PERGAMON SCIENCE SERIES Editors for the Biological Sciences : J. E. HARRIS and E. W. YEMM AN OUTLINE OF DEVELOPMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY AN OUTLINE OF l^^^ DEVELOPMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY by Chr. p. raven professor of zoology in the university of utrecht Translated by L. DE RUITER, bioL drs. NEW YORK: Mc GRAW-HILL BOOK CO., INC. LONDON: PERGAMON PRESS LTD. 1954 First published in the Dutch language 1948 First English edition 1954 Published in Great Britain by Perganion Press Ltd. Maxwell House, Marylebone Road, London N. W. I. Published in U.S.A. by the Me Graw-Hill Book Co.. Inc.. 330 West 42nd Street. New Yor/? 36, N.Y. Printed in the Netherlands by J. Noorduijn en Zoon N.V. CONTENTS page PREFACE VII I INTRODUCTION 1 II THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 7 III THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG 27 IV POLARITY AND SYMMETRY; GRADIENT- FIELDS 39 V CHEMODIFFERENTIATION 50 VI THE REALISATION OF THE NUCLEAR FACTORS 64 Vn THE TOPOGENESIS OF THE EMBRYO 91 VIII INDUCTION AND ORGANISATION : I. NEURULATION 106 IX INDUCTION AND ORGANISATION: II. THE PERIOD OF ORGAN DEVELOPMENT 128 X THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT 151 XI REGENERATION 160 Xn SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 182 Preface This little book was written in 1942 but, as a consequence of the war and its aftermath, the Dutch edition did not appear until 1948. It was meant in the first place for readers who, though interested in its subject and having some general know- ledge of science, were not acquainted with more than the first elements of biology. This determined the design of the whole book. Highly technical digressions had to be avoided, and, as far as possible, the construction of a well-rounded picture of the phenomena of development had to be attempted. It will be clear that this made it impossible sometimes to make a sharp distinction between well-founded facts, and the more or less hypothetical trains of thought which link them together. However, all that was possible has been done to steer clear of the major obstacle to all popularization of science: the danger of telling half truths. As for relating the results of investiga- tions, the author has tried to apply the same strict standards as are used in a purely scientific publication. In one respect only he has made a concession to the character of the work: he is aware that the way in which the scientific terminology has been used in this book will not satisfy rigorous norms. This could not be remedied without confusing the reader by introducing a still greater number of technical terms. In the preparation of the English edition, no essential change has been made in this design or its realization. An attempt has been made, however, to bring the book up to date by taking into account the literature up to about the middle of 1952. This is not a textbook, but a list of references has been added in the interest of those who might want to refer to the original publications on some special problem. This list, too, has been brought up to date in the English edition. At the end of the book, a glossary of scientific terms has been included for the benefit of those readers who are not professional biologists. VII The author wishes to acknowledge his gratitude to Mr. L. de Ruiter, Groningen, who undertook the task of translating the book and preparing the manuscript of the English edition. He also sincerely thanks Prof. J. E. Harris, of Bristol University, for reading the manuscript and for helpful suggestions and constructive criticisms. Chr. P. R. Translator's Note I am greatly indebted to Prof. J. E. Harris, who carefully read the whole manuscript of the translation, and suggested many improvements in style and choice of terms. L. de R. CHAPTER I Introduction "Developmental physiology" is the term that will be applied here to the branch of biology that studies the causal relation- ships in animal development. About 1880, Wilhelm Roux founded this branch of science on the strength of theoretical considerations and a small number of specially designed expe- riments. He called it "developmental mechanics". This name, however, might well give rise to misconceptions as to its nature. Roux applied the term "mechanics" in the wide sense of "theory of causal connections" but its use may easily lead to the idea that an attempt is being made to explain the developmental phenomena on the basis of the laws of mechanics. For that reason we prefer the name "developmental physiology", which has the same scope. This means that the word "physiology" is used here in its widest sense, viz. that of "causal science of living organisms", so that it does not imply that we shall study only those processes during development that are normally included in "physiology" in its narrower sense, such as meta- bolism, excitability, etc. The term "development" is meant to mclude all irreversible changes that the organism goes through m the course of its existence, from the moment of its origin until the death of the individual. In broad outline, the development of all multicellular animals proceeds along the same route. We shall give a short account of this now, taking the fertilised egg as the starting point of development. This arises from the fusion of a male and a female germ cell (called sperm and egg respectively). (For the present we shall disregard special cases such as that of vegetative reproduction, in which the new individual originates from a cell or cell group that separates itself from the body of an animal). The first developmental process is a division of the fertilised Raven - Outline Physiologie . 2 INTRODUCTION egg into cells. This so-called cleavage results in the formation of a small lump of more or less uniform cells, the blast omeres. A cavity develops in the centre of this cell lump, and the vesicular germ is then called a blastula. In the period following cleavage the germ goes through important changes, consisting of a series of movements of cell groups. The blastomeres are thereby arranged in several layers which in their turn will divide into more or less well defined masses of cells. Together these processes may be called the topogenesis of the embryo; they serve to divide the germ into a number of organ primordia, each of which contains the material for one definite organ or group of organs of the embryo. At first, these primordia consist of cells which are all very similar, and of an almost undifferen- tiated, embryonic character. This changes during the next phase of development, when each cell of the primordia specializes in a particular direction; in this way the various tissues of the body are formed. This is called the period of tissue differentia- tion (histogenesis) . Once development has proceeded so far, the organs and tissues of the embryo begin to take up their re- spective functions. Development has by no means ended yet, but in the subsequent period the functions of the organs play a decisive role in their differentiation. This is therefore called the functional stage of development. Finally, two categories of change which occur at a very late stage may be mentioned, viz. those which lead to full maturity of the organism, and those of senility. The latter are mainly of a disintegrative character, and eventually result in the death of the individual. A further category that must be specially mentioned is formed by de- velopmental processes that do not manifest themselves during the normal, undisturbed life of the individual, but may lead to a more or less complete regeneration, a restitution of the struc- ture of the organism when this has been damaged. When we survey the outline of the course of development just given, its most striking characteristic appears to be an increase in spatial multiplicity. This is seen most clearly if we compare the culminating point of development, the adult in- dividual, with its starting point, the fertilised egg. On the one hand we have a very complicated whole of organs, tissues and INTRODUCTION 3 cells. Each of these has its own place in the organism, and its own characteristic, orderly structure. Together they form an integrated system of a very high degree of multiplicity. On the other hand we see a small lump of protoplasm with a nucleus, very simple in shape, and practically without a visible structure. Clearly the "spatial multiplicity" of the organism has increased greatly during its development. Yet this increase might be apparent only, for the structure of the egg, though invisible and therefore seemingly simple, could in reality be very com- plicated. In past centuries, it has indeed been assumed that the egg contained the future organism in its full complexity, al- though not in an easily visible form. This is the theory of Preformation (Evolutio). Later this concept was modified as follows. It was assumed that the whole organism itself was not present in the egg, but that each part of the egg was predestined to form one definite part of the embryo, and that each part contained the original factors for this process. This implied that the multiplicity of the future embryo was, in a different form, present in the egg already (W. Roux's theory of Neo- Evolutio). We shall see in Chapter III that experimental in- vestigations have shown that this view cannot be maintained. It has been demonstrated that the egg has really a very simple spatial structure of a low degree of multiplicity, and hence that development involves an increase in orderly spatial multi- plicity. The word spatial must be stressed here, for there can be no doubt that the protoplasm of the egg is a highly complicated mixture of substances. From that point of view it has a great multiplicity already. This, however, is not a spatial multiplicity for the various components are not restricted to fixed places within the system but are distributed more or less homo- geneously over the egg instead. We may call this a non-spatial or intensive multiplicity, as opposed to spatial or extensive multiplicity in which the various parts are arranged side by side in space ^). In this terminology, development may be 1) H. Driesch has used these terms in another sense. He attributes a metaphysical meaning to the concept of "intensive multiplicity". It should be stressed that this is not implied in the present use of the word. 4 INTRODUCTION characterised as a transition from intensive to extensive multiplicity. At this point we can briefly indicate how we can imagine such a development, in which multiplicity changes from in- tensive to extensive, to take place. This will at the same time illustrate the line of thought underlying this book. Before we start, however, two points must be made clear. First, it must be pointed out that development follows very different lines in different animal groups. It is only in broad outline that all these different modes of development are governed by the same laws. Only these general features can be sketched here, and naturally we shall often have to resort to broad generalization in so doing. In the second place, it must be remembered that developmental physiology is a young branch of biology, and that it has by no means yet constructed a generally accepted and balanced system of ideas. Therefore, the best attempt at a well rounded picture of development we can now make will still be of a very subjective and preliminary nature, and will be open to many future changes and improvements. The need for generalization entails the danger of partiality. Moreover, it will be necessary now and then to draw conclusions from factual data that are at present insufficient, and to bridge gaps in our knowledge by means of hypothetical constructions. We can base such opinions only upon the facts that have so far become known to science. Therefore, the reader must take care not to regard the picture of animal development given in this book as definitive and irrefutable. We have only tried to place the results of the several experiments in such a context that a wider circle of readers may appreciate the importance of the phenomena discovered. The fusion of sperm and egg starts a number of processes which inaugurate development (Ch. II). The structure of the fertilised egg is still very simple; the various components of the cytoplasm are more or less evenly distributed so that all parts of the egg are still approximately equivalent (Ch. III). Yet the main axes of the egg are already fixed; it has a polarity, and often a bilateral symmetry. This polarity and INTRODUCTION 0 symmetry are probably localized partly in the more solid outer layer, or cortex of the egg, often in the form of gradient-fields (Ch. IV). Next, certain components of the egg cytoplasm (so- called determining substances) begin to accumulate locally under the influence of these cortical factors. This leads to the onset of heterogeneity in the egg, for now its parts begin to vary in chemical composition. This process is called the chemo- differentiation of the egg (Ch. V). The variation in chemical composition within the egg influences other properties of the protoplasm as well, such as permeability, metabolism, etc. Moreover, the determining substances begin to interact with one another. In this way the spatial multiplicity of the egg- system increases rapidly. Now the genes, the carriers of the hereditary properties which are localized in the nucleus, begin to intervene. In the course of cleavage, the zygote nucleus which arose from the fusion of the nuclei of egg and sperm has divided into a great number of segmentation nuclei. These come to be situated in parts of the cytoplasm which vary in physicochemical composition as a consequence of chemodiffer- entiation. Consequently in each segmentation nucleus certain genes are "activated", whereas others remain inactive. The activated genes begin to interact with the cytoplasm surround- ing them. Part of the substances produced by this interaction remains in the cells, and determines their further development. Another part, however, diffuses from the cells, and exerts its influence in other parts of the body. These latter substances have been called gene hormones (Ch. VI). Under the influence of the ever-increasing chemodifferentiation, divergent speciali- zation takes place in the motility of the protoplasm of the various cell groups. The different parts of the blastula vary in this respect, and consequently a system of shifts of cell groups occurs, which we have already named the topogenesis of the embryo (Ch. VII). This in the first place moves the material for the future organ primordia to the appropriate places in the embryo. Secondly, however, it establishes direct contact between cell groups of different physico-chemical composition which were spatially separated at first. These cell groups thereby influence each other (induction), and this interaction results 6 INTRODUCTION in a rapid increase in the chemodifferentiation of the embryo. Here a leading role may sometimes be played by particular cell groups (organisers), distinguished perhaps by a higher content of certain determining substances (Ch. VIII). In the following period, a complicated system of topogenetic and in- ductive processes transforms the embryo into a mosaic of organ primordia. Each of these has different physicochemical properties, and consequently different developmental potencies. This stage is succeeded by the period of tissue differentia- tion, during which the cells of the primordia develop into definite cell- and tissue structures, as determined by their previous chemodifferentiation (Ch. IX). Later the structure of organs and tissues may be further perfected under the influence of their functions (functional adaptation) (Ch. X). Finally, some sort of an equilibrium is achieved. From then on, the importance of developmental processes is very small only. In many animals, however, a disturbance of this equilibrium by the removal of part of the body leads to renewed developmental processes which result in a more or less complete regeneration of the lost part (Ch. XI). CHAPTER II The initiation of development: The fertilisation of the egg In sexual reproduction, which occurs in all multicellular animals, two types of germ cells or gametes are produced by the adult individuals. In some cases both types are produced by the same individual, in other cases they are formed by different animals. The two types are female germ cells, or eggs, and male germ cells, or sperms (spermatozoa). Each egg fuses with a sperm; this is the process of fertilisation. The fertilised egg, or zygote, develops into a new individual. As a rule, the egg is a very large cell, consisting of protoplasm with a large nucleus, commonly called a germinal vesicle. In the protoplasm, a great quantity of food, in the form of protein and fat globules, is often accumulated. This is the so-called yolk, which constitutes a store, given to the young individual as it sets out upon its path of life. Its supplies the energy for the first stages of development, during which the embryo can- not yet take up food from its environment. The eggs originate from small cells, the so-called oogonia, in the ovary of the maternal animal. They swell strongly in the course of the accumulation of the yolk substances, and grow into immature eggs, or oocytes. In contrast with the eggs, the sperms are very small, usually thousands of times smaller than the egg; they do not contain any yolk. Apart from slight changes in shape, eggs as a rule are immobile ; sperms, on the other hand, have the power of locomo- tion. This enables them to move actively towards the eggs, and to penetrate into them, which results in fertilisation. The shape of the sperms varies rather considerably among the differ- 8 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT. exit groups of animals, but usually we can distinguish a head, representing the nucleus of the cell, a middle piece, and a long, motile tail. The undulating movements of the latter propel the sperm. In all organisms, the nucleus of each cell contains a number of small bodies with a high affinity for stains, the chromo- somes. They become visible each time the nucleus divides. Within each species, their number is constant. We shall see later that they are very important for the life of the organism (Ch. VI). During fertilisation the nuclei of egg and sperm fuse (amphimixis), so that a double number of chromosomes is present in the nucleus of the fertilised egg, and likewise in that of all the cells of the new individual, which arise from it by cell division. This would lead to doubling of the chromosome number in each successive sexually reproduced generation, but for the fact that during the formation of the germ cells the number is each time reduced again to the single value. This takes place in the so-called reduction division, actually two divisions in quick succession in the course of which the double (diploid) set of chromosomes is reduced to a single (haploid) set. In the formation of sperms, these reduction divisions take place in the male gonad, or testis, one diploid spermatocyte giving rise to four haploid spermatids which then change into spermatozoa. In eggs, the reduction process takes a slightly different course. Here it is known as maturation, and proceeds as follows. The nucleus of the oocyte moves towards the surface; its nuclear membrane disappears, and a mitotic spindle develops. Mean- while each chromosome has duplicated itself, and the double chromosomes now arrange themselves in pairs in the centre of the spindle (Fig. la). The two members of each pair then move apart, so that two equal groups of double chromosomes are formed. One of these groups, together with a small quantity of protoplasm, is expelled from the egg, and forms the first polar body (Fig. lb). Immediately afterwards, a new spindle forms in the egg, and the remaining double chromosomes (dyads) arrange themselves in the centre of this spindle. The two halves of each dyad separate (Fig. Ic). One group is ex- pelled again, forming the second polar body. From the remain- THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 9 ing chromosomes a new nucleus is formed, the so-called female pronucleus (Fig. Id). x^ \ Fig. 1. Maturation divisions in the egg of a starfish, (o) first maturation division; (b) extrusion of the first polar body; (c) second maturation division; (d) mature egg, (below: pronucleus, at top: first and second polar body). After Buchner. This maturation of the egg may occur at different times. Sometimes both maturation divisions take place within the ovary or in the genital ducts of the maternal animal. In other cases, maturation begins in the ovary, but comes to a stop at a certain stage, and is not completed until after fertilisation. Finally, in many species the female lays unripe oocytes, and the whole process of maturation takes place outside the mater- nal body. In a number of instances of this last type, the nature of the stimulus which causes the onset of maturation has been investigated. Sometimes the maturation divisions do not begin until after the sperm has penetrated into the egg. In other cases, maturation occurs a few minutes after the oocytes have been laid in sea water. It has been found that the calcium ions 10 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: present in sea water play an important role (Dalcq, Pasteels, Heilbrunn). These ions, possibly in combination with potassium ions, appear to provide the specific stimulus which causes the membrane of the germinal vesicle to disappear, and which thereby initiates maturation. In normal development, the polar bodies are always formed at one pole of the egg, the so-called animal pole (p. 39). At the beginning of maturation, the germinal vesicle, or the maturation spindle arising from it, moves towards this pole; and the spindle there orients itself at right angles to the egg surface (Fig. la). Apparently this part of the surface attracts the spindle. In several cases it has been possible to weaken this attraction by a special treatment of the egg, e.g. by means of an excess of calcium ions in the medium in starfishes and in some molluscs, or by means of a rise of temperature in sea urchins. Dalcq (1924) has called this depolarisation. As a result the maturation spindle does not come close enough to the egg surface, and consequently abnormally large polar bodies are formed. In the case of an even stronger depolarisation the. maturation spindle does not even orient itself at right angles to the surface, and the polar bodies fail to appear altogether. The maturation of the egg has still another consequence. Once the nuclear membrane has dissolved, the nucleoplasm contained in the germinal vesicle mixes with the cytoplasm. This causes a change in several of the physical and physiolo- gical properties of the cytoplasm (e.g., its viscosity, and permeability). Moreover, it appears that many eggs cannot be fertilised until this has happened. No sperms can penetrate into immature oocytes, or, if they can, they remain inactive in the the egg cytoplasm for the time being, and do not "awake" until maturation has begun. Costello (1940), working with fragment- ed oocytes of the polychaete worm Nereis, showed that only those parts that contained the germinal vesicle could be success- fully fertilised. In other animals, e.g. starfishes and sea urchins, it is equally impossible to fertilise non-nucleated egg fragments, if the germinal vesicle was intact at the moment of fragmenta- tion. However, if maturation had already set in at that time, non-nucleated fragments can be successfully fertilised, and will THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 11 go on developing (so-called merogony). This was found by Delage as early as 1899. All this shows that the mixing of nuclear sap and cytoplasm at the beginning of maturation is of great importance for fertilisation. In the fusion of e^g and sperm, substances secreted by each of these cells play a major role (Hartmann, Schartau and Wallenfels, 1940). In sea urchins, both gametes have been shown to secrete two types of fertilisation substances, or gamones. Gynogamone /, secreted by the eggs, accelerates the movements of the sperms, and perhaps also attracts them so that they reach the eggs more rapidly. Once the sperms have reached the egg, they are "agglutinated" (made sticky) by gynogamone II. This substance also paralyzes sperms of other species, and thereby reduces the danger of hybrid fertilisation. The sperms produce androgamone /, which slows down their movements so that they are immobile in the male genital ducts, and do not exhaust their energy too early. They also produce androgamone II which dissolves the envelopes of the egg, and counteracts the agglutinating action of gynogamone II, there- by enabling the sperms to penetrate quickly into the egg. In this way, the gamones, which are probably of common occur- rence, ensure the normal course of the fertilisation process. Investigations by Tyler (1948) have demonstrated that the reaction between male and female gamones has a great similar- ity to immunological reactions. In American literature both gynogamones are grouped together under the name of ''ferti- lizing, and both androgamones under the name of "anti- fertilizin". The situation in mammals deserves special mention. When leaving the ovary, the eggs of this group are surrounded by a layer of cells, the cumulus oophorus. These originate from the follicle. They are kept together by a viscous substance, probably consisting mainly of hyaluronic acid, or a related polysaccha- ride. Now it has been proved that the sperms contain an enzyme, hyaluronidase, which breaks down hyaluronic acid, and thereby causes the disintegration of the cumulus oophorus so that the sperms gain free access to the egg surface. After the sperm has pierced the envelopes of the egg, and 12 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT; reached its surface, it penetrates into the egg. In many species, the egg forms a small surface projection in the region towards which the sperm is making its way, and the latter is taken up by this so-called fertilisation cone, seen in sea urchin eggs by Fol as early as 1876 (Fig. 2). Therefore, the egg is by no means entirely passive during fusion. According to Chambers (1930), the egg of the starfish even emits fine filaments of Fig. 2. Fertilisation of the egg of a starfish, (a) the egg in its en- velopes, surrounded by spermatozoa; ib-e) a sperm pierces the egg envelope and penetrates into the "fertilisation cone". The initial stages of the formation of a perivitelline cavity between egg and vitelline membrane. After Fol and Wilson. protoplasm, one of which establishes contact with the sperm, and, contracting rapidly, draws the latter inwards. The activity of the outer layer of the protoplasm may also be responsible for the fact that fragments of unfertilised eggs can only be fertilised if at least part of this "ectoplasm" is intact. The penetration of the sperm causes the egg to "awake" at once. Within a few seconds, it reacts with an instantaneous change of properties. Usually the formation of a fertilisation membrane is the first visible effect. The unfertilised egg is surrounded by a vitelline membrane, which is sometimes fairly thick, sometimes however barely visible. Immediately after the penetration of the sperm, this membrane begins to lift from the egg surface (Fig. 2d-e, 3), because substances expelled by THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 13 the egg accumulate in the space between egg surface and membrane, the so-called perivitelline space. These substances, part of which are colloids, take up water from the environment by osmosis. Consequently, the perivitelline space increases Fig. 3. Formation of the fertilisation membrane in the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (the jelly layer around the egg has been omitted), (a) sperm in contact with the egg, about 2 seconds after insemination; (b-e) 30-50 seconds after insemination, formation and coalescence of blebs at the egg surface; (/) 2-3 minutes after insemination, the fertilisation membrane has been formed. After Chase. rapidly. The extrusion of these substances often results in a considerable decrease in size of the egg. A few minutes after its elevation, the fertilisation membrane undergoes a process of consolidation, after which it resists further stretching. In sea urchins, this consolidation occurs only in the presence of calcium ions, or other bivalent cations. Usually the formation of the fertilisation membrane does not set in simultaneously in all parts of the egg surface, but starts from the spot where the sperm has penetrated (Fig. 3c), and proceeds from there in all directions over the egg. Obviously, the extrusion of the perivitelline substances, which causes the elevation of the fertilisation membrane, must be due to a sudden change in the outer layer of the egg, its so-called cortex. In sea urchins, this cortical reaction is even visible, and has been 14 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: described by Moser (1939). Starting from the point where the sperm has entered, certain granules which are present in the cortex of the unfertilised egg, vanish suddenly. This process spreads over the egg surface in a wave-like progression, and reaches the opposite pole within ten seconds. This reaction, too, depends upon the presence of calcium ions; it fails to appear in a calcium free medium. Runnstrom and collaborators (1946) have shown that the granules which are expelled in the cortical reaction, coalesce with the inside of the vitelline membrane. Chemically, they consist largely of polysaccharides. They react with the proteins of the vitelline membrane, thereby causing a structural change which probably involves both interlinking by side chains, and stretching of the protein molecules. This gives the fertilisation membrane its very tough, horny consistency. In the marine polychaete worm Nereis, too, cortical granules are extruded during fertilisation (Costello, 1949). Here, how- ever, they coalesce into a substance, the greater part of which passes through the vitelline membrane, and forms a thick gelatinous mantle on the outside of the latter. This jelly is again a polysaccharide. Apart from bringing about the formation of the fertilisation membrane, the cortical reaction is very important in another respect as well. In the great majority of animals, normally only one sperm finds its way into the egg; penetration of more than one sperm into the egg, so-called polyspermy, causes ab- normal development. In a few groups only, e.g. in birds, we find physiological polyspermy, i.e. penetration of several sperms into one egg, is normal and does not lead to disturbances in development. Where monospermy is normal, there must be a mechanism that prevents the penetration of more than one sperm. Now it has been shown that the cortical reaction which follows the penetration of the first sperm, causes changes in the egg surface which prevent the entrance of any further sperms. Just, for instance, has demonstrated that in the sea urchin Echinarachnius a "wave of negativity" spreads over the egg surface from the spot where the sperm has entered, and