:CD = 00 ico ^CD CO P}-<>ii JM ^ti^ GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, C.M.G., LL.D., RR.S., Director. CATALOGUE CANADIAN PLANTS. PART VI-MUSCl. BY JOHN M AGO UN, M.A, F.L.S., F.R.aC, Naturalist to the Geological and Natural History Survei/ of Caiuida. AND PROFESSOR N. C. KINDBERG, Ph.D., state CoUcf/e, Linkoepinrj, Sweden. PRINTED FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF CANADA. WILLIAM FOSTER BROWN & Co., Publishers, MONTREAL. 1892. - r/.., 2L ^ PREFACE. From the spring of 1861 until the present, I have been collecting Canadian Musci, and in that time have traversed the continent many- times. From 1861-1868, I collected in the central counties of Ontario, in 1869 under the auspices of the Natural History Society of Montreal, I spent nearly two months on the north and west shores of Lake Superior. In 1872, I collected from Lake Superior, westward to the Lake of the Woods, thence to Edmonton on - the Saskatchewan, thence westward to Peace Eiver in lat. 56°, and from there to Vancouver Island traversing nearly the whole length of British Columbia. The spring of 1875 was spent on Vancouver Island, and the summer occupied in collecting in British Columbia and along the whole length of the Peace Eiver. The summers of 1879-80-81 were spent in Manitoba and the prairie region where many peculiar species, were gathei-ed. In 1882-83, I collected in Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, Anticosti and the Gasp^ peninsula. The summer of 1884 at Lake Nepigon and the north shore of Lake Superior. The next summer (1885) collections were made in the Eocky and Selkirk Mountains on the line of the Canadian Pacific Eailway. Vancouver Island was visited again in 1887, Prince Edward Island in 1888 and the summers of 1889-90 and 1891 were spent making exhaustive collections between the Pacific coast and the eastern base of the Rocky Mountains. Important and interesting additions have also been made to the collections by the undermentioned gentlemen, including some new bpecies : — Dr. Eobert Bell, of the Geological Survey Department, from Hudson Strait and Bay ; J. M. Macoun from the shores of Lake "Winnipeg, the islands in Behring Sea, the coast of Alasi^a and British Columbia ; Mr. John Moser, of Caanan Forks, Queen's County, New Brunswick, from New Brunswick ; Mr. J. Dearness from around London, Ontario ; Eev. Charles A. Waghorne, of New Harbor, Newfoundland, from New- foundland and Labrador. From the foregoing it will be seen that the material for the present work has been accumulating for many years. In 1861 I commenced a correspondence with Sullivant, who was then working on his Icones Muscorum. After some years Mr. Coe F. Austin took up the / i_ PREFACE. IV subject, but failing health and an early death brought his work to a close. Meanwhile Prof. T. P. James rendered me valuable assistance ^nd examined and determined many difficult species. On the publication of Lesquereux & James' Manual of North Ameri- -can Mosses in 1884, I thought my difficulties were over, but with the increase of knowledge came the increased difficulty of separating the closely related species of Eastern Canada from those of the Eocky Mountains and Pacific Coast. It soon became evident that although this manual might be exhaustive for the United States, it was far from being so for Canada. Up to 1885 I had, with the assistance of books and the above named authorities, catalogued a large number of species, and it was then decided to distribute sets of one hundred named Canadian mosses to test the accuracy of these determinations. In 1857 I began to correspond with Professor Nils Conrad Kindberg, Ph D the distinguished bryologist of the State College. Linkoepmg, Sweden, and we at once saw the value of the discoveries that were being made. With the greatest zest Dr. Kindberg entered into the examination of the large series of specimens we had collected, and the ■ determinations, descriptions and notes on the species are his with very few exceptions. Di-. Carl Mueller, of Halle, the first authority among living bryologists, assisted Dr. Kindberg and reference to his collec- tion, the richest in the world, greatly facilitated the work. Dr. Venturi has examined many specimens of the genus Orthotnchum, while Dr. Warnstorf, of Neuruppin, Germany, has examined all the specimens of Sphagnum, and it is from his determinations that the species have been named, compiled and arranged. Messrs. Eenauld and Cardot have also given valuable assistance. A duplicate of every specimen sent to Dr. Kindberg has been mounted and placed in the herbarium of this department so that almost every species, from each locality mentioned in the pages of the cata- logue is represented in its Museum. The only lists published without the specimens referred to having been examined are those of Mr. C. N. St. Cyr, Depai-tment of Public Instruction, Quebec, Professor Alexander McKay, M.A., Dalhousie College, Halifax, Nova Scotia, and that of Professor James Fowler, D.D., Queen's College, Kingston, Ont. ,, ^ ri In compiling the catalogue, Miquelon Island, Newfoundland, Green- land and Alaska have been included so as to embrace all the known northern species, and 1 trust the present catalogue may be usefu lor reference and stimulate others to follow up the foundation now laid, by additional works which will include the latest discoveries. PREFACE. In conclusion, I wish to thank the collectors mentioned for their industry and material assistance. Especial thanks are due Dr. Kind- berg for his gratuitous and unremitting labors in examining between 5,000 and 6,000 specimens from 1887 to the present time. Indeed without his assistance the work could never have been done so thoroughly and completely. JOHN MACOUN. Ottawa, June 16th, 1892. ^<( p:rrata. Page 6— For "Sijhagrum Hendocinum" read "Sphagnum Meiidocinum." " 6— For " Sphagnum teres var. squarrosulum" read " Sphagnum teres var. squarrulosum." " 62— For " Grimma" read " Grimmia." " 63— For " Grimmia rlvularis" read " Grimmia rivularis." " 196 — For " Hypnum relutinum" read " Hypnum velutinum." MUSCI. OEDBR I. SPHAGNACE^. Peat Mosses. SPHAGNUM. (1.) S. fimbr latum, Wils., var. tenue, Gravet ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 128. S. fimbriatum, Wils. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 14. Miquelon Island. (Beldmare.) Bogs and swamps, Hampton, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Peat bog, Becscie Elver, Anticosti ; Otter Pond, and at Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; in a bog at the Eace- course, Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) Yar. arcticum, C. Jensen. Greenland; Mission Station, New Herrenhut. (Spindler.) Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait. (jB. Bell.) Grand Harbor, Newfound- land. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) (2.) S. Girgenshonii, Euss. Beit. p. 46. (1865) ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 128. S. strictum, Lindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 13 ; Canadian Musci, No. 6. Miquelon Island. (Beldmare.') Champlain and Levis, Que. (St.Cyr.) Peat bog, Kingston, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) 'Egg Mountain, Antigonish Co., N.S. (J. Robert.) Pictou Co., KS. (McKay.) Peat bog near Truro, N.S. ; wet woods rear of Beechwood, Ottawa ; swamp at the base of the Oak Hills, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on the portage path, four miles east of Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior ; peat 2 QEOLOaiCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. bog at Revelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) Peat bog, Newboro, near Kings- ton, Ont. (Prof. Lawson.) Chicken Bay and Hopewell Bay, New- foundland. (Hev. A. Waghorne.) Var. hygrophilum, Warnst. (MS.) In boggy woods north of Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) In bogs along Bui-naby Lake near Hastings, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) (3.) S. Russowii, Wai-nst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 130. In bogs at Blaketown, Cooper's Road and Green Harbour, New- foundland. (^Bev. A. Waghorne.) Vai-. poecilum, Warnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 132. Peat bogs. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Var. rhodochroum, Russ. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 132. Peat bogs near Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler.) Var. Cirgensohnioides, Russ. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 132. In a small peat bog in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; alt. 4,500 feet. (Macoun.) (4.) S. fuscum, (Schpr.) von Klinggraeff ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 133. Miquelon Island. (Belamare.) Grand Lake, N.B. (Fowler.) Peat bogs, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Common in Hastings Co., Ont. (Macoun.) Var. fuscescens, Warnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 135. S. acutifolium, var. ftiscum, Lesq. & James, in part. Shelldrake River, Que. (St. Cyr.) Swamps, Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler.) Quite common in peat bogs throughout northern Canada. Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island ; Mer Bleue, and at the Race-course near Ottawa ; peat swamps Hastings Co., Ont. ; in a swamp near the Pic Lake Superior ; in bogs at Stephen and Hector, Rocky Mountains ; also in a bog at Langford Lake, Goldstream, Van- couver Island. (Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3 Var. pallescens, Warnst. (MS.) S. acutifoUum, var. fuscum, Canadian Musci, No. 2. Common in Mer Bleue near Ottawa ; frequent in peat bogs, Hastings Co., Ont. ; bogs, north of Edmonton, N.W.T. ; peat bogs at Eevelstoke and Craigellachie, Eagle Pass, B. C. (Macoun.) In a bog, summit of Mount Qaeest, B.C. Alt. Y,000 feet. (J. M. Macoun.) (5.) S. tenellum, (Schpr.) von Klinggraeff ; Coult. Bot. G-az. XY. 135. Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Yar. rubellum, (Wils. as species.) Warnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XY. 137. IS. rubellum, Wils. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 13 ; Canadian Musci, No. 5. Not uncommon in Nova Scotia. (McKay.) Peat bogs, Kingston, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) In peat bogs at Belledune, N.B. (Chalmers.) Peat bog. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island ; very abundant in the Mer Bleue near Ottawa ; peat bogs, North Hastings, Ont. ; bogs, Portage La Loche, N.W.T., lat. 57°. (Macoun.) Yar. violaceum, Warnst. (MS.) In peat bog at Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler.) (6.) S. Warnstorfli, Euss.; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XY. 138. In small bogs by the borders of ponds Gaspd Co., Q. (Macoun.) (1.) S. quinquefarium, (Braithw.) Warnst. j Coult. Bot. Gaz. XY., 189. Peat bog, Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Q., alt. 4,000 feet ; in bogs, Port Dover, Lake Erie, Ont. (Macoun.) (8.) S. acutifolium, (Ehrh. in part.) Euss. & Warnst. ; Coult. Bot, Gaz., XY., 191 ; Canadian Musci, No. 1. Yery abundant in all peat bogs throughout Canada. Miquelon Island, (Deldmare.) Peat bog, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler.) Common in Nova Scotia. (McKay.) Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island; Straits of Canso, and at Truro, N.S. ; Eiver Ste. Anne des Monts, Gasp^ Co., Q. ; 4 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. peat bogs, Mer Bleue and at the Race-course, Ottawa ; Jupiter Biver and Salt Lake, Anticosti ; common in the Eocky and Selkirk moun- tains, and westward to Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Mountains east of Adams Lake, B.C., alt. 5,600 feet. (Dawson.) Bogs along the Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Q. (D' Urban.) New Harbor, New- foundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) In swamps, near Ijondon, Ont. (J. Deamess.) Var. versicolor, Warnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 193; Canadian Musci, No. 3. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler.) Peat bog, Mer Bleue and at the Eace-course, near Ottawa; swamps, Oak Hills, Hastings Co., Ont.; in marshes, Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; bogs near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ; Peat bogs, Stephen and Hector, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Var. pallescenSy Warnst.; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 193 ; Canadian Musci, No. 4. In the hollows of granite rocks on a small island off the north-east coast of Lake Superior, nearly opposite the lower end of Michipicoten Island ; peat bog, Mer Bleu, near Ottawa. (Macoun.) Var. rubrum, Warnst. (MS.) Peat bogs, Lake Nepigon, Ont. (Macoun.) Cooper's Eoad, New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) Var. purpurascens, Warnst. In a peat bog, Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti, Que. (Macoun.) (9.) 8. subnitens, Euss. & Warnst. var. flavicomans, Card.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 196. Miquelon Island. \JDelhmare.) (10.) S. Lindbereii, Schpr.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 21*7. Canada, Newfoundland and Greenland. (Warnstorf.) Miquelon Jsland. (Deldmare.) (11.) 8. riparium, Aongstr.; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV., 21*7. Greenland, New Herrenhut. (Spindler.) Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. (Seeman.) In boggy spots in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B. C. ; alt. 4,500 feet. (Macoun.) CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 5 <12.) S. recurvuiTiy (P. B.) Euss. & Warnst. var. pulchrum, Lindb. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XY., 218. Miquelou Island. (JDelamare.) Wet woods along thes Mere Bleu, near Ottawa ; shore of Gull Lake, Frontenac Co., Ont. ; bogs Portage La Loche, lat. 57° and near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. {Macoun.) New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev, A. Waghorne.) Var. mucronaturrii Euss.; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 218. In a peat bog at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; wet woods iilong the Mer Bleue, near Ottawa; in peat bogs, Peterboro Co., Ont. ^Macoun.') Grand Lake, N.B. (^Fowler.) In swamps, Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Var. amblyphyllum, Euss. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 218; Cana- dian Musei, No. 7. Bass Eiver, Kent Co. ; in ponds at Eichibucto, N.B. (Fowler.') Abundant in Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island; peat bog, Kingston, N.S. ; borders of ponds, Mer Bleue, near Ottawa ; peat swamps, Hastings •Co., Ont. {Macoun.) Var. parvifolium, (Sendt.) Warnst.; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 219. Peat bogs, Hastings Co., Ont. ; peat bog, Mer Bleue, near Ottawa ; Langford Lake, Vancouver Island, {Macoun.) In bogs, New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) <13.) S. cuspidatum, (Ehrh.) Euss. & Warnst. var. Torrey- anum, Sulliv.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 220. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Var. Miquelonense, Een. & Card. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 220. Miquelon Island. (Deld,mare.) Var. falcatum, Euss. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 221. Miquelon Island. (^Deldmare.) Var. submersum, Schpr. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 221. In Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island. (Macoun.) Var. plumosum, Bryol. Germ. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 221. In peat bogs, Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que. (Macoun.) 6 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (14.) 8. IHendocinum, SuU. & Lesq.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XY., 221 ; Canadian Musci, No. 8. In a peat bog, at Salt Lake, Anticosti ; in a bog at Wellington Mine, Departure Bay, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) (15.) 8. squarrosum, Pers. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 223. Abundant in wet places in woods in Hastings and Northumberland Co's., Ont. {Macoun.) Var. spectabile, Euss. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 223; Canadian Musci, No. 10. Mountain bogs, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B. C. ; Albert Canon, Illicillewaet Eiver, B.C. ; peat bogs, Hastings Co., Ont. (Macoun.) Grand Lake, N.B. (^Fowler.) Vai*. semi squarrosum, Buss. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 224. Metis, St. Lawrence River, Quebec. (Pringle.) Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler.) Boggy woods. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; bogs at Sudbury Junction, Ont. ; wet woods near London, Ont. j in bogs at Revelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) Var. speciosum, Buss. In peat bogs at Tignish, Prince likiwaixi Island ; damp woods near Ottawa and the Mer Bleu; common in wet, swampy woods, near Belle- ville, Hastings Co.," Ont. (Macoun.) In bogs by Burnaby Lake, Hastings, B.C. (J. M. Macoun^ Var. imbricatum, Schp. Bogs, I'ortage La Loche, lat. 57°, and near Lesser Slave Lake, N. W.T. (Macoun.) (16.) 8. teres, Aongstr. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV. 224. Miquelon Island. (Delamare,) Var. imbricatum, Warnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 224. Peat bog along the Eagle River a little west of CraigcUachie, B. C. (Macoun.) Peat bog, Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) Cape Prince of Wales and Stupart's Bay, Hudson Strait. (R. Bell.) Var. squarrosulum, Lesq. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 224. In a swamp 15 miles west of Port Arthur, Lake Superior. (Macoun.) CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 7 (IT.) S. Wulflanum, Grirg.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 225 ; Canadian Musci, No. 11. Quite common in boggy woods, Hastings Co., Ont. ; peat bogs, Sud- bury Junction, Ont. ; in bogs along Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. (Macoun.) Var. versicolor, "Warnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XY. 225. Peat bog, Portage La Loche, N.W.T., lat. 57°. (Macoun.) Var. macroclada, Warnst. (MS.) Damp woods in rear of Beech wood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.') Var. viride, Warnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 225. Wet places at the Eace-course, Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) (18.) S. com pactum, DC; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 226 ; Canadian Musci, No. 12. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Cap St. Ignace, Montmagny, Que. (St. Gyr.) Var. subsquarrosum, Warnst.; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 226. Peat bog near Campbellton, N.B, ; bogs, Brackley Point and Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; bogs aloi^g Nepigon Eiver, Ont. ; peat bogs along Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. (Macoun.) Var. squarrosum, Euss. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 226. In peat bogs, Kingston, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Var. papillosum, Warnst. (MS.) In peat bogs. Portage La Loche, lat. 57°, N.W.T. (^Macou?i.) (19.) S. Carberi, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 18. Come by Chance, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) (20.) S. Pylaiei, Brid.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 242. Newfoundland. (Pylaie.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Var. ramosum, Warnst., forma nigricans, Brid. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 243. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) 8 QEOLOGIOAL AND NATUBAL HISTORY SUBVBr OF OANADA. (21.) S. subsecundum, Nees.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 246; Canadian Musci, No. 13. Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler.) Bog along Hooper's Lake, Hastings Eoad, North Hastings, Ont. ; wet woods, Point aux Pins, Lake Superior ; marsh by Gull Lake, Victoria Co., Ont. ; bogs, Lake Nepigon, Ont. (Macoun.) In marshy spots, Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.') (22.) 8. rufescens, Bryol. Germ. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz., 246. In peat bogs at Truro and Kingston, N.S. (Macoun.) New Harbor Brook, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) (23.) S. imbricatum, (Hornsch.) Euss.j Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 249. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Var. cristatum, AVarnst. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 250. Peat bogs at Louisburg, Cape Breton, N.S. (Macoun.) Var. afflne, (Een. & Card.) Warnst ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XV. 250. Boggy meadows, near Truro, N. S. {Macoun.) In boggy places, Canaan Forks, N.B. {J. Moser.) (24.) 8. cymbifolium, Ehrh. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz, XV. 251. Veiy common in peat bogs throughout Ontario, but seldom separated from the variety. {Macoun.) Old Ship, New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Var. Iseve, Warnst.; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XV., 250 ; Canadian Musci, No. 9. Peat bogs, Brackley Point, and Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island ; abundant in the Mer Bleue and at the Eace-course, near Ottawa ; com- mon in bogs, Hastings Co., Ont. ; Port Dover, Lake Erie, Ont. ; boggy woods near Hastings, B.C. ; also on Mount Arrowsmith. Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) (25.) S. papillosum, Lindb. Miquelon Island. (Belamare.) Bogs, Truro, N.S. (Macoun.) In bogs at Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) Centre Hill, New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 9^ Var. Iseve, "VVarnst. (MS.) In bogs, Yictoria Co., Ont. (Mdcoun.) Yar. sublseve, Limpr. In bogs, Hastings Co., Ont. {Macoun.) (26.) S. medium, Limpr. Yar. laeve, forma purpurascens, Euss. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz., XY., 252; Canadian Musci, No. 15. Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. {Fowler.) Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island ; peat bog, Mer Bleue near Ottawa ; abundant in peat swamps at Belleville, Ont. ; peat bogs along Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; peat bogs along Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. {Macoun.) Yar. pallescens, Warnst. (MS.) Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island. {Macoun.) Bogs, Newboro, near Kingston, Ont. {Prof. Lawson.) Yar. roseum, Warnst. (MS.) Grand Lake, N.B, {Fowler.) (2t.) S. molluscum, Bruch.; Canadian Musci, No. 14. S. tenellum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 20. New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Bev. A. Waghorne.) Iii peat bogs, Salt Lake, Anticosti; peat bog near the summit of Mount Arrowsmith, Yancouvor Island ; alt. 5,400 feet. {Macoun.) ORDER II. ANDRB^ACEtE. Schizocarpous Mosses. 2. ANDRE/EA, Ehrhart. (28.) A. petrophila, Bhrh.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 25 ; Canadian Musci No. 16. In small, fragile, olive-green tufts on granitic and other metamorphic rocks across the continent. Truro, N.S. ; Sudbury Junction, Lake Superior and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; Hector, Rocky Mountains ; Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, and on the Gold Range at Griffin Lake, B.C. ; Mounts Benson and Arrowsmith, Yancouver Island. {Macoun.) Smith's Sound. Lat. Y8— 82^^. {Dr. Hayes.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. {R. Brown.) / 10 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (29.) A. aipestris, Schimp. Br. Europ. YI. t. 4. A. petrophila, Ehrh. var. aipestris, Thed. ; Braithw. Brit. Moss-Fl. I. 8. DiflFers from A. petrophila in the tufts being black and somewhat glossy in the dry state, the leaves smaller, less distinctly papillose, when dry closely imbricated, the upper leaf cells one-half smaller. New to America. On damp rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S.^ June 18th, 1883. (Macoun.) Christianshaab, Greenland. (Fi. Qr.) ("30.) A. H until, Limpr. Laubm. Deutschl. 145. Differs from A. crassinervis principally in the subula of the leaf, only about a half formed by the costa, and the very papillose perigonial and perichetial leaves, also in the larger capsule. This species is often confounded with A. Rothii, Web. & Mohr. On rocks. Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island. Alt. 5,500 feet. July 18th, 1887. (Macoun.) New to America. (31.) A. obovata, Thed.; Greenland Flora, 399. Disco Island, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (32.) A. BIyttii, Schimp.; Greenland Flora, 400. Jakobshavn, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (33.) A. crassinervia, Bruch ; Lesq. & James Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 26. Greenland. Godhavn. (Fl. Gr.) (34.) A. Macounii, Kindb. ; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, April, 1890. Stem elongate, about 5 c. m. high. Tufts soft well cohering, dark brown or. brick-red, not glossy. Leaves narrow from the broader base suddenly long acuminate, distinctly but faintly papillose, more or less curved, the uppermost falcate, when dry subcrispate ; cells uniform subquadrate ; costa narrow, linear, nearly smooth, in the upper leaves long-excurrent and denticulate, sometimes to the middle. Dioecious. This lovely species is closely allied to the European A. nivalis^ Hook. ; but the leaves are narrower and very much less papillose, princi- pally on the stouter, more defined, purple-red and often excurrent costa. In cushions and flat mats on the inclined faces of rocks on the CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 11 mountains and by brooks flowing from perpetual snow on the Gold Eange north of Griffin Lake, B.C. Alt. 7,500 feet. August 8th, 1889. {Macoun.) (35.) A. parvifolia, C. Muell. Flora, (1887) 14. Alaska. {Roth. Alask.) OEDEE III. BEYACE^. True Mosses. Series I. Acrocarpi. TEIBE I.— PHASCE^. 3. EPHEMERUM, Hampe. (36.) E. minutissimum, Lindb. Manip. Muse. II. 411 . E. serratum, Hampe. Var. angusti folium, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 38 ; Canadian Musci No. 465. Phascum serratum, Drummond Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 10. On earth at Carleton House on the Saskatchewan, N.W.T. {Drum- mond.) Abundant on inundated ground along the outlet of Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que. {Macoun.) 4. SPH^RANCIUM, Schimp. (37.) S. triquetrum, (Spruce.) Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 41. Phascum muticum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 8. On earth at Carleton House on the Saskatchewan, N.W.T. (Drum- mand.) 5. PHASCUM, Linn, (in part.) (38.) P. piliferum, Schreb. Phase. 1 1, fig. 7. P. cuspidatum, Schreb- var. piliferum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 42. P. cuspidatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No's. 5 and 7. (No. 5) On the borders of Stony Lake, Eocky Mountains. (No. 7) Plains at Carleton House on the Saskatchewan, N.W.T. (Drummond.) 12 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (39.) P. subexsertum, Hook. (n. sp.) Dramm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 9. " Acaule csespitosum foliis lingulato-oblongis patentibus apiculatis, capsulis subexsertis sphoericis apice acuminatis. Hooker." Carlton House, Saskatchewan, N.W.T. (Drummond.) 6. ARCHIDIUM, Brid. (40.) A. Ohioense, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 50. On inundated soil at the outlet of Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que. (^Macoun.) TEIBE II. WEISIEiE. 7. A8TOMUM, Hampe. (41.) A. crispunrii Hampe. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 51. Phaacum crispum, Hedw. ; Dramm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 11. Moist places on the plains of the Saskatchewan, N. W.T. (Drummond.) (42.) A. Drummondii, Kindb. Gymnoslomum phascoides, Hook. (n. sp.) ; Drumm. Muse- Bor.-Am. No. 12. " Subacaule csDspitosum, foliis lineari-subulatis integerrimis, seta foliorum longitudine, capsulis globosis operculo conico rosti'ato. Hooker." Plains of the Saskatchewan, in moist places. (Drummond.) 8. CYMNOSTOMUM, Hedw. (43.) C. calcareum, Nees & Hornsch. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 53. G. tortile, Drammond, Muse. Bor -Am. 23. Quite common on moist calcareous rocks at Owen Sound, 1814 ; also on calcareous rocks near the Whirlpool, Niagara Falls. (Macoun.) Limestone rocks, Lake "Winnipeg. (Brummond.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On rocks. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghome.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 13 Var. brevifolium, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 53. On calcareous earth along the Moira Eiver above Belleville, Ont., 1863. (Macoun.) (44.) C. rupestre, Schwaegr. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N". Ame- rica, 53 ; Drumm, Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 24. ; CaBadian Musci No. 18. Schistose rocks on the Columbia Eiver, and on rocks on the borders of Lake Winnipeg. (Brummond.) On rocks along the Nepigon Eiver north of Lake Superior, 1884, and near the Whirlpool, Niagara Falls ; crevices of rocks, Mount Stephen, Eocky Mountains ; crevices of rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake and at Sproat Mountain, Colum- bia Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) Var. stelligerum, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N.America, 53. On calcareous rocks along the Gaspd Coast, Eiver St. Lawrence, 1882. (Macoun.) (45.) G. curvirostrum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 54 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No's. 25 and 26 ; Canadian Musci No. 17. On dripping rocks throughout Canada. Alpine rocks, common ; and at Niagara Falls. Drummond.) Clefts in rocks at Cape Tourelle, near Ste. Anne des Monts, Gasp^ Co., Que. (J. A. Allen.) South-west Point and Gunn Eiver, Anticosti, 1883 ; Little Fox Eiver, Gaspd, Que.; Syden- ham Falls, Owen Sound, Ont. ; calcareous springs, Hudson Hope, Peace Eiver, 18*72 ; also at Morley and Kicking Horse Lake, Eocky Mountains, 1^85. (Macoun.) Limestone rocks, Clearwater Eiver, N.W.T. Lat. 57°. (J. M. Macoun.) Crevices of rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) (46.) C. platyphyllum,Kindb.; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, April, 1889; Canadian Musci No. 506. Dioecious, Plants green, not glossy. Stem not papillose, sparingly radiculose, leaves decurrent, distinctly papillose, short, obtuse, oblong- lanceolate, the comal greater, one border often recurved all around ; costa greenish yellow, very papillose. Collected June 16th, 1889, on the face of a small water-fall in the brook that flows into the Thompson just west of Kamloops, B.C. 14 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. The falls are less than half a mile south of the C. P. E. Eailway. (^Macoun.) (47.) C. tenue, Schrad. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 54 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 21. Limestone rocks of Lake "Winnipeg. {Drummond.) On the " Great Trent Boulder " three miles above the Railway Bridge (west side) near Trenton, Ont., 1866 ; on calcareous rocks at Owen Sound, Ont., 1811. {Macoun.') 9. EUCLADIUM, Bryol. Europ. (48.) E. verticlllatum, Bryol. Europ. On calcareous tufa deposited by the " Warm Springs " on the west side of Kootanie Lake, B.C., 1890. (^Macoun.) New to America. lO. ANCECTANGIUM, Schwaegr. (in part.) (49.) A. compactum, Schwaegr. ; Greenland Flora, 398. Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) II. WEISIA, Hedw. (50.) W. viridulaf Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 55; Canadian Musci No. 515. W. controverta, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 67. Tay, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On the gi'ound in the plains of Carleton House, Saskatchewan, N.W.T. {Drummmd.) On earth along the high bank, south of the railway crossing in Belleville, Ont., 1864 ; on earth in woods at Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que., 1889 ; on earth at Victoria, Vancouver Island. (^Macoun.) On earth at London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) (51.) W. convoluta, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts dense, dark green. Stem slender, branching, densely foliate. Leaves very patent when moist, flexuous, from a broader oblong base narrowed into the very narrow and long often piliform acumen, margins entire and erect ; cells email, quadrate chlorophyllose opaque ( costa very thin, vanishing in the acumen. Perichetial leaves broader vaginant at the base, shorter than the other, densely appressed CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 15 involving the pedicel ; capsule cylindric, very narrow, faintly curved ; lid obliquely rostrate ; pedicel yellowish, elongate, slender, spirally twisted, narrowed to the capsule. This species differs from Weisia viridula principally in the longer, narrower capsule, the leaves not involute and in the not excurrent costa. Crevices of rocks near the summit of Copper Mountain south of Bow Eiver, at Silver City, Rocky Mountains. Alt. 7,700 feet. 1885. {Macoun.') 12. DICRANOWEISIA, Ljndb. (52.) D. crispula, Lindb.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 57; Canadian Musci No. 477. Weisia crispula, Hedw. ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 69. On rather dry rocks in a ravine, Mount Albert, G-asp^ Co., Que. (A. J. Allen.) Eocks among the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Mountains south-west of Kamloops, B.C., 1888. (Dawson.) Dry rocks along the C. P. Ry., three miles west of Hector, Rocky Mountains, 1885, and on rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. (Macoun.) Smith's Sound. (Dr. Kane.) Godhavn, Greenland. (B. Brown.) (53.) D. cirrhata, Lindb. ; Lesq.& James, Mosses of N.America, 57, Canadian Musci No. 19. On rocks near Johnston Strait, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) Very common on rocks and prostrate trunks in all parts of Vancouver Island, 1887 ; on dead wood at Hastings, B.C., 1889 ; on rocks at the Hot Springs, Kootanie Lake, B.C., also on rocks at Doer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River. (Macoun.) 13. OREOWEISIA, Schimp. (54.) O. serrulata, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 58. Nulato, Alaska, (Both. Alask.) On wet rocks along the shore of Lake Superior, ten miles south of Port Arthur, 1869. (Macoun.) Var. tenuior, Kindb. (n. var.) On rocks by the torrent at Hector, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) I 16 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEr OP CANADA. 14. RHABDOWEISIA, Bruch & Schimp. (55.) R. fugaXy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 59. On rocks at Sudbury Junction, 1884, north shore of Lake Superior at Pic Eiver, 1869, and on rocks, Lake Nepigon, 1884 ; limestone rocks, Owen Sound, Ont. (^Macoun.) (56.) R. denticuiata, Bruch & Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 59. Weisia striata, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 68. Near New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Abun- dant below Norway House, about Lake Superior and in the Eocky Mountains. (Drwnmond.} 15. CYNODONTIUM, Schimp. (5*7.) C. Schistiy Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 59. Eocky Mountains. (Drummond, vide JJesq. & James.) Upei'nivik, Greenland. {Fl. (xr.) (58.) C. gracilescenSy Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 60. Upernivik, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (59.) C. alpestre, Wahlenb. C sracUescens, Schimp. ; var. alpeitre, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 60. Yery likely does not occur in Canada. Occurs in Greenland at Christianshaab. (Fl. Gr.) (60.) C. (Oncophorus) strumulosum, CM. &Kindb. (n. sp.) Tuftsjbright green, 1-2 cm. high. Leaves crisped, sub-linear, blunt or sub-acute, recurved at the basal margins, crenulate above, nearly pellucid ; basal cells linear, the other short, angular ; costa very papillose at back, not percurrent. Perichetial leaves short-acuminate. Capsule small, oblique, oblong-ovate, inclined, when dry furrowed, distinctly [strumose ; teeth not papillose, cleft to the middle, reddish also in the^upper part ; annulus distinct ; pedicel light red or yellow, straight, 1 cm. long. MACouN.] OATALOaUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1*7 On a limestone ledge along the mountain torrent that enters Kicking Horse Lake, two hundred yards from the railway station at Hector, Kocky Mountains, Aug. 13th, 1890. (Macoun.) (61.) C. subalpestre, Kindb. (n. sp.) MS. C. gradlescens, Schimp. ; Canadian Musci. No. 20. Dicranum gradlescens, Austin Muse. Appal. Suppl. I., No- 467. On the rocks near the sea-shore, "Whale Island, Forteau Bay, lat. 51° 49', Labrador ; also Forks of the Ste. Anne des Monts Elver, Gaspe Co., Que. (J. A. Allen.) Shore of Lake Huron, near the Fishing Islands ; quite common on rocks nojth shore of Lake Superior and on rocks on the islands in Lake Nepigon and along the " Dawson Eoute " west of Lake Superior. (Macoun.) (62.) C. polycarpum, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 60 ; Canadian Musci No. 21, in part. Dicranum ScoUianum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am. No. 102. On the bases of trees, Kustico Bay, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; on logs along the Moira Eiver, at Belleville, Ont., 1870 ; on rocks. Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, 1887, and on rocks, North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889. (Macoun.) On rotten wood, London, Ont. (J. JDearness.) Lake Superior, 1848. (Agassiz.) Eoots of trees. Ontario. (Drummond.) Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) At Pictou, N.S. (Fowler's Cat.) Alaska. (Both. Alask.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (R. Brown.) (63.) C. strumiferum, (Bhrh.) De Not. Epil. 280 (1869.) C. polycarpum, Schimp. ; var. strumiferum, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 60 ; Canadian Musci No. 21, in part. Dicranum strumiferum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 107. On decaying wood at Wooler, Ont., 1888 ; on damp rocks, Lake Superior, and the " Dawson Eoute" west of that lake, 1872 ; wet rocks, islands in Lake Nepigon, 1884 ; on rocks, Nanaimo Eiver and Mount Benson, Vancouver Island, 1887. (Macoun.) On rocks in the country from York Factory to the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Kobbfjerd, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (64.) C. virens, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 61 j Canadian Musci No. 22. Dicranum virens, Hedw. ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 106. West Greenland and Smith's Sound. (Br, Kane.) Jakobshavn, 18 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Greenland. {R. Brown.) On rocks Hudson Strait, 1885. (Dr. Bell.) Abundant on wet rocks at Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, 1885 ; on wet rocks at Pass Creek, near Sproat, Columbia Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) On Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C., alt. 6,000 feet, 1889. (J. M. Macoun.) Smith's Sound. {Dr. Kane.) Disco Island, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) Var. serratum, Bruch k Schimp. ; Canadian Musci No. 488. On wet gravel by brooks, chiefly in mountains. Ravine on the side of Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que. (J. A. Allen.) Salt Lake, Anticosti, 1883 ; Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp^, Que., 1882 ; on rocks Eagle River, at Craigellachie, also on Mount Queest, Gold Range, 1889, and along the Black water River, 1875 ; between the North Thompson and Bonaparte Rivers, B.C., 1889; on rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1875 ; along a brook summit of North Mountain at Hector, Rocky Mountains, and on stones in a brook above Revelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) Smith's Sound. {Dr. Kane.) (66.) C. Wahlenbergii, (Brid.) ; Canadian Musci No. 23. C vireus, Schimp. var. WaJdenbergii, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 61. Dicranum Richardsoni, (n. sp.) Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 104. West Greenland and Smith's Sound. (Dr. Kane.) On fallen trees Bass Rivei-, Kent Co., N.B. {Fowler.) Tobique River, N.B. {Jfay.) Generally on decayed trees ; in the country extending from Canada to the Rocky Mountains (104). {Drummond.) Vicinity of Quebec. {St. Cyr.) In bogs. Salt Lake, Anticsoti, 1883 ; decayed wood at Truro, N.S., 1883 ; on logs, coast of Gasp^, Que., 1882 ; on dead and decaying logs at Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que., 1889 ; Sudbury Junc- tion (1884), and in woods at Belleville, Ont., 1867 ; on decaying logs "Winnipegoosis, Man., 1881. {Macoun.) On old logs in woods, New- foundland. (Rev.A.Waghorne.) Smith's Sound. {Dr. Kane.) Disco Island, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) Var. com pactum, (Schimp). D. microcarpum, (n. sp.) Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am. No. 105. On moist barren spots ; near the Rocky Mountains (105). {Drum- mond.) On old logs at Gananoque, Ont. {Fowler.) Peat bog, Salt Lake, Anticosti. {Macoun.) On the coast of Labrador at Forteau Bay ; also on exposed rocks on the higher part of Table-top Mountain, Gasp^ Co., Que. {J. A. Allen.) wAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 19 16. DICHODONTIUM, Schimp. (66.) D. pellucidum, Schimp, ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 62 ; Canadian Musci INo. 451. On earth, Queen's Co., N.B. (Moser.) On earth along Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; on wet rock, Madeline Eiver, Oasp^, Que., 1882 ; on stones in Sydenham Eiver, Owen Sound, Ont. ; on stones in Eagle River at Griffin's Lake, Gold Range, B.C., 1889 ; on stones in brooks at Revelstoke, B.C., 1890 ; on stones at Goldstream, Vancouver Island, 1887 ; on stones in a brook, eastward in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, and at Hector, Rooky Mountains. (Macoun). Disco Island. (FL Gr.) Yar. fagimontanum, Braithw. British moss-flora 163. In mud by a brook at Hector, Rocky Mountains, Aug. 14th, 1890, {Macoun.) (67.) D. flavescenSi Lindb. in Botan. notiser 1878, p. 113 ; Cana- dian Musci No. 402. D. pellucidum, Schimp. var. serratum, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 62. Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que., and at Forteau, Labrador, lat. 57°. {J. A. Allen.) Blackwater River, northern British Columbia, 1875 ; wet cuttings along the C. P. Railway, east of Hastings, and at Yale, B.C., 1889 ; wet slopes of Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, 1887 ; on stones and wet I'ocks along the Columbia, one mile above Revelstoke, B.C., 1890. (Macoun.) 17. TREMATODON, Michx. (68.) T. ambiguum, Hornsch. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 63 ; Canadian Musci No. 24. On earth, chiefly along roadsides. Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Pictou, and Halifax Co., N.S. (McKay.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Tay, York Co. ; and Never's Eapids, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler.) Clay banks of Black River, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; roadsides, Truro, N.S., 1883 ; on earth near Plinton, North Hastings, and at Owen Sound, Ont., 1871 ; border of a bog, Craigellachie, Eagle River, B.C., 1889. (Macoun.) 20 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (69.) T. brevicoilis, Hornsch. ; Bryol. Europ. I. tab. 95. Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) 18. ANCSTROEMIA, Bruch & Schimp. o (70.) A. longipes, Bimch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 63 ; Canadian Musci No. 25. Dicranum jtdaceum, Dramm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 100. Dicranum varium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 99, in part Banks of Portage Eiver, near the Columbia Eiver, Eocky Mountains. {Drummond.) Alluvium along Six Mile Creek (1885) and along the discharge of the Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., 1890. (3facoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) 19. DICRANELLA, Schimp. (71.) D. crispa, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 64; Canadian Musci, No. 504. Dicranum crispum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am. 101. Banks of Baptiste Eiver, and near the " Height of Land," Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Galton Mountains, B.C. (Lyall.) On earth at McLeod's Lake, lat. 55°, 1875 ; on damp earth on stumps and banks Six Mile Creek, (1885) and Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., 1890. (Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound. {Both. Alask.) Christian- shaab, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (72.) D. Crevilleana, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 64 ; Canadian Musci, No. 482. Dicranum Schreberianum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 97. Banks in alpine situations ; and about York Factory, Hudson Bay. {Drummond.) On wet earth along Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti, 1883; wet gi-avelly soil and damp earth at Hector, Eocky Mountains, 1890 ; Six Mile Creek and Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., 1885. {Macoun.) (73.) D. Schreberi, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, G4 ; Canadian Musci, No. 403. D. Schreberi, var. ocddentalis ; Canadian Musci No. 495. Dicranum Schreberianum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. 97. Banks in alpine situations ; and about York Factory, Hudson Bay. MAcouN.J / CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 21 {jDrummond.) On earth and stones in a brook near Trenton, and on damp earth by roadsides at Owen Sound, Ont., 1871 ; wet earth along Lesser Slave Lake, 18*72 ; on wet earth at Qaesnel, B.C., 1875 ; in limestone springs at Sicamous, B.C., 1889 ; and at Hector, Eocky Mountains, 1890. (Macoun.) Summit of Mount Queest, Gold Eange, B.C., alt. 7,000 feet. (J. M. Macoun.) (74.) D. squarrosa,'Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 65. In peat bogs, Salt Lake, Anticosti ; wet gravelly soil along the C. P. Eailway in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, 1890. (Macoun.) Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Alaska. (Harrington.) Lyngemarken and Egedesminde, Greenland. (R. Brown.) (75.) D. cerviculata, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 65 ; Canadian Musci, No. 476. Jakobshavn, Greenland. (B. Brown.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) 'On damp .earth, Carleton Co., N.B. (Fowler.) On wet earth at Brackley Point and Black Eiver, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; abun- dant on earth by a glacier stream where it enters Bear Creek, and along an old road Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, (Macoun.) On rotten wood, St. John, N.B. [Fowler's Cat.) (76.) D. varia, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 65 ; Canadian Musci, No. 26. Dicranum varium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 99, in part. On clay at Truro, N.S. ] (Fowler's Cat.) On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Wet ground, chiefly by the sides of ditches, Springy^'places at Truro, N.S., 1883 ; along old roads, Gasp^ Co., Que,, 1882; sides of ditches Experimental Farm, Ottawa ; over- flowed ground, Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que. ; common at Belleville, Wooler and Owen Sound, Ont. ; Lesser Slave Lake and Fort Assini- boine on the Athabasca Eiver, 1872, (Macoun.) Banks of rivers ; in the country extending from York Factory to Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On wet clay banks, London, Ont, (J. Dearness.) (77.) D. parvula, Kindb. ; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, April, 1889. Allied to D. varia. Plants very short, densely csespitose in small tufts, dark green. Leaves orenulateall around, sub-ovate ; cells short, oblong-quadrate, the basal linear ; costa very thick and brown, excur- 22 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. rent, denticulate above, forming at least half the acumen. Perichetial leaves denticulate above. Capsule obovate, sub-erect or inclined without a neck, not striate ; beak very short and thick ; annulus scarcely loosed ; teeth orange, pale at apex, partite, without basilar membi-ane, not papillose ; pedicel pale red-yellow 1 c. m. long or shorter, straight or curved only at apex. Dioecious. On earth, on the northern slope of Cathedral Mountain, Kicking Horse Eiver, Eocky Mountains, B.C. Alt. 6,500 feet. July 28th, 1885. (Macoun.) (78.) D.! rufescens, Schimp. ; Lesq. & .lames. Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 66 ; Canadian Musci, No. 27. On earth, Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) By roadsides, on wet earth, at Brackley Point and Black Eiver. Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; in cuttings along the C. P. Eailway, east of Hastings, and by a brook at Yale, B.C.; common on wet earth at Owen Sound, Ont., 1874. (Macoun.) (79.) D. subulata, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 66 ; Canadian Musci, No. 28. Dicranwn subttlatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 98. Disco, Greenland. (JF7. Gr.) Kouchibouguac, N.B. {Fowlefs Cat.) Tay, York Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) On old roads along the CJaspcS Coast, Que., 1882 ; on earth, Salmon Eiver, near Fort McLeod, B.C., 1875 ; very abundant along the C. P. Eailway at Hector, Eocky Mountains ; along Bear Creek in Eoger's Pass, and at the Asoulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., 1890. (Macoun.) Banks in alpine situatioMs. {Drummond.) (80.) D. heteromalla, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mossey of N. America, 66 ; Canadian Musci, No. 29. Dicranum JieteromaUum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 95. " •' var. cavlibus foliisque longioribus, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 96. Near the Columbia (No. 95) ; Upper Canada (No. 96). (Drummond.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Common in Nova Scotia. (McKay.) On clay banks at Pirate's Cove, Yarmouth, and Truro, N.S., 1883 ; on earth Eustico Bay, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; on the summit of Mount Albert, and at Gasp^ Basin, Gasp^ Co., Que., 1882 ; common MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 23 in woods at Ottawa, Carleton Place, Sudbuiy Junction, Collingwood , Owen Sound, Belleville and Brighton, Ont. ; Coraox, Vancouver Island ; on turned up trees at Hastings and in wet cuttings along the C. P. Eailway east of Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) On earth at London? Ont. (J. Dearness.) On earth at Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) Moist ground ; common, N.B. (^Fowler's Oat.') On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Alaska. (Roth. Alask.) 20. DICRANUM, Hedw. (81.) D. hyperboreum, (Gunn.) Smith ; Greenland Flora, 386. Disco, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (82.) D. fulvellum, Smith ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 68. Greenland. (FL Gr.) (83.) D. molle, Wils. ; Braithw. British Moss Flora, 144. D. arcticum, Schimp. Bryol. Europ. ed. 2, 93. Tufts large, dense 6-15 cm. high, yellow-green or olivaceous above, fuscescent below. Stem eradiculose. Leaves erecto-patent, straight, glossy, oblong-lanceolate, nearly entire ; cells nari-ow-linear, the angular quadrate, orange ; costa narrow, vanishing at the apex. Capsule oblong-cylindric, cernuous incurved substrumose not striate, fuscescent ; annulus simple ; lid short-beaked ; peristome purple. Monoecious ; male inflorescmse close to the perichjctium. Allied to B. Starkii, but the capsule is greater, and the costa not excurrent. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (84.) D. Starkii, Web. & Mohr. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 68 ; Canadian Musci, No. 30 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 83. Eocks upon the " Height of Land," Rocky Mountains. (jDrummond.) On wet rocks. Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on the faces of perpendicular rocks Mount Benson, Mount Arrowsmith and Mount Mark, Vancouver Island, 188*7 ; on flat rocks, mountains north of Griffin Lake in the Gold Eange, also on rocks at the Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Smith's Sound. {Dr. Kane.) I 24 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SUR\':BY OF CANADA. (85.) D. BIyttii, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 68 ; Canadian Musci, No. 32. In a peat bog at Salt Lake, Anticosti, 1883 ; damp rocks, Mount Benson, Vancouver Island, 1887 ; on rocks at the " Hot Springs," Kootanie Lake, B.C. ; alt. 4,500 feet, and at the Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) Uperaivik, Greenland. (^Fl. Or.) (86.) D. strictum, Schleich. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 69 ; Canadian Musci, No. 33. D. elongatum, var minor, Drumm. Mas. Bor.*Am., No. 81. Quite common on decaying logs, especially westward. Decayed trunks, Lake Superior, 1848. (Agassiz.) Porcupine Mountains, Man., 1881 ; St. John's, Peace Eiver, and Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T., 18*72 ; Comox, Cedar Hill and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, 1887 ; at Sicamous, Yale, Hastings, Agassiz and North Arm of Burrai*d Inlet, B.C., 1889 ; on bases of trees at Bevelstoke, and rotten wood at Deer Park, Lower Arrow *Lake, Columbia River, B.C., 1890. (Macoun.) Decayed trunks, Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) On decayed wood, rare. (Drummond.) (87.) D. montanum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 69 ; Canadian Musci, No. 34. Abundant on decaying trunks and bases of standing trees, eastward. On trees in woods, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Wagfwme.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Tay, York Co. ; also Canaan B'orks, N.B. (J. Moser., Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) On logs, Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) Rotten wood, Bass River, and Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler.) Old logs, Rustico Bay and Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; in woods, Gasp^ Co., Que., and at Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que, ; on bases of trees at Belleville, Sudbury Junction and near Otter Head, Lake Superior ; shore of Lake Huron near Wiarton and Nepigon House, Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on old logs, Manitoba House, Lake Mani- toba, 1881. (Macoun.) (88.) D. fulvuiTly Hook ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 70 ; Canadian Musci, No. 37. On boulders, chiefly in damp woods. Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks, Tobique River, N.B. (ffay.) Halifax Co., N.S. (McKay.) On rocks in woods at Sudbury Junction, Ottawa, Belleville and "Wooler, Ont. (Macoun.) On rocks, Riviere Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (D' Urban.) MACouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 25 (89.) D. viridGf Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 69 ; Canadian Musci, No. 35. Quite common, but always barren, on the bases of growing trees and old lying logs in woods. Green Harbour, Newfoundland. {Reo. A. Waghome.) On trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (-7 Moser.) On trees, Eustico Bay, Prince Edward Island, 1888; very common at Ottawa, Belleville, Owen Sound and throughout Ontario ; near Mori ey in the Eocky Mountains, 1885. (Macoun.} Common in pulvinate buttons on trees, Nixon's Pond, London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) (90.) D. flaeeilarOi Hedw. ; Lesq, & James, Mosses of N.America, 70 ; Canadian Musci, No, 36. D. strictum, Drumm, Muse, Bor.-Am, No, 81, Very common on decaying logs in damp woods. On fallen timber about Lake Superior, (fcc, (Ifrummond.) On decaying logs, St. John, N.B. (^Fowler's Gat.) Tay, YorkCo, ; and Canaan Forks, Queen'^ Co., N.B, (J. Moser.) Quite common at Sudbury Junction, Ottawa, Belleville, Wooler and throughout Ontario ; on logs, Manitoba House, Lake Mani- toba; Lesser Slave Lake, N,W,T. ; and Quesnel, B.C., 1875. (Macoun.) On logs near London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) (91.) D. Miquelonense, Een. & Card., Coulter's Bot. Gaz. Vol. XIV., 93. In small, compact, yellowish-groen tufts. Stems dichotomous, radi- culose below, 1-3 cm. long. Leaves small, short, erect-imbricate or slightly incurved, oblong-lanceolate, acute or obtuse concave, entire or minutely sinuate-denticulate at apex, 2-3 mm, long, .50-.75 mm, broad ; costa vanishing near the apex, smooth or scarcely rugose at back. Cells of the areolation smooth, small, short, quadrate or irregularly angular in the upper half, rectangular, 1-3 times longer than broad, thin-walled toward the base, the alar lax, large, quadrate or sub-hexagonal, brown or yellowish. Fruit unknown. Eather resembling in habit the stunted forms of -D. elongatum, Schw., and D. Groenlandicum, Brid., but quite distinct by the form and areolation of the leaves. It has also some affinities with D. fiagellare, Hedw. On ground and rock, Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence, (Delamare.) (92.) D Groenlandicum, Brid, D. tenuinerve, Zett. ; Coulter's Bot. Gaz, Vol. XIV, 99, D. Labradoricum, C. MuelJ. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Mansfield Island, Hudson Sti-ait. (jB. Bell.) In bogs, Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti. (^Macoun.) Labrador and Greenland. (Kindb.) ( 26 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (93.) D. SUbulifolium, Kindb., Bull. Tor. Bot. Club, Vol. XVII., 87. Stems low, 2-3 cm. high, not or sparingly radiculose. Leaves yellowish, patent, scarcely brittle, very narrow and subsetaceous, the subula denticulate above ; cells narrow porose ; costa about one-sixth of the leaf near the base, smooth at the back, often excurrent. Capsule small straight (?) and cylindric ; seta yellow. Allied to D. angmtifolium, Kindb. ; differs in the shorter, more crispate and green leaves, the costa more distinct and broader, about one- sixth of the leaf near the base. The capsules are probably straight but are not ripe in our specimens. On logs in woods at Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1887 ; also on logs near Lesser Slave Lake, and at St. John's on Peace Eiver, 1872. {Macoun.) (94.) D. angustifolium, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XVIl. 86 ; Canadian Musci, No. 409. Stem about 5 cm. high, radiculose. Leaves shining subuliform, not undulate, very narrow, 1*6 cm. long, denticulate to J or from the middle upward, not crispate, brittle, straight or patent ; cells very porose and narrow ; outer alar cells brown, inner hyaline ; costa smooth at the back, faint and very narrow (about -^j^ of the leaf near the base) scarcely excurrent. Allied to D. subulifolium, Kindb., but differing in the longer leaves, longer leaf cells and doubly narrower, not excurrent costa. Habit of D. sulcatum ; differing in the leaves bright green or golden glossy, more distinctly denticulate, 1 cm. long ; the cells narrow, the costa scarcely excurrent, faint and very narrow, about j^jj of the leaf near the base ; the capsule nearly smooth ; the peristome brown. Abundant on damp rocks on the North Arm of Burrard Inlet, and at Craigellachie on Eagle Eiver, B.C., 1889 ; on damp rocks near Vic- toria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) (95.) D. isulcatum, Kindb. Bull. Ton-. Bot. Club, Vol. XVII. 87 ; Canadian Musci, No. 406. Dioecious. Stem very tomentose, about 5 cm. high. Leaves green, usually slightly twisted, not undulate, 1-1.5 cm. long, narrow ovate- lanceolate, gradually narrowed into a long setaceous faintly denticulate point, more or less brittle ; cells porose, the lower long, the upper short ; costa long-excurrent, smooth, broad, i of the leaf near the MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 2*7 base. Capsule curved, furrowed when dry, substrumose ; peristome dark red ; seta 2 cm. long, solitary. This species could be considered as allied to D. strictum, Schleich., and D. viride, Schimp., but differsprincipally in theform of the capsule and in the less brittle leaves ; the costa is narrower than in B. viride. It has also affinity to D. majus, Turn. On the ground and on logs at Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1885 ; on the ground in woods at Hastings, and at Agassiz and Sicamous, B.C., 1889. (Macoun.) (96.) D. crispulurrii C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.); Canadian Musci, No. 41, in part. Nearly allied to D. sulcatum, Kindb., but differing in having a shorter stem, 2-3 cm. high, the leaves crispate, very much shorter, 0*5 — 0*8 cm. long, the costa less excurrent, rough at the back, the alar cells smaller. On logs in woods at Comox, Vancouver Island, May 2nd, 1887 ; on logs in woods Albert Canon, Illicillewaet Eiver, B.C., May, 1890. (Macoun.) (91.) D. leioneuron, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XVI. 92 ; Canadian Musci, No. 44, in part, barren specimens. Dioecious. Plants loosely tufted, about 9 cm. high, pale-yellowish. Stem, tall sparingly radiculose. Leaves suberect, involute nearly all around, not undulate, ovate-lanceolate, narrowed into a short obtusate or subacute acumen, nearly entire or with a few small teeth at the apex ; cells not porose, narrow except the basilar ; alar cells brown, median basal cells hyaline, inner yellow near the costa ; costa smooth and faint, ceasing below the acumen, -^^ of the leaf near the base. Barren. This species has no affinity to the other Canadian Dicrana and is very distinct in the long-celled, nearly entire leaves and the costa narrow. In habit it may be compared with some forms of -D. scoparium, Hedw. In swampy woods at Salt Lake, Anticosti, August 12th, 1883. (Maeoun.) (98.) D. majus, Turn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 74 ; Canadian Musci, No. 44, in part, fertile. Deep cool woods, on the ground. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Eiviere du Loup (en has). {St. Gyr.) On earth at Brackley Point, 28 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. P.E.I., 1888 ; in woods, McNab's Island, Halifax Harbor, N.S., 1883 ; Fox Kiver, Gaspe Co., Que., 1882 ; Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; thick woods at Wooler, Ont., 1888 ; and on logs in woods near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1875. {Macoun.) Sitka. (Both. Alask.) (99.) D. scoparium, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 73 ; Canadian Musci, No. 42 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 80. Very common on earth and logs throughout Canada. Common throughout the country. (Drummond.) Woods near St. Johns, Newfound- land. (Mev. A. Waghorne.) Common in N. B. Different forms or varie- ties occur. (Fowler's Cat.) Tay, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) 3Iiquelon Island. (Delamare.) Kotzebue Sound and Alaska. (Roth. Alask.) Baffin's Bay. (Boss. Voy.) Smith's Sound. (Dr. Kane.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Boots of trees Lancaster Beach and Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) Nain, coast of Labrador, 1885. (B. Bell.) Common in Nova Scotia. (McKay.) Eiviere du Loup (en has) Que. (St. Cyr.) Rustico Bay and Brackley Point, P.B.I. ; Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; Jupiter River, Anticosti ; Mount Albert and Fox River, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; Ottawa, Carleton Place, North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Belleville, Wooler, Owen Sound, shore of Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; also Cedar Hill near Victoria, Van- couver Island. (Macoun.) Common at London, and Point Edward, Ont. (J. Deamess.) Var. scopariiforme, Eindb., Bull.'Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XVL, 92 ; Canadian Musci, No. 43. Intermediate between D. scoparium, Hedw. and D.fuscescens Turn. Dioecious. Leaves greenish-yellow, flexuous, lanceolate, subulate with a short and flat subula ; margin nearly flat or slightly incurved, densely and sharply serrate to one-third ; cell-walls larely interrupted by pores ; upper cells oblong-oval, lower not much narrower, inner basal light brown ; costa thick, percurrent, with two serrate ridges at the back in the upper part. Capsule curved, not striate ; pedicel red, short. On earth and logs in woods. Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. (Prof. Fowler.) The dark colored form at Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) A dark colored form (nigrescens, Kindb.) at Rustico Bay, P.B.I, ; Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; McKay's woods, Ottawa ; abun- dant near Wooler, and at Belleville, Ont. ; west of Edmonton, and along Buffalo Lake north of Isle a la Crosse, N.W.T., 1875 ; in woods at Revelstoke, B.C., 1890. (Macoun.) Roots of trees Island Lake, Argenteuil Co., Que. (B' Urban.) Bottom of canon below Elk River Bridge, Rockj'^ Mountains. (Dr. Dawson.) MAcouN.J CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 29 Yai. pallidum, C.Muell. Miquelon Island, {.Delamare.') (100.) D. congestiforme, 0. M. &Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs from D. congestum, Brid., in the leaves being less twisted, the upper cells oblong, the costa narrow, the perichetial leaves long- acuminate, the capsule without annulus. Habit of D. scojMrium, Hedw., but differing principally in the smooth costa, less denticulate leaves and the furrowed capsule. D. rhabdocarpum has all leaf-cells narrow. On damp rocks on the east side of Lake Mara at Sicamous, B.C., July 3rd, 1889. (Macoun.) (101.) D. congesturrii Brid. ; Muse. Eecent. Suppl. I., 176 ; Cana- dian Musci, No. 408. D. fuscescens, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 72, in part. Differs from D. fuscescens, Tarn, in the leaves being remotely serrate only above, the upper cells greater, nearly smooth and irregular, the lower porose, the costa narrower, ^ width of the base, and the capsule quite smooth. (Kindberg.) Bogs, Mount Albert, Gasp^, 1882. On old logs in woods at Morley, Eocky Mountains, 1885; at Donald in the Columbia Yalley, 1889. (Macoun.) Sitka. (Roth. Alask.) Christianshaab, Greenland. (FL Gr.) (102.) D. fuscescens, Turn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of North America, 72, in part ; Canadian Musci, No. 39. Quite common on old logs across the continent. Tay, York Co. and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N. B. (J. Moser.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) On logs, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Say.) On old logs, Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On logs, Jupiter Eiver and Becscie Eiver, Anticosti ; in woods, Eustico Bay, P.E.I. ; Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; Fox Eiver, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on logs, at Ottawa, Belleville, Brighton, North Bay, Lake Nipissing, and Gull Eiver, Peterboro Co., Ont. ; on rocks. Lake Superior ; old logs, Mani- toba House, Lake Manitoba ; on earth. Kicking Horse Lake, Eocky Mountains; on rocks at Sicamous, B.C.; Cameron Lake, Yancouver Island. (Macoun.) On old logs, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Wag- 30 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SDRVBY OF CANADA. home.) Along the Athabasca Eiver, I^.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Var. brevirostre, Kindb. . Belleville, Ont. ; and Macleod's Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) (103.) D. Muehlenbeckiiy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 72; Canadian Musci, No. 481. On Laurentian rocks at Shannouville, near Belleville, Ont, 1865 : on earth at Morley, and on rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on logs, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, 1885 ; on earth at Cache Creek, and Blackwater Eiver, B.C., 1875, (Macoun.) On the slopes of Mount Queest, Gold Eange, B.C., alt., 5,000 feet, 1889. (J. M. Macoun.) On old logs, Craigellachie, 1889; woods between St. John and Dunvegan, Peace Eiver, 1872. (Macoun.) Smith's Sound. (Dr. Kane.) (104.) D. brevifoiium, Lindb. Musci Sc^d., 24; Greenland Flora 392. Godhavn, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Digges Island, Hudson Bay. (R. Bell.) (105.) D. Canadense, Kindb., Bull. Toit. Bot. Club, Vol. XVII, 87 Size robust. Habit of D. majus, Turn., or D. Drummondii. Stem radiculose. Leaves indistinctly undulate, long-acuminate, denticulate at the acumen; inner basal cells hyaline, the alar orange, the other cells sublinear and porose ; costa smooth or slightly rough, not excurrent, broad at the base, narrow above. Capsule short, beaked, curved, finally costate and blackish. Nearly allied to B. suhpalustre, CM. & Kindb., but the leaves are more gradually narrowed, also the perichetial ones, and very much longer ; costa broader at the base. On earth in woods at Moodyville, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 19th, 1889. (Macoun.) (106.) D. ieucobasis, C. M. & Kindb. ^(n. sp.) Dioecious. Stem very tomentose, 3-4 cm. high. Leaves green, cris- pate or falcate, faintly sinuose-undulate, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, gradually tapering into a subuliform denticulate, often brittle, point ; alar cells fugitive, rectangular, small and yellow, the other lower cells MACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 31 poi-ose, elongate and hyaline, the upper short and chlorophyllose ; costa scarcely excurre nt, nearly smooth, narrow. Capsule curved, small and not furrowed ; pedicel 1 cm. long. This species is principally remarkable in the whitish leaf-base, but in habit resembling D. congestum, Brid. On bases of trees in woods west of the Columbia Eiver at Eevel- stoke, B.C., May 6th, 1890 ; and in Eogor's Pass, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) (lot.) D. elongatum, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of IS". America, 71 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 91. Mountain woods. (Brummond.) Miquelon Island, {Deldmare.) In bogs. New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Northern shores of Lake Superior, 1848. (Agassiz.) Mansfield Island, Hudson Strait. (B.Bell.) Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que. ; borders of Lesser Slave Lake and near Peace Eiver, 18*72. (Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound. (Roth. Alask.) Smith's Sound. (Br. Kane.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (108.) D. plano-alare, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs fi-om D. Labradoricum, C, Muell. (D. Grcenlandicum, Brid., Limpricht, D. tenuinerve, Zett.) in the leaf-cells being greater, short, rectangular and nearly uniform, the alar scarce!}' greater f^nd not excavate ; leaves green, a little larger with a quite blunt acumen ; the stems cohering and shorter. In D. Labradoricum the cells are very narrow, the alar well-defined and the leaves less blunt. The allied B. elongatum has an excurrent costa and the upper leaf-cells shorter than the lower. On earth at the mouth of the Illicillewaet Carton, near Eevelstoke, B.C., May 18th, 1890. (Macoun.) (109.) D. fragilifolium, Lindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 73 ; Canadian Musci, No. 41 . On rotten wood, near Lesser Slave Lake, Sept. 20th, 1872 ; also on logs at Hudson Hope, Peace Eiver. Lat. 55° 12'. 1872. (Macoun.) (110.) D. longifolium, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 70 ; Canadian Musci, No. 38 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. Nos. 93-94. Greenland. (Ft. Gr.) Miquelon Island. (Belamare.) On rocks at Sudbury Junction, and along the north shore of Lake Superior, and common at Lake Nepigon and along the Dawson Eoute west of Lake 32 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Sajierior ; on rocks, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Crevices of rocks, Elk Eiver, Eocky Mountains. (Dawson.) About Lake Superior (93), and at Great Bear Lake (94). {Drummond.) (111.) D. albicans, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 71 ; Canadian Musci, No. 404. Crevices of rocks at the summit of the Gold Eange, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., 1889, alt. 7,000 feet ; on rocks along the Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, and on rocks by the railway three miles below Hector, and at Lake Agnes, Eocky Mountains, 1891. (Macoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (112.) D. Bonjeani, De Not. ; Braithw. Brit. Moss-Flora, 149. D. paiwtre, Lesq. & James Mosses of N. America, 74 ; Canadian Musci No. 409. In Dow's Swamp, near Ottawa ; " Big Swamp," Murray, and five miles north of Colborne, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; swamps. Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; wet rocks, North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; and in wet woods at Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Peat bog at base of McKay's Mountain, Port Arthur. (Mrs. E. G. Britton.) Nulato and Sitka. (Roth. Alask.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (R. Brown.} *D. Columbiae, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XVII., 86. Cajspitose, tomentose and yellowish green. Leaves open-erect, undulate above, ovate-lanceolate, obtuse or short-acute, serrate at the back and on the borders above ; the uppermost cells oblong, the others linear, except the quadrate ones at the angles ; costa narrower, dis- appearing below the apex. Capsule solitary, narrow-cylindric, curved, striate, pale brown, not strumose, beak as long as the capsule ; pedicel yellow. Dioecious. Differs from the true D. Bonjeani, De Not. (D. palustre, Schimp.) principally in the leaves being blunt, serrate below the middle, the costa serrate also below the middle and the capsule without a neck. Damp woods, by the borders of ponds. Cedar Hill, near Victoria, 1887 ; and on Campbell Hill, Cache Creek, B.C., alt. 2,500 feet. May 25th, 1875. (Macoun.) (113.) D. undulifolium, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Dioecious. Plants robust ; branches thick. Stem sparingly, and only the base radiculose, (furnished with rhizoids) 3-4 cm. high. Leaves green or golden glossy, faintly undulate, loosely appressed, broad MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 33 ovate-lanceolate, nearly entire, acumen generally sub-obtuse ; alar cells brown, the others narrow and porose, the uppermost oblong ; costa not per current, smooth and narrow. Barren. Has often the habit of Orthothecium ehryseum. This species could be considered as intermediate between D. scoparium and D. Bergen, but differs from both in its peculiar habit and the sparingly radiculose stem. On earth near Fort Eupert, Vancouver Island, 1885. (Dawson.) (114.) D. subpalustre, 0. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs from the allied B. Bonjeani in the leaves being more concave, suddenly narrowed into a long setiform acumen ; alar cells dark brown, forming distincter auricles ; the outer perichetial leaves long, aristate, the inner obtusate or very short-apiculate and entire. The leaves are faintly undulate and slightly crispate. On earth on rocks at Hector, Eocky Mountains ; on rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver, June 18th, 1890. {Macoun.) (115.) D. Bergeri, Bland., Muse. fr. exs. III., No. 104 (1804). D. Schraderi, Web. & Mohr. (1807) ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America. 75 ; Canadian Musci, No. 45 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Nos. 87-88. D.rugosum, Kindb. & var. rugidosum, Kindb., Ottawa Naturalist Vol. IV. 61, Moist rocky places, not rare, especially about Norway House, {Drummond.) Wet woods, Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Peat bogs, Jupiter Eiver and Salt Lake, Anticosti ; peat bog, Louisburg, Cape Breton ; cedar swamps, Hastings and Northumberland Co's., Ont. ; Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; mountain bogs, Lesser Slave Lake; bogs at Stephen, summit of Eocky Mountains ; also in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound. (Roth. Alask.) Grodhavn, Greenland. (Fl.G-r.) Miquelon Island. {JDelamare.) Peat bog near London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) (116.) D. Drummondi, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N America, 76 ; Canadian Musci, No. 47. D. Starkii, var. major, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 84. D. undviatum, Turn., var., Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 86. Upper Canada in shady woods ; very common. (Drummond.) Damp woods, Brackley Point, P.E.I. ; peat bogs, Sudbury Junction, Hastings Co., and Lake Nepigon, Ont. (Macoun.) Woods near London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) 3 34 GEOLOGICAL AND NATDRAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. Yar. trachyneuron, Kindb, (n. var.) Stems shorter. Leaves smaller, narrower and loosei', more densely and evidently serrate on the borders, siibuliform-cuspidate ; alar cells yellow ; eosta not excurrent, rough also below the middle and upwards. Cedar swamps at the base of the Oak Hills, Hastings Co., Ont., July 31st, 1871. (Macoun.) (117.) D. undulatum, Turn.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 76 ; Canadian Musci, No. 48 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 85. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Dry woods, on the ground, Bass Eiver, and Grand Lake, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Beau Lac, Madawaska, and swampy ground, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) Bogs, Tignish, P.E.I. ; common in McKay's Woods, Stewart's Bush, Dow's Swamp and Mer Bleue, Ottawa ; in cedar swamps throughout Ontario ; North Bay, Lake Nipissing, woods at Lake Nepigon ; swamps. Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; at Donald, Columbia Valley, and Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. ; and at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) In woods, Missinaibi River, Ont. (iJ. Bell.) Shady woods ; common. (JDrummond.) Among Sphagnum, near London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) Nashwaaksis, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (118.) D. spurium, Hedw, ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 75 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 90 ; Canadian Musci, No. 46 in part; barren. About Lake Superior. (Drummond.) On rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S. ; on metamorphic rocks, Gatineau River at Chelsea, Que., and at Shannonville, Hastings Co., Ont, 1865. {Macoun.) (119.) D. brachycaulon, Kindb. (n. sp.) D. spurium, Canadian Musci, No. 46, in part. Allied to Dicranwn spurium, but differing in the short stem only 1 cm. high, the leaves smaller and shorter, oblong-ovate, acute, not acuminate, entire, not papillose at back, costa elevate, percurrent and smooth, alar cells brown, capsule small, pedicel 1 cm. long. This species is peculiar in its short leaves and the elevate costa. On dry rocks in open woods near the lighthouse at Yarmouth, N.S,, June 23rd, 1883. (Macoun.) (120.) D. dipteroneuron, C. Muell., Beitr, zur Bryol. Nord. Amerikas in Flora 14, (1887.) Alaska. (C. Mueller.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 35 21. MONOCRANUM, C. Mueli. (121.) M. stenodictyon, Kindb. Dicranum stenodictyon, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XVI. 92. Plants densely tufted, about 2 cm. high, nearly eradiculose, blackish with straw-yellow tops, in color and habit resembling Hypnum sar- mentosum. Leaves appressed when dry, not undulate nor crisped, when moist suberect, straight, nearly flat, from an oblong, below narrowed base, short-acuminate obtuse, crenulate, principally above the middle ; cells thick-walled, not porose, the outer alar, subquadrate brown- yellow, the inner hyaline, the other cells lanceolate or the upper oblong, the apical sometimes oval ; costa simply dentate at the back above, very narrow and only at the base dilated, vanishing in the acumen. Barren. This peculiar species differs from our Dicrana principally in the crenulate not properly serrate leaves, which are also very short ; it agrees nearly to Monocranum dicranoides, C. Muell., found near Valdivia, in Chili, having a peristome, differing from the dicranoid type in the teeth being entire, not cleft ; the leaves are long-acuminate. On earth in woods west of the Fraser Eiver, on the Telegraph Trail at Quesnel, B.C., June 5th, 1875. (Macoun.) 22. DICRANODONTIUM, Bruch & Schimp. (122.) D. longirostre, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 77. On rocks at Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) 23. CAMPYLOPUS, Brief. (123.) C. Schimperi, Milde. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, 129. Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) TEIBE III. FISSIDENTE^. 24. FISSIDENS, Hedw. (124.) F. bryoides, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 81 ; Canadian Musci, No. 49. Dicranum bryoides, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 113. Near Carlton House j and upon the Eocky Mountains. (JDrummond.) 36 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA, On earth at Ottawa, Ont. ; on earth west of the Fraser River at the Black water Crossing (var. Sedwigii, Lamprecht.) ; on earth at Yictoria, Yancouver Island, 1875 (var. Ion gipes, AuBtin.). On earth at Revel- stoke, near the Illcillewaet Canon, B.C. (Macoun.) (125.) F. incurvuSy Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 82 ; Canadian Musci, No. 50, in part. On earth in woods at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on earth along a brook, nearYictoria, Vancouver Island, 1875. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.} (126.) F. tamarindifolius, Don. ; Canadian Musci, No. 410. Abundant on earth at the roots of trees in woods at Leamy's Lake^ near Ottawa ; on earth at Owen Sound ; in woods at Lac la Nun north-west of Edmonton, N.W.T. ; and on the bases of trees by Eagle River at Sicamous, B.C. (Macoun.) (127.) F. limbatus, SuUiv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 82. On earth, by an old lumber road, at Comox, Yancouver Island, 1887. {Macoun.) (128.) F. minutulus, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 85. Pictou, N.S. {McKay.') On stones in channels of small brooks in McKay's Woods, Ottawa ; under the '' Great Trenton Boulder," Trent valley, four miles above Trenton, and on boulders near Wooler, Ont. ; on earth at Comox, Yancouver Island, 1887. {Macoun.') (129.) F. exiguus, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 84. On stones in brooks west of Belleville, Ont., August 7th, 1867 ; on earth in woods at Eevelstoke,, west of the Columbia River, B.C., 1890. {Macoun.) (130.) F. pusillus, Wils. ; Braithw. British Moss Flora, 68. F. incurvus, Canadian Musci, No. 50, in part. Abundant on damp, flat, limestone rocks in woods at Beechwood and McKay's Lake, Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.') MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 37 (131.) F. osmundoides, Hedw. ; Lesq, & James, Mosses of N. America, 8*7 ; Canadian Musci, No. 51. Dicranum osmundoides, Turn. ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 112. Moist turfy situations, near the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On peat, Salt Lake, and in woods, Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; go earth, Falls of Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe, Co., Que.; roots of trees, Leamy's Lake and Dow's Swamp, Ottawa ; Carleton Place, and near Belleville, Hastings Co., also near Peterboro, and at Owen Sound, Ont. ; in damp woods at Nepigon ; at Hector, Rocky Mountains, and at Sicamous, B.C., 1889. (^Mdcoun.) Rough Waters-, near Bathurst, N.B. (^Fowler's Cat.) Greenland. (Fl Qr.) ' (132.) F. adiantoides, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 88 ; Canadian Musci, No. 52. Dicranum adiantoides, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 110. Near the Columbia River, and in Upper Canada. (JDrummond.) On rocks, St. John NB. {Fowler's Cat.) Near New Harbor, New- foundland. '{Rev. A. Waghorne.) "Wet rocks, Pictou, N.S. {McKay.) Moist places, Montcalm Co., Que. {D' Urban.) Boggy soil, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; bases of ti'ees at Sudbury Junction, Ont.; on wet earth, river bank, Comox, Van- couver Island, 1887. {Macoun.) Var. brachyphyllus, Kindb. (n. var.) Leaves very short. On boulders at Belleville, Ont., Oct. 13th, 1888. {Macoun.) (133.) F. decipiens, De Not. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 87 ; Canadian Musci, No. 400. On rocks in the ravine at Whycocogmah, Cape Breton ; bases of trees Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on earth in McKay's Woods, Dow's Swamp, and at Leamy's Lake, near Ottawa ; on logs and old stumps, Hastings Co., and at Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; on the bases of trees, Kakabeka Falls, Kaministlqua River, west of Lake Superior, 1869 ; on rocks at Owen Sound, Ont. {Macoun.) (134.) F. subbasilaris, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 88. Dicranum mbbasilare, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 111. On trunks of trees in Upper Canada. {Drummond.) On cedar trees in a swamp near London, Ont. {J. Beamess.) 38 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVBY OF CANADA. (135.) F. grand if rons, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 89 ; Canadian Musci, No. 53. Abundant below Niagara Falls. {Lesq. & James.) Very abundant in the Sydenham JRiver, below Jones Falls, and in the Potawatamie Eiver above and on its falls at Owen Sound ; in a spring at Banff, Alberta, 1891. (Macoun.) In Elk Eiver, Eocky Mountains. {Dawson.) 25. CONOMITRIUM, Mont. (136.) C. Julianum, Mont. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 89. C. Hallianum, Canadian Musci, No. 54. On stones in a running brook, Elziver Township, North Hastings, Ont., July 12th, 1878. (Macoun.) TEIBE IV. LEUCOBEYB^. 26. LEUCOBRYUM, Hampe. (13*7.) L. vulgare, Hampe.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 90 ; Canadian Musci, No. 55. Dicranum glaucum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. H9. Upper Canada. (Drummond.) Eocky places, Montcalm Co., Que. {D' Urban.) Not rare at Pictou, N.S. (McKay.) On earth at Brackley Point, P.E.I. ; damp woods. Straits of Canso, N.S. ; McKay's Woods, and Mer Bleue, near Ottawa ; on hummocks in swamps near Belleville, Hastings Co. ; at Wooler, Northumberland Co. ; above the "Whii'lpool, Niagara Falls, Ont. (Maconn.) In woods, Gananoque, Ont. {Prof . Fowler.) Tay, YOifkCo., N.B. (J. Moser.) Green Har- bor, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghome.) Miquelon Island. {Deld- mare.) Very abundant in woods at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) TEIBE V. CEEATODONTE^:. 27. CERATODON, Brid. (138.) C. purpureus. Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 92 ; Canadian Musci, No. 56. Didymodon purpureum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 116. Common almost everywhere in burnt woods. {Drummond.) Very MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 39 common at Pictou, N.S. {McKay.) Near St. John, N.B. {Hay.) Abundant everywhere in New Brunswick. (Fowler's Cat.) Eiver du Loup {en bos), Que. {St Cyr.) Abundant in all suitable localities from the Atlantic to the Pacific. It prefers roadsides, pastures, old walls, and roofs of houses and dry rocky ground. Collected by every person. {Macoun.) Apparently very common in Newfoundland. {JRev. A. Waghorne.) Shore of Buffalo Lake, N.W.T. {J. M. Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound, Sitka and Nulato. (Roth. Alask.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (/?. Brown.) Miquelon Island. {Belamare.) Tay, York Co. and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) A very com- mon moss by roadsides at London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) Var. xanthopus, Sulliv. ; Lesq.A James, Mosses of N.America, 92. On earth and rocks, Johnston's Strait, Gulf of Georgia. (Dawson.) Damp rocks near Cadboro Bay, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) (139.) C. conicus, (Hampe.) Lindb. ; Braithw. .British Moss- Flora, 175. Differs from C. purpureus in the long-excurrent costa, the capsule erect and symmetric, faintly sulcate, the lid shorter, the teeth pale, red at base, with fewer articulations. (Kindberg.) On the base of a stump, on the extensive flat at the head of the ravine north of Mr. Murray's Eanche, Spence's Bridge, B.C., May 3l8t, 1889. {Macoun.) (140.) C. minori Aust. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 92. On damp earth along the Eraser River at Quesnel, B.C., 18Y5 ; Mount Tolmie, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1887. {Macoun.) 28. TRICHODON, Schimp. (141.) T. cylindricus, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 93 ; Canadian Musci, No. 411. Abundant on the borders of ditches at Hastings, B.C. ; also at Craigellachie, Eagle Pass, and under the high tressle west of the Columbia at Revelstoke, B.C., 1890. {Macoun.) 29. DISTICHIUM, Bruch <& Schimp. (142.) D. capillaceum, Bruch & Schimp. . Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 93 ; Canadian Musci, No. 57. Didymodon capillaceum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 122. D. capillaceum \&r.folii8 brevioribus, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 123. Moist banks of rivers frequent, (122) ; upon " Limestone Rocks," 40 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. about Lake "Winnipeg (123). (Drummond.) Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. (B. Bellr) Tattagouche Falls. N.B. {Fowler's Gat.) Long Eapids, Qaeen's Co.., N.B. (J. Moser.) Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior. (Mrs. E. G. Britton.) Very abundant in crevices of rocks and earth along the banks of all rocky forest streams through- out Canada. Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; Madaline Eiver, Gaspe Co., Que. ; Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Port Stanley, Lake Nipissing, Lake Nepigon, and Lake Superior, Ont. ; Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. ; Fort Assiniboine, Athabasca Eiver, N.W.T. ; Morley, Banff, Silver City, and Hector, Eocky Mountains ; Donald, Columbia Valley, and Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; Eevelstoke, Deer Park, and Spi*oat, Colum- bia Eiver, B.C. ; Mount Benson, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Mount Queest, Gold Eange, B.C., and along the Clearwater Eiver, lat. 67°, N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (B. Brown.) Kotzebue Sound and Nulato. (Both. Alask.) (143.) D. inclinatum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. k James, Mosses of North America, 94 ; Canadian Musci, No. 58. Didymodon indinatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 124. Dead Islands, Labrador. (J. A. Allen.) Peat bogs, Salt Lake and Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; St. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; crevices of damp rocks, Lake Nepigon ; north-east shore of Lake Superior, 25 miles above Michipicoten ; on limestone rocks opposite Hudson Hope, Peace Eiver, lat. 66° ; wet banks, Morley, and crevices of rocks. Silver City and Jlector, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Moist alpine situations. (Brummond.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (144.) D. Macouni i, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 490. Tufts dusky gi-een, radiculose below. Stem 2-3 cm. high. Leaves patent or subfalcate, from a short, suddenly narrowed, sheathing base, entire or with a few small teeth at the apex ; cells short subquadrate ': costa subpercurrent. Barren. A very distinct and peculiai* species ; our other species have veiy much longer leaves with a long-excurrent costa. In habit it is like Leptotrichum flexicaule var. densum growing in very close compact little tufts amongst other mosses on banks subject to inundation. Mouth of the Illicillewaet Canon, and on left bank of the Columbia at a point of rocks one and a half miles above Eevelstoke* B.C., May 18th, 1890. {Macoun.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. ' 41, TRIBE YI. SBLIGBRIB^. 30. SELIGERIA, Bruch & Schimp. (145.) S. Donii, (Sm.) C. Muell. ; Braithw. British Moss Flora, 116. Anodvs Donianus, Bruch & Schimp, ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N . America, 96. Gymnostomum pusillum, (n. sp.) Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 22. Sandstone rocks of Baptiste River, Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Under the surface of flat limestone rocks, Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) (146.) S. pusilla, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 34 ; Canadian Musci, No. 59. On limestone rocks, Gasp^ Basin, Que. ; under flat limestone rocks in woods north of Aylmer Road, a little beyond Hull, Que. (Macoun.) Kelly's Island, Lake Erie. {Lesquereux.) (147.) 8. caicarea, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 97. Wdssia ccUcarea, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 65. Limestone rocks of Lake Winnipeg. {Drummond.) Limestone rocks at Owen Sound, Ont, 1890. (Macoun.) (148.) S> recurvata, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 97 ; Canadian Musci, No. 60, in part. Abundant on detached limestone rocks at Owen Sound, Ont. ; dry canon near Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Devil's Hole, Niagara, Ont. (Mrs. Roy.) Yar. arcuata, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 97. Wdssia Seligeri, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 66. Sandstone rocks, near the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) (149.) S. campyiopoda, Kindb. (n. sp.) Canadian Musci, No; 60, in part. Agrees with Seligeria recurvata in the shape of the capsule and the arcuate pedicel, but differs considerably in the leaves being broader, very much shorter, sublinear obtuse, rarely short-acuminate and sub- acute, and the costa not excuiTent, the perichetial leaves ovate-oblong, thin-costate, the peristome darker red. The male flower is fixed on the side of the female. On damp and shaded limestone rocks at Owen Sound, Ont., Sept. 16th, 1890. (Macoun.) 42 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVBY 07 CANADA. 31. BLINDIA, Bruch & Schimp. (150.) B. acuta, Bruch & Schimp.; ^jesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 98 ; Canadian Musci, No. 61. Weissia acuta, Hedw. ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 72. Eocks near the " Height of Land," Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.} New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) On rocks at Never's Kapids, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On damp rocks, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C; ; and along the Nanaimo River near its mouth, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.') Summit of Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C, (J. M. Macoun.) Disco, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) 32. CAMPYLOSTELEUM, Bruch & Schimp. (151.) C. saxicola, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 99. On sandstone boulders. Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island, 1888. (Macoun.) TRIBE VII. POTTIES. 33. PHAROMITRIUM, Schimp. (152.) P. subsessile, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 100. Gymnostomum mbsessile, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 19. Plains of the Saskatchewan. (^Drummond.) On dry earth near Ashcroft, B.C., 1875. (^Macoun.) 34. POTTIA, Ehrh. (153.) P. cavlfoiia, Ehrh. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 101. Omynostomum ovatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Nos. 17 and 18. Mountain prairies and plains of the Saskatchewan (17). Rocky Mountains; very rare (18.) (Drummond.) On dry earth in crevices of rocks at Lytton, B.C., 1889. (Macoun.) (154.) P. truncata, Fuern. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 101 ; Canadian Musci, No. 62, in part. On eai'th in fields, James Terrill's farm, near Wooler, Northumber- land Co., Ont. (Macoun.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 43 (155.) P. intermedial Fuern. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, 19*7. P. truncata, Canadian Musci, No. 62, in part. On earth on the Portage between Lesser Slave Lake and Peace Eiver, September 23rd, 1872. (Macoun.) (156.) P. littoralis. Mitt. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, 198. P. truncata, Canadian Musci, No. 62, in part. On earth at Yale, B.C., May ITth, 1875. (Macoun.) (157.) P. Heimii, Fuern. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 102. Gfymnostomum Heimii, var. I., var. XL, var. III., Drumm. Muse. Bor.- Am., Nos. 13, 14 and 15 respectively. Muddy swamps in the mountains ; rare (No. 13) ; muddy swamps in the mountains (No. 14) ; bank of Hayes Eiver below York Factory? Hudson Bay (No. 15). (Drummond.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (158.) P. latifolia, Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 103. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) On rocks, Mount Alymer, Eocky Mountains, alt. 8,000. (Macoun.) i Var. pilifera, Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 104. Weissia latifolia, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am-, No. 70. Summits of the mountains ; not uncommon. (Drummond.) On earth near Cache Creek, B.C. (Macoun.) (159.) P. heimioides, Kindb. (n. sp.) Nearly allied to P. Heimii but differs in the leaves being shorter, the lower obtuse, the costa sometimes ex current, the capsule longer and narrower, cylindric, the seta golden yellow, and the peristome present but rudimentaiy. The allied Pottia riparia, Aust., is described by Lesq. & James as having " a conical mamillate lid, the costa of the leaves vanishing below the apex." These characters do not correspond with the Canadian specimens (No. 719 from Cache Creek, B.C., May 25th, 1875, and Canadian Musci from the Gaspd coast), sent by Prof. Macoun ; they probably belong to another new species. On earth along Cave Avenue, a little above the Bow Eiver Bridge, National Park, Banff, Eocky Mountains, July 4th, 1891. (Macoun.) 44 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. 35. DIDYMODON, Hedw. e (160.) D. rubellus, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 104 ; Canadian Miisci, No. 63. Weissia curvirostra, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 71. Yery common in the country extending from Canada to the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On the ground, Truro, N.S. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks and earth, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Say.) On rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks. South West Point, Anticosti ; rocks at Campbellton, N.B. ; on rocks, Truro, N.S. ; on damp rocks, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on rocks, McKay's woods, Ottawa, at Belleville, Owen Sound, Port Dover and Niagara Falls, Ont. ; on rocks at Kakabeka Falls, Kaministiquia Eiver, Lake Superior ; on earth. Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. ; on rocks. Cypress Hills, Alberta ; rocks at Morley, Banff and Hector, Eocky Mountains; at Eevelstoke, Deer Park and Sproat, Columbia Eiver; at Spence's Bridge and Lytton, B.C. ; and frequent on Vancouver Island. (Macaun.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (R. Brown.) Near London, Ont. (J. JDear- ness.) (161.) D. Canadensis, Eindb. (n. sp.) Differs from D. rubellus principally in the perichetial leaves being thinner, from the ovate base, abruptly attenuate to a short subulate acumen ; boixiers not reflexed ; basal cells very long ; costa thinner. Dioecious. On perpendicular rocks, head of Lake Louise, Eocky Mountains, Aug. 18th, 1891. (Macaun.) (162.) D. luridus, Hornsch. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 104 ; Canadian Musci, No. 64. D. trifarium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 120. About the Falls of Niagara. (Drummond.) Abundant on limestone ledges and great boulders at Jones Falls, near Owen Sound ; on limestone boulders below the Clifton House, Niagara Falls ; on rocks at Hector, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) (163.) D. rufus, Lorentz ; Greenland Flora, 384. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 45 (164.) D. cylindricus, (Bruch.)Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 105. On rocks at Wiarton, Bruce Co., Ont, (Macoim.) Grod'^iavn, Grreen- land. (Fl. Gr.) Miquelon Island. (JDelamare.) 36. LEPTODONTIUM, Hampe. (165.) L. Canadense, Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts loosely cohering, nearly without rhizoides, dark green, blackish below. Stem about 1 cm. high, nearly simple. Leaves squarrose, flexuose, undulate and not recurved at the borders, when dry curled- sublingulate, acute, entire below the middle, coarsely and unequally serrate above, not margined ; lower basal cells rectangular and sub- pellucid, the upper at the middle quadrate, the uppermost rotundate, slightly papillose ; costa finally brown, short excuirent. Dioecious ; only female plants found. In this species the leaves are larger than in the European species. It is peculiar that this genus has not been represented before in the North American Moss-Flora. On stones in the Sydenham River below Jones Falls, Owen Sound, Ont., Sept. 17th, 1890. {Mac&un.') 37. LEPTOTRICHUM, Hampe. (166.) L. tortile, Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 105 ; Canadian Musci, No. 65. Didymodon tortile, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 118. Portage between Fort William and Eainy Lake, west of Lake Superior. (Drummond.) Growing on clay, Nipisiquit Falls, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. (B.Bell.) On earth at Truro, N.S. (Macoun.) On earth at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) New Harbor, Newfoundland. (B&v. A. Waghome.) Pictou, N.S. (McKay.) (167.) L. vaginans, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 106 ; Canadian Musci, No. 386. On earth by roadsides, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island. (Macoun.) On roadsides, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) 46 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (168.) L. homomallumi Hampe ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 107. Didymodon heteromallum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 119. On earth by the torrent that enters Kicking Horse Lake by the station at Hector, Eocky Mountains, 1890. {Macoun.') West side of Rocky Mountains ; sparingly. {I>runi.mond.) * (169.) L. flexicaule, Hampe ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 107 ; Canadian Musci, No. QQ. Didymodon flexicaule, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Nos. 125-126. Alpine woods and banks ; about Lac de Bois, Rocky Mountains. (Brummond.) Twelve-mile Pool, Jupiter River, and Salt Lake, Anti- costi ; in a ravine at Whycocogmah, Cape Bi-eton ; on rocks at the mouth of Peace River Canon, lat. 56° ; abundant on wet rocks by the torrent at Hector and at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks. Lake Mara, atSicamous, B.C. ; abundant on rocks along the Columbia River, above Revelstoke, also at Deer Park on Lower Arrow Lake, B.C. {Macoun.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) *L. brevifolium, Kindb., n. subsp. Leaves very small, from the ovate-oblong base contracted to a shorter point ; costa not excurrent. This form is perhaps a distinct and proper species ; the tufts are quite barren. On rocks in the '' Dry Canon " near the discharge of Devil's Lake, National Park, Rocky Mountains, Aug. 10th, 1891. (Macoun.) Var. densum, Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 461. On rocks at Morley, Banff and Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on damp earth along the Columbia River at Donald and Revelstoke, B.C. (^Macoun.') (170.) L. paiiidum, Hampe ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 107 ; Canadian Musci, No. 67. On the ground in woods west of Belleville ; in woods near Bismarck, and at Leamington, Ont. (Macoun.) (171.) L. glaucescens, Hampe ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 108 ; Canadian Musci, No. 68. Didymodon glavKescens, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 117. Upon the shores of Lake Superior, and near York Factory, Hudson MACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 4T Bay. (JDrummond.) Bank of St. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gaspd Co. , and crevices of rocks along the Gatineau, at Kirk's Ferry and at Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que. ; on the shores of Oak Hills Pond, Hastings Co., and by the shores of many others in the same county; shore of Lake Nipissing, Ont. ; on the bank of a brook at Sicamous, B.C. (Macoun.} Near the summit of Mount Queest, G-old Eange, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) Godhavn, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) 38. TRICHOSTOMUM, Smith. (1*72.) T. tophaceum, Bi-id. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 109. Owen Sound, Ontario. (Mrs. Hoy.) Niagara Falls. (Olney.) On calcareous rocks, Hudson Hope, Peace River, lat. 56°, 1872 ; on earth in fields near Wooler, Ont. (Macoun.) 39. DESMATODON, Brid. (173.) D. iatifolius, Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 111 ; Canadian Musci, No. 69, in part. Dicranum latifolium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 109. Moist marshy places and banks of rivers amongst the Rocky Moun- tains. (Drummond.) On earth at Edmonton, N.W.T. ; not rare on earth on the Rocky Mountains in the National Park at Banff ; Black- water River, and mountains north of Griffin Lake, B.C. (Macoun,) Sum- mit of Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) Christian- shaab, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (174.) D. Systylius, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 111 ; Canadian Musci, No. 71, in part. Moist, marshy places, among the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On earth. Boggy Creek, Manitoba, 1872. (Macoun.) Disco, Green- land. (Fl. Gr.) (175.) D. Porteri, James; Lesq. & James, Mosses ofN. America, 112 ; Canadian Musci, No. 70. On rocks along the Gasp^ coast, 1882 ; also at the bases of trees on stones, extremity of Pelee Point, Lake Erie. (Macoun.) Niagara Falls. (G. W. Clinton.) 48 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (176.) D. obtusifolius, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 114. Didymodon oblongifolium, (n. sp.) Drumin. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 114. D. latifolium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 115. Mountain-rocks ; often on the under side of projecting ledges and moist marshy places, Eocky Mountains. (^Drummond.) (177.) D. subtorquescens, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) D. latifolius, Canadian Musci, No. 69, in part Nearly allied to B. atrovirens, Smith, (i>. nervosm, Bruch & Schimp. and Lesq. & James), but the tufts are compact, the stem higher, (about 1 cm.), the leaves green, not dingy, very short, suboval or subspathu- late, smaller, less opaque, the costa neither excurrent nor broader above, the capsule cylindric. The description of 2). nervosm by Lesq. & James corresponds nearly to our species, but not to the true European. On earth on exposed cliffs along the Gaspe coast above the Madeline Eiver, 10th August, 1882. {Macoun.) (178.) D. cernuuSy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 114 ; Canadian Musci, No. 71. On earth, South West Point, Anticosti ; on earth at Campbellton, N.B. ; on rocks and cliffs along the Gaspd coast ; on earth along the Pembina Eivei', northwest of Edmonton, N.W.T, ; Cache Creek Moun- tain, and on wet rocks in a ravine at Kamloops, B.C. (^Macoun.) G-reenland. {Fl. Gr.) Var. xanthopus, Kindb. (n. var.) Leaves less chlorophyllose, costa virescent. Capsule larger ; teeth more united ; pedicel yellow. On black earth at the crossing of Boggy Creek on the " Old Trail " leading to Touchwood Hills, Manitoba, 12th August, 1872. (Macoun.) (179.) D. camptothecius, Kindb. (n. sp.) Habit of Desmatodon cemuus. Plants densely csespitose. Leaves long, narrow-lingulate, subobtuse, entire or obscurely crenulate, faintly papillose, marginate and at the base revolute, mucronate by the excur- rent greenish costa. Capsule cylindric, arcuate : teeth short, cut in 2 or 4 partly coherent segments ; annulus indistinct ; lid with a short macoun] catalogue OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 49 oblique beak ; pedicel flexuous, reddish-yellow, 10-12 mm. long; spores, large, about 0.04 mm. Along the Gaspd coast on rocks close to the sea, August 12th, 1882. {Macoun.^ (180.) D. obliquus, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 115. Tortvia suberecta, (n. sp.) Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 145. Shady alpine places, upon the borders of a stream among the Eocky Mountains. {Drummond.) Sabine Island, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (181.) D. Laureri, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N". America, 115. Tortvia hryoides, (n. sp.) Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 135. Upon the ground ; on the summit of a hill in the Eocky Mountains> {Drummond.) On earth along a ditch near Victoria, Vancouver Island,. 1875. {Macoun.) Shannon Island, Greenland. (FL Gr.) 40. LEPTOBARBULA, Schimp. (182.) L. berica, (DeNot.), Schimp. Syn. ed. 2, p. 181. Trichostomum tenue, Lesq. & James, 106, vide Limpricht, 596. Leptotrichum tenue, C. MufeU. Syn. Muse. I. 447 ; Canadian Musci, No. 486*. On earth close to the railway track at Eevelstoke, B.C., May 23rd,. 1890. (Macoun.) 41. BARBULA, Hedw. la.) Aloina. C. Muell. (Klndb., as genus proper.) (183.) B. rigida, Schultz. ; Lesq.&James, Mosses of N.America, 116. On earth at Niagara Falls, 15th June, 1884. (Macoun.) (184.) B. ambigua, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 116. On the Praser Eiver alluvium, at Quesnel, B.C., 3l8t May, 1875 ; on- earth in Peace Eiver Canon, lat. 56°. (Macoun.) 4 50 aEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (185.) B. brevirostriSy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 1 15 ; Canadian Musci, No. 72. Tortula brevirostris, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 136. Clay banks among the Kocky Mountains and at York Factory, Hudson Bay. {Drummond.) On earth at Morley, foot-hills of Rocky Mountains, 13th June, 1885 ; on earth along Cave Avenue, Banff, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (186.) B. macrorhyncha, Kindb. (n. sp.) Habit of Barbula brevirostris. Leaves round-ovate, obtuse, involute all around, also at the apex ; costa not excurrent. Capsule oblong- ovoid ; annulus revoluble ; teeth long, twisted at least twice, beak of the lid more than § length of capsule ; pedicel pale red or yel- lowish. Dioecious. Calyptra unknown. Diflfers from Barbula rigida in the very much shorter leaves and the longer lid. On earth, Hastings Road, Tador, North Hastings, Ont., August 16th, 1874. {Macoun.) (c.) Tortella, C. Muell. (187.) B. tortuosa, Web. & Mohr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 120 ; Canadian Musci, No. 77. Tmtula tortuosa, Drumm. Muec. Bor.-Am., No. 141. Rocks at Lake Winnipeg; and amongst the Rocky Mountains, &c. (JDrummond.) On rocks, Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On stones, Tobique River, N.B. (Say.) On rocks Ste. Anne's River and Mount Albert, G-aspd Co., Que. ; on rocks in McKay's Woods at Ottawa ; common on rocks at Shannonville, Belleville, Owen Sound and Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on rocks at Hector and Banff, Rocky Mountains ; at Revelstoke, Deer Park and Sproat on the Columbia River ; Fort St. James, Northern British Columbia ; Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) On rocks, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Greenland. (Fl. Or.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) (188.) B. inclinatula, ,C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Canadian Musci, No. 512. Dioecious. Tufts laxly coherent, yellowish green. Stem indistinct, or 0.5 cm. high, not branching. Leaves cirrhate-crisped and rigid MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 51 when dry, suberect and nearly straight when moist, not undulate, from a thin ovate-oblong base attenuate, nearly sublinear, acute or suddenly pointed, very papillose ; margins involute, cucuUate above ; costa yel- low pellucid, excurrent in an often denticulate point. Perichetial leaves much broader and longer than the other, whitish, from a long lanceo- late base subulate ; cells nari'ow, linear also above. Capsule narrow- cylindric, nearly straight, suberect ; peristome long, several times convolute. This species resembles rather the European Barhula inclinata (Hedw. f.) than B. tortuosa, which has a larger capsule, longer leaves, taller stems, &c. On earth and gravel on bars along old channels of the Illicillewaet, near Eevelstoke, B.C. ; fruiting abundantly. May 27th, 1890. (Macoun.) (189.) B. fragilis, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 129 ; Canadian Musci, No. 78. Tortvla tortuosa, var, inclinata, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 142. Didymodon fragile, (n. sp.), Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Na 127. Dry mountain prairies ; upon the " Height of Land " in the Eocky Mountains (142) ; margins of alpine lakes ; fruit very rare (127). (Brummond.') Eiver du Loup (en bos) Que. (St. Gyr.) Eocks along the bed of Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, at the base of Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que. ; abundant on the borders of marshy streams at Hector and Banif, Eocky Mountains ; fruit very scarce. (^Macoun.) North Shore of Lake Superior. (Agassiz.) Disco, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (190.) B. csespitosa, Schwaegr. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 129. On earth at the base of trees in woods at Belleville, and near the " Big Swamp" Mun-ay, and in Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont, ; roots of trees, North Bay, Lake Nipissing. (Mdcoun.) (d.) EUBARBULA, C. Muell. (191.) B. Vah liana, Schultz ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 117. On earth at Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1875. (Macoun.) (192.) B. amplexa, Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 118. Tortula humilis, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 137. Limestone rocks of Lake Winnipeg. (Drummond.) 52 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (193.) B. carnifolia, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Stem very short, 2-3 mm. high. Leaves lingulate, not mai'gined, blunt ; margins recurved below and above the middle at one side ; cells finally sub-pellucid, the upper sub-quadrate, also the median, the lower basal near the costa large, rectangular and hyaline, the marginal shorter and narrower, costa red, thick, and sub-percurrent or rarely short exciu'rent. Inner perichetial leaves smaller and shorter. Capsule longer than the straight lid j pedicel about 1.5 cm. long. Probably dioecious. (194.) B. subcarnifolia, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Smaller than B. camifolia, differing principally in the leaves being short, suboblong, short-apiculate, the upper pellucid at the flat margins, the costa green. Probably monoecious. Differs from B. amplexa in the capsule being longer than the oblique lid. On earth at the base of trees, Pelee Island, Lake Erie, 13th June, 1882. (Mac(mn.) (e.) SENOPHYLLUM, C. Muell. (195.) B. platyneura, C. M. & Kindb. (n, sp.) Dioecious. Tufts compact subpulvinate, light brown. Stem scarcely 1 cm. high. Leaves suberect, when dry imbricate and contorted, short, ovate or ovate-oblong, subacute, papillose ; margins strongly revolute ; basal cells short-rectangular, the other subquadrate ; costa thick, short excurrent or per current. Barren. Nearly allied to the European B. revoluta, Schrad., but clearly dis- tinct in the always shorter, and less obtuse leaves. On dry rocks at the Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 11th, 1890. (Macoun.) (196.) B. (Trichostomum) nitidum, (Lindb.) Jur. On wet earth at Hector, Eocky Mountains, August 14tb, 1890. {Macoun.y (197.) B. gracilis, Schwaegr, ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 12'7. On sandstone rocks along the Peace River, below Dunvegan, and within the Rocky Mountains along that river, lat. 56" 12'. (Macoun.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 53 (198.) B. subgracilis, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Densely tufted. Plants small, about 0.6 cm. high, green above, red- brown below, nearly simple. Leaves when dry subcrispate, when moistened squarrose, curved from the ovate base, narrow, long-subulate, nearly smooth ; borders reflexed nearly all around ; lower basal cells rectangular, more pellucid than the other ; costa reddish, percurrent or short-excurrent. Inner perichetial leaves broad, blunt with a long- «xcun*ent costa, the other acuminate, all faintly crenulate. Capsule oblong-cylindric, red-brown, longer than the subulate oblique beak ; pedicel red. Dioecious. Allied to Barhula gracilis. On rocks at Yale, B.C., May I'Tth, 1889. {Macoun.) (199.) B. subicmadophila, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) B. gracilis, var. squarrvlosa, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XVII. 89. Laxly tufted. Plants about 1 cm. high, pale brown, nearly simple. Leaves when dry loosely appressed, when moistened subquarrose or patent, nearly straight, short, ovate-lanceolate acute, faintly papillose ; borders slightly reflexed at the base, inflexed at the upper part, papillose-crenulate ; cells nearly uniform, roundish or subquadi'ate, the apical often larger and pellucid ; costa pale, percurrent. Pei'iche- tial leaves from a short ovate base long-acuminate sublinear ; costa dark-brown, long-excurrent, filling nearly the whole acumen. Capsule oblong-cylindric, finally blackish ; pedicel dark-brown. Dioecious. Habit of Barhula fallax or B. gracilis, but diifering at once in the leaf-borders being scarcely reflexed. In the European Barhula icmadophila, Bryol., Europ., the leaves are smooth, and the upper furnished with a long-excurrent costa. On dry rocks, but which ai'e covered at high water, at Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1875. (Macoun,) (200.) B. fallax, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 121. Tortvia fallax, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 139. Dicranum pelluddum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 108. Banks of rivers near the Eocky Mountains ; apparently rare. Rocks of Portage River near the Columbia River. {Drummond.) Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth at Owen Sound, Ont., 1874; on earth at the base of trees, Comox, Vancouver Island ; on sand along Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gaspd, Que. (Macoun.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (R. Brown.) 54 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (201.) B. recurvifolia, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 122. On rocks near Lake La Mab, North Hastings, Ont., 15th August^ 1874. (^Mdcoun.) Niagara Falls. (Austin.) (202.) B. sparsidens, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Loosely tufted. Plants small, 0.5-1 cm. high, green above, feiTU- gineous below, nearly simple. Leaves small, when dry incurved, when moistened subquarrose, arcuate, ovate-lanceolate, distinctly papillose ; borders reflexed nearly all around ; lower basal cells rect- angular, hyaline ; costa pale, rough at back, percurrent. Inner perichetial leaves shorter than the outer ; costa not or veiy short- excurrent. Capsule small, oblong-cylindric, reddish, longer than the oblique beak ; peristome and pedicel red. Dioecious. Allied to Barbula fallax, but differing principally in the peristomial teeth, spreading, loosely and not spirally twisted. On earth along the west side of the Columbia River, at Revelstoke» B.C.. May 3rd, 1890. {Macoun.) (203.) B. melanocarpa, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Laxly tufted. Fertile stem nearly simple, about i^ cm. high, the barren branching, doubly higher. Leaves when dry appressed, not twisted, when moistened open, olive-green, short ovate-lanceolate acute, slightly papillose ; bordere reflexed below the middle ; cells nearly uniform, roundish or subquadrate ; costa brown, short-excur- rent. Perichetial leaves from the ovate-oblong base long-acuminate, costa filling the whole linear acumen. Capsule oblong-cylindric straight, finally blackish, obliquely short-beaked ; annulus not distinct ; pedicel red. Dioecious. Allied to Barbula subicmadophila. On rocks along the Fraser, close to the water at Yale, B.C., May 18th, 1881. (Macoun.) (204.) B. rigidula, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 123. Didymodon rigidulum Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., 121. On rocks amongst the Eocky Mountains ; rare. (Drummond.) On the roots of trees close to the water, west side of Colpoy's Bay, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron ; and on earth at Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 55 (205.) B. spadicea, Mitt. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, 266. B. rigidvla, Canadian Musci, No. 412. Differing from B. rigidula in the leaves being more curved, and broader pointed, the costa distinct to the apex ; from B. fallax in the scarcely twisted peristome. On earth by a brook at Lytton, B.C., April 17th, 1889. {Macoun.) (206.) B. unguiculata, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 120 ; Canadian Musci, No. 73. " Torivla unguiculata, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 140. In Upper Canada ; and about Carlton House, &c. (Drummond.') Common on earth at Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowlefs Gat.) Pictou, N.S. {McKay.) Tay, York Co. and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Yery common on the bordei-s of old roads in and around Ottawa, Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on earth along old roads at Eevelstoke on the Columbia Eiver, and at Cache Creek, B.C. (Macoun.) Yery common in sandy soil at London, Ont (J. Beamess.) (207.) B. brachyphylla, Sulliv. Yar. angustifolia, Kindb (n. var.) On calcareous rocks where water drips]in spring, Deer Park, Lower, Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver, B.C., June 8th, 1890. (Macoun.) (208.) B. (Didymodon ?) oenea, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Dioecious. Tufts loose, purple, without rhizoids. Stems about 1 cm. high, branches not divided. Leaves nearly straight, loosely appressed when dry, patent when moist, short ovate-lanceolate attenuate, acute, papillose ; margins faintly revolute at the base, also above at least on one side ; costa red, subpercnrrent ; basal cells rectangular pellucid, the other subquadrate, dusky. Barren. Nearly allied to the European (also occurring in Greenland) Barhula (Didymodon) rufa, Lor., which has the branches divided and the leaves brown-red with a different areolation. On earth subject to inundation one and a half miles above Eevelstoke, along the Columbia Eiver, B.C., May 12th, 1890. (Macoun.) (209.) B. rubiginosa, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 126. North West Coast. (Douglas.) I believe Douglas' specimens to be B. robustifolia, C. M. & Kindb. (Macoun.) 56 GEOLOaiOAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. ^210.) B. cylindricay Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 125 ; Canadian Musci, No. 81, in part. On rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 11th, 1890 ; on damp i-ocks at Spence's Bridge, Yale, and Agassiz, B.C. ; also wet rocks, Cadboro Bay, Yancouver Island. (^Macoun.) <211.) B. robustifolia, C M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Barbula rubiginosa, Canadian Musci, No. 75. Very nearly allied to Barbula tortellifolia. Differs in the dark brown or olive-green color of the whole plant, the leaves being more crowded, shorter with an ovate-oblong base, borders reflexed nearly to the middle at one side, upper cells larger and sub-pellucid, the basal ones hyaline subquadrate, costa thicker and not excurrent, lineai' and distinct to the apex. Bai-ren. Abundant on rocks at Cedar Hill and other localities near Victoria ; also on rocks on Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. First collected at Victoria, May 5th, 1875, and then named B. rubiginosa by Austin. (^Macoun.) . (212.) B. tortellifolia, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Barbula cylindrica, Canadian Musci, No. 81, in part. B. fleodfolia, Canadian Musci, No. 399. This species very much resembles Barbula horridifolia in its habit but is found in a well-fruiting state. It is generally more robust, often 4-5 cm. high and finally sometimes quite red. The stem is more divided, the leaves broader, less distinctly decurrent, the comal ones larger and crowded, short-pointed by the excurrent costa ; the perichetial ones suddenly attenuate to a long narrow acumen, but the costa is faintly excun-ent. The capsule is lai-ge sub-cylindric, reddish doubly longer than the beak ; peristome long, once loosely contorted whitish. Dioecious. On wet rocks on the North Arm, Burraid Inlet, B.C. ; on rocks by the sea. Telegraph Bay, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; also on rocks by the sea, Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Macoun.) (213.) B. circinnatula, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Nearly allied to Barbula cylindrica or rather intermediate between Barbula elata and B. virescens. Differs in the upper leaves being green, circinnate-twisted in the dry state, the peristome paler and the annulue simple ; the areolation of the leaves is also more distinct. MACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 5*7 On earth on rocks along the railway a mile east of Agassiz, B.C., May 8th, 1889. (Macoun.) (214.) B. horrid ifolia, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Densely tufted. Plants about 3 cm. high, green above, rusty-red i)elow, more or less branching. Leaves dry irregularly crispate, when moistened falcate, spreading at all sides, very long and narrow, ovate- lanceolate, carinate above, loosely disposed and long-decurrent, nearly smooth ; borders reflexed at the ovate base ; basal cells pellucid, short- rectangular, the inner lai-ger ; upper cells small and obscure ; costa red-brown, broader below, narrower above, vanishing in the apex. Barren. This species is allied to Barbula cylindrica (Tayl.) Lindb., but differs principally in the decurrent leaves and the attenuate costa. On damp rocks, near the whirlpool, west of the Columbia Eiver, at Eevelstoke, B.C., May 9th, 1890. (Macoun.) (215.) B. convoiuta, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 127 ; Canadian Musci, No. 76. TorUda convolvia, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 138. Sandy soil in the country extending from Canada to the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On pasture fields and by roadsides at Ottawa, Carlton Place, Belleville, Niagara Falls and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on earth at Victoria and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On earth, very common at London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) (216.) B. chrysopoda, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs from Barbula convoluta in the short nearly indistinct stem, the leaves sub-lingulate, very obtuse, the perichetial leaves rounded or truncate at the apex, long exserted, the lid spirally contorted. On earth in the burnt woods around Eevelstoke ; especially along old roads. May 17th, 1890. (Macoun.) (f.) SYNTRICHIA, C. Muell. (217.) B. subulata, Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 130. Tortula subulata, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 144. In the country from Canada to the Eocky Mountains ; upon the ground. (Drummond.) On earth in the country north of Edmonton, N.W.T, ; on earth along the Fraser Eiver, below Lytton, B.C. ; and ■on rocks. Point Wilkins, Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. (Macoun.) 58 QEOLOeiCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVSY OF CANADA. Var. lonsifoiia, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XVU., 89. Intermediate between B. subulata and B. angustata. Leaves long^ and narrow, acuminate and acute, distinctly denticulate above, papillose, yellow, bordered ; eosta long-excuiTent, but shorter in the perichetial leaves. On earth. Cypress Hills, Alberta ; on earth at Ciiche Creek, Yale and Lytton, B.C. ; vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 7th, 1875. (Macoun.') (218.) B. mucronifolia, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. &. James, Mosses of N. America, 131 ; Canadian Musci, No. 80. On rocks at Truro, N.S. (^Fowler's Cat.) On calcareous earth, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; crevices of limestone rocks at Belleville, Ont. (Macoun.) Sandy banks of the St. Lawrence at Fox River, Gasp^ Co., Que. (J. A. Allen.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (219.) B. angustata, Wils. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, 221 ; Canadian Musci, No. 413. B. subulata, Beauv. var. angusUita, Scbirap. ; Lie8q.~(S:;JameS) Mosses of N. America, 131. Resembling B. subulata, but more slender. Leaves narrowly ovate- lanceolate, acute, nearly smooth, margin incrassate, hyaline. Capsule paler, suberect, narrowly cylindric. On sandy soil near London, Ont. (J. Deamess,) On sand at the extreme end of Pelee Point, Ijake Erie; on rocks at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; on earth at Lytton,. Spence's Bridge and Agassiz, B.C. (Macoun.) (220.) B. ruralis, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America 132 ; Canadian Musci, No. 82. Tortvla ruralis, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 143. Various parts of the country ; scarcely common. (Drummond.) On limestone rocks at Ottawa, Belleville, Owen Sound and Niagara Falls ; also at Flat Rock Portage, Lake Nepigon ; on rocks near Victoria, Van- couver Island ; dry rocks, Kananaskis Station, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Smith's Sound, between lat. 78°— 82°. (Dr. Hayes.} Shannon Island, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (221.) B. alpina, Bruch & Schimp. On rocks, at Quesnel, B.C., May 29th. 1875. (Macoun.) MACOUN. .] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 59 (222.) B. aciphylla, Bruch & Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 479. On rocks, Mount Queest, Gold Eange, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) On rocks, mountains north of GriflSn Lake, Gold Eange, B.C. ; diy rocks at Hector, Eocky Mountains, and in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. (Macoun.) Disco Island, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (223.) B. megalocarpa, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVI. 92 ; Canadian Musci, No. 79. Allied to B. ruralis, but differs in the capsule being very much longer and cylindrical, at least twice the length of the conic operculum, the peristome shorter than the tubulose base and calyptra vei-y much prolonged below the capsule, the middle leaves more distant, the upper leaves subacute not emarginate or rounded at the apex, and rather acute ; the hair-point is red at the base, and the leaf-base narrowly or not margined, with pale-yellow cells. On rocks. Cypress Hills, Alberta ; common on rocks at Eevel- stoke on the Columbia Eiver, at Deer Park, Lower Aitow Lake, and Sproat at Pass Creek ; on rocks at Sicamous and Yale, B.C. ; very common on rocks at Victoria, Comox and other places on Van- couver Island. (Macoun.) It exists also as a variety with a smaller capsule. (224.) B. laevipila, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 132. Vancouver Island. (Lyall.) May this not be B. lato-excisa, C. M. & Kindb. ? (Macoun.) (225.) B. brachyangia, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Dioecious. Plants brown-ferruginous, 2-3 cm. high. Leaves small, the upper close, curved, short ovate-oblong, obtuse or subacute, the upper part scarcely longer than the sheathing base ; margins slightly recurved in the middle ; broad cells hyaline, nearly uniform ; costa rough at back ; hairpoint long, denticulate, the greater part pale red. Capsule small and short, oblong-cylindric, sub-symmetric ; pedicel red 1.5-2 cm. long. This species is very distinct from Barbula ruralis in the short, nearly flat leaves, the hyaline leaf-base, and the small capsule. On rocks along Becscie Eiver, Anticosti, September 3i'd, 1883. Has been included in B. ruralis. (Macoun.) 60 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (226.) B. lato-excisa, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) B. lievipila, Canadian Musci, No. 74, in part. Differs from Barhula leptotricha in the leaves being green, nearly flat at the borders ; the outer basal cells faintly chlorophyllose, nar- rowly marginate. On the bases of trees, on Mount Tolmie, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 20th, 1887. (Macoun.) (227.) B. papillinervis, C. M. & Kindb. MS. (n. sp.) Allied to B. ruralis. Upper leaves subacute, leaf-base narrowly margined, with pale-yellow cells ; calyptra very much prolonged below the capsule. On rocks at Cache Creek, B.C., May 25th, 1875 ; also on dry rocks at Eevelstoke, Columbia River, B.C., 1890 ; on rocks west side of Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) (228.) B. leptotricha, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Diifere from Barbula ruralis, principally in the shorter leaves, emarginate at the apex, with a fine and nearly smooth hair-point ; the basal cells hyaline. On limestone rocks. Point Wilkins, Lake Winnipegoosis, Manitoba, July 16th, 1881. (Macoun.) (229.) B. (Syntrichia?) rotundo-emarginata, CM. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Dioecious. Plants loosely tufted, brown, about 1 cm. high. Stem beset with emarcid leaves or naked below. Comal leaves close, patent when moist, scarcely curved, papillose, short obcordate, not sheathing ; margins slightly or not recurved ; cells subquadrate, the inner basal greater and hyaline ; costa red and thick, faintly rough at back, excurrent into a long, hyaline, or at the base reddish, more or less denticulate hair-point. This species belongs either to the section Syntrichia or to Eubarbula (Ganeifolice) ; the leaves are larger than in Barbula carnifolia. (230.) B. Muelleri, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of North America, 133 ; Canadian Musci, No. 83. On earth in the mountains at Yale, B.C. ; on rocks in the vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On rocks. Alert Bay, Van- couver Island. {Dawson.) Alaska. {Both. Alask.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 61 YIII. GEIMMIE^. 42. CINCLIDOTUS, Beauv. (231.) C. fontinaloides, Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of IT America, 134. On rocks in the bed of a creek, Ontario, Canada. (Lesq. & James.) 43. SCOULERIA, Hook. (232.) S> aquatica, Hook. ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., I^o. 63. Grimmia Scovleria, Lesq. & James, Mosses of North America, 137. Scovleria aquatica, var. virescens, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club XVI., 93 Canadian Musci, No. 105. Upon stones in the Columbia and Portage rivers. (JDrummond.) On stones in mountain brooks and in the Fraser Eiver at Yale, B.C. ; fruiting abundantly ; also on rocks in a mountain brook. Lake Mara, near Sicamous, B.C. (Macoun.) (233.) S. Nevii, C. Muell., Bull. Ton-. Bot. Club XVII., 213. S. agvatica, var. nigrescens, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVI. 94 ; Cana- dian Musci, No. 388. Leaves when dry more or less patent, dark green, broader near the middle, very short-acuminate, suboblong-elliptic, obtusely dentate also below the middle, entire in the broad rounded apex, margined by obscure cells ; upper cells dusky, the lower subpellucid, the median of the base linear and not porose. Scouleria aquatica has the leaves when dry appressed and blackish (only the uppermost green), broader at the base, narrow below the middle and acuminate, ovate-lanceolate, sharply serrate from the middle to the contracted apex, very distinctly margined by obscure cells ; the most of the cells dusky and thick- walled except the few median linear not porose ones of the base ; inner perichetial leaves shorter, less dusky ; perigonial leaves short, suboval and very obtuse. On rocks in Glacier Creek, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; in a mountain brook, Lake Mara, near Sicamous, B.C. ; on rocks in the Nanaimo Eiver, below the railway bridge, near Nanaimo, Van- couver Island. {Macoun.) 62 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (234.) S. Muelleri, Kindb. (n. sp.) Canadian Musci No, 558. Leaves when dry loosely appressed and dark green, broader above the base, oblong-ovate or nearly ellipitic, very short-acuminate, sharply serrate above, already below, the middle ; entire in the broad rounded apex, indistinctly margined by pale-orange cells ; all cells subpellucid, the median at the base linear, porose and numerous. Inner perichetial leaves longer, from the short dilated and entire base sublinear and serrate, very pellucid. On boulders in the Columbia Eiver, about a mile and a half above Revelstoke, B.C., on the east side of the river, May 12th, 1890. (Macoun.) 44. CRIMMIA. Ehrh. (A.) Schistidium. (235.) C. conferta, Funck ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 135 ; Canadian Musci, No. 84. On rocks along Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; on rocks, shores of Lake Superior and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on rocks, Fort Chipweyan, Lake Athabasca, and at the Eocky Mountain Canon, Peace Eiver ; on rocks, Stewart's Lake Mountain, at the Blackwater Eiver; and on dry rocks at Lytton on the Fraser Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) On rocks. Mount Queest, Gold Eange, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) Pictou, N.S, {McKay.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que. {St. Cyr.) Tay, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) (236.) C. Manniee, C. Muell. On dry sun-baked rocks on the right bank of the Thompson Eiver, beyond the bridge at Lytton, B.C., April 17th, 1889, (Macoun.) (23'7,) C> apocarpa, Hodw. ; Lesq. «& James, Mosses of N. America, ^ 136 ; Canadian Musci, No. 85. G. apocarpa var. stricta, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No, 55. Eocks between Norway House and Yor^ Factory, Hudson Bay. {Drummond.) Cape Prince of "Wales and Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. {R. Bell.) On rocks, Earltown Lake, N.S. {McKay.) Common on rocks, St. John Co., N.B. {Fowler's Oat.) Tay, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) Tadousac, Qae. {St. Cyr.) Miquelon Island. {Del&mare,) Eivi^re St. Anne des Monts, Gasp6 wAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 63 Oo., Que. ; on rocks, Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; abundant on boulders at Ottawa, Carleton Place, Belleville, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound. Lake Superior and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; dry rocks at Morley, Banff and Hector, Eocky Mountains ; on boulders along Peace Eiver at the mouth of Smoky Eiver, lat. 56° 12' ; on rocks at McLeod's Lake, along the Blackwater Eiver, at Cache Creek, Kamloops, Eevelstoke, and Yale, B.C. (Macoun.) Mountains south of Tulameen Eiver, B.C., alt. 6,000 feet. (Dawson.) On rocks near St. John, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.') Limestone rocks at Delaware, near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) On rocks near Kingston Mills, Ont. {Lawson.) Sabine Island, Crreenland. {Fl. G-r.) (238.) C. gracilis, Nees & Hornsch. G. apocarpa, var. gracilis, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 136; Canadian Musci, No. 86. On perpendicular rocks, St. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp6 Co., Que. ; rocks around Lake Nepigon, and along the Dawson Eoute, west of Lake Superior ; on dry rocks at Morley, Kananaskis, and Hector, Eocky Mountains ; on dry rocks at Eevelstoke, Deer Park, Sproat, Sicamous, Yale, Agassiz, and Moodyville on BuiTard Inlet, B.C. ; Peace Eiver, near Fort St. John. Lat. 56° 12'. (Macoun.) On dry rocks at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Tadousac, Que. (St. Cyr.) (239.) C. rivularis, Nees & Hornsch. G. apocarpa, var. rivularis, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 136 ; Canadian Musci, No- 87. G. apocarpa, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 54. * On rocks between Norway House and York Factory, Hudson Bay. (Drummond.) At Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Wet rocks in a brook at Cape Eosier, Gaspd Co., Que. ; wet rocks, north of Lake Superior and along the Dawson Eoute west of the lake ; wet rocks, Kananaskis Eiver near its mouth, Eocky Mountains ; on great boulders in the Columbia, one and a half miles above Eevelstoke, B.C. ; on rocks in Cornwallis Eiver, near Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Clearwater Eiver, lat, 57°., N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.') On wet rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B: (J. Moser.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (240.) C. aipicola, Swartz ; Muse. Suec. ; Flora of Greenland, 346. West Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) 64 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (241.) C. platyphylla, Mitt. ; Lesq.A James, Mosses of N. America, 136. On rocks near the mouth of Smoky Eiver where it enters Peace Kiver, lat. 56° 20', 1872 ; on rocks by the torrent at Hector, Rocky Mountains, 1890. (Macoun.) (242.) C. Agassizii, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 136. Rocks washed by the waves, north shore of Lake Superior, 1848. (Agdssiz.) On large bouldere in Blocker's Grove, within, the limits of the city of Belleville, Ont. 1888. (Macoun.) (243.) C. maritimay Turn.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America. 137. Miquelon Island. {Delhmare,) New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A, Waghorne.) (244.) G. crassinervis, C. Muell. G. maritima, Canadian Musci, No. 88. Collected on Vancouver Island, near Victoria, by Dr. RgjII. 1888. On rocks washed by the sea. Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, also on rocks by the sea, at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. May 9th, 1887. {Macoun.') (245.) C. chloroblasta, Kindb. (n. sp.) O. coscinodontoides, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. XVII., 271 ; Canadian Musci, No. 416. Differs from G. conferta principally in the long, hair-pointed leaves, the perichetial being larger and gi*een, the lid of the capsule short conic-apiculate, the teeth very cribrose, nearly as in Coscinodon pulvinatus. On dry rocks on the mountain overlooking the Thompson River at Spence's Bridge, B.C., alt. 3,500 feet. May 28th, 1889. (Macoun.) (246.) C. heterophylla, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII. 271. Diifers from G^. conferta in the stem being nearly simple, the leaves patent, when dry, the upper canaliculate, margins involute above, the perichetial very much larger, the peristome reddish, not papillose. The tufts are about 2 cm. high, when dry dark green above. On rocks on the mountains between the Nicola and Thompson rivers at Spence's Bridge, B.C., alt. 3,500 ^eet. May 28th, 1889. (JfocoMn.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 65 (247.) C. atricha, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs considerably from Grimmia conferta in the lufts densely cohering, the leaves being small and when dry appressed, muticoas, short, ordinarily ovate-oblong, not recurved at the margins, the cells not incrassate, the perichetial leaves very much larger and broader than the other ones ; capsule more wide-mouthed, teeth of the peristome orange only below, yellow or hyaline above, entire, not rimose nor papillose, lid longer rostrate. This small moss grows in large, but only 1 cm. high, dry, blackish or when moist, green tufts. On the sloping face of broken rocks at the summit of the mountains back of Sproat, Columbia Eiver, B.C., alt. 4,000 feet, June 24th, 1890. {Macoun.) (248.) C. pachyneurula, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts small, gi-een. Leaves small, when dry appressed, not twisted, when moist, speading, short ovate-lanceolate, recurved on both sides, hairless and obtuse ; cells uniform subquadrate, not erose, the alar scarcely distinct ; costa percurrent, thick, and smooth at the back. This species is found only in a barren state, but appears to belong to the section Schistidium. On rocks, near the Whirlpool on the west side of the Columbia, at Eevelstoke, B.C. May 7th, 1890. (Macoun.) (B.) Eugrimmia. (249.) C. anodon, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 138 ; Canadian Musci, No. 89. On dry rocks at Morley, foot-hills of Eocky Mountains, and at Lytton, B.C. (Macoun.) (250.) C. plagiopodia, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 138. On dry rocks. Cypress Hills, Alberta ; on sandstone rocks along Peace Eiver, 50 miles below Dunvegan ; on rocks, Blackwater Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) Var. pilifera, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 138; Cana- dian Musci, No. 511. On dry rocks along Peterson's Creek, in the flats near the ^-ailway station at Kamloops, B.C., 1890. (Macoun.) 66 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL BISTORT SURVEY OF CANADA. (251.) C. nivalis, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVH, 271 ; Cana- dian Musci, No. 415. Tufts blackish, low and compact. Stems denudate below. Leaves dusky above, small, short, ovate-lanceolate, acute, muticous or indis- tinctly piliferous, flat on the borders, the uppermost and the perichetial ones longer and narrower with a smooth and long hair-point ; cells quadrate, chlorophyllose, the lower hyaline, short-rectangular ; costa percurrent. Inflorescense dioecious. Capsule exserted, wide-mouthed when empty, not rugose nor striate ; calyptra dimidiate ; teeth orange, nearly entire, spreading when dry ; lid mammillate ; pedicel when dry arcuate, when moist nearly straight, elongate, pale. Differs from G. plagiopodia in the longer acute leaves and the pedicel very much longer than the capsule. On inclined rocks in compact wide-spreading tufts on the Grold Bange, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., alt. 7,000 feet, August 10th, 1889. (^Macoun.) (252.) C. tenella, C. Muell. ; Canadian Musci, No. 501. This species, allied to G. nivalis, is described by C. Mueller, in the revision of the Mosses collected by Dr. Rojll. Summit of Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C., alt. 7,000 feet, 1889. (/. M. Macoun.) On dry rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, and near the mouth of Pass Creek, Columbia River, B.C., 1890. (Macoun.) (253.) C. pulvinata, Smith; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 138 ; Canadian Musci, No. 90. In small tufts on dry i-ocks on the slopes of Sproat Mountain, Columbia River, and on calcareous tufa at the Hot Springs, Kootanie Lake ; dry rocks, Blackwater River, Cache Creek, and atLytton, B.C. ; abundant on Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Macoun.) (254.) C. sarcocalyx, Kindb., Bull. Ton-. Club, XVII., 271. • Differs from the allied Grimmia leucopJuea principally in the leaves bemg furnished with a faintly denticulate hair-point, the capsule short-oval, the lid obliquely beaked, the pedicel doubly longer than the capsule, sheath pale-red, inflated and camose. The leaves are short, very broad at the base as in G. leucopJicea ; the cells are nearly all quadrate. On rocks on the summit of the mountain between the Nicola and MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 67 Thompson rivers at Spence's Bridge, B.C., alt. 3,500 feet. May 28th, 1889. {Macoun.) (255.) G. contortai Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 139. On rocks in the vicinity of McLeod's Lake, northern British Columbia, June 25th, 1875. {Macoun.') (256.) C. funaliSy (Schwsegr.) Schimp. ; Braithw. British Moss- Flora, Yol. II. 13. Q. apirills. Hook. & Taylor ; Flora of Greenland, 347. Dioecious. Densely csespitose, readily falling asunder, grey-green or yellowish green above, reddish brown or fuscous below. Stems 1-2 in. high, slender, erect, sub-dichotomous, free from radicles. Leaves when dry erect and spirally incumbent, when moist erecto-patent, small, lanceolate, upper with hyaline points, or extended into a smooth hair, the margin a little recurved, nerve narrow, vanishing at the apex ; cells at base narrowly rectangular, quadrate and hyaline at margin, above quadrate and sinuose, upper in two strata, minute, quadrate. Perichetial leaves broader at base, concave, piliferous ; pedicel shorter than the perichetial leaves, curved, pale yellow ; calyptra conico mitriform, 5-lobed, capsule small, ovate, pale reddish brown, 8-striate ; annulus broad of 3-4 rows of cells, lid from a convex base ; short- pointed ; teeth rufous purple, lacunose or torn at apex. Male plants taller and more slender ; inflorescence terminal, inner bracts oblong- acute. Smith's Sound, between lat. 78°— 82°. (Dr. Hayes.') (257.) C. prolifera, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts soft, coherent and very radiculose, dry blackish below, proliferous with long green shoots. Stem slender, naked below, 3-4 cm. long. Leaves dry incurved or crisped, the upper often falcate when moist, narrow, from the oblong appressed subvaginant base attenuate to a shorter acute acumen, muticous or rarely furnished with an apical hair point-like cell, margins recurved at least at one side ; lower basal cells narrow-rectangular, the other and the upper subquadrate, all thin-walled, faintly yellowish and pellucid ; costa yellow-brown, percurrent. Differs from the allied Grimmia contorta (Wahlenb.) principally in the shorter, muticous, at the margin recurved, leaves, the upper more 68 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. distant than the lower. It is also distinct fi'om G. hamulosa, Lesq. (fide C. Mueller.) " (258.) G. torquata, Grov. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America^ 140 ; Canadian Musci. No. 91 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 58. Near the " Height of Land " Kooky Mountains. (JDrummmd.) Abundant on rocks at Hector and along the Kicking Horse Pass, Eocky Mountains ; on dry rocks at Eevelstoke and Sproat, Columbia Eiver ; also at Sicamous and Agassiz, B.C. ; on rocks at Vic- toria and on Mount Benson, Vancouver Island ; on Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Macoun ) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (259.) C tortifolia, Kindb. Enumer. Bryin. Doovens. (1888.) G. streptophylla, Laubm. Schwed. u. Norw. Nearly allied to Grimmia torquata, but differing principally in the shorter leaves and leaf-cells. On rocks in Eagle Pass, west of Eevelstoke, B.C., May 23rd, 1890. (Macoun.) (260.) C. Muehlenbeckii, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 140. On rocks Bow Eiver Pass near the ** Gap," Eocky Mountains ; on dry rocks, Blackwater Eivei", and at Lytton, B.C. (Macoun.) On rocks, Newfoundland. {Bev. A. Waghorne.) (261.) C. eiatior, Bruch ; Flora of Greenland, 347 ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, Vol. II., 23. Dioecious. Plants robust, laxly csespitose, 3-10 cm. high, black at the base, fuscous-green above. Leaves very long, elongate-lanceolate from a broader base, margins revolute below, gradually attenuated into a smoothish hair, basal cells narrow, upper short, more or less papillose, all slightly sinuose. Capsule ovate lO-striate, when dry, obloug, pale-brown ; calyptra lobate ; annulus of 3 rows of cells ; lid rostellate or sub-acicular ; teeth purple; pedicel short, pale, arcuate. Godhavn, Greenland. {R.Brown.) On rocks. Mount Alymer, north of Devil's Lake, Eocky Mountains, alt. 8,300 feet, August 6th, 1891. {Macoun.) *iAcouN.J CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 69 (262.) C. trichophylla, Grev. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, Amei'ica, 141 ; Canadian Musci, No. 92. G. Californica, Canadian Musci, No. 93. On dry rocks, Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Blackwater River, Revelstoke, Sicamous, Lytton, and at Yale, B.C. ; rocks at Mount Tolmie, near Victoria, Yancouver Island ; also on Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. ; and abun- dant on rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. (Macoun.) (263.) C. depilata, Kindb. G. densa, Kindb,, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVIL, 271. Tiifts large and compact, brown or green above. Stem elongate. Leaves, wben moist arcuate, ovate-lanceolate (shorter than in G. trichophylla), recurved on both sides, generally hairless and obtuse, sometimes with a short hair-point -, alar cells hyaline elongate in 4 5 rows, the other more or less erose. Perichetial leaves from the sheathing base nan-owed, into a longer, canaliculate, sublinear (not subulate) and obtuse acumen. Capsule nearly smooth, when dry finally rugose, not distinctly costate ; teeth red, deeply cleft below the middle, when dry, spreading, connivent when moist ; beak more or less oblique ; pedicel arcuate when dry. This species is nearly allied to Grimmia trichophylla and very critical but is approved of by Dr. C. Mueller. Summit of Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Yancouver Island, alt. 3,000 feet; June 8th, 1887. (Macoun.') (264.) C. OIneyiy Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 142. On boulders along the St. Lawrence at Brockville ; on Laurentian rocks, Gibson's Mountain, Prince Edward Co., Ont. (Macoun.) (265.) C. arcuatifoiia, Kindb., Ball. Torr. Bot. Club, XVL, 93. Loosely tufted ; tufts blackish, dark green above. Stems 5 cm. long, denudate at base. Lower leaves small, upper long and not crisped ; hooked-curved when moist, ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate aad acute, reflexed at least at one border with a short denticulate hair- point ; most of the basal cells pellucid, long and narrow, the upper basal cells sinuous, the marginal uniseriate and hyaline or not distinct ; TO GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. the other cells chlorophyllous, quadrate and not sinuous ; costa pei*- current canaliculate, pellucid in the middle. Probably allied to the European Grimmia elatior, Bryol, Europ., but this species has also the upper cells sinuous. Abundant on dry rocks, Cedar Hill and Mount Tolmie, near Yictoria, Vancouver Island, April 2l8t, 1887. (Macoun.) (266.) C. microtricha, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Plants in small blackish pulvinate tufts with green tops. Leaves^ when moist, euberect, short ovate-lanceolate, margins recurved, plane only at the short base ; cells short, the alar narrow and hyaline. Perichetial leaves ovate obtuse. Capsule oblong, smooth ; teeth dark red ; annulus not distinct ; lid short conic, obtuse ; calyptra narrow, dimidiate ; pedicel flexuous, about 3 mm. long. Dioecious or monoecious on distinct branches. Diffei's from the allied Grimmia alpestris principally in the longer emergent capsule, the recurved leaf-margins and the short perichetial leaves. On rocks north of the railway close to Eevelstoke, B.C., May 7th, 1890. (Macoun.) (267.) C. alpestris, Schleich. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 146 ; Canadian Musci, No. 414. Summit of Mount Albert, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; also along the Black- water Eiver, B.C., 1875. (Macoun.) (268.) C. sulcata, Saut. ; Flora of Greenland, 348. Franz Joseph Fjoid (sterile.) (Fl. Gr.) (269.) C. Donniana, Smith; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 142. On dry rocks, Cypress Hills, Alberta. August 2nd, 1880. (Macoun.) (270.) C. ovata, Web. & Mohr; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 143 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 59. G. commutata, Canadian Musci, No. 94,[^in part. From Lake Superior to the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On rocks, Eiver Ste. Anne des Monts, Gaep^ Co., Que ; on rocks at Thun- der Bay, Lake Superior, and at the outlet of Nepigon Lake, Ont. ; also on rocks at Peace Eiver, lat. 56° 12'. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) MAcouN.J CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. Tl (271.) G. Pennsylvanica, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 144 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.Am., No. 56. Upon rocks, near the Falls of Niagara. (JDrummond.) (2*72.) G. calyptrata. Hook.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America^ 144 ; Canadian Musci, No. 472 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 60. Eocks amongst the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On rocks at the '* Grap," and 3 miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains ; dry rocks Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver ; on dry rocks at Kamloops, and on mountains at Spence's Bridge and Blackwater River, B.C. (Macoun.) (273.) G. commutata, Hueben. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 145 ; Canadian Musci, No. 94, in part. On dry rocks at Sicamous, B.C., 1889 ; and on rocks at Deer Park , Lower Arrow Lake, and Sproat, Columbia River, B.C. 3890. (Macoun.) (274.) G. montana, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 145 ; Canadian Musci, No. 509. On Kettle River, B.C. (Watson.) On dry rocks at Deer Park Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. 1890. (Macoun.) (275.) G. mollis, Bryol. Europ. IIL Tab., 253 ; Flora of Greenland, 348. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (276.) G. elongata, Kaulf. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, Vol. IL, 30. Dioecious. Tufts lax, pulvinate, fuscous or black below, olivaceous, green, and shortly canescent. Leaves elongate-lanceolate from an erect, oblong base, slightly recurved at the margins ; basal cells narrow, upper quadrate, sinuose ; costa excurrent. Capsule exserted on a short, nearly straight, yellowish pedicel, small, ovate, smooth, pale- fuscescent ; lid conic-obtuse ; annulus double or triple ; calyptra cucullate, lobate, teeth yellow. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (277.) G. unicolor, Grev. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 146 ; Canadian Musci, No. 95. G. atrata, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 57. Upon rocks. Lake Superior. (Drummond.) On rocks, north shore 72 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. of Lake Superior and at Current Eiver, Thunder Bay ; also on rocks by the shores of Lake Nepigon. (Macoun.) Nepigon Eiver, Lake Superioi*. {A. Smith.) 45. RACOMITRIUM, Brid. (278.) R. patenSi Heuben. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N". America, 147 ; Canadian Musci, No. 96. Trichostomum patens, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 131. Grirnmia patens, Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII. 20. Upon rocks near the " Height of Land," Rocky Mountains. {Drum- mond.) On rocks at the mouth of Illicillewaet Caiion near Revelstoke ; along Pass Creek at Sproat ; wet rocks. Lake Mara, Sicamous, B.C. ; summit of Mount Benson near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Between Fort Colville and the Eocky Mountains. (ZyalL) Green- land. (Fl. Gr.) (279.) R. aciculare, Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 148 ; Canadian Musci, No. 97. Trichostomum adculare, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 133. Orimmia acicularis. Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII., 20. On stones in rivulets, to the westwai-d of the " Height of Land," Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Halifax Co., N.S. {McKay.) On stones in small brooks around Halifax and Truro, N.S. ; in a brook north of Lake Superior ; on rocks in the Columbia Eiver above Eevelstoke, in Eagle Eiver at Griffin Lake, on rocks Lake Mara, Sicamous ; common in the Fraser Eiver at Yale; wet rocks at Agassiz and Burrard Inlet at Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) On stones, New Harbor, Chance Cove and Green Harbor. Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) British Columbia. {Lyall, Douglas.) Sitka. {Both. AlasJc.) Miquelon Island. (Veldmare.) (280.) R. Nevii, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 148 ; Canadian Musci, No. 485. On rocks at Hot Springs, Kootanie Lake ; abundant on rocks at Eevelstoke close to the big eddy west side of the Columbia Eiver; on rocks in the bed of the Fraser Eiver at Yale, and at Lake Mara, Sicamous, B.C. ; on stones in a brook at Truro, N.S. (Macoun.) (281.) R. protensum, Braun, (Mss.) Hueben, Muse. Germ. 211, (1833.) On rocks near Oak Bay, Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1 875. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) .WACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. Y3 (282.) R. Macounii, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVI., 93; Canadian Musci, No. 418. Plants fastigiately branching ; innovations without lateral fasciculate branchlets. Tufts loosely caespitose, naked at the base, brown, with green tips. Leaves loose, crispate when dry, patent or squarrose when moist, ovate-lanceolate, acute, muticous, smooth and entire, at one side slightly reflexed or erect, on the other always erect ; upper cells quadrate and obscure, scarcely or not erose, lower linear and sinuose, marginal uniseriate, quadrate-rectangular and hyaline, basal yellow ; costa blown and percurrent. Capsule oblong, dark-brown, not striate ; teeth orange, pertuse or cleft to below the middle, smooth ; pedicel 0"5 cm. long, straight or sub-erect and contorquate. In large masses on huge boulders between Cathedral Mountain and Mount Stephen near Field, Eocky Mountains : also on rocks near the Glacier Hotel, Selkirk Mountains ; on the summit of the Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., alt. 7,000 feet. (Maeoun.) (283.) R. alternuatum, CM. & Kindb.; Canadian Musci, No. 524. Allied to E. Macounii. Stem lower, 3-4 cm. high, more branched above. Tufts loose, not naked at the base, brown with, green tips. Leaves not crisped, when moist suberect or subpatent, nearly straight, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate-acute, often furnished with a short dentate hair point, smooth, reflexed at the base at least on one side ; all cells erose, the lower linear, the upper short, angular ; costa greenish, stout, percun-ent. Perigonial leaves subovate or short-acuminate, acute or subobtuse. Female plants not found. On boulders at the base of Avalanche Mountain, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 5th, 1890. (Macoun.) (284.) R. robustifolium, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVIL, 272. R. obscurum, Kindb. ; Canadian Musci, No. 419. Differs from R. Macounii in the leaves being less crispate, (very variable in color, sometimes dark green) pellucid, very squarrose when moist, more reflexed on the borders, often furnished with a short hair-point. Capsule oval, striate or plicate when dry ; teeth dark purple-brown, deeper cleft, papillose ; the beak of the lid oblique, needle- shaped, very much shorter than the capsule ; pedicel slightly curved. Both these species differ from H. varium and R. Oreganum in the short pedicel and longer leaves. On rocks in a brook, Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., alt. 7,000 feet ; Mount Arrowsmith, Van- couver Island, alt. 5,700 feet. July 17th, 1887. {Macoun.') T4 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (285.) R. Sudeticum, Brach & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 149 ; Canadian Musci, No, 98, in part. Trichostomum Sudeticum, Drunioi. Muse Bor.-Am. No. 129. On rocks near the " Height of Land," Eocky Mountains. ( Drum- mond.) On earth among rocks at Truro, N.S. ; on rocks at the Asulcan Glacier and Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains. {Macoun.) On rocks. Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C., alt. 6,000 feet. (J. M. Macoun.) On rocks at New Harbor and Chance Cove, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Greenland. (^Fl. Gr.) (286.) R. heterostichum, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 149 ; Canadian Musci, No. 99. On rocks at the base of Avalanche Mountain, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; dry rocks at Eevelstoke, on the Columbia Eiver ; Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, and along Pass Creek at Sproat ; on rocks at Sicamous, at Yale and Spence's Bridge, also at Hastings, B.C. j very common on rocks around Victoria, and on Mount Arrowsmith, Yancouver Island. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (287.) R. obtusum, (Smith) Lindb. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, Vol. IT., 40. R. Sudeticum, Canadian Musci, No. 98, in part. Dioecious ; short, densely pulvinate. Leaves quite hairless, ovate- oblong, gradually acuminate, obtuse at the point, nerve lost far below the apex, margin narrowly revolute. Capsule oblong, narrowed at the mouth, lid acicular, peristome fugacious, irregular, teeth with 2 un- equal legs. On rocks near Otter Head, Lake Superior, July 28th, 1869. (Macoun.) (288.) R. afflne, (Schleich.) Lindb. ; Braithw. British Moss-Flora, Vol. II., 41 ; Canadian Musci, No. 499. Dioecious ; yellowish green, scai-cely hoary. Stems slender, elongate, fasciculate-branched. Leaves lanceolate-acuminate, acute with a short or obsolete hair-point. Capsule elliptic-oblong, narrow at mouth ; lid conico-rostrate ; teeth short, pale, cleft to the base ; pedicel short. On dry rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S., June 19th, 1883 ; on rocks in Roger's Pass, at the base of Avalanche Mountain, Selkirk Mountains ; and near McLeod's Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 75 (289.) R, fasciculare, BHd.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 150 ; Canadian Musci, No. 416. Trichostomum fasdculare, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 132. About Lake Superior ; and upon the rocks of Portage Eiver, Eocky Mountains. (Brummond.) On rocks in McDonald's Brook, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks along Lake Superior and on islands in Lake Nepigon ; on rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, at Eevelstoke on the Columbia River, at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, and at Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) On rocks, Queen Charlotte Islands. (Dawson.) On rocks at New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Alaska. (Both. Alask.) Jakobshavn, Green- land. (Fl. Gr.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) (290.) R. varium, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 150. B. heterostichum, var. ohtusum, Kindb. ; Canadian Musci, No. 100. Grimmia varia, Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soa VIIL, 21. On wet rocks, close to the water below the railway bridge over the Nanaimo Eiver, Vancouver Island, 27th April, 1887. (Macoun.) Bri- tish Columbia. (Lyall, Douglas.) (291.) R. Oreganum, Een. & Cardt., Bot. Gaz. XIIL, 198. R. varium, Canadian Musci, No. 104. Eobufet, in wide yellowish tufts. Stems prostrate and a little naked below ; branches erect, 4-5 cm. long, simple or dichotomous, and with very few short branchlets. Leaves appressed when dry, erect-spread- ing when moist, generally more or less homomallus at the top of the branches, ovate, or broadly ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, carinate^ slightly plicate below, sometimes obtuse, generally acute, muticous or with a short hyaline apiculus or a more or lees elongated, shortly decurrent, slightly serrulate hair-point ; borders revolute from the base to near the apex ; costa percurrent, prominent on the back ; cells thick-walled, linear, very sinuose, the lower mostly elongate, the upper 2-4 times longer than broad, slightly papillose. External perichetial leaves shortly piliferous, the inner muticous, of a more delicate texture of thin-walled and scarcely sinuoi^e cells. Pedicel reddish, paler above, twisted to the left, 12-18 mm. long, 1 mm. broad ; lid long-beaked ; annulus large ; teeth purple, very long, cleft to the base into two filiform, often unequal, noduloee and faintly papillose legs ; calyptra conical, long-acuminate, brownish at apex, laciniate- lobulate at base. 76 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. A remarkable species intermediate between B. canescens and B. heterostichum, but more closely allied to tbe last, from which it differs by the aspect, the yellowish color, the i*obustness and thickness of the stems, the pedicel twice longer and the teeth much more elongated. On loose boulders in woods near McLeod's Lake, Northern British Columbia ; on rocks, Mount Tolmie, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; common on loose boulders at Yale, B.C., May Hth, 1875. (Macoun.) On rocks, Texada Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. ( Dawson.) (292.) R. speciosum, C. Muell. (n. sp."* Found on Vancouver Island by Dr. S. Eoell in 1888. This species was found by me at Victoria in 1875, and named by Austin R. lanuginosum, and also R. canescens var. ericoides. It was collected again on April 26th, 1887, and named by Dr. Kind berg R. heterostichum. It is very common on the rocks in oak woods around Victoria. Fruiting abundantly. (Macoun.) (293.) R. microcarpumy Brid. ; Losq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 150 ; Canadian Musci, No. 101. Trichostomum microcarpum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Ara., No. 128. Upon rocks, shore of Lake Superior. (Drummond.) Diy rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S. ; on rocks, Mount Albert, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on rocks, 25 miles north of Michipicotin, Lake Superior ; dry rocks, Nepigon Eiver, and along the lake ; on earth on stones, Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) Skeena River, B.C'. (J. M. Macoun.) Godhavn, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (294.) R. lanuginosum, Brid, ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 151 ; Canadian Musci, No. 102. Trichostomum lanuginosum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 134. Grimmia lanuginosa, Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII., 21. Miquelon Island. (Delamare). Upon a rock near the " Height of Land," Rocky Mountains, very rare, only a single patch being seen. (Drummond.) Nottingham Island and North Bluff, Hudson Strait. (R. Bell.) Halifax Co., N.S. (McKay.) On rocks at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island ; summit of Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Qlie. ; Mount Aylmer, Rocky Mountains, 8,000 feet alt. (Macoun.) Van- couver Island. (Wood.) Kotzebue Sound. (Both. Alasle.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. 1891. {J. M. Macoun.) Baffin's Bay. (Ross, Voy.) Smith's Sound. (Dr. Kane.) Smith's Sound, between lat. 78'^ —82°. (Dr. Hayes.) Shannon Island, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 77 (295.) R. canescens, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 151 ; Canadian Musci, No. 103. Orimmia canescens, Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIIL, 21. Miqueloii Island. (Belamare.') Digge's Island, Hudson Strait. (i2. Bell.) On sand a few miles up St. Anne des Monts River, Grasp^ Co., Que. ; on rocks, north shore of Lake Superior ; and at Point aux Pins, near Sault Ste. Marie ; limestone rocks at Hector and Mount Aylmer, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; com- mon on rocks and sand at Revelstoke, and on rocks. Pass Creek, at Sproat, Columbia River, B.C. (Macoun.) Vancouver Island. (Lyall.) Ounalaska Island, Behring Sea. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Godhavn, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Chance Cove, Newfoundland. {Ttev. A. Waghorne.) Var. ericoideSy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 151 ; Canadian Musci, No. 417. On rocks and silt, Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains ; on rocks, North Arm, and at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (^Macoun.) Sitka. {Roth. Alask.) On rocks in Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C. {A. Law.) Var. lutescens, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 151. On rocks at Moody ville, Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889. {Macoun.) Var. muticum, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club XVII., 272. Leaves without a hair-point ; cells yellow ; costa percurrent. Barren. On rocks, summit of Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C. ; alt. 7,000 feet. August 8th, 1889. {Macoun.) (296.) R. micropus, Kindb. R. brevipes, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 272. Habit of R. heterostichum or R. canescens. Plants dirty green ; branches nodose with numerous short branchlets. Leaves very faintly papillose, ovate lanceolate, long-acuminate, more or less revolute, hair- point long and rough ; cells yellow, the upper short or elongate, the alar distinctly quadrate. Capsule small oblong-cylindrical with a short oblique beak; pedicel short, 0.5 cm. long. Peiistome not examined. On sloping garnetiferous rocks near the summit of the Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C. Alt. 6,700 feet. August 8th, 1889 ; also on rocks three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) 78 GEOLOGICAL AND NATUEAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. 46. HEDWICIA, Ehrh. (297.) H. ciliata, Ehrh. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N". America, 152 ; Canadian Musci, No. 106. Anictangium cUiatum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 29. Eocks in the country extending from Lake Superior to the Rocky Mountains. {Drummond.) On rocks, New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Bev. A. Waghorne.) On rocks, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Tay, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On boulders at Ottawa and Belleville, Ont. ; on rocks at Hector, Kicking Horse Lake, and Banff, Eocky Mountains ; also at Revelstoke, Columbia Eiver, B.C. Common from the Atlantic to the Pacific in one form or another. (^Macoun.) On rocks at London, Ont. («7. Deamess.) Mooyie Eiver, British Columbia. (Lyall.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Yar. leucophaea, Schirap. ; Canadian Musci, No. 107. This is the common form on the Pacific Coast and Coast. Eange. Quesnel, Hastings, Moodyville, and Salt Spring Island, B.C. ; common on rocks around Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. secunda, Schimp. On rocks, at Sudbury Junction ; and around Lake Nepigon, Ont. {Macoun.) Var. viridis, Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 108. Anidangium imberbe, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 30. Very common in Ontario on boulders in shady woods. On rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N S. ; common at Ottawa and Belleville, Ont. ; also at Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba. (Macoun.) Montcalm Co., Que. (D' Urban.) Tadousac, Que. (St. Cyr.) Upper Canada. (Drummond.) On rocks in woods near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) *H. subnuda, Kindb. (n. subsp.) Leaves nearly hairless, the greater number broadly ovate, borders reflexed ; cells larger, subquadrate. On rocks in McKay's Woods at Ottawa ; also on boulders, in woods, near Wooler, Out., Oct. 6th, 1888. (Macoun.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 47. BRAUNIA, Bruch & Schimp. (298.) B. Californica, Lesq. ; Le8q.& James, Mosses of K America, 153 : Canadian Musci, No. 109, in part. Hedvrigia pUifera, Mitt. Jojarn. Linn. Soc. VIII. 45. Abundant on rocks, North Arm of Buri^ard Inlet, B.C. ; quite com- mon on rocks around Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. piliferaf Lesq. & James Mosses of N.America, 153. Canadian Musci, No. 109 in part. Abundant on rocks in oak woods near Victo ria, Vancouver Island (^Macoun.) On rocks, Vancouver Island. (^Lyall.) IX. ORTHOTEICHE^. 48. COSCINODON, Sprengel. (299.) C. pulvinatuSy Spreng. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 154. On rocks, Alaska. (Harrington.) On rocks along the Telegraph Trail, north of Blackwater River, B.C. (Macoun.) Mountain rocks in alpine situations. (Drummond.) 49. PTYCHOMITRIUM, Bruch & Schimp. (300,) P. Gardneri, Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 156. On rocks along the most western brook at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) (301.) P. incurvum, SuUiv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ame- rica, 15*7. Orimmia Hookeri, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 61. On a stone near the Falls of Niagara, in Ontario ; rare. (^Brum- mond.) 50. CLYPHOrVIITRIUM, Brid. (302.) C. Canadense, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 158 ; Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII., 21. British North America. (Drummond.) 80 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. 51. ZYCODON, Hook. & Tayl. (303.) Z. viridissimusy (Dicks.) R Brown. Oymnostomum viridissimum, Drumm. Muse. Bor..Am., No. 27. White Falls, between Norway House and Hudson Bay at York Factory. (^Drummond.) 62. AMPHORIDIUM, Schimp. (304.) A. Lapponicum, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N.. America, 158 ; Canadian Musci, No. 110. Gymnostomum Lapponicum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 28. Didymodon Lapponicus, Mitt Journ. Linn- Soc. VIII. 18. Eocks of Lake Superior, and upon the Eocky Mountains ^. common (No. 28). (Drummond.) Truro, N.S. {Fowler's Cat.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks. Pirate's Cove, N.S. ; along the Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; common at the Falls of Fox Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; crevices of rocks 10 miles south of Port Arthur, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; abundant on rocky islands in Lake Nepigon ; on rocks, at Hector and Banff, Eocky Mountains, and in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. (Macoun.) Cascade Moun- tains. (Jjyall.) Disco and Holsteinburg, Grreenland. (^Fl. Gr.) On rocks at Tadousac, Que. (St. Cyr.) (305.) A. Mougeotiiy Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 159 ; Canadian Musci, No. 420. On roc|i:8 near the tunnel 5 miles below Hector, Eocky Mountains ; on wet rocks. Pass Creek Falls at Sproat ; on rocks on the Columbia Eiver above Eevelstoke and in Eagle Pass west of Eevelstoke ; at Sicamous and Agassiz, B.C. : Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island ; also Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia. {Macoun.) (306.) A. Californicum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 159. A. Sullivantii, Canadian Musci No. 111. Near the British Columbian Boundary. {Lyall.) On rocks at Yale, B.C., and on rocks near Mount Tolmie, Victoria and at the Nanaimo Eiver, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 81 (307.) A. caespitosum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 160. Didymodon csesfpitoms, Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII, 18. Vancouver Island. (Jbyall.) On rocks near Oak Bay, Yictoria, Vancouver Island, and on Mount Brskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Macoun.) 53. DRUMMONDIA, Hook. (308.) D. clavellatai Hook.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 160 ; Canadian Musci, No. 525 ; Drumm.Musc. Bor.-Am. No. 62. On trees, Upper Canada (Ontario.) {Drummond.) On trees in the thick woods at Owen Sound, and in woods at Port Dover, Ont. (Macoun.) Yar. Canadensis, Kindb. (n. var.) Differs in the leaves being larger and longer, also in the monoecious inflorescence. On trees, Pelee Island, Lake Erie, June 16th, 1882. (Macoun.) 54. ULOTA, Mohr. (309.) U. Drummondii, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 161. Canada. (Drummond.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) On trees at New Harbor and Shoal Harbor,^Newfoundland. (Eev. [A. Waghorne.) (310.) U. Ludwigii, Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses ofN. America, 161; Canadian Musci, No. 112. Orthotrichum Ludwlgii, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 146. Upon trees about Lake Superior. (Drummond.) Pictou, N.S. (McKay.) On trees, Bass Eiver,*Fredericton and Grand Lake, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On trees, Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) On trees, Tay, , York Co. and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On trees at Whycocogmah,Cape Breton ; Jupiter River, Anticosti ; and along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp6 Co., Que. ; on trees, Rustico Bay, P.E.L ; on trees, Sudbury Junction and at] Elliott's Falls, Yictoria Co., Ont. (Macoun.) On trees at New Harbor, Topsail and Blaketown, New- foundland. (Eev. A. Waghorne.) 82 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (311.) U. curvifoliai Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 161. Canada. {Drummond fide Schimp.) Shore of Lake Huron opposite the Fishing Islands, Bruce Co., Ont. (Jdacoun.) Greenland. (JFY. Gr.) (312.) U. Bruchii, Hornsch. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 1 62 ; Canadian Musci, No. 453, in part. On leaning trees by a brook a little above Port Dover, Lake Erie, Ont. {Macoun.) Upper Canada (Ontario.) (Drummond.) On small trees at Coquhilla River near New Westminster Junction, B.C. (Macoun.) New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) (313.) U. obtusiuscula, C. M. & Kindb., (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 523. TJ. Bruchii, Canadian Musci, Na'453, in part Nearly allied to Ulota Bruchii, diflfering principally in the leaves being less narrowed sub-obtuse, also in the longer collum of the wide- mouthed, not constricted capsule. On small maple trees in thickets along the Coquhilla River near New Westminster Junction, B.C., April 26th, 1889. (Macoun.) On trees near Fort Rupert, Vancouver Island, 1885. (Dawson.) (314.) U. subulata, C. M. & Kindb., (n. sp.) Tufts small, stem slender, sparingly Bhort-branching, when dry sub- julaceous. Leaves small, when moist squarrose, patent, very papillose, from a perfectly ventricose base narrowed into the subulate-piliform acumen, flexuous, erect at the margins; costa very thin, rufescent, vanishing in the acumen ; cells uniform, comparatively large and incrassate. Capsule small, cylindric-clavate ; lid apiculate; pedicel long. This species has nearly the habit of Jfacrocoma, a section of the genus Macromitrium, C. Mueller. On small trees in thickets. Black's Farm, along the Coquhilla River, near New Westminster Junction, B. C, April 26th, 1889. (^Macoun.) (315.) U. subulifolia, C. M. & Kindb., (n. sp.) Differs from ZUota mhulata in the stem being more branched, the leaves when dry twisted or subcrisped, sparingly papillose, revolute at the basal margin at least at one side; lower basal cells elongate, MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 83 alar indistinct ; capsule very small, short-obovate, costate, finally sub- cylindric; pedicel not very lon^ ; calyptra nearly naked. On small trees in thickets, Black's Farm, along- the Coquhilla River, near Kew Westminster Junction, B. C, April 26th, 1889. (Macoun.) (316.) U. scabrida, Kindb., (n. sp.) U. Americana, Canadian Musci, No. 115. Tufts large and dense, blackish brown below, green or dark green above. Stem much divided. Leaves crisped when dry, squarrose- falcate when moist, very papillose and opaque, revolute from the base to the middle, comparatively short (as in U. curvifolia), from an enlarged base suddenly sublinear, nearly obtuse; basal cells elongate, alar or marginal distinct and hyaline. Capsule sub-oblong, passing into the long collum ; teeth not reflexed, pale ; calyptra very hairy, lobate ; pedicel long. This fine species resembles U. crispa more than U. curvifolia, and is not much allied to the last. The true Vlota curvifolia has the leaves straight and erect-patent when moist, and faintly twisted when dry. Abundant on immense boulders between Cathedral Mountain and Mount Stephen three miles below Hector, Eocky Mountains, July 29th, 1885 ; also in the same place and on boulders by the torrent at Hector, Aug., 1890. CMacoun.) (317.) U.Americana, Mitt. ;Lesq.& James, Mosses of IST. America, 162 ; Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII., 26. U. Hutchinsise, Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 117. Orthotrichum Hutchinsix, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 147. On rocks at Bass River, Kent Co., KB. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks at Truro, N.S. ; and at Madeline River, Gaspd Co., Que. ; quite com- mon on rocks along the north shore of Lake Superior, especially above Michipicotin. (Macoun.) Upon rocks, rarely on trees. Lake Superior. (Drummond.) Pictou, ]I:T.S. (McKay.) Lake Huron. (Dr. Todd.) British America. (Drummond, No. 153), with U. Bruchii and U. crispa. (Mitten.) Lindberg makes out No. 153 to be U. crispa var. minor, Lesq. & James which these authors make theirs to be. The following copy of Drumraond's ticket may throw some light on the seeming diflficulty. " On trees in Upper Canada, and upon rocks called Hell's Gate, below Norway House " (on Hay's Elver). It is extremely probable that Drummond' s No. 153 that fell into the hands of Mr. Mitten had a specimen gathered at " Hell's Gate," and which he named U. Americana, the other being as Lesq. «fc James, say U. crispa var. minor. I have never observed a species of Ulota that 84 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. grew indiscriminately on rocks and trees, and therefore, propose to place U. Americana at " Hell's Gate," and hence a rock species. (318.) U. crispa, Brid. ; Lesq.& James, Mosses of N. America, 162 j Canadian Musci, No. 113, in part. On trees, Tay Forks, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J.Moser.) On trees along the Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Say.) On trees, Bass Eiver, Kent Co., also at Fredericton and Giand Lake, N.B. {Fowlefs Cat.) On trees at Pirate's Cove and Truro, N.S. ; along the Gaspe coast, Que. ; and frequent on trees in Hastings and Adding- ton counties, Ont. (Macoun.) Very common on trees at New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev.A.Waghome.) Pictou, N.S. {McKay.) (319.) U. intermedia, Schimp. Syn. (ed. II.) 305 ? JJ. critpa var. minor, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 162. U. crinpa, Canadian Musci, No. 113, in part- Orlhotrichum cri^pum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Aua. No. 153, in part. On trees in Upper Canada (Ontario). {Drummond.) On trees near Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. (Macoun.) Miquelon Island. {Deld>- mare.) (320.) U. crispula, Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N.America, 163 ; Canadian Musci, No. 114. On trees at New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) On trees along Jupilor River, Anticosti ; also along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; at Sudbury Junction, abundant on trees in Hastings and Northumberland counties, and Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) On beech trees, Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On trees, Tay, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Pictou, N.S. (McKay.) (321.) U. phyllantha, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 163 ; Canadian Musci, No. 116, in part. On the bases of trees at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island ; at Yarmouth N.S. (Macoun.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) (322.) U. maritima, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) U. phyllantha, Mitt. Joum. Linn. Soc.VIII., 26; Canadian Musci, No. 116, in part. Differs from U lota phyllantha., Brid., in the short oval capsule, with .a short coUum, the pedicel shorter and thicker, curved when moist, MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 85 the leaves long, attenuate to the subulate apex, distinctly papillose, the costa narrower, rough at back. This species differs from the preceding species in the curved pedicel of the capsule ; it has not hitherto been found fruiting in Europe. The allied Cflota phyllantha has the leaves nearly sublinear above the middle, short-acuminate and obtuse, faintly papillose, the costa smooth at back, the capsule longer with a long coUum and a long, fine and sti'aight pedicel ; it grows, probably, always on trees ; U. maritima is only found on rocks near the sea ; also in Sweden, &c. On rocks surrounded by the tide at Hastings, B.C. ; also on rocks close to the sea at Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, May 9th. 1887; and at Comox, Vancouver Island, April 30th, 1887. (Macoun) On rocks, Texada Island, B.C. 1885. (Dawson.) Ounalaska Island, Behring Sea and Kadiak, Island, Alaska. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Miquelon Island. (JDeldmare.) (323.) U. camptopoda, Kindb. (n.sp.); Canadian Musci, No. 582. Stem not creeping. Leaves, when dry, crisped, when moist patent or squarrose, often curved, faintly papillose, from a short dilated ventricose base, suddenly narrowed into the acute or subulate acumen, borders recurved at the base, and also often above on one side ; outer basal cells, disposed in 2-5 rows, quadrate-rectangular thick -walled, inner narrow, orange, upper rotundate ; costa elevate, stout percurrent. Capsule small, long-necked, when dry faintly plicate, narrow, sub- cylindric and not constricted below the mouth, obovate when moist ; teeth bigerminate, palo, when dry recurved ; cilia none ; lid long- apiculate ; pedicel long, but not much emergent, flexible, more or less curved ov geniculate, in younger as well as in the dry state ; calyptra densely hairy, covering the capsule. Habit of CT". crispula. Agrees with U. maritimam the curved pedicel ; differs from U. Ludwigii in the narrower capsule. Growing together with U. Ludwigii on trees along the creek north of the tollgate on the Aylmer Eoad near Hull ; also on the pales on the south west corner of the cemetery westof Hull on the Aylmer road, Que. 1891. (Macoun.) (324.) U. Barclay i, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 164 ; Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII., 26. Sitka. (Barclay.) (325.) U. connectens, Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 557. Orihotrichum connectens, Kindb. Ott. Nat. IV, 64. Monoecious. Tufts soft, pulvinate, green above, blackish below. Stems erect. Leaves from an ovate concave base linear-lanceolate, 86 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL UISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. when dry very much crisped, when moist subarcuate, short-attenuate to the acute apex ; borders revolute above the base, for the greater part, at least on one side, distinctly papillose, also at the back ; cells at basal wings sub-quadrate hyaline with incrassate transveise walls, those next the costa narrower, rectangular, in straight rows, the lowest oiange; costa pale, subpercurrent. Male flower at the side of the female. Inner perigonial leaves broad, short-ovate, obtui*ate or suddenly short- acuminate ; cells round only in the acumen, the others narrow, the lower basal wider and yellow ; antheridiu about 9, with several para- physes. Perichetial leaves with sublinear bai^al cells. Capsule dark- brown, short subovoid, not contracted on the mouth, costaie ; pedicel short, scarcely emergent. Caljptra densely hairy. This species is a true Ulota, although the revolute leaf-borders, the distinctly papillose cells and the short pedicellate capsule are more like to an Orthotrichum. On cedar trees in Dew's Swamp near Ottawa^ on trees at Owen Sound, Ont., Sept. 17th, 1890. (^Macoun.) 65. ORTHOTRICHUM, Hedw. (326!) O. anomalum, Hedw.; Leeq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 164; Canadian Musci No. 118, in part; Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIII, 24. On rocks at Fredericton, N.B. (^Foivlefs Cat.) On rocks, McKay's Woods, Ottawa; on rocks, Gibson's Mountain, Prince Edward Co., Ont. ; on rocks at Belleville and Shannonville, Hastings Co., Sudbury Junction and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; at Kananaskis Eiver crossing of C. P. Ey., Eocky Mountains. (JUacoun.) On rocks, Buffalo Lake and Clearwater Eiver, lat. 56° N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Saskatchewan, (Bourgeau.) Abundant on rocks at Kingston and Wolfe Island, Ont. (Fowler.) Greenland. {Fl Gr.) Var. Americanum, Vent. (n. var.) 0. avomalum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 148 ; Canadian Musci, No. 118, in part. This is a form that has a yellow capsule and differs considerably from the normal form, in the well-evolute cilia. Upon rocks ; common. (Brummond.) On rocks along the shore of Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. ; on boulders and sandstone rocks, Hand Hills, Alberta. (Macoun.) MACOU N.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 87 Yar. 0. Venturi, Canadian Musci, No. 455. On cedar {Thuya occidentalis) rails, Simon Terrill's farm, Brighton, IS'orthumberland Co., Ont., October 4th, 1888. {Macoun.) (327.) O. BIyttii, Schimp. ; Greenland Flora, 351. Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (328.) O. nudum, Dicks, var. Rudolphianum, Schimp. 0. cupiUatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 152. Eocks near the Whirlpool, below Niagara Falls. (Drummond.) On rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver ; also along Kootanie Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) (329.) O. laevigatum, Zett. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 165; Canadian Musci, No. 454. On rocks at Kicking Horse Lake, and on great boulders, three miles below, Eocky Mountains ; common in tufts on boulders at Lytton, B. C. ; also on rocks at Eevelstoke, B. C. ; Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, B. C. (Macoun.) (330.) O. cupulatum, Hoifm.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 165 ; Canadian Musci, No. 583. On rocks. Mount Erskine, Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B. C. ; on rocks on mountain slopes at Spence's Bridge, B. C. (Macoun.) Baffin's Bay. (Boss, Voy.) Var. minus, SuUiv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 165. On trees, near the water, Presqu'ile Point, Lake Ontario, Aug. 16th, 1868. (Macoun) (331.) O. Sturmii, Hoppe & Homsch. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 166. On rocks at Hector, EoQky Mountains ; on rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) (332.) O. Texanum, Sulliv.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N.America, 166; Canadian Musci, No. 119. The stomata are superficial ; the lower leaf-cells dark orange. On rocks in the Coast Eange a few miles above Yale ; on rocks, 88 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Lake Mara, Sicamous, B.C. ; and on rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Var. globosum, Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses ofN. America* 166. 0. Texanum, Canadian Musci, No. 119, in part. On rocks at Agassiz and Yale, B.C. (Macoun.) (333.) O. Croenlandicum, Berggr. ; Greenland Flora, 351. Holstensborg, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (334.) O. Breutelii, Hampe; Greenland Flora, 350. Apparently common in Greenland. {Fl, Or.) Frederickshaab. (Bosenvinge.) (335.) O. Barthii, Sendtn.; Greenland Flora, 351. Island of Amitsuavsuk, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (336.) O. rupestre, Schleich. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N . America, 167. 0. rupincula, Drumm. Musa Bor.-Am., No. 156. 0. Watsoni, Canadian Musci, No. 121. On very large boulders about three miles below Hector and at Banff in the Eocky Mountains; on rocks at Sicamous, Eevelstoke and Yale, B.C. (Macoun.) Upon rocks amongst the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) (337.) O. afflne, Schrad. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 168 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Nos. 150 and 151. On trees, Cove Head, Prince Edward Island, July 5th, 1888. {Macoun.) Upper Canada (Ontario), and about Lake Superior, on trees. (Brummond.) Trunks of trees. Lake Superior. (Agassiz.) Smith's Sound, between Lat. •78''-82°. (Dr. Hayes.) (338.) O. alpestre, Hornsch. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 168. 0. affine, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 149. Upon trees ; from Upper Canada (Ontario) to the Eocky Mountains. (Prummond.) MAcouN.J CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 89 (339.) O. speciosum, Nees ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 169 ; Canadian Musci, No. 120; Drumm. Muse, Bor.- Am., Nos. 158 and 155. 0. elegans, Schw.; Mitt.,Journ. Linn. Soc, VIII., 24; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No- 155. 0. leiocarpum, Canadian Musci, No. 126, in part. Upon trees, Upper Canada (Ontario). (JDrummond.) On trees, Bass Eiver and at Fredericton, N.B. {Fowlefs Cat.) On trees, Dalhousie and Pictou, N.S. (McKay.) Tadousac, Que. (St. Gyr.) On logs and trees, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on trees at Ottawa and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on trees, Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. ; on trees at Comox and Victoria, Vancouver Island ; also at Sicamous, B.C. (Macoun.) On trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. ; on trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On trees at Bass Eiver and Frederic- ton, N.B. (^Fowler's Cat.) Abundant on trees in various parts of Prince Edward Island ; on trees, coast of Gaspd Co., Que, ; Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on trees near Green Lake, Saskatchewan ; at Morley near the Eocky Mountains; at Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. (Macoun.) (340.) O. Braunii, Bruch & Schimp. ; Bryol. Europ. On trees, near Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island, August 2nd, 1888. (Macoun.) (341.) O. Killlasii, C.Muell.; Greenland Flora, 350. Disco Island. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (342.) O. sordidum, Sulliv. & Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N". America, 170 ; Canadian Musci, No. 122. (?) On trees, Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B, (Fowler's Cat.) On trees at Campbellton, N.B. ; common- at Ottawa and Sudbury Junction, Ont.; quite common on maple trees at Goulais Bay, Lake Superior. (Macoun.) On trees at Tay Forks, York Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) All these references are doubtful, as the specimens remain undecided. (343.) O. Ohioense, Sulliv. & Lesq.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 170. 0. psilocarpum, Canadian Musci., No. 123, in part. On trees at Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On trees. Cove Head, Prince Edward Island; on trunks at Ottawa, Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) On trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) " 90 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (344.) O. Schimperi, Hamm. 0. fallax, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 171. Not uncommon on trees at Ottawa ; on fence rails at Carleton Place and on trees on Massassagua Point, Bay of Quinte, Ont. {Macoun.) (345.) 0> brachytrichum, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 172. O. obtimfolium, Drumm.. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 157. Upon trees in the country extending from Upper Canada (Ontario), to the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) I believe Drummond's specimen to be really 0. obtusifolium. (346.) O. strangu latum, Beau v.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 172; Canadian Musci, No. 124. On trees at Bass River and Frcdericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On trees at Cove Head, P. E.L ; also at Pictou, N.S. ; on trees in woods around Ottawa; at Belleville and Owen Sound, and also at Lake Nepigon, Ont. (Macoun.) On poplar trees at Pictou, N.S. (McKay.) (347.) O. tenellum, Bruch ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 172. On trees at London, Out, 1889. (J. Deamess.) (348.) O. consimile. Mitt.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 173. On trees, Vancouver Island. (Lyall.) We are not acquainted with this species. (349.) O. lonchothecium, CM. &Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs from Orthoirichum speciosum in the capsule being shorter than the pedicel, when moist, and the calyptra narrower ; the peristome erect when dry, the cilia of one row of cells. On trees at the mouth of Krao Creek, Kootanie Lake, B.C., July 13th, 1890 ; also on trees at Banff, Rocky Mountains, 1891. (Macoun.) (350.) O. Roelin, Vent. Bot. Can., 51 (1890), 6. (n. sp.) 0. lonchothecium, Canadian Musci, No. 497. On rocks, Fort Chipweyan, Lake Athabasca, N.W.T. ; on rocks at Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1875; also on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Rivei', B.C. (Macoun.) MACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 91 (351.) O. psilothecium, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Plants small, 1 cm. long or less, green. Leaves short oblong- lanceolate, obtusate or short-acuminate, sub-obtuse, revolute at the borders to the greater part, faintly papillose; costa percurrent. •Capsule small, immersed, oblong not striate before sporosis, very short- necked ; vaginula naked ; calyptra slightly hairy at the blackish apex, finally glabrous and light-brown, narrow, covering the whole capsule; lid rostellate. Male flowers on distinct branches. This species has the habit of Orthotrichum fallax, Schimp. (0. Schimperi, Hamm.) We have not been able to examine the peristome and the stomata of the capsule, because only one capsule (in our specimens) is nearly ripe, the others are quite unripe. On old fences along the Eichmond Eoad, and near Rockcliffe,Ottawa ; also on old fences at Carleton Place. August 26th, 1889. (Macoun.) (352.) O. cylindrocarpum, Leeq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 1*73. On rocks at the " Gap," Bow Eiver Pass, Eocky Mountains. {Macoun.) (353.) O. psilocarpum, James; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 1*73. On trunks of ti-ees on Pelee Point and Pelee Island, Lake Erie. (Macoun.) (354.) O. leiocarpum, Bruch & Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 1Y4. 0. striatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 154. Upon trees in Upper Canada (Ontario), and about Lake Superior. {Drummond.) Lake Superior. (Agassiz.) (355.) O. pallens, Bruch; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 175. Pack Eiver, British Columbia. (Zyall.) (356.) O. pulchellum, Brunton Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 175; Canadian Musci, No. 127. O. consimile, Canadian Mu8ci, No. 125. 0. Columbicum, Mitt. Joum. Linn. Sec, VIII., 24. On trees, Yancouver Island. (Lyall.) On trees, quite common at "Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox, Yancouver Island ; also on trees both 92 QEOLOGIOAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. sides of Burraid Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) Coal Harbor, Alaska. (^Harrington.) (357.) O. canum, Mitt.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 176 ; Mitt. Joum. Linn. Soc, VIII., 26. British North America. (JDrummond.') (358.) O. obtusifolium, Schrad. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 177 ; Canadian Musci, No. 128. British America. (Drummond.) On trees at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On poplar trees, Bass Eiver and Frcdericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On poplar trees at Kingston, N.S. ; on same species of trees, Cove Head, P.E.I. ; also at the mouth of Madeline Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on old rails and poplar trees at Ottawa, Belleville, Owen Sound, Lake Nipissing, and at Lake Nepigon, Ont.; on poplar trees, Kananaskis River, Rocky Mountains; also along Eagle River at Sicamous, B.C. ; on trees at McLeod's Lake and along Peace Kiver, Lat. 56°, B.C. (Macoun.) On trunks at London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) (359.) O. Jamesianum, Sulliv.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 177. On rocks at Fort St. James, Northern British Columbia, and on rocks at Yale, and Spence's Bridge, B.C. (Macoun.) Doubtful speci- mens from Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains. (360.) O. Lyellii, Hook. & Tayl. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 177 ; Canadian Musci, No. 130. Very common on trees in many parts of Vancouver Island, especially on oak trees ; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889. (Macoun.) Var. papillosum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 178; Canadian Musci, No. 464. Quite common on trees in the vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1887. (Macoun.) Var. Pringlei, C. Muell. On rocks at Lytton, B.C., April 17th, 1889. (Macoun.) (361.) O. Canadense, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 171. Drummond's Rocky Mountain Collection, Nos. 149 and 151. MAcouN,] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 93 56. ENCALYPTA, Schreb. (362.) E. commutata, Nees & Hornsch. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 180. E. affinis, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 49. Eocks and banks amongst the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) (363.) E. vulgaris, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 181. Alaska. (Lesq. & James.) Under ledges of limestone rocks at the Ferry Crossing opposite Belleville, Ont. ; and on limestone rocks at Leamy's Lake, near Ottawa. (Macoun.) (364.) E. rhabdocarpa, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 181 ; Canadian Musci, No. 131 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.- Am. 51. Eocks and banks amongst mountains. (JDrummond.) On rocks, Falls of Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on stones along Peace Eiver below the mouth of Smoky Eiver ; on loose stones and gravel, Cypress Hills, Alberta ; crevices of rocks " Dry Caiaon," discharge of Devil's Lake, at Banff, Silver City, and Hector, Eocky Mountains, also in the foothills at Morley ; along the Telegraph Trail near Quesnel, B.C. ; on earth, rocky slopes near Kamloops, B.C. (Macoun.) Nulato. (Roth. AlasJc.) Clavering Island, Greenland. (^Fl. Gr.) (3b"5.) E. subspathulata, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) E. spathulata, Canadian Musci, No. 421. Monoecious. Stem v6ry short, about 0.5 cm. high. Leaves bright green, spathulate or Ungulate, twisting when dry, the upper spreading when moist ; inner basal cells short-rectangular, smooth and hyaline, finally red-brown, the outer ones very much longer, narrower and yellowish ; costa faintly reddish below, yellow above, long-excurrent. Capsule cylindrical, short-necked, smooth or finally furrowed when dry ; peristome pale, partly incomplete and membranose, but distinct and high ; calyptra small, papillose in the narrower part, yellowish- green, not covering the whole capsule, not fringed ; pedicel red. Nearly allied to E. vulgaris but it has the peristome merely present, the calyptra longer, and the upper leaves not spreading. The true E, spathulata, C. Muell., has a shorter capsule without a peristome. Quite common on boulders on the sides of ravines near the Fraser Eiver, below Lytton, B.C., April 17th, 1889 ; on earth near McLeod's Lake, B.C. Lat. 55°. June 25th, 1875. (Macoun.) 94 GEOLOGICAL AND NATDRAL HISTORY SORVEY OF CANADA. (366.) E. leiomitra, Kindb. (n. sp.) E. rhabdocarpa, Schw. var. leiomiira, Kindb. Ott Nat. Vol. IV. 61. Nearly allied to E. rhabdocarpa but differing in the leaves being- shorter, often subspathulate, with the costa vanishing at the apex, peristomial teeth nearly blunt, calyptranot papillose, the spores larger. On rocks along the Clearwater Eiver, Athabasca. Lat. 57°. July 11th, 1888. (J. M. Macoun.) (367.) E. Macounii, Aust. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 182 ; Canadian Musci, No. 133. E. ciliala, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 50. On rock8,^Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.') Crevices of rocks, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) On rocks along the Gasp^ coast, Que. ; quite common on rocks at Shannonville, and at Leamy's Lake and Rockcliffe, Ottawa ; on earth at Pelee Point, Lake Erie y and in crevices of rocks. Lake Nepigon ; also abundant on rocks at Fort Chipwcyan, Lake Athabasca ; also on rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake ; on rocks at Stewart's Lake Mountain, B.C. ; quite common on damp rocks at Agassiz, Criche Creek and Sicamous, B.C. ; very abundant on rocks at Departure Bay and Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Rocks and banks amongst the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Ounalaska and Kadiak Islands, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Rocky ledges, Mount McKay, near Fort William and Kakabeka Falls, Lake Superior. (Mrs. G. E. Britton.) Greenland. (FL Gr.) (368.) E. ciliata, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 182 ;S Canadian Musci, No. 132. Encalypta ciliata, Hedw,, and E. Macounii, Aust., are very difficult to distinguish apart. The descriptions of the best authors are also not consistent. Schimper in synops. muscor. Europ. p. 343, says : ** Peri- stomium siccitate capsulam horizontal iter claudens, humiditate patens;" Braithu-aite, Brit. Moss-flora, p. 283, " peristome when dry horizontally closing the capsule, patent when moist ;" Lesq, & James, Mosses of N. America, p. 182, " peristome spreading when dry ;" Boulay, Muscindes de la France, p. 314, " dents du peristome dress^es tt I'dtat sec, inflechies en voute surbaiss^e a I'dtat humidc." It is probable that the authors are confounding both species, also occurring in Europe. E. ciliata is principally found growing in the lower mountain districts. E. Macounii seems to be an alpine species also collected by Kindberg in the Norwegian Alps and considered as a new species, E. borealis, Kindb. MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 95 Laubra. Schwed, & Norweg., but exactly agreeing with the original specimens of E. Macounii sent by Pi'of. Macoun. The description, made by Austin, cited by Lesq. & James, is, however, not completely exact : *' calyptra densely papillose, pedicel reddish, papillose, the leaves muticous ;" such characters are not to be found, the calyptra and the yellow pedicel are nearly smooth as in the true E. ciliata, to which the descriptions of the peristome by Schimper and Braithwaite probably belong. The descriptions by Lesq. & James and Boulay could partly be referred to E. Macounii, although all authors agree in the descrip- tion of the capsule of ^. ciliata,^'' without a distinct collum" ; E. Macounii has a distinct collum and the margin of the leaves distinctly reflexed. I possess no specimens of the true E. ciliata from North America. It may not occur there. (369.) E. leiocarpa, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. XVIL 273. Monoecious. Stem 3-4 cm. high, dichotoraously branched, radiculose. Leaves erect-patent, lingulate, faintly revolute nearly all around, without a haii'-pcfint; the lower decolorate brown, subacute, incurved ; the comal larger, green, obtuse, slightly twisted ; basal cells hyaline, the marginal very papillose ; costa faintly papillose, not excurrent, in the lower leaves brown, in the comal green or reddish at the base. Perigonial leaves with a short thick tip. Capsule straight, smooth, cylindric with a short apophysis ; peristome simple, orange ; pedicel red ; calyptra papillose all around, not fringed. This species, in habit, resembles E. streptocarpa, but tjie capsule and the peristome are very different, nearly as in the true E. longipes, Mitt., by Lesq. & James considered as E. procera, distinguished 6y the twisted capsule and the double peristome. Crevices of rocks summit of Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C. Alt. .6,500 feet. (J. M. Macoun.) (370.) E. longipes, Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. VIIL 29 ; Canadian Musci, No. 474. Stem about 2 cm. high or lower, branched and radiculose. Leaves erect-patent, narrow, sublingulate, revolute all around, short-acuminate, obtusate or sub-acute, without a hairpoint ; the lower decolorate brown, incurved, the upper green, irregularly crisped; lower basal cells hyaline. Differs from Encalyptra leiocarpa principally in the stem being shorter, the leaves short-acuminate or subacute, costa very rough, narrowed from the base, the calyptra regularly laciniate, very rough and subspinuiose above, blackish to a third of the apex, the capsule /. 96 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. included. The authentic specimens of Drummond were consulted in the collections of Dr. C. Mueller. Quite common along the edge of the torrent at Hector, and on rocks in the " Dry Canon," discharge of Devil's Lake, Eocky Mountains. (^Macoun.) (371.) E. procera, Bruch ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 182 ; Canadian Musci, No. 565. E. streptocarpa, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 48. Eocks and banks amongst the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Crevices of rocks, Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on wet rocks near Hector and at the " Gap," Eocky Mountains ; also on the bank of the Colum- bia Eiver at Eevelstoke, B.C. 1890. (Macoun.) Clavering Island, Greenland. (FL Gr.) (372.) E. Selwyni, Aust. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 183 ; Canadian Musci, No. 134. On rocks at Hector, Eocky Mountains ; on earth at CSche Creek and Quesnel, B.C., and at Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ; also on rocks in the vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) (3*73.) E. Streptocarpa, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 183; Canadian Musci, No. 135. On rocks at Leamy's Lake near Ottawa ; abundant on limestone rocks at Owen Sound and at the Fishing Islands, Lake Huron ; on rocks, Kananaskis, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) (374.) E. cucuilata, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci No. 491. Monoecious. Leaves cucullate, the perichetial ones long-acuminate acute with a long hair-point; costa percurrent, red only at the base ; calyptra papillose all around. This species is nearly allied to E. procera which has the upper leaves, also the perichetial, obtuse or subacute, the costa in most leaves red for the whole length. On earth along the west bank of the Columbia Eiver, at Eevelstoke, B.C., May 9th, 1890. {Macoun.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 97 57. MERCEYA, Schimp. (375.) M. (Scopelophila) latifolia, Kindb., Bull. Torr.Bot. Club, XVI., 94 ; Canadian Musci, No. 459. Densely caespitose. Plants 1-2 cm. high, brown-fei-ruginous below, green at the tips, divided, at the base radiculose. Leaves quite smooth, spathulate-lingulate, obtusate or sub-acute, entire, slightly reflexed at base, plane above, broad-bordered with greater, orange-colored cells ; basal cells narrow, upper small and round ; costa percurrent or scarcely excurrent. Habit of Barhula ruralis. On the upper slopes of Mount Finlayson near Goldstream, Vancouver Island, May 18th, 1887. (Macoun.) This fine species was found in California (Herb. C. Mueller) but not described. (Kindberg.) X. TETEAPHIDE^. 58. TETRAPHIS, Hedw. (376.) T. peilucida,THedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 186 ; Canadian Musci, No. 136 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 31. About the roots of trees in the country extending from' the Atlantic to the Eocky Mountains. (JDrummond.) Chicken Bay, Trinity Bay and Green Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Miquelon Island. {Deldmare.') Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On rotten wood, common, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On decaying stumps, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) Common on old stumps at Canaan Porks, N.B. (J. Moser.) On the bases of rotten stumps in swamps across the continent. Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; quite common on Prince Edward Island ; abundant at Ottawa, Belleville, Carleton Place, Lake Nipissing, Owen Sound, Wooler, Port Dover, Leamington and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; woods, shore of Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. ; Columbia Eiver at Donald and Eevelstoke, also at Quesnel and Sicamous, B.C. ; at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) Athabasca Eiver, N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Very common on stumps in swamps at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Sitka. (Roth. Alask.) Mountains of British Columbia. (Lyall.) (377.) T. geniculata, Girgens. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 187 ; Canadian Musci, No. 422. Moose Eiver, (Lyall.) Sitka. (Rothrock.) On old logs in a swamp at Revelstoke, Columbia Eiver ; also in a swamp at Craig- 98 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. ellachie, Eagle Pass, and at Hastings on Burrard Inlet, B.C. (Macoun.) Sitka and Prince of Wales Island. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Appears to be common at Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) XI. SCHISTOSTEGEyE. 59. SCHISTOSTECA, Mohr. (378.) S. osmundacea, Web. & Mohr; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 188 ; Canadian Musci, No. 137. On the earth among the roots of turned-up stumps at Sudbury Junction, Ont. ; at Castle Mountain, Rocky Mountains ; Six-Mile and Beaver creeks and Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; Revelstoke, and at Hastings, Burrard Inlet. B.C. ; McLeod's Lake, Northern British Columbia. (^Macoun.) XII. SPLACHNE.E. 60. DI8S0D0N, Crev. & Arn. (379.) D. Froelichianus, Grev. & Arn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 190 ; Canadian Musci, No. 138. Splachnum Frcdichianum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 44. " " var. elongata, No. 45. Summits of the Rocky Mountains ; not rare upon the turfy soil (44); alpine marsh in the Rocky Mountains. (45) {Drummond.) Wet slopes at the summit of Copper Mountain, Bow River Pass, and at Lake Agnes near Laggan, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.') Greenland. {Fl Gr.) (380.) D. Hornschuchii, Grev. & Arn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 189, Syatylium splachnoides, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 46. Summit of the (Rocky) mountains, in turfy soil, along with No. 44. (Drummond.) (381.) D. splachnoideSi Grev. & Ai-n. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 190 ; Canadian Musci, No. 139. Weisia turbinaia, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 64. Marshy spots near York Factory, Hudson Bay. (Drummond.) Boggy soil, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que., alt. 4,000 feet ; -WACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 99 mountain bogs at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; and on Avalanche Moun- tain in Eoger's Pass in the Selkirks ; also in the Gold Range north of Oriffin Lake, B.C. ; alt. 7,000 feet. {Macoun.) Godhavn, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) 61. TAYLORIA, Hook. ^382.) T. serrata, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 191 ; Canadian Musci, No. 140. Centre Hill, New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Alaska. (^Kellogg.') At Goldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, and along a roadside near Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of 1885. (Macoun.) Var. longifolium, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII. 274. • Leaves dense, glossy, very long-attenuate ; upper cells narrow ; spores small. Wet gravelly soil at Morley, Rocky Mountains, June 13th, 1885. (Macoun.) (481.) B. teres, Lindb. ; Fl. Greenland, 369. Franz Joseph Fjord and Sabine Island. (Fl. Gr.) (482.) B. subrotundum, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 231 ; Canadian Musci, No. 458. Mountains of Canada. (Drummond.) On dry earth by a brook at Lytton, B.C. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (483.) B. Knowltoni, Barnes, Coult. Bot. Gaz. XVI., 44. Crevices in rocks. Funk Island, Newfoundland, August, 1887. (F, H. Knowlton.) (484.) B. micro-erythrocarpum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) jB. murcUe, Canadian Musci, No. 186. Nearly allied to B. erythrocarpum ; differs in the shorter stem ; the leaves distinctly yellow-margined, laxer areolate, the costa sometimes excurrent, the capsule more ventricose, constricted below the mouth, the lid longer-apiculate. In wet gravel, shore of Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island, July 1st, 1887. (Macoun.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 125 (485.) B. atropurpureum, Wahl. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 232. On earth at Foster's Flats below Niagara Falls, Ont. (^Macoun.) (486.) B. Blindii, Bruch & Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 502. On damp earth in railway ditches a little east of Hector, Eocky Mountains ; also on debris at the mouth of Six-Mile Creek, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. (Macoun.) (487.) B. alpinum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 233. ^ On wet earth at Port Moody, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 24th, 1889. {Macoun.') (488.) B. Raui, Aust., in Coult. Bot. Gaz. II., 110 ; Canadian Musci, No. 480. B. Mitehlenbeckii, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 233 (Belleville specimen) ; Canadian Musci, No. 174. Boggy places, Truro, N.S. ; on rocks. Gull Lake, Addington Co. ; and along the Moira at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on rocks, Lake Nepigon ; on rocks at Spray Falls, Banff, ^Eocky Mountains ; on wet rocks, Eagle Pass, west of Eevelstoke, and at Agassiz, B.C. (^Macoun.) /489.) B. Muehlenbeckii, Bruch & Schimp ; Bryol. Europ. ; Fl. Greenland, 369. Proven, Greenland. (Dr. Kane.) Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland (Rev.. A. Waghorne.^ (490.) B. haematocarpum, C. M. &Kindb. (n. sp.); Canadian. Musci, No. 555. Tufts very tomentose below the green innovations, about 5 cm. high. Leaves loosely appressed, when dry slightly corrugate but not twisted, crowded, not decurrent, subovate, acute, pellucid, narrow-marginate and revolute at the entire borders all around, those of the innovations less distinctly revolute and marginate to above the middle ; cells pale yellow, the upper short-rhomboidal ; costa yellow, percurrent or in the upper-most leaves slightly excurrent. Capsule large (as in Bryura pallescens), suboblong-cylindric, blood-red, doubly longer than the pale collum, pendent or patent, not appressed to the pedicel ; peristome dark-yellow or orange below, pale above ; segments free and very much shorter than the membrane ; cilia faintly appendiculate or 126 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. rather nodose ; annulus broad ; lid nearly flat and apiculate ; pedicel red, flexuous, about 2-5 cm. long ; spores small, about 0.018 mm. Dioecious. This remarkable species is a true Bubryum, although the pei'istomial cilia are not distinctly, or only at the base, appendiculate. It resembles Bryum alpinum in the color of the capsule, but is very different in the shorter, margined leaves and their wider ai'eolation, the tomentose tufts, &c. On damp rocks on the mountain between Pass Creek and the Columbia River above Sproat, June 19th, 1890. (Macoun.) (491.) B. pygmseo-alpinum, C. & M. Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts dense and small, about 1 or 1.5 cm. high. Stem sparingly radiculose to the buds. Leaves small, olive-green or finally reddish, flaccid, not glossy, laxly areolate, hyaline ; the uppermost close, the other loosely disposed, not decurrent, very much smaller, all subovate or oval obtuse, the uppermost sometimes subacute ; borders not margined nor revolute ; upper cells short-rhomboidal ; costa broad, pui-plish, percurrent or in the uppermost leaves slightly excurrent. Barren. This species is probably allied to Bryum calophyllum or to Bryum obtusifolium, Lindb. On wet rocks, summit of Mount Arrowsmith, Yan- couver Island, alt. 5,700 feet, July 17th, 1887. (^Macoun.) ■ (492.) B. percurrenti nerve, Kindb. B.percumcentinerve, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. XVII., 274 ; Canadian Musci, No. 505. Tufts compact, dull green above, decolorate below, about 2 cm. high. Leaves, when dry, appressed and corrugate, when moistened sub- patent, crowded and slightly decurrent, ovate obtusate (only the upper- most ovate-oblong and subacute), narrow-margined and revolute at the entire borders to the greater part ; areolation pellucid, upper cells wide, sub-rhomboidal ; costa l-ed and percurrent, in] the uppermost leaves pale. Allied to Bryum MuehlenhecHi, but differing principally in the color of the plant, the leaves thinner, broader and shorter, at the apex patent or sometimes reflexed, not cucullate. On dripping rocks on the face of a small waterfall in a brook just west of the ferry at Kamloops, B.C., June 18th, 1889. {Mdcoun.) (493.) B. miniatum, Lesq.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 233. On wet rocks on Sproat Mountain, Columbia Elver, B.C. {Macoun.') wAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 127 (494.) B. capitellatum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) B. miniatum, Canadian Musci, No. 175, in part. Tufts small compact, yellowish green above, reddish-rufescent below. Stems (primary branches) subjulaceous, clavate, acute, radiculose at the base, about 1 cm. high ; innovations short. Leaves gradually larger upwards, not decurrent, very concave, not margined nor revolute at the entire borders ; areolation wide and pellucid, upper cells 8ub-rhomboidal, the lower sub-rectangular ; the lowest leaves very small, short-elliptic and blunt, loosely disposed, the other crowded, the median suboval and blunt, the uppermost ovate-oblong, subacute ; costa finally red, percurrent in the upper leaves, abbreviate in the lower. Barren, Probably allied to Bryum Atwaterioe and B. miniatum, which both differ in the leaf-cells being narrower and yellow, the leaves obtuse and cucullate at the apex, faintly revolute at the borders below the middle ;. the last has smaller leaves and shorter marginal cells. Borders of ditches at Comox, Yancouver Island, April 30th, 1887. {Macoun.) (495.) B. Atwateriae, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 234 ; Canadian Musci, No. 176. B. Macounii, Aust. in Coult. Bot. Gaz. II. 110. On wet rocks along Gull Lake, Addington Co., Ont. ; abundant on wet rocks, Sproat Mountain, Columbia Eiver ; wet rocks, North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia ; abundant on wet rocks near Yictoria and at Comox, Yan- couver Island ; also on wet rocks along Stewart's i^iver, northern British Columbia. {Macoun.) (496.) B. argenteum, Linn.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 234 ; Canadian Musci, No. 177 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor,-Am., No. 251. Common in various situations. (Drummond.) On earth or stones, Truro, N.S. (Fowler's Cat.) Common on earth by roadsides and paths, and on bare rocks, chiefly the var. lanatum. Quite common in Ontario and westward. On earth, Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man.; also at Edmonton, Athabasca ; andMcLeod'sLake, lat. 55°; and at cache Creek, B.C. (Macoun.) Yery common on sandy soil at London, Ont. (J. JDearness.) New Harbor and Chance Cove, Newfoundland. (Eev. A. Waghorne.) Eocky Mountains. {Bourgeau.) Disco Island, Greenland. {Fl Gr.) Iktigalik, Alaska. {Roth. Alask.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) 128 GBOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. Yar. lanatum, Bruch & Schimp. Common on earth at Ottawa, Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. ; Cove Head, Prince Edward Island ; on rocks at Morley, Eocky Moun- tains ; and at Eevelstoke and Deer Park on the Colunjbia River, B.C. {Maeoun.) On sanfiy knolls at London, Ont. (J. Beamess.) (49*7.) B. czespiticiulTly Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America. 235 ; Canadian Musci, No. 178. Chance Cove, Newfoundland ; Fox Harbor and Vesuvius Pickle, Labrador. {Bev. A. Waghorne.) On dry ground, Bass Eiver, N.B. (^Fowler's Cat.) On earth, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Halifax and Pictou counties, N.S. {McKay.) River du Loup (en bas,) Que. {St. Cyr.) Common on earth in open places in woods and in pas- tures across the continent. Brackley Point and Cove Head, Prince Edward Island ; at Ste. Anne des Monts, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; abundant at Ottawa and Belleville, Ont. ; amongst rocks at Lake Nepigon ; in pastures, where water has stood, at Morley and Banif, Rocky Mountains ; in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; also at Revelstoke, Deer Park, Cache Creek, Spence's Bridge and Lytton, B.C. ; north of Edmonton, Athabasca. {Macoun.) On logs at Lobourough Lake, near Kingston, Ont. {Prof. Fowler.) Little Whale River, Hudson Bay. {G. Barnston.) Clearwater River, N.W.T., lat. 57°. {J. M. Macoun.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. {B. Brown.) Big Duck Island, Bafi&ns' Bay. {J. Sadler.) (498.) B. synoico-caespiticium, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 513. Tufts dense, about 1 cm. high, radiculose only at the base, green above, brown-decolorate below. Leaves erect, not decurrent, subovate, acuminate, not margined, recurved at the borders, slightly denticulate above ; costa long-excurrent, very rigid, thick and often denticulate, light-brown. Capsule^ turgid, oval, very short-necked, not, or slightly, constricted below the mouth, pendent; peristome perfect ; lid low and umbonate ; spores about 0.015 mm. ; pedicel geniculate below the middle, arcuate at the apex, about 5 cm. long, thick and red. Synoecious. This species is very different from' the allied Bryum ccespiticium in the synoecious inflorescence, the larger spores and the long, geniculate pedicel of the capsule. On earth amongst gravel in the old channels of the Illecillewaet River below the Canon at Eevelstoke, B.C., May 27th, 1890. {Macoun.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 129 (499.) B. Vancouveriense, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVI., 95 ; Canadian Musci, No. 457. Differs from B. ccespiticium in the leaves being longer acuminate, at the base red, and reflexed only below the middle ; cells small, upper very narrow ; costa very thick, excurrent in most of the leaves ; capsule not pendent and not constricted below the mouth, lid deplanate ; spores larger, about 0.015 mm, ; stem indistinct with gemmiform innovations ; pedicel very long, 4-5 cm. On wet slopes of Mount Finlayson at Goldstream, Vancouver Island, June 28th, 188*7. (Macoun.) (500.) B. microglobum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts compact, green, radiculose below, small and about 1 cm. high : branches very short, bearing small buds. Leaves narrow-margined, subentire : stem-leaves ovate-oblong and short-acuminate, faintly revolute at the borders, branch-leaves ovate-acute and not revolute ; upper cells short except the narrow marginal ones ; costa more or less short-excurrent. Capsule small, inclined, pale, globose-pyriform small-mouthed ; peristome perfect ; teeth pale ; cilia short but appen- diculate ; lid convex with a conical mammilla ; pedicel arcuate at apex, about 3 cm. long. Dioecious. This species has the habit of Bryum Warneum, also in the shape of the capsule, but it is a true Euhryum with appendiculate cilia. On earth, near London, Ont. 1889. (J. Dearness.} (501.) B. oligochloron, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp., ad interim) ; Canadian Musci, No. 554. This species is still doubtful, being only found in a barren state. It is peculiar in the upper leaf-cells being very narrow (as in the section Anobryum), the leaves are ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, nearly hyaline and the costa long-excurrent. On rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver, B.C., June 12th, 1890. (Macoun.) (502.) B. rubicundulum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci. No. 519. Tufts compact, olive green, very radiculose to the innovations. ' Stems about 2-3 cm. high. Leaves appressed when dry, concave, obtuse, the lower oblong, the upper ovate, forming small buds, chlorophyllose and not yellow nor hyaline, rarely reddish ; borders revolute and narrow-marginate nearly all around ; upper cells wide ; 130 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. costa red, subpercuri*ent ; perichetial leaves nari*ower, sub-acute and narrow-areolate. Capsule inclined, obovate-oblong, short-necked, con- stricted below the mouth when dry, purplish-brown ; peristome pale- yellow ; inner membrane low ; cilia short, nodulose or appendiculate ; spores small, about 0.016 mm. ; lid conical, short-apiculate ; pedicel geniculate at the base. Dioecious. This species is nearly allied to B. miniatum but the stems are more radiculose and very much less foliate, the leaves rarely purplish, and their areolation wider. The capsule of neither species is larger than in Bryum coespiticium, smaller than in Bryum Atwaterioe. The leaves in Bryum percurrentinerve are larger and bright green. On the summit of Hermit Mountain close to the glacier on the west side, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., August 5th, 1890. (J. M. Macoun.) (503.) B. anoectangiaceum, C.^M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts compact, radiculose, small, scarcely 2 cm. high. Leaves small, rose-colored, loosely disposed, not decurrent, spirally contorted in a dry state, ovate-acute, pellucid, narrow-mai'ginate, entire, faintly revolute, laxly areolate ; costa thick, reddish, percurrent or shoi-t- excurrent. Probably monoecious, but the male flowers not well developed. This peculiar species is perhaps nearly allied to Bryum erythrophyllum On rocks by the torrent at Hector, Eocky Mountains, B.C., August 12th, 1890, (^Macoun.) (504.) B. capillare, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 235 ; Canadian Musci, No. 179. Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) On rich earth on rocks, Gilmour's Park, Chelsea, Que. ; on roots of trees in woods at Belleville, and in McKay's Woodp, Ottawa, Ont. ; on rocks, " Dry Cafton," discharge of Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks at Sicamous, Agassiz and Hastings, B.C. ; Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Macoun.') Near London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) Sitka. {Roth. Alask.) Gi*een- land. (Fl. Gr.) * B. heteroneuron, C. M. & Kindb. (n. subsp.) B. Dontanum, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVIL, 273. B. obconicum, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII,, 274; Canadian Musci, No. 181. B. proiinciale, Canadian Musci, No. 171. Differs in the leaves being finally purplish-colored, less contorted when dry, distinctly seiTate above, finally red^margined, the costa MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 131 dark-purplish, either long-excurrent, with the point thick and very- rigid, or vanishing below the apex. Dioecious. It agrees also with Bryum Donianum, G-rev., in the clavate branches and the smaller spores, about 0.01 mm., but the leaf-boi'ders are not incrassate, the capsule is not so large. On earth in McKay's bush, near Ottawa, Ont., (1888) ; on earth at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (1889) ; on rocks at Esquimalt, Victoria and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island ; also on Mount Erskine, Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island, Grulf of G-eorgia (1887). (Macoun.) Var. brevicuspidatum, Kindb. (n. var.) Canadian Musci, No. 180. Leaves short-pointed. Bases of stumps near Victoria (18*75) and at Cedar Hill (1887), Van- couver Island. (Macoun.) (505.) B. elegans, Esenb. On earth along the Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, G-aspe Co., Que., August, 1882. (^Macoun.) (506.) B. cyclophyllum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 237 ; Canadian Musci, No. 538. On stones wet with spray, Niagara Falls. (Clinton.) On stones at Spray Falls, Banff, Kocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Smith's Sound, be- tween lat. 78«'— 82°. (Dr. Hayes.) Godhavn, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (507.) B. obtusifolium, Lindb. ; Fl. Greenland, 370. Godhavn, and other localities in Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (508.) B. erythrophyllum, Kindb. (n. sp.) Closely allied to the arctic Bryum ohtusifolium, Lindb. Barren stems laxly cohering, blood-red, about 1 cm. high. Leaves small, reddish, loosely disposed, flaccid, not decurrent, the lower ovate, subobtuse, the upper leaves sometimes more attenuate, furnished with a rigid point to the excurrent costa, entire, subimmarginate, not reflexed at the margins ; areolations lax, nearly uniform ; costa red, percurrent or slightly excurrent in a short recurved point. In boggy places by a brook at Truro, KS., June 12th, 1883 ; on wet earth in the Illecillewaet Canon, near Eevelstoke, B.C., May 18th, 1890. (Macoun.) 132 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (509.) B. pal lens, Swartz ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 231. Magdalen Islands. (McKay.) On earth and rocks, Gaspe coast, Que. ; along Nepigon Eiver, Ont. ; on earth at Cache Creek, and Quesnel, B.C. ; and in wet places at Victoria, Vancouver Island ; Beaver Creek, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. (Macorm.) Jakobshavn, Green- land. {B. Broum.) (510.) B. Duvaliiy Voit. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 238 ; Canadian Musci, No. 182. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Water courses on the side of Mount Albert, Gasp6 Co., Que. (J. A. Allen.) Around springs at Truro, N.S. ; wet rocks, in ditches, around Ottawa ; also along the Moira at Belleville ; and in boggy places at Lake Nepigon ; boggy places, shore of Lesser Slave Lake, Athabasca ; at Kicking Horse Lake and Banff, Eocky Mountains ; and around springs, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. (Macoun.) Smith's Sound, between lat. 78^—82°. (Dr. Hayes.) Yar. iato-decurrens, C. M. & Kindb. (n. var.) Bryum lato-decurrens, Canadian Musci, No. 487. Differs in the leaves, also in the upper, being looser disposed, longer- decun-ent, the uppermost distincter apiculate with a sometimes excur- rent costa, the lower shorthand broad, the stem more radiculose. On wet earth in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; in marshes and ditches at Eevelstoke, on both sides of the Columbia River, May 5th, 1890. (Macoun.) (511.) B. pseudotriquetrum, Schwaegr. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 238 ; Canadian Musci, 183. Hopewell Bay,and Bay Bull Arm, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Miquelon'Jsland. (Delamare.) Wet rocks, Bass Eiver, N.B, (Fowler's Cat.) On earth at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Wet ground, Jupiter and Gunn rivers, Anticosti ; damp woods at Campbellton, N.B. ; damp woods near Ottawa ; Sydenham Falls, near Owen Sound, Ont. ; in bogs, at Morley, very abundant at Banff and at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Eange; also at Quesnel and Yale on the Fraser Eiver, B.C. ; at Comox and Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Crevices of wet rocks. Black Eiver, Lake Winnipeg. (J. M. Macoun.) Common and variable in Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) On wet earth at Cape Vincent, near Kingston, Ont. (Frof. Fowler.) MACOUN.J CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 133 Yar. hyalodontium, C. M. & Kindb. (n. var.) Differs principally in the pale-brown capsule and the pale, hyaline, peristome. On wet rocks at Hector, Eocky Mountains, B.C., August 13th, 1890. (Macoun.) (512.) B. denticu latum, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XYII., 2*73. Differs from B. pseudotriquetrum in the leaves being distantly denti- culate to the middle, lanceolate-acuminate, reflexed at the base. Barren. Around springs, on the Cypress Hills, Alberta (1880) ; in a bog in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., August 2l8t, 1885. (Macoun.) (513.) B. hydrophilum, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVL, 95. Closely allied to B. pseudotriquetrum, but the leaves are nan*ower, ovate-lanceolate, reflexed at the base or not at all ; costa yellow ; tufts loose, radiculose only below. Flowers and capsules not found. Wet springy places near the sea at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 4th, 1887. (Macoun.) (514.) B. turbinatum, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 238. On rocks, St. Anne des Monts Elver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on calcareous rocks at Belleville, Ont. ; also along the Athabasca Eiver at Fort Assiniboine, N.W.T. ; Blackwater Eiver and Hastings, B.C. ; on earth at Comox, Yancouver Island. (^Macoun.) Galton Mountains, B.C. (Lyall.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (515.) B. meseoides, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XYL, 95 ; Canadian Musci, No. 18Y. Dioecious. Densely csespitose. Stem 1-2 cm. high, reddish. Leaves yellowish, brown-margined, not decurrent, ovate-oblong or short- lanceolate, short-acuminate, faintly denticulate at the apex, slightly reflexed on the borders at the base, cells rhomboidal-oblong ; costa red, scarcely excurrent, abbreviated in the lower leaves ; male flowers discoid ; perigonial leaves ovate-lanceolate, narrower areolate, denti- culate from the middle ; perichetial leaves narrow, more acuminate. Capsule narrowly pyriform, defluent to a longer coUum, immature, arcuate' pale, wide-mouthed, constricted below the mouth ; lid convex, pale-yellow, mammillate ; teeth pale-yellow, connivent ; annulus double ; 134 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. cilia perfect, long and appendiculate ; basilar membrane very low or indistinct; pedicel 2-3 cm. long ; spores very small, 0.(U mm. Differs from B. turbinatum in the leaves being narrower, brown- margined and not decurrent ; cells smaller ; perigonial leaves denti- culate ; capsule arcuate and long-necked ; spores smaller. Wet rocks, Gasp^ coast, Que. ; along Cave Avenue at Banflf, Eocky Mountains ; along the railway in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; abundant in wet places at Victoria and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. (Maccun.) (516.) B. microcephalum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp. ad interim.) This is a doubtful species, not having been found with capsules. It somewhat resembles Bryum ccBspiticium, the stem is proliferous with small male buds, the leaves are contorted, the costa is percurrent or short-excurrent, the inflorescence dioecious. On rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June nth, 1890. (^Macoun.) (51*7.) B. torquescens, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 230. "Wet places at Truro, N.S. ; also on Mount Albert, Gasp^ Co., Que. (^Mocoun.^ Determination very doubtful ; may be a new variety. (Kindberg.) (518.) B. Schleicheriy Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 239 ; Canadian Musci, No. 516 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.- Am., Ko. 264. In a marshy spot, near the " Height of Land," Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) In a wet springy place at the base of Avalanche Moun- tain, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on Mount Aylmer, near Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains, alt. 8,000 feet. (Macoun.') Green- land. (Fl. Gr.) (519.) B. roseum, Schreb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 239 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 255. Shady woods, Kent Co., N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) About the roots of ti'ees in Upper Canada (Ontario). (Brummond.) Very likely the next species. MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 135 (520.) B. Ontariense, Kindb., Bull. Ton-. Bot. Club, XVI., 96 ; Canadian Musci, JSTo. 184. Intermediate between B. roseum and B. Beyrichii (Hsch.) C. Mueller. Comal leaves very numerous, Ungulate, abruptly and short acuminate, revolute to f or f , yellow-margined above with great confluent teeth ; costa stout, excurrent. Capsule pale, with a distinct, curved collum half as long, teeth papillose and hyaline above ; archegonia numerous ; lid convex short-apiculate, not oblique. Hitherto confounded with Bryum roseum and quite common through- out Ontario ; generally in a barren state. On old logs and sometimes on limestone rocks in maple woods, at Ottawa, Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) Pine woods, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que, (D' Urban.) Common at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Tay and Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) Also found in Ohio, United States. {Prof. Wether by fide Kindberg.) (521.) B. simplex, Kindb. (n. sp.) Allied to Bryum roseum ; differs in the shoots being short, about 2 cm., clavate, the coraal leaves smaller, suboval, not cuneale at the base, fainter denticulate, not patent when moist, the cells shorter, nearly uniform, the pquamiform leaves indistinct. Barren. This species is also distinct from Bryum. Ontariense, Kindb., and Bryum lucidum, Britt. We have not seen American specimens of the true B. roseum. In small quantity, in crevices of rocks on the Gold Eange, north of Griffin Lake, B.C. ; alt. 6,700 feet. August 9th, 1889. {Macoun.) (522.) B. concinnatum, Spruce; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N- America, 240. Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (523.) B. acutiusculum, C. Muell. in Flora, N. 14 (188Y). Alaska. {Krause.) (524.) B. bullatum, C. Muell. in Flora K 14 (ISST). Alaska. {Krauze.) (525.) B. stenotrichum, C. Muell. Alaska. (Krause.) 136 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. 78. ZIERIA, Schimp. (526.) Z. Julacea, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 240. Bryum Zierii, Dramm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 252. Eocks near the " Height of Land," Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Crevices of damp rocks. Mount Albert, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; alt. 4,000 feet ; on rocks along the Bow Eiver at Morley, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. {R. Brown.) (527.) Z. demissay Schimp.; Le8q.& James, Mosses of N. America, 241. Bryum demissum, Drumtn. Muse. Bor.-Am., Na 250. Summits of the Rocky Mountains ; rare. (^Drummond.) Sabine Island, Greenland. (^Fl. Gr.) 79. MNIUM, Linn. (528.) M. cuspidatum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 242 ; Canadian Musci, No. 189. Bryum cuspidatum, Drumm. Musa Bor.-Am., No. 258. Shady woods ; at the roots of trees. (Drummond.) Forms large patches among the roots of trees in woods, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Canaan Forks andTay, N.B. (J. Moser.) New Harbor and Broad Cove, New- foundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Shaded places, lake region, and at Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) Common in Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) In woods, Levis Co., Que. (St. Cyr.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Very abundant on earth nearly across the continent. Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; at Truro, N.S. ; on Montreal Mountain, Que. ; common at Ottawa, Belleville, Owen Sound and other parts of Ontario ; Lake Nepigon and Lake Nipissing, Ont. ; Swan Lake House, Man. ; Revelstoke, Eagle Pass, Quesnel and Agassiz, B.C. (Macoun.) Atha- basca River, N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Vicinity of Kingston, Ont. {Prof. Fowler.) Saskatchewan River. (Bourgeau.) A common species at London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) Var. tenellum, Kindb. (n. var.) DiflFers in all parts being smaller. On earth in woods at Rustico Bay, Prince Edward Island, July 3rd, 1888. (Macoun.) MAOOUN.J CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 137 (529.) M. venustum, Mitt.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 242 ; Canadian Musci, No. 190. M. Nevii, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 242.* Yancouver Island. {Lyall.) Crevices of rocks at the mouth of Pass Creek, Columbia Eiver ; also on logs at Hastings, B.C. ; very common on rocks, Blackwater Eiver, B.C. ; crevices of rocks, around Victoria, Cedar Hill and Goldstream, Yancouver Island. {Macoun.) (530.) M. macrociliare, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Bisexual. Loosely tufted. Stem densely foliate, sometimes stolon- ifeious. Leaves green or bright green, subdistichous not decur- rent, pale-margined, simply or doubly dentate-ciliate, subobovate ; the perichetial smaller and narrower ; costa always excurrent. Capsule single (or 2-clustered), oblong, inclined or pendent ; lid pale, conic, red-margined, short-rostrate ; teeth yellow ; pedicel purplish below, yellow above. This fine species is allied to Mnium vemistum Mitt. (Mhium Nevii^ C. M.), but differing principally in the less densely foliate not clavate stems. On rocks by a mountain brook along the Columbia Eiver, above Eevelstoke, B.C., May 14th, 1890 ; on earth in damp woods near Wooler, Northumberland Co., Out. (Macoun.) (531.) M. Drummondiii Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 243 ; Canadian Musci, No. 191. Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) In large patches on the ground in shady places, New Brunswick. (Fowler's Cat.) Tay,York Co., N.B. (J.Moser.) Along Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (B' Urban.) In damp woods around Ottawa ; also at Belleville, and North Bay Lake Nipissing, Ont. ; in cool woods, Swan Lake House, Swan Lake, Man. ; in woods at Morley, Eocky Mountains , abundant at Eevelstoke on the Columbia, also at Quesnel on the Fraser, and at McLeod's Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) (532.) M. rostratum, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 243 ; Canadian Musci, No. 192. On stones in Beaver Creek, Hastings Eoad Crossing, Hastings Co., Ont. ; damp limestone rocks at Owen Sound, Ont. ; in the spray of Kakabeka Falls, west of Port Arthur, Lake Superior ; near McLeod's Lake, lat. 55° ; on stones along a brook one mile north of Eevelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) On rocks, North Thompson Eiver, B.C. (J. M. 138 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Macoun) Smith's Sound, between lat. 78= — 82'. (Dr. Hayes.) 'New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) (533.) M. mediuiTiy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 243. Pend d'Oreille and Pack rivers, and Cascade Mountains. B.C. (Lyall.} Damp shaded ravines, Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) (534.) M. afflne, Bland. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 244 ; Canadian Musci, No. 193. Bryum affine, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 256. Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Harbor Breton, Forteau Bay, New- foundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Damp shaded bank of a brook at Bass Eiver, also at Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Tay, York Co., N.B. (J, Moser.) Mansfield Island, Hudson Strait. (R. Bell.) On earth in a brook at Whycocogmah, Cape Breton ; by a brook, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; quite common in swamps and springs throughout Ontario, at Ottawa, Belleville and Owen Sound ; in swamps at Swan Lake House, Swan Lake, Man. ; in a bog in Eagle Pass, west of Eevelstoke, and at Sicamous and McLeod's Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) Wet place at Observation Point, Lake Winnipeg. (J. M. Macoun.) On earth along the Eiver *Eouge. Argenteuil Co., Que. (D' Urban.) Shady moist places. (Drummond.) Gananoque, near Kingston, Ont. (Prof. Fowler.) Common at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Sitka. (Roth. Alask.) Greenland. (Rosenvinge.) (535.) M. rugicum, Laur. Differs from M. affine principally in the nearly entire leaves, the upper not larger nor crowded. Quite common in Dow's swamp, near Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) Smith's Sound, between lat. 78"— 82°. (Dr. Sayes.) (536.) M. insigne, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 244 ; Canadian Musci, No. 194. Vancouver Island. (Wood, Lyall.) British Columbia. (Lyall.) On earth, in woods at Belleville, Ont. ; in a bog, Eagle Pass, Gold Eange, B.C. ; also on earth at Blackwater Eiver, and on logs at Hastings, B.C. ; very abundant at Cedar Hill and Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Wet places, Melaspina Inlet, B.C. (Dawson.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 139 Yar. intermedium, Kindb. (n. var.) Mnium medium, * robustum, Kindb. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 274. Agrees with Mnium insigne in the leaves being long-deeurrent, long- dentate, cells hexagonal-rotundate, &c. ; differs in the inflorescence. Syncecious. The true Mnium medium (from the alps of Norway) has a very short stem, about 1 cm. long, the leaves crowded, short-dentate, and not. decurrent. On earth at Hunter's Eiver, Prince Edward Island ; wet rocks, New Westminster,. B.C. ; abundant in damp woods near Cedar Hill Church, Yietoria, Vancouver Island, April 17th, 1887. (Macoun.) (537.) M. hornum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 245; Canadian Musci, No. 195. Nova Scotia. (N. B. James.) In dense patches in shady woods at Truro, N.S. {Fowler's Cat.) Pictou Co., N.S., and iMagdalen Islands. (McKay.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On earth near the sea at Yarmouth, and on rocks North- West Arm, Halifax, N.S. ; on i-ocks, Gunn River, Anti- oosti ; damp earth. Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island ; on earth in damp woods at Belleville, Wooler and Port Dover, Ont. (Maeoun.) Freshwater and New Harbor, near St. John, [Green Harbor, Tickle Harbor, Chance Cove, Grand Vache, Western Cove and Blaketown, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) (538.) M. serratum, Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 245 ; Canadian Musci, No. 196. Damp or wot rocks along streams, not uncommon. Jupiter River, Anti- costi ; along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on earth, along the Sydenham River at Owen Sound ; on rocks in woods. Lake Nipissing, Ont. ; on earth by the torrent at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; wet rocks along the Columbia River at Revelstoke, on earth at Sicamous, Lytton, Yale and Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on earth at Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Yar. Macounii, Kindb. (n. var.) Inflorescence parcecious. Leaves red-margined ; costa excurrent. Lid obliquely rostellato. In diy woods, Rustico Bay, Prince Edward Island, July 16th, 1888. (Macoun.) i 140 GKOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (539.) M. orthorrhynchum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America,, 246; Canadian Musci. No. 479, in part. Grand Falls of the Ifipisiquit, KB. {Fowler's Cat.) Canaan Forks and Tay, N.B. (J. Moser.) Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, KS. ; Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on rocks in McKay's woods at Ottawa ; in mud upon rocks at Owen Sound, Ont. ; dry rocks at Lake Nepigon ; crevices of rocks, three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on rocks, Cache Creek, and Agassiz, B.C. {Macoun.) Crevices of rocks, Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C. (J. M, Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (540.) M. decurrens, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Masoi, No. 517. Dioecious. Loosely tufted. Stem very loosely foliate, naked below, elongate. Leaves green or finally reddish, subdistichous, long- decurrent, often red at the margins and the wings, doubly dentate, lanceolate, the inner perichetial ones sublinear, red-cuspidate ; cells smaller than in Mnium umhratUe ; costa sub-percurrent, often red, in the inner perichetial leaves excurrent. Capsule single, oval, inclined ; lid pale, conic, not margined, short-apiculate, not rostrate, teeth dark yellow ; pedicel reddish. This species resembles Mnium orthorrhynchum in the size of the capsule ; the leaf cells are not much larger ; from Mnium umbratile it is well distinct, also in the narrower leaves loss twisted when dry. On stones in a mountain brook enteiing the Columbia about a mile above Revelstoke, on the east side, May 4th, 1890 ; also at Pass Creek Falls, near Sproat, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) (541.) M. pseudo-lycopodioides, C. M. & Kindb. M. lycopoditndes, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 246 ; Canadian Musci, No. 197. if. orthorrhynchum, Canadian Musci, No. 471, in part This species is already described by Lesq. & James, but is a new species quite distinct and not corresponding to the true M. lycopodioides, Schw. (fide C. Muell.) From the closely allied M. orthorrhynchum it is separated by the excurrent costa of the upper leaves and the narrower capsule. Fortune Bay and Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne. In a damp shaded ravine, Bass River ; also at Fredericton, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) Rocky banks, Tobique River, N.B. {Say.) Near the mouth of Martin River,. Gasp^ Co., Que. CJ. A. Allen.) Banks of the River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D' Urban.) Rocky MAcouN.J CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 141 woodp, Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on the bases of trees at Ottawa and Belleville ; also in Kiladar, Addington Co., and on bases of trees shore of Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on earth, Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; on earth, at Kananaskis, and Morley, Eocky Mountains ; on the bases of trees in woods at Eevelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) In woods at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (542.) M. inclinatum, Lindb. ; Canadian Musci, l^To. 551. Bryum marginatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 259. On rocks and upon trunks of trees. {Brummond.') On old stumps in Dow's swamp, and on rocks in McKay's woods, Ottawa ; crevices of rocks at Owen Sound, Ont.; on earth at Hector, and rocks at Banff, Eocky Mountains ; on rocks on the west side of the Columbia Eiver at Eevelstoke, B.C. {Macoun.) (543.) M. umbratile, Mitt.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 246 ; Canadian Musci, No. 520. Mountain rocks, second point of wood. Portage Eiver, Eocky Moun- tains. (Drummond.) Galton Mountains, British Columbia. (LyaU.) On earth and stones along a mountain brook entering the Colum- bia Eiver, one mile above Eevelstoke, BC. ; also at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) (544.) M. spinulosum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 247 ; Canadian Musci, No. 198. Bryum spinomm, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 257. In woods near Smoky Eiver. (Brummond.) Damp shaded places, Bass Eiver, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) Canaan Forks and Tay, N.B. (J. Moser.) Pine woods. Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; roots of trees, Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; bases of trees in woods at Ottawa, Carleton Place, Belleville, Flinton, North Bay Lake Nipissing, Port Dover, Leamington, Owen Sound and Wooler, Ont. ; woods, Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; and roots of trees, Lake Winni- pegoosis, Man. ; bases of trees at Eevelstoke, Quesnel, McLeod's Lake, Sicamous and Hastings, B.C. ; Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia. (Macoun.) On earth, Melaspina Inlet, B.C. (Dawson.) In woods at Loughboro', near Kingston, Ont. (Prof. Fowler.) (545.) M. Nia&iarse, Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 581. Intermediate between M. spinulosum and M. serratum, but readily distinguished from both by the wide-mouthed capsule. Loosely tufted without creeping stolons; fertile stem simple. Leaves 142 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. dark-green, ci'isped when dry ; indistinctly decurrent, doubly dentate at the red-margined borders ; the lower more loosely disposed, oblong, the upper lanceolate ; cells rotundate-hexagonal, often pellucid ; costa red-brown, excurrent, at least in the upper leaves. Perichetial leaves narrow sub-linear, dentate, the innermost very short. Capsule solitary, pendent, narrow, often appressed to the pedicel, subclavate-cylindric, constricted below the wide mouth ; teeth yellow ; lid obliquely rostrate ; pedicel palered. This species, synoecious, intermediate between Mnium spinutosum and M. serratum, is readily distinct in the wide-mouthed capsule. On earth under trees near the water in the woods bordering the Whirlpool, Niagara Falls, Ont., June 6th. 1891. {Macoun.) (546.) M. stellarOy (Eeichai*dt) Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 247 ; Canadian Musci, No. 199. M- orthorrhynchum, Canadian Musci, Na 471, in part Margins of brooks, Carleton,N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Swamps, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Roots of trees, Madeline River, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; Dow's swamp, near Ottawa ; cedar swamps at Belle- ville and Owen Sound, Ont. ; crevices of rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains. (^Macoun.) In woods, London, Ont. (J. Deamess) ^547.) M. BIyttii, Bruch & Schimp. Bases of stumps at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; on earth among rocks (jold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C. ; alt. 6.500 feet. (Macoun.) (548.) M. cinclidioides, Hueben; Lesq. & James,. Mosses of K America, 248. On earth in wet woods, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; wet swampy woods, Huntingdon, North Hastings, Ont. ; in wet boggy woods at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. (Macoun ) Frederikshaab, Greenland. {Bosenvinge.') (549.) M. punotatum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 248 ; Canadian Musci, No. 200. Bryum punctatvm, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Nos. 253, 254 and 272, in part. Moist woods and marshes, York Factory, Lake Huron and Rocky Mountains. (JDrummond.) Damp shady ravine, Bass River and at Fredericton, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) Swamps, Tobique River, N.B. {Bay.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) Pictou, N.S. {McKay.) Miquelon Island. {Delamare.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANAIMAN PLANTS. 143 New Harbor, Topsail and Blaketown, ISTewfoundland ; Battle Harbor, Labrador. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) In swamps, Levis Co., Que. (St. Gyr.) Cold swamps, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D' Urban.) Swamps and wet woods across the continent. Jupiter Eiver, Anti- costi ; Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; Carapbellton, N.B. ; coast of Gaspd Co., Que. ; swamps at Ottawa, Belleville, Port Dover and Owen Sound, Ont. ; shore of Lake Superior and Kakabeka Falls west of that lake ; at Banff, Stephen and Hector, Eocky Mountains ; at Eevelstoke, Sicamous and Yale, B.C. ; common at Comox and Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) In swamps. London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) On Mount Queest, Gold Eange, B.C. alt., 7,000 feet ; Kodiak Island and Sitka, Alaska, and Ounalaska, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Swamps, Queen Charlotte Islands. (Dawson.) Sitka. (Roth. Alask.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (550.) M. subglobosum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 248 ; Canadian Musci, No. 201. Cinclidium stygium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 272, in part. • Swamps, Eed Eock, Lake Superior ; swamps at Lake Athabasca ; along the " Telegraph Trail" north of Blackwater Eiver, B.C. ; peat swamps at Banff and Stephen, Eocky Mountains ; on earth, Bear Creek, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) Marshes near the Eocky Mountains. (JDrummond.) Sabine Island and Ivigtut, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (551.) M. hymenophyllum, Byrol. Europ. IV. t. 400. Upernivik and other localities in Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (552.) M. hymenophylloides, Hueben ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 249. Battle Harbor, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) On damp rocks. Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; under flat rocks, on earth, at Hector and three miles below, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Green- land. (Fl. Gr.) (553.) IVI| Menziesii, C. Muell.; Lesq. & James. Mpsses of N. America, 249 ; Canadian Musci, No. 202. In woods at Hot Springs, Kootanie Lake, and in abundance on logs at Hastings, B.C. ; quite common at Cedar Hill and Victoria, Van- couver Island. (Macoun.) On earth in woods, Melaspina Inlet, B.C. (Dawson.) Sitka. (Roth. Alask.) 144 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. 80. CINCLIDIUM, Swartz. (554.) C. Stygium, Swartz ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Amei-ica, 250 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 2T2, in part. C subrotundum, Canadian Musci, No. .206. "Wet ground, Forteau, Labrador. (J. A. Allen.) Swamps, Salt Lake, and Becscie River, Anticosti ; in swamps at Truro, N.S. ; swamps at Banff and at Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Swamps in the Rocky Mountains. {Drummond.) (555.) C, subrotundum, Lindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 250. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador. {Breutel.) [Broad Cove, New- foundland. (^Rev. A. WagJiome.) ] ? SUB-TRIBE I. AULACOMNlEiE. 81. AULACOMNIUM, Schwaegr. (556.) A. androgynum, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 252 ; Canadian Musci, No. 207. On earth at the bases of trees in woods, Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on old logs at ]Ia8ting8, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; very common on old logs, stumps and rocks at Victoria, Nauaimo, and Comox, Van- couver Island. {Macoun.) On rocks, Melaspina Inlet, B.C. (Dawson.) Vancouver Island. (LyalL) (557.) A. palustre, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 252 ; Canadian Musci, No. 208. Bryum palustre, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am.. No- 242. Marshy places ; frequent. (Drummond.) Common about New Har- bor, Newfoundland ; Battle Harbor, Cape Charles and Fox Harbor, Labrador. (Rev.A.Waghorne.) Swamps, Bass River, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) Abundant at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. - (R. Bell.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Vicinity of Quebec. (St.Cyr.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) In bogs at Louisburg, Cape Breton ; also at Truro, N.S. ; in bogs, Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; boggy ground, Gaspd Co., Que. ; in swampy woods throughout Ontario and westward to the Pacific, fruiting abundantly at Banff in the MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 145 Eocky Mountains, at Eevelstoke, B.C. and on Yancouver Island. (Macoun.) Along the Athabasca Eiver. (J. M. Macoun.) Dorchester, near London, Ont. ; common. (J.Dearness.) Saskatchewan and Eocky Mountains. (Bourgeau.) Cascade Mountains. {Lyall.) Kotzebue Sound, Sitka and ISTulato. (Roth. Alask.) Jakobshavn and Godthaab, Greenland. (R. Brown.) Yar. imbricatum, Bruch & Schimp. : Canadian Musci, No. 209. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.') In swamps at Belleville, Ont. ; on rocks at North Arm of Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; common on rocks at Nanaimo, Yancouver Island. (Macoun.') Boggy ground, east side of Lake Winnipeg. (J. M. Macoun.) Mountains east of Adams Lake, B.C. ; alt. 5,600 feet. (Dawson.') Yar. polycephalum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 210. In boggy woods at l^rackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; common in wet woods at Belleville, Ont. ; also North Bay, Lake Nipissing and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; marshy spots at Morley, Eocky Mountains; also at Goldstream, Yancouver Island. (Macoun.) Abundant at New Harbor, Newfoundland ; De^ Water Creek and Fox Harbor, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Yar. laxifolium, Kindb. (n. var.) Leaves laxly disposed. On earth in boggy soil, Eoger's Pass, at the " Summit," Selkirk Mountains, B.C., August 6th, 1890. (Macoun.) (558.) A. turgidum, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 253. JBryum turgidum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 243. Moist mountainous situations ; rare in fructification. (Drummond.) Seal Islands and Battle Habor, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Whale Island, Chateau Bay, Labrador. (J. A. Allen.) Upper Savage Islands, Hudson Strait. (R. Bell.) On both sides of Baffin's Bay. (Ross' Voyage.) Smith's Sound and West Greenland. (Br. Kane.) Women's Islands, Baffin's Bay. (R. Brown.) Smith's Sound between lat. 78°— 83°. (Dr. Hayes.) Kotzebue Sound. {Roth. Alask.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. {J. M. Macoun.) Common in Green- land. (Fl. Gr.) 10 146 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (559.) A. heterostichum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, No. 211. Arrhenopterum heterostichum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Na 274. Upper Canada (Ontario). (Drummond.) Abundant at the bases of trees in damp woods four miles beyond Ferry Point opposite Belleville, Ont. ; also in woods, Seymour, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; abundant in damp woods at Leamington, Ont. (Macoun.) Near London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) SUB-TEIBE II. TIMMIE^. 82. TIMMIA, Hedw. (560.) T. megapolitana, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 254; Canadian Musci, No. 212; Drumm. Muse. Bor.- Am., 273. Moist shady rocks ; common. {Drummond.') At the bases of trees in swamps, Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; Dow's swamp, Ottawa ; abundant at Belleville and Owen Sound, also at Leamington, Ont. ; crevices of rocks at Morley and Devil's Lake, Kocky Mountains -^ also along Lesser Slave Lake, Athabasca ; vicinity of Victoria, Vancou- ver Island. {Macoun.) Athabasca River at the forks of the Clearwater. (J. M. Macoun.) London, Ont. {J. Deamess.) Vancouver Island and Galton Mountains, B.C. {Lyall.) Saskatchewan Eiver. (Bourgeau.) Greenland. (^Fl. Gr.) Conception Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. WaghoTTie.) (561.) T. Austriaca, Hedw.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 255 ; Canadian Musci, No. 213. Cascade Mountains and Pack River, B.C. (Lyall.) Damp rocks, Hudson Hope, Peace River, lat. 56° ; on rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; common along the Columbia River above Eevelstoke, also at Sicamous, Cache Creek and Yale, B.C. ; common on wet rocks at Nanaimo and Goldstream, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) ' Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dawson.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (562.) T. Norvegica, Zett. Bull. Bot. Soc. Fr., 1862 ; Canadian Musci, No. 586. Bank of the torrent at Hector, and in mud at the second creek east of that point, August 17tb, 1890, and in the " Dry Canon," discharge of Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains, 1891. {Macoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 147 FAMILY XVII. POLYTEICHEJE. 83. ATRICHUM, Beauv. (563.) A. undu latum, Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 256; Canadian Musci, No. 314. On banks, at the " Height of Land," Eocky Mountains ; but rare. (Drummond.) ISTew Harbor, Bay Bull Arm, Chance Cove and Broad Cove, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) Miquelon Island. (Deld- mare.) Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) At Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On the ground in Kent Co., KB. (Fowler's Oat.) On earth at Eustico Bay, Prince Edward Island ; common on banks in woods at Ottawa, Lake Nipissing, Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. ;. wet earth and turned-up stumps at Hastings and Yale, B.C. ; common at Comox and Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Very common on knolls near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (564.) A. angustatum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 256 ; Canadian Musci, No. 215. Polytrichum angustatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 285. New Harbor, Broad Cove and Bay Bull Arm, Newfoundland. (Rev A. Waghorne.) On the ground at Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) In dry sandy woods at Belleville, Ont. ; also in Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; in woods at Leamington, Ont. ; in woods, McLeod's Lake, lat. 55°, B.C. (Macoun.) Banks, &c., in Canada. (Drummond.) Vicinity of Lon- don, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (565.) A. Selwyni, Aust. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 256 ; Canadian Musci, No. 216. Crevices of rocks. House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, Septem- ber 18th, 1872 ; on damp earth in Eoger's Pass, and along Beaver Creek, Selkirk Mountains ; along the Columbia Eiver at Eevelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) (566.) A. Lescurii, James ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 257. Alaska. (Kellogg.) Sitka Island, Alaska. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) This species occurs also in Japan, but in the specimens collected there by Mr. Bisset (in herb. Kindherg) the stem is at least a third shorter. / 148 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL UISTORT SUBVBY OF CANADA. (567.) A. crispum, James ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 257 ; Canadian Musci, No. 540. A. xanthopelma, Canadian Musci, No. 463. On earth in woods near "Wooler, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; also in woods at Port Dover and Leamington, Ont. ; on earth along the Columbia Eiver, about a mile above Eevelstoke, B.C. ; abundant on a loamy bank at Craigellachie, Eagle Pass, B.C. {Macoun.) (568.) A. parallelum, Mitt.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K. America, 258 ; Canadian Musci, No. 426. Polytrichum undulaium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 286. Grand Cote, Kocky Mountains. (JDrummond.) "Wet rocks in Eoger's Pass and on the higher slopes of Mount Cheops, Selkirk Mountains ; also on the Gold Eange north of Griflttn Lake, B.C. ; alt. 6.500 feet. {Macoun.) (569.) A. leiophyllum, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club XVII, 275 ; Canadian Musci, No. 217. Plants erect, simple, naked below, densely foliate above, about 5-7 cm. high. Leaves smooth, lower very small, upper lanceolate and acute-cuspidate, not margined, the base scarcely broader ; borders sharply seiTate with large teeth, the basal only, entire ; basilar cells nari'ow, the other round-hexagonal, all pellucid ; costa percurrent ; lamellse 6, disappearing below the apex, entire or slightly crenulate. Capsule single, 0.5-0.6 cm. long, sub-cylindrical, thicker below, 0.2 cm. broad, slightly cui-ved, constricted at the mouth ; lid obliquely rostrate from the conic base ; perichetial leaves long-cuspidate with an excurrent costa ; pedicel bright red, 4-5 cm. long. Dioecious. This fine species differs considerably from A. parallelum in the smooth leaves, &c. In damp woods on the lower slopes of Mount Arrowsmith, Van- couver Island, July 18th, 1887 ; on earth in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., August, 1890. (Macoun.) (570.) A. rosuiatum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Dioecious. Stem indistinct or very short. Leaves rosulate, undulate, not margined, dentate at the middle, sometimes beset with transverse rows of small scales, the lower sub-oblong, the upper short-lanceolate, •subobtuse ; costa scarcely percurrent, nearly smooth. Barren. This species is not to be confounded with our other species, though MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 149 the scales of the leaves are not always to be found. All other species, except A. leiophyllum and A. parallelum, have margined leaves. On the bank of the Columbia River, between the railway bridge and the whirlpool, west side of Eiver at Eevelstoke, B.C., May 6th, 1890. (Macom.y 84. OLICOTRICHUM, DC. (571.) O. alig^erum, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of ^N". America, 258 ; Canadian Musci, No. 218. Grand Cote, Eocky Mountains. (Brummond.) On clay banks by roadsides at Hastings, B.C. ; also on wet clay banks, west of Glacier Hotel, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. (Macoun.) (572.) O. Lyallii, Lindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of I^. America, 259. In swampy places on the east side of the Cascade Mountains, British Columbia, at an elevation of 7,000 feet, July, 1860. (JLyall.') (573.) O. hercynicum, (Ehrh.) DC, Fl. Fr. I. 492. l^oi uncommon in Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) St. Lawrence Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Yar. latifolium, CM. & Kindb. (n. var.) Differs in the shorter and entire leaves ; the capsule is distinctly plicate. By a glacier stream descending from Hermit Mountain in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, July Slst, 1890. (jMaeoun.) 85. PSILOPILUM, Brid. (574.) P. arcticurrii Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 260. Peat bogs ; Labrador, Greenland and Arctic America. (^Lesq. & James.) Jakobshavn, Greenland. (i2. Brown.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) 86. POCONATUM, Beauv. (575.) P. brevicaule, Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 260. P. capillare, Canadian Musci, No. 377. Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On clayey soil, Bass Eiver and Carle- ton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On clay by the roadside, beyond the marsh, 150 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. near Shaw's, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; also at Cassel- man, near Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) (576.) P. capillarGy Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 261. Not uncommon in Greenland. (Fl. Gr.') Miquelon Island. {Delci- mare.) Chance Cove, Newfoundland. (^Rev. A. Waghome.) (5*77.) P. dentatuiTii Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 261 ; Canadian Musci, No. 544. P. umigerum, Canadian Musci, No. 219, in part, Polytrichum umigerum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Na 284. Banks amongst the Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) North-west coast. {Nelson, Menzies.) Alaska. {Bischoff.) On the summit or Mount Queest, Gold Eange, B.C., alt T.OOO feet ; St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.") Very abundant by the side of the railway in Roger's Pass and by Beaver Creek, Selkirk Mountains. {Macoun.) Polytrichum capillare, Michx., is probably a form of P. dentatum, Menzies, with the stem low and nearly simple. (578.) P. contortum, Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 262. Alaska. {Kellogg.) North-west coast. (Menzies.) On the roots of upturned Douglas Fir in woods along the Columbia River, above Revelstoke, B. C. (Macoun.) (579.) P. erythrodontium, Kindb. (n. sp.) P. contortum, Canadian Musci, No. 430. Stem erect, simple, or furnished with a short innovation above, naked below, 10-12 cm. long. Leaves green, spreading, fl^xuous and not incurved when dry, plane and patent when moist, linear-lanceo- late, acuminate, red-denticulate all around, not sheathing, undulate, hispid or margined ; cells round-hexagonal, chlorophyllose, also the marginal ; lamellte distinct and not confluent, numerous, 20-30 ; costa narrow, percurrent. Capsule single, short, ovate-cylindrical, erect and papillose, wide-mouthed ; teeth red-brown, naiTOwly hyaline-margined all around, narrowly Ungulate ; pedicel about 4 cm. long. Dioecious. This species is allied to P. contortum and P. atrovirens, but very dis- MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 151 tinct. Br. C. Mueller considers these (three) as belonging to a peculiar subgenus (section) Catharinella. By a roadside in wet woods near Comox, Vancouver Island, May 3rd, 1887. iMacoun). Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) Stanley Park, Vancouver City, B.C. {Law.) (580.) P. atrovirens, Mitt.