* 7 ae Simawt ul ciuniob ano use | RADE SONDITIONS ABROA AD A IN Los ; “WASHI NGTON- GOVERNMENT ? PRINTING OFFICE U.3, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR BUREAU OF MANUFACTURES A. H. BALDWIN, Chief SPECIAL AGENTS SERIES—No. 58 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON A STUDY OF PRESENT WASTEFUL METHODS AND CERTAIN SUGGESTIONS FOR THEIR IMPROVEMENT By JOHN M. CARSON i Commercial Agent of the Department of Commerce and Labor TRANSMITTED TO CONGRESS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE ACT OF MARCH 4, 1911, AUTHORIZING INVESTIGATIONS OF TRADE CONDITIONS ABROAD AND IN THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1912 FEO 1a) bya LETTER OF SUBMITTAL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND Lazor, Bureau or MANUFACTURES, Washington, June 21, 1912. ak I have the honor to submit herewith a report by Commercial Agent John M. Carson on the packing and marketing of cotton. For years criticism has been made of the condition in which American cotton reaches foreign markets, and numerous efforts have been made to effect the much-needed changes in methods of handling it. Mr. Carson, in his report, sets forth the various factors involved and sug- gests a solution of the problem, which is of vital concern to everyone connected with the cotton industry. The Bureau issues this bulletin mainly as suggestive of the great need for improved methods, and ithe new system proposed by Mr. Carson is intended chiefly as a tentative basis only for further discussion by those interests most concerned. Respectfully, A. H. Batpwin, Chief of Bureau. To Hon. Cuartzs Nace, Secretary of Commerce and Labor. - wes *p ah Sak PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. PRESENT METHODS. Measured in dollars and cents, cotton is the most valuable of the agricultural products of the United States, with the single exception of corn. Cotton cultivation is confined to 18 States, including Ari- zona, California, Kansas, Kentucky, and New Mexico, the output of which five States is about 70,000 bales per annum. Corn is pro- _ duced in all of the States. Both crops have reached vast propor- tions in quantity and value and both are progressive. The corn crop ‘ of 1911 aggregated 2,513,488,000 bushels, and the farm value is placed at $1,565,258,000. The cotton crop of last year (1911) aggregated 16,250,276 500-pound bales, the total value of which is $1,000,000,000 and including the seed, $1,200,000,000. The annual production of wheat is 650,000,000 bushels and its farm value, roundly, $600,000,000. These three are our leading agricultural products and have supreme importance in the domestic economics and in the industrial enter- prises of the country. The two food products mentioned are in the main consumed at home, only a little over 2 per cent of the corn crop entering into export and about 13 per cent of the wheat, while 65 _ per cent of the lint cotton produced is sold in foreign countries. These figures are presented to show the great value of the crops named and their relative importance in the country’s commerce, to contrast the methods of preparing each for market, and especially to’ give illustration and emphasis to the antiquated and wasteful system that obtains in the preparation and transportation of Ameri- can cotton. COTTON COMPARED WITH OTHER PRODUCTS. Corn, wheat, hay, sugar, tobacco, and all other products of the farm are carefully and systematically prepared, inspected, graded, and _certified in accordance with established rules based upon sound, up- to-date business methods, and are so wrapped and covered as to insure against damage from frequent and rough handling, the vicissi- tudes of the weather, and loss from mutilation and pilferings. The care devoted to the preparation for and the transportation of these commodities to market is incidental to intelligent, progressive, and economical methods; but behind these is the powerful incentive that is aroused by very active competition, an incentive that is in part lacking in the case of cotton. ‘The percentages of export of the sev- eral products under consideration suggest a strong reason for the inertia exhibited on the part of those engaged in the cultivation and handling of the American cotton crop. Civilized nations must have cotton to supply the necessities of their people and to meet the needs 5 6 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. of their industries. ‘The world’s demands are measured by 20,000,000 bales of 500 pounds each annually, and the natural increase steadily advances at the rate of 400,000 bales per annum, keeping pace with the world’s material and moral advancement. The United States furnishes approximately 75 per cent of the world’s requirements and must necessarily continue in that relation, for the simple reason that no individual country or combination of countries can change or prevent natural conditions that furnish the United States with the advantages and facilities essential to the suc- cessful growth of cotton required in the manufacture of fabrics to meet cosmopolitan needs and habits. In these circumstances it is apparent that all who want must come to the United States for cotton, and necessity compels them to accept the product in such form as it -may be presented. If the spinners of Europe could obtain cotton elsewhere in needed quantity and quality, they would not come to the United States and accept the unsightly and antiquated package with its wastefulness and loss, its fruitful sources for exasperating con- tentions, and liability to expensive litigation. INADEQUATE AND INSUFFICIENT COVERING. No commodity that enters into the domestic or foreign trade of any country is so carelessly prepared and so inadequately covered as American cotton. In the world’s markets it is prized for its inherent qualities and execrated for the slovenly manner in which it is pre- sented, and this condition is universally admitted by those who culti- vate it, as well as by those who are responsible for its preparation and transportation. We have in cotton a valuable commodity, the growth of which is peculiar to the southern section of the United States, and the possession of which is essential to the industrial and physical wants of every civilized people; and although the demand for it is constant and imperative, aggregating in value $1,000,000,000, it receives less care than commodities of least value in the category, of commerce. The importance of cotton to the industries of this country need not be recounted, but it is pertinent to recite the figures that describe its importance to the nation. COTTON A LEADING FACTOR IN FOREIGN TRADE. In the calendar year 1911 cotton contributed $517,000,000 to the volume of our foreign trade, to which should be added $42,000,000 for cottonseed products. In that year the value of animals, bread- stuffs of every description, meat and dairy products, tobacco, fruits and nuts (these several items including the principal farm products entering into foreign commerce) aggregated $390,572,616. Iron and steel and their manufactures constitute another large and valu- able group in our foreign trade, $250,000,000 worth having been sent abroad last year. ‘The excess of exports over imports in 1911 was $559,459,516, that sum constituting the