that it is impossible for other sperms to enter at any place which the THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 15 wave has passed. In completely normal eggs, this happens so rapidly that the egg cortex becomes impenetrable practically instantaneously. In eggs under unfavourable conditions, how- ever, the process is retarded, and its advance can be followed. In the frog's egg, e.g., such a retardation of the cortical reaction can be produced by treatment with a sodium chloride solution (Bataillon, 1919). It increases the chance that more than one sperm will penetrate, and may easily give rise to polyspermy. We have seen above (p. 11) that one of the substances secreted by the sea urchin egg paralyses sperms of other species. This may be regarded as a barrier against hybrid fertilisation, but it does not completely prevent it. Closely related species can often be crossed easily. By means of such artifices as high sperm concentrations, and modification of the acidity of the medium, it is possible to combine eggs and sperm of species which are very far apart taxonomically. In this way, sea urchins' eggs have been successfully fertilised, even with sperm of worms or molluscs (Kupelwieser, God- lewski). We shall later return to these experiments. The sperm penetrates head first into the egg, but soon after- wards it rotates through 180°, so that its head points towards the egg surface, and its middle piece towards the centre. In those cases where the tail of the sperm has entered into the egg as well, this now drops off and dissolves in the egg cyto- plasm. The head of the sperm swells strongly, and, regaining the appearance of a normal nucleus, becomes the male pro- nucleus. Originating from the middle piece of the sperm, a star-shaped radiation, the sperm aster, appears in the egg cytoplasm (Fig. 4, ^-^). Chambers has shown by microdissection that this is due to local gelation of the cytoplasm. This process of gelation spreads like a wave in all directions through the protoplasm. At the same time, the centre of the sperm aster liquefies again, forming an area of liquid protoplasm around the male pronucleus. Simultaneously also, the male and female pronuclei move towards each other, and meet in the central area of the sperm aster. They may lie side by side for some time, or, alternately, they may fuse immediately (Fig. 4, '*). Now two new radiations appear, one on each side of the pair 16 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: of pronuclei (Fig. 4, ^). They meet, forming a so-called amphi- aster. Then the nuclear membranes of both pronuclei disappear, thereby liberating their chromosomes. A mitotic spindle de- velops between the poles of the amphiaster, and the chromosomes Fig. 4. Cytology of fertilisation in a sea urchin, 1-4: formation of the sperm aster, fusion of the nuclei of egg and sperm; 5-7: forma- tion of the amphiaster, first cleavage division, u : female pronucleus; sp: sperm nucleus. After Fry and Parks. arrange themselves in the centre of the spindle (Fig. 4, ^■'^), thereby completing the union of the two nuclei (amphimixis). The next step will be a cell division, the first cleavage^ which marks the beginning of the development of the germ. A number of experiments have provided information as to the factors governing the processes here described. First, it appears that at least two conditions must be fulfilled for the development of the sperm within the Qgg to take place: (1), the maturation of the egg must have begun, so that the nuclear sap of the germinal vesicle has mixed with the egg cytoplasm (p. 10); (2), the sperm must have traversed the egg cortex. Sperms that have been artificially injected into the egg remain completely inactive (Kite). The same is true of sperms which have penetrated into egg fragments without cortical plasm (Chambers). Evidently, the sperms are activated during their THE FERTIL,ISATION OF THE EGG 17 passage through the cortex, and it is this activation which enables them to complete their further development. The best study of the processes which bring about the fusion of the pronuclei was made by Fankhauser (1925-41) in newts. In this group, there is so-called facultative polyspermy, i.e. more than one sperm may penetrate into one egg without disturbing the development. One of the male pronuclei combines with the nucleus of the egg. The other sperms which have penetrated show some initial development, but then they dis- integrate. Fankhauser constricted eggs shortly after fertilisa- tion, by means of a hair ligature, dividing them either com- pletely or partially into two halves. One half contained the egg nucleus, with or without one or more sperm nuclei. The other half contained only sperm nuclei. Fankhauser observed that, if constriction was complete, a number of sperms developed simultaneously, forming large asters in the half without the egg nucleus. In the case of incomplete constriction, what happened in this half of the now dumb-bell shaped egg depended upon whether or not, in the other half, the egg nucleus had meanwhile united with a sperm nucleus. If this had taken place, development occurred mainly in those sperms in the half without the egg nucleus that were farthest removed from the peduncle which joined the two halves (Fig. 5). If the egg nucleus had not fused (because there were no sperms in its half of the egg), development took place in the sperm closest to the ligature in the other half. This sperm nucleus and the egg nucleus moved towards each other, and met on, or close to, the bridge. Fusion of the pronuclei then took place. Fankhauser concluded from these observations, (1) that there is an attraction between male and female pronuclei, (2) that the egg nucleus promotes the development of the nearest sperm, and (3) that this "favoured" sperm, and later the zygote nucleus originating from the fusion of the pronuclei, inhibit the development of the remaining sperms. It seems probable that these promoting and inhibiting influences are due to substances secreted by the nuclei, and diffusing into the protoplasm. Some observations on the egg of the fresh water snail Raven - Outline Physiologie 2 18 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: Limnaea suggest that the mutual attraction between egg and sperm nuclei does not arise until both pronuclei are swollen. This swelling itself depends upon a special condition of the egg cytoplasm, a condition which normally is not realised until after the second maturation division, but which may be pre- Fig. 5. Egg of a newt, Triton palmatus, constricted before the be- ginning of cleavage (cf. Fig. 13). In the half on the right, the egg nucleus has fused with a sperm nucleus, and cleavage has set in. In the left half, the sperm nuclei farthest removed from the constric- tion are dividing, whereas those closer to it are inhibited. After Fankhauser. cipitated by external influences (Raven and Roborgh, 1949). The penetration of the sperm into the egg thus starts a series of processes in each of which the components of egg and sperm interact, and which result in the initiation of the development of the fertilised egg- Now it is a very remarkable fact that the same result can be achieved along completely different lines. In eggs of many animals, development has been successfully provoked by means of a wide variety of artificial treatments. This is called artificial parthenogenesis. Evidently, the stimulus for development, normally given by the penetrating sperm, is not very specific; very different external stimuli may have the same result. In the sea urchin egg, for instance, a method devised by J. Loeb gives very good results. Unfertilised eggs are first treated for a few minutes with a weak solution of butyric acid in sea water. When returned to normal sea water, they im- THE FERTILISATION OF THE ECxG 19 mediately form fertilisation membranes. After 15-20 minutes they are then brought, for a period of 30-60 minutes, into sea water made hypertonic by the addition of sodium chloride. Finally they are returned to normal sea water. Many of the eggs then cleave, and develop into normal larvae. In the eggs of the frog satisfactory results are obtained with a treatment discovered by Bataillon (1910-1913). When punctur- ed with a fine needle, such eggs extrude their perivitelline fluid, and develop a fertilisation membrane. Cleavage, however, occurs only if the eggs have previously been moistened with blood. It appears that, for normal development to occur, a live blood corpuscule, containing a nucleus, must be brought into the egg. In this way, cleavage can be provoked in great numbers of eggs, and in a certain percentage of the cases normal further de- velopment will take place. A number of parthenogenetic larvae have even been raised successfully through metamorphosis. The experiments on artificial parthenogenesis have provided the opportunity for a further analysis of the processes that initiate development. Two components of this phenomenon can now be separated experimentally, which in normal fertilisation are so interwoven that they can hardly be distinguished. For instance, sea urchin eggs have been treated with bu- tyric acid, as in the first part of Loeb's method, but then kept in normal sea water. When such eggs are brought back into normal sea water, the cortical reaction takes place, with the result that the fertilisation membrane is elevated. However, cleavage and further development fail to occur. After some time, the egg nucleus swells, its nuclear membrane disap- f'^- ^- Activated egg of a star- , . , fish. Egg nucleus in monaster. No pears, and a single aster ap- fertilisation membrane has been pears in the surrounding formed in this case. After Dalcq. 20 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: cytoplasm (Fig. 6). Each chromosome divides into two halves, but the halves remain together, and finally all the chromosomes reunite into one nucleus in the centre of the now very much enlarged aster. This process may repeat itself several times, but irregularities soon appear, and, finally, this so-called mon- astral cycle terminates in the death of the eg^. In frog eggs, which have been pricked, but not inoculated with cell material, we again find a cortical reaction with elevation of a fertilisation membrane, followed by a monastral cycle, which in the end comes to a stop, culminating in the death of the egg. Evidently, certain stimuli release a chain of reactions in the egg, called the activation of the egg. The most conspicuous links of this chain are the elevation of the fertilisation mem- brane, and the monastral cycle. These processes, however, do not result in normal development, but lead into a blind alley, ending with the death of the egg. For normal development to occur, other factors must bring the egg cytoplasm into such a condition that, instead of the monastral radiation, a dicentric radiation, or amphiaster, can be formed. The latter leads to normal division, and thereby to cleavage of the egg. Bataillon has named this process ''regulation''. In Loeb's method, the treatment with hypertonic sea water is the regulating factor; in Bataillon's method the inoculation of cell material acts as such. Consideration of these two groups of processes shows that widely divergent means can be used for the activation of the egg in different species. Both mechanical stimulation (pricking) and physical treatment (illumination, induction shock, increase or decrease of temperature, or of osmotic pressure) will serve the purpose. Chemical treatment especially, however, has been applied on a large scale (various acids, salts, and alkalis, but also non-electrolytes, such as urea, saponin, etc.). This variety of methods tends to show that none of them constitutes the specific, natural agent itself. The inherent properties of the egg itself must be responsible for the fact that it reacts in the same way to such entirely different stimuli. Now the results of several investigations indicate that calcium ions play a special THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 21 role in activation. In several species, the egg can be activated only in the presence of these ions in sufficient quantity (Pasteels, 1938; Moser, 1939). Heilbrunn (1937) holds the view that the egg cortex consists of a protein-calcium compound, which can be broken down by the action of various stimuli. The liberated calcium is then taken up by the internal cyto- plasm of the egg. This causes an increase in the viscosity of this region, while the cortex simultaneously liquefies. These processes are considered to be the real cause of activation. Membrane formation and monastral cycle, the two processes especially characteristic of activated eggs, are not linked to- gether inseparably. In the starfish, the formation of a monaster unaccompanied by a fertilisation membrane can be caused by treatment of the egg with a mixture of certain chlorides (Dalcq), (Fig. 6). On the other hand, in certain cases membrane formation may take place without a monastral cycle. Nor is the fertilisation membrane indispensable for further develop- ment of the egg. It is possible to prevent membrane formation in eggs, either after fertilisation, or during parthenogenetic development. This does not always upset development. Activation causes a marked change in the physiological properties of the egg. A great increase in the permeability of the egg surface is quite common. This is probably due to the cortical reaction. In the sea urchin egg, many chemical reactions take place in the first few minutes after activation. Large molecules are first broken down into smaller ones, and, somewhat later, this is followed by resynthesis. Finally, activation often results in infertilisability of the egg. This, however, is only true in the case of optimal activation ; if the activating agent has operated for too short or too long a period, so that activation is in- complete, the egg retains its fertilisability. In normal fertilisation, the egg is activated by the penetrat- ing sperm, as can be seen from the occurrence of the cortical reaction. Apparently the sperm introduces a "regulating" factor as well, preventing the occurrence of a monastral cycle, and allowing the nuclei of egg and sperm to join in the formation of a bipolar mitosis, which leads to cleavage of the egg. We have seen above that the amphiaster usually arises in connect- 22 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: ion with the development of the sperm aster, viz. in the central liquefaction area of the latter. According to the classical idea of Boveri, the middle piece of the sperm contained a specific cell organ for division, the centrosome. This acted first as the starting point for the form- ation of the sperm aster in the egg cytoplasm. Next it divided, and an aster developed around each half; together these asters constituted the amphiaster. In other words, development was initiated by the activity of the centrosome carried by the sperm. More recently this view has been questioned. It was stressed, especially by Fry, that the centrosome may not exist, at least as a separate plasmatic body. It cannot be denied that the sperm, especially its middle piece, contains a centre which readily gives rise to a gelation (aster) in the egg cytoplasm, but similar asters, so-called cytasters, can be produced at other places in the cytoplasm by a variety of stimuli. They are there- fore certainly not dependent on the presence of a special centrosome. Two hypotheses have been advanced, concerning the factor which, in normal fertilisation, is responsible for the occurrence of the amphiaster with its bipolar mitotic spindle. Dalcq suggested the following hypothesis. The sperm, especially its nucleoplasm, is the carrier of the principle that causes "di- centry". The formation, on the disappearance of the nuclear membrane, of a bipolar spindle with its asters, is an inherent property of this nucleoplasm. Dalcq's view is founded on the following observations. (1) Sometimes, in the act of penetrat- ing, the sperm remains stuck with its head in the cortex. In such cases, normal development of the sperm nucleus does not take place. The egg is activated only, and a monastral cycle ensues. This occurs in some cases of heterogeneous fertilisation, e.g. when eggs of the toad Bufo calamita are fertilised with sperm of the newt Triton alpestris (Bataillon). It may also occur when the sperm has been damaged, e.g. by trypaflavin poisoning (Dalcq). (2) If the fusion of the pronuclei is prevent- ed, each may, under certain circumstances, develop separately in such a way that the male pronucleus undergoes a normal mitosis, whereas the female pronucleus gives rise to a monaster. THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 23 \ Fig. 7. Egg- of a sea urchin, treat- ed with ether. The pronuclei have not fused. The egg nucleus {^) forms a monaster, the sperm nucleus (d") an amphiaster. After Wilson, This was observed, e.g., by Ziegler (1898) when, in his experiments with fragmented sea urchin eggs, the nuclei of egg and sperm were isolated in different fragments. Wil- son (1901), by preventing the fusion of the pronuclei in sea urchin eggs by means of an ether treatment, observed the same phenomenon (Fig. 7). In Amphibia, the same thing may occur in unripe or overripe eggs, in which the fusion of the pronuclei is retarded by the abnormal condition of the protoplasm (Bataillon and Tchou Su, 1934). (3) The co-operation of the chromatin of the sperm nucleus is not indispensable for a normal bipolar mitosis. This is proved by some cases of heterogeneous fertilisation, in which the sperm penetrates into the egg, and male and female pronuclei unite, but the chromatin of the sperm nucleus remains entirely compact. In the course of a mitosis which in all other respects is normal, this chromatin does not divide into chromosomes, and is soon afterwards extruded into the cytoplasm, and resorbed. This occurs, e.g., in the case of fertilisation of sea urchin eggs with sperm of the mussel Mytilus (Kupelwieser, 1908) (Fig. 8). The same may happen after fertilisation with sperm damaged by radium irradiation (O., G., and P. Hertwig) or trypaflavin treat- ment (Dalcq). (4) Cytasters, produced e.g. in sea urchin eggs, by treatment with hypertonic sea water, are usually unable to divide, and therefore remain monocentric. If, however, they are situated in the neighbourhood of a normal mitosis, they can sometimes "capture" part of the nuclear material of the latter. Thereupon they divide, and form an amphiaster (Fry, 1925). Working with sperm treated with trypaflavin, Dalcq obtained amphiasters which, as a consequence of irregularities in the course of division, contained no chromosomes, but only part 24 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: of the nucleoplasm of the sperm nucleus. These were able to divide repeatedly, thereby giving rise to new ampiasters (Fig .9). Dalcq concluded from these experiments that the power of di- vision, especially that of forming a bipolar mitosis, is an inherent property of the sperm nucleus, in particular of its nucleoplasm. Yet there is an objection to this conclusion. There are several v^N. ^ ii//^. r-i 'h. ^ \ Pig. 8. Egg of a sea urchin, fertilised with sperm of a mussel, Mytilus. (a) fusion of the pronuclei; (b-c) first cleavage, the male chromatin (cT) is eliminated; (d) four-cell stage, male chromatin in one of the blastomeres. After Kupelwieser. exceptions to the rule that co-operation of the male pronucleus is necessary for the formation of a normal bipolar mitosis. In Crepidula (Conklin, 1904) and Ciona (Duesberg, 1926), the female pronucleus will form an amphiaster, even if fusion of the pronuclei is prevented. On the other hand, in Fankhauser's experiments already described (see above p. 17), the super- fluous sperms in the half without the egg nucleus often form a monaster, although, naturally, the nucleoplasm of the sperm is present here. Further, Dalcq's hypothesis does not explain THE FERTILISATION OF THE EGG 25 "regulation", such as is caused, e.g., by treatment of the sea urchin egg with hypertonic sea water in Loeb's method. It is true that in Bataillon's method for artificial parthenogenesis in Amphibia regulation is caused by the introduction into the egg of a blood corpuscle with its nucleus, but this nucleus does not unite with the egg nucleus. Moreover, Einsele (1931) has Fig. 9. Two sections of a frog's egg, fertilised with two trypaflavin treated sperms.-. : haploid nuclei, originating from the egg nucleus; (f: sperm chromatin has remained compact; a: mitotic spindles with- out chromosomes. After Dalcq. shown that the same result may be obtained with an extract of blood or sperm. According to a recent investigation by Shaver (1949), the activity of such extracts is mainly due to a fraction consisting of cytoplasmic granules, so-called micro- somes, which are very rich in ribonucleic acids. For these reasons, Bataillon has attempted an entirely differ- ent explanation of the origin of dicentry. In his opinion, the occurrence of a monastral cycle in activated eggs is due to an "anachronism" between the development of the nucleus and that of the asters arising from the cytoplasm. It is as though the nucleus has proceeded further in its development than has the cytoplasm so that the nuclear membrane disappears before the aster has yet had time to develop into an amphiaster. In normal fertilisation, the penetrating sperm accelerates the activity of the cytoplasm. This "regulates" the phase difference between nucleus and cytoplasm. Bataillon points out that, in 26 THE INITIATION OF DEVELOPMENT: the normal course of fertilisation, first a gelation of the proto- plasm, the sperm aster, takes place, with the penetrating sperm as its starting point. This spreads as an "onde de gelification" in all directions through the egg cytoplasm. At the same time the centre of the sperm aster solates (liquefies) again, and it is only then that the amphiaster forms in this central area, and that the nuclear membranes of the pronuclei, which have in the meantime fused, disappear. In Bataillon's opinion, the passing of this "onde de gelification" prepares the egg cyto- plasm for the formation of an amphiaster, and thereby abolish- es the anachronism between nucleus and protoplasm. In arti- ficial parthenogenesis in Amphibia, the "onde de gelification" starts from the cell fragments with which the egg has been inoculated when it was punctured. Chambers (1921) has shown that in Loeb's method the treatment of the sea urchin eggs with hypertonic sea water causes an "onde de gelification" in the cytoplasm around the nucleus. Therefore, Bataillon's hypo- thesis, in contrast with that of Dalcq, is able to explain both the phenomena of normal fertilisation, and those of artificial parthenogenesis. In future, it may become possible to unite both points of view into a single more general hypothesis, for it must be admitted that in many cases the gelation of the cytoplasm starts from the sperm nucleus. CHAPTER m The structure of the fertilised egg The structure of the egg at the starting point of its development seems to be quite simple. But, as we have seen in the Intro- duction, it is conceivable that this simplicity is only apparent. The whole complicated spatial structure of the later organism might already be present, in a not easily recognisable form, in the egg. According to the preformation theory, which had many supporters in the 17th and 18th centuries, the complete young animal was already contained in the fertilised egg, in the same way as a complete stalk with leaves, flowers, etc., can be contained in the bud of a plant. The development of the egg would be no more than the unfolding of this preformed young germ. The opposite view was maintained by the theory of epigenesis, which held that the embryo was not yet present, as such, in the egg, but that it would arise as a new product in the course of development. In the 19th century, a thorough study of the developmental phenomena became possible, thanks to the great progress in microscopic technique made in that period. By this means, the dispute between preformation and epigenesis was at that time settled in favour of the latter theory. A few years after 1880, however, the issue was reopened, in a different form, by Wilhelm Roux. It had indeed been shown that the embryo as such is certainly not yet present in the fertilised egg, but was it not possible that the "degree of multiplicity" of the egg's spatial structure was almost, or quite as high as that of the embryo ? The egg might contain, in an invisible form, such a complex system of causal factors, that each of its parts would be able, quite independently, to produce one definite part of the embryo, and nothing else. This implied that each part of the embryo would be preformed in one definite part of the 28 THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG egg. As a consequence of the structure of the egg, in which each part had its fixed place, the various organs, though each developing independently, would later fit together as parts of a "mosaic". Therefore, development would not involve an "in- crease of spatial multiplicity", but only the manifestation of a previously invisible, preformed, spatial multiplicity. This is the hypothesis of neo-yre formation. Its alternative, that of neo-epigenesis, is the hypothesis that the spatial multiplicity of the embryo is in no way preformed in the egg, but that it arises during development. W. Roux, the creator of the science of "developmental me- chanics", considered the solution of this problem its first and most important task. Since then, it has been the motive for a great number of investigations in a wide variety of animal groups. Such studies are characteristic of the first period of research in developmental physiology. On the strength of these results, we can now assert on good grounds that the spatial structure of the egg is generally very simple, and that there- fore the spatial multiplicity of the embryo increases strongly during development, as is postulated by the neo-epigenetic hypothesis. We shall now discuss a number of experiments which have led to this conclusion. We have already seen that the first step in development is the cleavage of the fertilised egg into two cells. Each of these cells divides into two again, and so on, until a great number of cleavage cells, or blastomeres, has been formed. This process does not involve cell growth, so that the resulting blastula is still of about the same size as the original egg. In 1891, Driesch made an experiment which was to prove of the greatest im- portance for the development of our views in this field. He took sea urchin eggs which had just begun developing, and were in the two-cell stage. Driesch shook those eggs in a test tube with sea water, and thereby separated the two blastomeres of one egg in a number of cases. He then studied the further devel- opment of these isolated halves, and observed that each of them was able to develop into a harmoniously built young larva. These larvae were only half the size of ordinary ones, but were otherwise normal in form (Fig. 10). Moreover, Driesch found THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG 29 Fig, 10. Gastrula and pluteus of a sea urchin. Left: from a whole egg; right: from a lo-blastomere. The latter are smaller, but har- moniously built. After Morgan. that even blastomeres isolated at the 4-cell stage could still develop into harmoniously built larvae of reduced size. The same phenomenon, the origin of normal embryos from one half or one quarter of an egg, was found to occur in other groups of animals as well. In several species of newts, for example, the two blastomeres of the two-cell stage can be separated by constricting the egg with a hair ligature in the cleavage plane. Here, too, under certain circumstances both halves will develop into harmoniously built embryos of half the normal size, which lie together in one egg capsule (Spemann, 1903), (Plate I). Even if newt eggs are divided into two halves at a much older stage, after the completion of cleavage, each half may still develop into a complete, normal embryo. From other eggs, large parts of the egg cytoplasm can be 30 THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG removed before the beginning of cleavage, without any disturbance of their further development. In such cases, a normal embryo originates from part of an egg. However, the opposite, devel- opment of a single embryo from the fusion of two or more eggs, has also been observed. Driesch (1900) has done this experiment in sea urchins, and it has been re- peated and extended by Bierens de Haan (1913). The envelopes of two sea urchin eggs were removed, and the eggs were gently pressed together. They then often fused into one germ of double size. Here too, if certain conditions are ful- filled, a single, harmoniously built embryo will develop from the pro- duct of such a fusion (Fig. 11). Mangold and Seidel (1927) have done the same experiment in newts. Fig. 11. (a) pluteus of a sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, which has originated from, the fusion of two eggs, (b) the same pluteus, for comparison with (c) a normal pluteus drawn at the same scale. After Bierens de Haan. After removal of the envelopes, newt eggs at the two-cell stage often assume a dumb-bell shape. When one was placed crosswise on top of the other, two of these dumb-bells often fused into one single germ. Each pair of opposite quadrants of such an embryo was derived from one of the original eggs. Part of the products of these fusions proved to be able to develop into single, more or less har- moniously built embryos. This was possible even when the fused eggs belonged to different species of newts so that the resulting embryo was a "chimera", consisting of quadrants which alternately belonged to either of the two species (Plate 11). The view that the egg has a fixed spatial structure, and that this is responsible for the development of its parts into definite organs, is rendered highly improbable by these experiments. THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG 31 It becomes even less tenable in the light of the following facts. A profound disturbance of the structure of the egg cytoplasm often does not result in aberrant development. Such a disturb- ance can be caused by centrifuging the egg. Under the in- fluence of the centrifugal force, the materials of the egg are arranged according to their specific gravity. The lighter substances (especially the fats) are accumulated at the centri- petal pole, the heavier material moves toward the centrifugal pole. In this way the contents of the egg are arranged in layers, an arrangement very different from the normal structure of the egg cytoplasm (Plate III). Nevertheless normal development will often take place in such centrifuged eggs, e.g. in polychaete worms and in molluscs. In the course of this development, the stratification is lost to some extent, and the material of the egg is redistributed more evenly. Finally, normal embryos will be formed. All these experiments give positive indications that the cyto- plasm of the fertilised egg cannot contain a complex spatial structure, in which each part represents one definite organ, or part of the body, of the future embryo. For if this were true, the division of such a structure into two halves (as in the experiments with isolated blastomeres) would be bound to cause defects in the embryos developing from each half. Further, it is very difficult to imagine how fusion of two of these systems could again result in a unity of entirely similar properties. Finally, one cannot understand how such a struc- ture, once it has been disturbed (as in the centrifuge experi- ments), could return to its original state. The conclusion obviously must be that the egg cytoplasm has no such complicated structure, no "extensive multiplicity", but that it is a more or less homogeneous system. Such a system — a water drop is a convenient model — can be divided, and, alternately, two such systems can fuse, without any change of properties. A change which produces heterogeneity will be undone as soon as the factors which caused it suspend their activity, because the components of the system return to their position of equilibrium, i.e. the homogeneous distribution. 