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 262. Sitka. {Barclay.) Abundant by roadsides at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 6th, 1889. {Macoun.') (581.; P. urnigerum, Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 262 ; Canadian Musci, No. 219, in part. On earth, New Harbor, Broad Cove, Chance Cove and Harbor Breton, Newfoundland. {Eev. A. Waghorne.) Dry turf on a ledge, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) In woods at Truro, N.S. ; very abundant by roadsides at Cape Kosier and other points, G-asp^ Co., Que. ; along Bear Creek, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Vicinity of Quebec. {St. Cyr.) (582.) P. alpinum, Roehl. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 263 ; Canadian Musci, No. 220. Polytrichum alpinum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 282. Little Bay Islands, Western Cove, Cape Charles and Deep Water Bay, Labrador ; on rocks, Harbor Breton and Trinity Bay, New- foundland. {Eev. A. Waghorne.) Eocks of Lake Superior ; and in various parts of Canada. {Drummond.) On the ground at Restigouche, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) Wet rocks, Tobique Eiver, N.B. {Hay.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) Crevices of rocks Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que. ; wet rocks, Sudbury Junction, Ont. ; crevices of rocks, 10 miles south of Fort William, Lake Superior, also along Nepigon River ; on perpendicular rocks, head of Lake Louise, Rocky Mountains ; along Bear Creek in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on rocks along the Columbia River at Revelstoke ; also at Yale on the Fraser River, B.C. ; on Mounts Benson and Arrow- smith, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Wet rocks. Queen Charlotte Islands. {Dawson.) Hall Island, St. Paul Island and Ounalaska, Behring Sea. 1891. {J. M. Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound and Sitka; {Both. Alask.) Islands in Baffin's Bay. (B. Brown.) Frederikshaab, Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) 152 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. septentrionale, Brid. ; Canadian Musci, No. 427. Polytrichum septentrUmale, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Na 283. Sammit of Rocky Mountains. {Drummond.) Abundant on the summit of Copper Mountain, on the south side of the Bow River valley, at Castle Mountain, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) St. Lawi'ence, St. Paul and St. George islands, Behring Sea. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Var. brevifolium, Brid. On rocks, Digge's Island, iHudson Strait. (E. Bell.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) Var. microdontium, Kindb., Ott. Nat. Vol. V. DiflFers in the leaves being nearly entire or indistinctly denticulate. St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. («/ M. Macoun.) (583.) P. Macounii, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVI. 96; Cana- dian Musci, No. 546. Dioecious ; laxly ccespitose, green, brownish when old. Stem rooting only at base, ascending 8-15 cm. high, dichotomous branching. Leaves very long (1.5-2 cm.); when dry, spreading or patulose, flexuose and convolute ; when humid, subplane, linear-lanceolate; cuspidate from the short, sheathing, dirty-white base, densely and sharply serrate, spinulose and reddish at back towards the apex ; lamellffi numerous (about 60), entire, each of round hexangular cells, costa long-excunent ; lower cells of the leaf-base elongate and naiTOW, the upper oblong, the cell- walls often oblique and irregular. Perichetial leaves shorter and more acute than the other ; seta robust, 3-6 cm. long, pale, finally orange. Vaginule glabrate, pale ; capsule 6 ram. long, obliquely in- clined, cylindric-oblong without neck at the base, narrowed below the mouth, constricted, noi angulose, finally dark-brown, at first greenish with the mouth orange, 6-7 mm. long and 2 mm. broad ; lid large conic-subulate, at base orange, 2 cm. long ; teeth of peristome 32, short. This robust and very distinct species is allied to the Japonian Polytrichum grandifolium, Lindb. On rocks and earth in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on rocks at Revelstoke on the Columbia and on earth at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on the slopes of Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) On rocks, Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. (Dawson.) Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, 1891. (J.M. Macoun.) MACouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 153 (584.) P. polare, C. Muell, Bot. Zeit. 205. 1859. Collected in Eastern Gri*eenland and on Sabine Island. (Pansch.) 87. POLYTRICHUM, Linn. (585.) P. sexangulare, Floerke ; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVI., 96 ; Canadian Musci, No. 428. On the summit of Copper Mountain, south of the Bow Eiver at Castle Mountain, Eocky Mountains ; on Mount Cheops, Selkirk Mountains, alt. 7,500 feet, B.C. ; also on the Gold Eange, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., alt. 7,000 feet. (Macoun.) Herald Island, north of Alaska. (Nelson.) Jakobshavn. {M. Brown.) Common in Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (586.) P. graciie, Menz. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America. 264 ; Canadian Musci, No. 478. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Wagkorne.) Miquelon Island, (Delamare.) Bogs near St. Andrews, N.B. (Hay.) Canaan Forks, N.B. {J. Moser.) North shore of Lake Superior. (Agassiz.) Mer Bleue, 12 miles from Ottawa, Ont. ; on earth near the Gravel Pit, Belleville, Ont. ; on earth and rocks in Eoger'sPass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on earth. Gold Eange, north of Griffin's Lake, B.C. ; alt. 7,000 feet. (Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound. (Both. AlasJe.) (587.) P. formosum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 264 ; Canadian Musci, No. 429. Miquelon Island. (Delaware.) [Bay Bull Arm, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.)'] (?) On earth in woods, Pelee Point, Lake Erie ; on rocks at Eevelstoke, and logs at Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) Sitka Island, Alaska. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Alaska. (NeUon.) (588.) P. Ohioense, Een. & Card. ; Coult. Bot. Gaz. XIIL, 199 ; Canadian Musci, No. 221. Stem erect, simple or bipartite, 3-6 cm. long, a little tomentose below. Leaves spreading when moist, erect, flexuous when dry, from a sheathing base linear-acuminate, cuspidate, serrate ; lamellse about 50, each in section of a row of 5-7 cells, the marginal one much larger, transversely dilated, about twice broader than high, very slightly convex, ofien almost plane. Perichetial leaves longer with a longer hyaline base. Pedicel 4-8 cm. long, reddish below, pale above. Capsule erect, finally horizontal, tetragonal or pentagonal, rarely hexagonal, acute-angled, rather narrowed toward the base, with a very 154 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. small or indistinct hypophysis ; length 5-*7 mm., diameter 2-2^ mm. ; lid conic-acuminate, red at margin. This species seems to include the greater part of thfe specimens formerly referred to P. formosum. On the ground at Bass Eiver, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) Woods, Montcalm Co., Que. (D' Urban.) In woods, Becscie River, Anticosti ; woods, ]N'orth Sydney, Cape Breton ; Mount Stewart and Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; along the Ste. Anne de Monts River, G-asp^ Co., Que.; on earth in woods at Casselman, near Ottawa; on earth in woods in Peterboro and Victoria counties, Ont. ; also at North Bay Lake Nipissing ; at Leamington, Lake Erie ; in woods, near Fort William, Lake Superior ; on earth and i*ocks along the Columbia River, above Revelstoke, B.C. {Macoun.) (589.) P. conorhynch m Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs from Polytrichum formosum in the leaves being canaliculate and the capsule shorter and broader, not attenuate at the base ; differs fi-om Polytrichum gracile also in the capsule, which is distinctly acute- angulate, the coriic-rostrate lid and the long-sheathing leaves. In a small bog along the C. P. Railway in Roger's Pass east of the summit, Selkirk Mountains, July Slst, 1890. {Macoun.) (590.) P. piliferum, Schreb.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N.America, 264 ; Canadian Musci, No. 222 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 278. Grassy Mountains. (Brummond.') Gravelly knolls, Bass River, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Ste. Clotiide, Arthabaska Co., Que. {St. Cyr.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) On rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S. ; on earth in sandy woods, Murray, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; barren ground and rocks. Lake Nepigon and Lake Nipissing, Ont. ; at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks at Deer Park and Sproat, Columbia River ; on earth at New Westminster Junction, B.C. ; very common at Victoria and Cedar Hill, also Mount Benson near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Vancouver Island. {Lyall.) Alaska. {Nelson.) Kobbefjord, West Greenland, 28th June, 1884. {Warming capillaceum, Eruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mouses of N. America, 273 ; Canadian Musci, No. 431. Fontinalis capillacea, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 234. Grand Lake and Newcastle, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On sticks in brooks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On the roots of trees, bordering the rivulet at Holland Landing (Ontario). (Drum- mond.) Var. elongatum,~Kindb. (n. var.) Stems more elongate, branches more distant, the leaf-base longer than the excuiTent part of the costa. In the bed of a small brook, 30 miles north of Michipicotin Eiver, Lake Superior, July 27th, 1869. (Macoun.) (609.) D. pallescens, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 274 ; Canadian Musci, No. 235. Dead wood, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (D' Urban.) Abun- dant on the bases of trees in the inundated woods at the mouth of the Gatineau, near Hull, Que. ; also on twigs in water-holes near St. Patrick's Bridge, Ottawa. (Macoun.) On bases of trees, Bass Eiver and Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (610.) D. cylindricarpum, Aust. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 274. On damp rocks in the Coast Eange above Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1875. (Macoun.) The specimens (fathered here were the same as those sent to Austin by Mrs. Eoy and labelled Cascade Mountains. MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 161 XX. NEOKEEEJ]. 92. LEPTODON, Mohr. (611.) L. trichomitrion, Mohr; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 278 ; Canadian Musci, No. 236. Pterogonium trichomitrion, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 78. Trunks of trees in upper Canada (Ontario) ; about Niagara Falls. (JDrummond.) On trees in a swamp a little east of Belleville, Ont. (^Macoun.) (612.) L. nitiduSy Lindb. MS. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 279. On elm trees in a swamp (since cleared up) a little east of Belleville Ont, July 20th, 1864. (Macoun.) 93. ALSIA, Sulliv. (613.) A. abietina, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 280. A. Macounii, Kindb., Bull. Terr. Bot. Club. XVII., 275 ; Canadian Musci, No. 462. On trees North-west Coast. (Menzies.) Vancouver Island. (Lyall.) On rocks, Fraser Eiver above Yale, B.C. ; on rocks. Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. ; on trees at Michosen, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Alaska. (Roth. Atask.) 94. NECKERA, Hedw. (614.) N. Menziesiiy Drumm. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 282 ; Canadian Musci, No. 238 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.- Am., No. 162. On rocks amongst the Eocky Mountains, but without fruit. (Drum- mond.) On rocks, below Hector, " Dry Canon," discharge of Devil's Lake, and at Banff, Eocky Mountains ; on rocks, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on rocks at Sicamous, B.C. ; abundant on trees at the mouth of Harrison Eiver and at Harrison Hot Springs, B.C. ; very common on trees and rocks, Victoria and Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Alaska. (Roth. Alask.) 11 , 162 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL fflSTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. amblycladay Kindb. (n. var.); Canadian Musci, No. 567. Neckera oligocarpa, Canadian Musci, No. 240, in part. Differs in the densely pinnate stems, the branches obtuse, rarely attenuate and flagelliferous, the leaves shorter, sub-oblong. It agrees with the common form in the parapbylliferous stem, &c. Barren. On rocks beside the torrent at Hector, IJocky Mountains, B.C., July 15th, 1885. (Macoun.) (615.) N. pennata, Hedw. ; Lesq. & .Tames. Mosses ofN. America, 282 ; Canadian Musci, "No. 239 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 161. Tmnks of trees, abundant ; rarely on i-ocks. (^Drummond.) Com- mon, Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On trees ; common, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., Tay, York Co. and Elmwood, King's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) Ti-unks of trees, River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (i)' Urban.) On trees, Whycocogmah, Cape Breton ; com- mon on trees Prince Edwai-d Island ; also on trees at Campbellton, N.B. ; in woods, Gaspd Co., Que. ; abundant in elm and black ash swamps at Ottawa, Belleville, Leamington, Port Dover, Owen Sound and Niagara, Ont. ; on ti-ees, Nepigon River, Ont. ; on trees along Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. (Macoun.) Common on bark of trees, London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) (616.) N. oligocarpa, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lcsq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 283 ; Canadian Musci, No. 240, in part. On trees at Rustico Bay, Prince Edward Island ; on trees at Ottawa, Ont. ; on rocks at Nepigon, Lake Superior, June 24th, 1884 ; and on rocks. Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains; underneath overhang- ing rocks. Rocky Mountain Canon, Peace River, lat. 56°. (Macoun.) * N. peterantha, C. M. & Kindb. (n. subsp.) Differs in the secondary stems being nearly simple, about 1 decim. long, rigid and more robust, the antheridia and archegonia very numerous, the capsule emergent, the leaves larger, and more crowded, the one branch of the costa piolonged, sometimes to the middle. Common on rocks in the Kicking Horse Pass, three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains, August 13th, 1890. (Macoun.) (61*7.) N. Douglasii, Hook.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, ^83 ; Canadian Musci, No. 241. North-west Coast. (Menzies.) Alaska. (Roth. Alask.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 163 Var. Macounii, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 275 ; Canadian Musci, No. 389. Differing principally in the leaves being less attenuate and the capsule turgid-oval, completely exserted on the long pedicel (not '' narrow half-exserted"). The true N. Douglasii has a narrower sub-cylindric capsule in speci- mens collected by Henderson (herb. Kindherg) ; but the capsule is also exserted ; probably the description in Lesq. & James is not correct. Hanging in long festoons from the limbs of trees in shady woods at Hastings and Agassiz, B.C. ; and at Yictoria, Nanaimo and Comox, Yancouver Island. (Macoun.) (618.) N. complanataf Hueben. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 283. On rocks, New Brunswick. ( Lesq. <& James.) Common, Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) New Harbor, Newfoundland ; and Little Bay Islands, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) 95. HOMALIA, Brid. (619.) H, Macounii, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) H. trichomanoides, Lesq. James, Mosses of N. America, 285 ; Canadian Musci, No. 242. H. obtusata, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 285 ; Canadian Musci, No. 243. Hypnum trichomanoides, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 171. Very nearly allied to Ifemalia trichomanoides ; differs in the leaves being longer, rather Ungulate, the lowest basal cells yellow, the perichetial leaves more suddenly narrowed to the very short acumen, the segments of the peristome cleft between the articulations. The Asiatic Somalia obtusata (in herb. C. Mueller) is very different, probably not found in North America. On rocks about Lake Superior ; but rare. (Drummond.) On trees at Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on earth along Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island ; on the face of perpendicular rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on the bases of trees west of Ottawa, and on limestone rocks in McKay's woods, Ottawa ; on rocky ledges, Flinton, Hastings Co., and at Sudbury Junction and along the Dawson Route, west of Lake Superior, Ont. (Macoun.) On rocks. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) On rocks, Canaan Foi'ks, Queen's Co., N.B, (J. Moser.) On rocks along the Columbia River above 164 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Eevelstoke ; and on logs on the overflowed banks of the Fraser at Mission, B.C. ; on earth on the bank of the river at Comox, Yan- couver Island. (Macoun.) 96. M£TEORIUM, Brid. (620.) M. nigrescenSy Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 287. Lake Huron ; in fruit. (Dr. Todd.) Canada West. (Emery.) XXI. LEUCODONTEiE. 97. LEUCODON, Schwaegr. (621.) L. sciuroideSy Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 288 ; Canadian Musci, No. 237. On the bark of trees, Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On trees, Queen's Co., KB. (/. Moser.) On trees, Eustico Bay, Prince Edward Island ; on trees along the Gaspd coast, Que. ; common on trees at Ottawa, Belleville, Leamington, Owen Sound and throughout Ontario ; fruiting very seldom. (Macoun.) On trees at Owen Sound, Ontario. (Mrs. Boy.) On bark of maples near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (622.) L. brachypus, Brid.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 288. On trees along the Gasp6 coast. Que. ; high up on maple trunks at Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) On trees near Pictou, N.S. (McKay.) 98. PTERICYNANDRUM, Hedw. (623.) P, flliforme, Hedw.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 289 ; Canadian Musci, No. 244. Pterogonium filiforme, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 77. Eocks on the Portage Eiver, Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Bass Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on flat limestone rocks along the Moira, above the railway bridge, at Belleville, Ont. ; on rocks, three miles below Hector, Eocky Mountains ; also on rocks in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on rocks at Eevelstoke, Deer Park and Pass Creek, Colunabia Eiver ; wAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 165 also at Eagle Pass and Sicamous in the G-old Eange, B.C. ; on rocks at Yale and Agassiz, B.C. {Macoun.') Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (624.) P. papillosulum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 553. Differs from Pterigynandrum filiforme in the branch-leavea being acuminate and acute, denticulate nearly all around, less papillose ; the branchlets are blunt and turgid, as in the variety heteropterum of this species. On rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 4th, 1890. (Macoun.') 99. PTEROCONIUM, Swartz. (625.) P. brachypterum. Mitten; Lesq. & James, Mosses oflST. America, 290. British North America. (Drummond.) On old logs at the mouth of Sturgeon Creek, near Leamington, Ont. (Macoun.) 100. ANTITRICHIA, Brid. - (626.) A. curtipendula, Brid. ; Lesq. & .Tames, Mosses of N. America, 29L Lake Superior. (^Agassiz.) Miquelon Island. (Delhmare). Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev^A. Waghome.') Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) Var. gigantea, Sulliv. &*Le8q. ; Canadian Musci, No. 245. Vancouver Island. (Wood.) British Columbia. {Lyall.) On trees at Revelstoke, Columbia Eiver Yalley ; on rocks at Yale and on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; very common on trees at Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Harpledown Island, Gulf of Georgia and on trees at Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dawson.) Sitka. {Both. Alask.) Ounalaska, Behring Sea and Kodiak Island, Alaska. 1891. (J. M. Macoun^ (627.) A. tenella, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. XVII. 215. Tufts loose, green ; secondary sloms irregularly divided ; branchlets numerous, the greater number very short. Leaves small, sub-patent or loosely appressed when dry, ovate-acute or short-acuminate, dentate at the apex, not striate, reflexed to the apex ; the greater number of cells short, the inner and middle naiTOw ; costa with 1-2 accessorial 166 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA, branches at the base, disappearing below the apex ; perigonial leaves elongate. Dioecious. Female plants unknown. Amongst Racomitrium varium (Can, Muse, No, 100) on rocks on the left bank of the Nanaimo Kiver below the railway bridge, Vancou- ver Island, April 26th, 1887. (Macoun.) (628.) A. Californica, SuUiv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 291 . Canadian Musci, No. 246. On rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River ; on rocks at Yale ; on trees at the mouth of Harrison River and rocks at Agassiz, Fraser Valley, B.C. ; on trees near Victoria and at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Alaska. (Both. Alask.) XXII. HOOKERIEiE. lOI. PTERYCOPHYLLUM, Brid. (629.) P, lucens, Brid. ; Lesq. & .lames. Mosses of N. America, 293 ; Canadian Musci, No. 247. In water pools and bordei's of marshes in the springtime, along the Columbia River, above Revelstoke, also by pools in woods at Hastings, B.C. ; wet places in woods around Comox, Vancouver Island. (^Macoun.) XXIII. FABRONIE^. I02. FABRONIA, Raddi. (630.) F. pusillay Raddi. ; Lesq. & .lames, Mosses of N. America, 294 ; Canadian Musci, No. 508. Crevices of steep rocks over which water trickles in spring at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., .Tune 8th, 1890. (Macoun.) XXIV. LESKEEiE. 103. THELIA, Sulliv. (631.) T. compacta, Kindb., Ott. Nat. Vol. IV. 62. T. hirtella, Canadian Musci, No. 248. Stems closely creeping. Tufts green, very dense and thick. Branches erect, terete, obtuse and unilateral. Paraphyllia none. Leaves cochleariform, rotundate-obtuse and short-apiculate, very MACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 167 scabrous at the back, with simple incurved papilliferous ciliae ; borders spinulose-dentate or fimbriate-ciliate ; cilise long, curved up and dentate ; costa obsolete or very short. Perichetial leaves oblong- lanceolate, narrowly-acuminate, fimbriate. Capsule pale-brown, ovate- cylindrical ; teeth subulate, short and broad, sometimes horizontally divaricate when moist, distantly articulate, dusky, the upper article cleft ; basilar membrane short, scarcely ^ the length of the teeth, without segments ; operculum conic-obtuse, not curved, ^ the length of the capsule; pedicel smooth, scarcely 1 cm. long. Differs from Thelia hirtella in the longer branches, the larger and more pellucid leaves, the greater leaf-cells and the longer and thicker capsule, also in the peristome. Abundant on the stems of young maples in the central counties of Ontario. It forms wide rings around the tree about four feet from the ground and fruits abundantly. Vicinity of Belleville and in Seymour, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Macoun.) On trees at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (.7. Moser.) (632.) T. hirtella, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 299 ; Canadian Musci, No. 439. Ptprogonium hirtellum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 79. On trees. Upper Canada (Ontario.) {Drummond.) On the roots of trees in woods at Leamington, Ont. (^Macoun.^ On trees in woods at Collins Bay, near Kingston, Ont. {Lawson.) (633.) T. asprel la,* Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 299. On earth at the bases of trees at the south end of Pelee Point, Lake Erie, Ont. (Macoun.) 104. MYURELLA, Bruch & Schimp. (G34.) M. julaceay Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 300 ; Canadian Musci, No. 249. Hypnum moniliforme, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am-, No. 220. Eocks and banks ; but rare in fruit. (Drummond.) On ledges, Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior. (Mrs. E. G. Britton.) On the bases of trees (fruiting) Gunn Eiver, Anticosti ; on the bases of trees Mount Albert, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on old stumps in Dow's Swamp, Ottawa; abundant and fruiting on the base of cedar stumps in swamps at Belleville, Ont. ; on limestone rocks, Point Wilkins, Lake Winni- 168 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. pegoosis, Man. ; on rocks, House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, If.W.T. ; in the " Dry Carton," discharge of Devil's Lake, on rocks at Hector and along the Kicking Horse Pass to Mount Stephen, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) On damp rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., K.B. (J. Moser.) Upernivik, Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) White Bay, Newfoundland : Battle Harbor, Labrador. (Bev. A. Wagkome.) (635.) M. apiculata, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Ameiicu, 300. British America. (Drummond fide Lesq. <£• James.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (636.) M. Careyana, Sulliv. ; Lesq. &. lames, Mosses of N. America, 300 ; Canadian Musci, No. 250. M. gracilis, (Weinm.) Lindb. On rocks, St. John, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Crevices of rocks. Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Crevices of rocks, Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; limestone rocks, Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; on rocks, near Cape Kosier, at Madeline Eiver and Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver Gaspd Co., Que. ; on a limestone ledge west of Hull, Que. ; on limestone rocks along the Moira at Belleville, Ont. ; quite common on limestone rocks at Owen Sound, Ont. ; and in crevices of rocks, Eed Eock, Lake Superior, {Macoun.) On ledges, Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior. (Mrs. E. G. Brilton.) 106. LESKEA, Hedw. (637.) L. polycarpa, Ehrh. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 301 ; Canadian Musci, No. 251. Hypnum medium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 223. About the roots of trees in swamps. (Drummond.) On trunks of trees subject to inundation ; Bass Eiver, Newcastle, Grand Lake and Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Eoots of trees, Tobique Eiver, and Lac Bean, St. Francis, N.B. (Hay.) Tay, York Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) Very abundant on the inundated flats at the mouth of the Gatineau near Ottawa ; on the bases of trees on the river flats two miles above the railway bridge at Trenton, Ont. ; on trees at Sudbury Junction, Ont. ; abuudant on trees, Foster's Fiats, below Niagara Falls ; on trees, Dawson Eoute west of Lake Superior ; on trees subject to inundation at Sicamous and Kamloops, B.C. (Macoun.) WACOUN. 1.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 169 (638.) L. cyrtophylla, Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts dense, dark green or brown, not shining. Stems irregularly branching, filiform, with few rhizoids. Leaves nearly uniform, very small, appressed when dry, open-erect when moist, concave, from a broad rotund ate-ovate base short-acuminate, entire, faintly papillose, borders reflexed below ; cells rotundate, sub-hyaline ; costa indistinct or none. Dioecious. Capsules not found. The allied Leskea (Pseudoleskea) catenulata and Leskea (Heterocla- dium) papulosa, Lindb., both differ in the costate leaves. On rocks on islands in Lake Nepigon, July 10th, 1884. (Macoun.) (639.) L. SUbobtusifolia, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 533. Plants loosely tufted, yellowish green or fuscescent. Stem sparingly radiculose, irregularly divided, beset with paraphyllia ; branches curved at apex. Leaves distant, decurrent, entire, distinctly papillose at back, loosely appressed when dry, very patent when moist, margins recurved at the base ; stem-leaves broadly ovate, obtuse or subacute, branch-leaves oblong, obtuse ; cells round, the alar quadrate ; costa 8ub-percurrent. Capsule oblong, inclined, subcurvate ; lid shoi-t, mammillate ; calyptra narrow, cucullate : pedicel about 1 cm. long. Perichetial leaves large, short, ovate-lanceolate, short-acuminate, costate. Monojcious. This species resembles Leskea ohscura. On trees subject to inundation at the mouth of Pass Creek, near Sproat, Columbia Eiver, B.C.. June 19th, 1890; also on trees at Nelson, Kootanie Eiver, B.C. 1890. (Macoun.) (640.) L. nervosa, Myrin ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 302 ; Canadian Musci, No. 252, in part. Battle Harbor, Labrador. (Bev. A. Wagkorne.) On trees at Frederic- ton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks at the mouth of Michaud Eiver, Eimouski Co., Que. (J. A. Allen.) Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On trees. Grand Etang, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; also on Mount Albert, Gasp^, Que. ; on trees at Ottawa, Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. ; and on trees on Gaulois Point, Lake Superior ; on trees, Swan Lake House and Point Wilkins, Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. ; on rocks, " Dry Canon," discharge of Devil's Lake, Eocky Mountains ; on trees at Pass Creek near Sproat, B.C. ; aJso on rocks at Yale, B.C. {Macoun.) On trees, Buffalo Lake, N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) ITO GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (641.) L. denticulata, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 302. On trees at Canaan Forks. Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) ^ (642.) L. pulvinata, Wahl. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 303 ; Canadian Musci, No. 253. On trees along Peace Eiver, at Hudson Hope, lat. 56° ; also on trees by ponds at McLeod's Lake, B.C., lat. 55°. (Macoun.) (643.) L. Wolleiy Aust. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 304. Niagara Falls. ( Wolle.) On rocks east shore of Lake Superior. (^Macoun.) This species belongs rather to the genus Amblystegium. 106. LESCUR^A, Schimp. (644.) L. imperfectai C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.); Canadian Musci, No. 489. Tufts loose, green, not shining. Stem pinnate, radicant ; paraphyllia few. Stem-leaves smooth, decurrcnt, often bistriate, from a short- ovate base suddenly narrowed into a long subulate or filiform, often curved acumen, when dry loosely appressed with a patent acumen, distant and patent-open when moist ; basal margins recurved ; branch- leaves long-attenuate ; inner cells near the costa oblong-sublinear, the marginal subc^uadrate, the other oval-oblong ; costa vanishing in the base of the acumen. Perichetial leaves nerveless ; cells sublinear. Capsule small, oblong, straight ; lid conic, subobtuse ; peristome double, teeth incurved, cilia short or none, basal membrane indistinct ; pedicel smooth, fine, flexuous, about 6 mm. long. Dioecious. Allied to the European Lescurcea striata, (Schw.) Schimp. Bryol. Europ. On both earth and bark at the bases of trees on both sides of the Columbia River at Eevelstoke, B.C., May 19th, 1890. {Macoun.) 107. ANOMODON, Hook. & Tayl. (645.) A. rostratus, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 305 ; Canadian Musci, No. 254. Hypnum roslratum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 228. About Beaver Lake, Upper Canada, &c. (Drummond.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On MACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. Itl rocks along the Gasp^ coast, Que. ; very common on the bases of trees in swamps and on rocks throughout Ontario. Ottawa, Belleville, Leamington and Amherstburg, Detroit Eiver ; on rocks, Mount Benson, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) On the bases of trees, Nixon's Pond, near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (646.) A. attenuatus, Hueben. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of, N. America, 305 ; Canadian Musci, No. 255. Hypnwm attenuatum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 226. About the roots of trees in Upper Canada (Ontario.) (Drummond.) Common ; Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On roots of trees, Truro, N.S. ; also Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Bases of old trees and stumps, Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) Bases of trees, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) On the bases of trees, Whycocogmah, Cape Breton ; on old logs and the bases of trees in swamps, common in Quebec and Ontario ; Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^, Que. ; Ottawa, Belleville, Lake Nipissing, Lake Nepigon, Wooler, Leamington and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on the bases of trees at Sicamous, B.C., 1889. (Macoun.) Eoots of trees, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil, Co., Que. (D' Urban.) On the bases of trees at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (64*7.) A. obtusifolius, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 305 ; Canadian Musci, No. 256. . A. viticulosum , Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 163. Tay, York Co., N.B. (./. Moser.) Abundant on the bases of trees in damp woods at Ottawa and westward through Ontario to Belleville, Wooler and Owen Sound. (Macoun.) Trunks of trees, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (D' Urban.) On Ostrya in woods at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Trunks of trees in Upper Canada (Ontario) and about Niagara Falls. (Drummond.) (648.) A. apiculatuSy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 306 ; Canadian Musci, No. 257. On decayed logs, but chiefly on limestone rocks in woods at Ottawa ; on rocks at Shannonville, Hastings Co. ; on old logs, Kennebec, Adding- ton Co, ; and on limestone rocks, Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) (649.) A. viticulosus, Hook. & Tayl. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 306 ; Canadian Musci, No. 258. Shaded rocks ; Niagara Falls, sterile. (Lesq. & James.) Owen Sound, Ont. ; fertile. (Mrs. Roy.) Common on limestone ledges 172 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. west and north of Hull, Que. ; also in McKay's woods at Ottawa ; veiy abundant on limestone ledges all around Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) (650.) A. heteroideus, Kindb. (n. sp.) Leskea nigrescens, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVI., 97 ; Canadian Musci, No. 395 and No. 252, in part. L. nenma \Ar.flagelUfera, Kindb. Ott. Nat. Vol. IV. 62. Plants densely tufted, green, finally fuscescent or blackish. Stem creeping, subpinnate, much branching and furnished with numerous small, flagelliform branchlets, densely beset with very small, oblong, obtuse and nerveless leaves; paraphyllia broad. Stem-leaves subdistant, decurrent, appressed when dry, open-erect when moist, from a broadly ovate base suddenly narrowed to a long, subulate or sublinear acumen, entire, faintly papillose ; margins revolute at the base ; branch-leaves more attenuate ; cells round-oval, the marginal of the base quadrate ; costa vanishing below the acumen. Dioecious. Fruiting specimens not found. This species resembles Leskea nervosa in habit. On flat limestone rocks and on the roots of trees in McKay's woods, Ottawa ; also on flat limestone rocks in maple woods at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on rocks, " Dry Canon," discharge of Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains. (^Macoun.) I08. PLATYGYRIUM, Bruch & Schimp. (651.) P. repenSy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. «& James, Mosses ofN. America, 307. P. repens var. orthodadon, Kindb. ; Canadian Musci, No. 259, in part. Neckera sericea, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Ara., No. 159. Pterogonium intricatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 75. Bale St. Paul, Charlevoix Co., Que. (St. Cyr.) Common on rotten wood at London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) On dead wood, Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On old logs, Skead's Farm, Ottawa ; and on trees at Peace River, lat. 56°, N.W.T. (Macoun.) Rocks amongst the Rocky Mountains ; at Portage River ; Beaver Lake and in Upper Canada (Ontario) upon trunks of trees and stones. (Drummond.') Var. orthoclados, Kindb. (n. sp?) ; Canadian Musci, No. 259, in part. Branches elongate and not curved. All basal leaf-cells orange. Seg- ments linear, not completely free at base, smooth or denticulate at one side, not shorter than the teeth. The European species differs in the peristomial teeth being pale, MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS, 173 generally longer than the linear-subuliform, hyaline-bordered and free segments ; the branches of .the stem are shorter and curved, only the alar leaf-cells orange. The figure given by Schimper and Lesq. & James representing the peristome does not correspond with the speci- mens. On old logs, Skead's Farm, near Ottawa, May 15th, 1885. (Macoun.) 109. PYLAISIA, Bruch & Schimp. (652.) P. polyantha, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James. Mosses of N. America, 308 ; Canadian Musci, No. 260. Hypnurn'jyolyanthos, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 222. Trunks of trees, stones and logs in woods. (^Drummmd.) On trees, Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On trees, Tobique Eiver, N.B. {Hay.) On the bases of trees at Canaan Forks and Tay, N.B. (J. Moser.) On trees, Eustico Bay, Prince Edward Island ; also on logs at Campbellton, N.B. ; on trees along the Gasp^ Coast, Que. ; on rotten logs at Ottawa and Belleville, and on trees at Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on stumps and poplar trees in woods at Sydenham Falls, Owen Sound, Ont. ; on the bases of aspen poplar trees throughout the prairie region and northward to Peace Eiver ; on stumps at Morley and on stones at Banff, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) On trees along the Clearwater Eiver, N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Saskatchewan and Eocky Mountains. (Bourgeau.) Near London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) (653.) P. heteromalla, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 308 ; Canadian Musci, No. 261. On trees along Niagara Eiver at the Whirlpool ; on trees, abundant at Edmonton and Lesser Slave Lake, also in the Peace Eiver district and at Yale, B.C., 1875. (Macoun.) On trees along the Clearwater Eiver, N.W.T., lat. 57°. (J. M. Macoun.) Trunks of trees and stones in various situations ; Eocky Mountains. (Drummond No. 222.) (654.) P. pseudo-platygyrium, Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts intricate ; stems irregularly divided or subpinnate ; branches thick. Leaves crowded, the upper glossy-green, the other finally brown, from the ovate-oblong base long-acuminate with a sub-filiform, often curved, distinctly denticulate acumen ; borders recurved to the acumen ; cells narrow and confluent, except the quadrate alar ones ; costa double, distinct. Perichetial leaves serrulate, abruptly narrowed to the long, hairpoint-like acumen. Capsule straight, suberect, cylindric / 174 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY 6f CANADA. and wide-mouthed ; segments free, longer than the teeth ; lid conic, short-apiculate ; pedicel 1.5 cm. long. MoncEcious. This species resembles Platygyrium repens (or rathei* some forms of Hypnum cupressi forme), but it diflfere in the moncecious inflorescense and the denticulate leaves. It agrees with Pylaisia Selwynii in the recurved leaf-boi*ders, differs in the narrower leaves and the narrow capsule. It differs also from Pylaisia subdenticulata in the larger and more crowded leaves and larger capsule ; from Hypnum reptile in the peristome, the basal cells not being yellow, &c. On decayed trunks near Nepigon House, Lake Nepigon, July ITth, 1884. {Macoun.) (655.; P. Selwynii, Kindb., Ott. Nat. II., 156 ; Canadian Musci, No. 434. Differs from P. intricata in the denser, darker green tufts, the leaves broader, short-acuminate, reflexed to the acumen at one border or at both, the short alar and marginal cells moi'e numerous, the capsule short-oval, the segments adhering to two-thiixls of the teeth, Very abundant on old cedar fences along the Richmond Road, three miles west of Ottawa, Oct. 12th, 1885. {Macoun.) (656.) P. Ontariensis, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) P. intricata, Canadian Musci, Na 262, in part Agrees with Pylaisia intricata in the leaves being ovate-lanceolate- subulate-acuminate, subentire, with numerous and quadrate alar cells, the oblong-ovate capsule, the segments adhering to and bordering the lower half of the teeth, split above and cohering at the apex; differs in the bi-anchlets being distant, not crowded, the leaves broader, shorter, acuminate with more dilated cells, the lid of the capsule obtuse, not rostellate, peristomial teeth bi'oader, spores smaller. On earth at the bases of trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp^ Co., Que., August 24th, 1882 ; also along Lake Nepigon. 1884. (Macoun.) (657.) P. fllari -acuminata, C. M. &'Kindb. (n. sp.) Agrees with Pylaisia velutina in the leaves being filiform-acuminate, but the acumen is distinctly denticulate, often twisted, the alar cells more numerous, the capsule thicker, oblong, the peristomial teeth nearly free from the segments. Lid not found. On logs subject to inundation west side of the Columbia River at Revelstoke, B.C., May 3rd, 1890. (Macoun.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1*75 (658.) P. intricata, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of I^. America, 309 ; Canadian Musci, 'No. 262, in part. Pictou Co., KS. (McKay.) On trees atPredericton, KB. (Fowler's Oat.) On bases of trees, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) Decaying logs, Ste. Anne des JVlonts Eiver and Grand Etang, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; common on trees around Ottawa ; on trees at Belleville and Sudbury Junction, Ont. ; common on trees at Port Dover, Lake Brie and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on trees, Moose Mountain, Assiniboia ; also at Lake Nepigon. (Maeoun.) Common at London, Ont. (J. JDearness.) (659.) P. velutina, Bruch & Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 309 ; Canadian Musci, No. 470. Heart's Delight, Newfoundland. (Rei). A. Waghorne.) On trees at Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth at the base of a tree, Mount Albert, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on old logs, Dow's swamp, Ottawa ; on old logs. Port Dover, Lake 'Erie, Ont, ; on trees in the Kaminis- tiquia Valley, Fort "William, Lake Superior. (Maeoun.) 110. HOMALOTHECIUM, Bruch & Schimp. (660.) H, pseudo-sericeum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 310 ; Canadian Musci, No. 435. Abundant on rocks at Yale, B.C. (Maeoun.) (661.) H. corticola, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 211. On rocks at Cedar Hill and Mount Tolmie, neai" Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 16th, 1887. (Maeoun.) (662.) H. sericeoides, C.M.«& Kindb. (n. sp.); Canadian Musci, No. 496. ' Nearly allied to Homalothecium serieeum, differing in the more densely crowded, not decurrent, narrower and heteromorphous branch-leaves ; some are long-acuminate, subentire, less reflex ed at the margins ; others are short-acuminate, strongly reflexed at the margins to the serrulate acumen. Capsules and pedicels unknown. Crevices of granite rocks a little above Eevelstoke, B.C., May 7th, 1890. (Maeoun.) 176 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (663.) H. sericeum, (Linn.) Bryol. Europ. ; Canadian Musci, No. 549. Hypnum sericeum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 169. Stem pinnate, creeping. Branch-leaves narrow, ovate-lanceolate, shortdecurrent, long-subulate or filiform-acuminate, plicate, faintly denticulate nearly all around or subentire ; margins scarcely reflexed ; cells narrow, the alar quadrate ; costa long, vanishing in the base of the acumen. Perichetial leaves scarcely plicate, attenuate to a filifoim point. Capsule erect, sub-cylindric, straight or slightly curved ; teeth pale, segments short, basilar membrane high, to one-third of the segments j cilia none ; annulus broad ; pedicel rough, 1-2 cm. long. Dioecious. On the bark of trees at Michosen, 16 miles from Victoria, Vancouver Island, April 16th, 1887 ; very abundant on rocks at Banff and in the " Dry Canon" at Devil's Lake, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Bocks among the Rocky Mountains. (Dnimmond.) III. ENTODON, C. Mueller. (664.) E. acicularis, C. M. & Klndb. (n. sp.) Tufts compact, brown-yellow or variegate with green. Stem much divided, very radiculose ; branchen very short and turgid, not attenuate. Leaves imbricate, with difficulty loosed from the stem, scarcely open when moist, finally golden-yellow, from the ovate-oblong base suddenly narrowed to a fine aciculiform or subulate point, denticulate nearly all around ; cells not chlorophyllose, linear-lanceolate or fusiform, the alar not well defined ; costa generally wanting. Barren. On rocks in McKay's woods, near the lake, at Ottawa, May 2nd, 1885 ; also by an old lime-kiln at Brittania, six miles west of Ottawa, October, 1890. {Macoun.') (665.) E. cladorrhizans, (Hedw.) C. Muell. Neckera dadorrhizans, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 160, in part. Cylindrothedum cladorrhizang, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 311 ; Canadian Musci, No. 263. Entocbn {Cylindrothedum) dadorrhizans Hedw., differing from the European E.\Schleicheri (Schimp.) in the broad annulus of the capsule which is very imperfectly described by Lesq. & James (page 311.) It merits therefore a more complete description of the plant. Tufts dense but loosely cohering. Stem pinnate ; branchlets alter- nate. Leaves ovate-oblong, obtusate with a very short, often recurved point, subentire or slightly denticulate above, often faintly striate ; MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 177 margins recurved at the angles ; cells not distinctly chlorophyllose, narrow, fusiform-lanceolate or sub-linear, also the inner basal ; alar cells numerous, well-defined and quadrate ; costa none or short and double. Perichetial leaves long subulate-acuminate, faintly denticulate at the acumen. Monoecious, On logs, Tay, York Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) On old logs in McKay's woods at Ottawa ; very abundant on old logs at Carleton Place, 30 miles west of Ottawa; on stones at Britannia, six miles west of Ottawa ; common on old logs at Belleville, Leamington and Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) Trunks of trees, Upper Canada (Ontario). {Dru7nmond.) Common on old logs at London, Ont. (J. Deamess) (667.) E. Macounii, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Cylindrothecium Drummondii, Canadian Musci, No. 436. Tufts loose. Stem sparingly divided, translucent (visible, in a dry state, through the leaves) ; branches much compressed, elongate, not attenuate, shining green above. Leaves patent, concave, short, ovate-lanceolate, attenuate to a short subulate point ; basal angles rounded ; margins scarcely recurved below, faintlj^ denticulate all around ; cells faintly chlorophyllose, long-sublinear, the lowest basal dilated, oblong or the alar often subquadrate ; costa none or very short and double. Perichetial leaves small, convolute or connivent, longer acuminate, more distinctly denticulate at the apex. Dioecious. The species is quite distinct ; Entodon Drummondii differs in the leaves being obtusate, nearly entire, &c. On earth in the " Big Swamp," Murray, Northumberland Co., Ont., October 7th, 1888. (Macoun.) (668.) E. (Raphidostegium ?) expallens, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts loose, pale yellow. Stems sparingly divided, radiculose at the base. Branches elongate, much compressed, not attenuate. Leaves sub-distichous, patent, short ovate-lanceolate, acute, concave, nearly entire, denticulate only at the apex, distinctly auriculate, not recurved at the margins ; cells not chlorophyllose, long-sublinear, the inner basal dilated sub-oblong ; auricles excavate, well-defined with large, oval or roundish, finally golden-yellow cells ; costa none or double, sometimes reaching to the middle. Barren. This species could perhaps be related to the genus Raphidostegium, but the leaves are not recurved at the margins ; the plant is more robust and resembles Entodon Macounii in habit. In boggy soil in wet woods at Stephen, summit of Eacky Mountains, July 23rd, 1885. {Macmn.) 12 178 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (669.) E. seductrix, (Hedw.) C. Muell. Cylindrothecium seductrix, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 311. Neckera cladorhizans, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 160, in part. On rotten logs, in woods, at Sudbury Junction, Ont. ; on old logs at the mouth of Sturgeon Creek, Leamington, Lake Erie, Ont. (Macoun.) On trunks of trees. Upper Canada (Ontario). (Drummond.) (670.) E. brevisetum, (Hook. & Wils.) Cylindrothecium brevisctum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 312. On old logs and rocks, Canaan Forks. Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Mow.) Doubtful specimens from New Harbor. Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghome.) (671.) E. compressum, (Hedw.) C. Muell. Cylindrothecium compressum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses o f N. America, 311. On roots of trees on James Terrill's Farm close to Cold Creek, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Macoun.) 112. CLIMACIUM, Web. & Mohr. (672.) C. dendroides, Web. & Mohr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 314; Canadian Musci, No. 264; Drumra. Muse. Bor.- Am., No. 230. About Beaver Lake and the Columbia Eiver. (Drummond.) White Bay, Newfoundland. (Eev. A. Waghome.) Miquelon Island. (Deld- mare.) Island of Orleans, Que. (St. Cyr.) On the ground in dense shade, Molus River, N.B. (Fowlefs Gat.) On earth, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on rocks along Gull Eiver, Victoria Co., Ont. ; also in wet woods west of Hull, Que. ; on rocks along the shore of Lake Huron and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; in damp woods at Revolstoke, Columbia Eiver, also at Agassiz, Hastings and Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) Salmon Arm, Shuswap Lake, B.C. (Laio.) Not rare in Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (673.) C. Americanum, Brid. ; Lesq, & James, Mosses of N. America, 314 ; Canadian Musci, No. 265 ; Drumm., Muse. Bor.- Am., No. 231. Upper Canada (Ontario). (Drummond.) Pictou Co., N.S. ( Jfc-ffay.) Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghome.) Wet places, Bass MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 179 Eiver, N.B, (Fowler's Cat.) In boggy woods, Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) Shaded places, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D' Urban.) On earth in swamps at Ottawa, common ; along the Eiver Ste. Anne des Monts, :Gaspe Co., Que. ; abundant in swamps at Belleville and Leamington, Ont. ; in swamps at Banff, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Fine and common at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (674.) C. Ruthenicum, (Weinm.) Lindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N". America, 314. Sitka. {Bischoff.) At Sitka, Alaska and on Attu Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) 113. ORTHOTHECIUM, Bruch:& Schimp. (6*75.) O. rufescenSy Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 315. t Wet rocks, Davis Strait. {Taylor fide Lesq. & James.) (676.) O. rubellum, (Mitt.) Kindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 315. Davis Straits. (Taylor.) Eocky Mountains, intermixed with Catoscopium nigritum. (Drummond fide Mitten.) (677.) O. intricatum, Hartm. On rocks around Kicking Horse Lake, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (678.) O. chryseum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 316 ; Canadian Musci, No. 266. Hypnum rufescens, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 221. Moist rocks amongst the rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Eocky Mountains. (Bourgeau.) Beechey Island, Wellington Channel and Pond's Bay, Arctic America. (Mitten.) In boggy places and on wet rocks at Hector, Banff, Lake Louise, and " Dry Caiion," discharge of Devil's Lake, Eocky Mountains. (Maccmn.) Creenland. (Fl. Gr.) 180 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. XXV. HYPNEiE. 114. PSEUDOLESKEA, Bruch & Schimp. (679.) P. atrovirens, Dicks.; Lesq.ife James, Mosses of N.Am erica, 319 ; Canadian Musci, No. 43T. Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait. {R. Bell.) On rocks at Niagara Falls and Lake Superior ; on damp rocks three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on damp i-ocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Moun- tains; on rocks, mountains north of Griffin Lake, B.C., alt. 6,700 feet ; also on rocks at Yale, B.C. (Macoun.) On i-ocks, Lake Huron. (Mrs. Roy.) Greenland. (Fl. 6rr.) Var, atricha, Kindb. (n. var.) Differs principally in the tufts being very dense and soft-fuscescent with green tips, stem very lax, nearly without paraphyllia and rhizoids. On rocks along the Eagle River, just below the bridge at Griffin Lake, B.C., August 13th, 1889. (Macoun.) (680.) P. oligoclada, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVIL, 211. Allied to Pseudoleskea atrovirens, but very different in smaller leaf- cells. Tufts loose, dark brown, sparingly I'adiculose. Secondary stems sparingly branched ; branchlets distant, short and julaceous, paraphyllia numerous. Leaves crowded, not decurrent, appressed when dry, falcate when moist, reflexed on the borders generally to the middle, abruptly attenuate from the short ovate base to the longer, sub-entire acumen, not striate ; cells very small, faintly papillose, not confluent, short with incrassate walls, rotundate or quadrate, only the upper-most narrow ; costa brown, stout, vanishing into the acumen ; perichetial leaves longer, acuminate, scarcely reflexed on the borders ; cells narrower ; archegonia 10-12, paraphyses few, shorter. Did'cious. Capsules and male plants unknown. On damp rocks. Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 8th, 1887. (Macoun.) M. Cardot believes that this plant is a variety of Pseudoleskea atrovirens. (681.) PJsciuroides, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 276. Macounia sciuroides, Kindb. enumer. bryin. exot., 1888. Plants loosely cohering. Stems sparingly branching, more or less radicant ; paraphyllia numerous ; branches pale-green, curved above. MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 181 Leaves crowded, sub-entire, not, or indistinctly, papillose, notdecurrent, from the ovate base narrowed into a shorter, subulate or piliform acumen, falcate also in a dry state, more or less plicate, revolute nearly all around, margins broader below ; cells hyaline, only the lowest basal yellow, all thin-walled, the inner and upper oblong or lanceolate, the other subquadrate ; costa stout, finally yellowish, vanishing in or below the acumen. Perichetial leaves from the base more attenuate, denti- culate at the acumen, nerveless or indistinctly costate. Capsule oblong, sub-erect or inclined, not striate ; peristome orange-colored ; teeth densely articulate without distinct longitudinal lines, subulate, hyaline- bordered, when dry incurved ; segments scarcely shorter or narrower, in the middle pertuse ; basilar membrane very short ; cilia smooth ; pedicel 1.5 cm. long ; spores large, 0.02 mm. Lid and calyptra unknown. Dioecious. On rocks in the valley of Elk Eiver, Eocky Mountains, 1883. (Dawson.') Var. denudata, Kindb. (n. var.) ; Canadian Musci, Ko. 564. Stems more rigid, about 10 cm. long, nearly simple, curved only at apex, naked below and not radicant. Barren. This variety differs very much in its habit ; it is possible, that the capsule, not hitherto found, also is different so as to form a new species. On rocks along the Asulcan CreeK near the glacier of that name, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., alt. 6,000 feet, August 7th, 1890. (Macoun.) (682.) P. stenophylla, Een. & Card. Coult. Bot. Gaz. ; Canadian Musci, No. 580. Quite common on stems of alder and on stones on damp mountain slopes in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, August 5th, 1890. {Macoun.) (683,) P. radicosa, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 320. Hypnum tenax, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 225, in part. Banks of Portage Eiver, Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) (684.) P. rigescens, Lindb. Act. Soc. Fenn. X. 247. P. radicusa, var. gracilis, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 320. Hypnum tenax, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 225, in part. Banks of Portage Eiver, Eocky Mountains. (JDrummond .) 182 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (685.) P. falcicuspis, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 510. Plants densely tufted. Stems much branching. Leaves very papillose, denticulate above, short, ovate-lanceolate, attenuate to an acute or filiform, often curved, point, long-decurrent ; margins recurved to or above the middle, not in the upper part ; cells rotundate, at the angles quadrate ; costa vanishing far below the acumen. Dicvcious. Differs from Pseudoleskea atrovirens principally in the long-decurrent, very distinctly papillose and more denticulate leaves. On rocks, west side of Lake Mara, Sicamous, B.C., July 3rd, 1889 ; on rocks at the Illicillewaet Canon, near Eevelstoke, also at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) (686.) P. malacoclada, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) P. catenvlata, Canadian Musci, No. 460. Plants densely tufted. Stems not rigid, much branching, sparingly radicant without paraphyllia ; branches green oi- finally fuscescent. Leaves crowded, entire, not decurrent, not distinctly papillose ; the stem-leaves from a concave, broadly ovate or rotundate base suddenly naiTOwed to the subulate or filiform, recurved acumen ; branch-leaves more attenuate to the subulate and patent point ; basal margins recurved ; cells rotundate, the alar quadrate ; costa very short and double or none. Perichetial leaves closely connivent with a patent or curved acumen ; cells sublinear-lanceolate. Dioecious. This species resembles Leskea nervosa in habit, but is very different in its nerveless leaves ; it is rather allied to the European Pseudoleskea catenulata, but is more i'obust. On dry rocks in the ravine west of Murray's Kanche, Spence's Bridge, B.C., May 25th, 1889. (Macoun.) 115. HETEROCLADIUM,IBruch & Schimp. (68*7.) H. dimorphum, Brid. ; Leeq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 321. Nova Scotia. (James.) On rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and at Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Greenland. (^FL Gr.) (688.) H. heteropterum, Bruch. ; Canadian Musci. No. 267. Hypnum catenulatum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 219. On damp rocks at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; damp rocks, Gold- stream and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. (Mac&un.) Forward Inlet, MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 183 Gulfof Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Upon rocks, rare ; not found in fructification. (Brummond.) (689.) H. Vancouveriense, Kindb. Thuidium Vancouveriense, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 277. Plants minute, densely and irregularly pinnate, sparingly radiculose, rarely flagelliferous, dark green, not glossy ; branches short, very slender. Leaves ovate-deltoid, denticulate above the middle, pellucid, faintly papillose ; stem-leaves decurrent, reflexed at the base, acute ; branch-leaves smaller, looser, more concave, oval and obtuse ; cells hexagon a! -oval or rhombic, the ular and marginal quadrate-rhombic ; costa slender, short, scarcely reaching to the middle ; paraphyllia few or none. Perichetial leaves longer acuminate, cells narrower. Capsule small, oblong, sub-erect ; peristome perfect ; teeth yellowish ; cilia 2 ; elongate ; pedicel 1 cm. long. Dioecious. On ro<^ks on the upper slopes of Mount Finlayson, at Goldstream ; also on Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, July ITth, 1887. (Macoun.) (690.) H. procurrens, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 321; Canadian Musci, No. 498. British North America. (Drummond fide Mitten.) On damp rocks, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., alt. 4,500 feet ; on rocks near Hector, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) (691.) H. frullaniopsis, C.M.& Kindb. (n. sp.) Stem irregularly divided, brown-red, not radiculose ; branches short, obtuse, when dry incurved ; paraphyllia none. Leaves uniform, dark green, not shining, when dry loosely, or not at all, appressed, sub- squarrose when moist, distant and decurrent, cochleariform, roundish oval, obtusate, incurved at the apex, minutely denticulate above to the middle, very papillose ; upper cells rhombic, the lower oblong, the alar quadrate, the inner basal reddish ; costa short, more or less distinct sometimes stout and simple. Dioecious. Habit of the hepatic, Frullania This species differs very much from the allied species principally in the uniform leaves, the absence of paraphyllia and the not cordate leaf-base. On trees, at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (692.) H. aberrans, Een. & Card. Coult. Bpt. Gaz. H. homo&opterum, C. M. & Kindb. ; Canadian Musci, No. 484. Abundant on rocks and bark of trees around Eevelstoke, also at 184 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. Pass Creek Falls, near Sproat, Columbia Eiver, B.C., May 5th, 1890. {Macoun.) 116. THUIDIUM, Schimp. (693.) T. minutulum, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Earop. ; Canadiaii MuBci, No. 268, in part. Hypnvm minxUidum, Hedw. ; Lesq- & James, Mosses of N. America, 322. Bass Eiver, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) On old logs and rocks in McKay's woods at Ottawa ; on old logs at Belleville and North Hastings, Ont. ; on limestone rocks at Wooler and Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) (694.) T. scitum, Aust. Muse. Appal, No. 300 ; Canadian Musci, No. 269 and No. 268 in part. Hypnum abietinum var. minor, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 217. H. tcittim, Beauv. ; Lesq. & JameSi Mosses of N. America, 323. On trees at Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On beech trees in McKay's woods at Ottawa ; quite common on beech trees around Belle- ville, Brighton, Wooler and Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) On stones and trunks of trees, Ontai-io. (Drummond.) Var. lonchoneuron, Kindb. n. var. (n. sp. ?) Differs in the stems being irregularly divided, sparingly radiculose, the branchlets thick, the stem-leaves more broadly revolute at the bordere below the acumen, less papillose, the costa stout, percurrent or excurrent, the branch-leaves quite acute (in T. scitum subobtuse). Capsules not found. Differs from T. gracile in the entire leaves. On old logs at the mouth of Sturgeon Creek, near Leamington, Ont., September 23rd, 1890. (Macom.) (695.) T. gracile, Bruch & Schimp.; Canadian Musci, No. 270. Hypnum gracile, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 324. On rotten logs at Fredericton, N.B, (Fowler's Cat.) Abundant on rotten logs in woods at Leamy's Lake, near Ottawa ; also on old logs at Belleville and Brighton, Ont. (Macoun.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) Var. Lancastriense, Sulliv. & Lesq. On earth in woods, five miles west of Belleville, Ont. ; also on stones in woods at Port Dover, Ont. (Macoun.) wAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 185 (696.) T. lignicola, Kindb. Ott. Nat. IV. p. Monoecious. Tufts yellowish or bright green. Stems simply pinnate with few rhizoids and short, scarcely ramose paraphyllia ; branches close, distichous, attenuate, flexuous or slightly recurved. Stem-leaves from the broad, cordate base attenuate to a long, often curved, point, faintly striate, reflexed on the borders ; branch-leaves shorter, acuminate ; all denticulate from the middle upward and papillose at the back or on both sides ; cells obscure and rounded ; costa vanishing in or below the apex. Capsule cylindrical, arcuate and light brown ; teeth pale ; cilia long, perfect ; annulus double ; lid conical, short- apiculate. Differs from T. Blandoioii in the shorter areolation of the leaf-cells, the smaller capsule, the shorter paraphyllia and the generally shorter, 1 cm. long, pedicel. On rotten logs at Port Dover, Ont. ; on rotten logs along the base of the Porcupine Mountain, Man. ; on old logs at Quesnel, B.C. {Macoun,') (697.) T. recognitum, (Hedw.) Lindb. ; Canadian Musci, No. 271. Hypnura recognilum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 325. H. proliferum var. compactum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 214. Abundant in shady woods. (Drummond.) On rotten wood. Broad Cove, Labrador. (Bev. A. Waghome.) On earth at the bases of trees in woods, Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) At Truro, N.S. ; wet woods, Brackley Point and Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; damp woods near Ottawa ; also in woods at Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. ; damp woods near Donald, Columbia Valley ; at Eevelstoke and on earth at Pass Creek, near Sproat, Columbia Eiver ; on earth at Sicamous and abundant at Quesnel, B.C., and west of the Fraser Eiver at that point. (Macoun.) Common at London, Ont. (J. JDearness.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (698.) T. delicatulum, (Linn.) Mitt. Journ. Linn. Soc. XII. 578 ; Canadian Musci, No. 272. Hypnum delicatulum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 326. H. proliferum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am. No. 213. Shady woods ; but not common, (Drummond.) Miquelon Island. (Deld,mare.) Broad Cove, Newfoundland ; Little Bay Islands, Labra- dor. (Bev. A. Waghome.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On the ground at Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth in swamps at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B, (J. Moser.) In Dow's swamp near Ottawa ; quite common in cedar swamps at Belleville, Ont. ; in a swamp at 186 GEOLOGICAL AND NATCIEAL HISTORY SURVBY OP CANADA. Sturgeon Creek, Leamington. Ont. {Macoun.) Common at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) (699.) T. abietinum, Bmch & Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 273. Hypnum atdctinum, Linn. ; Lesq. tt James, Mosses of N. America, 326 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., >»o. 216. Upon rocks in diy sandy soil ; common. {Drummond.) On rocks, White Bay, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghome.) On rocks and ground, Restigouche, N.B. (Fowlers Cat.) Shaded rocks, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on rocks, Pirate's Cove. Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on exposed rocks, McKay's] woods, Ottawa ; limestone rocks along the Moira at Belleville, Ont. ; on rocks along Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; dry rocks along Peace River, lat. 56° ; also along the Bow River at Morley and Banff, and on rocks, " Dry Canon," discharge of Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains; dry rocks at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) On dry rocks, Buffalo Lake, N.W.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Lake Winnipeg. (Bowrgeau.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (TOO.) T. Blandowii, Bruch & Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 274. Hypnum Blandowii, Web. & Mohr ; I^esq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 326 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 215. Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) In marshes ; abundant. (Drum- mond.) In bogs, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Peat swamp, Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; in bogs. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; peat swamp at Truro, N.S. ; in Dow's swamp and at Brittania near Ottawa ; also abundant in peat bogs in Hastings and Northumberland counties, Ont. ; swamps at Morley and Stephen, Rocky Mountains ; peat swamps, Telegi-aph Trail, west of Fraser River, B.C. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (701.) T. Whippleanum, (Sulliv.) Kindb. T. Itskeoides, Kin«lb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 277. Hypnum {Claopodium.) Whippleanum, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 328, On rocks at Cedar Hill, near Victoria, and at the railway bridge over the Nanaimo River, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) (702.) T. crispifolium, (Hook.) Kindb. Hypnum [Claopodium) crispifolium, Hook. ; 1 America, 329 ; Canadian Musci, Nos. 275 : British Columbia. (Lyall.) Vancouver Island. (Wood.) On rocks Hypnum {Claopodium) criirpifolium, Hook. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 329 ; Canadian Musci, Nos. 275 and 276. MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 187 at Eevelstoke, and the mouth of Pass Creek, Columbia Eiver ; on rocks at Griffin Lake, Sicamous, Yale, Agassiz and Hastings, B.C. ; quite common on Vancouver Island at Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox. (Macoun.) On rocks, Melaspina Inlet, B.C. (^Dawson.) North-west- ern Alaska. (Roth. Alask.) Kodiak Island, Alaska, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) (703.) T. laxifolium, (Hook.) Hypnum {Claopodium) laxifolium, SchwaegT ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 329. North-west coast of America. (Menzies.) North-western Alaska. (Both. Alask.) 117. TRIPTEROCLADIUM, (C. Mueller.) (704.) T. rupestre, Kindb. Platygyrium (.^) rupestre, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 276 ; Cana- dian Musci, No. 469. Plants intricate, csespitose, pale brownish-green, not glossy. Stems iri'egularly divided, branchlets short, filiform, not creeping. Leaves small, densely crowded, when dry appressed, open-erect when moistened, scarious and pellucid, not chlorophyllose nor papillose, subovate, acute or long-acuminate, the upper denticulate above, the borders recurved below, sometimes to the middle or above it ; areolation in the lower leaves sub-linear above, looser at the base, in the upper leaves looser, oblong-linear, in all subquadrate at the borders and at the base ; costa none. This species is probably monoecious, but the male flowers are not distinctly evolute. Differs from the related Tripterocladium leucocla- dulum, C. Muell. (not correctly described by Lesq. & James), of which I possess original specimens, (given by the author, Dr. C. Mueller,) in the leaves being revolute at the borders to the middle, neai'ly entire or indistinctly denticulate, also in the narrower areolation and the outer perichetial leaves being blunt, the inner erect, not reflexed at the apex. (Kindberg.) On the face of a cliff above the first tunnel at Yale, B.C., May 17tt 1889. (Macoun.) ( 188 GEOLOaiCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. 118. CAMPTOTHECIUM, Schimp. (705.) C> luteSCenSy Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. Hypnum ( Camptothecium) lutescens, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 331. About the roots of trees. (Drummond.) Alaska. (Kellogg.) Van- couver Island. (Lyall.) On roots of trees at Yale and Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound and Alaska. (Roth. Ala&k.) Greenland. (Fl Gr.-) (706.) C. fulgescens, Mitt., Bot. Zeit. XVI., 1858. 170. On the bases of stumps along the railway a little east of Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; also on stones in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) (707.) C. aeneum, (Mitt.) Hypnum senevm. Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 331. Pend d'Oreille River, British Columbia. (Lyall.) On rocks at Mount Tolmie, near Victoria ; on logs at Cedar Hill, and on logs at Comox, Vancouver Island; on the bases of trees at Agassiz, B.C. (Macoun.) (708.) C. Amesiae, Ken. & Card., Coult. Bot. Gaz. XIII., 202. On rocks at Sicamous, B.C., July 3rd, 1889 ; abundant on trees at Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) (709.) C. Nuttallii, (Wils.) Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. Hypnum {Camptothecium) Nuttallii, Wils. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 332. H. pinnatifidum, Canadian Musci, No- 280. On trees, old logs and rocks around Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Vancouver Island. (Lyall.) (710.) C. Nevadense, fLesq.) Hypnum Nevadense, Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 332. Homalothedum pseudo-sericeum, Canadian Musci, No. 435. On rocks at Agassiz, B.C., May 8th, 1890 ; on rocks at Lytton, Yale and Hastings, B.C. ; and at Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun..) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 189 (*711.) C. hamatidens, Kindb. Hypnum {Camptotheeium) hamatidens, Kindb., Bull. Torr. BotClub, XVI., 97 ; Canadian Musci, No. 279. Dioecious. Densely csespitose, yellow or green, glossy. Stems pros- trate, scarcely or not radiculose, irregularly pinnate-ramose; branchlets short, attenuate and flexuose. Leaves open-erect, lanceolate, long filiform-acuminate, striate, hooked-denticulate or spinulose all around, reflexed on the borders; cells narrow, the basilar small and short; costa stout, vanishing at the apex. Perichetial leaves nerveless, nar- rowed into an erect, or flexuose, subulate point, entire or slightly denticulate. Capsule cylindric-oblong, curved, suberect or inclined, without a neck ; segments split their whole length or coherent at the apex; cilia rudimentary ; annulus narrow; lid conic-obtuse, depressed in the middle and mammillate ; pedicel 1-1.5 cm. long, rough the whole length. Related to S. Nuttallii, Wils., but differs as above. On rocks at Yale and Agassiz, B.C. ; on trees at Mount Tolmie, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; (also at Nanaimo, June 8th, 188Y.) ? (Macoun.y Var. tenue, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XYIL, 27*7 ; Canadian Musci, No. 392. Branches longer, filiform, leaves smaller only at the base and hooked-denticulate at the apex. On perpendicular rocks, Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., May 10th, 1887. (^Macoun.) (712.) C. nitens, Schimp. Sjm., 530. Hypnum {Camptotheeium) nitens, Schreb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 333 ; Canadian Musci, No. 278 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 172. In swamps ; not common. (Drummond.) Mansfield Island, Hudson Straits. (R. Bell.) Peat bogs, Salt Lake, Anticosti ; Dow's swamp and Mer Bleue, near Ottawa ; peat swamps in Hastings and Northum- berland counties, Ont. ; peat bog, Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on wet lime- stone rocks, Hudson Hope, Peace Eiver, lat. 56° ; swamps at Morley, Banff, Stephen and Hector, Rocky Mountains ; peat swamp west of the Pj-aser River at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) Peat bogs, Port Arthur,. Ont. (3£rs. E. G. Britton.) In bogs, Portage la Loche, KW.T. (J. M. Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound. {Roth. Alask.) Greenland. {Ft. Gr.) Bogs, Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) In swamps near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) 190 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (713.) C. aureum, (Lag.) Schimp. On rotten logs at Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, April 16th, 1887. (Mdcoun.) Also found near Victoria by Dr. Roell. 119. BRACHYTHECIUM, Schimp. (714.) B. iaetum, (Brid.) Hypnum {Brachythecxum) Ixtum, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N America, 3.S5 ; Canadian Musci, No. 281. Hypnum mlebrosum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., Na 175, in part New Harbor, Newfoundland, and at Battle Harbor, Labrador. (^Rev. A. Waghorne.) Bass Kiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On stones in woods, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Baie St. Paul, Charlevoix Co., Que. (St. Cyr.) Stones in woods, Gunn River, Anticosti ; on stones in woods at Truro, N.S. ; old logs, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on stones in woods around Ottawa ; on stones in woods at Belleville, Trenton, Wooler, Owen Sound and London, Ont. (Macoun.) In woods, London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) In marshy ground ; rare. (Drummond.) Obs. Brachythecium Uetum. only found in America, has also a monoecious inflorescence (not " dioecious," Lesq. & James) ; the Euro- pean Brachythecium luteolum, C. Mueller, is indeed dioecious. (715.) B. digastrum, CM. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts laxly cohering, olive-green, not shining. Stem rigid, sub- pinnate or iri-egularly branching, radiculose below ; branches sub- julaceous, obtusate. Stem-leaves when dry loosely appressed or subimbricate, crowded, patent or subsecund when moist, decurrent, not auricled. plicate, bi-ventrose, ovate and short-acuminate with the acumen flexuous or when dry serpentino-corrugate, borders more or less recurved but not reflexed, subentire or faintly denticulate above ; lower basal cells wide and sub-rhombic, the alar rather quadrate- rectangular and not very distinct, the upper conflate, small, very chlorophyllose, the inner median sublinear, the other oblong-lanceolate ; costa thick and subflexuous. long and vanishing near the acumen. Branch-leaves ovate-oblong, more distinctly revolute at the borders, denticulate at the acumen and narrower areolate. Female flowers small, inner perichetial leaves filiform-acumiijate with the acumen arcuate, long-costate and denticulate. Capsule asymmetric, sub- cylindric, curved ; lid long-conic ; pedicel smooth, 1-2 cm. long. Peristomial teeth conic-connivent when moist, dark red-brown below. MAoouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 191 very much longer than those in the middle open segments ; cilia nodulose, not appendiculate, annulus none. Monoecious. Habit of Leucodon jiilaceous. The species is (fide C.Mueller) allied to Brachythecium (Cavernularid) biventrosum, CM., but more robust. It agrees also with B. Icetum, (Brid.) not found in Europe ; it has long-acuminate, soft and shining, and when dry, patent leaves. The European B. luteolum, C. M., (B. Icetum, Schimp., non Brid.) is also different from the true B, Icetum, which is neither completely nor correctly described by Lesq. & James, principally in the dioecious inflorescence. On rocks in McKay's bush, Ottawa, Ont., October 12th, 1889. {Macoun.) On rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B., 1889. {J. Moser.') (716.) B. spurio-acuminatum, C. M.&Kindb. (n. sp.); Cana- dian Musci, No. 566. Differs from Brachythecium acuminatum in the tufts being lax, loosely adhering at the substrate, the leaves denticulate and recurved at the borders nearly all around, the alar cells still more numerous and very chlorophyllose, the perichetial leaves subulate-acuminate, not filiform- pointed, the inflorescence monoecious. On logs in woods, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., October 6th, 1888 ; also on logs at Leamington, Lake Erie, Ont.. 1890. {Macoun.) (717.) B. acuminatum, (Beauv.) Hypnum {Brachythecium) acuminatum, Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 336 ; Canadian Musci, No. 282. H. pulchrum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 180, in part. , H. erectum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 224. Pictou Co., iSr.S. (McKay.) Bases of trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On earth in McKay's woods, Ottawa; at Carleton Place, 30 miles west of Ottawa ; on leaning trees at Wooler ; on earth and logs in woods at Belleville, Ont. ; on the bases of trees, Moose Mountain, Assiniboia. (Macoun.) In woods, London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Upon trunks of trees in Upper Canada (No. 180) (On- tario) ; roots of trees in Upper Canada (No. 224.) (Drummond.) - * B. cyrtophyllum, Kindb. (n. subsp.) Brachythecium cyrtophyllum, Kindb. Ott. Nat. IV., 63. Habit of a small form of B. albicans. Plants caespitose, green and faintly glossy. Stems irregularly divided, not creeping ; branchlets filiform, sub-obtuse. Leaves small, close, loosely appressed when dry, open-erect when moistened, ovate-acute or short-acuminate, notsulcate 192 QEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL UISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. or decurrenl, serrulate at least above the middle ; areolation loose ; upper cells narrowly rhomboidal. inner sublinear ; alar quadrate, somewhat numerous, chlorophyllose ; costa stout, i-eaching to f. Peri- gonial leaves ecostate. Dioecious. On elm logs in thick woods, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., October 6th, 1888. (Macom.) Var. setosum, Sulliv. & Lesq. In holes in maple trees many feet above the ground at Belleville, Ont.. {Macoun.') (718.) B. salebrosum, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. Hypnum {BrachyOiedum) mlebromm, Hoffm. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 336 ; Canadian Musci, No. 283 ; Drumm. Muse, Bor.- Am., No. 175. Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) Norman's Cove and New Harbor, New- foundland. {Bev. A. Waghome.) Bass River and Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth. Tobique Eiver and St. John, N.B. (Hay.) On earth at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Baie St. Paul, Charlevoix Co., Que. (*Si^ Cyr.) Moist ground, Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on stones in woods at Ottawa; on logs in woods at Belleville, Brighton, Wooler and Lake Superior, Out. ; on logs, Green Lake, N.W.T. ; decayed trunks, Moose Mountain, Assini- boia ; on logs along Peace River, lat. 56° ; on stones at Morley, Hector and Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on logs at Agassiz, B.C. ; and on earth at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Common in cedar swamps at London, Ont. (J. Bearness.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) Pend d'Oreille River, B.C. (^Lyall.) In marshy ground ; rare. (Drum- mond.) Kotzebue Sound. {Roth. Alask.) Cape Vancouver, Alaska, 1891. (J. M. Macaun.) Greenland. (^Fl. Qr.) B. mammilligerum, Kindb. (n. subsp.) Monoecious. Tufts very dense and radiculose. Stem subpinnate. Leaves very patent in a dry state, striate, long, narrowly ovate- lanceolate, often filiform-pointed, borders not, or narrowly, recurved, faintly serrate ; alar cells few ; costa ordinarily vanishing in the middle, sometimes longer. Perichetial leaves long-aristate. Perigonial leaves subuliform-pointed. Capsule suboval, curved ; segments narrowly rimose,[not_open ; cilia nodose, not appendiculate ; annulus none ; lid mammillate ; pedicel long, smooth. On old wet logs near a spring along the road leading south from Sicamous, B.C., July 19th, 1889. (Macoun.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 193 Since the true Brachythecium salebrosum is an object of so many contrary descriptions by different authors, we have preferred to propose this form separately. Schimper says, Syn. muscor. Europ. ed. 2, II, 641 : — operculo conico, annulo angusto, processus in carina hiantes. Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, p. 336 : — operculum conical, annulus narrow, cilia articulate. C. Mueller, Syn. Muscor. Omn., II., 359 : — folia caulinee laxe imbri- bricata, late ovata longe latiuscule acuminata, perichetialia longe reflexa acuminata ; theca exannulata ; operculo conico acuto, perist. d. int. valde hiantes, ciliis appendiculatis. From the last description the present one differs considerably. (•719.) B. glareosum, (Bruch), Bryol. Europ. ; C. Muell., syn. 361. Hypnum lutescens, Drumm. Muse. i$or.-Am., No. 174. About the roots of trees. (JDrummond.) On earth at the roots of trees in woods west of the Columbia Eiver at Eevelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) (120.) B. Roellii, Een. & Card. Near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Dr. Eoell.) (Y21.) B. Isevisetum, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 279. Habit of B. populeum. Plants csespitose, green and glossy. Stem irregularly ramulose. Leaves close, sub-erect, open, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate and acute, sulcate ; borders serrulate from the middle upwards ; basal cells dilatate ; costa long, reaching at least two-thirds of the leaf. Capsule small, incurved, oblong ; outer teeth hyaline- margined, light brown ; cilia short and not appendiculate ; perichetial leaves nerveless ; lid highly convex, not apiculate ; pedicel very smooth. Monoecious. In small quantity on a rotten log in the valley of Eagle Eiver at Craigellachie, Gold Eange, B.C., July 18th, 1889. (Macoun.) (722.) B. acutum, (Mitt.) Sulliv. Icon. Suppl. 99. Hypnum {Brachythecium) acutum, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America^ 337 ; Canadian Musci, No. 438. Pack Eiver, British Columbia. (Jjyall.) Mansfield Island, Hudson Strait, 1885. (E. Bell.) On earth in wet woods, Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont. ; and west of Hull, Que. ; on logs at Hastings, and on earth at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) i 13 194 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (723.) B. albicans, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Earop. Hypnum (Brachythecium) cUbicans, Neck. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 337 ; Canadian Musci, No. 285, in part ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 173. Hypnum salebromm, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 175, in part Eocky Mountains. (Bourgeau.) Heart's Delight, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. IVaghome.) Bass Eiver, X.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth at Salt Lake, Anticosti ; on earth in woods, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on rotten logs in a swamp at Brighton, Ont. ; on rotten logs at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on rotten logs, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on earth at Yale and Quesnel, B.C. ; on sand at Comox Bar, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) On dry barren ground amongst grass (Xo. 173) ; in mai-shy ground (No. 175). (Drummond.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (Palmer.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (724.) B. harpidioides, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts compact, soft, radiculose below, whitish or bright green, not shining. Stems intricate, irregularly bi'anching or pinnate. Leaves patent, somewhat loosely disposed, decurrent, more or less arcuate (principally the upper), not auricled, plicate, nearly flat, ovate and subulate-acuminate ; bordei-s faintly denticulate and recurved often all around ; cells distinctly chlorophyllose, the alar large, subquadrate, the other lanceolate. Dioecious. Capsules not found. This species resembles some forms of Brachythecium albicans, but is very peculiar in the arcuate leaves as in the section Harpidium of the genus Hypnum. On old logs in woods along the Columbia River above Revelstoke, May 6th, 1890. (Macoun.) On logs in woods at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B., 1889. (J. Moser.) (725.) B. cirrhosum, (Schwaegr) Schimp. Syn. ed. IL, 866. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (726.) B. trachypodium, (Brid.) Bryol. Europ. VL Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (727.) B. pseudo-albicans, Kindb., Bull. Toi-r. Bot. Club, XVIL, 278. Hypnum {Brachythecium) albicans, Neck. var. (?) or n. sp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 285, in part. Differs from the true B. albicans (Neck.), in having the leaves looser, sub-distichous, shorter-acuminate, faintly striate, denticulate all ♦lAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 195 around ; the alar cells greater, all the basal cells finally reddish. Barren. On earth in woods at Coraox, Yancouver Island, May 5th, 1887. (Macoun.) (728.) B. platycladum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Hypnum {Brachythedum) Eutabulum, Canadian Musci, No. 287, in part. Tufts densely cohering, bright-green, shining. Stem irregularly branching ; branches short, obtuse, complanate. Leaves loosely imbri- cate or patent, nearly flat, long-decurrent, distinctly auriculate, faintly striate, bi'oad, ovate, suddenly and generally short-acuminate; borders not recurved, faintly sinuolate or sub-entire below the middle, more dis- tinctly denticulate above ; cells pale, the upper narrow, the lower near the base dilated, the alar large and well-defined ; costa short, reaching little above the middle. Capsule suboval, faintly curved ; teeth dark- yellow, entire at the bordei's ; cilia not appendiculate ; lid unknown ; pedicel rough, about 2 cm. long or shorter. Perichetial leaves long, filiform-acuminate, the point arcuate. Dioecious. Differs from B. Eutabulum principally in the long-decurrent auricled leaves and the dioecious inflorescence ; from B. rivulare in the peris- tome, &c. On stories by brooks in woods west of Ottawa, Ont., May 2l8t, 1885. {Macoun.) (129.) B. gemmascens, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts very dense, green, finally rufescent. Stem irregularly branching, furnished with numerous male buds. Leaves narrow, ovate-lanceolate with a twisted point, faintly denticulate all around, crowded, not decurrent nor auricled ; cells pale, nearly all narrow, only the lowest 1-2 rows of the basal dilated, the alar not larger than the inner ; costa prolonged above the middle, vanishing below the acumen. Capsule small, round-oval, oblique ; teeth dark-orange, segments shorter than the very high basal membrane, cilia not appendiculate ; lid conic, short-pointed ; pedicel minutely verrucose, about 1 cm. long. Monoe- cious. This species seems to be allied to B. Starkii, but well-distinct. On wet logs along the Columbia Eiver, above Eevelstoke, B.C., May 12th, 1890. (Macoun.) (730.) B. Donnellii, Aust. Coult. Bot. Gaz. lY., 162. Hypnum {Brachythedum) Donnellii, Aust. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 338. On rocks in McKay's woods, near Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) 196 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (731.) B. COllinum, Bruch «& Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum {Brachythecium) collinum, Schleich. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 339 ; Canadian Musci, No. 398. On gravel on the prairie south of the Touchwood Hills, Assiniboia ; on earth in the Cypress Hills, Alberta ; on stones at the mouth of Smoky Eiver, lat. 56° 20' ; on dry rocks at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; in ravines at Kamloops and on dry rocks at Lytton, B.C. (Macoun.) Cascade Mountains, B.C. {Lyall.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (732.) B. pseudo-collinum, Kindb. (n. sp.) Agrees with Brachythecium collinum in the pinnate and creeping stem, the decurront leaves denticulate all around, the short, suboval capsule and the smooth pedicel ; differs in the stems not being julaceous, the leaves larger and longer, ovate-lanceolate, more loosely disposed, spreading or patent, gradually tapering into the short, half-twisted acumen, the cells chlorophyllose, the alar ones larger, the costa longer, reaching above the middle. Monoecious. The true Brachythecium collinum has short-ovate, appressed and imbricate leaves, suddenly narrowed with a prolonged filiform, not twisted, point ; the upper cells are hyaline, the alar small, the costa generally short, reaching to the middle. It is a high-alpine plant. Under a platform of a well at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (733.) B. velutinum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum {Brachythecium) relutinum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 339 ; Canadian Musci, No. 379. Pend d'Oreille Eiver, B.C. {Lyall.) On the bases of trees in woods at Belleville, Ont. ; on earth in Gilmour's Park, Chelsea, Que. ; on earth in woods, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island. {Macoun.) On earth near London, Ont. (J. Bearness.) (734.) B. Starkii, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum {Brachythecium) StarUi, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 341 ; Canadian Musci, No. 284. Near New Ht.Tbor, Newfoundland. {Bev. A. Waghorne.) Bass Eiver, N.B. {FowWsCat.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Miquelon Island. (DeB- mare.) Abundant on old logs and earth in woods at Eustico Bay, Prince Edward Island ; on stones in brooks west of Ottawa ; quite common on logs at Owen Sound, Ont. ; at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) MACOUN. I.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 197 (735.) B. oedi podium, (Mitt.) Hypnum {Brachythedum) cedipodnim, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 342 ; Canadian Musci, No. 380, in part. Lake Huron. (Dr. Todd.) Pack Eiver, B.C. {Lyall.) Abundant in woods at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On old logs and earth in woods around Ottawa ; on old logs in woods along the Columbia Eiver at Eevelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) ('736.)B. curtum, Lindb. B. cedipodium, Canadian Musci, No. 380, in part. On earth in woods at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Yery common at Brackley Point and Hunter's Eiver, Prince Edward Island ; also in McKay's bush, Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) Confounded with B. Starkii. (73*7.) B. reflexum, Bruch & Schimp. Byrol. Europ. Hypnum (Brachylhecium) reflexum, Starlie ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 342 ; Canadian Musci, No. 286. Miquelon Island. {Delamare.) Battle Harbor, coast of Labrador. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Bass Eiver and Fredericton, N.B. {Foivler's Cat.') Bases of trees, Gunn Eiver, Anticosti ; bases of trees and on earth at Hunter's Eiver and Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on earth along the Gasp4 coast and at the base of Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on stones in woods at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on stones along the Eed Deer Eiver, west of Lake Winnipegoosis, Man ; on earth at the bases of trees in woods at Eevelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (738.) B. Rutabulurriy Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum (Brachylhecium) Rutahulum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 342 ; Canadian Musci, No. 287, in part ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am, Nos. 178, 179. Upper Canada, near Nottawasaga Portage (179) ; shady woods ; (178). (Drummond.) Placentia Bay and Green Harbor, Newfound- land. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Wet ground, Dundas Eavine, near Hamilton, Ont. (Burgess.) This species is probably rare in Canada and often confounded with other ones. (739.) B. spurio-rutabulum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs from Brachythecium Rutahulum in the dioecious inflorescence, the leaves distinctly plicate, longer cuspidate, and the rough, short 198 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. pedicel, about 1 cm. long. The tufts are dense, the stems pinnate and creeping, the leaves shining, when dry very patent, loosely disposed, long-decurrent, borders recurved below to the middle, faintly denti- culate. On the bases of trees, North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 29th, 1889 ; also at Sicamous, B.C. (Macoun.) (740.) B. leucoglaucum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 591. Tufts loose with few rhizoids, whitish or subglaucous-green, faintly shining. Stem sub-pinnate or irregularly branching. Leaves from the ovate base suddenly tapering into a somewhat long-filiform, often half-twisted, point, sharply serrate above, faintly denticulate below, striate, decurrent, boi-ders reflexed below ; alar cells small, numerous, the others narrow ; costa long, sometimes subpercurrent. Perichetial leaves long, filiform-acuminate, arcuate-squarrose. Capsule curved, oblong-cylindric ; lid subobtuse when moist ; pedicel faintly rough, about 1*5 cm. long ; peristome conic-connivcnt, teeth serrulate, pale above, segments open in the middle, papillose above, cilia not appen- diculate. Monoecious. Intermediate between Brachythecium Rutahulum and B. curium. On loose earth at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Elm wood, King's Co., N.B., September 10th, 1888. (J.Moser.) (HI.) B. rutabuliforme, Kindb. (n. sp.) Agrees with Brachythecium Rutabulum in the very rough pedicel, the monoecious inflorescence and the form of the leaves ; differs prin- cipally in the rigid stem, the distinctly appendiculate cilia of the peristome and the short pedicel, about 1 cm. The leaves are subovate, short-acuminate, nearly estriate and faintly denticulate. Growing on stones in a brook north of Spence's Bridge, B.C., May 30th, 1889. (Macoun.) (742.) B. Columbico-rutabulum, Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts dense, faintly shining, finally brownish-green. Stem elongate, pinnate, creeping. Stem-leaves patent, from the broadly ovate base long-cuspidate with a filiform, generally prolonged point, decurrent, very plicate, nearly entire, borders shortly reflexed below ; cells not chlorophyllose, the alar larger and well-distinct. Perichetial leaves suberect-patent with a long, filiform, aicuate point, faintly and distantly denticulate. Capsule oblong-cylindi-ic, curved ; peristomial teeth not serrulate, segments very open in the middle, cilia faintly MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. » 199 nodulose, not appendiculate ; pedicel very rough, about 2 cm. long. Monoecious. This species resembles Brachythecium spurio-rutabulum in habit, but the leaves are still more plicate and nearly entire ; the pedicel also is longer. It differs from Brachythecium Butabulum only in the very plicate leaves, etc. On very wet and rotten logs in woods along the Columbia River about one mile above Eevelstoke, B.C., May 13th, 1890. (Macoun.) (743.) B. lamprochryseum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts large, laxly cohering to the substrate with few rhizoids, golden- yellow, shining or finally decolorate. Stem elongate, often pinnate } branches generally short or sometimes more elongate and faintly curved above, subacute. Leaves open, more or less loosely disposed, long-decurrent, distinctly auriculate, very plicate, from the triangular- ovate base short-acuminate, filiform or subulate-cuspidate, often curved at apex, nearly flat, only the auricles faintly revolute ; borders faintly denticulate all around ; most of the cells long and very narrow, the lowest basal ones dilated and short, also the alar, all very sparingly chlorophyllose ; costa broader at the base, faint, reaching to the middle, but in the smaller narrower and more loosely disposed leaves of some branchlets longer, reaching to the acumen. Capsule short, sub- ovoid, thicker near the base, slightly contracted below the mouth, arcuate ; lid unknown ; teeth finally brown at least at the base ; cilia not appendiculate ; pedicel very rough, about 3 cm. long. Perichetial leaves nerveless, when dry squarrose, the inner sheathing with a short, subulate acumen and a long, filiform point. Monoecious. Allied to Brachythecium Butabulum, but distinct in the nearly plane (not concave), auriculate, long-decurrent and very plicate leaves. On stones. Mount Finlayson near Coldstream ; on Mount Benson near Nanaimo and at Comox, Vancouver Island, 1887. (^Macoun.) (744.) B. mirabundum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. £p.) Tufts large, very laxly cohering, nearly without rhizoids, silky or yellowish-green, faintly shining. Stem elongate, irregularly divided or prolonged, into sciuroid-curved, obtuse branches. Leaves loosely imbricate, crowded, when dry subrugose, when moist patent, short- dccurrent, indistinctly auriculate, faintly plicate, from the concave, ovate and gradually acuminate base long-cuspidate ; borders broadly recurved at least at one side of the nearly entire bas^e to the involute and distinctly denticulate acumen ; cells pale, elongate, and narrow, the alar subquadrate and not much wider than the other basal ones, all 200 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVBY OF CANADA. sparingly chlorophyllose ; costa vanishing in the acumen. Capsule small, at the base indistinctly gibbous, narrow, cylindric, and curved ; lid elongate-conic ; pedicel very short, 0.5 — 0.8 cm., very faintly muriculate. Perichetial leaves nerveless, longer filiform-cuspidate, irregularly sinuolate, the point patent or arcuate ; basal cells larger, rectangular ; archegonia numerous, about 20. Mona?cious. This species is allied to Brachythecium Rutabulum, differs principally in the minutely muriculate and short pedicel of the small, narrow capsule, also in the leaves. On old logs in woods, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Elmwood, King's Co., N.B., July, 1888. {J. Moser.) (745.) B. asperrimum, (Mitt.) Hypnum {Brachytliecium) atperrimum, Mitt; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 343. British Columbia. (Lyall, Douglas.) On earth at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) On logs, Melaspina Inlet, Gulf of Geoi-gia, B.C. (Dawson.) (t46.) B. vallium, Sulliv. & Lesq. On old logs near Tictoria, Vancouver Island, May 7th, 1875. {Macoun.) (747.) B. glaciale, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (748.) B. campestre, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. Hypnum {Brachythecium) campestre, Bruch ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 344. On the ground at Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks and logs, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On Kettle Eiver, British Columbia. (Watson.) (749.) B. rivulare, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. Hypnum (Brachythecium) rimdare, Bruch MS. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 344 ; Canadian Musci, No. 288. Camptothecium megaplilum, Canadian Musci, No. 439. Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Bass Eiver and Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On damp earth, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; in wet woods at Ottawa ; common on stones in brooks and wet woods at Belleville, Brighton, Niagara Falls, Owen Sound and *iAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 201 Leamington, Ont, (Macoun.) Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait. (J2. Sell.) On stones in brooks, Little Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Kotzebue Sound. (^Both. Alask.) On the base of stumps along the Canadian Pacific Eailway at Hastings, B.C. ; also on damp earth in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) Var. obtusulum, Kindb. Brachythecium rivulare* NovseBrunsvieise, Kindb. Ott. Nat. IV., 3; Cana- dian Musci, No. 492. Stem irregularly divided ; branches simple and elongate. Leaves glossy, ovate, blunt or short-acute, striate, decurrent, indistinctly denticulate above or from the middle ; cells dilatate, principally the lovyer and the uppermost, the alar and basilar finally orange-reddish, the alar rarely greater ; costa short and simple. On wet rocks at Fredericton, N.B. (Prof. Fowler.) On a horse trough and on stones in brooks and springs at Canaan Porks, Queen's Oo., N.B. (J. Moser.) On stones at Potawattamie Falls, Owen Sound, Ont. ; in springy places at Belleville, Ont. ; on logs in a marsh at Eevelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) •CZSO.) B. nanopes, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 548. Allied to Brachythecium populeum in habit, in the peristome, the monoecious inflorescence, the pedicel faintly rough above, the long and «ubpercurrent costa of the leaves ; differs however in the stems not -creeping, nearly without rhizoids, the branches unilateral, the leaves smaller and narrower at the base, the stem-leaves long filiform-apiculate, subentire and not, or indistinctly, recurved at the borders, the lower ■decurrent ; the capsule is smaller, the pedicel shorter, about 7-8 mm. long, the peristome pale-orange, the cilia long and indistinctly appen- diculate. On earth along the Columbia Eiver above Revelstoke, B.C., May 19th, 1890. (^Macoun.) {751.) B. populeum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum (Brachythecium) popvdeum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 345 ; Canadian Musci, No. 441 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 176. On rocks, Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Bass Eiver, N.B. (^Fowler's Cat.) Miquelon Island. (I) elhmare .) On granite boulders at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks in Gilmour's Park, Chelsea, Que. ; also on rocks in McKay's woods, Ottawa ; on rocks, 202 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY 8UBVBY OF CANADA. Sudbury" Junction, Ont. ; on damp rocks at Owen Sound, Ont. (^Macoun.) Upon large stones about Lake Superior ; and on the rocks in Portage River, Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) (752.) B. plumosum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum {Brachytheciiim) plumosiim, Swartz ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 345 ; Canadian Musci, No. 289 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am.. No. 177. Heart's Delight, Blaketown, Hopewell Bay and New Harbor, New- foundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Bass River and Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Elmwood, King's Co., and Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Miquelon Island. (Deliimare.) Bale St. Paul, Charlevoix Co., Que. (St. Cyr.) On rocks at Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on stones in McKay's woods, Ottawa ; at Belleville and on stones Gull River, Victoria Co. ; on stones at Colpoy's Bay, Bruce Co., and North Shore of Lake Superior and on islands in Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on stones at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) Upon moist rocks at Lake Superior. (Dnimmond.) (753.) B. turgidum, Hartm. Skand. Fl. ed. X. 16. In peat bogs, Stephen, Rocky Mountains, (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl Gr.) I20. 8CLEROPODIUM, Schimp. (754.) S. ceespitosum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum cxspitosum, Wils. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 346 ; Canadian Musci, No. 290. Alaska. (Kellogg.) On rocks. Mount Tolmie and Mount Finlayson, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) (755.) S. Obtusifolium, (Hook.) Kindb. Hypnum (Limnobium) ohlumfolium. Hook ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America. 400 ; Canadian Musci, No. 359 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 193. In a rivulet in the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On rocks in brooks at Revelstoke ; wet rocks in a brook at Deer Park, Columbia River ; on stones in mountain brooks at Griffin Lake, Spence's Bridge, Yale and Agassiz, B.C. ; common at Goldstream, on Mount Benson and on the falls of Somas River near Alberni, Vancouver Island. (Macoun,) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 203 (Y56.) S. Krausei, C. Mueller. Alaska. (Krause.) (757.) S. illecebrum, (Schwaegr.) Bryol. Europ. Hypnum illecebrum, Schwaegr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 347. Alaska. (Kellogg.) 121. ISOTHECIUM, Brid. (758.) I. myosuroides, Bdd. Bryol. Univ. II„ 369. Hypnum myosuroides, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 347 ; Canadian Musci, No. 291, in part. On stumps and old logs, Melaspina Inlet, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) On old logs at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) On trees, Nova Scotia. (James.) On trees at New Harbor, Hopewell Bay and Speedwell Bay, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) (759.) I. Stoloniferum, (Hook.) Brid. Bryol. Univ. II., 371. Hypnum stoloniferum, Hook. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 348 ;' Canadian Musci, No. 292, in part. H. myomroides, Canadian Musci, No. 291, in part. H. spicid'iferum, Canadian Musci, No. 293, in part. Vancouver Island. (Wood.) British Columbia. (Lyall.) North- west America. (Menzies.) Nootka Sound. (Barclay.) Forward Inlet, Gulf of Geoigia, B.C. (Dawson.) On rocks. North Arm, Burrard Inlet ; on trees, very common, in woods at Hastings, B.C. ; very abun- dant on old logs near the sea at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) (760.) I. Cardoti, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 278 ; Cana- dian Musci, No. 394. On the bases of trees at Hastings, B.C. ; also on logs near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Queen Charlotte Islands ; on logs Melagpina Inlet, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) (761.) I. lentum, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum lenlum, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 350. H. stoloniferum, Canadian Musci, No. 292, in part. North-west coast of America. (Douglas.) On trees in the vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) 204 QEOLoaiOAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (762.) I. Brewerianum, (Lesq.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum Brewerianum, Leeq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America i 349 ; Canadian Musci, No. 294, in part On rocks, North Arm, Burrai"d Inlet, B.C. ; also on rocks at Esqui- mault, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) (t63.) I. myurellum, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 278; Canadian Musci, No. 397. Tufts very loose, dark green, not glossy. Stems creeping; branches ^secondary stems) erect, tree-like and ramose ; branchlets curved, attenuate. Leaves of the branches appressed when diy, small, ovate, blunt or short-acuminate, twice serrate or denticulate all around, smooth, scarcely reflexed on the boi-ders ; alar cells round-quadrate, the middle ones narrow, upper rhombic ; costa long, three-fourths the length of the leaf. Perichetial leaves nerveless, oblong with a long, denticulate, horizontally patent acumen and narrow cells. Capsule oval-oblong, inclined ; segments with a low basilar membrane and two short cilia ; annulus double ; lid conical, acuminate ; pedicel smooth. Dioecious. On decaying logs and rocks below the railway bridge over the Nanaimo Eiver, Vancouver Island. (^Macoun.) Drew's Harbor, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) (764.) I. spiculiferum, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum i^iculifeium, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 348. British America. {Lya I, Douglas.) (765.) I. acuticuspis, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum acuticuspis, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 349. British Columbia. (Douglas.) (766.) I. aggregatum, (Mitt) Lesq. & James. Hypnum aggregatum, Mitt ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 350. Vancouver Island. (Lyall.) British Columbia. (Douglas.) (767.) I. aplocladum, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum aplocladum, Mitt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 350. North-west coast of America. (Douglas.) MACOUN.J CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 205 122. EURHYNCHIUM, Schimp. (768.) E. strigosum, (Hoffm.) Bruch. & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum strigomm, Hoffm. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 351 ; Canadian Musci, No. 295 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 183. Hypnum subslrigosum, Canadian Musci, No- 449, in part. Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) Bass Eiver, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) On earth in woods, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Eoots of trees. South West Point, Anticosti ; on earth at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on earth in woods, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on earth and stones in McKay's woods, Ottawa; on the earth in woods at Belle- ville, Wooler and Owen Sound, also Sudbury Junction and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; shaded ground, Lake "Winnij)egoosis, Man. ; on* earth at Kicking Horse Lake, Eocky Mountains ; on earth in woods at Agassiz and Yale, B.C. {Macoun.) Eocky Mountains. {Bourgeau.) Galton Mountains, B.C. {Lyall.) Nulato, Alaska. {Roth. Alask.} Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (•769.) E. diversifolium, (Schimp. MS.) Bruch & Schimp. BryoL Europ. Hypnum diversifulium, Schimp. MS. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 352 ; Canadian Musci, No- 500. On eai'th in woods at Ottawa ; on sandy soil, Dawson Eoute, west of Lake Superior ; on earth near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ; on earth at Quesnel and Hastings, B.C. ; on rocks at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake and at Pass Creek Falls, near Sproat, B.C. (Macoun.) Green- land. (Fl. Gr.) CTTO.) E. substrigosum, Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 449, in part. Differs from F. strigosum in the distant branches, being complanate,. the leaves long-decurrent, and twice greater, patent, sub-distichous, the capsule (unripe) very constricted below the orifice, the cilia appendiculate and the inflorescence monoecious. On rocks along Lake Mara, near Sicamous, B.C., July 3rd, 1889, {Macoun.) (111.) E. Vaucheri, (Schimp.) Hypnum Vaucheri, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 414. On rocks along the Gasp^ coast, Que., August 2nd, 1882 ; on rocksy " Dry Cafion," discharge of Devil's Lake, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.^ 206 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. St. George Island, Behring Sea, 1891. {J. M. Macoun.) Canada. (^Macoun fide Austin.) (772.) E. piliferum, (Schreb.) Bmch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum piliferum, Schreb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N, America, 353. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (•773.) E. Boscii, (Schwaegr.) Hypnum Boscii, Schwaegr, ; Lesq, & James, Mosses of N. America, 352. H. illecebrum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 192. On the ground in (Ontario) Upper Canada. (Drummond.) Doubtful. (774.) E. Dawsoni, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 278. Stems pinnate, not or rarely radiculose ; branchlets patent. Leaves green or brownish, not glossy, not, or indistinctly, papillose, not long- acuminate from the broad, ovate base, recurved on the borders below, long-decurrent, open-erect, denticulate all ai-ound ; areolation variable, often sub-rhomboidal ; costa thick, reaching nearly to the apex. Probably dioecious. Allied to E. hians and E. Sullivantii. On rocks along the Nanaimo Eiver, below the railway bridge, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, April 26tb, 1887; on stones in a ditch, west side of Black's hotel, Hastings, B.C., 1889. (Macoun.) (775.) E. praelongum, Bmch «& Schimp. Bryol. Europ. , Tay, York Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (776.) E. Sullivantii, (Spruce.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum Sullivantii, Spruce, MS. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 353 ; Canadian Musci, No. 296. On rocks at Truro, N.S. (Fowler's Cat.) On rocks at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks at Hull, Que. ; abun- dant on limestone rocks, Eoyston Park, near Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) (777.) E. hians, (Hedw.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum hians, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 354 ; Canadian Musci, No. 442, in part Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On earth at Pirate's Cove, Strait of Canso, N.S. ; on earth in McKay's woods, near the lake^ Ottawa ; on old logs and damp rocks at Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 207 (778.) E. Stokesii, (Turn.) Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum Siokesii, Turn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 354 ; Canadian Musci, No. 297. Hypnum prxlongum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 353. H. Mans, Canadian Musci, No. 442 in part. British Columbia, near the 49th parallel. (Lyall) Vancouver Island. {Lyall, Wood.) On earth in woods at Eevelstoke ; abun- dant on wet rocks and earth at Hastings, Burrard Inlet and Agassiz, B.C. ; on rocks and old logs at Victoria, Esquimault, Nanaimo and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On rocks, Alert Bay, Van- couver Island. (Dawson.) (779.) E. Oreganum, (Sulliv.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum Oreganum, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 355 ; Canadian Musci, No. 298. British Columbia, near the 49th parallel. {Lyall.) Vancouver Island. (Wood.) Very abundant on logs and the bases of trees around Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Melaspina Inlet, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) (780.) E. (Brachythecium?) semiasperum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 507. Plant loosely tufted, green. Secondary stems sparingly radiculose, branching at one side ; branches generally simple, acute, 1 cm. long or shorter. Leaves subpatent, from a broad-cordate base, fine acumi- nate, decurrent, nearly entire ; alar cells numerous, reaching to the costa ; the other cells narrower, the lower dilated ; costa vanishing above the middle. Capsule small, suboval, erect or inclined ; teeth papillose above ; segments shorter than the high basilar membrane ; lid narrow, short-rostellate ; pedicel rough at least to the middle, smooth below, 0.6 cm. long. Perichetial leaves suboblong, short- acuminate, erect, entire and nerveless. Monoecious. The species is well-distinct from all our Eurhynchia and rather allied to Brachythecium plumosum. On rocks in a small mountain brook at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver, B.C., June 6th, 1890. (Macoun.) (781.) E. crassinervoi (Tayl.) Schimp. var. laxorete, Kindb. n. var. (n. sp. ?) Differs in the leaves being nearly entire or faintly denticulate above, shorter-acuminate, and the cells larger. Only male flowers found. The allied E. colpophyllum, (Sulliv) Lesq. & James, is described as 208 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. having " the leaves scarious with a shorter blunt point, the costa not thick, and the areolation longer and narrower." On earth in woods at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.") 123. RAPHiDOSTECIUM, Lesq. & James. (•782.) R. recurvanSy (Schwaegr) Lesq. & James. Bypnum reciirvans, Schwaegr. ; Lesq. & James. Mosses of N. America, 356 ;. Canadian Musci.No. 299. H. demigmm, Canadian Musci, No. 443. Miquelon Island. (DeUimare.) Abundant at Placentia Bay and Heart's Delight, Bay Bull Arm and Hopewell Bay, Newfoundland, (Eev. A. Waghome.) Kent Co., N.B. (^Fowler's Cat.) Abundant on trees at Ottawa, Carleton Place, Belleville, Sudbury Junction, and od roots of trees, Dawson Eoute, west of Lake Superior, Ont. ; on trees at Gilmour's Park, Chelsea, Que., and on old logs in Dow's swamp and at Eockcliflfe, near Ottawa ; on bases of trees at Eevelstoke, B.C, (^Macoun.) In woods at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (783.) R. demissum, (Wils.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum demissum, Wils. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 355. On stones at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) New- Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghome.) (784.) R. subdemissum, Kindb. (n. sp.) Differs from Ji. demissum in the branches being cuspidate, sub- julaceous, leaves smaller, long-subulate, not, or indistinctly, recurved on the borders, inflorescence dioecious. On rocks, Kodiak Island, Alaska, September 22nd, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) (785.) R. cylindricarpum, (C, Muell.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum cylindricarpum, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 356. On decayed logs at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) Eather common at New Harbor, Heart's Delight Cove, and Placentia Bay, Newfoundland ; on rocks, Battle Harbor, Labrador. (Bev. A, Waghome.) MAcouN.J CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 209 (Y86.) R. Jamesii, (Sulliv.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum Jamesii, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 357. Isothecium (f) Dawsoni, Kindb. Ott. Nat. IV., 65. On stones. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (jRey. A. Waghorne.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.} On stones along Gunn River, Anticosti ; on logs at Albert Caiion, Illicillewaet River, B.C. (^Macoun.) (787.) R. Roellii, Ren. & Card. ; Canadian Musci, No. 444. On rotten logs, in thin mats, in woods at Agassiz, B.C. (^Macoun.) (788.) R. subadnatum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts green, intricate.- Branches short, subjulaceous. Leaves close, incurved at the apex, ovate, oblong, denticulate to the middle, reflexed, at the margins below ; inner cells sub-oblong, the alar and marginal quadrate, not vesiculose or yellow ; costa short and double. Perich«- tial leaves larger and longer, appressed, a little longer acuminate. Capsule cylindric, curved, very much narrower than the rostrate lid ; pedicel arcuate or flexuous. Probably monoecious. This species differs from Haphidostegium microcarpum in the laxer areolation of the smaller, distinctly denticulate leaves, the capsule more than doubly longer, the large lid and the arcuate pedicel, &c. On trees in woods at London, Ont, May, 1889. (J. Dearness,) On bark of trees at Fox River, Gaspd coast. Que., August 2nd, 1882. {Macoun.) (789.) R. microcarpum, (C, Muell.) Lesq. & James. H. microcarpum, C. Muell ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 357. On rocks at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (Macoun.) Newfound- land. (JjaPylaie, 0. Muell. Syn. 327.) 124. Rhynchostegium, Schimp. (790.) R. deplanatum, Schimp., MS. Hypnum deplanatum, Schimp., MS. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 359 ; Canadian Musci, J!lo. 300. ■ On flat stones in McKay's woods at Ottawa ; quite common at Wooler in shady woods, also at Carleton Place, and on flat limestone at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on rotten wood, Nepigon River, Onl. ; on stones along Red Deer River, north-west of Lake VYinnipegoosis, Marl. (Macoun.) 14 / 210 GEOLOaiCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (791.) R. serru latum, (Hedw.) Lesq. & James. Bypnum serrvlatum, Hedw, ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 359 ; Canadian Musci, No. 456. Bay Bull Arm, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. WagJiome.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rotten wood, Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth in woods at Ottawa ; also on earth in woods at Leamington, Ont. ; on old logs at Eevelstoke, Agassiz and Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) (•792.) R. rusciforme, (Weis) Schimp. Hypnum •nisciforme, "Weis ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 359 ; Canadian Musci, No. 301. Blaketown and Green Hai'bor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) On rocks, St. John Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On stones in Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) On rocks, Never's Eapids, York Co., N.B. (tT". Moser.) On stones in a brook, Pirate'o Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; abundant on stones in the brook that discharges Kingsmere, four miles from Chelsea, Que. ; on i-ocks at Elliott's Falls, Gull Eiver, Victoria, Co. ; abundant in the rivers around Owen Sound, Ont. ; Somas Eiver, Alberni and in Comox Eiv*r, Vancouver Island ; on stones in Eagle Eiver, below GriflSn Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) 126. THAMNIUM, Schimp. (793.) T. Alleghaniense, (C. Muell.) Bruch & Schimp. Hypnum AUeghaniente, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 362 ; Canadian Musci. No. 302. In crevices of thick-bedded limestone rocks near McKay's Lake, Ottawa ; on rocks along the Sydenham Eiver, below Jones Falls, near Owen Sound, Ont. ; on rocks at Beaver Creek bridge over the Hastings Eoad, Hastings Co., Ont. ; also on rocks at Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. (Macoun.) (794.) T. alopecurum, (Linn.) Schimp. ^ Hypnum neckeroides, Hook. ; Canadian Musci, No. 445. Under overhanging rocks in cliffs along the Columbia Eiver above Eevelstoke, B.C. ; crevices of damp overhanging rocks along the Canadian Pacific Railway, one mile east of Agassiz, B.C. (Macoun.) «AoouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 211 ("795.) T, Bigelowii, (Sulliv.) Hypnum Bigelowii, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 362 ; Canadian Musci, No. 303. North-west Coast. (Menzies.) On wet rocks Goldstream, near Yictoria, and along the Nanaimo Eiver, below the railway bridge, Yancouver Island. (Macoun.) On wet rocks, Alert Bay, Yancouver Island. QDawson.) 126. PLACIOTHECIUM, Schimp. (TQG.) P. Passaicense, Aust. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Y. 24. Hypnum latebricola, Canadian Musci, No. 304. H. Fassaicense, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 363. On cedar trees in Dow's swamp near Ottawa ; abundant on old cedar etumps in swamps five miles west of Belleville, Ont. ; on dead wood in swamps at Fort McLeod, lat. 65°, B.C. (Macoun.) (YBT.) P. latebricolai Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum latebricola, Lindb. Ms. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 363. On stumps in McKay's woods, near the lake, Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) (TBS.) P. pseudo-latebricola, Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts dense and radiculose, glossy green. Stem irregularly branch- ing ; branches often curved, perfectly complanate, branchlets longer with smaller and narrower leaves. Stem-leaves small, distichous, not decurrent, shortly ovate-lanceolate suddenly tapering to a somewhat long, filiform and straight point, entire ; cells narrow, the alar small, few and subquadrate, often wanting ; costa obsolete. Perichetial leaves sinuolate above. Capsule obovate-oblong, oblique and faintly cui'ved, often pendent, teeth pale; inner membrane clavate ; cilia long, eubappendiculate ; lid conical ; pedicel about 12 mm. long. Dioecious. Allied to P. Fassaicense. On rotten wood along the Columbia Eiver, on both sides of the river at Eevelstoke, May 3rd and 12th, 1890. (^Macoun.) (t99.) P. bifariellum, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XYII. 279. P. Americanum. Kindb. enum. bryin. exotic. Plants small, sparingly radiculose, loosely csespitose, dark or blackish green, not glossy. Stems rigid, pinnate. Leaves loose, small, spread- ing, smooth and not striate ; stem-leaves at the base broadly ovate- 212 GEOLOaiCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. cordate, decurrent, serrulate all around, abruptly attenuate to the filiform, hooked-deflexed and sub-entire acumen ; cells narrow, linear, the basal oblong; costa obsolete or reaching to the middle. Dioecious. This species is still doubtful, as it is found only in a barren state. It resembles rather a Brachythecium. Wet places in woods at Comox, Vancouver Island, May 3rd, ISSY. (Macoun.') (800.) P. trichophorum, (Spruce) Lesq. & James. Hypnum trichophorum, Spruce ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America^ 364 ; Canadian Musci, No. 305. H. denticvlatum var. Donianum, Dramm. Muse. Bor.-Am , No. 165. H. pulchellum, Canadian Musci, No. 306, in part. Rocks of the Portage Eiver, Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) On wet rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on stones in a brook at Eevelstoke, Columbia Eiver, and at Yale, B.C. ; on damp rocks. Mount Benson, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) (801.) P. pulchellum, (Dicks.) Bruch & Schimp, Bryol. Europ. Hypnum ptdcJullum, Dicks. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 364 ; Canadian Musci, No. 306, in part; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 167. Banks of a stream, among the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) With Ulota crispa on trees at Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) On rotten wood at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On roots of trees and rocks along the Gasp^ coast ; on roots of spruce trees in woods around Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on stumps and rocks at Kicking Horse Lake and Lake Louise, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on earth near McLeod's Lake, lat 55°, B.C. (Macoun.) On dead wood, Athabasca River, N.W.T. ; St. Paul and Ounalaska islands, Behring Sea. 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Var. nitidulum, Lesq. & James ; Canadian Musci, No. 307. On roots of trees, Jupiter Eiver, Anticosti ; on the bases of trees, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on earth, Kiladar, Addington Co., Ont. ; on earth at Belleville, Ont. ; also on earth at Current River, near Port Arthur, Lake Superior. (Macoun.) Greenland, (Fl. Gr.) (802.) P. geminum, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum geminum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 365. Rocky Mountains, alt. Y,000 — 8,000 feet, associated with P. pulchel- lum. (Lyall.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. ' 213 (804.) P. Silesiacum, (Selig.) Schimp. Hopewell Bay and Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland. {Bev. A. Wag- home.') Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., !N'.B. (J. Moser.) (805.) P. turfaceum, Lindb. Faun. Flor. Fenn. IX. 33. Hypnum turfaceum, Lindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 366 ; Canadian Musci, No- 308. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) On stumps at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On stumps at Bass Eiver, and Grand Lake, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Eoots of trees, McNab's Island, Halifax Harbor, and on earth, Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on stumps, Gunn Eiver, Anticosti ; on old stumps at Hunter's Eiver, Brackley Point, and Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island ; on dead wood, Gasp^ coast, and stumps, Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on rotten stumps at Chelsea, Que. ; com- mon on stumps in D6w'8 swamp, Ottawa ; on stumps at Carleton Place, Belleville, Wooler, Owen Sound, and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; dead wood along Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. ; on logs. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia Eiver, B.C. ; and on rotten wood. Lake Athabasca, N.W.T. (Macoun.) Observation Point, Lake Winnipeg. (J. M. Macoun.) In cedar and tamarac swamps at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (806.) P. elegans, (Hook.) Schimp. Hypnum elegans. Hook. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 366 ; Canadian Musci, No. 309. Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Bay Bull Arm, Placentia Bay, Hopewell Bay and New Harbor, Newfoundland ; Little Bay Islands, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) In a coniferous swamp at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) On rocks. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; on old logs at Belleville, Ont. ; on rocks at Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on earth at Eevelstoke, Columbia Eiver ; on rocks at Sicamous and on old logs and stumps at Hastings, Biirrard Inlet, B.C. ; on rotten wood at Comox, Vancouver Island, (Macoun.) Crevices of shaded rocks, Vancouver Island. (Menzies.) (80*7.) P. Muehlenbeckii, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum Muehlenbeckii, Spruce; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 370. Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On old logs. Bay Bull Arm, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland ; Cape Charles 214 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. and Battle Harbor, Labrador. (Rev. A.Waghorne.) On old logs, Bass Eiver, and St. John, N.B. (Fowlefs Cat.) On dead wood, Tobique Eiver, and at Norton, ^J.B. (Hay.) Old logs, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on rotten logs in shady woods in Hastings Co., near Belleville, and in Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl.Gr.) (808.) P. denticu latum, (Linn.) Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum denticulatum, Linn. ; Lepq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 367 ; Canadian Musci, No. 310 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Nos. 164 and 166. Upon rocks on the descent of " la grande Cote," in the Rocky Mountains, to the west of the " Height of Land." (Drummond.} Pietou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Cape Charles, Battle Harbor and Deep Water Creek, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Bass River, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Highland Park, N.B. (Say.) On earth at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Bases of trees, Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; Why- cocogmah, Cape Breton ; on damp earth and rotten wood. Hunter's River and Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on roots of trees in woods, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; bases of trees, Gaspd Co., Que. , on bases of trees in McKay's woods, Ottawa ; in woods at Britannia, six miles west of Ottawa ; on roots of trees, Wooler, Ont. ; on earth. Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on the roots of trees, Dawson Route, west of Lake Superior ; on damp rocks, and old logs, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; on earth in bogs, McLeod's Lake, B.C., lat. 55° ; on the bases of trees, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake ; on rotten wood at Hastings, B.C. ; wet earth at Victoria, on Mount Arrowsmith, and at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Maconn.) In wood^ at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Sitka. (Roth. Ala&k.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Sitka and Kodiak Island, Alaska, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Var. laetum, Lesq. «& James ; Canadian Musci, No. 311. On the face of perpendicular rocks, six miles north of Otter Head, Lake Superior ; on rocks, Lake Nipissing and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on rocks, near McLeod Lake, B.C., lat. 55. (Macoun.) Var. squarrosum, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club XVII., 2*79. This is a distinct variety presenting a squarrose appearance when dry. On earth at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 2*7th, 1889. (Macoun.) Attu Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macovn.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 215 (809.) P. sylvaticum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum sylvaticum, Huds. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 368 ; Canadian Musci, No. 313. Vicinity of Quebec. (St. Cyr.) On earth at Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth at Hunter's Eiver, Prince Edward Island ; on earth by streams, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on earth in damp woods near Belleville and in Dow's swamp, and at Britannia, six miles west of Ottawa ; on earth along Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on rocks in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on stones, mountains north of G-riffin Lake, Gold Eange, B.C. ; on earth at Yale, B.C. (Macoun.) Near London, Ont. (J. Dearness) (810.) P. Sullivantiae, Schimp. in Bryol. Europ. Hypnum Sullivantise, Schimp. Ms. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 368 ; Canadian Musci, No, 312. H. silesianum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 168. Shady and rocky places ; not rare. (Drummond.) On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks at Truro, IST.S. (Fowler's Cat.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) New Harbor, New- foundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) On earth by brooks, Truro, N.S. ; on earth at Campbellton, N.B. ; on earth in woods east of Belleville, and on rocks at Leamington, Port Dover, Owen Sound and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on wood, Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains. (Macoun.) In woods at London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (811.) P. membranosum, Kindb. (n. sp.) Ehynchostegium (?) aneuron, Kindb. Ott. Nat. IV., 65. Tufts dense, green and glossy. Leaves distichous, crowded and patent, flat, ovate-oblong, acute or short-acuminate, estriate, entire or denticulate above the middle, decurrent ; cells very long and narrow, the alar large, hyaline and subquadrate ; costa none or obsolete. Capsule cylindric-obovate, horizontally curved ; teeth yellow ; pedicel smooth, 2 cm. long ; lid unknown. Probably dioecious. On dead wood in Dow's swamp, near Ottawa, October Hth, 1884 ; on old logs at Belleville, Ont., June 19th, 1874. (Macoun.) (812.) P. brevipungens, Kindb. P. auriaUatum, Kindb. MS. Brachythecium brevinerve, Kindb. enum. bryin. exotic. Tufts dense, dark green. Stems prostrate, irregularly pinnate ; branches attenuate. Leaves crowded, scarcely decurrent, ovate-obloug, 216 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. acute or short-pointed, auricled, not plicate nor reflexed on the bordei-s, entire or slightly denticulate at the apex ; upper cells long and narrow, the alar very distinct, quadrate, inflate and hyaline ; costa very short thick and simple, or none. Capsule curved ; lid short, conical ; pedicel smooth. Monoecious. Differs from P. denticulatum principally in the smaller crowded leaves and their areolation. On stones in McKay's woods, Ottawa, Ont., May 21st, 1 885. {Macmn.) (813.) P. aciculari-pungens, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Dioecious. Tufts dense, radiculose, depressed, glossy green. Stem irregularly divided ; branches few and short, not attenuate. Leaves concave, open-orect or patent, decurrent, entire, ovate-oblong with a short needle-shaped, recurved or patent point ; margins narrowly recurved below to the middle at one side ; areolation uniform and dilated ; the angular cells large and not numerous, sub-rectangular ; costa none or indistinct. Capsules not found. Habit of Plapothecium Sullivantioe. This species is nearly allied to Plagiothecium sylvaticum, but the leaves are smaller, the tufts more compact, &c. On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B., 1889. (J. Moser.) (814.) P. undu latum, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum vndulatum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 369 ; Canadian Musci, No. 314. Abundant on logs in woods at Hastings, B.C. ; also common at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) On logs. Queen Charlotte Islands ; also on logs, Battledown Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (JDawson.') Sitka. (Both. Alask.) Sitka and Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) 127. AMBLYSTECIUM, Schimp. (815.) A. minutissimum, (Sulliv. «& Lesq.) Hypnum mmulisgimum, Sulliv. & Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 371 ; Canadian Musci, No. 541. On rocks, North Hastings, Ont. ; on earth at the outlet of Lake Louise, Eocky Mountains ; also on earth at Eevelstoke, Columbia Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) *(AC0UN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 21Y <(816.) A. Sprucei, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum Sprucd, Bruch & Schimp Ms. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 372 ; Canadian Musci, No. 315. H. confervoideg, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. V.)0. Shady banks among the Eocky Mountains. (JDrummond.') On •earth, Mount Albert, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on trees in Dow's swamp near Ottawa ; on old stumps in Brighton, Ont. ; on old stumps at Hudson Hope, Peace River, lat. 56° ; on bases of stumps and on earth under rocks at Hector, and on old stumps, Lake Louise, Eocky Mountains ; on earth in woods at Eevelstoke, Columbia Eiver, B.C. ; on stumps at Lytton, B.C. ; and on stumps at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island ; on •stumps near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. (Macoun.) Greenland. iFL Gr.) (817.) A. speirophyllum, Kindb. Ott. Nat. lY., 64. Plants loosely csespitose, dark-green. . Stem capillary, irregularly ramulose, not or sparingly radiculose. Leaves small, long-distant, spreading, subcordate or oval-oblong, blunt or sub-acute, entire or ■denticulate ; cells short ; costa sub-percui-rent, broad, sometimes very •distinct. Barren. Probably dioecious. Jlahit of Amblystegium Sprucei. On rocks at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B., November, 1889. (J. Moser.) {818.) A. fenestratum, Kindb. A. tenuifolium, Kindb. Ott. Nat. IV., 65. Plants loosely coherent, green ; stems capillary, irregularly ramu- lose. Leaves small, spreading, very narrow, ovate-lanceolate, acute, ■denticulate; cells dilated but elongate; costa more or less distinct. Barren. Habit of Amblystegium Sprucei. On the borders of a pond near London, Ont, June, 1889. (J. J)earness.) <819.) A. subtile, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum subtile, Hoffm. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 372 ; Canadian Musci, No. 316 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am,, No. 227. On the roots of trees in Upper Canada (Ontario) ; at Holland Land- ing, &c. (JDrummond.) On the bases of trees in McKay's woods and Dow's swamp, Ottawa ; very abundant also on trees at Owen Sound, Ont. {Macoun.) 218 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (820.) A. confervoides, Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Eui-op. Hynum confervoides, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N- America, 372 ; Canadian Musci, No. 317. On stones in woods, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On flat limestone rocks in McKay's woods and in woods west of Ottawa ; on limestone bouldei-s in woods around Belleville, Ont. ; on flat limestone rocks in woods at Owen !?ound, Ont. ; also on limestone rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) (821.) A. Yuratzkse, Schimp. Synops. ed. 1. Hypnum Zuratzska:, Canadian Musci, No. 466. On dead wood, stones and bases of trees in damp woods around Ottawa ; also on the bases of trees in woods at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on old logs west of Revelstoke, B.C. (Macoun.) (822.) A. serpens* Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. Hypnum serpenr, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 373 ;. Canadian Musci, No. 318 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 187. Roots of trees in shady situations. {Drummond.) On earth at the bases of trees at Bass River and Fredericton, N.B. (^Fowler's Cat.) On earth in woods, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Miquelon Island. {Delanxare.) Vicinity of Quebec. {St. Cyr.) Battle Harbor, Labrador. {Rev. A. Waghome.) Decayed wood, South-west Point, Anticosti ; on earth, Brackley Point, Prince Edwaid Island j on earth in woods at Ottawa, Belleville, Wooler, Niagara Falls and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on roots of ti-ees, Moose Mountain, Assiniboia ;^ on earth at Hudson Hope, Peace River, lat. 56° ; abundant at the bases of trees north of Edmonton, N.W.T. ; on earth at Quesnel, Spence's Bridge, Sicamous, Kamloops and Agassiz, B.C. ; on earth at Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun). Near Dor- chester, Middlesex Co., Ont. (J. Deamess.) Greenland. {Fl. Qr.) Var. xanthodictyon, Kindb. (n. var.) {A. serpens * lutescens, Kindb. MS.) Tufts loose, yellow-brown. Stem pinnate. Leaves, from an ovate- oblong base, acuminate, denticulate or entire ; the alar and often also the lower basal cells quadrate, yellowish, the other oblong except the inner, sublinear near the costa and in the acumen. Perichetial leaves very small, nerveless. Although the areolation of the leaves differs vei-y much fi'om the MACOUN.J CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 219 commoner forms of Amhlystegium serpens, we dare not propose the present as a distinct species. On stones along St. Mary's Eiver, Anticosti, August 29th, 1883. {Macoun.) (823.) A. porphyrhizum, (Lindb.) Schimp. Sjnops. muscor. Euro. Hypnum porphyrhizum, Canadian Musci, No. 319. H. radicale, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 373, in part ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am,, No. 189. On decaying trees. (Drummond.) Fredericton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On damp earth, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (JSay.) Never's Eapids and Canaan Foi-ks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J! Moser.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) Fox Harbor, Labrador. (Eev. A. Waghorne.) On wet earth and stones, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; decayed wood, Pictou, N.S. ; wet ground at Campbellton, N.B. ; on wet rocks, South-west Point, Anticosti ; on stones in woods at Ottawa, also at Carleton Place, Brighton, Belleville aod Owen bound, Ont. ; on damp ground, Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man,; on wet logs and rocks at Morley and at Lake Louise, Eocky Mountains ; on earth along Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. {Macoun.) Saskatchewan ; and by the Assiniboine at Fort Ellice. (Bourgeau.) Pack Eiver, Galton Moun- tains, B.C. (Lyall.) At London, Ont. (J. Deamess.) (824.) A. varium, (Hedw.) Lindb. Hypnum radicale, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 373, in part ; Canadian Musci, No. 320. Near Fredericton, N.B. {Prof. Fowler.) Miquelon Island. (Deld- mare.) On roots of trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On earth at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; roots of trees, Gunn Eiver, Anticosti ; on stones in McKay's woods, Ottawa ; damp ground, Pipestone Creek, and along Lake Winnipegoosis, Man. (Macoun.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) Pend d'Oreille Eiver, B.C. (Lyall.) (825.) A. orthocladon, (Beauv.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum orthocladon, Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 374 ; Canadian Musci, No. 337, in part. On stones in brooks at Belleville, Ont. ; also in brooks and larger streams around Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) (Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) ?) 220 QEOLOGIOAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (826.) A. irriguum, (Wile.) Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum irrigtnim, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 374. On wet limestone rocks along the Moira River at Belleville, July 11th, 1878. (Macoun.) Var. spinifolium, Lesq. & James ; Canadian Musci, No. 321. On boulders in the Kaministiquia River, below Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior. {Macoun.) (827.) A. fluviatile, i^ruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. t. 567. Hijpnum fluviatile,Sv! ariz; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 375 ; Canadian Musci, No. 446. On stones in brooks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks, St* John Rivoi-, Fredericton, N.B. (Prof. Fowler.) Blaketown Harbor, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) On rocks in the brook that discharges Kingsmere four miles west of Chelsea, Que.; on rocks in the Sydenham and other rivers around Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) On stones in brooks near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Near Owen Sound, Ont. (Mrs. Roy.) On rocks at Kingston, Ont. (Pro/. Fou)ler.) (828.) A. curvipes, Guemb., Bryol. Europ. On earth in Dow's Swamp, near Ottawa ; on logs, Huntingdon, North Hastings, Ont., July 19th, 1868. (Macoun.) (829.) A. adnatum, (Hedw.) Lesq. & James. Hypnum adnatum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Moeses of N. America, 376 ; Canadian Musci, No. 322, in part. Hypnum adnatum var., Canadian Musci, No. 323. On stones in woods, Canaan Foi-ks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On flat stones in McKay's Woods, near Ottawa ; also abundant in woods at Brighton, Wooler, Belleville and Owen Sound, Ont. ; at Lake Agnes, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) On stones at Delaware and London, Ont, (J. Dearness..) (830.) A. dissitifolium, Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts compact, pparingly radicant, green, not glossy. Leaves very loosely disposed, long-decurrent, ovate-oblong, short-acuminate, denti- culate all around ; areolation loose, the upper cells narrower ; the alar larger, quadrate and well distinct, as chlorophyllose as the other cells ; costa percurrent. Inflorescence probably dioecious ; only male flowers MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS, 221 found. This species is nearly allied to Amhlystegium compactum, which grows chiefly on decayed wood. On flat limestone rocks which receive the dripping of water at the falls on the rivers, flowing into the head of Owen Sound Bay ; in similar situations near the Whirlpool, Niagara Falls, September 24th, 1890. (Macoun.) (831.) A. compactum, (C. Muell.) Bruch & Schimp. Hypnum compactum, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 375. H.serpens var. compactum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 188. On the ground in moist places. {Drummond.') On the bases of trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Bay Bull Arm, Placen- tia Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) On decaj^ed wood in a swamp at Carleton Place, Ont. ; on rocks at Colpoy's Bay, Lake Huron ; on rocks, on islands in Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on the tufa mounds at Banff, Eocky Mountains. {Macoun.) (832.) A. subcompactum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Hypnum compactum, Canadian Musci, No. 324. Differs from Amhlystegium compactum ( Drummond, No. 1 88) in the stems being thicker, the leaves larger and longer, also in the asym- metric capsule, curved in the younger state, at least doubly greater. The British Columbian specimens have a peculiar habit ; the tufts are decolorate below, bright green above, the stems are erect, about 2 cm. high. Growing in thick tufts at the bases of trees around springs and the margins of bogs at Spence's Bridge, Clinton, and along Blackwater Eiver, B.C., June 10th, 18*75; on wet rocks near the Whirlpool, Niagara Falls. {Macoun.) (833.) A. riparium, (Linn.) Bruch & Schimp. Bryol. Europ. Hypnum riparium, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 376 ; Canadian Musci, No. 325 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor-Am., No. 170. H. uncinatum var. plumosum, Canadian Musci, No. 374. About the roots of trees in swamps. {Drummond.) Saskatchewan and Eocky Mountains. {Bourgeau.) On stones in brooks, Molus Eiver, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) On Kennebecasis Island, N.B. {Hay.) Wet places, Norman's Cove, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) On sticks and roots of trees in pools, at Ottawa ; on stones in brooks and on rocks and logs in the Moira at Belleville, Ont. ; abundant on stones in the rivers and brooks around Owen Sound, and at Eed Eock, Lake 222 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Superior, Ont. ; in mud at Swan Lake House, Man. ; on sticks in pools, Cypress Hills, Alberta; boggy pools, Cave and Basin, Banff, Eocky Mountains ; in pools in woods, Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ; at Quesnel and Blackwater River, B.C. ; on sticks in ponds at Comox, Cedar Hill and Victoria, Vancouver Island. (^Macoun.) In pools in woods near London, Ont. (J. Beamess.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Var. fluitanSy Lesq. & James ; Canadian Musci, No. 326. Floating in water north shore of Lake Superior ; in pools. Thunder Creek, west of Moose Jaw, Assiniboia ; in pools at Revelstoko, B.C. ; also floating in water at Spenoe's Bridge, B.C. (Macoun.) In pools at London, Ont. (/. Deamess.) (834.) A. vacillans, Snlliv. Hypnum vaciUans, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 377. Floating in water, marshes of Bay of Quinte, Ont. (Macoun.) So named by C. F. Austin. (835.) A. distantifolium, Kindb. (n. sp.) Stems irregularly branching, creeping. Leaves green, distant, spreading when dry, patent when moist, long ovate-lanceolate, long- cuspidate, not or indistinctly decurrent, sharply serrulate all around, chlorophyllose ; cells wide, suboblong ; costa thick percurrent or nearly excurrent. Barren. Differs from A.serpens in the leaves being longer cuspidate and the thick, very much longer costa. On rocks. Chance Cove and New Harbor, Newfoundland, August 16th, 1890. (Bev. A. Waghome.) Obs. A. Wollei, (Aust.) Kihdb. is. No. 644 Leskea Wollei, Aust. 128. HYPNUM, LINN. Subgenus I. CAMPYLIUM, Linn. (836.) H. hispidulum, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 378 ; Canadian Musci, No. 327. Mooyie River, B.C. {Lyall.) Bass River, also Little Branch, Miramichi, N.B. (^Fowler's Oat.) On the bases of trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Elmwood, King's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On earth at VACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 223 Truro, N.S. ; on decayed wood at Campbellton, N.B, ; roots of trees in shady woods, Gasp5 Co., Que., not rare ; on the bases of trees in woods around Ottawa ; on earth at Carleton Place, near Ottawa ; on old logs at Belleville and on the bases of trees, Brighton and Owen Sound, Ont. ; on old logs at Lake Nipissing and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; decayed wood, Cypress Hills, Alberta ; on earth at the bases of trees at Quesnel and Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) At London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (SST.) H. byssirameum, CM. &Kindb. (n. sp.) Eesembling a small form of H. Sommerfeltii, Myr., but the leaves are denticulate all around. Barren. On the base of a dead tree in William Valentine's woods, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., October 5th, 1888. (Macoun.) (838.) H. Sommerfeltii, Myrin; Canadian Musci, 328. H. stellatum var. polymorphum, Drumm. Muse Bor.-Am., No. 186. On old logs, Never's Eapids, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Salmon Eiver, Kent Co., N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On logs at Belleville, Ont. ; on the bases of trees at Ottawa ; on the bases of trees at Leam- ington, Ont. ; also on damp rocks at Sydenham Falls, Owen Sound, Ont. ; on wet rocks, Kakabeka Falls, west of Fort William, Lake Superior ; on the roots of trees along Peace Eiver, lat. 56° ; on earth along the Columbia Eiver at Eevelstoke, on logs at Quesnel, B.C. ; also on mountains north of Griflfin Lake and at Hastings, B.C. (Macoun.) In woods at Kingston, Ont. {Prof. Fowler.) Dripping rocks. (JDrummond.) (839.) H. chrysophyllum, Brid.; Lesq. & James. Mosses of N. America, 378 ; Canadian Musci, No. 329. H. stellatum var. chrysophyllum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 185. About gravelly, springy places. (Drummond.) Bay Bull 'Arm, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. (Eev. A. Waghorne.) On logs, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Say.) On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On rocks along Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on roots of trees in woods at Ottawa, and Carleton Place ; on old logs in wet woods east of Belleville, Ont. ; on stones in woods at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on rocks, Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on roots of trees, Manitoba House, Man. ; damp rocks in wet woods at Morley, Eocky Mountains ; in swamps at Sicamous and Port Haney, Fraser Eiver, B.C. (Macoun.) Near London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) 224 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (840.) H. unicostatum, C. M. &Kindb. (n, sp.); Canadian Musciy No. 590. Diifers from Hypnum chrysophyllum in the dense tufts, the stem morfr irregularlj^ branching, creeping, the leaves shorter-acuminate, the alar cells smaller, not yellow, the costa more distinct, the capsule smaller^ the perichetial leaves gradually acuminate-subulate or filiform-pointed with the acumen arcuate. At Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) In the Mer Bleue near Ottawa, October 4th, 1890. (Macoun.') At Cataraqui, near Kingston, Out., May 23rd, 1884. C^rof. Fowler.) <841.) H. decursivulum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadiar* Musci, No. 514. H. Somnierfeltii, Canadian Musci, No. 328, in part. Differe from Hypnum chrysophyllum in the leaves being decurrent with a broader base, borders recurved at the angles ; alar cells numer- ous, hyaline. Barren. Abundant on old logs in a boggy place under the trestle just east of of Albert Canon Station, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., May 29th, 1890, (Macoun.) Near New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Hev. A. Waghorne.) (842.) H. Columbiae, Kindb. Amblystegium serpens' Columbite, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. XVII 279.- Tufts dense. Stems short, very tomentose, irregularly branching f branches short. Leaves narrower than in Hypnum chrysophyllum, from the narrow-ovate base gradually tapering into the acumen ; borders denticrulate all around, recurved at the angles ; areolation often wide^ as in Amblystegium ; costa short, reaching to the acumen or sometimes longer. Capsule generally smaller and shorter than injff. chrysophyllum^ curved; lid short-apiculate; peristome dark-yellow, not pale ; periche- tial leaves short-acuminate. Diifers from H. chrysophyllum in the naiTower, denticulate leaves^ from H. hispidulum and H. Sommerfeltii in the long costa. On wet logs near a spring about one mile from Sicamous, B.C., on the road to Enderby, July 19th, 1889. (Macoun.) (843.) H. Macounii, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 279 j Canadian Musci, No. 522. H. Hnlleri, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 191. Allied to Hypnum hispidulum. Habit of the European H. Halleri. Monoecious. Plants small, interlaced in dense brownish-green tufts. MACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 225 Stems pinnate, prostrate, sparingly radiculose. Leaves densely crowded, squarrose-recurved, round-deltoid, short-acuminate, reflexed on the borders of the entire base to the denticulate acumen ; alar cells quadrate, pellucid, not numerous, the other short-oblong or short- lanceolate ; costa obsolete or none. Capsule small, narrow-cylindrical, slightly curved, annulus simple ; basilar membrane low ; lid convex, obtuse and not apiculate ; pedicel reddish-brown, smooth, 2 cm. long. On earth by springs at Mount Stephen, also abundant forming thin mats on flat stones at Hector and on the slopes of Cathedral Mountain. Rocky Mountains, alt. 5,600 feet. (Macoun.) Rocks about the Portage River, in the Rocky Mountains. (Drummond.) (844.) H. Stellatum, Schreb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N". America, 379 ; Canadian Musci, No. 330. -Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. (R. Bell.) Miquelon Island. (Delamare.) New Harbor, Newfoundland, and Fox Harbor, Labrador (Rev. A. Waghorne.) On earth in bogs and swamps at Gunn River and Becscie River, Anticosti ; on earth in a meadow. Gasp^ Co., Que. ; beaver meadow, Lake Nipissing ; on boggy toil at Current River and Mamainse, Lake Superior ; peaty meadow. Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; in swamps at Morley and Stephen, Rocky Mountains ; in bogs near Fort Assiniboine, Athabasca River ; in a limestone spring, Sieamous, B.C. ; also on the mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B.C {Macoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) In swamps at London, Ont. (J. Bearness.) Var. protensum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 33L In beaver meadows, Huntingdon, Hastings Co., Ont. ; also in swampy meadows at Stephen and Morley, Rocky Mountains ; in limestone springs, shore of Lake Mara, near Sieamous, B.C. (Macoun.) Var. subdecursivulum, Kindb. (n. var.) Leaves smaller, decurrent, abruptly acuminate from a short-ovate base ; alar cells more numerous. Not found fruiting. Amongst Dlcranum scoparium on earth by springs in a swamp near Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont, October 5th, 1888. (Macoun.) (845.) H. poly^amum, Wils. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 879. H. stellatum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 184. Swamps; not frequent. (Drummond.) In the "Big Swamp," Murray, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; on earth in the valley of the Thompson 15 I 226 QEOLOaiCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. Eiver at Kamloops, B.C. (^Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Miquelon Island. (JDelhmare,') At New Harbor, White Bay and Blaketown, Newfoundland, and at Battle Harbor and Fox Harbor, Labrador. (^Rev. A. Waghome.) At Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) Subgenus. II. HARPIDIUM, Sulliv. (846.) H. Kneiffii, (Bruch & Schimp.) Hypnum aduncum var. Kneiffii, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 380 ; Canadian Musci, No. 333. Hypnum aduncum, Canadian Musci, No. 332. Baftle Haibor, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghome.) In swamps, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) In pools. Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; in swamps at Beechwood, and in Dow's Swamp, Ottawa ; in a bog at Britannia, fix miles west of Ottawa ; wet springy places at Belleville and Wooler, Ont. ; springs at Morley, Eock}' Mountains ; in swamps, Peace River, lat. 56° ; in swamps at Revelstoke and at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) Rocky Mountains. (Lyall.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Shore of Lake Erie, Ont. (J. Deamess.) Yar. gracilescenSy Bruch & Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 447. In a limestone spring at Sicamous, B C. (Macoun.) Var. laxum, Kindb. (n. var.) In Dow's swamp near Ottawa, October 10th, 1884. (Macoun.) Var. rectifolium, Kindb. (n. var.) On damp rocks, in McKay's woods at Ottawa, August 26th, 1889. (Macotm.) Var. platyphyllum, Kindb. Cn. var.) Leaves very broad and short-acuminate. On damp rocks in woods at Rockcliff, near Ottawa, September 10th, 1889. (Macoun.) (84*7.) H. Sendtneri, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 381 ; Canadian Musci. No. 384, in part. Broad Cove, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghome.) In bogs at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) In water in Dow's swamp, near Ottawa ; in water in marshes, Hastings Co., Ont. ; in MAoouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 227 bogs, Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; in springs at Morley, Eocky Mountains ; in limestone springs at Sicamous, B.C. {Macoun.) (848.) H. Cossoni, Schimp, ; Canadian Musci, No. 338. H. revolvens var. intermedium, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 384. H. intermedium, Lindb. Yery abundant in crevices of wet rocks along the north and east coasts of Lake Superior ; around springs at Morley, and in bogs at Lake Louise, iJocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (849.) H. vernicosum, Lindb. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 385 ; Canadian Musci, No. 384. H. aduncum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am.. No. 201. Common in marshes and swamps. (^Drummond.) In bogs at Jupiter, Becscie, and Gunn ' rivers, Anticosti ; in bogs at Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; bogs north of Lake Superior ; bogs west of the Saskatchewan River, N.W.T. ; on wet rocks and in bogs at Hector, Rock}" Mountains ; in bogs at Quesnel, B.C. ; in bogs on Mount Benson, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Pack River, B.C. (Lyall.) Greenland. (^FL Gr.) (850.) H. Wilsoni, Schimp. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (851.) H. brevifolium, Lindb. Spitzberg. Moss. 541. Greenland. (FL Gr.) (852.^ H. lycopodiOideSy Schwaegr. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 385. Greenland. (FL Gr.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) (853.) H. revolvens, Swartz; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 384 ; Canadian Musci, No. 387. Battle Harbor and |[Squaw Island, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Cedar swamp two miles west of Ste. Anne des Monts, Gasp^ Co., Que. (J. A. Allen.) In bogs at Salt Lake, Anticosti ; swamps along Lake Nepigon ; in swamps at Red Rock, Lake Superior ; in a marsh at Banff, Rocky Mountains. 'J (ilfacown.) Alaska. (Harrington.) Green- n d. (FL Gr.) 228 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (854.) H. fluitans, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 383 ; Canadian Musci, No. 336, in part. H.fluitam vax.foliis minoribus, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., Nos. 203 and 204. Swamps ; not uncommon at Carlton House (No. 204). Common inmai-shes (No. 203). {Drummond.) In bogs, Coldbrook, N.B. {Hay.) Miquelon Island. {Deldmare.) New Harbor, Newfoundland, and Fox Harbor, Labrador. {Rev. A. Waghome.') In boggy places at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; in peat bogs. North-west Arm, Hali- fax, N.S. ; peat bogs, Salt Lake and Becscie Eiver, Anticosti; in a swamp west of Hull, Que. ; boggy places, McKay's woods, Ottawa ; in pools on rocks, Michipicotin Island, Lake Superior ; in pools, in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; also in bogs in Kagle Pass, west of Revelstoke, Columbia valley, B.C. {Macoun.) Peat bogs, Belvin's Lake, Que. {D' Urban.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (855.) H. exannulatum. Guembel; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 384 ; Canadian Musci, No. 382. In boggy places, Bass River, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) In swamps, Queen's Co., and Elmwood, King's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) In boggy soil. Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait. {R. Bell.) Miquelon Island. {Deldmare.) Chance Cove, and Harbor Deep, Newfoundland ; Battle Harbor, Indian Harbor and Seal Islands, Labrador. (Rev. A. Wag- home.) In bog-holes and ponds, f.equent, Prince Edward Island ; in pools of water, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; in small ponds near perpetual snow. Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B C; common in pools at Sicamous, B.C. {Macoun.) North Dorchester, near Lon- don, Ont. {J. Deamess.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (856.) H. uncinatum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 382 ; Canadian Musci, No. 335 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.- Am., No. 202. Woods and banks amongst the Rocky Mountains. {Drummond.) Cape Cudleigh, Hudson Strait. {R. Bell.) Squaw Island. Seal Islands and Battle Harbor, Labrador and New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) On the ground at Bass River, Fredericton and Little Branch, Miramichi, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B, (J. Moser.) Miquelon Island. {Deldmare.) River Sheldrake, Que. {St. Cyr.) Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) On earth at Hunter's River and Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on earth at Truro, N.S. ; common in wet places, Salt Lake, Anticosti *, very common on earth. Mount Albert and other parts of Gasp^, Co., MACouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 229 Que. ; common in wet woods at Beechwood, Dow's swamp and Mer Bleue, near Ottawa ; abundant throughout Ontario and at Lake Superior, Lake Nipissing and Lake Nepigon ; common in swamps at Hector and Banff, Rocky Mountains ; in Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains; on earth in woods along the Columbia River at Revelstoke, also at Sicamous, and on the G-old Range at Griffin Lake and Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (Macoun.) Near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) In bogs, Punk Island, Lake Winnipeg ; Cape Yancouver and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) Cascade, G-alton and Rocky Mountains, B.C. {Lyall.) Rocky Mountains. (Bourgeau.) Kotzebue Sound. (Roth. Alask.) G-reenland. (Fl. Gr.) Very com- mon across the continent. Yar. plumosum, Schimp. ; Canadian Musci, No. 374. On rocks, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; and bases of trees, Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; along Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Var. subestriatum, Kindb. ; Canadian Musci, No. 3t6. Leaves nearly estriate. On earth at Hunter's River, Brackley Point and Cove Head, Prince Edward Island ; on earth at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. (Macoun.) Yar. micropterum, Kindb. (n. var.) Stems nearly simple ; leaves long-cuspidate, not striate above, alar cells small ; inflorescence probably dioecious ; only female flowers found. Battle Harbor, Labrador, August 30th, 1891. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) * H. orthothecioides, Lindb. Spitzberg. Moss. Amongst other mosses at Battle Hai-bor, Labrador. (Rev. A. Wag- horne.) (857.) H. Moseri, Kindb. Ott. Nat. lY. G5. Differing from H. uncinatum in the leaves not being striate, but sometimes recurved at the base ; costa faint, often failing ; differing from all other Harpidia in the stem being densely radiculose. On the bases and trunks of poplar trees in woods at Canaan Porks, Queen's Co., N.B., December 30th, 1889. (J. Moser.) New Harbor, Freshwater, and Chance Cove,. Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) 230 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL UISTORY SUEVBT OF CANADA. (858.) H. longinerve, Kindb. Dichelyma longinerve, Kindb., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. XVI., 97 ; Canadian Musci, Na 391. Habit o^ Hypnum fluitans. Stems erect, about 1 decim. bigh, loosely cffispitose, rootless, subpinnately branching. Leaves falcate, entire, the upper yellowish-green, oval-lanceolate, long-acuminate, long- pointed by the \-\ excurrent costa ; most of the cells sub-linear, the basal numerous, in 4-6 rows, subquadrate or rectangular, the alar greater, pellucid. Flowere and capsules not seen. Quite common on sticks in dried-up ponds, particularly behind the school-house, at Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 23i*d, 1887. {Macoun.) (859.) H. conflatum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) H. Sendlneri, Canadian Musci, No. 334, in part. H- Jluitans, Canadian Musci, No- 336, in part Allied to Hypnum Knei^i. Stem slender, subfiliform, distantly pinnate, not radiculose. Leaves small, concave, distant, denticulate all around ; stem-leaves decurrent, from a broad-ovate base suddenly narrowed into a very ehort, subulate-filiform, straight point ; alar cells very large, hyalineor faintly yellowish, the other nearly uniform, oblong-lanceolate, conflate ; costa pale-yellow, vanishing in the acumen ; branch-loaves narrower, oblong-lanceolate, more or less short-acuminate, curved or straight. Capsule very small, arcuate and contracted below the mouth. Dioecious. In a pool on the mountain between the Thompson and Nicola rivers at Spence's Bridge, B.C. ; alt. 3,000 feet, May 28th, 1889 ; also in a bog at Britannia, six miles west of Ottawa, Ont. (Macoun.) Battle Harbor, Labrador, (Eev. A. Waghorne.) Subgenus III. CRATONEURON, Sulliv. (860.) H. fllicinum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Amei'ica, 386 ; Canadian Musci, No. 339. By springs, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) New Harbor and White Bay, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) By a spring at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) In limestone springs, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; by springs, at Truro, N.S. ; wet limestone rocks and by springs, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; by a spring along the Trent Eiver, two miles above the railway bridge at Trenton, Ont. ; abundant on rocks below Jones Falls, at Owen Sound, Ont. ; by springs along the Atha- MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PI-ANTS. 231 bascaEiver, Fort Assiniboine, N.W.T. ; in limestone springs at Hudson Hope, Peace River, lat. 56° ; on the tufa mounds and in springs at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on stones in a brook at Spence's Bridge, B.C. ; and at Comox Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) Mooyie River, B.C. {Lyall.) In the vicinity of London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) Tar. aciculinum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. var.) Costa excurrent to a rigid point. On wet rocks in Eagle Pass west of Revelstoke, B.C., May 23rd, 1890. (Macoun.) (861.) H. chloropterum, C. M. & Kindb. (n.sp.) H. {BrachyUiedum) Novse-Anglias, Canadian Musci, No. 440. Tufts laxly cohering, with few rhizoids, whitish or bright green, not shining. Stem more or less densely pinnate, rigid. Stem-leaves small, patent also in a dry state, loosely and long-decurrent, auricledj papillose at back, distinctly but faintly plicate, concave, broad-ovate, suddenly narrowed to a short, in a dry state, twisted acumen ; borders broadly recurved below, sometimes to the middle, denticulate all around from the apex to the auricles ; areolation lax, more or less chlorophyl- lose ; alar cells larger, subquadrate, numerous, the other oval-oblong, only the uppermost narrow ; costa distinct, reaching above the middle ; branch-leaves more loosely disposed, sometimes ovate-oblong and narrow- areolate. Capsule small, suboblong, straight or curved ; lid elongate- conic, oblique-apiculate or rostellate ; pedicel 1-1.5 cm. long, very rough, purple. Inner perichetial leaves narrower, longer filiform- pointed, nerveless. Monoecious. This species resembles Hypnum Novce-Anglice in habit, but differs considerably in the distinctly papillose, looser and patent, wider- areolate leaves and the monoecious inflorescence. In Hypnum Novce- Anglioe, the branches are julaceous and the leaves nearly appressed in a dry state, the branchlets shorter and less evolute. Both have a wide leaf-areolation, resembling the allied Hypnum fiUdnum and Hypnum commutatum, also the genus Amblystegium. On rocks. New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) On the ground in shade, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., and Blmwood, King's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (862.) H. Novae-Angliae, Sulliv. & Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 844. On earth in woods at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) 232 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (863.) H. commutatum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 387 ; Canadian Masci, No. 448. Eocky Mountains. (Bourgeau.) On earth in a swamp, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co.. N.B. (J. Moser.) On wot rocks, North Hastings, Ont. ; on rocks at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (Macoun.) Green- land. {FL Gr.) (8b'4;) H. falcatum, Brid. Muse. Eecent. III., 63 ; Canadian Musci, No. 340. H- commutatum var. falcatum, C. Muell. ; I-«8q. & James, Mosses of N. America, 387, Come by Chance Cove, Newfoundland ; and Bolster Rocks, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) Abundant in bogs and on dripping rocks at Hector and Stephen, Rocky Mountains ; on dripping rocks in Eagle Pass, west of Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on stones along the springy margin of the west side of Lake Mai*a, near Sicamous, B.C. (Macoun.) On the summit of Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C. ; alt. 7,000 feet. (./ M. Macoun.) Var. microphyllum, Kindb. (n. var.) Stem leaves very gmall and entire ; alar cells small ; stem irregu larly divided, without paraphyllia, with none, or few rhizoids. Barren. Bay Bull Arm, and Broad Cove, Placentia Bay, also Blaketown and New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghorne.) (865.) H. decipiens, (De Not). Kindb. Thuidivm decipienx, De Not. ; Canadian Musci, No. 545. Allied to Hypnum falcatum, H. commutatum and JI. filicinum ; it is distinct principally in the very papillose, not striate leaves and short cells, the alar hyaline. On calcareous rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on stones in brooks, Roger's Pass. Selkiik Mountains. B.C. ; on wet rocks, Nanaimo River, below the railway bridge, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Subgenus IV. RHYTIDIUM, Sulliv. (866.) H. rugosum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 388 ; Canadian Musci, No. 341. H. rugulomm, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 198. Rhytidium rugosum Kindb. Laubm. Schwd. u. Norveg. Lake Superior ; in fructification at Beaver Lake ; rare, (Drum- mond.) On dry rocks, Kakabeka Falls, 30 miles west of Fort William, MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 2c3 Lake Superior. (Mrs. E. G. Britton.} On dry rocks, near Current Eiver, north Of Port Arthur, Lake Superior ; also on rocks along Nepigon Eiver, Ont. ; on rocks, " Dry Canon," discharge of Devil's Lake, and on rocks at Morley, foothills of Rocky Mountains ; als-o on the banks of Peace River at the mouth of Smoky River, lat. 56° 30'. (Macoun.) Little Bay Islands, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghome.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Subgenus V. CTENIUM, Sulliv. (867.) H. crista-castrensis, Linn.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 389 ; Canadian Musci, No. 343 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 212. In moist shady woods ; abundant. (Drummond.) Miquelon Island. {Delamare.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) River du Loup (en bas), Que. (St. Cyr.) Deep-water Creek, Labrador ; and Come by Chance and Coachman's Cove, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghome.) On old logs; common, New Brunswick. (Fowler's Cat.) On logs, Tobique River, N.B. (Say.) On old logs, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Pine woods. River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (D' Urban.) On logs in swamps at Truro, N.S. ; common on logs at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; damp woods, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on logs in woods, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on old logs in damp woods around Ottawa ; abun- dant in damp woods at Belleville and Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; old logs in woods, Manitoba House, Man. ; in woods near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ; on old logs, Morley, Rocky Mountains ; on logs in Roger's Pass and Albert Canon, Selkirk Mountain^, B.C. ; wet woods at Sica- mous, B.C. (Macoun.) Saskatchewan. (Bourgeau.) Subgenus VI. CTENIDIUM, Mitt. (868.) H. molluscum, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 389 ; Canadian Musci, No. 344. Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On logs, Tobique River, N.B. (Say.) On rotten logs, Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island ; on shaded rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspd Co., Que. ; on old logs in Dow's swamp, near Ottawa. (Macoun.) Bay Bull Arm. Placentia Bay, and Green Harbor, Newfoundland. (Rev. A. Waghome.) 234 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. Subgenus VII. DREPANIUM, C. Muell. (869.) H, reptile, Michx. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 390 ; Canadian Musci, l^o. 345. H. cupresdforme foiiii angristioribus, Dnimm. Masc. Bor.-Am., Nos. 206 and 207. Eocks and trunks of trees ; not rare (206) ; trunks of trees and rocks ; not uncommon (207). {Drummotui.) Miquelon Island. {Dela- mare.) Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) Bass River, Fredericton. and Grand Lake, N B. (Fowler's Oat.) On trees near Halifax, N.S. ; on bases of trees, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; trunks of trees, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; abundant on trunks of trees at Ottawa; very common on trunks at Belleville, Ont. ; also at Lake Nipissing and Lake Nepigoii, Ont. ; on trees, Daw.son Eoute, west of Lake Superior ; on ti*ees. Athabasca River, near Fort Assiniboine. N.W.T. ; on bases of trees at Manitoba House, Man. (Macoun.) On trunks at Punk Island and other points, Lake Winni- peg ; Clear water River, N.W.T., lat. 57°. (J. M. Macoun.) Kootanie River, B.C. (Lyall.) Vicinity of London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) (870.) H. pallescens, Schimp. Syn. ed. 2. On limestone rocks on an old stone fence along the Aylmer Road, west of Hull, Que., October 24th. 1891. (Macoun.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Confounded with H. reptile. (871.) H. fertile, Sendt. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 391 ; Canadian Musci, No. 346, in part. On old logs, Bass River, N.B. (Fowler's Gat.) On logs at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On logs, Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) Baie St. Paul, Charlevoix Co., Que. (St. Oyr.) Decayed logs, Belvin's Lake, Que. (D' Urban.) On logs, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on logs, Graspd Basin, and along the Gasp6 coast. Que. ; on old logs in woods at Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) Islands in the G-ulf of Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) All the above localities doubtful except the last, as the specimens have not been examined by Kindberg. (872.) H, Waghornei, Kindb. (n.sp.) Differs from H. fertile in the large and hyaline alar leaf-colls, the other basal ones not yellow, capsule tumid at the base, slightly curved, paraphyllia very broad. New Harbor and Chance Cove, Newfoundland, September 26th, 1890. (Rev. A. Wagkorne.) MACOUN jN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 235 (873.) H. fastigiatum, Biid. On dry rocks at Hector (Kicking Horse Lake) Rocky Mountains, and on large boulders three miles to the west, July, 1885, and August, 1890. {Macoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) (874.) H. hamulosum, Bruch & Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 391 ; Canadian Musci, No. 393, H. cuprestiforrae, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 205. Upon rocks, about Beaver Lake. (Drummond.) Along Ste. Mary's River, Anticosti. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Blaketown and Hopewell Bay, Newfoundland ; Battle Harbor and Deep Water Bay, Labrador. (^Eev. A. Waghome.) (875.) H. pseudo-fastigiatum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Allied to Hypnum reptile, differing principally in the alar leaf-cells being more numerous, chlorophyllose and dusky, not decolorate, the capsule scarcely contracted below the mouth, the perichetial leaves nerveless. On the bases of trees in woods in the Columbia River valley, west of Revelstoke, B.C., May 6th, 1890 ; also on rocks at Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) (876.) H. circinnaie, Hook. ; Lesq.& James, Mosses of N. America. 392 ; Canadian Musci, No. 347, in part. Vancouver Island. (Lyall.) On old logs, in woods at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; also on old logs at Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound. Nulato and Alaska. (Both. Alask.) (877.) H. Sequoieti, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 392. H. circinale, Canadian Musci, No. 347, in part. Freshwater, Chance Cove, Newfoundland. (Hev. A. Waghome.) On trunks of trees at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on trunks, Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, and at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) On trunks, Melaspina Inlet, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (Dawson.) Sitka, Alaska ; and at Port Essington, B.C., 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) (878.) H. callichroum, Brid. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 392. Shelburne, Nova Scotia. (James.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) 236 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (879.) H. Canadense, Kindb. Bull. Ton-. Bot, Club, XVII., 280. Intermediate betv^^een H. imponens and H. subimponens. Dioecious. Densely caespitose, yellow or pale-green. Stems creeping, densely pinnate-ramulose ; branches robust, thick and tumid. Leaves close, falcate, with elongate-ovate or oblong base and short acumen, faintly or not striate, more or less denticulate all around, not reflexed on the borders, larger than in H. imponens ; cells very narrow, the alar (one or two) large and pellucid, the other basal cells yellow ; paiaphyllia few, subulate. Perigonial leaves very broad-ovate, abruptly narrowed to a straight subulate point. Capsule obovate, asymetric or subcylin- dric and arcuate, thick and not striate ; teeth yellow, segments oi'ange, cilia short and not appendicalate; pedicel 4-5 cm. long; upper peri- chetial leaves erect. This species seems to be confounded with H. imponens. St. John's and Hopewell Bay, Bay Bull Arm and White Bay, New- foundland. {Reo. A. Waghome.) On stones, McNab Island, Halifnx Harbor, N.S. ; on rotten logs at the summit level of the Canadian Pacific Eailway, mar Hector, Ilocky Mountains, alt. 5,300 feet; on old logs at Leamington, Lake Krie, and at Eockcliffe, Ottawa, Ont. ; on stones in woods at Hull, Que. (Macoun.) Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) (880.) H. imponens, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 393 ; Canadian Musci, No. 348. Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Pictou Co., N.S. (^McKay.) Old logs, Canaan Forks, N.B. {J. Moser.) Bay Bull Arm, Placentia Bay, and New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Reo. A. Waghome.) Old logs, Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; common on rotten logs at Ot- tawa ; abundant in woods at Belleville, Ont. ; on old logs at Hastings, B.C. ; and on Mount Arrowsraith, Vancouver Island. (^Macoun.) (881.) H. subimponens, Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 393 ; Canadian Musci, No. 349. Old logs, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Green Harbor, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) Very common on trees and on the ground in British Columbia and on Vancouver Island. {Lyall.) On wet rocks at Eevelstoke, Deer Park (Lower Arrow Lake), and at Pass Creek Falls, near Sproat, Columbia Eiver ; abun- dant on rocks at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On logs at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Dawson.) MACouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 237 Yar. criStula, Kindb. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XVII., 280; Cana- dian Musci, No. 350. Leaves green or brownish-green, estriate, filiform-pointed, the point a little shorter than the lanceolate base. Capsule, cylindric, narrow, faintly curved, suberect ; teeth at the base pale yellow, hyaline above ; perichetial leaves faintly striate. Quite common on rocks in oak woods, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; fruiting abundantly in April, 1887 ; on rocks at Moodyville, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (Macoun.) (882.) H. revolutum, (Mitt.) Lindb. H. Heufleri, Jur. ; Schimp. Syn. ed. II, 760. On dry rocks at Morley, foothills of Eocky Mountains ; also on dry rocks, three miles below Hector, Eocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Green- land. (FL Gr.) (883.) H. plicatile, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James, Mosses ofN. America, 394 ; Canadian Musci, No. 352. Davis Strait. {Taylor.) Eocky Mountains. (Bourgenu.) On stones. Cypress Hills, Alberta; on rocks at the Eocky Mountain Carton, Peace Eiver, lat. 56° ; on rocks near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ; on dry rocks at Lytton, B.C. ; very abundant on rocks on tbe summit of Tunnel Mountain and other mountains at Banff, Eocky Mountain Park. {Macoun.) This species is probably not distinct from H. revo- lutum. (884.) H. cupressiforme, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 394 ; Canadian Musci, No. 351. Miquelon Island. {Deldmare.) Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) Eiver Montmorency, Beauport, Que. {St. Cyr.) New Harbor, St. Johns Green Willow, and Bay Eobert, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) On earth at Truro and on logs at Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on rocks, South-west Point, Anticosti ; on logs, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on earth and rocks, shore of Lake Winni- pegoosis, Man. ; on earth. Cypress Hills, Alberta ; base of Saddle Mountain, Devil's Lake, Eocky Mountains ; on rocks at Yale, B.C. ; on earth, Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) (885.) H. complexum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 396. On rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) On rocks between Fort William and Cumberland House. {Richardson.) I 238 GEOLOaiCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. (886.) H. arcuatiforme, Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts dense, green, not glossy. Stem creeping, subpinnate. Leaves arcuate, ovate-lanceolate, generally short-acuminate or sub-obtusate, entire, decui rent, not striate ; alar cells large, well-defined, orange, the other pale and narrow ; costa none or short and double. Capsule sub- cylindric, curved, not striate nor furrowed, constricted below the wide mouth ; teeth when dry incurved, pale-yellow, hyaline-margined ; cilia long, appendiculate; pedicel about 3 cm. long. Probably di(Ecious. Resembles in habit Hypnum cupressifornie. Lid and male flowers not found. The allied Hypnum JJindbergii, Mitt.. (H. arcuatum, Lindb.) diiTers at once in the not creepinir, irregularly divided stem, the shorter pedicel, the larger capsule, &c. On earth near the gate of the cemetery at Beechwood, near Ottawa, Ont., September 29th, 1889. (^Macoun.) (887.) H. Lindbergii, Mitt. H. arcuatum, Lindb. On rocks at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. CJ. Moser.) Green- land. (^Fl. Gr.) Miquelon Island. (Deld,mare.) Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland. {Eev. A. Waghome.) (888.) H. Renauldii, Kindb. (n. sp.) Agrees with H. curcifolium in the stem being more or less pinnate, the inner basal leaf cells finally yellow; with U. Lindbergii in the leaves being decurrent, alar cells very much dilated, the capsule not plicate in a dry state; differs from both in the entire leaves. Hyynum pra- tense differs in the leaves not being striate nor decurrent, and alar cells not evolute. On earth at Sicamous, B.C. ; on wet ground and old logs at Revel- stoke, B.C. ; on rocks, Sydenham River, Owen Sound, Ont. ; on earth, near the small lake north of the Aylmer Road, Hull, Que. ; on earth at Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island. (Maeoun.) On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) New Harbor and St. Johns, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghome.) (889.) H. curvifoiium, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 39b' ; Canadian Musci, No. 353 ; Lrumm. Muse. Bor.- Am., No. 197. Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghome.) Bass River, N.B. {Fowler s Cat.) On logs. MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 239 Tobique Eiver, IST.B. (Hay.) Decayed logs, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (-D' Urban.) On earth at Truro, N".S. ; on old logs at Ottawa ; abundant on logs by swamps at Belleville, Wooler, Port Dover and Leamington, Ont. ; on rocks at ISTepigon Eiver, Ont. (Mrtcown.) Prospect Creek, B.C. (Dawson.) Vicinity of London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) Moist shady places in Upper Canada (Ontario.) (Drum- mond.) (890.) H pratense, Koch, MS. ; Lesq. & Jaraes, Mosses of K America, 397 ; Canadian Musci, No. 351. H. amoenum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am.. No. 196, in part. Heart's Delight, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) On earth Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Swamps near Carlton House. (JDrummond.) On earth west of the Fraser Eiver at Quesnel, B.C. ; also at Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl Gr.) (891.) H. pseudo-pratense, Kindb. (n. sp.) Nearly allied to ffypnum pratense. Differs in the tufts being more compact, the branches radiculose below, the leaves more crowded, not decurrent, more distinctly denticulate near the apex, and in the monoe- cious inflorescence. Capsules not found. On old logs in woods at the mouth of Sturgeon Creek, Leamington, Lake Erie, Ont., September 19th, 1890. (Macoun.) (892.) H. Bambergeri, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 397. Beechy Island and Wellington Channel. (Lyall fide Mitten.) Green- land. {Fl. Gr.) Subgenus VIII. HETEROPHYLLUM, C. Mueller. (893.) H. Haldanianum, Grev. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 397 ; Canadian Musci, No. 355. H. pvlchrum, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 180, in part Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) On old logs ; common. New Brunswick. (Fowler s Cat.) On decaying trunks, at Canaan Forks, N.B. (J. Moser.) On logs, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) On old logs, Truro, N.S. ; abundant on rotten logs around Ottawa, Belleville and Wooler, Ont. ; on logs at Lake Nipissing, Ont. (Macoun.) Common in cedar 240 OEOLOGJCAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVBT OP CANADA. swamps near London, Ont. {J. Beamess.) Upon trunks of trees in Upper Canada. (Dru7nmond.) (894.) H. nemorosum, Koch ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 398. On decayed wood at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) (895.) H. flaccum, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts large and loose, brown below, pale-green above. Stems pinnate, sparingly radiculose, red-brown ; branches elongate, attenuate, distant and flaccid ; paiaphyllia few, multiform. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, shortly subulate-acuminate, not curved, concave-involute, patent, with excavate dark-orange auricles at the base; stem-leaves decurrent, slightly recurved at the basal angles ; branch-leaves loose, sub-disti- chous, not decurrent nor recurved ; cells narrow, long-linear, not chlorophyllose, the alar large, subquadrate, the inner basal nari*ow, pale-orange ; costa short, double and indistinct or none. Barren. On old logs (or rocks) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On rocks at the foot of Jones Falls, Sydenham Eiver, Owen Sound, Ont. (Macoun.) (896.) H. subflaccum, C.M.& Kindb. (n.sp.) Vylindrothecium DrummoTKiix, Canadian Musci, No. 436. Tufts loose, glossy green. Stem green, irregularly branching, not radiculose ; branches few and long, flaccid, sub-compressed when dry ; paraph3-llia none. Leaves striate, oblong-lanceolate, denticulate above to ^, not curved, loosely appressed or subpatent ; the basal angles hyaline, not excavate ; stem-leaves short-decurront, acute or short- acuminate ; branch leaves not decurrent, longer acuminate ; cells nar- row, long-linear and chlorophyllose, the basal dilated, hyaline and irregular, sub-rectangular, the inner rarely pale-yellowish ; costa none. Dioecious. Female plants not found. Habit of Hypnum pratense, but it has entire leaves. On earth in the " Big Swamp," Murray, Northumberland Co., Ont. October 9th, 1888. (Macoun.) (897.) H. pseudo-drepanium, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Tufts loose, green, faintly glossy. Secondary stems very long, flaccid, subpinnate, sparingly radiculose, faintly compressed ; para- phyllia none ; branchlets few and very short, curved at the apex. Leaves plicate, entire, from a short broad-ovate base narrowed into a MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 241 short incurved, acute acumen, crowded, loosely appressed when dry, not decurrent, not distinctly chlorophyllose ; basal cells hyaline, dilated (the inner sometimes yellowish) thick-walled, the alar large sub-rectangular, well-defined, the other longer and narrower ; auricles excavate ; costa indistinct or short and double. Dioecious. Female plants not found. On old logs in woods, Dow's swamp, Ottawa, Ont., September 16th, 1889. (Macoun.) Subgenus IX. LIMNOBIUM, Bruch & Schimp. (898.) H. palustre, Huds. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 398; Canadian Musci, No. 356 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 195. Upon rocks in rivers ; common. (Drummond.) On rocks in brooks, Never's Eapids, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On stones in Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on stones in Fox Eiver and in Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gasp^ Co., Que. ; on rocks below Jones Falls, near Owen Sound, Ont. ; on stones Black River, Lake Nepigon ; also on rocks in Current River, near Port Arthur, Lake Superior ; on stones in Swift Current Creek, Assiniboia ; in a ravine on Sulphur Mountain, at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on stones in a brook, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; in a brook at Deer Park, Columbia River ; in a creek at Spence's Bridge, B.C. (Macoun.) On wet rocks summit of Mount Queest, Cold Range and up the North Thompson River, B.C. (J. M. Macoun.) (899.) H. Columbico-palustre, C. M. &Kindb. (n. sp.); Canar dian Musci, No. 493. Diflfers from Hypnum palustre in the leaves being longer-apiculate, faintly denticulate, the margins recurved below at one side, the alar cells dilated, well-defined, the costa stout, vanishing above the middle. On rocks at the mouth of the Illicillewaet Canon, near Revelstoke, B.C., May 18th, 1890. (Macoun.) (900.) H. dilatatum, Wils.; Canadian Musci, No. 357. IT. {Limnobium) molle, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 399 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 194. On stones in Gull River, "Victoria Co., Ont. ; on stones in brooks along the north shore of Lake Superior ; abundant on stones in the Kamanistiquia River, below Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior ; on rocks in the stream that discharges the Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk 16 242 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. Mountains, B.C. (^Macoun.) In rivulets, immediately to the westwai-d ofthe" Height of Land," Eocky Mountains. (Drummond.) Green- land. {Fl. Gr.) (901.') H. pseudo-arcticum, Kindb., Bull. Tom Bot. Club, XVII, 280. DiflPers from H. arcticum in the leaves being crenulate at least above the middle ; costa short and double, not reaching to the middle ; peri- chetial leaves short-acuminate, sen'ulate. Peristomial segments rimose in the middle. Stem sparingly radiculose. On stones in mountain brooks near Sicamous ; and in brooks on the Gold Eange, north of Griffin Lake, B.C.. July 9th, 1889. (Macom.) (902.) H. Norvegicum, Bruch & Schimp., Bryol. Europ. VL Greenland. (FL Gr.) (903.) H. polare, Lindb. Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (904.) H. circulifolium, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) Nearly allied to Hypnum dilatatum, "Wils. (H. molle, Lesq. & James). Stem loosely foliate, denudate at the base. Leaves patent, when diy subcircular, faintly crenulate nearly all around, slightly decui'rent, at the cordate base distinctly auriculate and in the middle carinato, nar- rowed above to an indistinct obtuse tip ; alar cells large, inflate, sub- oval, the apical also short, the other narrow and flexuous ; costa none or indistinct. Barren. On rocks, Never's Eapids, Queen's Co., N.B., July, 1889. (J. Moser.) (905.) H. arcticum, Sommerf ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 400 ; Canadian Musci, No. 358. On stones in Fox Eiver and St. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on rocks along Lake Nepigon, Ont. ; on stones in brooks, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; also along the Quesnel Eiver, Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) Eocky Mountains. (Lyall.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (906.) H. Goulardi, Schimp. On stones in Ste. Anne des Monts Eiver, Gasp^ Co., Que.; and along Gunn Eiver, Anticosti. (Macoun.) •JACouN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 243 <90*7.) H. torrentis, C. M. & Kindb. (n. sp.) H. Govlardi, Canadian Musci, No. 503. Differs from H. Goulardi in the stems being filiform, very rigid, the leaves smaller, subcircular, crenulate all around, reflexed at the basal margins, the costa thick and nearly percurrent ; it differs also from Hypnum arcticum in the loosely disposed, decurrent leaves and their large angular cells. On sloping limestone rocks in the bed of the torrent a little above the station at Hector, Rocky Mountains, August 12th, 1890. {Macoun.) (908.) H. alpestre, Swartz. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N.America, 399 ; Canadian Musci, No. 396. On rocks in a glacier stream discharging the melted snow on the east side of Castle Mountain, and on Yermillion Mountain at Banff, Eocky Mountains. (Macoun.) Greenland. (^Fl. Gr.) (909.) H. montanum, Wils. MS.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 401. On damp rocks in the bed of-Sydenham River at Owen Sound, Ont. {Macoun.) Pickle Harbor, Newfoundland. {Bev. A. Waghorne.) (910.) H. pseudo-montanum, Kindb. (n. sp.) ; Canadian Musci, No. 539. Nearly allied to Hypnum montanum, differing principally in the stem being longer and more robust, the leaves larger and thinner, more loosely disposed, longer decurrent, not distinctly denticulate, the alar cells large, reaching to the costa, which is simple and prolonged above the middle. Inflorescence monoecious. Capsules not found. This species and Hypnum montanum have a peculiar habit in the leaves being variously curved, either incurved or recurved in the same specimen, and are rather appearing to belong to the section Campylium. Their position in the section Limnohium is at least doubtful. On rocks in all the streams around Owen Sound, especially below Jones Falls and the Potawatomie Falls, September 15th, 1890. {Macoun.) (911.) H, eugyrium, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 401 ; Canadian Musci, No. 535. On stones, Bass River, N.B. {Fowler's Cat.) On stones in the brook at Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; on stones in a ravine, Sulphur Mountain, Banff, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Pictou Co., 244 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA N.S. (McKay.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Chance Cove, Green Island, White Bay and Topsail Harbor, Newfoundland. (Eev. A. Wag- home.) (912.) H. ochraceum, Turner, MS. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K. America, 401 ; Canadian Musci, No. 360. Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) Battle Harbor, Labrador ; and Broad Cove, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) Kent Co., and Frederic- ton, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On stones in brooks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On stones in brooks at Truro, N.S. ; on wet rocks at Mamainse, Michipicotin and Otter Head, Lake Superior ; on rocks in brooks, House .Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ;. on wet rocks. Peace Eiver, at Hudson Hope, lat. 56° ; on earth and stones, Bear Creek, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on stones in streams on the Gold Range, north of Griffiu Lake, B.C. ; also on dripping rocks. North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (Macoun.) Cascade Mountains, B.C. (Lyall.) Davis Straits. (Taylor.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Sitka, Alaska, 1891. (J. M. Macoun.) (913.) H. stramineum, Dicks. H. (Calliergon) stramineum, Dicks ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America,. 405 ; Canadian Musci, Na 473; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 210. In a marsh at the " Height of Land," Rocky Mountains ; but rare. (Drummond.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Hopewell Bay, New- foundland ; Indian Harbor, and Venison Tickle, Labrador. (Rev. A. Waghome.) Cape Chudleigh, Mansfield Island and Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. (R. Bell.) Bogs and swampy woods, Jupiter River, Anticosti. (Macoun.) Among sphagnum, at Bass River, N.B. (Fow- ler's Cat.) Peat bog, Mer Bleue, near Ottawa ; in a small bog two miles west of the C. P. Ry. station, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains ; among grass at the summit of the Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) (914.) H. trifarium, Web. & Mohr. H. ( Calliergon) trifarium, Web. A Mohr ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 405 ; Canadian Musci, No. 365. In stagnant pools, Wellington Beach, Prince Edward Co., Ont. ; boggy shore of Lake Huron at the Fishing Islands, Bruce Co., Ont. ; in a bog at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; in peat bogs near the Nechacco River, Northern British Columbia. (Macoun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) MACOUN.] CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 245 (915.) H. turgescens, Scbimp. H. {Calliergon) turgesdens, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of X. America, 406 ; Canadian Musci, No. 483. Davis Straits. (Lyall.) In boggy places at Hector, and in a glacier stream, on the mountain north of it, alt. 7,500 feet ; also on Mount Aylmer, alt. 8,300 feet, Eocky Mountains ; in a small brook, Eoger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) {916.) H. scorpioides, Linn. H. {Scorpidium) scorpioides, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 406 ; Canadian Musci, No. 366 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 200. Common in marshes near Carlton House. (Drummond.) In very marshy peat bogs. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; on the boggy margins of small lakes near Marmora Village, North Hastings, Ont. ; in bogs at Castle Mountain and Hector, Eocky Mountains. (^Macoun.') Green- land. {Fl. Gr.) Miquelon Island. (Deldmare.) Battle Harbor, Labrador ; and Western Cove, White Bay, Newfoundland. {Eev. A. Waghorne.) (917.) H. badium, Hartm. H. {Calliergon) hadium, Hartm. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 406. On rocks, coast of Labrador. (J. A. Allen.) Greenland. (FL Gr.) Subgenus X. CALLIERGON, Lesq. & James. (918.) H. cordifolium, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of K America, 402 ; Canadian Musci, No. 361. Pictou Co., N.S. (McKay.) Battle Harbor, Labrador; and New Harbor, Newfoundland. (Bev. A. Waghorne.) In wet sandy places, Bass Eiver, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Swamps, Tobique Eiver, N.B. (Hay.) Damp woods, Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; in wet woods at Beechwood and Dow's swamp, Ottawa ; on the ground in swamps at Belleville and Wooler, Ont. ; damp woods, Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior ; bogs at Morley, foothills of Eocky Mountains ; in springs around Kicking Horse Lake, Eocky Mountains. (Maccun.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Near London, Ont. (J. Dearness.) 246 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. (919.) H. giganteum, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 403 ; Canadian Masci, No. 362. H. cordifolium, Dramm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 209. Common in swamps and marshy places. (Drufnmond.) In springs at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) In swamps at Becscie Eiver, Anticosti ; peat bogs at Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; in swamps at Ottawa ; peat bogs. Oak Hills, Hastings Co., Ont. ; peat bogs. Porcupine Mountains, Man. ; in bogs on the slopes of House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. ; in springs at Morley and 3anff, Rocky Mountains ; in swamps at Craigellachie, Eagle Eiver, B.C. ; also in springs at Revelstoke, B.C. {Macoun.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) Near London, Ont. {J. Deamess.) (920.) H. Richardsoni, (Mitt.) ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 404 ; Canadian Musci, No. 378. H. trifarium, Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Am., No. 211. Baffin's Bay, coast of Greenland. (Inglefield.) Swamps about the Great Bear Lake. (Richardson.) In a marshy bog at Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; in water along the south end of McKay's Lake at Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.) (921.) H. sarmentosum, Wahl. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 403 ; Canadian Musci, No. 363, in part. In bogs at Bonne Esperance, Labrador. (/. A. Allen.) In bogs at Salt Lake, Anticosti. {Macoun.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) Battle Harbor and Seal Islands, Labrador ; While Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) (922.) H. cuspidatum, Linn. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N,. America, 403 ; Canadian Musci, No. 385. Miquelon Island. (JJeldmare.) Peaty meadow at Tignish, Prince Edward Island ; in swamps at Craigellachie, Eagle Pass, B.C. ; also in swampy woods near Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Pack Eiver, B.C. {Lyall.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) "White Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghome.) (923.) H. purum, Linn. Miquelon Island. {Delamare.) MAcouN.] CATALOGUE OP CANADIAN PLANTS. 247 (924.) H, Schreberi, Willd. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 404 ; Canadian Musci, No. 364 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Ara., No. 208. Shady woods ; abundant. (Brummond.) In shady woods, Bass Eiver, and Little Branch, Miramichi Eiver, IST.B. (Fowler's Cat.) Shaded ground, Queen's Co., N.B. (J. Moser.) On logs in woods, Tobique River, N.B. {Hay.) Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) Baie St. Paul, Charlevoix Co., Que. (*Si^ Cyr.) Miquelon Island. {Delamare.) Deep "Water Creek and Battle Harbor, Labrador ; Placentia Bay and Bay Eobert, Conception Bay, Newfoundland. {Rev. A. Waghorne.) Quite common on logs and earth in shaded woods across the con- tinent. Truro, N.S. ; Brackley Point and Eustico Bay, Prince Edward Island ; Gasp^ Co., Que. ; Ottawa, Belleville, Wooler and Owen Sound, Ont. ; in woods, Lake Manitoba, Man. ; on logs at Eevel- stoke, Columbia Eiver, B.C. ; also at Moodyville, Buri*ard Inlet, B.C. ; common in woods at Quesnel, B.C. {Macoun.) Saskatchewan. {Bour- geau.) Greenland. {Fl. Gr.) Sitka. {Both. Alash.) Kadiak Island, Alaska. {J. M. Macoun.) 129. HYLOCOMIUM, Schimp. (925.) H. splendens, (Hedw.) Schimp. Hypnum {Pleurozium) splendens, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 407 ; Canadian Musci, No. 367 ; Drumm. Muse. Bor.-Aiu. No. 218. • Shady woods. (Drummond.) Pictou Co., N.S. {McKay.) Miquelon Island. {Delamare.) Battle Harbor, Labrador ; and New Harbor, Newfoundland. {Bev. A. Waghorne.) On old logs ; common, N.B. (Fowler's Cat.) On earth iu woods, Never's Eapids, Queen's Co., N.B {J. Moser.) On earth at Tobique Eiver and Lac Bean, N.B. {Hay.) Fallen trees, Eiver Eouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. (D' Urban.) Yery common near London, Ont. {J. Dearness.) Quite common on logs and earth in cool shady woods across the continent. Common at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; South-west Point, Anticosti ; Pirate's Cove, Straits of Canso, N.S. ; Gaspd Co., Que. ; at Ottawa, Carleton Place, Belleville, and Owen Sound, Ont. ; common in the Eocky Mountains at Hector, Lake Louise and Banff ; in woods along the Columbia Eiver at Eevelstoke, B.C. ; at Quesnel on the Eraser Eiver, and Hastings Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; common in woods, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Alert Bay, Vancouver Island, and Queen Charlotte Islands. {Dawson.) In woods along the Athabasca River, N.W.T., and Sitka, Alaska. {J. M. Macoun.) Nulato and Alaska. {Both. 248 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. Alask.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (Palmer.) Greenland. (Fl. Gr.) Var. com pactum, Lesq. & James. Near Forteau, Labrador. (J. A. Allen.) (926.) H. Alaskanum, (Lesq. & James). Kindb. Hypnum {Calliergim) Alaskanum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 405. H. umbratum, Canadian Musci, No. 368, in part On earth in woods at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; also on earth in mountain M'oods at Spence's Bridge, B.C., alt. 3,500 feet ; in woods at House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, N.W.T. (Macoun.) On the ground in Alaska. (Lesq. himp. 160 var. elongatum, Kindb.. 160 cylindrioarpum, Aust 160 longinerre, Kindb 230 None Brunsvicese, Can. Muse. 159 obtusulum, Kindb. .159,274 pallescens, Bruch ifc Schimp.. 160 uncinatum, Mitt 160 Dichodontium, Schimp 19, 258 flavescens, Lindb 19 pelhicidiim, Schimp 19, 2:8 var. fagi-montanum Braithw 19, 258 var. serratum, Hchimp 19^ Dicranella, Schimp 20, 258 cerviculata, Schimp 21 crispa, Schimp 20 Grevilleana, Schimp 20, 2.58 heteromalla, Schimp 22, 258 parvula, Kindb 21 rufescens, Schimp 22, 258 Schreberi, Schimp 20 Y&T.ocddentaliSyCa.n'Musc 20 PAGE. squarrosa, Schimp 21 subulata, Schimp 22, 258 varia, Schimp 21, 258 Dicranodondum, Bruch & Schimp 35 longirostre, Bruch & Schimp. 35 Dicranoweisia, Lindb 15, 256 cirrhata, Lindb 15 crispula, Lindb 15, 256 obliqua, Kindb 256 Dicranum, Hedw 23, 258 adiantoides, Drumm 37 albicans, Bruch & Schimp. ... 32 var. denticulatum, Kindb 261 angustifolium, Kindb 26, 259 arcticum, Schimp 23 Bergeri, Bland 33, 261 Biyttii, Bruch & Schimp 24 Bonjeani, De Not 32 Bovjeani, De Not 33 brachycaulon, Kindb 34 brevifolium, Lindb 30, 260 bryoidesf, Drumm 35 Canadense, Kindb 30 Columbite, Kindb 32 congestiforme, C. M. & Kindb 29 congestnm, Brid 29, 259 congestum, Brid 31 crispulum, C. M. & Kindb .... 27 crinpum, Drumm 20 dipteroneuron, C. Muell 34 Druramondii, C. Muell 33, 261 var. trachy neuron, Kindb 34, 261 Drummondii, C. Muell 30 elongatum, Schwaegr 31, 260 elongatum, Schwaegr 25 var. minor, Drumm. ..24, 260 flagellare, Hedw 25 fragilifolium, Lindb 31, 260 fulvellum, Smith 23 fulvum. Hook 24 fuscescens. Turn 29, 259 var. brevirostre, Kindb.. 30 fuscescens, Lesq. & J ames 29 glavfum, Drumm 38 gracilescens, Aust 17 Grcenlandicum, Brid 31 Groinlandicum, Limpr 31 heteromallum, Drumm 22 hyperboreum. Smith 23 julaceum, Drumm 20 Labradoricum, C. Muell 25 latifolium, Drumm 47 leioneuron, Kindb 27 leucobasis, C. M. & Kindb. 30, 260 lon'.'ifolium, Hedw 31 majus. Turn 27 mo jus. Turn 30 microcarpum, Drumm 18 Miquelonense, Ren. & Card . . 25 284 GEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OP CANADA. PAGa molte, Wils 23,258 montanum, Hedw 24, 259 Muehlenbeckii, Bruch & Schimp 30 neglectum, (Limpr.) 260 oemundoides, Turn 37 paluslre, Lesq. & James 32 pdlucidum, Drumm 53, 258 plano-alare, C. M. & Kindb.. 31 polycarpum, Drumm 257 rliahdocarpum 29 Richardnoni, Drumm 18 rugosum, Kindb 33 var. rugulosum, Kindb ... 33 Sauteri, Schimp. var. pachy- trichum, Kindb 260 Schraderi, Weh. &. Mohr. ... 33 Schreberianum, Drumm 20 Bcoparium, Hedw 28, 259 var. pallidum, C. Muell.. 29 var. scoparii forme, Kindb 28, 259 Koparium, Hedw 27,33, 29 IScottianum, Drumm 17 spadiceura, Zett 260 spurium, Hedw 34 ^wrium. Can. Muse 34 Starkii, "W'eb. & Mohr 23, 259 var. major, Drumm 33 ttenodictyon, Kindb 35 strictum, Schleich ....24, 27, 259 strictum, Drumm 25 strumiferum, Drumm 17 subbusHare, Drumm 37 subpalustre, C. M. & Kindb.33, 261 mbpnlusire, C. M. & Kindb- . . 30 gubulatum, Drumm 22 subulifolium, Kindb 26 sulcatum, Kindb 26, 259 tenuinerve, Zett 25 tenumerve, Zett 25 undulatum. Turn 34 undulatum, Turn 33 undulifolium, C. M. & Kindb. 32 varium, Drumm 21, 20 riren.<(, Hedw 17 viride, Schimp 25 viride, Schimp 27 Didymodon, Hedw 44, 262 cxspitosus, Mitt 81 Baden-Powelli, Kindb 262 Canadensis, Kindb 44 capillnceum, 'Drumm 39 cylindricus, Bruch & Schimp. 45 fleodcavle, Drumm 46 fragile, Drumm 51 glatwescens, Drumm 46 heteromallum, Drumm 46 inclinatum, Drumm 40 Lappronicus, Mitt 80 PAGE. latifolium, Drumm 48 luridus, Hornsch 44 oblongifolium, Drumm 48 purpureum, Drumm 38 rigidulum, Drumm 54 rubelliis, Bruch & Schimp.. 44, 262 rufus, Lorentz 44 trifarium, Drumm 44 tortile, Drumm 45 Diphyecium, Mohr 157 foliosum, Mohr. 157 Dissodon, Grev. it Am 98 Fra'lichianus, Grev. & Am . . 98 Hornschuchii, Grev. & Am . . 98 splachnoides, Grev. t<: Am. . . 98 Distichium, Bruch & Schimp.. 39, 262 capillaceum, Bruch & Schimp 39, 262 inclinatum, Bruch & Schimp 40, 262 Macounii, C. M. & Kindb. ... 40 Drepanium. C. M uell 234 Drummondia, Hook 81 clavellata, Hook 81 var. Canadensis, Kindb. . 81 Encalypta, Schreb 93, 268 affinii*, Drumm 93 Alaskana, Kindb 269 ciliata, Hedw 94 ciliata, Drumm 94 commutata, Nees. & Hornsch. 93 cucullata, C. M. & Kindb.. .96, 269 leiocarpa, Kindb 95 leiomitra, Kindb 94 longijies, Mitt 95 Macounii, Aust 94 procera, Bruch 96 rhabdocarpa, Schwaejrr ....;. 93 rhaMocarpa, Schw. var leiomi- tra, Kindh 94 Selwyni, Aust 96 Spathvdata, Can. Muse. . 93 streptocarpa, Hedw 96 streptocarpa, Drumm 96 subspathulata, C. M. & Kindb. 93 vulgaris, Hedw 93, 268 Entodon, C. Mueller 176 acicularis, C. ]M. & Kindb .... 176 brevisetum, (Hook. & Wils)... 178 cladorrhizans, C. Muell 177 compressum, C. Muell 178 expallens, C. M. & Kindb. . . . 1 77 Macounii, C. M. & Kindb 177 pallens, C. M. & Kindb 177 seductrix, C. Muell 178 Eubarbula, C. Mueller 51 Eucladiura, Bryol. turop 14, 256 verticillatum,Bryol. Europ.l4, 256 Eugrimmia 65 Ephemerum, Hampe 11 ,N.] INDEX. 285 PAGE. minutissimnm, Lindb 11 serralum, Hampe var. anguHi- /oMwm, Schimp 11 Eurhyuclijum, Schimp 205, 276 Boscii, (Schwaegr) 206 crassinerve. Sohirap. var. lax- orete, Kindb 207 Dawsoni, Kindb . . . : 206 diversifolium, Bruch & Schimp 205 hians, (Hedw.) 206 Oreganum, (Sulliv.) 207 piliferum, Bruch &Schimp206, 276 prgelongum, Bruch & Schimp. 206 semiasperum,C. M. & Kindb. 207 Stokesii, Bruch & Schimp.207, 276 strigosum, Bruch & Schimp.. 205 subsfrigosum, Kindb 205 Sullivantii (Spruce) 206 Vaucheri, (Schimp) 205,276 Fabroneae 166 Fabronia, Raddi 166 pusilla, Raddi 166 Fissidenteae 35 Fissidens, Hedw 35, 261 adianloides, Hedw 37, 261 adiantoides, Hedw 37 var. brachyphylhim, Kindb 37 bryoides, Hedw 35 decipiens, PeNot 37 exiguus, Sulliv 36 grandifrons, Brid 38 incurvus, Schwaegr 36 tncwmis, Can. Muse 36 limbatus, Suihv 36 minutulup. Sulliv 36 osmundoides, Hedw 37, 261 pusillus, Wils 36 subbasilaris, Hedw 37 tamarinditolius, Don 36 Fontinaleae 157 Fontinalis, Dill 157^ 273 antipyretica, Linn 157,' 273 var. gigantea, Sulliv 158 biformis, Sulliv 158 capillacea, Drumm 1 60 Dalecarlica, Bruch & Schimp. 158 disticha, Hook. & Wils 159 hypnoides Hartm 159 Kindbergii, Ren. & Card 158 Kindbergii, Can. Muse 158 Lescurii, Can. Muse 158 Neo-Mexicana, Sulliv. & Lesq 158 Novse-Anglije, Sulliv 159 squamosa, Linn 159 squamosa, Drumm 158 tenella, Ren. & Card 159 PAGE. Funaria, Schreb I03 ealcarea, Wahl 103 hygrometrica, Sibth 103 var. calve^cens, Bruch & Schimp 104 Muhlenbergii, Drumm 103 Glyf)homitrium, Brid 79 Canadense, Mitt 79 Grimmieae 61 Grimmia, Ehrh 62, 266 adcularin. Mitt 72 Agassizii, Lesq. & James 64 alpestris, Schleich 70, 266 anodon, Bruch & Schimp 65 alpicola, Swartz 63, 266 apocarpa, Hedw 63, 266 apocarpa, Drumm 62 var. gracUi.% Lesp. & James 63 var. rivularU, Lesq. & James 63 va.T.stricta, Drnmm 62 arcuatifolia, Kindb. ... 69 atrata, Drumm 71 atricha, C. M. & Kindb 65 CaHfornica, Can. Muse 67 calyptrata, Hook 71 canescenn, Mitt 77 chloroblasta. Kindb 64 commuiata, Heuben 71, 266 commutata, Can. Muse 70 conferta, Funck 62 contorta, Bruch & Schimp 67 contorta, Walil 67' coscinodontoides, Kindb 64 erassinervis, C. Muell 64, 266 denm Kindb 69 depilata, Kindb 69 Donniana, Smith 70 elatior, Bruch 68 elatior, Bryol Europ 70 elongata, kaulf 71 funalis, Schimp 67 gracilis, Nees & Hornsch...63, 266 heterophylla, Kindb 64 Hookeri, Drumm 79 lanuginosff , Mitt 76 Mannia5, C. Muell d?. maritima, Turn 64, 266 maritima, Can. Muse 6,4 microtricha, C. M. Kindb 70 mollis, Bryol Europ 71 montana, Bruch & Schimp 71 Muehlenbeckii, Schimp . . .68, 267 nivalis, Kindb 66 Olneyi, Sulliv 69 ovata, Web. & Mohr 70, 266 pachyneurula, C. M. & Kindb 65 286 OEOLOaiCAL AND N VTURAL HISTJRT SURVEr OF CANADA. PAGE. patens, M itt 72 Fennsy Ivanica, Sch waegr ... 71 plagiopodia, Hedw 65 var. pilifera, Lesq. & James 65 platypliylla, Mitt 64 prolifera, C- M. t^ Kindb 67 pulvinata. Smith . 66 rivularis, Nees c<: Horn8h.63, 266 sarcocalyx, Kindb 66 Scouleria, Lesq. i^ James 61 spirilis, Hook, it Tay 1 67 slrqptophylla , Laubtn 68 sulcata. Saut 70 tenella, C. Muell 66 torqnata, Grev 68, 266 tortifolia, Kindb 68 trichopbylla, Grev 69 trichophylla 69 unicolor, Grev 71 vari", Mitt 75 Gymnostomum, Hedw 12, 256 calcareum, Nees ct Hornscli.. 12 var. brevifolium, Scbimp. 13 curvirostrum, Hedw 13, 256 Heimii, vars. 1, II, III, Drumm 43 Lapponicum, Drumm 80 latifoHum, Drumm 103 ovutum, Drum m 42 phascoidi'n. Drumm 12 platyphyllum, Kindb 13 pusiUum, Drumm 41 rupestre, Schwaegr 13, 256 var. stelligerum, Schimp. 13 subsemle Drumm* 42 tenue, Schrad 14 tortile, Drumm 12 riridimmum, Drumm 80 Harpidium, Sulliv 226 Hed w igia, Ehrli 78 ciliata, Elirh 78 var. leucopba'a, Schimp. . 78 var. secunda, Schimp.. . . 78 var. viridis, Schimp 78 pilifera, Mitt 79 subnuda, Kindb 78 Heterocladium, Bruch & Schimp. 182 aberrans, Ken. & Card- 183 dimorphum, Brid 1S2, 275 frullaniopsis, C M. & Kindb. 183 heteropterum, Bruch 182 /lomffiopifntm, C. M. »fe Kindb. 183 procurrens, Lesq. & James. • . 183 Vancouveriense, Kindb 183 Heterophyllum, C. Muell 239 Homalia, Brid 163 Macounii, C. M. & Kindb.... 163 obfusata. Mitt 163 trichomanoides, Lesq. & James 163 ( PAGE. HomalotJieoium, Bruch & Schimp 175, 274 corticola, Kindb 175, 274 pseudo-seriwuni, Lesq. & James 175 pseudn-fericcnm, Can. Muse... 188 sericeoides, C. M. & Kindb... 175 sericeum, Bryol. Europ 176 Hookerieae 166 Hylocomium, Schimp 247 Alaskanum, Kindb 248 brevirostre, Strhimp 248 calvescens, Lindb 249 loreum, Schimp 250 pyrenaicum, Lindb 248 robustum, Kindb 250 pplendens, Schimp 247 var. com pactum, Lesq. & James 248 sqarrosum, Schimp 249 var. calvescens, Lindb... 249 triquetrum, Schimp 249 umbratum, Schimp 248 Hypneae-..- i80 Hypnuni, Linu 222 abielinum, Linn 186 var. viinor, Drumm 1S4 acuminatum, Beauv 191 aculicw^)ii>. Mitt 204 acutum, Mitt 193 advatum, Hedw 220 adhutiim, var. ( 'an. Muse 22v) uduncum, Druuun 227 aduncum, Can. Muse 226 var. Kneipi, Schimp 226 seneum, Mitt 188 oggregaium. Mitt 204 Alaskanum, Lesq. k James. . . 248 albicans, Neck 194 Allcghauiense, C. Muell 21() alpesire, Swartz 243 awcenum, Drumm 239 aplocladum, Mitt 204 arcticum,Sommerf 242 arcualum, Lindb 238 arcuatiforme, Kindb... 238 asperrimum, Mitt 200 attenuaium, Dramm 171 badium, Hartms 245 budium, Hartms 245 Bambergeri. Schimp 239 Bigelouii, SuUi v 211 Blondowii, Web. & Mohr 186 Boscii, Schimp 206 brevifolium, Lindb 227 Breiterianum, Lesq 204 byssirameum, C. M. & Kindb. 223 brevirostre, Ehrh 248 DUN.] INDEX. 287 PAGE. cxsipitosum, Brid 235 callichrouin, Wils 202 campeMre, Brid 200 Canadense, Kindb 236 catenulatum, Drumtn 182 chloropterura, C. M. & Kindb. 231 chrysophyllum. Brid 223 circinale, Hook 235 circinale, Can. Muse 235 circnlifolium. C. M. & Kindb.. 242 commutatum, Hedw 232 commutatum var. falcaium Brid 232 compactum, C. Muell 221 comjiaclum. Can. Muse. ...... 221 complexum, Lesq. & James •• 237 collinum, Schleieh 196 Columbia-, Kindb 224 Columbieo-palustre, C. M. & Kindb 241 covfervoides, Drumm 217 conferfoides, Brid 218 conflatum, C M. & Kindb. . . . 230 cordifolium, Hedw 245 cordifolium, DrHiiim 246 Cossoni, Sciiimp 227 crispifolium, Hook 186 erista-castrensis, Linn 233 cupressiforme, Linn 237 cupresmforme, Drumm 235 cupressiforme var. angustoribun, Drumm 234 eurvifolium, Hedw 238 cnspidatum, Linn 246 eylindricarpum, C- Muell 208 deeipiens, (DeNot.) 232 decursivulum.C. M. & Kindb. 224 delicatulum, Linn 185 demmum, Wils 208 demismm, Can. Muse 208 denticulatum, Brueh & Sehimp. 214 var. Donianum, Drumm . . 212 deplanatum, Sehimp 209 dilatatum, Wils 241 diver sijolium., Sehimp 205 Donnellii, Aust 195 elegans, Hook 213 ercctom, Drumm 191 eugyrium, Sehimp 243 exannulatum, Guembel 228 falcatum, Brid 232 var. mierophy Hum, Kindb 232 fastigiatum, Brid 235, 277 fertile, Sendt 234 filicinum, Linn 230 var. aeieulinum, C. M. & Kindb 231 flaceum, C. M. & Kindb 240 Flemmingii, Lesq. & James. . . 250 fluitans, Linn 225 PAGE. fluitans. Can. Muse 230 flvviatile, Swartz 220 geminum, Lesq & James 212 giganteum, Sehimp 246 Goulardi, Sehimp 242 Goulardi, Can. Muse 243 gracile, Brueh & Sehimp 184 Haldanianum, Grev 239 Halleri, Drumm 224 hamatidens, Kindb 189 hamulosum, Brueh & Sehimp 235, 277 Hevfleri. Jur 237 Mans, Hedw 206, 207 hispidulum.Brid 222, 277 Jamefdi, Lesq. & James 209 illecehrum, Sehwaegr 203 illecebrum, Drumm 206 imponens, Hedw 236 intermedium, Lindb 227 irriguum, Lesq. & James 220 Kneiffii, (Brueh & Sehimp)... 226 var. graeilescens, Brueh & Sehimp 226 var. laxum, Kindb 226 var. platyphyllum, Kindb 226 var. reetilohum, Kindb. . 226 Ixlum, Brid 190 laxifolium, Sehwaegr 187 latebricola, Brueh & Sehimp.. 211 latebricola, Can. Musci 211, 277 lentum. Mitt 203 Lindbergii, Mitt 238 longinerve, Kindb 230 loreum, Linn 250 lulescens, Drumm 193 lutescens, Hedw 188 lycopodiodes, Sehwaegr 227 Maeounii, Kindb 224 medium, Drumm 168 micrvcarpum, C. Muell 209 minutissimum, SuUiv 216 minutulum, Hedw 184 molle, Lesq. & James 241 molluseum, Hedw 233 moniliforme, Drumm 167 montanum, Wils 243 Moseri, Kindb 229 Muehlenbeckii, Spruce 213 myosuroides, Linn 203 neckeroides, Hook 210 nemorosum, Koeh 240 Nevadense, Lesq 188 nitens, Sehreb 189 Norvegieum, Brueh & Sehimp 242 Novse-Angliae, Sulliv. & Lesq. 231 Novse-Angllse, Can. Muse 231 Nuttaim, Wils 188 Oakesii, Sulliv 248 obtusifolium, Hook 202 288 OEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. PAGE. ochraceum, Turn 24* cedcpodium, Mitt, 19" Oreganum, Snlliv 207 orthocladon, Beanv 2l9 orthothecioides, Lindb 229 pallescens, Schimp 23^ palustre, Hnds 24l Passaicense, Lesq. & James. . . 21 1 pUiferum, Scbrad 206 pinna tifidum, Can. Muse 18^ plicatUe, Lesq. «& James 237 plumomm, Swartz « 202 polare, Lindb 242 polyanlhos, Drumm. 173 polygamum, Wils 225 popiUeum, Hedw 201 porphyrhizum, Can. Muf c 219 praloiigum, Lesq. it James.... 207 pratense, Hook 239 proliferum, Drumm 185 var. compactum, Drjmm.. 185 pseudo-arciicura, Kindb 242 pseudo-drepanium, C M. &, Kindb 240 pseudo-fastigiatum, C. M. & Kindb 235 pseudo-montanum, Kindb... 243 pseudo-pratense, Kindb 239 pulchcllum, Dicks 212 pulchellum, Drumva 212 puchellum, Can, Muse 212 pulchrum, Drumm 191. 239 purura, Linn .' 246 radicale, Beanv 217 radicate, Drumm 219 recoguilum, Hedw 185 rccurronf, Schwaegr 208 reflexum, Starke 197 Renauldii, Kindb 238 reptile, Miclix 234 revolutum, Lindb 237 revolvens, Swartz - . 227 revolvens, var. intermedium, Lesq. & James 227 Richardsoni, Mitt 246 riparium, Linn 221 rivulare, Bruch . 200 var. Novx-Brunsvidfe Kindb 201 robustum, Hook 250 ro9tratum, Drumm 170 rujescens- Drumm 179 rugosum, Linn 232 rugulomm, Drumm 232 rttsdjorme, Weis 210 Rutabulum, Linn 197 Rulahvlum, Can. Muse 195 salebrosum, Drumm 190, 194 salcbromm, Hoffm 192 sarmentosum, Wahl 246 PAGE. Schreberi, Willd 247 sciturn, Beauv 184 scorpioides, Schimp 245 scorpioidef, Linn 245 Sendtneri, Can. M use 230 Sendtneri, Schimp 226 Sequoieti, C. Muell 235 ferxcerim, t>rumm 176 serpens, Linn 218 \&T. compactum, Drumm. 221 ferrtdaium, Hedw 210 Silesianum, Drumm 215 Sommerfeltii, Myrin 223 Sommerfeltii, Can. Muse 224 spiculiferum, Mitt 203, 204 fplendens, Hedw 247 iipmcei, Bruch & Schimp 217 /quarrosum, Linn 249 6zka\ Can. Muse 218 Isothecium, Brid 203, 275 acuticuspis, Lesq. & James... 204 aggregatum, Lesq. & James.. 204 aplocladum, Lesq. & James.. 204 Brewerianum, Lesq, & James. 204 Cardoti, Kindb 203, 275 Dawsoni, Kindb 200 lentum, Lesq. & James 203 myosnroides, Brid • 203, 275 myurellum, Kindb 204 spiculiferum, Lesq. & James. 204 stoloniferum, Brid, 203 Leptobryum, Schimp HO, 270 pyriforme, Schimp 110, 270 Leptodon, Mohr 161 nitidus, Lindb 161 trichomitrion,Mohr 161 Leptodontium, Hampe 45 Canad en se. Kindb 45 Leptobarbula, Schimp 49 berica, Schimp 49 Leptotrichum, Hampe 45, 262 brevifoUum, Kindb 46 flexicaule, Hampe 46 var. densum, Schimp.. .• 46 var. densum 40 glaucescens, Hampe 46 262 homomalhim, Hampe 46 pallidum, Hampe 46 . tenue, C. Muell 49 tortile, C. Muell .. : 45 vaginans, Lesq. & James 45 Leskea, Hedw 168, 274 cry tophylla, Kindb 169 denticulata, Sulliv 170 nervosa, Myrin 169,^274 V'dT-flagelliJera.Kindh..- 172 nigrescerif;, Kindb 172 polycarpa, Ehrh 168 pulvinata, Wahl 170 subobtusifolia.C. M. & Kindb. 169 WoUei, Aust 170 Leskeeae 1^6 Lescursea, Schimp 170 imperfecta, C M. & Kindb.. . 170 Leucobryeee 38 Leucobry um, H ampe 38 vulgare, Hampe 38 Leucodon, Schwaegr 164 brachypus, Brid 164 sciuroides, Schwaegr 1 64 Leucodonteae 164 Limnobium, Bruch & Schimp 241 Macounia sciuroides,' Kindb 180 Meesia, Hedw 108, 270 Albertinii, Bruch & Schimp. . 109 longiseta, Hedw 109 tristicha, Bruch & Schimp. .. 109 uliginosa, Hedw 108, 270 var. alpina, Bruch & Schimp 109 var. minor, Bruch & Schimp 109 Meesiese lo^ Merceya 97 latifolia, Kindb 97 Meteorium, Brid 164 nigrescens. Mitt 164 Mielichhoferia, Hornech 110 cuspidifera, Kindb 110 nitida, Nees ct Hornsch. var. macrocarpa, C. Muell. •• 110 Mnium, Linn 136, 272 affine, Bland 138 Blyttii, Bruch & Schimp 142 cinclidioides, Heuben 142 cuspidatum, Hedw 136 var. tenellum. Kindb.... 136 decurrens. C. M. & Kindb- ... 140 Drummondii, Bruch & Schimp 137 hornum, Linn 139 hymenophylloides, Heuben.. 143 hymenophyllum, Bryol. Europ 143 inclinatum, Lindb .• 141 insigne, Mitt 138 var. intermedium, Kindb 139 lycopodioides, Lesq. & James.. 140 macrociliare, C. M. & Kindb. 137 medium, Bruch & Schimp. . . 138 medium * robuslum, Kindb . . . • 139 Menziesii, C. Muell 143 Nevii,C. Muell 137 Niagarte, Kindb 141 orthorrhynchum, Bruch & Schimp 140, 272 orthorrhynchum, Can. Muscl40, 142 pseudo-iycopodioides, C. M. & Kindb 140 punctatum, Hedw 142 rostratum, Schwaegr ....137, 272 rugicum, Laur 138 serratum, Brid 139 var. Macounii, Kindb.... 139 spinulosum, Bruch & Schimp. 141 steliare, "Hedw 142 subglobosum, Bruch & Schimp 143 19 290 QEOLOOIOAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY OF CANADA. PAGE. umbratile, Mitt 141 venustum, Mitt 137 Monocranum, C- Muell 35 dicranoides, C. Muell 35 stenodictyon, Kindb 35 Myarella. Bruch & Schimp 167 apiculata, Bruch & Schimp. . . 168 Careyana, Sulliv 168 gracilis, Lindb 168 jnlacea, Bruch & Schimp 167 Neckera, Hedw 161 complanata, Heuben 163 cladorrhizan», Drumm .... 178, 176 Douglasii, Hook 162 var. Macounii, Kindb.... 163 Menziesii, Drumm 161 var. amblyclada, Kindb.. 162 oligocarpa, Bruch «fe Schimp.. 162 o/tgiocnrpa, Can. Muse 162 pennata, Hedw 162 peterantha, C. M. & Kindb... 162 «mcea, Drumm 172 Neckereae 161 CEdipodiura,bchwa^r 102 Griffithianum, Schwaegr 102 Oligotrichum, DC 149 aligerum, Mitt 149 hercynicum. DC 149 var. latifolium, C. M. & Kindb 149 Lyallii, Lindb 149 Oreoweisia, Schimp. 15 serrulata, Schimp 15 var. tenuior, Kindb 15 Orthothecium, Bruch phlachnoides, Drumm. . . 98 Tayloria, Hook »-9 acuminata, Hornsch 99 serrata, Bruch & Schimp 99 aplachnoides, Hook 99 tenuis, Schimp 99 Tetraphideae 97 Tetraphis, Hedw 97, 269 geniculata, Girgena 97 pellucida. Hedw 97,269 Tetraplodon, Bruch & Schimp.. 99, 269 angustatus, Bruch & Schimp. 99 austraUs, Sulliv. & Lesq 100 mnioide8,Bruch&Schimp.lOO, 269 urceolatus, Bruch & Schimp 100, 269 Thamnium, Schimp 210 Alleghaniense, Bruch & Schimp 210 alopecurum, Schimp 210 Bigelowii, (Sulliv.) 211 Thelia, Sulliv 166 asprella, Sulliv 167 compacta, Kindb 166 hirtella, Sulliv 167 hirtella, Can. Muse 166 Thuidium, Schimp 184, 275 abietinum, Bruch & Schimp. . 186 Blandowii, Bruch & Schimp. . 186 crispifolium, Kindb 186 ' dedpiens, DeNot 232 delicatulum, Mitt 185 gracile, Bruch & Schimp. 184, 275 var. Lancastriense, Sulliv. & Lesq 184 laxifolium, (Hook) 187 leskeoides, Kindb 186 lignicola, Kindb 185 minutulum, Bruch & Schimp. 184 recognitum, Lindb 185 scitum, Aust 184 var. lonchoneuron, Kindb. 184 Vancouveriense, Kindb 183 Whippleanum, Kindb 186 Timiella Vavcouvericensis, Broth 263 Timmia, Hedw 146, 273 Austriaca, Hedw 146 megapolitana, Hedw 146 Nofvegica, Zett 146, 273 PAGB. Timmlece i^6 Tortella, C. Muell 50 Tortvia bretiroHris, Drumm 50 bryoideg, Drumm 49 corjfo/uto, Drumm 57 fallax, Drumm 53 humilis, Drumm 51 rwalis, Drumm 58 subirecta, Drumm 49 subulata, Drumm 57 tortuom, Drumm 50 var. inclinata, Drumm ... 51 unguiculata, Hedw 55 Trematodon, Michx 19, 258 ambiguum, Hornsch 19, 258 brevicollis, Hornsch 20 Trichodon, Schimp 39 cylindricus, Schimp 39 Trichostomum, Smith 47, 263 aciculare, Drumm , 72 fagiculare, Drumm 75 flexipes, Bryol. Europ 263 fiexi»etum, Limpr 263 lanuginomm, Drumm 76 microcarpum, Drumm 76 patens, Drumm 72 Sudeticum, Drumm 74 tentu', Lesq. & James 49 tophaceum, Brid 47 Vancouvericense, Kindb 263 Tripterocladium, C. Muell 187 rupestre, Kindb 187 Ulota.Mohr 81, 268 Americana, Mitt 83 Americana, Can. Muse 83 Barclayi, Mitt 85 Bruchii, Hornsch 82 £rtxc/i(i, Can. Muse 82 camptopoda, Kindb 85 connectens, Kindb 85 crispa, Brid 84 crifyya, Can. Muse 84 var. minor, Lesq ' 84 crispuia, Brid 84 curvifolia, Brid 82 Drummondii, Brid . . 81 Huichinsisc, Can. Muse 83 intermedia, Schimp 84, 268 Ludwigii, Brid 81 maritima, C. M. & Kindb 84 obtusiuscula, C. M. & Kindb. 82 phyllantha, Brid 84 phyllantha. Mitt 84 scabrida, Kindb 83 subulata, C. M. & Kindb 82 subulifolia, C M. & Kindb.. . 82 Webera, Hedw Ill, 270 acuminata, Schimp Ill albicans, Schimp 117, 270 MACOUN.] INDEX. 295 PAGE. albicans, var. dejiexa 113 annotina, Schwaegr 116 Breidleri, Jur 117 canaliculata, C. M. & Kindb. 113 carnea, Schimp 115 Columbica, Kindb 115 commutata, Schimp 117 cruda, Schimp 116, 270 cucuUata, Schimp 113 cucullata, Can. Muse Ill Drummondii, Lesq. & James. 116 elongata, Schwaegr Ill fontana, Kindb 107 gracilis, Can. Muse 113 Lescuriana, Lesq. & James.. 115 longieoUa, Hedw 112 Ludwigii, Schimp 117 var. microphylla, Kindb. 117 micro-apiculata, C. M. & Kindb 115 mieroeaulon, C. M. & Kindb. 114 miero-denticulata, C. M. & Kindb 114 nutans, Hedw 112, 270 var. macrospora, Kindb.. 113 nutans, var. deflexa, Kindb. . . 113 polymorpha, Schimp Ill polymorphoides, Kindb Ill pulchella, Schimp 115 pulchella, Can. Muse 115 pycno-decurrens, C. M. & Kindb 114 Sehimperi, Schimp 116 sphagnicola, Schimp 113 subeueullata, C. M. & Kindb. 113 Tozeri, Schimp 117 Weisia, Hedw 14 acuta, Hedw 42 calcarea, Drumm 41 controversa, Drumm 14 convoluta, C. M. & Kindb 14 crispvla, Hedw, 15 curvirostra, Drumm . . . . , 4 latifolia, Drumm 43 macrocarpa, Drumm . 110 nigrita, Drumm 108 Seligeri, Drumm 41 striata, DrnmvQ. 16 lurbinala, Drumm 98 viridula, Brid 14 Weisieae 12 Zieria, Schimp 136 demissa, Schimp 136 julacea, Schimp 136 Zygodon, Hook & Tay 1 80 viridissmius, R.Br 80 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. ROBERT BELL, M.D., Sc.D., LL.D., F.R.S. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS PART VII.-LICHENES AND HEPATIC-E BY JOHN MACOUN, M.A., F.R.S.C. Naturalist to the Geological Survey ot Canada. ^ OTTAWA : GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1902. Ill PREFACE. When Part VI. of the Catalogue of Canadian plants was pub lished in 1892, there was sufficient material at hand to allow of the inclusion of the Lichens and Liverworts in that number, but there were still such large tracts of country in which no botanical work had been done that it seemed advisable to confine the scope of that volume to the Musci. The present part contains all the species of Lichens and Liverworts known to occur in Canada, and an addendum to Part VL in which our knowledge of Ameri- can Mosses north of the United States is brought up to date. My collections of Hepaticae were commenced in 1862, and the specimens were examined and my determinations verified by Mr. C. F. Austin, who continued to work at them up to the time of his death. There was then no one in America to whom I cared to send difficult species for determination, but shortly afterwards I made the acquaintance of Mr. C. M. Pearson, of Manchester, England, who undertook to examine my material. Mr. Pearson's work resulted in a pamphlet published in 1892, in which were enumerated all the species known to occur in Greenland, Canada and Alaska. The total number of species enumerated in the region covered by Mr. Pearson's list was 165. For many years, difficult specimens were submitted to Prof. Underwood, who assisted me in many ways in my studies of Liverworts, and later Prof. A. W. Evans, New Haven, Conn., gave me valuable assistance, so valuable that without his help this section of the catalogue could not have been written at this time. Besides naming all my later collections, he carefully examined many doubtful specimens that had accumulated since the publica- tion of Mr. Pearson's list, and I was thus enabled to give these doubtful species their proper place in the series. During the lifetime of Prof. Tuckerman, all my collections of Lichens were examined by him, and after his death Dr. Eckfeldt, of Philadelphia, Pa., was of much assistance to me in my Lichen studies. In 1895 I opened up a correspondence with Rev. J. S. Deichmann Branth, of Sneptrup, Denmark, and by his kindness and assistance I have been enabled to complete my list of the rock Lichens, and those obscure forms grouped after Lecidea. IV PREFACE. The addendum to Part VI. is compiled to agree in arrangement with the previous portion, and the generic names used therein, have for the same reason been kept almost unchanged. As in Part VI., Dr. Kindberg is my authority, unless otherwise stated, for the names of all species except those collected in Ontario in 1901, which were named by Mrs. E. G. Britton. I have, however, freely availed myself of the work of this lady, Dr. A. J. Grout, Dr. Best, Mr. Cheney and others. Dr. Kindberg's work has been of immense service in increasing our knowledge of Canadian Bryology, as it was he, who, working with Dr.C. Mueller, made known the great wealth of species in our country, and by his invaluable assistance the writer was enabled to separate many new forms from the mass of material which had hitherto been overlooked or misnamed by other workers. A new impetus was given to collecting, and since the publication of Part VI., fully two hundred new forms have been added to our moss- flora. In Part VI, 953 species were enumerated ; in the adden- dum now published, the list is brought up to 1 196, and only a few species have been discarded. It is quite true that some of Dr. Kindberg's species have been shown to be only forms of other species, but such corrections must be made in the work of all botanists, and some of his critics, in proportion to their published work, have been as great sinners in this respect as Dr. Kind- berg. Dr. Kindberg's work was so far in advance of anything that had been done in Canadian Bryology before his time that there would be great injustice in withholding from him full credit for what he has accomplished. Whenever genera have been monographed in recent years and the loan of our herbarium sheets has been asked, they have been freely lent, and in the body of the present work the changes made by the writers of these monographs have been indicated. The specimens of cryptograms in the herbarium of the Geolo- gical Survey number over 16,000, so that it will be seen that the great majority of those referred to in Part VI and in the present catalogue are in our own herbarium. The writer has been the chief collector of these specimens, but many others have con- tributed to both knowledge and material. As the collector's name is in every case given after each citation, the amount of work done by each is evident and no special reference need be made to them here by name. PREFACE. V It should be noted that the word Labrador has in this, as in former catalogues, been used in the broad sense which includes the whole peninsula north of the province of Quebec. With the exception of the records credited to Mr. Waghorne, nearly every other Labrador reference is to Ungava District, which is bounded on the west by the Hudson Bay, on the north by Hudson Strait, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, and on the south by the Pro- vince of Quebec. JOHN MACOUN. June 12th, 1902. i '/ HEPATIC^. Order I. RICCIACE^. 1. RICCIA, Micheli. 1. R. arvensis, Aust., Phil. Acad. Sc. XXI. 232. On damp earth which has been covered by spring floods east side of Leamy's Lake near Hull, Que., Sept., 24th' isfg. (mL^^^ 2- R. lutescens, Schwein On the borders of muddy pools east of Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., Aug. 13th, 1868. (Macoun.) ' 3- R. Austinii, Steph. Ontario. {Ufiderwood) 4. R. fluitans, Linn. Very abundant in Patterson's Creek, Ottawa, Ont.; in the creek m the beaver meadow, west of Hull, Que.; very abundant m the marshes along the Bay of Quinte at Belleville, Ont., and on the south s,de of Massasauga Point, August 1st, 1873 ; in an old canal between Pomt Edward and Sarnia, Ont., August 14th, 1901 • com- monmapoolatSicamous,B.C. {^Macoun.) In stagnant water near the round-house, Montrose, Ont., July, 1897. {R. Cameron) 5. R, Sullivantii, Aust. On the muddy borders of pools east of Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., July i6th, 1871 ; on a mud flat near McAdie's mill. Kennebec, Addmgton Co., Ont., July nth, 1870. {Macoun.)- 6- R. sorocarpa, Bisch. Scoresby Sound, East Greenland, Lat. 70° 15'. {C. Jansen.) 2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 2. RICCIOCARPUS, Corda. V. R. natans, (Linn.) Corda. In a stagnant pool near Montrose round-house, Ont., July, 1897. {R. Cameron) In a pond near London, Ont. (/. Dearness.) In stagnant pools east of Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont.; also in pools at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; in pools at Niagara Falls, May 13th, 1901 ; in pools at Port Heney, Fraser River, B.C. ; common in a pool at Lost Lake, Cedar Hill, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {JMacoun) Var. terrestris. (Scarcely distinct.) On earth along the Ottawa and Lidvre rivers at their confluence near Buckingham, Que., 20 miles below Ottawa, Ont., Sept. i8th, 1892. {Macoun.) Order II. MARCHANTIACEyE, Liverworts. 3. TARGIONIA, Linn. 8. T. hypophylla, Linn. Under sloping rocks. Pier's farm, and on damp rocks, Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, B.C., May 9th and 17th, 1893. {Macoun.) 4. PELTOLEPIS, Lindb. 9. P. grandis, Lindb. Scoresby Sound, East Greenland, Lat. 70° 15'. {C. Janseti.) 5. SAUTERIA, Nees. 10. S. alpina, (Nees & Bischoff) Nees. Collected at Behring Strait by the North Pacific Expedition under Commander Rodgers. {Austin.') On earth under rocks, Sulphur Mountain, Banff, July i6th, 1891, and under rocks at Lake Louise, Rocky Mountains, August 19th, 1891. {Macoun.) St. Paul Island, Pribyloff Group, Behring Sea, 1897. {Howe.) Scoresby Sound, Lat. 70° 15', East Greenland. {C. Jansen.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3 6. CLEVEA, Lindb. 11. C. hyalina, (Somm.) Lindb. Rittenbaenk, Greenland. {Vahl.) On earth near the snow, mountain north of Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, alt. 8,000 feet, July 21st, 1885 ; by a glacier in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 24th, 1885; crevices of rocks at Revel- stoke, west side of Columbia River, B.C., and in the Eagle Pass further west, May 23rd and 31st, 1890. {Macoun.) Scoresby Sound,' East Greenland. {C. Jansen.) V. REBOULIA, Raddi. 12. R. hemisphserica, (Linn.) Raddi. On calcareous earth on limestone rocks, Point Wilkins, Lake Winnipegosis, Man., July i6th, 1881 ; devices of rock, Eagle Pass, B.C., May 31st, 1890. {Macou^i.) 8. GRIMALDIA, Raddi. 13. G. rupestris, (Nees) Lindb. On calcareous rocks at Rockliffe, Ottawa, Ont., 1884 5 in the crevices of limestone rocks, on the right bank of the Moira, above the railway bridge, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., June i6th, 1867. {Macomi.) Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. {Under- wood^ 14. G. fragrans, (Bale.) Corda. Collected in the Yukon River district by Funston in 1894. {Evans) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Jansen) 9. ASTERELLA, Beauv. 15. A. Californica, (Hampe) Under w. Fimbriaria Californica, Hampe. On earth at Lytton, B.C., April i6th, 1889; on stones in a brook, Pass Creek, Columbia River, B.C., June 21, 1890. {Macoun) Named by Dr. Underwood. 4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 16. A. violacea, (Aust.) Underw. Fimbriaria violacea^ Aust. ; Pearson's List No. 149. On wet soil on the summit of the mountain north of Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, July 21st, 1885 ; at the glacier on the shoulder of Mount Tupper, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 24th, 1885. {Macoufi.) 17. A. gracilis, (Web. f.) Underw. Fimbriayia pilosa, (Wahlenb.) Tayl.; Pearson's List No. 150. Fimbriaria tenella, Nees ; Pearson's List No. 151. Greenland. {Vahl.) On the upper slope of the mountain north of Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, July 21st, 1885 ; on rocks west of Revelstoke, in the Eagle Pass, B.C. ; in the crevices of rocks on the mountains at Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1875 ; on rocks at Agassiz, B.C. ; on earth along Coldstream near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; at Comox, Vancouver Island ; on earth on rocks, Mount Er^kine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., May 9th, 1887. {Macoufi.) On earth, Chilliwack Lake, B.C., alt. 5,000 feet. (/. M. Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Jansen.) 18. A. fragrans, (Schleich.) Trevis. Telegraph Creek, northern British Columbia, May 27th, 1887. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.^ It is probable that the specimens referred to A. violacea belong here. They were named as above by Mr. Pearson. 10. CONOCEPHALUM, Wiggers. 19. C. conicum, (Linn.) Dumort. Hepatica conica, (Linn.) Michx. ; Pearson's List No. 165. Along the Tobique River, N.B. {Hay.) On old logs in swamps. River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D' Urban.) On wet rocks by brooks, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; quite common on old logs by brooks, fruiting abundantly, around Ot- tawa ; in shady swamps at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 5 old logs, Foster's Flats, Niagara Falls, May, i6th, 1901 ; wet woods, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on earth by a spring at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. {J. M. Macoun.) Juneau, Disenchantment Bay, Yakutat Bay, Unalaska, Farragut Bay and other parts of Alaska. {Evans.) Salmon Creek, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 11. CYATHOPHORA, S. P. Gray. 20. C. quadrata, (Scop.) Trevis. Preissia commutata, Nees. ; Pearson's List No. 164. Quite common on wet earth at Truro, N.S. ; on wet limestone rocks, along the Gaspe coast. Que. ; along Gunn River, Anticosti ; on wet earth. Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island, July, 1898 ; rocky banks near Belleville and along a small brook, Huntingdon, Hastings Co., Ont. ; crevices ot rocks, Foster's Flats, Niagara Falls, May i6th, 1901 ; wet ground along Lake Nipigon; on earth in many places along Lake Superior ; on earth at the " Cave Mounds," Banff, Rocky Mountains ; Hector and Lake Agnes, Rocky Mountains ; in Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta.; on earth at Albert Canon,Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; under wet rocks, Eagle Pass, Gold Range, B.C.; on rocks at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on wet earth Kootenay Lake, B.C. {Macoun.) Cape Vancouver, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Chilcat, Alaska. {Krause.) Juneau, Wrangell, Muir Glacier, Point Gustavus, mountains near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Hooniah Village, Port Wells, and Coal Creek Hill, Alaska. {Evafis.) Scoresby Sound, Lat. 70° 15', and Hold-with-Hope, Lat. 73° 30', East Greenland. {C. Jansen.) 12. MARCHANTIA, Linn. 21. M- polyniorpha, Linn. Godhavn, Greenland, June 25th, 1886. {Rosenvinge.) Labrador. {Waghorne.) On damp earth, Tobique River, N.B. {Hay.) On damp earth, Missinaibi River, northern Ontario. {Dr. R, Bell.) On earth. River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D'Urban.) Cape Breton Island, N.S., and Woodstock, N.B. ; in ditches at Truro, N.S. ; on earth along the Gaspe coast, Que. ; very common at Ottawa and Belleville and throughout Ontario ; in swamps and wet woods, Nipigon River ; on wet earth, Lake Manitoba, Man., 6 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1881 ; on wet earth in stream valleys, Cypress Hills, Assa. ; Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on earth in bogs, Eagle Pass, B.C. ; in ditches at New Westminster, Vancouver, and Hastings, B.C. ; wet places near Victoria, Gold- stream and Cedar Hill, Vancouver Island. (^Macoun.) On earth Kootenay Valley, Rocky Mountains, B.C. ; on earth at Adam's Lake, B.C. ; Upper Liard River, northern B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Saskatchewan and Rocky Mountains. {Bourgeau.) Alaska. {Krause.) Glacier Bay, Orca, St. Paul Island, St. Mat- thew Island and Hall Island, Alaska. {Evans.) Nanaimo, Van- couver Island, al?o mountains near Juneau, Alaska. (Miss G. Cooley.) Unalaska. (^Evans.) West Dawson, Yukon. (Williams.) East Greenland. The var. alpestris. [C. Jansen.) Order III. METZGERIAC.E. 13. METZGERIA, Raddi. 22. M. pubescens, (Schrank) Raddl British Columbia. {Lyall.) Alaska. {Krause.) On boulders at Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, B.C. ; on rocks in the Coast Range above Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1875 5 o" trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889. {Macoun.) On shaded rocks, Chilliwack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Gold Creek near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) On rocks at Cafion City, Alaska, March 27, 1898. {Williams.) 23. M. myriopoda, Lindb. On damp rocks near Ironsides, Que., 5 miles from Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 2 1st, 1884. (Macoun.) 24. M. conjugata, Lindb. On stones in McKay's woods at Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 9th, 1884 ; on rocks at Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 9th, 1900; on Acer circinatum at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on damp rocks at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island and at Qualicum and Comox, V.I. {Macoun.) Blankensop Bay, V.l. {Dr. G. M. Dawson. ) 25. M. hamata, Lindb. Gold Creek near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley^ CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 7 14. ANEURA, Dumort. 26. A. latifrons, Lindb. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Celdmare.) On earth, Salt Lake, Anticosti, August loth, 1883 ; on dead wood at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, July, 1898 ; on old logs, Beechwood, Hemlock Lake and Britannia, near Ot- tawa ; on rotten wood. Otter Pond, near Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on old stumps, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900; on rotten wood, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on old logs, in woods at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on dead wood. Par- son's Mountain, Sea's farm, and Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Van- couver Island ; on wet logs at Nanaimo, V.I. ; on dead wood at Comox, V.I. ; very common. i^Macoun.) Mt. Verstoviaand Far- ragut Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) 27. A. palraata, (Hedw.) Dumort. On rotten stumps at Truro, N.S. ; on old logs in Dow's Swamp and at Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont. ; on rotten logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on rotten wood at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on rotten stumps. Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; also on old logs at Comox, V. I. {Macoun.) Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) 28. A. sessilis, (Sprengel) Dumort. On old logs in a swamp at Carleton Place, near Ottawa, Ont., May 30th, 1884 ; on wet earth and on logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., July 12th, 1873. {Macoun) This species is now included in the preceding by authors. 29. A. pinnatifida, Nees. On wet earth in a road cutting, at the junction of the Sooke Lake Road, with that to Coldstream, near Coldstream, Vancouver Island, B.C., June 2nd, 1893. {Macoufi.) 30. A. pinguis, (Linn.) Dumort. Umanakfjord, Greenland. {Vankofen.) On wet earth at Gunn, St. Mary's and Becscie rivers, Anticosti ; on peat moss Mer Bleue, near Ottawa, June 15th, 1892 ; on roots and moss in 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. water, " Big Swamp," Murray, Northumberland Co., Ont., August 3rd, 1873 ; in a bog near the C. P. R. station at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; in bogs. House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, Atha. ; on old logs in a swamp at Quesncl, B.G. ; also on sticks in pools in woods at Comox, Vancouver Island. (^Macoun.) 31. A, multifida, var. ambrosioides, (Nees) Lindb. On earth in a swamp at Nanaimo, June 4th, 1887, and on earth in pools in woods at Comox, Vancouver Island, May 3rd, 1887. (^Macoun.) 15. PALLAVICINIA, S. P. Gray. 32. P. bibernica, (Hook.) S. F. Gray. On the bank of a creek in a beaver meadow, Huntingdon, North Hastings, Ont., September 8th, 1865 ; on wet limestone rocks at the head of Lake Louise, near Laggan, Rocky Mountains ; on earth on the mountains north of Griflfin Lake, Gold Range, B.C., August loth, 1889. {Macoun.) Yakutat Bay, Alaska. {Evans) 33. P. Lyellii, (Hook.) S. F. Gray. On moss in a wet place, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N. B. (/. Moser.) Along a small brook, Sidney, Hastings Co., Ont., Sept. 17th, 1868 ; on the bank of a brook, Algonquin Park, Ont., Aug. lOth, 1900. \Macou7i) 16. PELLIA, Raddi. 34. P. epiphylla, (Linn.) Corda. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare) West Ledge, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N. B. (/. Moser) Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. {Prof. Fowler.) On damp earth by roadsides, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on earth and wet rocks at Baddeck, Margaree, Aspy Bay and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S. ; on earth at Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que., Sept. 24th, 1889 5 on earth by a brook, South Indian near Ottawa, Ont. ; on earth in a bog near New Westminster, B.C. ; on earth in a brook at Hast- ings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on stones and earth by a brook at CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 9 Comox, Vancouver Island, July, 1898. {Macoun.) Salmon Creek, Sitka, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley) Sterile specimens of a Pellia referred to this species have been gathered on Sable Island, N.S., at Woodstock, N.B., and in Algonquin Park, Ont. 35. P. endivisefolia, (Dicks.) Dumort. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {U?tderwood.) On earth in a ditch at Nanaimo and at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 4th, 1887. (Macoun.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, Aug. i8th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) Yakutat Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) 36. P. Neesiana, (Gottsche) Limpr. Douglas Island, Juneau, Port Wells, Orca, and Yakutat Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) IV. BLASIA, Linn. ST. B. pusilla, Linn. On earth by roadsides, Union Road, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on wet rocks, Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Is- land, July, 1898 ; on earth in a ravine at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; on earth along the Gaspe Coast, Que., Aug. lOth, 1882 ; on earth subject to inundations at Leamy's Lake, Hull, Que. ; on wet clay banks, Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que.; clay banks at the mouth of the Lievre River, Buckingham, Que. ; not rare by lake shores, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on earth along the Eraser River, Port Heney, B.C. {Macoun.) Juneau, Alaska. {Evam.) 18. POSSOMBRONIA, Raddi. 38. P. longiseta, Aust. On earth. Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., May 9th. 1887. {Macoun.) 39. p. pusilla, (Linn.) Dumort. Along the Addington Road near Flinton, Hastings Co., Ont., July loth, 1870 ; on earth along Sproat Lake, eight miles above Alberni, Vancouver Island, August 12th, 1887. {Macoun.) / 10 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA.- 40. P. foveolata, Lindb. Shores of Lake Nipissing, at North Bay, September 13th, 1889. {Mrs. E. G. Britton.) On earth subject to inundation, Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que., September 24th, 1889 ; on earth by the Petewawa River, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; in the bed of the Bonnechere River at Golden Lake, Ont., September 27th, 1900 ; on old stumps subject to flood along Lake Duchesne above Britannia, near Ottawa, Ont., October, 29th, 1900 ; Craigallaichie, Eagle River, B.C., July i8th, 1889. {Macoun.) 41. F. angiilosa, (Dicks.) Raddi. On earth along Gull River, Victoria Co., Ont., July 28th, 1868. {Macoun.) 42. P. Macounii, Aust. Bot. Gaz. Vol. L 36, 1876. On earth and granitic sand along the lake at Methye Portage, (Portage La Loche) Lat. 57°, Athabasca, September 15th, 1875. {Macoun.') Order IV. JUNGERMANNIAC^. 19. GYMNOMITRIUM, Corda. 43. G. obtusuin, (Lindb.) Pearson. CcBsia obtusa, Lindb.; Pearson's List, No. 132. Near Frederickshaab, Greenland. ( '. Vahl.) On rocks, moun- tains north of Griffin Lake, B.C., August, 1889; on rocks, Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, July, 1893; on rocks. Pier's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1893. {Macoun^ Orca, Alaska. {Evans.) 44. G. concinnatum, (Lightf.) Corda. Ccesia concinnata (Dicks.) ; Pearson's List, No. 133. Labrador, collected by Waghorne. {Ufiderwood.) On earth, Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on rocks, mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B.C. ; on rocks, Mount Mark, near Qualicum, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Alaska, near Chilcat. {Krause.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) CATAL.OGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 11 45. G. corallioides, Nees. Ccesia corallioides^ (Nees) S. F. Gray; Pearson's List, No. 131 Alaska. {Krause.) On rocks, Lake Lindeman, Yukon, and canon above the lake, 1898. {Williams?) Scoresby Sound, East Green- land. {C. Jamen.) 46. G. crenulatum, Gottsche. Alaska. Collected by Krause. {Stephatii.) 47. G, revolTitum, (Nees) Schiffon. Greenland. {Berggren.) 20. MARSUPELLA, Dumort. 48. M. emarginata, (Ehrh.) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On wet ground in a gully at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J.Moser.) On wet rocks by a brook, Margaree and Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, Aug., 1898 ; on earth in bogs at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on stones in a brook, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on stones and wet earth on mountains north of Griffin Lake, B.C. ; on rocks at Yale, Fraser River, B.C. ; on damp rocks. North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on rocks at Coldstream, near Victoria,, Vancouver Island ; on rocks. Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, alt. 3,000 feet, June 8th,. 1887 ; on rocks.Mount Mark, near Qualicum, Vancouver Island, alt. 3,000 feet ; on wet rocks, Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B. C; on earth at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 4th, 1887. {Macoun.) Attn Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun) Port Wells, Colum- bia Fiord, Unalaska and Juneau, Alaska. {Evans.) Sheep Camp, Alaska, and on rocks above Long Lake, B.C., 1898. {Williams.) Var. aquatica, Pearson. Newfoundland. {Pearson.) This may be M, aquatica, Schiffner. 12 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 49. M. sphacelata, (Grisecke) Dumort.' Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldtfiare.) On wet rocks, Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; on wet rocks near the lighthouse at Yarmouth, N.S., June 23rd, 1883 ; on wet rocks in brooks, mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B.C. {Macoun.) Chilcat, Alaska. {Krause.) 50. M. sparsifolia, (Lindb.) Dumort. On wet rocks at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 4th, 1887 ; on rocks. Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, alt. 4800 ft, July 17th, 1887. {.Macoun.) 51. M. densifolia, (Nees) Dumort. On stones in brooks, on the mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B.C., Aug., 7th 1889. {Macoun.) 21. NARDIA, S. P. Gray. 52. N. compressa, (Hook.) S. F. Gray. Greenland. (Va/il.) On Atka Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, 29th Aug., 1 89 1. (/. M. Macoun.) 53. N. scalaris, (Schrad.) S. F. Gray. Campo Belle Island, N.B., 1898. {Prof. Farlow.) On earth near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 4th, .1887. {Macoun.) Yes Bay and Juneau, Alaska. {Evans.) Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Jamen.) 54. N. lisematosticta, (Nees) Lindb. Disenchantment Bay, Hidden Glacier Inlet, St. Lawrence Island, Unalaska and Cape Nome, Alaska. {Evans) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Jansen) 55. N. obovata, (Nees) Lindb. On stones at Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 6, 1890. {Macoun) Farragut Bay and Kadiak Island, Alaska. {Evans) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Jansen) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 3 56. N. crenulata, (Smith) Lindb. Greenland. (/. Vahl.) On earth by a roadside, near Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on earth at Truro, N.S., June 12th, 1883 ; on earth along roads at Baddeck and Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on earth at Ottawa, Ont., 1883 ; on wet rocks at Yale, Fraser River, B.C.; on old logs, Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C.; on sandstone rocks at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on earth at Victoria, Vancouver Island. May 7th, 1875 ; on earth along Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island, and in a wet cutting of the railway close to that lake. {Macoun.) 22. GYROTHYRA, M. A. Howe. 57. G. Underwoodiana, M. A. Howe. On earth in a railway cutting, Hastings, B. C, April 6th, 1889; on wet rocks. North Arm, Burrard Inlet, near Hastings, B.C., April 29th, 1889. {Macoun.) 23. PRASANTHUS, Lindb. 68. P. suecicus, (Gottsche) Lindb. Scoresby Sound, Lat. 70° 15', East Greenland. {C.Janse'.) 24. ARNELLIA, Lindb. 59. A. fennica, (Gottsche) Lindb. On limestone rocks at the Narrows, Lake Manitoba, June i6th, 1881 ; on earth and logs. Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, July 23rd, 1885. {Macoun.) 25. JUNGERMANNIA, Linn. 60. J. autumnalis, DC. Greenland. {Vahl.) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare) On logs, Tobique River, N.B. {Hay) On old logs at Pictou and Truro, N.S.; on old logs, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rotten wood at Otter Pond, near Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on logs, Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; quite common at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; 14 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. quite common on old logs in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; quite common on dead wood at Ottawa, Ont.; at Belleville, Hast- ings, Co., Ont.; on old logs, Sudbury Junction, Algoma, Ont.; on logs at Owen Sound, Ont.; on old logs near Lesser Slave Lake, Atha.; on earth at the Cave Mounds, Banff, Rocky Mountains ; quite common on old logs at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; on logs at Sicamous, Shuswap Lake, B.C.; on rotten logs at Agassiz, B.C.; on logs, near Union Mines, Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 61. J. sphserocarpa, Hook. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On earth in the vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 7th, 1875; on wet earth on the shore of Shawnigan Lake, Vancouver Island, May 26th, 1893. {Macoun.) Hooniah Village, Disenchantment Bay, and Port Clarence, Alaska. {Erans.) Scoresby Sound and Hold-with-Hope, East Greenland. {C.Jansefi.) «2, J. caespiticia, Lindb. Cape Nome, Alaska. New to America. {Evans.) 63. J. amplexicaulis, Dumort. On earth at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B. C, April 8th, 1889. {Macoun.) 64. J. cordifolia, Hook. Greenland. (/. Vahl.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood^ On stones in Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on wet rocks in a brook. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on stones in Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on rocks below Jones Falls, Sydenham River, Owen Sound, Ont., July 26th, 1871 ; on stones in a brook at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on stones in Eagle River, Griffin Lake, B.C. {Macoun^ On wet rocks. Mount Queest, Shuswap Lake, B. C. (/. M. Macoun.) Abundant in streams running into Lake Lindeman, B.C., April 9, 1898. {Williams.) Alaska. {Krause.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 5 65. J. riparia, Tayl. On stones by a brook at Goldstream, near Victoria and on wet earth at Comox, Vancouver Island, May 3rd, 1887. {Macoun.) 66. J. atrovirens, Dumort. Greenland; Virgin Bay and Unalaska, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jafisen.) 6'7. J. pumila, With. On rocks along Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que.; on old logs, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on rocks in a brook, Lake Mara, Sicamous, B. C; on wet rocks at Lytton, Fraser River, B.C., April 17th, 1889 ; on old logs. Rocky Mountain Cafion, Peace River, Lat. 56° ; near McLeod's Lake, Lat. 55°, B. C, June 26th, 1875 ; on damp rocks, Goldstream, near Vic- toria, Vancouver Island ; on old logs, Union Mines, near Comox, V. I. {Macoun.) On earth. Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C., July, 1889. (/. M. Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen^ 68. J. lanceolata, Linn. Liochloena lance olata., Nees ; Pearson's List, No. 98. On dead wood, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On rotten logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., June 27th, 1876; on earth in woods, Albert Canon, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on old logs, Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 26. ANASTROPHYLLUM, Stephani. 69. A. Reichardtii, (Gottsche) Steph. Columbia Fiord, Orca, and Port Wells, Alaska. {Evans.) 2V. LOPHOZIA, Dumort. 70. L. incisa, (Schrad.) Dumort. Miquelon Island. Gulf of St. Lawrence. {De dmare.) On earth and dead wood, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on old logs at Truro, 16 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. N.S. ; on old logs, Gaspe Coast, Que. ; on earth and rotten wood at Margaree and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks and rotten wood Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rotten wood at Ottawa, Ont. ; on logs on the borders of swamps at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on old logs at Nipi- gon River, Lake Superior ; on rotten logs. Pic Island, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on old logs in woods at Revelstoke, B.C. , on dead wood, House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, Atha. : on dead wood. Rocky Mountain Canon, Peace River, Lat. 56° ; on old logs at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on dead wood at Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on old logs west of Fraser River at Quesnel, B. C. ; on rotten wood at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on old logs at Esquimault, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; on rotten logs at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) On Mount Queest, Shuswap Lake, B.C. ; Chilliwack Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Hot Spring near Sitka, Juneau, Columbia Fiord, Orca, Kadiak Island, Hall Island and Cape Nome, Alaska. {Evans.) On Spfiagttum, Klondike, Yukon, Sept. 18, 1898. {Williams.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Janseti.) ^\' L. ventricosat (Dicks.) Dumort. Labrador, collected by Waghorne. {Underwood^ On earth. Seal Lake, Labrador, August, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Alaska. {Krause.) On rotten wood, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on earth and old logs, common along the Gaspe coast and up Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; quite common at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; on rotten wood and earth at Baddeck, Margaree and Louisburg, Cape Breton, N.S., July, 1898 ; quite common on old logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on old logs, Owen Sound, Ont. ; on rocks, Humboldt Island, Lake Nipigon ; on an old log, Birch Island, Lake Huron, Aug. 26th, 190 1 ; on dead wood, Red Rock, Lake Superior ; on House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, Atha., Sept. 19th, 1872 ; on dead wood at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on logs at " the gap," Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, 1897 ; on earth at Lake Louise, near Laggan, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs. Rocky Mountain Canon, Peace River, Lat. 56° ; on dead wood, McLeod's Lake, B.C., Lat. 55°; on rotten wood at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; on earth and old logs. Eagle Pass, B.C., and on mountains north CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 1 7 of Griffin Lake, Eagle River, B.C. ; on rocks, Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, and on logs at Union Mines, Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Vancouver Island. {LyalL) On Mount Queest, Shuswap Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Juneau, Sitka, Douglas Island, Virgin Bay, Columbia Fiord, Port Wells, Orca, Yakatut Bay, Kadiak Island and Port Clarence, Alaska. {Evans) Popoff Island. {TowTtsend.) St. George Island, Behring Sea and Nagai Island, Shumagin Group, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) Var. porphyroleuca, Nees. (Scarcely a variety. j On rotten wood along the Gaspe Coast and along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on old logs at Belleville, Hast- ings Co., Ont. ; on rocks northeast coast of Lake Superior ; on dry rocks, Lake Nipigon and on Humboldt Island in same lake ; on rocks, Pine Portage, Dawson Route, west of Lake Superior ; on rotten logs at Donald, Columbia River, B.C. ; on rotten wood, mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B.C.; on old logs west of the Eraser River at Quesnel, B.C. ; on dead wood at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) Var. longiflora, Nees. (Scarcely a variety.) On old logs, coast of Gaspe, Que., August 8th, 1882. {Macoun.) Another variety not yet named, was collected on old logs. Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., May gth, 1887. V2. L. guttata, (LiNDB. & Arnell) Evans. Point Gustavus, Glacier Bay, Columbia Fiord, and Kadiak Island, Alaska. {Evans) '73. L. alpestris, (Schleich.) Evans ; Collins, Rhodora 3. 181, 1901. At Godthaab, West Greenland. {Warming & Holm.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on stones in brooks, east coast of Lake Superior, July 28th, 1869 ; on rocks, mountain north of Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on earth. Mount Mark, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen) 2 1 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 74. L. longidens, (Lindb.) On wet rocks, Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 3rcl, 1898. Mixed with L. veTitricosa. {Macoun?) 75. L. plicata, (Hartm.) Along the sea shore at Upernivak, Greenland. {Ussing) 76. L. Wenzellii, (Nees.) Steph. Sukkertoppen, Greenland, Aug. 1884. (Warming & Holm) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 77. L. obtusa, (Lindb.) Evans. Juneau, Alaska. {Evans.) 78. L. inflata, (Huds.) M. A. Howe. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Green- land. (Vakl.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On wet earth and rocks. Smoky Mountain, near Aspy Bay and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; very abun- dant on damp earth near No. II. Station, Sable Island, N.S., Aug. 3, 1899 ; on boggy ground, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on damp rocks, at the " hole in the wall," Tudor, Hastings Co., Ont., July 13th, 1865 ; on roots of trees in marshes, northeast coast of Lake Superior, July 27th, 1869 ; in bogs, Sundance Creek, Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on damp rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Kadiak Island, and St. Michael's, Alaska. {Evans.) (Scoresby Sound, East Greenland, (C.Jansen.) 79. L. Hornschuchiana, (Nees.) In a bog at Lake Louise, near Laggan, Rocky Mountains, Aug. 20th, 1 891. {Macoun.) 80. L. capitata, (Hook.) On earth and rotten wood, Roger's Pass, B.C., August 21st, 1885; on earth and rocks on mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B C. ; on rotten wood west of Eraser River at Quesnel, B.C. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I9 81. L. bicrenata, (Schmid.) Steph. On earth along Lake Nipissing, at North Bay, Algoma, Ont., May 29th, 1884. {Macoun.) 82. L. excisa, (Dicks.) Steph. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On roVi&nvfood at Ottawa, Ont., not rare ; on rotten logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., July i6th, 1867 ; on logs at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs in woods at Revelstoke, B.C.; on rotten wood, Al- bert Canon, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on old logs at Quesnel, Fraser River, B.C.; on dead wood. Sea's farm, near Victoria, Van- couver Island. {Macoun.) 83. L. VaMiana, (Nees.) Baals River, Greenland. (/. Vahl.) 84. L. colpodes, (Tayl.) North America. [Rocky Mountains.] {Drummond.) On old logs west of the Fraser River, at Quesnel, B.C., June 4th, 1875. {Macoun.) 86. L. groenlandica, (Nees.) Greenland. {Brutel & Currie.) 86. L. heterocolpa, (Thed.) M. A. Howe. Jungermannia Wattiana, Aust. ; Pearson's List No. 1 10. yungermannia Mullen, Nees, var. tnaritima, Pearson's List No. 119. On moss on wet rocks above Otter Head, northeast of Lake Superior, July 29th, 1869. {Macoun.) Port Wells, Alaska. {Evans.) Over rocks and earth on mountain side, Dawson, Yukon, 1898. {IVtlliams.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C./ansen.) 87. L. Miilleri, Nees. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On earth along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. 21st, 2V. 20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1882 ; on earth along the Gaspe Coast, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on a damp spot by a creek in the File Hills, near Qu'Appelle, Assa., July 6th, 1879. {Macoun.) 88. L. Bantriensis, (Hook.) On old logs at the Rocky Mountain Caflon, Peace River, Lat. 56°, Oct. 24th, 1872 ; on wet logs at the Union Mines nearComox, Vancouver Island, July 4th, 1893. {Macoun.) 89. L. barbata, (Schreb.) Dumort. Greenland. {Vahl.) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On rocks along Gaspe coast, Que.; on rocks in damp ravines and by brooks, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks in a ravine, Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; on rocks at Chelsea, near Ottawa, Ont.; on moss on rocks, Sudbury Junction, Algoma, Ont.; very common on rocks in Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on rocks. Lake Nipigon, and at Current River, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior; on rocks. North Hastings, Ont.; on rocks near Devil's Lake, Banff, and at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Pass Creek, Sproat, Columbia River, B.C. ; Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on earth on rocks, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Klondike River bottom, Yukon, Oct. 9, 1898. {Wil- liams.) 90. L. attenuate, (Mart.) Dumort. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On old logs at Baddeck and Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on rocks at Pictou, N.S.; on rocks atRockcliffe and Hull, near Ot- tawa. Ont.; on damp, perpendicular rocks. Otter Head, Lake Superior, July 29th, 1869; o" rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on old logs at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; on damp rocks. Eagle Pass, Gold Range, B.C. {Macoun.) Virgin Bay, and Unalaska, Alaska. {Evam.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 91. L. quinquedentata, (Huds.) Cogn. At Godthaab, West Greenland. {Warming & Holm.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On old logs and rocks GATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 21 in a ravine, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks in a ravine at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; on earth along the Gaspe coast, Que. ; on moss at Sudbury Junction, Algoma, Ont.; on rocks near Otter Head, Lake Superior ; common on rocks on islands in Lake Nipigon ; on old logs, Duck Bay, Lake Winnipegosis, Man. ; on old logs and rocks, Dawson Route, west of Lake Superior ; on earth, Lake Louise, near Laggan, and at Hector, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) St. Matthew Island, Alaska. {Evans.) On rocks, Klondike, Yukon, Oct. loth, 1898. {Williams^ Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Jafisen.) 92. L. Ploerkii, (Web. & Mohr) Schiffn. On rocks at Whale River, Labrador, July 26th, 1896. (A.P.Low.) On rocks and earth at Morley and Hector, Rocky Mountains, June 14th and July 29th, 1885 ! o" rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on rocks at Yale, Eraser River, B.C., May 17th, 1875 ; on rocks at Nanaimo, on Mount Benson, Mount Mark and Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Chilliwack Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Unalaska, Orca, and Port Wells, Alaska. {Evans.) On wet rocks, Lake Lindeman, B.C., May 22nd, 1898. {Williams.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Ja?isen.) Var. alpina, Pearson. (Scarcely distinct.) On earth on the mountain north of Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, B.C. alt. 7,000 feet, July 20th, 1885; on rocks, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, 1897. {Macoun.) Another variety has been reported from Greenland by Currie. 93. L. lycopodioides, (Wallr.) Cogn. West Greenland. (yV arming & Holm?) Fort Chimo and Seal Lake, Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A.P.Low) Labrador, Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood) On rocks, Stupart's Bay, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell) On rocks at Pirate's Cove, N.S.; on rocks at Campbellton, N.B.; on rocks near Ottawa, Ont. ; on rocks, Lake Winnipegosis, Man. ; on moss in woods. Hector and Lake Louise, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, McLeod's Lake, B.C. ; on stones in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; mountains north of Griffin Lake, Eagle Pass, B.C.; on earth along the Columbia 22 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, River at Revelstoke, B.C. {Macoun.) Mountains east of Adam's Lake, B.C., alt. 6,300 feet ; on rocks, Tulameen Mountains, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.^ Very common among bushes, Lake Linde- man, B.C., May 22nd, 1898. {Williams.') Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen,) 94. L. quadriloba, (Lindb.) Evans. Hooniah Village, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound,^ East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 95. L. Kunzeana, (Huben.) On rocks on Humboldt Island, Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; also in a peat bog by Nipigon River; on rocks at Sudbury Junction, Al- goma, Ont.; on rotten wood at Quesnel, Eraser River, B.C.; in bogs between Dunvegan and St. John, Peace River, Athabaska, Oct. loth, 1872. {Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C. Jansen.) 