so-called balance of trade. Combining the two groups above named gives an aggregate of $640,000,000 in round numbers, which is about $81,000,000 greater than the balance of trade. The cotton exported brought to the- United States in exchange $559,000,000, a sum about equal to the ae PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. if balance of trade, and without which there would have been a balance on the foreign side of the national ledger. EXTENT AND VALUE OF THE COTTON CROP. In connection with the matters that will be discussed in this re- port the reproduction of a paragraph from Census Bulletin No. 114, recently issued, and which is a summary of the report on the produc- tion of cotton for the year 1911, will be helpful: The quantity of cotton reported for the crop of 1911, with linters included and round bales counted as half bales, is 16,109,349 running bales and is the largest crop which the United States has ever produced. Expressed in gross 500-pound bales, the crop amounted to 16,250,276 bales, exceeding that of 1910 by 4,244,588 bales, or 35.4 per cent; that of 1909 by 5,934,894 bales, or 57.5 per cent; and that of 1904, the largest previous crop, by 2,570,322 bales, or 18.8 per cent. The average annual production of cotton for the five years, 1899 to 1903, was 10,055,003 bales, and for the five years 1907 to 1911, 12,706,823 bales, an increase of 2,651,820 bales, or 26.4 per cent. Some idea of the possi- bilities of cotton production in the United States can be gathered from the fact that these figures represented in 1911 the production of an area which is only --about one-eleventh of the total area of the counties from which cotton ginned was returned. Sea island cotton contributed less than 1 per cent to the crop of 1911. The quantity of sea island produced was 119,293 bales, which is the largest quantity for a number of years. The average price of South Carolina sea island in 1911 was 23.73 cents; for that grown in Georgia and Florida, 20.41. The falling off in the average price of South Carolina is due to the comparatively low grade result- ing from a severe storm early in the season, which damaged the crop. The average price of Egyptian cotton at Boston for the six months ended with March, 1912, was 18.75 cents. The average price of up- land cotton ranged from 8.20 in 1902 to 14.69 in 1910. For the crop of 1911 the average was 9.69 cents. A commodity of such enormous value to the industries of the country and of such paramount importance in the maintenance of the national credit in the settlement of international balances, surely should be handled and safeguarded in consideration of its great merit and value, and in accordance with the advanced methods that insure increased efficiency in production and the fullest measure of economy in the preparation and conveyance of products to market. Cotton is the only important commodity which has resisted the rogress of the age and which continues to enter the market places in the form and garb of days prior to the Civil War. This condition is generally recognized and universally deplored. Efforts have been made by individuals, by associations, and by State governments to bring about the much-desired change, but these have not been at- tended with even a small measure of success. The cultivation and marketing of cotton concern so many persons, involve so many inter- ests, and extend over so vast an area that the radical change de- manded in present methods is perhaps beyond the power of individual effort or community of such effort to accomplish. The vastness of the industry, its supreme importance, its great intrinsic value, the opportunities that are offered to speculators, and the large profits 8 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. that accrue to agencies that intervene between the ginnery and the spinning mill combine to discourage and frustrate efforts on the part of private enterprise to bring about a reform. The existence and strength of these adverse conditions are recognized by all who are engaged in handling American cotton, notwithstanding which the admission is general that the inauguration of remedial measures is demanded in the interest of the producer, who is deprived of the reward to which his toil entitles him; the spinner, whose legitimate profits are menaced by excessive cost and unnecessary expense; and the consumer, who is obliged to pay a price for the fabric based upon extraneous charges incidental to the unbusinesslike and wasteful system in vogue. HANDLING FROM FARM TO MILL, Personal inspection of the methods of handling American cotton between the farm and the mill can not fail to startle the business man who knows the importance and value of economy in production and whose activities are directed by systems evolved from experience and perfected by the achievements of science and the general enlight- enment of the age. These methods are maintained, not because mod- ern and economical agencies are unavailable, but partly because of indifference and partly because of opposition on the part of those who profit by present conditions. The inadequate baling of the product is not an irremedial condition but an incidental feature of the present system. Cotton can be completely covered at the ginnery and compressed to any desirable density. Brief recital of the first handling of cotton—that is, its conveyance from the farm to the gin- — nery and subsequently to the compress—will give an idea of the anti- quated, dilatory, and expensive methods that obtain. The farmer or planter hauls his seed cotton from the farm to the ginnery. When ginned the lint is baled by the ginner, who fur- nishes bagging and ties, for which the average charge is $1. The ginning and baling being included in one charge, naturally the ginner uses the cheapest covering obtainable, regardless of appearance or sufficiency. The lint cotton is compressed into a package known as the plantation or flat bale. Jute bagging, much of which has been previously used, sugar bags that likewise have had previous service, . and any other cheap material that can be readily obtained are em- ployed by the ginner. From 1,500 pounds of seed cotton there will be a yield of about 500 pounds of lint. The farmer may sell the seed at current prices, which in recent years have averaged perhaps $23 per gross ton. The lint cotton may be sold to the ginner or be removed by the farmer. Usually it is taken to the nearest city or town and sold to merchants and buyers for local and other mills. It is at this point that mutilation and spoliation of the bale begin. Those to whom the cotton is offered inspect a sample to determine its quality. Each sample pulled weighs from one-half to 1 pound, and two or three holes may be cut and as many samples pulled before the cotton is sold by the farmer. If purchased by a merchant for future sale, or a buyer for immediate delivery the cotton is sent to a warehouse or shed, and in absence of these means of protection it is piled on the street adjacent to the business house of the purchaser. PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. 