32 THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG Therefore, the multiplicity of the egg cytoplasm must be mainly intensive. For the sake of completeness, an alternative explanation of the experiments described above must be mentioned. One can still maintain that the egg cytoplasm has a complicated struc- ture, which is disturbed in these experiments. In that case, the existence must be postulated of a more or less mysterious "vital force" which sees to it that the normal structure of the egg is restored after the disturbance. Such an explanation was given by Driesch, who regarded the result of his experiments as proof of the existence of an entelechy which, after a disturb- ance, "regulates" the course of development again. Undoubtedly, this is a possible explanation, but it is not the most obvious one because it is founded on the introduction of a new, and entirely hypothetical, factor. Now it is the task of science always to look for the simplest possible explanation, and to accept this as long as it has not been disproved. Therefore, we must reject Driesch's hypothesis so long as no more compelling arguments can be advanced in favour of it, and we must accept the conclusion that, on the whole, the egg cytoplasm is a homo- geneous system with intensive multiplicity only. In the Introduction it was pointed out that the various animal groups by no means behave identically in their development. This applies also to the results of the experiments described above. Often they show different results in other eggs than those mentioned. Centrifuge experiments, for example, do in fact cause disturbances in the development of the eggs of many species. For some time past, therefore, two types of eggs were distinguished, (1) "mosaic eggs" which possessed a complicated spatial structure, and in which each disturbance of the system resulted in disturbed development, and (2) "regulation eggs", with a poorly developed, or highly plastic spatial structure, in which disturbances of the system were easily "regulated". This distinction, however, has proved unfounded. It has been shown that the aberrant behaviour of „mosaic eggs" is not due to fundamental differences in the structure of the egg, but to a number of adventitious phenomena (cf. p. 63). Therefore, it can be said of these eggs as well that, at the beginning of PLATE I. Development of two embryos from a single egg. If a newt egg IS divided into two halves by a ligature (cf. fig. 13), both halves may under certam circumstances develop into embryos (A-B). In the case of incomplete constriction, the resulting twins form a double monster (C-D). After Spemann, \ a 6 ?5^.# d PLATE II. Development of a single embryo from two fused eggs. Crosswise fusion (a) of two newt eggs at the 2-cell stage results in the production of a single embryo (b), the four quadrants of which arise fi'om one or the other of the original eggs altei-nately. (c). Even eggs of different species (Triton taeniatus and T. alpestris), fused in this way, may produce a single embryo (d). After Mangold and Seidel. THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG 33 development, the egg cytoplasm has no, or at most very little, spatial multiplicity. The application of modern methods of investigation has considerably increased our insight into the structure of the cytoplasm in the last few years. In some respects, it was shown to have the properties of a liquid. The viscosity of the protoplasm of sea urchin eggs is only a few times higher than that of water. In many eggs an obvious protoplasmic current can be observed. Brownian movements of granular inclusions have been seen in eggs, e.g. of nematode worms. Other observations, however, show that cytoplasm is not a pure liquid, but that it has, for instance, elastic properties. Iron particles taken up by a cell can be moved by means of a magnetic field, but will elastically return to their original position when the field is removed. At present Frey Wyssling's view is generally accepted that protoplasm contains a network of long polypeptide chain- molecules, interconnected by side-chains. These "contacts", however, are continually being broken and re-connected. The meshes of the network are filled with a watery solution of salts, lipids, phosphatids, etc. These dissolved substances are located, in variable arrangements, around the free side-chains of the polypeptide molecules. In some eggs, moreover, a coarser structure, of a microscopic order of magnitude, is apparently superimposed upon this "molecular" basic structure. This came to light especially in Monne's studies (1946) of sea urchin eggs. Here the egg cyto- plasm consists of a meshwork of 50-100 m^ thick fibrillae. The interstices of this "spongioplasm" are filled with a more liquid phase, the ''enchylema" which contains the mitochondria, yolk granules, oil droplets, etc. The spongioplasm fibrillae are not homogeneous, but consist alternately of granules with a strong affinity for certain stains (the chromidia or microsomes), and interchromidial parts. The chromidia are rich in ribonucleic acid. Under the polarisation microscope, the spongioplasm fibrillae proved to be negatively birefringent in longitudinal direction; it was concluded that they consist of bundles of pro- tein chain molecules, with lipid molecules at right angles to the Raven - Outline Physiologie 3 34 THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG chains. The polypeptide chains are probably folded in the region of the chromidia, but stretched in the intervening parts. Several investigations, among which those of J. Brachet are prominent, have demonstrated that microsomes can be isolated from damaged cells by ultracentrifugation. These microsomes may be identical with Monne's chromidia. Apart from ribo- nucleic acid, they contain sulfhydryl compounds, calcium, magnesium, phosphatids, and numerous enzymes. Probably these microsomes are important centres of metabolism and protein synthesis. It seems likely that they are able to multiply by division. At the egg surface, we find a layer of a more solid consist- ency, the egg cortex. In the majority of cases, this is already formed by a peripheral condensation process before fertilisation takes place. It is a few /x thick, at most. Investigations by Monroy (1947) and Monne have shown that the cortex of sea urchin eggs probably consists of alternating protein layers and lipid lamellae. The filamentous polypeptide chains are parallel to the surface of the egg, whereas the rod-shaped lipid molecules are at right angles to it. During fertilisation and the first cleavages of the egg, rhythmical changes take place in the structure of the cortex. All this tends to show that the composition of the egg cyto- plasm is very complicated indeed, but that its structures do not adumbrate the structure of the future embryo. They are entirely in the nature of an intensive multiplicity, as defined above (p. 3). Apart from the egg cytoplasm, however, the fertilised egg also contains a nucleus, originating from the fusion of the nuclei of egg and sperm. During cleavage this nucleus also divides into a number of cleavage nuclei which find their way into the various blastomeres. Could it not be that the egg has a complicated spatial structure, localised, however, not in its cytoplasm but in the nucleus, in which, after all, the spatial multiplicity of the future embryo might be preformed in some way or another? Weismann advocated this hypothesis in 1892. In his opinion, the nucleus of the fertilised egg contained the id, a three- THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG 35 dimensional structure, consisting of material particles, the determinants. In the course of the nuclear divisions during cleavage the id would be distributed over the various cleavage nuclei. The nucleus of each blastomere would receive only part of the determinants, and, eventually, there would be only one determinant in each cell. This would then exert its influence upon the cell, thereby unequivocally determining its different- iation. In other words, the spatial multiplicity of the embryo would be preformed in the architecture of the id; the rules governing the distribution of the determinants during cleavage would keep the process of development on its normal course. Two deductions from Weismann's theory are open to ex- perimental verification: (1) there must be qualitative differ- ences among the nuclei formed during cleavage, and (2) disturbances of the normal course of cleavage must result in an abnormal distribution of determinants over the cells, and therefore in abnormal development. If it can be shown ex- perimentally that these conclusions do not correspond to reality, it follows that the theory is not correct. Now it can already be seen from the experiments on the isolation of cleavage cells (see above p. 28) that the nuclei of the first few blastomeres are not qualitatively different. We have seen that a single blastomere from the two-cell stage of a newt or the 4-cell stage of a sea urchin can still produce a complete, normally built embryo. This proves that the nucleus of these cells must still be equivalent to the original nucleus of the fertilised egg. In other words, no division has occurred, up to this stage of cleavage, that led to non-equivalent results. This is demonstrated even more clearly by the following experiments. Driesch (1893) kept developing sea urchin eggs between two sheets of glass, so that they were slightly flatten- ed. This changed the direction of the plane of the divisions, and resulted in abnormal positions of the cleavage cells relative to one another. Consequently, the cleavage nuclei became located in the "wrong" cells (Fig. 12). In spite of this, the eggs devel- oped into normal embryos. It follows that disturbance of the course of cleavage does not influence further development. Spemann (1928) constricted fertilised, but uncleaved newt 36 THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG Fig. 12. Diagram of the cleavage in a sea urchin egg under pressure. (a-c) normal cleavage (4, 8, and 16-cell stages); id-i) cleavage in an egg flattened by external pressure; (d-f) seen from the side; ig-i) seen from above. Analogous nuclei marked in the same way in all cases. After Diirken. eggs with a hair ligature, giving them a dumb-bell shape. The nucleus lay in one end of the dumb-bell shaped egg, and only this part was able to start cleaving. The other, non-nucleated half remained uncleaved (Fig. 13 a, b). After a certain number of divisions, however, when the nucleated part had divided into 8 or 16 cells, one of the cleavage nuclei would pass from this half, through the ligatured peduncle, into the other part (so-called "retarded nucleation" of this half), (Fig. 13 c). This half then began to cleave as well. If at this stage the two halves were entirely separated, each would, under certain circumstances, develop into a normal embryo (Fig. 13 d). Therefore, the nucleus which passed through the peduncle, and which represents only one eighth or one sixteenth of the original fertilisation nucleus, is sufficient to bring about normal THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG 37 Fig. 13. "Retarded nucleation" in Triton. Zygote nucleus pushed to one side by the constriction of the egg. (a) first cleavage in the nucleated half; (&) further cleavages in this part, the other half is still un cleaved; (c) passage of one nucleus from the nucleated into the non-nucleated half, beginning of development in the latter; id) the two embryos that developed from the constricted egg; the one produced by the half in which nucleation was retarded is considerably younger, but normally built. After Spemann and Fankhauser. development of the half in which nucleation was retarded. It is evidently equivalent to the fertilisation nucleus. This proves once again that, at least in the first stages of development, there is no qualitative difference between the division products of the nucleus. These and similar experiments prove that Weismann's theory cannot be maintained. Development is not due to a qualitatively 33 THE STRUCTURE OF THE FERTILISED EGG unequal distribution of a spatial system of developmental factors, localised in the nucleus of the fertilised egg. The extensive multiplicity of the later organism is not pre- formed, either in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus of the fertilised egg. Therefore, development involves an increase in extensive multiplicity. CHAPTER IV Polarity and symmetry; Gradient-fields In the previous chapter we have seen, that, in broad outlines, the newly fertilised egg is to be regarded as a homogeneous system, and that its multiplicity is only intensive, not extensive. However, we shall now discuss a number of phenomena that show that this is true only with certain restrictions. Even a superficial examination shows that the egg can not be so entirely homogeneous as is, for instance, a water drop, because we can distinguish between egg cytoplasm and nucleus. But, apart from this, a further organisation is demonstrable in the egg; this is expressed in its polarity and its symmetry. All animal eggs have a polar structure, i.e. two opposite poles can be distinguished, called the animal and vegetative poles respectively. They are connected by the main axis of the egg. Considering the egg as a globe, we may call all planes that contain the main axis meridian planes, whereas the plane that bisects the main axis at right angles is the equatorial plane. In some cases, e.g. in the oblong eggs of insects (Fig. 26) and cuttlefish, the polarity is revealed in the shape itself of the egg. In other cases, the egg is more or less spherical, but its polarity is evident in other ways: the polar bodies are given off at the animal pole of the egg (p. 10) ; after fertilisation, the zygote nucleus often lies in an eccentric position, nearer to the animal pole. The first two cleavages nearly always take place in meridional planes so that they intersect in the main axis of the egg. Further the polarity is often apparent in the arrangement of the inclusions of the egg cytoplasm. In many eggs, the food substances which together constitute the yolk are not evenly 40 POLARITY AND SYMMETRY; e/7 fe/7/r. 7b/-J' L Fig. 14. Egg of a frog, Rana fusca, after the for- mation of the grey crescent igr.h.m.). an: animal side; veg: vegetative side; dors'. dorsal side; ventr: ventral side. After Schleip. distributed; often their density increases from the animal toward the vegetative pole. There may also be differences in pigmentation. In many amphibians, for example, the animal region of the egg surface is darkly pigmented, whereas the vegetative region is unpigmented (Fig. 14). In the great majority of animals, the unripe eggs {oocytes) possess a polar structure already on leav- ing the ovary. Evidently, the polarity originates during the growth of the egg in the ovary. In many cases a connection can be observed between the polarity of the oocyte, and the way in which it is attached to the ovary. The place of attachment, which is also the place where the food stream from the maternal tissues enters the oocyte, is in some groups the future animal pole, in others the future vegetative pole of the egg. Apart from polarity, many eggs possess an obvious bilateral symmetry. This, too, may be expressed in the shape itself of the unfertilised egg, as in insects and cuttlefish. In other cases, the symmetry is not visible until after fertilisation. In the eggs of many amphibians, a zone of lighter pigmentation, the so- called grey crescent, develops on one side of the egg along the boundary of the dark animal half in the first few hours after fertilisation. This marks the dorsal side of the egg, and later of the embryo. The opposite side becomes the ventral side (Fig. 14). Once the grey crescent has been formed, we can divide the egg into symmetrical halves in only one way, viz. through the meridional plane which bisects the grey crescent. In normal development this plane, the median plane, will be- come the plane of symmetry of the embryo. It contains the main axis, and also the dorso-ventral axis which is at right angles to the main axis, and connects two opposite points on the equator of the egg. GRADIENT-FIELDS 41 By making small lesions in the surface of frog eggs, Ancel and Vintemberger (1935) were able to show that the formation of the grey crescent is due to shifting of the egg cortex relative to the deeper layers of the cytoplasm. On the dorsal side, the egg cortex moves toward the animal pole, and also slightly towards the median plane. Part of the superficial pigment gets caught in this movement, and a less pigmented area, the grey crescent, is left behind. The ascidian egg is another example of an egg in which bilateral symmetry does not become visible until after fertilisa- tion (p. 58). For frog eggs, Ancel and Vintemberger (1948) have also solved the problem of what factors determine the position of the plane of symmetry of the egg. Immediately after spawning, the orientation in space of the amphibian egg is arbitrary. When, however, some time after fertilisation the perivitelline fluid is extruded, the eggs can turn freely in their capsules, and are oriented by gravity. They rotate so that the main axis is vertical, with the animal pole pointing upwards. This rotation proved important for the determination of bilateral symmetry. The meridional plane in which the rotation takes place will later be the plane of symmetry of the egg. The grey crescent will form on the side along which the vegetative pole has descended. The point of entry of the sperm into the egg also plays a part: the grey crescent is formed preferably at the opposite side of the egg. The influence of the sperm, however, is less marked than that of the orienting rotation. Normally, the grey crescent is formed in accordance with the latter. The influence of the sperm will take effect only in eggs whose animal pole accidentally pointed upwards from the beginning, and which therefore did not rotate. Both factors can be eliminated experimentally by fixing unfertilised eggs so that their animal poles point upwards, and activating them by means of an electrical induction shock (p. 20). In this case, the grey crescent may be formed anywhere. This shows that the origin of bilateral symmetry, per se, does depend on the starting of development by fertilisation or by activation, but not on the one-sided penetration of a sperm or on the orienting rotation. 42 POLARITY AND SYMMETRY; The direction of the plane of symmetry, however, may be determined by the last two factors. According to Ancel and Vintemberger, these factors cause a slight asymmetry in the position of the cortex relative to the internal parts of the egg. This would then direct the development of bilaterality. We have already said that the phenomena of polarity and symmetry complicate the very simple picture of the egg drawn in the previous chapter. They show that it would not be correct to regard the egg as a completely homogeneous system. Polarity and symmetry can only be explained on the assumption that there are local differences in composition within the egg, and a closer examination of the egg proves the truth of this as- sumption. Some of its physical and chemical properties appear to be unevenly distributed. As a rule, these properties have the character of gradient systems. Therefore we shall now briefly consider the meaning of this "gradient" concept. By "gradient- field'' is meant a spatial distribution of a physical or chemical quantity, whereby the value of this quan- tity gradually changes from point to point. The properties concerned are always so-called "scalar" quantities, i.e. a numerical value can be attributed to them (which might be read on a scale), but no direction; e.g., temperature, pressure, concentration of a substance, electrical potential, and the like. In a gradient-field, we can distinguish planes of equal intensity. At all points in such a plane the scalar quantity has the same value. The rate of change of the quantity at any given point in the field is called the gradient at that point. At each point of the field, the gradient has one, and only one, definite value and direction, since it is always measured at right angles to the plane of equal intensity through the point. Several different types of gradient-field can be distinguished. The scalar quantity may have a maximum at one end of the system under consideration, and a minimum at the opposite end. In this case the gradients have the same direction through- out the field. This is called a linear gradient system, or, if the direction of the gradient coincides with one of the axes of the system, an axial gradient system (example: the temperature gradient along an iron bar which is heated at one end, and GRADIENT-FIELDS 43 cooled at the other). On the other hand, a gradient system may extend over a flat or curved surface, the quantity concerned decreasing, for example, in all directions from a central maxi- mum (for instance: atmospheric pressure gradients at the surface of the earth). This is called a surface gradient. Finally, a gradient may extend in all directions in space, e.g. the con- centration gradient of a salt crystal dissolving in water. This is called a spatial gradient system. Now in many eggs gradients have been found which show some connection with polarity or symmetry. We have already mentioned that there is an increase in yolk concentration along the main axis of many eggs (p. 39). This may be called a yolk gradient. Further, Child and his collaborators have for many years stressed the importance of local differences in the in- tensity of metabolism, as expressed in differential sensitivity to noxious influences in different regions. In animal eggs, as a rule the sensitivity is greatest at the animal pole, and from there it decreases gradually in the direction of the vegetative pole. This points to a variation in metabolism of the egg along its main axis. Similar results have been obtained in determin- ations of the redox potential (rH) of the egg cytoplasm with various dyes, such as Janus green and methylene blue (Ries and Gersch, 1936). In this context experiments by Spek (1930-1934) deserve mention. He measured the degree of acidity (pH) of proto- plasm by means of indicator dyes (substances whose colour depends on the pH of their environment), e.g. neutral red, nile blue hydrochloride and brilliant cresyl violet. Initially, most eggs showed a more or less uniform coloration, but shortly after the beginning of development a ''bipolar differentiation" took place, i.e. the colours of animal and vegetative regions began to differ. The colour of the animal cytoplasm indicated an alkaline reaction, that of the vegetative part of the egg an acid reaction. Spek explained this as follows. Originally colloid particles with positive and negative electrical charges were mixed throughout the egg. Later, the positive particles would move to one pole, and the negative particles would migrate to the other pole. The mixture would thereby be separated, and 44 POLARITY AND SYMMETRY; particles of the same sign would be concentrated at each of the poles. This migration of the particles was assumed to be caused by an electric field, due to differential penetration of certain ions (potassium ions playing a major role) from the environment into the egg. A difference in permeability of the egg surface near the animal pole would be responsible for this penetration. Later investigations, however, have shown that "bipolar differentiation" is due not to segregation of colloid particles of opposite signs in the cytoplasm, but rather to shifting of the yolk of the egg. This material, consisting of fat- and protein globules, now assumes its final position with regard to the egg axis (Raven, 1938b). The acid yolk proteins accumulate at the vegetative pole ; their disappearance from the animal side causes the pH there to shift in the direction of alkalinity. Gradient systems also play an important role in the devel- opment of sea urchin eggs. Cleavage in these eggs is very regular. It results in a blastula, a vesicle with a wall consisting of a single layer of cells with cilia on their outer surfaces. In the next stage, the wall of the blastula invaginates at the vegetative pole, thereby forming the archenteron of an embryo called a gastrula. At the animal pole the gastrula possesses a long tuft of cilia (Fig. 15a). The further development of a gastrula into a pluteus larva involves the growth of long "arms", and the secretion of a skeleton of calcareous rods by cells originating from the vegetative wall of the blastula. More- over, the larva is now surrounded by a band of cilia which also extends over part of the arms (Fig. 15b). Driesch has shown, as mentioned above (p. 28), that sea urchin blastomeres isolated at the 4-cell stage can still develop into a complete larva. This stimulated several investigators, in particular Horstadius (since 1931) to study the developmental potencies of blastomeres and groups of blastomeres, isolated at later stages. In these investigations, the potencies of the egg material were shown to change gradually from the animal towards the vegetative pole. Isolated animal halves of a germ will produce a larva with a large apical tuft, but without gut and skeleton; isolated vegetative halves will grow into a larva GRADIENT-FIELDS 45 with a large gut, and an irregular skeleton, but without either apical tuft or band of cilia (Fig. 15). Evidently, the potency for the formation of a gut decreases from the vegetative to- wards the animal pole, whereas that for the formation of an Fig. 15. Sea urchin larvae, (a) normal gastrula and (b) normal pluteus; (c) embryo with a large tuft of cOia, produced by a frag- ment of the animal side of an egg; id) embryo containing gut and skeleton formed by a fragment of the vegetative side. After Horstadius. apical tuft decreases in the opposite direction. When cell groups from different parts of the germ are brought together, more or less normal larvae will result even from highly abnormal combinations of blastomeres, so long as cells with animal and cells with vegetative potencies are present in balanced proportions. Runnstrom (1928) has suggested that there are two op- 46 POl^ARITY AND SYMMETRY; positely directed gradients in this case, one animal-vegetative, and one vegetative-animal gradient. The fate of each cell will be determined by the interaction of the two. Addition of certain chemicals to the sea water surrounding the germ may produce an ascendancy of one of the two gradients over the other. Lithium ions suppress the animal gradient so that the vegetative differentiation of the embryo begins to preponderate at the expense of the animal differentiation (Fig. 16). Other sub- stances, such as sodium thiocj^anate, have the opposite effect; they reinforce the animal gradient at the expense of the vegetative gradient so that the animal differentiation of the embryo is promoted, and its vegetative differentiation inhibited. Lindahl's investigations (1936) indicated that these gradients Fig. 16. Abnormal sea urchin embryos, produced by treatment with lithium, (a) exogastrula; (b-e) increasing growth of the endoderm at the expense of the ectoderm; ect.: ectoderm; ent.: endoderm; Tnes.: mesenchyme cells. After Herbst. GRADIENT-FIELDS 47 were associated with two different metabolic processes, viz. the animal gradient with carbohydrate metabolism, and the vege- tative gradient with protein metabolism. Lithium was found to inhibit carbohydrate metabolism. This would explain its in- fluence on the development of the embryo. However, attempts at a direct demonstration of metabolic differences between the animal and vegetative halves remained unsuccessful. Moreover, recent investigations, mainly those of Horstadius and Gustaf- son (1950), indicate that lithium may also influence the syn- thesis of proteins. Certain cell enzymes may be the primary point of attack, and its influence on metabolism may be secondary. On the other hand, the work of Ranzi and his collaborators has shown that substances which in vivo influence the de- termination of the sea urchin's egg, i7i vitro modify the structure of various proteins with long chain-molecules. Lithium and other substances which reinforce the vegetative gradient of sea urchins' eggs were shown to effect condensation of these proteins. Substances such as thiocyanate, which favour the animal trends in development, in vitro caused a loss of fibrillar structure in the proteins. From these facts, Ranzi (1947) con- cluded that these fibrous proteins play an important role in the determination process. The egg of the snail Limnaea stagnalis furnishes another example of the influence of gradient-fields in development. Here again, treatment with lithium chloride was found to cause characteristic disturbances in development (Raven, 1948, 1949). It results in embryos in which the middle part of the head is reduced so that eyes and tentacles (normally paired) unite on top of the head (so-called cyclopia). In normal development the parts that are suppressed by lithium develop from the cells lying around the animal pole of the egg. Here, just as in sea urchins, lithium evidently inhibits an animal gradient-field which plays a role in normal development. In accordance with Ranzi's views, lithium proved to have a condensing influence on the cytoplasm of the egg in this case as well. On the other hand, it caused increased swelling of the nuclei. If the polarity of the egg is determined by axial gradients, disturbance of these gradient systems may be expected to 48 POLARITY AND SYMMETRY; cause changes in polarity. We have mentioned above (p. 31) that the structure of the egg can be profoundly modified by centrifuging. As a rule, the protein yolk is heavier, and the fatty yolk lighter than the clear cytoplasm. Therefore, they will accumulate at opposite poles, with the cytoplasm occupying the middle zone of the egg (Plate III). The direction of this stratification need not coincide with the original polarity, but may be at any angle to it. In this way, the normal yolk gradient and the correlated gradients of metabolism are completely destroyed. Nevertheless, the further development of such eggs shows that in the majority of cases their polarity has remained unchanged. The egg material, displaced by centrifuging, often after a short time returns to its normal position with regard to the original egg axis (Raven, 1938b; Raven and Bretschneider, 1942); polar bodies are given off at the original animal pole; cleavage and development of the embryo are oriented with regard to the original polarity, and are independent of the direction in which the centrifugal force has been operating. Evidently, the factors governing polarity have not been shifted by the centrifuging; they must be inherent in a component of the egg that is not moved by the centrifugal force. Presumably this is the more solid outer layer of the egg, the cortex. Polarity, then, depends on factors localised in the egg cortex; the axial gradients arise only as a result of these factors. There may be some exceptions to this rule. In amphibians, for example, the yolk gradient seems to be of decisive importance for the direction in which the embryo will later develop. If the eggs of an amphibian are turned upside down, and fixed in this position, the heavy yolk material will sink through the cyto- plasm from the vegetative side toward the originally animal side of the egg. According to Motomura (1935) and Pasteels (1938-39), this inversion by gravity of the yolk gradient results in an inversion of the polarity of the egg. Just as, in general, cortical factors are of importance for polarity, so they are for symmetry. Pasteels has made a study of amphibian eggs in which the internal structure was dis- turbed by gravity or centrifugal force. Their further development proved that the localisation of the primordia of the future % ^> PLATE III. Disturbance of the structure of the egg by centri- fuging. Egg of a snail, Limnaea stagnalis, centrifuged before the beginning of cleavage, i : Cap of fat with large vacuoles at tne centripetal pole. 2: clear cytoplasm with few inclusions. 