96. L. polita, (Nees). Possibly a form of preceding. On earth, along the coast, Gaspe Basin, Gaspe Co., Que., July 2ist, 1882 ; on earth at the Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) 91 L. Michauxii, (Web.) - On earth on rocks. Seal Lake, Labrador, July 29th, I896. (_A. P. Low.) On rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S.; on logs, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rotten wood at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., July 20th, 1868 ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; on rocks and rotten wood, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rocks, Dawson Route, west of Lake Superior ; on old logs, Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) 98. L. saxicola, (Schrad.) Schiffn. Greenland. (Vakl.) On earth in bogs, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que., 26th August, 1882. {Macoun.) Alaska. {Ktause) On rocks, Klondike, Yukon, Oct. loth, 1898. {Williams.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen?) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 2$ 99. L. exsecta, (Schmid.) Dumort. On rocks at South West Point, Anticosti ; on dead wood, Hem- lock Lake, Ottawa, October, 1900 ; on an old log, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 17th, 1900; on dead wood. Jumping Pound Creek, Alta., June, 1897 ; on rocks and earth at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; on dead wood west of Fraser River at Quesnel, B.C. (Macoun.) North America. (Drummond.) Var. scituta, (Taylor) Pearson. (Scarcely distinct.) New Brunswick. {Herb. Austin) On earth and logs, coast of Gaspe, Que. ; common on dead wood at Ottawa, Ont. ; on rotten wood at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on earth and moss, north side of Pic Island, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on old logs, Dog Island, Lake Nipigon ; on old stumps and logs at Revelstoke, B.C. {Macou?i) 100. L, Helleriana, (Nees.) On old logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; in woods near Ex- perimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont., April i6th, 1892 ; on old logs at the mouth of Nipigon River, Lake Superior, July 12th, 1869 ; on burnt logs west of the Fraser River, Quesnel, B.C., June 4th, 1875 ; on earth at Pass Creek Falls, near Sproat, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) 101. L. minuta, (Crantz) Schiffn. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) Holstens- borg, Greenland. {Warmmg & Holm.) Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) On wet rocks. Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; on rocks Cache Lake, Al- gonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on granite rocks, above Ottei Head, Lake Superior, July 29th, 1869 ; on rocks, Sudbury Junc- tion, Algoma, Ont. ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont, ; on rocks at Hector, Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, B.C. ; on rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Chilcoot, Alaska. {Krause.) Columbia Fiord, Orca, Hall Island, St. Lawrence Island, Sitka and Popoff Island, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jamen.) 24 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 102. L, ovata, (Dicks.) M. A. Howe. Yakutat Bay, Alaska ; in very small quantity. {Evans.) 28. PLAGIOCHILA, Dumort. 103. P. interruptus, (Nees) Dumort. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. (JJ?i- derwood.) On earth in Dow's Swamp, near Ottawa, Ont.; in water in bogs at Albert Canon, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on wet logs at Quesnel, Fraser River, B.C., June 4th, 1875. {Macoun.) 104. P. asplenioides, (Linn.) Dumort. P. porelloides^ (Torrey) Pearson's List No. 91. On earth, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {Moser.) On damp earth and rocks by brooks, Margaree and Half- Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on logs at Truro and Yarmouth, N.S., June, 1883 ; on earth. Cove Head, Prince Edward Island, July, 1888 ; on earth, Gaspe coast and on gravel along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., August, 1882 ; on the margins of brooks at Ottawa and at Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept., 24th, 1893 ; on earth by brooks at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on rocks at Owen Sound, Ont; on rocks in woods, Algon- quin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; amongst moss and on rocks, Dog Island, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on clay banks, Queenston Heights, Ont,, 1901 ; on earth, Sudbury Junction, Algoma, Ont.; on damp rocks, Current River, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior; on wet rocks at Banff and Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on wet earth. House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, Athabasca, Sept. 20th, 1872 ; on wet logs, McLeod's Lake, British Columbia, Lat. 55° ; on rocks at Donald, B.C.; on wet earth at Revelstoke, Pass Creek and Robson, Columbia River, B.C.; on wet earth at Agassiz and Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889 ; on rocks near Victoria, on Mount Arrowsmith and Mount Mark, and at Union Mines, Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.') Farragut Bay, Sitka, Yakatut Bay and Unalaska, Alaska. {Evans.) 29. MYLIA, S. P. Gray. 105. M. Taylori, (Hook.) S. F. Gray. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. Under- wood.) Newfoundland. {Pearson.) Miquelon Island, Gulf of CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 2$ St. Lawrence, (Deldmare.) On earth and wet rocks, Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S. ; on logs at Margaree and rocks at Half-Way House, and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on logs subject to inundation, Ste. Anne des Monts River, and on logs in swamps. Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; in a bog at House Mountain, Lesser Slave Lake, Atha., Sept. 20th, 1872 ; on old logs in Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C. {Macoun.) Hot Spring, Juneau, Douglas Island, Virgin Bay, Farragut Bay, Orca, Columbia Fiord, Port Wells and Sitka, Alaska. {Evam.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen) 106. M. anomala, (Hook.) S. F. Gray. In a peat bog at Salt Lake, Anticosti ; in a peat bog between Dunvegan and St. John, Peace River, Atha., Lat. 56°, Oct. i6th, 1872 ; on earth along a brook at Lytton, B.C. {Macoun.) On Sphagnum at Dawson, Yukon, Aug. 31st, 1898. {Williams.) 30. LOPHOCOLEA, Dumort. lOY. L. bidentata, (Linn.) Dumort. On rotten logs, Eastman's Springs, 12 miles from Ottawa, Ont.; on old logs vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 6th, i'875 ; on dead wood at Comox, Vancouver Island, April 29th, 1887. {Macoun.) 108. L. minor, Nees. On cliffs, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N. B. (Maer.) On limestone rocks and dead wood in the vicinity of Ottawa, Ont. ; on rocks, Carleton Place, Carleton Co., Ont. ; among moss on limestone rocks along the Moira at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., June 20th, 1867 ; on limestone rocks, Owen Sound, Ont. ; on rocks at Otter Head and Pie Island, Lake Superior ; on earth in woods at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on earth at Quesnel, Eraser River, B.C. ; on rocks. House Mountain, Lesser Slave Lake, Atha. (Macoun.) 109. L. Macounii, Aust. On rotten wood along the Gaspe Coast, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on rotten wood at Ottawa, Ont. ; on rotten logs near Belleville, 26 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Hastings Co., Ont., June 19th, 1866 ; on old logs along Nipigon River, Ont. {Macoun.) 110. L. cuspidata, (Nees) Limpr. On rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C., Aug. 14th, 1890 ; on rotten wood, Cedar Hill and Sea's farm, near Victoria, Van- couver Island ; also on Riibus spectabilis at Comox, V.I. {Macoun) Cape Fox, Alaska. {Evans) 111. L. heterophylla, (Schrad.; Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On rotten wood, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on earth in woods at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on logs, Wood- stock, N.B,, July, 1899 ; on roots of trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rotten wood quite common at Ottawa, Ont.; on old logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on rotten wood, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; common on rocks and old logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on old roads. High Park, Toronto, and at Leamington, Ont., 1901 ; on rotten logs. Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C. {Macoun) 31. CHILOSCYPHUS, Corda. 112. C. adscendens, Hook. & Wilson. * On rotten logs in swamps five miles west of Belleville, Has- tings Co., Ont., Sept. i6th, 1867 ; on old logs at Owen Sound, Ont.; on old logs at Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on rotten wood west of Fraser River at Quesnel, B.C. ; on rotten logs at Revelstoke, and in Eagle Pass, west of Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; on earth at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on old logs at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) Kootenay Pass, Rocky Mountains, 1883. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) No doubt some specimens referred here belong to the next species. 113. C. polyanthos, (Linn.) Corda. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood) Mique- lon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare) On old logs at Truro, N.S.; on stones in brooks at Margaree and Half- Way House, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on wet sand, Sable CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 27 Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on stones, Otter Slide Brook, Algon- quin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on earth amongst moss at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., May 20th, 1866 ; on old logs in wet woods, Jordan Station, Ont , 1901 ; on earth in a peat bog near New Westminster, B.C. ; also on damp logs and earth at Has- tings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on dead wood in a swamp at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Juneau, Port Gustavus, Glacier Bay, Yakatut Bay and Unalaska, Alaska. {Evans) Var. rivularis, Nees. On stones in brooks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {Moser.) On rocks, Little Tobique River, N.B. (Hay.) On stones in a brook, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on stones in Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on stones in Fox River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. 2nd, 1882 ; on stones in a brook, Woodstock, N.B.; July, 1899 ; in the bed of a brook, Kootenay Lake, B.C.; on stones in a brook at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on logs in Colquitz River, B.C.; on sticks in Sea's swamp, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; on stones in Mill Stream, Nanaimo, V. I.; on sticks in the river at Comox, V.I. (Macoun.) Rocks beside rivulets, Cheam Range, north of Chilliwack River, B.C.; Attn Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Salmon Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 32. HARPANTHUS, Nees. 114. H. scutatus, (Web. & Mohr) Spruce. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On earth on rocks at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old logs at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; on old logs. Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S.; on rotten logs at Ottawa, Ont.; on old logs and rotten wood at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., May 24th, 1865 ; on rotten wood, Sudbury Junction, Algoma, Ont.; on rotten wood along Lake Superior and at the mouth of the Nipigon River ; on earth and mosses at Hector, Rocky Mountains, July 21st, 1885. Macoun.) 115. H. Plotowianus, Nees. Greenland. {Pearson.) Labrador, Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) Rocky Mountains. {Bourgeau.) Mountains of the 28 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., alt. 7,500 ft., Aug. 4th, 1889. {Macoun.) Hot Springs, Orca, Port Wells and Yaka- tut Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) 33. GEOCALYX, Nees. 116. G. graveolens, (Schrad.; Nees. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On earth in woods, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old logs, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on dead wood and earth. Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S. ; on earth at Truro, N.S. ; on earth along the Gaspe coast, Gaspe, Co., Que.; on earth and dead wood at Ot- tawa, Ont., and Hull, Que.; on earth and rotten wood at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; old logs, Seymour west, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on old logs in woods, Jordan Station, Ont., 1901 ; on old logs, Red Rock, Nipigon, Lake Superior ; on rotten logs at Hec- tor, Rocky Mountains, B.C. ; on rotten wood at Quesnel, Fraser River, B.C., 1875 5 o" rotten woo 1 at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; on earth at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Ma- coun.) Dawson, Yukon, Aug. 31st, 1898. {Williams.) 34. CEPHALOZIA, Dumort. 117. C. curvifolia, (Dicks.) Dumort. On rotten logs, quite common in the east. On rotten logs, Fredericton, N.B. {Prof. Fowler.) Along Jupi- ter River, Anticosti ; by Otter Pond, near Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island; Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S.; abundant on dead wood at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898I; Mount Albert and along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; in woods at Ottawa, Ont.; common at Belleville, Has- tings Co., Ont., July 20th, 1867 ; o" Pelee Island, Lake P>ie and at Owen Sound, Ont. ; quite common on old logs in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 118. C. media, Lindb. C. multiflora. Spruce ; Pearson's List, Can. Hep. p. 9. On rotten wood, very common from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood?) Miquelon Island, Gulf St. Lawrence. {Deldmare?) South West Point and St. Mary's River, Anticosti ; on rotten wood and peat, Cape CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 29 Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S.; surface of a bog and on dead wood. Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island ; very common on dead wood around Ottawa, Ont.; common at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., June i6th, 1865 ; North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Algoma; very common on old logs, Algon- quin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on shaded, moist, perpendicular rocks. Otter Head, Lake Superior ; on earth in a swamp, Nipigon River and on rotten wood. Thunder Bay, Lake Superior; on old logs. Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on earth and old logs, Lake Louise, and on rotten wood at Lake Agnes, Laggan, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs and stumps at Revelstoke, Col- umbia River, B.C.; on earth in the Eagle Pass, B.C.; on earth, at Sicamous, B.C.; on rotten wood at Quesnel, Eraser River, B.C.; on rotten wood at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on old logs on Cedar Hill, Coldstream and Parson's Mountain, near Victoria and on rotten wood at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On old logs, Chilliwack Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Douglas Island, Orca, Columbia Fiord, Earragut Bay and Yakutat Ba)'^ Alaska. {Evans.) Salmon Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C , Jansen?) 119. C. catenulata, (Huben) Lindb. On rotten wood. Otter Pond, Prince Edward Island ; on old logs, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 8th, 1898 ; on rot- ten wood at Truro, N.S.; on old logs along the Gaspe coast and along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old iQgs at Ottawa, Ont., on burnt logs, Sudbury Junction, Algoma ; on rotten wood at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., 1867 ; not rare on old logs in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; shores of Lake Superior, 1869 ; on old logs. Peace River, Lat. 56° ; on rot- ten logs, Quesnel, Eraser River, B.C., 1872 and 1875 5 O" rotten wood. Salt Spring Island Gulf of Georgia, B.C.; on rotten wood. Cedar Hill and Coldstream, near Victoria and at Comox, Van- couver Island. {Macoun^ 120. C. bicuspidata, (Linn.) Dumort. C. Lamntersiana, Pearson's List, No. 39, C. externa, Pearson's List, No. 40. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) 30 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. On earth at Rustico, Brackley Point and Black River, Prince Edward Island ; on earth at Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on rotten wood, earth and rocks. Cape Breton Island, N.S,, July, 1898 ; on earth. Pirate's Cove, N.S., July, 1883 ; on rotten wood at Ottawa, Ont. ; on rotten logs in a swamp near railway station, Belleville, Ont., May i6th, 1869 ; on earth. White Trout Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July i8th, 1900 ; on earth. North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Algoma ; on rotten wood, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug, 24th, 1885 ; on earth. Eagle Pass. B.C., 1889 ; mountains north of Griffin Lake, B.C., 1889 ; quite common on old logs at Hastings, B.C., April, 1889 ; Mount Finlayson, near Victoria ; on old logs at Shawnigan Lake, at Sea's farm, Victoria, and very common at Coldstream, Vancouver Island ; on dead wood at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Mount Queest, Shuswap Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Sitka, Mt. Vers- tovia, Juneau, Hidden Glacier Inlet, Orca, Columbia Fiord, Far- rugut Bay, Yakutat Bay, Kadiak Island and Attu Island, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. (jC.Jansen.) 121. C. pleniceps, (Aust.) Lindb. On rotten wood and on stones in woods at Ottawa, Ont.; on moss near the snow line (alt. 7,500 feet) at Hector, Rocky P/Ioun- tains ; on rotten wood at Cedar Hill, Victoria, and on old logs at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 122. C, fluitans, (Nees) Spruce. Labrador. Collected byWaghorne {Underwood) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Floating in water in a Sphagnum swamp. Salt Lake, Anticosti, Aug. loth, 1883 ; in a peat bog at Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 13th, 1900 ; in a peat bog near New Westminister Junction, B.C. {Macoun. 123. C. divaricata, (Smith) Dumort. In wet places, Greenland. {Dr. Rosenvinge.) Labrador. Col- lected by Waghorne. {Underwood) On damp rocks at Yar- CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3 1 mouth, N.S., June 24th, 1882 ; on damp rocks, Sudbury Junc- tion, Algoma ; on damp rocks, Otter Head, Lake Superior, July 28th, 1869 ; on rocks, Nipigon River, Ont. ; on wet rocks, House Mountain, Lesser Slave Lake, Atha. ; on rocks. Parson's Mountain, Cedar Hill, and Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver tsland ; at Comox, V.L {Macoun.) On stones. Mount Queest, Shuswap Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Cascade Mountains, British Columbia. (LyalL) Unalaska, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound and Hold-with-Hope, East Greenland. (C.Jansen.) 124. c. Macounii, Aust. On rotting logs of Ulmus Americana, in Barlow's swamp, Belle- ville, Hastings Co., Ont., May 20th, 1865 ; on dead wood, Michi- picoten Island, Lake Superior ; on old logs, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. (Macoun.) 125. C. Sullivantii, Aust. On old elm logs in swamps east of Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., May nth, 1866. (Macoun.) 126. C. mininia, Aust. Growing on rotten wood and old logs in swamps at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., May, 1868. {Macoun.) 127. C. dentata, (Raddi) Lindb. Galton Mountains, British Columbia. {LyalL) 128. C. leucantha, Spruce. Columbia Fiord, Alaska. (^Evans.) 35. HYGROBIELLA, Spruce. 129. H. laxifolia, (Hook.) Spruce. Near Lichenfels, Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador, "Camp 3," Aug. 2 1st, 1896. Collected by Prof. Atkinson. (Evans.) 32 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 36. ODONTOSCHISMA, Dumort 130. O. sphagni, (Dicks.) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On the surface of a bog at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, August, 1898; on old pine logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., May loth, 1866. {Macotm) In a swamp at Dawson, Yukon, Sept. 8th, 1898. 131. O. denudatum, (Nees) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Deldfnare.) On rotten logs, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; at Pirate's Cove, N.S., 1883 ; on pine stumps at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., June i6th, 1866 ; on a pine log in Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 132. O. Macounii, Aust. Cephalozia Austini, Pearson's List Can. Hep. p. 10. On earth and amongst the roots of Scripus ccBspitosus 25 miles north of Michipicoten and near Otter Head, Lake Superior, July 28th, 1869. (^Macoun.) 37. KANTIA, S. P. Gray. 133. K. Trichomanis, (Linn.) S. F. Gray. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood^ Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Along the Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay) On old logs, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (Moser.) On rotten wood at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rotten wood along Jup- iter River, Anticosti ; on earth and old logs, Gaspe Basin, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on dead wood at Ottawa, Ont., and at the Cascades, Gatineau River, Que.; atCarleton Place, CarletonCo., Ont.; on old logs, Lake Nipissing, Algoma ; on old logs and stumps at Belle- ville, Hastings Co., Ont., June i6th, 1865 ; on earth, Lake Louise, near Laggan, Rocky Mountains ; on earth and rotten wood at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on old logs at Hastings, Bur- rard Inlet, B.C. ; on logs at Comox and Victoria, Vancouver CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 33 Island. {Macoun.) On logs, Port Etches, Lat. 60°, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Douglas Island, Orca, Columbia Fiord, Farragut Bay, Sitka, and Yakutat Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) 38. BAZZANIA, S. F, Gray. 134. B. trilobata, (Linn.) S. F. Gray. Newfoundland. {Hb. Le Jolis.) On mossy logs, Hamilton farm, River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D' Urban.) On old logs. North West Arm, Halifax, and on rocks at Truro, N.S. ; on old logs and stumps, Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, July, 1898; on rocks, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on stumps. Brack- ley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on old logs, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old logs at Ottawa, Ont.; on logs and stumps in swamps at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; in swamps at Owen Sound, Ont. ; on old logs. North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Algoma ; on old logs, Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; quite common on old stumps in Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {^Macoun.) Along the Tobi- que River, N.B. {Hay.) 135. B. triangularis, (Schleich.) Lindb. On damp rocks, Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, August, 1898 ; on rocks. Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S., July 7th, 1883 ; on rocks in wet woods, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on old logs at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on earth in a bog at New Westminster, B.C. ; on earth and rotten wood at Has- tings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on rotten wood at Union Mines and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun ) Chilliwack, Lake, B.C., 1901. {J. M. Macoun.) On Bartledown Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Chilcat, Alaska. {Krause.) Hot Spring, Wrangel, Juneau, Port Wells, Farragut Bay, Loring, and Sitka, Alaska. {Evam.) 136. B. denudata, (Torrey) S. F. Gray. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) This species has been x&it.xxA\.o Bazzania deflexa Nees, by Austin. {Pearson) My specimens from Nova Scotia referred to B. trian- gularis may b^ this species, or this may be a form of B. trian- gularis. {Macoun) 3 ' 34 * GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 39. PLEUROCLADA. 137. P. albescens, (Hook.) Spruce. Greenland. {VaJtl.) Kobbefjord, near Goethaab, Greenland, 1884. {Warming & Holm.) On earth on the Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., alt. 7,500 feet, Aug. 7th, 1889. {Macoun.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 138. p. Islandica, (Nees) Northern Greenland, Lat. 64**, May 24th, 1888. {Dr. Rosen- vinge.) 40. LEFIDOZIA, Dumort. 189. L. reptans, (Linn.) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On rotten wood, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on rotten wood, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on old logs, Truro, N.S. ; on earth at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 9th, 1898 ; on old logs Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on old logs at Ottawa, Ont. ; on old stumps and logs. Cache Lake Algonquin Park, Ont., June 7th, 1900 ; on old logs, North Bay, Lake Nipis- sing, Algoma ; on rocks, Humboldt Island, Lake Nipigon ; on old logs, Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man, ; on old logs, House Mountain, Lesser Slave Lake, Athabasca ; on logs at Hector and Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; on rotten wood at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on old logs near Victoria and at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On dead wood, Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Chilliwack Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Sitka, Douglas Island, Orca, and Yaku- tat Bay, Alaska. {Evans) 140. L. filamentosa, (Lehm. & Lindb.) Lindb. On old logs. Prince of Wales Island. Alaska, Sept. 29th, 1891. (/. M. Macoun) Sumdum, Alaska, 1895. {Miss Jessie Trowbridge.) Douglas Island, Columbia Fiord and Farragut Bay, Alaska. {Evans) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 35 141. L- setacea, (Web.) Mitt. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. (JDeldmare?) Orca, and Columbia Fiord, Alaska. {Evans) 41. BLEPHAROSTOMA, Dumort. 142. B. trichophyllum, (Linn.) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Labra- dor. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.') On old logs, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on earth. Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S.; wet earth, Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; at the base of trees at Yarmouth, N.S.; on old logs along the Gaspe coast, and on Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que., alt. 4,000 feet ; on earth and logs, Ste. Anne des Monts River and Mont Louis, Gaspe Co., Que.; on earth and rotten wood, Brackley Point, Prince Ed- ward Island ; on rotten wood, stones and earth at Ottawa, Ont.; on earth, Sudbury Junction, Algoma ; on rocks, earth and logs in Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on rotten wood at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on the face of moist rocks in woods. Otter Head, Lake Superior, July 28th, 1869 ; on old logs, Nipigon River, and on Humboldt Island, Lake Nipigon ; on old logs, Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man.; on House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, Atha.; on earth and dead wood at Hector, and Elbow River, Rocky Mountains ; on logs, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on rotten wood at Revelstoke Columbia River, B.C.; on rotten wood at Quesnel, Eraser River, B.C.; on dead wood, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) On Mount Queest, Shuswap Lake, B.C., alt. 6,000 feet. (/. M. Macoun.) Juneau, Orca, Yakutat Bay, Hall Island and Unalaska, Alaska. {Evans) On river bank below Bonanza Creek, Yukon, June i8th, 1899. {Williams) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen) 143. B. setiformis, (Ehrh.) Lindb. Chandonanthus setiformis, (Ehrh.) Mitt.; Pearson List, Can. Hep. p. 13. Greenland. {Vahl) On the earth in a swamp, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que., alt. 4,000 feet, Aug. 26th, ]882. {Macoun. 36 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Observatory Inlet, N.W. coast of America. {Dr. Scouler.) Alaska. {Krause.) On rocks, Lake Lindeman, Yukon, May 5th, 1898 ( Williams.^ On St. Matthew Island, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 42. ANTHELIA, Dumort. 144. A. julacea, (Linn.) Dumort. Greenland. {Vahl.) On wet rocks, Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 7th, 1890. {Macoun.) Virgin Bay, St. Matthew Island, St. Lawrence Island, Hall Island and Unalaska, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 145. A. juratzkana, (Limpr.) Trevis. St. Matthew Island and Hall Island, Alaska. {Evajis.) Hold- with-Hope and Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 43. HERBERTA, S. P. Gray. 146. H. adunca, (Dicks.) S. F. Gray. St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, Alaska. {Dr. Mernam.) Yes Bay and Hall Island, Alaska. {Evans.) 44. PTILIDIUM, Nees. 14V. P. ciliare, (Linn.) Nees. Alaska. {Krause.) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Delhrnare) Greenland, Lat. 60° 30'. {Dr. Rosenvinge.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 62° 30', Long. 102° 45'. (/. W. Tyrrell.) Fort Chimo and Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On Digge's and Nottingham islands, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) On old logs, Tobique River, N.B., July, 1884. {G. U. Hay.) Peat bog, Salt Lake, Anticosti; at Margaree and Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, 1898 ; on rotten wood, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on earth, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug, loth, 1882 ; on old logs at Ottawa, Ont.; on rotten wood, Belleville. Hastings Co., Ont.; on dead wood. North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Algoma ; on perpendicular rocks. Lake Nipigon ; on old logs, Algonquin CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 37 Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on old logs at Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man.; on rocks, Kicking Horse Lake and Elbow River, Rockv Mountains ; on old logs at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; also at Sicamous, Shuswap Lake, B.C. {Macou?i.) On logs Chilliwack Lake, B.C.; Kadiak Island, Alaska. (/. M.Macoun.) Juneau, Virgin Bay, Port Wells, Kadiak Island, St. Matthew Island, Port Clarence, Unalaskaand St. Michael's Alaska. (Evans.) On ground in woods, Dawson, Yukon, Sept. 7th, 1898. {Wil- liams.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Janseti.) 148. P. pulcherriraum, (Web.) Hampe. On logs, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. loth, 1882. (Macoun.) Scarcely distinct from P. ciliare. 149. P. Californicum, (Aust.) Pearson, List Can. Hep. p. 7. On branches, twigs and trunks, in Eagle Pass, B.C.; on rocks, Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C.; on logs in woods at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on the base of trees and on rotten logs. Sea's farm, Victoria, 1875 5 o" rocks. Mount Benson, Nanaimo, and on old logs, Union Mines, near Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On old logs, Carmanah Bay, Vancouver Island ; Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, Oct. ist, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) Sitka, Virgin Bay, Port Wells, Orca and Columbia Fiord, Alaska. (Evam.) 45. TRICHOCOLEA, Dumort. 150. T. tomentella, (Ehrh.) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) At Ham- ilton Farm, River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D'Urban.) In moss in Dow's swamp, Ottawa, Ont.; at Meech's Lake, north of Chelsea, Que.; in tamarac and black ash swamps, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; in boggy woods, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 9th, 1900. {Macoun.) 46. DIPLOPHYLLEIA, Trevis. 151. D. albicans, (Linn.) Trevis. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. (Deldmare.) On earth at Pictou, Nova Scotia, July 24th, 1883 ; crevices of wet rocks, 38 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Margaree and Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on damp rocks in a ravine, Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; on rocks northeast coast of Lake Superior, July 27th, 1869 ; on rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on rocks. Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island ; near the summit of Mount Arrow- smith, alt. 5,500 feet, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Rocky Moun- tains. {Bourgeau.) Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C. {Law.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, and Carmanah, west coast of Van- couver Island, 1892. (/. M. Macoun) Hot Springs, Mount Ver- stovia, Orca, Columbia Fiord, Port Wells, Farragut Bay and Bar- low Cove, Alaska. {EvaTis.) 152. D. taxifolia, (Wahl.) Trevis. Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) On moss and rocks, Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S., July 9th, 1883 ; wet rocks, Smoky Mountain and Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on rocks. Burnt Portage, Dawson Route, west of Lake Superior, July 24th, 1872 ; on wet rocks at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. ; mountains of the Gold Range, north of Griffin Lake, B.C. ; on rocks at Peace River Canon, Lat. 56° 12', Oct. 24th, 1872 ; on rocks. Mount Benson, and in brooks, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) On damp rocks, Carmanah, west coast of Van- couver Island, 1892, and on St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (/. M. Macoun) St. Matthew Island, Unalaska Island, Cape Nome and Sitka, Alaska. {Evans) On rocks, Canon City, Alaska, March 27th, 1898. {Williams) Unalaska. {Chamisso.) 153. D. argentea, (Tayl.) Observatory Inlet, northwest coast of America. {Dr. Scouler.) Northwest coast of America, 1791. {Menzies) Forward Bay, Johnston's Strait, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) 154. D. obtusifolia, (Hook.) Trevis. On earth under stumps at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April nth, 1889; on earth under a stump in woods, at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B C. {Macoun. ) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS- 39 155. D. plicata, (Lindb.) Evans. Orca, Farragut Bay and Hall Island, Alaska. {Evans.) 4V. SCAPANIA, Dumort. 156. s. Bolanderi, Aust. On logs and stones, Pirate's Cove, Canso, N.S. ; on rocks at Truro, N.S. ; on stones in brooks near Ottawa, Ont. ; on logs in swamps, Sudbury Junction, Algoma ; on rocks near Michipico- ten, northeast coast Lake Superior ; on trees at Hastings, Bur- rard Inlet, B.C. ; on rocks Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. ; on rocks and trees near Victoria, on trees at Nanaimo, on rocks. Mount Arrowsmith and Mount Mark, and on trees at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoim.) On logs. Alert Bay, Vancouver Island, and Hanson Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G.M.Dawson.) On logs, Chilliwack Lake, B.C.; Port Etches, Alaska, May i8th, 1892 ; Prince of Wales Island, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) Sitka, Hot Spring, Mt. Verstovia, Juneau, Douglas Island, Orca, Columbia Fiord, Farragut Bay and Kadiak Island, Alaska. {Evans.) Chilcat, Alaska. {Krause.) 157. S. nemorosa, Dumort. 5. subalpina, Pearson, List Can. Hep., p. 15. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On stones, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) Digge's Island, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) On earth, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on wet earth by roadsides and on rocks by Streams, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; not rare on Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899; on old logs, Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rotten wood by a brook, Meech's Lake and Cascades, Que., near Ottawa, Ont.; on flat rocks, Addington Co., Ont.; on rocks in damp places, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rocks, borders of brooks, opposite Michipicoten Island, Lake Superior ; on damp rocks. House Mountain, Lesser Slave Lake, Atha.; on rocks by a brook, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on rocks in a brook at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; in wet woods at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on damp rocks at Coldstream and Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; on Mount 4P .GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, alt. 4,800 feet. {Macoun) British Columbia. {Lyall.) Alaska. (Krause.) Reported from Alaska by Rothrock. 158. s. Oakesii, Aust. Observatory Inlet, northwest coast of America. (Dr. Scolder.) Northeast coast, Lake Superior, July 28th, 1869. [Macoim.) 159. S. undulata, (Linn.) Dumort. On earth, Seal Lake, Labrador, July, i8q6. {A. P. Low.) Labrador. Collected by Waghorne. {Underwood.) Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Greenland, Lat. 63° 20', May 27th, 1888. (^Dr. Rosenvinge.) On rocks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {Mo^er.) On wet earth. Point de Roche, Prince Edward Island ; on rocks in a brook at Halifax and at Yarmouth, N.S.; on stones in flowing water at Baddeck, Margaree, Half- Way Brook and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; in the bed of a brook, Mount Albert, Gasp6 Co., Que.; in a small brook near the lower end of Michipicoten Island, northeast coast Lake Superior, July 26th, 1869 ; on earth along the Columbia River at Revelstoke, B.C.; on stones, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; wet rocks near Griffin Lake, Gold Range, and on rocks at Yale, B.C.; in bogs near New Westminster, B.C.; near the summit of Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, alt. 5,500 feet. (Macoun.) On stones in brooks, Tulameen River, B.C. (Dr. G. M. Dawson) Rocky Mountains. {Lyall.) Observatory Inlet, northwest coast of America. (Dr. Scouler.) Sitka, Juneau, Virgin Bay, Orca, Columbia Fiord, Farragut Bay. Yakutat Bay, Unalaska and Popoff Island, Alaska. {Evans.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) In streams running into Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1898. {Williams.) 160. S. uliginosa, (Sw.) Dumort. Greenland. (/. Vahl.) On stones in brooks, Roger's Pass and along Asulcan Creek, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on stones in Eagle River, Griffin Lake, B.C., and on the Gold Range north of that point ; on Mount Arrowsmith, near the summit, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On wet rocks, Carmanah Bay, Vancouver Island ; Attu Island and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 41 161. S. irrigua, (Nees) Dumort. On earth by roadsides, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on wet earth by springs at Truro, N.S. ; on boggy ground summit of Mount Albert, alt. 4000 feet, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on stones in brooks northeast coast of Lake Superior ; along Peace River, Rocky Mountain Canon, Lat. 56° 12', Oct. 24th, 1872 ; by springs at Quesnel, Fraser River, B.C. {Macoun.) Port Clarence, Alaska. {Evans) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 162. S. umbrosa, (ScHRAD. ) Dumort. S. convexa^ (Scop.) Pearson, List Can. Hep. p. 15. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On old logs. Sea's farm, and at Parson's bridge near Victoria ; on old logs at Goldstream, on rotten wood, Mount Mark, and on old logs at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Sitka, Mt. Verstovia, Juneau, Orca, Columbia Fiord and Yakutat Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen.) 163. S, imbricata, M. A. Howe, Bull. New York Bot. Gar. Vol. II., 104, 1901. On rocks, Crater Lake, at foot of Chilcoot Pass, Alaska, alt, about 900 metres. May 24th, 1898. {Williams.) 164. S. curta, (Mart.) Dumort. On earth. South West Point, Anticosti ; on earth along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on old logs at Ottawa, Ont. ; on slate rocks 10 miles south of Fort William, Lake Superior, July i6th, 1869 ; on rocks, Nipigon River, and Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; on old logs, Sudbury Junction, Algoma, Ont. ; on earth. House Mountain, Lesser Slave Lake, Atha. {Macoun.) Unalaska Island. {Chamisso) Yakutat Bay, Unalaska and St. Michael's, Alaska. {Evans) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {C.Jansen) 165. S. gracilis, (Lindb.) Kaalaas. On rocks by a brook. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 14th. 1898. {Macoun) Scoresby Sound, East Greenland. {^C.Jansen) 1 42 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 166. s. brevicaulis, Tayl. North America. {Drummond in herb. Hook.) 167. S. glaucocepliala, (Tayl.) Aust. On dead wood, Gaspe coast, and slopes of Mount Albert, alt. J,000 feet, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on elm and other logs at Ottawa, Ont. ; on old logs at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on old logs, very rare, near Wooler, Northumberland Co., Ont., July 20th, 1865 ; on old logs, Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man. ; on old logs west of Fraser River at Quesnel, B.C., 1875. {Macoun.) 168. S. compacta, (Roth) Dumort. Greenland. {Currie & Breniel.) 48. RADULA, Dumort. 169. R. conaplanata, (Linn.) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On'the bases of trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on the bases of trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks and trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on the roots of trees and on stones at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont,; on rocks and trees, Queenston Heights, Ont., 1901 ; on rocks. Lake Nipigon, Ont.; abundant on the bases of trees in Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on trees. Red Deer River, Porcupine Mountains, Man.; on bases of trees and alders at Revelstoke, B.C.; on rocks. New Westminster, B.C.; on trees. Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island ; on rocks and trees. Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island ; on rocks and the bases ot trees, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on the bases of trees, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., July 30th, 1890. {Macoun.) Sitka, Unalaska Island and Yakutat Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) Radula Krausei, Steph., from Chilcoot, Alaska, is doubtfully referred here by Dr. Howe. ivo. R. Bolanderi, Gottsche. On rotten wood. Alert Bay, Vancouver Island, 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) On Acer circifiatum at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 43 on Douglas Fir and other young trees at Victoria, and on Alnus rubra at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Hot Spring, Una- laska and Sitka, Alaska. {Evans.) Radula arctica,S\.e'ph.., collected at Chlowak and Chilcat, Alaska, by the Drs. Krause, is referred here by Dr. Howe. iVi. R. tenax, Lindb On the bark of trees. Alert Bay, Vancouver Island, 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson^ 49. PORELLA, DiU. 172. P. navicularis, (Lehm & Lindb.) Lindb. Observatory Inlet, British Columbia. {Dr. Scouler.) Vancouver Island. {Dr. Lyall.) Chilcoot, Alaska. {Krause.) On trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; quite common on boulders in woods, on rocks, on old logs, and on trees in swamps at Victoria and on trees at Comox, Vancouver Island ; on trees and rocks, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia ; and on rocks at Yale, Fraser River, B.C. {Macoun.) On trees, Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Hot Spring, Alaska. {Evans.) 1'73. P. platyphylla, (Linn.) Lindb. A very common species throughout eastern Canada. At the base of trees, Canaan Forks, and Ntver's Rapids, Queen's Co., N.B. {Moser.) On rocks, North West Arm, Halifax, N.S.; on trees at Yarmouth, N.S. ; on rocks and trunks at Mar- garee. Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on trees at Grand Etang, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on trees at Ottawa, Ont. ; on rocks at Sudbury Junction, Algoma ; on trees and rocks at Belleville, Hast- ings Co., Ont.; on rocks at Owen Sound, Ont.; Nipigon River, Ont.; on trees, Queenston Heights, Ont., 1901 ; on trees in woods, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 6th, 1900. {Macoun.) On trees, River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D'Urban.) On Missinaibi River, Algoma. {Dr. R. Bell.) Guissen, Alaska. Krause.) 44 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 174. P. rivularis, (Nees) Trevis. P. platyphlloidea, Pearson's List, No. 20. On wet rocks, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, alt. 6,000 feet, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897 ; on rocks, Selkirk Mountains, and in Roger's Pass, B.C., 1890 ; on trees along the Eraser River, near Mission, B.C. ; on rocks at Yale, Eraser River, B.C., 1872 ; on damp rocks. Eagle Pass, and on rocks at Revelstoke, and Robson, Columbia River, B.C.; on stones in the Colquitz River and on young firs near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macou?i.) Sitka, andYakutat Bay, Alaska. {Evans.) 175. p. Roellii, Steph., Bot. Centralb. 45, 1891. On rocks. Pass Creek, Robson, B.C., June, 1890 ; on damp rocks in a ravine at Craigflower, near Victoria, and on rocks near the waterworks, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 30th, 1893 ; on rocks on the summit of Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 8th, 1887 ; on rocks. Salt Spring Island, and at Nanaimo River, Vancouver Island, May, 1887; on rocks above Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1875. The latter specimen was re- ferred to P. laevigata by Pearson, but after reading Dr. Howe's remarks in his work on the Hepatics of California we place it under this species. {Macoun.) On wet cliffs, Chilliwack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 176. P. pinnata, Linn. On stones in Trent River, below Heely Falls, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on stones in a creek, Mr. Roy's farm, near Owen Sound, Ont.; on stones in brooks, Kakabeka Falls, west of Eort William, Lake Superior ; on stores in Bonnech^re River, Golden Lake, Renfrew Co., Ont.; on the bases of trees subject to flood, shore of Lake Duchesne, above Britannia, near Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 27th, 1900. (Macou?i.) 50. LEJEUNEA, Libert. 177. L. cavifolia, (Ehrh.) Lindb. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) On cedar trees, Ste Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS 45 on moss and rocks along the right bank of the Moira, below the paper-mill dam, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on rocks at Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 12th, 1900. {Macoun) 178. L. patens, Lindb. On damp rocks. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 20th, 1898. {Macoun.) 51. COLOLEJEUNEA, Schiffn. 179. C. Biddlecomiae, (Aust.) Evans. On cedar trees in Dow's swamp, Ottawa, Ont., Sept. 21st, 1889 I on cedar trees in woods east of Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., Sept. 17th, 1870. {Macoun.) 180. C. Macounii, (Spruce.) Evans. On the bark of Acer circinaium and other small trees at Has- tings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 8th, 14th, and 20th, 1889. {Macoun^ 52. PRULLANIA, Raddi. 181. P. Oakesiana, Aust., Proc. Acad. Phila. 1869, 226. On balsam fir and black ash trees at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 9th, 1898. {Macoun?) Apparently not rare in that locality. 182. P. Bolanderi, Aust. F. Hallii, Aust. ; Pearson, List Can. Hep. p. 2. We have two specimens in our herbarium collected on May 7th, 1875, at Victoria, Vancouver Island, one of which was named F. Hallii by Austin and the other F. Oakesiana. Both are placed here. Other specimens were collected on dead Spircea discolor, Pyrus Hvularis and Douglas fir on Sea's farm, near Victoria, Van- couver Island, May, 1893 ; on small trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 26, 1889 5 '^'^ rocks. Deer Park, Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 8th, 1890. {Macoufi.) 46 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 183. P. Eboracensis, Gottsche. Very common on trees, sometimes on rocks. On fir trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on birch and small ash trees at Truro, N.S. ; on trees of various kinds, quite common, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on trees, Brackley Point and Cove Head, Prince Edward Island ; at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899; O" ^^ and birch trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on bark of various trees at Ottawa, Ont. ; on trees, Leamy's Lake, Hull, Que. ; abundant at Belleville, Hastings Co.; on beech trees, Seymour West, Northumberland Co. ; Sudbury Junction, Algoma ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on trees, Queenston Heights, Ont., 1901 ; common in Algonquin Park, Ont., August, 1900 ; on trees. Red Deer River, Porcupine Mountains, Man.; on trees at Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C. ; on trees, Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Van- couver Island. {Macoun.) 184. p. Virginica, Gottsche. On bark of trees, apparently rare in Canada. New Brunswick. {James.) Near Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., 1868 ; on old trees in James Terrill's woods, near Wooler, Ont., Oct. i6th, 1893. {Macomi.) 185. P. ehilcootiensis, Steph. Chilcoot, Alaska. {Krause.) 186. P. Asagrayana, Mont. On trees and rocks, frequent in Canada. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) Charlotte- town, Prince Edward Island. {James.) On trees, Tobique River, N.B. {Hay.) Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. {Prof. Fowler.) On birch trees, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on balsam fir, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on fir trees at Woodstock, N.B., July 4th, 1899 ; o" trees at Truro, N.S.; on rocks in Gull Lake^ Frontenac Co., Ont.; on rocks, Sudbury Junction, Algoma, Ont.; not uncommon on tree trunks at Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 47 187. F. Calif ornica, (Aust.) Evans. F. Asagrayana, Mont. var. Californica, Aust.; Pearson, List Can. Hep. p. 3. On trees and rocks on the Pacific coast ; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April, 1889 ; on rocks, Parson's Mountain and on trees at Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) 188. F. tamarisci, (Linn.) Dumort. Miquelon Island, Gulf of St. Lawrence. {Deldmare.) New- foundland. {Waghorne.) On rocks, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 22nd, 1898. The west coast form referred here in Pearson's list belongs to the next species. {Macoun.) 189. F. Nisquallensis, Sulliv. On bark of young Douglas fir and other trees at Victoria ; on the bark of yellow cedar Mount Mark, Qualicum, and on alder trees at Comox, Vancouver Island ; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on rocks at Yale, B.C., May, 1889. {Macoun.) On trees at Carmanah, west coast of Vancouver Island, May i8th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun^ Chilcoot, Alaska. {Krause.) Cape Fox, New Metlakahtla, Sitka, Hot Springs, Wrangel, Orca and Yaku- tat, Alaska. {Evans.) 190. F. Franciscana, M. A. Howe. Sitka and Hot Springs, Alaska. {Evans.) This species will likely be found on Vancouver Island or indeed may now be included in F. Calif ornica. 191. F. Selwyniana, Pearson, List Can. Hep., p. i, 1890. This is a small reddish-brown species collected on the bark of Thuya occidentalism near the mouth of Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. 19th, 1882. {Macoun.) Not collected since in Canada but has been found in Ohio by Mr. W. C. Werner, 48 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Order V. ANTHOCEROTACEiE. 53. ANTHOCEROS, Linn. 192. A. laevis, Linn. On wet banks, Canada. {Underwood.) Very abundant along the Bonnechere, below the hotel at Golden Lake, Ont., Sept. 26th, 1900 ; on an old road in woods, Arner, Essex Co., Ont., August 6th, 1901. (^Macoun.) 193. A. piinctatus, Linn. Wet banks, Canada. {Austin.) On wet earth at Truro N.S., July, lOth, 1883. {Macoun.) 194. A. fusiformis, Aust. On earth by the sides of ditches at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; quite common by ditches and in wet places on mountains at Goldstream, Nanaimo and Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun^ On earth, Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson^ Observatory Inlet. {Scouler.) 195. A. stomatifer, Aust. On earth on the slope of the mountain at Sproat, Columbia River, B.C., June 24th, 1890; on earth in Stanley Park, Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 25th, 1893 ; on wet earth above Yale, Eraser River, B.C., May 17th, 1875. {Macoun.) 196. A. Macounii, Howe ; Bull. Torn Bot. Club, Vol, XXV pp. ig, 20. Thallus forming small dark green rosettes, 4-10 mm. in diame- ter, strongly undulate, crisped, subradiately inciso-laciniate or somewhat broadly lobed, rugose, pitted sometimes, slightly lamellate, ecostate, 6-8 cells in axile parts, cavernose, becoming at the margin gradually 3 or 2 stratose, now and then glandular- thickened ; surface-cells distinct, translucent, lightly protuberant, subrhombic, trapegoidal, or oblong-pentagonal. Abundant on earth subject to flood in spring, near the head of the discharge of Leamy's Lake, Hull, Que., October 6th, 1889. Not since collected. {Macoun.) LICHENES. TRIBE I.— PARMELIACEI. Family I. USNEEI, 1. RAMALINA, Ach. 3. R. reticulata, (Noehd.) Krempelh. This is a common species on Quercus Garryana in the neigh- bourhood of Victoria, Vancouver Island. Many of the specimens are much elongated and hang in festoons from the trees. {Macoun.) On trees, Henslow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Daw- son.) This is a very remarkable species and as far as known does not extend north of Henslow Island, Gulf of Georgia. The reticula- tions are much larger in southern specimens. 2. R. calicaris, (Linn.) Fr. var. fraxinea, Fr. Not uncommon on fence-rails, trees, &c. Distinguished by its wide and long-lobed thallus. Apothecia lateral. Rather rare in woods at Big Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on balsam fir, Stittsville, near Ottawa, Ont., May, 1897 ; fence-rails at Belleville and Brighton, Ont. ; on trees, Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; on oak trees at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Du- charme.) On spruce trees and a board fence, Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) Var. fastigiata, (Pers.) Fr. Branches compressed and inflated, without soredia. Lobes of thallus crowded. Apothecia terminal or subterminal. 4 50 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Not uncommon on old fences, old logs and trunks in woods at Ottawa, Belleville and Brighton, Ont. ; on trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; on oak trees at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On spruce trunks at Edmonton, Ont. {J. White.) Var. canaliculata, Fr. Lobes narrow and channelled. Apothecia attached just below the deflexed tips. On trees throughout the eastern provinces ; but rare. On trees, New Brunswick. {Prof. Fowler.) At Truro, Nova Scotia ; Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec ; in the vicinity of Ottawa, Ont.; Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; along the Nipigon River, Ont.; near Kananaskis Falls, Rocky Mountains. {Macou?i.) Var. farinacea, Schaer. Thallus either flattened or rounded, generally much branched and finally attenuate ; besprinkled with white powdery soredia ; apothecia rare. Apparently the commonest form of the species. Common on both trees and rocks. L'Anse au Clair, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On trees. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; on rocks and trees. Riviere Ste. Anne des Monts, Gaspe, Que.; on trees, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on old fences, Sable Island, N.S., July 27th, 1899 ; on trees and rocks. Big Intervale, on rocks at Louisburg, and on trees at Grand Narrows and Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S. ; on rocks and trees near Ottawa, Ont. ; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on trees at Belleville, Ont. ; on rocks, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on rocks Lake Athabasca ; on trees, Hast- ings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; Victoria and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On trees, Alert Bay and Thurlow Island, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) On trees near Cape Beale, Van- couver Island. {J. M. Macoun^ 3. R. minuscula, Nyl. R. pusilla., (Prev.) var. geniculata, Tuckerm. On trees and branches ; not rare. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 5 1 Canada. (A. T. Drummond.) Arctic America. {Hooker^ Abundant on trees at the Big Intervale, Margaree River, Cape Breton Island, N. S.; near Ironsides on the road to Chelsea, Que.; on small trees, and branches. Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on small trees, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on willows, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) 4. R. dilacerta, Hoffm. R. minuscula, f . pollinariella, Nyl. Eagle River, L'Anse au Mort, and Blanc Sablon, Labrador ; on branches of trees, Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 5. R. poUinaria, (Westr.) Ach. Bay of Exploits, Newfoundland. {Waghorjie.) Unalaska Island, Behring Sea. {J. M. Macoun.) 6. R. polymorpha, Ach. Quite common on trees in the Maritime Provinces. On rocks, Newfoundland. {Dtspreaux.) On dead balsam fir at Baddeck, Big Intervale and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N. S. ; Jupiter River, Anticosti ; Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; Little Chlorodorme, Gaspe Co. Que. ; on old fence posts and boards Sable Island, N. S., July 27, 1899. {Macoun.) On islands in Behring Strait. {Wright.) On rocks St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. {J. M. Macoun^ 1. R. cuspidata, Ach. A specimen referred here was collected on St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, Aug i8th, 1892, by Mr. J. M. Macoun. The plant is perfectly smooth, polished and shining. There is no sign of soredia and the apothecia is lateral. (No. 615.) On June 19, 1897, other specimens were collected on St. Paul Island by Mr. Macoun and referred here by Prof. Branth. 2. CETRARIA (Ach.) Fr. 8. C. tristis, (Web.) Fr. Alpine rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson^ On rocks, Digge's Island, Hudson Strait, 1885. {Dr. R. Bell.) On rocks, summit of 43^ 52 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Mount Benson, Vancouver Island {Macoun.) Muir Glacier, Alaska, July 13th, 1897. {T. Kincaid.) 9. C. Californica, Tuckerm. On trees on the summit of Mount Benson, Vancouver Island, alt. 3,300 feet. {Macotm.) 10. C. aculeata, (Schreb.) Fr On earth and growing over mosses in alpine districts. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. (Hooker.) Clear- water Lake, Labrador. {A. P. Low.) On rocks near Halifax, N. S. ; on eastern end of Cypress Hills, Assa. ; on rocks and earth along the Milk River, Assa., near Kenneday's Crossing ; in Crow's Nest Pass and along Jumping Pound and Bragg's creeks. Rocky Mountains ; Bow River Pass, Kananaskis Pass and Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks Roger's Pass, Selkirk Moun- tains, B.C. ; on Stewart's Lake Mountain, B.C. ; on mountains at Spence's Bridge, B.C. ; on rocks Burnside Road, Victoria, and on Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On the Barren Grounds, Lat. 62° 50', Long. 102° 45', W. (/. B. Tyrrell.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun..) 11. C. odontella, Ach. Growing over mosses on rocks in Arctic America. {Tuckerman.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On rocks at Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July I2th, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On earth in Lat. 61° 30', Long. 103** 30', W., July 26, 1893. (/. B. Tyrrell.) 12. C. ramulosa, (Hook.) Tuckerm. Growing over mosses on alpine rocks. Arctic America. (Richardson.) Rocky Mountains. (Herb. Hooker.) Digge's Island, Hudson Strait. (Dr. R.Bell.) Summit of Mount Niblock near Lake Agnes, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) 13. C. madreporiformis, (Ach.) Mull. On earth in alpine districts. On mountains in Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains, 1879 ; on earth, summit of Sulphur Mountain Banff, alt. 7,500 ft., 1891 ; CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 53 along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, i8q7, alt. 5,000 feet. {Macoun.) The latter specimens have been referred to var. muricata by Dr. Branth. 14. C. arctica, (Hook.) Tuckerm. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Clearwater Lake and Whale River, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Bear Lake and elsewhere in Arctic America. {Richardson)} Cape Prince of Wales, Digge's Island and Upper Savage Islands, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 62'' 45', Long. 103°, W. (/. W. Tyrrell) Sum- mit of Mount Niblock, Lake Agnes, Rocky Mountains. {Mccoun.) Emerald Lake, south of Laggan, Rocky Mountains, alt. 5,500 ft. {Bean.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) 15. C. Islandica, (Lind.) Ach. On earth in many places throughout the mountains and cooler parts of Canada. Western Greenland. {Warming.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On earth, Baffin Land, north of Hudson Strait, 1896; North Bluff, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W. (/. W. Tyriell.) Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island ; on Bruce Peninsu a, at Little Eagle Harbour, Ont., August, 1901 ; quite common along the north and east shores of Lake Superior ; on earth in woods, Banff, Mount Aylmer, Devil's Lake and Hector, Rocky Mountains ; in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B. C. ; common on the mountains at the head of the Elbow River and in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; mountains at Spence's Bridge, B.C.; Gold Range at Griffin Lake and above the Sky Line Mine, Kootenay Lake, B.C. ; on earth at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) On Todd Mountain and on mountains south of Tulameen River, B. C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) Cape Vancouver and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun) Var. crispa, (Ach.) On earth in alpine and sub-alpine districts. Greenland. {Arct. Man) At the Summit Lake, Manicouagan River, Que. and Whale River, Labrador. {A. P. Low) Battle Har- 54 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. bour, Labrador. {Waghome.) On earth Half-Way House, Cape Breton Island, N.S., August, 1898 ; on earth, Salt Lake, Anticosti, Aug. 10th, 1883. {Macoun.) Var. robusta, (Branth) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, July 2nd, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) i«. C. hiascens, (Fr.) Th. Fr. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Herb. Hooker.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) North Shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) Nottingham Island and Digge's Island, Hudson Strait ; on Baffin Land, north shore of Hudson Strait, July, 1897. {Dr. R. Bell.) On earth, L'Anse au Mort and west of Woodside, Newfoundland. {Waghorn£.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 61" 25', Long. 103° 30', W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On earth, Salt Lake, Anticosti; summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. {Macoun.) Middleton Island, Alaska, and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. {J. M. Macoun) IT. C. Richardsonii, (Hook.) Tuckerm. Prostrate on the ground. Barren Grounds, north of Great Slave Lake. {Richardson.) On the Barren Grounds near Chesterfield Inlet, Hudson Bay, Aug. 1893. (/. W. Tyrrell.) 18. C. cucullata, (Bell.) Ach. On earth in alpine and sub-alpine districts. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson) Marble Island, Hudson Bay ; Digge's Island, Hudson Strait. (Dr. R. Bell) L'Anse au Mort, Labrador, and Chimney Cove, Newfound- land. (WagJtorne) Barren Grounds, Lat, 62" 50', Long. 102^05', W. (/. W. Tyrrell) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; Sulphur Mountain, Banff and at the source of the Elbow River, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) On earth, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M, Macoun) 19. C. nivalis, (Linn.) Ach. On earth in alpine and sub-alpine districts. Greenland. {Arct. Man) Arctic America. {Richardson) Mans- field Island, Hudson Bay and Nain. Labrador ; on earth, Baffin CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 55 Land, north of Hudson Strait, 1896. {Dr. R. Bell.) L'Anse au Loup, Labrador ; and Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. (Waghortie.) Clearwater Lake and Whale River, Labrador, July, 1896 and 1898. {A. P. Low.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 62° 03', Long. 103^ 15', W. (/. B. Tyrrell.') Parry Falls, Great Slave Lake, May 15th, 1900. (/. W.' Tyrrell.) Fort Good Hope, Mackenzie River. N. W. T. {R. G.McConnell.) Thirty miles north of Arctic Circle on Peel River. {Miss E. Taylor.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on the east end of Cypress Hills, Assa.; Bow River Pass, and on earth in woods at Banff and at the source of the Elbow River, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Moun- tains ; on mountains south of Tulameen River and on Todd Mountain, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson^ St. George and St. Paul islands, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) 20. C. Pahlunensis, (Linn.) Sch.er. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) On rocks, Tadousac, and on Owl's Head, Lake Memphremagog, Que. {A. T. Drummorid) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July 1 2th, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On rocks, Bald Mountain, Tobique, N. B. {Geo. U. Hay.) On rocks, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on rocks. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on rocks above Michipicoten, northeast shore of Lake Superior ; summit of Mount Benson, near Nariaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 21. C. commjxta, (Nyl.) Th. Fr. On St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June 28th, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) 22. C. ciliaris, (Ach.) Tuckerm. Quite common on fence-rails, branches of spruce, tamarac and balsam trees, and occasionally on tree-trunks. On birch trees, Canaan Forks, N.B. (/. Moser.) On trees at Salt Lake, Anticosti ; on tamarac in a swamp, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; at Baddeck, Louisburg, Big Intervale and Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; on birch trees, Ste. Anne des Monts, Gaspe Co., Que.; common on fence-rails, stumps and trees at Ottawa, Belleville, Brighton and Peterboro, 56 GFOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Ont. ; on branches of trees in swamps, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; near Sudbury Junction and along the north shore of Lake Superior ; Lake Nipigon and westward to the Porcupine Mountains, Man. (^Macoun.) 23 C. platyphylla, Tuckerm. Not uncommon on trees at Victoria, and on Mount Benson, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 24. c. ssepincola, (Ehrh.) Ach. On trees, twigs and dead wood. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Hudson Bay. {Herb. Banks.) On bark of Betuladit Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On twigs in the Mer Bleue, near Ottawa, Ont.; on Betula pumila. Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on twigs and bark of Douglas fir, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Colum- bia River, and on Latix occidentalis at "Sky Line" Mine, Hot Springs, Kootaney Lake, B.C.; at McLeod's Lake, B.C., Lat. 55"; on trees, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Northwest Coast. {Menzies.) Var. chlorophylla, Wahl. L'Anse au Clair Bay, Labrador. {Waghor/ie.) On dead spruce trees, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, 1897 ; on dead trunks. Telegraph Trail, west of Quesnel. B.C.. 1875 '■> o" ^^^ fences at Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889. {Macoun.) On trees on Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., 1885. (-^''- ^- ^- Dawson.) 25. C. lacunosa, Ach. On trees and fence-rails, not rare. On trees, Bald Mountain, Tobique River, N.B., 1884. {G. U. Hay) On trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B., i?,^g. {J. Moser.) On trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti, 1883 ; on old fenc^-rails at Buckingham, Que., 1896 ; on fence-rails at Belleville, Ont., 1868 ; on trees, Nipigon River, Lake Superior, 1884 ; abundant on trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees, Johnstone Harbour, Bruce Peninsula, Ont., Aug., 1901 ; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889. {Macoun.) On dead cedars, Alert Bay, Van- CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 57 couver Island, and on Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., 1885. V'''- G. M. Dawson.) On St. George, St. Paul and Una- laska islands, Behring Sea, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) 26. C. glauca, (Linn.) Ach. On trees and rocks. Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) White Bear River, Sandwich Bay, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On trees at Truro, N.S., 1883; on rocks at Louisburg ; and on trees at Baddeck, Big Intervale and at Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on birch trees, Skickshock Mountains, Gaspe Co., Que., 1882 ; on trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Que., 1882 ; on trees along the Nipigon River, Lake Superior, Ont., 1884 ; on spruce trees. Jump- ing Pound Creek, and Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains ; on trees at Deer Park, Arrow Lake, Columbia River ; Cache Creek, Revel- stoke and Clinton, B.C.; on trees and rocks at Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. {J. M. Macoun.) On trees at Alert Bay, Van ouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) On trees at Sitka, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun) Var. stenophylla, Tuckerm. On old logs, Burnside Road near Victoria ; on trees at Quali- cum and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On trees Thur- low Island, Gulf of Georgia. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) On the Sumas Prairie, B.C., 1859. {Dr. Lyall.) 2V. C. chiysantha. Tuckerm. On rocks, Kotzebue Sound. {Tuckerman.) On islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 28. C. Oakesiana, Tuckerm. On trees and pine stumps in woods. On the north shore of Lake Superior. {Agassis.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On bark of trees, North Bay, Lake Nipissing, 1884 ; on a pine stump in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, and at Stittsville, Carleton Co., Ont.; on a pine log. King's Mountain, Chelsea, Que. ; abundant on the bases of hemlock and pine trees, Algonquin Park. Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.') 58 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 29. c. aurescens, Tuckerm. On spruce trees, North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Ont. Determined by Tuckerman. {Macoun.) On Middleton Island, Alaska, June 15th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 30. C. juniperina, (Linn.) Ach. On trees, especially conifers. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On bark of Douglas fir, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. ; on spruce trees, Nachaco River, northern British Columbia ; Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia. B.C. {Macoun.) Var. terrestris, ScHiER. On earth in alpine districts. Arctic America. {Herb. Hooker.) On the summit of Mount Albert, alt. 4,000 feet, Gaspe Co., Que., 1882 ; abundant in the Rocky Mountains in the Bow River Pass, at Banff, at Kananaskis and Hector,on Moose Mountain and in the Crow's Nest Pass {Macoun.) Var. Pinastri, Ach. On trees, shrubs and rocks in sub-alpine or cool districts. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On spruce bark, Canaan Forks, Queen's" Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On bark. Bald Mountain, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummo7id.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vandreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G.Ducharme.) On shrubs, Gunn River, Anticosti ; on stumps and old fence-rails at Big Intervale, Mar- garee, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old rails. Port Daniel, Bonaventure Co., Que.; rather rare on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 21st, 1900 ; on boulders in woods, mouth of Nipi- gon River and along the shore of Lake Superior ; on dead sticks at Jumping Pound Creek and Bragg's Creek, foothills of Rocky Mountains, June 13th, 1897 5 at Donald, Columbia Valley, B.C. ; near McLeod's Lake, northern British Columbia. {Macoun) On twigs of shrubs, Lat. 62° 03', Long. 103° 15', W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 59 3. EVERNIA, Ach., Mann. 31. E. vulpina, (Linn.) Ach. A very common species in the Rocky Mountains above 5,000 feet altitude. We have specimens, generally in fine fruit, from Crow's Nest Pass, Bow River Pass, Moose Mountain, Devil's Lake Mountains and Sulphur Mountain at Banff ; Deer Park, Arrow Lake, Columbia River; mountains at Spence's Bridge, B.C.; at lower altitudes at Parson's Mountain near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On Douglas fir on Todd Mountain, B.C., alt. 6,500 feet. 'Dr. G. M. Dawson.) 32. E. furfuracea, (Linn.) Mann. Rather rare in Canada and seldom collected. On trunks of trees, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.. June 6th, 1890. {Macoun.) 33. E. prunastri, (Linn.) Ach. Arctic America. {Richardson.) On Rigaud Mountain, 'Vau" dreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On trees at Edmonton, Ont. (/. White.) Quite common in Ontario on old fence- and always sterile. On old pine stumps and fences as well as on trees at Ottawa, Ont. ; on fence-rails at Belleville and Brighton, Ont. ; on trees at Chalk River, Renfrew Co. ; Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees at North Bay, Lake Nipissing, and on trees along the Nipigon River, Lake Superior ; on trees, Duck Mountain and Lake Winnipegosis, Manitoba; on trees at Morley and Jumping Pound Creek, foothills of Rocky Moun- tains ; on rocks at Yale, B.C.; on trees at Victoria and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Pacific Coast. {Menzies.) Var. gracilis, Ach. On dry earth on a hillside at Farewell Creek, Cypress Hills, Assa. ; not uncommon, June 27th, 1895. {Macoun) 34. E. divaricata, (Linn.) Ach. On branches of spruce trees in the swamps near Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on spruce trees Mount Forget-me-not, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, alt. 7,000 feet, July 14th, 1897. {Macoun) 60 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 4. USNEA, (Dill.) Ach. 35. U. sulphurea, (Mull.) Th. Fr. On rocks, Greenland. (/. Vahl.) Rocks, Arctic America ; dwarfed and sterile, Melville Island. {Parry's 2nd voyaged 36. U. barbata, (Linn.) Fr. var. florida Fr. The variety or form, hirta, is very common, but florida is rare in Canada. On dead wood. North West Arm, Halifax, N.S., June 20th, 1883. {Macoun.) Specimens, without fruit, very glaucous and nearly smooth, have been collected on trees in Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, alt. 4,000 feet, Aug., 1897, and on Douglas fir at Comox, Van- couver Island, May 3, 1887. The latter were referred to typical U. barbata by Dr. Eckfeldt. Var. hlrta, Fr. Very common on trees and old fences. On a sandy point in the Bay of St. George, Newfoundland. {Waghome.) On trees, Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. {Prof. Fowler.) On dead branches, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On spruce trees at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) On trees at Truro, N.S.; on trees, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on spruce trees. Cape Breton Island, N.S., but rare ; on trees and old fences at Ottawa, Ont.; on fence-rails Belleville and Brighton, Ont.; on balsam fir, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on trees, Mani- toba House and Porcupine Mountains, Man.; on trees at Morley, foothills of Rocky Mountains ; on spruce trees, C. P. R. station, Banff, and at Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on branches and trunks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on oak trees around Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) . Var. rubiginea, Michx. On trees at Round Lake, Otta^^a Co., Que. {D' Urban.) On trees in a swamp near Belleville, Ont. {Macoun.) On spruce trees at Edmonton, Ont. {Janus White.) 'catalogue of CANADIAN PLANTS. 6l Van ceratina. Schaer. On trees, See. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; rather common in spruce woods at Baddeck and other parts of Cape Breton Island, N.S.; on trees, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on balsam fir Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; in a swamp, C.P.Ry. station, Banff, Rocky Mountains; along Jumping Pound Creek and in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on trees at Comox, Vancouver Island ; on trees near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. dasypoga, Fr. Forteau Bay, Labrador ; Shoal Point Bay, Wild Cove, Little Harbour, Frenchman's Cove and Bay Bull's Arm, Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) On trees along Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on trees, Truro, N.S.; on trees, Lake Superior ; on trees in woods, Duck Mountain, Man.; on spruce trees. Jumping Pound Creek, foot- hills of Rocky Mountains ; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on trees. Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. [Macoun.) Var. plicata, Fr. On trees, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on spruce trees, Baddeck and Big Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; on trees in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on trees, Current River, Lake Superior ; at Morley and Jumping Pound Creek, foothills of Rocky Mountains ; on spruce trees, Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on trees at Revelstoke, B.C.; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) Var, articulata, Ach. On trees at Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 23rd, 1889 ; at Vic- toria, Vancouver Island, May 7th, 1875. {Macoun.) Var. hirtella, Arn. On a sandy point in the Bay of St. George, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) 37. U. angulata, Ach. On trees, Round Lake, Ottawa Co., Que. {D'Urban.) On trees around Lake Superior ; on tamarac in the " Big Swamp," Murray, Northumberland Co., Ont. {Macoun.) 62 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 38. U. trichodea, Ach. On trees, Nova Scotia. {Menzies fide Tuckerman.) On trees in woods, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, July 9th, 1898 ; also on fir trees, Gaspe coast, Quebec. {Macou?i.) On trees at Carmanah Bay, Vancouver Island. (J. M. Macoun.) 39. U. longissima, Ach. Newfoundland. {Herb. Hooker) On trees, Kent Co., N.B. {Prof. Fowler) On trees, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drutnmond.) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz) On trees, Halifax, N.S. ; abundant on trees in woods at Baddeck and other localities. Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on balsam fir, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees. North Bay, Lake Nipissing ; north- east coast of Lake Superior ; on trees, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on trees, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Alaska. {Dr. Kellogg) 40. U. cavernosa, Tuckerm. On trees, north shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) On spruce trees, Lake Nipigon ; on trees at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on spruce trees at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) British Columbia. {Dr. Lyall) 5. BRYOPOGON, Link. 41. B. divergens, (Ach.) On earth in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. ( Vahl) Newfoundland. {Herb. Delessert) Long Island, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July 1 2th, 1896. {A. P. Low) Marble Island, Hudson Bay and Digge's Island, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell) Barren Grounds, Lat. 62'' 30', Long. 103° 15', W., 1893. (/. W. Tyrrell) Great Bear Lake. {Richardson) On rocks, Parson's Mountain, Vic- toria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun) Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. {Herb. Church) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 42. B, bicolor, (Ehrh.) Greenland. {J. Vahl.) Emily Harbor, Labrador. {Waghorne) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 63 43. B. jubata, (Linn.) var. prolixa, (Ach.) Th. Fr Red Bay, Independent and Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {Wa^horne.) On spruce trees at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on earth, Nipigon River, Ont., July, 1884; Morley, foothills of Rocky Mountain-, June, 1885 ; on trees near the railway station, at Banff and on spruce trees, Jumping Pound Creek, Alta., Rocky Moun- tains ; at Revelstoke, B.C., May l6th, 1890. {Macoun.) Unalaska, Aleutian Islands, Behring Sea, August 21st, 1891. (/. M. Macoun^ We have not seen Mr. Waghorne's specimens, but all the others referred here are fuscus-black, rigid and covered with white soredia. They are very different from the usual forms of chalybeiformis. Var. chalybeiformis, (Ach.) On earth in alpine districts. Greenland. (/. Vahl.) On earth, Baffin Land, north of Hudson Strait, 1896. {Dr. R. Bell.) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July 21st, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Quite common on spruce trees at Big In- tervale and Half-WayBrook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on fence-rails at Belleville, Ont.; in swamps, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on earth, Cypress Hills, Assa.; on earth, Jumping Pound Creek, foot-hills of Rocky Mountains; on trees and moun- tains by Kootenay Lake, B.C. ; on mountains south of Spence's Bridge, B.C.; on trees, summit of Mount Benson, Nanaimo, B.C., July, 1893. {Macoun.') On earth, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. implexa, Fr. On trees throughout Canada. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland, and Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {Wag-- horne.) On trees, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drtimmond.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 61° 13', Long. 104', W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On trees in many parts of Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; Truro, N.S. ; Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; along Gunn River, Anti- costi ; on spruce trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; Current River, Lake Superior an J Nipigon River, Ont.; Porcupine Moun- 64 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADAi tains, Man.; Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on trees at Donald, Columbia Valley, B.C. ; along the Columbia River at Revelstoke, B.C. ; at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; at Victoria, on Mount Benson and at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Todd Mountain, B.C. {Dr. G.M. Dawson.^ Skeena River, B.C.; St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 44. B. Fremontii, (Tuckerm.) On the branches of coniferous trees. On Larix occidentalism Arrow Lakes, Columbia River, B.C.; on trees in swamps at Sicamous, B.C., July 7th, 1889 ; on spruce trees, Stewart's Lake, B.C.; on Douglas Fir, Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) Chillivvack Valley, B.C., 1901. {J. M. Macoun.) British North America. {Drummond.) 6. ALECTORIA, (Ach.) Nyl. 46. A. ochroleuca, (Ehrh.) var. rigida, Fr. Both arctic and alpine. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Greenland. {Branth.) On earth in Arctic America. {Richardson.) Ford's Harbor, Labrador ; Cape Chudleigh and Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait ; on earth, Baffin Land, north shore of Hudson Strait, 1896. {Dr. R. Bell.) L'Anse au Mort and Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {Wa^/iorne.) Clear- water Lake, Labrador, 1896 ; Summit Lake, Manicouagan River, Que., 1895. (■^- ^- Low.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 62° 03', Long. 103° 15', W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On the summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. {Macoun.) Vancou- ver Island. {Herb. Hooker.) 46. A. sarmentosa. (Ach.) Nyl. On coniferous trees. Common on the Pacific Coast. Greenland. {Branth.) Cape Forteau, Leading Tickle and Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On spruce and fir trees in woods at Baddeck and Big Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; Salt Lake, Anticosti ; Kicking Horse Lake and Moose Mountain, near source of Elbow River, Rocky Moun- tains ; Donald, Columbia River, B.C.; Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; near McLeod's Lake, northern British Colum- CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 65 bia ; Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on Douglas fir at Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., igoi. (/. M. Macoun.) Pease Island, Gulf of Georgia, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Skeena River, B.C., and Port Etches, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. cincinnata, Fr. On earth in Greenland. {Dr. Branih.) Near Independent, Labrador, {Waghorne.) On earth (fertile), Newfoundland. {Despreaux) Digge's Island, Hudson Strait, and North Bay, Hudson Bay, Aug., 1885. {Dr. R. Bell.) 47. A. nigricans, Ach. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On earth (fertile), Labrador, and Newfoundland, (fertile). {Despreaux, On earth, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Near L'Anse au Loup, Labrador. {Waghorne.) Ford's Harbor, Labrador ; Mansfield Island, and Marble Island, Hudson Bay. {Dr. R. Bell.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on earth, summit of Gold Range, near Griffin Lake, B.C. (Macoun.) St. Paul Island and St. George Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macou 1.) Family II. PARMELIEI. 7. THELOSCHISTES, Norm. 48. T. chrysophthalmus, (Linn.) Norm. On trees and fence-rails along large bodies of water. On trunks along Lake Ontario at Wellington Beach and Presqu'ile Point ; on fence-rails, Port Rowan, Lake Erie ; on trees, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., May 27th, 1901 ; on trees. Lake Winnipegosis, Man. {Macoun.) Var. flavicans, Wallr. Coast of Newfoundland. {Nylander.) 49. T. parietinus, (Linn.) Norm. On trunks and stones near large bodies of water. Newfoundland, 1826. {Pylaie.) Shores of Lake Superior, {Agassiz.) Very abundant on roofs of houses and old board 5 66 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. fences, Sable Island, N.S., July 27th, 1899 ; on trees, Presqu'ile Point, Lake Ontario ; on stones along Lake Winnipegosis, Man. (^Macoun.) 50. T. polycarpus, (Ehrh.) Tuckerm. On trees, dead wood, fence-rails and old boards. On bark, Turner's Head, Labrador. ( Waghorne.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vandreuil Co , Que. {Rev. G. Ducharnie.) On trees at Campbellton, N.B.; dead wood, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on spruce twigs at Grand Narrows, and abundant on old fence-rails, Big Intervale, and on "fish flakes " McNeill's Harbour, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on bitter-nut hickory trees, at Belleville, Ont.; on trees. Red Rock, Nipigon Bay, Lake Superior; abundant on trees at Winnipeg and Stony Mountain, Man.; on trunks. Red Deer River, LakeWinnipegosis, Man.;on poplartrees, Moose Mountain, Assa. {Macoun.) On scrub oaks, Greenwood, Man. {Thos. Walker.) On maple and elm trees at Edmonton, Ont. {James Whife.) 51. T. lychneus, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On trees and stones and old fence-rails. Greenland. (Branth) On oak bark. High Park, Toronto, 1901; on cedar bark, Pelee Point, Essex Co., May 27th, 1901 ; abundant on choke-cherry trees. Old Wives' Creek, Assa., May, 1895 ; on old cedar fences at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on old fence- rails at Cadboro Bay and Comox, and on poplar trees and dead wood at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/, M. Macoun) On rocks, islands in Behring Strait. {Wright:) Alaska. {Dr. Kellogg) 52. T. concolor, (Dicks.) Tuckerm. On trees and rocks. On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme) Abundant on black ash trunks in McKay's woods and other places at Ottawa, Ont.; on basswood trunks at Carleton Place, Carleton Co., Ont.; and on basswood and ash trees, Seymour West, Nor- thumberland Co., Ont.; on trees at Hastings, B.C., April, 1889. {Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 6/ 8. PARMfiLIA, rAch.) De Not. 53. P. perlata. (Linn.) Ach. Chiefly on old trunks of trees in swamps ; sometimes on rocks. On rocks, Bald Mountain, Tobique River, N.B, {G. U. Hay.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Maser.) On Rigaud Moun- tain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On trunks of trees in woods, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S,, 1898; on birch trees, Truro, N.S.; on trunks of trees, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on trunks at Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont.; on trees at Chelsea, Que.; on trees at Belleville, Ont.; on old rails, Seymour West, North- umberland Co., Ont., 1893 ; on a fallen balsam in a swamp at Guelph, Ont. ; on trees by Lake Erie at Leamington, Essex Co., Ont., May 29th, 1901 ; not uncommon, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees, Goulais Point, Lake Superior. {Macowi.) Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) 54. P. perforata, (Jacq.) Ach. On trees and stones. On trees at Belleville, Ont. ; on trees at Burrard Inlet, B.C., April 24th, 1889. {Macoun.) On a mountain at Spence's Bridge, B.C., 1892. {James McEvoy.) Pacific coast. {Menzies.') 55. P. cetrata, Ach. On an elm trunk in a swamp at Carleton Place, Ont., May 12th, 1900 ; on the timbers of the old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Near Cape Beale, Vancouver Island. (/. M. Macoun.) 56. P. crinita, Ach. On trees and rocks. On trunks. Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on old rails by woods, Seymour West, and on trunks, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; on trees, Johnstone's Harbour, Bruce Peninsula, Lake Huron, Aug. 22nd, 1901. {Macoun.) On a beech tree at Credit Forks, Ontario Co., Ont. {Thos. Walker) 68 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 51. P. tiliacea, (Hoffm.) Floerk. On trees and stones ; commonly on beech and spruce trees. Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on beech trees,. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 1898; on trees in numerous places around Hull, Que., and Ottawa, Ont.; Paugan Falls, Gatineau River, Que. ; on trees, Terrill's farm, near Wooler, Ont.; on birch trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) On bark of trees, Canaan Forks, N.B. (/. Moser.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) 58. P. Borreri, Turn. On trees and dead wood ; rare. Only collected in the neigh- bourhood of Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun^ Var. rudecta, Tuckerm. On dead wood at Ottawa, Ont.; on old rails, Brighton, Nor- thumberland Co., Ont., Oct., 1893. {Macoun.') On maples at Ed- monton, Ont. (/. White) On old rails, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, July, 1898 ; on trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on bark at Niagara Falls and Pelee Point, Ont., 1901. {Macoun) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) 59. P. saxatilis, (Linn.) Fr. Common on trees, dead wood, fences and rocks. Greenland. {Warming.) On trees,Bald Mountain, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U.Hay.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme) Common on old logs on Cape Breton Island, N.S., and in woods, fruiting abundantly ; old logs, Truro, N.S.; on trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on trees^ Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que.; on old rails and trees at Ottawa and Belleville, Ont.; on trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees. North Bay, Lake Nipissing ; on trees. Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on trees. Red Deer River, Man.; on spruce trees, Jumping Pound Creek, and in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on trees,. Deer Park, Columbia Valley, B.C.; on rocks, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on trees, Burnside Road, Victoria, and on Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) On earth and logs, Fort Rupert, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) Chil- liwack Valley, B.C. ; St. Paul and St. George islands, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 69 Var. sulcata, Nyl. On trees, dead wood, fences and rocks. On old boards and posts, Main Station, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti, and along the Gaspe coast. Que.; not uncommon on old logs, fence-rails and trunks, at Ottawa, Ont.; on fence-rails, near Wooler, Ont.; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on old logs, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks. Deer Park, Columbia Valley, B.C.; on trees and old logs, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on oak trees, Burnside Road, Vic- toria, and on the old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Dticharme.) St. George Island, Behring Sea, and Middleton Island, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. panniformis, (Ach.) Sch^r. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Herb. Hooker.) L'Anse au Clair and Battle Harbour, Labrador. (IVa^kome.) On rocks. Lake Nipigon, Ont., July 17th, 1884. (Macoufi.) Var. omphalodes, Fr. On rocks in alpine districts. Greenland. (Arct. Man.) On rocks at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks, Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, alt. 6000 feet ; on rocks, Deer Park, Columbia Valley, B.C. (Macoun.) On rocks, St. Paul Island, Cape Vancouver and Unalaska Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun) Var. furfurascens, Sch^r. On rocks, Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {IVaghorne) 60. P. physodes, (Linn.) var. vulgaris, Korb. Greenland. {Arct. Man) Greenland. {Warming) On trees, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low) On spruce twigs, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W. (/. W. Tyrrell.^ On dead wood, Canaan Forks, N.B. (/. Moser) Spruce trees. Lake Mistassini, northern Quebec, June, 1885. (/. M. Macoun) On old boards. Main Station, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 i quite common on trunks of trees, rails and old logs. Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 70 • GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1898 ; on rocks and dead wood, seldom fertile, on trees com- monly so, Perce, Bay des Chaleurs, Bonaventure Co., Que.; on ash and other trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on trunks at Belleville, Ont.; on fence-rails at Brighton, Ont.; on old ience-rails, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on rocks. North Bay, Lake Nipissing ; Algonquin Park, Ont.; June, 1900 ; on trees. Thunder Bay, Lake Superior; on dead wood and rocks, Nipigon River. Ont.; on trees along Jumping Pound Creek and Bragg's Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on trees at Donald, B.C., July 6th, 1885 ; on rocks, Devil's Lake, Rocky Moun ains ; on old logs, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on rocks near Victoria, and on the old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macouti.) On trees. New Westmin- ster, B.C. {Law.) On dead wood. Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Var. obscurata, Ach. L'Anse au Mort, Labrador. {Waghorne.) Alpine rocks, Arctic America. {Herb. Hooker.) On rocks on Moose Mountain, alt. 6,000 feet. Rocky Mountains, July 2nd, 1897. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. ( Wright) Var. enteromorpha, Tuckerm. Blanc Sablon, Labrador. . {Waghorne.) Very abundant on trees around Victoria, at Nanaimo, Qualicum, and Comox, Van- couver Island; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on trees near McLeod's Lake, northern British Columbia. {Macoun) On trees, Fort Rupert, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) Chelliwack Valley, B.C. (/. M. Macoun) Var. vittata, Ach. Bay Bull Arm, Trinity Bay and Goose Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) On spruce trees along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. {Macoun) At Carmanah, near Cape Beale, Van- couver Island. (/. M. Macoun) 61. P. encausta, (Smith) Nyl. Alpine rocks, Greenland. {Vahl) Labrador. {Waghorne.) Var. alpiCOla, Nyl. A blackened alpine condition. Greenland. {Vahl) Labrador. {Waghorne) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 7 1 62. P. colpodes, (ACH.) Nyl. On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. <^Rev. G. Ducharme.) On trees. Central Ontario Junction, Haslings Co., Ont., Oct. 22nd, 1893 ; on trees, chiefly tamarac, in a swamp near Ottawa, Ont., and on trees. King's Mountain, Chelsea, Que. {Macoun.) 63. P. olivacea, (Linn.) Ac h. Greenland. {Branth) On trees, Arctic America. {Richardson.) On trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On alders at Baddeck and Big Intervale, and on rocks, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on alders, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; rather common on bark of trees, especially alder, at Ottawa, Ont.; on trees, Nipigon River, Ont.; on trees along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on trees at Morley, Jumping Pound Creek, and Kanan- askis, Rocky Mountains ; on alder bushes, Revelstoke and Black- water River, and Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on poplar trees. Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Athabasca River. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. aspidota, Ach. On rocks, coast of Newfoundland, 1893. {Waghorne.) Var. prolixa, Ach. On rocks, shores of Lake Nipigon, July, 1884 ; on rocks Spence's Bridge, B.C., May, 1889. {Macoun.) Var, panniformis, Nyl. On rocks on Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 17th, 1893. {Macoun.) Var. sored lata, (Ach.) Nyl. On fence boards, Sable Island, N.S., 1899; Baddeck, Cape Breton Islan ■, N.S., 1898 ; on alders near Hull, Que., 1891, and on fence-rails, Rideau Park, Ottawa, Ont., 1887 ; on old cedar rails, Hastings Co., Ont., 1868; on fence-rails, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont., 1893 ; on rocks near Gait, Ont.; in ^2 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; on rocks, C^che Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont.. July, 1900 ; on rocks, Nipigon River, Ont. ; on rocks, Blackwater River, B.C.; on alders, Hastings, B.C., 1889. {Maconn.) A form found on Ahius incatia and on fences, with us, always infertile, is placed under var. sorediata because the specimens are more or less sorediate, with white powdery granules on the mar- gins of the divisions of the thallus. 64. P. stygia, (Linn.) Ach. Alpine and subalpine rocks. Greenland. {Bra?ifh.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) New- foundland. {Pylaie.) Labrador. {Waghorne^ On rocks, Ta- dousac. Que. (A. T. Drmn?nond) On rocks. Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C., 1890 ; on sandstone rocks along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897. {Macoun.) 65. P. lanata, (Linn.) Wallr. Greenland. {Branth.) Arctic America. {Richardson^ Mel- ville Island. {R.Brown.) Labrador. (Waghorne) On the sum- mit of Mount Benson, alt. 3,000 feet, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, July lOth, 1893. {Macoun.) 66. P. caperata, (Linn.) Ach. Trunks, dead wood and stonts, quite common. On old rails, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On trees, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U.Hay.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Dticharme) On old fences around Ottawa, Ont.; at Belleville, Brighton and Nipigon River, Ont.; on tru ks at Jordan Station, Lincoln Co., Ont., May 17th, 1901 ; on basswood trees at Guelph, Ont., 1898 ; on trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; on dead wood, Manitoba House, Man.; on dead wood at Morley, Rocky Mountains. {Macou7i.) On board fences at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) 67. P. conspersa, (Ehrh.) Ach. On rocks and stones and sometimes on dead wood. Greenland. {Branth.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labra- dor. {Waghorne.) On rocks. Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 73 104°, VV. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On rocks, Never's Rapids, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser) On boulders, Carleton Co., N.B. {G. U. Hay) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) Dry rocks, Stony Lake, Peterboro' Co., Ont. {Jhos. Walker) On boulders. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on boulders along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on boulders in woods around Ottawa, Ont.; very common in Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; on rocks on Moose Mountain and in Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Blackwater River, B.C.; on rocks and old logs, Deer Park, Col- umbia Valley. B.C.; on rocks at Hastings, Burrard Inlet. B.C.; on rocks, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) €8. P. moUiuscula, Ach. Not uncommon on earth in the southern parts of the prairie region from Manitoba to the Rocky P/Iountains ; on earth at Old Wives Creek, Assa. ; in the Bow River Pass at Morley, and by the lake in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun) 69. P. centrifuga, (Linn.) Ach. Alpine and subalpine rocks. Greenland, {Braiith) Arctic America. {Vahl) Digge's Island, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell) Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {Wag- home) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896 ; Summit Lake, Manicouagan River, Que, 1895. (^- ^' Low) Newfoundland. {Des/yreaux) Tobique River, N B. {G. U. Hay) On rocks, Ta- dousac, Que. {Drummond.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme) Along the northeast coast of Lake Superior, a: d along Nipigon Lake and river. {Macoun) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz) vo. P. incurva, (Pers.) Fr. On granitic rocks, alpine and arctic. Greenland. {Braiith) Labrador. {Waghorne) '71. P. ambigua, (Wulf.) Ach. On trunks, dead wood and rocks. Greenland. {Arct. Man) Arctic America. {Richardson) Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) On dead spruce logs at the 74 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on dead bark at Banff, Rocky Mountains; on dead logs, Jumping Pound and Bragg's creeks, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on old logs, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, B.C.; on dead pine logs, northern British Columbia. {Macoun) Var. albescens, Wahl. Greenland. (Arct.Mati.) Birchy Cove and Eagle River, New- foundland. {Waghorne.) On old logs and rails. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 22nd, 1898. {Macoiin.) 9. PHYSCIA, (DC, Pr.) Th. Pr. 72. P. speciosa, (Wulf.) Nyl. Trees and mossy rocks in woods. y On trees and rocks in damp woods at Ottawa, Ont. ; on old rails in woods, Brighton, Ont.; on moss on rocks, Foster's Flats, Niagara Falls, May i6th, 1901 ; on stones along Nipigon River, Ont., July, 1884 ; on birch trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) 73. P. hypoleuca, (Muhl.) Tuckerm. On trunks in woods near Wooler, Northumberland Co., Ont., Oct. i6th, 1893 ; on rocks. Lake Nipigon, July 17th, 1884 ; on trunks, rare, Red Pine Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 19th, 1900. {Macoun. ) 74. P. leucomela, (Linn.) Michx. Labrador. {Waghor/ie.) On trees at Carmanah, near Cape Beale, Vancouver Island, May 9th, 1892. (/. M. Macoufi.) 75. P. ciliaris, (Linn.) DC, var. crinalis, Sch^er. Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) L'Anse au Clair. Labradoi. (JVaghorne.) On rocks at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; on fence-rails, James Ternll's farm, Brighton, Ont.; on dead wood within the spray of Lake Ontario at Wellington Beach, Prince Edward Co., Aug. 14th, 1868 ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, July, 1884 ; specimens with wider lobes and much whiter in color CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 75 have been gathered on earth on the prairie at Old Wives' Creek, Assa,, May 30th, 1895. {Macoun.) On rocks, Lake Mis- tassini, northern Quebec, 1885. {J. M. Macoun.) Rocky Moun- tain and Arctic America. {Richardson.') V6. P. aquila, (Ach.) Nyl, var. detonsa, Tuckerm. On rocks and trees. On the bases of beech trees at Edmonton, Ont. {Ja?nes W/iile.) 77. P. pulverulenta, (Schreb.) Nyl. On trunks and rocks, and sometimes on the earth. Arctic America. {Richardson) On earth, Greenland. {Branth) On trees at Ottawa, Shannonville, Belleville and Brighton, Ont. ; on rocks, Nipigon River, Ont.; on rocks in woods, Jumping Pound Creek, and at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Deer Park, Columbia Valley, B.C.; on rocks, Blackwater River, B.C.; on earth and rocks at Lytton, B.C., April 17th, 1889. {Macoun?) Var. muscigena, Schreb. Greenland. {Atct. Man) Newfoundland. {Despreaux) Arctic America. {Herb. Hooker) L'Anse au Mort and L'Anse au Clair, Labrador ; Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) Var. beucoleiptes, Tuckerm. On rocks, Little Fox River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks, Nipi- gon River, Ont., June 1884 ; on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River. B.C.; on rocks along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June 14th, 1897. {Macoun) 78. P. stellaris, (Linn.) Tuckerm. On trees, dead wood, rocks and stones. Greenland. {Branth) Arctic America. {Richardson) Inde- pendent, Labrador. {Waghorne) On Rigaud Mountain, Vau- dreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Duchartne) On trees, but not com- mon, at Baddeck and Big Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on dead wood, Truro, N.S.; on trees, Ste Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; very common on trees and rails at Ottawa and Casselman, Ont.; at Belleville and Brighton, Ont.; on trees at Winnipeg and Manitoba House, Man, ; along Old 76 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Wives' Creek ; on poplar trees, Moose Mountain, Assa. and on Wood Mountain, Assa., 1895 ! o" trees near Vic oria, Vancouver Island, May, 1893. {Macoun.) On old rails and apple and plum trees, Edmonton, Ont. {James WhiU) On scrub oak. Green- wood, Man.; near Yorkton, Assa. (77-fo.f. IVa/ktr.) Chamisso Island in Eschscholtz Bay ; Little Koniushi Island, of Shumagin Group; and Glacier Spit, Cook's Inlet, Alaska. {Rothrock.^ Var. aipolia, Nyl. On bark of black ash, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on bark of trees at Ottawa, Ont., and at Aylmer, Que.; on trunks, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., May 27th, 190 1. {Macoun) On maple and black ash trees, Edmonton, Ont. {Jatnes White.) •79. P. ajstroidea, (Fr.) Nyl. On old rails and trunks of trees. On old rails near Hintonburg, Ont.; abundant on the upper part of a fallen hemlock, near Hemlock Lake, McKay's woods, Ottawa, Ont., and on old rails at Aylmer, Que., May 22nd, 1897. {Macoun.) 80. P. hispida, (Schreb.) Tuckerm. On trees, dead wood and rocks. Arctic America. {RicJiardson.) On old rails, quite rare. Big Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks at Campbellton, Restigouche River, N.B.; on boulders at Belleville, and fence-rails at Brighton, and on trees, Seymour West, Ont.; on poplar trees. Stony Mountain, Man.; on poplar bark, Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. leptalea, Ach. Parmelia Tnarifia, E. Nyl. MuUin's Cove, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On an old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 24th, 1893. {Macoun.) 81. P. caesia, (HoFFM.) Nyl. On rocks, Greenland. {Branth.) On rocks. Long Island, New- foundland. {Waghorjte.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. (^Rev. G. Ducharme.) On rocks. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on rocks in CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 'J'J woods at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on old fences, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. (^Macoun.) 82. P. tribacia, (Ach.) Tuckerm. East Ste. Modeste, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On red ash trees along Lake Duchesne, above Britannia, near Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 27th, igoo ; abundant on oak trees, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Lake Erie, May 27th, 1901. {Macoun.) 83. P. crispa, ( Pers.) Nyl. Labrador. {Waghorfie.) 84. p. obscura, (Ehrh.) Nyl. On trees, dead wood and rocks. Greenland. {Branth.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labra- dor. ( Waghorne.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. DucharTfie.) On black ash trees at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) On trees at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898, rare ; on trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on bark of trees at Hull, Que.; on ash trees at Belleville and on trees and fence- rails at Brighton, Ont.; on trunks of trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on trees at Red Rock, Lake Superior ; on trees. Lake Winnipegosis, Man.; on rocks, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June 14th, I897 '■> in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. (Macoun.) Var. endochrysea, Nyl. Labrador. {Waghorne.') On rocks, Rigaud Mountain, Vau- dreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On black ash trees near Ottawa, Ont., April, 1895 '■> on moss on Laurentian rocks at Shan- nonville, Hastings Co., Ont., Sept. 20th, 1868. {Macoun.) 85. P. setosa, (Ach.) Nyl. On mosses ; on rocks and trunks. On trunks in woods at Brighton, Ont.; not uncommon on trunks in many places around Ottawa, Ont.; on trunks, Algonquin Park, yS GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rocks at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on dead trunks along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June 12th, 1897. {Macoun.) 86. P. adglutinata, (Floerk) Nyl. On beech trees in Beechwood cemetery, Ottawa, Ont., April 23rd, 1892. {Macoun.) Apparently rare in Canada 10. PYXINE, Pr., Tuckerm. 87. p, sorediata, Fr. On trees and rocks. On trees, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On trees at Bad- deck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on balsam, spruce and beech trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on dead wood at Belleville, and on beech trees at Brighton, Ont.; on old rails, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.. Oct., 1893 ; on cedar bark, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vau- dreuil, Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On poplar and red maple at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) Family III. UMBILICARIEI. 11. UMBILICARIA, Hoffm. 88. U. rugifera, Nyl. Greenland. {Giseke.) Labrador. {Waghorne.) On rocks, Una- laska Island, Behring Sea, 1891, and abundant on St. Paul and St. George i.slands, Behring Sea, July, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) 89. U. cylindrica, (Linn.) Delis. High alpine and arctic rocks. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador. {Herb. Schwem.) Labrador. {Waghorne.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) Digge's Island, Hud- son Strait ; a small piece. {Df. R. Bell?) Bear Lake. {Herb. Hooker) On rocks. Moose Mountain, near the source of the El- bow River, Rocky Mountains, July ist, 1897, ^^t. 6,500 feet. {Macoun.) Very fine specimens were gathered on St. Paul and St. George islands, Behring Sea, in July, 1897, t'y Mr. J. M. Macoun. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 79 90. U. proboscidea, (Linn.) Stenh. Alpine rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) Arctic America. {Richard- son.) Digge's Island, Hudson Strait; also on Baffin Land, 1897. {Dr. R. Bell.) Battle Harbor and Sampson's Island, Labrador. {Waghor?ie.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks, Moose Mountain, alt. 6,500 feet, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks, Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) St. Paul, St. George and St. Lawrence islands, Beh- ring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) St. Matthew Island, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Var. arctica, Ach. On rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador. {Waghorn£.) New- foundland. {Despreaux.) Summit of Mount Benson, alt. 3,000 feet, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 91. U. anthracina, (Wulf.) Sch^r. On rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador. {Waghorne.) New- foundland. {Despreaux.) On rocks, summit of Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. reticulata, Sch^r. Arctic America. {R. Brown) On Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait, 1884. {Dr. R. Bell) 92. U. polyphylla, (Linn.) Hoffm. Alpine rocks, descending towards the north. Greenland. {Vahl) Labrador. {Waghorne) Newfoundland. {Despreaux) On rocks along Nipigon River and Lake ; on rocks near the " Gap," Crow's Nest Pass, 1897; on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks, Pier's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C. (/. M. Macoun) Unalaska Island, Alaska. {Rothrock. Var. deusta, (Linn.) Fr. Grand Lake, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) 80 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 93. U. flOCCUlOSa, HOFFM. Alpine rocks, descending to lower altitudes towards the north. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Bolster Rocks, Newfoundland. {Wag- home.) On rocks, along Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; rather common on rocks at Cache Lake, Al- gonqum Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on rocks, Nipigon River; on rocks at Sproat, Columbia River, B.C., 1890. {Macoun.) Rocky Mountains. {Herb. Hooker.) Behring Strait. {Wright.) 94. U. hyperborea, Hoffm. On rocks, Greenland, 1884. {Warming & Holm.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On rocks, Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait ; also on Baffin Land, 1897. {Dr. R. Bell.) On rocks, Clearwater Lake, northern Labrador, 1897. {A. P. Low.) Labrador. (Waghorne.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) On gneiss rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) On rocks along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que.; on rocks, northeast coast of Lake Superior ; on rocks. Moose Mountain, alt. 6,500 feet, and Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, also at Lytton on Fraser River, B.C.; on rocks, summit of Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Van- couver Island. {Macoun.) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) Rocky Mountains. {Herb. Hooker.) Harbledown Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) 95. U. phsea, TucKERM. On rocks. Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 17th, 1893. {Macoun?) 96. U. erosa^ (Web.) Hoffm. Alpine rocks, descending towards the north. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {R. Brown.") Labrador. {Wag- home.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.") On gneiss rocks, Tadou- sac, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) On rocks, St. George Island, Behring Sea, June lOth, 1897. (/. M. Macouft.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 8l 91. U. Muhlenbergii, (Ach.) Tuckerm. Arctic America. {Richardson^ On rocks, Clearwater River, northern Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) L'Anse au Clair, Labrador ; Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) ■■ On rocks. Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On gneiss rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drumntond.) Granitic rocks, Nova Scotia. (/. Moser.) On rocks, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On rocks, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; at Halifax, N.S.; on rocks, mouth of Rideau River, near Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks at Kingsmere, near Chelsea, Que.; on rocks, Paugan Falls, Gatineau River, Que.; on Britton's Island, Gull Lake, Victoria Co., Ont.; quite common on rocks in Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; at Otter Head, Lake Superior. iMacoun.) Kingston Mills, Ont., 1901. (/. M. Macoufi.) Granite rocks. Stony Lake, Peterboro' Co., Ont. {Thos. Walker) On rocks, Savanne, west of Lake Superior, Oct., 1893. {Lawson.) 98. U. vellea, (Linn.) Nyl. On rocks on high mountains. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Labrador ; Shoal Point, Newfound- land. {Waghorne.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) On the face of a perpendicular cliff, King's Mountain, west of Chelsea, Que., May, 1897 ; very abundant on rocks, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont , June, 1900 ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont; on rocks, Crow's Nest Pass, alt. 4,000 feet, Rocky Mountains ; three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains ; at Pass Creek, Sproat's Land- ing, Columbia River, B.C.; Lake Mara, Sicamous, B.C.; on rocks, Moose Mountain, alt. 6,000 feet. {Macotm.) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) 99. tJ. Dillenii, Tuckerm. Newfoundland. {Tuckerman.) On rocks, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) On the faces of perpendicular rocks. King's Mountain, west of Chel- sea, Que., May, 1897; quite common on rocks, Cache Lake, Algon- quin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on Britton's Island, Gull Lake, Vic- toria Co., Ont.; on rocks, northeast coast. Lake Superior. (J^acoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. Rev. G. Ducharme. 1 6 ' 82 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 100. u. angulata, Tuckerm. On rocks on the Pacific Coast. Observatory Inlet, B.C. {Herb. Hooker.) On rocks, Parson's Mountain and Pier's farm, near Victoria, and on the summit of Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, B.C. {Macoun.) On recks, Chilliwack Valley, B.C. (/. M. Macoim.) 101. XJ. Pennsylvanica, Hoffm. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson fide Tucker?nan.) Labrador. {Waghorne.) 102. XJ. pustulata, (Linn.) Hoffm. var. papulosa, Tuckerm.. Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) On rocks, Jupiter River, Anti- costi ; on dry rocks, Britton's Island. Gull Lake, Victoria Co., Ont.; Otter head, northeast coast of Lake Superior ; very abundant on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) 108. XJ. hirsuta, (Ach.) Stenh. var. grisea, Fr. Greenland. {Brajith.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland IVaghorne.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T, Drummond.) 104. XJ. spodochroa, Hoffm. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On sea cliff, Osprey Beach, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, July 2nd, 1895. {IVaghorne.) 13. STICTA, (Schreb.) Fr. 105. S. amplissima, (Scop.) Mass. On trunks of trees and rocks, quite common. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labrador. {Waghorne.) On trees at Canaan Forks and Never's Rapids, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On trees, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) Quite common at Baddeck and Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; at Truro, N.S.; on trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; at Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on trunks in woods, Ottawa, Ont.; at Belleville, Ont.; on trees, CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 83 Foster's Flats, Niagara Falls, May i6, 1901 ; abundant on trunks of trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; at Goulais Point, east coast of Lake Superior. {Macoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vau- dreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On trees at Credit Forks, near Toronto, and at Stony Lake, Peterboro' Co., Ont. {James White.) 106. S. herbacea, (Hubs.) Ach. Labrador. {Waghorne ^d& Eckfeldt.) lo*?. S. aurata, (Smith) Ach. Labrador. (Waghor?ie ^At Eckfeldt.) 108. S. pulmonaria, (Linn.) Ach. On trees and rocks ; quite common. L'Anse au Mort, Labrador. {Waghorne.) Newfoundland. (^Py- laie.) On trunks. Bald Mountain, Tobique River, N.B, {G. U. Hay.) On Empetum nigrum, Sable Island, N.S. There are no trees on the island and this species and 5. scorbiculata grow close to the ground on dead stems ; on trees at Baddeck and in many other places, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks at Truro, N.S.; on trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on trees at Ottawa, Ont. ; at Belleville, Ont.; on trees, Jordan Station, Lincoln Co., Ont., May 17, 1901 ; on a fallen log in a swamp at Guelph, Ont.; on tree trunks in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees Current River, Lake Superior ; on trees, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; common on trees at Victoria, Nanaimo and Comox, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On trees along the River Rouge, Que. {D'Urban.) On bases of beech trees at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) On beech trees, Norton's Wood, Brampton, Ont. {T. Walker.) Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Var. linita, Nyl. On islands in Behring Strait. {Wright.) On rocks on St. Paul Island, Behring Sea ; on Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. ( JM. Macoun.) On rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1875. {Macoun. ' ] / • * ' " • ey2 84 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 109. s. Oregana, Tuckerm. On trees (high up) in woods. At Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on trees at Coldstream and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoufi.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901; on trees at Cape Beale, Vancouver Island; Port Etches and Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) 110. S. quercizans, (Michx.) Ach. Northward to Canada, always infertile. ( Tuckerman.') Labrador. {Waghome.) We have no Canadian specimens in our herbarium.. lu. S. fuliginosa, (Dicks.) Ach. On rocks and trunks, British Columbia. {Lyall.) On rocks, Victoria Arm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 6th, 1893. {Macoun.") 112. S. limbata, (Smith) Ach. Labrador. ( Waghor?te fide Eckfeldt.) 113. S. crocata, (Linn.) Ach. On rocks among mosses, but occasionally on trees. Quite common on trunks in woods at Baddcck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on trees, Truro, N.S.; on rocks, Gaspe coast. Que.; on rocks, rare, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900; on rocks. Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, and on rocks. Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on trees at Revelstoke, Columbia, River, and at Has- tings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; on rocks, Burnside Road, Victoria,. Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 114. S. anthraspis, Ach. Among mosses on rocks, and on trunks. On trunks, Mount Finlayson, and on Sea's farm, Victoria, and on rocks, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) Deceit Bay and Redonda Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 8$ 115. S. scorbiculata, (Scop.) Ach. Among mosses on rocks and on tree trunks. Greenland. {Branth.) Labrador. (Waghorne.) Newfoundland. {Pylaie) On trunks, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.') On rocks, Tadousac. Que. {A. T. Drummond.) On Empetrum ni- grum. Sable Island, N.S., August 8th, 1899; on trees at Baddeck and Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks, Truro, N.S.; on trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on trees, St. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks, Algon- quin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on trees at Revelstoke, B.C.; on rocks, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) British Columbia. {Lyall.) On rocks, Pease Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) 14. NEPHROMA, Ach. 116. N. arcticum, (Linn.) Fr. Amongst mosses on rocks and on tree trunks in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. (^Retz.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On rocks, Clearwater Lake, Northern Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On rocks, Nain, Labrador. {Dr. R. Bell.) Labrador. {Waghorne.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 61° 13', Long. 104*', W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On' rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) Quite common on earth or rocks in woods, Smoky Mountain and Half- Way Brook,. Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; on rocks, Becscie River, Anticosti ; summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks, Lake Agnes, and on earth in woods at Hector, Rocky Mountains; on rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Northwest coast. {Scouler.) Cape Vancouver and Unimak Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) 117. N. expallidum, Nyl. On earth, dead wood, etc., in the arctic regions. Labrador. {Waghorne) G/eat Bear Lake. {Richardson.) 118. N. tomentosum, (HoFFM.) Kcerb. Tree trunks in mountain forests, and also on rocks. On wood, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay) On rocks at Shannonville, Hastings Co Ont.; on trees North Bay, Lake 86 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Nipissing, Ont.; on both rocks and trunks of trees, Lake Nipigon, Ont., on perpendicular rocks, northeast shore Lake Superior ; on trees, Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man,; on trees and rocks at Revelstoke, B.C.; on rocks at Quesnel, Fraser River, B.C.; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; common on trees around Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On rocks, Atha- basca River, Atha. (J. M. Macoun^ 119. N. Helveticum, Ach. On trees and rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson.) On rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks, vicinity of Ottawa, Ont.; and on trees and rocks. Lake Nipigon ; on rocks. Otter Slide Creek, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on old logs, Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on earth and rocks at Revelstoke, B.C.; and at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. (Macoun.) 120. N. IflBvigatum, Ach. On mossy rocks and on tree trunks. East Ste. Modeste, Labrador ; on rocks. Leading Tickle, New- foundland. ( Waghorne.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme) On earth and sand, east end of Sable Island, N.S., Aug. 8, 1899 ! o" rocks in a ravine, Big Intervale, and at McNeill's Harbour, and on trunks at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on rocks, Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; not uncommon on boulders around Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks. King's Mountain, near Chelsea, Que.; on boulders in woods at Belleville and Brighton, Ont.; on rocks and trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on rocks and earth, Bragg's Creek, and Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, alt. 6,000 feet ; on rocks at Victoria and on Mount Benson, Van- couver Island. {Macoun?) » Var. parile, Nyl. Forteau, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On rocks at Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On rocks, Big Intervale, Mar- garee and McNeill's Harbour, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 4, CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 87 1898 ; on boulders along Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on boulders at King's Mountain, near Chelsea, Que.; on rocks, Catfish Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on rocks at Thunder Bay, Lake Superior and along Lake Nipigon ; on rocks at Deer Park and Pass Creek, Columbia River ; on rocks at Sicamous, B.C.; on rocks, Moose Mountain, alt. 6,000 feet, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) 121. N. Lusitanicum, Sch^r. On rocks, trees and bushes. On rocks, Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) On rotten wood at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks by the sea, Victoria Arm and Cadboro Bay, Victo ia, and in same situation at Qualicum and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 15. PELTIGERA, (Willd.) Pee. 122 p. venosa, (Linn.) Hoffm. On damp earth by roadsides, rivers, lakes and brooks. Greenland. {Vahl.) Forteau, Labrador. {Waghome.') On earth, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; along the Lievre River above the falls at Buckingham, Que.; Gull River, at the head of Moore's Lake, Victoria Co., Ont.; five miles up the Kaministiquia River, Lake Superior ; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; at Quesnel, Fraser River, B.C.; in Albert Canon, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; Hastings, Burrsrd Inlet, B.C.; by roadsides at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Northwest coas*. {Menzies.) Behring Strait. {Wright.) 123. P. aphthosa, (Linn.) Hoffm. On rocks amongst mosses, on old logs and earth. Greenland. {Arcl. Man.) Throughout Arctic America. {Rich- ardson.) Fort Chimo and Clearwater Lake, Labrador, {A. P. Low.) On rocks. Eagle River, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) At Fort Norman, Mackenzie River. {Miss E. Taylor.) Along the Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vau- dreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharrne.) In woods along the Rouge River, Argenteuil Co., Que. {UUrban.) Sides of hummocks in swamps, Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) Rotten logs, Morton's swamp, Brampton, Ont. {Thos. Walker^ Shores of Lake Supe- 50 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. rior. {Agassiz.) Quite common at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on earth at Truro, N.S.; on the bases of trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on earth along the Gaspe coast ; on earth at Ottawa, Ont.; on logs at Carleton Place, Ont.; on earth at Belleville, Ont.; on a decaying log at Guelph.Ont.; common in Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; on mossy rocks, Rideau River, Lake Superior ; in mossy woods, Lake Nipigon ; on earth in woods, Duck Mountain, Man.; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs, Revelstoke, B.C.; on rocks. North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on rocks, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island, (Macoun.) Mossy rocks. Lake Winnipeg ; Chilliwack Valley, B.C.; St. Paul Island, Behring Sea ; and Port Etches, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Mountains east of Adam's Lake, B.C., alt. 3,300 feet, {Dr. G. M. Dawson^ 124. P. horizontalis, (Linn.) Hoffm. On mossy rocks, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On rocks in woods, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks and logs at Ottawa and Carleton Place, Ont.; at Shannonville, Has- tings Co., Ont.; on old logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rocks near Otter Head, Lake Superior, and on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on rocks, shore of Kootenay Lake, B.C.; on rocks and earth in woods at Revelstoke, B.C.; on old logs, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Moist rocks amongst mosses, shores of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 125. p. polydactyla, Neck.) Hoffm. On rocks and trunks amongst mosses. Greenland. {Branth.) L'Anse au Mort, Labrador ; Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Moist rocks, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On logs in woods, Riviere Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. [D'Ufban.) On ground at Edmonton, Ont,, {James White.) On boulders in woods at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; in woods, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on old logs, Albert Canon, Selkirk Mountains, B.C.; on rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains; CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 89 on old logs at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on earth at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.') Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Moun- tains. {Dr. G M. Dawson^ 126. P. scutata, (Dicks.) Leight. On earth, rocks and trees, among mosses. British Columbia. {Dr. Lyall.) On earth at Yale, Fraser River, B.C.; at Victoria and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Harbledown Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson^ Behring Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) 127. P. pulverulenta, (Tayl.) Nyl. Greenland. {Brentel) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low) Capstan Island and L'Anse au Clair, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On rocks. Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 3rd, 1898 ; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) Mouth of Skeena River, B.C.; Port Etches and Prince of Wales Island, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) On rocks, Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. {Herb. Babington.) 128. P. malacea, (Ach.) Fr. On earth, Greenland. {Branth.) Bay Bull's Arm and Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth at Tadousac, Que. {A.T. Drummond.) 129. P. rufescens, (Neck.) Hoffm. On earth, rocks and trunks, among mosses. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On earth, Forteau and Red Bay, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On the ground and on mossy hummocks, Edmonton and Credit Forks, Ont. {James White.) On rocks in woods, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July i6th, 1898 ; on earth at Truro, N.S.; on earth, rocks and trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks. Lake Nipigon ; on earth. Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on earth, Manitoba House, Lake Manitoba, Man.; on earth in woods at Revelstoke, B.C.; on earth at Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C.; at Quesnel, B.C.; and on rocks, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun. ) 90 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 130. P. canina, (Linn.) Hoffm. On earth, rocks and mossy trunks. Greenland. {Bra?ith.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Canada. {AgassizA Digge's Island and Mansfield Island, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) On earth, Forteau, Labrador ; also Birchy Cove, Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) Drury's Cove, St. John's and Tobique rivers, N.B. ( G. U. Hay.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G.Ducharme.) On a dead log near Kingston, Ont. {Thos. Walker.) On sandy earth, east end of Sable Island, N.S., Aug. 8th, 1899 ; quite common at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; roots of trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on rocks near Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que.; com- mon at Ottawa, Ont.; on logs in woods, Carleton Place, Ont. ; on earth in woods, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on earth in woods, Jordan Station, Lincoln Co., and Pelee Point, Essex Co., May, 1901 ; on old logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on earth, Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; on earth and logs at Jumping Pound Creek and Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on earth in woods at Revelstoke and Donald, B.C.; on rocks and trees, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Macoun.) Deceit Bay, B.C., and Comox, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Kadiak Island, Alaska ; St. Paul Island and Unalaska, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macotin.) Var. spongiosa, Tuckerm. On earth. Eagle River, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on mossy logs along the Eraser River at Yale, B.C., 1872. (Macoun.) Middleton Island, Alaska, Lat. 59" 30' ; St. Paul Island, St. George Island and Unalaska, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. membranacea, Ach. Northwest coast. {D vglas.) Carmanah, near Cape Beale, Vancouver Island ; and at Port Etches, Alaska, 1892. (/. M.. Macoun. ) Var. spuria, Ach. Meadows in the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low) In a dense CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. QI tuft of moss which it divided, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) On earth, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1875. {Macoun,) Var. sorediata, Sch^er. Clode Sound, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) On earth along the Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On banks of islands in Behring Strait. {Wright.) 16. SOLORINA, Ach. 131. S. crocea, (Linn,) Ach. On earth in alpine districts. Greenland. i^Branth.) West Greenland. {Rosenvinge.) On earth. King George's Sound Baffin Bay, 1897 ; Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) Labrador. {Wenck.) Venison Tickle, Labrador. {Waghorne.) North of Point Lake, Barren Grounds. {Richardson.) On earth at Banff, on Moose Mountain, Elbow River, at Lake Agnes, and on rocks, summit of mountain, north of Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains ; on earth, mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B.C.; on earth, Sky Line mine, Kootenay Lake, B.C.; on rocks, summit of Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macomi.) St, Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Shores of Behring Strait. (Wright.) 132. S. saccata, (Linn.) Ach. On earth, especially in calcareous regions. Greenland. (Vahl.) L'Anse au Clair, Labrador ; Benoit's Cove and John's Beach, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Newfound- land. {Pylaie.) Great Bear Lake. {Herb. Hooker.) On earth, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; crevices of limestone rocks, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont.; on limestone rocks, Heeley's Falls, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; on rocks at Michipicoten, east side of Lake Superior, and on earth, Lake Nipigon ; on earth at Morley, Jumping Pound Creek, and at Hector, both by the torrent and high up on the mountain, Rocky Mountains ; on House Mountain, near Little Slave Lake, Atha. {Macoun.) Along Clearwater River, above 92 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Fort McMurray, Atha. (/. M. Macoun.) Shores of Behring Strait. ( Wright.) Var. spongiosa, Nyl. Arctic America and Greenland. {Ttickerman) Newfoundland. {Nyla?ider.') On earth in crevices of limestone rocks, Gunn River, Anticosti, Aug. 29th, 1883; on earth, Moose Mountain, alt. 7,000 feet, Rocky Mountains, July 2nd, 1897. {Macoun.) Islands at Behring Strait. (JVright.') 17. PHYSMA, Mass. 133. P. luridum, (Mont.) Tuckerm. A single specimen collected in Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorn£ fide Eckfeldt.) 18. PANNARIA., Delis. 134. P. lanuginosa, (Ach.) Kcerb. On shaded perpendicular rocks. Canada. {Drummo7td.