO IA Onto qdoS Ss oetn TAPIRS, SWINE, ARMADILLOS, AND SLOTHS. American’ Dapir, os .0. 0 aemeeseve salsa 607 Kuday-Ayer, or Malayan Tapir........ 603 IBADYTODBES fc sace.nomininie see inivle mine ele 612 (BOSCH) Vath ccs cieisie saa sentence meee 618 Viseke! VArks vacsscs054-50> senses sete 614 ROCGANY sine ca cages seeny cess nmi awaiter 615 Hyrax, or Rock Rabbit..............++ 622 PALS OUT. a5:5 sinisicieinaasca niles ee See 627 Bajjerkelt......c.cccescnencanqeseneces ATMAAINO. «000. cccncceavcnenagavancsis Apara, or Mataco......cescssccececssee WAtON..., -