3: zone of mitochondria. 4: centrifugal cap containing the protein yolk. The animal pole is at the right, with the egg nucleus (e.n.) and the two polar bodies (l.p.b. and 2.p,b.). PLATE IV. The effect of genetic factors in hybrids of Triton taeniatus and T. cristatus. (a-d) four larvae of about the same age. (a) Triton taeniatus; (b) T. cristatus; (c) T. cristatus i X T. taeniatus cT . (d) T. taeniatus V X T. cristatus cj". Note the white pigment cells in the caudal fin. (e-g) the shape of the limbs in larvae of the same age. (e) Triton taeniatus; (f) T. taeniatus f^ X T. cristatus (f. (g) T. cristatus. After Hamburger. GRADIENT-FIELDS 49 embryo, and the direction of its plane of symmetry depend on the interaction of two factors: (1) the yolk gradient, localised in the internal cytoplasm, and (2) a gradient-field in the cortex, the so-called "cortical field". The variable quantity in this field is a hypothetical "C-factor", whose nature is yet unknown. In normal eggs, its maximum intensity coincides with the centre of the grey crescent; its minimum lies at the opposite side. All gradients in this field run therefore in a dorsoventral direction, and the planes of equal intensity intersect the egg surface in a series of concentric circles. This field originates during the formation of the grey crescent, which, according to the work of Ancel and Vintemberger, is accompanied by a contraction of the egg cortex towards the dorsal side (see above, p. 41). In sea urchins, cortical factors apparently also play a role. Pease (1939) studied eggs of Dendraster which had been centrifuged at a very high speed. He found that the position of the ventral side of the embryo was determined by the inter- action of a cortical gradient system with certain substances localized in the internal protoplasm, which accumulate at the centripetal side during centrifuging. This case, therefore, is completely analogous to that of the amphibians discussed above. Summarizing these facts, we can state with some confidence that the directional organisation of the egg is governed by the interaction of axial and cortical gradient- fields. These fields determine the polarity and symmetry of the egg, and thereby simultaneously determine the main directions of the future embryo. This directional organisation of the egg provides it with what may be called a fixed system of coordinates, and all further developmental processes are oriented with regard to this system. There are fixed relationships, therefore, between the polarity and symmetry of the egg, and the organisation of the future embryo. Raven - Outline Physiologie CHAPTER V GhemodifFerentiation In the foregoing chapters we have reached the conclusion that, at the beginning of development, the egg protoplasm is of a practically homogeneous constitution, and has a very low degree of multiplicity, though there is a polar and bilateral structure, governed by the axial and cortical gradient systems. We shall now see how the spatial multiplicity of the structure increases in the course of development. Several investigations have made it plain that in many cases the first step in this process consists of a local accumulation of substances that previously were evenly distributed over the egg. These accumulations exert a definite influence on the fate of those parts of the germ in which they occur. Originally it was assumed that they supplied the material for certain organs of the future embryo, and for this reason they have been named ''organ- forming substances''. Later this view proved to be far too schematic. The substances accumulated in certain parts of the germ do exert a determining influence on the further development of these parts; they cannot, however, be regarded simply as building material for the organs concerned. It is better, therefore, to call them ''determining substances" . Penners' work (1922-25) on the development of the worm Tubifex may be cited as a first example. Soon after fertilisation, accumulations of a special protoplasmic material occur both at the vegetative and at the animal pole of the eggs of this species. These masses are called the vegetative and animal pole-plasm (Fig. 17 a). Experiments by Lehmann (1940) have shown that this accumulation is probably caused by attractions exerted by certain parts of the egg cortex on the material concerned. For even in centrifuged eggs, in which the distribu- CHEMODIFFERENTIATIOX 51 tion of the protoplasmic material had been profoundly modified, the pole-plasm still assembles under the cortex at the two original poles of the egg (Fig. 18). The physico-chemical composition of the pole-plasm is slightly different from that of the rest of the protoplasm. For one thing, it is very rich in certain enzymes (oxidases; Lehmann, 1948). During further development, the two masses of pole-plasm unite in the centre of the egg. In Tubifex, as in most worms and molluscs, cleavage has a characteristic very regular pattern. First the egg divides into four blastomeres. At the animal side each of these then buds off a number of small cells, the micromeres. In this way '/Js/r Fig. 17. Development of Tubifex. (a) uncleaved egg, (an r=: animal, veg =r vegetative pole-plasm); (h) 22-cell stage, first and second somatoblast have been formed; (c) formation of the mesodermal germ bands (nies.k.str.) from the primary mesoderm cells ioermes.c), (tel = teloblasts); (d) older embryo, from the right side, with right ectodermal germ band (ect.k.str.), and, at the hind end of the latter, the teloblasts (tel.). After Penners. .52 CHEMODIFFERENTIATION a liumbc. of "micromere quartets" are formed, surrounding !iie aiiimal pole in a spiral arrangement (so-called ''spiral cleavage''). At first, the pole-plasm is situated in one of the first four blastomeres. Later, it is distributed over two of the micromeres produced by this cell; these micromeres are larger than the others. They are called the first and second somato- hlasts (Fig. 17b). In later development, the first somatoblast soon divides into a right and a left half. Each of these halves Fig. 18. Eggs of Tubifex. a: normal ^gg, with mitotic spindle (sp), and animal {an) and vegetative {veg) pole plasm; b: centrifuged egg (centrifugal force parallel to the axis of the egg), strong accumulation of pole-plasm (p.p.) at the centripetal pole (above), whereas only little pole-plasm is formed at the centrifugal pole; c: egg centrifuged with the centrifugal force acting at right angles to the egg axis, animal pole (an) at one side; d: as c, somewhat later, centripetal pole above; the pole-plasm has accumulated at the place of the original animal and vegetative poles. After Lehmann. CHEMODIFFERENTIATION 53 then divides into a number of large cells, the teloblasts. The latter remain at the surface of the germ, and, by budding off small cells toward the anterior end of the embryo, form a left and a right ectodermal germ-hand (Fig. 17d). The second somatoblast also divides into two. Its two daughter-cells, the primary mesoderm cells, move into the deeper layers where, again by budding off cells unilaterally, they give rise to a left and a right mesodermal gerhi-hand (Fig. 17c) lying under the ectodermal germ-bands of the same side. During further devel- opment, left and right germ-bands gradually unite, the process beginning at the anterior end. Together they form the primor- dium of the future embryo. The nervous system and the circular musculature will arise from the ectodermal germ-bands, whereas the longitudinal musculature, the segmental excretory organs, etc., will be produced by the mesodermal germ-bands. Skin and gut will originate from the remaining cells which contain no pole-plasm. Penners irradiated the eggs with a very narrow pencil of ultraviolet light. In this way he was able to kill certain cleavage cells, thereby excluding them from further development. He proved that the pole-plasm was indispensable for the formation of the embryo. If the cells containing the pole-plasm had been killed, the remainder of the e^g was unable to produce an embryo. If, on the other hand, a number of other cells, together constituting a large part of the volume, were eliminated, then an abnormally small, but harmoniously built embryo would be produced, so long as the somatoblasts remained intact. Elimina- tion of the first somatoblast led to absence of the ectodermal germ-bands, whereas the mesodermal germ-bands would be present. The killing of the second somatoblast produced the opposite result. Application of heat causes abnormalities in the cleavage of these eggs. In this case, the pole-plasm is often not restricted to one of the first two cleavage cells only, but distributed evenly over both of them (Fig. 19a). In further development, each of the blastomeres will form a first and a second somatoblast, containing pole-plasm (Fig. 19b). Two embryo primordia will develop in such a germ; together they form a double monster 54 CHEMODIFFERENTIATION /sm. 1 Fig. 19. a: egg of Tubifex, divided into two equivalent cells (7 and II). Animal (an) and vegetative {veg) pole-plasm are both halved; &: a similar ^^% during cleavage, two first {l.soin.I, LsomJI) and two second somatoblasts i2.soni.I^ 2.som.II) have been formed; c: the result is a double monster (so-called duplicitas cruciata) with two pairs of germ-bands (7 and 77). After Penners. (Fig. 19c). This shows clearly that the presence of pole-plasm really is the factor to which the cells owe the potency to form an embryo, or, in other words, the factor that determines them to form an embryo. Therefore, the pole-plasm is a real determin- ing substance. CHEMODIFFERENTIATION 55 In the eggs of many worms and molluscs, a special pole-plasm is accumulated at the vegetative pole. This shows a character- istic behaviour during the first few cleavages. As soon as the first cleavage furrows the egg, the pole-plasm becomes to some extent separated from the rest of the egg, and forms the polar lobe. This remains connected with one of the two blastomeres, and later fuses with it so that all the pole-plasm is taken up by one cell. This process may be repeated several times in the O Fig. 20. Cleavage in Dentalium. (a) uncleaved egg, with animal pole-plasm and polar bodies at the animal pole, and vegetative pole-plasm at the vegetative pole; (b) first cleavage, the vegetative pole-plasm, now concentrated in the polar lobe, almost completely separated from the rest of the egg; (c) 2-cell stage, the polar lobe has fused with one of the cleavage cells; (d) second cleavage, polar lobe has been formed anew; (e) 4-cell stage, polar lobe fused with one of the cells; (/) third cleavage, polar lobe formed once more; ig) 8-cell stage, pole-plasm in one of the cleavage cells. After Wilson. 56 CHEMODIFFERENTIATION subsequent cleavages (Fig. 20). Here again the entire pole- plasm finally finds its way into the first and second somato- blasts. Wilson (1904) has shown experimentally that, in these cases too, the pole-plasm is of great importance for further development. Complete removal of the polar lobe results in defective embryos, lacking certain organs ; partial removal leads to poor development of these organs (Fig. 21d-f). Wilson isolated parts of the eggs at later stages as well. In such cases the cells that contained the pole-plasm differentiated into small larvae, which were complete, though not harmoniously built, Fig. 21. Dentalium. (a) normal trochophore larva; (h) larva from an isolated blastomere without pole-plasm; (c) larva from a cleavage cell with pole-plasm; (d) larva from an egg, the first polar lobe of which had been removed; (e) as d, but only half of the first polar lobe resected; (/) larva developing from an egg after resection of the second polar lobe. After Wilson. CHEMODIFFERENTIATION 57 showing an overdevelopment of the organs concerned. An isolated group of blastomeres without pole-plasm developed into a defective embryo (Fig. 21a-c). Under abnormal cir- cumstances the polar lobe may be distributed equally over the first two blastomeres; this results in the formation of a double monster, in the same way as in Tubifex. But if the two blast- omeres of such eggs become completely separated, each will develop into a complete embryo (Titlebaum, 1928). Wilson (1929) studied the development of fragments of eggs which had been halved before the beginning of cleavage. He found that the pole-plasm was already present in the unfertilised egg. At first, it is distributed homogeneously over the egg plasm; later it assembles near the vegetative pole. This does not always happen at the same time; in some species, it takes place in the unfertilised egg, in others immediately after fertilisation, or a short time before the first cleavage. Interesting results were also obtained by Wilson in his work on the egg of the mollusc Dentdlium. In this species, a polar lobe is formed three times, viz. at the first, second, and third cleavages (Fig. 20). Dentalium has a so-called trochophore larva, i.e. a larva characterized by a ring of cilia all round the body. This ring separates the anterior pretrochal region from the posterior posttrochal region. The animal side of the larva bears a group of cilia, the so-called apical organ. Removal of the polar lobe at the first cleavage results in a larva without an apical organ, and with a reduced posttrochal region (Fig. 21d). Removal of the polar lobe during the second cleavage produces larvae in which the posttrochal region is still reduced, but which usually possess an apical organ (Fig. 21f). Evidently, the factor responsible for the development of an apical organ is located in the first, but not in the second polar lobe. There- fore, in the interval between first and second cleavages, a shift of the determining substances concerned must take place in the egg protoplasm. This shows that these substances are "pre- formed" but not "prelocalised" in the egg; they can change their position during development. The development of the ascidian egg provides another good example of the local accumulation of determining substances. 58 CHEMODIFFERENTIATION In the protoplasm of newly laid eggs of this group, three differ- ent substances can be distinguished because of their different pigmentation. At the animal pole, we find the ectoplasm. This has originated in the course of maturation from the nuclear sap of the oocyte nucleus; on the disappearance of the nuclear membrane, this sap mixes with the surrounding e^g proto- plasm. A thin layer of mesoplasm lies at the surface of the egg, and the rest of it comprises the endoplasm (Fig. 22a). Soon Fig. 22. The egg of an ascidian, before (a) and after (b) fertilisa- tion, ect: ectoplasm; end: endoplasm; mes: mesoplasm; ch.n: chor- doneuroplasm. After Conklin. after fertilisation, complicated streaming movements of these substances can be observed. Ultimately the following distribu- tion is reached: the ectoplasm occupies the animal side, and the endoplasm the vegetative side of the egg; the mesoplasm has accumulated at the ventral side, near the equator, forming the so-called "yellow crescent". Meanwhile a fourth substance, the chordoneuroplasm has appeared at the dorsal side of the egg, also near the equator, where it forms the so-called "grey crescent" (Fig. 22b). Consequently, the egg now has a clear-cut bilateral symmetry. In the course of cleavage, the various cytoplasmic substances become localized in different cells. In further development they will give rise to different organs and tissues of the embryo. The skin is produced by the cells contain- ing the ectoplasm; those with the endoplasm will form the gut. The cells of the yellow crescent, which contain the mesoplasm, will supply musculature and connective tissue, and the chordo- neuroplasmic cells of the grey crescent will develop partly into notochord and partly into central nervous system. CHEMODIFFERENTIATION 59 Several experiments have proved that the cells containing the different types of protoplasm really do have different developmental potencies. Isolated blastomeres produce almost exclusively structures to which they would have given rise in normal development (Conklin, 1905-11). If all the cells con- taining a particular type of protoplasm are removed, the larva will lack the organs concerned (Von Ubisch, 1939). Centrifuga- tion modifies the relative positions of the protoplasmic sub- stances in the uncleaved egg ; such treatment results in embryos in which the various tissues and organs are present, but mixed . Fig. 51. (a) Embryo of Triton cristatus, into which a piece of pro- spective ectoderm of T. taeniatus has been grafted at the gastrula stage (cf. Pig. 39b). The graft occupies the prospective gill area of the right side, (b) Dorsal view of the same embryo at a later stage; development has proceeded farther in the gills on the right, formed by the taeniatus ectoderm, than in those on the left (formed by the host), (c) Cross section through the gill region of the embryo (b) (the gill primordium formed by the graft is on the left in this figure). After Spemann. Very many experiments have been made in connection with the limbs of amphibians. Their first visible primordia are formed by the local accumulation, under the ectoderm of the flank, of mesenchyme originating from the lateral mesoderm. First, a half-spherical limb-bud is formed. This then assumes a conical shape, and subsequently begins to expand at its tip, thereby forming the hand- (or foot-) plate. The digits are formed by indentation of the edge of this plate, and become elongated in a certain sequence. Still later the joints are form- ed, and the limb is rotated so that it assumes the normal position relative to the body. Meanwhile, the skeleton and the musculature of the limb have differentiated from the mesen- 142 INDUCTION AND ORGANISATION chyme, and the girdle skeleton with its muscles has developed in the flank. In urodeles, the fore-limbs are formed at an early stage, whereas the hind-limbs develop much later. In anurans, on the other hand, both pairs are formed at about the same time. Most of the experiments have been made on the fore-limbs of urodeles. In this group, the limb-forming potency can be demonstrated as early as the gastrula stage. If grafted into an abnormal place, the material concerned (ectoderm and mesoderm to- gether) will still develop into a limb (Detwiler, 1929-33). Here, too, the potency initially extends over a larger area, its in- tensity decreasing in all directions from a central maximum (Harrison, 1915-18). Probably the potency is originally located exclusively in the mesoderm. At somewhat later stages, how- ever, when the limb-bud has become visible, the ectoderm covering the bud has also acquired this potency. If at this stage this ectoderm alone is grafted into another place, it will produce a limb in co-operation with the local flank mesenchyme (Filatow, 1930). Rotmann (1931-33) has effected separate heteroplastic transplantations of limb mesoderm alone, and limb ectoderm alone, between Triton taeniatus and T. cristatus. His results prove that the mesoderm has the main influence on the limb's specific form and size. It is not until later larval stages that a slight influence of the ectoderm on the size of the limb and the shape of the digits becomes manifest. At first, the limb rudiment has all the properties of an organisation-field: transplanted parts of the primordium can produce a complete, harmoniously built limb, so that one primordium can give rise to as many as four limbs. On the other hand, two fused primordia can produce a single harmo- nious limb. All the cells of the rudiment, therefore, are still able to produce any part of the limb. The field has not yet become tied to certain cells, but it can be displaced, can divide into a number of equivalent fields, or can fuse with another field into one unity. The field can be ''transposed" with regard to the material. Harrison (1915-25) carried out a large number of experi- ments on the symmetry relationships of the limbs. Left and II. THE PERIOD OF ORGAN DEVELOPMENT 143 right limbs are mutually symmetrical. Here, again, we face the problem of how the development of a primordium into either a right or a left limb is determined. In order to solve this, Harrison transplanted limb rudiments of Ambly stoma punctatum in various stages, rotating them 180° on any one of their three axes (viz. rostro-caudal, dorso-ventral, and medio-lateral), or on two or three axes simulta- neously. If these experiments were made at an early stage, a short time after neurula- tion, Harrison found that the dorso-ventral and the medio- lateral organisation of the growing limb were always in harmony with that of its new environment. If, how- ever, the limb had been rotated on its rostro-caudal axis, it grew out obliquely forwards, instead of back- wards, so that the symmetry was reversed (Fig. 52). This Fig. 52. Amblystoma larva, into which a right Umb bud, rotated on its rostrocaudal and dorso- ventral axes, was grafted in the flank. The graft (tr) has produc- ed a limb with normal dorso- ventral structure, in which, how- ever, the rostrocaudal organisation is inverted so that the graft is the mirror image of the normal right fore-limb. After Harrison. shows that, at the time of the operation, the rostro-caudal axis was already irrevocably fixed in the material, but that the other axes had not yet been determined. Further exper- iments showed that the determination of the rostro-caudal axis takes place at the gastrula stage already, whereas that of the other axes does not occur till later stages, irreversible determ- ination taking place first in the dorso-ventral, and then in the medio-lateral axis. Moreover, it was found that the different species of urodeles did not behave identically in this respect. In Triton taeniatus, for example, the direction of the dorso- ventral axis is determined much earlier than in Amblystoma (Brandt, 1922-28). The sequence, however, in which the three axes become determined, is probably the same everywhere. Presumably, the limb mesoderm is solely responsible for this polarity, and the ectoderm does not play a role on this point (Balinsky, 1931). 144 INDUCTION AND ORGANISATION Interesting results were also obtained in successful attempts to induce limbs in abnormal places by grafting material into the side of the body. Balinsky (1925-27) discovered that in Triton taeniatus grafting of an ear-vesicle under the ectoderm of the flank often results in the outgrowth of a limb in this place. That this is not a specific induction is shown clearly by the fact that Balinsky obtained the same result by grafting an olfactory pit, or even a piece of celloidin, under the flank ectoderm. He made an extensive analysis of this phenomenon in a series of further experiments (1929-37). He found that a limb can be induced anywhere in the flank. The percentage of successful inductions decreases from the fore-limb region in a caudal direction, but increases again in the vicinity of the hind-limb. In the anterior regions of the body, the induced limbs have the character of fore-limbs, farther caudally more that of hind-limbs. The more caudal the induced limb, the later it will develop, irrespective of the moment of implantation. At a certain stage, however, the capacity to react to this in- duction disappears. Probably the whole of the flank of a urodele has a latent limb-forming potency in such a way that there is some sort of an equilibrium between the tendencies to form "body-wall" and "limb". Presumably, a non-specific agent may lead to preponderance of the latter tendency by causing a local increase in the intensity of tissue metabolism. Where this intensity is low, however, the tendency to form body-wall predominates. A large number of experiments might be added to those mentioned above. These, however, will suffice to give an im- pression of the very complicated interplay of inductions that is at work in the embryo during this phase of development. It is hardly an overstatement to say that all parts of the embryo which are in contact, or which in the course of topo- genesis come into contact, influence each other by contact induction. Each part, therefore, is at the same time an inductor, emitting certain influences, and a reaction system, reacting to the influences received. The physicochemical constitution, and therefore the potency, of each cell or cell group is modified according to the inductions it encounters, either simultaneously or successively. II. THE PERIOD OF ORGAN DEVELOPMENT 145 It is highly probable that this contact induction is brought about by material influences, i.e. that the cells secrete sub- stances which diffuse into the environment, and which are taken up by, or at least act on, the neighbouring cells. It must be admitted that for most inductions this has not been proved with the same certainty as for neural plate induction. In many cases, however, there are plenty of indications which support this assumption. The fact that dead tissues, and tissue extracts, often can induce not only neural tissue but many other organs as well, is one strong argument in its favour. We must now turn our attention to the problem of how far the specificity of the effect depends on the nature of the in- duction, i.e. whether each organ is induced by its "own" evocator. Several possibilities must be considered here. One and the same evocator might be operating in all cases. The divergent development of the cell groups, e.g. into organs so different as an eye-lens, an olfactory pit, or an auditory organ, would then be due to differences in the reactivity of these cell groups themselves. The influence of induction would then be of a purely activating nature; it would not cause the intrinsic differences between the parts of the germ, but only make them manifest. We must not forget here that such a specific re- activity of the cell groups must owe its origin to previous chemodifferentiation. This, in its turn, would require an explanation. Another attempt at an explanation also takes one evocator as its starting point, but attributes great importance to varia- tions in the concentration of this substance. The occurrence of specifically different organ-forming potencies would, in this view, be a consequence of concentration differences, to which the reaction system would be extremely sensitive. Which of two possible courses development would take, would depend on whether or not the evocator concentration exceeded a certain "threshold". We have already seen (p. 126) how Dalcq ex- plained the properties of the primary organisation-field of the germ by means of this hypothesis, and it may well be asked how far such an explanation might apply to the phenomena of organogenesis as well. Raven - Outline Physiologie 10 146 INDUCTION AND ORGANISATION It is true that in certain cases differences in the concentration of an evocator could give rise to specifically different patterns of development of cell groups, in the way indicated by Dalcq. It is probable, therefore, that such differences may play a role in the normal induction processes. Yet it is not very likely that this alone could account for the strong increase in specificity of the parts of the germ occurring in this phase of development, which transforms the embryo into a system with a very high degree of multiplicity. Moreover, several investigations, in particular those of Chuang (1938-40) and Toivonen (1940-45) give strong support to the view that there are several qualitatively different evocators. Both investigators proved that living and dead tissues of different origins induce organ complexes of different composition, if grafted into the blasto- coel of Triton. In some cases, the rostral organs of the head are formed, such as fore-brain, eyes, and olfactory pits. In other cases, organs of the posterior region of the head are produced, such as the caudal parts of the brain and ear-vesicles, or organs of the trunk, such as spinal cord, muscle tissue, kidney, etc. Heat treatment of the inductors sometimes results in a change in the nature of the induced organs. All this tends to show that these "abnormal inductors" contain chemically different substances, and that this is the reason why the germ reacts with the formation of different organs. Hence, it is very likely that qualitatively different evocators play a role in normal development as well. In that case the specificity of the induced organs can be ascribed at least in part to differ- ences in the evocators. Taking all the investigations in this field as a whole, it seems probable that at early stages (gastrulation and early neurulation), a quantitative difference in evocator concentration plays the main role, whereas in the course of further develop- ment more and more qualitative differences arise in the chemical constitution of the evocators for the various organs. Special attention must in this connection be paid to the situation in the head-region. We have seen above th-^t we know, for several organs of the head, e.g. lens, olfactory pits, auditory organs, mouth, that their determination takes place in two II. THE PERIOD OF ORGAN DEVELOPMENT 147 phases: (1) an early phase, at the end of gastrulation, during which a weak tendency to form these organs arises in the areas concerned, and (2) a later phase, during which specific contact