9 PULLING OF SAMPLES. The merchant, who as a rule purchases for future sale, retains a liberal sample, which is given a mark or number corresponding to that previously attached to the bale, and which may be divided into several samples to accommodate prospective buyers. The bulk of the cotton is sent to the compress for recompression, and if not previously sold for delivery is stored at the compress at fixed charges for ware- housing, insurance, etc., the minimum charge being for one month. The warehouse facilities are very limited and therefore the bulk of the cotton awaiting sale and delivery is massed on the streets in so-called cotton districts, in inclosed areas destitute of covering, on platforms at railroad stations and steamship terminals, some of which are covered in whole or part by a roof but none of which is inclosed, so that the property is without proper protection. Recompression does not insure the bale not sold for delivery against further sam pling, with resultant damage to the covering and loss of cotton. The custom of pulling samples is strongly intrenched, first, because of long usage; and second, because it is highly profitable to merchants and factors. Its continuance is naturally desired by those benefited. The buyer at points distant from production regards it with favor because the sample furnished assists him in determining the quality of the cotton or in confirming the judgment of his agent. The mer- chant and factor and other intermediaries favor it because each sample pulled has intrinsic value. The aggregation of these samples at the close of the season forms a considerable portion of a bulk esti- mated at 100,000 bales. This has become known as the “city crop,” end its average annual value is placed at $4,000,000. The income to individual middlemen from sales of samples varies according to the number of bales passed upon and “ pulled.” The “city crop” is said to contribute largely toward paying running expenses of many busi- ness houses that raise or “pull” it. The statement has been made that as many as 45 or 50 bales of cotton derived from pulling samples have been sold at the close of the season by an individual concern. CONDITION OF THE SMALL COTTON FARMER. Much loss is caused by this sampling to both small and large farm- ers. The former class is numerous and contributes largely to the bulk of the cotton crop. Whether a farmer with one horse or with four horses, whether he cultivates 20 or 80 acres, his condition is the same. Tf there be a difference in gradation the condition of the latter is likely to be more wretched than that of the former. This class is without ready cash or property that might be used as collateral to obtain money with which to ‘begin and maintain the work of the season. Therefore those constituting this relatively large class are from neces- sity obliged to consult the merchant or factor, who agrees to provide the means to enable the applicants to plant and cultivate acrop. The advance is conditional upon the farmer cultivating a certain acreage and producing a stipulated number of bales of cotton, usually one bale for each $10 advanced. Furthermore, it is stipulated that the cotton when ginned and baled shall be delivered to the creditor factor for sale on commission, and $1.50 per bale commission is exacted on the 50166 ° —12—__2 10 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. number of bales stipulated even if a less number be produced. This stipulation is intended as an incentive to production and as an insur- ance for the loan. Under the agreement the merchant or factor furnishes the farmer with supplies for his family, seed, fertilizers, and such other materials as may be considered necessary within the limitation of the agreement, for which the charges are usually greater than the same supplies might be bought for cash. Very little money is advanced. A high rate of interest, rarely less than 8 per cent, is charged, the interest period usually- covering six or eight months. Charges for storage and imsurance begin with delivery of the cotton to the factor. When it is sold an account is rendered the farmer, the debits including amount of loan thereon, storage, insurance, drayage, commission, etc. The weight of samples that have been pulled is, of course, so much loss to the producer, and in addition to this loss deductions are made for “country damage.” In the final settlement the farmer is fortunate if the cotton has discharged his obligations. Under this system it is within the power of the factor to report the sale at a lower grade than that negotiated, thus depriving the farmer of an amount vary- ing from $1 to $5 per bale. Grading is complex and intricate, requir- ing expert knowledge, and in all cases the farmer who can not deter- mine or recognize the difference between the grades is at the mercy of the merchant and factor. However, classification is necessary and helpful to all parties concerned and the service performed by experts employed by the New York Cotton Exchange is generally acceptable to the trade. The differences and relative values in grades are explained elsewhere in this report. COST OF CONVEYANCE—BALING METHODS. The cost of conveying cotton from the ginnery or point of first concentration to the compress and from the compress to cars or steamship is an important factor in fixing the price of cotton to the spinner. Excluding loss in weight from sampling, country damage, drying out, and other causes, the cost of conveyance, ginning, and recompression averages at least $5 per bale. The flat bale, 48 by 30 by 56 inches (fig. 1), is an irregular, bulky package, 25 of which fill a 34-foot box car. When recompressed 50 bales can be packed in the same car. In consequence of this reduction in the size of the bale and resultant economy in space, the railroad companies carry recompressed bales at a lower rate than is charged for flat bales, and discrimination is likewise made by steamships in favor of recom- pressed cotton. Recompression reduces the size of the bale (fig. 2). but does not materially improve its appearance or character as a merchantable package. 'The jute covering furnished by the ginner {6 or 7 yards, 44 inches wide, weighing 12 to 3 pounds per yard, 2 pounds being the usual weight) does not cover the flat bale. The cal- culation is that recompression will reduce the package within the dimensions of the covering. Upon reaching the compress the cover- ing shows the results of sampling, the lint protruding from numerous holes, and additional openings caused by the use of hooks in handling are prominent, the covering being so flimsy and weak as to be unable to withstand the pressure of handling. To cover these holes pieces of bagging are laid on the top and bottom of the bale when it is placed in the press. The work of recompression is so rapid (100 to 120 bales PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. Ul per hour) that little time or care can be given to adjusting the patches, so that many bales emerge from the press with openings through which lint protrudes. In many cases pieces of jute are added merely to increase the weight of the bale and as an offset to the claim for tare made by the purchaser. This is particularly true with cotton intended for export. As previously stated, the service of the compress consists solely in reducing the size of the package. The bale is recompressed in the condition in which received, except for the patches contributed to conceal lacerations, and goes forward for fur- ther offering, sampling, and consumption, inadequately covered and in unsightly form. SECONDHAND MATERIALS UTILIZED, Aside from the impairment of the package by cutting the covering for samples, the use of secondhand bagging is contributory to the ragged condition of the American cotton bale. If new jute bagging were used on each bale, there would be complete protection and the covering would resist much of the pressure incidental to handling and which proves so disastrous to old bagging. What proportion of the crop is covered with old bagging is problematical. There are several degrees of this secondhand covering. The mills at home and abroad aiter stripping the bale collect and sell the covering, which is shipped to persons in this country who deal in it and work it over for sale to ginners and others. When old bagging is received it is sorted, and, conditions warranting, the pieces are sewed together. When a suffi- cient number of yards is thus secured the material is made into rolls and sold to ginners. Those pieces that can not be thus utilized are torn up by machinery, converted into yarn, and woven into cloth. This makes fairly good covering, but is not so strong as the original material. After the first manipulation and conversion of the second- hand bagging the output of each additional process is reduced in ten- sile strength and yields to the slightest pressure. The mills produc- ing this class of covering also supply the large compresses with pieces of bagging, new and old, for patching. A large quantity of sugar bagging is also used for baling cotton and for patching, all of which is secondhand and much of which has been used several times. How- ever, this bagging is usually a good quality of covering. EXPENSES FROM FARM TO COMPRESS. The expense for conveying a-bale of cotton from the farm to the large compress for recompression is stated above to average $5. That this is a conservative estimate is shown by statements of actual expenditure furnished the writer by managers of large plantations. Following is the statement of the manager of a plantation embracing several thousand acres, located in Bolivar County, Mississippi: Items. Hauling from farm to ginnery......-..- $0.75 || Drayage, boat to compress.-......--..- $0. 25 Ginning, 40 cents per 100 pounds.....-. 2.00 || Insurance in Memphis, one month.... 25 mapeinevand tied. 52522-2) .. lense ee 100" |\#Storage; one:monthe ..- 9-22 -see ese. .50 ihisumanee)on! farms... ..1----2-s..-.- 210i (Compression. <5. 00. scesceeccceaace an .50 Freight to Memphis by boat.........- 1.25 OH Insurance on boat........---.-...-.--- $25 Total yjacenccsceasae = sesemeee « 6. 85 12 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. Freight by rail is the same as by boat, but there is no expense for insurance or drayage when the carriage is by rail. It seems, however, the water route is preferred for reasons given by the planter furnish- ing the above figures, who stated: “ We have the choice of rail or boat. The latter is higher, considering insurance and drayage, but we prefer the boat on account of receiving prompt service. We can load cotton on the boat Saturday morning and have it in the warehouse at Mem- phis Monday noon, whereas by rail it takes from 10 days to 6 or 7 weeks to land cotton in Memphis, even when shipped in carload lots, when the season is on.” Another large planter furnished the following statement of cost of conveyance from the plantation to the compress: Items. Amount. Items. Amount. atin gt0) SINNENy sae ale allem wn > wie el= $0.50 |||, Weighing 2.2 3245.55.86 see eee $0. 10 Gli ee eee en seeanceiets 2.00 || Warehouse charges.....---.----------- . 50 IBaeeingiand lesa. so. eee cee seen sonee 1100 {|| (Compression. -455322. s522ea.- senna . 50 Freight to compress.......------------ 7225) Reesitior patching 22sec. os aes eens 25 FAV ARO foes cee ene Saison sera entail -10 oa he a OS MISUTAN CO be aiyeacneecite wee toto. cies =e -15 Total sonia cocianeeteics tee eeereeee 6. 35 From a third source the following statement was obtained : Items. Amount. Items. Amount. Ea ULIng tol MMNery..s cee sess s $0. 7 Insurance... so cce=- 5552 Senne eeeeens $0. 50 Gimmingue tes: Seen See ast < eats ie teletstee 2)00' || ‘Compression... 126253552. 44 se eee . 50: IBAg FINS ANGUHES Es eee ecto elec Zou @STOVAZCE 2 . Ole actercceseie ee eee ee eeeeers - 50 Freight to compress point....-......-- 1.25 Drayate towed yest esate se 15 | Notala. 2 ccetse see eee eee 6. 90 Commission for selling is not included in these statements, as com- paratively little cotton is sold on commission. The charge for selling is 24 per cent and in many cases 3 per cent. Charge for commission may be safely placed at a minimum of $1.50 per bale. The cost for conveyance to ginnery and from ginnery to compress point varies according to distance. For storage and insurance at the compress warehouse the minimum charge is for one month. After the first month the charge for storage 1s reduced to one-half the charge for the first month. A charge for patching is made only when that serv- ice is ordered by the owner of the cotton. In the first statement the items given are those actually paid by the planter. In the others the cost for freight is given as representing an average of cost for that item. Deductions made on account of country damage and loss by sampling are not taken into consideration in the above statements. There is loss from sampling, and deductions are made for country damage, whether visible or not. These two items may be properly included in the cost of handling and added to the totals above given. They will average $2 per bale. The cost for commission where paid and certain incidental charges average $2.50 per bale, making an ageregate of $4.50 which should be added to the totals in the three tables given above. A comparative statement of the cost of handling cotton by the old system and by the gin-compressed system has been made that indi- cates a very material difference between the cost of handling the : : ; : PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. 13 ordinary flat bale from the farm to Liverpool and its sale in that market, and the cost of handling the gin-compressed bale, the latter being possibly one-half the former. ILLUSTRATION OF BALING. The condition of cotton under different methods of handling is well shown by figure 3. No. 1 is a bale that has been ordered com- pressed by a shipper, the order including patching with a sufficient amount of bagging to cover the sample holes that were cut previous to reaching the compress. It will be noticed that in the upper part under the second band, some cotton is exposed, which indicates that this bale originally was covered at the gin with the lowest grade of jute bagging, with approximately one-fourth inch mesh. No.2 is a bale that has been ordered compressed and patched with secondhand bagging, which is bagging that has been stripped from cotton at the mills in America and abroad and is returned to various compresses for the purpose of using as patches. It is very often so applied on order from the shipper, on account of its cheapness, to fairly well covered bales, making what was originally a fair pack- age one of very ordinary appearance. _ No.3 is avery long and wide spongy bale, the very worst character to handle at the compress. The bale, although large and ungainly, is exceedingly light and weighs considerably less than any bale shown in the illustration. The more this bale is pressed the worse it becomes, as it is wider and longer than the platens, or jaws, of a compress, and it necessarily follows that the pressure in the center bulges the package out at the sides. The original covering was of an inferior character, and the bale was not ordered patched. It will be noticed that the second upper band passes over the original sample hole. The space where cotton shows between the third and fourth bands is where, after the bale was compressed, the owner, desiring a sample, cut the packing to obtain it. He then evidently sold the bale to another buyer, who, to satisfy himself that the cotton was as represented by the sample, again cut the bale at the point above the lower second band. It is probable the bale was shipped just as it is shown in the picture. No. 4 is a standard box bale, with original poor bagging. It was not ordered patched, which fact is in evidence, one of the lower bands having passed over the original sample hole before compressing. As was the case in No. 3, the owner desired a sample, possibly to forward abroad, and after compressing cut the bagging below the first upper band, leaving that part of the bale exposed. Whether or not the bale will go forward in even as good condition as the illustration shows depends entirely upon the owner, who may resell or resample the bale two, three, or four times, each time cutting another hole and drawing another sample. No. 5 is an extremely wide bale, wider than the platens, and weighing more than 600 pounds. It was ordered compressed without patching, but had originally a side strip on each side. One of these strips was applied to cover the side exposed to the camera; the other strip was used to cover holes on the opposite side of the bale. In this case first one strip was used on each side, which was not suffi- cient to cover the width of the cuts in the bagging, and therefore 14 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. the cotton is thoroughly exposed between the first and second and second and third bands, and in the center of the bale, about the lower portion between the second and third band, counting from the bottom up. These holes are each about 1 foot in diameter. Attention is directed particularly to the hole in the center of the bale. This was evidently cut with a big jackknife in the country by the farmer, who had his bale ginned, then dumped into a wagon at the gin and carried io town, where it was offered for sale on the street. Having had his cotton newly clothed at the ginnery the farmer cut this hole, drew a sample, and “hawked” it on the streets for sale to the highest bidder. No. 6 is simply a bale of cotton ordered pressed without patching, resampled by the owner, and the bagging at the upper end torn to leces. ; ‘ No. 7 represents a bale ordered compressed and patched, and after- wards resampled twice. X X represent two gin-pressed bales that never have been sampled. They are in evidence as almost perfectly packed, regarding dimension and density, but the worth of packing has been destroyed by putting on the most flimsy burlap that could be bought to cover this other- wise acceptable package. Examination under a magnifying glass will disclose that the bagging is about to fall to pieces. It will be shipped in its present form. Each handling with hooks will tear the bagging, and what could originally have been a model bale will no doubt reach destination in a most deplorable condition so far as covering is concerned. A A represent two bales of compressed cotton that had originally one sample hole in each. The owner ordered this cotton compressed and afterwards covered with new, standard bagging. It will be noted that the bagging applied to these bales, the patching from the top to the bottom of the marking, is of better quality than the original that shows just above each marking. But even at that, the bales rep- resent what a perfectly compressed bale would be if standard boxing were adopted in the country and cotton were perfectly covered. It is highly probable that if these two bales were to encircle the globe and have frequent handling they would reach their destination in prac- tically the same form shown in the photograph. ARTIFICIAL MOISTURE—COUNTRY DAMAGE. The indifference exhibited in the proper care and safeguarding of this great crop by all who handle it is inexplicable and unjustifiable. Beginning with the farmer, it is treated as if immune to all climatic changes and conditions and invulnerable to damage from any rough treatment that may be encountered. The farmer will deliberately place the bale on the ground, without any protection whatever, and for the avowed purpose of having the weight increased by moisture. In furtherance of this purpose the cotton is often so placed as to acquire the greatest amount of moisture in the shortest time, depres- sions in the ground and similar locations favorable to the end in view being preferred. Exuglation under fair-weather influences is almost as rapid as absorption, so that the purpose of the exposure is not fully realized, and as purchasers readily detect excessive artificial moisture a, a ee Se PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. 15 and make deductions for it, the farmer is liable to sustain loss rather than secure profit from the deliberate exposure of his cotton. More- over, it frequently happens that long exposure results in such serious damage as materially to reduce the intrinsic value of the cotton. The loosely packed gin-box bale, whose density is 10 to 12 pounds to the cubic foot, will absorb a greater amount of moisture than the more densely packed recompressed bale, and by reason of less density moisture will evaporate more quickly in the case of the former. Many examples might be given of damaging effects of exposure. One such example is furnished by the State of Georgia. Last year that State grew a considerable quantity of cotton on its farm, which is operated by convicts. The cotton after having been ginned and baled was allowed to remain on the farm without protection against the weather. In April last proposals were invited for the purchase of the State cotton, in response to which a number of merchants visited the farm for the purpose of making an inspection prelimi- nary to offers to purchase. Inspection disclosed that the cotton was damaged to an extent that made it necessary to unpack and spread it out that the visible damage might be removed by picking and that the remainder might be resuscitated by exposure to the sun and wind. Not a single bid was made for the cotton by those who were invited to purchase. CAUSE AND EXTENT OF COUNTRY DAMAGE. Country damage prevails to such an extent that it has become the custom to consider reclamation on that account, and in purchasing from the farmer the merchant usually deducts some points to cover that contingency. One estimate places the loss to the farmer on account of country damage at $2 per bale. This form of damage is inseparable from carelessness in handling after the cotton is ginned. The farmer usually retains possession of the cotton after ginning for a period of one to six months, during which time it is exposed to the weather and is moved about over platforms, dragged over fields and roads, at the convenience or to meet the necessities of the owner. The bale being loosely pressed and only partially cov- ered, readily absorbs moisture and the lint, which is exposed by lack of covering and obtrudes from sample holes, becomes discolored. stained, impregnated with dust, and suffers other damage that affects the commercial value of the bale. Much of the country damage is claimed to be sustained while the cotton remains in possession of the farmer or the merchant, and before it undergoes recompression. The damaged lint is picked from the bale and is so much loss to the cwner. It sometimes happens that the country damage is so great that the covering and ties are removed, the entire bale overhauled, and the cotton repacked. Compression at the ginnery and covering the bale completely with good jute or burlap would very largely re- duce, perhaps entirely remove, liability to country damage. Figure 4 represents cotton removed from warehouse at Augusta, Ga., in con- sequence of floods in April and May, 1912, and exposed for resuscita- tion. This cotton had to be rebaled. 16 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. SIGNIFICANT ACTION BY STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. In connection with existing methods of sending American cotton to market a movement on the part of agents in this country of steamship companies engaged in carrying the product to Europe has signifi- cance. Owing to the fact that in recent cases brought to trial the ocean-carrying companies were held liable for damage to merchandise for which a clean bill of lading was given upon its reception, steam- ship owners instructed their agents to take the necessary steps to guard their companies against this liability. Agents representing practically all the ocean-carrying companies held a meeting at New Orleans on April 16, 1912, and after full discussion and deliberation ° decided that beginning September 1, 1912, the receipt of cotton at ship side “in apparent good order and condition ” would be strictly interpreted, and that no clean mates’ receipts, mates’ receipts, or ocean bills of lading would be issued for cotton which was not delivered to the vessel entirely covered and free of all evidence of damage. This action grew from the fact that it has been customary for the companies to give clean bills of lading for merchandise received from railway companies as well as individual shippers when there was no visible evidence of damage. In suits to recover damages instituted in this country and England it was contended by the companies that they were not liable for damage that had evidently occurred before the merchandise came into their possession. In each case the claim was for country damage to cotton. It was held by the courts in both countries that having issued a clean bill of lading the companies were liable, upon the assumption that the merchandise was therein accu- rately described. The meeting alluded to held at New Orleans was participated in by agents of all ocean lines plying between the Atlantic and Gulf ports and those of Europe. Strict adherence to this resolution would compel shippers to entirely cover cotton, other- wise the decuments issued by the ocean companies would be stamped to show the actual condition of the cotton when received at side of ship. The action of the steamship representatives is set forth in the following, to the strict adherence of which those attending the con- ference obligated themselves and their respective companies: That from and after September 1, 1912, the receipt “in apparent good order and conditicn ” will be strictly interpreted in regard to cotton or any other mer- chandise, and that no clean mates’ receipts, masters’ receipts, or ocean bills of lading will be issued for cotton which is not delivered to the steamer thoroughly covered, free of evidence of damage, durably and legibly marked; that on and after September 1, 1912, railroads will be required to deliver at the office of the agent of the steamship line made a party to any through bill of lading, two (2) certified copies of same within 72 hours after date appearing on said bill of lading; the bill of lading must bear the steamship agent’s contract number, under which issuance was authorized; no cargo on through bill of lading will be forwarded until after copies of bill of lading have been delivered to the steamship agent. OUTCOME OF CONFERENCE ON SHIPPING COMPANIES’ ACTION. Vigorous protest was made by cotton exchanges and exporters throughout the country against the action of the steamship agents, and at the instance of the New Orleans exchange a meeting was held “PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. 17 at that city May 15 which was largely attended by representatives of the several branches of the cotton industry. The sense of the meet- ing was expressed in the following resolutions: That it is the sense of this meeting that cotton should be properly covered, with the ends sewed and the bale of proper density, and that we will lend our efforts toward accomplishing this end; but we consider that a bale of cotton with two uncovered sample holes does not constitute bad condition, such sample holes being absolutely necessary for the proper conduct of the business, and we believe the steamship agents have shown that claims due to open sample holes have been frivolous and trifling. That it would be impracticable and unnecessary to cover the sides of the bale, from which source the steamship agents admit there is practically no damage, It was further decided at the New Orleans meeting that a confer- ence of all parties interested in the handling of cotton should be called to meet at New York July 15. In compliance with this call upward of 100 delegates met at New York on the date stated, representatives being present from cotton exchanges, shippers, steamship and rail- road companies, bankers, and insurance companies. After discussion of the differences, a committee was appointed, which reported the following as a compromise: It is mutually understood and agreed that the description of the condition of the cotton does not relate to insufficiency of or to the torn condition of the covering, nor to any damage resulting therefrom, and that no carrier shall be responsible for any damage of such nature, nor for any damage not caused by its negligence. This agreement, reported by the committee, was given unanimous approval by the conference, and following September 1 the above paragraph will be added to bills of lading of railroad and steamship companies. TESTIMONY OF A PRODUCER. Mr. G. R. Hightower, of Jackson, Miss., a large producer of cotton, in a discussion of baling and handling American cotton at the meet- ing of the International Congress of Master Spinners’ and Manufac- turers’ Associations held at Barcelona, Spain, in May, 1911, thus de- scribed the manner of handling cotton in the United States while in transit from gin to mill. The description applies particularly to the product of small growers. It is found by the buyer at the market place of the small town on the grower’s wagon. ‘The covering is there cut by the small merchant or local buyer and a sample drawn, and the bale is then thrown on the ground and weighed. From this moment it is abused, reweighed, resampled, weights padded and grafted on in every conceivable manner, until it reaches the mill. The ground is usually wet and the bale absorbs moisture, and after remaining on the ground a few days exposed to the weather, the first buyer will probably have accumulated enough cotton to attract a larger buyer, who collects larger lots, and sells to a buyer higher up or to an exporter. Many times it passes through a dozen hands before reaching the exporter, and each time a new sample is drawn. After being bought by a larger buyer or exporter it is ordered to be shipped to the large compress, and oftentimes lies on an open platform for weeks before being: shipped from point of origin. This delay and exposure is particularly commom during the rush of the season when the railroads are crowded. On arrival at the compress it is more apt to find a place on an open platform than under 2 shed. The average period of exposure after the bale is sold by the grower is about six weeks, and it is during this time that 85 per cent of the country damage occurs. The great trouble lies in the fact that the dozen of small 50166°—12——3 18 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. buyers who handle cotton have no facilities for taking care of it, and the ex- porter is not prepared to protect it, hence it has a perilous journey after passing out of the grower’s hands and before reaching the mill. LACK OF WAREHOUSE FACILITIES. The farmer is not singular in this respect. ‘The merchant is equally careless and indifferent, but his action is in the main attributable to inadequate facilities to protect rather than a desire artificially to increase the weight by questionable processes. The fact that there is great deficiency in facilities for proper storage and that it has long been the custom to see cotton flanking the highways and massed at convenient points for long periods of time, exposed to the weather and offering temptation and opportunity for pilfering, has. been instrumental in creating a feeling of indifference and in contributing to the belief that long exposure does not damage cotton. Therefore merchants look with complacency upon cotton without shelter, and when questioned will reply that rain and dampness add a certain degree of moisture which sunshine and wind cause to evaporate and ieave the cotton without appreciable damage. Lack of proper storage and systematic warehousing, like insufficient and inadequate covering for the bale, is a natural result of the perpetuation of the antiquated system of handling cotton. These adverse conditions are primarily attributable to the absence of system and lack of organiza- tion in this enormous industry. It has grown without the nurture and aid that come and abide with organization. The world’s neces- sities have applied the propelling force, and this would undoubtedly have been much greater, more efficient, and valuable with organiza- tion as an auxiliary. Mr. Harvie Jordan, of Atlanta, Ga., a cotton planter and otherwise interested in the industry, in describing the lack of warehouses and the consequent loss and damage, said: The absence of adequate warehouses and shedding facilities at interior points and at our ports is responsible in a great measure for the badly damaged con- dition of lint when finally delivered to the mills for consumption. There is not a single cotton-growing county in the Southern States which has ample or first- elass warehouse facilities for the storage of the crop until ready for sale and shipment. There is not a single compress plant in the South with adequate shedded platforms to protect the bales from the damaging effects of the weather during the periods of congestion at such plants in the fall and winter months. There is not a single cotton port in the South where cotton can be properly stored and kept from the damaging influences of rain, sunshine, and wind until it is loaded on the vessel. The majority of farmers who hold all or a portion of their cotton crop on their farms until ready for market leave the bales lying around on the ground, part of the time in the mud, without shelter and practi- cally without any care whatever. In most of the interior markets the limited warehouse space is soon filled, and the balance of the crop, when delivered at such points, is stored on the streets or sidewalks or thrown on vacant lots, there to lie in the snow, sleet, rain, and mud until sold and routed to the big compresses for recompression, when it goes through the same kind of neglect, and then on to the ports for a continuance of such treatment. Figures 5, 6, and 7 illustrate the methods of storing cotton during the busy season. They are reproduced through the courtesy of the Cotton Publishing Co., of Atlanta, Ga, a ee A PROPOSED SYSTEM. How these conditions may be removed and modern business methods applied to the cultivation and preparation of American cotton for market are questions to which the attention of economists is being directed and which are being earnestly discussed by men concerned in the several branches of the industry. There is no dispute as to the fact that the methods of producing and preparing American cotton are wasteful, and there is practically a universal desire for a change that will give promise of reformation. The time is opportune, at least for discussing plans, and encouragement is found in the fact that those actively engaged in the industry, from farmer to spinner, are prepared to cooperate with and support any practical and feasible system the application of which would secure the results desired. The magnitude of the business, as heretofore explained, makes it difficult and discouraging to individual effort, corporate enterprise, or action by municipal or State authorities, a fact that is accentuated by failure of such efforts. The inadequate covering of the bale, the absence of proper care after baling, the cutting of the covering for samples, the dilatory and expensive method of conveyance, and other conditions that are deplored by the trade are the outgrowth of the system in vogue and are inseparate from it. Efforts heretofore made to bring about reform have been directed to treatment of these symp- toms, little attention having been given the responsible cause. Mr. G. R. Hightower, of Jackson, Miss., previously quoted, states: The dealers individually are not to be censured too severely for the waste, the extravagance, and the abuse so common in the industry to-day, because no individual can afford to provide a system of warehouses, warehouse keepers, weighers, and shippers for the protection and proper handling of the cotton he buys. No individual dealer handles more than a very small percentage of the cotton in the territory where he operates, and the necessary equipment for the proper care would cost too great an outlay to allow a profit on his business should he provide it. It is therefore a necessity that the dealer should adapt himself to the system in vogue and apply the method in the main used by others in order to make money. BALING AT GINNERIES. Proper baling by completely covering with material that will insure protection can be satisfactorily accomplished by compressing at the ginnery, and this is undoubtedly practicable for the large percentage of the crop that is grown under conditions of concentrated production. Indeed, gin compression has been established at a number of points in the cotton belt and on many of the large plantations, with highly satisfactory results. A gin compress will take the output of a battery of four or six gins. It turns out a bale of 500 pounds, 20 by 26 by 54 inches, or 18 by 30 by 48 inches, compressed to a density of 30 pounds to the cubic foot, covered with clean, closely woven burlap, and bound with seven steel ties (figs. 8 and 9). Thus packed at the gin the bale 19 20 PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. is ready for market. One of these gin compresses can be installed for $1,500 to $4,500. There are several different makes of gin compresses in operation. Ata large plantation visited, located on the Mississippi River and embracing about 9,000 acres, and on which two gin com- presses are installed, it was stated that the weight of the burlap and steel ties used, which constitute the tare, is 12 pounds. The bur- lap covering measures 44 yards, is 46 inches wide, and weighs 16 ounces to the yard. The ties and buckles, seven in number, each weigh 1 pound. Allowance is made for variations in the weights given. The established tare on the bale recompressed at the large compresses is 22 pounds for mills in Southern States, 24 for New England mills, and 6 per cent, or 30 pounds, for foreign mills. The tare on the Egyptian bale is 224 pounds. This bale weighs approxi- mately 750 pounds and carries 11 heavy ties. The tare of the Indian bale, which weighs 400 pounds, is 94 pounds. The latter is 48 inches long, 22 deep, and 17 wide; the former is 51 inches long, 313 _ deep, and 22 wide. RECOMMENDATION OF SPINNERS. European exchanges adopted the 6 per cent tare in consequence of the character and weight of the covering generally used in the United States. Whether this tare is greater than it should be is a disputed question, and one that gives rise to much irritation and controversy. Investigations at Liverpool and other European cotton centers show that while in individual cases the 6 per cent claim is too high, on the whole it is rather below than above the average weight of covering placed on American cotton sent to foreign markets. There is little doubt that the Liverpool Cotton Association, which is the leading and controlling exchange in Europe, and whose influence is felt in the United States, would rescind the 6 per cent rule and agree to purchase at net weight if the gin compress system should come into general use. This is indicated by formal action on the part of European associations in considering this question. In 1907, nearly five years ago, at the conference held at Atlanta, Ga., between a large delegation of the International Congress of Master Cotton Spinners’ and Manufacturers’ Associations and lead- ing cotton producers of the Southern States, after considerable dis- cussion, the following resolution was adopted: We condemn the bagging now in use; first, because of its rough and coarse nature it invites rough treatment; second, it does not hold the marks; third, on account of its great weight and bulk it entails heavy loss in freight. We therefore recommend the use of a light burlap or covering made of cotton, such as osnaburg, 10 ounces weight per yard, 40 inches wide. We recommend that all planters, wherever practicable, put in as rapidly as possible gin compresses, and in baling of cotton the Egyptian character of bale be adopted, the ties of the Egyptian type, the weight of the bale 500 pounds, the density 35 pounds, and the bale to be marked upon both ends with weight, grade, and staple. At the meeting of the International Federation held last year at Barcelona, Spain, the question of purchasing net weight was dis- cussed and the following resolution was adopted: That this congress confirms the convenience resulting from the net-weight cotton contract, and urges the members of each affiliated association to buy at least a portion of their cotton requirements on its basis, the congress being ee PACKING AND MARKETING OF COTTON. Zt of the opinion that only by the adoption of such contract the American cotton proGucer can be induced to adopt the new system of baling and handling cotton, as previously recommended by the International Federation. The difference between various kinds of cotton bales is shown in figure 10. On the left is an ordinary gin-box bale, weighing 476 pounds and measuring 55 by 30 by 41 inches; the density is 12 pounds per cubic foot and the tare 20 pounds. Next to it is an Egyptian bale weighing 750 pounds and measuring 51 by 22 by 31 inches; the density is 37.3 pounds per cubic foot and the tare 22 pounds. ‘The third is a gin-compressed bale weighing 585 pounds and measuring 48 by 18 by 35 inches, with a density of 33.4, pounds per cubic foot and tare of 10 pounds. The recompressed bale on the right weighs 595 pounds, measures 56 by 30 by 27 inches, has a density of 22.2 pounds per cubic foot and tare of 24 pounds. ADVANTAGES OF GIN COMPRESSION. It is apparent that the European spinners insist on the 6 per cent tare as a measure of protection against the excessive weight of bagging used in the United States. Continuance of the 6 per cent rule is profitable to the exporter on this side of the Atlantic and to the importer on the other side, but is not specially desired by either the spinner or the producer. This view of the matter is sustained by the fact that gin-compressed cotton is now shipped direct from the ginnery to the merchant or spinner in Europe free from mutilations incidental to sampling and free from the charges that attach to the old system. The writer was shown an account current of a large Liverpool house which gave a statement of the sale of 55 bales of gin-com- pressed cotton shipped from Montgomery, Ala., by the Farmers’ Com- press & Warehouse Co. of that city, which may be properly intro- duced here in part. The statement of account follows: Noy.120) Po treight— ---— $182. 73 | Nov. 28, By sale FOD —----_- 50 B/C. Liverpool dues ~------~ 5. 44 Byasale, (COM [sae 5 B/E Quay porterage ____ 3. 60 Gross A Stamping policy -_-__----~ sal) Tare and bands__ Hip Oost of eable.2. 3 22 1. 82 ———————— 18, Warehouse rent___-_---_ 1.68 INGips oo fe eee 25, 963 lbs. Fire insurance_______-_ 7. 69 Se Cartage and porterage__ 10. 04 GLOSS ee tee ees $4, 252. 25 Dec. 1, Commission 3 per cent__ 21.46 FOD 8 B/C. Remiftances= 22.2 2 = 4, 021. 87 Country damage_____ 3. 12 Balance on interest__ 1.15 PB cyte ees a ta a Is he 4, 256. 52 Motale:: ess 2ea 4, 256. 52 The gross weight in Liverpool was 26,606 pounds and in Montgom- ery, Ala., 26,297 pounds, the gain in weight being 409 pounds. It will be noticed that the deduction for tare and bands (bagging and ties) was less than 12 pounds per bale, and that country damage was found in only eight bales. The cotton was sold in Liverpool at 15.32 cents per pound. Several important advantages over recompression recommend com- pression at the ginnery. These are greater density and uniformity of package, character of wrapping, ease and economy in transporta- tion, and minimum of tare.