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On limestone rocks in ravines at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on limestone rocks west of Hull, Que.; under ledges in woods near Experimental Farm, Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) On Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On rocks, Kingston Mills, Ont., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) On sand- stone rocks. Credit Forks, Ont. {Thos. Walker.) 135. P. hypnorum, (Hoffm.) Kcerb. On the earth growing over mosses and twigs in alpine districts. Greenland. {Bra?ith.) Arctic America. (Richardson.) New- foundland. {Despreaux) Venison Tickle, Labrador; Half-Way Point, Newfoundland. {Waghorne?) On earth. South West Point, Anticosti ; on earth in woods at Banff and on the summit of Sulphur Mountain, at Hector, on Moose Mountain and in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on earth in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on rocks, Cedar Hill, near Victoria, and on rocks. Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun?) On earth, Unalaska, Behring Sea. (/. M, Macoun?) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS 95 136. P. rubiginosa, (Thunb.) Delis. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck/eldt.) On trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. August i8th, 1882. {Macoun) Var. conoplea, Fr. On rocks at Truro, N.S., June, 1883 ; on the bases of trees. North Bay, Lake Nipissing, May, 1884. {Macoun?) 137. P. leucosticta, Tucker m. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On trees at Madaline River and on rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on boulders in McKay's woods, Ottawa, Ont. ; on rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) 138. P. Hookeri, (Sm.) Th. Fr. On rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) 139. P. brunnea, (Sw.) Mass Greenland. {Vahl.) On earth, Arctic America. {Richardson.) On earth. Seal Lake, Labrador. {A. P. Low.) Labrador or New- foundland. {WaghorTie fide Eckfeldt.) On earth at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on earth, Jupiter River, Anticosti ; on earth near Cape Rosier, Gaspe Peninsula, Que.; on earth, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on earth. Tunnel Mountain, Banff, Rocky Mountains, 1891; on earth and logs at Hector, and on Moose Mountain, Elbow River, and in Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on earth, Albert Canon, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. ; on earth at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Sea. {Wright.) 140. P. microphylla, (Sw.) Delis. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfe/dt.) On rocks, Greenland. {Branth.) On earth. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; on damp rocks, Meech's Lake and on King's Mountain, near Chelsea, Que. ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; also on stones at Ottawa, Ont. 94 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 141- P. lepidiota, Th. Fr. On earth and rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) Rope Cove, in the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {Waglwrm.) On rocks, Half- Way Creek, and on trunks at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on earth. Salt Lake, Anticosti ; on rocks, north shore of Lake Superior, and on the bases of trees. Lake Nipigon ; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, and on Mount Forget-me-not, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, alt. 6,500 feet, 1897 ; on rocks by the sea, Craigflower, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, {Macoun.^ Var. coralliphora, Tuckerm. On rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 142. P. carnosa, (Dicks.) Tuckerm. On rocks among mosses. Great Bear Lake, Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 143. P. tryptophylla, (Ach.) Mass. On trunks of trees and stones. On bark, Greenland. {BraTith.) Rope Cove, Lark Harbour, Wild Cove and Shoal Point, Newfoundland. (IVaghortie.) On dead wood, Gaspe Co., Que.; Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Macoun.) 144. P. Waghornei, Eckfeldt, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXII., 246, 1 895. On turfy earth. Evidently a well marked species and not closely related to any othor. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wag- hoTfie fide Eckfeldt.) 145. P. plumbea, (Lightf.) Delis. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On a birch stump and on exposed rocks. Grand Manan, N.B. (IVtlley.) 146". P. nigra, (Huds.) Nyl. On calcareous rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on limestone rocks, Rockcliffe Park and many other places CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 95 around Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) 147. P. Macounii, Tuckerm. MS. On calcareous rocks, Jupiter River Anticosti, Que., Aug. 23rd, 1883. {Macoun.) 19. EPHEBE, Fr., Born. 148. E. pubescens, Fr. On rocks, Greenland. {Branth.) On rocks, summit of Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 8, 1887. {Macoun.) 20. OMPHALARIA, Dur. & Mont. 149. O. phyllisca, (Wahl.) Tuckerm, Granite rocks, north shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) 21. COLLEMA, Hoflftn. 150. c, myriococcum, Ach. On moss on rocks in a ravine at Margarec, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; growing over mosses on limestone rocks, Rock- cliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont.; on perpendicular cliffs. King's Mountain, near Chelsea, Que., 1897 ; at Lake Nipigon, Ont. {Macoun.) 151. C. pycnocarpum, Nyl. On trunks, Durham, Que. (^A. T. Drummond.) On trunks in woods, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., 1893. {Macoun.) 152. C. cyrtaspis, Tuckerm. On earth at Revelstoke, B.C., May 5th, 1890 ; on earth, Spcnce's Bridge, B.C., May 30th, 1889. {Macoun.) 153. C. leptaleum, Tuckerm. On trees at Truro, N.S., June, 1883 ; on ash trees in a swamp at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) 96 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA 154. C. flaccidum, Ach. On rocks and trunks. Greenland. {Braiith.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome ^de Eckfeldt.) On trunks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummotid.) On spruce trees, Salt Lake, Anticosti; on earth Gaspe Basin, and along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. ; on trees, Sudbury Junction and on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on trunks in woods, Seymour West, Northumber- land Co.,Ont.; on rocks at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; on trees at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks at Spence's Bridge and Agassiz, B.C.; on bark of trees, Burnsidc Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {_Macoun.) 155. C. nigrescens, (Hubs.) Ach. On trees. Greenland. {Lindsay.) On bark of ash trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on ash trees in a swamp at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on trees in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on trees at Sudbury Junction, Ont.; ash trees, Blackwater River, Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 8th, 1890. (Macoun.) 156. C. pulposum, (Bernh.) Nyl. On earth, Greenland. {Branth.) On earth at Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummofid.) On earth, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on limestone rocks, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont.; on earth at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on the bases of trees, Seymour, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on calcareous earth along Old Wives' Creek, Assa., 1895 ; on earth, Kananaskis Falls and Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on earth at Revel- stoke, Columbia River, B.C.; Telegraph Trail, west of Quesnel, B.C.; on earth at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Cape Lisburne, Alaska. Rothrock. ) 157. C, tenax, (Sw.) Ach. On earth in calcareous soils. On earth west of Hull, Que., and in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. ; on limestone rocks along the Moira River at Belleville, Ont.; on rocks at Port Arthur, shore of Lake Superior ; on earth, Cypress Hills, Assa.; on earth at Otterburne, Manitoba. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 97 158. c. crispum, Borr. On earth, Canada. (A. T. Dtummond.) On calcareous earth, west of Hull and on King's Mountain near Chelsea, Que. ; on earth at Quesnel, B.C., June, 1875. {Macoun.) 159. C. lirQOSum, Ach. On calcareous earth in a cutting west of Hull, Que.; very rare; on earth in wet soil at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; on earth on wet rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 160. c. raelsenum, Ach. Calcareous and other rocks. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont., July 9th, 1884. Named by Tuckerman. {Macoun.') Var. polycarpum, Schaer. Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 161. C multipartitum, (Sm.) Tayl. On calcareous rocks near Stewart's Lake, northern British Columbia, June 25th, 1875. {Macoun.) 162. a furvum, (Ach.) Nyl. On calcareous rocks, L'Anse au Mort, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T.Drummond.) Along the shores of Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on stones, Cypress Hills, Assa ; found also in Canada by Tucker- man. {Macoun.) 163. C. pustulatum, Ach. Calcareous rocks, Rocky Mountains, Lat. 54*'-56°. {Drummond.) On calcareous rocks along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Moun- tains, June, 1897 ; on bark of trees, Burnside Road, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May loth, 1893. {Macoun.) 7 ■ 98 GEOI-OGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 164 C. floculosa, Nyl. On limestone rocks below Governor's Bay, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont.; on naked limestone rocks in woods south of the Aylmer Electric Railway, west of Hull, Que.; very rare. May i6th, 1896. {Macoun.) 22. LEPTOGIUM, Pr., Nyl. 165. L. muscicola, (Sw.) Fr. Growing over mosses on rocks on mountains. On rocks. Tunnel Mountain, Banff, and on mosses, Mt. Forget- me-not, Rocky Mountains; on rocks by the Fraser River at Yale B.C.; on rocks along the Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Islands in Behring Scrait. {Wright.) 166. L. albociliatum, Desmaz. Among mosses on rocks. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 6th, 1890. {Macoun.) 167. L. tenuissimutn, (Dicks.) Kcerb. On sandy banks among mosses. • On old rails along the Richmond Road, Ottawa, Ont., April, 1896 ; on earth among mosses, northern British Columbia, June, 1875. {Macoufi.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 168. L. minutissimum, (Flcerk) Mass. On moss on rocks, summit of Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Van- couver Island, July, 1893, alt. 3,000 ft. {Macoun.) 169. L. lacerum, (Sw.) Fr. Among mosses on rocks. Greenland. {Branth.) On rocks, Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on limestone rocks Rockcliffe, Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks along the Moira at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on rocks. Lake Nipigon, and at Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; at Deer CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 99 Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks, at Yale, Fraser River, B.C.; at Lytton and Hastings, B.C. {Macoun.) On rocks at London, Ont. (/. Dearness) , iVo. L. Californicum, Tuckerm. On rocks among mosses and on the bark of oak trees, Burnside Road, near Victoria, and on rocks, Parson's Mountain, Vancouver Island ; on rocks, Mount Erskine Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. May 9th 1887. {Macoun.) i"^!. L. palmatum, (Hubs.) Mont. On earth and rocks among mosses. * On rocks, Six-mile Creek, Selkirk Mountains, and on rocks at Sicamous, B.C.; on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Colum- bia River, B.C.; on rocks at Donald, Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks at Yale and Moodyville, and near high-water mark on rocks. North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on rocks, Burnside Road, Victoria, and at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Forward Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dazvson.) British Columbia. {Lyall.) 1^2. L. pulchellum, (Ach.) Nyl. On tree-trunks and rocks. On trees at Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont., and on trees in woods at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on tree-trunks in woods, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on trees, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoiin.) 173. L. Tremelloides, (Linn, f.) Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghonie fide Eckfeldt.) On rocks and trunks in "swamps, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. {J. Moser.) On trunks and on old logs at Baddeck, Margaree, and Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks and trees at Truro, N.S.; on trees along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on trees and rocks, Rockcliffe and Beechwood, Ottawa Ont.; on trees and rocks at Belleville, Hastings Co., and on Gibson's Mountain, Prince Edward Co., Ont.; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on rocks near Otter Head, east coast of Lake Superior ; on stones, Roger's r/2 100 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Portage between South Fowl Lake and Pigeon River, Ont. {Fink.) Salmon Creek, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooky.) 174. L. dactylinum, Tuckerm. On rocks by the sea at Craigflower, near Victoria, Vancouver island. May 30th, 1893. {Macoun.) ITS. L. chlorocneluin^ (Sw.) Nyl. On trunks of trees and on rocks. On bark, Wild Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) At Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On rocks, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) On trunks at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on trunks, Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont.; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on trunks, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on old rails at Aylmer, Que., and on rocks, King's Mountain, near Chelsea, Que.; on black ash trunks, Algo quin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 176. L. intermedium, Arnold. On birch bark, Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 177. L. myochroum, (Ehrh.) Tuckerm. On trees and rocks. Greenland. {Branth.) Great Bear Lake, Arctic America. {Richardson) On rocks, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On rocks and trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks and trees at Shannonvillc, Hastings Co., Ont.; on trees at Brighton and Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on rocks, Crow's Nest Pass, alt. 4,000 feet ; on balsam poplar trunks along Jumping Pound Creek, and on rocks, Mount Forget-me-not, alt. 6,000 feet. Rocky Mountains; at Yale, Fraser River, B.C.; on rocks along the Burnside Road, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macou?t.) 178. L. respulinum, Ach. On limestone rocks at Rockliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., April i6th, 1 891. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. lOl 23. PLACODIUM, (DC.) Naeg. & Hepp. 1V9. P. elegans, (Link.) DC. On rocks. Greenland. (Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson^ Mel- ville Island. {R. Brown) Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait. (Dr. R. Bell) On rocks, Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A. P. Low.) Newfoundland. {Pylaie.) St. John, N.B. (/. Mose-.) Southwest Point, Anticosti. Que. ; falls of the Madeline River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on a large boulder. Gover- nor's Bay, Rockliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. ; abundant around Lake Nipigon and Lake Superior ; on rocks. Cypress Hills, Assa., and at the " elbow " of the South Saskatchewan, Assa. ; in woods at Banff and along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains; at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. ; Mount Benson* near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Buffalo Lake, Lat. 56°, north of He a la Crosse, Atha. (/. M. Mncoun) Harble- down Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C, {Dr. G. M. Dawson) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright) Alaska. {Turner) Var. trachyphyllum, Tuckerm. On boulders in the Cypress Hills, Assa., June loth, 1884. (/. M, Macoun) 180. P. raurorum, (Hoffm.) DC. On rocks, Greenland. {Arct. Man) Labrador or Newfound- land. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On rocks, Arctic America. {Richardson) On sandstone rocks, "elbow" of South Saskatche- wan, Assa., July i8th, 1879 ; abundant on sandstone rocks. Wood Mountain, Assa., June loth, 1895. {Macoun) 181. P. fulgens, (Sw.) DC. On calcareous soils, Greenland. {Vahl) On earth along Old Wives' Creek, Assa., May 23rd, 1895. {Macoun) 182. P. cirrochroum, (Ach.) Hepp. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) 102 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 183. P. aurantiacum, (Lightf.) Naeg. & Hepp. On dead wood, trees and rocks. Greenland. (Arct. Man) Arctic America. {Richardson) Labra- dor or Newfoundland. {WagJiorne ^At. Eckfeldt) On driftwood, Gunn River, Anticosti, Que.; on bark of trees, Truro, N.S.; on rocks and trees, not rare, around Ottawa, Ont.; on bark of trees» Lake Nipigon, Ont. ; on Altms rubra, along the sea at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoiin) On driftwood, Blankensop Bay, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) 184. P. rupestre, (Scop.) Br. & Rostr. On calcareous rocks, St. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co.^ Que., Aug. 17th, 1882. {Macoun) 185. P. cerinum, (Hedw.) Naeg. & Hepp. Common on trees, dead wood and mosses. Greenland. {Artt. Man) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wag- liorne fide Eckfeldt) On trunks, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Duchartne) Arctic America. {Richardson) On bark of various trees at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on birch bark, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on bark of aspen poplar at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; along Nipigon River, Ont.; on the Porcupine Hills, Man., and in the Moose Mountains, Assa.; along Red Deer River, Man.; Atha- basca River, Lat. 55° ; on moss on rocks at Lytton, B.C.; on bark of maples at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B C; on bark at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) Var. pyracea, Nyl. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne^A^ Eckfeldt) On old cedar trunks in Dow's swamp, Ottawa, Ont., May 2nd, 1896 ; on bark of small maples at Hastings, British Columbia, April, 1889. {Macoun) On bark, Nagai Island, Shumigan Group, Alaska, Sept. 1 8th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun) Icy Cape, Arctic Ocean, Alaska. {Rothrock) Var. pyracea, Nyl. forma, ulmicola, DC. Caloplaca pyracea, f. ulmicola, DC. Very abundant on dead Negundo aceroides on the banks of Old Wives' Creek, near Old Wives' Lake, Assa., and at the forks of the creek, June 2nd, 1895. {Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. IO3 1S6. P. JungermannisD, (Vahl) Tuckerm. On earth and upon mosses. Greenland. {Vahl.) Arctic America, Great Bear Lake. {Rich- ardson.) On earth in Bow River Pass at Banff, and on Castle Mountain, Rocky Mountains ; on moss along Bragg's Creek and on Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains ; on earth. Telegraph Trail, B.C. {Macoun.) On earth Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, Aug., 1891. {J. M. Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 187. P. nivale, (KcERB.) Tuckerm. On mosses, Greenland. {Brentcl.) 188. P. sinapispermum, (Auct.) He pp. On mosses in arctic and alpine regions. Greenland. {Vahl.) On earth, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on earth in the Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains ; along the Telegraph Trail, Blackwater River, B.C. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 189. P. tetraspora, (Nyl.) On earth in Greenland. {Branth.) On earth. Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, alt. 6,500 feet, July 3rd, 1897. {Macoun) 190. P. ferrugineum, (Hubs.) Hepp. On dead wood, rocks and mosses. Greenland. {Vahl.) In Alaska. {Dr. Kellogg.) On bark of black ash trees in a swamp at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S.,July, 1898 ; on eaith and rocks at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on earth at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on poplar bark. Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On earth,, St. Paul Island and Unalaska Island, Behring Sea. {J. M. Macoun.) Port Clarence, Alaska, and elsewhere ; not rare. {Rothrock.) Var. discolor, WiLLEY. On ash bark at the mouth of the Madeline River, Gaspe Co., Aug. 5th, 1882 ; on black ash bark at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 9th, 1898. {Macoun.) I04 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 191. P. crenulatum, (Wahlenb.) Tuckerm. Maritime rocks, Greenland. {VaJtl.) Labrador or Newfound- land. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Sitka, Alaska. (^Rothrock.) 192. P. variabile, (Pers.) Nyl. Port Clarence, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 193. P. vitellinuin, (Ehrh.) Naeg. & Hepp. On dead wood and rocks. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) Green- land. {Arct. Man.) At Fort Franklin, Arctic America. {Rich- ardson.) North Bluff, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) On rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. 19th, 1882 ; on old rails, in great profusion, Brighton, Ont., common on old rails and boulders around Ottawa, Ont.; and on boulders at Aylmer, Que., T900. {Macoun) Behring Strait. {Wrigfit.) Port Clarence, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Var. aurellum, Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wt/ghorne fide Eckfeldt^ On rocks, Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) On rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. 19th, 1882 ; on boulders around Ottawa, Ont., not rare. {Macoun.') Var. octosporum, Nyl. On earth, north shore of Hudson Strait, Aug., 1897. {Dr. R. Bell.) On rocks near Hogsback, Ottawa, Ont., May 2nd, 1895, and on bark of cedar rails near Ottawa, Ont., April 14th, 1897. {Macoun.) 24. LECANORA, Ach. 194. L. lent gera, (Web.) Ach. On earth along the Elbow River, below the Fisher branch, Rocky Mountains, July 12th, 1897 '■> on earth at Morley, Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains, June, 1885. {Macoun.) 195. L. gelida, (Linn.) Ach. On rocks, Greenland. ( Vahl.) On boulders near Stewart's Lake, northern British Columbia, June, 1875. {Macoun.) Cher- CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 10$ nofski Island, Unalaska and Belkofski, Aliaska Peninsula. {Rothrock.) 196. L. rubina, (Vill.) Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wa^horne fide Eckfeldt.) Green- land. {Arct. Man.) On rocks, Arctic America. {Richardson.) Shores of Lake Superior. {Agassiz. ) On rocks above Michipi- coten, Lake Superior ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on boulders along the Milk River, Alberta ; on boulders along Jumping Pound Creek, and on Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, 1897 ; Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains ; Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River ; on rocks by the sea at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; by the sea at Craigflower, near Victoria, and on great boulders between tides at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On rocks, Middleton Island, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. opaca, Ach. Greenland. {Arct.Mmi.) On sandstone rocks, "elbow" of South Saskatchewan, Assa., July 12th, 1879, and on rocks. Wood. Moun- tain, Assa., June 12th, 1895. [Macoun.) 197. L. muralis, (Schreb.) Sch^er. var. saxicola, Sch.er, Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On rocks, Grand Lake, in the Bay of Islands, and on wood at Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorfie.) On rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. i8th, 1882; quite common on boulders around Ottawa, Ont., and at Chelsea and King's Mountain, Que. {Macoun.') Cliffs on St. Matthew Island, St. Paul Island, Sitka, Unalaska and elsewhere in Alaska. {Rothrock.) A specimen collected June 7th, 1897, on St. George Island, Behrmg Sea, by Mr. J. M. Macoun is referred here, but is more likely a new species, as suggested by Branth. Var. Garovaglii, Anz. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) Var. versicolor, Fr. On rocks. Leading Tickles, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) I06 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 198. L. pallida, (Schreb.) Sch^er. On trunks of trees and fence-rails, not uncommon. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^de Eckfeldt.) On trunks of trees, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharfne.) On bark of trees at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on bark of trees at Truro, N.S.,; on basswood bark, Dow's Swamp and other places around Ottawa, Ont. ; on young pine trees at Carleton Place, Carleton Co., Ont. ; on bark of trees, Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on tree-trunks around Niagara Falls, Ont., May 14th, 1901 ; on bark of maple trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on bark of trees, Nipigon River and Lake, Ont. ; on bark of Abuts rubra^ Hastings, Burrard Inlet. B.C. {Macoun.) Var. cancriformis, Tuckerm. On large trunks in woods, McKay's Bush, Ottawa, Ont. ; on trunks of beech trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. {Macoun) 199. L. sordida, (Pers.) Th. Fr. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On rocks, Arctic America. {Richard- son.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorfie fide Eckfeldt.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que., August 26th, 1882 ; on rocks, Wood Mountain, Assa., June 12th, 1895. {Macoun.) South Fowl Lake, boundary between Minnesota and Ontario, 1897. {Fiyik.) 200. L. frustulosa, (Dicks.) Mass. * On rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) 201. L. sabfusca, (Linn.) Ach. var. allophana, Ach. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Labrador and Newfoundland. {Wag- horne fide Eckfeldt) On trees, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On beech trees at ICdmonton, Ont. (^ James White.) On aspen poplar, Greenwood Township, Man. {Thos. Walker.) On old fence boards and logs. Sable Island, N. S., July, 1899; common on trunks and old logs at Baddeck, Grand Narrows and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on bark of trees at Truro, N.S. ; on drift wood by the sea, Jupiter River, CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 10/ Anticosti, Que.; very abundant on large trunks of beech, maple and basswood, and on old rails at Ottawa, Ont.; on small trees at Aylmer, Que.; abundant at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; com- mon on trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on bark of trees, Nipigon River, Ont. ; on trees along Lake Winnipegosis, Man. ; on sandstone rocks. Wood Mountain, Assa., June loth, 1895 ; on bark of poplar, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on trees along the Columbia River at Revelstoke, B.C.; on alders along the Nechaco River, B.C.; on the old wharf at Comox, Van- couver Island. {Macoun.) Cook's Inlet, Unalaska, and Port Clarence, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Var. hypnorum, Sch.er. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghcrne fide Eckfeldt.) Along the Mackenzie River and around Great Bear Lake. {Richardson.) On earth and moss at Banff, Rocky Mountains, July nth, 1891 ; on earth. Jumping Pound Creek, at the bridge, and along Bragg's Creek, foothills of Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Port Clarence and Cape Lisburne, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Var. argentata, Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghcrne fide Eckfeldt) On maple bark at Cove Head, Prince Edward Island ; on trees at the base of King's Mountain, near Chelsea, Que., May, 1897 ; on bark of young poplar trees, Nipigon River, Ont. ; on young trees, Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) Var. coilocarpa, Ach. On ash trees at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on beech bark in woods around Ottawa, Ont.; on bark oi Alnus incafia at Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on poplar bark, Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 22nd, 1893. {Macoun.) Var. atrynea, Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On fences near the sea. Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on ash bark, Gaspe coast, August, 1882 ; on old logs by the sea, Oak Bay, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June, 1887. {Macoun) On logs by the sea, Hanson Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., 1885. {Dr. G.M. Dawson) , I08 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA Var. distans, Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) On bark of beech trees, McKay's woods, Ottawa, Ont., April i6th, 1 89 1. {Macoun.") Var. minor, Branth. On limestone rocks, near the Hogsback, near Ottawa, Ont., May 7th, 1897. {Macoun.) 202. L. Hageni, Ach. On rocks, dead wood and trees. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On wood at Ottawa and London, Ont. {A. T. Driimnwnd) On fence boards. Main Station, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on old logs, Madeline River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old fence- rails and cedar bark at Ottawa, Ont.; on fence-rails and bark at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on old logs along Jumping Pound Creek, foothills of Rocky Mountains. {Macoun) Chilliwack Valley, B.C. (/. M. Macoun) Cape Lisburne, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 203. L. albescens, (Hoffm.) Fr. Th. On logs, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {WagJiorne.) 204. L. atra, (Huds.) Ach. On rocks and tree trunks, Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On trees, old rails and rocks at Ottawa, Ont.; on old rails at Brighton, Ont., 1893 ; on rocks along Jumping Pound Creek, foothills of Rocky Mountains ; on poplar trunks. Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 22nd, 1893; on the old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 23rd, 1893. {Macomi.) Cape Lisburne, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 205. L. atriseda, Nyl. On rocks, Rope Cove, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {Wag- horne.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. lOQ 206. L. badia, (Pers.) Ach. On sub-alpine rocks. Greenland. {Arcf. Man.) Battle Harbor, Labrador. {Waghorne.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Tadousac, Quebec. {A. T. Drum- ntond.) 207. L. dispersa, (Pers.) Nyl. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt) 208. L. thiodes, (Arnold.) Tirol, xxx, p. 369. On rocks, Grand Lake, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {Wag- horne) 209. L. bicincta, (Ram.) Nyl. On rocks, Black Islands, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) 210. L. ochraceo-rubesceDS, Arnold. On sandstone rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 211- L. Pacifica, Tuckerm. On trees on many parts of Vancouver Island. On poplar trees and alder at Victoria and Comox, Vancouver Island ; on small trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) On bark, Alert Bay, Vancouver Island. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) 212. L. atrosulphurea, (Wahl.) Ach. On rocks. Arctic America. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck/eldt.) 213. L. varia, (Ehrh.) Nyl. Common on trees, dead wood and stones. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Labrador or Newfoundland. (Wag- horne fide Eckfeldt.) On dead pine, Rigaud Mountain, Vandreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On old rails, Main Station, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on old rails, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old rails, bark of trees and boulders at Ottawa, no GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Ont,; on old fence-rails at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on old rails near Wooler, Northumberland Co., Ont., 1893; on Alnusincana along Jumping Pound Creek, foothills of Rocky Mountains ; on young poplars, Sea's farm, Victoria, and on oak trees at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. polytropa, Nyl. Alpine and sub-alpine rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Middle Greenland. {Eberlin.) On rocks, Labrador and Newfoundland. {Waghor/ie.) On lime- stone rocks at Aylmer, Que., April 25th, 1900. {Macoun.) Var. intricata, Nyl. Alpine and sub-alpine rocks. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On rocks, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. (IVaghonie.) Var. symmicta, Ach. On trees and dead wood. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On old fence-rails. Main Station, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on old rails at Margaree and Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on bark and dead wood by the beach, Gaspe Basin, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old rails and bark of living trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on trees, Nipigon, Lake Superior ; on the old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun^ Var. ssepincola, Fr. On dead wood ; common. Abundant on old cedar rails and boards around Ottawa, Ont.; at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on the old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun) 214 L. symmictera, Nyl. Goose Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) 215. L. athroocarpa. (Dub.) Nyl. Trees, rocks and shrubs. On rocks, Coal Point, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) British North America. {Richardson) On beech and maple trees at CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. Ill Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on poplar bark at Nipigon, Lake Superior ; on poplar bark, Fort Chipweyan, Lake Athabasca. {Macoun.) 216, L. castanea, (Hepp.) Th. Fr. Growing over mosses in alpine districts. Greenland. {Vahl.) ■ 217. L. ventosa, (Linn.) Ach. Alpine rocks, Arctic America. {Richardson.) Greenland. {Vahl.) On rocks, Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug. 1896. {A. P. Low.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on rocks by the sea at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On rocks, St. George Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 218. L. elatina, Ach. Dead bark and dead wood of coniferous trees. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ?{d& Eckfeldt.) Canada. {A. T. Drummond) On spruce bark in woods at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on bark of balsam fir, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; on spruce bark, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; abundant on hemlock bark, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on Menzies' spruce at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun^ I Var. ochrophsea. Tuckerm. I ^- Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt}} On old logs, Canaan Forks, N.B., 1892. (/. Moser.) On cedar bark, k Tobique River, N.B., 1884. {Geo. U.EIay) On bark of trees, Ste. Anne des Monts, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug., 1882 ; on cedar bark, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on bark of Douglas fir, Comox, Vancouver Island, May, 1887. {Macoun) Sheep Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Var. minor, Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fido. Eckfeldt.) 112 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 219. L. pallescens, (Linn.) ScHiER. On dead wood, bark of trees and moss; common. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome fvde Eckfeldt.) Green- land. {Arct. Ma7i.) Arctic America. {Ricltardson.) On moss, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on trees at Ottawa, Ont.; at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on trunks, rare, Algon- quin Park, Ont.. June, 1900 ; on earth and moss. Jumping Pound Creek and Bragg's Creek, foothills of Rocky Mountains; on moss and bark at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on moss, mountains south of Spence's Bridge, B.C.; on alder bark and rocks, Hastings, B.C.; on rocks, Parson's Moun- tain, Victoria, and Mount Benson, [Nanaimo, and on bark at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoim.) On bark of beech trees at Edmonton, Ont. {Jatms White.) On trees, Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. (ZTr. G. M. Dawson.) Chugachick, Cook's Inlet, Alaska. {Kothrock.) Sheep Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Var. Upsalensis, (Linn.) Greenland.' {Arct. Man.) On earth at Wood Mountain, Assa.; on earth and moss at Bragg's Creek and Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on earth on rocks, Parson's Mountain and Pier's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. {Turner.) Var. rosella, Tuck. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On bark of trees, Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., July 25th, 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) On Douglas fir at Comox, Vancou- cer Island, April 30th, 1887. {Macoun.) Sheep Creek, Juneau, Alaska, {Miss G. Cooley.) 220. L. tartarea, (Linn) Ach. Upon rocks, earth and mosses. West Greenland, {Warmi?ig.) On rocks, Baflfin Land, Hudson Strait, Aug,, 1897, (^^- ^- Bell.) Various forms on Labrador or Newfoundland, {Waghorn£ fide Eckfeldt.) On earth, Barren Grounds, Lat.6i , Long. 104°, W. (/, W. Tyrrell.) Rigaud Moun- tain, Vaudreuil Co,, Que, {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On earth. Salt CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 13 Lake, Anticosti, Que.; on rocks, Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) St. George and St. Paul islands, Behring Sea. ( /. M. Macoun.) Shumigan Group, Unalaska and Cape Lis- burne, Alaska. {Rothrock.) The form named L. leprosa by Nylander was found on earth on Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899. {Macoun.') Var. frigida, (Sw.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June 19th, 1897. (/• ^- Macotm.) Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. {Turner. ^ 221. L. oculata, (Dicks.) Ach. Incrusting mosses and other substances in alpine districts. Greenland. {Vahl.) On rocks in the Barren Grounds. Lat. 61°, Long. 104° W., July, 1893. (/. B. Tyrrell.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) On rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June 19th, 1897. (/• M- Macoun.) 222. L melanaspis, (Vahl.) Ach. On rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) 223. L. verrucosa, (Ach.) Laur. Upon mosses and earth in alpine districts. Greenland. {Vahl.) On dead stems of Selaginella rupestris, along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June 15th, 1897. {Macoun.) Eschscholtz Bay, Arctic Ocean, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 224. L. cenisia, Ach. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) On limestone rocks, Hogsback, Rideau River, near Ottawa, Ont., May 2nd, 1897. {Macoun.) 225. L. cinerea, (Linn.) Sommerf. On rocks, Arctic America. {Richardson.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wag-horne fide Eckfeldt.) Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) On limestone rocks along the Rideau River, south of Ottawa, Ont., May 2nd, 1897 ; on rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont., 1884. {Macoun.) Port Clarence, Icy Cape, and Cape Lisburne, Alaska. {Rothrock.) .; 114 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. Isevata, Fr On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {VVaghorne fide Eck- feldt.) 226. L. gibbosa, Nyl. Chimney Cove, Labrador. {VVaghorne.) On rails, Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) On old cedar rails, Mr. James Terrill's farm, near Wooler, Northumberland Co., Ont., Oct. i6th, 1898 ; on flat limestone rocks, Blueberry Point, Aylmer, Que., April 25th, 1900. {Macoun.) Alaska. {Rothrock.) 227. L. calcarea, (Linn.) Sommerf, Labrador or Newfoundland. {IVaghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Green- land. {Arct. Ma?i.) On limestone rocks, Rideau River, Ottawa, Ont., May 2nd, 1897 ; on rocks. Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C., June 7th, 1890. {Macotm.) Var. contorta,^ Fr. On calcareous rocks, Greenland. (Vahl.) 228. L. cinereo-rufescens. Nyl. On rocks. Chimney Cove, also the form Lecanora sanguinea Kplh, on stones at Birchy Cove, Newfoundland. (Wa^korne.) 229. L. C8esio-cinerea, (Nyl.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.^ 230. L. lacustris, (With.) Nyl. On rocks often inundated. Greenland. {Vahl.) On rocks, Grand Lake, Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) 231. L. epulotica, (Ach.) Leight. On rocks, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) Var. subepulotica, Nyl. On granitic rocks, Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. II5 232. L. molybdina, (Wahl.) Ach. var. vulgaris, ScHiER. On maritime rocks, Greenland. (Vahl.) Elsewhere in Arctic America. {Dr. Kane.) On rocks at Tadousac, Que. (^A. T. Drummond.) • Var. ereutica, Wahl. On rocks at Tadousac, St. Lawrence River, Que. {A. T. Drum- mond.) 233. L. chlorophana, (Wahl.) Ach. Alpine rocks, and at lower elevations. Greenland. {Vahl.) On boulders in southern Assiniboia, not uncommon, June, 1895. {Macotm.) 234. L. xanthophana, (Nyl.) On rocks at Riviere du Loup, Que. (C .G. Pringle.) 236. L. Schleicheri, (Ach.) Nyl. Not uncommon on earth at the forks of Old Wives' Creek, Assa., June 2nd, 1895. {Macoun.) 236. L. laxa, Branth. (MS.) On limestone rocks along the Rideau River near Hogsback, near Ottawa, Ont., April 30th, 1897. {Macoufi.) 237. L. cervina, (Pers.) Nyl. On rocks near the Milk River, southern Assiniboia, June, 1895. {Macoun.) Eschscholtz Bay, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 238. L, glaucocarpa, (Wahl.) Ach. On calcareous rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson.) On rocks, Meadows, Goose Arm, Newfoundland. Waghorne.) 239. L. fascata, (Schrad.) Th. Fr. On granitic rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On limestone 85^ Il6 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. rocks, Rideau River, south of Ottawa, Ont., May 2nd, 1897. {Macoun.) Var. rufescens, Th. Fr. On granitic rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labrador or Newfoundland. (Wagftorne fide Eckfeldt.) 240. L. privigna, (Ach.) Nyl. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) On granitic rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) On rocks, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que. {Macoun.) Var. pruinosa, Auctt. On limestone rocks along the St. Lawrence, at Quebec. {A. T. Drummond.) On limestone rocks along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que. ; on limestone rocks around Ottawa, Ont,, common. {Ma- coun.) 241. L. platycarpoides, (Anzi.) On sandstone rocks along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Moun- tain<, Alta., June 15th, 1897. {Macoun.) 242. L. flavada, Hepp. On stones, Coal River, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 243. L. effusa, Pers. On wood. River Head, Chimney Cove, Mclver's Cove, and Benoit's Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 244. L. pinniperda, (Kcerb.) On an old plank at Crabbs, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 245. L. detractula, (Nyl.) On stones in Lark Harbour, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) ^ 25. RINODINA, Mass. 246. R, nimbosa, (Fr.) Th. Fr. Naked earth in alpine or northern districts. Greenland. {Vahl.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 11/ 247. R. oreina, (Ach.) Mass. Greenland, (Arct. Man.) On rocks at the " elbow " of the South Saskatchewan, Assa., July 13th, 1879; also on Laurentian rocks at Shannonville, Hastings Co., Ont.; abundant on boulders on the prairie throughout Assiniboia, June, 1895. {Macomi.) 248. R. Ascociscana, Tuckerm. On trunks, Quebec. {A. T. Drummond.) On beech trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont,, April 20th, 1879; on beech trees at Ottawa, Ont., April 29th, 1891 ; also in woods at Billings Bridge, near Ottawa, April, 1897. {Macoun.) 249. R. turfacea, (Wahl.) Nyl. On the earth and running over mosses in alpine and northern districts, Greenland, {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland, {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On earth, north shore of Lake Superior ; on earth in woods at Banff, on Moose Mountain and at Morley, Rocky Mountains ; in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. Wris^ht.) Var, mniarsea, Nyl. Greenland. (Arct. Man.) Along Bragg's, Creek foothills of Rocky Mountains ; on earth at Hector in the Rocky Mountains ; northern British Columbia. {Macoun.) On islands in Behring Strait. {Wright) 250. R, succedens, Nyl. Wild Cove, M'lver's Cove, Frenchman Cove, Middle Arm and Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 251. R. teichophila, Nyl. On rocks. Chimney Cove, Little Harbour, Newfoundland, ( Waghorne.) 252. R. sophodes, (Ach.) Nyl. Common on bark. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On bark of trees, John's Beach, Deer Lake, and on rocks, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Il8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, Quite common on bark of young red maples in the vicinity of Ottawa, Ont.; on maple trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont ; on bark, Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island. (Doubtful.) {Macoun.) Var. atrocinerea, Nyl. On rocks at Shannonville, Hastings Co., Ont., Oct., 1882. {Macoun) Var. confragosa, Nyl. On maple trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on young poplars, Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 22nd, 1893. {Macoun?) Var. exigua, Fr. Greenland. {Arct. Man) On limestone rocks in Rockcliffe Park, and at the Hogsback, 4 miles frpm Ottawa, Ont., April, 1897 ; on old fence- rails at Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on bark, North Bay, Lake Nipissing ; on poplar bark. Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on green ash bark at Old Wives' Creek, Assa., June, 1895 5 o" poplar bark, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on bushes in woods at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 23r'd, 1893. {Macoun.) 253. R. constans, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On living and dead wood. On bark of living beech at Ottawa, Ont.; on old logs at Has- tings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) 26. PERTUSARIA, DC. ^ 254. P. bryontha. (Ach.) Nyl. On earth, grow^ingover mosses, in alpine and northern districts. Greenland. {Vahl.) Growing over mosses, L'Anses au Mort, Labrador. {Waghorne.) Shores of St. Mary's River, Lake Superior. {Richardson.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I IQ 255. P. velata, (Turn.) Nyl. On trees, rails and rocks. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On trunks at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; quite common on trunks and rails in many localities around Ottawa, Ont.; on bark of trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on fence-rails, Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co.; at Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont. ; on trunks, Queenston Heights, Ont., May 9th, 1901. {Macoun.) On bark, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On beech trunks at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) 256. P. panyrga, (Ach.) Th. Fr. On the earth running over mosses in alpine and northern dis- tricts. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) On moss on rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, July, 1 897. (/. M. Macoun.) 257. P. multipuncta, (Turn.) Nyl. On trees or more rarely on rocks. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^6t Eckfeldt.) Quite common on trunks, chiefly birch, at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on trees at Truro, N.S.; on spruce trees, Anticosti, Que.; on ash trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on maple, cedar and other trees, common at Ottawa, Ont.; on trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; at Sudbury Junction, Ont.; on poplar trees along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on poplar trees, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. ; on bark of oak trees at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On poplar trunks at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) 258. P. dactylina, (Ach.) Nyl. On earth running over mosses in alpine and northern districts. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On mountain summits at Hector, Rocky Mountains. {Macoufi.) On Unalaska and St. Paul islands, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) , I20 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 259. P. ambigsns, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On trees at Comox, Vancouver Island, May 2nd, 1887. {Macoun.) On bark of Douglas fir, Pearce Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Datvson.) 260. p. rhodocarpa, Koerb. Labrador or Newfoundland. {IVagJiome fide Eckfeldt.) On bark, Arctic America. (Nylandcr) On trees, northern British Columbia, June, 1875. {Mac:.un.) 261. P. communis, DC. On trunks and rocks. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On trunks at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; on trees, Madeline River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on trees and rocks in woods at Ottawa, Ont.; and on trunks, Aylmer, Que. ; on beech trunks at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on trunks, Jordan station, Lincoln Co., Ont., May 17th, 1901 ; on trees, Canfield Junction, Haldimand Co., Ont.; on maple bark, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on trees, falls of Nipigon River, Ont. {Macouji.) On bark, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) 262. P. leioplaca, (Ach.) ScHiER. On trees and rocks. On bark of trees at River Head, Sparrible Cove, and Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Canada. {Richardson.) On trees, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on trees at Amqui station. Intercolonial Railway, Que.; on trunks in woods, at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on beech trees in woods at Buckingham, Que., 1896. {Macoun.) The above includes P. Icevigaia, Nyl., which has not been separated by us. 263. P. pustulata, (AcH.) Nyl. On bark of trees and dead wood. Coast of Gaspe, Que.; on old cedar rails north of Aylmer, Que., May, 1897 ; on bark of trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on alder trees at Revelstoke, B.C. {Macoun^) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 121 264. P. glomerata, (Ach.) Sch.er. On earth, running over mosses in alpine and northern districts. On earth in Baffin Land, Hudson Strait, Aug., 1897. {Dr. R. Bell?) On earth near Forteau, Labrador. {Waghorne.) Running over mosses on islands in Lake Nipigon, July 12th, 1884. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. (Wright.) Port Mulgrave, Alaska. {Rothrock.') 265. P. globularis, Ach. On rocks amongst mosses. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ?idQ Eckfeldt^ 266. P. Wulfenii, DC. On trunks, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) On beech trees at Ottawa, Ont., April 21st, 1891 ; also at Billings Bridge, Ont., and Hull, Que. These specimens are placed here on authority but in the opinion of the writer are doubtful. {Macoun.) 267. P. (Variolaria) Waghornei, Hulting. On bark of trees in company with Pertusaria Icevigata at Whit- more, Newfoundland. {Waghorne^ 268. P. (Variolaria) lactea, Wulf. On stones at Shoal Point, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) The last two species are very likely included in the sorediferous forms of Pertusaria midtipuncta and communis. 21. CONOTREMA, Tuckerm. 269. C. urceolatum, (Ach.) Tuckerm. On maple trunks. Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island ; on trunks at Baddeck and Magaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on bark of trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on maple bark at Belle- ville and Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont.; on poplar trees at Brighton, Ont.; on Carya a?nara in woods west of Hull, Que.; on maple trees. Otter Slide Creek, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun) ; 122 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 28. GYALECTA, (Ach.) Anzi. 270. G. lutea, (Dicks.) Tuckerm. On bark of trees. On hemlock bark at Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont.; on spruce bark along the Red Deer River, Porcupine Mountains, Man. {Macoun.) 271. G. Pineti, (ScHRAD.) Tuckerm. On bark and rotten wood at the base of trees. On dead wood in woods, Sudbury Junction, Ont., May 29th, 1884. {Macotm.) 272. G, rhexoblephara, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On earth, growing over mosses, &c. Greenland. {Vahl.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) f 29. URCEOLARIA, Tuckerm. 273. U, scruposa, (Linn.) Nyl. On rocks and on earth and often growing over mosses. On earth, Labrador or Newfoundland with var. bryophila, Eschw. {WaghoTTie fide Eckfeldt.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On rocks. Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on the prairie north of Cypress Hills, Assa. ; common on earth along Old Wives' Creek and south of Wood Mountain, Assa.; on earth and roots along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on earth at Revelstoke and Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C.; on earth in Roger's Pass, Sel- kirk Mountains, B.C. {Macoun.) Alaska. {Rothrock.) 30. THELOTREMA, (Ach.; Eschw. 274. T. lepadinum, (Ach.) On bark of trees and dead wood. On bark of trees, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Arctic America. {Richardson^ On ash trees at Ot- tawa, Ont.; on Douglas fir, Victoria, Vancouver Island and on Alnus rubra at Comox, and Alberni, Vancouver Island. {Macoun^ CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I23 2 "75. T. subtile, (Tuckerm.) Eckfeldt. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fid& Eckfeldt.) 31. STEREOCAULON, Schreb. 276. s. coralloides, Fr. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On rocks, Arctic America. {Herb. Hooker.) At Nain, Labrador, and on Digge's Island, Hudson Strait, 1884. {Dr. R. Bell.) On rocks near Whale River and at Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1898. {A. P. Low.) Labrador or .Newfoundland. {Waghor7ie ^da Eckfeldt.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, July 24th, 1893. (/. B. Tyrrell.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que, {A. T. Drummond,) On Mount Aylmer, Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains, alt. 8,000 feet ; common on rocks at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Unalaska Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macou?t.) 211. S. paschale, (Linn.) Fr. On earth and stones quite common. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Herd. Hooker.) On rocks, Baffin Land, Hudson Strait, 1897. (Dr. R. Bell.) Indian Harbour and Eagle River, Labrador. ( Waghorne.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) Rocky islands, Stony Lake, Peterborough Co., Ont. {Thos. Walker.) On rocks, Savanne, west of Lake Superior. ( W. Mclmtes.) On boulders in woods at Mar- garee. Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on earth, Tobique River, N.B.; along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; rather frequent on boulders around Ottawa, Ont.; on bould- ers, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; quite common on rocks, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior; on rocks and earth, Hastings, Bur- rard Inlet, B.C.; on Mount Benson near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On rocks, Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) On rocks, Kingston Mills, Ont., Sept. 23rd, 1901 ; on St. George and St. Paul islands, Behring Sea, and Kadiak Island, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. {Turner.) Common everywhere in Alaska. {Rothrock.) 278 S. tomentosum, (Fr.) Th. Fr. On earth and stones. Greenland. {^Arct. Man) Arctic America. {Richardson) Indian Harbour, Labrador ; Birchy Cove, Clark's Brook, Bay of Islands, 124 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On stones at Lancaster, and on earth along the Tobique River, N.B. {G.U.Hay.) On rocks. Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On boulders at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on stones at Truro, N.S.; on stones along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que.; on rocks, Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; on stones at Ot- tawa, Ont.; on rocks, Lake Superior and on earth at Lake Nipigon; on rocks in woods at Banff, Jumping Pound Creek, Bragg's Creek and Castle Mountain, Rocky Mountains; on rocks near McLeod's Lake, B.C. ; on rocks at Hot Springs, Kootenay Lake, B.C.; on rocks, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia ; on rocks at Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Rocky Mountains. {Bourgeau.) Mountains east of Adam's Lake, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Chil- liwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Alaska. {Dr. Kellogg.) Sheep Creek, near Juneau ; Davidson Glacier, Alaska, {Miss G. Cooley.) Var. alpinum, Th. Fr. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wagkorne fide Eckfeldt) Arctic America. {Richardson) Islands of Cumber- land Gulf. {Howgate.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright) 279. S. denudatum, (Floerk.) On rocks, Greenland. {Dall.) North Bluff and Nottingham Island, 1885. {Dr. R. Bell.) On rocks, Clearwater River, Labra- dor, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Venison Tickle, Eagle River and Indian Harbour, Labrador. {Waghortie.) Newfoundland. {Des- preaux.) Summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. {Macoun.) Alaska. (Dr. Kellogg.) 280. S. condensatum, Hoffm. On rocks, Clearwater Lake, northern Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On rocks, Baffin Land, July, 1897. {Dr. R. Bell.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 281. S. pileatum, (Ach.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On stones along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Aug., 1883 ; on boulders at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, July, 1898. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 12$ 282. S. Wrightii, Tuckerm. On rocks, islands of Behring Strait. {Wright) 283. s. nanum, Ach. On rocks, Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 19th, 1893. These specimens are depauperate and quite white. 284. S. nanodes, Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^d^ Eckfeldt.) 32. PILOPHORUS, Til. Pr. 285. P. cereolus, ("Ach.) var. Fibula, Tuckerm. On rocks, bordering water courses. (Tuckerman.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On rocks at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., 1882. {Macou/i.) Sawmill Creek, Sitka, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Alaska. (lurner.) Var. acicularis, Tuckerm. Pacific Coast. (Menzies.) Rocky Mountains. {Herb. Hooker.) On rocks at Yale, B.C.; on Parson's Mountain near Victoria, Van- couver Island, and on Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Macoun.) On rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Juneau, alt. 3,000 feet ; Salmon Creek and Gold Creek Canon, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.') Var. robustus, Tuckerm. Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright. Turner.) On Parson's Moun- tain, Vancouver Island and Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia ; specimens with branching and corymbose summit were obtained. {Macoun.) On rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June 19th, 1897. {J. M. Macoun) 286. P. clavata, Fries. N. Sp. On large boulders, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., May 9th, 1887. This specie's is easily distinguished by its elongat- ed club-shaped apothecia. When named by Fries no description was given. /' 126 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 33. CLADONIA, Hoffm. 287. C. alcicornis, (Lightf.) Flcerke. Sterile, sandy earth. Greenland. (^Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Hooker.) On earth, Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; on the summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on earth at Truro, N.S., June I2th, 1883 ; on limestone rocks at Hull, and at Chelsea and King's Mountain, Que. (Macoun.) On rocks, Stony Lake, Peterborough Co., Ont. {Thos. Walker.) On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On earth on rock, Kingston Mills, Ont., Sept. 23rd, 1901 ; St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) 288. C. sympliycarpa, Fr. On earth. Labrador or Newfoundland with the var. epiphylla, Ach. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Tunnel Mountain, Banff, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Cook's Inlet, at Fort Alexander, Alaska. {Rothrock?^ 289. C. Mitrula, Tuckerm. On earth in McKay's bush and at Britannia, six miles from Ottawa, Ont.; on earth on an old stump in pine woods, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on earth in woods, Camlachie, Lambton Co., Ont., June i8th, 1901. {Macoun.) Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 290. C. cariosa, (Ach.) Spreng. On earth and logs. Battle Harbour, Labrador. (J4^aghorne.) Arctic America. (Richardson.) On earth. Cape Rosier, and Fox River, Gaspe Co., Que.; rath r common on earth at Ottawa, Ont.; on earth at BeWe- ville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on old logs in woods, Camlachie, Lambton Co., Ont., June i8th, 1901. {Macou?i.) On earth, Nipigon River, and Lake Maria, Ont.; Island Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on earth at Banff and along the Elbow River and on Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains ; at Donald and Deer Park, Colum- bia River, B.C.; on earth along the Fraser River at Quesnel, B.C. Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 12/ 291. C. decorticata, Floerk. On earth and rocks. Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell) Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. (JVaghorne.) Barren Grounds, Lat. 6i°, Long. I04°,W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On earth. Lake Nipigon, July, 1884 ; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897; on rocks at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., igoi ; Unalaska and Kadiak Island, Alaska, and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) 292. C. pyxidata, (Linn.) Fr. On earth, rocks, logs and stumps ; common everywhere. Greenland. {^Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Not- tingham Island, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) On earth at Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On rocks, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) At Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) On old logs and earth, Credit Forks and at Stony Lake, Peterborough Co., Ont. {Thos. Walker) On earth, east end of Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; common on earth and logs at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que.; at Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; common around Ottawa, Ont.; quite common at Belleville, Ont.; on earth, Queenston Heights, Ont., May 19th, 1901 ; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; abundant at Thunder Bay, Lake Superior and along Lake Nipigon ; Red Deer River and Lake Winnipegosis, Man. ; in woods at Banff, Jumpmg Pound Creek and Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains ; at Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on old logs at Kamloops, B.C.; common at Victoria and on Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island. {Maccun.) Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) On St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun) Chamisso Island; Eschscholtz Bay, and Elephant Point; Aliaska Peninsula, Alaska. {Rothrock) Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. ( Turner) Var. Pocillunij AcH. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^Ao. Eckfeldt) Great Bear Lake, Arctic America. {Richardson) On open prairie at 128 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Old Wives' Creek, Assa.; on earth at the base of trees, Bragg's Creek, Rocky Mountains, 1897 ; on earth, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wrig^U.) Cape Vancouver, Unalaska Island, and St. George Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) 293. C. fimbriata, (Linn.) Fr. On earth and rotten logs, quite common. Greenland. {Arct. Mati.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On earth, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On stones, L'Anse au Clair, Labrador ; also John's Beach, Newfoundland. {Wagharne.) On earth at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) On earth, rather rare. Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on old stumps at Baddeckand Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on earth, Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; rather common on logs and stumps around Ottawa, Ont.; on dead wood, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on old stumps, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; rotten wood along Nipigon River, Ont.; on earth and logs, Lake Winnipegosis, Man.; on earth Cypress Hills, Assa.; on earth at Agassiz, B.C.; on old logs. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on earth at Victoria and Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. tubseformis, Fr. Very common on rotten wood. On rocks, L'Anse au Clair, Labrador. ( Waghorne.) Along the Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On old logs and stumps at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old logs at Britannia, Dow's swamp and other localities near Ottawa, Ont.; on earth and rotten logs, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on rotten logs, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on old logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on earth at Lake Nipigon, Ont.; Port Colborne, Lake Erie, Ont.; on rotten logs, Lake Winnipegosis, Man.; on rotten logs, Cypress Hills, Assa.; on earth at Hector, and on old logs along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs at Revelstoke, B.C.; on earth. Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on earth on rocks at Agassiz, B.C. ; on dead wood at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains ; Adam's Lake Mountains, B.C.; Deceit Bay, Gulf of CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 29 Georgia, B.C. (Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C.j Port Etches, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun.) Sheep Creek, Juneau, Alaska. Miss G. Cooley.) Var. radiata, Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On old logs, Little Fox River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on the Porcupine Mountains, Man.; on earth on rocks at Agassiz, B.C. {Macotw.) 294. c. degenerans, Floerk. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Battle Harbour, Labrador ; Meadows, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth in Canada. {Agassiz.) Arctic America. (Richardson.) On the summit of Mount Albert, Shickshock Mountains, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug., 1882 ; on rocks, Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C., 1890. {Macoun.) On earth, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) 295 C. gracilis, (Linn.) Nyl. var. verticillata, Fr. On earth in various forms from the Atlantic to the Pacific. On earth. Coal River and Eagle River, Newfoundland. {Wag- horne.) Greenland. (Arct. Man.) Along the Tobique River, N. B., 1884. {G. U. Hay.) Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; on earth at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old land, rather rare, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 5 o" boulders and earth around Ottawa, Ont.; on pine stumps, Seymour West, Ont.; along Nipigon River, Ont., 1884; at Donald, Columbia River, B.C., 1885 ; on rocks, Parson's Mountain, Van- couver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) Knox Bay, Gulf of Georgia, B. C, 1885. {^^- G' ^' Dawson.) Sitka and Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. ( Turner.) Var. hybrida, Sch^r. Quite common on earth, rocks and logs in woods. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On earth, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Fort Good Hope, Mackenzie River, 1892. {Miss E. Taylor.) On earth along the Tobique River, N.B. (^G.U. Hay.) On rocks, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G, Ducharme.) On old logs at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) On rotten logs. Credit Forks, Ont.; at Port Arthur, Lake Superior ; 9 130 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. and Yorkton, Assa. {Thos. Walker.) On old stumps at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island, 1888; Cape Rosier and Shickshock Mountains, Gaspe, 1882 ; on old stumps at Ottawa, Belleville and Seymour West, Ont.; on earth, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; common on north shore of Lake Superior and at Lake Nipigon ; at Lake Winnipegosis, Man., 1885 ; common at Banff, Rocky Mountains, 1891 ; on earth. Jumping Pound Creek, Bragg's Creek and Mount Forget-me-not, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897; at Pass Creek, Sproat Mountain, Revelstoke and Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C. ; in woods at Hastings, B.C., 1889 '■> along the Tele- graph Trail, B.C., 1875. {Macotin.) Mountains east of Adam's Lake, B.C., 1888; Deceit Bay, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dk. G. M. Dawson.) Var. elongata, Fr. Quite common in the cool north woods. At Nain, coast of Labrador. (ZV. R. Bell.) On earth Clear- water Lake, Labrador. {A. P. Low.) Blanc Sablon and L'Anse au Mort, Labrador, and Bolster Rock, Newfoundland ; numerous forms. {Waghor?ie.) In the Barren Lands, Lat. 62° 03', Long. 103° 15' W., 1893. {J.W.Tynell.) At Dalhousie,N.B. {J.Fletcher.) Along the Tobique River, N.B. {G.U.Hay.) Canaan Forks, N. B. (/. Moser.) Both forms were common in woods at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on earth at Truro, N.S., 1883 ; swamps at Cape Rosier, Gasp6, 1882 ; on an old pine log at Stittsville near Ottawa, Ont. ; on earth at Lake Nipigon, Ont., 1884 ; on old logs, Red Deer River and Porcupine Mountain?, Man., 1881 ; along Bragg's Creek and Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, 1897 J both forms macroceras and chor- dalis in mountain woods, Vancouver Island and at Hastings, B.C. {Macoun) Mountains south of Tulameen River, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C.; St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 296. C. cornuta, (Linn.) Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghortie fide Eckfeldt.) On ■earth, Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 2nd, 1898; on the ground northeast coast of Lake Superior ; on earth in woods at Donald and Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C.; along CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I3I the Telegraph Trail and Blackwater River, northern British Columbia, 1875. {Macoun.) British Columbia. {Lyall) 297. C. turgida, (Ehrh.) Hoffm. Quite common on earth in damp woods. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Newfoundland, {Despreaux.) On earth, Leading Tickle, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) On earth along the River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que. {D' Urban.) At Domville, Que. {N. K. Berg) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) On earth on rocks at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 20th, 1898 ; Truro, N.S., 1883 ; Little Fox River, Gaspe, Que., 1882 ; near Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., 1868 ; in woods at Banff and Morley, Rocky Mountains ; along the Black- water River, B.C. {Macoun.) Northwest coast of America. {Herb. Hooker) Var. conspicua, (Sch^r.) Nyl. Quite common in woods, chiefly on earth on rocks. On earth, Leading Tickle, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Along the Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) Along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que.; Gaspe Basin and Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; along the Nipigon River, Ont.; in woods. Duck Mountain, Man.; in woods at Donald, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) 298. C. Papillaria, (Ehrh.) Hoffm. On earth at Truro, N.S., June 12th, 1883. {Macoun.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 299. C. cenotea, (Ach.) ScHiER. On rotten logs and on earth in woods. M'lver's Cove and Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On rotten logs at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island N.S., July 9th, 1898 ; on logs in woods at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; in woods at Donald and Deer Park on the Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Island in Cross Sound, Alaska ; Mr. Willey doubtfully refers here forms from Cook's Inlet and Sitka. {Rothrock.) 9V2 132 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 300. c. squamosa, Hoffm. On earth, mossy rocks and old logs in woods. Greenland. (Arcf. Man.) On rocks at Nain, Labrador. {Dr. R. Bell.) On earth, Clearwater Lake, Labrador. (A. P. Low.) Forteau Bay and L'Anse au Mort, Labrador ; Cook's Brook, Coal River, Grand Lake, Bay of Islands, Alfrey Beach, Meadows and Wild Cove, Newfoundland ; various forms collected. {Waghortie.) On earth, Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) North shore of Lake Superior. (^Agassiz.) Lake Winnipeg and north- west coast. {Herb. Hooker.) On rocks at the Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks at Halifax, N.S.; along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old pine stumps at Britannia, six miles west of Ottawa^ Ont.; on earth, Algonquin Park, Ont.; June, 1900; on earth at Sudbury Junction and Lake Nipigon, and on rocks north shore of Lake Superior ; on rocks at Hastings, B.C., and in the vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) On mountains east of Adam's Lake, B.C ; on Texada and Hansen islands, and at Blackwater River and Knox Bay, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G.M Dawson.) Attu Island, Bchring Sea, 1891. {J. M. Macoun.) At Warm Springs, Sitka, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Sheep Creek, Juneau, Alaska ; also at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Miss G. Cooley.) 301. C. delicata, (Ehrh.) Floerk. On decaying wood along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; also on pine roots at Wooler, Ont., Oct. 17th, 1893 ; on rotten stumps and logs at Britannia, Stittsville, Hull and Buck- ingham, near Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.) 302. C. csespiticia, (Pers.) Floerk. On boulders, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 1 6th, 1898. (Macoun.) 303. C. furcata, (Huds.) Fr. var. crispata, Floerk. On earth, quite common. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America and Rocky Moun- tains. {Herb. Hooker.) On earth. Eagle River, Sandwich Bay and Indian Harbour, Labrador, also Bay of Exploits, Newfound- land. {Waghorne.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) Along the CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 33 Tobique River, N.B. '{G. U. Hay.) On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) Common on earth at Baddeck, Englishtown and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S.? July, 1898 ; on Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on earth at Britannia, Rockcliffe Park, near Ottawa, Ont., and Hull, Que.; in woods near Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on earth, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on earth, northeast coast of Lake Supe- rior and shores of Lake Nipigon ; on earth, Red Deer River, Porcupine Mountains, Man.; on House Mountain, near Lesser Slave Lake, Atha., 1872 ; at Pass Creek, Columbia River, B.C.; along Bragg's Creek, near the Elbow divide, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs, Victoria, Vancouver Island, and Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia. {Macoun?) On Harbledon, Texada and Thurlow islands. Gulf of Georgia. {Dr. G.M.Dawson.) Var. racemosa, Floerk. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Lark Harbor and River Head, New- foundland. {Waghorne.) On earth along Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que, {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On earth along the River Rouge, Argen- teuil Co., Que. {D' Urba?i.) On gravel below the whirlpool, Niagara Falls, Ont., 1895. {R. Cameron.) On earth at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on earth at Truro, N.S.; at Rockcliffe Park, and in McKay's bush, Ottawa, Ont.; in damp woods at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on earth in woods, Queenston Heights, Ont., May 9th, 1901 ; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; at Hastings, B.C., and along the Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macou7t.) Hansen Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Var. subulata, Floerk. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Labrador or Newfoundland, with vars. squamulosa, Schr., and adspersa^ Fl. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On earth along the Tobique River, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) On rocks, Lake Nipigon (this is a doubtful specimen) ; not uncommon on Sable Island, N.S., July, 1897 ; on rocks, Hastings, B.C.; on rocks near Victoria and at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Henslow and Hanson islands. Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) St. Paul and St. George islands, Behring Sea. (/, M. Macoun. ) 134 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. pungens, Fries. Greenland. (Arct. Man.) On rocks at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 20th, 1898 ; on earth at Belleville, Ont. {Macoun.) Earltown Lakes, N.S., Aug. loth, 1883. {Dr. A. McKay.') North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) 804. C. rangiferina, (Linn.) Hoffm. On earth in woods, very common. Greenland. {Arc. Man.) On Baffin Land, north of Hudson Strait. Aug., 1897 ; at Nain, coast of Labrador. {Dr. R. Bell.) On earth, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {IV^ghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On earth in the Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W.; Parry's Falls, Great Slave Lake, May 15th, 1900. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) In woods along the River Rouge, Argenteuil Co., Que, {D'Urban) On dry grounds. Credit Forks, Ont. {Thos. Walker^ On the ground at Edmonton, Ont. {James White^ On earth. Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on earth at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; vicinity of Ottawa, and at Belleville, Ont.; on earth in woods, Queenston Heights, Ont., May 9th, 1901 ; on earth and rocks, Algonquin Park, June, 1900 ; in sandy woods. Chalk River, Ont,; on rocks at Nipigon River, Ont.; on earth, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C.; at Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) On earth on rocks, Kingston Mills, Ont., Sept. 23rd, 1901 ; Chilliwack Valley, B.C.; St. George and St. Paul islands, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Common in Alaska. {Rothrock.) Salmon Creek and Sheep Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Alaska. {Tur7i€r}) 305. C. sylvatica, Linn. Quite common in woods, especially westward. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Baffin Land, north of Hudson Strait, and at Nain, coast of Labrador. {Dr. R. Bell.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Near Fort Nor- man, Mackenzie River, 1892. {Miss E. Taylor.) On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On earthy Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; in woods at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; at Chalk River and Belleville, Ont.; on earth CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 1 35 and rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont,, July, 19CO; in woods, Duck Mountain, Man.; common in Bow River Pass and at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, and on Moose P/Iountain, Rocky Mountains, alt. 6,500 feet; along the Telegraph Trail, B.C., 1875 ; on earth, Roger's Pass, Rocky Mountains ; at Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C.; Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on rocks, Parson's Mountain, Victoria, and on Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Hanson Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Cape Vancouver, Behring Sea ; St. George Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) Salmon Creek and Sheep Creek, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.^ Alaska. {Turner.) Var. alpestris, Linn. Rather common in dark, cool woods. On rocks, at Nain, coast of Labrador. {Dr. R. Bell.) On earth, Clearwater Lake, 1896. (A. P. Low?) Labrador or Newfound- land. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt,) Parry's Falls, Great Slave Lake, May 15th, 1900. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) Stony Lake, Peter- borough Co., Ont. {Tlios. Walker) On earth, east end of Sable Island, N.S., Aug., 1899 ; on earth at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on earth at Truro, N.S.; on Mount Albert, Gasps Co., Que.; on rotten stumps at Britannia, near Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks in woods, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; northeast coast of Lake Superior ; on Duck Moun- tain, Man.; on rocks in woods, Banff, Rocky Mountains ; at McLeod's Lake, northern British Columbia, 1875. {Macoun) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, July, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) 306. C. Botrytis, (Hag.) Hoffm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) On old logs, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Du- charme) On old logs along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July 9th, 1897 ; on old pine logs. Lake Nipissing, Ont., May 29th, 1884 ; on rotten pine wood, northern British Columbia, June, 1875. {Macoun). 307. C. carneola, Fries. On earth in Greenland, 1831. Fries) Labrador or New- foundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. cyanipes, Sommerf. Greenland. (Arct. Man.) Newfoundland. (J)espreaux?) Pinvvare River, Labrador. (IVag/ior/te.) 308. C. amaurocrsea, (Flcerke) ScHiER. Greenland. (Arct. Man.) On stones, Battle River, L'Anse au Loup, and L'Anse au Mort, Labrador. {Waghorne.') On earth, Arctic America. {Richardson.) '^&\yio\ind\2ind. {Despreaux) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz) On rocks at Lake Nipigon; also o 1 earth at Otter Head, Lake Superior; vicinity of Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1875. {Macoun.) Along Peel's River, Mac- kenzie River, July 15th, 1892. {Miss E. Taylor.) 309. C.uncialis, (Linn.) Fr. Eas of Ste. Mo deste, Labrador. {Waghoine) On earth, Arctic Amerira, {Richardsofi.) Western Greenland. {Warming & Holm,) Chilliwack Valley, B.C. ; on St. George Island, Behring Sea, Aug., 1891. {l.M.Macojin.) Sitka and Kotzebue Sound, Alaska. ( Turner.) Var. adunca, Fr. On earth throughout the continent. L'Anse au Loup and Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {Waghorne. On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Reu. G. Ducharme.) On earth in woods, Baddeck and Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; Mount Albert, Gas;:6 Co., Que. ; on earth at Chelsea and King's Mountain, Que. ; in pine woods at Chalk River and Belleville, Ont.; on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; north shore of L^ke Superior ; on earth on rocks, Pass Creek, Columbia River, B.C.; on earth on rocks at Victoria, Comox, and on Mount Benson, Nanaimo, Vancouver Is and. {Macoun.) Var. Caroliniana, Tuckerm. Near Blanc Sablon, Labrador. {Waghorne.) Var. turgescens, Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June 28th, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 13/ 310. C. Boryi, Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt^ On earth n ar the sea, Newfoundland. {Despreaux.) Coast of Labrador. {M. W. A. Stearns.) On sandy earth, S ble Island, N.S , July, 1899 ; Salt Lake, Anticosti, August, 1883. {Macoun.) 311. C. chlorophaea, Flcerke. L'Anse au Mort and East Ste. Modeste, Labrador, {Waghorne.) 312. C. Cornucopioides, (Linn.) Fr. On earth in sterile soils, quite common northward. West Greenland. {Warming.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Fox Cove and East Ste. Modeste, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On the Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104*^, W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) In woods along the Rouge River, Argenteuil Co., Que. {U Urban.) On Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que,; on earth. North Hastings, Ont.; north shore of Lake Superior and at Lake Nipigon ; on House Moun- tain, near Little Slave Lake, Atha., 1872 ; along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on earth at Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks. Deer Park and Pass Creek, Columbia River, B.C.; on rocks at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; and at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Johnson's Strait, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) St. Paul, St. George and Unalaska islands, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macotm.) Port Althorp, Alaska, {Rothrock.) 313. C. bellidiflora, (Ach.) Sch^r. On earth and on rocks, chiefly westward. Greenland. (Flcerke.) West Greenland. {Warming.) Seal Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) L'Anse au Mort, Lab- rador. {Waghorne.) Coast of Labrador. (Wenck.) Newfound- land. {Despreaux.) On rocks, vicinity of Victoria, Mount Ben- son, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, and on Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia ; also at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) On rocks, Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901 ; St. George and St. Paul islands, Behring Sea ; Middlcton Island, Port Etches and Sitka, Alaska. (/. M. Macoun) , 138 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 314. C. deformis, (Linn.) Hoffm, Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Eagle River and Sandwich Bay^ Labrador, (Waghorfie.) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P» Low.) Newfoundland. {Despreaux^ Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W. (/. W. Tyrrell) On earth, Rigaud Mountain, Vau- dreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Diuharme) On earth in swamps at Port Arthur, Lake Superior. {Thos. Walker.) North shore of Lake Superior. (Agassis.) On earth, old land. Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on logs at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on earth. Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; Lake Flora, Hull, and at Stittsville, Chelsea and Britannia near Ottawa, Ont.; on earth and rotten wood, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; along Lake Nipigon, Ont.; on earth. Red Deer River, Porcupine Moun- tains, Man.; in woods at Banff, Rocky Mountains; along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, 1897 ; at Donald, Columbia River, B.C.; along the Telegraph Trail and Blackwater River; northern British Columbia ; Burnside Road, near Victoria, Van- couver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) Mountains east of Adam's Lake, B.C.; Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia. These specimens are doubtful. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) Chilliwack Valley, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Kotzebue Sound, Alaska {Turner) 315. C. digitata, (Linn.) Hoffm. On earth and rotten wood. Greenland, {Vahl) Canada. {A. T. Drummo?id) Eagle River, Labrador. {Waghome) On old pine stumps at Britannia, Ont., and west of Hull, Que.; on the bases of pine stumps, near Wooler, Ont.; on old logs, Island Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900 ; on old logs, Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, 1897. {Macoun) Old Sitka, Alaska, {Rothrock) 316. C. macilenta, (Ehrh.) Hoffm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On rotten wood at Victoria, 1887, and along the Burnside road near Esquimault, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun) Loring, Alaska. (J\/[iss G. Cooley.) 317. c. pulchella, Schw. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne ^dt Eckfeldt.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 39 318. c. cristatella, Tuckerm. On earth and dead wood ; common in the east. With us it is generally found on old pine logs and stumps. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.') On old land, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 5 on logs and stumps at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old logs at Truro, N.S.; on earth in woods, Rustico Bay, Prince Edward Island ; on earth, Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; on dead wood, common at Ottawa, Belleville, Wooler and Campbell- ford, Ont.; on earth and stumps, Algonquin Park, Ont.; June, 1900 ; on earth, northeast coast of Lake Superior. {Macoun.') Lake region, N.B.; also along the Tobique River, B.C. {G. U. Hay.) On old logs, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On rotten roots at Edmonton, Ont. {James White.) On old logs, London, Ont. (/. Dcarness.) On old wood at Credit Forks, Ont.; and at Port Arthur, Lake Superior. {Th s. Walker.) 319. c. Ploerkeana, Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 320. C. multibrachiata, (Flcerke) Eckfeldt. Labrador or New.'^oundland. {Wagfiorne ^de. Eckfeldt) 321. ochrochlora, Flcerke. Birchy Cove and John's Beach, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 322. c. pycnotheliza, Nyl. Wood's Island and Lake Harbour, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 323. c. subcariosa, Nyl. Grand Lake, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 34. THAMNOLIA, (Acli.) Mass. 324. T. vermicularis, (Sw.) Sch^er. On earth in northern and alpine districts. Greenland. {Arcf. Man) Battle Harbour, Labrador and Newfoundland. ( Waghorne) Arctic America. {Richardson.') 140 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Mansfield Island, Hudson Strait, {Dr. R. Bell.) Amongst moss, Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; Bow River Pass and Sulphur Mountain, Banff ; at Hector and MooseMountain, Rocky Moun- tains ; on rocks near Victoria, on Mount Benson near Nanaimo, and on Mount Arrovvsmith, Vancouver Island. {Macotin.) Port E ches, Alaska, and Unalaska, Behring Sea. (/. M, Macoun.) 35. B^OMYCES, Pers., DC. 325. B. placophyllus, Ach. On earth along the Gaspe Coast, below St. Anne des Monts River, Que., Aug. 14th, 1882. {Macoun.) 326. B. Byssoides, (Linn.) ScHiER. On earth and rocks on elevated regions. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On earth at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; along the Madeline River, Gasp^ Co., Que.; on rocks on islands in Lake Nipigon ; on earth on the prairie at Old Wives Creek, Assa., May, 1895 5 ^^^o on rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains. (Macoun.) 327. B. roseus, Pers. On sterile earth, common eastward. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. {Prof. Fowler.) Cape Rosier, Gaspe Co., Que.; at Truro, N.S.; Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; abundant at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) 328. B. seruginosus, (Scop.) DC. Rotten wood and moss in cool forests ; common. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Clear- water Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On rotten wood, L'Anse au Mort, Labrador. {Waghorne.) On moss in the Bar- ren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104', W. (/. W. Tyrrell.) On moss, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/ Moser.) Spence's Lake, St. John, N.B. {G. U. Hay.) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) On old logs and moss, common on Cape Breton Island, N.S.; on dead wood at Truro, N.S.; on earth at Salt Lake, CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I4I Anticosti ; on old logs, Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old pine logs at Meech's Lake and Buckingham, Que.; on wood, Lake Nipigon and on moss northeast shore of Lake Superior ; along Peace River, Lat. 56°, 1872 ; on old logs at Banff and Hector, Rocky Mountains ; at McLeod's Lake, B.C.; on logs, Bragg's Creek and on Elbow Divide, Rocky Mountains, 1897, on dead wood, Parson's Mountain, Victoria, Vancouver Island. [Macoun.') Mountains 'east of 'Adam's Lake, B.C. ; on Thurlow Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {D^ G. M. Dawscn.) West coast of British Columbia to Sitka. {Hall.) Port Etches and Sitka Island, x\laska. (/. M. Macoun.) Sitka and Port Althorp, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Loring and Salmon Creek near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 36. BIATORA, Pries. 329. B. atro-rufa, (Dicks.) Fr. On earth in alpine districts. Greenland. {Eberlin.) Tadousac, Que. {A.T. Drummond.) On earth on Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897, alt. 6,000 feet ; on rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C.; on earth, summit of Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 330. B. lurida, (Sw.) Fr. On earth on Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, July 3rd, 1897, alt. 6,500 feet. {Macoun) 331. B. globifera, (Ach.) Fr. On calcareous earth, Greenland. {Vahl.) 332. B. rubiformis, (Vahl.) Fr. On earth in Greenland and elsewhere in Arctic America. {Ih. Fries.) On earth. Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, June 30th, 1897, alt. 6,500 feet. {Macoun.) 333. B. rufo-nigra, Tuckerm. r On rocks, north shore of Lake Superior, (Agassiz.) On rocks along Lake Nipigon, northeast coast of Lake Superior, July, 27th, 142 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1869; at Fort Chipweyan and in northern British Columbia. (^Ma- coun.) South Fowl Lake, boundary between Ontario and Min- nesota, June 26th, 1897. Fink.) 334. B. testacea, Hoffm. On the highest bluff at the Police Station, Wood Mountain, Assa., June loth, 1895 5 ^^ earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June 14th, 1897. {Macoun.) 335. B. Russellii, Tuckerm. On rocks, Blackwater River, northern British Columbia, June nth, 1875; on rocks, Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C. (Macoun.) 336. B, scotopholis, Tuckerm. On earth at Morley, Bow River valley. Rocky Mountains, June 13th, 1885. {Macoun.) 337. B. decipiens, (Ehrh.) Fr. On earth in calcareous districts. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que. ; on earth at Pheasant Mountain, Assa.; on earth along Old Wives' Creek and south of Wood Mountain,Assa.; on earth Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; at Cslche Creek and Spence's Bridge, B.C. {Macoun.) 338. B. icterica, Mont. On earth at Revelstoke, on the Columbia River, B.C., May 4th, 1890. {Macoun.) 339. B. coarctata, (Sm., Nyl.) Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On limestone rocks at Britannia, 6 miles west of Ottawa, Ont., April 20th, 1895. {Macoun) 340. B. granulosa, (Ehrh.) Poetsch. On turfy and sandy soil and on dead mosses and dead wood. Arctic America. {Richardson) On earth. White Bear River, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Quebec. {A. T. Drummond.) On CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 1 43 €arth, Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on earth, coast of Gaspe Co., Que.; on old pine logs and stumps at Britannia, near Ottawa, Ont., and at King's Mountain, near Chelsea, Que.; on earth on rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; along Nipigon River and east coast of Lake Superior ; on earth in woods at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on earth on rocks at Lake Mara, Sicamous, B.C., July, 1889; on Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Rocky Mountains. {Bourgeau.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 341. B. flexuosa, Fries. On dead wood. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On old cedar rails at Port Rowan, close to Lake Erie, July 24th, 1892 ; on dead pine wood, Nipigon River, Ont. {Macoun.) 342. B. viridescens, (Schrad.) Fr. On dead wood. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July i6th, 1898. {Macoun.) 343. B. peliaspis, Tuckerm. On living bark and dead wood of conifers. {Tucker man.) On living bark of balsam fir, Gaspe Basin, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug. nth, 1882. {Macoun.) 344. B. russula, (Ach.) Mont. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) 345. B. cinnabarina, (Sommerf.) Fr. On shrubs, Greenland. {Vakl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On spruce bark and twigs at Cedar Hill, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 14th, 1887. {Macoun^ Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun:) 346. B. cuprea, (Sommerf.) Fr. On the earth in alpine regions. Greenland. {Vakl. Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 144 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 347. B. vemalis, (Linn.) Fr. Upon mosses and bark ; more rarely on dead wood. Greenland. {ArcL Man') Arctic America. {Richardson.) L'Anse au Mort, Labrador ; on moss, Shoal Point, Chimney Cove and Lark Harbour, Newfoundland. {Waghome.) On earth on rocks, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G, Dticharme.) North shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) On moss on rocks and on spruce trees at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on moss along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; upon moss at Sudbury Junction, Ont.; on bark of trees, Red Deer River, Porcupine Mountains, Man.; on earth, Jumping Pound Creek and on Moose Mountain, Rocky Moun- tains, June, 1897. {Macoun.) Var. helvola, Koerb. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On bark of spruce trees, Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que.; Aug. loth, 1883; on bark of Douglas fir, Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April loth, 1889. {Macoun.) 348. B. sanguineo-atra, (Fr.) Tuckerm. On dead mosses at the base of trees and on earth. Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghome.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Quebec. {A. T. Drummond.) On moss. Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que.; on earth, Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on bark of balsam and spruce at Baddeck, Cape Breton Inland, N S., July 9th, 1898 ; on moss at the ba e of trees in Dow's swamp and other places at Ottawa, Ont,; at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on earth, Lake Nipissing, Ont.; on earth near Lesser Slave Lake, Atha.; on earth along Bragg's Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June, 1897. {Macoun.) On logs. Old Sitka, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 349. fuscorubens, Nyl. On rocks in company with Biatora rupestris at Middle Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghome.) 350. B. Berengeriana, Th. Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) On earth along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., 1882 ; CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PlANTS. 145 on earth at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., 1882 ; on earth along^ Nipigon River, Ont., 1884 ; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, on Moose Mountain and at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on earth on rocks at Deer Park, Arrow Lakes, Columbia River, B.C., 1890. {Macoun.) 351. B. rufo-fiisca, Anz. Upon turfy earth in alpine districts. Green and. {Vahl.) On earth and moss at Donald, Columbia River, B.C., July 6th, 1885. [Macoun.) Labrador or Newfound- land. {Wa^home ?[de Eckfeldt.') 352. B. turgidula, (Fr.) Nyl. On the bark of coniferous trees and on dead wood. Green and. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghonte fide Eckfeldt.) 363. B. rivulosa, (Ach.) Fr. On rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson.) On bark of living beech trees at Ottawa, April iQtb, 1898. {Macoun.) Labradot or Newfound- land. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 354. B. arcuatula, (Arn.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. Closely related to B. rivulosa. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt^ 355. B. leucophsea, Floerke. Granite rocks in mountainous and arctic regions. Arctic Am- erica. {Juckerm.') 356. B. scrupulosa, Eckfeldt. Labrador or Newfoundland. A well-marked species which seems to approach B. Kochiana Hepp. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt^ 357. B. albo-fuscescens, (Nyl.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fida Eckfeldl.) 10 146 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 358. B. mollis, Wahl. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome ^dt Eckfeldt.) 359. B. fuscescens, (Sommerf.) Fries. On the bark of young birch, and often trees and shrubs. {Fries.) Greenland. ( Vahl.) 360. B. Paddensis, Tuckerm. On maple and beech bark on the mountain side, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S,, July 22nd, 1898. {Macoun.) 361. B. Nylanderi. Anz. On old staging at Frenchman's Cove, Newfoundland. {Wag- horne.) 362. B. Tornoensis, (Nyl.) Th. Fr. On various trees and shrubs in Europe. Also in Arctic America. {Fries.) Greenland. ( Va/i/.) On vine maple (Acer circinatum) at Hastings, B.C., April 14th, 1889. {Macoun.) 363. B. uliginosa, (Schrad.) Fr. On turfy earth, sand, charred pine stumps, and rotting wood. Greenland. (Arct.Man.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wag- iiome fide Eckfeldt) On peaty earth, Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que. ; on earth, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900; on earth on rocks, Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun^ 364. B. varians, (Ach.) Tuckerm. On bark, very common ; also on dead wood. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On alder bark, Cove Head, Prince Edward Island ; very common on bark of Alnus inca?ia at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on maple bark at Casselman near Ottawa, Ont,; on blue beech at Aylmer, Que. ; on poplar bark near Wooler, Ont.; on young pine trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. ; on maple twigs near Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. ; and on poplar trees, Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) i CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I47 365. B. lucida, TAch.) Fr. On rocks in shaded places, on the bare roots of trees, and on dead wood. (Tuckerman.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) 366. B. flavido-livens, Tuckerm. {In litteris.) On bark of Balsam fir at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island, July 5th, 1888. {Macoun.) 367. B. oxyspora, fTuL.) Tuckerm. On Parmelia Borreri in McKay's woods, Ottawa, Ont., and on the same species at Lake Nipigon, Ont., July T4th, 1884. {.Macoun.) 368. B. mixta, Fr. On living bark and also less commonly on dead wood. {Tuck- erman) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) On bark of ash and other trees, Truro, N.S.; on young poplars, Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island ; on spruce bark in woods at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 2gth, 1898. {Macoun.) On bark of trees, London, Ont. {A. T. Drummond.) 369. B. atropurpurea, (Mass.) Hepp. On bark, also on dead wood. {Tuckerman.) On bark of dead wood. Middle Arm and Coal River, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On living beech trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., April 20th, 1879 ; on beech bark near Hemlock Lake, Ottawa, Ont., September 6th, 1891. {Macoun.) 370. B. Laureri, (Hepp.) Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On beech trees at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on beech bark, both living and dead, at Ottawa, Ont., common ; abundant on beech trees around St. Catharines and Niagara Falls, Ont., May, 1 90 1. {Macoun.) Quebec. {A.T.Drummond) On bark of trees, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On beech trees at Edmonton, Ont. {James White) On beech bark at Credit Forks, Ont. {Thos. Walker) Alaska. {Hall) 10^ 148 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 371. B. cyrtella, (Ach., Nyl.) Tuckerm. On hickory bark {Carya alba) at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on bark of Alnus incana near the Hogsback, Rideau River, May 7th, 1897 ; on poplar trees, Old Wives' Creek, Assa., May 30th, 1895; on alders near Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889. {Macoun.) 872, B. Heerii, Hepp. Parasitic on So'orina saccata. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) 373. B. stereocaulorum, (Th. Fr.) Eckfeldt. Parasitic on Stereocatdon alpinum. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghome fide Eckfeldt^ 374. B. globulosa, (Floerke.) Hepp. On dead wood of conifers. ( Tuckerman.) On poplar bark in Stewart's bush, near Ottawa, Ont., April 13th, 1895 I o" dead pine wood, Telegraph Trail, northern British Columbia, June 12th, 1875. {Macoun) On bark, Nagai Island, Shumigan Group, Alaska^ 1892. (/. M. Macoun) 375. B. micrococca, Koerb. On old cedar rails {Thuya occidenialis) west of the old toll-gate^ Aylmer road, Hull, Que., Oct. 6th, 1898. (^Macoun) 376. B. sphseroides, (Dicks.) Tuckerm. Upon turfy earth and mosses on rocks, in high northern regions. {Tuckerman?) On moss, St. John's beach, Newfoundland. {Wag- horn£.') On mosses in woods at Ottawa, Ont.; bases of trees, Carleton Place, Ont.; on the earth at the base of trees, Algon- quin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on moss, northeast coast of Lake Superior ; on moss at the base of trees, Red Deer River, Porcu- pine Mountains, Man.; on rocks, Tunnel Mountain, Banff, on rocks at Hector ; on earth al ng Jumping Pound Creek and on Mount Forget-me-not, Rocky Mountains, 1897 '■> along the Black- water River, northern British Columbia, 1875. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. ( Wright.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 49 S^V. B. hypnophila, (Turn.) Tuckerm. On mosses, stones, earth, dead wood and living bark. {Tucker- man^ Greenland. (Vahl.) On moss, Middle Arm, St. John's beach and Pleasant Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghome.) On dead wood, Ottawa, Ont. {A. T. Drum?nond.) On moss on rocks, bark and fence-rails at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on dead wood and moss, Gaspe coast, Que.; on moss on rocks and on old rails at Ottawa, Ont.; on the bases of trees, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on moss at the base of trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on dead bark. Lake Nipigon, and on moss, northeast coast of Lake Superior ; on moss along Lake Winnipego-is, Man.; on earth at Morley and on moss at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on bases of trees at Revelstoke, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) 878. B. verecundula, (Th. Fr.) Tuckerm. Upon mosses, Grinnell Land, Arctic America. (Th. Fries.) 379. B, artyta, (Ach.) Tuckerm. On earth in high northern regions. {Tuckerman^ On the ground. Goose Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth on rocks, Lake Nipigon; on earth at Hector and Cathedral Moun- tain, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 380. B. milliaria, (Fr.) Tuckerm. On bark of old trees. Frenchman's Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth in woods at Banff, July nth, 1891 ; also on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897. {Macoun.) Shumigan group of islands, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 38 5. B. melsena, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On bark of old logs, St. John's beach, Newfoundland. (Wag- horne.) On old and charred cedar rails along the Richmond road near Ottawa, Ont., April i8th, 1896. {Macoun.) 382. B. castanea, Hepp. Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Green- land. {Arct. Man.) On earth at Morley, Bow River Pass, June 150 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 15th, 1885 ; and on earth, Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897 ; on rocks at Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C. June, 1890. {Macoun) 383, B. rubella, (Ehrh.) Rabenh. Labrador or Newfoundland. {WagIwr?ie^dQEckfeldt.) Upon bark, Arctic America. (RicJiardson.) On bark of maple, basswood, beech, white cedar and blue beech at Ottawa, Ont.; on blue beech at Aylmer, Que.; white cedar, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; common on bark, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on bark at Niagara Falls, May, 1901. {Macoun.) On trees at London, Ont. {A. T. Drummoftd.) 384. B. fusco-rubella, (Hoffm.) Tuckerm. On maple and ash bark at Ottawa, Ont.; on white pine at Belle- ville, Plastings Co., Ont.; on blue beech, Central Ontario Junction^ Hastings Co., Ont.; and maple trees, Foster's flats, Niagara Falls, May, 1 90 1. {MacouTi.) 885. B. suffusa, Fr. On trees, London, Ont. {A. T. Dmmmond.) On elm bark, Edmonton, Ont. (/. White.) On maple, ash and basswood bark at Ottawa, Ont.; on maple bark at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on bark ot trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900, {Macoun.') 386. B. Schweinitzii, Fr. On trees, London, Ont. {A. T. Drummond.) On beech, cedar and spruce trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on maple and swamp ash bark at Belleville, Hastings Co.; on Thuya occiden/alts hark, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on cedar bark, Foster's flats, and on maple above Niagara Falls, Ont., May, 190 1. {Macoun.) 387. B. atrogrisea, (Delis.) Hepp. On balsam trees at Brackley Point, Prince Edward Island ; on bark of Rhamnus Purshiana at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 19th, 1893 ; on bark of small maples at Revelstoke, B.C. {Macoun) 388. B. inundata, Fr. On rocks, Ballantyne Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I5I 389. B. Priesiana, Hepp. On pieces of wood, Wild Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.} ^90. B. effusa, (Smith) Hepp. var. arceutina, Ach. On the bark of Alnus rubra at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 19th, 1893. {Macoun.) 391. B. Beckhausii, (Koerb.) On old fence-rails west of the old toll-gate, Aylmer road, Hull, Que., Oct. 6th, 1898. (^Macoun) 392. B, akompsa, Tuckerm. On Ribes bracteosum at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 19th, 1893. {Macoun^ 393. B. muscorum, (Sw.) Tuckerm. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On earth, northeast coast of New- foundland. {Waghorne.) Islands of Behring Strait. (^Wright.) 394. B. umbrina, (Ach.) Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) 395. B. rupestris, Scop. On stone-, Middle Arm and Coal River, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 396. B. chlorantha, Tuckerm. On the bark of white pine and spruce, North Bay, Lake Nipissing, May 31st, 1884 ; on bark of balsam fir, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 397. B. moriformis, (Ach.) Tuckerm. . On bark and dead wood, Lake Manitoba, and Lake Winnipe- gosis, Man., July 2nd, 1881. {Macoun.) 152 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 398. B. funerea, (Sommerf.) Urophora funerea (Sommerf.) Arn, On rocks, Shoal Point and Rope Cove, Newfoundland. {Wag^ Jtome.) 399. B. obscurella, Sommerf, On bark at Siles Point and Little Harbour, Newfoundland* (Waghome.) 400. B. obscurata, (Sommerf.) Eckfeldt. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On rotten wood, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. (^Waghome.) 401. B. campestris, Fr. On earth amongst moss, at Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que., Aug. lOth, 1883. {Macoun.) 402. B. fuliginea, Ach. On bark of dead wood, Wood's Island, Newfoundland. {Wag- home.) 403. B. Macounii, Eckfeldt. On granite boulders in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont, ?ind in woods west of Hull, Que., April 17th, 1898. (Macoun.) 404. B. holomicra, Anz. On pieces of dead wood at Meadows, Newfoundland. {Wag- horne.) 405. B. atrofusca, Plot. On moss and dead bark, Frenchman's Cove, Newfoundland, iWaghcrne.) 406. B. pallida, (Arn.) Eckfeldt. Greenland. {Arct. Man) On smooth bark, Labrador or New- foundland. {Waghorm ?id& Eckfeldt.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 153 407. B. csesio-rufa, (Ach.) Eckfeldt, On smooth bark, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghortie Mq Eckfeldt.) 3V. HETEROTHECIUK!:, Flot- 408. H. sanguinarium, (Linn.) Flot. On bark, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July 21st, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On bark at Coal River and Wild Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On dead wood, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On pine bark, Tobique River, N.B. \G. U. Hay.) On trunks, dead wood, rocks and mosses, Tadousac, Que. (A. T. DrummoTid.) On various trees at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on spruce bark, Jupiter River,, Anticosti, Que.; on spruce trees, Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on bark of various trees and on rocks, Lake Nipigon ; on bark of spruce trees. Current River, Thunder Bay, Lake Superior ; on moss on rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountains. {No. 510, Eckfeldt) On trees, Union Mines, near Comox, and near Victoria, Van- couver Island. {Macoun.) St. Paul and St. Geprg^ inlands, Behring Sea. (/. M. M^cQun.) 409. H. grossiun, (Pers.) Tuckerm. On bark of dead wood,Wild Cove .and Coal River,Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On red cedar, Island of Grand Manan, N.B. {Willey.) On spruce trees along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que.; on ash trees at the mouth of the Madeline River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on black ash trees at Baddeck, Cape Br^top Island, N.S., July 9th, 1898. {Macoun.) 410. H. pezizoideum, (Ach.) Flot. Greenland. {Stizenberger.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wag- horne ^dt Eckfeldt.) On spruce trees, Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que.; on bark of balsam fir at Truro, N.S.; on moss on the bases of trees at Carleton Place, Ont.; on earth and moss. Moose Moun- tain, Rocky Mountains, Alta, July, 1897, alt. 6,000 feet. {Macoun.) On mosses, islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) 411. 5, fljscplijteupj, Dicks. On rocks on earth, Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, June 4th. 1897. (/. M, Macoun.) 154 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADAj 412. H. alpinum, Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome ?id€: Eckfeldt.)] 413. H. porphyrites, Tuckerm, On bark of trees, Labrador or Newfoundland! {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 414. H. leucoxanthum, (Sprengc) Mass. Labrador or Newfoundland, (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 88. LECIDEA, (Ach.) Tuckerm. 415. L. Candida, (Web.) Ach. Upon earth in the extreme north. Arctic America. {Richardson.) Greenland. {Vahl.) On rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) 416. L. cseruleo-nigricans, (Lightf.) ScHiER. On earth along the River St. Lawrence, Lat, 48**. {Pringle.) On earth on Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, July 3rd, 1897. alt. 6,500 feet. {Macoun.) 417. L. cumulata, Sommerf, On the earth in alpine and arctic regions, , Greenland. {Vahl.) 418. L. squalida, (Schleich.) Ach. || On the earth in alpine and arctic regions, Greenland. {Vahl,)] 418^. L. flavo-virescens, (Dicks.) Borr, Parasitic on the thallus of Bceomyces Byssoides, Greenland. {Arct. Man.) 419. L. pruinosa, (Smith) Flot, On rocks, Middle Greenland. {Eberlin.') On rocks, Birchy Cove and Irishtown, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On rocks along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on CATALOGUE OFDCANADIAN PLANTS, 1 55 sandstone rocks, Wood Mountain, Assa., June, 1895 5 quite com^ mon on granite boulders at Ottawa, Ont., and Hull, Que. April, 1897. {Macoun.) 420. jj. lapicida, (Ach.) Nyl. Closely related to L. pruinosa. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Green- land. {Arct. Man.) On limestone shingle near the Hogsback, by the Rideau River, near Ottawa, Ont., May 7th, 1897 ; quite com- mon on limestone rocks everywhere around Ottawa ; at Wood Mountain, Assa., June, 1895. (Macoun.) 421. L. tessellata, Floerke. Granitic rocks. Greenland. (Va/il.) Labrador or Newfound- land. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Along the north shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.) On rocks along the South Saskatchewan River, Assa. {Macoun.) 422. L. tessellina, Tuckerm. On various rocks. On boulders at Belleville, Hastings Co.,. Ont., Sept., 1878 ; along the Nipigon River, Lake Superior^. July, 1884. {Macoun.) 423. L. auriculata, Th. Fr. Granitic rocks, Greenland. {Vahl.) Arctic America. {Fries.) Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 424. L. polycarpa, Fr. On alpine and arctic rocks. Labrador. (Krempelhuber.) Arctic America. {Stizeftberger.y. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorn£ fide Eckfeldt) On rocks, Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C., June, 1890. {Macoun.) 426. L. variegata, Fr. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) 426. L. panoeola, Ach. On granitic rocks, Greenland. (Vahl.) On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fido. Eckfeldt.) 156 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 427. L. contigua, Fr. Greenland, {Arct. Man.) On rocks, Labrador or Newfound' land. {Waghojyie fide Eckfeldt.) Granite rocks, along Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on limestone rocks at Aylmer, •Que., April 25, 1900. {Macoun.) 428. I,, speirea, Nyl. On rocks, north shore of Lake Superior. {Agassiz.). 429. L. confiuens, Sch^er. Granitic rocks in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. (Vahl.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) 480. L- albocsBrulescens, (Wulf.) Sch^r. Granitic and arenaceous rocks. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) On granitic rocks at Shannonville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on granitic rocks at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898^ ' {Macoun.) Var. flavocserulescens, Sch^er. On rocks in alpine and arctic regions. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) On rocks along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug, 1 8th, 1882. {Macoun.) 431. L. atro-brunnea, (DC.) ScHiER. On alpine and arctic granitic rocks. Greenland. {Vahl.) 438. L. fusco-atra, (Linn, Fr. Granitic rocks, alpine and arctic, as well as in the lower districts. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Tadou- sac, St. Lawrence River, Que. {A. T. Drummond.) Labrador or -Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt^ CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 1 57 433. L. tenebrosa. Plot. On rocks, Labrador or * Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) 434. L. fuscescens, Sommerf. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On rocks, Labrador or Newfound- land. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 435. L. Dicksonii, Ach. On rocks, Sparrible Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 436. L. polygonia, Flot. On rocks. Leading Tickle, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 437. L. Armeniaca, (DC.) Fr Alpine and arctic' granitic rocks. Greenland. {Vahl.) 438. L. aglsea, Sommerf, Alpine and arctic granitic rocks. Greenland. {Vahl.) 439. L. araylacea, Ach Alpine rocks, containing lime. Greenland. ( Vahl.) 440. L. enteroleuca, Fr. On rocks and stones. On stones. Rope Cove, Bay of Islands and Little Harbour, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On small pebbles at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Jul)^ 29th, 1898 ; on small stones, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.,. 1882 ; on small pebbles at Ottawa, Ont., April, 1900. {Macoun.y Var. sequata, Flcerke. On trap rocks, Grand Manan Island, N.B. Willey. 158 -GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. muscorum, Koerb. ' Chiefly on mosses in alpine and arctic regions. Islands in Behring Strait. (IVrig-Ztt.) On moss at the bases ot trees, Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que. ; on earth in woods at Banff, .Rocky Mountains, 1891. {Macoun.) Var. achrista, Sommerf. On trees and shrubs. On bark of trees along Lake Winnipegosis, and on Moose Mountain, Man., July, 1880; on cherry bark at Old Wives' Creek, Assa., May, 1895 ; on poplar bark along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897. {Macoun.) Var. pilularis, DC. On limestone rocks along the Rideau River near the Hogsback, May 7th, 1897 ; at Aylmer, Que., April, 1900. {Macoun.) 441. L. vorticosa, Koerb. On alpine and arctic granitic rocks. - Arctic America. {Fries.) 442. L. pycnocarpa, Koerb. Granitic rocks. Island of Grand Manan, N.B. ( IVilUy.) 443. L. arctica, Sommerf, Upon mosses in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. {Vahl.) Islands in Behring Strait. (}Vright) 444. L. planetica, Tuckerm. var. perfecta, Eckfeldt. On limestone shingle at Britannia, near Ottawa, Ont,, April 20th, 1895. {Macoun.) 445. L. limosa, Ach. On naked earth in alpine and arctic regions. ^Greenland and Arctic America. {Fries.) •CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 59 446. L. alpestris, Sommerf. . On earth in alpine and.arctic regions. Greenland and Arctic America. {Fries.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) 447. L. assimilata, NVl. On earth in alpine and arctic regions. Islands of Behring Strait. Wright.) 448. L. melaucheinia, Tuckerm. On dead wood in Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) 449. L. crassipes, (Th. Fr.) Nyl. Upon mosses in alpine and arctic regions. Arctic America. {Th. Fries.) 450. L. Morio, ScHiER. var. covacina, Sch^er. On alpine and arctic rocks. Arctic America. {Dr. Kane.) 451. L. aromatica, (Swartz.) Ach. On rocks, Lake Nipigon, Ont., July 9th, 1884. {Macoun.) This species was named by Tuckerman and belongs to the section Toninia, 462. L. crenulata, (Dicks.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^6.& Eckfeldt.) 453. L. crustulata, Ach. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^de Eckfeldt.) 454. L. distans, Eckfeldt, On rocks, Labrador. {Waghorns f\.d& Eckfeldt.) 455. L. erapetrea, Nyl, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^de Eckfeldt.) 456. L. latypea, Ach. On rocks, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) l60 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA| 457. L. Kochiana, Hepp, On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland, {Waghome fide EckfeldU) 468. L. dispansa, Nyl. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland, {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt^ 459. L. sylvicola, (Flot.) Nyl. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) 460 . L, conferenda, ( Nyl.^ Eckfeldt, On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {\Vaghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 461. L. contracta, Th. Fr, On rocks, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghome.) 462. L. plana, Lahm, On rocks, Clark's Brook and Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) 468. L. sorediza, Nylc On stones, Lark Harbour, Shoal Point and Ballantyne Cove,. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 464. L. viridans, Flot. On stones. Lark Harbour, Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) 465. L, parasema, Ach, On bark of trees. Wild Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 466. L. (Biatorina) synothea, Ach, On old boards, Birchy Cove, Newfoundland. ,{W^S^^^^') 467. L. fusco-rubens, Nyl. Greenland, (Dr. Brown in Arct. Man. ) 468. L. Discoensis, Linds. Greenland, {Dr. Brown in Arct. Man.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS l6l 469. L. Campsteriana, Linds. Greenland. {Dr. Brown in Arct. Man.) 470. L. Priesiana, Linds. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) 4*71. L. Egedeana, Linds. Greenland. {Dr. Browfi in Arct. Man.) 472. L. subfuscula, Nyl. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) 39. SCOLICIOSPORUM. 473. S. psotinum, (Fr.) Th. Fr. On stones, Little Harbour, and on bark, St. John's Beach, New- foundland. {Waghome.) 40. BUELLIA, De Not., Tuck. 4 74. B. pulchella, (Schrad.) Tuckerm. Moist, shaded, alpine, and arctic rocks. Arctic America. {Richardson.) 475. B, , N. Sp. This species remains unnamed by Mr. Branth, who put it in the first section of the g&nus — Catolechia. On earth along Old Wives' Creek, Assa., May 23rd, 1895. {Macoun.) 476. B. albo-atra, (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. On trunks, in Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) Labrador or New- foundland. {Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) Unalaska Island. {Roth- rock.) Var. saxicola, Fr. On boulders, " elbow " of South Saskatchewan River, Assa., July 13th, 1879. {Macoun.) II l62 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY O? CANADA. 477. B. spuria, ^ScHiER.) Arn. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghome fide Eckfeldt.) On limestone rocks in woods at Hull, Que., April 24th, 1897. {Macoun.) 478. B. lepidastra, Tuckerm. On limestone rocks west of Hull, Que., April 24th, 1897 ; on boulders near the "elbow" of the South Saskatchewan River. A>sa., Aug., 1879. {Macoun.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wagliorne fide Eckfeldt.) 479. B parasema, (Ach.) Th. Fr. Bark of trees and on dead wood ; common. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Ric hards o?i.) On dead wood, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghome.) On bark, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) On bark of various trees and dead wood in many places, Cape Breton Island, N. S., July, 1898 ; on bark of trees at Halifax. N. S. ; at Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que.; on bark and dead wood, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old rails at Port Daniels, Bay of Chaleurs, Que.; abundant on fence-rails and young pines around Ottawa, Ont.; on dead wood and old rails at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on fence-rails near Wooler, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on birch bark. Lake Nipigon ; on bark of paper birch. Red Deer River, Porcupine Mountains, Man ; on dead wood. Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains ; on old logs near C. P. R. station at Banff, Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Port Clarence, Alaska. {Rothrock.) Van triptiragmia, Nyl. On Alnus rubra, by the sea at Comox, and on Sea's farm near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 20th, 1893. {Macoun.) 480. B. papillata, (Sommerf.) Tuckerm. Upon dead mosses, etc., in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. {Vahl.) On moss in woods at Banff ; and on moss along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897. {Macoun.) Var. albo-cincta, Th. Fr. Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright^ CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 163 t 481. B. myriocarpa, (DC.) Mudd. On trees and shrubs ; common on dead wood and stones. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne^d& Eckfeldt.) On old boards, Main Station, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on old rails at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on dead trees along the Gaspe coast, Gaspe Co., Que.; quite common on cedar and pine rails at Ottawa, Ont.; common on cedar rails at Wooler, Ont.; on dead pine at Banff, Rocky Mountains ; on old boards along the wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macotin.) Port Clarence, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 482. B. Schsereri, De Not. On old rails at Wooler, Northumberland Co., Ont., Oct. 14th, 1893. [Macoun.) 483. B. capitulata, Th. Fr., var. erubescens, Plot. On smooth rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 484. B. punctiformis, (Hoffm.) Eckfeldt. On dead wood, Chimney Cove, and Little Harbour, Newfound- land. ( Waghorne.) 485. B. disciformis, Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Green- land. {Arct. Man.) 486. B. atrata, (Sommerf.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eck^ feldt.) 487. B. coracina, (Hoffm.) Th. Fr. On alpine and arctic rocks. Arctic America. {Dr. Kane.) 488. B. oidalea, Tuckerm. On bark of Douglas fir on Sea's farm near Victoria, and also at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macotin.) 11^ l64 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, 489. B. Rittokensis, Hellb. On rocks, Cape York, Arctic America. (77/. Fries.) 490. B. colludens, Nyl. (Tuckerm.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On rocks along the St. Lawrence below Quebec. (^A. T. Drtimmo7id) Chamisso Island, Arctic Ocean. {Rothrock.) 491. B. excentrica, (Nyl.) Eckfeldt. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 492. B. badio-atra, (ScHiER.) Koerb. Rocks in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {IVaghortie fide Eckjeldt.) On rocks, Deer Park, Columbia River, B.C., June 7th, I890. {Macoun.) 493. B. petraea, (Plot.) Tuckerm. Common on rocks and dead wood. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorfie fide Eckfeldt) On rocks along the St. Lawrence below Quebec. {A. T. DriimmoTtd.) On granite boulders in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont.; at Belleville and Shannonville, Hasting-, Co., Ont.; at Lake Nipigon, Ont. {Macoun.) St. Paul Island, Kadiak Is'and and Port Clarence, Alaska. (Rothrock) Var. Montagnaei, Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On granite boulders "elbow" of South Saskatchewan River, Assa., July 13th, 1879. {Macoun.) St. Paul Island and Unalaska Island, Cook's Inlet and Port Clarence, Alaska. {Rothr.ck.) Var. grandis, Flcerke. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On granite boulders in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., April 22nd, 1897. {Macoun.) 494. B. empetraea, Nyl. On rocks and stone>, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 495. B. coniopsoideum, (Hepp) Eckfeldt. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I65 496. B. Oederi, (Ach.) Br. & Rostr. Alpine and arctic rocks. Greenland. {Vahl.) 497. B. geographica, Linn.) Tuckerm. On rocks in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) Labra- dor or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^dQ Eckfeldt.) Newfoundland. {Pylaie.) On rocks, Tadousac, Que. {A. T. Dnimmojid.) On sandstone ridges, Wood Mountain, Assa., June, 1895 ; on rocks in the Crow's Nest Pass, Aug. 20, 1897 ; quite common on all the higher Rocky Mountains. {Macoun.) Aliaska Peninsula, Alaska. {Rolhrock.) Var. lecanorina, Flcekke. On rocks, Island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick. {Willey.) 498. B. alpicola, (Wahl.) Anz. On alpine and arctic rocks. Arctic America. (77/. Fries.) 499. B scabrosa. (Ach.) Koerb. On Bceomyces in alpine and arctic regions. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 500 B. Parmeliarum, (Sommerf.) Tuckerm. Upon the thallus of species of Parmelia and Cetraria. On Cetraria Fahlunensis, Islands of Behring Strait. {Wright.) On Parmelia olivacea, Leading Tickle, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 501. B. saxatilis, (ScHiER.) Koerb. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 502. B. urceolata, Th. Fr. Upon the thallus of various lichens. Greenland. {Vahl.) 503. B. parasitula, Nyl. Found on Pilophorus cereoliis, var. robustus, on the islands in Behring Strait. (Wright.) 504. B. glaucomaria, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On the thallus of Lecanora glaucoma, Greenland. {Stitzenberger. 1 66 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 505. B. Pertusaricola, Willey. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On the thallus of a Pertusaria, on poplar trees at Ottawa, Ont., Oct. i6th, 1889. {Macozin.) 506. B. obscurata, (Ach.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt^ Quite common on limestone and other rocks around Ottawa, Ont., and at Aylmer, Que., 1900. {Macoun.) 507. B. riviilaris, (Plot.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. [Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) 508. B. Copelandi, (Koerb.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) 509. B. concreta, (Koerb.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt. 510. B. calcarea, (Weis.) Eckfeldt. On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) 511 B. rubescens, (Arn.) Eckfeldt. On smooth bark, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 512. B. verruculosa, Bon. On stones. Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 513. B. reductum, Th. Fr. On stones, Birchy Cove and Summerside, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 514. B. (Rhizocarpon) empetrseum, Nyl. On rocks, Labrador, 1896 ; on rocks, Lark Harbour, Newfound- land. {Waghor/ie.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 67 41. LECANACTIS, (Eschw.) Koerb. 515. L. abietina, (Ach.) Koerb. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On trunks of spruce, Arctic America, between Lat. 54° and 64° N. {Richardson. 516. L. premnea, Ach. var. chloroconia, Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt^ On white spruce bark, Swan Lake House, Lake Winnipegosis, Man., July 6th, 1881. {Macoun.) 42. OPEGRAPHA, Humboldt. 517. O. varia, (Pers.) Fr. On birch bark, Frenchman's Cove, Newfoundland, {Waghorne.) On bark of butternut trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on bark of white cedar and spruce trees. Lake Nipigon, Ont. {Macoun.) 518. O. vulgata, Ach. On bark of conifers. Half Way Point, Newfoundland. {Wag- horne.) On bark of Alnus rubra, by the sea, at Comox, Vancouver . Island, June 20th 1893; on ash bark near the Rideau River, at the Hogsback, near Ottawa, Ont., and at Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que., May 7th, 1897. {Macoun.) 519. O- zonata, Koerb. On rocks. Lark Harbour, Newfoundland. {Waghorn^.) 520. O. atra, Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 521. O. saxicola, Ach. On sandstone rocks. Goose Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 43. XYLOGRAPHA, Pries. 522. X. parallela, (Ach.) Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^de Eckfeldt.) On old fence rails at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on 1 68 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. old fences, Main Station, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; on dead wood in northern British Columbia. {Macoun.) Islands in Cross Sound, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 523. X. Opegraphella, Nyl. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Wa^horne fide Eckfeldt.) On dead wood on the island of Grand Manan, New Brunswick. {Willey.) On old logs on the sea beach, Gaspe coast, Gaspe Co., Que.; on old rails at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) Cook's Inlet, Alaska. {Rothrcck.) 44. GRAPHIS, Ach. 524. G. scripta, Ach., \ ar. limitata, Sch^er. Quite common on bark of various trees. On bark at Frenchman's Cove ; also under \ arious forms in other localities, Newfoundland. QVaghome) On bark, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme) On alder bark at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on trees, Gaspe Co., Que.; very common on bark of hickory, maple, birch, bass- wood and ironwood at Ottawa, Ont.; on beech trunks, common, at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on beech trees, Seymour West, Northumberland Co., Ont.; on spruce bark, North Bay, Lake Nipissing, Ont.; on young alders, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900; on bark along Lake Winnipegosis, Man.; on birch bark at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on poplar and Douglas fir near Victoria, and on bark at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun) Var. recta, Sch^r. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) On bark of canoe birch at Salt Lake, Anticosti, Que.; along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; on bark of canoe birch at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; in woodt> at Hull, Que.; on birch trees Algonquin Park, Ont, June, 1900. {Macomi.) Var. serpentina, Ach. On pine bark at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; and on bark of Juglans cinerea west of Hull, Que., April 24th, 1897; on Rham- nus Purshiana at Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 69 45. ARTHONIA, Ach. 525. A. patellulata, Nyl. On trees, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eck- feldt.) On aspen poplar trees, Moose Mountain, Man., July 3rd, 1880. {Macoun.) 526. A. astroidea, Ach, On bark of trees, common. Bay of Exploits, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) Abundant on trees around Ottawa, Ont., and at Hull and Aylmer, Que.; quite common at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on balsam fir at King's Mountain, Chelsea, Que., 1897. {Macoun.) •'527. A. Swartziana, Ach. Frequent on bark of trees along St. Mary's River, Anticosti, Que.; on trees at Cove Head, Prince Edward Island, 1888 ; at Shannonville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on balsam fir, Lake Winnipegosis, Man.; on ash and maple trees at Leamy's Lake, Hull, Que., 1897. [Macoun.) 528. A. medilla, Nyl. On dead wood, Greenland. {Vahl.) 529. A. spectabilis, Plot. Quite common on old thick bark of various trees. Bay of Exploits, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On maple trees at Ottawa, Ont.; on bitter-nut hickory at Hull and on basswood at Aylmer, Que.; on basswood at Carleton Place, Ont.; on ash trees. Central Ontario Junction and basswood and other trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on maple trees, Port Colborne and Canfield Junction, southwestern Ontario. {Macoun.) 630. A. radiata, (Pers.) Th. Fr. On bark at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B. C, 1887 ; on Alnus rubra at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 23rd, 1893. {Macoun.) 531 A. lecideella, Nyl. Chiefly on the bark of young Pinus Strobus at Ottawa, Ont.; on Acer spicatum at Aylmer, Que.; on pine, ash and basswood at I/O GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont.; on young pines and poplars at Wooler, Ont. {Macoun) 532. A. dispersa, (Schrad.) Nyl. On bark, Irishtovvn, Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) On bark of young maples at Ottawa, Ont., April i6th, 1892, and on maple bark near Leamy's Lake, Hull, Que., 1897. (Macoun.) 533. A. tsediosa, Nyl. On young beech and maples at Buckingham, Que., May][i4th, 1 896. {Macoun.^ 534. A populina, Mass. On poplar bark at Grand Lake and Lark Harbour, Newfound- land. {Waghorne.) 535. A. raunidia, Nyl. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 46. MYCOPORUM, NyL 536. M. pycnocarpum, Nyl. On bark of oak trees at Aylmer, Que.; abundant on young trees of Acer rubrum in a swamp above the Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont. {Macoun.) 47. SIPHULA, Pries. 537. S. ceratites, Nyl. Clearwater Lake, northern Labrador, July 21st, 1896. {A. P. Low.) This occurs on islands in Behring Strait. {Wright.) On Attu Island, Behring Sea, Aug. 29th, 190 1. (/. M. Macoun.) 48. SPH^ROPHOROS, Pers. 538. s. globiferous, TLinn.) DC. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Arctic America. {Herb. Hooker.) On earth in bogs. Salt Lake, Anti- costi, Que.; on trees in bogs and on rocks at Truro, N.S.; on rocks, summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que.; on trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C.; on trees at Nanaimo, Vancouver CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I/I Island. {Macoun.) On rotten logs, Johnson's Strait and Thur- low Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) St. Paul and St. George islands, Behring Sea ; Port Etches, Alaska, and Carmanah Point, Vancouver Island. (/. M. Macoun.) Loring ; also at Salmon Creek, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) St. Matthew Island, Port Mulgrave, and on the Shumagin Group, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 539. S. compressum, Ach, Rocks and on earth in alpine districts. Arctic America. {Richardson^ On rocks, Cape Chudleigh, Digge's Island and Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson Strait. {Dr. R. Bell.) On trees Burnsidc Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macou7i.) 540. S. fragile, (Linn.) Pers. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^d& Eckfeldt.) North- ward to Arctic America. {Hooker.) On rocks St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June 28th, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) On earth at the forks of Old Wives' Creek, Assa., June ist, 1895. {Mticoun.) 49. ACOLIUM, De Not. 541. A. tigillare, De Not. Labrador or Newfoundland. Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Arctic America. {Richardson) 542. A. tympanellum, (Ach.) De Not. On the old wharf at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C., April i6th, 1889 ; ^"d on old wharf at Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun) 5('. CALICIUM, De Not. 543. C. phseocephalum, (Turn.) Turn. & Barr. On bark of trees, Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) On bark of dead spruce. Hector, Rocky Mountains ; on bark of Douglas Fir, Comox, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) 544. c. lenticulare, (Hoffm.) Ach. On decaying wood in Canada. {A. T. Drummond) 172 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 545. C. subtile, Fr. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghortie fide Eckfeldt.) On dead wood, Arctic America. {Richardson.) On rotten wood, Bass River, Kent Co., N.B. {Prof. Fowler.) On dead wood at Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun) On bark at Laggan, Rocky Mountains. {Bcati:) 546. C. fuscipes, TucKERM. On dead svood, London, Ont. {A. T. Drummojtd.) 547. c. trichiale, Ach. On dead spruce logs, Gaspe coast, Que. ; on dead cedar logs, Nipigon River, Ont. (Macoun.) 548. C. roscidum, Flcerke. On dead wood, Arctic America. {Richardson.) 549. c. turbinatum, Pers. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Para- sitical on Pertusaria; Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) On the slopes of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que. Macoun.) 550. C. hyprellum, Ach. On the inner bark of conifers, Halfway Point, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On bark of Douglas fir, on Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 6th, 1893. {Macoun) 551. C- trabinellum, Schl. On dead wood. Halfway Point, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) 552. C- salicinum, Pers. On dead wood, Siles Point, Halfway Point, Birchy Cove and on bark at Deer Lake, Newfoundland. {Waghorne^ 553. C. minutum, Koerb. On old boards at Goose Arm, and on boards and dead wood at Ballantvne Cove, Newfoundland. Waghorne.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 173 554. C. pusillum. Flcerke. On dead wood, St. John's Beach, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On old rails near Aylmer, Que., May 22nd, 1897. {Macoun) 555. c. parietinum, Ach. On mossy wood Sandy Point, Bay of St. George and Siles Point, Newfoundland. {Waghorne)) 51. CONIOCYBE, Ach 566. C. forfuracea, (Linn.) Ach. On stems of plants, Birchy Cove, and Middle Arm, and on stones, Ballantyne Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne) On the roots of trees,, chiefly pine, in the shade at Dow's swamp, near Ottawa, Ont, and on pine roots at Ironsides, Que.; on old stumps in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 62. ENDOCARPON, Hedw. 557. E- miniatum. (Linn.) Sch^er. On limestone and other rocks. Shoal Point and Halfway Point, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.') Greenland. {Arct. Man.) Arctic America. {Richardson.) On. rocks, Hastings Co., Ont.; on rocks, Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains ; on rocks at Yale, B.C.; on rocks, by the sea, Victoria Arm, Victoria, Vancouver Island. {Macoun.) Var. complicatum, Sch.er. On rocks mos'Jy near water. Greenland. {Vahl.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On rocks along the Ste. Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que.; o i rocks. Lake Nipigon, at Thunder Bay, Lake Superior, an 1 at Savanne, west of Lake Supeiior ; at Deer Park,,. Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C. {Macoun.) On rocks,. Pearse Island, Gulf of Georgia, 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) Var. fulVOfusCUm, TuCKERM. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt) 1/4 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 558. E. fluviatile, DC. On rocks in streams, generally covered by water. On stones in a brook, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) On rocks in a brook at Margaree and Halfway Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., i8q8 ; on rocks in a mountain brook, Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que.; at Hull, Que, and on the cliffs, Rockcliffe, Ottawa, Ont.; on rocks, Old Man River, Crow's Nest Lake, Rocky Mountains, Alta,, 1897 ; on stones in water. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoufi.) 559. E. hepaticum, Ach. On earth in Greenland. {Vahl.) On earth, Hastings Co., Ont.; on earth, " elbow " of South Saskatchewan, Assa., July 13th, 1879. {Macoiin.) 560. E. rufescens. Ach. On earth, Greenland. {Vahl.) 561. E. cinereum, Pers. On earth. Bay of Exploits, Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) St. Paul's Island, Behring Sea, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 53. STAUROTHELE, Norm. 562. S. Drummondii, Tuckerm. On Trenton limestone, at Kingston, Ont. {A. T. Drummond.) 563. S. umbrina, (Wahl.) Tuckerm, Greenland. {Arct. Man.) On limestone rocks, Kingston, Ont. •{A. T. Drummond.) 54 SEGESTRIA, Fries. 564. S. majusculum, Nyl. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeidt.) 55. TRYPETHELIUM, Spreng. 565. T. virens, Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On trees in Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) At Big Intervale, Margaree, CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. Cape Breton Island, N. S., 1898 ; on beech trees at Beechwood and Casselman, near Ottawa, Ont.; near Wooler and at Belleville, Ont. {Macoun.) On bark, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. •{Rev. G. Ducharme.) 56. SAGEDIA, Mass. 566. S. Cestrensis, Tuckerm. On bark of maples, Margaree, Cape Brecon Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on young maples at Ottawa, Ont., May, 1892; on King's Mountain, Chelsea, Que., May, 1897. {Macoun.) 567. S. oxyspora, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 568. s. carpinea, Pers. On bark, St. John's Beach, Newfoundland. (WagJiorne^ 51. VERRUCARIA, Pers, 560. V. epigaea, (Pers.) Ach. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On •earth along the Gaspe coast, Que., Aug. iitli, 1882. {Macoun.) 570. V. maura, (Wahl.) Nyl. On granitic rocks by the sea shore. Greenland. {Vahl.) On rocks, Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) Fort Alexander, Cook's Inlet, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 571. V. centhocarpa, Wahl. On granite rocks often wet by the sea. Greenland. {Vahl.) Fort Alexander with the above species. {Rothrock.) • 572. V. nigrescens, Pers. On limestone rocks, Canada. {A. T. Drummond.) 176 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 573. V. intercedens, Nyl. Cape Lisburne, Alaska. {Rothrock.) 5"4. V. intermedia, (Th. Fr.) Willey. Cape Lisburne, Alaska. {Rothrock.) bib. V. rupestris, Schrad. On rocks St. John's Beach, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On limestone rocks, Kingston, Ont. {A. T. Drummofid.) On lime- slone cliffs, Rockcliffe, Ottawa, Ont., Nov. nth, 1896. {Macoitn.') 576. V. nigricola, Arnold. On bark. Middle Arm, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) bii. "V. theliodes, SoMMERF. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne ?{d& Eckfeldt.) 578. V. Nylanderi, He pp. On limestone rocks, Kingston, Ont. {A. T. Drummond) 579. V- microloba, Tucker m. On limestone rocks, Kingston, Ont. (A. T. Drummond.) 580. V. terrestris, Th. Fr. Behring Strait. {Wright.) 581. V. Nepigona, Tuckerm. On the surface of peat on rocks, Lake Nipigon, July lOth, 1884. {Macoun.) 582. V. bryophila, Lormr. Labrador or Newfoundland. (Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 583. V. rimosicola, Leight. Parasitic on Buellia excentricum, [Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt ^ 584. V- amylacea, Hepp. On limestone rocks. Goose Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I'J'J 585. V. chlorotica, Ach. On stones, Goose Arm, and Lark Harbour, Newfoundland. {Waghorne^ 586. V. pachyderma, Arnold. On rocks, Lark Harbour, Newfoundland. (Wa^/iorne.) 587. V. aquatilis, Mudd. On stones, Goose Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 588. V. papulosa, Floerke. On stones, Clark's Brook, Davis Cove, St, John's Beach, Mid- dle Arm, Halfway Point, Coal River and River Head; also another form at Chimney Cove, and another at Wild Cove, New- foundland. ( Waghorne. ) 689. V. brachyspora, Arnold. On stones. Middle Arm, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne) 590. V. dolosa, ' Hepp. On stones. Leading Tickle and Frenchman's Cove, Newfound- land. ( Waghorne. ) 591. v. epidermidis forma punctiformis, Branth. Greenland. {^Arct Man.) On living alder stems along the Rideau Rive , south of Ottawa, Ont., April 30th, 1897. {Macoun.) 68. PYRENULA, (Ach.) 592. P. punctiformis, (Ach.) N^eg. Sz: Hepp. On basswood bark. Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont.; on bark, Canfield Junction, Ont.; on maple bark, King's Mountain, Chelsea, Que., and Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., 1897. {Macoun.) Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 593. P. thelaena, (Ach.) Tuckerm. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) On bark of a young white birch along the Rideau River, near the 12 178 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Hogsback, south of Ottawa, Ont., April 30th, 1897 ; along the Beaver Meadow, Hull, Que. {Macoim,) 594. P. gemmata, (Ach.) NiEo. & Hepp. On bark of trees along the Gaspe Coast, Que.; on maple trunks at Ottawa, Ont.; on trunks at Belleville and Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont. (Macoun.) On bark, Rigaud Moun- tain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. DucJiarme^ 595. P. cinerella, (Flot.) Tuckerm. On maple and black ash bark at Ottawa, Ont., April 19th, 1898. {Macoun) 596. p. hyaJospora, (Nyl.) Tuckerm. On bark of trees, London, Canada. {A. T. Drummoiid) On bark of trees at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. {Macoun.) 597. P. patellarsBformis, Eckfeldt. On young black ash. Billing's bush, Rideau Park, Ottawa, Ont., April 19th, 1897. {Macoun.) 698. p. leucoplaca, (Wallr.) Kcerb. On bark of black ash at Belleville and of maples at Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont.; on maple bark in woods near Hull, Que., May 5th, 1897. {Macoun.) 599. P. pithyophila, Th. Fr. On blue beech bark, Central Ontario Junction, Hastings Co., Ont., Oct. 24th, 1893. {Macoun.) 600. P. mamillana, (Ach.) Tuckerm. On bark of trees at Carleton Place, near Ottawa, Ont.; also on trees at Shannonville, Hastings Co., Ont. {Macoun) 601. P. fallacia, Eckfeldt. On young maple trees at Chelsea, Que., May 15th, 1894. {Macoun) 602. P. nitida, Ach. On bark, Rigaud Mountain, Vaudreuil Co., Que. {Rev. G. Ducharme.) Quite common on trunks, of beech trees at Ottawa CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 1 79 and vicinity ; at Belleville and Seymour West, Ont.; on birch trees at Hastings, Burrard Inlet, B.C. {Macoun.) 603. P. glabrata, Ach. On trees, Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt?) 604. p. lactea, Mass. Labrador or Newfoundland. {Waghorne ^d& Eckfeldt.) 605. P. nitidella, Mull. Labrador or Newfoundland. ( Waghorne fide Eckfeldt.) 59. PYCNIDES. 606. P. verisimilide, Branth. On black ash bark at Billing's bush, Rideau Park, south of Ottawa, Ont., April 19th, 1897. {Macoun.) ADDENDUM. PHYSCIA. 60Y. p. scopularis, Nyl. On rocks. Capstan Island, Labrador ; and on stones, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) NORMANDIA. 608. N. Isetevirens, Turn. & Borr. On rocks, St. George Island, Behring Sea, Alaska, June 17th, 1897. (/. M. Macoun.) Greenland. {Arct. Man.) RINODINA. 609. R. pyrina, Ach. On stones. Coal River, and on rocks at Meadows, Little Harbour and River Head, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 12^ l80 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. BIATORA. 610. B. asserculorum, Schrad. On old wood at L'Anse au Clair, Labrador. {Waghome.) LECIDEA. 611. L. intumescens, Floerke. Parasitic on the thallus of Lecanora sordida ; on stones at Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {IVa^kome.) SECOLIGA. 612. S. Friesii, Plot. On decaying vegetable matter, St. John Beach, Newfoundland. (Waghorm.) CONIANGIUM. 613. C. lapidicolum, Tayl. On stones, Chimney Cove, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 614. C. exile, Floerke, On bark, Clark's Brook, Newfoundland. {Wagkorne.) ADDENDUM TO PART VI. 1. SPHAGNUM, Dill. 2. S. Girgensohnii, Russ. Sukkertoppen, Greenland, Aug. 6th, i886. {Jensen^ Swamps at Edmonton, Murray mine, Sudbury, and Sunbridge, Ont. {Jos. White) Abundant in Algonquin Park, Ont., 1890. {Macoun.) Queen Charlotte Islands,TB.C. {Law.) Chilliwack River, B.C., July, 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Swamps, head of Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1898. {Williams.) Var. gracilescens, Warnst, forma squarrosa, Warnst. Peat bog. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont, June 6th, 1900. (^Macoun.) Var. stachyodes, Warnst. Peat bog. Catfish Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 23rd, 1900. {Macoun.) Port Etches, Alaska, June, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. hygrophllum, Warnst. Wet woods, Casselman, Ont. {Macoun.) Swamps, Edmonton and Sudbury, Ont., 1893. {Jas. White.) 3. S. Russowii, Warnst. var. poecilum, Warnst. Peat bog, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. (^Macoun.) Var. rhodochroum, Russ. Battle Harbour, Labrador, 1893. {Waghcrne.) Var. Girgensohnioides, Russ. In a peat bog. Chalk River, Ont., Oct., 1892. {Mac tm.) 4. S. fuscum, ScHPR. var. fuscescens, Warnst. In a peat bog. Catfish Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900; peat bog. Prince Albert, Sask., June, 1896. {Macoun.) In swamps about Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 1 82 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. pallescens, Warnst. Bog^s, Jumping Pound Creek, Alta., 1897. {Macoun.) In a bog, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W.. July 24th, 1893. (/. W. Tyrrell.) Var. viride, Warnst. In peat bogs, Chalk River and Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Maco7m.) 5. S. tenellum, Schpr. var. rubrum, Warnst. In bogs, Greenland. {Ryder.) In bogs, Belledune, New Bruns- wick, 1875. {Chalmers.) In bogs, Port Arthur, Ont., 1889. {Thos. Walker.) Fort Good Hope, Mackenzie River, July i8th, 1892. {Miss E. Taylor.) Bogs, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W., July 24th, 1893. (/. W. Tyrrell.) 6. S. Warnstorfli, Russ. In a peat bog, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) Port Etches, Alaska, Aug., 1892. {J. M. Macoun.) Swamps at the head of Lake Lindeman Yukon, 1898. {Williams.) Var. versicolor, C. Jensen. In bogs, Greenland. {Roseminge.) Var. purpurascens, Russ. North Arm, Newfoundland, 1899. {Waghottie.) In a swamp at the head of Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1898. {Williams.) Var. viride, Warnst. In a cedar swamp at Southampton, Bruce Co., Ont., August, 1 90 1. {Macoun.) 10. S. Lindbergii, Schpr. var. microphylluin, Warnst. St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (/. M. Macoun.) 11. S. riparium, Aongstr. L'Asne au Loup, Labrador, 1894. {Waghorne.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 83 13. S. cuspidatum, Ehrh. Abundant in a peat bog, Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, June, 1900. {Macoun.) Var. submersum, Schpr. Newfoundland, 1893. {Waghorne.) Mer Bleue, near Ottawa, Ont., June, 1892, (^Macoun.) 16. S. teres, Aongstr. var. squarrosulmn, (Lesq.) Schpr. Canon City, Dyea Creek, on a damp mountain side, Alaska, 1899. {Williams.) iV. S. Wulfianum, Giro. Canaan Forks, N.B., Aug., 1894. (/. Moser,) Quite common in the Mer Bleue, near Ottawa, Ont., and in Algonquin Park, On'. {Maco7in.) 18. S. compactum, DC. Peat bogs, Labrador, Aug., 1897. {A. P. Low.) Bogs, Depar- ture Bay, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June, 1887. (Macoun.) 20. s. Pylaiei, Brid. Abundant in a bog near Aspey Bay, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 6th, 1898. {Macoun.) 23. S. imbricatum, Hornsch, ) Russ. Very abundant in bogs near Aspey Bay, and around Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; Aug., 1898 ; in damp woods, near the roundhouse, Niagara Falls, Ont., May 14th, 1901. {Macoim.) 954. s. obtusum, Warnst. This species seems to be very rare. Only a few stems were col- lected floating on the marshy border of a lake near Lake Opeongo, Algonquin Park, Ont., Aug. 20th, 1903. {Macoun.) Named by Dr. Warnstorf. 965. S. moUe, SuLLiv. This is a common species around boggy depressions and ponds on Sable Island, N.S., July 1899. {Macoun.) 1 84 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 956. S. centrale, Arn. & Jens. Notre Dame Bay, Newfoundland, 1893. {Waghorne.) 957. S. Duseni, Warnst. White Cove, Seal Bay, Newfoundland, 1891. {Waghorne.) 2. ANDRE^A, Ehrhart. 28. A. petrophila, Ehrh. A common species on rocks, both dry and wet, at Baddeck, Margaree, Louisburg, and Half-way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1903. {Macoun.) Summit Lake, Manicuagan River, Eastern Quebec, July, 1895. {A./.L'.w.) Common about Lake Lindeman, Yukon, May 17th, 1899, in fine frui\ {Williams.) Var. papillosa, Lindb. On rocks, Greenland. {Lafige.) Var. acuminata, Schimp. Lake Linden an, Yukon, 1899 ; all the specimens examined seemed t© be dioiceous. {Williams.) Var. parvifolia, (Mull.) Williams. Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska, 1899. {Williams.) Subsp. sublsevis, Kindb. Europ. & Am. Mosses, Pt. IL, 393. Leaves small, distant, spreading, generally nearly smooth ; perichetial leaves generally acute, long-acuminate. Tufts low, blackish brown. On rocks, Carmanah Point, south coast of Vancouver Island, May 9th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 33. A. crassinervis, Bruch. On rocks, northern Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 958. A. Rothii, Web. & Mohr., Subsp. falcata, Schimp. On rocks. Parson's Mountain, near Victoria. Vancouver Island, May 19th, 1893. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 85 959. A. obtusifolia, Berggren. On rocks, Greenland. {Berggren.) 5. PHASCUM, Linn. 38. p. cuspidatum, Schreb. On earth on the wood roads around the base of Queenston Heights, Ont. ; in fine fruit, May 8th, 1901. Found only on hard baked earth. {Macoun.) 8. GYMNOSTOMUM, Hedw. 43. G. calcarea, Nees & Hornsch. On rocks, Credit Forks, Ont. {James White. Thos. Walker.) On earth in a ravine at Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. {Macoun.) 44. G. rupestris, Schleich. On ledges and boulders at the old mill, Rockliffe, Ottawa, Ont., 1896. {Macoun.) 45. G. curvirostris, Ehrh. On dripping rocks. Credit Forks, Ont. {Jos. White Thos. Walker.) On wet ledges of rocks, Rockcliffe. Ottawa, and at King's Mountain, Chelsea, Que., 1897 ; on rocks at Saddle Mountain, Banff, Alta.; in the Crow's Nest Pass, and on Moose Mountain, Alta., Rocky Mountains, 1897. {Macoun.) Yukon River cliffs, just below Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) Var. commutatum, Card. & Ther. (Bot. Gaz. Vol. p.) This variety has long narrow leaves and the cells of the areola- tion are everywhere long and smooth. In the type, the upper areolation is composed of irregular cells, rectangular, quadrate and triangular, with scattered papillae. Newfoundland. {{Waghorne.) 4V. G. tenue, Schrad. On damp limestone rocks at Credit Forks, Ont., 1893. {James White.) Drummond's specimen No. 21 from Lake Winnipeg belongs here, but the reference from Owen Sound in Pt. VI. belongs to the next. l86 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 960. G. pusiila, KiNDB., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves obtusate, subacute, not arrounded at the apex. Peri- chetial not larger and not sheathing, the inner one subovate and shorter. Capsule oblong, not longer than the beak ; teeth none or rudimentary. Annulus not revoluble. Resembles Weisia ten7iis in size. On limestone rocks at Owen Sound, Ont., July 31st, 1871 ; on earth in a ravine at Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. (Macoun.) 9. EUCLADIOM, Bryol. Europ. 48. E. verticillatum, Bryol. Europ. On wet rocks on Carmanah Point, south coast of Vancouver Island, May, gth, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.') 10. ANCECTANGIUM, Schw. 49. A. compactum, Schw. On rocks on Nagai Island, Shumigan Group, Alaska, Sept. i8th, 1 891.^(7. \M. Macotm.) 961. A. Canadense, Kindb., Ott. Nat. vol. XIV, 86. Leaves small, channeled, involute, smooth and (also at the base) entire, from broad base abruptly acuminate ; only the lowest basal cells narrow ; costa scarcely excurrent ; tufts dense, rusty red with green branching tops, about 5 cm. high ; capsules not seen. The specimens upon which this was founded were collected near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 7th, 1875. {Macoim.) 11. WEISIA, Hedw. 50. W. viridula, Linn. The Hull and Vicroria references in Part VI. p. 14, are to be taken out. 51. W. COnvoluta, C. M. & Kindb. On a bank near the sea above Comox, Vancouver Island, June 20th, 1893. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 8/ 962. W. rutilans, Hedw. IV. Wolfii, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 57. On earth at Leamy's Lake, Hull, Que., Sept. i6th, 1889 ! o" earth at Victoria, Vancouver Island, Dec. 23rd, 1875, named W. Wolfii by Austin. (^Macoun.) Var. Ganderi, Juratzka. Capsule oblong, scarcely longer than the beak. On earth, subject to flood, along the Bonnechere at Golden Lake, Sept. 27th, 1900 ; also on earth on old stumps subject to flood, shore of Lake Duchesne above Britannia, near Ottawa Ont., Oct., 1900. {Macoun.) 12. DICRANOWEISIA, Lindb. 52. D. crispula, (Hedw.) Lindb. On rocks at the mouth of Skeena Riv.,r, B.C.; also on Attn Island, Behring Sea, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) On rocks, Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, Alta., alt. 6,500 feet, July, 1897. (Macoun.) Above the basin at Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Common on rocks around Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. ( Williams?) 63. D. cirrhata, Lindb. Fort Chimo, Labrador, Aug. 30th, 1896. {A. P. Low.) 963. D. obliqua, Kindb. On stones along Asulcan Creek, near the glacier, Selkirk Moun- tains, B.C., Aug. 7th, 1890. {Macoun) 964. D. contermina, Ren. & Card. Common on rocks around Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 14. RHABDOWEISIA, Bruch & Schimp. 55. R. striata, Schrad. R. fugax, Bruch & Schimp, Cat. Can. Musci., Pt. VI., 16. On rocks. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, July 12th, 1900. {Macoun. ) 1 88 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 15. CYNODONTIUM, Schimp. 51. C, Schisti, (Wahlb.) Lindb. On earth about ledges of rock, Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 62. c. polycarpum, Schimp. On damp rocks, at Cache Lake and Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, 1900. {Macowi.) On rocks at Seal Lake and Fort Chimo, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Common on rock on Upper Dyea Creek, Alaska ; also just over the Coast Range on streams flowing into Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) Subsp. fallax, LiMPR. On rocks, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.') 63. c. strumiferum, Ehrh. Specimens collected on the North Arm of Burrard Inlet, B.C. and on Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, belong here though placed under C. polycarpum in the Cat. Can. Musci, page 17. On damp rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1893 {Macoun.) Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon, in crevices of rock. {Williams.) 965. C. torquescens, (Bruch.) Limpr. On thin earth over rock. Lake Lindeman ; on rock at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) ONCOPHORUS, Brid. 64. O. virens, Swartz. Cy7iodontiiim virens^ Schimp. Cat. Can. Musci., Pt. VI., 17. On earth at Fort Chimo, Hudson Strait, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On earth near Fort Assiniboine, Athabasca River, Sept. 1872. ; on old logs. Jumping Pound Creek, Alta., Rooky Mountain, 1897. {Macoun^ About springs between lakes Lindeman and Bennett, Yukon, 1899. {Williams) Var. serratus, ( B. & S.) Limpr. On earth along streams flowing into Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 89 Var. nigrescens, (Schimp.) Williams. A depressed blackish variety growing on the margin of an alpine pond just below snow banks about 1,000 feet above Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 65. O. WaMenbergii, Brid. Cynodontium Wahlenbergii, (Brid.) Can. Cat. Musci., Part VI., 18. Dr. Bell's specimen from Hudson Strait, belongs here and not to 0. virens. On decaying logs at Margaree, and on sand, Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on old logs near Hull and Meech's Lake, Que. {Macoun.) On old logs at King- ston, Ont., 1881. {Prof. Fowler.) On earth. Fort Chimo, Labra- dor, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Abundant on dead sticks and rotten wood, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, June, 1900. {MacouN.) Com- mon about Dawson, Yukon, on old stumps and logs in fine tufts up to 6 cm. high. {Williams.) 16. DICHODONTIUM, Schimp. 66. D. pellucidum, Schimp. On earth, Port Etches, Lat. 60° 30', Alaska, 1892 ; Unalaska, Behring Sea, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) On wet rocks, Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; shore of Shawnigan Lake, Van- couver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) Subsp. fagimontanum, Braithw. Rocks of Portage River, near the Columbia, Rocky Mountains, No. 108. {DrummoTid.) 6*7. D. flavescens, (Dicks.) Lindb. The specimens appearing under this species in Part VI. are now divided between this and the next, as below. Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que., and at Forteau, Labrador, Lat. 57°. (/. A. Allen.) Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60° 30', June i8th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) Shore of Shawnigan Lake, near Vic- toria, and on a bank by the sea at Comox, Vancouver Island, 1893. (Macoun.) 966. D. SUbflavescens, Kindb. in Hedwigia, 1896, 59. Leaves channelled from suboblong base tapering to an atten- uate acumen, serrate often to below the middle, long distant 1 90 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. nearly smooth ; cells and costa as i.n the last. Capsule sym- metric, erect ; teeth nearly purplish ; pedicel low, pale red. Peri- chetial leaves narrower than the others, long-acuminate and gen- erally subulate ; the upper part of the acumen nearly filled by the percurrent or excurrent costa. Perigonial leaves large and long-acuminate. Leaves of male plants sometimes obtuse. Tufts very tomentose up to the green tips. Often tall. On wet rocks, Telegraph Trail, west of Fraser River, Lat. 54°, B.C., June lOth, 1875 > on wet clay soil in a railway cutting at Hastings, near Vancouver, B.C., April, 1889 > on wet rocks. Gold- stream and Nanaimo, June, 1893, and on Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, July 17th, 1887 ; alt. 5,500 feet. (Macoun.) 17. TREMATODON, Michx. 68. T. ambiguus, Hedw. On earth in woods at Baddeck, and by the roadside, Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on wet earth at Casselman, South Indian and Ottawa, Ont., 1892 ; very common on old lumber roads, Algonquin Park, Ont, June, 1900. (Macoun.) 961. T. acicularis, Kindb., Revue Bryol, 1896. Leaves broadly suboval, truncate above, pointed by the excur- rent costa ; perichetial leaves nearly similar but larger and longer. Peristomial teeth orange, split in the middle ; basal tube red. On the border of a bog at Craigellachie, Eagle River, B.C., July i8th, 1889. Included in T. ambiguunt in Part VI. p. 19. {Macoun.) 19. DICRANELLA, Schimp. 71. D. crispa, (Elph.) Schimp, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) On damp, sandy soil at the mouth of Bonanza Creek, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 72. D. Grevilleana, Schimp. On earth in a ravine at Woodstock, N.B., July 4th, 1899. {Macoun. ) 74. D. squarrosa, Starke. In springy places in a ditch by the roadside summit of Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; in a boggy place CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I9I near the summit of Castle Mountain, Rocky Mountains, 1885 ; in wet springy places south of the canal, along the railway, west of Dow's swamp, Ottawa, Ont., July 6th, igOD. (Macoun.) 75. D. cerviculata, Schimp. On wet calcareous earth at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. {Macoun.) On earth, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.:) 968 D. polaris, Kindb., Note on Canad. Bryol. 1893. Differs from D. cerviculata, in that the plants are smaller, the leaves shorter and nearly straight, and not flexuous ; upper cells suboblong; costa broader, filling the whole acumen. Capsule very small and not striate, and less distinctly strumose ; teeth nearly entire or faintly cleit. Stem very short. On earth, St. Lawrence Island, Behring Sea, Aug. 15th, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) 969. D. cerviculatula, Kindb., Note on Canad. Bryol. 1893. Differs from D. cerviculata by its leaves being gradually nar- rowed, its cells short-quadrate, only the inner basal being narrow; costa narrow and well defined, only in the perichetial leaves being distinctly excurrcnt. Tufts dark green. Capsule strumose, finally plicate, generally erect and sym- metric; teeth and pedicel as in D. cerviculata. On rocks, Nottingham Island, Hudson Strait, Aug. 24th, 1884. {Dr. R. Bell.) In crevices of overhanging damp rocks, Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 6th, 1898. {Macoun!) The latter specimens were in fine fruit. 76, D. varia» (Hedw.) Schimp. Below Lake Lebarge on Thirty-Mile River, Yukon, 1899. {Williams^) In a railway cutting at Coldstream, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun.) 79. D. subulata, (Hedw.) Schimp. Growing on wet earth Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Wet earth, Rainy Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) Growing on a thin layer of damp earth over rock at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {W.lliams.) 192 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 80. D. heteromalla, Schimp. On earth at Carmanah Point, south coast of Vancouver Island. (/. M. Macoim.) On earth in woods at Baddeck, Margaree and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on earth, in Algon- gonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; in Stanley Park, Vancouver City, B.C. {Macomi.) On knolls in woods, Credit Forks and Edmon- ton, Ont. {Jas. White.) Juneau, and at Gold Creek Canon, near Juneau, Alaska. (Miss G. Cooley.) Sheep Creek, Dyea Creek, Alaska, 1899. {Williams.) DICRANUM, Hedw. 82. D. fulvellum, (Dicks.) Smith. On rock at Long Lake, a few miles below Chilcoot summit, Yukon, 1899. {Wtlliams.) 83. D. molle, WiLs. On rocks, Labrador coast, Hudson Strait, Aug. 2nd, 1897. {A^ P. Low.) Collected at Lindeman on damp clayey soil subject to overflow, Yukon, 1899. This species has been previously collected outside of Europe in Alaska and Greenland. {Williams.) 970. D. falcatum, Hedw. Sterile plants collected on rock at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1 899. ( Williams.) 84. D. Starkei, Web. & Mohr. On Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C., alt. 6,000 feet, 1889. Referred in Cat. Can. Musci to D. Muehlenbeckii. {J. M. Macoun.) On rocks, summit Lake Manicuagan River, Que., 1895. {A. P. Low.) 85. D. Blyttii, Bruch & Schimp. On rocks, at the Hot Springs, Kootenay Lake, B.C., alt. 4,500 feet, July 9th, 1890. {Macoun.) Rather common on rocks about Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 971. D pumilmn, Sauter. On rocks, coast of Labrador. {Waghorne.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. I93 86. D. strictum, Schleich. On old logs in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, alt. 4,000 feet, 1897. {Macoun.) fi*?. D. montanum, Hedw. On rotten logs in swamps at Edmonton, Ont., 1892, (^Jas. White.) On sandy soil, Sable Island, N.S,, July, 1899 ! barren ; abundant and fruiting on the bases of trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macouti.) 88. D. fulvum, Hook. On boulders in the Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; very abundant on boulders and in fine fruit near Eel River, N.B., Aug., 1899. {Macoun.) 89. D. viride, Schimp. Bases of beech trees, Edmonton, Ont. {Jas. White.) On damp earth at the base of trees. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on trees at Agassiz, B.C., May, 1889. This was named var. grosiferum by Kindberg. On trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on the bases of trees in woods, Southamp- ton, Ont., Aug., 1901. {Macoun.) Var. Iseve, Ren. & Card., Botanical Gazette, Vol. XXX., p. 15- A forma typica habitu multo laxiore foliusque minus congestis dorso laevibus distincta. On old stumps, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 1895. {Wag- hor?ie.) 972. D. serratum, Kindb. On boulders at Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 8th, 1900. {Macoun.) 90. D. flagellare, Hedw. On rotten logs at Edmonton, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White.) On old logs in woods at Baddeck, and at Louisburg, Cape Breton 13 194 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Island, N.S., 1898 ; on old logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 1900 ; on old logs in woods, Jordan Station, Lincoln Co., Ont., May, 1901. {Macoun.) 92. D. Groenlandicum, Brid. In boggy ground. Clearwater Lake, Labrador, Aug. 2nd, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Capstan Island, Labrador. 1894. {IVaghorne.) 03. D. subullfolimn, Kindb. On old logs in a ravine at Woodstock, N.B., July 3rd, 1899. {Macoun.) 973. D. Howellii, Ren. & Card., Bot. Gaz. 1889. Leaves with a sublinear acumen, in the upper half serrulate, narrower than in D. majus ; cells as in D. tnajus ; costa not dis- tinctly excurrent and nearly smooth. Capsule sulcate, solitary. Inner perichetial leaves entire, attenuate to an awn. Tufts often golden yellow. • On earth, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901; Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60" 30', 1892 ; Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, 1891 ; Nagai Island, Shumigan Group, Alaska, 1892, and Middleton Island, Alaska, Lat. 59° 30', 1892. (/. M. Macotin.) On earth and rocks, Texada Island, Gulf of Georgia, 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson) On earth in woods, Craigellachie, B.C., 1889 ; on rocks. North Arm, Burrard Inlet, B.C., 1889; abundant at Victoria (1887) and at Comox (1893), Vancouver Island, B.C. {Macoun.) Subsp. angustifolium, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. p. 198. Capsule not sulcate. Leaves nearly entire. On rocks. Burn- side road, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 5th, 1893 ; on old logs, Comox, V.I., June 19th, 1893. {Macoun) Nagai Island, Shumigan Group, Alaska, September, 1892. (/. M. Macou?i.) 95. D. sulcatum, Kindb. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth in woods. Big Inter- vale, Margaree, and on rocks at Half-way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on old logs. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, On\, June, 1900 ; on earth in woods at Revelstoke, B.C., May 6th, 1890 ; on logs at Parson's Mountain, Victoria, Vancouver I CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS I95 Island, 1893. {Macoun.) On logs, Carmanah Point, south coast of Vancouver Island, 1892 ; on earth, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1 90 1. {J. M. Macoim) 96. D. crispulum, C. M. & Kindb. On logs in woods at Baddeck, and on rocks, Big Intervale, Margaree, and Half-way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on earth in woods, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 98. D. majus, Smith. On earth in woods at Baddeck, Margaree, and Half-way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S.; rather common, 1898. (Macoun.) Sitka, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Var. orthophyllum, Al. Br. This variety with nearly straight erect-spreading leaves bears little resemblance to the beautifully falcate-leaved majus. Fruiting specimens collected at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 99. D. scoparium, Hedw. A very common species on Cape Breton Island, N.S. Speci- mens were collected at Baddeck along the north shore and on Smoky Mountain, 1898 ; on earth, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; abundant in Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) On rocks. Credit Forks, Ont., 1893. {Jas. White.) Loring, also at Salmon Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Subsp, involutum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. p. 196. Leaves falcate not at all or sparingly porose, very concave, sub- convolute in the middle very chlorophyllose, sometimes undulate; cells generally oblong-oval. Capsules unknown. On rocks near the sea, Victoria Arm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 13th, 1893. {Macoun.) 974. D. consobrinum, Ren. & Card.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. p. 193. Differs from D. Canadefise ; leaves shorter, perichetial leaves short-aristate, often emarginate ; capsules smooth, often in pairs. 13'/^ 196 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. On earth in woods at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., Aug., 1867, referred to D. scoparium, var. orthophylliim at the time ; also on roots of trees, Pirates' Cove, Strait of Canso, N.S., July 7th, 1883 ; not uncommon on earth on the old land. Sable Island, N.S., July and August, 1899. {Macoun.) 101. D. congestum, Brid. Apparently quite common on Cape Breton Island, N.S., col- lected on old logs at Baddeck, Margaree, Half-way Brook and Louisburg, but always barren, 1898 ; on rocks, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.') On swampy ground at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 102. D. fusceacens, Turn." On earth. Clear water Lake, Labrador. {A. P. Low.) In Lat. 61° Long. 104, W. on barren grounds west of Hudson Bay, July 24th, 1893. (/. B. Tyrrell.) On rotten logs at Edmonton, Ont., Sept. 22nd, 1892. {Jas. White.) On old logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rocks and logs in woods at Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 1893. {Macoun.) Sitka, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) On rock along Dyea Creek, Alaska ; and on earth, Lake Linde- man, Yukon. Williams^ Subsp. subbrevifolium, Kindb., Bryol. N.Am. & Eur. p. 198. Leaves larger subcon volute, nearly entire; costa not excurrent. Capsule sulcate. Stem rather tall. Habit of D. brevifolium, Lindb. On rocks at Hector, and at the head of Lake Louise, Rocky Mountain---, Aug. i8th, 1891. Referred to D. brevifolium in Part VI., p. 260. {Macou7i.) 975. Dicranum Demetrii, Ren, & Card., Botanical Gazette, Vol. XXII., p. 48. In very compact, yellowish-green tufts, brownish and a little tomentose below. Stems erect, simple or sparingly branching, three to four inches long. Leaves crowded, erecto-patent when moist, crispate when dry, from an oblong-obovate base rather suddenly constricted and linear-subulate, canaliculate, smooth, quite entire or subsinuate at apex, 3-6 mm. long, 0.30-060 mm. broad at base ; costa narrow, percurrent or subexcurrent ; cells CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 9/ smooth, small, quadrate or short-rectangular and incrassate in the upper part, becoming narrowly linear and slightly porose toward the base near the costa, the alar looser, subrectangular. Perichse- tial leaves from an oblong sheathing base suddenly long-cuspi- date. Fruit unknown. Seems dioecious. Seems to have some] affinities with D. elongatum Schw., but is readily distinguished at first sight from this species by its leaves being crisped in a dry state, which gives it rataer the appearance of D. m.07itanum, Hedw., and also by the very different areolation of the leaves. Rattler's Bight, Labrador, 1892. (Waghorne.') 976. D. trachyphyllum, Ren. & Card., Botanical Gazette, Vol. XXII. p. 48. Dioecious, Cespitose, green or olivaceous. Stems erect ; 2-6cm. long, simple or branching, sparingly tomentose in the lower part. Leaves falcate or flexuous-patent when moist, flexu- ous-crispcd when dry, often tufted, linear-lanceolate, canaliculate above and rather thickly subulate, strongly serrate on the margins, spinulose-dentate at apex ; costa stout ; about one-fourth of the width of leaf-base, generally very rough at back, percurrent or short-excurrent into a spinulose-dentate point ; cells of the upper -part quadrate or subrotundate, mostly papillose on the back, oblong or linear and smooth toward the base, the alar lax, inflated or hyaline. Perichetial leaves from an oblong sheathing base constricted into a long subula ; costa narrower. Pedicels pale, at last twisted to the left above when dry. Capsule and peris- tome as in D. fuscescens. Closely allied \.o D. fuscescens^ Turn., to which it might be sub- ordinated as a sub-species, but nevertheless easily distinguished by the leaves being more strongly serrate, very rough on the back, less narrowly subulate and the nerve thicker and broader. Leading Tickle and Hermitage Bay, Newfoundland, 1893 and 1895. ( Waghorne?) 103. D. Muehlenbeckii, Bruch & Schimp. On stumps at Fox River, Gaspe Co., Que,, Aug. 3rd, 1882 ; on roots of trees, Lake Nipissing, Ont. Both these specimens were referred to D. fuscescens in Part VI., 29 ; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, 1897. {Macoun.) Growing 198 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. amongst boulders at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) On rock, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/ M. Macoun.) 105. D. Canadense, Kindb. On earth in wet woods at Baddeck, Margaree and Half Way- Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. Rather common and with the general appearance of the species but the capsule always single. On old logs at Belleville, Ont., May 26th, 1874 ; on earth in woods. White Trout Lake Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macotin.) On rotten logs at Edmonton. Ont., Sept., 1892. {Jas. White.) 911. D. camptophyUum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. p. 193. Leaves tapering to a long subulate point, in the upper half of the acumen strongly serrate, falcate and not crisped when dry; cells not porose ; those of the acumen subquadrate, the alar cells yellow, dilated, subrectangular, reaching to the costa; other basal cells long. Perichetial leaves obtusate or abruptly tapering to a generally longer, narrow-subulate or subfiliform awn with a long- excurrent costa. Capsule solitary, not sulcate. Tufts green above. Clearwater Lake, northern Labrador, July 21st, 1896. (A. P. Low.) Var. poriferum, Kindb. On old logs along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Moun- tains, Alta., June 22nd, 1897. (Macoun.) 918. D. algidum, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves entire, nearly straight and suberect, only the upper flexuous, narrower than in D. fuscesceiis ; angular cells nearly uniform dilated ; other cells very porose, and generally long; costa very narrow, nearly smooth at the back or slightly rough in the excurrent part. Tufts soft and silky, green or dark green, nearly eradiculose. Capsules unknown. Habit of D. spadiceutn; differs from it principally in not having convolute leaves. On damp rocks, Lake Agnes, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug. 19th, 1891, alt. 7,500 feet. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 1 99 979. D. SUbspadiceum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 199. Leaves straight, erect, subconvolute, denticulate near the apex and at the excurrent part of the costa. Tufts brown with yellow- ish branching tops. Capsules unknown. On Mount Aylmer, Devil's Lake, Banff Park, Alta., alt. 8,000 feet, Aug. 6th, 1891 ; on earth at Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C., July 28th, 1885. {Macoun.) 107. D. elongatum, Schw. Near Fort Norman, Mackenzie River, July, 1892. {Miss E. Taylor.) On the summit of Mount Albert, Gaspe Co., Que., July 25th, 1881. (/. A. Alle?i.) On the Barren Grounds, Lat. 61°, Long. 104, W., west of Hudson Bay, July, 1893. (/. B. Tyrrell.) Along the Athabasca River, above Athabasca Landing, May 28th, 1888. (/. M. Macoun.) On earth, Mosquito Bay, Lat. 60'' 42', Labrador, Aug. 13th, 1898. {A. P. Low.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. {Dr. Merriam.) Very common on both old stumps and rocks in damp places at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) Subsp. attenutaum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. p. 201. Leaves larger, gradually tapering to a somewhat long subula, nearly entire and often somewhat brittle, the uppermost flexuous; costa short-excurrent. Capsule more or less curved. Habit of D. fragilifolium. Tufts low. Labrador. {Waghortie.) On earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 12th, 1897. {Macotm.) Subsp. subfragilifolium, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. p. 201. Leaves narrow, long-subulate, faintly denticulate above, flexu- ous, sometimes brittle ; costa long-excurrent, narrow. Capsule arcuate. Newfoundland. {Waghortie.') 109. D. fragilifoliura, Lindb. On decayed wood along the Athabasca River above Athabasca Landing, May 28th, 1888 ; on old logs, Chilliwack Valley, B.C.; 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 22nd, 1897. {Macoun.) Very 200 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. common on decayed logs about Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Wil- liams.) 110. D. longifoliuin, Hedw. On dry granite boulders in the Parry Sound District, Ont., May, 1893. (J^^- W^iiie.) On logs and rocks. Big Intervale, Mar- garee, on earth, sand and rocks, very common, at Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; also on boulders at Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., 1893. Var. subalpinum, Milde. On rocks, Blackvvater River, Lake Nipigon, Ont., July, 1884 ; on rocks at Sudbury Junction, Ont., 1884 ; on rocks 5 miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C., Aug., 1890. {Macoun.) 112. D. BoDJeani, De Not. On earth in woods, Quecnston Heights Ont., May nth, 1901 ; on damp earth, Pelee Point, P^ssex Co., Ont., May 29th, 1901 ; in wet woods, Camlachie, Lambton Co., Ont., June i8th, 1901. The latter specimens in fine fruit. {Macoim.) On rather dry ground at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {VVillia?ns.) 980. D. Roellii, Kindb. in Hedwigia, 1896, p 60. Differs from D. Bonjeani, in the leaves neither spreading nor undulate, and their costa sometimes bilamellate. More nearly allied to D. scoparitim, but differs from it in the leaves being faintly crenulate at the acumen, their upper cells suboblong, less porose ; costa shorter, and nearly smooth at the back. Collected on Vancouver Island by J. Roell. On rocks, Cadboro Bay, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 31st, 1893. {Macoun.) 981. D.angUStunijLiNDB.; Card. & Then Bot. Gaz , Vol. XXX., p. 15. A polar moss, known only from some localities of North Finland and Siberia. It is easily distinguished from D. Bonjeani, De Not., by the leaves being straight, not undulate, convolute, and entire, and by the'thinner costa, the less porose cells, and the perichaetial leaves long-piliferous. A few stems found amongst Aulacomnium turgidum, northwest shore of Hudson Bay Lat. 63'^ 55', 1893-1894. {G. Comes.) Sterile CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 201 specimens collected at Lake Lindeman in swamps, and found in good fruit at Dawson, Yukon, in July, 1899. {Williams.) 114. D. subpalustre, C. M. & Kindb. Abundant on earth on all the old land, Sable Island, N.S., Aug., 1899. ^^ ^1^ cases it was barren. {Macoun.) 115. D. Bergeri, Bland. In a bog, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, 1896 ; Mosquito Bay, Labrador, Lat. 60° 42', 1898. {A. P. Low.) In a bog. Barren Grounds, Lat. 61° Long. 104°, west of Hudson Bay, 1893. (/. B. Tyrrell.) On earth in a boggy place Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; on earth. Sable Island, N.S., 1899 ; also at Catfish Lake and Rainy Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; on logs and earth in bogs, Jumping Pound Creek ; and on the slope of Mount Forget-me-not, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897 ; in peat bogs north of the Saskatchewan at Prince Albert, Sask., July, 1896. {Macou7i.) Lake Lindeman, mouth of Little Salmon River and near Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) Subsp. rupincola, Kindb. Bry. Am. & Eur , p. 193. Leaves subulate-acuminate ; costa percurrent, serrulate at the back ; perichetial leaves long, aristate, not emarginate. On rocks three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountams, B.C., Aug. 13th, 1890. This specimen was referred to D. spadiceum in Cat. Can. Musci, Pt. VI., 260. {Macoun.) 982. D, pallidum, Bruch & Schimp. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 116. D. Drummondii, C. Muell. Quite common and in fine fruit in woods throughout Algon- quin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; in rocky woods, Johnstone's Harbour, Bruce Peninsula, Ont., Aug. 22nd, 1901. {Macomi.) 11 v. D. undulatum, Turn. In boggy woods at Edmonton, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White.) On earth in woods at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; in swampy woods. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) ■ i -202 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Subsp. Ontariense, Kindb. Leaves less spreading, not recurved, strongly serrate only in the upper part of the acumen, capsule solitary. The specimen on which this form is based was collected in thick woods at Wooler, Northumberland Co.,'Ont., Oct. 6th, 1888, and referred in Part VI., 28 to D. majus. {Macoiin.) 118. D. spurium, Hedw. On dry rocks. Halfway Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; common on sandy earth. Sable Island, N.S., Aug. 8th, 1899. {Macoun.) 983. D. condensatum, Hedw. On dry sandy earth and almost pure sand at the bases of trees. Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., May 27th, I1901 ; quite common. {Macoun.) 936. D. spadiceum, Zett. On rocks or earth, Greenland. {Berggrcn.) On rocks. Mos- quito Bay, Lat. 60° 42', Labrador, Aug., 1898. {A. P. Low.) 984. D. Sphagni, Wahlenberg. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth in a bog, Clearwater Lake. Labrador, July 31st, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Along Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que , Aug. 20th, 1883, included in Part VI. under D. Bcrgeri. {Macoim.') 22. DICRANODONTIUM, Bruch & Schimp. 122. D. longirostre, Bruch. & Schimp. Can. Cat. Musci, p. 35. On damp earth on rocks at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. i8th, 1898. {Macoun.) Along the Tay, York Co., N.B. (/. Brittain.) On earth. Port Etches, Alaska, June i8th, 1892. ( /. M. Macoun.) 23. CAMPYLOPUS, Brid.. 123. C. Schimperi, Milde. Leptotrichum tomentosum, Kindb. Note on Can. Bryol. On rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, July 3rd, 1892. (/. M. Macoun^ CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 203 24. PISSIDENS, Hedw. 124. P. bryoides, Hedw. On earth on a bank at Edmonton, Ont., Sept., 1892. {Jos. White.) On earth at Owen Sound, Jul)', 1874, referred to F. tam- arindifoliiis in Cat. Can. Musci, Pt. VI., 36. {Macoun.) Common on earth about Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.') Var. viridulus, Swartz. Fruiting stems without male flowers. In woods at Comox and Victoria, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun.) 125. p. incurvus, ScHWiECER. On stones in a dry brook at Edmonton, Ont., Aug. 1893. {Jas. White}} By a roadside at Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoiin.) 127. P. limbatus, Sulliv. On the bank of a stream at Sicamous, B.C., July 3rd, 1889. Referred in Cat. Can. Musci, Pt. VI., 37, to F. osmtmdoides. 131. P. osmundoides, (Sw.) Hedw. On earth on rock. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on dead cedar roots, Island Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) On earth and rocks at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 132. p. adiantoides, (Linn.) Hedw. In a ravine at Whycocomagh, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1883; on the shore of Shanigan Lake, Vancouver Island, 1893; on earth on rocks, Foster's Flats, Niagara River, Ont., May i6th, 1901. {Macoun.) In marshy places at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1 899. ( Williams.) Var. immarginatus, Lindb. In boggy soil, Jupiter River, Anticosti, Que., Aug., 1883. {Macou7i.) On earth, Battle Harbour, Labrador ; and Newfound- land. {Waghorne.) Within the spray of Kakabeka Falls, west of Lake Superior, Sept. 1889. {Mrs. E. G. Britton) 204 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. inStatUS, Kindb. On old stumps subject to flood along Lake Duchesne above Britannia, six miles above Ottawa, Ont., Oct., 27th, 1900. {Macoim.) 133. P. decipiens, De Not. F. adia?itoides, Linn. var. cristatus, Wilson. On boulders at Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S..July, 1898; on boulders at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., Oct., 1888. Recorded as a new variety in Cat. Can. Musci, Pt. VI., 37. Drummond's No. no referred to adiayitoides also belongs here. On the bases of trees, Sudbury Junction, Ont., May, 1884 ; on the bases of stumps in a swamp at Wyoming, Lambton Co., Ont., June 14th, 1901. {Macouji.) 134. P. subbasilaris, Hedw. On wet ledges half way up Mount McKay, Fort William, Lake Superior. Sept. 7th, 1887. (^Mrs. E. G. Britton.) On cedar bark in woods at Carleton Place, Ont., May 12th, 1900. {Macoun.) 135. F. grandifrons, Brid. On submerged limestone rocks in the Credit River at Credit Forks, Ont., Sept. 17th, 1892. {Thos. Walker. Jas. WkiU.) On wet limestone rocks in a spring close to the Niagara River at Foster's Flats, Ont.. May i6th, 1901. {Macou?i.) 985. F. Garberi, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, p. 86. On old stumps, subject to flood, along Lake Duchesne, above Britannia, six miles above Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 27th 1900. (^Macoun.) 986. F. Ravenelii, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James Mosses of N. America, p. 85. On earth in woods, Owen Sound, Ont., Sept. 14th, 1890. Macoun.) Referred to F. ificurvus in Part VI., p. 36. 26. LEUCOBRYUM, Hampe. I8Y. L. vulgar e, Hampe. On Stony Lake, Peterboro', Co. Ont., Aug. i6th, 1892. {Thos. Walker.) On earth in a ravine. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 205 Breton Island, N.S. ; on earth, Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899 ; Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; in woods Jordan Station, Lincoln Co., Ont. ; woods, Queenston Heights, Ont.; on Pelee Point and Beach Ridge, Leamington, Essex Co., Ont.,1901. {Macoun.) 27. CERATODON, Brid. 138. c. purpureas, Brid. On earth in woods and by roadsides. Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on earth. Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899; quite common on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, 1897. {Mccoun.) Fort Chimo, Labrador, Aug., 1 896. {A. P. Low.) On earth at Ed- monton, Ont., May, 1892. {Jas. White.) On earth, Baffin Land, north shore of Hudson Strait, July, 1897. {Dr. R. Bell.) Juneau, also at Salmon Creek and Gold Creek Canon near Juneau, Alaska ; and at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Miss G. Cooley.) Common on rock at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.^ 987. C. Columbise, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1896. Leaves narrowly ovate-lanceolate subulate-acuminate, reflexed below the somewhat long ; errulate acumen ; costa generally excurrent. Inner perichetial leaves, one or two, with a some- what long-linear or lingulate acumen. Capsule curved when dry, teeth with numerous articulations, broadly margined ; lid short-conic obtuse or sub-convex ; predicel red. Outer perir gonial leaves with long-excurrent costa. Monoecious. On earth at Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, July, 1885 ; in woods at Revelstoke, B.C., 1889. {Macoun.) On earth, Chilli- wack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M, Macoun.) 139. C. conicus, Hampe. This species includes C. minor, Austin, which was founded on specimens collected by the writer in 1875. See Cat. Can. Musci, Pt.VI.,39. 28. TRICHODON, Schimp. 141. T. cylindricus, Schimp. On wet rocks. Half Way House, Cape Breton Island, N.S., August 5th, 1898. {Macoun.) 206 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 29. DISTICHIUM, Bruch & Schimp. 142. D. capillaceum, (Swartz.) Br. & Sch. On rocks, Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. (A. P. Low.) On damp rocks in ravines at the Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; in damp rocky places along Jumping Pound Ci'eek, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on hummocks in bogs north of the Saskatchewan at Prince Albert, Sask., July, 1896. (Macoufi.) On earth and rock from Lake Lindeman to Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Willia^ns.) 143. D. inclinatum, (Ehrh.) Br. & Sch. Cn earth at Lake Lebarge, and on old stumps at Dawson, Yukon, 1897. {Williams.) 30. SELIGERIA, Bruch & Schimp. 149. S. campylopoda, Kindb. Quite common and in fine fruit on damp limestone rocks, Fos- ter's Flats, Niagara River, Ont., May i6th, 190 1. {Macoun.) 31. BLINDIA, Bruch & Shimp. 150. B. acuta, (Hubs.) Bruch & Schimp. On wet rocks at Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898. {Macoun.) Juneau, alt. 3,000 feet ; also at Salmon Creek and Gold Creek Canon, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) In fine fruit at Skagway, Alaska ; sterile specimens at lakes Lebarge and Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams.) 988. B. flexipes, (Ren. & Cardt.) Kindb, Leaves as in B. acuta, but often falcate ; costa denticulate above, short-excurrent. Perichetial leaves gradually acummate. Capsule as in B. acuta; pedicel flexuous arcuate, yellow above. Tufts green or yellowish green. On damp rocks in a ravine at Coldstream, and on sandstone rocks, Union Mines, Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun^ On rocks at Carmanah Point Vancouver Island ; on rock, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.') CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 20/ 34. POTTIA, Ehrh. 154. P. truncatula, Linn. Pottia trimcata, Fuern. Cat. Can. Musci. 42. On ground in open places at Edmonton, Ont., Nov. 5th, 1892. (^Jas. White.) 157. P, Heimii, Fuern. On earth, Farewell Creek, Cypress Hills, Assa .June 27th, 1895. {Macoun.) 158. P. latifolia, var. pilifera, (Brid.) Muell. On bare earth of the river bluff just below Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams^ 35. DIDYMODON, Hedw. 160. D. rubellus, (Hoffm.) Bruch & Schimp. On earth and rocks, Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island N.S., Aug., 1898 ; on rocks, Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains Alta,, June, 1897 ; in a ravine at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899. {Macoun.) Canon City, Dyea Creek, Alaska ; also common at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 161. D. Canadensis, Kindb. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 089. D. SUbruber, Kindb. Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves as in D. rubellus, but often dentate. Perichetial leaves long-subulate, not recurved. Capsule curved ; lid rostrate. Dioe- cious. On rocks at Morley, Banff and " Dry Canon," Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug. nth, 1891. {Macomi.) 162. D. luridus, Hornsch. On damp limestone rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 1892. (Jas. White.) 990. D. trachyneuron, Kindb. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 275. Leaves short-attenuate, subacute, brittle ; costa pale, papillose at the back, sometimes excurrent. Tufts low, green. Capsules unknown. 208 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. On a large rock in a ravine at North Wakefield, Que., Sept. I2th, 1893. (/. M. Macoun.) On rocks at Owen Sound and Wiarton, Bruce Co., Ont., July, 1874. {Macoun.) 36. LEPTODONTIUM, Hampe, 165 L. Canadensis, Kindb. In the Bryineae of North America and Europe Dr. Kindberg re-describes this species and names it Didymodofi Macounii, Kindb. Mrs. E. G. Britton in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXVII., p. 648, shows that this species is identical with Pottta riparius, Aust. and Trichostomum Warn torfii^ Correns, while Dr. Kind- berg brings them also together but makes two species out of the three keeping Pottia riparitis^ Aust. and Trichostomum Wam- storfli, Correns, under Didymodon riparius, Aust. 37. DITRICHUM, Timm. LEPTOTRICHUM, Hampe. 991. D. oblongiini,(LiNDB.) Kindb. On earth, Greenland. {Berggrefi.) 992. D. giganteum, R. S. Williams. The author compares this species with large forms of D. flexicmde which approach it very closely. Sterile specimens, only, collected at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams^ Specimens of this species were collected by the "torrent" at Hector, Rocky Mountains, July 29th, 1885, and again on August 12th, 1890. These were referred to flexicaule in Part VI., Cat. Can. Musci., p. 46. {Macoun.) 166. D. tortile (Gmel.) Lindb. On earth, Aroostook Falls, New Brunswick, Sept. 7th, 1899 ; on earth at South Indian, Carleton Place, Algonquin Park and Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.) Subsp. pusillum, Hedw. Drummond's No. 118 and Prof. Fowler's specimen from New Brunswick referred to tortile in Cat. Can. Musci 45 belong here. Rather common by the roadside near the Mer Bleue, and at Rockcliffe, Ottawa, Ont. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 209 167. D. vaginans, (Sulliv.) Hampe. On earth by roadsides at Louisburg, Baddeck, Grand Narrows, and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 1898. Rather common. (Macoun.) 168. D. homomaUum, (Hedw.; Hampe. On earth by the roadside at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 1 8th, 1898. {Macoun.) 993. D. elatum, Kindb. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. i8i. Leptotrichum fiexicaule, var. brevifolium, Kindb. Cat. Can, Musci., 46, 169. D. fiexicaule, (ScHLEiCH.) Hampe. On rocks in a ravine. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.') Common about Dawson, Yukon, in swampy places. {Williams.) Subsp. densura, (Schimp.) Kindb. On rocks in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Aug., 1897. {Macoun.) Collected between the Big and Little Salmon rivers, Yukon, in good fruit, June i6th, 1899. {Williams.) 994. 0. suboblongum, Kindb. On rocks, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, June 30th, 1897 ; summit of Tunnel Mountain, Banff, Rocky Mountains, Alta., July 6th, 1891. {Macoun.) iVo. D. pallidum (Schrieber) Hampe. In woods near Niagara Falls, Ont., June 27th, 1892, on earth in woods at Leamington, Essex Co., Ont. ; also at Jordan Station, Lincoln Co., Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) 995. D. Schimperi, Lesq. Leptotrichum Schimperi., Lesq. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 108. On earth along Shawnigan Lake and by ditches at Comox, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun^ ^ 14 210 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. iVi. D. glaucescens, (Hedw.) Hampe. On granite rocks, shore of Stony Lake, Peterboro' Co., Aug., 1892. {Thos. Walker.) On damp rocks, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 1900. {Macoun.) 38. TRICHOSTOMUM, Smith. 940. T. Vancouvericense, (Broth.) Kindb. On earth in woods, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 6th, 1893. {Macoun.) 996. T. anomallUUf Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, no. On earth in fields. Sea's farm, and on rocks Bumside Road, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1893. {Macoun.) 997. T. indigens, Ren. & Card., Botanical Gazette, Vol. XXII., p. 50. Vcy small, gregarious, dirty green ; stems scarcely i — 2 mm high. Leaves patent, subcirrate when dry, 1.25 — 1.75 mm. long, and oblong-lingulate, obtuse, apiculate or crenulate by the pro- jec'ion of the papillae; costa stout, percurrent or vanishing just below the apex ; cells minute, rotundate orsubquadrate, densely papillose, becoming gradually larger, oblong, rectangular, pel- lucid and smooth toward the base. Perichetial leaves from an oblong and loosely reticulate base, linear-lingulate, obtuse or mucronate. Pedicel thin, reddish, paler above, 4 — 6 mm. long, slightly twisted to the left under the capsule when dry. Capsule small, erect, oblong-cylindrical, chestnut-colored, about i mm. long. Lid unknown. Annulus simple, teeth of the peristome purple, slightly twisting, on a narrow basilar membrane, seg- ments filiform, minutely granulose, marked with a longitudinal line, articulate, slightly nodose and partly connected in the lower part. Probably dioecious (male flowers unseen). Resembling the smallest form of Barbula unguiculata, Hedw., by the shape and areolation of the leaves, but well distinct by the peristome being much shorter and less twisted, the teeth describ- ing scarcely half a spiral turn. Newfoundland, 1895. {Waghome.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 211 39. DESMATODON, Brid. 173. D. latifolius, Brid. On Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, Aug., 1891. (/. M.Macoun) On earth at Lake Louise, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug., 1891. {Macoun.) Var. glacialis, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, iii. Greenland. {Berggren.) 174. D, Systylius, Bruch, & Schimp. St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. {Dr. Merriam.) 175 D. Porteri, James. On flat limestone rocks, Foster's Flats, Niagara River, May nth, 1 901. {Macoun) 178. D. cernuus, Bruch & Schimp. On earth at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams) 998. D. systilioides, Ren. & Card., Botanical Gazette, Vol. XXX., p. 16. A full description in Latin is given besides the following which is sufficient for our purpose. By the lid attached to the columella and persistent after the opening of the capsule, this species resembles D. Systilius^ Schimp., but is clearly distinct from it by the leaves of a more obscure and more papillose areolation, with a distinct pellucid yellowish border, the nerve stouter, brownish, not or very shortly excurrent, and by the total lack of peristome; at least none of the capsules we have been able to examine show the slightest trace o. this organ. The pellucid border of the leaves shows some relation- ship between D. systilioides^ Ren. & Card., and D. Porteri^ James, but the latter has a much narrower capsule, with a highly conic lid not adhering to the columella, and the peristome and annulus are well developed. L'Anse au Mort, Labrador, 1894. {Waghorne) 14^ 212 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 41. BARBULA, Hedw. 185. B. brevriostris, Bruch & Schimp. On earth-covered stumps and bare clayey soil about Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 187. B. tortuosa, (Linn.) Web. & Mohr. On limestone rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 1892. {Jos. White.) On dry earth, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June, 1897 ; on rocks in a ravine at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; abundant and fruiting on rocks, Aroostook Falls, N.B., Sept., 1899; on sand under trees, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., 1901. {Macoim) 188. B. inclinatula, C. M. & Kindb. Sterile specimens collected on limestone rocks along the Niagara River, near Queenston, Ont., May 13th, 1901, are doubt- fully referred here. {Macoun.) 189. B. fragilis, (Drumm.) Wils. On earth, Jumping Pound Creek bridge, Alta., June, 1897. {Macoun^ On earth in damp shady places at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. (Williams.) 190. B. csespitosa, ScHWiECER. Abundantly fruiting at the bases of trees in woods, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., May 27th, 1901 ; on the bases of old stumps in a swamp at Wyoming, Lambton Co., Ont., June 14th, 1901. (Macoun.) 200. B. fallax, Hedw. On earth. Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 15 h, 1893. {Macoun.) 201. B. recurvifolia, Schimp. A specimen collected in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Moun- tains, Aug. 20th, i897, was named by Kindberg B. reflexa^ var. virescens, or a new species. I place it here for the present. (Macoun.) Growing in large tufts on rocks at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. (Williams.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 2i^ 205. B. spadicea, Mitt. On earth near the Indian village, Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun.) 206. B. unguiculata, (Hubs.) Hedw. On earth in ditches at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; not rare on earth at Queenston, Ont. {Macoun.) 207. B. brachyphylla, Sulliv. var. angustifolia, Kindb. (N.var.) Leaves ovate-lanceolate, broadly acuminate, subobtuse, nearly smooth, slightly reflexed or partly flat at the borders, crowded, appressed when dry ; cells subpellucid, subquadrate ; costa red and thick, principally above, percurrent. Capsules unknown. On calcareous rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 8th, 1890. {Macoun.) 213. B. circinnatula, C. M. & Kindb. This is a common species on Vancouver Island on damp or wet rocks. It has been collected at Craigflower, Coldstream, along the Colquitz River and other places near Victoria, and at Sooke, 25 miles to the southwest of it, 1893. {Macoun.) 214. B. horridifolia, C. M. & Kindb. On damp rocks in the Eagle Pass, Gold Range, B.C., May 23rd, 1890 ; on wet rocks, Colquitz River near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) 215. B. convoluta, Hedw. All eastern references found under this species in Cat. Can. Musci, 57, belong here. All western to the next species. On limestone rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 1892. (Jos. White.') On earth at Queenston Heights, Ont., May 8th, 1901. {Macoun.) 216. B. chysopoda, C. M. & Kindb. This species is quite common on Vancouver Island, and is easily separated from B. convoluta by its long capsule and lid. 214 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 217. B. subulata, (Linn.) Beauv. On earth, Skull Creek, Crane Lake, Assa., June, 1894; on Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, June, 1897 ; on earth on rock, Niagara River, Ont.; also on Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) On earth in rather dry places at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williafns.) 218. B. mucronifolia, Bruch & Schimp. Crevices of limestone rocks, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., May, 1900. (Macoun.) 220. B. ruralis, (Linn.) Hedw. On sand along the sea-beach at Comox, Vancouver Island, May 2nd, 1887 ; in sand under trees, Pelee Point, Essex Co., May, 27th, 1901. {Macoun.) On rocks, Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, Sept., 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) On rocks about lakes Lindeman and Bennett, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 222. B. aciphylla, Bruch & Schimp. All references to B. aciphylla in part VL belong here, except that of Roger's Pass, which belongs to the next. On earth by the Indian cemetery, Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun.) 999. B. pseudo-aciphylla, Kindb. in Hedwigia, 1896, 63. Leaves long, sublinear-lingulate ; obtuse ; costa very rough above ; hair-point red only at the base or in the upper half. Capsule narrower than in B. norvegica ; peristome not seen. On mountain slopes at discharge of Devil's Lake, Banff, Rocky Mountains, Alta,, July ist, 1891. {Macoun.) 223. B. megalocarpa, Kindb. Our undoubted specimens of this species are : — On rocks, Cypress Hills, Assa., Aug. 3rd, 1880; at Yale, B.C., July 17th, 1889 ; in Eagle Pass, near Revelstoke, B.C., May 13th, 1890; along Cadboro Bay and the Burnside Road, Victoria, Van- couver Island, 1887 and 1893. {Macoun?) 1000. B. SUbmegalocarpa, Kindb. in Hedwigia, 1896, 64. Differs from B. ruralis : Leaves longer, narrow and less reflexed above, from a broader base alternate or sublinear; outer CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 21 5 basal cells golden yellow; not porose; hair-point often red in the lower half. Peristome faintly contorted, shorter than the tube. On damp rocks at Sicamous, B.C., July 4th, 1889. {Macoun.) 224. B. Isevipila, Bruch & Schimp. On trees, Vancouver Island. {Rcell.) 227. B. papillinervis, C. M. & Kindb. On rocks at Clearwater Lake, Labrador, Aug., 1898. {A. P. Low?) 944. B. Iseviuscula, Kindb. On rocks in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug. 20th, 1897 ; at the base of trees near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 17th, 1893. {Macoun^ 941. B- vinealis, Braun. On banks by the sea at Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. i^Macoun?) 1001. B. SUbcuneifolia, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves suboval-ovate, sometimes acute or apiculate, slightly reflexed below, larger than in the last and not crisped ; costa not excurrent, finally red-brown. Capsule as in the last ; peris- tomial tube more prominent. Monoecious. On rocks, St. Matthew's Island, Behring Sea, Aug. loth, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) 1002. B. Waghornei, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 264. Leaves from a short ovate, half-sheathing base to a long acuminate, acute, entire point, slightly reflexed a little above the base, faintly curled when dry ; costa red. Tufts brown-red radicu- lose. Habit of Didymodon rubellus. Rather rare. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) BRYOBRITTONIA, R. S. Williams, gen. nov. Closely related to Tortula and Desmatodon, from which it is distinguished by the mamillose leaves, the exposed surfaces of the very distinct cells being highly convex. From Trichostomum and Timmiella it is distinguished by the costa with only one 2l6 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. stereid band ; the first of these also has the leaves smooth or papillose and the second has a leat lamina of two layers of cells, mamillose on the upper surface only. This genus is dedicated to Mrs. Elizabeth G. Britton, by whose aid so many American studen's of our mosses have been en- couraged. 1003. B. pellucida, R. S. Williams. With much the habit of Tortula latifolia but leaves much longer and narrower above. Stems mostly simple, radiculose below, in loose, rather dark green tufts up to 2 cm. high, in cross-section irregularly oval (about .320 mm. long) with walls ot two or three rows of slightly thickened irregular cells, ground tissue of large thin-walled cells, surrounding a distinct central strand of numer- ous small thin-walled cells. Terminal leaves (often enclosing numerous long paraphyses-like hairs) oblong-lanceolate, up to 7.5 mm. long and 1.5 mm. broad, plicate and somewhat crispate when dry or rarely nearly straight, mamillose on both faces except dorsal side of costa, crenulate-serrate on flat borders in upper half, obtusely or somewhat acutely pointed, with stout costa (.140 mm. wide near base) long-decurrent on stems and vanishing several cells below apex. Lower leaves ovate-oblong (about 3 mm. long). Leaf cells above rhomboidal to hexagonal, about .016 mm. in diameter, becoming gradually elongated below and hyaline, the cells near margin a little above base .004 — .006 mm. wide and up to .160 mm. long, toward costa .020 — .025 mm. wide and up to .100 mm. or more long. Cross-sections of costa show in the ventral half about 4 guide-cells with a few accessory cells or even i or 2 rows of accessory cells nearly as large, in addition to the row of mamillose cells on ventral surface. The dorsal half ot costa consists of a stereid band, the outer row of cells a little larger than the others with a distinct central strand of small, irregular, thin-walled cells. Yukon River bluff, just below Dawson, Yukon, April i6th, 1 899. ( Williams.) 43. SCOULERIA, Hook. In an article by Mrs. E. G. Brit" on in Vol. XXIV., pp. 36-43 of the Torrey Bulletin the reader will find the three species given on pages 61-62 of part VI. of my Catalogue of Canadian Plants CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 217 fully discussed. In the article before me she reduces the three species to one and retains S. aquatua var. nigrescens, the original of 5. Nevii, as regards my specimens. I fully agree with Mrs. Britton in her decision as I could see no reason lor separating the plants when fresh except by their color. No specimens of this species have been collected since the publication of Part VI. 232. S. aquatica, Hook. Fine fruiting specimens collected near Canon City. Dyea Creek, Alaska. As usual, in clear mountain streams, the plants are blackish and robust ; also collected sterile specimens in Miles's Canon and in fruit on the Yukon at Dawson, 1899. {Williams.) On rocks in Chilliwack River, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) 44. GRIMMIA, Ehrh. 235. G. conferta, Funck. On boulders on Moose Mountai \ Rocky Mountains, Alta., June, 1897 ; on rocks by the Petewawa River, Algonquin Park, July 24th, 1900. {Macmm) Marsh Lake, Yukon, 1899. (Wil- liams) 236. G. velutina, Kindb. Revue Bryol. 1896. G. mannicB, Cat. Can. Musci, 62. Leaves broad-ovate, subobtuse, recurved all around and not carinate ; cells subquadrate pellucid; hair-point rarely present. Tufts brown and velvet-like when dry, low as in G. mannice, but more compact. Capsules unknown. On dry sun-baked rocks on the right bank of the Fraser River, beyond the bridge at Lytton, B.C., April 17th, 1889. {Macoun.) 237. G. apocarpa, Hedw. On dry rocks, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) On rocks at Credit Forks, Ont., 1892. {Jos. White.) Growing in blackish tufts on perpendicular rock walls at Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams.) 238. G. gracilis, Sleicher. On granite rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White.) On rocks in ravines at ?/Iargaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on 21 8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. rocks, Cascades, Gatineau River, Que., June, 1900 ; on rocks in a ravine at Woodstock, New Brunswick, July, 1899; on rocks, Petewawa River, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) On rocks. Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. (Williams.) On rocks, Chilliwack Valley, B.C. (/. M. Macoun) 239. G. rivularis, Nees & Hornsch. On rocks near the water-line at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {WUliams.) 240. G. alpicola, Swartz. On rocks along Peace River, below the mouth of Smoky River, Oct. 2nd, 1872. Referred in Part VL, p. 64, to G. platyphylla. On wet rocks, Petewawa River, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun) 241. G. platyphylla, Mitten. On rocks along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June, 1897. {Macoun) 246. G. heterophylla, Kindb. G. chloroblasta, Kindb., No. 245 Cat. Can. Musci., 64. On rocks in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., July 31st, 1890. {Macoun) 1004. G. pseudo-rivularis, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 234. Differs from G. gracilis. Leaves larger and broader, narrowed to a short-subulate point, patent when dry ; cells less sinuous ; costa, hub-excurrent rough only in the upper part. Capsule oval ; teeth red ; calyptra mitriform. Stem long-decumbent. Tufts green. On rocks, Sydenham Falls, Owen Sound, Ont., Sept. nth, 1890 ; also on rocks at Ottawa and at Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., Oct., 1888 ; on rocks along the Colquitz, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 22nd, 1893. {Macoun.) Subsp. lancifolia, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 234. Leaves narrower and less acute sometimes with an obsolete rough hairpoint ; costa not excurrent. Stem not long. On rocks on Kadiak Island Alaska, Sept., 1891. {J.M. Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. . 2I9 On rocks at Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept., 30th, 1893 ; on rocks in the torrent at Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C., Aug. nth, 1890. (^Macoun.) 1005. G. pruinosa, Wilson. G. ambigua^ Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Am., 135. On rocks along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897 ; '^ot uncommon at Banff, Devil's Lake, Kananaskis Pass and Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, 1890 and 1891. (^Macoun^ 249. G. anodon, Bruch & Schimp. On sandstone rocks. Cypress Hills, Assa., June, 1894 ; also on sandstone rocks. Wood Mountain, Assa., June, 1895 5 o" rocks, Jumping Pound Creek and Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., July, 1897 ; on rocks at Lytton, B.C., April i6th, 1889. {Macoun?) 260. G. plagiopodia, Hedw. On rocks in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., July, 1897. {Macoun.) Subsp. Brandegei, (Austin) Kindb., G. playgiopodia, var. pilifera^ Lesq. & James' Cat. Can. Musci., 65. On sandstone rocks, Wood Mountain, Assa., June loth, 1895. {Macoun) 251. G. nivalis. Kindb. G. tenerrima, Ren. & Card. ; Kindb. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 221. On rocks, summit of Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, July loth, 1893. {Macoun^ 257. G. prolifera. C. M. & Kindb. On rocks, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On rocks at Pass Creek, Columbia River, B.C., June 20th, 1890 ; on rocks, Albert Canon, Selkirk, Rocky Mountains, B.C., July 29th, 1890. {Macouti) On rocks, Unalaska, Island, Behring Sea, June, 1897. (/. M. Macoun) 220 . GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 258. G. torquata, Hornsch. On rocks in a ravine at Goldstream, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. (Macoun.) Sterile specimens were collected at Sheep Creek, Dyea Creek, Alaska; also at lakes Lindeman and Bennett, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) On rocks, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 269. G. tortifolia, Kindb., subsp. pellucida, Kindb. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 217. Leaves larger and longer than the species, ovate-lanceolate, subacute, bright green; cells pale, pellucid, nearly all quadrate and not distinctly sinuous; costa pellucid. Capsules unknown. Tufts pale green when dry. On rocks, Eagle Pass, Gold Range, B.C., May 23rd, 1890; also on Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 19th, 1893. {Macoun.) 263. G. depilata, Kindb. On damp rocks at Esquimault and Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) 1006. G. Canadensis, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 226. Leaves somewhat long, recurved below at both sides, flexuous when dry; middle cells rectangular, the upper subquadrate dis- tinctly sinuous, the alar hyaline and very numerous. Capsule small and oval. Tufts of yellowish or brownish green 4 — 5 cm. high. Branches curved. On rocks at Esquimault Harbour, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 13th, 1893. {Macoun.) 1007. G. procera, Kindb, Leaves long, recurved nearly all around, nearly appressed when dry; cells yellow, the upper short and not or faintly sinuous, the alar few and the inner basal long; hair-point short and rough, sometimes wanting. Tufts brownish, stem 5 — 10 cm. high, Habit of G. patens. On rocks, Parson's Mountain, near Esquimault, Vancouver Island, May 12th, 1893. {Macoun.) i CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 221 266. G. microtricha, C. M. & Kindb. On dry rocks at Revelstoke, B.C., May 7th, 1890. {Macoun.) 270. G. ovata, Web. & MoHR. On rocks, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July 21st, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On rocks, Jumping Pound Creek, and on Moose Moun- tain, Rocky Mountains, Alta, June, 1897. {Macoun.) Lake Lin- deman and Dawson, and at various intermediate points on the Yukon. {Williants.) 272. G. calyptrata, Hook. Coscinodon calyptratus. Hook.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 241. 1008. G. arctophyla, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves ovate-oblong, involute above, suberect when moist, appressed when dry, the uppermost not larger; basal cells gener- ally short, the upper short and opaque; hair-point not long. Capsule suboblong brownish; lid apiculate; annulus indistinct; pedicel straight. Tufts cohering, generally blackish when dry. About 3 cm. high. On rocks, Greenland. {Berggren.) On rocks, Paugan Falls, Gatineau River, Que., Aug, 24th, 1894. {Macoun.') Subsp. labradorica, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 221. Tufts about I cm. high, brown-green. Inner (lower) basal leaf- cells long. Lid of capsule obliquely rostellate. On rocks, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July 21st, 1896. {A. P. Low.) 273. G. commutata, Hueben. On rocks along the Gatineau River, Que., June 22nd, 1900. (Macoun.) 1009. G. teretinervis, Limpricht. On boulders usually covered with water in the Petewawa River, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 24th, 1900. {Macoun.) 1010. G. tenuicaulis, R. S. Williams, Bull. Torn Bot. Club, XX VH ; 316-317, 1900. -On rather dry rock walls at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 222 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1011. G. orthoioma, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896, Leaves long, nearly appressed when dry ; nearly all cells sinuous, middle one rectangular ; hairpoint long and nearly smooth. Capsule very small ; lid with a short conic or oblique beak. Tufts 1-2 cm. high. Leaves often with brown branched brood filaments. 1012. G. Califomica, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James' mosses of N. America, 143. Above the basin, Juneau, Alaska. (Miss G. Cooley.) 1013. G. subflaccida, Kindb., Ott. Nat., Vol. XIV., p. 85. Agrees with the European 6. flaccida (De Not.) Lindb., not found in America, in brittle orange peristome and channelled ovate-lanceolate, entire leaves with not distinctly sinuous cells ; differs in the leaves being smaller, and recurved nearly all around, muticous or with a short and rough hair-point ; also in the capsule being narrower. Lid and calyptra not seen. On rocks at Edmondston, New Brunswick, Sept. 7th, 1899. (Macoun.') 1014. G. compacta, Kindb. On sandstone rocks, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 12th, 1897. {Macoun.) 45. RACOMITRIUM, Brid. 279. R. aciculare, (Linn.) Brid. On wet rocks, Nagai Island, Alaska, Sept. i8th, 1892 ; on rocks, Chilliwack River, B.C., 190 1. (/. M. Macoun.) On wet rocks in a brook at Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 1898; also in the bed of a brook at Coldstream, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) Juneau, Alaska, and at Gold Creek Cafion, near Juneau. {Miss G. Cooley.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 280. R. Nevii, C. Muell. On rocks, Chilliwack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 282. R. Macounii, Kindb, On rocks on mountains, Chilliwack River, 1901. ( l,M. Macoun,) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 223 284. R. robustifolium, Kindb. Grimmia robustifolia^ Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., p. 225. On damp rocks, Point Pleasant, Halifax, N.S., July loth, 1899. {Macoun.) 285. R. Sudeticum, (Hedw.) Br. & Sch. Grimmia microcarpa^ (Hedw.) C. Muell. On rocks, Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams^ 286. R. heterostichum, Brid. Grimnia heterosticha, (Hedw.) C. Muell. Lake Lindeman, Yukon ; Skagway, Alaska. {Williams.) Subsp. micropoides, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 239. Leaves pellucid with a very short hair-point; upper cells some- times rectangular ; alar cells hyaline. Capsule small, scarcely shorter than the pedicel. On rocks, in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., July 30th, 1890; on rocks three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C., Aug. 13th, 1890. {Macoun.) 288. R. afl3.ne, (Schleich.) Lindb. On rock, Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, August, 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) 289. R. fasciculare, (Schrad.) Brid. Grimmia fascicularis, (Schrad.) C. Muell. On rocks in ravines at Margaree, Smoky Mountain and Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. (^Macoun.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (Williams.) 290. R. varium, Mitten. jR. Oreganum, Ren. & Card., Cat. Can. Musci, 75. All references in Pt. VI. to No. 291 belong here. Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 293. R. microcarpum, (Schrad.) Brid. Grimmia ramulosa, Lindb. On rocks in a ravine at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. (Macoun.) On rocks. Seal Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P^ Low) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (Williams.) 224 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA 294. R hypnoides, (Linn.) Willd. R. la?mgiiwsum, Brid.; Cat. Can. Musci, 76. Grimmia hypnoides, (Linn.) Lindb. On rocks, Nagai Island, Alaska, 1892. (/. M. Macotm.) Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, and Whale River, Labrador, 1896 ; also Summit Lake, Manacuagan River, Que., 1895. (^- P- Low.) On earth on the '* Bar " at South Ingonish and St. Ann's Harbour, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. {Macoun.) On rocks, Baffin Land, north of Hudson Strait, July, 1897. iL>r. K. Bell.) Parry's Falls, Great Slave Lake, May 15th, 1900. (/. W. Tyrrell.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {IVilliatns.) 295. R. canescens, (Weis.) Brid. Grimmia canescensy (Timm.) C. Muell. On stones and sand, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898; on earth. Moose Mountain, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897. {Maccmti.) On rocks. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Near the snow line, above the basin, Juneau ; also Davidson Glacier, Terminal Moraine, Pyramid Harbour, on the Sound near the shore, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Chillivvack Valley, B.C.» 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska, and Lake Lindeman, Yukon. ( Williams.) 1015. R. Panscliii, C. Muell. On Sabine Island, Greenland. {Pansch.) 1016. R. tenuinerve, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves longer-subulate than in R.fasciculare, carinate, yellowish green; cells narrow ; costa faint, vanishing far below the apex ; hair-point none. Stem long, sometimes without short branchlets. Pedicel 05 cm. long. Calyptra not seen. On rocks along the Columbia River at Revelstoke, B.C. May 19th, 1890. {Macoun.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, July 3rd, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) lOl"?. R. Palmeri, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. R. microcarpum, var. Palm£ri, Kindb,, Cat. Can. Musci, 268. On rocks, mouth of Skeena River, B.C., May, 1892 ; on earth and rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1892. (/. M. Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 22 5 1018. R. Jenseni, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves small, broadly ovate-lanceolate, acute, blackish when dry ; the upper with a short hair-point ; upper cells short ; costa brown, percurrent and papillose. Capsules unknown. On rocks and sand. East Greenland, Aug. 5th, 1885. {P. Eberlin.) 1019. R. depressum, Lesq. On rocks. Mosquito Bay, Labrador, Lat. 61° 25', Aug. 13th, 1898. {A. P. Low.) 46. HEDWIGIA, Ehrh. 29*7. H, albicans, (Weber.) Lindb. H. ciliata, Ehrh., Cat. Can. Musci, 76. On rocks, Clearwater Lake, Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On rocks, Spanish Mills, Georgian Bay, and at Credit Forks, Ont. {Jas. White.) On dry boulders in woods, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; along Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897 ; on rocks, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; on rocks, Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara River, 1901. {Macoun.) Common about Dawson and Lake Bennett, Yukon. Williams^ Var. subnuda, Kindb. On rocks, near Wooler, Ont., 1888 ; on boulders at Owen Sound and along the Sydenham River, Ont., Sept., 1890 ; on rocks, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) Var. leucophsea, Schimp. Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 51. ZYGODON, Hook. & Tayl. 303. Z. viridissimus, (Dicks.) R. Bk. On oak trees, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 17th, 1893. {Macoun. ) 15 226 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA 52. AMPHORIDIUM, Schimp. 304. A- Lapponicuin, Schimp. Zygodon lapponicus. Hedw.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur 316. On wet rocks in a ravine at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; crevices of rocks, Cac le Lake, Algonquin Park, June, 1900 ; in the Crow's Nest Pass, and at Lake Louise, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897 ; on damp rocks, Whirlpool Rapids, Niagara Falls, 1901. {Macoun.) On rocks, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Lake Lindeman and Lake Marsh, Yukon . ( / Vi/linnis.) Subsp. decipiens, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 317. Perichetial leaves longer acuminate than in A. lapponicus ; costa long excurrent. On rocks at Agassiz, B.C., May 15th, 1889 ; Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 8th, 1887 ; and at Gold- stream, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun) 305. A. Mougeotii, Schimp. Zygodon Mougeotii, Bryol. Eur.; Kindb., Bryol, N. Am. & Eur. 316. On damp rocks in a ravine at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug., 1897. {Macoun.) 1020. A. crispatus, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves crisped, entire, with a longer acicular point than A. Mougeotii : the perichetial leaves are broader, long-sheathing and abruptly narrowed to the subulate shorter point. The following specimens referred in Part VI. to A. Mougeotii and Cali/ornicus belong here. On damp rocks, Pass Creek, Sproat, Columbia River, B.C., June 20th, 1890; on rocks. Eagle Pass, Gold Range, near Revel- stoke, B.C., May 9th, 1890; on rocks at Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1889 ; on rocks at Sicamous, B.C., July 7th, 1889. {Macou?i.) 306. A. Californicum, Lesq. & James. Zygodon californicus, Hampe ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 316. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 22/ l(t21. A- SuUivantii, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America. Zygodon SuUivantii, C. Muell. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 315. On wet rocks Halfway Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 4th, 1898. (J^acoun) 53. DRUMMONDIA, Hook. 1022. D. Canadensis, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1896. D.clavellata, Hook. var. Canandensis, Kindb., Cat. Can. Musci, 81. Differs from D. clavellata. Leaves generally sub-obtuse, chan- nelled, distinctly involute at the borders all around. Perichetial leaves broader, more obtuse ; nearly all cells lax and long-rectan- gular. Capsule globose a little larger ; lid short-rostrate. Tufts sometimes brown. Monoecious. Nearly allied to D. obtusifolia. C Muell, Chili. 54. ULOTA, Mohr. 309. U. Drummondii, Brid. Weissia Drummondii, (Hook & Grev.) Lindb. On trees and roots. Big Intervale, Margaree, and on rocks, Halfway Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. {Macoun,) On trees, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., may be a new species. (/. M, Macoun.) On bark of Alnus at Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska. (JVilliams.) 310. U. Ludwigii, Brid. On trees at Baddeck and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) On old fences at Edmonton, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White.) On trees in woods at Ottawa, Ont., on trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 312. U- Bruchii, Hornsch. IVeissia Bruchii (Hornsch.) Lindb. On rocks at Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska ; and Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) I5>^ 228 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 318. U. crispa, Brid. Ortlwtrichum ulophyUum, Ehrh. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 307. Weissia ulophylla, (Ehrh.) Lindb. On trees in woods at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1598 ; on spruce and fir trees at Ottawa, Ont. ; on trees at Sud- bury Junction, Ont., 1884. (Macoun.) Sheep Creek, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 319. U. intermedia, ScHiMP. OrtJwtrichum ulophy Hum intermedium, S>c\v\m^., Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 307. On trees at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) On Populus and Alnus at Sheep Camp, Alaska, 1899. {Williams.) 320. IJ. crispiila, Brid. On beech trees at Edmonton, Ont., Sept., 1892. {Jos. White.) Sitka, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) On trees in woods, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) 321. U. phyllantha, Brid. Orthotrichum jutlandicum, Brid. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 307. ■ Weissia phyllantha, (Brid.) Lindb. On trees. South West Point, Anticosti, Que., Aug. 22nd, 1883 ; on trees at Gaspe Basin, Que,, July 8th, 1882. This species was found fruiting at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 17th, 1883. {Macoun) On rocks just above tidewater at Skagway, Alaska. {Williams.) 322. tJ. maritiina, C. M. & Kindb. On rocks by the sea near Esquimault, Vancouver Island, and on an old wharf at Comox, V.I., 1893 ; on boulders in the Mar- garee River, Big Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July i6th, 1898. {Macoun.) Middleton Island, Alaska, Lat. 59° 30', Aug. 1892. (/. M Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS, 229 324. u. Barclay!, Mitt, Nagai Island, Alaska, Sept. ist, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 325. U. connectens, Kindb, On beech trees at Edmonton, Ont., 1893. {Jas. White.) On trees at Port Dover, Lake Erie, Ont., Sept., 1890. {Macoun.) Specimens collected on rocks at Michipicotin, Lake Superior, on July 25th and 26th, 1869, were carefully examined by Mrs. E. G. Britton and doubtfully referred to U. curvifolia. It is probable that this species (curvifolia) will be found yet, in profusion along the northeast shore of Lake Huron. My opinion coincides with Mrs. Britton that both Ulota con- nectens and U. camptopoda are young states of either U. crispa or crispula. I have looked for these species in summer, but have never found them except in the autumn. At this time the old capsule may be seen and great numbers of the young ones show- ing the very hairy calyptra. 55. ORTHOTRICHUM, Hedw. 326. O. anomalum, Hedw. On limestone rocks along the Ottawa at Rockcliffe and Hull, Que.; on perpendicular rock, Foster's Flats, Niagara River, 1901. {Macoun.) On rocks, Skagway, Alaska, in fine fruit, June 29th, 1899; on rock at Dawson, Yukon. (Williams.) 327. C. Blyttii. SciiiMP. O.Pylaisii, Brid ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 301. On rocks near the sea, Newfoundland ; L'Anse-au-Clair, Lab- rador. {Waghome.) Subsp. arcticum, Schimp. On rocks, Kadiak Island, Alaska, and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1 89 1. {J.M. Macoun.) Subsp. microblephare, Schimp.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 302. St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1891. {Dr. Merriam.) It is more than probable that the present subspecies and the preceding are the same, but which is the correct one we are not prepared to say. 230 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1023. O. Kingii, Lesq.; Lesq. & Jam^s, Mosses of N. America, 170. O. Macounii, Aust., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. Vol. VI, 343. On rocks, Deer Park, Lower ArrOiV Lake, Columbia River. Referred to 0. IcBvigaium in Part VL, p. 87 ; on rocks. Kicking Horse Pass, Rocky Mountains, B.C., Aug. 13th, 1890. {Macoun.) On rocks at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 830. O. cupulatum, Hoffm. On limestone rocks, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., 1891 ; on rocks. Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897. {Macoun.) 1024. O. Porteri, Aust., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. VL, 341. On dry limestone rock, by the stairs leading down the cliff to Foster's Flats, Niagara Falls, Ont., May i6th, 1901. {Macoun.) 1025. O. Lescurii, Aust. 0. cupulaium, Hoffm. var. minus^ Sulliv.; Cat. Can, Musci, 87. On dry rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 7th, 1890. {Macoun.) 1026. O. Douglasii, Duby. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 167. On rocks at Kicking Horse Lake, Rocky Mountains, July 29th, 1885 ; on rocks, mountain slopes at Spence's bridge, B.C., May 28th, 1889. {Macoun.) Referred to 0. cupulatum in Part VL, p. 87. 336. O. rupestre, Schleich. On rocks in a ravine at the Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on rocks. Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, 1897. {Macoun) Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 337. o. af9.iie, ScHRAD. On trees at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 23 1 Subsp. fastigiatum, Bruch. Leaves shorter-acuminate and less papillose than in 0. affine. capsule suboval ; calyptra nearly glabrous. Tufts usually pul- vinate and about i cm. high. Habit of 0. pumilum. On trees in woods, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 1 6th, 1898. {Macoun.) 338. O. alpestre, Hornsch. On rocks, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., alt. 6500, July 3rd, 1897. {Macoun.) On rock at Lake Marsh and Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) 339. O. speciosum, Nees. On trees and old rails at Brighton and Seymour, Northum- berland Co., Ont., 1893. {Macoun.) On trees at Edmonton, Ont. {Jas. White.) On cotton wood at Skagway, Alaska, 1899. {Williams.) 343. O, OMoense, Sulliv. & Lesq. On poplar and birch trees at Edmonton, Ont. {Jas. White.) On old fence rails at Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., 1893 ; on trunks, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 344. O. Schimperi, Hamm. On trees at Sandwich, Essex Co., Ont., May 24th, 1892 ; on trees in sandy woods, Pelee Point, Essex Co., May 27th, 1901 (Macoun.) On poplar trees at Brampton, Ont., June 23rd, 1892. {Thos. Walker.) 348. O consimile, Mitt. On rocks near the sea, Victoria Arm, Victoria, Vancouver, Island, May 31st, 1893, {Macoun.) Subsp. anomaloides, Kindb. Capsule less exserted than in the species ; cilia shorter than the teeth. Stem taller. On rocks in woods at Banff ; on damp rocks, Kananaskis Falls, and east end of Devil's Lake, all referred to 0. anomalum in Part VI., p. 86. 232 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 350. O. Roellii, Venturl On rocks, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., July, 1897. (Macoun.) 361. O. psilotheciiuu, C. M. & Kinds. On trees at Ottawa and on old fence rails at Carleton Place, Carleton Co., Ont. (Macoun.) 356. O- pulchellum, Brunton, subsp. ulotseforme, Ren. & Card.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 3C9. Leaves distinctly crisped. Peristome pale. On trees at New Westminster Junction. B.C., April 26th, 1889; also on Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1887. Referred in Part VI., p. 91, to 0 . pdchellum. 1027. O. Winteri, Schimp. On Spircea discolor at Victoria, and on trees, Burnside Road and Parson's Mountain, near Esquimault, Vancouver Island, May, 1893. (Macoun) 358. O. obtusifolium, Schrad. On trees at Edmonton, Ont. (Jos. White) On poplar trees, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on Negundo aceroides di\. Old Wives' Creek, Assa., 1895 ; on balsam poplar. Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897. Macoun.) On cotton wood at Skagway, Alaska, 1899. {Williams.) 859. o. Jamesianum, Sulliv. On rocks, Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta,, Aug. 3rd, 1897. {Macoun.) 360. O. papillosum, Hampe ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 304. All references in Part VI., p, 92 to 0. Lyellii and varieties belong here. Subsp. strlctum, Venturi. Leaves dark green, shorter, appressed when dry. On trees on Sea's Farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 8th, 1893. {Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 233 1028. O. lyellioides, Ktndb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves long as in 0. papillosum, nearly flat or undulate at the borders, faintly papillose, not appressed when dry ; the upper crisped. Capsule narrow-cylindric, pale brown and nearly wholly exserted, pedicel somewhat long. Tufts dark green, blackish below, somewhat tall. On trees at Comdx, Vancouver Island, May 3rd, 1887. {Macoun.) 361. O, Canadense, Bruch & Schimp. The Ottawa specimens of this species were placed in Pt. VI. under 0. Schimperi, but were changed to 0. Canadense by Mrs. E. G. Britton when monographing the genus some years since. T029. o. Venturi, Kindb. On cedar rails at Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., Oct. 4th, 1893. (^Macoun.) 1030. O. subsordidum, Kindb. (N. Sp.) On rocks, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 30th, 1897. {Macoun.') 1031. O. gymnostomum, Bruch. On trees, Newfoundland. ( Waghorne.) 1032. O. Bolanderi, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 168. On rocks along Bragg's Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., July 9th, 1897. {Macoun.) 1033. O. Watsoni, James ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 168. On rocks, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., July, 1897. {Macoun.) NOTE. Attention may be called here to two very valuable papers on the preceding genus written by Mrs. E. G. Britton. These papers were published in the Bulletin Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. XX., pp. 393-405, 1893, and Vol. XXL, pp. 1-15, 1894. They are im- 234 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. portant contributions to a difficult subject but a number of ques- tions were left open that if now settled would add immensely to their value. The same critical writer in Vol. XXII., pp. 452-458 of the Torrey Bulletin, discusses the genus Leersia {Encalypta) and more particularly the species, E. Macoimii, Austin, and E. tiliata,, Hedw. Without entering into the controversy .1 may say that before Austin described E. Macoiimi I thought it was a young state of E. ciliata. After many years in 1887 I sent specimens collected at Wellington mine near Nanaimo to Dr. Kindberg, and these he named E. Macounii, and later, eastern specimens were sent him, all of which he pronounced E. Macounii. At the date of the pub- lication of Part VI. of my Catalogue of Canadian Plants, in 1892, he decided that up to that time he had seen no true £. ciliata from America. In the article cited Mrs. Britton takes the ground that our eastern Encalypta which Kindberg has referred to E. Macounii is identical with authentic specimens of E. ciliata received from Europe, cited and examined by Limpricht. Dr. Kindberg in European and North American Bryineae, published in 1897, seems to stand by what he wrote in 1892. In giving the range of E. Macounii and E. ciliata on page 297 of the work referred to he credits E. Macounii to both Europe and America, while E. ciliata is only cited from Europe and Green- land. Without prejudice I may observe that from the standpoint of a layman we in America have been making two species out of one while our friends in Europe were making one species out cf two. 56 ENCALYPTA, Schreb. 362. E. commutata, Nees & Hornsch. E. alpina, Smith, 1805; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 296. On earth at the " Gap," Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug. 13th, 1897. {Macoun.) 364. E. rhabdocarpa, Schw^ger. Leersia rhabdocarpa, (Schwaeg.) Lindb. On earth along Bragg's Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 28th, 1897. {Macoun) On earth at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 235 365. E. subspathulata, C. M. & Kindb. On earth along Farewell Creek, Cypress Hills, Assa,, June 27th, 1895. {Macoun.) 370. E. longipes, Mitten. On earth, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, June 30th, 1897. {Macoun.) 372. E. Selwyni, Aust. Leersia Selwyni (Aust.), E. G. Britt. Lake Marsh, and also common about Dawson, Yukon, 1899, {Williams.) 373. E. Streptocarpa , Hedw.; Cat. Can. Musci, 96. E. contorta (Wulfen.) Lindb.; Kindb., Bryol.N. Am. & Eur. 293. Quite rare on rocks in a ravine at Margaree, Cape Breton Island,' N.S., July 14th, 1898 ; on earth along the Bonnechere River, near Golden Lake, Ont., Sept., 1900. {Macoun^ 1034. E. sub-brevicoUa, Kindb., N. Sp. Leaves oblong-linguate, obtusate, undulate not recurved, entire, generally obtuse ; hair-point whitish. Perichetial leaves sub- oblong, acuminate. Capsule brownish with a very short neck ; teeth whitish when moist, palish red when dry ; calyptra some- what long with a hispid beak, fringed when young. On rocks at Seal Lake, northern Labrador, Aug. 3rd, 1896. {A. P. Low) 1035. E. Labradorica, Kindb. (N. sp.) Leaves subovate, obtuse or subacute, entire, not recurved ; hair-point whitish, or at the base yellowish. Capsule brownish with a distinct neck ; teeth brown yellow ; calyptra short, faintly rough, not fringed. On rocks. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug. 30th, 1896. {A. P. Low) 236 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 57. GEORGIA, Ehrh. TETRAPHIS, Hedw. 376. G. pellucida, (Linn.) Rabenhost. Tetraphis pellncida, Hedw.; Cat. Can. Musci, 97. On old logs, Big Intervale, Margaree, and on stumps Halfway Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 1898 ; on old logs, Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June, 1897; on old stumps. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park. Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {JVt//tams.) 1036. G. CUSpidata, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1893. Leaves subovate, short-acuminate, acute. Perichetial leaves cuspidate by the long excurrent costa. Capsule generally curved ; pedicel straight. On old logs at Leamington, Essex Co., Ont., Sept. 22nd, 1890. (Macoun.) lOSV. G. trachypoda, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1893. Leaves subovate or ovate-oblong, short-acuminate and acute. Perichetial leaves with long, sublinear, acute acumen ; cqsta not excurrent. Capsule straight ; pedicel straight, rough in the upper part. On an old stump at Sicamous, B.C., July 4th, 1889. {Macoun.) 377. G- geniculata, (Girgens.) Lindb. Tetraphis geTuculata, Girgens ; Cat. Can. Musci, 97. On old logs, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July i6th, 1898. {Macoun?) Salmon Creek near Juneau, Sitka. {Miss G. Coo ey.) Canon City, Dyea Creek, Alaska, 1899. {Williams.) 59. SCHISTOSTEGA, Mohr. 378. S. osmundacea, Web. & Mohr. On the earth clmging to the roots of turned up stumps, Perley Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 21st, 1900. {Macoun.) 60. DISSODON, Grev. & Arn. 379. D. Proelicliii, (Hedwig.) G. & A. On mount Forget-me-not, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, alt. 7500 feet, Alta., July 14th, 1897. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 237 381. D. splaclinoides, (Thunb.) Grev. & Arn. A few specimens found growing on damp eartii by the margin of a pond at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams.) 61. TAYLORIA, Hook. 383. T. tenuis, (Dicks.) Schimp On cow's dung in woods near Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 8th, 1898. 384. T. splachnoides, Hook. On earth on mountains, Chilliwack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 62. TETRAPLODON, Bruch & Schimp. 386. T. angustatus, (L. fil.) Br. & Sch. On dung, Mount Forget-me-not, Elbow River, Rocky Moun- tains, Alta., alt. 6500 feet, July 14th, 1897. {Macouni) Growing on bones in woods at Dawson, May 7th, 1899. {Williams.) 387. T. bryoides, (Zoeg.) Lindb. T. mnioides (L. f.) Br. & Sch. Unalaska Island and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, June, 1892. (/. M. Macoun^ Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug. 1896. {A. P. Low) On dung, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June, 1897. {Macoun) North shore of Hudson Strait, Baffin Land, 1897. {Dr. R. Bell) On earth, Chilliwack Valley, B.C. ; these specimens are var. Breweri. {J. M. Macoun.) 389. T. urceolatus, (Brid.) Br. & Sch. On bones near the summit of Moosehide Mountain, just back of Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams^ 63. SPLACHNUM, Linn. 390. S. Wormskioldii, Hornem. Haplodon Wormskioldii, (Hornem.) Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., p. 173. St. George Island, Behring Sea, July 15th, 1892. {J. M. Macoun) Seal Island, Labrador, 1900. {E. B. Delabarre) 238 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 393. S. ampullaceum, Linn. On earth and cow's dung in woods at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 8th. 1898 ; on dung in a peat swamp, Catfish Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) 65. PHYSCOMITRIUM, Brid. 402. p. turbinatum, C. Muell. Very abundant on earth below Queenston Heights and within the spray of Niagara Falls, Ont., above the Power House, and on earth in the flower border close to the falls, May i6th, 1901. {Mac mm.) 1038. P. acuminatum, (Schleich.) Br. & Sch. On earth in woods at Wyoming, Lambton Co., Ont., June 14th, 1 901. In very fine fruit. {Macoun.) Following the advice of Mrs. E. G. Britton, I gave more than usual attention to Physcomitrium last season and was enabled to add an additional species to our flora and widen the range of P. turbinatum very much, 66. FUNARIA, Sohreb. 403. P. calcarea, Wahl. On bare earth of the river bluff below Dawson, Yukon, 1899. ( Williams.) 404. P. hygrometrica, Sibth. On earth at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; in railway cuttings, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; abundant around Niagara Falls, 1901. {Macoun.) Lake Marsh and near Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) On earth, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. arctica, Berggren. Along the Lower Klondike River, Yukon. The specimens are mostly from 12 to 20 mm. high. {Williams.) !#-* CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 239 67. BAUTRAMIA, Hedw. 406. B. subulata, Bruch & Schimp. B. viridissima, Brid.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 323. On rocks, Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, Aug., 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 407. B. ithyphylla, Brid. On rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, Aug., 1892. (/. M. Macoun) On rocks. Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Alta., Aug., 1897. {Macoun) At Seal Lake, northern Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low) By Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williains) 408. B. (Ederi (Gunner) Swartz. Crevices of rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 1893. {Jos. White) On rocks. Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug., 1897; on rocks in a ravine. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macomi) At Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Williams) 409. B. pomiformis, Hedw. Shady moist bank in woods, Edmonton, Ont., 1892. i^Jas. White) Damp rocks, west of Hull, Que.; Cache Lake, Algon- quin Park, 1900 ; on earth, Queenston Heights, Ont., May, 1901 ; Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun) Juneau, alt. 3,000 feet ; also at Salmon Creek and Gold Creek Canon, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley) Canon City and Sheep Creek, Dyea Creek, Alaska, 1899. {Williams^ On rock, Chilliwack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun) 1039. B. crispa, Swartz. B. pomiformis^ var. crispa^ Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 206. On rocks, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland, July 25th, 1891. ( Waghorne) On earth in a ravine. Grand Narrows, and at Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 27th, 1898. 410. B. glauco-viridis, C. M. & Kindb. On rocks at Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept., 1893 ; on rocks on Sea's farm, near Victoria Vancouver Island, May, 1893 {Macoun) ^^^.% 240 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1040. B. breviseta, Lindb., subsp. rigidula, Kindb, On rocks, Greenland. (Lange.) 68. CONOSTOMUM, Swartz. 414. C. boreale, Swartz. On rocks, Seal Lake, northern Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A. P. Low.) Growing in dense cushions on wet rock, near Long Lake, between Chilcoot Pass and Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams.) 69. PHILONOTIS, Brid. 415. P. marcliica (Willd.) Brid. In Part VL, on page 106, P. Macounii was placed as a synonym under this species. Later investigations have shown that the western specimens are really distinct from the eastern and are as they were first placed under P. Macounii. In a railway ditch above Leamington, Ont., 1901. (Macoun.) 416. P. fontana, Brid. On Smoky Mountain and at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; springs by Dow's swamp, Ottawa, Ont., and in the beaver meadow, Hull, Que., 1900 ; in damp woods by Drum- mond's Island, Niagara Falls, Ont., May, 1900. (Macoun.) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. (Dr. Merriam.) Near the snow line, above the Basin, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Rather common about Lake Lindeman and Lake Bennett, Yukon, 1899. (Williams.) Subsp. seriata, Mitten. On earth. Gold Creek Canon, near Juneau, Alaska. (Miss G. Cooley.) 1041. P. Macounii, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 208. Wet places near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 9th, 1875 type station) ; wet rocks, Nanaimo, V.I., June 6th, 1887 ; on wet earth, Hastings, B.C., April 13th, 1889 ; wet earth at Revelstoke, B.C., May 9th, 1890. (Macoun.) Juneau, alt. 3,000 feet ; also a doubtful specimen from Gold Creek Canon, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 24I 1042. P. Muhlenbergii, Brid.; Leso, & James., Mosses of N. America, 208. On earth by a brook at Woodstock, N.B., July 4th, 1899. 1043. p. Arnellii, Husnot. On wet rocks, Greenland. {Wenck,) 1044. P. Vane Oliver ensis, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 326. Leaves long-subulate ; perigonial, patent, erect, broadly ovate- :anceolate, acute, nearly nerveless. On wet earth at Yale, B.C., May 17th, 1889 ; on wet rocks along the Nanaimo River, April 26th, 1887. {Macotcn.') Nagai Island, Alaska, Sept. i8th, 1892. (/. M. Macotin.) 1045. P. caespitosa, Wilson. In swamps, Greenland. {Lange.) 1046. P. alpicola, Juratzka. On wet ground, Greenland. {Vatihceffen.) In Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) 104*;. P. aeutiflora, Kindb., Hedwigia, 1896, p. yy. Leaves not serrate and not falcate, recurved to or above the middle, with double mamillae, generally appressed when dry, smaller than in P. calcarea. Perigonial leaves horizontally spreading. Tufts no high ; fruiting stem very low. On damp earth, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., July 30th, 1890 ; in damp meadows. Pier's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 8th, 1893. {Macoun.) On damp earth, Chilliwack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macotm.) 1048. P. adpressa, Fergusson. Wet places, Greenland. ( Vanhceffe?!.") 1049. p, radicalis, Beauvois. Bartramia radicalism Beauv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 206. I On rocks in a ravine at Goldstream, and on the shore of Shaw- nagin Lake, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoiin.) 16 242 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1050. P. pumila, KiNDB., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 328. Leaves erect, smaller and narrower than in P. rigida ; costa scarcely excurrent. Tufts about I cm. high. In ditches near the paper mill, Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont. (^Macoun^ 10. CATOSCOPIUM, Brid. 418. C. nigritum, (Hedw ) Brid. ^ In fine fruit about springs at Dawson, Yukon, May 7th, 1899 ( Williafns. ) MEESIA, Hedw. 420. M. uliginosa, Hedw. M. trichodes, (Linn.) Spruce ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur,, 318. On boggy ground, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, June 14th, 1897. {Macoun.) At Dawson, Yukon. {Wtlliams.) 422. M. Albertinii, Bruch & Schimp. In bogs, Newfoundland. {Waghornc.) 423. M- tristicha, Bruch & Schimp. M.triquetra, (Linn.) Aongst.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 318. In bogs along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Alta., July 9th, 1897. {Macoun.) In fine fruit in Klondike River bottom, Yukon, July 23rd, 1 8c 9. Williams.) 73. PALUDELLA, Ehrh. 424. P. squarrosa, (Linn.) Brid. In a bog north of the Saskatchewan at Prince Albert, Sask., July, 1896. {Macoun.) In bogs, Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60" 30', June i8th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) Sterile specimens grow- ing in bogs at Lake Lindeman ; found abundantly in fruit at Dawson, July 23rd, 1899, growing in large patches many feet across. {Williams.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 243 V5. LEPTOBRYUM, Schimp. 4SY. L. pyriforme, Schimp. Moist ground, Edmonton, Ont., 1892. {Jos. White.) Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) On Mount Forget-me-not, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897 ; railway cutting at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893 ; in woods, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; Algonquin Park and Colden Lake, Ont., 1900 ; along a railway ditch above Leamington, Essex Co., Ont., 1931. {Macoun.) Lake Lindeman and Dawson, Yukon, 1899. {Macoun.) 76. WEBER A, Hedw. 1051. W. subpolymorphum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 390. Capsule oblong, pendant, and smaller than in W . polymorphum ; neck shorter ; lid rostellate. Leaves less crowded and not ap- pressed when dry, sometimes subdecurrent ; cells wider, stem uniformly foliate, not marked below. Dioecious. On earth, mountains north of Griffin Lake, Gold Range, B.C. ; alt. 7,500 feet, Aug. loth, 1889. {Macoim.) 433. W. nutans, Hedw. Bryum nutans, Schreb.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. 8z; Eur. 384. Pohlia nutans, (Schreb.) Lindb. A very common moss on old logs, at the base of stumps and on earth in all parts of Ontario. {Macoun) Salmon Creek near Juneau, and Loring ; also at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Miss G. Cooley.) Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska ; also on an island in the Yukon just below Fort Selkirk. {Willia?ns.) Var. Macounii, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 385. All leaves, also those on sterile stems and shoots, distinctly ser- rate, not glossy, finally red, densely crowded, appressed when dry. In a wet railway cutting at Coldstream, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun.) Mr. Williams obtained a variety, his No. 643, at Lake Lindeman which has not yet been named. 16^ 244 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 434. W. sphagnicola, Schimp. PoJUia sphagnicola, (Brid ) Lindb. & Arn. Grow ng with slender, mostly solitary stems up through tufts of Sphaspitim and Aulacomniiim. In fine fruit at Dawson, Yukon, July 2nd, 1899. {Williams.) 1062. W. gracilis, De Not. Poldia gracili , Lindb. On a shaded, moist sand ank of the Klondike River just abov .' Dawson, Yukon, 1899. ( Williams.) 1053. W. proligera, (Lindb.) Pohlia proligera .^ Lindb. In a marshy place at Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899 {Wil- liams. ) 1054. W. CUCUllatiforme, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 387. Differs from W. cucullata ; leaves subdecurrent smaller, appressed when dry, upper generally acute. Capsule smaller and more constricted ; cilia appendiculate. On rocks, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, August ist, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 436. W. canaliculata, C. M. & Kindb. Bryum nutans subs p. can/iliculatnfn., C. M. & Kindb. ; Kindb., Byrol. N. Am. & Eur. 385. On rocks Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, June 15th, 1892 ; on rocks Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. {/. M. Macoun!) 438. W. pycno-decurrens, C. M. & Kindb. Bryiwi microsporum, Kmdb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 388. On earth on the mountains along the Chilliwack River, B. C, 1 90 1. {J. M. Macoun.) 439. W. microcaulon, C. M. & Kindb. Bryum polymorphum, Hoppe & Hornsch, subsp. brachy- carpum. Hoppe & Hornsch ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 390. St. George Island, Behring Sea, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS 245 444. W. Lescuriana, Lesq. & James. Bryum Lescurii, Sulliv. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 386. On earth at Woodstock, N.B., July 4th, 1899. {Macoun.) 445. W. carnea, Scrimp. Bryuni carneum, Linn.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 385. In a railway cutting at Goldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macotm.) 446. W. cruda, Schimp. Bryum crudiim, (Linn.) Hudson ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 383. Crevices of rocks, Parry Sound, and at Edmonton, Ont., 1893. {Jas. White.) On rocks, Nagai Island, Alaska, 1892, and St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1892; crevices of rocks, Chilliwack River, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoim.) On rocks, Baffin Land, north of Hudson Strait, 1897. {Dr. R. Bell.) On rocks. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, 1897. {A. P. Low.) On rocks. Big Inter- vale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; along Bragg's Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897; on rocks, Cascades, Gatineau River, Que., 1903 ; crevices of rocks. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macoun.) Gold Creek Canon, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. ( Williams.) 447. W. Schimperi, (C. Muei.l.) Schimp. Bryum Schimperi, C. Muell.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 385. • On rocks. Seal Lake, Labrador, August 3rd, 1896. {A. P. Low.) 450. W. commutata, Schimp. Pohlia commutata, Lindb. On rocks, Greenland. {Berggren^ Gold Creek Canon, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley^ On a sandy bank of a stream, Lake Lindeman, Yukon, 1899. {Williams^ Subsp. gracile, Schleich.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 388. Crevices of rocks. Mount Queest, Gold Range, B.C., July, 1889. (/. M. Macoun) Referred to TF. subcucullata, in part VI., p. 113. 246 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1055. w. pseudo-carneum, Kindb., Ott. Nat. Vol. XIV, p. 88. Differs from IV. carneum in the leaves being shorter, ovate- oblong, and long-decurrent; costa percurrent. Capsules not seen. On damp sand, Sable Island, N.S., August i6th, 1899. {Macoun.) 452. W. albicans, Schimp. Bryum albicans., Wahlenb rg ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 389. St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, Aug. i8th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) Damp rocks, Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, 1896. (A. P. Low.) Damp banks, Cadboro Bay, and wet rocks, Coldstream, Vancouver Island, 1893 ; wet rocks, Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897 ; in a railway ditch above Leamington, Essex Co., Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) 1056. W. nitescens, Kindb., Botan. Notiser, 1896. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acuminate ; perichetial leaves long. Capsule not constricted ; cilia long. Perigonial leaves erect. Tufts dense tomentose, silky or golden glossy. Dioecious with gemmiform male flowers; rarely synoecious. On earth, Greenland. {Vanhaeffen.) T7. BRYUM, Dill. 454. B, afcticum, Bruch & Schimp. St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, i8qi, Alaska. {Dr. Meniam.) On earth in rather dry places at Dawson, Yukon, 1899. ( Williams,) 45*7. B. purpurascens, Bruch & Schimp, subsp, autumnale, LiMPRICHT. Newfoundland. {Waghotne.) 460. B. pendulum, (Hornsch.) Schimp. At Dawson in fine fruit, July 30th, 1899 ; other specimens were collected on earth on ledges of rock at Dawson which were for a time doubtfully referred to B. Brotvnn, Br. & Sch. {Williams.) 1057. B. Dawsonense, R. S. Williams. Bull, of New York Bot. Gar., Vol. II., p. 124. This plant is undoubtedly close to B. pendulum, differing in the short-pointed leaves, more distinctly bordered and in the long cilia, some of which are finely appendiculate. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 247 In good fruit on damp earth at Dawson, August 28th, 1898. {Williams.^ 1058. B. longisetum, Bland. On swampy ground with Meesia uligifiosa, and in good fruit, July 31st, 1898. {Williams.) 1059. B. conditum, R. S. Williams, Bull, of New York Bot. Gar., Vol. II., p. 125. On a rocky hillside between Canon City and Sheep Camp on Uyea Creek, March 28th, 1898. This p ant comes nearest uligi- nosum, I believe, but differs in the more pointed leaf, with more distinct and revolute border, pitted leaf cells, blunt lid, more developed inner peristome and dioecious inflorescense. {Williams^ 1060. B. cuspidatum, Schimp. Collected at Dawson, Yukon. This species has the costa excur- rent into a sharp, denticulate point, 4 or 5 cells in length, {Wil- liams^ 1061. B. compactum, Hornschuch. On rocks, Greenland. {Vanhoeffen.) i062. B. Roellii, Philibert. Along Farewell Creek, Cypress Hills, Assa., June 27th, 1895. (Macoun^ 1063. B. Alaskanum, Kindb. Leaves broad-ovate, apiculate or very short-acuminate, reflexed all around ; cells wide, the upper sub-rhombic ; costa short- excurrent. Capsule short but not thick, subclavate-piriform ; lid convex, mamillate ; pedicel not long. Fruiting stem tomentose with shorter and longer shoots. Uppermost leaves of stem and shorter shoots glomerate ; those of longer shoots not glomerate. Alaska. {J. M. Macoun.') Locality unknown. 463. B. inclinatum, Bruch & Schimp. On sandy earth, Sable Island, N.S., Aug. 3rd, 1899. {Macoun.) 248 GEOLOGICAl SURVEY OF CANADA. 464. B. Proudei, Kindb. On earth along Farewell Creek, Cypress Hills, Assa., June 26th, 1894. {Macoun.) 1064. B. micans, Limpricht. On earth or rocks, Greenland. {Berggren.) 1065. B. lapponicum, Kaurin.. subsp. subinclinatum, Kindb. Spores smaller than in the species, about 002 mm. Endos- tome adhering to the teeth ; lid apiculate. Tufts very dense and tomentose. On earth near Seal Lake, northern Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) 477. B- bimum, Schreber. Along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897 ; on earth in a ravine, Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; in boggy places west of Hull, Que., June, 1899; on Drummond Island Niagara Falls. Ont., 1901. (^Macoun.) Var. atrotheca, Ren. & Card., Bot. Gaz., Vol. XIX., p. 238(1894.) Capsule, black-red ; leaves scarcely denticulate or quite entire at the point. Newfoundland, 1892. {Wtjghorne.) 479. B. leucolomatum, C. M. & Kindb. Marshy i>pot, Otter Slide Brook, Algonquin Park, Ont., July i8th, 1900. (^Macoun.) 480. B. pallescens, ScHLEicH. On earth in a ravine. Grand Narrows, on dead wood and earth, Margaree, and on earth and rocks, Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S.,1898; on earth at Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900 ; by the Saskatchewan at Prince Albert, Sask., June, 1896 ; on wet ground, Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 249 Mountains, Alta., 1897. {Macoim.) On earth, Chilliwack Valle}^ B. C, 1901. {J. M. Maconn.) 483. B. Knowltoni, Barnes. On damp and brackish sandy earth along the Lagoon, Sable Island, N.S. Not uncommon, Aug., 1899. {Macoun.) 488. B. Raui, Austin. On wet rocks, Sea's Farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, 1893. {Macoun.) 489. B. Muehlenbeckii, Bryol. Eur. On the summit of Hermit Mountain, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 5th, 1890. {Macoun.) 494 B. capitellatum, C. M. & Kindb. B. Oreganum, SuUiv.; Lesq. & James Mosses of N. Am. 230. Mrs. E. G. Britton and Mr. R. S. Williams have compared the types of those two species and are satisfied that they are the same. 497. B. caespiticium, Linn. Along the railway bank, above Leamington, Essex Co., May 25th, 1901. {Macoun.) In good fruit at Dawson, Yukon, June lOth, 1898. {William'.) 498. B. synoico-caespiticium, C. M. & Kindb. On earth by Niagara River, above the Suspension Bridge, Ont., May 1 8th, 1901. {Macoun) 504. B. capillar e, Linn. Quite common on the bases of trees in woods, Niagara Falls, May, 1901 ; also on earth in woods, Camlachie, Lambton Co., Ont., May 20th, 1901. {Macoun.) Subsp. rurallforme, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 358. Leaves brown-i^d, strongly dentate, subacute ; limb brown. Shoot-leaves sometimes decurrent. Capsules unknown. Habit of Barbula ruralis. On damp rocks, Pier's Farm, Burnside Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May nth, 1893. {Macoun.) 250 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Subsp. erythroloma, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 358. Leaves purplish red, acute, nearly entire, limb rose-red. On rocks by the sea, at Esquimalt, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 13th, 1893. {Alncoun.) 1066. B. speirophyllum, Kindb., Bull. Soc. Bot. Ital., 1895. Differs from B. capillctre ; lea'ves narrowly limbate, distant, decurrent, generally entire, flaccid when moist, corrugate, not twisted, when dry. On rocks, Mount Erskine, Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., May 9th, 1887 ! o" Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, April i8th, 1887 5 the var. longipile on damp rocks, Sea's Farm, near Victoria, May 8th, 1893. {Macoun.) 1067. B. Donii, Greville. On rocks on Pier's Farm and on Sea's Farm, Burnside Road, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May nth, 1893 ; on rocks in a ravine at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893 ; on earth at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 19th, 1893. {Macoun.) Subsp. obconicum, Hornsch.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 359. On rocks. Salt Spring Island, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., and at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island. {Macotm.) 509. B. pallens, Swartz. On earth in a ravine, Grand Narrows. Cape Breton Island, N. S., July 27th, 1898. (Macoun.) Douglas Island, Lynn Canal, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 510. B. Duvalii, Voit. On wet earth, Seal Lake, northern Labrador, Aug. 2nd, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, June 4th, 1897. (/• M. Macoun.) Sterile specimens collected at the head of Lake Bennett, Yukon. {Williams?) oil. B. pseudotriquetum, Schwaegr. B. vetitricos2cm, Dickson; Kindb., Bryol. ?^. Am. & Eur. 363. On wet rocks and earth, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; by a spring, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June, 1897; on the shore of Shawnagin CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 25 1 Lake, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun.) On wet rock at Skagway, Alaska; in fine fruit, August 27th, 1899. ■ Williams.) Var. hyalodontium, C. M. & Kindb. On earth by a spring, Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, x'\lta., June 15th, 1897. {Macoim.) Var. compactum, B. & S. At Dawson, Yukon, July 17th, 1899, in fine fruit. Williams.) 1068. B. SUbmutiCUra, Philibert ; Bull, of New York Bot. Gar. Vol. II., p. 127. This species is quite near the preceding variety but still smaller and more slender. The leaves are broader, shorter pointed, more entire, and costa vanishing, more frequently, just below the point. Collected in good fruit, July 17th, 1899, at Dawson ; also at the mouth of Little Salmon River. The plants form extensive mats, often many feet across, in low wet places. {Williams.^ 1069. B. SUborbiculare, Philibert ; Bull, of New York Bot. Gar. Vol. II., p. 128. This small moss is peculiar in having the broad obtuse leaves, clustered in three or four rosettes along the stem. It does not seem to be related very closely to any other American species. At Dawson, Yukon, growing in a swamp with Cinclidimn and ap- parently rare. Collected in good fruit, July 2nd, 1899. {Williams.) 517. B. torquescens, Br. &Sch. On earth under trees, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., May 27th, 1 90 1. {Macoun.) 1070. B. Revelstokense, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1896. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, entire with a pale not broad limb, much twisted when dry, short-decurrent, except the uppermost glomerate. Pedicel very long. Tufts green-tomentose 1-2 cm. high. Dioecious. On rocks at Revelstoke, B.C., Mav 9th, 1890; barren specimens referred here were collected at Crow's Nest Lake, Rocky Moun- tains, Aug, 3rd, 1897. {Macoun.) 252 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1071. B. grandirete, Kinub., Bryol. N. Am. & Kur. 353. Leaves acute, not limbate, imbricate when dry, ovate or broad- ovate, not or scarcely acuminate, loosely disposed and short- decurent ; cells very large ; upper sub-rhombic ; costa percur- rent. Capsules unknown. Tufts sparingly radiculose, red-brown below, yellowish green above, not tall. On earth, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 7th, 1890. {Macoun.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun) 1072. B. aciculinum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 355. Leaves oblong-lanceolate, acute, recurved nearly all around, nearly appressed when dry; upper cells oblong-rhomboidal, lower basal near the costa deep red, numerous. Capsule brown ; teeth pale. On Spro t Mountain, Columbia River, B.C., alt. 4,500 feet, June 24th, 1890. {Macoun:) 1073. B. flagellosum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur 356. Leaves generally ovate ; cells sub-rhombic ; costa sometimes short-excurrent. Uppermost leaves and those of flagelliform shoots ovate-oblong. Capsule brown, oblong pyriform, faintly con- stricted, smaller and shorter than in B. Rani; neck short. 1 ufts dense-tomentose. Habit of B. castiticium. On earth at Hector. Rocky Mountains, B.C., Aug. I2th, 1890. {Macoini.) 1074 B. Oreganuni, Sulliv.; Lesq. & James Moses of N. Am. P. 230. On rocks along the Columbia River at Revelstoke, B.C , May 23rd, 1890. {Macoun) 1075. B. streptophyllum, Kindb., Byrol. N. Am. & Eur. 359. Differs from B. Oreganum : All leaves crowded and nearly uni- form, upper not larger and not recurved, very concave. Tufts green but finally brown, less low. Capsules unknown. On earth and rocks at Hasting ,B.C., April 6th, 1889. {Macoun.) 1076. B. trichophorum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 359. Leaves obtusate, appressed, neither recurved nor twisted; lower leaves distant, linear-oblong, acute, upper crowded, suboval. Tufts green. Capsules unknown. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 253 On rocks by the sea, Cadboro Bay, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 31st, 1893. {Macotm.) 10V7. B. Hendersoni, Ren. & Cardt. On earth at Esquimalt near Victoria. June 23rd, 1887, referred \.o pallescens ; at the same place in May, 1893, and on Sea's Farm, Burnside Road, May i8th, 1893. {Macotm.) 1078. B. Sawyeri, Ren. & Card. On rocks, at Chelsea, Que., Sept. 9th, 1889. {Macoun.) 1079. B. geramascens, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 360. Leaves small, twisted, entire, not recurved ; lower and middle distant, short-decurrent, narrowly sublingulate, acuminate acute; comal leaves glomerate to a broadly clavate bud, suboval, sub- obtuse. Tufts green. Capsules unknown. On a rock by the sea at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 22nd, 1893. {Macoun.) 1080. B. extenuatum, Ren. & Card. On earth at Hastings, B.C., April 13th, 1889; on logs. Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 6th, 1893. {Macotin.) 1081. B. tomentosum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 361. Leaves subovate, gradually acuminate, entire, decurrent, small. Tufts brown and very tomento.~e below, green above, dense and rather small. Leaves short as in B. elegatis^ not recurved ; cells sub-rhombic. Dioecious. Capsules unknown. On earth at Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C., Aug. 14th, 1890. {Macoun.) 1082. B. producticoUe, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 364. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, reflexed, distinctly limbate ; costa long-excurrent. Capsule narrow, strangulate ; neck long not curved ; lid short-apiculate ; cilia long-appendi-ulate. Tufts about I cm. high. Spores scarcely 0,02 m.m. On earth and rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 25th, 1893. {Macoun.) i 254 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1083. B. OCCidentale, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, p. 236. On earth along Crow's Nest Lake, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug. 3rd. 1897. {Macotin.) 1084. B. gemmuligerum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 368. Leaves subovate, obtusate, small ; those of the shoots broader, obtuse ; costa long-excurrent. Capsule brown, oblong or obovate with a short thick neck, distinctly constricted when dry, not large; teeth yellow ; segments long-fenestrate ; cilia long-appendicu- late ; lid large, apiculate or mamillate. Spores about 001 mm. Monoecious or dioecious. On earth, 12-Mile Lake, Wood Mountain, Assa., June 6th, 1895. {^Macoun,) 523. B. acutiusculum, C. Muell. On earth summit of Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 3rd, 1898. {Macoun.) 524. B bullatum, C. Muell. On earth by the Asulcan Glacier, Selkirk Mountains, B.C., Aug. 7th, 1890. {Macoun) 1086. B. Perchelii, Funck. On rocks near the water above the old mill at the Cascades, Gatineau River, Que., June 23rd, 1900 ; also in the same situation on the Petewawa River, Algonquin, Park, Ont., July 24th, 1900. {Macoun^ 1080. B. afflne, Bruch. On earth east of Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 9th, 1900. {Macoun) 1087. B. globosum, Lindberg. Newfoundland. {Vvaghorrie fide Kindberg) 1088. B. microstegioides, Kindb., Ott. Nat., Vol. XIV., p. 88. Differs ixova B. submicrostegium : leaves short-acuminate; cap- sule with a large lid ; endostomial membrane very low ; cilia short and smooth. Prybilov Islands, Behring Sea, 1891. {Palmer^ CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 255 BCELLIA, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1896. 521. R. simplex, Kindb. Brynm simplex, Kindb., Cat. Can. Musci, p. 135. Very abundant on the upper slopes of Mount Benson near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, July loth, 1893. (Macoun.) VS. ZIERIA, Schimp. 626. Z. julacea, Schimp. Plagiobryum Zierii, (Dicks.) Lindb. A few sterile specimens collected on earth in crevices of rock about 1000 feet above Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (Williams?) 1089. Z. argenteoides, (Williams.) Plagiobryum argenteoides, R. S. Williams ; Bull. New York, Bot. Gar. Vol. II., p. 129. With the appearance of Bryuni argetiteum. In dense tufts up to I cm. high. Stems simple or branching, vmeous red, radiculose below, in cross-section showing an outer wall of one layer of irregular, somewhat thick-walled cells, with ground tissue of very large, thin-walled cells, becoming smaller toward center and enclosing a distinct central strand. Leaves concave, appressed, broadly ovate, with short abrupt point, entire, mostly \ mm. long or less or occasionally the terminal leaves lanceolate pointed and up to i mm. long. Costa vanishing from ^ to f up. Upper i of leaf usually hyaline. Alar cells and most basal cells square (sides 12 to 16 mm.) to short rectangular (i to 2.) Median cells irregularly rhomboidal to oblong-linear, up to '040 or "050 mm. Cell walls somewhat thickened, especially above. Found on bare rock in dry places on the Yukon River, just below Dawson, Yukon, March 19th, 1899. {Williams) 79. MNIUM, Linn. 529. M. venustum. Mitt. Growing in company with M. insis^ne, in the Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 256 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA 530. M- macrociliare, C. M. & Kindb. On rocks, Brule Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 13th, 1900. {Ma£Oun.) Mrs. Britton says of the specimen cited from Northuiriberland Co., Ont., in part VI., p. 137, that it is a mixture of M. cuspidniiim^ M. serratiim, Schw, and M. affinc var. ciliare (Grev.) 531. M. Druminondii, Bruch & Schimp. Shady banks at Edmonton, Ont., June, 1893. {Jos. White^ On the bases of trees in the Cypress Hills, June, 1895 I o" earth in a ravine. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; in earth in a ravine, Woodstock, N. B., July, 1899 *' Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macoun.) 532. M. rostratuiQ, Schwaegr. On shady rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., Aug., 1893. {Jas. White.) On a large boulder in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., April, 1896; on rocks, Lake Agnes, Rocky Mountains, Aug., i89i;on the Elbow divide. Rocky Mountains, 1897 '■> o" boulders in woods Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun.) 533. M. medium, Bruch & Schimp. On earth, Hunter's River, Prince Edward Island, July, 1888 ; on wet rocks, New Westminster, B.C., May, 1875 ; on rocks, in a brook, at Revelstoke, B.C., May, 1890. The last reference appeared in Part VI., p. \ ^\, 3.s M. umbroHle. (Macoun.) Left bank of Klondike Rive , just below Bonanza Creek, not common; also collected at Skagway, growing abundantly under the heavy evergreen forests. {Williams.) 534. M. afflne, Bland. Along the Skeena River, B.C., May, 1892. {J. M. Macoun.) Wet woods, Edmonton, Ont.. July, 1892. {Jas. White.) Around springs in the Cypress Hill , June, 1894; Dry Canon, Devil's Lake, Banff, Rocky Mountains, Aug. loth, 1891 : in wet woods, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macoun.) 1090. M. ciliare, Greville. Shaded places along the Tobique River, N.B., July, 1884. {G. U. Hay.) On earth along a brook. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 257 Breton, July, 1898 ; in woods in a swamp at Wyoming, Lambton Co., Ont., June 14th, 1901. {Macoun.) 553. M. rugicum, Lawr. In bogs by Clearwater River, northern Labrador, July 9th, 1896. {A. P. Lew.) Head of Lake Bennett, Yukon. {Williams.) 1091. M. robustum, Kindb., N. Sp. M. insipie var. intermedium, Kindb. ; Cat. Can. Musci, P- 139. Leaves not at all or very short-decurrent. Synoecious. Other- wise, as in il/. insigne. Common on Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, April 17th, 1887. {Macoun.) 537. M. hornum, Linn. Rather common on Cape Breton Island, N.S., at Louisburg, Baddeck, Sydney and Margaree, July, 1898 ; very abundant on Sable Island, N.S., July, 1899. {Macou?i.) 538. M. serratum, Brid. M. niarginatiun, Dicks. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am.& Eur., 343. Klondike River, near the mouth of Bonanza Creek, Yukon, June 1 8th, 1899. {Williams.) 539. M. orthorhynchura, Bruch & Schimp. Amongst rocks, Unalaska Island, Behring Sea, June, 1897. (/. M. Macoun?) On rock and earth, Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897. {Macoun?) Salmon Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Dawson, Yukon, in good fruit, July i6th, 1899. {Williayrs) 54 1. M pseudo-lycopodioides, C. M. & Kindb. On the bases of trees, Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 1892. {Jas. Wh te.) On earth and rocks by a brook, Meech's Lake, Chelsea, Que., Sept., 1893 ; en earth along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July 1897. (Macoim.) 17 258 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 542. M. inclinatum, Lindb. On earth on rocks along Bragg's Creek, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897 ; on rocks in the " Dry Canon," Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains, Aug., 1891. {Macoun.) 543. M. umbratile. Mitt. On rocks in a ravine at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun.) 544. M. spinulosum, Bruch & Schimp. On earth, South Kootanie Pass, Rocky Mountains, July, 1883. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) Dry woods, Edmonton, Ot\i. {Jos. White.) On earth at the bases of trees, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; in woods, Niagara River at Fosters Flats, Ont., May 13th, 1901. On Saddle-back Mountain, Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains, Aug., 1891 ; on earth under trees near Victoria, on wet rocks, Mount Benion, near Nanaimo, and at the Union Mines, Comox, Vancouver Island, 1893 ; on earth, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897. {Macoun.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (Williafns.) 546. M. stellare, Hedw. On damp rocks. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) 547, M. Blyttii, Bruch & Schimp. Dawson, Yukon. Specimens sterile. {Williams.) 54 8. M. cinclidioides, Heuben. In woods at Campbellton, N.B., Sept., 1882; in woods near Kak- abeka Falls, west of Lake Superior, July, 1869. Both these speci- mens were referred to M. punctatum in Cat. Can. Musci, p. 143; in a springy place, Red Pine Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 21st, 19GO. {Macoun.) Dawson, Yukon. {Williams) 549. M. punctatum, Hedw. Rather common on earth and in bogs at Baddeck, Margaree, and Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; in a CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 259 bog, Union Mines, Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893; on earth in a ravine at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899; in wet places, Algon- quin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macoun.) Unalaska Island, and Kadiak Island, BehringSea, Aug., 1891. (/. M. Macoun.) Lake Lindeman. (Wil/mms.) Loring, Sitka ; Salmon Creek, near Juneau ; near the snow line above the basin. (Miss G. Cooley.) 1092. M. glabrescens, Kindb., Note on Canad. Bryol., 1893. Leaves oval-lingulate, green or pale red, not nigrescent ; the uppermost suboblong or oblong-lanceolate ; cells smaller than in M. punctatuTfi. Perichetial leaves as in M. subglobosum. Stem nearly glabrous. Pedicel longer than in M. punctatum. On earth and old logs in woods at Port Etches and Sitka,Alaska; also on Carmanah Point, Vancouver Island, 1892. {J. M. Macoun.) On old logs. Queen Charlotte Islands, B.C., July, 1878 ; and on earth at Comox, Vancouver Island, July, 1885. (-^''- G. M. Dawson.) On old logs at Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1875 ^"^^ in May, 1893, and at Comox, Vancouver Island in April, 1887. This is a common and distinct species on Vancouver Island. {Macoun?) Subsp. chlorophyllosum, Kindb,, Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 340. Capsule (unripe) narrowly oblong. Leaf-cells very chloro- phyllose. Stem tomento?e. On wet rocks in a brook emptying into Ihe west side of Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept. 23rd, 1893. {Macoun.) 550. M. subglobosum, Bruch & Schimp. Seal Lake, northern Labrador, July, 1896. {A. P. Low.) In boggy places, Middleton Island, Alaska ; also on St, George and St, Paul islands, Behring Sea, 1892, (/, M. Macoun.) Lake Linde- man, Yukon. {Williams.) 551. M. hymenophyllum, Bryol. Eur. Bennett City and Dawson, Yukon. Growing in large thick tufts in damp and shady or wet places. {Williams.) 552. M. hymenophylloides, Heuben. On earth, St. George Island, Behring Sea, July, 1892. ( /. M. Macoun.) On rock?, Half-Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898. {Macoun.) I7>^ / 260 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1093. M. arcticum, Kindb. (1897.) Karajak, Nunatak, Greenland. {Va?thceffen.) 1094. M. riparium, Mitten. Wet rocks, Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., April, 1899 ; on rock- in a ravine, Woodstock, N.B., July 4th, 1899. On rocks in the Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, August 20th, 1897. {Macoun.) 553. M. Menziesii, C. Muell. Leiicotepis acufiihoneuray ScHW.; Kindb., Byrol. N. Am. & Eur. 335. Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoitn) 80, CINCLIDIUM, Swartz. 554. C. stygium, Swartz. Common in swampy places at Dawson, Yukon. In fine fruit, July 9th, 1899. {Williams.) 555. C. subrotundum, Lindb. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Sept., 1896. {A. P. Low.} On wet earth at Truro, N.S., June, 1883. {Mdcoun.) Head of Lake Bennett, Yukon, about springs. Tufts often 9 cm. high. ( Williams.) 1095. C. Macounii, Kindb., Revue Bryol, 1896. Stem-leaves round-spathulate finally blackish ; shoot-leaves pale red or greenish. Ungulate, gene ally ob use. Capsule subova . In a bog at Stephen by the " Great Divide " summit of the Rocky Mountains, B.C., July 23rd, 1885 ; in a bog north of Prince Albert, Sask., July 3rd, 1896. {Macoun.) 81. AULACOMNIUM, Schwasgr 556. A. androgynum, Schwaegr. On earth in woods. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 , on banks above Leamington, Essex Co., Ont., May 25th, 1901 ; on old logs at Revel toke, B.C , May, 1890. {Macoun.) Chilli- CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 26 1 wack Valley, B.C., 1901. A form with short leaves ; on old logs along the Skeena River, B.C., May, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 551. A. palustre, Schwaegr. North shore of Hudson Strait, Baffin's Land, 1897. (Dr. R. Bell.) In swamps at Edmonton, Ont., 1893. (Jos. White.) Boggy ground, Lat. 61°, Long. 104°, W., 1893, also Pike's Portage, Great Slave Lake, May 25th, 1900. (/. W. Tyrrell.) Bogs, northern Labrador, 1897. {A. P. Low.) Boggy places, Sable Island, N.S., Aug., 1899 ; in wet woods, Badc'eck, and on Smoky Mountain, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; in bogs, Algonquin Park, Ont., 190G ; in a peat bog at Gait, Ont. ; in wet woods, Niagara Falls, Ont., 1901 ; along Jumping Pound Creek. Rocky Mountains, Alta. {Macoun.) Mou'h of Little Salmon River, Yukon. Fruiting, June T6th. {Williams.) Var. irabricatum, Bruch & Schimp. Very common in wet places at Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) 558. A. turgidum, Schwaegr. On wet ground, Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A. P. Low.) Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska ; sterile ; Dawson, Yuko;i, very abundant ; fruiting. {Williams.) 82. TIMMIA, Hedw. 560. T. megapolitana, Hedw. Marsh Lake and Klondike River, near its mouth. This species seems to grow mostly on rather dry earth at the base of rock ledges somewhat at a higher elevation than the next. The capsule is nearly straight and furrowed when dry. ( Williams.) 1096. T. cucuUata, Michx. Yukon River, just above Dawson, Yukon, growing at the base of trees. This species is quite distinct from megapolitana. It differs from megapolitajia in the wider mou hed capsule, more curved and smoot;.h when dry. {Williams.) 262 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 661. T. Austriaca, H edw. On earth, Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897. {Macoun.) Canon City, Dyea Creek, and Moose Creek, just below Dawson. {Williams.) 1097. T. arctica, Kindb. Botan. Notiser, 1893. Greenland. {Berggren.) 1098. T. Bavarica, Hessler. On rocks at Morley, foothills of Rocky Mountains, June 13th 1885 ; near Fort St. James, northern British Columbia, June 21st 1875 » o" rocks near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 7th, 1875 All these were included in T. megapolitaim in Cat. Can. Musci., p 146. On limestone rocks, Foster's Flats, Niagara Falls, 1901 {Macoun.) 1099. T. Macounii, Kinds., N. Sp. On rocks. Moose Mountain alt. 7500 feet, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July 4th, 1897. {Macoun.) 83. ATRICHUM, Beauv. 663. A. undulatum Beauv, Catharinea utidulata, (Linn). ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 154. On earth at Blueberry Point, Alymer, and Meech'sLake, Que., 1900 ; also on wet earth, Rainy Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont,, 1900. {Macoun.) Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) 564. A. angustatum, Bruch & Schimp, Cathari?iea augustata, Brid. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 154. On sandy and damp earth north of Beechwood, Ottawa, Ont., 1899 ; on sandy earth, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; on earth in woods, Queenston Heights, Niagara River, Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) 666. A. Selwyni, Aust. Catharinea Selwyni., Austin ; Kindb., Bryol, N. Am. & Eu^- 153- On earth in woods. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S,, July, 1898; on damp earth at Woodstock, N.B,, July, CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 263 1899 ; on a sandy bank north of Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ont., Nov. 1st, 1900. I am doubtful of the correctness of the above references. 1100. A. Haussknechtii, Juratzka & Milde. On earth in Newfoundland. {Waohortie.) On earth, Rustic© Bay, Prince Edward Island, July, 1888 ; on earth and rocks, Half- Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug. 1898. 569. A. leiophyllum, Kindb. Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60° 30', June i8th, 1892. {J. M. Macoun.) 85. PSILOPILUM, Brid. 5*74. P. arcticum, Brid. Left bank of Klondike River, just below Bonanza Creek ; on damp black soil of hillside. Not fruiting. {Williams.) 86 POGONATUM, Beauv. 575. P. brevicaule, Beauv. Polytrich 7n Pennsylvanicum, Hedw.; Kindb., Bryol. N, Am. &Eur. i!;8. On earth at Half-Way Brook and Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on a sandy bank north side of Beechwood Cemetery, Ottawa, Ont., Oct., 1900. {Macoun.) 576, P. capillare, Brid. Polytrichum capillare, Richard ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 159. Salmon Creek, near Juneau. {Miss G. Cooley.) This is probably P. de /.latum. 578. P. contortum, (Menzies) Lesq. Catharinella cont rta, Menzies ; Kindb., Bryol. N, Am. & Eur. 157. On earth, Nagai Island, Alaska, Sept. i8th,i892. {J.M.Macoun.) Loring, Sitka. {Miss G. Cooley.) 264 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 580. P. atrovirens, Mitt. Catharinella atrovirens. Mitt ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 157. On earth in Stanley Park, Vancouver City, B.C., 1893. {Macoun) Law.) Reported as P. e>ytJirodo7itmm, in Part VI., p. J50. 581. P. urnigerum, Beau v. Polytnchum urnigetum, Linn.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 158. On earth at Baddeck, Grand Na-rows, and Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898; abundant on roadside ci ttings, Edmuns- ton, N.B., Sept., 1899. {Macoiin) Stillwater River, Labrador, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60" 30', 1892. (/. Af. Macoun.) Juneau, alt. 3,000 feet ; also at Salmon Creek and Gold Creek Cafion, Juneau, Alaska. (^Miss G. Cooley.) 582. P. alpinum, Roehl. Folytrichum alpinum, L.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 160. Not rare at Baddeck, Louisburg and Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; crevices of rocks at Meech's Lake, Que., and Hogsback, near Ottawa, Ont., 1897. {Macoun.) Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60° 30', 1892. (J. M. Macoun) Juneau, 3000 feet alt. ; also at Salmon Creek and Sheep Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska ; and Lindeman, Yukon. {WilLams.) Var. subcylindricum, Kindb. Koksoak River, northern Labrador, Aug. 21st, 1896. {A. P. Low.) 583. P. Macounii, Kindb. Polytrichum Macounii, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 159. On rocks at the mouth of the Skeena River, B.C., May, 1892 ; mountains at Chilliwack Lake, B.C. (/. M. Macoun) 87. POLYTRICHUM, Linn. 585. P. sexangnlare, Floerke. On the mountains above Chilliwack Lake, B.C., 1901. {J.M. Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 265 586. P. gracile, Menzies. Wet rocks. Tobique River, N.B., July, 1884. {G. U. Hav.) Referred in Part VI., p. 151, to P. alpinum. Swampy places at Edmonton, Ont., July, 1893. {Jas. White.) Fort Chimo, Labra- dor, Aug. 1896. {A. P. Low.) Table Top Mountain, Gaspe Que., Aug., 1882, referred in Part VI., p. 151 to P. alpinum ; very abun- dant in woods throughout the Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) Yukon River, just below White Horse Rapids, Yukon. {Williams)) 588. P. Ohioense, Ren. & Card. On earth at Baddeck, Half-way Brook, Margaree and Louis- burg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on earth in beech woods, Leamington, Essex Co., Ont., May, 1901. {Macoun}) Moist woods, Edmonton, Ont., 1893. {J^^- White) 590. P. piliferum, Schreb. Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams}) Chilliwack Valley, B C, 1 90 1. {J. M. M coun.) 1101. P. microdontium, Kindb., in Biblioth. Botan. 42 (1897). Pog naiuTfi alpinum., var. microdontium, Kindb.; Cat. Can. Musci, p. 152. On St. George and Atka islands, Behring Sea, 1892 ; also at the mouth of Skeena River, B.C., May, 1892. (/. M. Macoun) 1102. P. Vanhoeffeni, Kindb. in Biblioth. Botan. 42 (1897). Rather rare in Greenland. {Vanhoeffen ) 591. p. hyperboreum, R. Brown. On earth near Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A. P. Low) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. This plant has a white hair-point like piliferum but grows up to 8 cm. or more, with abundant branches. {Williams) 592. P. boreale, Kindb. On rocks. Mosquito Bay, Labrador, Lat. 61° 25', Aug. 13th, 1898. {A. P. Low) f 266 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1103. P. Behringianum, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1894. On boggy ground, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, July, 1892. (/. M. MacouH.) On the summit of Sulphur Mountain, Banff, Rocky Mountains, July, 1891. {Macoun.) The last specimen is very doubtful, 5^3- P. juniperinum, Willd. Quite common in all parts of the country about stumps in pastures, and meadows and woods. {Macoun.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. ( Williafns. ) 594. P. strictum, Banks. Sheep Camp and Dyea Creek, Alaska, and Lake Lindeman, Yukon. ( Williams.) 595. P. commune, Linn. The var. ;m'««5 is common in a damp thicket at Leamington, Esse.x Co., Ont. {Macoun.) Lake Lindeman and Dawson, Yukon. At the latter place in fine fruit, July 30th, 1899. {Williams.) 1104. P. inconstans, Hagen. Stems slender, up to 8 cm. high, rather uniformly leaved above with a felt of dark red radicles below. Leaves somewhat distant, irregularly spreading, up to 6 mm. long, lanceolate with costa scarcely or short-excurrent and margins minutely serrulate. Lamellae up to about 24, the median from 5 to 9 cells high, ter- minating in I or sometimes 2 cells, transversely oblong in section about twice wider than high and not or scarcely depressed. Blade of leaf-bearing lamellae on either side of costa of only two layers of cells thick with cell walls on back of leaf not thickened. Leaf- cells in blade between base of lamellae and margin of leaf mostly from "012 by •016 mm. to -016 by '020 mm. Collected at Lake Lindeman in swampy places, May 26th, 1898. ( Williams.) 88. DIPHYSCIUM, Mohr. 596. D. foliosum, Mohr. D. se sile, Schmid.; Kindb., Bryol. N Am. & Eur. 391. Abundant on clay banks. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 22nd, 1898 ; on earth on rocks, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., July, 1900. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 267 89. BUXBAUMIA, HaU. 1105. B. indusiata, Bridel ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. &Eur. 391. This species was included in B. aphyll\ in Part VI., p. 157. I am obliged to Mrs. G. E. Britton for the determination of the species. It has only been found on old logs in damp woods. Above Revelstokeon the Columbia, May 13th, 1890; at Hastings, B.C., April 27th, 1889 ; also near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 19th, 1893. {Macou?i.) 90. PONTINALIS, Dill. 1106. P. gigantea, Sulliv. In a plaster pit, Big Intervale, Margaree, and in a brook, near Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898; in a brook at Wood- stock, N.B., 1899 ; on stones in brooks, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900; in the Courtney River at Comox, Vancouver Island, July, 1893. {Macoun.) 1107. P. Kindbergii, Ren. & Card. In pools along Peace River near Dunvegan, Atha., Lat. 56°, October, 1872. Referred to antipyretica, in Part VI.; in Beaver Meadow Creek, Hull, Que., June, 1898. {Macoun.) 599. P. Neo-Mexicana, Sulliv. & Lesq. In the creek entering the Columbia at Revelstoke, from Eagle Pass, B.C., May, 1890. Referred in Part VI, to F. biformis ; on stones in the Courtney River at Comox, Vancouver Island, June, 1893. {Macoun.) Brook by Chilliwack Lake, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun. ) 600. p. Dalecarlica, Schimp. On stones in the Koaksoak River, Ungava, Labrador, Aug. 1896. {A. P. Low.) On stones in brooks at Margaree and Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on stones in a brook at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899. {Macoun^ 601. P. biformis, Sulliv. On stones in the Madawaska River, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 4th, 1900. {Macotin.) 268 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 602. P. Novae- Anglise, Sulliv. On stones in brooks at Halifax, N.S., June, 1883. Referred in Part V'. to /^ Neo-Mexicana ; on stones in the Scootamata River, North Hastings, Ont., July, 1870. (^Macoun.) Subsp. involuta, Ren. & Card. ; Kindb.. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur.. 147. On stones in Joe Creek, Algonquin Park. Ont., July 17th, 1900 {Macoiin.) 603. P. disticha, Hook. & Wils. F. Lcscurii, Sulliv. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 146. In brooks aloftg Nipigon Lake, Ont., July, 1884 ; also along Telegraph Trail, Blackwater River, B.C., June, 1875. {Macoun.) 604. P. hypnoides, Hartm. On trees subject to flood along Lake Duchesne, above Britan- nia, near Ottawa. On'., Oct. 27th, 1900 ; on rocks in the Petewawa River, Algonquin Park, Ont.. July 24th, 1900 ; near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1875. The above specimen was referred 10 F. disticha in Part VI. Cat. Can. Musci, p. 159. {Macoun.) 605. P. squamosa, Linn. Abundant and in fine fruit on stones in a brook. Long Portage, Petewawa, River. Algonquin Park, Ont., July 25th, T900 ; on rocks along the Bonnechere River. atT Golden Lake, Ont., Sept. 26th, 1900. {Macoun.) Subsp. Delamarei, Ren. & Card. ^ F. squamosa, Linn. ; Cat. Can. Musci, p. 159. On stones in a brook, near Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898. {Macowi.) 1108. P. seriata, Lineb. Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur..'i48. On rocks in a brook. Half Way House, Cape Breton Island. N.S., Aug., 1898. {Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 269 1109. P. nitida, Lindb. & Arn. In brooks near Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., May, 1871 ; referred to F. hypnoides in Part VI. ; in pools along Peace River, below Dunvegan, Oct., 1872, referred to F. disticha in Part VI {Macoun) 91. DICHELYMA, Myrin. 609 . D. pallescens, Bryol. Europ. D. obtustdum, Kindb.; Cat. Can. Musci, p. 160 is merged in this species, On the bases of trees in flooded lands at Golden Lake, Ont., Sept., 1900, (Macoun.) 1110. D. falcatum, (Hedw.) Myrin., D. capillaceum var. elongatum, Kisdb.; Cat. Can. Musci. p. 160. In the bed of a small brook 30 miles north of Michipicotin River, Lake Superior, July 27th, 1869. [Macotm.) Coast of Labrador. {Waghorne.) On wet banks, Lake Lindeman, Yukon In fine fruiting tufts up to ii cm. high. {Wihiams.) 92. LEPTODON, Mohr. 611. L. trichoraitriuni, Mohr. Fosstroemia trichomiiria, Hedw.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & P2ur. 7. On black ash and basswood trees at Edmonton, Ont., July, 1892; also on trees, Credit Forks, Ont., 1893. {Jas. White.) 94. NECKERA, Hedw, 614. N. Menziesii, Drumm. Canon City and Dyea Creek, Alaska. {Williams.) Rather com- mon, Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M.Macou> .) 615. N. pennata, (Linn.) Hedw. Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska. On a cotton-wood. {Wil- liams. 2/0 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 516. N. oligocarpa, Bruch. Specimens collected at Rustico Bay, Prince Edward Island, and at Ottawa, Ont., referred here in Part VI., Cat. Can. Musci belong to N. pennata. On rocks in the " Dry Caiion," Devil's Lake, Rocky Mountains, Aug., 1891. {Macoun.) nil. N. pterantha, C. M. & Kindb. A^. oligocarpa pterantha. Cat. Can. Musci, p. 162. In crevices of rock, fruiting abundantly, at Dawson, Yukon. Secondary stems scarcely branching. {Williams.) 617. N. Douglasii, Hook. Rather common on trees in the Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 618. N. complanata, (Linn.) Heuben. On rocks in a ravine at Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S.. July, 1898. {Macoun.) 95. HOMALIA, Brid. 619. H. Macounii, C. M. & Kindb. Neckera Macounii, C. M. & Kindb. ; Kindb., Bryol, N. Am. & Eur. 19. Common on rocks at Aroostook Falls and Woodstock, New Brunswick, 1899. 1112. H. Jamesii, Schimp. ; Lesq. & James Mosses of N. America, 285, Neckera Jamesii, Schimp.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 19. On rocks, Newfoundland. {Wagkorne.) On steep rocks in a ravine. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) 98. PTERIGYNANDRUM, Hedw. 623. P. filiforme, Hedw. Abundant on rocks, Moose Mountain, Alta., 1897. {Macoun.) On trees at Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska. ( Williams.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 27 1 Subsp. decipiens, (Web. & Mohr.) Limpr. On rocks, Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) On rocks at Margaree and Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. {Macoun.) On rock, Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams.) 99. PTEROGONIUM, Swartz. 625 p. brachypterum, Mitt. Lindbergia brachyptera, Mitt. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 13. On the trunk of Ostrya Virginica, near Hemlock Lake, Beech- wood, Ottawa, Ont., May i6th, 1900. {Macoun.') HYPOPTERYGIUM, Bridel. 1113. H. canadense, Kindb., Revue Bryol.; 1899, 2. Branch-leaves small, crowded and appressed, broadly ovate- apiculate, dentate nearly all around, narrowly iimbate by hyaline narrow cells ; other cells subrhombic, about 0.02 mm. ; costa short ; amphigastria rotundate, dentate Iimbate ; costa confluent wi;h the point. The naked part of the stem about i cm., the upper one scarcely longer. Capsules and male plants unknown. On rocks near ihe coast in company with Asplenitim viride^ Skiddegate, Queen Charlotte Islands. Apparently rare. June, 1898., B.C. {Dr. C. F. Newcombe.) 100. ANTITRICHIA, Brid. 1114. A. gigantea. (Sulliv. & Lesq.) Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1895. A. curtipendula, Brid. vd^x. gigantea^ Cat. Can. Musci, p. 165. On trees at Dyea Creek ; on rocks at Skagway, Alaska. All sterile, {Williams!) 628. A. Californica, Sulliv. Macoimiella Cal for?iica, Sulliv. ; Kindb. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 21. Dyea and Dyea Creek, Alaska ; fruiting. {Williams.) 101. PTERYGOPHYLLUM, Brid. 629. P. lucens, (Linn.) Brid. Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60'' 30', June, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 272 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 102. PABRONIA, Raddi. 1115. p. Ravenelii, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James Mosses of N. America, 295. On earth at Old Wives' Creek and Wood Mountain, Assa., June, 1895. {Macoun.) 104. MYURELLA, Bruch & Schimp 634. M. julacea, (Vill.) Bruch & Schimp. On rock, head of Lake Bennett, sterile; about roots of trees in 'damp places about Dawson. In fine fruit, April 23rd, 1899. {Williams.) 635. M. apiculata, Bruch & Schimp. M. tenerrima, Brid. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 45. On earth at the foot of rock ledges at Dawson, Yukon ; in fruit. {Willi ams.) 636. M. Careyana, Sulliv. M. gracilis, Weinmann ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 45. On the face of rocks and earth along Credit River, near Credit Forks, Ont., October, 1892. {/as. White.) On rocks in a ravine, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Is and, N.S., July, 1898. (Macoun.) 105. LESKEA, Hedw. This genus has been revised by Dr. G. N. Best, Rosemount, New Jersey, and the changes made below are copied from his work. 637. L. polycarpa, Ehrh., var. paludosa, (Hedw.) Sch. On trees, Niagara Falls, Ont., June 15th, 1884; on trees subject to inundation, Kamloops, B.C., June 29th, 1889. The above were referred to L. polycarpa, in Part VI., p. 168. All specimens referred to L. siibobtusifolia, Kindb., Part VI., p. 169 are also placed here. (Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 275 638. L. subobtusifolia, C. M. & Kindb. On the bases of trees in inundated woods at Golden Lake.Ont., Sept. 27th, 1900. {Macoun.) 640. L. nervosa, Myrin. var. bulbifera, (Brid.) Best. On rocks at the mouth of Michaud River, Rimouski Co., Que., Aug. 8th, 1881. {Allen.) On rocks, Buffalo Lake, Atha., Aug. 8th, 1888. (/. M. Macoun:) Both referred in Part VI., p. 169 ta L. ?iervosa. 642. L. pulvinata, Wahl, Roots of trees, Lac Bean, St. Francis River, July loth, 1882 ; also on roots of trees, Tobique River, N.B., July, 1884. {G. U. Hay.) Both of the above were referred to L.polycarpa in Part VL, p. 168. 643. L. WoUei, Aust. On rocks. Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 14th, 1897. {Macoun^) 1116. L, obscura, Hedw. ; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Am. 301. On trees two miles above the railway bridge above Trenton, Ont., on the west side, Aug. 25th, 1866, referred to L. polycarpa in Part VL, p. 168 ; on bark of trees at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899. {Macoun.) iiiv. L. intermedia, Best. On trees near the Great Trenton boulder above Trenton, Ont., Aug. 25th, 1866. {Macoun.) 106. LESCUR-ffilA, Schimp. 1118. L. frigida, Kindb.; Eur. & N. Am. BryoL, p. 26. Leaves from a subovate base gradually narrowed to the long-subulate or filiform-pointed acumen, recurved to it and dis- tinctly decurrent ; cells sublinear except the quadrate alar cells ; costa sometimes long-excurrent. Stem-leaves generally entire ; branch-leaves serrulate at the whole acumen, sometimes short- acuminate and faintly mamillose. Capsules unknown. Stem subpinnate. Tufts dark brown or blackish, not glossy. Veiy distinct in its serrulate branch leaves and very narrow leaf cells- 18 274 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. On earth and rocks, Clearwater Lake, northern Labrador, July- Si st, 1896. (A. P. Low.) lov. ANOMODON, Hook. & Taylor. 11 1 9. A. platyphyllus, Kindb., Note on Can. Bryol., 1893. A. obtiisifolius. Cat. Can. Musci, p. 171 in part. Leaves short, very broad, ovate or ovate-oblong, or from a cordate strongly papillose base slightly contracted to a lingulate blunt acumen. Perichetial leaves with subdentate strongly papillose base and narrow lingulate acumen. Capsule small, oval- oblong ; segments rudimentary ; lid short-conic, not apiculate ; pedicel yellow very much shorter than in A. apiculatiis. On tre s in woods west of the Beaver Meadow, west of Hull, Que., Oct., 1884 ; on trees in swamps at Belleville, Hastings Co., Ont., 1868. {Macoun.) 648. A. apiculatus, Bruch & Schimp. On rocks in woods, C^che Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont, June 9th, 1900. {Macoun) 649. A. viticulosus, (Linn.) Hook. & Tayl. On a limestone ledge, Havelock, King's Co., N.B. (/. Moser.) Limestone rocks. Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 1892. {Jas. White.) On rocks in a ravine. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) 650. A. heteroideus, C. M. & Kindb. On limestone rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., Sept. 1892. {Jas.White.) On flat limestone rocks, Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept., 1893. {Macoun^ 1120. A. glabellus, Kindb. On rocks, Moose Mountain, alt. 7000 feet. Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July ist, 1897. {Macoun.) 1121. A. Moseri, Kindb., Note on Can. Bryol., 1893. Leaves as in A. nervosus but smaller ; cells more rotundate. Perichetial leaves narrowly ovate-oblong, obtusate or short- CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 2/5 acuminate, denticulate at least above the middle. Capsule lanceolate-cylindric, small mouthed ; teeth pale ; segments as high with a distinct basal membrane ; lid apiculate ; pedicel twice longer than in A. nervosus. 1122. A. tectorum, Al. Braun. On rocks, Greenland. {Berggren fide K.ndberg.) On rocks, Moose Mountain alt. 7500 feet. Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897. {Macoun.) On rock in rather dry places, lakes Lebarge and Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) 1123. A SUbrigidulus, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 11. Differs from A. tectorum in the leaves being more distinctly recurved to the short acumen ; middle cells round-oval ; costa generally reaching to the acumen. Stem irregularly divided, not creeping. Capsule and lid as in A. tectorum. ; peristome not seen. On rocks on the coast of Labrador. (Waghorne.') 108. PLATYGYRIUM, Bruch & Schimp. 651. P. repens, Bruch & Schimp. On old logs. Golden Lake, Ont., Sept. 27th, 1900. {Macoun.) 109. PYLAISIA, Bruch & Schimp. 652. P. polyantha, (Schreber) Bruch & Schimp. On trees at Credit Forks, and Edmonton, Ont., Oct., 1893. {Jas. White.) On old logs, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old logs. Otter Slide Creek, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900 ; also at Golden Lake, Ont., 1900 ; on t e bases of trees in woods, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July, 1897. {Macoun.) Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, on wood, Alaska ; at the bases of trees at Dawson. {Williams.) Var. rupestris, Best, N. var. In thin loose mats, deep to dark green; stems pr^ strate, irregu- larly branched; stem leaves ovate-lanceolate, narrowly acuminate, subcomplanate, f Icato-secund, spreading-incurved, entire, costa obsolete, '25 to "35 mm. wide, "6 to "9 mm. long ; median leaf cells linear-rhomboidal, 4 to 6 times as long as wide; alar cells pale, i8>^ 276 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, oblong-quadrate, not numerous ; pedicels slightly roughened ; peristome as in type. With the appearance of a Plagiothecium. On limestone rocks, Ottavva, Canada. {Macoun.) 654. P. pseudo-platygyrium, Kindb. On the bases of trees at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on old logs at Leamy's Lake, near Hull, Que., Nov., 1896. {Macoun.) 1 1 24. p. cyrtophylla, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. p. 60. Leaves broad-ovate, generally obtusate, obtuse, not or slightly recurved ; cells oval, larger than in P. intricata. Branches crowd- ed. Tufts green. Capsules unknown. On old logs by the Peace River, Atha., above Dunvegan, Oct., 1872. {Macoun.) 1125. p. subdenticulata, Schimp.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 308. On trees, Newfoundland. {Waghorne^ 665. p. Selwynii, Kindb. On an old log fence. Blueberry Point, Aylmer, Que,, April 17th,, 1900. Macoun^ 656. p. Ontariensis, C. M. & Kindb. On old logs. Port Dover, Ont., Sept. 24th, 1890. This specimen was referred to P. intricata, in Part VL On trees, Rustico Bay, Prince Edward Island, July 3rd, 1888. This specimen was referred \.o P. polyantha\wY^x\.V\. {Macoun.) On trees at Edmonton and Credit Forks, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White.) Dr. A. J. Grout, in his revision of this genus, places all the above with P. intricata. 657. P. fllari-9,cuminata, C. M. & Kindb. On trees in woods. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 9th, 1900. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 277 •658. P. intricata, Bruch & Schimp. Common on trees at Baddeck and Margaree,Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on old fence rails at Brighton, Ont., 1893 ; at Golden Lake, Ont., 1900. [Macoun.) Dr. A. J. Grout, in the Bulletin of Torrey Bota ical Club, Vol. XXIII., pages 223-233, publishes a preliminary Revision of the North American Isothcciaceae. We sent him all our mounted specimens for examination, and the changes made by him on the returned specimens are given below. Under Pylaisia polyantha he places P. Ontariensis, as a synonym, while the specimens entered now on another page are placed under P. intricata. P. tseudo-platygyrium and P. fJari- acuminata, are reduced to one and take the name of Pylaisiella 1)olyantha pseudo-platygy. ia. (Kindb.) P. Selwynii^ Kindb. becomes a synonym oiP. intricata. P. tevolutifolia Kindb. is referred to Eiitodon repens, {Platygyrium ref-ens. Bruch and Schimp.) More .work is necessary on this genus before our specimens will be satisfactorily arranged. 110. HOMALOTHECIUM, Bruch & Schimp. 662. H. sericeoides, C. M. & Kindb. On rocks. Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Alta., July 1st, 1897. {Macoun.) 663. H. sericeum, Linn. On earth by the sea near the Indian Village, Comox, Vancou- ver Island, June 20th, 1893. {Macoun.) 111. ENTODON, C. MueU. 667. E. Macounii, C. M. & Kindb. On an elm log in swampy woods, Rideau Park, Ottawa, Ont., April 28th, 1900 ; on earth near the Hogsback, Rideau River, near Ottawa, May 2nd, 1897. {Macoun.) 669. E. seductrix, (Hedw.) C. Muell. On earth in woods, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont., June 26th, 1892 ; on old logs, Camlachie, Lambton Co., Ont., June 1901. {Macoun.) 278 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1126. E. Sullivantii, C. Muell. ; Lesq. & James' Mosses of N. America, 313. On logs at Edmonton, Ont., Nov. 15th, 1892 ; also creeping closely on rotten logs at Edmonton, Ont., Oct. 15th, 1892. {Jas. White.) 1127. E. orthocarpus, (La Pyl.) Lindb. On an islan.d in the Yukon River, about 10 miles below Fort Selkirk. On ground under heavy spruce forest. This species has before been reported only from Colorado and Newfoundland ia North America. {Wtlliams.) 112. CLIMACIUM, Web. & Mohr. 672. C. dendroides, Web. & Mohr. Very abundant on old logs in a swamp at Golden Lake, Ren- frew Co., Ont. In very fine fruit Sept. 27th, 1900. {M coun.) Canon City, Dyea Creek, Alaska ; Marsh Lake and Klondike River bottom near its mouth. Not fruiting. ( Williams.) Var. Oregonense, Ren. & Card. Shore of Lake Marsh, Yukon, on gravel ; sterile. (Williams.) 673, c. Americanum, Brid. Roundhouse woods, near Niagara Falls, Ont., May 20th, 1901. {Macoun.) 6*74. C. Ruthenicum, (Weinm.) Lindb. Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. bo° 30', June i8th, 1892. (J. M. Macoun.) 113. ORTHOTHECIUM, Bruch & Schimp. 678. O. chryseum, Bruch & Schimp. On earth along Bragg's Creek, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, July 9th, 1897. {Macoun.) Skagway and Lake Bennett. (Williams.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 279 114. PSEUDOLESKEA., Bruch & Schinip. 679. P. atrovirens, (Dicks.) Br. Eur. P. patens, Limpr. ; Ren. & Card., Bot. Gaz. Vol. XXX., p. 22. P. atro: i em, subsp. tenella^ Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 50. Labrador and Newfoundland. (Wagkorne.) On rocks, Dawson route, west of Lake Superior, July 25th, 1872, referred in Part VI. to Leskca polycar^a ; on rocks, Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, 1887 and 1893. Referred to P. oligoclada in Part VI. On rocks at Sicamous, B.C., July 3rd, 1889, referred to P. falcicuspis in Part VI. On rocks, Crow's Nest Lake, Rocky Mountains, Aug. 3rd, 1897. {Macoun.) 680. p. oligoclada, Kindb. On damp rocks. Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, June 8th, 1887 and July loth, 1893 ; on rocks at the Illicil- lewaet Canon, near Revelstoke, B.C., May i8th, 1890. {Macoun.) 681. p. denudata, Kindb.; Best, Torr. Bull., Vol, XXIX., p. 229. Type locality as in Part VI. Var. Holzingeri, Best. New. var. Cape Chudleigh, Hudson Strait, Aug. 8th, 1884. {Dr. R. Bell.) 684. p. rigescens, (Wils.) Lindb. P.stenophylla, Ren. & Card.; Cat. Can. PI. Part, VI., 181. Quite common »n stems of alder and on stones on damp moun- tain slopes in Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountains. B.C., Aug. 5th and July 31st 1890 ; on rocks, mountains north of Griffin Lake in the Gold Range, B.C., Aug. 9th, 1889. {Macoun) 683. P. radicosa, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James. Labrador and White Bay, Newfoundland. {Wagkorne.) On rocks, Roger's Pass, Selkirk Mountams, B.C., July 29th and Aug. 2nd, 1890 ; on rocks, mountains, north of Griffin Lake, B.C., Aug, nth, 1889; on rocks, Yale, B C, May i8th, 1875; on rocks at Quesnel, B.C., May 29th, 1875; on rocks. Moose Mountain, El- bow River, Alta., July 4th, 1897. (Macoun.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams.) 280 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Van compacta, Best. Bull. Terr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXVII., 231. In intricate tufts or loose mats, dark green to blackish, branches often with yellow-green tips ; stems 2-3 cm. long; branches short, turgid; stem -leaves not rarely straight ; median leaf-cells oval- rhombic to oblong-hexagonal. On rocks in a brook in Roger's Pass, August 21st, 1885 and July 31st, 1890; also on rock three miles below Hector, Rocky Mountains, B.C., August 13th, 1890. (Macowi.) 1128. p. substriata, Best.; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club., Vol. XXVII., P- 233- In appressed.subshining tufts, yellowish green to golden-brown; stems prostrate, radiculose 2-4 cm. long, pinnately branched ; branches suberect, simple, scarcely curved; paraphyllia few, multi- form; stem leaves erect-spreading, straight, deeply biplicate,oval- oblong, gradually acute or acuminate (acumen shorter than body), '8-1 mm. long, •3-4 mm. wide; margins strongly recurved to nearly apex, serrate above ; costa toothed, subpercurrent ; stem-leaves smooth, clear ; basal, oblong-linear in 2 or 3 rows; alar quadrate, rugose, thick-walled, filling the space between folds and margins, extending upwards and becoming oblong ; apical linear; median sublinear .006 mm. wide, 4-6 times as long. Type specimens collected on rocks three miles below Hector, on the Canadian Pacific Railway, B.C., Aug. 13th, 1890. It was originally numbered 484 and named / . atrovirens by Dr. Kind- berg. On rock along the shore of Lake Lindt-man, Yukon {Williams.) We have followed Dr. Best in the arrangement of our speci- mens of this genus as we believe he has done good and careful work. 1129. P. pallida, Best. var. fllescens, Best. Head of Lake Bennett, Yukon. {Williams.) 115. HETEROCLADIUM, Bruch & Schimp. 687. H. dimorphum, Br. Eur. H.squarrosulum (Voit.) ; Kindb. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 46 ; Best, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXVIII., p. 127. On rocks at Hector, Rocky Mountain , B.C., Aug. 15th, 1890. Referred to Pseudoleskea atrovirens in Part VI. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS 28 1 «88. H. Macounii, Best, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXVIII., p. 127. H. heteropterum, Can. Cat. Pt. VI., p. 182. Hants small, in dense, spreading tufts, yellowish green to golden brown. Stems without central strand, stoloniform, 3 to 5 cm. long, irregularly branched ; stems and branches curved at the tips; larger branches (secondary stems) pinnate or bipinnate, often subfasciculate, ascending-erect ; paraphyllia few, ovate or linear-lanceolate, serrate ; stem-leaves close, appressed when dry, erect-spreading when moist, subsecund, narrowly costate to the middle, .3 to .4 mm. wide, .5 to .7 mm. long ; from a cordate, subclasping base, ovate, gradually to abruptly acuminate, spread- ing, tips recurved, margins plane, papillate-serrulate ; larger branch-leaves ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate, serrate, more or less secund ; cells of the basal-central area of stem-leaves sub- linear, .005 to .007 mm. wide, 3 to 5 times long, gradually passing into the quadrate cells of the basal angles and margins and becoming roundish quadrate to rhombic-oblong above, each cell with usually two small papillae on both surfaces near the ends of its long diameter ; apical cells of smaller branch-leaves quadrate, crowned with two papillae. Dioecious; perichetial bracts whitish, inner long, acuminate, flexuous-spreading, serrate ; pedicels smooth, shining, flexuous, about 1*5 cm. long; capsules oblong, gradually tapering to a short neck, horizontal, pachydermous, reddish brown, lightly constricted under the mouthand subpendant when deoperculate ; urn .8 mm. wide, i'5 to 2 mm. long ; exothe- cial cells elliptical-oblong ; exostomial teeth yellowish brown, strongly lamellate, confluent into a reddish basal band ; endosto- mial band nearly one half the length of the teeth ; segments somewhat open, as long as the teeth ; cilia i to 2, nodose-appen- diculate ; annulus broad, of two rows of cells, deciduous ; oper- culum conic, obliquely rostellate ; spores .009 to .012 ; matures in spring. Type specimen collected on damp rocks above the railway bridge at Coldstream, 10 miles from Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. This was named P. Vancouveriense by Kindberg. On May i8th, 1887, the same species was collected in the same place and named P. heteropterum^ Bruch, Fine specimens were collected on Protection Island and Mount Benson, near Nanaimo, July, 1893 ; also on Mount Arrowsmith, Vancouver Island, July 282 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 19th, 1887. (Macoun.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. {J.M. Macoun.^ 690. H. procurrens, (Mitt.) Ran, & Hervey. H. aberratis, Ren. & Card. ; Can. Cat. Pt. VI., 183. Specimens from Roger's Pass and Revelstoke are correctly named. {Macoun.) On rocks at Skagway and Cafion City Alaska. {Macoun.) 689. H. heteropterioides, Best ; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXVIII., 128. H. heteroptenim, Can. Cat. Pt. VI., p. 182 in part. Plants quite small, in intricate spreading tufts, dark green. Stems, without central strand, 3-6 cm. long, variously divided and irregularly branched ; larger branches (secondary stems) ascend- ing-erect, pinnate to bipinnate ; branchlets fasciculate, often tufted ; leaves of primary stems erect-spreading, lower sometimes recurved at tips, papillose, .25-.35 mm. wide, .4-.5 mm. long; from a cordate, subdecurrent base, triangular to ovate-lanceolate, finely pointed, margins plane, papillose-denticulate, costa thin, usually short, rarely narrow and longer, reaching the middle ; leaves of secondary stems appressed when dry,, erect-spreading when moist, cordate-triangular, acute to acuminate, margins papillose-serrulate ; ultimate branch-leaves ovate, acute to narrowly acuminate, cells of the basal- central area of the stem leaves, not so clearly differentiated as in the preceding species, oblong to sublinear about •006 mm. wide, 2-4 times as long, those of the basal margins quadrate, passing into oval-oblong above, each cell with 2-5 small bead-like, irregularly distributed papillae on both surfaces; apical cells of ultimate branch-leaves quadrate to oblong, crowned with 2-4 papillae. Dioecious : perichetial bracts whitish, flexuose- spreading, inner long and narrowly acuminate, margins denticu- late, pedicels smooth, flexuose-curved, about 1.5 cm. long ; cap- sule oval, horizontal, short-necked, pachydermous, contracted under the mouth when deoperculate ; urn 1.5 mm. long, .7 mm. wide ; exothecial cells thick-walled, oval to oblong ; annulus broad, of 2-3 rows of large cells, deciduous; exostomial teeth yel- lowish, strongly lamellate, confluent at the base ; endostomial band about one-half the length of the teeth ; segments slightly CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 283 open ; cilia 1-2, nodose ; operculum conic-rostrate, straight or o jlique, nearly as long as capsule ; spores smooth, .010-.012 mm.; matures in summer ; grows on rocks and stones in damp places. Type locality, Washington ; on rocks, Forward Inlet, Gulf of Georgia, B.C., 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.') On rocks at Hastings, B.C., April 6th, 1889. {Macoun.) Var. fllescens, Best. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXVIII. 129. H. heteroptefum, Can. Cat. Pt. VI. 182 in part. In widely spreading tufts, dark green passing into yellowish green. Stems prostrate, 8-10 cm. long, or longer, sparingly branched ; stems and branches filiform ; leaves smaller ; papillae as in type ; sterile. On rocks at Hastings, B.C., April 13th, 1889 ; on rocks Nan- aimo River, Vancouver Island, April 27th, 1887 ; also on rocks at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun.) PSEUDOLESKEELLA, Kindb. 1130. P. occidentalis, (Sulliv.) Kindb., Bryol. N.Am. & Eur. p. 48. Hypnum occidentalism S, & L. Icon. Muse. Suppl. 105. On rocks m a ravine at Coldstream, Vancouv r Island, June 2nd, 1893 ; along Nanaimo River, Vancouver Island, K\x'\\. 27th, 1887; on rocks, Mount Finlayson, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 31st, 1887 ; on rocks by the Colquitz River, near Victoria, Van- couver Island, June 1st, 1893. {Macouti.) A part of the above specimens were named H. Vancouv erieiise by Kindberg and all of them Hypnum occidentalis, Sulliv,, by Dr. Best in the paper cited on the preceding pages. We have followed Dr. Best in the disposition of our specimens of the genera Leskea, Pseudoleskea, Heterocla- dium, Thuidium and Claopodium. 116. THUIDIQM, Schimp. 695. T. gracile, Bruch & Schimp. T. microphyllum, Sw. ; Best, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXIII., p. 87. On stones at Credit Forks, Ont, {Jas. White.) 284 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1131. T. Virginianum, (Brid.) Lindb.; Best, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club. Vol. XXIII., p. 87. T. gracile, Br. & Sch. var. Laticastriense^^wWw .%i Lesq. Cat. Can. Cat. Pt.VI., 184. Woods west of Hull, Que., April, 1902. {Macoun.) 697. T. recognitum, (Hedw.) Lindb. Yukon River above Fort Selkirk and common about Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) 1132. T. pseudo-gracile, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am & Eur. 56. Differs from T. Virginianum : Leaves of stem broader, from a very broad base, more abruptly narrowed to the often falcate and generally not long acumen, entire, nearly smooth; branch-leaves entire or faintly denticulate. Capsules unknown. Differs also from T. scitutn : Leaves larger and broader ; costa percurrent or excurrent. Stem-leaves shorter and more broadly revolute ; branch-leaves ovate-oblone, acuminate or acute. On old logs in woods near Leamington, Ont., Sept. 19th, 1890. {Macoun. ) 698. T. delicatulum, (Linn.) Mitt., var. repens, Kindb., Ott. Nat., Vol. XIV., 79. Stem creeping and rooting. On roots of trees at Woodstock, N.B., July 3rd, 1899. {Macoun.) 699. T. abietinum, Bruch & Schimp. On dry limestone rocks, Queenston Heights, Ont., May, 1901. {Macoun.) Tagish Custom House and common about Dawson, Yukon, on earth and rock. {Williams.) 700. T. Blandowii, (Web. & Mohr.) Bruch & Schimp. At the head of Lake Bennett, also near the mouth of Bonanza Creek, Yukon ; in fine fruit, July 9th, 1899. {Williams.) 701. T Whippleanum, (Sulliv.) Kindb. Claopodium Whippieanum, (Sulliv.) Best, Bull. Torr. Bot., Club, Vol. XXIV., p. 428. On rocks, Pier's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 9th, 1893 ; on earth by a brook, Point Holmes, near Comox, V.I., July 3rd, 1893. {Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 285 1133. T. Philiberti, Limpricht. 1895. On the bases of trees in woods. Overlooked but doubtless not rare. In woods, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 22nd, 1898 ; also in a ravine at Woodstock, N.B., July 4th, 1899. O^ earth, Pelee Point, Essex Co., Ont., June 4th, 1901. On the bases of trees, Cascades, Gatineau River, Que., June, 1900. {Macoun.) In woods. New Brunswick. (/. Moser.) Klondike River bottom near its mouth, Yukon. Sterile. {Williams.) 1134. T. leuconeuron, SyLLiv. & Lesq. Claopodium leuconeuron, (S. & L.) Ren. & Card. On boulders, Sooke Lake Road, near Coldstream, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun?^ 1135. T. Bolanderi, (Best) ; Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, Vol. XXIV., P-43I- On rocks at Sproat, Columbia River, B.C., June 27th, 1890 ; on rocks, Revelstoke, B.C., May 5th, 1890 ; on rocks, Sicamous, B.C., July i6th, 1889; on rocks at Yale, B.C., Dec. 9th, 1872 ; on rocks, Cedar Hill, Victoria, Vancouver Island, April 21st, 1887. {Macoun) On rocks, Kadiak Island, Alaska, Sept. 22nd, 1891. {J.M. Macoun) On rocks, Malespina Inlet, B.C., July, 1885. {Dr. G. M. Dawson.) On rocks. Griffin Lake, B.C., Aug. nth. 1889. All the above specimens have been taken out of T. crispifolium. 1136. T. pseud-abietinum, Kindb. Note on Canad. Br} ol. 1893. Leaves orange at insertion ; middle cells oval-oblong. -^Stem- leaves ovate, short-acuminate faintly denticulaie above. Branch- leaves ovate-oval, sub-obtuse more distinctly denticulate, very opaque and mamillose or papillose on both sides. Stem brown- tomentose ; branches short and distant. Lid of capsule not seen. Labrador. {Waghorne.) On earth in a swamp at Britannia, 6 miles west of Ottawa, Ont., Sept. nth, 1890. Referred in Part VI., p. 186 to T. Blandowii. {Macoun) 113Y. T. pellucinerve, Mitt. Claopodium, pellucitierve, (Mitt.) Best. Collected at Canon City, Dyea Creek, Alaska. {Williams) 286 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA ELODIUM, SuUiv. 1138. E. paludosum, Sulliv.; Lesq. & James Mosses of N. Am p. 329. On hummocks in swamps at Edmonton, Ont., Oct. 1892 and Aug., 1893. (^Jas. White.) Queenston and " roundhouse woods," near Niagara Falls, Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) 118. CAMPOTHECIUM, Schimp. 705. C. lutescens, Bruch & ScHiMP." Sheep Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.') Sheep Camp, Dyea Creek, Alaska ; on cotton-wood. (IVilliams.) 1139. C. pinnatifidum, Sulliv. & Lesq.; Lesq. & James Mosses of N.Am., p. 333. On rotten logs, Cedar Hill, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, April i6th, 1887. Mixed with Scliam.) 751. B. populeum, Bruch & Schimp. On rocks and stones in damp woods, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898; on boulders in woods, Cache Lake, Al- gonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun) 752. B. plumosum, Bruch & Schimp. On rocks, Aroostook Falls, N.B., 1899 ; on rocks in brooks and^ damp woods, Margaree, and Half-Way House, Cape Breton Is- land, 1898; abundant on.rocks, Meech's Lake, Chelsea,Que., Sept., 1893; on stones in woods, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macouti.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. {J. M. Macoun) 19 ' / 290 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 1144. B. cavernosum, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Differs from B. rutabuliforme : Leaves more concave, recurved on both sides to acumen ; alar and lower basal cells small, green and well-defined. Lid of capsule longer fointed or 1 ostella'e. On rocks near high-water mark, Spanish Mills, and on moist rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., 1892-93. ( Jos. White) 1145. B. Hillebrandi, Lesq.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 340. On old logs in woods, Carleton Place, Ont., May 12th, 1900. {Macoun?) 1146. B. biventrosum, Muell.; Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. America, 338. On old logs in woods, Carleton Place, Ont., May 12th 1900. {Macoun.^ 1147. B. calicareum, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Leaves crowded, long-acuminate, filiform-pointed, more or less recurved, incurved-lalcate when dry, patent when moist; angular cells short, special alar cells few, hyaline and much larger, the others linear. Stem-leaves with a broad base; costa short, gener- ally vanishing near the middle. Branch-leaves narrow ; costa nearly reaching the acumen. Capsule small, arcuate; cilia not appendiculate; lid apiculate; pedicel smooth about i cm. long. Tufts dense, radiculose, green, faintly glossy. Stem irregu- larl)^ divided; branches not compressed. Habit of B. intricatum. Abundant on flat limestone rocks in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., Oct., 1892, May, 1899, and June, 1900. {Macoun.) 1148. B. intricatum, Hedw.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am.& Eur. 118. On damp rocks, Meech's Lake, Chelsea, Que., Sept. 23rd, 1893. New to America. {Macoun.) 1149. B. SUbintricatum, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Leaves narrowly ovatc-oblong, or ovate-lanceolate nearly uni- form (those of the branches not much narrower), nearly crowded (at least those of the stem), decurrent, not falcate when dry; alar cells few, the others linear; costa vanishing above the middle. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 29I Capsule arcuate; pedicel very rough. Stem subpinnate. Differs from B. velutinum and B. intricatum : Leaves faintly denticulate filiform-pointed ; alar cells often dilated. Perichetial leaves nearly entire with a long filiform deflexed point. Capsule oblong- cylindric, arcuate. Tufts loose, sparingly radiculose dusky green. Branches faintly compressed. On trunks, near their bases, Sea's farm, near Victoria, Van- couver Island, 1893. (Macoun.) 1150. B. erythrorrhizon, Bruch & Schimp. On earth, common at Dawson, Yukon. ( Williams.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B. ( /. Moser.) This specimen was referred to Eurhynchiutn hians in Part VI. 206. 1151. B. cirrosum, Schwaegr. Cirripliyllum cirrosum (Schwaegr.) Grout. In thick mats on rocks by a stream. Collected in rather old fruit, August 27th, 1899, at Skagway, Alaska. {Williams^ 1152. B- petrophyllum, R. S. Williams, Bull, of New York Bot. Gar., Vol. II., p. 136, 1901. In low dense tufts or sometimes in thin mats with long creep- ing stems and short subpinnate branches. Stem leaves 1.5 mm., long by .04 mm. wide, narrowly ovate-lanceolate, about one-half costate, serrulate all round, more or less decurrent and margin reflexed near base, not very concave, and scarcely or not plicate. Median leaf-cells linear, flexuous up to '065 mm. long, and "005 mm. wide. Alar cells short and broad, not forming a distinct cluster. Branch leaves very similar to stem leaves but mostly a a little smaller with longer costa ending in spine on back and ad- jacent cells, sometimes papillose by the projecting upper ends. Inner perichetial leaves pale ecostate, gradually narrowed to a slender, flexuous, serrulate point, with rarely i or 2 coarse teeth at its base. Capsule nodding, curved with lid about 2*5 mm. long and i mm. broad. Lid conical its height about equal to basal diameter. Annulus of two \ ows of cells. Teeth of peristome hyaline bordered, papillose above, outer phtes striate, inner lamellae about 30, segments without rounded perforations, more or less split along the keel with mostly 2 appendiculate cil a 191^ / 292 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. between. Seta rough throughout, up to i cm. high. Smooth spores up to •on mm. On rock at Dawson, Yukon. In good fruit, June 24th, 1898. This species is evidently nearest to suberythrorrhizon but differs in the rough pedicel, leaves narrower, less serrate and plicate, and cilia appendiculate. (IVt/Ziams.) 120. SCLEROPODIUM, Schimp. 754. S, csespitosum. (VVils.) Br. & Sch. On rocks, Drew's Harbour, Vancouver Island, 1885. (D/'. G.M. Dawson.) On rocks, Lake Athabasca, S^-pt., 1875. {Macoun.) "757. S. illecebrum, (Linn.) Br. & Sch. On rocks in Pier's woods, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 8th, 1893 ; on wet rocks, Agassiz, B.C., May 8th, 1889 ; the latter specimen was referred in Part VI., p. "202 to 6". obtusifolmm by Kindberg. (Macoun.) 1153. S. colpophyllum, (SuLLiv.) Grout. Cedar Hill, near Victoria and on the bases of trees near Esqui- malt, Vancouver Island, 1893; also a doubtful specimen (named by Kindberg) at Otter Lake Creek, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 19th, 1900. (Macoun) Var. attenuatum, Grout. Stoloniferous, much more slender, with more distant, loosely spreading leaves ; leaves much narrower with a longer and more slender acumination ; branch leaves varying from 17 x 0*54 mm. on the longer branches to i x 0*2 on the smaller. Type from perpendicular rocks at Goldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun) I have followed Dr. A. J. Grout in the arrangement of the specimens of this genus. See his revision of the North America species of Scleropodium in the Contributions of the Department of Botany of Columbia University, No. 165. 121. ISOTHECIUiM, Brid. 1154. I. brachycladon, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 35. Differs from /. aplocladum : Leaves smaller ; those of the stem subovate, nearly entire, with very short or indistinct costa; branch- CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 293 leaves sometimes short-acuminate. Stem creeping, irregularly divided; branches distant, very short,slightly curved not julaceous. Tufts bright green. Capsules unknown. Habit of /. striatum. Under damp rocks, Sea's Farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Is- land, May 6th, 1893. {Macoun.) Dr. A. J. Grout writes on this specimen " Not aplocladon. Pro- bably ntyurellum." 1155. I. hylocomioides, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am.& Eur. 35. Differs from /. Breweri. Leaves shorter, subovate, generally subobtuse, more sharply serrate above to below the middle ; apical cells oval-oblong, middle and lower linear, alar disposed on a short space. Perichetial leaves minutely denticulate. Cap- sule cylindric-oblong sometimes curved; teeth pale yellow ; cilia short ; lid not seen. Tufts loose, green or brown-green. Stem bipinnate ; branches numerous not julaceous, often with short flagellae. On rocks in the ravine at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893 ; on damp rocks, Victoria Arm, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May nth, 1893. {Macmm.) Dr. A. J. Grout refers the above specimens to /. stoloniferum. 1156. I. thamnioides, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 36. Stem-leaves denticulate below, serrate or twice serrulate above ; upper cells rhombic or rhomboidal. Branch-leaves serrate nearly all around ; upper cells lanceolate-linear, middle and lower sub- linear, alar disposed on a short space. Perichetial leaves serrate. Capsule cylindric, inclined or slightly curved; lid short-acuminate; teeth yellow; cilia short appendiculate. Tufts loose, glossy green. Branches long-attenuate nearly crowded not julaceous. On rocks in the ravine at Coldstream, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun.) 1157. I. obtusatulum, Kindb., Revue Bryol.; 1895. Stem-leaves broad-ovate, short, acuminate, acute, recurved be- low, serrate above; branch-leaves smaller, suboval, obtusate often obtuse; upper (sometimes also the middle) cells oval or broad- oblong, middle narrowly oblong or sublanceolate; costa reaching to ^ or shorter. Capsule oblong; teeth yellowish; cilia nodose, 294 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. shorter; lid muticous, acute. Stem pinnate ; branches generally distant, often flagelliferous. Tufts dark green. On rocks, Parson's Mountain, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 17th, 1893. {Macoun.) The whole genus needs revision as altogether too many species have been made. 122. EURHYNCHIUM, Schimp. 768. E. strigosum, (Hoffm.) Br. & Sch. On rotten logs, Edmonton, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White.) On earth. Jumping Pound Creek, Alta., 1897; on hillsides. Old Wives' Creek, Assa., 1895 ; on earth in a ravine at Woodstock, New Brunswick, 1899 ; on earth and logs, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {^Macoun.) Common at Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) Subsp.prsecox, Hedw.; Kindb., Bryjl. N. Am. & Eur., 104. On rocks, Deer Park, Lower Arrow Lake, Columbia River, B.C., June 4th, 1890. {Macoun.') 776. E. gramincolor, Br id. E. SullivaTitii, (Spruce) ; Can. Cat., Pt. VL, 206, On limestone rocks, quite common at Foster's Flats, Niagara River, Ont., 1901. {Macoun?) 111. E. hians, (Hedw.) Lesq. & James. On earth in woods at Southampton, Ont., August 20th, 1901. (Macoun.) 778. E. Stokesii, (Turn.) Bruch & Schimp. Specimens from old logs and damp rocks at Hastings, B.C., April 6th and 8th, 1889, are placed here by Dr. A. G. Grout. They were placed with B. hians by Dr. Kindberg in Part VL, p. 206. {Macoun^ Subsp. pseudo-speciosum, Kindb. Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 95. Leaves squarrose ; costa vanishing below the acumen. Stem creeping. Capsules unknown. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 295 On earth under a log, Sea's farm, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 6th, 1893. {Macoun) 780. E. semiasperum, C. M. & Kindb. The specimen on which this species is based is referred to Brachythecium plumosum by Dr. A. J. Grout. 1158. E. subscabridum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 93. Differs from E. Siillivantii : Stem subjulaceous ; branches attenuate, longish, nearly crowded. Leaves shorter, more con- cave and longer decurrent ; alar cells more numerous. Stem- leaves filiform-pointed; branch leaves ovate-oblong, long-acumi- nate. Tufts pale green. Sometimes pseudo-monoecious. Capsules unknown. Newfoundland. {Waghorne) On limestone rocks at Ottawa, Ont. We have no specimens. {Macoun.) 1159. E. pseudo-velutinoides, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Leaves subulate-acuminate filiform-pointed, not or slightly, striate, faintly reflexed near the base ; cells sublinear ; costa short. Stem-leaves entire subovate or ovate-oblong ; costa scarcely reaching to the middle. Branch-leaves ovate-lanceolate denticulate all around ; costa reaching somewhat above the middle. Perichetial leaves with very long filiform point. Cap- sules not seen ; pedicel rough. Tufts loose, green. Stem not creeping. On earth, Sea's farm, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May, 1893. {Macoun.) 1160. E scabridum, Lindb. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 94. On earth in woods. Otter Slide Creek, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 19th, 1900. {Macoun.) 1161. E. subcsespitosum, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Differs from E. illecebrum and ccBspitosiim\ leaves narrower, less crowdedand not densely appressed; those of thestem ovate-oblong often filiform-pointed ; cells generally linear except the dilated hyaline alar and lowest basal. Branch-leaves denticulate only in upper quarter. Tufts yellowish green, faintly glossy. Capsules unknown. 296 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. On wet rocks, Goldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun.) Dr. A. J. Grout refers this species to Brachythecium asperrimum mixed with what is probably a Scleropodium. 1162. E. MaCOUnii, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Stem-leaves ovate-oblong, long-acuminate, often filiform- pointed, denticulate at least at the acumen. Branch-leaves sub- ovate-lanceolate, obtusate, denticulate below ; upper cells rhombic, alar hyaline, subquadrate, the others sublinear-lanceo- late ; costa stout, vanishing above the middle. Perichetial leaves long-acuminate, filiform-pointed, denticulate above. Capsule narrow-cylindric, suberect, nearly straight ; lid rostellate. Tufts golden, glossy or green. Stem subpinnate ; branches acute. On rocks. Mount Finlayson. near Goldstream, Vancouver Island, 1887. {Macoun.) 1163. E. glaciale. Br. Eur. Greenland. {Berggcrn.) On trees in a swamp at Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 20th, 1898. {Macoun.') 1164. E. Labradoricum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. loi. Differs from E. glaciale : Leaves larger, somewhat glossy, not appressed when dry; cells sublinear except the large not numer- ous alar ones ; costa vanishing near the middle. Stem-leaves generally entire ; branch-leaves long-acuminate minutely denticu- late above. Perichetial leaves patent. Capsule curved ; pedicel quite smooth, 3-4 cm. long; lid acute; oeristome not seen. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Sept. 9th, 1896. {A. P. Low.) 1165. E. aCUtifolium, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Differs from E. strigosum : Leaves long-distant, long-decurrent, with long subulate acumen, spreading also when dry ; branches more distant ; pedicel of capsule longer; monoecious. On wet logs near Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 25th, 1893 {Macoun?) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAIS PLANTS. 297 123 . RAPHIDOSTEGIUM, Lesq. & James. •732. R. recurvans, (Schw.) Lesq. & James. On old logs at Woodstock, N.B., 1899 ; on earth, on old logs, in a cedar swamp at Sherkstone, near Port Colborne, Ont., 1901. {Macotin.) ^SV. R. Roellii, Ren. & Card. On rocks in a ravine, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July i6th. 1898. {Macoun.) 1166. R. laxepatulum, Lesq. & James, Mosses of N. Am. 358. On old logs, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 20th, 1898 ; on roots of trees, Dawson route, July, 1872 ; in thick mats on the bases of trees at Belleville, Ont., 1868 ; also on logs, Ste, Anne des Monts River, Gaspe Co., Que., Aug., 1882. The last three specimens were placed under R. reairvans in Part VI., p. 308. Mrs. E. G. Britton discov.red these and other inaccuracies in the determination of spegies in this genus. {Macoun^ 1167. R. Whitei, KiNDB., Bryol. N. Am. & E;ur. 101. Leaves faintly or not recurved, generally entire below the acumen, with serrate filiform or subulate point ; alar cells hyaline. Perichetial leaves dentate at the long acumen. Capsule suboval, curved or oblique ; teeth pale ; segments entire, beak not long ; pedicel short. Stem pale or red. Tufts green. Monoecious. On old logs at Edmonton, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White?) On old logs in woods, Big Intervale, Cape Breton Island, N.S„ 1898 ; also on old logs, Algonquin Park Ont., 1900. {Macoun) 124. RHYCHOSTEGIUM, Schimp. 792. R. rusciforme, (Weis.) Schimp. On stones in brooks, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on stones, Aroostook Falls, N.B., Sept. 1899. {Macoun) 791.-R. serrulatum, (Hedv^.) Lesq. & James, subsp. eriense, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. &. Eur. 63. Leaves subovate nearly crowded, shorter and less distant than the species ; alar cells more distinct. Capsule smaller; pedicel short. / 298 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. On earth at Leamington, Essex Co., Ont., Sept., 21st, 1890. Referred to R, serrulatum in Part VI., p. 210. {Macotin.) Subsp. hispidifolium, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 68 Branches longer. Leaves very long, ovate-lanceolate, long- acuminate sharply serrate. Capsules and flowers unknown. On rocks at Craigflower Road, Victoria, Vancouver Island, May 30th, 1893; on old logs, Hastings, B.C., April, 1889. (Ma- conn.) 1168. R. subintegrifolium, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 68. Leaves decurrent chlorophyllose ovate-oblong, short-pointed faintly striate ; alar cells somewhat numerous, the others sub- linear ; costa mostly thin generally reaching to the acumen, sometimes thicker, shorter and forked. Capsule subobovate or arcuate ; pedicel smooth ; lid and male flowers not seen. Habit of R. semdaium. On logs and earth, Revelstoke, B.C., May 5th, 1890 ; on earthy banks by the sea at Comox, Vancouver Island, June 20th, 1893. {Macoun.) 1169. R. Re velstokense, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 67. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, long-subulate, denticulate, plicate and pellucid, sometimes short-decurrent ; cells lanceolate except the alar; costa somewhat thick, vanishing above the middle or shorter. Capsule arcuate ; lid rostellate ; padicel short, smooth. Stem creeping subpinnate or irregularly divided. Tufts pale or light green. Male flowers not found. Newfoundland. {Waghonie.) On old logs at Revelstoke, B.C., May 5th, 1890. {Type) On earthy banks, Comox, Vancouver Island, June 20th, 1893. (Dr. A. J. Grout makes this specimen Brachythedum lampochryseum, {Macoun.') 1 1 70. R. pseudo-serrulatum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am.& Eur. 67. Leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, minutely denticulate, striate and chlorophyllose, not or indistinctly decurrent ; cells lanceolate, the lower shorter and more dilated ; costa thin, vanishing above the middle. Stem-leaves with a short-acuminate or filiform-point; branch-leaves with a short, subulate, sometimes twisted point. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 299 Capsule arcuate ; lid apiculate ; pedicel rough, very long. Stem glossy radiculose at the base. Monoecious. Habit of R. serrula- tum. Harbour Deep, Seal Cove and Western Cove, Newfoundland, Oct., 1891. {Waghome) Canaan Forks, N.B., Oct., 1891. {Moser.) On earth in woods at Ottawa, Ont., Oct., 12th, 1889. Neither Mrs. Britton nor Dr. Grout accept this species as they say the specimens referred to it are not all the same thing, {Macoun.) 125. THAMNIUM, Schimp. '794. T. neckeroides, Bruch & Schimp. Porotrichum. neckeroides, (Schwaegr.) Willisms. Canon City, Dyea Creek, Alaska. {Williams.) 12G. PLAGIOTHECIUM, Schimp. 800. P. trichophorum, (Spruce) Lesq. & James. P. piliferum, Swartz ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 71. Coast of Queen Charlotte Islands, 1898. {Dr. C. F. Newcombe.) Canon City, Skagway and Lake Lindeman. {Williams.) HOI. P. pulchelliun, (Dicks.) Bruch & Schimp. Above the basin, Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley.) Common on earth and rock at Lake Marsh and Dawson, Yukon. (Wil- liams.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901 ; on dead moss, St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, 1892. {J.M. Macomi.) 807. P. Muehlenbeckii, Bruch & Schimp. Campylium striatellum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 119. Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60° 30', Aug., 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) On rocks and damp earth, Big Intervale, and Half Way Brook, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; on old logs at Foster's Flats, Niagara River, Ont., 1901. {Macoun) 808. P. denticulatum, (Linn.) Bruch & Schimp. On earth and rocks, very common, in Algonquin Park, Ont. ; also at Niagara Falls and Camlachie, Ont., 1901. A very abun- dant species. {Macoun) Head of Lake Bennett and Dawson, Yukon. {Williams) 300 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 810. p, Sullivantiae, Schimp. P. Roesei, Hampe ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 70. On hummocks in swamps, Edmonton, Ont., Oct., 1892. {Jas. White.) On earth on roots, Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept. 23rd, 1893. {Macoim.) 811. p. membranosum, Kindb. Rhyncostegiitm membratwsum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 67. On old logs, at Edmonton. Ont., 1892. [Jas. White.) On old logs. Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 14th, 1897. Mrs. E. G. Britton doubts the correctness of the identifica- tion of the latter specimen. {Macoun.) 812. P. brevipungens, Kindb. Old logs, Johnstone's Lake, North Wakefield, Que., June 2nd, 1898 ; also on old logs, Carleton Place, Ont., May 12th, 1900. {Macoun.) 813. P. aciculari-pungens, C. M. & Kindb. On the ground, Halifax Co., N.S., July, 1894. (/• Moser.) On rocks in a ravine, Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on rocks. Otter Slide Creek, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 19th, 1900. {Macoim) llVl. P. diversifoliun, Kindb. in litt. P'ort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug. 27th, 1896. {A. P. Low.") 814. P. undulatum, Bruch & Schimp. Loring, Juneau, and also at Salmon Creek, near Juneau, Sitka. {Miss G. CoJey.) 127. AMBLYSTEGIUM, Schimp. 815. A. minutissimuin, Sulliv. & Lesq. On earth in a ravine at Coldstream, near Victoria, Vancouver Island, June 2nd, 1893. {Macoun.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3OI 816. A. Sprucei, Bruch & Schimp. On old logs, Jumping Pound Creek, and on earth, Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897. {Macoun.) In good fruit at Dawson, Yukon, August 7th, 1899. {Williams.) 81 "7. A speirophyllum, Kindb. Mr. L. C. Cheney says of this species that it is sterile and prob- ably a form of A. irriguum or A. varium. (Bot. Gaz. Vol. XXIV 141). 819. A. subtile, Bruch & Schimp. On bark of trees. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macou?i.) 822. A, serpens, Br. Eur. var. subenerve, Ren. & Card. ; Bot. Gaz., Vol. XXX., p. 22. Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. {VVaghor/ie) 1^2. A. pseudo-confervoides, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Leaves smaller, shorter and less distinctly denticulate than in A. co?ifervoides ; cells wider oval-oblong. Stem-leaves ovate- oblong obtusate acute or short-acuminate. Branch-leaves suberect when moist. Capsule arcuate ; lid conic-obtuse ; pedicel very short. Perichetial leaves nearly entire. Stems and branches subjulaceous. On flat limestone rocks near the Experimental Farm, west of Ottawa, Ont., April i6th, 1893 ; also in same habitat at Carleton Place, Ont., and west of Hull, Que., 1899. {Macoim.) 823. A. porphyrhizon, (Lindb.) Schimp. On rocks, Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 1893. {Jas. W/nle.) On old logs at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 1898 ; on earth along Scull Creek. Crane Lake Assa., June, 1894 ; on earth along Jumping Pound Creek, Rocky Mountains, 1897. (Macozm.) 824. A. varium, (Hedw.) Lindb. On rotten logs, Edmonton, Ont., Oct., 1892. (Jas. White.) In wo )ds. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1903; quite common 302 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. on stones and earth at Niagara and Queenston, Ont., 1901 ; on earth in the Cypress Hills, Assa., June, 1894 ; on rocks, Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., Aug., 1897. {Macoun.) 825. A. orthocladon, (Beauv.) Lesq. & James Reduced to A. variiim by Mr. L. S. Cheney. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XXIV., 265. On earth below Queenston Heights, Ont , May 8th, 1901. {Macoim.) 827. A. fluviatile, Bruch & Scrimp. On stones in brooks. Cape Breton I^and, N.S., July, 1898 ; Meech's Lake, Que., and in Rockcliffe Park, Ottawa, Ont., 1900. {Maccun.) 828. A. curvipes, Grumb. A. Kochii, Bruch & Schimp. ; L. C. Cheney. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XXIV., p. 265. On old logs, Foster's Flats, Niagara Falls, Ont., May 13th, 1901 ; on earth at the base of trees in woods at Tilsonburgh, Ont., June 26th, 1901. {Macojm.) 820. A. adnatum, (Hedw.) Lesq. & James. On stones in woods. Credit Forks, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White) On sandstone rocks, Cypress Hills, Assa., June, 1894. {Macoim.) 1173. A. Lescurii, Sulliv. ; Lesq. & James Mosses of N. America, 376. Platyloma Lescwii (Sulliv.) ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 79. On wet rocks, Joe Creek, and Petewawa River, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 1900. {Macoun^ 831. A. compactum, (C. Muell.) Bruch & Schimp. Very common at Dawson, Yukon. {Williams?) 128. HYPNUM, Linn. Subgenus I. CAMPYLIUM, Linn. 836. H. hispidulum, Brid. On earth by the bases of trees, Edmonton, Ont., 1892. {Jas, White.) On dead sticks. Otter Slide Creek, Algonquin Park, Ont., CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 303 July, 1900; at Camlachie and Wyoming, Lambton Co., Ont., 1901. {Macoim.) On logs, at Dawson, Yukon, ^n fruit, July i6th, 1899. ( Williams.) S39. H. chrysophyllum, Brif. Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) On old logs at the Tunnel, Sarnia, Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) 843. H. Macounii, Kindb. L'Anse-au-Mort, Labrador, 1894 ; on rocks, Cook's Brook and Middle Arm, Newfoundland, 1896-97. {Waghorne.) 844. H. stellatum, Schreb. Head of Lake Bennett and at Dawson, Yukon. {Williams) 845. H. polygamum, (Bruch & Schimp.) Wils. On earth in a bog at Gait, Ont., 1901. {Macoun.) Klondike River bottom, Yukon. {Williams.) 11^4. H. sinuolatum, Kindb. in Hedwigia, 1897, P- 47- Leaves sinuolate short-acuminate; alar cells hyaline, the others sublanceolate ; costa long, somewhat thick. Stem irregularly divided. Tufts dense. Capsules unknown. On rocks in a ravine. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July. 1898. {Macoutt.) 11V5. H. Fitzgeraldi, Renauld ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 120. Newfoundland. [Waghoriie.) Subgenus II. HARIIDIUM. 11 V6. H. aduncum, Linn. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) Digge's Island, Hudson Bay, 1885. {Dr. R. tell) In the vicinity of Belleville, Hastings Co., and in a swamp at Wooler, Ont.; swampy ground, Jupittr River, Anticosti, Que., 1883 ; Cottonwood Coulee, Battle Creek, south of Cypress Hi Is, Assa., July, 1895 ! swrmpy earth at Kamloops, B.C., June, 1889. {Macouv.) 304 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 847. H. Sendtneri, Schimp. On stones in a brook near Aspy Bay, Cape Breton Island, N.S. Aug., 1898; in pools in the Cypress Hills, Assa., June 24th, 1894; in a swamp at Johnstone's Harbour, Bruce Peninsula, Ont., Aug., 1 90 1. {Macoun.) 848. H. Cossoni, Schimp. On earth in wet places, Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A. P. Low.) 849. H. vernicosum, Lindb. In a swamp. Mosquito Bay, Labrador, Lat. 61** 25', Aug. 13th, 1898. {A. P. Low.) \\11. H. SUbsecundum, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Leaves not large, nearly crowded, entire; cells linear, the lower basal, yellow; costa vanishing below the acumen. Stem-leaves from a broad-ovate base, short-acuminate; costa very thick,branch leaves from a subovate base (more or less gradually) long-subu- late, subsecund when dry; costa thinner. Capsule arcuate; pedicel short; teeth brownish. Stem creeping. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On earth. Credit Forks, Ont., Sept., 17th, 1892. {Jas. White.) soo. H. Wilsoni, Schimp. Cottonwood Coulee, Battle Creek, south of Cypress Hills, Assa., July 4th, 1895. {Macoun.) Middle of Lake Lebarge, Yukon. ( Williams.) 851. H. brevifolium, LiNDB. H. Bambergeri, Schimp.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 130. On rocks. Jumping Poun 1 Creek, Rocky Mountains, Alta., June 14th, 1897. {Macoun.) 853. H. rivolvens, Swartz. Boggy places, Nagai Island, Alaska, Sept., 1897. (J. M. Macoun.) In a bog north of Prince Albert, Sask., July 3rd, 1896 {Macoun.) Connmon in swamps at Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 305 854. H. fluitans, Linn. In bogs, Sable Island, N.S., 1899 ; in bogs, Johnston's Lake, near North Wakefield, Que., 1898 ; abundant, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macoun.) In swamps near Marsh Lake, Yukon. {Williams.) . Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 855. H. exannulatum, Guembel. Boggy spots and ponds, Sable Island, N.S., Aug., 1899. {Macoun.) Bogs, Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Septem- ber, 1896. {A. P. Low.) Bogs on Barren Grounds, Lat. 62° 56', Long. 102° 45' W., Aug., 1893. (/. B. Tyrrell.) Subsp. pseudo-lycopodioides, Kindb., Ott. Nat. Vol. XIV. p. 82. ► Agrees with H. exannulatum in the leaves being long-decurrent and with large hyaline alar cells ; but the leaves are shortish and entire with generally an obtusate acumen ; costa thicker. Cap- sules not seen. Resembles in habit Calliergon ochraceum, but the stem-leaves are plicate as in Hypnum lycopodioides. On stones in woods at Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macotm.) Subsp. pseudo-stramineum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 132. Leaves green, entire, often straight ; those of the branches often with oblong apical cells. Capsules not seen. Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) In pools near Victoria, and on earth in a wet field on Sea's farm, near Esquimalt, Vancouver Island, May, 1893. {Macoun.) 856. H. uncinatum, Hedw. Canon City and Dyea Creek, Alaska ; Lake Lindeman, Lake Lebarge and Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C. (/. M. Macoun.) Var. raicropterum, Kindb. St. Paul Island and St. George Island, Behring Sea, July, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 20 / 306 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Var. plumulosum, Schimp. Among boulders in rather dry places, Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (Willinms.') Var. subsymmetica, (Card.) Kindb. In the Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 857. H. Moseri, Kindb. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Sept., 1896. {A. P. Low.) On rocks. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun) 11 78. H. orthothecioides, Lindb. ; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 133. Greenland. {Dr. Roseiiwingc.) 858. H. longinerve, Kindb. In a pool i 1 woods, Victoria Park, Ottawa Ont., June 19th. 1900. (^Macoun) 859. H. conflatum, C. M. & Kindb. Middleton Island, Alaska, Lat. 59° 30', 1892 ; St. Paul Island, Behring Sea, July, 18^2. {J. M. Macoun.) 1179. H. amblyphyllum, R. S. Williams, Bull, of New York Bot. Gar., Vol. II., p. 139. Alar cells often inflated nearly to costa and some small, nearly quadratic cells at margin just above the alar cells. Medium leaf- cells '005 or •006 mm. wide and mostly .035 to .060 mm. long. Younger branch leaves narrowly lanceolate with very short costa. Perichetial leaves not plicate, closely sheathing, but little larger or more pointed than stem leaves, entire, with faint costa extend- ing up I or more. Seta up to 6 cm. long. Capsule 2.5 by i mm., with short upright collum, bu' much curved and nodding above. Lid acutely conical, its height less than basal diameter. No an- nulus. Peristome teeth broadly hyaline bordered above, outer plates, finely punctate below. Basal membrane of endostome scarcely ^ the teath in height with solid segments and 2 or 3 nodose cilia between. Transversely elongated cells about mouth CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 307 of capsule in 3 or 4 rows, the cells below roundish to oblong. Stomata roundish to short oblong, up to .040 mm. long Minutely roughened spores up to .016 mm. This species is intermediate between exannulatum and pseudo- stramineiim. From the first it differs in the short, broadly- pointed leaves, the angular stem with fewer thickened cells in the outer walls and leaf cells not pitted. The second differs in being monoecious, with entire, not decurrent leaves and not angular stems. At Dawson, Yukon, in swamp water, in fine fruit July 17th, 1898. (Williams) Subgenus III. -CRATONEURON, SuUiv. 860. H. filicinum, Linn. On rocks by springs, Niagara River, May, 1901. {Macoun?) In springs, head of Lake Bennett, Yukon. (Williams.) €61 H. chloropterum, C. M. & Kindb. Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. {/. M. Macoun.) «62. H. Novse-Anglise, Sulliv. & Lesq. On old logs, Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept. 23rd, 1893. (Macoun.) 863. H. commutatum, Hedw. subsp. sulcatum, Schimp. Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 127. Greenland. (Berggren.) Newfoundland. (Waghorne.) 864. H. falcatum, Brid. On earth about springs. Jumping Pound Creek, Alta. ; also Crow's Nest Pass, Alta., Rocky Mountains, Aug.. 1897. (Macoun.) About springs at the head of Lake Bennett, Yukon. Leaves nearly entire or slightly serrulate below. (Wtlliams.) 865. H. decipiens^ (De Not.) Kindb. In a spring. Medicine Lodge, south of Wood Mountain, Assa., June 14th, 1895. (Macoun.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. ( y. M. Macoun.) 2oy2 308 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Subgenus IV.-SHYTIDIUM, SuUiv. 866. H rugosum, Linn. Fort Chime, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. (A. P. Loiv^ On Pike's Portage, Great Slave Lake, May, 1900. (/. W. Tyrrell.) Lake Marsh, and Mile's Canon, sterile specimerfS abundant, Daw- son ; fruit not rare. {Williams.) Subgenus V.— CTENIUM, SuUiv. 867. H. crista-castrensis, Linn. Lake Lindeman and Klondike River bottom. Not found in fruit. {Williams.) Subgenus VL- CTENIDIUM, Hedw. 1180. H. molluscoides, Kin DB., Revue Bryol. 1895. Leaves nearly entire, distinctly decurrent ; alar cells somewhat large, well-defined. Capsule small, cylindric, arcuate. Other- wise like H. molluscum, Hedw. On logs, Bay Bull Arm, Newfoundland. {Waghorne.) On old logs, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island.N.S., July 9th, 1898. {Macoun.) 1181. H. Alaskse, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 142, Leaves entire, sub-decurrent, gradually acuminate ; alar cells large, hyaline well-defined. Capsule subovate or arcuate ; pedicel short. Tufts green or pale yellow. Stem cr^epi g subpinnate or plumiform. On old logs, Newfoundland. {Waghortie.) On trees, Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B., Oct., 1894. {J.Moser.) Subgenus VIL— DREPANIUM, C Muell. 1182. H. reptiliforme, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1895. Differs from H. reptile ; leaves larger, long-acuminate ; those of the stem ovate-oblong, denticulate above, those of the branches ovate-lanceolate, denticulate all around; alar cells large hyaline. Capsule pale yellow ; segments yellow ; lid not seen ; pedicel longer. On the bases of trees in woods, Brighton, Northumberland Co., Ont., Oct. 13th, 1893. {Macoun) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3O9 1183. H. perichsetiale, Br. Eur.; Kindb., Bryol, N. Am. & Eur., 137- Leaves subovate,acute or sometimes short-acuminate; alar small, dusky, on a narrow triangular space, the others lanceolate-oblong. Capsule finally brown ; pedicel short. On boulders in woods at Ottawa, Ont., Sept., 1891. {Macoun) «69. H. reptile, Michx. On rocks at Dawson, Yukon. Leaves not decurrent. {Williams) 870. H. pallescens, Schimp. Stony Lake, Peterboro Co., Ont., July, 1892. {Thos. Walker) Credit Forks, Ont., 1892. {Jas. White) 8Y1. H. fertile, Sendt. Very common in woods on rocks, earth and logs at Baddeck, Margaree and Half-Way Brook, Cape fireton Island, N.S., 1898 ; on old logs at Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899 ; common at Cassel- man, near Ottawa, Ont., June, 1892 ; also on old logs, Caiche Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900. {Macoun) «'72. H. Waghornei, Kindb. H. Canariense, Mitt.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 148. On damp rocks, Woodstock, N.B., June 3rd, 1899 ; on old logs in woods at Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun) 8Y3. H. fastigiatum, Brid. Near Halifax, N.S., June 19th, 1883 ; on trees in woods at Owen Sound, Ont., Sept. 12th, 1890. {Macoun) Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, August, 1891. {A. P. L"w) 874. H. hamulosum, Bruch & Schimp. Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60° 30', June i8th, 1892. (/. M, Macoun) At the bases of trees in damp places, at Dawson, Yukon . ( Williams. ) 1184. H. implexum, Ren. & Card., Bot. Gaz., Vol. XXII., 52. Tufts depressed, light green. Stems intricate, pinnately ramu- lose, branchlets hooked, fastigiate above. Leaves falcate-secund. 310 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. from a broadly ovate-deltoid base rather suddenly constricted into a narrow subulate acumen, plane on the margins, quite entire or subdenticulate at the base of the acumen ; costa double, short; cells narrowly linear, those of the angles few but distinct^ small, quadrate, greenish or pellucid. Fruit and flowers un- known. Allied to H. hamulosum, Schimp., but more robust and distinct by the light-green tint; the leaves broader at base and more sud- denly constricted into a subulate acumen and the alar cells more numerous and more conspicuous, much resembling the small green form of H. cupressi forme, Linn., but in this the leaves are narrower and the alar cells much more numerous and con" spicuous. Seal Island, Labrador, 1893. {Waghorne.) 1185. H. subeugyrium, Ren. & Card., Bot. Gaz.,Vol. XXIL, 52. Monoecious, resembling H. eugyrium, Sch., var. MacKayi, Sch., from which it differs by the alar cells of the leaves small, quadrate, not forming excavate auricles and the capsule exannulate. From the forms of H. palustre, Linn., having the leaves subimbricate, it is distinguishable by the minutely denticulate apex of the leaves and by the costa always double and shorter. Bay of Exploits, Newfoundland, 1893. (Wagliorne.) On rocks in a brook at Woodstock, N.B., July 3rd, 1899 ! on wet rocks, Petawawa River, Algonquin Park, Ont., July 24th, 1900. {Macoun^) 1186. H. orbicularicordatxim, Ren. & Card., Bot. Gaz., VoL XXIL, p. 52. Tufts very soft, pale lurid green above, discoloured whitish yellow and brownish-variegated below. Stems slender, erect 4 — 9 cm. high, simple or sparingly branching, not radiculose, cuspidate at apex. Leaves soft, erecto-patent or very loosely imbricate, subundulate when dry, decurrent at base, broadly cor- date-suborbicular, very obtuse, quite entire, slightly sulcate; costa thin, vanishing far from the apex; areolation loose, pellu- cid; cells soft, thin-walled, rhomboidal-hexagonal in the middle, the marginal narrower, the upper shorter, the alar very loose, large soft and empty. Flowers and fruit unknown. Depot Island, northwest shore of Hudson Bay, Lat, 63° 59', W.^ Long. 90" 20' 1893. {George Comar.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3II Easily distinguished from the allied H. cordifolium, Hedw., by the nearly simple stems, the very soft leaves, and the broader and looser areolations. 876. H. circinale, Hook. Common in the Chilliwack Valley, B.C. ( /. M. Macouti.) At Salmon and Sheep creeks, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooleyi.) In good fruit March 28th, 1898, Canon City, Dyea Creek ; also common on fallen logs at Skagway, Alaska. {Williams.) 877. H. Sequoieti, C. Muell. Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 190 1. (/. M. Macoun.) 1187. H. subplicatile, (Lindb.) Limpr. On damp earth and rock, Lake Lindeman, Yukon. This plant is very closely related to callichroum but differs in being rather smaller with regularly pinnate branches, leaves wider just above the base and abruptly narrowed to the insertion, capsule shorter. ( Williams) 880. H. imponens, Hedw. On logs in swamps, Edmonton, Ont., 1893. ^J^- White.) On rocks in a ravine, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898 ; on logs in woods Otter Slide Creek, Algonquin Park Ont., July, 1900 ; .. n old logs below Queenston Heights, Ont., 190 1. {Macoun.') 881. H. subimponens, Lesq. At Sheep Creek and at Gold Creek Caiion, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooler.) 882. H. revolutum, (Mitt.) Lindb. On rocks. Moose Mountain, Elbow River, Rocky Mountains, Alta., July, 1897 ; on birch bark, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 8th, 1900. {MacoMu) Lake Lindeman and Lake Marsh, Yukon. {Williams.) 883. H. plicatile, (Mitt.) Lesq. & James. On rocks. Jumping Pound Creek, Braggs' Creek, Elbow River, and Crow's Nest Pass, Rocky Mountains, Alta., 1897. {Maioun.) 312 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 884. H. cupressiforme, Linn. On sandy soil, Sable Island, N,Sm Aug., 1899; on trunks, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. (Macoun.) Var. resupinatuIQ, Sch. ; Ren. & Card. Bot. Gaz., Vol. XXX.. p. 23. Chance Cove, Newfoundland, 1891. {Waghorne.) Var. brevisetum, Schimp. On rock, Lake Marsh, Yukon. The sterile specimens referred here possibly belong elsewhere, yet they come very close to this variety. ( Williams. ) 1188. H. Vaucheri, Lesq. Newfoundland. (JVaghorne.) At the base of a tree at Dawson, Yukon. This species is dioecious. The leaves are entire with flat borders. (Williams.) 887. H. Lindbergii, Mitt. On rocks at the Cascades, Gatineau River, Que., June, 1900 ; on stones and logs by a brook, Algonquin Park, Ont., June, 1900; on rocks and stones below Queenston Heights, Ont. ; on logs in woods at Point Edward, Sarnia, Ont., 1901. (^Macoun.) Var. elatum, Schimp. In swamps, Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (Williams.) 1189. H. pseudo-recurvans, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 140. Differs from H. Jamesii, Sulliv.; leaves denticulate all around, ovate-lanceolate, long-acuminate gradually tapering to a filiform point. Perichetial leaves entire below the longrlineat point. Capsule obovate. Tufts olivaceous, sparingly radiculose. Lid of capsule and male flowers not seen. Habit of N. cupressiiorme. On the base of a tree, Revelstoke,B.C., May 5th, 1890. (Macoun^ Referred to Raphidostegium recurvans in Part VL, p. 208. CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3I3 1190. H. pseudo-COmplexum, Kindb., Revue Bryol., 1895. Leaves entire, not appressed when dry; upper cells lanceolate, lower oblong, angular, (alar) suboval, small not well defined. Stem-leaves ovate or ovate-oblong. Branch-leaves ovate-lanceo- late longer-acuminate, often falcate. Tufts dense, pale green. Stems eradiculose irregularly divided ; branches not compressed. Capsules unknown. Resembles a var. of H. molluscum. in habit. Port'Etches, Alaska, June i6th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) 1191. H. filiforme, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1895. Stem leaves distant. Leaves ovate with a short subulate or longer and filiform point, faintly denticulate at acumen ; those of the stem recurved at one side ; upper cells lanceolate, lower oblong, alar few, hyaline. Tufts green, loose and eradiculose, stem long, pinnate; branches distant ; paraphyllia broad, very few. Capsules unknown. Dioecious. On rocks at Banff, Rocky Mountains, July, 1891. {Macoun.) 889. H. curvifolium, Hedw. On old logs in woods at Camlachie, Lambton Co., Ont., June 1 8th, 1 90 1. {Macoun.) 890. H. pratense, Koch. On hummocks in a swamp at Dawson, Yukon. {Williams.') 1192. H. SUbcomplexum, Kindb., Revue Bryol. 1895. Differs from H. Vaucheriy Lesq. ; leaves larger and shorter, abruptly narrowed from a subovate base ; angular cells smaller and finally hyaline without special alar cells. Tufts green. Sandstone rocks, Wood Mountain and Cypress Hills, Assa., June, 1894-95. {Macoun) 894. H. nemorosum, Koch. On earth, Leamy's Lake, Hull, Que., Nov. 9th, 1896. {Macoun) 1193. H. pseudo-nemorosum, Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur. 123. Leaves ovate-oblong, denticulate at the subulate acumen, not distinctly recurved, decurrent, not yellow at insertion ; alar cells 314 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA, small, few, dusky on a short triangular space; apical cells lanceo late, the inner linear-lanceolate. Tufts glossy-velvet-like. Stem subpinnate ; branches faintly compressed ; paraphyllia broad, not numerous. Capsules unknown. Habit of Pylaisia veluHna. Referred in Part VI., p. 240 to H. nernorosum. {Macoun.) 1 194 H. hamulosiforme, Kindb. (N. Sp.) in litt. On old logs in woods, Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., June 8th, 1900. {Macoim.) Subgenus IX.— LIMNOBIUM, Bruch & Schimp. 898. H. palustre, Huds. Skagway, Alaska; Lake Marsh and Mile's Cafion, Yukon. {Wil- liams.) 1195. H. Bestii, Ren. & Bryhn. This plant is described as a subspecies of molle by Renauldand Bryhn, but I think it will stand as a distinct species. It differs from molle in having no central strand. It is a larger species also with stems below wiry and harsh with the bases of the broken-off leaves. Skagway, Alaska. ( Williams.) 900. H. dilatatum, Wils. H. alpitium, Schimp. Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams.) 903. H. polare, Lindb. Growing along the wet shore of Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Wil- liams.) 908. H. alpestre, Swartz. Skagway, Alaska ; also Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {Williams.) 910. H. pseudo-montanum, Kindb. Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60° 30', June 13th, 1892. (/. M. Macotm.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 315 911. H. eugyrium, Schimp. On wet rocks, Hunter's Home, Queen's Co., New Brunswick, 1892. {J. Moser.) On stones in brooks. Big Intervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 20th, T890. {Macotin.) 812. H. ochraceum, Turner. On rocks, Skeena River, B.C., May 13th, 1892. (/. M. Macoun.) Very abundant on stones in brooks in all parts of Cape Breton Is- land, N.S., 1898 ; on stones in a brook, Woodstock, N.B., July, 1899. (Macoun.)'^ On rocks in bed of stream at Dawson, Yukon. ( Williams.) 913. H. stramineum, Dicks. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A. P. Low.) On earth in wet places, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898; on earth in a bog. Cache Lake, Algonquin Park, Ont., 1900. {Macoun.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. {.Williams.) 915. H. turgescens, (Jensen.) Schimp. In a dried up swamp just below the White Horse Rapids,Yukon. Growing in broad depressed mats. {Williams.) Var. uliginosum, Lindb. In swamps, with the preceding. This variety has elongated stems, and distant, more or less spreading leaves. {Williams.) 916. H. scorpioides, Linn. Just above Lake Lindeman in blackish mats almost covering the bottom of a small pond, 12 or 15 inches below the surface. {Williams.) Var. gracilescens, Sanio. In a dried up swamp a few miles below White Horse Rapids, Yukon, covering extensive areas with a mat up to 18 cm. thick. Williams.) 917. H. badium, Hartm. On the margin of a pond just below snow banks about 1000 feet above Lake Lindeman, Yukon ; also at Dawson on wet shady banks. ( Williams. ) 3l6 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. Subgenus X. CALLIERGON, Lesq. & James. «18. H. cordifolium, Hedw. Boggy places, St. Paul and St. George islands, Behring Sea, 1897. (/• ^^' Macoun.) In bogs in wet woods, Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macoun.) Klondike River bot- tom near the mouth. ( Williams.) ^19. H- giganteum, ScHiMP. In a swamp at Golden Lake, Ont., 1900; water holes. Crow's Nest Lake, Rocky Mountains, Alta , 1897. {Macoim.) The var. fluitam was found in a small stream flowing into Lake Marsh, Yukon . ( Williams. ) Var. Labradorense, Ren. & Card. Bot. Gaz. Vol. XIX..p. 240. A notable variety, distinct from the type by the leaves larger and longer and the costa attenuate, vanishing rather far from the apex and often forking. Battle Harbour, Labrador, 1892. {Waghorne.') ^20. H. Richardsoni, (Mitt,) Lesq. & James. Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Labrador, Aug., 1896. {A. P. Low.) In a bog, Johnston's Lake, North Wakefield, Que., June, 1898. {Macoun.) At Dawson in swamps ; in fine fruit, July 27th. {Wil- Hams.) «2i. H. sarmentosum, Wahl. In a small pond by snow banks about lOOO feet above Lake Lindeman, Yukon {Williams.') Var. fontinaloides, Berggren. On rocks in the bottom of a small stream near the mouth of Bonanza Creek, Yukon. This is a variety with long slender stems and larger leaves often all green or partly green and parti}' pur- ple. {Williams.) CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN PLANTS. 3 1 7 922. H. cuspidatum. Linn. On earth in wet woods at Louisburg, Cape Breton Island, N.S., Aug., 1898 ; in a springy place by the railway, near Dow's swamp, Ottawa, Ont., igoo. (Macoun) 1 1 96. H. subgiganteum, Kindb., Ott. Nat. Vol. XIV., p. 80. Differs from H. giganteum in having monoecious inflorescense, from H. cordifolium in having stems or branches pinnate and leaves auricled — from both in the very short costa of the leaves, which in stem leaves is generally nearly indistinct, in branch leaves reaching nearly to the middle In a bog north of the Saskatchewan at Prince Albert, Sask,^ June 30th, 1896. {Macoun.) 924. H. Schreberi, Willd. Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 129. HYLOCOMIUM, Schimp. 925. H. splendens, (Hedw.) Schimp. H. proliferum, Linn.; Kindb., Bryol. N. Am. & Eur., 41. Very common in all thick woods across the continent. Loring, Sitka, Salmon Creek, and Canon Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooley) St. Paul Island, Behring Sea. {Dr. Merriam.) Lake Lindeman, Thirty-mile River, and Dawson, Yukon. An abundant species. {Williams.) Chilliwack Valley, B.C. { J. M. Macoun.) 927. H. umbratum, (Ehrh.) Schimp. On old logs in woods, Big Intervale, Margar^e and Baddeck, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. {Macouii.) 928. H. pyrenaicum, (Spruce) Lindb. On rocks by a brook at Meech's Lake, near Chelsea, Que., Sept. 23rd, 1893. [Macoun) On rock, Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (Wil- liams) 929. H. brevirostre, (Ehrh.) Schimp. In a damp ravine. Grand Narrows, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July 27th, 1898. {Mac,:un.) 3l8 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. 930. H. squarrosum, Linn. Quite common on old logs in damp woods, Big Intervale, Mar- garee, Cape Breton Island, N.S., July, 1898. {Macowt.) Canaan Forks, Queen's Co., N.B., 1894. (/. Moser.) Lake Lindeman, Yukon. (JViiliams.) 931. H. triquetrum, (Linn.) Bruch & Schimp. Roundhouse woods, Niagara Falls, 1901. {Macoiot.) Yukon River below Fort Selkirk and Klondike River bottom, near its mouth. Not apparently very commoi. {Williams.) 932. H. robustuin, (Hook.) Kindb. Chilliwack Valley, B.C., 1901. (/. M. Macoun.) 933. H. loreum, (Linn.) Schimp. Common on old logs at Big I itervale, Margaree, Cape Breton Island, N.S., 1898. {Macoun.) Port Etches, Alaska, Lat. 60° 30'. (/. M. Macoun.) Sitka, Loring, Juneau, alt. 3,000 feet ; Sheep Creek, near Juneau, Alaska. {Miss G. Cooky.) Cafion City, Dyea Creek and Skagway, Alaska. {Williafns.) .^1 ^ •»? < INDEX. HEPATICE^. Paoe Anastrophylluni, Stephani 15 Reichardtii, (Gottsche) 15 Aneura, Dumort 7 latifrons, Linclb 7 multifida, var. ambrosioides, (Nees) 8 palmata, (Hedw.) 7 pinguis, (Linn.) 7 pinnatifida, Nees 7 sessilis, (Sprengel) 7 Anthelia, Dumort 36 jnlacea, (Linn. ) 36 jiiratzkana, (Limpr. ) 36 Anthocekotacje.*: 48 Anthoceros, Linn 48 fusiforniis, Aust 48 laevis, Linn 48 Macounii, Howe 48 punctata, Linn 48 stomatifer, Aust 48 Arnellea, Lindb 13 fennica, (Gottsche) 13 Asterella, Beauv 3 Californica, (Hampe) 3 fragrans, (Schleich. ) 4 gracilis, (Web. f.) 4 violacea, (Aust. ) 4 Bazzania, S. F. Gray 33 denudata, (Torrey. ) 33 triangularis, (Schleich. ) 33 trilobata, (Linn.) 33 Blasia, Linn: 9 pusilla, Linn 9 Blepharostoma, Dumort 35 setiformis, (Ehrh. ) 35 trichophyllum, (Linn. ) 35 Caesia concinnata, (Dicks. ) 10 corallioides, (Nees. ) 11 ohtuna, (Lindb. ) 10 Cephalozia, Dumort, 28 Austini, Pears 32 bicuspidata, (Linn.) 29 catenulata, (Hiiben. ) 29 curvifolia, (Dicks-) 28 dentata, (Raddi . ) 31 divaricata, (Smith) 30 extensa, Pears 29 fluitans, (Nees. ) 30 Lammersiana, Pears , 29 leucantha, Spruce 31 Macounii, Aust. 31 media, Lindb 28 minima, Aust 31 21 HEPATICE^.- Cow. Page midtiflora, Spruce 28 pleniceps, (Aust. ) 30 Sullivantii, Aust 31 Chandonanthus setiformis, (Ehrh.) . 35 Chiloscyphus, Corda 26 adscendens, Hook. & Wilson. . . 26 polyanthos, (Linn . ) 26 var. rivularis, Nees 27 Clevea, Lindb 3 hyalina, (Somin. ) 3 Cololejeunea, Schififn 45 Biddlecomise, (Aust.) 45 Macounii, (Spruce. ) 45 Conocephaluni, Wiggers 4 conicum, (Linn. ) 4 Cyathophora, S. F. Gray 5 quadrata, (Scop. ) 5 Diplophylleia,Trevis 37 albicans, (Linn. ) 37 argentea, (Tayl. ) 38 obtusifolia, (Hook. ) , 38 plicata, (Lindb. ) 39 taxifolia, ( Wahl. ) 38 Fimhriaria Californica, Hampe .... 3 pilosa, (Wahlenb.) 4 tenella, Nees ... 4 molacea, Aust 4 Fossombronia, Raddi. ... 9 angulosa, (Dicks) 10 foveolata, Lindb 10 longiseta, Aust 9 Macounii, Aust 10 pusilla, (Linn.) 9 Frullania, Raddi 45 Asagrayana, Mont 46 Asagrayana, Mont., var. Cali- fornica, Aust 47 Bolanderi, Aust 45 Californica, (Aust. ) 47 Chilcootiensis, Steph 46 Eboracensis, Gottsche 46 Franciscana. M. A. Howe 47 Hallii, Aust 45 Nisquallensis, Sulliv 47 Oakesiana, Aust 45 Selwyniana, Pearson 47 tamarisci, (lann. ) 47 Virginica, Gottsche 46 Geocalyx, Nees 28 graveolens, (Schrad. ) 28 Grimaldia, Raddi 3 fragrans, (Balb. ) 3 rupestris, (Nees. ) 3 GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. HEPATICEvE.— CoH. PAGE Gymnomitrium, Corda 10 concinnatiim, ( Lightf. ) 10 corallioides, Nees 11 crenulatum, Gottsch 11 obtusuin, (Lindb.) 10 revolutum, (Nees. ) 11 Gyrothyra, \I. A. Howe 13 Underwoodiana, M. A. Howe. . 13 Harpanthus, Nees 27 Flotowiaiius, Nees 27 scutatus, (Web. & Mohr.) .... 27 Hepatica conica, ( Linn. ) 4 Herberta, S. F. Gray 30 adunca, (Dicks.) 36 Hygrobiella, Spruce 31 laxifola, (Hook.) 31 JUNOEI;MANNIAC.« 10 Jungerinannia, Linn 13 amplexicaulis, Dumort 14 atrovirens, Dumort 15 autumualis, DC 13 caespiticia, Lindb 14 cordifolia, Hook 14 lanceolata, Linn 15 Mulleri, Nees., var. maritima. . 19 pumiia, With 15 riparia, Tay 1 15 sphterocarpa. Hook 14 Place in Wattiana, Aust 19 Kantia, S. F. Gray 32 Trichoinanis, (Linn.) 32 I.Saiiteria, Nees 2 alpina, (Nees & Bischotf. ) 2 Scapania, Dumort 39 Bolanderi, Aust 39 brevicaulis, Tayl 42 conipacta, (Roth. ) 42 convexa, (Scop. ) 41 curta, ( Mart. ) 41 glaucocephala, (Tayl. ) 42 gracilis, (Lindb. ) 41 imbricata, M. A. Howe 41 irrigua, (Nees. ) 41 nemorosa, Dumort 39 Oakesii, Aust 4.0 suhalpina, Pearson 39 uliginosa, (Sw.) 40 umbrosa, (Schrad, ) 41 undulata, (Linn.) 40 Targionia, Linn 2 hypophylla, (Linn. ) . . „ . 2 211^ HEPATICE^.— Con. TAGE Trichocolea, Dumort 37 tomentella, (Ehrh.) 37 LICHENES. Acolium, De Not 171 tigillare, De Not 171 tympanellum, (Ach) 171 Alectoria, (Ach. ) 64 nigricans, Ach 65 ochroleuca, (Ehrh.), var. rigida, Fr 64 sarmentosa, (Ach. ) 64 var. cincinnata, Fr 65 Arthonia, Ach 169 astroidea, Ach 169 dispersa, (Schrad. ) 170 lecideella, Nyl 169 medilla, Nyl 169 patellulata, Nyl 169 populina. Mass 170 radiata, (Pers.) 169 raunidia, Nyl 170 spectabilis, Flot 169 Swartziana, Ach 169 ttediosa, Nyl 170 Boeomyces, Pers 140 seruginosus, (Scop. ) 140 Byssoides, (Linn. ) 140 placophyllus, Ach 140 roseus, Pers 140 Biatora, Fries 141 akompsa, Tuckerm 151 albo-fusce&cens, (Nyl.) 145 arcuatula, (Arn. ) 145 artyta, (Ach. ) 149 asserculorum, Schrad 180 atrofusca, Flot 152 atrogrisea, (Delis. ) 150 atropurpurea, (Mass.) 147 atro-rufa, (Dicks. ) , 141 Beckhausii, (Kcerb. ) 151 Berengeriana, Th. Fr 144 cffisio-rufa, (Ach.) 153 campestris, Fr 152 castanea, Hepp 149 chlorantha, Tuckerm 151 cinnabarina, (Sommerf. ): 143 coarctata, Sm., (Nyl.) 142 cuprea, (Sommerf) 143 cyrtella, (Ach., Nyl.) 148 decipiens, (Ehrh.) 142 effusa, (Smith), var. arceutina, Ach 151 flavido-livens, Tuckerm 147 flexuosa, Fries 143 Friesiana, Hepp 151 fuliginea, Ach 152 funerea, (Sommerf.) ' 152 fuscescens, (Sommerf.) 146 IV GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. LICHENES.— Con. fusco-rubella, (Hofirn. ) 150 fuscorubens, Nyl 144 globifera, ( Ach. ) 141 globulosa, (Floerke. ) 14S granulosa, (Ehrh. ) 142 Heerii, Hepp 1 48 holomicra, Anz 152 hypnophila, (Turn.) 149 icterica, Mont 1 42 innndata, Fr 1 i>0 Laureri, (Hepp. ) 147 leucophsea, Floerke 1 45 lucida, (Ach.) 147 lurida, (Sw.) 141 Macounii, Eckfeldt 1.52 melftjna, (Nyl.) 149 micrococca, Kcerb 1 48 milliaria, (Fr.)..-. 149 mixta, Fr 147 mollis, Wahl 1 46 moriformis, (Ach.) 151 muscorum, (Sw. ) 151 Nylanderi, Anz 146 obscnrata, (Somnierf. ) 1 52 obscurella, Somnierf 152 oxyspora, (Tul. ) 147 Paddensis, Tuckerm 146 pallida, (Am. ) 152 peliaspis, Tuckerni 143 rivulosa, (Ach. ) 145 rubella, (Ehrh.) 150 rubiformis, (Vahl. )v 141 rufo-fusca, Anz 145 rufo-nigra, Tuckerm 141 rupestris. Scop . 151 Russellii, Tuckerm 142 russula, (Ach. . ) 14.3 sanguineo-atra, (Fr.) 144 Schweinitzii, Fr 150 scotopholis, Tuckerm 142 scrupulosa, Eckfeldt. ... 145 sphseroides, (Dicks. ) 148 stereocaulorum, (Th. Fr. ) 148 suflFiisa, Fr l.")0 testacea, HoflFm 142 Tornoensis, (Nyl.) 146 turgidula, (Fr. ) 145 uliginosa, (Schrad. ) 146 umbrina, (Ach. ) 151 varians, (Ach. ) 146 verecundula, (Th. Fr.) 149 vernalis, (Linn.) 144 var. helvola, Kcerb 14 viridiscens, (Schrad.) 14.3 Brybpogon, Link 62 bicolor, (Ehrh. ) 62 divergens, (Ach. ) 62 Fremontii, (Tuckerm.) 64 jubata, (Linn.) var. prolixa, (Ach.) 63 LICHENES.— Con. PAGE var. chalybeiformis, (Ach.) 63 var. implexa, Fr 63 Buellia, De Not., Tuck 161 albo-atra, (Hoffm. ) 161 var. saxicola 161 alpicola, (Wahl. ) 165 atrata, (Somnierf. ) 163 badio-ati-a, (Scha-r. ) 164 calcarea, ( Weis. ) :..... 166 capitulata, Th. Fr., var. erub- escens 163 coUudens, Nyl 164 concreta. (Koerb.) 166 coniopsoideuni, (Hepp ) 164 Copelandi, (Kcerb. ), 166 coracina, (Hofifm. ) 163 disciformis, Fr 163 empeteraea, Nvl 164 empetrtfimi, Nyl 166 excentrica, (Nyl. ) 164 geographica, (Linn. ) 165 var. lecanorina, Floerke. . . 165 glaucomaria, (Nyl. ) 165 lepidastra, Tuckerm 162 myriocarpa, (DC. ) 163 obscurata, (Ach. ) 166 Oederi, (Ach.) 165 oidalea, Tuckerni 163 papillata, (Sommerf.). 162 var. albo-cincta, Tli. Fr. . . 162 parasema, (Ach. ) 162 var. triphraginia. Nj'l 162 ?arasitula, Nyl 165 armeliarum, (Somnierf. ) 165 pertusaricola, Willey 166 petrsea, (Flot.) 164 var. grandis, Floerk ..'.... 164 var. Montagnai, Tuckerm. 164 pulchella, (Schrad. ) : .... 161 punctiformis, (Hoifm. ) 163 reductum, Th. Fr 166 Rittokensis, Hellb 164 rivniaris, (Flot. ) 166 rubescens, (Am. ) 166 saxatils, (Schaer. ) 165 scabrosa, (Ach.) 165 Schiereri, De Not 163 spuria, (Schaer:) 162 urceolata, Th. Fr 165 verruculosa, Bon 166 , N. Sp 161 Calicium, De Not 171 fuscipes, Tuckerni 172 hyprellum, Ach 172 lenticulare, (Hoftm. ) 171 minutum, Koerb 1 72 parietinum, Ach 173 phieocephalum, (Turn.) 171 pusillum, Floerke 173 roficidum, Floerke . . , 172 INDEX. LICHENES.— Com. PAGE salicinum, Pers 172 subtile, Fr 172 trabinellum, Schl 172 trichiale, Ach 172 turbinatnm, Pers 172 •Coloplaca pyracea, fvlmicola, DC. . . 102 Cetraria, (Ach. ) 51 aculeata, (Schreb. ) 52 arctica, Hook 53 aureseens, Tuckerm 58 Californica, Tuckerm 52 chrysantha, Tuckerm 57 clliaris, (Ach. ) 55 commixta, (Nyl. ) 55 cucuUata, (Bell.) 54 Fahluneiisis, (Linn.) 55 glauca, (Linn. ) 57 var. stenophylla, Tuckerm. 57 hiascens, (Fr. ) 54 Islandica, (Lindb.) 53 var. criMpa, Ach 53 var. robusta,( Branth.). ... 54 juniperina, (Linn. ) 58 var. terrestris,Scha;r 58 var. Pinastri, Ach 58 lacunosa, Ach 56 mailreporiformis, Ach 52 nivalis, (Linn. ) 54 Oakesiana, Tukerm 57 odontella, Ach 52 platyphylla, Tuckerm 56 ■ramulosa. Hook 52 Richardsonii, (Hook.) 54 ssepincola, (Ehrh.) 56 var. chlorophylla, Wahl. . 56 tristis, (Web.) 51 Cladonia, Hoffm 126 alcicornis, (Lightf) 126 amaurocriea, (Flcerke) 136 bellidiflora, (Ach. ) 137 Boryi, Tuckerm 137 Botrytis, (Hag. ) 135 •cPBspiticia, (Pers.) 132 cariosa, (Ach. ) 126 'Carniola, Fries 135 var. eyanipes, Sommerf. . . . 136 >cenotea, (Ach. ) 131 chloropliita, Floerke ... 137 Cornucopioides, (Linn) 137 xu GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. MUSCI. —Co». PAGE lapponioum, Kaurin, subsp. subinclinatuni, Kindb 248 LtHCurii, Sulliv 245 leucolomatiim, CM. & Kindb. . 248 longisetuni, Bland 247 micans, Limpricht 248 microsporum, Kindb 244 miscrostegioides, Kindb 254 Muehlenbeckii, Kindb 249 nutans, Schreb : . . . . 243 nutaiiH, subsp. cancUictUatutn, C. M. & Kindb 244 occidentale, Sulliv 254 Oreganuni, Sulliv 252 Oreganum, Sulliv 249 palleus, Swartz 250 imllescens, Schleicher 248 pendulum, (Honjsch.) 24(i po/yworjoAu/n, Hoppe &Hornsch, subsp. brachycarpum.Hoppe & Hornsch 244 producticolle, Kindb 253 pseiidotri(|uetuni, Schwaegr.... 250 var. compaotum, B. & S. .- 251 var. hvalodontiuni, C M. & Kindb 251 purpurascen8,Brii«^b & Schiinp., subsp., autunmale, Lim- pricht 246 Raui, Austin 249 Revelstokense, Kindb 251 Ra-llii, Phililjert 247 Sawyeri, Ren. & Card 253 Srhimperi, C Muell 245 simplex, Kindb 255 speirophyllum, Kindb 250 streptophylluin, Kindb 252 submuticum, Philibert 251 suborbiculare, Philibert 251 synoico-ciespiticium, C. M. & Kindb 249 tomentosum, Kindb 253 torquescens, Br. & Sch 251 trichophorum, Kindb 252 t^entricosnm, Dickson 250 Buxbaumia, Hall 267 indusiata, Bridel 267 Calliergon, Lesq. & Janies 316 Oampotheciuni, Schinip 286 arenarium, Lesq 286 1 utescens, Bruch & Schimp .... 286 nitens, (Schreb. ) 286 ISuttallii, Bruch & Schimp 286 pinnatifidum, Sulliv. & Lesq. . . 286 Campylium, Linn 302 striatellum, Kindb 299 Campylopus, Brid 202 Schimperi, Milde 202 datharinea augustata, Brid 262 Selwyni, Austin 262 MUSCL— Con. I'AOK undvlcUa, (Linn.) 262 Catharinellaatronrens, Mitt 264 contorta, Menzies 263 Catoscopium, Brid 242 nigritum, (Hedw.) 242 Ceratodon, Brid 205 Colun.biw, Kindb . . . r 205 conicus, Hampe 205 f>urpureu8, Brid 205 idium, Swartz 260 Macounii, Kindb 260 stygium, Swartz 260 subrotundum, Lindb 260 Cirriphyllum cirrhosum, (Schwaegr). 291 Claopodiu7}i leuco7ieuron, {S. & L.) . 285 pellucine.rve, (Mitt. ) 285 Whippleanum, (Sulliv.) 284 Climacium, Web. & Mohr 278 Americanum, Brid 278 dendroides, Web. & Mohr 278 var Oregonense, Ren. & Card 278 Ruthenicum, ( Weinm. ) 278 Conostonium, Swartz 240 boreale, Swartz 240 Coscinodon c.alyptrat^is. Hook 221 Cratoneuron, Sulliv 307 Ctenidium, Hedw 308 Otenium, Sulliv 308 Cynodontium, Schimp 188 polycarpum, Schimp 188 subsp. fallax, Limpr 188 Schii'ti, (Wahlb.) 188 strumiferum, Ehrh 188 torquescens, (Bruch) 188 viren«, Schimp 188 Wahlenhergii, (Brid. ) 189 Desmatodon, Brid 211 cernuus, Bruch & Schinip 211 latifolius, Brid 21 1 var. glacialis, Schimp 211 Porteri, James 211 systilioides, Ren. & Card 211 Systylius, Bruch & Schimp 211 Dichelyma, Myriu 269 capillaceutn, var. elongatum, Kindb 269 falcatum, (Hedw.) 269 obtusidum, Kindb 269 pallescens, Bryol 269 Dichodontium, Schimp 189 flavescens, (Dicks.) 189 pellucidum, Schimp 189 subsp. fagimotaniim, Braith 189 subflavescens, Kindb 189 Dicranella, Schimp 190 cerviculata, Schimp 191 cerviculatula, Kindb 191 crispa, (Elph.) 190 Grevilleana, Schimp 190 INDEX. XM! MUSCL— Con. I'AGE heteromalla, Schimp 192 polaris, Kindb 191 squarrosa. Starke 190 subulata (Hedw.) 191 varia, (Hedw. ) 191 Bicranodontium, Bruch & Schimp. . 202 longirostre,Bruch & Schimp .... 202 Dicranoweisia, Lindb 187 cirrhata, Lindb 187 contermina, Ren. & Card 187 crispula, (Hedw. ) 187 obliqua, Kindb 187 Dicraniini, Hedw 192 algidum, Kindb 198 angustum, Lindb 200 Bergerii, Bland 201 subsp. rupincola, Kindb. . . 201 Blyttii, Bruch & Schimp 192 Bonjeani, De Not 200 camptophyllum, Kindb 198 var. poriferum, Kindb ... . 198 Canadense, Kindb 198 condensatum, Hedw 202 congestum, Brid 196 consobrinum, Ren. & Card 195 crispulum, C. M. & Kindb 195 Demetrii, Ren. & Card 196 Drummondii, C. Muell 201 elongatum, Schw 199 subsp. attenuatum, Kindb. 199 subsp. subfragilifolium, Kindb 199 falcatum, Hedw 192 flagellare, Hedw 193 fragilifolium, Lindb 199 fulvellum, (Dicks.) 192 fulvum, Hook 193 fuscescens, Turn 196 subsp. , subbrevifolium, Kindb 19(i Grcenlandicum, Brid 194 Howellii, Ren. & Card 194 subsp. angustifolium, Kindb 194 longifolium, Hedw 200 var. suljalpinum, Milde 200 majus, Smith 195 var. orthophyllum, Al. Br. 195 moUe, Wils 192 montanuui, Hedw 193 Muehlenbeckii, Bruch & Schimp 197 pallidum, Bruch & Schimp. . . , 201 pumilum, .Sauter 192 Kcellii, Kindb 200 scoparium, Hedw 195 subsp. in volutum, Kindb. . 195 serratum, Kindb 193 spadiceum, Zett 202 Sphagni, Wahlenlierg 202 spurium, Hedw 202 Starkei, \\'eb. & Mohr 192 MUSCL— Cow. strictum, Schleich 193 subpalustre, C. M. & Kindb. . 201 subspadiceum, Kindb 199 subulifolium, Kindb 194 sulcatum, Kindb 194 trachyphyllum,Ren. &Card.. . . 197 undulatum, Durn 201 subsp. Ontariense, Kindb. . 202 viride, Schimp 193 var. laeve, Ren. & Card. .. 193 Didymodon, Hedw 207 Canadense, Kindb 207 luridus, Hornsch 207 rubellus, (HofFm. ) 207 subruber, Kindb 207 trachyneuron, Kindb 207 Diphyscium, Mohr 266 foliosum, Mohr 266 sessile, Schmid 266 Dissodon, Grev. & Am 236 Frcelichii, (Hedwig. ) 236 splachnoides, (Thunb.) 237 Distichium, Bruch & Schimp 206 capillaceum, (Swartz. ) 206 inclinatum. (Ehrh. ) 206 Ditrichum, Timm 208 elatum, Kindb 209 flexicaule, (Schleich. ) 209 subsp. densum, (Schimp.). . 209 giganteum, R. S. Williams.... 208 glaucescens, (Hedw.) 210 homomallum, (Hedw. ) 209 oblongum, (Lindb. ) 208 pallidum, (Schroeder. ) 209 Schimperi, Lesq 209 suboblongum, Kindb 209 tortile, (Gmel.) 208 subsp. pusillum, Hedw. . . . 208 vaginans, (SuUiv. ) 209 Drepanium, C. Muell 308 Drummondia, Hook 227 Canadensis, Kindb 227 davellata. Hook, var. Canaden- sis, Kindb 227 Elodium, Sulliv 286 paludosum, Sulliv 286 Encalypta, Schreb 234 alpina, Smith 234 couimutata, Nees & Hornsch. . . 2.34 contorta, (Wulfen) 235 Labradorica, Kindb 2.35 longipes. Mitten 2.35 rhabdocarpa, Scliwaegr 234 Selwyni, Aust 235 streptocarpa, Hedw 2.35 sub-brevicolla, Kindl) 23.3 subspathulata, CM. & Kindb . 2,35 Entodon, Muell 277 Macounii, C. M. & Kindb 277 orthocarpus, (La Pyl. ) 278 XIV GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. MUSCI.— Con. PAGE 8eductrix, Hedw 277 Sullivantii, C. Muell 278 Eucladium, Bryol 186 verticillatuni, Bryol 186 Eurliynchium, Schiinu 294 acutifolium, Kindb 296 glaciale, Br. Eur 296 graniincolor, Brid 294 hians, (Hedw.) 294 Labradoriciim, Kindb 296 Macounii, Kindb 296 pseudo-velutinoides, Kindb 295 reJleTiim, Starke 288 scabriduni, Lindb 295 semiasperum, C. M. & Kindb. . 295 Stokesii, (Turn. ) 294 subsp. pseudo-speciosutn, Kindb 294 strigosum, (Hoffm.) 294 subsp. pritcox, Hedw 294 subciespitosum, Kindb 295 subscabridum, Kindb 295 Svllivantii, (Spruce. ) 294 Fabronia, Raddi 272 Ravenelii, SuUiv 272 Fissidens, Hedw 203 adiantoides, Linn., var. crista- tU8, Wilson 204 adiantoides, Linn 203 var. iininarginatus, Lindb.. 203 var. instatus, Kindb 204 bryoides, Hedw 203 var. \iridulu8, Swartz 203 decipiens, De Not 204 Garberi, Lesc]. & James 204 grandif rons, Brid 204 incurvus, Schwaegr 203 limbatus, Sulliv 203 osmundoides, (Sw. ) 203 Ravenelii, Sulliv 204 subbasilaris, Hedw 204 Fontinalis, Dill 267 blformis, Sulliv 267 Dalecarlica, Schimp 267 disticha, Hook. & Wils 268 gigantea, Sulliv 267 hypnoides, Hartm 268 Kindbergii, Ren. & Card 267 Lescurii, Sulliv 268 Neo-Mexicana, Sulliv. & Lesq.. 267 nitida, Lindb. & Am 269 Novai- Anglia, Sulliv 268 subsp. involuta, Ren. & Card 268 seriata, Lindb 286 squamosa, Linn 268 subsp. Delamarie, Ren. & Card 268 tiguamosa, Linn 268 Fosstrcemia trichomitria, Hedw 269 MUSCI.— Cojj. PAGE Funaria, Schreb 238 calcarea, \Yahl 238 hygrouietrica, Sibth 238 var. arctica, Berggren .... 238 Georgia, Ehrh 236 ouspidata, Kindb 236 geniculata, (Girgens.) 236 pellucida, (Linn.) 236 trachypoda, Kindb 236 Grimmia, Ehrh 217 alpicola, Swartz 218 avibigua, Sulliv 219 anodon, Bruch & Schimp 219 apocarpa, Hedw 217 arctophyla, Kindb 221 subsp. labradorica, Kindb. 221 Californica, Sulliv 222 culyptrata, Hook 221 Canadensis, Kindb ... 220 cane.«ceiix, (Timm. ) 224 chlorobiasta, Kindb 218 commutata, Hueben 221 compacta, Kimlb 222 conferta, Funck 217 depilata, Kindb 220 fasciculariii, (Schrad. ) 223 gracilis, Schleicher 217 neterosticha, (Hiotro. ) 223 heterophylla, Kindb 218 hypnoides, (Linn. ) 224 mannioi 217 microcarpa, Hedw 223 microtricha, CM. & Kindb 221 nivalis, Kindb 219 ortholoma, Kindb 222 ovata, Web. & Mohr 221 plagiopodia, Hedw 219 subsp. Brandegei, (Austin.) 219 plagiopodia var. pili/era, Lesq. & James 219 platyphylla. Mitten 218 procera, Kindb 220 prolifera, C. M. & Kindb 219 pruinosa, Wilson 219 pseudo-rivularis, Kindb 218 subsj). lancifolia, Kindb". . . 218 ramvlona, Lindb 223 rivularis, Nees & Homsch 218 rohvjitifolia, Kindb 223 subflaccida, Kindb 222 tenerrima, Ren. & Card 219 tenuicaulis, R. S. Williams 221 teretinervis, Liinpricht 221 torquata, Homsch 220 tortifolia, Kindb., subsp. pellu- cida, Kindb 220 velutina, Kindb 217 Gymnostoinum, Hedw 185 calcarea, Nees & Homsch 185 curvirostris, Ehrh INDEX. XV UVSCI.—Con. PAGE var. comniutatum, Card. & Ther 185 pusilla, Kindb 186 rupestris, Schleich 185 teniie, Schrad 185 Haplodon Wormskioldii, (Hornem.) 237 Harpidium, Lesq. & James 303 Hedwigia, Ehrh 225 albicans, (Weber. ) 225 var. leucophtea, Schimp... 225 var. subniida, Kindb 225 . ciliata, Ehrh 225 Heterocladium, Bruch & Schimp, .. 280 aherrans, Ren. & Card 282 dimorphum, Br. Eur 280 heteropterioides, Best 282 var. lilescens, Best 283 heteroplemm 281, 282, 283 Macounii, Best 281 procurrens, (Mitt.) 282 squarrosulum, (Voit.) 280 Homalia, Brid 270 Jamesii, Schimp 270 Macounii, C. M. & Kindb 270 Homalothecium, Bruch & Schimp. . 277 sericeoides, C. M. & Kindb. . . . 277 sericeum, Linn 277 Hylocomium, Schimp 317 breviostre, (Ehrh.) 317 loreum, (Linn.) 318 prolijerum, Linn 317 pyrenaicum, (Spruce) 317 robustum, (Hook. ) 318 splendens, (Hedw.) 317 squarrosum, Linn 318 triquetrum, (Linn.) 318 umbratum, (Ehrh.) 317 Hypnum, Linn 302 aduncum, Linn 303 Alaska, Kindb 308 alpestre, Swartz .... 314 alpinum, Schimp 314 amblyphyllum, R. S. Williams. 306 badium, Hartm 315 Bamberf/eriy Schimp 304 Bestii, Ren. & Bryhn 314 brevifolium, Lindb 304 Canariense, Mitt. 309 chloropterum, C. M. & Kindb.. 307 chrysophyllum, Brid 303 circinale, Hook 311 commutatum, Hedw., subsp. sulcatum, Schimp 307 conflatum, C. M. & Kindb 306 cordifolium, Hedw 316 Cossoni, Schimp 304 crista-castrensis, Linn 308 cupressiforme, Linn .... 312 var. bievisetum, Schimp. 312 var. resupinatum, Schimp.. 312 - MVSCI. —Con. PAGE curvifolium, Hedw 313 cuspidatum, Linn 317 decipiens, (De Not. ) 307 dilatatum, Wils 314 eugyrium, Schimp 315 exannulatum, Guembel 305 subsp. pseudo-lycopodioi- des, Kindb 305 subsp. pseudo-stramineum. Kind b 305 falcatum, Brid 307 fastigiatum, Brid 309 fertile, Sendt 309 filicinum, Linn 307 filiforme, Kindb 313 Fitzgeraldi, Renauld. Kindb. , . 303 fluitans, Linn 305 giganteuni, Schimp 316 var. Labradorense, Ren. & Card 316 hamulosiforme, Kindb 314 hamuloaum, Bruch & Schimp. . 309 hispidulum, Brid 302 implexum, Ren. & Card 309 imponens, Hedw 311 Lindbergii, Mitt 312 var. elatum, Schimp 312 longinerve, Kindb 306 Macounii, Kindb 303 molluscoides, Kindb 308 Moseri, Kindb 306 nemorosum, Koch 313 Novae- Anglian, Sulliv. & Lesq... 307 occidentalts, S. & L 283 ochraceimi. Turner 315 orbicularicordatum, Ren. & Card 310 orthothecioides, Lindb 306 pallescens, Schimp 309 palustre, Huds 314 perichaitiale, Kindb 309 plicatile, (Mitt.) 311 polare, Lindb 314 polygamum, (Bru9 subsp. chlorphyllosum, Kindb 259 hornum, Linn 257 hymenopliylloides, Heuben .... 259 hymenophylluio, Bryol. Eur.. 259 inclinatum, Lindb 258 inxii/ne var. intermedium, Kindb. 257 niacrociliare, C. M. & Kindb. . . 256 marginatum, Dicks 257 medium, Bruch & Schimp 256 Menziesii, C. Muell 260 orthorhynchum, Bruch&Schimp 257 pseudolycopodioides, C. M. & Kindb 257 punctatum, Hedw 258 ripurium, Mitten 260 robustum, Kindb 257 rostratum, Schwivgr 256 rugicum, Lauwr 257 serratum, Brid 257 spinulosum, Bruch & Schimp. . . 2.58 stellare, Hedw 258 subglobosum, Bruch & Schimp. 259 umbratile, Mitt 258 venustum, Mitt 2.55 Myurella, Bruch & Schimp 272 apiculata, Brucli &. Schimp 272 Careyana, Sulliv 272 grartlix, Weiimiann 272 julacea, (Vill.) 272 tenerrima, Brid 272 Neckera, Hedw 269 complanata, (Linn.) 270 Douglasii, Hook 270 Jamesii, Schimp 270 Macounii, C. M. & Kindb 270 Menziesii, Drumm 269 oligocarpa, Bruch 270 oliffocarpa plerantha 270 pennata, (Linn.) 269 pterantha, C. M. & Kindb 270 Oncophorus, Brid 188 virens, Swartz 1 88 var. nigrescens, (Schimp.).. 189 var. serratus, (B. & S.). . . . 188 Wahlenbergii, Brid 189 Orthothecium, Bruch & Schimp. . . . 278 chryseum, Bruch & Schimp. . . . 278 INDEX. XVI 1 MUSCI.— Con.. PAGE Orthotnchum, Hedw 229 affine, Schrad 230 subsp. fastigiatum, Brucb. 231 alpestre, Hornsch 231 anomalum, Hedw 229 Bolanderi, Sulliv 233 Blyttii, Schimp 229 subsp. arcticum, Schimp. . . 229 subsp. microblephare, Schimp 229 Canadense, Bruch & Schimp.. . . 233 consimile, Mitt 231 subsp. anomaloides, Kindb. 231 cupulatum, Hoflfm 230 cupulatum, Hoflfm., var. minvs, Sulliv 230 Douglasii, Duby 230 gymnostomum, Bruch 233 Jamesianum, Sulliv. 232 jutlandicum, Brid 228 Kingii, Lesq 230 Lescurii, Aust 230 lyellioides, Kindb 233 Macounii, Aust 230 obtusifolium, Schrad 232 Ohioense, Sulliv. & Lesq 231 papillosum, Hampe 232 subsp. strictum, Venturi . . 232 Porteri, Aust 230 psilothecium, C. M. & Kindb . . 232 pulchellum, Brunton, subsp. ulotseforme, Ren. & Card-. 232 Pylaisii Brid 229 Rcellii, Venturi 232 rupestre, Schleich 230 Schimperi, Hamm 231 speciosum, Nees 231 subsordidum, (Kindb.) 233 ulophyllum, Ehrh 228 viophyllum intermed{tim,Sch\mi> 228 Venturi, Kindb 233 Watsoni, James 233 Winteri, Schimp 232 Paludella, Ehrh 242 squarrosa, (Linn. ) 242 Phascum, Linn 185 cuspidatum, Schreb 185 Philonotis, Brid 240 acutiflora, Kindb 241 adpressa, Fergusson 241 alpicola, Juratzka] 241 Arnellii, Husnot i . . .. 241 caespitosa, Wilson 241 fontana, Brid 240 subsp. seriata. Mitten .... 240 Macounii, Lesq. & -James 240 marchica, ( Willd. ) 240 Muhlenbergii, Brid 241 pumila, Kindb 242 radicalis, Beauvois 241 22 MUSCL— Con. PAGE Vancouverensis, Kind 241 I'hyscomitrium, Brid 238 acuminatum, (Schleich. ) 238 turbinatum, C. Muell 238 Plagiohryum argenteoides, R.S. Wil- liams 255 Zierii, (Dicks. ) 255 Plagiothecium, Schimp 299 aciculari-pungens,C.M. & Kindb 300 brevipungens, Kindb 300 denticulatum, (Linn. ) 299 diversifolium, Kindb 300 membranosum, Kindb 300 Muehlenbeckii, Bruch & Schimp 299 piliferum, Swartz 299 pulchellum, (Dicks.) 299 Roesei, Hampe 300 SuUivantia;, Schimp 300 trichophorum, (Spruce) 299 undulatum, Bruch & Schimp . . . 300 Platygyrium, Brucb & Schimp 275 repens, Bruch & Schimp 275 Platyloma Lescurii, (Sulliv.) 302 Pogonatum, Beauv 263 alpinum, Roehl 264 var. subcylindricum, Kindb 264 alpinum var. microdontium, Kindb 265 atrovirens. Mitt 264 brevicaule, Beauv 263 capillare, Brid 263 contortum, (Menzies. ) 263 Macounii, Kindb 264 urnigerum, Beauv 264 Pohlia commutata, Lindb 245 gracilis, Lindb 244 nutans, (Schreb. ) 243 proligera, Lindb 244 sphagnicola, (Brid.) 244 Polytrichum, Linn 264 alpinum, L 264 Behringianum, Kindb. 266 boreale, Kindb 265 capillare, Richard 263 commune, Linn 266 gracile, Menzies 265 hyperboreum, R. Brown 265 inconstans, Hagen 266 juniperinum, Willd 266 Macounii, Kindb 264 microdontium, Kindb 265 Ohioense, Ren. & Card 265 Pennsylvanicum, Hedw 263 piliferum, Schreb 265 sexangulare, Floerke 264 strictum, Banks 266 urnigerum,, Linn 264 Vanhoeflfeni, Kindb 265 Porotrichum ntcheroides (Schwaegr. ) 299 Pottia, Ehrh , 207 xvia GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. MUSCL— C(Wi. PAGE Heimii, Fuern 207 latifolia, var. pilifera, (Brid.). . 207 trunccUa, Fuera 207 truncatula, Linn 207 Pseudoleskea, Bruch & Schimp 279 atrovirens, (Dicks. ) 279 atrorirens, subsp. tenella, Kindb 279 denudata, Kindb 279 var. Holzingeri, Best , 279 oligociada, Kindb 279 pallida, Beat, var. filescens. Best 280 patens, Limpr 279 radicosa, ( Mitt. ) 279 var. compacta, Best 280 rigescens, ( Wils. ) 279 stenophylla, Ren. & Card 279 substriata. Best 280 Pseudoleskeella, Kindb 283 occidentalis, (SuUiv.) 283 Psilopilum, Brid 263 arcticum, Brid 263 Pterigynandrum, Hedw 270 filifornie, Hedw 270 subsp. decipiens, (Web. & Mohr.) 271 Pterogonium, Swartz 271 brachypteium, Mitt 271 Pterygophylluin, Brid 271 lucens, (Linn) 271 Pylaisia, Bruch & Schimp 275 cyrtophylla, Kindb 276 filari-acuminata, C. M. & Kindb 276 intricata, Bruch & Schimp 277 Ontariensis, C. M. & Kindb.. . . 276 polyautha, (Schreber) 275 var. rupestris. Best. 275 pseudo-platygyrium, Kindb.... 276 Selwynii, Kindb 276 subdenticulata, Schimp, 276 Racomitrium, Brid 222 aciculare, (Linn.) 222 affine, (Schleich.) 223 canescens, (Weis.) 224 depressum, Lesq 225 fasciculare, (Schrad.) 223 heterostichum, Brid 223 var. micropoides, Kindb. . . 223 hypnoides, (Linn.) 224 Jenseni, Kindb 225 lanuginosum, Brid 224 Macounii. Kindb 222 microcarpum, (Schrad.) 223 microcarpum, var. Palmeri, Kindb 224 Nevii, C. Muell 222 Oregonum, Ren. & Card 223 Palmeri, Kindb 224 Panschii, C. Muell 224 robustifolium, Kindb 223 Sudeticuui, (Hedw. ) 223 MUSCL— Con. PAGE tenuinerve, Kindb 224 varium, Mitten 223 Raphidostegium, Lesq. & James. . , 297 laxepatulum, Lesq. & James.. 297 recurvans, (Sch w. ) 297 Roellii, Ren. & Card 297 Whrtei. Kindb 297 Rhabdoweisia, Bruch & Schimp .... ] 87 Jugax, Bruch & Schimp 187 striata, Schrad 187 Rhyncostegium, Kindb 297 membranosum, Kindb 300 pseudo-serrulatum, Kindb 298 Revelstokense, Kindb 298 rusciforme, (Weis. ) 297 serrulatum, (Hedw.), subsp. eriense, Kindb 297 subsp. hi8pidifolium,Kindb 298 subintegrifolium, Kindb 298 Rhytidium, Sulliv 308 Roellia, Kindb 255 simplex, Kindb 255 Schistostega, Mohr 236 osmundacea, Web. & Mohr. . . . 236 Scleropodium, Schimp 292 casspitosum, (Wils.) 292 colpophyllum, (Sulliv.) 292 var. attenuatum. Grout. ... 292 illecebrum, (Linn. ) 292 Scouleria, Hook 216 aquatica. Hook 217 Seligeria, Bruch & Schimp 206 campylopoda, Kindb 206 Sphagnum, Dill 181 centrale, Arn. & Jens 184 compactum, DC 183 cuspidatum, Ehrh ... 183 var. submersum, Schpr. ... 183 Duseni, Warnst 184 fuscum, Schpr., var. fuscesens, Warnst .. 181 var. pallescens, Warnst . . . 182 var. viride, Warnst 182 Girgensohnii, Russ 181 var. gracilescens, Warnst., f. squarrosa, Warnst. . . . 181 var. hygrophilum, Warnst. 181 var. stachyodes, Warnst. . 181 imbricatum, (Hornsch) 183 Lindbergii, Schpr., var. micro- phyllum, Warnst 182 moUe, Sulliv 183 obtusjim, Warnst 183 Pylaiei, Brid 183 riparium, Aongstr 182 Russowii, Warnst., var. pceci- lum, Warnst 181 var. Girgensohnioides, Russ 181 var. rhodochroum, Russ... 181 INDEX. XIX MUSCI.— Cow. PAGK tenellum, Schpr. var. rubrum, Wanist 182 teres, Aongstr, var. squar- rosulum, (Lesq.) 183 Warnstorfii, Russ 182 var. purpurascens, Russ.. 182 var. versicolor, C. Jensen.. 182 Wulfianum, Girg 183 Splachum, Linn 237 ampullaceum, Linn 238 Wormskioldii. Hornem 237 Tayloria, Hook 237 splachnoides, Hook 237 tenuis, (Dicks. ) 237 Tetraphis, Hedw 236 fjeniculata, Girgens 236 jpdlucida, Hedw 236 Tetraplodon, Bruch & Schiiiip 237 angustatus, (L. fil.) 237 bryoides,(Zoeg. ) 237 mnioides, (L. f. ) 237 urceolatns, (Brid. ) 237 Thamnium, Schinip 299 neckeroides, Bruch & Schimp . . 299 Thuidium, Schimp 283 abietinum, Bruch & Schimp.... 284 Blaudowii, (Web. & Mohr.)..., 284 Bolanderi, (Best) 285 delicatuluni,(Linn. ),var. repens, Kindb 284 gracile, Bruch & Schinip 283 (jracile, Br. & Sch., var. Lan- castriense, Snlliv. & Lesq . . 284 leuconeuron, SuUiv. & Lesq .... 285 microphyllum, Sw 283 pellucinerve, Mitt 285 Philiberti, Linipricht 285 pseudo-abietinum, Kindb 285 pseudo-gracile, Kindb 284 recognitum, (Hedw.) 284 Virginianum, (Brid. ) 284 Whippleanum, (SuUiv.) 284 Tiinmia, Hedw 261 arctica, Kindb 262 Austriaca, Hedw 262 Bavarica, Hessler 262 cucullata, Michx 261 Macomiii, Kindb 262 megapolitana, Hedw 261 Trematodon, Michx 190 acicularis, Kindb 190 ambiguus, Hedw 190 Trichodon, Schimp 205 cylindricus, Schimp 205 MUSCL— Con. PAGE Trichostomum, Smith 210 anomalum, Schimp 210 indigeiis, Ren. & Card 210 Vancouvericense, (Broth.) 210 Ulota, Mohr 227 Barclayi, Mitt 229 Bruchii, Hornsch 227 connectens, Kindb 229 crispa, Brid 228 crispula, Brid 228 Drummondii, Brid 227 intermedia, Schimp 228 Ludwigii, Brid 227 maritima, C. M. & Kindb 228 phyllantha, Brid 228 Webera, Hedw 243 albicans, Schimp 246 canaliculata, C. M. & Kindb. . . 244 carnea, Schimp 245 commutata, Schimp 245 subsp. gracile, Schleich .... 245 cruda, Schimp 245 cuculiatiforme, Kindb 244 gracilis, De Not 244 Lescuriana, Lesq. & James . . . .• 245 microcaulon, C. M. & Kindb. . . 244 nitescens, Kindb 246 nutans, Hedw 243 var. Macounii, Kindb 243 proligera, Kindb 244 pseudo-carneum, Kindb 246 pycno-decui reus, C. M. & Kindb. 244 Schimperi, C. Muell 245 sphagnicola, Schimp 244 subpolymorphum, Kindb 243 W eisia, Hedw 1 86 Bruchii, (Hornsch. ) 227 convoluta, C. M. & Kindb 186 Drummondii, (Hook. & Grev. ).. 227 phyllantha, (Brid.) 228 rutilans, Hedw 187 var. Ganderi, Juratzka. . . . 187 vlophylla, (Ehrh. ) 228 viridula, Linn 186 Wolji, Lesq. & James 187 Zieria, Schimp 255 argenteoides, (Williams) 255 julacea, Schimp 255 Zygodon, Hook. & Tayl 225 Califomicus. Hampe 226 lapponicus, Hedw 226 Mougeotii, Bryol 226 Svllivantii, C. Muell 227 viridissimus, (Dicks.) 225 BINUINU LiOl U» Xa 19^0 QK 201 pt.6-7 cop, 3 Macoun, John Catalogue of Canadian plants Bl:»logJcal 8c Medical PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY