oo CD 'CNJ t 4 OUTLINES OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY, PRESENTING A SKETCH OF THE PRESENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE, AND OF THE PROGRESS OF DISCOVERY, IN THAT SCIENCE ; AND DESIGNED TO SERVE AS AN INTRODUCTION TO ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, AND TO THE PRINCIPLES OF CLASSIFICATION IN ZOOLOGY. BV ROBERT E. ^RANT, M.D. F.R.S. L. & ED. F.L.S. F.G.S. F.Z.S. M.W.S. &c. FELLOW OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF EDINBURGH, LATE PROFESSOR OF PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN, AND PROFESSOR OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND ZOOLOGY, IK UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON. CONTAINING PART FIRST, Organs of Relation or of Animal Life, AND PART SECOND, Organs of Vegetative or Organic Life. LONDON: a HIPPOLYTE BAILLIERE, dFordgn ftoofcgdUr to t&e &ogal College of j&urgcons, 219, REGENT STREET. PARIS : J. B. BAILLIERE, RUE DE L'ECOLE DE MEDECINE. LEIPSIC : T. O. WEIGEL. 1841. LONDON' : PRINTED BT SCIUaZE AND CO. 13, ,OLAXD STREET. OUTLINES OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. CHAPTER FIRST. ORGANS OF SUPPORT, OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. FIRST SECTION. General Observations on the Osseous System of Animals. As animals are organized to select and obtain foreign matter for their subsistence, and to convey it into their digestive organs, to be transported with them from place to place, they- generally require some solid means of support for the attachment of their active organs of motion. These denser parts of the body serve as a solid frame-work to give form and solidity to the whole fabric, and to protect the more delicate organs. They consist for the most part of earthy materials separated from the food by the vital processes of the animal, and may be placed on the exterior or in the in- terior of the soft parts. These inert materials, or passive organs of locomotion receive their forms from those of the soft parts, and are liable to change with the varying condi- tions of the contiguous living parts. When placed on the exterior of the body, they may, without being organized, PART 1. B 2 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, keep pace with the progress of growth in the living parts, by being periodically cast off and renewed ; or they may in- crease by the addition of more extended layers to their surface ; or their dimensions may be continually influenced by the contact of the parts which formed them. But when this solid frame-work is internal, and is everywhere sur- rounded by the soft parts, giving attachment to muscles, or enveloping and protecting delicate organs, it cannot be con- veniently removed from the system in a mass, nor preserve its proportions by the mechanical addition of layers to its sur- face, and is generally organized or permeated in every point by the soft parts which absorb the decayed materials and re- new them particle by particle. The earthy materials thus formed by animals for the support of their soft parts are various, and their particles are generally united together by means of a condensed albuminous or gelatinous matter, which gives firmness and tenacity to the mass. Silica is found in the lowest forms of radiated animals ; carbonate of lime in the molluscous classes ; carbonate and phosphate of lime in the articulated animals, and phosphate of lime in the organized skeletons of the vertebrata. These earths, in consolidating, assume forms by the influence of laws which are in accordance with their ordinary physical properties, this we observe most obviously in the lowest animals, and least in the highest classes where the crystalline arrangement of the par- ticles is most equivocal ; but under every condition they alike form a normal part of the structure, a solid frame-work more or less complete, constant in its form and structure in the same species, and varying in its form with the speci- fic differences of animals. This solid framework forms the osseous system of animals, or the skeleton, as it has been termed from the dry and earthy nature of the materials which compose it. The osseous system, though not the most important nor the most universal system of animal or- ganization, is met with under some form in every class of the animal kingdom, though not in all the animals of each class. OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. SECOND SECTION. Organs of Support in the Radiated, or Cycto-neurose Classes. THE skeletons are as various as the forms of the animals in this lowest division of the animal kingdom, and scarcely indicate in their composition or structure a determinate plan common to the whole. They are sometimes external, most frequently internal, often composed of minute pieces sym- metrically arranged, or of one solid mass, often of a thin flexible diaphanous horny consistence, or composed of dense silicious or calcareous spicula, or of masses of carbonate with a little phosphorate of lime. The osseous parts in these classes appear to be extravascular, and to grow by the juxtaposition of new portions, and from the simplicity of the general structure and functions of these animals, and the in- ternal situation of their solid parts, they are not exuvi- able. I. Polyyastrica. — Many of the minute and soft polygastric animalcules possess an exterior firm, elastic covering, which protects the more delicate internal parts. This covering sometimes consists only of a more condensed form of the common integument, enveloping every part of the body, in others it forms a distinct thin pellucid sheath into which the animal can withdraw its soft parts for protection. The exterior surface, even of the softest and most naked animalcules, supports the organs of motion — the minute vi- bratile cilia by which they are carried to and fro, and consists apparently of a thin film of the general cellular tissue of their body, rendered more firm in its texture by the con- tinued action of the surrounding element. This condensa- tion of the exterior integument is the origin of most of the skeletons of invertebrated animals, which have generally the organs of support thrown over the surface of their body to afford them at the same time protection. We have an example of one of these loricated animalcules in the volvox globator, (Fig. 1. A) so common in stagnant pools of fresh water, and which often owe their green colour to the abun- dance of this animalcule. This sperical transparent green B 2 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, FIG. I. coloured, tuberculated animalcule exhibits in its interior nu- merous smaller, round, spotted, and similarly formed beings moving to and fro, as seen at A, and the entire volvox does not change or vary its external form while it is seen swimming about slowly with the enclosed young. When the exterior capsule, or the parent animalcule bursts, as is represented at B, and the young have escaped, we observe its fragments to retain their original form with some degree of elasticity when they are tossed about in the fluid by the motions of other animalcules. We see the same transparent elastic integument giving form, and support to the volvox morum, (Fig. 1 . C.) which contains a much greater number of young in its interior, and the same is seen also enveloping the separate globules which compose the body of the gonium pectorals. (Fig. I. D.) But the most distinct form .of the skeleton met with in this class, is that which envelopes the body as a sheath, into which the animalcule can withdraw its soft parts when alarmed, and from which it can extend its ciliated anterior portion for the purposes of nourishment, respiration, or progressive motion. This vaginiform, exterior, thin, pellucid, elastic covering is seen in the vaginicola innata, common in sea water. This animalcule, formed like a vorticella, is seen in Fig. 1. E, extending its ciliated anterior margin from the opening in its sheath, and swimming by the action of its cilia. The same animalcule is represented at Fig. 1. F with- drawn into its transparent covering and fixed by its candiform projecting posterior part. This form of the skeleton seen in the vaginicola leads to the vaginiform horny coverings of campanularue, and other forms of keratophytes. There are OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 5 about thirty known genera of polygastric animalcules which possess a firm elastic exterior covering, more or less envelop- ing the body, and analogous to the more solid skeletons of higher classes. II. Poriphera. — The skeleton of poripherous animals con- sists of separate minute, earthy, crystalline spicula, connected together by a condensed, elastic, cellular substance j or of tubular elastic filaments of a horny consistence. These hard parts are developed internally throughout the whole cellular tissue of the body, and are often protruded externally through the surface, to protect the pores, or the large vents. The earthy spicula in most of these animals are silicious, in many they are calcareous, and, like the horny filaments of other species, they appear to be tubular like many natural crystals, and to have no aperture leading into their internal cavity. The spicula are generally united into fasciculi by an enveloping glutinous, or condensed cellular substance, and by the junction of these fasciculi in various modes, fibres are formed which traverse every part of the body, forming the boundaries of canals and orifices, and giving form and sup- port to the whole of the gelatinous or soft cellular substance of the animal. The forms of these hard parts are different in every distinct species of these animals, and they are con- stant in the same, so that they present useful characters for the distinction of species in this polymorphous class. They are formed from materials due to the vital energies of the animal, and they form normal and necessary parts of its structure, like the solid skeletons of higher animals. In Fig 2 is represented at A the haliclona occulata ; one of these soft animals, with a silicious skeleton. It is represented as alive, suspended from a rock by its spreading branched base of attachment (c,) the currents of water are seen at (a) rush- ing in through the pores, and issuing from the internal canals by the large orifices or vents at (b). The pores, canals, and orifices are seen exposed in the longitudinal section of the same poripherous animal at B. Fibres composed of bundles of spicula generally extend in a longitudinal direc- tion in these animals from the base of attachment to the remotest points of the surface. Smaller transverse fibres of the same composition connect those which are disposed longitudinally, and form the frame-work of the internal ORGANS OF SUPPORT, FIG. II. canals. The form of the spicula which belong to several distinct species of poripherous animals are shewn in Fig. 2. at C. D. E. F. G. H. I. K. L. M., each of these forms belong- ing to a distinct animal, and serving to characterize it. The pores are surrounded with groups of spicula disposed in such a manner as to strengthen and protect the parietes of these minute orifices, and to form a delicate net-work over the whole surface of the body, as shewn on a magnified scale at O, and a single pore is shewn at N still more magnified, with its bounding and defending spicula, and a delicate gelatinous net- work, which protects it from the entrance of small foreign particles floating in the water. The silicious spicula are found in some of these animals while they are yet floating gemmules newly detached from the parent mass, and seeking a suitable place to fix and develope. One of these gem- mules is figured at P, highly magnified, and broken to show the spicula already developed in the cellular substance of this minute embryo. Similar silicious spicula occur abundantly OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. in plants with which these poripherous animals are the most nearly allied. Several of the animals of this class have the skeleton composed of calcareous spicula which have generally more complex forms than the silicious. They are disposed in the same manner and for the same object through the in- terior cellular substance of the body. They impart a white colour to the whole body of the animals in which they occur. They do not appear to occur along with silicious spicula in the same animal. The skeleton is generally more loose and friable in the calcareous poriphera, and the connecting gluti- nous and cellular matter is less abundant. One of these white friable calcareous poriphera, the leuconia compressa, very common in our seas, is represented in Fig. 3 at 4 in form of a compressed FIG- IIT- lengthened sac suspend- ed by its peduncle from any submarine substance The pores through which the currents are conveyed into this sack are seen all over the ex- terior surface, as at a a ; the canals are contained within the thickness of its parietes, and the large vents or fecal orifices here open into the interior, as seen where it is broken open at b. The sac being open only at its pendent extremity d, the whole of the inhaled water rushes incessantly out through that general aperture. In the silicious skeletons of this class we find but one form of spiculum for each ani- mal ; but in the calcareous generally two, and one of these has a triradiate form, as represented in Fig. 3 at 1. This triradiate form of calcareous spiculum is accompanied by one of some other form, as by that clavate form of spiculum be- longing to the leuconia compressa, shewn in Fig. 3 at 2 ; the small spicula in Fig. 3 at 3, found in the same animal ap- 8 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, pear to be only fragments of triradiate spicula. The tri- radiate spicula chiefly bound the pores, canals, and orifices, while the curved ends of the clavate spicula hang over the exterior entrance of the pores to protect them. The cal- careous spicula do not appear to occur in any of these animals along with silicious forms, and the true horny tubular filaments appear also to occur alone in the more tropical species, with- out either silicious or calcareous spicula. The calcareous forms of these animals appear to be much more rare, and generally much smaller than the silicious or the horny species. In the horny species of poriphera the skeleton consists of thin elastic tubular translucent filaments united together and distributed around the pores, canals, and vents. These horny, tough, flexible threads have a close analogy in their mode of distribution through the whole interior of the body to the tough connecting matterof the spicula in the earthy species, and they give form and support to the whole fabric. Sometimes the internal canal which extends through these tubular horny filaments is filled with an opaque matter which gives a greater friability to the threads ; but most frequently they contain only a transparent colourless fluid, as we see in the fibres of the common officinal sponge, which is a poripherous animal be- longing to this horny group. The skeleton of all the poripherous ani- mals is so soft and flexible in the living state, that none of the lengthened forms appear to be capable of growing in an upright position from their base of attachment. They hang down from the under sur- face of submarine bodies, as represented in these figures. A specimen of the common officinal sponge with a horny fi- brous skeleton, is repre- FIG. IV. OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 1) sented in fig. 4 at 2, as alive and cut from its point of attach- ment, c. The circular minute pores by which the streams of water enter the internal tortuous canals are seen all over the surface, as at a #, and the large vents by which the currents issue from the body are seen on the most prominent parts, as at bb. The manner in which the horny filaments are united to each other throughout the whole mass of the body is seen at fig. 4, 1 , where the broken ends of the fibres show their tubular character, and this is still more magnified at fig. 4.* The meshes formed by these horny fibres, though apparently without order or regularity when the soft parts are removed, have the closest relation to the pores and the tortuous canals which wind through every part of the body. Now we see in these simple skeletons of poripherous ani- mals, as in many vegetables still more remote from human organization, that nature begins the formation of an internal framework for the support and protection of the soft parts, by the deposition of detached earthy spicula throughout the cellular substance of the body, as we see in the human em- bryo the deposition of minute spicula of phosphate of lime in various parts of the soft gelatinous bones begins the con- solidation of the skeleton. The abundance of silicious needles in the skeletons of the lowest poriphera assists in their conversion into flint, when their remains have been ex- posed for ages in chalk or other strata traversed by silicifying percolations. III. Polypiphera. — The skeletons of zoophytes present a great variety of forms and characters, being branched or globular, or filiform, free or fixed, solid, massive, and calca- reous, or soft, flexible, and horny, external or internal. The animals of this class obtaining their food by polypi, or highly organized sacs developed from the fleshy substance of the body, we generally find the skeletons, whether external or internal, to present cavities or cells for the reception and protection of these delicate organs ; and the various forms of these cells constitute a principal distinction among the skeletons of this class. The simplest forms of the skeleton are presented by the horny zoophytes, or keratophytes, where it sometimes consists of tough, soft, flexible filaments which surround the cells of the polypi throughout the whole mass of the body, as in the alcyonium and lobularia. These form a transition from the horny species of poriphera to 10 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, the more distinct forms of keratophytes. In the horny species of zoophytes the skeleton sometimes forms a tubular external sheath enveloping the fleshy substance throughout all the ramifications of the body, as in all the sertularia, plumularice, antennular'uR* and many other soft, flexible, and ramified forms. The horny skeleton is sometimes formed by the deposition of successive layers within the fleshy substance of the animal, as in the gorgonia and antipathes. We have an example of an external, tubular, horny skeleton in the common campanularia dichotoma, Fig. 5, where we observe it enveloping as a sheath the fleshy substance which occupies the centre of all the divisions of the root, the stem, and the branch- es. The exterior horny sheath which is exuded upon the surface of the flesh is seen at a, and this sheath expands at the extremities of all the branches to form cells, b, for the lodgment of polypi e, i. The base of attach- ment, spread out and ram- ified like a root, exhibits the same fleshy interior, and the horny covering extended over all its divisions at c. A magnified view of a small portion of a branch is represented at Fig. 5. 2, which shows the fleshy granular or cellular substance f in the centre, surrounded by the tough, elastic, amber coloured skeleton exuded upon its surface *. In the axillae of many of the branches we observe large vesicles, 1 1, for the protection and development of the embryo. These vesicles in the vagini- form keratophytes are composed of the same firm pellucid substance as the rest of the skeleton ; and from^the con- stancy of their forms in the same animal, and their differ- OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 1 1 ences according to the species, they afford useful characters for the distinction of these animals. They are deciduous parts of the skeleton as they fall off after the matured gem- mules have escaped from their interior. These gemmules are seen in little ciliated capsules at m m, and the polypi are seen in the same figure extended in various attitudes from the cells, in search of animalcules as food. The skeleton of these vaginiform zoophytes often presents a jointed appear- ance on the stem or branches, as seen in the campanularia at/"; these consist of circular indentations of the surface which do not pass through the interior of the body where they would interrupt the circulation of the nutritious fluid which passes through the fleshy substance in all parts of the body. They allow of a certain degree of flexibility at the most suitable parts of the skeleton, and in some of the horny cellar'KB they are connected with the deciduous character of the branches. In the gorgonia, and some other cortical zoophytes, there is an exterior fleshy substance in the living state which covers all parts of the horny skeleton. This fleshy exterior crust is indeed the animal, which forms by the deposition of successive layers the whole of the flexible branched, horny, and solid internal skeleton. If we make a transverse section of a thick portion of the gorgonia, or antipathes, we can easily perceive the concentric layers of which it is composed ; and by peeling off the cortical fleshy mass from the exterior, and placing this living flesh in the sea, we find it to secret a new internal horny axis for itself. The polypi, which are always and necessarily continuations of the fleshy substance of zoophytes, are developed from this thick fleshy crust in the cortical kinds, and hence we do not see any appearance of cells on the central horny axis in these animals, after the flesh has been removed. In the calcareous zoophytes the solid mass forming the skeleton is composed chiefly of the carbonate of lime, with a little of the phosphate, and the same condensed glutinous matter which forms the entire skeleton in the keratophytes, is diffused through the whole of the calcareous mass in the more solid lithophytes, where it serves to aglutinate the earthy particles, and to give solidity and tenacity to the en- tire mass. The calcareous skeletons of lithophytes are for the most part internal, massive, and consisting of a single piece. In madrepores, and many similar forms, the thin [•2 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, fleshy crust penetrates to a considerable extent the loose, porous surface of the calcareous mass, from which it is capable of receiving some protection, and consequently we perceive distinct indications of the positions of the polypi on the surface of the skeleton in these animals. These cells, for the protection of the polypi, have generally a radiated lamellar structure, and vary remarkably in their size and also in their form in different lithophytes. They are very minute in the porites, larger in the madrepores, still larger in the caryophyllia, and the fungia agariciformis forms but one enormous cell for the lodgment of a polypus like an actinia. In some of the lithophytes the fleshy crust, as in the cortical kinds of keratophytes, is of great thickness, and the polypi developed from this fleshy exterior mass leave no indications of their position on the surface of the internal calcareous axis. This is seen in the common red coral, which is a solid internal calcareous skeleton, striated with superficial lon- gitudinal grooves, but presenting no calcareous cells for the polypi, which are protected solely by the fleshy thick covering of which they form parts. In the agaricm, mean- drinte, and many others, we observe a laminated general sur- face of the skeleton for the protection of the fleshy mass, but no distinct cells for the polypi. In the virgularm the skeleton consists of a straight internal calcareous solid cylindrical pillar, occupying the longitudinal axis of the body, and protruding from the lower part of the animal. In the pennatula the internal calcareous axis is soft and flexible at its extremities, from the abundant proportion of glutinous matter in its composition, and to allow of the necessary con- tractions and extensions of the animal's body in a longitudi- nal direction. In the isis the internal solid calcareous skeleton is jointed at regular and short distances throughout the whole body, and there are no external cells for the polypi, which are entirely confined to the thick fleshy crust which covers the entire animal in the living state. The joints here consist of the same glutinous tough matter which pervades the whole calcareous axis, and are only uncalcified portions of the general solid axis. They are formed by con- centric layers, like the calcified solid portions of the skeleton, and they allow of considerable flexion in the branches and stem of this delicate ramified, and highly organized animal. OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 13 As in most other classes of invertebrata, we find many zoophytes which are destitute of an external or internal skeleton, as the common fresh water polype, or hydra. Be- sides the solid internal skeleton in the corticiferous zoophytes we commonly find in the fleshy crust itself minute calcareous spicula. These small spicula compose the hard crust which is seen covering the horny axis of the gorgonia, as it is com- monly preserved dried in cabinets ; and in their occurring thus spread through the general fleshy mass in gorgonue, lobularia, and many other zoophytes we observe a lingering analogy with the spicular form of the skeleton in the class of pori- pherous animals, especially in the calcareous group. The skeleton in the keratophytes is exuded from the fleshy sub- stance in a soft and semi-fluid state, and quickly hardens after its separation from the living parts upon which it is moulded. As the skeletons of zoophytes are not permeated by vessels, or organized as it is termed, their materials do not expand by growth, but encrease in dimensions by the mechanical addi- tion of new matter. Hence in the vaginiform keratophytes, as plumularia and campanularice, we find the base or lower part of the stem, which was formed in the younger state of the animal, to be smaller than the upper part of the stem, which was formed of larger dimensions when the animal, or the contained fleshy substance, had encreased in bulk and de- velopment. The large globular masses ofmeandrince, astr&ce, and similar solid lithophytes encrease in bulk by the constant addition of new superficial layers of calcareous matter upon the same primitive plan by the polypherous fleshy covering of the mass. From the origin, and the mode of growth of these calcareous masses, it is obvious that when torn from their primitive seat, they may re-attach themselves, or con- tinue to grow, by the deposition or exudation of new matter, as long as the secreting fleshy crust retains its vitality. These extra-vascular skeletons appear to be very little modi- fied by the contact of the living fleshy parts after they have been once deposited in a soft state, portion by portion, and fully consolidated by the hardening of the glutinous matter in the keratophytes, or by the deposition of earthy matter in the more solid lithophytes. It is by the contact of living membranes, in the form of capillary vessels, containing fluids, that the decayed earthy 14 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, particles of organized skeletons are removed, and have new particles exuded in their place. There are some skeletons of this class which retain an intermediate degree of conso- lidation between the solid lithophytes and the horny flexible keratophytes, as we see in theflustra and calcareous cetlaria, where the proportion of earthy matter is very small com- pared with the quantity of tough glutinous substance in their flexible skeletons, and we observe them to be thin, soft, transparent, and gelatinous all around their free and growing margins. When these skeletons, whether horny or calcareous, have once been consolidated, they are, like the shells of articulata and mollusca, or like the antlers of the deer, no longer susceptible of growth, and they enlarge or extend by the successive additions of new matter, or of new parts. The carbonate of lime is the common consolidating earth of zoophytes, as silica is that of poriphera ; and these are two of the most abundant materials of the mineral kingdom. By the abundance of these calcareous lithophytes on the shallow shores of the tropical seas, they prepare a rich soil for new islands and continents to be raised by volcanic action from the deep, while they at the same time tend to purify the mass of the ocean for the maintenance of higher animals by thus precipitating, in an insoluble state, the corrosive materials conveyed incessantly into its bed by rivers that wash the surface of continents. The deep purple colours of the corrallium, the tubipora, the corallina, and many others, the azure blue of the pocillopora, the bright yellow of the melitaa, and all the other lively colours seen in these calca- reous skeletons are removed by the action of heat, and do not appear to depend on any peculiar mineral ingredient ; and we observe the same animal nature of the colouring matter in the shells of articulata and mollusca, and in the coloured bones of many vertebrated animals. These skeletons of zoophytes are not exudations from the surface of polypi ; the cell always precedes the existence of the polypus which is developed within it. They are de- veloped from the gelatinous substance of the reproductive gemmules before any polypi begin to be formed, and they continue to be developed and extended by the fleshy mass of the zoophyte whether polypi are developed in the cells or not. There is but one life, and one plan of development OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 15 in the whole mass ; and these depend not on the polypi which are but secondary, and often deciduous parts, but on the general fleshy substance of the body. IV. Acalepha. — Although there are no solid skeletons in any of the soft, gelatinous, free, and floating animals of this class, we generally perceive some firmer cartilaginous por- tions of the body which afford support to the organs of pro- gressive motion or of prehension. There are crescentic car- tilaginous lamine around the inferior central part of the body in the medusae which give support to the contracting fleshy overhanging mantle, and to the absorbent tubes pro- longed from that part. There are firm superficial longitudi- nal bands in most of the ciliograde acalepha for the support of those minute vibratile fins by the motions of which they are carried through the sea. From the feebleness of their muscular system, and from their swimming habits, it is obvious that the acalepha can only support the lightest forms of the skeleton. In the velella limbosa, Fig. 6, which floats on the surface of the sea there is a thin flexible per- pendicular crest, (Fig. 6. 2. a,) which is covered with a thin layer of the deep blue coloured mantle, and which rests obliquely on a horizontal stronger transpa- rent flexible plate, (Fig. 6, 2 b.) The thin perpendicular crest, which rises above the water and serves as a sail, appears to be composed of the same condensed glutinous or horny substance which composes the skeletons of the keratophytes. The horizontal plate is thicker, concave below, marked with concentric lines of growth, and gives support to the deep blue mantle above, to the delicate marginal tentacula, (seen at b b, in both views of the velella,) to the numerous tubular suckers, and to the stomach placed beneath this concave horizontal plate. The porpita, which is another of these floating acalepha, presents a similar thin plate, to this horizontal lamina of the velella, for the support of the same parts, but of a round form, of a white colour, and of a porous texture. ORGANS OF SUPPORT, These two simple genera of acalepha present examples of the thin, light, and delicate forms of the skeletons which we find in almost all the floating marine invertebrata. V. Echinoderma. — The skeletons of the animals of this class are generally in the form of external crusts or shells, covered with projecting spines. They are composed of the carbonate, mixed with a small but variable proportion of the phosphate of lime, and are hardened by animal matter. The phosphate is always in a small quantity compared with the carbonate of lime, but is more abundant in the solid shells of the echinida than in the softer coriaceous and tuberculated coverings of the stellerida. The skeleton of all these animals consists of numerous detached or separate pieces, which protect the interior viscera, give attachment to the organs of motion, and generally give form to the whole body. The solid pieces which compose the skeleton are for the most part in form of calcareous plates, symmetrical in their shape and in their arrangement, and which present considerable uniformity of plan in their disposition throughout the diversified forms of this class. The body most frequently presents a radiated form in the animals of this class, the parts projecting in a stellular manner from around a longitudinal axis, as is seen in the various crinoid animals fixed by a jointed peduncle and ramified above, and in the various forms of existing stellerida, as the asterias, the ophinra, the euryale, and the comatula, which are not fixed by a peduncle ; and we can easily observe the same plan of structure in the more con- centrated and globular forms of the echinida, as the scutellae, the clypeasters, the spatangi, and the echini. The radiating portions of these animals are composed of numerous rings or segments, like the trunk and members of articulated animals, and each of these component seg- ments is surrounded by numerous calcareous plates. One of these radiated or stellular forms of echinoderma is seen in the common asterias aurantiaca, (Fig. 7- A.) where there are five rays or divisions of the body, the number most frequent in this class. On examining the sides of these rays from above,, as the animal is placed in the figure, we observe the ends of large lateral plates (Fig. 7, A. a a a) which bound the margins of all the rays. These plates are connected with others which surround chiefly the sides and lower surface 18 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, above, and presents an exterior surface marked by numerous tortuous grooves, like the surface of a meandrina. In its concave interior surface it protects a small membranous sac, which contains a thick grumous matter chiefly composed of carbonate of lime with a little phosphate, and was supposed by Tiedemann to be the organ which separates from the fluids of the body the calcareous matter of the exterior covering. The arrangement of the plates enveloping the segments is very similar to this in all the other forms of asterias, how- ever they may vary in the number of the rays, and in the ophiurce where the rays do not contain prolongations of the digestive and generative organs,, and in the other forms of stellerida. In the more compact forms of the echinida, the skeleton is more solid, contains more phosphate of lime, and the component plates are arranged with more obvious symmetry. The plates are arranged in perpendicular or longitudinal columns extending from around the mouth to the anus, as is seen in the figure of the common echinus esculentus, (Fig. 75 B.) which represents the entire shell, as seen from above, and deprived of its exterior spines. Some of these vertical columns are seen to be perforated with the same kind of small round oblique ambulacral holes as in the asterias. These perforated ambulacral columns, (Fig. 7? B, «,«,«,) are ten in number, disposed two and two together, so as to form five pairs. The letters a, a, a, point to the middle line of separation between each pair of ambulacral columns. Between these five pairs of small perforated columns are placed alternately five pairs of columns of. larger tuberculated plates which are not perforated for the feet. These tuberculated columns in pairs interposed between the successive pairs .of ambulacral columns are seen in Fig. 75 B at b ; and the line of separa- tion between the tuberculated and the ambulacral columns is represented at c, c. The whole exterior of the shell being covered in the recent state with moveable spines attached to the tubercles we cannot perceive the arrangement of these vertical columns of separate plates till the spines are re- moved, or the shell is broken and viewed on the inner sur- face. A small portion of the shell of the echinus esculentus, magnified and viewed from the inner surface, where the ar- OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 17 FIG. 7. of the rays, and form the ambulacral grooves below for the tubular fleshy feet. Besides the tuberculated coriaceous irritable skin covering the upper or dorsal part of each small segment of each ray, we can generally distinguish eight calcareous plates placed transversely on each segment, and surrounding its sides and lower surface. In the sea-star represented in the figure there are eighty of these transverse divisions or segments in each of the five rays of the animal. In all the segments of a single ray there are about seven hundred plates, and about three thousand five hundred cal- careous pieces in the segments of the whole animal. The concave lower surface of each ray is perforated by numerous pairs of small oblique holes placed on each side of a longitu- dinal median line, which are the ambulacral perforations for the tubular fleshy suckers, by which these animals drag themselves along the bottom of the sea, or up the perpendi- cular sides of rocks. The lateral and dorsal parts of the segments often support fixed or moveable spines which grow like the plates themselves by the successive addition of calcareous layers from the thin fleshy secreting membrane which covers every part of the calcareous skeletons ofechino- derma. On the back of these animals, and a little to one side of the centre, between the commencement of two of the rays, there is a small, round, solid, calcareous body, represented at by in Fig. 7? A. This round calcareous plate is convex PART I. C OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. rangement of the plates is best seen, is represented in Fig. 8, 1 , where a, a, represents the smooth inner surface of the large tuberculated plates, and FIG. 8. b, by the inner surface of the a ^j_y-^-^^^-^-~~^^^M perforated ambulacral plates. There are ten vertical co- lumns of tubercular and ten of ambulacral plates which vary in the number of pieces they contain, according to the (g,) at the base of which are the auricle and the ventricle (h.) On the right side, within the mantle, is seen the anal orifice (£,) and the male organ (/.) The head (e?,)- provided with two fleshy tentacula, with little black eyes at their base, is extended from a short muscular neck, and projects from the mouth a long powerful proboscis, furnished at its ex- tremity with sharp recurved conical horny teeth (e.) The closed and tapering part of the shell is occupied by the turns of the liver and testicle in the male, or the liver and ovary of the female, which organs accompany each other to the apex of the spine. When the animal creeps forwards, covered with its shell, it extends its foot, its head and its neck from the aperture in such a mariner that the upper lip of the shell lies over the free edge of the mantle above the head, and the foot extends over the lower lip, or the columella. The columella, or pillar, is the axis of revolution, and is sometimes perforated through its interior with a cavity called the umbilicus, which has no communication with the cavity of the cone contain- ing the animal, but tends to lighten massive shells, where the wide revolutions are at a distance from each other. As the calcareous layers of the shell are chiefly secreted and formed by the anterior glandular portion of the mantle, which is a part most liable to vary in its form according to the age and the season, the chief differences in gasteropodous shells are those produced by the diver- sified forms of the upper lip. In the young animals the upper lip of the shell is generally quite even and smooth, and corresponds with the simple condition of the margin of the mantle, but at maturity this upper secreting portion of the mantle often assumes a highly deve- loped, folded, or fimbriated edge, and the upper lip of the shell takes a similar form. In the young strombus gigas, the upper lip is quite even and uniform with the ordinary turns of the cone, but at maturity it expands, thickens, folds backwards, and becomes eifuse. The shell of the pterocera scorpio, in its young state, (Fig. 23. 3,) has the ordinary simple thin, incurvated margin of other growing shells ; the canal, (Fig. 23. 3. &,) appears short and truncated, and the apex of the spire (Fig. 23. 3. «,) pro- PART I. E 50 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, jects, naked and acute, from the opposite end of the shell. But as it ap- proaches maturity, (Fig. 23. 4,) the upper lip ex- pands, becomes effuse, extends to the right and to the left side, so as to conceal the apex of the spire, (Fig. 23. 4. a,) and lengthen the canal (Fig. 23. 4. £,) and it shoots upwards several processes which are at first thin and hollow open canals, (Fig. 23. U c,) and are gradually filled up with successive layers, and converted into solid spines, which entirely change the appearance of the shell. These changes of the upper lip take place periodically, and at regular intervals during the development of many shells, as in the murices, thus producing transverse rows of variously formed processes from the outer surface of all the turns of the cone. The young and the adult shells of the cypraa are scarcely recognisable as belonging to the same individual, from the changes of form they experience at maturity. The form of the young shell of the cypraa exanthema is represented in Fig. 23. 2, where the aperture is wide, the upper lip thin and even, the canal (b) projecting, and the apex (a) of the spire extended and free. But in the adult form (Fig. 23. 1,) of the same shell the aperture is contracted, narrow and serrated, the upper lip is thickened and rounded backwards, the canal is converted into a groove, and the whole of the spire is covered and concealed. These adult changes in the cypraea are produced by the extension of the sides of the mantle over the upper and lower lips of the shell, and now the new layers are added to the exterior surface, as if it were an internal shell, and the line of junction of the two enveloping folds of the mantle is marked by a trans- verse discoloration or groove on the exterior of the shell along the whole of its convex dorsal part. By this ad- dition of new layers to its whole exterior surface, the adult cyprsea has a smooth, glistening, naked and variously coloured exterior, like the interior surface of most other shells, and can present no rough epidemic covering when arrived at that state. In the cypraea, the dolium, the OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 51 and many others, the interior surface of the shell has experienced no change by being long in contact with the living soft parts of the contained animal ; the grooves, the striae, the prominences, and even the colouring mat- ters which were upon the outer exposed surface in the young condition of the shell, still preserve in the adult state, their primitive appearance and integrity throughout the whole interior of the revolutions. These have grown by the revolution of the upper lip around the columella ; but many others add new layers also to the inferior or columellar lip during their growth, thus covering over the superficial external* layers on the left side of the revolutions, and generally presenting strong parietes and a thick and solid columella, as in the strombus gig as. In many forms, however, as in the cones and olives, where the widely expanded upper lip sufficiently covers and protects the smaller revolutions, the total weight of the shell is diminished without weakening its exposed part by carrying forward the calcareous matter from the inner first formed concealed revolutions, and depositing it upon the exterior surface of the last or outer turn of the shell which alone is exposed to danger from external causes. The vertical, zig-zag, parallel fibres composing the thick parietes of these shells is distinctly preserved in their fossilized re- mains. The hybernating gasteropods, as the snails, which want an operculum, close up the aperture of their shell, when they retire to their winter slumber, with a thick deposit of calcareous matter, called an cpiphragma, which is not connected with the muscular foot, like the true operculum of other shells, but only with the aperture of the cone. The operculum is a permanent part attached to the contained animal, and the epiphragrna is a de- ciduous part attached only to the orifice of the shell. XVII. Pteropoda. — As the pteropodous animals are not provided with a muscular foot to creep upon a solid sur- face, but are all organized to swim freely through the sea by means of muscular expansions like fins, they are never encumbered with a massive or heavy skeleton. Their skeleton, when present, is generally external, extra- vascular, thin, pellucid, horny, or vitreous ; it is univalve, unilocular. of various forms, generally without a spiral twist, K 2 52 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, capable of enveloping the whole body, and it is destitute of an operculum, as in most of the light shelled floating gasteropods, and the swimming testaceous cephalopods. The annexed figure of the cymbulia of Peron (Fig. 24,) represents a typical form of a testaceous pteropod from the Mediterranean, as swimming FIG 94 with its expanded fins ( #, a. ) which support the branchiae, and covered below with its thin, lengthened, fusiform, carinated and serrated shell (b.) The up- per part of its body (c) between its muscular and highly vascular fins (a, a,) appears to present two tentacula, two eyes, and an ex- tended proboscis. The thin dia- phanous, conical shell of the spiratella is twisted spirally on itself, and with its apex on the left side, like a turrilite ; the delicate pellucid shell of the hyalea enveloping the round body of the animal is tricuspid below ; in the shell of the cuvieria columnella there is a partially formed chamber at the lower closed extremity ; and in the creseis virgula the shell has a long, straight, conical form, common to the belemnites, baculites, orthoceratites, and many other extinct cephalopods. XVIII. Cephalopoda. — In this highest of the mollus- cous, and of all the invertebrated classes, we trace the gradual disappearance of the external unorganized shells of the hivrertebrated tribes, and the commencement of the internal organized bones of the vertebrata. The shells are sometimes external, as in the nautilus, and sometimes internal, as in the sepia, and they are consolidated by the carbonate of lime, as in the lower molluscous classes. They are almost always polythalamous, and without an operculum. Many of the extinct shells have the form of straight cones, as belemnites, baculites, and orthoceratites ; some are curved, as hamites and scaphites, some are con- voluted and orbicular, as the spirula, the nautilus, and the ammonites, and some, as the turrulites, are spirally twisted, like the lurbinated shells of gasteropods. The OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 53 FIG. 25. several chambers of these polythalamous cones communi- cate with each other, sometimes by means of a prolonged calcareous syphon, as in the spirula and nautilus, some- times by one or more simple foramina in the partitions. As the cephalopods do not creep upon a muscular foot, like the slow-moving gasteropods, but for the most part swim freely through the sea, their shells are thin and light, and sometimes xconsist of simple straight laminae unconsolidated by calcareous matter. The form and struc- ture of the external polythalamous shells of the cepha- lopods is seen in the section of the nautilus pompilius, represented in Fig. 25. 2, where (0,) shows the interior of the last formed chamber, in which the animal is fixed by two muscles of attachment. The syphons (£,) by which all the posterior chambers (c,) communicate with each other, are seen to extend for a short distance, tapering from before back- wards, into each of the succeeding chambers. These separated partitions and chambers of this convoluted cone have nearly the same relations to each other and to the contained ani- mal, as the successive contiguous layers of the convoluted shell of a gasteropod, and they are formed in the same manner by periodical exuda- tions of calcareous matter from the exterior surface of the mantle. In the spirula., the long calcareous syphon of each septum extends through the whole of the chamber, and into the commencement of the next succeeding syphon ; so that there is a continuous calcareous tube passing through the whole shell on the inner concave side of its convolutions. The shell of the sepia, (Fig. 25. 1. 0,) affords an example of an internal shell belonging to this class. It is contained within the substance of the dorsal part of the mantle, and consists of numerous nearly flat layers, placed within each other, the first formed being at the outer part and posterior termi- nation of the shell, and the succeeding new layers ex- tending always more forwards than the edges of the old. 54 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, These compressed layers are connected together by in- numerable, very mimits tubular fibres ; so that there is a great analogy between the structure of this internal laminated shell, and the external polythalamous shells, where the successive laminae are more detached. In the figure of the sepia (Fig. 25. 1,) the mantle has been cut open at («,) to show the position and the successive lay- ers of the shell. The lateral muscular fins (#,) by which the animal swims, extend along the whole sides of the abdomen, the funnel (c,) for the passage of all the ex- cretions, extends from the anterior part of the open sac. In the centre of the arms or feet, radiating from the head, is placed the mouth (d,) provided with two dense and sharp mandibles, and the two long muscular tentacula (e,) extend from the fore part of the head (/,) between the first and second pairs of feet* In many of the naked cephalopods the dorsal shell contained within the substance of the mantle is destitute of calcareous matter, and reduced to a mere thin, flexible, transpa- rent, cartilagenous lamina, as we find in the loligo, the sepiola, the loligopsis, and others. These uncalcified shells are contained in a dorsal sac of the mantle, like the cal- careous laminated shell of the sepia. The position of the thin, stiliform, cartilaginous lamina in the lack of the sepiola vulgaris, is seen in (Fig. 26. 1. «,) where the co- loured covering and skin have been removed to show the situation of the hard parts and the superficial FIG« 2e- muscles. The dorsal la- mina («,) is here very small, flexible and short from the great mobility of the muscular part, which forms its sheath. In the loligopsis guttata, the dorsal lamina (Fig. 26. 2,) extends the whole length of the back of the man- tle to the point of the tail, being spear-shaped, with very thin flexible edges, especially at its broadest middle part. That of the loligo sagittata, (Fig. 26. 3,) is more broad and leaf-shaped, and extends, as most of the other soft, OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 55 cartilaginous, internal shells, from the upper edge of the mantle to the point of the tail, being contained loose in a closed dorsal sac of the mantle. In the octopus, the dorsal lamina is wanting, but there are two small lateral stiliform, loose, cartilaginous pieces contained in the sub- stance of the mantle, as the median shell in other species. In this highly complicated class of molluscous ani- mals, which approach so near to the cartilaginous fishes in the structure of many of their internal parts, we already find several internal rudimentary pieces of an organized cartilaginous skeleton. The brain encompassing the eeso- phagus is enclosed in a large curved cranical .bone, which forms also part of the orbits on each side, contains the cavities of the ears, and has numerous muscles inserted into it. Other cartilaginous, organized pieces are seen extending downwards from the back part the skull, like the rudiment of a vertebral column. Two clavicular pieces in front unite to the first rudiments of a sternum, and attach the sides of the mantle to the trunk, and there are generally two scapular pieces, more or less firm, extending along the sides to which the muscles of the lateral fins are attached. These two scapular pieces are seen in the sepiola vulgaris, (Fig. 26. 1.) b, where they support the arms (c, c}) and are freely moveable on the back, like the scapulae of vertebrata. We also perceive muscles inserted into the strong upper and lower man- dibles (Fig. 26. 5. 0, b,) of these animals, formed like the bills of a parrot. The suckers of the arms, (Fig. 26. 4. b, c,) whether sessile (c,) or pedunculated (b}) have their inner circular margins supported, each by a firm cartila- ginous circular plate («,) with minute sharp teeth extend- ing inwards from one of its sides, by which the action of these prehensile organs is aided. In the onychia, there are dense, sharp, curved, conical spines placed in these suckers, like the conical teeth disposed on the oral disk of lampreys, among the lowest of the cartilaginous fishes. 5(> ORGANS OF SUPPORT, FIFTH SECTION. Organs of Support in the Spini- Cerebrated or Vertebrated Classes. In the lowest vertebrated animals we still find traces of the external unorganized shells of inferior classes, in the form of calcareous scales in fishes, and of horny plates in many reptiles ; but these are generally reduced to small detached pieces, and do not serve as organs of support. The organs of support in the vertebrated classes are placed within the soft parts, so that these animals are more intimately related to the properties of surround- ing objects and outward nature, by the sensibility and delicacy of their surface. Their skeleton being internal, it is not exuviable in a mass, and as it cannot grow and preserve its proportions by the simple addition of layers to its surface, it is organized or permeated in all directions by vessels which take "away and replace its materials atom by atom. The phosphate of lime, which forms the chief consolidating earth, increases in its pro- portion to the gelatin as we ascend through the verte- brated classes ; so that the bones of the lowest fishes are soft, flexible, and cartilaginous ; those of hot-blooded classes are of great density and strength, and those of reptiles possess intermediate properties. The bones have a fibrous structure, which is the best adapted for the transmission of minute vessels through their texture. They form solid levers for the motions of the body, and cavities to protect its viscera. The most constant and the first formed part of the skeleton is the verte- bral column, which is composed of moveable vertebrae, each of which consists of several elements that are found most isolated and distinct in the lowest classes, and in the embryo state of the highest. The elements which OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 57 appear most constant and distinct in the composition of a vertebra are the round central body, or cyclo-vertebral element, the two superior laminae or peri-vertebral ele- ments which encompass the spinal chords, the two por- tions of the superior spinous process, or the epi-vertebral elements, the two inferior laminae, or para vertebral ele- ments, which form a cavity for the blood-vessels, and the two portions of the inferior spinous process, or the cata-vertebral elements. The most frequent position of these nine component elements of a perfect vertebra is shown in the annexed diagram, (Fig. 27.) where (a,) repre- sents the spinal cord protected by the two peri-vertebral FIG. 27. -vertebral elements. pieces ; (b,) is the common position of the artery, and (c}) of the vein beneath the bodies of the vertebrae in most parts of the column, and these are embraced by the two para- vertebral elements. The cyclo-vertebral ele- ments are tubular in the articulated classes of animals where they envelope the whole trunk as hollow seg- ments, they are nearly solid to their centre, and present two concave surfaces in fishes ; they are convexo-concave in reptiles, and have flat surfaces in mammalia. They are the most constant and typical parts of the vertebral column. The other vertebral elements vary their forms and positions chiefly according to the dimensions of the organs they embrace, and the extent of surface required for muscular attachment ; consequently they vary much in different parts of the same column, and in the ske- letons of different classes. Three very different positions of the same vertebral elements are represented in this 58 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, diagram (Fig. 28,) where A shows their most common positions with relation to each other in the caudal por- tion of the skeleton of an osseous fish where they are de- signed to give great extension for the attachment of the powerful lateral muscles which move the tail. The body of the vertebra, or cyclo-vertebral element (a,) supports the two superior laminae or peri- vertebral elements (b, b,) which early unite above to form the small foramer for the spiral cord (e) ; and beyond their termination we observe the interspinous bone (c,) and the ray (d,) of the FIG. 28. external fin, which are the two epi-vertebral elements placed in a vertical line. The analogous elements are seen on the lower part of the vertebra, where the two inferior laminae (/,/,) or para-vertebral elements, form a larger foramen for the lodgment of the great continua- tion of the aorta (i,) above, and the vena cava (&,) below. The inferior interspinous bone (g,) and the ray (h,) of the external fin, are the two cata-vertebral elements placed in a vertical line, like the epi-vertebrals above. These vertebral elements often assume, in the region of the abdomen in fishes, the position marked in the diagram B, of Fig. 28, where the superior elements remain as in Fig. A, but the inferior laminae (/,/,) or para-vertebrals, are stretched out in a horizontal direction, and have the two cata-vertebrals (g,y,) extended from their ends in OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 59 form of a pair of ribs to encompass the organs of this part of the trunk. The vertebral elements situate above the body of the bone expand in the region of the head in the same manner as we here see those below the cyclo-vertebral element in the region of the abdomen ; and this they do in order to encompass the soft parts contained in the cavity of the skull, and in the face. Another position of these vertebral pieces, which is common in the caudal region of the column in higher classes, especially among the long-tailed reptiles, and in cetaceous mammalia, is represented in the diagram C of Fig. 28, where we observe the large foramen for the nervous columns (/,) above the cyclo-vertebral element (a,) requiring the whole extent of the two peri-vertebrals (b, b,) for its formation, and the strong superior spinous pro- cess is composed of the two epi-vertebrals placed side by side. In the lower part of the same vertebra the inferior laminae extend outwards to form strong trans- verse processes (/,/,) and an inferior spinous process, and an inferior foramen for the aorta (i,) and the vena cava (#,) are formed by the approximation of the two cata-vertebrals ( g, gj) which show their displacement by being generally thrust backwards between two cyclo-ver- tebral elements. When the two cata- vertebral elements are extended outwards to form ribs in fishes, we very often find them bifurcated, as represented in Fig. 28. B, g, g< The general form of the vertebral elements is very much modified and varied in different parts of the column by the shape and magnitude of the parts these elements embrace, and the extent of surface for muscular attach- ments which they require to present. The epi- and peri- vertebrals are most expanded in the skull and the sacrum, and the para- and cata-vertebrals, where they embrace the viscera of the trunk. The appearance of the entire skeleton of vertebrated animals is greatly varied by the difference in the position of the ribs, or of that part of the column where the para- and cata-vertebral elements are extended over the great viscera of the trunk. In fishes, as shown in the annexed figure, (Fig. 29. 3,) and in cetaceous mammalia, the fixed, ribbed, and thoracic part of the column («,) is placed near its anterior extre- GO ORGANS OF SUPPORT. mity, and all the posterior portion is freely moveable, to give impulse to the tail in swimming. In birds, (Fig. 29. 2,) where the head and neck are used as a hand and arm, for all prehensile pur- poses, the fixed thora- cic portion (a,) of the column is placed near to its posterior extremity, and the anterior portion is free for extensive mo- tion. Most quadrupeds (Fig. 29. 1,) and reptiles, balanced on two pairs of extremities, hold an in- termediate place, and have the ribbed and solid portion ( a, ) of their trunk placed near the middle of the column. XIX. Pisces. — The bones of fishes contain less gelatine, and a larger proportion of water than those of higher classes, and are less dense and compact in their texture. The soft bones of cartilaginous fishes yield more water than those of osseous fishes, and they contain the soluble salts of soda, the chloruret, the sub-carbonate, and the sulphate, while the more dense bones of osseous fishes are strengthened, like those of higher classes, with the more insoluble phosphates. The bones of fishes resemble those of the embryos of higher animals, not only in their soft, gelatinous, or cartilaginous character, but also in the isolated condition of all the elements, or centres of ossification, of the more complicated bones, especially of the head. The skeleton of fishes consists almost entirely of the vertebral column, from the extremity of the face to the end of the tail, like that of the embryos of mam- malia at a corresponding stage of their development. The bodies of the vertebrae are composed of concentric layers, as represented in Fig. 30. 0, which are broadest at the circumference, and become narrower as they approach the centre, where there is commonly a small hole (Fig. 30. b, b.) These bodies are therefore concave both on their anterior and posterior surfaces, and when applied to each other, they leave large intevertebral spaces between them, which OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 6'1 are filled up each with a short sac of a gelatinous thin fluid, as seen in Fig. 30. C. c, so that these vertebrae play freely over the surface of so many elastic interposed balls. The bodies of the vertebrae are the elements first developed in the animal kingdom. They are the most important, as means of support ; they are the parts most developed in the vertebrae of fishes, and the skeletons of the lowest cartilaginous species, are com- posed almost solely of these elements. Even in the sharks, the other elements are remarkably small and are not ajichy- losed to the bodies of the vertebrae ; so that by macera- tion they fall off, and leave deep depressions ( Fig. 30. B, c.) in the sides of the cyclo-vertebral elements where they were attached. By the great size of the central passage in the bodies of the vertebrae of many cartila- ginous fishes, the inter-vertebral substances communicate with each other, and form a continuous elastic beaded chord passing through the whole vertebral column, as in the lampreys. The component elements of the vertebrae of fishes are disposed in such a manner as to give great vertical extension to the trunk, and thus to form a broad lateral surface to strike the water in their horizontal mode of progression. As the spinal chord is small, the upper vertebral foramen is also small in fishes, and the two superior laminae therefore soon meet to form a spinous process by their junction, as seen in the skeleton of the perch, (Fig. 31. c,c, c.) Along the greater portion of the back, we observe the two epi-vertebral elements (Fig. 3 1 . 74, 75,) placed end to end in a vertical direction, the short inferior portion forming the interspinous bone. (74,) and the more slender superior portion extending from the trunk and covered with a prolonged fold of the skin, forms a ray (75,) of the dorsal fin, and thus are con- structed all the dorsal fins placed along the middle of the back from the head to the tail. The same two ele- ments in several of the last cocygeal vertebrae, pass back- wards in a very oblique manner, and constitute the cau- dal fin (70, 78.) The corresponding elements below the ORGANS OF SUPPORT, FIG. 31. bodies of the vertebrae occupy the same relative position wherever there are anal fins developed between the tail and the anus, as at a, J2. The inferior foramen of the vertebrae, for the blood vessel is larger than that above for the spinal chord, and it widens much in the pelvic region (83,) in order to embrace the posterior parts of the urinary and genital organs. The elements of the cocygeal vertebras of fishes being thus extended upwards and downwards, they present no transverse processes in that region to impede the lateral motions of the tail, and their nervous and vascular systems are here protected from injury during the violent actions of that part of the body. In the region of the abdomen the inferior interspinous bones and the rays are placed at the ends of the trans- verse processes, and extended more or less round the viscera, as ribs (72,) which often present a bifurcated ap- pearance by their sending a long process (73,) outwards and backwards. The ribs are often merely minute epiphyses at the ends of the transverse processes, as in the rays and sharks, and they are continued forwards along the vertebral column to the atlas ; so that there are no dis- tinct free cervical vertebras. The bodies of the cranical vertebrae continue along the floor of the cranium through the basilar part of the occipital bone, the body of the sphenoid, the ethmoid, and the vomer ; and these parts are here extended forward in the same straight line with the rest of the vertebral column. The ordinary concave OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 63 ends of the bodies of the vertebrae can be traced for- ward to a variable extent through those of the cranium, as at both ends of the basilar portion of the occipital, and of the body of the spenoid. The bones of the cranium in osseous fishes are generally thin, diaphanous, elastic, united by squamous sutures ; they present a large exterior surface for the attachment of the powerful muscles of the trunk, and they continue to grow and to preserve the same proportions to the rest of the skeleton through life. The interior of the large cranical cavity is filled chiefly by the soft cellular tissue of the arachnoid coat, the brain occupying but a small portion of the base of the skull. The number of distinct osseous pieces in the composition of the skull is greatest in fishes, and they correspond nearly with the theory of this part of the ske- leton, being composed of seven vertebrae, each consisting as usual, of a body with four elements above, and four elements below. The number of separate pieces diminishes as we ascend through the vertebrated classes, by the early and permanent anchylosis of a variable number of these elements common to all forms of crania. The spine of the occipital bone, or the superior oc- cipital (8,) is here large for muscular attachments, like that of the vertebrae of the trunk ; and this ridge is often continued forward over the whole skull to the nose. From the horizontal position of the head on the trunk, the occipitals and the frontals generally meet and force the parietals (7,) to assume a lateral position, as we see in the skulls of cetacea, for the same reason. The ele- ments of the temporal bone are large^ detached, and mostly moveable. The petrous portion is exterior to the organ of hearing in the osseous fishes, and surrounds that organ, imbedding it in its substance in the cartila- ginous species,, as in higher classes. The principal frontal bones (I,) are long and bounded before and laterally by the anterior frontals (2,) and on the posterior and lateral part by the posterior frontals (4,) as in other oviparous vertebrata. The jugal (19,) is generally long, curved, and slender, as in the blowing cetacea, and composed of a series of separate pieces, which bound the inferior margin of the orbit, they form the suborbital bones of Cuvier. (>'l ORGANS OF SUPPORT, The detached condition of the bones of the head is most remarkable in those of the anterior part of the face, where the palatine bones ( 22, ) extending longitudinally on the sides of the mouth, and often covered with teeth, as in serpents, are freely moveable. The superior maxilla- ries (18,) extending downwards laterally behind the inter- maxillaries (17,) on each side of the face, are loosely ar- ticulated to the vomer (16',) and to the palatine bones, and are freely moveable in the osseous fishes, as are also the intennaxillaries ( 1 7,) which bound the fore part of the upper jaw. The lower jaw is generally composed of at least two pieces on each side, the dental portion (34,) in front containing the teeth, and the articular portion (35,) behind connected with the head by a tympanic bone, (below 27,) considered by Cuvier as the jugal. Fishes have teeth implanted in almost every bone around the interior of the mouth, in the intermaxillary, superior and inferior maxillary bones, on the branchial arches, pharyn- geal bones, palatine bones, os hyoides, and on the tongue itself. The teeth are almost entirely osseous, without fangs, and without alveoli ; irregular in size and position, generally recurved spines placed in numerous rows, and they often become anchylosed to the bones which sup- port them. Their soft osseous texture, their thin cover- ing of enamel, and their feeble attachment, correspond with the soft condition and the imperfect union of the bones which support these prehensile teeth, as we see also in amphibia and serpents. Where the bones of the head, which support them, are strong, and firmly united, as in crocodilian reptiles and mammalia, the teeth are more dense, covered with a thicker layer of enamel, provided with fangs, and lodged in deep alveoli. Behind the lower jaw is placed the operculum, consisting of a large opercular bone (28,) a sub-opercular bone (32,) an inter- opercular bone (33,) and often an additional small piece below the sub-opercular. As fishes have no tympanic cavity of the ear to confine their ossicula auditus, the opercular bone is considered as an enlarged stapes, the sub-opercular bone as the os orbiculare, the inter-oper- cular as the malleus,, and the fourth small bone as the iocus. These are placed behind the pre-opercular bone, (30,) OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 65 and have been also regarded by some as elements of the lower jaw. The arches, which hang down from the sides of the vertebral column, are more like ribs in fishes than in higher classes, as the lower jaw, the os hyoides, the sca- pular arch, and that of the pelvis. The os hyoides is very large here, as in all water-breathing vertebrata, from its supporting the branchial arches ; it consists of five pairs of pieces besides the body or lingual bone ; it is suspended from the temporal bones, and it is chiefly by its motions backwards and forwards that respiration is effected, not only in fishes, but in amphibia and chelonia. It forms the second arch below the head, between the arch formed by the lower jaw, and that formed by the scapular and coracoid bones. Its sides support the four pairs of branchial arches, the analogues of tracheal rings, and its exterior gives at- tachment to the branchiostegous rays of the opercular membrane. The arms of fishes, or their pectoral fins are almost always more developed than their legs, or ventral fins, and they are generally attached to the back part of the skull, by means of an osseous arch composed behind of the two scapulse, and before of the two coracoid bones. In the perch (Fig. 31.) the two highest or first portions of this arch on each side (46, and 47,) are regarded as the scapulae, the long angular bone (48, 48.) attached to these, as the humerus, the two succeeding bones (51,52,) as the ulna and the radius. To these succeed the bones of the carpus (53,) and this member is terminated by the long and nu- merous phalanges of the fingers. The small styliform ter- mination (50,) of the scapular arch, composed sometimes of one, and sometimes, as in the perch, of two pieces (49, 50,) is considered as the coracoid bone, and they occasion- ally meet in front, as in higher oviparous classes, though without the intervention of a sternum. The relative mag- nitude of the arms of fishes, and their constancy, compared with the posterior members, corresponds with their great size in the embryo of higher classes, and their preceding the legs in their development from the trunk. The posterior members, the legs, or the ventral fins of fishes (80, 81, 82,) are unconnected with the vertebral column, suspended from PART I. F ORGANS OF SUPPORT, two rib-like iliac bones, and placed on the lower part of the trunk, sometimes near the anus, sometimes near the head, or between these two parts. The iliac bones not being here attached to the vertebral column, there is no portion of that column fixed to form a sacrum, and the same is observed in the cetacea, and the perennibranchiate am- phibia, where there is no sacrum, and the whole column behind the head is thus free for the extensive motion re- quired in swimming. These two pelvic bones (80,) are sometimes closely applied to each other, extend along the middle of the abdominal surface, like two pubic bones, and are attached to the scapular arch, or to the humeri (48,) as in the perch. In the apodal fishes, as the eels, the pelvic bones (80,) are wanting, as well as the legs ; and in the abdominal fishes, the pelvic bones are quite unconnected with the skeleton. From this freedom of the posterior members in fishes, they are most frequently placed forward, near the head, where they afford least impediment to the lateral motions of the vertebral column. The long pha- langes of the feet (81, 82,) are attached directly to the pelvic bones, there being seldom a trace of the intermediate bones of the legs developed in this class, where they are not required either to give support to the trunk, or mobility to the feet. In the plagiostome cartilaginous fishes, the highest ani- mals of this class, the ribs and the spinous processes of the vertebrae of the trunk, are as little developed as in am- phibia, many of the anterior vertebrae (e9) of the trunk, are often anchylosed, and the whole bones of the cranium are united into a single piece, as seen in the skeleton of the common skate, raia betis, ( Fig. 32.) The skull («,) is of great size, with tough, thick, cartilaginous pa- rietes ; it is filled chiefly with the soft, glary, arachnoid tissue, and contains within the thick- ness of the temporal bone FIG. 32. OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 6'/ the whole of the internal ear. From each side of the head there passes down a short, round, moveable piece (£,) in the situation of the tympanic bone, which supports the lower jaw (d,) and the moveable, free upper jaw (c,) both covered closely with small teeth, like mosaic work. The scapular arch (/,) is fixed to the anterior, thick, anchylosed portion (e,) of the vertebral column, and the bones of the arms are also anchylosed together, and to this scapular arch. This fish lies at the bottom without an air-bag ; its motions therefore in swimming being chiefly vertical, its hands (g, g,) are very large, and extended nearly round the whole trunk, from the point of the nose to the pelvic arch (h.} In the large hands of the rays and sharks, there are not only very numerous fingers or rays, but each finger (g,) is divided into a variable number of short, cylindrical phalanges, slightly dilated at their points of contact. The pelvic arch (h,) is generally very perfect in the plagiostome chondropterygii, and presents the rudiments of the three ordinary con- stituent bones, the ilium, the ischium, and the pubis, on each side ; the two pubic bones united form a band passing transversely before the anus, the iliac bones ascend taper- ing to near the sides of the column, and the ischium on each side passes backwards. The feet are less than the hands, and consist of toes (i, i,) which are shorter, less numerous, and less divided than the fingers, ( g. ) The great size of the hand is the more required in the rays, from the smallness of the tail (&,) rendering it almost use- less as an organ of motion. In the sword-fish, and in the saw-fish, the upper jaw bones, the vomer, and the nasal bones form a long projecting weapon of offence extending from the face above the free intermaxillaries, which bound the upper part of the mouth. The orbits are prolonged laterally to a great distance in the zycena, or hammer-headed shark, so as to give a pedunculated appearance to the eyes. From the softness of the skeleton in the cartilaginous fishes, the mouth, and especially the lower jaw, is very short, and often extended much transversely ; and for the same reason, these animals have numerous rows o'f teeth prepared to supply the places of those which are successively lost, as in the sharks, or have their jaws covered, as in the rays, with a continuous compact layer of small permanent teeth. F 2 68 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, XX. Amphibia. — The amphibious or batrachian animals commence their career as fishes, with one auricle and one ventricle, and breathing by means of gills which in many are retained through life, but in their adult state they ac- quire a pulmonic respiration, arid a pulmonic auricle of the heart, and this early aquatic life and subsequent meta- morphosis affect the whole condition of the skeleton, and the forms of the several bones. The skeletons of the am- phibia come nearest to those of fishes in the imperfect ossification, and the thin, diaphanous, elastic character of the bones, in the loose condition of the bones of the face, and in the imperfect development of the ribs. The perennibranchiate amphibia, and the tadpoles of the caducibranchiate species, present the softest and the most detached condition of the bones, and the most fish-like form of the whole skeleton. Their vertebral column is prolonged backwards to a great extent, as an organ of motion ; their arms and legs are wanting, or are very imperfectly developed, and their os hyoides, like that of a fish, supports a variable number of branchial arches, as seen in the annexed figure of the skeleton of the proteus anguinus (Fig. 33.) The ver- FIG. 33. tebrse here have the bodies terminated before and behind by concave surfaces, as in fishes, and all the processes of these vertebrae are short, to allow of extensive motion, especially in a lateral direction. There is no sacrum, and the pelvic (&,) and scapular (#,) arches are as free as in fishes. A few small de- tached points of bone at the ends of the transverse processes of some of the anterior dorsal vertebrae are the only ribs here developed ; and in this, as in many other characters, the pro- teus and the siren resemble the sharks. The parietal (e,) and the frontal bones are long and separate, the tympanic bone is long and moveable. The wide inferior jaws, the long in- termaxillaries, and the loose upper jaw-bones are provided with sharp, recurved, conical teeth. The body (£,) and OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 69 cornua (a,) of the os hyoides are proportionally large, and support the three branchial arches (c,) on each side to which the permanent gills (d,) are attached. The flat dorsal portion of the scapula (^,) is thin and cartilaginous, and the coracoid pieces (/,) meet in front by broad extended edges. There are only three toes (h,) developed on the fore feet, the two inner consisting of three phalanges, and the outer of two ; and on the hind feet there are only two toes (i,) each consisting of three bones. The expanded, cartilaginous, iliac bones (&,) extend upwards to the sides of the vertebral column, as in the plagiostome fishes, without being attached to a sacrum, and the pubic bones unite with each other and with the ischia, to form a transverse anterior band for the support of the small legs. The condition of all parts of the skeleton is nearly the same in the siren lacertina, where the prolonged fish-like vertebral column has still greater freedom of motion from the entire want of legs and a pelvic arch ; the spinous processes of the verteBse are more elevated, the coracoid bones meet by a longer sur- face, the hands have four toes, there are four branchial arches on each side : the body and cornua of the os hyoides are very large, and the tympanic and intermaxillary bones are as moveable as in a fish. The ribs are developed to a greater extent in the land salamander, where they have the form of straight tapering spines extending from the trans- verse processes of all the vertebrae of the trunk. The arms and legs which here support the trunk in a lighter me- dium than in the former animals, have all their bones larger and stronger, and have four toes before and behind. The whole bones of the skull and face are more fixed in their articulations, and the pelvic arch is more connected with the sides of the vertebral column, but without forming a sacrum. It is however in the anurous amphibia, as the common frog, (Fig. 34.) that we find the most solid and fixed con- dition of all the bones, and the nearest approach to rep- tiles and higher classes in the structure of the different parts of the skeleton. The vertebra of the tadpole are formed like those of a fish, with two cup-like cavities, but by the ossification and anchylosis of the intervertebral soft substance, it becomes fixed to the posterior end of the 70 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, FIG. 34. body of each vertebra, so as to change their forms almost to those of reptiles. A great portion of their vertebral column, and of their os hyoides, and their branchial arches become absorbed, their legs and arms become developed, and many of the coccygeal vertebrae unite to form a single piece ; so that these anurous highest kinds of amphibia pass through the inferior forms of their class before arriving at their perfect state. There are nine vertebrae in the frog (Fig. 34.) the first of which (b,) has a double articular sur- face, like two condy- loid depressions for the two prominent condyles formed by the body of the occipital bone (a,) and this atlas is without transverse processes. The bodies of the succeeding ver- tebrae terminate pos- teriorly by slightly con- vex surfaces, and an- teriorly by correspond- ing depressions, and the transverse pro- cesses are long, but irregular in their forms and magnitude. There are no ribs, and the pelvic arch is moveably connected with the ends of the transverse processes of the last or ninth vertebra (c, c.) This single vertebra forms, therefore, a true sacrum, and the succeeding coccygeal vertebrae (d,) are anchylosed into a single unperforated bone, slightly grooved at its commencement, running along the dorsal part of the pelvis, and entirely concealed within this part of the trunk. The two iliac bones (e, e,) long, cylindrical, and slightly curved, extend backwards from the sides of the sacrum (c, c,) to the ossa ischii (f,) behind, and the small pubic bones in front ; and these three bones, united by sutures, form on each side of this compressed terminal part (/,) of the pelvis, the cotyloid cavity for the reception of the. head of the femur. The legs are here very large, both for leaping and swimming. The long femur (/,) is suc- ceeded by another long single bone (w, m,) the grooved OB OSSEOUS SYSTEM. ]\ surface of which shows it to be formed of the tibia and fibula anchylosed together. To this succeeds a lengthened astragulus and calcaneum (n,) then three very minute cunei- form bones of the tarsus, and then the lengthened bones of the meta- tarsus and the phalanges of the five toes (o.) The humeri (A, A,) are comparatively short, strong, and slightly bent ; the radius and the ulna (i, i,) are anchylosed like the tibia and fibula, and the six small carpal bones (k, k,) are succeeded by four long meta-carpal bones, the phalanges of four fingers, and a small rudiment internally of a fifth. The scapular apparatus (Fig. 35,) for the support of the arms is here very complete, and also the sternum, although there are no ribs to reach it. The posterior ,. ,\ f ., FIG. 35. curved portions («, t,) of the scapulae, are thin and cartilaginous, as in many fishes and reptiles, and the anterior parts (f)fy) which chiefly contribute to the formation of the glenoid cavity (k, k,) for the head of the humerus is strong, and ossified. From the gle- noid cavity, on each side, proceeds inwards the coracoid bone (e, e,) which expands as it reaches the sternum (d.) Above the two coracoid bones, (e, e9) are the two slender cla- vicles (c, c,) which also proceed from the glenoid cavities to the sternum, and leave a considerable vacant space between them and the coracoid bones. The anterior (a,) and the posterior (h,) portions of the sternum are thin, flexible, car- tilaginous laminae, and the intermediate parts are ossified and strong, for the insertion of muscles, the support of the scapular arch, and the protection of the fore part of the trunk. The upper thin portion («,) appears to consist of the two epi-sternal pieces, the next part (b,) of the two hyo- sternal elements, the next (d}) the single ento-sternal, to which both the clavicles and coracoid bones are attached ; the next (t/9) the two hypo-sternal elements, and the inferior, thin, cartilaginous, terminal piece (h,) the two united xiphi- sternal elements which usually terminate this bone. The bones of the head, even in the highest of the caduci- branchiate amphibia, are still as loosely united together as in most of the osseous fishes, as is seen in the skull of the common frog, rana esculenta, (Fig. 36.) The occipital bone 7^ ORGANS OF SUPPORT, has its basilar part divided by a vertical suture, and is se- curely united to the atlas by two prominent condyles (b, b,) belonging to that portion vi r- *3ft of the bone. The parietals (c9 c9) are long, narrow, near- ly separated by a sagittal suture, arid extend forward over a large portion of this lengthened narrow cranium, as we see also in ophidian and saurian reptiles. The sphenoid bone has also a very lengthened form along the base of the skull, as in fishes. On the fore part of the skull are the two posterior frontals (a,) separate in the young frogs, but united into a single bone extended between the parietals (c, c,) and the two anterior frontals (h, h,) which extend laterally to the two pterygoid, and the two upper jaw-bones (&, k.) The two intermaxillary bones (/,/,) the two upper jaws (k, k,) and two bones behind these, regarded as divisions of the vomer, are provided with small, sharp, recurved conical teeth, although none are found opposed to them in the lower jaw. The slender jugal bone (o,) is ex- tended from the upper jaw bone backwards and downwards to the lower end of the long tympanic (»,) which is here moveable, as in most oviparous vertebrata. The tympanic bone (n,) here, as in most of the lower vertebrata, sends down a condyloid process to be articulated with a glenoid cavity (/,) on the back part of the lower jaw. The lower jaw is divided at the symphisis, and each lateral portion consists of an anterior (s,) a middle (r,) and a posterior (/,) piece, which extend to a great distance transversely, and are en- tirely destitute of teeth, although there are teeth in the lower jaw of the salamander and the proteus. As we pro- ceed upwards through the vertebrated classes, the teeth become more circumscribed in their number and in their distribution over the parietes of the mouth, till we find them confined to a single row disposed along the upper and lower jaws. We thus observe in the adult anurous amphibia a greater consolidation of the whole texture of the bones, OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 73 and of the different parts of the skeleton than we find in fishes ; and many elements originally separate have become anchylosed together, which conditions prepare the solid frame-work to support and carry the whole fabric through a much rarer medium than the dense water in which they commenced their career, and in which the fishes perma- nently reside. XXI. Reptilia. — The bones of serpents are more com- pact, white, dense, and elastic than those of the other orders of reptiles ; but their skeleton is the most deficient in its parts, consisting almost solely of the vertebral column without legs or arms, or a pelvic or scapular arch, or even a sternum to connect the ribs, as seen in the skeleton of the boa constrictor, (Fig. 3J-) With this simple skeleton they are able to creep quickly on the ground, to combat with FIG. 37. their prey, to climb trees, to spring into the air, and to swim rivers and lakes. The ribs are developed from the sides of the vertebral column from the atlas to the anus, and the transverse processes continue to extend to a considerable length from the sides of many of the anterior coccygeal vertebrae. From the absence of a sternum in front, and the free articulation of the ribs with the ends of the transverse processes of the vertebrae, the ribs possess the means of extensive motion, and cause the transverse scuta on the lower surface of the abdomen to move like so many feet. The ribs of serpents are tubular, with thin compact parietes, and containing a soft cancellated structure in their interior, by which they possess great elasticity and strength. They are narrow, and compressed from before backwards, strong and broad at their head and neck, and taper regularly to their free ventral extremity, where they generally terminate 74 ORGANS OF SUPPORT, with a thin, flexible, cartilaginous prolongation. Their head presents a broad, arched, concave surface, to form a secure and free articulation with the rounded, prominent, transverse processes of the vertebrae. The broad and long transverse processes in the coccygeal region of the column, cover a long pelvic cavity in the male, in which the two divisions of the penis are lodged in their retracted state. As the ribs ex- tend along the whole sides of the trunk, from the head to the anus, there are no cervical nor lumbar vertebrae ; and as there are no legs nor pelvis, there is no sacrum. The vertebrae are here more numerous than in any other class of animals, so that there is great flexibility of the whole body, and their articulations are remarkably secure from the extent and the number of the articular surfaces between each pair of vertebras. All the processes of these vertebrae are short, to admit of greater freedom of motion, ex- cepting the four articular processes, which are very broad, to give a greater security of attachment ; and hence the quadran- gular or cubical form presented by the vertebrae of serpents,as seen in the front view of those of the boa constrictor) (Fig. 38.) The lower part of the body of each vertebra terminates in a large, oblique, hemispherical convexity (a,) smooth on the surface, and covered with a thin layer -0 of cartilage. This prominent end of the vertebra is received into a corres- ponding deep, cup-like cavity (b9) with sharp margins, and lined with carti- lage, at the anterior end of the next succeeding vertebra, and this regular ball-and-socket form of articulation is continued through the whole vertebral column. These articulations are se- cured by strong capsular ligaments, and lubricated by a copious secretion of synovia. The two anterior, and the two posterior arti- cular processes present broad flat surfaces, extended trans- versely, those of the anterior vertebra passing over those of the next succeeding vertebra, as in other classes. The shortness of the transverse processes (Fig. 38. c, c, c,c,) allows of a greater extent of lateral motion in the column, and, for the same reason, the vertebral foramina for the OB OSSEOUS SYSTEM. *J 5 spinal chord are most dilated before and behind in that direction. These very short, strong, transverse processes have each a large, convex, prominent, articular surface, ex- tending downwards, inwards, and a little forwards, which is received into the articular concavity of the head of the rib. From the four articular processes of the vertebrae extending to a great distance laterally in a straight and horizontal direction, they give great extent and safety to those lateral motions which are chiefly required in the trunk of serpents. The bodies of the dorsal vertebras are cari- nated below, and have a narrow contracted neck at the base of the posterior, hemispherical, articular tubercle. The laminae are here very strong, and evasated before and behind, to enlarge the two ends of each vertebral foramen, that the spinal chord may not be pressed upon during the mo- tions of the vertebrae. The spmous processes are short, strong, and broad, from before backwards, so as to afford a strong attachment to the muscles, without interfering with the motions of the vertebrae. In the skulls of reptiles, as in fishes and amphibia, we still find the cranial vertebrae disposed in the same straight line as those of the rest of the column, and most of the elements of the cranial bones still remain separate through life. The serpents and lizards present the most detached condition of all these cranial bones met with in the class of reptiles ; the crocodilian animals, and the chelonia have them the most firmly united by sutures. This loose state of the bones of the head is the more necessary in serpents, which, from the want of arms and legs to hold down their prey, and assist in its subdivision, are compelled to swallow it entire. The annexed figure of the skull of the python (Fig. 39.) shows the most common disposition and form of the bones of the head of serpents. The basilar portion (a,) of the occipital bone remains distinctly isolated from the two lateral condyloid pieces («*,) and these three elements form the large, transversely elongated, occipital condyle, the basilar element forming the greater portion of it. The superior or median occipital (£,) is here small and detached^ as in the saurian reptiles. The parietal bones (c, c,) are long, and anchylosed together along the median line, to afford a solid unyielding covering to the lengthened brain ORGANS OF SUPPORT, FIG. 39. beneath them. These two bones are thus early united in most other reptiles, in all birds, and in the greater number even of the mammalia, although they are separate in the normal form of the human skull. This condition of the two pari- etals is the more required in serpents, from the loose state of most of the other bones of the head, and the exposure of these animals to the trampling of qua- drupeds, and other dangers while they lie concealed in their natu- ral haunts. The anchylosis of the two parietal s gives greater security to the strong temporal muscles of these animals, as in other classes, where this solidity of attachment is required. From the length, and the loose attach- ment of the squamous portion (e}) of the temporal bone to the parietals, the tympanic bone (/,) and consequently the lower jaw (#,) has much greater ex- tent of motion in a lateral direction. The two anterior (i, i,) the two middle (h, h,) and the two posterior (k, k,) frontals remain detached, and form, as in other reptiles, the greater portion of the front of the skull. The great breadth of the two lachrymal (/, /,) and of the two nasal (p9p9) bones corresponds with the general flat and broad form of the head of serpents. The two upper jaw-bones (m, m,) and the two intermaxillaries (q,) are separate and quite moveable on the surrounding bones ; and the two palatines are also moveable and long, and support the most permanent teeth of these animals. The two sides of the lower jaw are quite detached from each other, and freely moveable at the sym- phesis, and the pieces of which it is composed are also moveable. This freedom of motion of the lower jaw (g, t/9) extends through the long tympanic (/,/,) and squamous (e, serve also to be provided with distinct and strong sphincter muscles (d, e,) passing in a circular man- ner around them. By the contraction of the whole of this muscular tunic, the orifices are 142 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. retracted, the trunk of the animal is compressed, the respirat< j emptied, and the whole body is retracted ^ the fixed point to which the animal is attached *e respiratory currents are produced by the vibratile cilia, disposed on the branchiee, and on the thoracic cavity, as in other acephalous mollusca, and the swimming of some of the aggregate forms, as of the pyrosoma, is effected by the same respiratory cur- rents produced by vibratile cilia. The muscular coat of the tunicata is analogous to the mantle of bivalves, as their cartilaginous covering is the analogue of the shell. The conchiferous animals are much more generally free than the tunicata, and some of them possess considerable power of locomotion. The movements are chiefly performed by the foot, which is commonly a lengthened tongue- shaped, muscular organ, capable of being protruded to some distance from the cavity of the mantle, and capable of as- suming a great variety of forms. By this organ the con- chifera attach their byssus, swim at the surface of the water, creep on a solid surface, burrow in sand, or other soft material, and extricate themselves when covered. The foot is composed of muscular fasciculi, which decussate each other in various directions to give it great variety of movements, and water is often ad- mitted into its interior cavity. It is sometimes wanting where the shell is permanently fixed to a spot, as in the oyster. It is generally more or less connected with the dorsal part of the valves, and the fibres of its expanded base embrace almost the whole of the abdominal cavity. The adductor muscles are the active organs by which the valves are closed against the elastic property of the ligament, and they generally consist of one or two thick, short, and strong muscles, which pass straight across the ventral surface of the abdomen, to be at- tached ta the inner surface of both valves. The pecten is enabled to swim backwards by the powerful and repeated action of its adductor muscle on the valves. The adductor muscle is large and single in most of the round forms of conchifera, as the pecten, ostrea, anomia, spondylus, but in the more lengthened forms there are MUSCULAR SYS 143 generally at least two. This mi^H tlie pierced valve of anomia to be I nal body. Between the two musci he di- myaria, there is commonly a rough t halves running near the ventral margin, and se^u 3 corres- ponding situation in the monomyaria, which makates the place of attachment of the fibres of the palleal muscle, by which the projecting free margins of the mantle are retracted into the shell. This marginal muscle consists of numerous small fasciculi attached along this groove in both valves, and spreading chiefly on the loose ventral margins of the mantle. By forcibly retracting this part of the mantle, these palleal muscles contract the respiratory sac, so as to assist in a forced expiration of the contained water, and they protect the most sensitive marginal part of the mantle from being compressed and injured during the closing of the valves. The currents of water which are conveyed into the cavity of the mantle through the respiratory orifice, and outwards through the vent, for the purposes both of respiration and nourishment, are entirely produced by the rapid action of vibratile cilia, which are disposed in the closest arrangement around all the minutest meshes of the branchiae, and cover all the fringed edges of the respiratory orifice and nearly the whole inner surface of the respiratory cavity of the mantle. As all other vibra- tile cilia, these continue in lively activity on portions of the gill or mantle which have been long cut from the body of the animal. The respiratory cavity of the mantle, with highly contractile muscular parietes, is often prolonged to a great distance beyond the margin of the valves, es- pecially in burrowing species, to reach with the respiratory and anal orifices, the surface of the bed or rock in which the animal is concealed. Besides the usual large adductor muscles, there are frequently smaller supplementary trans- verse muscular bands passing from the dorsal part of one valve to the other. The muscular foot of the gasteropods sometimes covers the whole ventral surface of the body, and sometimes ex- tends only from the under surface of the neck ; it is the largest muscle of the body, and that by which progressive motion is effected both in creeping and swimming. In the inhabitants of turbinated shells or the trachelipodous gas- M U SC U L A R S V S T K M . teropods, the alar fibres of the foot extend upwards along th( a strong fasciculus is prolonged back- wards UIK to be attached to the columella of the shell. This tractor muscle forms the only bond of con- nection between the shell and the animal it contains, and it is constantly advancing slowly along the pillar of the shell dur- ing growth like the adductor muscles of conchifera. The open mantle which secretes the calcareous matter of the shell is also distinctly muscular and contractile, and the funnel for respiration is an open canal prolonged from its left side. The foot is often expanded by the introduction of water into its interior cavity, and its dorsal surface secretes the calca- reous or horny layers which compose the operculum of the shell. The neck forms generally a thick muscular sheath around the complex apparatus of the mouth and proboscis, and supports on the right side the muscular exciting organ of the male ; anteriorly it forms the lips or the sheath of the pro- boscis, and the tentacula which have generally the eyes at the exterior of their base. In the naked gasteropods found generally adhering to floating plants in the ocean, as the scyll&a and tritonia, the foot forms a long narrow groved organ for em- bracing the tender stems to which they adhere, and on which they feed. Most of the predaceous gasteropods possess a long and powerful muscular proboscis capable of being ex- tended to a distance from the mouth, and provided at its ex- tremity with an exsertile bifid fleshy tongue armed with sharp conical recurved teeth, as seen in that of the common FIG 66. whelk, buccinum undatum (Fig. 66.) Both the proboscis (g, g.) and the en- closed bilabiate spiny tongue (a, b.) are provided with numerous powerful ex- tensor and retractor muscles contained in the neck. The two divisions (a.) of the tongue to which the teeth are at- tached are often supported internally by two long cartilaginous laminae, large and strong in the buccinum, which appear to be the analogues of the gastric dart of conchifera. The phytophagous gas- teropods have generally jaws for com- pressing their vegetable food, or a long spiny tongue for filing it to pieces. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. The muscular system of the pteropods, like that of many of the floating gasteropods, is generally soft, transparent, and nearly colourless ; so that the disposition of the fibres in the exterior closed mantle, and in the fin-like arms can be per- ceived through the outward pellucid coverings of the body. Having no muscular foot for creeping, their progressive mo- tion depends on the movement of two muscular membranes, unsupported by rays or by cartilage, and extending from the sides of the body. These muscular fins are developed both in the naked and the testaceous forms, they present the most favourable situation for the branchiae which are generally placed on their surface, and they sometimes serve as organs of prehension, embracing the surface of plants, and other objects floating through the sea. The muscular mantle, closed above, forms a large abdominal cavity, and its con- tractions assist in expelling the natural excretions of the vis- cera, or in retracting the whole body within the shell. The tentacula also, and the whole apparatus of the head, are re- tracted and extended by their own muscular fibres, and the oesophagus is sometimes provided with a distinct muscular bulb, like many gasteropods. The annexed figure, (Fig. 6'7,) represents two naked and two testaceous forms of pteropods, FIG. 67- PART II. 146 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. with their muscular organs of motion extended laterally from the sides of the trunk, and placed more anteriorly than those of the naked cephalopods. In the clio australis, (Fig. 67, A) the form approaches very closely to the cephalopodic in the numerous conical, tubular,cephalic tentacula (A,a,a*,) the form of the head (#,) the position of the eyes, and the lengthened cylindrical form of the trunk, enveloped in a closed muscular mantle (d.) The muscular fins (c,) support, on their pectinated surface, the numerous ramifications of the branchial vessels ; so that the motions of these organs promote the aeration of the blood. In the pneumodermon, (Fig. 67. B,) the muscular pro- boscis (0,) and the lateral tufts of tentacula (b9) terminated each by a sucker, are retractile, the muscular arms (c,) are ex- tended from the sides of an anterior division of the trunk, and the branchiae (d,) are placed, as in the doris, on the pos- terior part of the back, but at a distance from the anus, which here opens on the anterior part of the right side, as in the clio. The muscular arms are comparatively large in the small testaceous cleodora, (Fig. 6'7- C. b,) as they are also in the testaceous cymbulia, represented in Fig. 24. The fleshy mantle of the cleodora extends laterally to a distance from the sides of the head («,) and the slender pellucid, depressed, tapering shell (c,) is also expanded transversely with deeply grooved sides. The fins for progressive motion are more lengthened and straight in their form in the minute testa- ceous cuvieria (Fig. 6J . D. a,) where there are dentiform masticating buccal organs, as in a cephalopod, and in which the shell (c,) is straight, lengthened, conical, and pointed, like a belemnite. The muscular organs of these and the other known forms of pteropods, are constructed, like their shells, on the plan of those of the cephalopods, especially of the lower forms of that class. The organs of motion in the cephalopods, as in the ptero- pods, are generally in form of muscular fins extending from the sides of the trunk, and unsupported by osseous rays ; they move also by means of the muscular feet developed from the fleshy disk surrounding the head. The nautilus, like a gasteropod, is fixed by two lateral muscles to the bot- tom of its shell, its muscular open mantle is thin and deli- cate, the muscular funnel is open beneath throughout its whole length, and the mouth, surrounded with strong mus- MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 14J cles for the calcified jaws, is provided with broad muscular feet, like the expanded feet of an argonaute, and supporting numerous sheathed tentacula. In the argonaut a, (Fig. 68. A,) there are eight muscular long feet provided with large sessile suckers, as in other octopods. The ventral, or anterior sur- face of the body is directed towards the concave or spiral side of the shell, as in the planorbis, and other mollusca with orbicular shells, and the dorsal part of the animal with the expanded pair of membranous feet (^,) are placed next to FIG. 68. B the convex outer margin of the shell (a.) The mantle is spotted externally, as in the naked cephalopods, and is des- titute of muscular fins, as seen in Fig. 68. B, which repre- sents the animal removed from the shell. The shell cover- ing a part of the body has been observed by Poli in the ovum, as represented in Fig. 68. C. a. The muscular por- tion of the posterior pair of feet (Fig. 68. B. gj) and the gradually diminishing sessile suckers are continued around the margin of the expanded membranous part (Fig. 68. A. h,) so that this pair of feet may be employed as organs of pre- hension, or for creeping at the bottom, or for swimming L 2 148 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. beneath or above the surface of the water. Here, as in the naked cephalopods, there is a thin panniculus carnosus immediately beneath the coloured skin of the mantle, the fibres of which interlace to form a thin recticulate tunic. The parietes of the mantle are chiefly composed of longitu- dinal muscular fibres, with a thin external and transverse layer. The external and internal muscles of the abdominal fins in the naked species, both those which connect these organs with the trunk, and those which move their free mar- gins, are inserted into two thin longitudinal cartilaginous scapular plates. The palleal muscles are not inserted into the shell of the argonaute, nor into the internal dorsal shells of the naked cephalopods, as they are in the nautilus. The upper margin of the mantle is attached behind to the cepha- lic cartilage in the sepiola and the octopus, but is free in sepia, loligo, and loligopsis. The cavity of the abdomen is partially divided by two strong and broad muscular bands extending downwards and forwards from the base of the funnel to be attached to the anterior parietes of the sac. These two strong longitudinal muscular columns, between which the rectum passes forwards to the base of the syphon, serve to contract longitudinally the cavity of the mantle, to limit the extent of its dilatations, and to retract the funnel. There are other muscular bands passing down from the back part of the head to the base of the funnel at its posterior part. The folds of peritoneum, which attach the branchiae to the sides of the abdominal cavity, have distinct muscular fasciculi, for raising and retracting these organs. The whole muscular parietes of the abdominal sac are firm, white, arid remark- ably compact, and besides their transverse and longitudinal muscular layers, there are oblique and straight short fibres, which pass through their thickness from one surface to the other. Within the abdominal cavity a distinct muscular tunic embraces the whole liver and oesophagus as far as the gizzard, and connects them with the upper and back part of the trunk. The strongest and the largest muscles of the naked cephalopods are those which are attached around the head, connecting that part with the trunk behind, and with the arms before. Strong muscular bands pass upwards from the back and fore parts of the trunk, and expand into radiat- ing fasciculi, which enter into the bases of the feet The MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 149 FIG. 69. funnel consists chiefly of two strata of muscular fibres, the inner of which is transverse, and the outer longitudinal. In the annexed front view of the muscles of the argonaute, (Fig. 69,) the funnel (e,) is folded down over the fore part of the abdomen (/,) and its strong posterior muscular bands (d, d,) are seen passing down- wards from its base. The anterior ascending radiating fasciculi (a,) cross each other at the bases of the feet, so as to interlace and mingle their fibres before they enter into the compo- sition of these organs. These muscular fibres are more straight and parallel as they advance along the feet (b9) en- veloping the trunks of the vessels and nerves which are seen ramifying on the ex- panded terminal membrane (c,) of the posterior pair of feet. The suckers in two rows, as on the other feet, continue around the margin of these expanded terminations of the posterior pair. All the naked cephalopods are octopods, like this testaceous argonaute, having only eight feet developed from the muscular disk surrounding the mouth ; but many of the genera, as sepia, loligo, and sepiola, have also two long muscular tentacula, which have a deeper origin near the car- tilaginous orbits, and from these superadded pediform tenta- cula, such genera have been considered as decapods. The rudimentary eye-lids of the naked cephalopods are already surrounded with distinct orbicular muscles, and the eye- balls are moved by four recti muscles, and sometimes by an inferior oblique, arising from the base of the orbits around the optic nerves. The tentacula have generally pedunculated muscular suckers developed on their inferior surface, at their free extremities, like those of the feet in the tentaculated species of this class. The muscular suckers are sessile, large, 150 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. and strong, on the long feet of the octopods, as the argonauts and the octopus, they adhere to external objects by the close application of their thick muscular margins, and by forming a partial vacuum in their centre. By these organs the cepha- lopods can creep upwards on a vertical surface, even when out of the water. The octopus, destitute of any lateral fins, is assisted in swimming by muscular membranes extended between the bases of the feet ; this animal swims backwards by impelling the water forwards, but the species which have lateral fins extending from their trunk can swim with ease either forwards or backwards, and they appear to spring up- wards sometimes, to a distance from the surface of the sea. These predacious animals have very powerful muscles con- nected with the mastication of their food, as well as with its prehension. Large sphincter muscles, with a fimbriated fleshy lip, surround the entrance of the mouth, and strong retractor muscles of the jaws are inserted around the reso- phageal opening of the cranium. The bases of the jaws are surrounded with superimposed strata of powerful compressor muscles, and the short, thick, fleshy tongue, covered with numerous rows of sharp, conical, horny spines, is moved by strong muscles attached to a rudimentary os hyoides. The maxillary apparatus is also provided with two lateral rotator muscles, which pass forwards to be inserted into its anterior part. FIFTH SECTION. Muscular System of the Spini-Cerebrated or Vertebrated Classes. The muscular system is placed on the exterior of the hard parts in the vertebrated animals ; its fibrous structure is here the most distinct and irritable, and its separate muscles and fasciculi are most obvious and defined. The muscles have generally a red colour, from the red blood sent through them, and they are connected with the bones, for the most part, by tendinous prolongations. They are most pale, soft, MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 151 and pellucid, in fishes, where their feebleness is compensated for by the great number which co-operate in the same move- ment. The progression of fishes being effected chiefly by the lateral motions of the tail and of the trunk, the vertebral column is expanded vertically upwards and downwards, and the great muscles of the trunk are disposed in transverse strata along its sides, like those which move the segments of a worm or an insect. The feeble irritability of the muscular fibres in fishes, their softness, and their colourless transpa- rency, correspond with their common conditions in the inver- tebrata, and in the embryos of the higher vertebrated classes, and they accord with the still soft condition of the bones into which they are inserted. Aided in their ascent and descent in the water by the compression and expansion of their air- sac, and with very imperfectly developed arms and legs, the active movements of fishes are but little varied, their mus- cles seldom divide into fasciculi, or terminate in narrow ten- dons to be attached to small points of their feeble skeleton. The fibres which compose the great lateral muscles of the trunk run in a longitudinal direction, are divided into nu- merous transverse oblique strata by intervening tendinous aponeuroses, and are disposed chiefly in four series of oblique muscles, as seen in the perch, (Fig. /O. a, b, c, d.) The in- FIG. 70. tervening white tendinous bands which connect these strata of muscles have a crescentic form, are disposed vertically along the sides of the vertebrae and the ribs, and are attached externally by their zig-zag margin to the inner surface of the skin. The upper series («,) have their thin white tendons 152 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. directed obliquely downwards and backwards, the second (b}) downwards and forwards, the third (c9) like the first, and the fourth («?,) like the second. The upper series of lateral muscles (#,) attached anteriorly to the occipital bone, occupy the deep cavity on each side of its projecting spine, and extend backwards to the longitudinal diverging tendons and muscles of the caudal fin, in which they terminate. The oblique direction of all these lateral muscles increases the velocity of their motions, as in the intercostals of quadru- peds. These strata of muscles are arched backwards, having all their convex surfaces directed forwards, and as their fibres pass obliquely backwards and peripherad, they draw their cutaneous attachments forwards and inwards when the ver- tebrae are the fixed points. They are attached also to the temporal bone and to the back part of the scapular arch, and the inferior series (d,) extends forwards under the arms (n,) to the os hyoides. The layers of these large lateral muscles of the trunk are seen similarly disposed in the cylindrical body of the cyclostome fishes, in the compressed trunk of most of the osseous forms, and also in the broad depressed body of the flat fishes. They correspond with the vertebrae into which their aponeuroses are inserted, and they are at once analogous to the muscles of the segments of articulata and to the more lengthened and isolated muscles of the ver- tebral column and trunk in higher vertebrated classes. The flat surfaces of the interspinous bones (/,) are covered with diverging muscular fibres, which pass downwards and move them in every direction, and exterior to these are larger dis- tinct muscular fasciculi which are inserted into the broad bases of the rays of the median fins, for their varied move- ments. The longitudinal straight muscles which extend along the median line of the dorsal and the abdominal sur- face of the trunk are interrupted by the dorsal and anal fins. The longitudinal straight muscle of the back in fishes generally commences from each side of the spine of the occipital bone, and proceeds in two separate fasciculi to be inserted into the base of the anterior ray of the first dorsal fin. When there are more than one dorsal fin, it is extended in two fasciculi from the last ray of each of these fins to the first ray of the next, and it is continued in the same manner (#,) from the last dorsal to the beginning of the caudal fin. On the ven- MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 153 tral surface of the body, the first pair of straight muscles generally pass from the scapular arch or the humeri to the anterior part of the pelvis, the second pair (e,) commence from the pelvis, and passing on each side of the anus, con- tinue to the first ray of the anal fin (h.) They are developed between the anal fins, as between the dorsal, when there are more than one, and from the last ray of the posterior anal fin they are continued backwards to the beginning of the caudal fin. By these longitudinal straight muscles above and below, the median fins are moved and supported, and the trunk is moved in a vertical plane. The sides of the head are occupied by two large and powerful muscles, (&, /,) apparently analogous to the masseter and the temporal muscles, and which pass forwards and downwards to be in- serted into the lower jaw. The lower jaw is depressed both by muscles passing backwards from it to the os hyoides, and by those which extend from the os hyoides to the scapular arch. The operculum is raised by two or more short and broad muscles, placed at its upper part, and is depressed by short round muscles placed on the inner surface of the same part. The branchiostegal rays are moved by short oblique muscles, which descend from the opercular bones to these rays, and by others which are interposed obliquely between each pair of rays, like intercostal muscles in higher classes. The branchial arches, in the osseous fishes, are attached by dis- tinct muscles to the back part of the skull, to the sides of the vertebrae, and also to the scapular arch and the os hyoides. In the cartilaginous fishes, where there is no oper- culum over the branchiae, that apparatus is covered exter- nally with a layer of short muscles, like intercostals, passing between soft cartilaginous bands, like ribs. The pectoral fins, or arms, have on each of their flat surfaces a band of adductor and abductor muscles, (Fig. 71-/>) which extend from the scapular arch to the commencement of the pha- langes or rays. These muscles act also as flexors and exten- sors of the arms, and correspond with the magnitude of these organs ; they are greatest in the expanded pectoral fins of the plagiostome fishes. The ventral fins or feet are also moved by two similar muscles (Fig. 71- ^5) on each of their flat surfaces, extending from the pelvic bones to the com- mencement of the rays, and corresponding in size and strength with the magnitude of the feet. The anguillifo rm 154 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. fishes want the feet and their muscular apparatus, and the cyclostome fishes want also the arms and their muscles. The muscular system is greatly relieved in the vertical motions of most fishes by the compression and expansion of their air-sac ; but many of the fiat fishes and the cyclostome species are destitute of this aid, and lie generally at the bottom of the water. The movement of some fishes through the water is aided by a muscular disk in form of a sucker, placed on the back part of the head in the remora, on the fore part of the belly in the lump-suck- er, and around the mouth in the lam- preys, by which they adhere to other animals or bodies moving through the water. By the great development of the lateral muscles of the trunk, the saw-fish and the sword-fish are enabled to use their offensive weapons with effect ; the large muscles of the anterior dorsal rays give powerful and varied movements to these parts in the silurus, balistes, lophius, and many other fishes, and the strength of those of the pectoral fins enable the flying-fishes to escape from the water, and to move some hundred times their own length through the air. The long compressed trunks of the perenni-branchiate amphibia, as the proteus, the siren, and the axolotl, and of the tadpoles of the higher anurous species, are moved through the water chiefly by the lateral motions of the ver- tebral column and of the tail, as in fishes^ and these motions are effected in the same manner by numerous transverse strata of longitudinal muscular fibres, occupying chiefly the sides of the trunk. These great lateral muscles are still comparatively pale, bloodless, and feeble, and the tendinous intersections of their strata are thin, soft, and delicate. The cellular substance interposed between the muscles of amphi- bia is scanty, of little consistence, colourless, and almost in a semifluid state ; there are yet few tendons connecting the muscles to the soft bones of the skeleton, and there is gene- MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 155 rally very little connexion between the skin and the sub- jacent muscles of the body. The general disposition of the superficial muscles in the urodelous amphibia is seen on re- moving the skin from the common crested triton, triton cris- tatus (Fig. 72.) In the back view of the trunk (Fig. 72. 1,) short transverse strata of lateral muscles (b,) separated from each other by thin, soft, tendinous aponeuroses, are seen FIG. 72. occupying the dorsal portion of the body, from the occipital bone to the posterior extremity of the tail. The muscular strata (c,) which descend from these in a more oblique direction down- wards and backwards, are united together on the fore part of the abdomen (Fig. 72. 2. b,) to form a large continuous descending oblique muscle. But behind the anus (2. c,) the tendinous inter- sections (2. d,) continue distinct along the tail, below the vertebral column as well as above it. In the rigid state of these lateral muscles in the tadpoles, as in that of the rana paradoxa, the sides of the trunk are marked by trans- verse vertical furrows, similar to those on the sides of fishes. We perceive also in the tadpoles, as in fishes, a thin vertical prolongation of the skin along the upper and lower surfaces of the tail, like dorsal and anal fins, but unsupported by rays. The recti abdominis of the tadpoles form a broad muscular expansion covering the fore part of the trunk, di- vided by several transverse tendinous intersections, and tapering to the pelvis. These two muscles become more contracted and narrow in the adult animal. In the salaman- der strong muscular fasciculi descend from the free ends of the short ribs of the trunk, and expanding as they pass over the abdomen, they unite to form a continuous external oblique. The muscles of the extremities are more developed in these animals, to support them on land, than in the tritons and other aquatic species, wrhere they are little used for pro- gressive motion. In the anurous species, in their adult 156 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. state, the muscular system is the most remote from that of fishes in its general characters and in the disposition of its parts, which arises from their greater extent of respiration, their inhabiting a rarer medium, the great development of their extremities, and the large portion of the trunk which they lose by their metamorphosis. Their muscles are more vascular, dense, red-coloured and strong, more distinct and defined in their course and in their insertions, more ventri- cose, seldom exhibiting parallel strata, and generally inserted into distinct and often lengthened tendons. From the leap- ing and swimming habits of many of these species, we per- ceive their short trunk terminated by lengthened and strong legs and provided generally with less perfectly developed arms, and the greater development of the extensors than of the flexors of the legs, gives an anthropoid character to these extremities. In the back view of the muscular system of the common frog, rana esculenta (Fig. 73,) the small size of levatores scapulae, (1. 2,) corresponds with the soft and feeble condition of the dorsal portion of these bones into which they are inserted. The depressor of the lower jaw (5,) the sca- pular (6,) and the sub-sca- pular muscles (8,) occupy the anterior part of the back immediately behind the head, having before them the broad temporal muscles, and be- hind them the quadratus lumborum, (19, 24,) the sa- cro lumbalis, (23,) and the dorsal portion of the obliquus externus (22.) The ilio-coccy- geus, (25, 26,) is of great length, like the coccygeal bone, and the ilium to which it is attached, and the trans- FIG. 73. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 157 versus abdominis (20,) extends over a large portion of the trunk from the want of ribs in these anurous amphibia. The inter-transversales (21.) are of considerable breadth, from the length of the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The pectoralis major, here of great size and strength, is divided into several distinct parts, which extend forwards, inwards, and backwards, as separate flat muscular bands, covering a great portion of the anterior surface of the trunk. The muscles of the os hyoides are of great size, as in fishes and the lower amphibia, from the size of that bone, and its importance in respiration where there are no ribs. The pec- toralis minor is also divided into several detached and di- verging muscular bands, like the external, arid both these muscles acquire increased influence on the arm by their low insertion on the short humerus. The deltoid (7,) the anco- nei (9, 10,) and most of the proximal muscles of the arm are strong ventricose masses, and even the flexors and extensors of the wrist and fingers are short and fleshy, giving an an- thropoid character to these members. The knees extend, not forwards as in most vertebrata, but directly outwards from the sides of the trunk, and the long webbed feet have the same lateral direction, the best adapted for swimming and leaping. The glutei muscles (27,) are here long and narrow, from the lengthened and cylindrical form of the iliac bones, and also the iliaci muscles (28, 37,) and the semi- tendinosus (33,) the semi-membranosus (31,) and other ex- tensors of the thigh. The recti (29,) and the vasti muscles (40,) and the other extensors of the knee-joint, and also the gastrocnemius (34,) the tibialis posticus (42,) the peronei (48,) and other extensor muscles of the heel are here of great size, and of great importance in the progressive motions of these animals both on land and in the water, and by their great development they give a rotundity to the thighs and to the calfs, unusual in the cold-blooded vertebrata. The plantar aponeurosis is here continued from the tendo achilles, which has a moveable sesamoid bone where it plays over the heel ; so that the great extensors of the heel-joint contribute like- wise to the flexion of the toes, and the general support of the long webbed feet in swimming through the water, or in leaping on the ground. The higher classes of air-breathing vertebrata, by respiring 158 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. a purer element and by possessing organs more extensive, and more complicated, for the aeration of their blood, have their muscular system encreased in energy and strength be- yond that of the fishes and amphibia, which, for the most part, are organized to move by means of their vertebral column, through an element nearly of the same specific gravity as themselves. The rarity of the medium through which most of the reptiles and higher animals move, neces- sitates this increased muscular strength, and their bones have an increased solidity proportioned to the greater force of the muscles which are to act upon them. The progres- sive motion of serpents, like that of fishes, depends upon the movements of their trunk, and their muscles are disposed so as to act with most effect on the sides of the vertebrae and on the ribs. The deep grooves along the back, between the spinous and the transverse processes on each side, are occupied chiefly with the multifidus spina, the spi- nales, and the semi-spinales dorsi, which inflect powerfully the column to either side. Short as the distance is from one spinous process to another, and between the short transverse processes which support the ribs, those parts are moved se- parately by strong interspinales and intertransversales mus- cles. The ribs being free at their distal extremities, they admit of extensive motion, and are furnished with large in- tercostal muscles which partly represent the oblique and transverse muscles of the abdomen in higher animals. The recti muscles are divided in front by the soft cartilaginous tapering extremities of the ribs, as they are by tendinous in- tersections in most of the higher animals. These intercostal muscles, of various lengths, some passing directly from one rib to the next, and others passing over one or more ribs, to have a more distant insertion, are strongest on the anterior portion of the trunk, where their action is important in res- piration, by compressing and expanding the respiratory sacs. The large imbricated abdominal scuta, so important in the progression of serpents, are moved and supported by dis- tinct muscular fibres, which pass down to their fixed ex- tremities. Many of the ordinary muscles of the head, as seen in that of the rattle- snake (Fig. 74,) have a lengthened and divided form in serpents, from the elongated form and the great mobility of most of the bones of that part. An- MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 159 terior to the external pterygoid (&,) and the digastric (h,) muscles are seen three separate parts of the temporal muscle (d, e,f.) A portion of this muscle (e,) extending forwards like a buccinator, embraces the posterior part of the poison- gland (a,) and forces the secretion into the duct (#*,) and thence into the perforated fang (b.) The strong muscles of the lower jaw (/, w,) extend upwards to the vertebrae and backwards to the ribs, and unite into a single band on their fore part. The row of salivary glands (b, c,) extend back- wards beneath the poison gland («,) and forwards before the masseter muscle (a.) The great length of all the muscles of the head and trunk of serpents contributes to the velocity of their movements, and their numerous subdivisions contribute to the variety of their motions. Their muscles, for the most part, terminate in narrow, shining, tendinous bands, which allows of a greater number of muscles being inserted into a limited space, and consequently a greater variety in the movements of the articulations. These elongated forms, and tendinous terminations are most conspicuous in the ex- ternal and internal muscles of the ribs, which are the legs of these animals. The cloaca has its distinct muscles for opening and closing that cavity ; the pelvic bones and rudi- mentary feet, sometimes developed, are provided with mus- cles analogous to those of the ventral fins and pelvic bones of fishes ; the scapular arch, developed in the most per- 160 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. feet species, is attached by muscles to the trunk, though not yet destined to support atlantal extremities, and the internal lateral muscles passing from the vertebras to the ribs, form the rudiment of a diaphragm. The muscles of saurian reptiles are more numerous and complicated than in ophidia, because they possess members for progressive motion, adapted sometimes for swimming and sometimes for running or climbing, and sometimes these animals are organized for moving through the air. The stratified disposition of the great lateral muscles of the trunk, so conspicuous in the fishes, the urodelous amphibia, and even in the serpents, is less marked in the comparatively motionless bodies of the saurian reptiles, excepting in those which have scarcely yet the members developed. This ar- rangement of the muscles, in regular series around the ver- tebrae, is still continued in the coccygeal region of the co- lumn, which, together with the neck, is more flexible than in the ophidia. Several muscles of the face are wanting on the rough and hard head of the crocodilian reptiles, their temporal and masseter muscles are protected externally by the temporal, frontal, and malar bones, and their insertions are on the inner surface of the lower jaw, the muscles of the os hyoides, and those which connect the head with the trunk are distinct and powerful, as in most reptiles, and those of the tail, which is nearly as thick as the trunk, are of great strength, for the lateral motions of that part in swimming. The short muscular legs of these animals, diverging out- wards, scarcely raise the trunk oif the ground, on which the saurians, and most other reptiles rest the body, when not in actual progression. The legs, in these aquatic sauria, are compressed in form, to facilitate their advancement in the water, as in web-footed birds, and they have strong extensor muscles, to give impulse to their webbed feet. More nimble movements, and more light and pliant forms of the locomotive organs and of the wholebody are seen in most of the terrestrial, climbing, long-toed,and long-tailed lacertine sauria. The direc- tion outwards of the humerus and femur weakens the limbs, and adapts them better for climbing and prehension than for support or for running. The long fingers and toes, with their powerful flexors in the lacertine sauria, adapt them for climbing on trees in pursuit of their prey. The opposed MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 161 fingers and toes, and the muscular prehensile tail of the chamoelion enable it to creep with security on the agitated branches ; the muscles of its eyes are not synchronous in their movements, by which it commands an extensive field of vision without moving its head, and the muscular, clavate, prehensile tongue is moved writh velocity, like a sheath to and fro, from the long body of the os hyoides. The power- ful intercostals of the flying dragon expand its ribs with their connecting skin, and move them like wings, to enable it to pursue its insect prey through the air. The saurian reptiles, possessing a more distinct cervical region than any of the inferior vertebrata, and often carrying bulky prey to a distance in their jaws, require a great development of the muscles which suspend and move their heavy head and neck, as the recti and obliqui muscles of the head, the splenii, sca- leniy complexus and serratus posticus, the inter- and semi-spi- nales colli, the transversalis, trapezius, and rhomboideus. The fibres of ihepanniculus carnosus are intimately connected with the large osseous, external plates of the loricated croco- dilian reptiles, but the skin is more free in the lacertine spe- cies. The external and internal obliqui abdominis and the transversalis are distinct in the crocodiles, and also a rudi- ment of the diaphragm. The posterior portion of the diaphragm is likewise perceived in the dragons and geckos, where it consists of muscular bands ascending from the bo- dies of the vertebree to be attached to the ribs before them. Many of the ordinary muscles of the trunk are wanting in the chelonian reptiles, from the immobility of the skeleton in that part of the body, especially in the land species. Se- veral muscles of the face are deficient from the immoveable horny covering of the jaws and lips, and from the close ap- plication of the horny scales to the periosteum in that part. The muscles on the dorsal part of the spine, and all the in- tercostals, are likewise deficient. Those of the cervical, sa- cral, and coccygeal regions, and those of the scapular and pelvic arches, together with the muscles of the arms and legs, are the most distinct and powerful in this order, and correspond with the mobility of these parts, or the weight they have to sustain. The temporal muscles are covered over by the parietal bones in the turtles, but in the tortoises, PART II. M MUSCULAR SYSTEM. where the whole head is easily withdrawn within the strong arched and capaceous carapace, these muscles are exposed on the sides of the cranium (Fig. 75. A.) as in warm-blooded animals. The orbicularis palpebrarum, (Fig. 75. A, a,) is here thin and feeble, and chiefly appropriated to the large moveable lower eye-lid. The oblique muscles of the eye-ball are also very small, while the recti and the suspensorius oculi, (Fig. 75. B. a) are more distinct and strong. The mylo-hyoideus (Fig. 75. A. by) and the latissimus colli (75. A. c,) here form a large panniculus carnosus, covering the whole of the lower part of the sides of the neck. The spinalis cervicis, (A. d,) here forms numerous strong detached bands, which prin- cipally support the head, and retract it, when alarmed, within the cavity of the trunk. Behind this muscle lies the inser- tion of the longus colli, (A. /,) which has a similar action on the neck. Between these extends downwards the latissimus dorsi, (A. e,) tapering to the humerus, before which is the extended latissimus colli, and the imperfect diaphragm, (A.#,) extending over the peritoneal covering of the lungs. The MUSCULAR SYSTEM. J G3 obliqui, (A. /,) and the transversales abdominis, (A. £,) are here of considerable extent, passing forwards around the abdominal cavity, beneath the sternum and the ribs, and assisting in respiration and in the discharge of all the natural excretions. Behind the diaphragmatic bands (B. /, m,) are the posterior insertions of the large retrahentes capitis et colli (B. k,) which extend forwards along the back part of the neck (B.,/,) to retract the head and neck under the ribs. As the ribs are immoveable, the motions of inspiration are ef- fected chiefly by the os hyoides, as in amphibia where the ribs are almost or completely wanting, and most of the mus- cles connected with that bone are large and distinct, like the parts of the os hyoides itself. The genio-hyoideus (B./.) forms a broad muscle extending forwards to the lower jaw, and the omo-hyoideus, (B. iy) continues backwards as a broad muscular expansion, covering the lower part of the neck. The hyo-glossus, hyo-maxillaris, genio-glossus, are also here distinct, and the stemo-mastoideus, the digrasticus maxilla, trachelo-mastoideus, (B. /*,) and most of the muscles which move the head, are well marked in these long-necked ani- mals. The large pectoral muscles have an extensive attach- ment to the interior of the sternum. Two broad muscles proceeding, in different directions, from the sternum to the pubic bones, and constituting the attrahens and retrahens pelvim on each side, appear to be the analogues of the recti abdominis. The serratus magnus, deltoides, sub- and super - scapularis, triceps, (A. i- XERVOUS SYSTEM. papilio brassicas. In the larva of that lepidopterous insect (Fig. 83. A,) the columns are lengthened, the ganglia widely separated, and nearly equal, with a large ring between the ce- phalic (1,) and the first infra-oesophageal (2,) ganglia. The first or cephalic ganglia (A. 1,) were observed by Lyonet to give off eight pairs of nerves, which pass chiefly to the organs of the senses, besides the two columns which connect them FIG. 83. with the second pair of ganglia (A. 2.) They give off, like- wise,, filaments to the small lateral ganglia (A. b,) of the head, and to the commencement of the sympathetic series of ganglia (A. «,) as shown by Lyonet in the cossus. Between all the succeeding pairs of ganglia a solitary branch is seen coming off from each side of the motor column, which inter- ganglionic nerves were shown bv Lyonet to be distributed NERVOUS SYSTEM. 195 on the muscles and the minutest ramifications of tracheae for respiration. These inter-ganglionic nerves come off ge- nerally at a greater distance from the ganglia in insects and Crustacea, and in worms, than in the myriapods and the arachnida. The last pair (A. 13,) of ganglia are already ap- proached to those which precede them (A. 12.) In the pupa state of this moth (Fig. 83. B,) the approximation of the segments has not only shortened the total length of the co- lumns, but has caused them to assume a puckered or curved appearance, where they lie free between the ganglia ; the shortening of the whole trunk during the metamorphosis thus obviously takes place more quickly than the correspond- ing changes of the nervous system. The oesophageal ring is diminished, the cephalic ganglia are enlarging and extend- ing transversely for the myriad of developing eyes, and the thoracic pairs of ganglia are approaching to each other, pre- paratory to their uniting together at the part best suited to send nerves to the yet undeveloped thoracic members. The third pair of ganglia often advance to unite closely with the second pair, the fifth to unite with the fourth pair, and the seventh pair to unite with the sixth, during the passage to the imago state, and several, or the whole, of the ganglia which succeed these in the cavity of the abdomen, entirely disappear, while the motor and sensitive nerves still con- tinue to come off from the same parts of the columns, as seen in the nerves of the perfect insect (Fig. 83. C. 7, 8.) In the imago, or perfect state of the insect, (Fig. 83. C,) the loose inter-ganglionic portions of the columns, which were zig-zag in the pupa, have assumed a straight and shorter form, the two last pairs (12, 13,) have coalesced into one ganglion, and advanced from their original position, the cine- ritious matter has disappeared from two pairs of the abdo- minal ganglia (7, 8,) without affecting the original origins of their nerves ; four pairs of ganglia (6, 5, 4, 3,) have coalesced at two points of the thorax, to supply nerves to the muscles of the legs and wings ; the second and first pairs of ganglia (2, 1,) have approached in the head, and diminished the dia- meter of the oesophageal ring, the cephalic ganglia (C. 1,) have enlarged and extended transversely, to form the ex- panded optic lobe in each orbit, and the accessary nerves j(C. b, b,) and the great sympathetic (C. a,) running back- o 2 196 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ward? in the median plain above the alimentary canal, have assumed an encreased development, as shown by Lyonet and Straus, and thus more intimately united all the seg- ments and parts of the body by encreasing these bonds of connexion between all the organs and functions of vegetative or organic life. The same kind of change in the whole condition of the nervous system, effected by the metamor- phosis of the insect, is seen in Straus' figure of the adult or imago state of that system in themelolontha vulgaris (Fig. 83. D,) where the usual concentration of the nervous matter in the head and thorax has proceeded to a greater extent than in the papilio. The ganglia of the abdomen are most fre- quently preserved through all the stages of life in the lepid- opterous and the hymenopterous insects, and in those which have the segments of the abdomen the least altered from their larva condition by the process of metamorphosis. But in this coleopterous insect (Fig. 83. D,) where the adult form of the whole body is very remote from that of a caterpillar or of an annelide, all the ganglia have disappeared from the short round abdomen, and have accumulated in three con- tiguous masses in the middle of the thorax, from which the nerves radiate to the organs of motion, and extend back- wards into all the segments of the abdomen. The cephalic ganglia (1, 2,) have also encreased above and below the oeso- phagus, the cerebral lobes (1,) passing laterally into the large compound eyes, and the great sympathetic longitudinal series of supra-cesophageal ganglia («,) with their accessary lateral filaments and ganglia (b}) have advanced still more in their development. The greatest change of the nervous system, however, from its original larva condition, effected by the metamorphosis in insects, is that presented by the pentatoma, the cicada, and some others where all the ganglia of the columns have accumulated in two points, above and below the oesophagus, in the head and in the middle of the thorax ; thus nearly approaching to the highest condi- tion presented by this symmetrical nervous system in the most elevated tribes of Crustacea, and to the cyclo-gangliated character so general in the molluscous classes. Although during this rapid series of changes the last and the penulti- mate pairs of ganglia are generally the earliest to ap- proach and unite, they are at first distinct pairs like those NERVOUS SYSTEM. 197 before them on the columns, as seen in the annexed figure by Lyonet, of the three last pairs of ganglia and of the nerves which come from them, in the larva of the cossus ligniperda (Fig. 84. A.) The upper portion (a,) of the columns is seen to give off the inter-ganglionic nerves (d, c,) which Lyonet showed to be distributed on the respiratory organs after receiving a small connecting branch from the first pair of FIG. 84. the next succeeding ganglionic or mixed nerves (11. c} c.) This arrangement of the motor and ganglionic nerves is represented at each inter-ganglionic space along the columns. It was likewise shown by Lyonet that these motor nerves (13. 6,) proceeding to the lateral muscles and respiratory or- gans, come from a tract occupying always the upper surface of the columns, and distinctly passing over the upper surface of at least the last pair of ganglia. 198 NERVOUS SYSTEM. It was, however, in the class arachnida that Treviranus first pointed out, more than twenty years ago, in the ner- vous system of the scorpion (Fig. 84. B,) the continuity of this motor tract (84. B. «, a,) over the upper surface of the whole extent of the columns, and I have long shown the same structure to pervade the articulated classes. The ner- vous system, like most other parts of the arachnida, pre- sents an intermediate condition of development betwixt that of most insects and that of the higher Crustacea. While the nervous columns of the scorpions, with their accompanying series of ganglia, are lengthened in form, like those of lepi- dopterous insects, the same parts in the spiders have the concentrated form which they present in the highest crabs, with their symmetrical ganglia concentrated in two points of the body. The motor columns are large in the scorpion, as in the scolopendra, and are here also easily separated from the sensitive columns beneath them, excepting where they pass over the surface of the ganglia, from which they cannot be detached. The whole of the columns are less intimately connected together, and the inter-ganglionic spaces are larger in the cavity of the abdomen than in the round narrow muscular tail, or caudal portion of the trunk. In this pos- terior part of the body the motor columns are proportion- ally more flat and more expanded over the ganglionic chords, as they are likewise in Crustacea and other articulated classes. Besides the cephalic, or supra-cesophageal ganglia (Fig. 84. B. 1,) and the large infra-oesophageal mass of con- centrated ganglia which radiates nerves to the five pairs of legs, there are seven pairs of closely approximated ganglia (84. B. 3 — 9,) of a lengthened form, disposed along the in- ferior surface of the trunk. The motor or respiratory nerves come off at the ganglia, as in the myriapods, and not at a distance from the ganglia, as the inter-ganglionic nerves of insects and Crustacea. Towards the caudal extre- mity of the scorpion, the mixed nerves of the columns di- verge suddenly in numerous minute fasciculi from the sides of the ganglionic spaces (<84. B. g. 8.) But as we advance in the trunk we find the whole of the mixed nerves coming off in one large fasciculus from each side of each double ganglion (84. B. 5, 4, 3.) The first and second pairs of ganglia (84. B. 1, 2.) form a large, white, soft nervous mass occupy- NERVOUS SYSTEM. 199 ing the anterior and lower part of the trunk, immediately be- neath the eyes ; this lobed mass is perforated obliquely by a small aperture through which the oesophagus passes to the stomach. I have generally found the ganglionic spaces of the columns of the scorpion, as in many insects, closely en- crusted with small white lobes of adipose substance, in which the oesophageal nervous collar is likewise imbedded. The in- fra-oesophageal ganglia are much larger than the first pair which have few and small parts to supply. This second pair of gan- glia, composed of all the ganglia of the extremities (84. B. 2,) is protected behind by a cartilaginous arch, through which the columns pass to the third pair of ganglia, like the consolidated internal arch for the nervous column in the thorax of Crustacea. Numerous large nervous branches proceed backwards along the inferior surface of the abdominal cavity from the infra-oesopha- geal ganglia (84. B. 2,) beneath the motor and sensitive co- lumns, as represented, many years ago, by Treviranus and Muller, in their views of these columns in the scorpion. In the short and rounded body of the spiders, the supra- and infra-ossophageal ganglia form a large nervous collar around the oesophagus, the inferior portion of which, as in the scor- pions, forms a large lobed mass, from which all the nerves of the extremities radiate. The supra-ossophageal ganglia are small here also, from the imperfect development of the or- gans of the senses and of mastication. The ganglia of the abdomen, which are extended along the trunk separately in the scorpions, are accumulated into a single mass in the spiders, and placed near the anterior part of their short and wide abdominal cavity. Thus the extent of concentration of the nervous columns of arachnida, and the extent of dis- tribution of their unsymmetrical or sympathetic system, cor- respond with the high condition of the other systems in this class, and while they vary in the different tribes, they ap- proximate the more elevated forms to the highest insects and Crustacea. In the numerous and diversified class of Crustacea we meet with every condition of the nervous system, from that of the lowest annelide, or the earliest larva state, where scarcely a filament is yet perceptible in the place of the nervous columns, to that concentration of the nervous ganglia around the oeso- phagus, which connects the highest articulata with the mol- 200 NERVOUS SYSTEM. luscous classes. The motor and sensitive columns are seen on a larger scale in the Crustacea, and they occupy the same relative position as those long known in the other entomoid classes. The supra-cesophageal ganglia are generally larger than those of arachnida, and smaller than those of insects ; they are, for the most part, united into a single cerebral ganglion de- voted chiefly to the large organs of the senses, and their nerves unite with the sympathetic, as in insects and mollusca. The ner- vous ring of the oesophagus is here very wide, but the columns are small which form it, and they give offlarge branches to the stomach and the sympathetic while they pass along the sides of the oesophagus. The ganglia of the cephalo-thorax vary much in their number, their magnitude, and their degree of approximation according to the form of that part of the trunk, and the size of the several pairs of legs. The motor columns are seen in the large macrourous decapods, as in the post abdomen of the lobster, (Fig. 85. a,) passing over the upper sur- face of the sensitive columns (#,) and their ganglia (c,) as a broad, thin, white, fibrous layer, and giving off lateral branches chiefly behind each pair of ganglia. The largest trunks and mixed or moto-sensitive nerves of the columns come off at their ganglionic spaces (c, d.} These inter-ganglionic motor nerves (e, e,) in the posterior portion of the trunk come off at a great- er distance behind the ganglia, as they do in insects ; but as we advance to the fore part of the body, their origins be- come approximated to the ganglia. The posterior terminal pair of ganglia have generally a high position, and are of great size where the caudal appendices of the trunk are much developed, as in the long-tailed decapods. The same transverse and longitudinal approximation of the nervous columns and their ganglia,seen in the inferior articulata, is perceived in the development of the Crustacea ; and the most concentrated form of the nervous system met with in the highest brachyourous decapods, gra- dually acquires this concentration of all its ganglia in two points of the body, above and below the oesophagus (Fig. 86. D,) by passing through all the inferior conditions which pre- sent themselves as permanent or adult forms in this class. NERVOUS SYSTEM. 201 Many of the lower amphipoda and isopoda have the segments nearly equally developed from the anterior to the posterior extremity of the trunk, and this equal development is seen also in the nervous columns and ganglia of these segments, as shewn in the annexed figure of those of the talitrus locust a, or common sand-hopper (Fig. 86. A.) The slender longitudi- nal columns and the minute ganglia along their course here remain distinctly separated from each other by a small space on the median plain ; the ganglia are nearly of the same size from the first pair (1,) above the oesophagus (a,) to the caudal pair (11,) and the pairs are almost equidistant along the whole trunk, in a longitudinal direction. This simplest adult form of the nervous system shown by Audouin and Edwards in the talitrus, has been pointed out likewise by Rathke in the idotea, and the same is seen through the trans- parent bodies of many other minute isopods. The same form of the nervous columns is seen in the highest Crustacea while yet in their embryo condition in the ovum. In the short and broad trunk of the cymothoa where the legs are still equally developed along the whole sides of the body, the nervous columns (Fig. 86. B,) have already approximated to FIG. 86. 202 NERVOUS SYSTEM. touch each other on the median plain, and the ganglia on the two sides have coalesced to form a single chain along the middle of the abdominal surface of the body. The ganglia are still nearly equidistant, and equally developed along the columns ; but where the minute posterior tapering segments of this animal have advanced and united, their ganglionic matter appears likewise to have been carried forwards to en- large the ninth or terminal ganglion (Fig. 86. B.) The transverse concentration of the columns and ganglia towards the median plain, thus seen in the lowest Crustacea, is suc- ceeded in higher species by a longitudinal movement of the nervous matter directed, as we have seen in inferior classes of articulata chiefly to two points of the body, the head and the thorax, from which the largest and most important ap- pendices of the body, whether for sensation, mastication, or progressive motion are developed. In the long-tailed deca- pods, as the lobster (Fig. 86. C,) and the cray-fish, not only is the sympathetic system of nerves derived from the lateral ganglia of the stomach, greatly developed, as shown nearly twenty years since by Succow, and the ganglia and columns have coalesced and met transversely along the whole body ; but in the region of the thorax, from which the five pairs of large extremities are developed, the ganglia (Fig. 86. C. a. 6,) have both enlarged in size above those of the post-abdomen (C. 6 — 12,) and considerably approximated to each other in a longitudinal direction. In the higher enh tomoid articulata the segments first coalesce on the anterior and posterior portions of the trunk, and hence the enlarged form presented by their cephalic and caudal ganglia, indepen- dent of the great size often attained by the appendices deve- loped from the terminal parts of the body. The ganglia and columns of the post-abdomen in these macrourous decapods (C. 6. 12,) as shown by Succow, retain much of their primi- tive simple form, like the segments and appendices of that portion of the trunk; but the last ganglion (C. 12,) advanced to the penultimate segment, is here of great size, from the magnitude of the swimming appendices developed from the two caudal segments. The thoracic ganglia and columns are excluded from the general cavity of the trunk, and are en- closed in a distinct canal with solid calcified parietes prolong- ed inwards from the exterior shell. The most concentrated form of the nervous system met with in the Crustacea and its NERVOUS SYSTEM. 203 highest condition presented by this articulated division of the animal kingdom is that found in the short and broad trunks of the brachyourous decapods (Fig. 86. D,) where all the symmetrical ganglia of the columns are generally col- lected into two masses, the one in the head, and the other in the centre of the cephalo-thorax, and where the mo- tor and sensitive columns are almost confined to a nervous band around the wide oesophagus. The anterior of these, or the supra-cesophageal ganglion (86. D. 1,) is comparatively small in the brachyourous decapods, from the smalmess of the cephalic appendices, which it supplies with nerves. The infra-cesophageal nervous mass (86. D. 2,) is of great size, consisting of the whole chain of ganglia, which was originally extended along the body behind the oesophagus, and is favourably situated between the haunches of the legs, under a strong internal osseous arch, in the centre of the trunk. It sends out numerous branches to the surrounding viscera, and to the five pairs of legs which radiate from around that point, and the columns are prolonged backwards ramifying along the short slender post-abdomen, as a simple nervous chord. There are many intermediate conditions of these nervous columns and ganglia between those of the asta- cus (Fig. 86. C,) and of the maia (Fig. 86. D,) some of the macrourous decapods having the thoracic ganglia much more approximated than in the former, and many of the bra- chyourous species having them less concentrated into a mass than in the latter, and similar links are observed to connect together the typical forms of this system in the other orders of Crustacea, and throughout all the articulated classes. Thus the most elevated form of the nervous axis met with in this division of the animal kingdom begins its development with two simple abdominal filaments, like the lowest hel- minthoid form of entozoa, and by a gradual process of con- centration proceeding transversely and longitudinally from the peripheral to the central parts, it arrives at the cyclo-gan- gliated character of the molluscous classes, with its great symmetrical ganglia confined to the resophageal ring. 204 NERVOUS SYSTEM. FOURTH SECTION. Nervous System of the Cyclo-gangliated or Molluscous Classes. The nervous system is distinctly developed and pro- vided with several ganglionic centres, in all the molluscous classes from the lowest compound forms of tunicata to the highest of the cephalopods, and notwithstanding the remarkable diversity of form which the animals of this division present, we can trace a certain similarity of cha- racter and unity of plan in the development of this system, and in its typical forms, throughout all the cyclo-gangliated classes. As all molluscous animals are aquatic, excepting a few of the gasteropods, their nervous fibres present the same soft and pellucid character observed in other aquatic invertebrata, which often renders it less easy to trace their ramifications and to detect their plan of distribution, than to follow the denser opaque fibres of the air-breathing tribes, and has repeatedly caused them to be mistaken for sanguiferous or chyliferous vessels. In the short and broad trunks of the animals of this division, as in the round bodies of the radiata, the nervous system is characterised by a tendency to accumulate around the entrance to the alimentary canal, but from the high position of the molluscous classes in the scale, their nervous oesophageal collar is provided with distinct and often numerous ganglia. The same co- lumnar arrangement of the great nervous centres, which I have long observed and described in most of the articulated classes, I have found to exist also in the molluscous, though in a less extended or recti-lineal form. In the tunicated and conchiferous animals the columns are chiefly disposed beneath the alimentary canal; in the gasteropods and the pteropods they are more equally distributed around the entrance to the stomach; and in the more elevated forms of cephalopods they at length mount to that supra-cesophageal position which they preserve in all the vertebrata where NERVOUS SYSTEM. 205 FIG. 88. they cease to embrace the alimentary canal. In the lowest compound tunicated animals as in the botryllus and the pyrosoma, there is a small round white coloured opaque ganglion, within the muscular tunic of each of the com- ponent animals, placed near the entrance of the respiratory sac, and between that orifice and the anal. When we com- pare the position of the tho- racic cavity (Fig. 87- /.) andits apertures (a. b.) in the tuni- cata with those of the conch- ifera, we perceive that this single median ganglion (e,) is situate on the ventral side of the body, though at some distance from the entrance (g.) to the stomach, (h.) This ganglion is seen in the same position in the minute com- ponent animals of the poly- clinum, the aplidium, the di- demnum, the euccelium, the synoicum, the diazona, and the distoma. In the larger forms of simple ascidia as in the boltenia, phallusia, and cynthia (Fig. 87,) this last ganglion (e.) has generally a more lengthened oval form, and I have sometimes found it bifid both before and behind, where two nervous branches come off from each of its extremities. The two anterior nervous branches are larger than the two posterior which pass backwards on each side of the anal opening (b.) of the muscular tunic. The anterior pair encompasses the respiratory orifice (a), sending off filaments to the fringed and highly sensitive tentacula (c.) which guard this thoracic aperture ; these two branches again meet behind the orifice (d.) and continue as a broad chord along the dorsal part of the muscular coat or mantle. Besides this ganglion, which is connected with the muscular apparatus of the respiratory sac and its openings, like the posterior pair of ganglia in the conchifera which are also sometimes united into one, three 20() NERVOUS SYSTEM. other ganglia are observed in the abdominal cavity, ex- tended, as the ganglionic columns in the succeeding class, between the alimentary and respiratory cavities. The nervous columns of the conchifera are almost con- fined to a sub-oesophageal position, and extend along the inferior or ventral surface of the abdominal cavity, above the respiratory sac; they are most detached from each other at their anterior part, and often continue separate through their whole course. The motor or simple co- lums, which I have generally found more transpa- rent and colourless than the ganglionic, keep in contact with the sensitive chords, but sometimes they occupy a lateral position, passing over the sides of the ganglia, especially the last pair where the two kinds of nerves are most obvious. On opening the respiratory sac of a conch- iferous animal, as of the common muscle, mytilus edulis (Fig. 8S) and throwing aside the branchiae, the FIG< 8$? foot, and the pectinated lateral prolongations of the lips, we perceive two large white ganglia (88. a.b.) placed on the lower and lateral parts of the mouth, resting on the peritoneal covering of the stomach or of the liver which envelopes it, and sending upwards and forwards numerous large branches to the lips and neighbouring parts, and to the sympathetics. Two of these branches, after encompassing the short oesopha- gus, often meet above that passage, and form a distinct supra-cesophageal or cerebral ganglion, and two other branches passing inwards from the same ganglia, beneath the stomach, sometimes form another double ganglion on the median plain, close to the first sub-oesophageal pair (88. a.b.) The double nervous columns continue their course back- wards, from these anterior lateral ganglia, running on the same plain along the interior surface of the abdominal cavity, to the broad expanded base of the muscular foot, where the middle pair of ganglia are placed. These ab- dominal or pedal ganglia (88. c. d.) , are the most variable in NERVOUS SYSTEM. ^O/ size, and correspond in their development with the presence or the magnitude of the foot which receives branches from them. The columns which connect these two pairs of ganglia are separated from each other on the median plain by a space, which varies according to the lateral extension of the trunk in the different species ; they are generally parallel and near to each other in their course. The two symmetrical columns of ganglionic and simple nerves, continuing backwards beneath the ovary to the inferior surface of the great adductor muscle of the valves, meet with a third pair of infra-abdominal ganglia (88. e.) which are the most approximated to each other, and are often united into a single lobed ganglionic mass, as in the pecten maximus. In this large pecten it is easy to perceive that the motor portion of each of the two converging columns passes laterally over the surface of this large compound ganglion placed on the median plain, under the middle of the large adductor muscle of the valves. This pair of ganglia (e) appears to vary in size with the magnitude of the adductor muscle, and the extent of the palleal margins and branchke which receive nervous branches from it. The columns which pass backwards from the posterior ganglia, soon divide into numerous branches which supply this part of the trunk, and the largest nerves (/.), continued upwards along the adductor muscle from the columns, are observed to extend, on each side of the rectum, to the margins of the mantle, and to supply the ciliated and fringed orifices of the abdominal and thoracic cavities, and they send large branches to the branchiae. The ganglia, which are most obvious on first opening the valves of the conchifera, are the posterior pair placed on the adductor muscle, and these have generally bi'CMi described and figured by Poli as the centre of this system, which he mistook for the chyliferous system of these animals; the same pair has been uniformly designated and represented by Chiaje as the brain of these acephalous niollusca ; but both these authors have accurately represented their forms and the distribution of their numerous diverging branches. These two ganglia are connected by a trans- verse band on the posterior adductor muscle of the broad area noa, the nerves of which have been minutely traced 208 NERVOUS SYSTEM. and represented by Poll, as extending over the branchiae and the posterior portion of the mantle. These posterior ganglia, situate on the great adductor muscle, and sending forwards branches to the gills, are very remote from each other in the avicula; they are separate in the mactra as in the mytiluSy they are partially joined into a quadrilobate mass in the cardium and the solen, they form a single gan- glion in the spondylus as in the pecten, and they form by their union a transverse thick nervous band on the large abductor of the pinna. The first sub-cesophageal pair of ganglia (88 a. b.) with their numerous anterior branches and their two columns extending backwards to the pos- terior ganglia (88. e) have been accurately traced and re- presented by Poli in different species of solen. Small ganglia are observed in the conchifera, as in the tunicata and in the articulated classes, on other nerves besides the two great sensitive columns. The visceral or sympathetic nerves appear to receive their principal branches from the nerves of the first sub-cesophageal pair of ganglia, as they have been long known to receive their principal trunks from those of the two corresponding lateral ganglia of the stomach in the Crustacea. From the great development of the organs of the senses and of mastication at the entrance to the oesophagus in the gas- teropods, their nervous axis is much more concentrated and developed in that situation than it is in the conchifera ; and from this general advancement of the great nervous cen- tres to the head of these animals, we commonly observe a proportional diminution in the extent of their two symme- trical sub-ventral nervous columns. In the short and broad bodies of the gasteropods, the symmetrical columns are still generally separated from each other by a variable space along the median plain, as in the conchiferous mollusca, but as the general form and structure of the animals of this class vary remarkably, we find a corresponding diversity in the form and disposition of the great centres of nervous energy. In the simple form of the nervous system presented by the carinaria mediterranea (Fig. 89,) there is a close analogy with the ordinary disposition of the symmetrical detached nervous columns along the ventral surface of the abdomen in the inhabitants of bivalve shells. Lobed ganglia (g. h,) are NERVOUS SYSTEM. 1?09 observed in this animal at the sides of the oesophagus (*) and a transverse nervous band («,) connecting them, and encom- passing that passage. From this nervous oesophageal ring (?,) the two optic nerves pass laterally to the eyes (/,/,) and FIG. 89. the tentacular branches pass upwards and forwards to the long slender tentacula (89. e, e.) Numerous branches ex- tend downwards and laterally, to ramify on the muscular parietes of the abdomen, and two principal trunks (k, k,) ex- PART II. p 210 NERVOUS SYSTEM. tending backwards along the ventral surface of the abdomen, like the great nervous axis of conchifera, meet with a large compound quadrilobate ganglion (q,) behind the stomach (£,) and above the diverging muscles of the compressed pinniform foot (n, o.} These two sub-ventral, detached and converging columns (k, k,) extending from the cesophageal collar to the middle or pedal ganglia (#,) can be traced backwards from these ganglia along the lower surface (q, m,) of the abdominal cavity and beneath the intestine (c, d}) to near the caudal extremity of the trunk. Another branch is described by Chiaje as a sympathetic extending directly backwards from the brain, or cesophageal collar, and spreading on the viscera without passing to the quadrilobate ganglion (q.) Numerous branches come off from the periphery of the pedal ganglia (q,) to ramify on the muscles of the foot, and the surround- ing parts. The pedal ganglia (q,) have been regarded as sympathetic, but from their whole relations to the rest of the nervous system, and from the form and position of the great trunks (k, k, m,) connected with them, they appear more analogous to the symmetrical sub-ventral ganglia of conchifera, and of the articulated classes. The lateral ganglia of the nervous cesophageal collar are generally the parts NERVOUS SYSTEM. 211 from which the two principal nervous chords extend back- wards beneath the abdominal viscera in the gasteropods as in the bivalved mollusca, as seen in the annexed figure of 1 he nervous system of the aplysia fasciata (Fig. 90.) In the aplysia, as in many of the higher forms of gasteropods there is a large median supra-cesophageal ganglion (a,) from which the organs of the senses receive their nerves, and from this single superior ganglion (a,) proceed downwards and laterally two nervous bands to connect it with the usual pair of late- ral cesophageal ganglia (b, c.) Two nervous branches (/,) likewise proceed downwards and forwards from the" cerebral ganglion («,) to form a small anterior collar around the oeso- phagus (i9) and an inferior single ganglion (ff9) is seen be- neath the muscular bulb of the oesophagus, where these branches meet. The posterior large nervous collar is com- pleted by an inferior transverse band passing between the lateral ganglia (b, c,) and beneath the oesophagus (i.) From the lateral cesophageal ganglia (b, c,) two nervous trunks (d9 d,) extend backwards beneath the divisions of the stomach (k, I, m, n9) and along the ventral surface of the abdomen to near the bulb of the aorta (t9) where they meet with a single gan- glion (e,) considered, from its position, its distribution and its attachment to that arterial trunk, as a sympathetic ganglion. The cerebral ganglion (#,) placed above the oesophagus, and connected through the lateral ganglia (b, c,) with these two longitudinal columns, has a quadrangular form, a reddish brown colour, and is enclosed in a tough cranial membranous capsule immediately above the posterior end of the bulb of the oesophagus. The same reddish coloured nucleus and granular structure are seen in all the ganglia of the aplysia, and from the toughness of the neurilematous covering of the ganglia and nerves they can be easily injected like vessels, as in most other molluscous animals. The lateral ganglia (90. b, c,} have each a trilobate form, and the nervous bands which connect them with the brain have a distinct appear- ance of separate component columns. There are two fila- ments which proceed backwards from these lateral ganglia, like the origins of the sympathetics of Crustacea, and which here form by their union an arch around the trunk of the aorta. The anterior bilobate sub-oesophageal ganglion (90. g9) gives off eight nerves to the oesophagus, the salivary glands and p 2 212 NERVOUS SYSTEM. the muscles of the mouth. The two lateral ganglia are con- nected together by a broad nervous band, which passes be- low the oesophagus and completes the posterior ring around that passage. The muscles of the head, the superior tenta- cula, and the small eyes, receive their nerves from the cere- bral ganglion (a.) The optic is a branch from the large ten- tacular nerve on each side. The nerves from the lateral ganglia are spread chiefly on the muscular parietes of the trunk, and those from the aortic ganglion (e9) are observed ramifying on the liver, the intestines, the branchiae, and the generative organs. The aorta receives a minute branch from the two anastomosing filaments of the lateral ganglia, which embrace it, and a second ganglion almost impercepti- ble, is found on one of the branches proceeding from the great abdominal sympathetic ganglion. The sympathetic ganglia are also distinct in the scylltea, the glaucus, and many other small naked gasteropods. The nervous oesophageal ring of the haliotis has two lateral ganglia which supply nerves to the tentacula, the pedunculated eyes, and other parts of the head, and presents below the oesophagus a large median ganglion from which a series of long nerves extend backwards along the inferior surface of the abdomen, as in the carinaria, and the same plan of distribution is seen in the nervous system of the patella and many similar forms. In the bulla lignaria (Fig. 91,) there is a small lobed gan- glion anterior to the usual cephalic ring (e,) and which is si- tuate below the bulb (d9) of the oesophagus (a,) behind the salivary glands (b, b9) and anterior to the insertions of the diverging muscular bands (c9 c,) of the bulb of the oesopha- gus. This ganglion is situate like the small anterior infra- cesophageal ganglion of the aplysia. The cephalic ring (e, e,) enveloping the oesophagus, behind this single ganglion, has two large trilobate ganglia (/, /,) at its sides, which send numerous branches to the surrounding muscular parts, and two long branches (A, A,) extend backwards from them along the sides of the abdomen to two symmetrical sub-ventral ganglia (i9 i,) placed above the muscular foot. Behind these are two sympathetic ganglia (k, &,) which send filaments to the digestive organs, the ovary (o,) the oviduct (/?,) the uter- ine sac (q,) the vulva (m,) and the urinary organs (n.) Two anterior small sympathetic ganglia, which receive nerves NERVOUS SYSTEM FIG. in. from the lateral ganglia (f,f,) of the brain (e, e}) are perceiv- ed in this animal near the cardiac orifice of the strong, dense muscular gizzard. So that, although the bulla is almost acephalous, it has attained a considerable development both of its symmetrical and sympathetic systems of nerves. Instead of a simple nervous band passing over the oesophagus to connect the lateral ganglia, as in the bulla, there are two pairs of gan- glia around that passage in the jantkina, and in the limnea ; the ganglia are approximated to form a collar around the oesophagus. In the doris, the testacella, and many others, these ganglia are confined to a supra-oesophageal position, extending as a broad lobed nervous mass across the upper part of that canal. In the chitons there is a broad supra- cesophageal band and two closely approximated lateral gan- glia below the oesophagus which send back large nerves to the foot and sympathetic filaments to the abdominal viscera. 214 NERVOUS SYSTEM. The vermetus has, like the aptysia, a small anterior infra- oesophageal ganglion besides the ordinary supra-oesophageal and two lateral ganglia ; the infra-oesophageal ganglion is situate beneath the muscular bulb of the oesophagus, and a small sympathetic ganglion, placed near the stomach, receives filaments from the lateral ganglia, and sends nerves to the abdominal viscera. In the long body of the dentalium the brain forms a single lengthened quadrilateral ganglion ex- tended longitudinally above the oesophagus, and sending down small nerves on each side to complete the cesophageal ring. In the pulmonated gasteropods the brain is generally more equally divided between the upper and lower surfaces of the cesophageal ring, the broad ganglia in these two situa- tions having a bilobate form. The highest forms of the pec- tinibranchiate gasteropods, as the buccinum and the harpa, FIG. 92. NERVOUS SYSTEM. 215 have the greatest portion of the ganglionic matter of the ceso- phageal nervous ring accumulated in a cerebral position above the entrance of the alimentary canal, as seen in the annexed figure of the harpa elongata (Fig. 92,) from New Guinea, where the mantle (0,) is opened to show the branchiae (dy €}) and the syphon (c}) on the left, and the mucous follicles the colon (n.) and the male organ (f.) on the right side of the respiratory cavity. On opening the an- terior part of the trunk the retracted proboscis (g) with its muscles (h.) are seen extending backwards over the brain (i.) which rests on the inferior turn of the oesophagus where the two salivary glands (k. k.) are also placed. From this cerebral mass (i.) large nerves are seen ex- tending forwards to the head (#,) the tentacula, with the eyes (s. s,) at their base, and to the broad fin-like ante- rior fold (a,) of this long tapering inoperculate foot. Other nervous chords extend downwards to the ventral surface of the abdomen, and backwards to the sympathetics which supply the abdominal viscera. This gradual concentration of the ganglionic matter of the great cesophageal nervous ring of the gasteropods into a cephalic position and form, on the median plain above the alimentary canal, is a pre- liminary to its enclosure in a distinct cranial covering, which takes place in the cephalopods. The nervous system of the pteropods presents the same general plan and the same varieties of form in its ce- phalic masses as seen in the gasteropods, especially in the naked and swimming species. In the clio bo- realis (Fig. 93, B.) one of the small naked swimming pteropods, there is a double nervous collar around the ossophagus, as in the aplysia and many other gasteropods. Two small ganglia approximated to each other to form a bilobate brain are placed above the oesophagus im- mediately behind the lips (93, B «,) and indicate by their diminutive size the imperfect development of the organs of the senses in this animal which scarcely presents a trace either of eyes or tentacula. Behind these central ganglia are two larger lateral ganglia connected together by a transverse band below the oesophagus, and which supply the principal nerves to the muscular closed mantle enveloping the trunk. Two nervous bands proceed from 216 NERVOUS SYSTEM. each of this middle pair of ganglia, one of which con- nects them with the cerebral, and another proceeding backwards connects them with a posterior pair of ganglia, which are united by a transverse chord above the oeso- phagus. The ganglionic portion of this cerebral ring, or perforated brain, is more developed below than above the oesophagus in the pneumodermon, where there is only a narrow transverse band above that passage, and three pairs of ganglia disposed symmetrically below. Four of these inferior ganglia are almost in contact on the me- dian plain, and two are more lateral and separate. But in the hyalea the nervous matter is chiefly concentrated into a large supra-oesophageal broad ganglion of a quadran- gular form, which gives off branches from its four angles. Two of these nerves passing round the oesophagus enter a double ganglion placed below that passage. The nearest approach to the vertebrated form of the nervous sytem is that presented by the cephalopods, the highest of the mollusca and of all the invertebrata. The oesophagus still perforates the brain, as in all the infe- rior classes, but the greatest portion of that organ and the symmetrical columns prolonged from it are here placed above the alimentary canal. The brain is enclosed in a distinct organized cranial cavity, numerous symmetrical ganglia are developed on the great nervous axis both before and behind that organ, and sympathetic ganglia are observed in the abdominal cavity. The supra-oeso- phageal portion of the brain in the nautilus forms a thick transversely-elongated band, imperfectly surrounded by the cranial cartilage, and enclosed in a tough mem- brane, as in many of the gasteropods. It is extended laterally into the small optic ganglia of this animal, and is connected laterally with an anterior and a posterior sub-oesophageal ganglionic ring, as in many of the inferior mollusca. Each of the sub-oesophageal bands exhibits two lateral ganglionic enlargements from which numerous branches are ramified forwards and backwards, and the two columns are prolonged backwards from the lateral parts of the brain to the palleal ganglia, as in other cephalopods. In the loligopsis (Fig. 93. A.) the brain is enlarged both above and below the oesophagus, and its NERVOUS SYSTEM. 217 superior portion, which forms an oval encephalic mass, is more completely surrounded with a cartilaginous cranium. From the lateral parts of this encephalic ring («,) come off the optic nerves, and the two large longitudinal sym- metrical columns (a. b. d.) which run parallel and near to each other along the dorsal surface of the abdominal ca- vity to the caudal extremity of the sac, having the pal- leal ganglia (b,) in their course. The cerebral ganglion of the octopus, (Fig. 93 C. «,) forms a more globular concentrated mass enclosed in a thick cartilaginous cranium, covered with a gelatinous cellular arachnoid and a dura mater giving off laterally optic nerves (C. b.) to very large optic ganglia (C.c) contained within the sclerotic coat of the eyes. The optic ganglia are sur- rounded with lobed masses of adipose substance (e. e.) and send out a large radiated pencil of detached optic fila- ments (d,) to penetrate the choroid. The brain is sepa- rated from the oesophagus (o,) and the aorta (n,) by the membranous floor of the cranium, the whole periphery of this perforated cerebral mass, encompassing the oesophagus, not being yet surrounded with the consolidated portion of the cranium. On each side of the cranium is a small vestibular cavity occupied by a sac on which the audi- tory nerve is distributed and containing a limpid fluid, and a calcareous concretion. In the sepia the brain is more distinctly bilobate, of a yellowish white colour, and pulpy consistence, smooth on the surface and contained 218 NERVOUS SYSTEM. in a thick cartilaginous cranium, which is perforated for the passage of nerves, and gives attachment externally to the muscles of the head and trunk. The cranium is continued round the oesophagus though soft on its interior part. Immediately anterior to the brain and the cranium is a large heart-shaped supra-cesophageal ganglion, of a yellowish colour, resting over the oesophagus, and sending forwards numerous large nerves to the labial ap- paratus enveloping the mandibles. On the lower part of the muscular bulb of the mouth, are two small lateral ganglia, which send in numerous large branches to the strong muscles of the mandibles. Both the labial and the mandibular ganglia are connected with the brain by distinct nervous chords. Below the ossophagus, and an- terior to the cranium, are two large lateral pedal ganglia, which send forwards large nervous trunks to pass ramify- ing through the tubular axis of all the feet. These two pedal ganglia are likewise connected by nervous chords with the sides of the brain. The two optic nerves pass through the cranium, from the superior or dorsal lobes of the brain, and enter two large crescentic optic ganglia within the sclerotic, as in other naked cephalopods. The two great longitudinal nervous columns are extended backwards from the sides of the brain, separate from each other, and along the dorsal aspect of the trunk, above the abdominal cavity to the large palleal ganglia which distribute radiating nervous chords chiefly to the interior muscular parts of the mantle. The inner portion of each of these two symmetrical columns (Fig. 93. A. b. d.) extending from the brain, along the dorsal region of the cephalopods, does not enter the palleal ganglion, but passing along the inner margin of that ganglion, it penetrates the substance of the mantle by a distinct foramen, and radiates into numerous rami- fying chords, which are distributed chiefly on the exterior parts of the trunk. The principal branches of these ex- terior palleal nerves extend backwards in the direction of the broad thin cartilaginous laminee which support the branchial muscles, and two filaments extend inwards to the abdominal sympathetic ganglia (93. A. e. e.) placed at the base of the branchiae, near the lateral hearts. By means of the two sub-cesophageal pedal ganglia anterior to the NERVOUS SYSTEM. 219 brain, a second nervous ring is formed around the oesopha- gus in the cephalopods, as in most of the gasteropods and pteropods. On opening the skull of the argonauta from be- hind, as in the annexed figure (Fig. 94,) by Chiaje, the brain (fl,) of a round form above, separated from the inner parietes FIG. r" of the skull by the gelatinous arachnoid, and extending downwards to encompass the oesophagus (i,) is observed to give off laterally the large optic nerves (^,) which perforate the cranium to reach the pedunculated eyes, and from its more anterior portion the separate great symmetrical columns (94. b, b,) which extend backwards to the palleal ganglia (94. 220 NERVOUS SYSTEM. c, cy) on each side of the crop (£,) the aorta (n, 0,) and the salivary glands (ra,) and above the branchiae, and the genital organs. By removing the anterior supra-cesophageal heart- shaped labial ganglion, and the O3sophagus, the great lateral sub-oesophageal pedal ganglia (/,) are perceived to send for- ward large nervous trunks (d, d, d, e, e,) which extend rami- fying through the central canal of each arm along with the blood-vessels. A separate nervous tract, like that seen in the dorsal columns of the cephalopods, is seen to pass back- wards along the sides of the supra-cesophageal ganglion of the buccinum and other gasteropoda, and having the same pellucid appearance as the simple ungangliated nerves of most invertebrata ; the same tract of simple nerves is seen in the symmetrical columns of conchiferous mollusca especially, as in the cephalopods, at the great posterior pair of symme- trical ganglia. The dorsal columns prolonged from the brain are more approximated, parallel, and lengthened in the loligop- sis and loligo than in most of the naked cephalopods, which corresponds with the lengthened and narrow form of the trunk in these animals. The great nervous trunks, (94. d, d, d,) proceeding from the inferior ganglia (f,fj) anterior to the brain, and accompanying the artery and vein (p,p,pj q,q,g,) through the axis of each arm, send out lateral ramifying branches at regular, short, and decreasing distances from both sides, corresponding with the position of the exterior suckers, and these nervous trunks, diminishing in size as they advance towards the apex of the arm, present through- out their whole course a beaded or knotted appearance, like the nervous axis of a worm. In the long cylindrical trunk of the loligo the nervous columns are continued from the two palleal ganglia, along the whole extent of the dorsal sur- face of the body, and send out numerous lateral branches to the caudal fins, which are seen radiating and ramifying to their extreme margins. As the great trunks of the sympa- thetic in the inverted bodies of the articulated animals occu- py the dorsal region of the abdominal cavity, and the sym- metrical columns the ventral, we find that in the cephalopods where the columns extend along the back; as in the higher classes of vertebrata, the branches of the great sympathetic proceeding from the inferior surface of the brain, extend along the ventral aspect of the abdomen, between the liver NERVOUS SYSTEM. 221 and the ink-gland to the bottom of that cavity, where they form a ganglion which sends nerves to the digestive, the circulating, and the respiratory organs. So that, although the brain of the cephalopods is still perforated by the oeso- phagus, as in all the inferior classes, we find all the principal parts of the nervous system of the vertebrata already deve- loped in this class, and after undergoing a series of changes of form and position in the inferior tribes of animals, regu- lated by the general development and form of the body, they have here acquired the form and situation which they pre- serve throughout all the higher classes to man. This system begins the development of its ganglionic axis in the lowest acephalous mollusca, as in the lowest helminthoid articulata, below the oesophagus, and extends along the ventral surface of the abdomen ; but in the higher gasteropods, as in the highest insects and Crustacea, we find it advanced in its position, ac- cumulated around the entrance of the digestive canal, and mounting to a dorsal position, which nearly the whole of the lengthened spino-cerebral axis has attained in the cepha- lopods. FIFTH SECTION. Nervous System of the Spini-cerebrated or Vertebrated Classes. The great axis of the nervous system occupies en- tirely a dorsal position in the vertebrated classes: it is enclosed in an osseous sheath, which is continued over its posterior prolongation, and it is no where perforated by the alimentary canal. The fibrous structure of the encephalic portion which is perceptible in the cephalo- pods, becomes more distinct and obvious as we ascend through the vertebrated classes; and that anterior part of the nervous axis becomes likewise proportionally larger, leaving only slight traces, in the fourth ventricle, of its original opening for the passage of the alimentary canal. The spinal chord, the medulla oblongata, the optic lobes, 222 NERVOUS SYSTEM. and the cerebral and cerebellic hemispheres,, form the most constant elements of this axis, but their relative and actual developments vary in the different classes. They are com- posed of minute neurilematous tubular filaments which form two posterior contiguous sensitive or ganglionic columns and two anterior motor columns, the filaments and nerves of which are not interrupted by ganglionic enlargements. Though much varied in the extent of its development in the different classes, there is great similarity in the successive stages of the development of this system in the embryos of all the verte- brated animals and great uniformity of plan in all its adult forms. Beginning with the two columns of the axis, like the two chords of a worm, it becomes reinforced by filaments from every part of the periphery, and gradually receives its ganglionic enlargements, as in all the inferior tribes, where they are most required by the developing organs of the body. The great sympathetic, or nervous system of organic life, which is extended along the upper or dorsal side of the symmetrical axis in the inverted bodies of the articulata is here developed along the ventral or under surface of the spino-cerebral axis, and like the sym- pathetic system of the highest entomoid classes it is en- closed with the viscera, in a cavity distinct from that which envelopes the nervous axis of animal life. In the long vermiform bodies of the lowest cyclo- stome fishes, as the lamprey, the pride, and the gastro- branchus, the two slender columns extended along the back and scarcely protected by a cartilaginous sheath, are nearly without cerebellum, and destitute of gangli- onic enlargements in their course to the head, where the minute cerebral elements are enclosed, like the ganglia of a cephalopod, in a cartilaginous tube, con- sisting of a single piece. This simple condition of the axis presented by the lowest fishes, resembles the pri- mitive embryo-state of this system in the highest ver- tebrata before the extremities begin to shoot from the sides of the trunk. In fishes, as in cephalopods, where a large exterior surface of the skull is required for muscular attachments, the minute brain does not fill the cavity of the cranium, and the space between the dvra mater which lines the skull and the pia mater NERVOUS SYSTEM, 223 which invests the cerebral organs is occupied by the soft transparent semifluid cellular tissue of the arach- noid coat which passes down likewise through the ver- tebral canal, enveloping the spinal chord. The spinal chord is nearly equal in its development throughout the vertebral column, even in many of the anguilliform osseous fishes, from the smallness of the arms and legs not requiring those enlargements which we observe in most higher animals, where the nerves of larger and more powerful extremities are given off. In species which have the arms of great magnitude, as rays and flying-fishes, there is a proportionate development of the upper enlargements of the spinal chord. The num- ber and the extent of these enlargements of the spinal chord in fishes corresponds with that of the members developed from the periphery of the trunk. In the trigla (Fig. 95. C,) where the pectoral fins are of great size, a series of ganglionic enlargements (95. C. b. £,) FIG. 95. of the spinal chord (a) are observed at its upper part, which corresponds in number with the number of the large detached rays of the pectoral fins presented by the different species, trigla cuculus having five enlarge- ments and five detached rays, and the trigla lyra (95, C.) 224 NERVOUS SYSTEM. having six of each. The posterior extremity of the chord is sometimes sensibly enlarged where nerves pro- ceed to the muscles of a large caudal fin, and in abdo- minal fishes an enlargement is observed, corresponding with the ventral fins. In some fishes with a great de- velopment of the head and anterior portion of the trunk, as the frog-fish^ and the tetrodon, the spinal chord passes but a short way through the vertebral canal, and a long cauda equina extends backwards, as in the human body. The symmetrical nerves arise by double roots from the two grooves on each side of the spinal chord, the motor nerves which commence more towards the tail than the sensitive, originate from the anterior lateral groove, and the sensitive nerves, provided each with a ganglion be- yond the vertebral canal, originate from the posterior groove. These unite, as in the invertebrated classes, to form mixed, moto-sensitive nerves, they give sensibility and motility to the organs of animal life, and they send filaments to the sympathetics — each vertebra being analo- gous to a segment of the trunk, and each pair of sym- metrical nerves originating from the brain of that segment. The nervous O3sophageal ring of the invertebrata is still perceptible in the wide opening between the lateral halves of the medulla oblongata of the lampreys. The great fasci- culi composing the cerebral masses the corpora py- ramidalia, olivaria and restiformia are already obvious in the large medulla oblongata of fishes ; but the crossing fasciculi of the corpora pyramidalia are slightly marked, they become apparent and numerous as we ascend through higher classes. The medulla oblongata, the apparent origin of most of the cranial nerves, is here large and lobed, and often nearly as broad as the cerebral organs before it in the cranium ; it is deeply marked above by a calamus scrip- torius, at the bottom of the fourth ventricle, which is situate between it and the single median lobe composing the cere- bellum. Anterior to the medulla oblongata and cerebellum, there are generally in osseous fishes three pairs of rounded lobes placed in front of each other along the floor of the cranium, and occupying but a small portion of that capacious cavity, as seen in the brain of the conger-eel, muraena conger NERVOUS SYSTEM. 225 (Fig. 95. A,) where these three pairs of lobes are nearly equally developed and similar in form. The posterior pair, (95. A. c,) immediately before the cerebellum (95. A. b,) are the optic lobes or corpora quadrigemina, which are hollow in- ternally, as in the human foetus, and give origin to the prin- cipal fibres of the optic nerves. The second or middle pair of lobes (95. A. e,) are the cerebral hemispheres, which are here, as in the human embryo, destitute of internal ventricles and without external convolutions. The anterior pair (95. A. /,) are the olfactory tubercles, which are entirely appro- priated to the olfactory nerves (95. A. g, a.) In the trigla lyra, (Fig. 95. C,) where the medulla oblongata (b, b,) is marked by ganglionic enlargements, and the cerebellum (d,) is proportionally small, the optic lobes (e, e,) are much larger than the cerebral hemispheres (/,) and the olfactory tuber- cles (g,} are much inferior in size. In the perch, (Fig. 95. B,) the medulla oblongata (a,) forms two broad lobes at its anterior termination (b}) over which the elevated cerebellum (e,) arches backwards. The optic lobes (95. B. d, d,) have an elongated form, the cerebral hemispheres (e, e,) much smaller than the optic lobes, are extended vertically, and the olfactory tubercles (/,) form two slight spherical enlarge- ments at the commencement of the olfactory nerves (g, g.) In most fishes, as in the earliest condition of the human brain, the optic lobes are larger than the hemispheres 5 they are smooth and cineritious on the outer surface, and destitute of the transverse sulcus which gives them a quadrigeminous appearance in the adult mammalia ; they are hollow within and have their inner parietes lined with white medullary fibres. The ventricles of the optic lobes communicate freely with each other, and they open behind, by a narrow aquiduct, into the fourth ventricle beneath the cerebellum. The interior white medully parietes of these two lateral cavities meet above on the median line, and form an extended commissure like the corpus callosum of the hemispheres ; they descend along the median line to form a prominent ridge, but not a complete septum, between the ventricles. The optic lobes of fishes, like their medulla oblongata, are larger in proportion to the cerebral hemispheres than in any of the higher vertebrata, and they present the same great proportions the earlier we observe them in the human embryo. Their development PART in. Q 2-26 NERVOUS SYSTEM. corresponds generally with that of the corpora olivaria, the optic nerves, and the eyes, but is in the inverse ratio to that of the cerebral and cerebellic hemispheres. The inner medullary fibres of the optic lobes pass transversely and arch upwards over the contained ventricles, but the exterior fas- ciculi advance longitudinally to the optic nerves. The cine- ritious portion predominates in these and other parts of the brain, as in the human embryo ; and the wide canal extend- ing through the middle of the spinal chord of fishes corres- ponds also with the fretal condition of that part in mamma- lia. These optic lobes, the first formed portions of the brain anterior to the medulla oblongata, being analogous to the supra-cesophageal ganglia which give origin to the optic nerves in the invertebrata, are almost alone developed in the cyclostome fishes ; they are large compared with the cerebral hemispheres in most of the osseous fishes (95. C,) they are comparatively small in the anguilliform fishes (95. A,) their size is much reduced in the plagiostome chondropterygii (95. D. d,) and they become proportionally smaller as we ascend through the higher classes to man. They contain within their cavity one or two pairs of tubercles and the large cor- pora candicantia lie beneath them on the inferior surface of the brain. The anterior and posterior commissures are al- ready developed, and also a rudimentary fornix. Anterior to the hollow optic lobes of fishes are the proper cerebral hemispheres) (95 . A. e,) which are scarcely percep- tible in the cyclostome fishes, are very small in most of the osseous fishes, (95. B. e, e, — C. e, e,) equal the optic lobes in the apodal fishes (95. A. e,) and have attained in the plagios- tome species (95. D. e, e,) a much greater size than these small optic lobes, (95. D, d.) In the osseous fishes, as in the embryo condition of the human hemispheres, they are destitute of internal ventricles^ smooth and cineritious on the surface, without external convolutions, and they are com- posed internally of radiating white fasciculi derived from the corpora pyramidalia. In the rays and sharks (95. D. e, e,) where the hemispheres attain a great size, they already pre- sejit inequalities on the surface, they begin to extend back- wards over the small optic lobes, (95. D. d,) and they already manifest distinct ventricles in their interior, which continue in almost all the higher animals to man. The cerebral or NERVOUS SYSTEM. 227 lateral ventricles are continuous with the canals of the olfac- tory nerves (95. D./,) as in all the higher classes. These cerebral lobes, perhaps the analogues of the thalamic optici, are developed in the direct ratio of the corpora pyramidalia and crura cerebri, and their increased development in higher animals corresponds also with the enlargement of the lateral lobes or hemispheres of the cerebellum. Before the cerebral hemispheres are placed the most an- terior pair of lobes, which here, as in higher classes, are ap- propriated to the olfactory nerves, and vary in their form, size, and situation more than any of the other parts of the brain. These olfactory tubercles are generally in the osseous fishes, (95. B./, C. p}) in immediate contact with the cere- bral hemispheres, and inferior to them in size ; in the an- guilliform fishes (95. A. /,) they nearly equal the hemi- spheres (95. A. e}) and in the plagiostome fishes (95. D. g,g,) they are placed on the course of the olfactory nerves at a greater or less distance from the hemispheres (95. D. e, e,) and present a great transverse development, exceeding in magnitude the hemispheres themselves. In these last fishes the rays and sharks, the large cineritious olfactory lobes are situated at the end of thick peduncles and lie immediately above the cribriform plate of the ethmoid which the olfac- tory nerves perforate to be distributed on the extensive pituitary membrane covering the laminae of the nose. The cerebellum forms only a minute transverse band on the median plain in the cyclostome fishes, where it can be perceived, and in the higher osseous fishes (95. B. c,) it still consists merely of a simple median lobe, smooth on the sur- face, destitute of lateral hemispheres, and analogous to the vermiform median lobe first developed in the cerebellum of the human embryo. It rises vertically in the osseous fishes (Fig. 96. €,) compressed between the optic lobes (96, d,) and the lobes of the medulla oblongata (96. b,) and generally ex- tends backwards, tongue-shaped, over the fourth ventricle, but is destitute of the laminated surface which it begins to present in the plagiostome fishes. This median portion of the cere- bellum, (95. D. e,) like the cerebral hemispheres, (e, e,) is greatly developed in the muscular rays and sharks, extending backwards over the medulla oblongata and forwards over the small optic lobes (95. D. d,) and already presents not only a Q2 228 NERVOUS SYSTEM. transversely laminated structure, as in higher classes, but also small hemispheres extending laterally like tubercles from its base. Its magnitude here corresponds, as in higher classes, with that of the corpora restiformia, which are conspicuous in the plagiostome fishes, and it presents internally an ar- borescent appearance of white diverging fasciculi, arising from its laminated structure. All these lobes contained within the capacious cranium of fishes are covered with cineritious substance, and derive their internal white fibrous parts distinctly from the great fasciculi of the medulla oblongata, the corpora pyramidalia, olivaria, and restiformia. From the great size of the olfactory and the optic nerves in this class, as seen in the perch, (Fig. 96. FIG. 96. ff, q,) and also of the fifth pair (96. m,) and from the small- ness of the three pairs of lobes from which these nerves ori- ginate, the cerebral hemispheres (e,) the optic lobes (d,) and the medulla oblongata (b,) appear only like small ganglia ap- propriated to these nerves. The olfactory tubercles (96./,) are generally contiguous to each other and to the hemi- spheres, and the white fibres of the olfactory nerves (96. g,) pass forwards on their lower surface from the cerebral lobes (96. e.) Two commissures are generally perceptible in the cerebral lobes, and beneath the small lobules in the optic lobes a third ventricle is seen leading downwards to the in- NERVOUS SYSTEM. '229 fundibulum and the large petuitary gland. The pineal gland (95. A. c?,) with its small peduncles, is seen between the optic lobes and the hemispheres, as in higher classes, and is composed chiefly of cineritious substance. From the great extent of the cranial cavity and the small- ness of the brain, the cerebral nerves have a long free course from their origin to their cranial foramina. In the osseous fishes the optic nerves (96. q,} generally cross each other with- out uniting or intermingling their fibres, but in the plagiostome fishes they unite and decussate, as in mammalia. Fromthegreat size of the organs of vision in this class, and of the muscles which move them, not only the optic nerves are proportion- ally large, but also the third, fourth and sixth pairs, or oculo- motory, trochlear and abducent nerves, which are the motor filaments of these muscles. The abducent nerves advance forwards from the inferior surface of the medulla oblongata, where they arise between the posterior fibres of the large trigemini. This large fifth pair (Fig. 96. m,) arising from the sides of the lobes of the medulla oblongata immediately beneath the cerebellum (96. c,) gives off the ophthalmic (96. p,) which passes forwards through the orbit above the eye to be distributed on the upper part of the face ; — the supe- rior maxillary (96. o,) which passes under the eye to ramify on the sides of the face ; — and the inferior maxillary (96. n,) which supplies chiefly the palate and lower jaw. The prin cipal branches of the seventh or facial nerve (96. I,) are dis- tributed on the posterior part of the face and neck. The great pneumo-gastric nerves (96. &,) arising behind the trige- mini, from the sides of the medulla oblongata present a large ganglion, from which branches pass downwards to the branchiae, and backwards along the oesophagus to the sto- mach, and air sac or rudimentary lungs ; and before these is a branch analagous to the glosso-pharyngeal, which supplies the tongue and anterior branchial arch. This great ganglion of the pneumo-gastric (96. k,) is sometimes close to the origin of the nerve, and sometimes remote ; and a branch from this nerve, like the accessary of Willis, extending lon- gitudinally on the side of the whole body near the lateral line sends filaments to the surface. The pneumo-gastric supplies nerves also to the electrical organs of the torpedo. The acoustic nerve, arising between the trigeminus and the great 230 NERVOUS SYSTEM. pneumo-gastric, descends to the vestibule and long semi-cir- cular canals. The spinal nerves, like those of the cranium, have gene- rally a long course before they pass out through the inter- vertebral foramina, and the ganglia of their posterior roots are often so small, especially in osseous fishes, as to be scarcely perceptible, and slight enlargements of the spinal chord can sometimes be distinguished at the origins of the several pairs of symmetrical nerves. The great sympathetic arising from cranial nerves as high as the trigeminus, is rein- forced in its course backwards by branches from the spinal nerves, and forms plexuses and ganglia, as in higher classes, before being distributed on the organs of the trunk ; it is more distinct in the plagiostome chondropterygii than in the osseous fishes, and is least developed in the cyclostome spe- cies. It forms small ganglia along the sides of the vertebral column, where it receives filaments from the spinal nerves, and its plexuses embrace the arterial trunks before ramifying on the digestive, respiratory, and generative organs. In the perennibranchiate amphibia, and in the larva state of those which lose the gills, the spinal chord, the medulla oblongata, and the cerebral parts contained within the cra- nium present the same proportions and general conditions which we observe as permanent characters in most of the osseous fishes ; but the cerebellum is generally smaller in amphibia and reptiles than in all the other vertebrata. As in the lower fishes, the spinal chord in these inferior forms of amphibia is prolonged, small and tapering, through the greater part of the coccygeal vertebrae, without distinct en- largements where the nerves usually come off to the arms and to the legs. The medulla oblongata is yet broad and lobed, the cerebellum in form of a very small median trans- verse lobe without hemispheres, the optic lobes large, cine- ritious, smooth without, hollow within, and quite exposed, and the cerebral hemispheres, extended longitudinally, smooth and cineritious externally, without internal ventricles, and smaller than the optic lobes. The metamorphosis of the caducibranchiate species changes the condition of their ner- vous system from that of the lower fishes to nearly that of the reptiles above them ; and these changes are effected so rapidly that we can perceive a marked advancement in the NERVOUS SYSTEM. 231 development of the nervous system of the tadpole produced in one day. In the tadpole of the common frog, on the fourth day, (Fig. 97. A.) the spinal chord is perceptibly en- FIG. 97. larged at its posterior part (a,) and also the medulla oblon- gata. The cerebellum (b,) is scarcely visible, extended across the median plain ; the optic lobes (c,) and the cerebral he- mispheres (e,) are small, narrow, and so far separate longitu- dinally as to expose entirely the intervening optic thalami (d.) On the following or fifth day (Fig. 97. B,) besides the general encrease of the spinal chord (B. #,) the cerebellum (B. b^ is perceptibly enlarged, the optic lobes (B. e,) are proportionately broader and shorter, and the cerebral hemi- spheres (B. e,) encreased in every direction, begin to extend backwards over the optic thalami (B. d.) As the tadpole advances in its development, and the legs and arms are ex- tended from the sides, the posterior and middle enlargements of the spinal chord are proportionately encreased, the cere- bral hemispheres enlarge, and their white fibrous internal 232 NERVOUS SYSTEM. parts predominate over the cineritious covering, but they present no convolutions nor ventricles. By the rapid growth of the dorsal vertebrae, and the obliteration, anchylosis, and absorption of the coccygeal vertebrae, the spinal chord ap- pears to recede from behind forwards, within the vertebral canal and the cauda equina to lengthen. The anterior extre- mity of the chord is enlarged from the first, as it gives origin to most of the cranial nerves, and the posterior end is en- larged for the cauda equina, as is even perceptible in fishes and serpents. Here, as in other classes, where the spinal chord by the progress of development, is retracted within its osseous sheath, and the cauda equina is thus length- ened in the adult state, there is a greater distance ob- served between the origins and the places of junction of the motor and sensitive roots of the nerves which com- pose it, and consequently between the intevertebral ganglia and the spinal chord ; and this is most manifest at the pos- terior end of the column, which has been most influenced by the metamorphosis. The long narrow cerebral hemispheres of the adult frogs taper to the olfactory nerves which com- mence with cineritious tubercles, and the optic nerves are observed distinctly to cross each other before the optic tuber- cles. The changes effected in the nervous system by the metamorphosis of the higher amphibia closely resemble those produced by development in the human embryo. Their sympathetic nerves and ganglia are more distinct than in fishes. In the class of reptiles the small cavity of the cranium nearly corresponds with the dimensions of the enclosed brain, as in some fishes, and the superficial cineritious sub- stance still predominates over the internal white fibrous matter, though to a less extent than in fishes and amphibia. The cerebellum is remarkable for its proportionate smallness in this class, and the cerebral hemispheres, containing each a distinct ventricle, now always exceed the optic lobes. The spinal chord of serpents, from their want of arms and legs, is still destitute of enlargements, as in the apodal fishes, but the medulla oblongata is of considerable size, and the fourth ventricle, still uncovered by the small cerebellum, descends into the spinal chord. From the smallness of the brain and cranial cavity in the centre of the head of reptiles, the rela- NERVOUS SYSTEM. 233 tive size of these parts does not influence that of the whole head at different periods of life, and the head preserves the same proportions to the rest of the body through life also in amphibia and fishes. From the still imperfect development of the cerebral parts in this class, the vital functions of rep- tiles are less immediately dependent on them than in hot- blooded animals, and they longer survive their mutilation. In the saurian and chelonian reptiles the posterior and mid- dle enlargements are obvious on the spinal chord at the ori- gins of the nerves of the extremities. The wide medulla oblongata within the cranium is marked longitudinally by the limits of its three component fasciculi on each side, and the decussating bands of its corpora pyramidalia are more dis- tinct than in fishes. The nerves of the body bear a large proportion to the size of the cerebral centres, and corres- pond in their distribution to those of the higher air-breathing classes. The great ganglia and plexuses of the sympathetics now more closely accompany the arterial trunks, as we see to become more exclusively their distribution from the articu- lated and the moUuscous classes up to man. The twelve pairs of cranial nerves are seen here as in birds and mamma- lia, and they chiefly arise from the enlarged medulla oblon- gata, as seen in the annexed figures of the brain of the tor- toise, emys europaa, Fig. 97. C. D. Immediately before the anterior roots of the first cervical nerves (97- D. «,) are seen on the inferior surface of the medulla oblongata, the origins of the hypo-glossal, or twelfth pair of cranial nerves, and on the sides, the numerous branches of the spinal-accessory, or eleventh pair. Before these are seen on the sides, two por- tions of the pneumo-gastrics and the glosso-pharyngeal, or ninth pair. Close together are the acoustic and the facial nerves, and towards the median plain below are the sixth pair, or abducentes oculorum, (97- D. b.) The small motor es oculorum are seen anterior to these last, and on the sides the large trunk of the trigeminus. The short and broad cere- bellum (97. C. c,) not extending backwards to cover the fourth ventricle, that cavity is found protected externally by a highly vascular membrane (97. C. b.) The small trans- versely developed cerebellum consists only of the median lobe, without hemispheres, and consequently still is without the corpus dentatum in its interior ; it is smooth and cineri- 234 NERVOUS SYSTEM. tious without, and presents internally radiating fasciculi of white nervous fibres extending peripherad from its base. The great transverse commissure of the cerebellum, or the pons Varolii is still wanting, like the cerebellic hemispheres. The optic lobes (97- C. d, e,) reduced in their proportions, and provided with internal ventricles (e,) are partially encom- passed on their fore part by the large tapering hemispheres. The cerebral hemispheres (97- D. d,) destitute of convolu- tions, smooth and cineritious externally, hollow within, (97. C. g,) present internally the thalami optici and corpora striata (^,) and a distinct choroid plexus, (9J. C. h,) towards the median side of their contained ventricles. These hemi- spheres are broad and short in the crocodilian reptiles, and more lengthened, narrow, and tapering forwards in the in- ferior tribes, especially in the chelonia. Rudiments of cere- bellic hemispheres are also seen in the crocodiles. The ol- factory tubercles (97- D. g,) are much smaller than in fishes, cineritious externally, and placed in contact with the cerebral hemispheres. On the inferior surface of the brain in the chelonia (97- D,) we observe an intimate union and decussa- tion of the optic nerves (97. D./,) and behind these a long tubular hypophysis (97. D. e,) or continuation of the third ventricle into the infundibullum and petuitary gland. The pineal gland (97- C./,) is still exposed on the upper part of the brain between the optic lobes and the cerebral hemi- spheres. All the parts of the brain are more compacted to- gether in reptiles than in lower vertebrata ; the ganglia of the posterior or sensitive roots of the spinal nerves are now more conspicuous, like the lateral and splanchnic ganglia of the sympathetics ; and the spinal nerves come off more nearly opposite to the places of their respective destinations than in the lower classes. The nervous system of birds presents only a more elevated condition of the same plan of structure already developed in the crocodiles and inferior reptiles. The great centres of the nervous system in the vertebrated animals like those of the vascular, are at first developed in a lineal direction and ex- tended longitudinally, as we see in the fishes, but at length acquiring encreased lateral development, these parts, in both systems become compacted together and accumulate upon each other to form a more, short, circumscribed and NERVOUS SYSTEM. 235 rounded mass, more easily accommodated and protected, as we see in birds and mammalia. The spino-cerebral axis fills the osseous cavities which protect it, and the form and size of the upper part of the head now correspond with those of the enclosed brain at every period of life. The spinal chord, become more rounded in form, has an encreased proportion of grey ganglionic matter in its interior, and the white fibrous medullary portion is encreased in the brain. The enlarged cerebral parts being now collected into a more compact form, the hemispheres of the brain extend back- wards to cover the optic lobes, and come into contact with the greatly encreased cerebellum. The olfactory tubercles have much diminished, but retain their tubular communica- tion with the still small ventricles of the cerebral hemi- spheres. The cerebral hemispheres still destitute of convo- lutions and partially bilobate, and the median lobe of the ce- rebellum deeply laminated and sulcated transversely, are the parts here most developed in the cranium, and the white fibres of the great cerebral commissure, the corpus callosum, have begun to shoot across and unite the hemispheres. Not- withstanding the great transverse extension of the cerebral mass in adult birds, and its sudden tapering forwards to the olfactory nerves, giving the whole brain a triangular appear- ance, it presents the same lineal arrangement and longitudi- nal extension of its parts in the embryo, which are preserved as the permanent character of the nervous axis of fishes. This is easiest observed by examining its development in the transparent area of the cicatricula in the egg of the fowl, where we perceive after two days5 incubation (Fig. 97. E,) the two halves of the spinal chord (E. a,) united posteriorly, and already forming the vesicular enlargement (97- E. £,) corres- ponding to the caudaequina and pelvic dilatation, orrhomboidal sinus of the adult. The cervical and dorsal vertebrae begin to embrace the anterior portion (97. E./,) of the chord, and three vesicular enlargements ar,e seen on the cephalic portion of the nervous axis. The posterior (97- E. c,) of these en- largements forms the rudimentary lobes of the medulla ob- longata, the middle dilatation (97. E. d,) constitutes the out- line of the optic lobes, the anterior (97- E. e,) and smallest cephalic enlargement forms the embryo condition of the cerebral hemispheres in the chick, and all these lobes are XERVOVS SYSTEM. still disposed on the same plain, and in a longitudinal direc- tion, as we find them in the adult fishes and in the embryos of mammalia. They incline forwards as they develope up- wards and backwards and laterally, and in the adult condition the optic lobes, reduced in their proportion and forced down- wards and to the sides, are covered by the expanded cerebral hemispheres, which reach and even partially overspread the cerebellum. The spinal chord still extends into the coccy- geal vertebrae, and the decussating bands of the corpora py- ramidalia are more numerous and distinct than in the inferior vertebrata, as seen in the medulla oblongata of the stork, (Fig, 98. A. k.) The cylindrical spinal chord (98. A. «,) per- forated by a small canal dilates on entering the cranium into FIG. 98. a wide and large medulla oblangata (98. A. b,) which is not yet traversed by a cerebellic commissure, or pons Varolii. The large cerebellum covers the fourth ventricle, which is ext3nded into it, as seen in the cassowary, (Fig. 98. B. d,f,) it consists of the vermiform or median lobe (98. B. d,) and a small rudiment of the lateral lobes or hemispheres (98. A. /,) and it is deeply sulcated transversely on the exterior, like the cerebellic hemispheres of mammalia. The numerous me- NERVOUS SYSTEM. dullary bands which radiate outwards to the cineritious exte- rior lamellae, from the white fibrous parietes of the fourth ventricle (98. B../J) produce an arborescent appearance when the cerebellum is divided vertically. The ordinary great component fasciculi of the medulla oblongata are distinctly marked externally, and the same nerves arise from this part as in reptiles and mammalia. Where the lateral tubercles or rudimentary hemispheres of the cerebellum are most distinct, a small transverse commissure is already perceptible between them, asin the human embryo, but there is no corpus dentatum. The optic lobes (98. A. c,) reduced in size and separated from each other to the sides of the medulla oblongata by the encreasing cerebrum and cerebellum, are covered ex- ternally, like the other lobes of the brain, with cineritious matter, consist internally of white fibres, and present a small ventricle (98. B. g,) in each, like the cerebral hemispheres. They are proportionally small and round in the strutheous birds (98. B. g, g,) more lengthened and oval in the inferior birds (98. A. c, c,) and present between them transverse medullary bands, (98. B. k}) forming a valvular commissure, on which rests the pineal gland (98. B. i,) with its two peduncles ex- tending forwards over the thalami optici. The optic thalami covered by the cerebral hemispheres are connected by a cine- ritious commissura mollis, the optic lobes are without trans- verse exterior sulci, and the hemispheres are destitute of convolutions though partially divided into two lobes, (98. A. d, e,) by the fissura sylvii. The cerebral hemispheres, covered externally with cineritious matter, smooth and undulated on the surface, broad posteriorly, and tapering suddenly forwards to the ethmoid bone, cover the thalami optici and the cor- pora striata, and contain each a small ventricle which extends forwards to the olfactory tubercles (98. A./.) The cerebral hemispheres (98. B. i,) are composed chiefly of the ascending and diverging fibres of the corpora pyramidalia and are con- nected by an anterior commissure, and the crossing fibres of a rudimentary corpus callosum. The olfactory tubercles (98. A./,) commencing from two medullary tracts (98. A. h, h,) on the inferior surface of the hemispheres, and containing prolongations of the lateral ventricles, are still covered with cineritious substance, and taper forwards to the olfactory nerves, greatly reduced from their proportions in the inferior 238 NERVOUS SYSTEM. vertebrata. The choroid plexus is obvious in each of the lateral ventricles, which communicate below with the third ventricle, and the corpora striata form lengthened transverse eminences. The third ventricle communicates behind with the fourth by the aqueductus Sylvii beneath the transverse valve of Vieussenius, and is continued downwards in front to the infundibulum and petuitary gland which here forms a shorter hypophysis on the sella tursica than in reptiles. All the lobes and cavities are immediately invested and lined by the pia mater, and the dura mater lining the cranium forms a distinct tentorium corebelli and a rudimentary falx ce- rebri. The sensitive spinal nerves of birds have their ganglia larger, and approximated more nearly to their origins than in reptiles, and from the retraction and high termination of the spinal chord, as well as the comparative magnitude of the legs in this class, the posterior ganglionic enlargement is re- markable for its size, and at this place the motor and sensitive roots pass out through separate foramina of the numerous anchylosed sacral vertebrae. The twelve pairs of cranial nerves are here distinct as in reptiles and mammalia. The olfactory nerves still provided with distinct glandular tubercles (98. A. /,) arise from two transverse medullary bands (98. A. h,) ex- tending, as in mammalia, to the fissure of Sylvius, and pass forward through the narrow tapering osseous canals formed by the frontal and ethmoid bones. The optic nerves (98. A. iy) corresponding in magnitude with the large eyes and the optic lobes from which they originate, unite before the hypo- physis, and partially decussate their numerous interwoven component fasciculi before proceeding to the optic foramina. The motores oculorum pass to the three innermost recti mus- cles and the inferior obliquus of the eye, the trochlearis to the superior obliquus, and the abducens to the rectus exterior muscle, as in other classes. The large trigeminus sends its ophthalmic branch to the upper parts of the face and nose, the superior maxillary branch to the sides of the face and upper mandible, and the inferior maxillary branch chiefly to the lower jaw ; the two last branches exhibit a dental distri- bution in the serrated mandibles of many aquatic birds, as in the toothed jaws of quadrupeds. The smallness of the facial nerve corresponds with the immobility and insensibility NERVOUS SYSTEM. 239 of the superficial parts of the face, and the magnitude of the acoustic nerve, with the great development of their internal ear and their acute hearing, especially in nocturnal birds. The glosso-pharyngeal passes as usual to the tongue and pharynx, the hypo-glossal chiefly to the root of the tongue and upper larynx, and the pneumo-gastric, communicating at the base of the cranium with the accessory, descends with the jugular vein along the neck to be distributed on the lungs, the in- ferior larynx, the oesophagus and stomach, especially the ventriculus succenturiatus. The spinal nerves are chiefly cervical and sacral, from the number of vertebrae composing these parts of the column, and the brachial and lumbar plexuses are formed and distributed on the arms and legs, nearly as in quadrupeds. The sympathetic, greatly encreased in its development, presents distinct lateral ganglia from the base of the skull to the end of the coccyx, it unites anteriorly with the pneumo-gastric, the facial and the trigeminal nerves, and at its posterior end the lateral ganglia become approxi- mated and united on the median plain under the coccygeal vertebra. It forms distinct ganglia and plexuses around the great arteries, for the viscera of the trunk ; its cervical por- tion is protected, along with the vertebral arteries, in the foramina of the transverse processes ; and it is every where connected by anastomosing filaments with the spinal nerves along the sides of the vertebral column, as in other classes. In the mammiferous animals a higher grade of the develop- ment of this system is perceptible in the magnitude and ex- tension of the spinal chord, and of the cerebral and cere- bellic hemispheres, in the encreased number of internal cineritious deposits in all parts of the white fibrous spino- cerebral axis, in the more complete union of all the lateral parts of this axis by means of decussating fasciculi and various commissures of converging fibres, in the encreased size and approximation of the ganglia on all the symmetrical sensitive nerves, and in the more methodical and extensive distribution of the great sympathetic, and its appropriation to individual organs. The spinal chord, though encreased in its proportion to the bulk of the body, is now less in proportion to the cerebral mass than in the inferior classes ; its internal longitudinal canal has almost become obliterated ; its lateral halves are more intimately united together, and the crescentic 240 NERVOUS SYSTEM. columns of cineritious matter have en creased in their interior. The spinal chord is prolonged to a variable extent through the column, being shortest in the tailless cheiroptera, qua- drumana, and man, and longest in the cetacea, where it ex- tends tapering through the coccygeal vertebrae, without pos- terior enlargement, from the want of legs, as in apodal fishes, and tadpoles, and serpents, and the human embryo. In the long-tailed quadrupeds the spinal chord is extended to the sacrum, and the detached nerves of the cauda equina are prolonged through the coccygeal vertebrae. The ganglionic enlargement of the spinal chord at the origin of each pair of moto-sensitive nerves is now scarcely apparent, and the en- largements corresponding to the atlantal and sacral extremi- ties are of a more lengthened and fusiform shape. The medulla oblongata is comparatively narrow, but it is more deeply marked by the limits of the corpora pyramidalia, olivaria, and restiformia. The decussations of the corpora pyramidalia are more numerous and distinct, and the cine- ritious matter of the corpus dentatum is generally percep- tible in the corpora olivaria, which are themselves propor- tionally small. The crura cerebri are traversed below by the great commissure of the cerebellic hemispheres, the tuber annulare, which is more or less provided internally with transverse strata of cineritious matter. The optic lobes, reduced in size, generally without ca- vities, and traversed externally by sulci, which give them a quadrigeminous appearance, are largest and most exposed above in the lowest mammalia, as the rodentia and edentata, they are larger in herbivorous than in carnivorous quadrupeds, and are least in bulk, and most concealed in quadrumana and man. The anterior lobes of the corpora quadrigemina are larger than the posterior in herbivorous mammalia, the posterior are the larger in carnivora, and these lobes are nearly equal in the highest orders of this class. The ce- rebral hemispheres follow a contrary ratio in their deve- lopment, being smallest and destitute of convolutions in the rodentia, and becoming larger in every dimension and more marked with deep convolutions, as we advance up- wards to man. The optic thalami and the corpora striata encrease with the expanding hemispheres, while the olfactory tubercles progressively dimmish. The olfactory tubercles NERVOUS SYSTEM. 241 are greater in size, more cineritious externally, and contain wider prolongations of the lateral ventricles in herbivorous than in carnivorous quadrupeds. The lateral ventricles always present the anterior and inferior cornua, the choroid plexus, and the to3nia semicircularis between the thalami and the corpora striata. The great transverse commissure of the cerebral hemispheres, the corpus callosum, is here at its max- imum of development, as are also the anterior and posterior commissurse cerebri and the fornix, and we can always per- ceive the hippocampus major, the septum lucidum between the lateral ventricles, and the pineal gland with its two pe- duncles. The cineritious matter is now less abundant on the surface of the brain proportionally to the white fibrous part within, and the external convolutions, which are still wanting on the smooth bird-like brains of the montrema and the rodentia, are very superficial in the cetacea, edentata, ruminantia, and pachyderma. The convolutions penetrate deeper in the large expanded hemispheres of carnivora, qua- ack part by a large deposit of adipose substance (105. /. /.) and are moved by four recti and two oblique muscles; the tendon of the superior oblique is not perforated by the rectus su- perior (105. o.) as it is in many feline animals. The muscles are inserted into the white anterior part of the sclerotic, called tunica albuginea, and the optic nerve per- forates a circular cribriform portion of this membrane behind, the central minute aperture of which is occupied by the central artery of the retina which passes through the middle of the optic nerve (105. a.) The transparent cornea, com- posed of homogeneous concentric laminae, thicker and more convex than the sclerotic, has still its transverse diameter a little more extended than its vertical. The choroid is firmly united to the sclerotic at the white ciliary ligament a line in breadth, and is perforated by a circular aperture behind for the transmission of the optic nerve, and from the anterior margin of this ligament proceed the numerous minute folds of the corpus ciliare which give attachment to about seventy ciliary processes (105, /.) extending with their convex margins internally to be united to the capsule of the crystalline lens. The villous internal surface of the vascular layer of the choroid secretes, a layer of variable thickness, of a muscous and viscid pigmentum nigrum this appears to be immediately lined with the delicate transparent membrane of Jacob, within which are the me- dullary and fibrous layers of the retina (105. d.) and the several concentric layers of the hyaloid membrane of the vi- treous humour. The iris, composed chiefly of radiating vessels ORGANS OF THE SENSES. and nerves disposed in two concentric rings, is attached to the anterior part of the choroid around the ciliary liga- ment, arid divides the cavity for the aqueous humour into two unequal chambers which communicate by the pupil ; it is variously coloured on its anterior surface, and supports on its back-part the uvea which is covered with the black pigment of the choroid. A little exterior to the entrance of the optic nerve a small fold of the retina is observed, and a yellow spot, with a minute round transparent portion of the retina, the uses of which are unknown. The vitreous humour (105.^.), of a gelatinous consistence and contained within the concentric folds of the hyaloid membrane, occu- pies about two-thirds of the axis of the eye, and its delicate membrane embraces also the crystalline lens with its firm capsule and forms around its edge the circular canal of Petit. The crystalline lens, here comparatively small and soft, has its posterior surface as usual more convex than the anterior, and both are most convex at the earliest periods of life. The aqueous humour, enveloped in a delicate capsule, which forms the membrana pupillaris by extending over the pupil in the embryo, occupies a large anterior and a smaller posterior chamber, giving the necessary convexity to the cornea and facilitating the free motions of the iris. Thus we observe these complicated optical instruments, the most universal and the noblest organs of sense, gradually advancing to perfection from the monad to man, where all their internal essential parts, and all their external accessary appa- ratus are the most exquisitely finished and adjusted, and it is chiefly through their means that he is enabled to provide for his wants, to acquire the materials of thought, and to enjoy the sublime spectacle of nature. THIRD SECTION. Organs of Hearing* The organs of hearing are next to those of vision in their importance and in the universality of their occurrence in the animal kingdom, where they are distinctly perceived T 2 276 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. both in the molluscous and articulated tribes, and they relate to movements of the surrounding element which give notice of objects at a distance. The percussions given by outward bodies to the air or water in which animals reside, are communicated, like undulations of light, to the general surface of their body, and may produce some feeble sensation where there are yet no distinct acoustic instru- ments developed, as light appears to affect many organized beings without eyes. But most of the higher invertebrated animals and all the vertebrata present at the distal expanded soft extremities of distinct auditory nerves, more or less complicated acoustic instruments adapted to receive and transmit sonorous undulations, and to render more distinct the perception of their force, their direction and their ra- pidity of succession. These, like most of the other organs of sense, are disposed symmetrically on the two sides of the head,, and the impression of sound may be communicated to the auditory nerves without passing through the external acoustic apparatus, as by means of the solid parietes of the head, or by direct impression on the nerves from within. From the structure of the organ of hearing it is more adapted for communicating aereal vibrations than those of water, and it is most general and most developed in the air-breathing classes. The sudden percussions communicated by various means to the dense watery element in which most of the lower invertebrata reside, may affect rapidly and powerfully the whole surface of their body, whether naked or covered with hard vibratile parts, and through that means the most sensitive internal parts, without these animals having special acoustic organs to concentrate the undulations and direct them to particular nerves, and we ascend as high as the active-air-breathing insects before we perceive distinct organs appropriated to this sense. Many insects have hard organs for producing audible sounds by their rapid attrition against each other, and these sounds are often heard and repeated by their mates, being a means of communication between the sexes, especially in the darkness of the night. The organ of hearing in insects already presents not only a distinct auditory nerve and vestibule, the first and most essential elements of all this acoustic apparatus, but also the rudi- ments of two semicircular canals, according to the obser- ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 2/7 vations of Camparetti on that of the scarabseus and several other genera of insects. At the lower and lateral part of the head there is a minute round passage closed externally by a membrane, and leading on each side of the head to an internal vestibular sac, with two small curved canals ex- tending from it. These vestibular cavities are furnished O with distinct nervous filaments, which appear to be branches of the antenneal nerves, and they constitute an acoustic organ which has been observed in many different forms of this class. They are placed more anteriorly on the head of the locusts, where the minute canals are thin, membranous, and transparent, and this organ presents different degrees of development in different species of locusts. Similar audi- tory organs have been detected in the cicada, vespa, libelluke, and at the sides of the base of the long spiral proboscis of the papiliones ; they are perceived also in ants, flies, and other insects belonging almost to every order of this great class. This delicate organ contained entirely within the cranial cavity of insects is provided with a vestibular opening or fenestra ovalis covered with a thin and tense membrane to receive the sonorous undulations of the air and to convey them to the ento-lymph of these membranous cavities, and so to the expanded surface of the surrounding delicate auditory nerves. These organs have been also dissected and described in many insects by Ramdohr, who observed them in the common bee placed near the base of the maxillae. Treviramus found those of the blatta orientalis placed behind the basis of the antennae and closed by an oval, white, concave, vestibular membrane, and Blainville found them in the cicadae, which distinctly hear, on each side of the back part of the head, in form of two minute open stigmata leading to vestibular sacs, but many entomologists, as Straus and Burmeister, are inclined to place the auditory organs of insects in the antennae themselves. In the class of arachnida, which also breathe and reside in air, organs of hearing very similar to those of insects were detected by Camparetti in the spiders, placed near to the mouth at the bases of the palpi and consisting of a vestibular sac covered by a transparent membrane, through which the auditory nerves could be per- ceived. The density of texture and the deep hues of the '2j& ORGANS OF THE SENSES. exterior covering of the head in these air-breathing entomoid classes, and the softness and transparency of the vestibular membrane which receives the sonorous vibrations, render more obvious the position and nature of the organs of hearing in them, than if the whole exterior of the body were covered with a more soft and uniform skin, and it is pro- bably in part from this circumstance that a more simple rudiment of these important organs has not hitherto been observed in the higher forms of helminthoid animals which already present the rudiments of almost all the complex organs of insects. From the thick and solid calcareous covering of the body in the higher Crustacea, their organs of hearing, with their exposed vestibular membrane, are most obvious, especially in the active macrurous decapods, as the lobster and cray-fish, where they present a prominent circular aperture covered with a thin membrane and situate at the bases of the outer pair of antennee. This exterior covering is calcined in some of the brachyurous species, as the maja, and appears to form a loose operculum provided with distinct muscles for its movements. Within this simple vestibular cavity is a white, soft, lengthened sac, or membranous labyrinth, filled with a transparent ento- lymph, and supporting the small fibrils of an acoustic nerve derived from the great supra- oesophageal ganglia. It passes obliquely upwards for a short distance into the first segment of the antennae, and appears to be still destitute of those solid internal lapilli or cretaceous substances which are commonly found in the labyrinths of higher animals. By opening on the lower and not the upper surface of the antennee, the position of its aperture corresponds with the inverted position of nearly all the other organs of these animals. The exterior margins of this vestibular opening, or fenestra ovalis, are often prominent and almost tubular, as in the pagurus, where the covering membrane appears fibrous like the membrana tympani of mammalia. The concealed condition of this organ under a solid calcified covering in the brachyurous species, accords with their more limited powers of swimming, and is analogous to the con- cealed position of the organs of hearing within the cranium of cephalopods and osseous fishes. These organs have a ORGANS OF THE SENSES. large vestibular membrane in the palinurus, they appear as small tubercles in the palaemon, and in most of the inferior orders of Crustacea no trace of them can be perceived. The slow-moving molluscous animals are less provided with organs for perceiving the properties of outward bodies than the active articulated classes ; but many of the higher pulmonated gasteropods seem both to hear and to smell, although the precise seats of these feelings have not been determined, and the tritonia arborescens emits audible sounds under water, which are, without doubt, intended to be heard by others of the same species, as we see in insects, and probably to serve as a means of communication between these hermaphrodite and almost blind animals, although the organs have not been detected which are appropriated to their perception. The cephalopods which, of all the in- vertebrata, approach the nearest to fishes in their general form, structure and movements, come next to them in the complexriess of their organs of hearing as well as in those of sight. These organs in the cephalopods, as in osseous fishes, are symmetrical and double, placed within the pa- rietes of the cranium, and destitute of external meatus or vestibular membrane. On the sides of the great cephalic cartilage through which the oesophagus passes, and which envelopes the brain, we observe two depressions within the cranial cavity, at its lower part, which are separated by a tough dura mater form the cerebral ganglia. These cavities are separated from each other, and from the exterior mus- cular parts, by the cartilaginous substance of the skull, and they contain each a membraneous sac, or soft labyrinth, which is surrounded by the exterior lymph of Cotunnius, or peri-lymph. The membranous labyrinth on which the acoustic nerves are distributed is filled with a thin ento- lymph, and encloses a solid chalky lapillus, of various forms in different species, composed of carbonate of lime, pre- senting sometimes the appearance of a crystallized rhomboid, and suspended by nervous filaments. Numerous minute blood vessels are seen accompanying the filaments of the acoustic nerves on the parietes of these vestibular sacs. This calcareous substance, like that of the sacculi in the labyrinths of higher animals, serves to communicate more uniformly and distinctly to the accoustic nerves the vibra- -b'O ORGANS OF THE SENSES. tions transmitted to this part of the head, the organs of hearing being here enclosed in the thickest and densest part of the great cephalic curved plate into which the strong muscles of the arms are inserted. In the octopus ven- tricosus, this cretaceous body is conical like a limpet, of a rose-red colour on its round exterior tapering surface, white and hollow on the base which rests on the vestibular membrane, and it is connected, as in higher animals, to the side of the vestibule by numerous nervous filaments. The ento- and peri-acoustic lymph seen here in the vestibule corresponds with that found in the entomoid articulata and in the ears of vertebrated animals, and notwithstanding the magnitude and constancy of the auditory organs in the naked cephalopods, and their presenting the most complex form met with in the invertebrated classes, they are yet reduced almost to the first rudiment or most essential element of the auditory apparatus — the vestibular sac with its acoustic nerve. In tracing this organ upwards through the vertebrated classes we find it gradually perfecting the semi-circulajr canals, developing a cochlea from the vestibule, and enveloping the whole of this complex labyrinth within the solid texture of the cranium. It acquires in the air-breathing animals a tympanic cavity communicating with the fauces by the Eustachian tube, and containing ossicula auditus which transmit the vibrations of the membrana tympani to the vestibule and the whole internal labyrinth. And in the highest conditions of the organ a still more exterior meatus auditorius and complicated moveable concha are added to complete this acoustic instrument. Fishes, like the cepha- lopods, receive their auditory sensations through the dense watery element they inhabit, the undulations of which strike forcibly the whole surface of their head and trunk, so that they less require any external means of concentrating sono- rous vibrations or a complicated internal auditory apparatus, than animals which hear through a thin and rare aerial medium. In the lowest cyclostome cartilaginous fishes, as the lamprey, the whole internal ear is nearly in the same condition as in the cephalopods, consisting of a simple shut vestibule, without fenestra ovalis, enclosed in the cartilagi- nous substance of the cranium, without internal calcareous ORGAN'S OF THE SENSES. 281 concretions, and even without distinct semi-circular canals, these canals being only represented by three perceptible folds of the vestibular membrane. These two vestibular cavities lodged in the lower and lateral parts of the skull are still separated from the cranial cavity only by the dura mater, and are pierced only by the acoustic nerves and blood vessels which spread on the vestibular membranes, between the peri- and ento-lymph. But in the higher osseous fishes, we find in addition to a highly developed vestibule containing solid calcareous bodies and even sometimes perforated externally by a fenestra ovalis, distinct, large, free, semi-circular canals with considerable ampullae at their terminations, as in other ver- tebrated classes. These parts, however, of the acoustic apparatus are not yet imbedded in or surrounded by the solid bones of the head, but are simply lodged in a de- pression on each side within the general cavity of the skull. There is generally no external fenestra or vestibular opening in osseous fishes, and the sonorous impulses communicated to the body of the animal through the dense medium of the water, are commonly conveyed to the air-sac of the trunk, which is often bifurcated or even ramified, and from that forwards to the base of the skull or into its interior near the ear, and sometimes distinct small costal bones detached from the transverse processes of the anterior vertebrae assist in communicating these vibrations from the air-sac to the organ of hearing. These bones, however, are ordinary ele- ments of the vertebrae, and the air-sac is the rudiment of the lungs and not analogous to the tympanic cavity of air- breathing animals. The great size and length of the semi- circular canals within the cranial cavity of osseous fishes, where they are not yet enclosed within the substance of the temporal bone, corresponds with the great development exter- nally of the tympanic ossicula composing the opercular bones which are likewise unrestrained by any tympanic membrane or osseous walls in their extension outwards. Although in the osseous fishes the whole labyrinth lies in an open groove on each side, entirely within the general cavity of the skull, separated from the brain only by the dura mater, and con- nected only by ligaments with the temporal bone, we find in the sturgeon, an operculated cartilaginous fish, that the labyrinth is already partly buried in the substance of the 282 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. temporal bone, which envelopes the three semi-circular canals and leaves the vestibule still free within the cavity of the cranium. In the higher forms of cartilaginous fishes, how- ever, in the rays and sharks, the whole labyrinth is at length found to be completely surrounded by the firm elastic car- tilaginous substance of the skull, excepting at the internal entrances of the vessels and nerves and at the fenestra ovalis which now communicates with an external meatus. The external meatus is already seen in some of the osseous fishes, as in the large ears of the lepidoleprus ; in the sharks it is more distinct though closed externally by the skin, and in the rays it is even double on each side as if to form a rudiment of the Eustachian tube, the spiracula of these animals having no relation to the organs of hearing. This imbedded condition of the organ in the cartilaginous fishes better enables them to perceive all the sonorous vibrations com- municated to the soft substance of their skull, and we find the whole internal ear preserve this position, so favourable for receiving vibration, even in the densest forms of the skull, from the cartilaginous fishes up to man. The cre- taceous substances, generally three in number, found within the vestibular succulum and its communicating smaller sacculi, are soft and pulpy in the cartilaginous fishes and of a stony density in those which have an osseous skeleton. They vary in shape according to the species ; they are normal parts of the auditory organ in most animals from the cephalopods to man; they are composed of minute rhomboidal crystals of carbonate of lime and are desti- tute of internal organization like the excreted shells of molluscous animals. The succuli of the vestibule in these lowest forms of the ear appear to form the first rudiment of a cochlea, and a rudiment of the tympanum is seen in the subcutaneous passage destitute of air, leading from the fenestra ovalis to the surface of the head in the highest cartilaginous fishes. The acoustic nerve comes off sepa- rately in fishes from the inferior part of their lobed medulla oblongata beneath the cerebellum, and sends branches to be distributed on the ampullae of the semi-circular canals, on the vestibule, and on the sacculus or the yet undivided and unconvoluted rudiment of the cochlea, so that its branches are most affected by vibrations in these two last cavities by ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 283 the solid cretaceous bodies they contain, and the vestibule and semi-circular canals are the first parts which become imbedded in the substance of the temporal bone. In some fishes, as the lophius, where the skeleton is of a semi-osseous consistence the canals are already partially imbedded in the substance of the cranial parietes, by their passing round a process of the temporal bone. The perennibranchiate amphibia being, like the fishes, permanent inhabitants of the water, and receiving their so- norous vibrations through that dense medium, are still destitute of a tympanic cavity, and consequently of a Eus- tachian tube, which are parts of the organ first required and first developed in those species which lose their gills and change their aquatic for an aerial element. In these aquatic species the labyrinth is still imperfectly enclosed in a spacious general cavity of the temporal bone, the vestibule communicates externally by the fenestra ovalis, to which the stapes is applied as in all the higher classes of animals, but is here in form of an operculum as in fishes. There is no tympanic cavity or membrane ; the semi-circular canals and the vestibule with its sacculus and lapilli, are formed like those of osseous fishes, but with the sacculus propor- tionably small, and the muscles and integuments still cover the exterior of the organ without leaving a trace of external meatus ; so that the auditory vibrations from without are here obscurely conveyed, as in fishes, through the solid walls of the cranium. The same simple condition of these acoustic organs is seen in the caecilia, and appears to be possessed by the larvae of all the higher caduci-branchiate amphibia. But in the adult state of the frogs and sala- manders we find the semi-circular canals already imbedded in the substance of the temporal bone, and the rest of the labyrinth still free in the original general cavity of that bone, as we observe in the sturgeon among the cartilaginous fishes. The lapilli here form a soft white pulpy calcareous substance, and a small tympanic cavity filled with air, communicating with the fauces, and confining the small united ossicula, is now found between the labyrinth and the skin of the head. The Eustachiaii tubes leading from the tympanum to the fauces, are generally separated throughout, wide, and short, sometimes they unite to open by a single aperture on the median plain as in several frogs and in the pipa, and in 284 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. some a canal is found prolonged outwards from the fenestra rotunda. The thin and naked skin forms in these air- breathing amphibia a large membrana tympani on a level with the general surface of the head to the centre of which membrane the bent cartilaginous malleus is attached, and from the soft condition of the tympanic ossicula the sonorous vibrations communicated from without to the large expanded membrana tympani are obscurely conveyed to the fenestra ovalis to which the broad base of the stapes is applied. In the air-breathing reptiles the organs of hearing present a higher condition of development than in the semi-aquatic tribes of amphibious animals, especially in the parts which more immediately relate to the rare medium through which their sonorous impressions are received. The tympanic por- tion of the ear is still however so imperfectly developed in the serpents that we find it covered externally not only by the skin and muscles, as in fishes and branchiated amphibia, but also by the hard scales of the head. The three tympanic ossicula are united together into a single piece as in the frogs, which is still cartilaginous at its distal or malleal extremity where it is attached to the inner surface of the membrana tympani. The semi-circular canals, with their ento- and peri-lymph as in fishes and amphibia, are imbedded in the dense petrous portions of their solid temporal bones. The vestibule is still lodged in a capacious cavity of the tem- poral bone, and its sacculus contains a large and solid creta- ceous body, so that the solid lapilli of serpents more resemble those of osseous fishes, while the soft and pulpy cretaceous substances of the labyrinth of amphibia are allied to those of cartilaginous fishes, and they are softer in the chelonian than in the saurian reptiles. The cavity of the tympanum is ge- nerally much larger in the saurian than in the ophidian reptiles, and is covered externally by a thin, projected, trans- parent, naked, membranous continuation of the skin, placed on a level with the general surface of the head, so as yet to present no external auditory meatus. This cavity communi- cates freely with the fauces by a separate Eustachian tube and by means of the fenestra ovalis with the labyrinth, which still presents only a rudimentary undivided cochlea closed externally by the membrane of the fenestra rotunda, and a solid calcareous lapillus as in the serpents. The stapes with its base applied to the fenestra ovalis, continues ORGANS OP THE SENSES. 285 to be the principal ossiculum ossified in the tympanum, and the tympanic cavity begins to assume a more lengthened tubular form towards its exterior membrane preparatory to the formation of an external auditory meatus and expanded concha to collect and direct the vibra- tions of the air. In some of the saurian reptiles the mem- brana tympani is still covered, as in many serpents, by the ordinary scales of the head, in most it is quite naked and exposed as it is in the frogs and the salamanders, and in the most elevated forms of the sauria it begins to be protected by external overhanging elastic folds of the skin, forming thus a distinct rudimentary concha, as seen in the crocodiles, the gavials, and the alligators. The internal parts of the ear are nearly in the same condition in the chelonian reptiles, which present a more narrow and lengthened tympanic cavity covered externally by the loose integuments of the head, and communicating with the fauces by a wide semi- cartilaginous and distinct Eustachian tube. The three anchilosed tympanic ossicula still constitute a long stiliform bone with its opercular or stapeal piece applied to the fenes- tra ovalis and attached by its outer rounded malleal ex- tremity to the middle of the membrana tympani as in the other orders of reptiles. The vestibule, enveloped with its sacculus and the semi-circular canals, in the substance of the temporal bone, is provided with solid lapilli supported by the filaments of the acoustic nerves, and with a compara- tively large cochlea, though still undivided by an internal lamina and unconvoluted in its form, so that the cochlea appears to be the last part of the internal ear which acquires its normal and perfect form ; but in the crocodilian reptiles it already presents a slightly curved form, and an internal membrane which supports branches of the acoustic nerves and divides it into a scala tympani communicating with the fe- nestra rotunda and a scala vestibuli continuous with the general cavity of the vestibule and membranous labyrinth. Notwithstanding the gelatinous consistence of the ento- lymph which fills the membranous labyrinth of the cold- blooded as well as the higher vertebrata, resembling the vitreous humour of the eye, no cellular tissue or folds of a hyaloid membrane have been observed to pervade its sub- stance, nor in the more abundant and fluid peri-lymph which ORGANS OF THE SENSES. envelopes these delicate parts and separates them from the solid parietes of the osseous labyrinth. The soft lapilli of the labyrinth of vertebrated animals appear to consist of minute rhomboidal crystals of carbonate of lime like those often found lining the intervertebral foramina in other parts of the vertebral column. The dense bones of the skull of birds closely envelope every portion of their internal ear with a vibratile covering of great hardness, and corresponding with the rare elastic medium they inhabit. The semi-circular canals, so large and free in the cranium of osseous fishes, are here even more reduced in their dimensions than in reptiles, especially in the water birds, but with enlarged ampuke at their ends for the auditory nerves. The vestibule is narrow but more lengthened, and the cochlea has assumed a more curved and spiral form than even in the crocodiles, its spiral partition, formed by two triangular cartilaginous folds extending nearly to its apex, partially divides it into a vestibular and a tympanic portion, communicating with the two foramina of the vestibule and communicating with each other at the apex in the dilated infundibulum or lagena. The cretaceous lapilli so large in the membranous labyrinth of fishes and amphibia are now greatly reduced and appear only in the form of strata of minute calcar- eous crystals. The semi-circular canals are long and narrow in the rapaceous birds, large and wide in the singing birds, and comparatively small, short, and wide in the grallatores, the palmipeds, and the gallinaceous birds. The tympanic cavity, lengthened like the vestibule, has here a short external meatus beyond the projecting convex membrana tympani to which the cartilaginous malleal end of the anchylosed tympanic ossicula is attached. Not only the tympanic cavity is here surrounded by solid bone, but also the short wide Eustachian tubes which sometimes unite together be- fore they open into the posterior nares, and the drum of the ear has its internal dimensions greatly encreased by the nu- merous air-cells of the diploe, over the greater part of the cranium, which now communicate freely with the interior of both tympana. The short external auditory meatus removes the membrana tympani from the level of the general surface of the head, and the exterior concha, the last part of the auditory organ to be developed, presents itself as a simple ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 287 crescentic fold of the skin extending upwards from the su- perior margin of the external meatus. This rudimentary concha is perceptible in most birds, which can erect or de- press the feathers which bound its upper margin, but it is most developed in the nocturnal predaceous birds, which most require this sense to direct them to their prey in the night. The extent of this crescentic membranous concha is encreased in some of the owls by the long feathers which radiate from around its free margin, and it is raised or depressed at will like a valve or an eye-lid. The solid pa- rietes of the tympanum are pierced by several foramina which lead to the large cells between the two tables of the skull, as those in the tympanum of man and quadrupeds lead to the mastoid cells, and the tympanic cavity is here traversed by the vidian nerve as in mammalia. The cartilaginous malleal portion of the single long tympanic ossiculum divides into three parts where it is attached to the inner surface of the membrana tympani, but in place of the three muscles of the malleus observed in man and quadrupeds, there is here but one long muscle which extends forwards from near the occipital condyle to the exterior end of the malleus. We thus arrive at the most perfect condition of this com- plex acoustic instrument presented by the inammifervus animals, where all its internal essential parts and all its external accessory apparatus have attained their full deve- lopment. The petrous portion of the temporal bone, of great density, embraces closely all the most important in- ternal parts, and the exterior concha for collecting the sonorous vibrations and directing them to the membrana tympani, is generally of great size. The thin membranous labyrinth, highly vascular and of exquisite delicacy, is filled with a fluid ento-lymph enveloping two cretaceous bodies composed of minute calcareous crystals, and analogous to those found in the labyrinth of fishes and even of many in- vertebrated animals. These two cretaceous bodies, nearly of equal size, are contained, one in the large sacculus of the vestibule, and the other in the long elliptical sacculus formed by the meeting of the semi-circular canals near their ampullae, and they are supported by the delicate expanded extremities of distinct branches of the acoustic nerves as in the inferior classes. The membranous labyrinth is surrounded 12SS ORGANS OP THE SENSES. externally with a copious transparent, thin and colourless peri-lymph which separates it from the periosteum, lining the interior parietes of the osseous labyrinth. The membranous semi-circular canals and their ampullae are comparatively slender, their median portion forms the larger part of the broad, short, and irregular vestibule, and its lapillus corres- ponds with the utricular of fishes. The sacculus vestibuli and its lapillus are proportionally small, and the cochlea forms a large turbinated cavity divided longitudinally throughout by an internal solid spiral lamina, forming from two to four spiral turns ; but in the ornithorhyncus it is as simple as in birds. As in the inferior vertebrata the exterior semi-circular canal extends outwards horizontally and at right angles to the other two, and the anterior and posterior unite together to form a common canal before entering the vestibule, their direction being nearly vertical with relation to the floor of the cranium. The nerves of the membranous labyrinth are chiefly confined to the ampullae of the semi- circular canals and to the two sacs containing lapilli, and the two lapilli are proportionally larger in the foetus than in the adult. The osseous spiral lamina dividing longi- tudinally the interior of the convoluted cochlea is still membranous at its peripheral margin, and the scala vestibuli communicates freely with the scala tympani at its dilated apex where it receives a branch of the acoustic nerve, but no nervous brandies are perceived on the membranous semi-cir- cular canals. The two vestibular openings vary much in their form and size in different mammalia, and the aqueducts of the vestibule and cochlea appear connected, the one inter- nally with the dura mater and the other externally with the periosteum. The cochlea is of a narrow lengthened spiral form in many of the rodentia, more short and orbi- cular in the cetacea, and in most of the higher orders of quadrupeds it forms a turbinated cavity with about two turns and a half as in the human ear. The tympanic cavity, im- bedded in the temporal bone, communicating by several aper- tures with the mastoid cells, and by a lengthened ossified Eustachian tube with the fauces, is bounded by a thin fibrous membrana tympani concave externally, and contains four ossicula articulated moveably with each other and provided with distinct muscles for their movements. The external ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 28i> meatus is now increased in length, bounded by ossious walls, defended internally by short hairs and by an acrid secretion from its parietes, and generally terminated ex- ternally by an expanded cartilaginous concha variously formed and developed, which is adapted by its mobility and its conical shape to collect the sonorous vibrations from different directions and to convey them to the internal ear. The concha is generally very small or wanting in the aquatic mammalia. In the cetacea, where the cochlea is often very large and the semi-circular canals comparatively small, we observe only a narrow winding perforation leading out- wards from the membrana tympani to the surface of the head, there is no external concha, and the minute entrance to the meatus is scarcely perceptible on the surface of the skin. The concha is still wanting in the seals and walruses, and is very small in otarise, beavers, otters, and other diving mammalia. It is deficient in the ornithorhyncus, and in several digging animals, as the mole and the manis. The monotrema are also distinguished by several other marks of inferiority in their organs of hearing by which they are allied to birds and reptiles, as the shortness of the external meatus, the anchylosis of the ossicula auditus, the rudi- mentary state of the cochlea, and the free projection of the osseous semi-circular canals into the cavity of the cranium. As we ascend through the tribes of mammalia that live more exclusively upon the land, we find the exterior cartilaginous concha acquiring greater magnitude and symmetry, and, by the articulation of the cartilage and the great development of its muscular apparatus, it acquires the means of more varied and extensive motion. It is largest, most moveable, and, commonly directed backwards, in the timid and feeble rodentia, ruminantia, pachyderma and other herbivorous quadrupeds where the cerebral hemispheres are proportionally small, and it is least and directed forwards in the carni- verous tribes where the brain is large. It is large, however, in the bats and most nocturnal quadrupeds, and we observe it in the quadrumana, especially in gibbons and orangs, gradually acquiring the short, flat, round form and motion- less character of the human concha. The internal ear of man, like that of inferior mammalia, has its membranous labyrinth filled with an ento- lymph and separated by a thin PART III. U 290 ORGANS OP THE SENSES. peri-lymph from its osseous parieties. The auditory nerves, as in other vertebrated animals, spread on the ampullae of the semi-circular tubes and supporting the cretaceous lapilli of the median sinus and the succulus, can receive their im- pressions only from the undulations of this fluid medium. The minute component crystals of the two cretaceous lapilli of the vestibule are loosely aggregated together as in the cartilaginous fishes and in all the higher vertebrata, and the membranous labyrinth is separated from the fenestra ovalis by the peri-lymph and by the membrane of that orifice, so that this thin enveloping peri-lymph receives the sonorous vibrations from the tympanum and transmits them to the sensitive parts of the membranous labyrinth. The aqueducts appear to be but vascular foramina. The anterior auditory nerve, accompanied by the facial, passes to the two anterior ampullae and to the cretaceous lapillus of the median sinus, and the posterior auditory branch passes to the posterior ampulla, to the saccular lapillus, and to the cochlea, as in the inferior vertebrated classes. So that there is great uniformity of plan in the structure of this delicate acoustic organ from the simple vestibule of the articulata to its most complex form in the highest mammalia, where the different densities and forms of the pulpy granular lapilli, the gelatinous ento-lymph, and the thin fluid of Cotunnius, regulate and limit each others vi- brations, and approximate the phenomena of hearing to the undulations of light through the various humours of the visual organs. FOURTH SECTION. Organs of Smell. The organs of smell, which are destined to receive and transmit the impressions of odorous particles diffused through the medium in which animals live, are much simpler in their structure, and more difficult to determine, in the in- ferior tribes of animals than those of sight or hearing, and they appear also to be less important for the preservation of life, and less general in their occurrence throughout the animal kingdom. It does not appear that the radiated ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 291 'animals have distinct organs to enable them to be sensibly affected by odorous effluvia, but the air-breathing annelides among the articulata have been supposed to perceive them by the parietes of their mouth or by the lateral pores of their air- sacs. The sense of smell so distinctly manifested and so delicate in insects, has also been referred to the same parts of their body, or to their palpi, or to their cesophageal sacs, or to the delicate subdivided laminated extremities of their long flexible antennae, and the inner pair of these organs in the Crustacea have been considered as the seat of the same sense. The labial appendices of the conchifera and other molluscous classes, the entrance of the respiratory sacs in pulmonated gasteropods, the highly sensitive tentacula covered with a delicate mucous mem- brane, and even the whole surface of the skin in the higher mbllusca, have been regarded as the organs through which these animals receive impressions of odorous emanations. The organs of smell, on which the olfactory nerves are entirely distributed, are very obvious in fishes, although they do not communicate with the respiratory organs or with the cavity of the mouth. They are laminated organs placed in cavities or depressions excavated on the anterior part of the face and protected by cartilages as in higher animals, but have yet no posterior opening into the interior of the body on account of the density of the element here respired. The olfactory nerves, arising alone from the rudimentary hemispheres of the brain and provided with large olfactory tubercles, perforate the anterior part of the skull corresponding with the ceribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, and immediately spread upon the numerous parallel or radiating laminae covered with a delicate and extensive mucous membrane. These numerous nasal laminae covered with the petuitary membrane are thus more or less exposed on the surface of the face to the contact of the surrounding element, and a fold of the integuments supported by a cartilaginous plate generally hangs like a valve over the middle of each nasal cavity. The nasal cartilage protecting each cavity partially divides its entrance into two, so that the water passes freely through its interior and over the extensive' surface of the olfactory laminae during the lateral motions of the head and the progressive movements of the u 2 292 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. body. By the separation of the organs of smell from the respiratory passages in fishes, as in other water-breathing animals, their great sensibility and delicate structure are pro- tected from the violent and incessant action of the currents of water required for respiration. In most osseous fishes there is an anterior contractile and a posterior open or valvular orifice placed superficially apart from each other, and leading into each nostril from the upper part of the muzzle, but in the lampreys both nostrils open by a common orifice on the upper part of the head. In the plagiostome species the wide plicated valvular nostrils open on the under surface of the face anterior to the mouth, and in some of the eels an approach is made to the structure of these parts in the lowest amphibia by having the posterior orifice of their nostril placed internally under the upper lip. In the amphibious animals, where the respiration of air begins to be effected through the nostrils, the olfactory organs become more complicated in structure and more internal in their position. The cartilaginous plicated portion of the organ of fishes now begins to assume the more compact tubular and convoluted form which the osseous plates present in the higher classes of animals, and the sen- sitive surface of the organs increases in extent as we ascend through the vertebrated classes. In the perennibranchiate amphibia the nostrils still form on each side a simple sac, without internal convolutions, and having their posterior opening so far forward in the mouth as to be immediately under the upper lip, as in some fishes. In the larva state of salamanders and frogs the nostrils are still, as in fishes, confined to the exterior of the head, and even in the adult forms of these animals the posterior openings of the nostrils, though within the cavity of the mouth, are much advanced in their position, and distant from the median line of the body. The exterior nares which are muscular and contrac- tile, have now almost lost the cartilaginous valve of the fishes, but the turbinated bones even in a cartilaginous form, scarcely yet extend the interior surface of the organ, and the cavities of the nostrils in the proteus are still laminated as in a fish, although they open posteriorly under the upper lip. In the serpents the organs of smell have their internal surface extended by the rudimentary turbinated bones, and ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 293 by enlarged nasal cavities which open posteriorly both by a common orifice on the median plain, near the anterior part of the palate. These cavities are increased in the sauria where the turbinated bones begin to be strengthened by ossific matter and to assume a more convoluted form. They extend from the point of the muzzle nearly along the whole head, separated by the vomer, in the alligators, gavials and crocodiles, where they generally open externally by expanded, contractile, valvular sacs, as in many cetacea. The anterior and posterior openings of the nares, in the saurian reptiles, are wider than in the ophidia, the whole organs are situate more internally and are more protected by the expanded nasal bones. The whole organs of smell are still more covered and concealed by the osseous walls in the consolidated head of the chelonian reptiles, where the olfactory surface is encreased in extent, the anterior nares are very small, and the posterior openings are placed further backward from their primitive anterior position in the inferior vertebrata. The olfactory nerves and the whole internal organs of smell are comparatively small in birds, and their imperfect development of this sense is compensated for by their high powers of vision, which is better adapted for their active life and the great distances at which they generally require to distinguish their food. The exterior openings of the nostrils are generally large and oblique for the more free respiration required during their rapid movements; they perforate the horny mandible or the cere, or the feathered skin, and the various forms and positions of these exterior openings present useful characters for the distinction of species in this class. There is commonly a nasal gland of considerable size in or near each orbit. The cartilaginous alae of the nose are seldom moveable or prolonged, the septum is often more deficient below than that between the orbits, and the posterior nares, prolonged backward to near the glottis, often terminate by a single opening covered with protecting papillae. The turbinated bones are larger than in reptiles, and the convoluted portion of the ethmoid, though they are still but partially ossified, and the olfactory nerves pass from their long ethmoidal tubes, through the back part of the orbits, into the convoluted plate of the ethmoid. 294 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. These convoluted parts for the highly vascular petuitary membrane, and corresponding in magnitude with that of the olfactory nerves of birds, are for the most part still cartilaginous and very limited in their extent, and the imperfect development of this organ is often compensated for by the extensive distribution of the fifth pair of nerves on the upper and lower jaws, as in many aquatic species which seek their food in mud. All the internal parts of the organs of smell become more complex and elaborate in the mammiferous animals, new and enlarged cavities open into their interior, as the frontal, maxillary, and sphenoidal sinuses, the large nasal glands of birds are here reduced to follicles, and the exterior nares assume a more lengthened and expanded form than in the oviparous classes. The large olfactory nerves here pene- trate the numerous openings of a broad cribriform ethmoidal plate, excepting in the cetacea, arid spread over the very extensive surface of the convoluted cellular part of the ethmoid, and the two turbinated bones on each side. The turbinated bones are most lengthened and simple in form in the long-muzzled ruminantia, pachyderma, and other herbivorous quadrupeds, where the various communicating sinuses are largest, arxl these bones form the most com- plicated labyrinths in the short-muzzled carnivora, where the sense of smell is most acute, and by which they pursue their prey through all their windings and concealments, or seek them by night. The exterior openings of the nostrils are valvular in the beavers, seals, and other diving quadru- peds, to protect them during their rapid movements through that dense element ; they are almost as valvular in the camels and dromedaries for the sands of the desert, and in many scraping and burrowing quadrupeds, and they are prolonged in many cetacea into wide valvular and contractile sacs, which enable them, like the crocodiles, to breathe freely with every other part of their body concealed under the surface of the water. The nostrils terminate in vertical foliated membranous expansions in the phyllostoma and many other bats, and in fimbriated radiating margins in the condylura ; they form the digging instruments in the hog tribe ; they are long and flexible in the nasua, more muscular, prolonged, and mobile in the tapir, expanded into a bottle- ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 295 shaped cavity in the cystophora, and most extended in the elephant where they serve as organs of prehension both for fluid and solid food. Where the cerebral hemispheres in this class are largest, the olfactory, like most of the other sensorial organs, are comparatively small, as in the quadru- mana and man, and they are proportionally large in the human foetus and in the negro, as in the inferior orders of mammalia. FIFTH SECTION. Organs of Taste. The organs of taste are situate in the mucous membrane of the mouth, especially in the papillae and calyces of the tongue, and are adapted to convey a knowledge of many properties of sapid bodies applied to these parts ; so that, as the organs of smell watch over the respiratory organs and the properties of the surrounding element, those of taste are situate at the entrance of the digestive apparatus where they can best examine the materials to be conveyed into the alimentary canal. According to the extent and delicacy of these parts of the mouth, and their supply of blood vessels and nerves, the sense of taste appears to be de- veloped in animals, and the gratification of this sense forms an incentive towards supplying the necessary wants of the body. Although these organs appropriated to our sense of taste are more rarely met with in the inferior animals than the organs of the former senses, it is difficult to conceive animals with a mouth and stomach without supposing that they derive some sensations of taste from the substances they introduce as food into these cavities, and such sensations have been ascribed even to the polygastric animalcules, from their apparent selection of proper food, and their rejecting hurtful substances. Where delicate buccal organs, of doubtful function, are directly applied to the food in the lowest tribes of animals, it may be inferred that they communicate some impressions of this kind, as the prominent lips of many polypi and acalepha, the minute tubular organs around the mouth of ophiurae, asteriae, spatangi, arid most other echino- derma, and the tongue and lips of most articulated and molluscous animals. Notwithstanding the shortness and 296 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. density of the tongue, and the horny prehensile or masti- cating organs which often cover its surface in higher classes, we can perceive distinct gustatory villi on that of the ce- phalopods and the cold-blooded vertebrata, which are suc- ceeded by larger papillae and calyces in the birds and mammalia. These highly vascular and sensitive papillae which terminate the gustatory filaments of the fifth pair of nerves gradually assume the arrangement and forms which they present on the human tongue as we ascend through the quadrumana to man. SIXTH SECTION. Organs of Touch. The most general sense in animals is that of touch, of which all the others may be mere modifications, and it is situate in the highly vascular and sensitive surface of the skin which covers and protects the entire machine. This general sense relates to the most common physical properties of bodies, as their form, their consistence and their tem- perature, without some perception of which animals could scarcely provide for their own subsistence or the con- tinuance of their race. It constitutes the simplest form of an organ of sense, where the minute cutaneous vascular papillae are scarcely yet apparent, which form by their development on the ends of sensitive nerves the more com- plicated organs of the higher senses ; and the contact of the outward object, required in all, is most obvious in this sense. As the sensitive surface of the skin, the vascular layer of the corium, exudes upon its exterior an insensible and extra-vascular cuticle and rete mucosum, which vary much in their thickness, and in the nature and quantity of the materials which often consolidate them, the effect of external impressions in exciting perceptions of touch must chiefly depend on the structure and sensibility of the parts touched and on the general condition of the nervous system in animals. Those invertebrated animals therefore, of each class, which have their exterior naked and soft, will have a more general and acute sense of touch than such allied forms as have their bodies covered with dense substances, although in the latter animals the higher development of the other ORGANS OP THE SENSES. 297 organs of sense may compensate for the deficiency, and enable them amply to provide for all their wants. The naked surface and long cilia, almost developed into ten- tacula, of most polygastric animalcules, the long sensitive tentacula of most zoophytes and acalepha, and the fleshy tubular feet of higher radiated animals, are the parts most adapted to receive impressions of this kind, although we perceive no distinct organs in these animals appropriated solely to the sense of touch. These sensitive organs con- tinue soft in the helmmthoid articulata, but become con- solidated and jointed in the entomoid classes where they constitute the various forms of palpi and antennae. There is one pair of these antennae in the myriapods as in most of the annelides, and the same number is seen in the insects, but they are deficient in the arachnida, and two pairs are found in the Crustacea where they are generally more ex- tended than in insects. In the molluscous classes they again assume the soft, sensitive and fleshy condition of tentacula, destitute of articulations, as we observe around the orifices of the respiratory sac in unicated animals, and around these orifices and the margins of the mantle in conchifera. In the gasteropods there are commonly two of these ten- tacula, as seen in the cyprcea erosa, (Fio. 106. c. c.9) they extend from the sides of the FIG. 106. neck or the mouth, (106. b.,) supporting the eyes (106. d. d.}) near their base, and are often surmounted by the ciliated syphon (106. a.) for the passage of water to the respiratory organs. The muscular foot (106. e.) pos- sesses exquisite sensibility ; there is frequently a second pair of tentacula at the sides of the mouth, and numerous fleshy extensions, simple or ramified (106. /.), are often seen prolonged from the sides or the general surface, of the mantle. Similar fleshy cephalic tentacula are seen 298 ORGANS OP THE SENSES. in the pteropods, and the whole surface of the body is exquisitely sensitive in the naked cephalopods where the flexibility of the long arms and tentacula will enable them to obtain more accurate perceptions of the forms and di- mensions of outward objects. Among the vertebrata, as in the inferior classes, many animals are covered externally with hard and insensible parts which must greatly obscure their impressions of touch derived from the contact of surrounding objects. The large solid calcareous scales of many fishes, the smaller horny scales of most ophidian and saurian reptiles, the large plates of crocodilian and chelonian reptiles, the compact and dense plumage of birds, the thick hides or shaggy furs of many quadrupeds, and the long spines or broad horny scales of others, must act like the insensible sheaths of many radiated, articulated, and molluscous animals, in shielding their skin from impressions of touch. Many fishes have the scales so minute that their body, with relation to touch, is almost as naked and sensitive as that of the amphibia above them ; others have only the lower surface of their body or the periphery of their mouth covered with a naked and sensitive skin to compensate for the want of adaptation of the arm and hands to the sense of touch, and in many species of fishes the tentacula of the in- ferior classes are still seen in the form of fleshy filaments around or near the mouth. The long divided exsertile tongue of serpents and the worm-like flexibility of their trunk compensate for the want of hands as organs of touch. The flexible prehensile tails of many climbing saurian and mammiferous animals, the palmated feet and sensitive lips of many aquatic birds and mammalia, and the delicate ex- posed skin, the extended labial bristles, the long flexible tongue or lips, or the extended proboscis of many quadru- peds, contribute to extend this sense. The osseous foramina for the branches of the fifth pair, even in animals now extinct, enable us to judge of the development of these parts relating to the sense of touch. But, from the cold-blooded amphibious animals through all the higher forms of ter- restrial vertebrata, we observe the hands to become more exquisitely organized and more fitted for communicating delicate impressions of the forms, dimensions, temperature, ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 299 consistence, and other physical properties of external bodies. The almost naked skin of apodal anguilliform fishes, and the great flexibility of their trunk, compensate, as in the per- eimibranchiate amphibia and in the cetacea, for the imper- fect development of their members as tactile organs, and many fishes possess tentacular filaments of great sensibility, and often very numerous near the mouth, as the sturgeons, the silurus, the cod, and the lophius where they extend also from along the sides of the body. The clawless feet, the naked and delicate skin, and the broad fleshy tongue and lips of the caducibranchiate amphibia greatly extend their means of receiving impressions of touch ; and the long forked tongue of serpents, during their intercourse with each other, and during their progressive movements, is constantly darted out and retracted, and employed as an organ of touch, like the antennae and palpi of insects under similar circum- stances. The soft webbed feet and partly clawless toes of the crocodilian reptiles, and their broad fleshy tongue and lips, compensate for the diminished sensibility produced by the large ossious plates and horny scales covering the greater part of their body, and enable them better to feel their prey under the dark and muddy waters they inhabit. The broad digital expansions of geckos and phylluri, the soft fleshy feet and thin cutaneous coverings of the chamseleons, the iguanas, the lizards, and other climbing sauria, and the broad intercostal membranes of the dragons, contribute also to ex- tend their sense of touch. As in all other aquatic animals, it is chiefly among the aquatic forms of birds and mammalia that we observe the naked and soft condition of the skin most conducive to its sensibility, and the most extensive develop- ment of this delicate organ of touch especially between the digital phalanges, and the tentacular developments of the invertebrata so often seen in the fishes, are still observed in various fleshy prolongations from the face of birds, and even of some quadrupeds as the condylura. It is, however, chiefly in the long divided hands of carnivora, quadrumana, and all the hightr forms of quadrupeds that we find the organs of touch acquire their most appropriate and exquisite structure. And in proportion to the high nervous development and that of the sensitive cutaneous papillee, to the sensibility, the vascularity, the flexibility and the softness of the fingers, 300 ORGANS OF THE SENSES. the hands and other cutaneous parts, this most general sense of touch, so closely allied to common nervous sen- sibility, encreases in power and extent as we ascend to man, who surpasses all other animals in the exquisite and equal development of all his organs of sense, and in the perfection of all those higher organs of relation by which animals are more immediately connected with surrounding nature. PART SECOND. ORGANS OF VEGETATIVE OR ORGANIC LIFE. ORGAN'S OF DIGESTION. 303 CHAPTER FIRST. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. FIRST SECTION. General Observations on the Organs of Digestion. As an animal is but a moving sac, organized to convert foreign matter into its own likeness, all the complex organs of relation or of animal life serve but to administer to this digestive bag. The bones, connected together by their ligaments, are but the solid levers which enable the muscles to move it to and fro, and the nervous system, with its various organs of sense, serve but to direct its movements in quest of food. The unorganized food of plants is placed by nature in contact with the exterior surface of their body, and their vessels are directed thither to select and absorb it, which roots them through life to the soil where they grow ; but as animals place their food within their stomach and have their roots directed inwards to that central reservoir, they can change their place and move about in quest of what is most congenial to their nature. The organs of animal life relate to this difference between the two organic kingdoms, to the locomotive powers of animals for the selection of their food; but the organs of vegetative life relate merely to the assimilation of food when already within the body, and are, therefore, common to animals with 804 ORGANS OP DIGESTION. plants. The alimentary surface of the plant is the exterior of its root, ramified and fixed in the soil which affords it food, so that a vegetable is like an animal with its stomach turned inside out. As the organs of relation are those most immediately connected with the varying external circumstan- ces of animals, they are the most variable in their character and inconstant in their existence ; but those of vegetative or organic life relating to the more common and necessary functions of assimilation are much more regular and constant in their character. No organ, indeed, is more universal or essential in animal bodies than that internal digestive cavity by which they differ so remarkably from the species of the vegetable kingdom. This internal sac is but an extension of the primitive absorbent surface of the skin, which, in animals, passes into or through the homogeneous cellular tissue of the body. And, although in the simplest forms of animals, this primitive sac performs alone all the assimilative functions, we find it, as we ascend in the scale, giving origin to various other organic systems, to which distinct parts of the complex function of assimilation are successively entrusted. Thus the peripheral nutrition of the plant passes gradually into the central mode of the animal, and the organs of organic or vegetative life, whether they open internally into the digestive cavity, or on the mucous surface of the skin, may be considered as originating from the exterior integument, which is itself only a portion of the primitive cellular tissue of the body, modified by the stimulating contact of the surrounding element. As the various tubular prolongations of the alimentary canal become more and more developed and isolated from their primitive source, they assume properties and functions more and more peculiar and distinct, and thus form the numerous follicular and conglomerate glandular apparatus, and the various vascular systems, of animals. An alimentary cavity is observed in every class of animals and almost in every species, and its form and structure vary according to the situation of animals in the scale, or according to the kind of food on which they are destined to subsist, and the extent of elaboration it requires to undergo to assimilate it to the animal's body. The peculiarities presented by the digestive organs are, therefore, intimately connected with the diversi- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 305 ties of form manifested by the organs of animal life, and with all the living habits and instincts of animals. SECOND SECTION. Digestive Organs of the Cyclo-neurose, or Radiated Classes. In the lowest tribes of animals the internal organization relates almost solely to digestion, and the food consists almost entirely of the simplest forms of animal matter. The alimentary cavity has often but one orifice, it is seldom provided with masticating organs, and scarcely a trace of &ny glandular organ is yet observed to assist in the process of assimilation. Like the exterior form of the body, the digestive apparatus is more varied in this than in any of the higher divisions of the animal kingdom. I. Polygastrica. Internal digestive cavities are seen in the simplest monads ; and they are so numerous in almost all the higher forms of animalcules, that the class has been termed polygastrica from this character. From the great transparency of these microscopic animals, their digestive sacs, when empty, or when filled only with water as they often are, appear like portions of the common cellular substance of the body, or like gemmules, or internal animaU cules, and from not being easily or generally recognised as alimentary cavities, many, like Lamarck, were led to believe that these animals were without a mouth or any internal or- gans, and were nourished by superficial absorption, like marine plants. Lewenhoeck, however, observed that they possessed an internal cavity, and devoured each other ; the same was seen by Ellis ; Spallanzani perceived them swallowing each other so voraciously that their bodies became distended with their prey ; and Goetze designated the trichoda cimex the wolf of infusions from its rapacity among the smaller animalcules. Gleichen placed animalcules in infusions coloured with carmine in order to discover the forms of their digestive cavities, and he has figured many trichocke, vorticella, and TART III, X 30G ORGANS OF DrQESTION. other animalcules with their internal sacs filled with this coloured matter ; the same was done by Trembley ; and these stomachs are figured by Miiller, Bruguiere, and most others ; but Miiller supposed that they fed upon water, from their stomachs being most frequently filled with that fluid. Ehrenberg has more extensively employed opaque colouring matter to detect the forms of these internal cavities, and by using principally carmine, sap-green, and indigo, carefully freed from all impurities which might prevent their being swallowed, he has succeeded better than his predecessors in unfolding the structure of the digestive organs of animal- cules. Such coloured organic matter, diifused as fine particles mechanically suspended in the water in which animalcules are placed, is readily swallowed by them, and renders visible, through their transparent bodies, the form and disposition of their alimentary cavities; but, how- ever long they remain in these coloured infusions with their stomachs distended with the colouring matter, it is not perceived to communicate the slightest tinge to the general cellular tissue of their body. They appear to possess an acute sense of taste in rejecting coloured metallic and other substances which might prove hurtful to them, and their food appears to consist chiefly of smaller animals of the same class and of particles of mucus or other decomposed organic matter found in the water. In most of the polygastric animalcules there is an ali- mentary canal, with an oral and an anal orifice, which traverses the body, and is provided with numerous small round coecal appendices, which open into its parietes throughout its whole course, and which appear to perform the office of stomachs in receiving and preparing the food. In the simplest forms of animalcules, however, as in the monas atomus (Fig. 107- A.), there is but one general orifice (107. A. b.) to the alimentary cavities (107. A. d.)9 which is placed at the anterior extremity of the body and is surrounded with long vibratile cilia (10J. A. «,) which serve both as organs of motion and tentacula. The several stomachs (A. d.) covered by the general wide integu- ment, (A. e.) open by distinct short cesophageal canals (A. c.) into the common buccal orifice (A. #.), and there is no separate anal aperture for the excrementi- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 307 tious residue of digestion. This simple form of digestive apparatus found in the monads appears to belong to about forty other genera of this class, which, from this circum- stance of having no intestine passing through their body, have been formed into a group designated anentera. In the monas termo which is only about the two-thousandth of a line in diameter, four to six of these small round stomachs have been observed filled with colouring matter, although they did not appear to be half the number which might be contained in its bodyj each of these stomachs, of about the six-thousandth of a line in diameter, appears to open, as in other anentera, by a narrow neck into a wide funnel-shaped mouth, surrounded by a single row of long vibratile cilia, which attract the floating organic particles, or minuter invisible animalcules, as food. This anenterous form of the digestive apparatus, constituting almost the entire organiza- tion, is found both in the sheathed or loricated and in the naked forms, belonging to the lowest genera of this class, many of which, however, have been found to be only the young of supposed higher genera. The intestine which traverses the interior of the body in all the higher forms of polygastrica, and communicates with all the internal stomachs, presents very different forms in x 2 308 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. different genera. In the vorticella citrina (Fig. 107- B.) the intestine (b, c, d, e.) passes downwards without dilatation, and after bending round in the lower part of the body, it ascends more narrow to terminate at the same lateral oral funnel-shaped ciliated aperture (B. a.) at which it commenced, having numerous coecal dilatations or stomachs (B. f.) communicating with its interior throughout its whole course. This circular form of intestine, opening at both its extremities in the same ciliated aperture, is per- ceived also in the carchesium, zoocladium, ophrydium, vagini- cola, and other genera, which from this character form the group termed cyclo-cala. In some animalcules of this group, as in the stentor polymorphus, (Fig. 107- C.), the circular intestine is regularly sacculated, or alternately dilated and contracted, throughout its whole course (C. b, c, c, d.), and from these dilated parts the little stomachs (C. f.) take their origin. In other species of stentor the intestine is twisted in a spiral manner through- out its circular course. Many of the polygastric animalcules which approach nearer to the helminthoid classes in the lengthened form of their body, have the mouth and anus placed, as in higher classes, at the opposite extremities of the trunk, as seen in the enchelis pupa (Fig. 107. D0> where the intestine, passing straight and cylindrical through the body, from the wide ciliated terminal mouth (D. «.), to the opposite dilated rectal termination (D. £.), gives off very numerous coecal cavities (D. /, /.) along its whole course. Such animalcules form the group termed ortho-coela from the straight course of the intestine. In others, however, as the leucophrys patula (Fig. 107. E.), the intestine passes in a spiral course through the short and broad trunk of the animalcule, giving off digestive coeca (E. f.} in all parts of its course, from its ciliated wide oral extremity (E. a.) to the saccular rectum (E. b.) at the opposite end, and such animal- cules as present this spiral form of the alimentary canal com- pose the group of campylo-ccela, of which there appear to be few known genera. About thirty-five genera of polygastric animalcules appear to have an intestine of some form (ente- rodela), passing through their transparent body, and deve- loping from its parietes minute globular coeca, which are regarded as stomachs, from the quickness with which the ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 309 food is conveyed into them, and from its not being ac- cumulated or retained in any other part of the digestive apparatus. Nearly two hundred stomachs have been count- ed in a paramcecium and in an aurelia, filled with food at the same time, and there may have been many more, unseen from their empty and collapsed state. These digestive sacs are contracted filiform and almost invisible when empty, but they are susceptible of remarkable dilatation, and are sometimes seen distended with water, or smaller animalcules, or portions of confervre swallowed as food ; and the forms of these minuter animalcules can often be detected in the half-digested masses expelled from their posterior opening. Viewed through the microscope, the polygastric animalcules present very dif- ferent appearances, according to the quantity and the kind of food contained in these digestive sacs, and from deceptions of this kind twelve different species of animalcules, belong- ing to six supposed distinct genera, have been formed of the single species vorticella convallaria. Although no muscular apparatus is perceptible in the transparent bodies of the polygastrica, distinct maxillary or dental organs are seen in many species belonging to very dissimilar genera. They consist of numerous long straight, stiff, elastic spines, dispos- ed parallel to each other, and arranged so as to form an oral cylindrical proboscis, capable of being extended, widened, or contracted, to seize and compress the soft prey. No gland- ular organs to assist in digestion have been observed in this class of animals, notwithstanding their dental apparatus and the multiplied cavities of their alimentary canal. They are often observed to swallow animalcules nearly as large as themselves, and which could not be lodged in any of the digestive sacs ; these appear to remain in the distended ali- mentary canal, and they render them, for a time, inactive* One polygastric animalcule often contains many hundreds of smaller prey within its body, and, notwithstanding the almost invisible minuteness of the animals of this class, and the great simplicity of their structure,, they appear to be at once the most numerous, the most active, the most prolific, and the most voracious of all living beings. In some of the minutest forms of monads we are often unable to perceive any internal cavity ; in others, from one to a very variable number of cavities are rendered visible by coloured food — an 310 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. anenterous monad with a single cavity presents the simplest form of the digestive apparatus known among animals. In some of the larger paramfecia the food appears to move freely in round masses through the general internal cavity of the body, and these are sometimes accumulated at one end of the animal and sometimes at the other. The straight ali- mentary canal with its numerous lateral appendices in the orthoccela, approaches most nearly to that of many hel- minthoid articulata, as the halithea, the leech, and many inferior forms of annelida, rotifera, and entozoa. The open- ing of these coeca on the surface of the body, and changing the direction of the food's motion, would produce the form of alimentary organs presented by the poripherous ani- mals. II. Poriphera. The alimentary apparatus of poripherous animals, by the peculiarity of its form and the simplicity of its structure, approaches the nearest to that of plants ; the cellular tissue of their body is permeated in all directions by ramifying and anastomosing canals, which begin by minute superficial pores closely distributed over every part, and terminate in larger orifices variously placed according to the exterior form of the entire animal. In the minute superficial absorbent pores we can generally perceive a fine transverse ge- latinous net-work (Fig. 2.N.) an dprojectingspicula, to protect these entrances from the larger animalcules and from noxious particles floating in the water. The internal canals, like the veinous system, leading from capillaries to trunks, are bound- ed internally by a more condensed or more highly organised portion of the general cellular substance of the body, and are incessantly traversed by streams of water, passing in- wards through the minute pores, and discharged through the larger orifices or vents ; but no polypi have been observed in any of those parts, nor even cilia, although from analogy we may suppose them necessary as the active agents of the currents. In this simple organization there appears to be only an increased extent given to the general cutaneous absorbent surface; there are yet no distinct cceca or stomachs for receiving and retaining the aliment that has been conveyed into the body along with the currents of water. These animals in their earliest free and moving condition, while they are in the state of gemmules. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 311 and for some time after their development in a fixed condi- tion has commenced, present no perceptible canals or cavi- ties of any kind in their body 5 nor do the polypipherous animals while they continue in the same free state of ciliated moving gemmules. As the development of the porifera proceeds, minute openings are observed to form on the sur- face, which extend gradually through the body, producing internal canals which terminate superficially in vents or fecal orifices. From the incessant currents conveyed through the body of these animals, it would appear that all parts of their interior, like the exterior surface, of their general cellular tissue, are adapted to admit by endosmose, and to assimilate nutritious matter to the texture of their body. On watching the streams of water that issue from the vents, minute floc- culent particles are observed incessantly detached from the interior, and thrown out with the currents, these appear to be fine mucous pellicles excreted from the surface of the internal canals, as the residue of digestion thus detached from the body. A similar mode of excretion is often seen on the naked mucous surface of zoophytes, where thin pellicles are -periodically detached from the soft exterior of the body. In the spreading sessile species of porifera, as in the halina papillaris (Fig. 108.) so common on all parts of our coasts, both the small absorbent pores (108. «, a, a.) and the larger fecal vents (108. b, b.) are necessarily disposed on the same general external free surface, the inferior surface (108. g.} being fixed to the rocks or other sub-marine bodies and thereby com- pletely closed. The upper free portion of the body, as in most other animals, is more appropriated to nutrition, and the lower or posterior part to generation. A vertical section of the body, shows the continuation of the pores (108. d.) which lead to the larger branches, canals (108. e.) and vents (108. b, b.). Along with the small portions of feculent matter (108. b. b.) are seen propelled from the vents numerous ovate reproductive gemmules (108. c. c.) after they have been developed in clusters (108. /.) in the deeper parts of the body, and have escaped into the internal canals (108. /*•/*•)• In the tubular species, as in the leuconia com- pressa (Fig. 3.), the whole outer surface or periphery of the body is appropriated exclusively to the absorbent pores 312 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. FIG. 108. whicn lead obliquely upwards through the parietes to the general internal cavity, and from this cavity the currents pass out by an inferior orifice (Fig. 3 d.), the upper part (Fig. 3. c.) in such forms being the closed part of attach- ment. The proper vents in such tubular species are there- fore only seen upon opening the parietes and observing the inner surface (Fig. 3 b.} which is entirely covered; with orifices of a larger size than the exterior pores. In the branched forms of poriphera, which, from the softness of: their texture, appear always to hang downwards from their point of attachment, the whole outer surface is closely studded with minute pores, as in the haliclona oculata (Fig. 2 A. «.), and from these pores the anastomozing canals wind through the interior to open on the margins of the branches by wide prominent vents (Fig. 2 b. b.). The vents are disposed in all the different forms of porifera so as least to incommode the absorbent pores by the flocculi of matter constantly discharged from them with the currents. The vents are raised from the general absorbent surface to the ends of projecting papilke (Fig. 108. b. b. c. c.) in those species which are attached to the acclivities of rocks ; there ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 313 are no such papilla) on those which fix on the under surface ; the vents open on the outer margins of the ramified forms (Fig. 2 b. b.), and they open into the interior of the tubular species (Fig. 3. b.), so as to be most free from the absorbent pores which would readily be obstructed by the mucous flocculi and particles of foreign matter propelled from the large orifices. The absorbent canals of poriphera are like the ramified roots of a plant turned inwards, and from the simplicity and similarity of their structure in every part they are susceptible of infinite division without destroying their vitality, and distinct individuals, by coming into contact in the progress of their growth, easily coalesce to form one mass. III. Polypiphera. In the polypipherous animals or zoophy- tes the digestive organs are more distinct from the common cellular tissue of the body, and present a more complicated form than in the porifera, as the margins of the pores are here lengthened out to form little stomachs or polypi, or- ganised to select, and seize, and digest living animalcules ; parts of the lips of these polypi are also still further extend- ed to form sensitive prehensile tentacula, and the sides of these tentacula develope numerous minute filiform cilia, by the rapid vibration of which currents are produced in the water to attract prey. In the hydra or fresh-water polype, the whole digestive apparatus consists of a simple sac, exca- vated in the cellular substance of the body, and destitute of all cceca or glandular appendices, and even of a distinct anus. The parietes of this simple polype appear to possess the same properties in every part, as they continue to seize and digest food when the animal is turned inside out, and each part of the animal, when cut to pieces, is found to develope itself to a perfect polype. What was formerly the internal digestive surface is found also to become the genera- tive, and to produce gemmules and young polypes when the animal is turned inside out. They feed chiefly on larvae and annelides which they search for and seize by the long tenta- cula developed from the sides of their mouth, and they often swallow animals many times larger than their own body, by stretching their thin elastic parietes over their prey. The digested part of the food passes through the common cellular tissue of their body, and through their tubular tentacula,. 311 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. and the residue is thrown out by the mouth. In most of the soft flexible vaginated forms of zoophytes, or keratophy- tes, the posterior part of the polypus, which is the surface of attachment in the hydra, is perforated by a pyloric orifice to allow the digested part of the food to pass backward into' the circulating system, as shown by Cavolini in sertularia, plumularia, campanularite, and most other forms. The polypi in those vaginated forms of keratophytes are the only parts of the fleshy substance of the body which come into free contact with the surrounding element, and they con- stitute highly irritable and sensitive sacs, the tentacula surrounding the margins of which are generally provided with vibratile cilia to produce currents, and attract prey within their grasp. The whole digestive and circulating cavities ramified through the body of these animals form an approach to those ramified through the common cellular substance of poriphera, but here there are no common vents or fecal orifices. From the transparency of the polypi and of their horny enveloping cells, we can easily perceive the contained food while it is being digested, and that the excre- mentitious residue is thrown out by the same orifice by which it entered, while the digested nutritious portion is successively transmitted backwards through the pyloric orifice, to be circulated through the central fleshy cavity pervading all the ramifications of the body. These move- ments of the digested matter through every part of the fleshy substance of keratophytes, appear to depend on in- ternal vibratile cilia, as the movements of similar globules in the tubular fleshy feet of echinoderma, and in many other parts of radiated animals. The polypi of the alcyonella have a distinct lateral anal termination of their digestive canal, and they further approach to the vorticella in their double series of tentacula, which are here provided with vibratile cilia. The digestive polypi have a more complicated and isolated structure, in the cellaria andflustra as in iheflustra carbesia (Fig. 63.), where the stiff elastic tentacula (63. d.) disposed in a campanulate form and furnished with vibratile cilia, are supported on a dilated portion of the body like a head, and where the alimentary cavity has not only a length- ened cylindrical curved intestinal form, but is even provided with a distinct coecal or glandular appendix (63 b.) opening ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 315 into its posterior portion. This small coecum, the rudiment of a liver, presents a continued revolution of the particles contained in it, and is sometimes seen to pulsate like a heart. It is smaller in .the flustra foliacea where the lower curved part of the polypus is dilated into a wide gastric cavity. These polypi have also distinct bands passing from their body to the aperture and to the base of the cells, apparently to assist in their rising and retreating ; the polypi appear to be capable of subsisting in an isolated condition, when detached from the cells to afford space for the develop- ment of the gemmules, as I have often found them swimming free in the water by the rapid contraction and extension of their tentacula. It is chiefly in the lowest zoo- phytes and in the smallest and simplest forms of polypi that the tentacula are furnished with vibratile cilia, as in sertula- ria, plumularia, cellaria, flustra, alcyonium, alcyonella ; in some, as campanularia and tubularia, the cilia are disposed round the extensile lips, and the tentacula are simple ; and in many higher forms of polypi, as in madrepora, gorgonia, and lobularia, where the cilia have generally a similar dispo- sition around the mouth, the tentacula are furnished with lateral appendices which are not vibratile, and the stomach open at both ends, forms a separate internal sac, as in actinia, allowing the gemmules of each separate polypus to escape through this open passage. The large polypi are more nearly isolated in their condition in many of the massive lithophytes, as in the large deep-green polypi of the astrea viridis (Fig. 109. A. B. C.), where they are more than six lines in length, and protected in deep laminated poly- gonal cells (109. A. g. h.) two lines in diameter, they are striated with longitudinal (109. A. b.} and transverse (109. B. C. d. d.) bands, and are connected only by a thin fleshy layer (109. A. /.), covering the dark brown coral, and scarcely perceptible when the polypi are retracted into their cells (109. A. e.f.}. The numerous bright-green tentacula (C. c.), alternately large and small, disposed around the very pro- minent blue mouth (C. a.) of the polypus, appear to constitute a double row of simple arms as in the tubularice, and the surface of the polypi in their contracted state is marked with regular vertical rows of prominent tubercles (6. d.). The polypi of lobularia are provided externally 316 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. FlG. with regular vertical series of dense white glistening calcare^- ous spicula, attached to their parietes, and the internal cavities of these polypi are continuous with the long tubular radiating canals which traverse and almost constitute the entire fleshy mass of the body. The internal structure is very similar in pennatulce and viry.ularue, where the mature free ciliated gemmules also pass out through the open cavity of the stomach. In many zoophytes, each polypus forms a separate animal, as in several tubularm^ caryophyllice, and fungi® where the cells are as isolated as the polypi. The caryopfayllia cyathus is composed of an isolated calcareous cell, containing a large polypus with a double row of conical tubular tentacula destitute of cilia or any kind of lateral appendices, and altogether constructed like an actinia in its digestive sac and its vertical ovarial partitions. In the winding superficial concavities of the meandrime is protected the variously-coloured fleshy mass of the animal, with numerous short conical polypi form orifices having generaUy eight marginal lobes, the remnants of the eight fimbriated short teotacula so common in the higher forms of zoophytes, and along the margins of the prominent calcareous ridges ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 317 are seen numerous conical tubular fleshy tentacula, like the tu- bular feet of a holothuria. In the still deeper and more isolated concavities of the pavonice are found the large depressed ex- panded polypi, with eight-lobed orifices, and closely re- sembling the sea-anemonies in their exterior form and internal structure, as seen in the deep-green polypi of the FIG. 110. pavonia lactuca (Fig. 110. a. «.), from the shores of the South Sea Islands. The transparent, common, connecting, fleshy substance of these polypi, becomes a thin arid almost imperceptible layer at its exterior margins, but rises, in the expanded condition of the animal, even beyond the extreme edges of the delicate calcareous foliated expansions (110. c.) which compose this elegant lithophyte, and thus extend their limits by the addition of calcareous matter. The eight short lobes (110. b.) of the oblong oral disc of these broad depressed Npolypi (110. a. «.), are the only traces of marginal tentacula which they present. The cavities containing the polypi are almost destitute of those vertical prominent sharp ridges and depressions, which mark both surfaces of the undulating 318 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. foliacious expansions, and which increase in depth towards their free elevated dentated edges (110. c.), and the nu- merous brown-coloured papillae, spread over the yellowish- green surface of the polypi are the rudiments of the conical tubular feet so largely developed on many other lithophytes. From the magnitude and muscularity of the polypi in most of the larger forms of lithophytes, and from the increased number and strength of their prehensile organs, they are adapted for seizing and digesting more highly organized prey, than those delicate minute cellular forms which attract the smaller floating animals by vibrating the cilia of their tenta- cula. The most complicated forms of fixed polypi, and those which approach the nearest in structure to the free and independent actiniae, are generally those which have the largest and most isolated cells, as we observe already in the prominent lips and internal partitions of the polypi of tubularice, and their double row of tentacula destitute of cilia. In the caryophyllue, where the whole animal is sometimes composed of a single polypus with its cell, as in caryophyllia cyathus, the tentacula are not only disposed in a double series around the flat disk of the polypi, but are also short, thick, membranous and tubular as in most actinia, and ciliated internally like the tubular conical feet of most echi- noderma, and the corresponding hollow organs of the higher zoophytes. In the turbinolia, likewise, which consists of a single conical calcareous cell with thin vertical radiating la- mellce, there is but one large actiniform polypus with a flat disk, a transverse oral aperture, and a sub-duplicate series of long tubular conical tentacula, disposed around the margin of the fleshy disk; the exterior surface of these tubular tenta- cula is sometimes irregularly tuberculated, like those of many inferior vaginiform zoophytes, and as we perceive in those of the simple hydra. The polypi of fungia more closely resemble actinia than those of any other lithophyte, as seen in those of fungia actiniformis (Fig. 111. A.) and fungia crassitentaculata (Fig. ill. B.), from the South Pacific. In these broad expanded isolated polypi, envelop- ing a solid lamellated calcareous axis (ill. D. C.), the transversely-elongated central mouth is lobed on the margin (111. A.), or surrounded with lively-coloured tubercles (ill. B.), as in many actiniae ; and the whole surface of the fleshy ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 319 FlG. 111. disk is covered with long muscular tubular conical prehensile tentacula, disposed irregularly, with minute terminal aper- tures, striated with transverse muscular bands, and pro- truded by the injection of water into them from below, like the tubuliform feet of echinoderma. In the fungia actini- formis (111. A. D.) the tentacula are very numerous, long, brown-coloured, slender, sub-cylindrical, and terminated by a yellow-coloured, dilated, perforated disk ; the general surface of the polypus is yellowish-coloured with green striae; the long, convoluted, white ovaries, like those of actiniae, are protected between the vertical plates of the cal- careous axis (111. D.) ; the flesh passes likewise over the inferior surface of the axis which is concave, and laminated on that part as above ; and when the animal is alarmed the tentacula are withdrawn between the upper vertical lamellae, the flesh shrinks downwards between these plates and is found accumulated chiefly on the under concave laminated surface of the axis. The tentacula are larger, fewer in num- ber, more muscular, thick, and conical, in the fungia crassi- tentaculata (111. B. C.) ; they rise from a yellowish-coloured flesh covering the flat upper surface of the lamellated orbi- cular axis (111. C.) ; they are formed like leeches, striated transversely, of a brown colour, and terminate in a greenish- 320 ORGANS OF DIGESTION*. yellow perforated disk capable of seizing and conveying to the central mouth of the polypus the smaller crustaceous or mol- luscous animals brought within their reach. The most com- plicated and most isolated forms of the polypi, or digestive sacs of zoophytes, are the free, locomotive actinia, destitute of a calcareous axis, and where the muscular and nervous sys- tems, and the organs of digestion, generation, and respira- tion are already distinctly developed. Strong muscular bands surround the coriaceous external contractile covering of the body, and others extend vertically to the spreading flat base ; a thick muscular sphincter, to enclose all the delicate parts of the disk, surrounds the upper and exterior margin^ and another the entrance of the stomach ; and numerous ver- tical muscular partitions, extending from the upper disk to the base of the actinia, and from the exterior skin inwards to the gastric cavity, divide this peripheral space, as in most of the higher zoophytes, into numerous genital compartments occupied by the long, white, convoluted, filiform ovaries, or gemmiparous sacs, attached to the inner free margin of mem- branous alternate folds extending inwards from the skin. The capacious stomach, provided with a muscular and mucous coat lined with vibratile cilia as in other zoophytes, and striated with vertical opaque bands and plicae, occupies the axis of the body, and communicates as in other highly-or- ganized polypi, with the genital cavities below. These lateral cavities between the stomach and the skin, communicate with each other, and with the numerous muscular conical tubular tentacula which are lined internally with vibratile cilia and are perforated at their free apex, like the tubular feet of higher radiata : so that every part of the actinia is capable of being bathed and distended with the surrounding element like a respiratory organ, and the stomach is easily protruded from the mouth by the distension of the genital ca^ vities behind with that fluid. The actinia, like the hydra, free and unfettered by a solid axis, stretches its elastic body over prey many times larger than itself, and by the great digestive powers and copious secretions of its most capacious stomach, it quickly extracts nourishment from all kinds of animal sub- stances, living or dead, which are brought within the reach of its adhesive poisonous secretions and its expanded tenta-^ cula by the ceaseless motions of the tide. The sand, gravel) ORGANS OF DIGESTION. V2 1 and broken shells, often swallowed with the food and found distending the stomach, are thrown out by the same oral aperture when the stomach is protruded. The margins of the oral disk, supporting the tentacula, are sometimes found extended in foliaceous expansions, and covered with minuter forms of these sensitive organs, by which the prehensile and respiratory surfaces are also increased in extent. In others the tentacula aie tuberculated on the surface, or are length- ened and ramified with the luxuriance of many inferior alcyonia, or like the roots of a rhizostoma, or the radiating divisions .of a euryale, as we see in the actinia alcyonoidea (Fig. 112. A. C.) and the actinia arborea (Fig. 112. B. D.), FIG. 112. two large species from the South Pacific. The cylindrical body of the actinia alcyonoidea (112. A.) striated longitu- dinally with numerous undulating brown-coloured bands, terminates above in a circular green disk spotted with deeper shades of the same hue, and presenting a lively rose- coloured oral aperture in the centre. From the outer margin of the disk sixteen large cylindrical ramified tentacula extend to the distance of half-a-foot from the mouth, and have all their divisions terminated by rasemose enlargements (112. C.) which are closely covered with minute pedunculated suckers (112. C. b. c.), by which the sensitive, the prehen- sile, and the respiratory surface of this remarkable zoophyte is greatly increased, and it is better enabled to perceive and to grasp larger prey floating or swimming freely through the PART III. Y 322 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. sea. The ramifications of the long, thick, and longitudinally striated tentacula of the actinia arbor ea (Fig. 112. B.) render that isolated polypus, which is more than a foot in height, still more dendritic in outward form than the last species ; and the smaller size of its body (B. a. b.) makes it more nearly approach to the higher stellated echinoderma, as the ophiura, comatula, and euryale, where the nutritive organs are con- fined, as here, to a small central disk. The deep blue-colour- ed disk around the mouth (112. D.), between the thick bases of the ramified tentacula, is here also marked with numerous brown-coloured spots, regularly disposed on yellow bands radiating from the mouth to the margin of that surface, and the dichotomous character of the branched tentacula (112. B. b. c.) is seen even in the minute fleshy tubular filaments (B. d. d.) which cover the terminal tubercles of all the branches. The adhesive mucous exudation from the surface of all those ramified tentacula, as in other actinia, inflames and irritates the human skin, and may serve alike to seize and to destroy the victims which fall within their grasp. In the pedun- culated form of the lucernaria, with its soft irritable body and central digestive simple sac like an actinia, and its connected radiating pedigerous divisions, we are also ap- proximated to the condition of the higher stellated echino- derma, and especially to the pedunculated crinoid family, so that, from the simple isolated sac of the hydra, which is alike generative and digestive in every part, we pass through a great and most diversified series of zoophytic forms, to the complicated structure of these large independent actiniform polypi, where separate parts of the body are already dis- tinctly appropriated to the most general and important functions of organic life. IV. Acalepha. The soft transparent gelatinous acalepha, float- ing like large animalcules through the sea, are but free digestive cavities, like inverted zoophytes detached from their stony axis, and have their alimentary organs extended through every part of their mantle, their long filiform tentacula, and their pendent ramified peduncles. Among the ciliograde acalepha, the beroe'pileus has a straight alimentary canal passing through the long axis of its body, commencing at the lower part with four thin prominent contractile and highly irritable lips surround- ing the wide oral aperture. The contracted oesophageal part is ORGANS OF DIGESTION. .32.1 succeeded by a gastric expansion of this straight canal, contain- ing frequently minute entomostracous Crustacea which have been swallowed as food, and a narrow straight intestine ter- minates in a prominent anal orifice at the upper part of the body. The numerous ciliated canals conveying currents and globules through every part of the animal appear to be connected with the alimentary cavity, as in zoophytes and in other acalepha, and currents of water appear to flow through the alimentary canal in its empty state. In the aldnoe vermiculata, provided also with eight longitudinal bands of vibratile cilia, the alimentary canal passes straight through the axis of the body, surrounded below, at its oral entrance, as in beroe, with four prolonged marginal lips, but here of a lengthened conical form like the tentacula of polypi. Numerous coecal prolongations from the cavity of the stomach are seen in physalia extending into the abdomen and are generally found to contain portions of the digested food. The digestive sacs of the physophora resemble the polypi of companularia, but destitute of tentacula, and their contrac- tions are seen to aid the progressive motions of the animal in floating through the water, as the contractions of medusa and of some heroes assist in their progression. The wide tubular proboscis in the centre of the lower surface of the velella (Fig. 6. 1.) leads to a capacious stomach occupying the middle part of the body, from which minute orifices appear to extend to the numerous small tubular suckers placed around the mouth ; and the same structure is seen in the porpita where the digestive cavity, the only important system yet developed, is protected above, as in velella, by the firm internal skeleton. Around the delicate margin of the berenice, which was thought to be agastric, there are numerous prominent papillae, the tubular passages of which lead to a wide central stomach. Most of the small physo- grade acalepha, as well as the larger pulmodrade medusaria, like inverted zoophytes torn from their fixed attachment and floating through the sea with their polypi extended in all directions, have numerous small pendent orifices at the extremities of peduncles more or less ramified and extended, and these polypiform mouths lead by narrow canals to a central sac, from which the nutritious matter is sent by numerous radiating ramified ducts to all parts of the body. 324- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. Larger and more direct openings, varying in number in different animals, are also generally observed leading into this gastric cavity, which is sometimes central and single, and in others is divided into compartments disposed around the vertical axis of the disk. From the transparency of every part of the body in the rhizostoma Cuvieri (Fig. 113. A. B.) the limits of the central gastric cavity (A. d.) and of the four surrounding ovarial sacs (A. e* e. e. e.) can be easily perceived through the thick parietes of the mantle, and also the numerous ramifications of wide vessels which extend from the circumference of this quadrangular stomach to the purple-coloured, lobed, highly vascular, and respiratory margin of the disk (A. B. h. h.). The peduncle hanging from the centre of the disk divides into eight branches (A. r. FIG. 113. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 325 c.), which terminate below in simple lobed dilatations (A. a. a. a. a.} having their surface marked with numerous depressions which are the orifices of internal canals (A. a. b. c.) leading upwards to the stomach. In the middle and upper parts of these eight branches there are fimbriated membranous extensions (A. /. B. /. k.) the numerous vessels of which also anstomose with the principal ascend- ing trunk of each peduncle. On making a vertical section of this rhizostome through the centre of the disk (113. B.) we observe the internal canals (B. b. c.) commencing from the polypiform orifices of the branches (B. a. a.) receiving all the lateral absorbent or respiratory canals (B. f. /. k. k.} in their course, and uniting above to form one large oesophageal passage (B. ra.) before entering the wide central gastric cavity (B. d.) There are more than twelve open pores, the polypiform orifices of these digestive tubes, perceptible on the lobed trilateral dilated base of each peduncle (A. B. a. a.} and the delicate mucous lining of all these digestive cavities can scarcely be detached from the general cellular tissue of the body which they traverse. Thin membranous partitions (B. /. /.) separate the cavity of the stomach (B. d.) from the four surrounding ovarial sacs (B. e. e.) which open externally by distinct apertures (B. i. i.) and sixteen canals radiate from the periphery of the stomach, dividing and anastomos- ing as they proceed towards the outer margin of the disk (B. h. h). The myriads of minute ramifying canals, anas- tomosing freely with each other, form a continuous compli- cated plexus around the free margin of the mantle, and spread extensively on the coloured lobes (B. h. h.) which bound its periphery, thus forming, as in the pteropods, a respiratory apparatus of the most active organ of locomo- tion. In many of the higher medusa, as in the medusa auri- ta (Fig. 113. C. D.) the mouth is single and opens directly from the centre of the inferior surface of the mantle, into a capacious stomach from which numerous vessels radiate to a circular canal surrounding the margin of the disk. The mouth • of the medusa aurita is of a quadrangular form, supported by four curved cartilaginous plates, from which are suspended four lengthened tapering lips or tentacula (C. D. p. p.] as we find on the sides of the mouth in most 326 ORGAN'S OF DIGESTION. *' conchiferous mollusca. On inverting the disk (D) we observe the short quadrangular oesophagus in the centre, leading to a capacious gastric cavity partially divided into four sacs (C. d.) and from each of these sacs numerous alimentary canals (D. q. q. q. g) radiate towards the mar- gin of the mantle, ramifying with great regularity, but pre- senting few anastomoses compared with those of the rhizos- tomes. Around the lower part of the stomach are disposed the four ovarial sacs (D. e. e e. e) containing the coloured ovaries, and opening externally each by a distinct aperture as in other medusae. The inner surface of the stomach has a spotted follicular appearance, and this divided cavity is separated by a double membrane from the open ovarial sacs beneath. From around the margin of the stomach there come off sixteen canals, alternately simple and ramified, which end in the circular vessel (D. r. r.) passing round the mar- gin, and by placing the living medusa in sea water tinged with indigo, the stomach (C. d.) the radiating vessels (D. g. g. g. g.) and the circular marginal canal (D. r. r.) are soon found filled with the blue coloured infusion while the rest of the animal remains colourless. A nervous circle is seen around the oral passage from which the long tentacula (C. D. p. p.) are suspended; another nervous cord accompanies the circular canal (D. r. r) around the free margin of the mantle which is fringed with a rowT of minute tentacula (D. o.o.) highly sensitive and in constant motion ; the organs of vision (D. n. n.) are placed in the sight depressions around the free edge of the disk ; and in the middle of each of the eight lobes of the mantle, between each pair of eyes, is seen the dilated anal termination of a simple excrementitious canal (C. D. o. o. o. o.) generally containing the indigesti- ble remains of very minute articulated and molluscous ani mals, which are thrown out by these eight marginal ani on alarming the medusa. Currents of digested matter are seen moving through the radiating ciliated canals of medusae, as in those of the ciliograde acalepha and the corresponding organs of other radiated classes. In the carybdea marsupia- lis, which was thought to be agastric, there is a central infe- rior oral aperture, surrounded by four short conical tentacu- la, the stomach is partially divided into four compartments, from each of which a canal extends to the free margin of the ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 327 mantle; these four radiating alimentary canals are conti- nued down through the four long marginal tentacula which extend 'from the edge of the disk, and the parietes of the stomach appear to be already provided with ramified biliary follicles which pour their secretion into its cavity. From the remains of minute rotifera, Crustacea, and mollusca, found in the alimentary cavities of the rhizostome forms of acale- pha they appear to subsist on animal matter more highly organised than' themselves, and already divided into very mi- nute ^parts, so that they require neither masticating nor glandular organs to assist in digestion ; but in the monosto- matous species adapted for larger food, the cartilaginous parietes of the mouth may compress or divide the prey, and the biliary follicles aid in its assimilation. V. Echinoderma. The structure of the digestive organs in these fixed or slow-moving, thick-skinned, predaceous animals is as various as their outward form and their liv- ing habits, and presents the links of transition from the broad and radiated alimentary cavity of the acalepha to the long cylindrical narrow intestinal canal common to the articulated classes. In many of the stellated echinoderma, as the euryale, the ophiura, and the asterias, we observe a simple sac with one orifice, as in the hydra and the simplest polypi of zoophytes ; in others, as the comatula and encrinus, the digestive canal is more lengthened and curves upon itself, as in alcyonella smdflustra, and has an anal opening distinct from the mouth ; and in the echinida and holothur- ida there is a long narrow convoluted intestine passing through the body, with as little gastric enlargement as in the long straight intestine of a worm. But in these various forms of echinoderma the digestive cavity is always bounded by parietes distinct from the common integument of the body, as in all the higher classes of animals, and is generally connected with them by means of a highly vascular mesen- tery. The mouth of the asterias, surrounded with long tu- bular tentacula and protected by fasciculi of calcareous spines, is situate, as in most cyclo-neurose animals, in the centre of the inferior surface of the body, and by a short oesophagus leads to a wide and most dilatable stomach provided with a distinct internal mucous lining and an exterior muscular tunic, and occupying the whole central 32iJ ORGANS OF DIGESTION. part of the body from which the marginal divisions ori- ginate. In the ophiura and euryale the digestive sac, with its ten small rudimentary cceca, are entirely confined to the central disk, but in the asterias two long tapering ramified coeca, like the biliary follicles of higher classes, commencing by a single trunk, extend from the stomach to a very variable length into each division of the body. Each of these rami- fied coeca of the asterias is attached to the integument along the upper part of the ray by a delicate vascular membrane, and its lateral ramifications terminate in small vesicular en- largements generally filled with digestive matter, or the secretion of their own parietes. The stomach is also furnished with small short coeca at its upper part within the disk, and at its sides between the great coecal trunks of the rays, which likewise vary much in their forms and dimen- sions in different species. Above the stomach and towards the side is situated the small glandular sac covered externally with a solid calcareous plate and containing numerous minute crystalline calcareous spicula. In the comatula there is a distinct gastric cavity, and an alimentary canal long and cylindrical, forming two convolutions round the stomach in the central disk or abdomen, and open at its anal extremity. The mouth forms a large circular aperture towards one side of the centre of the inferior surface, and a small sub- marginal anus is seen at the opposite side, not far from the mouth, and opening at the end of a prominent papilla. The same structure of the alimentary cavity with its two distinct and approximated openings is seen in the pentacrinus, and it appears to have been the common form of the digestive canal in that great and almost extinct family of crinoid ani- mals. The mouth becomes furnished with strong masticating and salivary organs in the higher forms of echinida; and while it preserves its central position on the lower or anterior surface of the body, the anal orifice leaves that surface to assume a diagonally opposite position in the centre of the upper or pos- terior part, which prepares the structure for the lengthened horizontal forms of the holothurida and the articulated classes of animals where the axis of the trunk ceases to preserve the vertical position so general in the radiata. In the sou- tellum and the clypeaster both orifices still preserve the ORGANS OF DIGESTION. inferior surface, the anal aperture has acquired a sub-dorsal aspect in the spatangus and many of the genera now extinct, and in the cidaris and echinus the mouth and anus occupy the opposite poles of a vertical axis. In the spatangus, which burrows in the moist sands and passes that substance constantly through its body in order to derive nourishment from the innumerable minute animals contained in it, the mouth, destitute of teeth and furnished with numerous long tubular tentacula, is placed on the lower flat surface towards the obliterated ambulacrum, and leads to a long convoluted black-coloured delicate alimentary canal which performs two revolutions in opposite directions, attached by a thin vas- cular mesentery to the upper part of the shell, and terminates at the marginal aperture on the posterior part of the body. The slight gastric enlargement at the commencement of this long intestine receives the opening of a single lengthened hepatic follicle or coecum. The mouth of the echinus., which subsists chiefly on young mollusca and Crustacea, is provided with a strong dental apparatus (Fig. 8. 2. 3.) embracing the commencement of the oesophagus, and is surrounded with delicate fimbriated contractile lips and numerous long tubular tentacula. The intestine, with a slight gastric dilata- tion and of variable diameter in its course, forms a double convolution in a waved direction round the axis, and is attached by a short vascular mesentery, containing minute tubercles like glands, to the interior of the shell. The anal aperture, at the upper pole of the vertical axis, is surrounded by a membranous expansion, sometimes with valvular folds, and is provided, like the mouth, with circular and ra- diating muscular bands for its contraction and dilatation. The structure is nearly the same in the cidares which present the most globular forms of the echinida, but the forms of the slight saccular enlargements in the course of the alimentary canal, and the zig-zag manner in which the intestine ascends and descends in performing its revolutions round the axis, vary much in the different species of cidaris and echinus. In its general conformation the holothuria is like a lengthened echinus deprived of its calcareous plates, and with the axis of the trunk extended in a horizontal direction. The mouth and anus are placed at opposite ends of the body, with a long convoluted alimentary canal, almost destitute of gastric 330 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. cavity, and connected to the sides of the abdomen by a vas- cular mesentery, passing from the one aperture to the other, as seen in the annexed figure of the holothuria elegans (Fig. 114.) by W. Bell. The mouth (114. a.) is generally surrounded with long tentacula in form of ramose tufts (holo- thuria of Lam.) in others the tentacula are simple, and expand only at their free ends (fistularia of Lam.), and some- times long saliyary follicles (b.) open into its parietes. The ten- tacula, capable of complete retraction within the oral aper- ture, are supported by the circle of osseous plates to which the strong longitudinal muscular bands of the trunk are FIG. 114. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 331 also attached. The oesophagus leads to a slightly enlarged gastric portion (114. b. d.) of the intestine, which receives the secretion of a large biliary follicle (114. c.) The intestine is generally filled with sand and comminuted shells, and the holothuria commonly lie among the ejecta- menta of the sea where they appear to partake of a very mixed and heterogeneous kind of food. The whole surface of their body is traversed by longitudinal rows of long fleshy tubular feet for progressive motion and to secure attachment ; and on the lower surface, near the anterior extremity of the trunk, is the common opening of all the divisions of the ovary (114. k. k.} as in many of the entozoa and annelida. The tentacula, like the tubular suckers along the body, are protruded by the injection of a fluid into them from their base. The long convoluted intestine (1 14. d. d.) passes backwards along the whole extent of the abdomen, then returns to near the mouth, and again turns backwards to ter- minate in the middle of the cloaca (1 14,/.), connected along this course, by a short delicate vascular mesentery (114. e. e.) to the sides of the trunk. The two long ramified tubular branchiae (1 14. h.) terminate in the cloaca by separate orifices on each side of the rectal extremity of the intestine ; after receiving the orifices of several small follicles (U 4. i). A mucous, a muscular, and a peritoneal coat can be detected on the delicate intestine of the holothuria, as in several other echinoderma. The nutritious part of the food is taken from the intestine by the mesenteric veins (114. /.) and conveyed, with the venous blood of the system, to the long ramified internal branchiae (114. h. h.), from which it is again collected by the branchial veins (114. m.) to be dis- tributed through the great systemic arteries without the aid of a heart. As the cloaca (114,/.) is a capacious cavity which inhales the water to be sent through the tubular ramified gills (114. h. A.), the rectal portion of the intestine (114. d.) is protruded through that cavity to the external opening of the anus (114.^.) in evacuating its shelly con- tents, as in the oviparous vertebrata. The whole digestive apparatus of the holothurice are often forced out from the body, through the mouth, by the contractions of the strong muscular parietes of the abdomen, before death, and I have found even the dental plates and their attached tentacula, 332 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. protruded with the intestines in such circumstances. The mucous coat of the intestine, near its commencement, sometimes presents internal longitudinal plicae. The ali- mentary canal is most variable in its extent and convolutions in different species of holothurite, and also the forms of their dental plates, according to the nature of their food. In the holothuria ananas (Fig. 115) which is nearly two FIG. 115. feet long, found in the South Sea, and prized as an article of food in the Molucca islands, there are twenty long pedunculated tentacula (115. b. b.) around the mouth (115. a.) which terminate each in a concave disk, embracing nu- merous red-coloured tubercles. The tubular fleshy feet here cover irregularly the delicate inferior or ventral surface ^f the abdomen ; and those of the upper coriaceous surface ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 333 of the animal, having a flat foliaceous tapering form, are dis- posed like imbricated scales, and are perforated like the abdominal feet. Numerous long salivary follicles (1 15. d. d.) pour their colourless secretion into the mouth, and near them are placed the two long ramified coloured ovaries (115. e. e.} as in other holothurise. From the dental apparatus, sur- rounded by the muscular parts and integuments of the mouth (115. a. c.), the narrow oesophagus (115./.) leads to a capacious and lengthened stomach (115. g.) with nu- merous vessels (115. h.) extending from its parietes along the reticulate mesentery. The intestinal canal (115. f. g. i.) which in some species is more than ten times the length of the whole body, is here only about twice that length, and was found turgid with sand. The rectum 115. k.) with strong parietes, terminates at the upper part of a long cloaca (115. /.) which is supported by numerous lateral bands (115. m. m.) and presents on its two sides the wide orifices (115. r.) of the long ramified arborescent branchiae (115. p. p. o. o.) which ascend as high as the mouth. The anal opening (115. n.) of the cloaca, and the orifices (115. r.) of the two gills, are here so wide and so constantly open, that Crustacea more than a quarter of an inch in diameter, were found living and residing in these passages, and this active cloaca was found to retain its high irrita- bility after the animal had been cut to pieces. The dental organs, so powerful and complicated in the cidaris and echinus, and so variable in their extent of development in the holothur'uB and fistularia, have lost their calcareous matter in the priapulus, and are wanting in the long ver- miform sipunculi which present a lengthened retractile tu- berculated head, a wide funnel-shaped oesophagus, and a con- voluted alimentary canal many times the length of the body, destitute of gastric dilatation, furnished with a few biliary follicles, and returning from behind to open externally near the mouth. Thus the digestive cavity, from the condition of a simple monostome sac, filling the whole abdomen, in the lower stellated forms of these animals, has gradually acquired the form of an elongated tubular narrow canal, open at both ends, and furnished with biliary and salivary follicles, in the helminthoid echinoderma, as in many helminthoid articulata. 334 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. THIRD SECTION. Digestive Organs of the Diplo-neurose or Articulated Classes. The lengthened cylindrical and articulated form of the body in the helminthoid and entomoid classes, is that best suited for the creeping, piercing, parasitic and carnivorous habits, so characteristic of this great division of the ani- mal kingdom, and the internal organs of these animals, especially the digestive, partake of this straight and ex- tended form of the trunk. In the radiated animals, which are almost all stomach, the shortness and the vertical position of the axis, and the lateral expansion of the alimentary cavity, often enable them to dispense with a second orifice to their digestive sac, and better adapt them for seizing and swallowing entire the smaller animals so numerously spread through the waters of the globe. The carnivorous character, so general in the articulated classes, and even the highly organized condition of their prey, are indicated by the limited capacity and by the short and straight course of their alimentary canal, which almost uni- versally opens at the two opposite extremities of the body, and by the numerous prehensile and destructive instru- ments so commonly placed at its commencement. As they are nearly all free animals, with power of rapid locomotion, and with a relatively high development of their nervous system and of their organs of sense, they are well adapted by their instincts and their organs of animal life to admi- nister to the vegetative, by distinguishing and overtaking the most suitable and highly organized prey. As the sim- ple and straight form is a character impressed upon the alimentary canal of the articulata, both by the narrow cylindrical form of the trunk and by their predaceous ha- bits, we observe greater uniformity in its plan of structure than in the other divisions of the animal kingdom, although the endless modifications of their organs of relation enable them to seek their prey in every element and in every situa- tion. The mouth is here generally provided with masticating ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 335 organs which move laterally and are provided with palpi ; and hard parts subservient to this function are often found in the cavity of the stomach. The mucous lining of the alimentary canal exhibits few developments of villi, folds, or follicles, the salivary and pancreatic glands are rarely perceptible, and the liver has generally the simplest folli- cular form. VI. Entozoa. The entozoa, subsisting on the living fluids of animals more highly organized than themselves, present generally the simplest condition of the alimentary apparatus met with in the articulated classes, and from the facility of assimilating the nutritious fluids which they absorb, many of these animals dispense with a separate anal orifice, and their digestive organs are thus often closely approximated in form to the vascular or sanguiferous sys- tem. In the cystoid forms of intestinal worms, as in the simplest polypi, there is only , a buccal entrance to the di- gestive sac, and that orifice is often numerously repeated on the same sac, like the polypi of a zoophyte or the absor- bent orifices of a rhizostome. In the hydatids, as in the hydras, there is a simple digestive cavity destitute of an anal aperture, but here, as seen in the cysticercus longicollis (Fig. 116, A.), the buccal apparatus (A. a. b. c.)} is in form d— 336 ORGANS OF DIGESTION'. of a small white prominent head or papilla terminated anteriorly with a double row of minute, sharp, conical recurved spines (A. «.), and presenting around its sides four circular ab- sorbent orifices (A. b.) From these orifices (A. b.} the ab- sorbed fluids are conveyed by four slender canals through a narrow neck (A. c.) into a thin transparent white mem- branous sac (A. d. e.} more or less distended or contracted, according to the state of repletion, and according to the pe- culiar forms of the species. In the collapsed state of this digestive bag, its anterior part (A. d.) assumes a narrow, elongated, and corrugated form, and becomes more dense, white, and opaque, with numerous transverse constrictions which give it already an articulated appearance. A more compound zoophytic form is seen in the ccenunts where nu- merous minute heads, similarly constructed to those of the cysticercus, open into the same common digestive sac or vesicle. These heads are disposed in numerous groups over the surface of a large transparent gastric cavity, and appear as clusters of opaque white points. A small detached por- tion of the general digestive sac of the ccenurus cerebralis, highly magnified, and with three of the absorbent heads preserved in different states of extension, is seen in Fig. 1 16 B. The anterior terminal papilla of each head is surrounded, as in the cysticercus, with a double row of recurved spines (B. a. «.), and around the dilated part of the head are the usual four perforated suctorial disks (B. b. b.) The head is attached to a narrow neck (B. c. c.)9 capable of consider- able elongation and contraction, and these passages all lead to the same capacious general digestive vesicle (B. d.) In the long flat cestoid forms of parenchymatous entozoa, the structure of the head, with its absorbent pores, is very similar to that of the hydatids. Around the anterior median papilla of the tcenia, which is sometimes perforated with a small pore, there is a double range of minute re- curved sharp spines, and the four lateral perforated suckers, disposed on the four angles of the head, lead to as many canals, as in the cysticercus. The upper and lower canal however on each side unite with each other to form one, and these two lateral canals, thus constituted of the original four, extend along the two sides of all the segments of the body, as seen in two of the segments magnified of the tania ORGANS OF DIGESTION. .1* solium (Fig. 116. C. a. a.) These lateral digestive and contractile tubes communicate with each other by a trans- verse branch (C. c. c. c.) at the lower end of each segment where they are constricted and valvular, and they open externally by one or more lateral orifices (116. C. h.) on the sides of each division of the body. The dendritic ramifications of the ovary (C. d.) occupy the central part of each segment, and open externally beside the intestinal pore (C. h.), by a small distinct genital orifice (C. i), from which likewise extends a styliform tubular duct (C. k.) considered as a male organ (C./.) Besides the delicate exterior skin covering all these organs, there is an outer transverse and an inner longitudinal layer of muscular fibres which produce the varied movements of this aggregate animal, so that each segment of the teenia, which worm often exceeds a hundred feet in length, possesses all the requisite organs for nutrition and generation, as an entire animal, and no gastric enlargement is developed in the whole course of this alimentary tube. The four cesophageal canals however, of the tcenea dispar, descending from the four lateral cephalic pores, unite together in the middle of the neck to form one median canal, which enlarges in each division of the animal, and passes thus sacculated and continuous, through all the segments of the body. Besides • the usual lateral pores of the head a minute opening and canal are seen in the apex of the prominent papilla in the middle of the head of the botkryocephati, as in some of the tcenice. The alimentary organs of the trematode worms are more ramified and sanguiferous in their appearance than those of the ces- toid entozoa; they commence by one or more orifices near the anterior part of the trunk, and pass backwards ramifying and anastomosing freely along the lateral parts of the body, des- titute of an anal opening, as in the other parenchymatous species. In the distoma hepaticum they form two parallel trunks near the middle of the body, and ramify into minute capillaries on the lateral parts, as they proceed tapering back- wards to the posterior extremity of the animal. In the penta- stoma they unite to form a single straight median canal in the back part of the body ; so that we still observe the tendency to form a simple longitudinal median canal in all these forms of parenchymatous entozoa, as in the higher orders of this PART III. Z 338 ORGANS OF DrGESTION. class, and in the higher forms of articulata. The distoma hepaticum is like a more highly organized segment of a tcenia, in which we perceive a broad funnel-shaped oesophagus lead- ing to two wide ramified alimentary canals occupying the middle part of the body, while the ovaries here occupy the sides, and two parallel ventral nervous filaments unite below the oesophagus and ramify as they extend around that wide passage. In the echinorhynchus there is a minute pore in the centre of the armed head, which leads to a single alimentary canal extending along the middle of the trunk and dividing, before it terminates, as in the other parenchymatous worms. In all the nematoid and more perfect forms of entozoa the alimentary canal passes simple through the body, presenting a distinct oral and anal aperture which are generally at the opposite ends of the trunk, as in the higher articulata. The ascaris, like the other nematoid worms, has a single oral aperture at the anterior extremity of the body ; the three marginal lobes of the mouth are provided with minute teeth and moved by distinct muscles, so that the mouth somewhat resembles that of the leech in its masticating apparatus. The oesophagus forms a wide elongated muscular sac, like that seen in the halithea and some other annelides ; it is con- tracted at its lower part, and opens into a straight and wide intestinal canal with thin parietes, and where the limits of the stomach are seldom indicated by an inferior constriction. The digestive canal passes straight through the middle of the trunk, surrounded by the tubular windings of the testicle or ovaries, to the posterior extremity where it opens by a small traverse aperture on the inferior surface. In the strongytus armatus (Fig 1 16. D.) the hemispherical disk of the head is surrounded by dense, sharp, vertical teeth (D. a.), and the short oesophagus (D. c.) opens into a wide intestine (D. d.) without a distinct gastric portion and continued straight through the trunk to the anus (D. e.) at the opposite end of the body. The two long convoluted ovaries (D. h. h.) wind round the alimentary canal in its whole course through the trunk in the female, and unite to form a single vaginal orifice (D. g.) below the middle of the body, the single tubular testicle winds round the intestine in the same man- ner in the male, and opens by a long projecting hollow styliform organ of intromission at the posterior end of the OKUAXS OF DIGESTION. .W.) body. The straight and wide intestine of the stronyylus yi- yas appears to be surrounded with short biliary follicles during the greater part of its course through the body. In the highest animals of this class, as the achtheres, ierntea, peniculus, tracheliastes, brachiella and chondracantfyus, which have a more entomoid form, and suck the vital fluids from the delicate exterior parts of the skin of aquatic animals, the mouth is already provided with small lateral unciform mandi- bles, adapted to tear the surface to which the animals are fixed ; and their alimentary canal, wide and short and with a terminal anal aperture passes straight through the body, surrounded by the biliary follicles and by the genetal organs, as in higher articulated classes. VII. Rotifer a. In the minute and transparent bodies of the wheel-animalcules we observe the digestive, like the other organic systems, to present the typical forms of the articulat- ed animals. Their large transverse maxillae (Fig. 12.) are moved by a powerful muscular apparatus (Fig. 11. b.) and ap- pear in incessant action while they are surrounded by minuter animalcules. Their carnivorous character is seen alike in the living and mangled contents of their transparent stomach (Fig. 1J. A.), and in the short and straight course of their alimentary canal (Fig. 82. B). The alimentary cavity in some, as the hydatina sent a (Fig. 11 7- A.) passes straight, simple, and uniform from the narrow ossophagus (11 7- A. f.) to its'posterior cloacal termination, without any perceptible lateral coaca or follicles. They pursue their prey by vibrat- ing the anterior circles of cilia (117- A. a.) by the muscular lobes at their base which are attached to ligamentous bands (117. A. b.) The large cerebral ganglion (11 7- A. c.) and the smaller lateral ganglia (117- A. d.) surround the strong muscular pharynx (117- A. e.) which is capable of being protruded and retracted to a great extent and with great ra- pidity. The living animalcules (11 7- A. g.) contained in the stomach are easily perceived, and the whole internal structure, through the hyaline texture of their body, and small glandu- lar sacs (117. A. h.) are seen at the sides of the oesophagus (117. A./.) which appear to send ducts to the muscular pharynx (117- A. e.) embracing the masticating organs. The dorsal vessel (117- A. L) extends along the middle of the back, sending off numerous lateral branches in its course z2 34o ORGANS OF DIGESTION. FIG. I;7- forwards, and the sides of the abdominal cavity are occupied chiefly by the large lobed sacs of the ovaries (11 7- A. k.) and the long winding glandular sacs, considered as testicles (llj* A. /.), which terminate behind the cloaca in a small vesicle like a vesicula seminalis ( 1 1 7. A. m.) Their food is often brought from a distance by vibrating their anterior cilia while their body is attached to some motionless surface by the two long terminal fleshy retractile peduncles (117- A. n.) In some, as the stephanoceros, the food is collected in a large buccal cavity, anterior to the maxillae and behind the tentaculiform ciliated arms, before it is submitted part by part to the act of mastication. The gastric portion of the alimentary canal va- ries much in its form in different rotiferous animalcules. In the diglena, enteroplea, synchaeta, and brachionus, it presents a less uniform and more globular form than in the hydatina (Fig. 82. B-.) In the diglena lacustris (Fig. 117- B.) the sharp pointed maxillee (117- B. a.) arid their muscular appa- ratus (117. B. b.} are succeeded by a lengthened and narrow oesophagus (117« A. c.) which opens into a short denned glo- bular stomach (11 7. B. d.) From different parts of the ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 341 stomach two large (117- B. e.) and five small (117. B. f.) elongated coeca arise, which appear like hepatic or glandular follicles, and do not admit into their interior the larger undi- vided portions of the food contained in the general gastric cavity (117- B. d.) From the pylorus, the intestine continues downwards, narrow and nearly straight, to terminate (117- B. ff.) in the cloacal opening at the posterior end of the body, close to the two fleshy peduncles. The whole alimentary canal, from the mouth to near the anus, is narrow and cylin- drical in the rotifer vulgaris, and follows a slightly winding spiral course through the body, closely surrounded with large, short, biliary follicles. At its rectal termination, however, it suddenly enlarges to form a wide globular colon. The same structure, nearly, is seen in the alimentary cavity of the philodina roseola (Fig. 11 7. C.) where the maxillae (117- C. a. a.) and their muscular apparatus (117- C. b.) and the two pharyngeal sacs or glands (117- C. h.) are succeeded by a narrow and straight oesophagus (117- C. c.) and intestine (1 17. C. d.) The narrow intestine is closely surrounded by in- numerable short straight biliary follicles (! 17. C. e. e.) or glan- dular cceca, throughout its whole course from the oesophagus (117.C. c.) to the short dilated colon (117. C./.) which opens by its rectal orifice (l 17. C. g.} into the cloaca where the genital organs also terminate, as in most of the higher articulata. The lower part of the intestine is slightly curved upwards upon itself, so as to lengthen its course, in the brachionus urceolaris and pterodina patina. The stomach and the whole alimentary canal of the rotiferous animalcules move freely and loosely backwards and forwards, to a great extent in the wide and ciliated cavity of the abdomen, during the contractions of the long, slender, transparent muscles which extend longitudinally from the anterior end of the body, and the two glandular pharyngeal sacs of very variable form accompany them in their motions to and fro. The whole cavity of the abdomen, as well as the wide cavity of the intestine, in these transparent and colourless animals, appear generally as if distended with pure water, and vibratile cilia appear to be in rapid action both on the mucous kand the peritoneal coats of the alimentary canal. VIII. Cirrhopoda. The masticating and digestive appa- ratus of the cirrhopods present the same close affinities to ORGANS OF DIGESTION. those of the articulated classes which we observe in the ex- ternal form of their body, and in all their organs of relation. The mouth, as seen in the pentalasmis (Fig. 11 7. D. E. F. a. a. 0.), provided with serrated mandibles which move transversely, and with a pair of maxillae with rudimentary palpi attached to them, opens by a short contracted oeso- phagus (117- E. b.} with longitudinal internal folds, into a capacious sacculated stomach (11 7- E. c.) furnished with t\vo large ccecal appendices and closely surrounded by the numerous small lobes of the liver (117- F. c.) Two distinct lobulated salivary glands (1 17- D. h. F. b.) pour their secre- tion into the mouth, and the numerous small compacted lobes of the liver (117- D. e. F. c.) open freely by short ducts with wide orifices (117- E. d. d.) into the cavity of the stomach, as in most invertebrated classes. From the con- tracted pyloric orifice of the stomach, the wide and corrugated intestine (117- D- b. c. E. e. F. d. d.) passes along the dorsal convex part of the body, presenting an annulated appearance, and having a distinct muscular coat of transverse fibres and longitudinal bands, but without convolutions or a distinct mesentery. The concavity left on the fore part of the body, by this wide curved intestine, which follows the course of the closed posterior portion of the shell (Fig. 13. i. e.), is occupied chiefly with the mass of the ovary (Il7« D. k.) and the wide oviduct (117- D- 2.) surrounded with the testicle. The rectal portion of the intestine (117. D- c. F. d.) opens, along with the oviduct, into the base of the long capilkited muscular tubular proboscis (117- D- c. d.), by which the residue of digestion is conveyed freely from the interior of the shell to which the animal is fixed. The food is brought within the cavity of the mantle, and within the reach of the three pairs of maxillae, by means of the respi- ratory currents and by the incessant movements of the long curled ciliated feet, and it appears to be recognized by the palpi, the upper and lower lip, and rudimentary antenna, without the aid of organs of vision which are here oblite- rated in the fixed adult animals, as they are in the fixed adult state of the epizoa. By the lobulated or conglomerate form, and the great development of the biliary and salivary glands, and by the numerous wide ducts by which the liver communicates with the cavity of the stomach, the cirrhopods ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 343 are allied to the molluscous classes, which they also resemble in their fixed condition and their testaceous covering, in the adult state. IX. Annelida. Notwithstanding the difference in the forms, habits and food of the annelides, there is great similarity in the structure of their digestive organs, which generally pass straight through their elongated body, with the mouth and anus at the opposite ends, with slight gastric dilatations in their course, and with an imperfect develop- ment of the hepatic and salivary glands. This simple condition of the alimentary canal, accords with the animal nature of their food ; but as that food is received in various conditions, sometimes mixed in minute particles with earth or sand, and sometimes consisting of larger animals, there is greater diversity in the masticating organs which, in some of the higher annelides are numerous and complicated in structure, and in others are altogether wanting as in the earth-worms and many of the tubicolous species. The masticating organs generally consist of numerous pairs of lateral superimposed horny unciform maxillae as in higher articulated classes; but in those provided with a sucking organ, as the leech, the mouth is furnished with numerous approximated, hard, sharp, recurved teeth, like those common in the molluscous classes. In some, as the earth-worm, the mouth presents a distinct upper and lower lip, as in the entomoid classes, and in others as the phyllodoce the interior of the mouth is capable of being protruded in form of a large proboscis or like the head of a sipunculus. The wide and capacious mouth of the earth-worm (Fig. 82. D. a.) is furnished with a large upper and a smaller lower lip, soft, fleshy, and of great sensibility, and a small salivary gland, and leads by a narrow oesophageal portion of the canal to a slightly enlarged sacculated stomach, consisting of three continuous cavities, placed immediately behind the genetal organs, about a third from the anterior end of the body. The second of these muscular digestive cavities is lined with a tough coriaceous easily detached coat to protect it from the earthy matter taken in with^the food. The stomach opens into a narrower part of the intestine which continues along the middle of the trunk (82. D. a. b. b.) slightly tor- tuous in its course, and gradually enlarging as it descends 344 ORGANS OF DIGESTION'. to the anus, where distinct levator and sphincter muscles are perceptible. The exterior of this intestinal portion, from the stomach to near the anus, is surrounded with small short biliary follicles, generally filled with their yellowish- brown coloured secretion. The whole alimentary canal of this animal is commonly found filled with the moist black earthy soil in which it lives, and which it incessantly conveys through its body to derive nourishment from the organized particles so abundant in that matter. The alimentary canal is more tortuous in its course, more capacious throughout, with its gastric portion less distinctly marked, in the delicate transparent short body of the pectinaria, and even in the long distensible trunk of the arenicola, which, like many other worms and echinoderma, transmit incessantly the moist sands of the sea through their intestine, to extract as food the innumerable minute animals contained in that medium. The coriaceous lining is seen in the lower portion of the more lengthened stomach of the arenicola, as in the earth-wrorm ; and below this part are the openings of two yellow-coloured biliary follicles, lengthened in form like those of insects. Within the muscular sucking disk of the mouth, in the medicinal leech, there are three crescentic horny jaws, supporting each a row of sharp acuminated teeth, with which it files its triradiate wound. The intestine passes straight through the long axis of the body, sacculated in a regular manner, and furnished with short wide lateral coeca, nearly throughout its whole course. There are ten of these coeca on each side, and smaller enlargements of the intestine are interposed between each pair ; the coeca increase gradually in size from the first or anterior to the ninth pair ; and the two posterior coeca, which are much larger than any of the others, extend backwards along sides of the remaining short portion of the intestine. This sacculated part of the intestine occupies about two thirds of its whole length, and terminates, like a stomach, in the succeeding straight portion, by a narrow elongated valvular pylorus. The short and wide oesophagus is marked internally with longitudinal plicae of its mucous coat, and the duodenal portion of the intestine, beyond the pyloric valve of the long sacculated sto- mach, is furnished with numerous transverse folds confined also to its inner membrane. The colon enlarges into a small round sac before it reaches the anus. The number of the gas- A.\S C;F LMOKSTION. 345 trie coeca varies in different species, the long posterior pair are the most constant. These sucking annelides live chiefly on the smaller aquatic animals which swarm around them in the stagnant waters they frequent. I have taken the entire legs and other parts of the common triton cristatus from the stomach of the hirudo sanguisuga so abundant in our fresh water pools. The intestinal canal is sacculated nearly through the whole extent in the pontobdella ; but the numerous cells are here more short and round than in the leech where they gene- rally taper to a point. The small mouth of the halithea acu- leata, furnished with two conical tentacula or antennae, opens into a short membranous oesophagus, which terminates in a large muscular stomach with thick firm parietes and a strong coriaceous lining. The entrance of this muscular cavity is furnished with four sharp, triangular, converging, horny teeth analogous to those of the gastric toothed cavity of insects and Crustacea ; and this sac is also analogous to the muscu- lar stomach of the arenicola, lumbricus, and many other annelides, and to that of the ascaris and other nematoid entozoa. From this muscular gizzard, the intestine passes, thin, membranous and wide, through the middle of the trunk nearly in a straight course to the posterior terminal orifice, giving off from the dorsal aspect of its sides, at regular and short distances, long narrow cceca which send out numerous branches and terminate in elongated sacs. These two rows of elongated ramified coeca, coming off near to each other from the dorsal side of the intestine by long narrow ducts, and generally filled at their vesicular termi- nations with a soft turbid brownish-coloured matter, like that found in the coeca of an asterias, present a more ex- tended, divided, and isolated condition, of the short coeca of the leech and the simpler biliary follicles of inferior anne- lides. In the halithea, which appears to subsist on a mixed kind of food, like the pectinaria, form the sand and frag- ments of shells commonly found in its intestine, the duo- denal portion of the canal generally forms a slight redupli- cation, as in that animal, by folding backwards upon itself; but in the long articulated myriapodous forms of the tere- bell&i amphitrites, and nereides the alimentary canal pre- sents a more narrow and elongated character, and assumes a zig-zag or tortuous course in its distended state, and es- 34(3 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. pecially in the contracted state of the trunk. In the nereides there is generally an exsertile broad proboscis (Fig. 14. 1. a.) at the anterior end of the head, numerous lateral jaws which are remarkable for their frequent unsymmetrical number and development on the two sides of the mouth, a distinct gastric cavity furnished with longitudinal internal folds and with numerous sharp horny teeth, and an elongated intestine furnished throughout the greater part of its extent with lateral cceca, or biliary follicles, as in most of the higher annelides. The digestive organs of the entomoid classes, like most of their other organic systems, are characterized by a more elevated grade of the same plan of development followed throughout the helminthoid articulata ; and by the higher condition of their organs of sense and locomotion, they are better enabled to select their food, and to overcome more highly organized prey. X. Myriapoda. In the long, equally developed, vermi- form bodies of the myriapods, we still find an imperfect condition of the masticating organs, and the most simple helminthoid form of the alimentary canal, which accord with the characters of inferiority marked in their other organs, and with the cruel and carnivorous propensities these animals display in the living state. The masticating organs of the scolopendrae (Fig. 15), consist of a small pair of mandibles and a similar pair of maxillae, which are fol- lowed by two pairs of larger jointed organs formed by the metamorphosis of the two first pairs of feet into masticatory jaws. The mouth is furnished with an upper and lower lip, and with long, simple, salivary follicles, like those of in- sects, enlarged at their closed extremities. The alimentary canal, like that of most of the higher annelides, passes through the whole longitudinal axis of the body, with thin membranous parietes, with little appearance of gastric en- largements, and without convolutions. The contracted oeso- phagus opens into a wider lengthened gastric cavity with thin parietes, and this elongated membranous stomach is succeeded, as in serpents, by a narrow small intestine which terminates in a perceptibly wider colon : so that the alimen- tary canal here presents affinities both to that of the higher forms of worms, and to that of the vermiform ophidian rep- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 347 tiles. There appear to be three pairs of salivary glands of unequal lengths, extending along the sides of the oeso- phagus, in the scolopendra gigantea, besides two poison- glands placed along the lower maxillee, which send their se- cretions to the two strong piercing grooved articulated hooks situated at the base of the jaws. From the elongated form of the stomach in the scolopendrae, the two wide extended biliary follicles have a low entrance into the alimentary canal, as in most insects. The stomach has the same broad elongated form in the iulus, where it is followed by a short small intestine, and a more wide and lengthened colon marked internally with transverse folds, and the biliary tubular follicles enter the lower end of the stomach. The single gastric cavity of the lithobius also receives, at its valvular pyloric extremity, the terminations of the two bi- liary tubes which extend forwards in a tortuous manner towards the head, and are supported by a small ligament at their closed anterior end. So that the two long terminal cceca of the stomach of the leech have now assumed the form of lengthened tortuous biliary vessels, as in the highest winged insects, and they here open into the lower end of the chylific stomach,, as in most of the animals of that class. XL Insect a. The digestive organs have arrived at a high degree of development in insects, and already present, in an embryo-state, almost all the assistant chylopoietic organs of the highest animals, as the liver, the salivary glands, the pancreas, and many other parts important in the process of assimilation. They vary much, however, in their form and extent of development according to the consistence and the nutritious quality of the food, the peculiar living habits of the species, and the condition of the animals with regard to their metamorphosis. The mandibulate forms of the masticating organs are best adapted for comminuting hard substances, and the 'tubular form or proboscis for sucking food in a soft or fluid state, but even suctorial insects re- quire some form of these hard parts to pierce the surface from which they are to obtain their liquid food. The mouth of insects is furnished with an upper and lower lip (labrum and labium), a pair of strong proximate mandibles arid a pair of exterior maxilke which move transversely. The labium and the maxillee support each a pair of palpi ; the dense pos- 348 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. terior part of this lower lip forms the mentum, and its soft anterior portion supports the fleshy prominent tongue. The masticating organs present infinite varieties of form accord- ing to the difference of food in insects, as in other classes of animals, but the same constituent parts of the mouth can be recognized in all the different forms of mandibular and haustellar apparatus. The same buccal organs form broad, short, and strong cutting instruments, which move trans- versely, in those insects which subsist on hard food, and a long, slender, tubular apparatus, capable of extension and retraction, in those, which suck fluid or soft substances. These parts often change from the one form to the other in the same insect, while it changes its kind of food in the pro- gress of its metamorphosis ; and where the food is the same in the larva and imago, the masticating organs preserve the same form in these two conditions of the insect. The food reduced by the mandibles and maxilla and mixed with the secretion of one or more pairs of salivary glands, is trans- mitted by a pharynx of variable length, to the oesophagus and alimentary canal. The oesophagus commences by a narrow canal which generally forms an enlargement of crop at its lower part, for receiving and collecting the food when first swallowed ; this enlargement of the oesophagus is often covered with minute short glandular follicles which open into its interior. Below the crop is a small but strong mus- cular gizzard, with thick parietes, and provided internally with numerous longitudinal rows of hard sharp conical horny teeth. This muscular triturating stomach is most developed where the hardness of the food most requires its aid, as in most of the orthopterous and coleopterous insects ; but where the food is liquid, as in most of the sucking hemiptera, the gizzard is scarcely perceptible. The largest, the most constant, and the most important gastric cavity in insects, is the long, wide and highly glandular chylific stomach which extends generally from the gizzard to the insertion of the hepatic ducts. The chylific stomach is, for the most part, amply furnished with considerable glandular follicles, which are developed from its whole parietes, arid open by separate orifices into its interior. This cavity is frequently of great length, and partially divided by numerous transverse con- strictions, it is then most wide and glandular at its anterior ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 3 \*J or proximal part, becoming narrower like the intestine at its lower portion. The intestine, from the termination of the chylific stomach to the anus, is most variable in its length and capacity, and in the number and extent of its di- latations. Like the masticating organs, the gastric cavities and the whole alimentary canal have their forms regulated and impressed by the kind of food which they are destined to assimilate, or the quantity they are adapted to consume. In the voracious and inactive condition of the developing larva, the stomach is often found of enormous capacity com- pared with the diminutive size to which it is reduced in the more parsimonious and active state of the mature winged imago. The alimentary canal of insects presents a distinct in- ternal mucous lining, an external peritoneal coat, and mus- cular fibres, both transverse and longitudinal can be easily perceived in its parietes. The interior of the mucous coat presents a smooth surface, as in most of the lower inverte- brate, having neither plicae, nor valvulse, nor villi, to increase its extent, and exterior to this there is commonly a loose cellular or follicular enveloping tissue. The exterior peri- toneal coat forms a distinct thin mesentery, which is co- vered with the minute ramifications of tracheae, and which connects the convolutions of the intestine with the interior of the abdominal segments. The ramifications of these white opaque air-vessels on the mesentery are seen in the common blue fly, and in most of the larger insects, without the aid of a lens, and appear like the branches of blood- vessels. The peristaltic motion of the intestine is obvious on opening the abdomen of the living insect ; and in the short trunks of many of these animals, the intestine measures several times the length of the whole body. In insects, as in other classes of animals, the simplest forms of the alimentary canal, and of all the glandular organs connected with digestion, are those belonging to carnivorous species, from the already highly organized condition of their food requiring the least delay and the least change for its assimilation. In the cicin- dela campestris (Fig. 118. c.) which preys on other insects, the digestive canal passes nearly straight through the body. The oesophagus, commencing narrow as usual from the pos- terior opening of the head (C «.) dilates below into a wide 350 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. FIG. J13- crop (C. c.} presenting several longitudinal rows of very minute follicles. The crop is succeeded by a short muscular gizzard (C. d.) and this by a capacious chylific stomach (C. e.) covered with numerous glandular follicles, and tapering downwards to its pyloric extremity (C./.) where it is per- forated on each side by two simple convoluted hepatic ves- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. .ol sels (C. m.) From the chylific stomach the intestine con- tinues downwards very narrow, and nearly straight, to a short dilated colon (C. h.) which contracts before it termi- nates in the cloaca. In the common blood-sucking bug, cirnex lectularius (118, D.) the whole digestive apparatus is more simple in its structure though more extended longitudinally, the alimentary canal being about three times the length of the short body of this insect. The mouth, armed with piercing and sucking organs, receives the secretions of two pairs of small salivary glands (D. n. o.) in form of simple follicles terminated by minute vesicles at their closed ends- The short capillary oesophagus forms a small conical crop (D. c.) before entering the lengthened cavity of the chylific stomach (D. e. f.) which is most dilated at its upper part (D. e.) but is susceptible of considerable distension through- out its whole course when filled with blood. The lower in- testiniform portion of the chylific stomach, though here represented for greater distinctness as drawn out nearly to a straight course, is more convoluted in the short abdomen of the living bug, and receives on each side at its narrow pyloric termination (D./*.) the two orifices of short and sim- ple hepatic vessels (D. m.) The remaining short and wide intestine (D. h.) generally distended with a thick reddish- brown coloured paste, the residue of digested blood, receives obliquely the pyloric end of the stomach (D. f.) above and contracts below into a narrow rectum before it terminates. Although the biliary vessels (D. m.) here, as in most insects, terminate in the stomach by separate orifices and without cystic enlargements, distinct reservoirs for receiving and collecting the bile are often developed at the insertion of these tubes. In the pyrrhocoris aptera (Fig. 118. F.) which feeds on the juices of the ripe fruits of malvacious plants, and the intestinal canal of which, though more lengthened and capacious, very much resembles in its whole structure that of the cimex, the chylopoietic glands are much more developed. There are three pairs of elongated salivary glands opening into the mouth, and on the lower pyloric extremity of the chylific stomach several minute simple pan- creatic follicles (F. g.) are observed to open into its interior. The biliary vessels (F. m.) are not only lengthened and wide, but have thick glandular parietes, and they terminate on 352 ORGANS OF DIGESTION'. each side in a single vesicular enlargement or gall-blad- der (F. /.) before entering the stomach, which is here suc- ceeded, as in the former insect, only by a short and capacious colon (F. h.} and narrow tapering rectum. In the geocorises all the lateral hepatic vessels terminate in a single median gall- bladder. In the mandibulate herbivorous insects, which sub- sist on coarser vegetable food, as the common coleopterous cockchaffer, melolontha vulgaris (Fig. 116. A.) which feeds on the leaves anil shoots of our garden plants, the whole digestive apparatus is long, complicated, and capacious. The oesophagus passes out narrow from the head (A. a.) and dilates below into a short conical crop (A. c), which is succeeded by a very minute gizzard (A. d.) and a long convoluted chylific stomach (A. d. e. e. /.). The anterior portion of this lengthened glandular stomach is wide and sacculated by numerous transverse strictures, and terminates insensibly in a narrow convoluted pyloric part, which dilates into a small round vesicle at the lower end, where it receives the openings of the hepatic vessels (A./1.). The two hepatic vessels (A. i. I. m.) on each side are here, in accordance with the coarse nature of the vegetable food, very long, wide, and convoluted, and have their secreting surface greatly extended by the development of innumerable small lateral follicles (A. i. k. I.) which give them a pinnated form throughout the greater part of their course ; thus presenting the most complicated condition of the liver met with in insects. The lower portion of the intestinal canal has also its capacity increased by distinct dilatations on the parts analogous to the colon (A. g.) and the rectum (A. m.} In the powerful, aquatic, insectivorous naucoris aptera (Fig. 118. E.) the whole form of the digestive organs closely resembles that of the cimex, but there is a short, narrow, small intestine between the chylific stomach (E. e.) and the colon, the pyloric end of the stomach dilates, as in many insects, into a small oval sac where it receives the hepatic vessels, the cardiac part of the stomach is wide and partially sacculated, and the crop (E. c.) forms an almost imperceptible dilatation at the lower end of a small elongated oesophagus. The posterior pair of salivary glands (E. p.) form wide cylindrical tubes which terminate by short narrow ducts in the mouth, and the two anterior shorter pairs (E. o. n.) divide at their closed extremities ORGANS OF DIGESTION. into clusters of small follicles, already forming lobules, like the lobules of the tubuli biliferi in Crustacea. There are three pairs of salivary glands, lengthened and complicated, in the scutellera mgrolineata which feeds on the young seeds of growing corn. The biliary tubes of this insect are very small, and they ter- minate in a single median vesicular enlargement, forming a minute gall-bladder. The chylific stomach, with its several convolutions and enlargements, composes, as in most insects, the greatest part of the alimentary canal. In the herbivorous coreus marginatus, which feeds on the juices of several plants, the digestive canal is more lengthened, but similar in structure. There are four pairs of large elongated salivary glands ; two pairs of short simple biliary follicles pour their secretion into a single gall-bladder, and a pair of long sacculated pancreatic follicles terminate separately in the stomach above the entrance of the short cystic duct. This simple form of the pancreas is seen also in the leptis, bomby- liuSy chrysotoxum, and many other insects. In the cicada orni (Fig. 118, B.) which appears to feed on the juices of the pine, and not of the ash tree, the long narrow tubular stomach (B. t), after forming numerous convolutions, returns to terminate in itself, like the intestine of a vorticella or the tubuli of many glands. In this, as in many other insects, there are two distinct forms of salivary glands which unite together to enter the mouth by a single duct on each side. One of these glands is a simple convoluted follicle (Fig. 118. B. p.) like the biliary and urinary tubuli, and the other gland on each side of the oesophagus forms a posterior (B. o.) and an anterior (B. n.) lobule, composed of small short follicles, before terminating in the common duct. The long capillary ossophagus dilates into a small crop (B. c.) before entering the coecal cavity with which the chylific stomach (B. e. t.) commences, and from which the intestinal canal (B. u.} originates. The stomach (B. e.f, /.) in place of forming a continuous canal, as usual, from the oesophagus to the in- testine, here turns off suddenly from the direct course of the alimentary canal, and, after forming numerous convolutions as a small tube (B. t.), it returns, to terminate in its proximal extremity (B./.), thus forming a circular elongated tubular coecum. At the commencement of this long circular coecum, the stomach receives the termitnaions of four isolated monili* PART IV. A A 354 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. form biliary vessels (B. m. m. /.). The small intestine (B. u.) originates from a coecal cavity below the crop, and forms a narrow convoluted tube, which dilates into a small oval colon (B. h.) near the anus. This tubular anastomosing form of the stomach, with four similar sacculated biliary vessels en- tering its commencement, is seen in the aphrophora salicina and other insects of this family. In the dorthesia characias, the biliary vessels enter the narrow middle portion of a similar anastomosing convoluted . gastric tube, and the stomach describes the same circular course in the psylla ficus where the biliary vessels are reduced, as in many other insects, to four short isolated follicles. The salivary glands are nearly as general in the class of insects, as the biliary vessels, and they are often accompanied in predaceous insects, as in the nepa, with distinct poison- glands, which present the same simple follicular structure. Although the biliary vessels are most frequently four or six in number, and terminate generally in the phyloric extremity of the stomach, they often exceed a hundred, and terminate around two or more distinct parts of the lengthened gastric cavity. Where these primitive tubuli biliferi are very nu- merous, as in many orthopterous, neuropterous and hyme- nopterous insects, they are generally small, short, and separate at their distal extremity ; where they are more lengthened and complicated they often anastomose at their free ends, as in the glands of higher animals. In most of the coleopterous insects with two sets of biliary vessels, whether simple or rammed, the ends of the anterior set anastomose with the posterior as in separate lobules. By the low and oblique insertion of the small intestine into the wider inferior portion, a distinct and often capacious coscum-coli, analogous to that of vertebrated animals, is formed in many insects, as in pelogonus marginatus, ranatra linearis, nepa cinerea, and other species. The lower part of the intestine, also, fre- quently receives one or more urinary follicles, or tubuli urini- feri, which are found to secrete urea as in higher animals, and on which a small vesicle or urinary bladder is sometimes distinctly formed as in ditiscus marginalis and several other coleopterous insects. The alimentary canal of insects termi- nates in the cloaca along with the genital organs, as in ovipa- rous vertebrata. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 355 XII. Arachnida. The carnivorous character of the arachnida is indicated by the shortness and straightness of their alimentary canal, and by its small capacity, as well as by the poison-instruments with which they are often furnished, and by the imperfect development of their chylopoietic glands. They prey chiefly upon living insects, which their cunning instincts, and their offensive weapons enable them to ensnare and to overcome, and many parasitic species suck the living fluids from the surface of higher animals. The mouth of the arachnida, like that of insects, is furnished with a pair of strong articulated mandibles, which are here often per- forated near the point for the transmission of a poison-duct, as seen in the spiders. The mouth is likewise furnished with a small pair of palpigerous maxillae, a labium or inferior lip, and a lingua. The pharynx of the spiders leads to a short oesophagus, on which there are two pairs of small proven- tricular sacs, opening together into the same part of the canal, and which sometimes have the form of elongated follicles. The oesophagus continues narrow from this multiple crop, through the cephalo-thorax to the large abdominal cavity, which is chiefly filled with the biliary lobules and with the genital organs. The intestine here forms a small round stomach, and continues straight to the anus at the posterior end of the trunk, exhibiting a small dilatation or colon before it terminates. The palpi in the male spiders end in a wide oval bulb, containing the sexual organ, and in the female the terminal joint of the palpi is slender and elongated. In the parasitic acari the palpi are simple pedi- form extensions of the maxillae, as in the spiders, and do not terminate in prehensile pincers, like the large palpi of the scorpions. There are several distinct follicular salivary glands in the trombidium and other genera, which pour their secretion into the mouth, like the two salivary glands of the scorpions. The maxillae and tongue sometimes form a lengthened piercing and sucking proboscis, as in sucking insects. In the simpler tracheated species, the mouth ap- pears sometimes to open by distinct orifices on both sides of the head, and their small stomach is furnished with numerous biliary follicles. The anal portion of the intestine in the spiders receives the secretion of several urinary follicles, which terminate in a small sac. or bladder, before opening A A 2 356 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. into the canal, as in many insects. The strong short mandi- bles and the large palpi of the scorpions terminate in prehen- sile organs, like the pincers of a crab, and embrace a capa- cious buccal cavity like the stomach of a crustaceous animal. From this wide oral sac, which is surrounded above by the ganglionic cerebral ring, the alimentary canal passes, narrow, tubular, and equal, through the abdomen and the tail, to the beginning of the last caudal segment, where it opens on the lower surface. In its course from the narrow oesophageal part, which passes through the nervous collar to its anal termination, the intestine of the scorpions forms neither crop, gizzard, nor gastric enlargement ; but the portion contained in the abdomen, like a tubular stomach, is surrounded with the numerous lobes of the liver, which communicates with its interior by five pairs of short wide ducts, opening at regular distances along its sides. These five pairs of hepatic lobules are more isolated conditions of the ramified intestinal cceca of the halithea and other annelides, and at the lower part of this elongated stomach originate also four distinct ramified vessels, like some of the branched biliary vessels of insects, but which here communicate with the two anterior compart- ments of the heart, and with other parts of the vascular sys- tem, as if they conveyed nutriment to the blood. Thus, while the masticating organs of the arachnida approach these carniverous animals more nearly to insects, their straight and narrow alimentary canal, and the compact lobulated condition of their liver, connect them with the Crustacea. XIII. Crustacea. Like the spiders and scorpions of the land, the crustaceous inhabitants of the waters are cunning, cruel and carnivorous animals : with means of rapid locomo- tion and numerous acute organs of sense, and with a solid exterior protection and strong organs of prehension and mastication, they are well fitted for preying on all kinds of animals in the rich element they inhabit. They subsist on living or dead animal food both higher and lower than them- selves in organization ; most of them are in constant warfare with each other, and many, from being free, become fixed and parasitic in their adult state. The mouth in the higher Crustacea is generally furnished with a pair of strong palpi- gerous mandibles, and five or more pairs of jointed extended maxillae, which move transversely, and support likewise articu- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 357 lated palpi ; the three inferior or outer pairs of maxillee are the largest and the most convertible in their forms, and support branchiee at their base like the ambulatory feet. The entrance of the mouth presents an upper lip, a bifid tongue, and sometimes a small under lip, formed by a pair of maxillae. The .maxillae are often reduced to one or two pairs, or are wanting, in the lower Crustacea. One or more of the anterior pairs of ambulatory feet generally terminate in strong pincers like the palpi of the scorpions. The wide buccal cavity of the decapods, surrounded with complicated organs of sense and of mastication, opens by a very short and narrow oeso- phagus into a capacious stomach, provided internally with several pairs of solid calcareous teeth, and occupying the anterior part of the cephalo thorax. As their watery element almost bathes this gastric cavity, they require no salivary glands to soften their moist food. The gastric teeth, colored and shed like the exterior shell, are symmetrically disposed near the pylorus, and are supported by thin elastic calcareous laminae, to which powerful muscles are attached, and which cause the teeth to meet with precision in grinding the con- tents of the stomach. In many of the parasitic species attached to the surface of fishes, the mouth forms an extended syphon composed of the prolonged lips, and embracing the long, sharp, piercing mandibles, and in the limuli all the masticating organs around the mouth have the form of ambu- latory feet, terminating in pincers. As in most other carnivorous articulata, the alimentary canal of the Crustacea passes, without convolutions, through the longitudinal axis of the body, and opens by distinct apertures at its two extremities. The mucous coat forms often rugae or folds in the wide oesophagus and stomach, but passes smooth through the rest of the canal ; the muscular layer is strongest at the orifices of the stomach, and the peritoneal covering, as in insects, forms no mesentery in the abdomen. The pyloric extremity of the stomach, near which the gastric teeth are disposed, receives on each side a short and wide duct from the large and lobated liver which en- velopes this part of the cavity and the beginning of the intestine. The gastric teeth are common to the Crustacea with insects and other articulata, and many molluscous animals. The hepatic duct on each side of the narrow 358 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. muscular pyloric extremity of the stomach divides into numerous smaller branches; these terminate in groups of minute follicles, which compose the lobes and lobules of the liver. The hepatic lobes in the larger decapods envelop the oesophagus and sides of the stomach, extend backwards above or between the branchial cavities, and beneath the heart and genital organs, and fill the greater portion of the abdominal cavity, as seen in the annexed figures of the male lobster, astacus marinus (Fig. 119. A. B.) by W. Bell, where A re- presents a vertical longitudinal section of the trunk viewed laterally, and B a dorsal view of the principal thoracic and abdominal viscera. The maxillae (119. A. a.) and mandibles, with their palpi, are placed on the inferior aspect of the head, FIG. 119. between the anterior large ambulatory limbs and the two pairs of antennae (119. B. a. b.). The two pedunculated ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 359 compound eyes (B. c. c.) are lodged in orbital cavities above the broad peduncles of the large exterior antennae (B. b.}, and are protected by a spiny prominent median rostrum. The short vertical oesophagus opens into a capacious muscular stomach (A. b. B. d.) in which the teeth are disposed in pairs near the contracted pyloric extremity, and which is surrounded by the numerous lobes of the liver (A. B. n. n. n.). The intestine (A. c. B. e.} receives at its commencement the two hepatic ducts, and passes beneath the heart, (A. e. B. g.) the testes (B. o. o.), and the posterior aorta (A. h. B. £.), fol- lowing nearly a straight course to the anus (A. d.) which is situate below the last segment of the trunk. The ab- dominal cavity, containing these viscera is separated from the thoracic containing the branchiae (B. /. /.) by a strong tendinous diaphragm (B. m.). The colic portion (B. /*.) embraced by the bifurcation (A. i.) of the posterior aorta (B. k.) is more wide and dilatable than the rest of the canal, like the colon of insects, and it is provided below with its muscular sphincter, and sometimes with a valvula coli at its commencement. Besides the biliary tubuli which compose the large symmetrical lobes of the liver, and which are some- times reduced to a few pairs of simple follicles in the lower Crustacea, two or three pancreatic tubuli, lengthened and isolated, are occasionally observed to enter the pyloric por- tion of the intestine in the higher decapods, and the soft rudiments of salivary glands are perceived at the sides of the oesophagus in the same animals. The stomach and alimen- tary canal (119. A. b. c. B. d. e.} occupy the dorsal portion of the trunk in the Crustacea, and not the ventral part, as in the vertebrata, which corresponds with the general inverted con- dition of the other organs of the body in the articulated classes. Although the stomach is thus large and powerful in the higher mandibulated predaceous forms of this class, there is often no perceptible gastric enlargement in the short straight intestine of the lower sucking parasitic species. Thus the alimentary canal and the chylopoietic glands are com- paratively limited in their development in all the entomoid, as in the helminthoid forms of articulata, which corresponds with the general carnivorous character of these animals, their inferior position in the scale, and the highly organized con- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. dition of the animal matter on which they commonly sub sist. FOURTH SECTION. Digestive Organs of the Cydo-gangliated or Molluscous Classes. The low development of all the organs of sense and loco- motion throughout the molluscous classes, compared with those of the articulata, renders them less able to select and overcome the higher forms of animals as prey, and requires their digestive apparatus to be adapted for a more coarse and varied kind of food. The slow moving or fixed animals of this division, subsisting on organic matter in a lower con- dition of development, and consequently more remote from their own nature, possess a more extended and complicated alimentary canal, and a higher development of biliary, salivary, pancreatic and other glands, to assist in the complex process of assimilation. The digestive canal of the mollusca almost never passes straight through the body, nor is the posterior orifice terminal, as it is in most of the articulata. The gastric cavities are more distinct, more numerous, and capacious; the intestine is more lengthened and convoluted, and the chylo- poietic glands are not only larger, and developed on a higher plan, but are more constant throughout the cyclo-gangliated classes, than in the long extended trunks of the active and car- nivorous worms and insects. The softness or subdivided nature of their food, and the magnitude of their hepatic, salivary, and other glands, enable the molluscous animals to dispense with the numerous solid instruments of mastication and prehension disposed around the mouth in the articulated tribes, and their whole economy being thus adapted for the absorption and solution of the softer and inferior kinds of organized matter, teeth or other dense parts are more rare in their digestive sacs, than in the entomoid and even the O * helminthoid classes. XIV. Tunicata. The tunicated animals, the lowest and simplest of the molluscous classes, subsisting on the minute organic materials suspended in the waters of the sea, and ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 361 having their buccal aperture situate at the bottom of a deep respiratory sac, through which the aqueous currents are con- veyed, exhibit no prehensile nor masticating apparatus nor distinct organs of sense connected with the mouth. Delicate tentacular filaments (Fig. 88. c.), analogous to the palleal tentacula so common and numerous in the conchifera, are generally disposed around the interior of the ciliated branchial orifice (88. a.), and also of the anal aperture (88. b) or of the anus (88. i)9 to guard these passages from the intrusion of noxious bodies ; both these orifices serve sometimes for the entrance and sometimes for the exit of the currents which aerate the branchiae and bring food to the mouth. The oral tentacula are wanting in the pyrosoma ; they are simple fila- ments in the phullusia, and are ramified in some of the cynthue. They are generally more simple around the vent and around the anus than at the respiratory orifice, and in some species small red ocular points are seen around both the respiratory orifice and the vent. There are six of these red ocular points around the vent, and eight around the branchial orifice in the common soft transparent green-coloured ascidia intestinalis of our coasts, and they resemble the rudimentary eyes met with in many of the simpler forms of radiated and helminthoid animals. The inner surface, and marginal tentacula of the respiratory aperture, are ciliated to pro- duce the currents, as in conchifera. The mouth, or entrance of the oesophagus, generally forms an oblique transverse aperture, with loose sensitive lips, at the bottom of the respiratory sac, as seen in the cynthia (88. t/.), so that the food arrives at that aperture directly from the respiratory orifice, (88. #.), before the currents have passed out through the minute ciliated perforations of the branchial cavity. The short and wide oesophagus leads to a distinct gastric cavity (88. h.) sometimes plicated longitudinally, and perforated at its pyloric extremity with the orifices of the wide ducts from the biliary follicles. No teeth, nor jaws, nor salivary glands are perceptible at the entrance of this very simple alimentary canal, but the stomach forms a distinct enlargement, even in the lowest species, and the liver is nearly as constantly observed under some follicular form, opening into its cavity as in the stomach of conchifera and almost all the higher mollusca. The pyloric portion of this simple membranous 362 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. stomach, and also a part of the intestine, are generally sur- rounded with the soft granular substance of the liver, which presents an appearance of minute lobules from the grouping of its component follicles. The intestine, on leaving the stomach, forms a sigmoid curvature in the abdominal cavity on the back part of the respiratory sac, ascending towards the exterior vent near which it generally terminates with a fringed margin (88. «.). The intestine, covered with perito- neum, highly vascular, without mesentery, and without coecal or other enlargements, occupies a cavity not traversed by the respiratory currents, and has on its convex posterior part, the heart and aorta, and on its upper or anterior part, the ovaria (88. k.) and oviducts (88. m.)9 as in the bivalved mollusca. The respiratory currents, after traversing the ciliated perfora- tions of the branchiae, pass out by a distinct canal, over the anal aperture and the generative orifices, to the exterior vent, so that the ex-currents, aided by the contractions of the general muscular tunic, assist in expelling the products of generation and the residue of digestion, as in the conchifera. The respiratory orifice, for the entrance of the currents and of the food, is generally larger than the vent by which they are expelled, and the two apertures of the alimentary canal, the mouth and anus, are variously approximated to the exterior orifices of the enveloping tunic in the different species of this class. The anal aperture of the intestine, which pro- jects free into the expiratory canal, is generally lobed or fimbriated or valvular as in many of the higher mollusca. In some of the compound tunicata the liver is not distinguish- able ; in the pyrosoma it is divided longitudinally into several lobes which communicate with the intestine by distinct ducts ; in some cynthiae it forms a glandular layer of minute follicles over a part of the intestine, or of the stomach, as in the cynthia canopus, and in others, as the cynthia momus, the liver presents a more definite character and form, as in higher classes. The convoluted alimentary canal is commonly filled with a dark-coloured flocculent mucous matter, like that found in the intestine of most conchifera, and although the nature of the food is not distinguishable in this soft digested matter, small entomostracous Crustacea are often found within the respiratory sac, and probably form a principal part of their food. This dark matter filling the intestine renders ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 363 visible the course of the convoluted digestive canal through the abdominal cavity, where it is generally found ascending on the right side of the respiratory or thoracic cavity in the higher isolated forms of tunicata, and is contained beneath that cavity in many of the lower compound forms. As the short component follicles of the liver open freely into the alimentary canal, their contents are often tinged with the colour of the food, and thus give rise to a diversity of colour in the liver of these animals. In the cynthia dione, the hepatic follicles are long and isolated, and envelop the stomach, as the pancreatic follicles or caeca pylorica envelop the pylorus in most osseous fishes, and in this cynthia, as in some others, the turns of the intestine are in contact with each other throughout their course, and the buccal and anal orifices are nearly approximated. In the botryllus and other compound tunicata, each component animal has its own distinct organs for nutrition and generation, constructed on the same plan as in the isolated species, the respiratory orifices of the botryllus open separately on the surface, around a large central aperture which gives exit to all the ex-currents of the separate vents. The prominent papillae which cover the exterior surface of the pyrosoma (Fig. 119. 2 c.) have each a respiratory orifice near their apex, and the currents pass through the body of each component animal to the anal apertures situate in the interior of the general tube formed by the aggregation of all the individuals. Near the bottom of each reticulated ciliated respiratory sac is the small round buccal orifice leading by a short narrow O3sophagus to a simple globular stomach ; the intestine, furnished with a distinct liver, forms a single convolution, and terminates near the vent. On opening the general tube of the pyrosoma the numerous small vents of the respiratory sacs are observed, by which the currents pass into the tube and move it through the sea. XV. Conchifera. The general plan of structure in the digestive apparatus of the inhabitants of bivalve shells is very similar to that of the tunicated mollusca, but they present a more complicated and higher condition of de- velopment in the several organs. The conchiferous ani- mals are commonlv fixed or slow in their movements, and, Sf)4 ORGANS OF DIGESTION without prehensile or masticating organs, they depend on the respiratory currents for their supply of food. The two respiratory apertures reach to a variable extent from the opening of the valves according to the habits of the species, and are generally provided with tentacular filaments, and sometimes with minute organs of vision, as in some of the tunicata. The buccal orifice of the alimentary canal is situate at the bottom of a large respiratory cavity, in which the branchial folds are suspended, and is provided with two pairs of long lateral lamelliform tentacula, which are exten- sions of the upper and lower lips. The mouth is unprovided with mandibles, or maxillae, or any form of solid dental apparatus, and opens by a short and wide oesophagus into a capacious gastric cavity, perforated, as in the tunicata, with the numerous openings of the biliary ducts. The stomach is generally a soft membranous or muscular cavity, destitute of teeth, of an elongated form, and surrounded by the lobes of a large and conglomerate liver. On opening the stomach, several perforations are seen near its pyloric extremity, which lead by short wide ducts to the ramifications and follicles composing all the lobules of the liver, the liver consisting here, as in other molluscous classes, of an aggregate of minute follicles or coeca, the ducts of which unite into larger trunks and terminate in the pyloric portion of the stomach. The intestine is generally long and wide, corresponding to the simple and inferior nature of the food brought to these animals in small parts by the respiratory currents. On leaving the stomach, the intestine forms a few convolutions in the cavity of the abdomen, closely surrounded by the lobes of the liver, then proceeding along the convex dorsal part above the ovary and the thoracic cavity, it commonly perforates the cavity of the muscular ventricle, and terminates near the vent for the exit of the respiratory currents, as in the naked acephala. The mouth in the common oyster ostrea edudis (Fig. 120. A. b.) is concealed, as usual, at the back part of the cavity of the mantle, near the hinge of the valves, and is furnished on each side with two long tapering fleshy tentacular folds (A. a.) which are striated like gills on their inner surface and smooth on their exterior. The buccal aperture leads almost ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 365 directly into an elongated capacious stomach, which is per- forated by the wide ducts of a large liver (A. n.}, and the alimentary canal, passing through the substance of the liver and in front of the auricle (A./*.) and ventricle A. g.} returns upon itself on the fore part of the large adductor muscle. T, F (A. /. m.). After returning to the stomach and forming a loop round that cavity, the intestine (A. c. c.) passes along the dorsal part of the body to the anus (A. d.) without per- forating the cavity of the heart (A./, g.} which is here en- closed with its pericardium in a groove on the fore part of the adductor muscle of the valves. The currents which bring 366 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. food to the mouth are produced, as in other conchifera, and in tunicata, by the vibratile cilia disposed on the branchial folds (A., b.} and on the surface of the mantle (A. i.) en- veloping the respiratory cavity. The very long labial tentacula of the pinna nobilis (Fig. 1 20. E. b.) extend late- rally from the lobed margin of the mouth (E. «.), and are striated like branchiae on their inner surface. The short narrow oesophagus (E. c.) leads to an elongated stomach, wide at its cardiac portion (E. d.), and narrow and valvular at its pyloric end (E. c.), where it forms a small round caecum. A distinct pyloric valve (120. G. b.) is formed by a circular fold of the mucous coat at the angular junction of the stomach (120. G. a.) with the small intestine (120. G. c.), as in most mollusca and fishes. On opening the cavity of the stomach, strong muscular bands (120. C. c.) are seen around its pyloric portion, and several large oblique apertures (120. C. d. e.) leading into the lobes of the liver are found near to the duodenum (120. C. a.). The curved duodenal portion pre- sents a considerable enlargement (120. E. /'.), and a similar dilatation is observed near the end of the colon (120. E. g.} as in many insects. The colon of the conchifera generally pierces the ventricle of the heart or the commencement of the two aortas, and passes longitudinally through their cavity. The part of the intestine which traverses the heart, and the portion imbedded in the substance of the liver are commonly found to contain food when the rest of the canal is empty. The stomach of several of these animals is frequently ob- served filled with mucus, sand and mud, as if they merely strained the agitated waters of their turbid contents to obtain their food, as the echinoderma and amielides mostly obtain their nutriment by passing the sands of the bottom of the sea through their intestine. The liver presents diversities of conformation in this class as among the tunicata. In the mactra the bile enters the stomach by a single wide duct, as in the cephalopods, and the component coeca or biliary tubuli are large and distinct. From the simple condition of the liver in the conchifera, the numerous minute tubuli biliferi which compose its lobes are easily rendered perceptible by removing the peritoneal covering, and floating a small de- tached portion in water, as seen at (120. H.) In most conchifera the convolutions of the intestine are contained in an abdo- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 3G7 minal cavity embraced by the expanded base of the muscular foot, which thus separates it from the respiratory or thoracic cavity, like a diaphragm. The convoluted part of the canal is generally either covered by the compacted lobes of the liver, or is disposed between that organ and the ovary. The terminal portion of the intestine or the colon, in the solen strigilatusy traverses not only the ventricle of the heart, as in other conchifera, but also a part both of the anterior and posterior aortee which arise from the ventricle. In the mya pictorum the colon passes through the middle of the anterior aorta into the ventricle of the heart, but immediately escapes through the parietes of that cavity and follows along its ex- terior surface ; it again penetrates the posterior portion of this elongated ventricle, and continues for a short distance through the cavity of the posterior aorta. There is a firm cylindrical stiliform body, of crystal- line transparency, enclosed in a coecal prolongation or membranous sheath, which opens into the cavity of the stomach in many of the animals of this class. This stiliform gastric dart has a tricuspid free extremity, is of a cartilaginous consistence, and is composed of several con- centric laminae ; it appears to be analogous to the cartilaginous styles common in the proboscis of the gasteropods, and to be connected with mastication; its sheath runs along the duodenal part of the intestine, and opens into the stomach. It was considered as a masticating organ by Meckel, and as an organ destined to close the biliary passages by Poli, who first described it ; it is seen in the cardium, mactra, donax, tellina, Venus, area, solen, and its sheath has sometimes been mis- taken for a second stomach. The rectal part of the intestine terminates near the vent, above the posterior adductor muscle in the dimyaria, and behind the single adductor muscle of the monomyaria, as seen in the oyster (120. A. d.)9 and in the spondylus (120. B. e.} The long, striated, ciliated, branchi- form labial tentacula vary in their forms in different species, and their fimbriated or ramified varieties lead to the forms of the prolonged arms of the brachiopodous conchifera. In the spondylus gaideropus (120. B. D. F.) the mouth (B. a. F. a.) is bounded by lobed lips (F. b. b.} the lobes of which terminate in elegant red-coloured fimbriated tufts (F. c. c.) and the lips themselves are continued laterally into the usual upper (F. d. d.) and lower (F. e. e.) pair of labial tentacula 368 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. (B. b.). The narrow short oesophagus leads to an elongated stomach (B. c.} covered by the lobes of the dark green- coloured liver, and the intestine (B. d. e.) passing backwards between the lobes of the ovary (B. k. k.) and forming one convolution, returns to the upper part of the shell, or of the abdominal cavity, where it penetrates the ventricle (B. i.) of the heart (B. h.i.). Escaping from the cavity of the heart, the intestine ascends, as usual, over the great adductor muscle (B. /. s. m.) of the valves, and terminates by a simple anal opening (B. e.) near the respiratory vent. On opening the mouth (120. D. a. a.), the oesophagus (D. b.), and the stomach (D. c.), we perceive the limits of the lobed lips (D. a.) the muscular fibres and transverse rugse of the oesopha- gus (D. b.), and the numerous apertures (D. d. d.) of the stomach, by which the bile is poured into that cavity to mix with the food before it is sent into the small intestine (D. e.) The intestine (B. d. e.) is not perceptibly perforated in its parietes in the part which is contained within the ventricle (B. i.) in this or other conchifera. The blood from the palleal (B. f.) and the branchial (B. g.) veins enters the two lateral portions of the auricle (B. h.), by which it is sent into the ventricle (B. i.), and from this it is distributed by an anterior and posterior aorta for the nourishment of all parts of the body. So that the digestive organs of the testaceous acephala exhibit a higher development than is presented by the naked species, chiefly in the large and often complicated buccal appendices, the gastric stiliform cartilage, the con- stant presence and great development of the liver and the length of the alimentary canal, and it differs from that of the tunicated species, by its passing through the muscular ven- tricle of the heart, by the greater number of its convolutions, and by the greater extent of its course, being enveloped in the mass of the liver. XVI. Gasteropoda. The numerous and diversified class of gasteropods presents a more complicated and more varied digestive apparatus than the acephalous mollusca, which accords with the greater variety observed in their food and habits ; for most of the terrestrial pulmonated species feed on the highly organized vegetables of the land, while the naked marine gasteropods, as the doris, eolis, scyllaa and tritonia, subsist on the lowest fuci of the sea, and most of the pro- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 369 boscidian species are carnivorous and feed on living prey. The mouth of the gasteropods is placed at the anterior end of the body, is furnished above with one or more pairs of tentacula and generally with a pair of eyes, and contains often a pair of smooth horny lateral jaws, a fleshy tongue supporting numerous recurved horny spines, or a long mus- cular proboscis armed with numerous sharp recurved spines at its extremity. The pharynx is generally a capacious cavity furnished with distinct layers of circular and longi- tudinal muscular fibres, and stronger fleshy bands to advance and retract it. One or two pairs of salivary glands, con- sidered by Meckel as pancreatic, extending along the sides of the oesophagus, send their ducts into the mouth at the base of the tongue. The oesophagus is longer than in the acephalous mollusca, and is especially lengthened in the carnivorous proboscidian gasteropods which mostly inhabit turbinated shells. There is sometimes, as in the buccinum, an enlargement or crop formed in the course of the oeso- phagus, as is common in insects and cephalopods. The stomach forms always a distinct cavity, often of great size, and is sometimes divided in the phytophagous gasteropods, as in the aplysia, into several compartments. The pyloric end of the stomach receives by several wide ducts the secretion of a large liver, and sometimes also that of one or more pancreatic follicles. The interior of the stomach is often provided with teeth, like the stomach of the Crustacea and the gizzard of insects and sometimes with a pyloric valve. The liver is of great size in this as in other mol- luscous classes, its lobules are composed of more lengthened tubuli biliferi than in the conchifera, and generally envelop the intestinal canal as in these acephala. The gastric dart with its coecal sheath is not developed in the gasteropods, and the intestine, destitute of mesentery, is more lengthened and more convoluted than in the conchiferous class, es- pecially in those gasteropods which feed on vegetable sub- stances. In the carnivorous species where the oesophagus is lengthened, the stomach is generally small and the intestine short and narrow. The intestine, supported only by vessels and cellular tissue, is sometimes enlarged at its anal por- tion to form a colon, but is without caecum or valvula coli ; and instead of terminating, as in the articulated classes, PART IV. B B 370 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. at the posterior end of the trunk, it commonly opens, along with the genital organs, on the right side nearer the anterior extremity of the body. This lateral termination of the ali- mentary and genital organs in the gasteropods, and also the lateral position of their heart and respiratory organs, accord with the want of bilateral symmetry remarkable in the lower mollusca when contrasted with the articulated classes. In the doris which feeds, like most of the naked gas- teropods, on marine plants, the mouth is furnished with a pair of broad labial tentacula, as in the haliotis, and resembling those of bivalved mollusca, besides the ordinary vertical cephalic pair, and, though destitute of jaws, it is provided with a lengthened tongue extended through the pharynx. The cartilaginous surface of the tongue is covered with minute sharp recurved spines, as in most other phytophagous species destitute of jaws, and the short wide muscular proboscis and pharynx lead to a long, wide and tortuous oesophagus. Both follicular arid conglomerate salivary glands pour their secretions into the mouth, and the capacious round membranous stomach is perforated at its pyloric portion with the numerous wide ducts of a large enveloping liver, and with the oblique opening of a large single pan- creatic follicle which is wanting in some of the species. From the stomach the wide intestine passes around the left side of the liver to the posterior end of the abdomen where it perforates the auricle of the heart and opens on the dorsal aspect of the body in the space surrounded by the branchiae. Close to the anus, in this branchial space, there is likewise the opening of an excrementitious gland im- bedded, like the ink-gland of the octopus, in the substance of the liver; there is a small round sac developed on the duct of this renal organ, like a urinary bladder. The aplysia faciata (Fig. 121) feeds, like the doris 9 on coarse marine plants, and therefore presents a complicated condition of all the chylopoietic viscera. Anterior to the long conical cephalic tentacula are a pair of minute dark coloured eyes, and the broad labial tentacula (121. a.) are moved by strong muscular bands (121. b.) The lips are supported by two cartilaginous laminee, and the tongue is covered with minute recurved teeth. The wide muscular cavity of the mouth (121. c.) receives the terminations of two lengthened fol- licular salivary tubes (121. e. €.), and lies over a large ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 371 FIG. 121. infra-cesophageal ganglion which is connected by two nervous bands with the broad supra-cesophageal or cerebral ganglion (12 1./.) The short narrow oesophagus (121. d.) passes through the double ganglionic ring (121 f. /".), and dilates into a large mem- branous crop or curved sac (\2l.i.i.) generally filled with pieces of fuci. This large crop or paunch occupies the right side of the abdo- men and opens la- terally into the smallest or middle stomach (121. k.) which is provided internally with nu- merous broad, flat, horny teeth of a rhomboidal form, which serve to com- press the softened vegetable matter transmitted in small por- tions from the first stomach. The third cavity (121. /.) of this complex stomach is placed on the left side of the abdomen ; it receives by several wide ducts placed in a valvular recess at its pyloric orifice, the secretions of a large lobed liver (121. o.) and of a long single pancreatic follicle; and its inner parietes are furnished with several sharp horny spines to subdivide the coarse food, or to pierce it for the ingress of the solvent gastric fluids. % The intestine (121. m.) on escaping from the third stomach forms several convolutions round the lobed liver (121. o.), and after a lengthened course, without forming any further enlargement or internal valve, it opens on the right side (121. n.) near the posterior ex- tremity of the body and immediately behind the heart (121. q. r.) and the large pectinated branchiae (121. p.) As in B B 2 372 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. most of the higher mollusca, the organs of generation occupy the posterior part of the abdominal cavity, especially the ovary (121. s.) and the testicle (121. t.) with its convoluted epididymis, but the common canal of both these organs ascends on the right side to the penis (121. g.} near the head, and the urinary sac (121 u.) opens into the same common excretory passage. There are four gastric cavities in the pleurobranchus of Peron, and the capacious stomach of the pleurobranchea extends nearly the whole length of the body. Horny teeth are found in the stomach of the tritonia, scylloea, and most other phytophagous gasteropods; in place of teeth the stomach of the tethys is lined with a firm coriaceous epithelium ; and the sides of the muscular round stomach of the bullos are provided with two dense rhomboidal horny plates, with their convex surfaces directed inwards towards each other to masticate the food. In the patella the tongue is longer than the whole body, and is covered over with regular transverse rows of sharp recurved spines for filing down the coarse marine plants on which it subsists. The oesophagus is wide and sacculated at its upper part, and passes narrow through the liver nearly to the posterior extremity of the body before entering the capacious transverse stomach which has an elongated form with its orifices ter- minal, and the intestine, long and convoluted through the mass of a large liver, terminates in a slightly dilated rectum which opens on the right side near the head. There are two horny maxillae in the tritonia and scylloea, besides the usual sharp spines on the surface of the tongue, and in the limnoea and planorbis there is a superior dentated maxilla besides the two ordinary lateral jaws. These maxillae are articulated together; they are moved by powerful enveloping muscles, and they are lateral in their position like those of articulated animals. There is a superior dentated jaw in the snails for reducing their vegetable food ; there are three gastric sacs in the onchidium which are pli^ted longitudinally within, and the biliary ducts here enter the oesophagus as well as the stomach. The rectum opens on the right side in the naked limaces, as in the testaceous helices, on the median line in the testacella as in the doris, and on the left side in the planorbis which has the apex of its suborbicular shell slightly ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 3/3 directed to that side, as in reverse shells where a similar transposition is seen in all the viscera. The higher car- nivorous proboscidian gasteropods, armed with an operculated turbiiiated shell, and for the most part pectinibranchiate and with the sexes separate, have generally sharp teeth placed on a divided tongue at the end of the long muscular proboscis. These teeth, like maxillse, are supported by two long stiliform cartilaginous pieces, like the gastric carti- laginous dart of conchifera, and are moved like jaws by powerful muscles, as seen in the buccinum undatum (Fig. 66. a.) Through the axis of this muscular tube passes the oesophagus, and between them run the long ducts of the salivary glands to the mouth at the free extremity. The oesophagus is therefore of great length in these predaceous animals, and is sometimes provided with a small crop on entering the abdominal cavity. The stomach is small, simple, and membranous, and the short intestine forms a wide colon in advancing along the right side of the body to terminate near the neck, on that side, under the mantle. XVII. Pteropoda. — These small swimming mollusca ap- pear to feed, like conchifera, on minute animals or organic particles suspended in the waters they inhabit, and their digestive apparatus is formed on a plan nearly as simple as that of the inhabitants of bivalved shells or of the lowest gasteropods. No teeth are perceptible in the triangular fleshy mouth of the clio borealis, but long follicular salivary glands open into the sides of the buccal cavity, as in the pneumodermon, and the oesophagus, after passing through the usual cerebral or ganglionic ring, dilates into a long wide membranous stomach surrounded by the lobes of a large liver and perforated by their ducts. From this length- ened stomach the short intestine, still destitute of me- sentery, turns upwards in a slightly convoluted direction, on the left side, to terminate on the neck under the left gill, the mantle of the pteropods being closed above, and there being here no median open funnel for the excre- tions as in the cephalopods. The oesophagus is generally lengthened in the pteropods as in the gasteropods, while it is very short in the conchifera and tunicata. The stomach is perforated by the biliary ducts, and the intestine is en- veloped in the hepatic lobes in the pneumodermon, as in the clio. In the stomach of the cimbulia there are dense 374 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. horny teeth, as in several of the gasteropods. The simple unarmed mouth of the hyalea (Fig. 122. A. a.) leads into FIG. 122. a narrow length- ened oesophagus which passes un- der a broad cere- bral ganglion(l 22 A. y.)y and di- lates in the ab- dominal cavity into a mem- branous crop (1 22. A. b.) which is slightly mark- ed internally with longitudinal plicae. This first cavity opens di- rectly into a short cylindrical muscular gizzard (122. A. c.) likewise marked with longitudinal folds on its inner sur- face, and lying, like the crop, over the great retractor muscle (122. A. h.} by which the animal withdraws its head and fins (A. i. i.) into its shell. From the muscular gizzard the long narrow intestine (122. A. d. e. f.) makes a double turn round the lobes of a small liver, and continues nearly of uniform thickness to its termination on the right side of the neck under the right branchial fin. The mouth of the pneumodermon is furnished with two lateral retractile tentacular tufts composed of minute pedunculated suckers resembling those of a naked cephalopod, and two long and wide salivary follicles which dilate each into a small sac before they open into the muscular buccal cavity. The surface of the tongue is covered with small sharp recurved spines, and the capacious membranous stomach is perforated with numerous minute openings of the enveloping lobes of the liver as in many of the acephalous mollusca. XVIII. Cephalopoda. — These animals being mostly free, naked, and predaceous, are provided with powerful organs of prehension and of mastication, and their short alimentary canal is furnished with highly developed salivary, biliary, and pancreatic glands. The mouth, surrounded by strong muscular feet, and bordered by minute labial tentacular ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 375 filaments, is covered with sensitive and retractile lips which move by distinct levator and sphincter muscles. The mus- cular bulb of the mouth contains, in the naked species, two strong, curved, sharp, "horny mandibles, like those of many oviparous vertebrata; but in the nautilus (Fig. 122. B. a.) the jaws are calcified and possess broad and dentated mar- gins. The lower mandible extends beyond and curves over the point of the upper, and both are hollow behind and expanded at their base, like the vaginiform horny mandibles of many vertebrata. The mandibles here move vertically as in all the higher classes, not transversely as in articulata. The short muscular tongue is covered with regular rows of sharp horny recurved spines as in many molluscous and vertebrated animals, attached to a cartilaginous base, and the back part of the mouth receives the secretions generally of an upper smaller pair and an inferior larger pair of salivary glands, the component tubuli of which have already assumed the conglomerate form and lobulated character of these or- gans in higher classes. The inferior or large pair of salivary glands are situate at the upper and back part of the liver, and their two ducts early unite to ascend to the mouth as one median canal. The oesophagus of the cephalopods passes through the cranial cartilage, and continues for a short distance narrow and equal, behind the upper end of the elongated liver, then dilates into a crop, which sometimes forms a short cir- cumscribed membranous cavity, and in others a simple elon- gated dilatation, as we see the forms of that organ to vary in the class of birds, and it is generally marked with longitudinal plicee of its internal mucous coat (122. B. b. c.) Below this dilatable first cavity the oesophagus continues downwards narrow, and to the right side of the dorsal part of the cavity of the trunk, where it enters the second stomach or muscular gizzard. The crop forms a short circumscribed cavity, and is high in its position, in the octopus-, it is lower and more elon- gated in the nautilus (122. B.C.) more narrow in the loligopsis (122. D. «.), and scarcely forms a perceptible dilatation in the loligo and the sepiola (122. C. a.) The muscular gizzard, situate on the right side below the middle of the abdominal cavity, varies also in its form, muscularity, and relative size, and is provided with a thick, tough, coriaceous internal lining 376' ORGANS OF DIGESTION. as in other classes, to protect it from the hard shells and other dense substances taken in along with the food. This dense epithelium is easily detached after death, and is often found loose in the cavity of the gizzard. The muscles of the gizzard do not form a digastric mass as in gallinaceous birds, but commonly radiate from around a circular tendinous part (122. B. d. D. bi) on each side, as in crocodilian reptiles and rapacious birds, or pass continuously over the sides of the cavity. From the left side of the gizzard a passage, generally short and wide, leads to the third stomach (122. B. e. C. c. D. c.) which in the most common forms of naked cephalopods, as octopus, sepia, and loligo, has a convoluted spiral shape, and presents internally numerous transverse folds of its mucous coat. This third gastric cavity, which has thin membranous parietes and which receives the biliary and pancreatic secretions like the stomachs of other mollusca, is but slightly curved in the sepiola (122. C. c.), it forms an elongated simple stomach in the loligopsis (122. D. c. d.} where the spiral marking is almost confined to the anterior parietes of its pyloric extremity, and in the nautilus (122. B. e.} it forms a globular sac plicated internally, as usual, with parallel folds. It was mistaken by Swammerdam for the pancreas of the cephalopods. The intestine is short and wide in these rapacious animals, and is still destitute of coecum-coli; the alimentary canal is no where imbedded in the substance of the liver as it is in many of the inferior mollusca, and it is not yet distinguishable into small and large intestine, as it is in most vertebrata. Passing to the left side from the third or spiral stomach, the intestine (122. B. /. g. C. d. d. D. /.) generally forms a short single convolution directed down- wards near the left branchial heart, then ascends along the fore part of the liver to terminate between two lon- gitudinal strong muscular bands near the base of the syphon, by a free anal orifice protected by two lateral valvular folds (122. C. e.) The rectal portion of the intestine in the naked cephalopods and the argonaute receives the excretory duct (122. C. k.) of the secreting foUicular ink-gland (122. C. h.) near the anus, and this protecting, excrementitious anal gland appears to be wanting in the nautilus where the enveloping exterior shell sufficiently protects the animal without its aid. The ink-gland, which Monro mistook for the gall-bladder, ORGAN'S OF DIGESTION. 377 is covered by the hepatic lobules in octopus, in others, as loligo, it is free and anterior to the liver ; and in others, as sepia, it lies behind the posterior end of the liver, but in none is it organically connected with that chylopoietic gland. The colour of its inky secretion is found to cor- respond with that of the coloured spots of the skin in the different species, and thus to serve as a more perfect means of concealment. The liver is large and conglomerate in the cephalopods as in other molluscous classes, and is generally bilobate or quadrilobate in its exterior form. It is separable into four distinct lobes in the nautilus and the loligopsis (122. D. ff. g.}, and in most others it is more or less bifid at its lower margin (122. C. f. f.) ; and these lobes consist of numerous small aggregated lobules, the component tubuli of which, commonly filled with a reddish brown coloured turbid secretion, are short, wide, simple, and straight, like those composing the hepatic acini of the higher Crustacea. This great chylopoietic gland occupies the anterior and dorsal part of the abdominal cavity, separated by its peritoneal covering from the oesophagus and anterior aorta above, and also by its muscular tunic from the gastric and circulating organs behind arid below. As in other molluscous classes, it is destitute of a venous portal circulation and of a gall- bladder, as in them also it is supplied only by branches from the aorta, and its ducts open directly into the cavity of the stomach, not into the intestine as in the vertebrated classes. Its higher development in the cephalopods however is marked, as in the advanced development of this gland from its primitive blastema in the embryos of higher classes, by its greater separation from the contact of the alimentary cavity, and the consequent elongation of its ducts. The bile is poured into the third or spiral stomach by a single duct formed by the union of two or four ducts which descend from the lower and posterior part of the hepatic lobes ; and the aperture by which the bile is conveyed directly into the cavity of the stomach, is here protected by two prominent valvular folds (122. D. d.), which are continued from the sto- mach along the side of the intestine towards the anus. Nu- merous small glands, sometimes in form of simple cellular follicles ( 1 22. C. g.) and sometimes forming lobules of ramified 378 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. tubuli (122. D. e.) encompass the hepatic ducts, and open into them by oblique valvular apertures directed downwards. These glands, which are common to the naked tentaculated cephalopods of both sexes, were mistaken by Swammerdam and Monro for generative organs, but by their structure and anatomical relations, they must be regarded as the analogues of the pancreas 'of other classes : they present vesicular enlargements at the ends of their tubuli like those of the pancreatic and salivary glands of most other animals, and part of their lobules sometimes terminate by separate ducts (122. D.) in the cavity of the spiral stomach. By the exten- sion of the valvular folds (122. D. d.) from the entrance of the hepato-pancreatic duct along the course of the intestine, the secretions of these glands may also mingle with the food beyond the pyloric orifice of the stomach, as in vertebrated classes ; and in the empty and collapsed state of these parts the bile may pass along this valvular groove towards the anus without entering the stomach or duodenum in these carnivorous mollusca still destitute of a gall-bladder. FIFTH SECTION. Digestive Organs of the Spini- Cerebrated or Vertebrated Classes. THE high development of all the organs and systems of ver- tebrated animals, and the intricate constitution of all their tissues and fluids require a corresponding complexness in their digestive apparatus to produce those physical and chemical changes of the food which are necessary for its perfect assimilation to their complex bodies. Their alimen- tary canal is extended between the spino-cerebral axis and the heart, and terminates by distinct buccal and anal orifices without perforating the nervous axis. It is always provided with a distinct gastric enlargement, and with a large conglome- rate liver, a spleen, and a pancreas. The hepatic and pancreatic secretions are always poured into the intestine below the pyforic orifice of the stomach, and the colon is generally distinguishable from the more narrow anterior portion of the intestine. The ossophageal portion of the alimentary ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 379 canal is shorter than the intestinal portion beyond the stomach, and numerous complicated salivary glands, which pour their secretions into the mouth, are rarely deficient in these classes. The chyle is now conveyed into the blood by a distinct system of chyliferous vessels. There are no gastric teeth, nor transverse maxillae, and the atlantal ex- tremities often assist in the prehension and division of the food. The jaws move in a longitudinal direction, and the teeth, when present, are confined to the buccal cavity, and most commonly the alveolar margins of the jaws. The differences presented by the digestive organs in the ver- tebrated classes relate chiefly to the nutritious quality, the consistence, and other properties of the food, and to the degree of development in the general organization of the body. The alimentary canal becomes more elongated, and the chylopoietic glands more complicated by the ramifications of their tubuli, as we ascend through the classes ; but the canal is proportionably most elongated, capacious, and sac- culated, in the phytophagous tribes, where the glands are also most developed, and the development and solidity of the masticating organs are proportioned to the resistance of the food and the mechanical division it requires to undergo in the mouth. XIX. Pisces. — As fishes are mostly predaceous animals which swallow their prey entire, their oesophagus is short and wide, their stomach capacious, and their intestine short ; their chylopoietic glands are moderately developed, and their teeth are generally in form of prehensile organs little adapted for mastication. The exterior of the mouth is sometimes provided with fleshy tentacular developments, like those of mollusca, as in the Lophius, Antennarius, Batrachus, and Cobitis, and the prehensile oral disk of many of the cyclos- tome fishes is furnished with sharp conical curved spines, like the arms of the onychia among the cephalopods. The dermal nature of teeth is most obvious in the fishes, where they develope successively and repeatedly during life from their cutaneous pulps over all parts of the mouth, like solid sheaths of cutaneous papillae, and they are often arranged in a quincunx order, like hairs and feathers ; they are mere osseous crowns of teeth, thinly covered with enamel, destitute of fangs, laminated, deciduous, and moveable on the surface of the 380 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. gums and other parts to which they adhere, till maturity, when they often anchylos'e to the bones beneath by the ossification of their pulp. They often adhere to the tongue of fishes as in many gasteropods and birds, to the vomer as in amphibia, to the palatine bones as in serpents, to the pharyngeal bones and the branchial arches, as well as to the maxillary and intermaxillary bones to which they become con- fined in the saurian reptiles and mammalia. The dermal teeth spread over the surface of the body in the acanthocephalous entozoa become in like manner gradually restricted to the mouth and jaws in higher forms of helminthoid and entomoid articulata. Some species of fishes, and of higher vertebrated classes, are entirely destitute of teeth ; they are most com- monly placed in numerous contiguous rows, and are fre- quently and variously renewed during life ; they are sometimes confined t6 the jaws and lodged in alveoli, when the new teeth are developed behind and displace vertically the old, as in the crocodilian reptiles. These prehensile osseous hollow spines or fangless teeth of fishes are not opposed to each other so as to serve for mastication, but are most frequently placed alternately, and recurved as in serpents, crocodiles, dolphins, and most other predaceous non-masticating ver- tebrata, to check the escape of their prey or to tear it to pieces. The simple teeth are perforated for the blood- vessels and nerve, and expand over the pulp at their base. In many of the rays they unite to form continuous patiline plates covered with enamel, and in some osseous fishes the anchylosed bases of successive vertical teeth accumulate to form elevated cones continuous with the jaws. The teeth of the tetrodon succeed each other from behind, and the same is observed in the component layers of those of diodon which grow from interposed pulpy laminae at their base. Where the food consists of very soft or minutely divided substances the teeth are sometimes wanting, as in the sturgeon, and they have broad strong crowns in those which break hard substances as the testaceous coverings of mollusca or Crustacea. The tongue, almost destitute of gustatory papillae, is broad, short, and cartilaginous or muscular in fishes as in cephalopods, amphibia and many reptiles, and is often covered with teeth supported by the large hyoid bone, and ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 381 from the moist condition of their food, the liquid element they inhabit, and their want of masticating organs, they are generally destitute of salivary glands. The mouth is copi- ously provided with mucous follicles. From the want of means of dividing their food the oesophagus is short and wide to receive it entire, and is bounded below by the circular fibres of the strong cardiac sphincter. The oesophagus is often marked internally with regular longitudinal folds which greatly extend the surface of the mucous coat, and is some- times also provided with rudimentary teeth, like the cu- taneous spines often developed on the surface of the body. The rudimentary salivary glands appear to be most distinct where the pancreatic are least developed, and the increased size and number of the buccal muciparous glands generally compensate for the want of salivary glands in this class. A small valvular fold, or rudimentary velum palati, seen as low as the lampreys, and most developed above, as in the zeiis, com- monly assists in conveying the food and water backwards to the pharnyx, from which the water passes out freely between the branchial arches, and the food is directed to the oesophagus by the teeth of the pharyngeal bones, which are the most constant teeth of fishes and the most analogous to the gastric dental organs so common in the inverteb rated classes. The alimentary canal of fishes is generally more short and simple than in higher vertebrata, which accords with their predaceous habits and with their inferior position in the scale. With a short infundibuliform oesophagus, and a capacious gastric cavity with its two orifices approximated, the whole digestive canal of fishes is often shorter than the trunk, and passes nearly straight through the body, as seen in the herring, clupea harengus (Fig. 123. A.), where the narrow cordiac part of the oesophagus (] 23. A. a.) opens into a lengthened tapering stomach (123. A. b.) commu- nicating by a long ductus pneumaticus (123. A. m.) with a large fusiform air-sac (123. A. /. /.), and where the wide duodenum (123. A. c.) provided with numerous pancreatic tubuli (123. A. d. d.) forms the commencement of a short intestine (123. A. e. e.) which opens into the cloaca (123. A. /.) anterior to the aperture (123. A k.) of the urinary organs and of the vas deferens (123. A. i) from the testes (123. h. h.) of the male and the corresponding opening of the ovaries in the female. 382 ORGANS OF DIGESTION, FIG. 122. The oesophagus of fishes, surrounded by an exterior circular and an inner longitudinal layer of muscular fibres, and with a white villous plicated mucous coat provided with numerous distinct muciparous follicles, often terminates imperceptibly in the capacious stomach, and sometimes the pyloric end of the stomach passes insensibly into the duodenum, as in the short straight simple alimentary canal of the lamprey. The wide membranous cardiac portion of the stomach (123. A. b.) is commonly directed backwards as a simple closed sac, and the stronger narrow muscular pyloric part (123. A. c.) ap- proaching in thickness to a gizzard, extends forward and to the right side. This gastric sac is sometimes globular as in the lophius, or extended backwards as in the polypterus and the xiphias ; but the cardiac and pyloric orifices are almost always approximated, so that the food is retained as in a coscum continued straight from the mouth. The muscular bands of the cardiac and pyloric sphincters are strongly marked, the pylorus is strengthened by a cartilaginous layer between the mucous, and the muscular tunics, and the mucous coat around the pyloric orifice extends inwards to form a circular valve, with a fibriated margin, at the commencement of the duodenum as in many of the mollusca. The excretory ducts of the liver and pancreas enter the duodenum immediately beyond the pyloric valve, and the variously plicated mucous lining of ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 383 the stomach is abundantly perforated by the orifices of muciparous follicles. As in the invertebrated classes, the mesentery is often wanting or imperfectly developed in fishes, especially in the chondropterygii ; the intestines are suspended by ligamentous bands which afford passage to the vessels, and the distinction of great and small intestine is scarcely perceptible, there being no ccecum-coli, and the colon preserving the same width and structure as the ilion, as seen in the annexed view of the chylopoietic viscera of the burbot, gadus lota (Fig. 123. B.) Immediately above the heart (123. B. «.) is seen the wide muscular oesaphagus (123. B. b.} passing backwards over the large lobes of the liver (123. B. g. g.) to the capacious stomach (123. B. c.) of this fish, and close to the pyloric valve the wide duodenal portion (123. B. d.) receives the ducts, rarely united in fishes, of the gall-bladder (123. B. h.) and of numerous pancreatic follicles (123. B. i.). The wide intestine (123. B. e. e.), after forming several convolutions below the large air-sac (123. B. /. /.), terminates in the fore part of the cloaca (123. B./.) anterior to the common opening of the urinary organs and of the two ovaries (123. B. n. n.) The mucous membrane of the stomach in this class com- monly presents an irregular plicated surface, and that of the intestine is often plicated and villous, but without forming valvulce conniventes like those of higher classes. At the part analogous to the caput coli, and where there is sometimes a small caecum as in the sole, the mucous membrane passes inwards to form a free circular valvula coli which is often the only perceptible mark of distinction between the great and small intestine. The colon however is sometimes distin- guished both by the presence of this circular valve and by its greater width, without either external longitudinal ligamentous bands or internal transverse folds, as seen in Fig. 124. which represents the digestive organs as I found them in the sword- fish, xiphias gladius. The wide plicated muscular oesophagus (124. a.) here presents strong sphincter bands at the cardiac orifice (124. b.) of a long flask-shaped stomach (124. c.) with thick muscular parietes, especially at the narrow cylin- drical pyloric portion (1 24 . c. d.) Beyond the pyloric valve (124. d.) the three hepatic ducts (124. /.) from the liver (124. e.} and the cystics form an irregular lobed gall-bladder 384 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. (124. g.} open by a short common ductus choledochus into the duodenum, beside the large common opening (124. i.) of all the con- stituent follicles of this great reniform pancreas (124. h.) The long narrow small intestine (124. i. k.} forms seven convo- lutions on the right side and presents a distinct valvula coli (124. L) where it ter- minates in the short straight colon (124. /. m.) wider than the rest of the intestine. The pancreas presents every stage of the development of this important gland, as permanent adult forms in the class of fishes, consisting in some of mere folds of the duodenum of one simple tubulus in the ammodites tobianus, in others as the lophius, cJi&todon longimanus, fistularia, and pleuronectes presenting only two simple follicles or appendicula ccecapy- lorica, three in the perch, four in the bream, five in the chcetodon zebra, some dozens in the clupea (123. A. d. d.) the gadus (123. B. i.) and most of the osseous fishes, and four or five hundreds in the scomber Mediterraneus where they open by six short ducts ; these pancreatic follicles constitute a large reniform mass surrounded with a strong muscular tunic in the xiphas (124. h.) among the osseous fishes, and in the sturgeon among the chondropterygii ; and in most of the cartilaginous plagiostome fishes they form a compact conglomerate gland, the component tubuli of which are nearly as fine as those of the liver and aggregated together into lobules and lobes. In some fishes, as the centriscus, no trace of this organ is perceptible. The large pancreatic follicles or appendicula pylorica of fishes, so variable in number ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 385 and size, and form, not only in the different species, but in the same individual, at different periods of its development, secrete a thick turbid fluid, not unlike the product of ordi- nary muciparous follicles, or those considered as rudiments of salivary glands ; they are connected together by a loose cellular tissue, and numerous plexuses of vessels, and they admit the digested food of the intestine freely into their interior, like the biliary tubuli of many mollusca. The spleen is generally single, small, of various forms, attached to the side of the stomach, as in higher classes, largely supplied with lymphatics, and without perceptible duct ; but in a few, as the sturgeon and the shark, it is divided into detached lobes, as in some of the cetacea ; and in some fishes, as the lamprey, which has neither pancreas nor gall-bladder, nor mesentery, it appears to be wanting, as in the invertebrated classes. The liver attached to a tendinous diaphragm, is of great size, and of an elongated form, placed on the median plane, of a light colour, filled with an oily fluid, soft in texture like the spleen, deeply divided into numerous lobes, with the acini well marked, and the compo- nent tubuli comparatively large, provided with a portal and arterial circulation, and commonly with a large gall-bladder, as in other predaceous vertebrata. It is sometimes placed more to the left than to the right side ; there are generally several long hepatic ducts, terminating separately in the lengthened cystic, several hepato- cystic ducts, entering the fundus of a pyriform gall-bladder, and the common choledo- chus, short and wide, opens along with one or more pancreatic ducts on the anal side of the pyloric valve. The activity of the secretions, and the muscular strength of the alimentary canal, effect a rapid assimilation of food in the short intes- tine of fishes ; and they disgorge by the mouth the shells or other hard parts of their prey, like many predaceous animals of higher and of lower classes. The air-sac, or rudimentary lungs, generally communicates by means of a membranous trachea or ductus pneumaticus, with the intestine, the sto- mach, or the O3sophagus ; but however useful for progressive motion, or the transmission of sounds, it still contributes little to the aeration of their blood. The form and extent of the alimentary canal of fishes and the condition of their chylopoietic glands vary as much as their PART IV. C C 386 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. food which consists of everything organized in the rich element they inhabit. The rugse of the mucous coat, which are some- times longitudinal or transverse, or reticulate on the intestine of osseous fishes, form a remarkable continuous, elevated, spi- ral fold in the plagiostome chondropterygii, which winds round the interior of the canal, from the duodenum to the rectum. The rectum here terminates, as in other oviparous vertebrated animals, in a common cloaca, and has behind it in both sexes the opening, single or double, of the genital organs, the pos- terior part being occupied by the urinary passages. On the sides of the anus, in most of the cartilaginous and many of the osseous fishes, as in some aquatic reptiles, there are two oblique valvular openings, leading externally from the cavity of the peritoneum, and affording an easy exit to matters passing in that direction, but impeding their entrance from without. The peritoneum lining the interior parietes of the abdomen, and extending, like the pericardium above, over tendinous fibres of the diaphragm, has often the shining silvery lustre and white colour of the rete mucosum without ; the mesentery is generally more developed in the osseous than in the cartilagi- nous fishes, and folds of the peritoneum, charged with adipose substance, sometimes hang from the outer margin of the in- testine, forming a rudimentary epiloon. This imperfect con- dition of the mesentery in the lowest fishes, where the intes- tine is connected only by blood-vessels, approximates them to the invertebrata, and the same is often found as an abnormal character in man. The simple, straight, cylindrical form of the whole alimentary tube in many of the lowest fishes like- wise assimilates them to the earlier conditions of the human embryo, as also the follicular character of their principal chy- lopoietic glands. As the umbilical vesicle in the osseous fishes passes entirely into the abdomen, to complete the intestine and the abdominal parietes by its mucous and serous coats, there can be no umbilical mark left in the adult, and there is no allantois communicating with the cloaca in the young, as they require no placental nutriment. XX. Amphibia. The amphibious animals, like the fishes, are mostly predaceous in their habits, and swallow their prey entire, having loose and feeble articulations of the jaws, and sharp, slender, prehensile teeth, ill adapted for mastication. The teeth are placed sometimes, like those of fishes, in se- veral rows on the palatine and both maxillary bones, as in ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 387 the siren, or more serpent-like in single rows on the palatine bones and both maxillae, as in the triton, or only on the pala- tine bones and upper jaw, as in faefrog ; but they are want- ing in both jaws in the toad and the pipa, although two small transverse rows are seen behind the posterior nares in the toad. The teeth have here the same osseous texture, thin coat of enamel, and feeble superficial attachment to the jaws as in most fishes, and these animals are almost as destitute of salivary glands as the permanent tadpoles of the sea. The long, free, and bifid tongue of the frog, covered with papillae arid muciparous follicles, more nearly approaches to the ordinary form of that organ in the serpents and many higher reptiles than the short, thick, fleshy form of the tongue com- mon to the perennibranchiate amphibia and the toad. The strong muscular oesophagus, short, dilatable, and longitudi- nally plicated within like that of fishes, leads to a narrow elongated stomach, directed transversely from left to right, generally with thick fleshy parietes, especially at the pyloric portion, and covered above by the two lobes of a large liver, which is always provided with a distinct and free gall- bladder. The stomach is most lengthened and narrow in the tadpole state of the higher amphibia, and in the adult forms of the aquatic species, as in the lower fishes and in the embryo condition of man, and these also exhibit the least distinction between the small intestine and the colon. In the young tadpole (Fig. 125. B. C.) of the common frog, which sucks with a small circular mouth (B. C. a, a,} the soft animal and vegetable matter of our fresh water ponds, the stomach (c, d,) is narrow and elongated, and the intestine (B. c, d, C. e, e,) of extraordinary length, and nearly equal throughout, is coiled up in a spiral manner, distending the capacious abdomen and perceptible through the transparent parietes. It is only slightly enlarged near the anus, and is attached to the verte- bral column by an entire mesentery, as in the adults of all the amphibia. During the metamorphosis which so remark- ably affects every internal system, and in which the soft and mixed food of the tadpole is changed for more nutritious aliment, as snails, worms, caterpillars, and similar creeping animals, the stomach and the whole alimentary canal become gradually shortened in their proportions, and their divi- c c 2 388 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. sions more distinctly marked, as seen in the annexed view of the digestive organs of the mature frog, (125. D.) At the base of the broad bifid, reverted tongue, (125. D. b, e,) is the short wide pharynx, (D. c,) and simple larynx leading to complicated cellular lungs, (D./, /,) and the capacious mus- cular oesophagus and stomach, (D. g,) adapted to receive un- divided prey, are bounded below by a constricted thick pylorus, (D. h,) beyond which the duodenum, (D. n,) is pli- cated internall y with several transverse circular folds of the FIG ...4 mucous coat, like the valvulae conniventes of mammalia. The form of the stomach is similar in the toads, salamanders, arid tritons, and has the narrow elongated spleen loosely attached to its left side by cellular substance and vessels. A slight pyloric valve is seen in the toad and pipa. The two lobes of the liver overhang the stomach above and before ; the intestine now forms but a few convolutions of inconsider- able width, supported by a distinct and vascular mesentery, (D. m) ; the pancreas, lengthened like the spleen, is situated behind the pylorus, and the short, wide, straight colon, (D. ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 389 I,) terminates in the cloaca, which receives also the openings of the urinary and genital organs, as in other oviparous ver- tebrata. The valvula coli is distinct in the frog, the hyla, and the triton. In the pipa, the liver has a small median or third lobe, and the lobes are more free, as in chelonia. In the great menopoma, (125. A,) of the North American lakes, there are palatine teeth, as well as superior and inferior maxillary, as in the nearly allied tritons and salamanders. The broad rounded fleshy tongue, similar to that of proteus and siren, exhibits at its base the small opening of a simple larynx, (125. A. e}) leading to the two long pulmonic sacs, (A. g, y,) and the wide infundibuliform oesophagus (A. /./.)> lying below the branchial veins (A. o, 0,) and descending aorta, (A. n,} and above the heart, (A. p,) ends in a long narrow mus- cular stomach (A. ^,), resting on the two lobes of the liver, (A. /,) and tapering to its thick pyloric portion, (A. h.) The commencement of the duodenum (A. e,), receives the end of a long ductus communis choledochus (A. w,), and pancreatic duct, and the intestine (A. &.), forms several convolutions con- nectedby a distinct mesentery, before terminating in the cloaca. Most of the chylopoietic organs here, as in other perenni- branchiate amphibia, partake of the elongated form of the trunk, as in the ophidian reptiles. The mucous lining of the intestine is raised into numerous longitudinal folds in the proteus, and also in the triton, the salamander, and the pipa -, it forms quadrangular cells in the hyla, and transverse folds in the frog, and is more even in the axolotle. The liver is most numerously and deeply lobed in the caducibraiichiate forms, as in the pipa and the frog, and most elongated and entire in the lower amphibia, as the axolotle, the proteus and the me- nopoma, and there is seldom a trace of pyloric valve between the opening of its duct and the stomach. The elongated stomach of the proteus passes insensibly into the duodenum, and is scarcely distinguished even by the usual constriction at its pyloric portion, but the gastric cavity is always marked in the amphibia by the great muscularity of its parietes when compared with the thin and delicate coats of the intes- tinal canal, and its form, especially in the higher genera, approaches closely to that of the chelonia. An inferiority of character, or an approach to the class of fishes is thus seen in the digestive apparatus of the lower 390 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. amphibia, in the similarity and the extensive distribution over the buccal cavity of the small conical fangless teeth, the shortness of the tongue, the great development of the cornua of the os hyoides, the want of salivary glands, the shortness and width of the oesophagus, the elongated form and muscu- larity of the stomach, the similarity of the small intestine and the colon, the want of coecum coli and fundus of the stomach, and the great size of the liver. In many of the animals of this class, however, we discover approximations to the higher vertebrata, in the more restricted distribution of the teeth, the elongation of the tongue and the body of the os hyoides, the greater distinctness of the gastric cavity, and its fundus, and of the small and large intestine, the absence of pyloric valve and valvula-coli, the development of transverse folds in the duodenum, and of a slight ccecum on the colon. The gall-bladder and the mesentery are now always developed, the pancreas is always conglomerate, and the tadpoles of all the species commence with the same short strait, simple alimentary tube as in the embryos of all the higher vertebrata, although some of them are destined to undergo a double metamorphosis in this part, to adapt it to the difference of food and habits of the larva and the adult. XXI. Reptilia. — As most of the ophidian and saurian reptiles are carnivorous animals, and most of the chelonia phytophagous, there is great diversity in the form and struc- ture of the masticating organs, the alimentary cavities and the chylopoietic glands in the different species of this class. The serpents, like most of the lower vertebrata, swallow en- tire prey, and have their teeth, like those of amphibia and the simpler fishes, in form of mere conical crowns, sharp, incurvated, unopposed to each other, attached to loose move- able bones, and adapted for prehension, not for mastication. The teeth of serpents are still attached to the palatine, ptery- goid, and intermaxillary bones, as well as to the upper and lower jaws ; they are wielded by powerful muscles, to enable them to wound and secure their prey, they are deeply im- bedded in the soft gums, but rest in shallow osseous grooves ; they are limited to single rows, as in higher vertebrata ; the palatine rows are more constant in their characters than the maxillary ; they are excavated by a large nutritious canal, ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 391 and the great anterior maxillary fangs of the noxious species are perforated and grooved on their fore part, to transmit the secretion of the poison gland. The scaly lips, and long, smooth, filiform, sheathed, bifurcated tongue, employed as an organ of touch, are li ttle adapted to give the serpents acute feelings, from their food, which passes through their capa- cious dilatable mouth and oesophagus undivided. The sali- vary glands vary much in their development in different species, but the sublingual is always present, and two large superior and inferior labial glands send their secretions through numerous ducts. The large poison gland, (Fig. 74. «.), the analogue of the parotid, below and behind the orbit on each side, is confined to the noxious species : it contains a wide cavity, it is embraced by muscular fibres, and sends its long duct to the perforated base of the poison fang, (Fig. 74. b.) The lengthened oesophagus, like the buccal cavity and the stomach, is susceptible of great distention, and in its col- lapsed state is longitudinally plicated ; its thin elastic parietes are lubricated by the copious secretion of innumerable mu- ciparous follicles, and it passes insensibly into the long, straight, and capacious cavity of the stomach, which can be distended with prey to many times the ordinary width of the trunk. The cardiac portion of the stomach is thin, membra- nous, longitudinally plicated, rarely presenting a sudden en- largement or a ccecal portion, and the posterior part of the stomach acquires thick smooth muscular parietes, and tapers to a narrow pyloric orifice, provided with a distinct internal valve and sphincter bands. Beyond the pyloric valve, which is seldom wanting, the duodenum, which presents a villous surface, receives the ducts from the liver, and the separate lobes of the pancreas, and the close narrow convolutions of the small intestine are compactly united together for protec- tion, in a distinct tubular peritoneal sheath, to the com- mencement of the short, straight dilated colon, where there is commonly a circular projecting valve and sometimes a small coecum. The short, straight, and wide colon ends in the cloaca, which receives the terminations of the two ureters, there being no urinary bladder, and of the two oviducts, or the two spermatic ducts ; the single or divided male organ likewise passes out through the cloaca, as in other oviparous 392 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. vertebrata. The liver, the spleen, the pancreas, the kidneys, and the testes and ovaria present the same longitudinally extended form which is seen in the oesophagus, the stomach, and other parts of the alimentary cavity of the ophidian rep- tiles, and in the whole conformation of their trunk. The convolutions of the small intestine are not bound together in a sheath, but float freely, attached to the mesentery in the aquatic species of serpents, and in some of the higher sauroid forms, as the anguis. The large intestine is often sacculated by transverse constrictions approaching in form to valves, which divide its cavity, and still further delay the passage of the food through the ever active trunk of these animals. The liver is generally of a lengthened cylindrical form, not divided into lobes, provided with a distinct gall-bladder, and sends its secretion into the duodenum, near to the pyloric valve, where also terminate the several ducts from the lobes of the pan- creas, which continue separate to their termination in the intestine, and the small spleen is here often compactly united to the pancreas by vessels and its peritoneal sheath. The saurian reptiles are mostly carnivorous, like the serpents, and swallow their prey undivided, and they present a corres- ponding short and simple alimentary apparatus ; but as their trunk is shorter, and their abdomen is not habitually pressed on or dragged along the ground, they do not present the longitudi- nally extended form of the viscera, nor the modifications de- signed to protect the organs and check the rapid transit of the food, which w£ observe in the ophidian reptiles. The teeth are still merely prehensile organs, sharp, conical, recurved, similar in form, and placed alternately ; but they are more fixed in- their attachment by the outer alveolar margin of the maxillse and by the gums; sometimes they are lodged in deep osseous alveoli, and are generally restricted to a single row along the margin of the jaws. Small teeth, in a few species only, are found also in the pterygoid bones, as in serpents ; and, as in them, the tongue is generally long and bifid, and the salivary glands very imperfectly developed. The oesophagus, like the neck, is short and wide, and com- monly leads to a narrow elongated stomach, placed from left to right, with its cardiac and pyloric orifices at the opposite ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 393 ends, and seldom presenting any coscal portion to retard the food in its cavity. In the crocodilian family, where the teeth and the bones of the face are fixed, as in mammalia, and the tongue, as in these, is short, round, and fleshy, the stomach is in form of a round, strong muscular gizzard, with an anterior and posterior central tendon, from which muscu- lar fasciculi radiate to the margins, as in many lower and higher animals, and the pyloric opening is guarded, as in many other saurian reptiles, with a distinct circular valve. The pyloric portion of the stomach presents a small ccecum, like that of a heron. The small intestine is comparatively long in a few vegetable-eating sauria, as the iguana and scincuSy the flesh of which is edible, and it is shorter in the more carnivorous forms, and there is commonly a small but distinct round ccecum- as well as valvula-coli at the com- mencement of the large intestine. The coecum-coli is large in scincus and small in the lacerttE, and the interior of the colon is often marked with longitudinal folds or quadrangular cells, but it is still destitute externally of the longitudinal bands which give this part a cellular form in the mammalia. The wide rectum terminates in the cloaca with the urino- genital organs, as in serpents, and the intestines are sus- pended freely by a complete mesentery. The peritoneum is often dark coloured or spotted, as in many other oviparous vertebrata, and the liver, more extended transversely than in ophidia, is always provided with a gall-bladder. The spleen is more distinct, and generally of a lengthened form, and the pancreas is less lobated in its exterior than in the serpents. The stomach being less extended longitudinally than in the serpents, the ducts of the liver are shorter, and the common choledochus enters apart from the pancreatic at a variable distance from the pylorus. The chelonian reptiles subsist chiefly on vegetable food, and present a higher development of the alimentary canal, and of the chylopoietic glands than the more carnivorous ophidian and saurian species ; and from the great length of the neck and the short and broad form of the trunk, the oesophagus is elongated as in ophidia, and the stomach, the intestine, and the liver are most developed in a transverse direction, as seen in the annexed views of the viscera of emys europcea 394 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. (Fig. 126. A. B.) The wide expanded jaws, covered with sharp horny sheaths, adapted to cut the coarse vegetable food,are mov- ed by strong muscles, and the short, fleshy, undivided tongue is covered with long, delicate, sheathed papillae, which are seen likewise on the upper part of the oesophagus. The mouth is abundantly furnished with muciparous glands, and the sali- vary glands, especially the submaxillary, are very differently developed in the different species. The long and muscular FIG. 126. resophagus is still wide, as in other reptiles, from the undi- vided condition of the food, and it presents internally nu- merous longitudinal folds of the mucous coat, which are seen also extending along the thin cardiac portion of the stomach. The longitudinal plicae of the inner membrane are percep- tible, though smaller, along the thick, muscular, pyloric part of the stomach. The stomach (126. A. i.) is extended trans- versely from left to right, of great strength and capacity, and behind the two expanded lobes of a large and broad ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 395 liver. The long papillze which line the oesophagus are highly vascular, and are covered with a thin but obvious epidermic sheath. The thick, muscular, pyloric portion of the stomach sends inwards no circular fold, to constitute a pyloric valve, as we generally see at this part in the inferior vertebrata. The intestine is often more than six times the length of the trunk, and in the terrestrial forms, the colon presents a short, round, and wide coecum, and a distinct circular valve at its commencement ; but in the aquatic species the small intes- tine passes often insensibly into the colon, without either valve or coecum. The colon is now generally distinct from the small intestine, long and wide, as in mammalia, but des- titute of external longitudinal bands, and transverse corruga- tions, and the interior of the small intestine is generally marked by longitudinal folds or rugae of the mucous coat, as in most amphibia. The parietes of the alimentary canal are throughout mus- cular and wide, a character which we see likewise in the stomach, and which accords with the coarse vegetable food on which most of these animals subsist. The abdo- minal cavity is separated from that containing the lungs, (126. A. g.} by the peritoneum and the rudimentary dia- phragm. The right lobe of the liver is much larger than the left, and between them is a small middle lobe ; the gall- bladder is always present, and sends a short wide duct to open into the duodenum near to the pylorus ; there is also a distinct hepatic duct, which receives that of the pancreas before entering the intestine. Although there are no valvulee conniventes in the chelonia, the mucous coat of the intestine is of great extent, as in most other phytophagous animals, forming numerous longitudinal folds and cells, or tortuous rugee, in its course, by which a greater extent of surface is afforded for the secretions, and for the distribution of the innumerable chyliferous vessels spread upon their alimentary canal. The annexed figure, (127) from Bojanus, presents a view of the viscera of the trunk, seen from the ventral sur- face in the emys europaa, where the wide muscular oesopha- gus (127. #,) behind the trachea (/",) and round thymus gland, between the right (g,) and left (h,) lung, and posterior to the three cavities (i. k. L) of the heart, and to the 396 ORGANS OF DIGESTION large right (v,} and left (w) lobes of the liver, passes to the left side, to terminate in the stomach (b,) which is here as transverse in its position as in the mamma- lia. The convolutions of the small intestine (c,) and the wide colon are seen between the developed ovaries (y. y,) and exterior to these, on each side, are the long and wide oviducts (1. 1. 4. 4.) with their ex- panded infundibuliform openings (z. z.) The rectum, (d,) as in higher vertebrata, descends to the cloaca, behind the ends of the oviducts (1.1.) and behind the large urinary bladder (#,) with its short ure- thra, and the cloaca receives also the openings of the two lateral sacs (2. 3.) before terminating in the transverse anal orifice, (e^) below the base of the tail. The alimentary canal has thus already acquired in the reptiles nearly all the divi- sions and typical characters which it presents in the highest of the vertebrated animals. XXII. Aves. The alimentary apparatus of birds is adapted for the digestion of the higher forms of animal and vegetable matter, which their locomotive and prehensile or- gans enable them to obtain in the air, in the waters, and in the earth. The jaws have their alveolar margins covered, like those of chelonia, with horny plates, which vary in their forms, according to the kind of food, like the teeth of mam- malia. The nearest approach to the teeth of quadrupeds is seen in the thin horny laminae disposed along the sides of the bills in the mallard, and some other aquatic birds ; and in the earliest condition of the birds the laminae begin by a series of small detached tubercles, provided each with its pulp, its nerve, and its vessels, like the horny maxillary plates of the whale, and the more solid calcareous teeth of ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 397 other vertebrated animals. The broad depressed bills of ducks, geese, swans, and many other aquatic birds, with den- tated edges, and soft sensitive lips, are well adapted for ob- taining worms or other small objects under water or in mud, and they commonly present a well marked dental distribu- tion of the alveolar nerves and blood-vessels, as well as a high development of the second and third branches of the trigiminal nerves. The flat spatulate jaws of the spoon-bills are adapted for quick lateral motion in the waters, and for extracting minute animals from the moist banks of lakes and rivers. The submaxillary pouch of the pelican serves as a net for seizing fishes ; the straight sharp bills of cranes and storks dart with precision through the water upon their moving prey, and the long compressed bills of cormorants, gulls, albatroses, and many predaceous aquatic birds, terminate above in a sharp inverted hook, to seize firmly the smooth scaly bodies of fishes. The broad bills, with cutting edges, of the strutheous birds, are adapted to prune the leaves and shoots of plants, and the long narrow bills of woodpeckers to be inserted into small crevices to seize minute insects ; and most of the insectivorous order of birds have a similar struc- ture on a smaller scale. The long tubular beak of the hum- ming birds is suited for insertion into the corollse of flowers. In the grosbeaks and crossbills, the sparrows and buntings, and all the granivorous order, and in the larger gallinaceous birds the bills form stronger and shorter cones, broader at the base, to break down and remove the hard coverings of grains. In the climbing frugivorous cockatoos, parrots, and maccaws, the broad and powerful bills serve as prehensile organs, and to break the hard shelly coverings of seeds. The bills of eagles and vultures, hawks and owls, and other rapa- cious birds, are strong, short, compressed, arched, curved at the point, dense in their texture, and with sharp cutting edges, to seize, and tear, and cut the flesh of living prey. So that the forms of these external parts correspond with and indicate the structure of the internal organs of digestion, and afford useful zoological characters for the divisions of this class. The tongue, chiefly composed of a loose cellular texture, is here as variable in form and adaptations as the bill, or the claws, or the food, being long and filiform, like that of an ant-eater, in the woodpeckers, short and muscular 398 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. in the strutheous birds, arrow-shaped in the gallinacea, long, broad, and covered with large recurved spines in the swans, short, round and highly flexible in the cockatoos and parrots; but the body and cornua of the os hyoides are always com- paratively long, slender, and flexible in this class. As the food of birds is not masticated nor retained in the mouth, the salivary glands are smaller than in quadrupeds, more simple in structure, and commonly disposed in four pairs, one situate under the sides of the tongue, another at the junction of the rami of the lower jaw, another close to the base of the cornua of the os hyoides, and another at the angles of the mouth. The mouth is provided with numerous muciparous glands, and the salivary glands are most deve- loped in gallinaceous and frugivorous birds, as in herbivorous quadrupeds. The closed ends of the tubuli salivarii are more or less dilated, as in other classes of animals, and the isolated vertical tubuli composing the first or sublingual pair open separately into the mouth by a row of pores. The second pair open by several ducts under the fore part of the tongue: the third, or submaxillary pair, open behind the second, sometimes by elongated ducts ; and the fourth pair open within the angles of the mouth. The uvula, velum, and epi- glottis, not being yet developed, the posterior nares and the larynx are but little protected, and the oesophagus, with a simple entrance, is here wide, muscular, and of great length, corresponding with the great length of the neck in birds. As in other classes of animals, the whole alimentary canal of birds varies much in its length and capacity, and in the form and development of its cavities, according to the nature of the food, being long and capacious, with large glandular organs and muscular parietes, in the various phytophagous tribes, and with the reverse of these characters in those which feed more exclusively on animal food. The long, wide, mus- cular oesophagus, with a smooth mucous coat, and thin epi- dermic lining, passes down behind and a little to the right side of the trachea, as seen in the annexed figure of the vis- cera of the gallus domesticus, (Fig. 128. a,} and about the middle of its course, a little above the two anchylosed clavi- cles, it presents, in gallinaceous, raptorial, and many other birds, an enlargement, an ingluvies or crop, (128. b.) varying in form and structure according to the difference of the food, and ORGANS OF DIGESTION. provided with numerous glandular follicles situate between the mucous and the muscular coats. Continuing downwards behind and a little to the right of the trachea, and behind the heart, (128.m,) and great branches of the aorta, the oesophagus passes forwards below the inferior larynx, between the two lobes of the lungs, (128. n. n}) and to the left side, to dilate into a second gastric cavity, the glandular stomach, proventriculus, infundibulum, or ventriculus succenturiatus, (128. c,) which is highly vascular and provided with more numerous and larger follicles than open into the crop. Beneath the vertical in- fundibulum is the powerful muscular gizzard, (128. d.) dis- posed transversely from left to right, like the ordinary^sto- mach of most vertebrata, covered with the lobes of the liver, 400 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. (128. o. o. o.) and lined internally with a more or less dense epithalium. This third cavity, the gizzard, lies in front of the ovary (128. t. u. v.) and oviduct, (128. w. x. y. z.} in the female, and of the testes in the male, and has its cardiac (c.) and pyloric (e,) orifices closely approximated to each other. The turns of the duodenum, (128. e.f. g.} on the right side embrace the conglomerate and lobed pancreas, (128. q.q.) which generally sends its secretion by two or more ducts, (128. r.) alternating with the separate ducts from the liver (, and the gall-bladder, (128. p.) The single, lengthened, and dark coloured spleen, (seen above c. e,) is attached near the left side of the glandular stomach, and the divided liver (o.o.o.) has generally a free gall-bladder (128. p,) placed under its right lobe. The intestine, (128. g. h. k.) is still shorter than in mammalia, but its different divisions are more distinctly marked than in the inferior classes. In young birds a remnant of the original entrance of the yolk- bag, or umbilical vesicle, is generally obvious in form of a small co3cal appendage on the anterior portion of the small intestine, and in many gallinaceous, wading, and water birds it remains through life. At the commencement of the colon (128. h. k,) which is here, as in lower oviparous vertebrata, of short extent, and generally neither wide nor sacculated, there are in most birds two coeca, (128. h. i. i. s. s.} of very various lengths and dimensions, extending upwards, and at- tached along the sides of the small intestine. The rectum, (128. &,) terminates in the general cloaca (128. /,) which re- ceives also the ends of the two ureters, the openings of the pervious and impervious oviducts of the female, (128. z,) and of the vasa deferentia of the male. The least constant of these digestive cavities, and the most variable in form, is the crop or ingluvies, the caca-coli are likewise inconstant and nearly as variable in their extent of development and their form 5 the gizzard presents great differences in the thickness of its muscular and cuticular tunics, and the ventriculus succenturiatus in the development of its glandular follicles. The crop, which is here remarkable for its position in the neck, receives the unmasticated food, like the paunch of ruminantia, or the cheek pouches of many mammalia, and moistens it with the secretion of its numerous follicles. It forms a large globular sac, communicating by a ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 401 narrow neck with the fore part of the resophagus in most of the gallinaceous birds, as represented in the annexed dia- gram, (Fig. 129. A. b,} and in the pigeons it is still larger, FIG. 129. and divided in front into two lateral sacs. The numerous follicles which open into its interior, become more vascular and enlarged at the time these birds are rearing their young ; the milky secretion which they afford is very abundant in the crop of the pigeon, when feeding its young, and this is the only food they receive for the first two or three days after being hatched. The grains which have been moistened, softened, and partially digested in the crop, are brought up successively from that cavity and conveyed into the mouth of the young birds when they are further advanced. In the diurnal rapa- cious birds, (Fig. 129. B.) the crop (£,) forms only a general enlargement of the lower cervical portion of the O3sophagus, into which entire prey is conveyed, and from which the hair, PART IV. D D 402 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. claws, feathers,, and other indigestible parts, are disgorged by the mouth, without being allowed to pass through the alimen- tary canal. This cavity however is entirely wanting in most of the passerine, wading, and palmified birds, although sub- sisting on the most dissimilar kinds of food; and it is scarcely perceptible in the nocturnal birds of prey, or in the long- necked struthious birds. The glandular follicles on each side of the small ventriculus succenturiatus (129. A. B. c. c.) are mostly disposed in vertical rows, and have their orifices directed downwards. They are placed, like those of the crop, between the mucous and the muscular tunics ; they are most numerous and complicated in the granivorous birds, where they form ramified tubuli ; and they are simple elongated follicles in the birds of prey. They sometimes surround the whole cavity, or are confined to a part of the surface, and their copious secretion is required, to assist in digestion, from the deficient glandular structure of the gizzard itself. These glandular follicles of the ventriculus succenturiatus, or infundibulum, of birds are analogous in position to the cardiac glands, so large in the wombat, the beaver, and some other mammalia. These muscular parietes of the gizzard (129, A. d.) form two strong digastric muscles, one anterior, the other poste- rior, with white shining tendons, in most gallinaceous and granivorous birds, and in many aquatic and other species. In most rapacious and carnivorous birds, the parietes of all the three gastric cavities are thin and highly extensible, and form almost one continuous stomach, (129. B. b.c.d.) with slight constrictions between its parts. The thin membranous giz- zard however of these birds presents a distinct anterior and posterior central tendon, (129. B. c?.) analogous to those of the two ordinary digastric muscles, (129. A. d.}, and from which the muscular fasciculi, more or less developed in dif- ferent species, radiate to the margins of the cavity. When this third gastric cavity is provided with strong muscular parietes, as in the gallinaceous birds, its internal epidemic lining forms a thick coriaceous dense coat, to protect the soft parts from laceration, and to enable them to act with effect upon their heterogenous contents. From the want of teeth in the mouth to act upon their hard food, these granivorous birds convey pebbles and other dense substances into their gizzard, to re- ORGANS OF DIGESTION. 403 duce their food, like the gastric teeth of Crustacea, insects, many gasteropods, and other invertebrata ; but in the carni- vorous birds, with a thin membranous gizzard, no pebbles are swallowed or required, the activity of the secretions effect- ing all the necessary changes in the conditions of the food, aided by the high temperature, and the movements of the canal. From the proximity of the cardiac and pyloric orifices of the gizzard, it forms a sac open only above, and is not provided with the pyloric sphincter muscle, so common in other vertebrated classes. This free and wide pyloric orifice allows the food, partially digested in the three gastric cavities, and reduced by the muscular action of the gizzard, to pass out, in small successive portions, to the commencement of the duodenum. The small internal capacity of this strong grinding organ, which is chiefly filled with pebbles, necessi- tates the development of other gastric cavities between it and the mouth, to receive a sufficient quantity of coarse vegetable food for the maintenance of these large and heavy birds. The duodenum forms a long narrow duplication embracing the bilobate conglomerate highly vascular pancreas (128. . from the gills of the tadpole by the anterior branchial veins, (136.C. c. c.} is in part sent, as in fishes, by ascending branches, (136. l.m.n. o.) to the head and anterior parts of the body, while the rest is collected into larger trunks, (136. d> d.) which unite to form the descending aorta, (136. e.) At an early period of the development of the tadpole, however, minute anastomosing canals are formed or enlarged between the great trunks of the branchial arteries and those of the branchial veins, (136. b. b. g.g,} by which a preparation is made for the gradual obliteration and absorption of the whole branchial apparatus ; and the same canals of communication between these trunks are found to exist in nearly all the perennibranchiate forms of amphibia in their adult state. From the posterior branchial artery on each side, convey- ing venous blood in the earliest condition of the tadpole, a minute branch (136. i.i.) descends to the rudimentary lungs, and in its course unites with an anastomosing trunk (136. h. h.) from the posterior branchial veins conveying the arterialized blood from the gills, to supply these pulmonary organs. 480 SANGTJIFEROUS SYSTEM. During the progress of the metamorphosis from the tad- pole or larva state, the vessels proceeding to the head and neck enlarge, as seen in the second stage of the triton cris- tatus, (Fig. 137- /• m.n. 0,) the anastomosing canals (137- b.b. g. g.) between the trunks of the branchial arteries and veins, increase in size, the capillary ramifications of the gills (137. c. c. c.) become diminished, obliterated, and absorbed ; and the small branches on each side proceeding from the posterior branchial arteries to the lungs, form considerable pulmonary arteries, (137. i- *•) which ramify over the increasing surface of these now important respiratory organs, (137. #• #•) The venous blood of the system is now therefore conveyed in greater quantity and by a more direct course, from the bulbus arte- riosus (137. a,) through the communicating trunks of the branchial arteries and veins (137- b. b. g. g.} to the branches FIG. 137. and trunk of the descending aorta. (13?. d. d. e.) The two arterial trunks formerly (136. h. h.} conveying arterialized blood from the branchial veins to the air-sacs or rudimentary lungs, now become small ductus arteriosi (137- h. h.) con- necting the pulmonary arteries (137. «- iy) with the branches (g. d. g. d.) of the abdominal aorta, (137* €.) This is nearly the condition in which the perennibranchiate species have the development of their vascular system permanently ar- rested, where the respiration is effected equally by pulmonic and branchial apparatus in the adult state. By the further metamorphosis of these vessels during the development of the caducibranchiate amphibia, it is manifest that the ante- rior pair of branchial arteries are gradually converted into SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 481 the great arterial trunks which proceed to the head and neck, as seen in the third stage of the triton (Fig. 138. n. n. o. o.) where the branchiae have been entirely absorbed, and these pJG iag cephalic vessels have acquired a less tortuous course. The second pair of branchial arteries are con- verted into the right and left branches of the abdominal aorta (138. b. d. b. d.), and the poste- rior pair of branchial arteries be- come the two pulmonary arteries (138. i. k. i. k.) conveying mixed blood from the heart to the lungs. The development of the great aortic trunks, from the previously formed branchial arches, is effected in a similar manner, but according to a simpler plan, in all the higher classes of ver- tebrata, as in them the capillary ramifications for an aquatic respiration are not developed from the branchial arches. The anastomosing canals, therefore, observed in nearly all the amphibia, between the trunks of the branchial arteries and branchial veins, may be regarded as the continuations of the primitive aortic arches, temporarily reduced in size during the presence of the gills in the caducibranchiate forms, and permanently kept open in those species which preserve the branchiae through life; whilst in fishes, and apparently in the siren, the aortic arches are entirely divided into branchial capillaries, through which the whole blood of the system is necessarily conveyed to increase the extent of their aquatic respiration. The capillary branches of the branchial arteries in the external gills of the tadpoles, do not form ramifications as in the corresponding vessels of fishes, but minute arches or loops which pass singly around each small leaflet of the ramose branchiae. Although the branchial arteries, after the metamorphosis of the frogs, and after the functions of these vessels have changed, appear to coalesce, and to originate on each side of the bulbus arterio- sus by a common trunk, they are yet found in the adult state to preserve their three canals distinct to their origin, being separated from each other by internal septa which are discovered on opening the two primary trunks of the aorta. PART T. II 482 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. The bulbus arteriosus is considerable in the adult proteus, and gives off, not only the three branchial arteries on each side to the external gills, but also an aortic arch on each side which unite together to form the trunk of the aorta, as shown by Rusconi — thus combining in the same animal, the vascular conditions of the tadpole and the adult of the caducibranchiate amphibia, or those of the fishes and the true reptilia; the same plan of structure appears to exist in the other perennibranchiate forms of this class. Even in the adult triton (138. b. b. b.) three aortic trunks continue to originate from each side of the aorta, the third pair (138. i. i.) being chiefly occupied in forming the two pulmonary arteries (138. k. 7c.) which communicate by small ductus arteriorsi (138. h. h.) with the arches of the abdomi- nal aorta (138. d. d.) In the anourous amphibia, as the frogs and toads, the aortic arches still further coalesce by the metamorphosis, and externally appear to constitute, in the adult state, only a single great trunk on each side, divided internally by septa throughout its course, which gives off the usual cephalic, aortic, and pulmonic arteries; and while the external branchiae in the tadpoles of these species are withdrawn, and are becoming absorbed, the branchial apertures, first on the one side of the neck and then on the other, become closed up by a thin fold of the skin which has been mistaken by some for the analogue of the opercular bones which support this part in fishes. Traces of the early branchial capillaries appear to be preserved on the carotid arteries through life, and the posterior or pul- monic arch of the aorta gives off an artery on each side to the back part of the head, as well as the great pulmonary arteries to the lungs. The branchial arteries in the young state of the coecilice are observed to ramify on internal gills, which open on each side of the neck by cutaneous apertures, as in the larvae of other amphibia. The bulbus arteriosus in the menopoma (119. A.), is long, cylindrical, muscular and provided with numerous internal valves, as in the pla- giostome fishes ; these valves are disposed in two transverse rows, with four in each row, and the artery is dilated at the giving off of the aortic arches, which are four on each side. The small posterior or proximal aortic branches, on each side, are distributed chiefly on the simple pulmonary SANGUTFEROUS SYSTEM. 483 sacs (119. A. q.}9 and they communicate by distinct ductus arteriosi with the next anterior or second branches of the aorta. The second and third aortic arches, of larger size, unite above the oesophagus (119. A. o. o.), like the branchial veins of fishes, to form the common dorsal trunk of the aorta (119. A./*. /I), and their united trunks on each side send off cephalic branches (119. A. o. o.) to the back part of the head, as in the former class. The fourth or most ante- rior pair, after giving off branches to the mouth, unite, behind the aesophagus, with the cephalic branches to be distributed on the head. The great aortic branches are nearly similar in the amphiuma, where the proximal arches are distributed chiefly on the long cancellated lungs, and the two succeeding arches unite above the oesophagus to form the descending aorta. The heart of the larvae, before the development of the lungs, consists, like that of the fishes, of a single auricle which receives the venous blood of the system, and of a single ventricle which propels it into the bulbus arteriosus and the branchial or aortic arches ; but as development advances, and the air-sacs assume the functions of lungs, the arterialized blood collected from these pulmonary ca- vities, developes a small distinct sinus or left auricle on the united trunks of the two veins which return it to the ven- tricle. The existence of this smaller left auricle in the adult amphibia was first pointed out by Dr. Davy in the caducibranchiate species, as the frogs and toads, and the same structure of the heart was discovered by Weber, to pervade also the perennibranchiate amphibia, as the axolotus and the proteus. The left auricle, smaller than the right, is separated by a thin transparent septum from the larger systemic auricle, and is provided, like it, with distinct valves at its entrance into the ventricle. The venous blood of the system is generally collected into a distinct sinus venosus in amphibia, as in fishes, before it is transmitted to the large thin right auricle of the heart. The sinus ve- nosus of the triton is a large round contractile cavity like the right auricle. The blood from the right and left auricles is mixed in the ventricle, by permeating the loose columnar structure of its parietes, and is prevented from returning into either aurcle, by small semilunar valves defending the i i 2 484 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. auriculo-ventricular orifices. The auricles are more advanced over the upper and fore part of the ventricle, than the aurcle even of the plagiostome fishes, and the whole heart, like that of fishes, is situated further forwards towards the head than in reptiles or the warm-blooded vertebrata. The ven- tricle was observed by Meek el to be partially divided by an internal septum extending from the apex in the pipa, as in chelonian reptiles, and he also observed the septum between the auricles in the pipa, the siren and the axolotl, without perceiving the difference of function in these cavities dis- covered by Davy and Weber in both these orders of amphi- bia. The sinus venosus of the right auricle and the bulbus arteriosus or commencement of the aorta, are here distinctly muscular and contractile, like the corresponding sinus and aortic bulb in the plagiostome and other fishes. The two aortic trunks meet behind, under the vertebral column, as in reptiles, to form the abdominal aorta, at a point more or less advanced towards tlie head in different species, and in their course backwards, these two aortic vessels com- municate with the trunks of the pulmonary arteries by means of the two ductus arteriosi. From the commencement of each of the two aortic trunks, a large artery originates, which divides into a brachial and a cephalic branch, to supply the corresponding arm and side of the neck and head, and these primary brachio-cephalic branches of the aorta, commonly supplying the anterior parts of the body in the amphibia, have the same size and mode of distribution on the right and left sides. The next great trunks from the arches of the aortee, are the two pulmonary arteries, which descend on each side to ramify chiefly on the dorsal and median surfaces of the lungs, and which vary in size in different species according to the development of these pulmonary sacs. The bulb of the aorta often presents a rounded dilatation in the adult, cor- responding with the part from which originated the bran- chial arteries of the larva. At the commencement of the great trunk of the abdominal or descending aorta, in the anourous species, the cseliac or common visceral artery arises, as in fishes, which gives off the gastric, the hepatic, the mesenteric, and other arterial branches, to supply most of the chylopoietic organs. The common trunk of the aorta gives off several small vessels to the kidneys and the geni- SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 485 tal organs, before bifurcating to form the great iliac arteries, and these two great trunks supply numerous branches to the pelvic organs, before leaving that cavity to ramify on the posterior extremities. The form and distribution of the posterior aorta, however, in the perennibranchiate species, and the urodelous amphibia, more closely resemble the course of that vessel in the coccygeal region of fishes and of the larvae of anourous species. The sanguiferous system of reptiles is advanced to a higher stage of development than that of the inferior classes of cold-blooded vertebrata, and this superiority is observed chiefly in the magnitude of the pulmonic portion, which accords with the earlier development and the increased ex- tent of their pulmonary organs. The whole heart is pro- portionately larger and broader, and is situated farther back from the head. The auricles are more muscular, more dis- tinctly separated from each other externally, and are more advanced to the anterior part or base of the ventricle, and the ventricle is more divided internally by an ascending septum, than in the amphibia. The general form of the heart, like that of most other viscera, is modified by the form of the trunk, being more elongated in ophidia, broader in chelonia, and intermediate in the saurian reptiles. The right auricle receives the entire venous blood of the system, and the left auricle, the arterialized blood from the capacious pulmonary sacs; the two divisions of the ventricle give origin to the pulmonary and the systemic arteries, which early communicate with each other by means of two deci- duous ductus arteriosi ; and the two principal systemic ar- teries anastamose at a greater or less distance from the heart, to form the common trunk of the descending or abdominal aorta, as in amphibia and fishes. The two auricles of ophidian reptiles are generally much extended in a longitudinal direction, and the ventricle also has an elongated conical form; the auricles are provided with distinct muscular bands, and prominent internal fleshy columns ; and the right, which receives the venous blood of the system, is more capacious than the left which receives the arterialized blood from the lungs. The cavity of the ventricle is partially divided by a thick cribriform pervious septum, into a right inferior or pulmonic portion, and a 486 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. left superior or systemic portion, which communicate by a wide opening resulting from the deficiency of the septum near the base of the ventricle. The parietes of the systemic portion of the ventricle are thick and strong compared with the small interior cavity, so as to propel the systemic blood through the whole extent of their elongated trunk, and the numerous free fleshy columns which traverse its interior, tend to mingle the venous with the arterialized blood poured into its cavity. The septum of the auricles is thin and dia- phanous, and sends from each side of its inner margin, at the base of the ventricle, a crescentic membranous fold, which forms a distinct semilunar valve over each auriculo- ventricular orifice, to prevent the return of the blood during the contraction of the ventricle. The approximated open- ings of the two systemic aortse, in the strong upper left compartment of the ventricle, are provided with two semi- lunar valves, and two similar folds are observed at the opening of the pulmonary artery in the right inferior portion of the ventricle. The right or pulmonic portion of the ventricle is more capacious than the left, and its parietes are less thick, muscular, and cribriform. The common trunk of the right and left aortee, on leaving the systemic portion of the ventricle, soon divides to embrace the trachea and oesophagus- in the aortic arch, as in other cold- blooded vertebrata ; and the two trunks again anastomose a little posteriorly, under the vertebral column, to form the pos- terior aorta, which extends backwards along the median line of the body to the end of the tail. The right arch of the aorta, in its course upwards and backwards, gives off a consi- derable thyroid branch, and a large cephalic azygous artery from which the common carotids of both sides originate. The common carotids divide near the head, into a larger external, and a smaller internal carotid artery, and the lat- ter of these branches supplies the place of the vertebrals within the cranium. The right aortic arch also sends off, near its junction with the left, a single median subvertebral artery which extends forwards, and supplies the vertebral or spinal and intercostal arteries to each side of the anterior part of the body. The common cephalic artery in advancing to the head, sends numerous twigs to the resophagus and the trachea, before it divides to form the common carotids. The SAXGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 487 intercostal arteries of the posterior part of the body are derived from the common trunk of the abdominal aorta, formed by the early anastomosis of the left with the right aortic arch, and from the length of the abdominal viscera and their dis- tance from each other, these organs are supplied by distinct hepatic, gastric, mesenteric, and genital arteries, which come off, not from a common creliac or visceral artery, but successively and directly from the long trunk of the posterior aorta in its course backwards under the vertebral column. The venous blood is returned from the head by two jugu- lar veins, and from the intercostal spaces by two azygous branches which unite before entering the right auricle. The caudal veins returning the blood from the posterior parts of the body appear to distribute a portion through the kid- neys, like the renal portal circulation of fishes, and to convey another portion to the mesenteric vein, to be sent with the venous portal circulation through the liver. The spermatic veins pass with the efferent renal veins into the posterior vena cava, to be sent with the venous blood of the superior cava and hepatic vein into the right auricle and right cavity of the ventricle, and thence by one or two pul- monary arteries through the single or double respiratory sac. The exterior surface of the ventricle in the saurians is more generally connected with the interior of the pericardium by tendinous threads than in the ophidian reptiles ; more than twelve of these connecting filaments, most numerous in the invertebrata, are found in the pseudopus, two in the mo- nitors, and one or more in the crocodiles and most other genera. I have found eight of these tendinous bands, arising by separate peduncles, near the apex of the ventricle, in the adult heart of the large gavial of India, where the pericardium is nearly a line in thickness, white, fibrous, and of great strength. The general structure of the heart and the distri- bution of the great central blood vessels are nearly the same in the lacertine sauria as in the ophidian reptiles. The peri- cardium is generally stronger, the auricles more muscular, short, and lobed at the margin, the ventricle with thicker parietes, and the septum more developed between its compartments ; the great pulmonic and systemic trunks are bound together by condensed cellular substance and by the 488 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. enveloping pericardium, to a greater extent from their origin, before they separate for their respective destinations. The thick parietes of the ventricle are loose, cribriform and deeply cancellated in their interior, from the free and detached condi- tion of the irregular fleshy columns which compose them ; and the pulmonic and systemic portions of the blood are mingled together in its cavity, to a variable extent in different species, according to the development and the direction of its imperfect septum. The right and left aortse, provided with semilunar valves at their origin, commence by distinct orifices in the common cavity at the base of the ventricle, and unite together under the vertebral column after forming a small arch upwards on each side, the left giving off no branches till near the place of its anastomosis with the right, to form the common descending aorta. The two common carotids arise from the arch of the right aorta, and the sub- clavian arteries come off from the right and left trunks of the aorta at the angle of their reunion. The common trunk of the posterior aorta in passing backwards gives off the in- tercostals on each side, a branch to the cesephagus and another to the liver. The coeliac and anterior mesenteric originate by a common trunk, which is succeeded by the lumbar, the spermatic, and the posterior mesenteric arteries. From the posterior position of the kidneys the renal arteries come off late, and are succeeded by the two common iliacs, the aortal trunk being here prolonged as a large median sacral artery, corresponding with the magnitude of the caudal prolongation of the body in these lacertine reptiles. The heart of the crocodilian reptiles is enveloped in a very thick and strong pericardium, which also firmly connects together all the great arterial trunks which originate from its cavity. The parietes of the auricles, especially the right, are furnished with strong muscular internal bands, and there are large semilunar valves at each of the auriculo-ventricular orifices. The ventricle has very thick muscular parietes, and its cavity is^divided by a strong muscular and columnar septum deeply pitted, which extends from the apex to the base of the heart. The right auricle is much larger than the left, which cor- responds with the greater size of the veins and the larger quantity of blood, which enter the former cavity, and the two cavities of the ventricle still communicate with each other SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 48U at the base of the heart, as in other reptiles, although here to a smaller extent and during a limited period of life. The venous blood of the system received from the capacious right auricle, appears to be transmitted to the inferior right cavity of the ventricle, which gives origin to the left aortic trunk and also to the common trunk of the pulmonary arteries. These vessels are provided with semilunar valves at their origins, and the pulmonary artery arises from a small fossa of the right ventricle, a little distant from the origin of the left aorta. The osseous lamina observed by Bojanus in the heart of the tortoise, between the origins of the systemic arteries, I have found in the same situation in the adult gavial, where it formed an irregular tuberose morbid growth, and measured about three quarters of an inch in length and two lines in thickness. The arterialized blood from the lungs, received by the small left auricle, and transmitted to the superior, or left cavity of the ventricle, although sparingly, and perhaps for a limited time, sent through the opening of the septum, appears to pass chiefly into the great bulbous trunk, which gives origin to the right arch of the descending aorta, and to the right and left brachio-ce- phalic arteries or arterise innominatse, which supply the ante- rior parts of the body. Two semilunar valves are also placed at the origin of this great right systemic artery, in the left di- vision of the ventricle. The aerated blood is thus chiefly sent to the head and arms, by the two ascending trunks from the right aorta, which form the common carotid and the axillary arteries of their respective sides, and also to the legs and tail by the right aortal trunk. The right and left aortic arches, proceeding from distinct orifices of the ventricle, unite to- gether under the vertebral column, as in other reptiles, to form the common trunk of the abdominal aorta, the right arch of the aorta conveying arterialized blood principally to the head, legs and tail, and the left aorta chiefly venous blood to the abdominal viscera. All the three great trunks which originate from the ventricles, the right and left aortse and the pulmonary artery, form wide and elongated bulbous enlargements at their commencement, and from this bulbous dilatation of the right aorta arise the two large trunks, which soon subdivide to form the common carotid and axillary or sub- 490 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. clavial artery, on each side. Sometimes the carotids of both sides, arise by a common trunk as in serpents. The subclavian artery gives off an oesophageal, an internal mammary, an inferior cervical and an anterior common intercostal branch, before arriving at the axilla, where it sends off several thoracic branches, and forms the brachial, which divides as usual into the radial and ulnar arteries. The trunk of the right aorta, near its place of union with the left, gives off a considerable posterior common intercostal artery, which is succeeded by two smaller branches, distributed also on the intercostal spaces. The left aorta gives off no branches before it arrives near the place of its anastomosis with the right, where it gives off the great coeliac, or visceral artery, which supplies most of the abdominal organs, as the stomach, the liver, the spleen and the pancreas, and leaves only a small and short communicating branch to unite with the right trunk of the aorta. The anterior mesenteric arises from the common trunk of the united aortse at some distance below the coeliac artery, and is followed by the supra-renal, the renal, and the lumbar arteries, and the profunda femoris, before the aorta gives off the great crural artery on each side to the legs. The posterior mesenteric and the coccygeal arteries arise from the median sacral, which here forms a large prolonga- tion of the aorta, corresponding with the magnitude of this part of the body in the crocodilian reptiles. The short and broad form of the heart in the chelonian reptiles accords with the great transverse development of their body, and with the broad form of the auricle and ven- tricle already seen in the highest plagiostome fishes, the rays and sharks, which prepares for the division of the ven- tricle into two distinct cavities in the hot-blooded classes. The entire venous blood of the tortoise is conveyed by the two large inferior and the two smaller superior vena cavae (FiG. 139././. g. y.} into the common sinus venosus, and thence by a single orifice into the capacious right auricle (139. «.) of the heart. The smaller left auricle (139. b.) receives the arterialized blood from the two pulmonary veins (139. d. e.), and both auricles pour their contents simulta- neously into the strong muscular and single ventricle (139. c.), which propels the blood, by three distinct orifices, into the right (139. /*.) and left (139. /.) aortee and the SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 491 common trunk (139. o.) of the two pulmonary arteries (139. p. q.) FIG. 139. .ft Two strong semilunar valves check the return of the venous blood from the right auricle into the sinus venosus, but the same protection is not observed at the single very oblique orifice, by which the two pulmonary veins enter the left auricle. The ventricle is of great size, much extended transversely, depressed in form, with a rounded obtuse apex, with very thick muscular parietes, especially in its left por- tion, and the innumerable free fleshy columns reduce its in- terior to a loose reticulate spongy texture. Its exterior surface is generally connected with the pericardium by several tendinous filaments, and the same are sometimes observed passing from the ventricle to the exterior of the auricles. The septum ventriculorum is developed to a va- riable degree in the species of this order, being least percep- tible in the land tortoises, and most distinct in the marine turtles, but is less developed than in the saurian reptiles. 492 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. FlG. 140. At the base of the ventricle, the two orifices (Fio. 140. e. d.} leading from the right and left auricles (140. a. b.) are protected by a broad membra- nous fold (140. ^.), which extends to the right and left from the septum auricu- larum,and is strongly connected by tendi- nous cords (140. h.) with the muscular columns of the ven- tricle (140. c. c.). During the contrac- tion of the ventricle, the right portion of this broad quadrilateral valve (140. ff.) appears to direct the current of venous blood (140. e.) from the right auricle (140. a.) principally along the basilar groove of the right ventricle into the now closely approximated orifice of the bulbous commencement of the pulmonary artery, and probably, also the left aorta ; and the arterialized blood (140, d.) from the left auricle (140. b.) is carried through the spongy columnar parietes towards the right side of the left ven- tricle and the right aorta, the orifice of the left aorta being a little nearer to the pulmonary artery than the opening of the common right systemic trunk. The muscular valve overhang- ing the orifice of the pulmonary artery, may tend to complete the septum of the ventricles during the contraction of the heart, and thus direct the two currents from the auricles into their re- spective arterial trunks, as supposed by Meckel. Besides the broad valvular extension from the septum of the auricles, each auriculo-ventricular orifice is provided with another distinct and opposite semilunar fold, most developed on the right, to complete its protection, and a large muscular fold (HO./*.) is seen to overhang the pulmonary artery in the right cavity of the ventricle, extended from the septum ventriculorum, and supported by cordse tendinise, like the muscular tricuspid valve in the right ventricle of birds. SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 493 The three great arterial trunks which arise by distinct orifices from a fossa on the right side of the base of the ventricle, are provided each with a pair of semilunar valves at their origin, and are compactly united together for a short distance by cellular substance and pericardium on leaving the cavity of the heart, as seen in the annexed figure (Fio. 141. A. B.) from Bojanus, representing the ventral and dorsal aspect of the heart and blood vessels of testudo europ&a. The elongated right (A. a. B. a.) and left (A. b. B. b.) auricles rest on the broad base of the ventricle (A. c. B. c.), and the great arterial systemic trunks (A. d. e. f. g.} soon separate for their several destinations. A strong muscular band (A. v.) with circular fibres, embraces the origin of the great arterial trunks (A. d. e.f. g.}, and the trunks of the coronary arteries FIG. 141. and veins wind round the same part of the ventricle (A. c.), extending their ramifications towards the posterior margins and the apex. The right systemic artery, after giving off the right arch (A././. B./.) of the descending aorta (A. B.w. n.), advances a little forwards, and divides into the right and left arterise innominatse, each of which again bifurcates to form a small ascending common carotid and a large subclavian artery (A. B. d. e.) The common carotid, on each side, sup- plies the parts of the neck, and is continued, ramifying like 494 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. the external carotid of mammalia, over the head and face, the internal carotid artery being here a very small branch to the small contents of the cranial cavity, and, as in other rep- tiles, the vertebral artery is not required to enter the small cranium. The subclavian artery (A. B. d. e.), on each side, also gives off several branches to the neck, and to the scapular and pectoral muscles, the two anterior intercostal arteries, and the internal mammary which, in passing backwards along the interior of the ribs, anastamoses with the inter- costals and with the epigastric artery. A few branches to the dorsal and scapular muscles are given off from the axillary artery in its passage to the inner part of the head of the humerus, where, as brachial artery, it sends off the usual deep and circumflex branches, and on arriving at the elbow- joint, it divides into a small radial and ulnar artery to supply the short fore-arm and hand. The right aorta (A. f. B. /.), after leaving the common systemic trunk of that side, passes upwards and backwards to unite with the left aorta (A. g. h. B. g. h.) under the ver- tebral column, and sends off, in this course, one or more intercostal branches. The right and left aortae unite with the right and left branches of the pulmonary artery (B. p. q.) by means of two ductus arleriosi (B. r. s.), which remain, with their canal obliterated, in the adult state. The left aorta (B. g.}, arising by a distinct orifice from the left por- tion of the ventricle, follows a course analogous to the right, without sending off branches to the anterior part of the body, and is appropriated almost entirely to the abdominal viscera, a small communicating branch (B. h.) being alone left to anastomose with the right aorta. From the left arch of the aorta arise three visceral arteries, the gastric or coro- nary artery (B. /.) to the oesophagus and the stomach, the cceliac (B. m.) which sends branches to the liver, the pan- creas, the spleen, and the large intestines, and the mesen- teric artery (B. i.), which is chiefly spread on the mesentery and small intestines. The common trunk of the abdominal aorta (A. B. n. n.}, in passing backwards, gives off a few pos- terior intercostal branches, the two spermatic arteries, se- veral renal branches to the lobulated kidneys, some small lumbar arteries, and a cloacal branch like a posterior me- senteric, and after sending out the large iliac arteries on SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 495 each side, it is continued along the sacrum and coccyx as a small median caudal artery, as in other reptiles. The in- ternal iliac ramifies mostly on the urinary bladder and other pelvic viscera, and the external iliac, after giving off the epigastric and circumflex arteries, and continuing to afford numerous branches to the thigh and leg as crurial and an- terior tibial artery, terminates in a dorsal arch, extending outwards over the tarsus, from which the digital arteries of the foot are derived. The venous blood returned from the head and neck by the jugular veins (B. t. u.) in the chelonia, as in other rep- tiles, and that brought from the arms by the subclavian veins (B. v. w.)9 is conveyed by the right and left anterior or superior venee cavee (139. g. g.}, formed by the union of these two veins on each side, into the common sinus venosus (141. B. z.)} which receives the blood from the abdominal veins. The abdominal veins receive the blood from the posterior parts of the body, and from the renal and hepatic portal systems, and, after communicating on each side with the jugular veins by an anastomosing branch, they enter the sinus venosus, which pours its contents by a single broad valved ori- fice into the right auricle of the heart (A. a.) The two pulmo- nary arteries (B. p. q.} arise by a lengthened single bulbous sinus from the left inferior part of the right ventricle, and, after communicating by the ductus arteriosi (B. r. s.) with the two aortse (B./. #.), they follow the ramifications of the bronchi through the extensive cavities of the lungs. The two small returning pulmonary veins (B. 1. 2.) unite to form a small sinus before entering by a single opening into the left auricle. The veins of reptiles, like their chyliferous and lymphatic vessels, are provided with scanty and ineffective valves, which allow injections to pass readily against their course, from trunks to branches. In the class of birds, the septum of the ventricles is at length completed, and the pulmonic circulation is entirely distinct from the systemic, as in all the hot-blooded verte- brata. The air admitted into contact with the systemic capil- laries in the interior of the bones and in the large air-cells extending through most parts of the body, oxygenates and decarbonizes a larger portion of their blood, and is the source of their high temperature, their great muscular force, and the encreased energy of all their functions. By their 496 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. habitual great muscular exertions, the blood is determined from the deep-seated to the superficial parts, by which their surface-temperature is elevated for incubation, their down and plumage are developed to equalize their tem- perature or to aid their flight, and their perspiration is increased to moderate their occasional heats. The heart of birds, of a tapering conical form, with thick muscular parietes, is placed longitudinally on the median plain, anterior to the liver, enclosed in a thin transparent vascular pericardium, surrounded by air-cells prolonged from the bronchi, and still occupies, as in the inferior vertebrata, a more advanced position in the trunk than in the mammi- ferous tribes. The right auricle and ventricle, especially in diving birds, have more capacious cavities with thinner pa- rietes, than the corresponding parts on the left side, and the venous blood of the system is received into the right auricle from the two anterior and the larger single posterior, vense cavee, by three distinct orifices provided with strong semilunar valves to direct the currents and check regurgitation. The thin muscular outer parietes of the capacious right ventricle en- velope the greater part of the exterior of the strong left muscular cavity, and the right auriculo- ventricular orifice is here defended by a thick fleshy valvular fold extended from the base of the ventricle, which probably aids in forcing the blood through the fixed lungs of birds, where the diaphragm is almost wanting. The arterialized blood arrives from two pulmonary veins by a single orifice in the left auricle, which is provided, like those of the superior venae cavse, with only one semilunar valve, and the walls of this auricle are more muscular and columnar than the smooth parietes of the right cavity, but neither of these cavities yet presents auricular appendices developed from its margins, as in mammalia. The left auriculo-ventricular orifice is pro- tected, as in quadrupeds, by a membranous mitral valve, composed of two folds, and connected by its irregular free margin, with the thick fleshy columns of the ventricle, by means of numerous tendinous cords. The arterial orifices of the right and left ventricles of birds are single, and provided with three semilunar valves, as in all the higher vertebrata, and all the parts of the heart, though completely separated internally by the inter-auricular and inter- ventricular septa, are now more intimately united SAXGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 497 together externally, and more compactly adjusted to each other's form, than in the inferior classes. From the short- ness of the trunk in this class, and the proximity of the heart to its anterior part, the single great systemic artery proceeding from the base of the thick conical left ventricle, early divides into three principal trunks as it proceeds to the right side of the body, along which the single abdominal aorta descends to the pelvic region. As the arch of the aorta is here directed to the right side, the first branch given off is the left arteria innominata, which is the common trunk of the carotid, the subclavian, the vertebral, and the thoracic arteries of that side. The second branch of the aorta is the arteria innominata of the right side, which divides in a manner similar to that of the left. The third branch is the great trunk of the descending or abdominal aorta which supplies the Viscera and posterior parts, and varies less in its magnitude than the two anterior aortic branches, which are greatly developed in birds with large wings and powerful flight, and very small in strutheous birds with heavy body and feeble wings. The arteria innominata or great brachio- cephalic trunk, on each side, sends forward the common carotid artery which, after giving a branch to the oesophagus and crop, generally gives origin to the vertebral artery. The common carotids mounting along the fore part of the neck, beneath the muscles, are most generally found both on the left side, or with the right carotid extending along the median plain, and near to the head they commonly divide into the external and internal carotids, the internal being here, as in the lower vertebrata, only a small branch of the external trunk of the artery. Many birds have only the left carotid, and a few only the right carotid artery developed from the subclavian, and then dividing into two. The principal branches of the external carotids are the supe- rior thyroid, the lingual, the occipital which receives the anastomosing end of the vertebral, the large facial which forms the facial plexus behind the orbit, and the palatine which often unites with the opposite, like the lingual, to form a median trunk. The exterior branch of the internal carotid artery forms the ophthalmic, and gives off an occipital, an inferior palpebral, an ethmoidal, a lachrymal, and sometimes an inferior maxillary, a harderian, a nasal, PART V. K K 498 SAXGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. and a frontal branch, and terminates in the ciliary arteries which ramify minutely on the choroid membrane. The interior branch of the internal carotid is chiefly occupied in forming the cerebral arteries, and its terminal branches entering the orbit, anastomose with the divisions of the ophthalmic artery. The vertebral artery ascends, with the cervical portion of the sympathetic nerves, through the foramina of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, sending off small branches to the surrounding parts in its course upwards to the atlas, where it anastomoses with the occipital artery, and sends in a minute twig to the medulla oblongata, so that the basilar artery is here formed by communicating branches of the internal carotids; the blood of the vertebral arteries is diverted from the internal to the external parts of the head, as in the reptiles and the lower herbivorous mammalia. The great brachio-cephalic artery on each side, after giving off the common carotid and vertebral, becomes the sub- clavian and sends off an inferior thyroid to the lower larynx, an internal mammary, and large thoracic and scapular arteries to the surrounding muscular and cutaneous parts, especially to the great pectoral muscles so important in flight, and to the highly vascular subcutaneous incubating organ spread over the abdomen. From the magnitude of the branches thus sent from the subclavian, and from the smallness of the muscular parts of the arm of birds, the axillary artery is here greatly reduced, and after giving off the circumflex and deep- seated branches, the brachial artery proceeds as usual along the inner side of the humerus, and divides near the elbow- joint into a small radial, and a larger ulnar artery which furnishes considerable branches to the inter-osseous space and the rest of the fore-arm, and distributes its terminal twigs on the three fingers of the hand, and on the cutaneous parts of the development and growth of the large feathers of the wing. The third or right branch of the great systemic artery issuing from the left ventricle, is the principal continuation of the trunk, forming the descending or abdominal aorta, which arches upwards and backwards on the right side of the vertebral column, over the right bronchus, and gradually acquires a median position under the bodies of the vertebrae, along which it proceeds to the end of the SAXGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 499 coccyx. The descending aorta in passing backwards, sends out considerable cesophageal and bronchial arteries, a variable number of intercostal trunks, and numerous smaller dorsal and lumbar branches to the parts around the spine. The cceiiac artery is here a considerable trunk, which is devoted chiefly to the alimentary canal and the gastric cavities, the branches being small which proceed to the chylopoietic glands. This great cceiiac trunk sends a branch forwards to the oesophagus, another the gastric to the ventriculus succen- turiatus and the gizzard, and much smaller branches to the spleen, the liver, and the pancras, and where the coeca-coli are of considerable size they also receive a separate branch from the same trunk. The chief continuation of the coeliac artery, after giving off small branches to the oesophagus the spleen and the liver, generally divides into a right and a left gastric artery which spread on the corresponding sides of the gizzard, the right sending out a branch to the duodenum and pancreas, and another to the mtestinum ilium and cosca- coli, and the left giving branches chiefly to the ventriculus succenturiatus and the left lobe of the liver. From the high origin of the external iliac or crurel arteries in birds, only one mesenteric, the superior mesenteric artery, arises from the trunk of the aorta, above the commencement of these vessels, as in the class of reptiles. This vessel arises a little below the coeliac, from the fore part of the aorta, and spreads its ramifications over most parts of the mesentery, the intestinal canal and the cceca-eoli, anastomosing anteriorly with branches of the gastric arteries, and posteriorly, on the rectum, with branches of the small posterior mesenteric which arises from the median sacral artery. Below the superior mesenteric, the common trunk of the right and left genital or spermatic arteries arises from the fore part of the aorta, and each of these arteries sends a branch to the upper large lobe of the kidney, and another to the testicle or to the ovary and oviduct, of its respective side, these genital branches having a tortuous course, and being subject to periodical enlargements with the genital organs, as in other animals. The right and left profuncUefemoris or deep- seated femoral arteries have separate origins from the sides of the aorta in birds, and distribute their branches to the muscular parts of the abdomen and femur as far as the K K 2 500 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. knee, the epigastric arteries being derived from these deep femoral trunks on their escaping from the pelvis. After the giving off of the great external iliac or crural arteries, which, from their relative size, are almost bifurcations of the aortal trunk, the median sacral artery sends out a few lumbar branches to the surrounding parts, a small inferior mesenteric to the rectum and colon, and two minute internal iliacs to the urinary and genital organs, and terminates at the end of the coccyx by ramifying on the muscular and cutaneous parts which it supports. The external iliac or crural arteries, before leaving the pelvis, send off some minute renal branches to the small inferior lobes of the kidneys, and on leaving that cavity to become the femo- rals, they distribute the circumflex and other branches to the muscles of the pelvis and thighs. As popliteal artery it gives articular branches to the parts around the knee-joint, and di- vides behind into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries, the posterior sending out a considerable peroneal or fibular branch, which descends along the fibula to form articular branches around the heel. The coarse of the anterior tibial artery is often marked, in aquatic birds, by an enveloping plexus of its smaller anastomosing branches, which surround the trunk of the vessel, and reunite to it at the heel-joint, resembling in form and use the brachial and crural plexuses of tardigrade mammalia. The prolonged trunk perforates the lower end of the metatarsal bone, to gain the sole of the foot as plantar artery, where some of its branches extend to the extremities of the toes, and others ascending behind the metatarsus, anastomose freely with the descending twigs of the fibular artery. There is thus a nearer approach to the mammiferous type in the distribution of the arterial trunks, as well as in the structure of the heart of birds, than is met with in the inferior vertebrata, but notwithstanding the remarkable unity of organization in this class, the diversities observed in the distribution of the arteries in different species of birds, is almost as great as in the diversified forms of quadrupeds. The venous blood is returned from the feet and legs of birds by the deep-seated fibular and tibial veins which unite to form the femoral trunk, and this uniting with the ischiadic from the muscular parts around the pelvis, forms the prin- SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 501 cipal trunk of the iliac vein on each side, the course of the superficial veins on the legs and arms imitating in some degree their distribution in quadrupeds. After receiving the haemorrhoidal, the emulgent, the caudal, the hypogastric, the spermatic, and other veins of the pelvis, the two iliacs unite to form the inferior cava, which in advancing to the heart, receives the trunks of numerous distinct hepatic veins which emanate from behind the liver, and the inferior cava forms the same capacious sinus in diving birds as in other diving animals. The smaller branches of the inferior cava anas- tomose freely with the mesenteric veins proceeding to form the vena portre of the liver, and others, advancing from the posterior part of the pelvis, form two trunks which penetrate the kidneys, and appear to form a renal portal circulation to contribute to the secretion of these organs. The principal part of the venous blood however, from the chylopoietic organs, from the spleen, the pancreas, the stomach and intes- tines, is collected into the great trunk of the portal vein, to be transmitted with the blood of the hephatic artery, through the lobes of the liver, and by the free communications of these two portal systems, the renal and the hephatic, they are capable of relieving each other, as well as the inferior cava, the sinus venosus, and the heart. The venous blood is returned from the hand and fore-arm chiefly by two veins, which unite at the bend of the arm to form the humeral vein, and these vessels accompany the correspond- ing arteries, but in a more superficial position. The axillary or subclavian vein on each side, after receiving the superficial and deep-seated branches around the shoulder and fore part of the trunk, unites with the jugular and vertebral vein to form the superior vena cava of its respective side. The vertebral vein of each side anastomoses freely at the exterior of the base of the skull with the branches of the single jugular vein, and accompanies the vertebral artery and cervical por- tion of the sympathetic, through the canal of the transverse processes, receiving the blood from the sinuses of the brain, the cervical portion of the spinal chord, and the back parts of the neck. The jugular veins are single on each side, and anastomose freely with each other, as well as with the ver- tebral veins, below the base of the skull, so that a free circulation is provided for under the various circumstances 502 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. of external pressure to which the head and neck of birds are exposed. They receive the blood chiefly from the external parts of the head, and the oesophagus, crop, and other parts of the neck, and, passing down superficially, along with the pneumo-gastric nerve, they unite with the subclavian and vertebral vein on each side, to form the right and left superior venae cavse, as in the inferior vertebrata and most of the lower mammalia. The venous blood thus conveyed to the right auricle by the single inferior and the two superior venee cavee, is sent by the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, pro- vided at its orifice with three semilunar valves, like the aorta, which immediately divides into a right and left branch, to ramify through the corresponding lungs. The two pulmonary veins return the arterialized blood to the left auricle of the heart by a single orifice, which is partially pro- tected by a semilunar valve. The pulmonary arteries of birds communicate at an early period with the aorta, by means of the posterior pair of branchial arches, forming a ductus arteriosus on each side, as in the lower pulmonated vertebrata, and the latest of these ductus arteriosi to become obliterated, is the one upon the left side, which also remains alone to a late period in the foetal condition of mammalia. The two brachio-cephalic arteries result from the metamor- phosis of the anterior branchial or aortic arches of the em- bryo, the descending aorta from that of the middle arch of the left side, and the pulmonary arteries, as usual, from the posterior aortic arch. So that the peculiarities in the struc- ture of the heart of birds, and in the course of their sangui- ferous vessels, are alike affinities to the lower reptiles and to the inferior tribes of mammalia, and the metamorphosis of their branchial arches is in accordance with that of all the other pulmonated vertebrata. The same plan of structure observed in the vascular system of the lower vertebrata, has arrived at its maximum of development in the mammiferous animals, especially in the higher quadrupeds and in man, but numerous modifications of this complex hydraulic apparatus are necessarily presented in this varied and extensive class, depending on differences in the structure and condition of internal parts, or in the general outward form of the body, or connected with pecu- liarities in the living habits of species. The right and left SAXGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 503 cavities of the heart are always separated, at maturity, by impervious septa; the descending aorta is formed by the right arch, and not by the left as in birds ; the thick mus- cular fold of the right ventricle of inferior vertebrata is here, with few exceptions, as the ornithorhyncus, supplied by a more delicate and complicated membranous tricuspid valve ; the fibrous and serous coats of the vessels are more distinct ; the valvular apparatus throughout the sanguiferous system is more perfect and effective, and the valves of the veins more numerous than in the inferior classes; the whole heart is proportionately larger, and situate more posteriorly in the trunk. The depressed and flattened form of the heart, common in the chondropterygious fishes and chelonian rep- tiles, is seen in the lowest mammalia, as in many of the edentulous, the pachydermatous, and the cetaceous animals, where we observe also in the adult condition of the herbi- vorous lamantins, the rytinse, and the dugongs, the primi- tive cleft or detached form of the two ventricles, throughout half their extent from the apex towards the base, as in the embryo state of this organ in higher animals and in man. This retention of the earlier bifid condition of the apex of the heart, resulting from the drawing up of the septum in dividing the original single ventricular cavity into two, which is seen also in the porpoise and slightly in the seal, is in accordance with the general inferiority marked in the other systems of these lower aquatic mammalia. The first portions of the two great arterial trunks, near their origins from the heart, are sometimes found enlarged in cetacea, like the bulbi arteriosi of inferior classes ; and in the diving amphibious mammalia, as the seals, besides the usual dilated inferior vena cava or sinus venosus common in most aquatic vertebrata, to allow of their prolonged submer- sion and suspended respiration, we often find the foramen ovale, the ductus arteriosus, and the ductus venosus, remain- ing to the adult state, quite pervious as in the earlier foetus of higher tribes. The parietes of the ventricles are thicker in mammalia than in lower classes, the right ventricle is less extended around the left. than in birds, and the interior surface of these cavities is more even, and presents fewer detached muscular chords, than in reptiles. In the lower orders of mammalia the heart is generally more median in 504 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. its position, extending along the middle of the sternum, and more longitudinal in its direction, with the apex at a variable distance from the diaphragm, than in the higher quadrupeds and man, where it is directed more transversely, inclines to the ribs of the left side with its apex, and rests with its pericardium contiguous to the diaphragm. The right ven- tricle being shorter and broader than the left, the superficial groove of separation between them lies to the right side of the apex, and marks the direction of the coronary arteries, which arise from the commencement of the aorta; the coronary veins terminate by a valved orifice directly in the right auricle, which generally presents a distinct muscular auricular appendix, a permanent fossa ovalis, and a remnant, more or less distinct, of the Eustachian valve so important in the foetus. The nerves of the heart are derived from the great sympathetic and the pneumogastric, as in other classes. The entire heart is more oblique in its position, with its posterior surface more approximated to the diaphragm, and the pericardium is more intimately connected by cellular sub- stance to the middle tendinous part of that muscle, in man and the higher quadrumana, than in the inferior quadrupeds where the lower vena cava is consequently longer. It is also sinistral in its direction in the mole, from the size of the right lung. It is also in man and the quadrumana that we find the Eustachian valve most developed, and in several rodentia. The muscular parietes of the right ventricle appear propor- tionately thicker in the porpoise and other cetacea, than in terrestrial quadrupeds. In the right ventricle of the ornitho- rhynchus, the tricuspid valve is muscular, like that of a bird. The semilunar valves, at the origins of the aorta and pulmo- nary artery, are three in number, as in birds, and are provided with the same prominent corpuscula Aurantii in the middle of their free margin, and here also the coronary arteries, to supply the heart, commence in the foss£e behind these valves. In the heart of many of the adult ruminating and pachyder- matous quadrupeds, one or two considerable cruciform osseous laminae are almost constantly found at the base of the septum ventriculorum, between the origins of the great arteries from the ventricles, as seen also in the adult saurian and chelonian reptiles. In the mammalia as in birds, there are most generally SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 505 but two branches sent from the arch of the aorta, for the nourishment of the anterior parts of the body, and this structure has been observed among species the most dissi- milar of nearly all the orders of this class. In some of the cetacea, pachyderma, and edentata, and in most of the rodentia, masupialia, and carnivora, the first trunk from the arch of the aorta is the great brachio-cephalic or innominata which gives off the right subclavian and the two common carotids, and the second or left trunk from the aortic arch is the left subclavian, which arises separately as in man. In some of the cheiroptera and insectivora, as vespertilio and talpa, the two aortic trunks consist, as in most of the feathered tribes, of two similar brachio-cephalic arteries which divide each into a subclavian and a common carotid. In the lowest herbivorous quadrupeds, the ruminantia and the allied solid- ungulous pachyderma, one trunk only arises from the arch of the aorta as in the chelonian reptiles, but this single great brachio-cephalic trunk here divides into two unequal branches, the larger on the right side giving off the right subclavian and the united trunk of both common carotid arteries, and the smaller branch being the subclavian artery of the left side. In the elephant, however, the right as well as the left subclavian has a separate origin, making thus three branches from the arch of the aorta, the middle one of which is the united trunk of the two common carotid arteries. In the higher quadrumana and in man, as seen in the an- nexed figure (142) of the adult and foetalhuman vascular trunks, there are three branches from the arch of the aorta, for the anterior parts of the body, the first being the right brachio- cephalic or arteria innominata (142. A. g. h.) which divides into the subclavian and common carotid of the right side, the second forming the left common carotid (142. A. i.), and the third branch being the subclavian (142. A. k.) of the left side. The same structure is seen in some insectivorous and carnivorous quadrupeds, as the hedgehog and seal, and in some of the lower orders of mammalia, as in the beaver, the hamster, the rat, the sloth, the armadillo, the ant-eater, and the ornithorynchus ; and most of the other normal forms of these aortic trunks met with in inferior tribes, occasionally present themselves as abnormal varieties in the human body. So that the arterial trunks which most generally come off 506 SAXGL'IFEROUS SYSTEM. directly or separately from the arch of the aorta, are those of the left side, the left subclavian and the left carotid, as might be inferred from their greater distance from the heart, the prime mover of the circulation. FIG. 142. There is great uniformity in the distribution of these aortic trunks in man and the inferior mammalia, as in the structure of the organs which they supply. The common carotid (142. A. k. i.) on each side divides, at the side of the larynx, into an external and an internal carotid artery, without giving any branch from the common trunk. The external SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 507 carotid commonly gives off, a superior thyroid to the thyroid gland and larynx, a lingual branch to the tongue, a. facial or external maxillary extensively ramified on the external and internal parts of the face, an inferior thyroid which, how- ever, in the short neck of man, is derived from the subcla- vian, a small ascending pharyngeal to the pharynx and ad- joining parts, an occipital to the posterior parts of the head and neck, a posterior auricular chiefly to the external and internal parts of the ear, a large temporal to the exterior lateral parts of the head, and a larger internal maxillary artery extensively distributed on the deep-seated parts of the face, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, and the lining membrane of cranium. In the long necks of ruminating quadrupeds the inferior thyroid artery is restricted to the thyroid gland, and the superior thyroid to the larynx, and in the myrmecophaga tridactyla both right and left superior thyroid and the left inferior thyroid, have their place sup- plied by a single branch from the trunk of the right brachio- cephalic artery, which is ramified on the thyroid gland and the larynx. The internal carotid artery passes in a tortuous manner to the foramen caroticum, by which it enters the cranium to be distributed chiefly on the anterior and middle parts of the brain, the posterior parts being supplied by the vertebral artery, and the membranes by the meningeal branches from the external carotid ; so that the internal carotid varies much in its relative size according to that of the anterior parts of the brain, being a small branch in the inferior mammalia, as in the lower classes of vertebrata, and a large division of the common carotid in the higher carnivora, quadrumana, and man. The internal carotids of the ruminantia, on arriving at the sides of the sella turcica, subdivide into innumerable minute anastomosing twigs, forming a rete mirabile, and these twigs again unite to recompose the arterial trunks, before they are distributed on the pia mater to penetrate the deli- cate texture of the brain. This structure resembles that of the plexuses of the brachial and femoral arteries in tardigrade quadrupeds, and serves the same function in retarding the impetus of the blood in the long pendent neck of these animals, before entering the brain. The same structure is found also in some of the more powerful carnivora, and in a 508 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. few other quadrupeds, whose living habits necessitate this protection, and whose cerebral blood is chiefly derived from the internal carotid. In the erect bodies of man and the higher quadrumana it is not developed, nor is it required in the small internal carotids of the rodentia, where these vessels are often less than the vertebral arteries, nor in the plantigrade carnivora. On traversing the carotid canal of the temporal bone, and the cavernous sinus of the dura mater, the internal carotid artery, on each side, sends for- wards an ophthalmic branch to pass, with the optic nerve, through the foramen opticum, to the organ of vision and the surrounding parts. It sends backwards a posterior com- municating branch to unite with the posterior cerebral branch of the basilar, and, advancing forwards, it gives off the anterior cerebral which anastomoses with its opposite, by a very short anterior communicating branch, before turning upwards to ramify on the cerebral convolutions above the corpus callosum. The internal carotid sends outwards like- wise a middle cerebral artery, along the fissure of Sylvius, to be distributed chiefly on the anterior and middle parts of the brain. The numerous windings, anastomoses, and subdi- visions of the internal carotid or cerebral arteries on the pia mater of mammalia, and the more complicated retia mira- bilia, serve to prepare these nutritious vessels, for pene- trating in safety the delicate texture of the brain, as the nutritious arteries of bone subdivide on its perios- tium. The subclavian artery on each side (142. A. b. k.} is chiefly appropriated to the atlantal extremities, and varies in its size and distribution according to the development and form of these members; it sends also branches to the head and anterior parts of the trunk, as the vertebral, the superior intercostal, the internal mammary, several scapular and cervical arteries, and, in man, the inferior thyroid which in other mammalia comes from the external carotid. The vertebral arteries ascend to the foramen occipitale, through the foramina in the transverse processes of the cervical ver- tebrae, giving off branches to the spinal chord and the dura mater ; and, after winding round the articular processes of the atlas, and entering the occipital foramen, they unite below the medulla oblongata, to compose the trunk of the SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 509 basilar artery, which is distributed chiefly in the cerebellum and posterior parts of the brain. In the bradypus tridactylus the vertebral artery enters the foramen of the eighth vertebra from the occiput, in most mammalia it enters that of the seventh, and in man and many other species it enters that of the sixth or the fifth cervical vertebrae. Instead of a rete mirabile, it assumes a tortuous course, like the internal carotid, before entering the cranium. The ver- tebral artery is often as large as the internal carotid, as in the guinea-pig and the agouti, where the latter artery is only a small branch of the internal maxillary, and where the circle of Willis is formed principally by the branches of the large basilar artery. In some other species, as the marmot and the porcupine, the vertebral arteries exceed in magnitude the internal carotids. In the hybernating cheiroptera, which generally hang suspended by the feet with their head down- wards, and where there is no protecting rete mirabile on the internal carotid, the cerebral blood is chiefly conveyed through the large vertebral arteries. In the ruminantia, as in birds, the vertebral arteries are distributed principally on the ex- terior, and not the internal, parts of the head, these vessels anastomosing more or less extensively with the occipital branches of the external carotids, and not passing inwards to form the basilar artery : so that these quadrupeds, with their small internal carotids, have generally the exterior parts of their head greatly developed, at the expense of the more important intellectual organs. The great size of the cerebellum of rodentia, and the imperfect development of their smooth bird-like cerebral hemispheres, appear also to be connected with the magnitude of their vertebral arteries and the minuteness of their internal carotid or cerebral arteries. The superior intercostals supply the anterior intercostal spaces ; the internal mammaries send branches to the diaphragm, the mediastinum, the pericardium, and to the mammary glands when pectoral, and also branches to anas- tomose with the epigastrics from the external iliacs ; the scapular and cervical arteries chiefly supply the muscles of the shoulder and neck. The great trunk of the subclavian continues its course as axillary and brachial artery, sending off numerous thoracic and circumflex branches to the mus- 510 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. cular and deep-seated parts around the shoulder joint, and branches to the parts along the humerus, at the lower part of which it divides into the radial and ulnar arteries to sup- ply the fore-arm and hand, as in the inferior classes and in man. The ulnar artery generally sends off, near its origin, a considerable interosseous branch to supply the an- terior and posterior parts of the interosseous space. The radial and ulnar arteries, after giving off several important branches in their course to the wrist, form a deep-seated and a superficial palmar arch, which anastomose with each other, and supply arteries to the hand, and collateral branches to the sides of the fingers according to their number in the different mammalia, like the plantar arches of the posterior extremities. The bifurcation of the brachial artery in the short arm of the cetacea, and in the ornithorhynchus, the marsupialia, and several quadrumana, takes place much higher than in man, and in the ruminantia, the solidungula, and some of the rodentia, as the marmot, much lower on the fore-arm. In the walrus, the brachial continues undivided to the metacarpus. In most carnivora, and many rodentia, edentata, monotrema, marsupialia, insectivora, and quadru- mana, animals with free prehensile use of their arms, the brachial artery, sometimes the ulnar, passes palmad through the osseous canal above the inner condyle of the humerus, accompanied by the median nerve, to protect them from pres- sure. But in the tardigrade mammalia with a plexiform humeral artery, the vessel is not protected by an osseous canal, and in the myrmecophagse, where this epitrochlear canal is present, it transmits only the median nerve, while the plexiform brachial artery passes free over the inner mar- gin of the humerus. The radial and ulnar arteries are equally present, where the ulna is only rudimentary or wanting ; but in the seal and walrus the brachial artery continues to the wrist, and supplies their place. The hand of solidungula is supplied with collateral branches as one finger, and that of ruminantia as two ; but the vessels are less regular in the rudimentary fingers. In the tardigrade sloths and loris, the brachial and femoral arteries give off at their origins, several trunks which subdivide into numerous anastomosing plexi- form branches, and which follow them in their course enve- loping the primary trunks and sending twigs to the muscles SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 511 and at length reunite with them to compose the usual trunks which give off the arteries of the fore-arm and leg. This plexi- form structure exists also in the extremities and tail of the ant-eaters, in the long legs of the tarsius, in the arms of the porpoise and the lamantine, and perhaps in many other mam- malia, and it resembles the rete mirabile of the internal carotids in other tribes, where the plexiform branches however, reunite to compose the trunks of the cerebral arteries. In the two-toed ant-eater, the arterial plexus envelopes the com- mencement of the radial and ulnar arteries, as well as the trunk of the brachial; but in the lamantin, and also in the porpoise, the trunks of these arteries are entirely subdivided into fasciculi of minute vessels, and even the branches which they appear to give off, are only smaller fasciculi of the same minute plexiform arteries. This structure appears to be general in the arms of cetacea, and is probably connected with the limited mobility of these members, as supposed by Bear ; the plexiform condition of the arterial trunks is seen also in the legs of many birds. As the parts supplied by the descending aorta are more uniform in their character, than those nourished by the ascending branches, the arteries of the trunk are more con- stant arid less modified than those of the extremities in the different tribes of mammalia, and vary little from the ar- rangement presented by these vessels in the human body. In the thorax, the descending aorta (142. A. q. q.) commonly gives off two or more bronchial arteries, to accompany the ramifications of the bronchi, and nourish the lungs ; several small asophageal branches, to that part of the alimentary canal ; minute posterior mcdiastinal arteries, to the pericar- dium ; and a variable number of symmetrical pairs of inter- cost als (142. A. q. r.), chiefly to the muscular parts of the thorax. In many of the cetacea are observed numerous azygous intercostal arteries, arising from the posterior and median part of the thoracic aorta, which form a compact mass of arterial plexuses, lining the whole dorsal part of the chest, surrounding the vertebral column, penetrating the vertebral canal, enveloping the spinal chord, and even extending to the interior of the cranium. They are enveloped in a loose elastic cellular tissue, accompanied with corresponding plex- uses of veins, and have been supposed connected with the 512 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. secretion of the large external deposit of adipose substance, or destined to preserve the high temperature of the nervous axis and other internal organs. On passing into the abdomen, between the crura of the diaphragm, the aorta gives off from its sides, the two small phrenic arteries (142. A. above r.) to the diaphragm ; two or more minute supra-renals to the supra-renal capsules ; the two renal arteries to the kidneys ; a pair of spermatic arteries (142. A. £.), to the testicles, or to their analogues the ova- ries, according to the sex ; and a variable number of symme- trical pairs of lumbar arteries, destined to supply the exterior parietes of the abdomen, like the intercostals of the thorax. The largest and most important trunks, however, arise from the anterior median part of the abdominal aorta, and are the caliac (142. A. r.) which sends off the coronary to the sto- mach, the hepatic to the liver, and the splenic to the spleen ; the superior mesenteric (142. A. s.), which arises near the coeliac, and supplies the small intestine and part of the colon, and the small inferior mesenteric (142. A. u.), which arises near the commencement of the iliac arteries, and is distributed on the colon and rectum. The direct pelvic continuation of the abdominal aorta is the caudal or median sacral artery (142. A. between v. w.), which, in man, and in other tail-less and long-legged mammalia, forms but a small branch compared with the two iliacs (142. A. v. w.), which appear to constitute a bifurcation of the entire trunk ; but in the cetacea, and other long-tailed species, the proportions are very different. In man and a few of the higher quadrupeds, the aorta gives off two large common iliac arteries (142. A. v. w.}, each of which divides into an internal iliac (142. A. y. ?/.) appropriated to the viscera of the pelvis, and a larger external iliac (142. A. x. x.] to supply the leg ; but in most of the lower mammalia, as in ruminantia, rodentia, marsupialia, carnivora, and other orders, the internal iliac arteries arise separately from the prolonged trunk of the aorta behind the external iliacs. From the want of legs in the cetacea, they have no external iliacs. The internal iliac artery of each side furnishes the ilio-lunt- bar branch, to the muscles of that region ; the obturator, chiefly to the ilio-femoral joint and the adductor muscles of the thigh; the gluteal, to the glutei and other external muscles of the pelvis ; the lateral sacral, to the sacrum and its exterior muscles, and to the terminal portion of the spinal SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 513 chord ; the ischiatic, principally to the muscular parts around the anus ; and the pudic, which commonly affords branches to the uterus, the bladder, and the external parts of genera- tion. The external iliac artery (142. A. x. #.), before escap- ing from the pelvis, through the crural arch, to become the femoral, gives off the epigastric which sends branches to the peritoneum, the scrotum, and adjacent parts, and establishes anastomoses with the internal mammary and the inferior inter costals ; and the circumflex ilii, which supplies chiefly the anterior muscular parietes of the abdomen. The femoral artery, after furnishing several small branches chiefly to the muscles of the groin and lower part of the abdomen, gives off the large profunda femoris, which is extensively ramified on the powerful muscles of the thigh ; and becoming popliteal behind the knee, the trunk divides, at a variable distance below that joint, into the great anterior and posterior tibial arteries, which descend, ramifying to the toes, like the radial and ulnar arteries of the arm. The femoral artery divides higher in the ruminantia, and the two tibials anastomose behind the first pha- langes of the foot. The branches which supply the legs of the ornithorhyncus, appear to be derived chiefly from the internal iliacs. The femoral artery in the plantigrade carnivora, divides into the two tibials, near the upper part of the thigh, and the posterior tibial forms the internal and external plantar arteries, below the middle of the tibia. In most of the lower nocturnal quadrumana, the fe- moral artery divides nearly as high as the crural arch, and its branches subdivide into anastomosing plexuses, as on the anterior extremities ; and this subdivision into minute plexi- form branches, takes place to a greater extent in the femoral arteries of the sloths and ant-eaters. The external iliac, in many orders of mammalia, gives origin to the ilio- lumbar ar- tery, and the profunda femoris to the epigastric. The epi- gastric in the tiger arises from the internal iliac. In the large tailed quadrupeds, as the otter, the external iliacs are but moderate branches, from the great prolonged aorta, which, after giving off, as in most other mammalia, the in- ternal iliacs separately, continues its course backwards under the bodies of the coccygeal vertebree, sending off regular pairs of transverse branches at the vertebral articulations, like the intercostal and lumbar arteries of the thorax and abdomen. PART VI. L L 514 SANGUTFEROUS SYSTEM. The internal iliacs alone arise from the aorta, in the cetacea, there being no legs to necessitate external iliacs, and the epigastrics take their origin from the internal iliacs. The prolonged aorta, or caudal artery, of these animals, continues its trunk, rapidly diminishing, under the coccygeal vertebrae to beyond the first half of the tail, where it is at length entirely lost in the numerous plexiform branches, which it gives off in its whole course backwards from the abdomen. The trunk of the artery is thus far continued amidst its plexiform branches, as in the arms of the bradypus ; but in the last portion of the tail, the artery is entirely reduced to plexiform branches, as in the extremities of the loris, the tarsius, and the myrmecophagee. This plexiform condi- tion is seen also in the caudal artery of the ant-eaters, and in the internal iliac arteries of the three-toed sloth. In the marsupial quadrupeds, the great development of the external iliac and the caudal arteries, and especially of the epigastrics which supply the mammae and the pouch, and the small size of the internal iliacs, and their uterine branches, render these animals incapable of maturing a foetus in utero, and necessi- tate an early abortion, as a normal character in that remark- able order of mammalia. The capillaries into which the systemic arteries ultimately divide, after constituting plexiform ramifications in the tissue of every organ of the body, and transuding through their parietes the various materials of their nutriment, unite to form the branches of the returning veins. The veins convey the blood to the right side of the heart, from the anterior parts of the body, by one or two superior venae cavae ; from the parts below the diaphragm, by one inferior vena cava ; and from the heart itself, by one or more coronary veins. In the muscular and moving parts, as the extremities and the lungs, the return of the blood is aided by the development of numerous small semilunar valves in the interior of the veins, which are not required in those of the more tranquil internal viscera, as the brain and the liver. The venous blood col- lected from the brain and cranial cavity, is transmitted from the sinuses of the dura mater, through the posterior foramen lacerum on each side, into the two internal jugular veins, •\vhich, in descending along the sides of the neck, receive also the lingual, the pharyngeal* the occipital, the facial, and the superior thyroid veins, before they terminate in the great trunks of the subclavian veins (142. A. a. b.) The external SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 515 jugulars formed chiefly by the temporal and internal maxil- lary veins, and receiving the blood from the external and lower parts of the neck, enter likewise the subclavian veins, exterior to the former. In many of the inferior quadrupeds, especially in all the hybernating tribes, the venous blood is returned from the brain, not by the internal jugulars, but from the anterior ramus of the lateral sinuses, through the temporal canal on each side, into the external jugular veins, and also by the vertebral veins which here unite with the external jugulars. From the anterior extremities, the blood is returned by the cutaneous radial and ulnar, or the cephalic and basilic veins, and by the deeper-seated anastomosing brachial veins which accompany the corresponding arteries throughout their ramifications, each artery being accompanied by two veins which freely anastomose with each other around that vessel. The union of these veins from the arm, forms the axillary, on each side, which, after becoming enlarged by the addition of numerous scapular and thoracic branches, is con- tinued into the subclavian. The two subclavian veins, after receiving the internal and external jugulars and the two vertebral veins which follow the course of the vertebral arte- ries, become the brachio-cephalic trunks (142. A. B. a. b.), which form, by their union, in most mammalia, the superior vena cava (142. A. c.) In many of the inferior species of mammalia, however, as among the rodentia, monotrema, marsupialia, and in the elephant, the hedgehog, and some of the chiroptera, the brachio-cephalic veins continue separate to the right auricle, thus constituting two distinct superior cav(B, as found in birds and reptiles, and occasionally as an abnormal character in man. The brachio-cephalics receive also the inferior thyroid, and the internal mammary veins ; and the superior vena cava, formed by their union, receives, in its course to the heart, some small pericardial and medias- tinal branches, and the great vena azygos, which establishes important communications with several branches of the inferior cava. The vena azygos, in the ornithorhynchus, where the superior cava is double, opens into that of the left side. The blood conveyed by the coronary arteries to nourish the heart, is returned to the right auricle (142. A. d.), chiefly by one great coronary vein, which enters the back part of that cavity near the septum auricularum ; where the L L 2 516 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. superior cava is double, the coronary vein enters the left superior cava, as in birds. The inferior vena cava is single, receives the venous blood of the abdomen, pelvis, and posterior extremities, and con- veys it to the right auricle (142. A. d.}, to be sent with that from the superior cava, through the right ventricle and the pulmonary organs, for respiration. In the legs, as in the arms, the blood is returned by great subcutaneous veins, and by deep-seated venae comites which follow, in anasto- mosing pairs, the course of the large arteries and their branches. The great vena saphena interna and the smaller vena saphena externa, like the cephalic and basilic veins of the arm, follow a superficial course on the leg ; the former ascending along the inner part of the leg, after receiving the superficial epigastric and pudic veins, terminates in the trunk of the femoral vein, as high as the groin; the latter smaller branch, following an exterior and dorsal course, ends in the popliteal vein. The deep seated anterior and posterior tibial veins, and the peroneal branch of the latter, likewise unite to form the popliteal vein. Becoming femoral and external iliac (142. A. 1. 1.), the great vein of the leg, like the corresponding artery, receives the internal iliac vein (142. A. 2. 2.) to constitute, by their union, the trunk of the com- mon iliac (142. A. 3. 3.) The large branches of the internal iliac veins, derived from the viscera and parietes of the pelvis, anastomose freely with each other, and form numerous plexuses around these organs. The union of the common iliac veins (142. A. 3. 3.), forms the great trunk of the vena cava inferior (142. A. 4.), which in ascending along the right side of the aorta, to perforate the diaphragm, the pericardium, and the right auricle, receives the middle sacral, the lumbar, the spermatic (142. A. 5.), the renal (142. A. f.), the capsular, and the inferior diaphragmatic veins, and the numerous trunks of the venae hepaticcs (142. A. 8. 9.), which penetrate the inferior cava as it passes behind the liver. The veins from the chylopoietic viscera of the abdomen, form frequent anastomoses, and unite to constitute the two great trunks of the splenic (142. A. 10.), and inferior metenteric (142. A. 11.) veins. The union of these venous trunks forms that of the vtna portce (142. A. 12.), which ramifies through the right (142. A. 14.), and left (142. A. 13.) lobes of the liver, accom- panied by the ramifications of the hepatic artery. The united SANGUIFEBOUS SYSTEM. 51/ capillaries of these venous and arterial ramifications, through the mass and around the tubuli biliferi of the liver, constitute the roots of the hepatic veins (142. A. 8. 9.), which enter the inferior cava before it perforates the diaphragm and pericar- dium to open into the lower part of the right auricle. From the right ventricle, the entire venous blood of the system is sent through a single pulmonary artery (142. A. /.), provided with three semilunar valves with thickened mar- gins, with corpuscula in their middle, and with fossae be- hind them. The pulmonary artery divides into a right and left trunk (142. A. n. m.), each of which subdivides accord- ing to the divisions of the bronchi which they accompany, and to the number of the lobes of the lungs, around the cells of which they are distributed, as around the tubuli and cells of a gland — the lungs being merely a gland for secreting carbon, originating with a blastema and deve- loping as other glands, and sending its secretion in a gaseous form through its duct, the trachea. The blood arterialized in the capillaries of the lungs, is returned to the left side of the heart, by a variable number of pulmonary veins, which open commonly by four or six or sometimes by two orifices unprovided with salves, or even by a single aperture, into the left auricle. There is thus great unity of plan in the distribution of the arteries and veins throughout the vertebrated classes, and there is much analogy between the vessels of the anterior and the posterior portions of the trunk, and between those of the atlantal and sacral extremities. The common iliac arteries and veins are analogous to the arterial and venous brachio- cephalics, and their branches mutually resemble. The superior vena cava is single in the higher mammalia and in man, because their heart is placed farther backwards from the head, and the brachio-cephalic veins are thus enabled to unite before they arrive at that cavity. But in the inferior tribes, where the heart is situate more anteriorly in the trunk, the two brachio- cephalics enter that organ as separate superior venae cavfc, before the extent of their course has allowed them to meet and unite. The posterior vena cava is longer than the anterior, throughout the vertebrata, as the abdominal or posterior portion of the aorta is longer than the brachio- cephalic or anterior trunks, because the heart, in this highest subkingdom of animals, constantly retreating from the head 518 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. as we ascend from fishes to man, has not yet reached the middle of the trunk of the body. The various grades of development in the sanguiferous system, thus traced throughout the animal kingdom, are successively represented in the transient forms which this system assumes during its development in all the higher animals and man. The colourless blood of the embryo at first moves through the germinal membrane in two conti- guous circles, like that of the lowest annelides ; and when, at length, vessels are distinctly formed, the pale red blood con- tinues to circulate in closed arteries and veins, without the aid of a heart, as in all the radiated and many higher tribes of animals* The pulsating, heart-forming centre of this system, becomes, as in worms and insects, a dilated dorsal vessel; and the punctum saliens forms a muscular ventri- cle, which developes an auricle behind it, and a bulbus ar- teriosus on its anterior part. Beyond this bulb, the aorta early divides into five successive pairs of deciduous branchial arteries, and the embryonic branchial open- ings on the sides of the neck have been retained to ma- turity, as an abnormal condition, in the human body. The cavities of the heart lose their primitive rectilineal posi- tion, which they retain in the gasteropods ; the auricle gra- dually doubles up behind the base of the ventricle, and arrives at that dorsal position, with regard to it, which it retains in fishes; the two ends of the primitive, conti- nuous, heart-forming, dorsal vessel, are now become posterior vena cava and aorta, where the blood still moves through the cavities of the heart, as in insects, from behind forwards. The three anterior branchial arteries, forming simple aortic arches in man, as in mammalia, birds, and rep- tiles, are successively converted into the ascending trunks from the arch of the aorta. The fourth arch forms the descending aorta, and the posterior arch the pulmonary arteries, as during the metamorphosis of a frog. So that man's vascular system, arrived at the possession of a single muscular ventricle, represents that of the highest Crustacea ; with an auricle and ventricle placed in a line, it becomes that of a gasteropod ; and with a developed bulbus arteriosus, an auricle advanced upon the ventricle, and the aorta divided into branchial arches, it is raised to that of fishes — the embryos of all SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. 519 higher vertebrata. The development of a second auricle by a septum rising through the first, the partial division of the ventricle by a muscular septum, the imperfect separation of the venous from the arterialized blood, the entire metamor- phosis of the branchial arches, and the development of the pulmonary arteries, change, at length, this system of the human embryo to that of an air-breathing reptile. The ascending septum of the yet single ventricle, draws up and cleaves the apex of the embryo's heart, and makes it double, like that preserved through life in the lamantin and the dugong ; and this septum, on reaching to the origin of the still single systemic artery, divides it also to the extent of the ductus arteriosus, arid entirely severs that portion, con- taining the pulmonary arteries, from the primitive bulb of the aorta. The septum of the auricles is developed in man, as in the reptile, before that of the ventricles; but the sep- tum of his ventricles is necessarily completed, before the entire separation of the auricles, at birth, by the closing of the foramen ovale; and the reptile circulation of man in the amniotic fluid, must be continued for a time, by a diffe- rent route from that followed in the air-breathing animal. The arterial blood of the human foetus (142. B. C.), as of other mammalia, aerated and replenished by traversing the placenta, is returned by the umbilical vein (B. 4.), to be sent, along with the visceral blood poured into it from the vena portce (B. 1.2. 3.), through every part of the liver (B. 5. 6). A small portion only of the placental fluid now follows its primitive course, from the umbilical vein (B. 4.) directly through the ductus venosus (B. 7-)> into the inferior vena cava (B. 11.) The portal blood (B. 1. 2. 3.) entering the dilated sinus (B. 5.) of the umbilical vein (B. 4.), is distributed with that of the minute hepatic artery, chiefly through the right lobe (B. 6.) of the liver, which here is less than the left. The arterialized fluid received from the hepatic veins, (142. C. c.) and the ductus venosus (C. b.), is conveyed, along with the blood of the abdominal cava (C. «.), into the great vena cava inferior (C. d.) and the right auricle (C. e.) of the heart. By the aid of the Eustachian valve, it is directed from the right auricle (C. e.), through the foramen ovale (C. p.), into the left auricle (C. /.), where it mingles with the blood from the yet small pulmonary veins (C. v.) From the left auricle (C./.), this aerated placental fluid is conveyed through the 520 SANGUIFEROUS SYSTEM. left auriculo-ventricular orifice, into the left ventricle (C. a.) of the heart, by which it is propelled into the aorta (C. h) and into all the branches (C. i. k. I.) ascending from its arch, to nourish and develope the brain, the organs of the senses, and all the important anterior parts of the body, so early and largely developed in the foetus. The blood thus rendered venous by affording nutri- ment to the larger anterior half of the body, is returned, in an impure state, by the superior vena cava (C. ».), to the right auricle (C. e.) By the right auriculo-ventri- cular orifice it passes directly into the right ventricle (C. o.), which propels it into the pulmonary artery (C. r.)9 the ductus arteriosus (C. /.), and the descending aorta (C. m.), to afford a scanty nutriment to the small pos- terior parts of the trunk and the limbs, and to proceed in mass through the large umbilical arteries (142. B. u. v.) for fresh oxygenation in the placenta. A small portion only of this blood is yet sent by the right (C. s. B. h.) and left (C. u. B. i.) branches of the pulmonary artery (C. r. B. g.}, to the rudimentary and ineffective lungs; and the external and internal iliacs are yet but small branches of the great umbilical arteries which here form the bifurcation of the aortal trunk. Both ventricles thus combine, to propel the vital fluid through the system of the foetus, and through the long and tortuous windings of the umbilical and placental vessels, and a mixed blood circulates through the arteries of the body, as through the body of a cold-blooded reptile. It is only by the subse- quent closing of the umbilical arteries and vein, and the obli- teration of the ductus venosusy the foramen ovale, and the ductus arteriosus, that man's circulating system is raised to the mammiferous type, after a proteus-like career through every inferior form presented by this system throughout the animal kingdom. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 521 CHAPTER FOURTH. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. FIRST SECTION. General observations on the Respiratory Organs. As the function of respiration is that by which the fluids of living bodies are oxygenated and decarbonized, and which renovates their vital properties, and prepares them for afford- ing the materials of their various secretions, it is one of the most influential and most general in both kingdoms of organic nature. Every living plant has the power of decomposing the atmosphere, to effect its respiration, and every animal, from the monad to man, has the power of renewing the stra- tum of the surrounding element in contact with its exterior or its interior surface, to aerate the fluids of its body. The monad excites currents in the water around it, to aerate its surface, by the rapid vibration of its cilia, and man produces similar currents in the air, for the same purpose, by the alternate motions of his ribs and diaphragm, and by the myriads of vibratile cilia which line the mucous membrane of the passages and cells of his lungs. The absorption of oxygen from the atmosphere into the system, and the secre- tion of carbon from the living fluids, being always effected through delicate membranes constituting a respiratory surface, it is obvious that this chemical function may alike be per- formed by the general surface of the skin, or by the mucous lining of the alimentary canal, or by any external or internal organ especially appropriated to it. The lowest animals respire by their general cutaneous mucous surface, without a special organ for the convenient exposure of their fluids to atmospheric influence, and the external skin, or its internal mucous prolongation, is the origin of most forms of respira- tory organs met with in higher tribes. The gills of aquatic animals, and the pulmonic cavities of the invertebrated tribes, 522 ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. opening on the sides of their body, are but extensions of this general secreting integument. And the complicated lungs of the highest classes are but internal developments of its con- tinuation, the alimentary canal, which, though they are adapted for an aerial product, present extensive secreting surfaces, with excretory ducts, and vesicular terminations of the tubuli, like other glands, to which they are allied in function, and in mode of development, as well as in general form and structure. The respiratory apparatus of animals increases in extent with the general advancement of their organization, and the respiration is directly proportioned to their muscular force, to the temperature of their blood, and to the general energy of their functions. In the lowest animals, where the limited circulation and the limited sphere of activity, require no special respiratory organ, this function is effected by means of vibratile cilia disposed on their exterior, which are their common organs of locomotion, and which renew the stratum of the surrounding element in contact with their general sur- face; or it is effected by similar organs disposed on the mucous lining of their alimentary canal, which cause the external element to traverse and oxygenate that cavity. In most aquatic animals, however, with a distinct sanguiferous system, respiration is performed by more circumscribed branchiae, developed from the exterior skin, like everted lungs, on which the blood is more or less extensively distri- buted, or by similar gills in the interior of the body, as in echinoderma and rotifera. Air-breathing animals are furnished with pulmonary or- gans or lungs, closely allied to secreting glands, placed internally, lined with vibratile cilia, and opening either on the sides of the body, as in the invertebrata, or into the mouth, as in the vertebrated classes. The lungs present, as other glands, an extensive surface for the distribution of capillary blood vessels, and they are stimulated to activity by their own accumulated secretion. Their com- plicated function, embracing many mechanical and chemical changes, necessarily involves moto-sensitive, excito-motory, and sympathetic nerves, with voluntary and involuntary muscles, and the activity of this function in animals, is in- versely proportioned to their tenacity of irritability and of life. The chemical changes effected by respiration are under the control of the minute grey filaments of the sympathetic ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 523 nerves with their microscopic ganglia, as all the other che- mical functions of animal bodies. In the invertebrated classes, the heart is systemic, and rarely assists in transmitting the blood through the respiratory organs, but in all the verte- brated animals these organs receive the blood directly from a muscular ventricle, which thus contributes its force to aug- ment the respiratory function. Respiration is the chief source of animal heat, it is a means of conveying odorous effluvia to the organs of smell in air-breathing animals, it is the principal stimulus to development in all classes, and its organs, by producing vocal sounds, give expression to the inward feelings, and afford a means of intellectual communi- cation at a distance through the organs of hearing. SECOND SECTION. Respiratory Organs of the Cyclo-neurose or Radiated Classes. As there is no distinct sanguiferous vascular system in poly gastric animalcules, they appear to possess no special organ appropriated to the function of respiration, and the aeration of their fluids is effected through the thin pellicle which covers their exterior, or through the mucous lining of their alimentary cavities. The respiratory currents are pro- duced by minute vibratile cilia, variously disposed over the surface of the body, or around the buccal orifice ; and pro- bably lining the alimentary canal, and the peritoneal cavity where a cyclosis of particles is observed. These vibratile filaments, thus early connected with the function of respi- ration, and here serving also as organs of locomotion and even of prehension, appear to form a part of the respiratory ap- paratus of all the higher aquatic invertebrata, and line the pulmonary organs throughout the vertebrated classes. Those polygastrica which are covered externally with a horny sheath, or with articulated laminae of silica, appear to respire by internal currents through the buccal orifice, as in vaginiform zoophytes. The internal cyclosis of the larger forms, as par- ameecium, and the reticulate cutaneous connecting vessels of the compound forms, as volvox, may also aid in this function. The entire gelatinous substance ofporiphera is respiratory, and the incessant currents of water through the pores, canals, 524 ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. and vents oxygenate every part of the exterior and interior of their body. Vibratile cilia are also the agents of the respira- tory currents in the adult and the embryo-state ofpolypiphe- rous animals, where these minute organs are disposed along the sides or around the external periphery of the tentacula, or line their interior ; and they line the buccal and gastric cavities of the polypi, and their prolonged canals which circu- late nutriment through the body. In hydra and actinia, the respiratory currents of water enter the stomach by the mouth, and are seen passing to and fro within the ciliated cavities of their tubular tentacula ; and indeed nearly the whole exterior surface of the body and every internal organ, in the latter genus, are closely covered with very minute vibratile cilia, and are bathed by the aqueous currents of respiration. Although almost every kind of zoophyte is cilio-brachiate, like actinia, and is amply provided with these minute organs on the interior mucous lining of its alimentary apparatus, the larger forms of symmetrically disposed brachial cilia are generally confined to the lateral margins of the tentacula, along which they move in very regular waves, following always the same apparent direction, from the mouth of the polypus on one side of the tentaculum, and towards the mouth on the other ; but the direction in which these cilia actually more is nearly vertical to the apparent plain of the entire waves. The vibratile cilia are thus disposed on the sides of the arms in most of the lower zoophytes, as alcyo- nium, flustra, cellaria, serialaria, plumularia and sertularia, which extend their elastic tentacula in a regular campanulate form, while the ciliary currents flow towards the polypi, aerating their surface and bringing food to their mouths from a distance. These tentacula when severed from the body of the polypi, continue to vibrate their cilia, and swim by their action like worms through the water : thus showing, as in the vibratile cilia of the mucous and serous membranes detached from the body in all higher animals, the independence of their movements on consciousness or volition, and their simi- litude, in this isolated condition, to reflex or sympathetic phe- nomena. The number of tentacula, like the number and size of the cilia, varies much in different zoophytes, there being but six tentacula in some hydrce, eight in plumularia falcata, serialaria lendiyera, and many of the higher genera as, lobularia, ptnnatula, virgularia, isis, corallium, and gor- ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. 525 gonia, ten in alcyonium gelatinosum, fourteen in cellaria avi- cularia, twenty- two in flustra carbesia, and higher numbers in alcyonella, tubularia, caryophyllia, actinia, where they form two or more series around the mouth. In some polypi- phera, as lobularia, pennatula, gorgonia, where the large ten- tacular cilia are not vibratile organs, the respiratory currents and food are directed to the mouths of the polypi, by the minute vibratile cilia which line the buccal and gastric cavi- ties. So that the whole interior of the polypi, and their prolonged tubular canals, are aerated by the ciliary currents of the surrounding element, in the minutest compound zoo- phytes, as in the larger isolated forms of actinise. The large fin-like vibratile cilia of beroe and other ciliograde acalepha, disposed in symmetrical longitudinal columns, and serving as organs of locomotion, like those of polygastrica, must also contribute to the respiratory function, by constantly renewing the stratum of water in contact with the thin pellicle covering the exterior of their soft body. These organs, however, are not branchial la- mellee, destined to support the ramifications of blood ves- sels, as in Crustacea and fishes. In the empty state of the alimentary canal, the currents of water directed over its ciliated surface, passing straight through the axis of the body, will likewise aerate the mucous lining of that pas- sage, as in polypi, and even in fishes. In the gaseous swimming vesicles of the physograde species, as the physalia, we already observe the analogue of the air-sac of fishes, and the first rudiment of the lungs of higher vertebrata, although they are not yet subservient to aerial respiration. In many of the palliograde species, as aurelia, the four ovarial sacs opening around the stomach, below the mantle, and sepa- rated from the gastric cavity by thin septa, appear to extend the respiratory surface ; but the greatest respiration of these animals is probably effected by the vascular and active peri- pheral margin of the mantle, and by passing currents of the surrounding element through the whole ciliated interior of their body, as seen when they are placed alive in sea water artificially coloured. More distinct and more complex organs are appropriated to the function of respiration in the echinoderma than in any other radiata, which accords with the higher development of all their other organs. In the asterias, the upper surface of the 526 ORGANS OF RESPIRATION. body is covered with innumerable minute transparent colour- less fleshy tubes, which, in the living state, are seen to rise and sink incessantly through openings of the skin, conveying water by their ciliated parietes, for respiration, into the inte- rior cavity of the body. Though very minute, these respira- tory tubes resemble in form, the large inferior prehensile feet extended through the ambulacral apertures, being, like them, nearly cylindrical and provided with terminal open- ings. The whole exterior and interior surfaces of the body, and of its internal organs, and of the long ambulacral feet, are likewise provided with vibratile organs and aerated by ciliary currents, like the mucous and serous surfaces of other radiata, and of most aquatic invertebrata. They cover the exterior of the prehensile tubular feet of echinoderma, and even the investing cutaneous membrane of the spines on the exterior of echini. The prehensile ambulacral feet are extended by having fluid injected into them from vesicles at their base, and these communicate by membranous canals with a vascular apparatus disposed around the mouth. The surrounding element enters the peritoneal cavity by nume- rous small membranous tubes, disposed around the lower aperture, and bathes the abdominal viscera, in the echinida, as in the asterida, and the vibratile cilia covering all the in- ternal and external parts of the body, incessantly renew the stratum of water in contact with their surface, so as to aerate every part of the vascular system and the various tissues of the body. The whole irritable exterior surface of holothuria is res- piratory, and the ciliated tubular feet which extend in lon- gitudinal rows from its surface, and the ramified, ciliated sheathed tentacula which surround the mouth, as the external parts of other echinoderma and most radiata, as seen in the annexed figure of holothuria spinosa (Fig. 143. A. B. C.) from Port Jackson, of a red colour, and covered with calcareous spines, like an asterias ; but the internal apparatus ap- propriated to this function, and their communication with the surrounding element, are more circumscribed, and they approach nearer to the type of these organs in higher animals. Instead of entering the general cavity of the peritoneum by numerous minute orifices, as in asterida and echinida, the water is inspired by holothuria solely through the cloacal aperture (143. B. C. e.