inductors, e.g. retina, hemispheres of the brain, neural crest, mouth endoderm, bring about the final determination of the organs. The first phase, which we have called "predetermina- tion", apparently takes place under the influence of the archenteron roof, but it is probable that an even earlier gradient-field in the ectoderm also plays a role (Nieuwkoop, 1947; Lombard, 1952). In any case, there are strong indications that this predetermination of the organs of the head takes place, in a common "head organisation-field", in the way dis- cussed above (p. 125). This view is supported, for instance, by the fact that treatment of the germ with lithium ions modifies the pattern of the head as a whole. Probably only quantitative differences in a "head evocator" play a role here. In the second phase, the place and character of the organs would be irre- vocably determined by qualitatively different contact inductions. The evocators probably originate as products of the cell metabolism of the inductors, and diffuse into the environment. If they are to exert an effect on the reaction system, the cells of the latter must be sensitive to the action of just these substances. This is often the case only during a very limited period. Here, again, the chemical processes in the cells of inductor and reaction system must be accurately adjusted to each other for normal development to be possible. If the evocator is not produced at the right moment, or if the reaction system has not yet acquired its sensitivity by that time, or has lost it again, development will be upset. Whether or not these developmental processes will be interlinked in the correct way, depends on the course of events in the previous phases of development. This explains why a slight disturbance at a certain moment may give rise to serious abnormalities in later stages. The inductions cause the formation of the primordia of the various organs. These primordia are groups of cells which all possess the potency to form the organ in question. Initially, this organ-forming potency is not equally strong at all points, but 148 INDUCTION AND ORGANISATION from a central maximum it shows a gradual decrease towards the periphery. Therefore, a peripheral zone, in which the potency is weak, gradually merges into material that lacks it altogether. Moreover, the area in which the potency occurs is initially much larger than the area from which the organ will eventually develop. In the beginning, therefore, the organ primordia occupy fairly large areas with vague boundaries. At this stage, these areas may overlap at the edges, the cells in the intermediate zones possessing two or more organ-forming potencies simultaneously. In the course of development, the potency becomes concentrated in the centre of the primordium. The peripheral parts, in which the potency was weaker already, now lose it altogether. Probably the ''physiological competition" between the cells (p. 126) plays a role here. The result is a clear demarcation of the organ primordia from their environment. The organ primordia, again, have the character of organ- isation-fields. This is proved by the fact that they possess the power of regulation, and that the organ-forming potency can be transposed with respect to the material of the germ. In early primordia, parts of the material of the field can be exchanged, e.g. by inverting part of the primordium, without causing disturbances in later development. A smaller, but harmoniously built organ will develop from an isolated part of a primordium, so that in experiments one primordium may give rise to several organs (cf. our discussion of the limb primordium, p. 142). Conversely, two or more equivalent primordia can fuse so that they produce a single harmoniously built organ of double size. In other words, the organisation-field may be divided into several fields, and, on the other hand, two equivalent fields may be combined into one unity. In each organ-field, therefore, we find, on a smaller scale, a repetition of the regularities shown by the organisation-field of the whole embryo at an earlier stage in development (cf. p. 122). Initially, all cells of the field possess the same organ-forming potency, though not all to the same degree. Later, however, a further subdivision of the field takes place : the determination of the parts of the organ. Under the influence of the field- factors, chemodifferentiation takes place within the field, so II. THE PERIOD OF ORGAN DEVELOPMENT 149 that the originally equivalent cells begin to differ in potencies. Once this has happened, each part of the primordium can produce one part of the organ only, e.g. only a retina, instead of a whole eye. At this stage the parts can no longer replace one another; disturbances and displacements of material within the primordium are no longer regulated. The organ-forming potency can no longer be transposed, but is tied to definite cell groups. Following Paul Weiss, (1926), we may call these happenings ''autonomisation" because they make the parts of the organ autonomous so that from now on they behave as mutually independent units. In the primary organisation-field of the embryo, too, such a process of autonomisation takes place. We have seen that it was this process that led to the formation of the various organ primordia. Viewed in this light, development may be regarded as a stepwise subdivision of the primary field. The first step leads to autonomisation of the organ primordia within the field, breaking it up into a number of more or less independent organ-fields. The second step is the division of the organ-fields into their parts. These parts, in their turn, behave at first as organisation-fields. Experiments, e.g. on the chick embryo, have shown that the field of the leg becomes divided into the sub-fields "upper leg", "lower leg", and "foot". On transplantation of any given part of one of these sub-fields, the graft no longer forms a whole leg, as in the previous stage, but only the appropriate part of the limb (Murray, 1926). It may be assumed that at a still later stage, these sub-fields will again be subdivided by "autonomisation" so that, e.g., the field of the foot will break up into tarsus, mid-foot and toes. At present, however, no information is available on this point. The mutual contact inductions of the parts of the germ, and the autonomisation of the parts within the organ-fields, result in a further increase of the spatial multiplicity of the embryo. More and more, the embryo is broken up into a mosaic of cell groups which differ from each other in physico-chemical constitution. This will soon express itself in the external appearance of the cells. Starting from the more or less in- different embryonic cell type, the cells now begin to specialise 150 INDUCTION AND ORGANISATION for the particular functions which each of them will have to fulfil in the whole of the organism. The period of organ- formation, therefore, is followed immediately by a phase in which the differentiation of the tissues, or histogenesis, dominates the picture. During this period are formed the tissues of which the embryo consists, such as muscle tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue, cartilage, etc. It is a direct consequence of the preceding chemodif f erentiation ; it is the visible ex- pression of the diversity of the cells which, in an invisible form, was already present. Histogenesis is the last important step in the realisation of the structural plan. The egg has now given rise to an organized whole, a complex of histologically different organs and tissues with fixed topographical relations. In a word, an embryo has been formed. CHAPTER X The later stages of development In the previous chapter we have seen how, in the course of development, the embryo is subdivided into ever smaller groups of cells, which are more or less independent, and have different potencies. In the earlier phases of development, the whole embryo behaves as one unit. It reacts to disturbances with regulation, so that a more or less harmoniously built embryo is formed in spite of the interference. In the later stages, however, the situation is different. The power of regula- tion, it is true, still exists within the individual organisation- fields, but major disturbances, such as the removal or dis- placement of complete organ primordia, can no longer be regulated, and result in aberrant development. At this stage, the embryo can be said to consist of a mosaic of building stones which cannot be removed or displaced without damage to its development. Each of these building-stones, the organ primordia, develops more or less autonomously, and it can no longer be replaced by any of the others. This phase may therefore be called the ''mosaic stage^' of development. That, indeed, the organ primordia are irreplaceable at this stage, is clearly proved by experiments in which the whole tail-bud of young amphibian embryos was cut off. Such embryos developed into tail-less larvae, nor was the missing part of the body replaced at later stages (Schaxel, 1922), (Fig. 53). This is the more remarkable because complete regulation would have taken place if the material concerned had been removed at a slightly earlier stage. Other material would then have formed a tail. And if, on the other hand, the tail is amputated at later stages, regeneration will occur, and a new tail will be formed by a proliferation of cells (cf. Chapter XI). The mosaic stage, 152 THE LATER STAGES OP DEVELOPMENT Fig. 53. Extirpation of the tail primor- dium of Triton at an early stage (a) results in an entirely tail-less larva (h). After Sehaxel. therefore, is a develop- mental phase of limited duration during which regulation exists no longer, and regenera- tion not yet. Results similar to those described for the tail primordium have been obtained with other organs as well at this stage. Complete extirpation of a limb primordium, for in- stance, results in last- ing absence of the limb concerned, both in am- phibians, and in the chick embryo (Fig. 54). The same applies to eyes, gills, etc., and even to the blood of amphibians : removal of the rudiment of the blood cells leads to the development of larvae without blood corpuscles (Frederici, 1926). The high degree of independence of the organ primordia is also demonstrated by their behaviour on transplantation. In the previous chapter we have seen many examples of the fact that, once they have been determined, organ primordia grafted into a foreign environment can continue their development in complete independence, and that they can in this way reach a high degree of differentiation. This, moreover, is true not only of amphibians, but of other animals at the same stage as well. Organ primordia of the chick embryo, grafted into the egg membranes of another, much older embryo, will often continue their development, and differentiate into the organ they were destined to form. The same applies to fishes. Here organ primordia have been grafted onto the yolk sac of other embryos. Organ rudiments of mammals, e.g. rabbits and rats, can be grafted onto the omentum in the abdominal cavity of a rabbit. In that case, and, what is more, even after transplantation THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT 153 Fig. 54. Extirpation of the fore-limb primordium of Amblystoma at an early stage (left), leads to the production of a larva (right), in which the limb concerned is completely absent. After Harrison. onto the egg membranes of a chick embryo, they, too, were found to continue their differentiation. The case of the mesonephros primordium of the chick embryo deserves special mention. In normal development, the meso- nephros of the chick becomes reduced from the tenth day of incubation onwards, its function being taken over by the meta- nephros. If grafted onto the egg membranes of an older embryo, the primordium first differentiates into a typical mesonephros. Reduction, however, sets in at about the sam.e time at which it would have happened in the normal embryo (Danchakoff, 1924). This shows that not only the nature of the progressive differentiation, but its duration as well is determined in the organ primordium. Holtfreter (1931) found a similar case in amphibians. Here, explanted endoderm of the prospective mid- gut remains compact for several days, but it becomes broken up into loose cells at the time at which, in the normal embryo, the yolk-rich endoderm cells would have been expelled into the mid-gut lumen. Apart from transplantations, explantations have also been applied to the study of the properties of organ primordia. This method proved that in many cases the primordia are capable of independent differentiation outside the body, provided they are cultured in a suitable medium. The heart rudiment of amphibians, for instance, developed in vitro into a pulsating heart in which the various parts of a normal heart were clearly 154 THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT distinguishable (Stohr, 1924). Explanted parts of cephalopod (cuttle-fish) embryos also proved able to continue their differ- entiation in the normal way (Ranzi, 1931). A somewhat different situation obtains in tissue cultures. Here the tissues are kept in a medium specially provided with food and growth promoting substances. This stimulation of growth inhibits differentiation. Therefore, embryonic tissues are usually unable to differentiate in these cultures, and such structure as may already be present in the tissues will even be reduced so that the cells become less differentiated in their external appearance. However, under certain circumstances, differentiation is possible in tissue cultures. Gaillard (1931), for instance, has shown that the differentiation of bone-forming tissue is promoted by the successive addition to the culture of a series of extracts from embryos of steadily increasing age. In this context, it is important to note that the loss of visible cell differentiation in tissue cultures does not imply that the cells really relapse into an undifferentiated, embryonic con- dition. It is true that cells determined into different directions e.g. bone-forming cells, and cells of the heart-primordium, in tissue cultures become indistinguishable in external appearance, but even after a very prolonged stay, they still retain their different properties, and as soon as circumstances permit they return to their particular course of differentiation. There is no real "de-differentiation'\ therefore, but only ''modulation" (P. Weiss, 1950). We have already seen that the beginning of the mosaic stage is soon followed by visible tissue differentiation. After this, growth becomes gradually more important. Admittedly the embryo may have increased in size before this stage, but this was mainly due to water uptake, and was more a swelling process, than real growth. True growth cannot begin until differentiation has proceeded so far that the embryo is able to take up food independently, or at least, until its blood circula- tion is well enough developed for the transport of food from the yolk, or from the maternal tissues, toward the embryo to be possible. In other words, the period of differentiation generally precedes growth. THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT 155 Though growth is highly dependent upon such external factors as temperature and food supply, yet each species has its own rate of growth. This was clearly shown by experiments in which the primordia of a limb were exchanged between embryos of two newt species, viz. Amblystoma punctatum and A. tigrinum, which at their later stages show different growth rates. It was found that the grafted limbs retained their own growth rates, and did not adapt themselves to the slower or faster rate of the host (Harrison, 1924), (Fig. 55). Moreover, the various organs also have their own character- istic growth rates. This causes changes in the body proportions in the course of development. Finally, various organs in- fluence the growth of other organs. This was demonstrated by combining, by means of a heteroplastic transplantation, a lens of Amblystoma punctatum with an eye-cup of A. tigrinum. The more rapidly growing ti- grinum eye-cup stimulated the more slowly developing punc- Fig. 55. Larvae of (a) : Am- blystoma punctatum and (b): A. triginum, between which the left fore-limb primordia have been exchanged at an early stage. After 50 days, the transplanted limbs are about the same size as those of the animal from which they origin- ate. After Huxley and de Beer. tatum-lens, to faster growth. The same is true of a tigrinum lens when combined with a punctatum eye-cup. A mutual adaptation in size and growth rate occurs between the two parts (Harrison, 1929; Twitty and Schwind, 1931). In Rotmann's experiments, too, the originally maladjusted eye-cup and lens of the heteroplastic combinations (see above p. 133) were later on found to show mutual adaptation in size by differential growth. This mutual influence is also clearly expressed in the central 156 THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT nervous system. The size of the spinal ganglia depends to a great extent upon the size of the peripheral area with which they are connected. Increase of this area, e.g. by the implanta- tion of a supernumerary limb in the flank, causes an increase in the number of sensory neurones in these ganglia, and there- by an increase in their size (Detwiler, 1920). If, on the other hand, no skin is present on one side of the body, as in the case of two amphibian embryos fused side by side, the ganglia on this side remain very small (Detwiler, 1926). The number of cells in the ventral half of the spinal cord, that will differentiate into motor neurones, also varies with the size of the innervated peripheral area (Hamburger and Keefe, 1944). The nerve fibres growing out from the cells seem to play a role here, but the effect is not dependent on the normal conduction of nervous impulses. If amphibians are kept under permanent anesthesia, their development proceeds normally, including that of the nervous system. The growth processes in the brain are partly governed by stimulation by the ingrowing nerves from the large sense organs of the head. If these sense organs are extirpated at an early stage, the brain centres with which they are normally connect- ed do not attain their normal size. Conversely, the implantation of a supernumerary eye or olfactory pit will cause an over- development of certain parts of the brain, if the nerve coming from the graft penetrates into the brain of the host. The growth of peripheral nerves towards their end organs seems to be governed by attractions exerted on the nerves by strongly growing organs. A limb transplanted into the flank will establish connections with any nerve that happens to be in the neighbourhood, even though normally this nerve has no- thing to do with limb innervation. The nerve fibres enter into the limb and become connected with its muscles, so that in many cases the latter will function more or less normally (Detwiler, Weiss). An eye or an olfactory pit, transplanted into the flank, also attracts the neighbouring spinal nerves (Detwiler, 1927), though in this case no functional connections between nerve and organ are formed. Once the connections of the nervous system with the various THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT 157 organs have become established, the former begins to influence the development of the latter. It is true that practically normal differentiation can take place in amphibian limbs without nerves, but such limbs remain smaller than normal ones (Ham- burger, 1929). Evidently, the nervous system has a trophic influence which intensifies growth. In other cases, however, the connection with the nervous system is indispensable for the maintenance of the structure of the organ. Marked atrophy occurs, for instance, in muscles as soon as the motor nerves are severed. This is even more true in the case of the lateral line sense organs and the skin taste buds of fishes, which degenerate entirely after transection of the afferent nerve (Olmsted, 1920). This influence of the nervous system is probably due to the secretion of a substance by the nerves. The development of the blood circulation also has important consequences for further development, as it supplies the various organs with the food substances needed for their growth. The distribution of these substances between the organs will depend upon the total quantity that is available. The body proportions of maximally fed animals may differ sharply from those of starved specimens. In extreme cases, certain organs or parts of the body may be completely reduced in consequence of want of food. The possibility of hormone transport is another important consequence of the development of the vascular system. Hor- mones are substances produced by certain glands, which become distributed throughout the body by the blood so that they can exert their influences on the development of other organs in remote places. In another context, we have already mentioned the "gene hormones" of insects (p. 87). Hormones play a very important role, in particular in the later stages of development, and in the adult animal. A more extensive discussion of these phenomena lies outside the scope of this book. Finally, in the later stages, the function itself of each organ has an important influence on its development. Once differentia- tion has proceeded so far that the organs begin to take over their own specific functions, new processes are started under the influence thereof. These processes influence the structure 158 THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT of the organs, and modify their growth and histological differ- entiation, or the arrangement of their cells and tissues. We shall now briefly review this 'Afunctional stage'' of development. The best known phenomenon in this context is the hypertrophy of an organ caused by excessive use of that organ. If one kidney of a vertebrate animal is extirpated, the other kidney increases in size. Another well known example is the great increase in the size of striated muscle as a consequence of heavy muscular work. The influence of the functional relationships on the arrange- ment of tissue elements is clearly illustrated by Weiss's (1929- 33) experiments. He exposed tissue cultures of connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) to local tension. The cells then became arranged in accordance with the direction of the lines of tension, and multiplied more rapidly in this direction. In normal devel- opment, such reactions play a role in the origin and regenerat'on of tendons, etc., as was shown by Lewy's experiments as early as 1904. The detailed architecture of bones obeys the same law. The trabeculae (bone bars) in spongy bone are arranged in the direction of the stresses normally acting on the bone. If the direction of these forces is modified, e.g. by the extraction of a molar from the jaw, the direction of the trabeculae is changed accordingly. The growth of bones also depends upon their function. A motionless limb which is not subjected to any stress is retarded in growth, as compared with a normally functioning limb. Function is of paramount importance also for the final structure of the vascular system. With the exception of the very first blood vessels, which differentiate locally, all others arise in the course of embryonic development by the branching of existing vessels. Initially, massive "buds" of endothelium cells are formed. These extend into the tissues and soon become hollow. Manifold connections between the outgrowing blood vessels are then formed, so that a network develops. At first, all these vessels are of about the same calibre. The same process takes place in regeneration. This primitive network differentiates into the definitive vascular system in the follow- ing way. Some of its meshes disappear, others become capil- THE LATER STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT 159 laries, but the lumen of a few channels becomes widened, and their walls thickened so that they become the major arteries and veins. Clark and collaborators (1931, etc.) have studied this process in living animals, viz. in the transparent caudal fins of frog larvae, and in specially constructed transparent cells, let into the ear of a rabbit. They found that the fate of each part of the original network depends on the currents which prevail there because of the pressure differences in the system. Where the blood stagnates, the diameter of the vessels de- creases, and finally they disappear. Strong perfusion, on the other hand, causes a widening and thickening of the vessels concerned, leading to their differentiation into major blood vessels. In this way the blood stream itself models the eventual pattern of the blood vessels. The gills of larval newts may be taken as a last example. In water with a low oxygen content, these organs are large and strongly branched; the overlying skin is thin, and they are well vascularized. In water with a high oxygen content, on the other hand, where skin respiration can easily take place over the whole body surface, the gills are poorly developed. Here, again, the structure becomes adapted to the functional require- ments under the influence of the function itself. CHAPTER XI Regeneration Regeneration is the term applied to a process of restitution which occurs after removal of a part of the body and which results in complete or partial replacement of the lost part. If an animal of simple structure, e.g. a planarian, is cut into two transversely, a bud-like outgrowth will within a few days develop on the cut surface in each half. This is the so- called regeneration-bud. It grows steadily, and replaces the lost part of the body, i.e. a new fore-part is formed on the caudal half, and a new hind-part on the anterior half (Fig. 56). The position of the cut is of no, or at most of secondary importance. Whether it is made in the middle, or in the front or hind part of the worm, the result is always the same. This shows already that the quality of the regenerate is not determined exclusively by the nature of the regenerating material. The situation is not such that, e.g., in the front half of the body "tail-forming" cells or substances are present, and "head-forming" mate- rial in the posterior half. At each level in the body, both a head and a tail can be produced. What will in a given case develop from the regeneration-bud, depends only on whether the cut at which this bud is formed faces forwards backwards. In other words, the C3 CD <:0 CZ3 or original polarity of the worm determines the result of the regeneration. Evidently, this polarity has remained intact in both pieces formed by the transection of the worm. This is true even if the worm is Fig. 56, Regeneration of rostral and caudal halves in the flat worm Polycelis nigra, after 0, 7, 9, and 14 days respectively. After Dresden. REGENERATION 161 divided into several parts by a series of transverse cuts. The original polarity is retained by each of these parts, and each of them will regenerate a head at its front edge, and a tail at its hind edge. Only in exceptional cases can this inherent polarity of a fragment be suppressed or reversed by certain treatments. In some cases, however, the situation is more complicated. In earthworms, such as Eisenia foetida, a number of regions with different powers of regeneration can be distinguished (Gates, 1950). In the foremost six segments of the body, a head is regenerated at a front edge, but no regeneration takes place at a hind edge. In the succeeding zone of about 11 segments, heads are formed by both front and hind edges. From segment 21 to segment 34, a head or a tail may be formed at either edge. Next comes a region, extending to segment 54, in which only tails are regenerated at both edges. Finally, m the zone behind segment 54, a tail is formed by a hind edge, but no regeneration occurs at a front edge. It is important to study the nature of the regeneration process somewhat more closely. We have already mentioned that the formation of a regeneration-bud is the first visible consequence of the transection. This consists of cells of a very indifferent character. The origin of this material is not in all cases sufficiently well known. In some lower organisms, un- differentiated cells are present at various places in the body. After transection, these migrate into the wound area, and accumulate there. Miss Dubois (1949), for instance, has demon- strated this in the case of Planaria. Regeneration can be sup- pressed here by irradiation with X-rays; the irradiated animals succumb after a few weeks. But if only the foremost two fifths part of the body is irradiated, and the head is then amputated, regeneration does occur, though it begins a month later than in non-irradiated animals. Miss Dubois has been able to prove that this is due to the fact that the regeneration cells, or neoblasts, migrate from the posterior, non-irradiated part of the body into the wound area. In the course of this migration, they must traverse the irradiated zone. The wider this zone is, the more regeneration is retarded. This migration is not spontaneous ; it takes place only after a wound has been made, Raven - Outline Physiology 11 162 REGENERATION and it is always directed towards the wound. The cells can move both forwards and backwards, and sideways. The stimulus that causes the onset of migration spreads throughout the body; it disappears four to five days after the wound has been made. Once started, the migration continues until a regeneration blastema has formed in the wound area. Apart from the capacity to form a regeneration-bud, the neoblasts possess the power to repair other damage in the body. They are omnipotent, i.e. they can form any other tissue. It is possible that in other cases the regeneration cells are formed by the de-differentiation of tissue cells which thereby acquire a more embryonic character, and an increased power of division. Once the regeneration-bud has reached a certain size, an outwardly visible differentiation begins to take place in this material, and it becomes possible to see what will develop from it. Now it has been found that in many annelid worms the regeneration-bud which develops at a front edge will always differentiate into a fixed number of segments, which agree with those found in the rostral end of the body, the "head" of a normal worm. The number of segments in the regenerate is entirely independent of the place of the cut. In the polychaete worm Sabella, for instance, three segments are always formed, the foremost of which carries a crown of branchial palps, even if the regenerating fragment belongs to the caudal end of a normal worm (Fig. 59). This shows that here regeneration does not lead to restitution of the missing part of the body, but produces only a new apical end by an autonomous differ- entiation. In contrast, the type of differentiation in regeneration buds at a caudal edge depends upon the nature of the tissues of the fragment, and here the lost part of the body is completely replaced. The same applies to planarians. Here, again, regeneration at a front edge, irrespective of its position, produces only a head, whereas that at a hind edge leads to complete restitution of the missing parts. Similar phenomena are found in the restitution processes REGENERATION 163 \^ Fig. 57. Reorganisation in the hydroid polyp Tubularia. A very small part produces only (a): the apical part of a polyp; if more material is present, the more basal parts are formed accordingly (b-d). After Child. that occur after the transection of hydroid polyps, though here as a rule we find no regeneration, but only a "reorganisation" of the old tissues, which are subjected to a morphological de- differentiation, followed by new differentiation. If a stem fragment of such a polyp is isolated, it will change into a new hydranth provided the size of the fragment is sufficient. Smaller parts produce only the apical parts of a polyp, but these apical parts are of normal size^). Evidently, the process of re- organisation begins with the formation of the apical parts, and proceeds from there in the direction of the base, until all the available material has been used (Fig. 57). The size of the apical parts formed depends more or less upon the external circumstances. In Planaria, for instance, only a small head is produced by a regeneration-bud at low temperatures, or under the influence of anesthetics. High temperatures, on the other hand, result in the production of very big heads (Child, 1915), (Fig. 58). In the hydroid Tubularia, the size of the hydranths produced depends on the 1) In many cases, apical parts arise at both ends of the stem fragment. We shall not enter into this complication. 164 REGENERATION oxygen tension. Here, too, narcotics cause a reduct- ion in size, which how- ever can be compensated by increased oxygen tension (Barth, 1944). In normal regeneration, the role played here by anaesthetics is probably duplicated by inhibiting substances formed in the tissues (waste products of metabolism). After transection, regeneration is started by the better oxygen supply to the wound area, and by the disappearance of inhibit- ing substances by dif- fusion. In some cases, local stimulation without re- moval of material is suf- ficient for a new head, or, in hydroids, a new hydranth, to be formed. Goldsmith (1940), for in- stance, caused the devel- opment of supernumerary heads in planarians by making incisions or local burns in the rostral part of the body. In the earth- worm a supernumerary head may develop laterally in the front part of the body, if a wound is made there, and a cut end of the ventral nerve cord is brought into the wound (Avel, 1947). Evidently the nerve cord has a stimulating or activating influence, for Fig. 58. Correlation between the size of the regenerated head and its or- ganising power in Planaria. All fig- ures illustrate the regeneration of a caudal half of the original, cut as in (a); (b) regeneration under normal circumstances; (c-e) regeneration under the influence of increasing con- centrations of narcotics; reduction in size and development of the re- generated head, and corresponding reduction in the size of the induced pharynx (ph), and in the distance between head and pharynx; (/) re- generation at optimal temperature, larger head and pharynx, and greater distance between pharynx and head. After Child. REGENERATION 165 d the wound itself does not cause head formation at this place. It may be assumed that in the differentiation of organs from a regeneration blastema similar mutual influences to those we have encountered in the development of embryos play a role. In fact, the origin of eyes in a regenerate in the flat-worm Polycelis proved to depend on an influence from the cerebral ganglion which spreads over a certain distance (Wolff and Lender, 1950-51). The head formed by regeneration at the front edge of a caudal fragment of the body does not at first harmonise with the old tissues of the fragment, because certain intermediate parts of the body and their organs are absent. The normal structure of the organism is restored by a second process, subsequent to that of regeneration in the proper sense. This process is called morphallaxis. In its course, regenerate and frag- ment mutually adjust their sizes (Fig. 56), and, more- over, the newly formed head influences the adjacent tissues in such a way that the missing parts are form- ed here by "reorganisation" of the tissues. If, for ex- ample, the caudal part of a planarian has regenerated a new head, the pharynx which in planarians occupies the middle of the body, at first is absent. By subsequent morphallaxis, however, a cavity is formed in the old tissue of the original A Fig. 59. Four stages (a, b, c, d) in the regeneration of the rostral end in Sabella. As regeneration proceeds, the foremost 4 segments change from the abdominal into the thoracic type, by the loss of their old hooks and bristles and the formation of new ones in an- other position. This change pro- ceeds in a rostro-caudal succession. After Berrill and Mees. 166 REGENERATION fragment. This develops into a new pharynx sheath, and breaks through to the exterior, forming a new mouth. The pharynx itself is formed by the regeneration blastema and grows into the sheath from the rostral side (Van Asperen, 1946). Morphallaxis is very clear in Sahella. In this worm, the foremost 5 to 11 segments, the so-called "thoracic" segments, are distinguished by a number of characters from the more caudal "abdominal" segments. If the animal is transected in the abdominal zone, the posterior part regenerates a head consisting of three segments. This, however, is followed by changes in a number of the foremost abdominal segments, which thereby acquire thoracic characters (Berrill, 1931). This reorganisation proceeds in a rostro-caudal direction (Fig. 59). Fig. 60. Organising activity of a transplanted head in Planaria. (a) a laterally implanted graft has induced a lateral outgrowth and a secondary pharynx, (b-c) a subterminal graft has induced an outgrowth (directed forwards), and two phar3niges; (d) a ter- minal graft has caused a reversal of polarity in the caudal part of the host, and a secondary pharynx; in this last case the hind part was capable of autonomous movement (dotted outline), i.e. it be- haved as an independent individual. After Santos. REGENERATION 167 There are a number of experiments that leave no doubt that morphallaxis is due to "organising" activities of the previously- regenerated head. Santos (1929) transplanted parts of the head of one planarian into the caudal region of another. The graft regenerated the missing parts of the head, and induced a pharynx some distance away in the host tissues. The direction of this pharynx agreed with that of the implanted head. In many cases the host tissue even supplied a complete new caudal part, adjusted to the implanted head (Fig. 60). Similar effects were obtained in the case of heteroplastic transplantation between two species of Planaria. In hydroids, too, the existence of such organising activities has been demonstrated. Here they are exerted by the apical parts of the polyp. In Hydra, the peristome (i.e. the area around the mouth) of one polyp, implanted laterally into the body of an- other, induces the formation of tentacles and the production of a bud. The comparison is obvious between these organising in- fluences of regenerated heads or apical parts and the activity of organisers in embryonic development. Here, again, the situation can be described as an "organisation-field", originating from the regenerate and spreading from there over the adjacent areas of the original fragment; the role of organiser is here played by the regenerate. Under the influence of the field, the cell material undergoes certain changes characteristic of morphallaxis, changes which adapt regenerate and fragment to each other. Therefore, the study of regeneration may deepen our insight into the properties of organisation-fields. First of all, the field in certain cases appears to adapt its size to the available material. In a fragment of the ascidian Clavellina, for instance, complete de-differentiation of the tissues into a compact mass of cells may occur. This is then followed by fresh differentiation into a well-proportioned Clavellina of smaller size (Huxley, 1926). Evidently the field in this case harmoniously imposes itself on such material as is present; its size is adjusted to the available quantity of cells. However, that this is not always so, may be seen from the case of hydroid polyps described above, in which fragments 168 REGENERATION that were too small did not produce complete polyps on a smaller scale, but only parts of hydranths of normal size. On this point, therefore, the field may behave in either of two different ways. As yet it is entirely unknown which factors are responsible for the choice between the two. Further, it was found that the area eventually occupied by the field depends upon the "state of activity" of the regenerate acting as organiser. This, in turn, can be influenced by external factors. If, under the influence of cold or narcotics, the re- generated head of a planarian has remained small, the pharynx which arises by morphallaxis under the influence of the field also remains smaller, and it is formed at a shorter distance from the rostral end. There is a direct correlation between the size of the head, that of the pharynx, and the distance between the two (Child, 1915), (Fig. 58). Similar phenomena have been found in hydroids. In Sabella, illumination of the regenerating head causes a strong expansion of the field. In darkness, only about four abdominal segments develop into thoracic segments during morphallaxis, but this number may be increased to as many as eighty by illumination (Berrill and Mees, 1936). The organising power proved not to be a privilege of the extreme rostral, or apical, part of the body. As a rule, each part of the body has an organising influence on the more caudal parts. A fragment from the middle of the body of a planarian can regenerate a tail at its hind edge, even if no regeneration of a head takes place at its rostral end. Even a pharynx may be formed in this case, at least if the fragment originated from the pre-pharyngeal part of the body, but not if it originated from the post-pharyngeal region. This agrees with the observa- tion by Okada and Sugino (1934) that not only transplanted heads, but also more caudal parts of the body of a planarian have inductive effects v/hen grafted into still more posterior regions of another individual. The same applies to the polyp Corymorpha. Here parts of the stem, grafted laterally into the stem of another polyp, in a number of cases induce a new hydranth. This happens more often, according as the original position of the graft in the stem was more apical (Child, 1929), (Fig. 61). REGENERATION 169 The inductive power, therefore, is not a property of one definite, specific tissue only, but it is due to a physiological condition the intensity of which decreases as a gradient from the rostral, or apical, towards the caudal, or basal, end of the body. In other words: each part of the field in- fluences the more caudal (basal) parts, but is itself influenced by the more rostral (apical) parts. Little is known so far about the physical nature of this gradient, though it is obvious to think of electro-physiological phenomena in this connection. The recent work of Moment (1946-49) is highly im- portant in this respect. We have seen above (p. 162) that a re- generation-bud at a hind edge as a rule completely replaces the lost part of the body. Now Moment has shown that during regeneration of a caudal half in the earthworm W^ Fig. 61. Organisation by transplanted parts of the stem in the hydroid polyp Corymorpha. (a) an apical part of the stem induced a complete new hydranth in 48 hours; ib-c) more basal parts of the stem induced smaller (&) or abnormal outgrowths (c) in the same time. After Child. Eisenia foetida the formation of new segments stops when the total number of segments has reached an approximately normal value. In a normal worm, there is an electric potential difference between the rostral and caudal ends of the body. This potential is destroyed by amputa- tion, but during regeneration it is gradually built up again until it has regained its original value, which happens at the very same moment at which the formation of new segments comes to a stop. On this basis. Moment concluded that the production of new segments is brought to a close by an in- hibitory action exerted by the electric field as soon as this has attained a certain degree of intensity. Two parts originally situated at different levels in the 170 REGENERATION gradient-field can be brought into contact by transplantation. In this case, a strong prolifera- tion of tissue occurs at the boundary (Okada and Sugino). The greater the discontinuity in the gradient, the more marked is this proliferation. This was beautifully demon- strated in an experiment by Schewtschenko (1937), who grafted heads of planarians into different regions of the hosts. Im- planted caudally, the heads caused a very strong outgrowth, but in grafts in more rostral areas the effect became gradually weaker. Trans- plantation of caudal parts had exactly the opposite effect: strong proliferation in rostral areas, much weaker proliferation more caudally (Fig. 62). One of the effects of the "dominant" area (Child) on the subordinate parts of the field is of an inhibitory nature. Miller (1938) transplanted the head of a planarian into the trunk area, and then transected the host just rostral to the graft. No head was then regenerated at the front edge, because the graft repressed such regeneration. A head grafted into the trunk sometimes moves in a forward direction because (1) strong proliferation takes place at the caudal side of the graft, and (2) the tissues in front of the graft are resorbed. This movement goes on until the head has found its way to the rostral end. The apical "organiser", therefore, has a twofold influence. It prevents the formation of new apical parts, and it forces Fig. 62. The effect of discontinuities in the gradient in Planaria. (a) the growth caused by grafted heads is the more marked when the head is implanted more caudally; (b) on the other hand, transplanted hind ends produce strongest growth in the rostral parts of the host. After Schewtschenko. REGENERATION 171 the other cells within the field to form subordinate organs in accord with their place in the field. If, therefore, a tissue is to form a new apical region, it is necessary for it to be removed from the inhibitory influence of the existing apex. This can be done by cutting the latter away, but in normal development it may occur as a consequence of growth. The field emanating from the "dominant" apex has a limited extent, and consequently part of the tissue can be removed from its sphere of influence by growth — so-called ''physiological isolation" (Child). This tissue will then form a new apical region. This is the law governing the occurrence of new buds in colony-building organisms, such as hydroid polyps. We have seen that the extent of the field depends upon the state of phj^siological activity of the tissues. The distance between buds formed under favourable conditions of food, temperature, etc., will therefore be greater than that between buds formed under less favourable conditions. This may completely modify the appearance of the colony as a whole (Child, 1929). A similar phenomenon occurs in some planarians which reproduce asexually by transverse division. Here, at a certain distance from the original head of the individual, the caudal part forms a new head. If, under unfavourable circum- stances, the size of the old head is reduced (see p. 168), the field emanating from it extends less far, and division takes place at a much smaller size of the body. Child has demonstrated in many experiments that the dominant apical parts are often highly sensitive to noxious influences, and that this sensitivity decreases in a caudal (or basal, respectively) direction. He ascribed this to differences in the "physiological (i.e. metabolic) activity" of the tissues, which would be highest in the apical parts, and decrease gradually from there. Similar results were obtained with an- other method for the demonstration of differences in the in- tensity of metabolism, viz. measurements of the velocity of decolorisation of certain redox dyes, such as methylene blue, at low oxygen pressures. From these differences in physio- logical activity. Child explained such morphogenetic influences as "dominance" and "organisation", exerted by the apical part. 172 REGENERATION It is doubtful, however, whether in doing so he did not confuse cause and effect. In other words, the morphogenetic dominance of the apical region might be the primary phenomenon, and the difference in physiological activity of the tissues its con- sequence. So far it has not been possible to decide which of the two hypotheses is correct. On the basis of experiments on regeneration in hydroid polyps, Spiegelman (1945) has developed a theory which re- duces the dominance of a cell group over its neighbours to "physiological competition" between the cells by the absorption of food substances and the secretion of noxious waste products. It is possible that several phenomena in this field can be explained in this way. However, in an investigation on the mutual influences of rostral and caudal regenerate in transverse sections of Euplanaria luguhriSj Raven and Mighorst (1948) showed that in this case the facts are not what one would expect on the basis of the theory of "physiological competition". All examples discussed so far referred to so-called "total regeneration", provoked by transection of the whole body. However, the study of the regeneration phenomena which occur after the removal of subordinate parts of the body has further contributed to our insight into the mode of action of or- ganisation fields. Interesting results were obtained in particular in experiments on the regeneration of limbs and tail in amphibians. If a limb or the tail of a larval or adult newt is cut off, a regeneration bud, consisting of more or less indifferent cells, is formed in the wound area. The origin of this material and the processes resulting in the formation of the regeneration blastema have in recent years been the subject of many investigations. It has been found that, immxediately after the amputation of a limb, a marked de-differentiation takes place in the tissues of the stump near the wound area. A partial disintegration of skeleton and musculature takes place, and this process supplies great numbers of free cells of a more or less indifferent appearance. In the course of the next few days, a regeneration blastema forms in the cut. REGENERATION 173 It is practically certain that the cells of this blastema do not, as, e.g., in planarians, originate from a store, somewhere in the body, of cells which have retained embryonic properties, and which migrate towards the wound. In contrast, they arise locally by de-differentiation of the tissues near the wound. The following type of experiment supports this view. The distal part of a limb is replaced by a limb graft from another individual, the cells of which can be distinguished from those of the host, e.g. by their pigmentation, or haploidy. Thereupon, the graft is amputated almost completely, but so that the cut goes through the grafted tissue only. In this case, the cells of the regenerate have in every respect the character of the grafted tissue, even though the normal tissue of the host begins at a short distance from the wound. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the formation of the blastema begins even before there is any considerable increase in the number of cell divisions in the neighbourhood of the wound, so that it is clearly not formed by multiplication of cells. It has not yet been ascertained whether its cells originate mainly from the de-differentiating tissue of muscles and skeleton, or from the connective tissue, or whether, on the other hand, they are supplied for the most part by the proliferating epidermis, as was suggested by Rose (1948). On the one hand, de-differentiation of the old tissues supplies the cells for the regeneration blastema, but on the other hand the blastema, once it has been formed, seems to bring the process of de-differentiation to a stop. Butler concluded this from experiments in which regeneration was studied after irradiation of the limb with X-rays. After strong irradiation, the power of regeneration had disappeared completely. Am- putation of the limb led to marked de-differentiation of the stump tissues, but no blastema was formed, and de-differ- entiation continued until the whole stump had been resorbed. The same thing happened after the amputation of a limb which had previously been denervated by transection of its nerves (Butler and Schotte, 1941). Apparently the presence of nerves is indispensable for a normal equilibrium between de-differ- entiation and blastema-formation. Singer (1942-49) has shown 174 REGENERATION that both motor nerves and sensory nerves play a role here. A certain minimum number of nerve fibres per unit area of the wound is required for the normal progress of regeneration. It also appears that a considerable invasion of nerve fibres into the epidermis of the regenerate takes place in the early stages of regeneration. Finally, experiments by Butler and Schotte (1949) have proved that the presence of nerves is necessary for the first phases of regeneration, during which the blastema is formed and determined, but that the later morphogenesis, differentiation, and growth of the regenerate are independent of the nervous system. The de-differentiation which supplies the material for the regeneration blastema can be inhibited not only by the forma- tion of this blastema, but also by a premature growth of skin over the wound. This may be the explanation of the difference in regenerative capacity between urodeles and anurans. In urodeles, an amputated limb is completely regenerated, both in larvae and in adults, whereas in anurans the capacity to re- generate is permanently lost during metamorphosis. Now it has been found in adult anurans that the skin soon overgrows the amputation wound, and that the wound is covered by a scar tissue consisting of coarse connective tissue fibers. No regeneration blastema is then formed. It is of great practical importance that de-differentiation has been successfully pro- voked by mechanical (Polezajev, 1939-41) or chemical stimula- tion (Rose, 1942-45; Polezajev, 1945-46). In adult anurans, too, a certain degree of regeneration has been produced in this way. Man and the mammals do not possess the capacity for spontaneous regeneration, but these investigations have revealed methods of stimulating the regeneration of lost parts of the body which might bring regeneration in this group within the realm of practical possibilities. We shall now discuss some details of the later development of these regeneration-buds. Here all the missing parts are re- placed by the regenerate, in contrast to what we have seen earlier in the case of total regeneration at a front edge. The differentiation in the regenerate adapts itself completely to the remaining organs of the stump. Moreover, we find no trace REGENERATION 175 of the influence of the regenerate on the stump which was so characteristic of total regeneration. In the present case, re- generation is not followed by morphallaxis. Whereas in total regeneration, all interest was focused on the influence of the regenerate on the fragment, here, in contrast, we must study the influence of the stump on the regenerate. First of all, it appears that the differentiation of the re- generate is governed by the stump of the amputated organ, and not by influences originating in the body as a whole. Fore- limbs have been grafted into the place of a hind-limb, and amputated after some time. In such cases a fore-limb was regenerated on the stump. If the limb had been rotated during transplantation (e.g., implanted upside down), the orientation of the regenerate agreed with that of the stump, and not with that of the body (Weiss, 1924). We have already seen (p. 151) what will happen if a limb or tail is extirpated completely and no stump left at all: no regeneration takes place in this case. This led Guyenot (1927) to the formulation of the concept of "territoire de regeneration''. For each part of the body, a certain region can be indicated within which regeneration of this part can take place ; if this region is removed completely, no regenera- tion occurs. Within the region, the formation of the part in ques- tion can even be induced by local stimulation, e.g. by an out- growing or regenerating nerve. If a nerve of the hind-leg (nervus ischiadicus) in amphibians is diverted under the skin in the vicinity of the fore-limb, a supernumerary fore-limb is formed there. If diverted under the skin of the tail, it causes the forma- tion of an extra tail (Guyenot, 1928). The fact that the organs developing in the regenerate are in direct connection with the remaining organs of the stump might lead to the assumption that the former originate simply as outgrowths of the latter. In other words, each tissue that is exposed in the wound would grow out into the regenerate, and in this way the replacement of the missing part would be brought about by the co-operation of the organs. The following experiments disprove this view. Weiss (1925) extirpated the humerus from the fore-limb of a newt, and a little later amputated this limb in the upper-arm region. No skeleton was 176 REGENERATION present in the wound area, therefore. Nevertheless a normal forearm and hand skeleton were formed in the regenerate, whereas in the upper arm the extirpated humerus was not regenerated (Fig. 63). Therefore, the skeleton in the regenerate is certainly not formed by the outgrowing skeleton of the wound; it must have differentiated on the spot from the re- generation material. Weiss has made similar experiments on skin. The same point was illustrated even more clearly in an experiment by Umanski (1938). He irradiated a limb of a black Fig. 63. Diagram of fore-limb regeneration in Triton, (a) normal skeleton of the fore-limb; (b) extirpation of the humerus, followed by the amputation of lower-arm and hand; (c) the skeleton of the regenerated lower-arm and hand is normal, but the extirpated humerus is not regenerated. After Przibram. axolotl with X-rays, thereby destroying the regenerative capacity of its tissues. The skin of this limb was then replaced by that of a normal specimen of the white axolotl. The limb was thereupon amputated, and regeneration took place. The lack of pigmentation in the regenerate proved that it originated from the grafted skin which had retained its power of prolifera- tion. Similar experiments were made by Trampusch (1951). Instead of skin, he grafted in other cases skeleton or muscle tissue into the irradiated limb. It appeared that in these cases, too, regeneration occurred, and the assumption was again in- evitable that all or nearly all of the material for the regener- ation originated from the implanted healthy tissues. The following experiments supply some information on the REGENERATION 177 degree of determination in the regeneration buds. Young buds, which have just become visible as half-spherical outgrowths are resorbed if transplanted into the flank of another animal of the same age. Older buds, on the other hand, go on devel- oping, and produce approximately the same parts as they would have formed if they had not been transplanted. A young re- generation bud of a fore-limb, grafted onto the stump of an amputated hind-limb, develops into a hind-limb regenerate Fig. 64. Transplantation of a regeneration bud. (a) amputation of a fore-limb. If the regeneration bud alone is transplanted onto the stump of an amputated hind-limb (d), it will form a hind-limb (e), but if part of the original stump (hatched) is transplanted as well (b), a fore-limb will be formed by the graft (c). After Przibram. (Milojevic, 1924), (Fig. 64, d-e). A young tail regeneration bud produces a fore-limb if grafted into the neighbourhood of a fore-limb, though an older tail regeneration bud develops into a tail (Weiss, 1927). Conversely, a young limb regeneration bud forms a tail if transplanted onto the base of a tail (Guyenot, 1927). These experiments show that young regeneration buds are still more or less indifferent, and not yet determined for a definite course of development. After transplantation, they develop in agreement with their new environment, evidently Raven - Outline Physiology 12 178 REGENERATION under the influence of this environment. An experiment by Schotte and Hummel (1939) has demonstrated clearly that the tissue of young buds really is of an entirely indifferent, "embryonic" nature. They transplanted young regeneration buds into the inner eye-chamber. Here the buds formed a lens under the influence of the retina. Older regeneration buds, on the other hand, have already been determined for development in a definite direction. After transplantation they produce the same material as they would also have formed if they had not been displaced. The moment of determination at which the buds lose their indifferent character depends on various circumstances; on the average, the indifferent stage of limb buds lasts about two weeks. Some Russian authors have in later years raised objections to these experiments and their explanation (e.g., Polezajev, Liosner). They pointed out that in many of these experiments the possibility was not excluded that the graft did not go on developing, but that it was repressed and replaced by the stump's own regeneration bud. This would then explain why the properties of the regenerate are in accordance with those of the stump, regardless of the origin of the graft. In reality, early regeneration buds would not be indifferent, but possess a certain degree of labile determination already. In support of this view they described experiments the results of which did not agree with those mentioned above. An early regeneration bud of a tail, for instance, produced a tail-like appendix after transplantation onto an amputated limb. So far, however, their results are not very convincing. In regeneration, just as in embryonic development, de- termination seems to take place stepwise. First the regeneration bud as a whole is determined to form a fore-limb, or hind-limb, etc., but the fate of each individual cell is not yet fixed. Schaxel (1922) has shown that part of an already determined regenera- tion bud is still able to produce a harmoniously built limb after transplantation. If a limb regeneration bud is split into two, each half will produce a complete limb (Swett, 1928). On the other hand, two buds which are already determined, may still fuse so that they form a single, harmoniously built limb. REGENERATION 179 At a somewhat older stage, such experiments have a different result. The parts of the regenerate have then been determined, so that defective limbs are formed after the extirpation of part of the material, or splitting of the bud. As regards the problem of how the determination of the various organs within the regenerate takes place, it can be stated on the basis of the experiments already described (p. 176) that this process does not occur in such a way that the determination of each tissue of the regenerate is governed by the cells of similar tissues in the stump. The subdivision of the regenerate into its organs is a process entirely similar to the autonomisation of the organ-fields in embryonic devel- opment. Each part of the regeneration material is as though "imprinted" with a certain determination, depending on its position in the system. The fate of each element is a function of its position. Here again we are dealing with an organisation-field. If we want to solve the problem of the origin of this field, we must realise that the regenerate replaces the part that has been removed by amputation, i.e. that its development varies in accordance with the position of the cut. Therefore, the field governing the development of the regenerate must also vary from case to case. The simplest explanation seems to be that, e.g. in the limb of the adult animal, the original limb-field is retained intact. After amputation, it is still present in the stump. From there, it extends into the indifferent material of the regeneration bud, and determines the differentiation of this material. The field in the regenerate, therefore, would be the immediate continuation of the field in the stump, and this would explain the complete harmony between the regenerated organs and those in the stump. Certain experimental results, however, conflict with this explanation. We have seen that an early regeneration cone of a fore-limb, grafted onto the stump of a hind-limb, differentiates into a hind-limb, in accordance with its new environment. If however a thin slice of the old tissue of the fore-limb is trans- planted along with the regenerate, the latter will develop into a fore-limb (Milojevic, 1924), (Fig. 64). The disc of fore-limb tissue, therefore, prevents the influence of the hind-limb stump 180 REGENERATION from taking effect, and gives rise to a fore-limb field in the regenerate. In this case the field is certainly not the immediate continuation of that of the stump. Weiss (1927) amputated the hand of a fore-limb, halved the lower arm longitudinally, and removed one of the halves. He then covered the lateral wound with skin, so that regeneration could not take place in this region, but only at the distal transverse cut. A complete hand was then formed by the regenerate on the halved lower-arm. Here, again, the field of the regenerate could not be simply the continuation of that of the stump. The opposite experiment can also be made: if two limbs are made to grow together longitu- dinally with their axes pointing in the same direction, and then amputated, a single regenerate will develop in the common wound (Swett, 1924). Polezajev (1936) went even farther, by completely mincing the internal organs of the stump of an amputated limb. Yet a more or less complete regeneration of the limb was found to take place. If, however, the stump was filled with minced tail tissue, tail-like regenerates were formed. It follows that it is not necessary for the formation of a normal organisation-field in the regenerate that the organs of the stump should be in their normal positions. The field is clearly not an extension of a pre-existing field in the stump, but it is formed de novo in the regenerating tissue by an autonomous process. The composition of the field is such that the organs differentiating under its influence fit exactly onto those of the stump. The following experiment proves that the nature of the field is determined only by the level of the cut, and not by the composition of the rest of the stump. Part of a limb, e.g. a forearm, is isolated by means of two transverse cuts, one at the elbow, and one at the wrist. It is then put back onto the stump in an inverted position, so that the elbow is at the distal end. Now at this end, a regenerate is formed consisting of the parts that normally lie distally to this cut, i.e. forearm as well as hand; a new forearm is consequently formed in the regenerate, in spite of the fact that an (inverted) forearm is present already. This must be due to the "elbow" qualities of the wound in which regeneration takes place. Liosner and Woronzowa (e.g., 1937) have made a number of REGENERATION 181 experiments in an attempt to analyse the complex of determ- ining factors that originates in the wound. They transplanted either only musculature or only skeleton from fore-limb into hind-limb, from tail into limb, from upper arm into forearm, and vice versa. After this, they amputated the part in question. During regeneration they found that both muscle grafts and skeleton grafts influenced the nature of the regenerate. They concluded that the determination of the regenerate is brought about by the co-operation of the various transected organs in the wound. Trampusch concluded on the basis of his experiments (p. 176) that the skeleton is important in particular for the longitudinal growth of the regenerating limb, and the muscle tissue for its increase in girth, but that the skin is the most important organiser for the shape of the regenerate. Summarising the foregoing, we can say that in many respects the phenomena of regeneration show a parallel to those of embryonic development, but that in a number of respects we have found new relationships here. These throw some light from a fresh angle on the problem of the organisation-field. We may expect a deeper insight into the laws governing devel- opment from the further analysis of these phenomena. CHAPTER XII Some final considerations How does the spatial multiplicity of the adult organism arise in the course of its development? This is the central problem, underlying the whole of the present discussion. We have seen that the spatial multiplicity as such is not yet present in the fertilised egg. The latter shows only a slight extensive multi- plicity, expressed in its polarity and bilateral symmetry, and probably located mainly in the egg cortex. Development, how- ever, involves a steady increase in the complexity of the structure of the embryo. This begins with the local accumulation of preformed determining substances under the influence of directive activities originating in the primary coordinate system. The parts now begin to influence each other. The next step is the formation and local concentration of new substances in cytoplasm and nucleus, leading to a rapid increase in the chemodifferentiation of the egg. This, in turn, starts certain topogenetic processes which result in migrations of cell material, and thereby create new topographical relationships which set the scene for new mutual influences, called induction. Finally, the physical and chemical variety of the cells caused by their chemodifferentiation becomes outwardly visible. This marks the beginning of tissue differentiation, which prepares the organs for their definitive functions in the organism. Even after the attainment of the functional stage, development does not come to a stop, but it goes on under continuous interaction of the parts. Last of all, the phenomena of regeneration show that even in the adult animal the parts still interact ceaselessly: removal of a part of the body causes new processes in the remaining part which result in complete or partial restitution of the missing part. To a very great extent, therefore, development has the SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 183 character of an epigenesis. The spatial structure is not pre- formed in the egg, but it arises de novo in the development of each individual. We must not forget, however, that in another form the multiplicity is already present in the egg, viz. as in- tensive multiplicity. But for this intensive multiplicity of the egg, its further development would be inconceivable. The spatial multiplicity of the egg, therefore, does not arise from nothing at all, but rather by the transformation of intensive into ex- tensive multiplicity. In other words, the structural plan is potentially present in the egg already, though not, it is true, in a spatial form; it is actualised during development. Ultima- tely, all developmental processes can be referred back to the constitution of the egg, from which they follow according to fixed laws. This is the cause of their harmonious interlinking, which is so essential for the normal course of development. The orderly character of development, therefore, is due to the constant composition of the egg, which is given once and for all. The secret of development lies in the composition of the fertilised egg; from it, all the rest follows of necessity. It can easily be understood that the consideration of the phenomena of development, in which the marvellously perfect structure of the organism seems to arise from nothing, has given rise to questions regarding the nature of this great mystery: Life. The very first investigations in the field of "developmental mechanics" were designed to shed some light on this problem. Roux, the "father of developmental mechanics", himself adhered to the then dominant ''machine theory'* of life, which regarded the living organism as nothing but a well functioning machine. On this view, all biological phenomena would be explicable entirely by means of the laws of physics and chemistry. The egg, too, was regarded as such a complicated machine; its development would be nothing but the setting in motion of a wound-up clockwork. Weismann's theory, which we have discussed above (p. 34), followed this train of thought to its final logical conclusion. A campaign against these conceptions was started by Driesch. His experiments, in particular those on sea urchins, had con- vinced him that the machine theory could not explain the 184 SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS phenomena of development. The chief obstacle to this theory was the explanation of the phenomena of regulation, whereby normal embryos are formed in spite of disturbances during development. The machine theory was not able to make this comprehensible. According to Driesch it was not possible to conceive a machine which can be divided into any number of machines of the same structure, or which, after a disturbance of its structure or functioning, returns to the normal situation. Hence he concluded that, apart from the "machine" there was another, non-mechanical factor, which he called ''entelechy". It was this factor that, after disturbances, was able to repair the machine and to make it return to the right track. He opposed this theory, a form of "vitalism", to the "mechanism" of Roux and Weismann. Because of the interference of the "vital force", or entelechy, in the mechanical course of the life phenomena, no purely physico-chemical explanation of these phenomena would be possible. This was the basis of Driesch's conviction that he had proved the "autonomy of life". We have already seen (p. 32) that this "proof" by Driesch it not valid. His conclusion that, apart from the machine, the assumption of a special vital force is necessary to explain regulation, is not the only possible conclusion, nor even the first one that comes to mind. The phenomena of regulation can be explained far more easily by the hypothesis that, at the stage in question, there is no machine at all as yet, i.e. that no system of spatial multiplicity has yet been formed. This dis- poses of Driesch's arguments, and his vitalism thereby loses its raison d'etre as an empirically founded theory. Now does this mean that "mechanism" is the only correct view on the nature of life, and that, therefore, the organism is nothing else and nothing more than a physico-chemical system that can be explained entirely by the laws of physics and chemistry? In this discussion, we have always strongly emphasised the physical and chemical processes in the develop- ing organism. Hence it might be assumed that the author supports this view. Such, however, is not the case ; and for that reason we must devote our attention for a moment to the relation between biological and physicochemical systems, and to SOME "FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 185 the conclusion on the nature of life to which this leads. We may start from the considerations developed by H. J. Jordan (1941, and elsewhere). In Jordan's opinion, the difference between physics and chemistry, on the one hand, and biology, on the other, is a difference in method rather than a difference in subject. It is not really correct to oppose physics and chemistry, as the sciences of lifeless nature, to biology, as that of living nature. Physics and chemistry are sciences of the whole of nature, both living and lifeless. Their task is the study of the modes of operation occurring in nature. Therefore, being analytic and experimental sciences, they attempt as far as possible to isolate the factors acting on one another. They attempt to become independent of the fortuitous circumstances of the ex- periment by eliminating, one after the other, all those factors which interfere with the analysis of the phenomenon that is being studied. In this way, physics and chemistry arrive at formulations of "laws of nature", which are expressions of the modes of operation encountered. These sciences are not in- terested in the fact that the circumstances postulated in these "laws" do not "occur" in nature in this form, so that no falling object behaves entirely according to the simple law of gravita- tion, and no billiard ball is so perfect that it does not show deviations from the basic laws of collision. What is more, they are scarcely, if at all interested in the actual occurrence^ the "here and now" of the phenomena. Physics studies the properties of electrical discharges, but does not ask where the lightning strikes. Chemistry states that A reacts with B if the two meet, but it is not interested in knowing whether or not the two ever do meet in nature without the mediation of the investigator, and whether this occurs often or rarely. In biology, the situation is entirely different. Here all in- terest is focused on the "here'' and "now'\ It is not the fact that A reacts with B which is the most important thing in biology, but that this reaction takes place exactly here, and at just this moment. All phenomena in living organisms have their fixed place and time of occurrence; only by virtue of this fact is the orderly progress of living phenomena possible. Interest 186 SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS centres on this orderliness in biology, whereas physics and chemistry consider only isolated modes of action and are blind to their association in the real process. It follows from these considerations that we must divide the question of the relationship between biology, physics and chemistry into two parts. We must consider, on the one hand, the modes of action occurring in living organisms, as such. But, on the other hand, we must take into account their spatial and temporal connections. It follows from the above that it is meaningless to ask whether in biology modes of action will at any time be found which for fundamental reasons cannot be reduced to, and ex- plained by, the laws of physics and chemistry. For if the biologist, in the course of his analyses of living organisms, encounters modes of action that are not yet known to, or analysed by, the physicist or chemist, it will be the task of the latter to study these phenomena with their own methods, i.e. by complete isolation, and to trace the laws on which they are founded. This is not just a hypothetical case, as may be seen from the number of times that physics and chemistry have already borrowed their problems from biology. A well known example is the importance of the role played in the development of the theory of electricity byGalvani's observation that exposed frog muscles twitch if they touch two different metal con- ductors. In a later period, physical chemistry received an important impetus from Pfeffer's observations on osmotic phenomena in plant cells, which led to a closer analysis by physicists and chemists of the laws on which these phenomena are founded. It might be said, in general, that the sciences of "here" and "now" (to which belong, apart from biology, such other branches of science as geology, physical geography, meteorology, and astronomy), supply the material that is studied more closely by physics and chemistry. These latter disciplines unravel this material into its elementary components, in order to derive the natural laws that are valid for the whole of the reality of nature. Once we have understood this, we see that the assumption is unfounded that biology may some time detect modes of action which, for fundamental reasons, do SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS 187 not belong to the domain of physics and chemistry, and which these sciences will be unable to analyse. On the other hand, it follows that biology, wherever it employs causal analysis, will greatly benefit by the use of the concepts coined by physics and chemistry, and of the laws discovered by these disciplines. However, the matter takes on an entirely different aspect, if we state the problem as follows: Is it possible to give a complete explanation of the phenomena of life on the basis of physics and chemistry? In other words, is biology nothing but a part of physics and chemistry ? We have already seen that what matters in the living organism are not only the modes of action as such, but in particular also their localisation in space and time. The modes of action as such are not different from those studied by physics and chemistry; it is their mutual connections, the "here" and "now", in a word, the orderliness of the phenomena of life, that constitutes the typical subject of biology. We need not consider here whether or not non- living systems can have an "order", comparable to the orderliness found in living organisms (Kohler's "physische Gestalten''), The important fact is that physics and chemistry are powerless to explain this "order" because it is outside their domain. This "order" cannot be analysed further with the causal method ; if we trace the phenomena backwards through time, we find that the orderly progress of the phenomena of life always proceeds from the preformed order of an earlier situation. Without this order, life is not conceivable; biology, therefore, will never be able to dispense with it without belying its most essential nature. If we apply these ideas to animal development, we see that the phenomena as such, taken severally, can be described simply as physical and chemical processes. Movements of material particles, diffusion and osmosis, chemical reactions, colloid-chemical processes — physical and chemical laws govern the course of all these phenomena. But as soon as we focus our attention on the orderly character of the developmental phenomena, the way in which they are harmoniously inter- linked, their well-arranged course in space and time — character- 188 SOME FINAL CONSIDERATIONS istics which constitute the most essential trait of development, because it is only by their virtue that the result is not a chaotic aggregate, but an organism — as soon as we do this, physics and chemistry fail us. We can reduce the orderly course of development only to preformed order in the constitution of its starting point, the egg, in which the future embryo is contained, not, it is true, in an actually spatial form, but potentially, non- spatially, as an intensive multiplicity. If now we ask whence this order of the egg originated, we can go still farther back in time, and trace the developmental processes which gave rise to the egg, but always again we encounter the order, given once and for all, which is the characteristic of all life. In the phenomena of life, all order is a consequence of previous order. Here we encounter the great enigma of Life, which cannot be solved by means of a causal approach. We must accept this order as an essential characteristic of life, a basic phenomenon, of which no causal explanation is possible. GLOSSARY The following list contains the explanations of a number of biological technical terms used in this book. Amoeboid movement: movement by means of pseudopodia ('false feet', protoplasmic processes), similar to that of an Amoeba. Amphiaster: double star, consisting of two asters connected by a mitotic spindle. Cf. monaster. Amphimtvis: fusion of two gametes (in particular: fusion of their nuclei), formed by two different individuaJs. Androgamone: fertilisation substance produced by the male germ cells. Cf. gamone, gynogamone. Animal pole: pole of the egg at which the polar bodies are formed. Opp.: vegetative pole. Assimilative induction: influence which causes other cells to develop in the same way as those of the inductor. Aster: star-shaped structure in the cytoplasm, formed by local gelation. Atrophy: reduction in size and functional activity. Cf. hypertrophy. Autonomisation: process leading to independence of the parts of a whole. Bilateral symmetry: case of symmetry in which there is only one symmetry plane, i.e. in which the body can be divided into symmetrical halves in only one way. Blastema: organ primordium consisting of undifferentiated cells. Blastomere: cell formed by the cleavage of the egg. Blastula: vesicular stage of cleavage, with an internal cavity. Caudal: pertaining to or directed towards the tail. Opp.: cranial, rostral. Centrifuge: rapidly rotating apparatus for subjecting bodies to strong centrifugal forces. Centrosome: corpuscle forming the centre of an aster, or a pole of a mitotic spindle. Chemodifferentiation: division of a whole into parts differing in their (physical and) chemical properties. Chimaera: organism consisting of tissues belonging to different species. Chromatin: substance with a high affinity for stains, localised in the nucleus. Chromidium: cytoplasmic granule with high affinity for stains. Chromosome: corpuscle containing the chromatin during nuclear division. 190 GLOSSARY Cilia: hair-like, motile cytoplasmic processes. Cleavage: the division of the egg into a number of cells by a process of cellular division, which is not accompanied by cell growth. Cortex: outer layer. Cortical: pertaining to the cortex. Cranial: pertaining to or directed towards the head. Opp.: caudal. Cumulus oophorus: the follicle cells surrounding the egg in the follicle of the mammalian ovary. Cyclopia: abnormality, in which only one median eye is present. Cy taster: aster formed at an arbitrary place in the cytoplasm. Cytology: the science of cells. Cytoplasm: protoplasm of the cell, as opposed to that of the nucleus (cf. nucleoplasm). De-differentiation: reduction in the differentiation that has already taken place. Depolarlsation: loss or reduction of polarity. Determinants: material particles, regarded as the carriers of in- heritable properties. Cf. genes. Determination: the fixation of the course of future development in a part of the germ. Differentiation: the division of a whole into recognisable parts; the appearance of differences among originally identical parts. Diploid: containing a double set of chromosomes. This is the usual condition in the majority of the cells of the body. Cf. haploid, polyploid. Dispermy: Fertilisation by two sperms. Cf. monospermy, polyspermy. Double-monster: organism formed by two individuals grown to- gether. Ectoderm: outer germ-layer, the outer cell -layer of the gastrula. Cf. mesoderm, endoderm. Ectoplasm: outer layer of the cytoplasm; also, protoplasm which will later be located in the ectoderm cells. Opp.: endoplasm. Embryogenesis : the development of the embryo from the egg. Enchylema: the more liquid part of the protoplasm. Endoderm: inner germ-layer, inner cell-layer of the gastrula. Cf. ectoderm, mesoderm. Endoplasm: the central part of the cytoplasm, or: the protoplasm that will later be located in the endoderm cells. Opp.: ectoplasm. Endothelium: the tissue lining cavities in the body, such as blood and lymph vessels. Entelechy: a hypothetical, purposive vital force. Enzyme: organic substance with the properties of a catalyst; =■ ferment. Epigenesis: the appearance of new structures in the course of development. Epithelium: tissue, consisting of a sheet of closely packed cells, covering an internal or external surface of the body. Cf. endo- thelium. GLOSSARY 191 Equatorial plane: plane that bisects at right angles the line connect- ing the poles. Equipotential system: cell group, all parts of which have the same potency. Exogastrulation: abnormal gastrulation, in the course of which the archenteron evaginates, instead of invaginating. Explantation: the culturing of pieces of tissue outside the body. Cf. implantation, transplantation. Extensive multiplicity: spatial multiplicity: a complexity of struc- ture which is recognisably different in form or nature in differ- ent regions of an organism or cell. Opp. : intensive multiplicity. False hybrid: hybrid formed by the fusion of an egg with a sperm of another species, in which the nucleus of the latter does not take part in development. Ferment: = enzyme. Fibroblast: young connective tissue cell. Follicle: multicellular covering of the egg in the ovary. Frontal: at right angles to the median plane, separating dorsal and ventral halves. Gamete: germ cell. Gamone: fertilisation substance, formed by the gametes at fertilisa- tion. Cf. androgamone, gynogamone. Gastrula: developmental stage, consisting of 2 (or 3) germ-layers. Gastrulation: development of a gastrula from a blastula. Gene: unit carrier of inheritable properties. Cf. determinants. Genotype: the inherited constitution of the individual. Germ-band: thickening of one or several germ-layers, from which certain organs will develop. Germinal vesicle: the nucleus of the oocyte. Germ-layer: one of the cell-layers of the gastrula, each of which will later develop into definite organs. Gradient: change of a scalar quantity from point to point. Gynogamone: fertilisation substance formed by the female germ cells. Cf. androgamone, gamone. Haploid: containing a single set of chromosomes. This is the normal condition in ripe germ cells. Cf. diploid, polyploid. Heterogeneous fertilisation: fertilisation by a sperm of another, usually distantly related, species. Heteroplastic transplantation: transplantation into an individual of another, closely related species. Cf. xenoplastic transplantation. Heterospermic merogony: development of a non-nucleated egg fragment after fertilisation by a sperm from another species. Opp.: homospermic merogony. Heterozygote : organism developing from a zygote formed by the fusion of gametes that were dissimilar as regards the gene under consideration. Opp.: homozygote. Histochemistry: the determination of the chemical composition of cells and tissues. 192 GLOSSARY Histog-enesis : the origin of tissues. Homospermic merogony: development of a non-nucleated egg fragment after fertilisation by a sperm of the same species. Opp.: heterospermic merogony. Homozygote: organism arising from a zygote formed by the fusion of gametes that were identical as regards the gene under consideration. Opp.: heterozygote. Hormones: substances secreted in definite parts of the body, under the influence of which certain processes take place in other parts of the body to which they are carried by the blood. Hybrid: individual arising from a cross between two races or species. Hypertrophy: excessive growth by the increase in size of tissue elements. Implantation: the grafting of a cell group or organ into an abnor- mal place, in particular into one of the body cavities. Cf. ex- plantation, transplantation. Induction: the influence exerted by an inductor. Inductor: cell group which causes other cells to develop into a certain direction. Intensive multiplicity: A complexity of structure which is not based on recognisable regional differences in form or nature within the organism or cell. Opp.: extensive multiplicity. Malpighian tubes: excretory organs of insects, opening into the hind gut. Matrocline : in which the maternal characteristics dominate over the paternal ones. Opp.: patrocline. Median plane: plane of symmetry of a bilaterally symmetrical organism. Melanophore: black pigment cell. Meridian plane: plane containing both poles. Merogony: development of a fertilised fragment of an egg in which no female pronucleus is present. Mesenchyme: embryonic connective tissue. Mesoderm: middle germ-layer, middle cell-layer of the gastrula. Cf. ectoderm, endoderm. Mesoplasm: cytoplasm that will later become located in the meso- derm cells. Cf. ectoplasm, endoplasm. Microdissection: operations on cells under the microscope. Micromeres: small cleavage cells. Microsomes: very small granules in the cytoplasm. Mitochondria: larger, rod-shaped or granular corpuscles in the cell cytoplasm. Mitosis: indirect nuclear division. Modulation: change in the external appearance of cells, caused by external circumstances, and not accompanied by a simultaneous change in potencies. Monaster: simple radiation in the cytoplasm, in the centre of which the chromosomes are located. Cf. amphiaster. GLOSSARY 193 Monospermy: fertilisation by a single sperm. Cf. dispermy, poly- spermy. Morphallaxis : restitution by the transformation and shifting of material, not by growth. Cf. reorganisation. Morphogenesis: the origin of form. Morphology: the science of form. Mutant: individual or race arising by mutation. Mutation: spontaneous change in an inheritable property. Neoblast: undifferentiated cell in the body of an adult animal, which plays a role in regeneration. Neo-epigenesis: the hypothesis that the embryo develops from a structureless egg. Cf. Neo-evolutio. Neo-evolutio : the hypothesis that the egg already contains an in- visible spatial structure, from which the embryo will later develop. Cf. Neo-epigenesis. Neural: pertaining to the nervous system. Neurula: developmental stage, subsequent to the gastrula stage, in which the primordium of the central nervous system (the neural plate) has developed from the ectoderm. Neurulation: the development of a neurula from a gastrula. Notochord: axial rod, in the body of Tunicates and Vertebrates. Nucleoplasm: non-chromatic content of the nucleus, nuclear sap. Omentum: a fold of the peritoneum. Omnipotent: capable of development into any organ or tissue. Oocyte: unripe egg, before the completion of the maturation divisions. Oogonium: mother cell of the egg. Organisation: arrangement of the parts of a whole into an orderly system of organs. Organisation centre: part of the germ, which plays a leading role in the organisation of the embryo. Organiser: cell group which incites tissues to form an organised system of organs. Organogenesis: the development of organs. Ovary: female reproductive gland. Cf. testis. Oxidase: enzyme promoting oxidation by oxygen. Cf. peroxidase. Parthenogenesis: reproduction by means of gametes which develop without fertilisation. Patrocline: in which the paternal characteristics dominate over the maternal ones. Opp.: matrocline. Pentaploid: containing five sets of chromosomes. Cf. diploid, haploid, triploid. Peristome: mouth area. Perivitelline space: the interspace between the egg and the fer- tilisation membrane. Peroxidase: enzyme which liberates oxygen from peroxides. Cf. oxidase. Raven - Outline Physiology 13 194 GLOSSARY Pharynx: part of the intestine, immediately caudal to the mouth cavity. Physiology: the causal science of the phenomena of life. Placode: thickening of the ectoderm. Plasmagene: corpuscle in the cytoplasm which in certain respects corresponds to the genes in the nucleus. Pluteus: larva of a sea urchin or brittle star, with a calcareous skeleton consisting of radially protruding rods. Polar bodies: small cells expelled from the egg in the course of its maturation divisions. Polarity: condition of the body in which an axis connecting two different poles can be distinguished. Polyploid: containing more than two sets of chromosomes. Cf. tri- ploid, pentaploid. Polyspermy: the penetration of several sperms into a single egg. Cf. dispermy, monospermy. Postpharyngeal: caudal to the pharynx. Opp.: prepharyngeal. Posttrochal: basal to the band of cilia in the trochophore larva. Opp.: pretrochal. Potency: power of development. Predetermination: first phase in the process of determination, during which the fixation of the fate of the cells is still labile. Preformation: presence in the egg of the structure that will become unfolded during the development of the embryo. Prepharyngeal: rostral to the pharynx. Opp.: postpharyngeal. Pretrochal: situated above the band of cilia in the trochophore larva. Opp.: posttrochal. Pronucleus: nucleus of a gamete. Protoplasm: the substance of which living cells consist. Reaction system: cell group reacting to an induction with a definite developmental process. Reductional division: nuclear division in the course of which the chromosome number is halved. Regenerate: cell group formed by regeneration for the restitution of lost organs or parts of the body. Regeneration: the reformation or restitution of lost organs of parts of the body. Regulation: in biology, this term is applied in particular to processes that lead to a return to the normal situation after a disturbance. Reorganisation: restitution by transformation or shifting of material. Cf. Morphallaxis. Rostral: pertaining to the front end. Scalar quantity: quantity to which a numerical value can be attri- buted, but which is not directional. Somatoblast: cell from which an important part of the body of the embryo will arise. Sperm aster: aster in the egg cytoplasm arising from a sperm that has penetrated into the egg. GLOSSARY 195 Sperm (atozoon) : male germ cell. Spong^ioplasm: the more solid, fibrous part of the protoplasm. Stomodaeum : mouth cavity formed by the ectoderm. Syncj'tiiim: multi-nuclear mass of protoplasm. Synliarion: zygote nucleus, arising from the fusion of a male and a female pronucleus. Teloblast: end-cell of a row of cells. Testis: male reproductive gland. Cf. ovary. Tetraster: mitotic spindle with four poles. Topogenesis: the development of the form of the body through the shifting of material during development. Transplantation: grafting of an organ or cell group into another place. Cf. explantation, implantation. Triploid: containing three sets of chromosomes. Cf. diploid, haploid. Trochophore: larval stage, occurring in worms, etc., with crowns of long cilia by means of which it moves. Trophic: pertaining to the nutrition. Ultracentrif uge : centrifuge working at very high speeds. Vacuole: cavity in the cytoplasm, filled with a liquid. Vegetative pole: one of the poles of the egg. Opp.: animal pole. Vegetative reproduction: asexual reproduction. Vitalism: theory according to which the phenomena of life cannot be described entirely in terms of the laws of physics and chemistry. Vitamins: essential food substances, very small quantities of which are sufficient. Vitro, in — : "in glass", term applied to the culturing of tissues outside the body. X-chromosome : sex chromosome, playing a role in the inheritance of sex. Xenoplastic transplantation: transplantation into an individual of another, very distant, species. Cf. heteroplastic transplantation. Zygote: fertilised egg, cell formed by the fusion of two gametes. Zygote nucleus: the nucleus formed by the fusion of the male and female pronuclei. REFERENCES Extensive lists of literature may be found in the works of Schleip (1929), Dalcq (1928 and 1941), Huxley and de Beer (1934), Spemann (1936), Weiss (1939), Brachet (1944 and 1952), and Lehmann (1945). Therefore, the following list contains in general only those of the papers quoted in this book, which are not mentioned by, or appeared after the publication of these works, to which the reader is referred for all other references. 1948 ANCEL, P. and P. VINTEMBERGER: Recherches sur le de- terminisme de la symetrie bilaterale dans I'oeuf des Amphibiens. Bull. Biol. Frcmce Belg., Suppl. 31 (1948). 1949 ANDRES, G.: Untersuchungen an Chimaeren von Triton und Bombinator. I. Entwicklung xenoplastischer Labyrinthe und Kopfganglien. Genetica 24, 1 (1949). 1946 ASPEREN, K. VAN: Pharynx regeneration in postpharyngeal fragments of Polycelis nigra (Ehrbg.). Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. V. 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VAN 166, 196 AVEL, M. 164, 196 BALINSKY, B. I. 134, 139, 143, 144 196 BALTZER, F. 84, 85, 86, 196 BARTH, L. G. 79, 164 BATAILLON, E. 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 196 BAUTZMANN, H. 108, 113 BEADLE, G. W. 87, 90 BECKER, E. 87 BERRILL, N. J. 166, 168, 196 BIERENS DE HAAN, J. A. 30 BOVERI, TH. 22, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72, 73, 77 BRACKET, J. 34, 65, 79, 86, 107, 118, 119, 196 BRANDT, VV. 143 BRETSCHNEIDER, L. H. 48, 200 BUTLER, E. G. 173, 174, 196 CASPARI, E. W. 87 CASPERSSON, T. 65 GATE, G. TEN 135 CHAMBERS, R. 12, 15, 16, 26 CHILD, C. M. 43, 163, 168, 170, 171 CHUANG, H. H. 146 CLANCY. C. W. 87 CLARK, E. R. 159, 197 CONKLIN, E. G. 24, 59 60 COSTELLO, D. P. 10, 197 DALCQ, A. 10, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 60, 62, 104, 105, 107, 122, 125, 126, 127, 138, 145, 146, 197 DALTON, H. C. 85, 86, 197 DANCHAKOFF, V. 153 DEL AGE. Y. 11 DETWILER, S. R. 142, 156 DOORENMALEN, W. J. VAN 135 DRAGOMIROW, N. 131, 134, 197 DRIESCH, H. 3, 28, 30, 32, 35, 44, 183, 184 DUBOIS, F. 161, 197 DUESBERG, J. 24 EINSELE, W. 25 EPHRUSSI, B. 87, 197 FANKHAUSER, G. 17, 24, 67, 197 FILATOW, D. 134, 142 FISCHEL, A. 135 FOL, H. 12 FREDERICI, E. 152 FREY WYSSLING, A. 33 FRY, H. J. 22, 23 GAILLARD, P. J. 154 GALVANI 186 GATES, G. E. 161, 197 GEINITZ, B. 116, 124 GERSCH, M. 43. 200 GODLEWSKI, E. 15 GOLDSMITH, E. D. 164, 197 GUSTAFSON, T. 47, 197 GUYENOT, E. 175, 177 HADORN, E. 84, 85, 197 HAMBURGER, V. 79, 156, 157, 198 HARRISON, R. G. 132, 137, 140, 142, 143, 155 HARTMANN, M. 11, 198 HARVEY, E. B. 66, 198 204 NAME INDEX HEATLEY, N. G. 118 HEILBRUNN, L. V. 10, 21 HERBST, C. 72 HERTWIG, G. 23, 84 HERTWIG, O. 23 HERTWIG, P. 23, 84 HOLTFRETER, J. 102, 103, 108, 109, 110, 116, 117, 118, 134, 136, 138, 139, 153, 198 HORSTADIUS, S. 44, 47, 76, 82, 83, 198 HUANG, A. C. 122 HUMMEL, K. P. 178, 200 HUXLEY, J. S. 62, 167, 198 HYDEN, H. 65 JAEGER, L. 79, 107 JORDAN, H. J. 185, 198 JUST, E. E. 14 KAAN, H. W. 137 KAWAGUCHI, E. 87 KEEFE, E. L. 156 KIKKAWA, H. 87 KITE, G. L. 16 KLOOS, J. 126, 200 KOHLER, W. 187 KRUGELIS, E. J. 107 KUHN, A. 87 KUPELWIESER, H. 15, 23 KUUSI, T. 119, 198 LEHMANN, F. E. 50, 51, 116, 198 LENDER, TH. 165 LEWIS, W. H. 132, 135 LEWY, O. 158 LINDAHL, P. E. 46, 118, 198 LIOSNER, L. D. 178, 180, 198 LOEB, J. 18, 19, 20, 25, 26 LOMBARD, G. L. 147, 198 LOPASHOV, G. 108, 123, 198 MANGOLD, H. Ill, 113, 116 MANGOLD, O. 30, 111, 116, 117, 131 MARX, A. 114, 115, 117 MAYER, B. 120 McKEEHAN, M. S. 134, 199 MEES, D. 168, 196 MIGHORST, J. C. A. 172, 200 MILLER, J. A. 170, 199 MILOJEVIC, B. D. 177, 179 MINGANTI, A. 60, 200 MOMENT, G. B. 169, 199 MONNfi, L. 33, 34, 199, 200 MONROY, A. 34, 199 MOORE, J. A. 79, 199 MOROHOSI, I. 87 MOSER, F. 14, 21, 199 MOTOMURA, I. 48, 104, 199 MURRAY, P. D. F. 149 NIEUWKOOP, P. D. 119, 147, 199 OKADA, Y. K. 168, 170, 199 OLMSTED, J. D. M. 157 PASTEELS, J. 10, 21, 48, 69, 104, 105, 199 PEASE, D. C. 49 PELTRERA, A. 62, 199 PENNERS, A. 50, 53, 104 PFEFFER, W. 186 PLAGGE, E. 87, 199 POLEZAJEV, L. 174, 178, 180, 199 POULSON, D. F. 74, 199 RANZI, S. 47, 154, 199 RAVEN, CHR. P. 18, 44, 47, 48, 107, 109, 121, 124, 126, 136, 172, 199, 200 REVERBERI, G. 60, 200 RIES, E. 43, 60, 200 ROBORGH, J. R. 18 ROSE, S. M. 60, 173, 174 ROTMANN, E. 133, 140, 142 155 ROUX, W. 1, 3, 27, 28, 183, 184 RUNNSTRGM, J. 14, 45, 200 RCJUD, G. 122 SANTOS, F. V. 167 SCHARTAU, A. 11, 198 NAME INDEX 205 SCHAXEL, J. 151, 178 SCHECHTMAN, A. M. 103, 200 SCHEWTSCHENKO, N. N. 170 SCHLEIP, W. 104, 200 SCHOTTfi, O. E. 139, 173, 174, 178. 196,' 200 SCHULTZE, O. 104 SCHWIND, J. L. 155 SEIDEL. F. 30, 69, 70, 71 SEVERINGHAUS, A. E. 140 SHAVER, J. R. 25 SINGER, M. 173 SPEK, J. 43 SPEMANN, H. 29, 35, 101, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115, 116, 117, 122, 124, 131, 132, 139, 200 SPIEGELMAN, S. 126, 172, 201 ST5HR, P. 154 STROER, W. F. H. 139 SUGINO, H. 168, 170, 199 SWETT, F. A. 178, 180 TATUM, E. L. 87 TCHOU SU 23, 196 TENNENT, D. H. 78 TITLEBAUM, A. 57 TOrVONEN S. 146 TRAMPUSCH, H. A. L. 138, 176, 181, 201 TWITTY, V. C. 80, 81, 85, 155, 201 TYLER, A. 11, 201 UBISCH, L. VON 59, 69, 83, 201 UMANSKI, E. 176, 201 VINTEMBERGER P. 41, 42, 49, 196 VOGT, W. 99, 101, 102 WADDINGTON, C. H. 117, 201 WALLENFELS, K. 11, 198 WEISMANN, A. 34, 35, 37, 64, 65, 183, 184 WEISS, P. 135, 149, 154, 156, 158, 175, 176, 177, 180, 201 WHITING, A. R. 87 WILSON, E. B. 23, 56, 57 WOERDEMAN, M. W. 106, 118, 132, 134, 135, 201 WOLFF, E. 165 WORONZOWA, M. A. 180, 198 YNTEMA, C. L. 136, 138, 201 ZIEGLER, H. E. 23 ZWILLING, E. 136 Subject Index Abdominal segments 165 et seq., 168 Acidity of protoplasm 43 Acids, fatty 118 Activating centre 69 et seq. — substance 71 Activation, in induction 119, 139, 145 — , in regeneration 164 — , of egg 19 et seq., 25, 41 — , of nuclear factors 71, 85 et seq., 91 et seq. Activity, metabolic 171 — , physiological 171 et seq. — , state of 168, 171 Adaptation, functional 6, 155 Adenosine triphosphate 65 Affinity, tissue 103 Agglutination, sperm 11 AmUystoma 136, 138, 140, 143, 153, 155 Amoeboid movements 99, 189 Amphiaster 16, 20 et seq., 189 Amphibia, artificial partheno- genesis 25 et seq. — , bilateral symmetry 40 et seq., 48 et seq. — , cell size and body size 67 — , centrifugation 48 — , cleavage without nuclei 66 — , determination of neural plate 111 et seq. — , development of eyes 128 et seq. — , explantation of heart 153 — , fertilisation 23 — , gastrulation 95 et seq., 101 et seq. — , gradients 48, 62 — , heterospermic merogony 84 et seq. — , hybridisation 78 et seq. Amphibia, inversion of egg 48, 104 — , neurulation 98 et seq., 106 et seq. — , polarity 40, 48 — , regeneration of limbs and tail 172 et seq. — , removal of organ primordia 151 et seq. — , transplantation of organ primordia 152 et seq. Amphimixis 8, 16, 189 Androgamones 11, 189 Anesthesia 156 Anesthetics 163, 164 Annelids 92, 162 Antifertilizin 11 Anurans 134, 136, 138, 139, 142, 174 Apical organ 57 — region 162 et seq., 167 et seq, Aplysia 62 Arbacia 78 Archenteron 44, 78, 83, 93 et seq., 138, 139, 140 — roof 96 et seq., Ill et seq., 131, 136, 138, 147 Architecture of bones 158 Arteries 159 Ascaris 68, 69, 92 Ascidians 167 — , bilateral symmetry 41, 58 — , centrifuging of eggs 59, 60, 61 — , cytoplasmic substances 57e^ seq., 62, 65 — , isolation of blastomeres 59 Aster, sperm 15, 16, 17, 22, 26, 194 Atrophy 157, 189 Attraction of nerve fibres 156 Auditory organ 136 et seq., 145, 146 SUBJECT INDEX 207 Autonomisation 149, 179, 189 Autonomy of life 184 Axes, of ear 137 — , of limb 143 Axis, dorsoventral 40 — , main 4, 39, 40, 41, 43, 48 Axolotl 116, 140, 176 — , pigmentation 85, 86 Belly piece 122 Biolog-y, relation to physics and chemistry 184 et seq. Bipolar differentiation 43 et seq. Birds 14 Birefringence 33 Blastema 162, 189 Blastocoel 95, 96, 114, 115, 146 Blastomeres 2, 24, 34, 35, 51, 64, 69, 92, 189 — , isolation of 28 et seq., 35, 44, 56, 59, 63, 72 Blastopore 93 et seq., 101 — , secondary 106, 125 — , furrow 96, 100, 101, 102 — , lip 98 et seq., 106, 107, 111 et seq., 119 Blastula 2, 5, 28, 44, 66, 78, 93, 95 et seq., 99 et seq., 104, 107, 114, 189 Blood 152, 157 — circulation 154, 157 — vessels 158 Bomhinator 116, 130, 134 Bombyx 87 Bone 154, 158 Brain 113, 115, 116, 119 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136, 138, 146, 156 Branchial arches 140 — grooves 140 — palps 162 — pouches 103, 140 Brilliant cresyl violet 43 Bufo 22, 79 Butterflies 89 Calcium 9, 10, 13, 14, 20, 21, 34, 72 CaDillaries 158 Carbohydrate metabolism 47, 79, 118 Catalysts 89 Cell fragments 65, 66 Centrifugation of eggs 31, 32, 48, 49, 50, 59, 60, 63 Centrosome 22, 72, 189 Cephalopods 154 Cerebral ganglion 165 — hemispheres 136, 147 Chain molecules 33, 47 Chemical treatment, acids 20 alkalis 20 butyric acid 18, 19 calcium 10 ether 23 lithium 46, 47, 147 saponin 20 salts 20 sodium chloride 15 sodium rhodanide 46, 47 trypaflavin 22, 23, 25 urea 20 Chemodifferentiation 5, 6, 50 et seq., 62, 63, 67, 86, 91, 92, 99, 105, 106 107, 109, 111, 120, 135, 139, 145, 148, 150, 182, 189 Chick 134, 149, 152, 153 Chimera 30, 113, 120, 189 Chordamesoderm 98 et seq., 116 Chordoneuroplasm 58 Chromatin 23, 24, 25, 81, 189 — diminution 68, 69 Chromidia 33, 34, 189 Chromosomes 8, 16, 20, 23, 25, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71 et seq., 189 Cidaris 78 Cinnabar 87 et seq. Ciona 24 Clavellina 167 Cleavage 2. 5, 16, 19, 20, 28, 29, 34, 35, 39, 64, 66, 67, 91, 92, 93, 190 — , centrifuged eggs 48 — , Dentalium 55 — , insects 70, 92 — . sea urchins 24. 35 208 SUBJECT INDEX Cleavage, spiral 52 — , Triton 18, 36, 37 — , under compression 35, 36 Coat, surface 103 Colloid particles 43, 44 Competence 116, 132, 138 Competition, physiological 126, 148, 172 Concentration of evocator 145, 146 Connective tissue 158, 173, 174 Constriction of eggs, Amphibia 17, 18, 29, 35, 36, 37, 84 Contact phenomenon 135 Cornea 129, 135 Comification 139 Cortex 5, 22, 48, 49, 60, 62, 119, 182, 190 — , Amphibia 41, 42 — , attraction 10, 50 — , composition 21 — , in fertilisation 13 et seq. — , structure 34 Cortical factor 105 — field 49, 105 — granules 14 — reaction 13 et seq., 19, 20, 21 Corymorpha 168, 169 Crepidula 24 Crescent, grey 40, 41, 49, 58, 95, 105 — , yellow 58 Crossing, species 75 et seq. Cumulus oophorus 11, 190 Cuttlefish 39, 40, 154 Cyclopia 47, 131, 136, 190 Cytaster 22, 23, 190 Cytoplasm, acidity 43, 44 — , properties 10, 21, 69 — , structure 28 et seq. De- differentiation 135, 154, 162, 163, 167, 172, 173, 174, 190 Dendmaster 49 Denervation 173 Dentalium, cleavage 55, 57 — , isolation of blastomeres 56 — , removal of polar lobe 56, 57 — , trochophore 56, 57 Dentine 139 Depolarisation 10, 190 Determinants 35, 64, 190 Determination 46, 47, 49, 50, 54, 60, 61, 84, 108, 111 et seq., 131 et seq., 174, 177 et seq., 190 — of bilateral symmetry 41 — , labile 178 Development, course of 1 et seq., 4 et seq. Dicentry 22, 25 Differentiation 2, 6, 35, 60, 65, 66, 81, 85, 103, 107 et seq., 131 et seq., 152 et seq., 157, 162, 163, 165, 167, 174 et seq., 179, 180, 190 Diffusion 79, 119, 126, 135, 145, 147, 164, 187 Digits 141, 142 Diploid 8, 67, 71, 190 Discoglossus 138 Disintegration 172 Division, cell 1, 8, 9, 35, 36, 66, 67, 173 — , nuclear 8, 23, 24, 35, 64, 66, 67, 76, 78 — , planarians 171 Dominance 126, 170, 171, 172 Dragon fly 69 et seq. Drosophila, chromosome deficien- cies 74 — , gene hormones 87 et seq. Duplicitas cruciata 54 Dyads 8 Ear-field 137, 138 placode 136 — -vesicle 113, 115, 117, 134, 136 et seq., 144, 146 Earthworms, regeneration 161, 164, 169 Echinarachnius 14 Ectoderm 46, 93 et seq., 190 Ectoplasm 12, 58, 65, 190 SUBJECT INDEX 209 Eisenia 161, 169 Electric charge 43 — field 44, 169 Embryo 2, 3, 5, 6, 150 — , secondary 111 et seq., 120 et seq. Embryogenesis 92, 190 Enchylema 33, 190 Endo'derm 46, 93 et seq., 190 Endoplasm 58, 190 Endothelium 158, 190 Energy metabolism 65 Entelechy 32, 184, 190 Envelopes, egg 11, 12, 30 Enzymes 11, 34, 47, 51, 60, 61, 89, 90, 119, 190 Ephestia 87, 89 Epidermis 85, 86, 98, 100, 109, 173, 174 Epigenesis 27, 183, 190 Equatorial plane 39, 92, 191 Equilibrium, histochemical 62 Equipotential system 62, 191 Euplanaria 172 Evocator 117 et seq., 135, 145, 146, 147 Evolutio 3 Exogastrula, Amphibia 102, 191 — , sea urchins 46 Explantation 107, 108, 110, 123, 153 et seq., 191 Extracts 135, 154 — , induction with 117 et seq., 145 Eye 113, 115, 117, 128 et seq., 146, 149, 152, 156, 165 — colour genes 87 et seq. cup 128 et seq., 155 — pigments 89 stalk 128 et seq. vesicle, primary 128 et seq., 136 Factors, nuclear 64 et seq. False hybrids 79, 191 Fat 7, 31, 44, 48 Fertilisation 7 et seq., 34, 41, 57, 64 Fertilisation cone 12 — , heterogeneous 22, 23, 191 — membrane 12 et seq., 19, 20, 21 — substances 11 Fertilizin 11 Fibroblasts 158, 191 Fibrous proteins 47 Field, animal 95, 96, 98, 101, 103, 109 — , cortical 49, 105 — , ear- 137, 138 — , electric 44, 169 — , gill- 140 — , gradient- 5, 42 et seq., 63 125, 147, 170 — , organ- 148, 149, 179 — , organisation- 121 et seq., 137, 142, 145, 147 et seq., 151, 167 et seq., 179 et seq. — , reaction- 132 — , sub- 149 — , vegetative 95, 96, 101, 103, 108 Fishes 152, 157 Flat-worms 160, 165 Flies 89 Follicle 11, 191 Food substances 126, 154, 157, 172 Foot 149 plate 141 Fore-brain 128, 136, 146 Fore-limb 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 181 Fragments, egg 10, 12, 16, 23, 57, 66, 82 — , in regeneration 162, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 175 Frog 25, 116, 159 — , artificial parthenogenesis 19 et seq. — , bilateral symmetry 41 — , cortical reaction 15 — , grey crescent 40, 41 — , hybrids 79 Fruit fly 74, 87 Functional stage of development 2, 158 etseq., 182 Raven - Outline Physiology 14 210 SUBJECT INDEX Fungus 90 Fusion of eggs 30 et seq., 63 — of organ primordia 133, 137, 140, 142, 148 — of regeneration buds 178 Gametes 7, 11, 191 Gamones 11, 191 Gastrula 29, 44, 45, 79, 108, 110 et seq., 191 Gastrulation 93 et seq., 106, 111, 114, 128, 138, 191 — , amphibians 95 et seq., 103 — , sea urchins 93 et seq. Gelation of protoplasm 15, 22, 26 Gene 5, 64, 65, 71, 74 et seq., 191 — , lethal 74, 75, 82 — ■ hormones 5, 87 et seq., 157 — substances 88, 89 Genetic constitution 139 Germ bands 51, 53, 54, 191 — cells 7, 8, 69 Germinal vesicle 7, 10, 16, 65, 66, 191 Gibbs phenomenon 103 Gill 140, 141, 152, 159 field 140 slits 140 Glycogen 106, 107, 118 Gonad 8, 69 Gradient 42, 104, 169, 170, 191 — , axial 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 62 — , cortical 49, 50, 62, 104, 105, 125 field 5, 42 et seq., 63, 125, 147, 170 , in Limnaea 47 , in sea urchins 44 et seq. — , spatial 43 — , surface 43 — , yolk 43, 48, 49, 104, 105, 125 Gravity, influence of 48 Growth 65, 80, 154 et seq., 156, 157, 158, 170, 171, 174, 175 — rate 155 Gut 94, 99, 111, 140, 153 Gynogamones 11, 191 Habrobracon 87, 89 Hand 180 plate 141 Haploid 8, 25, 67, 72, 173, 191 Head, regeneration of 160 et seq., 170 Heart 153, 154 Hind-limb 175, 177, 179, 181 Histogenesis 2, 92, 150, 192 Hormones 157, 192 Humerus 175, 176 Hyaluronic acid 11 Hyaluronidase 11 Hybridisation 11, 15, 75 et seq. Hybrids 75 et seq., 192 — , false 79, 191 — , lethal 79 Hydra 167 Hydranth 163, 164, 168, 169 Hydroids 163, 164, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172 Hyperblastula 101 Hypertonicity 19, 20, 23, 25, 26 Hypertrophy 158, 192 Id 34, 35 Illumination 20, 168 Immunological reactions 11 Inclusions of cytoplasm 33, 39 Incompatibility 78, 138 Indicator dyes 43 Induction 5, 6, 111 et seq., 128 et seq., 182, 192 — , assimilative 120, 125, 189 — , contact 114 et seq., 125, 135, 136, 144, 145, 147, 149 — , in regeneration 164, 166, 167, 168, 169 — , progressive 114, 120 et seq. — shock 20, 41 Inductor 114, 117, 139, 144, 147, 192 — , abnormal 146 Inhibitory influence 164, 170, 171 Insects, cleavage 70, 92 — , egg 39, 40 — , gene hormones 87 et seq. SUBJECT INDEX 211 Insemination 13 Insertion method 114, 115, 116 Interfacial tension 63, 103 Invagination 93 et seq., 101, 102, 104, 106, 124, 128, 129, 131, 132, 136, 138 Invasion of nerve fibres 174 Iris 129 Irradiation, mesothorium 84 — , radium 23 — , ultraviolet 53, 71 — , X-rays 161, 173, 176 Isolation of cleavage cells 28 et seq., 35, 44, 56, 59, 63, 72 — , physiological 171 Janus green 43 Jaw 139, 158 Jelly, egg 13, 14 Kidney 108, 146, 158 Kynurenin 89 Labyrinth 138 Lateral line sense organs 157 Laws of nature 185, 186 Leg 149 Lens 129, 132 et seq., 136, 145, 146, 155, 178 — epithelium 134 — fibres 134 — groove 135 — placode 129, 134, 135 — proteins 135 — vesicle 129, 132, 134, 135 Limbs 80, 117, 141 et seq., 156, 157 Limb-bud 141 et seq. — primordia 116, 142, 143, 148, 152, 153, 155 — regeneration 172 et seq. Limnaea 18, 99 — , gradient-field 47 Lipids 33, 34 Lytechinus 78 Machine theory 183, 184 Magnesium 34 Mammals 11, 152, 174 Man 174 Marginal zone 95 et seq., 98 et seq., 101, 106 et seq., Ill et seq. Matrocline hybrids 78, 192 Maturation 8 et seq., 16, 18, 58 Maturity 2 Mechanics, developmental 1, 28, 183 Mechanism 184 Median plane 40, 41, 192 Melanin 86 Melanophores 81, 192 Meridional plane 39, 40, 41, 92, 192 Merogony 11, 66, 82 et seq., 192 — , heterospermic 82 et seq., 191 — , hybrid 82 et seq. — , parthenogenetic 66 Mesenchyme 46, 59, 83, 84, 93, 109, 129, 140, 141, 192 Mesoderm 98 et seq., 113 et seq., 120 et seq., 142, 143, 192 Mesonephros 153 Mesoplasm 58, 60, 192 Mesothorium 84 Metabolism 1, 5, 34, 47, 48, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 79, 90, 118, 120, 126, 144, 147, 164, 171 — and determination 47, 60 — , axial gradient 43, 48, 171 — , carbohydrate 47, 79, 118 — , protein 47, 89, 118 Metamorphosis 19, 85, 174 Metanephros 153 Methylene blue 43, 171 Microdissection 15, 192 Micromeres 51, 52, 192 Microsomes 25, 33, 34, 65, 86, 119, 192 Migration, cell 81, 92, 105, 106. 128, 138, 161, 162, 173, 182 Mitochondria 33, 65, 192 Mitosis 21, 22, 23, 24, 72, 192 Modes of operation 185 et seq. Modulation 154, 192 Molluscs 10, 15, 31, 92 212 SUBJECT INDEX Molluscs, cleavage 51 — , polar lobe 55 et seq., 66 Monaster 19 et seq. Monospermy 14, 193 Morphailaxis 165 et seq., 175, 193 Morphogenesis 174, 193 Mosaic 6, 28, 60, 62, 91, 137, 149, 151 — eggs 32, 63 — stage 151 et seq. Moth 87 Motility 99 Motor nerves 157, 174 — neurones 156 Mouth 94, 98, 139, 146, 147, 166 — plate 139 Multiplicity, extensive 3, 4, 31, 38, 39, 63, 182, 183, 191 — , intensive 3, 4, 32, 34, 39, 63, 183, 188, 192 — , spatial 2 et seq., 5, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 50, 63, 91, 106, 126, 128, 149, 182, 183, 184 Muscle 108, 157, 158, 173, 176, 181 Mussel 23, 24 Mutants 87 et seq., 193 Mutation 75, 87, 89, 90, 193 Mytilus 23, 24 Narcotics 164, 168 Negativity, wave of 14 Nematodes 33, 68 Neoblasts 161, 162, 193 Neo-epigenesi'S 28, 193 Neo-evolutio 3, 193 Neo-preformation 28 Nereis 10, 14 Nerve 156, 157, 173, 174, 175 — cord 164 — fibres 156, 174 Nervous system 156 et seq., 174 Nervus ischiadicus 175 Neural crest 138, 140, 147 — folds 80, 81, 98, 138 — plate 98 et seq., 109 et seq., 128, 130, 131, 138, 145 Neural plate, determination 111 et seq. , secondary 112 — tube 98, 111 et seq., 128, 136 Neurospora 90 Neurula 109, 112 et seq., 132, 138, 193 Neurulation 98 et seq., 102, 106 et seq., 128, 146, 193 Neutral red 43 Newts 22, 139, 155, 159, 172, 175 — , exogastrulation 102 — , fusion of eggs 30 — , heterospermic merogony 84 et seq. — , hybridisation 79 et seq. — , isolation of blastomeres 29, 35 — , pronuclei 17 et seq. — , retarded nucleation 35 et seq. Nile blue hydrochloride 43 Notochord 58, 59, 98, 100, 103, 108, 111 et seq., 120 et seq., 126, 193 Nuclear factors 64 et seq. Nucleoplasm 10, 11, 22 et seq., 65, 193 Nucleotides 118 Nucleus 3, 5, 7, 8, 23, 25, 26, 47 — of oocyte 8, 10, 19 et seq., 58 — , role in development 34 et seq., 64 et seq. Oil 33 Olfactory organs 135 et seq. — pits 117, 134, 136, 144, 145, 146, 156 — placodes 136 Oligonucleotides 119 Omentum 152, 193 Omnipotent 109, 162, 193 „Onde de g^lification" 26 Oocyte 7, 8, 9, 10, 40, 58, 65, 66, 119, 193 Oogonium 7, 193 Optic nerve 129 SUBJECT INDEX 213 Orderliness 186 et seq. Organ-field 148, 149, 179 — primordia 2, 5, 6, 79, 95, 99. 100, 122, 128 et seq., 151 et seq. Organisation 128 et seq., 164, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 193 — centre 113 et seq., 131, 193 — field 121 et seq., 137, 142, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 167 et seq., 179, 180, 181 Organiser 6, 112 et seq., 167, 168, 170, 181, 193 Organisine 117, 125 Organogenesis 128 et seq., 193 Orienting rotation 41 Osmosis 13, 186, 187 Osmotic pressure 20 Ovary 7, 9, 11, 40, 193 Oxidases 51, 60, 85, 193 Oxidation 65, 118 Oxygen 159, 164, 171 Paracentrotus 30, 76, 77, 78, 83 Parthenogenesis, artificial 18 et seq., 66 Parthenogenetic merogony 66 Patrocline hybrids 77, 193 Penetration of sperm 12, 14 et seq., 22, 23, 41 Peristome 167, 193 Perivitelline cavity 12, 13, 193 — fluid 19, 41 Permeability 5, 10, 21, 44, 118 Peroxidases 60, 61, 193 pH of cytoplasm 43, 44, 63 Pharynx 164 et seq., 194 — sheath 166 Phosphatase, alkaline 107 Phosphate bonds 65 Phosphatids 33, 34 Phosphorylation 65 Pigment 87, 89, 91 — cells 80, 81, 85, 86. 87 — epithelium 129, 131 Pigmentation 89, 140, 173, 176 ~, Amphibia 80, 84, 85, 86 — , eggs 40, 41 Planaria 161, 163, 164, 166, 167, 170 Planarians, regeneration 160 et seq., 170 et seq., 173 Plasmagenes 86, 194 Platycnemis 69, 70 Pleurodeles 116 Pluteus 29, 30, 44, 45, 76 et seq., 83 et seq., 95, 194 Polar bodies 8 et seq., 39, 48, 55, 99, 194 — lobe 55 et seq. Polarisation microscope 33 Polarity 4, 39 et seq., 63 91, 92, 134, 137, 140, 143, 'l60, 161, 182, 194 Pole, animal 10, 39 et seq., 50 et seq., 189 — -plasms 50 et seq., 60 — , vegetative 39 et seq., 50 et seq., 69, 195 Polycelis 160, 165 Polychaetes 10, 14, 31, 162 Polypeptides 33, 34 Polyploids 67, 194 Polyps 163, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172 Polysaccharides 11, 14 Polyspermy 14 et seq., 17, 194 Posttrochal region 57 Potassium 10, 44 Potency 6, 44, 45, 54, 59, 60, 62, 63, 92, 107, 131, 132, 137, 140, 142, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 194 Potencies, differentiation 107 et seq. — , histogenetic 107 et seq. — , topogenetic 101 et seq., Ill Potential, electric 169 Predetermination 136, 139, 147, 194 Preformation 3, 27, 34, 194 Pretrochal region 57 Proliferation 139, 151, 170, 173, 176 Pronucleus 9, 15 et seq., 22 et seq., 194 214 SUBJECT INDEX Proteins 47, 119 — in cytoplasm 33 — in egg cortex 21, 34 — in fertilisation membrane 14 — in yolk 7, 44, 48 — , metabolism 47, 89, 118 — , structure 47 — , synthesis 34, 47, 65 Protoplasm, structure 33 Psammechinus 76, 77, 78, 83, 94 Rabbits 152, 159 Rana 40, 79, 116, 132, 133 Rats 152 Reaction field 132 — system 114, 120, 135, 144, 145, 147, 194 Reactivity 145 Realisation of nuclear factors 64 et seq., 92 Redox dyes 171 — potential 43 Reduction division 8, 194 Regeneration 2, 6, 126, 151, 152, 158, 160 et seq., 182, 194 — blastema 162, 165, 166, 172, 173, 174 — bud 160, 162, 169, 172, 174, 177, 178, 179 — cells 161, 162 — cone 179 — , total 172, 174, 175 Regional differentiation 115, 119 Regulation 32, 63, 67, 121 et seq., 148, 151, 152, 184, 194 — eggs 32, 63 — , in fertilisation 20 et seq. Removal of organ primordia 151 et seq., 175 Reorganisation 163, 165, 166, 194 Reproduction, sexual 7 — , vegetative 1, 171, 195 Respiration 79, 159 Respiratory quotient 118 Restitution 160, 162, 182 Retarded nucleation 36, 37 Retina 129, 131, 132, 147, 149, 178 Reversal of polarity 161, 166 — of symmetry 143 Revitalisation 79 rH 43, 63 Ribonucleic acid 25, 33, 34, 65, 79, 107, 118, 119 Ribonucleoproteins 119 Sabella 162, 165, 166, 168 Salts 33 Sea urchin 10, 183 artificial parthenogene- sis 18, 19, 21, 25, 26 cell size and nuclear size 66 centrifugation 49 cleavage 44 — under compression 35, 36 combinations of blasto- meres 45 double fertilisation 71 et seq. fertilisation 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 fusion of eggs 30 gastrula 44, 45 gastrulation 93 et seq, gradient fields 44 et seq. heterogeneous fertili- sation 23, 24 heterospermic merogony 82 et seq. hybridisation 76 et seq. influence of chemicals 46 et seq. isolation of blastomeres 28, 29, 44 skeleton of plutei 77, 83, 84, 87, 95 metabolism 47 parthenogenetic mero- gony 66 pluteus 29, 30, 44, 45, 77, 83, 95 SUBJECT INDEX 215 Sea urchin, potencies of blastomeres 45 , structure of cytoplasm 33, 34 Segmentation nuclei 5 Segments 161, 162, 165, 166, 169 Segregation 44 Self-differentiation 108, 109 Senility 2 Sense organs 156 Sensory nerves 174 — neurones 156 Serological methods 135 Skeleton 172, 173, 175, 176, 181 Skin 174, 176, 181 Snail 17, 62, 99 Sodium 15, 19, 46, 47 Somatoblasts 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 194 Somites 98, 100, 103, 111 et seq., 120 et seq., 126 Specificity in induction 145 et seq. Sperm 1, 4, 5, 7 et seq., 41, 195 Spermatid 8 Spermatocyte 8 Spermatozoon 7 et seq. Sphaerechinus V6, 78 Spinal cord 115, 116, 146, 156 — ganglion 156 Spindle 8, 10, 16, 22, 25, 52, 72 Sponges 99 Spongioplasm 33, 195 Starfish 9, 10 — , activation 19, 21 — , fertilisation 12 — , maturation divisions 9 Sterols 118 Stimulation, local 144, 164, 175 bcomodaeum 94, 195 Stratification 31, 48 Strongylocentrotus 13 Sub-fields 149 Substances, determining 5, 6, 50 et seq., 91, 182 — , fertilisation 11 — , gene 88, 89 — , inducing 117, 145 — , organ-forming 50, 60 Suckers 139 Sulphydryl compounds 34, 65, 107, 118, 119 Superficial cleavage 70 Symmetry, bilateral 4, 39 et seq., 63, 91, 92, 94, 95, 134, 182, 189 — , determination of 41 — of auditory organs 137 — of limbs 142 et seq. Syncytium 83, 195 Synkarion 64, 195 Synthesis, ribonucleic acid 79 — , protein 34, 47, 65 Tail-bud 113, 151, 152 — , regeneration 172 et seq. Taste-buds 157 Teeth 139 Teloblasts 53, 195 Temperature, influence of 10, 20, 53, 77, 84, 146, 155, 163, 164, 168, 171 Tendencies 101, 105, 144, 147 — , differentiation 108 Tendons 158 Tension 158 Tentacles 167 ,,Territoire de regeneration" 175 Testis 8, 195 Tetraster 72, 73, 195 Thoracic segments 165, 166, 168 Threshold 145 Tissue culture 154, 158 — differentiation 150, 154, 182 Toad 22, 116 Topc^enesis 2, 5, 6, 91 et seq., 115, 144, 182, 195 Trabeculae 158 Transplantation 80, 81, 85, 86, 87, 88, 107, 108, 109, 128 et seq., 152, 155, 166, 167, 169, 170, 173, 175 et seq., 195 216 SUBJECT INDEX Transplantation, heteroplastic 110, 111, 116, 120, 133, 134, 140, 142, 155, 167, 191 — , xenoplastic 116, 134, 136, 138, 139, 195 Triploid 71, 72, 195 Triton 18, 22, 37, 79, 80, 84 85, 101, 110, 111, 112, 116, 122, 123, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146, 152, 176 Triturus 80, 81, 85 Trochophore 56, 195 Trophic influence of nervous system 157 Trypaflavin 22, 23, 25 Tryptophane 89 Tubifex 50 et seq., 57, 60 Tubularia 163 Ultracentrifugation 34, 195 Ultraviolet light 53, 71 Urodeles 100, 134, 136, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144, 174 Vascular system 158 et seq. Vermilion 87 et seq^ Veins 159 Viscosity 10, 21, 33, 83, 84 Vital force 184 — stains 99 Vitalism 184, 185 Vitamins 61, 195 Vitelline membrane 12, 14 Vitreous body 130 Vitro, in 153, 195 Wasp 87, 89 Worms 15, 33, 50, 51. 92, 162, 169 — , polar lobe 55 et seq. X-chromosome 74, 195 X-rays 161, 173, 176 Yolk 7, 33, 39, 44, 48, 154 factor 105 — -gradient 43, 48, 89, 105 plug 96 sac 152 — , shifting 44 Zygote 5, 7, 195 — nucleus 17, 37, 39, 64, 70, 71, 91, 195